THE HOLY BIBLE, CONTAINING THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS: TRANSLATED OUT OF THE ORIGINAL TONGUES; AND WITH THE FORMER TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED, AND REVISED. NEW YORK: AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, INSTITUTED IN T'HEI YEAP, lIDCCCXVI. [Diamonzd Icf., 24mo.] 1 8 7 0. THE NAMES AND ORDER OF ALL THE BOOKS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, VITH THE NUMIBER OF TIIEIR CHAPTERS. THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. Chap es. Ch2apters. Ch,,tera. GENESIS........ 5 II. Chronicles...... 3S Daniel........ 12 Exodus........ 40 Ezra......... 10 Hosea........ 14 Leviticus...... 27 Nellhemiah....... 13 Joel......... 3 Numbers...... 3 Esther.......10 Amos......... 9 Deuteronomy...... 31 Job....42 Obadiah........ 1 Joshua........ 24 Psalms........ 150 Jona........ 4 Judges.. 21 Proverbs.. Pro.. 31 icl........ 7 Ruth......... 4 Ecclesiastes...... 12 Nahum........ N3 I. Samuel........ 31 The Song of Solomon... 8 IIabakkuk....... 3 II. Samuel....... 24 Isaiah........ 66 Zephaniah 3...... 3 I. Kings.... 22 Jeremiah... 52 Haggai.2......... 2 II. Kings....... 25 Lamentations...... 5 Zechariah....... 14 I. Chronicles...... 29 Ezckicl........ 48 alachi........ 4 THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. MATTHEWV...... 28 Ephesia ns........ Hebrew s........ 13 0Mark,...... I.. 16 Philippians....... 4 Epistle of James.. 5 Luke........ 2 Colossians....... 4 1. Peter........ 5 John........ 21 I. Thessalonians..... 5 II. Peter........ 3 The Acts....... 28 II. Thessalonians..... 3 I. John........ 5 Epistle to the RIomaus... 16 I. Timotlly....... II. John........ 1 I. Corinthians...... 1G II. Timothy....... 4 III. John........ 1 II. Corinthians..... 13 Titus......... 3 Jud e......... 1 Galatians....... Philemon........ 1 evelatio......22 22d Edition. THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED GENESIS. Before CHAPTER I. 20 And God said, Let the waters bring Before CHRIST 3 Theceation offIesveoansls'th, 3 oflelight forth abundantlythe moving creatu th t at CHRIST 4004. 6of l hhessnconent, 9 Of the e lh separat.lf o hath s life, and I fowl that may fly above the 4004. e aers, and?nadlefritffd, 14 Ofthe, s,. -earth in the t open firmament of heaven..Joh. ol o n a1 2 s tS a d.,td 20 of.fidf -ndfo ll 24 of beasts 21 And t God created greatwhales, and every I Osi. Heb. 1. 10. a4d castl, 2( Of,a hloe iO - ot of Gfd. 20 livigs creature that moveh, hich the i waters tof o. -s. Also te appointment of food. tlh ol bP'. 8.3.&33. brought forthi abundantly, after their kind, tHob.lbtfsol 6.. 11N,T1 the abeginning b God created the hesa- and every winged fowl after his kind: and fly. 12. & 102.00. en. and tlhe eartl. God saw that it sas good. tHeb. fae & 1:36. 1. & 2 Aod the earth was sithout oorm, atd 22 And God blessed them, sayisg, "Boe sfsl shil fi, i.4. HR. void; and darkness sas upon tlhe face of fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in s sfO - Jer. 10.12.& tihe deep. Ansd the Spirit of God moved the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. e. 01h. 1. upon the face ofthe sters. 23 And the evening and the morning were 7o.os. 20. &s -b., 12. 1. 3 dAnd God said,'ELet there be light: and tlhe fifth day. 7.14.S. 19. AAss 14. 10. ttlere was light. 24 1 And God said, Let the earth bring. 101 2 bo1. 24. 4 And God saw the light, that it uas good: forlth the living creature after his kind, cat-, h. 8.17. Heb. _I. 3. and God divided the light from the dork- (ie, and creeping thing, and beast of the rey. 4.11. & ness. earth after his kind: and it was so. 10. 6. 5 And God called the light fDay, and the 25 And God made the beast of the earth, ch. 5. 1. & cPs. 33.6. darkness he called Night. tAnd the even- after his kind, and cattle after their kind, 9. 6. Is. 4. 13,14. ing and the morning were the first day. and every tiing that creepeth upon thie P. 100.3. dPs. 33. 9. 6 ~ And God said, YLet there be a 0firma- earth after his kind: and God sa that i. 7. 29. Acss 17. 26, e2 Co. 4. 6. met in the midst of the waters, and let it 1 as good. 28. 2s. tHeb. be- divide the waters from the waters. 20 ~, And God said, o Let us make man in 1 cr. 11. 7. tt, ee the 7 And God omade the firmament, hand di- our image, after our likeness: and Ylet Eplsh.'4.24. lightl sd e- vildd the waters which toere under the firm- them have dominion over the fish of the sea, 0.' 15. h,0 1e ament from the waters whish wor' isabove andover the fowl of the air, and over tlhe J" 9. ~]avke~"~... e vry/ o.,c. 2. [ the firmament: and it was so. cattle, and over all the earth, and over ever.. f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 71.1. B a. 6. [ fO~ 70. 16. & 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. creeping thing that creepeth upon the eartll. And the evening and the morning were the 27 So God created man in his o image, Co. 11. 7. tHsb. Assd secoodday. in the image of God created he him; a male sa sh. 5. 2 the evelrdng ~H. 2 6 the 9 Ansd God said, k Let the waters under and female created ihe them. lol. 2...."d the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INIatt. 19. 4.[ sss.sssls lthe heaven be gathered together untoo one 28 And God blessed them, and God said...rk10. 6. s. place, and let the dry lsand appear: and it suno them, b Be fruitful, and multiply, and siD. 1 7. Job 37. 18. was so. replenish the earth, and subdue it: and Leg. 26.. P.. 136. 0. 10 And God called the dry l.ssd. Earth; have dominion over tho fish of the sea, and,s. 127..... Jer. 10.12. & and the gathering together of thie waters over the fowl of the air, and over every liv- 128. 3, 4. 11. 5. scalled he Seas: and God saw thao it loss ing thing that movellt upon the earth. tHob. / eept Heb.s -o- good. 129 ~ And God said, Behold, I haveo given sh. "i.". 11 And God said, Lot the earth hbring you every herb t bearing seed, whichisupoon teb.sdig h~oo-. 8. 20. forth tgrass, the herb yielding seed, tand the face of all the earth, and every tree, in seed. iPs. 148. 4. the fruit tree yielding "'fruit after his kind, the which is the fruit of a tree yielding eeh. 9. 3. k JobO26. 10.& whose seed is in itself, upon the sarth: an0 seed;'to you it shall be for meat. Job 36. 31. 38. 8. it was so. 30 And to d/every beast of the earth, and to 1. 136. 25. so. o3. ilss7so ss.' 10. b 10. 20 P. 33. 7. & 1 And the earth brough forth grass, and every fol of the air, and to every thing & 146. 17. 00.0 bil dtbssolbhosssgslfsilsessd overy efsowlofltheaio, asdtoseveoy thing bl1o.. 95. 5. & 10i. 9. & 1306. 6. herb yielding seed after his kind, and the thia creepeth upos the oearth, wherein hesre Acts 14.17. Provs.. 29. tree yielding fruit, whose seed woas in itself, is tlife, Ihave given every green herb for dos. 105. 15, Jer,. 2. 22. after his kind: and God sw tshat it soas meat: and it was so. 16. & 147. 9. 2 Pet. 3. 5. good. 31 And f God saw every thing that he had e Job 38. 41. lHebl. 6. 7. 13 And the evening and the morning were made, and, behold, i tas very good. And tHeb. liv-[ tHel. teder Ihe third dy. the evening and the morning were the sixth Oo sosl. 14 If And God said, Let Ither be h lights in day. fPs. 104. 24. bohb 6.0. sle firmament of the heaven to divide tthe CHAPTER II. 1 Tim. 4. 4. CHAPTER II. s teu. 4. 19. day from the night; and let them be for Psss o. Ossoovossoio Ps. 74. 16. &signs, and for seasons, sand for days, and 8 Te plantolu of lthe gasrde of Ed, 10 allnd 136. 7. years: oise l theree-f. 17 The, t-s of k-o-o1edge osly tHeb. se- 12 And let them be for lights in the firma- foi.dso.. 19, 0 Thk, o..o.ilo of......heo.oos. twoeentheday mert of the heaven to give light upon the 2ii The sakling of -ooalo, andl institutioo of ool Oweso earthl: and id was so. 00 g. Ihe koosss 16 And God omade two great lights; the l HUS the heavens and the earth were oPs. 74.17.g& aP. 33. 6.St... 7411. &greater light t o rule the day, and qthe less- finished, and s all the host of them. 3.. 1P0. 19.2 5er light to rule the night: hea ntade' the 2 bAnd on the seventh day God ended his bE.20.11. & p P.. 136. 7, 8, S I' 31. 17. s.&1.3.tars also. woerk which he had made; and lie rested on Det. 6..14. tHb., h 17 And God set them in tihs firmament of the seventh day from all his work which he Heb. 4. 4. t fo th. the heaven to give light upon thle earth, had made. Nell. 90 14?~LS;fIe3Aday.Clesdte eet dy Is. 58. 13. [ doy. 18 And to Srule over the day and over ise 3 And God'blessd lhe seventh day, and I.. gPs. 8. 3. night, and to divide the light from the dark- sanctified it: because that in it he had rest- tHb. erea-,-J.ol 30.7. ness: and God saw that it sas good. ed from all his work which God f created and ted toma ke. A 19... And the evening and She morning were made. deli. 1. 1. 3 he fourth day. 4 I sd These are lhe generations of the Ps. 0. 1, 2,. The garden o.f Eden. GENESIS. Man's shameful fall. B. C. 4004. heavens and of thile earth when they were CHAPTER III.. C. 4004. created, in the day that tile LORD God made I The eeet de.Ci.e0h SBe. 6 A-e teatir ech. 1.12. the earth and the heavens, fail. 9 hai a.aheaeh the.. 14 e el r1. 10o. 14. 5 And every'plant of the field before it is cIesed. 15 The romise d seel. 16 T puL-. fJob 38. 26, was in tile earth, and every herb of the field i.heonet oftmt-kind. 21 Thleirfirst clothiae. 22 27. 28. before it greew for the LOaD God had not iiac a-tiee, at fafadiee. 0ah. 5. 23. f tusedit to rain upon the earth, andthere a OW athe serpent was moree subtile.tRee. 12. 9. t a a s not a man tYto till thie ground. than any beast of thile field which the h 0. 2. 6e But Itlere went up a mist from the LORD Goddhadmade. Andhesaiduntotithe Iatt. 10.16. O lhb. ustoef earth, and watered the tholo face of the woman, t Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not 2 ioa. 11.3. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th grun. grun. thle cag —d. ground. eat of every tree of the garden? tuto. taa, h h. 3.19, 23. 7 And the LORD God formed man t of the 2 And the woman said Unto the serpent, eh. 2 17. rP. 103. 14. hdatt of tie teudad ibeeatthed ittn hdtl Ottt ~Otttl epoe toaaeee 103. 14 hdust of tie ground, and ibreathed i We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the [,er. 13. e."12.7. his anostrils tle breath of life; and a mt garden: 2..3. eC.r. 17.47. eeate a living soul. 3 a Bot of the fruit of thile t ree.hilch is in 1 i..2. 14. iJ.a 33. 4. 8 ~ And the LORD God plantedea garden the midst of tile garden, God hlath said, Ye e e'. Aett 17.25. "'eoastward in o Eden; and there l1 he put shtll not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, Aet[ei. 18. kei. 7. 22. the man whom lie had formed. lest ye die. tit. eIs. 2.22. 9 And out of the ground made tihe LORD 4 iAnd the serpent said unto the woma,..le. iCer. 15.45. God to grow q every tree that is pleasant to Ye shall not surely tie: fiTie e14. moe. 13.i10. the sight, and good for food; "the tree of 5 For God doth know that in the day ye yee. 12. 17. I.. 51. 3. life also in thile mids of the garden, Sand eat theeof, then eyour eyes shall be open- h. 5. t. 28.1. 1 the teee of knowledge of good and oevil. ed, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good ib.. 2. J. el 2. 3. and evil. IIOr, th i,,p t.' 10 And a river went out of Eden to water aed eil. aee ete ei. 324. 16 the gardend; and from thence it was parted, 6 And when the'oman eaw that the e ieee ah' 4'10' ]L hh.lJb3.1 2tXi.: 19'1 and became into four heads. tree tnas good for food, and thlit it twas Hei.ta i d.. 27. 23.' 11 Thile name of the first is Pison: that is tpleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be h Joa 31. 33. peer. 15. it which compasseth ithe t whole land of desired to make one tise, she took of J-.3.24. E. 31. S.8. Havilah, where there is gold; the fruit thereof, fend did eat, and gave Atmos d. 3. oee. 3. 22. 12 A id the gold of that land is good: also unto her husbandeeith her; gand le eal,. 2.25. Proe. 3.18. &'there is bdellium and the onyx stone. did at.. 3. 6. 11. 30. 13 And the name of the second river is 7 And ithe eyes of them both were open- IJait3.20. Revo 2. 7. Gillon: tlie same is it that compasseth the ed, iand they knew that naked;.e..... 1. 21. 2, 14.. t Jot 31. 33.'ee. 17. whole land oft Ethiopia. and they sewed fig leaves together, and mad Pre..13. 14 And tile name of the third river is theomseies o. 10''I/iddekel: that s it wtich goeth toward 8 And they heard k the voice of the LOPn) 2 Coi. 11. 3. t hi.Cei-h. theast of AssyriaL. Andti fourth river God walking in thie garden in the t cool of I e.... 2. 11. et. t. 10.4. is oplorates. the day: and Adam and his wife Ihid them- 1,iE.Ol.29,32. taOreoeeol v And the hoRa God tooil lithe man, and selves from tue presence of the LORD God /J.. 65. 25. DaITtp. utt him into tile garden of Eden to dress amongst tie trees of the garden. [ lic. 7.17. lOr, Adl-. it anddto Ieepit. 9 And the LORD God colled unto Adam,... t.3.i7.h o. 10 And the LORD God commanded the and said unto him, Where a-.t thlou? 13.38.. h2 oman, sayingi Of every tree of the garden 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the eS4 thoe shalt thiou mayest freelyeat: garden, land I was afraid, because I cas Acts 13. 10. eat. 17 ZBut of tile tree of the knowledge of naked; and I hid myself. 1 John 3. 8. zver. 9. good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for 11 And hlie said, Who told thee t tthat thou P. 13.. 11. oa 3l. 1. 3, in tile day thate thou etilest thereof bthou ast nakled? Hast thou eaten of the tree, It. 7.14. 11, 17. shalt surely die. whereof I commanded thee that thou should- tic. 5. t Heb. l/ beg 18' Aed the LORD God said, t is noet est not eat? 2t. 1. 23, t1- 6 shlt 25. die. good that the tman shot ld be alone; CI will 12 And tle man said, Tlhe woman`too Lke i1. 31, h. 3. 3, 19. make hlim a ielptmeet for him. thou gavest. to be with me, she gave me of 34, 35. too: 6. 2. 19 dlAnd out of the ground the LORD God the tree, and I did eat. G.L 4. 4. /ICoe. 15.56. formed every beast of the field, and every 13 And the LORD God said unto the wo-tRm. R 16. 20. Jomte 1. 15. fowl of tle air; and ebrought the/l unto man, What is this that thou hast done? Coi. 2. 15. d1Jai-. 10. i Adam to see what lie would call them: and And thile woman said,'The serpent be-[.214. e, h. 3. 12. mhatsocver Adam calied every living cre 1 JohnS. 5.5. eh whatsoever Adam caled every living ocre- guiled me, and I did eat. nev. 10.7,17. Ot 1 ".-1. te, ttiat was tie name thereof. 14 And tile LOnD God said'unto the set- P. 48.. itHe b. tbe 20 And Adam t gave names to all cattle, pent, Because tiou hast done this, thou art I 13. h. O fei. and to the fowl of the air, and to every cursed above all cattle, and above every 21. 3. dalh. 1.20, 24A beast of thile field; but for Adam there was beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou JtitM. 21. e. Ps. 8. 6. not found a help meet for him. go, and dut shalt thou eat allte days of Ti.. 15. Se ot.02eo0. 21 And the LORD God caused e fdeep thylifee: el.t47. oTheao, sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and 15 And I will put enmity between thee th o.eebete t.t t Heb. 1a/. lie took one of his ribs, and closed up the and thie woman, and between thy seed and 7li t fch. 15.12. flesh instead thereof. S'her seed; lit shall bruise thy head, and &14. 3 1 sam. 26.12. 22 And the rib., which the LORD God had thou shialt bruise his ieel. Epli.5.2223 tiHeb. te/il- taken from man t made he a woman, and 16 Unto the woman ie said, I will greatly 24. ed. Ybroughlt her unto the man.- multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; I 1'i. 2. 11, gProv. 1t. 22. 23 And Adam said, This is now hbone of ein sorrow thou shalt bring forth childrent 12. ~tin sorrow tho u s h a lt bring ibrth children; Tit. 2. 5. Hobh. 13.4. my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall cand thy desire shall be Ito thy husband, 1Pet.3.1.5,6. i hoh. 29. 14i be celled 0 Woman, because she was itaken and lie shall trule over thee. Judg. 9. 2. yI I San. 15.23. 2 da. 5. 1. out of t man. 17 And unto Adam hie said, YIBecause thou I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ze. 6.otbet & 19. 13. 24dkOTherefore shall a man leave his father hiast hearkbced unto the voice of thy vife, tohO Eph. 5. 30. and his mother, andi shall cleave unto his and hast eatetn of thile tree, aof whlich I Ec. 1.2,3. t IIebt. de. wife: and they shall be one flesh. commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat Is. 21. 5, 6. ilI/a. II. 8. 25 Aed they tere bath naked, tle man of it: /cursed is the ground for thy sake; Rcm. 8. 20. t IehIb.. and his wife, and were not e ashamed.'in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the daysc b 5d 7 Etc.. 2, 23. kcl. 31. 15. P. 45.. Iatt 1.. l t t, 5. 5. ark10.7. 1 Co. i. 16. Of thy life;. Eph. 5.31. lch. 3. 7,10, 11. E. 32. i25. I., 47. 3. 18 d Thorns also and thistles shall itri dob31.40. Birth of Cain and Abel. GENESIS. Genealogy of the patriarchs. Bn;. 4004. t bring forth to thee; and ethou shalt oat whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be B.0. the herb of the field: taken on him'sevenfold. And the LORD about 3875. tHob. -eoc 19 fIn the sweat of thy face shalt thou Ieet a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him to odu. eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; should kill him. Ps. 70. 12. IePs. 104. 14. for out of it wast thou taken: for dust 16i And Cain P went outfrom the presence oe,. 9.4,6. fJ'Ec. 1. 13. thou art, and b unto dust shalt thou return. of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, p2 Kings 13. 2Thets.3.10. 20 And Adamn called hris wife's name on the east of Eden. 23. & 24. 20.,th. 2. 7. I01Eve; because she mwas the mother of all 17 And Cain knew his wife; and she con- Je. 23.33. h hJoh21t26.L- livtinag. eeived, and bare tEnoch: and he builded a 52.3. 4. 15. 21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the city, land called the name of the city, after hbout 3873. PI. 101. 29. LO t God make coats of skins, and clothed the name of his son, Enoch. t heb. ChaE-c. 3. 20. &e t2. 7. them. 18 And unto Enoch was born Ifad: and toot. / o. 5. 71. [ Ito-,. e12. 22 I And the LORD God said, Belhold, Irad begat tMelujael: and Mehujael begat qPt d. 11. eOb. 9. 27. the man is become as one of us, to know Mtthusel and otthusae begot tlameot. l O,. Ln tHeb. Ch.- good nd evil: and now, lest he put forth 19~AndL..me1 h teok u.tohim lhis hand, k and take also of the tree of life, tile name of the one owas Adah, and the,nom. 4.1], Il That is. Li - end eat, and lice for ever: name of the other Zillah. 12. 4559. 23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth 20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father t [eb. whetiver. 5. Like from'the garden of Eden, Ito till tie ground of suohas dwellin tents, and of Sc as t". Is. 19. 12. h from whence he was taken. have cattle. hOe, I neo.ld 47. 0. 03 24 So hie drove outth mnc: antdti plneed 22 Andhi brother's name moa Juba: lie 0 la e J kc. 22. he. h. 2. 9. Oat the east of the garden of Eden'cheru- was the "father of all such as handle the'oud, c. h im, and a flaming sword which turned every harp and oran. I 420 d. way, to keep the way of the tree of lifo. 22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, hust. t 0o.2.0. an t instructor of every artificer in brass and r. 15, nI 12 Its lit. CHAPTER IV. iron: and the sister of Tubtl-cain was Nanlist. 10t. 4. teh. 5. 3. tteb. 1.7. 1 The 5irth. frade, ard religio, ~ of Cain and Abel mal. 8 Pli l -,-dw p f Abd,. 11 Phe —, p f C'ai.. 23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah 11 That i., Ap17 Eoc the Jirset city. 19 Laeoe] as,d his twto and Zillah, hear iny voice; ye ive of La- t 0.25 T, bieth of Sat, Oteddstls. mech, hearken unto my speech: for III have tHb. sheth. 4003. A ND Adam kne Eve his ife; and she slain a man to my wounding, and a young Tht i, Got conceived, and bare iCain, and said, I an 1to my hurt... AI: th hve gotten a man fom the LORD. 24'If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, t H.....ot.. 2 And ste again bare his brother tAbel. truly Lameoh seventy and sevenfold. 3874. t0ch. tle, d. And Abel was t a keeper of sheep, but Cain 25 ~ And Adam hneo hit wife again g and o 18.l t Hh. ffef7 was I a tiller of the ground. she bare a sone, and icntled tis namottSetht 24.. 3 And t il process of time it came to pass, For God, said sot, hath appointed me an- Ps. 116. 17. tot. 3. 23. & that Cain brought b of the fruit of the ground Other seed inotead ofAbel, whom Cain stew. ol2. 032. 9. 20. en offering onto the LORD. 26 And to Seth, "to him also there was 1 Cr. 1.2. l Heb. at te| 4 And Abel, hie also brought of ~the first- born a son; and he called his name t Enos: 3760. sel of days. lings of his tflock and of the fat thereof. then began men0 llto call upon the name of Num.18.12. And the LORD had 4respeet unto Abel and the LORD. tlos themselves eNums18 1. to Ihis olfering: CHAPTER V. by the smie Proi 3... 5 But unto Cain and to his offering tie had 1 The gesalotg,, age., -sd de th of the Itt.tarhs of the oLn. tHeh. sh,,s, not respect. And Cain wasvery wroth, land foos Ad-l sse beet 24 t goblin-e-nd e Che. L. 1. or, Ys. his countenance fell. trasslatioet ofE-doch. Lukeo 3.38. d Hcb. 11. 4. 6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art TIHIS is the'book of the generations of 4004. eh. 312.2. thou wroth? and why is thy couetenane TAdam. In te day that God created Se, 0, t falolen? man, in bthe likeness of God made he him; lob. 1. 06. |110,exe 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not Ilbe 2'Male and female created he them; and ElIt. 4.24. [Hob. 1L. accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin blesedthm, led the amAdam,. o110r, tsifs lieth at the door: and Sunto thee shall be his in the day when they were created. c oh. 1. 27. tos ths,, desire, and thou shalt rule over him. 3' And Adam lived a hundred and thirty 3874. sis. 3. 16. 8 And Cain talked with Abel Iis brother: years, and begat a sot in his own likeabout 3873. and it came to pass, when they were in the ness, after his image; and.tcalled his name ci,. 4. 25. field, that Cain rose up against Abel hit Seth: fiantO. 3. 35. brother, and fslew him. 4 e And the days of Adam after he had be- elChr.l.l.&c. 1 John 3.12. 9 ~ And the LOOD said unto Cain, oWhere gotten Seth were eighlt hundred years: fand feh. 1.028. Jude Ilb is Abel thy brother? And he said, hI know he begat sons and daughters: gPs. 9. 12. not: Aw I my brother's keeper? 5 And all the days that Adam lived were hJohn 8. 44. 10 And he said, What h0stothou done? the nine hundred and thirty yenars: Ond he teb. 0. 19. 01 Htheb. le. voice of thy brother's t blood,crieth unto died. heb. 0. 07. iHeb. 12. 24. me from the ground. 6 And Seth lived a hundred and five years, 3769. Rev, 6. 10. 11 Andnow ott thoe cursed from the eath, and tbegnt Enos: heh. 4. 26. which hath opened her mouth to receive thy 7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight brother's blood from thy hand. hundred and seven years, and begat sons 12 When thou tillest thle ground, it shall and daughters: not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; 8 And all the days of Seth mwere nine huna fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in dred and twelve years: and he died. 11 Or, JRoo the teatl. 0~ And Enos lived ninety years, and be- 3679. iirut i 13 And Cain said unto the LORD, IIMy gat tCainaii tsHeb.,Koo.a g.oele ekes, punishment i greater than I canheoar. 10 And Enos lied after he begat Cainan isls4 sfsY 14 kbelold, thou hatt driven me out this eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat ~~efolg~~~~~ve~~~l. ~sons and daughters: kJob 15. 20-. day from the face of the earth; and Ifrom S nd dghte'4. thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fu- 11 And all the days of Enos ere nine hunIPs 51. 11. gitive and ivagbond in the earth; andit dred and five years: ndle died. m 0 sall come to pass, "that every one thnt 12 ~ And Caenan lived seventy years, and 3609. tach. 9. 6. [be~at t Mahaflaleel: tG.MIll Num. 35. 19, findeth me shall slay me. beat tslalelGr. to let l. 21, 27. 15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore 13 And Cainan lived after he begat Mahla The woickedness of the world. GENESIS. Noah entereth the ark. B.0C. 609. alcel eitght hunodrd and forty years, ood whomcI ave ore. ted from the face ofthe I..2448. beg;t sons and daughters: earth; tboth man, and beast, etd the 14 And all the doys of Cainan were nine creeping thing, and the fotbwls oftle air; for tieb. fe'oc hundred and ten oearso:.ld be died. it repenteth me that I hlave.nade tltec..... c to 3544. 15 t~ And 3iahalaleel lived sixty and five 8 But Noah h foeed grac in tie eyes of the t. t He)).el. j years, and bega tJaroed: LORD.. 19. 19. Ex. 331. 12, 16 And Mahailaleel lived after he begat 9 ~ These are the generations of Noah: to t1, 17. Jared eight hUtnd:ed and thirty years, and /Noah was a just man and p/perfect in his Luke 1.30.. begat sons and daughlters: generations, nod Nooh ktolked ewith d A 7. 6. 17 And all the dayt of Alamalaleeltt ere 10 Aed Noet begrt three sons, IShem, ell. 7. 1. eight hundred ninety and five years: and Ham, and J3apheti..E. 4.0.0. he died. 11 The earth also was eorrupt "t before Rute. 1. 17. 3382. 18 ~ And Jsred lived ab ded etyd od; and the earth was "ftilte eith io God aund heerhwa ied sixty vio- 2 Pet. 2. 5. tJcdc 14,25. two years, and he begat iEnoch: lence. 19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch 12 And God Olooked upon tihe earth, and, I Or, cpreiegt. eight hundred years, and begat sons and bellold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had kCeh. 5. 22. daughte's: corrupted his way upon tihe earth. 9oh. 5. 32. tsr. dfthc- 2t0 And all the days of Jared were nine 13 And God said unto Noah,'ThTe end of lh. 7. 1. & s. hundred sixty and two years: and lie died. all fleshis come before me; for the tearth is t10. 9. & 13. 3317. 21' And Enoch lived sixty and five years, tilled with violence througi themc t be-d s 13. hb. 0. 0. h oand begat Metthuselah: hold, I will destroy them "cwith the eartt. [ Ltke e h. 6. 17.1.&'24.40. 22 And Enoch kwalked with God after he 14' o Make thee an ark of gopher cood; /.l 2. 1i3. 2ttt 0.3. begat Methuselah ttreels hundred years, and t5rooms shalt thou make in tile arkt, and / 3.19. /1'.1.&i 8.. begat sons and dolghters: shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. n Ez. 8. 17. & Miti.. 8. 23 And all the days of Enoch were three 15 And this is thesfashion which thou shalt 28. 16. ]tll. 2. 6. hundred sixty and five years: make it of: The length of tile ark shtill be Hah. 2.8,.17. 12iings2.11. 24 And cEnocoh walked with God: and he three hunodred cubits, the breadth of it fifty ot. 18. 21. Htb. t. t. ce.s not; for God toolk him. cubits, and tihe height of it thirty cubits. Pc.. 14. 2. & 8130. 25 And Methuselah lived a hundred eighty It A window shalt thou make to tile ark 3. 4. h t|Heb. t c- and seven years, and begat tLamch: and in t cubit shalt thou finish it above;!. ccoie. 25 hAnd Msthuselth lived ofter lie beget and the door of the ash shalt thou set te tIe'J" 51. 13. t 111 t 2, 3. 6. Lamecehseven hundred eighty and two years, side thereof; with lower, second, and third A 2os 8.2. and begat sons and dauoghters: stories shalt thou make it. 1 Pet. 4. 7. 27 And all tihe days of MIethuselah were 17 "and, tbehold, I, even I, do bring a cver. 17. nine hundred sixty and nine years andie flood of waters upon ti e earth, to destroy all 11 Or, te, died. flesh, wherein is tile bhreatl of life, from un2948. 28 T And Lamch lived a hundred eighty der heaven; and every thing that is in tthe Heb. b and two years, and begat a son: earth sll ie. t~~~~~~r. n~~~~~~~~~~~~~oc, ~~~~~~~~~rver. 13. O., 9 Acd he called his name t t Noah, say- 18 But with thee will I establisi my cove- [ 5. 7. 4, 21, 5tuk.31].7 ing,OTimitsotsam shallcomfort ocsoessec cootnolttototcernsingettth o~ L}keb3. 36, This same shall comfort us concerninga nnt; and ethou shalt come into the ark, 22, 23. [rb 11:7e. in, 2) Pt t 3. 20. our work and toil of ou' hands, because of thoue, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy 2 Pet.. 5. ilThntis,Re:, tie geround'tmwllieh tie LORD bath cursed. sons' wives with thee. s oh. 7. 1, 7, or, ~'o,"b,f, 30 And ofmever livted ater he begat Noh 1 And of every living thing of all fes, 13.,eh. 3. 17 b tfive hundred ninety and five years, and be- t two of every sort shalt thou bring itto thee Pet... 20. cach. 3. 17.b & ehcdsotctoedeyoscd 4.11. gat sons and dauohters: ark, to keeptleene alive with theie; they shallt 2o 2. o. 0353. 31 And all the days of Lmech ere seven. be male and female. toe. 7. 80 9, hundred seventy and seven years: and he 20 Of fowls after their kind, andct of cattle 15 16. eot.O.tO. died. after their kind, of every creeping thing of 2448. 82 And Noah was five hundred years old: the carth after his kind; two of every sort el. 10. 21. and Noah begat tShem m,ac, land Ja- shall e ome unto thee, to iteep them alive. Isoe h. 7,9,'15. ath. 1. 28. pheth. 21 And take theon unto thee of all food tlhat ee Ih. 2.19. Deut.7. 3,4. CHAPTER VI. is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; to Ieb. l11. 7.l stc. 5. 16,17. 1 ire-ceeesoodecsoftseeucnecee c..itiescnosotoscis teed it shall bs for food for ttee, and for te. EOt 40. P Pt.3.t19,20. eccoct, -ccc orcssche oosfloe. 8 tioobh iFl-,hth theo. it. diPt. 78. 39. foshse. 1.4 2'Otcts.oldec, octet eed of ets coO. 22 eTboc did Noeh; accordigto allthat tote7. 5, 9, IOr, eeM-oie si AND it caco to pacs, then men began God commanded him, so did he.. imwli"'iowA to mulitiply on the face of the earth, ver. 7, 13. tthe Hebreo ated daughters were born unto them, CIIAPTER VII. |... 24. h 8. 111.111.,ig~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iifi-~~~~ ~ L uke 17. 26.{ etlIItttttt 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters 1'osa, e;thi ds fo;Iee,'e, oe.eltice oeccc b 11. 7. toiccr~, o f men that they serse fair; and they b took....... i........k. 17 The ni. c....s.. 1 Pet. 3. 20.o tisc, hot tt- them wives of all whichs they chose. d rooti-tco.f tejol.2 pet. 2. 5. so Ohe ec 3 And the LORD said,'ly Spirit sall not ND the Lo D said unto Noah, I Come 239.t poes an. d always strive with man, dcfor that hie also is I thou and all thy house icto tihe ark; 0. flesh: yet his days shall be hundrednd for o thee have I seen righteous before me imt bei,. 6. l. 46. twenty years. this generation. P. 33.18,19.,eel.. 21. 4 There were giants in te eatl in those s Of every selean beast thou shalt take to -Peo. 10. 9. Deu.. 29. 10. 9em., tov. 6. 19. days; and also after that, when the sons of thee by Csevens, the male anid his f ema le: i.. tt.. God came in unto the daughterseof men, and dand of beasts that are not clean by two, 0e0. 8. [IIeb. seey they hbare ehilt?'en to them, the same be- the male and his female. Lev b. 11. dcy. came mighty omen.hich were of old, sen of 3 Of focwls also of the air by sevens, tie Hte.. 2148. renoc. cale and the female; to keep seed alive / L fSc N10. 5 ~ Acnd GoD saw that tite wickedness of upon tile face of all the earth.'I. 10 10 man. was great in the earth, and that Ilev- 4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to E. 44. 23 toS-I.15.11t, sty'imagination of tiee thoughts of his heart rain upon the earth I forty days and forty ever. 12, 17. 29o.4O. se only evil tcontinually. nights; atd every living substance thtat I Otch 9. 6. And fit repent ed tie LoieD titl he had have made will I t destroyfrom offtho face of Ih leb. lot dtes t. 17. cmade man on the earth, and it Ogrieved him tie earth.elt. s. 63. 10. ct les tecert. 5 f'od Noae did occording unto ll that fch.. 22. Epic. 0.20. 7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man the LORD commanded hiom. The flood. GENESIS. Noah quitteth the ark. B. 0.2349. 60 And Noaeh tas six hundred years old 2 Thte ountains also of the deep and the B. C.2340. when the flood of waters was upon the windows of heaven were stopped, and dthe earth. ectftacoti~c. eh. 7.1 earth. rain from heaven was restrained. -h. 7. 11. gver. 1. 7 ~gan(d Noah went in, and his seons, 3 And the waters returned from off the d Job 38. 37. and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, earth continually: and after the end eof ItHeh. i qointo the ark, because of the waters of the the hundred and fifty days the waters were ieg atld reflood. abated. toTeie. 8 of clean beasts, and of beasts that are 4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, eeh. 7.24. not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing on the seventeenth day of the month, upon that creepeth upon the earth, the mountains of Ararat. 9 There went in two and two unto Noah 5 And the waters tdecreased continually tHoeb. t,-ia into tte ark, the male and the female, as until the tenth month: in the tenth month, cttctetd da God had commanded Noah. on the first clay of the month, were the tops,Or. et the 10 And it came to pass o after seven days, of tihe mountains seen. see-th day. that the waters of the flood were upon the 6 T And it came to pass at the end of forty earth. days, that Noah opened fthe window of the felt. 6. 16. 11 ~ In the six hundredth year of Noah's ark which he had made: life, in the second month, the seventeenth 7 And he sent forth a raven, which went hfch. 8. 2. day of the month, the same day were all hthe forth ltoand fro, until tihe waters were dried tHeb. ito goProt. 0.128. fountains of the great deep broken up, and up from off the earth. itfotlth e-d ft. 20. 19. the l i eindowo of heaven were opened. 8 Also hie sent forthl a dove from him, to see letttt.tttc. 11 Or, food 12 kAnd tie rain was upon the earth forty if the waters were abated from off the face 9O1tt. days and forty nights. of the ground. eh. l. 7. & 8 1l In the selfsame day lentered Noah, and 9 Butthe dove found no rest for thle sole of 2. 1,. 78. 23. Shem, and Ham, and Japhetlh, tile sons of iher foot, and she returned unto him into the.41. Nolah; and Noah's wife, andthe tihree wives ark; for ehe waters oeroe on the face of tlhe k~ver. 4, 17. of his sons with them, into the ark; whole earth. Then he put forth Its hand, I-ere. 1, 7. 14 "'They, and every beast after his kind, and took her, and pulled her in unto him tHeb. catced oh. 6. 18. a.. 7. d all tihe cattle after tlheir kind, and every 1into the ark. 1 PIaet. 3. 20. creeping thing that creepeth upon tile earth 10 And lie stayed yet other seven d(lays; 2 Pet. 2. 5. after his kind, and every fowl after hisi kind, and again he sent forth the dove out of the aese. 2, 3,O, oevery bird of every sort. ark. 0. 15 And tthey twent in unto Noah into the 11 And the dove came in to him in the eventIob. He tg. ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the ing, and, lo, in her moutlh was an olive leaf n chl. 0. 20. breath of life. plucked off: so Noah knew that the waters 16 And tley that went in, went in male and were abated from off the earth. aver. 2, 3. female of all flesh, as God thad commanded 12 And ie stayed yet other seven days, and him: and the LORD slhut him in. sent forth tle dove, which returned not again peor. 4, 12. 17' And the flood was forty days upon the unto Ihim any more. earth; and the waters increased, and bare 13 ~ And it came to pass in the six hun- 2348. up the ark, and it was lifted up above the dredth and first year, in the first ttonth, the earth. first day of the month, the watelrs were dried 18 And the waters prevailed, and were in- up from off the earth: and Noalh removed 0P.. 104. 26. creased greatly upon the earth; qand the the covering of the ark, and looked, and, beark went upon the face of the waters. hold, the face of the ground was dry. 19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly 14 And in the second month, on the seven,.Ps. 104.6. upon the earth; "and all the hligh hills, and twentieth day of the month, was the Jt. 0. 21. that toers under the whole heaven, were earth dried. covered. 15 ~ And God spake unto Noahl, saying, 20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters 16 Go forth of the ark, tlou, and ahy cot. 7. 13. prevail; and the mountains were covered. wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with th. 6. 13, 17. 21 SAnd all fleslh died that moved upon the thee. -er 4. 1C1.ii eob i2.16 earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of 17 Bring forth with thee hevery living thing h th. 7. 10. Mltt.l. 309. beast, and of every creepingthingthat creep- tlct is with thee, of all fesh, ot of fol,. 1.22. Luke 17. 27. eth upon the earth, and every man: and of cattle, and of every creeping thing t1H. f..o 2 Pet. 3.. 22 All in t whlose nostrils was tthe breath that creepeth upon the bea Ith i that lt h. 2. 7.. of life, of all that toas in the dry land, breed abundantly in the earth, and ibe fruit- Lv. h. 11. eoet,. tht died. ful, and multiply upon the earth. tte. 1. 9. breath oflite 23 And every living substance was de- 10 And Noah went forth, and is sonse, aed E,. 2ct.41. 18 Andi Noah went fort h, and Iris sons, and2 Cor. 2. 15.,ioflf stroyed which was upon the face of the his wife, and his sons' wives with him: h. 5. 2. ItlPet..t20. ground, both man, and cattle, and the 19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and t0eb.h ea0 Pe. 2.5. & creeping things, and the fotwl of the heaven; every fowl, aclt wlhatsoever reepeth upon acoet. 3.. and they were destroyed from the earthl: the earth, after their t kinds, went forth out acl. 3. 17. h. 8. 3, 4, 4and Noah only remained alive, and they oftlohe ark.. 17. etttO-p-ttd Othat zooe'e with him in tle ark. 20 ~ And Noah builded an altar unto the Or, thouh. with er. 11 oftlsee hap- 24'Atnd to waters prevailod upon the LORa; ad took ofeery cleuon beast, and cot., 3 cer. earth a hundred and fifty days. of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offer- Job 0i. 4. & ings ol the altar. 15. 14. CHAPTER VIII. 21 And tile LORD smelled lta sweet savour; P 5. 1 The 4t Tes ascage. 4 Teo th a- and tlc LORD said i his hieart, I will' Jer. 17. 9. oat. 7 The-ayec cnd hte ovet.!5 YoOah., Oct g nt 1,tt1 1. 19. eotnatded,. 18 goeth fc'tOh of the akd. 20 He again tcurse the ground any more for man's Ro. 1.21.& Ocildeth sato, atc oOc- cac' fc,,2lcIOiei sake; II for the Iimagination of man's Iheart 3. 23. Geodeetetth, at p,ccomiseth tl t ctlse tthe etth is evil from his youthl: neither willI again c. l. l 15. no to,.e. smite any more every thing living, as I have p Its. L. eh. 19. N. AND God aremembered Noah, and every done. E.. 2. 24. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t R eb. As~ yet.. 2.4. living thing, and all the cettle that 2000 22 e tWhile the earth remaineth, seedtime oil,. (a aa.]..19. with him in the ark: b and God made a wind and harvest, and cold and heat, andsummer of'theteaOg. b a. 14. 21. to pass over the earth, and the waters as- and winter, and qday and night shall not IqJer. 33. 20, suaged. cease. 25. 'God's covenant woith 2Voah. GENESIS. 17le generations of Noah. B.0. 2308. CHAPTER IX. drunken; and he was uncovered within his B.C. 2347. G1 od bleset h'oa-h. 4 ilood aod mr.e. arfo.r- tent. bidde,. 8 God', ovenaot, 13 sgonified by thie 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw s.iohowt. 18 Qo a.ele oishe th e world, 20 the nakedness of his father, and told his two'aoteth a insya-d, 2I is runken, - d mocked brethren without. of his -o,. 25 corseth Caoan, 26 lesset h Sh e,ito 2l7'aye/foo Jophethl, 29 ood di2t0. 23 CAnd Shem and Japheth tooo a garment, e Ex. 20.12. AND Hod blossod Noa hodhissoosood a5and laid it upon both tl1eir shoulders, and Gaf. (. 1. AND God blessed loah and his sons,,nd went backward, and covered the nakedness hach. 1.28.. -JL said unto them, "Be fruitful, and mul- of their father; and their faces were bck1.10. ~~~~~~~~~~~of thoio 00111001 anod theoir faces weoo bookoer. o, 19. tiply, and replenish the earth. ward, and they saw not their father's naked-.h. f0.2U. 2 bAnd the fear of you and the dread of ness. bch 1..28 you shall be upon every beast of the earth, 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and a. 2. d upon every fowl of the air, upon all that knew what his younger son had done unto dfoot.0.16. D-. 2. an( up n ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Del,. 27.. olocot. 12.15. moveth pon the earth, and upon all the11 Ilm. [1.,~l th& is4nd3o,9o,it 100p0 on uono him. O 1. 12.fishes of the sea; into your hand are they And he said, Cursed be Canan; 2 delivered. servant of servants shall he be unto his 21. dh. 1. 29. 3 1C Every moving thing that liveth shall be brethren. fPs. 144. 15. Ro 1oo. 14, meat for you; even as the dgreen herb have 29 And he said, fBlessed be the LORD God Haeb. 11.16. 01. I given you'all things. of Shem; and Canaon shall be Ib is servant. I Or, 50 0015 Ifor. 10. 23, 4 flut flesh with the life thereof, which is 27 God shall Is enlarge Japheth, 0 and le o th1n. 26.' the blood thereof, shall ye not ea. shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Ca- Or, perCo1. 2.16. 5 And surely your blood of your lives will naan shall be his servant. ae. ffTia.d4.3,0. I require: gat the hand of every beast will 28 ~ And Nonh lived after the flood three 0g 011. 2. 13, fLhse. 17. 10, I require it, and hat thie hand of man; at hundred and fifty years. 14. & 3.6. [11, 14t. & 19. 11, 1. h 10. the hland of every nman's brother will I re- 29 And all the days of Noah were nine 1998. Deut. 12. 23. quire the life of man. hundred and fifty years: and he died. ISa. 14.33,. kjWlioso sheddeth man's blood, by man 31. shall his blood be shed: /for inthe image CHAPTER X. Acts 15. 20, of God made lie man. 1 maenensraotosoflVoah. 2 1e sons.oJfplhtk. 7 And you, "'be ye fruitful, and multiply; 6 The soos of Ham. 8.imrod SheoJ' s m otnatch. go. 21. 20. bring forth abundantly in tho earth, and 21 s sott ofShAoh. 4.0, 10 multiply therin. N 0 these oaOr the agenertions of the PJ. 9. 912. And God splake unto Noah, and to his. sons of Noah; Shem, Ham, and JalActs. 17. 26, soouswith him, saying, pheth: land unto them were sons born ch. 9.1,7,19. lkE.2M.12,1l. 9 And I, "behold, I establish'my cov- after the flood. Le,.2. 17. enant with you, and with your seed after 2 0The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Ma- 0 Cho. 1. 5, |MlIat.'26..62. Re. 10. 10. you; fgog, and Mfadai, and J avan, and Tubal, and hc. lh. 1. 27. 10 i'And with every living creature that Meshech, ond Tiras. is with you, of the fowvl, of the cattle, and of 3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashbkenaz, and oft. 1.0 oevery beast of the earth with you; from all Riplhth, and Togarmah. [ h. 1. 28.eer h. that go out of the ark, to every beastof the 4 And the sons of Jovan; Elishah, and o I 0 eartollo. Tarshish, Kittim, and' Dodanim. O, so oI.. 54 9. 11 Aod jI Nill ostablish y covenant with 5 By these 0ere the isle, of the Gentiles, 01dpP.. 145. 9. you; neither shall all flesh be 1ut off any divided in their lands; every one after his 0. I.8. 54. 9. moroe by tihe waters of a flood; neither shall tongue, after their families, in their nations. s.. 70. 10. there any more be na flood to destroy the 6 ~ dAnd the sons of Ham; Cush, and Jer. 2. 10. & earth. izranim, and Phut, and Canaan. 25. sh. 17l. 11. 12 And God said, "This is the token of the 7 And the sons of Cush; Seba, and H - 2.11. covenant which n make between me and you, lah, and Sabtab, and Rnaamah and Sabte- d 1 Chr. 1. 8, and every living creature that is wthti ih you, chal: and the sons of Raamanh; Sheba, and for perpetual generations: Dedasn. SRo-. 4 3. 13 I do set'my bow in the cloud, and it 8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be abot 2218. shall be for a tolken of a covenant between a mighty one in the earth. me anld the carth. 9 He was a mighty'hunter fbefore the eJeo. 16. 16. 14 And it shll come to pass, when I bring LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod dic.,7. 2. a cloud over the earth, thal the bow shall be the mighty hunter before tlhe LORD. f eh. 6. 11. seen in the cloud: 10 YAnd the beginning of his kingdom was gOmfs. 7. 0. t Ex. 2. 12. 15 And t l Will remember my covenant, which tBabel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, fiol. Sev. 26. 42, is between me and you and every living in the land of Shinar. 45. 11 or. h~ ~el F. 16. 60. cre0 ture of all flesh; and the waters shall 11 Out ofthat land I.went forth Asshur, and 5110' ihto'5 no more become a flood to destroy a]1 flesh. builded Nineveh, and lithe city Rehoboth, solia. 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; andnd d Calah, Or. /0 I will look upon it, that I may remember 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Ca- stsssth h.-17-1.3,10.'the everlasting covenant between God and lah: the same is a great city. i. every living creature of all flesh that is 13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Annaupon the earth. mim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, 17 And God said unto Noah, This is the 14 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (tout h1Chr.l. 12. och. 10. 6. token of the covenant, owhich I have estab- of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim. t leb. Cho- flished between me and all fesh that is upon 15 ~ And Canaan begat tSidon his first- tHob. szifi.the earoth. born, and Heth, ds. 2347. 18 ~ And the sons of Noah, that went fortl 16 And the Jebusite, and the Atorite, and ch0. 5. 32. of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Ja- the Girgasite, o oh. 10. 32. pheth: land Ham is the father of t Canaan. 17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the 1Chlr.l.4,h&. 19 Y These are the three sons of Noah: Sinite, oh.3.b19,23. Zand of them was the whole earth over- 18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarito, i ch.13.12,14, h 4. 2. spread. and the Homathite: and afterward were the 15,17. & 15. Pre.2 1. 11 e. 18-21. P-oo. 12. 1. 20 And Noah began to Ibe aa husbandman, fasmilies of the Canaanitos spread abroad. No. 3. 0 b Preo. 20. 1. and lie planted a vineyard: 19 iAnd the border of the Canao ites was 12. 1 Or. 10.12. 21 And he drank of the vine, band was from Sidon, as thou comes.t to Gorar, unto Jodh. 12.7,8. 10 The confusion of tongues. GENESIS. The generations of Terah. B. C. tGaza; as thou goest unto Sodom, and Go- 12 And Arphaxad lived five and thirty B. C. 2311. about 2218. morrah, and Admah, and Zeboime, even unto years, "t and begat Salah: Laslha. 13 And Arphaxad lived after he begat Sa- eSeeLuke3. t Heb Atizae. 20 These a the sons of am,hundred afte three years, and begat 36. families, after their tongues, in their coun- sons and daughters. tries, and in their nations. 14 And Salah lived thirty years, and begat 2281. 21 ~ Unto Shem also, the father of all the Eber: children of Eber, the brother of Japheth the 15 And Salah lived after he begat Eber four elder, even to him were childree born. hundred and three years, and begat sons k 1 Chx. 1.17, 22 Ttle kchildren of Shem; Elam, and As- and daughters. &c., shur, and t Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. 16 tAend Eber lived four and thirty years, 2247. tHeb. Ar- 23 And the children of Aram; Uz, and andbegat~ Peleger: ttCte..9. 1lachehad. Hul, and Gether, and Mash. 17 Ald Ebor lived after he begat Peleg four o Called, 1 l l. 11. 12. 24 And Arphaxad begat It Salah; and Sa- hundred and thirtyyears, and begat sons and Ihuke 3. 35, t Heb. Se- lah begat Eber. daughters. Phalec. lat. 25 "' And unto Eber were born two sons: 18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat 2217. etl hr. 1.8. the name of one ws II Peleg; for in his Reu: 2247. days was the earth divided; and his broth- 19 And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two er's name was Joktan. hundred and nine years, and begat sons and 2t i And Joktan begat Almodad, and She- daughters. leph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, 20 And Reu lived two and thirty years, and 2185. 27 And Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, begat P Serug: p Luke 3. 5, 28 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 21 And Reu lived after he begat Serug two Saruch. 29 Aind Ophir, and Havilahll, and Jobab: hundred and seven years, and begat sons all thlese vere the sons of Joktan. and daughters. 30 And their develling was from Mesha, as 22 Anld Serug lived thirty years, anedbegat 2155. thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east. Nahor: 31 These are the sons of Shem, after their 23 And Serug lived after he begat Nahor families, after their tongues, in their lands, two hundred years, and begat sons and after their nations. daughters. n ver. 1.. 32 n These are the families of the sons of 24 And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, 2126. Noah, after their generations, in their generations, in their na- and begat ~ Terah: q Luke 3, 34, o oh. 19. 1 tions: Oand by these were the nations divid- 25 And Nalhor lived after lie begat Terah a Thaea. ed in the earth after the flood. hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons CHAPTER XI. and daughters. IOne lace in the e uo,tld. 3Th 2g ef 2fl And Terah lived seventy years, and 2056. eabele. 2The. coefeesioee of tongues. 10 Telecen lbegat Abram, Nahor, and iaran. elations of Sem. 27 Tlle geeratiotls of Te-ah 27 ~ Now thle:e are the generations of Te- 199..l.efeere- of Ab,-a.. 31 Tel-ah toeth f.eo.e Ut rah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Ia- rJosl. 24. 2. teo nltlas, tran; and Haran begat Lot. 1 thrt 1. 2N. tHe.b lip. A ND the whole earth as of one t lan- 28 And HIaran died before his fatler Terall t Heb. tvoele. guage, and of one t speech. in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the about 2247. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed Chaldees. I' Or. st-1 from the east, that they found a plain in 29 And Abram and Nahor took them wives: ard, -as ch. tlte land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. the name of Abram's wife ceas s Sarai; and s ch. 17. 15. & 13. ai. 3 And t they said one to another, Go to, let the name of Nahor's wife, t hilcah, the 20.12. 2 Sam.. us2. make brick, and t burn them thoroughly. daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, t ch. 22. 20. leite 1 Clr. And they had brick for stone, and slime had ad the father otf Iscah. 13.. they for mortar. 30 Blut'Sarai was barren; she had no sch.lf.1,t.t t Heb. a an 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a child. 18.11, 12. sic e.o... city, and a to wer, awhos e top may reach 31 And Terah toolek Abram his son, and wh. 12.1. Heb. unto heaven; and let us make us a nane, Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai them to" lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; Nel.. 9. 7. IsTeiey. the whole eerth. and they went forth with them from xUr of Acts d. 4. aDeutt..28. 5 bAnd the LORD came down to see the the Chaldees, to go into Ythoe land of Ca- ych. 10. 19. cth. 28. 21. city and the tower, which the children of men naan; and they came unto HIaran, and dwelt about 1923. builded. there. eeh. 9. 19. 6 And the LORD said, Behold, ethe people 32 And the days of Terah were two hun- 1921. Aett 17. 26. is one, and they have all done language; drcd and five years: and Terah died in Hal vert 1c. and this they begin to do: and now nothing ran. will be restrained from them, which they CHAPTER XII. ePs. 2. 1. have eimagined to do. h God calleth Abeam, aneld lesseth him etoh a acle. 15. 7. f et. 1.'2. 7 Go to, f let us go down, and there eon- nie of 2 iV. 4 ee Seltee/ tit Lot feo Neh. 9. 7. P.3 2. 4. found their language, that they may not un- /2a/. a6 H L jo -L-neye d tl-ough aa 7 Is1. 2. A,!Uctu~~~~~ ~~Wich is,onisec /,is ia a ele/e. 10 le is/ Acts 7. 3. Aets2.4o5f6. derstand one another's speech. dive, ttby f.miee into Egypt. 11 Fe,it maIeth t"I. 11.8.!esth. 42.23. 8 So hthe LORD scattered them abroad 2//ige ehisefetolehissst/er. 14Phar taoh, beth. 17.. & Deut. 28.4. from thence iupon the face of all the earth: ttaviyg tsake h-er feeose him, by playues is e.- 18.t18. Jer. 5. 1.5. and they left off to build the city. pelled to *'esto'e hece. Deut. 6. 5. 9 Therefore is the name of it called lBabel; IOW the aLoRD had said unto Abram, I Kins. 8. hLuke 1. 51. kbecause the LORD did there confound the' i Get thee out of thy country, and from cch. 21. 35. icll. 10. 2532. language of all the earth: and from thence thy kindred, and from thy father's house, d ch. 28. 4. II Tatiis,C-oe- did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the unto a land that I will show thee: Ga. 3.14. fee./oe,. face of all the earth. 2 b And I will make of thee a greeat nation,ecl.. 27. 29. klCor. 14.23. 10 ~ These are the generations of Shem: Cand I will bless thee, and make thy name E. 23. 22. 1 ah. 10. 22. Shem seas a hundred years old, and begat great; d and thou shalt be a blessing: Nu. 21. 9. I Clir. 1. 17. Arphaxad two years after the flood: 3'And I will bless them that bless thee, f h. 18. 18. & 2346. 11 And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad and curse him that ourseth thee: fand in P 2.127.4. five hundred years, and begat sons and thee shall all families of the earthbeblessed. Atse 3. 25. daughters. 4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had Ga. 3.8. 11 Abram sojourneth in Egypt. GENESIS. Abram and Lot part. B. C. 1921. spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: his tent had been at the beginning, between B. C. and Abram was seventy and five years old Beth-el and Hai; about 1918. when he departed out oitlaran. 4 Unto the dploce of the altar, which he 1921. 5 And Abram took Sarao his wife, and Lot had made thre et the first: and there Abram doh. 12. 7, 8. his brother's son, and all their substance'called on the name of the LORD. oreP. 116. 17. 0 h. 14. 14. that they had gathered, and'the souls that 5' And Lot also, which went with Abram, fch. 36. 7. bch. 11. 31. they had gotten bin Haran; and they went had flocks, and herds, and tents. ch. 26. 20. forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into 6 And f the land was not able to bear them, h oh. 12. 6. the land of Canaan they came. that they might dwell together: fo theeir sub- t o. 7.; Hlb. 11.9. 6 0 And Abramipnassed through the land stance was great, so that they could not dwell oK 1 of, t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ho~b. ~ - Dbut. 11.30. unto the place of Siohem, kunto the plain together. biethro:See Judg. 7. 1. of Mloreh. IAnd the Canaanite was then in 7 And there was On strife between the herd- oh. 11. 7,31. lh. 10.18,19. the land. men of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Ex. 3. 13. & 13. 7. 7 "'And the LORD appeared unto Abram, Lot's cattle: hand the Canaanite and the %. 133. 1. -ch. 17.1. and said, "Unto thy seed will I give this Perizzite dwelt then in the land. Aet O. 26, ch.'13.15. & land: and there builded he an Oaltar unto 8 And Abram said unto Lot, iLet there be k cl.l 20.15. & 17. 8. the LORD, who appeared unto him. no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, 34 00. Pe.105.9t.11t. 8 And he removed from thence unto a and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; Inm.. 18. h. 13. 4. - B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-el,. 12. 14. oeh. 13. 4.. mountain on the east of Beth-el, and pitched for we be t brethren. 0.. disO tent, ohavin gBoth-el on the west, and o9 kIs not the whole land before thee? septlao on the east: and there he builded an arate thyself, I pray thee, from me: liftollu no19. 017. ])cut. 34. 3. oeo. 13. 4. altar unto the LORD, and' called upon the wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the Po. 107. 34.!eh. 133.. name of the LORD. right; or if thooo depart to the right hand,,25. OHob. ~n go- 9 And Abram journeyed, t going on still then I will go to the left. o h. 2. 10. iogadjou, -tbwaord the south. 10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld Io 51. 3. oaeyt..g.:'l7B.~ And there was oa famine in the land: all "' the plain of Jordan, thloat it was well o 4.,. 1,li. 14.2,8.& lh. 26. 1. ana-lbram Sb ent down into Egypt to sojourn watered every where, before the LORD n de- 19. 22. oPa. 101. 13. thbr;: tfor the famine was 0grievous in the stroyod Sodom and Gomorral, Coveeo as the. 19 29. tch. 43. 1. lando garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, h. 14.12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~roh. 43. ln.C01:04.102. h 11 And it came to pass, when he ns come as thou comest unto I'Zoar. 19. near to enter into Egypt, that hie said unto 11 Then Lot cehose him all the plain of 2ft. 2.7, 8. Sara: his wiE,, Behold now, I know that Jordan; and Lot journeyed east: and they oob 18l 20. aoet. 14. thou art o -a fair woman to loolk upon: separated themselves the one from thle Pe. 2. 49. ct. 26. 7. 12 Therefore it shall come to pass, when other. ot. 2. 7, 8. the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall 12 Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, about1917. oh.20. 11. O& say, This is his wife: and they 00will kill and Lot Odwelt in tle cities of the plain, 26. 7. me, but they will save thee alive, and.pitched his tent toward Sodon. oh. 0. 01..h.20.5,13. 13 xSoy, I pray thee, thou artny sister: 13 But the men of a Sodom 00ere wicked 0000. 11. oSee ah. 26.7. that it may be well with me for thy sake; and o sinners before the LORD exceedingly. oo cl.08. 14. and my soul shall live because of thee. 14 d And the LORD said unto Abram, aft- l ch. 12.. 7. & about 1920. 14 Andit came to pass, that, when Abram er that Lot 00was separated from him, Lift 15. 18. & 17. h ol. 39. 7. was come into Egypt, the Egyptians be- up now thine eyes, and look from the place. 4. up no thie eye, an lookfromtire lace 26~.4. Matt. 5. 28. held tile woman that she was very fair. where thou art 0northward, and southward, 0um,.34. 12. 15 The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and eastward, ad westward: Deu. 34. 4. and commended her before Pharaoh: and 15 For all the land which thou seest,'to Acta 7. 5. chl. 02. the woman was Ztaken into Pharaoh's thee will I give it, and Yto thy seed for,2 Clhr. 20 7. house. ever. Ps. 37.22,29. a h. 20. 14. 16 And he entreated Abram well for her 1b And ZI will make thy seed as the dust & 112. 2. sake: and hle had sheep, and oxen, and he of the earth: so that if a man can number zh. 15. 5. & asses, and menservants, and maidservants, the dust of the earth, thlo shall thy seed 22. 17. & 2i. and she asses, and camels. also be numbered. 43013 & 32. 12. lbh. 20. 18. 17 And tle LORD bplagued Pharaoh and 17 Arise, walk through tte land in the E.. 32. 13. 1 Chir. 16.2. his house witb great plagues, beoauseof Sa- length of it and in the breadth'of it; forI o ut. 23.10. PD.. 014. ra, Abram's wife. will give it unto thee. Deot. 1. 10. Rob. 13.4. 0 Atd Pharoh cal led Ab, nd d, The Ahbram removed his tent, and one O..lo.4.2.. 1a A I Clh. 27. 23. ooh.20.9.&2b. CWhat is this thao thou hast done unto me 0eand dwelt in the Oplain of Iamnre, blwhioh 0 Oo. 019. 00. why didst thou not tell me thae she woas thy is in Ilebron, and built there an altar unto Jer oa. 22. wife? the LORD. Rom. 4. 16, 19 Wiy saidst thou, She is my sister? so I CHAPTEI XIV.. 18.0 might have taken her to me to wife: now Itt lattle offo,'gt 00 ve. ] 2o2 boh. 1.1. therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go takes pisoner1. 14 1bra, ese- th hi.. at. li. 1013. thy way. Melehizedeok blesseAb Ab-am. #0 I,, giveth t Ieob.latin. dPov 21.. 1. 20 ldAndPharaoh commandedhismenocon- oioolitho. 22 TDete ofl-epoooi,,O p-rt — 6 I t. 0. 97.& l7avbf! had their porinh etrt ote3. 1 cerning him: and they sent him away,and kooioootdLiO.a hio -leoth-e sto-th 30.4. his wint, and all that he hod. 003 of Sodooo. AND it came to pass in the days of AmraCHAPTER XIII. XI phel king 0 of Shinar, Arioch king of El-.,- 100.10. 1 A.oam ond Lot oet,,-, ot of Egypt. 7 y dis- lasar, Chedorlaomer king of b Elam, and Ti- 01.0. ageement t.hey,at stnde,. 10 Lot gooeh to dal king ofnations; b Is. 11. 11. wicked Sodom. 1-t,.eeoetb the romie to 2'lhat these made war with Beea king of Aio,-.. 18 Heov c o a.- t to oHo, -old lth&o Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, 0 ilodoeo aohloa I. Shinab king of CAdinsh, and Shemeher king c Deot. 29. 23. about 118. ND Abram went up out of Egypt, be, of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is dah. 19. 22. 198 and his wife, and all that he had, and ddZoar. eoun.34.12. a oh. 12. 9. Lot with him, 0into the south. 3 All tlhese weore joined together in the valoe Det. 3.17. b to. 00. 35. 2 b And Abram was very rich in cattle, in of Siddim, ewhlich is tle salt sean Joel. 3.16. PD. 112. 3. silver, and in gold. 4 Twelve years fthey served Cledorlaomer, Do. 107. 34. Pio. 00. 22. 3 And he went on his journeys e'rom the and in tihe thirteenth year they rebelled. fchb. 9. 26..h. 12. 8, 9. south even to Beth-el, unto the placo where 5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedor- -about 1913. 12 Abram rescueth. Lot. GENESIS. A son promised to Abram. B. C. laomer, and the kings that woere witt him, CHAPTER XV. B. C. about 1913. and smote Ythe Rtephaim bin Alshteroth abot 1913. Karnaim, and ithe Zuzim in Hami, kand the 1 h,tcoclafe/ A ra m. Abram c bom sh __a __t _ flo.4fo wa, t o his. 4 (]od priomtetshinanao,t gch. 15, 20. Emim in Ia Shaveh Kiriathalm, ond 13 nullplsu-! risi eed. {i Ara is JsDeut. 3.11. 6 iAnd the Horites n ther mount Seir, tiJeed byfa3th. 7Ca-aa,,isO J is,,edayai,, a-1d Da.. 10. 1. Josh. 12. 4. unto lEl-paran which is by the wilder- by1. a01 y os, 1213 a I1,i30 Aot10.10,11. & 13. 12, nes., /AFTER tee things the word of the LORD b h. 26. 24. iDeut. 2. 20. 7 And they returned, and came to En -. came unto Abram'in a vision, saying, boan. 10.12. kl]eut. 2. 10, mishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all b Fear not, Abram: I am thy Ishield, and LukI.13.30.. 11. the country of the malekites, and also thy exceeding dgreat reward. Ps. 3.3. l& 5. 11 Or, T~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~hy exceeing drea 12ar. ] cl'. 3 1.3.&5 i]Or,2elai ] the Anorites, that dwelt "in IIazezon-ta- 2AndAbramb said, LordGoD, whatiltthou 1 & 1. 11. [of Eirlath-mr / &91. 4. &/ of sioth- tmar. give me, eseeing I go ohildless, and thebstew 119.114. ai.. 8 And there went out the king of Sodom, ardofmyhouse is this Eliezer of namascus? 31[ 131. d. & Deuot. 2. 12, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of 3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou Intt u 11. 22 Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and th given no seed: and, lo, fone born in my.. 18. Ni0,T1oeiot1 i king of Belt, (the samoe is Zoar;) and they house is mine heir. 7.07. of P.,e,.. oh 31, 21 31joined battle with them in the vale of Sid- 4 And, behold, the word of the LOD c0353 f33 14. 14. Nomn.12.16. 43im; unto him, saying, This shall not be thine g2am.2 7.12. h 13.3. 9 With Chedorlanomer the king of Elam, heir; but he that lshall come forthout of h 10. II. 2 Chr. 20. 2. and with Tidal king of nations, and Amra- thine own bowels shall be'thine heir. 2Ch. 3 21 phel king of Shinar, and Ariooh king of El- 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and 1. 147.. lassr; four kings with five,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dan iJer. 33. 22. [lasar; four kings with five. said, Look now toward iheaven. and Atell thek h 2217. 10 And the vale of Siddlm wans full of /c.22 7 10 And the voale of 1dm t f stars, if thou be able toonumber them: and E,. 32.13. nch. 11. 3. 1nslimepits; and the kings of Sodom and he said unto him, kLSo shall thy seed be. oeut. 1. 10. [Gomorrah fled, and fell there; and they that 6 And lie believed in the LRonD; and he & 10. 22. toh. 19. 17, remained fled Ito the mountain. -counted it to him for righteousness. 1 Chr.'27.23. 30. 11 And they took P1a n the goods of Sodom 7 And he said unto him, I amn the LO RD 0. 118. pvoer. 16, 21. and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and that'brought thee out of -Ur of the Chas- | e 13.16. went their way. dees, l'to give thee this land to inherit it. iRo.4. 3,. d qch. 12. 5. 12 And they took Lot, Abram's brotber's 0 And he said, Lord GOD, 2whereby shall 22. al. 3.6. o h. 13. 12. son,'who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, I know that I shall inherit it? Jam. 23. and departed. 9lAnd lie said unto him, Take me a heifer e ps. 10. 31. 13 I And there came one that had escaped, of three years old, and a she goat of three!:oh. 12. 1. toh. 13. 18. and told Abram the Hebrew; for'he dwelt years old, and a ram of three years old, and 0oh. 11.28,31. in the plain of tMamre the Amorite, brother a turtledove, and o yoong pigeon. pl'.105.42,44. toer. 24, of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: tand these 10 And he took unto him all these, and Ro.- 4.13.! were confederate with Abram.'divided them in the midst, and laid each qSeeh.24.13, S.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Judg. 6. so sh. 13. d14 And when Abrpm heard that'his broth- piece one againt no utthe ht he birds 17, 37.d. [ Or, led er was taken captive, he l armed his train- divided ie not. 14., divided he not. ~ ~~~~~~ 1 Stun. 14. 9,/ fo]sh. ed servants, "born in his own house, tlhree It And when the fowls came down upon 10. IOr,inst.uct- hundred and eighteen, and pursued them the carcasses, Abram drove them away. 2 Milo 20.8. nd. Itunto Ban. 12 And when tile sun was going down, ta [.ke 1. 18. otu h. 15. 3. & 15 And hie divided himself against them, deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, to, a her- Joe.3.1811. 17.12, 27. he and his servants, by night, and'/smote ror of great darkness fell upon him. 1 s. 1. 17. Ec/. 2.7. them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which 13 Andle saidunto Abrm, lKnowof sure- Chb. 2. 21. e eut. 34. 1. is on the left hand of Damanscus. ythttlyeedh i ngei land ob 4. 13. ty Uthat thy seed shall be a~ an'anger iua land |u Ex. lO. 40.] Judg. 18.29. 16 And he brought back Zall the goods, that bsnot theirs,nnd shall serve then; and s-. 12. 0. D.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ta 41. 2o he, a3d -hl ev te;a P.. 105. 23.] yis. 41.2,2. and also brought again his brother Lot, "they shall afflict tlem four hundred years; Ato7.3. ver. 11, 12. and his goods, and the women also, and 14 And also that nation, whom they shall /,lo1.11. the people. serve, will I judge: and afterward Yohall Pols. 105. a.J,,dg. 11.34. 17'~ And the king of Sodom an ent out to they come out with great substance. E,. 6. 6. 1 S.m. 18. 6. meet him, b after his return from the slaugh- 15 And Ithou sthalt go "to thy fathers in Deut. 6. 22. bHeb. 7. 1. ter of Chedorlaomor and of the kings that peace; bthoushaltbeburiedinagoodoldage. yE-. 12. 36. were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, 16 But 1in the fourth generation tiey 01shall. 105.37. e2Sam.18.18. which is the'king's dale. come hither again: for the iniquity dof the 5. 26. d3Heb. 7. 1. 18 And dMelehizedek king of Salem Amoritos's notyetful, lAoto 13. 3 P. 110. 4 brought forth bread andwine: andlie wa 17 And it came to pass, that, when the |lco.x. 0. Hob. 5.0. t'th peiett of fthe nost high God. son ent down, and it was darki, behold a E..l 40. d it was ~ ~ dak beodI King 2.... 3f1ie 6 6. 19 And he blessed him, and said, oBlessed smoking furnace, and ta burning lamp that 0 in 16. 7. be Abram of the most high God, hlpossessor fpassed between those pieces. t ]gl~~~~~~~~~~u~pnsdhetrc 3.os i0c. I eIlan. 8. 9-3. 0oth3. 0. ofheaven and earth: 18 In that same day ticLORDmndead a cove- |hatt. 23.32. 2,l5. 2.. 20 And iblessed be the most high God, n.ntwithAhbrnm, saying,hUntothyyseedlae llTs.2.16. h ver. 22. which hath delivered thine enemies into thy I given this land, from the river of Egypt fileb. lonl Mtatt. 11. 25.h band. And he gave him tithes kof all. u. to the great river, tile river Euphrates: ef/co.. ich. 24. 27. 21 And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, 19 Thle Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and fie.34.7.1,1 kHeb. 7. 4. Give me the Opersons, and take the goods the Kadmonites, h. 24. 7. tHebo{ 311 to thyself. 10 And the Iittites, and tlPerizzitee, and bch. 12. 7. & 22 And Ab on stid to the king of Sodom, the Rephim, 3.1. 4 lEx. O6.K I lbse lified o nins oondnto to~e L~ono~, 1 And the Amoretet, and the Canrnniteo, m. 34. 3. P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2Exm. _3.1[ {/E.. 6. B. {I/have lifted up mine hand unto the LORD, E,2.31 I)On. 10. 7. the most high Sod, "the possessor of heav- and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. Deo. 17. & oo.i.0,. sen and earth, 11..&a34.4.{,nse. 19. 23 That "'I will not take from a thread even CHAPTER XVI..s. 1. 4. 11. 01. 33. to a shoelatchlet, and that I will not tbko 1 Soei, lssoo, gi-th o's Io s- d 4. 5 Iiont4.21. 50.g'. goelts ninw 2df SS-3050030,enn, Chr. 9. 26. So sth. 9. any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldea t 500100. 0.oqiod, bl 1.. say, I have made Abr.m rich: s,,bit h-,tflf. Ild nd0h -hoebi 1P05. 10. 24 Save only that which the young men 15 Ishmah l 1, lorn. Is. 27. 12. have eaten, and the portion of the en'TOW Sarai, Abranm's wife, bSare him no ach. 15. 2, 3. sove. 12. ~which went with me, Aner, Eshool, and _ children: and she had ahabndmaid, ban b ch. 21.9. Manre; let them take their portion. Egyptian, whose name was IC Hagar. Gal. 4. 24. 13 The birth of Ishmael. GENESIS. Circumcision znstituted. B. C. 2 dAnd Sarai said unto Abram, Belold ed Abram, but hthy name shall be IIAbra- B. C. 1898. about 1913. now, the LORD ehath restrained me fromI ham; ifor a father of many nations have I bearing: I praythee, f go in unto my maid; made thee. hh. 9 7. d ch. 30.3. it may be that I may t obtain children by 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, That is, aesh. 20.18. & her. And Abram ithearkened to the voice and I will make k nations of thee, and Ikings thIrofagrsat 30.2. of Sarai. shall come out of thee. melttaude. la S..l.6. 38 And Sara!, Abram's wife, took Hagar 7 And I will "establish my covenaent be- I ir. 4.. 17. fssch. 30.3,9. her maid the Egyptian, after Abram hhad tween me ad ees a thee and thyseed after theein i ch. 35. 11. tleb. 15 dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and their generations, for an everlasting cove- 1aver. 16. labitdsd 11 as.w'.. gave her to her husband Abram to be his nant, ato be a God unto thee and to Othy lt. 35.11. h. 317 wife. seed after thee. 1att. 1. 6, Ir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gal. 3. 17. c 4 ~ And he went in unto agar, and she 8 And PI will give unto thee, and to thy be. 1911. conceived: and bhe she saw that she had seed aftes thee, te land t d herein thou art al ~~~~h. 12. 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ch. 2B. 24. &I bscht.15.. s.conceived, her mistress was idespised in a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an.21. i2stm.6. 19. he eyes. aeverlasting possession; and "I wil l be their ]Fle. 11. 16. 23. t~~~'.'~. 8. Seas. 30. 21, 9 And oardi said unto Abram, My srng be Ga.d 23. upon thee: I have given my maid into thy 9 t And God said unto Abraham, Thou s t I h. 31.53. bosom; and when she saw that she had con- shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, toh. 12 7. 1& I S —-. 24.12. 13 I5.5.1. ceived, I was despised in her eyes: Ithe and thy seed after thee in their generations. p,. 105.l9,11. Saab 7.... Loe Djudgebetween se andthee. 10 This is my covenant, wbich e all tHe. f th 6JBb u 1t Abram said unto Sarai, I Behold, keep, between me and you and thy seed after o j.'f J| 2a. 16. 4 rs. 105. 41 ithy maid is in thy hland; do to her t as it thee; IEvery man child among you shall be q ch. 23. 4. & 42. pleaseth thee. And when Sarait dealt hard- circumcised. 28. 4. Jer. 38. 5. ly with her, "she fledfrom her face. 11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your EI. 6. 7. t Ieb. ahat 7 ~ And the angel of the LORD found her foreskin; and it shall be ta token of the Lev. 26. 12. ettleb is by a fountain of water in the wilderness, covenant betwixt me and you. Det. 4. 37. gy-t. i, thists oby the leuntain in the way to 1, Shut. 12 And the that is eight days old'shall & 14.2. & 926. t~J 8 And hie said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, be circumcised amongyou, every man child. 13. |tHob. afli,:-,.t.B weli l hence camest thou? and whither wilt thou in your generations, he that is born in the ]Ats7. 8. stt At 1s. 8,sdls..-5.. go And she said, I floe from the face of house, or bought with money of any stranger, tAstei.... my mistress Sarai. which is not of thy seed. R- 4. 11. Esh. I5.t2. 9 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, 13 He that is born in thy house, and he tHeb. a sea E.. Return to thy mistress, and lsubmit thyself that is bought wih thy money, must needs.ef eYht days. Tit. 2. 9. under her hands. be circumcised: and my covenant shall be,tLev. 12. 3. 1 Pet. 2. 18. L, 2. 21. 10 And the angel of the LORD said unto ain your flesh for an everlasting covenant. Jbhb. 21. |,eh. 17.20:tb/ Jet. 7. 11./ 21t. &.h;25 her, "I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, 14 And the uncircumcised man child whose P hil. 3.. 2 L. 18. &, 25' sho isfre. isnt icmcsdta 12. -- that it shall not be numbered for multi- flesh of his foreskin is no circumcised, that ssh. 17. 19. tude. soul shall be cut off from his people; ihe wEs. 4. 24. lIaett. 1. 2L. 11 And the angel of the LORD said unto hath broken my covenant. Luke 1. 13, her, Behold, thou asi with child, and shalt 15 ~ And God said unto Abrabam, As for 31. bear a son, Sand shalt call his name II Ish- Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name tbThat is, God mael; because the LORD hath heard thy af- Sarai,but H Sarah shtall her name be. // Thaa is, stall,ea,. ffliction. 16 And I will bless her, and give thee a Priscess. tch. 21. 20. 12/And he will be a wild man; his hand son also of her: yea, Iwill bless her, and ch. 18. 10. tch. 15. 18. will be againstevery man, and every man's eshe shall be a motherl sof nations; kings t teb. she bch. 31.42. hand against him: and he shall dwell in of people shall be of her. saI tes, yel, 14. 62. & the pesence of allhis bretthren. 17 Then Abraham fell upon his face, and I ansdS. 25.11. 13 And she called the name of the LORD laughed, and said in Iis heart, Shall a ehild yeh. 35. 11. IITbat it, Thethat spake unto her, Thou God seest me: be born unto him that is a hundred years Gal. 4. 31. ssall of bin 1Pet, 3 6. thit livetf for she said, Have I also here looked after old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years Pet. t.12. ead.ssth-se. him that s-ethb me? old, bear? 1. 6 la.- 13.i26. 14 Wherefore the well was called Y2tBeer- 18 And Abraham said unto God, 0 that a Gald. 22. lahai-roi:a behold, it is'between Kadesh and Ishmael might live before thee! e. 11. Bred. 19 And God said, aSarah thy wife 10.l& 1910. 15 And aIagas bare Abram a son: and bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call 21. 2. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a t.e91 ash. 12.1. Abram called his son's name, which Hagar his name Isaac: and I will establish my trh. 28. b3. &bare, Isbhmael. covenant with him for an everlasting cove35..11. 16 And Abram wase fourscore and six years nant, and with his seed after him. |E... 6.3. old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram. 10 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Deat. 10. 17. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make ceh. 5. 22. & CHAPTER XVII. him fruitful, and s will multiply him exceed- bch. 16. 10. | 4l.a. 1 tosd ~eseseshheesovensant..5t Abameeise~eass 548. 15. 5.'sst"-teslisteekee fas t - ore la stbati lee... tingly; ttwelve princes shall he beget, dand esh. 25.12,16. 1 Kings2. 4. isbai,'ge~l i,~toker of a grea tev ble.sin. 10Cir&a 8. 25. cuaston isi,stituted. 15 Saai he,' lae is I will make him a great nation. dh. 21. 18. 2 gell 2.1. schaesd. and she Ii(esssd. 172a3e is promised. 21 But my covenant will I establish with 1898. 23 Abrahat and Ishmael ase icumcised. Isaac, ewhich Sarah shall bear unto thee at seh. 21.2.... ND when Abram was ninety years old this set time in the next year. |Ieut. 18.13. - and nine, the LORD tappeared to 22 And ihe left off talking with him, and Job 1.1. Abram, and said unto him, bI ame the Al- God went up from Abratam. att. 5. 48. mighty God; s walk before me, and be thou 23 ~ And Abraham took Ishmael his son, asr, elplht. d IIperfect. and all that were born in his eouse, and s5r,ssc:.....2 And I will make my covenant between me all that were bought with his money, every eeh. 12. 2. & and thee, and %will multiply thee exceed- /male among the men of Abrlaham's house; 1l.-112.17. ingly. and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin fee. 17. 3 And Abram ffell on his face: and God in the selfsame day, as God had said unto d. 11. 1. talked with him, saying, him. Gal. B. 29. 4 As for me, behold, ms covenant is with 24 And Abraham was ninety years old and 1898. t Heb. -uti- thee, and thou shalt be a father of stiany nine, when lie was circumcised in the flesh adsi.f a- nations. of his foreskin. tatls. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be call- 25 And Ishmael his son was thirteen years 14 Isaac promised. GENESIS. Abrahanm intercedeth for Sodom. B. C. 1S98. old, when lie was Circumcised ill tile flesh of do justice and judgment; that tihe LORD B.C. 1898. his foreskin. may brhng upon Abraham that which he hath 20 In the selfsame day was Abraham cir- spoken of him. eumcised, and Ishmael his son. 20 And the LORD said, Because tthe cry soh.4.10.hiO. foh. 10.10. 27 Aod fall tho men of his house, born io of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, aod be- 13. the house, and bought with money of the oause their sill is very grievous, J-.. 4. stranger, were circumcised with him. 21 a' will go down now, and see whether aolt. 11.5. they have done altogether according to the E. 30 8. CHAPTER XVIII. cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, 1 obbtah- ente-taith t1hse cl. 9 So-his 61 oill knowo. 59 at.8.2.& foe,-TOe tea- qhiooogo.sfi 5th, Wm 1o0t 22 Ad the men t urned their faces froo 13.0. 17 T'0? dssat,-totaoofodoois.t eoqaldA to..... Josh. b..2a 3d. t23 aam makot iAteeosioa foe the tience, CandwenttowardSodomm: but Abra- Lke 16. 12.2 e, thereof. ham d stood yet before the LORD. 2 Coo.. 11. 1808. A ND the LORD appeared unto him in the 23 ~ And Abraham edrew near, and said, ch. 19. 1. a h. 13. 18i.& p aPlains of Mlamre: and he sat in the f Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with er. 1. 14. 13. tent door in the heat of the day; tle wicked o 00Ho. 13. 2. 2 bAnd lie lifted op hit eyes aad looked, 24 UPeradventure there be fifty righteous Heb. 0. 22. eh. 19. L and, lo, three men stood by him: kandhea within the city: wilt thou also destroy and fNUm.16.22. I.t. 4.0. he eaw tthhe, he rail to eel them from the ait spare the place for the fifty righteous 2 aao.24.17. tent door, and bowed himself toward tih that are therein? gr.. ground, 25 That hbe far from thee to do after this 3 And said, My Lord, if now I have found manner, to slay the righteous with the wickfa-our in thy sight, pass not away, I pray ed; and hthliat the righteous should be as h Job 8. 20. thee, from thy servant: the wicked, that bhe far from thee: iShall Is 3 10. 11. dots. 19. 2. h 4 Leti a little water, I prayyou, be fetched, not the Judge of all the earth do right? iJob8.3.&34. 43. 20. and wash your feet, and rest yourselves un- 26 And the LORD said, klf I find in Sodom 17. der the treeo fifty righteous within the city, thea I will P s58. 11. h 94. 2. ag. 0. is. hAd t1 will fotat a aostel of hotad, and spare all the place for their sakes. om. 3. 6. & 13. 10. tfcomfort ye your hearts; after that ye 27 And Ahbrahlam answered and said, /Be- ] Jer. 5.1. Hsh. stao. oshall pass on: Ofor therefore sare ye come hold now, I have taken upon me to speak Es. 22.30. fi-ct. 13. 1. to your servant. And they said, So do, as unto the Lord, which an "f'lbut dust and /Lukeh t 1. PJ.P. ML5. thou hastsaid. ashes:h Ot ]g oh. 19. 8. &} 6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto m~~~~~t oh. 3. 19. bcl. 20. 8. h 6 Aad Abraham hastened into the tentunto 28 Peradventure there shall lack five of the Job 4.19. 33. 10. Saral, aad said, tilake ready quickly three fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the Es.: 12. 7. tHeb. you I measures of fine meal, knead it, and make city for lack of five? And he said, If find 1 Cor.1. 47, oe jo1se.d. cakes ypon thehearth. there forty and five, I will not destroy it. 8. tHeb. udm- 7 AadiAbraham ran unto the herd, and 23 And lhe spake unto him yet agai, and 2. 5. 1.. fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it said, Peradventure there shall be forty found unto a young man; and hec hasted to dress it. there. Andhe said, I willnot do it for forih h. 19. 3. 8 Aad i he took butter, ad milk, and the ty's sake. calf which lie had dressed, and set it before 30 And he said uoto hit,; Oh let not the them; and he stood by them under the tree, Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradvenand they did eat. ture there shall thirty be found there. And 9 ~ And they said unto him, Where is Sa- he said, I will not do it,, f I tfind thirty there. th. 21. 07. rah thy wife? And he said, Behold, in the 31 And hie said, Behold now, I hoay taken tent. upon me to speak untothe Lord: Peradk sver4.1. 10 And he said, I kwill certainly return venture there shall be twenty found there. 12King24.16.I unto ttlee/accordingto the time oflife; and, Aad lie said, I oil not destroy it for tlennch. 17 19, lo, lSarah thy wife shall have a son. And ty' sake. 21. 21.. Saah heard it in the tentdoor, which as. 2 Ad he said, 11 Oh let not the Lord be sJuod. 6. 39 Roa m. 9. behind him. angry, and I will speak yet but this once: n ch. 17.17. 11NTow'oAbrahain andSarah erc old and Peradventure ten shall he found there. Rom. 4.19. well stricken in ageo; and it ceased to be tAnd he said,I will not destroy it for ten's o Jomes 5.16. sHe,. 11. 11, aitt Sarti IOfter the manner of Women. sake. J12, 19. a.h12. 10. 12 Therefore Sarah laaughlcd witicin her- 33 And the LORD nent his way, as soon as tochl.03. 3 slf, saying, qAfter I am waxed old shall I lhe had left communing witlh Abraham: and sh. 1i7.17. have pleasure, my'lord being old also? Abraham returned unto his place. qLuohl. 20. 03 And the LORD said unto Abraham, 1 rPe. 3. c. Wherefore did Sarai laugh, saying, Shall I CHAPTER XX. of a surety hbear a child, which am old? L.t-to-ttioeth I- o gs.. 4 Tr. d;-.,S d-,J,!r. 32. 17,? -, 4,-i,!k- elrl rith blind —~rs 12 _&,t i, se0. 1. 14 SIs any thing too hard for thie LORD a? omts or stfiecty i,.lIth bliinanss. 12 lo ib&Zech.8..[ tat the time appointed I will return unto s et for sateo itlo.onountaos,. 24 Sem toIJ 1.Itt. 3.9. k O~~~~~s~~~~~oO~~~~~~ai~ht leoosavlo-eot ogo,tzo oar. 24lSodom tao-i 19. 26. thee, according to the time of life, and Sa- fo to oste. ii's tifis il sLuke I. 37 rahl shall have a son. Ic- 30Lot dlesath io ets. 1 T. tch. 17 21 j 15 Then Sirah denied, saying, I laughed i(] StaO iclofbttdA,. over. 10. sot; for hewasafraid. Andhesaid,Ny; AND there acame two angels to Sodom at ach. 18. 22. 2 Kings4.16. but thou didst laugh. -1. even; and Lot sat in the gate of SodRom. 15.24. 16 ~, And the men rose up from thence, orn: and blot seeing thei rose up to meet 811.18. ho&. 3 John 66. and looked toward Sodom: and Abrahamn them; and hle howed himself with his face 2tPs. 25.14. went with them'to bring them oil the way. toward the ground; Amos 3. 7. 17 And the LORD said,'Shall I hide from 2 And lie said, Behold now, my lords, Cturn ] eHe. 13. 2. John 13. 15. Abraham that thing which I do; in, I pray you, into your servant's house, cde. i1. 3. & 18 Seeing that Abralham shall surely be- and tarry all nighlt, and ldwash your feet, dch. 18. 4. 22.18. come a great and mighty nation, and all and ye shall rise up early, and go on your Act. 3. 25. Gal, 0. 8 the nations oP the earth shail be tblessed aays. And they said, eNay; but we will,Ssee.,uke24. h n ith 4. 0,n him? abide in the street all night. 28. 10.7. I19 For I know him, Vthat be will comman 10.~o ~ 19 Poe Ihatathim, Jtha oc nilltomtasd Adhe presed upon them greatly; and Josh. 214, 15. his children and his household after him, they turned in unto him, and ente red into Eph. 6.. / and thsey shall keep the wayofthe LORD, to his house; fand h made them a feast, and fsh. 18.8. 15 Lot sent out of Sodom. GENESIS. Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed. B. C.1898. did bake unleavened bread, and they did not do any thing till thou be come thither. B. C. 1898. eat. Therefore ethe name of the city was called I 4 ~ But before they lay dcown, the men of I! Zoar. ch. 13.10. & the city, eve. the men of Sodom, compassed 23 [ Tle sun -was trisen upon the earth 14 2. the house round, both old and young, all when Lot entered into Zoar. IIThatis, Letthe people from every quarter: 24 Then /the LORD rained upon Sodomn e te gIs. 3. 9. 5 VAnd they called unto Lot, and said unto and upon Gomorra brimstone and fire from s 20. him,Where are the men whioh came in to thee the LORD out of heaven; teb. gone hJudg.19. 22. this night? I bring them out unto us, that 25 And he overtblee those cities, and all fo th. ch. 4.1. we Imay know them. tlee plain, and all tle inhabitants of the cit- he 1. 29.23. nom. 1. 24, 6 And /-Lot went out at the door unto them, ies, and ithat which grew upon the ground. Jer. 20.16. & 27. and shut the door after him, 26 ~J But hlis wife looked lback fiom behind 50. 40. Jude 7. 7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not him, and she became ka pillar of salt. Ez. 16.49, 50. kJudg.19.23. so wickedly. 27 I And Abraham gat up early in the H[ I1. 8. I See Judg.l9. 8 IBehold now, I have two daughters which morning to the place where the stood before ph 2. 9. B2. have not known man; let me, I pray you, the LORD: LORD:uke 17. 29. bring them out unto you, and do ye to them 28And he looked toward Sodom and Go- 2-Pet. 2.6. as is good in your eyes: only unto these men morrah, and toward all the land of the plain, Jude 7. mSeech.l8.5. do nothing;'"'for therefore came they under and beheld, and, lo, "bthe smoke of the t ch. 14. 3. the shadow of my roof. country went up as the smoke of a furnace. Pa. 107. 34. 9 And they said, Stand back. And they 29 ~ And it came to pass, when God destroy- k Luke 17. 32. n2Pe.t. 2. 7,8. said again, This one fellowt "came in to ed the cities of the plain, that God "aremem- I ch. 18. -2. ox. 2. 14. sojourn, O and he will needs be a judge: now bered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the, Re. 18. 9. will we deal worse with thee than with them. midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew c h.8.1.& 18. And they pressed sore upon the man, even the cities in the which Lot dwelt. Lot, and came near to break the door. 30 ~ And Lot went up out of Zoar, and 10 But the men put forth their Land, and Odwelt in the mountain, and his two daugh- ver. 17, 19. pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut ters with him; for he feared to dwell in to the door. Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his p See2 Kings 11 And they smote the men e'that evec tewo daughters. 6. 18. at the door of the house citll blindness, both 31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Acts 1e..11. small and great: so that they wearied them- Our father is old, and there is not a man in selves to find the door. the earth e' to come in unto us after the man- t ch. 1,. 2.4 & 12 T And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou ner of all the earth: 8. 8, 9. here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, 32 Come, let us make our father drink [)eut.. 5. and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast wine, and we will lie with him, that we q may ark 12. 19. q ch. 7.1. in the city,' bring theeL out of this place: preserve seed of our father. 2Pet. 2. 7,9. 13 For woe will destroy this place, because 33 And they made their father drink wine ch. 18. 20. the'cry of them is waxen great before the that night: and the firstborn vent in, and 1 Chr. 21.1. face of the LORD; and Sthe LORD hath senet lay with her father; and he perceived not us to destroy it. when she lay down, nor when she arose. 14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his 34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that t ratt. 1. 18. sons in law, twhich married his daughters, the firstborn said unto the younger, Belold, e N.-.16.21, and said, "Up, get you out of this place; I lay yesterniglltith my fatler: letaus make 45. for the LORD will destroy this city. CBut him drink wine this night also; and go thou Ex. 9. 21. he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in, andl lie with him, that we may preserve Luke 17. 28. in law. seed of our father. & 24. 11. 5I ~i Andlwhen the morning arose, then the 35 And they made their father drink wine yNurn. 16.24, angels hastened Lot, saying, YArise, take that night also: and the younger arose, and 26. thy wife, and thy two daughters, whicll t are lay with him; and he perceived not when she Rev. 18. 4. here; lest thou be consumed in the Iliniquity lay down, nor when she arose. teeb. are of the city. 36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot focleed. 16 And while he lingered, tile men laid hold with child by their father. I! Or, 2111ill- upon his hand, and upon the hand of his 37 And tle firstborn bare a son, and called 1897. ekt. eife, and upon the hand of his two dauegl- his name oab:'thole same is the father of [, Deut. 2. 9. zLuke 18. 13. ters; Zthe LORD being merciful unto him: the MIoabites unto this day. Boen. 9. 15, aand they brought him forth, and set him 38 And the younger, she also bare a son, 11. without the city. and called his name B3en-amnmi: Sth same eDet,, 2.19. uPt. 34. P2. 17 ~ And it came to pass, when they had is the father of the children of Ammon unto brought them forth abroad, that lie said, this day. b I ingsl9.3. bEscape for thylife; Clook not behind thee, CHAPTER XX. at. 26. neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to 1 lt6raham ojourtlet atGera, 2 c eniethe eishiife, Ittt. 2. 16, the mountain, lest tou be consumed. det loseth her. 3 Abimnelecl i r eprolved for he 17, 18. 18 And Lot said unto them, Oh, dnot so, i, a dtean. 9 ie tebuX eth cltaham, 14 9.ePLile3.131. nmy Lord: stoeth Saalh, 16tated epovetch Oet. 17 le is d l,3 10. 14. 19 Bellold now, thy servnt hath found grace keeled by Abtaa't tays. aboutI898. in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy ND Abraelam journeyed from athence acll. 18.1. mercy, which thou hast shlewed unto me in R toward the south country, and dwelt be- 6h. 1. 7,14. saving my life; and I cannot escape tothe tveen b Kadesh and Shur, and Csojourned in ch. 26. 6. mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: Gerar. 20 Behold now, this city is near to flee un- 2 And Abrahlam said of Sarall his wife, ebh. 12.13.& eJob 42. 8, 9. to, and it is a little one: 0, let me escape dSle is my sister: and Abimelech king of 2.7. Ps. 145. 19. thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul Gerar sent, and e tool; Sarah. ecl. 12. 15. t Heb. t9 tshall live. 8 But f God came to Abimelech g ina fPS. 10. 14. faoe. 21 And he said unto him, See, ec have ac- dream by night, and said to him, hBehold, g Job 33.15, fSeeh.32.2~, cepted tthee concerning this thingalso, that thou art but a dead man, for the woman h er. 7. B.x/32.10 I will not overthroew this city, for the which which thou hast taken; for she is t a man's tHebt. ma,Decet.. 14. thou lhast spoken. wife. sied te al ark 6. 5. 22 Haste thee, escape thither; for fI can- 4 But Abimelech had not come near her: taotd. 16 Isaac is born. GENESIS. Hagar and Ishmael cast forth. B. C. and he said, LORD, iilt thou slay also a 06 And Sarah said, iGod bath made mo B. C. about188. righteoas nation9? to laugh, so that all that hear kwill laugh about 1897. I5 Said he not unto me, She is my sister? with me. i ch. 18. 23. and she, even she herself said, Hie is my 7 And she said, Who would have said unto i Ps. 126. 2. ver. 18. brother: in the Ilintegrity of my heart and Abraham, that Sarah should have given chil- I. 54. 1. k 2 in. 20.3. innocency of my hands have I done this. dren suck? Ifor have borne hi a so in iG.4.:7. 2 Cor. 1. 12. 6 And lod said unto him in a dream, Yea, his old age. b Luko 1. 58. Ii Or, sl1ptic- I knos that thou didst this in the integrity 8 And the child grew, and was weaned: t cl18.11,12. ity, oqr, t- S of thy heart; for aI also withheld thee from and Abraham made a great feast the sasne 31centY. sinnng a'ngainst me: therefore suffered I day that Isaac was weaned. lo..1 thee not to touch her. 9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the mch. 16. l. E. 345 24. 7 Now therefore restore the man his ife; Egyptian, hich she had borne unto Abra-. 16.15. lSam. 25.26, "for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for ham, smocking. 4ot.. 4.29 34. thee, and thou shalt live: and if thou restore 10Vherefore she said unto Abraham. Cast about 1892. nech. 39. 9. her not, ~know thou that thou shalt surely out this bondwoman and her son: for'the aou Lev. 0. 2. die, thou, i' and all that are thine. s of this bondwoman shal not be eir with p Gal. 4. 30 P.. 1t. 4. 8 Therefore Abimelech rose early in the my son, even with Isaac. Sech. 25.6. nl Sam. 7. 5. morning, and called all his servants, and 11 And the thing was very grievous in Abra2JKin 5 11. told allthese things in their ears: and the ham'.s ight becauso of his son. ch. 17. 18. Jmel 5. 148 men were sore afraid. 12 I And God said unto Abraham, Let it not 15.' 4, 9 Then Abimelech called Abrahllam, and be grievous in thy sight because'of the lad, 1 JohC. 6.6. said unto him, What hast thou done unto and because of thy bondwoman; in all that o cl. 2. 17. us? and what have I offended thee, tthat Sarah lath said unto titee, hearken unto her p Num.16.32, thou bhast brought on me and on my kingdom voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.,.Rom. 9.7, 8 33. a great sin? thou hast done deeds unto me 13 And also o of the bondwomanl Hb. 11. 18. ch; 2a) 10 I rthat ought not to be done. will I make sanation, because e is thy seed. ver. 18. Ex. 32. 21. 18i And Abimelech said unto Abraham, 14 And Abraham rose up ear!y inthe morn- ch: 16.l0. &I Josh, 7. 25. Es est thou, that thou hast done this ing, and took bread, and a bottle-.of water, 17. 20. 34. 7. na.... v and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her d Abraham said, Because I thought, shoulder,andt he child,and disenth eraay. Jo 8. 5.. s ch. 42. 4218. Surely'the fear of God is not in this place; and she departed, and wandered in the wilPb. 36. l. and t they will slay me for my wife's sake. derness of 1eer-sieba. 1' 6. 12 And yet indeed!8she is my sister; she 15 And the water was spent in the bottle, tch. 12.12. & is the daughter of my father, but not the and'she cast the child under one of the. daughter of my mother; and she became my shrubs. OSewhB. wife. 16 And she went, and sat her down over zch. 12. 1, 9, 13 And it came to pass, when a God caused against himt a good way off, as it were a t&c. b ]me to wander from my father's house, that I bowshot: for she said, Let me not see the. 11. said unto her, This is thy kindness which death of the child. And she sot sseragainst thou shalt shetv unto me; at every place hio, and liftedup her voice, and wept. y ch. 12. 13. whither we shall come, Ysay of me, He is my 17 And iad heard the voice of the lad;' 15. 3. 7. brother. and the angel of God called to Hagar out of z ch. 12. 16. 14 And Abimelech took sheep, and oxen, heaven, and said unto her, Vhat aileth thee, and menservants, and womenservants, and Hagar? fear not; for God bath heard the gave theno unto.Abraham, and restored him voice of the lad where he is. Sarah his wife. 18 Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in a ch. 13.9. 9. 1 And Abimelech said, Behold, amy land thine hand; for'I vill make'bhim a great sver. 13. t Beb. as is is before thee: dwell t where it pleaseth thee. nation. good, ithins 16And unto Sarah he said, Beholcld, I have 19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw sum. 2.31. yes given thy brother a thousand pieces of sil- a well of water; and she went, and filled the See 2 Kings b ver. 5. ver: Cbehold, he is to thee da covering of bottle withl water, and gave the lad drink. 6. 17,8, 20. dch. 26. 11. the eyes, unto all that are with thee, aod 20 And Gad Ywas with the lad; and ite L 2ke4. 16, d ch. 2.. with all other thusshewasreproved. grew, ands dwelt in the wasilderess, and e- eJob42.9,10. ~17 I So Abraham eprayed unto God: and came an archer..21 God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his 21 And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: maidservants; and they bare ctildren. and his mother a took him a wife out of the sch. 12.17. 18 For the LORD fhad fastclosed up all land of Egypt. ach. 24. 4. the wombs of the house of Abimelech, be- 22 ~ And it came to pass at that time, that cause of Sarah, Abraham's wife. b Abimelech and Phichol the chief Captain of b ch.20 2.&28.,CHPTER XXT. his host spake unto Abraham, saying, c God 26. Heue islAeP.SAsTER G AXXet sis with thee in all that thou doest:t cch. 2. 28. 1 Iaac s6-or.. 4 Hei circumcised. 6.aah' ot. l fiaa; anc t Jlr' al a~e cst foath.' 15 23 NoJw therefore dswear unto me here by d Josh. 2. 12. duagqa idsistreas. 17 The angel eomfrtth her.God, t that thou wilt not deal falsely with me, lam. 24.21. 22 Abimelech's covenaot witl AbrSaha at Beers nor with my son, nor with my son's son: thIeb. if shea. tobut according to the kindness that I have thos. salt! a lSam. 2.21. ND the LORD avisited Sarah as he had done unto thee, thou shalt do unto me, and lie: tot aI b ch. 17.19. & l said, and the LORD did unto Sarah btas to the land wherein thou hast sojourned. 18. 10,14. ihe had spoken. 24 And Abraham said, I will swear. Gal.. 23,28. 2 For Sarah Cconceived, and bare Abraham 25 And Abraham reproved Abimelfch beActs 7. 8. a. son in his old age, d at the set time oafcause of a well of water, which Abimseleeo!s Gal. 4. 22. which God had spoken to him. servants ehad violently taken away. Seech.26.15, Heb. 11. 11. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son 2 And Abimelech said, I t r who hat 18, 20, 21,22. d cl. 17. 21. that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to (lone this thing: neither didst thou tell me, ecll 17. 19. thim, eIsaac. neither yet heard I of it, but to day. facts 7. 8. 4 And Abrahamf circumcised his son Isaae 27 And Abrahlam took'shqap and oxen, and cll. 17.10,12. being eight days old, u as God ld command- gave them unto Abimelol.;'andboth of them about 1879. ed him. f made a covenant. fbh. 26. 31. ohs. 17.1,17. 5 And hAbraham was a hundred years old, 28 And Abraham sept seven we lambs of when his son Isaac was born unto him. the flock by tnemse:oves, 2 17 The trial of Abraham's faith. GENESIS. The death of Sarah. B. C. 29 And Abimelech said unto Abraham, place IIJehovah-jireh: as it is said to this B. C. 1872. about 1892. sWhat asean These seven ewe lambs which day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be thou hast set by themselves? seen. 1Thhtis, Tie gyh,.3. 8. 30 And he said, For these seven ee lambs 15~AndtheAngel oftheLORD alleldounto L...ill h.h31.48,62. shalt thou take of my hand, that hthey may Abrahas oat of heaven the second time, 1M o, I5-. be a witness unto me, that I have digged this 16 And said, hBy myself have I sworn, hP. 105. 9. well. aith the LORD, for because thou hast done Luke o. 73. i h. 26. 23. 31 Wherefore he i called that place oBeer- this thing, and hast not sithheld thy seon, Hb.6.13,14. ITha% is. The sheba; becausetheretheyswarebothofthem. thine only son, welt of the 32l Thus they made a covenant at Beer-she 17That in blessing Iill blessthee, and in oath. ba: then Abimelech rose up, and Phichol multiplying I will multiply thy seed ias the ich. 15. 5. about 1891. the chief captain of his host, and they re- Stars of the heaven, kand as the sand which Jer. 33. 22. turned into the land of the Philistiness. is upon the sea t shore; and Ithy seed shall k oh. 13. 16, 1100, tad. I'33 ~ And Abraham planted a II grove in possess'the gate of his enemies; ft Heb lip. keah. 4. 26. Beer-sheba, and called there on the name 18 "And is thy seed hall allo the nations of I h.. 60. IDent.33. 27. of the LORD, Ithe everlasting God. the earth be blessed; obecause thou hast I tie. 1.9. I0. 40. t. I3 And Abraham sojourned in the Philis- obeyed my voice. tMe. 12.3. aoa.lo.c26. tines'land many days. 19 So Abraham returned unto his young 18.18.&2h34. I Tim. 11. r 81.&2A ~~~155, ~ CAPE 1. 17. Xmen, andhhey rose up and went together to Acts3. 25. tCHAPTER XXIItff 5 _Hg.a PBeer-sheba; and Abraham dwelt at Beer- |Gl. 3. 8, 9, Adr'ahat, is tempted to ofer Isaac. 32He goveth at proofof his fith adi oediece. 1. Thie ag el a. 16,18. staleoth hida. 13 Isaae is changed with a r-sa. 20 ~ And it came to pass after these things, ovee. 3,10. 10 The tlae is ealled Jeovah-jiteh. 15 Abra-. that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, lh. 26. 26. ec ts tins 2. gaiss. TIihe Pho ssateio of o.- Mlilcah, she hath also borne children unto ash. 21. 31. hs.nto s Rebeka. thy h btheher Nahor; q. 11.2. 1872. A ND it came to pass after these things, 21 Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother,'Job 1.1. Joe.. At. A A1 that a God did tempt Abraham, and and Kemuel the father o Aram, Job 32. 2. alCor. 10.13. said unto him, Abraham: andhesaid, tBe- 22 Aad Chesed, and H-ao, and Hfeb. 11. 17. hold, here I a. and Jidlaph, and Bethuel. Jaws0 1. 111 2 And he said, Take now thy son, b thine 23 And tBethuel begat 0Rebhekah: 0 t00 [h. 20. 15. 1 oet. 2. 7. only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get eight IMIilcah did hear to Nahor, Abraham's | aCalled, tHshb.JlBted thee e into the land of Moriah; and ofer him brother. RHo. 0. 10, me. there for a burnt offering upon one of the 24 And his concubine, whose name was /ebecca. bH H. 11. 17. mountains which I will tell thee of. Reumah, she bare also Tebah, and Gaham, e2 Chr. 3.. 3~AndAbrahamroso upearlyinthemorn- and Thahash, and Maachah. ing, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and CHAPTER XXIII. clave the wood for the burnt offering, and 1 The.qe atd death ofSarah. 3 The prchas'e of ose up, and went unto the placa otahich 1c9oet, lei Sa,'. eoesed. od had told him. A ND Sarah was a hundred and seven and 1860. 4 Then on the third day Abraham lifted up -.. twenty years old: these were the years his eyes, and saw the place afar off. of the life of Sarah. 6 And Abraham said unto his young men, 2 And Sarah died in a Kirjath-arba; the aJoh. 14. 15. Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the same is hHebron in the land of Canaan:!udg. 1.10. lad will go yonder and worship, and come andA orahamcame tomournor Sarah, and Ooh.13. 18. again to you. to weep for l er. oe. 19. 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt 3 A And Abraham stood up from before his dJohnl9. 17. offering, and dlaid it upon Isaac his son; dead, and spahke unto the sons of Heth, sayand hetoolk the fire in his hand, and a knife; ing, and they went both of them together. 4'I am a stranger and a sojourner'ith ech. 17. 8. 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his fa- you: dgi.s me a possession of a burying- 1 Ct. 29 15. ther, and said, My father: and he said, place with you, that I may buryy dea oud P.-e. 100.123. ttoeb. Behold tHere am I, my son. And he said, Behold of my sight..11.9,13 es. the firte and the wood: but where is the 5 And the children of Heth answered Abra- dAct. 7..5. Or, akid, ilamb forl h;burnt offering? ham, saying unto him, 8OAnd Abraham said, My son, God will pro- 6 Hear us, my lord: thou art t ea mighty ISehb. a vide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so prince among S: in thechoice of our sp- of they went both of them together. ulochres bury thy dead; none of us shall d 9 And they came to the place which God withhold from thee his sepulchre, but that ecot.13.2.&14. had told him of; andAbraham built an altar thou mayeat bury thy dead. 14. &. 35. there, and laid the wood in order, and bound 7 And Abraham stood up, and bowed himthebl 11. 17. Isaac his son, and elaid him on the altar selfcto the people of the land, eves to the James 2. 2 upon the wood. children of Heth. 10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, 8 And he communed with them, saying, If and took the knife to slay his son. it be your mind that I should bury my dead 11 And the Angel of the LORD called unto o out f my sight, hear me, and entreat for me him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, to Ephron the son of Zohar, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. 9 That he may givewm'the cave of Machpe/1 Sam.5 22. 12 And he said, flay not thine hand upon lah, wtich he hath, which is in the end of his 1ie. 6. 7, 8. the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: field; for as much money as it is worth he tH eb. f1tt g eh. 26.. 5. fo anw I know that thou fearest God, see- shall give it me fora possessionof a burying- — Oey. James 2. 2. ing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine place amongst you. only sonfromo e. 10 And Ephron dwelt among the children 13 And Abracham lifted up his eyes, and of Heth: and Ephron the Hittite answered looked, and behold behind him a ram caught Abraham in the audience of the children of t RHeb, ears. ina thicket' by his horns: and Abraham Het, even of all that fwent in at the gate fch. 34. 20,24. went and took the ram, and offered him up of his city, saying, th 4. 4. for a burt offering in ithe stead of his son. 11 Nay, my lord, hear me: the field give I g See 2 Sam. 14 And Abraham called the name of that thee, and the cave that ie therein, I give it 24.21-24. 18 Abraham sendeth his servant GENESIr to seek a wife for Isaac. B. C. 1860. thee; in thile presence of the sons of thy peo- 10 d the servant took tencamels of the B. C. 1857. ple give I it thee: bry thy dead. catnels of his master, and departed; Il ofor 12 And Abraham bowed down himself be- all the goods of his master were in his hand: I Or, and. fore the people of the land. and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, over. 2. 13 And he spake unto Ephron in the audi- unto Pthe city of Nahor. poh. 27. 43. ence of the people of the land, saying, But if 11 And he made his camels to kneel down thou wilt give it, I pray thee, hear me: I without the city by a well of water at the will give thee money for the field; take it of time of the evening, even the time t that t Heb. that me, and I will bury my dead there.. 0omen go out to dra soateo.. stoetvich 14 And Ephron answered Abraham, saying 12 And he said, "0 LORD God of my master dots ater r unto him, Abraham, I pray thee, Ssend me good speed gofo-th. 15 lIy lord, hearkenounto me: the land is this day, and shew kindness unto my master 1E S.M. 9.11. h E. 30. 13. wo7-th four hundred h shekels of silver; what'Abraham. t. 9. tE. 45. 12. is that betwixt me and thee? bury therefore 13 Behold, tI stand heeoe by the well of wa-rve2. 2 thy dead. ter; and'the daughters of the men of the 28.13.&32.9. 10 And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; city come out to draw water: tx. 3. 6, 15. i Jer. 32.. and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, 14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel s Neh. 1. 11. which he had named in the audience of the to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I Ps. 37. 5. sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall t -eo. 43. current motey with the mterchant. say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink oh. 2. 9. keh, 25.0. 9. & 17 And kth e field of Ephron, which was in also: les the same be she that thou hast ap- Eo. 2. 16 49.350,31,32. lachpelah, which io as before Miam re, the pointed for thy servant Isaac; and'there- tSo. J.dg. & 50. 13. field, and th cave hich as therein, and all y sall I know the cave which tas thou hast shewed rind- 0. 17, a7. Aots. 7. the trees that twe-e in the field, that were in ness unto my master. 1 Sam. (.7. all the borders round about, were made sure 15 ~ And it came to pass, before he hoad 14 10. & 20. 18 Unto Abraham for a possession in the done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came 7. presence of the children of Heth, before all out, who was born to Bethuel, son of SMil- och. 11. 29. & that went in at the gate of his city. call, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, 22. 23. 19 And after this, Abraham buried Sarah with her pitcher upon her shoulder. his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah 16 And the damsel Y was t very fair to look y oh. 26. 7. before Miamre: the same is Hebron in the upon, a virgin, neither had any man knon t Ieb. good land of Canaan. lher: and she went down to the well, and Of coutt 20 And the field, and the cave that is there- filled her pitcher, and came up. tSee touth 4. in, t were made sure unto Abraham for a pos- 17And the servant ran to meet her, and 7. 8, 9, 10. session of a buryingplace by the sons of tecth. said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little taJer.32.10,11. CHAPTER XXIV. ter of thy pitcher. 1 Abraan slveacth hi.Seuat. 10 Te sevant's 18 ZAnd she said, Drink, my lord: and she 1 Pot. 3. 8. jooinle y: 12 Ilis p-aye:- 14 His sigoo. 15fRe- hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her & 4.9. teakshneetetA hbi., 18 folfilleth his Jsi,, 22 receiv- hand, and gave him drink. eth iewels, 23 shelueth he, kindred, 25 anti iv.i- 109 And when she had done giving him drink, oots.m LOlne s oTieseovoaot;not vod. 10 oshe said, I will draw owates for thy camels.Laban ente,'taineth him. 34 Te seant sheT et/I his olesaose. 50 Laban and ethlel a0p00rose it. also, until they have done drinking. 58 Rebekai consentetO tOo go. 621saacmtehh. 20 And she hasted, and emptied her pitch1857. AND Abraham a was old, and t well er into the trough, and ran again unto the c1.18.11. & A-l stricken in age: and the LORD bhad well to draw water, and drew for all his 2t. 5. blessed Abraham in all things. camels. tiehb. one 2 And Abraham said c unto his eldest serv- 21 And the man wondering at her h eld his into days. ant of his touse, that druled over all that he peace, to wit whether athe LORD had made a ver. 12, 56. ch. 13. 2. had, eput, I pray thee, thy hand under my his journey prosperous or not. ver. 3h.. ntoigl:o 22 And it came to pass, as the camels had Ps. 112. 3 3And I willmake thee f swear by the LORD, done drinking, that the man took a golden Prov. 10. 22. the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, 11b earring of half a shekel weight, and two 1 Or, jeto.ifo-, c ch. 15. 2. that Ythou shalt not take a wife unto my son bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight the fotehead. d er. 10. of the daughters of the Canaanites, among of gold; b Ex. 32. 2, 3. oh. 39.4,5,6. whom I dwell: 23 And said, Whose daughter ict thou? Is.3.19,20,21. ch. 47. 29. 4 hBut thou shalt go tunto my country, and tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy.Ez. 16.11,12, 1 Cllr. 29. 24. to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son father's house for us to lodge in? 1 Pet, 3, 3. La. 6. 6. Isaac. 24 And she said unto him, CI am the c 1h. 22. 23. f oh.. 22. 5 And the servant said unto him, Peradven- daughter of Betlhuel the son of lfilcah, khich Josh. 2. 12. ture the woman will not be willing to follow she bare unto Nalor. goh. 26.35. & smo unto this land: must Ineeds bring thy 25 She said moreover unto him, W hose 27.46h.&28.2. son again unto the land from whence thou both straw and provender enough, and room Ex. 31. 16. camest? to lodge in. Deut. 7. 3. G And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou 26 And the man dbowed down his head, d er. 52. h h. 28. 2. that thou bring not my son thither again. and worshipped the LORD. Ex. 4. 31.; h. 12. 1. 7 The LORD God of hoaven, which ktook 27 And he said, e Blessed be the LORD Gods e 23. 18. 10 Lch. 12'1. me from my father's house, and from the of my master Abralam, who hath not left Rluth 4 14. land of my kindred, aun' which spake unto destitute my master of f his mercy and his 1 S. 2.5,32, t oh. 12. 7. & me, and that s00are unto me, saying, lUnto truth: I bezng in the way, the LORD gled 2Ssm 18.28 13. 15. & 15. thy seed will I give this land;'he shall me to the house of my master's brethren. Luke 1. 68. 18. & 17. 8. send his angel before thee, and thou shalt 28 And the damsel ran, and told the0 t off ch. 32. 10. k Ootake a wife unto tmy son froms thlenee. her mother's house these things. P.. 98. 3. 34 4 8 And if the woman will not be willing to 29 ~ And lRebekah had a brother, and his gver. 48. Acts 7. 5. follow thee, then "thou shalt be clear from name zsas IhLaban: and Laban ran out unto hh. 29. 5. aEx, 23. 20, this my oath: only bring not my son thither the man, unto the well. t23. kil. again. 30 And it came to pass, when he saw the Hel,. 1. 14. 9 And the servant put his hand under the earring, and blacelets upon lis sister's,tJosh. 2. 17, thigh of Abraham his master, and sware to hands, and when he heard the words of 20. him concerning that matter. Rebekah his sister, saying, Thus spake the 18 The servant's success.,IGENES1S. Isaac neetet7h Rebekah. B. C. 1857. man unto me, that ho came unto tErmLn; 5 o0 Tigen Laban and lo ethluel answered and I B. C. 1857. and, behold, Tie stood by the camels at the said, Tlhethingproceedeth from the LORD: well. we oannot e speak unto thee bad or good. l Ps. 118. 23. ith 26. 2. 29. 31 And he said, Come in, ithou blessed of 51 Behold, lebekah Jfis before thee; take s1Ott. 21.42. Judg. 17. 2. the LORD; wherefore standest thou without? her, and go, and let her be thy master's son's Mark 12.11. Ruth 3. 10. for I have prepared the house, and room for wife, as the LORD hath spoken. ech. 31. 24. s.115. 15. the camels. 52 And it came to pass, that, when Abra- f ch. 20. 15. 32 T And the man came into the house: and ham's servant heard their words, he Ywor- gver. 26. kch. 43. 24. he ungirded his camels, anld gave straw shipped the LORD, bowing himself to the Judg. 19.21. and provender for the camels, and water to earth. wash his feet, and the men's feet that were 53 And the servant brought forth th jewels t el).vessels. with him. of silver, and Jewels of gold, and raiment, /h En. 3. 22. & 33 And there was set mceat before him to and gave theme to Rebekah: he gave also to 11.2.& 1'2.35. Jo, 23. 12. eat: butle said, I will noteat, until I have her brother and to her mother cprecious iC2 r. 21.3. Joln 4. 34. told mine errand. And he said, Speak on. things. Ezra 1. 6. Eph. 6.5,6,7. 34 And lie said, I ae Abraham's servant. 54 And they did eat and drink, he and the ntver.l.. 3 And theLO-oD'hath blessed my master men that oowere with him, and tarried all ch. 13. 2. greatly, and he is become great: and he hatll night; and they rose up in the morning, and given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and hesaid, kSend me away unto my master. ever. 56, & gold, and menservants, and maidservants, 55 And her brother and her mother said, 59. and camels, and asses. Let tile damsel abide with us l afew days, 11 Or, a fll o ch. 21. 2. 36 And Sarah my master's wife n bare a son at the least ten; after that she shall go. yeae, or, tle o cl. 21.10. & to my master when she was old: and 0unto 53 And he said unto them, Hinder me not, monthls 25.. 5. him hath le given all that he hath. seeing the LORD hath prospered my way, Jutg. 14. 8. ver. 3. 37 And my master Pmade me swear, say- send me a-way that l may go to my master. ing, Thou shalt not take a wife to ny son of 57 And they said, We will call the damsel, the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose and inquire at her mouth. land I dwell: 58 And they called Rebekah, and said ver. 4. 38'iBut thou shalt go unto my father's unto her, Wilt thou go witll this man? And house, and to my kindred, and take a wife she said, I will go. unto my son. 59 And they sent away Rebekah their sisrvst. 5. 39 "And I said unto my master, Peradveen- ter, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, l oh. 35. 8. ture the woman will not follow me. and his men. sver. 7. 40'And hle said unto me, The LORD, ebefore 60 And they blessed Rebekah, and said t eh. 17. 1. whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, unto her, Thou art our sister; be thou "I the /e ch. 17. 16. and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take seother of thousands of n illions, and "elet,ch. 22. 17. a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my thy seed possess the gate of those which hate fatler's house: them. s ver. 8. 41 u Then shalt thou be clear from this my 61 IV And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, oath, when thou comest to my kindred; and and they rode upon the camels, and followif they give not thee one, thou shalt be clear ed the man: and the servant took Rebekah, fromn my oath. and weent his way. 42 And I came this day unto the well, and 62 And Isaac came from the way of the evvr. 12. said, 0 LORD God Sf my master Abraham, twell Lahai-roi; for he dwelt in the southe o cl.l1. 14. & if now thou do prosper my way which I go: country. 25. 11. w er. 13. 43 w Behold, I stand by the well of mater; 63 And Isaoc went out 11'to meditate in I Or, topray. and it shall come to pass, that when the vir- the field at the eventide: and lie lifted up, Jasth. 1. 8. gin cometh forth to draw watcr, and I say his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels t'ps.1.2. & 7. to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water were coming. 12. & 119.15. of thy pitcher to drink; 64 And Rtebkatl lifted up her eyes, and & 143. 5. 44 And she say to me, Both drink thou, and when she saw Isaac,9she lighted otfthe camel. Josh. 15.18. I will also draw for thy camels: let the same 65 For she hacl said unto the'servant, What be the woman whom the LottoD hath appoint- man is this that walketh in the field to meet ed out for my master's son. us? And tie servant hdl said, It is my coer. 15, &c. 45'And before I had done Yspeaking in master: therefore she took a vail, and covlSam. 1. 13. mine heart, behold, Rebekahl came forth ered herself. with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she 66 And the servant told Isaac all things went down unto the well, and drew water: that he had done. and I said unto her, Let me drink, I pray 67 And Isaac brought her into his mother thee. Sarah's tent, and took Rebeklah, and she be46 And she made haste, and let down her came his wife; and le loved her: and Isaac pitcher from her shoulder, and said, Drink, was comforted after his mother's death. and I will give thy camels drink also: so I at cl,. 38. 12. drank, and she made the camels drink also. CHAPTER XXT. 47 And I asked her, and said, Whose I The son ofAbaha,r 6s be etelzea. 5 b/e didlidaughter aot thou? And she said, The sio-ofthisgoods. o 7is!e,, oddteath. 9 His b,-ial 12 Te g1ene atioi's Cof lam c. 17 Hi0 daugihter of Bethuel, Nallor's son, whom Mil- aeI, and death. 21 Isaot.,oyeth fe,,. Rebskah, Ez. 16. 11,12. cah bare unto n im: and I Zput the earring beineg'laor e. 22 0.le childresl stri-e ie hesr upon her face, and the bracelets upon her ob. 24 The bith of Esau ad Jacoh. 27 hands. Thsei difference. 29 sa selle oth his birthrih t. veR. 2. 48 And I bowed down my head, and weor- THEN again Abraham took a wife, and aboutl853. shipped the LORD, and blessed the LORD J- her name was Keturah. God of my master Abraham, which had led 2 And ashe bare him Zimran, and Jok- al Chr.1.32. [bch. 22. 23. me in the right way to take bmy master's shan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, brother's daughter unto his son. and Shuah. cch. 47. 29. 49 And now, if ye will Cdeal kindly and 3 And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. Josll. 2.14. truly with my master, tell me: and if not, And tle sons of Dedan were Assllurim, and tell me; that I may turn to the right hand, Letushim, and Leummim. or to the left. 4 And the sons of MIidian; Ephlah, and 20. The generations of Ishmael. GENESIS. Esau selleth his birthright. D. C. Epher, and nocah,% aad Ahidah, and El- dhis name was called Jacob: and Isaac was B.0C.1838. about1853. dash. All these were the children of Ketu- thrcescore years old whan she bare them. rah. 27 And tile boys grew: and Esau was ea dch. 27. 36. 0th. 24. 36. 58 And ahAbraham gave all that he had cunning loustce, a mano of tile field; and 1817. unto Isaac. Jacob owas f'a plain man, 9dwelling ill ech.27.3t5. [ 6 BUt unto thle sons of the concubines, teats. f ], l., 8.[ which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, 28 And Isaac loved Esau, because lhe did & 2.3. eth. 21.t1-l. cand Cseoelthemtoaway iotolsatc his coo, hoo attja.atthtRhhhlcd P.7. 27. I,i ch. 21. 14 a, ee ie laFY onIn Iheat of his v~nison: ibut Rebekahx loved [g~eb. 1 1. dJudg. 6. 3. lwhile lie yet lived, eastward, unto tlthe cast Jacob. ltH. l. 9. country. 20 ~ And Jacob sod pottaIge: and Esau..... et l-. 1822. 7 And these are the days of the years ofI came from tile field, and he coao faint: sea -s iso Abraham's h life which he lived, a hundred a0 And Estu said to Jacob, Feed me, I hi-t-2oth. threescore and fifteen years. pray thee, 0 with that same red pottage; Ich. 27.19,2.5, Then Abraham gave upa the glost, and for I 0 faint: threfore was his name call- 31. eeh. 15. 15. & died in a good old age, an old man, and ed i Edom. icb. 27. 6. 40. 29. full of years-; and fecas gathered to his 31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy about 1805. fel. 35. 2t. h people. birthright. t HO. stith 4. 33. 9pAnd "his sons Is..c and Ishmael buried 3'2 And Esau said, elhold, I the tha, slsd g ott. 35. 2O9.h himc in tte cave of Maclhpclal, in the field of point to die: and what profit shall this birth- ioth t..t. 50. 13. Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite, which right do to me? ced pettec. is before tamrce; 33 And Jacob said, Swear to m t this day; II That is, 2ed. beh. 23. 10. 10 l Tlhe field which Abraham purchased of and ho swore unto hit: and the told his theb..yoi.g ilet. 4D. 31. the sons of IHeto: tithere was Abraham bur- hbirttright unto Jacob. ta is. led, and Sarah his wife. 34 Theu Jacob gave Esau bread and pot- ktheb. 12. 160. 11 t~ And it came to pass after the death of tagce of lentiles; and lhe did eat and drink, taEc.. 8.15. Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaao; and rose up, and went his way. Thus Esau Is. 22. 13. Oat. 106.14-. h andIsaac deltby the kh elllahai-roi. despised his birthright. 1 Co. 15.32. 24. 62. 12 ~ Now theste ate the generations of Ishalt. 10. 11. coel, Abraham's son, 1wlo Hagar the OHAPTERO XXVI. Is bsecasea offatit ac.oato Gt. 2 God Egyptian, oarah's handmaid, bare unto I it,'ttetth a ttd bits eth hitt. 7 deis,ep'o-ed Abrham: cy aAbimtlethfa- detoigc tis wife. 12 He1!/owtabout 1800. 13 And'" these are the names of tle sons of eta rih. 18 Hle dilgeyth tsek. $itnth, atd IelfChr.. 29. IcIshmael, hy their names, according to their hb o.t. 126 Atbi.o.t.....t. a sot.atttt hit. generations: tile firstborn of Ishmael, Neba 0 ttBt-stsia. lttoacit. joto; and Kedr, and Adbeel, and Mibshan, ANND tlere was a famine in tie land, be- about 1804. 14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massat,.C. sides the first famine that was in the oh. 12. 10. IOr, I1aad.o 12 IIHadar, and Tens, Jetur, Naphish, days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto 1 Chr.. 30.. and Radeon: b Abimeleoh king of the Philistines unto Go- lbh. 20. 2. 16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these rcr. a-ce their names, by their towns, and by 2 And the LORD appeared unto him, and ha. 17. 00. tlteir castles; "twelve princes accrding to said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the osh. 12. i. their nationsi land whichl I shall tell thee of. 1773. 17 And these are the years of the life of 3 dSojourn in this land, andeI will be with dath. 2t. 1. Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven thee, and fill bless thee; for unto thee, P.. 39. 12. e8. years t and'le gave up tito ghlott and diad, and unto tty seed, I will give all these I11t. 11.9. and was gathered unto his people. countries, and I ill perform the oath which eh 28. 15. llSam. 15.7. 18 PAnd they dwelt from Havilah unto Is swareuntoAbraham thyfather; Jfel. 12. 2. Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest 4 And iI will make thy seed to multiply as la. 13. 15. 1 t aHO,. ftll, toward Assyi ta: anh be Odied gin the loses- the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy 15 18. Ps. 78. (0. ence of all his brethren. seed all these countries; kand in thy seed hclh. 22. 16. oah. 16. 12. 19 ~ And tlaeso are the generations of shall all lthe nations of the earth be blessed: Pa. 105. 9. 311-tt. 1. 2. Isaac, Sbraeam's son:a Abahanm begat 5 1 Because tiat tbraham obeyedmyvoiee, ish.15.5.&22. Isaac: and kept mychalrge, my commandments, my 17. 1857. 20 And Isaac was forty years old when he statutes, and my laws. kch.12.3.&22. sl. 2o. 23. took Rebekatl to wife, thle daugltter of Be- 6 ~ Aod Isac dvelt in Gerar. 18. a Ih. 24. 20. athul the Syrian of Padan-aram, tthe sister 7 And the meu of the place asked him of I ch. 22.16, 18. to Laban tle Syrian. his wife; and "thc said, She is my sister: ach. 1o. 13.h& 1838. 21 And Isaac entreatedl tile LORD for his for`eI-e feared to say, Ste is coy wife; oest, t. 2a,13. I tChr. 5. 20. wife, because site wacs barren: and tile scait he, the men of the place should kill me tarov. 29.25. 2 Chr. 33. 13. LORD was entreated of him, and'Rebekah for Rehbekah; because she Owac fair to look oah. 24. 10. Ezrsa 8. 2. ohis wife conceived. upon. /.o....10. 22 And the ltildlen struggled together 8 And it came to pass, hen he lthad been within her; and she said, If i1 be so, twhy tiere a longtime, thatAbimclech kingaof the 9la. 9.. eanI thustb'And she went to inquire of Philistines looked out at a window, and saw, h 0. 22.0 the LORD. and, behlold, Isaac was sporting with Reo h. 17.16. & 23 And the LORD said unto her, YTwo nc- bekah hlis wife. M. 60. tions are in thy womb, and two manner of 9 And Abimelech called Isaac, and said, 2 Sam. 8. 14. peopleashall be separated from thy bohels; Belold, of a surety she is thy wife ad tea s al. 27. 00. and Ithe one people shatll be stronger than satids thoue, She is my sister? And Isaeac |tal. 1.3. the other people; and athe elder shallserve said unto hlim, Because I said, Lest I die for Ro-, 89., the yoanger. her. 24 ~ And when her days to be delivered 10 And Ahbimeleoch said, What is this thou were fulfilled, behold, thoere woere tins in Ilast done unto us? one of the people miglht her womb. lightly have lain with tty wife, and 2ltho 01c01h. 20. 9. Lsta. 27.ll1,O, 251 And the first came oht red, lalloverlike shoulast taco brought guiltiness upon us. 07. a hairy gcrment; and they palled his name 11 All Abidh elech ctrgegd all his people, Esau. saying, Ide thiat qtouolhtlh this man or hits oP. 100. 15. 26 And after that came his brotlaer out, and wife shall surely be put to death. eHs.. 12.3. ehibis land'tok olold on Esau's toeel aed 12i Thlen Isaac sowed in that land, and tre- tIHb. fuaad. 22 The wells which Isaac digged. GENESIS. Esau sent for venison. B. 0. ceived in the same year Ia hundredfold: 34 ~PAnd Esau was forty years old when B. C. 17906. about 1804. and theLORoD blessed him. he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri 13 And the man twaxed great, and twent the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of ph.3. 2. a Oatt. 13. 8. forward, and grew until he became very Elon the Hittite: tab 4. 8. great 35 Whicht owere ta griefofamindunto Issaac q1 27. 4,. & aeaa.3. 04 For he had possession of flockE, ad and to tebckah. 28. 1, 8..h. 24. 1, 35. possessioo of herds, and reat store of a serv- CHAPTER XXVII. t-Hb. bittJab 42. 12. ants: and 4the Bhlistinea envied hIim. 1 Iaaaa edeth Ea- fa aeaao-. 0 Pdebah i-,tfttt. teh. 2. 35. 15 For all the wells twbhich his father's i eo aohtaoeoa la 1..atot [P.. 112. 3.....netepro fEsa-~ btalnethit. M0E]'sa P-v 10. 212. servants had digged in the days of Abraham 33 b- t, -Wah. 34 Bb,'iflgethr venisonl. 33 1saane trembleth. 34 ~au his father, the Philistines had stopped them, aomliaoib, adt itata oieo b 3f.-th 0tHeb. atat and ftilled them with earth. blessi,q. 41 He ahretaaeeth Jacob. 42lebltabh aaio. 16 And Abimeleoh said unto Isaac, Go from dbtappointeth it. Oar. us; for athou art much mightier than we. AND it came to pass, that when Isaac aboutl760. a at. 37. 11. 17 ~ And Isaac departed thence, and pitch- A-Jk was old, and'his eyes were dim, so a h. 48. 10. Ea. 4.. 4 ed his tent inthe valleyoferar, and dwelt that he could not see, e called Eau his eld- 1. 3. 2. there. est son, and said unto him, My son: and he 18 And Isaac digged again the wells of wa- said unto him, Behold, here am I. aa.E 1. 9. tea, ehich they had diggad tin the days of 2 And hlie said, Behold now, I am old, I Abraham his father; for the Philistines had baknow not the day of my death: b Pra. 27. 1. stopped them after the death of Abraham: 3 eNow therefore take, I pray thee, thy James 4. 14. y h. 21. 31. Yand he called their names after the names w'eapons, thy quiver and thy bow, tand go oat aoh.t2t.27,28. by which his father had called them. to the field, and take me some venison; t Heb. haut. 19 And Isaac's servants digged in the hal- 4 And make te savoury teat, such as I ley, and found there at well of tspringing love, and bring it to me, that I mayet; water.'oeIde dv.27 ate. that my soul dmay bless thee before I die. 21. 25. 20 Aad the herdioea of Gerar tdid strive 5 Aad hebekah heaad When Isaac spahe to C48.9 15. with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is Esau his son. And Esau went to the field to Deat. 33.1. ours: and he ealled the name of the well hunt fo r venison, and to bringit. iThnt it, IIEsek; because tley strove e ith him. 6 0~ And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her Co,1tetio,. 21 And they digged another well, and son, saying, Behold,I heardthy father speak strove for that also: and he called the name unto Esau thy brother, saying, l That is, Ha- of it II Sithah. 7 Bring me venison, and make me savoury to'ed. 22 And he removed from thence, ad dig- meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before ged another well; and for titat they strove the LORD before my death. 1That is, not: and he called the name of it lIReho- 8 Now therefore, my son,'obey my voice ever. 13. /oo.. hoth; aid he said, For now the LORD haih accoding to that Which I command thee. ah. 17. 6. & made room for us, and we shall abe fruitful 9 Go now to the flock, and fetch me fom 28.3.&41.52. in the landt. thence two good kids of the goaets; and I will -t. 1 7. 23 And he went up from thence to Beer- make them fsavoury meat for thy father, fver. 4. heha. esuch as hl loveth: 24 And the LORD appeared unto him the 10 And thou shalt bring it to thy father, b h. 17. 7. & e same night, and said, bI act tihe God of that he may eat, and that he' may bless thee gve. 4. 24. 12. & 2i. Abralhami thy father: fear not, for dI am before his death. 13. with thee, a{d will bless thee, and multiply 11 And Jacob said to ebekah his mother, Aes. 7. thy 3 eed for my servant Abraham's sake. Behtold, hEsiu my brother is a hairy man, h hO. ti. 25. ebh. 15. 1. 2.S And se ebildd an altar there, and dIa asmoothman: feolt. d 0900 the obae of the Lr, and 12 ily father peradventure willi feel me, iver. 22. |e.1.7.!fenlled upon the namne of thle LORD), and adIsalse ohma eevr n daa. 3, 4. pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's and I shall soemtohit at a deceiver; and eh. 12. 7. servants digged a well. I shall bring kacurse upon me, and not a ke(h. 9.25. 13. 10. 206 Then Abimelech went to him from Ge- blessing. tet 2ut. 27.18. fPs. 116. 17. at, and Ahluzzath one of his friends, gand 13 And his mother said untohim, IUpon me I lch. 43.9. 0th. 21. 22. Piichlol the chief captain of his army. to thy curse, my soi: only obey ty aoioe, Io 25.24... 27 And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore and go feth m te. I -14.9. h Judg. 11.7. come ye to me, seeing htye hate me, and have 14 And he went, and fetched, and brought ioa sent me w1o. ay from you? them to his mother: andi his mother o e made ve. 4, 9. tHe,. Oeeil 28 And they said, tWe sao certainly tthat savoury meat, suc.t as his father loved. - eein the LORD kwas with thee: and we said, Let 15 And Rebekah took t goodly raiment of t 1eb. desirakth.21.22,23. ther e e now an oath betwixt us, even be- her eldett son Esau, ohich were eith ter in bt. teitt us and the, and let us make a cove- the house, and put them upon Jacob her e.o..7. nant with thee; youngerson: tlehb.lfthoto 29 0 That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we 10 And she put the skins of the kids of the ehotldo J~e have not touched thee, and tos -ehave done goats upon his haonds, ad.upon the smooth unto thee nothing but good, and have sent of his neck: oPh. 21. 31. thee away in peace: Ithou arlt now the bless- 17 And she gave the savoury meat and the P.. 115. 15. ed of the LORD. bread, whitel she hiad prepared, into the o-h. 19. 3. 30 "tAnd lie mdo them a feast, and they hand of her son Jacob.. did eat and drink. 18 ~ And he ae a unto his father, and 31 And they rose up betimes in the morn- said, iy father: and he said, Here am I; o.h. 21. 31. ing, and"tsware one to anoother: aad Isaae who aoft thou, my son? sent them away, and they departed from 19 And Jacob said unto his father, I am him in peace. Esau thy firstborn; I have done according 32 And it came to pass the same day, that as thou badest me: arise, I pray thee, sit InThat is, A, Isaac's servants came, and told tlim con- and oat of my venisoIt,'that thy soul may ovte4. toth. oernineg the oell which they hlad digged, atd hless me. oh. 21. 31. said unto him, We have found water. l0 And Isaac said unto his son, How is it T i, l 33 And he called it II Shebah: ~therefore that thou hast found ift so quicklly, my son?.dl of tl. the name of the city is It Beershoba unto And hle said, Because the LORD thy God tH vb. iefobe otth. this day. brought it tto ame. 00 Jacob deceiveth his father. GENESIS. Esau threateneth Jacob. B.C. 21 And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy B.C. abeout17d. I pray thee, that I P may feel thee, sy sech. about 1760. son, whether thou be my very son Esau or 41 ~ And Esaue hated Jacob because of pver, 12. not., the blessing wherewith his father blessed.bch. 37.4,8. 22 And Jacob went near unto Isaac his him: and Esau said in his heart, OThe days oeh.50.3,4,10. father; and he felt him, and said, Thevoice of mourning for my father are at hand; is Jacob's voice, but the hands are the IPthen will I slay my brother Jacob. p Obad. 10. hands of Esau. 42 And these words of Esau her elder son qver. 16. 23 And he discerned him not, because his were told to Rebekah: and she sent and hands were hairy, as his brother Esau's called Jacob her younger son, and said unto hands: so he blessed him. him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching 24 And he said, Art thou my very son thee, doth 9eomfert himself, purposisg to 5Ps. 64. 6. Esau? And he said, I am. kill thee. I25 And he said, Bring it near to me, and I 43 Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; crd. 4. will eat of my son's venison, sthat my soul and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother Ito sch. 11.31. may bless thee. And he brought if near to Haran; him, and lie did eat: and he brought him 44 And tarry with him a few days, until wine, and he drank. thy brother's fury turn away; 26 And his father Isaac said unto him, 45 Until thy brother's anger turn away Come near now, and kiss me, my son. from thee, and he forget thaS which thou 27 And he came near, and kissedhim: hst done to him: hen I ill send, and and he smelled the smell of Ihis raiment, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be sHes. 14. 6. blessed him, and said, See, Ithe smell of my deprived also of you both in one day? son is as the smell of a field which the LORD 46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, sI am weary,el. 26. 35. & hath blessed: of my life because of the daughters of Heth: 28. 8. Htob. 11. 2 28 Therefore tGod give thee ofuthe dew of tif Jacob take a wife of the daughters of th. 24, 3. u Det. 33.13, heaven, and'the fatness of the earth, and lHeth, such as these sehich are of the daugh28. plenty of corn and ine: tees of the land, what good shall sy life do 2eSar. A121 29 YLet people serve thee, aed nations bow s~e t /.... down to thee: be lord over thy bretreen, CHAPTE XXVIII. /Deut.33.28. and Zlet thy mother's sons bow down to 1eelbhesbt Jrh.eO, a,ed ee-dh hi,, to Pdas Yeh.g925.BbB. thee: acursed be every one that curseth a-am. 6 Esac ma,e, ieth Maialath the daughter B23. thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee. of shmael. 10 Te vision of Jaeob'si ladder. 18 oh. 49. 8. 30 I[ And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac /e stose of deth-st. 20 Jacob's vo. a el. 12.3. had made an end of blessing Jacob, and Ja- AND Isaac called Jacob, and a blessed 1760. um. 249. 9. cob was yet scarce gone out from the pres-.L him, and charged him, and said unto ach. 27. 33. ence of Isaac his father, that Esau his him, 5 Thou shalt not take awife ofthedaugh- Ish. 04.3. brother came in from his hunting. ters of Canaan. 31 And he also had made savourysmeat, and 2'Arise, go to dlPadans-aram, to the house shos. 12. 12. brought it unto his father, and said unto his ofeBethuel thy mother's father; and take de Oh. 25. 20. ]ver. 4. ~ father, Let my father arise, and beat of his thee a wife from thence of the daughters of el. 22. 23. son's venison, that thy soul may bless me. / Laban thy mother's brother. fels 2429 32 And Isaac his father said unto him, 38And God Almighty bless thee, and make Who sort Shoe? Aed he said, I ass; Shy son, thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou. 17. 1, thy firstborn, Esau. mayest be a multitude of people; tHeb. a a t eb. tsew- 38 And Isaac t trembled very exceedingly, 4 And give thee lthe blessing of Abra- semly f blOe witoh andsaid, Who? where is hethath ath ttaken ham, to thee, and to thy seed witlh theo; people. I "'cq.etsee venison, and brought it me, andi have eaten hat thou mayestinherit the land t iwherein hoh. 12. 2.?eb.hret ed. of all before thou camest, and have blessed thou art a stranger, which God gave unto I Beb. of etc him? yea, eand he shall be blessed. Abraham. soceasris. eels. 280.3,4.5 34 And when Esau heard the words of his 5 And Isaac sent awcay Jacob: andhewent I iLh. 17.8. Bow. 11. 29. father, dhe crieed with a great and esceedig to unto Laban, son of Bethuel d Heb. 12. 17. { itrcy n adut i ahr ls.bitter coy, and said unto his father, Bless tihe Syrian, the brother of Rebekah, Jacob's me, even me also, Oa my father. and Esau's mother..35 And he said, Thy brother came withe...6~ -yhen Esau asaw that Isaac had blessed subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing.':Jacob, and sent him away to Padan-aram, to ech. 21. B. 30And hle said, e Is not he rightly named take him a wife from thence; and that as he ilThat is, A IliJacob? for he hath supplanted me these blessed him he gave him a charge, saying,!supepeaeter. ]two times: fhe took away my birthright; Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters febh. 25. 33. and, behold, now he hath taken away my of Canaan; blessing. And lie said, Hast thou not re- 7 And that Jacob obeyed his father and his served a blessing for me? mother, and was gone to Padan-aram; clh. 24. 3. g Fulflled, 37 And Isaac answeered and said unto Esau, 8 And Esau seeing ktbhat the daughters of 20. 35. 2Sam. 8.14. 9 Behold, I have made him thy lord, and Canaan tpleased not Isaac his father; tleh. wese seB. I all his brethren have I given to him for 9 Then ent Esau unto Ishmael, and took si in 5he h te. 28. servants; and hwith corn and wine have I unto the wives which he had IMahalath the Y. O I 1Oc is CeasustaineSed him: and what shall I do cow daughter of Ishmael Abraham's son, "'the about 1760. ued. nto thee, sy seon.?7, tsister of Nebajoth, to be his wife. Ich. 36. 3, 30. And Esau seidel-'unt his fathew,; Hest 10 ~ AedJscob 11weet euf Brom eer-sheb e, se is eslsd iHeblb 12. tl thou but one blessing, my father-?.bless me, and went toward ~Haran. DsB.0eesth. is-a. 28., even smealse, 0 sy father. And Esaulifted 11 And he lighted upon a certain plaee, and o h. 25. 13. spisoHeb. 11. 20 l p 8voice, - and weept. Starried there all night, because the sun was sHo.. 12. 12 of te 39 And Isaac his father answered and said set; and he took of the stones of that place, Caflled. |,0'f /~'| 9A lachsftherasedadai fat-ese. uneto him, Behold, ithy dwelling shall be and put themfor Ihis pillows, and lay down Acts 7. 2, Oh. 2523. IFethe fatness of the earth, and of the dew of in that place to sleep. Cf/,ee. 2 Sa-..14 heevee from above; 12 And hle ledreamed, and behold a ladder ph. 41.1. ObSd. 18,1 9, 40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and set sp on the earth, and the top of it reached Job 33. 15. 20. Ishalt servethyebrother: and e it shallcome to heaven: and beholded the angels of God qdJohnl. 51. r2 Kin. 8.20. to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, ascending and descending on it. Ichb. 1.14. 23 Jacob's vision. GENESIS. He meeteth with Rachel. B. C. 13'And, behold, the LORD stood above it, CRachel came with her father's sheep: for B, C. eabout 1760. and said, s! am the LORD God of Abraham she kept them. about 1760. thy father, and the God of Isaac: sthe land 10 And it came to pass, when Jacob saw o h. 35. 1. & whereon thou oiest, to thee will I give it, and Rachel the daughter of' Laban his mother's'cEx. t 2. 16. 483. 3A, to thy seed; brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's sth. 26. 24. 14 And!bthy seed shall be as the dust of the brother, that Jacob went near, and drolled dEt. 2. 17. *toh.13. 15.& earth; and thou shalt tspread abroad w to the stone from the well's mouth, and watered!5h. 12... tlhe west, and to the ast, and to the north, ths flock of Labh his otiher's bhother. |h 13... 16[ and to the sooth: anod in thee and ini thy 11 And Jacob hkissed Rachel, and lifted up o h.33.4d.45 t. 0 o seed shall all the families of the earth be his voice, and wept. 14, 15. feeth. schb 1. 14. blessed. 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he towas fher fch.13.8.& 14. oot. 10 00. 15 And, behold, Y! am with thee, and will father's lrother, and that he..os Rebekah's 14, 16. o h. 12. 3. h Zeep thee in all places whither thou goest, son: 0 and she ean and told her father. gch. 2i. 28. 18. 18. & 22. and will hbring thee again into this land; 13 And it came to pass, when Laban heard 18. &'20.'. for b I will not leave thee, ountil I have done the t tidings of Jacob his sister's son, tha t tHob. edrYSee per. 20, that which I have spoken to thee of. Ihe ran to meet him, and embraced him, ig.! 2, & tt..[ 16 ~' And Jacob owkoed out of his: sleep, and kissedhrnandb.rought him to hishouse. 0 h. 24. 29. t! to."' 10 tand he said, Surely the LORD is in dthis And he told Laban all these things. ch. i48.1', place; aiod I koew it not. 14 And Laban said to him, iSurely thou art i0 (e. 2. 23. -,h. 35. 6. 17 And he was afraid, and said, How my bone and my flesh. And he abode with J/s. s. 2./ Deot.31.,8. dreadful is this place! this is note other him tthe space of month. 2 S-.. b..'& Josh.'. 1.. but the house of God, and this is the gate of 15 V~ And Laban said unto Jacob, Because t. 10. 103.!IlKi.8.57. heaven c thou art my brother, shouldest thou there- t Heb ]Lt~. 13.s.!18 And Jacob rose up early in tho morning, sfore serve rme for nought? tell me, what V' em. 23.19. and took the stone that he had put for his shall tty wages be? dEo. 3. 5, pillows, and Iest it up for a pillar, f and 16 And Laban had two daughters: the Josh.. 15. poured oil upon the top of it. name of the elder was Leah, and the name,ch. 31.13,45. 19 And he called the name of gthat place ofthe younger toas Rachel. & a. 14. eIBeth-el: but the name of that city was 17 Loth oso tender eyed; but Rachel was fL2..OO81011, called Luz L the first. beautiful and well facvoured. fNuo.7. 1. 20 hAnd Jacob vomed a von, saying, If 18 And Jacob lovedt Rachel; and said, kI kch. 31.o41. Judg. 1., GGod mill be mith e, and will keep me in will serve thea seven years foe Rachel thy 2 SOt. 0. 14. 26. Hod.4.15. his way that I go, ant will give e -bread younger daughter. IIThat iL, The to eat, and raiment to put on, 10 And Laban said, It is better that I give hou ooGoJd. 21 So that II come again to my father's her to thee, than that I should give herto btho. 31. 13. house in peace; "'then shal the LORD be anotlher man: abide with me..g 11. 0. myGod: 20 And Jacob Iserved seven years for Ra- l oh. 30. 26. ne. 15. 22 And this stone, which I have set for a sohel; and they seemed unto him but a fewm Ho. 1. 12., Ma: pillar, "shall he ott's house: and of all days, foe the love he had to her. L- I Th. 6. 8. P IJcg. 11. 31. that thou shalt give me I wil surely give the 21 ~ And Jacob said onto L 0b, Give o 170. 2 Sw. 10.24, tenth un00 thee. my wife, foe my days are fulfilled, that I may 00. Xgo in onto her. oJodg. 10. 1. 1 j05,0 oHAPTER eXIX. 0 eo And Laban gathered togethoer all the l]-~om&. 10.0 iao. 15.8. mon f to place, and o made a, feast. oJ-df. 14.10. eth o oo t7h eoeo. 23t O,s 23 Andit came topass in the evening, that Joha a L2. ahto35. 7, 14. 28tes1i —doetibteo. Otflseoooeoth hott -hotel, he took Leah 0is daughter, and brought her aLe. 17. 30. nd' e, 3fot A ts, so se. Les oto im; and he ent in unto her, Os —thfltd3.6. i-, 1 0t —i h — ILs-, 35OodJad.... 24 And Laban gave unto hit daughter Leah 0th. life TdHEN Jaoob t ent aon his journey, Iaad Zilpah his maidefor a, hndmoid. iaftT. eme into the land of the t people of the 5 And it cmeto pass, that in the morning, R 2m.3.7 east00. behold,.itewas Leah: and ie said to Laban, H..O 12. 12. 2 Add be looted, ant belold a well in the Wat li this thou hast done unto me 0 did,Hoeb. el- fieSld, a ld, lo,there wee three flocks ofsheep not I serve with thee for Rachll bherefore e lying1 by it; for out of that 0 oll they watered then iast thou beguiled ome? thethocks: and a great stone toas upon the 2s Anid Laban said, It must not be so done well's mouth. in our countraey, to give the younger before t0the. plot. 3 And thither mere all the flocks gathered the firstborn ant they rolled tie stone from the oellos 27 0Fulfil her week, and we mill give thee oJdg.d14.12. moOh, and watered the sheep, ond pot the thio also for the service shich thou shalt stone again upon the nell's mouth in ooog serve titl me yet seven other years. ploce. 28 Andacob did so, and fulfld al weli -ek: 4 And Jacob said unto thm, My rethreno, and h gavone himundohe hio daughter to mife whence b ye?' Aad they said, Of Hearan also. are me. 10 And Laban gave to Rachel his daghter loe. 20. h And te said unto them, Kom ye Laban Billah his ondmaid to oe sher maid. doute. 15. theson of Naboi? Andtheysaid,We know 30 And ohe went in also unto Rachel, and qerlt. 30. 26. hi. he elove also Racheloc t moredt ha Lsal, and 31. 41. 0th}. Is i And he said unto them, elIs he melli sernved with tim yet seven othe years. HoJ. 10. 12. thoes pmosa Atd they said, He is well: and, boeholt, Ra- 1 i And when the LORD'w that Leah -t's. 17. 3. to hi.? oloel his daughter cometh mith the sheep. oeo hated, he ISpened her womb: but Ra- sb ch. 20. 1. boh. 0. 07. 7 And heesid, Lo, t it is yet high day, neitler chel "o's barren. aboutl7O2. stohb. p o the i's to time that the stile should bs gathered 32 And Lesh conceined, and bare a son; do isn ob. stogther: wate ye the sheep, and go 0d and she callet hi1 name h i Reuben for she ttlthito, S. feed tem. tsaid, Steely the LORD hath iloohed Onft E..3.7.4.. 0 And they said, We cannot, until all tte my affliction; now therefore my husboand 41 Aocks hbe gathered together, and till they mill love me. DRot. 26. 7. roll the stone from the well's mouth; then 33IAndtshe cooseist gain, andbarto sos; P..OO. 10. & e water the sheep. and said, Becouss the LORD hath heard 10. 1r1. 9 ~ And while be yet spatot with them, that I tas lhated, he both therefore given me I bodt1751. 21t. Rachel envieth her sister. GENESIS. Rachel beareth Joseph. B. C. this asoe also: and she called his name 11 Sim- 19 And Lcah conceived again, and bare Ja- B. C. about1751. eon. cob tile sixth soi. about 1747. 34 And she conceived again, and bare a 20 And Leah said, God hatl cndued me IIThat is, son; and said, Now this time will my hus- wvith a good dowry; nowlv ill my husband about 1746. llaeiteg. band be joined unto me, because I have dwell withl mc, because I have borne him sis about1750. borne himn three sons: therefore as his sons: and slhe called his name 11'Zebulun. Tat is, JThat is, namne called l Levi. 21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, DL)wesllg. JoLeedl. See 35 And she conceived again, and bare a and called her name acDinah. pe;Called, Nulu. 18. 2, son; and she said, Now vill I praise the 22! And God'Yremembered Rachel, and att. 4. 13. 4. LORD: therefore she called his name lJu- God hearkened to her, and "opened her Zabetlot. about1749. dah; and t left bearing. womb. about 1745. utatt. 1. 2. CAPTER XXX 23 And she coaceived, and bare a son; and liTIat is, That is, 1 Rachiel, in gr ief fo- he. bI a etese, Bivetl Bit- said, God hath taken awayt'my reproach: JuLgmett. Peaise. ehah hera.aid t.oJeacob. 5ShebearetheDa, can 24'And she called his name IIJosecpl; and qcll. 8. 1. t Hle,. tood eValeleali. 9 Leae giueth Zilca& her -Iaijl, ache said, tThc LORD shall add to me another a s t9. fe'ocbealaing. eaaeetleaedleed deaae. 14 Reatb6efi'ncetlL ma- son. cl s. 31. dalcs tuita uhieth L ae a buyctl lh-e- ebaeed of 25 And it came to pass, when Rachel had about 1745..achel. 17 Leah beareth 6- sal har,, and Dinah. 22 eachdel bete aJosea,ph. 2.sJa eob de- aborne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, slSaa,. i.. aie eth to deelrt. 27 Labatstayeth him o, a eCeete Send me away, that I may go unto mine Is. 4. 1. [ [ cvetant. 37 Jac'b' lolicy, uate.ebty he becam e own place, and to my country. Lute 1. 25. icah. 26 Give mcce my wives and may children, afor IlThat is, about 1749. ND when Rachel sawvthat ashe hare Ja- whom I lhave servedIthee, and letme go: for lddling. a ch. 29. 31. cob no children, Rachel b envied her thou knowest my service which I have done tcll. 35. 17. bh. 037. 11 sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me chil- thee. uch. 2.54.56. J 5 dren, eor elso I die. 27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, clh. 18 3..& c,ob.. 2. 2 And Jacob's anger was kindled against if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarr.y: 3 1. 6. dca. 16. 2. Rachlel; and he said, dAce I in God's stead, for YI have learned by experience that the ehc29. 20,30. a1 S.-. 1.. who latll withheld from thee the fruit of the LORD hath blessed me efor thy sake. yac. 39. 3, 5. 5e h6.2 omb? 28 And he said, cAppoint me thy wages, zSee ch. 26. fle. 30. 12. 3 And she said, Behold'my maidBilhah, go and I will give it. 24. ash. 16. 2. in unto her; fand she shall bear upon my 29 And he said unto him, bThou knowest ach. 29. 15. cchEb. be eilt knees, gthatI nayalsotlav c hicldre byhce. how I have served thee, and how thy cattle isleh. 1. 6, 58, Ea he. 4 And she gave him Bilhah her landmaid sas wit, me. S9, 40. h tio to wifo: and Jacob vent in unto a er. 30 For it was little which thou hadst before ntt. 24. 45. 35. 22. 5 And Bilhah concoived, and bare Jacob a I caze, and it is nov ticreased unto a l-... aboutl1748. "' titude; and the LORD hath blessed thee tHeb. b,teabe t 35 6 And Rachel said, God hatll ijudged me, tsince my corning: and now, when shall I fotL3 3 1. ne andhath alo eard my voice, and hath given provide for mine own house also? Lem.. I69. me ason: thereforecalled shehisaname IDan. 31 And he said, What shall I give thee tHfe. at',y, IThat is, 7 And Bilhah Rachel's maid conceived And Jacob said, Thou shalotnot give me any elTi. 5. 8. Jeelite. cagain, and bare Jahob a second son. tiing: if tieo wilt do this thing for me, I about 1747. 8 And Rachel said, With t great wrestlings cwill again feed aed keep thy flock. t Het. h- have I wrestled with my sister, and I 1lae 82 I ill pass through all thy lock to day, cityasof Gecl prevailed: and she called his name 11 kNaph-.removing from thence all the speckled and cll. 23. 6. tali. spotted cattle, and all the brown cattle 1 Tchat is.cie S WVhen Leah saw that she lead left bearing, among the sheep, and the spotted and she took Zilpah her maid, and /gave her Ja- led among the goats: and dof such shall be d h. 31. 8. k Cailed, cob to wife. my hire. latt. 4.C13, 10 And Zilpai Leah's maid bare Jacob a 83 So shall my erighteousness answer for e s. 37.. a/ephtleacim son. me tin time to come, when it shall come for tf 1. te about 1749. 11 And Leah said, A troop cometh: and my hire before thy face: every one that i8s eee t l.e. 4. asle called his name 1 IGad. not specl;led and spotted a.molg the goats, Rc. 13. 14. about 1748. 12 And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a aned brown among the sheep, that shall be. second son. counted stolen with me. tlThat os, i 13 And Lh d, ppy aeah th 4 Acd Laba said, BehHld, I would it co1any, daughters will call me blessed: and she might be according to thy word. Is. 65. 11. called his name 11 Asher. 35 And lie removed that day the he goats about 1747. 14 ~ And Reuben went in the days of wheat thllat were ringstreaked and spotted, and all tHeb. Ie sea harvest, and found mandrakes in the field, the sle goats that were speckled and spotcali:,,llescs. and brought them unto hlis mother Leah. ted, ad every one tllat had some white in c Paroe 31.28. Then Rachel said to Leal, 1Give me, I pray it, and all the brown among the sheep, and Leke 1. 48. thee, of thy son's mandrakes. gave them into the hand of his sons. 1ITlTat is, 15 And she said unto her, ols it a small 36 And he set three days' jourceybetwixt II"c,1cy. matter that thou hast taken my husband? himself and Jacob: and Jacob fed tlie rest about 1l48. and wouldest thou take away my son's man- of Laban's flocks. lah. 25.o. drakes also? And Rachel said, Tierefore 37 ~ AndfJacob took him rods of green fSeecll.31. 9n.... 25. hsle shall lie with thee to night for thy son's poplar, and of the hazel and chesnut tree; 1i. oNum. 16a. mandlakes. and pillcd wlitc streaks in them, and made. 16 And Jacob came out of the field in tie the white appear chich cvas in the rods. evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and 38 And lie set tle rods which lhe had pilled said, Thou must come in unto me; for surely before the flocks in the gutters in thle waterI have hired thee witll my son's mandrakes. ing troughs when the flocks came to drink, And he lay with her that night. that they should conceivo when they came to about 1747. 17 And God hearkened unto Leah, ald she drink. conceived, and bare Jacob the fifth son. 89 And the flocks conceived befolr tGe rods, 18 And Leall said, God haeth givrin. me my tind brought fortleattlo rilngstreaked, speckhire, because I lhave given my na idole to my led, and spotted. tiTliat iB, A husband: and she called leis came llssca 40) And Jacob did separate tie lambs, and hire. ehar. sot tle foos of tlice flokels toward tlie ring_ chr Jacob departeth from Laban. GENESIS. Laban pursueth after hint. B. C. streaked, and all the brown in the flock of 18 And he carried away all his cattle, and B. C0.1739. about 1745. Laban; and he put his own flocks by them- all his goods ewhich he had gotten, the cattle selves, and put them not unto Laban's cattle. of his getting, which he had gotten in Padan41 And it came to pass, lwhensoever the aram, for to go to Isaac his father in the stronger cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid land of Canaan. the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the 19 And Laban went to shear his sheep: gutters, that they might conceive among the and Rnchel had stolen the tt images that t ch. 35. 2. rods. were her father's. It eb. terna42 But when the cattle were feeble, lhe put 20) And Jacob stole away tunawares to Lae- Ihim, them not in: so the feebler were Laban's, ban the Syrian, in that he told him not that Judg. 17. 5. and the stronger Jacob's. he fled. at1 Sa. 3. gr. 3. 43 And the man.'increased exceedingly, 21 So he fled with all that he had; and he tH,. d.h (oeh. 13. 2. & and hhad much cattle, and maidservants, rose p,and passed overthe river, and'st of La2. 2-35. 2. and menservants, and camels, and asses. his face towat the mount Gilead. b. 13, 211. CH PTER ZZ22 And it was told Laban on the third day, cab. 46. 28. CHAPTER XXXI. that Jacob was fled. 2 tKins 12. 1 Jtcob uiot displeastue daclca-teth secretly. 19 23 And lie took Ihis brethren with him, 17. latel tiet leh et fatheast inages. 202 Laibn and pursued after him seven days' journey- Luke 9. 51, tcrsuetth fcter Icim, 26lll comcalneti of the a o lq. 34 llact el'ts P olcy c to elc c tlce 6 i- lage. and they overtook him in the mount Gilead. 53. 36 Jacob's cocmclaite of Lat6a. 4 Tihe coven1a,t 24 And God Ycame to Laban the Syrian in t ch. 13.8. of Laba, actl Jacob at'aleed. a dream by night, an d said unto him, Take y ch. 20. 3. 1131. A SD lie heard the words of Laban's sons, heed that thou Zspeak not to Jacob t either 33t. 1..1 saying, Jacob hath taken away all that good or bad. t 1. 20 teas our father's; and of that which teas 25 [ Then LabanovertookJacob. NowJa- z h. 21. 50. aPa. 49. 16. our father's hath lce gotten all this " glory. cob had pitched his tent in the mount: and t HIeb. ffeom beh. 4. 5. 2 And Jacob beheld bthe countenance of Laban with his brethren pitched in the goo to bad. c Deut. 28.54. Laban, and, behold, it awas not c toward him mount of Gilead. tH tb ees- t asbefore. 26 And Laban said to Jncob, What hast er.ay and 3 And the LORD said unto Jacob, dReturn thou done, that thou hast stolen away unathe day be- unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kin- wares to me, and " carried away my daugh-a 1 Sam.30.2. fore, dred and I?ill be witl thee. ters, as captives takes with the slvord? 1 Sam. 19. 7. 4 And Jacob sent and called Rachel end 27 Wherefore didst thou flee away secretly, d ch. 28.15,20, Leah to the field unto his flock, and tsteal away from me; and didst not Httb. hast 21. & 32. 9. 5 And said unto them eI see your father's tell ee, that I might hae sent thee away ole a ever. 2. countenance, that it is not toward me as be- with mirth, and with songs, with tabret, and fter. 3. fore; but the God of my father fhath been with harp? with me. 28 And hast not suffered me b to kiss my bert. 55. gtal. S0. 29. 6 And oye know that with all my power I sons and my daughters? Cthou hast now tUitl. 1.9,14. r. 38, 39, have served your father. done foolishly in so doing. A 20. 19. 20. 140.41. 7 And your father hath deceived me, and 29 It is in the power of my hand to do you Ats 20. 37. hver. 41. 7hchanged my wages iten times; but God hurt: but the dGod of your father spake h a c. 13.13. iNum. 14.22. tksuffered him not to hurt me. unto me eyesternight, saying, Take thou dyea. 9 5. tNc. 4. 12. | 8 If he said thus, The speckled shall be heed that thou speak not to Jacob either ch 28. 13. Jol, 19. 3. thy wages; then all tl he cattle bare speckled: good or bad... ech. 8.. 23. and if he said thus, The ringstreaked shall 30 And now, thouge thou mwouldest needs tee. 200. 6. be thy hire; then bare all the cattle riep. be gone, because thou sore longedst after Pt.ll. s11. astreaked. thy father's house, yet wvherefore hast thou I ch. 30. 32. 9 Thus God hath` taken away the cattle of f stolen my gods? f ver. 19. 1cr. 1, 16. your father, and given tcesc to me. 31 And Jacob answered and said to Lalan, Judg. 18 24. 10 And it came to pass at the time that the Because I was afraid: for I said, Peradvencattle conceived, that I lifted up mine eyes, ture thou wouldest take by force thy daugh11 Or, taeoalt. and saw in a dream, and, behold, the Ilrams ters from me. ewhich leaped upon the cattle owere ring- 32 With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, streaked, speckled, and grizzled. Olet him not live: before our brethren dis- gSeech. 4.9. nch. 48. 16. 11 And lthe angel of God spake unto me in cern thou what is thine with me, and take it a dream, saying, Jacob: and I said, Here to thee. For Jacob knew not that Rachel atn I. had stolen them. 12 And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and 33 And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and see, all the rams which leap upon the cattle into Leah's tent, and into the two maidservate ringstreaked, speckled, and grizzled: ants' tents; but he found them not. Then o Ex. 3. 7. for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto.ent lce out of Leah's tent, and entered into thee. Rachel's tent. et cl. 28. 18, 13 I am the God of Beth-el, Plwhere thou 34 Now Rachel had taken the images, and 19, 20. anointedst the pillar, aled where thou vow- put them in the camel's furniture, and sat aver. 3. edst a vow unto me: now t arise, get thee upon them. And Laban tsearched all the t Hob.felt,. ch. 32, 9. out from this land, and return unto the land tent, but found thele not. of thy kindred. 35 And she said to her father, Let it not 14 And Rachel and Leah answered and said displease my lord that I cannot hrise up be-. E._ 20. 12. r ch. 2. 2. unto him, "Is there yet any portion or in- fore thee; for the custom of women ta upon LeV. 19. 32. heritance for us in our father's house? me. And he searched, but found not the 1 Are we not counted of lim strangers? images. a cb29. 15,27.for'he hath sold us, and hathquite devour- 36 IT And Jacob was wroth, and chode mitl ed also our money. Laban: and Jacob answered and said to 16 For all the riches which God lcath taken Laban, What is my trespass? what is my from our father, that is ours, and our clil- sin, that thou hast so hotly pursued after dren's: now then, whatsoever God hath said me? unto thee, do. 37 Whereas thou hast tsearclled all my tEIeb.felt. 1739. - 17'I TlTen Jacob rose up, and set his sons stuff, what hast thou found of all thy houseand his wives upon camels; hold stuff? set it here before my brethren 26 :Jacob's covenant with Laban. GENESIS. Jacob's message to Esau. B. C. 1739. and thy brethren, that they may judge be- 2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This 13.. 1739. twixt Us both. Ies God's ihost: and he called the name of 38 This tvwenty years have I been with that place IIMahanaim. aJosh. a. 14. thee; thy ewes and thy she goats have not 3 And Jacob sent messengers before him to P.. 103.21. & 148. 2. cast their young, and the ramcs of thy flock Esau his brother Cunto the land of Scir, d the Luke 2. 13. have I not eaten. t country of Edlom. That i i E. 22. 1c, 39 iThat which was torn of beastel brought 4 And he commanded them, saying, eThus I7Thatis, To C. not unto thee; I bare the loss of it; oft emy shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy s'rv- mts. o, kEc. 22. 12. hand didst thou require it, whether stolen ant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with ch.33.14,16. by day, or stolen by night. Laban, and stayed there until nowa: eh. 36. 6,7,3. 40 Thus I was; in the day the drought con- 5 And fI have oxen, and asses, focks, and Deut. 2. 5. sumed me, and the frost by night; and my menservants, and womenservants: and I Josll. 24. 4. sleep departed from mine eyes. have sent to tell my lord, that VI may find t Heb. iedd. 41 Thus have I been twenty years in thy grace in thy sight. eProv. 15. 1. I ch 29. 27,28. house: I 1 served thee fourteen years for thy 6 ~ And the messengers returned to Jacob, fch. 30. 43. two daughters, and six years for thy cattle; saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and g h. 33. 815. encr. 7. and "I thou hast changed my wages ten also he cometh to meet thee, and four hun- h h. 33. 1. times. dred men with him. heh. 33.1.,aPs. 124.1, 2. 42 Except the God of my father, the God 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid andidis- ich. 35. 3. o er. 53. of Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had tressed: and lie divided the people that was Is. 8.13. been with me, surely thou hadst sent me with hlim, and the flocks, and herds, and the 1, eh. 29. 32. away now empty. i' God hath seen mine af- camels, into twco bands; 1Ol. 3. 7. fliction and the labour of my hands, and 8 And said, If Esau come to the one comleChr. 12.17. qrebuked thee yesternight. pany, and smite it, then the other company Jude 9. 43 And Laban answered and said unto lwhich is left shall escape. Jacob, Tihesc daughters are my daughters, 9 ~ kAnd Jacob said, 0I God of my father kPs. 50. 15. and these children are my children, and Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, the l1 lh. 28. 13. these cattle are my cattle, and all that thou LORD nwhich saidst unto me, Return unto nch. 31.3,13. seest is mine: and what can I do this day thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will unto these my daughters, or unto their chil- deal well with thee: drea which they have borne? 10 t I am not worthy of the least of all the t Heb. I am r ch. 26. 28. 44 Now therefore come thou, "let us make a n mercies, and of all the truth, hleich thou Icss than all, Josl. 2. 27. covenant, I and thou; s and let it be for a hast shewed unto thy servant; for with o my o.. witness between me and thee. staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I 24. 7. t ch. 28, 18. 45 And Jacob'took a atone, and set it up am become two bands. o Job 8. 7. foe a pillar. 11'Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand p Ps. 59. 1, 2. 46 And Jacob said unto his brethren, of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I Gather stones; and they took stones, and fear him, lest le will come and smite me, made a leap: and they did eat there upon anl themother t witl the clildren. I Hos. 10. 14. the leanp. 12 And.'thou saidst, I will surely do thee t lti. 1,poee. II That is, The 47 And Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha: good, and make thy seed as the sand of the ch. 28.13,14, Leaic of uit- but Jacob called it I Galeed. sea, which cannot be numbered for multi- 15. aes. Chald. 48 And Laban said,'This heap is a wit- lude. eThat is, s.e nes3 between me and thee this day. There- 13 ~ And he lodged there that same night; hel), of,it- fore was the name of it called Galeed, and took of that which came to his hand c a ch. 43.11. lessc. bei. 49 And Il sMizpah; for lie said, The LORD present for Esau his brother; Prov. 18. 16. uJosh.24.27. Match between me and thee, whllen me are 14 Two hundred she goats and twenty he I Tllat is, A absent one from another. goats, two hundred ewes and twenty rams, co r, 50 If thou shalt afticot my daughters, or if 15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, suateleooes. thou shalt take other wvives beside my daugll- forty kine and ten bulls, twenty she asses Judg. 11.29. ters, no man is with us; see, God is witness and tell foals. 1 Sam. 7. 5 betwixt me and thee. 16 And he delivered thec, into the hand of 51 And Laban said to Jacob, Behold this his servants, every drove by themselves; heap, and behold this pillar, which I have and said unto his servants, Pass over before cast betwixt me and thee; me, and put a space betwixt drove and drove. 52 This heap be witness, and this pillar be 17 And he commanded the foremost, saywitness, that I will not pass over this heap ing, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over and askotll thee, saying, Whose art thou? this heap and this pillar unto me, for harm. and whither goest thou? and whose are these 53 Tile God of Abraham, and the God of before thee? ych. 16. 5. Nallor, the God of their father, Yjudge be- 18 Then thou shalt say, Tleey be thy servcle. 21. 23. twixt us. And Jacob Zsvare by athe fear ant Jacob's; it is a present sent unto my. 42. of his father Isaac. lord Esau: and, behold, also lie is behind us. er., iled 54 Then Jacob 11 offered sacrifice upon the 19 And so commanded he the second, and beasts. mount, and called his brethren to eat bread: the third, and all that followed the droves, and they did eat bread, and tarried all night saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto in the mount. Esau, when ye find him. 55And earlyinthe morning ban sep, 20 And say ye moreover, Beoningld, thy se urvand kissed his sons and his daughters, and ant Jacob is behind us. For hle said, I will ch. 28. 1. blessed them: and Laban departed, acd appeaso him with the presentethat goeth be- tProv. 21.14. cce. 18. 33.& returned unto his place. fore me, and afternard I will see his face; 30. 25. CHAPTER XXXII. peradventure le ccill accept t of me. t neb. say lJeosi., Oaeot i 3. *Micn —sgse. " 321 So went the present over before him; faes, Jcaac. 60H iaf.afraideofsa3 us c o m Hnegs t o and himself lodged that night in the corm- Jab. 3. praleth for deliera aeec. 13 Hle e..dletlc a 1reelt pany. to Esak. 2 lit e 4raestleth vith a,- aelel at'e- 22 And he rose up that night, and took his tiel, chee le is cclel si,l ael. 31 le halleth. two wives, and his two womenscervants, and aPs. 91. 11. AND Jacob went on his way, and atho an. lis eleven sons, Uand passed over the ford Deut. 3. 16. Mib. 1. 14. gels of God met him. Jabbol. 27 Jacob and Esau's meeting. GENESIS. Dinah ravished by Shechem. B. C. 1739. 23 And lie took them, and c sent them over I iouslywith me, andbecause I hav t enough. B. C. 1739. - the brook, and sent over that lie ha knd he urgedhim, and e took it. ttoh. caused 24 ~J And Jacob was left alone; and there 12 And hlie said, Let us take our journey, t Heb. all ]tt. etrcstled a man with him until the breaCk- and let us go, and I will go before thee. bt Hoe. 12.3.4. ing of the day. 13 And hlie said unto him, MIy lord knoweth Pltil. 4. 18. Eph. 06.12. 25 And when he saw that he prevailed not that the children are tender, and the flocks kI2 Kin..5.23. t Htb.astnd- against him, he touched the hollow of his and herds with young are with me; and if flehb. -o-if ctf ethi'l' and Ythe hollo of Jacob's thigh oas men should overdrive them on y, l the. *aor~ntlg. ]out of'joint, as lie wrestled wvith him. flock will die.!joit, ytet 26 And:th o said, Let me go, for the day 14 Let mylord, I, pass over be-...d. 2 Cor.12.7. hreeth. Andhlesaid, "I illnotletthee for hi servant; and I will lead on softy, i,. to the oS-Loo ko24. go, except thou bless te. Itcor.ding as tle cattle that goetl be.fore ft f 28. 27 And he said untohim, What is thy name? me and the children be able to endure, un-.C iltdo,-. e os. 12 4: And lie said, Jacob. til I come unto y lord lunt Seir. tle. 32. 3. ch. 3. 0. 28 And he said, i The name shall be called 15 And Esau said, Let me now tleave witth oHb. set, or, 2Iit.. 17. 31. 00o 000 Jacob, but 1 Israel: for as a prince thee ome of the folkthat are with me. Andl t.o. 11 hat s, A hastethou tpower with God and dith men, ie,aid, lht eedeth it? "lot no find to? O, 0e.,b,' eo and stt ledpgracei le e in the siglht of my lord. fot? thit i hee.l~. e 29 And J aoob asked him, and said, Tell 16 ~ So Esau returned that day onhis way /tot. 34. S. & cIIos.123O4. me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, unto Seir.. tlot. 25. 31. eWhereforec is it that thou dost ask after my 17 And Jacob journeyed to'Sucoth, and 2.13. 27. 33. name? Andhblessied Oimthere. built him a house, and made booths for his g 8jos.3.27. J'dg. 13. 18i. 30 And Jacob called the name of the place cattle: therefore the name of the place is Psto. 0. Thetis, TA i Petiel: foe fI Oave seen God face to face, called 11 Succoth. jlTh ~'"1 Is ~lirne: for fn l... fo. te'f'olt.. and my lifo is preserved. 18I And JacobcametoIhmal, a cityof BIItha, f:h. 16. 13. 31 And as he passed over Peneel the sun tlttSlceht which is in the land of Cantan,.o.t3. 2 3. x. 2'4.11. & rose upon him, and he halted upon his when he tame from Padan-aram; aud pitch- lcalld, 33. 20. thigh. ed his tent before the city. hAcs 7. 16, Dout. 5.4. 2. 3 Therefore the children of Israel eatt not 19 And the bought a parcel of a field, Sycheet. Judg. 0. 22. f the sinewe tich shrtnk, which is upon wlteehee had spread his tent, at the hand pJoh. 24. 1. I 13.2. the holloe of tie thigh, nto this day; te- ofthe children of I Hamo., Shechem's father, /.ec0. 9. 0. cause he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh for a hundred pieec of money. o.4. 2. in the sinewt that shrank. 20 And lie erected there an altar, anecall- Johnt4.5. CHAPTER XXXIII. oed it IiEl-Elohe-Israel. Calle,, CHAPTER XXXXIII. AeU7i. 16, 1 The kindees of dJacob cnd oot th ie st CHAPTER XXXIV. et- 310 ig oeJaccotecceseil ec~zceoo llr. cte~ben l Oih beetttfttctcd, eced buildtcth tt.,lto- tolttd lDiteck istitiecd by Sheeoso. 4 dletsete h to,Oe, lot.s. t~:~o~lbhe~Jscra e' ma,'rcy he,'. 13 The so fs oJ -ao oife tht t con- lt. 35. 7. EI~~~dilobmdtcost. ~~~~diti-c of elcc tics 20 olcitot, 20 A ND Jacob lifted up his eyes, and look- Hoo,: oed -,:~t:cs:o, tcto-tlt'::ec:;, c It, G...d. ceo3. 0. l ed, and, behold, aEsau came, and mith 25 the soet of Jaco ecco that lvatcate slay i the God of him four hundred men. And he divided tce thee.,.7...speil tlsi, city..0Jottes- ce. Ioe-. /ohildren unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and h.i.o....d L. i. unto the two handmaids. AND'Dinah the daughter of Leah, which about1732. 2 And lie put the handmaids and their.-I-shebar unto Jacob, t went out to see...30.21. ehildren foremost, and Leah and ter chil- te daughters of te land. 6 Tit. 2. 5. dren after, and Rachel and Joseph hinder- 2 Andwhen Shechem the son of Hamor the most. Hivite, prince of the country, tsaw he, lie ceh. 6. 2. 3 And te passed over before them, and dtook her, nd lay with her, and tdefiled Jdg 14o. 1. boh. 18.. & b bowed himself to the ground seven times, her. dol. 20. 2. 40.6. &h43.26. until he came near to his brother. 3 And his soul clave unto Dinah the daugh- t Heb. bee-. cch.32. 28. 4 And Esau ran to meet him, and em- terof Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and bled he,, dch. 4514 15. braed him, dand fell on his neck, and spohe ekindly unto the damsel. Otob 22. 29.!.. tkissed tiom t.d they wept. 4 And lhechemtespake unto his father Ha- tlHO,. to the 5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the moe, saing, Get me this damsel to wife. N toae:t oefs momen and the children, and said, Who ore 5 And Jacob heard thtt he tad deled - O 40.. IH el.t thee? those 0 with thee? And lie said, The chil- nah hie dauglter: now his sons were mitt H., 2. 1i eh. 48h 9. dren ewhich God hath graciously given thy his cattle in the field: and Jacob fheld his eJudg. 14. 2. Ps. 127. 3. servant. peace until they mwere come. flSm10.27. Is. 8. 10, t Theo the handmaidens came near, they 6 ~ And Hamor the father of Sheclem 2...m.13.22. and their children, and they bowed thee- ment out unto Jacob to commune with him. ] [selves. 7 And the sons of Jacob came out of the 7 And Leah also with her children came field when they heard it: aed the men were near, and bowed themsel.ves1: ad after came grieved, and they.were e..y wroth, because eoh. 49..7. tHeb. b 0Who Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed te hhad 4wroeght folly in Israel in lying.itl 2bSa.13.21. it ct this tlcemseloes. Jacob's daughter; mwhich thing ought not h gosh. 7. 15. Landctothee? 8 And he said, tWhat eneaoest thou by tobe done. Jod. 20. fch. 32. 16. fallthisdrove which I met? Andh oesaid, 8 And tamer communed with them, say- i oLt 23.17. egl. 32. 2. 1'e.. coe tofind g c. in the sight of my ing, The soul of my son Shece ongeth fo.. tHTOu,. bdthct lord. your daughter I pray you give her t im to 61e theo t 9 And Esau said, I have enougb, mybroth- eife. ia thne. oher; t keep that thou hast unto thyself. 9 And make yc marriages with us, and h oh. 4.3.. I10 And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if give youre daughtters untoous, nd take our 2Oam-. 3.13. now i have found grace in thy siht, then dauohters unto you. & 14.21, 28, eceive my present at my hand' for there- 10 And yc shall dwell with us: and kthe k ho. 13. 9. & tt. 10.. fo{c I Otave tee tly foae, na though I htd land sanll be before you; dwell end irede 20... h lgatt. is. 10.]fr hv seen thy fac oGdand Ithorast pleased O...seen the face of od, ndtlou wast pleased ytherein, and "get you possessions there- I ch. 42.34. iJ.Id,. d';MM itl I me. in..h. 47. 27. toc 21. 11 Take, I pray tleeimy blessing that is 11 And Sheclhom said unto her frther and 2 it'ngs5.15. brought to thee; because God hath dealt gra- unto her brethren, Let me tind grace inyour 14 The Shechemites slain. GENESIS. Jacob sent to Beth-el. B. C. eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will CHAPTER XXXV. B. C. about1732. give. 1 Godl se-deth Jacob to etBh-el. 2 H1e prgeth his about 1732. _ 12 Ask me never so much "dowry and gift, ose of idols. 6 f e Irtildtlh ass slta,' ast ltB Ex. 22. 16, and I will give nacording as ye shall say unto el. 8 Dieboal dieth at Alloti-achttlh. 9 God 17. 2 me: but give me the damsel to wife. bleseth Jacob at Ber-el. 16 ll lilet a. 1825 t13 And the sohss oaa haf Jacob a nswere.d She- h as f Jab. oS Se 2 S am. them and Hamor his father o deceitfully, and 27 Jncob soaeslo a ac at lebrotl. 28 Pte age, 13. 24, &cm. said, because he had defiled Dinah their sis- death and btial of Isaac. ter: A ND God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up 14 And they said unto them, We cannot do to a Beth-el, and dwellthere: and make a oh. 28. 19. this thing, to give our sister to one that is there an altar unto God, Itthat appeared unto b ch. 28. 13. t Josh. 5. 9. uncircumcised; for Pthat were a reproach thee Cwhen thou fieddest from the face of cch. 27. 43. unto us: Esau thy brother. 15 But in this will ne consent unto you: If 2 Then Jacob said unto his dhousehold, icl. 18. 19. ye will be as we be, that every male of you and to all that werte with him, Put away Josh. 24. 15. be circumcised; the strange gods that are among you, and ech.31.19,34. 16 Then will wme give our daughters unto f be clean, and change your garments:o Jsll. 24. 2, you, and we will take your daughters to us, 3 And let us arise, and go up to Beth-el; 23. and we will dwell with you, and we will be- and Iwill make there an altar unto God, 1 San. 7. 3. come one people.' Lwho answered me in the day of my distress, f E, 19. 10. 17 But if ye will not hearken unto us, to be haand as with me in the way which I vent. ch. 32. 7, 24. circumcised; then will wve take our daugll- 4 And they gave unto Jacob all the strange Ps. 107. 1. ter, and we will be gone. gods whiclh were in their hsnd, and all their, l 2i. 20. & 18 And their words pleased Hamor and iearrings which etose in their ears; and Ja- 31., 42. Shectlem Ilamor's son. cob hid them under /the oak which sans by i Gos. 2. 13. 19 And the young man deferred not to do Sllechem. k Josh. 24. 26. the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's 5 And they journeyed: and thei terror of Judg. D. 6. qlChr.4.9, daughter: and he was wmore honourable God was upon the cities that aswere round IEa. tllha all the house of his father. about them, and they did not pursue after 723 27.. 354. 20 ~ And Hamor and Shechem his son came the sons of Jacob. Deut. 11. 2 unto the gate of their city, and communed 6 ~ So Jacob came to n Luz,which is in the Jolh. 2. 9. & with the men of their city, saying, land of Canaan, that is, Beth-el, he and all 5. 1. 21 These men are peaceable with us; thsre- the people tlot snse with us;im. Sa. 14.15. fore let them dwell in the land, and trade 7 And he built there an altar, and called 2 ChGr. 14.14. therein; for the land, behold, it is large the place IIEl-beth-el; because ~there God -nch. 28. 19, enough for them; let us take their daughters appeared unto him, when he fled from the 22. to us for wives, and let us give them our face of his brother. Ecc. 5. 4. daughters. 8 But I'Deborah Rebekah's nurse died, and I That is, Tt,e 22 Only herein will the men consent unto she was buried beneath Beth-el under an God of Bet/hus for to dwell with us, to be one people, if oak: and the name of it was called 11Allon- el. every male among us be circumcised, as they bachuth. o ch. 28. 13. are circumcised. 9 IT And qGod appeared unto Jacob again, I I, l. 24. 59. 23 Shall not their cattle and their sub- when he casle out of Padan-aram, and bless- II That is, lle stance and eveny beast of theirs be ours ed him. of feelonly let us consent unto them, and they will 10 And God said unto him, Tly name is wa. dwell with us. Jacob: "thy name shall not be called any qHOs. 12. 4. 24 And unto Hamor and unto Shechem more Jacob, Sbut Israel shall be thy name;' l. 17. 5. - ala. 23. 10. his son hearkened all that went out of and lie called his name Israel. s ch. 32. 28. the gate of his city; and every male sas 11 And God said unto him, tI ant God Al- blh.17.1.&48. circumcised, all that went out of the gate mighty: be fruitful and multiply; "a na- 3. 4. of his city. tion and a company of nations shall be of a.X G. 3. 25a I And it came to pass on the third day, thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; u oh. 17. 5, 6, when they were sore, that two of the sons 12Andtheland'whicllgaveAbraham and 16. & 28. 3. h. 49. 5,6,7. of Jacob, sSimeon and Levi, Dinah's breth- Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed & 48. 4. ren, took each man his sword, and came after thee will I give the land. / t ch. 12. 7. & upon the city boldly, and slew all the 13 And God'wvent up from him in the 3 4.&28.13. males. place where he talked with him. ch. 17. 22. 26( And they slew amor and Shechem his 14 And Jacob Yset up a pillar in the place. 2 tReb.mouth. son with the tedge of the smord, and took where he talked with him, even a pillar of ych. 28. 18. Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went stone: and he poured a drink offering there- z ch. 28. 19. out. on, and hle poured oil thereon. tbels. a lit27 The sons nof Jacob came upon the slain, 15 And Jacob called the name of the place tl piece of and spoiled the city, because they had de- where God spake with him, ZBeth-el. 5rottld, filed their sister. 16 ~ And they journeyed from Beth-el; 2 Kig. 5.19. 28 They took their sheep, and their oxen, and there was but ta little way to come to a ch. S3. 24. and their asses, and that which wats in the Eptsrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had I Sa 4. 20. city, and that which was in the field, hard labour. about 1729. 29 And all their wealth, and all their little 17 And it came to pass, when she was in 11 That is. Ite -,ones, and their wives took they captive, and hard labour, that the midwife said unto her, -1 of ny r spoiled even all that waas in the house. Fear not;'thou shalt have this son also. I80 And Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, 18 And it came to pass, as her soul was in 11 That is, Tle t h. 49.. 6. tYe have Utroubled me'to make me to stink departing, (for she died,) that she called Isis O ifht f the uJosh. 7.25. among the inhabitants of the land, among name IIBen-oni: but his father called him b ch. 48. 7. EX. 5. 21. tile Canaanites and the Perizzites: Yand I IIBenjamin. l Sa. 13.4. being few in number, they shall gather tllem- 10 And bRachel died, and was buried in 4 eItjPl. 1.2; & yDeust. 4. 27. selves together against me, and slay me; the way to CEplrath, whlich is Beth-lehem. Oric. 5. 2. Ps. 10t5.12. and I shall be destroyed, Iand my house. 20 Arid Jacob set a pillar upon her grave: rat. 2. 6. 31 And they said, Should he deal with our that is the pillar of Rachel's grave dunto d Sam. 10. 2. sister as with a harlot? this day. 2Sam. 18.18. 29 The death of Isaac. GENESIS. The kings of Edom. B. C. 21 l And Israel journeyed, and spread his on, Esau's wife: and she bare to Esau Je- B. C. about1729. tent beyond ethe tooer of Edar. ush, and Janlam, and Korah. about 1740. 22 And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt 05 These l were dukes of the sons of elic. 4. 8. in that land, that Reuben ent and flay Esau: the sons of Eliphllaz the firstborn sor about 1715. fell. 49. 4. with Bilhah his father's concubine: and Is- of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke 1 Chr. 5.. rael heard it. Now the sons of Jacob were Zepho, duke lenaz, Seo2m t16. twelve:t 16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and duke 1 C.22 0.1.3. The sons of Leah; oReuben, Jacob's Amalek: these are the dukes that came of oh. 46.. firstborn, and Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, Eliphaz in the land of Edom: these were B.. 1L 2. and Issachar, and Zebulun: the sons of Adah. 24 The sons of Rachelo Joseph, and Ben- 17 T And these are the sons ofReucl Esau's jamin:' son; dukNhath, duke Zerahat h, duke erahuke Sham26 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's hand- mah, duke MIizzah: these are the dukes maid; Dan, and Naphtali: that came of Reuel in the land of Edom: 26 And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's hand- these are the sons of Bashemath Esau's maid; Gad, and Asher. These are the son s wife. of Jacob, which were born to him in Padan- 10S And these are the sons of Aholibamah aram. Esau's wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaalam, 27 ~ And Jacob came unto Isaac his father duke Korah these were the dukes that h oh. 13. 18. & unto h Mature, unto the i city of Arba, which ca0me of Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, 23. 2, 19. is Hebron, where Abraham and Isaac so- Esau's wife. iJosh. 14.15. journled. 19 These are the sons of Esau, who is & 15. 13. 28 And the days of Isaac were a hundred Edom, and these are their dukes. and fourscore years. 20'These are the sons of Seir'the Ho- about 1840. 1716. 29 And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, rite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, and I mlChr. 1. 38. k ch. 15.1,5. & and kwas gathered unto his people, beitng Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, n ch. 14 6. 25. 8. oldand full ofdays: andthissonsEsau and 21 And Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan: Do. 2. 12, I So ch. 25 9. Jacob buried him. these are the dukes of the Horites, the chil- 22. & 49. 31. dren of Seir in the land of Edom. CHAPTER XXXOVI. 22 And the children of Lotan were Hori and 1 Esau's three tiveso a is 00emovot, to mou-t Seir. o s es,t h is. To do ihos,rteicdescet dedo IdHemam; aIld Lotan's sister wtas Timna. I1 Or, Ioe ao, of his st. 2(0 Ohe seots otll dukes of ei. 04 23 And the children of Shobal wtere these; 1 Chr. 1. 30. tnaJhfideth mle. 310 Tle kiogs ofddoo. 40 11 Altan, and Itanahath, and Ebal, I Shepho, Ol or,.tlia0, ThLe dkes that descendeof E. ad ofnam. 0 Osa. 0. 40. about 1796. NToW these arc the generations of Esau, 24 And these are the children of Zibeon; II Or, Shephli, ach. 25. 30. -- awho is Edom. both Ajah, and Anah: this was that Analh Chr0 1. 1.40. o h. 26. 34. 2 b Esau took his oives of the daughters of that found the mules in the wilderness, as OSeo Lov. 19. Canaan; Adah the daughter of Elon the he fed the asses of Zibeon his fatller. 19. cver. 2. Htittite, and ~Aholibamah the daughter of 25 And the children of Anah woce these; Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite; Dishon, and Aholibamah the daughter of about1760. 3 And d Bashemath Ishmael's daughter, Anah. d ch. 28. 9. sister of Nebajoth. 26 And these are the children of Dishon; elChr. 1. 35. 4 AndeAdah bare to Esau Eliphaz; and IlHemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and IIOr,. mranl, Bashemath bare Reucl; Cheran. 1 Chr. 1. 41. 5 And Aholibatmah bare Jeush, and Jaa- 27 The children of Ezer are these; Bilhan, lam, and Rorah: these e the sons of Esau, and Zaavan, and II Akan. Or, Jakat,, which were born unto him in the land of Ca- 28 The children of Dishan aloc these; Jz, 1 chr. 1. 42. naan. and Aran. aboutl740. 6 And Esau took his otives, and his sons, 29 These are the dukes that came of the about 1780. t eb. ou. td his daughters, and all the t persons of Horites; duke Lotan, duke Shobal, duke his house, and his cattle, and all his beasts, Zibeon, duke Anah, and all his substance, which he had got in 30 Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke Dislhan: the- land of Canaan; and went into the these are the dukes that came of Hori, country from the face of his brother Ja- among their dukes in the land of Seir. cob. 31't And'these art the kings that reigned about 1676. fell. 13.06,. 7 fFor their riches were more than that in the land of Edom, before there reigned 1 Chr. 1. 43. och. 17. 8. & they might dwell together; and the land any king over the children of Israel. 28. 4. wherein they were strangers could not bear 32 And Bela the son of Beor reigned in them because of their cattle. Edom: and the name of his city weas Dinhah oh. 32. 3. 8 Thus dwelt Esau in hmount Seir: Esau bah. Dout. 2.. is Edom. 33 And Bela died, and Jobab the son of ZeJOh. h2L 4. 9 S[ And these are the generations of Esau rah of Bozrah reigned in his stead.; ver. 1. the father of tthe Edomites in mount Seir: 34 And Jobab died, and Husham of the t IHeb. Bd. 10 These are the names of Esau's sons; land of Temani reigned in his stead. k 1 COh. 1. 35, kEliphaz the son of Adah the wife of Esau, 35 And Husham died, and Hadad the son tc. Reuel the son of Bashemath the wife of of Bedad, who smote Mtidian in the field of Esau. Moab, reigned in his stead: and the name 11 And the sons of Eliphaz were Teman, of his city was Avith. [I Or, Zel,h, Omar, 11 Zepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz. 36 And Hadad died, and Samlao of tasre- o:. 1 Chr. 36. 12 And Timna was concubine to Eliphaz kah reigned in his stead. Ex. 17.8, 14. Esau's son and she bare to Eliphaz Ama- 37 And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth Num.. 2420 lek: these were the sons of Adah Esau's by the river reigned in his stead. X Sam. 15. 2, wife. 38 And Saul died, and Baal-hanan the son 3,. 0c.13 And these are the sons of Reuel; Na- of Achbor reigned in his stead. ll Chr. 1. 60, hath, and Zerah, Shammah, and Mizza: 39 And Baal-hananan the son of Athbor died, Iddad,l'i. these were the sons of Bashemath Esau's andlladar reigned in his stead: and the. tt, lis wife. name of his city was Pau; and his wife's at soiso c 14Anodthe sesore thesonsofAholibamiali, name was Mehetabel, the daughter of Ma- ay, the daughter o f Anah tghte of Anah the daughter of Zibe- tred, the daughter of Mezalhab. aSo. 15. 30 Joseph's two dreams. GENESIS. He zs sold into Egypt. B.. 40 And these ae the names of the lthe man asked him, saying, What seekest B. C. about1496. dukes that came of Esau, according to thou? hbcutl'2. their families, after their places, by their 16 And he said, I seek my brethren: e tell r1 Chr. 1.5. names; duke Timnah, duke IIAlvah, duke me, I pray thee, where they feedttheir Cat. 1.7. lie, Allh. [Jetheth, flocks. 41 Duke Aholibsamah, duke Blob, duke Pi- 17 And the man said, They are departed non, hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to! 42]uke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzar, Dothan. And Joseph went after his breth43 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram: these be the ren, and found them in "aDothan. [2 Kings 6. dukes of Edom, according to their habita- 18 And when they saw him afar off, even 13. tions in the land of their possession: he is befor e hecame near unto them, "they con- n 1 Sam. 19.1. tHeb. Edost. Essau the father of tthe Edomites. spired against him to slay him. rt. 31. 13. & 19 And they said one to another, Behold, 37. 1, 32. 1 { CHAPTE1Z XXXVII. 1. CHAPTER XXXVII. this tdreamer cometh. Matt.'27. 1. I!9 JosephlsthatledofhLisibrethrsen. 5OHiseeteodreaes. 20'Come now therefore, and let us slay Masrk 14. 1. 13 Jaob sendeth him, to vist his bretthe. 18 Ilis brethet eo,pie his death. 2b Rebe, sa- him, and cast him into some pit, and we John 11. 53. eth hi,. 26 The sell him to the Ishmaelites. 31 will say, Some evil beast hath devoured Acts 23. 12.!IJisfother, de-ieelebytheblloo-dycoat, mouneth him; and we shall see what will become of tHeb. mastet' fo- hi.s. 36 H., i.. old to Potiphat is Egypt. his dreams..f dee.. 1721. A ND Jacob dwelt in the land t I herein 21 And 2'Reuben heard it, and he delivered O Por. 1. 11, t Heb. sOl hi -- his father was a stranger, in the land of him out of their hands; and said, Let us not 1e. 0. fatder'ts o- |Canaan. killhim. 27.,nittes.s. I~2 Tle ese ar ilee generations ofJacob. Jo. 22 And Reoben said unto thes, Shed no p h. 42. 22. oth. 17. 8. h seph, being seventeen years old, was feed- blood, but oast him into this pit that is in 23.4.&28.4. iing tle flock with lis brethren; and the the wilderness, and lay no hand upon him; b 6.o 7. lad was witlh the sons of Bilhah and with that lie might rid him out of their hands, to... the sons ot Zilpah, his father's wsives: and deliver him to his father again. 172. Joseph brought unto his father btheir evil 23 ~ And it came to pass, when Joseph b1Ssm.2.22, report. was come unto his brethren, that they strip23,21. 3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all ped Joseph out ofhis coat, his oatoft'oany cch. 44. 20. his children, because le saes the son of his II colours that was on him; O, ies.! ]old age: and he made him a coat of many 24 And they took him, and cast him into a ]l Os, pisees, Ileoloes. pit: and the pit swa empty, there oa8 no s Prov.30.20. Jela. 0.730. 4 And when his brethren saw that their fa- water in it. ts. 0. 6............ / i it Am. 6. 6. [ 2/Ss1.18l ther loved ehim oor.e than all his, 25 lAnd they sat down to eat bread: and See e-. 28, deih. 27.d41. & teeydhatedeim, adeould not speakpoaoe they lifted op theim eyes and looked,.nd, 36 they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, 36. 49.02.. oably unto ehim. behold, a company of eIshmaelites came s Jer. 8. 22. ] ]5 3 And Joseph dreamed a dream, and le from Gilead, with their camels bearing spi- /eh. 4. 10.! told it his breth.ene an.d they hated his cery and Sobalm and myrrh, going to carry it.....0. /]yet the more. down to Egypt. Job 16. 18. 6 And lie said unto them, Hear, I pray 26 And Judah said unto his brethren, lb Ss. 18. |you, this dee.w.eehich I haea. drea.ed: What profit is it if we slay our brother, aad 17. eh. 42. 6, 9. 7 For, ebehold, we ere binding sheaves in t conceal his blood?. ch. 42. 21. b 43. 26. & the field, and, lo, my shoP arose, fnd also 27 Cose, and let us sell hi to Ike Isbman yeh. It. 14. 27 Come, and let us sell him to the Ishma- [ y h. 29. 14.! 14.4 14. stood upright'; and, behold, youe seves elites, and "let not our hand be upon him; tineb. Hts.k toodrod abot, andmdeobeisanetofor he is I our brother and Your flesh: and, m ~y ~sb~eaf. l~his brethren content. [z Judy. 6. 3.] o8 And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou 28 Then there passed by Z Midianites mer- [ h. 4. 4, 5. indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed chantmen; and they drew and lifted up Jo- Pt. 105.17. I~have dosminion over us? And they hated seph out of the pit, Sand sold Joseph to the Acts 7. 9. [ shim yet the more for his dreams, and for his Ishmaelites for btwenty pieces of silver: b seesat.7.[ ~~wor~ds,~ oand they brought Joseph into Egypt. 9. 9S~Andhledreemedyetanotleredream, and 29 ~ And Reuben returned unto the pit; /eob 1.20.1 told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have and, behold, Joseph waso not in the pit; an de e. 42.13,30. feb. 46. 29. dreamed a dream more; and, behold, fithe le I ren his clottee, Jss. 31. 12, lie e rent his clothes. Jr 1 5 san.n..d the soon ad the elee..stae..ade 30 And he returned unto his brethren, and.e.. 23. obeisance to moe. said, The child dionot; and l, thither shlall feer. 20. 10 And he told it to his father, and to his I go?. 44. 28. brethreen: and his father rebuked ehim, and 31 And they took eJoseph's coat, and killedg yet, 19. said unto him, What is this dream that thot au a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in 2 Sam. 3.31. hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and the blood; h2Sam.12,17. gtb. 17.29. Othy brethren indeed come to bow dean oue 32 And they sent the coat oftmany colours, ich. 42. 38, & selves to thee to the earth? and they brought it to their father; and 44. 29, 31. h~Atst 7. 9. 11 And hhis brethren envied him; but his said, Tiis have we found: know now whether kch. 392 1. i Dn.7. 028. father ]observed the saying. it be thy son's coat or no. tHeb. - Luke2.19,5. 12 ~ And his brethren went to feed their 33Andhe knew it, and said, It iyson's ys, ee: B |f ather's flock in Shethem. acoat; anfevilbeast hath devouredhim; the word aboutl729. 13 And Israel said unte Joseph, Bo not Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. doth signify. [ thy brethren feed the flock in Sohehem? 34 And Jacob grent his clothes, and put nootonlye.ucome, and I will send thee unto them. Ani sackcloth upon his loins, and mourned foe one).., but be said to him, Here ae I. his son many days. bshlais, [ ]14 And l.e said to him, Go, I pray thee, 35 And all his eons aod all his daughters setl, eb. ssethe tsee whether it be well with thy breth- hrose up to comfort him; but Ise refused to -dfiee, pe c ohyren, and well with the flocks; and bring be comforted; and he said, For ii will go Esth. 1. 10. ttbrethete. tme word again. So he sent him out of down into the grave unto my son mourning. theOs. 4hisf /h. 29.0. lthe Yale of lHebron, and he ame tos She- Thus his father wept for him. [k h3. 21. 07. c hem. 36 And k the Midianites sold him into Egypt te,!]15 I And a certain man found him, and, unto Potiphar, an officoerof Pharaoah's, nd a lrs, halef behold, he owas wandering in the field: and t11 captain of the guard. ss. 31 Tamar decezveth Judah. GENESIS. She heareth Pharez and Zarah. B. C. OCHAPTER XXXVIII. saying, Wliere is'he lharlot, that tas 11 open- B. C. about1729. 1 bgeettelh A'r s, n d Shdelah..; as ly by the way side? And they said, Thllrc about 1727. narrteh eamlare. 8 S'he tt'esiasa of Otae,. I was no harlot ill this place. T hmaestate'thfote Selae. 1: Saedeciteth Jc- 22 And he returned ao Judah, and said, I I Or, i. adah. 27 &hebeaeth twiin, harerand lZan-ah. cannot find her; and also the men of the jinx. I ND it came to pass at that time, that place said, thaet there was no harlot in this Judah went down from his brethren, place..c.h. 19. 3. and aturned in to a certain Adullamite, 23 And Judah said, Let her take it to her, 2 Kitiss 4. 8. whose name stas Hireah. lest wee t be shamed: behold, I sent this t ch. become Ib cl. 34. 2. 2 And Judah bsaw there a daughter of kid, and thou hast not f0und her. lChr 2. 3. certain Cnannnite, whosename zuwasShuah; 24 ~ And it came to pass about three and he took her, and went in unto heer. months after, that it was told Judah, say3 And she conceived, and bare a son; and ing, Tamar thy daughter in law hath p]layed z Juad. 19. 2. Itch.46. 12. let allo d tis name dtEr. the harlot; and also, behold, she is with N-ume. 19. 4 And she conceived again, and bare a son; child by whoredom. And Judah said; Bring about 1727. and she called his name eOnan. her forth, "and letiher be burnt. saLev. 21. 9. e ch 6. 12. 5 And she yet again conceived, and bare a 25 When she was brought forth, she sent to Deut. 22. 21. num. 26. 19. son; and called his name f Shelah: and he her father in law, saying, By the man, whose ffcll. 46. 12. was at Chezib, when she bare him. these arc, atee I with child: and she said, NuIu. 26.20. 0 And Judah Vatook a wife for Er his first- bDiscern, I pray thee, whose are these, Cthe cl. 37. 32. gcll. 21. 21. born, whose name itte Tamar. signet, and bracelets, and staff. ater. 18. I ch.t 46. 12. 7 And hEr, Judah's firstborn, was wicked 22 And Judah l acknowledged them, and I ch. 37. 33. Baum. t. 26e. in the sifght of the LORD; iand tice LORD said, eSh e hath been more righteous than I; e 1 Sam 24.17. i1 hr 2.3. slew him. because that fI gave her not to Shelah my fvsr. 14. 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto son. And lie knew her again no more. eat 34. 31, k Dcut.. 5.. 5. ktlly brother's wife, and marry ler, and 27 V And it came to pass in th e time of 32. Matt. 22.24. raise up seed to thy brother. her travail, that, behold, twins stere ill her 9 And Onan knew that the seed should not womb. IDcut. 25. 6. be Ihis; and it came to pass, when he went 28 And it came to pass, when she travailed, in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it that the one put out bhis hand: and the on the ground, lest that he should give seed midwife took and bound upon his hand a to his brother. scarlet thread, saying, This came out first. t Heb. tus 10 And the thing whicll he did t displeased 29 And it came to pass, as he drew back evil 1i ts the LORD: wherefore lie sletw e'llim also. his hand, that, bellold, his brother came eyes of the 11 Then said Judah to Tamar his daughter out: and she said, I IHo hast thou broken Or, Trere1oa2. in lawi, "Rtemain a widow at thy father's forth? this breach be upon thee: therefore f ha asi-. it1. I th-ett ee alnm.4 6.;1. house, till Shelah my son be grown: for he his name was called II hPharez. thie teeaeth nlautllil 1. said, Lest peradventure he die also, s his 30 And aftlserward ame out his brother, itas histtee? brethren did.'And Tamar went and dwelt that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: lTheat is, A olea. 22. 13. tin ler father's house. and his name was called Zarah. biee,,h. t eb. tha 12 ~ And tin process of time the daughter h ch 46. 12. diys eter eof Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah ClAPTER XXXIX. Num.26.20 iplited. t' was comforted, and went up unto his 1 Joseph advance i Potiphan'a house. 71e e- 1 Chr. 2. 4. 1, 2Sam.13.39. sleepshlearers to Timnatl, lhe and his friend s eieth i.t a istiers' temptation. 13 ile is falte- Batt 1. 3. Hirall the Adullamite. le is ct in'i. 2I e ie at i 1 God is 13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Behold, tail/, hin there. IJale. 1. 10, thy father in law gocth up lto Timnath to ND Joseph was broght down to Egpt; 1729..57. shear his sheep. A and aPotiphar, an officer of Pllaraoh, ae. 37. 36. Jadg. 141. 14 And she put her widow's garments off captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bbought PN. 10.5. 17. from lher, and covered her with a vail, and him of the hands of the Ishmaelites, which b th. 37. 28. r trov. 7. 12. wrapped herself, and r sat in t an open place, had brought him down thither. tHeb. the which ie by the way to Timnath; for she 2 And Cthe LORD was witl Joseph, and he t 1. doorf s.yessaw etat Selath was grown, and she was was a prosperous man; and he was in tlhe. c 21. 22. & or, of gEa- not given unto him to wife. house of his master tlhe Egyptian.. 26. 24, 28. & 15 When Judah saw her, he thought her to 3 And his master saw that the LORD was 28 16. ver. 11, 26. be a harlot; because she had covered her with him, and that the LORD dmade all & 8. 11.128. face. that he did to prosper in his hand. Acts 7. 9. 16 And he turned unto her by the way, 4 And Joseph efound grace in his sight, dPs. 1. 3. and said, Go to, I pray thee, let me come in and he served him: and he made him fover- e. 18. 3. & unto thee; (for le knew not that she tas seer over his house, and all that he had he le 19.. his daughter in law:) and she said, What put into his hand. er. 21. wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in 5 And it came to pass from the time that feb. 2. 2. unto me? he had made him overseer in his louse, and t Ez, 16. 33. 17 And he said, tI will send thee tia kid over all that he had, that Utlhe LORD bless- gch. 30. 27. t Heb. a kid from the flock. And she said, UWilt thou ed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake; of the goats. a pledge, till thou send it? and the blessing of the LORD was upon all ver. 20. 18 And he said, What pledge shall I give that he had in the aouse, and in the field. ver.-25. 2 thee? And she said, tThy signet, and thy 6 And he left all that he had in Joseph's bracelets, and thy staff that is in thine hand; and he knew not aught he had, save hand. And le gave it her, and came in the bread which he did eat. And Joseph unto her, and she conceived by lim. hwas a goodly person, and well favoured. h 1Sam.16.12. 19 And she arose, and went away, and 7 ~ And it came to pass after these things, yvr. 14.'laid by her vail from her, and put on the that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Jogarments of her widowhood. seph; and she said, iLie with me. i 2San.l3.11. 20 And Judah sent tle kid by the hand of 8 But lhe refused, and said unto his mashis friend the Adullamite, to receive his ter's wife, Behold, my master wotteth not pledge from the woman'sahand: but h e found what is with me in thie lollse, and he hath her not. committed all that hehbath to my hand; 21 Then lie asked the men of that place, 9 Thelre is none greater in this house than 32 'Jbseph cast inlto prison. GENESIS. Pharaoh's butler and baker. B.C. 1729.. I; neither bath lie kept back any thing 6 And Joseph came ih unto them in the B.'C. from me but thee, because thou art his morning, and looked upon them. and, be- about 1718. kProv. 6. 29, wife: khow then can I do this great wicked- hold, they were sad. 32. h ess, and I sin against God? 7 And he asked Pharaoh's officers that were Ilch. 20. 6. 10 And it came to pass, as she spake to Jo- with him in the ward of his lord's house, Le.... 2. seph day by day that he hearkenednotunto saying, Wheefore look ye so sadlyto day i tHeb. are 2S-a. 12.13. lhere to lie by her, or to be with her. 8 And they said unto him, ldWYe eave yco. faec P...... 4. d 1cm ete s i u n o h, o I... I~~?.. Ps.1.i. 11 And it came to pass about this time, dreamed a dream, and there isno inter-.. that Joseph went into the house to do his preter Of it. And Joseph said unto them, Neh. 2. 2. business; and there was none of the men of eDo not interpretations belong to God? tell d cl. 41. 15. the house there within. me then I pay you. ech.. &Prt. 7. 13, 11 And scle caught him byhis garment, 9And the chief butler told his dream to Jo- 23 h. saying, Lie with me: and Ie left his gar- sepl, and said to hlim, In mny dream, belold, 28n 2. ment in her hand, and fled, and got him a vine ccs before mee out. 11 And in the vine were three branches: 13 And it came to pass, when she saw that and it wans as thiough it budded, and her he had left his garment in her hand, and blossoms shot forth; and the clusters tlcerewas fled forth, of brought forth ripe grapes: 14 That she called unto the men of her 11 And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand: house, and spake unto them, saying, See, and I took the grapes, and pressed them into lie hath brought in a Hebrew unto us to Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Phamock us; he came in unto me to lie with me, raoh's hand. t eh. great. and I cried withl a loud vice: 12 And Joseph said unto him, fThis is the fere. 18. 15 And it came to pass, when ie heard tlct nterpretation of itc The three branches eh. 41.12,25. I lifted up my voice and cried, that lie left I aeb three days: J. 7. 1. cis garment with me, and fled, and got him 13 Yet within three days shall Phareaoeh cDea 2.3. out. n ialift up thine head, and restore thee unto 4...t And she laid up his garment by her, thy place; and thou shialt deliver Pharaoh's sh. 41. o26. untillcis lord came lome. cup into his hand, after tlhe former man- Oose. nEx. 23. 1. 17 And she caspake unto him according to ner when thou wast his butler. h'2 Kings N. Ps. 120. 3. these words, saying, Tie Hebrew servant, 14 BUt tittink on me when it shall be well 27.. which thou ihast brought unto us, came in with thee, and kslew kindness, I pray thee, Jo. 2. 31. unto me to mock me: unto me, and make mention of me unto Pha- eb. 18 And it came to pass, as I lifted up my raoh,'and bring me out of this house:,ece voice and cried, that he left his garment 15 For indeed I was stolen away out of the.ihlce. with me, and fled out. land of tle Hebrews: land here also liave I iLuke 23. 42. 19 And it came to pass, when his macter done nothing that they should put me into I 2. 12.. heard the words of hIis wife, whichl she spake the dungeon. * I Snc.20. 11, unto him, saying, After this manner did thy 16 When the chief baker saw that the inter- 15. oProv.. 34, servant tome; that hiscwranthcwas kindlcd. pretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I 2 San,. 9. 1. 35. 20 And Joseph's master took him, and;'put also was in my dream, and, behold, I had I linech2. 7. pPs. 105. 18. him into the iprison, a place where the tlcree I white baskets on my Iead: lois. 39. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 19. king's prisoners we-e bound: and he was 17 And in the uppermost basket tiliec c ic. f..c.l off qSee ch.40.3, tcere is thc poison. of all manner ofibakemeats for Pharaoh; HoIe. 15. & 41. 14. 21 ~ But tie LORD was with Joseph, and and tihe birds did eat them out of the basket I' lck. see tHel,. or- Oshewed hlim mercy, and rgave him favour upon my head. ef PI...h, tesded kIisd- in the sight of tihe keeper of the prison. 18 And Joseph answered and said, m This | sheework f | isc. -o p22,Ap the keeper of the prison'0commit- is the interpeetation thereof: The three ck.. ed to Joseph's ehand all the prisonerse that kes e three days a. 12.'Ex. 3. 21. c were in the prisone and whatsoever they 19 cYet witin tliree days shall Pharaoh', e. 13 | did tee, ie the dc ofit. Illift up thy head from off thee, and shall' / did there, he was the (leer of et. Ps. 106. 46. 23 Thle keeper of the prison looked not to hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat le.e d Prov. 16. 7. any tling that was under his hand; because thy flesh from off thee. tane thy of. s. 1. 9. tthe LRD.was with him, and that which hle 20 And it came to pass t th third day, 0cc foe e Aeta7. 9, 10. did, the LORD made it to prosper. which was. Pheraoh's Ibirthday, that lie ~ -. sicn, 6to, 3. 4. seel. 40.3, 4. 1Pint HPE imadc a feast unto all hiis servants and o 14. 6. t ver. 2, 3. 2 [ 1 CHebulr abae fPTr o npito. lie I'lifted up the head of tice chief butlerl ld'rlc6. 21. Josep ch a charge ofth- e. 5 ice intecterh and of the chief baker among his serv- iOr,"ecko'mE. |theic dreams. 20 Tley comec to es.. ccr din g ants. chic ictcocctics. 23T'cs ictlitad- of tihe 21 And hie restored the chief butler unto Oott. 25.19. c~utler. ~~~~~~his butlership again; and'he gave the cup r. 13. about 1120 AND it came to pass after these thiings, into Pharaoh's hIand: Nec 2 1 a Ae th. L 11 e tnd thle Ibutler of lice king of Egypt 22 But lie thanged the chief baker: as Jo- s h. 1. ctand hisebaker had offended their lord the seph had interpreted to tem. 19. king of Egypt. 23 Yet did not the chief butler remember c Job 19. 14. BProv.l1.14. I And Pharaoh was bwrothagainst twoof Joseph, butUforgathim. Pa. 31. 12. I~~~~~~~~~~~ E-c 9. 15,16.[ his officers, egainst the chief of the butlers, aEc. 17,10 and against the chief of the bakers. CHAPTER XLI. cch. 39.20,23. 3 Anad he put ward in the house 1 Phoacahs co dreamo. 1.1 Joseph interp,'eeth of the captain of the guard, into thle prison, them. 33 He gieth Phraoh co'- st. el. 3co Jothie place where Joseph was bound., s,p is tcd.ncd. 50 e lecetetic Jin-cesbd 4 And tihe captain of the guard cearged acd pjssess. 54Tsfnmsts bgiciash. Joseph with them, and lie served them: and A ND it came to pass at the end of two 115. they continued a season in ward. full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, about 1718. 5 ~ And they dreamed a dream both of behold, hie stood by the river. them, each man his dream in one night, each 2 And, belhold, there came up out of tihe man according to the interpretation of his river seven well fnavoured kine and fatdream, tie butler and the baker of thei king fleshed; and they fed in a meadow. of Egypt, which were bound in the prison. 3 And, behold, seven other kine came up 3 33 Pharaoh's twoo dreams. GENESIS. Joseph interpreteth them. B. C. 1716. after them out of the river, ill favoured and and the seven good ears aec seven years: B. C. 1715. leanfleshed;: and stood by the other kine I the dream is one. upon the brink of the river. 27 And the seven thin and ill favoured kine 4 And the ill favoured and leanfleshed that came up after them are seven years; kine did eat up the seven well favoured and and the seven empty ears blasted with the fat kine.'So Pharaoh awolke. east wind shall be tseven years of famine. t 2 Kigs 8. 1. 5 And he slept and dreamed the second 28 epThlis is the thing which I have spoken sver. 2.. time: and, behold, seven ears of corn came unto Pllaraoh: What God is about to do lle tfHebft. f up upon one stalk, trank and good. I sheweth unto Pharaohl. 6 And, behold, seven thin ears and blasted 29 Behold, there comen Iseven years of great Iver. 47. with the east wind sprung up after them. plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: 7 And the seven thin ears devoured the 30 And there shall Yarise after them seven yver. 54. seven rank and full ears. And Pharaoh years of famine; and all the plenty shall be awoke, and, behold, it was a dream. forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the fanmaDan.. 2. 1. & 8 And it came to pass in the morning Ithat ine l shall consume the land; s. el.. 47. 13. 4. 5, 19. his spirit was troubled; and he sent and 31 And the plenty shall not be known in b Ex.7. 11,22. called for all bthe magicians of Egypt, and the land by reason Of that famine following; Is. 29. 14. all the Cwise men thereof: and Pharaoh for it shall be very t grievous. t Hel,. htay. Den. 1.2. 2.& told them his'dream; but there.orse none 32 And for that the dream was doubled 2. 2. & 4. 7. that could interpret them unto Pharaoh. untoPharaohtwice; itis because the althing aNnl. 23.19..catt. 2. 1. 9 I Then spake the chief butler unto Pha- is 11 established by God, and God mill shortly Is. 4i. 10,11. raeo, saying, I do remember my faults this bring it to pass. Or, ar day: 33 Now therefore let Pharaoh look out a o'o.f, d ch. 40. 2, 3. 101 Pharaoh was dwroth with his servants, man discreet and wise, and set him over the e ch. 39. 20. e and put me in ward in the captain of the land of Egypt. guard's house, both me and the chief baker: 34'Let: Pharaoh do this, and let him apfeh. 40. 5. 11 And f we dreamed a dream in one night, point 11 officers over the land, and btake up ]1 Or, oserI and he; we dreamed each man according the fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven ee". to the interpretation of his dream. plenteous years. b Prov. 6. 6,7, 12 And there was there with us a young 35 And 0let them gather all the food of 8. g ch. 37. 36; man, a Hebrew, Y servant to the captain of those good years that come, and lay up corn ever. 48. h eh. 40. 12, the guard; and we told him, and le h inter- under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them &c. preted to us our dreams; to eacl man ac- keep food in the cities. cording to his dream he did interpret. 36 And that food shall be for store to the ich. 40. 22, 13 And it came to pass, ias he interpreted land against the seven years of famine, tfHeb. 6e not to us, so it was; me he restored unto mhine which shall be in the land of Egypt; thatcst eff office, and him he hanged. the land t dperish not through the famine. d ch 47.15,19. kPs. 105. 20.:14 k Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, 37 ~ And ethe thing was good in tie eyes,Ps. 10.. 19. t teb, mda and they ttbrought him hastily "'out of the of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his serv- Ats 7. 10. hi,. u,. dungeon: and he shaved himself, andchang- ants. As. 27. 18. I Dn. s. 25. ed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh. 38 And Pharaoh said unto his servants, J o332. 8. n.lSam.2.8. 1h And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have e an we find such a one as this is, a man Prov. 2. 6. Ps. 113. 7, 6. dreamed a dream, and there is none that fin whom the Spiritof God is? Dan.. 8, 18. n ver. 12. can interpret it: nand I have heard say of 39 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Foras- & 5.11, 14. Ps. 25. 14. thee,.that I thou canst understand a dream muck as God hath shewed thee all this, there & fi 3. Dan. 5. 16. to interpret it. is none so'discreet and wise as thou art: gPs. 105. 21, i Or, when 16 And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, 40 YThou shalt be over my house, and ae- A22' 7. 10. theo hea.res o-t is not in me: GPod shall give Pharaoh cording unto thy word shall all my people btHehsos - ladreanth an answer ofpeace. tbe ruled: only in the throne will I be ede kia.,e-.~t.nte..- 17 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, OIn my greater th th thou. hDan. 6. 3. D 2. e. 30...eas, behold, I stood upon the bank of the 41 And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I.Eth.. 310. Asts s3. 12. river: have h set thee over all the land of Egypt. t. 2,8. 2 or. 3.5. 18 And, behold, there came up out of the 42 And Pharaoh itook off his ring from his ['s.t'. 8. 15. p ch. 40. 8. river seven kine, fatfleshed and well favour- hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and Esth,. 1 Dnn.2.2',28. ed; and they fed in a meadow: karrayed him in vestures of 11 fine linen, eand l Or, silk. 47. & 4. 2. 19 And, behold, seven other kine came up put a gold chain about his neck; IDan.5. 7, 29. ver. 1. after them, poor and very ill favoured and 43 And he made him to ride in the second mEsth. 6. 9. leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the chariot which he had; sand they cried be- 11 Or, Tendel land ofEgypt for badness: fore him, litBow the knee: and he made fathee,. 20 And the lean and the ill favoured kine him rtler "over all the land of Egypt. Ch. 45. 8. did eat up the first seven fat kine: 44 And Pharaos said unto Joseph, I amE tHeb.A6Xech. t Heb. come 21 And when they had t eaten them up, it Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man eb. 42. 6. & to she in could not be known that they had eaten lift up his hand or foot in all the land of 45.8, 20. o ar Ptbem; but they tese still ill favoused, as at Egypt. A 7. 10. of them. the beginning. So I awoke. 45 And Pharaoh called Joseph's name h Yhichpti 22 And I saw in my dream, and, behold, 11Zaphnath-paaneah; and he gave him to ignithe o A seven ears came Up in one stalk, full and wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah 1elealer of. good:. priestof On. AndJosephwent out over secrets, or, I Or, small. 23 And, bbehold, seven ears,,withered, all thelandiof Egypt. Ts mas to thin, tcl blasted with the east wind, sprung 46. And Joseph was thirty years old when r wse o set [ up after them: lee 0stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. 24 And the thin ears devoured the seven And Joseph went out from the presence ofE tIr, rseC' rver. 8, good ears: and'I told this unto the magi- Pharaoh, and went thlroughout all the land 2 Sa 8. 818. Dan. 0 7. eians; but there was none that could de- of Eypt. & 20. 26. clare'it to me. 47 And in the seven plenteous years the about 1715. 25 ~ And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The earth brought forth by handfuls. l e -121. sD.2.28,29, dream of Pharaoh is one: sGod hath shew- 48 And le gathered up all the food of the I Kin 1 a 2.6, 45. ed Pharaoh what he is about to do. seven years, which were in the land of 8. Rev.4. 1. 20 The seven good kine ars seven years; Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: Dan,. 1. 19. Jacob sendeth his. ten sons GENESIS. to buy corn in Egypt,. B. C. 1716. the food of the hfield, which was round about 12 And lie said unto them, Nay, but to see B. C. 1707. - - every city, laid he up in the same. the nakedness of the land ye are bom.' 1ch. 22. 17. 49 And Joseph gathered corn'as the sand 13 And they said, Thy servants are twelve Judg. 7. 12. ofthe sea,. very much, until he left number- brethren, te sons of one man in the land of 1Sa. 13. 5. ing; for it seas without number. Caaanaanad, behold, the youngest is this P 50 And unto Josephaere born tOo sons, day eiti our father, and one his not. hch. 37. 30. ch.46. 20. & before the years of famine came: olaich As- 14 And Joseph said unto them, That is itL 5. 7. 4r.5. enath the daughter of Poti-pherah 1I priest of tlcat I spake unto you, saying, Ye are spies: Se ch.44.20. 11er, prtcs, On bare unto him. 15 Hereby ye shall be proved: iBy the life iSee ISam.1. 2 isam.. 18. 51 And Joseph called the name of the first- of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence, ex-26.. 17. 55. about 1712. born IIManasseh For God, saic he, hath cept your youngest brother come hither. made me forget all my toil, and all my fa- 16 Send one of you, and let him fetch your geIITtis,g.r- ther's couse. brother, and ye shall be tkept in prison, I Hes.bound. oeltsin c 52 And the name of the second called he that your swords may be proved, whether about 1711. a. Ephraim: For God -hatlh caused me to be there be any truth in you: or else by the I Tht i, efruitful in the land of my offliction. life of Plraol surely ye ace spies.'cuaictfclc. 53 ~q And the seven years of plenteousness, 17 And le t put them all together into ward t eb. gathr... 22.. that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. three days. esnd. 1708. 54 SAnd the seven years of dearth began to 18 And Joseph said unto them the third sps. 105. 16. come, taccording as Joseph had said: and day, Tcis do, and live; kfdci I fear God: Le., 25. 43, Acts 7. 11 the dearth was in all lands; but in all the 19 If ye be true zecn, let one of your breth- Nesi. 7. 15. t ers. 30. land of Egypt there was bread. ren be bound in the house of your prison: 55 And when allthe land of Egypt was fam- go ye, carry corn for the famine of your ished, the people cried to Pliaraoh for bread: louses: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, 20 3ut lbring your youngest brother unto lser. 34. Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do. me; so shall your words be verified, andye | l.43.5.& 44. 50 And the famine was over all the face shall not die. And they did so. 23. t en,. all of the earth: and Joseph opened t all'the 211 ~ And they said one to another; aWe m Jo, 3O. 8, 9;: tulceiwsas. storellouses, and U sold unto the Egyptians; are verily guilty concerning our brother, in HI-os. 15. s ch. 42. (. & and the famine waned sore in the land of that we saw the anguish of his soul, when he 47. 14, 24. Egypt. besouglit us, and Me eaiouldnot hear; " there- Preo 21. 13. D)eut. 9. 28. 57'And all countries came into Egypt to fore is this distress come upon us. 3astt. 7. a. Joseph for to buy corn; because that the 22 And Reuben answered them, saying, famine was so sore in all'lands. Spako I not unto you, saying, Do not sin o h. 37. 21. against the child;' and ye would not hear? CHAPTER XLII. tlerefore, behold, also his blood is irc- pch. 9.5. 1 Jaob setndeth Ai.ts t s80 to bulely cn iac ESypt. quired. 1 ing 2.32. 10o Tlce~saaseimpsole stcbyiJoo/saclfo)seciesa. 18 23 And they knew not that Joseph under- P1r.9. 12.0 Pesy 5ae set at tiie-ty, oleditio- to brOing stood them; for t lie spake'unto them by an Luke 11. 50, pste, ic. 2P Oel as esoess foe Joco5h h. interpreter. 51. 24 hm, is ept for a edy. 29 Tlhey eit1Lo 24 And he turned himself about from them, t ieb, an to Jacob. 36 Jacob 1efuaeth to sed Bdelja- and rept; and returned to them again, and ic1atcaete r min. communed with tiem, and took from them a- between 170. NTOW whoen aJacob saw that there was Simeon, and bound Iim before their eyes. satn xActs 7. 12...i corn in Egypt, J acob said unto his sons, 25.~ Then Josepl commanded to fill their Why do ye look one upon another? sacks with corn, and to restore every man's 2 And lie said, Behold, I have heard that money into his sack, and to give them prothere is corn in Egypt: get you down tllh- vision: for the way: and t thus did he unto qsMatt. S. 44. er, and buy for us from thence; that we them.' Ram. 12. 17, b Clh. 43. 8. may blive, and not die. 20 And they laded their asses with the 20, 1. Ps. 118. 17. 3 ~ And Josepl's ten brethren went down corn, and departed thence. Is8 1. l. to buy corn in Egypt. 27 And as "one. of them opened his sack to Seeh.]l.3.21. 4 But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob give his ass provender in the inn, lie espied sent not with his brethren; for he, said, his money; for, behold, it ovas in his sack's e ve. 38. C Lest peradventure mischief befall him. mouth. 5 And the sons of Israel came to buy corn 28 And he said unto his brethren, My among those that came: for the famine was money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my ct At..l. 11. din the land of Canaan. sack: and their heart tfailed thecn, and t.el.. n.e.t C1. 41d. 41. 0 And Joseph ovas the governoreIover the they were afraid, saying one to another, fa-th. land, and lie it teas that sold to all the peo- What is this that God liath done unto us? pie of the land: and Joscphc's -bretllren 1290' And they came unto Jacob their father foh. 37. 7. came, and f bowed down themselves before unto the land. of Canaan, and told him all him Suith their faces to the earth. tihat befell'unto them; saying, 7 And Joseph saw his brethren, and he 30 The man, whto is the lord of the land, knew them, but made himself strange unto spake troughly to us, and'took us for sero7. t Heb.,ard them, and spake troughly unto them; and spies of the country. tte h. aith t sin with he said unto them, Whence comee ye? And 81 And we said unto him, We are true so haod they said, From the land of Canaan to buy men; we are no spies: hings food. 32 We be twelve brethren, sons of our fa8 And Joseph knew his brethren, but they ther; one is not, and the youngest is this knew not him. day with our'father in the' land of Cosaan. ych.37. 5,9. 9 And Joseph gremembered the dreams 33 And the man, the lord of the country, which he dreamed of them, and said unto said unto us, tHereby.shall I know that ye t er.15,19,20. them, Ye are -spies; to see the nakedness of are true oenn; leave one of your brethren the land ye are come. here wvith me, and take food for the famine 10 And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, of your households, and be gone: but to buy food are thy servants come. 34 And bring your youngest brother unto 11 We are all one man's sons; we are true me: then shall I know that ye -are no spies, men; thy servants are no spies. but that ye are true clera: so will I deliver 35 Jacob sendeth Benjarntn. GENESIS. Joseph entertains his brethren. 1. U. 1707. you your brother, and ye shall'traflick in they took double moneyin their hand, and 1B.C. 1707; the land. Benjamin; and rose up, and went down h4. 10. 35 ~ And it came to pass as they emptied Egypt, and stood before Joseph. I Se. ch, 43. their sacks, that, behold, "every man's bun- 16 And whtn Joseph saw Benjamin witt 21. die of money as in his sack: and When them, ihe said to the hruler of his house, ch. 24. 2.'& both they and their father saw thebundles Bring these men home, and tslay, and 39. 4. &44.1. of money, they were afraid. make ready; for these een shall adihe with t He, kill 36 And Jacob their father said unto them, me at noon. kili ych 43. 14. MeehaveyeYbereavcd ofmychildre n: Jo- 17 Andthe man did asJoseph bade; and la Lsm.2.1L. eph is net, and Simeon is net, and ye eillI thee man brought the men into Joseph's house. ft eb. eat. tahe Beajamin a pway: all these things are 18 And the men were afraid, because they againsat me. were brought ineo Josepli's house; and they 37 And Reuben spake unto lois father, say- said, Because of the money that was returning, Slay my two sons, ifI bring him not to ed in our sacks at tihe first time are we thee: deliver him into my hand, and I will brought in; that hlie may tseek occasion t Heb. roll bring him to thee again. against s, and fall upon us, and tke us for hi.s.fp.t 38 And lie said, ty son shall noe go down bondmen, and our asses. eves. 13. with you; for shis brother is dead, and he 19 And they came near to the steward of J 0. 14. h.0 37. 33. & is left alone: eif mischief befall him by the Joseph's house, and they commuaned with [4[. 28. ]way in the which ye go, thenshallye bbring him at the door of the house, aeor. 4. down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. 20 And said, 0 si., ti.e came indeed fl.e,..a..... at,. 44. 29. down at the first time to buy food: doto ch. 37..35. & CHAPTEI XLIII: 21 And hit came to pass, when we came to dame o. hi..31. [ Jetiac otte s hlevadeotoa s enad ait. 15 the inn, that we opened our sacks, and, be- i ch. 42.3,10. Jaseloh etsstelalnstkrhisi ~rthese. ltI~s~ae311 th hold, evert man's moneysevae in the mouth ka ch. 42.27,35. ssaefaest. of his sack, our money in full weighlt: and a ch. 41.54,57. ND the famine easa sore in the land. we have habrough it again in our hand. /[ 2 And it came to pass, when they had 22 And other money have we brougtt down eaten up the corn whlich they ha brought in our hands to buy food: we cannot tell out of Egypt, their father said unto them, who put our money in our sacks. Go again, buyus a little food. 23 And lie said, Peace be to you, fear not: 3 And Judah spake unto him, saying, The your God, and the God of your father, lhath tk elest-...- man tfdid solemnly protest anto us, saying, given you treasure in your sacks: tI tod flee,. yo.... Yot et- seehallnotseeemy face, exceptyour a brotha- your money. Aand he broughlt Simeon out neos Maed. er be with you. unto them. to bch. 42. 20. & 4 If thou wilt send our biother with us, we 24 And the man brought the men into Jo44. 23. will go down and buy thee food: seph's house, and /gave thent water, and l oh.18.4.&24. 5 Blut if thou wilt not send hint, we will not they washed their feet; and he gave their 32. go down: for the man said unto us, Ye shall asses provender. not se my fac, except your brother be with 25 And they made ready the present against you. Joseph came at noon: for they heard that And Israel said, Wherefore dealt ye so ill they should eat bread there. with me, as to tell the man whether ye had 26 ~ And when Joseph came home, they yet a brother? brought him the present whlich was in their f Heb. asking 7 And they said, The man asked us hand into the house, andre bowed themselves -ch. 37.7, 10. asked ts. straitly of our state, and of our kindred, say- to him to the earth. ing, Is your fatlher yet alive? have ye an- 27 And he asked them of their fwelfare, fHeb. peace, e otther brother'i and we told him according to and said, t ~a your father well, the old man alh. 37. 14. [t eb.-nuth. the ttenor of thse words: t Could wecer- tof'whomyespake? Is he yet alive? ltHel,. Is t Heb. Klno.,- tainly know that he would say, Bring your 28 And they answered, Thy servant our fa- these pea-e teold we brother down? tiher is in good lhealth, lie is yet alive. to ysa ea8 And Judalh said unto Israel his father,'And they bowed down their heads, end. Send the lad with me, and we will arise and made obeisance.,teh.42.11,13. go; that we may live, and not die, both we, 29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his oh. 37.7, 10. and thou, and also our little onest brother Benjamin, Plhis mother's son, and p ch. 35.17,18., 2 I will be surety tfor him; of my hand shalt said, Is this your younger brother, t.fe.oa etach. 42. 13. sch. 44. 3t. thou require him:'if I bring him not unto ye spake unto me? And lie said, God be Phitle-. 18, thee, and set him before ttee, then let me gracious unto thee, my son. 19. hear the blame for ever: 3 5AndJosept sadetoaste; forahtit bowels t lfihg.s3.26. 20 Per escept te had lingered, surely now did yearn upon his brother: and lie sought H sr, tnice by we ead returned ltthis second time. ehere to weep; and he entered into his this. 11 And their father Israel said uno tthems, hamber, ndISweptthere. ch. 42. 24, If it must be so now, do this; take of the 31 And Ie washed hlis face, and went out, best fruits in the land in your vessels, and and refrained himself, and said, Set on deth. 32. 20. dcarry down the man a present, a little thread. t r. 25. Prey. 18. 16. ebalm, and a little honey, spices and myrrh, 32 And they set on for him by himself, and. e ch. 37. 25. nuts and almonds: for them by themselves, and for the EgypJer..1. 22. 12 And take double money in your hand; tians, wnhichdid eat with him, by themselves: fch. 42.25,35. and the money fthat was brought again in because the Egyptians- might not eatbread the mouth of your sacks, carry it again in with the Hebrews; for that is U an abemina- u ch. 46.34. your hand; peradventure it eans at over- tion untotlhe Egyptians. E,. 8. 20. sight. 33 And they sat before him, the firstborn 13 Take also your brother, and arise, go according to his birthright, and tihe youngest again unto the man: according tohis youth: and the men mar14 And God Anlmighty give you mercy be- veiled one at another. ech. 45. 2. [s Or, And I. fore the man, that he may send away your 34 And e took and sent messes unto them tfHe,. tlvnk as I have otlherbrother, and Benj. in. otelfI be e- from eforehim: but Benjamin's mess tes ltv-tly: Se. beet, f. reaved of my children, I am bereaved. Xfivetimes so much as any oftheirs. And Hag. 1.6. _Esth. 4. 16. 15 [ And the men took that present, and they drank, and t were merry with iim. John 2. 10. 316 His policy to stay them. GENESIS. He maketh himself known. B. C. 1707. CHAPTER XLIV. iBring him down unto me, that I may set B. C. 1707. I Joseph'spolicy to stay /hi brethres. 141 Jtdah's mine eyes upon him. humble supplicatioa to Joseph. 22 And we said unto my lord, The lad cannot i clh. 42.15,20. t Heb, him ND he commanded tthe steward of his leave his father: for if he should leave his that wl ove Ar s house, saying, Fill the men's sacks teitlh father, his father. would di. his teme. food, as much as they can carry, and put 23 And thou saidst unto thy servants, kEx- k lh. 43. 3, 5. every man's money in his sack's mouth. cept your youngest brother come-down with 2 And put my cup, the silver cup, in the you, ye shall see my face no more. sack's mouth of the youngest, and his corn 24 And it came to pass when we came up money. And he did according to the word unto thy servant my father, we told him the that Joseph had spoken. words of my lord. 3 As soon as the morning was light; the 25 And tour father said, Go again, and Ih. 43. 2. men were sent way, they and their asses. buy us a little food. 4 And whii en they ere gone out of the 26 And we said, We cannot go down: if our city, and not yet far off, Joseph said unto youngest brother be with us, then will we go his steward, Up, follow after the men; and down: for we may not see the man's face, ewhen thou dost overtake them, say unto except our youngest brother be witl us. them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for 27 And thy servant my father said unto us, good? Ye knowthat Imay wife bare me two ons: m l. 46. 19. 5 Is not this it in which' my lord drinketh, 28 And the: one went out from me, and I l Or, taketsh sand whereby indeed lie 11 divineth? ye have said, "Surely tie is torn in pieces; and I inch. 37. 33. trial? 1 done evil in so doing. saw him not since: 6 I And he overtook them, and he spake 29 And if ye'take this also from me, and c. 42.36,38. unto them these same sords. mischief befall him, ye shall bring down my 7 And they said unto him, Wherefore saith gray hlairs with sorrow to the grave; my lord these words?: God forbid that thy 80 Now therefore when I come to thy servservants should do according to this thing: ant my father, and the lad be not ith us - a clh. 43. 21. 8 Behold, a tie money, whiclh e found in seeing that Phis life is bound up in the lad's I Sam. 18. 1. our sacks' mouths, we brought again unto life; thee out of the land of Canaan: how then 31 It shall come to pass, when lie seeth that should we steal out of thy lord's house silvere the lad i ot zits, that lie will die: and or gold? thy servants shall bring down the gray hairs 9- itl whomsoever of thy servants it be of thy servant our father with sorrow to the b llh. 31. 32. found, b both let him die, and we also will be grave. my lord's bondmen. 32 For thy servant became surety for the 10 And lie said, Now also let it be according lad unto my father, saying, q If I bring him lth. 43 9. unto your words: lie with whom it is found not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame to shall be my servant; and ye shall be blame- my father for ever. less., 83 Now t.erefore, I pray thee, "let thy.EY. 32. 32. 11 Then they speedily took down every man servant abide instead of the lad a bondman his sack to the ground, and opened every to my lord; and let the lad go aup with his man his sack.. brethren. 12 And lie searched, and began at the eld- 34 For how shall I go up to my father, and est, and left at the youngest: and the cup the lad be not with me? lest peradventure I was found in Bkenjamin's sack. see the evil that shall t come on my father. t Hel. fitld eh..37.29,34. 13 Then they'rent their clothes, and mlyathLer, [Nas. 14.. laded every man his ass, and returned t 2 a. 1. ll the its 1 Joseph maietal himsalf noen to ais bret hren,. Jo1a 31. 29. 5Ile acomab,'featsihtes ataod's p,.ovaleaca. iHe Fe. 1H. 3. & 14 I And Judah and his brethren came to SendrAhh jb hit fath. 16 PhPearaoh 1cotfimeth 119. 143. Joseph's hlouse; for he teas yet there: and it. 21 Joseplhfuanisht th heA thfo -leitaocad eh. 37. 7. they d fell before him on tile ground. el, ant exhoastelh them to concoral. 25 Jacob is 15 And Joseph said unto them, What evivet l oith the new. deed is this that ye have done? wot ye not THEN Joseph could not refrain himself 11Or, make that such a man as I can certainly ldi-. JLbefore all them that stood by him; and tiitW! vine? he cried, Cause every man to go out froe te. eb. serl 5. 16 And Judah said, What shall we say unto me. And there stood no man with him, forath his my lord? what shall we speak? or how shall while Joseph made himself known unto his voice iat weeta. we clear ourselves? God hath found out the brethren. i.rg, e er, 9. iniquity of thy servants: behold, e le are 2 And he t wept aloud: and the Egyptians Num. 14. 1. my lord's servants, both we, and he also and the house of Pharaoh heard. a Acta 7. 13. with whom the cup is found. 3 And Joseph said unto his brethren, aI l Or, teraified, i rov. 17.15. 17 And lie said, f God forbid that I should an Joseph; doth my father yet live? And Jb 4.5.& 23. do so: btast the man in whose hand the cup his brethren could not answer him; for they latt. 14. 26. is found, he shall be my servant; and as were 11 troubled at his presence. Isark G. 50. for you, get you up in peace unto your 4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come b 1,. 37. 28..father. near to me, I pray you. And they came cLs. 40. 2. 18 I Then Judah came near unto him, and near. And he said, I ams Joseph your 2Cor. 2.7. said, 0 my lord, let thy servant, I pray brother, blwom ye sold into Egypt. tRe b.teithethee; speak a word in my lord's ears, and 5 Now therefore Cbe not grieved, tnor an- 1et there be eli. 18.30,32l. 1let not thine anger burn against thy serv- gry withl yourselves, that ye sold me hither: a:.,r ir EsP. 32. 2. ant: for thou art even as Pharaoh. dfor God did send me before you to preserve ya1a eyes. 19 My lord asked his servants, saying, life. 170G. Have ye a father, or a brother? 6 For these two years hathtthe famine been deli. 50. 20. 20 And mwe said unto my lord, We have a in the land: and yet there are five years, in PF. 105.l1t,17. hch. 37. 3. father, an old man, and tha child of his old the which therh e shall neither be earing nor See 2 SnDa. age, a little one; and his brother is dead, harvest. il. li, 21. and he alone is left of his mother, and his 7 And God sent me before you t to preserve t Hoh. t2,2t father loveth him. you a posterity in, and to save your fe.',t 21 And thou saidst unto thy servants, lives by a great deliverance. 37 Joseph' sendeth for his father. GENESIS. acob goeth into Egypt. B. 0. 1706. 8 SO now it woas not you that sent me CHAlTE1 XLVI B. C. 1706.: hither, but God: and lie hath made meI l Jooo i ofoe-ld bq GMlo -,,haa: 5 h. 41. 43. ather to Pharaoh, and lord ot all ias house,;Ih-,e /i tiiL hi. -oapy qatlog it.o Igyp. Jlg. 17. 10' and a ruler throIughout all the land of Egypt. 8 of his:fm'il i..' Job... a 9 Haste ye, and go up to my father, and Egypt. 2 Josq/,h meeteth Jacob. 01 lie issay unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, hhs brOihs h.otoooa to l'h.,o.h. God hlath made meo lord of all Egypt: come AND Israel took his'jouoney with allthat don unto met, tarry not: lie had, and came to "Beer-sheba, and - h. 21.31,33. fch. 47.1. 10 And fthou shlalt dwell in thetland of Go- offered sacrifices bunto theGod of his fa- & 28 10. shen, and thou shalt be near unto me, thou, ther Isaac. I ol. 26. 4,S5. and thy children, and thly children's clhil- 2 And God spake unto Israel.n the vit- & 0. 10. & dren, and tty flocks, and thy herds, and all sions of thle night, and said, Jacob, Jacobb. that thlouhast: And lie said, tere.,.t...' Ie;l,.~.1.,15 t 11 And there will I nourish thee; for yet 8 And lie said, I aoi God, dtlhe God of thy Jtll 23' 13.' there are five years of famine; lest.thou, fatlher fear not to go down into Egypt; for. and thy hlousehold, and all that tlhou hast, I will there Iamke of thee a great natio.. 12. 2.:~t 26' 5.; come to poverty. 4 f-I will go down with thee into Egypt; Ut r 12 And, behold, your eyes see, and the and I will also surely! bring thee up ogain: f4'.... & g oh. 41. 23. eyes of my brother B3enj.min, that it is my and AoJoseph shall pat his hand upon thine mouth that speaketo unto you. eys. gb. 15. 10. & om. Beer-slielia 1 50. 13,24,25. 13 And ye shall tell my father of all my 5 And iJacob rose up from.eer-sheba: ~ 3 8 glory in Esypt, and of all that ye have seen; and ths soss of Israel carried Jacob tloirA hl. 50 1. A ts 7. 14. and ye shall haste and hbring down my fa- father, and their little ones, and their wives, i AtAs 7. 15. tlher hitlher. in the wagons kwhichl Pharaolh had sent to.d9 l f14 And hle fell upon his brother Benjamin's carry him.h.45.121. neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon 6 And they took their cattle, and their his necki goods, which they had gotten iii the land of 15 Moreover h kissed all hlis brethren, and Canaans, and came int Egypt; tJacob and l Dent. 26.5. wept upon them: and after that his broth- all his seed Withl hint: o Josh. 24. 4. ren talked witth hima. 57 His sons, and his sons' sons withl lhi, his Pa. 105. 03. 10 ~ And the fame thereof was heard in daughters, and his sons' daughters, ad all I.. 1.4. Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's brethren his seed brought lie witi hlim into Egypt. t[ lob. aes c ar come: and it Opleased Pharaoh well, 8 ~ And'0these are thle names of the ohil- Ex.l.l.hO. tgool io the anti his servants. dren of Israel, whieti cameinto Egypt, Jacob 14. ~ |nat of/d'oo.I 15 And Plharaoh said unto Joseph, Say and hlis sons: Raeuben, Jacob's ftirstborn. Nn. 26.5.. [a. 41 37. unto tby brethren, This do ye; lade your 9 And the sons of Roeuben; Hanooh, and l Ch.... 1. beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Ca- Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi.!aan; 10 ~And~the sons of Simeon'; IIJemnuel, and Ex. 6. 15.'18 And take your father and your house- Jamin,andOhad, and 1Jachin,andZllohar, 1 Chr..24. liolds, and come unto me: and I will give and Shaul the Son of a Canoanitisl nomo an. 1 Or, N....l. you the good of the land of Egypt, and ye 11 ~ And the sono of 2'Levi; IfGershon, i' Or J-a;ii i /. 27. 28. shall eat itho fat of the land. Kohoth, and Merari. 11 O. Soot,,! Nu.. 18.12, 1 Noe thou art commaaded, this do yo; 12 And the sons of Judah; E, and 1. 4. 4. 29. take you wagons out of the land of Egypt O an. Shlah, and Phl aroa, a n d aar ah: o 00 lZoh r 6 1o.ll for your little ones, and for your wives, and but'Er and Onan died in tlhe land ofCa- iOeo. bring your fatherl, and come. lan. And te sons of.hare ereez|tLeb. eIdtto 20 Also''regard not your stuff; for the rdnandHamul. hs 4 Chrh 3.&. you' e ie good of all the land of Egypt is yours. 13 o Ano the sons of Issachar; Tolt, and el'. 38. 3. 7, | pa5e'e it. 21 And.the children of Israel did so: and IIPlhu vanh, and Job, and Shimron. hi. Josephl gave them wagons, according to the 14 ~ And thle sons Of Zebulun; Sered, and so!8. 29.0., tcommaenndnot of Pharaoh, and gave them Elon, aid Jahleal. lf.. Nuoa,. 1. 16. provision for the way. 15 These be the sons of Leah, which slhe t 1 hr. 7. 22 To all oftlhem lie gave each man changes bare unto Jacob in Padan-dram, with his t lOr" P-[ of raiment; but to Benjamin lhe gave three daughtei Dinah: all tile souls ofl is sons oJoo. k loh. 43. 34. hundred pieces of silver, and kfive changes and his daughters were thirty andIthree. of raiment. 16 ~ And the sons of Gad; " Ziplhion, and |o Num.26.15, 23 And to his father 11e sent after this llHaggi, Shuni, and'Ezbon, Eri, and llarodi, &C. Zeio,h. th b. sary- manner; ten asses tladen with the good and Areli. I Or, Ooni. [isg. [ things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden 171 ~ And the sons oftAsher; Jimnah, and 1 Or..A'odl. with corn and bread and meat for his father Ishuah, and Isui, and Baeriah, and Serali lChr. 7.30. by the way. their sister: the sste athe sons ofBeriah; IHeber, l24 So he sent his brethren away, and they and Malchiel. ytch. 30. 10. departed: and he said unto them, See that 18 YThese arc the sons of Zilpah, lwhom zoat. 29. 20. ye fall not out by the way. Laban gave to Leah his daughter;. and these a ol. 41. 27. 25 ~ And they went up out of Egypt, and she bare untoJacob; evena sixteen souls. b ih. 41. 50. came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob 19 The sons of Rachel "Jacob's wife; Jo- Or,' 1",e. their fatllher, seph, and Benjamin. llCr. 7.6. b 26 And told hin, stying, Joseph is yet 20 ~b And unto Joseph in the land of Egypt o. 1. alive, and lie is governor over all tile land were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whieh dNaa.2l/.38, 1tJob 29. 24. of Egypt. Iand tJacob'sheart fainted, for Asenaththe daughtaer ofPoti-pherah lpriest JoAhiran'. P.. 1P2/. 1. he believed tlem not. of On bare unto im. Nn.3, tokh 24. 11, 27 Atd tlsy told oim all the words of Jo- 21 ~ And tlhe sons of Benjamnin ywere Be- s/oU~,/,. dl. seph, which be had said unto them: and lah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera; an d I 1Chr. 7. 12, toh. Ois. when' he sas the eag.ons n.hich Joseph lhad Naten,'dEhi and 0os1, enyppim, and Shai.. /~~~~~~~~Na I psent to carry hlim, the spirit of Jacob their'1Hupp, and Ard. 1/ Otiohae, father reviv ed. 22 T6se c h os o l, hich N.. 39. 28 And Israel said, It is enougl; Joseph were born to Jacob: all the souls ereol I 1oChr. 7. 12. my Son is yet alive. I will go and see him fourteen. - Or Sh,, 1before I die. 23 fAnd the sons of Dan; II Hushbto. Nua o26.42. 58' ,Joseph meeteth his father. GENESIS. Jacob presented to Pharaoh. B.C. 1706.' 24 I And tile sons of Naphtali; Jahzeel, 7 And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, B. C. 1700. and Guni, and Jczer, and Shillem. and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob g I Chr. 7. 13. 25L'h These are the sons of Bilhah, inhich blessed Pllaraoh. h cho. 30. 5. 7. Laban gave unto Rachel his daughter, and 8 And Pharaol said unto Jacob, t How old f t Ielb. Hlo [ ich. 29. 29. sse bare these unto Jacob: all tile thou? yo.rthe were seven. 9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, IThe days /ItY5 of ithe k E.. 1. 5. t26 kA the souls that came with Jacob into of tilhe years of my pilgrimage are a hundred Y" of thy t HIb. thigh, Egypt, which came out of his tloins, besides and thirty years: "'Lfe and evil hisve the s. 12. oh. 35.11.. Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were tree- days of tile years of my life been, and'have Hub. 11.9,13. score and six; not attained unto the days of tle years of Job. 14.!i. 27 And the sons of Joseph, which were the life of my fathers in the days of their n. 25. 7. s Deut. 10.2 2. borne him in Egypt, were two souls: ll pilgrimage. 7. See Acts 7. the souls of the house of Jacob, which came 1) And Jacob Iblessed Plaraoh, and ent. /1. into Egypt, were threescore and ten. out from before Pharaoh. oer. 7. 28 ~ And he sent Judah before him unto 11 ~ And Josepis placed his father and his mch. 31. 21. Joseph, "I to direct his face unto Goshen; brethren, and gave them a possession in the ch. 47.t. 471. and they came "into the land of Goshen. land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in 29 And Joseph made ready his chariot, and the land of sRameses, qas Pharaoh had P Ex.. 11. & went up to meet Israel his father, to Goshen, commanded. 12. 37. and presented himself unto him; and he 12 And Joseph nourished his father, and q.6. S oS ch.t5.14. Ofell on his neck, and wept on his neck a his brethren, and all his father's household, good while. with bread, 1 t according to their families. 11 Or. as a So Luke 2. 30 And Israel said unto Joseph, PNow let 13 ~ And there swas no bread in all the little cild 29,30. me die, since I have seen thy face, because land; for the famine was very sore, "'so tHseb.haso'dthou art yet alive. that the land of Egypt and all the land of,, t h, lit31 And Joseph said unto his brethren, and Canaan fainted by reason of the famine., eto e "q l.d 47. so unto is father's house, qI will go up, and 14 SAnd Joseph gathered up all the money ch. 60. 21. shew Pharaoh, and say unto him, lIy breth- that was found in the land of Egypt, and in clh. 41. 30. ren, and my father's house, which wtere in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they Acts 7. 11. the land of Canaan, are come unto me; bought: and Joseph brought the money into scl. 41. 41.6. tHeb. they 32 And the men are shepherds, for / their Phraoll's house. are.en of trade hath been to feed cattle; and thy And when money failed in the land.of 1702. sclls, have brought their flocks, and their herds, Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all tile and all that they have. Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, 33And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh Give us bread: for t why should we die in t ver. 19. Vr oh. 47. 2, 3. shall call you, and shall say,' What is your thy presence? for the money faileth. * occupation? 16 And Joseph said, Give your cattle; and s ser2. 84 That ye shall say, Thy servants''trade I will give you for your cattle, if money fail. t cl. 30. 3. & hath been about cattle tfrom our youth even 17 And they brought their cattle unto Jo34. 6. & 37. until now, both we, and also our fathers: seph: and Joseph gave them bread in ex12. that ye may dell in the land of Gosien; change for horses, and for the flocks, and o clls. 43. 32. for every shepherd is tan abomination unto for the cattle of the herds, and for the asses; Es. 8. 2. the Egyptians. and he tfed them with bread for all their tHeb. ted cattle for that year. thea. CHAPTER XLVII. 18 When that year was ended, they came 1 Joseph resentesthfive of/lis brethren, 7 and is unto him the second year, and said unto father, before P/ha-aoh. 11 Ile givet/ them him, We will not hide it from my lord, how habitation a.d maintenance 13 He.etoth atll /he/spties a nsosisne s the attls, 18 tci. that our money is spent; my lord also hath I/e /gyptials' money, 1/ /heio' cattle, 18 thesb. -l|ds isto Pharaoh. 122 T'se )iests' latd wtasher sou herds of cattle;: there is not aught left bought. 23 Ile letlest the s ata l to thenfoer a in the sight of my lord, but our bodies, and [', Jfth pait'. Jac' s a 9 He aeh Jo- ourlands: sepA to Iiury khim oith his ftlsehs. /19 Wherefore shallwe die before thine eyes, 1706. THEN Joseph wca e an d outor land by us nd our land ah. 46. 31. and said, My father and my brethren, for bread, and we and ourlad will be servand their flocks, and their herds, and all ants unto Pharaoh: and give us seed, that that they have, are come out of the land of we may live, and not die, that the land be bell. 45. 10. & Canaan; and, behold, they are in bthe land not desolate. 46. 28. of Goshen. 20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt 1701. 2 And he took some of his brethren, even for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians sold every Aots 7. 13. five men, and presentedthemunto Pharaoh. man his field, because tile famine prevailed 3 And Ptiaraoh said unto his brethren, over them: so the land became Pharaoh's. d h. 46. 33. d What is your occupation? And they said 21 And as for the people, he removed them ech. 46. 34. unto Pharaoh, eThyservants are shepherds, to cities from one end of the borders of both we, and also our fathers. Egypt even to the other end thereof. f cl. 15. 13. 4 They said moreover unto Pharaoh, f For 22' Only the land of the I priests bought u Ezra 7. 24. Deut. 26.5. to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy he not; for the priests had a portion assign- 11 Or, rines servants have no pasture for their flocks; ed tleei of Pharaoh, and did eat their por- cl 4o. 45. gsch. 431.. for the famine is sore in the landof Ca- tion which Plaraoh gave them: whereforeS 2 am. 8.18. Acts 7. 11. naan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy they sold not their lands. h h. 46. 34. servants h dwell in the land of Gosllen. 23 Then Joseph said unto the people, Be5 And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, hold, I have bought you this day and your Thy father and thy brethren are come unto land for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, thee: andye shall sohlothe land. ich. 20. 15. 6 iThe land of Egypt is before thee; in thle 24 And it shall come to pass inthe increase, best of thie land make thy father and breth- that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharakver 4. sen to dwell; iin the land of Goshen let oh, and four parts shall be your own, for them dweoll: and if thou nowest asy men seed of the field, and for your food, and for of activity among them, then make them them of your households, and for food for rulers over my cattle. your little ones. 39 Joseph visiteth his sick father. GENESIS. Jacob blesseth Joseph's sons. B. C. 1701. 25 Aed they said, Thou hast saved our thoughlt to see thy face: alld, lo, Gofd hath 13... 1689. lives: Ilet us find grace in tile sight of my slleved me also thy seed. - xclh. 33.15. lord, and ve will be Pharaoh's servants. 12 And Joseph brought them out from be[20 And Joseph made it- law over the land teen:his keen s kees, ndl heboedhimself with of Egypt unto this day, that Pharaohll should hi faceo o the earth. yver. 22. hllave tile fifth p)art; vescept tile land of 13 And Joseph took'them both, Ephlrati in iOer. Orp,ce, the II priests only, wthich became not P ha- his right hnd toald Israel's left land, and er, 22. eraoh's. Manasseh in his left hand towarel Israel's evere. ll. 27 1 And Israel Idwelt in ttle lald of righllt hand, and brought he near unto kr. 19. Egypt, in the country oft' Gosllen; ad they him. I hti 1. ach. 46.. had possessions therein, and agrew, and 14 And Israel stretched out his right hand, lHel,. 1. 1. multiplied-exaeeditegly. and laid it upon Ephraim's hlead, who uwas. 1.. 1689. 28 And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt the youlleer, and lis left land upoI Manas- 28. 5. h t Helb. te seventeen years: so ttllelwhole age of Jacob sel's cad, kguiding his hands wittingly; sit. 1 1a.. days of the was a luldred forty and seven years. for Manasseh coas tle-firstborn. Pe h 3i. 22, & Ypal qf /hi- 29 And the time idrea nigh that Isrtel 15 I And the blessed Joseph, andsaid, 121. 7. e. ever. must die: and lie called his son Josepe, God, "'before wwhom my fatller Abraheam o Ani. 9. 12. a.,ceet. 31. and, said unto liim, If Iow I have found and Isaac did alk, thle God which fed me. Act 15. ia. 1 et. grace in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy all my life long ulto this day, tHel,. as t1 aig a. 1. ihand under my thigl, and l detal kindly and 1G The Angel'"lhieh redeemed me fron all el.i.. t ech. 21.2. truly itll me; ebury me not, I pray thee, evil, bless the lads; and let tmy name be tces'e: See dat,!Of. dO. o inEgyptt: na.ed on thea, acd tte name of ay fatlters.. C o't.'.25. 30 3ut f I ill lie with my fatlers, andtllou Abrallam and Isaac; and let them tgrowv shalt carry me out of Egypt, and thbury me into a multitude in tie midst of tl:e eartll. f tleir buryingplace. Alnd-lte said, I will 17 And when Josepi sae that tis father.O, vil af. 49. i9. 29& do as touta teast said. ilaid his riglt hand upon the lead of Epllra- htt. 28. c. 0. 5, 13. 31 And lie said, Swear unto me. And lie im, it Ildispleased htim: and lie held up his cl..4. h eh. 48. 2. sware unto lhim. And hIsrael bohwed him- fattter's ltatd, to remove it from Ephraim's c' le King 1.47. self upon the bed's hlead. head unto Manlasseh's head.. i. at. I Hb. 11. 21.:35. &: 2.19,21. 18 And Josepit said unto his fathter, Not D,0 33. 17. CHAPTER XLVIII. so, my father: for this is tite firstborn; put e.v; 7.'6,:8. 1 Jseplh itt sons visitetthehis sick fathe'. 2 thy i t p t d ead. Hal. f l.. J-aeob' st-engthe-Ath ipimsref to 61ess themb. 3 Hp. =e[reIeaeeltheponise. HHetakethEphcaima.nd 19 And his father refused, and said. tes itana s his or. Ile tllet ep/l sf his knoweit, my son, I know it: lie alisoshall be- s S, P'littl 4..mothetr'se gave.' Heblesseth Eiphlim and ra. colle a people, and lie also shall be great: 11. 12. asseh. 17 Hepefe.-ret the yo,getVe befoe the but truly'lis younger brother shallbe gret- e t.11.4j.4.&50. reetzt.o.a.nne.n ater than lie, and his seed shall become a 21. 1689. A ND it came to pass after these things, t multitude of nations. [ I t'tlte. 5. 2. [-L_ that one told Joseple, Behold, thly fa- 21) And he blessed them that day, saying, lLe 4. 5.a ther is sick: and he took witll him his two'In thee ehalll Israel bless, saying, aod nlake t: o. ii. h. sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. thee as Eplraim and as Manassell: and he / 328. 2 And one told Jacob, anld said, Behold, set Ephraim before alnasseh. Joeh. 17. 14, thy son Joseph cometl unto thee: and Israel 21 And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, &c. strengthened himself, anid sat upon the bed. I die; but'God shall be with you, and,elte,,t. 33. 1. 3 And Jacob said unto Josepi, God Al- bring you again-unto the landof your fa- A,el f3. 7. ach. 28.13,19. miglity appeared unto me at'Luz in the thers. - 6 Nle. 24.14. &35.,9,&c. land of Canaan, and blessed me, 22 Moreover UI have given to thee one Detet. 4. 30. 4 And said unto me, Bellold, I will make portion above thy bretliren, which I took Is.2.t.&3h9.6l. o e t e y O3. 20. thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will out of the hand'of the Amorite with my Dte 2.j2,. 2 make oftheea multitude of people; and will sword and with my bow. Actef 2. 17. b clh. 17. 8. give this land to thy seed after thee bfor an HIel,. 1. 2. everlasting possession. CHAPTER XLIX. oPe. 34. 11. C e. 41. 50. & A5 d And now thy tctwo sons, Ephraim and i.Jaob caltetl his soens to bl.. tiee. 3 Thei,' eh. 29. 32. 40. 20. Manasseh, which were born unto thee ill the blcJcitei,L ptticela.. 29 fHe cdafo et, thfe octc. 13. 7.h atadbleh s ti iaeae a. 33 H dieLahD.ceet. 21a. 17. Jos. 4. land of Eaypt, before I came unto thee into about. 7i. e 1. Egypt, saee aine; as Reuben and Simeon, AND Jacob called unto his sons, and HHee. o ot tlhey shall be mine. A said, Gather yourselves together, that tioe, eel. G And tly issue, which thou begettest aft- I may atell you that which shall befall you f 1 cr. 5. 1. er them, shall be thine, andl shall be called Iin the last days. | q el. 35. 22. after the name of their brethren in their 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye Detlt. 27; 2(. inlleritance. sons of Jacob; and Chearken unto Israel.llr. 5. 1. 7 And as for me, when I came from Padan, your father. lj Or, eyeo-1eh dch.3..9.lfi, dRachel died by me in tie land of Canaan 3 Reuben, thou art dmy firstborn, my iole,. 19. in tie way, when yet thete tats buht a little might, eand the beginning of my strength, hL lh. 29.33,34. way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried the excellency of dignity, and the excellency i;Pre. 18.9. her ttere in the way of Ephrath; the same of power: DI Or, theli is BEethl-lehem. 4 Unstable as water, f thou shalt not ex- -olO;d, are 8 And Israel beheld Joseph's sons, and eel; because tlhou te entest up to ty fa- e...a.t..c -of said, Who a'e tlese? ther's bed; then defiledst thou it: 11 he went Vi lcete. eSo ehl. 33 5. 5 9 And Josepi said unto his father, eThey up to my couec. f ol. 34. 25. ar-e my sons, whllom God atll givel me in 5 ~ hSimeon and Levi are ibrethren; eProv. 1. 15, this e place. And lie said, Bring -tlem, I Ilk instruments of cruelty are i?, their hab- 1. fell. 27. 4. pray thee, unto me, and fI will bless itations.n Ps. 26. 9. [ oh. 27. 1. them. 6 0 my soul, lcome not tlhou into their se- El. 5. 11. t Hel, hea.vy 10 Now e the eyes of Israel were tdim for eret; 7"unto their assembly,'" mine hloour, L, P. l;. 9. & I.. 6.iO.h59. age, so that lie could not see. And lie be not thou united: for Oi their anger they 30.12. &h57.8. I. broughtt them near unto him; and Ahle kiss- slew a man, and in their selfwill they 11 dig- o cll. 31. 26. h c.. 27.27. edtfem, andembraced them. ged do,, a wall. Or,.ottlled ich. 45. 26. 11 And Israel said unto Josep, iI had not 17 Cursed be their anger, for it zas fierce; [ oet. 40f Jacob's last prophetic - GENESIS. blessing; and death. BI C. 1689. and their wrath, for it was cruel: iII will 30 In the cave that is in tile field of Mach- B1. C. 1689. divide them ia Jacob, and scatter them iln pelah, which is before. Mamre, in the land of pJoh. 19. 1.& Israel. Canaan, fwhich Abraham bought with the feh, 23. 16. 2115,,, 7.h 8'~ iJudah, thou act he whom thy breth- field of Ephron the Hiittite for a possession 39. ren shallpraise: "thy hand shall be in the of a buryingplace. neck of thine enemies;'thy father's chil- 31 Y There they buried Abraham and Sarath oh. 23. 19. & I 0 n't.1.:1'" [dron shall bow down before thee. his wife; h thlere they buried lIsaeac and Re- 6. 9. P. fi. o Judleah is lin's whelp: from the prey, hekalchis wife; and thele I buried eah. heto. 35. 29. m. 1 ay son, thou art gone up: "le stooped 32 The purchase oftlie fieldoand of tie cave Ch. 27. 29. cown, lie couche as a lion, and as an old that is thereto was from tihe children of 1 01.r. 5. 2. i w, oc asa ioat api Hell [ lion; who shall rouse him up? Heth. t[e. 11. 10 ITle sceptre sIall not depart from Ja- 33 And lwhen Jacob had made an end of tJ tlq 3e'i' Idah, nor 1 s lawgiver ifrom between his feet, comnmnding his sons, hie gathered up his [N, n.23,24. u 021 au tie Shiloh come; band unto him shall feet into the bed, and yielded up tile ghost, O'. " -.. [ the gathering ofthe people be. and cwas gathered unto his people. iver. t9. Jer- 30. 21L 11 I Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ZecIl. 10. 11. ass's colt unto tile choice vine; lie washed CHAPTER L. yPt. i0c 7 &[ his garments in wine, and hIis clothes in the c occifocJao. 4Joecphgccccl wee 111/. 31., ile of fPharaoh to c btoobdry hia. 7 e;fchef-...l. l] c.11.l. 12 His ieyes.shall be red with wine, and this Hi s 2e He. ec.e ceho oathed Dent.'28.57. lis teeti white with milk. geneialoh of 6is sois. 2c He p,'oH aclelch uito DLI.ll. l.h62. 13 ~'Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of his behciehc cf theic-'etuac. 95 He takech ah 11. tce sea; and he shcll be for a haven oi oachof teafoc/cicbocc. li0dicfic occd i I. 21. 27. ships; and his border sahll be unto Zidon. cd.. d.'5. f Issacar is astrong ass couching down ND Josephc-Oell upon his fathier's face, a ce. 41. 4. ]th. 21. between to burdens:. - and i wept 0upon cim, a.d kissed hiim. i.Kin.13. 14. [. 15 And lie saw that rest was good, and the 2 And Josepl commanded his servants the bIh 212 & It land that it was pleasant; and bowed fhis physicians to Iembalm his father cd tce c. 12. 10: &'42. 1 I shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto piysicians embalmed Israel. C.. 1. 4. h ii. &, 7. tribute. 3 And forty days were fulfilled for him: 1 Mta. 6c. 12. 22, 23. h 5i. 16 ~ YDan shall judge his people,c as one of for so are fulfilled tihe days of those which /16.1. {4,.. &: 60. 1, { h tieso Isrel 4. h i. & I. 1the tribes of Israel. areembalmed: and ticEgyptians tltmourn- Luke 2. 1. 3g,i2 7. 17 h Dan shall be a serpent by the way, tiat ed for hiim threescore and ten days. Joln 12. 7.& DiLkce2.'30[ adder in the path, that biteth the Icorce 4 And when the days of his mourning were 191. 39, 40. 31, 32. heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. pasti Joseph spake iunto'tie Ihouse of Pha- tlIeb. -ecct. c2 Kin. 18.32. 18 I /have waited for thy salvation, 0 raoh, saying, If now I have found grace in Id clc. 20..' 29.| d Pre, 23.29. LORD. your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of [De-t. 73. 8. D.'Ot.33.18, 19 h'kG d a troop shall overcome him: Pharaohl, saying, e Eysth. 4. 2. 19. but he shall overcome at the last. 5 fMy father made:me swear, saying, Lo, I fch. 47. 29. Josi. 19 0. 20 ~iOut of Asher his bread shall be fat, die: in my graver which I have digged for,2 Chr. 16. 14. 11. and ice shall yield royal dainties. me in the land of Canaan, there shalt thou Ih. 22.10 fI Stm.0.i9. 21 1 ~ Naphtali is a hind let loose: he bm'y me. Now therefore let me go up, I blatt. 27.60. lDeuat.33.22. givethgoodly words. pray thee, and bury my father, and I will J udg.18.1,2. 122 ~ Josepi is a fruitful bough, evee a como again. /,Juclg. 18.27. Ifruitful hough by a well; whose fbranches 6 And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury tIali..... 1 - run tver tice wall: lthy falicer, according as he made thee ecccccoie. 23 Thctarchers have tsorely grieved him, swear. i;P,. 21.5. & and shot at hii, and hated hIim: 7 1 And Joseph went up to bury his father: 119. 166, 172. 24 But his tbow abode in strength, and the and witic him went up all tihe servants of I. 6I. 9. arms of his hands were made strong by thie Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the l.Deu: 33.20. icands of tche mighity God lofJacob; (qfrom elders of thie land of Egypt, 1 Chr. 5. 18. thence "is the shepherd, Ithe stone of Is- 8 And all thle house of Joseph, and his iIDeot.3.. 2. rael;) brethren, and his fathier's house: only their tJol. l. 29. 25 tEvcn by tihe God of thy father, who little ones, and their flocks, and their herds, [- De-t.33.23. shall help thee; 1 and by tice Almighty, I who they left in thie land of Goshen. tHfeh.cdaugh-a shcll bless thee withblessings of iheaven 9 And there aent up with him both chiar{cc,. above, blessings of the deep tihat lieti un- iots and horsemen: and it was a very great nchc.37.4.24, der, blessings of the breasts, and of the company. 2.8.hdc920.: ceomb:h 10 And they came to the threshingfloor of [42. 21. 26 Ti le blessings of thy father have prevail- Atad, which is beyond Jordan; and there tP.. 11 13 aed above the blessings of my progenitors they hamourned with a great and very sore h 2..... 1.17. JPs,,2. 0. |Yunto the utmost bound of the everlasting lamentation: c tad ie Made a mourning for Ac.t. 2. hills:'they shall be on tihe head of Joseph, his father seven days. I S.a.31.13. p p. 132. 2, 5. a..d on tle crown of ile head of lim that 11 And when tle inhabitants of the loand Jo 7. 13. 0.1. 4c ii. h was aeparate from his brethren. the Canaanites, saw the mourning in the 21...[ 27 ~ Benjamin shall aravcn as.a olf:. in floor of Atad, they said, This is a grievous P 80 1 the morning hie shall devour the prey, band mourning to the Egyptians: wherefore tihe'Ic. 28. 1 at night he shall divide the spoil.. name of it was called lAbel-mizraim, which II Th,t is, P,.| / 28 ~ All these are tie twelve tribes of Is- is beyond Jordan. f t h.1i. 2.1h2. 1'el: and this is it that tceir father spake 12 Aod his sons did unto him according eas e - & 35-3. & 43.~~~~~...... 23. unto tihem, and blessed theam; every one oc- lie cominanded.them ~ ]c c. 17 1 & cordingto his blessing he blessed them. 13 For klhis sons carried him into the k ch. 4iq.2,30. 5. 11. 9 And hle chlarged tcem, and said unto land of Canaan; and buried hlim in the Acts 7.16. IDc-t. 33 13. them, I cantito be gathered unto my people: cave of tihe field of Maichpelah, whichc Abrac Dt. 33.15. chcburyme with my fathlers eiu the cave that ham thought witc the field for a possession ic1. 23. 16. Hti. )3. 0 is io tics field of Ephron the Hittitie, of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, zDeut. 33. 16. a Judg. 20. 21, 25. Ez. 22.65.27. b Num. 23. 24. before Matre. EOich. 611. Es. cc. 10. 3 -cc. 14. 1.7. cich1. 1. 15. h&2i.. d. i. 14 B And Joseph eturned intoa Eagypt, he, 47. 30. 2Sie. 19. 37. e ci. 50. 13. and his brethren, and all that went up with 41 Joseph comforteth his brethren. EXODUS. Joseph's age and death. B. C. 1089. him to bury his father, after lhe lad buried to pass, as it is this day, to save much peo- B. C. 1689. his father. ple alive. 15 ~ And when Joseph's brethren saw that 21 Now therefore fear ye not: "LI will nour- oll. 47. 12. mJob 15. 21, their father was dead, "'they said, Joseph isli you, asd your little ones. And lie comt-l 5itt. 1 44. 221, will peradventure hate us, and will certainly forted them, and spake t kindly unto them. t Hetl.totheir requite us all the evil which we did unto 22 q And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he, and eik. 3 d him. Isis father's house: and Joseph lived a hun- c. J43. tH els. 1G And ttsey tsent a messenger unto Jo- dred and ten years. 163. charged. sepll,.saying, Tlly fathler did commaud be- 23 And Joseph saw Ephraim's children Xof o xJol 42. 16. fore he died, saying, tlle third gesneration: Ytlhe children also of Ny Num. 32.39. Prov. 28.13.:17 So sshall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I Macllir tie son of Manasseh 2were tbrought so b. 3. pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, up upon Joseph's knees. s H. b s. o li. 49. 25. and their sin;'"for tlsey did unto thee evil: 24 Anld Joseple said unto his brethren, I oe. 15. li. [pclh.37. 7,10. and now,.we pray thee, forgive the trespass die; and'God will surely visit you, and 4i.4.l 48.21. 9els. 45. 5. of the servants of 5~tle God of thy father. out of this land unto tile land Ex. 3.16,17 r Deut. 32.35. And Joseph wept when they spake unto bwhlich lie sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and Hob. 11. 22. 2 Klings 5. 7. him, to Jacob. b oll. 15. 18. & Job 34. 29. 18 And sis bret9lren also went and l5fell 25 And CJoseph took an oath of the chil- 2i.:t.&35.12. Bh. 15.30. 1 doewn before his face; and they said, 13Behold, dren of Israel, saying, God will surely visit & 4 4. Te.l 93. we bc tly servants. you, and ye shall carry up my bones from e Exo13. 19. Is. 10. 7. 19 And Josephl said unto them, PFear not: hence. Jolls. 24. 32. to1 b.. 7. 5 for fas I in the place of God 26 So Joseph died, beineg a tundred and Act 7. i. Acsts5.l145 20 sBut as for you, ye thought evil against ten years old: and they dtembalmeed him, d Yer. 2 15, me; but tiGod meant it unto good, to bring and he was put in a coffin in Egypt. 1635. THE SECOND BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED EXODUS. B. C. 170G. CHAPTER I their service, wherein they made them serve, B C. 1635. was with rigour. 1 e childen of Isae, after Joseph's death, do 15 Ad te king of Egypt sp to te mnltiply. 8 The nore thley ae opp-escrd by a nee kineg, the mowe they mseltiply. 15 The f;od- Hebrew midwives, of vhlichl tile namlie of tile liless of the mnidwsives, ie savuny the net. ehill- one i,-as Shiphrah, asld the name. of tlhe dSen alive. 22 Phlaraoh co,nma,tdetd the nale otlier Puahl;. childve,, to be cast s,eto the ivere. 16 And lie said, Wlen ye do the office of a a oen. 46. 8. N OW athese are the names of tle chlil- midwife to tie Hebrew womlen, and see ol,. i. 14, - dren of Israel, whichll cme into Egypt; thesem upon tle stools, if it:e a son, then ye every man and his household came evith Ja- shall kill liim; but if it be a daughter, then cob. she shall live. t lleb. thigh. 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, 17 But thle midwives ~feared God, and did about1635. b Gen. 4. 26, 3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, not 2as the king of Egypt commanded thlem, o Preo. 16. 6. 27. 4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Alser. but saved the men chlildren alive. {p D.n. 3. 16, ver. 20. 5 And all the souls that came out of the 18 And the king of Egypt called for t1e s1. hi. 1:i. Dut. 10. 22. t loins of J acob wre seventy souls: for J o- midwives, and said unto them, Vhly hlave ye Acts 5. 29. cGen. 50. 28. seph was in Egypt already. done this thing, and have saved the men qSee Jonsl. 2. Acts 7. 15. 6 And CJoseph died, and all his brethren, children alive? 4, be. 1635. and all that generation. 19 And nsthe midwives said unto Pharaoh, 2Seael. 17.19, d een. 46. 3. 7 ~ d And the children of Israel were fruit- Because tte Hebrew women ars-e not as thle 20. Deslt. ii. 5. ful, and increased abundantly, and multi- Egyptian wvomess, for they ase lively, and Preo. 11.18. Ps. 105. 0S. plied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the are delivered ere the midives come in unto Ec. 8. 12. Acts 7. 7. land was filled with them. them. 3 10. eAntse7. 18. 8 Now there earose up a new king over 2() "Therefore God dealt well witll t0le mid- b. i. 10. f/e. 105. 21. Egypt, which knew not Joseph. wives: and the people multiplied, and wax- s See 1Sam.2. rs.10.2.&83. 9 And he said unto his people, Behold, d very mighty. 2se. 7. 11, 3, 4. f the people of the children of Israel are 21 And it come to pass, because the mid- 13. 2, 29. h Jol, 5.13. more and migltier tilan we: sives feared God, that lie sade tlem louses. 1 lings 2.24. FP.: 10 25. 0 10 i Cons on, let us i'deal wisely with 22 And Plharaolh charged nll his people, & 1'. 2. dPro, t t.... ws 2f o... lt,uhal s.....e th 2 And... Pv& 21. O. them; lest they multiply, and it come to saying, tEvery son that is born ye shall cast Ps. 12b. 1. Aets7. 19. pass, that, wheu there falletll out any war, into thle river, and every daughter ye shall about 1573. Gena. 15. 13. they join also unto our eseemies, aind figlt save alive. tActs 7s 19. cl,. 3. 7. against us, and so get them up out of the CHAPTER II. Deut. 2.. land. 1 Tfoses is borts, 3 ald i a-, aik casl itlo the Lc1t.2.11. &5I. 11 Therefore thley did set over thlem task-,flas. 5 He is foted, a-sd bvolsyit see by Pha4,d. masters ito afflict them witll their kburdens, d i eldunoites.. 11 He tlesthi as Eehyptiut. Ps. 81. 6. And they built for Plharaoh treasure cities, 13 dian. 2 He matla ietZi poah. e 22 l er-i t l Gen. 47. 11. Pithom land Raamsese. ehon,s born. 23 God, tespeciethe Israelites' t eb. nd.123 But the more they afflicted them, the ncy. ae t0ey of- more tley multiplied and grew. Aud thley A ND there went aa man of the house of a ell. G. 20. fictsoe the,n, were grieved because of the children of Is- Lev Levi, and took to wsife a daughter of lnhe.2.14. te s rael. Levi. tseh.2. 23..- 13 And the Egyptians made the children of 2 And the womas conceived, and bare a 1371. 9o.. Israel to serve witih rigour: soll: and b when she saw him that lhe ouas a b Acts 7. 20. Num; 20.15. 14 And they remade their lives bitter with goodly chils, she lid sim tlsree months. lsb. 115 23. Acts7.19,34. iard bondaget, in mortar, and in brick, 3 And whllen se could not longer lide him, sP-s. 1. 6.- and in all manner of sevice it the field: all maer of took for sim an ark of bulrushes, and {Mosese fleeth into Midinn. EXODUS. God appeareth to him. o 0J. 1571. daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put came tp onto Gad by oeason of the bond- 0. C. 1531. tihe child therein; and she laid it in the age. flags by the river's brink. 24 And God abeard their groaning, and ach. 6. 5. cel. 15. 20. 4'And his sister stood afar off, to wit what God bremembered his Icovenant with Abra, ieh. 6. 5. iuae-.2i.29. would be done to lim. ham, with Isaac, and with Jacob, 2,. 105., 42. d Ant, 7. 21. 5 I And thie ddaughter of Pharaoh came 25 And God dlooked upon the children of li. 45. down to wash herself at the river; and her Israel, nndGodIlad respect untotlen. elt a15. 14. maidens walked along by the river's side & 46. 4. and when She Saw the ark among the flags, CHAPTER III. dih. 4. 31. she sent her maid to fetch it. 1 aoe., Ipeth J.1oh'elEoi 2h. 2 God openth 2 ai.01.12. 6 And wwhen she had opened it, she saw the to hia i, ai burtin gi.h. 9 Hle sedeh him to Leke 1. 25. child: and, behold, tile babe wept. And s he li4teoel. 1hi -.eon of God 12 Hi, ddive,~~~~~~~~~~ Isal 4Te'meo o. 5H b. kne.. had comnpassion ob him, and said, Ths is nng to ho. th. en. one of tle Hebrews' childeen. TOWMoe kept the o of Je i 7. Then said his sister to Pharanoh's daugh- N WIIss kept the flock of Jethro hisI el.... _7 Then aid hit iter to Pe ot dgh Lfather in law, athe priest of Midian: 1491. ter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurseof ndbe led the flock to the back side of the [e.2.. the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the desert, and came to bitlhe mountain of God, 2 itg. 10.5. child for tliee? eveet to Horebe ng 1.0. 8 And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. 2 And the. Angel of thle LORD appeared t Dout. 33.10. And the maid went and called the child's unto tim in a flame of'fire.out of the idst t3.9. Anhr mothsdager. si u n of a bushe: and lie looeked, and, behold, the Aot7. 30. And Plearaoh's daughter- said unto hee, busi burned With fire, and the:bush wtas Take this child away, and nurse it for me, not consumed. and I will give thee thly wages. And the 3 And Moses said, I ill now turn aside, woman took tle child, and nursed it. and see this dgreat sightwhy thle bush is dPA. l L. 1. 10 Atd the oleild grew, and she brought not burnt. A.7..31. lim unto Polnaoh's daughtet and lieebecame 4 And when tlhe LORD saw feat'le turned /. 33.16. eActs 7. 21. 1 her son. And she called Iis name Iiiosese: aside to see, God called eunto bim out of the t'. 1. Tihat it, and she said, Because I drew him out of the midst of thebush, and said, atet, Mee.. 12. midst of the bu~~~~~ssh, An sad oe,~oses. |J..h. 5. 15..,lueaaoct. ewater. And he said, Here am I.AoIe7. 33i 11 ~ And it came to pass in those days, 5Anddhe said, Draw not nigh hither: fput aGen 28. 13. fAete7.23,2o. fweten Moses was groewn, that lee venrt oat off thy shoes from offthy feet; for the place y 15, Iel0,. 11. 24, unto eis brethren, and looked ot their gbur- whereon thou sttndest ies holy ground. ol. 4. 5. 2-, Ii dens: and lie spied an Egyptian smiting a 0 Moreover hle said, I eam the God of thy ]Stte. 2. 32. l I. i. Hebrew, one of ilig brethren. father, the'God of Abraham, the God of | lak 12i 211. 1531. 12 And lee looked this way and that way, Isaac, and the,God of Jacob. And MIoses ] 7. 20. 37. h Acta 7. 24. ] and wlicu he saw that there was'no manAt l7ie32 h Aots 7. 21. and wleen lie saw that thoe hs tacno maon, le hid his face; fo hhe was afreid to look At So I Kitgo i hts7 0 lew the Egyptian, and hlid him in tile upon God. 113 Aot,. 7. e,,"sand. 7 ~ And the LORD said, iI have surely Is. U. 1, 5. h 13 And laleen lee went oat the second dny, seen the affliction of ny people which are iex. 2. 231 24, hb ene, eold,.two men of the Iebres strove, to; in Egypt, and have heard their cry kby 2'. ee, etheli: and lie said to' eim that did tle reason of their taskn...ters;e for Ii knew h} h. 9. 9. Geem 13. 8. wrong, Whlerefore smitest thou thy fellow 0 their sorrot s; Pt. 10i. 41. l Aste7. 29. 14 And lie said, kWho made thee tn prine 8 And"I ancone down to",deliver them Ate 7. 4i. Heb. 11. 27. and at judge over us? intendest thou to kill out of the hand. of thle Egyptians, and to I 0l. 1. 11. mGen. 24. 11. me, as thou billedst the Egyptian? And bring teoen tp out of tnt land'unto a good I G. 18. 21. 2. 29. 2. Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is land and a large, unto a land. 2 flowing witlh i 2. 2 25. 1Eole1. 3. 1. knoon. milk and loncy; unto teleplnace of 1te e.l.,7. IfOr, eltince, 15 Now when Pharaoh leard this thing, hle Canaanites, and thle Hittites, and tile Ano- & 1. 21..& 50. as d' 41. souglhl to.slay Moses. But lloses fedf'om rites, nnd the Perizzites, and the Iivites, 24. 45.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ " 45. the face'of Pharaohland dwelt in the land and the Jebusite. ele... Li1. SI. (len. 2O 11. ofMidian: and le sat down by'La well. 09 Now tlerefore, behold, the cry of tle eo2. 15. & 2!.. 10. 1Now tle Ilpriest of Midi en had seven haildreenofI i oen e nd oDt..2 children of Israel is come Unto me: and I| e.7, 89. [ ~1 Sae. 9.IL. daughters: aondtlhey me anddreweiater, have also teen tle:'oppreseion aherewitl, hav alose he hrw p -e. 17. ip Ge. 29. 10. and filled the troughs to water their father's tie Eeyptians oppress tiet.. poe. 17. efen-. 10.29O, flock. 10 tCome nosv tlherefore,; and'I iill send 33. 3. let.lo ek 17 And the shepierds camet and drove thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring [e,-,. 13. 27. et,', oe, tliee naay but oses sMtood p and helped forth msy people the children ofeIsrael out of aDeut. 2. 9, 1. 4. 18. tleem, and iatereeed their flock. Egypt. 15. 18. 1. -c. 18 And lwhen they came to qReuel tlheir 11 Andl Moses said unto God,'tWho anm es. 11.5. & to~en.31.d.h ]father, hle said, How io it that ye are come I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I 2z. 20. i. 43.'25.. [ so ~oon to'day? /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 U d3.25. sotooen-todday? should bring fortl the childrenof Israelout aGen. u 5.18. oh.4.25.&18.h 19 And they said, An Egyptian delivered of Egypt?. 2. 3 2 tus out of the hland of tile shepherds, and 12 And he said, I Certainly I will he aiteh.1 toel. 18.3. also drew wate, enough for us, and watered thee; and this shall be a token unto thee,'14 22. iThat i,:A the fleock. that Ihave sent tlhee: When thou last 105. 26. stLtragehetie. 10 And hle said untohlis daughters, And brought forth thle pedople out of Egypt, ye t! ic. 54.{ tActs 7. 29. where is he? why is it that ye hlave left shall serve God upon this mountain. se See g 1 1.cb. 11. 13, thee man? call him, that lie may "eat bread. 13 Atd Moses said unto God, ehold, wn 11 14. 21 And Moses was conten to dwell witeh the I come unto the cliildren of Israel, and shall I...5, 8. -ee. 7.7. man': and he gave OlIoses'Zipporah his sayunto them, The God ofyourfatlhers hath Jor. 1. 0. A.Ct7.30. daughter. sentme unto youl; and they shall say to me, G Cn. 31.3. yNumn.20.16. 22 And she bare hint a son, and hle called Whatishisname? teatshallIse yuntoy them? Deet,31. 23. DDent. 26.7. his namne llGersholm: for lie said, I hlave 14 AndGod said nto.Moese, tAIl THAT ltt1tt 1.5. 1AdGs aidnto'uisesal thou THAy R.- 8. 31. P, 12. 5. been Un stranger in a strange land. I AAM: and hle said, Thus shalt thou say oe... zG.en. 18. 10. 23 ~ And it came to pass'ine process of tonto the children ofnIseel, VI AM lith eent VbO6. 3. le. 5. 0. h22. Jatete bO. 8 211o7. time, that the king of Egypt died: and tile me unto you. bei,. I O| 23, 27.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Cot. 1. 20.l aeut. 2.11. 15. children of Israel'Vsighleld byrason of the IS And God said moreover unto Moses, [ i... 13.. |. Jame-. 4. bondage, and they cried, and Ztheir cry Thus slhalet thou say unto the children of Is-.ev. 1.4. 43[ God's message to Israel. EXODUS. His message to Pharaoh. IB. C. 1491. rael, The LORD God of your fathers, the believe thee, neither heaken to the voice of B. 0. 1401. God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and tile the tfirst sign, that they will believe the voice God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this of the latter sign. z Pz. 1.3. i Iemy name for ever, and this is mymemo- 9 And it shall come to pass, if they will not Ho... 2. 5. rial unto all g.enerations. believe tlso these two signs, neither hearken aohi. 4. 29. 16 Go, and "gather the elders of Israel to- unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the b Getn. 50. 24. gether, and say unto them, Tile LORD God water of the river, and pour it upon the dry e Ch.2.5.&4. o' your fathers, tile God of Abraham, of land: and fths water wlich thou takest feb. 7. 19. 31. Isooc, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, say- oot of the river tsholl become blood upon t Heb. eallt Luko 1. 68. ing, bl have surelyvisited you, and see tile dry land. bi too sAall Get. 05. 14, Ohat which is done to youin Egypt: 10 ~ And IMoses said unto the LORD, 0 my O 1M. 17 And I have said, I will bring you up Lord, I an not feloquent, neither thereto- 05Heb,a n00 do oul.. 3. ot of the affliction of Egypt unto the land foe, o ice to t poe ty dchl. 4. of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the servant; but 0I att slow of speech, and of th e seb. a el. t. 1, 3. Anmoites, and the Perizzites, and thoe Ii- a slow tongue. so y, y'Num.23.3,4,-1 1-th fNoe.t3.l,4, vites, and the Jebusites, unto a land flowing 11 And the LORD said unto him, IWhto thid 00y. wi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thmilk a(ndhny. tt. witt milk tn oehath made man's mouth? or who maketh. 6. 12. o get.5.2.&7.4. IS And dthey shall hearken to thy voice: the dumb, or deaf, or the veeing, or the [e.1.. W I Or, but by and ethou shalt come, thou and tle elders of blind? have not I the LORt. 1. stMo ood. Israele, unto toe king of Egypt, and ye shall 12 Now tterefore go, and I will be Owith Pi. 4.9. i~~. e. 6. & 7. sa Lo halt i I.. 50. 4.r~.~ 9. ]hete.6. h7. say unto him, The LORD God of the He- thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt Je. I. 9. 25. hO9. t.:brews hath fmet with us: and now let us go, say. | oet. 10. 19. ieh. 7.3.&11. we beseech thee, three days' journey into 13 And he said, 0 myLord, ksend, I pray |rock 13. 11. 9st o. toe wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the tloe, by the hand of hictoshoeoo thou lowilt Lobe 12. 11, De... 6. 22. [tl. 12.&..... Nell. 9. o10. LORD our God. sd. 12.. 14, Pa. 105.27. & 19 ~ And I am sure that toe king of Egypt 14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled 1. 135.. 9. will not. let you go, lno, not by a mighty against Moses, and lhe said, Is not Aaron ksee J.e. 32. 20. hand. Olte Levite thly brother? I know tio he can 3. Aeeto. 7.20 20 Aed I vil hstpetch oct my wend, and speak ell. And also, behold, the ometl 0,shoc[de h. Egypt o20An withill hsrtho~my wonder tn sm. Site Egypt withiall my wonders wo iho fortth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, o tr2. 01. 3 ttOil do isn teo omidst thereof: and kafter that he will be glad in his heart. I 27o.. I.h.he will let you go. 15 And "thou shalt speak unto him, and 3... 21 And 0I will give this people favour in'put words it his mouth: and I will be with 1ch 1., 2. Pt. too. io. Otte sight of tile Egyptitns: audit shall come Oty totth, tod cith tos mooth ctd 00041 oLoo 12[8 gypti, ~~~~thy mouth, and with Iris mouth, and I will|, lm...[ Pa.'106[ 464tesih o il g n:a ts~l c t ~ P, N..22.38. Prov.6. 7. to pss, that, when ye go, ye shlall not go teoih you..hat ye shall do. ] 2.. s Get. 15.1. | empty: 10 And he shall be thy spokesman unto the to t. 18.18. olo.l.1,2t 12. 22 "'Rot every comae shall borrow of her people: and lie shall be, eve0 te ehllt be to Is. 51. Ih. 35, 36. neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her thee instead of a mouth, and ithou shalt be J et. 9. a 7ot 2717.17. hose, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, to him instead or'God. o t. 5. 31. Pto,.1. t2. oand raiment: antd ye slall pot tht'o upon 17 And thou shalt take this rod in thine ot. 7. 1. & Ez. O39. 10. your sons, and.upon your daughters; and hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs. 18. 19. 11t W, Egypot. "yeshall spoil ithe Egyptians. 19 ~ And Mloses went and returned to tJe- sot,. 2. thro his father in law, and said unto him, t0eHb. Jethe. CHAPTER IV. Let me go, I pray thee, and return: unto my 1 Moss' ed it turtne d into a s ertent. Hist bretlhren which are inEgypt, and see whethhan oist leoos. itO He iso loth to e cet. 14 er they be yet alive. And Jethro said to oAarot io appioionted o him. 18 Motoes de- loses, Go in peace. roah,.eah jO r e Joo 01 Ool'tstehsal to Pt'sao. 19 And the LORD said unto IMoses in Midvaoot. Cd Zi00000o,~o oi,oomctisteh Os,~ toot. 07. Gote oo 0fe0tto o Aaro~ is sent to meet Moses. 31 Th e erl - an, Go, return into Egypt: for all tle men ll. 2. 15'23. lieteth Oht.... are dead which souglt thy life. Sitt. 2. 20 ND Moses answered and said, iut, be- 20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, A hold, they will not believe me, nor and set them upon an ass, and lie returned hearken unto my voice: for they will say, to the land of Egypt: and Moses took'the ch. 17. 9. The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. rod of God in his hand. Nm.20.8,9. 2 And the LORD said unto him, What 21 And tile LORD said unto Moses, When aver. 17, 20. is that in thine hand? And be said, "A tthou goest to return into Egypt, see that rod. thou do all those twonders before Plharaoh, t o h. 3. 20. 3 Andhe said, Cast it on the gound. And whlich I have put in thine hand: but 0I vwill.,eh.7.3,13.& he cast it on the ground, and it became a harden his heart, that he shall not let the 9.12,:5. 1 serpent; and Mloses fled frombefore it. people go. |l. 14.0. 4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Putforth 22 And thou shalttsay unto Plharaoh, Thus Josh. 11. 20. thine hand, and take it by the tail. And lie saith tihe LORD,'Israel is my son, Yeve00 Is..63. 17. put forth his hand. and caught it, and it be- my firstborn: John 12. 40. came a rod in his hand: 23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, thato Iom. 9.18. t ch. 19. 9. 5 Tiat tltey toy tbelievo that Ithe LORD lie may serve me: and if thou refuse to lett Hos. 11. beh. 19.9..I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wl sla thay'on, ma eventee h O D /~OU 9. 4.| ch. 3. 15. God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, him go, behold, 2t w ill slay thy on, even o. 18. the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, thy firstborn. hath appeared unto thee. 14 ~f And it came to pass by theway inthe y Jer. l1. C. 6 And tile LORD said furthermore unto inn, that the LORD amet him, and sought Jchell.5. 18. him, Put now thine ]hand into thy bosom. to b kill him. oh11.5.& 12. ]29. And te pot his hand into his bosom: and 25 Then Zipporah took Ca sharp 1lstone, 1m2.. when ho tooh it out, behold, lis hand 0008 and cut otf the foreskin of her son, and t cast n m]... d W-m.t1.t0. leprou tos tsnow. it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody hus- iaeo. 17. 14. ing5.27. 7 And he said, Put thine hand Into thy be band art thou to me. eJost.. 2,. om again. And le put his hand Intoe his So imgo: then sle said, A o[ I Or, knife. tNs. 12.13, bosom ogain; and plucked it out of his bo- bloody husband thou rn0, because of the.Het.,b-e dit t214.C. som, and, behold,'it was turned again as circomciion. tolh. 2mKtin.l,4. 3 his otherllesb. 27 ~ And the LORD said to Aaron, Go into ott.O.8. 3. 8 And it shall come to pass, if they mill noa the wilderneos dto meet Moses. And te toe. 14. 4o fIsraelites' task increased. EXODUS. God reneweth his promise. B. C. 1491. went, and met him in ethe mount of God, WITierefore dealest thou thus witt thy serv- B. C. 1491 and kissed him. ants? e ch. 3. 1. 28 And Moses f told Aaron all the words of 1G There is no straw given unto thy servfver. 15. 16. the LORD who had sent him, and all the ants, and they say to us, Make brick: and, gver. 8, 9. siguns wlich he had commanded him. behold, thy servants are beaten; but the hch. 3 16. 29 I And IMoses and Aaron hwent and fault is in thine own people. gathered together all the elders of the chil- 17 But lte said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: dren of Israel:' therefore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice iver. 16. d i0And Aaron spake all the words which to the LORD. k cl. 3. 18. the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did 18 Go therefore now, and work; for there - rer. 8 9. the signs the ig e sight of thie people. shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye del t. 3. 1t6. 31 And the people kbelieved: and when liver the tale of bricks. ach.2.25.&3. they heard that the LORD had Ivisited the 19 And the officers of the children of Israel 7. children of Israel, and that he mhad looked did see that they woere in evil case, after it n Gen. 24. 26. upon their affliction, then'they bowed their was said, Ye shall not minish atght from ch. 12. 27. heads and worshlipped. your bricks of your daily task. 1 Chr. 29.20. CHAPTER V..2()0 And they met Moses and Aaron, who ee ehie' Itetleth ted aneeftGelstood in the way, as they came forth from 1 Pharaoh ddtlh Mi.ose and.e anfoth te l Phbceo mege. He cease the Jaeite' task. Pharaoh:,5 H1e hecketh their coete tes 20 TIey tcy 21 AlAnd they said unto them, The LORD h ch. 6.9. -out eOL JlOteS atd atot. 22 Jlose - look upon you, and judge because ye have.laineth to God. made our savour t to be abhorred in the t He,. t AND afterward Moses and Aaron went eyes of Pharaoh, and in thle eyes of his sere- [tink, uL in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saitl the ants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us. OeL. 34. 30. LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that 22 And Moses returned unto the LORD, I s ln13.4 ach. 10. 9.. they may hold aa feast unto me in the eil- and said, Lord, Wherefore hast thou so evil 2 Sa.l. 10. 6 derfiess. entreated this people? why is it that thou 1 Chr. 19. 6. C2 Kings 18. 2 And Pharaoh said, bWho is the LORD, hast sent me? 35. that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speak t He l delieJol [ 21. 1._I know not the LORD,'Cneither will I let Is- in thy name, he lhath done evil to this peo- erig Itho tcelh 3, 19p rael;go. ple* tneither hast thou delivered thly po- hast not ded eh. 3. 18. 3 And they said, (/The God of the Hebrews ple at all. oivered.' hath met witle s: let us go, we pray thee, CHAPTER VI. three days' journey into the desert, and 1 God 1-enet.eth his.roni,te h/ his..ame JEO- ch. 3. 19. sacrifice unto thle LORD our God; lest he VAH. 14 hegenealor.qof Reben1t, qfSime- beh. 11. 1.1 1 & fall upon us with pestilence, or with the 1on, 16 oLei, of telom came ifossse and A.- 12.31,33, 39. sweord. tee.11 Or; JEHO4 And the king of Egypb said unto them, THEN the LORD said unto Soses, No v'tet Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aron, le shalt th ou see what I will do to Phara- cOen. 17.1. & people from their works? get you unto your oh: for anithl a strong tand shall lhe let 35.11;&48. 3. e l.l. 11. eurdens. them go, and with a strong hand b shall he ed eh. 3. 14. 5' And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of drive tliem out of his land. es.68.4.& 83. fch. 1.7, 9. theland now are fmany, andyenake them 2 And God spake unto Moses, and said 18. rest from their burdens. unto him, I am litle LOeD: John 8. 58. 6 And Pharaoh commanded the same day 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Re-. 1. 4. gch. C. 11. the otaskmasters of the people, aud their Isaac, and unto J.cob, by thle oame of e&]G'4'.j.18 officers, saying, CGod Almighty; but by my name dJEHO- & 17 4, 7 7 Ye shall no more glve the people straw to VAH wasI not known to them. f Gen, 17.8.& make brick, as heretofore: let them go and 4 eAnd I have also established my cove- 28. 4. gather straw for themselves. nnnt witll them, f to give them the land of gh cll. 24. 8 And the tale of the bricks, which they C anan, the land of their pilgrimage, where- h,er. 2, 8. 29. did make heretofore, ye shall layupon them; in they were strangers. i ee.3,17.: 7. ye shall not diminish ughst thereof: for And have also heard the groaning of 4Det 8 they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians e 81. 01. 8 Let us go and sacrifice to our God. keep in bondage; and I have remembered 1'i. 11, 12. tel,.Let the 9 tLet there more work be laid upon the my covenant. kth. 15. 13 eoktbelea vy men, that they may labour therein; and let. 0 Wherefore say unto the children of Is- Deet. 7. 8. t1h)oeL ta them not regard vain words. rael, h I am the LORD, and iI will bring you 1 Chr. 17.21. mec. 10 ~ And the taskmasters of the people out fromunderthe burdens oftlheEgyptians, Nell. 1. 10. went out, and their officers, and they spake and I will rid you out of their bondage, and l Deut.4.20.h& to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharao.h, I will k redeem you witl a stretched out arm, 7- 0& 1. 2.& I will not give you straw. and with great judgments: 78. 11Go ye, get you straw where ye can find 7 And I will htake you to me for a people, 2m n, 7,8. it: yet not aught of your work shall be di- and mI will be to you a God: and ye shall et..48. 46 minishled. know that I ae the LORD your God, whichl Deut. 9. 13. 12 So the people were scattered abroad bringeth you out "from under the burdens Rev. 21..7. throughout all the land of Egypt to gather of the Egyptians. c. eh'. 4, 5. stubble instead of straw. 8 And I will bring you in unto the land, Ps. 81. 6. 13 And the taskmasters basted them, say- concerning the which I did t ~ swear to give i HBee. lift t Heb. amat- ing, Fulfil your works, tyour daily tasks, as it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and u, yl hat. teu of a day! when there was straw. I will give it you for a heritage: I aCn the ne Gelle. 14. inhis day. 14 And the officers of the children of Is- LORD. 32 rael, which Phlaraoh's taskmasters had set 9 ~ And Moses spake so unto the children, 4e 4 over them, ere beate, w nl( demanded, of Israel: ltbut they hlearelened not unto Oe0 1.5 18. WhIerefolre have ye not fulfilled your task in Moses for tanguish of spirit, and for cruel 13. & 35. 12, making brick both yesterday and to day, us bondage.. 5. 21; heretofore 0 10 And the LORD spake unto Moses, say- t. e..2t16 4 Then the officers of the children of Is- ing,teh, ort rael came and cried unto Pharaoh, saying, 11 Go in, speak unto Plharaohl king 0f -teitees. 45 The genealogy of Reuben. EXODUS. Moses goeth to Pharao4.h B13. C. 1491. Egypt, that he let tile children of Israel go 2 Thou Cshbalt speak all that I command B.0. 1401. out of Iis land. thee; and Aaron thy: brother shall speak 12 And Moses spake before the LORD, say- unto Pharaoh, that he send thile children of c. c. 1.,..... 0 ting, Behold, the children ofIsrelhave lnot Israel out of his lad. hearokened unto meno; hol thenoshall Pharaoh 3Anddlwi ill harden Phoarato's heart, and deli. 4.,21. rver. 30. hear me, rwho ae ofcuncorcumcised lips? emultipiy my fsigns andc my wonders in tie -nh. 11, 9. oh. 4. 10. 13 And thile LORD spake unto Moses and land of Egypt. J'eli. 4.' 71 Jto. 1. 6. unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto 4 BUt Phlaraoh shall not hearken unto you, the children of Israel, and unto Pharaoh Othat I may lay my hland upon Egypt, and goh. 10. 1. & king of Egypt, to bring the children oflsrael bring forthi mine- armies, and my people 11, 9. out of the land of Egypt. the cildren of Israel, out of the land of IL ch6., 6. 14 ~ These be the heads Of their fath'ers' Egypt hby great jcdgments.' Get. 46.. houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn 5 And the Egyplia cs ishall know thatI am i eto. 17. ].Chr. 5. 3. 1LCh... of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and the LORD, when 1 kstretch forth cine hand ci.8.2B.& 14, Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. upon Egypt, ancd bring out the' children of 4, 18. Gen. 46. 10. 15 tAnd the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Israel fr6on among ihem. o ot.s. 0. 1 Chr. 4. 24. Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zobar, 6 And Moses and Aaron l did as the LOD k -h. 3.20 and Shaul the son of a Canaanic ish womanc: commanded them, so did they. I vet. 2. tiese are the families of Siteon. 7 And Moses was m fourscore years oid, 1491. u Get. 46.11. 16 ~ And these aroe the names of' the sons and Aaron fourscore and three years old, odnt. 29.5. O'c-. 3. 10. of Levi.acording to their generations; Ger-. hen they spaloe unto Pharaoh. o h. 34. 3. lIoChr..1,h. shon, and Kohath, and Ierari: and the 8 And the LORD spak tunt o Moses and 7. 1619, years oo the lifo ol Levi were a hundred uto Ao Aaos.7.3,30, tlirty and seven years. i9 Whien P;araoo shall speak unto you, sO 6h.6.17.b 17 Tilhe sons of Gershon; Libni, and Shi- saying, O hoew a mirocle for you: then shoue Is. 7. 11. 13. 7. mi, according to their families. shalt say unto Aaron, Takc thiy rod, and Johl 2.1.&5 plqum;c26.I. 18 And Ytielo sons ofKohath; Amram, and cast it'beforo Pharaoh, aoto it slul become 6.30. bChr.6.2,18. Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel: and the a serpent. oeh. 4. 2, 17, years of the life of Kohath were a hundred 10 ~ And Moses and Aaron went in unto thirty and three years. Pharaoh, aeid they did so Pas the LORD p ver. 9, z lChr.6,19.& 19 And tho sons of loerari;Malhali and had commanded: nd Aaroncaot down his 23. 21. Mushi: these are the families of Levi ac- rod before Pharaoh, and before his sorvcording to their generations. ants, and it became a serpent. q ch. 4. 3. a ch. 2. 1, 2. 20 And o A cram took him Jochebed his fa- 11 Tlhen Pharaoh also called the wise men r Get. 41.8., lc ci.L. 2659. thersosistertowife; andshbarehimAnaro'ant'tllhe sorcerers: nonw the magicians of 2 Tit. 3.8, andMoses: andtheyearsofthelifeofAmram Egypt, they also tdid in like manner witht er. 22. were at hundred ant d thirty and seven years. their enchatntments. 1l, t. 7, 18, b 0.um16.6.1. 1 ~ And b the sonsof Izhar; IKorath, and 12 For they cast down every man his rod, 1 or.o. 037, Nepiteg, and Zihcbri. and they became serpents: but Aaron's 00. 22 And Ithe sons of Uzziel; Mishaol, and rod swallowed tp their rods. L.ev. 10 4. Elzaphan, and Zithri. 13 And hie hardened Pharaoh's Iheart, that Bum. 3.030. 13 And Aaron took him Elishieba, daughter ihe hebarkenednot unto them; U as the LoRe 1 oh. 4. 21, about 1530. ofdAmminadab, sister of Naaslon, to wife; had said., 00.4. d Ruth 4. 19, and sh bare him eNadab and Abihu, Elea- 14 ~ And thb LORD saidunto Moses,'Pha- h. 8. 15. & 20. zar and Ithamar. raolh's ieart is hardened, h refuseth to let 10. 1I, 20, 27. 1 Chr 2. 10 Cltt. l.4. 24 And the fsons of Korahl; Assir, and the people go. t 14 Elkanah, and Abiasaph: these os- tithe fam- 15 Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; L.,. 20. 1. ilies of tioe Korhitesi lo, lie goeth out unto the water; and thou N.-u. 3.2. &' 6.3.. 60 23 And Eleazar Aaron's son took him one shalt stand by the river's brink against he lI h r. 3. & of ite daughters ofPutiel to wife; andtt she ome; and YJthe rod which was turned to a y h. 4. 2, 3. 24. 1. bare him Phinehas: these are the iteads of serpent shalt thou take in thine hand. Yet. 10. fNum..26.11. the fathers of the-Levites according to their 16 And thou shalt say unto him,'The zch. 3.18, glTu. 25. 7, families. LORD God of the Hebrews hath sent me 12. 26 These are that Aaron and Moses, hto unto thee, saying, Let my people go, Ithat asch. 3.12,18. Josh. 24. 33. whom the LORD said, Bring ou thle chil- they may serve me in the wilderness: and, & 5. 1,. hver. 13. dren of Israel from tihe land of Egypt ac- behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear. ic h.7.4. 12. cording to their tarmies. 17 Thus saith the LORD, In this bthou I b chl. 5. 2. 17, 51. 27 These oare they which kspake to Phara- sialt know that I am the LORD: behold, I ye. 5.. lNm-. 33. 1. ohi king of Egypt, Ito bring out the chtildren will smite.with the rod that is in mine hand 1491. of Israel from Egypt: thesreare that Moses upon the waters which are in the river, and k ch.2. 1,3.& and Aaron. c they shall be turned dto blood. toh. 4. 9. 7. 10. 28 [ And it came to pass on the day tohen 18 And the fish that is in the river shall dRew. 16. 4,6. Iver. 13. the LORD spake unto Moses in tihe land die, and the river shall stink; and tihe ch.32.7.&33. of Egypt, Egyptians ishall eloatho to drink of the wa- ever. 24. 1, P0.~7.20. 29 That the LO RD spake unto Moses, say- ter of the river.. 2. ing,l"I amthe LORD: lspeakthouuntoPlha- t 19 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say nteo. 11. raohi king of Egypt all that I say unto thee. unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and fstretch out f h. S.5,6, 16. eh. 7. 2. 30) And Moses said before the LORD, Be- thine hand.upon the waters of Egypt, upon &9.22. & 10. o yet.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12,2. 14 teet. 12. hold, oi aot of uncircumcised lips, and their streams, upon their rivers antd upon 2. ch. 4. 10. how shall Pharaoh hearlken unto me? their ponds, and upon all their t pools of 21, 26. A I waIter, tihat tbtey may become blood; and eb. ar CHAPTER VII~ ~ ~~waer ha tef e. q~~coth-i 1 lt seCHAPTERd i to tII'o. il that there may be blood throughout all the inf the, tg, 8eis 1oodi,a.... ed tto to a'a sts tot. tl PI land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and sorc0e00s do the like. 13 Pl'haaoh'o ha.,t -s in vessels of stone. hadtenetd. 14 Got's tessage to l0 araoht. 19 20 And MLoscs and Aaron did so, as tohe The Oive. is troned ioto blo.d. LORD commanded; and he olifted up the goh. 17. 5. eh. 4. 10. A NDthe LORD said unto MT oses, See, I rod, and smote the waters that oere in the Jso. 1. 10. 1I haveomadethee aatgodtoPltaraoli; and river, in the sight of Pharaol, and in tile hP.. 78.44.& b ch. 4. 16. Aaron thy brother shall be i thy prophet. sight of his servants; and all the h waters 105. 29. The plague offrogs, EXODUS. and of lice. B. 0. 1491. that were in the river eere turned to 14 And they gathered them together upon B. C. 1491. blood. heaps; and the land stank. 21 And the fish that rzas in the river died; 15 But when Pharaoh saw that there was and the river stank, and the Egyptians lrespite, "he hardened his heart, andoheark- IEcc. 8. 11. ieer, 18. icould not drink of the water of thile river;'ened not unto them;'as the LORD had said. -, 7. 7.14 and there was blood throughout all theland 16 1 And the LORD said unto Moses, Say of Egypt. unto Aaron, Stretch out thy rod, and smite k et. 11.:'2 And the magicians Of Egypt didso with the dust of the land, that it may become lice their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart throughout all tile land of Egypt. Was hardened, neither did hlie hearken unto 17 And they did so; for Aaron stretched teat. 3. them; las the LORD had said. out his hand withhis rod, and smotethe 23, And Pharaoh turned and went into his dust of tte earth, and Itheottelieice in t.. 105 31 house, neither did he set his heart to this man, and in beast; all the dust of the land also. became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. 24 Andl all the Egyptians digged round 18 And'the magicians did so with thieir och. 7. 11. about the river for water to drink; for they enchantments to bring forth lice, but tliey could not drink of the water of the river. I'cold not: so there cre lice upon mana, Lobe 10,t18. 25 And seven days rie fulfilled, after that and upon beast. 2Tie.9.,, the LORD had smitten the river. 19 Then the magicians said unto Pliraoh, This is 2thefinger of God: and Pharaoh's |tSam.6.3,9. CHAPTER VIII. "hcart was hardened, and he hearkned not P. 8. 3. 1 Pos ae sent. 8 Phtarao sueth to oses, 12 unto them; as the LORD had said. Itt. 12. 8. ald boet ty payer removeth them aoay. lftti Luke 11.20. The dut tis ured it o lice, which hietciciatt 20 TOAadthe LORD said unto Moses, ttise co hl oto. 20 The sanr oflie. 205 Pha- up early in the morning, and stand before e. 1. -tah iclielh to let the peolple go, 32 bu etyet is Pharaoh; lo, he cometh forth to the water; cth. 7. 15. hadeted. t and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, Go tLet my people go, that tiey may terse me. tsar. 1. ~ unatoPhtraoh, and say unto him, Thus 21 Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, ach. 3.12,18. saith the LORD, Let amypeople go, tthat behold, I will send lswarms of flies upon 11 Or, a tixtthey may sere me. thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy rose of toO ht.7.714 &9. 2 And if thou irefuse to let ther go, people, andintothy houses: andthehouses ct eal, 2. behold,'I will smite all thy borders with of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms tter th 13. tfrogs of flies, and alsc the grounderhereon they eAnd the river shall bring forth frogs tre. abundantly, which shall go up and come in- 22 And "I will sever in that day the land!t ch.9.4,, t6. t Pe. to5. o. to thint house, and into dthlyhedohamber, of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that b 1023-& l. and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy no swarms of flies shall be there; to the end 6, 7. & 12.13. servants, and upon thy people, and into thou mayest know that I an, the LORD in,,Or, dough. thine ovens, and intoythy lkneadingtroughs: the midst ofthe earth. 4 And the frogs shlall come up both ot thee, 23 And I will pUt t division between my tHeb. a eand upon thypeople, and upon alltthy serv- people and thy people: [lto morrow shall de,ltption. ants. this sign be. 1 Or. by to 7 5 And the LOR D spake unto Mloses, Say 24 And the LORD did s o; and'therecamet h. 7. 19. unto Aarot, Stretcl forth thine hand with a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Ps.. 78.45. & thy red over the streams, over the risers, Pharaoh, andinto Ils servants' houses, and 105.31. and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come into all the land of Egypt: the land was up upon the land of Egypt. I lcorrupted byreason of tiloe swarm of fies. 1 Or, 6 AndAaron stretched but his hand over 25i ~And Pharaoh calledfor Moses and dratroyed. fPs. 78. 45. &. thewauters of Egypt;'and f the frogs came for Aaron, and said, Go ye, sacrifice t your 1tt. 30. Up, and coveired the land Of Egypt. God in the land. clt. 7. 11. 7 tAd the magicians did to with their 226 And Moses said, It is not meet so to enohantments, and brought up frogs upon do; for we shall sacrifice Ythe abomination y en. 43.32. the land of Egypt. of the Egyptians to the LORD our God: 1o, &46. 34. 8 ~ Then Pharaoh called fdr Moses and shall we sacrifice the abominatti of the t.7. 2% kch. 9. 28. & |Aaron, and said, h:ntreat the LORD, that trioof the[26.&12.31. or. 0. n.h Atron, and said, hEntreat th LORD, that Egyptians before their eyes, and will they 10.17. he may take away the frogs from me, and not stone us? Nu.., 21. 7.{ 1t~ Mi 13. 6,from my people; and I will let tile people go, 27 We will go three days'journey into the ta. 3. 18. Actt 8. 24. that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD. wilderness, and sacrifice to the LORD our lOt, 11ter 9 And troses said unto Pharaoh, IlGlory'God, as'be shall coomand us.h. 3. 12. thia ho-Oos over me: Iwhen shall I entreat for thee, 28 And Pharaoh said, Iwillletyougo, that oree, e,. andfor thytservants, and for ty people, tto ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in tlOr, againtt destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, the wilderness; only ye shall not go very erie,. that they may remain in the river only? far away: 6 entreat for me. / wer. tiRb. to trot 10 And tesaid, ITomo rrow. Andhosaid, 29 And Moses said, Behold, I go out from ch. 9.28. *0. Be ie according to thy word; that thou may- thee, and I will eatreat the LORD that'tte taitg 13.6. [ Or, Aginst est tknow that ithere is none like unto the swarms of flies may depart fromlPharaoh, to — roe. LORD ur God. - from his servants, and from his people,-to ich,.. 14. 11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, morrow but let not Pharaoh Cdeal deceit- ever. 15. 2e.t. 3S.O. and from thy hoe, andfrom thy servants, fully any more in not letting the people go 0 S7. 0. and from thy people; they shall remain in to sacrifice to the LORD. P S. 17.1. the river only. 30 And Moses went out from Pharaoh, and 12 And Moses and Aaron went out from detreated tie LORD. d r. 12. Jer. 10.61, 7. Pharaoh: atd oses kh cried unto the LORD 31 And the LORD did accordingto the word k err. 30. because of tle frogs which he had brought of Mloses; and hle removed tle swarms of (h.9.33.&10.I against Pharaoh. flies from Plharaoh, from his servants, and 18. & 32. 10. 18 And the LORD did according to the word from his people; there remained not one. dame... 10, of lMoses; and tihe frogs died out of the 32 And Piharaoh ehardened his heart at er.5.L 17 houses, out of the villages, and out of the this time also, neither would he let the peo-. 4. 21. fields. ple go, 47 The plague of boils and blains. EXODUS. The plague,f hail.'B. C.1491. CHAPTEER IX. jihome, the hail shall come down upon them, B. C.1491. and theysalde I P/sn nob..ftsoh o. 8TPshl~yoe ofbods b td tlyV shall die. and blo.ias. 13 Hlisossoea oaoot th hail. 22 20 He tthat feared the word of the LORD Theptlgoeof hail. 27Ph.,' to.ofoses, among the servants of Pharaoh made his 35 but yea is hardened. servants and his cattle flee into the houses: a oh. 8.1. IHEN the LORD said unto toses, aGo 21 And he that t regnarded not the word of 1 ]e,.,0t0 in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus the LORD left his servants and his cattle hi eat saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let in the field. t, my people go, that they may serve me. 22~ And the LORD said untoMoses,Stretoh l'. 7. 23. ish. 8. 2. 2 For if thou brefuse to let them go, and forth thine hand toward heaven, ttthat there wilt hold them still, may be h'hail in all the land of Egypt, upon p ho. 10. 21. ch.7.4. 3 Behold, the Ihaad of the LORD is upon man, and upon beast, and upon every herb thy cattle whtich is in the field, upon the of the field; throughout the land of Egypt. horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, 23 And Moses stretched forth his rod toupon the oxen, and upon the sheep: there ward heaven: and Uthe LORD sent thunder q Josh.. 10.11. shall be a very grievous murrain. and hail, and the fire ran along upon the Pe. 1.11. d oh. n. 2. 4 And dthe LORD Shall sever between the ground; and the LORD rained hail upon the 1. 10. 32. & J 18. 8. cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt: and land of Egypt. I. 30. 0. there shall nothing die of all that is the 24 So there was hail, and fire mingled with Ea. a. 22. ohildren's of Isael. the hail, very grievous, such as there was Rev. 8. 7. 5 And tile LORD appointed a set time, say- none like it in all the land of Egypt since it ing, To morrow the LORD shall do this thing became a nation. in the land. 25 And the hail smote throauglgoo all the And the LORD did that thing on the mor- land of Egypt all thlat was in thle tfield, both,PF. 78. na. row, and'all the cattle of Egypt died: but man and beast; and tie ]ail "smote every -.. 105. 33. of the cattle of the children of Israel died herb of the field, and brake every tree of the notone. field. 7 And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was 20' Only in the land of Goshen, wohere s oh. $.22 9.h. not one of the cattle of' the Israelites dead. the cildrden of-Israel weae, was there no 4,/. h 10.'23.!fehaT. 1& And fthe hleart of Pharaoh was hardened, hail. 8. 32. and he did not let the people go. 27 AndPharnah sent, and called forM lo- 1.27 ~ ~~~~~~~~An haahsnadclefoMoI: 2.18,19. 8 ~ And the LORD said unto loses and sos and AaronI and said unto them, tI have t, unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes sinned this time: "the LORD is righteous, o2 Cih. 12.11. of the furnace, and let Moses sprinlle it and I and my people are wiicked..1 toward thle heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. 28'Entreat the LORD (for is is enough) 1. " 9 And it shall become small dust in allthe that thlere be naol mooe mighty thunderings Loo 1 18. gnsv. 16. 2. land of Egypt, and shall be Ua boil break- and hail; and I twill let you go, and ye shall D-,. 9. 1. ing forth woitlh blains upon man, and upon stay no longer.':h.9.8,28. & beast, throughout all the land of Egypt. 29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as 10.17. 10 And they took ashes of the furnace, and I am gone out of the city, I will Yspread Actc 8. 2I. stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled abroad my hands unto tioeLanDl and the tHel,. voices h|a. 28.27. it up toward heaven; and it became ha boil thunder shall cease, neither shall there be breaking forth with blains upon man, and any more hail; that thou mayest know.ow 1 1. 38. apon hoast. that the %oarth is the LoRa's. Yl1.Kio..02 la1. 8.18. 19. 11 And the imagiclans could not stand be- 30 But as for thee and thy servants, II P.. 143.1. 2Tis3. 9. fore Moses because of the boils; for the boil know that ye will not yet fear thle LORD,.. 15. was upon the magicians, and upon all the God. zP.. t 1. Egyptians. 31 And the flax and tile barley was smit- 1 l... io./I 12 And the LORD hardened the heart of ten: bforthebarleyaa.intheaer, and ale 28. Pharaoh, and lie hearkened not unto them; flax wans boiled. t 1 /. 2. N. k Ct. 4. 21. k as the LORD lad spoken unto Moses. 32 But thle wheat and the rye nwere not bRolth l. W. & lch. 8. 20. 13 ~ And the LORD said unto lMoses, Rise smitten: for they'swere o not grown up.. up early in the morning, and stand before 38 And Moses went out of'the city from t Ioe. AidPharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Pharaolh, and spread abroad his hands an- a. or, odosa, LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people to the LORD: and the thonders and bail l r. go, that they may serve me ceased, and the rain was not poured upon l. 8. 1 14 For I will at this time send all my the earth. plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy serv- 34 And when Pharaoh snaw that the rain ah, ah.. 10. ants, and upon tly people; "'that thou may- and the hail and the thunders were ceased, est know that there is none like e e in all he sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, the earth. he and his servants. lad. 4. 01. bl. 3.2..a. 15 For na I Taill astreteh out my hand,'85 And dthe heast of Ponaaolh was harden- t,. 1a'/b ths that I may smite thee and thy people with ed, neither would lie let the children of Is- hol f 05. pestilence; and thou shalt hbe cut off from saelgo; as theLORD hadspoken tby Moses. ss,. 4.13. the earth. onoa. 0..17. 10 And in very deed for athis cause have CHAPTER X. s eh..14.17. I raised thee up, for to sloew ia thee my I GMtdhneae h a s,,l losa. 7T/oanaeh, Proi~. llj. 4. m~~~~~~~~~~~~~ooed by his rrervant.s, i,~clineth to let fhs ls,'aetPat. 21. 4. power;i and that my name may be declared iesdgo. b T/hes laguaof i the lock-s a. h.Phla-s 1 P.t. 2.0 i9e. 1 lThe ply-gs a/he e,: se 11/ Phn s.,,throughout all tle earth. raoh sue-h to boses. 21 Ths plause of dar.khee. ta.d 17 As yet exaltest thou thyself against my ses. 24 Iharao/o -'ue/h oto 2oses, 7 but yet ~a,:e stand. Iadn. peoale, that thou wilt not let them go? i hardsed. i18 Behold, to morrow about this time I will A NDI the LORD said unto toses, Go in cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such.11. unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened a7ht4. 21. & as hath not been in Egypt since the founda- ois hleart, and't he heart of his servants, 1. tion thereof even until now. bthlat I might shew these my signs before bh. 7. 4. 19 Send therefore now, and gather thy him:'hot.4.9. Pa. 44. 1. & cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; 2 And that athou mayest tell in tIte ars of 71.18. &78.5. for upoot every mn an,d beast which shall thy son, and of thy son's son, wlhat things I &v. be found in the field, and shall not hhrouaght have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which Joel 1.3. 4as The plague of locusts. EXODUS. The: plague, of darkness. B. C. 1491. Iohave done among them; thatye mayknow 20 But the LORD hloardeeed Pharaoh's B.,BC..1491. hoe thot I amo the LORD. heart, so that he wouldnot let the children 8 And Moses and Aaron came in unto of Israel go. h 4. 21. h Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the 21 And the LORD said unto Moses,11 LORD God of the Hebrews, How.long wilt IStretch out thine hand toward heaven, 9. 22. dI Kin.21.29. thou refuse to dhumble thyself before me? there m.y be darkness over the land of 2Chr.7.14.& let my people go, thatthey may serve me. Egypt,: even darkness which may be felt. t Rel,. that It. 27. 4 Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, 22 And itosesstretched foeth his hand to- on. oyfjct tot,~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' Oh.? hoestrthel ot i adto Joer 13. 18 behold,to morrow ill I bring the'locusts ward heaven; and there was a Ythick dark- aor' e. J:~I1. i 1.. intot thy coast: ness in all the land of Egypt three days: y Pa. 102. l8. 1 Pt. 5.6. 1 And they shall cover the face of the 23 They saw not one another, neither rose Pr.eo. 00.27. earth, that one cannot: e able to see, the any from his place foe three days:'but all eeh. 0.02. Rov.. to. earth: and fthey shall eat the residue of the children of Israel had light in their t Ho. eye, that which is escaped, which remaineth unto dwellings. oor. 15. you from the hail, andshall eat every tree 24 I And Pharaoh called unto Moses, and fet. 9. 32. which groweth for you out of the field: t said, Go ye, serve the LORD; only let cor.. Joel 0. 4. & 6 And they shall ftill thy houses, and the your flocks and your herds be hstayed:let 2.25. houses of all thy servants, and: the houses your blittle ones also 1o with you. ber. 10. otto. 8.3,21. of all the Egyptians; lwhich neither thy fa- 25 And Mloses said,:Thou must give tus t Hob. into thers, nor tty ftters'fatoerste have teen, also sacrifices and burnt offering, that e o'rfaed,. since the day that they were upon the earth maysacrifice unto the LORD our God. unto this day. And ho turned himself, and 21 Our cattle also shall go with us; there went out from Pharaoh. shall not a hoof be left behind; for thereof 7 And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, must we take to serve the LORD ourGod; Iheth. 3. 3R. How long shall this man be hoa snare unto and we know not with what we must serve toIt, 2:o. 13. us t let the men go, that they may serve the the LORD, until we come thither. I 8.St'.'18.01. JLORD their God: knoweet thou not yet. tthat 27 ~ But the LORD'hardened Pharaoh's 00. 0. foe. 7.O3. Egypt is destroyed? heart, and he would not let them go. eh.4.21.& 14. 8 And oses and Aaron were brought again 28 And Pharaoh said onto him, Get thee 4,8. cunto Pttraoh: and lie said unto them, Go, from me, take heed to thyself, see my face JHtb. tho, serve the LORD your God: but t who are no more; forointhat day thou seest my face etaodwheo,'e. Jthey that shall go? thou shalt die. 9 And Moses said, We will. go witlt our.29 And Moses said, Thou hast spoken well, young and with our old, with our sons and dl will see thy face again nomore. d heb. 11. 27. withtour daughters, withouo flocks and with t Cht5. L our herds will we go; for ite musthold a CHAPTER XI. feast unto the LORD. 1 Cod'. toe-sage to the torrot jeecls 10 And he said unto them, Let the LORD of hlei eighob —. 4 Atoet throat-oth PAhbe so with you, as1eillletyou go, andyour -oh ith tou cat oeftcitlleto, tadou. little ones: look to it; for evilis beforc you. A fND the LORD sid unto Moses, Yet will 11 go now ye that at e men,.and 1 I.bringone plaguemoroe upon Pharaoh, serve the LOt D; for that ye did.desire. and upon Egypt; afterwnards he will let you And they pere driven out fom Pharaoh's go hence: twhen he shall let yoo go, he aeh.12.31,33, presence. shall surely thrust you out hence altogether. 39. 1I',1 Aod ttt LORD said unto Moses, 2 Speak now in the ears of the people, and k e. 7. 10. -Stretch out thine hand over thle land of let every man borrow of hisneighbour, and Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up every woman of her neighhour, bjewels, of 0 eoh.3.22.&12. I er. 4, 5. Upon thie land of Egypt, and leat everyherb silver, and jewels of gold. 35. oh the land, even all that the hail ]Iath left. 3 CAnd the LORD gave the people favour e 1t. i. 21. & 13 And Moses stretched forth his rod over in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover, 12. 30. the tand of Egypt, ond the LORD brought the man dltoses oots tery great in the land P. 10tt. 046. an east wind upon the land allothat day, of Egypt, inthe sight of Pharaoh's servants, dleSam. 7.9. and all that night; atd when it was morn- and in the sight of the people. EOto. 9. 4. ing, the east wind brought the locusts. 4 And Moses said, Thus saith the LORD, tPn.. ttt. & 14 And'the locusts nwet up over ollthe'Aboutmidightnill go out into the midst ekh.12.12,13, Itlo. 34. land of Egypt, and rested in all' the coasts of Egypt:. ] Joel 2.. of Egypt: very grievous ere they; hbefore 5 And fall the firstborn in the land of Am. 5. 17. them there wcere no such locusts as they, Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pha- fe.12.12. 29. neither after them shall be such. rcoh that sitteth upon his throne, evon unto Am. 4.10. co o5.? 15 For theyIcoered the faceof the whole the firstborn of tie maidservant that is beeartlo, so that the land was darkened; and hindthemill; and all the firstborn of beasts. ol' 5 1025.. toheyy did et every herb of the land, and 6 0And there shall be a great cry through- 0rk. 12. 30. all the fruit of the trees which the hail had out all the land of Egypt, such as there was Am. 5. 17. left: and.there remained not any green none like it, nor shall be like itany more. thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the 7 hBut against any of the children of Israel h eh. 8.22. field, torough all th tland of Egypt. ishall not a dog move his tongue, against i Josh. 10. 21. t Heb. ast- 16 ~ ThenPharaoh t called for Moses and man or beast: that ye may knonw how that eed to all]. Aaron in haste; and he said, lo have sinned the LORD doth put a difference obetween the qch. 9. 27. againsttheLORDyourGod, and against you. Egyptians and Israel. kto. 12. 33. 17 Now therefore forgive, I pray thee, my 8 And katll these thy servants shall come titel,. that ic 9. 28. ~ sin onl~~~ ~ ~~~~~ y hioneadrnralheORat thy fleet. ectt. 0.02. os in only this once, and'entreat the LORD down unto me, and bow down themselves | S. Jdge 4. 1King.t13,(. your God, that he may take away from me unto me, saying, Get thee out, and all the 10 & 8.5. this death only. people t that follow thee: and after that I 1 kin.eO. 10. oh. 8. 0. 18 And heSwent out from Phanoh, and willgo out. And heentout from Pharaoh, 2 Kingsd.0. entreated the LORD. in to great anger. Ho t,. oet ef 19 And the LORD turned a mighty strong 0 And the LORD said unto Moses, Pha toa-. t Heb. fcst- west wind, which took away the locusts, and raoh shall not hearken untoyou;.that my t ch.3. I.& 7. coed. t castthem tinto the Red sea; there remain- wonders may be multiplied in the land of 4. & 10.1. t Joel 2. 20. ed not one locust in all the coasts of Egypt. Egypt. m oh. 7. 3. 4 49 The passover instituted. EXODUS. The firsthorn are slain. B. C.U1491. 10 And Moses and Aaron did all these 17 And ye shall observe the feeast of un- B.C. 1491. wonders before Pharaoh,:'nnd the LORD leavened bread; for "in this selfsame day n ch10.20;27. hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would have I brought your armies out of the land r oh. 13. 3. Ron. 2. 5.'&I not let the children of Israel go out of his of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this 9.22. land. day in your generations by an ordinance for CHAPTER XII. ever. 1 The be6ginylsg of thye 8 ie haoYed. 3 The 18~e'In the first month, on the fourteenth [ Lev. 23.5.t...i...... i-t.sita.ed. i The they.ese- day of the month at even, ye shall rat un-.-.. 28.l. oer.. 15 Unlmavened bhead. 29 The firs. on leavened bread, untilthe one and twentieth are slais.:31 The Isaelites.are sl e,se ost of day of thie month at even. the lose1. 37 They so ce to s-tcosoh. 43 The 19 iSeven days shall' there be no leaven E.. 23. I.& soon e ofshl~eysoeeer. ~found in your houses: for whosoever eateth 34. 18. A.ND the LORD spake unto.Moses and that which is leavened,' even that soul 1 CW 5:78.. A- Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, shall be cut off from tie congregation of Is-... nh. 13. 4. 5'This month shall be unto ta. othe he- rael, whetherhebe a strangee, orborniathe e -ma. 13. Dhsse.l. 1. ginning of months: it shll be the first land. month of the year toyou. 20 Yo e shall eat nothing leavened; in all 3 ~ Speak ye unto all the congregation of your habitations sholl ye eat unleavoned Israel, saying, In the tenth clay of this bread. month they shall take to them every man a O1 ~ Then B]oses called for all the elders leOr, id. 11lamb,naccording to the house of their fa- of Israel, and said unto tlem, I.Draw out ver. 3.. there, a lamb:for a house: 4 andtake youea lamb acoording to your NU ]9 aidst keoua)abcorill the ysouer.| Josh 5. 10. 4 And if the household be too little for the families, and kill the passover. Ki. 21. lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto 22 sAnd ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, E,|e 60. 20. his house take it according to the number and dip it in the blood that is in tihe basin, dtt..26 18,i of the souls; every man according to his and Istrike tile lintel and the two side posts 10. eatingeshall mahe your count for the lamb. sithbthe blood that is in the basin and O'lko 14. 125 b Le. 22. 19, 5 Your lamb shall be bwithout blemish a none of you shall go out at the door of his Lkhe 22. 7, 20, 20. | male of the first year: ye shall take it out house until the morning. &h MIll..8,14. from the sheep, or from the goats 23'or the LoRD mill pass tcroughto I O, kid. [sO. D. 1 6 And. ye shall keep it up until the efour, smile the Egyptianso; and when lee eesth 1 EAI. 1. 10. y Heb..11.28. t e e. eo vi irenth day of the same month: and the tile blood upon the lintel, and on the two eb. n f whole assembly of the congregation of Israel side posts, the LORD will pass over the soe7. 7. se,.a', 1. 12s 13. Le. 23. 1. shall killit. itin theeningy door, and bivill not suffer Ithe destroyer to c eLev. 23. 5. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and comein unto your houses to smite you. E. Nes.9.3.. strike it on the two side posts andon the 24 And ye shall observe this thiing for 4.e-77. b9. 28e. a6 uppordoor post of the houses, wherein they an ordinance to thee and to thy sells for,vcm.27.a. Deut.16.1, 6. shall eat i. ever. 1 L. 10. 10. Iieb. 8 And they shalleat the flesh in that night, 25 And it shall come to pass, when ye be Rob. 11. 280..e.e.e... he roast, with fire, and dunleavened bread; come tothe, land which thie LORD will give oee s.ersiscee, andwith hitler herbs they shall rat it. you, laocording as he hatl promised, that d oeh. 3. 8, 17. h. 1. 1. Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with ye shall keep this service. d oh. 3. 23. d ho3. 5.. water, but eroast witf fire; his lead with -26 eAnd it shall come-to.pass, when your e ch. 13. 8,14. Deut. l. 3. his legs, and with tie purlenance threof. children shall say unto you, What. mean ye Deut. 32. 7. -eut. [~.3 i es n ihtl n Jos.h. 4.6U. 1 Co. 5.. I.a10 fand ye shall let nothing of it remain by this service Pa. 78. 6. e Det. 1. 7. until thl morning; and that which remain-'27 That ye shall say, fit is tile sacrifice... fch. 23.18. ethb of it until the morning ye shall burn of the LORD's passover, iwho passed over fver. 11. 3i. by. with fire. thie houses of thie children of Israel in Egypt, l1t~ And thus shall ye eat it; lotth your when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered loins girded, your sloes on your feet, asd our Iouses. And the people bowved the ys.. 4..31. yDeal.t. 164 youa staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it head andm worshipped. h:ch. 11i 4, 56. i haste: Oit is the LORD'S passover. 28 And the children of. Israel went away, Amlu.. 17. 12 For I bwill pass through the land of and hdidas the LOD had commanded Mo- h Heb. 11.28. Ri Nm. 33. 4. Egyph this night, and will smite all tie first- see and Aaron, so did they. II Or, 1,rise~, born in the land of Egypt, both man and 29 ~ /Andit cameto pass, thatat midnight i h. 1l. 4. eh.21..6.&2 beast; and;against all the Ilgods of Egypt the LORD smote all the firstborn in:the N m..8. 17. P.s 82. 1, 6. I will execute judgment: I:I ae thie LORD. land of Egypt, Ifrom the firstborn of Phia- & 33. 4. John 10. 34. 13 And the blood shall be to you for atokben rab that sat on his throne unto the first- Ph. 78 135. 35. upon the houses where ye are: and when I born of the captive that asee in the 0 dun- 08. h 130. 10. kEh. 6. 2. see the blood, I will pass over you, and the geon; and all the firstborn of cattle. lob. 4. 23. & Heb fo a plague shall not be upon you tto destroy 30 And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, 11.5. de ou, when I smie the land of Egypt. and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; t Hebl,. hose I o. 13.0. 14 And this day shall he unto ou efor a and there was a segreat cry in Egypt: for of lhe 1ite.,,.,. T.4,5. memorial; and ye shall keep it a "'feast toe te esa not a house where there Was not mce. le. 6; 2Kin.23.21. the LORD throughout your generations: ye one dead. Proe. 21. 13. rveeR,3. shall beep it a feast'by an ordinance for 31 ~ And' "he called for Moses and Aaron Aln. 5.17. &i. 13. 10. ever, by night, and said, Rise up, and get yous James 2. 13. och, 13. 6.7.b& 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened forth from among my people, both ye and els. Ii. 1. 23. 15. & 34. bread; even the first day ye shall put away tie children of Israel; and go, serve the Ps. 10h. 30 1|. leaven out of your houses: for whosoever LORD, as ye have said6.. 10. 9. Lev.23.05,6. eateth leavened bread from the first day 32 2Also sbke your ocks and your herds, c ls, 10. 20. em.Ut.17.B 8. until the seventh day, P2that soul shall be as ye have said, and be gone; and I bless q Gen. 27. 34. 1 Cor. 7. cut off from Israel. me also. yGen. 17. 14. 16 And in the first day there shall be *0 33 "And the Egyptians sere urgent upon oh. 1 8.0 Num.. 13. holy convosation, and in lice seventl day the people, that they might send them out Ps. 105. 38. LLeo...7,8 there shall be a holy convocation to you; no of the land in haste; for they said,'We be h ca. 20..3. Num. 28,.10 manner of work siall be done in them, save all dead see. 25: that which every Oman must eat, that only 34 And the people took tlheir dough before II O, dAyh, 5 Heb. esl., may be done of you. it was leavened, their Ihkneadingtroughs sh. 0.3. 50 Ordinanice'of the passover EXODUS. U coeorial of the possover.;:C. i4o1. being bound up in their clothes enon thllci 3 8 And ioses said unto the people, ORe- B.C. 1491. shoulders. member this day, in which ye came out from 35 Arid the children of Israeldidaccording Egyot, out o tile Ihouse of *bondage; for 0th. 12. 42. to the word of loses; and they borrowed of' Cby strength of liand the LORD brought you DeOt. 16t.:. oh. 3. 22. & the Egy etians ijewele of silver, and jewels out from thio place: dthere shall no lea- v t ob. tse.11. 2. of gold, and raiment: ened bread be eaten. ~..oh, 3.21. & 36 e"And the LOoD gavethe'people favou 4'This doy came ye out in the month oo ll.O.. 11. 3. in tile sight of the Egyptians, so that they Abib. d ot. 02.8. lentuntO them.eclh things aa the yrequier- 5 ~ And it shall be when the LORD hall eh..5. eo. 15. 14. ted: and "they spoiled the Egyptians. f/bring thee into the land of tie Canaanites, 3. 18. el 3.'22. 37 I And Y the children of Israel journeyed and the Hittites, and the Amoritee, and the Doet. 00. l..e. _105. 37. from tRameses to Succoth, about six hun- Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he J aware feh. 0. 3. yNee.- 33.3, died thousarid on foot that uere men, be- unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing'ehl.. 0. side children. with milk and honey, lhthat thou shalt keep hell.n 12.05,26. zOen. 47. 11. 38 And ta mixed multitude went up also this service in this month. oGen. 12.2.& with them; and floks, andheerds, evenvery 6 /Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened i ch. a.i15,16. 46. 3. much cattle. bread, and in the seventh day sh(dll be a nqu. 00.&0 39 And they baked unleavened cakes of feast to the LORD. 11.21. tile dough which they brought forth out of 7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven He c. o Egypt, for itwas not' leavened; because days; and there shall kno leavened bread ch. 12. 19. cielere`- Ibthey were thrust oet of Egypt, and could he seen with'thee, neither shall there be EeNu,. to.4. nol tarry, neither had they prepared for leaven see. with thee in all thyquarters. th.Ol.ll. lemselves any victuals. 8 ~ Andthou shlalt l sho thy sonin that day,.I t rer. 14. 0i... &1.I40 ~ Now tihe sojourning of thie children of saying, T/csois doneC because of that which olh12. a26. ver. 33. Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was efou hun- the LORD did unto me When I came forth cGea. 15.13. dred and thirtyyears. out of Egypt. Act,,7. 6. It s ml efrl inunote e r Ael. 3.17. 41 And it came to pass at the end of the 9 And i ll for ign to thee Se r. 1. Ll. four hundred and thirty years, even the upon thine hand, and for a memorial be- Noi. 12. 14. ~d oh. 7. 4. selfsame day it came to pass, that all dthe tween thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may e.51. hosts of tie LORD nwent out from the lan be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand 11.18. of Egypt. hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt. Prey i. C. HeRi. acight 42 It is tea niget to be muchobserved un- 10 "Thou shalt therefore keep this ordi- It. 19. 10. of olhetecs- to ithe LORD for bringing them out from the nance in his season from year to year. Jot. 2. 21. land of Egypt: this'is that night of the 11 ~ And it shall be whien thie LORD shall lutt.2. 5. eSeeDeut.t16. LORD to be observed of all the children of bring thee into tfe land of the Canaanites,'s ch.12.14,24. C,0. Israel in tlheir genertion. as le sare unto thee and to thyfathers, 43 ~ And the LORD said unto loses and andshall give it thee, If Nue. 9. 14. Aaron, This is fthe ordinance of the pass- 12 oThat tlou shalt tset apart unto the oor. 2. over: There shall no stranger eat tlicerof: LORD all tlhat openethl tle matriX, and ev- i.202.29.h 44 But every man's servant that ishbought ery firstling that cometih of a beast which 34 19. ILe,. 27. 26. g Ge. 17.12, for money, nhen thou cast Ynircumcised thou ehast i tce male shall be the LoRD'S. L 8.7.. Reesco80070 013. him, then shall lie eat thereof. 13 And i every firstling of an ass thou Shalt 1 Lt,ev, 0...I 45 hA foreigner and a hired servant shall redeenm ith a llamb; and if thou 1ilt not D.ut.15.19. not eat thereof. redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: L E. I. 30. 46 In one house shall it be eaten; thou and all thie firstborn of man among thy ciil- tHel, eo, shalt not carry forth auglt of the flesh abroad dren l soult thou redeen. la eo. i Num. 9.12. out of tie lieuse; ineither shall ye break a 14 "aAnd it shall be when thy son asketh | ch. 34' 20. Jolen 09. 30, bone thlereof. thee tin time to come, saying, What is this? n INu. 18.15, 30. 47 fAll the congregation of Israel' shall that thou shalt say unto him,'By strength 16. k ror. 6. Oheep it. of hand the LORD brought us out from II Or, kid. N-r.s. 9. 13. 48 And 1when a stranger shall sojourn with Egypt, from the house of bondage: q um. 3.46, t RHO,. do it. thee, andswillkeep the passover to tihe LORD, 15 And it cameo to pass, when Pharaol 4.h 0 18. 15, Rnum, 0. 14. olet all his males be circumcised, and then would hiardly let us go, that tithe LORD slel let him come near and keep it; and h:e shall all the firstborn in thie land of Egypt, bot' oh. 12. 26. /1leut. U. 20. be as one that is born in ti e land: for no the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of Josh.i4.6, 21. uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORDon eb. e to,. N-ltn. 9.14. 49 "cOne law shall be to him that is home- all that openetlh the matrix, being males;,. - & 15. 15, 16. born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth but all the firstborn of my children I e- r ver|3. Gal. 3.28. amn o.deem. lntneg yeu. t clh. 12. 29. 50 Thus did all the children of Israel; as 10 And it shall be for "a token upon thine the LORD commanded Mloses and Aaron, so hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes: c aer 9. did they. for by strenglth of hand the LORD brought ao.r1.41, 51'And it came to pass the selfsame day, us forthl out of Egypt. that the LORD did bring the children of 17 I And it came to pass, when Pharaoh oth. 6. 26. Israel out of the land of Egypt'by their had let the people go, that God led them not armies. thooughc the way of the land of the PhilisCHAPTER XIII. tines, although that twas near; for God said, I Theao tborn a -ai o ire ceied to God. 3 ThBa e- Lest peradventure the people prepent when |ch. 14.11,12. qoteetol of the ccoo, i, coudasclc. 11 B lheyo see war, and Ythey return to Egypt: aNus. 14.1-4..tciiceic of least, eec 000t apart. Ic BatJecet IBut God'led the people about, thsough e y Deut. 17.16. ire. g, -a of Egypt,..d carry J oehsbode e tt. o 02oct Of3owit, oel20 e tacto BJtoeh 21o OG lithe way of the wilderness of thle Red sea: z ch. 14. 2. 12,, l. shea. th com3 e to E0tham.llGod 15. 9uidech ltho by Oacillae. ofua ctlod, a-d a pillea and tie elhildreu of Israel went up If harness- N-u-. 33. 6, eh. 22.2o.9,30. ffi ed out of thle land of Egypt. t. & 30. 1. ND' the LORD spako unto MIoses, say- 19 And Ioses took the bones of Joseph fl Or, byfise i, Lev. 27. 26. beg, with him: for hie had straitly sworn the'ank. Reoc 3.13.& 2 onSactify unto me all the firestbore, -wht- children of Israel, saying, a God wilI surely a Gen. 50. 25. 8. 16, 17. & 18.1. /d soeveropeneth the womb amongtile children visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones Joel.. 24. 32. D.ut. 15.. 1 o. f Israel, both of man and of beast: it is away lhece with you. A. 1. Luke2. 3. mine. 2 0~And itheytooktheirjourneyfromSuo- bNur. 33.6. 511 Pharaoh pursueth the Israelites. EXODUS. The Egyptians are drowned. B. C. 1491. coth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: B.. 0. 1491. of the wilderness. and the children of Israel shall go on dry Ioh 14.19,2[. 21 And'the LORD went before them by gounad through the midst of the sea. & 40. 38. day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the 17 And I, belold, I will Uharden thile hearts, ~er. 8. muem. 9. 15. way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: clh. 7. 3. & 10.34. & teem lielt; to go by day and night. and I will Iget me honour upon Pharaoh, ever.4..3. 22 He took no away the pillar othepil fhe cloud and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and Neh. 9.12.19. by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, f,'oe uponehis horsemen. Pt. 78. 14. & before the people. 18 And the Egyptians YJshall know that I yver. 4. 99. 7. & 105. a's the LORD, when I thave gottename he n39. Is. 4. 5. CIIHAPTER XIV. aur upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and ter. 10.. C01. 1 G'todinssctor thelh, iraelesi theirejoreney. upon his horsemen. 5 Phaao h ah usuaeh afers then. 10 T/e.s- 19 ~ And the Angel of God, Zlwhich went zh. 13. 21. & paolies rout'tur. 13 M [oses coefortreh thsem. before the camp of Israel, removed and went 23.20. & 2. 15 God i,,oesth Moses.. 19 The dloded 1r0 moveth baihd tteeap. 21 Th re saelites at behind them; and the pillar of tihe cloud 34n. 2I.16b ihtoueyhtheedIsea, 23,hish d,.osesh theEgyp- went from before their face, and stood be- Is. 3., tl~~~arna~b. hind them: A ND the' LORD spake aunto oses, say- 20 And it came between the camp of the hA- sing, Egyptians and tle camp of Israel; and ait ee I 8.14. a.h. 13.18. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, athat was a cloud and darkness to the, but it iCor. 4.3. bitum. 33. 7. tiey turn and encamp before bPi-halhiroth, gave light by night to these: so that the JsN. et. t. betmween l Tigdol and tiee sea, over against one came not neasr the other all the night..Baal-zephon: before it shall ye encamp by 21 And Moses stretched out his hland over er. o1 the sea. the sea; and the LORD caused the sea togo 3 For Plharaoh mill say of tile children of back by a strong east wind all that night, dPs.. 7 1. Israel, dThey aree entangled in the land, and emade the sea dryland, and the waters Pr. 6.. the awilderness hath shut them in. were d divided. d1 h. 15. 8. seh.4.2L.&7. 4 And eI will harden Pharaoh's leart, that 22 And etho children of Israel went Into JMi. 3. 16. 3. he shall follow after them; and I fwill be themidst of the sea upon the dry ground: 4. M. fsh. 9. 16. honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his and the waters seye fa wall unto them on Psl.74.tO. 17. 18. host; it that the Egyptians may know tlat their right teand, and on their left. 100. 9. & 114. om. 0. 17, 2IaAnaEypitheLOspuRD. AadteIeytdidheso.1D3 ~ And the Egyptians pursued, and ment 3. 22,23. 5 ~ And it was told the king of Egypt that in after them to the midst of.the sea, even Is. 63. 12. g. h. 7.0..!the people fled: and h the heart of Phlaraoh all Plharaoh's horses, his chariots, and eis -oe. 29. hAPA. 105. 25. and of hiis servant was turned against the horsemen.h. 15. 19. people, and they said, Wly have we done 24 And it cameto pass, that in the morn- Um. 33. 8. this, that we have let Israel go from serv- ing watch the LORD looked unto the lhost..66h.6.&78. ing us? of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire Is.. 13. 6 And lie made ready his chariot, and took and of the cloud, and troubled theehost of 1 Co 10.1. his people with him: the Egyptians, Hab. 11. 29. i h. 15. 4. 7 And lee took isix hundred chosen chari- 25 And took offtbheir chariot wheels, Cthat fHete. 3. lt ots, and all the &lartots of Egypt, and cap- they drave them heavily: so that thle Egyp- yfSeers.77.17,: tains over every one of them. tians said, Let us flee fromthe fae of Isra- &e. k es,..8 And the LORD khiardened the heart of el; for the LORD hfightoth for them againsta;Os,.ed Pharaoh king of Egypt, and hle pursued the Egyptians.-e hIe-. a. 1. & after the children of Israele aad a the cll' 26 ~B Andthe LORD saidaunto3Io0ses,i0retch yo ese-ity. 13. 9. dren of Israel vent out with a high hand. out thine hand over tle sea,that tile waters h ver. 14. N 3..9 3.. upafte thchiden ofIregypmthei-~~nteO~andnois s, ureoh io 16~#. it.a. 33.3. 9 But the me Egyptians pursued after them, may come agai, upon tfe Egyptians, upon ive. 16n mlch. 15. 9. all the horses aetl chariots of Pharaool, and their chariots, and upon their horsemen. Joth. 24(. his hlorsemen, and his army, and overtook 27 And Moses stretched forth iis land them encamping by the sea, beside Pi-hlahi- over the sea,and the sea kreturned to his k J-hl. 4. 18. roth, before Baal-zephlon. strength when the morning appeared; and 10 And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the chil- ile Egyptians fled againstit; and the LORD I tl. 15. 1, 7. dren of Israel lifted up their eyes, and,.be- Itovcrthrewm the Egyptians in the midst of tHte. shook Joseh. 24. 7 hold, tie Egyptians marched after them; the sea.~eal. 9... andse they sere sore afraid: and the children 28 And mtlhe waters returned, and coy- e 114. Nell. 9. q: and they wei ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dent. 11. 4. Ps.i 3. 17. & of Israel'cried out unto the LORD. ered tie chariots, and tie horsemen, and pIth. 7 t.5. 107. 6. 11'And they said unto Moses, Because all tIe host of Pharaoh that came into thel 0.7.I 29. oPs. 106.7,$. there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou sea after them; there remainednot so much n- sb.3.8,13. lca. 5. 21. & taken us away to die in the wmilderness? as one of them. 0. 0. wherefore last thou dealt thus witlh us, to 20 But ethe children of Israel walked upon P lo. 1. 127hr. 20.15, carry us forth.out of Egypt dry laiaE in the midst of the sea; and the e e77. 2. & 17. 12 Is not this the word that me did tell waters werse a wall unto them on their right. 5277 23. Is. 41.10,13, thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that hand, and on their left. prs 106.8,10.. we may serve the Egyptians? For it had 30 Thus the LORD Psaved Israel that day 11 Or, of the hand of~~~~~~~~~the Egyptians; 7 p~~~q s..58.10o.:&I a fe been better for us to serve the Egyptians, out of the had f~the Epis; and Is- Po i n0. 10.a s h-,e. thy th.u that we should die in the wilderness. rael saw the Egyptians dead upon -the sea t d. gyptliae to 13 ~ Andloses said unto the people, iq Fear shore. do3T, 9'. ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of 31 And Israel saw that great tmork which le ll 4. 31. h.10~. 91. & ye. 25i. the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the.. 106l. 12. Deut. l.30. I'for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to people feared the LORD, and ss believed the John.l 11.& 3.2'2.&20.4. dy, yey shall see them asain no more for LORD, andehis servant Moses. 11.4 Josh. 1o0. 14, ever. CHAPTE XV. 42. & 23.. 14'The LORD shall fight for yaou, ae ye 21 CHfAPt TsER. I Pitetattaee. 23ft 1 oeh. v. hpee itwe.the Nel. 4. 20. shall Slold your peace. [ aters at afl.h'ee btte.,5 A tees teetIs. 31.4. 15 ~ And the LORD said unto toses, eth the,. Ilt h'ltlaeteesve eelts, anesttIs. 30. 15. tWherefore oriest thou unto me? speak unto eny'yasl tes. a Judg. 5. 1. tver. 21'26. the children f Israel, that thley go forsward: d HEN sang Idises and the children of 2S-m 22.1. 6h. 7. 19. 16 But tlif thou up thy rad, and stretch I Israel this song unto the LORD, and Ps. lee. 12. Ill fThei song of Moses. EXODUS. The people murmur. 1B0. C. 1491. spake, saying, I will'b sing unto the LORD, li And Miriam as.ered them, bSing ye B. C-. 1491. t foilie hath triumphed gloriously: the horse to tile LORD, for he hath triumphed glob -ti. 21. and his rider hath hle thrown ilto the sea. piously: the horse and his rider hatt lie al San. 18.7. eDeat.i.221. 2 The LORD is my strength and Csong, thrown into the sea. ber. 1. Pa.18.2.&22. and he is become my salvation. he is my 22 So ioses broughtIsraelfrom the Red tGe1.16.7.& 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ce.&16.7e.& Be n citpe eh B.&59.17. & God, and I will prepare him da habita- sea, and they went out into the wilderness 25.18. h2 16i8 109.1 tion; my efather's God, and I fewill exalt of CShur; and they went three days in the d N.m. 33. 8. t431.17. &him. wilderness, and found no water.. Thet iaDitI. 12. 2. 3 The LORD is a man ofvar: the LORD 23 ~' And when they came to dMarah, they ee ltah.3.18,19. is hit name. could not drink ofthe waters of larah, for Rth 1. 20. dGaen. 28. 211, 4.iPharaoh's chariots and his host hath they were bitter: therefore the name of it eoh. 16. 2. & 22. he cast into tie sea: khis chosen captains was called ilMarah. 17. 3.'2 Sam7. a 6. also are drownedin th e Red sen. 24 And the people emurmured against fell. 14. 10.h a.P 132. 2. 5iThe depths have covered them: " they Moses, saying, What shntll:we drink? 17.4. se. 3. 16. sank into the bottom as a stone. 25 And he fcried unto tile LORD; and.0 f2Sam.22.47. 6 "Tiy right hand, 0 LORD, is become the LORD shtewed him a tree,'eJitehi whenaf See 2Ki9g Ps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~.P 21. &4. 41.'P.. 9. 5. h glorious in power: thy right hand, O LORD, hie had cast into the waters, the waters were 2.21. 4. Oath d28 hedi SeeeJeait.24..... 2. 1. 2., tt. h d shed in piecee the enemy. nmade eeet: te he h t.made for thema 25. thad in the geeatnessof tline Ioexcellency statute and an ordinance, anid there the 16. 4. |gq l: n c. 21. 8. [1 Rae. 19i. 1 thou hast overthrown them that rose ep proved them, Dent.8.2, 16. et.. against thee: thou sentestforth tty wrath, 6 And said, ktIfthou wilt diligently beark- Jtdg.2.22. & which icgnsumed them'as stubble. en to the voice of tie LORD tity God, and 3. 1, 4. e 8 And "with the blast of thy nostrils the wilt do that Which is rigt in his sight, and PI. -. 10o. &.. waters were gathered together, the floos eilt give ear to his commandments, and 81.. Oat,. 14. 7. stood uprigit as a heape ane the depthis keep all his statutes, will put none ofthese kDeat. 7. 12, [ete. 14. 28. 15. 2 were conealed inthe heart of tte sea. t diseases upon thee, which I have brought Iaatoo, ~?r*/qeh. 9. 1 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t Deut. 28. 27,[ 9 eThe enemy said, I will pursue, I will upon the Egyptians: for I am thle LORD a 0 ae. 118. 15, overtake, I will t'divide tie spoil; my lust "that hicaleth thee. ch.. 25. 16. shall be satisfied upon them; I will draw 27 ~ nAnd they came to Elim, where were Pta.41.3,4.&:oDent. 33.26. my sword, myliand shall ilidestroy them. twelve wells of water, and threesore and 103.3. 147. pta. 33. 13. 10 Thou didst blow witIt thy wind, Ythe ten palm trees.: and they encamped there 3. IT..5.24.&47. sea covered them: they sank as lead in the by the waters. tm.33.9. 14. mighty waters. CHAPTER~ XVI. at. 14, 21. 11 2 Who is like unto thee, 0 LORDe, among A i. 28am.22.16. the IIgods? who is like thee, aglorious in of eh- e. 4 eed p- teatf Te. 4.. oliness, fearful n praises, doing on- f, heet. 811 hQeinesearfu, 14i,,,,eeae2Th-, 2. 8t ders? -a. 16he.'lo,.dstieg ofmatla. 25 It -a. not sPa. 78. 13. 12 Thou stretchedet out thy right hand, tbeefted te he at- th. 32 An e ofit i int,. 3.10. tlieearth swallowied them. ttd. t Judg. 5. 30. 13 Thou in thy mercy hast dled forth the A ND they a took their journey from Elim, 1491. aGea. 49. 27. peoplepwhich thouhastredeemed: thou hast. andall the congregation of the children auia33.10, L. 3. 12. gdided theen in thy strength unto ethy holy of Israel came unto the wilderness of t Sin, It. [Lu-e 11. 22. u habitation. which is between Elim and Sinai, on the bEa. 30.15. t,! Or ttits- 14 f The people shall hear, and be afraid: fifteenth day of the second month after thleir,se1s. e sorrow shall take bold on the inhabitants departing out oftie land of {oh. 14. 21. P.it14. 18 af P1 letina. 2 And the whole congregatioi of tile chil. PY -7 8. Plsin 5..2. 23 hien ithe dukes of Edom. hall be d.en of Israel.murmured against Mloses eh..15.. 2 Iy. er. 5. amazed; kthe mighty men of 3loab, trem. and Aaron in the wildernesse: Pa. ti. 2'5. bling shall take hold upon them; tall the 3 And the ehilden of Israel aid n 1 0 oe. tO. Ie. IaS- 7d 22. inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away. them, dWould to God we had died by the dL-aa. 0. P-. 71. 19 0 1 "'tear-and dread shall fall upon them; tad of the LORD in tile land of Egypt, 86JS,. &8., by the-greatness of thine arm they shall be twhen we sat hytihe flesh pots, and when teN.... 11.. 4 8. Jet.l0.6. as still eas a stone; till thy people pass we did eat bread to the full; for ye have 5. & 49. 19. over,'0 LORD, till the people pass over, brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill 11 Or, mlghty awhich thou hast purchased. this whole assembly with hunger. eonm? 17 Thou shalt bring them in, and'plant 4 q[ TIten -id thle LORD unto Mose, Be. Ia..3. them in tlte mountain of thine inheritance, hold, I will rain fbread from heaven for fPs.78.24,25. bPst.7. 14. in the place, 0 LORD, whictl thou hast you; and the people shall go out and gather & 15O. 40. ee.. made for thee to dwell in; in the qsanetu- tacertain rateevery day, that I may prove J0h. S. 31, 32. dP.. e.l7,20.'ry, 0 LORD, which thy lhands have estab- them, whether they mill walk in my law, Co..3. h&78.52e &80. lished. or no. 1. hi..'18 rThe LORD shall reign for ever and 2 And it {hall come to pass, that on tie tte. t. ~r~l~!~ditsha ll come to~ pass, IU~l~lteoitee qt ea I. 63.12,13. ver sixth: day they shall peepare teat e iic tiey taty iea this -aa2. 6. 159 For the horsCe of Pharaoh went in witb bring in; and hit shall he twice as much ast iy P.. 78.54. this chariots and with his horsemen into the they gather dily. Po. 30. 8. fITum.14.14. sea, and ithe LORD brought again tihe wa- 6 And MIoses and Aaron said unto all the neltt. 6. ii. Deat. 2. 25. ters of the sea upon them; but the children children of Israel, At even, then ye shall hel. 1.5. 25. o.ei, 10. oo f Israel went on dry land in the midst of know that the LORD hath brought you out DIat.8.2,12. Ge. 48.t. the sea. from the land of Egypt: 7 S- et. 22. Cea. 36. 40. 20 ~ AndMirinmatheprophietess, the sis- 7 And in the morning, then ye shall see Lea. 0. 21. Deut. 2. 4. ter of Aaron, Ytook - i S~~~~~~~~~~~~~ev. 25. 12,.I i Deut. 2. 4. ter of Aaron, Ytook a timbrel in her Ihand; kthe glory of the LORD.; for that lie heareth i1e3 tea. 1, hlurm. 22. 3. and all the women went out after her 1with your mnurmurings against the LORD: and _13 0.72. Halb. 3. 7, timbrels and with dances. iwhat nare we, that ye murmur against 29, 30. Jsh. 5.1. mDeut. 2.2.5. & 11.25. Josh. 2.9. nltam. 5.37. US. k Se er. 10. ode i. 2F. DeLut.3.90. 2Seaa.7.23. ta.74.3. Ia.A4.1,3.tO 8 And Moses said, tthis shali be, when I.35.2. & 40. 5l. 10. Jer. 31. 11. Tit. 2. I.. 1 Pet. 2. 9. 2 Pet. 2. 1. t Pa. the LORD shall give you in tile evening flesh l.5. 44. 2. &80. 8. qpt. 78. 54. etPs. 10. 16. &9.10. 110. 10. Is. to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; 11.4,40. 57. 15. tot. 14.'. tProv. 21.31. t ch. 14. 8, 29. t Judg. 4.. o eat, and the niged to i fll; 1lae. 10.25.o.Num. 26.59. y.Sam. 18.6. zJecdg 11. 34.0& for that the LORD hearoth your murmurings I Nrn. 16.l11. 21.. 213 em..10. a.nn8.i.. 25. & 14t. 3. & inn. 4. which ye murmur againat hiim: and what 53 Quails and imandna sent. EXODUS. The people murnzur.: B. C. 1491. are we o your murnurings are not against 29 See, fpr that the LORD.ath given you B C. 1401. us, but -against the LORD. the tebbath, therefore hlie giveth you on the mSce iSam, 9 JAnd MVoses spakc unto Aaron, Say un- sixth day the bread of two days: abide ye 8. 7. 116 to all the congregation of the children of Is- every man in his place, let no man go out he 1c 3 2' rael,'Come near before tic LenD for he of hi place on the seventh dfy. M.16.16 hatit heard your murmurings. 30 So tile people rested on the seventh 10 And it came to pass, as Aaron spake day. unto tile whole congregation of tie children 31 And the house of Israel called the name'of Israel, that they looked toward the wil- tlhereof Manna: and eit oas like coriander ecum.11.7,8. derness, and, behold, the glory of the LORD seed, white; and tihe taste of it ocas like eo er. 7. cappeared ic the cloud. wafers nmade with Ihoney. ch. 13. 2c. I11 ql And the LORD spake unto Moses, 32 ~ And Moses said, This is the thing Num 1.19. saying, which tihe LORD commandeth, Fi all omer i it10.' 12'i have hIeard the murmurings of the of it to be kept for your generations;that 8 children o' Israel: speak untonthem, say- they may see the bread wherewithl I have cO. ing, At even yc shall eat flecsh, and'in tle fed you in the wilderness, whe h I brought eqCe.. emorningyeshallbe fi.led withbread; andye you forth from tie Itnd ofEgypt. tver. 7. shall know tct I S the LORD your ieod. 33 And Moses said unto Aaron, fTake a fHee?. 9.4. es Num 11.. 13 And it came to pass. tict nt even S tihe pot, and pet an omer full of manna therein, [Pc. 70. 27~2|, ~.58 l &s1 4 228. quails came up,and covered the camp. an annd lc yit up before tie LORD, to be kept in the morning ithe dew lay round about the for your generations. edNum. ii. 9. iost. 34 As tie LORD commanded Moses, soc 25.16,21; 14 And when the dew that lay was gone Aaron laid it uep Ybefore the Testimony, to 4h. 20. up, beiold, upon the face of the wilderness be kept. ee. 17. 10. Nucm. 11.7. thlere lay Ua small round thing, as small 35 And the children of Israel did eat man- Dct. 11.. |Deus. 8.. as the hoar froet on the ground. na hforty years, cuntil they came to a land Kig. |eh. 9. 15. 15 And when tile children of Israel saw it, inhabited: they did eat manna, until they Nuc.33.38. PJ. 78. 21. (E Ueu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D!t. 8 2, 3. [`';8 24: & they saidone to anotheri I.It is manna: for came unto the borders of the land of Ca- e..,1. [5. 40. they wist not what it tvas. And Moses said naan. I, orIt unto them,'This is the bread which tile 3 Now an omer is ithe tenth ipat of an ie.c... e12. is ae porteon. LOnL D hiath given you to eat. ephahi. Neh,. 15. tJohe 6 31, l i, This is tile thing which tihe LORD hath CHAPTER XVII. 49, 58. comnmanded, Gather of it every man ac- 1 h et act iechldim. 5 1 Cort 10. 3. cording to Its eating, an omcer efor every Gcc -ec,ldc him fo-ic -e - to ate hrek is H.y er. 3. neman, aeccordcing to the number of your?eb. 8 Amatek is o beycone the holedincg qc fe tHch. Og ci- ypersoe m take ye every man for them.c' hacd,. 15 li[s,,. btcilde th iat... Jht H~~~~b. by th~~~~~~ HOVAH-i.ssl. poll,.or,head. WhiCi ars-t in cis tents. e eiei. t[ eb soulsc. 17 And thie children of Israel did so, and ND aall thle congregation of the ehil- c.. i. gathered, some me re, some less. -A- dren of Israel journeyed from tile wil- N-cc.1. 12, 18 And when they did mete it with an derness of Sin, after their journeys, naccord- 14. e 2 Ct. 8. 15. omer,'he that gathered much had nothing ing to the commandment of the LORD, and over, and he that gathered little had no pitched in Rephidim: and there vas no lack;,they gathered every man:according water for the people to drink. to his eating. 2 bWherefore the people did chide with iN-.20.3,4. 19 And Mloses said, Let no man leave of Moses, and said, Giveus water thateweomay ceD. e. ic. it till tice morning. drink. And Moses said unto them, Why P,7.9i.O 20 Notwithstanding they hearkened not chide ye with me? wherefore do ye eterpt I. 7. 15. unto MIoses; but someof them lef of it un- the LORD?Itl. 4. 7. til the morning, and it bred worms, and 3 And the people thirsted there for water; I C 10. 9. stank: and Moses was wroth with them. and the people dimurmnured against Moses, dch. 16. 2. 21 And they gathered it every morning; and said, Wherefore is this tha ttou ast ech. 1. 15. every man according to his eating: and brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and fi nenc. c. when the sun waxed hot, it melted. our children andour cattle with thirst? Johnt i9.& 22d~Anditcame to pass, that on the sixth 4 And Moses ecried unto thie LORD, say- 10.,I. day they gactered twice as much bread, ing, What shall I do unto this people?:they gE.. 6. two omners tfor one man: and all the rulers be almost ready to f stone me. Ici 7. 20. of tile congregation came and told Moses. 5 And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on e.-2. 8. 23 And he said unto them, This is that before the people, and take with the of tie ioNu 20.10, a which the LORD hath said, To morrow is elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewitih 11 Ga Cn. 2. 3. |athe rest of thle holy sabbath unto the hthou smotest the river, take in thine hand, P.7. Oh C |ch.20..h&31. LORD: bake that which ye will bake to and go. 114.8. 15. &. 3.. 3 cay, and'seethe that ye will seetie; and 6iBehold, I will stand before theethee Ihe. 10.4. L.3. that which remaineth over lay up for you upe tie rock in Horeb; end thou shalt Ns.. to be kept until thie morning. smite the rock, and there shall come water P. 81.7. & 24 And they laid it up till the morning, as out of it, that the people may drink. And 9. 8h b er. 20. Moses bade: and it did not bstink, neither IMoses did so in the sight of the elders of 8e... was there any worm therein. Israel. IThee iLc 25 And, Moses said, Ea that to day; for 7 And he called tie name of the place'c ia. to day is a sabbath unto the LORD: to day kLIMassaih, and IlMeribah, because of the ht i, ye shall not find it in the field. chiding of tihe childrcn of Israel, and be- C y c {eh. 20.9,10. {26:0Six days ye shall gather it; but on the cause they tempted the LORD, saying, Ist Sn. f.. seventh'day, which is the sabbath, in it the LORD among us, oe not? Nu-. L2 there shall be none. 8 t Then came Amnalek, and fought with Dct, 25.17. 27 ~ And it came to pass, fhat there went Israel in Rephidim. S —-. 15.2. out some of the people on the seventh day 9 And Moses said unto iJoshlnt, Choose ied for to gather, and they found none. us out men, and go out, fight with Amalcek: Je. dEi2.i7. i7.1 28 And the LORD said unto Moses, How to morrow I will stand on the top f thie hill Atcc 7. 45. P. 78.10, 22. long drefuse ye to keep my commandments with tthe rod of God in mine hand. H. 8. 106. 13. and my lawsi 10 o Joshua did as Mioses had saic to nncc. 20 54 .Malel is overcome. EXODUS. Jethro counselleth, Moses. B. C.1491. him, and fought with Amalek: and Moses, 13. Ad it cae to paso ot the sorot, B.C.1491. Aare, tand oure ent up to the top of the that Mioses sat to judge the people: and the hill. people stood by iIoses from the morning pNlum.0. 1t2...Jes 5..... 11 And it cameto pass, when Moses.Oield ote evening. up his haed, that Israel prevailed: and 14 Aod when oses' fatoer in law saw all qh. 23.7.& when he let down dis hand, Amalek pre- that hie did to the people, he said, What is Det. 17. 8. vailed. thisthingtlhatthoudoesttothepeople? Why 2 Sam. 15.3. h. 3.27. 12 But Moses' hands were lheavy; and sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people Job 31. 13. ~ f they, took a stone, and putit Under him, stand by thee from mornin unto even..?... 18.15. De9t.19i. 1|. and l'e sat thereon; andi Aaron and IHuT 15 And said 6 his father in law 6- L o1S~o. os. y, stayed op his hands, thBe one o the oee Because'tie people come unto me to in- tHel. ao - allIl Ai8 fd-l 7. &h0.1, 17. side, and the other on'the other side; and quire of God: low. |St. 9 14. his hands were steadyuntil the going down 16 When tlhey have qa matter, they come. Leo. 21. 15.; zr 9. 11. of the tu. unto me; -and I judge between t one and Nuo. 15.35. laThst i., Thle 13 Aed Jotbue discomfited Amalek and his another, and I do. make thesi know the.27. 6, c. m Uhti,~/y/ 3 Aof Goduan hiseni e Alawe dhs.. people With the edge of the'sword. statutes of God, and his laws. [3,7,. See Jd.. o. 14 And the LORD saiduntod I oss, 1Witt 1 Aed MIoses' father in ltttideetoltim, lHeb.Frdite 24. thisfor a memoeial'in a booltk, and ehearse The thing that tlhou doest is not good. ~ oh teilt O,, B —5 -f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tor wilwll ttrdL L O. eueit in h the eas of Joshua: for lwill utter- 18 t Thou wilt'surely wear away, bjoth thou, 51rd of lyputout the bemembrance of/Amalekfrom and this people thatiswith1tiee: for this.7 thAml s underd lheavens. thing is too hteavy for thee; thou art not Dent. 1.9,12. toeef l 15 And'Ioses built an lt;r a lteand called able to perform it thyself alone. / th. 3. 12. Loe, th-aes- the name oAfit II JPoeea e-nisei: 219 Hearken now unto my voice, I will give,h.. 4. 10. h feeo. I o ho said, IIBease f tht LORD lath thee counsel, and tGod shall be with thee: 2l. 19. t tH~. tlhe sworn thuat the LoeRDt ildote tear tith Be thou tfor the people: to God-ward, that Deut. 5.5. haMd eooPj Amalek from generneran t o ge nertion. most'bringt eausesunto od: Nu. 27. 5. hie thtl...... 20 And thou shalt Yteaeh them ordinances &Dent. &. 1,5 the -.b CHAPTER XVIII. and laws, and shalt show them Zthe way 2. &7. 11. 1 Jeth.o bringeah to loses his tifs ad - o sons. d wherein they must walk, and the work that P. 143. 8. 7 -oses ste.laioleth him. 13Jetho's consel they must do. 1 18. iac], 2. 16. [,-pd 7Jh d-ah.Deut. 1. 13. oslo. 0. l6.b 0sooee1,led. 07Js00o'edeluo'tSOS. 21 Moreover thou shalt provide out of all ver. s5. i. THEN a Jethro, the priest of Midian, the people aable men, such as Cfear God, Bout. 1. 15, b6P.. 44. 1. & W Moses' father in law, heardof all that d1 men of truth, bhating covetousness; and 16. & 10. 18. 477. 14,15. & bGod had done for Moses, and for Israel his place such over them, to be rulers of thou- 2 Clr. 19. 5{ 78. 4. & 1I... 4. 10..: people, and that the LORD had brought Is- sands, s.d rulers of hundreds, rolers of 10. 2, 83. r 10....t6. 3. t. rael out of Egypt; Ofifties, and rulers of tens:At. i. 3. [l. 0.1. 2 Thte Jethro, Moses' father in la, took 22 And let them judge the people fat all OO....... jceh. 4._26~9 } 2hen ~n23.2 l Atts7. 20. Zipporah, Moses' wife, Ctafter he had sent seasons: tand it shalt be, that every great 2 Clr. 19. 9. soh. 2. 2. her back, matterthey shall bring untothe,butevery d 1l8.8. 3 And her sons; of whick the ename smell matter they shall judg. so. shall 16.19. lost s, of the one weas IGershom; for lhe said, I be easier for thyself, and'hthey shall bear fver. 06. 1e have beebs n alien in e'strange land the burdes with thee. g'2cr. 9. i. My 4Ad b name of the otr as iezer 23'If thou shalt do this thing, and God L'Leo.. 11. for0 thel God of my father, soid hc,, was mite sommand thee so, rhen thou shalt be iable. om,1. 33. fodt b.53O1. h p, and delivered me from. the sword of to endore, and all this peoplesshall also go & 7. 2. h;f,/o3.1,10 he. Pharaoedm: ffto kheir place in peace. D.,so 1. 17,2e~ 1. l717 b. And Jethro, Moses' fher in las, cae 24 So Moses ledkened to the coice of 17.0. & 1.'2. &l 5 An 17tro M o e' f t e.i acm i 19.. twith his sons and his wife unto Moses into his father in law, and' did all that lie hlad h'um. 1.17. i 1 Xings2.19. the owilderness, where he encamped at fthe said. i ver. 18. kh so. 10. 13. mood of God 25 And Moses chose able men out of all kGss. 10. 33. 33.4. 6 And lhe said untoMoses, I thy father in Israel, and made them heads over the poe & 30. 2.5 ~so. senwe,: law Jethro am come unto thee, and thy Wife, pie, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, oh. 16.. Oens, 3. 7. and hey to.osons with her. rulers of fiftirs, and rulers of tees. 2 Sm. 19.39. ltte1. 11.7. 7 ~ bed Mose ssaent out to meet his fa- 20 And they tjutdged the people at all I...o. 1... t HeS,, fo.,od bser i satsonad did hobeisas", and caissed seasons:the bard cuses they brought unto Acts 6.5. oteh., him; and they asked each other of their Moses, but every smallmatter theyjudged -yer. 22. um. 20.14. t welfare; and they came into thle tent. themselves.,Job 29. 1. iP.. 78. 42. & 8'And Moses told his father in law all that 17 ~ And Moses let his fatberin law depart; s -mlO.. 29, 01. & 1(6.the LORD had done unto Pharaoh and to the and Ohs went his way into his own land. 30. 10. ~117.. CHPE 10X. 10:& 107.2: Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the CHAPTER XIX. O-en. 04. 10. trovail that had tcome upon them by the 2trle. 28. way, and how the LORD idelivered them. Ibs pesole 500e to Si-oi. d' e toy,8.t. -9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3oessatnto the people oestof theot. 8 he. Luke 1.08. And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness peopole's aosoee restor,ed gaino 10 The leople 2/bChr.. 1. which the LORD had done to Israel, whom s'e p,,ep,ed aginst ithe third doy. 12 lhe P he. 3. head deiivered out of the'hand of the,nottaionOst sot bes touehed. 16 T'hefsa'ful 7.5. & 135,5. Egyptians..resense ofGod lon the mo ut. oleh. l 10,16, I0 AndJethro said, OBlessed be the LORD, - N the third month, when the esildren of 1491. wh. 0. 7. whbo hath delivered you outof the hand of Israel were gone forth out o tie land of &10. 0, is. the Egyptians, and out f the hand of Pha- Egypt, the same day Ioame they into the W.-m.O.l1.,1 Sam,`2. 3.'lens fSni 0tm... raoh, who hath delivered the people from ldeess o ii. 1029. f under the hand of the Egyptians. IFor they cere depasted from bRephidim, Oslh.-17. 1, 8. Jio 40. 11, 11 Now I know that the LORD is greater and were come to the desert of Sinai, and 12. than' all gods: efoer in tile thing whe'ein had pitched in the wilderness; 1nd there Ps. 31. 05. h they dealt'~proudly he w0a' ab'ove them. Israel camped before Cthe mount. ch. 13. 1.10. 110. 21. 312 And Jethro, ]loses'e fat ter in law, took 3 And,1oses went up unto God, and the dch. 20. 01. Loke 1.511, ao i bur1 t offering and sacrifices for God: and LORD eIlled nto'hlm out of tlie mountain, Aots 7.3. De. 12. Aaron came, and all the elders of'Israel, to saying, Thus shalt thlou say to thle hlouse o slo. 3.4. IC 10. 1 eat bread with Mloses' father in lao Ibefore Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; 21,i. God. 4 fsYe hle seen whatI didonto the Egyp- fDest. 29. 2. 5. :GMd's fearfitl:presence. EXOUS Godd'sfea~rfu~lpresence. EXODUS. The ten commandments. B. 0.1491. tiansa and how gI bare you on eagles'. 23 And Moses said unto tihe LORD, The B1.0.1491. - - wings, and brought you unto yself. people cannot come up to mount Sinai: gDeuot. 32.1. 5 Now A therefore, it ye will obey my voice for thou chargedso us, saying, rSet bounds,oe 12. 1.03.9. indeed, and keep my covenant, then iye aboot the mount, and sanctify it Joh3S; 4. hRee.u~~ 1'3.~o 1..4 R.".ut..2. shall bhe a peculiar treasure untomeabovoe 24And the LORD said unto him, Away, Dei 4. 20. all peopio: for kall the earth is mine: get thee down and thou shalt comon p, thou, & 7. 6.& 14; l6 Andye shall ob unto men a kingdom of and Aaron with thee: but letnot the priests 2.21.2&.2?18. priests, anda"holynation. Thsearetthe andth people break throughotocome up un& 32.' 9. words which thoo shalt speak unto the hii- tothe LORD, oest he reak forth upon themn. P..in3g8:3.4 drenof Iersael. 25 So Moses went down unto the people, Oant. i. 12. 7 I And Moses came and called for the anduspakeunto them. Is. 41. 8. & elders of the people, and laid before their HAT. 4:. 1., faces all these words: which the LORDo om- e, CAPTER XX. Jr10.( 1(.1 msandedhm en eowmocdnis. 1 18'so pidh ne 3tIl. 3' 17. anfedid. i20 2 os, ooofeorieth itho. 122 doiso Tit. %. 14. 8 And llait the people nsnwered together, seey is fo-beido-. 24 Of htotos tO oIt. i ts.9. 29. and said, Alt that the LORD huth spohen AiWdit. Det. 10.14, we wiil:do. AndMosesreturnedthe words A ND God spake a allthese words, saying, la'Deu. 5. 221 Joit 41.11.' of the people unto the LOR... 2'0I am the LORn thy God, which i..26.1. 1. Ps.21. 1.& And the LoRD said unto Moses, Lo, I have brought, thee out of th lnnd of Egypt, Dut. 5.1.. 60S fi. P1nt. 5, {L [ Cc, to.' 2, come unto thee Iin a thiek cloud, Ot int the t out if tho house of t bondage. R., 13,.4 28.' people may heur when I speau withthee, 3 dThou shalt hae no other gods betre e.r 13.4. IlDeot. 33, 2, indihelieetthee forever. Andlosestold me. th. seo 3. t; te words of the people unto the LonR. 4'Thou shalt not make unto thee any owls. Pet'.2.5,9. 10~AndtlieLO RoDsaiduntoMoos Goun- gravenimage, or anyliheness ofeny shing GItoo. 5. 7. 10 &a 0 6Z 14.~u 57 5. li 110.0.... t ohepeople, and.anctify them today and that is in heaven above, or that is in the li. 17.. m Leo. 20. 24, to morroo, and let them'wash their clothes, earth beneath, or that is in ths water under iso. tO. V. 26. 1lOAnd be ready atainst the third day: for the eneth: & 35.15. Dest. 7. 6. & the third day the LORD t will come down ia 5 fThou shalt not bow down thyself to sLeo. 11. 1. uniu tite thyse-l, I2.19.289 tihesithtof all the people upon mount Sinai. them, not serve them: for I the LORD thy Dest.4.16. & i Co. 3. 17. 2.And thou shalt set bouads unto the God a je lous God, isiting the in-. 5...127.15. T.27. pople round ahot saying, The teed to iquity of the fathers upon the children]unto P s. 23. 27. aol, 24. 3, 7. yourtelves, titt ye gu ot up intodthe thethird and fourthgenertion of them Joh. 23. 7 su.t. 5. 17. mount, or touth the border oC il: U whso- that hate me; 2 2Kin. 17.35. 1& 1. 17. ever toucheth the mount shall be surely 6 And ishewing mercy unto thousands of Is.44. 15. 19. tC.l r;. l pat to death: them that love me, and keep my.otosoond- geh. 31411. 2h1130.11. 13 There shall not a hand touch it, but he nts. Det. 4. 2. 24 15 16 ments. &estne, r ho trogh d 6. 15. D. 4. 11ii. shall surely be stoned, rtsohot theough; 7 kThou shalt not take the name of the Josh. 04.19. Pi.10.l. 1 a. whether it be beast or man, it shall not live: LORD thy God tin vain for the LORD will Nth. 1.2. & 97.2. when the lI ltrumpet soundeth long, they not hold him guiltless that taketh his name h let. 34.7. taot. 17.1,I shall cosmeup to the mount. in vain. 2c. 11.5.4 P3..... 12, 14 AndMoses wentdown from the ount 8 m'iememher the sabbath day, tohkeep it o. 14' 140., Joo 12. 29, uunto the people, and sanctified the people; holy. 33. 30. and th' y ah d thei' 1th' 9''ds h Itt 3... 30. and they washed their clothes. 9 "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all 1 TKin.21.29. qh. 14.31. And he said unto the people,I Be ready thyworkoh Jt2 3. 19. L4.ev. It. [4 against the third day: acome not at your 10 But the oseventh day it the sabbathof 21... Iot. 10.22. wives. the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not'do 0 It. 794. Heb. 10" 22A' itcm t as nte hr day:109. 14, - o. 1. IC 11 ~ And it came to pass on the third any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daugh- Is. 14. 0, 21. Gan. 35. n. in the morning, tnot there were tbthunders ter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, h 65.,: 7. Le,. 1. 5. andlightnings, and a I thick cloud upon the nor thy cattle, i2nor thy stranger that i| Jse. 2. 9. & c:m. 10. 10. sount, and the dvoice of the trumpet ex-!ithin thy gutes 321 1S. [!Sht3:2. 3 c. eeding loud; so that all the people that 11 Por qin sin days the LORD sadeoeav- ii.. 34. 7ec D..tb. 33. 20. ceeS I tl a erm ed D.' 7. ) inhe. 12. 29, sees t.the camp Icesrohled. en and earth, the sea and all that in them P 9. 31.' ii Or. e..tC. 17 And f Moses brought forti the people is, and. rested the seventh day: whrefore,om. 11. 28. wer. 1, 11. out oC the tsmp to smet.ith God; andthey tho LonRD blessed the sabbath day, and teh. 23. 1. ewer. 10. stood at the nether part of the mount. ihallowed it. Lee. 19. 12..i 0 AndV eotunt Shini one altogether on a 0 12 ~.Honour thy father and thy mother 1 1 -t. 5: It. t n dlnduna sinaio.21.41P.I. I,m. 21.4, smoke, hecause the LoRDod.eseoded upon that thy days may be long upon the land Ualtt. 5. 33. Zh, 7.3. in fire: i and the smoke thereof ascended which the LooD thy God giveth thee i.11. liZee!h; 7. 31. ]l~ }: 1 cor. 7. 5. as the smoke of a furnace, and kthewhole 13'Thou shalt not kill. sch.31.13,14. I bPs. 7. 18. mount quaked greatly. 14 tThou shalt not commit adultery. L.o. 19. 3,30. Ieb. 12. 18, 19 And wfihen the voice of the trumpet 15 UThou shalt not steal. 1 2. 2... ~1 sone long, nd waxdlouder a]nd l I0 Tludr Dl O e.u... 1-o'2.19, souandedlong, vndwuedloudeo ndlonde, ou 6 eTtcou shalt not hear false witness DoO.. 12. R-111.10& 8.. n'oses spake, and God answered him by:against tcy neighbour. 1..5131. e.. 9. a voico. 17 t Thou shala notcovet thyneighbour's 21. to. i0. 31. 20 And the LORD came down upon mount house, Ythou shalt not covet thy neiehbour's Lev. 23. 3. 2 Chr, 2. 14. Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the wifce nor his manservant, nor hisiocidserv- E. 20. 12. lOss R I. 1-0. LORD called Moses sop to the top of the ant, nor his ox, nor his ass nor any thing l o 13. 14.I 14~oi.1i... thn G]on.eq 2.62,3./ s&nh4 1 ] 21. ontt; and Moses went op. thatis thy neighbour's., tc 11.26. /Deut. 4.10. 21 And the LOR sd nto oss G 1 And the people saw the hun- 31.15. gDlut. 4.11. down, tcharge the people, lest they break derings, and the lightnings, and the noise pNsh. 13. 16, 1& 33.' through unto the LORD o to gaze, and many of the trumpet and the mountain osmok- 17. 18, 19. Jodg..5. oCf them parish. ing, and when tile people saw it, they te- I 2 3 2; P,1.' 7 n. 22 And let the priests also, which comes moved and stood afar o ffo e,;.. i.4 ertotheLOR.....$anotifythe.....1e...lost YV.. l. tothLO'sawtiytlsls, est 33 o. D t 5. 16. Jer.35. 7, i' 1. -Matt. 15.4. &19.19.. l.rk 7. 10. ho. 3.. the LORD 1br1ak forth upon them., 10. 19. Lo 18.i20t i 6. pcli. ut,...17. eoc 5..21 om. 24. 17. 13.9.0 stDeo. 5.28. M1a0 ntt.5.27. scLe,. 19. II. ttt.5. 10. ltt.. 2 Chr. 7. 1,2, 3. iG,,. 15. 27. Ps. 24. 5. Re. 25.. 10P,. so, 19. 1. Rom. 1. 9.'Tlrsi. 4. aolh. 27.1. eilt. 5 20. 11. 20. 8. & 77. IS. & 114.7. bJr. 4 24. Heb. 12. 26. I oe. 13. mHeh. H 0tt. 1. 18. I:Deut..5.21. Mi.. 2.'2. ah. 2. 9. Luke 12.15, Acts 12.21. stoh. 9.13. P.-1.7. t eb. econtes. o8o oh. 3.5. 0.33. Rom.7.7 & 13.9. Eph.5.3.5. heb. 13.5.,Job3L..Prov.. I am.. 6. 10. p es. 13. 3. 2er.... 0.7, 0. t.88. t 0. Mat. 5.28. Heb. 12h.18. Re. e 1.10, 1.2. beh.l19.I. 11 Divers laws: EXODUS. and 0ordinances. Bd..1491. 1 IAnd they said unto Moses, C Speakthou I/deliver him into his hand; then mI will B.C. 1491. with us, and we willhear: but llet not God appoint thee a place whither he shall flee. eDeot. 5. 27. speak with ust lest we die. 1t But if a man come tppresumptuously tllS-. 24.4, & 19. 16. 20 And Moses said unto the people, eFear upon his neighbour, to slay him with guile; 10,18.. Got. 3B.1,20. not: f'for Godis come to prove you, and thou- shalt take him from mine altasr, thet tl-[;.l1.h.. Itch. 12. 192 ~ t -DeDot. 5. 25. that his fear may be before your faces, he may t. S. cl.m..12.20. that ye Sin not. 15 ~ And he that smiteth his father, or his Jt.. 0 It. 41. 10, 3. i A.nd the people stood afar off, and tio- mother, shall be surely put to'death. nlum. 15. 0. fGo.22.. ses drew nea r' unto hthe thick darkness 16 I Asd OPhe that tteIleth a mannd {& e520' aeat. 13. 3!WDt 1c. ILt Deout. i. i. ohere' God was. sellethhim, or if he be "Cfound in his'hand, 2. h& 6. 10..22 ~ And thle LORD said unto Moses, Tlhus he sliall surely be put to death. II Hb. 10. 2a. 12. h 17. 135 thou shalt say unto the children of I srael, 07 Atd'he that II curseth his father, or l ti. 2.2819. 19.0. Ye hae t seen that' I have talked with you his mother, shall surely be put todeath. 04. &e 28.s. te r heaovetn. 18 I And if men strive together, and one tin.l.. Proe,. 3. 7. & 16s.. 3. 23 Ye shall not make k with me gods of smite Il anothe oitht a stone, or with his 2,O(it.24.7. Is. 8.13. silver, neither shall yo make unto yougds fistt, and'he die not, but keepetlh his bed: hd en. 37. 28e hol. 19. 16. of gold;. 19 If he rise again, and walk abroad aupon,sol,. oe. 4. D-ct. 5.0. 24 I An altar of earth thoueshaltmake unto his staff, then slll he that smote hiom e Lev. 3 0. 9. 1vings 8;12. me and slialt sacrifice thereon' thy burnt qvit: only ie shallpyfor t the toss of ils e.. 0. iDent. 4. 31P.q. 20. 20. Wfehl 9.13 offerings,andthypeaceofferings,lthysheep, time, and shall cause hlintto be thoroughly {Matt. 15. 4. kse.'32.1,2;4:. andtlhine oxenet in all "lplaces mwhere I re- healed. iarkt7. 10. lecm..dO. cord myviatame I ill come unto thee, and I'20 ~ And if a man smite his servant, or lOe, revilel. 2Xin. 17.3t. will bless thee. his maid, with a rod, and hlie die under his aO,oivcsnh E-.0. 20. h 25And if thou milt makoe me aaltar of hand; hle shallbe surely t punished. lo. 43; 8.' D... 50423. stone, thou shaltnot t build it ofl hewn stone: 21 Notwithstanding, if hie continue a day t 2 Sam. 3. 29. yoph. 1 5. for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast or two, he shall not he punished: for he t Hoc, tic 2 Coo. 6. 1t, polluted it. io:hismoney. emin. 15t Wi 26 Neither shaltthou go up by steps unto 22 ~ If men strive, and hurt a woman mith t He. ILs.. 1. 2. mine altar, tihat thy nakedness be'not dis- child, so that' her fruit depart from her, le e, 4. vIcDt. 1U.S, covered thereon. andyet no mischief follow: lie shall be sure- G, s.415.2-. 11, 21. & 14. 23. tOO. 1I. h& 16..12.i. 1 2Toc. a43.0&.9.3. 2 Chr. 6.6. &7, 16. ly punisheed, according as the woman's hus- Bet. 13.4. & 12. 13. BE-.. 1. 9. Ps. 7, 7. Jar. 7.10.12..t...c. 12. band will lay upon him; and he shall'pay sL.c. 25. 45, 2. Delt. 7.13. oDeat. 27.5. Josh. 8.31. tieb. build them with as'tlie judges detdrmine. 46. ~~~haoio~~u~~lg. 1~~23 And if any mischief follow, then thou sver. 30. CHAPTER XXI. shalt give life o ie, o. 2. 18, 1ILa.. for. en e,v -ant. sFohale gervanthoe 1, ~esdwaoeeoe. 2vo~rsolhc~aa 24' YEye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for ais bored. 7 Fo., o 12nseFo.,L. t4 2d0s moancslaughter. 161o~' aiealts f mes. l17or hand, foot for foot, / Bat. 20. 20. — l-ghtm 17P., Dhod, Bot, 19. 01. curcsrS of joevlcs.. 18 E omictrs. 22 For a 25 Burning for burning, mwound for wound, tat 5. 38. httothby ohc-. 28 Fo-.o rt -goaeh. 33 stripe for stripe. Fo~him that is a oeecasiot ofha. 2( And ia man smite the eye of his servioh. 24. 3, 4. O these ote the judgments which ant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; oeet:4..s4 Ithou shalta set before them. he shall let him go free for his eye's sake. 6: I. 2 bIf thou buy a Hebrew servant, six 27 And if he smite out his manservant's Le.3, years he s1all serve: and in the sev- tooth, or' his maidservant'stooth; he shall 40, 4L. ch tli e shall go out free for nothing. let him go free for his tooth's sake. Do-t. 15. t12. 3 If lie came in t byhimself, he shall go 18 ~ If an ox gore a man or a woman, that Jer. 3. 14. out by himself: if he mere married, then theyd(ie: thlei Itheoxshallhbesurtelystonetd, zGen. 9.5. t lth. his wife shall go out with him. and'his flesh shall not be sattn; but the hia tody. 4 Ifthis mastoe have given him a wife, and. owmner of the ox shall be quit. she have borne him sons or daughters; the 29 But if the cx mere wont to push with mife and her children slal be her master's, his horhin time past, an d i t hath been testi. and lie shall go out by himself. fled to his owner, an'd he hath not kept him sDeat 15. 1o, 5 CAnd if the servant t shall plainly say, in, but that lie hlth killed a man or awo17. Ilovo mymaster, oy mife, ae dmy children; man; the ox shall be stoned, and his owner:oLleb.scli I will not go out free: also shall be put to death. thall ay. a Then his master shall bring him unto 30 If tlheroe be laid on him a sum'of money, dek. 12. 12. h the djudges; hei shall alo bring hiim to the then he shall give foC athe ransom of hisi v 22. 22.8. 28. door, or unto the door post; atd iit mastes life whatsoever is laid spot him. N tm. 35. 31. Pa. 40. c shall chore his ear through with an awl; 31 Wehether he ave gored a son, or have and lie slall serve him for ever. gored a daughter, according to this judg~ f'lqe. 5. 7 ~ And if a mai f sell his daughter to be ment shall it be done unto him. ye2,3. 23 a maidservant, she shall not go out a s the 32 If: the ox shall push a manservant or a menservants do. maidservant;.ho shall give unto their mastHb. lacail 8 If slie t pleoase notb her master, wlio hath ter bithirty shekelt of silver, and the tox ts ltZ.hl.'to hi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12, 13. [ i btsof, etrbthed herto himself, then shallh let Shall'be stoned; 12, 1. Ja ehseeos. SotO. 00i.13, her'be redeemed: to sell her untoa-strango 33 ~ And if a man shall open a pit, or if a P1. 2. nation he shall hove no po.c, seeing. li may shall dig-a pit, and not coveit, andan eveor. 2. hath dealt deceitfully itlh her. ox or an ass fall therein; 9And if hlie have betrothed iher unto his 34The owner of the pit shall make it, good, son, hi shall deal with her after the mtauei and give money unto the owner'of them; of daogloteis. coand the dead beast Shall be his. h Cor. 7.. 10 If le tlake him another wife, her food, 35 I And if one mat's ox hurtl another's, iGoc..q. ( l her raiment, h, iand here duty of marriige, that hlie die; then they shall Sell the live ox, Lo,, 24.1 oshalhlie not diminish. and divide the money',of it; and the dead 1].330 1 And If he do not these three unto her, ox also they shall divide. 1 then shall ohe go out free without money. 36 Or if it be known that the ox hath Maott. 36. L 312 ~ iHe thalt smiteth a man, so'that he used to push in:time past, and his owner ikNum.35.O2.- die, Shall beo surely put to death, hath not kept him in; lie shall suiely pay D-tv. 10.0.2. 13 And kif a man lie not in wait, but God ox for ox; and the dead shall be his own. 57 Divers laws EXODUS. and. ordinances. B. C.1491. CHAPTER XXII. nor oppress hlim: for ye were strangers in B. C. 1491; 1Of heft. 5 Of dama goe. 7 Of esa ps, 14 the land ofF gypt. Ofborowlngo. 1 Otfferosatioan. 18Ofwithii 22 ~ aye shall not afict any widow, or sDnt. 10. 10. noaft. 19 Of betiality. 20 Of idolatomy. 21 athles child. 24. 17. Of taners, wido,, fateless. 5 Of o24. 179. 2sto.y0 Of p/nego. l28 Of, roeoe5 5 to 23 If thou alfflit them in any wise, and CP. 196. magilran. 29 Of the firstfrita. they tory at all unto me, I will surely lhear Is. 1. 17, 23. Orn goat. TF a man shallt steal n lox, or a 11sheep, their cry; & 10. 2. andkillit, or sell it; he shall restore 24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I Etr. 22.7. o2Sam. 12.6. five oxen for anox, and afour sheep for a will kill you with the sword; and Yyour Zlt 7.10. see l'ov.. slheep. wives slialil be: idows, and your childron tJnos 1.27. 31. t~u.1.9 Luahsl0. 8 2. ~ If a thiefbe found b breaking up, and fatherless. & C2D. 15. Luke 19. S. be 24ite thth de heeal.n be smitten that he die, those n/hall 5no 25 ~ ZIf thou lend money to any nf my.ob 35:9. [b ltt. 21.43. blood be shed for him. people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not Luke 180 7. Nonr.35.27. 3 If the sunbe isen opon hiw, therenttol be tohin no anusurer, neilther shalt thou lay...C. 27. be blood shed for him; foi- he shouldmake uponhim usury, Jo 34. 28. I'. P 18. 6. S full restitution: if he have nothing, thenrhe 20u IC thou at all take thy neighbour's rai- 145. 19. dsh. LI 2. shall he dsold for his theft. ment to pledge, thou shalt deliver it unto JamesSI. 4. oh. 21. 10. 4 If the tiefC be certainly Cfound in his him by thaI the son goeth dowt o.ol, 031. 23. hand alive, whether it be ox, ok ass, or 27 For that is his covering only, it is his P69. 24. fSse es. 1,7. sheep; he shall frestore double. raiment for his skin: wherein shall lie 0. 1100.0, Lain. $. 3. PnoV 6.31. 15 If a man shall cause a field or vine* sleep? and it shallcome to pass, wnhen he Lev. 25. 35, yard to be eaten, and shall put in his beast, b crieth unto me, that I will hear; for I ano 36, 37. and shall feed in another man's field; of Cgrancious. Deut.'23.19, the best of his own field, and of the best of 28 ~ dc Thou shalt not revile tile 1 gods, nor 20. his own vineyard, shealllie make restitution. curse the ruler oC thy people. 5.7. If fire breakout; and eatch in thorns, Pa~~~~~~~~r. 15. 5. 6 If fire break out, and catch in thorns, C29 ~Thou shalt not delay to offer Oethe E,. 18. 8., 17 so that the stacks of corn, or the standing first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy eliquors:,,Det. 24., corn, or the tleld, be consumed theresevth; fthe'firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give 1, 1,17. he that kindled the fire shall surely make unto we. Job 22. 6. h restitution. 30 aLikewise shalt thou do with thine ox- 24.3,9.' v- 20. 16. 7 If a man shall deliver unto his neigh- en, aad eith thy siteeps hseven days it 1027. bour moneyorstoffto keep, and it be stnlen eshall be with his dam; on the eighth day Ez. 18. 7,16. e.. 4. t of the man's house.; if the thief be thou shaltgive it we. A... 2. 8. found, let him pay double. 31 And ye shall be iholy men unto me: 6~er. 23. 8 If thle thief be not foundi then the mas- kneither shall ye eat any flesh that is torn nl34.6. 2chr. 30. 9. ter of the house shall be brought unto the of beasts in the field; ye shall cast it to the ps. n. 1i. hlh. 21. 6. hjudges, to se wlhether he Ihave put his dogs. d Eee. 10. 20.,.r. 20. hand anto his neighbour's goods. Ants 230.C. Jude 8. if Or, itdges,.er. 8,. P.. 01.0. t 050. sMy 9 PFor all manner of trespass, whether it fl,/ness. eh.a3.16,19.0 Pro.3.9.. tH eb.tbn. fch.13.2,12. be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, 3h. 19. eUDu. 10. IC hLe. 22. 27. iets 10.. Le. 19. 2. or for any manner of lost thing, which an- Dlut. 14. 21. kLe,. 2. o. o. 4. 11. l 4a. 31. D.ent. 25.1. othel, challengeth to be his, the cause of CHAPTER XXIII. eno. 7. 2 /hr. 19.10. both parties shall come before the judges 1 0/slossdn. nod/oh, tss. 3, 6 0/jetsie,. Lne. 10. 16. O0fcha,bbtabla-e,. 0 Ofthe yea-'dfet. 12 rs. 15. 3. & anol whom tihe judges shall condemn, he OfthiesnSobb.ath 13 fidol0h. 14 Ofthe thlr e 101. 5. shall pay double unto his neighbour. feasts. 18O0fth. b ood lntefat ofthe so.i- Pro.'10. 18. f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ros. 0/~ /ol, h a /~ en eso. 10. 1/i. 10 If a man deliver unto Ihisneighbour an Jiens 2OA.,Oeg ipo isditha ls,-g, i e. 2ssanlO. ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast, to if they oIey hi,. 27.with 16.3. keep; and it die, or be hurt, or driven OIrIIU ashaltnotlw /raise a false eport, O. srese. away, no mat seeing ito T put not thite hand witt the eiched to r I:. 10 10. D oh. 20. 18. kRb. 6. 10. C11 Then shall an iath of tilhe LORD be be an bunrighteous witness. 17, 18. between them both, that he hath not put Ihis 2 ~ eThou shalt not followamultitudeto do P-. 35. I1. hand unto his neighbour's goods; and the evil; d neither shalt thou speak in a cause Prav. 19.5,9,. owner of it shall accept thereof, and lie to decline after many to wrestjudgsnent: 2810 21. 28. laa.t31. 39. shall no make it good. 3 I Neither shalt thou countenance a poor Se. I Kn.21. ~i l Gem 31. 89. ~ shall no~ make it good. I0, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~10.13.| oDet.22.28, 13 And IC it be stolen from him, he shall man in his cause. att. 26. 50, a29Du.2. make restitution unto the onnes thereof. 4 e'If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his 1;0, 61..k. tnt/aH, 13 IC ithbe torn in pieces, thea let him ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it Aetti6. 11,13. [Ge. 23. 16t. bring it for witness, and lie shall not make back toIim again.. 7 1. & GnOse-.. 132 gsod that whinh was torn. 2 fIC thou see the ass of him that bateth 19.4, 7. Dout..22.' n. 14 ~ And if a man borrow aught of his thee lying under his burden, land wouldest sh. 32. 1, 2. 1Sa 1. 185..neighhour, and it be hurt, or die, the owner forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help I Sar. 15.9 tloy. 19. 2e. thereof being not with it; he shall surely with him. t Ilin. 19.10. 31. & 20. 27. make it good. 6 OThou shalt not wrest the judgment of Job, 31. 34. Dsut. 18. 10, 10 Bst IC the owner thereof be with it. he tiy poor is hiscause. Preo. 1. 10. I.11. shall not make it good: if it be a hired 7 hKeep thee far from a false matter;t t.15.h.1l. a_. 2 thing, it came for hishire.. and the innocent and righteous slay thou 1. 2:pLeo. 18.23. 16 ~ And n if a man entice a maid that is not: for kI will not justify the wicked. 3 5'rkh 1. 15.. & 20. 15. ant betrotbed, and lie with her, le shall 9 ~ And thou shalt take no gift: for the Luke 13. 23. s0l urn 10. saoUely endow her to be his ifes. gift blindeth t the wise, and perverteth the Acts 2. 27. 17!.T.,.. 25. 2, & 25. 9. e1.:17 If her ather utterly refuse to giveehoe words of the righteous. los ge.he 7. D.n t.13.1, C, untohi., he shall t py noneyacoonding to OLev. 19. 15. Delt. 1. 17. Ps. 723.2, tseb. ntse. slo. 22. 1. 0.0. 1, 13, 14. the tt dowry of virgins. Job.3129. Preoy. 17. h & 25, 21; Jata,. 41, Roen. 12.20. 1 Thess. 15.&17.2,3,5. 18 ~ nThou shalt not suffer a witch tolioe. 5,15. fDeut. 2.4. LQr, swi/tthsoscaeothelp/im?or. alenuldobh. 23. 9. 19 ~ PWhbsoever lieth'with a, beast shall et ea,te toe I/vethy biAinessf,hi,,m: thoshalt suely saveit to Len. 19, 33. surely be puttodeath. join,,ithhi.. ven.C. Dent. 27.19. Job3l. 13, 21. ees. 5.. I8.0. o& t5.35 1. 1.1 20Tethatlet to god e 51. e.C. 28. h0, Am 2.5. lba l 3. 5. ner. 1. Lev. 19. 11. eDsue. 1 t.s1.9. 20'le thao ltiohaficeth uno an y god o. save LI. 3.14. Bph. 4.25. iDet. 27.25 P.. 9si.21. PrV. 17.15,26. Jnr. Jer. 7. 6, unto th LORD oyihshallbeutteryde- 7:,t7.4. keh. 34.7 Rnm. 1. 10. IDnot. 10. lR na 8 3.& Zsel..' 10. stroyed. 12.3. 2ihr. 1. 26. 10. Peon. 1..97. & 17.O.3. & 29.4 Is 1.23. / al. 3.05. 21 ~'Thou shalt neither vex a ntraegor, &,&23.0833,15...:.2. maos.12, Actn 24.26. t Heb. the.seei,n t8 An, Angel is: promised. EXODUS. Answer of the people. ti] I.1491. 9 - Also s thou halt not oppresse a stran- 28 And'I will send hornet before thee, B.. 491. ~~~~~~~~~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Be — ~-he-. 0.141 ger: for ye know the + heart of a stranger, which shall dive out the tivite, the CanekI. 22.21. seeingyeowerestrangerainthelandotfEgypt. h annite, and the Hittite, from before thee.,Deut. 7. 20.!|;:Dou,.!0.19. [10'And I six years thou shalt sow thyJiad24d,2 leut. 10~.19. id~And esiyne theshealt tthyland, 29t wi eili not drive them out from before Josh. 24.12. & 24. 1, 17. and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: thee in one year; lest the land become e Det. 7. 2. & 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7. 19. a. 9.4. 6. 11 But the seventh yea, thou shalt let it desolate, and the beast of the field multi- G.en. 15. 18. ES. 2t. 7. rest and lie still; that the poor of thy peo- ply against thee. Nl.... 34.3. | al. 3 5. pie mayeat: nedwhat they leave the beasts 30 By little and little I will ldrive them out fDeet. 11.24. |t. so l. of the field shall eat. In like manner thou from before thee, nntil thou be increased Jesh 1 4 rr Le. 2.5.3,4. s i,. 4.Hab.IC Le'254 shall decl with thy vineyard, and with thy and inherit the land. 2 1. tee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eleet 24...' 20oq~ 9t elineyd.' 31 And II will set thy iounds from the Red Pa. 72. 8. Deu. A. 3. I 12 t~Mix days thou shalt do thy work, and sea even unto the sen of the Phililstines, and yJol,. 21.44. Luke 13. 14. on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that from the desert unto the river: for I will Judg. 1.4. & ptDet -4. 9. thine ox and thine a.s may rest, and the'deliver the inhabitants of the land into 11. 21. Seh 12'2. S. son of thy handmaid, nnd the stranger, may your hand; and thou shalt drive them out zeh. 34. 12.15. nB~,A. j1. be arefreseled. before thee. Dout. 7. 2.! Ti,.4. i6. 13 And in nall things thnt l havesaid unto 32 ZThou shalt make no covenant with ch. 34. 12. gNu-.: 32 38. you P be circumspect: and nmake nio men- them, nor with their gods. Deut. 7. 16. D-t. L2.3 lien eoftthe nme of other gods, neither let 33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest & 1. 2. Jept. 23. /. J..... 23' 13.!21 22.7 it be heardeout of thy mouth. they make thee sin againt me: for if thou Jdg.. 3. H.s. 2. 17. 14 Three times thou shalt kieep a feast serve their gode,-a it will surely be a snare I Sa. 18.21. Zecs. 13. 2. unto me in the year. unto thee. Pa. 101. 16. rch.: 34. 13. 115 TThou shalt keep the feast of nnleav- CHAPTEBI XXIV. Lae 23. 4. 6ened bread: (thou shall eat unleavened 1 Mees i etlied sp iat hs V....ti..i 3'le Beut. 12. 16. bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in p1al, pr-misaeebediesce. 4 I.Moses buiileh a, 13. 61. 31.'18' the time nppointed of the month Abibk for eltevf thd,,l s -illta. tlT.......letktfis'3. b.Je 31.18. sen ooen oftt ecovenae t. 9 hergos y ofe'ontl an Lev. 23. 6. in it thoueatnestoutfrom Egypt: tian none -a,.eh. 14i A —.. a,.d Hlun hve the lehae- f Deut. 16. 8. shall appear before me empty:) the peolte. 15,otet f/oetk into ehe mow ttein,..,I.21.20. 16tnAnd the feastoflharvest,the firstfruits.n.hee.e...ti-n..h fot..y d...t.ft..otf tiskts. Dout. 16. 10. of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the A ND he said ento tases, Coie up unt6 etlA. 23.22e 10d to.o, o m u u nt |g elh. 1. 21. field: and n the feast of ingathering, which l the LORI, thou, nd Aarot, tNadab, h. 28. 1. lust. 16.13. is in the end of the year, when thou hast and Abihu, band seventy of the elders of Ltv. 10.1, 2. y el. 34. 23. gathered in thy labours out of the field. Israel; and worship ye nfar off. btel. 1.5. Deet. 16. 1i. 17 Y Three times in the year nall thy males 2 And Moses e alone shall come near the en. 11. 16. el 12. 8. & shall appear before the Lord GOD. LORDn bktthey shallnotomenigh; neither ever.13,15,18. | ~.',, 183 Thoushaltnotoffer theblood ofmy sac- shall the people go up wilh him. e t.l1i. 4. rifice with leavened bread; neither shall the 3 And Moses came and told the people dyer 7 Or, feast. fat of my elsaerifice remain until the morning. all the words of the LORD, and all tile judg- nh. i9.e8. asl. 22.2. & 19 aThe first of the firsfruits f thy land ments: and all the people answered with Det. 5.27. 14. 26. thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD one voice, and said, tdAll the words which Glt. 3.19,20. Ln.2.10,7. thy God. b Thou shalt not teethe a kid in the LORD hath said will we do. eDlent. 31.9. N1e... 1. 12 his nmother's milk. 4 And Moses ewrote all ttoe words of the fGen. 28. 18. flet. 2.0lo. 20 IBelhold, I sendan Angelbeforeethee, LoRDn, nd note up ealyin te motrning, h31.45. te,. 10. 5. It keep thee in the way, and to bring thee and builded an altar under the hill, and g tHb. 9.18. ttch. 3:1. 2. into the place wlich I have prepared. twelve fpillars, according to the twelve hIteb. 9. 19. net,. 1420 22o1 Bware of him, andobey histvoice, tpro. tribes of Israel. te3. 2. 3 k. 33. voke I'im nllot; for be,ill tnot pardon your 5 And lie sent young men of tie children k [e1,f 20.& 2;14. transgressionst: for f my name is in litr. of Irael, which offered burnt offerings, and 13, 2. PNue. 20. 16. 22 But if thoushalt indeed obey his voice, sacrificed peace offerings of oxen. unto the 1Pet.. 1. 2. Josh.t5.13. & and do all that I speaki then I will be an LORD. e.. O6. 2 ensmy unto thine enemies, and an andver- 0 And Moses eotook half of the blood, and S;e; ts32. P. 01 ii ryunto tline advesaie. put it in basins and hal of the blood le Be. Nm. 1t 1.11. 23 P or mine Angel shall go efore thee, sprinkled on te altar. Il. 3. 6. PN..7t.40,6o. end iobring thee in ento tle Amoriten, and 7 And lie teook the book of the covenant, Jedg. 13.22. Eph. 4. 30; ilthe Hititet, and the Perizzites, and tue end read in the audience of tie peoplep: aea Is. k. 1. S. HoL.3.1(1. 16, wi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,th oh. 33. t.b2.1,16. Canaaenitee, the Rivites, endthoJkobusites; they said, All that the LORD hath sa id wil't' 20 3. el. 32. 32. and I will cut them off. we do, and be obedient. JtIn 1. 18. Pet. 14.3.,. 24 Thou shatnnet bow down to theiregods, 8 And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled I.Ti. k. 16. Joe.. 211. noe serve them, Inor do after their works' it on the people, and said, Behold kthe blood 1 John 4.12. { h. 2'' 1]'nt9h... Jnn. S. 7. bukt thou shalt uttely verthow tltem, end oftlhe covenant, ehich the LORD hath nmade n E,. 1. 2. & Hei. b. l. quite break down their itmages. with you concerning all these words. 10. 1. 1 Johnt.16. 25 And ye shall "servo the LORD your 9 0 Then /went. up Moses,. and Aaron, l eo.4. 3. JIee 290' God and o hb shall bless thy bread, andthy Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the t~5[tt. 17. 2. [er. 2M. a' ~ dPI'f { l d ~ f pch. 19.21. Jo,,n lA. u water; and 2Ic will ake sicknesas away from elde ael p. 1. 2. 30. tile midst of thee. 10 And lthey "tsaw the God of Israel:. and Ges. 16. 13. e Gaem 12. 3. 20 5q q There shallnothing cast their young, there owas under his feet as it were a paved & t2..q0. Dfu.t 30.7. nor be barren, in thyland the number of work of aolsapphire stone, and as it were e. 10. J.r. 30. 20 c. 33.'20. Je. 30. th0. ly daya I'will I fulfil. the tbody of aeantn in tis clearness. ut. 4. 33. {eOla.,,,itef.- 2/7 2 wtll send't y fear before thee, and 11 And upon the nobles of the children of Jetg. 13.22. iitt t' il t detoy l t peopl to on ti Israel lie'laidnot his hand: also they sa Gen. 31..04 20en. lb shalt come; and I will make all thine ene- God, end did "cat cnd drink. -h. 18. 12. ea,. 02.2. mies turn their k backs unto thee. 12 ~ And the LORD said unto Moses, l or. 10.18. iJosTh. 24 8. 11. chn 2h.. /Lev. 1R. 3. Deut. 12.30, 31. w.'Come up to e into the mount, and be eos.2, 10,18k 341.13. NPea33.2. Dieut. 7 i, 25. & 12 3. Di-eut, 6. 13. & 10t there: and I will give thee [tables of stone, tch. 21. 18 & 12, 20. &IL. 1.13. 14. & 13.4. Josh. 22..5. 1& 14.1., 21. 24. 15 en. end a lat, nd commandments which I have 2. 1. 7. 3. 12. 20, 24. tlatt. 4. 10. olDet. 7. 13, & 28. 5, 8. t l. 15. written' that thou mtayet teach them. ckt. 5. 27. 26P Deut. 7.15. e eDt. 7. 14. b&2. 4. Jol, 21. 10. Pal 3. 10, 11. 13 And oses rose, and his minis- 32.17. 10e,. s t 8S. a. t. 1 Chr. 16. Bab 5.20. &43. e'. 1?. 4.7.i55:e3 & J0. nd se wont p into the 0. 1. ~. -Gen. 35.5'. 1hi 14'16 DeM t 1. 2 95. & lI, 25. Jos2,. JShu,; ad oses I n up me e:., laSm. 14. 1. 2fh.. i. 14. Dt. 3. IIe.e,. 11. 18.40. mount. of God. tover. 2. 59 Moses goeth up into the mount. EXODUS. The ark and mercy Seat. B.. 1491. 14 And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye even lotf the mercy sent shall ye make the 1. C. 1491. liere for us,- Until we come: again unto you cherubim on the two ends thereof. and, behold, Aaron and Hur as e with you 20 And 9the cherubim shall stretch forth 11.0r, f tho if any man have any mattees to do, let him their wings on high, covering the mercy..tte..ft. owne unto them. seat ith their wings,' and their faces shall nsessst. 15 And Moses went up into tie mountiand look one to another; toward the mercy seat e 1 Ki-gus. 7. ese. 10.09, t. la cloud covered the mount. shall the faces of the cherubim be. 1 Chr 28.18. ~t~. 17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hob. 9. 6.] Mutt. 7. 5. 16 And Ythe glory of the LORD abode upon 21 2tAnd tliou shalt put the mercy seat ~h. 16. 10. 2Go.2. 34.] mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six above upon the ark; and in the nrk thou.t 1 Nua 14. 10.t days: and the seventh day he called unto shaltput thetestimonythat I shallgive thee. 111. Moses out of the midst of the cloud. 22 And'there I will meet with thee, and,-h. 29.42,43. 17 And the sightof the glory of the LORD I mill commune with tliee from above the & 30. 6, 30. hat. 10. e.[ s-.3.2. & 1t. was like'devouring fire on the top of meercy seat, from'between the two heru- u. 17.. lqum. 17. 4.. the mount in the eyes of the children of bim ohich aoe upon the ark of the testimoat. 4, 36 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~tum. 7.09.[ D-tsot..3. Israel. ny, of all thgs which I will give thee in WNU-7. W. HOb. 12.11, 1 Sam-. 4. 4. 29t. 1. 18 And Moses went into the midst of the commandment unto the children of Israel. 2 Sam. 6. 2. cloud, and gatt him up intothe mount: and 23 ~ iThou shaltalso make a:table of shit- 2 Kin. 19,i15. e 341. 28. aMoses was in the mount forty days and tim wood: two cubits shall be the length Ps. 80. 1. & Dat. 9. 9. forty nights. thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof, 900 1. CHAPTER XXV. and a cubit and a naltlf the height thereof. Is. 37. 10. O 1Vat the Isrdelites ust osfe fo,. the tnaklg of 24 And thou -shalt overlay it with pure t ee. 37. 10. 1 Kin. 7. 48.z the tabe-acle. 10 Trfef,? of tteaik.' 17 Ths gold, and make thereto a crown of gold 2 Chr. 4. 8 nosoy sst,ssith Mtse shsobiu. t3 Tihs uits, round about. tHeh. 9. 2. sith 0eft,eit..u..e thtreof. 31 The sa,dlestiekt 25 And thou shalt make unto it a border mishtith e,stssushel thsstof. of a handbreadth roundabout, and thou A ND the LORD spahe unto Msoes, say- shalt make a golden crown to the border.-.A ing, thereof roundabout. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that 26 And thou shalt make for it four rings t feb. take they t bring me an lloffering: aIf everyman of gold, and put the eings in the four corfe. me. that giveth it willingly witlh his heart ye shall ners that are on the four feet thereof. 11Os, ties take my offering. 27 Over against the border shall the rings opeisag. 3 And this is the offering which ye shahll be for places of the staves to bear the table. ats. 35.5,21. take of them; gold, and silver, and brass, 28 And thou shalt make the staves of 1 Chr. 29. 3, 4 And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and shittim wood, and overlay them with gold, 5, 9,1l. ii fine linen, and goats' hair, that the table maybe borne with them. Ezra 2.. 68. 8; 0. 5 h 7. 16. 5 And rams' skiis dyed red, and badgers' 29 And thou shalt make "the dishes there- oh. 37. 16. N'1t. 11. 2. skins, and sllittim wood, of, and spoons thereof, and covers there- Num. 4.7. 2Coer.. 1. 6 b 0il for the light, Cspices for anointing of, and bowls thereof, lito cover withal: of Os, 50 po.t & 9. 7. oil, and for d sweet incense, pure gold shalt thou make them. Ot,iithal. lOr, silk, 7 Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the 30 And thou shalt set upon the table sGea. 1. 02. oeptod, andin tuhe fbreastplate. mshewbread before me always.,e Le.2. 4.5,6. b oh. 27. 20. 8 And let them make me a sanctuary; 31 ~'And thou shalt make a candlestick ch,. 37. 17. eelh. 30. 23. that hi may dwell among them. of pure gold:: of beaten work shall the 1Kings7.49. del. 30. 34. 9 iAccording to all that I shoem thee, after candlestick be madoe i his shaft, and his Zeth. 4. 2. ses28. 2.0,. the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pat- branches, his bowls, his knops, and his o.b1.12. Rev..12.. &| felt. 23. 15. tern of all the instruments thereof, even so slowers, shall be ofthe same. 4. 5...,3,. shall ye make it. 32 And six branches shall come out of the Leh.45i.&10. 10 ~ lAnd they shall make an ark of shit. sides of it; three branches of the candle4 & t1. 12. tim wood: two cubits and a half shall be stick out of the one side, andthree branhes iieb. 9. 1, 2. the length thereof, and a cubit and a half of the candlestick out of the other side: 29. 45, the breadth thereof, and a cubit and ahatlf 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds, 1 Kin. 6.1. 13. hheightthehigthereof. with a knop and a flower in one branchlt; 2 Coe.6. 16. 11 And thou shalt overlay it with pure and three bowls made like almonds in the Mba 11.2C. gold, within and without shalt thou overlay othler branch, with a knop and o; flower: so it, and shalt make upon it a crown of gold in the six branches that come out of the i se,. 4. round about. candlestick. k h. 37. t. 12 And thou shalt cast four rings of gold 32 And in the candlestick shell e four Dut.0 15. 3 for it, and put thea in the four corners bowls made like unto almonds, with theis tH.. hereof; and two rings shall be in the one knops and their flowers. side of it, and two rings in the other side 35 And there shall be a knop under two of it. branches of the same, and a knop under 13 And thou shalt make staves ofshittim two brsnches of the same, and a knop unwood, and overlay them with gold. der two branches of the same, according to 27.. & 14 And thou shalt put the staves into th- the six branches that proceed out of the ets. 8. rings by the sides of the ark, that the ark candlestick. Lev. 1. 3, 4. may be borne with them. 30 Their knops and their branches shall 2 Chlr. 1. 11. I ltius.. 8. 15 /The staves shall be in the rings of the be of the. same all of it shall be one beaten II Oe, eas 5 ark: they shall not be taken from it. work of pure god..s.,td. tto. 10.30.& h 16 And thou shalt put into the ark -the 37 And thou shalt make the seven lamps — um. 8. 2. 31. 18. testimony which I shall give thee. thereof: and Ythey shall llight the lamps tIleb. th Ds.t. 10.0,5. 17 And'thou- shalt make a mercy seut of thereof, that they may'give light over fse!f it.. & 31. 2~3. ~i 1 Kings 8. 9. pure gold: two cubits and a half shall le against fit. l o2s. 20.. 2Iin. 11.12. the length thereof, and a cubit and a half 3d And the tongs thereof, and the snuff- Non. 8. 4. Het. 0.4. the breadth thereof. dishes thereof, shall Ibe of pure gold. 1 Chr. 28. 11. aolh. 37. 6. 18 And thou shalt mako two cherubim of 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall he make.1. Acts 7. 41. RBm. 3. 25. gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, it, with all these vessels. Hol. 8. 5. Hteb. 9. 5. I? s... in the two ends of the mercy seat. 40 And tlook that thou make thent after es. ie 19 And make one cherub on tise one end, their pottern,, twhich uas showed thee in to,, ims and the other cherub on the other end: the mount.,tos. 60 Curtains of the tabernacle. EXODUS. The vail for the oark. B. C. 1491. 20 And for the second side of the taber- B.. 1491. CHAPTER XXVIL IT/s1 nh, etnc' t aiOrs7 oftls t1dertls i 7 nacle on the north side there shall bO! seslsfaiss of lesas' 1ais. 14 rte seets/en of twenty boards, trao' sfits. 15 Thie bloads of the tab.lacslc, 21 And their forty sockets of silver; two cu/s theisr soc et as brss. 31 TIloa vailfo the sockets under one board, and two sockets alpk 306 Phe/ ascgigfo., the loor. under another board. ach. 36... /rOREOVER athou shalt make the tab- 22 And for the sides of the tabernacle /1V ernacle woith ten curtains of fine westward thou shalt make six boards. twined linen, and blue, and pur ple, a nd purple, and 23 And two boardsshalt thou make for the teb.,he scarlet: with cherubim tOf cunning work corners of the tabernacle in the two sides. sork of ashalt thou make them. 24 And they shall be tcoupled together t Hb. 5O 2 The length of one curtain shall be eight beneath, and they shall be coupled together usned. d oro,,'id- and twenty cubits, and the breadth of one above the head of it unto one ring- thus rer. acurtain four cubits: and every one of the shall it be for them both; they shall be for curtains shall have one measure. the two corners. 3 The five curtains shall be coupled to- 25 And they shall be eight boards, and gether one to another; and other five cur- their sockets of silver, sixteen sockets; tains shall be coupled one to another. tao sockets undr one board, and two sock4 And thou shaltmake loops of blue upon ets under another board. the edge of the one curtain from the selvedge 26 l And thou shalt make bars of shittim in the coupling; and likewise shalt thou wood; five for the boards of the one side of make in the uttermost edge of another cur- the tabernacle, tain, in the coupling of the second. 27 And five bars for the boards of the 5 Fifty loops shalt thou make in the one other side of the tabernacle, and five bars curtain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in for the boards of the side of the tabernacle, the edge of the curtain that is in the coup- for the two sides westward. ling of the second; that the loops may take 28 And the middle bar in the midst of the hold one of another. boards shall reach from end to end. O6 And thou shalt make fifty taches of gold, 20 And thou shalt overlay the boards with and couple the curtains together with the gold, and make their rings of gold for taches: and it shall be one tabernacle. places for the bars: and thou shalt overlay bch. 36, 14. 7 ~] And ithou shalt make curtains of the bars with gold. goats' hair to be a covering upon the tab- 30 And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle ernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make. d according to the fashion thereof which was d el. 25. 9, 40. 8 Tile length of one curtain shall be-thirty showed thee in the mount. & 27. 8. cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four 31 W And ethou shalt make a vail of blue, Acts7.04. cubits: and the eleven curtains shall be all and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined eb.. 5. of one measure. linen of cunning work: with cherubim shall Al 3; 3/. 9 And thou shalt couple five curtains by it be made. iL-r. t2. themselves, and six curtains bythemselves, 32 And thou shalt hang it upon four pil- wottunu. 2 1. and shalt double the sixth curtain in the lars of shittim wood overlaid with gold' Heb. 9.3. forefront of the tsshernaclc. their hooks shall -be of gold, upon the four 10 And thou shalt make fifty loops on the sockets of silver. edge of the one curtain that is outmost in 33 1 And thou shalt hang up the vail under the coupling, and fifty loops in the edge of the taches, that thou mayest bring in thiththe curtain whioll coepleth the second. er within the vail ftlle ark of the testi- fols. 25. l(. & 11 And thou shalt make fifty taches of mony: and the vail shall divide unto you 40. 21. brass, and put the taches into the loops, between l the holy place and the most holy. c eL. 16. 2. I Or,couering. and couple the l/tent together, that it may 34 And hthiou shalt put the mercy seat Hel. 9.2,3. be one. upon the ark of the testimony in the most chl. 25. 21. & 12 And the remnant that remaineth of the lioly place. 40. 20. curtains of the tent, the half curtain that 35 And ithou shalt set the table without Hab. 9. 5. remaineth, shall hang over the back side of the vail, and kthe candlestick over against i. 40. 22. the tabernacle. the table on the side of the tabernacle to- Hela. 0.2. 13 And a cubit on the one side, and a cu- ward the south: and thou shalt put the kO. c l. 24. t Heb. /n tie bit on the other side t of that which remain- table on the north side. resnaisdes, eth in tho length of the curtains of the tent, 2 36 And Ithou shalt make a hanging for the I cl. 3/. 37. or, a trpll- it shall hang over the sides ofthe tabernacle, door of the tent, of blue, and purple, and nye. on this side and on that side, to cover it. scarlet, and fine twined linen, wrought with cch. 36. 19. 14 And Cthou shalt make a covering for needlework. the tent of rams' skins dyed red, and a 37 And thou shalt make for the hanging covering above of badgers' skins. mfive.pillars of shittinm wood, and overlay ch. 36. 38. 15 ~ And thou shalt make boards for the them withem gold, acl their hooks shall be of tabernacle of shittim wood standing up. gold: and thou shalt east five sockets of 16 Ten cubits shall be the length of a brass for them. board, and a cubit and a half shall be the CHAPTER XXVII. breadth of one board..1 The sltar of iurnts oeffersll,:i /th hesse[~ t eHb.l.and. 17 Two ttenons shall there be in one ther leof. 9 uh lco1t of thc e sabessaele inclosed board, set in order one against another: tith hantilfsaand pillass. 18The m eassureof thus shalt thou make for all the boards of htseeourt. 20The oilfo- the ina,. the tabernacle. A ND thou shalt make iaon altar of shit- a Cu. 38. 1. 18 And thou shalt make the boards for the 1-. tim mood, five cubits long,. and five Ez. 4d. 13. tabernacle, twenty boards on the south side cubits broad; thealtar shall be foursquare: southward. and the height thereof shall be three cubits. 19 And thou shalt malke forty sockets of 2 And thou shalt make the horns of it upsilver under the twenty boards; two sockets on the four corners thereof: his horns shall under one board.for his two tenons, and be of the same: and bthou shalt overlay it 6Seb Euo. two sockets under another board for his two with brass. l(1. 38. tenons. 3 And thou shalt make his pans to receive 61 Court of the tabernacle. EXODUS. Garments for the priests. B. C. 1491. his ashes, and his shovels, and his basins, among the children of Israel, that he may B. C. 1491. and' his fleshhooks, and his firepans: all minister unto me in the priest's office, even the vessels thereof thou shalt malo of brass. Aaron, Nadab and Abihu,-Eleazar and Ith4 And thou shalt make for it a grate of amar, Aaron's sons.' nsetwork of brass; and upon the net shalt 2 And bthou shalt make holy garments for B (ch. 29.5, 29. thou make four brazen rings in the four Aaron thy brother, for glory and forbeauty. i& 31. 10. & corners thereof. 3 And Ctlou shalt speak unto all that are 39. 1, 2. 5 And thou shalt put it under the compass wise hearted, dwhom I have filled itll the Lev. 8.7,30. of the ltar benseath, that the net may be piitofNudtha ay. 20. 2 even to the midst of the altar. ron's garments'to consecrate him, that he c. 31. 6. & 6 And thou shalt make staves for the al- may minister unto me in the priest's office. 36.1. tar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay 4. And these are the garments which they dcah. 31.3. & them with brass. shall makes; i b'reastplate, and fan-ephod, 35. 30, 31. 71 And the staves shall be put into the andarobe, andhabroidered coat, samitre;, 15. rings, and the staves shall be upon the two and a girdle: andthey shall make hioly gar- f, r. sides of the altar, to bear it. ments for AarbnA thy brothller, and his sons, sr. 0. 8 Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: that he may minister unto me in the priest's ver. 31. cch 25.40. & Cas tit was shelved theesinathe mount, so office. hver. 39. 26. 30. shall they make it. 5 And they shall take gold, and blue, and tHeb11. he 9 ~ And dthou shalt make the court of the purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. sOesed. tabernaale: for the south side southward 0 iAnd they shall make the ephod of h. 3. 2. d ch. 38. 9. tthere shall be hangings for the court of fine gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and twined linen of a hundred cubits long for fine twined linen, with cunning work. one side: 7 It shall liave the two shoulderpieces 10 And the twenty pillars thereof and their thereof joined at the two edaes thereof; and twenty sockets shall bc of brass; the hooks so it shall'be joined together. of the pillars and their fillets shall be of 8 And thn l;curious girdle of the ephod, IQo, srosidsilver. which is upon it, shall be of the same, ac- re. 11 And likewise for the north side in length cording to the work theredf; even of gold, there shall be hangings of a hundred cubits of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine long, and his twenty pillars and their twen- tminedlinen. ty sockets of brass; the hooks of the pillars 9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and their fillets of silver. and grave on.them the names of the chil12 ~ And for the breadth of the court on dren of Israel: the west side shall be langings of fifty cu- 10 Six of their names on one stone, and bits: their pillars ten, andtheir sockets ten. the othesr six names of the rest on the other 13 And the breadth of the court on the east stone, according to their birth. side eastward shall be fifty cubits. 11 With the work of an engraver in stone, 14 The hangings of one side of the gate like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou shall be fifteen cubits: their pillars three, engrave the two stones with the names of and their sockets three. the children of Israel: thou shalt make 15 And on the other side shall be hang- them to be set in ouches of gold. ings fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and 12 And thou shalt put the two stones upon their sockets three. the shoulders of the ephod foa stones of 16 t And for the gate of the court shsll h memorial ants the children of Israel: and a hanging of twenty cubits, of blue, and kAaron shall bear their names before the akvr. 29. purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, LORD upon his two shoulders Ifor a me-.1h. 39. 7 wrought with needleivork: and their pillars morinl. See Josh. 4. shall be four, and their sockets four. 13 ~ And thou shalt make ouches of gold; 7. 17 All the pillars round about the court 14 And two chains of pure gold at the Zecll.. 14. shall be filleted with silver; their hooks ends; of evreathen work shalt thou make shallbeofsilver, and theirsocketsofbrass. them, and fasten the wreathen chains to 18 [ The length ofthe courtashallbeahun. the ouches. tlieb.fiftyby dred cubits, and the breadth tfifty every 15 ~ And'thou shalt makethe breast- ch, 39. 8..fifty. where, and the height fise cubits of fine plate of judgment with cunning work; afttwined linen, and their sockets of brass. er the olrk of the ephod'thou shalt make eLev. 24. 2. 19 All the vessels of the tabernacle inallthe it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of t Heb. to as- service thereof, and all the pins thereof, and scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou cesd Is1,. all the pins of the court, shall be of brass. make it. fih. 26.31,33. 20 ~ And ethou shalt command the ohil- 16 Foursquare it shall be being doubled;.ge1,s.. 8. dren of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil a span shatll be the length thereof, and a l Sl. 3. 3. olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp span siall be the breadth thereof. 2 Ohr.13. 11. t-to burn always. 17'And thou shalt lset in it settings of,sclh. 39. 10, I.l. 28. 43. &s 21 In the tabernacle of the congregation stones, even four rows of stones: thae osIt ha. 29. 9, 28. fwithout the vail, which is before the tes- row shall be a 11 sardius, a topaz, and a car- t eb. fill in Lev.3. 17. & timony,.Aaron and his sons shall order it bunh le: this shall be the first row. it Jilin.s of 16, 31. & 24. from evening to morning before the LORD:. 18 And the second row shall be an em- to 1823. Ihit shall be a statute for ever unto their erald, a sapphire, and a diamond. Il Or, ruy. i 19.. 21. generations on the behalf of the children of 19 And the third row a ligure, an agate, 1 Sam. 30.25. Israel. and an amethyst. CHAPTER XXVIII. 20 And the fourth row a beryl, and an l Aaonad his sons as eset aartfothe paiest's onyx, and a jasper: they shall be set in [ffice. 2 Holy garmnenlts are appointed. i The ir tinolosings. I Holy pp sasssts on, ogissssd. 0 57.. gold in their tinclosings. es. 30oes. h0 fislUsesatspn d. auisi 31 Tsi 21 And tshe stoes shallbe itheth names n fi,bes.. lrob Is iteh de,oit s loel. Of the children of Israel, twelve, according 36 Tle.le of he -nite-. 39 lse,lb,-oideaed to their names, like the engravings of a coat. i40 s'hetgaestsofoe Aa.on's sons. signet; every one with his name shall they aNum. 18. 7. AND take thou unto thee aAaron thy be according to the twelve tribes. Heb. 5. 1, 4. brother, and his sons with him, from 22 V And thou shalt make upon the breast. 62 Robe of the ephod. EXODUS. Sacrifice and ceremonies. B14C. 1401. plate chains at the ends of wreathen work thy brother, and his sons with him; and 1. C. 14091. of pure geld, shalt' anoint them, and Y tconsecrate them,.23 Asd thou shalt make apon the bheast- and sanctify them, that they may minister teh. 29. 7. & plate two rings of gold, and shalt put the unto me in the priest's office. 10. 0 40. twoeringson the twoend ofithe breastplate. 42 And thou shalt make them'lionen Lev 10 7.24 And thou ehalt put the two..esathen breeehes to cover. thir nakedness; from chains of gold in the two rings whic are the loins even unto the thighs they shall h. 9.9ey..a on the ends of thie breastplate.~ reach: Heb. 7. 28. 25 And the other two ends of the two 43 dod they shall be upon Aaron, and upeathen chins thou shalt fasten in the on his sons, when tb ey come in unto the l'.h.fll, two ouches, and put them on the shoulder- tabernacle oftthe congregation, or 0.0. pieces of the ephod before it. they come near "unto the altar to miniscter Lev.. 3.10. h 26 ~ And thou shalt make two rings of gold, in tlhe holyplace; that they bbear not in- 16. 4. and thou shalt put them upon the two ends iquity, and die: Cit shnatll be a statute or Ez. 44. 18. of the breastplate in tile border thereof, ever unto him asd his seed after him. f Hseb.flsh of which is in the side of the ephod inward. iheinakediesse. tHs.e. ch.00. L. 0Lev.5.1,17.&20.19, - 27 And two othos' ings of gold thou shalt, 0. h 0. 0. 9..13. 018. h0.0.... 07. 21. Lso.17.7. make, and shalt put them on the two sides CHAPTER XXIX. of the ephod underneath, toward tie tforc- 1 The acriice ad fcerseones ofcoesecraiteg shet part thereof, over against the other coup- | 8riests. h38,he cont.nual bsrc t off. 45 ling thereof, above the curious girdle of the Co~d'eT ca s cc decl esoeg ohe ahildse- ef ephod. A sl. 28 And they shall bind thebreastplate ND this is the thig that th shlt do the rings thereof unto the rings t he igs he ephod A..unto them to hallow them, to minister with a lace of blue, that it may be above unto me in the priest's office: "Take one Lev. 8. 2. the curious girdle of the ephod, and that the young bullock, and two rams without blembreastplate be not loosed from the ephod. ish, 10 And Aaron shall bear the names of the 2 And bunle.ened bread, and cakes un- Le. 2. 4. children of Israel in the breastplate of judg- leavened tempered with oil, and waters un-.~ co, 21, 22. ment upon his heart, when hle goeth in unttole avened anointed with oil: of wheaten over. 12. the holy place, tfor a memorial before the flour shalt thou make them.' 1LORD continuaslly. 73 And thou shalt put them into one basket, Lso. 8. S. 30 ~ Ando thou shalt put in the breast- and bring them in the basket, with the bullsum. 07.21. plate of judgment the Urim and the Thum- ock and the two rams. Dent. 33.8. mim and they shall be upon Aaron's heart 4 And Aaron and his sons s thoou shalt bring LSa.- 28.. ewhen lie goeth in before the LORD: osod unto the door of the tabernacle of the coonleh 2. 63. Ae ghl beh the judgment of the chil- gregation, Cand shaltwash them with water. ch. 40. 12. N~.7 5 aron shal bearthjugetotecil dren of Israel upon hs heart before the dAnd thou shalt take the garments and Le. 8.6. LORD continually. put upon arone the co0t, and the robe of Heb. 10. 22. sh. 39. 22. 31 ~ And tthous shalt make the robe of the the cphod, aond the ephod, and the hreast- det. 28 2. eptoed alt of blue. plate, and gird him oith'the auriouea girdle Leo. 03. 7. 32 And there ehall be a hole i the top of of th ephod:.... it, in the midst thereof: it shall have.0 fAnd thou shalt put the mitre upon hie fLee.. 9. binding of woven work round about the hole head, and put the holy crown upon the of it, ac it were the hole of anhabergeon, mitre. t8ct it e snot scot. 7 Theo shalt thou tahe the anetointiog oil, oh. o28.41 that it b~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ectt e. 3. 2., Oar, kiets. 33 And beneath upon the Ilhem of it thou and pour it upon his head, and anoint hia. Ls0. let shlt mak e pomegeanates of blute, and of 8 And hthou shalt bringhe is sons, and put s Le. 8. 1. purple asnd of oealet, eround about the hea coats upon themy. 10.a.... 22e1 thereof; and ells of geld hetween them 9 And thou shalt gied them with giedles, m Les. 0. 13. oudaTheoto Aaron and his sons, and tput the bonnets 0Hl,...1.[ round about: /:... i....d*u t he b...r/' l'. / 34 A golden bell and a pomegranate, on them and ithe priest's office shall be m. golden bell and a pomegranate, peon the theirs for a perpetual statote: and thou 1. 1. 7. hem of tie robe round about. shalt t k consecrate Aaron and his sons. t.eb,. fls the 3. And it shall be upon Aaron to minister: 10 And thou shalt cause a bullock to he h.dc.f.. and his sound shall be heard when eh goeth brought before the tabernacle ofthe congre- k el. 28. 41. in unto the holyplace before the LOtRD, aod gation; and lAarondandohis sons hall put LeV.8.22,&c. when he cometh out, that be die not. their hands upon the head of the bulock.. 7. 28.,ch. 39. 30. 36 ~ Asd "thou shalt make a plate of pure 10 Asd thou shalt kilt the bullock before t Le.. 1.4. 4h Zat. 14. 00. gold, and grave upon it, lihe tie engravings the LORD, ay the door of the tabernascle of 0. 1. of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD. the congregation. 37 And thou shalt eput it on a blue lace, 12 And thou shalt take of the blood of Le 8. 15. thot It may te upon the mitree upon the the bullock, and put it upon s"thehorns of eo.0 27. 2. forefront it the mitre it shall be. the altar with thy finger, and pour alt the 30.2.:eo.'43. 38 And it shall be upon Atron's forehead, blood beside the bottom of the altar. Ie.t0.17.h that Aaron may dbear the iniquity oa the 13 And Ithou shalt take alt the tat toat Ler. 3; 3. 22. 9. holy thitngs, which the children of Iseoel acoereto the inwards, and ilthe caul that 0is It ] eeaetl sos. 10. 1. shall liallow is alt their holy giftsl and it above the liver, and the two kidneys, and by nsatoBE..t!4,c.. oall bhe alway po this forehead, that they the fat tiat is upoo them, and burn tlec say ad J tb.1. 2. may he Caccepted before the LORD. upon the altae. tdoetc. to Ret. 0. 18. 20 ~ And thou shalt embroider the coat 14 Bat Pthe flesl of the bullock, and his he sseohidl set. 14. of fine linen, and thou shalt make toe mitre skin, and his dung, sholt thou burn witlooif tLeo. t. 0. h of fine linen, aod thou shalt make the girdle fire eeithout the camp: i0 is a sill offering. 4. 11, 22. 17. S 23. of needlework. 15 ~ TMiou shalt also totake one em asd 12, 01..11. 40 ~ 0Aod for Aaron's sonsthou shaltmake Aaron and his sons shallt put their hatasds Rob. 13. 11. Is. 00. 7. coats, and thou shalt mahe for thea girdles, upon the head of the eaa. qt"e'. 8.10. e. 43. 8 and bonnedts shalt thou maefor them, forete 1 Ando thou shalt slay the ram, and thou r-. 1. 4-9. 29o. 4. 7 gloryand tee beoaty. shalt take his blood, and sprinkle it round Es44. 17.18. 41 And thou shalt put them upon Aoron about apon the aotar. 63 Consecration of the priests. EXODUS. The contonual burnt offering. B. C.1491. 1 7 And thou shalt out the ram in pieces, and to sanctifythem:a'but a stranger shall B. C. 1491. and wash the inwards of him, and his legs, not eat thereof, because they are iholy. g or, atdon, and.put theb unto his nieces, and Inunto his 34 Arid if aught of the bflesh of the conse- nrley. 22. 10. head. orations, or of the bread, remain unto the:18 And thou shalt burn the whole ram up- morning, then'thou shalt, burn the re- I oLev. 8. 32. on the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the mainder with fire: it shallnot be eaten, pE. 40. 12. ~Gen. 8. 21. LORD: it is a'sweet savour, an offering b ecauseit i, holy. Le. 8. 33,34, made by fire unto the LORD. 35And thus shalt thou do unto Aaron, and 35. 3 ye.. 19 ~ tAnd thou shalt take the other ram; to his sons, according to all things which I qaHeb. 10. 11.I ev. 8. a2. and Aaron and his sons shall put their have commanded thee: Pseven days shalt ar,. 30.26,28, hands upon the head of the ram. thou oonsecrateA them.. & 40. 10. 201 Then shalt thou kill the ram, and take 36 And thou sbalt 9offer every (lay a bull- sh. 40.10. ot his blood, and put it upon the tip of the onk for a sin offering for atonement: and {t eh 30. 29. right car of Aaron, and upon the tip of the thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou'2. [n. right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb hast made an atonement for it,'and thou,No m. 28. 3. of their riglt hand, and upon the groat toe shalt anoint it, tosanctify it. 1 Chr.'16.i40. of their right foot, and sprinkle:the blood 37 Seven days thou shalt make an atone- 2Chr. 2. 4.& upon tihe altar round about. ment for the altar, and sanctify it; Sand it t3.111. 31.3. 21 And- thou shalt take of the blood that shall be au altar most holy: twhatsoever Eo z3. 3. uoh.30.2O,31. is upon tle altar, and of Uthe anointing touchleth the altar shallbo holy. tSe Da.. L-nh. 30. oil, and sprinkleit upon Aaron, and upon 38 ~ Now this is that which thou shalt 27. 12. 11. his garments, and upon his sona, ad upon offer upon the altir; "two lambs of the first.2 Konsg 16. the garments of his sons with him: and year'day byday continually. E. 46.13,14, nvonr. 1. i ahe shall be hallowed, and his garments, 39 The on lamb thou shalt offer Iin the 13. eb.. 922. | and his sons, and his sons' garments with morning; and the other'lamb thou shalt y'Kings 18. him. offer at even: o29, 6. 22 Also thou shalt take of the ram the fat 40 And with the one lamnb a tenth deal of 2 Kinsg 16. and the rump, and the fat that covereth the flour mingled with tiho fourth part of a bin 15. in nrds, and the caul aboveothe liver, and of beaten oil; and the fourth part of a bin E" "- 4,L 5. ithe two kidneys, and the fat that is upon of wine for a drink offering. Don.. 21. them, and the right shoulder; for it is a 41 And the other lamb thou shalt Yoffer at an.e 3. ram of consecration even, and shalt do thereto according to the oh. 30. 8..Le,. 8. 26. 23'And one loaf of bread, and one cake meat offering of the morning, and according Nul. 28. 6. of oiled bread, and one wafero outf the to the drink offering thereof, for a sweet| Dan. 8. 11, basket of the unleavened bread that is be- sa0our, an offering made by fire unto the 12,13. fore the LORD: LORD.a ch. 25. 22. & 24 And thou shalt put all in thb hands of 42 This shall be Zn continunl burnt ffer- 30. 6', 0.1' Aaron, and in the hands of lois sons; and ing throughout your generations at the door at 17.4. Ort, t.ake to shall 12nYw- them foa a wave offering be- of the tbernoncl of the congregatioa btefon On. Iseo't and!frr tfore tha LORD. tie LoRa, nIwaere I oill meet yoa. to speoab 12. 40. 32. |,L. 7.'B0. 25'And thon shalt receive them of their there unto thee. 20r.1 Le,. 8. 28. |hands, and burn them upou the altar for a 43And thereI Will meet with the children & 7n 1' 2, 3. burnt offering, foritsweet savour beforethe of Israel, and lithe tabernacle bshlall be E,. 43. 5. LORD: it is an offering made Ibyfire unto sanctified by myglory. Hag. 2. 7, 9. the LORD. 44 And I will sanctify the tabernacle of nO1. 3. 2. LaLev.. 29. 26 And thou shalt take athe breast of the the congregation, and the altar: I will eLev.21.15.& ram of Aaron's consecration, and wave it C sannctify also:both Aaron and his sons, to 22.90,16. for a w o ffering before the LORD, and minister to me iu tihe priest's office... Ex. 2. 8. OPt. t. 00b0 sahall ha thy poart. 45 ~ And dI will dwell among the children Le,. 26. 12. N. 49. 6. bit shall be thy part. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Znoh. 2. lb, vLev.7.3t.34.'27 And thou shalt sanctify ethe breast of ofIsrael, and till be their God. Jealn 14. 17, utn. 18. 11, the-wave offering, and the shoulder of tlhe 46 And they shall know that eI am thel 23. 18. heave offering, which is waved, and which LORD their God, that brought them forth 0 Coe. 6. 16. eant. 18.. is heaved up, of the ram of'the consecration, out of thf landof Egypt, that I may dwell ReV. 21. 3. even of that which is for Aaron, and of among them: I an the LORD their God. e cl 20. 2. that which is for his sons: 28 And it shall be Aaron's and his sons' CHAPTER XXX. ILser. 10. 15. dby a statute for ever from thle children of 1 fhs altar of incenae. 11 The,ansom of ools. v.7. 34.' Israel; for it is heave offering and leit 17 Te, b uln.,.ae l. 22 The holv anointig oil. shall be a heave offiering fromn the children 34 f ositio ft fu. of Israel of the sacrifice of their peace of- A NDthou shalt make'an altar b to birn nbeh. 37. 25. & ferings,s veo their heave offering unto the.Ex incense upon: of shittim wood shalt 40. 5. LORD. thou make it. b Se over.. 7, 8, *29 ~ And the holy garments of Aaron 2 A cubit sh allbe the length thereof, and 10. f1um.- 20.26 fsholl be hi sons' afttr hlim, to be an- a cubit the breadth thereof; four-quare Le!. 4. 7, 18.'280. oiltad therein, and to be consecrated in shall it be: and too cubits.sholl to the.,. goautn. 18.. othem. height thereof: the horns thereofshall be & 35. 25. 30 And hthlat son that is priest in his of the same. tH. ho. of stead shall put them on iseven days, when 3 And thou shal overlay it with pure gold, hissons. he comneth intotlh tabernacle of the congre- the top thereof, and the sides thereof t leb..oof. hNum.2.28. gation to minister in the holy ploes. round bout, and the horns thereof; and tH|b. oooll. L... 8. 31. 31 I Ad lthou shalt take te ram of the thou salt make unto it a crown of gold hO. 1 8. consecration, and Aseethe his flesh in tie round boeat. LaL.. 8. 31. holy place. 4 And two golden rings shalt thou make to 3 And Aaron a nd his sons shall eat thei it under the crown of it, by the two t co- tfIsh. ribs. l Itott. 12.4. flesh of the ram, and toe Ibread that is in oers thereof, upon the two sides of it shalt the basket, by tile'door of the tabernacle of ithou makeo it; and they shall be ifor places the congregation. for the stavent'b bear it withlal. mLev. 10. 14, 33 And "theyshall eat those things where- 5 And thou shalt make the staves of shit15, 17. with the atonement was made, to consecrate tim wood, and overlay them with gold. 644 T-he ransom of souls. EXODUS. The holy aeointtlig oil. B..C. 1491. 6 And thou shalt put it before the vail that art of the 1 apothecary: it shall be a holy B. C. 1491.. *..*..... i by the ark of the testimony, before the anointing oil.' cch:25.2,22. Cmercy seat that it over the testimony, 26 tlAnd thou shalt anoint the tabernacle IOr,. here I will meet with thee.' of the'ongregation therewith, and the ark perjlmee. taSb.incense 7 And Aaron shall burn thereon tdsweet of the testimony, c'ch. 37. 29. of spiced ileente every m eorning: when tlie dresseth 27 And the table and all his vessels, and tUe. 3h5.2,5. de. 3er. the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it.' the candlestick and his vessels, and the 920. 2. & J -sat.28. 8. And when Aaronit l igllteth the lamps altar of'incense, dh. 4, I Cher. Ctat evnecen he shalt haeeincenese upon it. t'28 And the altar of burnt offering with all. i. Luk L 9. pepertual incensebefore thc'LoRD through:- his vessels, and the laver and Iis foot. Lce. 8. 1. c 279. 21 out your generations.' 29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they.Or, eeth 9Ye shalloffer no ftrange incensethere- may be most holy: twhatsoever toucheth ech. 9. 31. eo e nor burnt saerificee,'' or meat' offering; them shall be holy. teb st.catc neither shall ye pour drink offering thereon. 30 f And thou shalt aoint Aaron and his f h. 29.7. &. 1t o ashnaron slhalle make an atonement sons, arid consecrate them, that the y may Le.. l'2 bat tl he upon the horns of it once in a year with niinster unto ine in the priest's office. ite evet|s, the blood of the sin offering of atoneinents; 31 And'thou shalt speak unto the chilcll. 12, 6. onie in the year shall'he make atoneeaent dren of Israel, saying, This shall be a holy! fLeaD. 101. upon it throughout your'gensratibeis:'it is tecinting oil' unto mee thoughout' your gLev. 16. 18. ios' holy unto the LORDe. generations. 1& 23. 27.. 11 ~ And'the LORD'epake unto MIoses, 32' Upon man's flesh shall it not be poursaying. ed, neither shall ye make any other like hcsh. 38. 25.. 12 IWhen thou takest the sum of the chil- it, after the composition of it. 01 it holy, o Vr. 3. 87. Numt. 1.2,5.. dren of' Israel after ttheir number, then atd it shall be holy unto you. 255. 2. shall they give every man i.a ransom for liis'33 hWhollsoever comspoundeth any like it, ].ver.... Satm. t.'' |.soul unto the'LORD,;hen thou nuamberest or whosoover putteth any of it'upon a Atran_Heb. ie themta' that there beno kplague amoig them,: ger, ishall.even be cut of' from his people. i Ge. 17. 14. [a th o nre s h e ch. 12. 1to i thattbbel. ewhen thioe numhereset' them. 34 ~ And the LORD said unto Moses,] cl..'2.. 1. 3 IThis they shall'give, every one that kTake unto thee sweet spices, stacte, and LeO.7. 20,21. [t. e50 passcth among them that are'numbered, onycha, and galhanum; these sweet spices tch 25. 0. t Job 33. 24. half a shekel'after' the chekelof the sane- ivith pure frankincense: of each shall there 37. 2'9. 36.18. tuary: ('ns shekel is twenty gerahs:) "a be a like zeight: Ps. 49. 7. half shekel alt be'te'the offering of the 35' And thou lshalt make it a perfume, a MLtt. 20 284. LORD. confection /after the art of the apothecary,. li. l.itim.2': ( 14' Bs Every one that passeth among them ttesmpered together, pure anh holy: HetS. saltd. 1 Petl. 18, that asre ntmbei'ed; from twety years old 836 And thou shalt beat seos of it ve-y L.e.. 13. 19. and above, shall give son offering unto the small, and put of it before the testimony in k2Snm.24.15. LORD.'the taberAacls of the congregation, "'wllere tch. 29. Ui. I MTatt. 17 24.. 15 The ~ rich shall no tt give'more, and isoill meet with thee:''"it shall be unto you Lev. is2. -Lhtv1 e27''i the poor shall net tgive less, than half a most:holy. nver. 32. aNums 3. 47. shekel, whei Sthey give an offering unto the 37 And as for-the perfume whicl thou l o. 29. t7. Es. 45. 12. LORD, to make an Patonement for your halt.mak e, tye shtall'ot:nitke to your-t Le".2.3.'b alt. make, yo slaMl ifot nii' to' h.38. t3. souls.'' selves according to the composition thereof: over. s 2. oJob 34. 19. 16 And thou shalt take the atonement it shall be unto thee holy for the LORD. Peot. 22. 2. money of the children of Israel, and I shsalt 38 P1'Whosoever'slall make like unto that, sver..,.3. eph. 6. 9. appoint it for the service of the tabernale to.smell thereto, shall even be cut off from Col. 3. 25. of the cgregatio; that it may be?'a me- his ople.......,. tHeb.~ morial u nt the children of Israel before the......CHARTER XXXI. ]ltisy5. LORDL to make an eton ement for your souls. 1 LOae anl rad li ll d soade t 0ttheb. 17 ~ And the LORD sphako'unto Moses, foe'thsesors k ofsLs.i-of be,tiices 12 Thm seervadisiniish. n teo oft s abbath is agita:tcra2esTd. 18 oMp er. 12. 18'Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, ceiscos tsle tlso sast es. / ch. 38. 2 and is foot dlso of brass, to wash Vithtal: AND the LORD spake unto ltoses, sayrN-um.6.40. and thou slttput it'between the taber- L. ing, -h. 38.. nacle of the congregation and the altar, and 2 a See, I have called by name Bezaleel the a oh. 3.5. 30. & 1 Kin. 7.38. thou slhalt put weter therein. bson of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of 30. 1. teh.d40. 7,0.. 19 For Aaron and liis"sons shall wash judah: b l Chr. 2.2.'. ech.40.31,32. their hn'ds aid their feet thereat: 3 And I have filled him with the spirit of ech.. 35. Y1. Ps..26. e. 20 When they go into the tabernacle of the God,: in wisdom, and in understanding, and 1 Kiii. 7. 14. Is. 52. 11: congregation, they shall wash wvith water, in lnmo ledge, and in all smanner of workJolna 13. |e. that they die not; or ewhene tisey come near manship, H.eb. 10. 22. to the altar to minister; to burn offering T deo'evise cunning works, to work in made by fire unto the LORD:' gold, and in silver, and in brass, 21 So tileyshall a'sh their bands and their: 6 And in cutting of stones, to set them, Wsch. 28. 43. feet, that they die'not':s and it'shall be a and in carving of timber- to work in all statute for' ever to' thtem, even to him and manner of workmanship. to his seed throughbut their generations. 6 And I, behold, I have given with him 22 ~ Moreover tho'LORD spake unto Mo- dAholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the.tribbe drh. 35. 34. ses, saying,''' of Dan: and n' the hearts of all that are ch.. dCat. 4. 14. 23 Take thou also unto thee Zprincipal eswise hearted I have put.*eisdom, that they 10h.i0. 28. IE. 27. 22. spices f pure Yinyirrh fivehundred shekels, may make all that I have oo.mmateded tee 3. yPs. 45. 8. and of sweet ciihnambn' half so much, even 7 f The tabernacle.of the congregation, h. 3. Preo. 7. 17. two hundred and fifty'shekelt, and of sweet and Ythb ark of tl0e.testimony, and /hthe yh. 37. 1. scant. 4. 14..calamus twollundred and fifty shekels, mercy seat that is thereupon, and all the gAh. 37.U. Jer. G. 20. d24 And of aoassia five hundred'shekels, fulrniture of the tabernacle, - h. 37. 0. aPs. 45;. 8. after'the shekel f the sanctuary, dnd of oil 8 And ithe table and his furniture, and I Heb.Veses. bch. 20. 40. oive bin': t the pure candlestick with all his furniture, i CS. 17. 10i 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy and the altar of incense, kcll. 37. 17. ointment,'an oitntment comspoutd aftir the 9 And I the altar of burnt offering with all Ich. 38. 1. 5 65 Aaron maketh a molten calf. EXODUS. God is angered thereby. B3. C. 1491. his furniture, and "'the laver and his the way which kI commanded them: they B. C. 1491.' foot, have made the. a molten calf, and have.cdh. 38. t. 10 And-ethe clothes of service, and the woreshipped it, and have sacrificed thcre- h. 0.3.. ch. B. 1,41. holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the unto, and said, IThese be thy gods, O Is- Dut. 9.16. No-. 4. 5, garments of his sons, to oinister ic the rael, which have brought thee up out of the 1. 61 &.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It ItXiegs 12. 6, he. priest's office, land of Egypt. 28. eeh.30.2,5,31. 11'And the anointing oil, and csweet in- 9 And tide LORD Said unto Moses, "I have & 37.201'. cense for the ioly p)ce: accordieg to all seen this people, and, behold, it is a 3, 5.. r ch. 30.34.& that I have commanded thee shall they do. necked people: Det. 9.6,13. 37. 29. 12 0 And the LORD spae unto Moses, 10Nowetherefore "let me alone, that'my & 31.27. saying,, wreth may wax hot against them, and that: 2 Chr. 30.- 8. 13 Speak thou also unto the children of I aycconsume them: and will make of Is. 48. 4. Lev. 19. 3, Israel, saying, q Verily my sabbaths ye shall thee a great nation. Act. 7. 1. 30. & 26. 2. keep: for it is a sign betwcen me and you 11 And Moses besought tthe LORD his ent. 9.. 14., E..0. 12,20. throughout your generationse that ye may G3od, and said, LORD, why doth thy wrath 19. 4&. 2. hknow that I am the LORD that doth sanec- wax hot against thy people, which thou hast eh. 22. 2B. tify you. hbrought forth out of the land of Egypt with peum. 14.12. reh. 20. 6. 14 eYe shall keep the sabbath therefore; great power, acd with a mighty hand? gDece. 9. 18, D.ot. 5.12. for it is holy unto you. Every one that de- 12'Wherefore shouldthe Egyptians speak, 26,27,28,29. Ez.'20. 12. Ps. 7.1,2.& E. 0. 1 fileth it shall surely be put to death: for and say, For mischief did he bring them 1067 23. ch. 35..' whosoever doeth any ework therein, that out, to slay them in the mountains, and to 1e6. ea. [fc.. 1.. 35. soul shall be cut off from among his people. consume them from the face of the earth? fet of 0. t ch. 20.. 15 t Six days may work be done; but in the Turn from thy fierce wrath, anderepent of,.cefien. 2. 2. Ioeventh is the sabbath of rest, tholy to this evil against thy people.,Nom.14.13. h. 16.23. & the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Is- Deut. 9. 8. 20. 10. the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to rel, thy servants, to whom thou tswarest h 322.27. tI ele. death. by thine owe self, and saidst unto them, " 14.'hel1eceec. 16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall will multiply yourseedl as the stars of heav- t Gen. 22. 16. -ver. 13. keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath en, and all this land thatI have spoken of Incl. 6. 13. 0.20.12,20. tthroughout their generations, for a per- will I give unto your seed, and they shall c Gen.12.7.& tGen. 1.31.& petual covenant. inherit it for ever. 13. 15. & 15. 2.2. 17 It is a sign between me andthe ehil- 14 And the LORD srepented of the evil 7,. &h26t.4. 1491. dren of Israel for ever: for Yin six days the which he thought to do unto his people. | & 2.13.& 35. eclh. 24.12.&e LoRD made heaven and earth, andonethe 151 And Moses turned, and ent down 2. 32. 15, 16. & seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. from the mount, and the two tables of the t|Det.2.26. 3i. 28, 29. 2Sam.2i.lO. De dA.M 18 I And he gave unto Moses, when he had testimony. cwere in his hband: the tables. 21.1. D5 22 &.9oo, madean end of communing ith him upon eoo.e ritten on both their sides; on the p, [ 103. 45.. mount Sinai, 1two tables of testimony, ta- one side and on the other were they written. Jer. 18. 8. & 1 mad nedofomun i n winth, himuonw r wrttben on ohtheirstide;ony th/rs 0. 2 Coe. 3. 3. bles of stone, written with the finger of God. 16 And the Ytables owere the woric of God, 2.013.19. Joel 2. 13.' and the writing ctas the -riting ofGod, elO. 13. CHAPTER XXXII. e t Jonale 2. 10. graven upon the tables. ] & 4. 2. 1 The people, i. the a bec f Moses!,, caun Aa~on 1 oe pekle, ice t oe diaengce fdthbc. 11eAtc 1TfAnd when Joshua heard the noise of the Deut. 9.. 15. theeee 6leel!. 7014re ireec apeceteecc!il5At Bot0.1 the aceaty teA, i pjpeaed. 15 JRto-, people as they shouted, he said unto Moses,[ ec-eth doece cith the MUbles. 19 He is a noise of war in the camp.. 1. 1. theme. 20 He dercoyeh the calf. 22 A.aro,'s 18 And he said, It is not the voice of them excsefo hieself. 25 3fosee ouseth the idol- -tha shout for mastery, neitheris it the aesoeai. 30Hepraye!thforthdpeo,1e.vo' ttfeloesaice. 20 Uecaethf thae,1. roice ofthem that cryyforbeing overcome; tHeb.. 1100. N AN whe the people see that Moses but tle noise of them thot singdo I hear. teete. e.24.8. al eldyed to come down out of the 19 And it came to pass, as soon as.he Deel. 1.09. mount, the people gathered themselves to- came nigh unto the camp, that'he saw the Bent. 9. 16,. b Act. 7. 40. gether unto Aaron, andeeidcuntoliic, OlUp, calf, and the danoing:c. td Moses' anger 27. ccl. 12. 21. make us gods, which shall go before us; waxed hot, and lie cast the tables out of his for as for this Moses, the man that brought hands, and brake them beneath the mount. us up out of the land of Egypt, we wet not 20.aAnd he took the calf which they had a Dcnt. 9.21. what is become of him. made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground 2 And Aaron said unto them, Break off the it to powder, and streweod it upon the waddg. 8..d.21, /dgolden earrings, which are in the ears of ter, and made the children of Israel drink 250 2, 2,. your wives, of your sons, and of your daugh- ofif. ech 20 23. ters, and bring the unto me. 21And Moses said unto Aaron, bWhat did bfGen.20.9.& Dect. U. 16. 3 And all the people brake off the golden thispeopleato theethat thouhact brought 26 10. Jodg.17.3.d. earrings which were in their ears, and so great a sin upon them? Ici. 102.28. hbrought them unto Aaron. 22 And Aaron said, Let not the anger of Nele. 10. 4. eAnd he received themt at their hand, omylord wax hot:'thou knowest the peo- ch. 14.11.1 "- 100. 19. oand fashioned it with a graving tool, after ple, that they are set on mischief. 15. B. 16. e 4e0.4L. he had made it a molten calf: and they 23 For they said unto me, d1 ake us gods, 172,24. &,ehs O..1.. dl4 Rom. o. 23. said, These be thy gods, 0 Israel, which which shall go before us: for os for this.. fe-.23.2,4, hbrought thee up out of the land of Egypt. Moses, the. man that brought us up out of. 1 21, 37. 5 And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar the land of Egypt, we cot not what is be2Kin-10e. 20. before it; and Aaron made fproclamation, come ofhim. 2 Chr. 30. 5. and said, To morrow is a feast to the LORD. 24 And I said unto them, Whosoever hath gl Coe. 10.7. 6 And they rose up early on the morrow, any gold, let them break if off. So they hverc. 1. and offered burnt offerings, and brought gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and,ch. 3. 1. pea e offeriogs; and the people sat down there out this calf. e. er.4. Det. 9.12. to eat and todrink, androse upto play. 25 And when Moses saw that the people Dn. 9. 24. 7 And the LORD said unto Moes, hGo, were fnaked, (for Aaron Ohad made them fheb. 33.4, 5. iGce.6.11,12. get thee down for thy people, hich thou naked unto theer shame among tOthir ene.- gft2e. 28.19. ent. 4. broughtest out of-theland of Egypt, ihave mies,) Hebh. thoec,1_ -.2 he oe. to i h gate of the Ia oez~ Jledgr.0,19. corrupted themselvest 10 Thee Mes stocd to the o te e... 8 They have turned aside quickly out of.cap, and said, Who is on the LoRD'u 66 MAoses' prayer. EXODUS. God talketh with Moses. B.C. 1491. t side? let hio come unto me. And all the the camp, 0and called it the Tabernacle of IB. C. 1491. sons of Levi gathered themselves together the congregation. And it came to pass, /Nur. 05.0. ot5unto him. that every one which /'sought the LORD o ch. 29.42,431. [.Dent. 33.9. 2l And he said unto them, Thus saito the ment out unto the tabernacle of the congre- pDeut. 4. 29. Ni[Nom.15.lL, LORD God of Israel, Put every man his gation, whilch was withoutthe camp. 2 Sm. 21. 1. 12,013. sword by Iris side, and go in and out from 8 And it came to pass, whlien I oses went Det, t3. 6t,10. gate to gate throughout the camp, and hslay out unto the tabernacle, that allthe people 1 1 |:la3I.9 18, oooto.18, oevery man hit brother, and every man his rose up, and stood every man gat his tent Num. 16.27. 22. companion, and every man his neighbour. door, and looked after Moses, until he mwas Proe. 21.3. 28 And the children of Levi did according gone into the tabernacle. I.zeh. 13. 3. to the word of Moses: and there fell of the 9 And it came to pass, as Moses entered Matt.:10. 37. people that day about three thousand men. into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar deOr. And 29 iJIFor Moses had said, tConseerate seended, and stood atthe doorof the tabor- h ch. 25. 22.& de, yourselves to day to the LORD, even every nacle, and the LORD Stalked with Moses. 3s 18.1 Ceoneeel'at 70 tO t P.097. ourve to man upon his son, and upon his brother; 10 And all the people saw the cloudy pillar t 1. day to the that hermy bestow upon you a blessing this stand at the tabernacle door: and all the ote, te- day. people rose op and Sworehipped, every man Wem 120. 0000 00y 30 ~ And it tome to pass on the moerro, hi tet doo.. 34.10. ~~~~nn )iuth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D....34.10. he hiost that IMoses said unto the people, kYe have 11And tthe LORD spake unto Moses face h., 13. ~beenagalst8 u'h. 21, 13. hi. on, an, s inned a great sin: and now I will go up un- to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. gainst his totheLORD; lperadventure Ishallt make ndleeturnedagainintothecamp buthnhio oh. 32. I-. hbothe,, e. an atonement for your sin. servant Joshua, tihe son of Nun, a young0 ee17. t ob. Fill 31 And 3Ioses "retarned unto the LORD, man, departed not out of the tabernacle. nge 1. 19. ~P.r 1.-6.:]you0r0hand. and said, 0h, this people have sinnoed a 12 ~ And Moses said unto the LORD, See, Jer. 1.5. kIStm.12.20, great sin, and have'made them gods of'thou sayest unto me, Bring up this peo- John 10. 14, 13. gold. pl: and thou bast not let me khom whom 15. Luke 15. 18 32 Yet nowm, if thou milt forgive their thou milt sendwithme. Yettlthouhastsaid, 2 Tim. 2.19. tO2S.16.12t. tsin-; and if not, Pblot me, I pray thee,'I know thee by name, and thou hast also ieh. 34. 9. Am. 5.15. Iout of thy boolk which thou hast written. found grace in my sight. oPt. 2.54. 4 & e,,Num.~i.13. 33 And the LORD said unto Moses, rWho- 13 Now therefore, I pray thee, Zif I lhave 27. 11. & 86. s Deut. 9.18. soever hath sinned against me, him will I found grace in thy sight, ashem me now'11. &119.33. oh. 20. 23. blot out of my book. thy way, that I may knowm thee, that I may meot. 26, 2m P i.. 6. 2 34 Therefore now go, lead the people unto find grace in thy sight: and consider that 2. theplace of which I have spoken unto thee: this natio is thy people. Jo 2. 17. b 8 h ehold, mine Angel shall go before thee: 14 And he said,'ily presence shall go e h. 13. 1. & [q'. 2 8. & 40. 34 —38.[ 3. nevertheless, tin the day when I visit, I will with thee, and I mill give thee drest. 13. 0.9 Don. 12. 1. visit their sin upon them. 15 And lie said unto him, eIf thy presence dD-t. 3.20. Phil. 4. 3. 35 And the LORD plagued the people, be- go not itlt me, carry us not up hence. Joh. 21.44. te. 3,. 5. cause "they made the calf, which Aaron 16 FPor wmherein shall it be known here & 22. 4. & 13. 8.017.0 made. that I and thy people have found grace in 23.1. & 20. 12, 15. & 2O. 11,S 21. r 219., L-. 23. 30. E2 18. 4., ch. 33.2,14 thy sight? f is it not in that thou goest mith Po. 11. -.20.16. tuO.02.35. Ah-.14. 0Ro-o.2.5.0. ua s Su. ot? So oshall wne e separated, I and thy ever. 3. 12.1. te. A..41. people, from all the people that are upon oh. 31 9. I~ CHAPTER XXXII~ the face of the earth. 14.14. 1Th Lored,'ftss th too. go a e h-d p r omied ith 17 And the LORD said unto MIoses, hi mill ch 34. 10. 1 The I~o~rZrefi~fieth o go as Irehnd ~,~omistl with gch. 34. 104. 4tphepeople. 40 The peopleromr theat. 7 TheN do this toing also that thou hast spoken: DeSt 4.7,34. Iarnaele is o emoved out of thteo e c oamos 9 Se, for ithou hast found grace in my sight, and 2eno. 7. 23. a eoh. 32. 7 L ord oalket] fumifiasly oith oses. 12 Mloos. I know thee by name.. 101. 1. Dehn. 12. 7. dsleht e IaI~r fro. Ps. 1.47. g0. - 12.7. dnth to... th,.el- fGhd. 18 And he said, I beseech thee, shoew me h Go. 19. 21. [h. 32. 13. AND the LORD said unto ifoses, De- kthyglory. Jasoe 5. 16. o h.2.h. part, and go up hence, thou land the 19 And he said, i1 will make all my good- i0 12. 310. 11. people mhich theou hast'brought up out of ness pass before thee, andI will proclaim do 7. the land of Egypt, unto tihe land mwhilch I the name of the LORD before the2; o ond o.0. swae uto 7bahm 22o sac anI o 1.Tits. 6. 16.[ Josh. 24. tH. swaee unto Abheoamo, to Iosac, oad to millhbe gracious to whom I will be graoious, Jaob saigJno tysee. 2ill I leh.34.57,6,7.| he lh 33.8. Jao, ying, Unto thyeed i give and will shew mercy on whom I will show J,.i1.14. few. 15,17. it: mercy. gclh. 32. 9. & 1 endIwill send an Angel before thee; 20 Ad he id, Tho t not ee 9. 18, mP 1 m 916, 20 And he said, Thou eanst not see Iny 6 s 34, 9. dand I wmill drive out the Canaanite, tie face: for tlhere shall no man see me, and ooro04.4t16. SDoot. 9.6,13. Amosito, and the Hittite, andthe Perizzite, live. sheh. 23. 21. & the Hivite, and the Jebusite: 21 And the LORD said, Behoild, there is a e. I. 15. 32 10. 3'Unto a land feowing with milk andtbon. place hy me, and thou shalt stand upo J.,g.. 22. t.m' 16.21, Cy: ffor ae will not go up in the midst of rock: 11.1 45. thee; for thou art a estiffnehked people: 22 And it shall come to pass, while my Is. 6. 5. 14.1, lest hi consume thee in tie oey. glory passeth by, that 0 mill put thee i, ay. 1,17. 4 ~ And mhen the people heard these evil a cleft of'the rock, and'will,cover thee Soosh.tltO. fkLv. 10. 6. tidings,ithey mourned: kand no man did witlt my hand while I pass by: p Is. 2. 21. 2 2Sam. 19.924. tKios. Lt.27. pua on him his ornaments. 23 And I will take away mine hand, and qts. 91. 1, 4. Kinga 19.1. 5 For thle LORD had said unto Moses, Say thou shalt see my back parts; but my face -ver. 20. Esra 9. 3. unto the children of Israel, Iye are a stiff- shtl':not be seen. John 1.18. Esah.4.1,4. necked people: I will come up 0into the JshI.2002. midst of thee in a moment, and consume CHAPTER XXXIV. 12. 5TI. 32. 11 thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments The te.eto en esd. 5o ete lee proclaimed. 8 M.-se eat-eatet God to Y.o with E,. 24.17,23. from thee, that I may "know what to do etslises. Ooet G t-nlkoe o u 00,W h them. 10 G'od mnaket] a coven~ant ltd ~th lem,n & 26. 16. unto thee. eeatil cert ndute of he ist table. 28 1 ver. 3. 6 And the children of Israel stripped osesaftetbrt y dyt it thetmou, dt om-tholo,. _ 1m. themselves oftheir ornaments bythe mount with the tableo. 2 9 HistfSee shineth, ond he t16. 45.4. Horeb. overeth it woith vail. Dsut. 01 2 7 And Moses toolk the tabernacle, and A ND the LORD said unto MIoses,'Hew "et.32.16.19. Pa.. 139. 23. pitched tt without the camp, afar of' from L. thee two tables of stone like unto the oeut. 10. 1. 67 God's covenant. EXODUS. The tables of testimony.i B. C. 1491. first: band I will write upon these tables andeveryfirstlingamongthycattle, swhelher B.C. 1491. i the words that were in the first tables, ox or sheep, that is mae.:s beer. 00S. which thou brakest. 20 Bet lthe firstling of on ass thoe shalt pch. 13. 13. Dent. 10.2,. 2 And be ready in the morning, and come redeem witl n tl1snb: and it thou'edeem N. 18.15. stltd. 19.20. & up in the morning unto mounnt Sinai, end Bim nt then shalt thou break his neck. lO. O k. 21. 12. present thyself there to me'in the top of All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeh. 19. 12, themount. deem. And none shall appoear before me 15, 21. 3 And no man shall rlomoe sp with thee, qempty, eh. 23. 15 |eh. M3. 19. neither let any man be seen tlroughout all 21 ~ " Six days thou shalt work, but on the eSnt. 16. 17. Newt. 17. 1 the mount; neither let the flocks nor herds seventh day thou shalt rest: in eaing time ISam. 7. i dayum. ~.18. | f~e~ before t hai n.n.. fNt 15.-18.l feed hefore that mount. and in harvest' thou shalt rest. eChr. 30. e. 4 And hle hewed two tables of stone like 12 ~ And thou shalt observe the fease of:'el. c. 9. tNsh. e. 17. ~ thfit~ d~t 1 h g~ Bse~s ~ s23.12e& 35.2. N-h 9a. 17.& unto the first; and Moses rose up early ookY f the firstfruits of nheat harvest, P.. 6w hens1 ot, aofne pay eths, e Dent. 5. 1, 103.8. & Ill. the morning, and went up unto munt Sinai, and the feast of ingathering at the tvear's 13. 4. & 112.4. & as the LOtD had commanded him, andtooh end. Luke 13. 14. 110. 5. & 145. in his hand the tWo tables of stone. 23..tlhrie int the year shll al yonur menw e,, t. 16. 0. 5 Aod the Lene deseeoded in the cloud, eliildren appear before the Lord GOD, the Dent. 10. to,! Joel2. 13. and stood with him there, and eproclaimed God of Israel. 1. sPs. 31. r19 the name of the LORD. 24 For nill'test out the nations before tHIlF.,.st —s R {m 2. t Ynher namo o the LRD 6O... And the LORD pnssed by before him, thee, and xenlarge thy borders.neither tioes' o e 1 hPs..57.10.& and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD shell any man desire thy land, when thou 5ch.. [108. 4.. 4. God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy et 231.14,17. I i h. 20. 0. and abundant in 9goodness and htrutl, God thrice in the year. c. 16. 16. {De-. 5. 10. |piliPs.0. LO. 7 i Keeping merey for thousands, fosgiv-. 25'Thou shalt not offer the blood of my cC. 33. 2. / Ps. 86. LS. / LeD. 18.24. Je. 32. 18. inginiquity and transgression and sin, and sacrifice with leaven; aneithr shall tle e7.. Dan. 9. 4.' [/Ithat will by no means clear the ghult y; Pn ei. 78. 5...9.4. the will by no meens casr the ailty acrifioothe feast o f thefea te passover be left: Pc.8. 55. kPs. 103.3. & visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the unto the morninga. 0. 8. 130. 4. children, and upon the children's children, 26 bThe first of'the firstfruits of thy land IDeut t. 12.20. Dan. 9. 9. unto the third and to tle fourte genersaticot thou shalt bring unto the house of the LOh D & 19. 8. Eph. 4. 32. 8 And Mses matde hosts, sod chebowed his thy God. CThou shalt not seethe a kid in ySeemes. 0. 1 Jelen 1.9. head toward the earth, and worshipped. his mother's milk. 5. lch. 23.7,21. 9 And he said, If now I have found race 27 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wite 0hr. 17. 10. Josh. 24. 19. in thy sight, Lord, lt my Lord, I pray thou dthese words: for after the tenorof ProY. 16.7. Job 10. 14. Acts 18. 10. ic. 6. 11. thee, go among us; for Oit is a stcffnecked these words I have made a covenant with { lah. 1. 3. people; and pardon our. 23qu.y andou Nb. 1.~3. P5plo d pseden 00our iniquity and our thee and with Israel. l... welt. d. 31. sin, and take us for cthine inheritance. 28 eAnd ie was there with the LORD forty - oh. 12. 10. s-h.33.15,16. 10 ~ And ie said, Behold, qI make a ove- days and forty nights; lie did neither eat b Ich. 23. 19. al.33.. nut: before all thy peopleIwill"doomar- bread, nor drink water. And fHe wrote DB t.26.2,,tse vels, such as have not been done in all the upon the tables the words of the covenant, 10.. p Deu2. 32. arth, nor in any nation: and all the people the ten e commandments. Bee. 15.21.! Ps. 28. 9. & /Deut. 14.21.! 33.12. & 78. amonewhich thou art shall seetheworkof 29 ~ And it came to pass, when Moses came er. 10 62. & 90. 14. the LoRD: for it is a oterrible thing that I doweffrom mount Sinai with the o, tables s t. Jer. 10. 16. will do with thee. of testimony in Moses' hand, when ihecame 31. Zeih. 2. 12. 11 hObserve thou that which I command down from the mount, that Moses wist not ech. 24. 18. |qDeu. 3. 2. thee this day: behold, "I drive out before that hthe Okin of his face shone while he De'.t9., 19. B 29. 12, 14. thee the Anmorite, and the Canaanite, and talked with him. fe.. fver. l.: |rent. 4. 32. the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hi- 30 And when Aaron and all the children th. 31. 18. h ntao.7.n3. cite, and the tebusite. eof Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his: 32. 16. Ps. 77.d14. & 12 Takoe heed to thyself, lest theou make face shone; and they were afraid to come Deu. 4. 13. 78.12.~~it nigh1hi.'' &..... 2[ 0 12. &147. a covenant ith tile inhabitnants of the land nige hiw. 4 10. sDeut. 10.21. whither thou geest, lest it be for ya snare 31And VIoses called unto them; and An- e Hb. P.. 145. 6. in the midst of thee: ron and all the rulers of the congregation gch. 32. 15. Is. 3.3. 13 But ye shall Idestroytheir altars, break returned unto him: and Moses talked with hnlstt. 17. 2. t Deus.. 32. their timages, and Scut down their groves: them. 2Cor. 3.7,13. & 6.3, 25. & 14 dor thou shalt worship bno other god: 32 And afterward all the children of Israel 12. 28, 32. & for the LORD, whose 0namo is Jealous, is came nigh: and he gave them in commasnd- ich,. 24. 3. 28. 1. a jealoes God. ment all that the LORD had spoken with soh; 33. 2. i15'Lest thou makse a covenant with the him in mount Sinai;.eh. 23. 32. inhabitants of the land, and they fgo a 33 And till Moses had done speaking with BDeut. 72. whoring after their gods, and do satrifice them, he put o, vail on his face. 2 C...13. Ju.dg. 2. [l.. J. 2.. nto their gods, and one:call thee, and 34 But /when Moses went in before the 12 Cor. 3. 16. ech.23. 33. thou oeat of his sacrifie; LORD to speak witlh him, ie took the vail zch. 23. 24. 16 And thou take of itheir daughters unto off, until he came out. And ho came out, eua. l2. 3. thy sons, snd tiete daughterskgo a ehoring and spake unto the children of Israel that Jysnsu terdaght r 2go 2a w hoin J adg.2. fter their gods, and make thy sons go nwhich he was commanded. fH H. whoring after their gods. 35 And the cliildren of Israel saw the face 3-. 17 /TiTo shalt make thee no molten gods. of Moses, that tle skin of Moses' face shone: aDe2t' 7. 2. 18 ~ The feast of unlsavened bread shalt and Moses put thie vail uponhis face again, Judg._B25. theou keep. Seven days thou shalt eat un- until he went into speak ith Him. 2 Kis 18. 4. leavened bread, as I commanded thee, in & 23. 14. the time of the month Abib:h for in the CHAPTER XXXV, 2 Ohr. 31. 1. imonth Ahib ttouneamest out from Egypt. 1 The -sblsth. 4 I'tfc gift.sfo teablernclnee. & 3t~ 3, 4. 1 o All thet openeth the atrio mine; 20 Tl.e.easlnieis of the people to ffhe. 30 Bebsh. 20.3,5. 3aleel a5ndi Abolishtb a ci nl1dle toe work. eSo Is. 9.6. &.7. 15. dhi.20.5. eve. 12. fDeut~.3 16. 1sug. A ND Moses gathered nall the congrega2.17. TJer.3. 9.. N.0. cNcm. 20.2. 1Coo. 10. 7. hPs. A1 tion of the children of Israel together, 106. 28. 1Cor.c.4,7,10. iDeut.7.3. 1Kin. 11.2. Ezra9.2. ~. 13. h5. ONu. 0~. 2,0. ~1 It. 10.4. tl. 91.0. Leh. and said unto them, aThese n Ie words I,hl. 34, 32. Nell~ 13. 25. kNU-iI 2.5. 1. 2. I &n l./l.3~8 LeD,. 19. 4,,ceh. 12. IB & 23. 13. ohl. 13. 4. oth. 13. 2,2. & 22. which the LORD hath commanded, that ye 29. Ez. 4t. 30. -Liske 2. 23. should do them..68 Offerings for the tahernacle. EXODUS. The people's readiness to offer. 0| B.. 1491. 2 Six days shall work be done, but on the blue, annd of purple, and of scarlet, and of B. C. 1491. seventll day tilere shall be to you ta hloly fine linen. bck. 20. 9. & day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: wLo- 2G And all the Women wliose heart stirred 31.14, 15. tsever doeth vorkthw herein shall be put to tllein up in ivisdoom spun goats' hair. Lcv. 23. 3. death. 27 And'tile lilers brought onyx stones, 1 Chtr. 29. 8. 02, toe Nm. 1S.93, Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your and stones to be sot, for the epliod, and for lZra 2.68..Det. 5. 12. habitations upon tlie sabbath day. the breastplate; Luke 13. 14. 4 ~ Aid MIoses spake unto all the con- 28 And 9spice, and oil for the liglst, and yel. 30. 23. ttteb. gregation of the children of Israel, saying, for the anointing oil, and for the sweet inholitess. dTliis is the thing which the LoRtD om- cerise. coh 16. 23. mahded, saying, 29 The children of Israel brought a twill- ver. 21. doh. 2,5, 1, 2. 5 Thike ye from among you an offering unto ing offei'ing unto tte LORD, every man and 1 fhr. 29. 9.. 25 2 the LORD:'ehosoeverees ofta willigeart, toman whose heart made them willing to let him bring it, ai offering of tile LORD; bring for all manner of ork, whllich the gold, and silvei, and brass, LORD had commanded to be made by tile 6 And blue, anid purple, hnd scei.let, anid hand of Moses. fine linen, and goats' hair,' 30 5 And Moses said unto tile children of 7 And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' Israel, See, Ithe LORD hath called by name a ch.31.2, Eo. skihs, and sltittim wood, Bkzalieel tie son of Uri, the son of Hur, of feth. 25. 6. 8 And oil for tl:e ligllt, fend spices for tl trribe of Judah tinointing oil, and for tle sweet incense, 31 And he hath filled him with the spirit 9 And oiiyx stones, and stones to be set for of God, in o isdomd, in understanding, and in tie eplhod, and for the' bretstplate. knowledge, and in all manner of Woirknnech. 31.t6. 10 And Y5every wise hearted among -ou ship, shall come, anid hiake allthat the LORD 32 And to devise curious works, to work in ihath commanded; gold, andi in silver, and in brash, h Oh. 26. 1, 2. 11 hThe tabernacle, his tent, and his cov- 33 And in the cutting of stones, to set thet, heo. ering, his taclles, and his boaids, lois bars, and ii earvilg of wood, to make any man|hii pillars, and his sockets; ner of unning work. i cl. 25. 10, 12 iThe ark, and the staves thereof, twith 84 And he hath put in his leart that lie c&. tltie mercy seat anid tlie vail of the coideting; may teach, both hlse, and bAholiab, the sonl b oc. 31. 6. t cll. 2.5. 23. 13 The /:tble,'and his Staves, and all his of Ahisamach, of tl;e tribe of Dan. I ch. 25.. vessels, land Ilie slelhcvbead 1 35 Them hatli le Cfilled with wisdom of ever. 31. Lev. 24.5,6. 14 ATlie oaondletick iilst for the light, and heart, to work all manner of work, of tile Ch. 31. 3, 0. m ch. 25. 31, hisfurniture, and his lamps, with the oil for enorgver, and of the euhningworkman, and 2 Kings7. 14. & h e li. of the embroiderer in blue, and in purple, in I 28 26. n ch. 30. 1. 15 "'nd the inicense altar, aiad his staves, scarlet, alid in fine linen, and oftlle weaver, ch. 30. 23. o and the anointing oil, and'the swet in- teen of then that do any iork, and of those i ch. 30. 34. cense, and. tise hanging for the door at the that devise cunning work. enteriig in of the tabernacle; tqeh. 27. i. t1 q'The ultai of burnt offerilig, wit liis CHAPTER XXXVI. brazen grate, his seaves, and all his vessels, 1 he oIfetislso as e dsliteres tOse svorgmen. 5 the lacei hera hllity of the peosles ies teialed. 8 ITe othe lsvei gigd hi g footh; tip, taiss of hefsssbim. 1a The eirtsi,,s of goats',t th. 27. 9. 17 i'The hangings Of the court, his pillaes, ai,. 1T9 eovrie l of s l:s.. 20 The Oboard and their sockets, and t0e ltanging for the hnith thei, sockets. 31 hl baios. 3 The vail. door of the court; 37 The hangiiglfor the doos. 18 The pins of the tabernale, and the pins T/HEN wrought Bezaleel and Abolilb, and 1491. of the couit, and their cords; every " wise hearted man, in whom the a cl. 28. 3. & sl. 31. 10. & 19'The clothes of service, to do service in LOlD put wisdom al'd!inderstanding to 31. & 35. 39. 1, 41. the loly place, the loly garments for Aaron khow how to work all manner of work for 10 35 N.-. 4.5,,,the priest, and the garments of his'ons, to the service of the b sanetuaty, according to b clh. 25. 8. ho'. /ministei' in the pl;iest's office. all that the LORD Ilad commanded. 20 ~ And all the Congregation of the chil- 2 And Moses called Bezaleel and Allolib, dren of Israel departed from the presence and every wise hearted man, in whose heart of MIoses. the LORD had put wisdom, even every one t ver.5,22. 26, 21 And they came, every one twhose heart c whose heart stirred him up to come unto clh.35.21, 26. 29. stirred him up, and every one whom tis the worlto doit: 1 Cllrt 29. 5. ah,5.2.&36..spirit made willing, and tlheybrought the 3 And tiey received of Moses all the of1 Chr. 28 2, LORD'S offering to the work of'the taber- fering, which the ehiidreh of Israel dhad detl. 35. 27. 9. & 29.'. nacle of the conhgegation, and for all liis brougllt for tho wori of tile service of the ESzra 7. 27. soevice, ind for tile sholy ga'noents. sanctuary, to make it withal. And they 2Cor. 8.12e& 22 And they came, bothl' the and women, brought yet unto him free offerings every 9. 7. as iiaiiy as were willing hearted, andtbrought morning. bracelets, and earrings, and rings, and tab- 4 And all the wise men, that wrongllt all lets, all jelels of gold: and every man that tlte work of tle sanctuary, came every man offered, offeeil an offering of gold unto the from lis work which they made; LORD. 5 A And thsey spake unto Moees, saying, e2Cor.8.2,3. u 1 Chr. 29.. 23 And t every man, vith hio wa found'The people brihg mtoe more tlan enougl blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine lin- for the service of the Work, whichl the LORD eo, and goats' hail-, and redskins of rams, commanded to mnake. and badgers) skins, brought them. 6 And Midses gave cominatdment, arind they 24 Every one tliat did offer an offering of caused it to be proclaimed througllout the silver and brass brought tle LORD'S offer- camp, saying, Let neitlier man nor woman ihg: and every iman, With Whom was found make any more woi'k for the offering of the shittim wvood for any work of the service, sanctuary. So the people were restrained ch. 28. 3. & brought et. from bringing. 31 t8.h&3 b.1i. 25 And all the tomen that were'wisoe i For tile stuff they lad tas sufficient for Prov 31. i9 hetarted did spin with their hands, and all the work to make it, and too much. 22. 2i.' brought that whioh they had spun, both of 8 ~ fAnd every wise hearted man atmong fch. 26. 1. 69 The curtains of cherubim. EXODUS. The ark and mercy. seat. B. C. 1491. them that wrought the work of the taberna- other side. of the tabernacle, and five bars B. C. 1491. ele made ten curtains of fine twiled linen, tbr the boards of the tabernacle for the and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with sides westward. cherubim of cunning work made lie them. 33 And he made the middle bar to shoot 9 The length of one curtain was twenty through the boards from the one end to the and eight cubits, and the breadth of one other. curtaint four cubits: the curtains tees e all 34 And he overlaid-the boards with gold, of one size. and made their rings of gold to'be places 10 And he coupled the five curtains one for the bars, and overlaid the bars with unto another: and the other five curtains gold. he coupled one unto notller. 35 And he made "a vail of blue, and ch. 26. 31. 11 And he made loops of blue on the edge purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen: of one curtain from' the selvedge in tie weithlcherubin e made he it of cunning work. coupling: likewise he made in the utter- 36 And he made thereunto four pillars of most side of another curtain, in the coup- shittim swood, and overlaid' them with gold: ling of the second. their hooks were of gold; and he cast for ohl. 26. 5. 12 YFifty loops made he in one curtain, them four sockets of silver. and fifty loops made he in the edge of the 37 ~ And he made a'hanging for the taber- e e.l, 26. 3i. curtain which was in the coupling of the nacle door of blue, and purple, and scarlet, second: the loops held one csl'taise to an- and fine tsined linen, tof needleworkt t Hel. the other. 38 And the five pillars of it with theirel ek of 13 And he made fifty taches of gold, and hooks: aend he overlaid their chapiters and seelleOeel. coupled the curtains one unto another with their fillets with gold: but their five sockets the taches: so it became one tabernacle. were of brass. h ch. 26. 7. 14 ~ hand lie made curtains ofgoats' hair for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven cur- CHAPTER XXXVII. I Tie irk. 6 -sesercy seat seith ceerubi. 10 tains he made them.,h. eel.. teSte Ases-.. 17 Th chseedi.i 15 Tile length of one curtain swas thirty seith Iris la~lsee and ielstlumrenlt. 25 Thi e tcltae cubits, and four cubits was the breadth of of ilecese. T9 IlThe aloiitilg oil aed s-eet inone curtain: the eleven curtains were of tense. one size. - ND Bezaleel made athe ark of shittim a ch. 25. 10. 16 And&he coupled five curtains by themse- A wood: two cubits and a half was the selves, and six curtains by themselves. length of it, and a cubit and a half the 17 And le made fifty loops upon the utter- breadth of it, and a cubit and a half the most edge of the curtain in the coupling, height of it: and fifty loops made he upon the edge of the 2 And le overlaid it with pure gold within curtain which coupleth the second. and without, and made a crown of gold to it 18 And he made fifty taclles of brass to round about. couple the tent together, that it might be i And he cast for it four rings of gold, to one. be set by the four corners of it; even two ich. 2. 14. 19 iAnd he made a covering for the tent rings upon the one side of it, and two rings of rants' skins dyed red, and a covering of upon the other side of it. badgers' skins above that. 4 Andhe made staves of shittim wood, and k i. 2i. 15. 20 I~ kAnd lie made boards for the taber- overlaid them with gold. naele of shittim wood, standing up. 5 And lie put the staves into the rings by 21 Tie length of a board was ten cubits, the sides of the ark, to bear the ark. and the breadth of a board one cubit and a 6 f And he made the b mery seat of pure c. 25. 17. half. gold: two cubits and a half twas the length 22 One board had two tenons, equally dis- thereof, and one cubit and a half the breadth tant one from another:' thus didt he make thereof. fdr all the boards of the tabernacle. 7 And he made two cherubim of gold, 23 And he made boards for te t tabernacle beaten out of one piece made he them, on twenty boards for the south side southward the two ends of the mercy seat; 24 And forty sockets of silver he made 8 One cherub..on the end onthis side, lir. ou.t of under the twenty boards; two sockets un- and another cherub lion the other end oni der one board for his two tenons, and two that side: out of the mercy seat made he 11 Or, ou.t of sockets under another board for his two the cherubim on the two ends thereof. 5c. tenons. 9 And the cherubim spread out their wings 25'And for the other side of the taberna- on high, and covered with their wings over ele, which is toward the north corner,' he the mercy seat, with their faces one to anmade twenty boards, other; even to the mercy seatward were 26 And their forty sockets of silver; two the faces of the cherubim. sockets under one board, and two sockets'10 V And he madeeCthe table of shittim ch.b25. 23. under another board. wood: two cubits was the length thereof,, 27 And for the sides of the tabernacle west- and a cubit the breadth thereof, and a cubit ward lie made six boards. and a lialf the height thereof: 28 And two boards made lie for the corners 11 And lie overlaid it with pure gold, and ofthe tabernale in the two sides. made thereunto a crown of gold round theb. 129 And they were t coupled beneath, and about. twised. coupled together at the head thereof, to one 12 Also he made thereunto a border of a ring: thus he did to both of them in both handbreadth round about; and made a the corners. crown of gold for the border thereof round 30 And there were eight boards anthere wee iglt boards aedtheir about. t $eb. tI o sockets were sixteen sockets of silver, t un- 13And he cast for it four rings of gold, and sokets, os dereveryboard two sockets. put the rings upon the four corners that.saOeke.uder 31 i[ And he made lbars of shittim wood; rere in the'four feet thereof. e. t. five for the boards of the one side of tie 14 Over against the border were the rings, tabernacle, the places for the staves to bear the table. 32 And five bars for the boards of the 15 And he made the staves of shittim 70 The golden. candlestick. EXODUS. The laver of boass. CB. C. 1491. wood, and overlaid them with gold, to bear 7 And he put the staves into the rings on BI. C. 1491. the table. the sides of the altar, to bear itw-ithal; lihe 10 And lle made the vessels which icre made the nltar llollow ith boards. dceh 25. 29. upon the table, his dtdishes. and his spoons, 8 ~ And le made bthe laver of brass, and 6 ch. 30. 18. tOr, to ou-. and his bowls, and his covers Ilto covero the foot of it of brass, of the Illooking- ilOr, 0,zen out toilhal. withal, of pure gold. glasses of the swomen tassembling, lwhich glasses. e ch. 25. 31. 17 ~ And he made the ecandlestickof pure assembled eat the door of the tabernacle of 1 Hob. gold: of beaten work made he the candle- tle congregation. assemblintg stick; *lis shaft, and his branch, his bowls, 9 1 And lie made Cthe court: on the south 0by 000:5.5 as his knops, and his flowers, were of the side southrd the hangingsofthe court. same: wuere of fine twined linen, a hundredt- ssch 27.9. 18 And six branches going out of the sides bits: thereof; three branches of the candlestick 10 Their pillars were twenty, and their out of the one side thereof, and three brazen sockets twenty; the hooks of the branches of the candlestick out of the other pillars and theirfillets were of silver. side thereof: 11 And for the north side the hangings 19 Three bowls made after the fashion of sere a hundred cubits, their pillars wsere almonds in one branch, a knop and a twenty, and their sockets of brass twenty; flower; and three bowls made like almonds the hooks of the pillars and their fillets of in another branch, a knop and a flower: so silver. throughout the six branches going out of the 12 And for the west side were hangings of candlestick. fifty cubits, their pillars ten, and their sock20 And in the candlestick welre four bowls ets ten; the hooks of the pillars and their made like almonds, his knops, and his fillets of silver. flowers: 13 And for the east side eastward fifty 21 And a knop under two branches of the cubits. same, and a knop under two branches of 14 The hangings of the one side of the gate the same, and a knop under two branches were fifteen cubits; their pillars three, and of the same, according to the six branches their sockets three. going out of it. 15 And for the other side of the court gate, 22 Their knops and their branches were on this hand and that and, were hangings of the same: all of it was one beaten work of fifteen cuabits; their pillars three, and of pure gold. their sockets three. 23 Andlle made his seven lamps, and his 16 All the hangings of the court round snuffers, and his snuffdishes, of pure gold. about were of fine twined linen. 24 Of a talent of pure gold made he it, and 17 And the sockets for the pillars were of all the vessels thereof. brass; the hooks of the pillars and their f/cs. 10. L. 25 I fAnd he made the incense altar of fillets of silver; and the overlaying of their shittim wood: the length of it weas a cubit, chapiters of silver; and all the pillars of and the breadth of it a cubit; it was four- the court were filleted with silver. square; and two cubits ewas the height of 18 And the hanging for the gate of the it; the horns thereof were of the same. court was needlework, of blue, and purple, 26 And lie overlaid it with pure gold, both. and scarlet, and fine twined linen: and the top of it, and the sides thereof round twenty cubits was the length, and the about, and the horns of it: also he made height in the breadth ewas five cubits, unto it a crown of gold round about. answerable to the hangings of the court. 27 And lie made two rings of gold for it 19 And their pillars were four, and their under the crown thereof, by the two corners sockets of brass four; their hooks of silver, of it, upon the two -sides thereof, to be and the overlaying of their chapiters and places for the staves to bear it withal. their fillets of silver. 28 And lhe made the staves of shittim 20 And all the dpins of the tabernacle, dch 27. 19. wood, and overlaid them with gold. and of the court round about, were of brass. c oh. 30. 23, 29 ~ And lie made sthe holy anointing oil, 21 ~ This is the sum of the tabernacle, 34. and the pure incense of sweet spices, na- evee of ethe tabernacle of testimony, as it eNum. 1. 50, cording to the work of the apothecary. was counted, according to the command- 53. & 9.16. & OCHAPTER XXXVIII. ment of Moses, for the service of the L.- 10. 11. & 17. 1 The alta.of1Lntoffering. 8 Tneavel-ofblass. vites, fby the hand of Ithamar, son to 8. & 18. 2. 9 The court,. 21 The su, of that the peo2le of- Aaron the priest. Acts 7. 44. foe d. 22 And gBezaleel the son of Uri, the son f:uN. 4. 28, a h. 271.. A ND ahe made the altar of burnt offer- of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that u3. A0 ing of shittim wood: five cubits was the LORD commanded Moses. gch. 31.2, 6. the length thereof, and five cubits tloe 23 And with himtwasAholiab, son ofAhisbreadth thereof; it was foursquare; and amaell, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, three cubits the height thereof. and a cunning workman, and an embroid2 And he made the horns thereof on the erer in blue, and in purple, and in scarlet, four corners of it; the horns thereof were and fine linen. of the same: and he overlaid it with brass. 24 All the gold that was occupied for the 3 And he made all the vessels of the altar, work in all the work of the holy place, even the pots, and the shovels, and the basins, the g9ld of the offering, was twenty and nine and the fleshhooks, and the firepans: all talents,and seven hundredand thirtyshekthle vessels thereof made he of brass. els, after hthe shekel of the sanctuary. h oh. 30.13,24. 4 And he made for the altar a brazen grate 25 And the silver of them that were num Lew. s5.15. & of network, under the compass thereof, bered of the congregation wtas a hundred 27. 3, 47. beneath unto the midst of it. talents, and a thousand sevel hundred and & 18. 16 5And he cast four rin; for the four ends threescore and fifteen shekels, after the of the grate of Lrass, t be places for the shekel of thle sanctuary: staves. 26 iA bekah for tevery man, that is, half ich. 30.13,15. 6 And he made the staves of shittim wood, shekel, after the shekel of the sanctuary, tHeb. a poll. and overlaid them with brass. for every one that went to be numbered, 71 The holy garments. EXODUS. Robe of-the ephod. B. C. 1491. from twenty years old and upward, for ksix 15) And they made upon the breastplate B. C;. 1491. hundred thousand and tiree thohousand and chains at the ends, of wreathen work of klf-um. 1.46. five hundred and fifty inen. pure gold. 27 And of the hundred talents of silver iG And they made two ouches of gold, and I ch. 2. 19,21, were east lthe sockets of the sanctuary, and two gbld rings, and put the two rings. in the 25, 32. the sockets of the vail; a hundred sockets two ends of the breastplate. of the hundred taients, a talent for a socket. 17 And they put the' two -wreathen chains 28 And of the thousand seven hundred of'gold in the two rings oh the ends of the seventy and five shekels he made hooks for breastplate. the pillars, and overlaid their chapiters, 18 And the two ends of the two wreaothen and filleted them. chains they fastened in the two ouches, and 29 And the brass of the offeringoas soev- put them on the shoulderpieees ofthe ephod, enty talonts, and two thousand and four before it. hundred shekels. 109 And they made two rings of gold, and 30 And thereeiith he made the sockets to put theioiton th two ends of the breastplate, the door of the taberinacle of the congreog- upon the border of it, which ta's on the side tion, and the brazen altair, and the brazen of tile cphod inoeard. grate for it, and all the vessels of the altar, 20 And they made two other golden rihgs; 31 A'nd the sockets of the court routid and put them on the two sides of the ephod about, and the sockets of the court gate, underneath, totard the forepart of it, over and all the pins of the tabernacle, and all aghilist the othei- coupling thereof, above the pins of the court round about. the curious girdle of the ephod. 21 And they did bind the breastplate by, CHAPTER. 2 T his ringi unto the rings of the ephod with p'hod. 8 The.breetiplate. 2l 2 he r obe of the a lace of blue, that it might be above the eph.od 27 The coats, mitre, and gidleofjise cuioioUS girdie of the eplod, alid that the litie;: 30 The plate ofthe holy 3co 2e*. 32All breastplate might not'bhe loosed from the ise vioed eaiol eapipoved iy Mooes. ephod.; ad tthe LORD commanded Moses. ach. 35. 23. A ND of the blue, and purple, and s'ar- 22 e, iAnd he made tile robe of the ephod ich. 28. 31. bcll. 31. 10. & -X let, thej niiade blotlhes of service, to of woven work, all of blue. 3I. 19. do service in the holy place and made the 23 And thiere Ioas a hole in the midst of ech. 28. 4. holy garment's for Aaron; Cas the LORD tlhe robe; at the liole of an liabeigeon, with commanded Moses. a band round about the hole, that it should doch. 28. 6. 2 dtAn'd he made the ophod of gold, blue, not rend. and purple, and secarlet, and fine twined 24 And they made upon the henis of the linen. robe pompeginat of blueand puefple, and 38 And they did beat'the gold into thin searlet, and twined lianen. plates, and out it into ires, to work it in 25 And thley mande kbeils of pure gold, and k ch. 03.'3. the blue, and in the purple, and in tlie gear- put the bells between the pomegranates let, and in the fine linen, with cunning work. upon the hem of the robe, round about be4 They made shoulderpieces for it, to tween the pomegranates; coupleit together: by the two edges was 26 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a it coupled togetlr.i. pomegranate, round ablout the hem of the 5 And the curious giidle of his ephod, that robe to minister in: as the LORD comeas upon it, wos of the satome, according to manded Moses. the work thereof; ofgold, blue, and purple, 27 ~ lAnd they made coats of fine linen I l..28.39.40. and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the of woven work for Aaron, and for his LORD commanded Moses. sons, ech. 28 9.. 6 eAnd they wrought onyx stones in- 28 "tAnd a mitre of fine linen, and goodly mclh. 2. 4.d39 closed in ouches of gold, greaven, as signets bonnets of fine linen, and "linen breeches Ezra 44. 18. are graven, with the names of the children f fine tbined linen, {,lh. 1. 42. of Israel. 29 ~And a girdle of fine twined linen, and o. 28. 8.39. 7 And he put them on the shoulders of the blue, and purple, and so'arlet, of needleephod, that they should be stones for a work; as the LORD eonmandod/ Moses. fnh. 12. 12. f neinorial to the children of Israel; as the 30 ~ I And they moado the jlite of the holy. p ch. 28.36,37. LORD commanded Moses. crown of pure gold, and wrote upon it a goh. 28. 15. 8 1~ IAnd lie made the breastplate of cun- Lvriting, like to the engravings of, signet, ning work, like the work of the ephod; of HOLINESS TO THE LORD. gold, blue,.aiid purple, and scarlet, and 31 And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fine twined linen. fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the 9 It was foursquare; thley made the breast- LORD commaniided Mosee. plate double: a span tvas the length there- 32 ~ Thus was all the work of the taborof, and a span the breadth thereof, beiing i'ale of thetent f thecngegatiou finished: doubled. and the childreti of Isiael did q1 ccording to qner. 42, 43. h ch. 28. 17, 10 And they set ini it foir roes of stones: all that the LOnD commanded Mises, so lh. 25. 40. he. the first row tvas a llsardius, a topaz, and did they. iOr, a carbuncle: this eoas the first ron. 33 ~ And they brought the tabernacle unto 11 And the second row, an emnerald, a sap- Moses, the tent, and all his furniture, his phire, and a diamond. taches, his boards, his bars, and his pillars, 12 And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and his sockets; and an amethyst. 34 And the covering of iams' skins dyed 13 And the fourth roW, a beryl, an onyx, red, and the covering of badgers' skins, and a jasper: they ere inclosed in ouches and the vail of tihe covering; of gold in their inclosings. 35 The ark of the testimony, and the staves 14 And the stones uere according to the thereof, and the mercy scat; names of the children of Israel, twelve, 36 The table, ar' all the vessels thereof, according to their names, like the engrai- and the shewbread, ings of a signet, every one with his name, 37 Thle pure candlestick, eaith the lamps according to the twelve tribes. thereof, even with the lampi to be set in 72 The. tabernacle to be reared. EXODUS. A cloud covereth it. B. C. 1491. order, and all the vessels thereof, and the minister unto me in the priest's office: for B. C. 1491. oil for light; their anointing shall surely be "an everlast38 And the golden altiii, and the anoiiting ing priesftlood throughout their generations.,N-.25.13. t Heb. the in- oil, and t the sweet incense, and the hanging.1G6'Thus did Moses: according to all that cetlseoffeet for the tabernacle door; the LORD commanded him, so did he.:s.e..e. 39 The brazen altar, and his grate of brass, 17 ~ Aid it came to pass in the first month 1490. his.staves, and all his vesselsi the laver in the second year, on the- first day of the and his foot; month,ethat the etabernacle was reared up. o ver. t. 40 The hangings of the court, his pillars, 18 And Moses reared up the tabernacle, Num. 7. 1. and his sockets, and the hanging for the and fastened his sockets, and set Up the court gate, his cords, and liis pins, and all boards thereof, and put in the bars thereof, the vessels of {he service of the tabheiiacle, and reared up his pillars. for the tent of the congregation; 19 And lie spread abroad the tent over the 41 The clothes of service to do service in tabernacle, and putthe covering of tle tent the holy place, and the holy garments for above upon it; as the LORD commanded Aaron. the priest, and his sons' garments, Moses. to minister in the priest's office. 20 ~ And he took and put Pthe testimony I ech. 25. 16. 42 According to all that the LORD com- into the ark, and set the staves on the ark, rch.35. 10. manded Moses, so the clhildren of Israel and put the mercy seat above upon the s Lev.92,. 9.22,made all. the worl. arks Noum. ( 23 43 And toses did look upon all the work, 21 And he brought the ark into the taberosm 0. 00 sand, behold, they lad done it as the LORD nale, and 9set up the vail of the covering, q ch. 26. 33. & 1 Kinog8.14. had commanded, even so had they done it: and covered the ark of the testimony; as 35. 15.:2Cllr. 30. 27. and Moses tblessed them. the LORD commanded Moses. -22 ~''And lie put the table in the tent of I a.h. 2. 35. CHAPTER XL. the congregation, upon the side of the taber1 hie tabe.hnaele is coimtled to brteared, 9 dnd nacle northllard, without tile vail. aiilsited. 1i3 earoi aed: hiis. sottsto be stnci- 23 And lie set the bread in order upon it s ver. 4. Jied. 16 Moses plefoemeth alli hisp acco-elding- before the LORD; as the LORD had como y 34. A cloudcovereeh the itabernale. manded Moses. ]A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- 24. tAnd he put the candlestick in the tent t cli. 26. 35. ing, of the congregation, over against the table,.ch2.12. 2& On the first day of the first month shalt on the side of the tabernacle southward. 13. 4. thou set up bthe tabernacle of the tent of 25 Anid Ulie ltighted the lamps before the over. 4. iver. &17. h the congregation. LORD; as the LORD commanded Moses. ie.. 57. Cii. 0., 30..3 And cthou shalt put therein the ark of 26 ~ Y And lie put the golden altar in they ver. 5. ever. 21. the testimony, and cover the ark with the tent of the congregation befor e te vail:. 30. 6. Ch. 26. 33. vail. 27 tAnd he burnt sweet incense thereon; zch. 30. 7. Num. 4.. 4 And dthou shalt bring in the table, and as the LORD commanded Moses. lver. 22. esot in order ttho things that are to be set 28 ~ SAnd lie set up the hanging at the aver. 5. ch. 26. 35. in order upon it; fand thou shalt bring il door of the tabernacle. h. 26. 38. tt. 23. the candlestick, and light the lamps thereof. 29 b And lie put the altar of buifit offering bver. 6. Ch. 25. 30. 5 gAnd thou shalt set the altar of gold for by the door of the tabernacle of the tent of 5, 6. the incense before the ark of thetestimony, the congregation, ynd offered upon it the c ch.29.38,&. dt.eB theI f. and put the hanging of the door to the tab- burnt offering and the meat offering; as the ernacle. LORD commanded Moses. 6 And thou shalt set the altar of the burnt 00 ~ dAnd he setthe lver between the de, 7. g ver. 26. offering before the door pf the tibernacle of tent of the congregation and the altar, and ch. 30. 18; the tent of the congregation. put water there, to wash wcithal. 7er. 7 And /tlhou shalt-set-the laver between 31 And Moses and Aaron and his sons ch, 30 18. the tent of the congregation and tie altar, washed their hands and their feet thereat: and shalt put water therein. 32 When they went into the tent of the 8 And thou shalt set up the court round congregation, and when they came near unabout, and hang up the hanging at the to the altar, they washed; eas the LORD ec1h. 30.19,20. court gate. commanded Moses. - ver. 8. 9 Ahd thou shalt take the anointing oil, 33 fAnd he reared up the court round cll. 27. 9,16. i ch. 30. 26 and ianoint tile tabernacle, and all that is about the tabernacle and the altar, and set I gch. 29. 43. therein, andshalt hallow it, and all the ves- up the hanging of the court gate. So Moses Lev. 1. 2. sels thereof: and it shall be holy. finished thle work. Nue. 5. 10 And thou shalt anoint the altar of the 34 ~ YThen a cloud overed thetent ofthe 1 jIotiS 8. burnt offering, and all his vessels, and congregation, and the glory of the LoRD 2 Cl. 5. 13. kch.29.36,37. sanctify the altar: and kit shall be an filled the tabernacle. &7.2. tHeb. holi- altar tmost holy. 35 And Moses hwas not able to enter into Is. 0. 4. nes of holi- 11 And thou shalt anoint the laver and the tent of the congregation, because the H1g. 2. 7. 9. nestea. hit foot, and sanctify it. cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Re. lv. Y. l Lev.. 1-13. 12 rAnd thou shalt bring Aaron and his LORD filled the tabernacle. 7tLe. 16. 2, sons unto tihe door of the tabernacle of-the 36 NAnd vhen the cloud was taken upfrom tlio. 8. 1i. congregationj and wash them withl water. over the tabernacle, the children of Israel 5 m..17. 13 And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy twent onward in all their journeys: Nl' 17I mch. 28. 4i. garments, "oand anoint him, and sanctify 37 But kif the cloud were not taken up, sNI. 9. 19. him; that he may minister unto me in the then they journeyed not till tlie day that it t leb. priest's office. was taken up..jorn.eyeed. 14 And thou shalt bring his sons, and 38 For Itle cloud of the LORD Wcas upon kNum. 90.19clothe them with coats: the tabernacle by day, and fire was o n it by 22. 15 And thou shalt anoint them, as thou night, in the sight' of all the house of Is- 1 clh. 13. 21. didst anoint their father, that they may rael, throughout all their journeys. Num. 15. 73 THE THIRD BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED LEVITICUS. B. C. 1490. CHAPTER I. a burnt sacrifice, in offering made by fire, B. C. 1400. 12 lte butol q.. er.ins. 3 Of th herd, 10of h of a sweet savour unto tile LORD. flocks, 14 of thefowls. aEo. 19. 3. AN)D the LORD a called unto Moses, and CHAPTER II. b E..40.34,35. A o spake unto him bout of the tabernacle I he meat ofJloti q it oil aede t i ce-se Nu.R. 1i. 4. of the congregation, saying, 4 either baken io the oven, 5 o, o, a pate, 0 o, 5. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and i,a a frlilqp-ao, 12 o' of thl.filstfruits, the ch. 22.18,19. say unto them, elf any man of you bring an er. 13 ile Ialt of the meat oeiei offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your A ND when any will offer a a moeat offer- a el. 6. 14. & offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and.1. ing unto the LORD, his offering shall 9. 17. of the flock. e of fine four; and le shall pour oil upon Num. 15. 4. 3 If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the it, and put frankincense thereon. dE.. 12.. herd, let him ooer a male dwithout blemish: 2 And he shall bring it to Aaron's sons ch.3. 1. 1&22. he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the priests. and hle shall take thereout his 20, 21. the door of thee tabernacle of the congrega- handful of-tho flour thereof, and of the oil D.ut. 15. 21. tion before tlfe LORD. thereof, with all the frankincense thereof; 1I~nl. v. 14. Ep.. 1274. 4 eAnd he'shall put his hand upon the andthe priest'shall burn bthe memorialof ver. 9. Roeb 9. 14. head of the burnt offering; and it shall be itupo the altar, to.e fferingmadeby c.I2. 6. 1 Pet. i. 19. faccepted for him Yto make atonement for fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD: 15. & 24. 7. |eE.29.10,l1.5 him. 3 And Cthe ren0 nanti0 of the: meat offering. cts10.34. 19. 5 And he shall kill the hbullock before the shall be Aaron's and his sons': dig is, a ceh.7.9.&10. ch. 3. 2, 8,13. LORD: iand the priests, Aaron's sons, thing most! holyof the offerings of the LORD o 10, 13. &4.15 &8. shall brina the blood, kand sprinkle the made by fire.: - o. 12. 37. 1,, 22. & 1. blood round about upon the altar that tis 4 And if thb bring an oblation ofamea t,..i9. f oIe. 22.1,.7 by the door of the tabernacle of the congre- offering baken in the..oven, it shall bc unIs. 56. 7. gation. leavened cakesof fine flour mingled with Rom 121.. 6 And he shall flay the burnt offering, and oil, or unleavened wafers e.nointed with E.. 29. 2. 1hi4i l. 18. cut it into his pieces. oil. yeh. 4. 20, 26, 7 And the sons of Aaron the priest shall a5 And if thy oblation be a meat offering 31,35. &9.7. put fire upon the altar, andlay the wood b oetn olin a pan, it shall be of fine flour Or,onaflat &16. 24. in order upon the fire unleavened, mingled with oil. or, Num 15... 8 And the priest, A on's sons, A o hall lay Tlou shalt part it in pieces, and pour! 24lxr.9..' the parts, tlhe head, and the fat, in order oil thereon: it is a meat offering. 5. 11. upon the wood that is on the fire which is 7 ~' And if thy oblation be a meat offering bMic. G. 6. upon the altar: baken in the fryingpan, it shall be made of i2Chr.35. 11. 9 But his inwards and his legs shall he fineflour withoil. Heb. 10. 11. wash in waer: and the priest shall burn 8 And thou shalt bring the meat offering k ch. 3. 8. all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an that is made of these things unto the LORD:.eb. 12. 24. offering made by fire, of a Isweet savour andw-.ohen it is presented unto the priest, 1 Pet. 1. 2. unto the LORD. he shall bring it unto the altar. I Gen. 22. 9. 10 ~ And if his offering be of the flocks, 9 And the priest shalltake from the meat Gn. 8. 21., of the sheep, orofthegoats, for a offering fa memorial thereof, and shall fver.2. E. 20.28.,4 burnt sacrifice; he shall bring it a male burn ito upon the altar: it is an g offering E.. 29. 18. 2 Cor.2. 215. |without blemish. made by fire, of asweet savour unto the Epl. 5. 2. 11 ~And he shall kill it-on the side of the LORD. Pl. 4. 18. altar northard before the LORD: and the 10 And that which is left of the meat of- ver 3. ver. 3. priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his fering shall be Aaron's and his sons': it is over.:5. blood round about upon!the altar. a thing most holy of the offerings of the 12 And lie shall cut it into his pieces, with LORD made by fire. his head and his fat: and tile priest shall 11 No:meat offering, which ye shall briing lay them in order on the wood that is on the unto the LORD, shall be made with ileaven: i h. 6. 17. fire which is upon the altar: for ye shall aburn no leaven, nor any honey, See-att. 16. 13 IBut he shall wash the inwards and the in any offering of the LORD made by, fire. 12. legs with seater: and the prieshall bring 12 ~kAs foe the oblation of the firDtfruits, Luke. 12. it all, and burn it upon the altar: it is a ye shall offer them unto the LORD: butt 1 Cor. 5.8. burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of they shall not tbe burnt on the altar for a Gal. 5. 9. a sweet savour unto the LORD. sweet savour. k| EB. 22. 29. 14 ~ And if the burnt sacrifice for his of- 13 And every oblation of thy meat offering ch. 2.10, 11. fering to the LORD be of fowls, then he shall Ishalt thou season with salt; neither shalt tHeb. ascend.!pch.5.7. &12. bring his offering of Pturtledoves, or of thou suffer "'the salt of the covenant of thy lnork 9. 49. 8. young pigeons. God to be lacking from thy meat offering: Col. 4. 6. Luke 2. 24. 15 And tle priest shall bring it unto the 0I"with all thine offerings thou shalt offer.Num.18.19, I[Or, inod off altar, and dI wring off his head, and burn it salt.. 43. 24. ho he.d with on. the altar; and the blood thereof shall be t14 And if thou offer a meat offering of thy s h oatil. wrung out a the side of the altar: l rstfruits unto the LORD, 0tlou shalt offer och23.10.,14. 16 And lie shall pluck away his crop with for the meat offering of thy firstfruits green P Or, th.filth Ilhis feathers, and cast it qbeside the altar ears of corn dried by the fire, eve0n corn theref. on the east part, by the place of the ashes. beaten out of P full ears. p 2 Iin. 4. 42. oh. 6. 10. - 17 And he shall cleave it with the wings 15 And Othou shalt put oil upon it, and... 1. rCn. 15. 1. thereof, but'shall not divide it asunder: lay frankincense thereon: it is a meat and the priest shall burn itpo the altar, offering. sVer. 9, 13. upon the wood that is upon the fire: sit is 16 And the priest shall burn "'the me- rer. 2. 74 Phe peace offerings. LEVITICUS. The sin offerinigs of ignorance. 0. C. 1490. morial of it, part of the beaten corn there- CHAPTER IV. B. C. 1400. of, and part of the oil theroof, with all the 1 l3e,looftihr;g eofh Ono, f, o s plt. frankincense thereof: it is an offering made r for t13 e congregatio, tforo hru ort, 27jftt by fire unto the LORD. aty oftheleopte.CHAPTE IL Aj:AND the LORD spake unto Moses, sayCHAPTER III. XIL ing, I1 Te ieace o feg o f the o e. of t - f tfhe Jolok 7 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, sayi either a lam~1b, 12 r a goat. ] itotr! o atl o,, i a oogt. ing,'If a soul shall sin through ignorance oaoh. 5,15, 17. oeh.7.11,29. AND if his oblation be a asaorifice of against any of the commandments of the Nt. 15.22. & 22. 21.'| peace offering, if he offer it of the LoRD concerning things which ought not Ih. l1aSoo 10.27. herd, whether it be a male or female, he to be done, and shall do against any of a.. 1. 12t ith. 1. 3. shall offer it b without blemish before the them: LORD. 3 0 If the priest that is anointed do sin ac- b oh. 8. 12. oEl. 29. 10. 2 And Cheo shall lay his hand upon the cording to the sin of the people; then let oh. 1. 4, 5. head of his offering, and kill it at the door him bring for his sin, which he lhath sinned, of the tabernacle of the congregation: and a young bullock without blemishl unto the ch. 9.2. Aaron's sons the priests shall sprinkle the LORDo for a sin offering. blood upon the altar round about. 4 And he shall bring the bullock dunto the d4ch. 1. 3, 4. 3 And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the door of the tabernocle of the congregation peace offering an offering made by fire unto before the LORDn; and shall lay his hand dEr.29.13,22. the LORD; tdthe II fat that covereth the in- upon the bullock's head, and kill the bullock th. 4. 8, 9. wards, and all the fat-that is upon the in- before the LORD. ilOr,s~uet. wards, 5 And the priest that is anointed eshall ech. 16. 14. 4 And lthe tOo bidneys, and tto fat tbnt is take of the bullock's blood, and bring it to Oum. 19. 4. on them, which is by the flanks, and the the tabernacle of the congregation: tO., midriff 11caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it 6 And'the priest shall dip his finger in the [oventhetitto, shall he take atway. blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times' ontd ove tht 5 And Aaron's sons eshall burn it on the before the LORD, before the vail of the kid,teys. altar upon the burnt sacrifice, which is up-. sanctuary. E. eE. 0 13. on the wood that is on the fire: t is an of- 7 And the priest shall fput some of the fch. 8. 15. & ch, O..... fering made by fire, of a sweet sayour unto blood upon the torns' of the altar of sweet 9.9. & 16.18. the LORD. incense before the. LOnD, which is in the 6 ~I And if his offering for a sacrifice of tabernacle of the congregation; and shall peace offering unto the LORD be ofthe flock, pour sgall the blood of the bullock at the y oh. 5. 9. ~f oet. 1, &h. male or female, f he shall offer it without bottom of the altar ofO the burntoffering, blemish. which is at the door of the tabernacle of the 7 If he offer a lamb for his offering, then:congregation. shall he offer it before the LORD. 8 And he shablt tatke off from it all the fat 8 And he shall lay his hand upon the bead of the: bullock for the sin offering; the fat of his offering, and kill it before the tab- that covereth the inwards, and all the fat ernacle of the congregation: and Aaron's that is upon the inwards, sons shall sprinkle the blood thereof round 9 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is about upon the altar. upon them, which is by the flanks, and the 9 And he shall offer of the sacrifice of the caul above the liver, with the kidneys, it peace offering an offering made by fire unto shall he take away, the LORD; the fat thereof, and the whole 10 hAs it was taken off from the bullock 7 hoh. 3. 31,4, 5. rump, it shall he take off hard by the back- of the sacrifice of peace offerings: and the bone; and the fat that oovereth the in- pri0est shall burn them upon the altar of the wards, and all the fat that'is upon the in- burnt offering. wards, 11 iAnd the SBkin of the bullock, and all his |i E. 29. 14. 10 And the two kidneys, and the fat that flesh, with his head, and with his legs, 19. 5. is up6n them, whict is by the dflanks, and his inwards, and his dung, the taul above the liver, with the kidneys,.12 Even the whole bullock shall he carry it'shall he take away. forth t witout the camp unto a clean place, t Heb. to 11 And the'priest shall burn it uponthe kwhero the ashes are poured out, and Iburn without the [See oh. 21. altar: it is-the food of the offoringmade him on the wood with fir: t where the ashes camP. 06, 8, 17, 21, by fire unto the LORD. are pouited out shall lie be burnt. k ch. 0. 11. 02. & 22. 25. 12 ~ And if his offering be a goat, then 13 ~ And otifthe whole congregation of l ok. 13. t1. E'.44.7. ohh shall offer it bofore the LORD. Israel sin through ignorance, and tho thing tHh. t tOtt ['.'. 13 And be shall lay his hond upon tho b id from the eyes of th ass bly, and Ituo.ig "tt he.t,7,. ad of it, and kill it before tile tabernaclo they havo done soneoontat asginst any of Of the A.. of the congregation: and the sont of Aaron the commandments of tho LORD conct - ytNU. 15.24. shall sprinkle the blood thereof upon the ing things which should not be done, and Josh. 7. 11. altar round about. are guilty; h. 5. 2, 3, 4,. 14 And he shall offer thereof his offering, 14 Wien the sin, which they have sinned 17. ith. 7,0, E o5oeven an offering made by fire uito tile against it, is known, then the congregation IS- 215 fCht. 7.. LORD the fat that oovereth the inwards, shall offer a young bullock foe the tin, and h. 6. 18 & and all the fat that is upon the inwards, being him bfore the tabernacle of the con17.36I1.7. 15 And the two kidneys, and the fat that gregation. & 23. 14. is upon them, which is by the flanks, and 13 And the elders of the congregation test t the oaul above the liver, with the kidneys, 0Os1all lay their hands upon the Ihead of thte soh. 1. 4. ~e{'ith it shall he take a.y. bullock before the LORD; and the bullotk eut. 32. 1. IC 1And the priest shall burn them upon sallh be killed before tto LORD. Neh. 8. 10. the altar: it is the food of the offering made 16 PAnd the priest that is anointed shall per. 5. gen. 9. 4. by fire for a sweet saoour: iall the fat is bring, of the bullock's blood to the taber- heb. 9. 12, ch. 7 23, 26 th 13, 14. h. 7. 0. I' the LORD'S. ntclo ofthe congregation: 1. 14. ID' 12. N16' [17 It shtall be a kperpetual statute for 17 And the priest shall dip his finger in lan. 14.33. your generations throughout all your dwell- some of the blood, and sprinkle it seven Et. 44. 7, 15. ings, that ye eat neither I fat nor tt blood. times before ttLoeLRD, evet befoe the vail. 75 7Ie sin'e offerings of ignorance. LEVITICUS. The trespass qffering. 11. C. 1490.' 18 And he shUll put some of the blood upon the sacrifice of the peace offerings; and the B. C. 1490. the horns of the altai which is before the priest shall burn them upon the altar, acLORD, that is in the tabernacle of the con- ctrding to tile offerings made by fire unto ichl. 3. 5. gregation, and shall pour out all the blood the LOED: karid the priest shall make an kater. 26, 31. atthe bottom of the altar of tle burnt offer- atonement for his sin that he hath commiting, hichl is at the door of the tabernacle of ted, and it shall be forgiven him. the congregation. CHAPTER 19 And lhe shall take all his fat fro t him, 1 co tct ich oealin h Iis kinbeledge, 2 and burn it upon the altar. i, teocchiea! di t.eclete 1 hing, 4 o enaktii. 20 And le slhall do with the bullock as he ae oaih. i tlis tretlass e, of theflock, 7 qver. did i with the bullock for a sin offering, so offowls, 11 o, ofjfio-. 14 The trtespas otjir-Neum. 15.20. shall he do with thist: "and the priest slihall iig il s 1cil Ie, 17 bet i of iat lo;iaf ce. Dan... make an atonement for them, and it shall A ND if a soul sin, Sand hear the voice alKin.. 31. Rtom. 9. 11. be frgiven tlhem. L otf swearing, and is a eeitness, whether d att. 263.G. Heb.2.;17 2 And lie shall carry forth the bullock he hlth seen oi kntown ofit; if lie do not 10.', 11, t. without the camp, and burn him as he burn- utter it, then he shall bheat his iniquity. t cr. 17. e 2... ed the first bullock: it is a sin offering fo i Or Cif a soul touch any unclean tling, l.7. le.,ti ye.on lr egation. whether it be a carcass of an unclean beast, 17. 16. b 19. a ver. 2, 113. d iv When a ruler hath sinned, and Sdone or a carcass f unclean cattle, or the carcass 913l somewhat through ignorance against any of uneleanl creeping things, and if it be of the commandments of tile LORaD his God hidden from him; lle also shall be unclean, / b t3. 39. concerning things which should not be afid guilty.. u.. 1]9. 11, done, and is guilty; 3 Or if he touch ethe uncleanness of man, 13, 16. t er. 14, t3 Ori tit his sin, wherein he hath sinned, whatsoeverunoleanfiessit bethatamanishall dter. 17. come to liis kiowledge; he Shall bring his bedetiledwithal,anditbehidefromehim;hllen echl. 12, 13, offering, a kid of the goats, a niele without he khidveth of it, then he Shall be guilty. d; 15. blemish: 4 Or if' a soul swear, pronouncing with his [uver. 4, he. 24 Aid eiee shall lay lic hand upon the lips fto do evil, or Yto do good, whatsoever |fSee 1 Stani head of the goat, and kill it in the place it be that a nian shall pronounce with an 25. 22. where they kill the burntat offering before the oath, and it be hid from him; wahen hee Act223. 12. LORD: it is a sin oftferingl. kaiceth of it, theen he shall be guilty in one |e Seo ca.rk 6. s vr30. 2e 5 CAnd the priest shalftake of the blood ofthese. 23. of the sin offering with his finger, and put 5 Atld it shall be, when lie shall be guilty it upont the horns of the altar of buret oaler- in one oi these tibinys, that he shall h con- hael. 16.. & ing, and shall pour out his blood at the fess that lie haith sinned in that thing: 26. 40. bbtto'i oat the altar of burnt offering. 6 And he shall bring his trespass offering NOEa. 0. 7. 26 And he shall burn all his fat upon tlie unto the LORD tr his sin wleic he leath 1E 10. 11, yeh. 3. 5. altar, as Ytho fat of tile sacrifice of peace sinned, a female from the flock, a lambj or ver. 20. offerings: Zand the priest shall make an a. kid of tlie goats, for a sin offering; and Num. 15. 28. at6nement for him as concerning his sin, the priest shall make an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven htin. conerning his sile. aver. 2. 27 And "if tany one of the tconmon 7 And iif lie be hot able to bring alamb, ih. 12. 8. & Num. 15.27. people sin through igeiorance, while lie doeth then hie shall bring for his trespass, which 14. 21.'tHe,. ary somneechat aganist any o' the command- he hath eomauaitted, two lturtledoves, ola ttHe. Gs [sotl. ments of the LORD concerning thlings tive youn pigeons, unto the LOD; one for hand cannot -tHaIb. lebtwl whieih ought not to be done, and be guilty; a sin offeaing, and the othee tor - burnt of- -ach to Me of tlet lae. 28 Or lit' his sin, which he hath sinned, tering. ee.eiteee of b ver. 23, comenic to his knowledge; thlei he shall bring 8 Ald he Shall bring them unto t he priest, ak. 1. t14. hist offering, a kid of the goats, a female whi6 hall Offer that which is for the sin of-. without blemish, for his sien which le hath- tering first, and ewring off iis head from his t cl. 1. 15. sinned. neek, but shall not divide it asunder: - c ver. 4, 21. 29 And lie shall lay lhis hand upon the 9 And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the head of the Sin offering, and slay tie sin sin offering upon the side of the altar; and offering in the place oftihe burnt offering. "the rest of the blood stall be wrung out at n cch. 4. 7, 18, 30 And the priest shall take of the blood tie bottom of the altar: it is a sin offeringe 30, 31. thereof with his fiuger, and put it upon the 10 And lie shall offer the second foe- a horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall burnt offering, according to the.'a manner: e 1. pour out all the blood thereof at tile bottom la nd the priest shall make an atonement ocdinance. of the altar. for him for his sill which he hatI sinned, n ctl. 1. 14. dch. 3. 14, 31 And dhe shall'take away all the fat aand it shall be forgiven lim. -ocl. 4. 26. oh. 3. 3. thereof, eas the fat is taken away from off 11, But if he be not able to bring two the sacrifice of peac offerings; and the turtledoves or two young pigeons, then lie prieit shall burna it uipon the altar for a that sinned shall bring for his offering the fEx. 2.9. 18. fsweet scvour unto the LORD; aand the tenth part of an eplall of fine flour for a sin Cl. 1. 9. priest chall make an atonement for him, offering; i'he shallput no oal upon it, nei- Nua. 5.15. g ye. 26. and it shall be forgiven him. ther shall he put any frankincense thereon: 32 And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, for it is a sin offering. hver. 28. bh lie Aliel bring it a femnao leithout blemish. 12 Then shall le bring it to the priest, and 33 And lie shall lay hlis landl upon the hlead the priest shall talke lois handful of it, 1 even 0e. 2, 2. of tliesin offering, and slay it for a sin offer- a mmaorial thereof, and burn it on the ing in the place beihere they kill the burnt altar,''according to the offerings made by a. cel. 4. 35. ofEering. fire unto the LORD: it is a sin offering. 31 And the priest shall take of the blood 13'And the priest shall make an atone- at 4. 26. of the sin offering with hlis finger, and put ment for him as touching his sin that he it tpon the horns of the altar of burnt offer- hath sinned in one of these, and it shall be ing, and shall pour out all tihe blood there- forgiven Ilim: and tthle cemnant secall be t cll. 2. 3. of at tile bottom of the altar: the priest's, as a meat offering. 35 Aid lhe shall take away all the fat there- 14 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, oa, as the fat of the limb is taken away from saying, 01 sThe trespass offering. LEVITICUS. Law of the sin offering. 0LC. 0 1490. 15 U1f aI soul commit a trespass, and sin 11 And "'ho shall putt off his garments, B.C. 1490. through ignorance, in the holy things of the and put on other garments, and carry forth b. 22. 14. LORD; then'he shall bring for his tres- tile ashes without the camp' unto a clean nEz.. 44. xEzre 10. 19. ptss onto the LORD a ram without blemish place., h. 4.12. out of the flocks, with thy estimation by 12 And the fire upon the altar shall be yEx. 30.13. sloekels of silver; after Ythe shelkel of the burningin it; itshall]not beput out: and,h. 27. 20. eanctuary, for a trespass offering: the priest-shall burn wood on it every morn1G And hle shall make amends for the harm ing, and lay the burnt offering in order upthat he hath done it the holy thing, and on it; and he shall burn thereon Ithe fat of o ch.3.3,9,14. eeh..1.h21.'shall add the fifth part therto, nod give the peace offerings. I 14. & 27.'i3, it unto the priest: aand the priest shall 13 Thefire shall ever be burning upon the!{15, 27, 31. make an atonement for him with the ram of altar; it shall never go out...7. tle trespass offering, nnd it shall be for- 14 ~'And this is the law of the meat pch. 2.1.' ch. 4.l. 2.given him. offering: The'sons of Aaron shall offer it fnsu. 154. bch. 4. 2. 17 And if a bsoul sin,, and commit any before the LORD, before the altar. of these things whlich are forbidden to be 15 And lie shall take of it his handful, of done by the commandments of tie LO RD; the l our ofthe meatoffering, and of the oil sre. 15. Cthough hs wist it not, yet is he dguilty, thereof, aod all the fenltincense shioh is. 4.2, 13,.and shall hear his iniquity. upon the meat offering, and sinall burn it 22, 27..1 12 18 eAnd toe shall bring- a ram without pon the altanrfor a sweet savourn even the Lulso 10. 48. bleish out of the flock, with thy estimation, q memorial ofit, Unto tie LORD. ql c. 2. 2, 9. der. 1, 2. for a trespass offering, unto tile priest: 16 And the remainder thereof shallAaron.cll. 2.. fand the priest shall make an atonement and his sons eat: Swith ulfeaveee d'lbread Ez. 44. 29. for him concerning his ignorannce wherein shall it be eaten in the holy place; in thle ever. 26. f -e. 10. ohe erred and wist it not, and it shall be court of the tabernacle of the'congregation o10. 12.13. forgiven hlim. they shall eat it. Nn. 10. 10. g Ezra 10. 2. 19 It is a trespass offering: he hoath cer: 17.tlit shallnot be bakenwithleaven. "I t ch. 2.11. tainly trespassed against the LORD. have given it unto tlemt for their portion scum. 18. 9, CHABPTER VI. of my offerings made by fire; it' is most 10. I Th,eeelasa oijh,',oo.or tea dEog esttingly. 8 holy, as is the sin offering, and as the tres- user. 25. Thesla, of the Iberfqoro,, 14a,sdoflhhmeat pass offering.... o 1Oi,9g. 19 ls qffeeiigot eeeoeo ia sf 18 oAI the omales aong the children of ch.23.&7.1. aposiss.. 214 Telo....ofelosison offri,.ig. Anron shall eat of it.'It shall be a sta,- ye.29. ~ND the LORD spake upto T~ose~s,~ so say- Num..10. A Da the Le spoke o oses, sty ut- for ever in your generations concerning -- ing, tle offerings of the LoRD made by fire:. 17. s ol... 2 If a soul sin, and ncommit trespass 0eveoy osl that toucheth them shall be o lo. 29. 37. Osh. 19. 11. against tlhe LORD, end blio unto his neigh- holy. ch.'h2.3, 4, 5, Ass. 5. 4. hour in that Iwhich was delivered him to 19 ~ And the LORD spake unto IMoses, Col... keep, or in II t fellowship, or ina thitg taken saying, eEln.. 227, 10. away by violence, or bath ddeceibed his 10 OTb is the offering of Aaron and of 04.. 29. 2. Or, i,o deal neighbor;. his sons, whisoh they shall offer unto:the i 3 Or thave found that whichlo no lost, and LORD in the day when he is anointed; the tHt.pse-io lieth oo0nerning it, and fwearceth falsely; tenth part of an Iephah of fine flour fora on. 16..36. f.t the ~l2.2d. in anyo all ohce th at a man docth, sin- meat offering perpetual, lialf of it in the d PO- 124.10. ning therein: morning, and half thereof at night. 4 Tohen it shall be, becouso be heath sinned, 21 In a pan it shall be me nd witl oil; and 21,53. 2 and is guilty, that he shall vestore that when it is baken, thou shalt bring it in': i ex. 22. 11. s mn. 10W whisk he toebkeiolnntlyoweyoe thw thing sod the hakoopie aee of Ile noaoffering wlich he hathl deceitfully gotten, or that shalt'thoua ffer for a sweet' saveour unt I hih htokiontyay, 19r 12'tin Jel.. h 9. whish as.oelieeezd him to keep, or the lost the LORD. eolo. 1. 4. thing which he found, 22 And the priest of his sons dthat is Ihlo. 4.3. 5 Or all that about which te bath sworn anointed in his stead shall offer it: it is a g ch. 5.16. falsety; he shall even'orestore it in the statute for ever unto the LORD; Oit shall E o9. 25. tno.. 7. peincipal, ad shellodd theefifth part more be wholly burnt. Lkn1'9. O. ther eto, nd gi;e it unto ino whom it 3 For every meat offering for the priest s. oppertainethol55in the day of his trespass shall be wholly burnt: it shall not be e/iten. Or, i. the otreriu 4 J'A (I the LORD pAke unto Moses.. dw/ f hi, Arnh e sha ll bring his trespass offering saying, gsini faond saying, guilty. unto the LORD, h ram.s ithout blemish 25 Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, soy- fob. 4. 2. teb. ies she out of the f0ik, with thy estimation, for a ing, fThis is the nlaw of the sin otffering: 5 h. 1. 5,,11. tla ef hi, trespass ofiering, unto th priest 91n the the burnt offering'is 4. 1,29,33. ~e spa'so 7 IAnd the priest shall make an atonement killed shall tlhe sin offering be killed before h. 17. hnh5.. 15. for. him before the LoRD: and it shall be the LORD: hit is most holy. o. 01. 10. ich. 4. 26. forgiven him for any thing of all that he 26 iThe priest that offereth it for sin shall i s. 10. 17,18. hath donein trespassing tlierein. 2at it bin the holy place shall it be eaten, N o. 18. 9, 8. And the LORD spake unto loses, in the court of the tabernnacle of teo eongre- 10. saying, gation. E,. 4. 28,29. 9 Command Aaron and his sons, saying, 27 tWhatsoever shall touch the flesh there- we. 16. This is the law of the burnt offering: It is ofshallbe holy: and when there i's sprinkled I ) E29.S37. & In0r, fo en. the burnt offering, Ibilecause of the burning ofthe blood thereofupon any garment, th Du.2 urninoy. aupon the altar all night unto thle morning, shalt waslh that whereon it was sprinkled in sd1.33. & andt the fire of the altar shall be blurning the holyplace. 15. 12. in it. 28 But the earthen vessel wlerein it is own'. 18. key.28.39,40, 10 / And the priest shall put on his linen sodden e.shll be broken: and if it be ted- 100. 18. 10. 41, 43. garment, and his linen breeches shall he den in a brazen pot,itshallbe both scoured,.ee. 25.. 16. 4. pot pon I'is feole, and take up the ashes and rinsed in ater 4..7,11, z. 44'. 17,18' hichP the fire hath consumed with the burnt 29' All the mal es mong the priests shall.' & 1. offering on the altos, and lie shall put them eat thereof: it is mot hloly. 27. Ink. 1. 16. Ibesids the altar. 30 P And no sin offering, whereof any of ne,. 1t. 11. 1. The peace offerings. LEVITICUS. The priests' portion' B. C. 1400. the blood is brought into the thbernacle of thicg shall not be eatene it shell be burnt B. 0. 14900 the congregation to reconcile withal in tle with fire: and as for the flesh, all that be holy place, shall be eaten: it shall be burnt Clean shall'eat thereof. in the fire. 20 But the soul.thet eateth of the flesh of CHAPTER VII. the sacrifice of peace offerings, that pertain I~ TI —-, l cft t,-, e l f th eunto the LORD,'having his uncleanness rch.15. 3. 12htoh-iti bsihel.esltlisftest b- upe n him, o ven that soul shallbe cat off.. s..17. C gieieg, i6i ea ete, o, freeilt offercis. 22 from his people. tsh. fi,, ie blod,.,e f-cbidd,. 28 21 Moeover the sol that shall touch any Te' otiotsthe o,tl rige. unclean thing, as tthe uncleanness of man, t ch. 12, & 13, oh.,.7. TIKEWISE Ithis is the law of the tree- or any' unclean beast, or any "abominable & 15. th. 1.17,25. L paspts offeritg: t it is most holy. eunclean thing, and eat of the flesh of the such. 11.2,28. & 21. 22. 2 eln the place where they kill tile burnt sacrifice of peace offerings, which pertain, Et. 4. 14. sch.1. 3,... offering shall they kill the trespass ffering: unto the LORD, even that soul'shall be ~er. 20. &4.24,29,33. and the blood thereof shall he sprinkle out off from his people. round about upon the altar. 22 [ And the LORD spake unto Moses, dE. 291.13. 35 And he shall offer of it dell the fat saying, ch.3.4,9, 10, thereof; the rump, and the fat that coy- 23 Speak unto the children of Israel, say14, 1, 16. sereth the inwards, ing, YYe shall eat no manner of fat, of ox, ych. 3. 17. 9. 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is or of sheep, or of goat. on them, which is by the flanks, and tlee 24 And tihe fat of the 0 beast that dieth of t Hob. caul that is above the liver, with the kid- itself, and the fet of that which is torn with |rc5, neys, it shall lee take away: beasts, maybe used in any other use: but sh. 17. 15. Dloat. 14,21. 5 And the priest shall burn them upon the ye shall in no wise eat of it... 14. altar for an offerig made by fire unto the 25 For whosoever e.teth the fat of the 4i. 31. LORD: it is a trespass offering. beast, of which men offer an offering made -h. 6.l16,17, 6 cEvery male among the priests shalleat by fire unto the LORD, even the soul that 180 thereof: it shall be eaten in the holy place: eeteth it shall be cut off from Ihis people. Nue. 18. 9, fitis mostholy. 26 eMoreover ye shall eat no manner of zen. 9. 4. 10. 7 As the sin offering is, so is lthe trespass blood, whether it be of fowl or of beast, in ti. 1. i. fch. 2. 5. offering: there is one lawI for them: the any of your dwellings. 17. 10-14. gIch. 6.25,26. priest that maketh atonement therewith 27 Whatsoever soul it be that eateth any & 14. 13. shall have it. manner of blood, even that soul shall be cut 8 And the priest that offereth any man's off from his people. burnt offering, ecvent the priest shall have 28 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, to himself the skin of the burnt offering saying, which he hlath offered. 29 Speak onto the children of Israel, sayhch. 2. 3, 10. 9 And hall the meat offering that is baken ing, 0He that offereth the sacrifice of his ale.3. 1. Nsum. 18. 9. in the oven, and all that is dressed in the peace offerings unto the LORD, shall bring E..14. 29. fryingpan, and iIin the pan, shall be the his oblation unto the LORD of the sacrifice 11Or, o0 the priest's that offereth it. of his peace offerings. fielt slt, o 10And every meat offering, mingled with 30 b His own hands shall bring the offerings b eh. 3.3,4,9, ti oil, and dry, shall all the sons of Aaron of the LORD made by fire, the fat with the 14. have, one as much as another. breast; it shall he bring, that'the breast ce. 29.24,27. ioh. 3. 1. & 11 And ithis is the law of the sacrifice of may be waved for a wave offering before h.. 27. & 2. 10, 21. 0peace offerings, whioh he shall offer unto the LORD. 9. 21. the LORD. 31 dAnd the priest shall burn the fat upon N 0.6 20. 12 If he offer it for a thanksgiving, then the alta'but tht breast shall be Aaron's h. 3. 5,11, he shall offer with tihe sacrifice of thanks- and his sons'.. giving unleavened cakes mingled with oil, 32 And fthe right shoulder shall ye gic vetr. 34.' ch. 2. 4. and unleavened wafers Eanointed with oil, unto the priest for a heave offering of the fos. 34. Na-. 6.i15. and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, sacrifices of your peace offerings;. ch. 21. N~m. 6. 20. fried. 33 He among the sons of Aaron, that offer18'Besides the cakes, he shall offerfor his eth the blood of the peace offerings, and the lA-. 4. 5. offering Ileavened bread with the sacrifice fat, shall have the rightl shoulder for his of thanksgiving of his peace offerings. part. 14 And of it hle shall offer one out of the 34 For the wave breast and the heave gEx. 29. 28. whole oblationfor a heave offering unto the shoulder have I taken of the children of h. I0.l14,15L etease18.8, LORD, eCtT1c it shall be the priest's that Israel from off the sacrifices of their peace Nt19.l.l. 11, 19. lu.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 1 19. sprinkleth the blood of the peace offerings. offerings, and have given them unto Aaron Dest. 18. 3. coh.i22. 30. 15 "And theflesh of hthe sacrifice of his the prist d unto his sons, by a statute peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be for ever, from among the children of Israel. eaten the same day that it is offered; he 35 ~ This is the portiont of the anointing shall not leave any Of it until the morning. of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, och. 19. 6, 7, 16 But Iif the sacrifice of his ffering be out of the offerings of the LORD made by 8. a vow, or a voluntary offering, it shall be fire, in the day when he presented them eaten the same day that lie offereth his sac- to minister unto the LORD in the priest's ritice; and on the moerrow also the remain- office; der of it shall be eaten: 36 Which the LORD commanded to be 17 But the remainder of the flesh of the given them of the children of Israel, tin hEa.40.13,15. sacrifice oa the third day shall be burnt the day that he anointed them, by a statute ch. 8. 12, 30. with fire. for ever throughout their generations. {i h. 6. 9.! 18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice 37 This is the law iof the burnt offering, och. 6.. of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the kef tie meat offering, land of the sil offe. k ih. 6. 14; third day, it shall not be accepted, neither ing, tand ef the trespats offering, "and of ah e.. 6. 25. pluW. 18.27. Ishall it be Piimputed unto him that offereth tie consecrations, asd'of the sacriice of ver. 1. qth. 1.ll0,tl, itt it shall be an'cabomination, and the the peace oeringe; nEx. 29. I. 41. h 19K 7. soul that eatetle of it shall bear his iniquity. 30 Which the LORD commanded MIoses in ch..20. 19 And the tlesh that touchethany unclean -mount Sinai, in the day that he commanded ver. Il 78 'Moses consecrateth LEVITICUS. Aaron and his sons. B.:. 1490. the children of Israel I'to offer their obla- upon the altar: it uas a burnt sacrifice for B. C. 1490. tions unto the.LORD, in the wilderness of a sweet savour, ald an offering made by fire rpch. 1. 2. Sinai. unto the LORD; Was the LORD commandedI uEx. 29. 18. CHAPTER VIII. Moses. i 1 CHess T Int o I. a 14T, 22 ~[ And'"he brought the other ram, the weEx. 29. 19,: il. stw18 Tikebr ebt et 2o2rn, r22 erameofconsecration: andaron andahistsons 31. ram of tlseceations. 31 The pilace and time of laid their hands upone the head of the ram. their ose. 23 And he slew it; and loses took of the A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- blood of it, and put it upon the tip of L, ing, Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of Er,. 29. 1, 2, 2'Take Aaron and his sons with hi, and his right hand, an d upon the great toe of 3. bthe garments, and-'the anointing oil, and his right foot. E b. 28. 2, 4. a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, 24 And he brought Aaron's sons, and C x. 30. 24, and a basket of unleavened bread;. Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their 25. 3 And gather thou all tion to- igt ea, and po the tco numb of their gether unto the door of the tabernacle of right hands, and upon the great toes of the congregation. their. right feet: and Moses sprinkled the 4 And:Moses did as the LORD commanded blood upon the altar round about. him; and the assembly was gathered to- 25'And he took the fat, and the rump, x Ex. 29. 22. gether unto the door of the tabernacle of and all the fat that ueas upon the inwards, the congregation. and the caul above the liver, and the two kid5 And Moses said unto the congregation, neys, and their fat, and the right shoulder: dE x.29.4. ilThis is the thing which the LORD co- 26 lAnd out of the basket of unleavened y Bx. 29. 23. manded to be done. bread, that toas before the LORD, he took 6 And Moses brought Aaron and his sons, one unleavened cake, and a cake of oiled e Ex. 29. 4, eand washed them with water. bread, and one wafer, and put then on the f Ex. 29. 5. 7 f And he put upon him the 8coat, and fat, and upon the right shoulder: g E.. 28. 4. girded him with the: girdle, and clothed him 27 And lie put all "upon Aaron's hands, z Ex. 29. 24, with the robe, and put the ephod upon him, and upon his sons' hands, and waved them &c. and he girded him with the curious girdle of for a wave offering before the LORD. the ephod, and bound it unto him therewith. 28'And Moses took them from off their tEl,. 29. 25. 8 And he put the breastplate upon him: him: hands, and burnt theem on the altar upon hEx. 28. 30. also he hput in the breastplate the Uri tile burnt offering: they were consecrations and the Thummim. for a sweet savour: it is an offering madeiEx. 26.29. O iAnd he put the mitre upon his head; by fire unto the LORD. also upon the mitre, even upon his fore- 29 And Moses took the breast, and waved front, did he put the golden plate, the holy it foe a wavc offering before the LORD: for|kEx. 28. 37, crown; as the LRD keommanded Moses. of the ram of consecration it was loses' h&. 10 lAnd Moses took the anointing oil, and b part; as the LORD commanded Moses. i Ex. 29. 26. l E,. 30. 26, anointed the tabernacle and all that was 30 And e Moses took of the anointing oil, c Ex. 29. 21. & 27, 28, 29. therein, and sanctified-them. and of the blood vwhich cons upon the altar, 0 30.30. 11 And he sprinkled thereof upon the altar and sprinkled it upon Aaron, ated upon his NU. 3. 3. seven times, and anointed the altar and all garments, and upon his sons, and upon his his vessels, both the laver and his foot, to sons' garments withl him; and sanctified sanctify them. Aaron, and his garments, and his sons, mEx.29. 7. & 12 And he "poured of the anointing oil and his sons' garments with him. 30. 30. upon Aaron's head, and anointed him, to 31 t And Moses said unto Aaron and to chl. 221t.1 12. sanctify him. his sons, dloil the~flesh at the door of the dEn.'29. 31, P.. 133. 2. 13'"And Moses brought Aaron's sons, and tabernacle of tie congregation; and there 32. Ex.C 29. 9, 9. put coats upon them, and girded them with eat it with the bread that is in the basket t[heb. 6oend. girdles, and tput bonnets upon them; as of consecrations, as i commanded, saying, the LORD commanded Moses. Aaron and his sons shall eat it. Eo. 2.9 10. 14 ~And he brought the bullock for the 32 eAnd that which remainoth of the flesh E 29. 34. Ez. 43. 19. sin offerrig:, and Aaron and hissons Plaid and of the bread shall ye burn with fire. p ch. 4. 4. their hands upon the head of the bullock for 33 And ye shall not go out of the door of the sin offering. the tabernacle of the congregation itt seven cqEx. 29. 12, 15 And he slew it; qand Moses took the days, until the days of your consecration be 306. blood, and put it upon the horns of the at an end: for feven days shall he conse- fe.209.30,3.5. c lt 4.. aItar round about with his finger, and.puri- crate you. E, 4. 25;20. Heb. t. 2 fied the altar, and poured the blood at the 34 S As he hath done this day, so the LORD g Heb. 7. 16. bottom of tile altar, and sanctified it, to lhath commanded to do, to make an atonemake reconciliation upon it. ment for you. rEx. 29. 13. 16'And he took all the fat that seas upon 35 Therefore shall ye abide at the door of tch. 4. 8. the inwards, and the caul above the liver, the tabernacle of the congregation day and and the two kidneys, and their fat, and night seven days, and hkeep the charge of hNum.3.7. & Moses burned it upon the altar. the LORD, that ye die not: for so I am I. 1. 17 But the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, commanded. Deut. 11. 1. and his dung, he burnt with fire withoutthe 36, So Aaron and his sons did all things 1 Kings 2. 3. sEx. 29. 14. camp; as the LORD Scommanded Moses. which the LORD commanded by the hand ch. 4. 11,12. 18 ~ tAnd he brought the ram for the ofMoses. itEx. 29. 1. burnt offering: and Aaron and his sons laid CHAPTER IX. their hands upon the headdof tile ram. 1 Tlefr te fcen J of Aarot, for himself n, ite.19 And he killed it; and Moses sprinkled,eo-epl. 8 T..estl, o.nfc, I. 12dtle beut ofthe blood upon the altar round about. fseetieefoJeimjeld. 15 tietffofeiegfe1fleeoP20 And he out the ram into pieces; and ls. 23 24ros ate AaSet bless the 0eot~le Moses burnt theheadi and the pieces, and Pire cometlsftom t he eo;, e tp' tiehl. a the fat. A i AND ait came to pass on the eighth day, a z. 43. 27. 21 And he washed tlle.inwards and the legs.L-L that Moses called Aaron and his sons, in water; and Meoses burnt the wholo ram and the elders of Israel; 19 I First offerings of Aaron. LEVITICUS. Nadab and Abihn slai?. Bt. 1. 1490. 2 And lie said unto Aaron, bTake theo a 23 And Mnoses and Aaron went into tine B. C. 1400. young calf for a sin offering, Iand a ram for tabernacle or the congregation, and came bEx. 29.1. a burnt offering, without blemisli, nnd offei' out, and blessed tile people: Cnnd tile eer.1. h. 4.3. & 0. then before tho LoRD. glory of the LORD appeared unto all the lUon. 14.10. 14. 3 And unto tile children of Israel thou people. &.19, 42. a010h. 0.18. shale speak, saying, dTake yc a kid of the 24 Andd there came a fire out from before dGem. 4. 4. doth. 4. 23. goats tor a sin oafering; and a calf and a te LoaRD,'and consumed upon the altar Judg. 6. 21.t Ezra,. 6.17. & I Ki. 18.38. o10. 19. lamb, both of the first year, without blem- the burnt offering and thefat: which when 2 Chr. 7.l1. 10. 1. lh, for a burnt offering; all the people saw,'they shouted, and fell P. 20. 3. 4 Also a builock and a ram for peace offer- an beir'fnct. I Ki...18.39. b. 2. 4. ings, to sacrifice before the LOb D; and' CACPTEh. 7. 3.a fer. 6, 23. mnot oifering mingled with oil: fo fIt day, foe o Xfi. o -..o, En. 29. 4. the LORD will appear unto you. I nda,obot lAom., n., no. 0,'5 ~ And they brought that which Moses bidde04 4o n,ooo for then,. 8 TOe piests are comnanded before tOt tabernaclo of tie forbidden loino ohen 0hey nae to to into ile congregation: and all the congregation drew tobernacle. 12 Theoat ofearln eho l hings.oao. near and stood before the LORD. 22otoantfotnt, io n. a.. And Moses said, This is the thing ahich -ND 3aN4dab and Abihu, the sons of i22.9.| A ND'Nadab Oat Abib the, sons'. of the LonD commanded that ye should do. Aaron, btook either of them Ibis con- & 2.61. (I. yer. 23. and Yt01 glory af the LORD shall appear seo, and put fire therein, and put incense 1 Chr. 24. 2. En. 24. 16, onto you. thereon, and offered C'trange fire before bch. 16. 12. 7 And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the the LORD, which he commanded them not. Num. 0. 18. h ah. 4. 3. altar, anid hioffer thy sin offering, and thy 2 And there dent ot t fire from the LORD, c E-. 30. 9. [ ann. 3.14. burnt offering, and make an atonemnnt for and devoured them, and they died before dch. 9. 24. 71b. 0. h. & thyself, and for the people: and ioffer thle the LORD. |Nu. 10.35. 7. 27. & 9. 7. 8Te oe adut aoTi s 2o.07 offering of tile people, and makt an aton- Thn o id unto Aaton, This i 2n.. ih. 4.. n16, for them; as the LORD commanded. it that the LORD spake, saying, I will be /E. 10.22. h b. 5. 1. 8 ~ Aaron therefore went unto theo altar, sancotified in thenm tlint come nigh me, and 29.40. and'slew the calf of the sin offering, wmich before all tho people I will be fglorified. h. 21. 6, 17, J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21. ne8 for himself. " gad Aaron held his peace.. 52. 11. nkh.0. 11..9 kAnd the sons of Aaron brought the 4 And Moses called Mlishael and Elza- Ez. 20. 41. & blood unto lim: and lie dipped his finger phan, the sons of AoUzziel the uncle of Ao- 42. 13. 1 Sech. 4.7. in tile blood, and lput it upon tho horns of ron, and saidunto them, Come near, icarry.fis. 49.3. the altar, and poured oun the blood t the your brethren from before the sanctuary E.. 28. 22. bottom of the altar: out of the camp. Joho 13. 31 ch. S. 16. 10'nBut the fat, and the kidneys, and the 5 So theywent near, and carried them in 32&l i1. 130. caul above te liver of th e io sin otfering, hie thteir coats out of the camp; as Moses had.. 39. 9. nh.4.. hburnt upon the altar; aJs the LORD con- said. manded Mtoses. 6 And Moses said unto Aaron, and unto AhE..6.18,22. och. 4. 11. & 11 OAnd the flesh and the hide he burnt Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his' sons, kUn- No. 3.1.17. with fire without the camp. cover not your heads, neither rend your iLuke 7. 12. 12 Ande slew'the burntoffering; and clothes; lest ye die, and lest Iwrath come Acts 5. 6, 9, Aaron's sons presented unto ]lim the blood, upon all the people - but let your broeth- 10. & 8. 2. -a 1.5o. h 8. P'whieh lie sprinkled round about upon the ren, the wholo house of Israel, bewail the kEa. 33.5. 19. altar. burning nwhich tile LORD hath kindled..1.. noth. 8. 20. I3 lAnd they presented th burnttoffering 7'"4Andye shall not go out from the door 21.1.10. unto him, with tile pieces thereof, and the of the tanbernacle of the congregation, lest NUm 6.6,7. bead: and he burnt theoaa upon the altar. ye die: nfor the anointing oil of the LORD n 1t3. 93.1. - e.. 0. IL 14 eAnd he did wnash the inwards and the is upon you. And they did aceording to the E. 24.16,17. legs, and burnt thetn upon the burnt offer- word of MIoses. I N-.1.lO, ing an ton altar. 8 ~ And the LORD spake unto Aaron, 0.7.1. & th. 10. A' nd bohe'brought the people's offering, saying,. 22 18, 20. s. 53.10. and took the goat, whichi wonas tle sin offer- 9 ODo not drink wine nor Strong drink, Sam. 24.l1. He;i 2:17. & ing for the people, and slew it,.and offered thoa, not thy sons with thee, whecte go,.oh. 21. 12. 0. 3. it for sin, as the first. into tho tabernanle of the congregation,, 2E. 28. 41. 16 And he brought the burnt offering, and lest ye die: ii hall be a statute for ever ih.o. 30. oh. 1. 3, 10. eeditaoding to the 0naanne. troughout your generations: o. 4. 21. i'1.3 1.offered it faceordi'goth lan r:'[:E,. 44. 21./ Oi. 17 And he broughto'thc meatoffering, and 10 And'that ye may i'put difference be- Luke 1.'15. ordinanen. ttook a handful thbreof, and burnt itupon tween holy and unholy, and between un- 1 Tim..3.3. a. the altar, 0besidestheburnt tacrifioe of'the clean and clean; Tit. 1. 7. h. 2. i, 2. morniing. 11'And that ye may teach the children of alt. 112.47. t[nHO. AtW 18 ie slew also the bullock and the ta Israel all the statutes which the LORD lath 200. 25. hi,,on.doaat for Yta sacrifice of p nce.offerings, whioch spoken unto them by the hand ofMoses. -e. 11. 19. nf it. wns for the people: and Aaron's sons pre-'12'f And"oioses spake unto Aaron, and 44.2L23:..E.. 29. 38. sented unto him the blood, which he nprin- unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar, his sons qDeut 24. 8. y ch. 3. 1, c., bled upon the altar roond about, that nere left, Take "thn neat offering that Ot. 0. 2, 8, 19 And tile fat of the bullock and of the roemaineth of the offerings ofthe LoRDnmade 9, 13. ram, the rump, and thatwhich covereth tlhe by fire, and eat it without leaven beside the Jer. 1. 18. inwards, and the kidneys, and the caul altar: for'it is most holy. tnal. 2.7. nabove tileh -liver: 13 And ye shall eat it in the holy place, be.-' Ex. 29. 2: 20 And they put the fat upon the breasts, cause it 4 thy due, and thy sobs' due, of 16. caue i isthydue an ty sbs'due of[N-.m 18. 9.[ nt. 1., 16.'and toe burnt the'fat upon the altar: the sacrifices of the LORD made by fie: for 10.. 2. 21 An the' breasts and the right' sioulder tsoI:am commanded. oh. 21. 22. nE. 20. 14, Aaron naved'for o wane offering before 14 And breast and heave shol-.. i.. 7. 00, 31, the LORD; an Mosce commann ded. der shall )!e eat-in a clean place; thou, and h. 3. 32,. 33, 34. I 22 And Aaron lifted up ois'hand.toward thy sons, and thy daughters with thee:for lo bnutN. 6. 23. the people, and bblessed them; and Came they be toy due, and thy sons' due, which 26, 3. Dt. 21. 5. down from offering of the sin offering, and are give out of thesnaerifies of peace offer- oh. 7. 31, 4. Luke. 24. 50. the burnt offering, and'peacn offerings. ings of th Children of Israel. Num. in. 11. 80 Meats clean and unclean. LEVITICUS. Meats clean and unclean. B. C. 1490. 15 F The heave shoulder and the wave 1'4 And the vulture, and the kite after his B. C. 1490. breast shall -they bring with the offerings kind; e-h.7.29,30, made by fire of thie fat, to wave it for a 15 Every raven after his kind; 34. 3 wave offeringbefore the LORD; and it shall 16 And the owl, and the nighthawk, and be thine, and thy sons' with thee, by a stat- the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, ute for ever; as the LORD hath commanded. 17 And the little owl, and the cormorant, y ch. 9. 3, 15. 16 ~ And Moses diligently sought Ytbe goat and the great owl, of the sin offering, and, behold, itwns burnt: 18 And the swan, and the pelican, and the andhe ewas angry itll Eleazar and Ithamar, gier eagle, the sons of Aarona uhiclh were left alive, 19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, saying, and the lapwing, and the bat. ech. 6.2, 29. 11'Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin 20 All fowlsthat creep, goinguponallfour, offering in the holy place, seeing it is most shall be an abomination unto you. holy, and God lath given it you to bear the 21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying iniquity ofthe congregation, to make atone- creeping thing that goeth upon all four, ment for them before the LORD? which have legs above their feet, to leap a ch.. 30. 18 Behold, I the blood of it was not brought withal upon the earth; in within the holy place ye should indeed 22 Evet these of them ye may eat; tthe g[iatt. 3. 4. i ch. 6. 26. have eaten it in the holy place, b as I corm locust after his kind, and the bald locust 5ltark 1. 6. manded. after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, 19 And Aaron said unto Moses, Behold, and the grasshopper after his kind. cch. 9. 8, 12. Cthis day have they offered their sin offering 23 But all other flying creeping things, and their burnt otfering before the LORD; which have four feet, shall be an abominaand such things have befallen me: and if tion unto you. Jer.f. 20. &- I had eaten the sin offering to day, dshould 24 And for these ye shall be unclean: 14.12. it have been accepted in the sight of the whosoever touclethtlthe carcass of them shall Hos. 9. 4. LORD? be unclean until the even. af.te1.10,13. 20 And when Moses heard that, he was 25 And whosoever beareth aught of the content, carcass of them hrshall wash his clothes, and, ch. 14. 8. & CHAPTEr R XI. be unclean until the even. 15. 6. I s'lat beas may., 4 and uehad t,nal ot be catcr. 26 Tie carcasses of every beast which di- 2t se.19.10,i 9 Ihat fishes. 13 I'/lat ftowl 29'avhe reeling videth the hoof, and is not clovenfooted, nor 22 & 31. 24. lthineg. seich arei eleatt. cheweth the cud, ae cud are unclean unto you: A ND the LORD spake unto Moses and to every one that toucheth them shall be'un11. Aaron, saying unto them, clean. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, say- 27 And whatsoever goeth upon his pans, aDut. 14.. 4. ing, These arc the beasts which ye shall among all manner of beasts that go on alt Acts 10. 12, eat among all the beasts that are on the four, those are unclean unto you: a hoso 14. eartt. toucheth their carcass shall be unclean un3 Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is til the even. clovenfooted, and chewethll the cud, among 28 And he that beareth the carcass of them the beasts, that shall ye eat. shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until 4 Nevertheless, these shall ye not eat of the even they are unclean unto you. them that chew the cud, or of them that di- 29 ~ These also shall be unclean unto you vide the hoof: as the camel, because le among-the creeping things that creep upon cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; the earth; the weasel, and ithe mouse, and i Is. 66. 17. he is unclean unto you. the tortoise after his kind, 5 And the coney, because he cheweth the 30 And the ferret, and tle chameleon, and cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is un- the lizard, and the snail, and the mole. clean unto you. 31 These are unclean to you among all 6 And'the hare, because he cheweth the that creep: whosoever dotll touch them, cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is un- when they-be dead, shall be unclean until clean unto you. the even. 7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, 32 And upon whatsoever any of them; and be clovenfooted, yet hle cleweth not the when they are dead, doth fall, it shall be tAs. 65. 4. & cud; b ie is unclean to you. unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, 66. 3,17. 8 Of their-flesh shall ye not eat, and their or raiment, or - skin, or sack, whatsoever c Is.12.. 11 carcass shall ye not touch; they are un- vessel it be, wherein yany work is done,,kit fch. 16. 12. Seeaittl 15. 1 lea5 toyou. must be put into water, and it shall be tun11, 20. 9 ~s dThlese shall ye eat of all that arcin clean until the even; so itshali be cleansed. Strkh 7. 2, the waters: whatsoever hlath fins and scales 33 And every earthen vessel, whereinto any Acts 1. 14 in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be 1.5. & 1.5 29. them shall ye eat. unclean; and lye shall break it. Ich. 6. 28. & nom. 14.14, 10 And all that have not fins and scales in 34 Of all meat which may be eaten, that 15.12. 17. the seas, and inthe rivers, of all that move on which such water cometh shall be unor. 8. 8. in the waters, and of any living thing which clean: and all drink that may be drunk in lei,. 1. i(. is in the waters, they seall be an eabomina- every such vessel shall be unclean. t. 14. 9. tion unto you: 35 And every thing whereupon any part t c)ut,,;,, 11 They shall be even an abomination unto of their carcass falleth shall be unclean; Deut. 14. 3. you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall have their carcasses in abomination. shall be brokene dovn: for they are un12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in clean, and shall be unclean unto you. the waters, that sthall be an abomination 36 Nevertheless a fountain or pit, whtoerein unto you. there is tplenty of water, shall be clean: tIeb. agathfDeut. 14.12. 13 ~ fAnd these are they ewhich ye shall but that which touclieth their carcass shall e.ti taoIhave in abomination among the fowls; they be unclean. sv e o ater:. shall not be eaten, they are an abomina- 37 And if anypart of their carcass fall tion: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the upon any sowing seed which is to be sown, ospray, it shall be clean. 6 ml The puorification of women. LEVITICUS. Of discerning the leprosy. B. C. 1490. 38 But if any water be put upon the seed, sand the priest shall make an atonement B. C. 1490. and any part of their carcass fall thereon, for her, and she shall be clean. it shall be unclean unto your.. h, 4. 26. 39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat, CHAPTER XIII. die; he that toucheth the carcass thereof 1 Thelaws and it okensa h'by the priest is to be shall be unclean until the even. gaided is, di-e1tn s he eposy. Lhcl. 17. 15. 40 And" he that eateth of the carcass of it AND the LORD spake unto Moses and & 22. 8. shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until Aaron, saying, Deat. 1421. the even: he also that bearetll the carcass 2 Wien a man shall hate in the shin of. 14. of it shall wash his Clothes, and be unclean s is lesh a erising,'a scab, or. bright spot, 11 Or, s.lli.a... until the even. and it be in the skin of his flesh like the a Det. 28.27. 41 And every creeping thing that creepeth plague:of leprosy; bthen he shallbe be brought Is. 3. 17. upon the earth s/hall be an abomination; it unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his LDeut. 17. 8, shall not be eaten. sons the priests: 9. & 24. 8. 42 Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and 3 And the priest shall look on the plagua Luke 17. 14. whatsoever goeth upon all fobur, or whatsos in the skin of the flesh: and wh/ten the eair HHeb. ever t hath more feet among all creeping in the plague is turned ahite, and the plague loth mdl-things that creep upon the earth, them ye in sight be deeper than the skin of his flsh, ti/la fess, shall not eat; for they are an abomination. it is a plague of leprosy: and the priestI,cla. 20.5. 20. 2 43 Ye sall not make your tselves abo shall look on him, and pronounce him unt eb.souls. inable with any creeping thing that creep- clean. eth, neither shall ye make yourselves un- 4 If the bright spot be white in the skin of clean with them, that ye should be defiled his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than thereby. the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned 44 For I amt the LORD your God: ye shall white; then the priest shall shut up himn o Ex. 19. 6. herefore sanctify yourselves, and ~ye shall that hath the plague seven days: ch. 19. 2. & be holy; for I amn holy: neither shall ye de- 5 And the priest shall look on him the 20. t, 26. file yourselves with any manner of creeping seventh day: and, behold, if tli plague in PT1. I., i thing that creepeth upon thle earth. his sight be at P stay, and the plague spread 1 /. 445 i'For I aata tile LORD that bringeth you not inl the skin; t thethe priest shall shut i Ex.. 7. up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: him up seven days more: 4' ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. 6 And the priest shall look on him again 46 This is the law of the beasts, and of the the seventh day: and, bellold, if the pltague fowl, and of every living creature that mov- be somewhat dark, anl the plague spread eth in the waters, and of every creature that not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce creepeth upon the earth: him clean: it is but a scab: and he shall cell 11. 25. & la. 10. 10. 47 " To make a difference between the un- wash his clothes, and be clean.1.1. 8. clean and the clean, and between the beast 7 But if the scab spread much abroad in that may be eaten and the beast that may the skin, after that he hatl been seen of not be eaten. the priest for his cleansing, he shall be seen CHAPTER XII. of the priest again: 0 And if the priest see that, behold, the d1 flha prOicatio.b of lttomen after cla ldfirth. 6 scab spreadeth in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a leprosy. A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- 9 ~[ When the plague of leprosy is in a man, 1~ ing, tlen he shall be brought unto the priest; 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, say- 10 dAnd the priest shall see him: and, dTum-2.1l0, ach. 15. 19. ing, If a awoman have conceived seed, and behold, if the rising be white in the skin, 12. bLako 2. 22. borne a man child, then b she shall be un- and it have turned the hair white, and thea.e 2as a.a7. cal. 15. 19. clean seven days; Caccording to the: days be t quick raw flesh in the rising; 26.20. of the separation for her infirmity shall she 11 It is an old leprosy ill the skin of his ta Hb. be unclean. flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him,s qf ls v dGen. 17.12. 3 And in tile deighbth day the fesh of his uncleanl, and shall not shut him up: for he fesh. Luke 1. 59. foreskin shall be circumcised. is unclean. &'21.21. 4 And she shall then continue in the blood 12 And if a leprosy break -out abroad in dJhab 7. 22, of her purifying three and thirty days; she the skin, and the leprosy cover all the skin. shall tduch no hallowed thnlg, nor come of hima that hath the plague from his head intbthe'sancetuary, until the days of her even to his foot, wheresoever the priest purifying be fulfilled. looketh; 5 But if she bear a maid child, then she 13 Then the priest shall consider: and, shall be unclean two weeks, as in her sepa- behold, if the leprosy have covered all his ration: and she shall continue in the blood flesh, lhe shall pronounce hi.n clean that of her purifying threescore and six days. lhath the plague: it is all turned white: lie b eLke 2. 22. 6 And ewshen the days of her purifying are is clean. fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she 14 But when raw flesh appeareth in him, tsHet. a so, shall bring a lamb tof the first year for a he shall be unclean. Othiyeaps. burnt offering, and a young pigeon, or a 15 And the priest Shall tee the e raw flesh, turtledove, for a sin offering, unto the door and pronounce him to be unclean: foaa the of the tabernacle of the congregation, unto raw flesh is unclean: it it; at leprosy. the priest: 16 Or if the ralv flesh turn again, and be 7 Who shall offer it before the LORD, and changed unto white, lihe shall come unto the make an atonement for her; and slie Shall priest; be cleansed from tile issue of her blood. 17 And the priest shall see him: and, beTtlis is the law for her that hath borne a hold, if the plague be turned into white; fcl. 5.17. male or a female.: then the priest shall pronounce him clean LLuke2. 24. 8 f And if t she be not able to bring a that hath the plague: he is clean. tl eb. hea. lamb, then she shall bring two turtles, or 18 N, The flesh also, in whicll, even in'the hadafitd/lot two young pigeons; the one for the burnt skin thereof, was a eboil, and is healed, eEt. 9. 9. te1ficttoatof. offering, and the other for a sin offering: 19 And in the place of the boil there be a 82 Latws and- tokens LEVITICUS. whereby to discern leprosy. B. C. 1490. white rising, or a bright spot, white, and 37 But if the scall be in his sightsat astay,. C. 1490. somewhat reddish, and it be showed to the and that there is black hair grown up therepriest; ill; the scll is healed, he is elean: and the 20 And if, when the priest seeth. it, behold, priest shal pronounce him clean. it be in sight lower titan the skin, and the I88 q if a man also or a wtoman have in the hair thereof be turned twhite; the priest skill of their flesh blight spots, even white shall pronounce him unclean: it is a plague bright spots; of leprosy broken out of the boil. 39 Then the priest shall look: and, behold, 21 But if the priest look on it, and, behold, if the bright spots in the skin of their flesh tlhere be no white hairs therein, and if it be darkisll white, it is a freckled spot that be not lower than the skin, but be somewhat groweth in the skin: he is clean.!1 /dark; then the priest shall shut him up 40 And tie man whoset hair is fallen off tHel,. eadin seven days: ahis head, le is bald; yet is he clean. ti.led. 22 And if it spread much abroad in the 41Andthe that hath his hair fallen off from skin, then the priest shall pronounce him the part of his head toward his face, lie is unclean: it is a plague. forehead bald; yet is lie clean. 23 But if the briglt spot stay in his place, 42 And if there be in the bald head, or. and spread not,it is a burning boil; and bald forehead, a white reddish sore; it is the priest shall pronounce him clean. a leprosy sprung up in his bald head, or his 24 V Or if there be any flesh, in the skin bald fobrehead. tol,. whereof thereof is ta lot burning, and the 4d3Thentthepriest shall look upon it: and, anisg of quick iflesh thattburnetll havea wvlitehbright behold, if the rising of the sore be white /fis, spot, somewhat reddish, or white; reddish in his bald head, or in his bald 25 Then the priest slall look upon it: and, forehead, as the leprosy appeareth in the behold, if the hair in the bright spot be skin of the flesh; turned white, sandit be in sight deeper than 44 He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the skin; it is a leprosy broken out of the the priest shall pronounce him utterly unburning: wherefore the priest shall pro- clean; his plague is in his head. nounce him unclean: it is the plague of 45 And the leper in whom the platue is, leprosy. his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, 26 But if the priest look on it, and, be- and leo shall fput a covering upon his up- fEs. 24.17,22. hold, there be no white hair in the bright per lip, and shall cry, t Unclean, unclean. Mic 3. 7. spot, and it be no lower than the other skin, 46 All the days wherein the plague shall g Lan. 4. 15. but bo some:hat dark; then the priest shall be in him he shall be defiled; lhe is unshut him up seven days: Clean: lie shall dwell alone; l without the h Num. 5. 2| 27 And the priest shall look upon him the camp shall his habitation be. & 12. 14. seventh day: andl if it be spread much 47 l The garment also that the plague of 2 Iings 7. 3. abroad in the skin, then tihe priest shall leprosy is in, zhether it be a woollen ga- &Ch5. 21. pronounce him unclean: it is the plague of ment, or a linen garment; Luke 17. 12. leprosy. 48 Whether it be in the warp, or woof, of 28 And if the bright spot stay in his place, linen, or of woollen;.whether in a skin, or and spread not in the skin, but it be some- in any t thing made of skin; t Hb. what dark; it is a rising of the burning, 49 iAnd if the plague be greenish or red- toer of. and the priest shall pronounce him clean: dish in the garment, or in the skin, either for it is an inflammation of the burning. in the warp, or in the woof, or in any t thing t Hbh. vessel, 29 l If a man or woman have a piague of skin; it is a plag ofe of leprosy, and or i upon tie head or the beard; shall be sheled unto the priest: 80 Tien the priest shall see the plague: 50 And tie'priest shall look upon the and, behold, if it be in sight deeper than plague, and-shut up it that hath the plague the skin, and there be in it a yellow thin seen days: hair' then the priest shall pronounce him 51 And he shall look on the plague on the unclean: it is a dry scall, even a leprosy seventh day: if the plague be spread in the upon the head or beard. garment, either in the warp, or in the woof, 3I And if the priest look on the plague of or in a skin, or in any work that is made tihe scall, and, behold, it be not in sight of skin; the plague is ia fretting leprosy; i ch. 14. 44. deeper than the skin, and that there is no it is unclean. black hair in it; tien the priest shall shut 52 Ile shall therefore burn that garment, up hiS that hlath the plague of tle scll swhllether warp or woof, in woollen or in seven days: linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the 32 And in the seventh day the priest shall plague is: for it is a fretting leprosy; it look on the plague: and, behold, if the shall be burnt in the fire. scall spread not, and tiere bb in it no yellow 53 And if the priest shall look, and, behair, and the seall be not in sight deeper hold, the plague be not spread in the garthlan the skin; ment, either in the warp, or in the woot, or 33 He shall be slhaven, but the soall shall in any thing of skin; lie not shave; and the priest shall shut up 54 Then the priest shall command that ihin that hath the scall seven deays moree: they wsash'the thing wherein the plague is, 34 And in the seventh day the priest shall and he shall shut it up seven days more: look on the scall: and, behold, if the scall 55 And the priest shall look on the plague, be not spread in the skin, nor be in sighit after that it is washed: and, behold, ifJtlle deeper than the skin; then the priest shall plague have not changed his colour, and the pronounce him clean: and he shall wash plague be not spread, it is unclean; thou his clotles, and be le'an. sllt burn it-in the fire; it is fret inward, S5 But if the scall spread much in the skin twsethete it be bare within or without. tRcb. after heis cleansing; 5( And if the priest look, aLnd, behold, the wltether 83 Then the priests sall look on him: and, plague be somelwat dark after the sasll- iet/l di,,ste behold, if the scall be spread in the skin, ing of it; then hlie sllhall rend it out of the eat therethe priest shall not seek for yellow hair; garment, or out of the skin, or out of the fb,,ehhe is unclean. warp, or oit of the woof: thereof. 83 The rites and sacrifices LEVITICUS. in cleansing the leper. B. C. 1490. 57 And if it appear still in the garment, shall put it "upon the tip of the right ear B. C. 1490. either in the wvarp, or in the woof, or in any of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thing of skin; it is a spreading plague: thumb ot his right hand, and upon the great rEe. 29. 20. thou shalt burn that wherein the plague is toe of his right foot. clt. t. 23. with fire. 15 And the priest shall take some of the 58 And the garment, either -warp, or woof log of oil, and pour it into the palm of his or whatsoever thing of skin it be, which own left hand: thou shalt wash, if the plague be departed 16 And the priest shall dip his right finger from them, then it shall be washed the in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall second time, and shall bhe clean. sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven 59 This is the law ofr' the plague of leprosy times before the LORD: in a garment of woollen or linen, either in 17 And of the rest of the oil that is in his the warp, or woof, or any thing of skins, to hand shall the priest put upon the tip of pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it un- the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, olean. and upon thethumb of his right land, and CHAPTER XIV. upon the great toe of his right.foot, upon 1 The;te ald saceifices i, cleaneit ofthe lp,e. the blood of the trespast offering: 33 Thesg tsttofleprotyinahouse. 43 eteleteans 18 And the remnant of the oil that is in i,l of that house. the priest's hand lie shall pour upon the AN.D the LORD spake unto t Moses, say- head of him that is to be cleansed: tand ch. 4. 26. t ing, the priest shall make an atonement for him 2 This shall bhe the law of the leper in the before the LORD. a, att. 8.2,4. day of his cleansing: He " shall be brought 19 And the priest shall offer the sin offer- t h. 5. 1. 6. & ark 1. 40, unto the priest: ing, and make an atonement for him that is 12 7. 44., And the priest shall go forth out of the to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and Lke 5. 12 camp; and the priest shall look, and, be- afterard he shall kill the burnt offering: 14. & 17.1. can"P;' hold, if the plague of leprosy be healed in 20 And the priest shall offer the burnt ofthe leper; fering and the meat offering upon the altar: 4 Then shall the priest command to take and the priest shall make an atonement for te, tefor him that is to be cleansed tweo l birds him, and le shall be clean. spc trroes. ealive and clean, and bcedar wood, and 21 And itl he be poor, and t cannotgetso el. 5. 7. b ltum. 19. 6. I scarlet, and dhyssop: much; then lie shall take. one lamb foer a 12. 8. Hetb.1. 19. 5 And the priest shall command that one trespass offering t to be waved, to make an t Reh. hie de. 51. 7, of the birds be killed in an earthen essel atonement for him, and one tenth deal of haedl Teceh over running water. fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offer- ot. 6 As for the living bird, he shall take it, ing, and a log of oil; t el:. for and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and 22 tAnd two turtledoves, or two youag the hyssop, and shall dip them and the pigeons, such as he is able to get; and the nceh. 12. 8. b living bird in the blood of the bird that nas one shall be a sin offering, and the other a 15 14, 15. killed over the running water: burnt offering. a el,. 9. 13. 7 And he shall e sprinkle upon him that is 23 And he shall bring them on the eighth ever. 10, 11. f2liC. 5.10, to be cleansed from;ethe leprosy fseven day for his cleansing unto the priest, unto 14. times, and shall pronounce him clean, and the door of the tabernacle of the congregat Ieb. upton shall let the living bird loose t into the tion, before the LORD. ita fete ef open field. 24 YAnd the priest shall take the lamb of y ver. 12. hefLeld. 8 And le that is to be cleansed 9shall the trespass offering, and the log of oil, and geh. 13. 6. wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, the priest shall wave them for a wave ofh ch. 11. 25. h and wash himself in water, that he may be fering before the I.RD: clean: and after that he shall come into the 25 And he shall kill the lamb of the tresiuu.12.15. camp, and ishall tarry abroad out of his pass offering, tand the priest shall take zver.. tent seven days. oe blo od of theblood of the trespass offering, 9 But it shall be on the seventh day, that and put it upon the tip of the right ear of he shall sitave all his hair off his head and him that. is to be cleansed, and upon the his beard and his eyebrows, even all his thumbof his right hand, andupon the great hair he shall shave off: and he shall wash toe of his right foot. his clothes, also he shall wash his flesh in 26 And the priest shall pour of the oil into water, and he shall be clean. the palm of his own left hland: klratt. 8. 4. 4 10 And on the eighth day khe shall take 27 And the priest shall sprinkle with his Ieiark 1.1.4 two he lambs without blemish, and one ewe riglt finger some of the oil that is in his Luke 5. 14. lamb t of the first year without blemish, left hand seven times before the LORD: tHeb. and three tenth deals of fine flour for I 28 And the priest shall put of the oil that tlaeuhter meat offering, ingled with oil, and one log is in his hand upon the tip of the right ear ofhta.. of oil. of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the I th. 2.1.. 11 And the priest that maketh hitw clean thumb of his right hand, and upon the great urm. 15. 4, shall present the man that is to be made toe of his right foot, upon the place of the lean, and those things, before the LORD, at blood of the trespass offering: the door of the tabernacle of the congrega- 29 And the rest of the oil that is in the tion. priest's hand le shall put upon the head of 12 And the priest shall take one he lamb, him that is to be cleansed, to make an,ach. 5. 2, 18. and " offer him for a trespass offering, and atonement for him before the LORD. &. 6, 7. the log of oil, and I wave them for a wave 30 And he shall offer the one of n the aver 22. E.. 2.9. 24. offering before the LORD: turtledoves, or of the young pigeons, such oh. 15. EoE 29. 11! 13 And he shall slay the lamb ~ in the place pas e e can get;,h. 1..5, 11.& where he shall ll bill the sin offering and the 31 Even such as le is able to get, the one 4. 4, 2. burnt offering, in the holy place: for Pas fo' a sin offering, and the other for a burnt pch. 7.7. the sin offering is the priest's, is tie offerin, soitt the iect offering: nd the lhb2.3.b&7. trespassoffering: itliemosttoly: i priest shall make an atonement for him 6. 21. 22 - 14 And the priest shall take eome of the that is to be cleansed before the LORD. blood of the trespass offering, and the priest 82 This is the law of hii in lhom is the Signs of leptrosy in a house. LEVITICUS. The uncleanness of men. B. C. 1490. plague of leprosy, whose hand is not able to I blood of the bird, and with the running B. C. 1490. get b thta wh/ich pertaineth to his cleans- water, and with the living bird, and with bver. 10. ing. the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and -33 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses and with the scarlet: unto Aaron, saying, 53 But he shall let go the living bird out gver. 20. cGen. 17.8. 34 C'When ye be come into the land of Ca- of the city into the open fields, and nlake octh. 13. 30. Num. 32.2. 2 naan, which I give to you for a possession, an atonement for the house: and it shall be eh. 13. 47. 2ut,., and I put the plague of leprosy ill a house clean. c 3. of the land of your possessione; 54 This is the law for all manner of plague 1 ch. 13. 2. 35 And he that oweneth the house shall ofleprosy, and hscall, come and tell the priest, saying, It seem- 55 And for the ileprosy of agarment, fand 2D3eut. 24. 8. dPs. 91. 10. eth to me there is as it were da plague in of a house, Ez. 44.23. Prov. 3. 3. the house: 56 And Ifor a rising, and for a scab, and t Heb. t, he Zech. 5. 4. 36 Then the priest shall command that for a bright spot: saYtlee,,d lOr,,prelarc. they Ilemptythe house, before the priest go 57 To" rteach ~when it is unclean, and ic tle lay f intto it to see the plague, that all that is when it is clean: this is the law of leprosy. the cdeac.o in the house be not made unclean: and aftereward the priest shall go in to see the CHAPTER XV. house: 1 Th. utleanless ofmen i their issues. 13 Te 37 And he shall' look on the plague, and, clean singof tlem. 19 TLe nCtealcc essofwocnen behold, if thle plague be in the walls of the i., their issues. 28 T0.ei,. cleansicf. house witll hollow streaks, greenish or red- A ND the LORD spake unto Moses and disle, which in sight are lower than the.LA. to Aaron, saying, wall; 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and 88 Then the priest shall go out of the house say unto them, aWhen any man hath a acll. 22.4. to the door of the house, and shut up the Ilrunning issue out of his flesh, becauso of Nlm. 5.a2. house seven days his issue he is unclean. 2Sam. 329. 39 And the priest shall come again the 3 And this shall be his uncleanness in his ttai 5. 25. seventh day, and shall look: and, behold, issue: whether his flesh run with his issue, Lulo 8. 43. if the plague be spread in the walls of the or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is Or, aunc, ag house; hia uncleanness. fj the eina. 40 Then the priest shall command that 4 Every bed, whereon he lieth that hath they take away the stones in which the the issue, is unclean: and every tthing, tHeb. vessel. plague is, and they shall cast them into an whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean. unclean place without the city: 5 And whosoever toucheth his bed shall 41 And he shall cause the house to be wash his clothes, band bathe himself in be0. 11. 25. & scraped within round about, and they shall water, and be unclean until the even. 17.15. pour out the dust that they scrape off with- 6 And he that sitteth on any thing whereout the city into an unclean place: on lie sat that hath the issue shall wash his 42 And they shall take other stones, and clothes, and bathe hinmself in water, and put them in the place of those stones; and be unclean until the even. hle shall take other mortar, and shall plaster 7 And he that toucheth the flesh of him the house. tliat hath the issue shall wash his clothes, 43 And if the plague come again, and break and bathe himself in water, and be unclean out in the house, after that hie hath taken until the even. away the stones, and after he hath scraped 8 And if lhe that hath the issue spit upon the tlouse, and after it is plastered; him that is clean; then he shall wvash his 44 Then the priest shall come and look, clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be and, behold, ft' the plague be spread in the unclean until the even. ech. 13. 51. house, it is ea fretting leprosy in the house: 9 And what saddle soever le rideth upon Zech. 5. 4. it is unclean. that lhath the issue shall be unclean. 45 And he shall break down the house, the 10 And whosoever toucheth any thing that stones of it, and the timber thereof, and all was under him shall be unclean until the the mortar of the house; and hle shall carry even: and he that beareth any of those ther forth out of the city into an unclean things shall wvash his clothes, and bathe place. himself in ewater, and be unclean until the 46 Moreover, lhe that goeth into the house even. all the while that it is shut up shall be un- 11 And whomsoever lie toucheth that bath clean until the even. the issue, and hath not rinsed his hands in 47 And he that lieth in the house shall water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe wash his clothes; and he that eateth in the himself in water, and be unclean until the house shall wash his clothes. even. tHe,. i' d48 And if the priest t shall come in, and 12 And the c vessel of earth, that he touch- e oh. 0. 28. & can-ine in look upon it, and, behold, the plague loath eth whicll ath the issue, shall be brokenl: 11. 32, 33. A tall cgrtlenot spread in the house, after the house and everyvessel of wood shall be rinsed in sitcc. nmwas plastered; then the priest shall pro- water. nounce the house clean, because the plague 13 And when he that hath an issue is is healed. cleansed of his issue, then dhe shall num- dyer, 8. fear. 4, 49 And fhe shall take to cleanse the house her to himself seven days for his cleansing, ch. 14. 8. two birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in and hyssop: running water, and shall be clean. 50 And he shall kill the one of the birds 14 And on the eighth day he shall take to in an earthen vessel over running water: him etwo turtledoves, or, two young pigeons, ch. 14.22,23. 61 And he shall take the cedar wood, and and come before the LORD unto the door of the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living the tabernacle of the congregation, and give bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain them unto the priest: bird, and in the running water, and sprin- 15 And the priest shall offer them, fthe fe,. 14.30,31. kle the house seven times: one for a sin offering, and the other for a 52 And he shall cleanse the house awith the burnt offering; Y and the priest shall make ch.14. 19,31. 85 The uncleanness of women. LEVITICUS: Sin offering for the priest, i B.. 1490. an atonement for him before the LORD Oir when they offerted before the LoR, and B. C. 1490. his issue. died; h eh. 22.4. 10 And hif any man's seed of copulation go 2 And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak etot. 23. 10. out from him, then lie sthall wash all his flesh unto Aaron thy brother, that lie come oot Ett 30 10 in water, and be unclean until the even. at all times Into the holy place within the c. 227. 17 And every garment, and every skin, vailbefore the mercy seot, which is uponthe h t whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be ark; that lie die not: for CI will appear in 10.19 washed with water, and hbe unclean until the cloud upon the mercy seat. E. 2. 2& the even. 3 Thus shall Aaron o omoie into the holy i40t3. ol 18 The woman also with whom man shall place; ewith a young bullock for a sin 11, 12 lie toith seed of copulation, they shall both offering, and a ram for a burnt offering. d2eb.t 012, ilSam. 21... bathe themselves in water, and ibe unclean 4 IHeshall put on fthe holy linen coat, 2, 2. until tile even. and hlie shall have the linen breeches upon el. 4. 3. kth. 12. 2. 19 And kif a woman haveo an issue, and his flesh, and shalll be girdedd with a linen ft. 20. her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be girdle, anod with the linen mitre shall be be 42, 43. t teb. it he t put apart seven days: andwhosoevertouch- attired: these are holy garments; there- oh. 0. 10. toeoarati~,. eth her shall he unclean until the even. fore ishall.hl wash his flesh in water, and Eo.44.1 10. 20 And every tlingthat she lieth upon in so put them on. eEl. 30. 20. her sepacration shall be unclean: every thing 5 And le shall take of hthe congregation h. 8. G, 7. also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean. of the children of Israel; two kids of the h7o S t. 4.14. 21 And whosoever toucheth her bed shall goats for at sin offering, and one ram for a,0 29. 1. wast his clothes, and batoe lhimself in burnt oTfering.. E.2'9.21. water, and be unclean until tohe even. 6 And Aaron shall offer his bullock of the.. 22,23. 22 And whosoevere touchleth any thing that sin offering, which is for himself, and make h. 9. 7. she sat upon shall wash his clotles, and an atonementfor himself, adforthis house. O,... bathe hilmsclf in water and be unclean 7 And he shall take the two goats, and 7. 27, 28 & until the even. present them before the LORD at the door 9. 7. 13 And if it be on her bed, or on any thing of the tabernacle of the congregation. whercon she sitteth, when lie toucheto it, 8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two he shall be unclean until the even. goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other tSeeth.20.18. 14 And lif any man lie with her at all, and lot for the t scapegoat. 0 feh.A azet. her folere bh upon lim, le shall be un- 09 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon clean seven days; and all the bed whereon which the LORD's lot fell, and offer himo hb. hle lieth slhall be unclean. for a sin offering. p. n0att. 9. 20. 125 And if'oa woman have an issue of her 10 But the goat, on which the lot fell to be tcrhk 5. ht blood many days out of the time of her sep- the scapegolt, shall bh.presented alivo heLukeh. 43., tation, or ifit run beyond the time of her fore the LORD, to makh kan atonement with 01 John 2. 2. separation; all the days of the issue of her him, and to let him go for t scapegoatinto uncleanness shall be as the days of her sep- the wilderness. arttion: shie shall be unclean. 11 And Aaron shall bring the bullock of the 26 Every bed whereon she lieth all the sin offering, which is for himself, and shall days of her issue shall be unto hler as the make an atonement for himself, and for his bed of her separation: and whatsoever she house, and shall kill the bullock of the sin sitteth upon shall bhe unclean, as the un- offering which is for himself: cleanness of her separation. 12 And he shall take Ia censer full of.burn- I c h. 10. 1. 27 And whosoever toucheth those thlings ing coals of fire from oiff thle altar before the NUtt. 16.18, shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, LORD, and his hods full of "seet incense 46. and bathe himselnf in eater, and e un- beaten small, and bring i within the vail: R. 8. 5. clean until the even. 13 "And he shall put the incense upon the. 30 4. tn.10. 10O2 o But'if she be cleansed of her issue, fire before the LORD, that the cloud of the n8.. 30. 1, 7, then she shall number to herself seven days, incense may cover the ecy seat that is.1., i~~~~~~~~~~~~~nces a om.t1Oec ct hti u. 16. 7, and after that shle shall be clean. upon the testimony, that lie die not: 18,40. 20 And on the eighth day she shall take 14 And'he shall take of the blood of the Rev. 8. 3, 4. unto-her two turtlese, or two young pigeons, bullock, and tsprinkle it with his finger oEt. 10. 21. and bring them unto the priest, tothe door upon the mercy seatea stward; and before { oh. 4. 5. of the tabernacle of tie congregation. the mercy sent shall he prinkle of the blood Ottb. 9. 13, 30 And the priest shall offer the one for a with his finger seven times.. 10.. sin offering, and the other for a burnt offer- 15 ~'Then shall he kill the goat of the sin!qoh. 41. 0. ing; and the priest shall make an atone offering, that is for the people, and bring |~Heb. 2. 17. ment for her before the LORD for the issue his' blood swithin the vail, and do with that &.5. 2. 9. o.h. 11. 47 of her unleanness. blood as he did with the blood of the bullock, 7, 28. ut. 21.48. 31 Thus shall yOeparate ethe children of and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and ver. 2. -.. 41. 03. Israel from their uncleanness; that they before the mercy seat: tlA. 0. 10. h pum.-.5.3. & die not in their uncleanness, when they P de- 16 And loe shall tmake ac otonementfor 9.3, 7, 12. 19. 13, 20. tabernacle thatis among them. the holy place, because of the uncleanness Ot S-0 x. 29. E` 32 q This is the law of him that ithan ofthe children of Israel, and het 3oof 3. 23. 38. i ocaus e of Ez. 45. 18. 13. ite, d ofhim whoue teed foeth from their transgressions in all their sins. and tteb.9.22,23. Miit and is defiled therewith; so shall he do for the tIbernacle of tlfe con10ver. O. 3t Andof her thattis sick of her flowers, gregatiou, that t remaineth among them in ttieb. ever1. 1. and of him tlhat iath an issue, of tihe man, the midst of.their uncleanness. dtvdleh. t ver. 25. t and of the woman, 1tand of him that lieth 17'Ad ltere sioll benomaninthe itaber- t See Ex.34.3. te-...ith her that it uncleon. nacle of the congregation ben he goeth in Lo. 1..10. CHAPTER XVI. to make an atonement in the holy place, lHot tIhe he h,iet,.tet -nu tt eo,,te ito the ho/t until lie come out, and have made tnnatoncplace. ii Ot e tOO ojfftetog foe oimself. 13 he ment for himself, andforhis household, and eioo ofeteg fott toe Iheoole. 20 Thetsaegoat. for all the congregation of Israel. 29 TV.yte,ity fitot tfthiott-cioiotot. 18 And he shall go out unto the altar that o E.. 30. 10. A OD the LORD spakeo untoMoses after is before the LORD, and.make:an atone- h.4. 7, 18. ath. 10. 1,2. L athe death.of the two sons ofAaron, ment for it; and shall take of the blood of Heb.9.22,23. 86 ~and for the people. LEVITICUS. Eating of blood forbidden. B. C.1490. the bullock, and of the blood of the goat, CHAPTER XVII. B. C. 1490. and puo it upon the-horns of the altar round 1 The lood of all olain b eato.... be offoer e to the about. Lod at th door of the tabe,.oaele. 7 h'hy -*ns t] 19 And he shall sprinkle of tile blood upon o to dei. 10 11, etiog of lood iofo it with his finger seven times, ood cleanse iddo, 15 and all that dieth alone, or is to yhe. 40. 20. it, and Yhallow it from the unoleanness of ND the LORD spake unto oo oses, saythe children of Israel. A. ing, 20 A And when lie hath made an end of 2 Speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, e. 10. reconciling the holy place, and the taber- and unto all the children of Israel, and say.. 45. 20. nacle of the congregation, and the altar, hle unto them; This is the thing which the aSeoDtt.12. shall bring the live goat: LORD hath commanded, saying, 1 1. 21 And Aaron shall lay both his hands 3 What man soever there be of the house bDeut. 12. 5, upon the head of the live goat, and confess of Israel, athat killeth an o x, oor lamb, or, 13,14. over him all the iniquities of the children goat, in the camp, or that killeth it out of tR-. 1. 13. of Israel, and all their transgressions in all the cnmp, aI.. 53.6. their sins, o putting them upon the head of 4 bAnd bringeth it not unto the door of. 17. 14. the goat, and shall send hoin away by the the tabernacle of the oongregation, to offer o22.. 21. 00. t He,. a t,a, hand of ta fit man into the wilderness: an offering unto the LORD before the taber- 1 0 of otP1o-tm-I 22 And the goat 1shall Bbear upon him all nacle of tle LonRD; blood shall be iimpuled D t. 12. 2. 10 their iniquities unto a land tnot inhabited: unto that man; lie hath shed blood; and IKion. 14.00. lis. 53.11,12. and he shall let go the goat in the wilder- that man shall be out off from among his 2Olx. 16.-4. John..99. ee & 17. 10. He[~;%2 28. ii.s h. people: 2 Chr. 28. 4. 1 Peto.1 210 23 And taron sholl come into ble tober- 5 To the end that thle children of Israel ez 20. 28. L t lO,. ofl,- nacleoof the congregotioo, I nd shall pot off otmay bring their sacrifices, which they offer 22. 9. 0i,. l tthe linen garments, twhich ito pot oil when in the open field, event that they may bring oO. 3. 2. eEz. 42.1. h i 1ent into t&e holyplace, and shallleave them unto lte LORD, unto the dooo of the le a. 10. 44. IS. ~~~~~~~~~~them n t thLO D utothedorofte: / et. 2q. 18.| 44. 190.' them there: toabernacle of the congregation, unto the eh 0 5, 11, 24 And lie shall wash his fiesh with water priest, and offer them for peace offerings 10.01. in the holy place, and put on his garments, unto the LORD. Nu- 10.17. der.3, 5. and come forth, land offer his burnt offer- 6 And the priest fshall sprinkle the blood hDeut. 32.17. ing, and the burnt offering of the people, upon the altar of the LORD at te door of C.1. and make an atonement fol. himself, and the tnbernacle of the congregation, and SP. 106,. 37. 1 Cor. 10. 20. for the people. gburn the fat for a sweet savour unto the j I,0. 9.20.! h..4. 10. 25 And I.he fat of the sin offering shalll lie LORD. 4. 15. burn upon the altaro. 7 And they s1 no more offer their saeri- h20.. 26 And le that let go the goat for thle scape- flees Ounto devils, after whom they ihlave Deot. 31. 16. fch. 15. 5. goat shall washl Iris clothes, fand bathe his gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for Eo. 23. 8. fiesh in water, and afterward come into the ever unto thoem throughout their genera- k ho. 1.2, 3. camp. tions. er. 12,21. /27 And the bullook for tle sin offering, 8 And tlon shalt say unto them, Whot- a... 0. & 6.30. and the goat for the sin offering, whose soover man therc be of the house of Israel, oh.3.17.&7. leb. 13. 1. blood wasl brought in to make atonement in oc of the strangers which sojourn among 26, 27. & 19. the oly plae, 00shall 0one cary forth with- you, kthat offereth a buret offering or sac- 26. out the camp; iani they lshall burn in the rifice, Dot. 12. 10, fire their skins, and their flesh, and their 9 And lbringeth it not unto the door of the 00 a 1033.00 dotg. tabeernole of the congregation, toofferit E,. 40. 7.. 28 And he that burneoth them shall wash unto the LORD; even that man shall be eh. o0. 3.,, his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, cut offfrotmamong is people. 6. & 2. 17. and afoerward lie shall come into the camp. l0 I'And whatsoever inan theto be of the Je/. 41. 11. 10 [ And this shall be a statute for ever house of Israel, or of the strangers that oo- So. 10. 8. & bEx. 30. 1'0lb. unto you: that hi the seventh month, on journ among you, that eateth any manner 1h5. 7. ol. 23. 27. the tenth day of the month, yo shalll afflict of blood; "I will even set my face against over, 14., uoo. 29. 7. your souls, and do oo torlk at all, ohe/th" that soul that eateoth blood, and will cut hlim e, BOtt. 2. 28. Iso 58. 10,. it b Onoe ofyour o0n country, or a strange offfro c aconog his pople. Mh...l.,l.0 Po.a..., reo,... that sojonroeth. anong you: 011 For the life of thl flesh io in the blood; Soo.... 30 Foe on that day shall the 30es0 mako e and I have given it to you upoo thle 1.... an atonement foe you, to icleanse you, that lrto oolto an atonement foe your souls for Col 1.14 00 Jr. 33.. y8. c may be clean from all your Sills before qit is the blood that makethll a0 tonement b. 13.12. Eph. 5.. 26. the LORD. for the soul. Pet. 1.2. heb. 9.13.14. 031 /It shallbe a sabbath of rest unto you, 10 Therefore I said unto the ehtldren of 1 Jo 1o 7. 0010.,:k] dyhl Siteyousouls yasau e.~s Jollol 0.,2. and ye shllaffliot 0our souls, by a statute Israel, No soulof you shalleat blood, neither e.. 1 hol 1.,.' for ever. shall any stranger that sojournceth among 0oh.. 22. 00.. 23.. 32 lAnd tloe priest, whom he shall anoint, you eat blood. tfcb. that I leh. 4.3,5,10. andwhomt e hesallt 11 consecrateoo minister 13 And whatsoever man theoe be of tle "stotot t~~~~~el,.l~~~~~~~cildren I 4... t...... H-el). Alhi,, in the priest's office in his father's stead, hildren of Israel, o of the strangers thato ti.aod.t shall make the atonement, and sshall put sojourn among you, twhich bhunteth and elh. 7. 26. -mE. o9. 29, on the linen clothes, even the holy gar- ctcheth any beast or fol thatmay be Doot.12. If Soa~~~l0.00~~, aooo coteobesthanybeasgpooefowl thatbmoyob 0,e~12.01( o0. e d 2. & 1'. 2. N-., 0 26 inents eaten; he shall even'pour out the blood t 528, O 33 And'lie shall make an atonement for thereof, and tcover it oit dust.,. — % 4ool. the holy sanctuary, and hle shall make an 14 For it is thle life of all flesh; thle blood /-ver.11 12. aoooc./10,17, Otonemen t foe the toberntole of of it is for the life tlhereof: therefore I said Go.,.. ]18, 6101. gation, and for the altar: and hlie shall make unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the o,:. 2.1 an atonement for the priests, and for all the blood of no manner of flesh; for the life of oe. 22. 8. people of thle congregation. all flesh is the blood thereof: wthosoevoer Do ut. 14.21. p0dh 23. 0 1. 34 OPAnd this shall be an everlasting stlat- eateth it shall be cut off. E. 0. 11. & Nnum... 7. ute untoto youto make an atonement for the 0 15 0And every soul that eateth Olloat which 44. 31. 0qEx. 0. 00. children of Israel for all their sins.nce a died of itself, or that whielh w70 torn..ith tfIeo. Heb.9..7. 5. year. And he did as the LORD command- beaots, vd/ethee it beoono of youro o00 - 00000 ed Mosie. try, or a stranger, Yho shall both oasoh his ychl. 11. 25. 87 Unlawful marriages. LEVITICUS. Unlawful lusts. B. C. 1490. clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shalt thou Uprofane the name of thy God: B.C. 1490. be unclean until the even: then shall he be I a0r, the LORD. zoh. 15.. clean. 22'Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as -ch. 19.12. &.ah. 5.1. & 7. I16 But if he wash theio not, nor bathe his wothoomanokind: it i aboh ination. 20.3. 21.6. 18. 1. 8.0. flesh; then'he shall bear his iniquity. 23 YNeither shalt thou lie with any beast 22. 2. lqum. 19. 20. Ez. 362.20,&c. to defile thyself therewith: neither slholl any B" 6.12 O~~o~o. 00.20. ~~ CHAPTER XVIII. todbehMi hsotbothoh o ~.1 0.002..CHAPTER XVIII. f ofo 1 o t woman stand before a beast to lie down oo0.. ~~ver. 4. 1 L~nla~ufirlmar?~ia~~es. 10 ~nlarufi~ltuals. zch. 20. 13. D.,~~er. 4. 19 U.1-f.1 thereto: it is'confusion. Ro-n. 0.27. oh. 6.. & ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- 24 aDofile not yyourselves in anyof these 1 Co. 6. 9.: 00h~. 1~. 0044~. 24 ~ tog, ~things: 6for in all these the nations are de- I Tim. l. 10. 19. 4,10o 34. -'S ng h& 20, 7. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and filed whioh I cast out before you: y Ex. 22. 19. Es. 20. 5, 7, say unto them, I I000n the Loto your 25 AndIth landis defiled: therefoo i do oh.e 20. 0,16. 19. 20. God. or isit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the -ch. 20. 12. SEz. 20. 7, 8. O3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, land itself evomiteth out her inhabitants.00er. 30. t& 23. 0. wherein ye dolt, shollye notdo: and wofter 20 fYo shall therefore keep sy statutes dot. 15. 18, cE.. 23. 24. the doings of the land of Canaan, whitlher I and my judgments, and shall not commit 19, 20.. oh. 20. 23. bring you, shall ye not do: neither shallye any of these abominations; neither any of a k 7. 20, DBoot. 12. 4, oalOin toheir ordinanceso.your own nation, nor any stranger that so- 0 Co,. 2. 07. 0,1 4 dYe shall do my judgments, and keep journeth among you:o ch 20. 23. |rDeat. 4.1,2. dreu.t 4 otaoomine ordinances, to walk therein: I ah ohe 27 (For all these abominations have the Do t.8. 12. {& O. 1. 0.. 20. 19. LORD your God. men of the land done, which wer0 before oNu-. 3.34. eEs. 20.11,13o, Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and you, and the land is defiled;) J-. 2. 7. t 21. sy jodgments: I hioh if aman do, ho sholl 28 That'ithe land spew not you out also, 16. 00. Loh 00. 28. live in them: fI an the LORD. when ye defile it, as it spewed out the oa- Es. 36. 17. Roso. 10.5. 6 ~ None of you shall approach to any that tions that were before you. d P. 89. 32. Gal. 3.12. is tnear of kin to him, to uncover their 29 For whosoever shall commit any of these Is. 20. 21. fEx.6.2.,6,29. onakedness: I am the LORD. abominations, even the souls that commit Jer. 5. 9 29. -nal. 3. 6. & Yh aens t fhr o e 9.90. & 14. [~l. 0.0. 7 OThe nakedness of thy father, or the them shall be cut off from among their 10. &23. 2. fsHb. nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not un- people. Ros.2. 03. t.emainde, of cover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not 20 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, 0. 13. 1.9. hisflah. uncover her nakedness. hthat ye commitnot any one of these aboh - 000.00. g ch. 20. 11. 8 hThe nakedness of thy father's wife shalt inable customs, which were committed be- fmoo 5, 30. h Gen. 49.4. thouno uncover: it is thy father's naked- fore you, and that ye idefile not yourselves'ch.20. 22,23. Boot. 2.30. { ness. therein: kI ant the LORD your God. go,. 20. 22. Du &27230. ] gheaenes fhysstr 2heda22 0 27. 20. 9'The nakeodnoss of thy sister, the daugh- Jer. 9. 00. E,. 36.13, 17. yes,. 3.20.. oh. 20 23. Deut. 18. 9. E. 22. 10. ter of thy father, or daughter of thy moth- iver.21. kver. 2,4. Am. 2.7. oer, whether stoe be born at home, or born Coo. 5. 1. abroad, even their uakedness thou shalt CHAPTER XIX, i ch. 20. 17. not uncover. A reetitio, of sndry laws. 2So- 0.12. 100 The nakedness of thy son's daughter, AND the LORD spake unto Mosees, sayE-. 22.11. or of thy daughter's daughter, even their -- ing, Soh. 20. 19. nakedness thou shalt not ucover: fortheirs 2 Speak unto all the congregation of the t ch. 20. 20. is thine own nakedness. children of Israel, and say unto them,'Ya. It, 2.44. & tGo'..38.18, 11 The nakedness of thy father's wife's shallbeoholy: for Ithe oRD ou r God am 20.7. 26. 26. daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy holy. 0 Pet. 0. 16. h. 20.512. sister, thou shalt not uncover her naked- 3 ItYe shll fear every man bis mother, E 20. 12. E.2 ness. and his father, and keep my sabbaths: I o.2.. t. N. 021. 12 /Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness am the.LORD your God. 22. 0. Mdott.14 4 31 13. t.. of thy father's sister: she is thy father's 4 0d Turny eno t.. idols,normakto d..20. 4. 5. near kinswoman. yourselves molten gods: I ao the LORD h. 26. 1. mHtt. 2124.'13Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness your God. 1 Coo. 10. 14. Mark 12. 19. of thly mother's sister: for she isthy moth- 5 ~ And f if ye offer a sacrifice of peace 1 Joht 5. 21. osch. 20. 04. er's near kinswoman. offerings unto the LORD, ye shall offer i0.EX. 0. 17. IOS~ooo, oif 14'Thou shalt not uncover te nakedness At yourown will. Deut. 27.15. tso o of thy father's brother, thou shalt not up- 6 Itshall be eaten the same day ye offer it, feh. 7. 16. 26. 3. preach to his wife: she is thine aunt. and on the morrow: and if aught remain unpl Sam.l.,8. 15 Thou shaltnt 0 uncover t0 e nakedness til the third day, it shall be burnt in the fire. qch. 20. 18. of thy daughter in law: she is thy son's 7 Ad if it be eaten at all on the third day, /oh. 23. 0. Es. 18. 0. & wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. it is abominable; it shall not be accepted. Deut. 24. 19, 22. 10. 10 "Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness 8 Therefore every one that eateth it shall 20, 21. rEx. 20.14. of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's bear his s iniquity, beczuso he hoath profasned Rutlt 2. 15, oh. 00. 0. onakdness. the hallowed thing of the LORD; and that 16. ]Det. 5. 18. -{ husatntucvrth aens. 0 5 22.2 17 OTh Ou shalt not uncover the nakedness soul shall be cut off from among his people. Ex.20.15. Preo.. 6. 29, of a woma and her daughter, neither shalt 9 0And qshen yo reap the harvest of your 22. 1, 7, 1012. 32. thou take her soo's daughter, or oer daugh- Isnd, thoo shaltnot wholly reap the corners Dest 0 19a M.1 3.25. ter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the o.. Mott. 5. 27oih. O. 2.{ M att..7. for they are her near kinsmomen: it is gleanings of thy harvest. p 4. 25 [ ei.2.22.{ p.4.[ os. 19. wickedness. 10 And thou shall not glean thy vineyard, Col. 3.U. Heit. 13. 4, 18 Neither shalt thou take 1a fe to her neither shalt thou gather every grape of tE.. 20. 7. soh. 20. 2. sister, Pto vex her, to uncover her naked- thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the oh. 6. 3. a Kinga 16.3. aess, besides the other in her lifetimoe. poor and stranger: I the LORD your D. 5o. & 021.6. &. 19 qAlso thou shalt not approach unto a Gdd. artt 5 33 0. woman to uncover her nakedess, as long as 11 ~ /,Ye shall not steal, neither deal J1r. 19. ottshe is put apart for her uncleanneoss. falsely, ineither lie one to another. I ch. 18. 21. ~~~~~~~~~~~~12Aye. 20al31o ks e a byynm Dlak 10. 19.[ 3. 339. 20Moreover'tho shalt not lie carnally 12 Ad ye shall not sisear by my anabme l/ t0 Kingsll.7, with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name 0 Thts. 4 to 33. Called, with her. of thy God: I ano the LORD. etut 2.14, Asts.7.43, 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed 03 0rThou shalt not defraud thy neigh-. 5.'paso through the tirc to Ololeoh, neither boor, neither rob hia'the mages of him Ot. 2 88~~~~~or etheg o ~h ae fhmJe 5. 4. 88~~~~~~~~~~~ Repetition of sundry laws. LEVITICUS. Divers laws and ordinances. Bt.C..1490. I that is hiredeshall not abide with thee all 32 ~ " Thou shalt rise up before the hoary B. C. 1490, -night until the morning. head, and honour the face of the old man, oDout.2;.1S. 14: ~ Thou shaltnot curse the deaf, o nor and afear thy God: I a the LORD. c,'Poe.20.2l. e. 14. 13. put a tumblingblck before the blid, but 33' Aud if ustranger sojourn with thee I..,..1.] s. 32. shalt i fear thy God: I an the LORD. in your land, ye shall nott, vex him. a-cr. 14..Geu. 42. 18. 15 ~ i Ye shall do no uerighteousness in 34 P But the stranger that dwelleth with oEa. 2e.1 & [ h. 25.17. judgment; thou shalt not respect the per- you shall be unto you as one born among 23.9. Ec.. 5.7, oadnlo hltlv lma.tyef t. 2.17. sea of the poor, nor.onour the person f y uad I thou shalt love hi aslthyself; Jor. Or... 2 the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I p.12.48,49. Ds.a.i u ty neighhou.. I ant the LORD your God. Deut. 10. 19.:h& 16i. 19. & 16 I Thou shalt not goup and don s a 35 ye shall do no unrighteousness in. 15. 27.19. talebearer among thy people; neither shalt judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in DeuA. 25.13, ePa. 82.. thou stand against the blood of thy neigh- measure. 15. Preve.2123. hour: I n..the LORDu. 6i'Just halances, just t weights, a just Iro3 11.1. & J.e.'. 17 tlThou shalt ent bate thy brother in ephah, and a justbin, shallye have: I aent 16..11. &b20. sts. 23. 1. thine.lea.t:'thou shaltn anywie rebuke the LORe your God, which brought you out 10. 0.20. tlhy neighlbour, I and not suffersin upon him. of the land of Egypt. n Iab. stones. Prov. 11. 13. 1. 1 T Thou shlalt not avenge, nor bear any 37 tTherefore shallye observe all my stat- teh. 18. 4, 5. |i2. 10. grudge against the children of thy people, utes, and all my judgments, and do them: Dent. 4. i.. it. 2.9. Ihebut thou shalt love thy neighbout as thy- I nam the LORD. h 1. 1. 6. sx. 93. 1.7. self: I nat tile LORD. CHAPTER XX.. I in''21.13. 19 ~ Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou I Ofi mrat.iee.h a.i. seet oMnlselech. 40f 61. hu27. 4. shalt not let thy cattle gender with a di- itse -h sc fV gt ll -2.9, verse kind:'thou shalt not sow thy field weiztaeds. 17 Ofes anecifc a7ioe. 90fhlmiat I 1 & 3.15. withl mingled seed: aneither shall a gar- 19se f ecisetasO. tOfdey. 15 Of e ty1114, 17, 1. 139/icceac. 139/ sede0fircer e cy. 130/nly liseleicelitla..tatt. 18.15. ment mingled of linen and woollen come 18 Of mcicees. i ediece ss eueasel Lukehl. 3. upon thee, seith hllcess. 27 Wiziedaredes t be put o deatnh. Gel. 1. i { And whosoever lieth carnally with a AND the LORD spake unto Moses, sayEphl. 5. Il. woman, that is a bohndmaid, It berothled to A.1 iag, l'iim. 5. 20. a Ihusband, and not at all redeemed, nor 2 a Again, thou shalnlt say to the children of a h. 18. 2. 4: 2. bf om i h. 18.2l hlbe rgd Ti.. 3 freed givenher; l t she shallbe scourged Israel, b Whosoever he beeof the children of Ch. 1832. 1. 2. 15. they shall not be put to death, because she Israel, or of.he strangers that'sojourn. 10. ie,, tatelse,/ was net fee. Israel, that giveth nay oft his seed unto Me.- -xi. 17.17. isc& -eet Iice leAndi b hesletllbrh ghis trespassoffering lelch; hle shall surely be put to death: le h &'3. 10. for him: See unto tile LORD, unto tie door of the taber- people of the land shall stone him with 2 Thr. 03. C. Rom. 1. 32. nacle of the congregation, eve a ram for a stones. J-. 7. 31. I Tee. e. trespassoffering. 3And I willsetmyface againstthatman, 32. 35. I Ti -. 2-2g, 20.26, 3 1. 2 Jn. 11. 22And tl priest shall make an atonement and willeut him off fromamong his people; ] e 28 1'1.2 for him witlh the ram of tiletrespass offering because he lhath given of his seed unto 3Me- seh. 17. 10. eta' -.1 322. before the LORD for his sin which he hath lech, to d detile wy sanctuary, and to pro- 1 ]z3. h {~,~ 120. 12 done; and the sin which he hath done shall fae y holy name. 3.. 19. beforgiven him. 4 And if thepeopleof theland doanyways e ch. 18. 21. eGalS.5.. 23 ~ And when ye shall eome into the land, hide their eyes from the man, vhenhie giv. IsEph. 4.31, and shall have planted all manner of trees ethl of his seed unto leolceh, and f kill him fDe-t. 17. 2, J-lu - 5. 9. 5 1 Pet. 2. 1. fee food, then ye shall count the fruit tlere- not; of as uncircumcised: tireeyears s.all it 5Then I will set my faceegaiestthat Yele.i7.t0. Mt teec.5.43.h be as uncircumcised unto you it shallnots man, and 7 against lis family, and will cut iA. iO. 5. Ro.'13.9. beeatenof. him off, and alt tet igo aw eigafter iel.'17.7. Gcl..14.. 24 But in the fourth year all the friit him, to commit wleoredomwithIeeleh, fromn J-mae 2. 8. thereof shall be holy e to praise theLORD amongltheir people. 1e)st. 22. 93, e6itltl. e BAnd L the soul that turneth after sash. tab. 1131. 11. 25 And Is the fifth year shall ye eat of as Iave familiar spirits, and after wizards, Deat.i22.ti. the fruit tcereof, that it may yield unto to go a whoring after them, I will even set liOr, s.bsed you the sincreasethereof: I nasthe LORD my face against that soul, and will cut him es n-ya. your God. off from among his people. Ih. 11 44. t Hsh. r_ l26 dciYe shallset eat nyl thien wlthithe 7 1 l Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be 19. 2. bcc he. blood: I either shtlye use enchantment, ye holy: for I ase the LORD your God. 1Pt. 1. 16, es,f-e.aces.,. nr observee tines. 8 "And ye shall keepmy statutes, and do -tch. 19. 37. eOr, 10ey. 27 f Ye shallanoteroundthe corners of your a them:e "I amta e LORD which sanctifyyou. saEX. 31. 13. [ teb. there eads, neither shalt thou mar the corners 9 OPFor every one that cursetlh his father cl. 21.08. A-ll.e a of thy heard. or his mother shall be surely put to death: E z. 37. 28. |tcougtii. 108 Ye shall not gmake any cuttings in he bath cursed his father or his mother; oE.. 21. 17. Ich. 5. 15. & your flesl for the dead, nor print anymarks his blood sheall be upon him. Decut 27. 16.. 6. upon you: I ant the LORD. 10' And qhe a that eommuiteth adul- Pe. 20t. 20. t If,'ibe., to r wil....h...'swife......herthat Mt,1.4 lIeb." of 29 ~ i Doenot t prostitute thy daughtee, to leey wllh anothbe a a's aife, sE h2e thaI ice cause her to be a whore; lest tlce used fall 0ommitteth adultery with his neiglbour's |I 1. 11. 27, whoredo, and tie land become fall 0f wife, the adulterer and the adulteres shal.. sout. 12.17, swickedness. surely be put to death. ch. 1. 20. tl. 30 ~ I Yeshallkeepmysabbathls, and krov- 11 IBnd thle man that lieth witlh his fh- D.eut.22. 22. Pree. 3. 9. eeenee my sanctuary: I am the LORD. ther's wife hath uncovered his father's na- JJohn 8. 4, 5. bbch. 17. 10, 81 ~' IRegard not them that have familiar kedness cboth of them shall surely be put soch. 18.. &e. spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be to.death their blood shall be upon them. 27.23. Deut. 12.23. defiled bythem: I arn the LOR yeoure d. 1e And if a man lie with his daughter in esh. 18. 15. 10,. law, both of them shall surely be put to tshe. e3.E 11, 141 am. 15.23. 2Kin. 17.17. & 21. C. 2 Chr. 33.. 3Ma. 3. death they have wrought confusion; their s 3... 5. feb. 21. 5. I; 15. 2. Jer. 9.12. - 48. 37. gch. 21. 5. Deut. bleood shall eo upon them. Deut. 2 17. 14. 1. Jer. 16. 1. & 43. 37. ADeut. 23. 17. t(eh. csp,'ofa ce 3 i er. 3. clh.. 2. kEcc. 1. 1. IEx. 22. 18. oh. 20.. 27. 13" If a man also liewit h mankind, as be e G. 19. ast. 10. 10. l San. in. 7. 1 ChrelO. 13... 8.19. Act.s 1. lietllh witl a woman, both of them have com- 5. to. mitted an abomination: they shall surely Jeedg. 19. 22. 89 Divers laws LEVITICUS. Iand ordinances. B.C. 1490. be put to death; their blood shall be upon ad o o, nd for his son, and for liis daughter, and Bt. 0.1490. them. for his brother, oh. 18. 17. 14'And if man tlake a eifo and her 3 Andforhis sister airgino that is nigh D.t. 27.23. mother, it is wickednoess they shall be unto him, wolich hath had no husband; for burnt with fire, both he and they; that her may tie be defiled. there hbe no wiokednoess among you. 4 Bzut lie shall not defile himself, being a l Or, tig} y eh. 18. 23. 11 YAnd if a man lie with a beast, he shall ohief man among his -people, to profane ahusband[d Dot. 27..21. surely be put to death; and ye shall slty himself. nooog hit the beast. 5 b Thoy shall not make baldness upon hIoo 0 a n 16 Aod if n 00omn approach into any their head, neither shall they shave off h-ioolf beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill corner of their beard, nor make any ot- foo the woman, and the beast: they shatll sure- tings in their flesh. o,. SooE-. ly be put to death; their blood ohall be -6 They shalltbe holy unto their God, and 24.16, 17. upon them. Cnot profane the name of their God:: for ch. 10.27.28. ooh. 18. 9. 17 1And if a man shalltaoo his sister, hi the offering of the LORD made by fire, an d Deut. 14. 1. Dett. 27.22. father's daughter, or his mother's daugh- dthe bread ot their God, they do offo:e r 0. Seo GeO. 20. teo, and see ter nakedness, and she see nis thterefore they shall be holy. -h. 18. 21. h 1. nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they 7'They shall not take a ifo that is a shall be cut off in thle siglit of their people: whore, or pofane; neither shall they take ho doh. 0.11. he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; a woman fput away from her husband: for Ol.. 4. 22. he shall bear hiis iniquity. he is holy unto his God. fSeeDeut.24. hll 18. 19. 18:lAud if a 2mai shall lie with a woman 8 Thou shalt sanctify him therefore; for 1, 2. So oh.t5.24. having her sickness, and shall uncover her he offoreth the bread of thy God: he shall tHolb. 0dO nakedness; lie hathl t discovered her fount- be holy unto thee: ufor I the LORD, which goh. 20. 7. 8. n in, and she h ath uncovered the fountain of sanctifyyou, ant holy. her blood: and botlh of them shall be ut off 9 ~ hAnd the daughter of any priest, if she h Oe.. 4. froo among their pooplo. profane herself by playing the whore, she Ooh. 18.12,13. 19 bAnd thou slhalt not uncover the no- profaneth her father: she shall be burnt kedness ol thy mother's sister, nor of thy with fire. Ih. 18. 6. father's sister; Cfor he uncoverethl his near 10 iAnd hethat is the high priest among i x.29.29,30. kin: they shall bear their iniquity. his brethren, upon Whose head the anoint- oloO12. 16. doh. 18. 14. is. 8.2. & 6 20h... dAnd if a man shall lie with his uncle's ing oil was poured, naod' that is consecrated Il wife, he loth uncovered his uncle's nhked- to put on the garments, /shall not uncover E. 28. 2. ness: they shall bear their sinh they shall hit head, nor irend is clothes;. I. die childless. 11 Neither shall he g'go in to any dead to 0 o ell. 10. 10. 21 eAnd if a man shall take his brother's body, nor defile himself for his father, or I hl. 10. 6. t:0h. 0010q- wife, it is tan unclean lthing: he hath un- for his mother; So lrld2. covered his brother's nakedness; they shall 12 Neiter shall le go out ofthe sanc- 2. be childless. tuary, nor profane the sanctuary0 of hisl olo 107. fol. 1o. 26. & 22 Yeo shall therefore keep all myf siat- God; for tlhe crown of the anointing oil of o E. 08. 36. 10.07. utes, and all my judgments. and do them: his God is upon hlim: I an the Lo 1 D. 0 0 that the'land, whitioer I bringoyoo to Soell 132 And l'he shall take a oifo in her virg b.18.25,2 therein, itspew oyou 700 ott. giityy..9 1,..3,4, 23 hAnd ye shall not walk in the manners 0 14 A ido, or a divorce.d noman, or o of the nation, which I east out before you: profane, or a harlot, these: shall lie no lobh. 0. 07. for they committed toll these things, and take: buthle shall take a virgin:oof his own D..t. 9. 5. 0 thorefore I abhorred them. people to wife. kn.. 3017. h 24 But kI have said unto you, Yo shall in- 15 Neither shall he profane his seed among hoerit' their land, and I will give it unto you his peoplt-: for qI the LORD do sanctify 0.r. 0.. 6 to possess it, a land that floweth wito i milk him. 19:~~~~~h LO R tpk no Moes 03. 10. and honey: I 00n the LORD your God, a16 And the LORD spako unto Moses, Dot. 7.6.0 l/which have seoparated you fromoother peo- saying, 14. 2. ple. 17 Speako unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever 1Kilooo8.53. 25'aYe shall thloerefore put difference be- he be of thy seed in their generations that eo4 1L.4.7 tweeo clean beasts and unclean, and be- hath any blemish, let him not"appro ach coh. 10. 3. Dot. 01-1.. Otween unclean fowls andi clean: and ye to offer the /lbooadof tos God. 1.o. 16. 5.,oll. 1t 4l3. oshall not makeo your souls abominable by 18 For whatsoever man ei bel that lath a P s. 1,. 4. iI Or,,o-th. beast, or by fowl, or by any manner of living blemish, he shall not approach: a b)lind Oof.1ood, 7. thing that creepethll on the ground, whih man, or a lame, or oe that hath a flat nose,. 1.1.2 1 lnove separated from you as unclean. or'any thing ssuperfluous, oo. 22. 23. O Pet. 1. 10. 26 And ye shall be loly unto me: for I 109 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or bro0, -r. 24. tile LORD 0to holy, and havoe severed you kenhanded; Tit. 2. 14. from otheropeople, that yoe shouldbe mine. 200r rookbacked, Or f darf, 0 o that. 0r.. 0E.o. 22. 18. 27 T IA 0man also or wom on that ohath a bat a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or too scuvdor. -ot. 1, lt. familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall scabbed, or thath his stones broken; t Do. 23. 1..D-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tDn. 1.1. ]0 I. osurely be put to death: they shall stone 21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed 1 O.-.2.-7, tloem with stones; "their blood shall be of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to 0 offer 0. o 6.. 8. I upon them. the offerings of theo LORD made by fire: he.oh. 2.3,10. & 1 CHAPTER XXI. hath a blemish; lie shall not como nigh to f. 17,?). &7. 1 Of sithe o orlst',snou,'ninoo. 6 Ofsheir~ hlolness. 8 offer the bread of his God Gd 1. b 2. 9. o'f 0tr estimaotwl,. 7, 13 Of their marioiaoes. co He shall eat the bread of his God, both Numo. 18. 09. 17 TOeptess that have b lemishes o ust onot mno.- of the'most holy, andofthe Y0oly. 22.10,11, ist- l Ooo000000cu. -23 Only he shall not go in unto the vail; 12. -ND the LORD'said unto 3Moscs, Speak nor come nigh unto the altar, because he Com. 18.19. AZ unto the pris the sons of Aron, and hath oblomish;'that'lie poofane not my zanor. -2. 4 say unto them, aThero Shallnone-be defiled sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify for the dead afioong his people: them. 2 But forhlis kin, that is near unto him, 24-And MIoses told it'unto Aaron, and to that is, for his mother, and for his father; Ohis sons, and unto all the children of Israel. 90 Of the-priests' uncleanness. LEVITICUS. The feasts of the Lord. B. C. 1490, 19 Ye lshall offe atyour.own will amale B.0. 1490. CHAPTEgI XXII. _ CHI~APTERw XXII. ithlout blemish, of tilhe beeves, of the sheep, - I TVhe l~sai~tc. tc~l~esm abstl~o f t h oas I~~ Tkch~~e,ic~se 0,L h~ lltsrtclctia a~sl"I o of the goats. cll. 1. 3. fr~om the ho~L~l ti,,gs. 6 Il~ou they dhall be cicaoo icl..r flolo. Che pries', holse,ay a 2'20But whatsoeverC hath a blemish, that aDen,. 15.21. — asd. Ii Wh.s fl th nI-'as a of t5e holy iGh,',s. i7 The sa,.ilyenicet oferst f itshall e not ofr: for i t sall not be a- & 17. 1. -wlskth l cnish.' 26 Tihe a Oe f.he sacrifice. 29 ceptable for you. Sat 1.8,14. 9ithe I-cosf -. 5 (c ac!oifie sf haksicctg. 21 And b whosoever oftceeth a sacrifice of Eph. 927. A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- peace dfferings unto the acoaom- 1 Pc, i. 1. 19. A.. ing, plish his vow, or a freewill offering in beevese let, 3 1 C. 2 Spealk unto Aron and to his sons, that or "sheep, it shall be perfect to:be accept- 1,t 16. aNicum. 6. 3 they aseparate themselves from the holy ed; there shall be noblemish therein. Num. 15.3.8. things of the children of Israel, and that 22 l1ind, or broken, or mnaimed, or hav- Dut. 23. 21, b lh. 18. 21. they b profane not my holy name in those ing a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall 23. cBE. 28. 38. things which: they ellallow unto me: I aset not offer these unto the LORD, nor make Pt. 61. 8. & Num. 18. 32. the:LORD. an offecring by fire of them upon the altar, 4h Dent. 15.1. 3 Say unto tlheme, Whosoevere he be of all ante the L5D. 1 -L your seed among your generations, that 23 Either a bullock or a llnamb that hath I, gs. goeth unto the holy things, whiiclh tihe lhil any thing fsuperfuous or laclking in his d3oc. 20. dch. 7. 20. drec of-Israel hallow unto the LORD, dhav- parts, that mayest thou ffee for freewill 8. parts, t at m ozyest thu ofer f a e ]'01.1.13.& ing his uncleanness upon him, that soul offering; but for a vow it shall noe be aec- l. 1, 3. shall be cut off from my presence: I a cepted.., 2. thle LORD. 24 Ye shall not offer unto the LORD that eOr, k2d. 4 What man soever of the seed of Aaron which is bruised, or crushed, or broken, or fclh. 21. 18. e h. 15. 2. is a leper, or hath a trunning issue:lle eut; neither shall y make k anyh offering shall not eat of the holy things, funtil he thereofin yosr land. deer of th, he eclean. And Ytwhoso tolcheth any thing 25 Neiter "from a stranger's hand shcll.N.. 15.15,t that is unclean by the dead, or ha man ye offer lthe bread of your God of any of 1. f oh. 14. 2. & whose seed goeth from him; these; because their icorruptiou is in them, h oh.21. 6,17. 15. 13. 5 Or /whosoever toucheth any creeping andi blemishes be in theom: they shall not i Aala. 1.14. g/Num. 19.11, thing, whereby he may he made unclean,cor be accepted for you. 22. ka man of whom lie r esy take uncleanness, 26 ~ And tile LORD spake unto Moses, h oh. 15. 15. whatsoever uncleanness he sath; saying, i ott. 11.24,43, 6 The soul which hath touched any such 27 IWhcn a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, k Ex. 22. 30. 4-. shall be unclean until even, and shell not is tbrought forth, then it shall he seveon Loh. 15. 7,19. eat of the holy things, unless he lwash his days under tihe damo and from the eighth it h. 15. 5. flesh with wanter. day and thenceforth it shall be accepted foree Or,,sie.t. HOc,. 10. 22. 7 And when the sun is down, he shall be an offering made by fire unto the LORD. I Dat. 22. 6. clean, and shall afterward eat of the holy 28 And hlether it be ceow or lewe, ye,thc. 7. 12. tch. 2I.22. things; because "it isis efood. shall not kill it land her young both i one P. 107. 22. Nests. 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e8.22ticse110'. 17.& 1- O'011, i8'"Tat.hich dieth'of itself, or is torn day. 11e. 42 1 eith beasts, he shall not eat to dcfile lim-s 29 And when ye will m offer a sa.otrifice of,te.. Oh2. 1. self therewith: Iao tlist LORD. thanksgiving unto the LORD, offer it,t oloh. 7. 15. c oh. 17. 12. o|... a..i. 17-5. 1 9 They shall therefore keep mine ordci- your own will. oclh. 112 37. E,. 44. 31. Nuni 15.40. nance,'lest they bear sin for it, and die 30 On.the same day it shall be eaten up; Dcet. 4. 40. oEn. 28. 43. therefore, if they profane it: I the LORD ye shall leave snone of it until tile morrow: N m. 18. 22, ch. 18. 21. 32. do sanctify them. I at the LORD. p It nli)'Thero shall no stranger cat ofthe h oly 31 tTherefore shall ye keep my command- h. 10. 3tb. 21.. thing: a sojouner of tle priest, or a hired mets, and do them: I ac the LORDo, l 11. 2. servant, shall not cot of the Iholy thing. 32'Neither shallyoprofott olynaeo e; mcy c 20o 8e 1teh. -.ith 11 But if tile priest buy any soul t with his but 2I will he hallowed among tile childrene oposts money, lie shall eat of it, and lie tlhat is born of Israel: I asr the LORDt which ohallow h.I.4 Oj'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hiamce. It. 1 45. & o his n hisl house: o they alsall oat of lhis meat. you, 19. 36. & 25. |q/NsU. 18.11, 12 If thel priest's daughter also be soar- 3 STlhae brought you out of the land of 38. t ieds unto t' stranger, she may not eat of Egypt, to he your God: I sonthe LORD. Nam. 15. 41. tMA. an offrin of tie holy things. esa s s.13 But if tle priest's dalughter be a widow, CHAPTERl XXIII. ] ts. 38. 11. or divoocedi, and lhave lio child, and is re- I TI f-ests.,of thc. Ld. 3 TIs diabbath. 4 2het o I. turned unto her father'shouse,'Sat in her 9 cse 0c....of f N-.18.11, youth, she shall eat of her fatlher's meat: fat of Pc...e.s.. 22 o 1e b.21ft foe 19. but tiere shall no stranger eat thereof. l/o. 232tefecs foos1n. 2 c.l icl..15,16. 14 lAnd if a man cat of tihe holy thing cOtotsoh SicTsstofsi ls. unwittingly, then lie shall put the fifth part AND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- a e. 4, 37. thereof unto it, and. shall give it unto the h- ing, O Es. 32. 5. priest nitlh the holy thing. 2 Speak untno the children- of Israel, and 2 Kin. 10. 20. cN-s.128.32. 15 And "they shall not profane the holy sey unto them, Concerning tthe feasts of Pr. 81. 3. things of tile children of Israel, which they the LORD, which ye shall iproclaim to be o,e. 20. 9. & offer unto the LORD; holy convocations, even, these are my feasts. 21. 23. & 1. IOr, tiade 16 Or lsuffoor them'to bear the iniquity 3'Six days shall work be done: buttheo lb h. h 21. th-d'e., oh. 19. 3. of trespass, when they eat their holy things: seventh day is the sabbath of rest, a hloly De t. 5. 13. cot btoh,,. for I the LORDon do snanctify them, convocation; ye shall do no workl theroein: Luke 13.14, 17 i n,[ And the LORD spake unto Stoscs, it is the sabbath of theo LORD in all your dyes., 37. { stingY. 8 Mg, dwellings. E.,. 23. 14... 9. 18 Speak unto Antron, and to his sons, and 4,lThese arte the feasts of thle LORD, g}. 12., 14, unto all tie children of Israel, and say unto evet holy convocations,which ye shall pro- is.&23.,l h1. I..3, 10. them, YWhatsoever he be of the house oft claio in their seasons. & 23.1i.& 3 Nat.M2.14. Israel, or of the strangers in Israel, that 5 IIn the fourteenth slay of the firs month 18. will offer hit oblationo for all his vorsc,and at even is the Lot s passover. L, 17. for all lis freewill offerings, lwhich they will 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same Doe1. 16.1-8. offer unto the LORD for a burnt offering;; month is thle feast of unleaveoned bread n- oh...5. 10o. St1 The feasts of the Lord. LEVITICUS. The day of atonement. B. C. 1490. to the LORD: seven days ye must eat un- ing, In the "seventh month, in the first day B. C. 1490. leavened bread. of the nontlh, shall ye have a sabbath, 0a {fEr. 12. 1. - 7 fll the first day ye shall have a holy memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy ofNum.29. 1 Num.28.18, convocation: yo shall do no servile work convocation. ch. 25. 9. 25, therein. 25 Ye shall do no servile work thereio: 8 But ye shall offer an offering made byfire but ye shll offer an offer an offerin shall offer an offerig made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh unto the LORD. day is a holy convocation: ye. shall do nol 26 ~ And the LORD spake unto Mosos, servile work thereion. saying, 9 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, 27 YAlso onthle tenth day of this seventh ych. 16. 30. saying, month there shall be a day of atonement: Num. 29. 7. 10-Speak unto the children of Israel, and it shall be a holy convocation unto you; and gEo.23.16,19. say unto them, OWhen ye be come into the ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offer& 3. 22, 26. land whllich I give unto you, and shall reap ing made by fire unto the LORD. N.-. I0. 2,the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a 28 And ye shall do no work in that same 18. & 2. 2. Deut. 16. 9. Iltshenafof hthe irstfruits of your harvest day: obr it is a day of atonement, to make Jouh. 15. unto the priest: an atonement for you before the LORD your; iOr. hadful. 11 And lie shall iwave the sheaf before God. tHeb. o,oe,. the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the 29 For whatsoever soul it be that shall not Bom.ll. 1.16 morrow after the sabbath the priest shall be afflicted. in that same day,'he shall be C 1en 7. 14. 1 Cor. 15. 20. wave it. out off from among his people. James 1. 18. 12 And ye shall offer that day when ye 30 And whatsoever soul ot be that doeth ev. 14, O. swave the sheaf a ohe lamb without blemish any work in that same day, athe same soul ach. 20.3,5,6. i E. 29, 24. of tle first year for a burnt of fering unto will I destroy from among his people. the LORD. 31 Ye shall do no manner of work: it shall kci. 2. 14,15, 13 kAnd the meat offering thereof shall be be a statute for ever throughout your gen16. two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with eorations in all your dwellings. oil, an offering made by fire unto the LORD 82 It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, for a sweet savour: and the drink offering and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of day of the month at.even, from even unto a hin. even, shall ye t celebrate your sabbath. t Icbh. est. 14 And ye shall eat neither bread, nor 33 ~ And the LORD spake unto loses, parched corn, nor green ears, until the self- saying, same day that ye have brought an offering 34 Speak unto the children of Israel, sayunto your God: it shall be a statute for ing, bThe fifteenth day of this seventh bEt. 23. 16. ever throughout your generations in all mont sll be th s hall be the feast of tabernacles N.2912 your dwellings. seven days unto the LORD. D-ta 16.13. I E. 341 22. la1 And lye shall count unto you from 35 On the first day shall be a holy convo- Noeh. 8. 14. ch 25.. 8. the morrow after the sabbath, from the day cation: ye shall do no servile work thereinl. Z,,ho 1. 16; DeutB 16. 9. that ye brought the sheafof the wave offer- SG Seven days ye shall offer an offering John 7. 2, ing; seven sabbaths shall be complete: madeby fire unto theLORD; Con the eighlth lcNum. 2. 35. 1(iEven unto the morrow after the seventh day shall be a holy convocation unto you, Neh. 8.18. mActs 2. 1. sabbath shall ye number "fifty days; and and ye shall offer an offering made by fire Jolin7. 37. soNum.28.26. ye shall offer "a new meat offering unto the untothe LORD: it is a t dsolemn assembly; tHeb. d.y of LORD. antd ye shall do no servile work therein. ea;or. 17 Ye shall bring out of your habitations 37 tThese are the feasts of the LORD, dDeut. 16. 8. two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they which ye shall proclaim to be holy convona- 2 OCr 7.9. shall. be of fine flour; they shall be baken tions, to offer an offering made by fire unto.ob. S. 15.& oEx.23.1ti,19. with leaven; they are othe firstfruits unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat 2 15. & 22. 29. & the LORD. offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings,.2, 4 4. 22'26. 18 And ye shall offer with the bread seven every ting upon his (lay: 21. & 2S. 26 lambs without blemish of the first year, and 38 f Beside the sabbaths of the LORD, and 2939. Deot. 26. 1. one young bullock, and two rams: they shall beside your gifts, and beside all your vows, be for a burnt offering unto the LORD, with and beside all your freewvill offerings, which their meat offering, and their drink offer- ye give unto the LORD. ings, even an offering made by fire, of sweet 39 Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh savour unto the LORD. month, when ye have lo gathered in the fruit e Et. 23. 16. peh. 4. 23,28. 19 Then ye shall sacrifice Pone kid of the of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the Deut. 16.13. Num. 28. 30. goats for a sin offering, and two lambs of the LORD seven days: on the first day sha7ll be q oh, 3. 1. first year for a sacrifice of Opeace offerings. a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a 20 And the priest shall wave them with the sabbath. bread of the firstfruits for a wave offering 40 And bye shall take you on the first day AoNel, 8. 15. rNu. 18.12. before the LORD, with the two lambs: they tle tboughs of goodly trees, branches of t Heo. f.ozrit. Deut. 18. 4. shall be holy to the LORD for the priest. palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, 21 And ye shall proclaim on the selfsame and willows of the brook; sand ye shall ro- iDeut, 16. 14, day, that it may be a holy convocation unto joice before the LORD your God seven days. 12. you: ye shall do no servile work therein: 41tkAnd ye shall keep it a feast unto the t m.2 12. it shall be a statute for ever in all your LORD seven days in the year: it shall be Neh 8. 18. dwellings throughout your generations. a statute for ever in your generations; ye oh. 19. 9. 22 ~ And s hen ye re ap the harvest ofyour shall celebrate it in the seventh month. land, thou shalt not make clean riddance 42 lYe shall dwell in booths seven days; 1Neh. 8.14.15. of the corners of thy field when thou reap- all that are Israelites born shall dwell in 16. tDeut. 24.19. est, ineither shalt thou gather any glean- bootls: ing of thy harvest: thou shalt leave them 43 "0 That your generations may know that soDeut.31.13. unto the poor, and to the stranger: I am I made the children of Israel to dwell in P.. S8. 5, 6. the LORD your God. booths, when I brought them out of the land 23 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, of Egypt: I am the LORD your God. saying, 44 And Moses' declared unto the children so ser. 2. 24 Speak unto the children of Israel, say- of Israel the feasts of the LORD., 92 TiLe law of blasphemy. LEVITICUS. The year ofjubilee. B, C.' 1490, CHAPTER XXIV. 22 Yo shall have 0one manner of law, as IB. C. 1490. 1 T'he lol for the tams p.. 5 The showread. I0 well for the stranger, as for one ofyour own Sh/omith's, son blasphemeth. 13 The Il of country: for I ane the LORD your God. I E.. 12. 49. bloshemy. 17 Ofmucder. 18 Of damage. 23 23 ~ And Moses spake to the children of oll. 19. 314. 21.I'Si/, - eph, - s-to-od. eIsrael, Ythat they should bring forth him N.-u. 15.16. Ai.D the LORD spake Ounto Ioses, say- that bhad cursed out of the camp, and stone y le. 14. -LI ing, him with stones: and the children of Israel sBe.27.20,.1. 2 cCommand the children of Israel, that did as the LORD commanded Moses.. they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten tHsh. for the light, tto cause the lamps to burn CHAPTER XXV. oto I - to continually. I / f/h Th foe.r8 ses j,. 1ie8. asn.e i,~ t/,ef/tieth ypav~. 141 Of o/lp....ion~. 18 A woo Without the vail of the testimony, in the'/eoi e oedice. 1 P e/iof tabernacle of the congregation, shall Aaron ltd. 20. f Cotes. 3 C oCm. seio of ho order it from the evening unto the morning toe.. 9/esefodc. 47. before thle LORD continually: it shall be a desitioo ofserts. statute for ever in your generations. AND the LORD spake unto Moses in 1491. o E. 31. 8.& 4 He shall order the lamps upon b the A. mount Sinai, saying, 39. 37. pure candlestick before the LORD con- 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and tinually. say unto them, When ye come into the land 5 ~ And thou shalt take fine flour, and which I give you, then shall the land +keep t Rob. ss, E.. 2e 3. 30. bake twelve cakes thereof: two toth deals a sabbath unto the LoRD. E 10. a Ex, 23. 10. sholl be in one cake. 1 3Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and se, ch.26.34, 6 And thou shalt set them in two rows, six six.years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, 35. d I Kin. 7.48. on a row, dupon the pure tablh, before the and gather in the fruit thereof; 2 Chr. 36.21. 2 Chr. 4.19. LORD. 4 But in the seventh year shall be a sab1e3b. e9. And thou shalt put pure frankincense bath of rest unto the land, a sabbath for upon each row, that it may be on the bread the LORD: thou shalt neither sow thy field, for a memorial, evee an offering made by nor prune thy vineyard. s|fum. 4.7. fire unto the LORD. 5 bThat:which groweth of its own accord 01 Ri2ng 19 f eh.. Every sabbath he shall set it in order of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither 29. b.. before the LORD continually, being taken gatlher the grapes t of thy vine undressed t Heb. of thy flS. "-.Sl.O. -from the children of Israel by an everlasting for it is a year Of rest unto t1e land. seaeoion. lark 2. 26. c0venant. 6 And the sabbath of the land shall be hobro 6. 4. 9 And fit shallbe Aaron's and his sons'; meat for you; for thee, and for thy servEx. 29.33. gand they shall cat it in the holy place: for ant, and for thy maid, and for thy hired oh. 8. 31. & it is most holy unto him of the offerings of servant, and for thy stranger that sojourn21. 22. the LORD made by fire by a perpetual otat- eth witb thee, hver. 16. ute. 7 And for thycattle,and for the beast that iJob 1.5, 11, 10 1 And the son of an Israelitish woman, are in thy land, shall al the increase there22.L& 2.5, 9, whose fathero. las an -Egyptian, went out of be meat. 10. among the children of Israele and this son 8 N And thou shalt number seven sabho. 8.01. of the Israelitish womaono and a man of Is- baths ofyears unto thee, seven times seven k BE.18.22,26. rael strove together in the camp; years; and the space of the seven sabbaths I o-. 10.34. 11 And the Isrtelitish woman's son 7blas. of years shall be unto thee forty and nine t H.b. to. _phemed the name of the LOss, and icurs- years. 00000to ed. And they kbrought hi.unto Moses: 9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet +of OHeb.loodef the,s, nceonI (and his mother's nme wa0 Shelomith, the the jubilee to sound on the tenth day ofthe s-otd. /oe daughter of Dibri, ofthe tribe of Dan:) seventh month, tin the day of atonement ech. 23.24,27. O oftn. s 12 And thley Iput him in ward, eirlthat the shall ye make the trumpet sound through-.cB. 18. 10, mind of the LORD might be showed themt. ot all your land. 13 And the LORD spako unto Moses, 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, Nut.27,5.& saying, and prooclaim. liberty throughout all the dis. 61. 2. & 36. 5. 14 Bring forth him tth hat h cursed with- land untoall the inhabitants thereof: it 03. 4. Doout. 13.e. out the camp; and let all that heard him shall be a jubilee unto you; *and ye shall Je.34.8,15, & 17.7. lay their hands upon his head, and let all return every man unto his possession,. and i. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~rtr vr a nohspseson Luke 4. 19. och.5.1. &20. the congregation stone him. ye shall return every man unto his family. 0 3 17. -— ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ee. 13., 10. 15 And thoo sholt speak unto the ehildren 11 h jubilee shall that fiftieth year be 1nto Non. 36. 4. N.-. 0.151. of Israel, saying, Whosoever curseth his you: /fye shall not sow, neither reap that fe. 5. tot Riags 21. God sehall bear his sin. which growcth of itself in it, nor gather the i l, 1a. P. / 74.10 I~. 10 And be that P blasphemeth the name of grapes in it of thy vine undressed.!tt.b 12.31. the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, 12 For it is the jubilee; it shall be holy |lark 3.28. and all the congregation shall certainly unto you:'ye shall eat the increase there- g ve., 7. Jme 2. 7. stone hlim: as well the stranger, as he that ofout of the field. qE.. 01. 12. is born in the land. when heblasphemeth 13 hIn the year of this jubilee ye shall ber. 10. Num. 35.31. the name of the LoeRD, shall be put to return every man unto his possession. oh. 27. 24 Dsot. 1.11, deoth. 14 Aod if thoo sell aught unto thy neigh- N-. 36. 4. 12. 17 ~ qAnd hbe that killeth any man shall bour, or buyest Suglt of thy coighbour's tHsb.soitsth surely be put to death. handi ye shall not oppress one another: i he. 17, the lfe of' 18 "And lie that killeth a beoas shall make lb kLeoording to the numbee of years fter oh. 1. 13. 0000a~~~~~~t. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 bAeorio - m12.3,..21. itgood: t beast for beast, the jubhilee thou shalt buy ofthyneighbour, 4 19 And if a man cause o blemish in his and according unto the number of years of |5ie. 2. 2. $lieb.lfe neighbour; as 0 he hath done, so shall it be the fluits he shallsell unto thee: 1 Co.. 8. lIfe. dc sE. 21. 2. don to him; 10 According to the multitude of years klh. 07.10123. Dout. 19.21. 20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth thou shalt increase thile price thereof, and iltt. 5. 38; for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a according to the fewness of years thou shalt & 7. 2. man, so shah it be done to him again. diminish the price of it: for aecording to t se. 18. 21 LAnd he that killeth a beast, he shall the number of the years of the fruits doth Ex. 21.33. restore it: Uand he that killeth a man, he he sell unto thee. 17. shall be put to death.. 17 Ye shall not therefore oppress one / ser. 14. 93 The redemption of. land. LEVITICUS. The noage of bonden. B. C. 1401. ano.her; 0'but thou shalt fear thy God: brought you forth-out of the land of Egypt, B. C.! 1491. for I am the LORD your God. to give you theland of Canaan, anl to be 43. ]8 V nIWherefore ye shall do my statutes, your God. sh.19.14,32. and keep my judgments, and do them; 39 h And tifthy brother that dweleth byto Ex. 21. 2. cch.:19. 37. oand ye shall dwell il the land in safety. thee be waxen poor, andl be sold unto'thee; DeI t. 10. 12. och. 26. 5,' 19 And the land shall yield her fruit, and thou shalt not tecompel him to serve ans'a 1Kin 12. 10. /lye shall eat your fill, anddwell therein in bondservant: 2 inegs4. 1. Y.9. 1. 8. N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qeh. 5. 5..reee,. 4.. stety. 40 zut as a hired servant, as a soo Jr.o 4.4 Jec. 2o,. 2 0 And if ye shall say, qWhat shall we eat joe, h e t thee, d shall i Heh. eepeh. 26.2. tothe seventh year? behold,'we shall not servo thee unto the year ofjubilee: thyself eith 0,. 3-4.25,27, nor,.o. gather in our increhse: d41 And then shall lie depart from thee,, hi....i. to,. 28. 21 Tohen I twill'Icomm d ey blessing upon both he and his- children m0with him, and neooe. e. qMNtt. 6. 25, you in the sixth year, and it shall bring stall return untohis on family, and couu- er. 46. 31. forth fruit for three years. to the possession of his fathers shill he re- E. 2. 14. 4ec0, 5. 22' t Anddyeoshall sow the eighth year, and turn. 27.. h. O.'~27. 7. &30.8. sSoe.oEx. 16. eat yet of old fruit untitillhe ninth year; 42 For they are omy servants, which I.Ex21. 3. 2. until her fruits come in ye shall eat of the brought forth out of the land of Egypt: o er. t ODet.28.t. eld'etoee. they shall not be soldtoasobondmen. it2 Kings 10. 23~ Theoland shallnotbesold ltforever: 43 i'Thou ehalt cot rule lover Oeith Veeo. 55.2' 20. for the loclandis mine;for ye areYstrangers rigour; but 0 shalt fear thy God. foe. 7. 2t. /oJosh. 5. 1, d Cor. 7.. { J20 —. h. 1 nd sojocurners withcee. 44 Both tthy hondmen, ndthybondmaids, t theb. e.tch 1o2e to 21 4Andin all the landofyourpossession which thou shalt have, shall bh of tie {hesate ea sh1all grallt a redemption for tile land. heatlen that are round about you; of them bontdmn. o.fct 25 ~If tly brother be ncen pooer, and shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. pEph. 6. 9. tiog e-f. hath sold aoy some of his t possession, and 45 Moreover, of'tho children of the Col.4.1. ]Deut. 32.43. if aany of his kin come to redeem it, then strangers that do sojourn among you, of qec. 46. 2 Chr. 7. 20. shall he. redeem that which his brother sold. them shall ye buy, and of their families that E.. 1. 13.!.. 85. 1. 20 And if the man have none toeedeeo it, cce wito you, whico they begat in your,e,. 17. J l 2. 18.& and t himself boe able to redeem it; land: and they shall be-your possession. E.-1. 17 21. 2.27 Then blet hlim count the years of the 40 And tye shall take them as an inherit- Deut. 05.18. elf1 he.20.12. oesle theco con..e yPI Chr. 29. 1 le thereof, and restore the overplus' unto cnoo for your children after you, to inherit 311.a. 2. 2ll. 10. the man to whom he sold it; that he may them for a possession; tthey shall be cIs. 056.3, 6. 1 Pet. 2.11. return unto his possession. your bondmen for ever: but over your t0. 14.2.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I.I...... -otho 2. 20. 28 But if he be not able to restore it to brethren the children of Israel, 0'ye shell tlnb.h..h.ll 4. 4, 6. him, then that which is sold slhall remain in not rule one over anotloer.ith rigour.. eo.,.-.ho. oths3. the hand of him that hath bought it until 47'f Andif a sojourner or stranger t wax [,t ] 2, 9,12. the year of jubilee: eand in tle jubilee it rich by thee, and:thy brother that dwell- J. 32. 7, 8. shall go out, andhe shall ereturn unto his cth by hlim wax poore, and sell himself unto u er. 43. t Hieb. his possession. the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the 00020 oootl l2e And if a can sell a dwelinghoust in a Stock of the stranger's family: ih- s. Wt~ini-d.,,d h.rdo~ fool of lled city, then he'y ryedeem it within a 48 After thant hle is sold he may be redeemedtn o,,oo,deio..... whole year after it is sold; witiin a full t0ain; one of his brethren may..edeen ver. 26. h. 5. 7. year may lie redeem it. him: e. 2. bver. 50, 51, 30 And if it bo not redeemed within the 49 Either his uncle, or his uncle's son, may ytenro. 5. 5. 52. space of a full year, then the house that is redee him, or any teht is nigh of kin unto r. 13. in the walled city shall be established for him of his family may redeem him; or if ~Heb.'el./ ever to him that bought it throughout his 1h he be able, lie mayc redeem himself oe. 26. doe- generations: it shall not go out in the 50 Andhe sall reckon withim that "Iooooo t-Ococ joubilee. bought him from the year that he was sold d 3oo on. 32 Bet the houses of the villages which to him unto the year of jubilee: and the 35. 2. have no wall round about tloem shall e price of his sale shall be according unto the Jolo. 21. 2, cdunted as the fields of the country:. tthey number of years, Iaccordingt tohe ti me of oJob 7. 1. &c. may be redeemed, and they shall go out in a hired servant shall it be with him. to. 10. 11. t 11 Or, nn of the jubilee. 51 If thco bo yettmany yearsbehind, to. 21. 16. Otooheoottncoo.~e'32 Notwithstanding uthe citien of the Le- cooding onto tlhem he shall give again the doo. then. vites, and tie houses of the cities of their price of hlis redemption out of the money.28. possession, mnay the Levites redeem at any that cie o as bouglt for. fnns Aono t4. tine. 52 And if there remain bout foer years unt 20, 27et. |t 3tsl3. O 23 And if [a man purchase of the LeVites, the ye rofjubile, then he lall count ith' /',2?~'/the the h... h/i, ooodfoiloh. toen the house that as sotld, and the city him, and according unto his years shall he goDet.1-.7,8. of his possession, 1shall go out in the year give him again the price of his redemption. P. e37. 20. & of jubilee: for the houses of the cities of 58 And as a yearly.hired servant shall he 41.1.& 112.5, the Levites arce their possession among the be with him: and the other shall not rule 0. children ofIsrael. with rigour over him in thy Sight. PJO. 14. 31. / out fthe field of the suburbs of their 54 And if he hbe not redeemed (fin these i Or, by theo Acto 11. 2O. cities may not be sold; for it is their per- years, then Ohe shall go out in theyear o. n-. 12. 10. petual possession. of jubile, both he, and his children with b oer. 41. 1 John3.17. 35 ~ And if thy brother be waxen poor, him. C E.21.2,3. t theb. and fallen in dec y oith tiee; then thou 00 For eunto te the hildren of Israel oare ete. 42.. si,-th,-e. shalt Utrelieve him: yean thtogh loebe a servants; tey e my servants whoomn I hEn. 22. 25. stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live brought iforh out of tihe land of Egypt: I Deot. 23.19. witlh thee. aot the LORD your God. t. 2.' 7./ 30 hTake thou no usury of him, or in- CHAPTER XXVI. Pr-028. o. ceoo 0: hbutifearthy God; that thy brotlh- 1 Ofho 00. 2 3lolon. A leoo Eo. 12. 0, 13. er may live with thee. th,. Ohot A-p h0 1eAoo.n....ooeooo. 14. QO. 4o5. 17. & 22. 12. 87 Thou shalt not give him thy money up-. to hose that hioak tem. 0 God proiseh to ent. 5.8. & - yet. 17. on usury, nor lend him thy victuals for In- remember2 tohemoht:'1int. 1.2..l,oh. 509. crease..B shall make youy Io dols nor graven P.. 97. 7. eh.to22.32,33. 38 iI en the LORo your God, thich L image, either rearyou upa Instanding 11, Or. pilln. 94 Blessings ayre promised. LEVITICUS. A curse denounced.. C. 1491. image, neither shall ye set up..y. t image destroy your cttle; and ake you fols B. C. 1491. of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: number; and iyour high'atys shall be desi Or, figad for I CL the LORD your God. olate. 3 Jdg. 5. 6. St..~. 2 ~. b Ye siall keoep[sy 8bbatb, and reov- 23 And if yttqwill not be reformedby mo 20Ch. 1.t5.. erene my sanctuary.: I a te LORD. by these things, but will walk contrary un-a S. t.. 10iue e s cd e ltoe Loon... eth.9. 10. 02 y If ye walk in my statutes, and keep tome; Zeb. 7. 14. my commandments, and do them; 24 "Then b ill I also walk contrary unto J. 2. 30. ottnst.' Lt13 4 dThen I will give you rain in clue season, you, and will punish you yet seven times 5 3 14, 15.5 b8'.... 1-14.,ad the land shall yield her increase, and for yeour sins..A... 6-12. d 30 a. 23. the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 25 And'I will bring a sword upon you, e2Sz2a..27. Ez. 34. 26. 5 And/.yo Ur threshing shall reach unto tie that shall avenge the quarrel of miy cove- P.. 18: 26. Joe12.23,24. vintage, and the vintage sthall reach unto nant: and whlenye are gathered together sEz..,17.b&6. sP, 67. 6. & thl stoing time: and ye shall eat your itllin your cities, I will send lth pest i-.14.. 85. 12. bread to the full, and hdwell in eour lsnd lence among you; and ye shall be delivered 29.iB.& 33.b2. Ez. 34. 27. b safely. into the hand of the enemy. 0 Num. 14.12. 36. 30. 6 And iI will give peace in thes land, and 26 eAnstl when I lhave broken tile staff of Dea. 28. 21.!Zeeh. 8. 12. Jer. 14. 12. & b. kye shall lie down, and none shall make your bread, ten women shall bake yours Jss. t. f/A-. 9. 13. 24. 10. & 29. fm. 1. you afraid: and I will t ridtIevil beasts out bread in one oven, and they shall dclier 17 18. glah. 205.19. of the land, neither shall rathe sword go you your bread again ed by g eight: and'y At. 4. 10. Jsoet2. 19, 1 l through your land. shall cat, and not be satisfied., P. 105. 16. heh. 25.18. 77And ye shall chase your enemies, and 27 And if yce will notfor allthis hearken Is. 3.1. loe. 20. lb27 Job 11. 10 bothey shall fa before you by the sword. unto me, but a slk contrary unto mee Ez. 4.d16.L&..s'is, And fveosfyoeshslleb o bease hndeed,,28 Then I sill whlk contrary unto you l.bl1 M.2 and a undred of you shall put ten thousand also'in fury; and I, even I, will chastise Is. 9. 20. i l cr. 22. 9. to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you seven times for your sins. Mlie. 6.1. O. Pa. 2.1. you by the sword. 29 SAnd ye shall eat the flesh of yours fitg.l. 6 147.14. 9:For I will Ohanve respect unto you, and sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall 21.21 m a. 45. 7. e you fruitful, and multiply you, and ye eat. Is. 59.18. & og. 2a.. establish my covenant with you. 30 And 1b will destroy your high places, 3.3.&.1 5. |k Job 11. 19. ce Jer. 21. 5. Os 3.5.b14.8. 10 And ye shall eat qold store, and bring and cut down your images and Cceast our E.. 13, 15 1.35. 39. fortlH the old because of the see. carcasses upon the carcasses of your itlls, 0. 10.. J,3s. 30. 10. ll And I will set my tabernaclo among and my soul sha lllbhor you. Det. 28.53. Ez. 3t. 25. you: and my soul shallnot sbbher you. 31 eAnd I will make your cities waste, 2in 6.29. Ho.. 2. 10. 22 tAnd Iwill walk among you, and "will and fbring your sanctuaries unto desels- Lm. 4. 10. 511.h 3. 13. be your God, asnd ye shall be my people. tion, and I will not smellthe savour of your EZ...10. t sheb. — 05 13 "0I ant the LORD your God, which sweet odours. 62 Chr. 34.3, brought you forth out of thO landof Egypt, 32 And I will bring the land into desola- 4, 7. [ EKin. I5, 25.1buyo 7e s. ea. 1sl. j that ye should not be their bondmen;'tand lion: and your enemies w h ich dwell ther- s.27. 14. 15. I have broken the bands of your yoke, and in sh.11 be A astonished at it.E 1m4. 14.Zm d ouopih. 6, 13. -s. 13. 27. made you go uprigt..33 And iI will scatter you among the es 140.31.30. d~' Yut ifye will not hearken unto me, heathen, and willdraw out ait sword after 20 Jesh.23. 20. and will not do all these commandments; you: and your land shall be desolate, and 2 Chs. 34.5. oE. 2. 2 25 15 And ifye shall Zdespise my statutes,or your cities waste. ILs 20. 23. Kin.123.. if yeaour soul:abhor my judgments, so that 34 kThen shall the land enjoy hier sab- PO.78..9. & ptls. 17.6, will not do all my commandments, but baths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye 89. 38. Noh. 9. 23. that ye break my covenant: be in your enemies' land; evet then shall Jer. 14. 19. Os. 107.38. 16I also willdo this unto you; I willeven the land rest, and enjoy lher sabbaths. N ot. 2. 3. qeh. 25. 22. appoint tover you aterrer, bconsumption, 35 As long as it ieth desolate i e shall rest; Je,. 4. i. rEx. 25.. 8. and the burning ague, that shall consume because it did not rest in your sabbaths,. 6. 6. 29. 45. the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and when yc dwelt upon it. f P.. 7.7. Jsh. 20. 20. dly shall sow your seed in vain, for your 36 And upon them that are left alive of Lat. 2. 10. [Pa. 7/i. 2. P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. 7.2zE. 9.6. & 21. Os.37.26,27, enemies shall eae it. you toI will send' a f'ntness into their 2 e28. ct 17 And eI will set my face against you, hearts in the lands of ltheir enemies; and. 0ev. 21.3. land lye shall be slain before your enemies: t the souid of a tshakieni leaf shall tchase 2I5. f 18. oh. 20. 13. tthey that-lisat you shall reign over you; them;,and they shall flee, as fleeing from a htDeA.02. 37. Dent. 32.10. and tye shall flee when none pursueth you. sword; and they shall fall when none pur- iis. 1.0 2 Co. 6. 16. 18 Ad if ye will notyet for all this hearken sueth. J-. 10.16. h Eto. 6.7. sunto me, then I will punish you iseven times 3 And othey shall fall one upon another, 10 8. J.7,23. & m ore for your sins. as it were before a swordl, when none pur- E. 5.15. 11.4. &30.22. 10 And I will kbreao the pride of your sueth: and l'yo shall have no power to i O)'t.4.27.&0 E. 11. 20.& power; and I will ake yor heaven as stand before your enemies... 96.28. 11,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P. 44. 11. 0. 205. 2 38, irso, and your earth as brass: 38 And ye shall perishamong the heathen, J 9.1.6 4e 20And your t strengtlh shall be spent in and the land of your enemies shall eat you a. 12.15. & xJer. 2. 20. vain: for your land shall not yield her up. 20. 23. 22. M. 3. 27. tincrease, neilther'shallthe trees of the land 30 And they that are left of you q shall it. Det. 8.152. yield their fruits; pine away in their iniquity in your enemies' Zett. t. 14. [-atn. 2.17. 21 ~ And if ye walk tlcontrary unto me, lands; and also in thle iniquities of tteir k 2Chtr. t;.21. enl..2.. and will not hearken uno me; I will briig fatlhers shall they pins away with thento. I h. 25. 2. eve. 43. seven times more plagues upen you accord. 40 "If they shlall cotfess their iniquity, 1t. 21. 7,12, 2Kin.17.12. ing to your sins. and the iniquity of their fathers, witlh their 13. OIIe. 22 ~ willalso send wildbeasts among you, trespass which they trespassed against me,, ver. 17..p-o yo.. set vonu.286. sh;.eh hlt o yo y o rcidea, ~n sa Dsts. 28.65, Ihih shatll xeb you of your children, and and that also they have walked contrary J.b 15 21 66,07. &3.2.-. Jer.15.8. IDeuO.2: 2. oise.2.. leot. antoeiar; Ono. 28. 1. 28. 33. 51. Jo1, 31.8. Jer. 5. 17. & 12. 13. lit. 6. 15. ch. 4l And that I also have wanlled contrary tlel,.dtfvet,. 17. 10. ffDut. 28. 25. Judg. 2. 14. Jer. 19. 7. g Pa. 106. 41. o Is. 10... hver. 36. P.. 53.5..Pr-. 1. 1. 2am. 2.5. Ps. 191. 1tt4. Ss Jetg. 7.22. 1tSm. 14. t., 10. p.Joasb. 7. 12, 13. Jtdg. 2. Proe. 24. 16. hIs. 25. 11. h 25. e. Os 7.24. & 30. (. Deutt. 14. qDeut. 4.27. &28. S5. Neh. l.8. J-. 3. 5. b2t. 12513. 28.23. ot P.. 127. 1. Is.. 49. 4. DPeu.. 1 17. 2& 28. 18. Hog. i. 4. 17. &0. 0. 2 O. 3. h& 24. 23 to 33. 10& 36. 31. Hts. 5. 1.1. 11 Or, atallead entset ts It Me, and sover.. o. eut. ]I. Zeeh. 10.0.'/uNs. 5.7. 1Itings.t33,35 e.47. Neo. 9.0. 32. 24. 2 Kin. 17; 2.5. _E. 5. 17. & 14. 10. Proe. 28.13. D.n. 9. 31 4. Luke 15. 18. 1 John 1. 9. 95 Mercy to the penitent. LEVITICUS. Laws respecting vows. 1. C. 1401. unto them, and have brought them into the LORD, then he seall present the beast be- B. C. 1491. land of their enemies; if then their'un- fore the priest: sSeeJer.G.1O. circumcised hearts be thumbled; and they 12 And the priest shall value it, whether & 9. 2, 26. then accept of the punishment of their in- it be good or bad: t as thou ealuest it, who eteb. acco.,d. Acta 7. 51. b 2Tetn 7. 11 iqeitbe y. c o enal the prieet, eo ehall thbe. ile to lay Ret. 2. 29 42 Then will I'remember my covenant 13 fBut if he will at all redeem it, then he ti.ttie,0 o l. 2. 11. with Jacob, and also my covenant with shall adda fifth.part thereof unto thy eeti- "ett, 5.. t 1in21.29. Isaac, and also my covenant with Abra- mation. ee.6 19. 2Chr. 12.6,7, ham will I remember; and I will'remem- 14 I And when a man shall sanctify his 12. & 32. 2. ber the land. house to be holy unto the LORD, then the & 33. 12, 13. 43 YThe land also shall be left of them, and priest shall estimate it, whether it be good,,lE x.2. 24. & shall enjoy her sabbaths, while she lieth or bad: as the priest shall estimate it, so 6Pa0..45. desolate without them: and they shall at- shall it stand. E-. 16..... cept of the punishment of their iniquity; 15 ldAndifbhe that sanctifiedit'ill redeem dee. 13. P.. 131. 23. because, even because they edespised my his house, then hie shall add the fifth part judgments, and because their soul abhorred of tle money of thy estimation unto it, and my statutes. it shall be his. twee. il. 44 And yet for all that, when theybe in the 1i And if a man shall sanctify unto the Dent. 4.31. land of thetheir enemies, tI will not cast them LORD ome pary t ofe a fieldl of his possession, 2 Xit. 13.e3- away, neither'ill I abhor them, to destroy then thy estimation shall be according to o-1h.e i2. them uttely, eand to break my covenant the seedthreof: lle homer of barley seed eOr,.thelad bee. 11. 29. with them: for I m the LORD their God. sh ll be ealued at fifty ehloel of silver. e a n, ee h.22. 33. h 45 But I will bfor their sakes remember, 17 If he sanctify his field from the year of 2.. the covenant of their ancestors, whom I jubilee, according to thy estimation it shall E.. B. 214, Be. 15. e, ibeeght feeth ettof the 11 ed el C2pt 22. the sigbt of tie he tilen, that I might be 18 But if he sanctify his field after the eh.27. 30, their iod: I a the LenR.. jubilee, then the priest shall'reckon unto Oel,25. 5IOl0. Deet..1. b 46 eThese are the statutes and judgments him the money ccording to the years that 12.1. &33.4. and laws, which the LORD made between remain, even unto the year of the jubilee, John 1. 17. him and the children of Israel fin mount and it shall be abated from thy estimation. fct. 1. 2.1. Sinai by thehand of Moses. 19 fAnd if he that sanctified the field will f et. 13. in any wise redeem it, then lie shall add the CHAPTER XXVII. fifthi part of the money of thy estimation 1He that maketh a oingla vo mus i e t6 unwto it, and it shall be assured to him. ].eed',. 3 Thestieee a.tionof thpo... 9 of le-at gieet bye-,o. 14 Of l a ho.e. 16 Of t 20i And if he will not redeem the field, or fid, and the -edeeptot thereof. 28 Ne de- if he have sold the field to another man, it oted thitfl, ay be redemed. 32The tithe ay shall not be redeemed any more. ot bee hagtd. 21 But the field, twhen it goeth. out in the e eh.2.10.28, TND the LORD spoe untot Mosese, say- jubilee, ehall beeholy unto the LORD, as 3L A ing, a field hdevoted; ithe possession thereof hvor. 28. 2 Speak unto'the children of Israel, and shall be the priest's. i Numl. 18.14. aNum..6.. say unto them, a'When a matn shall make a 22 And if a man sanctify unto the LORD e. 44. 29. Soee Judg.ll singular vow, the persons ehall be for the a field which he hath bought, which is not |13131, 39. LOR by thy estimation. ef the fields of khi possession; tel. 25.10,2. 1Sa.1. Ikc. 25102. il 28. 3 And thy estimation shall be of the. male 23 IThen the priest shall reckon unto him I we. 18, from twenty years old eyen untosixtyyoars the worth of thy estimation, even unto the old, even thy estimation shall be fifty hllek year of the jubilee: and lie shall give thine b Ex. 30.13. els of silver, bafter the shekel of the sant- estimation in that day, as a holy thing unto tuary. the LORD. 4 And if it be a female, then thy eatirma 24 m In the year of the jubilee the field shall we. 2. 28 tion shall be thirty shekels. return unto hIlim of whom it was bought, 5 And if it bf from five years old even even to him to whom the possession of the unto twenty years old, tihen thy estimation land did belong. shall be of tihe male twenty sheklels, and for 25 An all thly estimations shall be accordthe female ten shekels. ing to the shekel of the sanctuary:'twenty,E'. 30. 13. 6 And ifit be from a month old even unto gerahs shall be the shekel. O-m. 3. 47. five years old, then thy estimation shallbe 26 I Only the tfirstling of the beasts b 15. Ii. of tihe male five shekels of silver, and for which should be the LORD'S firstling, no e La. s, the female thy estimation shall be three man sheall sanctify it; whether it be ox, or t01. fishekels of silver. sheep: it is tile LORD'S. to,.,, o.. 7 And if it be. from sixty years old and 27 And if it be of an unclean beast, then E. 13. 2,12 above; if it be a male, then thy estimation he shall redeem it according to thine esti-. 0. It"'um. 18.17.[ shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female mation, Pand shtall add a fifth part of it Dout. 15. 19. ten shekels. thereto: or if it be not redeemed, then it pe-. 11. 12, 8 But if he be poorer than thy estimation, shall be sold according to thy estimation. 13. then hle shall present himself before the 28 qNotwitllstanding, no devoted thing, -7-r. 21 priest, and the priest shall value hlim; al that a man shall devote unto the LORD of Johi. 6. 17, cording to his ability that vowed shall the all that he hath, bothelof man and beast, and 18, 19. priest value him. of the field of his possession, shall be sold 9 And if it be a beast, whereof men bring or redeemed:every devoted thing is most an offering unto tile LOBD, all that aty holy unto the LORD.,N-, 21. 2. man giveth of such unto the LORD shall be 29 "None devoted, which shall be devoted 0. holy. of men, shall be redeemed; but shall surely.en. 28. 221. 10 He shall not alter it, nor change it, a be put to death. N.m.. 21, good for a bad, or a bad for a good: and if 30And all the title of the land, iethet 24. he shall'at all change beast, forbeast, then 2 Chr, 31 5, ho elat t chnge beate o bet, thea of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the lb 1.1 it and the exchange thereof shall be holy. tree, ie the LORD'S: it s holy unto the Cot,. 13. 12. 11 And if it be any unclean beast, of LORD. O31. 3.8,10. which they do not offer a sacrifice unto the 31 tand if a man will ae all redeem aught t we. 13. 96 -lThe numbering NUMBERS. of the people. B0.'.:1491.- of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth or bad,'neither shall hle ehange it: and if B. C. 1491. p at thereof. lie change it at all, then both it and the 32 And concerning the tithe of the herd, or cllanlre tieroof shall be holy; it shall not be,ver. 10, |!nSoe Jer. 33. of the flock, even of whatsoever tpassetth redeemed. 13.. nder the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto 34 YThese aore the commandments, which oh. 26. 46, TE. 20. 37. the LORe. the Lo.eD com.manlded Iosoes for the chilic. 7.014. 33 Ile shall not search whether it be good drcu of Israel in mount binai. THE FOURTH BOOIK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS. B.-C. 1490. CHAPTER I. 21 Those that were numbered of them, B. C. 1490. 1 Gd comenatedetht toses tO e umber te people. 6 even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty and The princes of the tnibes. 17 T1he -neo' of six thousand and five hundred. ee,./ tribe. 47'/te Levites areezenotedfor the 22 ~ Of the children of Simeon, by their sevice of the Lord. generations, after their families, by the sEe. 19. 1. A ND the LORD spake unto Moses ain house of their fathers, those tlhat were numch. 10.11, 2. the wilderbess of Sinai, bin the taber- bered of them, according to the number of bEr. 25. 22. nacle of the congregation, on the first day the names, by their polls, every male from of the second month, in the second year twenty years old and upward, all that were after they were come out of the land of able to go forth to war; Egypt, saying, 23 Those that were numbered of them, eEx. 30. 12. & 2 CTake ye the sum of all the congregation even of the tribe of Simeon, were fifty and 38. 02. of the children of Israel, after their families, nine thousand and three hundred. clh. 26. 2, 63, by the house of their fathers, weit the num- 24 ~ Of tlie children of Gad, by their gen2 srm2 1.. *.ber of their names, every iale by their erations, after their families, by the house of I Chr. 21.2. polls; tlieir fathers, according to the number of 3 From twenty years old and upward, all the names, from twenty years old and upthat are able to go forth to war in Israel: ward, all that were able to go forth to war; thou and Aaron shall number them by their 25 Those that were numbered of them, arminies. even of the tribe of Gad, were forty and 4 And with you there shall be a man of five thousand six hundred and fifty. every tribe; every one head of the house of 26 ~[ Of the children of Judah, by their his fathers. generations, after tlieir families, by the 5 ~ And these are the names of the men house of their fathers, according to the that shall stand with you: of the tribe of numbeof f the names, from twenty years Reuben; Elizur tile son of Shedeur. old and upward, all that were able to go 6 Of Simeon; Shelumiel the son of Zuri- forth to war; shaddai. 27 Those that were numbered of them, 7 Of Judah; Nahshon the son of Ammin- evenz of the tribe of Judah, tovre tllreescore adab. and fourteen thousand and six hundred. 8 Of Issachar; Nethaneel the son of 28 ~ Of the children of Issachar, by their Zuar. generations, after their families, by the 9 Of Zebulun; Eliab the son of Helon. house of their fathers, according to the 10 Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim; number of the names, from twenty years Elisllama the son of Ammihud: of Manas- old and upward, all that were able to go sell; Gamaliel the son of Pedalzur. forth to war; 11 Of Benjamin; Abidan the son of Gide- 29 Those that were numbered of them, oni. even of tile tribe of Issacllar, erret fifty and 12 Of Dan; Ahiezer the son of Ammishad- four thousand and four hundred. dai. 30 ~1 Of the children of Zcbulun, by their 13 Of Asher; Pagiel the son of Ocran. generations, after their families, by the dbh. 2. 14, 14 Of Gad; Eliasaph the son of ll)euel. house of their fathers, according to the numhe is callel 15 Of Napltali; Allira the son of Enan. ber of the names, from twenty years old and Rl"es. 16 eThcse voere the renowned of the con- upward, all that were able to go forth to 7. gregation, princes of the tribes of their fa- war; flChr.. 10. Ohters, feeads ofttousands in Israeol. 31 Those that were numbered of them, fE.. 18. 21, 17 ~ And Moses and Aaron took thesemen eve n of the tribe of Zebulun, were fifty and 5. hich re expressed by their names: seven thousand and four hundred. 18 And they assembled alle congrega- 32 ~Of the children of Joseprl, namelty, of tion together on the first day of the second the children of Ephraim, by their generamonth, and they declared their pedigrees tions, after their families, by the house of after their families, by the house of their tleir fathers, according to the number of fathers, according to tile number of the the names, from twenty years old and upnames, from twenty years old and upward, ward, all that were able to go forth to war; by tlteir polls. 33 Tliose that were numbered of them, 19 As the LORD commanded Moses, so he even of the tribe of Ephraim, were forty numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai. thousand and five hundred. 20 And the children of Reuben, Israel's 34 I Of thle children of Manasseh, by their eldest son, by their generations, after their generations, after their families, by the families, by the Ihouse of their fathers, ac- louse of their fatllers, according to the olrdingto tlenlumberloofthe names, by their number of the names, frotn twlenty years polls, every male from twenty years old and old and upward, all that were able to go upward, all that were able to go forth to forth to war; war; 35 Those that were numbered of tlem, 7 97 The number of every tribe. NUMBERS. The order of the tribes. B. 0. 1490.; even of the tribe of Manasseh, owere thirty ing to all that the LORD commanded Mo- BI. 1490. and two thousand and two hundred. soes, so did they. 36 ~ Of the children of Benjamin, by their generations, after their families, by the CHAPTER II. house of their fathers, according to the The ode t tet s e i,o thte r tetu. number of the names, from twenty years AND the LORD spake unto Moses and old and upward, all that were able to go 1].. unto Aaron, saying, forth to oar 2 aEvery man of the children of Israel ach. 1.52. 37 Those that were numbered of them, shall pitch by his own standard, with the even of the tribe of Benjamin,.oere thirty ensign of their father's house: tbfar off t.eb. and five thousand and four hundred. abot te tabernale of the congregation over agint. 38 ~ Of the children of Dan, bytheir gen- shall theypitch. bJoh, 3. 4. erations, after their families, by the house of 3 And on the east side toward the rising their fathers, according to the number of of the sun shall they of the standard of the names, from twenty years old and up- the camp of Judah pitch throughout their ward, all that wore able to go forth to war; armies: and cNalhshon the son of Ammin- c ch. 10. 14. 89 Those that were numbered of them, dab shal be captain of the children of Ruth 4. 20. even of the tribe of Dan,,were threescore Judah. 1 Chr. 2. 00. and tno thousand and seven hundred. 4 And his host, and those that were num- Late 3. 32, 40 [ Of the children of Asher, by their gen- bered of them, were threescore and fourteen 33. erations, after their families, by the houseof thousand and si hundred. their fathers, according to the number of 5 And those that do pitch hext unto him the names, from twenty years old and up- shall be the tribe of Issachar: and Neward, alltht were bletotgoforth towar; that were able to g o forthe son of Zuar shall be captain of 41 Those that were numbered of them, the children ofIssachar. even of the tribe of Asher, were forty and 6 And his host, and those that were numone thousand and five hundred. bered thereof, were fifty and four thousand 42 I Of the children of Nfaphtali, through- and four hundred. out their generations, after their families, 7 Then the tribe of Zebulun: and Eliab by the house of their fathers, according to the son of Helon shall be captain of the the number of the names, from twentyyears children of Zebulun. oland upward, all that were able to go 8 And his host, and those that were numforth to war; bered thereof, were fifty and seven thou43 Those that were numbered of them, sand and four hundred. even of the tribe of Naphtali, were fifty 9 All that were numbered in the camp of and three thousand and four hundred. Judah were a hundred thousand and fourgch. 26. 6. 44' Theso are those that were numbered, score thousand and six thousand and four which Moses and Aaron numbered, and the hundred, throughout their armies: d these d cht 10. 14. princes of Israel, being twelve men: each shall first set forth. one was for the house of his fathers. 10 ~ On the south side shall be the stand45 So were all those that were numbered ard of the camp of Reuben according to of the children of Israel, by the house of their armies: and the captain of the ohiltheir fathers, from twenty years old and dren of Reuben shall be Elizur the sonoof upward, all that were able to go forth to Shedeur. war in Israel; 11 And his lost, and those that were num46 Even all they that were numbered were bered thereof, were forty and six thousand h hEx..,8. 2 six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred. See ib. 12, and five hundred and fifty. 12 And those which pitch by him shall be 37. 47 0 But ithe Levites after the tribe of the tribe of Simeon: and the captain of the h. I. 32. & their fathers were not numbered among children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel the h. 33 them. son of Zurishaddai. Soe ch. 3, h 48 For the LORD had spoken unto Moses, 13 And his host, and those that were numb1,. 26,57. saying, bered of them, were fifty and nine thousand 1 Chr. & 49 IkOnly thou shalt not number the tribe and three hundred. 21. 6. of Levi, neither take the sum of them among 14 Then the tribe of Gad: and the captain h. 2. 33. &- the ctildren of Israel: of the sons of Gad shall be Eliasaph the son o26. 6. 50 But thilo shalt appoint the Levites over of 11 Reuel. Deoet, 0. 3x. 821. the tabernacle of testimony, and over all 15 And his host, and those that were num- ch.. 14. & 7. Coh. 3. 7, 8. & the vessels thereof, and over all things that bered of them, were forty and five thousand 42, 47. & 10. 4.23, IL 20, belong to it: they shall bear the tabernacle, anld six hundred and fifty. 20. 27, 33. and all the vessels thereof; and they shall 16 All that were numbered in the camp of m h.. 23,20, minister unto it, "and shall encamp round Reuben w ee a hundred thousand ad fifty 35, 38. about the tabernacle. and one thousand and four hundred and,och. 10. t7, 51 "And when the tabernacle setteth for- fifty, throughout their armies: oand they clh. 10. 18. 21. ward, the Levites shall take it down; and shall set forth in the second rank. when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the 17 ~ f Then the tabernale of the congrega- f ch.10.17,21. o h. 3. 11, 38. Levites shall set it up: ~ and the stranger tion shall set forward with the camp of the & 18. 22. that cometh nigh shall be put to death. Levites in the midst of the camp: as they.c. 2.02, 34. 52 And the children of Israel shall pitch encamp, so shall they set forward, every'ver. 50. their tents, P every man by his own camp, man in iris place by their standards. rLev. 1).6. and every man by his own standard, through- 18 Ontho west side shall be the standch.8.19.& lo. out their hosts. ard of the camp of Eptlraim according to 46. & 18. 6. 53 B1ut the Levites shall pitoh round about their armies: and thet captain of the sons 1 Sam, 6. 19. the tabernacle of testimony, that there be of Eptrairn shall be Elishama the son of ~ll. 3.7.8.& no wrath upon the congregation of the Ammihud. 8. 2, 25, 2. children of Israel: land the Levites shall And his host, and those that were num8. 2L 4 25 & 13.30, 4. bkeep the charge of the tabernacle of testi- bered of them, tere forty thousand and five 1 Chr. 2.3. mony. hundred. 2 elr. i5 And the children of Israel did accord- 20 And by him shalI bo the tribe of Ma98 VTie order of the tribes. NUMBERS. The Levites numbered.!t.C. 1490. nassel: and the captain of the children of they had no children: and Eleazar and B.C. 1490. Manasseh shall be Gamalielta the son of Itheamar inisteed in tte priest's office it Pedahzur. the sight of Aaron thter father. 21 And his host, and those that were aum- 5 ~ And the LORD spake unto Mioses, bered of them, twere thirty and two thousa nd saying, and two hundred. 6 dBring the tribe of Levi near, and pre- dch.8.6. &18. 22 Then the tribe of Benjamin: and the sent them before Aaron the priest, that 2. captain of the sons of Benjamin shall be they may minister unto him. Abidan the son of Gidconi. 7 And they shall keep his charge, and the 23 And his host, and those that were num- charge of the whole congregation before tihe beredof them, were thirty and five thousa d tabernacle of the congregation, to do ethe Seecth. t. 50. and four hundred. service of the tabernacle. & 8. 11, 15, A4 All that were numbered of the camp of 8 And they shall keep all the instruments 2 26. Ephraim t ere a hundred thousand and o the tabernacle of the congregation, and eight thousand -and a hundred, throughout the charge of tile chlildren of israel, to do ah. 10. 22,I their armies: gaa d they shall go forward in the sertee of the tabernaale. the third rank. 9 And fthou shalt give the Levites unto fht. 8. 19. & [25 3 The standard of tile camp of Dan Aaron and to his sons: tiey are wholly 18. 6. shalt be on the north side by their armies: given unto him out of the children of Israel. and the captain of the children of Dan hall 1 0 And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his be Ahiezer the son of Almnshaddai. sons,:and they shall wait on their priest's g ah. 18. 7. [ 6 And hlis host, and those that were um- office: hand tihe stranger that eometh nigh he,,,. 38. bered of them, were threescore and two shall be put to death. h. 1. 51. & tthousand and seven hundred. 11 Atd the LORD spake unto Moses, 16. 40. 27 And those that encamp by him shall be saying, the tribe of Asher: and the captain of tie 12 And I, behold, iI have taken the Lovites i ver. 41. children of Asher shallt be Pagiel the son of from among tle children of Israel instead h. 8. 16. & tcran. of all the firstborn ttat opeaetl the aatrix 18. G. 28 And his host, and those that were aum- among the children of Israel: therefore the bered of them, tvere forty and one thousand Levites shall be mine; and five hundred. 13 Because hall tihe firstborn are mine; k E. 13. t. 29 [ Then the tribe of Naphtali: and the Ifor on the day that I smote all the first- Lev. 27. 26. captain of the children of Naphtali shall be born it tile land of Egypt I hallowed unto i. 8. a. Ahiran the son ofEnaa. a alt tte firstborn in Israel, both man Lke 2. 3. 30 And his host, and those that were num- and beast: mine they shall he: I avt theI E-.13.12,LC. bered of them, tere fifty and three thou- LORD. a. 8. 17. sand and four hundred. 14 t And the LORD spake unto Moses 31 All they that were numbered in the in tie wilderness of Sinai, saying, camp of Dan aere a hundred thousand and 15 Number the children of Levi after the fifty and seven thousand and six hlundred: house of their fathers, by their families: bh eh 10. 25. tthey shall go hindmost with their stand-'Ievery male from a month old and upward l aier. 39. ards. shalt thou number them. oh. 26. 62. ~2, These are those which were num- 16 And MIoses numbered them according bered of tte children of Israel by thle house to the C word of the LORD, as hle was cora- tHat. ateat. ai. 8. 26. of their fathers: t all those that were um- mandetld. ca.l.al4h.& I; bered of tle camps throughout their hosts 17'And tleso were the sons of Levi by, Gea 46.d11. 21. were six hundred thousand and three thou- their names; Gershon, and Kohath, and, sand and five lunded and fitty. nearin. eta. 2i 57. I Ch r.6. 1, 16.{ k ch. 1. 47. 33 But kthe Lcvites were not numbered 18 And these are the names of tie sons &a 23. t 6 among the children of Israel; as the LORD of Getshen by tteir families; OLibni, and l commanded Moses. Shimei. 34 And thle children of Israel did accord- 19 And the sons of Kohlath by their taming to all tltat tie LORD commanded Mo- ilies;'Anrram, and Izehar, Hebron, and Ex. 6. 18. ch.t24.2,6,6. ses: aso they pitched by their standards, Uzziel. and so they set forward, every one after 20 qAnd the sons of Merari by their tam- Ex. 6.19. their families, accordingto thehouse of their ilies; IMahli, and MIushi. Tiese are the fathers. families of the Levites according to the CHAPTER III. house of their fatherls. 1 The sons of Aa,,o. 5 The Levites art-e evet ao t1 Of Gettshen teas tihe family of the Libthe piest fo the e te aeai e t aben,-,ale, It nites, and tile family of tlte Shimites: these [ntead if theiat.tamlc. 14 The Leftale, nare tile families of tle Gerslonites..aatabi-, and charge of the Ge,' its, 27tt f nu~beedl Ihi?~a,,ilis. LT~~nmli 228 Those that were nulmbercd of them, de[[the Kiohathites, 33 of the Meral~'ites. 38 The tea Kattathitt,, at tf tat 3ttaenita. fit4 tcordi ng to the number of all the males, from lace aa.- ctarge of.oses aand AaatL. 40 The a month olandatd upward, even those that jirtbo,i, ate feedl by the tevitea. 44 TVie oar- were numbered of them tera seven thou[pl-s aaeae rede. sand ad five hundred. [ 1491. [rlttESE also are tte generations of Aaron 2i3 "The families of te Gerslhoneites shall,ch. 1. 163. [1 and MIoses, in the day that tie LORD pitch behind tie tabernacle westward. spake with Moses in mount Sinai. 24 And the chief of tihseIouse of the father aEx. 2. 23. And thesea nae the names of the sons of of tihe Gershonites hnall be Eliasaph tile bEx. 28 41 t Aaron; Nadab the afirstborn, and Aihu, Ahson oflel. 4, Le.8.. Elen.aa, ad Ithamar. 25 And tlthe charge of tle sons of Gers 2.. CIakb. 3 These are tihe names of t ae sons of in tile tabernacle of tle congregation sltatllt. a. 9. |eh,,a hand Aaron, bthe priests which were anointed, be the tabernacle, and "the tent, tihle Ath fi~l. t whnom he consecrated to minister in tile covering thereof, and Ythe hanging for tite aa 26. 1. 1490. priest's otffice. door of tihe tabernacle of tile congregation, E- 26. 14. the 10t 1 4 CAnad Nadab and Abihu died before the 26 And Zthe hangings of tie court, and aa. 26 3t. ak. 2 d LORDe, wael tetty offered strange firte before Ithe curtain for thie door of the court, lwhich z E. 27. 9. 1Chr. 24. 2. the LOetD, in the wilderness of Sinai, and is by tihe tabernacle, and by the altar round aEx. 27.aa. 89 The several families, nurmber, NiUMBERS. and charge of the Levites. 33. C. 1490. about, and 6tho cords ofit, for all the serv- 44 ~ And the LORD spake unto MIoses, B. C. 1400. iee thereof. saying, b Eo. 35. 18. 27 1'And of Kohoth ioets the family of 45 " Tako the Levites instead of all tine.r 12, 41. ~1 Chr.O6.23. the Amramites, and the family of tile Ize- firstbornh mong the children ofIsrael, and harites, and thile family of the Hebronites, the cattle of the Levites instead of their andthe family of the Uzzlelites: these are cattle; and the Levites shall be mine: I the families of the Kohschites. am the LORD. 28 In the number of all the males, from a 40 And for those that are to be redoeemed sE.. 13. 13. old and upoard, oweo. eight thousand of the too hundred ano theeescore and thir-.h, tO. e. and six hundred, keeping the olharg of the teen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, sanctuary. tYwhieh are moret than the Levites; y ss. 39, 43. d ekh. 0. 53. 29 dThe families of the sons of Kohath 47 Thou shalt even take 2five shekels apiece sLev. 27. 6. shall pitch on the side of the tabernaole by the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary h. 18. 16. southward. shalt thou take them: (the shekel i twoen- a Ex. 30. 13. 30 And the chief of tile house of the father ty gerahs:) Leov. 27. 25. of the families of the Kohathites htall be 48 And thou shalt give the money, where- z is. to. 1 Elizaphan the son of Uzzlel. with the odd number of them is to be re- E.. dO. 12t o h. 4. 15. 31 And etheir charge sltall be fthe arkl, deemed, unto Aaron and to his sons. f[o. 2e. 10. and Ythe table,and hthe candlestick, and 49 And Mloses took the redemption money Ex. 25. 2. itte altars, and the vessels oe the sanctuary of them that were over and above them theat ho. hi. Oh heswherewith they minister, and kthe hanging, were redeemed by the Levites: i Ex. 27. 1. & and all tihe service thereof. 50 Of the firstborn of the children of Israel 00.1. 32 AndEltazar the son of Aaron the priest took lie tile money; ba thousand three hun- 0 or. 46, 47. k Ex. 2l. 32. thall be chief over the chief of the Levites, dred and threescore and five shekels, after and have t le o versight of them thaosihofth tt keep the shekel of tile sanctuary: the charge of tie sanctuaroy. 51 And Moses C gave thie money of them ever. 48. 33 ~ Of Merari twas the family of the aloah- that were redeemed unto Aaron and to his lites, and the family of tihe ilushites: these sons, according to tie word of the LORD, are tile families of toerari. as the LORD commanded Mloses. 34 And those that were numbered of them, according to the number of allI tile males, CHAPTER IV. from a month old and upward, uele six 1 eah'agelo tmshoose atoet ites' ershess. 40es thousand and two hundred. c.0gs f fth dfoethitss,,,hs-k thss h-e tak-,o dooo tie stabernacle. 16 The chage f 35 And the chief ofthe house of the father leo.17 f e ffi!es of Os 1t. 1 0..Eleaz-ar. 17 Thle cfirce of the p?'iesth. 2[ i/he of tle families of MIerari oas Zuriel tile eaoie of the Gerooites. o9 The calage of. 0ll.. 3. son of Abihail: Ithese shall pitchl on the the-nerates. 3 Th numhes. of o he f Kooahiess side of the tabernacle northward. 38 ofths GetshoLites, 42 ad ofthe steraites. t Hb. Ohe 06 And ti vctde, ~ the custody and charge ND the LORD spale unto Moses and ooce of he ofthe sons of ilerari shall b0 the boards of unto Aaron, saying, change, the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and 2 Take the sum of the sons f Kohatlh from tch. 4.31,32. the pillars thereof, and the sockets thereof, among tie soos of Levi, after their families, and all thie vessels thereof, and all that by the housoe of their fathers, serveoth thereto, 3 From thirty years old and upward even Se- ch. 8.24. 37 Andthe pillars of the court round about, until fifty years old, all that enter into the 1 Chr. 23..3, and their sockets, and their pins, and their host, to do the ork in the tabernacleof toe 240 27. cords. congregation. h ch. 5..53.'Buot those that encamp before the 4 b This shall be the service of the sons of b oe. 15. tabernacle toward the east, even before the Kohath in the tabernacle of the eongregatabernacle of the congregation oostward, tion, about Ith mostt holy things. s. 19. shalt be MIoses, and Aaron and his sons, 5 A And when tile camp setteth forward, och. 18.5.5. keeping the charge of the sanctuary for aron esall come, and hissos, and they poer. 7, 8. the charge of tile children of Israel; and shall take down tthte covering vail, and d x. 26. 31. sees. 00.'Ithe strangee thot cometh nigh shall be put cover the eark of testimony witt it: t El.. 25. 10, to death. 6' And shall put thereon the covering of 16. {s. el. 20. 30 "'Al that were numbered of tle Levites, badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a 62. which toses and Aaron numbered at thie cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in f the fEx. 20..13. commandment of the LORD, throughout staves thereof. their families, all the males from a month 7 And upon the 9table of shewbread they [ gEs..25.23,29, old and upward, were twenty and two thou- shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon 30. sand. the dishes, and the spoons, and the bolis, Le-. 24.6, 8. 40 ~ And tte LORD said unto Moses, and covers to hlcover withal: and the con:- jo, 00u5.'Nohmber all the firstborn of the males of tinual bread shall be thereon: ot ts. the children of Israel from a month old 0 And they shall spread upon them a cloth and upward, and take the number of their ofscarlet, and cover tle same with at covernames. ing of badgers' skins, and shall put in the tser. 12, 45. 41 tAnd thou shalt take the Levites for staves ttiereof. me (I as the LORD) instead of all the 9 And they shall take a cloth of blue, and firstborn among tioe ciildren of Israel; and cover the hcandleostick of the light, land his hE.. 25. 31. tIle cattle of ti. Levites istoead of all the lamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, i E,...37,38. firstlings among the cattle of the children and aill the oil vessels thereof, wherewith of Israel. they minister unto it: 42 And Otoses numbered, as the LORD 10 And they shall put it and all the vessels commanded him, all tile firstborn among thereof within acovering of badgers' skins, the children of Israel. and shall pat it upon a bar. 43 And all the firstborn males by the num- 11 And upon thoe goldcn altar they shall bEx. 30. 1, 3. her of names, from a month old and up- spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a ward, of those that were numbered of them, covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to were twenty and two thousand tno hundred the staves thereof: and threescore and thirteen. 12 And they shall take all the instruments 100 The number qualified NUMBERS. for the ministry. B. C. 1490. of ministry, wheret wit they lnlster ill the every one that entereth into the t service, to 13.. 1490. sa.nctuary, and put t/he ina cloth of blue, do th.e worl. of tht tabernaclo of tloe congreand cover thlem witl a covetring of badgers' gation. It Hel. skills, anld shll put t/temlt on it bar. 1 And'tllis is e chllarge of their burden, t. t faot. 13 And tlhey shall take oway thle ashes from o according to all tller service it tthe tabor- z oc.3. 30. 37. the altar, and spread a purple cloth thtreon: oacle ot ttoe congregation; tthe boards of oEt. 20. 15. 14 And they sllall put upon it all the ves- the tabelnacle, and thle bars tlereof, and sels thereof, wherewithl tlly ministotr about the pillars tllereof, and sockets tlereof, it, evens the censers, the fleshhooks, and the 32 And the pillars of tile court round tlOr, bosolt. shooels, and thle It basiha, ll th.e vessels of about, and tteir sockets, tand ttleir pits, thte ltaro; ond ttey soall spread upot it a and their cords, withl all their instruments, covering of badgers' skins, and put to the anld oith all their service: anld by lname ye staves of it. shall b reckon the instruments of the charge b 8. 38. 21. 15 Antd when Aaron and his sons have oftlleir burden. made ant end of covering the sanctuary, and 33 This is the service of tile families of all tile vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp tile sons of Icrari, accordling to all their Itcl.7.9. &10. is to set forward; aftcr that, Ithe sons of service, ill tle tabernacl of tte confreta21. Kollath shall come to bear it: 0'but tley tion, under thle hand of lthlamar tile son of DLt. 31t 9.shall not touch any holy thing, lest they Aaron tlle piest. i ftr. 5. 2,3 die.'Thtoese tfhigsto tore th:e burden of thte 34 t CAnd oMoses and Aaron and the chief c y er. 2. 15. sons. f Kohaoh in the tab rnle of te co- of f tle congregation tluomberedt ttle sons of,.2 S.-. (. 6', gregation. ttle Kolhathites after their families, and 7. 1G6,0 And to the office of Eleazar the son of after tile house of their fathers, 1 Chr. 13. 9, Aaron the priest pertaineth o the oil for the 5 From thirty years old anld upward even 00. light, and tile P'sweet incense, and qthe unto fifty years old, every one that enteretll totch. 3. 3.31 daily meat offering ad the ointing oil, into tho service, for the work in thoe tabero Ex. 200.0. and te oversighllt of all thle tabernacle, and nacle of tile congregation: Levo.. 2. of all that therein is, in the-sanctuary, and 3( And ttoso that o ore numbered of toem tEo. 30. J4 in thle vessels tlereof. by their families were two thousand seven.. 29. -10. 17 ~ And tOle LOItD spake unto Ioses hundred and fifty. tt. 30. 23. and unto Aarooo, sayiuog, 37 These tvere they that were numbered 18 Cut ye not off thle tribe of the families of the families of thle Koatlites, all that of the Koatllites from among the Levitest: mtighlt do service in thle tabernacle of tile 191But thus do unto them, tllat they lay congregation, which MIoses and Aaron did live, and not die, when they approach unto number accordingo to tLe commandment of ver. 4.'the most boly thingo: Aahool tnd his sons the LORD by tte hand of lIoscs. shall go in, and appoint them every one to 38 And ttiose that were numbered of the his service and to Ohis burden: sons of Gershon, throughout their families, t See lx. 19. 20 t But tljey shall not go in to see when and by the house of their fathers, 21. the holy tloings are covered, lest they die. 39 From thirty years old and upwvard even 1 0l0.06. 19. 21 And the LORD spake unto 0 Moses, unto fifty years old, every one that entercth saying, into the service, for the work in the tabor22 Take also the sum of the sons of Ger- nacle of the congregation, sllon, tllroughout the houses of their fathers, 40 Even those that 0were numbered of them, by their families; throughout their families, by the house of uo. v. 3 23 ttFrom thirty years old and upward un- their fathers, mere two thousand and six til fifty years old shalt thlou number them; hlundred and tllirty. t H.el. toa- all that enter in t to perform the service, to 41 d These are they that were numbered of cd ver. 22, t thetra- o. do thle work in the tabernacle of the congre- tle families of the sons of Goersllon, of all gation. that might do service in the tabernacle of 24 This is the service of the families of the the congregation, whom o Ioses and Aaron Or, carriage. ersllonites, to serve, and for II burdens: did number according to the commandment eth. 3. 25, 26. 25 Ald 0they shall bear tile' curtains of of the LORD. the tabernacle, and the tabernacle of the 42 ~ And those that were numbered of the congregation, his coverin, and thle cover- families of the sons of ierari, tllroghllout ing of thle badgers' skins that is above upon their families, by the house of their fatllers, it, and the langing tbfor the door of the tab- 43 From thirty years old and upward even ernacle of the congregation, unto fifty years old, every one that cntereth 26 And ttle hlangings of the court, and the into the service, for the workl in the taberhanoing for the door of the gate of the court, nacle of tile congregation, whllich is by the tabernacle and by the altar 44 Even those that were numbered of them round about, and their cords, and all the after their families, were three thousand instruments of their service, and all that is and two hundred. made for them: so shall they serve. 45 These be those that were numbered of tHel,.mou2th. 27 At the tappointment of Aaron and his the families of the sons of Mtoerari, whom sons shall be all the service ot the sons of o loses and Aaron numbered'according to ever. 29. the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and the word of the LORD by thle hand of BIoses. in all their service: and ye shall appoint 46 All those that were numbered of the unto them in charge all thlelr burdens. Levites, whom MIoses and Aaron and the 28 This is the service of the families of the chief of Israel numbered, after their famsons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the ilies, and after the louse of their fathers, congrcgoation: and their charge shall be un- 47 fFrom thirty years old and upward fer.3, 23,30. der the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron even unto fifty years old, every one that the priest, came to do the service of the ministry, and 29 ~ As for the sons of oterari, thou shalt t he service of tole burden in the tabernacle number them after their families, by the of the congregation, house of their fathers; 48 Even tllose that were numbered of er. 3 30 YFrom tiirty years old and upward even them, were eight thousand and five hundred unto fifty years old shalt thou number them, and fourscore. 101 The trial of jealousy. NUMBERS. The trial ofjealousy. BC. 1490. 40 According to the commandmeent of the head, nd put the effering of memorial in t. C. 1490.1 LORD they were numbered by the hand of her haids, which is the jealousy offering: eier. 15t, 2 M, losesc, every one according to his service, and the priest shall have in his hand the 31. and according to his burden: thus were bitter water that ausetlh the curse: hee.l, 2. they numbered of him, tstheheLODCOw- 1d Atd the periest shall hearge her by an manded Mtises. oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lin with thee, and it thou hast not CHAPTER V. gone aside to uncleanness tittith anothert i Or, behngine 1 Pthe -lelea ae -eeoe ed oet of the amp. 5 instead of thy husband, be thou free from the p —er of ietiie,, ic et, lith e thids bitter water that oauseth the curse: thy At-iee, ce~ieleofjcelcaee.'IOBut it thou hast gone aside to anotec Rthnh. cee2.:loi~~~~~~~~~~~s~; ~n t1.b..... I,R.. ND) the LcORD spee anto Mosce, nay- instead oc thy husband, and if thou he de- h Ic c,,,i,,ed. -CB~~~~~~~~~~~0lu ifg thou h'jastgoe sdeoante it ldg1h, ftiled, and some man have lain with thee 2 Command the children of Israel, that besides thine husband: ca e.l.3.e46. they put ount of tie camp every'leper, and 21 Then thie priest shall'charge the n Josh. 6. 26. clh.12.14. eevery one that hath tan issue, and whose- wToman with an oath of cursing, and the It 8e. 1d.24. bLev. 15. 2. ever is defiled by the Cdead: priest shall say unto the woman, ~The Noe It. 21.2. cLy-. 21.1. 8 Bothi male and. female shall ye put out, LORD make thee a curse and all ettlh eJa. 29. 22. at. 9. 96,1 0.& without the camp shall ye put them; that among thy people, when the LORD doth 19. 11, 1:. h they defile not their camps, din the midst make thy thigt t rot, and thy helly to tfeh.fetl. 31, 19. whereof I dwell. swell;,lh.. 26. 1t, 4 And the children of israel did so, and 22 And this ter that causeth the curse 2 tor.. l1. put them out without the camp: as the Pshall go into thy bowels, to make tphy pnP. 109. 18. LORD spake unto Mloses, so did the chil- belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot. qAnd qDeut. 27.15. dren of sra el. tle woman shall say, Amen, amen. ~5 T Atd the LaORD spae ante Moses, 23 And the priest shall write these curses saying, in a book, and he shall blot thean out with e Lev. 6. 2,3. ii Speak unto the children of Israel, eWhen the bitter water: a man or woman shall commit any sin that 24 And hie shall cause the woman to drink men commit, to do a trespass against the the bitter water tlhant eauseth tte curse: LORD, and that person he guilty; and the water that eauseth the curse shall f Lev. 5. 5.& 7 fThen they shall confess their sin which enter into her, ane become bitter. 26. 40. they have done: and he shall recompense 25 Then the priest shall take tte jealousy J.le. 7. 19. his trespass wtith the principal thereof, offtering out of the woman's hand, and shell gLev. 6.. nd add unto it the fifth peti tiereoe and waveto the offering before the LORD, and,. 8. 2t7. give it unto hit against whom hle hath offer it upon the altar: trespassed. 26 SAnd tie priest shall take a handful sLev. 2. 2, 9. 8 But if the man have no kinsman to rec- of the offering, even the memorial thereompense the trespass unto, let the trespass of, and burn it upon thle altar, and afterhe recompensed unto the LORD, evee to wardl shall cause the woman to drink the hLev. 6. 6. 7. the priest; beside hthe ram of the atone- water. e 7. 7. went; wihereby an atonewent shall be made 27 And when ee hath made her to drink the tor him. water, then it shall come to pass, thaetif she iEe. 29. 28. 9 And every illoffering of all the holy be defiled, and lave dene trespass against Lev.6.17i, 18, tlhints of the children of Israel, which they her husband, that the water that causeth the 26. &7.,7,9, hbring unto the priest, shall bhe his. curse shall enter into her, and become bit-!to. 14. I10 And every man's hallowed things shall ter, and hier belly shacll swell, and her thigh -h. 18.81. h hit cettatsocer taicy man gateth the shall rot: and the woman t shall be a eurse t Deut. 28.37. Ez.l.29.. et, it ll e Ihis. among eier people. r.i. 083. 9,11. E,44 prie~~~~~~t, it shall ))a k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b u t Jer. 24. 9. &| 1 O, heane 11. And the LORD spake unto Moses, 28 And if tie woman be not defiled, but Ie. 24.. ffein. aying, be clean; then she shall be free, and shall -:t 22. h k Let. 10. 13. 12 Speak unto the childen of I srael, and conceive seed. Zeet. t. 13. say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, 29 This is the law of jealousies, len a and commit a trespass against him, wife goeth aside to another einstead of her to19. ] Lev. 18. 20. 13 And a man Ilie with her carnally, and husband, and is defiled; it be hid from tie eyes of her husband, and 30 Or when the spirit of jealousy cometh he kept close, and she be defiled, and there upon him, and he be jealous over Iis wife, be no witness against her, neither she be and shall set the woman before the LOnD, takeneevith ti e mti nnec r; and the priest shall execute upon her all 14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon this law. him, and lie be jealous of his wife, and she 31 Then sha1ll the man he guiltless fhom be defiled; or if the spirit of jealousy come iniquity, and this woman ehell bear her chew. 20. 17, upon bim, and he he jealous of his wife, and iniquity. 19, 20. she be not defiled: CHAPTER VI. 15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto 1 Th I fheee ftt-eazoeiees. 2 Tie fom ofbIlessthe priest, and he shall bring her offering~ tepecefor her, tihe tenth part of an ephah of bar- A tND the LORD spake unto Moses, sayley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor a ing, put frankincense thereone; for it is an offer- 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and ing of jealousy, an offering of memorial, say unto them, When either man or woman iOre, ake ml Kinga 17. eebringing iniquity to remembrance. etall 1i "separete theeselves to Y w a vow t the-welcee 18. 16 And the priest shall bring her near, of a Nazarite, to separate theneselves unto enit E. 2. 16. and set her before the LORD: the LORD; eLa,. 27. 2. 17 And the priest sltall take holy water in 3 bRe shall separate himself from wine At. 21.23. an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is and strong drink, and shall drink no vine- r. 1. in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall gae oa wine, or vinegar of strong drink, ban. 2. 12. take, and put it into the water: neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, Luke 1. 15. 18 And tile priest shall set the woman be- nor eat moist grapes, or dried. 11O, nenafore the LORD, and uncover the woman's 4 All the days of his Ilseparation shall he eitehip. h0t -The law of the Nazarites. NUMBERS. Form of blessing the people. B. C.01490. eat nothing that is made of the Ovine tree, hand shall get: according to the vow which B. C. 1490. from the kernels even to the husk. he vowed, so he must do after the law of his tHeb. vineof 5 All the days of the vowv of his separation separation. t Lev. 9. 22. the wile,. there shall no Crazor come upon his head: 22 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, I 1 Cr. 23. 13. i cJudg. 13. 5. until the days be fulfilled, in the which he saying, o Pes 1'21. 7. & 1. 17.'separateth himself unto the LORD, hesha ll 2 Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, Jolnal7. 11. 1[ sa.1. 11... be holy, ancl shall let the looks of the hair: saying, On this wise tye shall bless the chi-' l- 31.16. & of his head grow. dren of Israel, saying unto them,,1. & 11 6 All the days that he separateth hianself 24 The LORD bless thee, and' keep thee: 135 dLev. 21. 11. unto the LORD dhe shall come at no dead 25 The LORD "make his face shine upon Dan. 9. 17. ch. 19.11,16. body. thee, and h be gracious unto theet: c Ger. 43. 29. eLeD. 21.1,2, 7'He shall not make himself unclean for 20 JThe LORD lift up his countenance y P, 4. 6. 11. lhis father, or for his motter, for his brother, upon thee, and tgive thee peace. John 14. 27. 9c. 5.0. or for his sister, when they die: because the 27'And they shall put my name upon the 2Tless. 316. tHeb. t consecration of his God is upon his head. children of Israel, and bI will bless them. Dasst.28.10. sparation. 8 All the days of his separation he is holy 2 Chr. 7. 14. unto the LORD. CHAPTER VII. Is. 43. 7. 9 And if any man die very suddenly by I Theoffeain.of the t the dedicai of Da.. 9.18,19. him, and he hath defiled the head of his the aei,,ale. 10 Th2eir ssvesal offsiegs at 5P. 115. 12. f Acts 18. 18. consecration; then he shall fshave his head the dedicatio, of the altar. 89 God sloeketh, to & 21. 24. in the day of his cleansing, on the seventh Mosseafsoe tise scy seat. day shall he shave it. A ND it came to.pass on the day that sLev. 5. 7. & 10 And g on the eighth day lhe shall bring -L Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, Ex. 40. 18. 14. 02. & 15. two turtles, or two young pigeons, to the and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and Lev. 8. 10,11. 14, 29. priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the all the instruments thereof, both the altar congregation: and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed 11 And the priest shall offer the one for a them, and sanctified them; sin offering, and the other for a.burnt offer- 2 That bthe princes of Israel, heads of the 6 bch. 1., &c. ing, and make an atonement for him, for house of their fathers, whouese the princes that he sinned by the dead, and shall hallow of the tribes, tand were over them that t leo. his head that same day. swere numbered, offered: who stood. 12 And he shall consecrate unto the LORD 3 And they brought their offering before the days of his separation, and shall bring the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve hLov.. 6. a lamb of the first year hfor a trespass offer- oxen; a wagon for two of tihe princes, and t HIeb. fall. ing: but the days that were before shall t be for each one an ox: and they brought them lost, because his separation was defiled. before the tabernacle. 13 ~ And this is the law of the Nazarite: 4 And the LORD spake unto Moses, sayiAts 21.26. when the days of his separation are ful- ing, filled, he shall be brought unto the door of 5 Take it of them, that they may be to do the tabernacle of the congregation: the service of the tabernacle of the congre14 And lie shall offer his offering unto the gation; and thou shalt give them unto the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without Levites, to every man according to his servblemish for a burnt offering, and one ee ice. kLev.4. 2,27, lamb of the first year without blemish b for 0 And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, 32. a sin offering, and one ram without blemish and gave them unto the Lovites. I Lev. 3. 6. I for peace offerings, 7 Two wagons and four oxen Che gave un-c ch. 4. 26. 15 And a basket of unleavened bread, to the sons of Gershon, according to their mLev. 2. 2. 4. cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, and service: Eo E 2.. 29. wafers of unleavened bread oanointed with 8 dAnd four wagons and eight oxen he gave dchl. 4. 31. O. 15. 5, 7, oil, and their meatoffering, andtheir drink unto the sons of Merari, according unto 10. offerings. their service, eunder the hand of 4. 28, 33. 16 And the priest shall bring them before the son of Aaron the priest. the LORD, and shall offer his sin offering, 9 But unto the sons of Kohath he gave and his burnt offering: none: because fthe service of the sane- f ol. 4. 15. 17 And he shall offer the ram for a sacri- tuary belonging unto them sueas that they g ch 4. 6, 8, fioe of peace offerings unto the LORD, with should bear upon their shoulders. 1, 12, 14. the basket of unleavened bread: the priest 1U V And the princes offered for ededica- 2SanG.. 13. shall offer also his meat offering, and his ting of the altar il the day that it was an- h SeeDeut.20. drink offering. ointed, even the princes offered their offer- 5. t Aetas 21. 24. 18 2 And the Nazarite shall shave the head ing before the altar. 1 Kin. 8. 63. of his separation at the door of the taber- I1 And the LORD said unto Moses, They _C.f Xi; 9,. nacle of the congregation, and shall take the shall offer their offering, each prince on his Ne[l. 12. 27. hair of the head of his separation, and put day, for the dedicating of the altar. Ps. 30, title. it in the fire which is under the sacrifice of 12 ~ And he that offered his offering the the peace offerings. first day was iNahlshon the son of Ammin- i o1. 2. 3. lSam.. 15. 1 19 And the priest shall take the qsodden adab, of the tribe eof Judah: shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened 13 And his offering was one silver charger, cake out of the basket, and one unleavened the weight whereof was a hundred and ttlirE.EY.29.23,24. wafer, and "shall put thems upon the hands ty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy sllekof the Nazarite, after the hair of his sepa- els, after kthe shekel of the sanctuary; k Ex. 30. 13. ration is shaven: both of them euere full of fine four mingled 20 And the priest shall wave them fosr a with oil for a meat offering: ILevo 2. 1. Esx.29.27,28. wave offering before tile LORD: Stlhis is 14 One spoon of ten shekels of gold, full of holy for the priest, with the wave breast m incense:,Ex. 300. 34. and heave shoulder: and after that the 15 One youngbulloek, one ram, one lamb Lev. 1. 2. Nazarite may drink wine. of the first year, for a burnt offering: 21 Thiis s the law of the Nazarite who hath 16 One kid of the goats for a Osin offering: oLev. 4. 23. vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD 17 And for 21a sacrifice of peace offerings, 1, Lev. 3. 1. for his separation, besides that that his two oxen, five rams,.five lie goats, five lambs 103 The offerings of' NUMBERS. the princes at the B. C. 1490. of the first year: this was the offering of shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full B. C. 1490. Nahshon the son of Amminadab. of fine flour mingled witl oil for a meat of18 9 On the second day Nethaneel the son fering: of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer: 44 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of 19 He offered for his offering one silver incense: charger, the weight whereof swas a Ihundred 45 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of-seven- of the first year, for a burnt offering: ty shekels, after te shekelekel of te sanctuary; 46 One kid of tile goats for a sin oTefring: both of them full of fine flour mingled with 47 And for a sacrifice of peace offerilgs, oil for a meat offering: two oxen, five rams, five lie goats, five lambs 20 One spoon of gold of ten shekels, full of of the first year: this weas the offering of incense: Bliasaplh the son of Deuel. 21 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb 48 ~ On the seventh day Elishama the son of the first year, for a burnt offering: of Ammihud, prince of the children of 22 One kid of the goats for a s:n offering: Ephraim, offered: 23 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, 49 His offeringwaes one silver charger, the two oxen, five rams, five lie goats, five weight whereof e was a hundred and thirty lambs of the first year: this was the offering shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, of Nethaneel the son of Zuar. after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of 24 ~ On the third day Eliab the son of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a IIelon, prince of the children of Zebulun, meat offering: did offer: 50 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of 25 His offering was one silver charger, the incense: weighlt whereof a.s a.leundred and thirty 51 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, of te first year, for a burnt offering after tie shekel of the sanctuary; both of 52 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a 53 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, meat offering: two oxen, five rams, five lie goats, five lambs 2G One golden spoon of ten shekels, fall of of the first year: this ewas the'offering of incense: Elishlamn the son of Ammihlud. 27 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb 54 [8 On the eighth day oqfered Gamaliel of the first year, tbr a burnt offering: the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children 28 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: of Manasseh: 29 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, 55 His offering weas one silver charger of two oxen, five rams, five l.e goats, five lambs the Y.eigit of a hundred and thirty shekels, of the first year: tlis swas the offering of one silver lowrl of seventy shekels, after the Eliab the son of Helon. shelkel of the sanctuary; both of them full 30 ~ On the fourth day llizur the son of of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat ofShedeur, prince of the children of Reuben, fering: died offer: 56 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of 31 His offering was one silver charger of incense: ~the weight on a hundred and thirty shekels, 57 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the of the first year, for a burnt offering: shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full 58 Ono kid of the goats for a sin offering: of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat of- 59 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, fering: two oxen, five rams, f five e le goats, f, five lambs 82 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of the first year: this wts the offering of of incense: Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. 33 Olne young bullock, one ram, one lamb 60 I On the ninth day Abidan the son of of the first year, for a burnt offering: Gideoni, prince of the children oflenjamin, 34 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: offees: 35 And for a sacrifice of peace. offerings, 61 His offering was one silver charger, the two oxen, fiverams, five lie goats, five lambs weight whereof ewas a hundred and thirty of'the first year: this Was the offering of shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, Elizur the son of Shedeur. after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of 36 ~ On the fifthe day Shelumiel the son them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of meat offering: Simeon, did offere: 62 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of 37 His offering was one silver charger, the incense: weight whereof was a hundred and thirty 63 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, of the first year, for a burnt offering: after the shekel of the sanctatry; both of 64 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a 65 And for a sacrifice of pence offerings, meat offering: two oxen, five rams, five lie goats five lambs 38 Ono golden spoon of ten shekels, full of of the first year: this was the offering of incense: Abidan the son of Gideoni. 39 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb 66 ~ On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of of the first year, for a burnt offering: Ammishaddai, prince of the children of 40 One kid of the goats for a sill offering: Dan, offered: 41 And for a sacrifice of peace oaermegs, 67 His offoring Was one silver charger, the two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs weight whereof swas a hundred and thirty of the firest year: this swas the offering of shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, Shelumiel the son of Zurislladdai. after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of 42. On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, of- meat offering: fered: 68 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of 43 His offering was one silver charger of ineense: the weight of a hundred and thirty shekels, 69 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the of the first year, for a burnt offering: 104 dedication of the altar. NUMBERS. Consecration of the Leviteos. {; 0. 1490. 70 Ono kid of tle goats for a sin offering: 2 Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, B. C. 1490. 71 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, Wheno thou "lightest the lamps, the seven two oxen, five rams, five lie goats, five lambs lamps shall give light over against the can- EY. 25. 37, & of tile first year: this was the offering of dlestick. 40.'25. Ahiezer the son of Ammilhaddai. 3 And Atron did so; he lighted tihe lamps 72 ~j On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of thereof over against tie candlestick, as the Ocran, prince of the children of Asher, of- LORD commanded Moscs. fered: 4 dAnd this work ofthe candlestick ohneof b L.t. 2.t. O. 73 His offering toas one silver charger, the beaten gold; unto tlie shaft thereof, unto weight whereof?vas a hundred and thirty the flowers thereotf, was beaten work: o dac- c Eo. 2.5. 18. shekels, one silver bol oft seventy shekels, corditg unto the pottern whtich the LORD d E.. 20. 40. {-after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of had sheoved Moses, so lhe made the candlethem full of fine flour mingled with oil for a stick. meat offering: 5 ~ And the LORD spako unto Moses, say74 One golden spoon often shekels, full of ing, incense: 6 Take the Levites from among the chil76 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb drcn of Israel, and cleanse them. of the first year, for a burnt offering: 7 And thus shalt thou do unto them, to 70 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: cleanst them: Sprinkle teater of purify- te t.19.9,17, 77 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, ing upon them, and tflet them shave aell 1. two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs their flesh, and let them tash their clottes, tiet,. let of the first year: this was the offering of and so make themselves clean. ca Pagiel the son of Ocran. 8 Then lot them take a young bullock with 78 ~ On the twtelfth day Ahira the son of ihis meat offering, even fine flour mingled le't, t. Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, with oil, and another young bullock shalt fLt. 11. 8, 9..offered: thou take for a sin offering. e. 2. 1. 79 His offering was one silver charger, the 9 hAnd thou shalt bring the Levites before h See Ex. 29. wteight llrooft' was a hundred and thirty tte tabernacle of the congregation: tand 4. & 40. 12. tslckels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, thou shalt gather the laholo assembly of the i Lev. 8. 3. after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of thildren of Israel together. them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a 10 And thou shalt bring the Levites before meat ofliring: the LORD: and the children of Israel kshall k Lov. 1. 4. 80 One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of put their hands upon the Levites: incense: 11 And Aaron shall t offer the Levites be- t Heb. wave. 81 One young bullock, one ram, one lamb fore the LORD fao an toffering of the ctil-t t tHot,.... of the first year, for a burnt offering: dren of Israel, tlat tthey may execute th oi wittg. 82 One kid of the goats for a sin offering: service of the LORD. t eb. they 83 And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, 12 lAnd the Levites shall lay their hands t nay be t too oxen, fiverams, five lie goats, five lambs upon the heads of the bullocks: and thou etecute, it. of the first year: this was the offering of shalt offer the one for a sin offering, and t E.x 29. 10. Alhira the son ofhlnan. the other fotr a burnt offering, unto tile 84 This wats the dedication of the altar, LORD, to make an atonement for the Lein the day when it was anointed, by the vites..princes of Israel: twelve cllargers of silver, 13 And thou shalt set the Levites before twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons oi gold: Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them 8 Each charger of silver zeighing n for an offering unto the LORD. hundred and thirty shekels, each bowl 14 Thus shalt thou separate the Levites seventy: all the silver vessels weighed two from among the children of Israel: and the thousand and four hundred shekels, after Levites shall be mi' mine. m c. 3. 3.45. & t the shekel of tl sanctuary: 15 And after that shall the Levites go in 16. 9. 86 The golden spoons twete twelve, full of to do the service of the tabernacle of the incense, weighifng ten shekels apiece, after congregation: and thou shalt cleanse them, tile shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of and Sofoer them foe an offering.. 11, 3. the spoons was a hundred and ttwenty 10 For they are wholly given unto me from shtekels. namong the children of Isral; *instead of ch. 3.12, 45. 87 All the oxen for tile bunt offering weee such as open every omb, even instead of twelve bullocks, the rams'twelve, the lambs tile firstborn of all the children of Israel, of the first year twelve, vith.their meat o' have I taken them unto me. fering: and the kids of the goats for sin 17 PFor all the firstborn of the children of Ex. 13. 2,12, offering twelve. Israel are mine, botlh man and beast: on 13, 15. 88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the the day that I smote every firstborn in the olh. 3.13. peace offterings woere twenty and four tbull- land.of Egypt I sanctified themn for myself. Luk 2. 23, ocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the 18 And I have taken tile Levites for all the lambs.of the first year sixty. This was the firstborn of the children of Israel. dedication of the altar, after that it was 19 And'I have given the Levites a ta t cll. 3. 9. qver. 1. {qannointed. gift to Aaron and to his sons from among tHel., iven. 89 And when Moses was gone into the tab- the children of Israel, to do the service of ch.t12. o. ernacle of the congregation'to speak with the children of Israel in the tabernacle of Etc.33. 9,11 Illhim, then he heard Sthevoice ofone speak- the congregation, and to make an atoneP1Th it!. G'od. ing onto him from off the mercy strt that tment for the children of Israelo: t that tlere t oh. 1.53. & osF, 25. 22. was upon the ark of testimony, from he- be to plague among the children of Israel, 18.46. & 18. tween the two cherubim: and he spoke unto when the children of Israel.come nigh unto., him. the sancttary. CHAPTER VIII. 20 And Moses, and Aaron, and all the con1 toie the lat p ar,,e to be llighted. 5 Th/e conse- gregation of tile children of Israel, did to cratiot of tie geites. 23 ATe age and time of the Levites according unto all that the LORD theil -service. comlnanded Moses concerning the Levites, AND the LOPD spake unto Mloses, say- so did tle chlildrcn of Israel unto them. t. ing, 21 SAnd the Levites wero purified, and s ver. 7..105 A second passover allowed. NUMBERS. A cloud guideth the Israelites. B. C. 1490. they washed their clothes; tend Aaron of- " brought not the offering of the LORD iln B. C. 1490. fered them as an offe'ring beforethe LORD; his appointed season; that man shall "'bear t er. 11,12. and Aaron made an atonement for them to his sin. -L ver. 7. cleanse them. 14 And if a stranger shall sojourn among hcl.. 31. ver. 1.. 22 And after that went the Levites in to you, and will keep the passover unto tile do their service in the tabernacle of the LORD; according to the ordinance of the congregation before Aaron, and before his passover, and according to the manner zver. 5. c. SolS: as the LORD had commanded toses thereof, so shall lie do: eye shllll have one oEx. 12. 49. concerning the Levites, so did they unto ordinance, both for the stranger, and for them. him that was born in the land. 23 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, 15 ~ And Pon the day that the tabernacle, Ex. 40. 34. saying, was reared up the cloud covered the taber- Neh.9.12,19, 24 This is it that belongeth unto the Le- nacle, latnely, the tent of the testimony: P. 78. 14. y See ch. 4. 3. vites: Yfrom twenty and five years old and and'at even there was upon the tabernacle 1490. 1 Cher.. 3, upward they shall go in Otto ait upon the as it eere the appearance of fire, until the Ex. 1S3 21. 24, 27. service of the tabernacl of the congrega- morning. 40.38. ttHeb. toa tion: 16 So it was alway: the cloud covered it othe toaf~ec 02 And from the ate of fifty years they by day,, and the appearance of fire bynight. oIf, 1. 18. o shall t cease waiting upon the service there- 17 And when the cloud r was taken up from | r Ex. 40. 36. tReb. 1et.1 of, and shall serve no more: the tabernacle, then after that the children coh. 10. 11, 33 f [e 26 But shall minister with their brethren of Israel journeyed: and in the place vhere..034.1. totce of in the tabernacle of the congregation,'to the cloud abode, there the children of Israel the s keep the charge, and shall do no service. pitched their tents. chl. 1. 53. Thus shalt thou do unto the Levites touch- 18 At the commandment of the LORD the ing their charge. chlildren of Israel journeyed, and at the CHAPTER IX. commandment of the LORD they pitched: 1 Th pasver is cmade d aain. A second s long as the cloud abode upon the taber-s 1 Cor. 10. 1. passover a-lloled fo- them that neeoe oe nclea, t of acle they rested in their tents. abseneto. 1.5 he ecloed egidet/l telotemovittgis and 19 And owhen the cloud t tarried long upon t el,..tet1camit. of the tJrae.ittt. the tabernacle many days, then the children rtolged, ND the LORD spake unto Moses in the of Israel tkept the charge of the LORD, and t c1.53. & 3. 1A wilderness of Sinai, in the first month journeyed. 8. of the second year after they were come out 20 And so it ias, when the cloud tas a of the land of Egypt, saying, few days upon the tabernacle; according to a E..l2.1,h&. 2 Let the children of Israel also keep athe the commandment of the LORD they abode Leo. 23. 5. passover at his appointed season. in their tents, and according to the comull. 01. 8 In the fourteenth day of this month, t at mandment of the LORD they journeyed. CDot. 1.1,20 even, ye shall keep it in his appointed sea- 21 And So it was, when the cloud t abode t He. Iaet. t oewo. sont: according to all the rites of it, and ac- from even unto the morning, and that the otle ding to all the ceremonies thereof, shall cloud was taken up in the morning, then Ex. 12.6. ye keep it. they journeyed: whether it toas by day or 4 And Moses spake unto the unto the children of by night that the cloud was taken up, they Israel, that they should keep the passover. journeyed. b Josl. 5. 10. 5 Anld 6they kepttthe passover on the four- 22 Or tuhether it ttere two days, or a teenth day of the first month at even in the month, or a year, that the cloud tarried wvilderness of Sinai: according to all that uponthe tabernacle, remainingthereon, the the LORD commanded Mloses, so did the children ofIsrael abode in their tents, and |tEX. 00. 36, children of Israel. journeyed not: but when it Was taken up, 37. o6 And there were certain men, who were they journeyed. ch.e5.2. & 19. c defiled by the dead body of a man, th at 23 At the commandment of the LORD thley il foi. they could not keepthe passover on that rested in their tents, and at the commandSJohtt 18. day: dand they came before Moses and ment of the LORD they journeyed: they before Aaron on that day. 00kept the charge of the LORD, at the omw- evr. 19l (I Eo.18.15,19, 7 And those men said unto him, We are mandment of the LORD by the hand of of. 7. 2. defiled by the dead body of a man: w here- Mt oe es. fore are we kept back, that we may not offer CHAPTER X. an offering of tile LORD in his appointed Te useofthe J ltert.uapets. 11Te Israelite season among tile children of Israel 0'emnove ftion Sitnai to Iaann. l1 T/te o der of 8 And Moses said unto them, Stand still, their 2mclh. 29 1lobab is entreaotel by dioses cll. 27. 5. and eI will hear what the LORD will com-,,ot to leave tlen. 33 The blessing oef Aloses at mand concerning you. the 1emo-vig antd resting of ths a)'. 9 IV And the LORD spake unto Moses, say- AND the LORD spahe unto Moses, saying, L ing, 10 Speak unto tlt children of Israel, say- 2 lake thee two trumpets of silver; of a ing, If any man of you or of your posterity whole piece shalt thou make them: that shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, thou mayest use them for the acalling of dis. 1.13. or be in a journey afar off, yet lie shall keep the assembly, and for the journeying of the the passover unto the LOIeD. camps. f2Chr.30. 2, 11 fThe fourteenth dey of the second 3And eten Othey shall blow evitl them, oJer 4. a. 15. month at even they shall keep it, anad'ecat all the assembly shall assemble themselves Joe 2. 15. g Ex. 12. 8. it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. to thee at the door of the tabernacle of the h Ex. 12. 10. 12 hTiey. shall leave none of it unto the congregation. i Ex. 12. 46. morning, inor break any bone of it: kac- 4 And if they blow but with one trutrpnet, Jollhn 1f). 3 t. cording to all the ordinances of the passover then the princes, 7uhich arec heads of the eEx. 18. 21..1. 12. 43. bhey shall keep it. - thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves o. 1. 16. & 13 But tle man that is clean, and is not unto tlee. 0... in a journey, and forbearetll to keep tle When ye blow an alarm, then ltheeamps ch. 2. 3. I Gen. 17.14. passover, even the same soul Ishall he cut that lie on the east parts shall go forward. Ex. 12. 15. off from among his people: because lie 6 When ye blow an alarm the second time, 106 The order of the Israelites' march.' NUMBERS. The people lust for flesh. i. C. 1490. thee the camps thtt tie Ion the south tide children of Naphtaii was Ahira the ton of B. C. 1490. shall take their journey: they shall blow Enan. e h2. 0. an a larm for their journeys. 28 td Thus were the journeyings of the tHeb. Thtese. 7 But when the congregation is to he children of Israel according to their armies, id tch. 2. 34,. Ifyer. 3. gathered together, fye shall blow, but ye when they set forward. Joel 2. 1. shall not sound an alarm. 2I And ose said unto Hobab, the son A II. 31. 6. 8 hAnd the sons of Aaron, the priests, of eRaguel the MIidianite, Moses' father in Ie. 0. 18. Josh. 6. 4. shall blow with the trumpets; and they law, We are journeying unto the place of tCtr. 15. 24. shall be to you for an ordinance for ever which tlho LORD said, fI will give it you: fGen. 12. 7. 2he. 03. 12. throughout your generations. coime thou eoith us, and giwe will do thee gJuldg. 1. 16. lot. 31. 6. 9 And iifye go to war in your land against good: for hthe LORD hath spoken good & 4. 11. 3os..5. the enemy that koppresseth you, then ye concerning Israel. AGe. 32. 12. ihs i3. i4. tshall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and 30And lie said unto him, I will not go; e- 3.8.&.6.h kug.. 18. ye shall be /remembered before the LORD but I will depart to mine own land, and to 7 8 i.. 1.. 12.I your God, and ye shall be saved from your my kindred. I aS.. i.o18. enemiet. 31 And heosaid, Leave us not, Ipraytbee; P.. 10. 42. 10 Also "in the day of your gladness, and forasmuch as thou knoweet how we are to O Gent8.8.1. in your solemn days, and in the beginnings encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest!. o106.. of your months, ye shall blow with the be to us finstead of eyes. i Jo, 29. 15. e.h. 29. 1. trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over 3 And it shall be, ifthou go ith us, yea, Le. 23. 24. the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that it shall be, that kwhat goodness the LORD k Judg. 1. 16. I Chr. 15. 24. they may be to you "for a memorial before shall do unto us, the same will we do unto 2hr 512s hyour God: I aot the LORD your God. thee. I7. 6. & N. 26: Ere 3 10. 11 ~ And it came to pass on the twentieth 33 ~ And they departed from Ithe mount OSee E. 3. 1. eih. 12. 35. day of the second month, in the second year, of the LORD three days' journey: and the P.. 81. 3. that the cloud waso taken up from off the ark of the covenant of the LORD "'tVent Deut. 1.33. ter. 9. tabernacle of the testimony. before them in the three days' journey, to J.eI.3.3,4,6. och. 9. 17. 12 And the children of Israel took Ptheir search out a resting place for them. Pt. s3e. 8. Jer-. 31. 2. p:Ex.. 4036. journeys out of tie t wilderness of Sinai; 34 And "the iloud of tie LORD tas upon E. 20. 6. toI. 2. 9, 16, and the cloud rested in the swilderness of them by day, when they went out of the UEx. 13. 21. 24; 31. Paran. camp. Sbh.9.12,19. q.Ex. 19... 13 And they first took their journey sac- 35 And it came to pass, when the ark set s O. 1.1.&9.5. cording to the commandment of the LORD forward, that Moses said,'Rist Up, LORD, Dst.t8.1.2.h rtGe 21.21. by toe hand of Moses. and let thine enemies be scattered; and let 132. 8. cIh. 12. 16. & 14 ~ tin the first place went the standard them that hate thee flee before thee. 13. 3, 26, of the camp of the children of Judah ac- 36 And wtet it rested, te said, Return, -cub. ti. cording to their armies: and over hiis host 0 LORD, unto the tmany thousands of t-,ostd t5e. 00. teas 1'Nahslton the son of Amminasdab. Israel. thoatsod,. chI. 2. 34. t oh. 2. e, 9. 15 And over the hos of thoe tribe of thX...hh.. 7, 9. ichildren of Isacha as ethaneel the sont,, eby of.1 7 r Zuar. 4 Phe ur 7-,patIle 1-t -d elchd 1-the~s t6 And over the host of the tribe of the poet. S lt oool t,teo g, eoiheO children of Zebulun was Eliab the son of tO lOGd ieiitet a hi.s ob,'d-t.. Is. t eterott sldest. Helen: 31titeotti t g cots i toth at Kiibeih-h.txch. 1. 51. 17 And uthe tabernacle was taken down; teah. D,, L 2. 9. 22. and the sons of Gershon and the sons oflier- A ND I0eetthe people Ieeomplained tt 1O, tet a yoh. 4. 24, 31. art set forward, Ybearing the tabernacle. idispleased the LORD: and the Lest i tot so&7.i6,7, 8. 18 ~ And Zthe standaid of the camp of beard it; band Iis ongeras kindled; and {000 ch. 2.10, 16. Reuben set forward according to their tie'fire of the LORD burnt among them, t I0el,. it was armies: and over his host was Elizur the and consumed thet thatwee in the utteer- etol so te son of Shedeur. most parts of the camp. se' 19 And over the host of the tribe of the 2 And the people cried unto Moses; and b PS. 78. 21. children of Simeon was Shelumiel the son when MIoses dprayed unto the LORD, the Let. 10. 2. of Zurishaddai. fire t was quenched. si. 16. 55. 2 Kings 1.12. 20 And over the host of the tribe of the 3 And he called the name of the place p,10. 18. children of Gad twas Eliasaph the son of IITaberah: because the fire of the LORD dDamtes g. 16. Dcuel. burnt among them. 21 And the KIohathites set forward, bear- 4 ~ And tihe emixed multitude that was te. s. aoh. 4. 4, 1u5. ing tioe asaictueary: and lithe other did among them tfell a lusting: and the chil- im & 7. 9. set up tie tabernacle against they dren of Israel also t wept again, and said, Dt..t. 2. ItThat is, the -2 I And b the standard of the camp of the fWho shall give us flesh to eat? e A. Et.12.s8. G-eshotituet children of Ephraim sot forward saccording 5 Woremember the fish,wich e did eat tReb. lusted|. t.Io11.3f" to their armies: and over his host was in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the ete.t veto 17.O Elislama the son of Ammihud. melons, and the leerks, and the onions, and tthb. eh. i.51. 23 And over the host of the tribe of the the garlic: setr ish. 2. 18,2 4. eiildren oefianasseh was Gamaliel the son 6 But now hour soul sd dried away: there teojo. of Pedalizur. is nothing at all, besides this snnat, befoee fnS. 70. Ib h 24 And over the host of the tribe of the our eyes. 106.14. children of Benjamin was Abidan the son 7 And ithe manne owas as coriander seed, 1 Ci. to. 6. of Gideoni. and the colour thereof as the colour of gE. 16. 3. ech.2. 9 31. 25 ~ And the standard ofthe sampof the mbdeplium. ho t. 21.05. eJosh. 6. 9. children of Dan set forward, which was the 8 Aond the people went about, and gathered iE.. 16.14,31. rearward of all the camps throughout their it, and ground it in mills, or beat it in a tcb. eye of hosts: and over hIis host was Ahiezer tihe mortar, and baked it in pans, and made it at Ittyt son of Ammishaddai. cakes of it: and Ithe taste of it wa as the of. 26 And over the host of the tribe of the taste of fresh oil. k Gt. 12. ehildren of Asher was Pagiel the son of 9 And "'when the dew fell upon the campI E. 16. 31. scran. in tio night, the manna fell upon it..E. 1. 13, 27 And over the host of the tribe of the t10 I Tlen lioses hearlsd the people weep 14. 10t Seventy elders chosen. NUMBERS. Miriam and Aaron rebncked. ]. C. 1490. throughout their families, every man in the them that were written, but'went not out B. C. 1490. door ol his tent: and'lthe anger of the unto the tabernancle: and they prophesied -- nPs. 718. 2 L. LORD was kindled greatly; Moses also was in the camp. qoSeo t Som. displeased. 27 And there ran a young man, and told 20. 26. oDleut 1.12. 11 CAnd Moses said unto the LORD, Moses, and said, Eldad and Modad do Jer,36. 5. Wiercfore hnas thou afflieted thy servant? prophesy in the camp. and wtherefore have I not found favour in 28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant tiy sight, that thou lanyeat the burden of all of 3oses, one of his young men, answeored this people upon me? and said, My lord Moses, "forbid them. to teo.Inrk9. 12 Have I conceived all this people? have 2IAndooss said untohim, Envist thou 38 I begotten them, that thou shouldest say for my sake? I would God that all the Loo 9. 49. 40. 11. unto me, 1'Carry them in thy bosom, as a LORD'S people were prophets, antithat the Jol. 3. 26. Itt. 00. 23. nursning father beareth tite sucking child, LORD.ould put'his Spirit upon them. s Co. i4. 5. ITht 2.7.. unto the land which thou Tswarest unto 30 And MIoses gat him into the camp, he,.G.n. 20.3. & their fathers? and the elders of Israel. 110. 2 l. 13 SWhence should I have flesh to give 31 And there went forth a tnind from tre. 16. 13. lI. 03. 5. unto all this people? for they weep unto the LORD, and brought quails from the P.. 78.26,27, nIatt. 15.33. me, saying, Give us flesh, that oe may eat. sea, and tot thttt fall by the camp, t as it 28. 105. 00. Mok S.4. 14 t I am not able to bear all this people were a day's journey on this side, and as tTtHb. - it t E. 18. 18. alone, because it is too heavy for me. it were a day's journey on the other side, -,e thse g.y I See t Kitas 15 And if thou dealo thus with me, t till ondof h atthoampaad it round about the cam), andl as it were two 19.4. tme, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found cubits high upon the face of tihe earth. Jotth 4. 3 fayour in thy sight; and let me not'see 32 And the people stood up all that day, Zeph. 3. t5. my wnoretchedness. and all that nightt, and all tilo next day, 16 ~ And the LORD said unto Moses, and thoy gathered the quails: ie that gathwOse-n.t., Gather unto me Yseventy men of the elders ered least gathered ten tthomers: and'they n.. 10. 38. 8. of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the old- spread thet all abroad forthemoselves round.. 4. 11.:Det. 16. 1. ers of the people, and Zoficers over them; about the camp. and bring them unto the tabernaclo of the 33 And while the 0flesh was yet between P.8.30,3. tongrogation, that they may stand there their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrathtof with tiee. the LORD was kindled against the people, yeo. 29. 17 And I will acome down and talk with and the LOitD smote the people with a very en. t11.5.& thee tiheore: and bI will takelo of the spirit great plague. ti, a 20. pl Iwthtee. 18. ei. ohioh it upon thee, and oill put it upon 34 And he called the name of that place II fts them; and they shall bear the burden of II Kibroth-hattaovah: because tiere they 1 S-m. 10.6. I the peop leat thou bear it not Dert. 9. 22. 2IC. e 1 thyf people oit thee, thtthobt not hburied the people that lusted. Dout. 9. 02. 20.1,0. 20. thyself alone. 35 Yncl the people journeyed from Kib- ych. 33. 17. Os. 01. 3. 18 And noythot unto the people, tSanttify roth-hattaovah unto Hazeroth; and.a.aod ttst,.. thsy Joe12. 28. yourselves against to morrow, and ye shall at Haztroth.,, e. tEo. 10. 10. eat fllesh: for ye have wept din tlte cars of CHAPTER XII. Ea. 16. 7. the LORD, saying, Who sthall give us ftesh 1 God kuelth ttt sedltio, oft3inim ansd AL-on. ses 75. to eat?'for it was well with us in Egypt: lotinies leltntossaooOoo"td t she -,ref ats7.39 therefore the LORD will give you flesh, and Moo... 1ot ta. et.oto / a, -o t sot, ott ye shall sat. ofthe host. 19 Ye shall not eat one day, nor two days, A ND Miiiam and Aaron spake against Or, Cshiit. nor five days, neither ten days, nor twmenty E. Moses becauseo of the IlEthiopian we- tEx. 2. 21. days; man lwhom ie iod marlied: for'he had aste,. otken. fPs.78, 00. & 20 fBut even a twhole month, until it t married an Ethiopian woman. tatx. 15. 20. 106. 15. come out at your nostrils, and it be loath- 2 And they said, Hath the LORD in- MIi. 6. 4. tesHb. nonth some unto you: because that ye tavt de- deed spoken only by MIoscs? bliatli he not tGe.. 29.33. f doays. spised the LORD which is among you, and spoken also by us? And the LORD Cheard ohI. 1. 1 toh. IL. 9, ban a00 bKotin, osH te. 19.04.| h. 21. 5. have wept before him, saying, Why came it. 2. 19. 4. we forth out of Egypt? Is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I. 3-7. 4. twe forth out of Egypt? 3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, E,.35. 12 13. hGes. 12. 2. 21 And Maoses said, hThe people, among above all the men which were upon the faie dfae. 70. 9. EO. 123. 37. 8 whom I a,,,are six hundred thousand fot- of the earth.) 38. 26. ehI. 11. 25. & | 9 0. men; and thou anst said, I wil give them 4 dAnd the LORD spake suddenly unto t1l. 12. ch. 1. 46. 16. 19. ] s flesh, that tlhey may eat a whole month. Moses, and unto aaron, and unto Miriam, isee 2 Kiang 22 iShall the flocks and the herds be slain Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of ftse. 15. L. 46. 2./ 7. 2. for them, to suffice them? or shall allthe the congregation. And they three came Jol 33. 15. EL 15,h33./ fish of the sea be gathered togetherfo rthe, out. fo. 1.t1. M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 1.14. 2| John 8. 7,09. to suffice them? o'And the LORD came down in the pillar Dna. 8. 2. to 2st.. 3 And theLoRD said unto Moses, kIs the of the cloud, and stood in the door of the 10. 8, 16, 17..1o. 512&L~..... 59lI. LORDs habnd waxed short 9 thou shalt sea tabsernace, and called Aanon and Miriam: t s. 1, sh.1 ot. 19. now whether tmy word shall come to pass and tliey both came forth. Acts 10. 11, Ez. 12. 25. & unto thee or not. 6 And he said, Hear now my words: If 17. & 22. 17. 04. 04. I4 ~ Andtoses nent out, and told the peo- ttere be a prophet among you, Ithe LORD 18.,aon,10. pho the words of the LOaD, and O'gttltered will make myself known unto him fin a GOer. 31. 10, the soeveity men of the elders of the people, vision, ond oill speak unto him in a 11. and set them round about the tabernacle, dream. 1 Kings 3. 5. 17. 25 And the LORD ctame down in a cloud, 7 hMy servant Moses is not so, awho is Matt 1. 20. sb 1t. I. and splake unto hlim, and took of the spirit faithful in all kOinino house. hP. 105. 26. Ses 2 Kin0g that was upon bhim, and gave ie unto the 8 With him will I speakl Imouth to mouth, i Heb. 3. 2, 5. 2.15. eventy elders and it cama to paso, that, even Iaapparently, and not is dark speech- kilTi. 3. 15. p Se. I Stm. ~when the spirit rested upon them, Othey es; and tthe similitude of the LORD shall I ] x. 33. 11. 10.5,6,10.0& prophesied, and didnot cezsc. he behold: wherefore then woere ye not Dant. 34. 10. 19.3,21,23. 26 But there renstined two of the meon in afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Ilnes.t3.12. Jowl 23. aets 2.17,18/ tthe onmp, the name of the one was Eldad, 9 And the anger of the LORD was kindled EM. 19. 1 Con. 14. 1, and the same of the othler Medad: and the against them; and le departed. 2 aet. 2. 10. ho. spirit restedupon them; and theyowere of 10 And the cloud departed from off the Jlde 8. 108 ~ames of tlie. spies. NUMBERS. Their evil report. B. C. 1490. -tabernacle; and, P'bohold, Miriam bename o not. And kbe yeo of good courage, and B. C. 1490. leprous, white as snow: and aron looked obring o the fruit of the land. Now the time P Dot. 24. 9. upon Miriam, and, behold, he, w0as leprous. woas tho time of the firsot ripe grapes. k Dut. 31. 6, q 2IKln. 5.27. 11 And Aaron said unto loses, Alas, my 21 ~[ So they went up, and searched tile 7,2 3. & 15. 5. lord, I beseech thee, 20lay not the sin upon land [from the wildorness ofZin unto "IRe- Ioh. 34. 3. 2Chr. 2.19., us, wherein we have done foolishly, and hoh, as men come to lItarath. Josh. 12. 0. 20. i Josh.15.19. [ 2. wherein we have sinned. 22 And they ascended by the south, and sojh 1 9.28. ol2S.o.19.19. e12 Ut her not be h as one dead, of whom came unto Ifebron; wohere Ahiman, She-,Josh. 2..21, & 24. 19. /Pro. 29.32. the flesh is half consumed when he cometh shai, and Tahnai, ~the children of Anak, 242. 13, out of his oother's womb. oowere. (Now P-Ibron wasbuiltsevenyears 11. 13 And Moses cried unto the LORD, b1foro ooan in Egypt.) ovg. 33. saying, Heal her now, 0 God, I beseech 23 "And they came unto the slbrook of 33. thoee. Eshol, and cut down from thence o branch bpJOsh. 21.11. tSio RHb. 12. 14 IV And the LORD said unto loses, tf witl one cluster of grapes, rid they bare it ]b s 78. 12. 9. her father had but spit in her face, should between two upon a staff; and theybrougoht - 190. 0. she no1 be ashamed seven days? lt her be of the pomegranates, and of the figs.:/t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eo~~~~~~~~~~, Do.1.u1~:et. 1. 24,| al-l. 13. 46. "shut out from the camp seven days, and 24 ohe place was called the I brook flEsh- 2'5 0.1 ih.,q.'2, 3. after that let her be received iu agaio. col, because of the cluster of grapes whichl [xDeu. 24..q. 15 1n 3Iria a htotfo h o Ioo. 24.9 A. 13 sd M1iriam was shut ot from the the children of Israel cutdoown from thence. I, 32.oI9. 2 2Chr. 26,.20, camp seven days: and the people journeyed 25 And they returned from searching of Ju.g. 1W. 4. 21. 0001not till Miriam was brought in againo. tie ltnd afer forty days.oys Or, -o0. 1l And afterward the poople removed from 26 And they ent and came toMoseos, and 1 Tllt i. 09h. 11. 135. Yflaoteroth, and pitched in the yilderness of to Aaron, and to oall the congregation of tile A of 23. 10. Paran. children of Israel, sunto the wilderness of eao-s. CHABPTER XIII. Paran, to tKad sh; and brought back word 0v0r; 3. 1 The tm-e of t]e Mo e,h -U. o o e. seo t to searh unto them, and unto all tile congregation, t oh. 2. 1, 16. O.e0a,~-. 17 Theirtono 2ucios. l2Thlei, aos. and shooeed them the fruit of the land. h 32. 8.&33./ 26 Theil relatiol. 27 And they told him, and said, We came:6. ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- 00unto the land whither thou sentest us, and DBot. 0. 19. A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Josh. 14. 6..L- ing, surely it foweth with Umilk and honey; Jo140 nio. 32. 8. 2 aSend thou men, ttthey may search and this is the fruitof it. oEl. 3. 8. & BDot. 1. 22. the land of Canaan, which I give unto tile 28 Nevertheless Ythe people be strong that 33. 3. children of Israel: ofo every tribe of their dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, xDeut. 1. 25. fathers shall ye send a man, everryone o d very great: and moreover we saw Z the yDeut. i. 28. oruler anOog thems. children of Anak thorio. 9., 2. 3 And Moses by the commandment of the 29 Tho Amalekites dwell in the loand of -he.33. Osl. 12.16. b LORDo sent them bfromo tile wilderness of the south: and the Ilittitos, ond the Jebu- oEo. 17. 8. 32. S. Poarat: all those men 000re heads of the sites, and the Anorites, dwell in the mount. oh. 1.43. De~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~~~~ ~e. ft9,Jd. 43.} BDoeu i. 1,9. children of Israel. ains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea,000 -4 &c9, 23. lSamn. 141.48.} 9. 4 And these were'their names:oOf thetribe and by the coast of Jordan. & 1l. 3,c. of Reuben, Shammua the son of Zaccur. 30 And Caleb stilled the people before b Seeoih. 14.6, 5 Of, the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat tile son Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and 24. of Hori. possess it; for we are wiell able to over- Josh. 14. 7. os h. 34. 19.'eOf the toibe of Judah, doaleb tle son come it. 0 ir. 4. 01. of Jephuooeh. 31 9But the men that went up with him I llh 32.9.{ {Deut. 1. 28.[ dyer. 30. 7 Of the tribe of Issacbhar, Igal the son of said, We be not able to go up against the Josh. 14. 8. ch. 14. 6, 30. Joseph.,people; for they are stronoger than we. Jo.... 14.0.7, 8 Of the tribe of Ephraim,os Oshes the sn 321 And they dhbrought 0p an eoil report of d h.14.36,37. {13. 14. 03. 03,g 11.12. of Nfun. the land whioh they had osearched unto the 3041 0. 9 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son children of Israel, saying, The land, throughl of Raphu. which we have gone to search it, dis a land 10 Of thle tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and Am. 2. 9. son of Sodi. all the people that.e saw in it aoe tOos t.Is. /t/00 of 11 Of the tribe of Joseph, namoly, of tile of a great stature. tribe of Manasseh, Goaddi the son of Susi. 33 And thelre we saw the giants, fthe sons fDout.,.28.& 12 Of the tribe of Dan, Aommiel tle son of of Anak, which comse of tile giants: and 2.10. & 9. 2. Oemalli. we were inour oown sight gas grasshoppers, o s. 40. 22. 13 Of the tribe of Asher, Sethur the son'and so we were hin their sight. hlSam. 17.42. of iochoael. 14 Of the tribe of Napitali, Nahbi the son CHAPTER XIV. of Vophsi. 1 Thoe 00/ie m0r0//u/ at the noess. 0 Joshta and 15 Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Colob s to /2ill,h,o. II God thot,-ah ~~Moon~~loli. Othem. 13 tMoses e,s -leth God, a.-t odtolneh MOachiessooo-de. aoo26 Toqe o r -eo,o',os are deploiwd of 16 These at'e the names of the men which enIt-6i1f into tile laml, 36' Then w/~o'asd Moses sent to spy out the land. And Meose ths i,,l:.opoi rtie 090 plagd e. 40 Ths pople fver; 8. called f Oshea the son of Nun,Jehoshua. 0,ot ose/ 1 0 ss glo, ogoaisst 0. osl of B. 17. 9. 17 I[ And loses sen0 them to spy out tlhe GOI s oh. 14. 6, 30. land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get A ND all the congregation lifted up their 0r 21. you up this way southwarod, and go up into.1. voice, andericd; and I the peoplo wept e oi11. 4. Goan. 14. 10o. lthe ountain: that oigt. Judg.0.9,19. 18 And see the land, what it is; and the 2 bLAndallthochildren of Israelmurmured b Eo. 16. o. & people that dwellesththerein, whether they rgainst Mose and against Aron: and the 17. 3. be strong or weak, few or many; whole congregation s.ld unto them, Woulid'h. 10. 4,. 19 And lwhat tlhe land is that they dwellin, God that we had died in the land of Egypt P' IM, 20. whether it be good or bad; and what cities or 0 01ould God 00e had died in this oilder- S..os3r. 28, they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, 0ess 00. or in strong holds; 3 And wherefore habth the LORD brought |iNslgh.92,35. 20 And what the land i0, whether it be fat us unto thi0 land, to fall by the sword, that Ez. 34. 14. or lean, whether there be wood therein, or our wives and our children should be a 109 Moses intercedeth weth God. NUMBERS. The murmurcrs are excluded. B, 0.1490. prey? were it not better for us to return 23 t Surely they shall not see the land B.C. 1490. e..into Egypt? whieh I sware unto their fathers, neither delle. 9. 17.k h321. e..7. 4 And they said one to another, dLet us shall any of them that provoked me see it: keh.2.1. e!oS- t.17. make e captain, and'let us return into 24 But my servant /Caleb, because lie h ad Ez. 20. 15.' A. o Egypt. eanother spirit with him, and "' hath followed t Hel,. Ifthey Aets 7. te land. fc. 10. 4,22. 5 Then f/ieses ond Aaron fell on their me fully, him will I bring into the land g.21,30,3& faces before all the assembly of the congre- ehereinto he went; and his seed shall pos-e fleet. 39. h. 13. 6, 8.Jsh1.,, I ga. 13.,. tin ofthe children of Israel. sess it. 194.90 9,4. ith. 13. 27. 96 IUAtndJoshua the son of Nun,and Caleb 25 (Now the Amalekites and the Cancan- 1 flee. 1 21. the son ofJephunneh, which were of them ies dwelt in thile valley.) To moerrow turn "' 32. 12. i Dett. 10. 15. thet searched tice land, rent their clothes: you, "and get yeo into the cilderness by Dett. l1ii0 2 om. 156.1, 9 And they spake unto all the company ofe tie y e theitted sea. 1i. & 22. 2h the children of Israel, saying, hThe land, 29 I And the LORD spake unto Moses and Ia Kig21. D. & P.. 22. 8. ee hich we passed through to search it, is an unto Aaron, saying, 117. 10,11. exceeding good tland. 27 oHow long shall I bear we ith this evil over. 11. Is. 62. 4. 8 If the LORD e delight in us, then he will congregation, whieh murmur against me? Ex. 16. 28. kch. 13. 27. bring us into this land, and give it us; ka PI have heard the lmurerings of the chil- IMtt. 17. 17. fDtct. 9.7,23, tland which fowetch with milk and t.oncy. dren of Israel, which they murmur against.. 16. 12.21 24fct. 7.t 9t 09nly Irebel not ye against the LORD, me. h 00.n3. either fear ye the people of the land; 28 Say unto them,'As8 eruly as I live, [ver. 23...h. 2i. B. for "they are bread for us: their t defence saith the LORD, eas ye have spoken in mine cl. 26. 65. t II 0. is departed from them, tand the LORD is ears, so will I do to you:3. 1 [Dent. 1. 35. wde, ith us: fear them not. 29 TYour carcasses shall fall in this wilder- Het. 3. 17. Ps. 121.7. 10'2t all the congregtion bhde stone ness, and'all that eere numbered ef you, e e. Is. 30. 2, 3. them with stones. And qthe glory of the eecording toyour wholenumberfrom 49. LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the ty years old andup wrd, which have mur- S2h.t 45. te. 33.16. congregation before all thie children of Is- nured against me, Deut..20.1,3, rael. 30 Doubtless ye shall not come into the 4. k 31.6, 8. 11 ~ And the LORD said unto Ioses, HoW land, concerning which I t sweare to make Hteb. lifCtetd e t.t. long will this people'provoke me? and hIow you dwell therein, s.sve Caleb tile son of.....l.eee-i dec41g. 1.22. Ione will it he ere they'believe me, for Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. e. 14. 22. ]2 Chd r. 13...2.h all the signs whilch I have showed among 31t "Bt your little ones, whish y aid e 70 8 /17. & 32. 8. them? should be a prey, thtem will I bring in, and 3 2/. 65. 32. 12. Pi. 46. 7,11. 12 1 will smite them with the pestilence, they shall know the land which'ye have Iet. 1. 30 I.41.A.10. and disinherit them, and/twill make ofthee despised. As 5. 14. a greater nation and mightier than they. 32 But as foi you, eyour carcasses, ttey,Deet. 1. 39. Zth. 8. 23. L; I And U'iMosts said unto the LORD, shell fell i this ilderness. 2pE.. 17. 4. s 10. 21 o1q.:. o10. & Then tiheo Egyptians shall hear it, (for thou 33 Aed your children shell II eander in 4. 19, 17. & hbroughteat up this people in thy might from the wilderness'forty years, and b hear your IIeh. 3. 17. 40.31. among tem;) who redoms, until your carcasses be wasted f /e. 0.3. 14 And they mill tell it to the inhabitants in the wilderness. o11. e.192. of this land: Xfer they have heard thatt 34 CAfter the number of the days in which t h 32r. 103. S& 2e. 6 thou LORD aer among this people, that ye searched tie land, oevet dforty days, Dent. 9.7, 8, thou LORD art seen fae to face, andethat eachday for ayear, shall ye bear your ini- SesDeut. 2. 22. Ythy cloud standeth over them, and that quities, evee. forty years, and e shall /23 Ps. 95. 8. thou geest before them, by daytime in a know my libreach of promise. tHb. 3.8,16. pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by 35 f I the LORD Iave said, I will surely do e, 13 2lie!steent.l.i2.& nigh1. 0 et.2 1.32. & night. it unto all tlhis evil congregation, that are 1490. [ 9. 23.I 15.70.12,232, 15 ~[ Now if thou shalt kill ali this people gathered together against me: in this wvil- d t. 95. 10. i42. &1L. as on: e enan, then the nations which hIave derness they shall be consumed, and there E-. 4. 6. Joihn 12.37. heard the fame of thee will speak, saying, they shall die. eSee 1 finge lst,. 1. 10 16 Because the LORD was not Zable to 20 hAed Ile men whieh Moses sent to 860. tE. 32.1. 0. bring this people into the land which lie search the land, who returned, end made / 70. 4. [[ aEYz,32. 12. I0. 2 E. 3. sware unto thec, therefore te cath slain all the congregation to murmur' gainst Ihim, 1ebth. 1. De.h 09. 21i them in ths ilderness. by bringing up c slander epon the land, 27. 17 ld now, I beseech thee,letthepower 37 Even thsemen that did bring p the sf c t. 106. 23. of myLORDbegreat, according as thou hast evil report upon the land, idied by the c Es. 20. 9, 14. spoken, saying, plague before tihe LORD. fele 23 19 x E. 19. 14. 18 Tihe LORD is tlongsuffering, and of 38 k But oshua thie son of Nun, ant Caleb g t 27, 29. Jo5h 2.9,10. great mercy,.forgiving iniquity and trans- tis son of Jephnneh,sevich eiee of the s 2 yEx.13.21.& gression, and by no means clearing the men that went to search the land, lived 1Cor. 10. 5. 40. 38. geiltty, b visiting the iniquity of thie fathers still. hlh. 1331,32. sc'. 19. 11. upon the children unto the third and fourth 39 And Moses told these sayings unto all i Co. 19 10. Necll. 9. 12. eneraione. the children of Israel: l and tihe people IJe5..1 *Ps.37. 14. t19 Cp1ardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of mourned greatly. Jude 5.!103..39. sflset9. l9. this people ctaccording unto the greatnesse 40 And they rose up early in the morning, kich. 2.65. I Deut. 9. 28. i' Josh. 7. 9. of thy mercy, and 5es thou hast forgiven and gat them c p into the top of tihe mount- Jose.l4.6,10. se. 31. 6, 7. this people, from Egypt even dI until now. tin, saying, Lo, "lwe be here, and will go CE=. 33. 4... 103. 8. & 20And tihe LORD said, I have pardoned up unto the placewhiel the LORD leth et.i. 41.. 145.8. f/according to thy word: promised: for we have sinned. Jonah 4. 2. 21 But as truly as I live, tall tie earth 41 And Moses said, Wherefore now do ye C..20.5. & BshalIl be filled with the glory of the LORD. transgress 1th commandmente of the LoRu? n e. 5. ci. 37.] Elet4. oc. 20 hl Because all those men wiclich have seen but it shall tot prosper. 2 Chr. 24. 20. Ic s. 13.45. m9y glory, and my miraeles,.lhich I did in 42~ Gonotup, for thebLORD is not among elet. 1 42. Ps. 78.'38. Egypt and in the wilderness, and have you; that yo be not smitten before your ieOr hithlieto. tempted me now ithese ten times, antd have enemies. fis. 106.23. not hearkcned to my voice; 43 For the Amalekites and the Canaanites Jacles 5. ti. Jot 5. 14,t 15, 19. gPs. 72. 19. h Dult. 1 35. are there before you, and ye lshall fall by Ps. 9.5.11. & 106. 26. Heb.3. 17, 18. i lect. 31.7. the sword: /'because ye are turned away!,2CChr. 15.2. 110 Lace of thwe ieat offcrieg. NUMBEIRS. Thc sobbathbreaker stoned. B. C. 1490. from the LORD, therefore the LORD will 10 Then it shall he, that, when ye eat of B. C. 1490. not be with you. tthe bread of the land, ye shall offer up a q.eut. 1. 43. 44 B'ut they presumed to go up unto the heave offering unto the LORD. qJosh.. /it, hill top: nevertheless the ark of the co- 20 Yee shall offer up at cake of the first tof 12. eeant of the LORD, and ItIoses, departed your dough for a heave offering: as yo do e Det. 2i. 2, not out of the camp.'the heave offering of the threshingfloor, so 1O. ver. 43. 45'Then the Amalekites came down, and shall ye heave it. P-.e3.9,10. teut. 1.44. tie Canaanites which dwelt in that hill, and 21 Of tile first of your dough ye shall give I1.-olt4. s ohll 21. 3. smote them, and discomefited them, even unto the LORD a heave offering in your 10. Judg.. 1 7. unto tieormah. generations. CHAPTER XV. 22 1 And tif ye have erred, and not oh- t Lo-. 4. 2, 1 The lat of the meat qffeit anE the dri, offe.- served allthese coemandments, which the itg. 13,2) The stranee is eendee thse tame tle. LORD hath spoken unto e loses, 17 Thee ofI- fse,ft,ettf slch dseeh fc-tleee 23 Aven all tllat the LORD hath commandqIfig.2.T esarfce for~ sinls of ignrace he tunishent oe ef'esepoe32ef e thac. ed you by tte hand of Mloses, from tle day.ostee ioecbbcee efiose.d. 37 Tle ae of that the LORD commanded lfoses, and,.inges. henceforward among your generations; AND the LORD spaeko unto Moses, say- 24 Then it shall bhe, "if aught be co - uev,. 4.13..L ing, mitted by ignorance twithout the knowl- tielh. froe toer. 18. p2 hSpeak nnto the children of Israel, and edge of the congregation, that all the con- te eyes. Le. 23. 10 say unto them, When ye be come into the gregation shall offer one young bullock for i Det. 7. 1 land of your habitations, which I give unto aburnt offering, for a sweet savour unto ~~~~~you,;~~ thie LORD, *with his meat offering, and his ver. 8. 9,10. l. 1. 2, 3. 3 And bwill make an offering bygfire unto drink offering, according to the..e.ter, I Or., v thet LORD, a burnh t offering, or a sacrifice and Y one kid of the goats for a sin offering. olisc.. 16. & Cintperforming a vow, or in a freewill offer- 25 And the priest shall make an atone- ylSe Le,. 4. 22. 18, 21. ing, or lin your solemn feasts, to make a ment for allthe congregation of the children 23 t Hal,. esweet savour unto the LORD, of the herd, of Israel, and t shall be forgiven them; for h: 28.1.5. Ezra 6.17. &..ieaet,, or of the flock it i3 ignorance: and they shall bring their 8. 35. 2L..e. 4 Then fshatll he that offereth his offering offering, a sacrifice made by fire unto the Les 4. t ILhe.23.8,12, unto the LORD bring Yao meat offering of a LORD, and their sin offering before the 1 tenth deal of flour, mingled Ihwith the fourth LORD, for their ignorance:; ch. 28.19,27.te l 29. 2o 81 13part of a hin of oil. 26 And it shall be forgiven all the cangroeDeet. 16 10. 5 iAnd the fourthpatof el hill of wine for gation of the children of Israel, and the e Ge 8. 21. at drink offering shalt thou prepare with the stranger that sojourneth among them; seehe.. 29. 1t burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb. ing all the people woere in ignorance. fsLet. 2. b. & 6 kOr for a ram, thou shalt prepare for 27 1 And tif any soul sin through igno- 5,,ea.4.27,28. 6. 14. a meat offering two tenth deals of flour, rance, then he slhlall bring a she goat of the g Ex, 29. 40. mingled with tihe third part of a bin of oil. first year for a sin offering. Lho. 3. 13. 7 And for a drink offering thou shalt offer 8 b And thie priest shall make an atone- b L,. 4. 35. hLev. 14. 10. the third part of a bin of wine, for a sweet ment for tile soul that sinneth ignorantly, oh. 28. 5. savour unto the LORD. elwhen le sinneth by ignorance befbre the i ch.l28. 7, 14. 8 And when thou preparest a bullock for' LORD, to make an atonement for him; and fh. 28.12,14. a burnt offering, or for a sacrifice in per- it shall be forgiven him. L.. 7. 11. forming a vow, or ipeace offerings unto the 29'Ye shall have one law for him that ee r. 15. LORDe; tsinneth througlh ignorance, both, for him res.. doth. ach.28.12,14. 9 Titen shall he bring mwith a bullock a, that is born among tile children of Israel, meat offering of three tenth deals of flour, and for the stranger that sojourneth among mingled with half ahin of oil. them. 10 And thou shalt bring for a drink offer- 30 e dBu1 t1ce soul th at doeth cuttlgt'pre - d Dent. 17.12. ing half a hin ofwine, for an offering made sumptuously, whether he be born in thle ps. 19. 13. by fire, of at sweet saour unto the LORD. land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth I- I. 26. H eh. 10.96 se th. 18. 11 "Thus shall it be done for one bullock, the hote; and that soul shall be ot off 2 10. or for one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid. from among his people. tl. t c3ichs 12 According to the nurfiber that ye shall 31 Because he bath'despised the word of hiyl, e 2 Sam., 12. 9. prepare, so shall ye do to every one accord- the LORD, and altth broken his command- eele ing to their number. ment, thatt t soulsl utterly be cut off; fhis 13 All that are born of the country shall iniquity shall be upon hiim. e.. do these things after this manner, in offer- 12 ~ Afnd otile the mhildren ofsrael were 1.. ing an offering made by fire, of a sweet in the wilderness, 9they found a man that tEx.31.14,t. sayour unto the LORD. gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. & 35. 2, 3. 14 And if a stranger sojourn with you, or 13 And they that found Ihim gathering whosoever be among you in your genera- sticks brought him unto Ploses and Aaron, tions, and will offer an offering made by and unto atll the congregation. fire, of a sweet sayour unto the LORD; as 34 And they put h hihin ward, because it hLea. e4. 12. ye do, so he shall do. was not declared what should be done to oer. 29. 15 o One ordinance shal be both for you of him. E.. 12. 49. the congregation, andil also for the stranger 35 Andl the LORD said unto Poses, iThe iEx. l.14,15. ic. 9. 14, that sojourneth soith you, an ordinance for man shall be surely put to death: all tile ever in your generations: as ye a.e, so congregation shall kstone him with stones kT.e. 21. 14. shell lce stranger be before the LORD. without tile camp. 1 Kil. 21. 13. 16 One law and one manner shall be for 86 And all the congregation brought clim Aetl. 58 you, and for the stranger that eojourneth witbhout the camp, and stoned hlim with with you. stones, and hle died; as the LORD com17 ~ And the LORD spaice unto Moses, manded Moses. saying, 371 ~ And the LORD spake unto loses, r 2 18 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and saying, Beeut. 26.1. say unto them, When ye come into the land 38 Speak unto the children of Israel, and I Deet. 2212.1 whither I bring you, bid Ithemt that they make them fringes in l att. 23. 5. lit The rebellion of Iorah, NUMBERS. Dathan, and Abiram. B. C. 1490. the borders of their garnments, throughout or given us inheritalnce of fields and vine-. C. their generatiots, ted tlhat they pot eupon yards: wilt thou +put out the eyes of thest about 1471. D ~ _ the fringo of the borders a ribband of blue: men? we will not come up. And it shall e unto you r a fringe, And Moses was very wroth, and said te. Job 31 7. that ye lncy look upon it, and remember all unto the LOnD, 1RIespect not thou their ore out. Jet. 9.1 the commandments of the oe det f t LORD, and do offering: U' have not taken one ass from qGei. 4.4, 5. E, 6O., them; and that ye seek noo after your them, neithcr have I hurt one ofthem. 1Sn.. 12.3. Pc. 73.27.& own heart and your own eyes, after which 16 And'Moses said unto Korah,'Be thou Aets 20. 33. 10y. o,. ye use o to go a whorinue: and ail thy company thefore the LORD,. 2CO. 7. 2. J.o-a 4.4. 40OThat ye may remember, and do all my thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow: -cee. 0. 0. Lee. 11. 41. commandmente, and he eholy unto your 17 And take every man his censer, and ttsI o.1.1.1, o4. 45. God put incense in them, and bring ye before ~ Ro.r 12. 1 ] Co 1. 02. 41 ma the LORD your God, which brought the LORD every man his censer, two hun1Pet. L. 15, you out of the land of Egypt, to be your dred and fiy censers; thou aleso, and Aa16. God: I aet the LORD youe Gtd, ron, each of you his censer. 18And they took every man his censer, CHAPTER XVI. and put fire in tthem, and laid incense there[ the eledlie ef ioh.,,,, Dh, AUie. en, end stooed i the doore of the tabernacle 23 Me,,, Weetc h tic, pteoclefe to,,, oleles'Of the congregation with ioses and Aaron. teet,. 31 Thr e e-lreeelu e I'et K -oocth 19 And Korah gathered all the congreganfcs~e oewnetettlcehe.~:~ 01tPee oera, ol~eee eotehe e,.ved to loly lse. 41 Fo tteee thoeosld aed ticn aeainst them unto the door of tile tbeor|oeve, erede~l are slaii, by a plaue fo. mu,' - naclc of the congregation: and "tlle glory ler. 42. storluteg against Ifoes a,,, l AeAoc. 40 Aadoe of the LORD appeared unto all tile conreg- E. 16. 7,10. by ieee -,tnelh th.e.-.... gation.. ohoutl471. NOW tKoreh, the son of Ithoh, the sot 20 And the Loon spehe ento Moses nd etc 14. 10..e.. 6. 21...of Koiath, the son of Levi; and Diatan unto Aaron, saying, ch. 231 9. & and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and 0u, the 21'eparate yourselves from nmong this oe 4. 127.. son of Poleth, sons of Reuben, toolk noee: congregotion,that I may Yconoie then in Se Oe. 10. Jde 2 And they rose up before iMoes, with a moment. 17, 20. [ Jer 5. 6. [certain of the children of Israel, two hun-.2 And they Zfell upon their faces, and Acts 2. 40. b hl. 20. 9. dred and fifty princes of tihe assembly, b fa- said, 0 God, tihe Ged of tihe spirits of all -ce. 18. 4. mous in tl.e congregation, men of renown flesh, shall ne man sin, and wilt thou be. 45. P.. c10. 10. 3 And eltey gathered themselves together wroth with all the congregation? e.n 32. 10. /gainst loses andoaginst Aron, and said 23 ~ And the LORD spehe nnto Loses, 3.0.. e neb. It ia unto them, tYe take too much upon you, saying,.ee-. 45. fon seeing d all the congregation are hioly, every 24 Speak unto the congregation, saying, cel. 14.5. [0yc. oneofthem, eandtheLoRDiso amongthem: Get you up from about the tabernacle of neh. 27. 16. dEX. 109.. 6. wherefore then lift yeo up yourselves above Korah, Dathan, and Abiranm. Job 12. 10.,Ex. 209. 4. the congregation of the LORD? 2 And tones rose up end wont unto ee- EB. 12.7. ] h. 14, 14. & |. 57 16FhMh'' h~l e. i. 14. h 4 And when Moses heard it, fhe fell upon than and Abiramc; and tihe elders of lsrael Zeet. 1 21. 75. 31. hisi fee: cfollowed Ihim. Onh. 12. 9. feb. 14. 5. & 5 Andlee spake unto Korah and unto cill 26 And lie spake unto theice congregation, 20.. his compatny, saying, Even to t.orro the saying, bODep.rt, I prayyou, fom tihe tents bGen.19. 12, LORD will show wa o acce his, and who is of these wicked men, and touch nothin of 14. [gver..i fheoly; and mill cause him to come near theirs, lest ye he consumed in all tleir sins. I..52. 11. Lcv. 21.6.7. unto I~~im: evenl~inL mhom l~e hath I~chose[ 2 Cot. 6. 17.{ |Le. 21.6,7, unto him: even chinc whom lce hath hchosen 27 So they gat up from tile tabernacle of Re. 18. 4. 8, 12, 15. will hce cause to 1, come near unto him. Kooral, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: 7dE.. 2. 1. 0 This do Take you oensors, Korah, and and Dathau and Abiram catme out, and h. 2.2io.m nllis company, stood in the door of their tents, and their p.4. 10.5. 2. 7 And put fio thorein, and put incense in wives, and their sons, and their little chil- eEx. 3. 12..1l.. n10 them before the LORD to morrow: and it dren. |et. 18. 22. Lot. 10.7. 3& shall be that tce tman wicom the LORn dolth 28 And Moses said, IHereby ye shall know Zech.2.9,11. 21. 17, 18. choose, lie shall be holy: yo take too much that the LORD hoth sent me to do all toe. that th LORD hth sen inc todo allthesej John 5. 36. Eze. 4'. 46. & upon you, ye sons of Levi. works; for Ihave not doe thelo de ofmine l... 44. 15, 16. 8 And Moses said unto Korah, Hear, I own mind. Jr. J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44. 24, 16.JJr 3.16 pray you, yo sons of Levi: 29 If tiese men die the common death of lE,. 13. 17. k emi.18.23B. Oc Shecotcm it hidt ko small thing unto you, allmen, or if they be evisited after the visit- Jot col..0.h Is; 7. 13. that the God of Israel cathIseparated you ation of all men; then the LORD hath not 0 38. l h.3.41,45. from the congregation of Israel, to bring sent me. tHeb. 1 & 8; 1-i. you near to himself to do thle service of tlhe 30 But if the LORD make f a new thing, ecec c as Beet..0.t. thabenacle of the LORD, and to stand be- and the earth open her mouth, and sallo c diath. forete the congregation to minister unto them? tcem up, with alil that appertaini unto them,, eEx. 1.0. 5. & 10 And lie Ilthi brought thee near to hin, and they igo down quick into tihe pit;.a 32c. Lt and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with ye shall understand that these men have Job 5.15. thee: and'seek ye tile priestlood also? provoked the LORD. Jto. 9. 11 For which cause both thou and allthy 31 It And it came tot ass, as le had made tr..9t. company are gathered togethlcer against tihe an end of speaking all these worlds, that tlhe.l,. 16. n. LORD: " andhatdis Aaron, that ye mur- groundclave asunder that was undertlicmc Is. d. 7. ioer.. 5. mur against himi 32 And the eartic opened ler mouth, and fJob 31. 3. 12 J And I1oses sent to call Dathan and swallowee them up, and their houses, and Is. 28. 21. Abiram, the sons of Eliab; which said, We toll the men ticot napertcded unto Kiorah, get. 33. will not como up:. and all their goods. Ptll. L5. 9. 13 ct-. it a small thing that tcou hast 33 They, and all that nappertaicel to in leh. 2610. L brought us up out of a land that fioweth them, went down alive into thle pit, and thle 27. 3. with milk and hloney, to kill us in the eil- Dotllt. 11. 6. oE.. 2. 14. derness, except thou mnhake thyself alto- from among the congregation. iSo e 10. Acts7.27,35. Jgetcer a prince over us? 34 And all Israel that were round abohto. c. 1. p Ex. 3. 8. 14 MOreover, thou hast not brought us into them fled at the cry of them: for they said, 1 Cer. i. 22, Lte.20. 4. Pa land that floweth withl milk and honey, Lest the earth swallow us up tlso. 37. 112 The people murnmur. NUMBERS. Aaron's rod fourisheth. B. C. 35 And there kcame out a fire from the nacle of the congregation before the testi- B. C. about 1471. LORD, and consumed Ithe two hundred and mony, awhere I Oill meet with you. about 1471. fifty men that offered incense. 5 And it shall come to pass, that the k Lev. 10. 2. 30 ~ And tho LORD spake unto Moses, man's rod, bLwhom I sllallchoose, sllallblos- aEx. 2,..22.& cll. 11. sy. n, som: and I will make to cease from me 29. 42', 43. & tP,. h. f18. 37 Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the murmuring t h the clnildren of Israel, 30. 36. I vcr 17i. the priest, that he take up the censers out Cwhereby they murmur against you. C l. 16. 5. of the burning, and scatter thou the fire 6 ~ And Mloses spake unto the children of c clt. 16. 11.,So.. Lv..27. yonder; for',they are hallowed. Israel, and every one of their princes gave 28. 38 The consers of these "sinners against him t n rod apiece, for each prince one, acO. teb..,Prov,. 20. 2. their own souls, let them make them broad cording to their fathers' louses, even twelve rtd fo ole S.Hl,.. 10. plates for covering othe altar: for they rods: and the rod of Aaron acs among loof Lcc, o70cd offered them before the LORD, therefore their rods. ole cot. 17. 10. & they are hallowed: ~and they shall be a 7 And Moses laid up the rods before the petee 26. 10. sign unto the children of Israel. LORD in dtho tabernacle of witness d E.. 38. 21. Ez. 14. 8, 39 And Eleazar the priest took the brazen Ad it ame to pass, that on the morron clh. 10. 2. censers, wherewith they that were burnt Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; ACts7. 4. had offered; and they sere made broad and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house plates for a covering of the altar: of Levi was budded, and brought forth buds, 40 To be a memorial unto the children of and bloomed blossoms,-and yielded almonds. t' eh. 3. 1C. Israel, 1'that no stranger, which is not of 9 And Moses brought out all the rods fron 2Chr. 2'. 18. the seed of Aaron, come near to offer in- before the LORD unto all the children of cense before the LORD; thatle he not as Israel: and they looked, and tookl every Korah, and as his company: as the LORD man his rod. said to him by the land of Moses. 10 t And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring q ch. 14. 2..41 ~ But on the morrow qall the congre- eAaron's rod again before the testimony, to e Helt.. i. Pa.. 10 gation of the children of Israel murmured be kept ffor a token against the t rebels; f o,. 1; 38. against Mloses and against Aaron, saying, L and thou shalt quite take away their mur-t 0teb Ye have killed the people of the LORD. murings from me, that they die not. eithlde,,e of 42 And it came to pass, wehen the congre- 11 And Moses did so. as the LORD cor- eeb1litc1. gation was gathered against Moses and manded him, so did he. against Aaron, that they looked toward the 12 And the children of Israel spake unto tabernacle of the congregation: and, be- Moses, saying, Behold, we die, weno perish, reI. 40. 34. hold,'the cloud covered it, and'the glory tee all perlsh. teo, 1. of the LORD appeared. 133 hWhosoever cometh any thing near unto h cl. 1. 51, 93. Ch. 2C. 6. 43 And Moses and Aaron came before the the tabernacle of the LORD shall die: shall & 18. 4, 7. tabernacle of the congregation. weo be consumed with dying? 44 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, CHAPTER XVIII. fsaying, t1 The ch/,wg t/e o,,riest. ac,d Lvites. 9 The e ver. 1. 2. 45 t Giet you up from among this congrega- 1 Ttetcts. ctieo. 21 TheLeviett toet. 25 Tle tion, tat I may consume them as ill a mo- h]eave ofering to the piests out of the Levites' er. 22. ment. And they fell upon their faces. orio Clh. 20 U. 40 I And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a A ND the LORD said unto Aaron, aThou acl. 17. 13. censer, and put fire the hei f l and thy sons and thy father's house altar, and put on incense, and go quickly with thee shall bbear the iniquity. of the blE. 28. 38. unto the congregation, and make an atone- sanctuary: and thou and thy sons with thee oTev. 10. 6. ment for them:'for there is wrath gone shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood. oh. 1.3. &8. out from the LORD; the plague is begun. 2 And thy brethren also of the tribe of 19. t'; 11. 30. 47 And Aarot took as tloses commanded, Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring thou 1 Ch,. 2.24. and ran into the midst of the congregation; with thee, that they may be'joined unto cSee Gels. 29. Ps. 106. 29. and, behold, the plague was begun among thee, and dminister unto thee: but ethou 4. the people: and lie put on incense, and a nd thy sons with thee shall c minister be- dch. 3. 6, 7. made an atonement for the people. fore tile tabernacle of witness. ech. 3. 10. 48 And he stood between the dead and the 3 And they shall keep thy charge, and fthe foh. 3. 25, 31, living; and the plague was stayed. charge of all the tabernacle: 0 only they shall 36. 49 Now they that died in the plague were not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary gch. 16. 40. fourteen thousand and seven hundred, be- and the altar, ithat neither they, nor ye,hh. 4. 15. sides them that died about the matter of also, die. Korah. 4 And they shall be joined unto thee, and 50 And Aaron returned unto Mosecs unto keep the charge of the tabernacle of the the door of the tabernacle of the congregas- congregation, for allthe service of the tabtion r and the plague was stayed. ernacle: iand a stranger shall not come ich. 3. 10. nigh unto you. CHAPTER XVII. 5 And ye shall keep kthe charge of the kEx. 27.2 1. 1 Aaron'.s rod aotog tll the rods of the ti'be only sanctuary, and the charge of the altar; 30. 7. Jozcttisie~,st. 101t 1s aieftfor ctteti eei~rlltt a that there be no wrath any more upon the Le{. 24. 3. lthe ebels. children of Israel. cl. i. 2. A ND the LORD spake unto Moses, say- 6 And I, behold, I have'ntaken your c1ch. 1. 46..L-3L ing, brethren tile Levites from among the ohil- ch.:Al2.,5. 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and dren of Israel:' to you they are given as n h.3.9. & 8. take of every one of them a rod according a gift for the LORD, to do tile service of the 19. to the house of their fathers, of all their tabernacle of tlie congregation. princes a ccording to the ho!se of their fa- 7 Therefore ~tholo and thy sons with thee over. 5 thers, twelve rods: write thou every man's shall keep your priest's office for every ctl. 3. 10. name upon his rod. thing of the altar, and e'within the. vail; pHe. 9.3,. 3 And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon and ye shall serve: I have given your the rod of Levi: for one rod shall be for the priest's office tunto you as a service of gift: head of the house of their fathers. and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be 4 And thou shalt lay them up in the tabor- put to death. 8 113. T7e portion of the priests. NUMBERS. The water of'separation. B. C. 8 IV And fth LORD spako unto Aaron, Be- tions, that among the ehildren of Israel B. C. about 1471. hold, 0I also have givenhee the charge of they have no inheritance. about 14fl. mine heave offerings of all the hallowed 24 vBut the tithes of the childoool of Is-'Lf.1.16.,fI, fthings of the children of Israel; unto thee rael, which they offer as a heave offering yvwr. f1. [i. 7. 0,32. have I given them "'y reason ofth anoint- unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites oh. 0.0. fing, and to thy sons, by an ordinance for to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, rE..29.29. & ever. "Among the children of Israel they shall zvor.20. 40. 3. This shall be thins of the most holy have no inheritance...... 10.9O. things, e'.erve.l from the fire: every obla- 25 ~ And the LOf0D aspke unto MIoses, 14. 27,9. Lev.2.2,.h& tion of theirs, eveoy Imean offering of theirs, saying, 1.1. 10. 12,13. and every tsn offering of theirs, and every 26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say t Lev.4.22,27. "trespass offering of theirs, whichl they unto them, When ye taoke of the children of & 6. 25, 26. shall render unto me, shall bo most holy Israel the tithes which I have given you L-v. 5.1. &| for thee and for thy sons. from them for your inheritance, then ye 7.7. & 10. 12. 10 0In the most holy place o halt thou eat shall offer up a heave offering of it for the b i. 1i. it; every male shall eat it: it shall be holy LORD, even 0 a tenth Poar of the tithe. tt Net. 10.38. 16Lv.l.1,18, unto thee 27 bAnd this your heave offering shallbe bver. 30. 26,29. &7.6. 11 nd thio is thine; bthe heave offering reckoned unto you, as though it overe the yE..29.27,28. of their gift, witt all the wave offeringo of corn of the threshingfloor, and as the fulLee.7.30,b the children of Israel: I have given them ness oftlie winepress. aLoe. 10. 14. unto'thee, and to thy sons and to thy 28 Tltus ye also shall offer a hleaveo offering Deoo. 18. 0. daughters with thee, by a statute foo ever: unto the LORD of all your tithes, whiol ye a Loe. 22.2.3, aevery one that is clean in thy house shall receive of the children of Israel; and ye 11, 12, 13. eat of it. shall give thereof thle LORD'. heave offerlbE. 23. 19. 12 bAll the tbest of the oil, and all the ing to Aaron thle priest. Dest. 18. 4. best of the wine, and of the wheat, 0the 29 Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every Nelt. 10. 35, firsotfruits of them nhioh tvey sllo ofee ave offeing of the Loa, of allthe vhest etH..fe, 10. u.totshe 1.0D, show have I given tleo. thereof, even the hallowed part thereof out 00.1 unto the LORD, them have I given ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vet'le. O/Hb. fot, 13 And nhatsoever it first ripe in the of it. ve. land, dwhich they shall bring unto the 0 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, [~E.2.9 3 and, w~lihatsoeve is firsripe int the s n. 11.0. LORD, shall be thine; eevery one that is When ye have heaved the best thereof from d E.22.29. & olean in thine house shall eat of it. it,.then it sholl be counted unto tte Le- 0. 27.!,. 14 fEvery thing devoted in Israel slall be vites as thle increase of the -areshingfloor, oLe. 14. thine. and as the increase of the winepress. oh. 15. 19. 15 Every thing that openeth othe matrix 31 And ye shlall eat it in every place, ye Deo. 20. 2. in all flesh, whiolh they bringunto the LORD, and your households: for it is dyour re- ds Mtt.10,10. vero.I. s.whether it be oof men-or beasts, shallbe ward for your service in the tabernacle of Lh 10e. 7. fLay. 27. 28. thine: nevertheless htthe firstborn of man thle congregation. 1. 13. E o. 13. 2. & shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling 32 And ye shall bear no sin by reason of l. 5.18. 122.29. of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem. it, when ye have heaved from it the best of {I"v-e9 8.o. Lev. 7. 26. 16 And those that are to be redeemed from it: neitter shall ye fpollute the holy things. oh. 3. 13. a month old shalt thou redeem, iaccording of the children of Israel, lest ye die. fLv. 22.1. hEx. 13. 13.b& to thines estimation, for the money of five.31. 20. shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, CHAPTER XIX. iLev. 27.2, 6. Ikwhicht s twenty gerahs. 1 the waer o.f se..ara.lo, mad e of thsea aes ofa cho. 3.47. 17 1 But the firstling of a cow, or the first- s'edheifer. 11 Theolo for he ue ofit i, puorik Ex. 30. 13. ling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, foa4oi ofot e...os,. L, ].27.25. thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: AND the LORD spake unto lMoses and ch. 3.47. A Eo-. 42. lb'thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the unto Aaron, saying, lDeus. 15.19. alto tod shalt bron their fat foe an ofhe 2 This is the ordinance of the law which ing made by fre, for a sweet savour unto the LonD hath commanded, saying, Speak sLon,. 0.2,. the LORD. unto tle children of Israel, that they bring 18 And the flesh of them shall be thine, as thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no,oE..29.28,26. the wave breast and as the right shoulder blemish, 0aodupon ohichnever came yoke. Deut. 21. 3. Lv. 7.31.32, are thlino. 3 And ye shall give her unto Eleazar thle 1 O.m. 6.7. 31, 19'Oll the heave offerings of the holy priest, that he may bring lher bforth with- { Lev. 4. 12, things, which the children of Israeol offer out tle camp, and one shall slay her before 21. h 1t. 07, unto tle LORD, lhave I given thee, and thy his face: 1.1. pL.e.. 13. sons and thy daughters with thee, by a 4 And Eleazar the priest shall take of her 2 hr. 13. 5. statute for. ever: /it is a covenant of salt blood with his finger, and C sprinkle ofher L e-. 4. 6. qDeut.10.9. b for ever before the LORD unto tihee and to blood directly before the tabernele of tho 16. 14. 10.,7~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~l o diectl beo r 9h taenceo&h Itohb. 9. 13. 12. 12. & 14. thy seed witlh thee. congregation seven times. l... 27, 29. & 18. 20 [ And the LORD spake unto Aaron, 5 And one shall burn the ioeifer in his 1, 2. Thou shalt have no inheritance iza their sight; dher skin, and herI flesh, and her dEx. 19. 14. Josh. 13. 14, land, neither shalt thou have any part blood, with her dung, shall he burn: Lev. 4.11,12. 33. h 14.3. &. 1.33. & 14.3. among them: 01I 0a thy part and thine in- 6 And thle priest shall take cedar.wood, eLsev. 14, 4, 6, 18. 7, P.. 10. 5. heritance among the children of Israel. and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast i into 4. E1. 44. 28. 21 And, behold,'I hlave given the children thoe midst of the burning of the heifer. evr. 24. 26. of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an in- 7 fThen the priest shall wash his clothes, fLev.1ll.2,& Lev. 27. 30, heritance, for their service which they serve, and be shall bathe his flesh in water, and 12,5 32. even Sthe service of the tabernacle of the afterward lie shall come into the camp, and N0h.10.37. b congregation. the priest shall be unclean until the even. 12. 44. 12. 41. ~~~~~~~~~~8 And he that burneth her shall wash his ib. 7.5,8,9. 22 tNeither must the children of Israel A l tt bueth sl as his heneeforth come nigh the tabernacle of the clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in was h. 3. 7, 8. tr n ial b nla ni h vn ch.3. 7, ongregation, 1lest they bear sit, t and die. ter, and shall be unclean until the even. th. 1. 5L 23 00ut the Levitcs shall do the servioe 9 Andt a man that is clean shall gather up.L.e. 22. 9, of the tabernacle of the congregation, and'tho ashes of the heifcr, and lay theo up.eHah, 9.13. t H.. t.dic. they shall bear their iniquity: it ohall bo without the camp in a olean place, and it sI. 3. 7. a statute for ever throughout your genora- shall be kept for the congregation of the 114 Law.for' the use of it. NUMBERS. Moses smteth the r.ock. B C -children of Israel ofor o watero of separa- spke, saying, Would God that we had died B. C. 1453. about; 1471. d tion: it i:a purificattio n for sin. f when our brethren died before the LORD!' 10 And te that gathereth the ashes of the 4 And alhy have ye brought up the con- fchb. 1. 1.03. hver-13,2)21. beifer shall washl:is clothes, and be unclean gregatic of the LeRD into this wilder- 1.. l. e1. 23. until the even: and ii shall be unto the hess, that we and our cattle should die, 01, 49. children of Israel, and unto the stranger there? sEx. 17. 3. that sojourneth among them, for a statute 5 And wherefore have ye made us to come for ever. up out of Egypt, to bring uc in unto this sees. 1t 1 I ilHe that toucheth the dead body of evil place? it is no ptlace of eed, or of figs, 111 iv es.1 21. 1. any t man shall be unclean seven days. or of vines, or of pomegranates; neither io t| c 5. 2. & 9. l 10. & 31. 12 kHIle shall purify himself with i on the ther e any water to drink. 19. third day, and on the seventh dayehe shall IAndMeoseB andAaronwentfromathepresLam. 4. 14. hoe clean: but if he purify not himself the once of the assembly unto the door of the lac. 2.13. tlird day, then the seventh day he shall not tabernac!e of the congregation, and hthey hch. 14. 5. & 5Hohscelof be chlean. fell upon their faces: and ithe glory ee the 16. 4, 22, 45. 13c. W1 hosoever toucheth the dead body of LORD appearee unto them. oh. 14. 10. kclh. 31. 19. any man that is dead, and purifielth not 7 ~ And the LORD spake unto oses, saye-, 13. 31 himself, /defileth the tabernacle of the ing, LORD; andl that soul shall he cut off from 0 I:Take the rod, and gather thou the as- kEx. 17. 5. ver.9. Israel: because.the water of separation sembly together, M1n. and Aaron tlhy brothc0h. e..was no- sprinkled upon him, ie shall he un- er, and speak ye unto the rock beftre tlheir riLe... 20.h& clean; Lhis uncleanness is yet uponhim. eyes; and it shall give forth his ateor, and 22. 3. 14 This is the law, when a man dieth in a Ithoec shell bring forth to them water out of INeh.9. 13. tent: all that come into the tent, and all the rock: so thou shalt give the congrego- Ps. 78.'15, 10. that is in the tent, shall hbe unclean seven tion andl their beasts drink. & 105. dl. & days. 9 And Mloses took the rod " from before 114. 8. is. 43. 20. & eo y. 11.3. 32. 15 And every o open vessel, which hath no the LORD, as he commanded him. 4,. 21. sh. 31. 20. covereing bound upon it, is unclean. 10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the cc17. 2-ver. II. 30 And i'whosoever touchetlc one that is congregation together before tle erock, and slain with s, sword in the open fields, or a he said unto them, "1Hear now ye rebel; s. 10i. 33. dead body, or a bone of a manc or a grave, must we fetch you water out of this rock 1 shall be unclean seven days. 11 And Moses lifted up his handd and with 17 And for an unclean person they shall his'od he smote the rock twicei and ~the oEx. 17.6. ver. 9. take of the qiashes of the burnt heifer of wate came out abhundantiy, and the con- Dect. 8.15. tleb. lEus. purification for sin, and orunniog water gregation drank, and their basts also; C 10. 4. t obeh. livingr shall hbe put thereto in a vessel: 12 I Aeid the LORD spake unOo Moses and scater. shal li And a clean person shall take hiyssop, Aaron, Because Pye believed me not, to pch. 27.14. be #i-n, and dip it in the setee, and sprinkle it Qnctify me in thie eyes of the children of Det.1.37. Ce,,20u. 13. &20 G-n. 26. 19. upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and Israel, therefore ce shall ot brt.e this on-.32.1. eP.. 611 7. upon the persons that were t:here, and uon grcgatlion into tile land which I have given f ehv- l E,, 20e. 410.. him that touched a bone, or one.lain, or thes. 0.. 23 & 3 one dead, or Pgrave: 13 "Thi is the water of IIlteribah; be- 3 03. 3 13 And the clean person shall sprinkle cause the children of Israel strove wcith the 1 Pet. 3. 15. upon the unclean on the third day, and on LORD, and he was sanctified in them.,. De-c. 93.S. slev. 14.9. thesevent day: Iand on the sevnth day le 14''And Moses sent messengers from rP. 95. 8. & shall purify himself, and wash his clothes, Kadesh unto the king of Edom,:TiThus seith 106. 32, &c. and bathe himself in water, and shallbe thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the!i Tlot is, clean at even. travail that hath befallen us: Socife. tee 20 But the mao that shall be unclean, and 15 t How our fathers went down into Egypt, E. I7 shall not purify himself, that soul shall be Wand we have dwelt in Egypt a long time;see'~. 111 cut off fiom among the congregation, be- 7.d tlo Eqypticua veted us, and our fa 17. t ses. 13. cause hie hath ldefiled the sanctuary of the there: D0 t. 2, 4, &e., & 23. 7. LORD: the water of separation hath not 16 And wshen we cried unto the LORDn, he he1 11. been sprinkled upon him; he is unclean. heard our voice, and sent an angel, and 1, 21 And it shall be a perpetual statute unto hath brought us forth out of Egypt: and, c s them, that hie that sprinkleth the water of behold, ee are in Kadesh, a city in the. 17.. separation shall wash his Clothes; and lie uttermost of thy border.e 0-. 40.0. that toucheththee water of separation shall 17 cLet us pass, I pray thee, through thy A,t 7. 15. be unclean until even. country: we will not pass througlh theo fields,: 12. 40. uIHag. 2. 13. 21 And "whatsoever the unclean person or through the vineyards, neither will we eEe.l.llhc. Leve. 11. 5. toucheth shall be unclean; and itho soul drink of the water o the wells: ve will go D 2nt e. t6. that touchoth di slhall be unclean until even, by the king's high way, oe will not turn to A.ets 7. 19. the right hand nor to the left, until we Ihave y0,. 2. 23. & CHAPTER XX. passed thy eborders. 3. 7. 2 ThleeildrerofJsraelsosneo loZi, olse rliriam 18 And Edom said unto him, Thou shaltzEE.3.M. it. dieth. 1l'aheoomurmu foee' wtmtofccwcter. 7eMosdiete sil.'ice i otoe fo,'tl i chat e r' atee not pass 2by mee lest I como out against thee 10. 23. 20. re- -iti,,lR Ih, ~c ~rgt f-t~h -t- er t no as 33. 2. eSlsbiioe. 14 f-oes, 05 Fedith desiecth ease eith the sword.. th,.o,,egldom,,ehiehistdenielhims. 22lntOLAto,-,t 19 And the children of Israel said unto ase h. 21. etoAarote -cessigecc hlis plaehi e o.'leaoao, a-d him, We will go by the high way: and if I 22. disrh..Denlt. 2. ~7. ~~~discOh~ cand my cattle drink of thy water, b the I,7. 1453. TIHEN segmo the children of Israel, even will pay for it: I0 ill only, without doisg itec..0 ach. 33. 3. tlie whole congregation, into the desert any thing else, go through on my feet; of Zin in the firts mconth: and thle people 20 And hi said, IThou shalt not go through, eJudg. 11.17. bE.. 15. 20. abode in Kadeshl; and bliriai died there, And Edom came out against him with much oh. 26.5. 59. and wasburied there. people, and with a strong hand. ee:. 17. 1. 2 CAnd tihere was no waeter for the congre- 21 Thus Edom direfused tO give Israel pes- d See Det. 2. dh.l. 119,42. gation: dand they gathered thlccselees to- sage through his border: wherefore Israel 27, 0. eox. 17. 2. gether against Moses and against Aaron. turned awacy from him. c 4, 5, 8. Judg. ctI. 11.. 3 And the people echodo with Moses, and 22 1 And the children of Israel, even the 11.18. 315 The brazen serpent. NUMBERS. Sihon is overcomel B.,C. 1453. whole coigregstion, jour neyed from fRa- 11 And they journeyed from Oboth, and B. C. 1452. desh, gand ctme unto mount eor. "pitched at lIIje.abarim, in tile wilderness feh. 33. 37. 23 And the LORD spake unto Moses and which is before Moab, toward thile sunrising. rch. 33. 4. geo. 21. 4. Aaron in teount Her, by the coast of the 12 1'From thence they removed, end Olre, H~apscc. land of Edom, saying, pitched in the nvalley of Zared. Abalin. eaGe. 27. 5. 24 Aaron shlall he hgathered unto his peo- 13 From thence they removed, and pitched Dent. 2. 13. el. 27.c13.h pie: for he shiall not enter into the land on the other side of Arnon, which is in the 31. 2. which I have given unto the children of Is- wilderness thet cometh out of thle coasts of tst..321. e rael, because iye rebelled against my wtord the Anorites: for Atmon is the border of t ch. 22: 36. ie 1. eat the water oi Meribah. Moeb, between ioab and the Anorites. Jedg. 11. 18. estHeesesse. 25 kTake Aaron and Eleazar his son, and.14 Wherefore it is said in the book of the k ch. 33. 38. bring tliem up unto moun Heor: wars of the LORD, II What he did in the Red H Or, taheb itl Deut. 32.0. 26.Ad stripe ron of his garments, nd sea, and in the brooks of Arton, St2,hoh. put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aeron 13 And t tile stream of the brooks that shall be gathered untto his people, and goeth down to the dwelling of Ar, nand uDeut. 2. 18, shall die there. t lieth upon the border of Moab. 29. 27 And Moses did as the LORD command- I6 And from thence they cent 5 to Beer: t Hob. ed: and thly went up into mount lHer in that is he well wereof the LORD spake ls-eth. the sight of all the congregation. unto Moses, Gather the people together, eJudg. 9. 21. 1 E.-.2.9,30. 28 lAnd Modes stripped Aaron of his gat- and I wilt give them water. 1452. ments, and put them upon Eleazar his son; 17 ~eThen Israel sang this eong, t Spring E. si 1. htsst33. 8. and "Aaron edied there in the top of the up, O well; Ilsintg ye unto it: Ps. 105. 2. & Dent. 10o. mount: and 5oses and Eleazar came down It The prince digged the nell, the nobles 106. 12. h 32. 20. l1.ol h on of the people diggod it, by the direction of e seb. 50 And when all the congregation saw the lawgiver, itih theirstaves. Andfrom Ascend. that Aaron was dead, they mourned for the wilterness they went to Mattanahl: Or, aesse,.,oS.eut. 34. Aaron'thirty days, even all the house of 1 And from Mattshah to Nahaliel: and zIs. 33. 22. to Israel. from Nahlaliel to Bamoth: CHAPTER XXI. 20 And from BaEmoth in the valley, that is 1 J,"el eith soese loes e,.of Ohe Cnanesicne at in the country. of Moab, to the top of II Pis- e Hlb. fisdd. os.msoh. 4 Telepeosiesnst,'msrit,4 eeiagoete gah, hichl looketh'toeard I{Jeshimon. iOr, Te hill. coilihOss ss e 7 TILes e/ssselysesolss ~21 5 And bisrael sent messengers unto ach. 23.28. byi a blsazser en1t. 10iSsnd,.ljosssseys of the Sihon king of the Arorites, saying, 1 tl 2Iseolitee. illiho-s iseoes 3, O3no t oU. 20 5Lot me pass tisrough thy land: we will d-.ct.. 1452. j LD tooeun'king Aradthe Cenaanite, not turn into the fields, o into the vine- bDut. 2. 260,.ch. 33. 40. A whihe delt in the south, heard tell yards; wee will not drink of tlie waters of 27. 5ee Jedt. 1. thet Israel came b by the soy of the spies; the well: butt se sill goalong by list hing's Anle. 11. 19. it. then he fought against Israel, and took some high way, until we be past thy borders. celt. 20. 17. b h. 13. 21i. of then prisoners. 23 dAnd Sihen would not suffer Israelto ds et. 29. 7. G.e. 28. 20. 2'And Israelvowed a vow unto the LoRD, pass through hils border: but Sihon gatthAndg. 11. 30. and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this teed all his people together, and sent out iLev. 27. 28. people into my hand, then d I will utterly against Israel into the wilderness: eand eDeut.2. 32. destroy their cities. he came to Jahaz, and fought against Is- Judng. 11.20. 3 And the LORD nherkened to the voice of rael. israel, and delivered up tile Canaanites; 24 And fIsrael smote him with the edge fDeu.t; 2. 33. and they utterly destroyed thlem and their of the sword, and possessed is land from & 29. 7. scities: and he called the name of the place Arn unto J bbok, even unto the childaen! J. 12.1,2. TMnM ito, II HIor...h. of Ammon: for tle border of the children Nt. 0e..2. Utter d- 4 ~ And ethey journeyed ifrom mount Her of Ammon was strong. Ps.l135.10, 11. bslln. y the wayof the Red sea, to fcompass the 25 And Israel took all these cities: and h 1&6. 19. eh. 20.22.& land of Eom: and the soul of the people Israel Iwelt in all'he cities of the Anmo- Am.. 2.. 33. 41. was muchls-discouraged because of the way. rites, in Heshbon,. and in all the tvillages tIeH,. fJd.51. 15 And t hn people Oepa e against God, end thereof. dnav y rte-s. 1c Or, geiee5. against MIoses, IAWhereforeo hane y brought 26 For Heshbon tvas the city of Sihon the tHel. o- us up out of SEgy pt to die in the wilderness? king oithe Atnorites, who htd fought against seed, for teisre is no bread, neither is these ny th former king of Moab, and taken all his gPE. 78.9. watee; and lour soul loatheth this light land out of his hand, even unto Arnon. gos 78. 10. breaed. 27 Wherefore they that speak in proverbs h E.. 10.3. & 6 And Othe LORD Seet Ifiery serpents esay, Come into Heshbon, let the city of 17.3. among the people, and they bit the people; Sillon be built and prepared: i ch. 11. 5. and mucth people of Israel died. 28 For there is Va fire geone out of Heshbon, Jer. 48. 45, k t.e. 10. 9. 7 ~ " Therefore the people cam to M.eec, aflame from the city of Sihon: it hail con- 46. 1Dent. 8t L. end said, We heve shined, for "we have sumed hAr of hoab, and the lords of the OoDDut.2.9,18. n c. 71. 34. spoken againsttho LORD, and againstthee; high places of Arnon. Ic. 15. 1. cosser. 5(,pray unto the LOR.D, that he take tpaway 20 Woo to thee, Moab! thou art undone, o.e.'8. 8, 28. the serpents from us. And Moses prayed 0 people of iChemosh: he ]lath given his linsdg. 11.24. 12oon. ll. for the people. sons'that escaped, and his daughters, into 1 KiO. 11.7, 1 Kigs 1S3.6. 0 And the LORD said unto MIoses, IMakle captivity unto Sihon lnge of the Amorites. 3Ki.2.13. Act. 8. 21. 2Ki- 23.13. thA1 oa fiery serpent, and set it pon apole: 30 We have shot at them; Heshbon is Jer.i48.7 13. and it shall come to pss, that every one perished even kunto Dibon; and Neele hav er. 48. 18, that is bitten, when ie 1ooketh upon it, laid them waste even unto Noplhah, which 22. shall live. eacheoth unto tlIedeba. Is,. 15. 2. I2 lne. 18.. 4. 9 And'hIoses made a serpent of brass, 31 ~ Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the lnioe3.14,15. and put it upon a pole; and it came to Amorites. pass, that if a serpent had bitten any snan, 2 And oses sent to spy out A enzer, and e l.l. 32. 1. when lie beheld the serpent of brass, he they took the villages thereof, and drove out J.. 4. 32. lived. the Arinorites that lwere tiere. 10 And the children of Israel set for- 33t hAnd they turned and went up by eI..t..3. 1. teh. 33. 43. ward, and ipitched in Oboth. the way of Bashan: and Og the king of & 29. 7. 116 Balak.sendeth for Balaamn. NUMBERS. An aotgel opposeth Balaan.: B.G. 1452. Bashan wtent out against them, he, and all t Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from B. C. 1452. his people, to the battle Oat Edrei. coming unto me: oJoth. 13.12. 34 And the LORD said unto Moses, 2'Fear 17 For I will promote thlee unto very great t Bb. Be oot pD.eut..... him not: for I have delivered him into thy honour, andl willdo whatsoever thou say-'.ou. etted hand, and all his people, and his land; ad est untome: "'come therefore, I pray thee, fom ver. 24. tthou shalt do as thou didst unto ourse me this people. ntver. 6. P.135.10,11. Sihon king of tlhe Amorites, wohich dwelt at 18 And Balaam answered and said unto'&.200. 2. Iesthbon. the servants of Balak, "If Balak would give h. 24. 13. rDeut; 3. 3,4, 351''So they smote him, and his sons, and me his house full of silver and gold,'I can- o1 Cin. 22.14. &e. all his people, until there was none left him not go beyond the word of the LORD my 2 Cllr. 18. 13. alive: and they possessed his land. God, to do less or more. 19 Now tterefore, I pray you, Ptarry yo ver. 8. * CHAPTER XXII. also here this night, that I may know what i Balak's tist onssage for llaratt is rftooed. 15 tile LORD will say unto me more. fHits second mesae obitailet/h /im. 22 At. angel 20 lAnd Grod came unto Balaam at night, ver. 9. toul t a. e sla in, f as hat l t ot tavet and said unto lim, If the men come to call no6h. 33. 48. oo hi thee, rise up, and go withl them; but "'yet rver. 35. a Ah, 33. 48. ND'the ctildren of Israel set forward, the rord ee, that eh. 23. L2, 26..1. and pitched in the plains of Moab on shalt thou do. & 24, 13. this side Jlrdtn by Jerrioho. 21 And Btlaam rose up in the morning, ObJgp,.11.25. 2 ~ And bBalak the son of Zippor saw all and saddled his ass,- and went with tlhe that Israel ilad done to the Amorites. princes of Moab. c a. 1. 1.5. 3 And I Moab h as so e afraid of the peo- 22 I And God's anger r as kindled because ple, because they wvere many: and Ioab he went: 8 and the angel of the LORD stood s E., 4. 24. oasr distressed because of the children of in thle way for an adversary against him. Israel. Now he eas riding upon Itis ass, and his ddeh. 31. 8. 4 And Moab said unto ttthe elders of Mid- two servants were with him. Jos.. 13. 21. ian, Now shall this company lick up all 93 And ttle ass sarlthe angelrof.the LORD tSee 2 IKings that are round about us, as the ox licketh standing in tle tay, and lli sord dre an in (. 17. up the grass of the field. And Balak the his land: and the ass turned aside out of D t~10. 7. son of Zippor zoas king of the Moabites at the way, and went into the field: and Balaam 2 Pt. 22 9. that time. smote the ass, to turtl her into the way. J2e, 11. eDeut. 23. 4.' 5 eHe sent messengers therefore unto Ba- 24 But the angel of the LORD stood in a J.osh. 13. 22. laam the son of Beor to fPethor, which is.patll of the vineyards, a wall being on this [& 2.t. by the river of the land of the children of side, and a wall on tllat side. Neb.(;t. 3. tltis people, to call him, saying, Behold, 25 And wohen the ass saw tle angel of the 2 Pet. 2. 16. there is a people come out from Egypt: be- LORD, she thrust herself unto tile wall, and Jude 11. hold, they cover the tface of the earth, crushed Balaam's foot against the wavll and Re. 2. 14. and tlley abide over against me: he smote o er ngain. f See h. 23.7. 6 Come now therefore, I pray thee, gcurse 260 nd the angel ofthe LORPD ent furt. er Deut. 23. 4. me this people; -for they are too mighty for and stood iu a narroweplace, where uwas no t elb. eye. me: peradi-enture I shall prevail, tlat Re ay to turn either to the right hand or to rcH. 23. 7. may smite them, and that I may drio-e tnem toe left. out of the land: for I wot thllt he lom thou 27 And vhen the ass -saW tlle anel of the blessest i blessed, and he whom ho ou curs- LORD, she fell dowvn under Balaamn: and est is cursed. Balaam's anger was kindled, and lie smote 7 And the elders ofMloab and the eldersof tile ass witll a staff. hlSa.m.9.7,8. Mlidian departed vitill Ithe rewaltds of div- 28 And tlie LORD 1topened the moutt of r2 Pet. 2.16. ination in their ]land; and they came unto tie ass, and sohe said unto Balanm, What Baltak. ten me these three times? iver. 19. 8 And lte said unto them, iLodgoe ere this 29 And Balaanm said unto the ass, Because night, and I will bring you word again, as tlou'hast mocked me I would there were the LORD shall speak unto me: and the a sword in mine hlautd,'for now would I Prov. 12.10. prinlces of Moab abode with Balaam. kill th!ee. kGe.. 20. 3. 9 /tAnd God came unto Balanm, atd 4, 3() YAnd tte ass said unto Balaam, Aet y2 Pet. 2. 16. er 20. What ametn a5e. ttese.ith thee not I thine asst upon lwich ttou last rid- t Heb. rho 10 And Bala.n. said unto God, Balak the den 11 ever silceto I as thine utto tis day? Irat tidtoen son of Zippo., king of Moab, hatih sent was I ever.ont todo so unto thee? Adll unato me, soayisz., lie said, Nay. ili Or.e.oince 11 ehold,.there is a people come out of 31 Then tile LORD 2opened the eyes of or ast, Egypt, whllich covereth tle face of the oartli: Balaam, and l sae angel of tle LORD Se. come now, curse te themn; peradventure standing in the way, and is sword drawn Gc.21. tRHlo. I t sllall be able to overcrome them, and drie in his lland: and lIe hrowed down ltis head, 2ICings6.17. tt i Otl Ot t and.iflfel tt i hist face. 1Luro 24. 16, itn tt/tlftitr 12 And God said unto Blaamr, Thou shalt 32 Ald tlhe angel of ttle LORD said unto 31. yt htn. not go writh them; tlou slialt not curse the liim, Wherefore hnst tlou smitten tilole ass E., 3.. 8. t ci. 23. 00. people: for Ithey ato blessed. these three times? Bellold, I ventout t to 11 Or. Ioed Itom. 11. 29. 13 And Balaat rote up in the oorning, orithstand htoee, becouse to/y way is Oper- Ir inself. and said unto tle pritces of Balak, Get you verse before me: tHeb. to be into your land: for -the LORD- 1efuseth to 33 And the ass saw me, nnd turned from an~a'tooersar give Ime leave to go witi you. me tllese three times: untless she ldtard turned tote 14 And ttle -plinces of utoab rose up, and from meo, surely nowo also I halld slain thee, 2 Pet. 2. 14, they wreort u0to Balakj and said, Balaam and sdaved ler alive. 1. refusetll to come writh us. 34 And Bnlaam said unto tle nagel of the c 1 S..a.15.24, 15 Anhtd Balak sent yet again princes, LORDa, CI ave sinned; for I konew notttoat 32. tr2o. 21. more, and tole lonourable than ts ey. thou,toodedt ia the it ay against meo: now J.obit31,3 1( And ttey canmetoo Balaam, and said to thereforee, if it tdisplease thec, I will get to e boe evi -s.. hidn, Thus aritto Btlak the son of Zipprrn, Iehhatga. imebaikayoan 117: Balak's sacrifices, and NUMBERS. I Balaam's parables.: B; C. 14,52. 35 And the angel of tile LORD said unto 14 ~ And lie brought him into tie field of B. C. 1452. Balsam, Go with the men:,lbut only the Zophim, to the top of {IPisgah,' and built dysr. 00. 2.word that I shall speak unto thee, that thou seven altars, and offered a bullock assd a si Or, The hill. shalt speak. So Balsam went with the.ram on every altar. rvcr..1, 2. princes of Balak. I15 And lie said unto Balak, Stand lere by 310 ~ And lwhen Botlak heard that Balsam thy burnt offering, while I seet the LORD eGen. 14.17. was come, he went out to meet him unto a yonder. f/h. 21. 13. city Of Moab, fwliichl is in the border of 16 And the LORD met Balsam, and put sver. 5. Aron, which is in thle utmost coast. a word in his mouth, and said, Go again lo. 22. 35. 37 And Balok stod unto salaos, Did I unto Balsa, oand say thus. not earnestly send unto teto to o call thee 0 17 Andwhsen lie came to hoim, behold, loc wherefore camest thou not nto me? am I stood by his burnt offering, and tile princes ogter. 17. not able indeed'to promote thee to lonour? of MIoab with him. And Balak said unto oh. 2 t. 11. And aloaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am him, What alth the LORD spoken? come unto thee: have now any power at 18 And lie took up his parasble, and said, h h.23. 26. & all to soy any thing? klole word that God htiso up, Bolok, and hear; oearklen unto Judg. 3.20. 14. 1. putttloth in my mouth, that shall I speak. me, thou son of Zipper: 1 Cin. 22.14. 39 And Balosm went with Balak, and they 19 {God is not a nan, that ho should lie; ls.1.0 2 C'.lt.13. 13. carne unto I Kirtljth-huzothl. neitlher tihe son of man, that he should re- Slo. 3.06. or. Aeityo f 40dAlndola osffered oen and sheep, and pent hoath he said, andsal looto l ie osent to alooamo, and to the princes thot or hath he spoken, and shall lie not make it'ioos.217. wvere with hin. good? 41 And it came to pass on the morrow, 20 Behold, I have received commandment that Balak took Btalsam, and brought him to bless: and'he hath blessed; aod I can- {seen. 12.2.& iDeut. 12. 2. up into the il high places of Baal, that thence not reverse it. 2.. 17. ho sight see the uomooostyoo of the people. 21'He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, ool z2. 12. neither hath lie seen perverseness in Is- Y Ron. 4. 7,8. CHAPTER XXIII. ael: Zthe LORD his God is with himo, S and. E.. 13.21.& 1,0. 20 Boloks sooslotss. 7. 10 Ia71.loooopoosole. the shoot o7f hoking is among them. 09. 45, 4C. I 29. E t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33. 14.L toss. 2 ND Balsam said unto Balak, aBuild 22 bGod brought them out of Egypt; t' 1. ALL me here seven altars, and prepare me lie hath as it were the strength of auni- Es.' 9. 15. here seven oxsen and seven rams. corn. bh. 2. 8. 2 And Balak did as Balaom had spoken; 23 Surely theeoe is no enchantment lagainst cbDeot.33.17. Obver. 30. and Balak and Balsam boffered on every Jacob, neither is there any divination Job39.10,11.. altar a bullock and a ram. against Israel: according to this time it i Or, i0,. sass. 15. 3 And Balsam said unto B1alak, Stand by shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, d What oP.. 3.1.1. h thy burnt offering, and I will go:o perad- oath Godwrought! 44. 1. deli. 24. 1. venture the LORD will come dto meet me; 24 Beloold, the people shall rise up e's a t Go. 49. 9. and whatsoever he sheweth me I will tell great lion, and lift up himself as a young I(oOr, 00,0, thee. Aod lshe went to thigh place. lion: fhe slollt not lie down untilt toe eat fotG. 40. 27. soitarsy. 4 eAnd God met Balaam: and lie said unto of the prey, and drink the blood of the. 16. him, I have preparedseven altars, and I slain. have offered upon every altar a bullock 25 ~ And Balak said unto Balsam, Neither and a ram. curse them at all, nor bless thel at all. fal16. 5 And the LORD fput a word in alaam's 24 But Balaam nswered and said unto lo. 22. 35. mouth, and said, Return unto Balak, and Balak, Told not I thee, saying, Allol at o aer. 12. Dent. 18.18. thus thou shalt speak. the LORD speaketlh, that I must do? olo. 22. 38. Jor. 1. 9. Aood lie returnt d 0unto Iim, and, lo, he a27 ~ And alak said uootooeala o, rCome, IXio. 22. 14. stood by his burnt osacriice, lie, and all the Itpo-ythee, I will bring thee unto aooto hhver. 13. princes of Moab. place; peradventure it will please God that agver. 18. 7 And he ittook up Iris parable, and said, thou mayest curse me them from thence. {ll. 24. 3, 15, Balak the king of Moab hath brouglt 00 28 And Balak brought Baotam unto the 21. frool. As.ra., out of the moun.tains of tile top of Poor, that looketh itoward Jeshl- ilo. 01. 20. Job 27. 1. east, saying, h Come, curse e Jacob, and on. |29.1. cm 05..78 2 cme, idefy Israel. 29 And Balsam said unto ]alak, OBuild Over. 1. 000 id.7o.y Ez. 17. 2. 8 kHol shall I curse, swhom God bath 1ot me lere seven altars, and prepare me here Otis. 2.4. cursed? or how sohall I defy, whomo the seven bullocks and seven rams. HRb. 2. 6. LORD hath not defied? 30 And Balak did as Balsam hlad said, h hc;22.6, l. 9 FPor from the top of the rocks I see him, and offered a bullock and a ra on every 17. and from the hills I behold him: lo, /the altar. iltSa. 17.10. people shall dwell alone, and 1"s0hall no1 be CHAPTER XXIV. Is. 47.12, 13. reckoned among the nations. 1 Balsam, leaving liviloatloot, propheieth the I Deut. 33.28. 10 11WVio can count the dust of Jacob, and ooppio, e s.o of ]oofel. 10 Balok ilo,oge-' disoEo. 33. 16. tloe number of the fourth paot of Israel? mis,.rl hi.,. 15 IHe psophe.toth of tho'St., of o. Let tfre die Othe death of the righteous, Jo7o, -od the doS,,w osLo ofoo aoioo. Eplb. 2. 14. and let my last eod be like is AND when 0alani saw tlat it pleased oeh. 23.3,15. |Osa.. 1. 16. 11 And BIalak said unto Baloam, What A the LORD to bless Israel, lie went not, t Hob. to tse, 22... ohast thou done unto m.o? lI took tlee to as t other times, seek for enchant.- io of t Heb. curse mine ene'ots, and, behold, thou hast ments, but lie set his face toward the oil-. toy -d.ol, o. blessed thel altogether. derness..j lifs. 12 AnO d he answered and said, OMust I not 2 And Balsam lifted up his eyes, and lie clo. 2 2,. o Ps. 116. 15. take heed to speak thalt which tlhe LORD saw Israel babiding i0n his 0ents according |c oh. 11. 20. po e.22.11,17. hath put in my mouth? to ibs ad t Spiit of God. 0.0. 242-t. 10. tb 19. 20, 23. 13 And'Balak said unto him, Come, I pray came upon hil. 2 Co. 15. 1. o. 22.38. theloe, with me unto anotherll place, from 3 dAnd lie took up his parable, and said, eh. 23. 7.,18. whenlce tho u mayet see th tho yst s oe thou shalt Balaam the son of Beor hathl said, oani tile th. o see but the utmost part of them, and shalt n an towhose eyes are open hath said: hod hi st ye t not see them all: aod curse me theon from 4 Ite latl said, hichl heard tile words of sht,., but thence. God, which saw tle vision of the Almighty, s oowopened. 118 Balaam's prophecy. NUMBERS. Zimra and Cozbi slain.:B. C. 1452.'talling ito a trance, but having his eyes afflict YEber, and he also shall perish for B. 0. 1422. ope. ever. eSe. 1 Saa 5 How goodly are thy tents, 0 Jacob, and 25 And Balttat rose up, and.ent and Ges. 10.21. 19.24. tliy tabernacles, 0 Israel! heturned to his place: and Ials also 25 Dnan. 18.& 6 As the valleys are they spread forth, as went his way. Ssh31.8. 10. 15, in. gardens by the river's side, fas the trees 2 OCr. 12.2, oflignaloes Lwhich the LORD hath planted, CHAPTER XXV. 3, 4. and as cedar treses beside the waters. 1 aeat Shettl c o mi a,oeo d e iddRev. 1.10,17 7 Ite shall pour the water out of his buck-'try. 6 Phieh-s klitoth Zirie and tCebi. 10 fPs. l.2. ets, and his seed shall be ins many waters, Gad gheref r ieta Ai-eim aeela c, cp insJse. 17. and his king shall be higher thanl iAa ag, hood. 10 The.lidiaites are o Ie exed. aRs. 10.1. and. ahis~ hkingdom shall he exalted. A ND Israel abode in cShittia, and Ithe a lh. 33. 49. Jer. 51. 13. 8 /God brouglht him forth out of Egypt; PT_._ people began to commit whloredom with Jo.11. 2. 1. aa1. 17.1,15. he hath as it were the strength of a uancorn: the daughters of Moab.'ic. 0. 5. 10. n. n15n. lie shall caat up the nations his enemies, 2 And ethey called the people unto dlthe Coh. 31. 10. 2S —-. 5.12. and shall "break their bones, and Ipierce sacrifices of their gods: and the people did 1 Cee 10.8. i Clhr. 14. 2. them throughwith his arrows. eat, and bowed down to their gods. eJosi. 22.17. lch. 23.22. 9 PHe couched, he lay down as a lion, and 3 And Israel joined himself unto Baal- s. 106'. 28..e-h. 14.9. h as a great lion: who shall stir him p peer: and fthe anger of the LORD was.3 9. l 6 d K.,34.15,16,dfte ngr f heLOD a 23. 2. IBlessed is he that blesseth thee, and kindled against Israel. dE.3.1,10. Pe. 2.. cursed is he that curseth thee. 4 And the LORD said unto Moses,'Take 1 tee. 10.20 Is 38l'l R.1. 20 {5 Is n. 13. 20 0Andnl ak's angerasas kindledagainst all the heads of the people, and hang them E n. 21.. I Je. 50. 17. 10 [9 JPs. e5. 17. nalaam, and he'smote his hands to-ether: up before the LORD against the sun, h that [0e. 10. 9. eSd and Balak said unto Balaam, I called thee the fierce anger of the LORD may he turn- n os 4. 32. Jer..50. 9. ] -,,.2.1 to curse mine enemies, and, behold, thou ed away from Israel. Jsle pG2en. 49. 9. hast altogether blessed thoema these three 5 And Moses said unto ithejudges of Israel, c en. eas.. 12.2. h times. kSlayye every one his men that were joined D.]a. 10. 17. 2.. 11 Therefore now flee thou to thy place: unlto Baal-peor. E. 18. 21,. E,E. 2114,17. i thaought to proeoto tlee unato great leon- 6 ~ And, blehold, ane afthe childen ofIs-.... 1 our; ht, lo, thaLonD hath kept theeh bak rael came and brought unto his brethren Dent. 13.6,9 [c.3 Deu. 92u.4.56.9 h from hlonour. a Midianitish woman in thesight of Moses, 13, 15. Dc~ut. 23.4 5.ash.21.9,j. 212 And Bal a said into nalak, Spake I and in the sight of all the congregation oft ale, 13. 2. not also to thy messengers which thou sent- the children of Israel, Iwho were weeping Joel2. 17. ch. 2. 17,37. est unto me, saying, before the door of the tabernacle of the seeS. 22. Is. 13'If Balak would give see les house full cosgregatian. of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the 7 And I when Phinehas, "the son of a lea-,,. p. 106. 30. commandment of the LORD, tO do either ezar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he e 6 0 22 good or bad of mine own' mind; but what rose up from among the congregation, and the LORD saith, that willI speak? took a javelin in his hand; 14 And now, behold, I go unto my people: 8 And lie went after the man of Israel into m ie. 6. t. come therefore, and eI will advertise thee the tent, and thrust both of e them through, Rev. 2. 14. what this people shall do to thy people Yin tihe man of Israel, and the woman throungh aGes. 49. 1. the latte daye. her belly. So o the plague was stayed from o Ps. 106. 30. Dan.2. 28. & 15 IZAnd he took up hisparable, and said, the children of Israel. 10. 14. Balam the son of Beer hath said, and the 9 And Pthose that died in the plague were t Dent. 4. 3. se. 3 4. man whose eyes are apen hath said: twenaty find four thousand. 1 ice. 10.0. nosv. 1.7. 16 He hath said, which heard the words of 10 ~ And the LORD spahe unto Mtses, 5 1mat. t. 2. God, and knew tie knowledge of the Most saying, te-. 22. 11. High, uhich saw the vision of thle Almighty, 11 q Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son at.. 26.0. eoe.n. 49. 10. falling into a irance, but having his eyes of Aaron the priest, lath turned my wrath ls. 110. 2. open:.naway from the children of Israel, while lhe Ot, smie 17 atsleallsee imbutnotnots Ishall was zealous t for my sake among them, that Hel. seit theuseh she behold him, but not nigh: there shall come I consumned not the children of Israel in aeya Sea bI.e ef Oa Star out of Jacob, and Ia Sceptre shall %nmyjealousy 2O... ism... 8. 2 rise out of Israel, and shall i smite the 12 Wherefore say, 5BEhold, I give unto ea. 20.. J..48. 45. corners of Meoab, and destroy all the chilI him my covenant of peace: et. f 2.1. dines.. 8.14. dren of Sheth. 13 And he shall have it, and this seed aft- i 142. a. 60.8,9.12. 18 And dlEdom shall be a possession, Seir er him, event the covenant of" an eterlast- Pi-. ne8. seG. 49. 10. also shall be a possession for his enemies; ing priesthood; becaus e e was'zealous Es 16.38. UOs. the and Israel shall do veliantly. for his God, and Ysmade an atonement for Zeph.i.8.t& j f 19 EOut of Jacob shall come lie that shall the children of Israel. 3.8. the aatios have dominion, and shall destroy him that 14 Now the name of the Israelite that was e l.4,. etns eo.t eed dremaineth of tle city. slain, even that was slain with the SIidian-. 1 ae s 20 ~ And when lie looked on Amnialek, he itish woman, was Zimri, the son of Salu, a See as gle6. E.. 17. 8. took up his parabled, and said, Amalek wase pince of a t chief hose aong theSimeon- hs. the first of the nations; but his latter end ites. E. 40. 15. 8:{, sh.... be.... d ethall be that he nerish for ever. 15ssad d the name of the Stidiaenitish aa- a Aa.ts 22. B 1 And be looked on the Ienite, and took ma that was slain as Cozbi, the daugh- O... En. 17. 14. up his parable, and said, Setron is thy ter of Zur; lie taos head over a people, He.. 17. 1ns..e.....8. ddwelligplace, and thou puntest thy nest in and of a chief house in Midian. t He. os.s Heb. Kie, narock. O16 ~ And the LORD spake unto SMoses, aaef. Gen. 1. 19. 22 Nevertheless the Kenite shall be wast- saying, ash. 01. 0. I lOr,.o.lo1g ed,,euntil Asshub shall carry thee away 17 nex the Midianites, and smite them: Jtne. 13. 21 ibal.i1 i/t b captive. 18 For thley vex you with their bwiles, eh.31.2. ee e 23 Aad he taook p hIt paable, and wherewite iey have heguiled you in the ble. 31. 16.,ey ap. t sa id, Alas, who shall live when God doeth matter of Peeor, and in the matter of Cozbi,. 2. 14. ivee? thisil the daughter of a prince of Midian, their fas.. 10. 4. 24 And ships lhall comet from the coast of sister, whiclh was slain in the day of the Sa. 10. f Chittim aned shall afflict Asshur, and shall plague fo Peeor's sake. e19 Thesum of all Israel NUMBERS. is taken in the B. C. 1452. CHAPTER XXVI. cording to those t!hat were numbered of B.C. 1452. 1 The som of all Isael if tnken ie thce lains of them, threescore and sixteen thousand and.S[oab. 52 TFIe lao of divi(irl anmol, torn the five hundred. inheriance of tl,/e Ia,d. 57 Thfefamiien nlnld 23 ~" Of the sons of Issachar after their Gern. 46. 13. t hiemn t le; ere num3er d 3at Sina tle 6efl of families: of Tola, the family of the Tola- I Chr. 7. 1. atnl h Josh — a. i, b'n t i.hb ites: of II Pua, the family of the Punites: 11 Or. Phsvoah. A ND it came to pass after the plague, 24'0f 1l Jashub, the falmily of the Jasllub- 1i Or. Job. I that the LORD spoke unto Moses and ites: of Shimron, the family of the Shimunto Eleazar thle son of Aaron the priest, ronites. saying,' 25 These are the families of Issacanr nooo. 30. 12. 2'"Take the sum ofallthe congregation of cording to those that were numbered of & 38. 25, 26. the children of Israel, bfrom twenty years them, threescoro and four thousand and ch. 1. 2. old and upward,.throughout their fathers' three hundred. bC1. 1. 3. house, all that are able to-go to oar in Is- 20 ~' Of tihle sons of Zebulun after their ien. 46. 14, rael. families: of Sered, the family of the Sar3 And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake dites: of Elon, the family of the Elonites: ver. 63. with them Cin the ploins of Moab by Jor- of Jahleel, the family of the Jahleelites. oh.22.1.&31. dan near Jericho, saying, 27 These are tile families of the Zebulun12h55. 48. 4 Take the suo m of the people, from twen- ites according to those that were numbered ty years old and upward; as the LORD of them, threescore thousand and tive a undoch 11. 1. dcommanded Moses and the children of Is- dred. rael, which went forth out of the land of 28 t The sons of Joseph after their fami- t Gen. 41i. 20. E gypt. lies wer-e Manasseh and Ephraim. Gen 46..8. 5 ~ e Reuben, the eldest son of Israel: the 29 Of the. sons of Manasseh:.of n Macllir, | Josh. 17. 1. E.x 6. 14. children of Reuben; Hanoch, of nohomn the family of the tnachirites: and Mnchir | Chr. 7.14, 1 Chr. 5. 1. coneth the family of tlne Halloclites: of begat Gilead: of Gilead conne the family of 15. Pallu, the family of the Palluites: the Gileadites. 6 Of Hezron, the family ofthe Hezronites: 30 These are the sons of Gilead: of I Jee- a Caled Abie of Carmi, tile family of the Carmites. zer, tihe family of tlne Jeezerites: of Helek, zi no 7 These are tile families of the Reubenites: the family of the HIelekites: Josh. 17. 2. and they that were numbered of them were 31 And of Asriel, the family of the Asriel- 6. 34, fortyand three thousand andsevenhundred ites: and of Shechem, the family of the and thirty. Shechemites: 8 And the sons of Pallu; Eliab. 32 And of Slemida, the family of the She9 And. the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and midaites: and of Hepher, the family of the Dathan, and Abiram. Tis is tihat Dathlan Hepherites. f. 16. 1, 2. and. Abiram, thoich tyere e ffamous in the 33 ~ And Y Zelophehad the son of Hepher ych. 27. 1. & connregation, who strove against Moseo and had no sons, but daughters: and thenames 23. Il. against Aaron in the company of Korah, of tlhe daughters of Zelophehad were Mahwhen they strove against the LORD: lah, and Noah, Hoglab, Milcah, and Tirzah. ych.16.32,35. 10 gAnd the earth opened her mouthl, and 34 These are the families of Manasseh, swallowed them up together with Korah, and those that were numbered of them,fifty when tiat company died, what time the fire and two tlousand nnd seven hundred. h l. 1fi. 38. devoured two hulldred and fifty men: h and 35 Thlese ase tle sons of Ephraim after Se IlConr. 0. they became a sign. their families: of Shuthelah, the family of 26n-n. 2. 11 Notwithstanding ithe children of Korah the Shulthallhites: of Becher, the family of z I Chr. 7. 20, 2 Pet. 2. 6. died not. the Bachriies: of Tahan, the family of the'ied. i1 Clo(. 0.. 212 ~ The sons of Simeon after their fami- Tallnnites. 1Ch.dI. 22... lies: of kNemuel, the family of the Nemuel- 36 And these are the sons of Shuthelah: BL.e. 6II.,J ites: of Jamin, the family of the Jamin- of Eran, the family of tle Erallites. l.1 ites: of J achin,thefanily of thleJachinites: 37 These are the families of the sons of 1 Chr. 4. 24, 13 Of m Zerah, the family of the Zarhites: Ephraim according to those that were numJaoib. of Shaul, the family of tile Shaulites. hered of them, thirty anld two thousand and oGeo.46.110, 14 These Clre the families of the Simeon- five hundred. These are the sons of JoSZohol. ites, twenty and two thousand and two hun- seph after their families. dred. 38 T a Tie sons of Benjamin after their Gaen. 46. 21. 15 The children of Gad after their fami- families: of Bela, the family of tile Bela- 1 Chr. 7. 6. s.e.n. 46. 16. lies: of'"Zephon, the family of the Zeph- ites: of Asllbel, the family of theAshbelites: 7%iphiort. onites: of Haggi, the family of the Hag- of b Ahiram, the family of tile Ahiramites: b Gcn. 46. 21, gites: of Shuni, the family of the Shunites: 39 Of c Shupham, the family of the Shu- Jn1 h. l Orn, Eziot, 16 Of 11 Ozni, the family of the Oznites: pliamites: of Hupham, the family of the Il C., Gen. 46. 16. of Eri, thle family of the Erites: Huplamites. a oGen. 46. 16, 17 Of ~Arod, tlne family of the Arodites: 40 And the sons of Bela were dArd and tfen. 4d. 21, nlntodi. of Areli, the family of the Arelites. Naaman: of Ard, the family of the Ard- ]i.nt and wily he are the famile s of thne chnnilno. 18 These ore the families of the.children ites: an,0 of Naaman, the family of the dl 1nr. 8. 3, of Gad according to those thndt were num- Naamites. Addron. bered of them, forty thousand and five Lun- 41 These nare the sons of Benjamin after dred. their families: and they that were numberposen. 38. 2..19 ~ PThe sons of Judah euere Er and ed of them were forty and:five thousand &c. &46.12. Onan: and.Er and Onan died in the land and six hundred. of Canaan. 42 ~ CThese are the sons of Dan after eGen. 46. 2. 1 Chr. 2. 3. 20 And tllohe sons of Judah after their fam- their families: of II Shuham, the family of Iii Or, Ifeahi. ilies were; of Shelah, tlle famnilyof the She- the Shuhamites.. These are the families lanites: of Pharez, the family of thie Phir- of Dan after their families. zites: of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites. 43 All the families of the Shuhamites, ac21 And the sons of Pharez were; of Hez- cording to those that were numbered of ron, the family of the Hezronites: of Ha- them, wuere tlreescore and four thousand mul, tile family of the Hamulites. ald four hundred. fGen. 46. 17 22 Tinese are tile families of Juda acn- 440 ~f Of tle children of Asher after their 1 Chr. 7. 30. 120 plains of Moac. NUMBERS. Thle law of inheritances. B, C; 1452. families: of Jimna, the family of the Jim- CHAPTER XXVII. B. C. 1452. nites: of Jesui, the family of the Jesuites: 1 The daughters ofZetothtad s-efo- an i- heritof Beriah, the family of tile Beerites. atlet. 6 ] 0la- of inoh-taeoes. 12 b0loe., te45 Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber, the ieg told of his death, ooth fo,' a suecesso. 18 family of the Heberites: of Malohiel, the Josae isaptolntted to sueed him. famly of the Malehielites. l VHEN came the daughters of aZelophe- oh. 26.33.& 46 And the name of the daughter of Asher JL htpd, the son ofHepher, the son of Gil- 36. 1, 11. was Sarah. ead, the son of tachir, the son of Manas- JOth17.3. 47 These are the families of thie sons of seh, of the families of Ianasseh the son of Asher according to those that were num- Joseph: and these are the names of his bered of them; who were fifty and three daughters; 1Mahlah, Noah, andHIoglah, and thousand and four hundred. ilcalh, and Tirzah. tGen. 46. 24. 48 ~ 0 Of the sons of Naphtali after their 2 And they stood before Moses, and before lehr. 7. 13. famitlies: of Jahzeel, the family of the Eleazar the priest, and before the princes Jahzeelites: of Guni, the family of the and all the congregation, by the door of the Gunites: tabernacle of the congregation, saying, 49 Of Jezer, the family of the Jezerites: 3 Our father bdied in the wilderness, and oll. 14. 03. & i hChr. 7. 13, of OShillem, thefamily of the Shillemites. he was.not in the company of them that 26.04, 65. 5ttc. 0 These are the families of Naphtali ae- gathered themselves together against the cording to their families: and they that LORD in the company of Koraeh; but died cch. 16. 1, 2. were numbered of them woere forty and five inl his own si, and had no sons. thousand andfour hundied. 4 Why should the name of our father be i otseh. 1,46. 51 iThese were the numbered of the chil- t done away from among his family, because t He,. dren of Israel, six hundred thousand and a he bath no son? d Give unto us thoefore dim nic hed. thousand seven hundred and thirty. a possession among the brethren of our fa- dJosh. 17. 4. 52 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, ther. esaying, 5 And ieoses ebrought their cause beftore eE. 18.15,19. k.Tosh. 11.23. 53 kUnto these the land shall bhe divided the LORD. & 14. 1. for an inheritance according to the number 6 And thet LOD spake unto Moses, sayof names. ing, I l. 33.. 54. 5 To manythou shal tt give the more in- 7 The daughters ofZelopihehad speakright: f:bo. tulti- heritance, and to few thou shalt tgive the fthou shalt surely give them a possession of fb. 36. 2. i G i- less inheritance to every one shall his in- an inheritance among their father's breth0ete heritance be given according to those that ren; and thou shalt cause. the inheritance HIheb. dt4es were numbered ofhim. of their father to pass unto them. hi i- 5 Notwithstanding the land shall he'di- 8 And thou shalt speak unto the children [etseteei vided by lot: ccording to te nameso of the of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have no eel, 33.54 & tribes of their fathers they shall inherit. son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to { os. 1.23. Joh itI 23o 56 According to the lot shall the posses- pass unto his daughter. & 14. 2. sion thereof he divided between many and 9 And if he have no daughter, then ye shall J few. give his inheritance unto Ile s brethren. thsen. 46. 1. 57 ~ "And these are they that were um — 10 And if he have no brethren, then ye | Oc.6 1h, 17, bIred of the Levites Ofter their families: of shall give his inheritance unto his father's 18,9lb. HGershon, the family of the Gershoniteo: of hbrethren. 23 Kohath, the family of the Kohathites: of 11 And if his father have no brethren, then Merart, the family of the Mesrites. yeo shall give his inheritance unto his kins58 These are the families of the Levites: man that is next to him of his family, and the family of the Libnites, the family of thhe ie shall possess it: and it sholl oeounto the oS 29. Hebronites, the family of the Mahiites, the children of Israel [a statute of judgment, heo 33 47. family of the Mushites, tie family of the as tile LORD commanded Moses. Beut. 3.27.& Korathites. And Kohath begat Aeram. 12 I And the LORD said unto Moses, h Get 32.49. &34.1. 59 And the name of Amram's wife was thee up into this mount Abarim, and see ic1.20,28. oEx.. 1,2. & eJoohiebed, the daughter ofLevi, whom heor the Iand which I have given unto the chil- & 3. 2. 6. 20. mother bare to Levi in Egypt: and she dren of Israel. Deuot. 10 bare unto Aoram, Aaron and Moses, and 13 And when thou itast seen it, thou also klht20.12,24 Mitoiam their sister. ishalt be gatlhered unto thy people, as Aa- t.137. & ohl. 3. 2 60 1'And unto Aaron was born Nadab and ron thy brother was gathered. o 5 Abihu, Eleazasr and Ithamar. 14 For ye krebelled against mycommand. tLev. 10.1, 2. 61 And qNdab and Atbihut died, when they ment i thle desert of Zin, in the strife of.. 7. oh. 3. 4. offered strange fire before the LORD. the congregation, to sanctify me at the water "OI cIt,. 22. 1 Chr. 24. 2. 062 "Ad those that werec numbered of them before their eyes: that is thewater ofiMer HO, 12. 9.,-Se. 1.3. 39. csere twenty and three thousand, all males ibah in Kadesh in the wilderness of Z. cDuot. 31 2 oh. 1.49. from a month old and upward: S for they 15 ~ And ioses spake unto the LORD, S O. 13. were not numbered among tle children of saying, 2 Cl.t eohl,18.20,t., Israel, because there.was tto inheritance 16 Let the LORD,'the God of tihe spirits n; 4. given them among the children of Israel. of all flesh, set a man over tle cougregatiot, Zlt 1. ot. 10u. 63 These arc they that were numbered 17 nWhieh may go out before them, and 31ot. 9..T..h. 19. 14,BakG 4 h33. &14: 3.' by Moses and Eleazar the priest, who num- which may go in before them, and which 3lok.4 bered the children of Israel in the plains may lead them out, and which may bring, Gen. 41. 38. e. of Motb by Jordan sear Jericho. them in; that the congregation of the LORD J2d2.: 1ch. 1. 64 But among these there was not a man be not 0as sheep which have no shepherd. 11 DOut. 2. 14, of thtem whom Moses and Aaron tihe priest 18 Aed the LORDestid untoMoses, Take.613 15. 8 1. numbered, when theynumberedthe children thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in q 4 I Dent. 3.9 of Israel in tle wilderneses of inai. whom isthe spirit, and lay thine hand eot 31.7. 65 For the LORD had said of them, They upon hiim; ycl. 14.50,20. Yshall surely die in the wilderness. And 19 And set Itim before ]leazar the priest,. 1 os. 10.. there was not left a man of them,'save and before ail the congregation; and "give eto. l. 6 chl. 14. 30. Caleb tihe son of Jephunneh, and Joshua him a charge in their sight. 9' the son of Nuno. 20 And'thou shalt put some of thine 2 Kin. 15. 121 The, continual burnt offering. NUMBERS. The offerings at the passover, B.C. 1452. lon our upon him, that all the congregation 15 And lone kid of the goats for asin offer- 13. C. 1452. v iof the children of Israel vmay be obeeient. ing unto the LORD shall be offered, beside eJeeb. 1. 1., 11 "And lie shall stande before Elemar the tie contienuLa burnt offering, and his drink Ie-. 22. 17. priest, who shall ask consel fotr him "aft er offering.h. Sec Josh. 9. the judemeit o;"Urii before the LORD: yat l'"And in the fourteenth day of the first 1Ex. 2.6,18.I J14. | his ewoee shall they go oute and da his word month is the passover of the LORD. be2. b5.. Judg. I. I. &' he.... 10u. lea, 20 they shall come is, bot1 he, vAnd all the chil- ii 7hAd ic tha fifteenth day of this month Des. 10. 1. - a.2. 9.] dren o Israel with him, even all the con- is the feast: seven days shall unleavened E,. 45. 21. 5~3..7. gregatioe. bread be eaten.:1Lev. 23. 6. eat ac. 28 30. 2 And Moses did as the LORD command- l Sv the Ifint day shall bs a Ioly conev- Eo. 15. ll. eJeeh. 9.14. lf ed his: and he took Joshua, and set him cation; ee s dall do no manner of servile L.e. 23.7. l 8:. 2"2.0l, before Eleazar the priest, and be'fore all eeorkh eeeis 13, 1.. the congregattion: 19 Dec ye shall offer a sacrifice made by |Deut. 3. 28. 23 And he laid his hands upon him, -and fire fire a burnt offerilng unto the LORD; b [ gave hlim a charge, as the LORD commsanded two young bullocks, and one ram, and seven by the head aof Sltes. lambs of the firste year: P'they shall be unto ove-. 23. you without blemish. l... CHAPTER XXVIII. 20 And their meat offering shall be of flour t ui. I 21. 1]i O -ffveels are to Le. observee. 3 The co mnletal mingled wite oil: tlhree tenth deals shall ye v 1..l...rnt oCffeing. 9 The o'eing on tei saebblh, offer for a bullock, and two tentat deals for |ll - the lew moons, 16'at the passoaer, 26 il ram; the dsay'f Ifralrio. Ii A several tenth deal shalt thou offer for AND the LORD epabe unto Soses, cay- every lamb, thlroughoie the seven lambs: A~1. ingd, eclldc lyta, 22 And onle goat for l sin offeringls, to vy e, 15i. 2 Comand the childe...f Israel, and say make auatoneme. l. for you. av..l.& unto them, My offering, and smy bread for 3 Ye shall ofier these beside the burnt a21. 6, 8. my sacrifices made by fire, foi t a sweet ofering in the morning, which is for a con{tld. 1.7, 12. sayour unto me, shall ye observe to offer tinual burnt offering. tHel.. uceto me in tieir dee seaeson. 4 Aifter this manner ye shall offer daily, a scv f 3 And thou shalt say unto them, Iu This is througheout tie seven days, tle.eeat of the ca r. the offiering madeby fire wiieh yeshalloffer sacrifice made by fire, a.t' sweet savour lEE. 29l. vunto the LORDv; two lambs of the lirsa year eunto the LORD: it shall be offered beside tHoa..'/, without spot t' day by day, for a continual the continual burnt offering, and his drink.1y. burnt offering. offtering. 4 Tihe one lamb shalt thou offer in the 25 And "on the seventh day ye shall have Ev. 12.1W. & morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer a hly convoaation; ye shall do no servile 13.6. en Hb. tat even; wor. Le. 23. 8. bet.e,,- thee 5 And ea tenth lpare of an eplahl of flour 2iSIAlso inthe dayofthefirstfruits, when sEx.23.10.h& e 1oev16,tsa, ]for a, dlmeatoffering, mingledwith the fourth yebringanewmeatofferinguntotheLoR, 34. 22. E.. 12. 6i. 0 L-. 23. lo,'Pat of a Iein of beaten oil. afteryourwe eksbeouht,yeshallhavealholy b 12. 10, ce..~ 16. 3 6 It is fa continual1 burnt offering, which convocation; ye shall dlo o servile work: Dcc. li. 10. ewb. d4. a a eordained in mount Sinai for a sweet 7a But ye shall offer the burnt offering for Act.b 2..,IL.v. 2. b sayour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the a sweet savour unto the LORD; ttwoyoung t Stee Le,.23. Ee. 29. dL. LORD. bullocks, one ram, seven lambs of the first 18,19. f lEr. 29. db 7 And the drink offering thereof ahall be year; iSeaAm.5,29. tho faurth partof a hin for die one lamb: 28 And their meat offering of flour mingled ]Ex. 29. 42. ]tin tie holy place shalt thou cause the with oil, three tenth deals unto one bullock, stroeg wine to be poured unto the LORD two tenth deals unto one ram, forsa drink offering. 29 A several tenth deal unto one lamb, 8 And the other lamb shalt thou offer at throughout the seven lambs; even: as the meat offering of the morning, 30 And one kid of the goats, to make an and as the drink offering thereof, thou shalt atonement for you. offer it, a sacritfice made by fire, of a sweet 31 Ye shall offer them'beside thle continual savour unto the LORD. burnt offering, and his meat offering, ("cthey cues 19. 9 l~ And on the sabbath day two lambs of shall be unto you without blemish,) and tthbefirst year without spot, and two tenti their drink offerings. deals of flour for a meat offering, mingled with oil, and the drink offering thereof: CHAPTER XXIX, ]h, 4et4. 10) This is hthie burnt offering of every I Tlre oferinge at the feast cf tp t, 7 atthe sabbath, beside the continual burnt offer- day of afflicting theiire oe, 13 and o, thie eight ing, and his drink offering. days of thefeast of tlbesales., eh, 10. 10. 11 ~ And iin the beginnins ofyouremonths AND in the seventh monthl, on the first S.-. 20. 5. ye shall offee a urn offerin uno e a the o he month, ye shall have a, holy Ci.C b. Le' D; two young bullocks, and one ram, convocation; ye shall do no servile work: 2 Chr'.2.? 4! LORD.. EEs.. 3. c. seven lambs of thie first year without spot;'it is a day of blowing the trumpets unto ILev. 25..24. Selt. li). 33. 12 And kithree tentI deals of flour for a you. Is. 1. 1:L, 14. meat offering, mingled with oil, for one bull- 2 ind ye shall offer a burnt offering fort Ez. 45.17. & oels; ad two tenthdeals offilourfra eat sweet saeour unto the LORD; one young o. a. e ofering, mingled with oil, for oase ram; bullock, one rav,.ald seven lambs of the eel, a. 16. 13 And a several tevtli deal ofsflour mingled first year without blemish: k uh. 1. 4-12. with oilft a meat offering unvtov one lab; 3 And their meat offering shall be of flour't' for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a mingled with oil, three tentlh deals for.a sacrifice made by fire unto theil LORD. bullock, and two tenti deals for a ram, 14 And their drink offerings shall be half 4 And one tenth deal for one lamb, through. a hin of wine una o a bullock, and the third out the seven lambs; p lart of ahin unto a ram, and a fourth paert 5 And one kid of tile goats for a sin offer, of a his unto a lamb: this is tiebt offelr ing, to make an atonement for you: ing of every month teroughout the months t Beside b the burnt offering of the month, ll. 10. 11, of the year. ad hi seat offering, and a he-daily bh.urn. e.. 2: 3.' /p —----— ih m f2 1122I and a -no the - other feasts NUMBERS. and solemn days. B;vC 1452. offering, and his meat offering, and their 28 And one goatfor asin offering; beside B.C. 1452. drink offerings, daccaordig unto their man- tile continual brnt offering, and his meat dth. 15.11,12. ner, for a sweet sayour, a sacrifice made by offering, and his drink offering. fire unto the LORD. 29 ~ And on the sixth day eight bullocks, sIe,. 16. 29. B ~ And'ye shall have on the tenth day two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first & 23. 27. of this s aventh month a holy convocation; year without blemish:'P,. 35.13. and ye shall faflist your souls: ye shall 30 And their meat offering and their drink Is..58-. not do any work th-eis: nfferings for the bullocks, for the rams, and 8 Buto ye shall ofter a burnt offeoing onto for the lambs, ssl bsnccording so their the LosRD fo a sweet saooar; one young number, after thile manner: bullock, one ns, otand seven lambs of the 81 And one goat fo)' a sin offering; beside Yscli. 8. 19 first year; ithcy shall be unto you without the continual burnt offering, his meat offerblenssh. ing, and his drink offtring. 9 And thlei meat offering shsttl be of flour 2 Ahsd on the seventh day seven bullmingled wits oil, three tenth deals to a bull- ocks, two rans, adt fourteen lambs of the ock, and two tenth dealsto one ram, first year without blemish: 10 A several tenth deal for one lamb, 38 And their meat olffering and their drink throughout the seven ambss: offerings for the bullocks, fors the rams, and 11 One kid of the goatsfos- a sin Offering.; for tle lambs, shaleal be according to their hLtov. 16.315. beside hthe sin offering of atonement, and number, after the manner: the continual burnt offering, and the meat 34 And one goat foe a sin offoering; beside offering ofit, and their drink offerin,,s. the continual burnt offering, his meat offs'eritLe. B3. 35. 12 ~ And ion the fifteenth day of t/e soy- ing, and iss drink offering. Doot. 16I.13. enth month ye sthall hiave a holy conrooa- 35 ~ On the eighth day ye shall have a n sol-. 23. 36. E,45. 25.i tion; ye shall do no servile work, and ye eon assembly: ye shall do no servile work shall keep h feast unto the LO.D seven the/seiss: days: 86 But ye shall offer a burnt offering, a,: Ezra 3. 4. 13 And kye shall offer a burnt offering, a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet navour sacrifice made by fire, of i sweet sayour an- unto tile LORD: one bullockl, one ram, seven to tile LORD; thirteen young bullocks, two lambs of tile first year without blemish: rams, aod fourteen lamba of the first year; 37 Their meat offering and their drink ofthey slall be without blemishs: ferings for tle bullock, for the ram, and for 14 And their meat offering shall be of flon the lambs, shall be according to their nammingled with oil, three tenth deals. nto bher, after the manner: every bullock of tie thirteen bullocks, two 38 And one goat fot- a sin offering; beside tent/ deals to each ram of the two rams, the continual burnt offering, and his meat 15 And a several tenth deal to each lamb odeoring, and his drink offering. of the fourteen lambs: 39 These things ye shall "do unto the iOs, offer. 16 And ore kid of the goats fo asia offer- LORD int your'set feasts, beside your oLev. 23. 2. ing; beside thle continual burh t offering, Pr ows, and your feewill offerings, for your 1 Chr. 3.31. his meat offering, and his drink o dfbring burut offerings, and for your meat oferings, 2 Chlr. 31.3. 17 B And on tbe second day ye shclll og~~~~~~~er Ezra 3. 5i. 17 ~ And on the second day ye shall offer and tfor your drink offerings, and for your ne. 10, 33. twelve young bullocks, two rams, fourteen peace offerings. Is. 1. 14. lambs of tte first year without spot: 40 And Ioses told the children of Israel n,6 18 And their meat offering and their drink according to all that the LORD commanded. 21, 2. accordingo allthstheloPDcommand& 822. 21, 93. offerings for the bullocks, for the-ram s, and Moses. for the lambs, shall/ bh according to their CHAPTER XXX. ivor.3,4,9.10. number, after the manner: I Voss are Sot to be 3so-n. 3 TA/ ssti/o o /h. ]5. 12. & 19 And one kid of the goats fo a sin offer- a ma.d' von, 6ofaoifn'n, 9ofaoido's, os. 28. 7, 14. ing; beside the continual buntnnl rt offering, hea tht is - lvoed,. and tse meat offering thereof, and their a ND Moses spake unto athe beads of the ach. 1.4, 16. drink offerings. ~1- tribes concerning the children of Is- & 7 2. 20 ~ And oa the third day eleven bullocks, rael, saying, This is the thing which the tao rams, fourteen lambs of the first year LORD hath commanded. without blemish: 2 S I a man vow a vow unto the LORD, Or b Lev. 27. 2. t21 And their meat offering and their drink sowear an oath to bind his soul nwith a bond; leut23.2. 1. offerings for the bullocks, for the riams, and he shall not hbreak his worod, se shall ddo Ja1g. 11. 30, 3.5. for the lambs, shalt be according to their according to all that proceedets out of his. 4. - r0es 18. number, "' after tleo manner: mouth. 22Andonesgoatfor a sins offerng; beside S If a woman a/so sow a vow unto the OdLa.ijO4 8 If a woman also vow~ vow u n totil'lt 14. 9. the continual burnt offering, and his meat LosD, and lbind heself by a bond, being Acts 23. 14. offering, and his drink offering. in her father's house i hser youth; tseb. 13 ~ And on the fourth day ten bullocks, 4 And her father hear her vow, and her soo. two rams, and fourteen lambs of te first bond wherewithl she thath bound lie soul, Pq. 55. 20. year without blemish: and her father shall hold his Peace at her; d Jo/ Sa,. 27. 4 Tlheir meeat offering and their drink then all her vows shall stand, and every p. 22. 2. offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and boud wherewith she hath bound her soul 50. 14. &'f;. for tileo lambs, shall be acoording to their shall stand. 1 114, 1,. number, after the manner: 5 But if'her father disallow her in tile dlay Nt,. 1. 15. 25 And one kid of ti/e goats foo' a sin offer- that a/e heareth, not any of her vows, or af ing; beside the continual burnt offering, her bonds wherewith she hath bouad her his meat offering, and his drink offering. soul, shall stand; anti t/e LORD s/all 26 ~ And on the fifth day nine bullocks, forgive her, because lher father dinsallowed two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first her. year witnhout spot: 6 And if she had at all a lusband, swhen 27 And their meat offering and their drink /she vowed, or Uttered aught out of er t yIeb. he offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and I lips, nwierewith she bound her soul; w for the lambs, shall be according to their j,And/,/er uso handte eaf tit, wnd heeld Iss "taose7 And her husband hleard it,, and held h~is number, after the manner: peace at her i the day that e erd'it P5a.12. 123 Of vows. NUMBERS. The Midianites spoiled. B. C. 1452. then ber vows shall stand, and her bonds women of Mlidian eaptives, and their little B. C. 1452.: wherewith she bound ler soul shall stand. ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, eCGen. 3. 16. 8 But if her husband edisalo0wed her on and all their flocks, and all-their goods. the day that e he heard it, then he shall make 10 And they burnt all their cities wherein her vow whichll she vowed, and that whlich they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, she uttered with her lips, vwherewith she with fire. bound her soul, of none effect; and the 11 And tlley took all the spoil, and all the hDeut. 20.14. LORD shall forgive her. prey, both of men and of beasts. 9 But every vow of a widow, and of her 12 And they brought the captives, and the that is divorced, wherewith they have bound prey, and the spoil, unto Moses and Eleazar their souls, shall stand against ler. the priest, and unto the congregation of the 1() And if she voweed in her hlusband's children of Israel, unto tile camnp at the house, or bound her soul by a bond with an plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near oath; J erieheo. 11 And her husband heard it, and held his 13 ~ And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, peace at her, antl disallowed her nol: then and all the princes of the congregation, all her vows shall stand, and every bond went forth to meet them without the camp. wherewith she bound her soul shall stanld. 14 And Moses was wroth with the officers 12 But if her husband hath utterly made of the host, teith the captains over thouthem void on tile day lie heard thee; thest sands, and captains over hundreds, which whlatsoever proceeded out of her lips con- came frot the tbattlc. tsTel. host of cerning her vows, or concerning the bond 15 And loses said unto them, Have ye tuse. of her soul, shall not stand: ler husband saved sall the women alive? iSoeDeut.20. hath mads them void; and the LORD shall 16 Behold, ktllese caused the children of 14. forgive ler. Israel, through the lcounsel of Balaam, to 1 Sam. 15. 3. 13 Every vow, and every binding oath to commit trespass against the LORD in the Ech. 25. 2. afflict the soul, her lusband mlay establisth matter of Peor, and "'tlere htas a plague el h. 2s4.14. it, or her husband may make it void. amo{g the cogregation of ttle LORD. 2 Pt. 5. 14 B3ut if her husband altogether hold hIis 17 Now thlerefore 1kill every male among 1, 25. 14. peace at her from day to day; tien l cs- tlse little ones, and kill evesy soman that eeCl. 25O 9. tablislheth all her vows, or all her bonds, hatl known man by lying with tllim.,Ju.g. 21.11. j ahiclh are upon her: lie confirmeth tlsem, 18 But all the women children, that lhave t He,. because lhe eld his peace at her in the day not known a man by lying with him, keep a sale. that lie hleard them. alive for yourselves. 15 But if lie shall anywaysmake themvoid 19 And ~do ye abide without the camp och. 5. 2. after that. le hath heard thesm; then lie seven days: whllosoever hath killed any pershall bear tler iniquity. son, and i'whosoever hath touched anyslaisn,,cl. 19. 11, 16 These are the statutes, rwhich the LORD purify both yourselves and your captives on hc. commanded Moses, between a man and his tile thlird day, and on tile seventh day. wife, between tlse father and hIis daughter,.20 And purify all yosur raiment, and all being yet in her youth in her father's tthlat is made of skills, and all awork of tHeb.instllehouse. goats' hair, and all ttlings made ofwood. -eW, o, 21 ~ And Eleazar the priestsaid unto the sel ofkisla. CHAPTER XXXI. men of war which went to the battle, This I Tls,.tliliaesiWest see eosilepl, atesd Balaasm sain. is the ordinadlce of the law which the LORD 13 tloses is iursoth,tith the oflcee,'. fo sai gded Moses the asomes, alive. 19 Iolu tehesoldiers. with thers capteives -ald apoil, ase to bc )purified. 2.5 The 22 Only the gold, and thle silver, tile brass,,vopo-tioa,vhlereb,l thte 2pey.s io be dividled. the iron, the tin, and the lead, 48 Thle voluntary oblatio, s *tltol the teasur y of 23 Every tlsing that may abide the fire, ye thbe Lod. shall mnake it go tthrough tile fire, and it I ND the LORD spake unto Moses, sty- shall be clean: nlevertheless it shall be puria: ing, fled 9with tle water of separation: and all qsel. 19. 9, 17. ach. 2as. 17. 2 IAvenuge the children of Israel of the that abideth not tlse fire ye shall make go b c. 27. 13. Midianites: afterward shalt thou b6be gath- through the water. ered unto thy people. 24 Anld ye shall wasll your clothles on the -Le. 11. 25. 3 Aed Moses spake esnto ttle people, say- seventh day, and ye shall be elean, and afting, Arm some of yourselves unto the warl, erward ye shlall come ilto the camp. and let thlel go against ttle Midianites, and 25 ~ A.,nd.the LORD spake unlto Moses, avenge ttle LORD of Midian. sayiug, t leb. 4 t Of every tribe a thousanld, thrloughout 26 Take tlle sum of the prey' tllat was t tH.e. of the A t.hoesand all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the taken, both of Inn and of beast, thou, and.LtiVitpy. 5of tribes, a ar. Eleazar the priest, and the chief fathers of tlo —adset of 6 So there were delivered out of the thou- the colgregation: af~ie t ~ sands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, 27.Ald Sdivide tle prey into two parts; t Jo8h. 22. 8. twaelve thousand armed for asar. between them tlhat took thllear upon them, Ilts-.30.24. 6 And Moses sent thems to tle sar a, thou who le ent out ta battle, and between all the sand of evelry tribe, them and Plinehas tile congregation. son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with 28 And levy a cribute unto tle LORD of cCh. 10. 9. tle holy instruments, and Cthe trumpets to the men of war whic went out to battle: dtetst. 20,13 blow in lsis tland. tone soul of five llundred, both of the per- t Se. er. 30, Ju,lg. 21. 11: 7 And they warred against tile Midianites, sons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, 47. & tle. 18. 1 Sa. 27. 9. as the LORD commauded Moses; and ( they and of the sheep: 26. 1 Kiegs 11. slew all the etlalts. 29 Take it of their half, ald give it unto 15, 1ii. 8 And they slew tile kings of Mlidian, beside Eleazar the priest, for a heave offerinlg of eSee Juel,. 6. the restof them that were slain.; esamelpy, tie,ORD. 1. 2.33. fEvi, and Rekem, and Zur, and iur, and 30 And of tile children of Israel's lalf, fJosl. 13. 21 Reba, five kings of Mlidian: I. Balsaal also thou shalt tskee one portion of fifty, of thle See ver. 42g Josh. 13. 22. the son of Beor they slew with tlhe sword. persols, Of tile beeves, of tile asses, Land of 47.:9,And the children of Israel took tll tlle tIe 1 flocks, of all manner of beasts, and li Oreaesg.. 114;~ ~~th ~lcs o l ale o ess ndlegas |The prey divided. NUMBERS. The Reu2beneites and Gadites. Bi.C. 1452. give them unto tle Levites1,'wehich keep tile CHAPTER XXXII. B. C. 1452. charge of tile tabernacle of the LORD. 1 Tte, Reen-tot a-od Gaditce te htrei,8,25, 31 And Moses and Eleazar the priest did ace o that tide Jolela. 6.CIosee,. oveth 31, 36. & 18 as the LORD commanded Moses. thl m. 16 The! off,- hi, conditiocl to his con3, 4. 32 And the booty, being the rest of the tet. 33 AliSOS aeignetlt thee th laled. 39 prey which the men of war had caught, wvas T11eY co-t-r it. six hundred thousandand seventy thousand NTOW the children of Reuben and the and five thousand sheep,.. children of Gad had a very great imul33 And threescore and twelve thousand titude of cattle: and when they saw the beeves, land of aJazer, and tie land of Gilead,.ch.21.32. 34 And threescore andone thousand asses, that, behold, the place was a place for Josh. 13. 25. 35 And thirty and two thousand persons cattle; 2tSto. 24 5. in all, of women that had nlot known man 2 The children of Gad and the children of by lying with him. Reuben came and spake unto Moses, and 6t And the half, which was the portion of to Eleazar the priest, and unto the princes them that went out to war, was in number of the congregation, saying, three hundred thousand and seven and thin- 3 Atarotll, and Dibon, and Jazer, and ty thousand and five hundred sheep: b Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elealeh, and ber. 36, 37 And the LORD'S tribute of the sheep CShebam, and Nebo, and tBeon, Beth-n mwas six hundred and threescore and fit: 4.Eventte country ewllichthe LORD sote oah. teen. before the congregation of Israel, is a land:veri 38, 36 And the beeves were thirty and six for cattle, and thy servants have cattle: Shib-nah. thousand; of which the LORD'S tribute 5 Whlerefore, said they, if we have found ver. 38, was threescore and twelve. grace in thy sight, let this land be given Baal-teon. 39 And the asseswelre thirty thousald and unlto thy servants for a possession, and ch. 21.24,34. five hundred; of which the LORD'S tribute bring us not over Jordan.was threescore and one. d 6 ~ And loses said unto the children of Gad 40 And the persons were sixteen thousand; and to the children of Reuben, Shall your of which the LORD'S tribute was thirty and brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? two persons. 7 And wrherefore t discourage ye the heart tHeb. reak. 41 And Moses gave the tribute, tich weas of the children of Israel from going over the LORD'S heave offering, unto Eleazar into the land which the LORD hath given y Seea h. 18.8, the priest, Yas the LORD commanded Mo- them? 19. sos. 8 Thus did your fatlers, fwhen I sent feh. 13.3, 26. 42 And of the children of Israel's half, them from Kadesh-barnea e to see-the land. gDeut. 1.22. which MIoses divided from the men that 9 For hwhen they went up unto the valley ch1. 13.24,31. warred, of Eshcol, and saw the land, they discouraged Dut. 24, 43 (Now the half that pertained unto the the heart of the children of Israel, that they 21. congregation was three hundred thousand should not go into the land lwhich the LORD and thirty thousand and seven thousand had given them. and five hundred sheep, 10 iAnd the LORD'S anger was kindled the ich. 14.11,21. 44 And thirty and six thousand beeves, same time, and he sware, saying, Dtet. 1. 34. 45 And tirty thousand asses and five hun- 11 Surely none of the men that came up dred, out of Egypt, kfrom twenty years old and -c11.14.28,29. 46 And sixteen thousand persons,) upward, shall see the land which I seware DeCt. 1. 35. wver. 30. 47 Even Z of thle children of Israel's half, unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; Moses took one portion of fifty, both of because Ithey have not t wholly followed ch. 14 20,30. man and of beast, and gave them unto the me: t Heb.fe(flltLevites, ewhicll kept the charge of the taber- 12 Save Caleb the son of Jephunnehl the eat aftseree. nacle of the LORD; as the LORD command- Kenezite, and Josllua the son of Nun: " for tcllo. 14. 24. ed Moses. they ilave wholly followed the LORD. Deut. 1. 36. 48 ~ And the officers whichl wee over thou- 13 And the LORD'S. anger was kindled Josh.14.8,9. sands of the host, the captains of thousands, against Israel, and he made them 1" wander e c1l.14.33,34, and captains of hundreds, came near unto in the wilderness forty years, until'all the 35. Moses: generation, that had done evil in the sight och.26.64,65. 49 And they said unto Moses, Thy servants of the LORD, was consumed. have taken the sum of the men of war which 14 And, behold, ye are risen up in your tHeb hand. arne under our tcharge, and there lacketh fathers' stead, an increase of sinful men, not one man of us. to augment yet the 1'fierce anger of the.tDeut. 1. 3 60 We have therefore brought an oblation LORD toward Israel. t Hele.foee 4.for the LORD, what every man hlath tgotten, 15 For if ye Oturn away from after him, he gDeut.30.17. of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, will yet again leave them in the wilderneses Joel. 22. 16, aE.30.12,16. rings, earrings, and tablets, "to nake au and ye shall destroy all this people. n e 7 19 atonement forour souls before the LORD. 16, And they came near unto him, and & 1r.. 51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took said, We will build sheepfolds here for our the gold of them, even all wrought jew- cattle, and cities for our little ones: els. 17 But "oe ourselves will go ready armed X Josh. 4. 12, t sel. heavo 52 And all the gold of the toffering that before the children of Israel, until we have - 13. ofeeitin. Othey offered up to tle LORD, of the captains brought them unto their place: and our of thousands, and of the captains of hun- little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities, dreds, was sixteen thousand seven hundred because of the inhabitants of the land. and fifty shekels. 18'We will not return unto our houses, Joh 22. 4. bDeut.20.14. 53 (hor b the men of war had taken spoil, until the children of Israel have inherited every man for himself.) every man his inhleritance: ter. 33 14 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took 19 For we will not inherit with them on Oed.1. the gold of the captains of thousands and yonder side Jordan, or forward; tbecause 13.. of hundreds, and broughtt i into the taber- our inheritance is fallen to us on this side 3. cEx. 30.16. naele of the congregation, cfoe a e memorial Jordan eastward. Jock. 1.10 & for the children of Israel before the LORD, I 20 ~ Ande lMosee said unto them, If ye wil 4 12, 13. 126 The Reubenites and Gadites. NUMBERS. Two and forty jo.ur..ey B. C. 1452. do this thing, if ye will go armed before tile CHAPTER XXXIII. B. C. 1452. LORD. to war, 1,,to snd forty jourtleys of the lsraeliltc. 50 21 And will go all of you armed over Jor- he'anaanites are to be destroyed. dan before the LORD, until he hath driven THESE are the journeys of the children out his enemies from before him, of Israel, which went forth out of the NDCllt. 3.20. 22 And'lhe land be subdued before the land of Egypt with their armies under the Josl. l. 23. LORD: then afterward Yye shall return, hand of Moses and Aaron. &I. i. sand be guiltless before tile LORD, and be- 2 And Mioses wrote their goings out accordyJosh. 22. 4. fore Israel; and Zthlis land shall be your ing to their journeys by the commandment z DeCt. 3. 12, possession before the LORD. of tie LORD: and these ase their journeys 1.5, l. 18. 23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have according to their goings out. Joll. lo.& tsinned against the LORD: and be sure 3 And they adeparted from Rameses in aEx. 12. 37. 13.8,30. h2 a.your sin will find you out. bthe first month, on tile fifteenthi day of the a cn4o.. & 24 bBuild you cities for your little ones, first month; on the morrow after the pass- 1491. 44. 1Y and folds for your sheep; anddothoat which over the hoildren of Israel went outsvitll b13. 2. Is. S9. 12. hath proceeded out of your mouth. a high hatnd in the sight of all the Egyp- 1En. 11.. bver. 10(, 34, 25 And the children of Gad and the chil- tiants. &c. dren of Reuben spake unto Moses, saying, 4 For the Egyptians buried all their firstThy servants will do as my lord command- born, dllhich the LORD had smitten among dEt. 12. 29. eth. them: eupon their gods also the LORD Ox- eEx. 12. 1.12. & eJo.ho. 1. 14. 20 c Our little ones, our wives, our fiocks, ecuted judgments. 18. 11. and all our cattle, shall he there in the 5 fAnd the children of Israel removed Is. 19.1. cities of Gilead: from Rameses, and pitched in Succothl. nRev. 12.8. dJossi 4. 12. 27 dlBut thy servants will pass over, every 6 And they departed from Stuccoth, and fEb. 12. 37. man armed for war, before the LORD to pitchied in Etham, which is in the edge of YEx. 13. 20. battie, as my lord saith. tle wilderness. eJost. 1.13. 28tSo conoerning them Moses commanded 7 And h they removed from Etham, and hbX. 14. 2,9. Eleazar tile priest, and Joshua the son of turned again unto Pi-hahirothj which is beNun, and the chief fathers of the tribes of fore Baal-zephon: and they pitched before the children of Israel: Migdol. 29 And Moses said unto them, If the chil- 8 And they departed from before Pi-hahidren of Gad and the children of Reuben roth, andipassed through the midstof the iEx.4.22. & till pass with you over Jordan, every man sea into the wilderness, and ent three days' 15 22. 23. armed to battle, before the LORD, and the journey in the wilderness of Etham, and land shall be subdued before you; then ye pitched in Marah. shall give them tile land of Gilead for a pos- 09 And they removed from Marah, and session: keame unto Elim: and in Elim oereo twelve Ek E. 15. 27. 30 But if they will not pass over with you fountains of water, and threescore and ten armed, they shall have possessions among palm trees; and they pitched tilere. you in the land of Canaan. 10 And they removed from Elim, and en31 And the children of Gad and the ehil- camped by the Red sea. dren of Reuben answered, saying, As the 11 And they removed from the Red sea, LORD hath said unto thy servants, so till and encamped in the lilderness of Sin. t E 16. 1. ne do. 12 And they tool their journey out of the 32 We will pass over armed before the wilderness of Sin, and enoamped in DophfDeut. 3. 12- LORD into the land of Canaan, that the kah. 17. & 29. 8. possession of our inheritance on this side 13 And they departed from Dophkah, and Joh.,l. 6. & Jordan nay be ours. encamped in Alush. 13.;. & 22.4. 33 And f Moses gave unto them, even to 14 And they removed from Alush, and engl. 21.24,33, the children of Gad, and to tile children of camped at "' Rephidim, where was no waterso EX. 17. 1.. 36. Reuben, and unto half the tribe of Manas- for tle-people to drink. 19. 2. h oh23. 345,46. seh the son ofJ oseph, ttho nillgdom of Sihon 15 And they departed from Rephidim, and 1490. iDleut. 2. 36. king of the Amorites, and tie kingdom of pitched in the t wilderness of Sinai. oh Ex. 1i. 1. &b k lr. 1, 3. Og king of Bastlan, the land, with tile cities 16 And they removed from the desert of 19. 1. 2. Ja5e,'. thereof in the coasts, even the cities of the Sinai, and pitched ~at I Kibroth-hattaavah. o ch. 11. 34. loer. 3, Yim- country round about. 17 And they departed from Kibroth-hat- I That is, ite soah. 34 ~ And the children of Gad built h Dibon, taavah, and i'encamped at Hazeroth. a ves of.o... 24. and Atarotllh, and iAroer, 18 And they departed from Hazeroth, and ts.t. oh. 21. 27. 35 And Atroth, Shophan, and LJaazer, and pitched in IRithmah. h, ch. 11. 35. I,. is. 1. Jogrbellah, 19 And they depaited from Rithmah, and /ch. 12. 16. i0 n. 22.41. 36 And lBeth-nimrah, and Beth-haran, pitched at Rimmon-parez. ) fenced cities; and folds for sloeep. 20 And they departed from Rimmon-parez, q.e vTo 13. 37 And the children of Reuben'built and pitched in Libnah. Jh. 23.. 13. Josh. 2.7. Heslbon, and Elealeh, and Kirjathaim, 21 And they removed from Libnallh, and t Iel,. trl1 38 And ~Nebo, and PBaal-meon, (tlheir pitched at Rissah. clled i names being changed,) and Shibmah: and 22 And they journeyed from Rissah, and lt ne tgave other names unto the cities which pitched in Kehelathah. a:nes of h;f they builded. 23 And they went from Iehelathah, and cGtoot. 39 And the children of rllachir the son of pitched in mount Shapher.,Gn. 50. 23. Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and 24 And they removed from mount Shapher, s Deut. 3. 12, dispossessed the Amorite which toas in it. and encamped in Haradall. 13. 15. 40 And Moses Sgave Gilead unto Machir 25 And they removed from Haradall, and b-1, 17. 31. tile son of Malaassel; and he dwelt therein. pitched in Makheloth. l 7. Id. 41 And t Jair the son of Manassell went 26 And they removed from Maklheloth, and t Dent. 3. 14. Jotlo. 13.30. and took the small towns thereof, and called encamped at Tahath. 1 Clr. 2. 21, them Havnoth-jair. 27 And they departed from Tahath, and 22, 23. 42 And Nobah went and took Kenath; and pitched at Tarah. uJudg. 10.4. the villages thereof, and called it Nobah, 28 And they removed from Tarah, and 1Kings4.13. after his own name. pitched in Mithcah. 126 .o T the Israelites. NUMBERS. The borders of the land. BC 2. 29 And they went from Mithcah, and shall come to pass, that those which ye let B. C. 1452. pitched in Hashmonaeh. remain of them ohall be c)rieks ino your 30 And they departed from Hashmonah, eyes, and thorns in your si'des, and shall 2dos. 23.13. Dlst. 00.. and eoenamped atMoseroth. vex you in the land wherein ye dwell. 2dg. 2..3. 31 And they departed from Moseroth, and 52 iloreover it shall come to pass, that I[S2.3. pitched in Bene-jaakan. shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto toot2.24 S..s:.n36. 32And they removed from'Bene-jnnkan, the. 27. and t encamped at Hor-hagidgad. CHAPTER XXXIV. /Dent. 10. 6 _33:And they went from Hor-hagidgad,and 1 Th eortersof helnd. 16 The amesof th O 1Ctr 1.40 1 Ch~% 10423 pitched in Jotbathah. Os s, of s/s d. tOT/ osa s pitched in Jotbntllrth. m~~~~,e,~ whlieh shall divide th~a lantd. tDut. 10. 7. 34 And they removed from Jotbathah, and ANDthe Lan spake untoMoses,sayencamped at Ebronah.. ing, Dsst. 2. 8.: 35 And they departed from Ebronah, and 2 Command the children of Israel, and say 11 0W. 9 26. encamped at Ezion-gaber. unto them, When ye come into athe land aGon 17. 8.O & 22. 48. 36 And'they removed from Ezion-gaber, of Canaan; (this is the land that shall fall Dent. 1.7. 143. and pitched in the Wwilderness of Zin, unto yoe for an inheritance, even the land Ps. 78. 55. &,:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 1453. h 00 1 hicth is desh. of Canaan with the coasts thereof:) as; 71. 11. i27.14. 37And they removed from'Kadesh,.and 3 Then b your soth quarter shall be from 0 4. 1. 1. 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~as. 1-5E. 47.| 2o oh 2022 2 pitched in mount Her, in the edge of the the wildernes of Zin along by the coast of.. h2t~ to~and of ~Ed..~. Edom, and your south border shall be the 13, &c. ol00 38 And YAaron the priest went up into outmost coast of Ctlthe salt sea eastward: e. 14. 3. Deat.10.A. mount Hoer at the commandment of the 4 And your border shall turn from the Jaoh. 15. 2. 32. 0. LORD, and died there, in the fortieth year soutlh lto the ascent ofAkrabbim, and pass dJosh. 15. 3. after the children of Israel were come out on to Zin: and the going forth thereof shall of the land of Egypt, in the first day of the be fhom the south 00o Kadesh-barnea, and seoh. 13. 26. & fifth month. shall go on to fhtazar-addar, and pass on 32.8. 1452. 39l And Aaron was a hundred and twenty to Azmon: feeJoasl. 15. and three years old whe he died in mount And the border shall feth a compaoss 3, 4. Hea. from Azmnon lunto the river of Egypt, and gO/1. 1. 18. sl.2l1. ha. 40 And'king Arad the Canaanitc, which the goings out of it shall be at the sea. Jo-sh.15.4,47. dwelt in the south in the land of C a n a a n, I' 1 KinIasSlp.65.[ dwelt in ths sooth in the land of Canaan, 6 And as for the western border, ye shall I., 27. 12. heard of the coming of the children of Is- even have the great sea for a border: this rael. shall be your west border. ach. 21.4. 41 And they departed from mount'Hor, 7 And this shall be your north border: and pitched in Zalmonah. from the great sea yo shall point out for 42 And they departed from Zalmonah, and you hmount Ho r: ol. 33. 37. pitched in Puon. 8 From mount Heor ye shall point out your 43 And they departed from Pinon, and lorder unto the entrance oflfamathl; and ich. 13.21. bc,:h. 21. 10. Ipitched in Oboth. the goings forth of the border shall be to 2 Kin. 14.2. hcl. 21. 11. 44 And 0they departed from hboth, and kZedad: kB. 47. 1. I o, OsHea pitched in {dllje.abarim, in the border of 9 ~ And the border shall go on to Ziperon, of lAoeiooo. Moab. and the goings out of ittlsall be at IHazar- I E. 47. t. Ilh. 21. 11t 45 And they departed from Iim, andpitched enan: this shall bh your north border. och. 32. 34. ein Dibon-gad. 10 And ye shall point out your cast border 46 And they removed from Dibon-gad, and from Hazar-enan to Shepham: fJr. 48. 2. encamped in Almonf-diblathaim. 11 And the coast shall go down from She- m 2 Kings 23. Ez. 6. 14. 47 And they removed from Almon-dibla- phamn'"to Riblabh, on the east sideofAin; 33. ggch. 21. 20. thaim, and pitched in the mountains of and the border shlall descend, and shall Je 31 5O 6. Dot. 32.4.9. Abarim, before Nebo. reach unto thle t side of the sea of Chin- e Hes. 48 And they departed from the mountains nereth eastward: -Io-. holo. 22. 1. of Abarim, and Apitched in the plains of 12 And the border shall go down to Jordan, L Dent. 3. 17. Moab by Jordan ear Jericho. and the goings out ofit shall be at o thle salt Josh. 11.2.& 49 And they pitched by Jordan, from Beth- sea: this shall be your land with the coasts. 3.5. /1 Or, 1,s jesimoth even unto biAuel-shittim in the thereof round about. 1 4. t 34. pdoi of plains of Mloab. 13 And Moses commanded the children of 50 3 And the LORD spake unto Moses in Israel, saying, PThis is the land which ye p -r. I. i. 2i.. the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, shall inherit by lot, n.hich the lORD Com-. 14.1,2. |gel~ 2 1.... h. 2.. saying, manded to give unto the nine tribes, and'to 51 Speak unto the children of Israel, and the half tribe: Douto. 71,2. say unto them, kWhen ye are passed over 14 0For the tribe of the chlildren of Reuben qlI. 32. 33. h.. 1. Jordan into the land of Canaon; according to the house of their follers, and Josh. 14.2,3. J. E. 3.2 17. 52 Then yo shall drive out all the inhabit- the tribe of the clilcren of Had according I lo.23.24,33. ants of the land from before you, and de- to the house of their fathers, have received 0 &34. 13.70 i oi Boot41. 720. stroy all their pictures, and destroy all their their inheritance; and half the tribe of & 12. 3. molten images, and quite pluck down all Manasseh have received their inheritance: Josh. 11. 12. their high places: 15 The two tribes and tile half tribe have Judg. 2.2.. 53 Andye shall dispossess the inhablitants received their inheritance on this side Jorof the land, and dwell therein: for I have dan oear Jericho eastward, toward the sungiven you the land to possess it. rising. ms'h.2M.354. 54 Aad "ye shall divide the land y lot 16 And the LORD spake unto Moses, sayfor aninheritance among your families; and Ing, ttlspl to the more ye shall tgivoe te more inherit- 17 Thse areo the names of the men which so ultiply 0/s| iol tle. ance, and to the fewer ye shall Ogive the shall divide the land unto you: rEleaszar osl. 14.1.0& tH. less eceeyman's in0erit.nce the priest, and Joshua the so ofNun. o Nu1 I llel,. di/inish his shall be in the place where his lot falleth; I8 And ye shall talke one Sprince of every sh..4, 16. Joile. according to the tribes of your fathers ye tieto divide the land by ineritance. shall inherit. 19 And the names of the men aro these: 55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabit- Of tile tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of ants of the land from before youo; then it Jephunneh. 127 Cities of the Levites. NUMBERS. The laws of murder. B. C0. 1452. 20 And of the tribe of the children of Sime- 12 /And they shall be unto you cities for I B. C.1451. on, Shemuel the son of Ammiihud. refuge from the avenger; that the man21 Of the tribe of Beunamin, Elidad the slayer die not, until he stand before the h oel. 19.,. son of Chislon. congregation in judgment. J..h. 20.3,, 22 And tile prince of the tribe of the chil- 1 And of these cities which ye shall give, 6. dren of Dan, Bukki the son of Jogli. tsix cities shall ye have for refuge. I,er.. 23 The prince of the children of Joseph, 14 kYe shall give three cities on this side kDut. 4 41. for the tribe of the children of MIanasseh, Jordan, and three cities shall ye give in the Jht 20. 8. Hanniel the son of Ephtd. land of Canaan, ehichl shall be cities of 24 And tile prince of the tribe of. the chil- refuge. dreneof Ephraim, Kemuet the soe of Shiph- 15 Thlese si cities shall be a refuge, both tan. for the shildren of Israel, and ifor the I ch. 1t. 1t. 25 And the prince of the tribe of the chil- stranger, andfor the sojourner among them; dren of Zebulun, Elizaphan the Son of Par- that every one that killeth any person unnach. awares mayfleo thither. 26 And the prince of the tribe of the chil- 1]'1And iftle smitehim-ith an instru- c c.l1. 12, dcre oe CIssachar, Paltiel the son of Azzan. ment of iron, so that ite die, he is a our- 14. 27 And the. prince of the tribe of the deter: the murderer Shall surely be put to e.. 17. 1 u. 11.11,: children of Asher, Ahihud the son of death. t.. 12. Shelomi. 11 And if he smite tim icwith throwing a t Hte. ceitAu 28 And the prince of the tribe of the ehil- stone, wherewiththe may die, and lie die,,c ef the dren of Naphtali, Pedahel the son of Ar- he is amurderer: the murderer shall sure - c-d. / mihud. ly be put to death, 29 These are they whom the LORD coM- t8 Or if he smite him with a hand weapon manded to divide the inheritance unto the of wood, wherewith lie may die; and he die, children of Israel in the land of Canaan. he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to CHAPTER XXXV, 19 The revenger of blood himself shall ver. 21, 24, 1 iebqht andfol cities foe thie evicteitth li,t slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, 27.,,,e c, rd e,,c,~e cicelecf. tSi.e ofle- he shall slay him. Dect. 19;,,.occiec ofefze~. 9tl las fto — t20 But Oif lie thrust him of hatred, or hurl Jt sh. 20.j3,5. dar, t[./o b e arlsfacfiog 9o'TA mts -'Ife20. 2.35 0-. a Sio celisc/cedefo,- c,,de.~ at him'by laying ofwait; that tie die;, IG,,. 4. 8. 1451. AND the LORD spake unto Moses in the 21 Or in enmity smite him with his hand, 2 S,,., 3. 27.. plains of BMoab by Jordan near Jeri- that he die::he that smote hIiid, shall surely & 20. [0. clio, saying, be put to death; for e is a murderer: the 1Kingse2.3cI, aJoscl.134.1,. 2 aC.C dman the childcn of I srael, that revenger of blood shall slay tle murderer, 32. 21. 2. they give lnto the Levites, of the inheritance when he meeteth him. Ec. 21. 14. he. h 45., of their possession, cities to dwell in; and 22 But if le thrust him suddenly qwithout Dent. 19. II. &.c4. ye shtall give also unto the Levites suburbs enmity, or have cast upon him any thing E.. 13. for the cities round about them. without laying of' ait, 3 And the cities shall they have to dwell c 3 Orwith any stone, wherewitih a man may in; and the suburbs of them shall be for die, seeing him not, and cast it upon him, their cattle, and for their goods, and for all that he die; antd cas not his enemy, neither their beasts. sought eischarm: 4 And the suburbs of the cities, which ye 24 Then tihe congregation shall judge be- c- ec. 12. shall give unto the Levitee, ishll rceach from tween the slayer and the revenger of blood Joshl. 20.6. the wall of the city and outward a thousand according to these judgments: cubits round about. 25 And the congregation shall deliver the 5 And ye shall measure from without the slayer out of the hand of tie revenger of city on thei east side two thousand cubits, blood, and the congregation shall restore and on the south side two thousand cubits, him to the city of cis refuge, whither lie was and on the west side two thousand cubits, fled: and he shall abide in it unto the sJol. 20. c.c and on the north side two thousand cubits; death of thehlih priest, twliech was anoint- t E. 29.7. and the city shall be in the midst: this shall ed'with the holy oil. Lev-. 4. 3. & be to them the suburbs of the cities. 26 But if tee slayer shall at any time come 21. 10. 6 And among the cities whichye shall give without the border of the city of his refuge, t er. 13. unto the Levites there shali be b six cities whither lie was fled; Deet. 4. 41. for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the 27 And the revenger of blood find him Josl. 20.2,7, manslayer, that lie may flee thither: and without tie borders of the city of his refuge, 8i. h21.3,13 t to them ye shall add forty and two cities. and the revenger of blood kill the slayer;.21, 27, 32, 36, 38. 202 7 so all the cities which ye shall give to l he shall not be guilty of blood: Hel,. H oe| Ceb. et6oc, the Levites shEall be Cforty and eight cities: 8 IBecause lie should have remained in b(ood tall| i, them shall ye give with their suburbs. the city of his refuge until the death of the le et0, 8iec. SAnd the cities which ye shall give shall high priest: but after the death of the high. 2. c Joh. 21.41. be dof tie possession of the children of Is- priest the slayer shall return into the land dJos. 21. 3, rael: efrom them tlhat have many ye Shall of hispossession. ec-t. 26. 51. give many; but from thee that have few 29 So these things shall be for "a statute el,. 17. 11. ye shall give few: every one shall give of of judgment unto you throughout your genhis cities unto the Levites according to his erations in all your dwellings. Hell. ieby inheritance whic h tlie inhleriteth. 0 lWhoseo killeth any person, the murderer 9 ~ And the LORD spake unto Moses, shall be put to death by tile Imouthll of ceit- Do t. 17. 6. saying, nessese: but one'witness shall not testify & 1H.1.5. 10 Speakhunto the children of Israel, and against anyperson to cause himte to die c. 1.. 2 C,,r7. 13. 1.{ fDout. 19. 2. say unto them, fWlhen ye be come over 31 Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction Del,. 10. 28. Josh. 20.2. Jordan into the land of Canaan, for thle life ofea murderer, which is tguilty i leb. c ty cEx. IL. 13. 11 Then eye shall appoint you cities to be of death: but he shall be surely put to cc dif. cities of refuge for you; that the slayer ay death. tob. / flee thither, which killeth any person tat 32 And ye shall ttke no satisfaction for -c unawares. him that is fled to the city of his refuge, that 128 Of the marriage DEUTERONOMY. of heiresses. B.:C. 1.11. he should come again to dell in the land, 5 And Moses commanded thle children of B. C. 1451. until tboe deoth of tbo prliest. Israel according to tile word of the LORD,,r 0:. 103. 38. 33 So ye shall not pollute the land whelrein saying, The tribe of the sons of Joseph {-lO 4irt. 4. ye arci: for blood Yit defletlth the land: and eath said well. eh. 27. 7. tTlel.. there the:lnd cauoot be clcansed of toe blood 6 Tbis is t ththino wohich tho LORD dloth -carr 6 Oi eoo [that is shed therein, but by the blood of command concri the daughters of Zcdto~io. foo blimo that shed it. lophelnd, saying, Let them t marry to t leb. -G 0.. e 84'Defile not therefore the land hich yae whom they thin best; fonly to tilo foam- bolive..-. 9.n a shall itllabit, wherein I dwell: for bI the ily of the tribe of their father shall they fert. 12. oaLo. 10. 25. LORD dioell aotong the children of Israel. marry. bOEo.20.45,40. CHAPTER XXXVI. 7 So shall tot tbe inheritance of the chilI Tr. ie ncorellleceof toe otXVo.oatlceofdaogh- drenof Israel remove from tribetotribe: te. t 5 io -e-ndio, 5y tneo.yin o ih toeor o, for every one of the children of Israel shall libes, 7 It thae,iLlithralce sL told le ee tkeep himself to the inheritance of the tIIeob. cleave foon th e 1tbe. 10 d...a.hl.e.sof Zeloplehad tribe of hli fathers. to t., t.. tary thletrfaoe,'s bhothers' -oos. 8 And eyvery daughter, that posseosseth an lIingo0. - AND the chief fathers of the families of inheritance in any tribe of the children of 1 I C1hr. 23.22. a cl2. 20. 29. 1 the I children of Gilead, tie son of lMa- Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family chir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of of the tribe of her father, that the children the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake of Israel may enjoy every man the inlleritbefore Moses, and before the princes, the ance of his fathers. chief fathers of the clhildren of Israel: 9 Neither shall the inheritance remove 6cli. 26..5. & 2 And they said, b The LOED commanded from one tribe to another tribe; but every 03:.-l. 0 my lord to give tile land for an inheritance one of the tribes of tle children of Israel JOh. 17.31. by lot to to ch'nildren of Israel: and my shall keep himself to hi3 own inheritc-h.l7. 7,'. lord was oommanded by the LORD to give anco. Joh. 17.3.4. the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother 10 Even as the LORD commanded Moses, unto his daughters. so did the daughters of Zelophehad: 3 And if they bh married to any of the sons 11 iFor Mahlah, Tirzah, and loglall, and ch. 27.1. of the other tribes of the children of Israel, Mileah, and Noah, the daughters of Zclothen shall their inheritance be taken from phehad, were married unto their father's the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be brothers' sons: tT.Ib. tnto put to the inheritance of the tribe twherec- 12 And they were married tinto the tlHeb. to viotn 0e, unto they are received: so shall it be taken families of, the sons of Manasseh the son snmo that..all be. from the lot of our inheritance. of Joseph, and their inhleritaDee rceinled ooert of. te dLto. 25.10. 4 And when dthe jubilee of the children of in tlhe tribe of the family of their father. fa3n'ltes. Israel shall be, then shall their inheritance 13 These are the commandments ando the be put unto the inheritance of the tribe judgments, which the LORD commanded, whereunto they are received: so shall their by the hand of Moses, unto tte children of inheritanc be be taken away from the inherit- Israel kin the plains of Moab by Jordan oh.. 3. & ancos of the tribe of our fathers. near Jcricho... 0. THE FIFTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED..15.DEUTERONOMY. B0. a. 1451. 1 CHEAPTE I. t all the pieces nigli thereunto, in the plain,. C 1451 i'e s speech't te td,f!t fotit yeo. tin the lills, and in the vale, and in the tbied elLeateesg tte erory 6 0r,f~o's t,lromia, south, and by the sea side, to the land of tIIel..ll his 130fii th. offices, 19 ofseditg thespic, te Canatsites, ansd unt, o Leboanon, unto -itbctrs. to.eaeth tle tnet, 34 qf food'e attyerfot tteir tte great river, the river Eupheates. itsoeuolity, 41 and ddooedietle. 8 Behold, I v ta set the fand before you: t eb.cto. mHESE he the words wtich Moses spake go in and possess the land mwiolo tile LolD Jotlt..9,ll0. T1 unto all Israel 0on this side Jordan in stare unto your fatiers, OAbrahan, Isaao, ltGen. 10 7. k L& 22. 4,. the eilderneoss, in the plain over against and Jacob, to give unto them and to their 15. I t. t 17. U Or, aupt.; tithe Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, seed after them. 0. 7. 2. 4. and Laban, and Hazerotb, and Dizasab. 9 ~ And iI spake unto you at that time, b, 2. 13. 2 (Tzlero are eleven days' jozurney from saying, I am not able to bear you myself ite. 18. 18.,tosIm. 13,2(. Horeb by tile way of mount Seir bunto sa- alone: NU-l 11. 14. ch. 9. 23. desbh-barnea.) 10 The LORD your God hath multiplied cNum. 33.38. 3Atnd it came toepass Iintthe fortieth year, you, and, bellold, kye are this day as the kGen. 15. 5. in the eleventh montil, on the first dlay of stars of heaven for multitude. hl. 10. 22. &d 1451. tthe month, thiat Moses spake unto the ohil- 11 (IThe LORD God of your fathers make 28. 62. dren of Israel, acecording unto all tllat the you a thousand times so many more as yo 12Sam. 24. 3. LORD had given him in commandment un- are, and bless you,,0as he hathI promised -n Gen. 1.5.. & to thlem; you!) 22 17. & 20.4. dNum.21.21, 4 dBfter he had slain Sion the kingofhhe 12 Ho0 cof I myself alothe bear your E. 32. 13. 33. Amorites, hiech dwelt in Ileshbon, and Og cumbrance, and your burden, and your i.3.e,9. the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth strife? e'um,.21.3. ein Edrei: 13 ~t Take you wise men, and understand- oseo Es. 13. Josh. 13.1'2. 5 On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab, in, and khto.n o.nong your tribes, and I 21. began Moses to declare this law, saying, sill make tllem rulers oer you. o11. 1491. 6 T6ie LORD oulr God spake unto us fin 14 And ye answcred me, and said, The fEr. 3. 1 lloreob, saying, Ye have dwelt long lenough tling glhich thou hast spoken is good for t eel. Clxe. yS' E.. 10.1. tin tis mount: us to do. lum 10.i. 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and 15 So I took the chief of your tribes, oise Eo. 18. 25. go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto men, and known, o and t nade them heads 9 12I The story of DEUTERONOMY. what befell Israel B.C. 1451. over you, captains over thousands, and cap- of this evil generation see that good land, B.C. 1451. tains over hundreds, and optains over hfi- which I sware to give unto your fathers, ties, and captains over tens, and officers 36 0J Save Caleb the son of Jeplhunneh; he pNum. 14.24, among your tribes. shall see it, and to him will I give the land o0. 16 And Icharged your judges at that time, that he hath trodden upon, and to his chil- J-h. 14.9. [saying, Hear the causes between your dren, because Ohe hath twholly followed qlgNu. 14.24:; qch. 10. 18. brethren, and'judge righteously between thle LORD. Hib,. ftlJoh7. 04.. e..y man ccd his. brotheh, and the strac- 37'Also the LORD cw angry with me for [fied to cc.Lv,2. 22.[ gerethatis with him. your sakes, saying, Thou also shalt not go I.0 Lev. 10. 15. 17'Ye shall not respect persons in judg- in thither., Nu-. 20.2; e[. 10.19. ment; but ye shall hear the small as well 38 BBut Joshua the son of Nun, twhich &1 27.14. I S.m. 16. 7. as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the standeth before thee, hlie shall go in thither:h 3. 26. & Pe. 21. 03. 4.21.6o 31.4. oc O l. face of man; for ithe judgment is God's: "encourage him: for he shall cause Israel. 10.32.. cce[. and the cause that is too hard for you, to inherit/it., Nu-c.4.30. ekc HO.. Ibring it unto me, and I eillhear it. 39'lMoreover your little ones, which Yye Ec.24.13. & foee. 18 And I comm anded you at that time all said should be a prey, and your children, | 3. 1. c2f2C-. 1 t. 6 the tinOgs whcich ye shoulcld do. which in that day Zl had no knowledge be- O- 1 So... E. 18.22, 9 And when we departed from irebr, tween good and evil, they shall go in thither, 10(i. 22. 26..'we went through all that great and terri- and unto them will I give it, and they shall c, um.27.18, ble wilderness, which ye saw by the way of possess it. 19. 1490. the mountain of the Aorites, as the LORD 40'But as for you, turn you, and take oh. 31.7, 10.12. our God commanded us; and Yoc came to your journeyinto tle wmilderness by the way [ cNuc. 14.31. et.c. 15. I Ka desh-bayoe. of the Red sea. iN.c. 1-. 3. Jer. 2.. 20 And I said unto you Ye are come unto 41 Then ye answered and said unto me, z Is.7. 15,16. pyum.13.26. the mountain of the Acorites, which the bWe hIave sinned against the LORD, we will Rom.. 11. LORD our God doth give unto us. go up and fight, according to all that the owum. 14.25. 21 Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the LORD our God commanded us. And when tbfum. 14.40. land before thee: go up anct possess it, as ye had girded on.every man his weapons the LORD God of thy fathers hath said unto of war, ye were ready to go up into the hill. z Josh. 1.. 9. thee; fear not, neither be discouraged. 42 And the LORD said unto me, Say unto 221~ And yecaee nearuntome everyoneof them, aGo not up, neither fight; for I am cNum.14.42. you, and said, We will send men before us, not among you; lest ye be smitten before and they shall search us out tihe land, and your enemies. bring us word again by what way we must 43 So I spke unto you; and ye would not go up, and into what cities we shall come. hear, hbut rebelled against the commandment 1490. 23 And the eaying pleased we weli; and of the LORD, and d.went p resumptuously lNu-. 14.4.4, a-u-. 13. 3. aI took twelve men of you, one of a tribe: up into the hill. 45. b/ uln. 13.22, 24 And bthey turned and wont up into the 44 And the Amorltes, which dwelt in that c Heb.yccrec 13, 24.. wontain, and came unto the valley of Esh- mountain, came out against you, and chased... col, and searched it out. you,'as beesdo, and destroyed you in Seir, c cd 25 And they took of the fruit of the land in evea unto Hormah.,t'L their hands, and brought it down unto us, 45 And ye returned and wept before the ePS. 118.12. 0fcm. 13.27. and brought us word again, and said, It is LORD; but the LORD would not hearken a good laud which the LORD our God doth to your voice, nor give ear unto you. 13.2. give us. 40 fSo ye abode in Kadesh many days, ac- & 2o. 1,3. | dfTum. 14. 1, 26 tlNotwithstanding ye would not go up, cording unto the days that ye abode there. Judg. 11. 17. 2, 3, 4. but rebelled against the commandment of p1.106.24,25. the LORD your God: CHAPTEIR II. o7 And yo murmured in your tents, and 1 The ory is eonsiced, ctct che wee cot to ech. 9. 28. said, Becauseo the LORD e'ated us, he meddle ithe.Eddoites, 9cocrithctheh1oabhath brought us forth out of the land of ices, 17 -o, w.ith the A mmonites, 24 bict Sihoo Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the chc A.oeit.eeoc snbdccd by cho. Amorites, to destroy us. IHEN we turned, and took our journey 28 Whither shall we go up? our brethren T into the wilderness by the way of the t[lceb.meltecd have cdiscouraged our heart, saying, fThe Red sea, aas the LORD spake unto me: [ocum. 14.25. Jo-h. 2. 11. people is greater and taller than We; the and we cowpassed mount Seir many days. h. 1. 40. fNum. 13.28. cities are great and walled up to heaven; 2 And the LORD spake unto me, saying, 31, 0.. 33. and moreover we have seen the sons of the 3 Ye have compassed this mountain hlootg [.eveo.7,14. ch. 9. 1., 2. ogAnakim there. enough: turn you northward. gNus.13.28. 29 Then I said unto you, Dread not net- 4 And command thou the people, saying, hE..14.14,25. ther be afraid ofthem. eye ce to pass through the coast of your cNuw.20.14. ech. 4. 10. 30 hThe LORD your God which goeth be. brethren the children of Esau, which dwell!Eo. 19. 4' fore you, lie shallfight for you, according to in Seir; and they shall be afraid of you: cO. 32. 11, 12. all that he did for you in Egypt before your take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore: I. 46.3, 4.6 eyes; 5 leddle not with them; for I will not 0.09. 31 And in the wilderness, here thou hast give you of their land, to, not swo much as t IHico cto HDccI. L3. scen how that the LORD thy God /bare cfootbreadth; lb ec.b useo I.lvegivewount.he...di.c 13. 1e. bthee as a man doth bear his son, in all Seir unto Esau for a possession. efthe oe f P i. 4. the way that ye went, until ye came into 6 Ye shall buy meat of them for money hf. k.~ s.06, 24.: [ ths lae.'[d..36.8S.] Jude. this place. that ye may eat; and ye shall also buy wa- i.. 13. 21 32 Yet in this thing liye did not believe the ter of them for money, that ye may drink... Pc. 78. 14. LORD your God, 7 For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee Nw.10.33. 33 lWho went in the way before you, "to in all the works of thy hand: he kinoweth Ez. 20. 6. search you out a place to pitch your tents thy walking through blthis great wilderness: -sh. 2.14,16. in, Ic lire by night, to cheo you by what 5these foety years the LORD thy God othec ech. 8. 2, 3. 4. 141. way ye should go, and in a cloud by day. been with thee; thou tast ached cothing. oNu-. 14.22, 3d And tho 1R eo4 t0e voice ofyour 80 fAnd whoen we passed by from our breth- fhacdg. 11.18. ~231m. words, and was wroth, oand sware, saying, ren the children of Esou, which dcelt in P.. 07. 11. 85 eSurely there shall not one of these men Seir, through thie way of the plain frow 230 Fin their way DEUTERONOMY. toward Canaan. B; C. 1451. ]5Elathb and from Ezion-gab..,.. turned that I maydrink: only I willpass t hrough B. C. 1451. and passed by the way of the wilderness of on my feet:l IlKi 0. 26. Mlab. 29 (OAs tie children of Esau whlich db ell gNul. 20.19., r se 9 And the LORD said unto me, II Distress in Seir, and the lnoabites which dwell in hSaNNa.20. n ho-til2ty notthe 11oabites, neiter contendwiththem Ar, did nto MO.) until Ishall pass over 18 0alattoanb. in battle: for I will not give thee of their Jordan into the land which the LORD our 3.1,4. Jandfora possession; because I have given God givethus. g. 17, hN.-. 21.28. [Ar unto ithe children of Lot for a pos- 301But Silon king of Heshbon would not 4i37. 19.3, session. lot us pass by him: for kthe LORD tliy Nu.. 2113 10 kThe Emim dwelt t 2er 1in in times past, God /hardened his spirit, 21d n made2 11 h.I20 37~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]~s. ad..2i. G-en. 14. 5. a people great, and many, and tall, as Ithe heart obstinate, that lie might deliver him 1 E. 4.21. iN 1322, Anakim; 10into thy hand, as appeareth this day. 33. [11 Which also were accounted giants, as the 31 And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I oh. 9.2. Anakim; but 1he11Moabites call them Emnim. have begun to'give Sil5on and his land 24.h. 2. 8. yer. 22. 12'TLhe Heorin also dwelt in Seir before- before thee: begin to possess, that thou Geo. 14.6. & time; but the children of Esau succeeded mayest inherit his land. 36. 10. them, when they had destroyed them from 32 "1Then 8ihon came out against us, he n -um.21.23. lIeb. before them, and dwelt in their 11 stead; as and all his people, to fight at Jahaz. 111 [ Israel did unto tile land of his possession, 83 And tlle LORD our God delivered him 211. 7. 2. b /.ter,. which tile LORD gave unto them. before us; and Pwc smote him, and his 20. 16. I Or, oom. 13 Now rise up, 1aid 1, and get you over sons, and all his people. p Nuru.t21.24. Num.21.12. the lbrook Zered. And e nt over the 34 And we took all his cities at that time, chl. 29.7. II Or, 11valley, brook Zered. and qutterly destroyed t the men, and the Leo. 27. 28.,Nu..13...23. 1l4lndthesp1ce in5 which1111 Cal Iro omen, and the little ones, of every city, oh. 7.,22. oumll. 13.2(. Kadesl-barnea, until we were come over the we left none to remain: Ho. oy. brook Zered,waso thirty and eight years; 35 Only the cattle we took for a prey unto cit, f.n r121...14.33. 011until allthe generation of the men of war ourselves, and the spoil of the citiesl bwhich.,d little &.26.. 64. were wasted out frlom among the host, qas we took. 2111. qllo-.. 15235. the LoRoD s21re unto them. 30 "From Aroer, 218hich is by the brink of o.4 3. 12. b h. 1.34,35. /15 For inde2 d tile 1hand of the LORD was the river of Arnon, and frov1 the city that 4. 48.,2. 20. l. against them, to destroy them from among is by the river, even unto Gilead, there was oshl. 13. 9. [P.. 7. 33.&'the lhost, until they were consumed. not 1e Cy too strong for us: the LORD P.. 4. 3. ]10620. (3 1 16 0, So it came to pass, when all the men our God delivered all unto us: of war were consumed and dead from among 37 Only unto the land of tl he children of the people, Ammon thou camest not, no22 unto any place t Gen. 32. 22. 17, Thot the LORD spke unto me, say- of the river 1Jabbok, nor unto tile cities in Nu...2... ~~~~~~~ing, ~the mountains, nor unto lwhatsoever the oh. 3. 16. 189Thou art to pass over through Ar, the LORD our God forbade us. 11ver. 5 9,19. 1coast oi'foab, this day: 19 Alnd wohe thou conest nigh over against CHAPTER III. Ithe children of Ammon, distress them not, 1 The story ofthe 1o0u2st of Oq king o/fBsan. nor meddle with them: foo I will not give 11 T.e bgloe, of hi8 0.4. 12 I'hle ditrib22tio, thee of the land of the children of Ammon of thIloe ldsoe 1ldo t-lteo tribs and hal'. 23 any possession; because I have given it Ip,1f y,21 t0 e1212o i1o tthe 1 d. 0B, s Ger. 19. 38. unto I the children of Lot for a possession. Pilld 11 s1e it. 20 (Tlhat also was accounted a land of gi- tHEN w e turned, and went up the way ants: giants dwelt therein in'old time; and T to 1Bshan: and 2 Og the king of Bashan luml.21.33, t Geo. 14. 5, thile Ammonites callthem lZazumim; cameoutagainstus, handtll his people, &c. Z1z01,. 21 uA people great, and many, and tall, to battle bat Edri. oh. 29. 7.,,S. Yer. 10 as the Anakim; but the LORD destroyed 2 And the LORD said unto me, PFear him bh. 1.4. them before them; and they succeeded not: for I will deliver him, aInd all his peothem, and dwelt in their stead: pie, and his land, into thy land; and thou | Ge. 36.. 8. 22 As be did to tilhe children of Esanu, s11lt do unto him as thou 1 idst unto 2Sillon c -. 21.24. gyGen. 14.0. & 0whicli dwelt in Seir, when he destroyed king of the A2orites, which dwelt at HIsh36. 20-30. Yth e Horin from before them; and they bon. 1. 12. 1succeeded them, and dwelt in their stead 3 So the LORD our God delivered into our |even.unto this day: hands Og also, the king of Ba1shan, and all z Josh. 13.. 3. 23 And Zth e Avimwhich dwelt in Hazerim, his people: d and we smote him until none dN-.. 21.35. a Jer. 25.20. even unto 0 zzah, 2 t11 Cplltorim, which was loft to him remaining. b Ge.. 10. 14. came forth out of Capltor, destroyed them, 4 And we took all his cities at that time, A. 9.7.. and dwelt in their stead.) there was not a city which w e took not, from 24 ~ Rise ye up, take your journey, and them, threescore cities,'all the region of e 1Kin. 4. 13. c - l.21. 13, 1 pass over the river Arnon: behold, I have Argob, the kingdow of Og in 0 2shan. 1. given into tbino hand Sihon the Amorite, 3 All 11Othese cities were fenced with high Judg. 11.18. king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to walls, gates, and bars b beside unwalled 21. possess it, and contend with him in battle. towns a great many. o Hnb. begill, 25 d Thi day will I begin to put the dread 6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we | -'ems. of thee and tihe fear of thee upon the nations did unto Silon king fof Heshbon, utterly fch. 2. 24. dE..15.14,15. thal are under the whole heaven, who shall ddtryilg1 the men, omen, and childr, Ps.135.1,11, cih.. di. 2h, 12. & 136.19, o.'.22.110 0 hear report of thee, and shalltremble, and of every city. 2 21 be in anguish because of thee. 7 But all the cattle, and the spoil of the 20, 21. 206. And I sent messengers out of the cities, we took for a prey to ourselves. wilderness of Kedemoth unto Sihon king of 8 And we took at t0 lt time out of the hand lch. 20. 10. Heshbon e'with words of peace, saying, of the two kings of the Amoites the land f Num. 21.21. 27 f Let me pass through thy land: I will that Was on this side Jordan, from the river 22. go along by the highl way, Iwill neither turn of Arnon unto mount 1 iermon; oh. 4. 48. Judg. 11. 19. unto tho right hand nor to tilhe left. 9(lhlich lHermon the Sidonaons call Sir- P. 29. 6. 28 Thou shalt sell me meat fo money, that ion; and thel Anorites call it hShenir;) h 1 Chr. 5. 23. I may eat; and give me water for money, 10 iAl thle cities of thle plain, and all Gil- i h. 4. 49. 131 Moses' prayer. DEUTERONO VIY. Exhortation to obedience. B. C. 1451. cad, and kall Bah.ssn, unto Salt hah and over before thlis people, and lie shallcause B. C. 1451. Edrci, cities of tle kingdom of Og il Bae- them to inherit tie land which thou shalt k Josi. 12. 5. se. see. & 13. 11. 11 lFor only Og king of Bashan remained ses so we abode in hs tle valley over against to. 4.4. & I A. 2. 9. of the remnant of "giantls; behold, his Beth-peoree. 341.0. 141. 5. bedstead waes a bedstead of iron; is it not CHAPTER IV. [ 2Seae.12.2G. in "Rabbath of tile children of Ammon? 1 e, exlotsation toobe d iese. 41 Moess napolnt. Jer. 49, 2. nine cubits seas tile length thereof, and four et/s thie h,ee cities ofresfuge o- tlhat side dortt,. E,. 21. 20. cebits tihe bredth of it, ellses sebit sf a OW tberefsr estssen, 0 Isreel, unto cbtth brmad t N the statutes and unto the judgments, los. 19.37.& 12 And this land, which we possessed at which I teach you, for to do IhemL, that ye 20.8. & 22.31. och. 2.. 3. that time, Ofrom Aroer, which is by the may live, and go in and possess tle land h5.&81 /Josh. 12. 2. B,2.11 J. 12.2. river Aernon, and half mount Gilead, and which tie LORD God of your falthors giveth Ro. 10. 5., Nu..32.33. Plthe cities thereof, gavetunto tihe Reuben- you. Joshl. 12.6. ites and to tes Godites. 2 i Ye shall not ae d unto the word which I b ec. 12. 22. 13.8, &Sc. 13 eAnd the rest of Gilead, and all BaLshan, eommad you, neither shall ye diriinish Josh. 1. 7. Josht13.29. being the kingdom of Og, gave I unto the aughtl from it, that ye may keep tie corn- Prey. 30. G. half tribe of Manasseh; all the region of mandments of thl LORD your God which I E. 12. 1t,. R.52. tO, Argob, with all Bashan, whichl was called command you. 19. tile land of giants. 3 Your eyes have seen what the LORD did tlChr. 2.22. 14 "'Jair the son of Manasseh took all because of' eBnal-peor: for all tihe men that Nene. 25. 4, sJosh. 13. 13. tie country of Argob'sunto the coasts of folloted Besl-peor, te LORD thy God teth &2Ose./3i.3.b Geshuri and lbsMieeat tsllo w ed eslsled ahes destroyed them fro among you. Josts. 22. t7... afIte his own name, Basban-havo t h-jiair, un- 4 But ye that did cleave unto the LORD.0.2. t'u. 32.41. to this day. your God are alive every one of you this day.,lN-s.32r 39. 215 Ahnd I gave Gilead unto Iachir. 5 Bellold, I have taught you statutes and 2 S.-. 21.5. 16 And unto tte Reubeniies and unto the judgments, even as the LORD my God coeGadites I gave from Gilead even unto tie neanded me, that ye should do so in the river Arnoen half tile valley, and tile border land lwhither ye go to possess it. 2,,um.24. even unto the river Jabbok, whisichs is the 6 Keep therefore and do thes; for this is Jolsh. 1. 2. border of the children of Ammon; dtyour wisdom and your understanding in I d Job 28. 28. 17 The plain also, and Jordan, and the the sight of the nations, which shall hear Ps. 19. 7. & N.-s. 3-t.s. coast thereof, from YChein.snerethe..ev un- all these statutes, and say, Surely this great I51. 10. ].-s. t 34. 12. to tile sea of the plain, Seven thle salt sea, nation is a wise and understanding people. P5o5. 1.7. olt. 4. 49. Il under Ashdothtpisgah eastward. 7 For ewhat nation is there so great. twho ee 2 S.. 7. 23. Jos. 12. 3. 1 ~ And I commanded you at thathtime, hl fGod so nigh unto them, as the LORD fs. 46. 1. & eaGe. 14. 3. saying, The LORD your God hath given you our God is in all things that we call upon 148. e'Or, -ed- this l.ed to possess it: bye shall pass over him fol 14. the sl, s armed before your brethren the children of 8 And what nation is therle so great, that Is. 55. 6. ofPisgahor, Israel, all thal are I meet for tie war. hath statutes and judgments so righteous as sthe hill. 19 But your wives, andyour little ones, and all this law, whichl I set before you this,b/fa.32.20, your cattle, (for I knows that ye have muchl day? hs. cattle,) shall abide in your cities which I 9 Only take heed to thyself, and b/keep thy gProv. 4. 23. ltfst. ss1 s ef have given you; soul ditigently, tlest theos forget tIe thiegs IlP, e.. 3.1,3. Pss-ew~. 20 Until the LORD have given rest unto which thine eyes have seen, esnd lest they & 4. 21. your brethren, as well as unto you, and i~?t- depart froml tly heart all the days of thy lil they also possess the land which the life but iteach them thy sons, and thy,ies. so. 19. LORD your God eathl given them beyond sons' sons; |ch.e(.7. &111. Josh. 22. 4. Jordan: and thles shall ye ereturn every 10 Specially ktheb day that thou stoodedst 19. mas unto his possession, which I have given before the LORD thy God in Horeb, lwhen P.. 70.., 6. yos. the LORD said unto me, Gather me the Epl. 6. 4. dss-e27.18. 21 5 Atd 55 commaneded Joshua at that people together, and I will make thesm tear Se 5'2 6.t0. time, saying, Tline eyes have seen all that my words, that they may learn to fear me teb. 12. 18, the LORD your God hath done unto these all the days that they shall live upon the 19. two kings: so shall the LORD do unto all earth, and that they may teach their chilthe kingdoms whither thou passest. dren. eE. 14. 14. 22 Ye shall not fear them: for ethe LORD 11 And ye came near and stood under the O E.. 19.18. ]oh. l1. 30. & 20. 4. 3. your God lie shall fight for you. mountain; and tle Ie ounteie burned teii ee.52 fee20o.12. 23 And fI besought the LOD at at tt time, fire unto the t midst of heaven, with dark- t Heb..eest. fS-eeo. 12. saying, ness, clouds, and thick darkness. esh. 5. 4 22. 8, 9). 24 0 Lord GOD, thou hast begun to shew 12 "'And the LORD spa ke unto you out of i, yet. 33, 36. l 24 Lord GoD, thou hast begen to shew g di. ls2thy servant Olh y greatness, and thy mighty the midst of tie fire: "ye heard the voice oEe. 10. 22. |hyx l.5 t. ll nd: fo thy wha ntns G d i her Iin heaeno l. b.....11. hande: for heewht God is leres in heaven or f the words, but saw no similitude; t only 1Ki. 10.12.'s. 71.19. & is seath, that can do according to thy works, ye heet a voie. fH. ss 86,OB. h/O. t, and occording to thy sight? 13 Pend hie detlaredsnto you sis covenant, ee. 5. 2 I pray thee, let me go over, and see ithe lwhich lie commanded you to performee,.es9. 1, h.9 9, I1. it E. 3.8. good land that is beyond Jordan, that good-',ten commandments; and "he wrote them eqE.x 3i. 28.!/.'4. 22. ly mountain, and Lebanon. upon two tables of stone. | vEx.'24.12.&{ k um.20.12. 26 But the LORD kwas wroth with me for 14 ~ And'the LORD commanded me at 31. 18 -27. 14. your sakes, and would not hear me: and that time to teachl you statutes and judg-,sEx. 21.1. & eh.1.e7.&31. the LORD said ento me, Let it suffice thee; mesets, that ye iget do them in the land sct. 22. & oh. 2. &32.. 51,52. hither ye goover to possess it. 23. & 34. 41. s 27 eno -more unto me of this matter. Ps. 106. 32. 27 IGPt thes up into the top of IlPisgah, 23 Tkeye therefore good heed unto your- t Josh. 23. 11. i'ens. 27.12. and lift up thine eyes westward, and north- selves; for ye stw no mntner oflesimililtude seIs. 40. 18. /{Ot. Theehill. sward, and soutlhward, and eastward, and on the day that the eoRs spste snto y ou t..32.7. es. 7, behold it with thine eyes: for thou shalt in Horeb out of the midst of the fire pE. 2. 4.2. ent go oser this Jordan. t Lesyeieosptyo;ses, {d -. 2.5. sh.t.3h.&31. 28 But recharge Joshua, and encourasge pou a graven image, the similitude of any h. 5. 8. 3, 7. him, and strengthen hime: for he shall go figure,'the likeness of matle or female, zRom. 1.023. 132 [Exhortation to obedience. DEUTERONOMY. Three cities of refuge.,Be0. 1450. 17 Thile likesess of any bneast that is on the I.onders, and by en., and f by ne mighty B. C. 1451. earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that hand, and n/by a stretched out arm, hAand flieth in the air, by great terrors, according to all that the tIle. 13. 5. 18 The likeness of any thing that creepeth LORD your God did for you ill Egypt before e Es. 6. 6. on tile ground, the likeness of any fish that your eyes? el. 6. 8. & is in thie waters beneath thele earthl: 35 Unto thee itswas shoeed, that thoun might- 34. 12. hel. 17. 3. 19 And lest thou "lift up thine eyes unto est know that the LORD he is God; i t/sere i ol. 32. 39. Job31.2(i,27. heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and is noneelse beside sim.... O Gee 2. I. tihe moon, and tie stars, even ball the lhost 36 kOut of heaven he made thee to hear U 45t., 18, 22. 2 Kin.17.16. of heaven, shouldest be driven to ewershlip his voice, that lie mighlt instruct thee: and 22. & 21. 3. them, and serve them, whichl the LORD thy upon earth he shewed thee hisi great firee;'32. eR.-. i. 25. God iath lditided nnto all netions under and thou heardest his words out of the midst kE. 1., 1. key. 19.9.19. II Or,. the whole heaven. of the fire. & 20. 18, 22. semparstel. h20 But thie LORD hath taken you, and 37 And because Ihe -loved thy fatlhers, & i4. i(l. d I Kin. 8. 5. dblought you forth out of tihe ison furnae, thlerefore lie chose their seed after them, Hib. 12. 18. Js. 11. 4. even out of Egypt, e to be unto Ihim a people and "Ibrouglht tlhee out in Ihis sight with his I si. 10. 15. eec. 19. 5. of inheritance, as ye are this day. mighty power out of Egypt; m En. 13.3, 9,.h. 9.29. & 21 Furthermore fthle LORD was nngry with 38 b To drive out nations from before thee 14. 32.. me for your sakes, nndl sware Ilthant I lould greater and mightier thlan thou art, to bring, ch. 7. 1. & fNlu-n20. 12. not go over Jordan, and that I should not thee in, to give thee their land for s n in- 9.1, 4, 5. 1. 1. 37.h3. go in unto that good land, which the LORD heritance, as it is tlis lay. 2h. lbthy Godgiveth thee for an inheritance: 39 Know tlherefore this day, and consider StP2t. 1. 2d But YJ must die in this land, hI must it in thinoe Ieart, tihat eth e LORD h e is God over. 55. not go over Jordan: but ye shall go over, in heaven above, and upon the earth be- Jsli 2. 11 h ans. 1.17. end possess ithe geood land. netth: there is tone else. ish. 3. 2. 23 Tske heed unto yourselves, klest ye for- 40 2Tlhou shalt keep therefore his stntuts 2, e L. 22. 31. se. 9. got the covenant of t LORD yseour God, and his commandments, whlich I command ver. 16. bwhich he made with you, I and make you a thee thits day, 5that it may go wellewith thee, qch. 5. 16. & Be. 0.4,. graven image, or the likeness of any thieeg, and with thy children after thee, and that t.3, 13. b 12. which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thou mayest prolong tlhy days upon tile 25 2. 5 225 E.. 24. 17. thee. earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee,. hi. 9. 3. 24 F1or mthe LRD thy God is a consuming for ever... Is. 33. 14. fire, even " a jealous God. 41 ~ Then Moses rsevered three cities on SNsum. 35. 6, teh. 12% 9. 25 ~ When thou shalt beget children, and this side Jordan toward the sunrising; 14.,s.Ex. 20. 5. children's children, and ye shall have re- 42 SThat the slayer might iie thither, seh. 19. 4.' dh. 8. 1.|mned long ii tihe land, nd nshall corrupt which should kill Ihis neighbour unawarnes,. 42. 8. yoursees, and make a grsven image, o' and hanted him not in times past; and that.Ca. 10. the likeness of any thiep, and Ptshall do evil fleeing unto one ofttlse cities lie miglt live: 2 Iings 17. in the sigiht of the LORD thy God, to provoke 43 NsmeEly, p.ezer in tile wilderness, in t.... i20. 8. 17, &e. his to anger; the plain country, of the Reubenites; and [ eh30. 18,19. 2'II call heaven and earth to witness Ramoth in Gilead, ofthe Gadites; and GoI.. 1. 2.a againstyouthisday thatye shallsoonutter- lan in Bashan, of the DIanassites. | 6. 2. ly persis f'... off' the land ye-go 44 l And this is the law. hicleh Moses set.S. 26 33. over Jordan to possess it ye shall not pro- before the children of Israel N -l-.'. 8 long your days upon it, but shall utterly be 45 These are the testimonies, and the stattei28.55/3i destroyed. utes, and the judgments, which iloses spake t Sts-. 26ise. 22 And tesIse nORD shall scatter you among unto tlhe children of Israel, after they came Jer. 1. 13. the nations, and ye shall be left few in eum- forth out of Egypt, Pt p 115. 4, s. ber among the heathen, whither the LORD 4 Ofl this side Jordan, nin the valley over schl. 3. 29. & 13.. 15, 1. sha ll lead you. against Beth-peor, in the land of Sion king Is. 41. 9. & 28 And'there ye shall serve gods, thwork f thie Anorites, who dwelt st Heshlbon,. 7. ofmen's hands, wood and stone, twhiiclh whom Ioses and tihe children of Israel Lee. 26. 39, neither see, nor hear, nor set, nor smellt. smote, after they were come forth out of eum. 21.24. ste40. 29 "'But if from tences thou shalt eek lthe Egypt:.... 4. 2 Cdr. 15. 4 LORD thy God, thou shalt fined hiim, if thou 47 And they possessed his land, and the Eels. 1. 9. seek him weith all thy sheart and with all thy land seS Sg king of Bashan, two kings of yeNum.21.35. Is. 55. 6, 7. soul. tite Amorites, which tesre on this side Jor- l. 3. 3, 4. Jer.29.12,13, 30 When thoue art in tribulation, and all dan toward tihe sunrising; 14. these things t are come upon thee, Ieven 48 ZFrom Aroer, shichl is by tle bank of eeli. 2. 36. & tt... Isee in thelatter days, if ttlt. tturn totsleLORD the river A..on, sasn unto mount Sion,.. 13. fo-1t t:,;, thy God, and shalt he obedient unto hi his hi iserlemon., 9..3...'. 18. 8. es. 31. 17. voice 49 And all tilhe plain on this side Jordan.i..3..G.n. 49. 1. 31 (For tile LORD thy God is tn merciful eastward, even unto thIe ese of the plain, he. 31. 29l. God;)fIit will not forsake thee, neither de- under thle bsprings of Pisgah. hsi. 3. 17. Je-. 23. 20. stroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy tos. 3. 5. fathers, which hle setare unto them. CHAPTER V. yJoel 2. 12. 32 For Iask now of tie days that are past, I Tte eovesnse i,e diesb. 6.Ths te,- eomms,dz2 Chr. 30. 9. wllich were before thee, since tle day tiatt eses 2ee t t iel'stlet secet Eehl. 9. 31. Gold created man upon the earth, and ask l0teI s f, se. P. s16. 5. b from tihe one side of heaven unto the other, AND Moses called all Israel, and said Jonh. 2. [whether tre hat been ny c teebsth nn hig d.t_ unto thema, hle. 0 Israel, the staltJeb 8o. 8. as this great tlhing is, or hath been hIeard utes and judgments whlich I speak in your tHeb. keep ]1att. 24.31. like it? earst this day, that ye may learn them, and to do the. Ex.2d4. 11. & 33'Did ever people hear the voice of God tkeep and do them. 1491. 33. 20. speaklingoutof thle midst of theefire, s thou 2 "The LORD our God made covenant E. 19.. ch.e 5.l. t2eg. hast heard, and live? aith us in soreb. 5.. deh. 7. 13. & 34 fr hathe God assayed to ggoandcl take S The LORD Imnade not this covenant with Seealt.13. 923. 3. n [ ehi na sateon from thie midst of another nas- our fatlhers, but with us, even us, who aes 17. eEx. 7. 3. tion, dly temptations,'by signs, and by all of us here alive this day. ieb. 8. 9. 133 The ten commandmennt.s. DEUTERONOMY. Exhortation to obedience. B.C. 01451. 4'The LORD talked witho yo h face to face thi greattire will.onsuoouso: ifwe thear B. C. 1451. _ in the mount out of the nidot of thoe fire, the voic of the LORD our God any more, |E.. 19.9t,. 5 (01 stood between the LORDo and you at then we shall die. tt. 00. 16. & o20. 22. that time, to sheow you the word of tho LORD: 126 f Fbr who is theroe of all flesh, that hath teb. add to ct. 4. 33,36. for'ye were afraid by reason of the firo, and heard the voice of the living God speakinog tooei. & 4. 10. went not up into the mount,) saying, out of tho midst of tho fire, as wo hovo, and o fe. 4. 33. t oe.. 021. 06 ~ ftI tat the LORD thy God, which lived d d. 0.. brought thee out of tht land of Egypt, 27 Go thou near, and hear all that the eE.I19.10.0 from t&ot ouseof bondage. LORD our God shall say; and uspeak thou o E-. 20. 19 20.18. & 24.2. dSIL1 1b 2 9 20... 7 goThou shalt have none other gods before unto us all that tho LORD our Go b sll.. fE-:.20.2, &0. o speak unto thee; and we will hoear it, and |L-v 2(i L,hu hl o LoO. 0. tn8hT hou shalt not omako thee oany graoven do it. toh. b. 4. pot. to. toimago, or any likeness of oasy thing that is 28 And the L ORD heard the voico of your t Reb. in heaven abovo, or that is in the earth be- words, whon ye spake unto me; and tho Ioltoo0 neath, or that is in the waters benoath the LORD said unto me, I have heard the voico g E.. 20. 3. earth: of the words of this people, whico they have b7, o.. 204. 9 Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto spoken unto thee: hthey have well said all O h. 18. 07. them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy that they have spoken. t B. O1. 7. God a, a jealous God, ivisiting the iniqui- 290 Oh that there were such a, heart in ieh.32. 29. ty of the fathers upon the children toto the them, that thoy would foear mo, and keop P. 81.13. third and fourth oeneorationt of them that allmy toytloodment talways, Ithatitmight I. d. Iottaolo, ho ommtandhtentsoalwaod, tohttottmibhtd hift. 23.37. hate me, be well with them, aid with thoir children Luke 19. 42. |kt. 32. 18..10 k And shewing mercy unto thousands of for ever Ith. 11. 1.,o. 9. 4. othem tohat love me and keep my comm.ot d- 30 Go say to them, Get you into your tents Otto. 4.40. ments. again. I tE. 20. 7. 11 Thou shalt not take the name of the 31 But as for thee, stand thou here by me, bo-. tot. I3. LORD thy God in voino: for tot LORD till 000nd I will speak tooee tll tioe coot- tootot. t. 19. tOtt. 5. 3., not holdo ooo guiltless that taketh his namo mandmonts, and the statutes, and til judgin vain. ments, whioh thou shalt teach them, that 20E:. 20. 8. 12 "I Keep tho sabbath day to sanctify it, they may do themo in the land which I givO tas tile LOD thy God hath commanded thee. them to possoss it. |.. 23. 012.& 13'Six days thou shalt labour, and do all 32 Ye shall observo to do therefore as thio nott. 17. 20. & 35.0. othy orko ~ LORD your God hath coommanded you:'pye 28. 0.. Josh. 1. 7. &/ Et.55. t0. to 1OtBt the seventh day is tho Osabbath of shtll not turn aside to tho right hand or to 23.. oGen. 2. 2. the LORD thy God: ino it thou shalt not do the left. 4o. 27. -ot. 4. 4. Hob6,2 44 toyrokt, Otouo, too thy s000 too Otoy otaogto 33 Yt tsoalt toth to ot bl tootWay -whith tt. toh. to 1. ter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidserr- the LORD yo ur God hath commandod you, Pt. 009. 6. ant, nor thino ox, nor thino ass, nor any of thatyoe maylivo, I'and that it may be well Jer. 7. 23 thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within with you, and that ye may prolong yo00 LUkbr. thy gates; that thy manservant and thy days in the land which ye shall possess. otth 4 40 maidsorvaut may rest as well as thou. /P&. o. 15. e 15 tAnd retomember that thou wast a sorv- CHAPTER VI. |o.4.-. &5. t16. 12. & 24. ant in tholandof EOypt, and thaotthoeLORD I Then ofote ltooi, obedience. 3.A, ethort- 3. & 12.01. 08. 02. toy God brought toote out thonce OIthrougho a 0,00 t Hoto qeh. 4.34, 37. mighlty hand and by a stretched out arm:'tt W these are athe commandments,the oo therefore tho LORDo tly God commanded tt statutes, and tho judgments,Which tile b E.o 20. 20. theo to keep the sabbath day. LORD your God commanded to teach you, b h. l. 12.13.,tt. 20. 12. 10 H 0onour thy father and thy mother, that ye might do theOo in the land whither P.. 1 128. 1./ Lov. 19.3. as theLO RD thyGodohath comomandtd thee 00y t 0f t0o possess it: E-. 12. 13. th. 27. tO. s'that thy days may be prolongod, and that 2 b That thou mightest fear the LORD thy tth. 4.40. C it my go well with theo, in tile land which God, to keep all his statutes and his corn- Pro. 3. 2. Col. 0, 0, the LORD thy God gtivth thee. mandments, which I command thee, thou, td Get. 15.5.& h. 4. 40. 17 oThou tshalt tot kill. and thy son, and thy son's son, all tht doys 22 17. 18 1Neither shalt thou commit adultery. of thy life 0 and that thy days may be pro-. tM. 3O 8./ /Matt.i. 21. 19 tNeither shalt thou stoal. longod. fonI. 4. 8.,E.:. 20. 14. ~Yethe shlMhuberfl o w i n s:rk. 12. 29,[ ttLuke 18. 20. 2t. OYNeither shalt toou bear false witness 3 5 Hear therefore, 0 Israel, and observe to 32. jo 11. 2. against thy neighbour. do it; that it may be woell with thee, and J.ho17t.3. J~~mea a. 11. against thy neighbour. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o h n17.3. 21 0Noither shalt thou desire thy neigh- that ye may inotease mightily, das the O t or. 8.4, 6. /o to. 15. bour's wife, neithter shalt thou covet thy LORD God of thy fathers hath promised teh. 10. 12. /,. 13. 9. o O 020.100. neihgbour's house, his field, or his man- thee, in ethe land that feowoth with milk Ito!?t. 22.37. servant, or his maidservant, htis os, or his ad roney. M 3rk 1. 0. /=Ex. 00. 17. 0 Lket tO. 27. / |Ott. 2.0..0ass, or any thing that is thy neigthbour's. 4 fI ear, 0 Israel: The LORD our God is Lk 0.. AM:. 2. 121. U 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, 2Kbiu.23.25.! 000. 2.9. 22 ~ Theset words the LO:D spake unto all tne LORD: i e o;. 1 8. LukeO 1. 15. your asseombly in the mounto t o of tho midst 5 And s thou shalt lovo the LooD thy God 32. 40 13~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3. 9Q. Ro-.o.t7. & sof the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick Awith all thine heart, and with all thy soul, P. 37. 31. &7 t3.9. darkness, with a gro at voic0; and tie added and witt all thy might. 40. 8. & 119..E.. 2412. t no more. And Ilo wrote them in two tablos 6 And ithese words, which I command theeo 11,98. 31. 18. of stone, and delivered thtem unto me. this day, shall be in thine heart: Proo. 3. 3. eh.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 4. 73.I oh. 4. 13. 23 bAnd it came to pass, when yo beard 7 Aod kthou shalt tteach them diligentlyk ic4.t:9.&11.I tB.23.18,19t. the voice out of tohe midst of tile darkness, unto thy hildrent, and sttal talk of them 1dn (fot tbtemountain did burn Withfioe,)tloot ye Wohen thou sittest in thine house, and when Pt.78..4, 5, 6. camo near unto me, evet all tho heads of thou walkest by the way, and when thou Epl. 6. 4. your tribes, and your elders; list down, and when tiou risest up. t0. 00000 I24 Anddye sod, Behold, tho LoRD our God 8 lAnd thou sthalt bind them foo a sign oe 13.,. hath showed us his glory and his greatness, upon thine land, and they shall be o front- t o. 03.9. tO. E.. 19. 19. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h. it. 18.I tE.09. 019. oand Ote have heard his voice out of the lets between thine eyes. Prov. 3.0.& midst of the fire: we have seen this day 9 And thou shalt write them /pon the 6 -21'& 7.3. otottt of~be too; ototosootto Obotodoy tto~9tO" A tod tthotoshalt wroto pon..t Oe 6.to1... Ideoh. 4. 33. that God doth talk with man, and lie t livoth. posts of thy house, and ot thy gates. " t ch. 11. 20. Judg. 13.22. 25 Now therefore why should wo die? for t0 And it shall be, when tot LORD thy tIs.. 8. 134 Communication with DEUTERONOMY. the nations forbidden.:|B. C. 1451. God shoo have brought tthee into the land shalt make no covenantwith them, nor sheo B. C. 1451.. 1 which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abra- mercy unto them: ham, to Isaac, and to Jncob, to give thee 3 UNeither shalt thou make marriages with oJosO S. 3.12. Jo-h. 24.13. great and goodly cities,'whioh thOu build- them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto I 1W. 11. 2. Pa. 105. 44. edst not, his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take E- 9.02. 11 And houses full of all good things, unto thy son. which thou filledst not, and wells diggod, 4 For they will turn away thy son from folowhiol thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive lowilg me, that thoy nay serve other gods oh. 8.10,&. trees, whicht thou plantedst not; when hso wvill the anger o the LORD hbe kindled s oh. 6. 15. thou shalt have eaten and be full; against you, and destroy thee suddenly. Heb,. 12 Theo beware lest thou forgetthe LORD, 5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye tsndu,,t, or, whioh brought thee forth out of the land of shall idestroy their altars, and break down.. 23.24, & Esgntl. gypt, from athe house of tbondage. their nimages, and cut down their groves, 4. 13. I lh. 10.1,z00. 13 Thou shalt Pifear the LORD thy God, and burn their gratven images with fire. oh. 12. 2, 3. 13oat. il.. and serve him, and shnalt soear by his 6 Foor thou a.t a holy people unto the t He. Lnho 4. 8. name. LORD tly God: /the LORD thy God hath o, q 63 0010 14 Yu shall tot tgu afterosn the gods, Stfolni& Ps. 43.. l14 YO shall oftt go after ohther gods,'of chosen t hee to be a special people unto him- il I.9.' the gods of the people which are round self, above all peoplethat are upon the facea I. 14. 0. 65.16. about you; ot tte earth. 26. 19. *Jes. 4.2.h. 15(For tuthehnRDuthy God isoajealous God 7 The LORD did not set hlislove upon you, 0'. b;. 5. 7. & 12.16. among you;) "lest the anger of the LORD nor choose you, becauso ye were more in Jer. 2. 3. tho. 8. 19. h thy God hbe kindled against thee, and de- number than any people; for yoswro the I Eo. 19.5. 01. 28. stroy thee from off the f.ce.of the earth. fewest of all people: A. 3. 2. J. r. 25. 6. 1 Pet. 2. D.' " 16 ~ Ye shallnot tempt the LORD your 8 But hbecause the LORD loved you, and0.. oO. 10.. G God, Yas ye tempted himl in fassalh. because he would keep the oath which libe to. 10. 02. 20. 5. 17 oYeshallZdiligentlytkeep the aommand- had sworn unto your fathers, P..ath the to,. 10. 15.... ments o the LORD your God and his testi- LORD broughlt you out with a mighty hand, o. 00. 13. mn o h O yu o and his stttes w ichh a h,.3.3 -sh.3.4.hL' monnits, and his statutes, which he Oath and redeemed you out of the house of bond- Ps. 105. 8, 9, 7. tcommanded thee. men, from t he hand of Pharaoh king of 1. t 3lolt. 4 - n lu t~nOduta tb4 ih Looho 1. 05 Luke 4'. 18 And thou "shalt do that which is right Egypt. 7, 3 and good in the sight of the LORD; that it 0 Know therefore tha the LORD thy God,. 17. 2,7. may hbe ell witlhl thee, and that thou mayest he is God, qthe faithful God, which keep-.13.1 Nnuo.00.0,a. God,. 1.h h21. 4, gu in and possess the good land which the eth covenant and mercy with them that love 14. 7.9. I l-. 1.9.7 I o cfr. o o. 0. LORD soarto nto tty fathers, him and keep his commoandments to a thou- 10l 13. 10. 13./ -z ch. 11.13,22. 13 1b To cast out all thine enemies from be- sand generations; 2 Co. 1. 18. Ps. 119. 4. fore thee, as the LORD hath spoken. 10 And repayeth them that hate him to Thos..2. E ex. 15.' 2. 20 A-d /C0hen thy son asketh thee tin their face, to destroy them: theo ill not' be 2 stu s 3. thO. 10. 28. 0 time to come, saying, What mean th testi- slack to him that hateth him, he will repay so'ip211. J13. 18. monies, and the statutes, and the jud- him tu his face. 1 Jo 1. 9. o Num.33.52, metts, which the LORD our God hath co- 11 Thou shlt therefore keep the command- 20 53. J enddyo.. 20. 90.. m0. mnded oyoul ments, and the statutes, and the judgments, t E. 13. 10. 21 Then thou shalt say unto thy son, We which I command thee this day, to do them. tt l,.on.o wereOt's bondmen in Egypt; and 12 ~ UWherefore itshall cometo pss, tif D.. 4. owt. the LORD brought us out of Egypt tdwith a ye heatrken to these judgments, and keep.Is. 59. 18. Iex. 3. 19. & mighlty hand: and do them, that the LORD thy God shall th. 1. 2. 13. 3. 22 eAnd the LORD showed signs and won- keep unto thee Ithe covenant and the mes - t hs. 32. 35. eE.. 7.& 8. & ders, great and t sore, upon Egypt, upon cy which he swaroe unto thy fathers: uL.v. 26. 3. 9. &10.& Ol. Pharoh, and upon all is household, tbfre 13 Andhe willO love thee, and bless thee, ch. 28. 1., ]& o 1... tyts.and multiply thee: Zhe will also bless thle IX 15 9. U ys 23 And he brought us out from thence, fruitofthy womb, and the fruit ofthylad, Ps. 105. 8.9. H'b. sil, that he might bring us in, to give us the thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the Luke 1. 55, foss. 2. land which tie sware unto our fathers. increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy 72, 73. Jh. 10. 13. 14 And the LORD commanded us to do all sheep, in the land which he swart unto thy yJohn 14.21. Joh 35. 7,. these statutes, f to fear the LORD our God, fathers to give thee. osl 28. 4. J er. 30. 0 for our good always, that he might pro- 14 Thou shalt be blessed above all people: h.4.I hlL. serve us alive, as it is at this day. athero shall not hbe male or female barren Ex. 03. 26, Os 410 2' &C. Luthls0 28. 25 nd iit shallbe our righleousness, if we among you, or among your cattl, e. observe to do all these commandments be- 1And the LORD Will the aay from thee 1o. 24'. 3, fore the LORD our God, as he bath com- all sickness, and will put none of the bevil laE.. 14. h 19. lo.3,3. manded as. diseases of Egypt, whichthouknotest, upon 15. 20;. CHAPTER VII. thee; but will lay them upon all themt that e. 2i8.27,60. Alln — i-~,oitk hts, sfeidds ~ ~hate thee. l All eommunlo,~ wcith the i~atlot,s is for~ialden, 4fov, t. of ido,,ttty, O fovt hoosss of ths 16 And e thou shalt consume all the people ever. 2. o h. 31t 3. pwopl/, 9 fov he,Ot'ut' of God in his mescy which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; _and iustie, 17 foe ohe atusedness of vicory dthine eye shall have no pity pon them: dch. 13. 8. & P.l 44. 2, 3. hiOttoJ tGtdsoill seas toh. neither shalt thou serve their gods; foo that 1. 13. 21. en. 15. 19, 2.5. 12. ho. UT OHEN tle aLORD thy God shall bring il be as uno th. Ix. 33. 0. 5~ thee into the land whitee thoe gost 17 If thou shalt say in thine heart, Thteso to. 23. 33. clh 4. 38.9. to possess it, and lath cast out many na- nations are more thanI; how can Ifdis- ud. 1.730. 1. tions before thee, Ithe Hittites, and the possess them? P.. 10it 36. Idver. 3. Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the 18 LThou shalt not be afraid of them: but ftto.33.53. sh. 23.14. Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the shalt well hremember what the LORD thy e Let. 27. 28, IHivites, and the Jcbusites, seven nations God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt; gst. 31. 6. 19. 5greater and mightier than thou; 19 i Tho great temptations which thine eyes0 0.. 103. 5. N-um.33.52. 2 And when the LORD thy God shall dde. saw, and the sigas, and the wonders, a-d itt. 4. 31. 0 oh.20.16, 17. liver them before thee; thou shalt smite the mightyhand, and the stretched out arm, 20.3. J-ho t. 17h thn&t d 8. h 2 9...4. the-, eIutterly destroy them; fthou wlteeby the LORD thy God brought thee & 10. 28, 40. & 11.11,120 f. 2fE 3. & 34. 13 15, 16. Judg. out: to shall tte LORD thy God do unto all 2. 2. See o. 20. 10, &h. Jost. 2. 14. 18. Jotg. 1. 24. the people of thon thou art afraid. 135 : Exhortatillon to obedience. DEUTERONOiVlY. Moses rehearsethj B. C. 1451. 20 klloreover the LORD thy God will send thy God, in not keeping his commandmen ts, B. C. 1451; the hornet among them, until they that are and his j.tdgnments, and his statutes, whilich JFh. 23.28. left, and hide themselves from thee, be de- I comniand thee this day: Josh. 21. 12 stroyed. t2,Lett when thou hast eaten and art full, Ioeh. 28.47. & INu-e. 11.50. 21 Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt 32, 15. h 14.3.14,22 &4 914. fors the LORD thy God is iamong you, "a therein; P o. 0. & 16. 3. Josh. 3. 10. mighty God and terrible. 13 And then thy herds and thy flocks mul- e nll. 10. 17. 22 "And the LORD thy God will tput out tiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multit Ne.h.l.5.&4. those nations before thee by little and lit- plied, and all that thou hast Is multiplied; 14. & 9. 32. tle: thou mayest not consume them at once, 14 PlThen thine heart be lifted up, and 2,1 Co. 4.7. sEx.23.-9,30. lest the beasts of the field incseaseaupon thou forget the LORD thy God, which PI. 106.'1.,tHeb. luei thee. brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, qf' 23 But the LORD thy God shall deliver froi the house of bondage; tHbeb. bqe-s them tutle thee, and shall destroy them 15 Who lied thee through that great and e.Is.63.te,13, fhyj'-,e, ver. W4 ]ye2. w ith a mighty destruction, until they he de- terrible wilderness, ehesrein teere fiery 14r. 2.. Jesh. e0.24, stroyed. serpents, and scorpions, and droughlt, mWhere s. 2 6. 25, 43. & 12. 24 And "ho shall deliver their kings into there aes no water; t who brought thee Is. r. 21. B. 1, &c. thine hand, and thou shalt destroy their forth water out of the rook of flint; es. 13. 5. p E. 17. 14. name Ptfroi under iheaven: qthers shall no 16 Who fed thee in the wilderness mith N, Ns. 2.11..h.9'.141.&M. Ps. 78. 15. &c. 9..&5. man he able to stand before thee, until thou mannisa, whichl thy fathers knew not, that 114. 8. 19. h e. e20. have destroyed them. lie might Ihumble thee, and that hlie gight &ver.3. Josh. 1. 5. & "Jeet. lii.2~s h Thle genoan images et theis gsda 5shsill peese thee5 itt de lhse gesd at thy lattss 5 10.t8. 23.9. ye buen witlh ftire: thou s shalt not desirethe end; Je.51. 5.6. es. e. s..ilver or gold that is on them, nor take ie 17 YAnd thou say in thine heart, My powere ebh. 12. 11. Es. 32. 20. untothee, lest thou be snartd therein: fote and thle.ight otfiine hand hath gotten me...h.. 4. ch. 12. 3. it is'at abomination to the LORD thy this eealth. Les. 4..7. 1 Chlr. 11. 12. God. 18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy sJosh.7.1,21. 20 Neither shalt thou bring, an abominations God: for it is he thtt gieth thee power to Pte.l0.22...Td. 8. e27. into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing get tealth, that ie may establihiscove- He 2. 8.. 1.. like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and nant Which he sware unto thy fathers, as it e oh. 7. 8, 12. li ke i t: b ~ tho shal terydt s~ it, an Tev. 27. 28. theu shalt utterly abhor it;'for it isa is this day. uh.. sesed thing. 19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget Jesh. g. 17, the LORD thy God, and walk after other 18. & 7. 1. CHAPTER VIII. gods, and serve them, and worship them, An exhotlatl ito obedieice is rsgard of God's bI testify against you this day that ye shall 6 h. 4. 26h & dmlien wich tl.r. surely perish. 30. 18. ALL the commandments which I com- 20 As the nations which the LORD destroytlh.d4. 1. h5. eand thee this dty 5lshall ye observe eth before your face, iso shall ye perish; cDtau.t.ll,12. 32, 33. & 6. 1, to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and because ye would not be obedient unto the 2, 2. go in and possess the land whith the LORD soice of the LORD your God. sware unto your fathers. 2 And thou shalt remember all the Way CHAPTER IX. behl. 1. 3. & 2. which the LORD thy God bled thee these Ioses disstiadelth them ftom lhe pinio,- of the' 7. & 29.. Iforty years in the wilderness, to humble Iow lghteo- snless, y esleasrsin thei. sesbyal P.. I thee, aned'to prove tlee, idto knoew what lis. Ai s.. in thine lheart, whether thou wouldest TJEAB, 0 Israel: Tlhitrt to tpass over -l. 11. 31. sEe. 16. 4. hkeep his command mehnts, or no. 1.1 Jordan this day, to go in to possess Josh.3.hl.h& si2. 1r. 32.31 n ehmldteadeufrte.he 1,. t 3 2Aid le taumbled tiee, atd sufferedilithe nations bigreater nude mightier thian thyself, 4. 19. et 2 01,. 32.31. to lunger, and f fed thee iith manna, whicih cities gre't and efenced up to heaven, bch. 4. 38. & sJshlg2S. 2. thtou newest not, neither did thy fathers 2 A people great and tall,,the children of7.1. & 11.23. -.. 16. 2, 3. ki; that lie might make thee klow.tliat the Anakim, whem thou k.noest, a.d ef I.. 1. 28. 5ftE-.16.12,14, man doth Ynot live by bread only, but by tehot tiou hast heard sey, Who can stand dINm.- 13.i22 [gP.1-.2.[every word that pioed t o u 2fthmut esesysseed that peiseede. out ofithe moueth hbefoite the children of Anak 28, 32, 33. Pa. Lr104. e29 of the LORD doth man live. s3 Understand tlherefore this day, that the Matt1. 4. 4. Lukeh4.4. 4 hThyeraimentlwaxed notold upon ithee, LORD thyGddis hlie waitich goeth over be- ehl. 31.3. helh. 5.2.5. neither did thy foot swell, these forty years. fore thee; as a fconsuming fire lie shell J-hl. S. 11. tilt. 9. 21.'iThou shalt also consiitder is thinte heart, destroy them, and he shall bring them downe fel. 4. 2-. i m. 7.2S 11. that, as a man chsteneth tie son, soe theI before thy face: t shalt thou drive them Hob. 12.e29, r,. 80. n2. LORD thy God chasteteti thee. out, anddetroy they quickly, as the LORD g h. 7. 23. Prov.i. 13. 6 Thelrefore thou shalt keep the command-. hath said unto thee. h El..23.31. Itel,. ieee(...ments of the LORD thy God, kto walk in his 4'Speak not thou in thine heart, after si. 7.24. Rev. 3. 19. ways, and to fear him. tatt the LORD thy God hath cast them out t th. 8. 17. keh. 5. 33. 7 For tlho LORD thyeGod bringetli thee in- from before thee, saying, For my right- Rot.ll.i,20 Ih. I. 10,Il, to a good land, a t land of brooks ofwater eousness the L..ORD.Id brought in to 1 C.. 4.4,.7. It. of fountains and depthis that spring out of possess:thlis land: but kfor tile wickedness kGen. 15.16. | valleys and hills; of tlhese nations the LORD doth drive them Iev. 18. 2-4, 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, out from before thee. ec. and fig trees, and pomtegranates; a land 5 INot for thysrighteousness, or for the up- 1. 12 t eb. oflive t t of oil olive, tand honey; rightness of thine heart, dost thou go to pos- e Tit. 3.5. 9ttsAsftii. O land siereiss thou shalt eat bread sess their land: but for thie wickeldness of without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any these nations the LORD thy God doth drive,sCh. 33.25. thing in it; a land'whose stones a'e iron, themout from before thee, and that ltie iay and out of whose hills thou mayest dig perform "lthe eord.wlich the LORD s.are e.G...12..7.. brass. unto thy fathers, Abrahamh Istec, ted Ja 13. 1.5. & 15.,ch. 6. l,12. 10'When thou hast eaten and art full, cob.. h 17.8. h then tsho shalt bless thi LORDt thy God 0 Understltd therefore, that the LORD tlihy 2.4.& 28.13. for the good land which lie halth given God givethl thee not this good lanid to possess thee., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n er. 13. th ete. it tfor thy righteousness; for thou art la Et. 32. e. h 1 Lt~eware that thou forget noe the LORD tiffnecked ttople. 33.3. &34. 9. 136 Israel's rebellions. DEUTERONOMY. The two tables restored. B. C. 1451. 7 S Reeember, and forget not, howv thllou 24 qe have been rebellious against the I B. C. 1451. |provokedst tle LO1RD thy God to wrath in LORD from the day that I knew o. oEx. 14.11. & tile wilderness: vfrom tile day that thou 25 "Thtus I fell dlowl bcbre the LeRlt for-,ice. J1. 27. 1i. 2. & 17.2. didst depart out of tile land of Egypt, until ty days anlll ebrty nmights, ls I fell down at, vr. 18. Nu" 11.4., ye clnee unto this place, ye have been re- thte Jibst; because the LORD loal said lie 20.2 &125.2.h bellions against the LO1RD. mould destroy you.. 8Also /'in Horeb ye provoked tie LORD 26'I prayed therefore unto the LORD, sE-. 32. 11,. to wrath, so tihat the LO-RD weas angry with and said,, Lo GOD, destroy no ty po- e. 1491. you to have destroyed you. ple ad tlille inlheritatnce, hicll tlloll last 4 91' 9When I was gone up into the imount to redeemned thllrough thygreatness, whllichll thou gE. 2i.12,15. receive tile tables ot stone, even the tables lhast brought lorth out of Egypt with a of the covenant which the LORD made Witl mighty s:hand. re. 24. 18. & you, then'1 abode in tile mosunt forty days 27 tlemember thy servants, Abraham, 34. 28. and fotbrty nights; I neither did eat brcad Isaac, and Jacob; look not unto tl:he stubnor drink watter: bornlless of this people, nor to their ewickB Er. 31. 18. 10'And the LORD delivered unto me tweo edness, nor to their sill: tables of stone lwritten witlh the finger of 28 Lest tthe land whellnce thou broughtest t e. 41. 57. God; and on them tzas wtittens according us out say, "Becase tlse LORD was not lnln. 14.'5. to all the words wellich tile LOeRD spsleC with able to bring tl.hemt inlto the land,which l tE.. 3yO. 12. you in the mount, out of tle midst of the promised thlelm, and because he ihated them, eUtes 11. 16. EM. 19. 17. & fire,-tin tlie day of the assemnbly. lhe hlathl brought them out to slty them in e20. 1. 11 And it came to pass at the end of forty thie ildetless. t,.4.IO.&. 10. days and forty nights, thSat the LORD gave 29'Yet tley are tly people aed tXlinc in- Iit4. 20. 42 &et lthey reo tIy peeple et the t- 1g8.51. me tile two tables of stone, even the tables i.eritance, whictl thoue brougltest out by thy el. 1. 10. of tte covenant. mighty power and by thy stretched out arm. 1o. 05. 7. eox.o32.7. 12 And tie LORD said unto me, "Arise, get thee down quickly from hence; for thy CHAPTER X. people vhich thou hast brought forth out of 1 God's metey isl oeseetot'il the steo Itbles, 6 itt Egypt have corrupted themselves; they cottrtinit tthe steethood. 8 i, sepaltlt the e3eCe.31. 29. ale e'quickly turned aside out of tle way ttibe of' Levi, 10 itl heakettg etlo.lloses' Jud1. 2. 17. whlich I commanded them; they have made t fte eoe 12 A. eortatio. ltLet them a molten image.!E.. 32.. 13 lFurtllermoretsthe LORD spake unto me, A T tllat time the LOIeD said unto me, 1491. saying, I have seen this people, and, be- L -lw thee tvotableshofstonclike unto s. 4.1,2. svere. 6. ho'd, -it is a stiffinecked people: the first, and' come up unto mce into the eil. 10. 1. 14 " Let me alone, that I may destroy them, mount, anDd b make thee al ark of wood. e, Ex. 25. 10. 31, 27. eaned 6 blot out their naeee froee under hleact- 2 And 1 will write on the tables Ille words Ix.25. 125.,21. 2Ki,. 17.14. n: Cand I will make of thsee'a nation that were in the first tables whllich thou dEx.2i5. 5,10. a Ex. 32. 10. mightier and greater th than they. brakest, and cthou shalt put tlhem in the & 37. 1. 6ch. 29. 20. 1i eSo I turned and came down from the ark. eED. 31. 4. P.9.5. & 100. mount, and'the mount burned withl fire: S And I made an ark of lslhittim wood, fE. 34. 28. 1,P"9'' 3. &' and tlhe two tables of the covenant tuere in and Cleweed two tables of stone like unto tile t Hcb. toede. cNule. 14.1. my to llands. first, and cent up into tle mlount, ltaving qE. 20.t. tEe. e32. 15. 1(; And fl looked, and, behold, ye tad the two tables in mine land. Ee, 2 1 E. 19.. sinned aainst the LORD your God, and 4And fte wrote on the tables, accordinlg E.t9.10.& 17. e,.4. 11. &. lad ade you a molten calf: ye I sad turned to tbe first e ritillg, the tein t eommandmee ts, Cii. 23. aside quickly out of the way twhich the s whieh the LOuD spake unto you in the Ex. 34. 290. fE:. 32.19. LORD had commanded you. inount, out of tie midst of the fire, Ain the kEx. 40.20.'17 And I took the twIo tables, and cast day op tile assembly: and tile LORPD gave I e I.2. them out of my two hands, and brake themt them unto me. lt1 gs 8 9. before your eyes. 5 And I turned myself and ecame down D Ex. 04. 28. 18 And I Yfell down before the LORD, as from the mount, and l put tle tables il the 2,slln. 37.30. Pe. 10b.23. at the first, forty days and forty nights: I ark whlicll I had Inade; lnnd tiero they be, 2os-um.'20.28. did neither eat bread nor drink water, be- as the LORD comlnne nde(l me. &:.: 8. cause of all your sins vllill ye sinned, in 6, And the children of Israel took their eNucm 33.32, doing wickedly in tile sight of the LORD, to jour.ney from Beerott t' of the chlildren of 3:t. provoke him to anger. Jaakan to'Mosera: ~there Alaron died; qNlum.3.6.&r hEx.32.10,11. 19 hFor I was afraid of the anger and hot and there lie was buried; and Eleozar his 4.4. h. 14. displeasure, helteieevith the LOP.D was roteh son ministered in thle priest's office in his i 1G. 9. iEx. 32.14. & against you to destroy you. i But tlle LORD stead. 1 Num. 4. 15. 33. 17. hearl;ened unto me at thlat time also. 7 2' From thence they journeyed unto Oud-. lh. 18. 5. ch. 10. 10. 2I) And tile LORD'eas sery angry mitll godeh; and from Gudgodah to Jotbath, a, Lev. 9. 22. Pt. 10e. 23. Acron to slave destroyed him: y and I pr e of rivers of w vaters. Nel. G. 23. for A' ron also the same time. 8 ~ At that time q the LORD separated the it. l21. 5. k Ex. 32. 20. 21 And kI took your sin, the calf whlich ye tribe of Levi;,'to bear the ark of tile cov- Num. 18. 20, Is.31. 7. lad made, andhburnt it withfire, and stamp- enant of the LORD, Sto stand before the 24. ed it, and ground it very smell, evest until LORD to minister unto hlim, and tto bless ez. 44. 28. it was as small as dust: and I cast the dust in ]iis name, unto tils day. * E..4. 28. thereof into the brook that descended out of 9'WhIseefore Levi hath no part nor ine- o1. 9. 18, 25. tile Dount. heritance with his brethren; the LORD ti im..,3, 22 Ad at ITaberahl, and at ttltassall, iis illseritance, according as the LO1D tly i a. 5. andatt t Ribees attas e prooked tttaaahe God, ye promivoked e od rom ised. 191. s Ex. 17. 7. LOoD to wrath. 10 And;s I stayed in the mount, acordinEg 321491. tLNu,. 11 4, 23 Likeweise ~shen the LoR l) sent you to thle lfirst timee, forty days and forty e34. 13.117. 31. from Kadeshl-barnea, saying, Go up and siglsts; and Ythe LoR) ihearklened unto me l. 9. 9.19. o Num. 13.3. 3possess tle'land whllich I leave given you; at that time also, cnd the LORD would not z Ex. 32. 31. & II. 1, then ye rebelled against tle commandment destroy tl:ee. &.3. 1.' Pa. 10t. 24, of the LORD your God, and i'ye ibelieved 11 eAndl the LORD said unto me, Arise, tHell. *o i,0 25. him not, nor hearlened to his voice. t take thy journey before the people, that jots..ley. 131 An exhortation DEUTERONOMY. to obedience.: B. C. 1451. they may go in and possess tile land, which 8 Therefore shall ye keep all the command-B. C. 1451. Iswatre uto their fthers togive untother. ments ehich I comme nd you this day, that iee 6..8. 12 ~ And now, Israel, I what doth the ye may k be strong, and go in and possesse J-htt.t.te,7. bch. 6.13. LORD thy God require of thee, but l, to the land, whither ye go to possess it; cch. 5.33. fear the LORD thy God, Ito walk in all 9 And ithat ye may prolong your daystin Ic h.4.40. &5. ch. 6. 5. & his ways, and dto love him, and to serve the land, "'which the LoRD sware unto 16. 11. 13. & 30. the LORD thy God with all thy heart and your fathers to give unto them and to their POv. 10. 27. 16, 20. with all thy soul, seed, oa land that fowetlh with milk and eoatt.29 5. iett.22.37. 13 To keep the commandments of the honey.,tE.. 3. 8. celh. 6. 21. LORD, and his statutes, which I command 10 For thle land, whither thou goest in to fl Kinais.27. thee this day'for thy good? possess it, is not as the land of Egypt, from Ps. ti5. 16. & 14 Behold, ftle hieaven and the heaven of whence ye came out, O where thou sowedst oZeel. 14.18. 118.4. heavens is thie LORD'S thy God, the earth thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as yGet. 14. 19. also, with all that therein is. a garden of herbs: E,.. 19. b 15 Only thie LORD had a delight in thy 11'But thle land, whither ye go to possess peht. 8. 7. re. ee. 1. fathers to love them, and he chose their seed it, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinlkheh.4.:7. after them, tvee you above all people, as i elth water of the rain of heaven: iSee Ler. 6. is this day. 12 A land which tite LORD thy God 413. 16 Circumcise therefore i the foeskin of t careth for: q the eyes of the LORD they [tte,.teetkh. eh. 30. 6. J. you heart, and be no more kstiffnecked. God nre always upon it, from the begin- q Il Kigs 9.3. nRn. 2. 28, 17 For the LottD your God is;God of ning of the year even unto the end of the 29. gods, and "'Lord of lords, a great God, 11a year. Col. 2. 11. mighty, and a terrible, which tregardeth 13 I And it shall come to pass, ifye shall ell. 0. 6, 13. not persons, nor taketh reward:. hearken Vdiligently unto my command-' eet.22. I Joel 22 22 18 bIde doth execute tihe judgemnlt of the ments which I comnmaod you this day, eto ch. 6. 17. PF. 6. 2. fathierless and widowe, and loetlh tilhe stran- love the LORD your God, and to serve him ee. 10. 12. 36~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2h.1.1. Dan. 2. 47. get, in giving him food and raiment. with all your heart and with all your soul, & It. 36. 19 iLoee ye thereforte te stranger: for ye 14 That tI will give yoze the rain of your t Leo. 26.4. n.ev. 17.14. were strangers in thie land of Egypt. land in his due season,, the first rai and eh. 28. 12.: 10. 16. 20 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in t Joel 2.23. L c. 7. 21. lhim shalt tiou serve, and to lim shalt thou thy corn, andl thcy wine, and thine oil. Janee 5.7. o2 Chr. i. 7. tcleave, land swear by his name. 15 tAnd I will tsend grass in thy fields zP.. 104. 14. Joat 34. 19. 1 "Hle is thy praise, and he is thy God, for thy cattle, that thou mayest'Jeat and be t I0h ie. Actta 10. 34.:that hath done for t the these great and full. y....Rom. 2.11l. c 6 1 ott. 2. ii. terrible things, whiclh thine eyes have seen. 16 Take heed to yourselves, Zthat your Joel 2.t19. Ca.2. CJ. Ep. 6. 9. 22 Thy fathers went down into Egypt heart bhe not deceived, and ye turn aside, zch. 29. 18. Col. 3. 235. Ywith threescore and ten persons; and now and'serve other gods, and worship them; Job 31. 27. 1 eat. 1. 17. the LORD thy God hathi made thee -as the 17 And then b the LORD's wrath beo kindled,eh 8. 19. 8 1,P. 68. 5. stars of heaven for multitude. against you, and hie'shut up the heaven, 30. 17. 1i4. t. hLec. 19. 33, 34. -c t. 0. 13..Lntl. 4. 10. Luke4. 8. that tiere be no rain, and that.the land baih.. 15. tale. 11. 22. &13. 4. 1. 63. ii., E.. I5. 2i2.P.22.3. Jae. yield not her fruit; and lest lye perish IeKi~ 8. 35. 17. 14. ci Ien. 12.24. 2.-. 7. 23. Pt. 101.21, 22. tetGe. quickly from off the good land which the 2 Chr. (i. 26. 46. 27. En, 1.5. Aet 7. 14. ten. 15..1.S. 1. 10. I it. 1. LORD gietc you. & 7. 13. 18 ~Therefore eshall ye lay up these my tlch. 4. 2. & CHAPTER XI. words in your heart and in your soul, and 8.19,20.&30. 1 Ae St. ien It - teotimeeti 2 Cci eteon b i - fbind them for a sign upon your hand, 18. pelneov o' ra ok, c by pour o Josh 23. 13,. Iecteeeee tofG.W', Osent tee, 0 St tetee ef - b that they may be as frontlets between your 10.. Code greot bleesing, 16 nnd by hrseaeiellete1. eyes. 18A caresful study etil'eied Godt's toreds. 19 O And ye shall teach them your chil- h.6.6.&32. 26 The blesslng and cure is set befo-e the,. 46. dren, speaking of them when thou sittest fete. C. 8. nt. 10.12.1 & HE, REFORE tioo ehalt tells the LOon in t4.ine houe, end then tiou te byle. 4]9ly 20. 10.J20. thy God, and b keep his charge, and hIis the way, when thou liest down, and when 7.j bZeeh. 3. 7. statutes, and his judgments, and his oom- thou risest up. mandments, alway. 20 hAnd thou shalt write them upon the Ith. 6. 9. 2 And know ye this day: for I spceak not door posts of thine house, and upon thy witlh your chlildren lwhich have not known, gates: ech.t. 5. and whlich have not seen ethe chastisement 21 Thatiyour days may be multiplied, and i clh. 4. 40. &,tIh. o. ii. of the LORD your God, thlis greatness, ehis the days of your children, in thie land which (. 2. ~, ch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ie. 0. 19h mh.7.. ighty hand, and his stretched out arm, the LORD sware unto your fathers to give OlP. 3.2. /An his miace s 19d hi acts h 4. 10. & 9. 11.: f. 7. 12. 3 fAncd tis miracles, end his ete, hich then, kas the days of heaven upon the kPs.72. 5. 3l5. 9. he did in tihe midst of Egypt unto Pharaoh earth... 135, 9. 9 9 the king of Egypt, and unto all his land; 22 [ For iflye shall diligently keep all these r. 1. 4 And what hlie did unto the army ofEgypt, commandments whichl I command you, to do 17. unto teir horses, tand to their chariots; them, to love the LORD your God, to walk oE.14.27,2t. how ie made tihe water of the Red sea to in all his ways, and lto leave unto him;,,e eh. 10. 20. | & 15. 9, 10. overflow them as they pursued after you, 23 Then wii theLORD n driveout all these 30. 20. i I and how the LORD hathi destroyed thlem nations from before you, and ye shall O pos. tch. 4. 380. 1 unto this day; sess greater nations and mightier than 9.5. 5 And what lie did unto you in the wilder- yourselves. ocehl. 9. 1. h N.-. 16- 1, ness, until ye came into this place; 24 t Every place whereon the soles of your p Josh. 1.3. & 31. h27. 3. A3 And lnwhat he did unto Dathan and Abi- feet shall tread shall be yours: from the i4. 9. I..1 ram, thie sons of Eliab, thie son of Reuben: wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the q Ge. 15. 18. te. ticia lhow thie earth opened her mouth, and swal- river Euphratecs, even unto the ttermoset e. 23. 31.'etica ftle lowed tl.em up, aed their households, and sea shall your coast be. Oetn. 34. 3, ltaeJt lree. Ilei leants, tetd tell 11c eohIlnubtett Il 3t ecatlaenl teote hc. 1owe,,d tAe, their tents, and all the [Isubstance that 25 "There shall no man be able to stand tHeeb. twast toas in their possession, in the midst ef before you: for the LORD your God shall ech. 7. 24. thetefet. all Israel: Slay tihe fear of you and thie dread of you eh. 2. 25. ith. 5. 3. 7 But;your eyes have seen all the great upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, 7.i19. acts of the L Ro which he did. as hle hath said unto you. ee. 23..27. 138 A blessing and a curse. DEUTERONOMY. Blood is forbidden. B.C. 1451. 20 V Behold, I set before you this day a LORD your God shall choose to cause his B. 0. 1451. blessting and a curse; name to dwellthero; thither shall yo bring:/ h~. 30.1,155, 27 -A blessin, if ye obey the command- all that I command you; your burnt offer[19. {ments of the LORD your God, which I coo- ings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and s. 28 2;. manld youthisday: thle heave offering of your hand, and all y oh. 28. 15. 28 And a -curse, if yo will not obey the tyour choice vows which ye vow unto the t ueb. commandment s of the LORD your God, but LORD: the choice of turn aside out of the way which I command 12 And yoe shall rejoice before the LOD yo o. you this day, to go after other gods, which your God, ye, and your sons, and your tY. 7 ye lave not known. daughters, and your menservants, and your 29 And it shall come to pass, when the maidservants, and lho Levite that is within LORD thy God hath brought thee in unto your gates; forasmuchl as Ohe hath no part ch. 1,.9. & the land whither thou goest to possess it, nor inheritancoe with you. 14.29. 20. sh. 27.12,13. that thou shalt put Zthc blessing upon 13 "Take heed to thyself that thou oiffer s Le,. 17.14. Josh. 83.33. mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount not thy burnt offerings in every place that Ebal. thou seest: 30 Are they not on the other side Jordan, 14 SBut in the place which the LORD shall ses. 11. by the way where tihe sun goeth down, in choose in one of thy tribes, thlers thou shalt the land of the Canaanites, which dwell in offer thy burnt offerings, and there thou a Gen. 12. 6. tie champaign over against Gilgal, beside shalt do all that I command thee. {Judg. 7. 1. the plains of /oreh?1 15 Notwithstanding, ttllhou mayest kill and t es. 21. b oh..l. 1. 31 For ye shall pass over Jordan to go in eat flesh it all thy gates, whatsoever thy Josh. 1. 11. to possess tile land which the LORD your soul lusteth after, according to the blessing God giveth you, and ye shall possess it, of the LORD thy God owhich he hiath given and dwell therein. thee: "tthe unclean and the cleau may eat ues. 22. -oh. 5. 32. & 32 And ye shall observe'to do all the thereof, as of the roebuck, and as of the ch. 14. 5. & 12. 32. statutes and jndg.ments which I set before hart. 15. 02. you this day. 16 YOnly ye shall not eat the blood;ye Get. 9. 4. ~CH ~APTER XII~ shall pour it upon the earth as water. LeD. 7.26. & C Htot csssttssfitolatERpssts XIdIstso. e 0 17 ~ Thou mayeet anot eat within thy gats 17. 10. on3umentso-fid.outrqarto e, dstro.le. 5re V. ~ s h15. 23. & h, pthts ofods oi is o t. 23 BIod ts l tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of el. J s 2. s sfo,.lidden. 17, 20, 26 Holy, tIhis lsgs'stbiste thy oil, or the firstlings of thty herds or of e i! [ idhehol!pltase. 19 The Lesie is lst sto iesfo, thy flock, nor any of thy vows which thou salt,,. 29 lds -yl istst to ls isq i-sd Isfs. svowest, nor thy freewill otferings, or heave -h. 6. 1. HEStE aire tihe statutes and judgments, offering of thine hand: | awhich ye shall observe to do in tihe 18 "But thou must eat them before the z es. 11, 12. land, whlich tlhe LORD God of thy fathers LORD thy God in tlhe place which the LORD [lh. 14. 23. bth. 4. 10. giveth thee to possess it, ball the days that thy God shall chloosoe, thlou, and thy son, 1 Ki0. 8. 40. yc lve uponp the earth. and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and tao. 34. 13. 2'Ye siall utterly.destroy all the places, thy maidservant, and the Levite that is h. 7. 5. wherein thie nations which ye shall Ipossess within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice aI Or, ishsrt. served their gods, dupon the high mount- before the LORD thy God in all that thou d 2 Kin. 16.4. ains, and upon tlhe hills, and under every puttest thine Ihands unto. h& 17.10, 11. green tree: 19 2 Take hleed to thyself that thou forsake ash. 14. 27. tt. 3. 3 And eye shall t overthrow teir altars, not the Levite t as long as thou livest upon t Hb. all thy eNus.33.52. and break their pillars, ond burn their tle esrtt. days. Judg. 0.0. tgroves citl ftoo; and ys shall hew down the 20 ~[ When the LORD thy God shall enlarge saes. bsssi graven images of tleir gods, and destroy thy border, las he lath promised thee, and I Gen. 10. 18. d|stt. the names of them out of that place. thou shalt say, I will eat flesh, because thy & 28. 14. fat. 31. 4 fYe shall not do so Untothet LORD ysour soullongeth to eat flesh; thou Mayst eat L. 34. 24. God. ch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l. 11. 24. & dGod. tflesh, whatsoever thy soul lustoth after. 19. 8. 5 But unto the place which the LORD your 21 If the place whlich tile LORD thy God g vet.. I God shall Ychoose out of all your tribes to hath chosen to put his name there be too far - psu.2:. put his name there, eaven unto his habits- from thee, tl'cn ttb slt ill of tly tt'd 1 Xi.. a. 29. tion shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt and of thy loas, wahichtlt LORD hatl given 2 Chr.7. 12 come: thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou Ps. 78. 68. 6 And hthithter yc shall bring your burnt shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul hLev. 17.3,4. offerings, and your sacrifices, and your lusteth after. ] e'17 i tithes, and heave offerings of your hand, 22'Even as the roebuok and the hart is e es. 15. sh. 14. 22,2. and your vows, and your freewill offeringa, eaten, so thou shalt eat them tihet unclean & 15. 19, 10. and the firstlings of your herds and of your and the clean shall eat of them alike. flocks: 23dtlOnly theo sure that thou eat not the dyer. 16. k ell. 14. 26. 7 And kthero ye shalleat before tho LORD blood:'for the blood is the life; and thou s Hab. r. 12, 18. your God, and lye shall rejoice in all that mayest not eat the life with tile flesh. bLstso,,. Lev. 23. 40. ye put your band to, y and yourIouse- 24 Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour eGen. 9. 4. h. 10.1,14, l Ilds, wherein the LORD thy God hath it upon the earth as water. L.,. 17. 11t o5:'20 II.' 4 hO7 i. blestsed thee. 25 Thou shalt not ct it; f that it may go 14 sJutg. 17.6. 8 Ye shall not do after all ths things that well nith thee, and with thy children after fell. 4. 40. e 21. 07. o do here this day, ttevery man whatso- thee, twhen thou shalt do that which is ts. 3 10. [oh. 11.31. ever is right in his own eyes. right in the stigl of the LORDa g E.. 15. 26. {a 5 148l I9 For ye are not as yet come to the rest 2 Only thy loly things which thou hast, o 13. 18. ~1,0er. 51 i. and to the inheritance, which the LORD a d ithy ws, tho hal take, ad go. ts IKa..38. 21,..o;;s, ou s a a e, an2 6o un o h lu. 5. 9 14. 03. & 15. your God givetlh you. the place which the LORD shall clhoose: 10 & 8. 19l 20.&l.2,.h&. 10 But whetn ye go over Jordan, and 27 And ktlhou shalt offer thy burnt offer- {S 11 ht17.. 8. hs dtdwell in the land which the LORD your God ings, the flesh and the blood, upon tihe altar 22, 24.. b&23l. &givetlh you to inherita, and zohen tie givetlh of the LORD thy God and the blood ofty L 1 5, h, J..h. 10.1. you tost from all your en..ies round.about, sacrifies s.hall'e poured out upon the altar 10 & 17. 11. 1 Kila. H. s. so that yS dwell in safety; 1 of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat Ps. 70. 1i. 11 Tlosn there shall hbe a place which the ilthe flesh. 159 Enticers to idolatry DEUTERONOMY. to be stoned to death. B.. 1451. 28-Observe and iear all these words whioh and shall do no moro any such wickedness B. C. 41.. I comman d thee, lthat it may go well with as this is among you. e. 2. thlcee, and with thy children after tlieo for 12 ['li' thou 5 lcalt hear say in one of thy q Joh. 22. I I co E.c23. 23. ever, whien thou doest t501 which is good cities, which the LORD thj God hath given &I..nd'riglt in the siht of the LORD thy thee to dwell tlherc, saying, Julg. 20.1,2. J G..4. od. 13 men,.lthe c.,ildren of Belitl, 0. -...hty HcOb,'. / h C o W then rthe LORD thy God shall cut "arc gone outfrom amon you, cadhe 1 e,: scev 0[, joosnso"oi, off tile.ctions fr.o. before tlhee, w0110hit0 Swithd.rawn the inhabitants of tlheir city, Jd;. 19. 22.. thou geest to psescs c ctm and t ou su- saying, Let us go and servo other godc, c5. 17,25. hnc. 7.. o16 ccdeat them, and dwellest in their land; which ye have not known; cio. 21.10, SInh. -ifafe, 30 Tkhoehcd tothyselfctllhat thou benot 14 Then shalt thou inquire, and cmake 13. |lhfcl: e snrecd t by foillowin, them. at'c that tlhy seearch, and ask diligently; and, behold, if 2 c.r..15. ero.. 4. be destroyed from before thiee; ancd that it be truth, alt the tlhing certain, that such I.ohno2.19. Iv18.32.' thou inquire not after their gods, sayin-g abomination is wrougcht amon, yougc Ju00 19. 2 Kio,*17,15. floo did these nations serve their godg? 15 Thou shalt surely smite tlhe inhbitants 2 i..i.17.21. O ltd. c s-co w 0111 do ih. of that city with the edge s' the sword, dc- t,,. 2, G. 31ooico t 0Tho shalct not do so unto the LORD stroying it utterly, end all thot is threin, Ee.. 2. 20. of the. thy God: for every cabhmioatiol to the and the cattle thereof, with tihe edge of the L 0v. 07. 08. /Lev. 18. 21. LORD whiceh hie Ihateth have they done unto sword. Josh.6.17,21. ci 12'20.. their gods; for'ceven their sons and their 16 And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it Joe. W. daugliters theyhavo burntintho fircto their into the midst of the treet thereof, and,Jer. o2. 35.. 9 cz. 03. 37. godo. scialt I0burn with fire the city, and all the J.... 24 e Ch.4.2. & 13.'2 Wha ttindg sooever I command you, oh- spoil thereof every whil, for the LocD thy 18. servo to do i: ithou shalt not add thereto, God: acd it shall be ca heap for ever; it |yodh. 8.28.I Joah. I. 7. nor diminish from it. shall not hbe built again. I. 17.1.&25. Pc.. 511.0.. ]17 And Zthere shall cleave nought of the 2.. [xe~~2~~.[CHAPTER XIII. e.4.2 RI, 22. 00~. CHA~PTER XIO. ~I cursed thingto thineoland. tthaod LO D t edo. 7. 20. o, i. la. e ~ zJ- ch67 26 t k'',c..eee.. idiolatio', 6 h 010.e....oo.eo~ rcce....y aty....f th 0 tieroo......f h c..hi geo', og, jc i1'( 8. thee, 0. ae o be sttoeo.c. h.. 12 tolo - and sheoathooee mercy and hiave compassion / Oc, ocoo'.,iriic 00. -,01 toe it bopo-d. upon thee,i a.d multiply thle, las lietith!F there arise among you a prophet, or a seoren unto thy fathers;.. 2 cZ.c.. 10. 2. I L dreamer of dreams, band giveth thee 10 Wihen tho. shalt hearkoen to tile voice b10,00. 217. [b~I:,t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2. 424.24 [a i r odr bi1:tt. 2.1. 21. 0 sign or wondero, of the LORD thy God, Ito keep all his com- 004'. H. 201.2. 9. 2 Ah td e stin or the wondec come to pass, manio mono s woich I command thoee this day, c h 12.25,280 cISooio.1822. whereof he spake unto tlhee, sayinig, Let us to do thao?OhicA is right in the oyes Of the J-e. 23..9. go after otiher gods, which thou hast not LORD thy God.' MIaft.7. 22, inown, nand let us serve them; 3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words CHAPTER XIV. of that proplhet, or that dreamer of dreams: 1 God's child-ec 0-e not to difig-,a'e thcnselves On cd.. 8. 2. for the LORD your God iprovcoth you, to 3O'ic. Ihct.., -.oo...rl eh.o-ect b0 omiOtt.,4. hknow whether ye love the LORD your God 22e,, esi, 0'cfiiasc, 11 offooeh. 2t tb. Tlceoo~ocico lieoh efi etlfna c lo occic(toooe. 10 21o.. w.. ith all your heart and with all your soul. Titeh ef dio sece. 3 Titre -ol fletO'i~se.2ii'. 4 Yo shMil walk aftcr the LORD your God, li2ee of ~-hioiei; OsfO;c tUe LO~o" 20t io-dlre d Roi. 14. 1. and fear him, and keep his commandments, ca)" titce of'alms cood char-ity. 2 Oin. 23. 3. and obiey this voice, and yo shall serve him, -,WE are athe children of the LonRD your cRee.8.16.& 2(31i.J1.31. cod feavceuntothimo. L God: bye shall not cut yourselvces, nor 9. S, c.i. fch. 10.20. & 5 And 9that prophct, or that dreamicer of make any baldness hetwcen your eyes for GMl0.. 26. 30. 20. ddreams, shall be put to decath; because he the dead. bL.o19.28.& oh. 18. 20. hath *spoken to turn you away from the 2 CPFor thou art a holy people unto tie oo21. h J o. 11. 15. LORD your God, which brouoght you out of LORD thy God, and the LORD hath Chosen 0.1. & 47h. ech. 13. 3. the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of thee to bhe a peculiar people unto himself, 1;lT...4.13. tIHeb. spokoe the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of above all the nations that aro upon the cLoe 1. 20.'elt.;ai,t thach thile wOny hicl tie Lon thy God command- earth. e.... the Lon,. edthee to nwalk in. hSosholtticouputthe 3 1 oThou shalt not cot any habominale 10. 15. h ch. 1.7. 7& evil away fcom tihe midst ofthee. thing. d E,. 4. 14. 20.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o a m E 51.0,4 2 t*. 2'. 1.I 0 it thy brother, the son of thy mother, 4 Thesoe are the bceasts wiheiyh shall eat: Aot 10. 13, bob. 10.0. or thy son, or tliy dauehter, or ktile wife of te the ox t heep, and the goat, 14. h172 thy bosom, or thy friend, ehich is as thine 5 Tile hart, and the oebuc, and the f- cLeV. 11. 0. kscc Gon. 11. own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let low deer, and tile wild goat, and the olltpy- &. ei 4. us go and serve other gods, which thou hast grg, and the -ild ox, and thle chamois. e10. c ~v. ~. o.: ~ar~,n, anlCtox, antr~h to c amos. ~Hobl, dlisho, cc......5. 20. not konown, thou, nor thy fathers; 6 And every beast that partethl the hoof, Ott, 7.05. 1 Noimely, of the gods of the people nhich and cleaveth the cleft into too clawes, ad icoco. 10.s1, cue round about you, nigh unto thee, or far cheoeth the cud among the beasts, that ye 3. 0 23. 17. off from thee, f-coot tue 0100 end of the earth shall eat. even unto the othcoi end of tioe c-rtcl; 7 Neoertheless these ye shall tot ect, of soctc1. 10. 8 Thou sclalt"cot consent unto Iim, nor them tiat chctw tihe cod, or of them that dihchrken unte him; neitlicr shall tlcisie yeo oidl thie ecoven coof; oo the cuonel, and the pity him, neither sE1clt thou spare, neither hare, and tie coneey: foe thoy oooo the sOiL thou cone eal Mm: cud, but dvitde not tce hoof; terefore,ch.17. 5. 9 Bu3t thou shalt surely kill him; ~thine tley ere unclean unto you. oc.1.7. i.7.haud shall be first upon ihi to put him to 8 And Cithoe swine, because it dioideth the Acts 7. 58. decth, eand fterwards the laed of all the hoof, yet chewt not te cud, it is unclean poople. unto you: yo shall not cat of tlheir flesh, 10 And thou shalt stone hio.ith, fnor touch their dead fopc. 11. 26. that he die; becacuso c hath sought to 5 Thescoyo sholl cat, If ellthct are in 27. ten.. thrust thee away f-om the Loioe thy God, the waters: alil that have fins and scales Lee. 11.9. itboc,,booe. et}hich brought thce out of thle land of Egypt, sdcll y0 eat p| h. 17.'h' frOMtileioouseof t bf ndge. 10 id swhatcsoever 10ath not fins and scales 19. 20. 11 And P'cll Israel shall hear, and fear, ye may sot c,'; it is uncle.n untoyou. 140 iMeats clean and unclean. DEUTERONOMY. Of the Year of release. B. C. 1451. 11 ~ Of all clean birds ye shatill eat. or; because it is called tihe LORD'S re- B. C. 1451. 12,Beut tiese a-e they of which ye shall lease. /Lw 1.l13. e not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and 3 bOf a foreigner thou mnayest exact it ib tech.2e.20. the ospecy, again: but tlhct which is thine with thy 13 And the glede, and the kite, and the brother thine hand shall release; vulture aftecr his kind, 4 IlSave when there sthall be no poor among I so, eo th, 14 And evcry raven after his kind, you; sfor tile LORD shall greatly bless thee e:-d t 15 And the od t he e, the Inighthawk, and n tie laed which ehe Loce thy God giveth te t c the cuckoo, and the hawk after his kind, thee for en inheritance to possess it:,cee. cec 10 The little owl, and the great owl, and 5 Only dif thou carefully ihearken unto the. the scwan, voice of tce LORD thy God,to observe to do Ccl,. 21. 8. 17 And tihe pelican, and the gier eagle, and all these eommandn ents which 1 command d ch. cc. 1. the cormorant, thee thlis dey. 18 And thle stork, and thie heron after her 6 For the LORD thy Godl blesseth thee, as hind, cend the lapmisg, and tie bcl. lie promised thee: and tlhou slhalt lend ech. 8.12,44. iLev. 11. 0. 190 And, every creeping thing that flieth i unto many natieons, but thou shaltl not beorSee teL. 11. unclean unto you:.k they shall no be eaten. row; and ftlihou shalt reign over many nc- hla. co. 13. 21. 20 Buet of all clean fowls ye may eat. tiens, but they shall not reign over thee. ieee. ci. 7. lL el-.1C5. & 21 lYe shall not eat ofany thing that 7 ~ If tilcere he namong you a poor man of 22. 8. dieth lof itself: thoT shalt give it unto the one ofthy brethren within any oftlhy gates in e,. 4. 14. estrenger tihat is in thy gates, thet he may thy land cwhich tile LORtn thly God glveth ten v. 2. ect it; or tehou t ye.t ell it unto an alien: thee, L thou shalt teot hberde. thine Iceart, g I Job.n.17. cefor thou art a holy people unto tihe LORD nor shlut thine hand from thy poor brother: tEx.23.19. & thy Gode.' Thou shalt not seethe a kid in 8 hlut thou shalt open thine hand wide h Lcv. 05. 35. 3 4-. 26 his nother's milk. unto him, and shalt surely lend him sntuffi- Incte. 5. 4i2. o ev. 27. 30. 22 o Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase cient for his need, in that which hle nloteth. Luke 5. 31, Oi 126,sl 17. of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth 9 Dceware that there be not a ethought in tch. e10. 3 year by year. thy wickled heart, saying, The seventh tce.cccd., che. 12.h5,7. 23 Pcnh thou shalt cat before the LORD year, the year of release, is at hand; and tHe1c. BEie. 17, 18. thy God, in the placo which lie shall choose thine ieye he evil against thy poor brother, ich. 28.54.56.] to place his name there, the tithe of thy and thou givest hic. nought; acd ice cry Wc]. 0.& cci 15.1920. corne, oftlcy nine, and of thice odl, an d the unto the LORD against thee, and lit be sin 28. 2 20. 15.] firstlings of'thy hIerds and ofthy flocks; tiat unto thee. thou mayecl learn to fear the LORD thy God 10 Thou shalt surely give hIim, and ce thine k ccc. 1. 1. alwnys. heart shall not he grieved when thou givest Iatth 25. 41, 24 And if tihe way be too long for thee, so unto him: because that cfor this thing the ch. 12. 21. that thou art not able to ccrry it; or "if LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy "I2Cor. 9.5,7. the place he too far from thee, which the works, and in all that thou puttest thine,ccc. l. 29. LORD thy God shnll choose to set his name hand unto. 2 P.,. 41. 1. I there, when the LonD thy God hath blessed 11 For o the poor shell never cease out of Pace 22. 9, tlhee: thle land: therefore I command thee, say-. ltt.e 26.11. 25 Then shalt thou turnt i into money, and ing, Thou shalt open thine ihand wide unto A[ark 14. 7. bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, iohte 12.8. go unto thie place which the LORD thy God in thy land. shall choose: 12 $ Andt1 P'ifthy brother, a Hebrew man, p, Ex. 21.2. 26 And thlou shalt bestow that money for or a Hebrew voman, bhe sold cnto thee, and LcV. 2,.39.. ehatsoeve tcy toul lusteth after, for oxce, serve tcee sis yen-re ticen in tte seventth cc. 51. 1l. or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, year thou shalt let him go free froe thlee. tllehe, cth lor for..hatsoever thy soul t desiretht: Sand 13 And wclen thou sendest hi. out free e' thce. thou shalt cat there before the LORD thy from thee, thou shalt not let him go away l. 12. 7, 10. God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine emopty: cs. 2 e. 11 houselhold, 14 Thou shalt furcish him liberally out of t ch, 12:12,18, 27 AndItheLevitothatis withintlhygates; thy flockl, and out of thy floor, and out ofe 19. thou shal tt not forsakle him: for le hasth no thy winepressc: cofthat whierewith the LORD,cN-cc.18.20. part nor inlcritanee with tcee. thy God hath blecssed thee thou shalt give q Pre. 10. 22. eh. 18. 1, 2. 28 ~ Ait the end of three years thou shalt unto him. ec-he. 2( 12. bring forth nallthe tithe of thine increase the 15 And "thou shalt remember that thou -cl,..L5.l.6. Ac, 4. 4. same year, and shalt lay it up within thy wast a bondman in thle land of Egypt, and 12. gates: the LoinD thy God redeemed thee: therey el. 26. 12. 29 YAnd the Levite, (because' he hatho fore I concmaod thee tlhis thing to day, ze-% 27. part nor inlieritane with thee,) and thle 16 And it shall be, if lie say unto thee, I x. 21.e6, c. h. 12. 12. stranger, andtlhe fatherless, andthe widow, will not go away froom thee; hecause lie w hich are wtithin thy gatces, shall come, and loveth thee and thine house, because he is aclh. 15. 10. shall eat and be satisfied; that I the LORD well with thee; Prv. 3.9,10. thy God may bless thee in all the work of 17 Tlhen tlhou shalt take an awl, and thrust SctcSal.h.10. thine hand which thou doest. it through his ear unto thle door, and he shlall he thy servant for ever. And also CHAPTER XV. unto thy maidservant thou slhanlt do likewisc. 1 TBe seventh yea a year of rleae for the eoo. 18 It shall not seem linad unto thee, lwhen 7 It t ust,e o let o.f lendiicg or glVic. 12 A tlhou sendest him away'frIee from thee; for ] Herw ervnt 16 ex,,p the,ill -~t depart11, sfdhet se, yea — o, 10 rect d wl e ll dtscec he hath been worth c a double hired servant- t See ID.l.14. * stec ice thes ttceecl eteeo~cecchlc?~enccdtlrl ul aE.. 21. 2. & f-icc.hed. 15 All firtling calescof t5e cattle I thee, in sering thee six year s: and tile & 51. 1(I. 23. 10, 11. tare to ble saeceifitcl cto lee doed. LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that ]Le.c25. A2. A T the end of every seven years thou thou doct. c. -e. - lshalt make a release. 19 c"Al ltlhefirstling Inales that come of Ex. I.. 2.. 2 And this is thile manner of the release: thy herd and of thy flock thou slhalt sanctify 34. lh.,c Every ecreditor tlhat lendeth aught unto unto the LORD ihy God: thou shalt do no c 2c.0. t H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~e, 27. 2~ t. | eft g 1it tcc ii...ighbo... h. ll rclcso ic e elehall not sorhk with tilhe firstling of thiy bullock, nor hecclco.. exact it of his neigltboer, or of his broth- shear the firstling of thy sheep. 141. The three solemn DEUTERONOMY. yearly feasts. B. C. 1451. 20 XThou shalt eat it before thle LORD thy ernacles seven clays. after tht thoat last 1a. C. 141i God year by year in the place whvllich tlie gathered in thy ttco..l and thy wine: xch. 12.6,6,7, LORD shall chllooe, tou and thy lousellold. 14 And Stthou shalt rejoice il thy feast, tHe1,. flot,', 17. & 14. 23. 21 Anld if there be any blelish therein, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and'll tty & 16 11,14. as'if it be lame, or blind, or have any ill thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and 1iw yLev. 22. 20. blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it unto the the Levite, the stranger, end the fatllerless, s oeh.8.9,&c. ics. 17. 1. LORD thy God. and the widow, tllat are within thy gates. cch, 12.15t,2. 22 Thou shalt eat it witllin ty gates: Zthe 15 t Seven days shalt thou keep a solemn t Lev. 23. 39, unclean and the clean person shtall cat it feast unto the LORD toy God in tle place 40. alike, as tile roebuck, and as the hlart. which tile LORD sllhall choose: because te ach. 12.16,23. 23'Only thou sllalt not eat the blood LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thline thereof; thou shaltpour it upon tle ground increase, and ini et the vorks of ttine 1Ex2314,1. as iwater. hands, therefore thou shalt surely rejoice.. 23.1.& 16 1 "Three times in a year shall all thy 34. 20. CHAPTER XVI. males appear before tile LORD thy God in t leb.acord1 The feastof the patsoe, 9eofteek, 13 of tab- the place which he shall choose; in the feast i,,gtotcteift nocolso. G16 i e-y mate e t offeo, n hc t.S of unleavened bread, and in the feast of otchitoatfd, a61e, a there tltcee faot. 18 Of jcudme a weeks, and in the feast of tabernaclest: and 2 Cor. 8. 12. justice. 2L 1~oeco attl itomato alefootbiddeot, 0.they shall not appear before the LORD y. t,10. c EC.12.2,&c. (' BSERVE the amonth of Abib, and keep empty: z oh. 1. 16. tthe passover unto the LORD tll God: 17 tEvery man shall give t as he is able, 1 Chr. 23. 4. I Ex. 13. 4. & for bin tile month of Abib tlhe LORD thy Oaccording to the blessing of the LORD thy & 26. 29. 3t. 18. God brought thee forth out of Egypt Cby God which lie hath given thee. 2 Chr.19.5,8. CEt.12.'29,42. night. 18 ~'Judges and officers shalt thou make a Ex. 23. 2, 6. 2 Thou shalt therefore sacrifice tihe pass- thee in all thy gates, which the LORD tly Le 19. 1. over unto thle LORD thy God, of the flock God givetththee, throughout thy tribeso: and b ch. 1. 17. dWNu.-28.19. and tithe lerd, in the eplace wmlich the they shall judge the people with just judg- Pov. 24. 23 ecl. 12. 5, 26. LORD shall choose to place iris name there. ment. c E. 2. 8. fEx.12.12i... 3 fThou shalt cat no leavened bread with 19 a Thou shalt notwrest judgment; b tlou ProV. 1. 23. 39. &13.3,., it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened shalt not respet persons, neither take a. 7. & 34.18, bread thlerewith, evetn the bread of afflic- gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of the II Or, -natte~-s. tion; for thou camest forth out of the land wise, and pervert the 11 words of the right- t Heb. Jts - of Egypt in haste: that thoe mayest re- eous. l ce, J-lte member the day whoen thou camest forth 20 tThat which is altogether just slalt odEt. 18. 5, 9. out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy thou follow, that thou mayest d live, and c Ex. 34. 13. life. inherit the land which the LORD thy God 1 Kings 14. Ex. 13. 7. 4 And there slhall be no leavened bread giveth thoee. 2 Kin 17. [ seen with thee in all toy coast seven days; 21 [ e Thou shalt not plant thee t grove of 16.. 21. 3. t, E. 12.10. & hneitller shall there any tihing of the fesh, any trees near unto the altar of tile LORD 2 Chr. 33. 3. 34. 25. wlich thou sacrificedst tile first day at even, thy God, which thou shalt make thee. fLev. 26. 1. remain all nigit until tte morning. 22 fNeitoer shalt thoc set thee up any 1lO O t. e, Or, kitl. 5f Thou mayest not lsacrifice the pas over 11 imge; which the LORD thy God lateth. or within any of thy gates, which tile LORD thy God glveth thee: CHAPTER XVII. 6 But at the place which the LORD thy God 1 The thins saoe,'fieod,mtst be tontd. 2 ] shall choose to place his name in, tltere thou must be slain,. 8 Harod contttoveries a te to be iEc.'12. 6. shalt sacrifice tle passover a t even, at the deteotoeol byt t.e 1ito anoloju-lieo. 12 The going down of tile sun, at tile season that contolec of ttat determiatoeo cous die. 14 thou camest forth out of Egypt. Tloe ectooo, 16 a-td duty of a king. kE.. 12. 8,9. 7 And thiou shalt kroast and eat it in the T1HOU ashaltnot sarificueentotheLonRD t ch. 1. 21. 35. 13place which the LORD thy God shall clloose:. ty God anoy bullock, or 11 sheep, where- Mt. 1. 8,13, l2Kin. 23.23. and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go in is blemish, or any evilfavouredness: for 14t John 2. 103. unto thy tents. that is an abomination unto the LORD tehy 11 Or,.oat. 23. & 11.. 58 Six days thou shalt eat unleavened God. m Ec. 12.1f.& bread: and "'on the seventi day saitll be 2 b If there be found among you, within 6 cll. 13. 6. 13. 6. a t solemn assembly to the LORD thy God: any of thy gates which the LORD thy God Lev. 23. 8. thou slalt do no work therein. giveth thee, man or woman, that hath tHel,. 9 ~ "Seven weeks shalt thou number unto wrought wickedness in ttle sight of tile c Josh. 7. 11, estra.n.t, thee: begin to number the seven weeks LORD thy God, cin transgressing his coy- 15 3. ht. 10. /Lev. 2. 36. from such teimle as tlou beginnest to put ennt,g.. 20. nEx. 23.16. tthe sickle to the corn. 3 And hath gone and served other gods, 2Kin. 18.12. 34. 22 Ot. 0.1. Lc. 21. h. 10 And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks and norstipped tltem, eitter dltlle sun, or Eott. 2.O26. unto the LORD thy God with l 1n tribute of a moon, or any of the blost of heaven, e which E Jdo 34.2. Acts2. 1. freewill offering of thine hand, which thou I have not commanded; o7.223 11 Or. shalt give unto the LORD thy God, ac- 4 f And it be told thee, and thou hast 31. & 19.5. & l,~iciency. cording as tihe LORD thy God hath blessed heard of it, and inquired diligently, and, 32. 35. over. 17.. thee: behold, it be true, and the thing certain, fch. 13.12,14. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 11 And l1thou shalt rejoice before the the that such abomination is wrought in Israel: qLevi 24. 14, p clh. 12. 7,12, LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy 5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or 24. 14 18. daughter, and thy manservant, and tiy tlat woman, which have committed that h. 13. 10. ter, 14. maidservant, and the Levite tllat is within wicked tiling, unto thy gates, even that man Josh. 7. 25. thy gates and the stranger, and tile fatller- or thllt oman, and oshalt stone them with 0h Nlum.35.30. less, and tle widow, that ace among you, in stones, till they die. ch. 19. 15. the place whllich tile LORD thy God hath 6 h At tChe mouth of two witnesses, or three SIat. 18. 16. chosen to place bis name there. witnesses, shall lie that is worthy of death Jo2 or 8. 11. hch. 15. 1.5. 12 qAnd thou shalt remember that thou be put to deatih; bot at tlet mouth of one 1 Tim,. 19. Eo -E. 3.16 wast a bondman in Egypt: and thou shalt witness lIe shall not be put to deatlh. Hett. 10. 28. Lev. 23. 3. observe and do these statutes. 7 iTThe hands of tile witnesses shall be first cl. 13. 9. Nu. 29.12. 153 1' Thou shalt observe the feast of tab- upon him to put him to death, and after- I Act 7. 58. 142. |ThKe duty of a king. DEUTERONOM Y. The priests' inheritance.1 i. C. 1i41. ward the hands of all the people. So kthou ings of the LORD made by fire, and his in- B.C. 1451. shalt put thle evil away from among you. heritance. kver. 12. 8 t If tilere arise a matter too lard for 2 Tlerefore shall they have no inheritance c. - 13. 5. & thee in judgment, cbetween blood and among their brethren: the LoID is their 1.19. blood, between plea ancl plea, ant betweeu inheritance, as lie bath said unto them. 12lsro.e 19.1 stroke and stroke, beig matters of contro- 3 And this shall be the priest's due from N dI 2't' 7 within thy gates: then shlllt thou the people, from. tlem that offer a sacrificeo elS! s he i th'''arise,'andtget thee up into tile place which whether it be ox or shecD; and eCthcy shall cLe. 7.30-34. the, 20 2i8 tll2 LoP.D thy God shall clloose; give unto the Ipriest the shoulder and the & 22. 2. 9 And ~tilou sllalt come lnto the priests tvo cheeks, and tile maw. Nunl. 3.5. 11, tie Levites, and'unto the judge that shall 4 d The firstfruit 18so of thy corn, of thy d Ex. 22. 29. 16, 1. be in those days, and inquire; qland tlcey wine. and of thine oil, and the first of the unl.. 18.12, llc. 1Y.4. 10, slsall shew thee tihe sentence of judgment: fleece of thy sheep, shalt thou give him. 24.. 10 And thou shalt do according to the 5 For etlle LORD thy God hlath chosen him e Ex. 2S. 1. e1ic. 12. 5. & sentence, lich tiey of tloat place which out of all thy tribes, f to stand to minister N-u. 3. 10. p,. 172. Ls. tlee LORD ooe shall oose shllew thee; and in the name of the LORD, him and his sons fell.l0.8.&17. P. 122''. "thou shalt observe to do according to all for ever. 12. Se Je. 18. tllat they infoomc thee: G6 t And if a Levite come from any of thy'h. 11 According to the sentence of the law gates out of all Israel, where he gsojourned 35. 2, cp h. 19. w. which they shall teach thee, and according and come with all the desire of Iis mind 3. qE,. 44. 2 to tile Judgment which they shall tell thee, I.unto the place which the LORD shall s ich. 12. 5. thou shalt do: thou shalt not decline from clloose; the sentence whichi they shall slle thee, to 7 Then he shall minister in the name of tile right hland, nor to the left. thle LORD hlis God, as all lis brethren te i 2 Cllr. 31. 2. 1Ntm. 15.30. 12 And lthe man that will do presump- Levites do, which stand there before thle: Ezcr10I. tuously, taLnd will not hearken unto tile LORD. Hoesd. 4 4 prlest 5hat standeth to minister tiere be- 8 They shall lsave like kportions to eat, |2C r.31. 4. t H!e.l' lot fores the LORD lthy God, or unto tile judge, besides tthiat which cometh of tle sale of Nelh. 12. 44, c i.k 7 eeven tcat inan shall die: and Ithou salt Ihis patrimony. 47, -h.18 sc 7 put away the evil from Israel. p9 u When thou art come into the land tHeb. hie ot 1c. 13..5. 13 "And all the people shall hear, asd olich the LORD thy God givet.l thee, itllou saolo by ts u oh. 13. 11. & fear, and do no more presumptuously. shalt not learn to do after tie abominations fales-. 19. 20. 14 ~ When thou art come unto the land of those nations. I Le. 18. 26, 27, NO. ewhichi tihe LORD thly God giveth, and 10 Tlere shall not be found among you ny 12.29,30, shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, one that maketh his son or his daughter "'to c31. 1 Sm. 8.. and shalt say, I will set a king over me, pass through the fire,'or that useth divin- nLe. 18.21. [ 19, 20. like as all the nations that aroe about me; ation, or an observer of times, or an en- cl. 12. 31. 15 Thou shalt in any wise set hictt king chanter, or a iticch, iLsv. 19 26, y SeelSem.9. over thee, Ywhom tlhe LORD thy God shall 11 ~Or a charmer, or a consulter with 31. & 20. 27. 15. t. 1. 24. choose: one 0from amongthy alt familiar spirits or a nizard or a 7necro- I-. 8.19. 1& 1..10. tou set king over thee: thou mayest lot mancer. o. 20. 27. z r. 30. 21. set a stranger over thee, which is not thy 12 For all do t.ese tcings Mre an ls.m.28.7. brothcer. abomination unto the LORDe: and q because Le. 18. 24, IKic.4. 026/. 16 But lce sthall not emultiply oss to of these abominations tle LORD thy God 25. & 10. 2(, 28. himself, nor cause the people b to return to dotll drive thlem out from before thee. cl. 9. 4. Ps. 20. 7. Esypt, to the end that he should multiply 13 Thou shalt be liperfect with the LORD 11 Or,sesisht, b Is. 3. 11. holses: forasmuch as Cthe LORD hath said thy God. or, Es,. 17.150 unto you, sIe shall ilenceforth return no 14 For these nations, which thou shalt Gen. 17. 1. cE,. 13.. more that nay. 11 possess, learkened unto observers of liOr inheit. Nslssn.1d.3,4. 17 Neither shall lie multiply wives to Ihim- times, and unto diviners: but as for thlee, dsi,.;28. 8 self, that ehis heart turn not away: neither tice LORD thy God lath not suffered ttee See Jr. 42. shall lie greatly multiply to hi self silver so to do. 15. and gold. 15 5 1"The LORD thy God will raise up o ern. 18. e See 1 Kings 18 f and it stall be, when he sitteth upon unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, Jolln 1. 45. 11.03, 4. the throne of his kingdom, that lie silall ofcthy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye Acts3.22. & fIf2in. 11.12. write him i. copy of this law in a book out slhall hlearklen; 7. 37. hcll. 1.9 206. of Ylthat wIhich, is before the priests the 10 Accordingto all that thou desiredst of'See'2 ingj Levite: tile LORD thy God in Horeb Sin the day of e, cl. 9. 10. 22. S. 19 And h it shall be with him, and ihe shall the assembly, saying, t Let me not -hear t x. 20. 19. hJos.. i.. 8. read therein all the days of his life; that lhe again tile voice of tile LORD my God, nei- Heb. 12. 19. Ps.ll1.97,98. may learn to fear the LORD his God, to ther let msee tllis great fire any more, that keep all tile words of this law and these I die not. statutes, them: 17 And tie LORD said unto me, UThey sch. 5. 28. 20 That his hIeart be not lifted up above have s ell spoke, that which tcey lsve.cll. 5. 32. his brethren, and that lie iturn not aside spoken. 1 Kin. 15.5. from the commandment, to the right hand, 18 sI ill raise tsem up a Prophe from er. 15. or to tie left: to the end that lie may pro- among their brethren, like unto thee, and Joica 1. 45. long his days in hIis kingdom, he, and his Ywill put my words isn his mouth; Zand he Ac.tS3. 22. & ehildren, in the midst of Israel. shall speak unto them all that I shall com- 7.37. mand him. yIs. 51. 16. CHAPTER XVIII. 19 "And it shall come to pass, th at ho- Joh- n4.27. 8 1 fnhe Lordis the piestss' and Leites' inheritanee. soever will not hearken unto my words 8. 28.h2.49, 3 The pie's e. 6 The Levite's oion. 9 hic e sall speak in my name, I ill P.e aomninati ns. ofte tatiot ace to se o. void. requipie it of im. At3. 2 ed. s5 Chrst. the Puop/et is to be Aeascc. 20 chce iActsl3. 23. c.a N15m.cSs0. pe ml t throret P i5 so die. 20 But btile prophet, whicll shall presume b ch. 13. 5. h 2Os. 62. to speak a word in my name, which I have Jer. 14.14,15 sc. 10. 9. 7HE priests theLevitess,u csdal thletribe not commanded'him to speak, or Ctlhat eOrli. 13. 3. bNlm. 18.8,9. oI f Levi,'sihall lave no part nor inler- shall speak in the name of other gods, even (h. 13. 1, 2. 1 Cior. 9. 13. itance with Israel: they b shall eat tie ofser- that prophet shall die. Je-. 2. 8. 143 Three cities of refuge. DEUTERONOMY. Lows to be 1B. C. 1431..2s1 Awl i n theou y in thine heart, Hmw two witnesses, or at the mouth of three wit- B. C. 1451. shall w e know the word which the LORD n ossea, shll the matter be establhle d. lu th n oto~ spokel7 1C6 l If at false witness "rise n p a'ginst rI',. 27.12. & dJ, 20. 9. 5 22( Whew v prophet.peaketh in a.y.mai to testiy agaiot hi l't.hat.hich k 3. 1. ele'c.13.2. of the Looc, it' the tiilg follow not, nor is wrong; 0..7 fJtli come to pass, that is the thing which the 17 Then both the men, between whom the 0005 LORD hath o ltt ot spoken, d thile prophet controversy is, shallstand before tlhe LORD, fe. 0. hlath spoken it tpresume ptuously: thou'"before the priests and the judges, which [cl. 17.. & shalt not he afraid of him. shall be in those days; 21. 5. 18 And the judges shall make diligent inCHAPTER XIX. quisilion: and, behold, if the witness bea 1 T' cities ofof. ~ 4 P l..ilceeoff false witness, antd hath testified falsely oProv.lf.s,9. the esolotee. 1t TI. looctc e-d- is s-ot c t i. against his brotler; Dls.. 20. e l. 15 eitseeee at Itoleet. l6!e 1 19'Then shall ye do untothim, as lie had i'tt 1.. h & immcishnt of falose witneis. thought to have done unto his brother: so 17.7. &h2l.21. a lt. 12.. 29. TIIIEN the LORD thy God allath cut off I'shalt thou put the evil away from among & 22. 21, 24. t ntise nations, whose land the LORD thy yo2. h 0. 7. O Hb. Godgivetlh thelce, and thou tsucceedest them, 20 qAnd tlhose which remain shall Ihear, q lc 17. 13. & sect~e,'cteet, and dwelieat in their cities, and in their and fear, and shall henceforth commit no 21. 21. ojes houses; more any such evil among you. et. 13. blEsx, 21. 13. 2 b Thou slalt sepa.rate three cities for ttee 21 "And tlhine eye shallcnot pity; but elife s Ex.21.23,.t No11e 35.10, ill thie midst of thy andc, lwhich the LOc D shall go for life, eye for eye, toothfor toth, u o,ev. 2t. 20. 14h.l.0. ticyGsod gccll tllce to possess it. ia dl for hand, foot for foot. Ott, 5. 38... Tl.o2.. 3 T ou shal preare thee t way, aned di- C PTER XX. vide tile goasts of thy land, which the LO 1tD CHAPTER XX. tby CGod giveth thee to inhlcerit, into three 1 T e tfficetT t peelcsstioe h se o io battle. 5 The officc,.s' proclaraation wh/o ar~e to parts, that every slayer may flee thither. 0e d iisissedtfoom the wao. l0 t ol to H e tthe decsem.3e.15. 4 ~ And ethis is tie case of tile slayer, cities that ecceltt o''for's te th etrocla mtioe, of oh. 4. 2. lwhich shall flee thither, that lie may live: yesce. 16 Wlhat cities eset bedevoedl. 19 Teens ihoso killeth his neighbour ignorantly, efecosn est ist otis deeteoc i te eiege. tH.b. fe m s.liom hlc.ted nttin time past; ~ WTIEN thou geest out to b.ttle against cc ie,!ti thoe 5 As when a man goeth into tile Wood with V thine enemies, and seet horses, and SIoP.. 20.7. thitd dilccy. hit neighbour to ow wcoosd, end lcisletand chariots, and a people more tlhan thou, be I. 31. I. fetchetc a strolie ith tce.xe to cat dowc not efraid of them. for tihe LORD thy God tlebc. ihel. tie tree, and tie tihead slippeth from the is b with thee, which brought thee up out of bNum.23.21. tld. scotl. tihelve, and t lighteth upon his neighbour, the land of Egypt. c. 31. 0 8. tiH..i..t. eth. thabt ice die; lie shall de c unto one of those 2 And it shall be, when ye are come nigh 20Chr. 13.. 10. cities, and live: unto the battle, that tie priest shall apdlNue.35.12. 0 dLest the avenger of the blood pursue proach and speak unto tihe people, the slayer, whlile Ihis heart is hot, and over- 8 And Shall say unto them, iHear, 0 Israel, tHIn. -,cite take im, beciause the tay islong, and tslee ye approach thiOs day unto battle against hibis ife, hit;' whereas lie ciae not worthly of death, your enemies: let not your hearts t fcint, tHeb. 55 tfeb..feoec. inasmuch as hie hated him not tin time fear not, anddo not ttreble, neithier be ye teccde'. yceIeclt"..i past. terrified because of them; tIele. sake tico dcgI. 7 Wherefore I command thee, saying, Thou 4 For the LORD your God is lie that goeth cost. shlt separate three cities for tiee; with you, tto fight for you against your one- ceh. 1. 30. & eGOn. 15. 18. 8 And if tioe LOlD thy God enslarge thy mies, to save you. 3. 22. oh. 12. 20. coast, as lie hath sworn unto thy fathers, 5 ~ And tihe officers shall speak unto the Josh. 23. 10. and give thee all tihe land which lie prom- people, saying, What Dnan is there tthat ised to give unto thy fathers; hath built a new house, asd Iceth not d eeole. 10. 9If thou shtalt keep ill these costandi- ddedicated it? let him go and return to 27. esets tdo(tloctem, whcich I commacndc thee chis house, lest lie die in the battle, and P.. 305titl. this day, to love the LORD thy God, and to nnother man dedicate it. fJosh.20.7,8. walk ever in his ways; fthen shalt thou 6 And what man is ihe that batI planted a add three cities more for thee, beside these vineyard, and Ihath not ye t eaten of it? t leh. made theee let him also go and return unsto his 1ouse,..... 10 That innocent blood be not shed in thy lest he die in the battle, and another man /n,21et. 19.'Es. 01. 12, lasd, wiclt tto LOes) tohy God gisetih thee eat ofit. oeh. 28. so. &h..for an inheritance, and so blood be upon 7 eAnd what man is thee tlhat lath bec,-e 35.O~16, thee. trotllcid c wife, and lath not taken hler? let 4.5. 24. 11 [ Bnt g if any man late hIis neighlbou, hlim go and return unto his house, lest lhe ch 2. 7 24. and lie in wait for him, and rise up against die in the battle, and anothermhen take her. Peo. 23. 17. him, and smite him smortally that he die, 8 And tile officers shall speak further unto tHic. itlls. tand flcecth into one oftlese cities: the pecople, and they sbtll say, fWhat mant f.l.... 7.3. 7hctI. 13. 8. & 12 Then the elders of his city shall zend is theroe that is fearful and faintheartedl? 0.. and fetch hlem thence, and deliver lim into let him go and return unto his hlouse, lest iN o. 35.330 tlle eand of the avenger of blood. that he cis brethren's heart tfaint as well as lis tHIlc.scce-t.:34. Ih. 21. 9. may die. leart. 11inegs'2.31. 13 hThine eye shall not pity him, ibut thou 9 And it slell be, cwhen the officers have kc1. 2017. o sl'cll put away the guilt of innocent blood made an end of speaking unto the people, JJo,. 2o. 2. fro Israel, tlhat it mnay go well with thee. that they shall make captains of the armies 2I2os... 28. 14 IkThl. shbalt..ot cemove thy neigh- lto lead tile people. Ilnict, ice Hos. 5. 10. bour's landeecrk, which they of old time 10 q[ VWhen thou comwet nigh ulnto city to i..t..Cit f I dt.725.30. have set in thince inheritance, which thou fight againist it, thenproelaimpe a ccouletoit. /h i. 17.. shalt inherit in tile landt that the LORD thy 11 And it shtill be, if it mike thec aieswer g 2 S-.20.l51 elott. 10. 10. God glveeh thee to possess it. of peace, and Open unto tihee, then it stiall 0. /Johcn 0.17. c c. t.8. 1J I OneC witness shall not rise up against be, tha all thie people that is fondtl therein 2 2(,or. 1T3 1. 1 Tice. 5. 19. a m"U for any iniquity, or fotr any sin, in shall be tributaries unto thee, and they stall Iseh. 10. 28. any sin that he sinne/il: at the smoth of serve thee. 144 observed in war. DEUTERONO1MY. A stubborn son to be stoned. B. C. 1451. 12 And if it will make no peace witli thee, Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, dland lay B.-C. 1451. but will make war against thee, then thou not innocent blood unto thy people of Isshalt besiege it: rael's charge. And the blood shall be for- dJona 1.h14. 13 And when the LORD thy God hath de- given them. tHel,. en -she ANu-m.31. 7. livered it into thine lands, hithou shalt 9 So eshalt thou put away the guilt ofin- mtidst. smite every male thereof with the edge of rvocent blood from among you, when thou ech. 19. 13. the sword: shalt do thatC hilch is right in the sight of 14 But the women, and the little ones, and the LORD. iJo sh. 8. 2. ithe cattle, and all that is in the city, even 10 ~[ When thou goest forth to war against t Heo,. poeil. all the spoil thereof, shalt thou ttake unto thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath kJo.lh. 22. 8. thyself; and kthou shalt eat thle spoil of delivered them into thine hands, and thou thine enemies, which the LORD tly God hast taken them captive, hath given thee. 11 And seest among the captives ahbeauti15 Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities ful woman, and hast a desire unto ler, that whlich ar? very far offefrom thee, which are thou wouldest have her to'thy wife; not of the cities of these nations. 12 Then thou shalt bring her lome to thine l sum.21.2,3, 16 But l of the cities of these people, which house; and she shall shave her head, and 3.. & 33. 52. the LORD thy God doth give thee for an Iltpare her nails; 5 Oe. ~ uff- so Jh. 7. 1, 2. inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing 13 And she shall put the raiment of her r to that breatheth: captivity from off her, and shall remain in t Hob. ake. 17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them; thine house, and fbewail her father and or, d,sess. samely, tile Hittites, and the Amorites, the her mother a full month: and after that fSePe.d45.10. Canaanites, and tihe Perizzites, the Hivites, thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husand tile Jebusites; as the LORD thy God band, and she shall be thy wife. hath commanded thee: 14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight mach.7.4.& 12. 18 That 5'sthey teach you not to do after in her, then thou shalt let her go wlhither 30,31.& 18.9. all their abominations, which they Ilave sle will; but thou shalt not sell her at all,cEx. 23. 33. done unto their gods; so should yeo sin for money, thou shalt not make merchandise against the LORD your God. of ler, because thou hlast hllumbled her. y Gcn. 34. 2. 19 ~ When thou shalt besiege a city a long 15 ~ If a man have two wives, one beloved, clh. 22. 2.). time, in making war against it to take it, hand another hated, and they have bornle J eg. 19.24. Or, for, 0 thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by him children, both thse beloved and the hat- hGeu. 29. 33. ssas,'the tsee forcing an axe against them: for thou may- ed; and if the firstborn son be hers that of the fielsd is est eat of them, and thou shlalt not cut them was hated: tye down (lIfor the tree of the field is man's 16 Then it shall be, iwhen lie maketh his i Ihr...2. &ehy. 17,life) t to employ tshon in the siege: sons to inherit tlhat which he hath, tha he 26. 1G. t tel,. to go 20 Only the trees which thou knowest that may not make the son of the beloved first- 2 Chr. 11.19, fo,n before they be not trees for meat, thou shalt de- born before tile son of the hated, whico/ i 2 tisee. stroy and cut them down; and thou shalt indees tle firstborn.: t heb. it co build bulwarks against the city that maketh 17 But he shall acknowledge the son of the does., war with thee, until t it be subdued. hated for the firstborn, kby giving him a kSeelChr. 5. double portion of all t that he hath: for lie 1. CHAPTER XXI. is Ithe begisnning of his strength; "'tlle tHel,. hsat is 1 TI'e eoxsiatios sof as 1sncsrvtail snurder. 10 The right of the firstborn is his. folrs ui bo,.is notto fc ie iosnhes tes porlfs. plsite f5e/s- 18 0 If a man have a stubborn and re- sol.. 5eoo~nis ess so iesrisiehso~issdl up4n -v-e oss IG.. 49. 3. ioes. 18 A slboi so- is to be Isoned to death. bellious son, which will not obey the voice 22 The malefacto?us t 1et hang all nhihton of his father, or the voice of his mother, wGen. 25. 31, t-ee. and tCha(t, when they lhav-e chastened him, i3. F onc be found slain in the land which will not hearken unto them: the LORD thy God giveth tllee to possess 19 Then slall his father and his mothller lay it, lying in the field, csted it be not known holdonlim, andbringhimoutuntotheclders,IC!s. 13. 5. & lwho athl slain him: - of his city, and unto tile gate of his place ~ 19. ), 20,. & 2 Then thy elders and thy judges shallll 20 And they shall say unto the elders of 22. 2, 241 come forth, and they shall measure unto the his city, This our son is stubborn and re- oelh. 13. 11. cities which are round about lhim that is bellious, he will not obey our voice; she i's eh. 19. G. & slain: a glutton, and a drunkard. 22. 26. 3 And it shall be, that the city which is 21 And all the men of hIis city shall stone,25.& next unto the slain man, even tile elders of him with stones,that be die: 5 so shalt tlou 26. 31. that city shall take a heifer, hich lhath not put evil away from among you; Oand all been wrought witll, atsd which hath not Israel shall hear, and fear. & 10. 25;, 27 dravwn in the yoke; 22 ~ And if a man hIave committed a sin Joll 19. 31. 4 And the elders of that city shall bring Pworthy of death, and lie be to be put to v1cGl. 3. 13. down the heifer unto a rough valley, whllich death, and tllou llan him ol a tree: t IHl,. the is neither cared nor sown, and shall strike 23 OHis body shall not remain all night clre oof Co: off tle heifer's neck there io tle valley. upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise SeN;zm.7 5 And the priests the sons of Levi shall bury him that day; (for iloe that is hanged 4 aehl. 10. 8. come near; for tlhem tile LORD thy God is accursed of God;) that Sthy land be not 2 Sn 1. 21. S. 1Cfsr 2. 13. hath chosen to minister unto him, and to defiled, whllich the LORD thy God giveth thee sLev 18. 2. b c. 17 8, 9. bless in the name of the LORD; and by for an ineritance. 5.Nu 34. tHeb. molth. their tword shall every controversy and every strole be t-ried: CHAPTER, XXII. 1 t hsi masfs y t owa rls d b rethren. 5 The ses sc to be G Atd all tle elders of that city, thefi c tn iy tzap p earel. S The a ~tot to e eSeeNP.19.12. next unto the slaion man, eshall wash their take uith heolby yng oses. 8 The house z-st & 23. 6. hands over the heifer that is beheaded in..a.,,tv. 9 0 o,,osfsse.osi o bse osidd. Ott. 27.24. the valley: F.ilges pl)O) the vests1e. 13 Zlhe 1snis neast 7 And they shall answer and say, Our bands of him /oat slanles eth sis ife. 20, 22 Of adsdlhave not shed this blood, neither Iave our teey,v25.Ofase,. 28iosdoffrvicatiots. 30ilOct. eyes seen it. Im HOU ashalt not see thy brother's ox or aEx. 23. 4. 8 Be merciful, 0 LORD, unto thy people l- his slheep go astray, and hide thyself 10 145 Of humanity. DEUTERONOMY. Of adultery. B. C. 1451. from them: thou shalt in any case bring of her city shall stone her with stones that I B. C. 1451. them again unto thy brother. she die; because she hath kwrought folly 2 And if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, in Israel, to play the whore in her father's k Gen. 34. 7. or if thou know him not, then thou alt house: Iso shalt thou put evil away from JU1dg 20. 6, bring it unto thine own house, and it shall among you. 10. be with thee until thy brother seek after it, 22 5r If a man be found lying with t 13. and thou shalt restore it to him again. oman married to a husband, then they /lc. 13.5. 3 In like manner shalt thou do with his shallboth of them die, both the man that Le,. 20.. ass; and so shalt thou do with his raiment; lay with the woman,, and the weoman: so Jolln a8.. and with all lost things of thy brother's, shalt thou put away evil from Israel. which e lhath lost, and thou hast found, 23 ~ If a damselthat is a virgin be. be- l Matt. 1.18, shalt thou do likewise: thou mayest not hide trothed unto a husband, and a man find her 19. thyself. in the city, and lie with her; b Ex. 23. 6. 4 a b Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass 24 Then ye shall bring them both out unto or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thy- the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them self from them: thou shalt surely help him with stones that they die; the damsel, beto lift them up again. cause she cried not, beint in the city; and 5 ~ The woman shall not wear that which the man, because he lnth humbled his och. 21. 14. pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man neighbour's wife:,so thou shalt put away ive.. 21, 22. put on a woman's garment: for all that do evil from among you. sore abomination unto the LORD thy God. 5 But if a man find a betrothed damsel 6 4 If a bird's nest chlance to be be- in the field, and the man fore er, and lie Or. t fore thee in the way in any tree, or on the with her; then tie man only that lay with stotn v old ground, a/hether they be young ones, or her shall die: of he/ eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, 26 But unto the damsel thou shalt do noth- 13.14. cLov. 22. 28. or upon the eggs, c thou shalt not take the ing; thiere is in the damsel no sin snworthy dam with the young: of death: for as when a man riseth. against 7 B1ut thou shalt in any wise let the dam his neiglhbour, and slayeth him, even so is dl/h. 4. 40. go, and take the young to thee; d that it this matter: may be well with thee, and that thou may- 27 For le found her in the field, and the est prolong thy days. betrothed damsel cried, and tlhere tas none 8 I When thou buildest a new house, then to save her. thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, 28 ~ q If a man find a damsel that it a aEx.22.l- I17. that thou bring not blood upon thine house, virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold if any man fall from thence. on her, and lie with her, and they be found; e Lev. 19. 19. 9 ~ e Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with 29 Then the man that lav with her shall 24. tlieb.fulness divers seeds: lest the tfruit of thy seed give unto the dnmsel's faiter fifty lel sLev. 18. 8. & of thy seed. hich thou tast sown, and the fruit of thy of silver, and site shall be his wife; "be- 2011. vineyard, be defiled. cause he lath humbled her, he may not put vc. 27. 20. fSee 2 or. 6 10 ~ f Thou shalt not plough with an ox her away all his days. 1 Cor. 1.1. 14,. 5,6. and an ass together. 30 ~ s'A man shallll not take his father's See Ruth3.9. Lenv. 19. 19. 11 ~ g Thou shalt not wear a garment of wife, nor tdiscover Iris father's skirt. Ez. 16. 8. divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together. CHAPTER XXIII. NNum.15.38. 12 ~ Thou shalt make thee hfringes upon 1 lio may o, meay?tot eniter i,to the confg/ e aIatt.'23.5. the four t quarters of thy vesturo, where- tion. 9 Ucteal,.ess to be avoiled i, thse hs/t. tHeb. swtngs. with thou coverest thyself. 15 Of the fttitive seru vat. 17 Of filthiaess. tGen. 29.21. 13 t If any man take a wife, and igo in 18 of abo,ntt,-abl sacifices.. 19 Of 21 Judg. 15. 1. unto her, and hate her, Of voes. 2A ft trespasses. 14 And give occasions of speech against TBE that is wounded in the stones, or ler, and bring up an evil name upon her, I. hath his privy member cut off, shall and say, I took this woman, and when I not enter into the congregation of the came to her, I found her not a maid: LORD. 16 Then shall the father of the damsel, 2 A bastard shall not enter into the congreand her mother, take and bring forth the gntion of the LORDe; even to his tenth gentokens of tile damsel's virginity unto the eration shall lie not enter into the congreelders of the city in the gate: gation of the LORD. 16 And the danmsel's tfather shall say unto 3 tAn Ammonite or Moabite shall not en- I/Nel. 13.1.2. the elders, I gave my daughter unto this ter into tle congregation of tlhe LORD; even man to wife, and he hateth her; to their tenth generation shall they not en17 And, lo, he hath given occasions of ter into the congregation of the LORD for speech against her-, saying, I found not ever: thy daughter a maid; and yet these a'e the 4 bBecauso they met you not aith bread asec c.. 229.' tokens of my daughter's virginity. And and witl water il the w.y, when ye came they shall spread the cloth before the elders forth out of Egypt and because they hired Num.22.6. of the city. against thee Balaam the son of Beer of Pe18 And the elders of that city shall take thor of i.esopotamia, to curse thee. that man and chastise him; 5 Nevertheless, the LORD thy God would 19 And they shall amerce him in a hundred not hearken unto B3alaam; but the LORD shekels of silver, and give thea unto the fa- thy God turned the curse into a blessing tlier of the damsel, because lie hath brought nt thee, because the LORD thy God loved th Er 9. 12. up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: tlhee. and she shall be his wife; he may not put 6 dThtou shalt not seek their peace nor tHeb. goo. her away all his days. their t prosperity all thy days for ever. e Gen. 2. 24 20 But if this thing be true, and the to- 7 } Thou shalt not abhoran Edomite e for 25, 26. kents of virginity be not found for the dam- he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an f b.21., 12 sol: Igyptian; because fthou wast a stranger f 23. 9. & 21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to in his land. Lev. 19. 34. the door of her father's house, and the men 8 The children that are begotten of them cl. 10. 19. 146 aws concerning usury. DEUTERONOMY Of ledges, manstealers,.C. 13. C. 1451. shnll enter into the congregation of the she find no favour in his eyes, because he B. C. 1451. LORD in their third generation. Ihath found f some unleanness il her: then ~ Wohen the host goeth forth against let him write her a hill of * divorcement, I o. abe,. thine enemies, then keepthee from every and give it in her hand and send her out ofok.loess. wicked thing. of his house. 0 PHb. Logv. It 6.11 10 LOIf there be among you any man, 2 And when she is departed out of his oliooff. that is not cean by reason of uncleanness house, she may go and hbe another man's that chaceth him by night, then sholl ho wife. go abroad out of the camp, he shall not [ Andifthelatter husband hate her, and come within tle camp: write her a bhill of divorcement, andgiveth IThb. 11ut it slll be, hoen evening Ocometh it in her hand, and senlet her out of his toeiO 0- on, Oh oh soall oash hioseolf with water: house; or it the latter husband die, which Uad and when the sun is doon,hoe shall come took her to be his wife; iL n 151 ioto the camp again. 4 b oer former husband, which sent her J 3.1, 12 ~ Thou Shalt have a place also without away, nmay no take her again to be his tlecamp, whitherthoushaltgoforthabroad: wife, after that she is defiled; for that is 13 And thou shlalt have a pddle upon thy abomination before thp LORD: and thou t Mohsoittt -weapon; and it shall be,ooihoon thou twilt shalt not cause toe land to sin, which the 0ase thyself abroad, thoo shalt dig there- LORD thy God giv-eth thee for' an inheritwith, nd shalt turn back and cover that ance. which oometh from thee: 5 f'e When a man bhath taken a new wife, oh. 20. 7. siLh. 26. 12. 14 Fr the Looo thy God iwalketh in the he shall not go out to war, neitloer shll he lIbsh not midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, ond to be chargedwith aonybustineess b h e shall o. i.... give up thine enemies before thee; there- be free at home on; year0 and shall dcheer |hOlt paes foreeshallthy camp be holy that lho see no up his wife which le ath taken.,o tl. let Ie, knfel- t uncleanthing inthee, and turn away from 6 ~ No man shall take the nether or th d 5. 1.,fes3 or any thee thi0, upper millstone to pledge: for he tako th rJ bogam.30.15 15 k OThou shaltoot deliveronto htisees- a 0nan's life to pledge. S 015 ter the servant which is escaped from his 7 ~ elf a man be found stealing any of sei. 21. 16. master unto thee: his brethren of the children of Israel, and 16 He shall dwell witth thee, even among maketh merchandise of him, or sellcth lhim; you, in that place which he shall choose in then that thief shall die; fand thou shaot fh. 019.. tstb. ssoed one of thyg ates, where it ti liketh him best: put evil away from amongyou. fo, h i. I0thou shalt not oppress him. 8 ~ Take heed in. the plague of leprosy, g L5.13.2.h I Et. 22. 21. 17 ~V There shall be no l whore I of the that thou observe diligently, and do accord- 14. 2. toer daughters of Israel, nor' a sodomite of the ing to all that the priests t0le Lo vites soolost-. sons of Israel. teach you: as I commanded them, eo ye nLev. 9. 18 Thoushalt not bring the hire of shalt observe to do. hSe Luk.e 17. See O I hose, or the price of a dog, into the 9 bRooemember what tlhe LORD thy God did 32. 16.~~~~~~ l ev o do. eek1. t house of tlho LORD thy God for any vow: iunto MIirianm by thle way, nft~ thatyoee e or... Le. t19.. for even both these aoe abomination unto come forth out of Egypt. iN.-. 12.10. 2 5Ki0ig.237. too LORD0 thy God. 10o When thlou dost tlend thy brother any 1490. o o.12.25. ~ u~ 11490.ohO ".oo2. 25. 0, 19 IVo Thou shalt not lend uponusury to ty thing, thou sl alt not go into his house to t teb. lend. 25. 6, brother; usury of money, usury ofv ictuals, fetch his pledge. I. lo.n of 37. o. h. 2 7, usuryOf any thing thatis lent upon usury: 11 Tlosha t stand abroad, and the man oy2 toilgO, Ps. 15. 5. 20 Unto a straonger thou mayest lend up- to whom thou dot lend shall brihngout the'fo Luko o. 34, onousury; but onto thy brother thou shalt pledge abroad nto thee. k E. 22. 06. 55. not tend 0upon usury: tthato tle LORD thy 11 And f tlhe man be poor, thou shalt not IJobt29.11,13. I Se Lr. 19. God may bless thee in all that thou settest sleep with his pledge: h 31. 20..94:. & oh. 15 thino hand to inO tland whither tho goest 13 kln any case thou shalt dliver hlim the 2 o,. 9. 13. to poesess it. pledge again when the son goetl doon, that 0 Tie. 0. 18. gob h. 11. It. 21 ~ When thou shalt vow a Yow unto the hemaysleep tin is on raiment,andthlers i ce'o. 6. 2. o P.,. 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~6. 31. -Nu-. 30.2. LORD thy God, thou elolt not slack to pay thee and'Oit shall e rightousnessunto'h112lO. 1. o.1.4, 51. it: for the LORD thy God oill surely re- thee before thle LOuaD Oty God. 4. 27. quire it oftloee; ond it would he sin in thee. 14 IV Thou shalt not " opprest a liredseerv22 But tf thou shalt forbear to vow, it shall ant that is poor and needy, whetlherlie be L.,. 19. 13. he no sin in thee. of thy hbothren, or of t stranger thatare 13.,Ohy.t- og 13 ss. 30. 2. 23'That which Os gone out ofthyplipthou in thy land within thy gotese Joos 5. 4. P~.o. 1314 soal hkeop and perform; even a freewill 15 At his day' thou shalt give hin his hire, t HOol lifts;O offering according as thou t last vowed unto neither shall the sun godon upon it; for.sol the LORD tnly God, which thou hast prom. he is 6oor, and 0 sntteth hit o;eeat upon it: it, ised witl thy mouth. Plest he cry against thee unto thehoLOD, Ps. 253.1. h r e a-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8,an 4 z. 24 quofhenthoecomest;ntotlyneiglhbour's and it be sin unto thee. 014 dp vineyard, then thou mayest oat grapes thy 16 qThe fothers shall not he pat to death O, J-e0 5. 4. fill at thne own pleastre; but thou shalt for the children, neitoher shll the childeen 1q ing 14.6. not pot pny in thy oesoel. he put to death foe tho father: e, ery man Oo29. 03.4. 25 When thou comest Onto the standing shall he pot to death foe his own sin. Jato'Ea..1. 2. 511stt.12.1. corn of thy neiglbour, t then thou matyest 17 ~'Thou shalt not pervert toe judg- - E. 2.1,2 tork o2. 20. pluck the enrs nitto thine hand; but thou ment of the stranger, 00or ofthe fatherless; a c 22. 22. shalt not mo0e a sickle onto thy netghbour's Inor take a widow's raiment to pledgeo Is. 003. standing corn.g 18 b.thou slt remember tlat thou Je..92. h wast a hondman in Egypt, and the Loo 22. 3. CHAOPTR XXIV. ithly God redeemed tl e tloence: tterefore h o. 2.'10. 1 Oftioolos. tdi- ooA teo o- qosth ot to, I command thee to do this thing. Zolo.3. 10. 6a.0,?Oftngog. 7Ofoo oo s...u19 oW lith 1 1' hln thou cuttest down,thineli-...2.26. Of lop oo-. 14 TAs 01 e ii to b00e0. 16 Of vesttt toyfiod, aod tast forgot a sheofintheo tLo. 22. 00. MACt 0.11. jotioe.. 10 OfRDt ity. ofield, thou shalt not go ootl tofetoh 00: it leh 062. a 19.7. TnHEN a oman thath taken a wif, and shall be foe tte stranger, for the fathseles Lo10010 rk 10 o4. married heoor, and it come to pass that andfo the:idow: lat oleLORDathyGod 1002.20 147 Law of raising lp seed. DEUTERONOMY. Offering of the lirstfruzts. B. C. 1451. may'bless thee in all the work of thine ed in the land which the LORD thy God B. 0. 1451. hands. giveth thee. ich. 15. 10. 20 When thou beatest thine olive tree, 10 For all that do such things, and all a Proe. 11. 1. SP. 41. 1. tthou shalt not go over the boughs again: that do unrighteously, are an abomination 1These. 4. 6. Pron. 19.17. it shall be for the stranger, for the father- unto the LORD thy God. tHcb. tao less, and for the widow. 17 ~ tRemember what Amalek did unto tEx. 17. 8. halt 1ot 21 When thou gatlierest the grape s of thy thee by the vway, when ye were come forth.wl ti-aOf vineyard, thou shalt not glean it tafter- out of Egypt; tHlb. aflere ward: it slall be for the stranger, for the 18 How lie met thee by the way, and smote Ide. e fatherless, and for tile widow. the hindmost of thee, aveoa all that zvere seat. 1. 522 And tllhou shalt remember that thou feeble behind thee, when thou awast faint wyvr.. ast a bondlnan in the land of Egypt: and weary; and lie?feared not God. alpa. 36. 1. therefore I command thee to do this thing. 19 Therefore it shall be, wh1cen the LORD Preo. 16. 0. thy God hath given thee rest from all thine Ro'om. 3.18. CHAPTER XXV. enemies round about, in the land which the.1 Shm. 15.3. 1 St-ipes ml t ot ea rcd fo-ty. 4 Tle. is lot LORD thy God giveth thee for an inherittd to abe mezzo el. oance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out yEx. 17.14. 110fWIhe immodeel 0omlan. 13 0f tjl..tltveights. the remembrance of Amalelk from under 17 Tile memno.ry of Amalek is to be blotted out. heaven; thou shalt not forget it. a oh. 19. 17. T] there be a'controversy between men,:Ez. 44. 24. JL and they come unto judgment, that the CHAPTER XXVI. bSee Prov.L7. judges may judge then; then they iashall 1 Tie colfessiol ofhlnthat ofaefetlh he basket of 15. justify the righteouso and condemn the /1l tfwuts. 12 The paylere of lim that giveth vicked. D his thierd,dea,"s titles. 1 Thle covenatlt betwveen 2 And it shall be, if the wicked man be GMo ad lhe ieo e. c L.k. 12. 48. worthly to be beaten. tllat the judge shall be, when thou a, t come in daIatt.O0.17. cause him to lie down, land to be beaten unto tle alad Wlhic the LORD thy before his face, according to his fault, by a God giveth thee for an inlleritance, and certain number. possessest it, and dwellest therein; e 2Co. 11. 24. 3'Forty stripes he may give him, and not 2' That thou shalt take of the first of all a Es. Zo.19. & exceed: lest, if lhe should exceed, and beat the fruit of the earth, which tlou sllalt bring 34. 26. him above these with many stripes, then of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth fJob 18. 3. tly brotIler sllould f seem vile unto thee. thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt il P. 9...Prov.. 12.i10. 4 T r Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when Ogo uuto the pio wlich tile LORD tly God l. 2.. 1 l,r. 9. 9. lie t treadeth out the coran. shall choose to place his name there. ITiln. 5. 18. 5 ~ hIf brethren dwell together, and one 3 And thou shalt go unto the priest that tHeb. of them die, and have no ehild, the wife of shall be in those days, anld ay unto him, I Ho1. ~1 e1.stranger: her llhausband's brother shall go that I am come unto the country which the h Bfrtt. 22.24. in unto her, and take her to him to wife, LoRD aware unto our fathers for to give us. Luke 0. 210 and perform the duty of a husband's brother 4 And the priest shall take the basket out Ie, a.unto4 her. of thine hand, and set it down before the ki0mane1, 6 And it shall be, that the firstborn which altar of the IORD thy God. Gell. 38.. she beareth ishall succeed in the name of 5 And thou shalt speak and say before tIle Ruth 1. 12, his brother which is dead, that khis name LORD thy God, cA Syrian dlready to perish ciw.oe. 12.12. 13. & 3.9. be not put out of Israel. was my fatller; and ehe we0nt down into dGen 43.1,2. i Gen. 38. 9. 7 And if tile man like not to take hois Egypt, and sojourned there withl a ffew, & 45. 7, 11. 0uth 4. 10. Ilbrother's wife, then let his brother's wife and became there a nation, great, mighty, Gc,,o. 46(i. 1,. 1 lr, ale-t go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, and populous: Acta 7. 15. | ki0tnaar's tMy husband's brother refuseth to raise up 6 And'the Egyptians dvil entreated us, f en. 46. 27. wife. unto his brother a name in Israel, le will and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard oll. 10. 22. |/Ruth4. 1,2. not perform the duty of my husband's bondage: ax.0. 11, 14. brotller. 7 And hwhen we cried unto the LORD God l Ex. 2.23.24, 8 Then the elders of his city shall call him, of our fathers, the LORD heard our voice, 2:. h& 3. 9. & and speak unto lim: and if he stand to it, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, 4. 31. mRuth 4. 6. and say, I lik not to take not t er; an our oppression: 9 Then shall lis brother's wife come unto 8 And ithe LORD brought us forth out of i Ex.12.37.fl,1 nr,1ath 4, 7. him in the presence ofthe elders, and 1loose Egypt with a mighty hland, and witll: n out- & 13.3,14,16. his shoe from off his foot, and spit in lis stretchedarm, alld kwith great terribleness, C.. 5. 15. face, and shall answer and say, So shall it and with signs, and wvith wonders: kei a. 44. o utia 4. 11. be done unto that man that will not Obuild 9 And he hath brougllt us into this place, up his brother's house. and iath given us this land, evcia Ila lnd Ex. 3. 8. 10 And hlis name shall be called in Israel, tllhat floweth with milk and lholley. The house of him that hath his shoe loosed. 10 And now, behold, I have brought the 11 ~ When men strive together one with firstfruits of the land, which thou, 0 LORD, another, and the wife of the one draweth lanst given me. And thou shalt set it before near for to deliver her husband out of the the LORD thy God, and worship before the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth LORD thy God: i.19.i13. forth her hland, and taketh him by the 11And'tlhou shalt rejoice in every good -Rel. 12.7.12, l.ew. 19. 37, secrets: tihing which the LORD thy God hatll given 18. & 16. I. 12 Then thou sha lt cut offher hand, P thee, anhd unto thine t d hi ouse, thou, and Scow. 11. 1. Ear. 45. 10. eye shall not pity her. the Levite, and the stranger that is among i,.O.' 1. 13 ~ 9 Tllou s1halt not have in thy bag you. tHe l astone tdivers weights, a great and a small: 12 /[ When thou iast made an end of tithandasotale. 14 Tlhoul slhalt not have in thine Ilouse ing all tlle 1tithes of tlline illnrease the,aLC,. 27. 30. t eh. ae tdoivers measures, a greaot nd a smnll: third year, Vhieh is ~tllo year o' titling, N-uw. 18. 24. epha[aordan. 15 Bult thou shalt-have a perfect and just nd hlast given it lnto thle Levite, tile stran- ch. 14.28,29. c! l pah. weight, a perfect and just mesure slllt ger, thle fatherless, and the widow, that they re.n. 20. 12. thou have:'that thy days may be lengtllen- may eat within thy gates, and be filled; 148 Obedtence enjoined. DEUTERONOMY. The curses of the law. B. 0. 1451. 13 Then thou shalt soy bofore the LORD 9 ~And IMioses and the priests the Levites 13. C. 1451. thy God, I have brought away the hallowed spake unto a11l Israel, saying, Take heed, things out of mine house, and also have and hearken, 0 Israel;'this day thou art e' h2. 18. given them unto the Levite, and unto the become the people of the LORD thy God. stranger,to the fatherless, and to the widow, 10 Thou shalt therefore obey the voice of according to all thy commandments which the LORD thy God, and do his commandthou hast commanded me: I have not trans- ments and his statutes, which I command pPN. 119. 141, gresseod thy commandments, P'neither have thee this day. 1.~, 176. I forgotten thesa: 11 ~ And Moses charged the people the fel. 11. 29. Le.7. 20. & 14I 91 hlave not eaten thereof in my mourn- same day, saying, Josh. 8. 33. 21. 1, 11. ing, neither have I taken away aught there- 12 These shall standfupon mount Gerizim Ju5dg.. 7. Ho,. 9. 4. of for.oy unclean..s., nor given aucght to bless the people, whlen ye are.mecon over eh.... 29. thereof for the dead: but I have hearkened Jordan; Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and JoJ.h. 8. 33. to the voice of tihe LORD my God, and have Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin: t Heb. fo, done according to all that thou hast corn- 13 And these shall stand upou mount eclrsig. monnded toe. Ebal to curse; Reuben, Gad, and Asher, hech. 33.'10..Is. 63, 10. 15 "Look down from thy holy habitation, and Zebulun, Dan, nand Nnphtali. ]Jo0s. 8.33. Zelh. 2.13. from heaoen, and bless thy people Israel, 14 And h tho Levites shall speak, and say J)l.. 9. 11. and the land whichl thou hast given us, as unto all the men of Israel with a loud voie, iEx. 20. 4, 23. thou swarest unto our fathers, a land that 15 iCursed be the lan that maketh O"?P Lv. 1l. 4 floweth with milk and honey. graven or molten image, an abomination l26. 1. 16 ~ This day the LORIn thy God hath unto the LORD, the work of the hands of eh. 4. 16, 23. commanded theeto do these statutes and the craftsman, and putteth it in a seoret & 5. 8. judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and place: kand alt the people shall answer Is -14. 9. do them with all thine heart, and with all and say, Amen. o. 13. 2. thy soul. 10 ICursed be he that setteth light by his |k SelNu. 5. sEx. 20. 19,`22. E. 1 17 Thou hast Savouched the LORD this day fathler or hlis mother: and all the people Jer. 11. 5. to he thy God, and to walk in his ways, and shall say, Amen. 1 Co. 14. 16. to keep his statutes, and his commandments, 17' Cursed be hle that removethll his neigh- I l. 20.h12. & and his judgments, and to hearken unto his hour's landmark: and all tile people shall 1. 17. D 6. 0.7. & voice: say, Amen. Le. 19. 3. 119.. 5. 8 And tlle LORD hath avouched thee thlis 18' Cursed be lie that maketllh thle blind to h. 21. 18. [ |ol. 7.6. & 14. day to be his peculiar people, as lie ath wander out of the way: and all the people n ch, 19. 14. O.h 0`8.0. dayo.222s promised thee, and that thoe shouldest keep shall say, Amen. Peo. 22. 18. a. 4.7, 8. & all his commandments; 19 o Cursed be lie that perverteth the judg- a Leo. 19. 14. Ps. 14. 14. 9 And to make thee nhigh above all na- mcnt of thlle stranger, fatherless, and widow: o Ex.22.21,2. ela 100 tiens which lhe Ihath made, in praise, and in. and all thle people slhall say, Amen. ]h. 10. 18. & F. E. 19. 6., n whi.. lie |ahmae eh.7..&28. name, andin honour; and that thou mayest 201'Cursed be he that liet th wh his fa- 21. 17. 9.. be b, holy people unto the LORD thy God, ther's wife; because lie uncovereth his fa- |ple. S.. I'Pet. 2. 9. as he hathl spoken. ther's skirt: and all the people shall say, phLe. 18.0. h Amen. i. 2. 00. tll 20.1l0. | CHAPTER XXVII. 21 Cursed be he that lietil with any man- q Lev. 18. 23.& I Th...ol.le tesoomenloled. toels.e Ihesl-.npoa ter ef beast: and all the people shall say, [.... | stone, 5 ald to bild a, ala ofllole stones. Amen'.~ Le.180.9h 11 he oribes divided cn Gerizim and Ebal. 14 22 0'Cursed be he that lietl witI his sister, 20.17. hlls eo -eseoapotouedae o, Ebel. fo, the daughter of his Ifather, or tile daughter Lev. 18.17. & A ND Moses ewith the elders of Israel com- of his mother: and all the people shall say, 20. 14.._ mended tile people, saying, Keep all Amen. t 20. 13.h thle commaandments which I command you 23'Cursed be he that lietllh with his mother 21. 12, 14. this day. in law: and all the people shall sey, Amen. Leo. 24. 17. Josl.. 4. d. 2 Ant it shall he, on tle day lwhen ye 24 tCursed he he tha smiteth hIis neigh- o. 5. 3il. 1. shall pass over Jordan unto tile laud which hour secretly: and all the people shall say, bEl. 12. 11. bJosh. 8. 32. tile LORD thy God givetlh thee, tlhat bthou Amen. IE...7, S. shalt set thee up great stones, and plaste 25'Cursed be he that taketh renrd to I.10. 17. &| 25 ~'urse be h tha taktit r wardto |16.19. them with plaster: slay an innocent person: and all the peo- Ee. 22. 12. 3 And thou shalt write upon them all tle pie siall say, Amen. h. words of this law, when thou art passed 26'Cursed be hle that confirmeth not all Prs. 11I. 21. over, tlhat tlhou mayest go in unto thie land the words of tllis law to do them: and all | e. II. 3. whlich tile LORD thy God giveta tlleo, a land tile people shall say, Amen. Gal. 3. 10. that etoweth with milk and honey; as tile LORD God of thy fathers hatl promised CHAPTER XXVIII. thee. 1 The blessings Jfo obdie,l e. 15 The cusesfor 4 Therefore it shall be when ye be gone dlsoledi-cle. over Jordan, tlhat ye shiall set up these A ND it shall come to pass, 1if thou shalt |sEx. 15. 26. eeh. 11. 29. stones, which I command you this day,'in X. Ihearken diligently unto the voice of the Lev. 2l;. 3. da-a. 8.00. nmount Ehal, and thou shalt plaster them LORD thy God, to obshceoe and to do all 1,. 5~ 21 with plaster. his commandments which I command thee b oIh. 26. 10. 5 Anld there shallnlt thou build an altar unto this day, that the LORD thy God Iwill set I ye. 15. d E1. 20. 25. tile LORD thy God, an altar of stones: d lthlou thee on high above all nations of the earth: Zeloh. ii. Josh. 8. 31. shalt not lift up cany iron tool upon them. 2 And all these blessings shall come on ds. 128. I, 4. 6 Thou shalt build the altar of the LORD thee, and eovertake thee, if thou shalt seGen. 8. 5. thy God of whole stones: and thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy fe.. Offer burnt offerings tlereon unto the LORD God. Gf. 22.17.h thy God: 3 d Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and 49. 25. 7 And thout shalt offer peace offerings, and blessed shalt thou be Iin the field. h. 7. 13. shale t thlere, and rejoice before the LORD 4 Ilesedl shall Oe fIch fruit of tly ody, P. 107.38.&| thy God. and tilie fruit of thy ground, ald tie frluit [Po.. 2. 8 Anethou shalt wirite upon tile stones all of thy cettle, thle increase of thy kine, and loTn 101. 22 the words of this law very plainly. tile flockls of thy sheep. I. 4. S 149 Blessings for obedience. DEUTERONOMY. Curses for disobedience. B. C.1451. 5 Blessed shall be thy basket and thy 24 Tile LORD shall make the rain of tby B. 0. 1451. 11 store. land powder and dust: from heaven shall I IOr, d-k, 76'tBlessed Shalt thou be when thou con-est it come down upon thee, until thou be deor, kneadl- in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou stroyed. L 2. 17. i,~gt,.ouy~h. Lv 6 7 goest out. 25'The LORD shall cause thee to be 37. UP.. 121. 8. 7 The LORD hahall cause thine enemies smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go ch. 32. 30. hLe. 26.7, 8. that rise up against thee to be smitten be- out one way against them, and flee seven I. 30.17. O2S-. 22.38, fore thy face they shall come out against ways before theml; and slhait be tremoved hJer.15.-. & 39, 41. P. 89. 13. thee one way, and flee before thee seven into all the kingdoms ofthe earth. 21. 9. ~ee ve r. 23. 46. Se. eor.w25. coY..26 And thy carcass shall be meat unto all i Le. 25. 21. 8 The LORD shall icommand the blessing fowls of the air, and uoto the bests of tile I. e ih. becc, uponp theo in thy Ilstorehouses, and it all earth, and no man shall fray them away. 1eeOa. a. 3.0 tht thou ksettest thine chand unto; and Ile 21 The LORD will smite thee will Cthe il c.-.7.44, eh. 15. o.'hall bless thee inel the latd lhict tie LORD botch of Egypt, and with lthe emerlods, an i thy God giveth tiee. with the scab, and with the itchl, whereof Jer. 7 33. & i t Ex. 19.5, 60. 9 Thie LORD shall establish thee c holy thou canst lot be healed. 16. 4. & 301. oh.7.6. & 26. people unto himself, as lie cath scorn unto 08 Tie LORD ehall smite tlhee eth omad- o0. 18, 19. 29. thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments cess, and blindness, and castonishment k:er. 35. 13. of the LORD thy God, ant walk in his of heart: et..9.9. 15. ways. 29 And thou shalt "grope at noonday, as 26. 10 And all people of the earth shall see the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou I10c Sc. 5. 6. Num.. l. 27. that tiou art,ccallecd by the name of the shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou P.. 78. 66. 2Chr. 7.14. LORD; and they shall be eafraid of thee. shalt be only oppressed and spoiled ever-, Jer. 4.9. I.. cc. te. 11 And'the LORD shall make thee plen- more, and no man slhall save thee.,ob 5.. 14 Da1n.9.18,19. a 9 0 D.9.18,. teoeus 11in goods, in the fruit of thy tbody, 30) Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another Is. 59. 0. ] eel.; II. 25. and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the man shall lie itlh her: l'tlhou shalt build a0 o Jo. 31. 10. eer. 4. fruit of thy ground, in the land which the house, and thou shalt not dwell thlerein: Jer. 8.10. etc. 30. 9. e,. 30. 9. LORD sivare unto thy fathers to give thee.'Ithou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not oc Job 31. 8. lProv. 10. 22. |Jer. 12. 13./ 12 Tile LORD shall open unto thee his t gather the grapes thereof. Je. 1. 10. ]lOr, forgoo.d. [A-. 5. 11.[ II foo l. good treasure, the heaven "'to give the rain 31 Thine ox shall be slain before thine | ie. 6. 15. tehe. belly. 0unto thy land in his season, and qte bless eyes, and thlou shalt not eat thereof: thine Zeph. 1. 13. p Lee 26. 04. ltl the heork of tline )and: and "thou shalt ass shall be violently taken away from be- elh. 20. 6. ol. 11. 04. lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not fore thy fae, and tshall not be retoredto tlle...c... 14.. borrow. thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine foe, cc. eel.. 15. 6. 13 And the LORD shall make thee Ithe enemies, and thou shalt haveone torescue it.... e. 9. 14, 15. head, and not thie tail; and thou shalt be thetm. ": " above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; 82 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be 20. 0. if that thou hearken unto thle command- given unto another people, and thine eyes tlheb. lall ments of the LORD thy God, which I com- shall look, and "fail scitlh longing for them -tOe'eu,',. to macd thee this day, to observe and to do all te day long: and thce Btall be no. thet: ~ might in thine ]land. RP. 009. 82. t h. 5. 32. 1 14 tAnd thou shalt not go aside from any 33'The fruit of thy coed, and all thy Ia- cver. 51. lt. li. of thle words whichl I commandthee this day, hours, shall a nation wthiolh thou knowest lev.. h6. to the right hand, or to the left, to go after not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed J.. 17. other gods to serve them. and crushed alvay: u Lev. 01. 14. 15 ~ But it shall come to pass, 0if thou 34 So that thou shalt be mad tfor the sighit tver. 67. 1.00. 2. 17. wilt not hearken unto ethe voice of the LORD of thino eyes whlich thou shalt see. D.o.11.,13. thy God, to observe to do all lhis command- 35 The Leoed shall'smite thee in tihe,er.e2. t.. ments and his statutes whlich I command knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch thee this day; that all these curses shall that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy oer.. 2. come upon thee, and overtake thee: foot unto the top of thy head. yver. 3, e. 16 Cursed shalt thoube t i the city, and 36 Thie LORD shallhbring thee, and thy 2ecio. 17.-4, cursed shalt thou to in the field. king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a. & 214.12,14. 17 Cursed shall be thybasket andilthystore. nation which neither thou nor thy fathers & 25. 7, 11. ~2 Chr. 3. 11.| 18 Cursed shall be thle fruit of thy body, have known; and Ythere shalt thlou serve & 36. 6, 20. and the fruitofthyland, the increase ofthy other gods, woondand stone.,. kine, and the flocks ot thy sheep. 37 And thou shalt become'can astonish- y.1. 19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest menot, a proverb, anda bhyword, among all Jet1'. 13. in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou nations cooitter tie LORD shall leod thee. hoilg, 9. 7, goest out. 38 b Thou shalt carry lmuch seed out into 8. zeIeal. 2. 2. 20 The LORD shall send upon chee sours- the field, and shalt gather btt little i; for Jer. 20. 9. & alSatm.e14.20. ing, avexation, and b rebuke, in all that thou the locust shall consume it. 25. 9. Zeh. 14. 13. settest thine hand unto tfor to do, until 39 Thou sh'lt plant vineyards, and dress ZCCl 8. 13 tp,, 80. 16. thou be destroyed, and until thou perish them, but shalt neither drick of the inse,.PP. 1. 0.4. Ic. 30. 13. 1 quickly; because of the wickedness of thy nor gather the gyrapoes; for the worms shall I I. 0.. 51. 20. & 6. doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. eat them. IIc. c. 15. 21'lhe LORD shall make 01he pestilence 40 Thou shalt have olive trees throughout eoele 1. 4. t Hcb. hich cleave unto thee, until hle have consumed all thy coasts, but thou slhalt not anoint Mhou wouldshoe do. eo thee from off the land, whither thou goest thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall Le,26. 2.5. to possess it. cast his fruit. J/r. 02. 10. 22 The /LOnRD shall smite thee with a con- 41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, l.ce. 26. 16. s""ption, and with a feoer, and with ao in- but tthou shalt not enjoy thlem; for ilthey i Heh 0hey| flaie tion, and evith too extreoe eburning, oshall go into captivity. phall t ot be 1 Or,..l.ocht. cand with the etord, and with'bl.sting, 42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall h. e.. eA,. 4. 9. and with oildew; and they shall pursue tie locust llconsume.. thee until thou perish. 43 The stranger that is within thee slhall 1 Or, iossesr. fLev. 26. 19. 23 And fthy heaven that is over thy oead get up above thiee very higlh; and thou shalt shall be brass, and the earth that is under come down vecry low. thee shallbe iron. 44 eHe shall lend to thee, and thou shalt yet. 12. 150 The curses DEUTERONOMY. for disobedience. B. C. 1451. enot lend to him: flhe shall be the head, "the diseases of Egypt, lwich thou vast B. C. 1451. and thou sllalt be the tail. afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. fver. 13. 45 oeorer Y all tlese curses shall come 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, a cll 7.15. Llun. 1. 5. upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and over- which is not written in the book of this law, aver. 15. take thee, till thou be destroyed; because them will the LORD tbring upon thee, un- t neb. canse thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the til thou be destroyed. to ascetd. LORD thy God, to keep hiis commandments 62 And ye bshall be left few tn number, b ch. 4 27 and his statutes nohich lie commanded thee, whereas ye were les the stars of heaven e h. 1C. 22. Is... 18. 41 And they shall be upon tcee hfor a sign for multitude; because thou wouldeest not Neh. 9.'23. E.. 14. 8. and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for obey the voice of the LORD thy God. ever. 63 And it shall come to pass, that as the ifeh.9.3.5,036, 47 iBecause thou servedst not the LORD LORD clrejoiced over you to do you good, lch. 30. 9 37. thy God itll joyfulness, and witl gladness and to multiply you; so the LORD'mill Je. 302. 41. k ch. 32. 15. of heart, k for the abundance of all things; rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring e Prov. 1 26. 48 Therefore shalt thou serve thine ene- you to nought; and ye shall be plucked is 1. 24 mies, vwhich the LORD shall send against from off the land whither thou goest to posthee, in olunger, and in thirst, and in naked- sess it. ness, and in want of all things: and lie 64 And the LORD fshall scatter thee fLev. 6. 33. IJer. 28. 1i. ishall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, un- among all people, fromn the one end of the clh. 4. 27, 28. til lie lave destroyed thee. earth even unto the other; and t/there thou N ill. 1.8. [mJer. t.15. & 49tTlTheLORD shallbringanation against shalt serve other gods, which neither thou Jer. 16. 13. 6. 22, 23. thee from far, from the end of the earth, nor thy fathers have known, even wood yver. 36. Lukoe 9.43. tas sswift s teagleeagle ietll; a ntion and stone. tJer. 48. 40. whoso tongue tlou shalt not tunderstand; 65 And hamong these nations shalt thou AAm. 9. 4. 49. 22. 50 A nation tof fierce countenance, ~which find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy E.L 74.19.2 s1hall not regard the person of the old, nor foot have rest: i but the LORD shall give i Lev. 26. 36, ]IIo.. 8.1. shesv favour to the young: thee there a trembling hleart, and failing of t eb. ho". * 51 Andelle sall'eat the fruit of thy cattle, eyes, and Isolrro of mind: 0 Lov. 26. 16. et Io. sto oand the fruit of thy land, until thou be de- 66 And tlcy life shall lhang in doubt before elffete, atystroyed: which also shall not leave thee thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, P-o, 7. 13. eithler corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of and shalt have none assurance of thy life: Ecc. 8. 1. thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he 67 l In the morning thou shalt say, Would I Job 7.4. Dan. 8. 23. have destroyed thee. God it were even! and at even thou sllalt [o2Chr36.17. 52 And he shall qbesiege thee in all thy say, Would God it were morning! for the It. 47. 6. gates, until thy hligll and fenced walls come fear of thine lieart wherewith thou shalt [pter. 33. down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout fear, and "efor the sight of thine eyes wllich t vert. 34. 1. 7. & 62. all thy land: and lie shall besiege tiee in tlou slhalt see. 0. all thy gates throughout all thy land, which 68 And the LORD %tshall bring thee into,cJer. 43. 7. q 2 lit. ci. i, the LORD thy God ilatll given thee. Egypt again with ships, by the way wbhereof [IOtt 8. 13. & 24. l53 And'tllou shalt eat the fruit of thine I spake unto thee,'Thou shalt see it no 9.3. -. 26. 2L9. own t body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy more again: and tllere e shall be sold un- o 1. 17.16 29. daughters, which the LORD thy God ihath to your enemies for bondmen and bondJer,. 1. 9. given thee, in the siege, and in the strait- women, and no man shall buy you. Lalll 2.20. & ness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress 4. 10. thee: CHAPTER XXIX. 4 hit. teey1 3fote s exho1teh th t to obedientce, by th menmt RLb. belty. 54 cO that the man that is tender among.,y f the woks y have ee. 10All a J cl. 15. 9. you, and very delicate, Shis eye shall be evil pr teseted befor the L-rd tL o et-e into his covet ll. 13. 6. toward his brother, and tward tthe wife of nant. 18 The great woath o hil thalatettesteth his bosom, and toward the remnant of his himeof in tis oiede. 29Selret thigs bechildren which he shall leave: lotg ulo god. 55 So that lie will not give to any of titem THESE are the words of the covenant, of the flesh of his children whom lhe shall _ which the LORD commanded Moses to eat: because lhe hath nothing left lim in make with the children of Israel in the land the siege, and in tile straitness, wherewith of Moab, besides " te covenant ltich he ac.5. 2, 3. tline enemies shall distress thee in all thy made aeith them in Horeb. gates. 2 ~ And Moses called unto all Israel, and 66 Tile tender and delicate vwoman among said unto them, bYe have seen all that the b E. 19. 4. you, ohieh would not adventure to set the LORD did before your eyes in the land of sole of her foot upon the ground for deli- Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all his servsver... cateness and tenderness, o 11er eye shall be ants, and unto all his land; chi. 4. 34. & evil toward the lusband of her bosom, and 3 Tlle great temptations which thine eyes 19. toward her son, and toward her daughter, have seen, the signs, and those great mir- 10. 6..3 10. & 63.17. toHel. 4fter. 57 And toward ler tyoung one that com- acles: John 8: 43. bitth. eth out'from between ler feet, and tooard 4 Yet dthe LORD haotl not given youE A 2o8. 26, Ge., 49. 10. her children which she shall bear: for she heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and cars 27. shall eat them for want of all things secret- to hlear, unto thils day. Elh. 4. 18. ly in the siege and straitness, wherewith 5 eAnd I have led you forty years in the 2Ties.2.11, thine enemy shall distress thee in thy wilderness: fyour clothes are not waxen 12. gates. old upon you. and thy shoe is not wvaxen old tch. 13.L8.2. 58 If thou wilt not observe to do all tice upon thy foot. f c, 8. 4. ewords of this law that are written in tlis 6 4/Ye shave not eaten bread, neither have l Stee. I. 16. yE.e.3.. book, that thou mayest feanr this glorious ye drunk vine or strong drink: tllat ye 12. and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; igilt knoe that I aiL the LORD your God.. 38, 25.,59 Then the LORD will make thy plagues 7 And llen ye 0ame unto tllis place, hNo.-21.23, rDt1,. 0.12.'wonderful, and tihe plagues of thy seed, hSihoo the king of Hesllbon, and Og the 241, 3, evet great plagues, and of long continuance, king of Bashan, came out against us unto.1t. 2. 32. & and sore sicknesses, and of long continu- battle, and o we smote them: 3 1. ance. 8 And we took their land, and, gave it for, i Nu,,. 32.33. GO Moreovcr, he will bring upon thee all an inleritance unto the Reubenites, and to I clo. 3. 12, 13. Exhortation to obedience. DEUTERONOMY, M1ercy to the penitent. B.C. 1451. the Gadites, and to the half tribe of sit- not, and lwhom he had not tgiven unto BI.. 1451. nasseh. theln o nh. 4. 6. 9 fesep therefore the words of this cove- 27 And the anger of ths LonD nas kindled 7 s, eheted Je!. 1.7. nsnht, and do tlhem, that yo nmay Iprosper against this land,'to bring upon it all the -Igt g"~ o I -in2. 3. in all ha ye do. curses that are written in this book: l ny ] Josh. 1.7. {10~Ye standthis day all ofyou before the 28 And the LOD lrooeted thlema out of it. LORD your God; your captains of yourtheir land innger, and in Wath, and in tHe,. tribes, your elders, and your officers, with great indignation, and east them into an- diidel. all the men of Israel, other land, ts it isthis day. 11 Your little ones, your wives, and thy 29 The secret things belong unto the 1h, i4..SehJee,. 9n. stranger thati is in thy camp, froem "thle LORD our God: but those things wh/ich 4I(ie.iO.15. hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy ae revealed ielong unto us and to ou'r.i..1 52. itt.' wame~~ter:~ ~ children for ever, that weo may do all the Iee.2.22, t -el,.,a. 2 That thou seouldest tenter into cove- words of this law. N teh. 102. nant witth te LOtD thy God, and into h]is oath, which the LORD thy God maketh witIi CHAPTER XXX. thee this day: i Great.e..iee promised -tsto terepeentat. 11 oel. 258. 9. 13 Thant lie may Oestablish thee to day for Te comanetntn is manifeet. 15 D)eath and a people unto himself, and that he may he life ae set tehre them.,n E.. 7. unto thl:eoaGod, "as hebiath said unto thee, A ND tit shallcome to pass, when ball,Lev. 2/l. 40. q Get. 17. 7. {and'as helath sworn ue t thy fathers, to nit these things are come upon thee, thle sbe. 28. Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. blessing and tihe curse, which I have set 3. 31. 14 Neiither with you only edo I make this before thee, and thou shialt call theen to eehi.i4. 29, 30. ee33. covenaent and this oath; mind among ll tihe nations, whitecr the Irie. 8. 4e, Iel,. 8. 7,. 15 But nitl tite that stnedeti here witht LORD ty God iateh driven thee, n8. See Acta 2, es t[his day before the LORD our God,'aand 2 And shalt tdreturn unto the LORDn thy ttKeh. 1. 9. 3.9. ] also with himt that is not here with us this God, and shalt obey his voice according to in. 3. 7. Co. 7.140. day: all that I command thee this day, thou.and Le.- 3, 0. ie (Por ye know hen ne have dwelt in tie thy children, nitt all thine heart, end eith JIte2. 1213. land of Egypt; and nhow we came thtrough all thy soul; the nationls whichl ye passed by; 3'That then the LORD thy God will turn ]el106. 4n5. &e 17 And ye have seen their abominations, tiy captivity, and Ihave compassion upon u12(. 2, 4. t 1le,. dtnyy and their tidels, wood and stone, silver and tihee, and will return atndi fgntler thee fnom Jer. 292. t. nede. geld, -which seren among tihema ) all ilte nations, nwtither the LORD tiny Gad 1 -17. 2. 2 18 Leet there should he among you man, htth aeteedtlte.32. ht. Ii. in. or woman, or family, or tribe, those letenet 4 -If any of thine be driven out unto tite ] e. 117. 2. tteth wany ttis dy efo tte LO outmost parnts of heaven,front thence will aE,.:11. 13. & God, te go nd servec tle gods of these na- the LORD thy God gather thee, and from 30. 24. setAsts. 23. tions; "Jleet thece should he aetong you a thence ill lie fetch te,. 28.. lI, 1...... 19'~ i.. to~'p 2.G.... ebhieh. sroot thlat bearethllt eell and aormwohod; 5 And tile LORD thy Gd-ill bring thee Ne. 1. 9. (OII ore a,- 1ie And it come to pass, when lie ieareth into the land which thy fathers possessed, et- r oAt-r. tenodeetfteis curse,tlnnt lie bless hinti- and thou shalt possess it; and lie will do limb. es/A. self in his heart, saying, I shall have thee good, and multiply thee above thy wuelnt.1L.O9. peace, though I walk'in thei Iliinaietion fathers. lie. 11.9. {of mine heart,'to add tdrunkenness to 0 And lithe LORD thy God Will circumcise h ch. 10. 1inc la O. thirst: thine heart, and tile Ileart of thy seed, to Jer. 2. 3t. sttleborneese,!20 YThe LORD will not spare him, but loveesle LORDtto y Gd eith all thitn heart,. 11. 19. & I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lv h ODth. Go ith 17. thnhat 7.20. 17. & then ethe anger of the LORD and Ilels jeal- and with all thy soul, that thou mayest 36. 2i. n7. 2. ousy shall smoke against thlat man, and all live. eIs. 30. 1. the curses thait are Written in this book shall 7 And the LORD thy God will put all these t| let. the lie upon him, and the LORD bshall bloht out curses upon thine enemies, and on them dtk,-k, tO his name from under heaven. that hate thee, which persecuted thee. { thee,.y.. 21 And tihe LORD tshall separate him un- 8 And thou shalt return andobeyhtie voice y. to. 7, 8. to evil out of all the tribes of Israel, accord- of thle LORD, and do all hlis commandments ZP.. 7i. I. in to all the curses of the covenant that which I command thee this day. P.,. 72.. t are written in this book of the law: 9'And tile LORD thy God will make thee 0 h. 28. 11. En [ 242. 22 So that the generation to come of your plenteous in every work of thine hand, in b e.i. 10. 14 lchildeen that shall rise up after you, and tilhe fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy eSMtt.`.251. tile stranger that shall come from a far land, cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for ti 1k. tshall say, when they see the plagues of that good: for the LORD will again krejoice over k hi. nc/3. [i.e,,.tne, land, and the sicknesses t which tihe LORD thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fe- ec. 02, 41. t Heb. e-ree- hath laid upon it; thers: ",i;h te, 23 And that the whole land thereof is 10 If tlou shalt hearken unto the voice of Le,. brimstonea, n/nd salt, aed-burninig, tbnt it the LORD thy God, to keep his command. tii.. 127.' t. is not sown, nor bhareth, nor any grass ments and e is statutes sc/ice ae written lee. 1"7. I. geeeth therein, Ilike tit overthrow of Sod- in this book of the law, nand if thou turn PecDp.. 9. oe and Gomorrahd, Admnl and Zeboim, unto the LORD thy God with all thine heart, Gne. 19. 21, hich tile LORDe overthrew in his anger,and and with all thy soul. 25. in his wrath: 11 ~ For this conmmandment which I comler. 20. 16. 24 Even all nations shall say, fiherefore mned thee this day, lit is not hidden from I Is. 45. 19. f einos9.8, hath tihe LORD done thus unto this land? thee, neither is it far off. 9. what aneth the heat of this great anger? I2'It is not in heaven, that thou should-n R-e. lt. 0. Jer. 22. 8,. i5 Then men shall say, Because they nave est say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, e. forsaken the covenant of tihe LORD God of and bring it unto us, tha we may hear it, their fathers, which he madewith thenm when and do it i he brought them fortI out of the land of 13 Neither is it beyond thle sea, tha thou Egypt: shouldest say, Who shall go over tihe sea for 26 PFor they went and served other gods, us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear and worshipped them, gods whom they knew it, and do it? * ~~~~~110 Life and death proposed. DEUTERONOMY. Moses encourageth Joshura B. 0.1451;. 14 But tile word is very nigh unto thee, in 10 And tose commanded the, saying, 1. C. 1451. thy mouth, and in thyheart, that thou may- At the end of every seven years, in the est do it. solemnity of the'"year of release, tin the sc,. 15, 1. 1,19. 15 I See, nI have set before thee this day feast of tabernacles, t Lcv 23. 34, oh. II. 2. life and good, and death and evil; 11 When all Israel is come to "appear be- I 16. 16 In that I command thee this day to love fore the LORD thy God in t..e place which tile LORD thy God, to walk in his wsays, he shall choose, "thou shalt read this law 8oe. 0., and to keep his commandments, and his efore all Israel in their hearing. 3. statutes, and his judgments, that thou may ~2 Kh, 23, 2 [statutes, ande eis judgmentse, that theon may- 12 YGe ther the people together, men, and le,]. 8., 2, est live and multiply: and the LORD thy women, and children, and thy stranger that 3, &h. God shatnll bless thee in tie land lwhither thou is within thy gates, that they nmy hear, and ohi. 4. 10. goest to possess it. that tlhey may learn, and fear tilhe LORD 17 But if thine heart turn away, so that your Godt, and observe to do all thie words thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, of this law: oand worship other gods, and serve theme; 13 And that tieir children, 2which lhave el, 11 2. oh.4.26.l&h8. 18'I denounce unto you this day, that ye not known any thin g, emay hear,,andlearn nO.8..6, 7. 19. shall surely perisi, and that ye shall n not to fear the LORD your iGod, as long as ye prolong yoer days upon the land, whither live in the land whither ye go over Jordan thee passest over Jordan to go to possess it. to possess it. 2t ch. 4. 20. & 19 IPt call heaven ated earth to record this 14 ~ And the LORD said unto ioses, bBe- b Num 27.13 31. 28. day against you, thst 0I ieae set hefore you bold, thy days approach that thou must die: cih 34.5. e-re. 10. life and death, blessing and cursing: there- call Joshua, and present yourselves in the fore choose life, that both thou and thy seed thbernale of the congregation, titt eI p rs. 23. may live: givelime charnege. And Moses and Joshua N.L...s2. 719. 20 That thou mayest love the LORD thy went, and presented themselves in the tabGod, andE that thou mayest obey his voice, ernaele ofCthe congregation. and that thou mayest cleave unto lim: for 15 And dthe LORD appeared in the taber- id Ex. 33.9. elP. 27. 1. & lie is thy "life, and tihe length of thy days: nacle in a pillar of a cloud: and thel pillar |Met. 9. ethat thou mayeet dwell in ttle land whicht of the cloud stood over the door ofthe tabJehn 11. 2-5. the Lone swtre unto thy fathers, to Abra- erntcle. lam, to Isac, and to Jacob, to give them. 16 e And the LORD said ento Moses,.Belold, thou shalt sleep with thy fanthers; and te see. CHAPTER XXXI. thispeople will rise up, andfgo awbhoring ieet deen, after the gods of the strangers of the land, 2 S.-.. 12. 1 | hOt7se, eneos7aeelh hthepeople. 7 le eteoura-seth dhitller they go to be among them, and will e Ex 32. 6, t [Josh-ta. 9it diietrs e thte ltto Ihelesties hforsake me, and hbreak my covenant fiE.34i1 setto.eeae it i y th e seeeneh yetai to i]e people. 1.1 God g~.urveth a chaige to Jos-h-a, 19 and a son g to which I have made with them. J... 2. 17. [l iestf againt the eepte. 24 N[oss deli-te;el 17 Then my anger shall be kindled against y teh 32 15. ]the iooks of the slaw tot tse Levtees to i-eep. J28 1e them in that day, and,I will forsake thle, Julgs.2 12 & 10 0t 13. oseelh a1t1e-etnttiee to retsUs. dend I teill khiitte my face froee thes, eted ND loses went and spnake these words they shall bhe dev-oured, and many evils and 7 Jtt.t1 2 20 |A _. unto all Israel. troubles shall hbefell them; so tehat they se2C-hr. 1502 c. 7. 7. 2 Ai-d le said unto them, I Itntahundred etill say in that day, eAse not these evils sth 32. 20. h. 3. 7. and twenty years old this dayt; I cae o come upoen us, because our God is'"not ~. 104.t29. is...u,27, 17, more b go out and come int: also the LoRtD among us?Is I eKi 3. 7. Ihath said unto me, IThou shalt not go over 18 And "I will surelyilide my face in thant. 39.23. |eNee. 20. 12, this Jordan. day for all the evils which they shall Ihave fIsb. h cte & 27. 13. 3 The LonRD ty God, dhe will go over be- wrougtt, in that they are turned unto other thn,,,,. oh. 3.27, fore thee, andl hle will destroy these nations gods. Noleh. 9 32. dech. 9. 3. efiom before thee, and thou shalt possess 19 Now therefore write ye this song for I Jig ii 13. thems: and Joshlua, he shall go over before eyou, and teach it the children of Israel: put teN,,e 14,42. e-lul. 27.1. thee, eas tee LORD hathsaid. it ill their neonthe, that this song may e e o. nve 1s 3o. 3.28. 4 f And the LORD shall do unto them ens witnesc for se against the children of Iso yet 26. rek. 21. te did to Sileen and to 0g, kings of tihe reel. - 0 [gNun, 21.24, tAmorites, and unto the land of them, whom 20 For when I shall eaeve brought them into 033. te destroyed. the land hlich I cware tnto their fethers, [h eh 7. 2. 5 And h thle LORD shall give them up before that flowetlh with milk and hloney; and they your face, that ye may do unto them accordl- shanll have eaten and filled thersel-es, P and t te 32.15, jiZ,,sh 10, 9 Nigno l he o9adu e n s h i h 6hv Jese. 10.. unto all tiee ommandmeents whsics h I leave -waxen fat;'tlien wnill they turn unto othler Ne1s 9.'5,20 Cleh. 2o. 13. commendedd you. sagods, and serve them, and provoke nme, and o. i. k oh. l129.7. 6 Be strong andof a good courage, kfear break my covenant. 1. 180. not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD 21 And it shallcome to pass, Iwhen many S'er. 17. i cll. 20. 4. thy God, lie it is that doth go tith thee; evil ed i hs and troubl es are ethfllen them, that,e Josth 1 5 Itee oill net failthee, nor forsake thee. this song shall testify *against them as a t Ioe.before. sh, 13. 5. 7' And toes called unto Joshua, and itness; for it shall:ot be forgotten outof / [AdiIsecalld unto Johua, in a nigo sne. 23t. said unto him in the sighi of all Israel, n Be tihe mouths of their seed: for'I know their stIt,. 5 3. & |8e.l.8.&3. strong and of a good courage: for thou imagination twlich they g eo about, even 13.ti;. 28. must go witl telis people unto ithelnndnwich now, before I have brought them into the Am.5. 25,25. Joeth. 1.6. the LORD Iheth sworln unto their fathers to land ehich I sare. iHsh. is. sEo.13.21,22. give them; and thou shalt cause them to 22 ~ Moses therefore wrote this song the h03, iL tinherit it. same day, and taught it the childret of Is-,h. 9. 3, 8 And the LORD,n he it is that doth go be- roel. iJosh.l.5,. fore thee; i'he ill hbe with thee, lie will 23 eAnd te gave Joshua the son of Nunna yee 14.!Chlr. 2,8, 20, hre n ad B ton n fago v l Ce 2 not fail thee, neither forsake theee: fear not, charge, and said, IBe strong acd of a good.e- 7 neither be dismayed. courage: for thou shalt bring the children Jo-h. 1 6,,eh. 17. 18. e-.1. 41. I. 9 ~l A-nd Moses wrote this law, 7and de- of Israel into the land which I sware unto, etee. 4. 15.le-,i livered it unto the priests tie sons of Levi, them: and I w-il be witih thlee. hr.. 12, "which bare tihe ark of the covee art of thie 24 I And it came to lpass, when MToses 15. LORD, and unto all tihe elders of Israel. had made an end of Owriting tie words y ee 9. 153 The song of Moses. DEUTERONOMY. The song of Moses. B. C. 1451. of this law in a book, until they mwere her wings, taketh them, beareth them on B1.C. 1451. finished, her wings: 25 Tbat Moses commanded the Levites, 12 So the LORD alone did lead him, and aah. 33. 29. which bare the ark of the covenant of the tlhere a s no strange god with im.. 1. LORD, saylg, 13' LaHe made him ride on tile high places E. 3. 2. Se. 2 Kings 26 Take this book of the law, Z add put It of tihe earth, that hle miglht st ithe increase 1J1b 20.0. 22. 8. in the side of the asi of the covenant of the of tile oield; and lie made him to sack P". 81. 16. aver. 19. LORD your God, thab it may be tlhere for bhoney out of the rock, and oil out of the sPs.Oll0.b a witness against thee. inty rock;147.14. bh.9.2b.&32. 27 bPor I know thly rebellion, and thy 14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, withn d Gb. 4. 11. 20. Catiff neck: bellold, while I am yet alive fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of l3a- l. 33 26. Ex, as. 9. with yaou this day, ye have been rebellious slas, and goats, waith the fat of kidneys I 44. 2. lh. 9,6, against the LOiD; and how much more of wheat; and thou didst drilnk the pure flSal2 29. after my death? Ilblood of thle grape. g lh. 31. 20. 28 ~ Gather unto me all the elders of ysour 15 ~ But eJesurun waxed fat, and fkiked: ll. 1.. Pa. 17. 10. tribes, and your officers, that I may speak a thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, Jaer. 2.7. &5. deh 30,19. & these words in their ears, d and call heaven thou art covered saith fatness; theln le 7.28. 32. 1. and earthll to record against theml. forsook God whichl imade him, and lightly Ho.. 13. G. 29 For I know that after ay deathl ye will esteemed the kRlockl of his salvation.. 31.1. sh. 32 i utterly e orrupt yoarselves, and turn aside 16 Thely provoked him to jealousy with Is. 1.4. Judg. 2. 19. from the way which I have commanded you; strange gods, with abominations provoked ye. 6i. lOs.. 0.9. and feval will befall you iln the latter they hlim to anger. Is. 51. 13. fcl. 28. 15. days; because ye will do evil in tile sight of 17 "They sacritficed unto devils, alnot to k'2Saam.22.47. g aGe. 49.1. the LORD, to provoke him to anger through God; to gods whom they knew not, to new Pa.. a9.' ah. 4. 30, the work of your hands. gods that came newly up, lwhom your fa- 95.1. 30 And Iosess spake in the ears of all the thlers feared not. 1 Ki. 14.22. congregation of Israel the words of this 18 110 f the Rock lha begat thee thou art 1 Cor. 10.22. song, until they mwere ended. unmindful, and Ihast forgotten God that a,lLev. 17. 7. formed thee. Ps. 106. 37. CHAPTER, XXXII. 19C1dms b b al a a 7op. 1a.2s0. CHAPTER XXXIL 19 2P And when the LORD Saw it, he I{ ab- IRv. 9.20. 1 boses' so,sg, hich sebatelaforah God'ssaerdyi la helrr ed theaas,']because o poaigf the provoking of, i IlOr, which ve4geas~e.,46 e eho,' telss tlao scst their lhis sons, and of his daughters. -calI.aa..s,ai. 4800Gals 5lehhimp........ 20 And lie said, "I will hide my face from a.. Ois, to Ad, slalad,.,,d adil. lsthem, I will see what their end shall be: Yer. 21....,4.26.&30. (IVE near, 0 ye heavens, and I will for they a? ao very froward generation, l Is. 17.... 19. & 31. 28a. speak; and hear, 0 earth, the words Schildren ill whom is no faith. 2.32. Ps. 50.4. of my mouth. 11 tThey have moved me to jealousy with'J 11. to j u J g. 2. 14. Is 1. 1. 2 ib y doctrine shall drop as the rain, my thaa which is not God; they have provoked Jer.2.12.6. speech shall distil as the dew, as the small me to anger 1with their vanities: and s:Plised,. rain upon the tender herb, and as the will move them to jealousy with those which bIY.55. 10, 11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IJ~l. 1. 2. b I.s..l. laowerss upon the grass are not a people; I will provoke them to /lI. 1.1. lCs 3,. 3 Because I will publish the name of the anger with a foolish nation.. 31. 17. s s. 72. 0. LORD: a lascribe ye greatness unto our 22 For Ya fire is kindled in mine angers,Is 30. 1. Mi.c. 5. 7. callG o. tt. 17. 17. Gla od. and I shall burn unto the lowest hell, and. dlaChrs.. 11..{4 He is ethe Rock, fhis work is perfect: shall consume the earth with hler increase, P. 78.58. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~P. 29. 1tve.580. e Snm. 22.3. for'Yall his ways are judgment: ha God of and set on fire the foundations of the mount- ulISm. 12.21. & 23.. 3. truth an witlhout iniquity, just and right sins lKin 16.13, P. 18. 2, 31. is he. 23 a will heap mischiefs upon them; aI 26. o46b. 1. 5 tkby have scorrupted themselves, will p nd ine arrows upon tlem. P. 31. 6. 1 ltheir spot is not the spot of his children: 24 IdT soll be bmrnt with hunger, and Jo. 8.19. f2Sno.22.31. tlsay assa a iperverse and crooked genera- devoured with Oburning heat, and with 10.0.1 14.12. Dan. 4.37. lion. bitter destruction: I will also send btlle Asia 1. 10. sRev.15 6. 6 Do ye thus "arequite tile LORD, 0 foolish teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison a Hoe. 1. 10. hJer, 10.10. people and unwiseis s not le llhy father of serpents of thle dust. Rm. 10. 19. iJob 31. 10. that batnl bought thee? bath he bbnot smadse 125 CThe sword wiithout, andterror t within, J.5.. P.. 92. ta. tloee, and established thee? shall destroy both tlb young man and the 17.4. o Halb. s 7 IlVRemembber the days of old, considerthe virgin, the suckling also with tlhe man of 5,o. 4. 11. hsllt -s~- years of t many generations: ask thyfa- gray hairs. O, Oa-I ssIa,!d so tlberandbhwillshesm.her; thyclders,and 26 dI said, I would scatter them into cor- blo..d. himself. they will tell thee. nars, I would make the remembrance of:l Or, halth kehl. 31. 29, 8 When the Most High'divided to tie na- them to cease from among men: OU ed tlOs ss ions their inlseritance, sheab he sepsrated 27 Werle it not that I feared the wrath of o Is. 2ii. 15. 11Or, that th einemlst their adversaitnes'oud, wPe. 7e 12epr13e ahey ars oat the sons of Adam, lhe set the bounds of tle the enemy, lest their adversaries lhould spa. 7. a,13. hi, loailda, people according to the number of the chil- behave thlemselves strangely, asnd lest they.r.. 10. tlhat is toi, dren oaf1srsl. sshould fsay, "Our hand is high, and the f Hob. i -ro bt.s. 9 For sthe LORD'S portion is Ihis people; LORD hath not done all this. iqa eol,. I Mastt. 17.17. Jacob is the l lot of his inheritance. 28 For they are a nation void of counsel, Hal. 3. 5. Luke 9.41. 10 H foand aim "ine a desert land, and in siither is lere any understanding in b Lev. 26. 22. Phil, 2. 15. ] 0H on i ia eetlnadi i. l the waste howling wilderness; le!Iled him them. cLara. 1. 20. aps 110. 12. about, hle instructed him, he Okept him as 29 1 0 that they were wise, that they un- Es, 7 15. n Is. 63.16. thle apple of hiseye. derstood this, ithat they would consider 2Cor. 7 0. oPs. 71.2. 11'As an eagle stirrath up her nest, flut- their latter end! T Hebl,. f oa aers 16. tereth over her young, spreadeth abroad 30 low should Lon chase a.lth.ousad, and th-hla.ola Is. 17. 1 1. & two put ten thousand to flight, except their t Hel. 44.2g1. t l. aosaaiaoo oaal ga ia.t qE. 13. i. Pa. 44......... 1. &78.3.14. s.eel,. 9. 2 Acts 17 26. s Geo. 11. 5. s Ea. 13..d E. 20. 13, 14, 23., er. 19. 4. fs. 140. 8. d1 Or, Ona high b&19. l. 1 Sa. 10. 1. s. 78. at. ot H.-d.,chlh.Sis. 15. Jer. -nIatd, an aotthe Loa, hath llooe alu thil. Is 27.1I. Je.4. 2. 6. IHo.:3. O.!i Or. ona,l aiais oh. 4.:16. 22. A ol. 2.90. P. 81 13 & 107.43 alkes 19. 42. iIs 47. y Ps. 17. 8. Proy. 7. 2. Zelh. 2. 8. EX. 19 4. ah. 1.31. Is. 7. la-,. 1. 9. kLso. 20.. aa. 1. a a Chr. 24. 21. I. 31. 5.b&d46. b'3. 9, Hos. 11.3. 30. 17. 154 I-The song of Moses. DEUTERONOMY Blessings of the tibe. 1461. 1 k (h~~~~~~~~~Blssng s of theln n theLrD a in;bes. [. 0.1451. Reek bed setd teee, aed the LORD bed Zie; because ye tsanctified me not in the B.C. 1451. * sh u t them up? midst of tie children of Israel. Ps..412. 31 F'or'their rock is note as our Rock, "Yett thou t see tile land befe tSeeiLe.. 52 "Yt tho shat seethe lnd bfore J tSee~ -., 0 Is. 50.1. & 52. 3. 3. he 52 3~0. i. 3e e,r,,,,,,,,,,,aee thee.eelyet 5ein4ju d ed. thee: but thee..h.alt not go thithel..t. 32 Foretheeirine "lis ofthevine of Sodom the land which I give the children of Is- e ee.27.12. tS.e. 2. 2. and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes rel. h. 3. 4. d tJ.. are sgrapes' of gall, their clusters are hitter:. 0. 3. 33 Their wine is'the poison of dra.ons CHAPTER XXXIII. ee. t. 10. and the cruel evenoet of asps. I Te eejee of e bd. e Te bseieef Ae e. 9ee itle.;Ior. is worse 34 S not this elaid up in store with me, telve tibes. 26 The exellency of I rael. 141 ehle", theie td sealedep among my treasures e A ND this is'the blessing, wherewith. 19.1,20. ofSodom,ci. 35 "To me betongeth vengeance, d ee- Moses Ithe man of Ged blessed the r e-d. se4e. P Pt. 5o. 4. ompense; their foot sall slide in due time: children of Israel before Ihis death. lth; 3:3. t P. 140. 3. for tthe day of their calamity is at hand, 2 And lie said,'The LORD etame from Si- dSeePs.68.17.t Ren. 3.3.13. and tihe things that shall come upon them nai, and rose up from Seir unto then; lie Dln. 7 10. J make haste. shined forth from mount Paret an, ad lbe Aet7. 3.. Jee. 25.22. 36 "Feor thile LORD shall judge his people, came with dten theousands of saints: from th. 3. 2.19 Hs.. 13. 12. eeed e.2.s'and repent himself for his servants, wen his right eedleent ta fiery lae for thet. e i.b R -. 92: I. h " 5 p.e9 be seeth thea ttheittpower eis gone, and 3 Yea,'he loved the people; fall his 9. 16. ttes.litt9 tth7e is none shut up, or left. saints are inthyhand: aned they L sat doen tel,. e tire e's,. 10.30. 37 And hlie shall say, eWlhere are their at tiy feee; every one shall hreceive ef efle-. e2 Pet. 2.. gods, their rock in wlhon they trusted, thy words. E Ps. 135.,14 38 Which did eat the tt of their sacrifices, 4iltMosesecommnded us aeeee etevet tte eh. -..,. eJedg. 2. 1. is ebthe teitte efteideie etfee-etteiteeeoeftcemendee efee eh l k even the h. 7. 7, 8. drank wi....f th rinkoffer-inheritance offthe congregation of Jacob. / P.. 4;... d...... 18. HOddrn t... /. Pe ings? let them rise up and help you and 5 And he was e king in I'Jeshurun, when HO. I 1.. JeI, 31. e5/ be tyour protection. the heads of the people and the tribes of I. 2. ]'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~feel 7. 16.! Joes 2. 14. 39 See now thet eg, evelt I, eesa tie, and Israel were gathered togetier. felt. 7. 9. tRstkehaed. tthetre is no god wit me: e I kill, and I 6 LetReuben live, ed not die; and let e.s.. e. y Iai.14.10. make alive; I wound, and I thea: neither not his e e fe. e /.- 35. bet, 21. t1 e tthee eaey that can deliver out ef sy 7 I And this is the blessing of Judah: [ Act 22.3. 2'Kies.. 9 ad. and he said, Hear, LORD, the voice ofJu- Pr. 2.1. & 1t. 26. 40 d For I lift up my hand to heaven, and dahn d h, d bring him unto his people: "let i Jeeoh 1.17. & e eudg. 10.14. say, S live for ever. his hands be sufficient for him; and be iJe~ 7.19. er. 2. 28. 41 cIf I whet my glittering sword, and thou e a help to hi feom his enemies. 19. tReHb. a hid- mine thand take hold on judgment; fI will 8 ~ And ofLevi ie said, PLet thyThhunmim s.. t. is. fe0'.'e7. render vengeance to mine enemies, and will and thy Urim te sith thyThioly one, ete' 1 1eee. 3g. ePe. 102. 27. reward them that hate me. thou didst provee. i..asseha.eeitheetet 3t. I:.1.4. &48. 42 I will make mine arroes drunk with thou didst strive naet ate ters of eribae; 1 9.2.& 2. blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; 9 Wi said unto his father and to his bh. 4. 35. andt that with the blood of he slain and of mother, I have not"seen im; neither did a. 49.. Is. 45. 5, 18, |- 9.8 22. tile captivesfrom the beginning of..revengas I e acknowledge his brethren, nor knew his o P.......... Ie S-. 2.6. epn tie est nsy. own chiilde.: for Ithey l.ave observed thy Ol.... 2 Kitge 5. s. 43 IliRejoice, 0 ye nations, tsith his pee- eord, and kept thy covenantt. 2 E.. 28. 30. Jol, 5. 18. e: for lie till tNenge the blood of yise 11 "They shall teach Jacob thy judg-... 17. 7'.68. e0. servants, and Itill render vengeance to iis ments, and Israel tiy law: I"titey shall 5tt.t20. 13.'s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l. 6. 22o. 1{ He 6. 1. adversaries, and' will be merciful unto his put incense tefore thee t ene, d awhole burnte. sts8.7 d ei. 14. 22. land, anetd to his people. sacrifice upon titins altar., e.. 32. s... 44 IVAnd lMoses came antd spake all the C11 Bless, LORD, his substance, and ac-. 1 7.17./| -.1.30words of this song in the ears ofthe people, cept the work of his hands: smite through J.ol 37. 24. eI..27.s o. he4. lie, and Ittoshee the son ofNun. te loins of them that rise against him, ad Ex.2.2g,27, 5. & 661. 16.,E.3.2,7... 21.9, 10. 45 And Mosese t made an ed of speaking all of them that hate him, that they rise nt 28. ti, 20. these words to all Israel: again. te J 8. ft. 1. 2. t46 Andliesid unt them, "Set your hearts 12 Astd of Benjamin lie said, The be- h.. i. un. alle tit te words whichl I testify amen, loved of the LORD shall dwell in safety by t. 2.5, 6. g Jer. 46. 10. you titis day, which ye shall command your tim; nd te LORD A shell et i tite I Or, L5. thet AJ J. 13. 24, children to observe to do, all the words of day long, and he shall dwell between his teac-, 4i. Jee. 30. 14. tiles lat. shoulders.. 0,. L-. 2. 5. 47 For it is not a vain thing for you; ~be- AedfJepie sid, Beedfte. 17.0, 5, ll Or, Peiee cause it is your life: and through this LORD be his land, for the precious things I11. & 24. 8. Si people, e thing ye shall prolong you, days i the of heaven, for ilthe dew, and for the deep Et.i. 22 7. ye.ise sr, land, whither ys go over Jordan to possess that coucheth beneath, Is t S/1L~~~~~ ye. it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iti a. co eefi Ihenoth Sitsn ". it C14 And for the precious fruits e tebrought,s. R-s'. iS. te. 48 h'And the LORD spake unto Moses ttat fsorth by the sun, antd for the precious, 5 ktes.h6.55.h & selfsame day, saying, things + put fortit by the t moon55, tt, 5n 40 14. 2. 45 Get thee up intoe tils mountain bari, 1 And for the chief things of'the ancient 1 S-Ue. 2.28. 1 er 41. unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of mountains, and for the precious things sof t Heh. at thy mPs. 85. o. aob, that is over against Jericho; and the lasting hIills, tes. 55 Or, Joiet. behold the land of Cnaae, which I give 16 And for tihe precious things of the earth y Lev. 1.5,13 s.66.h unto the children of Israel for a posses- and fulness thereof, and for the goodwill 17. 18. sion: of elhim that dwelt in tele bush: let tihl P... 5119.. 40. 4. 560) And die in the mount whither thou goest blessingfcome upon the lead of Josept, tt. 4e. 27. ebh. 30. 19. up, and be gathered unto thy people; sts and upon the top of the Ie ad of him that tI e a S.24.23. Pl.a. 20. 5. L-. 18. 2.'Aarsn thy brother died i mount Her, and ws sep ted fom is bretren.. 20. 41 & 4.22. was gat.hered unto his people: 17 His glory is like tie Yirstling of his e' Rm. 10. 5. 5 1 BeCenues ye trespassed against me bullock, and 1is horns are likie the horns Gen49' 25. p3-.27.12, {among the children of Israel at thee iwe shall pue tile r 13. of'{ Meribah-Kadesh, in the wilderness of ]el. orh27. 28. 13~n. t3. 47 3!1. Sisith, —. t t 6teed. iRett.'es2' s. sets.,I55eh. 3.1. qteee..33.47,40. eih.3. f1. cum.-20.25.2. &33.38, sNuin. eEx. 3.2.4.' Aets7:]0i. 17(;c3.4.2. ifCh., 5.1. hNl,,m. 20. 11, 12, 13. hi 27. 141. 1Is, OStrsifs at Kid-hs, S e. I15t23.'22. Pt. 92.10,. ilKiss i. CL Ss. 4. i5. CCI5 The excellency of Israel. JOSHUA. The death of ~Moses. B.0C. 1451, people together to the ends of the earth: CHAPTER XXXIV. B. 0. 141. and kthey are tile ton thousands of Ephraim, 1 1osesefeom moeunot eto veweth thie land. 5tAe h/to.- I -/. 1 oand they are tihe thousands of Manuasseh. dieth three. 6tHis/u -al. idee. 8 lThirty/ t Ge. 49. 13,. 18 ~ And of Zebuiun he said, tRejoice, dac s' eouti foe hi.. 9 JoAt' c-eedeth Zebulun, in thy going out; and, Isaachat/o, Tttoe fMo ole.. 3. 0. to thy teote. mIs. 4. 3. in thy tents. IttlND Mosies went up from the plains of P.. 4. 5. They shall I call te people unto the Moab "unto the mountain ofNebo, to sNu. 27.12. oSeeJos.h.l3. mountain; there 1they shall offer sacrifices the top of II Pisgah, that is over against Jer- & 33. 47. 10, he. of righteousnesse: for they shall suck of the icho: and tte LORD bshewed him all the oeh. 32. 49. 1/Chr. 12. 8, abundance of the seas, and of treasures land of Gilead, unto Dan, II Oe Te. hoA. hid in the eted. 2 Atd all Napttalt, and tce land of Ephra- 0 e/h. 3.27. /N 2.1, 10 ~ A/d of Gtd he said, Blessed be he im, and ilanasseh, and all tie land of Ju- c Gee. 14. 14.,. that enlargetlh Gad: he dwelleth as a lion, dah, dunto the utmost sea, d e. 1. 10. t I/,c/c.l/ed1. and teareth the arm witth ie let// of the 3 And tte south, ant the plain of the valqdJctch. 41. 12. head. ley of Jericho,'the city of palm trees, unto e Judg.l.6.& dJ,,/h. 19.47. 21 Ad lPhe provided the first part for Zote. 3. 13. Jidgot. 1.. i7. lmself, because tlere, in a portion of the 4 And the LttoRD said unto him, fThis is 2 Chr. 28. 15. oc. d4t. 21. lawgiver, entos hote seatedO; and "lie came the land which I ea ware unt o Abraham, unto [et fen. 12.7. & t SeeJosh.19. with the leads of the people, he executed Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give 13.15.& 1. 32. &e. the justice of the LOtD, and his judgment it uno tly eed: I e caused thee to 18. &26. 3. & tteoCG. 49.320. eitht Isrtel. see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not. 3. oSeeiJc/b29.0. 22 ~ Andof Dan he said, Dan is alion's go over thither. 3 1.. h //Or. Unler I whelp: the shall leap from Basian. 5 ~ hSo Mtoses the servant of the LORD h. 32. 0. th/ sehoes 23 ~ And of Naphtali lie said, 0 Naphtali, died there in the land of Moth, aceording dJo.. 1.1, 2. eheall/be/,e.'satisfied with fayour, and full with the to a/e word of tte LOoD. y ech. 8.9. blessing of the LORD, tpossess thou thle 0 Ande he buried him in a valley in the E.. 15.11. nestandothesouth. land of Mloas, over against Betli-peer: but Pc. tt. 8. 24 ~a Andoe of Asher he said, ect Asher be too man knowett of his sepulchre unto this iSee Jude 9. Jer. 10. /. blessed witlh children; let him be accept- day. ceo/h. 32. 15. able to Iris brethren, and let him dip his 7 e k And Moses toas a hundred and twen. k oh. 31. 2. b P. O. 4,.33, foot iu oil. ty years old when he died: t his eye was not c Sec Get. 27. 34. & 11/. 3. 2511Thy shoes shall be Ytiron and brass dim, norhis t natural force t abated. 1, 48. 10. h Ah. 3.. and as tiy days, so stall thy strength be. 8 ~ And the chldlren of Israel wept for Joseht 14. 10, eP. 0. 1. 20 T shere snon like unto tte God of Moses in the plains of Moab " thirty days: 11. dlih. 9.3,4,5. aJeshurun, bwho rideth upon tl he aven se the days of weeping attl mourning tfor HReb. e Nuon. 2/. 9. in thy help, and in his excellency on the MIoses were ended. dee. 20. /. h thsy. 0] t ohoth o tNc ot e ll:eHlt.fled. Je, 23. 6. & sky' 9 ~[ And Joshua the son of Nun was full I H". ld. 3/1.. i2 The eternal God is thy refuoge, and of the spirit of wisdom; tor IlbMoses oa 1451. fch. 8.7, 8. underneath alre the everlasting arms: and laid hi hands upon him: and the children d Seee..5. o Ger. 7.2. 2 d. lee shall thrust out the enemy from before of Israel hearklened unto him, and did as 3, 10. ehC. 11. 11. thee; and slhall say, Destroy theoc. thle IOtaD commanded Moses. N um. 20.29. hPs.. l-4. 15. 28 eIsrael then shall dwell in safety alone: 10 ~ And there P arose not a proplhet sinee II 11,2. i28sae. 7. 23. fthe fountain of Jacob shall be upon a in Israel like unto Moses, qwhom the LORD DBa. /. 3. t P.. 115.9,10, land of corn and wine; also his t.heavens knew face to face, oNu. 27. 18, 11. shall drop down dew. 11 In all the signs and tlhe ewonders which 23. 12Sam.22.45. 1 2hIlappy ear thou, 0 Israel: twho is the LORD sent him to do in the land of t Seech. 18. Pe..44. & like unto tllce, O people saved by the LORD, Egypt, to Pharaol,aud to all his servants,. 1. 6/3.&. 8l1.15. kthe shield of thy help, and who is the and to all bis land, qE/c. 33. 11. HOr, shall besword oftlhyexcellency/ and thine enemies 12 And in all that mighty hand, and in all Nu. 12.6,8.,cde. l/l shall be found liars unto thee; andt thou the great terror which Moses sheowed in the ti.. 4. c teh. 32. 13. shalt tread upon their high place. sight of all Israel. 7h. 4. 4. THE BOOK OF JOSHUA. B. 0. 141. CHAPTER I. the great sea toward the going down of the B.C. 1451. T1 he Lotd ppoiLteth Joehd to euc-ceeed Ofotee. sun, shall be your coast. 3 l111ole of tthe 5, 9 1 ed 5 eThere shall not any man be able to De,,C. 7. 24. pv'omiseth to nassist Josh~ua~ 8 HellverbA him inetuettion. 10 tie p,'eareh ehe peop/e to pass stand before thee all tile days of thy life: ove. Jorcda,. 12 Joshta pule t the e o t ibecs fas I was witIt MIoses, so e will be with f l atndhalf i/ e,ctd tof theirpromlse eo e osese. 16 thee: tI will not fail thee, nor forsake ooDeut. 31.8, Theyp hiomse iefeatc. thee. 23.']~TOW after the death of tiesea the serv - / ~er.~~~~,er 9, 17. oo te 6 iBoe strong and of a good courage: for h. 3.7. & 6. ant of the Lol-D, it came to pass, that l/unto this people shalt thou divide for an 27. the LORD spa/o unto Joshua the son of inheritance the land, which I aware unto I.. 43. 2. 5. az. 24.13. oun, Mloses' "minister, saying, their fathers to give them. hDeut.3l.t,8. Det. 1.3. 38. 2 bILoses my servant is dead; now there- 7 Onlybe thou strong and very courageous, Hob. 13.5. BDeuO. 3-1. 5. fore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and that thou mnayeat observe to do according to iDeu.. 31.7, all this people, unto the land which I do all the law, kwhicl Moses my servant co- 23. give to them, even to the children of Is- mandes thee: eturn not from it totthe right II Or, thoeu rael. hand or to the left, thao ht Itho oyet //.p t ro a.. Deu 4,Ol.. 3tEvery place that the sole of your foot per whilt.eraever thou goest. thi.seeol'leto oh. 14;: 9. [hall tread upon, that have I given unto i!h-it the. 14. shall tread upon, that have I given unto 8 oThis book of the law shall not depart la,tl 4.e. Gen. i'15. 18. y ~ ~ ~ ~ soutstIseaidunoce/op Moeses.c yoe, as I said uncto Moses. oout ofthymouth; but nthou shalt meditate,IG.x. 2'5 8.3t N..223 Eo. U,. 01. 4 dFrom thIe wilderness and this Lebanon therein day and nighlt, that thou mayest ob- Det. 31.7. No. /4..3- even unto the great river, the river Euphra-. 01. 1. e..3.. 14. O do y, t 9. 7. oh. ll. 15.!Deut.iR.r 41. 5 l~.3~uir. & 2S. 1:.S 12./ te, all thle land of the Hittites, and unto t Deut. 17. 18, 19. e Pe. 1. 2. 156 'The covenant betwoeen,JOSHUA. Rahab and the spies. B. C. 1451. servo to do according to all that is written stalks of flax, Mwhicll she had laid in order 1. C. 1451. therein: for tlleu thou shalt make thy way uponl tle roof. r, prosperous, and then then ou shalt Il have good 7 And tle men pursued after them the do,isealy, success. way to Jordan unto the fords: and as soon sssr~.7. 9 -Have not I commanded thee? Be as they which pursued after them were gone oDellt. 31. 7, strong and of a good courage; i'be not out, they shut the gate. 8, 23. afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the 8 ~j And before they were laid down, she P Pa. 27. 1. LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever came up unto them upon the roof; Jer. 1. 8. thou geoest. 9 And she said unto tile men, I know that 10 ~ Then Joshua commanded the officers the LORD hath given you thle land, and that of the people, saying, "your terror is fallen upon us, and that tall GCen. 35. 5. 1l Pass through the host, and command tle inhabitants of the land tfaint because 1. 2327 the people, saying, Prepare you victuals; of you. Dat. 25. cl.l.. 3. 2. for witllin three days ye shall pass over 1& For we have leard lho the LORD ah dried 11. 5. See Det. 9. this Jordan, to go in to possess the land, up tile ater of the lted sea for you, whe e. 15. 15. 1. & 11. 31. which the LORD your God giveth you to ye came out of Egypt; and ewhat ye did hEx. 14. 21. possess it. unto tile two kings of the Amorites, thlat hl. 4. 23. 12 p And to the Reubenites, and to the wcere on the other side Jordan, Sihon and iluN. 21.24, Gadites, and to llalf tile tribe of Manasseh, Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. 3m, 35. spake Joshua, saying, 11 And as soon as we had kheard thlese kiE.l 1.14,15. srNens.31.20- 13 Remembe e''the h ordd which Moses the thinys, lour hearts did melt, neitllher tdid 28. servant of tile LORD commanlded you, say- tlere remain any more courage in any man, 5 7. ch. 22., 3,4. ing, The LORD your God hath given you because of you: for "'I te LORD your God, I. 13. 7. rest, and hlath given you this land. he is God in heaven above, and in earth tleab. -ose 14 Your wives, your little ones, and your beneath. ip. cattle, shall remain in the land lhichll Mo- 12 Now therefore, I pray you,'swear unto sdet. 4. 39. ses gave you on this side Jordan; but ye me by tie LORD, since I have sllevd you,See 1 Satm. tHeb. nay- shall pass before your bretlren tarmed, all kindacss, that ye will also shew kindness 20.11, 17, 17. seall(el by the mighty men of valour, and hlelp them; unto ~my father's louse, and 2'give me a oSeclTim. 5. dfie:s Ex. 15 Until the LORD have given your breth- true token: 8. 13.18 ren rest, as te heath given you, and they 13 And tllt ye will save alive my father, e vet. 18. also have posssesed the land which the and my mother, and my beretllre, and my sch. 22.4,h&. LORD your God giveth them:'then ye sisters, and alltlhatthey have, and deliver shall return unto the land of your posses- our lives from death. sion, and enjoy it, which Moses tile LORD'S 14 And the men answered lher, Our life servant gave you on this side Jordan to- t for yours, if ye utter not tllis our business. t elb.ilstead ward tile sunrising. And it sllall be, when the LORD hlathl given of yot to die. 16 e And they answered Joshua, saying, us tile land, that'lwC will deal kindly and q JTlg. 1. 21. All that thou commandest us we will do, truly with thee. 1iatt. 5.7. and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will 15 Then she'let them down by a cord,Acta9.25. 6o. thlrough the window: for ler house te as 17 According as we hearkened unto Mloses upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: vall. t ver. o. only the LORD tly God tbhe ith thee, as 16 And she said unto them, Get you to thle 1t Sn.20.13. e was nwith, loses.t the pursuers meet you; and 1Iings 1.'37. 18 Whosoever he be that dothl rebel against hide yourselves there three days, until the thy commandment, and will not hlearlen pursuers be returned: and afterward may unto tly words in all that tlou oommandest ye go your eay. him, he shall be put to deathl: only be 17 And tie men said unto her, WVe oill be strong and of a good courage. Sblameless of this thine oath which thou e Ex. 20. 7. hast made us srwear. CHAPTER II. 18 tBehold, avhen we come into the land, t ver. 12. 1 Raaba eceivethanlecoslcealeh the to spiesaen thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread feom Shilliti. 8'he. covena,,t betwleen hesl aed in the window whlich thou didst let us down tsem. 23 aaeeeir -ese setued elatione. by: "'and thou shalt t bring tiy father, and hl. e. 23. I Or, hadset. A ND Joshua the son of Nun lrsent aout tpy motter, and thy brethren, and all thy t1ele.gathea-. alt. 25. e1. of Shittim two men to spy secretly, father's househlold, hlome unto thee. saying, Go view tlhe land, even Jericho. 19 And it shall be, thlat whosoever shall go b He,. 11. 31. And they went, and bcaame into a larlot's out of the doors of thy house into thie street, JJalles 2. 25. house, named enRanab, and tlodged tlere. his blood shaell be upon tiis head, and we [ctltt. h 5. 1. 2 And lit was told the king of Jericho, quill be guiltless: and whosoever shall be tHel. Iag. saying, Behold, there came men in lither with thee in tie touse, 5htis blood sehall be 1Iett.27.25. dP.. 127. 1. to night of the children of Israel to search on our head, if aly hland be upon him. Pros. 21. 30. out tle country. 20 And if thou utter this our business, then 3 And the king ofJericho sentuntoahab, we will be quit of thine oatle which thou saying, Bring tfoth the men that are come llast made us to swear. to thee, which are entered into thine house: 21 And she said, According unto your for they be come to search out all the coun- words, so be it. And shle sent them awsay, try. and they departed: and she boundtle scareSee 2 sm,. 4 eAnd the woman took the two men, and let line in tie wvindow. 17. 19. 1920. hid them, and said thus, There came men 22 Anld they went, and came unto the unto me, but I wist not whence they Wesre: mountain, and abode there three days, un5 And it came to pass aboutz the tine of til the pursuers were returned: and tile shutting of tle gate, when it was dark, that pursuers sought tChe, througllout all the the men went out; whlither the men went, way, but found thee not. I wot not: pursue after them quickly; for 23 ~ So thc two men returned, and descendye shall overtake them. ed from tlte mountain, and passed over, and fSeesx.l.17. 6 But fshe had brought them up to the came to Joshua tie son of Nun, and told 2Saun. 17.19. roof of the house, and hid them with thle him all things that befell them: 1.7 The Lord encourageth Joshua. JOSHUA. The people pass over Jordan.1 B. C. 1451. 24 And they said unto Joshua, Truly Ythe the sea of the plain, evel 6Bthe salt sea, B. C. 1451. LORD hath delivered into our hands all the failed, and were cut off: and the people yE.23. 31. land; for even all the inhabitants of the passedoverright againstJericho. bGen.. 14-.3. Ch. 0. 2. & country do tfaint because of us. 17 And the priests that bare the ark of Num. 34. 3. 21. 44. the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry t Hel. neft, CHAPTER III. ground in the midst of Jordan, c and all the eSee Et. 14. ver 1 Josha cometh to Joda. 2 The officers o- Israelites passed over on dry ground, until 29. t,.uct the people for the passage. 7 The Lo'd all the people were passed clean over Jorenco-,_ahqeth J.ohtn. 9 Joshua encouayeeth the dan. people. 1O The water of Jordan ace divided. A ND Joshua rose early in the morning; CHAPTER I. a oll. 2. l..L and they removed afrom Shittim, and 1 Tceve me, are d appointe to tatee tuetve stohte for a menooel onut ofJoe rdan. OTwelve other came to Jordan, he and all tile children of etones are set cp in the midst of Jordat,. 10, 19 Israel, and lodged there before they passed The peopleass over. 14 God maonifbetA Joahua. over. 20 The telve stones are jitchecd iL;igal. b ch. 1. 10, 11. 2 And it came to pass b after three days, A ND it came to pass, when all the people that the officers went through the host; l. were clean passed "over Jordan, that a Det. 27 2. 3 And they commanded the people, saying, tile LORD spake unto Joshua, saying, oh. 3. 17. C See Noum. eWhen ye see the ark of the covenant of 2 b Take you twelve men out of the people, b ch. 3. 12. 10. 33. the LORD your God, toand the priests the out of every tribe a man, cDeut. 31.9, Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove 3 And command ye them, saying, Take 25. from your place, and go after it. you hence out of tile midst of Jordan, out eEx. 19. 12. 4 eYet there shall be a space betweell you of the place where Ctlle priests' feet stood c el. 3. 13. and it, about two thousand cubits by meas- firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them ure: come not near unto it, that ye may over with you, and leave them in (lthe dver. 19, 20. know the way by which ye must go: for ye lodging place, where ye shall lodge this Ht eb. have not passed this way t heretofore. night. icnce yefcjte- 5 And Joshua said unto the people, f Sanc- 4 Then Joshua called the twelve men, whom tify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD he had prepared of tile children of Israel, fthrx.9,.,ld nwill do wonders among you. out of every tribe a manll:. 610,1 And Joshua spake unto the priests, say- 5 And Joshua said unto them, Pass over Lev. 20. 7. ing, y Take up the ark of the covenant, and before the ark of the LORD your God into Ntu. ll. 18. pass over before the people. And they took the midst of Jordan, and take you up every ch. 7.13. up the ark of the covenant, and went before man of you a stone upon his shoulder, ac1 Sam 16... the people. cording unto the number of the tribes of Joel 2. 16. 7' And the LORD said unto Joshua, This tile children of Israel: U Num. 4. 15. day will I begin to h magnify thee in the sight 6 That this may be a sign among you, tieat bch. 4. 14. of all Israel, that they may know that, * as e when your children ask thei.fathers t in c ver. 21. 1 COr. 29 2. I was with Moses, so I will be with thee. time to come, saying, Whiat reeao ye by Ex. 12.26.& Oich. 1. 5. 2. 6. 20. h.. that bear the ark of the covenant, saying, 7 Then ye shall answer them, That fthe Pu. 6. 20.7. k ver. 3. When ye are come to the brink of the water waters of Jordan were cut off before the the, 5, 6. l ser. 17. of Jordan, lye shall stand still in Jordan. ark of the covenant of thle LORD; when it f0eb. 9 ~ And Joslua said unto the children of passed over Jordan, the waters of Jordan toorol Israel, Come hither, and hear the words of were cut off: and these stones shall be for fchll. 3.1310. the LORD your God. a -memorial unto the children of Israel E.. 12 14 10 And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know for ever. Nouo. 16.40. soDcut. 5. 26. that'1 the living God is among you, and 8 And the children of Israel did so as la:n. 17.f26. that he will without fail drive out from Joshua commanded, and took up twelve'2 xill 1904 before you the Canaanites, and tle Hittites, stones out of the midst of Jordan, as the Ho-. L 10. Icltt. I 10. and the Hivites, and tile Perizzites, and LORD spake unto Joshua, according to the l Thes. 1. 9. the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the number of the tribes of tile children of Is-,En. 33. 2. Jebusites. rael, and carried them over with them unto Dec. 7. i. 11 Bellold, the ark of the covenant of Othe the place where they lodged, and laid them Pe. 41. 2. Lord of all the earth passeth over before down there. over. 13. you into Jordan. 9 And Josiua set up twelve stones in the trie. 4. 13. 12 Now therefore Ptake you twelve men midst of Jordan, in tile place where the feet Zeclh.4.14. h&out of the tribes of Israel, out of every tribe of the priests whichl bare tile ark of the cov6. 5. a man. cnant stood: and they are there unto this cll. 4. 2. 13 And it shall come to pass, gas soon as day. qver. 15, 16. the soles of the feet of tle priests that bear 10 5 For the priests which bare the ark ver. 11. tie ark of the LORD, "the Lord of all the stood in the midst of Jordan, until every earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, thing was finished that the LORD commandthat thle waters of Jordan shall be cut off ed Joshua to speak unto the people, acfeone the waters that come down from above; cording to all that Moses commanded Joshs P. 78. 13. & and they s shall stand upon a heap. ua: and the people hasted and passed over. 114. 3. 14 ~ And it came to pass, when the people I1 And it came to pass, when all the peoremoved from their tents, to pass over Jor- ple were clean passed over, that the ark of t Acts 7. 45. dan, and the priests bearing the t ark of the the LORD passed over, and the priests, in covenant before tihe people; the presence of the people. ner, 1. 15 And as they that bare the ark were 12 And Lthe children of Reuben, and the hNcum.32.20, Ciehr. 12.. come unto Jordan, and'the feet of the children of Gad, and half the tribe of Ma- 27, 28. Jer. 12.5. & priests that bare tie ark were dipped in tle nasseh, passed over armed before tie cllil49. 19. brim of the water, (for xJordan overfloweth dren of Israel, as MIoses spake unto them: y col.. 18. & all his banks lall tile time of harvest,) 13 About forty thousand II prepared for wvar ] Or, ready 5. 10,12. 10 That the waters which came down from passed over before tile LORD unto battle, aecced. zl Ki'. 4.12. above stood atd rose up upon a heap very to the plains of Jericho. 7. 46. far fron the city Adam, that is beside 2Zar- 14 ~ On that day the LORnD magnified ich. 3.7. aeout.. 3.17. etan; and those that came down atoward Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they 158 Ciorcumcision is renewed. JOSHUA. Jericho is shut up. B. C. 1451. feared him, as they feared MIoses, all the fathers tlhat he would give us, ha land that B C. 1451. days of his life. floweth with milk and honey. 15 And the LORD spake unto Joshua, 7 And i their children, whom lie raised up Ex. 3. 8. saying, in their stead, them Joshua circumoised: Num. n.l. 31 k n l5.16,22.1 16i Conmand the priests that hear kthe for they were uncirocumcised, because they DentoI.,09. ar of the testimony, that they come up out had not circumcised them by the way. of Jordan. 8 And it came to pass, twhen they had' t eb, thon 17 Joshua therefore commandedthe priests, done ircumocising all the people, that they the 5ooph5 saying, Come ye op out ofJord an. abode in their places in the cam.p, ktill they h, 1oan~ea 18 And it came to pass, when the priests were whole. that bare the ark of tile covenant of the 9 And the LORD said unto Joshua, This kSee G.en..3 LORD were come up out of the midst of day have I rolled away tthe reproach of 2ie Jordan, and the soles of the priests' feet Egypt from off you. Wherefore tile name G t tHel, were +lifted up unto the dry land, that the of the place is called Ira Gilgal unto this 1ISam 14 0. ie d, waters of Jordan returned unto their place, day. ree Luei. 18. loS 3. 15. i and tflowed over all his banks, as they OO~Andthe children of Israelencamped 3 tHeb. -ent. did before. in Gilgal, and kept the passover "on the h1, 24.14. 10 ~ And the people came up out of Jordan fourteenth day of the month at even in tihe E.. S on the tenth day of the first month, and plains of Jericho.. h. 5. 9. encamped " in Gilgal, in the east border of 11 And they did eat of the old corn of the.coon no. dieting.[ Jericho. landon the morrow after the passover, nn-,ach 1t. ver. 3. 20 And "those twelve stones, which they ]eavened oakes, and parched corn in the Exa. i2. 6.| took out of Jordan, did Joshua pitch in selfsame day. Ene.126 00006. Gitlgai. 12 ]~AndOIthe.mannanceasedonthe morrown t Hei. 21 And he spake unto the children of Is- after they bad eaten oi the old corn of tihe. 16, —. rael, saying, OWhen your children shall ask land; neither had the children of Israel pe i 3. 17. their fathers tin time to come, saying, What manna any more; but they did eat of the ir pn. 14. 21. mean these stones? fruit of the land of Canaan that year. I Kion8.42, 22 Then ye shall let your children know, 13 ~f And it came to pass, when Joshua o43. saying, I'tsrael came over this Jordan on was by Jericho, that lie lifted up his eyes Gn. 18.2. 2Kin 19.19. dry land. and looked, and, behlold, there stood Pa 32. e4. F.. i06. 8. 23 For the LORD your God dried up the man over against him Qwith his sword drawn n x 23 23. Ex. 15. 16. waters of Jordan from before you, until ye in his handtand Joshua went unto him, Zo 10, Acts 1. 10, I Chr 29.12. were passed over, as tile LORD your God and said unto him, Art thouforaus, orfor -s. 89. 13 q Num 22 23 did to the Red sea, qwhich he dried up from our adversaries? 14 before us, until we were gone over: 14 And he said, Nay; but as e1captain of Ii Or, p,1nee. ~ |Det. 6. 2..E. 24. r "That all tte people of the earth might the hostoftheLORD am I now come. And ee. F —~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~S) 89- 73. 2 [ Jer. 10. 7. know the hand of tie LORD, that it is Joshuna Ifell on his face to tile earth, and Dan 10 13. t mel ighty: that ye might'fear the LORD did worship, and said unto him, What saith b & 12 1. all days. your God t for ever. my lord unto his servant? Rev 12 7 & ~CHAtPTER o 015 And the captain of the LORD'S host 19 I, 14.[ CHAPTER V. O.TrdCotonitssoerlfoio. lJoa regeuh said unto Joshtua, Loose thy shoe from offI Go 170.3 ciecumcisiool. 10 The passover is kept at Gilyal. thy foot; for tihe place whereon thou stand-.x. 3 5 12 Ooana teaet-h. 13A Aongeol oppeaoob to est is holy. And Joshua did so. Acts. 33. Joshtta. AND it came to pass, when all tle kings CHAPTER VI. A of the Amorites, which were on the 1 Jrio si Odio t JOh I Jetjhe is shut yp. 2 God instructrbJoha side of Jordan westward, and all tie kings hoe to eriege it. 12 he city isoeomgassd. 17 an 13.29. of the Canaanites, a which were by tile sea, It nnst be aocncoed. 20 The oalts fitl dowe. 22 hear 104 ed that the LORD had dried up the Raha. io s sved. 26 The biildetd of Jericho is ] lch. 29,10,I. waters of Jordan from before tile children d. P. 48. 6. of Iesrael, until we were passed over, that N OW Jericho O was straitly shut up be- t IHeb. did Ez. 21.7 their heart melted, neithor was tiere spirit cause of the children of Israel: none shit p. ao l Ci 10. 5 o in them any more, bech use of the children went out, and no.. came in... of Israel. 2 And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, 2'V At tht tine the LORD saind unto I Iave given intothine handJericho, and acL. 2. 9, 2, tOr, ooivesof Joshua, Mtake thee II d sharp knives, and the h king thereof, antd the mighty men of & 8 1. ooe. circu..ise again the children of Israel the valour..Deat. 7. 24. tdot. 4.25. second time. 3 And ye shall compass the city, all ye 3 And Joshua made him sharp knives, and men of war, and go round about the city t Or Gibe-h- circumcised the children of Israel at lithe once. Thus shalt thou do six days. Ooaototh. thill of the foreskins. 4 And seven priests shall bear before tihe 4 And this is the cause why Joshua did ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and See J3,dg. 7. oel'a. 14i 29. circumcise: 0All the people that came out the seventh day ye shall compass the city 1.. L& 26.(, 65, of Egypt, that ere males, e000 all the seven times, and dthe priests shall blw tuan. 10. 8. Det. 2. 16. men of war, died in the wilderness by the with the trumpets. way, after they came out of Egypt. 5 And it shall come to pass, that when they 5 Now all the people that came out were make a long blast with the ram's horn, circumcised; but all the people thant were anol when ye Ihear the sound of the trumpet, born in the wilderness by the way as they all the people shall shout with a great shout; came forth out of Egypt, thet they had not and the wall of the city shall fall down *flat, I Rheb. nrder circumcised. and the people shall ascend up every man it. fum. 14.33. 6 For the children of Israel walked fforty straight before him. Deot n 3. & years in the wilderness, till all the people 6 ~ And Joshua the son of Nun called the 2. 7,14. that were men of war, which came out of priests, and said unto them, Take up the P. 95.o. 10 Egypt, were consumed, because they obeyed ark of the covenant, and let seven priests n0 ot the voice of the LORD: unto whom tie hear seven trumpets of rams' horns before | 95.11 LORD sware that Yhe would not shoew them the ark of the LORD, HRb 3. i. the land. which the LORD swaret unto their 7 And hlo said unto the people, Pass on, tou Jericho is destroyed. JOSHUA. Achon trouhieth Israel. B.C. 1451. and compass the city, and let him that is all lier t kindred, and left them without the B. C. 1451. armed pass on before the srk of the LORD. camp of Israel. 8 ~And it came to pass, when Joshua had 24 lAnd they burnt the city with fire, and t500.. spoken unto the people, that the seven allthat ss thserein: Oonly the silver, and familiss. priests bearing the seven tsrumpets of rams' the gold, and the vessels of brass and of over. 10. horns passed on before the LORD, and blew iron, they put into the treasury of the house with the trumpets: and the ark of the coo- of tie LORD. enant of the LORD followed them. 25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot 9 ~ And the armed men went before the alive, and her father's household, and all eWur. 10.25. priests that blew with the trumpets, and that she had;: asd Pshe dwoelleth in Israel 2Ose Oltt. 1. fHOelh.athe.- t se orearward ctme after the ark, the even unto this day; because she hid the 5 f,~g ho.,t. priests going on, and blowing with the messengers, -which Joshua sent to spy out trumpets. Jericho. 10 And 3Joshua thad commanded the people, 26 ~ And Joshua adjured thems at that tsHeb. 0,0e saying, Ye shall not shout, nor tmake any time, saying, q Cursed be the man before q IM.ino.16.34. solorsv ceto noise with your voice, neithor shoil soy the LORD, that riseth up and hrildoth this ll h-osd. word proceed out of your mouth, until city Jericho: lie shall lay tlhe foundation the day I bid you shout; then shall ye thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest shout. son shall lie set up the gates of it. 11 Sothe arkof the LoRD compassed the 27 1So the LORD was with Joslhua; and cl;1.5. city, goioog about it onceond thsey came oo Shis fame was noised throughout all the oh. 9...3. into the camp, and lodged in the camp. country. 12 ~ And Joshua rose early in the morn- CHAPTER VII. fDet. 31.25. ing, fand the priests took up the ark of 1 The solit s-shlos st A0. Josh500 the~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h ls~D.ael~~a. mte tL6Jsu tle LORD. complainot. 10 God istoroteth him shat to do. 13 And seven priests bearing seven trump- 16, ead is akel by the lot. 19 His eooesfon. ets of rams' lorns before the ark of the 22 l11 a,,d all he had ore destroye d i the valley LORD went on continually, and blew with of Aschf. the trumpets: and the armed men went B UT thIe children of Israel committed a before them; but thle rearward came after trespass in tlhe accursed thing: for the ark of the LORD, he priests going on, allAchan, the son of Carmi, the son of Ieh. 02. 20. and blowing with the trumpets. II Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of 1 b os. 2.7, 14 And the second day they compassed the Judah, took of the accursed thing: and the Atl/m. city once, and returned into the camp. So anger of the LORD was kindled against the 1oo, si,,;, they did six days. hildren of Israel. I Chr. 2. 6. 15 And it came to pass on the seventh day, 2 And Joshua sent men from Jericho to that they rose early about the dawning of the A, which is beside Bet.h-aven, on the east day, and compassed thle city after the same side of Beth-el, and spake unto them, saymanner seven times.: only on that day they ing, Go up and view thle country. And the compassed the city seven times. men went up and viewed Ai. 16 And it came to pass at the seventh time, 3 And they returned to Joshua, and said when the priests blew with the trumpets, unto him, Let not all the people go up; but Joslhua said unto the people, Shout; for the let t about two or three thousand men go Hes. about LORD hath given you the city. up and smite Al; adl smake not all the 201) seo, so0 iOr, dootod, 17 ~ Aond the city shall be!i ccursed, 0even people to labour thither; for they are but 0000 300 Los. 7. 28. it, and all that are tlerein, to the LORD: few. n1 lMis. 4. 13. only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all 4 So there went up thlither of the people that are with her in the house, because about three thousand men; band they fled b LTev. 20. 17. och. 2. 4. she hid the messengers that we sent. before the men ofAi. DAoOt. 28. 2. 5sOot.;. 26. l 18 And ye, hin any wise keep yourselves 5 And the men of Ai smote of them about & 13.17. from the accursed thing, lest ye mako your- thirty and six men: for they chased them oh.7.1.11,12. selves accursed, when ye take of the ac- froot before the gate even unto Shebarim, cursed thing, and make te camp of Israel and smote them llin the going downs: where-o i0r. si,0loral. ieh. 7. 03. a curse, oand trouble it. fore Cthe hearts of the people meolted, and sch. 2. 9, 11. I Kins. 18. 19 But all the silver, and gold, and vessels became as water. Lev. 2li. 36. 0,1 1. 12. of brass and iron, are t consecrated unto 6 I AndJoshua drent Iis clotlss, andfsll o., 221.. the LooD: they shall come into the tress- o the earth upon his face before the ark of d Ge. 37. 29, t Hob'. osos. soury of the LORD. the LORD until the eventide, he and the 31.. 0 So the people shouted when the priests elders of gsrael, and eput dust upon their e1 Som. 4.12. blew with the trumpets: and it came to heads. sa.-.. 1.2. h pass, when thle people heard the sound of 7 And Joshut, said, Alas, 0 Lord GOD, 13. 19. the trumpet, and tihe people shouted with a fwhlcrefore hast thou at all brought this N0h. 0. 1. k vO. 5. great shout, that kths wall fell down flat, people over Jordan, to deliver us into the. 2. Bel. 11. 30. sO that the people went up into th city, hand of tlhe Amorites, to destroy us? would fE 5. 2 tI~~~~~~~~~~~~~el,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Itinga ~IiusJ.10. o Holb. o de every man straight before him, and they to God we lad been content, andt dwelt on it. took the city. the other side Jordan! I Deut. 7.2. 21 And they lutterly destroyed all that 8 0 Lord, wht shlall I say, when Israel yuva in the city, both man and woman, aturneth their t backs before their enemies! t Heb. skecs. young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, 9 For the Canaanites and all the inhabitwith the edge of the sword. ants of the land shall hear Of it, and shall 22 But Joshua had said unto the two men environ us round, and Ycut off' our names ps. 03.1. that had spied out the country, Go into the from the earth: and howhat wilt thou do Sass Eo. 32. halot's hlouse, and bring out thence the unto thy great name? 12. h. 2. 1. woman and all that she hath, "as ye swaro 10 ~ And tile LORD said unto Joshua, Get N-o.ll. 14.13. Hob. II. 31. unto her. thee up; wherefore liesto thsa thus upon i Reb.fllss. 23 And the young men that were spies thy face? ch. 2.1. 13. went in, and brought out Rahab,'and her 11 israel hath sinned, and ithey lhave also i er. 1. father, and her motheor, and her bretlhren, ransgressed my covenant which I comand all that shte had; and they brought out manded them: kfor they have even taken kch.. 17, 18. 160 He is put to death. JOSHUA. The stratagem far taking Ai. B. C. 1451. 1of the accursed thing, and have also stolen, WTherefore tile name of that place was called,. C. 1451. and I dissembled also, and they have put it f The valley of I Achlor, unto this day. /See Acts 5. even among their own stuff. fa.e. 51. 1, 2. t12 "ITherefore tile children of Israel could CHAPTER VIII. I.. h5.10,,See /um not stand before their enemies, btt turned 1 GOMencotrate th Jos3ha. 3 Testratgm he- H.2. 15.. *45.1. their backh before their enemies, because tTahet it, e 30 Joshua btrilhdth e 32ehea, 32 teta te'la. et i..they were accursed: neither will I be withit 33 e -iit-dsthtsss a- 7t,7. 2 yt sty t.e, t.cept ye destroy the ac- its.. It, Dt8/. y26. an iYo...... curesed t from among you. AND the LORD said unto Joshua,'Fear eett.l.2.& t.. t9. 10. 13 Up, sanctify the people, and say, a not, neither be thou dismayed: take 7. 18. 31.. [ph.. 5.'Sanctify yourselves against to morrow: all the people of at r with thee, and arise, ttt. 1.5. for thus saith the LORD God of Israel, go up t Ai: see, I ate given into thy te,. a. 2. There is an accursed thing in tihe midst of hand the king of Ai, and his people, and thee, 0 Israel: thou canst not stand before his city, and his land: thine enemies, until ye take away the ac- 2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as cursed thing from among you. thou didst unto Jericho and hier king: only sch. 6. 21. 14In thle morning therefore ye shall be tithe spoil tlhereof, and the cattle thereof, d et. 0.14, brought according to your tribes: and it shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: qProv. 16.33. shall be, that the tribe which ithe LORD lay thee an aembush for the city behind it. taketh shall come according to te families 3 ~ So Joshua arose, and all thile people thateof; and the family iCiieithe LORD of war, to go up against Ai: and Josheua shall take shall come hy ihoeseholds ad chose out thirty thousand mighty men of the household which tie LORD shall take valour, and sent them awayhy tnigit. shall come man by man. 4 And lie commanded them, saying, Bea S, 1 s.-. 15 "And it ehall he, ehat lie that is taken hold,'ye sliall lie in wait against the eity, sJdg. 20. 29. 14. 38, 39. with tihe accursed thing shall be burnt with even behind the city: go not very far from fire, he and all that lie lath: because lie thie city, but be ye all ready: sver. 11. hath Strasgressed the covenant of the 5 And I, and all the people that aee with h G-. 31. 7. LORDa, and beeause he thatl wrought it folly se, till approach unto thile city: and it shall Jidg. 20. 6. in Israel. come to pass, when they come out against ~ 16 So Joshua rose up early in the morn- us, as at the first, that fwe will flee before fJdt.t 20.32. t..sda.ssc.. seing, and brought Israel by their tribes; and them, the tribe of Judah was taken: t (For they will come out after us,) till we 17 And lie brought the family of Judal; t have t drawn them from the city; for they I Ih.plle,d. and lie took the family of tile Zarhites: and will say, They flee before us, as at the first: he brought the family of the Zashites man therefore we will flee before them. by man; and Zabdi was taken: 7 Then ye shall rise up from tie ambush, 18 And lie brought his household man by and seize upon the city: for the LORD your man; and Achan, the son of Carni, the son God will deliver itinto your hand. of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of 8 And it shall be, when ye have taken tilhe tlS-es.14.42. Judah, "was taken. city, that ye shall set tlhe city on fire: ac19 And Joshua said unto At han, My son, cording to the commandment of the LORD Se Sam t. give, I pray thee, glory to the LORtD God shall ye do. USee, I have commanded you. g2Sam.13.28. 5. of Israel, Yand make confession unto him; t9 ~ Joshua therefore sent them forth; and Jer. 13. it. and ttell se now whht thouhtat done; hide they went to lie in ambush, and abode bcJiit. 9. 2' tit not from me... tween Beth-el and Ai, ontthe west side of ytiit.3.,. Oh And Atlitu answered Joshua, and said, Ai: but Jsha lodged that night among 2tits 30. 22lde p..1. 33 Indeed I have sinned against tile LORD the people. Darn9.. 4. God of Israel, and thus and thus have I 10 And Joshua rose up early in the mornzltae. 14.43. done: ing, and numbered the people, and went 21 When I saws among the spoils a goodly up, lie and the elders of Israel, before the Babylonish garment, and two hundred shek- people to At. I tBeh.ctaacu. eli of silver, and a teedge of gtld of fifty 11 hAnd all the people, even the )eople of. ver. 5. shekels weight, then I coveted them, atd war that saere with him, went Up, and drew took them; and, belold, they are hid in nigh, and eme before tie city, and pitched the tearth in the midst of my tent, and the on the north side of Ai: now there was a silver under it. valley between them and Ai. 22 ~ So Joshua sent messengers, and they 12 And he took about five thousand men, ran unto the tent; and, behold, it was hid and set tlhem to lie i ambusht between Bethin his tent, and the silver under it. el and At, on the west side iof the city. s OrfAi. 23 And they took them out of tile midst of 13 And whent they had set thei people, even the tent, and brought them unto Joshua, all the host that as on tile nortllt of the and unto all tue children of Israel, and. city, and ttheir liers in wait on the west of stel,. I tlid ithem out before the LORD. the city, Joshua went that night into the et t a 1lysg 24 And Joshlua, and all Israel with him, midst of the valley. lt took Achan ti e son of aZerah, and tihe ilver, 14 A.d it.e tpss, e the ig.. and the garment, and the wedgetof gold, of Ai saw it, that they basted and rose up and his sons, and his daughters, and his early, and the men of tile city went out!. oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his against Israel to battle, le and all his prola. 1e. 7. tent, and all that lie alad: and they brought p-e, at a time appointed, before tile plain; pie, ate lat ti..ppoitted, pefretim pain sci. 6. 18. them unto "the valley of Achor. but he wist not that there seere liers in i.,tlg.20.34.1. 1 ih. t.'7. 25 AndtJoshue said,i6Whyhlasttthou troub- ambush against him behind the eity. Ea.. 12. ~l0 r. 12. led us? the LORD sthall trouble thee tliis 15 Asd Jtosua and all Israel inade as if kJitfi20.t6, tsstt. 17.5. day. 5Atd all Israel stoned him with they were beaten before them, andfled by. 1,De. 17'. stones, and burned them with fiSe, fter the way of the wilderness. l2tt. 18 5 17. tley had stoned them witi stones. 16 And all the people that staee in Ai were Lar. 3. 53. 26 And they draised over him a great heap caleled together to pursue after them: snd IeDLt. 13.17. of stones unto this day. So ethe LORD they pursued after Joshua, andster drawn 2Srs. 21.14. turned from the fierceness of his anger. Saway from the city. 11 161 Ai is taken and burnt. JOSHUA. The Gibeonites obtain a league. B. 0. 1451. 17 And there was not a man left in Ai or of them over against mount Ebal; as Mo- B. C. 1451. Beth-el, that went not out after Israel: and ses nthe servant of the LORD had commandthey left the city open, and pursued after ed before, that they should bless the people aDeat. 11.29. Israel. of Israel. & 27 12. 18 Andthe LORD saiduntoJoshua, Stretch 34 And afterward bile read all the words tbDett31. 11. out the spear that is in thy hand toward ofthe law, Cthe blessings- and cursings, ac- NeO 8. 3. Ai; for I will give it into thine hand. And coring to all that is written in the book of Det. 28.'2, Joshua stretched out the spear that he tad the lacw. 15, 45. & 29. in cis hand toeard the city. 35 There cas not a aord of all that Moses 20, 21. & 30. 19 And the ambush arose quickly out of commanded, which Joshua read not before their place, and they ran as soon as he had all the congregation of Israel, dwvith the ]iDuat.31.12. stretched out his hand: and they entered women, and the little ones, and etlle stran- er. 33. into the city, and took it, and hasted and gers that twere conversant among them. ite3.tIikeci. set the city on fire. 2() And when the men of Ai looked behind CHAPTER IX. them, they saw, and, behold, tile smoke of 1 Tie king, conbi,te against Israel. 3 he Gibetie city ascended up to heaven, and they o-tes by caft obtain a leagec. 16 For tAich tHebI.cIatl. iad no tpower to flee this way or that way: tlecaoe-clemnerltotpet,-etal botldc. and the people that fled to the wilderness AND it came to pass, when all the kings turned back upon the pursuers. A. whicl were on this side Jordall, in the 21 And when Joslua and aall Israel saw hills, and in the valleys, and in all the that the ambush had taken tlle city, and coasts of althe great sea over against Lebs- aNum. 34. 6. that the smoke of the city ascended, then non, ithe IHittite, and the Amorite, the Ca- b Ex 3. 17. & they turned again, and slew the men of Ai. naanite, the Perizzite, tile Eivite, and the 23. 23. 22 And the other issued out of the city Jebusite, heard thereof; against tiemt* so they were in the midst of 2 That they Cgathered themselves togetller, P. 83. 3, 5. Israel, some on this side, and some on that to fight with Joshua and with Israel, with side: and they smote them, so that they one taccord. tI el.mo1 tth. 1 Deut. 7. 2. let none of them rem ain or escape. 3 ~ And when the inliabitants of dlGibeon dlcl. 10. 2. v 23 And the king of Ai they took alive, and elleard what Joshua had done unto Jericho 2Sam.21.1,2. brought lim to Joshua. and to Ai, ec. 6. 27. 24 And it came to pass, when Israel had 4 They did work wilily, and went and made made an end of slaying all the inhabitants as if they had been ambassadors, and took of Ai in the field, in the wilderness wherein old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, they chased them, and when they were all old, and rent, and bound up; fallen on the edge of the sword, until they 5 And old shoes and clouted upon their were consumed, that all the Israelites rc- feet, and old garments upon them; and all turned unto Ai, and smote it with the edge the bread of their provision was dry and of the sword. mouldy. 2;) And so it wask that all that fell that 6 And they went to Joshua funto the fch. 5.o10. day, both of men and women, were twelve camp at Gilgal, and said unto him, and to thousand, evect all the men of Ai. the men of Israel, We be come from a far 26 For Joshua drev not his hand back, country: now therefore make ye a league wherewith he stretched out the spear, until with us. he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants 7 And the men of Israel said unto tie of Ai. tIIivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; y ch. 11. 19.,mNnm.31.22, 27 ttOnly the cattle and the spoil of that and hhow eshall we mae a league with you? Ab x. 23. 32. 20. city Israel took for a prey unto themselves, 8 And they said unto Joshua, ie are thy Deut. 7. 2. & according unto tle word of the LORD which servants. And Joua id o. i6. n ver. 2. he commanded Joshua. Who are ye? and from whence come ye? JU. oDeut.13.16. 28 And Josehua burnt Ai, and made it ~a 9 And they said unto him, kFrom a very iDeait., 10.5. heap for ever, eveca a desolation unto this far country thy servants are come, because 2.ailli35. day. of the name of the LORD thy God: for we k Det,20.15. pcch. 10. 26. 29 t'And the king of Ai he hanged on a have lheard the fame of him, and all that I E:,. 10. 14. P,. 10di.40. & tree until eventide: q and as soon as the he did in Egypt, ch. 2. 10. l0..5. sun was down, Joshua commanded that they 10 And "'all that he did to the two kings mfNum.21.2t, q Deut. 21.. should take hIis carcass down from the tree, of the Amorites, that zcere beyond Jordan, 33, c),. 10. 27. and cast it at the entering of the gate of the to Sihon Icing of Heshbon, and to Og king rch. 7. 2i. & city, and rraise thereon a great heap of of Bashan, twhich was at Ashtaroth. 10. 27. stones, that remTainet unto this day. 11 Wherefore our elders and all the in30 ~ Then Joshua built an altar unto the habitants of our country spakeo to us, sayaD.ct.27.4,5. LORD God of Israel'in mount Ebal, ing, Take victuals erith you for the jotcr- tHebt.iyocr 31As Moses the servant of the LORD com- ney, and go to meet them, and say unto hanltl. mandel the.children of Israel, as it is writ- them, We ae your servants: thervnts: therefore now t Ex. 20. 5. ten in the tbook of the law of lfoses, an mal ye yea league with us. Deut..7.s, 6. altar of whole stones, over which no man 12 Tcis our bread we took hotfoc our pro- 11 Or, the 24. hath lifted up any iron: and "they offered vision out of our ouses on the day we canme eie.d trhe thereon burnt offerings unto the LORD, and forth to go unto you; but now, behold, it is eby e sacrificed peace offerings. dry, and it is mouldy: tale. Deut.27.2,8. 32 And he wrote there upo there stupon 13 And there bottles of cine, which ae ti.N-.27.2L. a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote filled, were new; and, behold, they be Is. i.l. 1, 2. in the presence of tile children of Israel. rent: and these our garments and our slhoes See Judag. 1. 33 And all Israel, and their elders, and are become old by reason of the very long t. officers, and their judges, stood on this side journey. Sam. 22.10. thile ark and on-that side before te priests 14 Ad liremen took f heir victuals. 1.0, I.1. iDeat. 1., 9, the Levites, rwhicel bare tie ark of the coar - tad asked not coufncl a the cmouth of 2.,-; c5. enant of the LORD, as well te stranger, the LORD. 5.. zDeut.31.12. as lie that was born among them; half of 15 And Joshua ~made peace with them, eic. cc. 19. them over against mount Gerizim, and half and made a league with them, to let them 2 Scm-. 21. 2. 16i2 17ie Gibeonites made bondmesn. JOSHUA. The sun and moon stand still. lB. C. 1451. ) live: and the princes of the congregation phia king of Lachish, and unto Debir king B. C. 1451. swarc unto them. of Eglon, saying, 16 h And it came to pass at the end of 1 Come up unto me, and help me, that we three days after they had made a league may smite Gibeon: for it hath made peace ver swith them, that they heard that they toese ith Joshua and with the children ot Isrlel. chl..,15. their neighbours, and tht they dwelt anong 5 Tlerefore the five kings oftlhe Amorites, them. the king of Jerusalem, the king of IHebron, 17 Aald thle children of Israel journeyed, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachlish, and came unto their cities on the third day. the king of Elglon, fgathereed themselves ch. 9. 2. 1,ch. 18.25,26, Now thelr cities usere l'Gibeon, and Che- together, and went up, they and all their 28. plhirah, and Beeroth, and Kirjath-jearim. hosts, and encamped before Gibeon, and Ei. 21. t18 And thle children of Israel smote them made war against it. PIs. 15. 4. not,'Ibecause thle princes of the congrega- 6, Ad the smen of Gibeon sent unto JoshEcc. 5. 2, tion had sworn unto them by the LORD God ua to the camp to Gilgal, saying, Slack not g ch. 5. 10. 4 of Israel. And all the congregation mur- thy hand from thy servants; come up to us 9. (i. mured against the princes. quickly, and save us, and help us: tbr all 19 But all the princes said unto all the the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the congregation, We have sworn unto them by mountains are gathered together against us. the LORD God of Israel: now therefore we 7 So Joshua ascended from Gilgal, lie, may not touch them. and hall the people of war witl him, and all he l. 8.1. 20 This we will do to them; Iwe will even the mighty men of valour.' See 2 Sam. let themn live, lest wsrath be upon us, be- 8 ~ And the LORD said unto Joshua, iFear sh. 11. 6. 21. 1, 2. i. cause of the oath wehioh wle stware unto them not: for I have delivered them into Judg. 4. 14. lEt. 17. 13.15 them. thine hand; kthere shall not a man of them aI ch. 1. 5. Zecl 5.,y1. 21 And thle princes said unto them, Let stand before thee. t1l.. 3. 5. tlem live; but let tllem be Shlet ers of ood 9 Joshua therefore came unto them sudDa t. 29e 11. and draesers of water uleto all the con- denly, and wvent up from Gilgal all nig-t. tca;.,, gregation; as the princes had promised 10 And the LORD tdiscomfited tlem before lJdg. 4. 15. t ver..J. thlem. Israel, and slew them with a great slauglter IS. am. 7.10, 22 ~[ And Joshua called for them, and he at Gibcoh, alld chased ttem along the nay 12. spalte unto them, saying, Wherefore have that goctl up "'to Bctl-loron, and smote P. 18. 14. t et. 6, 9. ye cbeguiled us, saying,'aWe are very far thlem to "Azekall, and unto Alakkedah... necr. 1. fromt you; when Sye dwell among us? 11 And it came to pass, as they fled from nec1.. 3, 5. y(e.25. 9.25 23 Now tlherefore ye are Zcursed, and before Israel, and were in the going down tClh. 15 35. t H'. st I 5. tllere shall tllote of you befreedfroen being to Beth-horon, ~that the LORD cast down s. 18.13,14..o e ondmen, and eleaers of wood anddrawers great stones from teaven upon them u. to & 17.7.1. yo e. ]of water for t tle house of my God. Azelalt, and they died: thley were more s I,. ai. 2. zler. 21, 27. 24 And they answered Josllua, and said, which died with hailstones than they whllom R. 1. 21. Because it was certainly told thy servants, the children of Israel slew with tlte swold. aEx. 23. 32. hoaw that the LORD thy God "commanded 12 ~ Then spake Josllua to tlhe LORD in DBat. 7.1, 2. his servant Moses to give you all the land, the day whllen tle LORD delivered up the and to destroy all the inlabitants of the Amorites before thle cildren of Israel, and b Ex. 15. 14. land from before you, therefort bvwe were he said in the sight of Israel, PSun, tstand 1 Is. 28e 21. sore afraid of our lives because of you, and thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in Hab. 3. 11. Illtae done tltis tling. tte valley ofq Ajalon. tf e-,. caen. 15. n. 25 And now, behold, we a?-e'in thine 13 And tile sun stood still, and the moon be silent. Ihalld: as it seemeth good and right unto stayed, until tile people had avenged them- qJudg. 12.12. tllee to do unto us, do. selves uponl their enemies. sIs not this 2Snm.1.18. (26 And so did lie unto them, ald delivered written in the book of IIJasher? So the tl Or, The them out of tlte tland of the children of Is- sun sto st still in the midst of heaven, and,p-ight? rael, that they slew thlem not. hasted not to go down about a whole day. tHeb. gaec, 27 And Joshua tmade thcm thaat day 14 And there wass no day like that before sSeeIs.38.8. or, delivered dhewers of wood d d drawers of water it or after it, that tie LORD hearkened tInletso 2, for the cotgregation, and for tie altar unto tlte voice of a nan: for tthe LORD tDeut. 1. 30. EZa, 8, 20. of the LORD, even unto this day, ein fought for Israel. Yer, 42. tsor.21. 23. the place which he should choose. 15 T. And Joshua returned, and all Israel Ch. 23. 3. se~stt. 15.CHAPTER X. nwith him, unto tihe camp to Gilgal. e. 43, HeD-t. 12. 65. CHAPTER Xf. 16 But tllese five kings fled, and hid them1 Five ki,gs sea- againlst Gibeot. 6 JosIhJ h'e.s- selves in a cave at Mlakkedah. stone.~. 12 Tle sun a.ld?noot s ltaml still at lie,e d of Josl a... 16'ltefie T i.lns ai entred ina five kings are found hid in a cave at lMakcave. 23'he nr-e -roy ght foth, 24,sco, — kedath. eflly tseit. 2(; al,, hnngeed. 28 Seues, s more -18 And Joshua said, Roll great stones upa-e coeea.-l 43 Jdoslte eetsrnetho to milual. on th mouth of tle cave, and set men by TOWY. it came to pass, whllen Adoni-zedek it for to keep them: king of Jerusalem had heard hlow 19 And stay ye not, but pursue after Sour Joshua had taken Al, and lhad utterly de- enemies, and tsmite the hindmost of them; tem; lb. et of alh. 6. 21. stroyed it; a as he had done to Jericho and suffer them not to enter into thlieir sities: the tail. l 1 8. 21 2, her sIing, so tle tlad done to bAi and ler for the LoRDyour God hath delivered them 8. king; and Chown the inhabitants of Gibeon into your hand. ech S. 15. had made peace with Israel, and were 20 And it came to pass, when Joshua and among them; tlte clhil.en of Israel had made an end of dEP.15.1l.15, 2 That they lfeared greatly, becalse ib slalying tlleln ith a very great slalughter, 16. eon teas a great city, as one of the r oyal till thely wecre conssume, that tle rest 2vhich,elt. 11. 25. cities, and because it iwas greator thall Ai, remlalined of them entered illto fenced cities. tTleil. ciies and all tile Illee tlereof 2e!eey-e nligltty. 21 Ald all the people returned to tle camp i - W llerefore Atloui-zedlek iting of Jerslla- to Joshllua at kInllkedahl in peace:; none fEx. 11.7. tett lem sent nto n lolamn king of Ifebron, and moved his tongue against any of the ollilunto Piram king of Jarmuth, and unto Ja- dren of Israel, 163 Joshua smiteth JOSHUA. divers kings. B. 0J 1451. ~ 22 Then said Joshua, Open the mouth of i 38 J And Joshua returned, and all Israel B. C. 1451. the cave, and bring out those five kings un- with him, to f Debir; and fought against it: to me out of the care. 39 And lhe took it, and the king thereof, fySech.15.1.. 23 And they did so, and brought forth and all the cities thereof; and they smote Jug, l. II. those five tkings unto him out of the cave, them with tlhe edge of the sword; anld utterthe king of Jerusalem, thie king of llebron, ly destroyed all the souls that 2vere therein; the king of J armuth, tile king of Laohish, lhe left none remaining: as he had done to at?ted thle king of Eglon. Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to the king.24 Alld it came to pass, when they brought thereof; as he had done also to Libnah, and out tllose kings unto Joshua, that Joshua to her king. called for all the men of Israel, and said 40 ~ So Joshua smote all the country of the unto the captains of tile men of war which bills, and of tle south, anld of the vale, and y P.. 107.40. & owent with lim, Come near, Yput your feet of the springs, and all their kingst: lhe left 110.05. & 119, upoi the necks of these kings. And they none remaining, but utterly destroyed all 8 t.,11 came near, and put their feet upon the that breathed, as tle LORD God of Israel d(.. eecksoftllem. Ycommlanded. dd Deote.20.16,.. 25 And Joshua said unto them,'Fear not, 41 And Joshuao smote them from Kadeshll. 7. zet. Lo. nor be dismayed, be strong and of good barnlea everi ulto UGaza,,and all the coun- h Gen. 10. 19. c ot. J. t. co.urage: for "ttlus slltll ttle LoaD do to try of Gotllen, even Gibeot. t t.. 16. a Du ntall your enemies against whoelo ye fight. 42 And all these kings and their land did 26 And afleroard Josltua smote thet, and Joshua take at one time, kbecause the foter 14. slew them, and llanged themn on five trees: LORD God of Israel fought for Israel. b ll. 8.29. and they b were hanging upon the trees on- 43 And Joshua returned, and all Israel til tile evening. with him, unto the camp to fGilgal. 27 And it came to pass at the time of the going down of thle sun, that Joshua corn - CHAPTER XI. Deot.21.23. manded, and they Ctook them down off tlle 1 Dieos oitgs ove;,coo e at fte weate,'s of [etom. ch. h.'29. trees, and cast them into tlee cave whllerein 10 l ato. is eeao aold botvntt. 1fo Alt the colotoy they had been hid, anld laid great stones in tate by Jos ttta. 21.'I Aatoir cut otT the oave's mouth, uwhiclo o'enmain until this A ND it came to pass. when Jabin king 1450. very day. t. of Hazor had heard those things, that 28 And that day Joshua took I hakkhednal, lhe asent to Jobab king of Madon, and to a ch 10. 3. and smote it with the edge of tte stord, and the king of Shimron, and to the king of bt c. l9. 15. the kilng thereof lhe utterly destroyed, them, Achsllaph, and all the souls t hat zere tlerein; lie let 2 And to the kings that vee on the north nolle remain: ant e lde did to the king of of the mountains, and of the plains south dh. 6, 2. Makkedahl das he did unto the king of of CChinnerotll, and in the valley, and in eN-um. 34.11. Jericho. the borders l of Dor on the west, dcl. o1. 11. 29 Then Joshua passed from Makkedah, 3 Ant to the Canaanite on the east anld on J.udg. 1. 27. and all Israel with him, unto Libnah, and the west, and to the Arnorite, and ttle Ilit- l Kintgs4.11. fought against Libnah: tite, and the Perizzite, and the Jebusite in 30 And the LORD delivered it also, and the mountains, eand to the Hivite under eJudg 3. 3. tile king thereof, into toe hatd of Israel; f Iermon tin the land of Mizpeh. fel. l;. II. and lie smote it with the edge of the sword, 4 And they went out, they and all their (,el, 31. 49. and all the souls that zuere therein; he let losts oitlt ttem, much people, leeven as tte tOe. &2.17.& none remain in it; but did unto tile ting sand that is upon the sea shore in multitude,. 2 12 thereof as he did unto the Iking of Jericho. with horses and chariots very many. Judg. 7. 12. 31 And Joshua passed from Libnahll, and 5 And when all these kings were t met to. I Sal. 13. 5. all Israel with him, unto Lachish, and en- gether, they came and pitched together at It el, camped against it, and fought against it: the vaters of Ilerom, to fight against Israel. bytsselted 0y 32 llnd the LORD delivered Lnachish into 6 ~ And the LORD said unto Joshua, iBe a.polet.D the toaud of Israel, thich took it oil the not afraid because of them: for to morrotw ch. 10. 8 second day, and smote it witl the edge of about tlis time will I deliver them up all the sword, and all the souls that uerte tlere- slain before Israel: thou slalt khOough their k2 nse. 8. 4. in, according to all that he had done to horses, and burn their chariots wvittl fire. Libnah. 7 So Joshua came, and all the people of 33 05 Then Horam king of Gczer came up war with him, against them by the wvaters to help Lacllish; and Joshua smote him of Merom suddenly; and they fell upon and his people, until he had left him none thein. remaining. 8 And the LORD delivered them into the 34 I And from Lachish Joshua passed unto hand of Israel, who smote them, and chased Eglon, and all Israel with hlim; and they them unto 0lgreat Zidon, and unto +ttlis- tlor, Zidon. encan)ppd against it, and fought against rephoth-maim, and unto the valley of Miz- n.bbAh. it: peh eastwaord; and they smote them, until o jOr. Salt its 35 And they took it on that day, and smote they left them none relaining. tHel. BS,,, it witl the edg t h e thle sworod, and all the 9 AndJoshua did unto tllenm as the LORD nytocates. souls that zoere tterein he utterly destroyed bade hi: ie teoutllcd ttleir orses, and t oh.. 13. tlhat (lday. according to all that le had done burnt tleir chariots with fire. m ver.. to Loacish. i10, And Joshua at that time turned back, 36 And Joshua went up from Eglon, and and took I}azor, ando sote the king ttlereof &ise el. 14,13 all Israel with him, unto llebrou; and they withl the svortt for 1azor beforetime was: 1.5 13. fought against it: tle head ot all those kingdoms. Judg. 1. 10. 37 And they tookt it. and smote it with the 11 And they smote all the souls tllat welre edge of the sword, and thle king thereof, and therein witlh the edge of the sword, utterly all tile cities thereof, anld all the souls that destroying tlemo: there was not t anly left d Hc>. ant wesre therein; he left tlone rellining, aoc to breathe: and he burnt Hazor witll fire. th. cording to all that he had done to Eglon; 12 And all the cities of those kinlgs, and but destroyed it utterly, and all the souls all the kings of them, did Joshua take, and that were therein. smote thleo with tile edge of the sword, and 164 The Anakin cut off. JOSHUA. Divers kings smitten. nB.C.1450. lie uterly destroyed ther,'as Moses lhe s-l-icl of bthe remnant of the giants, 13.. 145. eservant of thile LORlD commanded., that dwelt at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, lNurn.33.52. 13 But as jor tlhe cities thatstood still tin 5 And reigned ill kimount iermon, land hIDeut. 3.I. Dieut: 7.2. & their strengtJ, Iael bured noe of then, in Salcab, and in all Bastan, "'unto the oh. 13. 12. 2U 1., I, save Isazor oly; thit did Joshua burn. border of tlse Geshurites and the lb lagacha- iledt. 1.4, H aish. ee 14 Aed dll the spail of these cities, and tidies, and halft iilsad, the border of Sihosibt lDl. 3. 8. Ii. the cattles, lbe children of Israel took for a kiag of lleshaon. o1)s5t.eB. 10. prey unto themselves; but every man they 6 "bThem did Moses the servant of the sii. 13, iIt smote with thle edge of the sword, until they LORD and the children of Israel seite: and s-Dsat. 3 si. bed destroyed them, neither left they any t Moses the servant of the LORD gave it for senU-l, 2I.21, to breathi. a possession unto the leusbeites, and the Sb. BEe.34.11,12 lb ~ aAs tlb LORD cosmanded Moses his Gadites, and she half tribe of lanassesh. N -.52.2d sasa, 7. 2. servant, so did Moaes cosansand Joshua, 7 ~ And these sre the hings of the coun- b3.,l,. 1. 71 andqso did Joshua t he left nothing un- try i1eahich Jaoshuaaana tile childres of Israel D-ts S. II, done af all that the LORD commanded siaote on this side Jordai oai the vest, from 12 1 H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eh~ ele. 13. H. j- 55,Fd W!, Moses. 13aal-gad in the valley of Lebasaon even unto. 3 -sg. 16 So Joshua took all that lead,'the bills, the mount 1ialab, that goeth lip to laeis; 2ab. 11. 17. eels. 12. 8. ted all the sauth country, I asl all the laid which Jaoshua "gave usto the tribes of Israel 9 Gea1,l tI..b 3 3. sh. 10. t... af toshen, and the valley, I..andd the plai, for a possession acc. thieir di oe....di... and the asountain oa Israel, and the valley visionse; h. 11, 23 tof lb sanle; 8'sIn the mountains, and si tihe valileys, e,,t tsh 12. 7. 17 daven from lithe mount Itala, that and in the plains, and io the spriegs, and e1tsO 41.' a, Is gaosi upto Sets, ese auisoe taal-gsd an the oin the.'ilder/ese, and is tihe saouth coun- sasaik valley of Lebanon under aaount ilermosa try; Ithe ifittites, tse Amorites, aed the tEs.3 8'. 1and all their kings he tool, and sote Canaanites, the murizzites, the livites, aid to. Dealt. 7.51. tlem, and slew sthem. the Jehasitesh elI. 1. ch. 12.. 18 Josahlla made sor a long time ith ua " The ig feriecho, one; the king nl. 6. 2. 1 Till 143. all thosekings. of Ai, nhich is besid ee letael, one; 1451. es. 23. 10 These was not ss city that msade peace 10 YThe king oflJerusaleas, oaa; tile king hs,. m,2 sa, a. 3, 7. aith the children of Israel, save'the li- of lebron, ylis; vites the inhabitants of Cfibeon: all otltel~, l)~u. 10. l, cites tbe inhsbitantt of tihela, alt athsr 11 The king of Jarmuth, one; the king as, they taool in battle. LachiSi, onea a th D I2. 2. For s iet was of the LORDan to plarden their 13 Tie bsing of Efon, one; atle Iing of ah. 10. 33..tasegl.. 4,. heartes, that they shouldl come against Israel tezer, one; i gs.2.. in battle, that lie maight destroy them uter- 13 The Iing of sebir, on:; the Iting of i Ael. 10. 38, Doul.r. 718. ly, and that they amight have no favoure, hut Geder, one; Dest. 2. 1 8, that lihe tight destroy tihe, as the LORD 14 Tle king of Itrmab, one; the king of i commanTdedl oses. rad, one; N. l2 21 And at that time came Joshua, and cut 15 The king of Liebnal, one; the king of Iis. 10. 29. 33. off I the Anakim'from the mounstains, from Adllm, one; ID-t. 1. 28. Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from 16'The king tof takkedah, one; dthe scl,. 10. 8.,kh. 1. lb.13Ii al tile mountains of Jedatn, and from all king of Deth-al, one;..1. als -. 1|. ls the iounatains of Israel: Joshua destroyed 11 The king of Tappuah, one;'the king Jof b. L22. el. 15. 4ii them utterly ithl their cities. ofaispher, one; s I Kin. 4. II. dtNts. 34 2. 22 There was none of the Anakim left in 18 Tile kiing of Apheb, one; the king of.-e tie land of the children of Isael: onsly in hasharon, one; Or Sha-s, Nes., Sb?253 Gsza, in | ath, Itad in Athdod, there re- 19 The kinlg of IMadoh, onea;'te king of ai. 3. 5..l.i. 1 ained. i ieazor, one; /e,. It. 10. & lbi. ht7. 23 So Joshua took the ihole land, dac- o Tie king of S ahi aron-m eron, one; the 1450. Ia. & 9. Scordig to all tiate the LonR said unto king of Absteeaph, one; l 1 1 j Mlt. 1 es. b Mase; and Joshua gaee it for an inherit. 21 The king of Taanach, one; the king of 1. 1. 21.44. & 22,4. an dd, ne IL 23. 1.. e unto Israel aiccording to their di.m, one; aisions by their tribes. fAnd the land 22 1 The king of Kedesh, one; tihe king of ch. 19. 37. 1443. rested tfroa was.JokinJca of Carmel, one; 55-r5~~~~~~. ~17. 23 The king of Dor in the scoast of DIor, i a. 11. 2. CHAPTER XII. one; tie king of the nations of ilgsal, s,. s11.r 1,2. one;.a.. h, I Th e,! If a i, tsg r,,taMacsttJ-e, s7,, -,sd 24 Tie king of Tirzah, one: all the kings dicsh.s- f. 7 1isea d ttaz, oneI t1.h e t Sid.- d h oJoshua o thc ewh o,da. tohir anrd one. 181i. o at these are the kings of the sland, CHAPTER XIII. IA eeidcls the alsilalaca at tessest ti c~etis, l svftlslsesdssset 5 on/si esa951d. a los whwlsich the chisilda/tren of Israel sietnotelethe i 14, 31Th aned posseseld their land oI the other side Lasde.t- hi.s, fesl tlae qfLt. eNsess. 21.21 Jordan towtad hse rising of tie sune, ts from i. Ii SIt5 blaslss af Ith, r ltsasscesvtd~lcsas,. t Dssst..il8 tte rieer Arnon bunto mount seection, and 22R.Ia.lasslqss. 241ThsLAeescds..eastate 1445. -'~,.'. 21. 21 all thie plain on the eastn of G ees, 28 -dqoe the hi nf lr~ibe qfAI — eh. t,ut. sl2lSilion kingl of the Amsritess who dwelt OW Joshua I was old s is stricken in 1 14. l. b. s. Ias t in Heshbo, a,?te Tiled front Aroae, which years; aed the LORD said uto kinm, C. l, t o l d sst. 3. 17. is upon the bank of the river Arns n, and Thou art ol d elststricken in yearsi a Otid 551/a hi 1s. 2U. front tie siddle ef the river, and from, there remailleth yet very ttuch land stto be D-t. half Gilead, even ualto tIis river Jabbok, psessetied. Jludg. 3. 1. lrs~ ichs sc is tile btors erd o3f the hildren of Ae n- 2 btlis is the land thats yet remainets o. s. tileO, T[s eisa moite tie borders of the Plitistiaes, adsi allbes 13 C 3 Ai d fonlde;fsr the p kin o f t the seeat of s h iehi, - dIe,.i:L Th hill. nerotelh oi tIt east, and uilto the sea of tie 3 Front SibsT, wehich is before Egypt, 1a. t, k i n. fassst. s. 12 plain, even tie salt sea on the cast,5thie ev untotkekborders of Ekrotllnort ehwrd, jd 15. i 4.49. wsatoyis thcjeshimoti; aadferom lthsouth, tibhih is scounted to tile Cnaanite oti ve e. sts3 st salunder i/f Ashdoth-pisgals: lords of tile Philistines; she Gaazkites, lsetss.i,15 is Ot.3.t.lll 4 And the coast f Og king ofsan, aend the Asitsdothites, the Eslkalouites, tlt Estqls,. t 6. 165 Bounds of the land. JOSHUA. The inheritance of Gad. B 0. 1445. Gittites, and the Ekronites; also Ythe 24And Iloseas gave inheritance nto the B.C. 1445. Avites: tribe of Gad, even unto tile children of g9 Deu. 2 23. 4 From the south, all the land of the Ca- Gad according to their families. Hor. naaaite, and "lenrah that is beside the 5 mAnd their coast was Jazer, and all otano.32.O. The ncSe. )Sidonians, hunto Aphek, to the borders oa the cities of Gilead, ~ and half the land ofa n Co lrea hch. 19. 30.,lthe Anorites: the children of Ammon, unto Aroer that is N —n 2,212 iae J-dt. 1. 5 And the land of kthe Giblites, and all before I Raha; 28, 29, with 01. Lebanon toward the sunrising, ifromn Baal- 26Andf romI-Ieshbon untoRamath-mnizpeh, Dig 2.11. 1 J-dg. 11. 13,: LKaa. 5.1t. gad under mount ernmon unto thie entering acd Betonim; ant from Malit ain untn 1o Pa. 83.7. into Hamatho tie border of Debir o a..1. 2.. 0 All the inhabitants of the hill country 27 And in the valley, Pl3eth-aran, and. 12. 26 leh 12. 7. fromLobanon unto "IMIisrephoth-maiin tanad Beth-nimranh,'and Succoth, and Zaphon, Bt. all the Sidonanns, them awill I drive out the rest of the kingdon of Sihon king of N[ na32' 3. uqin3. 17.0 -l8eo oh. 23 from before the children of Israel: only H/shbon, Jordan and hisborder, ev unto (I e 3.7.46 13. I 0divide thou it by lot unto tile Isr..lites for the edge of tie sea of t'Chinnereth on the. J-05g. 0. 21. an inheritance, as I sanve commanded tiee. otheo side Joedan eatwnd-1,. Non therefore divide this land for all 28 This is tise inheritance of the children hci. 14. 1, ta inheritance unto the nine tribes, and the of God aftertheir families, the cities, and half tribe of esnassh, their villages. o Witih thonm tt Roubhenites and tie Gad- 29 ~ And iroses gave inheritanc unte pm.32.33. ites have receivedtheir inheritance,whichaiii teal ribe of Mnasseh: and this wa Deoct. 0. 12, INoses gave them, abeyondJordan eastward, the ossession of tile isif tribe of the 213. even as ioses the nervant of the LOaD children of 1anasseh by their families...2 gave them 30 And tieir coast 000 ferom vllsnaim, 8PronAroer, that is upon the bank of alln ashan, all the inigdom of Og king of the river Arnon,.nd the city that is in the Bnisn, and all the townse of Jaire, w hich sNn.32.41 evcel.'l emidat of tise river, 0 ad all the plain of nao in Baishan, threescore cities 1 Cisc. 0. 23. tN,.-.i2. 3 ledeba onto Dibono 31 And half Gilead, and Atlistneotb, and 0 oh. 1224. oun..21.2, 10 And oall them citie of Jihon hing of the Edrei, cities of toe kingdon of Og in Bn-. Amorite, which reigned in Heashbon, unto shn, oere ieoetaining unto tse children tise border of the children of Ainion; of Mehir tie eon of Manasseh, even to the hca. 12. 5. 11 sAnd Gilead, and tie border of the one isalf othe lchildreiofMachir by their,N n.32.39, Geshuritea and alaachiathites, andal nmount families. dh iermon, and sall ashan unto Salons; 2 These aren the coaunatrieas ioih Moases 12 Anll the ingdom of Og it Bnshan, ehich did distribute for inheritgaoe in tie plaini eeigned in shterothn and tin Edrei, aho ro- ofMob, oiatie other side Jordan, by Jeritent. 3. 11. nained oetthe remnant of the giants: "for cho, eOastward. ch.i2. 4. these did Moses stite, and cast thep out. a 3 nBut unto the tribe of Levi Moses e ae 14..oNoN.21.21h 13 Nevertiseless the children of Israelcex- not any inheritance: tie LORD God of is- cil 18 7. 35. pelied nnt tie Geetanitet, 000 the Mtlani rael wea3 their inheritance, 0as he said onto ONNto. 10.20., Mlede....ion; 3 1 Adhal Geluilead, andrh tAsl...t.. ner. 11. thites: but the Geshurites and the Mnnacha- then. DosaO. 10. 9. thites dweoll among theIsraelite until thi APTER XV. 1. 1, a2. day. I rnle,n ih leige d ea, le eanin e to hnete chldrin NaN. 18.20, t4 01ynoly ute the tribe of hevi lee gaoe 7e-ti.e by tot. 0 Calel On e.e.iviene b lyabteth 23a.21i none inheritance; tie sacrifices of the LO eD tsoaa. 00. 14.0,34. God of Inrael made by fire nre their inhetit- ND teeee atne the couneooties thich the about 1444s vee.!2 33. ance, n3 tie said unto them. children of Israel inAotheited in tthe lad 1 ~1 And Moes gave onto the tribe of the of Canaas, anhich Elcezar tse priest, and oun.. f4.17, children of Reuben isiheritance according Jnshun the son of Nun, and the Inoeads of 1. to their families. the fathers of tihe tribes ofn tie children o eb. 12. 2. 16 And their coast nas n from n Aoe, that Israel, distributed for inheritance to them. N. 21 281. is 0o toe bank of the river Anoi, tand tite 2 b61y lot one their inherittnce, oas the N-n.21.30. city that is in tise nidet ot tse river, land LORD commanded hy tse hand of Moses, &33-54.24h00h e., all the plain by Medeb; for the nine tribes, ndfor tic half tribe. 13. 17 Heshbon, and all her cities tiat are 3 Forn oses lo ned given the inheritance of coh. 13. 0,232, jO. O leh os in tite plain; Dibon, and ilflamoth-hanl, teen tribes and a, tnaf tribe on tise other side 33t oaf Bn- and Botith-bal-neon, Jordane: but unto titO Levites lie gave none -d hjt.,e llA ndJasaza, and Kedemoth, %ndMeph- inheritanot anong them. /f rulmekln~nee l;}t.'..... oOur22 302 aynd iean:h, 4 For d tile children of Joseph aere two.. N...32:38. 19 eAnd Kirjrtthaim, and fSibinab, and tribes, Manarsseh anrd Ephiam ~eeo~e 1~'512 p.2 eZlledh-sha in tGhe mount of the valley, hey gave nh e rt unto!,i in the IT —-.32.37. 2 n ehpor n 1, ad save cities to dwell in, wvith their / n suburbs for their cattle and for their subOer.. 11 21 hsAnd all the cities ofthe plain, and all stanae. e,fnSah, th, kingdom of Si Son king of tte Amorites, 5'As tite LORD commanded Moses, so tte eN.-. 35 2. of Pir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ak~~~~~~~~or,~~~~~~ clS. 21,'2. Th,? hift. which reigned in Heshbon, iwatom Moses children ofIsrael did, ond they divided the,t. 21. C Det. 3. 17, mothte dwit th th princes of Mtidiin, Evi, and land. etai. 113. Rehkem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba,enhinh 0 ~ TiTen the children of Judah came onto A Dne. 3. 10 wncr- dukes of Sitton, duelling in tite coun- Josisua in Gilgal: antd Caleb tte son of iNien.M1.iO. N -n.21,24. try. Jepsunneh the fleaezite said aunto lhim, e l 2n 18.2 22 I lalaam also the sot of Beee, the Tson ooweset otha thing thati tie LORD in. 14,24, 2.Nu-, 31 8..30. Ii soothsayer, did theechildren of Israelslay said untoMoses tite manl of Goa concerning IBot. 1.20, tNn. 12.2. wioth the sword among them that ore slain me ond thee hinh Kdeoh-barnea. 3t. h1. by them. 7 Forty years old oaes I wbhen Mosesi the no.1...O., diet,,,..23 And the border of the children of Rie- servant of the LORD isent nme from Ia- N.1. Or, di".13.26.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~rnl. B~ ben was Jordan, and tile oder thereof. deoa-banoan to espy out the land; and I 1a. 6. Tnis was the inheritance of the children of brought him nord again at it tads oin mine k,- 13.31. Reubeno after their families, the aities and heart. 32. the villages thereof. 8 Nevertheltess -y brethrena that vent up ieut. 1. 28. 166 Caleb obtaineth Hebron. JOSHUA. The cities of Judah. B. C. with me made the heart of the people melt: the border went up to the top of the mdunt-. C. 144. about 1444. but I whllolly followed the LORD my God. ain that lieth before the valley of IIinnom 9 And lioses sware on that day, saying, ewestward, which is at the end tof the valley t h. 18. 16. t Nu.ll14t24I. Surely the land'ewhereon thy feet have of the giants northward: Deut. l. 36. trodden shall be thine inheritance, and thy 9 And the border was drawn from the top weNeum.14.23, children's for ever, because thou hast whol- of the hill unto "athe fountain of the water ch. 18.156. 24. ly followed the LORD my God. of Neplltoal, and eent out to the cities of Deht I. 36. 10 And now, behold, the LOeD hath kept mount Ephron; and the border was drawn te. Ne-. alive, ~hs he said, these forty and five "to Baalah, which is Kirjatll-jearim: 1 hr. 13. 6. 13 X 2. years, even since the LORD spake this word 10And the border compassed from Baal-e Jdg 18.12 e13e. 14.30. unto Moses, while the cehildrene of Israel ah westward unto mount Seir, and passed tandered in the wildernesse: and now, lo, along unto the side of mount Jearim, which 1444. I am this day fourscore and five years old. is Chesalon, on the north side, and went tReb.calked. 11 2'As yet I ant as strong this day as I down to Beth-shemesh, and passed on to we Se Deut. wats in the day that Moses sent me: as my lP Timnah: )p Gen. 38. 13. 34. 7. strength weas tien, even so is my strength 11And the border went out unto the side Jedg. 14.1. qDeut. 31. 2. now, for war, both'lt o go out, and to come of ekron northeard: and the border was 9wh. 19. 3.,-Nle. 13.28, in. drawn to Shicron, and passed along to mount 33. 12 Now therefore give me this mountain, Bnalah, and vent out unto Jabneel; and,sPs. 18.32,34. whereof the LORD spake in that day; for the goings out of the border were at the h& 60. 12. thou heardest in that day how "the Anakim sea. R{o. 8.31. 8.31. were there, and that the cities were great 12 And the west border was'to the great wer. 47. Itcll 15.14. and fenced: sif so be the LORD will be sea, and the coast thereof. This is the Num..34.6,7. Jtudg. 1. 20. with me, then rI shall be able to drive them coast of the children of Judah round about ell o22.226. out, as the LORD said. according to their families. lch. 10. 37. & 13 And Joshua Ublessed him, tand gave 13 I SAnd unto CaIeb the son of Jephun- ch. 14. 13. 15. 13. unto Caleb the son of Jephunneh Hebron nel he gave a part among the children of Julg. l. 20. for an inheritance. Judah, according to the commandment of 12. 14 Y Hebron therefore became the inherit- the LORD to Joshua, even t11the city of teh. 14. 15. 1 Chr 6. 6. 55, ance of Caleb the son of Jepllunneh the Arba the father of Anak, which city is He- i Or, Kijawt/e. 56. Kenezite unto this day- because that he eron. erba. y eh. 21. 12. Zwholly followed the LORD God of Israel. 14 And Caleb drove thence "the three sons w Jedeg. 1. 10, zver, 8, 9. 15 iAnd "tle name of Hebro before tweas of Anak,'Sllesai, and Ahiman, and Tal- 20. e fwGee. we2. Kirjath-arba; wneic Arba was a great mane mai, the children of Anak. Nu..13.22. l. 15. 13. wamong the Anakim. b And the land had 15 And he woent up thence to the inhabit- y eh. 10. 38. b h. 11. 23. rest from war. ants of Debir: and the name of Debir be- Judg. 1. 11. CoAPTER XV. fore was Kirjatlh-sepher. CHAPTEel XV. 1e'And -Calhb said, He that smiteth Jwdg. i. 12. w1 eT^,e bordwereet. lot ole fee0 13 lwe- irja tho opher, ald taketh it, to him will tio, an conquest. 1 n Otb tsao',.,'. hath Acslt, Caleb's dalc glter,. o wife. 18 She I give Achsah my daughter to wife. [obtainetha blessing of kerfatheer. 21 The cities 17 And aOthniel the 6son of Kenaz, the aJullg. 1 13. ofJJodalh. 63 TheJebusites wtot conwqteered. brother of Caleb, took it: and he gave him & 3.9. TMHIS then was the lot of the tribe of the Achsah his daughter to wife. 6b um.32. 12.. children of Judah by their families; 18 And cit came to pass, as she came un- oh. 141. (. [Num. 34.3. aeven to the border of Edom the bwilder- to him, that she moved him to ask of her lJudg. 1.14. bNut. 33.36. ness of Zin southward was the uttermost father a field: and dshe lighted off her ass; dSee Gen. 24. part of tthe south coast. and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest 64. 2 And their south border was from the shore thou? Sam.25.23. tRehloeg-ew. Of the salt sea, from the tbay that looketh 19 Who answered, Give me a eblessing; eGen. 33. 11. southward: for thou oast given me a south land; give w Num 34.4. 3 And it went out to the south side to me also springs of water. And lie gave her!O rITe",e'lllaalele-acrabbim, and passed along to the upper springs, and the nether springs. Ire, teoli,'tb-d Zin, and ascended up on the south side un- 20 This is the inheritance of the tribe of' his. to Kadesh-barnea, and passed along to Hez- the children of Judah according to their ron, and went up to Adar, and fetched a families. compass to Karkaa: 21 And the uttermost cities of the tribe of dNum. 31. i. 4.'sFro thence it passed dltoward Azmon, the children of Judah toward the coast of and went out unto the river of Egypt; and Edom southward were Kabzeel, and Eder, the goings out of that coast were at the sea: and Jagur, this shall be your south coast. 22 And Kinah, and Dimonah, and Ada5 And the east border was the salt sea, dalh, even unto the end of Jordan. And their 23 And Kedesh and Hazeor, and Ithnan, border in the north quarter was from the 24 Ziph, and Telem, and Bealoth, bay of the sea at the uttermost part of Jor- 25 And Hazor, Hadattah, and Kerioth, dan: and Hezron, whllich is Hazor, ech. 18. 19. 6 And the border went up to w Beth-hogla, 26 Amam, and Shema, and Moladah, and passed along by the north of Beth-ara- 27 And Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and fe. 18. 17,. kbah; and the border went up fto the stone Betl-palet, of Bolan tie son of Reuben: 28 And Hazar-shual, and Beer-sheba, and 7 And the border went up toward Debir Bizjothljah, g eh. 7. 3. from Vthe valley of Achor, and so north- 29 Baalah, and Iim, and Azem, ward, looking toward Gilgal, that is before 30 And Eltolad, and Chesil, and Hormah, h2Sa 17.17. the going up to Adummim, which is on the 31 And fZiklag, and Madmannah, and flSam 2... Kings. 9 south side of the river: and the border pass- Sansannah, ieC, ce 106 ed toward the waters of En-shemesh, and 32 And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and Ain, Jer. 19. 2, 6 the goings out thereof were at hEn-rogel: and Rimmon: all the cities are twenty and k h. 18. 28. 8 And the border went up iby the valley nine, with their villages: s udg 1' 21. of the son of Hinnom unto the south side of 33 And in the valley, U Eshtaol, and Zo- gNum. 13.23. & 19. 10. the kJebusite; the same is Jerusalem: and reah, and Ashnah, 167 The cities of Judah. JOSHUA. The lot of Manasseh. B. O. 1444. 34 And Zanoah, and En gaunim, Tappu- 5 ~ And the border of the children of D. C.1444. ah, nnd Enam, Ephllraim according to their families was 35 Jaormuth, and Adullam, Socoh, and thlus: even the border of their inheritance Azekah, ol the east side was eAtaroth-addar, funto el18. 18.13. 30 And Sharaim, and Adithaim, and eo- Beth-horon the upper; f Chr. 8. 5. 60/, o0. derah, "land.Gederothaim; fourteen cities 6 And the border went out toward the sea witll their villages: to iIlichtnethah on tOlt north sideo; and the g cl. 17. 7. 37' Zenan, and Hladashah, and Migdal-gad, border wrent about eastward unto Taanathh2Ki. 14.7. 38 And Dilean, and MIizpeh, haud Jok- shiloh, and passed by it on the east to Jatheel, nohah; 39 Lachish, and Bozkath, and Eglon, 7 Anet it went down from Janohah to Ata40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and Rith- rott, oand to Naaroth, ancd came to Jeri- h lItlr. 7. 28. lish, cho, and went out at Jordan. 41 And Gederoth, Beoth-dagon, and Na- 8 Thle border went out from Tappuah amah, and Iakkedah; sixteen citiels with westward unto the lriver Kanahl; and the ich. 17. 9. their villges goings out thert ofwere at the sea. This is 42 Libnah, and Ether, and Ashan, tle inheritance of the tribe of thle children 43 And Jiplhtsh, and Asllnall, and Nezib, of Ephraim by their families. 44 Ant Keilah, and Aclezib, and Mare- 9 And kthe separate cities for the children k ch. 17. 9. shal; nine cities with their villages: of Ephraim werooe among the inheritance of 45 Ekron, twith her towns and her vil- the children of Manasseh, all the cities with lages: their villages. 46 From Ekron even unto the sea, all that 1() cAnd they drave not out the Canaanites C Judg. 1. 29. t Heb by Ihe lay t near Ashdod, with their villages: that dwelt in Gezer: but the Canaanites See I Kings placeo-. 47 Ashdod, with her tovns and her vil- dell among tthe Epllraimites untothisday, 9. 16'. lages; Gaza,wtith her towns and her vi- and serve under tribute. i ver. 4. lges, unto tthe river of Egypt, and kthle k Num. 3. 3. great sea, and the border thereof: CHAPTER XVII. 48 ~ And in the mountains, Shamir, and 1 Th, lIt of, faoassoeh. 7 llis coast. 12 The CaJattir, and Socoh, coaaeite. seot d,fivte out. 11 Thee childrse ofJo49 Anti Dannab, and Kirjath-sannah, aeh obtati, anot/er lot. wliicliis Debir, THERE was also a lot for the tribe of 50 A And iab, and Eshtemoh, and Anit, T- Mannassell; for lie woas the afirstborll Ger. 41. 51. Ich 10. 41. h& 51 tAnd Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh; of Joseph; to wCit, for b Machirthefirstborn & 4d. 20, & 11. Wi. eleven cities with their villages: of Manasseh, the father of Gilead: because 48. 18 52 Arab, and Dumah, and Eslean, ho was a moo of war, therefore lte had c Gil- btI G 50. 23. Or, Jalozo 53 And IIJanum, and Beth-tappuahc and end and Bashlan. No2. L. 40. Aphekal, 2 Thert. was also a lot for dthe rest of thle 1 Chr.. 14. mc, o. 14.15. 54 And Humtoal, and tIcirjath-arbaswuhicll children o' llanasselh by their families; efor lDu t. 3. 15.. ver. 1. is Hebron, and Zior; nine cities with their thle chiltren of IIAbiezer, and for tile cllil- I/ du..29villages: dren of Helek, f and for the children of As- 32. N 55 Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and Juttah, riel, and for the childoen of Slleohetn, Yand ttChe. 7. 18. 50 And Jezreel, and Jokdeam, and Za- for the children of Hepher, and for the 1. 1, noah, children of Shemida: these oweore the male Je Nem, 2o.30, 57 Cain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten cities children of Manasseh te.son of Joseph b cWitte tttete ottlogee thidee oie. h thei clsoo of Joseph by f.....c. 2t 21. Witll tleir villagfes: their families. Nl. 31 58 Halhul, Beth-zur, and Gedor, 3 ~ But hZelophehad, the son ofHepller.tbe g um. 2.32 59 And MIaarath, and Beth-anoth, and El- son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the sotI of t, N c.. 2f.33 tekon; six cities with their villages: 1Manasseh, lad no sons, but daughters: and & 27.. & 36. n ch 18. 14. 0 0 R Kirjath-baal, lwhich is Kirjath-jeariim, these arte the names of his daughters, g e Iatland Rabbah; two cities with their villages. lah, and Noah, Hoglall, Milcalh, and Tirzah. 61 In the wilderness, Beth-arabah, Mlid- 4 And they came near before zEleazar tie i h. 14. 1. din, and Seccaab, priest, and before Josllua the son of Nun, 62 And Nibshan, and the city of Salt, and and before the princes, saying, kThleLoR)tt kNuln. 27. 6, En-gedi; six cities with their villages. commanded iIoses to give us an inheritance;. 63 ~ As for the Jebusites the inhabitants among our brethren. Therefore, according oSe Jtdg. 1. of Jerusalem, I the children of Judah could to thle commandment of the LOP.D, hie gave 8, 21 c not drive them out: P but the Jebusites them an inlleritance among the brethren of 2 SamS. 5. dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusa.- their fatlier. p Julg. 1. 21. lem urto this day. 5 And there fell ten portions to Manasseh, besides ttle land of Gilead and Bashan, CHAPTER XVI. which ue7re on the other side Jordan; 1 The gene.eal tode.s of the sot of Joseph 5 Thle 6 Because thee daughters of Manasseh had bo-led of tee i,the-itnee, oftohtoaioo. 0lThe an inheritance among his sons: and the Cafeaaeoite seest cottqueaee. srest of Manasseh's sons had the land of ND the lot of the children of Joseph Gilead. t Feb. wenot A t fell from Jordan by Jerichlo, uto the 7 0 And the coast of Manasseh was from fo'th. water of Jericho on the east, to tlte soilder- Asher to I Miehmetllah, that lieth before t cl, 1S. 0. hess that goeth up from Jeri6ho throughout Shechem; and the border went along on the mount Beth-el, right hand unto the inhabitants ot En-tap. aoll. 18 13. 2 And goeth out from Beth-el to a Lu, and puah. Judg. 1. 26 p'aseth along unto the borders of Archt to {8 NoV o Manasseh lad the land of Tap. Ataroth, pual: but "I Tappual on the border of tchl 1.8. 3 And goeth down westward tothe coastof Manasseh belonged to the children of bh. 18. 13, Japhleti, bunto the coast of Beth-horon the Ephraim; 2oh.'llr. 8. nether, and to Ctezer: and the goings out 9An the coast descended nunto the, eh. 16. 8. c Chr. 7. 28 thereof are at thesea. lriver Kanah, southward of the river: l Or, b-ook [f i lugs. l5. 4 ldSo the chtildren of Joseph, Mlanasseh ~thlese cities of Ephraim are among the reetd. dch. 17. 14, and Ephraiol, took their inheritance. cities of TMIanasseh: the coast of MIanasseh oce 10 9. 168 The Canaanites put to tribute. JOSHUA. The heorder of Benjoaniin. B.'C. 1444. also uvas on the north side of the river, and you; for the priesthood of the LORD is their B. C. 144. ------- the outgoings of it were tLt the sea: inheritance: hand Gad, and Reuben, and l1)Southward it2vas Ephraim's, andnorth- half tle tribe of Manasseh, have received hcl 13. 8 ward it Oas Manasseh's, and tile sea is his their inheritance beyond Jordan on the border; and they met together in Asller ol east, whllich oses the servant of the LORD the north, and il Issaclear on the east. gave them. pI Clr,. 7. 29. 11 l'And Manassell had in Issaclar and in 8 ~ And the men arose, and went nway: q 18am.3.10, Asher OlBett-shean and her tolwns, and Ib- and Joshua charlged tliem tllat went to del.Kiogs4.12. leam and lier towns, and the inhabitants of scribethe land, saying, (io and walkthrough Dor and lher towns, and the inhabitants of the land, and'describe it, and come again En-dbr and lher towns, and the inhabitants to me, that I may iere cast lots for you beof Taanach and lier towns, and the inhabit- fore the LORD ill Shiloh. ants of Megiddo anld ler towns, evez three 9 And the men event and passed through countries. the land, and described it by cities into rJustgt. 27, 12'Let'tlle children of Manasseh cod sven parts in a book, and camoe agai to 28, not drive out the inhabitants oJf'those cities; Joshua to the host at Shiloh. but tile Canaanites would dwell in that land. 10 ~ And Joshua cast lots for them in 13 Yet it came to pass, swhen the children Shiloh before tile LORD: and there Joshof Israel were waxens strong, that they put ua divided tile land unto the children of,ch. 16' 1. the Canaanites to Stribute; but did not ut- Israel according to their divisions. terly drive them out. 11 ~ And tle lot ot thle tribe of the chilt sh. 16. 4. 14 tAnd tihe children of Joseph spake dren of BenJnminl came up according to unto Joshua, saying, Why hast thou given their families: and the coast of their lot o GCon. 48 22 me but tone lot and one portion to inherit, came forth between tile children of Judah z 4e8. 48. 19. seeing I am'a great people, forasmuch as and the cllildren of,losepll. Nul.- 26. 34, the LORD hath blessed me hitherto? 12 s And their border oil the nortli side was Se oh. 16, I 37. 15 And Joshua answered them, If thou be from Jordan,; and the border went up to a great people, tihen get thee up to thle wood the side of Jerichlo on tle north side, and cozcuntry, and cut dowrn for thyself there in went up through the mountains westward;; fOr, leplhazn, the land of the Perizzites and of the 1 giants, and tle goings out thereof were at the sil-.'en 14. 5. & if mount Ephlraim be too narrow for tlleo. derness of eth-aven. 15. 0. 2 16 And tile children of Joseph said, The 13 And tile border went over fromn thence [ ill is not enough for us: and all the Ca- toward Luz, to the side of Luz, kwlich os k Gel. 28. 19. naanites that dwell in valley Bet o the lnd of t lley Bet-cl, soutward; and te border de- Judg L. 23. y Judg. 1. 19. have Yehariots of ironl, boti they who are of scellded to Ataroth-adar, near tle hill that & 4.3. Beth-slhean and her towns, and they who lieth on the south side lof the nether Beth- ch. 1. 3. z ch. 19. 18 are z of the valley of J ezreel. horon. 1 Ki.i 4. 12. 17 And Josllua spake unto the house of 14 And the border was drawn thence, and Joseph, evesn to Ephlraim and to Manassehl, compassed the corner of the sea southward, saying, Thou art a great people, and hast fromn the hill that lieth before Beth-horon great power: thou slalt not Ilave one lot southwvard; andthee goings outtloereof were oaly: at m Kirjatll-baal, wlich is Kirjatllh-jearim, See ch. 1.9. 18 But the mountain shall be thine foe it a city of the children of Judah: this s2cas is a wood, and thou shalt cut it downe: and thle west quarter. thse outgoings of it shall be thine: for thaoll 15 And the southl quarter soas from the end a Deut. 20.1. shalt drive out the Canaanites, tlhough they of Kirjatlh-jearim, and tile border went out have iron clariots, ancd though they be on tie eest, ancl svent out to sthe well of csllt. r9. strong. swaters of Neplltoah: CHAPTER XVIII. 16 And tlle border came down to the end I Thle ta6eroaecle i set *1' at Slfhioh. 2 The'e- of the mountain that licth before Itlle valley o ch. 16 8. [aisraale eoftelaoldisdescribed, atddiuidedialo of tile son of Idinnor, anci which is in the soeveopaorts. l0Joslcs divideth itby.lot. 11Tfe valley of the giants on tile north, and delot ia c dorder fBeljacnci,. 21 roeeii cities. scended to the valley of Itinnom, to tile side A ) D the whole congregation of the chil- of Jebusi on tle south, and descended to -enh. 19.51 &'. dren of Israel assembled togethler "at i'En-rogel, p ch. 15 7 o21.2. h22,9. Shiloll, and lset up the tabernacle of tile 17 And was drawn from the nortl, and Jerl. 7. 12. congreeation t ad thed te land was sub- went forth to En-slemesh, and ent forth bJl1g. 18. 31t. dued before thlem. toward Gelilotll, which is over against tle t hS1. 1. 3, 2 And tlhere remained among the clildren going up of Adummim, and descended to 21 & 4., 4. o' Israel seven tribes, lwhichl had not yet re- the Stone of Bohan thle son of Reuben, qeh. 15.. ceived their inherlitance. 18 And passed along toward tle side over 3 And Joshua said unto the children ofIs- against 9dliArabah northward, and wentt ri. 15. 6. eJudg. 18. 9 rael, clHow long are ye slacl to go to pos- down unto Araball: 1 sess tlce land, swhiclh the LORD god of your 19 And thle border passed along to the side OTh! h m. fathlers shath given you? of Beth-loglah northward: and the out4 Give out from among you three men for goings of the border were at tie north t bay tUehb.toslsze. eseh tribe: and I will send them, and they of the salt sea at the south end of Jordan: slhall rise, and go through the land, and this ias tle soutll coast. describe it according to tle inheritalce of 20 Anid Jordan was the border of it on tile ticem; and they shalli coe again to me. east side. This suas the Inheritance of tlhe 5 And they shall divide it into seven parts: chlildren of Benjamin, by the coasts thereof dch. 15.. dJudah shlall abide in their coast on tile round about, according to their families. e h. 16. 1, 4 south, and'tlie house of Josepb shall abide 21 Nosw the cities of tihe tribe of the chilill their coasts on the north. dren of Benjamin according to their families 6 Ye shall therefore describe the land ito were Jerichlo, and Beth-hoglah, and thle seven parts, and brinlg the lescription valley ofKeziz, fCto. t1.. 2 lither to me, fthat I may cast lots for you 22 And Beth-arabah, and Zemaraim, and. ere betbre the LORD our God. Bethl-el, sLo.1 13.3 1 7 But the Levites have nlo part among 23 And Avim, and Parah, and Ophrah, 169 Lot of Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, JOSHUA. of Asher, Naphtali, and Dan.; B. C. 114t. 24 And Chephar-lhaamonai, and Ophnl, Slahazimah, and Beth-shemesh; and the B. C. 1444. andlahba; tvelve citieswith their villages: outgoings of their border were at Jordan: 25 Gibeon, and Ramah, and Beeroth, sixteen cities with their villages. 26 And lfizpeh, and Chephirah, and Mo- 23 This 28 the inheritance of the tribe of szah, the children of Issachar according to their 27 And Rekem, and Irpeel, and Taralah, families, the cities and their villages. s Ce. 15.. 28 And Zelahll, Eleph, and Jcbusi,vwhich 24 1 And the fifth lot came out for the tribe is Jerusalem, Gibeatll, ncld Kirjath; four- of the children of Asher according to their teen cities with their villages. This is the families. inhleritance of the children of BenJamin ac- 25 And their border was Itelkath, and cording to their families. Ieali, and Beten, and Achslhaph, 20 And Alammelech, and Amad, and AliCHAPTER XIX. sheal and reacletll to Carmel westward, 1 The lot oqf Ssmeos, 10 of Zesbtlt,,. 17 of lssa- and to Shihor-libnath; chare, 24 of efshee., 32 of iaphatali, 40 of J)ale. 27 Ald turnetll towd t thle sunrising to 49 Tih childen, of srael give an s theritance to Betll-dagon, and reacheth to Zebulun, and Jos.lde. to thle valley of Jiphthah-el toward the north A ND the second lot came forth to Simeon, side of Betll-emek, and Neiel, and goeth. even for the tribe of the children of out to Cabul on the left hand, s vyer. 9. Simeon according to their families: U and 28 And Icbron, and Rehob, and Hammon, their inhleritance was within the inheritance and Kianah, J cven unto great Zidon; fct 11. 8. of the children of Judash. 29 And thes the coast turneth to Ramsah, Jodg. 1. 31., b L Chr. 4. 28. 2 And bthecy had in their inleritance Beer- and to the strong city t Tyre; and the coast t IIb. Tzo,-, sheba, or Slleba, and Moledah, turlleth to Hosah; and the outgoings there- 2 Sas. 5.11. 3 And IHazar-shual, and Balah, ani Azem, of are at thle sea from tle coast to' Acllzib: h Gcen. 38. 5. 4 And Eltolad, and Bethull, and Hormall, 30 Unmmah also, and Aphek, and Rehob: Judg. 1. 31. 5 And Ziklag, and Betll-marcaboth, and twenty andl two cities with their villages. hic. 1. 14. Hazar-suslh, 31 Tlhis is the inheritance of the tribe of 6 And Beth-lebaoth, and Sharuhen; thir- the children of Asher according to their teen cities and their villages: families, these cities with their villages. 7 Ain, Remmon, and Ether, and Ashean; 32 T The slxth lot came out to the children four cities and their villages: of Naplhtali, even for the children of Naph8 And all the villages tliat were round tall according to their families. about these cities to Baalath-beer, Ramath 33 And hllelr coast was fromn Heleph, from of the south. This is the inheritance of the Allon to Zaanannim, and Adami, Nekeb, tribe of the children of Simeon according to and Jabneel, unto Lakum; and the outgothelr families. ings thereof were at Jordan: 9 Out of thle portion of the children of Ju- 34 And tlen hthe coast turneth westward hDeut.33,23.' dah was the inheritance of thle children of to Aznoth-tabor, and goeth out from thence Simeon: for tile part of the children of Ju- to Hukkok, and reacheth to Zebulun on the ever, 1. dahl was too much for them: therefore the south side, and reacheth to Asher on the children of Simeon had their inheritance west side, and to Judah upon Jordan towithin the inheritance of them. ward the sunrising. 10 ~ And the third lot came up for the 35 And the fenced cities are Ziddim, Zer, children of Zebulun according to their fami- and l-Iammath, Rakkath, and Chinnereth, lies: and thle border of their inheritance 36 And Adamah, and Ramall, and Hazor, was unto Sarid: 37 And Kedesh, and Edrei, and En-hazor, dOen. 49. 13. 11l dAnd tleir border went up toward the 38 And Iron, and Migdal-cl, Horem, and sea, and Mnralah, and reachled to Dabba- Beth-anath, and Beth-shemesh; nineteen ch, 12. 22. slehth, and reached to the river that is sbe- cities cwith their villages. fore Jokneam; 39 This is the inheritance of the tribe of 12 And turned from Sarid eastward toward the children of Naphtali according to their the sunrising unto the border of Chisloth- families, the cities and their villages. tabor, and then goetll out to Daberath, and 40 q And the sevellth lot came out for the goeth up to Japhia, tribe of thle children of Dan according to 13 And from tllence passeth on along on their families. the east to Gittah-heplher, to Ittah-kazin, 41 And the coast of their inheritance was 11Or, lhic tse and goeth out to Reiemon- lmethoar to Zorah, and Eslhtaol, and Ir-shemesh, deoawo. Neah; 42 And iShaalabbin, and Ajalon, and iJudg. 1. 35. 14 And the border compasseth it on the Jethlsah, north side to Ilannathon: and the outgoings 43 And Elon, and Tlhimnathal, and Ekron, thereof are an the valley of Jiphtllhah-el: 44 And Eltekolh, and Gibbethon, and Ba15 And Kattath, and Nahallal, and Shim- alath, ron, and Idalah, and Beth-lehemw twelve 45 And Jehud, and Bene-berak, and Gathcities with their villages. rimmon, 16 This is the inheritance of thle children 46 And Me-jarkon, and Rakkon, with the of Zebulun according to their families, these border!I before i Japho. j Or, cities with their villages. 47 And kthe coast of thle children of Dan over agaitLt. 17 te And thle fourth lot came out to Issa- went out too little for them: therefore the 11 Or, Jopla, char, for the children oflssachar according children of Dan went up to fight against Actls9. 36. to their families. Loeshem, and took it, and smote it with the kSeeJudg.18. 18 And their border was towlardJezreel, edge of the sword, and possessed it, and and Chesulloth, and Shunem, dwelt therein, and called Leshem, IDan, IJudg.18.29..19 And llaphraim, and Shihon,. and Ana- after thle name of Dan their father. harath, 48 This is the inheritance of the tribe of 20 And Rabbith, and Kishion, and Abez, the cllildren of Dan according to their fam21 And Remnetl, and En-ganuim, and En- ilies, these cities with their villages. haddahs, and Beth-pazzez; 49 WVhen they had made an end of di22 And the coast reacheth to Tabor, and viding the land for inheritance by their 170 :Eight and forty cities JOSHUA. are given to the Levites B. C. 1444. coasts, the children of Israel gave an inher- 3 And the children of Israel gave unto the B. C. 1444. itance to Joshua the son of Nun among Levite out of their inherita.ce, at.the comthem: mandment of the LORD, these cities and 50 According to the word of the LORD they their suburbs. gave ihim the city which the asked, even 4 And thie lot came out for the families of,,rch. 24.30. " Timnath-' serah in mount Ephlraim: and tile Kiohathites: anddtle clhildren of Aaron l ver. 8,19. olCthr. 7. 24. he built tile city, and dwelt therlell. the priest, ullcsh uere of the Levites,'had eSeecl.2433. 1444 51 o These ar-e the inlleritances, whllich by lot out of te tribe of Judah, and out of sNase.3007X. Eleazar tie priest, and Joshua tile soel of the tribe ot' Simeoe, and out of the tribe of. u-.34.17. Nun, and tle hleads of the fathers ot' the Benjamin, tllirteenl cities. tribes of tile children of Israel, divided tfor 5 Ad f the rest of the chiltdren of Kohath fver. 20, &c. reh. 18. 1, 10. an inlheritance by lot P'in Slliloh before the had by lot out of tile families of the tribe of LORD, at the door of the tabernacle of the Ephraim, and. out of tile tribe of Dan, and congregation. So they made aa end of di- out of thle half tribe of Manasseh, ten viding the counltry. cities. CHAPTER XX. 6 And' the children of Gershon had by lot y vr, 27, oe. 1 God commandeth, 7 sad the childrden of fs els out of tle families of tie tribe of Issachar, a]ppoint he tsi. cities of ref uge. and out of the tribe of Asher, and out of tle rpttE LORD also spake unto Joshua, say- tribe of Naphtali, and out of tire half tribe. ing, of Mtanasseh n Bashlan, thirteen cities. 2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, 7 hThe children of Merari by tlleir fami- h ver. 34, &c. a E. 21. 13. a Appoint out for you cities of refuge, where- lies hda out of the tribe of Reuben, and out Noum. 35, 6. of 1 spake unto you by tile tland of Moses: of tie tribe of Gad, and out of tile tribe of * 1Beat. 3 That the slayer that killeth any person Zebulun, twelve cities. unawares and unwittingly may flee thither: 8 iAnd the children of Israel gave by lot iver. 3. and thley shall be your refuge from. the unto tile Levites thlese cities with their subavenger of blood. urbs, kas the LORD commanded by the hkNum. 35. 2. 4 And when he that doth flee unto one of hand of Moses. those cities shall stand at the entering of 9 And thley gave out of the tribe of the 6Ruth4. 1, 2. Obthe gate of the city, and shall declare hlis children of Judah, and out of tile tribe of cause in the ears of the elders of that city, the children of Simeon, these cities which they shall take him into the city unto them, are here t mentioned by name, t Heb. called. and give him a place, that lhe may dwell 10 liVWhich tile children of Aaron, being i er. 4. among them. of the families of tihe Kohathites, erho verse cNum.35. 12. 5 CAnd if the avenger of blood pursue after of the children of Levi, had: for theirs was him, then they siall not deliver tie slayer tile first lot. up into his hand; because lhe smoto his 11 "'And they gave them lithe city of Arba 1 Chr. 6.55. neighbour unwittingly, and hated him not the father of "Anak, which city is HIebron, i Or, KlirJthbeforetime. ~in tihe hill country of Judah, with the sub- rbia, dNufs.35.12, 6 And he shall dwell in that city, duntil urbs tllereof rounld about it. Gea. 23. 2. 25<. he stand before tile congregation fobr judg-. 12 But'tlle fields of the city, and the vil-,chs 15.13,14i ment, and untilthe deatll of tile high priest lages thereof, gave they to Caleb the son of olh. 20. 7. that shall be in those days. then shall the Jcphunnell for his possession. Lllke. 39, slayer return, and come unto his own city, 1:3 Thus q/they gave to the children of pI cl. 14. 14. and unto his own ihouse, unto the city from Aaron the priest' Hebron with lher suburbs, i hr. 656. wllence le fled. to be a city of refuge for the slayer; Sand q1 iclr 6. 57, tReb. 7 ~ And they t appointed eKedesh in Gal- Libnail withther suburbs, &c. -salctrfed. ilee in mount Napltali, and f Shechem in 1t And tJattir with her suburbs, "and -ch. 15. 54 h ecs. 21. 32. mount Ephraim, and gKirjath-arba, which Eshtemoa witll er subulbs, 20. 7. Cllr.. 76. is Hebron, in A the mountain of Judah. 15 Alld'lolon vith her suburbs, and -81. 15. 42. fchl. 21. 21. 8 And on tihe other side Jordau by Jericho Debir with her suburbs, t cl. 15. 48. 2 Cr.. i1t. 1. eastward, they assigned'Bezer in the wil- 10 And ZAin witih her suburbs, aand Jut- -cA. 15 50. g etl. 1. 15h & derness upon tlhe plain out of tile tribe of tall witil her suburbs, and bBeth-shemesh a I chr.. 58, 21. 11, 13 Reuben, and kamoth in Gilead out of the twith her suburbs; nine cities out of those Wtien, rLukhe 1 3Sa tribe of Gad, and IGolan in Bashan out of teo tribes. is. 15 51. i Deut 4 43. the tribe of Manassehi. 17 And out of thie tribe of Benjamin, cGib- t cl. 15. 49. t,.i. 21 r 3 r. 9 Tlhese were the cities appointed for all eon with her suburbs, dGeba with her sub- zl Chr. 6. 59, I.r, ei. 78. the children of Israel, and for the stranger urbs,,latn, Ich. 21. 3i8. that so]ourneth among tilean, that whosoever 18 Anathoth suburbs, and eAlmon i. 4 15. 42. I Kigei' h23 killeth any person at unawnares might flee with her suburbs; four cities. a. 1S. 55. Ich 21i ri. tllithler, and not die by the hand of the 19 All tle cities of the children of Aaron, blch 15. 10. eNusm.35.15. avenger ot blood, n until he stood before the the priests, zuere thirteen cities with their c cl. 18. 25. 6. congregation. suburbs. dclr. 18. 24, 20 ~ f And thle families of tile children of G6'ta. CHAPTER XXI. Kohatll, tile Levites welich remained of the el Cr 6. 60, 1 Eiyght arldfosty cities ive, by lot, ourt of tale children of Kohathl, even they had tile cities AlerLeth ele, i t,ibes, rtro tlhe Levites. 43 (td c lave tire of tlleir lot out of tile tribe of Ephraim. fere. 5. land,r ard v1est rnto tLhe sdaelites, acco'cding to 21 For they gave thell'I Shehcem with her 0 Chr 6 oa. ftisstOrisec. suaburbs in mount Epllraiml, to be a city of ch. 20. 7 m HEN came near the heads of tile fathers refuge for tile slayer and Gezer with her ch. 14 1. & T1. of tlre Levites unto a Eleazar tile priest, suburbs, 17. 4. and unto Josllua te son of Nun, and unto 22 And Ribzaim with her suburbs, and the lheads of tile fathers of the tribes of the Beth-boron with her suburbs; four cities. children of Israel; 23 And out of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh l col. 1. 1. 2 And thley spake unto them at u Shiloh in'with her suburbs, Gibbethon with her subcsum. 35.2. tile land of Canaan, saying, tTile LORD urbs, commanded by thle hand of MIoses to give us 24 Aijalon with her suburbs, Gath-rimmon cities to dwell in, with the suburbs thereof with her suburbs; four cities. for our cattle. 25 And out of the half tribe of Mannsseh, 171 [Cites given to the Levites. JOSHUA. The altar of testimony built. B. C. 1444. Tanach with her suburbs, and Gath-rim- maonded you, band have obeyed my voice in IB.C.1444. mon with her suburbs; two cities. all that 1 commanded you: 20 All the cities wvere ten with their sub- 3 Ye have not left your hrethren these many b ch, l. 16, 17. urbs for the families of the children of Ko- days unto this day, but have kept the charge hath that remained. of the commandment of the LORD your God. Iover. 6. 27 hAnd unto the children of Gershon, 4 And now the LORD your God hatll given 1bhr. 6.71. of the families of the Levites, out of the rest unto your brethren, as he promised other half tribe of Manasseh they gave them: therefore now return ye, and get you ich. 20. 8.' iGolan in Bashan with her suburbs, to be unto your tents, and unto the land of your a city of refuge for the slayer; and Beesh- possession, I which Moses the servant of the Neum. 32.33. terah with her suburbs; two cities. LORD gave you on the other side Jordan. Deut. 29. 8. 28 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishon 5 But citake diligent heed to do the com- ch. 13. 8. with her suburbs, Dabareh with hersuburbs, mandment and the law, which Moses the d Detlt. G., 29 Jarmuth with her suburbs, En-gannim servant of the LORD charged you, eto love 17. & 11.2. with her suburbs; four cities. the LORD your God, and to walk ia all his sDef t. 10.12. 30 And out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal ways, and to keep his commandments, and with her suburbs, Abdon with her suburbs, to cleave unto him, and to serve him with 31 IIelkath with her suburbs, and Rehob all your heart and with all your soul. with her sub urbs; four cities. 6 So.Joshua fblessed them, and sent them fa(Gen. 47. 7. k ch, 20.. 32 And out of the tribe of Naphtali, ke- away: and they vent unto their tents. i.. 39. 43. desh in Galilee with her suburbs, to be a 7 ~ Now to the one half of the tribe of Ma- h. 14. 13 city of refuge for the slayer; and Hammoth- nasseh Moses had given possession in Ba- L/ li 4:l 5. dor with lier suburbs, and Kartan with her shan: but unto tile oher half thereof gave h. 17. suburbs; three cities. Joshua among their brethren on this side g 33 All the cities of the Gershonites accord- Jordan westeward. And when Joshua sent ing to their families Were thirteen cities thenr away also unto their tents, then he with their suburbs. blessed them, I et. 7. 34 ~ l And unto the families of the children 8 And he spake unto them, saying, Return See I Ohr.6. of Merari, the rest of the Levites, out of the with much riches unto your tents, and with 77. tribe of Zebulun, Jokneam with her sub- very much cattle,.with silver, andwithgold, urbs, and Kartah with her suburbs, and with brass, and with iron, and with very 35 Dimnah witll her suburbs, Nahalalewith much raiment: Idivide the spoil of your /hNum,31.27. her suburbs I four cities. enemies with your brethren. 1Saam, 30.24. mc oh. 20. 8. 36 And out of the tribe of Reuben, iBezer 9 And the children of Reuben andtlihe chilwith her suburbs, and Jahazah with her dren of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh suburbs, returned; and departed from the children 37 Kedemoth with her suburbs, and Meph- of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land hath with her suburbs; four cities. of Canaan, to go unto i the country of Gil- i Num, 32. 1. h. 20. 8. 38 And out of the tribe of Gad,'Ramoth ead, tothe land of their possession, whereof 2i, 29. in Gilead with her suburbs, to be a city of they were possessed, according to the word refuge for the slayer; and Mahanaim with of the LORD by the hand of Moses. her suburbs, 10 T And when they came unto the borders 39 Heshbon with her suburbs, Jazer with of Jordan, that are in the land of Canaan, her suburbs; four cities in all. the children of Reuben and the children of 40 So all the cities for the children of Mer- Gad and the half tribe of MIauasseli built ari by-their families, which were remaining there an altar by Jordan, a great altar to of the families of the Levites, were by their see to. lot twelve cities. 11 ~ Aid the children of Israel hbeard kDeut,.13.1, oNum. 35. 7. 41 Al11 the cities of the Levites within the say, Behold, the children of Reuben and the &e. possession of the children of Israel tvers childrenof ad and the llalftribeof Manas- Jdg. 20. 12. forty and eight cities with their suburbs. seh have built an altar over against tlie land 42 These cities were every one with their of Canaan, in the borders of Jordan, at the suburbs round about them: thus were all passage of the children of Israel. these cities. 12 And when the children of Israel heard p es. 13. 1l. 43 And the LORD gave unto Israel l' all of it, lthe hole congregation of the chil- J.dg. 20. 1. & 15.18.&26. the land which he sware to give unto their dren of Israel gathered themselves together 3. & 28.4,13. fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt at Shiloh, to go up to war against them. therein. 13 And the children of Israel "1 sent unto n Deut.13.14. |.ci. 11. 23. & 44 qAnd the LORD gave them rest round tle children of Reuben, and to the children Judg. 20.12. 22. 4. about, according to all that he sware unto of Gad, and to the lalf tribe of Manasseh, Dcut.7. 24. their fathers: and tllere stood not a into the land of Gilead,'Phinehas the son Ex.. 25. man of all their enemies before them; the of Eleazar the priest, Nuect 25. 7. LORe delivered all their enemies into their 14 And with him ten princes, of each t chief t Heb. hlos i. hand. house a prince throughout all the tribes of f hefather. sh-. 23. 14. 45'There failed not aught of any good Israel; and'each one cos a headof tie oNum. 1, 4 thing whichl the LORD had spoken unto the house of their fathers among the thousands house of Israel; all came to pass. of Israel. 15 ~ And they came unto the children of CHAPTER XXII. Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to 1 1he two t;ibt anld half oitlh a lesstf ares the half tribe ofManasseli, unto tie land of sent home. 10 Tley bild the altar. of testimony Gilead, and they spake with them, saying, is thei, jour)Ly. L11 Iie Isr'aslites are of- 16 Thus saith the whole congregation of the fsmdsd th.rt.a 21 hey givi.m g ood 5tx i - LORD, What trespass is this that ye have faction..committed against tle God of Israel, to turn 1T1HEN Joshua called the Reubenites, and away this day from following the LORD, in | See Lev. 17. - the Gadites, and the half tribe of Ma- that ys have builded you an altar, Pthat ye 8Di. l.l13, nasseh, might rebel this day against the LORD? Ii. aN um-e.20. 2.20. And said unto them, Ye have kept al 17 Is the iniquity'l of Portoo littlefor us,.Nim-.L53.4. Deut. 3. 18. that Moses the servant of the LORD coa- from which we are not cleansed until this Det.5 43. 172 Contention between the tribes. JOSHUA. Joshwa's exhortation, B. 0. 1444. day, although there was a plague inthe con- LORD is amornig us, because ye have not B.C. 1444. gregation of the LORD, committed this Erespass against the LORD: 18 But that ye must turn away this day n noa ye have delivered the children of Is- C Le~. 26. 11, from following the LORD? and it,,il be, raeiout of thehand of the LORD. 12. seeing ye rebel to day against the LORD, 32 I And Phinehas the eton of Elaar the 2 1hc. i5. 2. rNum. 16.22. that to morrow "'he will be wroth with the priest, and'thteinees, returned from the H"e tien. whole congregation oI.srae. children of Reiuten, and from the children 19 Notwithstanding, if the land of your of Gad, out of the land of Gilead, unto the possession be unclean, thea pass ye over land of Cantan, to the children of Israel, unto the land of the possession of the LORD, and brought them word again. ch. 18. i.'Swherein the LORD'S tabernacle dwelleth, 33 And the thinig pleased the children of and take possession among us: but rebel Israel; and the children of Israel iblehsed t IChr.29.20. not against thie LORD, nor rebel against us, Glod, and did not intend to go up against Neh. 8. 3. in building you an altar besides the altar of the in battle, to destroy the land herein D. 2.. the LORD our God. the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt. th. 71, 6. 20 tDid not Achan the son of Zerah corn- 34 And the children of Reuben and the mit a trespass in the accursed thing, and childrenlof Gad called the altar eEd: for it IThac is, A wratht fell on all thie congregation of Israel? shall be a witness between us that the L0ORD ans and that man perished not alone in his in- is God. h. 2 27. iquity. CHAPTER XXIII. 21 ~ Then the children of Reuben and the 1 Josaa's elaoa.cate,l bebehisdeail, 3bifoe-n children of Gad and the half tribe of Ma- senefit, y p1as, l anId by thelatiealns. nasseh answered, and said unto the heads A ND it came to pass, a long time after about 1427. of the thousands of Israel, -A that the LORD hiad given rest unto cih.21.. 44. I uDeu. 10.17. 22 TheLORD U God of gods,the LORD.God Israel from all their enemies round about, 22. 4. l Kin. 8.39. oa gods, hie aknoweth, and Israel hie shall that Joshua bwaxed old and tstricken in c. tI. 13.1. Job 10. 7. h iknow; i if t be in rebellion, or if in trans- age. tHeb. cone 23. 10. gression against the LORD, (save us not 2 And Joshua neealled for all Israel, and nw days. s. 44. 1. it this day,) for their elders, and for their heads, and Dent. 31.28. {139. 1,2. Jer. 12. 23 That we have built us an altar to turn for their judges, and for tleir officers, and e I. 24. a. 2.or. El.1, from fotlowing the LORD, ar if to ofler said unto them, I am old and stricken in Itlhr. 28. 1. 11. thereon burnt offering or meat offering, or age: aEx. 14. 14. if to offer peace offerings thereon, let the 3 And ye haveseen all thatthe LORD your ch. 0.14,42L eiDat. 18th. 1 LORD himself Yrequire it; God hath done unto all these nations be- 1c. i. 2, a. Ilan.20.16. i4 Andif we have not athere done it for cause ot you; for the dLORD your God is & 18. 10. t Heb. fear of this thing, saying, tIn time to come he that hath fought for you. tI eb. at thI Tamorrow. your children might spe ak u nto our chil- 4 Behold, el have divided unto yu by lot sset. dren,saying, What have ye to do with the these nations that remain, to be an inhe'rit- fE.. LORD God of Israel? ane for your tribes, from Jordan, with all 3.2. &34.i1. 25 For the LOeD hath made Jordan a bord- the nations that I have cut off, even unto Det.. 2 er between us and you, ye children of Reu- sea tetad. ch. 13.6. the great sea t westwatrd. hen and children of Gad; ye have no part l'And he LORD your God, fhe shall e- NUm.33.23. in the LORD: so shall your children make pel them from before you, and drive them hch.. 7. our children cease from fearing the LORD. from out of your sight; and ye shall possess i Deut. 5. 32. 26 Therefore we said, Let us now prepare their land, Cas the LORD your God hath & h2. 14. to build us an altar, not for burnt offering, promised unto you..Ex. 23. 33,. nor for sacrifice: 6 1Be ye therefore very courageous to keep D t. 7. 2, 3. reat 4. 14. zsGen. 31. 48. 27 But that it may be an witness between and to do all that is written in the book of aEh. 11. ch. 2-1. 27. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Epk. 5. ll. eh. 24. s, and younnda our generations after us, the Iw of loses, ithnt ye turn not aside I 23 Yer 34. Ex. 3. 13. that we might ado the service of the LORD therefrom to tihe right hand or to the left; IN- 16 4. aDDeu. 12. 5, before him with our burnt offerings, and 7 That ye k come not among ttese nations, Jer. 5.7. 6, it, t2, 17, 1%. 2, 27. with oua sacrifices, and with our peace offer- these that remain among you; neither/tnmake Zeal. 1.5. ings; that your children may not say to our mention of the name of their gods, nor cause Se s N l.32. lchildren in time to come, Ye have no part to swear by them, neither serve them, nor 38. in tile LORD. boh yourselves unto them:n Or, Faife 28 Therefore said we, that it shall be, 8 11But "'cleavc unao the LORD your Go d, ill eave, when they should so say to us or to our gen- as ye have done unto this day. as ye have don thi driven out Den t.10.20. erations in time to come, that we may say O IllFor thie LORtt hath drive n ou t 1.from & againi, Behold the pattern of the altar of before you great nations and strong: but 13. 4. the LORD, which our fathers made, not for as fot you. One man hath been able to stand eh. 22. 5. burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; but it is before you unto this day. ii Or. Theslte a witness between us and you. 10 lOne man of you shall chase a thou- Lesr aill 29 God forbid that we should rebel against sand: for the LORD your God, hIe it is dai-e. the LORD, and turn this day from following that fighteth for you, qas he iath promised nDeut. 11.23. bDeit.12.13, the LORD, bto build an altar for burnt of- you. ei. 1. 5. it. ferings, for meat offerings, or for sacrifices, 11'Take good heed therefore ento tyour- 1,Lev.'L26. 8. besides the altar of the LORD our God that selves, that ye love the LORD your God. Deut. 32.30. is before his tabernacle. 12 Else, if ye do in any wise go hback, and See Judg. 3. 30 I~ And when Phinehas the priest, and cleave uuto the remnant of these nations, 31. & 1.5.15. the princes of the congregation and heads e theeth e ana gy ndsal 2San. 2.. even these that rcmain amongyou, and shall of the thousands of Israel whice seat;cewith ahke marriages with them, and go in unto t-4..14. &t al. 27. him, heard the words that the children of them, ne they to you: t 3.. Reuben and the children of Gnd and te 13 Know for a certainty that "the LORD ch 22.. IRss ii r children of Mlanasseh spake, tit pleased your God will no more drive out any of 2. fetit c htei them. these nations from before you;'but they t. 31 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the shall he snares and traps unto you, and eHcals. 38 priest said unto the children of Reuben, and scourges in your sides, and thorns in your, t9 2 to the children of Gad, and to the children 2Pst. 2.20, 21. t Det. 7. 3. Jadg. LI. axE. 23. 33. Nu. of Manasseh, This day we perceive that the 33.55. Deut. 7. 16. 1 Rings 11. 4. 173 God's benefits to Israel. JOSHUA. God's covenant renewed. B.C. eyes, until ye perish from off this good land unto Jericho: and dthe men of Jericho B. C. about 1427. which the LORD your God hath given you. fought against you, the Anorites/ nd the about1427. 14 And, behold, this tlay Y1 am going the Peszzites, and the Canaanites, kdndl the ylKings'.2. way of til the earth: and ys know in all Hittites, and the Girgashites, the.'Slivites, dch.6.t. &10. esHet.9.27. your hearts and in all yojlsouls, that znot and the Jebusites; and I delivered them &.. sch. 21. 45. one thing hath failed of I the good things into your hand. Lu.e 21.33. which the LORD your God tpnalh oncerning 10 And' sent the hornet before you, e,. 23. 28. you; all are come to pass unto you, and which drave them outfrom before you, eve DOeus. 7. 20. not one thing lhtnh faileelthereof. the teo kings of the Amoritces; butfnot fPs. 4. 3, 6. [aseut.'28.t. 15'Therefore it shall come to pass, that with thy sword, nor with thy how. as all good things are come upon you, which 13 And I have given you a land for which the LORD your God promised yout so shall ye did noth labour, and citist which ye built naeo.g. 10, b Lev. 26. 16. the LORD bring upon you b ll evil things, not, and yo dwell in them; of the vineyards It. Deut. 00.015, nntil he have destsoyed you from off tlis nnd oliveyards which ye planted not do ye'h. 11. 13. 16,. good land which the LORD your God itth nat. given you. 14 ~ Ihow therefore fear the LORD, and hiDeut. 10.12. 16 When ye have transgressed the cove- serve him in esincerity and in truth; and 1 Sam.l12.24. nant of the LoRD your God, which hle con- k put away the gods which your fathers iGen. 17.1. & mended you, an.d lve gone and served served on the other side of the flood, and 20. 5. other gods, and bowed yourselves to them;.in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. Bot. it. 10. Ps. 119. 1.J then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the 2 C t. 1. 1. against you, and yo shall perise quickly LORD, "choose you this day whom ye will Epvh.. 24. from off the good tland which ho heth given serve; whether "the gods which your fa- kver. 2,023. nntoyou. A'ttes served that ce on the other side of L... 17. 7. CHASTER XXIV.'the'flood, or Othe gods of the Anorites, in E/. 20. 18. iJoet essse-bleh s/,~ibes tv t StOe /es. 2A "whose land yo dwell: h'but as for me and lEz.20.7,8.h& le]f [ie te, of hod's benefitse fe tot'rh. 14 my house, we will serve the LORD. 23.3. Hf! eeec e thcoveneant bteem Is the nl God. O1 And the people answered and said, God m See Ruoth 1. 26 A stone the iesees of the covenaet. 29 forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to 15. Je!sensh n, dso/, need b-eisi. 32s Jsh'ss serve other gods; I in. 18. 1. bonez ar~ buried. 33.Eleazar dieth. ~~~~~~~Ez. 20. 39./ Stee no, eeisetl. 33 seso-o dith. 17 For the LORD our God, he it i0 that JhneD 0. 67. BND Joshua gathered all the tribes of brought us up and our fathers out of the n ver. 1-4 |Gen. 35.. 4. Israel to'Slheclem, and boalled for land of Egypt, from the house of hondage, tb h. 23. 2. the elders of Israel, and for their leads, andnd nd lwhich did tlhose great signs in our sight, E.:23.2432.5 for their judges, and for their officers; and and preserved us in all the way wherein we DBu.. 13.7.& cSam. 10.19. they Cpresented themselves before God. went, and among all the people through 29. 00. 2 And Joshun said unto all the people, whom ea passed: Judg. 6. 10. d Ge. 11. 26, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, d Your 18 And the LORD drave ouO from before pGen. 18. 10. 31. fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood us all the people, even the Amorites whichl eIIatt. 6. 24. in old time, eve Terah, the father of Abra- dwelt in tihe land: thersefore will we also L, ev. 19.2. eGn. 31. 53. l ham, and the father of Nachor: and ethey servo the LORD; for lee isour God. ] a. 1i. 20. served other gods. 10 And Joshua said unto the people, O7Ye P.. to. 5, 9. fGen. 12. 1. And fI took your father Abrham from cannot serve the LORD: for he is a holy Iy. 5.16. [ Acta7. 2,3. the other side of the flood, and led himn God; he is sa jealous God; the will not en. 20. 5. throughout all the land of Canaan, and mul- forgive your transgressions nor your sins. t s. 23.21. / Gen.21.23. tiplied his seed, and Lgave him Isaao. 20'If ye forsake the LORD, and serve I Chs. 19. /P5.127.3. 4 And I gaveunto Insaac hJacoband Esau: strange gods, Itlhen he wil turn and do you 2 Chr. 15. 2.. Ge!. 25. 2, and Igove unto.Eso mount Seis, to pos- hurt, and consume you, after that he hath En 8. 2 25, 2. ]sess it; Sbut Jacob and his children went done you god. Istee1.2. 65. i Gtso. 00.0. down into Egypt. 21 And the people said unto Joshua, Nay; II. 12. Dent. 2.5. 5 I sent Moses also and Aaron, and mI but we will serve the LORD. J. 17. 13. k Gcno.dO.tL. plagued Egypp. according to that which I 22 And Joshuae said unto the people, Ye xCh. 23. 15. A~~~~~~~t,; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r winese agans yusele htY Is~. 63. 10. /Acts 7. 15. did among them: and afterward I brought ae witnesses against yourselves tiet eye 1 E. 3. 10. you out. have chosen you the LORD, to serve him. eEr.7.&8.&h 6 And I broughlt your fathers out of Andtheysaid, TV0 oee witnteses. P,,. 119. 173. n. 10. h 12. Egypt: and yse came unto the sen;'and 23 Now therefore 2put away, sid he, the e. 1.. Con. ae. 2. t Ex.12.37,51. tile Eyptians pursued after your fathers strange gods whiche r amongyou, and in-.000. 10.10. eet. 14. 0. with chariots and horsemen unto the Red cIine your heart unto the LORD God of Is- 1 So. 7.. pEe. 14. 0. sea. rael. Set E.. 15. 0E.. 14. 10. 1 And when they ecried unto the LORD, 24 And the people said unto Joshua, The 25.,.E'..-.1.'' he put darkness between you and the LORD our God will we serve, and his voice 2 IC-gs 11..... Egyptians, tand broueght the sea upon them, will we obey. 17. a.tlo.lO.00. ttsd covered them; and tyour eyes lhave 25 So Joshua emade a covenant with the.e... 26. t Dt..3t.' t4' seen lwhat I have done in Egypt: and ye people that day, and set them a statute and s De.t.t31.02. 00 2.0 dwelt in the eilderness s'a long season. an ordinnce I in Sechel. deeJd.. s cl. 0. 6. 8 And I broughlt you into the land of the 26 ~ AndJoshua Cwrote these words in the 6. Amorites, which dwelt on the other side Jor- book of the law of God, and took dl a great See GeCl. 28. 0 Nu.21.21, dan; nd tlheyfoughe twithyou: andIgave stone, and e set it up there f under an oak, 18. lh. 4.3. Dteut.2.32.& them into your Ihand, that ye might possess that ttas by the sanctuary of the LORD. fGe-. 35.4. 3. 1. their land; and I destroyed them from be- 27 And Joshua said unto all the people, g See Gen.31. veSeeJndg.ll. fore you. Behold, t1cs stone stall he g oitess unto 4O. 2. 25. 0 Tlen'Boalk thee son of Zippor, king of us for hit hath heard all the words of the DBet. 31. 19, shl e 21, 26./ zNun. 22. 5. i Moab, arose and warredc against Israel, and LonRD which he spalre unto us: i s hallbe 22.27, 28, De.t. 23.'4.'Sent and calledBnlam tle son ofeBor to theefore a witess unto you, lest ye deny.. oDe-t. 20.. curseo youo your God. 7y De. 32. 1. Nom.23.1i, 10 IBtutI wouldnotheehrkenounto alaam; 28 So iJoshua let the people depart, every i Jdg... 20. 024. 10. btherefore tee blessed you still: so I deliter- man unto his inheritanee. eh, 3.14, 17. edyououtofhis hnd. 20 ~ klAd it come to pass after these Juadg. 1. 8. &4.10,1t12. i11 And'ye went over Jordan, and came things, that Joshua the ton of Nun, the about 142. 174 Joshua's age, JUDGES. death, and burial.! B. C servant of the LORD, died, being a hundred 32 ~ And othe bones of Joseph, which the B. C. about 1420. and tee years old. children of slerael broughit up out of Egypt, about1426. 30 And they buried him in the border of buroed they in Sheohe, ill a parcel of lob. 19. 50. his inheritance in ITimnath-serah, which is ground Pwhich Jacob bought of the sons of o Ger. 50. 25. Judg. 2. 9. in mount Ephraim, on the north side of the Hamor the fathier of Shechem for a hundred Ex. 13. 19. inJuodg2. 7. hil of Gaash. Ilpieces of silver; and it became the inher- ip Ge. 33. 19. t Hb. p,,o- 31 And "Lsrael served the LORD all the itance of the children ofJoseph. Ilse, lambs. Iloogd their days of Joshua, and all the days of the eld- 33 AndEleazar the son of Aasron died; and about 1420. dots after ebu 40 ers that t overlived Joshua, and which had they buhied him in a hill t/at petainedl to SooeD t 1eut. e. nknown alil the works of the LORD, that he qPhinelt's his son, which was given him in q Ex.. 25. 2, & 31., 13. had done for lIsrael. mount Ephraim. Jodg. 20. 28. TI-HE BOOK OF JUDGES. B. C. CHAPTEtR I. 15 And she said unto hIim, nGive me a B.C. 1444. botA l Thse scts ofJdah a-d Shmeoe. 4d4doni-teisk blessing: for thou hast given me a south _about1. justly r etqsite d. 8J.,..tslemstakee,. 10 di[bo- land; give me also springs of water. And Gert. 33.11. ass. 51 Ot neiel Sosh Aehsh o Isfe fo. tas- Caleb gave her tte upper springs and the tlg /of 16bi. 10 PThse e: tKs-ese l i Jtda., 17 Gioena, Os, sLa,salo, i a.-I ~ sro, f ae,t. nether springs. 21 Te acs of dssjnsie. 22 Oflthe aose o.'Jo 16 ~ oAnd the children of the Kenite, Mo- aboue 1425.,ph, /to tiLke Beth-el. 0 f Zebstlsts. 310f ses' father in law, wentup out s of the city e. 4. 11, I. 2s/sos. 630fJphtasi. s4b/Doss. ofpalm trees with the children ofJudahtinto 1Sm. 1.. 0. N OW after the death of Joshua it came thie wilderness ofJudall, which lieth in the 1 Chr. 2. 55. N to pass, that the children of Israel southof5Arad; snd theysent and dwelt Jer. 85.2. Bum. 27.21. aasked the LORD, saying, Who shall go up among the people. Dslst. 3. 3. oh. 20.18. for uS against the Canaanites first, to fight 17 sAnd Judah went with Simeon his broth- q Num. 2. 1. against them? er, and they slew the Canaanites that in-.-um. 10.32. b Ge. 49. 8. 2 And the LORD said, b Judah shall go up: habited Zephath, and utterly destroyed it. set. 3. behold, I have delivered the land into his And the name of the city was called tHor- Nu. 21. 3. hand. mall. Jsth. 19. 4. 3 And Judah sid unto Simeon his brothes, 18 Also Judah toosk' Gaza ws ith the coast sJosh. 11. 22. Come up with me into my lot, that we may thereof, and Askelon with the coast thereever. 17. fight against the Canaanites; and'I like- of, and Ekron with thie coast thereof. wise will go with thee into thy lot. So Sih- 19 And`'the LORD was with Judah; and et. 2. eon went with him. Is he drave out the i sthabitants of thle mount- 2Kings 18.7. 4 And Judah went up; and the LORD de- tin; but could not drive out the inhabitants i Or, he oslivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites of the valley,because they had tchariots f us11 l into their hand: and they slew of them in iron. 1..11.8. dsBezek te thousan d men. 20'And theygave Ilebron unto Caleb, as y Jsh. 17.16, 5 And they found Adoni-bezek in 13ezek: tMises said: and he esxpelled thence the 10. and they fought against him, and they slew three sons of Anak. 1.36 miid Dest. 12.36 the C ana. ites and the Perizzite. 21 And the children of Benjamin did ot Josh.. 1., 6 But Adoi-bezek fled; and they pursued drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jeru- 13. & 15. 13, after him, and caught him, and cut off Iis solem; buttbeJebusites dwellswith thiehil- 14. thumbs and his great toes. drenofBenjamininJerusalemnuntotbis dy. aSeeJosy.e. 7 And Adoni-bezek said, Tihreescore and 22 And the house of Joseph, they also 03. & 18. 28. tHeb. Osa ten kings, ihaving Otheir thumbs and their went up against Beth-el: basd the LORD t er. 19. {thmbs o' great toes cut off, Itgathered thei-' eeat sa's with them. ] lhei, hds under my table:'as I done, so God 23 And the house of Joseph'esent to dS-{.Jeh.2.... sotd s/ls shatlh requited me. And they brought him sery Bethi-el. Now'the name of the city be- 7.2. f. to Jerusatlem, and there Ite died. fore as dtLuz.. 1.. l.Or, gleaned. 8 Now fthe children of Judah had fought 24 And the spies saw a man some forth out dGe. 28. 19. es,,ae2,. 21. against Jerusalem, and had taken it, and of the city, and they said unto Ihim, Shew {:I S.-. 15.33. Jams 2.13. smitten it with the edge of the sword, and us, we pray thee, the entrance into the city, *fSseJoes12. setthe city onfire. and e'e cill shew thee mercy. e teeh. 2. 12, in. 9 ~ g And afterward the children of Judah 5 An dhen he sheo ewed them the entrance 14 Jost. 10.s. 36 went down to fight against the Canaanites, into the city, tthey Emote tte city with the & 11. 21. h that dweltinthomountain, andinthosouth, edge of tihe sword; but they let go the man 15.13. and il the Ilvalley. and all his family. O c., 10 And Judah went againse the Canaanites 26 And the man went into the land of the los sos,try. that dwelt in Hebron: now the name of Hittites, and built a city, and called the hJosh. 14.15. Hebron before eas h Kirjath-arba: andthey name thereof Luz: which is the name & 15. 13, 14. slew Sheshat, and Ahiman, and Talmai. thereof unto this day. i Joh. 1. 15. 21 And from thence he went against the 27 ~ f Neither did Mdanasseh drive out the fJosh. 17. 11, inhabitants of Debir: and the name of De- inhabitn1t8 of Beth-shean and her towns, 12, 13, bie before oas Kirjath-sepher: nor Taanach and her towns, nor the ibab1444. 12 kAnd Caleb said, Ho that smiteth Kir- itasnts of Bor and her towns, nor the inhabkosh. 15. 16, jath-sepher, and taketh it, to him will I give itants of Ibleam and her towns, nor the 17. Achsah my daughter to seife. inhabitants of MIegiddo and her towns: but l h. 3.9. 13 And Othniel the son of Kenaz, ICaleb's the Canaanites would dwell in that land. younger brother, took it: and he gave him 28 And it came to pass, whten Israel was Achsal his daughter to wife. strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribeJosh.l.18, 14 "'And it came to pass, when she came to ute, and did not utterly drive them out. 19. hie, that she movedhlim to ask of her fathier 29 ~'Neithcr did Ephraim drive out the gJosll. 16. 10. field: and she lighted from off bee ass; Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer; but the tKin. 0. 16. and Caleb said unto her, What wilt thou? Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among them. 175 Israel rebuked at Bochzm. JUDGES. God's pity towards them. B. C. 30 ~ Neither did Zebulun drive out the in- land of Egypt, and followesd other gods, of B. C. aboutd425. habitants of Kitron, nor the h inhabitants of thegodth egd tihepeople that'unda.bout about 1406. Nahialol; but the Canaanites dtielt among them, and "bow-ed themselves unto them, A Josh. 19.15. them, and became tributaries. and provoked the LORD to anger. q t..1 iJosh. 19. 2- 51 ~ iNeither did Asher drive out the 13 And they forsook the LORD, Sand Ex. 20. 5. 30. inhabitants of Accho,anor the inhabitants served Baal and Ashtaroth. shb. 3. 7. & of Zidon, nor of Ahlab, nor of Achzib, nor 14 ~ t And the anger of tile LORD was hot 3. 6. of HIelbalh, nor of Aphik, nor of Rehob: against Israel, and hie delivered them into. 100* 36. Ot.. 106. 31, 32 But the Asherites kddwielt among the the hands of spoilers thatspoiled thm, and S. 3. 8. 55. Canatanites, tihe inhabitants of the land: I e sold them into the ihands of tteir one-' 105 40, for they did not drive them out. mies round about, so that they tcould not 41, 42. i J.os. 19. 35. 33, /Neither didNaphtalidrivesoutsthe is- ay longer stand before tteisr enemies. i7.. habitants of Beth-shcmesh, nor the inhabit- 15 Whithersoever they went out, the hand ash. 3. 8hi4. 3nas 2. nts of Beth-anath; but he "b'dwelt among of the LORD was against them for evil, as, 4. 12. the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land: the LORD had said, and'as the LORD had Is. 50.1. nevertheless, tihe inhabitants of t3eth-she- swsorn unto them: and they were greatly y LLev. 26.37. ser. 30. mesh and of Beth-anath t became tributa- distressed. Josh. i. 12, ries unto them. 16 ~ Ne]vertheless athe LpRDon raised up 13. 34 And the Amorites forced the children judges, which tdelivered them out of the z Lev. a6. of Dan into ti e mountain: for they would had ad of those that spoiled them. Det. 28. not suffer them to come down to the valley: 17 And yet they would not hearkien unto,:. 3. 9, 10, oJosh. 19.42. 35 But the Anaorites would dwell in mount their judges, but they bwent a whoring after 15. t Heb. Itieres in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim: yet other gods, and bowed themselves unto 1 Ss.12.11. -ays seav. the hand of ti house of Joseph tprevailed, tiem: they turned quickly out of the say Ast 13. 20. Nsum. 34. 4. so that they became tributaries. which their fathers walked in, obeying the J tH.s-ssd. Josh. 15. 3. 36 And the coast of thie Arnorites tasa commandments of the LORD; but they did 1 E.34.15,iG. IOr, Maaleh- Pfrom i the going up to Akrabbim, from the not so. La. 17. 7. aiatit,,. rook, and upward. 18 And when tihe LORD raised them up judges, then ithe LORD was with the judge, Joash. 1. 5 CHAPTER II. and delivered them out of the hand of their 1 nt antel - esd-th the peoplseat oshim. 6 The enemies all the days of tie judge: dfor it dSee Ger. G.. sii-eednesas f ise aes genesatios after Jonstta. repented tihe LORD because of'their groan- Det. 32. 30. 14 G3o0's snie' ad pit! toward-s Ihem. 20 53th P-.106.44,45. 1isttastilssss.s. 1s,,,fdt ty isehss 2. taings by reason of them that oppressed them and vsexed them. tiOr A NTD an IlAngel of the LORD came op 10 And it came to p ass, ewhen the judge al. 3. 12. & ssasse-. kA from Gilgal Ito Boohim, and said, I was dead, tiat they returned, and Ilco rru lt-. 33. sass5. made you to go up oat of Egypt, and tave ad them,,selv-s more than their fathers, is IlOr, re ctas brought you unto tile land whicl I sware following other gods to serve them, and to -e1. bGen. 17.7. unto your fathers; andbI said, I will neve r bow down unto them; tthey ceased not tHeb. thelet break my covenant with you. fros their own doings, nor from their stub- tOthitt5 isO e Dset.7. 2. 2 And "ye shall make no ieague with the born say. af thti,. dDe. 1as 2. 3. inhabitants of this land; dye thou throh 20 ~ fAna the anger oftho LOawasstot f —. 14. s-s.29. downatheir alltars: but ye have rot obeyed against Israel; and lie said, Because that P". 106. 34. my voicet; why have ye done this? this people hath g transgressed my covenant g Josh. 23.16. 3 Wherefore I also said, I will not drive whioh I commanded their fathers, and have them out from before you; but ttey shall be not hearkened unto my voice; fJosh.23. 13. f as thorns in your sides, and Ytheir gods 21 It alto till not henceforth drive out hJoih.23. 13. sch. 3. 0. shallbe a tsnare untoa you. any from before them of the nations which h Ex.23.33. & 4 And it came to pass, when the Angel of Joshua left when he died: 34. 12. the LORD spake these words unto all the 22 iThat through them I may kprove Is- ith.3. 1, 4. Deut. 7. 16. children of Israel, that the people lifted up rael, whether they will keep the way of thie k Deut. 8. 2, Pa. t6.36. their voice, and wept. LORD to walk therein, as their fathers did 10. & 13. 3. 5 And they called the name of that pltace keep it, or not. HThat is, tIBochim: and they sacrificed there unto 23 Thereforethe LoaD n ileftt tbosanations, iiOsr, s-esd. r'is. s, the LORD. without driving them out hastily; neither about 1444, 6 ~ And when iJoshua had let the people delivered he them into the hand of Joshua, i.TJessh. 22.6.& go, tie children of Israel went every man 2I. 28. unto his inheritance to possess the land. CHAPTER III. kJosh;.P1.31. 7 kAnd the people served the LORD all the 1 Thte -ia.ots shls te,.e Ilft to prove Israel. 6 days of Joshua, and all the days of the By sotmmsistoiith ithet they commit itdoIaty. t Hob. elders tha tt outlived Joshua, who had seen 8 OthAniel deiIei — h thsm fom Chts.hat-t.ista. 1tsssgd all the great works of the LORD, that he did iha-. l11 -tdfssalsit,. 31Shagoefeta ays a sle, for Israel. te Phiislistnes. lJoios21. 09 8 And Ijashosthe snon ofNun, tile servant N OW these are sthe nations bwhich the aIh. 2.21,22. ao. of the LORD,died, beingahndred —dtt LORD left, to pdrove Israel by them, about1426. years old. even as many of srael as had not known mJoslh.a.2. 9'And they buried him in the border of all the nwars of Canaan; satsslS.19.20. his inheritance in tTimnnth-heres, it the 2 Only that the generations of the children &24.30. Ti, - mount of Ephraim, on the north side of the of f Israel might know to teach them war, at,1ai,-ssa. hill1 Gaash. tie least such as before knew nothing oEx. 5. 2. 10 And also all that generation were gasth- thereof;:I Sitn2.12. e2ed unto their fathers: and there arose an- 3 Nasely, b five lords of the Philistines, b Josh. 13. 3. 1 Chb. 28. 9. [ Jer. 9. 3. & other generation after them, which'knew and all tihe Canaanites, and the Sidonians, 2 02. 16. not the LORD, nor yet the works which he. and the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lab-!nI. 4 1. had done for Israel. anon, from mount Baal-hermon unto the 2 TIe-s. 1.8. 11 q~ And the children of Israel did evil in entering in of HIamanth. Tit. 1.16. the sight of the LORD, and served Basliam: 4 CAnd they were to prove Israel by them, cch. 2. 22. about 1406. 12 And they Ptforsook the LORD God of to know whether they would hearken unto ],Deut. 31.16. their fathers, shich ught them out of the the commandments of the LORD, which he 6tt .Ehud killeth Eglon. JUDGES. Israel oppressed by Jabzn. B. C. Commanded their fathers by the hand of doors oftheparlour oere locked, they said, B. C. aboutl406. [Moses. Surely he coveroeth his feet in his summer about 1336. d - d Andthe children ofsraeoldweltamong chamber. dPs:106. 35. the Canaanites, Hittites, ndmo ritesdAo, and 25 Andthey tarriedtill they were ashamed: I 0,rloelthhi. Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites: and, behold, he opened not the doors of the -t, ItEx. 34. 1G. 6 And ethey took their daughters to be parlour; therefore they took a key, and I Sor. 24.3. Dout.'3. their wives, and gave their daughters to opened theo: and, behold,.their lord waso yoh. 5. 14. & their sons, and served their gods. fallen down dead on the earth. 0. 30. aboutl 1406. 7 fAnd the children of Israeldid evil in 26And Ehud escaped ohile they tarried, l o13.3. folo 2. 11. Othe sight of the LORD, and forgat the LORD and passed beyond the quarries,and escaped h.17. 1. y',~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oh. 2.1.h72.&17.,ch. 2. 13. [their God, f and served Baalim and 7 the unto Seiroh..2.&1. EE. 34. 13.41 groves. O27 And it came to pass, when he was come, l. i. Deot. 16. 21 8 ~ Therefore the anger of the LORD was thao Yhe blew a trumpet in the Zmountain oci. 7.,. 25. hot against Israel, and lie i sold them into of Ephim, and the children of Israel went. 1. 7. about 1402. the hand of kChushan-rishsthair king of dosn with him from the mount, and olie be-.Joi 2. 5. ih. 2. 14..t Mcsopotamia: and the children of Israel fore them. kttio o 7 served Clushoan-risbhobiro eight years. 28 And he said unto them, Follow after t.f. IH 0 And when the children of Israel lcried 0me: for':the LORD iathl delivered your, 0. t Hob~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e. A1..-L haa. unto the LORD, he LORD sraised up a enemies the Moabites into your hand. And d h. 5. 6.. Oe i h t deliverer to 1the children of Israel, ho d- they went down after him, and took bthe IS-o.13.19, 4.. 6. & i deiretohecidnosalho e-1. a2.1 l4. 3. &o67. & livered them, 0ev00 00hofiel the son of Xe- fords ofJordan toward Ioab, and suffered it t 10. 0. so, Caleb's younger brother. not a man to pass over. - I So. 12.10. 10 And 0the Spirit of the LORD teamsup- 29 And they slew of Moab at that time ly the oll. 27. on him, and hle judged Israel, and went out bout ten thousand men, all t lusty, and alltY t to P.. 22; 5. &[ theaPhi F w. 100 1 00 ansd the LOss delivered Chosh- omen of valour; and there escaped not a t ls 10.4 107. uan 13, 19. an-rishathaim king of t Mesopotamia into man. ohch. 2.16. hi hand; and his hand prevaild against 30 So Moab was subdued that day undero I oo..17.47, Chushan-rishathaim. the handof Israel. And the landhad rest -~I-eb.'oh. 2. 16. 01av0lh. ~11 And the land had rest forty years:,and fourscore years. f. 1. so 19 Othniel the son of Koeno died. 31:. And after him was dShamgar the son P o i about 1394. calledlsirl, 12 I'Aood the children of oIsral did evil of Anath, swhich slew of the Philistines six o eih. 1. 13.. l 1 13 again in the sight of the LORD: and the hundred men with an oxegoad: fand he k 10. 7,17. ohS- Nuroo LORD stronothened O]glon the king of alto delivered91srael. 11.4. ho. 2710 Nook oslo -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lSm. 4.i oh I. 6 Moab against Israel, hecause they had done 29. & 13.25. evil in the sight of the LORD. CHAPTER IV. ]4.6,19. 1 13 And he gathered unto him the children 1 Deborah snd Baoak deliver them from Jabln IS2Clp 11 6. of Ammon and oAmolek, and went and soiss1s. li i ote. 20hr.15. 10 smote Israel, and possessed tthe city of AND'the.children of Israel again did about 1316. i0teb. tas. tos.t evil in the sight of the LORD, wheno el. 2. 19. t 14 So the children of Israel tservedEglon Ehud was dead. p1h. 2. 19. the king of ooab eighteen years. 2 And.the LORD b sold them into the hand b oh. 2. 14. about 136. o15 But when the children of Israel tcried of Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in i a o tlo~LOo~, Cl'azor; the captain of whose host so Josh. 11. 1, ~unto the.LORD, the LORD raised them up ltsam. 12. 9. a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gers, II a Ben- dSisera, which dwelt in'Harosheth of the 10. h 19. 36. reh. 5. 14. jamite, a man *lefthanded: and by him Gentiles. d S.. 12. 9. s oh. ]. 16. the children of Israel sent a present unto 3 And the children of Israel cried unto the IP"'see to tfDmt.28. 48. Eglo: the king of Moab. LORD for te d nine hundred fchariots ootn ou about 1336. 16But Ehod de his dagger whichhad of iron; and twenty years Ohe mightily op- ly North its. osO. [,two edges, of. acubit length; and he did pessed the children of Israel. rel. P.Ft 78.244. gild it under his raiment upon his right o 4 ~.And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of eer. 13, 16. thi, 06e toot tgh. Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. feh. 1. 19. of nini. 17 And he brought the present unto Eglon 5 A And she dwelt under the palm tree of h. 6. 8. tHolo,hIof hking of Moab: and Eglon toa a very fat Deborah, between Ramah and Beth-el in rs. 100. 42. his right / man' mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel h Gen. 335.0. hand, 18 And when o e had made an end tooffer came tp to her for judgment. ohl. 20. 16. the present, he sent away the people that 6 And she sent and called iBasrak the son about 1200. barethe present. of Abinoam out kof Kedesh-naphtali, and, Heb. It. 32. Joth. 4. 20. 10 But he himself turned again from tie said unto him, Hatlo not the LORD God of k Josh. 19.37. lo1 1,ooto l lqoassies that q ere by Gilgal, and said,:I Israel ommt nded, saying, Go and draw s. have secret errand unto thee, 0 king: toward mount Tabor, and take with thee who said, Keep silence. And all that stood ten thousand men of the children of Naphbykhim oent out:from him. tali andof the children of Zebulun? 20AndEhud came untohim; and hewas 7 And tII will draw unto thee, to the mrivero 1. 14.4. 01eh. sa- p'sitting in t.a summer parlour, which hellad Kishon, Sisera the captain of.Jhbin's army,., ho. 5. 21. loto q0eoool- [for.himself alone: andEhud said, I have a with his chariots and his multitude; and I 1 In. 18.40. g: BeAm. tA messag from God untothee. Andhe arose ill deliver him into thine hand. P. 83. 9,10. out of hs seat. 8 And Barak said unto her, If. thou.wil 21 And Ehud put forth his left hand, and go with me, thenI will go: but if thou wilt took the dagger from his right thigh,,and not go with me, thenI'will not go. thrust it intoohis belly: 9 And. ste said, I.will surely go with thee: 22 And the haft also went in after the notwithstanding thejourneythatthou takest hblade; and the fatoclosed upon the blade, shall not be for thine lonouro; for tihe LORD:so that he could Iot draw the dagger out of shall "0sell Sisera into the hand of awoman. olnoh. 2.14. Or, it 00, hisbelly; and tho dirt came out. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak 000 00 th, 23 Then Ehud wentforth throughthe porch, to Kedesh. of oodsotet. sond shut the doorsofthe parlour upon him,: 10,' And Barak called 0Zebulun and oeh.b. 18. andlocked them. Naplhtali to Kedesh; and lie went upwith 24 When he was gone out, his servants ten thousand men Pat his feet.: and Debo- pS0e.x.ll.. came; and when they saw that, behold, the rah went up with him. 20.10. 12.177 Jael killeth Sisera. JUDGES. Song of Deborah and Barak. B. o. 11hNow Heber qthe h enite, which wa of 4 LORD, twhen tfau wentest out of Seir, B. I. about 1296. the children of "Hlobfb the father in law of when thou marchedst out of the field of about 1296. Moses, lhad severed himself fron the Ken- Edom, fthe earth trembled, and the heavash. 1. 16. ites, and pitched his teat unto the plain of ens dropped, the clouds also dropped water. eDeut. 33. 2. eaNua. 10.20. Zaanaim,'which is by Kedesh. 5'The mountains tamelted from before Ps. 68. 7. a. 12 And they shoaed Sisant that Baeak the the LORD, even hthat Sinai from before 22.8. son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Ta- the LORD God of Israel. I. 614.3. bher. 6 In tlhe days of iShamgar the son ofAnath, Hb.3. 3, 10. f Hb. 13 And Sisera t gathered together allhis in the days of kJael, the highways aere Dmst.d. 11. gathered by chariots, event nine hlundred chariots of unoccupied, and the ttravellers walked Ps. 97.5. s-y, o,-`oc- iron, and all the people that were with him, through tbyways. sHeb.Jlsesd. tfrom Idarosheth of the Gentiles unto the 7 The inhabitants of the villages ceased, E.. 19. 18. river of Kishon. they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah. 1. 14 And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for arose,that I arosea mother in Israel. is 3 31. this is the day in which the LORD hath de- 8 They'chose new gods; then wi a war kch. 4. 17. tDeut. 9.3. livered Sisera into thine hand: tis not the in the gates: was there a shield or spear /Lev. 26. 22. 2Saa. 5. 24. LORD gone out before thee? So Barak seen among forty thousand in Israel i 2 Chr. 15.05. los. 68. 7. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is..33. 8. [ PIs. 5.1. swent down from mount Tabor, and ten 9 SIy heart is toward the governors of Ia 14. thousand men after him. Israel, that l'offered themselves willingly 4.18. uPa. 83.09.10. 15 And "the LORD diseomfitedSisera, and among the people. Bless ye the LORD. I Hab. alOkSe Josh. 1O. all his chariots, and all his host, with the 10 11 qSpeakl, ye athat ride on white asses, se qffof thls. 10. edge of th sword before Barak; so that Sye that sit in judgment, and walk by the teHb.s....k.d Sisera lighted down off his chariot, and fled way. sec. away on lois feet..011 They that are dellivered from the noise aIh. 49. 23. 16 But Barak pursued after the chariots, of archers in the places of drawing water, [Dcut.32.16. and after the host, unto Harosheth of the there shall they rehearse the ttrighteous oh. 2. 12, 17. Gentiles: and all the hlost of Sisera fell acts of the Len, evet the righteous acts SoIlSn.l3. upon the edge of the sword; and there was townerd the inhabitants of his villages in 10 22. eneh,. not t a man left. Israel: then shall the people of the LORD ah. 4. 3. o. 17 lHowbeit Sisera fed away on his fee to go downt to the gates..r.2. the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Ken- 12 UAwake, awake, Deborah: awake, IlOr,0leditate. ite: for there was peace between Jabin the awake, tte a song: arise, Barak, and P. 10.. awake uttr a sng: rise Bara, an| qls. 105. 2.&~ king of Hazor and the house of IHeber the'lead thy captivity captive, thou son oa 145.5. Kenito. Abinonm. ca. 10.4. h 18 ~ And Jael went out to meet Sisera, 13 Then he made him that remaineth 12.14. and said unto him, Turn in, my lord, turn Yhave dominion over the nobles among the s Ps. 107.32. in to me; fear not. And when he had turn- people: the LORD made me have dominion!t Pe. vriahled in unto her into the tent, she covered over the mighty. lOs. |, a, him with a li m antle. 4 Out of Ephraim was there a soot of the t5 il-ekis. 09 And he said unto hee, Give me, Ipeay them a against Amalek; after thee, Benja- tlISam. 12. 7. thee, alittlewatertoadrink; for I am thirsty. min, among thy people; out of bMachir P,. 124. 7. sch. 5. 25. And she opened l bottle ofnilk, asd gave came down gvernorsad out of Zebulun,P. 57. 8. him drink, and covered him. they that t handle the pen of the writer. Ps 68. 18. 20 Again he said unto her, Stand in the 15 And the princes of Issachar uera witlh door of the tent, and it shall be, when any Deborah; even Issachar, and also CBarak: y P 4. 14. man doth come and inquire of thee, and hle was sent on t foot into the valley. IIFor Zh'. 3.27. say, Is there any man here? that thou shalt the divisions of Reuben there were great ueh. 3.l13. say, No. t thoughts of heart. Na. 32.39 ch. 5. 26. 21 Then Jael Heber's wife Ytook a nailof 16 Why abodest thou damong tle sheep- 40.'Heb. Iput. the tent, and t took a hammer in he hand, folds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? 0 Ieb. Erawo and went softly unto him, and smote te I..For the divisions of Reuben th..e w.ere es a. nail into his temples, and fastened it into great searchings of heart. e the ground: for lie was fast asleep and 17 Gileadabode beyond Jordan: and why e eh. 4. 14. weary. So he died. did Dan remain iu ships? fAsher contin- nHeb.hisfeet. 22 And, bellold, as Barak pursued Sisera, ued on the sea Ilshore, and abode'in his Ii Or. Is the Jael came out to meet him, and said unto lbreaches. liisi,e. him, Come, and I will shbew thee the man 18 yZebulun and Naphtali were a people tHeb.iepewhom thou seekest. And when he came tflhattjeopardedtheir lives unto the death 00. into her tent, behold, Sisera lay dead, and in the high places of the field. d Nm. 02.1. the nail was in his temples. 19 The kings came and fought; then fought!t Or, Ia. sPe. 18. 47. 22 So I God subdued on that day Jabia the the kings of Canaan is Taanach by the SeeJo.f,. 13. king of Canaan before the children of Is- waters of Megiddo; hthey took no gain of ac, 31. fuel. money. fJosh. 19.209, 24And the hand of the children of Israel 20iThey fought from heaven; kthe stars 31. tch-I. coilg tprospered, and prevailed against Jabin in their *courses fought against Sisera. tIOr,'ort. -metes.sdsos the king of Canaan, until they had de- 21 The riverofKishon swept then anay, 11 Or, ee load. stroyed Jabin king of eansan. that awncientive, thes iver Kishb. O ny a f. 4.10. ~CHAPTER V. soul, thou hast trodden down strength. tHeb.sssed I Hs seesa o sed22 Then were the horsehoofs broken by the Oo,' ep,' oah. The - f De.h.d Ba,.~k. means of the ilprantings, the prancings of heh. 4.16. Seex.15i.l1. ltIEN'sang Deborah and Barak the son their mighty ones. P. 44.12. P,. 10, title. Lof Abinoam on that day, saying, 23 Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the See ser. 30. ab Pa. 18. 47. 2 Praise ye the LORD for the b avenging of LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants iSeeJosh. 0. c2Chr. 17.15. Israel, ewhen the people willingly offered thereof; 0becausetiey aamenottothelelp 11. themselves. aof the LORD, to the help of the LORD P. 77.17,18. dDcut.32.1,3. 3 tHtear, 0 ye kings; give ear, 0 ye against the mighty. keh.4.15. P.. 2. 10. princes; I even I, eill sing unto the 24 Blessed above women shall ~Jael the t Heb. uates. LORD; I will sing praise to the LORD lch.4.7. [{Or, eamuliens, e. plnginO0. oach.21.0,10. Neh. God of Israel. 3.5. nlSam. 17. 47. & 18. 17. & h. 28. e oh. 4. 17. 178 The Midianites oppress sraeel. JUDGES. Gideon sent to deliver them. b. 0. wife of Heber the enite be; Iblessed shall rites, in whose land ye dwell: but ye have B. C. aboutlI96. she be above nom n in the teat. not obeyed my voice. about 1249. 25'He asked water, and she gave him 11 And there came an angel of the pLuk 1. 28. milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly LORD, and sat under an oak which cwas in qch. 4.19. dish. Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash /the Josh. 17. 2.... 4.2 1. 26 "She put her hand to the nail, and her Abi-ezrite and his son IGideon theshed,Hib. 11.22, right hand to the workmen's hammer; and wheat by the winepress, ito hide itfrom e,tlet tHeb. hie twith tlhe Ihammer she smote Sisera, she the Midianitec. Gsd,.. smote off his head, when she had pierced 12 And the nagel of the LORD appeared els.e.a. and stricken through hIis temples. unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is it toffe. t Heb. 27 eAt her feet hie bowed, he fell, he lay weith thee, thou mighty man of valour. ch. 13. do.wn. at.her feethebowed, he fell: where 13AndGideon said untohim, OnmyiLord, Lnuk 1. 11, t,Heb. he bowed, there lie Cell down tdead. if tihe LORD be withus, chy then is all this 28 dataysd. 20 Tle mother of Sisera looked oat at a befallen us a and nheere be all his miracles eJosh. 1. 5. windon, and cried through the lattice, Why iahiih our fathers tald as of, saying, lid pSo.s.O.49. is his chariot so long in coming 7 why tarry not the LORD brin ue tap from Egypti but Is. 59. 1. & the lwheels of his chariots? now the LOae hati'"forsaken us, and delia- a63.15. 29 Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she ered as into tle hands of the Midianites. 2Ps. 44 1. tldnk. returned tanswer to herself, 14 And tie LORD looked upon him, and, 15.. c,, caords. 20. Have they not sped? have they not di- said, SGo in this thy might, and thou shalt ISan.-12.11. six.. 15. 9. videdthe prey; eto every man a damsel or save Israel from thehad of the Iidianites: Heb. ii. 32, t Hit. to te two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a thave not I sent thee?. ra fa pcey of divers colours of neeo lework, of di- 15 And hle said unto him, 0 my Lord, t Josh. 1.9. vers colours of needlework on both sides, wherewith sa ll I save Israel? behold, it tmd,. 4. 6. maeet for the necks ofthe that take the family is poor in Manasseh, and I nm the See 1 Sam. spoil? least in my father's house.. 21. tPs. 83. 9, 10. 31 t So let all thine enemies perish, 0 16 And the LORD aid unto him, aSurely t — b. Su -..23.4. LORD: but let them that love him be Uss ll theth.... n L ihtt ntatcl a I ill he it theec and lhou shalt smite the to......... a rs. 10. 5. the sun cwhen he goeth forth in his might. Midinnites as one man. Ea. And the land had rest forty years. 17 And he said unto him, If now I have 0ae. 5. 2. found grace in thy sight, then cshew me a nEx. 3. 12. CHAPTER VI. sign that thou talkest with te. Josh. 1. 5. 18 Depart not hence, I pray thee, until I ca. 4.1-8. 1 Ti~e Isiastits for rtlhci, 50c ct- it-iiseid bc coneuntothee, and being fortl my ypres- te. 36, 37. otMioia,o. 05 loachet t'sbitoefhtk~os,co I 015ccn geslisadeoi 8hidsafoitohectdsaivethce 17'I' 4- cut, and set it before thee. And he said, I 2 Kin. 20. 8. eon' ylaen z~corslcerl,,ilL fi)e. 17Gid- w P,,. 86. 17. sonts t:csnsumced wi cto c, 25 Gidsoa a will tarry until thou come again. I. 7.11. I estrjeay al'els alta, ant ve-rtsh a saiooice 19 c i~ AnddGideon wentin, and made ready Cs. 183,.,,p-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kh f0 h h|Gen. 18.3,.5.| rcdot-ah tf 28 OJaoAk t a kid, and unleavea ed cakes of an ephah ch. 13. 15. fciso'a his a,..d e.ti' at Je-. i.i. of flour: the fleesh lie pu in abasket, and eilon' ary B~~das si, s. IIff.... tato eGisansa -ey. Simid-attsicc.. he pat the broth in a pt, and brought it out fe.,eae. about 1220. a,2XNCD lice children of Israel did evil in unto him under the oak, and preseated it., Gn.18. 6,7, nets. 2. 1e. the sight of the LORD and the Ln.. 20 And the angel of Godsaid ante him, Ise.... Hak. 3. 7. delivered them into the hand beof Midian Take the flesh and the unleavened cakes, IllHb. a kid seven years. and lay them upon this rock, and pour qffthsets. t Heb. 2 And she hand of Mlidian tprevailed out the broth. Aod he did so. bch. 2 19. etas steocg. against Israel: and beeausa of the Midian- 21 ~Ten the angel of the LORD pUt forth eSc 1 Ki.s clSe..13. C. ites the children of Israel made them ICthe te end of the stff that cca. in lis hand, 10. s3, 34. Hsb. 11. 38. dens which a..einthe mount.ins, and aves, and touched the flesh and the unleaIvened and strong holds. cakes; and d there rose up fire out of the dLev. 9. 2-1. 3 And so it was, when Israel had sown, rock, and consumed the flesi and the un- 1 Kin. 18.38. dch. 3. 13. that the Midianites came up, and dltheAm- leavened cakes. Then tlce angel of the 2Chr. 7. 1. [ Gen. 29.1. alekites, eand the children of the east, even LORD departed out of his sight. ch. 7. 12. & they cane up against them; 22 And when Gideon 5perceioed that he spc.13. 21. 8.10. 4 And they encamped against them, and cc.s an angel of the LORD, Gideon said, I i.. 4.2'0. fdestroy d the increase of the earth, till Alas, 0 Lord GoD ffor beense I have fGen. 16.13.& Job. 3 o. toryidathe aece oe.. thou come unto Gaza, and leftno sustenance seen an angel of the LORD face to face. 32. 30. Le, e6 1' for Israel, neither Ilsheep, nor ox, nor ass. 23 And tihe LORD said unto him, Pece |E- 33.20. 33, 51. 5 For they came up witi their cattle and be unto thee; fear not: thou shalt not tie. ch. 1. 22. 2ie. C,. 15. their tents, and they came. s grasshoppers 24 Then Gideon built an altar there unto....a. 10. 1. I Or, g- t. for multitude; for both they and their cam- the LORD, and called it IIJehovah-shalom: t Thnt is, Tle sh. 7. 12. els were without number and theyentered unto tis day it is yet in Oprah hof the Loa send into the land to destroy it. Aei-ezrites. eace: See 6 And Israel was greatly impoverished be- 25 0 And it came to pass the same night, F.x. 17.15. cause of the Midianites; and the children that the LORD said unto him, Take thy fn- ie. 33. 06. kIlo. 3. 15. of Israel h cried unto the LORD. ther's young bullock, IIeven the second bull- l,. 433.5. las. 5.. 5. 7 ~And it cam oto pass, welt the children ock of seven years old, and throw down the 7-h. K 32. about 1249. of Israel cried unto the LORD because of of aalthat thy father hath, and/cut Or, scod. the Midianites, down the grove that is by it: i. 34. 13. tlaOl,. a 8ato 5 That the LORD tent tn prophet unto 20 And build an altar unto nhe LOR thy Deut. 7. t-nOphct. the children of Israei, which said unto then, Gad upon the top of this trock, Ilin the Ilas. steen7 Thus snith the LORD God of Israel, I oedered place, and take nce second bullock, acI e. brought you up from Egypt, and ebrought and offer a buernat sarificehith thewood eof e, in. you forth outeofthe house of bondage; the grove ocdis thou shalt cut damn. -d-ly-cen 9 And I delivered you out o the ihand of 27 ThenGideon took ten men of his servthe Egyptians, and out of the hand of all ants, and did as the LORD had said unto iPs. 44. 2, 3. that oppressed you, and idrave them out ba and so it was, because hefened his k2Xi 17235,, from before you, and gave you their land; father's household, and the men of the city, 37, 38. 10 And I said unto you, I am the LORD that he could not do it by day, that he did Jer. 10. 2. your God; klear not the gods of the Arno- it by night. 19i Gideon's signs. JUDGES. His army reduced. B.. C. 28 ~ And when the men of the city arose ful and atraid, let him return and oepart C.. about 1249. early in the morning, bellold, the altar of early from mount Gilead. And there re- about 1249. Baal was cast down, and the grove was cut turned of' the people twenty and two thoudown that was by it, and the second bull- sand; and there remained ten thousand. ock was offered upon the altar that vas 4 And the LORD said unto Gideon, The built. people are yet toe many; bring them down 29 And they said one to another, Who hath unto the water, and I will try them for thee done t thithing? And when they inquired there: and it shall be, th/at of whom I say and asked, they said, Gideon the son of unto thee, This shall go wlth thee, the same Joash hath done this thing. shall go with thee; and of whomsoever I 30 Then the men of the city said unto say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, Joashl, Bring out thy son, that he may die: the same shall not go. because he he hath cast down the altar of Baal, 5 So he brought down the people unto the and because he hath out down the grove water: and the LORD said unto Gideon, that was by it. Every one that lappeth of the water itll his 31 And Joasll said unto all that stood tongue, as a dog lappetls, hlnm shalt thou set against him, Will ye plead for Baal? will by himself; likewise every one that boweth ye save him? lie that will plead for him, down upon his knees to drink. let him be put to death whilst it is yet 6 And the number of them that lapped, morning: if he be a god, let him plead for patting their hand to their mouth, were himself, because one hath cast down his three hundred men: but all the rest of the altar. people bowed down upon their knees to 332 Therefore on that day he called him drink water. I Tlaet is, Let 11 tJerubbal, saying, Let Basat plead against 7 And the LORD said unto Gideon, dBy d t S. 14.6. Blaal tlead. him, because he hathl thrown down his the three hundred men that lapped will I lS-am. 12.11. altar. save you, and deliver the Midianites into 2Ssm. 11.21, 33 ~ Then all /the Midianitee and the thinelland: audlet allthe other people go JcteaLethh; Amalekites and the children of the east every man untohis place. thtst is. Lt were gathered togethier, and went over, and 8 So-the people took victuals in their hand, t.slgte..., piteld in "'the valley of Jezreel. and their trumpets: and he sent all the Sea Jas 11. 84 But'tthe Spirit of the LORD Scame est of Israel every man unto his tent, and 13. upon Gideon, and he o blew a trumpet; and retained those three hundred men: and the Ho. 9. 10. Abi-ezer t was gathered after him. host of Midian was beneath him in the valver. 3. 35 And. he sent messengers throughout all ley. - Josh.17.16. Manasseh; who also was gathered after 9 And itcame to pass the same enight, eGen. 4. 2,3. about 1249. him: and he sent messengers unto Asher, that the LORD said unto him, Arise, get sh. 3. 10. and unto Zebulun, and unto Naphtali; and thee down unto the host; for I have deliv1 Ch. 12.18. they came up to meet them. ered it into thinse and. 2Chr. 21. 20. 36 [ And Gideon said unto God, If thoen 10 But if'thou fear to go down, go thou tHIeb.ctothed. wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast with Phurah thy servant down to the host: enum. 0.3. said, 11 And thou shalt fhhear what they say; fver. 13, 14, ch. 3.2 7. 37 1' Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in and afterwaerd shall thine hands be strength-.5. t feb. was the floor; iLid if the dew be on the fleece ened to go down unto the host. Then went See Gen.'24. ltd oft. only, sad it be dry upon all the esrth to- he down with Phurah his servant unto the 14. his. aides, then shall I know that thou wilt save outside of the tl armed men that were in the 10. pSeo Ex. 4.3, Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said. host. Or, rak 4, 6, 7. 38 nd it was so: for he rose up early on 12 And the Midianites and the Am leltites b is, the morrow, and thrust the fleece together, and gall:the children of the east lay along -E:. 13. 18. and wringed the dew out of the fleece, a in the valley like grasshoppers for multi- gch. 6..5, 33. bowl full of water. tude; and their camel; wec without num- & 8.10. aen 1. 18. 389 And Gideon said unto God, oLct not ber, as the sand by the sea side for multithine anger be hot against me, and I will tede. speak but this once: let me prove, I pray 13 And when Gideon was come, behold, thee, but this once with htle fleece; let itno there was a Inan that told a dream unto be dry only upon the fleece, and upon all this fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a the ground let there be dew. dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread 40 And God did so that night: for it was tumbled into the host of Midian, and came dry upon the fleece only, and there was:dew unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and on all the ground. overturned it, that the tentilay along. CHAPTER VII. 14 And his fellow answered and said, This is nothing else save the sword of Gideon 1 Gcdeon's arm! of tco risd e th'ty thoesand i~ the son of Joash, a man of Israel: for into broulght to hrlee Ahhdrled. 9 H.ts e9couraged by tIle deam asd itite,dpetatios of ite baley his lhand lhath God delivered Midian, and ncae. 16 tratjem of trumpets asd lamps all the host. in pitters. 2 Thle p1aimites take Oreb ae,d 15 ~ Andit was so. when Gideon heard the Zeeb. telling of tile dream, and tthe interpretsa- theb. hea ach.6.. T3. HEN aJerubbaal, who is Gideon, and tion thereof, that he worshipped, and re- reking all the people that were with him, rose turned into the host of Israel, tand said, thetee up early, and pitched beside the well of Arise; for the'LORD hath delivered into Harod: so that the host of the Midianites your hand the host of Midian. were on the north side of them, by the hill l0 And he;divided the three hundred men of Moreh, in the valley. into three companies, and lheput t a trump- t Heb. 2 And the LORD said unto Gideon, The et in every mani's hand, witll empty pitch- trlspts i people that are with thee are too many for ers, and llamps nitlsin the pitclers. tie hand of D'e 80.17. me to give the Midianites into their hands, 17 And lhe said unto them, Look on me, a11 of them. t. 10. 13. lest Israel e vaun t themselves agaist me, and:do likewise: o and, behold, whent l come.O.. l r. s. 29. saying, IMine own hand hath saved me. to the outside of the camp, it shall be that, orta-es 2 Cor. 4. 7. 3 Now therefore go to, proclaim in tile ars as I do, so shall ye do. eDenet. 20. 8. of the people, saying, eWhosoever is:fear- ]8 When I blow with a trumpet, I and all 180 The Midianites put to flight. JUDGES. Zebah and Zamunna taken. B.., that are with me, then blow ye the trump- 7 And Gideon said, Therefore when the B. C. about 1249. ets also on every side of all the camp, and LORD hath delivered Zeball and Zalmunna about 1249. say, Tlte sword of the LORD, and of into mine hand,'then I will ttear your Gideoll. flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and y vet. I. 19 ~ So Gideon, and the hundred men that with briers. 1 He) td,1eh. ]were with him, came unto the outside of 8 V And Be Ewent up thence hto Penuel, h 0en. 32.30. the camp in the beginning of the middle and spoke unto them likewise: and the Iin.12.25. eateh; and they had but newly set the men of Penuel answered him as the men watch: and they blew the trumpets, and of Sucotl had answered dhim. brake the pitchers thatiwe7e theint hirands. 9 And he spake also unto the men of 20 And the three companies blew the Penuel, saying, When I icome again in i 1 Kio n2.27. trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held peace, k I vill break down this tower.w ktr. 17. the lumps in their left hands, and the 10 ~ Now Zebah and Zalmunna wore in trumpets in their right hands to blow zoith- Karkor, and their hosts weithl them, about al: and they cried Te sord of te LORD, fteen thousword ofe, all that were left of and of Gideon. t all the hosts of the children of the east: I ch. 7. 12. hr. 14. 13. 21 And hey hstood every man in his place for there fell wi a hundred and twenty thou- Or,. hut14. round about the camp: land all the host sand-mel that drew'swordd. td aed 2Cr. 20..17. ran, and cried) and fled. 11 Ad Gideon Eent. up by the way of tsttyt et i2 Iintgs7.7. 22 Anld tie three hundred hblew the tem that dwelt it tnts on the east of Jot1t. G. 4, trumpets, and thle LORD set" everyman's' Nobah and Jogbehal, and smote the te,, t., 11. 20.. sword against his fellol, even throughout lost: for the host was secure. l. 20. 2, 15, See2Cor47all tie host: and tle host fled to Betha 12 And then Zeth and Zhostlunn fled, t7, 27a P.. &3, I). shittahl lin Zerel eth, ant to the t border of he pursued after them, and. took the two. 2 tieg 3.26. Is' 2; Abel-meholah, unto Tabbath. ikings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and,Num.32.35, tmt Sam. 14. 23 And the men of Israel gathered tl.em-' discomfited all the host. 42. 2Chr. 20. 23 selves together out of Naphtali, and out of 13 ~ And Gideon the son of Joash returned l Ceh. 18. 2 Or, t.,ed. Asher, and out of all Manasseh, and pur- from battle before the sn was tt2), I Thes. 5. 3. ItHb. tsue ed after the Mtidianites. 14 And caught a young man of the men oPs. 83. 11. t...el..... 124 ~ And Gideon sent messengers through- of SuccotI, and inquired of him: and tle eIe.b. trich. 3. 27. out all "mount Ephraim, saying, Come tdescribed unto him the princes of Sue- fied down against the Mlidianites, and take be- coth, and the elders thereof, even three- toeb. wit. fore then the waters unto Beth-barah and score and seventeen men. Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim 15 And he came unto the men of Succoth, och. 3. 28. gathlredthemselres together, and~tookthe and said, Behold Zeball and Zalmunnoa, p John 1. 28. waters unto P Beth-barah and Jordan. with whom ye did Pupbraid me, saying, ver. e. ecl,. 8.3. 25 And they took qtwo princes of the Mid- Arge the hands of Zoebah and Zalmunna Pg. 83.11. ianites, Oreb and Zeeb; and they slew now in thine hand, that we should give:i, Is1.. 26 Oreb upon'the rock Orob, and Zeeb they bread unto thy men that are weary? slew at the winepress of Zeeb. and pursued pursued 1G And e took the elders of the city, and q er. 7. ] Midian, and brought the heads of Oreb and thorns of the wilderness, and briers, and h ct,, 4. Zeeb to Gideon on the s other side Jordan. with them le t taught the men of Succoth. t eb. snade 17 rAnd lhe beat down the tower of s Penu- to k,,ee. CHAPTER VIII. el, and- slew the men of the city. r ar. 9. 1 dideon paefietth Ihe tEt hainites. 4 Steorth 18 0~ Then said lhe unto. Zebah and Zal- salin.12.25. ld Pen)Let efleto tetieve GideoL's armt. 10 munua, lWhat manner of men. were they Zebaadl lettun eaaretaketn. 13S9ccothaetd P n-etll ae delustryel. 18 Gideo, evengeth his whomn ye slew at t Tabor? And they an- t eh. 4. F. |,e,'s d-h reat h onetah antlz.albnt-n,. 22 swered, As thou art, so were they; each Pa. 69.12. lHle tefnsseth goverment. 24 His elo,ho cause of one t resembled the children of a king. t Heb. idotate1. 2280 iidiael etbdletd. 29 Gideon's chi- 19 And he said, They were my brethren, accodinr to dtets, and death. 33 The lsaelites' idolatry a,,d even tile sons of my mother: as the LORD theftttm, gi. ittgtavtituOe. liveth, if ye had saved them alive, I vould Seehll.12.1. AND a the men of Ephraim said unto not slay you. 2Sam. 19.41. him, t Why hast thou served us thus, 20 And he said unto Jether his firstborn, t Hel. tIat that thou catlledst us not, when thou went- Up, and slay them. But the youth drew thinlg is t/ie est to fight with the Mlidianites? And they not his sword: for he feared, because he tho u httee did chide with him tsharply. us yet a youth. d 2 And he said unto them, What have I 21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, Rise t Ifsb. done now in comparison of you? I s not tou, and fall upon us: for as the man is, e the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim bet- so is his strength. And Gideon arose, and ter than the vintage of Abi-ezer? Uslew Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away u Ps. 83.11. 6 ch. 7. 24, 25. 3 bGod hath delivered into your hands the the I ornaments that were on their camels' 1r/, etaPhil. 2. 3. princes of lidian, Oreb and Zetb: ad necks. lmeets lik lwhat was I ableto do in comparison of you 22 Then the men of Israel said unto heoo I Heb. episit. Then their t tanger was abated toward him, Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou, and o Pr.ov 1. 1. when he had said that. thy son, and thy son's son also: fore thou 4 ~ And Gideon came to Jordan, and hast delivered us from the hand of Midian. passed over, he, and the three hundred 23 And Gideon said unto them, I will not men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing rule over you, neither shall my soi rule over theen. you: Xthe LORD shall rule over you. e I Snm. 8. 7. dGen. 33.:17. 6 And lie said unto the men of dSuccoth, 24 ~ And Gideon said unto them, I would & 10. 19. & Ps. 60. 6. Give, I pray you, loaves o'f bread unto the desire a request of you, that ye would give 12. 12. people that follow me; for they be faint, mle every man tie earrings of his prey. (For and I am pursuing after Zebah and Zal- they had golden earrings, Ybeeause they. yGen. 25. 13. munna, kings of Midian. were Ishmaelites.) & 37. 25, 28. Seee s ings 6 ~ And the princes of Succoth said, Are 25 And they answered, We will willingly 20. 11. the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in give themn. And they spread a garment, f Se 1 Sam. thine hand, that fwo should give bread and did east therein every man the earrings 22.11. unto thine army? of his prey. 181 The death of Gideon. JUDGES. Jothant's parable of the trees. B. C. 26 And the weight of the golden earrings together, and all the house of Mille, and IB. C. about 1249. that he requested was athousand and seven went and made Abimelech king, lby the about 1209. hundred shekels of gold; besides orna- plain of the pillar that seas in Shechem. Or, s meet ments, and,lcollars, and purple railent 7 ~ And when they told it to Jotham, he / Or, Is the jewets. that th as on the kings of tlidian, and be- went and stood in the top of emoun t Ger- oak of the sides the chains that were about their izie, and liftedup lis voice, and cried,ad,l Ss camels' necks. said unto them, Hearken unto me, ye men a zch. 17. 5. 27 And Gideon Zmade an ephod thereof, of Shechem, that God may hearken unto bout 1209.. cch c 6. 24. and put it in his city, even "in Ophrahe you. i Deut. 11.29. bP. 10t. 39. and all Israel b went thither awhlloring after 8 The trees went forthe on a time to & 27.1a..33 eut 7 16. it: which thing became ea snare unto Gid- anoint a king over them; and they said Jole. 23.. eon, and to is louse. unto the olive tree, rteign thou over us. ISee 2 lingc 28 ~ Thus was Midian subdued before the 9 But the olive tree said unto them, Should 1. 9. children of Israel, so that they lifted up I leave my fatness,? wherewith by me they Iuh.. 22, 23. dch. 5 31. their heads no more. dAnd the country honour God and man, and tgo to be pro- 101. I Mas in quietness forty years in the days of moted over the trees?.. 1 Gideon. 10 And the trees said to the fig tree, Come t Itel, tot "tp 29 ~ And Jerubbaal the son of Joash went tlou, an reign over us. e and dwelt in his own house. 11 But the fig tree said unto them,,Should llh. 9. 2, 5. 30 And Gideon had ethreescore and ten I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, t Hel. osni sons t of his body begotten: for he had and go to be promoted over the trees 7 -tt of hies manywives. 12 Then said the trees unto the vine, thigh. 31 f And his concubine that ese8 in She- Come ttou, and reign over us. f clh. 9.1. - hem, she also bhare him a son, whose name 13 And the vine said unto thenl, Should I t Hel. set. he t called Abimeleclt. leave my vine, "vthich cheeretl God and Pd. 104. 15. Gen. 258.8. 32 T And Gideon the son of Joasli died g in mall, and go to he promoted over the trees? Job.5. 26. a good old age, and as buried in the 14 Then said all the trees unto the li bram-. Or, tlise. about 1209. sepulchre of Joash his father, hin Oph- ble, Come thou, and reign over us. I es. 27. rall of the Abi-ezrites. 15 And the bramble said unto the treeso If e lti.. 33 And it came to pass, tas soon as Gid- in truth ye anoint me king over you, then h. 2. 19. eon was dead, that the children of Israel come and put your trust in my Ishadow v o Is, 30, 2. sh. 2. 17. turned again, and ksent a whoring after and if not, Plet fire come out of the bra- Dan. 4. 12. lts 8h. d, 17 stlimn, land wadse Bal-berithl tteis gad. ile, and devour the toedrss of Lebanon. HO. 1t. 7. ch. 9. 4, 46. 34 And the children of Isracl tremember- 16 Nos therefore, if ye have done truly pver. 20. gJ~,en. ~ 106. 19, 3~.128. Ps. 78. 11, ed not the LORD titeir God, who tad de- and siecerely, in that yeplave made Abime- Nul t. 21. 4'. & 106.13, livered them out of the hands of alltheir lech king, and if ye have dealt eell with enemies on every side: Jerubbaal and his house, and have dotne P, 10i. It. sl.. 9.16.,17. 35 Neither sh.oed they kindness to the unto him r according to the deserving of his l,.. 13.I7. 18. house of Jerubboal, heisly, Gideon, an- hands 2e4. cording to all the goodness which he had 17 (For my father fouglt for you, and t ad- i. 1. 3. shelved unto Israel. ventured his life far, and delivered you out - cl. 8. 35. of the band of Midian: t Heb. CHAPTER IX. 18 lAnd ye are risen up against my father's cast life. I Abitmelech by cotepioecv teith tIle Saecrmit!ess. touse this day, and have slain his sons, s ser., 6..e. d iaute of hialm et.lseae,, is olade kin. 7 threescore andten persons upon one stone, Jothatt y, a.soa-ble ebtkett ltets, a,,tlfore. and have made Abimelell, the son of tis eleoh eireir r etin. 22 Oaal eotpict th maidservant, king over the men of She3h. Atlinlelde otetoneth thean..ed eo,etle em, an dbecause e is your brother:) cit i th salt. 46 d e butoeth the tols of ihe Itfye thenl have dealt truly and sinere-. gode Beith. 50 At Teeeshe is etail by piece ly with Jerubbaal and witl lis ehouse this ofea?illstnets 66 Jlothas's curse isfee lfi!led. day, thetn rejoice ye in Abimelech, and let Is 8 6. about 1209. A ND Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal him also rejoice in you: Phil. t. 3. ash. i8c. soent to Shechem unto ahis mother's 20 But if not, l let fire come out from lver. 15. |0. brethren, and communed with them, and Abimelecl, and devour the men of She- 57. with all the family of the house of his moth- cllem, and the house of Mtillo; and let fire er's father, saying, come out from the men of Shechem, and 2 Speak, I pray you, in the ears of all the from the house of tillo, and devour Abiemt Hebl. Il'hat men of Shechem, Whetheris better for eelech. is good? you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, 21 And Jotham ran away, and fled, and,saethe-, c. WIhiCh are hthreescore and ten persons, went to'Beer, and dwelt there, for fear of s 2 Sam. 20. b cll. B0.. reign over you, or that one reign over you? Abimeleh his brother. 1.. c Gen. 2.14. remember also that I at cyour bone and 22 Wshen Abimelech had reigned three aboutl20G. your flesh. years over Israel, li Samn. 16. 3 And his mother's brethren spake of him 23 Then 3God seni an evil spirit between 14. & 18. 9. in tlie ears of all the men of Shechem all Abimelech and the men of Sllechem; and 10 tHob. aft.. these words: and their hearts inlined tto the men of Sbechesm dealt treacherously See 1 5lae22 follow Abimelech; for they said, He is our with Abimelech 1. l. dsen. 29. 15. brother. s24 That the cruelty done to the three- diChrs. 10.15. 4 And they gave him threescore and ten score and ten sons of Jerubbanl might come, 1 18. 19, &c. e ls 8. 33. pieces of silver out of tile house of elabl- and their blood be laid upon Abimelech I. 19. 2, 14. f bl. 11. 3. beritl, Therewith Abimelecll hired fvain their brother, which slev them, and upon z Is 33. 1. 2 Ci.r; 13.7. 7 and light persons, which followed him. the men of Stechem, which t aided him in alKing,2.32. Prove. 12. 11. 5 And he vent unto his father's house gat the killing Of his brethren. Estl. 9. 20. Ah. 17-5. P.7, M As 17. Ophra, and t slew his brethren the sons of 25 And the men of Shechem set liers in P 7 CIc.G.-c24. Jerubbaal, being thleescore and ten per- ait fo3.r m in the topof the mountains, 35, h2 Kingt 11. eses. upon one stone: notwitustanding, and they robbed all that came along that t eo.. 1,2. yet Jothm the youngest son of Jerabbaal way by them: and it weas told Abimclech. [te-7tll G And all the men of Sthchem gathered I breh ren, and went over to Sheohem: and kll... d tlohter'ir.2Gal cnprt ihtemisrat, i g o e r temn fS Gaal's conspiracy against Abinmelech. JUDGES. Abimelech is slain at Thebez. B.. C. the men of Shecheo put their confidence il slew the people that was therein, and h boat B. C. about 1206. bim. down the city, and sowed it with salt. about 1206. 27 And they went out into tile fields, and 46 I And when all the men of the tower of gathered their vineyards, and trode the Shllehem heard that, they entered into a IhDea.t,923. tOr, aog: gnrapes, and made Iamerry, and aent into hold of tie liouse of the god Berith. 1IMin 12.25. See Is. 169, bthe house of their god, and did eat and 47 And it was told Abielech, that all the 2ings3.25.:10. 5 0 drink, and cursed Abimelech. men of the tower of Shechem aere gathered cl. 8. 33. [J/....3 28 And Gaal the son of Ebed said, IWho is together. banerd. Abimelech, and who is Slleclnim, that we 48 And Abimcleoh gat him up to mount clSant.25.10. should serve him? is not he the son of kZalmon, le and all the people that wce l P.. 6t. 14. 1 Kings 12, Jerubbaal? and Zebul his officer? serve with him; and Abimelecll took ana xe in his. the men of amr the father of Shechem: hand, and cut down a bough from the trees,. for why should we serve him? and took it, and laid it on his shoulder, and e2Snam. 15.4. 29 And evould to God this people were said unto the people that owere with him, under my hand! then would I remove What ye have seen tme do, make haste, |theb. Abimelech. And lie said to Abimelech, and do as I have done. I have done. Increase thine army, and come out. 49 And all the people likewise cut down 30 ~[ And when Zebul tile ruler of the city every man his bough, and followed Abimcheard the words of Gal the son of Ebehold, aan d set the Or, Aot. his anger was II kindled. hold on fire upon them; so that all the men 31 Andhe sent messengers unto Abimeleeh of the tower of Slechem died also, about a tHeb. trivily saying, Behold, Gal the son of thousand men and women. c ily.or, Ebed and his brethren be come to Sbechem; 50 h Then went Abimelech to Thebez, and to [tma;. and, behold, they fortify the city against thee. encamped against Thebez, and took it. 32 Now therefore up by night, thou and 51 But there was a strong tower within the the people that in with thee, and lie in wait city, and thither fled all the men and weoin the field: men, and all they of the city, and shut it to 33 And it shall be, that in the morning, as them, and gat them up to the top of the soon as the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, toler. and set upon the city: and, behold, wthenz 52 And Abimelech came unto the tower, he and the people that is with him come out and fought a gainst it, and went hard unto against thee, then mayest thou do to them the door of the tower to burn it with fire. t lieb. as hy t as thou shalt find occasion. 53 And a certain woman Icast a piece of a 2Snam.11.21. fhal shall 34 And Abimelech rose up, and all the millstone upon Abimelech's head, and all ie,an 7 people that were with hlim, by night,. and to brake lhis skull. & 25. 8. they laid wait against Shechein in four com- 54 Then'lie called hastily unto the young |, So 1 San. Ec.. 9. 10. panies. man his armourbearer, and said unto him, 31. 4. 85 And Gaal the son of Ebed went out, and Draw thy stvord, and slay me, that men say stood in the entering of the gate of the city: not of me, A woman slow tim. And his and Abimelech rose up, and the people that young man thrust him through, and he were with him, from lying in wait. died. 86 And when Gaaltsaw the people, he said 55 And when the men of Israel saw that to Zebul, Bellold, there come people down Abimelecl was dead, they departed every from the top of the mountains.. And Zebul man unto his place. said unto him, Thou seest the shadow of the 56 ~ n Ttius God rendered the wickedness o,. 24 mountains as if they were men. of Abimelechl, which he did unto lis father, Job 31. 3. 37 And Gaal spake again and said, See, in slaying ois seventy brethrenn: r. 94. 23. Heb.navel. there come people down by the tmiddle of 67 And all the evil of the nen of Sechem Pronv 5.22. the land,. and another company come along did God render upon their heads: and upod ilOr,'he re- by the plain of II Meonenim. them came I the curse of Jotham the son o ve. 20. gnadens of 38 Then said Zebul unto him, Where is now of Jorubbaal. |iyea, thy mouth, wherewith thou fsaidst, Who is atblttDeltt. 18.14oihi. CHAPTER X. Abimelech, that Ee should serve him? i I:.e ~fannr.128,B29. intl l nonjuhn tqeth Iarael int Sihamia. 3 Jai n. tnose r 2, 29. not this the people that thoa last despised? 1thir ty s ols lad hirty cities. 6 Te 6ottlisties go out, I pray now, and fight with them. an A namonits oetlress Jaael. ] 0 1]n theei anise39 And Gaal went out before the men of y/ God sendet ithorn to thei false gods. 15 Upo,, about 1l06. Shlechem, and fought with Abimelech. tlein?'-epentanlce hie.piieh2 t6ten. 40 And Abimelech chased him, and he fled AND after Abieleh there arose to. 2.. before him, and many were overthrown ants lt defend Israel Tola the son of a, lel wounded, evena unto the entering of the gate. the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar; and he Ie, 41 And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: and dwelt in Shamir in mount Ephraim. about 1183. Zebul thrust out Gaul and his brethren, that 2 And he judged Israel twenty and three Oca. 5. 10. & they should not dwell in Shechem. years, and died, and was buried in Shamir. 12. 14. 42 And it came to pass on the morrow, that 3 ~ And after him arose Jair, a Gileadite, cDnut. 3. 14. the people went out into the field; and they and judged Israel twenty and two years. U Or, told Abimelech. 4 And hebhad thirty sons that brode on ile villagen 43 Andlie took the people, antl divided thirty ass colts, and they had thirty cities, iiJnio in'which are called 1Havoth-jair unto this them into three companies, and laide, ait in an caed Illatai t thi Nu-. b 2.{. the field, and looked, and, behold, the peo- day, which are in the land of Gilead. about 1161. pie were come were ome forth out of the city; and he 5 And Jair died, and was buried in Camon. d ch. 2. 11. & rose up against them, and smote them. 0 d And dthe children of Israel did evil 3. 7. & t. 1. 44 And Abimelech, and the company that again in the sight of the LORD, and eserved 1. 13. 1. was with him, rushed forward, and stood Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and ftlle gods of ech 2. 13. in the entering of the gate of the city: and Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and tile gods feb. 2. 12. the two other companies ran upon all the of Mtoab, and the gods of the children of Am- o i n. 11.33. people that were in the fields, and slew mon, and the gods of the Philistines, and Ps. 10G. G. them. forsook the LORD, and served not him. about 1161. 45 And Abimelech fought against the city 7 And the anger of the LORD was hot I.h 2 14. gver. 20. all that day; and gle took the city, and against Israel, and he Asold them into tile itam. n.9. 183 God pitieth Israel. JUDGES. Jephthah's fruitless embassy. B. C. hands of the Philistines, and into the hands Gilead, dDid not ye hate me, and expel meo B. C. aboutlt16. oftho ohiidreii ofAmmon. out of my father's house? and why are ye about 1161. 8 Andtht year theytvexedandtoppressed coe unto me now when ye atre in distttob. tie children of Israel: eighteen years, all tress? d0oto. 26. 27. -crtotted. [the children of Isratel ttat ovee on tle other 8'And to elders of Gilead said unto eoh. 10. 18. side Jordan in tie land of the Amori te, Jephthah, Ti.erefore.e f turn agai toethee f tLue.'7.4. which'is in Gilead. now, that thou mayest go witli us, and 9 Moreover the children of Ammon passed fight against the children of Ammon, and be over Jordan to figgt also against Jedah, aod Your heed over all the inhahitants of Gil- y h. 10. 18. against loenjtein, and against the house of ed. Ephraim; so that Irel. ae sore distressed. 9 And Jephthah said unto the elders of!i Iaon. 1210. 10 I i And the children of Israel cried Gilead, If ye bring me home again to fight unto the LORD, saying, We lave sinned against the children of Ammon, and the against thee, both because we have forsaken LORD deliver them before me, shall I be e. our God, and also served Baalim. your head?! k ~. 14. 30. [1 n h ODsi notecide i And tht LORD said untot tte children 10 And the elders of Gilead said unto /N-u' 21211, of Israel, Did not Ideliver you kfrom the Jeptthah, hoThe LORD the mitness betweet h Jt. 40.2. 21,, Egyptiane, and'from theAmorites, from e ust, if we do not so ccordg to thy words. t obh. h. te meto. lL2h1. tle children of Ammon, tland from the 11 Then Jephthah went with the elders of heo to LIth. 3. 31. Pltilistines? Gilead, and the people made him lheatd teeto to. o oh. 5. 19. 12 tThe Zidonians also, Pand the Ama- aud captain over them: and Jepithah ut- ieee. 8. otth. 6. 3. lekites, and the Maonites, 9did oppress tered all his words kbefore the LORD in t I e. e0.17. P /. 106. 42, you; and yr cried to me, and I delivered Mizpeh. 2e.. 43. yoe out of their hand. 12 ~ And Jephthah sent messengers unto |ae Sm. 10.17. t.Deut. 32.15. 13 Yet ye have forsaken me, and served the Icing of the children of Ammon, saying,. 15. Joe. 2. 13. other gods: therefore I till deliver you no What haot thou to do mith e,thatthou art about 1143. D-et. 2.37, more. come against me to fight in my land? 21. 14 Go and'cry unto the gods which ye 13 Aid the king of the children of Ammon 2eigt3.313. thave chosent let them deliver you in the answered unto the messengers of Jephthah, tt.2.2. time of youi tribulation. t13eause Israel took.away my land, when INum. 21.24, t2IS.a. 1.8 15 ~8 And the children of Israel saidunto they came up out of Egypt, from A.eon 25. 2. the LORD, We have sinned: t do thou unto even unto t Jabbok, and unto Jordan: now at Get. 2.22. t Ch.tsgoo us whatsoever t seemeth good unte thee; threfore rostre theoelands again peaoea/ Cit,. 7. / deliver us only, we pray thee, this day. bly. [ gCr;?7. 14.!1 n hyntaa ie~srnegd & 15. S. 16'And they pet away ttte tstrange gods 14 And Jephthah sent messengers again J-r. 18. 7, 8. from among them, and served the LORDa: unto the king of the Children of Ammon: Oeb.Og.otdrf od'his soul ttas grieved for the misery 15 And said unto him, Thus saith Jephot.o-to: ot. ehiof Israel. thh, LIsrael took not aythe land of o..e.2.0.19. P 106. 4im, 0. 17 Then the tchildren of Ammon mete Mosh, nor the land of the children of Am45.' gathered together, and encamped in Gil- men: Is. 63. 9. cad. And the children of Israel assembled 16 But thten Israel came up from Egypt, t[Hel,. toas themselves together, and encamped in and Iwalkedthroughthe wilderness untothe otum. 14.25. shorteted. YMizpeh. Ited sea, and eme to Kadesh; Dett. 1.40. tlheb. roie 18 And the people and princes of Gilead l7Thelsraelsent messengers tothe Joh. 5. 6. toothser. said one to another, What man is he that king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee 2, 1um.13.26. y02en0.3. 349. will begin to fight against the children of pass through thy land: "but the king of ht 20. 1./ ch. Il.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ z, 2. u...1. 46./ h.t 11. t, t. Ammon? he shall hbe head over all the in- Edom would not hearken thercto. Andin ooh. 11. 1. t. hahitants of Gilead. like manner they sent unto the king of qemN 2014. Moab; but he would not consent: and Is-'cNU.'.20'18, CHAPTER XI. 21. [Th CRtAF- TEIR XLph... u sh - raelI abode in Kadesh. 1 The roan.att betoseed Jephthaht and the Gitod-, 18 Then they went along throiugh the wil- NUm. 20. 1:. [lises, that hashouldibethoeir- head. l2PThe-treaty |of oesat he hi, dd thtso Aotlot e A mmo dernesisie sis and e compassed the land of Edom, t fue. 21.4. ovait. 29 Jephthah's ro. 12 H, otiqptestrof and the land of Moab, and tcame by the Dent. 2.t1-8. tht A.otoaoitms. 34 le pofo sot his cottoto east side of the land of Moabh, and pitched tIN.uni.21.11'. his daughter. on the other side of Aernon, but came not [ Num.21.13. |Rs. 1. 32, N OW aJepbthnh the Gileaodite was oa withi the b order of M o r & 22. 36. attled mighty man of valour, and he oas the the border of Moab. Jspttlhae. Son of t a harlot: and Gilead begat Jeph- 19 And Ylsrael sent messengers unto Si- ]yum.21.21. tetc. t. 12. thah. hon king of the Arnorites, theking of Hesh- Deut. 2. 26. t2 Iting5. 1. 2 And Gilead's wife hbare him sons; and bon; and Israel said unto him, tLet us ozNum. 2L.22. t t..t. o-his w.ifce's grew p, and they thrust out pass, we pray thee, through thy lad into Deut..7.,etahta,' or. Jephthah. and said unto him, Thou shalt my place. not inherit in our father's house; for thou 20'But Sihon trusted not Israel to pass [aautm.21.23. art tie son of a strange woman. through his coast: but Silon gathered all sDent. 2. 32. Hotb. foe 3 Then Jephthah fled Ofrom tis brethren, lis people together, and pitched io Jahas, theface. and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there and fought against Israel. 0 h. 9. 4. were gathered Ivain men to Jephthah, and 21 And the LORD God of Israel delivered latt. 22. 2. went out with him. Sihon and all his people into the hand of t oeb. afto 4~1Anditc.metopss tinprocessftime, Israel, and they ismote them: so Israel Lbst.21.24, d[ys. that the children of Ammon made war possessed all the land of the Amorites, the 2. against Israel. inhabitants of that country. t. 2. 33, 5 And it was so, that mhen the children of 22 And they possessed tall the coasts of Ammot made war against Israel, the elders the Arnorites, from Arnon even unto Jab. -tet2.330. of Gilead went to fetch Jephthah out of the bok, and from the wilderness even untot land ofTob: Jordan. 6 And they said unto Jephthah, Come, and 23 So now the LORD God of Israel hath be our captain, that me may fight with the dispossessed the Anorites from before his children of Ammon. people Israel, and shouldest thoupossessit? 7 And Jephthah said unto the elders of 24 Wilt not thou possess that which 184 The issue of hist rash vowo. JUDGES. The Ephrainoites are smzitten. B. C. dChemosh thy god givetll thee to possess? tyearly lito lament thle daughter of Jeph- B. C. about1143. So whomsoever ethe LORD our God shall thahl the Gileadite four days in a year. about 143. drive out from before us, them will we posd Num.21.29. sessi CHAPTER XII. t Heb. foo I Kinga 11.7. 25 And now art thou any thing better tlhan I mi, qtae l,,,it, lli hJlptthth, and to yea t 0. di........d b, sJ.~boy....,h, by th, Gtilead- 1 Or,,o Jer. 48. 7. aIfBalak tle son of Zipper, king of ltoab? irt- 7 Jei, th a h dietlb. 8 l z, O, toho ad tlohi,, tt |eDeut. 9.4,5. did lie ever strive against Israel, or did he sonl s and thirty dahtooer, 11 olod Elot, 13 ad o,,th, Otto. tt.,,,, toi~ht ogoitAt itoo, wthdot, o haodfooy sono atnd toi,dty nephetwo, Josh. 3. 10 ever fight against them,, Ld d tliy 1,a. 22.I,. 26 While Israel dwelt in OHeshbon and jDoedtatl SfJla. hert tons, and in hAroer and ler towns, A ND "th men of Ephraim tgathered See cll. 8.t1. o. and in all the cities that be along by the A-~ ttemselves togetler, and went nortlh- Hell. um, 21.25. coasts of Arnon, three hundred years?I why tard, and said unto Jephthal, WTherefore,ure catled. t Dut. 2. 3. therefore did ye not recover toheo within passedst tlou o er to fight against thle chilthat time? dren of Ammon, and didst not call us to go 27 Wherefore I have not sinned against with thee? ve will burn thineo house upon thee, but thou doest me wrong to war against thee with fire. iGe. 18. 25. 5. me: the LORD /the Judge hbe judge tlis -2 And Jeptthalo said unto them, I and my Gen.l. 16.. & day between the cllildren of Israel and the people welre at great strife witli the children 31. 53. children of Ammon. of Ammon; and when I called you, ye delSam.24.12, 28 Howtbeit the king of the children of livered me not ot of their hands. 15. Ammon hearkened not unto the words of 3 And when I saw that ye delivered m9e Jepllhtlah which toe sent lim. not, I bput my life in my hands, anld passed b I SAm. 19.5. I c.l.. 10, 29 ~ Then Ithe Spirit of the LORD came over against theo children of Ammonl, and & 28. 21 llUJohtlhah upon lJeplithah, and hepasedoverGilead, the LORD delivered them into my ohand: 14. co th and ieanasseh, and passed o er Mizpeh o wlerefore then are ye come up unto me this P. 11. 109. I.-lav een Gilead, and from Mizpell of Gilead lte pass- day, to fight against me? Joldgo rtly ed over n7tolt the children of Ammon. 4 Then Jephthlah gatoered together all thle eat INrld 30 And Jepithah "'vowed a vow unto the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim: |e Gen. 25. 20. LORD, and said, If thou slhalt without fail and tle mtn of Gilead smote Ephraim, bet.0 S Ia. 11 o deliver the chlildreo of Ammon into mia e cause they said, Te Gileadites Care fugi- eSee 1 Sam. hands, titve of Epllraim among the Ephlraimites, 25. 10. t Hlot. that 31 Then it shall be, that twhatsoever antd among the Manassites. Pt. 78. 9. Ihichcometh cometh forth of the doors of my llouse to 5 And the Gileadites took the d passages dJoch. 2. 11. $fooootieh asmeet me, when I return in peace from the of Jordan before tlie Ephraimites: and it c.. 3. 2. &d fo co e echildren of Ammon, "Lshall surely be tle was 8o, that when those Epllraimites ihihll 7.24. forthl. LORD'S, o IIand I will offer it up for a burnt were escaped said, Let me go over, thlat oSee Lev.27. offering. the men of' Gilead said unto him, At- thou 1 SOtt. 1. 11, 32 ~ So Jephthah passed over unto the an Epllraimite? If lie said, Nay; 28. & 2. 18.: hildren of Ammon to fight against them; 0 Then said tley unto him, Say now 11 Shib- IlVhieh sigOP,. to. 13. and the LORD delivered them into his bolettl: and tle said Sibboletli: for he could nifietl a See Lv. 27. hanids. not frame to pronounce itright. Then they S00t. or, 11, 12. 83 And he smote them from Aroer, even took him, alnd slew him at tle passages of.flood. Or, 1 I ill till thou come to 1'Minnith, eve7, t..enty Jordan: antd there fell at that time of the... 2.. ooTe,0 it. t cities, and unto II the plaio of the vineyards, Ephraimites forty and two thousand. ahoot 12. 1iEz. 27. 17. owith a very great slaughter. Thus tloe 7 And Jepltlah judged Islol si y ut137. i Or, AbeO. children of Ammon..ere subdued before Then diedJcphtlah thle Gileadite, and was tiHteestote o the clhildren of Israel. buried in one of the cities of Gilead. only t oil c10i. 10. 17. 34 ~ And Jepotlah cam t to t'Iizpeh unto 8 S And after him lt Ibzan of Beth-lehem Judge to do ver. 11. toil house, and, behold, this daugllter 0ame judged Israel..u.ti e i~ E,. 15. 20. oat to meet him with timbrels a.d ith 9Andhhadthirty thirty sonsnd tirtydaugh- tll et 1 Sa.l. 18.6. dances: and she taes his only childo;ltbe- ters, tvhom he sent abroad, and took in IS1. Ps. i8. 25. side ther lie thad neither son nor dauglter. thirty daughters front abroad for his sons. about 1130. Jer. 31. 4. 35 And it came to pass, when lie saw her, And he judged Israel seven years. iA civil 11Or, he tad that he Srent his clothes, and said, Alas, 10 Ten died Ibzan, and was buried at odge in,ot of ohe my daughter! thou hnst brought me very Beto-lehem. North east o7aLoot otoi- tlow, and thou art one of themo that trouble 11 qlAnd after him IlElon,a Zebulonite,judg- t.. ter. me: for I thave opened my mouth unto the ed Israel; and lie judged Israel ten years. about 1120. t eb. of LORD, and UI cannot go back. 12 And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was II A ciil titsdf. t 36 And she said unto him, My father, if buried ill Aijalon in the country of Zebulun. Judge,do. Ge. 37. 29, thou last opened thy mouth unto the LORD, 13 And afterlim tAbdon th on of tillel, t 2IortAbll 31. d ingo to e according to that which hatllpro- a Piatllonite, judged Israel.. He tao tEte. 5. 2. ceededoutofthymouth; forasmuchlasYthe 14Andllehad forty sons andthity tneph- t0b 00 aI ot. 30. 2. Lo t hattlotaken vengeance for thee ofthino ews, that erode on threescore and teo ass Ps. 15. 4, enemies, eve,o of tie children of Ammon. colts: and he judged Israel eight years. 5... Ecc. 5. 4, 5. 31 And she said unto hor father, Let this 1 And Ahdon te son of Hillel the Pira- 10.4. Nuom. 30 2. tllintg be done for me: let me alole two thonite died, ad as buried n Pirathon i t 1112. y2Sa.t18.19, months, that I may tgo up anddown upon the land of Ephraim, fin the mount of the fc. 3. 13, 27. 31. the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I Amalekhtes. h 5.t14. tHeb. toaod and my fellows. t.o ooa. 88 And toe said, Go. And he sent her CHAPTER XIII. s tway foo two monthso acnd she went with I adl is i tohe haeld of thte hilistisi.c. 2 A, about 1161. anlgel app~,ea,.ethr to Mano'ahs wuife. 8 Ths a,,gel t le. afe.dd her-companions, and bevailed her virginity,aptt )eath to fatLoaoh. 15 anoah's. acriltet toom upon the mountains. tl the discoe 24.Sansot i. 211. 3. 39-And it came to pass at the end of two oln. 7. & 4. f. &'.. months, that she returned unto her father, A D the ehildren of Israel t a did evil 1 10. 6. zYr. 1. 22, who tdid owitloh her aceording to his vow L again in the sight of the LORDa: II and 1 T1is seem. t 21. & 2 18. which he d vowed and she knew no man. the LRDad delivowered them into the hand of a t.ti Or, o,'di- And it was a custom in Israel. tloe Pllilistines forty years. Oaltoa. f.o a.toceo. 40 That the daughters of Israel went 2 And therewasn certainman of Zorah, IJleah. 19.41. 185: An angel aploeareth JUDGES. to Mfanoah's wife. B.C. of the family of tile Danites, whose name ed on it, and. fell on their faces to tile B.C. abouto1161. was Manoac; and his wite wonas barren, ground. about 1161. and hbare not. 21 But the angel of the LORD did no more,dch. 6.12. 3 And the dangel of the LORD appeared appear to Mauoah and to his wife. "Then qLev. 9.24. Luke 1. 11, unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold Alaioih knew that he was an angel of the ICh2iL. 16. 13. 28, 31. now, thou art barren, and beoarest not: LORD. O tt. 28. but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. 22 And 11anoah said unto his wife,'We Mto 17.6. 4 Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and shalt e ly die, ecse e te ee. 22. ever. 14. ~1 ~~~~~~~~surely die, because we hiave seenson,.0 e 1e. edrink not wine nor strong drink, and eat God. E. 32.0. lqun. 6. 2.3. |not any unclean thling: Ex. 33. 20.[ N-.U. 2,3. notanoy uclean thiog 23 But his wife said unto him, If the LORD De.. 20. Luke 1. 15. 5 For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a were pleased to kill us, he would not lhave rh.l.2t. fN um.. so5. n; and no frazor shall come on his head: received a burnt offering and a mneat offer-e eb. 1h. 32. 1 Sam. 1.11. for the child shall be Ya Nazarite unto God iog at our hands, neither would lie have itoo.3.19. Ng-um. 0. 2. from the womb: and tie shallh begin to de- shewed us all these thiogs, nor would as at Luke 1.80. & ase ta-.7. liver Israel out of the hand of the Philis- this time have told nuso oo. t.ings as those. 2. 52. 13. tines. 24 ~ And the woman bare a son, and called ch. 3. 10. 2 S-m. 8. 6 ~ Thenthe oman came andtold her hus. his name oSamson c and the child gree, cs.-o. 116. l or.o 18. hoband, saying, iA man of God camo unto and the LORD blessed him. Iatt. 4. l. ]iD.t. 323. [. ee, and his kEountensa.o ase. like the 25'And the Spirit of tile LORDe bega n to tHeb. MacaS.227.. ountenance of an angel of God, veey ter- move slin at times in t te camp of Dan I...... &19.0. ohto1s.,12 1Kia.17.21. rible: but I lasked him not whence he wcas, y bteen Zorah and Eshtol l. 12. k aot. 28 3 neither told he me his name: 0 Jo-h. 15.23. Loh4. 9.29: 7 Rat lie said onto ne, Behold, thou shalt CHAPTER XIV. o. 18. ILt Atc 6.. 15. conceive, and hbear a son; and now drink 1Samsot/ees/ethacsfeofihePlil//nes. 510 hi/sjourney I1ehki/llorholion. dooansecood joooo.Iver. 17, 18. no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any hey hefiodeot honey io hie carcass. 10Sa raon's unclean thing: for the child shall bhe a cesiaee feast. 12 Hidos iddle y,is oif is Nazarite to God from the womb to the day adeo k,ooo,. 19 Hespoitsoth thirty Phiistines. of his deathe. 10 Hidso/fe is coo 8 ~ Then Manoah entreated toe LORD, AND Saeson nent down'to Timnath, aboutl141. and said, 0 my Lord, let the nan o God.- andbsaeaewoman inGTimnathofthe ec'e.38.13. whielo thou didst send come again unto us, daughters of the Philistines. Josh. 15. 10. and teach us what we shall do unto the child 2 And lie came up, andtold his father and.b G 34.2. that shall be born. his mother, and said, I have seen a woman 9 And God hearkened to the voice of Ma- in Timnoatlh of the daughters of the Philisnoah; and the angel of God came againun- tines: now therefore'get her for me to e Gen. 01. 21. to the woman as she sat in tile field: but wife. & 3h. 4. MI[anoah oer husband was not with her. 3 Then his father and his mother said un10 And the woman made haste, and ran, to him, Is there never a woman among andslo..edher husband, and saidunto him, the daughtersof Otlhy brethree, or among dGe..24... Beheld, the man hath appeared unto ne, all oy people, that thou goest to take a wife that came nto moe the othes day. of the euncircumcised Philistines? And s een. 34. 14. 11 And AIanoah arose, and went after his Samson said unto his father, Get her for Eo. 34.16.! wife, and came to tle man, and said unto me; for tshe pleaseth me well. Deuo. 7. 3. him, Art thou the man that spakest unto 4oBut his father and his.other knew not.Heb. se i. the woman? And e sat, amcn. t ['?~]........ e son And te said, I at. that it was fof the LORD, that he sought,s/o. 12 And M/aniah said, Now let tty cords on occasion against the Philistines for at inx ai [fJos. 11 2... t Hl. Wset come to poss. /dowo shall we order the that time Uthe Philistines lad dominion f1JoKih.. 12.15. / te child, and i t how sholl wss do unto nim? over Israel. K2Kingso/.33. h, - O. f 13 And the angel of tios Lone said unto 5 I~Then entSamson.down, an d hisfa-.. hr.... 15.. t anoah, Of alt that I said unto the woman tier and his mother,to Timnath, and came & 22.7. & 0. Or, haU he 20. 10 h. stsat let her beware. to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, C RtHeo. shat 14 She may not eat of any thig that eom- a younglion roared t againsthin. eh. 13.1. shall be h/s eth of the vine, "Ineither lether drink ine 6 And th Spirit of the LORD amne Deu. 28. 48. ]ework ] or strongdrink, nor catany unelean thing/: mightily upon him, and he rent him as he tIHeb. ito n.e. 4. all that I commanded her let ler observe. would a s id, ndhodnothing.. hi.. mol aeIent a kid, and he hacl nothing{........ 15 a And Manoah saidunto tle angeleof the in his hand: but le told not his father or s o/.3. 10. & nGen. 18.5. LORD, I pray thee,'let us detain thee, his mother what lie ad done. 1. 25 1am. 11.06. oh. 6. 18. until we shall have made ready a kid tfor 7 And he went down, and talked with the' t eb. befose thee. woman; and she pleased Samson well. ss. 16 And the angel of the LORD seid unto 8 I And after a tim/ e returned to take Moanoao, Thouogh thou detain me, I will not her, and he turned aside to see the carcass eat of thy bread: and it thou wilt offer a of the lion: and, behold, the sewas a swarm burnt offering, thou must offer i unto sthe of bees and honey in the coarcass of the LORD. For 1inoah knew not that he was lion. an angel of the LORD. 9 And he took thereof in his hands, and 17 And Manoah said unto th. angel of the wen on eating, and came to his father and LORD, What is thy name, that when thy mother, and lie gave them, and they did sayings co ne to passwe may do thee loonour? eat: but he told not them that he had taken 18 And the angel of tile LORD said unto te honey out of toe carcass of the lion. oen. 32. 29. him, OWhy askest thou thus after myname, 10 ~[ So his ffather went down unto the n1 Or, seeing it is Isecret? noman: and Samson made there a feast; ondserfsl, O19 So MIanooah took a kid with a meat offer- for so used the youngmen to do. Is:9. 6. ing Pand offered it upon a rock unto the 11 And it came to pass, when they saw him, peh. 6. 19, 0. 0, LORD: and fte angel did wondrously; and that they brought thirty companions to be Manoah and his wife looked on. with him. 20 For it came to pass, whentheflame eent 12 ~ And Samson said onto the, I will /l in. 10.1. op toward lheaven from off tie altar, that now iput forth a riddle unto you: ifeye vann,. 10. 2. the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame certainly declare it me kwithin the seven Luke 14.7. of the altar, and lManoa and his wife look- days of the feast, and find it out, thoen I will I k Ge. 29. 27. 181 Samson's riddle made known. JUDGES. His feats of strength. B. C. give you thirty 1lsheets and thirty Ichange companion. bAndthePhilistinec omeup, B. C. about 1141. of garments: and burnt her and her father with fire. about 1140. 13 But if ye cannot declare it me, then 7 IV And Samson said unto them, Though 0 or, s"iUl. shall ye give me thirty sheets and thirty ye have done this, yet will I be avenged of ibcl. 14. 15. lGen. 45.22. change of garments. And they said unto you, and after that i will cease. 2 Kin. 5. 22. him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may hear 8 And he smote them hip and thigh with a it. great slaughter: and he went down and 14 And he said unto them, Out of the ater dwelt in th top of the rook Etam. came forth meat,and out of the strong came 9 d Then the Philistines went up, and forth swoeetess. And they could not in pitched in Judah, and spread themselves three days expound the riddle. Cin Lehi. wver. 19. 15 And it came to pass on the seventh 10 And the men of Judah said, Why are ye day, that they said unto Samson's wife, come up against us? And they answered, nch. 16. 5..'"Entice thy husband, that lie may declare To bind Samson are we come up, to do to o2ch. 15. G. unto us the riddle,'lest we burn thee and him as ohehath done to us. thy father's house with fire: have ye called 11 Then three thousand men of Judah tHebh. toposs- us to take that we have?is it not so t went to the top of the rock Etam, and said t eb. welt se o,t 16 And Samson's wife wept before him, to Samson, Knowest thou lot that the Phi- do iiueost.iseh and said, ~Thou dost but hate me, and lov- listines aoe drulers over us? what is this dch. 14. 4. 1. 15. est me not: thou Ilast put forth a riddle thlat thou hast done unto us 7 And he said unto the children of my people, and hast not unto them, As they did unto me, so have I told it me. And lie said unto her, Behold, done unto them. I have not told it my father nor my mther, 12 And they said unto him, We are come and shall I tell it thee? down to bind thee, that we may deliver 1 Or, the rest 17 And she wept before him lithe seven thee into the tland of the Philistines. And of the seven days, while their feast lasoed: and it came Samson said unto them, Swear untome, that dasos, is, to pass on the seventh day, that he told her, ye will not fall upon me yourselves. because she lay sore upon him: and she told 13 And they spake unto him, saying, No; the riddle to the children of her people. buh we will bind thee fast, and deliver thee 18 And the men of the city said unto him into their hand: but surely we will not kill on the seventh day before the sun went thee. And they bound him with two new down, What is sweeter than honey? and cords, and brought him up from the roek. what is stronger than a lion? And he said 14 ~ Anc when he came unto Lehi, the unto them, If ye had not ploughed with my Philistines shouted against him: and e the e ch. 3. 10. & heifer, ye had not found out my riddle. Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, 14. 6. pch. 3. 10. & 19 h, And the Spirit oC the LORD came and the cords that ovee-c upon his arms be- t Ieb. 13. 25. - upon him, and hle went dows to Ashikelon, came as flax that was burnt with fire, and ewe.e eclted. and slew thirty men of them, and took their his bands t loosed from off his hands. t Heb. moist. U Or, ape. 11 spoil, and gave change of garments unto 15 And lihe found a t new jawbon of an ass, fLe. 2(i. fi. themvllich expounded the riddle. Aud his and put forth his tand, and took it, and Josh. 23. 10. anger was kindled, and he went up to his fslecw a thousand men therewith. ch. 3. 21. father's house. 16 And Samson said, With the jawbone of t Hel,.aheap, ch. 15. 2. 20 But Samson's wife wo as siven to his an ass, t eaps upon heaps, with the jaw of two eas. 9Joh 3. 29. companion, whom lie had used as'his an ss lhave l slain athousand men. I That is, The friend. 17 And it came to pass, when he had ma de ift f CHlAPTER XV. an end of speaking, that he cast away the tor ele tle 1 Samson is denied hig tife. 3 He zsrnete the jawbone out of his haod, and called that lcy of thse Philistines' ccor sithfores acld.hibe1ande. 6 place 11 Ramath-lehi. Hid ifeatLtd her fathe. ate sebst by t/e PMli 18 I And he was sore athirst, and called on Ps. 3. 7. lsatines. 7 Samn sntetl h tAe- hip and thigh. 9 He is bound bt the met ofJttdal, a d deliv- the LORD, and said, g Thou hast given this Or, Leli. eed to tIe Philistines. 14 He killett them ith great deliverance into the hand of thy serv- cGe. 45. 27. a jnsectse. 18 teod soebkh eh]e foutlai,,.- ant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall ls. 40. 29. a/bksoufocr him i Lehi. into the h]and of the uncircumcised? Th t as. lte about114i0. D UT it came to pass within a while after, 19 But God clave a hollow place that was well of hits.L in the time of wheat harvest, that Sam- in II the jaw, and there cate ater thereout; that ealled, son visitedhis wife with a kid; andhe said, and when lie had drunk, Allis spirit camet or eried, I will go in to my wife into the chamber. again, and he revived: wheiefore le called Pe. 1m. I. But her fther ath ould not suffer him to go in. the name thereof 11 Enhakkore, which is in Seems to 2 And her father said, I verily thought that -Lehi unto this day. lSoutihdes och, 14. 20. thou hadst utterly'liated ter; therefore I 20 IIAnd he judged Israel in the days of the Isael durgave her to thy companion: is not her Philistines twenty years. icg twenty t Hel. let he, younger sister fairer than she? t take her, ye-s of Lb thin. I pray thee, instead of her. CHAPTER XVI. teir serirllo,N-shealt 3 ~ Asd Samson said concerning them 1 SatnsoatGazaoecapeth, aldctaoieth au.aye tude of tile I ie ltaoe- 1[ Not shall I be more blameless tban thane lec the city. 4 Deilat, otl by t Pilistiyet. less from thehilistines, etIet elSams ot. 6 Thr1-ice shi is ich. 13.1. [ i the Phitistines, though I do them a displeasure. deceived. 15 At 1ast she otercometl him. 01 thotgh, e:. 4 And Samson went and caught three hun- he Phitiistines sae hint, tand p tt ott hlis eye. Or, orch. dredfoxes, andtooklfirebrands, andturned'22Hi strength senewting, be tlltleth dow, the tail to-tail, and put a firebrand in the midst ose 11e0t tsle Philistinee, and dietal. between two tails. THEN went Samson to Gaza, and saw. about 1120. 5 And when he had set the brands on fire, 1 there t a harlot, and went in unto her. tHel,. a uolie let them go into the standing corn of the 2 A4nd it was told the Gazites, saying, tnaots a Oa Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, Samson is come hither. And they acom- lot. and also the standing corn, with the vine- passed 7hi in, and laid wait for him all 1 Sam.23.26. yards and olives. night in the gate of the city, and were t quiet P.118.10,11 60 Then the Philistines said, Who bath all the night, saying, It the morning, when 12. done this? And they answered, Samson, it is day, we shall kill him. At 9. 24 the son in law of the Timnite, because he 3 And Samson lay till midnight, and arose t lHbehi eet. had taken his wife, and given her to his at midnight, and took the doors of the gate 187 Delilah's falsehood to Samson JUDGES. His blindness, and death. B. C. of the city, and the two posts, and went caused him to shave off the seven locks of B. C. about 1120. away with them, I bar and all, and put thein his head; and she began to afflict him, and about 1120. upon his shoulders, and carried them up to his strength went from him. t llob.,th the top of a hill that it before Hlebron. 20 And she said, The Philistines be upon thelat. 4 ~ And it came to pass afterward, that he thee, Samson. And he awoke out of iis I Or, by the loved a woman Ilin the valley of Sorek, sleep, and said, I will go out as at other hook. whosetname twas Delilah. times before, and shake myself. And he 5 And thoe lolds of the Philistines came up wist not that the LORD wasn departed from o Nu-. 14. 1. blh. 14.15. unto her, and said unto her, bEntice him, him. 42, 43. 1SPr-.3. 2. and see wherein his great strengtll lietlh, and 21 I But the Philistines took him, and Tos.7 l712 1-19. h&. 3 by wlhat means we may prevail agaiust him, t put ouht is eyes, and brought him down to &'o5, 26. & 7. that we may bind him to i afflict him: and Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; 15,16. 21, 22,'23. we will give thee every one of us eleven hun- and he did grind in the prison house. 2 Chr. 15. 2. lOr, hatbe. dred pieces of silver. 22 Howbeit the hair of his head began to Heb. 6 ~ And Delilall said to Samson, Tell me, grow again II after lie was shaven. 6oed out. I pray theeo, wherein thy great strength 23 Then the lords of the Psilistines gathl ii Or, - ohen lieth, andwhrewiththou mightest bebound ered them together for to offer a great sac-. e A sa to anfieo thee. rifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: 7 And Samson said unto her, If they bind for they said, Our god hlath delivered SameOr, note with seven 10 tgreenwitls that werenever son our enemy into our hand. 1osds. dried, then shall I be weak, and be as t an- 24 And when the people saw him, they t Heb., oist. other man. hpraised their god: for they said, Our god Ihn D... 5. 4. t hlb. ore 8 Tllen the lords of the Philistines brought hath delivered into our hands our enemy, up to her seven green viths whilch had not and the destroyer of our country, tswhich tH l,. oat been dried, and she bound him with them. slew many of us.,ho -lt9 NowV thee oer-e Inen lying in wait, abid- 25 And it came to pass, when their hearts oliedt 0s1-o ing with herin the chamber. And she said were imerry, that they said, Call for Samunto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Sam- son, that he maymnake us sport. And they, l 9 27. son. And lie brake the withs, as a thread: called for Samson out of the prison house; t Heb. of tow is broken when it ttouoheth the fire. and lie made tthem sport: and they set t Ie,. selletah. So his strength was not known. him between the pillars. befoae thor. 10 And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, 20 And Samson said unto the lad that thou last mocked me, and told me lies: now held him by the hand, Suffer me that I may tell me, I play thee, wherewith thou might- feel the pillars whereupon the house standest be bound. etll, that may lean upon them. 11 And he said unto her, Ifthey bind me 27 Now- the house was full of men and tlib. h.- fast.o with new ropes tthat never a ere occu- women; and all the lords of the Philistines awsl,,Ok pied, then shall I be weak, and be as anoth- were there; and there were upon the sachalo-bee,ai toor man. /:roof about three thousand men and wo- [ IDeut. 22. 8. tlone. 12 Delilah therefore took new ropes, and men, that beheld while Samson made sport. bound him therewith, and said unto him, 28 And Samson called unto the LOPD, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. and said, 0Sams Lord GOD, emember me,I Jer.1.15. And there were liers in wait abiding in pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, the chamber. And lie brake them from off only this once, 0 God, that I may be at his arms like a thread. once avenged of the Philistines for my two 13 And Delilall said unto Samson, Hitherto eyes. thou blast mocked me, and told me lies: tell 29 And Samson took hold of the two midme wherewitlthou mightest be bound. And die pillars upon which the house stood, and he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven II on whicli it was borne up, of the one with Or, e leanlooks of my head with the web. his right hand, and of the other with his ed oL then. 14 And she fastened it with the pin, and left. ~ said unto him, The Philistines be upon 0 And Samson said, Le tIme die with the t H-b. thlee, Samson. And he ataked out of his Philistines. And lie bowed himself with all aoy -ooYl. sleep, and went away with the pin of the his might; and the house fell upon the beam, and witb the web. lords, and upon all the people that woere o ol. 14. 15 If And she said unto him, c How canst therein. So the dead which he slew at his thou say, I love thee, when thine heart is death were more than they which he slew in nobwith me? Thou hast mocked me these his life. three times, and hast not told me wherein 31. Then his brethren and all the house of thy great strength lieth. his father came down, and took him, and 16 And it came to pass, when she pressed brought hinm up, and M buried him between hll. 13. 25. him daily with her words, and urged him, so Zorali and Eshtaol in the buryingplace of t Heli. that his soul was tvexed unto death; Manoall his father. And he judged Israel about 1120. shtor-lead..17 That lie dtold her all his lieart, and twenty years. datic. 7.5. said unto lher, eThere hath not come.a CHAPTER XVII. eoNunl... razor upon mine lead; for I have been a 1 Ofemoney stole, the,resto eld, ch. 13. 5 Nazarite unto Godfroln my mother's womb: his nother maketh.images. 5 and he o.nanetts if. I be shaven, then my strength will go.for them. 7 He hiretth a Leite to be Alis priest. from me, and I shall become weak, and be A. ND there was aman of mount Ephraim, about 14060. like any other man.. whose name was Micah. 18 And when Delilah saw that lhe had told 2 And lihe said unto his mother, The eleven her all his heart, she sent and called for the hundred shekels of silver that were taken lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up from thee, about which thou cursedst, and this once, for he loath shoewed me all his spakest of also in mine ears, behold, the heart. Then the lords of the Philistines silveriswithme; I tookit. Andhismother came up unto her, and brought money in said, a Blessed be thou of the LoRD, my son Ge. 14e. 19. their lhand. 3 And when he had restored the eleven Ruth3. 10. f Pro. 7. 26, 19 fAnd she made him sleep upon her hundred shekecs of silver to his mother, his 27. knees; and she called for a man, and she mother said, I had wholly dedicated the 188 The Danites send men JUDGES. to seek an inheritance. B. C. silver unto the LORD from ny hand for my 6 And the priest said unto them, Go in B.C. about1406. son, to brinooke a graven image and a molten peace: before the LORD is your way where- about 1406. image: now therefore I will restore it unto in ye go. b Seo Ex. 20. thee. 7 VThen the five men departed, and canme lKings22.6. 4, 23. 4 Yet herestored the money unto his moth, to k Laish, and saw the people that woeroe kJosh. 19. 47, o_. 19. 4. er; andhismottoero tooktoo iundtre dholok- therein,Iow they dwelt careless, after the called,. 4l. m6. s elesof silver, and gave them to the founder, manner of the Zidonins, uiet and secure; LosbeIn. oho made thereof a grven image and and the was to no nmagistrante in the land, loen. 27, 28. molten image: and they were in the house that might put them to shame in any tn. ion nof Mioch. thing; and they tnre far from the Zidoni-.,, o 5 And the man'nioali had a house of gods, ans, and hadno business with ayo man. I of 2tnt.O. 07. and nmade andiphod, and tteraphio, nod 8 And they came unto their brethren to tO ot eon. 31. 19, toonsecrated one of his sons, who became 0Zorah and Eshtaol: and their brethren 2on. 30. his priest. said unto them, What say ye 0 BHos. 3.4. 6 fIn those days there was no king in 9 And they said, "Arise, that we may go uron-.13.30. tt Hb. filltd Israel, i but every man did that which was up against them: for we have seen thle land, Joh. 2. 23. thi haood, right in ais own eyes. nd, behold, it is very good: and are ye 24. On. *'.29. 7 ~ And tiere was a young man out of'still? he not slothful to go, aol to enter to o lKlings22.3. l in. 0.303. [hBeth-lehe. njudahi of the family of Judah, possess the land. f h. 18. 1.& who watos a Levite,.andhle sojourned there. 10 When y go, ye shall come unto a people DOnot 3O. S. 8 And the man departed out of lie city securo, andto nlarge land: for God hath prep., 27. eDot. 02.. from Beth-leohem-judah to sojourn whereooo given it into your hands; a,. plnace wlere q Dut.t..9. eu.d find a place: and tie came to ont there is no want of any thing that is in:the lStJ-Sh' 19'0 Ephraim to the house of ilioah, Oas he earth. oh. 10. 1. journeyed. 11 ~ And there went from tlence of the nRuth o. l, 2. 9 And Micah said unto him, Whence com- family of the Danites, out of Zorall and out ilci. 5.. est thoul And ht said unto him, I 0am a of Eshtaol, six hundred men taplpointed t Heb.girdel. |ito.t..,, Levite of Beth-lhemn-judah, and I go to so- nwith weapons of war. 6. journ where I may find a olace. 12 And they went up, and pitched in "Kit- oJ.Jo 1. 15.60. t Hlo. io 10 And tMicah said unto him, Dwell with jath-jearim, in:Judatl: wherefore they call-,~a -,,kghi., meo, tand be unto me a kfather and a priest, ed that place I Mahaneh-dan unto this day t i..5. o. and I will give thee ten shekels of silver by behold, it is behind Rirjath-joarim. o 8.19.4 ti year and 1 ntit f ppaoel and thy 13 And they passed thence unto mount lhe year, an ~sui of app l an, /en., 45;8. [ victuals. So the Levito went in. Ephraim, and came unto tthe house of t...2 | 29...... 11 And the Levite was content to dwell Micah. lro, nd-b-,ith the mano; and the yoong man was unto 14 "Thon oooered thoflvemen thotnwt tIo-.14.2. ie'b. - ol.' him as one of hi son. to spy out the country of Laish, and said det of gat- 12 And Micah iconsecrated the Levite; unto their brethren, Doye know that 0thore h. 17. 5. [00ent. nand the young man o "became his priest, is in these houses an ephod, and terapoim, ver.. and was in the holuse of Micanh. and a graven image, and a molten image? nm o. 18. 30. 13 Thensaid Micah, Now know I that the now therefore consider what ye lave to do. LORD will do me good, seeing I have a Le-.15 And they turned thitlherwardaondcame vite to oy priest. to the house ofthe young man the Levite, eve nto t hehouse of Micah, and salutted ttt,..t... CHAPTER XVIII.. him. h0mof, Il PI. oi ot nol,Cetotoo-tt oioto ianh-it- 16 And the Ysix hundred omen appointed in'o o.. tt.At thot,,tI, f.ot -olooaoi thoy co.-sith twith their weapons of war, whiclh oere of [[Jonathano, aod aro etoooaged i,, theilrwy. 7 tlhe children of Dan, stood by the entering ool |ktThy saroch aish, oad,'i,ogal~,oeoof oood oftho goto. hopt. IISio hAodred mo atree, t o uprie f t he gate. it. 14l,, th y thety -ob licoh of hisp riest 7 And tthe five men that went to spy tet. 24. toon it conseratedo nthiongs. 27 They,,io Laish, out tie land went up, and came intlhither, ||d call it Dooo. 30 Thety set?pidotlt'y, wher — and took athe graven image, and the ephod, a chl. 17.4. 5. i. Joo-loth-o ioohooi tho o p,oi,,th-ood. and tile teraplhim, and the -molten image: about 1406. TN athose days there wans no king in and the priest stood in the entering of tlhe ach. 17. 6. E& t Israel: and in those days bthe tribe of gate with the six hundred men that were 21. 25. the Danites sought them an inheritance to appointed with weapons of war. bJosh..19.47. dwell in; for unto that day all their in- 18 And these went into Micah's house, and heritance had not fallen unto them among fetched the carved image, the ephod, and the tribes of Israel. the teranphim, and the molten image. Then 2 And the children of Dan sent of their said the priest unto them, What do ye? t leb. son. family five men from:their coasts, tmen of 19 And they said unto him, Hold thy peace, cc 13. 2.. valour, from Zorah, and from Eshtaol, dto blay thine hand upon thy mouth, and go OJol 21. 5. to dtuoo 1310: tpy out the ibnd, and to search it; nd ith us, nd btot us a father and a prist: 2.). h&40.4.' Jotl,. 2. 1. they said unto them, Go, search th e' land: is it bhCter for thee to be a priest unto the 1. who owhen thoy camo to mount Ephraim, to house of one man, or that thou be a priestot eoh. 17.1.:the'housoe of Micah, they lodged there. unto a tribond a family in[Israel. 7. 3 When they were by the house of Micah, 20 And the priest's lheart was glad, and.he they knew theovoice of the young man the took tie ephod, and the teraphim, and tie: Leviteo: and they turned in thither, and graven image, and. went in the midst ofithe said unto him, Who brought thee hither? people. and what makest thou in this place o and 21 So theyturned:and departed,.and put.what hastothou here?:tihe little ones and tle ocattle and the car4 And lie said unto them, Thus and thus riago before them. fob. 17. 10. denleth iicah with nme, and hath.fhired 22 Aod when they were a good way from lKing.22.5. meo, and I amhis priest. the hlouse of Mioah, thle men thatnwere in I. 00. 1. 6 And they said unto;him, Aosk counsel,.the houses near to Micah's hlouse were gothRoHo. 4. 9. we pray thee, hof God, that we may know ered together, and overtook the children of hSeech. 17.6. whether our way which we go shall be pros- Dan. &ver. 14. porous.'23And they cried.untothe children ofDon. 189 Idolatry is set sp in Dan. JUDGES. A Levite cometh to Gibeah... And they turned their faces, and said unto father in law urged him: therefore he lodged I. C. about1403. iMiicah, What aileth thee, tthat thou comest there again. about 1406. with such a company? 8 And he arose early in the morning on Ituseb. 24 And lie said, Yo have taken away my the fifth day to depart: and the damsel's gthts osdt gods which I made and thoe priest, aond y father said, Comfort thine heart, I pray gstio too gons awy and what sta te I moreo thee. And they tarried tuntilsfternoon, t ITob.tillt t gathat~ aed t o-eam and what is this that ye say unto me, What and they did eat both of them. day declined. ailetth thee? 9 And when the man rose up to depart, he, 25 And the children of Dan said unto him, and his concubine, and his servant, his fsLet not thy voice be heard among us, lest ther in law, the damsel's father, said unto tOHtb. M;tte tangry follows run upon thee, andthoulose him, Behold, now the day Odraweth toward Iteb. of.tot., thy life, with tile lives of thy household. evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, is wea. 2 S-o. 17. t 20Andthe childrenofDan wenttheirway: t tho day groweth to an end, lodgehere, that fteb. it is and when Micah saw that they were too thine heart may be merry; and to morrow the pitchistg strong for him he turned and went backt gt you early on your way, that thou mayest of the unto his house. go Ohs o. 50. 21 And they took the things which Mlicah 10 But the man would not tarrythat night, tb. to My had made, and the priest which he had, and but lie rose up and departed, and came "'s doss. 7, 10. d tme unto Laish, unto a people'e over against d Jobh., hioh is Jerusslem; so.t ]euts.33.22. at quiet and secure: land they smote them and there were with him two sses saddled, it. sJoss. 10.47. witl the edgo of the sword, and burnt the his concubine also 3s with him. d Josh. 18.28. city with fire. 11 And when they were by Jobus, the day 28 And there was no deliverer, because it was far spent; and the servant said unto fo. 7. wsffar from Zido, and they haod no his master, Come, I pray thee, and lt us business with any man; and it was in the turn in into this city eof the Jebusites, and e.osh. 15., g Nu. 13.21. valley that licth Oby Beth-rehob. And they lodge in it. 0.!2Ssm. 10.6. built a city, and dowelt therein. 12And his master said unto him, We will h'. 1.. I. h J...s. 1. 47. 29 And hthey called the name of the city not turn aside hither into the city of a S.... i|Mm. tL. 14. iDan, after the name of Dan their father, stranger, that is not of the children of Ish. 23. 0. oho was born unto Israel: hobeit the rael; wewill pass over fto Gibeah. f st. 18.28. O Kings 12. 129 30. & 15. name of the city was Laislh at the first. 13 And lie said unto his servant, Come,. 30 ~ And the children of Dan set up the and let us draw near to one of these places h. ven itsge: and Jonatan, the son of to lodge all night, in Gibeah, or in Ra- Ig Josh. 18.25. is.- 4. 2. tershom, tile son of Manasseh, be andhis msh. / 1 s so..,sons were priests to tihe tribe of Dan k until 14 And they passed on and went theirway; Ps,78.60,61. the day of tlte captivity of the land. and the sun went down upon them owhen I Josh. 10.1. 11 And they set them up slicah's graven they twere by Gibeah, which beloogeth to oh. 19. 18. & image, which he made, Iall the time that Benjamin. 21, 12. the house of God was in Shiloh. 15 And they turned aside thither, to go in and to lodge in Gibeah: and when lie went CHAPTER XIX. in, he sat him down in a street of the city: O A Lwsite gossOts 4 Balttlt toRl fetoh Ae his for theot oas no tman that. tooktheminto hMIttt. 25.43. wtife. 16 As od mar et-ettaitetth hi? at G0ib- his house to lodging. t!b. 1. 2. s.h. 20 The Gibeathites abse Ahis concubite to 16 ~ And, behold, there came an old man death. 29tledividethhetlintott tve peces, to from ilis work out of the field at even, iPt. 104. 23. ototttt otstt. tlts/ttoihts. which towas also of mount Ephraim; and he aohout 1406. ND it otmo to pass in those days, sojourned in Gibeaih: but the men of the sch. 17. 0. f&. lwhen th'ere oas no king in Israel, place oweo' Boenjamites. 18.1.& 21.25. that there was a certain Lovite sojourning 17 And when he had lifted up his eyes, he on the side of mount Ephrsim, who took to saw a wayfaring man in the street of the tHeb. s o- him ta concubine out of bBeth-lehem-ju- city: and the old man said, Whither gsoost 000 dahf thou? and wlhence comest thou? ttd'oss, 00,5 2 And his concubine played the whore 18 And lihe said un:o him, We aro passing oi. againsthim, and went away from him unto from Beth-lehem-judah toward the side of her father's house to Beth-lehem-judah, and mount Ephraim; from thence a~r I: and I belt. 17.7. rftershue oBt Or was there fitfour whole months. went to Beth-lehem-judah, but I avv now 3 And her husband arose, and went after goins tokthe house of the LonD; and there kJosh. 18.1. ottt her, to speak friendly unto her, sand to is no man that t reeiveth me to house. h. 18.i31. &L t'eHO. ayos bring her again, having his servant with 19 Yet there is both straw and provender 20. 18. fou moths. him, and, couple of asses: and she for our asses; andthere is bread and wine sm..3,7. tt. o brought him into her father's house; and also for me, and for thy handmaid, and for tIeb..t 1e.. to hey ] gathero or-t, ] -tOo, owhen the father of the damsel saw him, hie the young man which iswith thy servants: ke15.. i3t. 3' srejoiced to meet him. to want of any thing. 4 And Ihis father in law, the daniel's fa- 20 And the old man said, /Peaco be with /Gen. 43. 23. tther, retained him; and he abode with him thee; howosover, tot alt thy wants lie upon i. U. 23. three days: so they did eat and drink, and me; "only lodge not in the street. Mman. 19. 2. lodged there. 21 tSo he brought him into his house, and [o Get. 24.32. 5 h And it came to pass on the fourth day, gave provender unto the asses: oand they & 43. 24. when they arose early in thle morning, that washed their feet, and did eat and drink. o en. 18. 4. he rose up to depart: and the damsel's fa- 22 Now as they wsere making tlheir hearts John 13.15. t Hftb. thor said unto his son in law, teComfort merry, behlold, Ithomen of the city, certain [ Gen. 19. 4. Str-5tk. Othinoe heart with a morsel of bread, and ssonsfBelial, besetthehouseroundabout, t1o. 20. 5. CGen. 18.5. afterward go your way. and beat at the door, and spake to the mss- 10s. 9. And they sat down, anti did ea and terofthe house,the old man, sayig,'Bring terofthc house,~~~~~ thelmn saig lrn/qe 13.13' drinkl both of ttem together: for the dam- fortilh the man that came into thine house, IreoO. 19.l5. sel's father had said unto the man, Be con- that we mty know him. G... 10.5. Ross 5. 05. tent, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and 23 And Sthe man, the master of the house, 127. let thine heart be merry. went out unto them, and said unto them,.1.7. sGen.19.6:7. 7 Andwhen the min rose up to depart, his Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not 190 Tlhe Levite declareth is wrong. JUDGES. The Israelites' lose forty thousand. B. C. 8s oickedly; seeing that this man is come 9 But now this shall be the thing which i. C0. about 1406. into mine house, t do not this folly. we will do to Gibeah; we will go sup by lot about 14006 24'BeIhold, here is my daughter a maiden, against it; t52Ss1.13.12. and his concubine; them I will bring out 10 And we will take ten men of a hundred Ge. 19. 8. now, and Xhumble ye them, and do with throughout all the tribes of Israel, and a G 3Gen.3. 2. them what seemeth good unto you: but hundred of. thousand, and a thousand out eut. l21.1. unto this man do not t so vile a thing. of ten tlousand, to fetch victuals for the peot Helb. 25 But the men would not hearken to him: ple, that they may do, when they come to ite.natte? of so the man took his concubine, and brought Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the li tftolly. her forth unto them; and they iknew her, folly that they have wrought in Israel. y Gen, 4, 1. and abused her all the night until the morn- 11 So all the men of Israel mere gathered ing: and when the day began to spring, against the city, t knit together as one man. t Heb. they let her go. 12 XI And the tribes of Israel sent men fellows. 26 Then came the woman in the dawning through all the tribe of Benjamin, saying, Deut. 13. 14. of the day, and fell down at the door of the What wickedness is this that is done among Josh. 22. 13, man's house where her lord was, till it was you? 16. light. 13 Now therefore deliver us the men, Ithe Deut.13.13. 27 And her lord rose up in the morning, children of Belial, which aretin Gibeah, that ch. 19. 22. and opened the doors of the house, and wenu twe may put them to death, and'put away neut. 17.12. out to go his way: and, behold, the woman evil from Israel. But the children of Ben]lis concubine was fallen down at the door jamin would not hearken to the voice of of the house, and her hands were upon the their brethren the children of Israel: threshold. 14 But the children of Benjamin gathered 28 And be said unto her, Up, and let us themselves together out of the cities unto zch. 20. 5. be going. But zone answered. Thllen the Gibeah, to go out to battle against the chilman took her up upon an ass, and the man dren of Israel. rose up, and gat him unto his place. 15 And the children ofBenjamin were num29 t And when he was come into his house, bered at that time out of the cities twenty he took a knife, and laid hold on his concu- and six thousand men that drew sword, bea h. 20. 6. bine, and I divided her, together tith her sides the inhabitants of Gibeah, bich elere See1 Sam. bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into numbered seven hundred chosen men. 11.. the coasts of Israel. 16 Among all this people there uee seven 30 And it was so, that all that saw it hundredchosen men lefthanded; everyone eos. 3. 15. said, Therewasno such deed done nor seen could sling stones at a hair breadth, and I Chr. 12. 2, from the d th day that the children of Israel not miss. camue up out of tie land of Egypt unto this 17 And the men of Israel, besides Benja6 h. 20. 7. day: consider of it bitako advice, and min, were numbered four hundred thousand Prov.t.. 1.' speakyo tionde men that drewtsword: all these werse men of war. CHAPTER XX. 18 % And the children of Israel arose, and Tt1 Te Lete i, e a g. ase tlt y dlecla-eth is i Pent up to the house of God, and qasked vr. 23, 26. ueony. 8 T!t detee of the asetmbly. 12 i'1e counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall Nlum. 27.21. Reejamitesi, beig ected, nRae eheal aeaist the go up first to the battle against the children oh i. 1. -saetlite. 18 Thle Is.aelites in tIl, battles loes of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah forty tho-tsalls. 26 i'ey Testol by a sttae shall go ip first. allteh Benjamite, tetceptit si hsdel. 19Andtthe children of Israel rose up in aDeut.13.11. rlHEN aall the children of Israel went the morning, and encamped againstGibeah. Josih. 22. 12. 1 out, and the congregation was gathered 20 And the men of Israel went out to battle t. t he t together as one man, from 6Dan even to against Benjamin; and the men of Israel I S- 11. 7. Beer-sheba, with the land of Gilead, unto put themselves in array to fight against Lb h.3it2. t18. e to in Mizpe. them at Gibeah. 2 Sam. 3. 10. 2 And the chief of' all the people, even of 21 And " the children of Benjamin cai me n. 49. 27 &. 2. allte tribes of Israel, presented themselves forth out of Gibealh, and destroyed down to Judg. 10. 17. in the assembly of the people of God, four the ground of the Israelites that day twenty & 11. 11. hundred thousand footmen dthat drew and two thousand men. l Sam.7.5 & sword. 22 And the people, the men of Israel, en10. 17. 3 (Now the children of Benjamin heard couraged themselves, and set their battle d h. 8. 10. Ithat the children of Israel ere gone up to again in array in the place where they put L Mizpeh.) Then said the childrenof Israel, themselves in array the first day. Tell us, how was this wickedness? 23 (And the children of Israel went up and avr. 26. 27, tt.Fie.tiheena e 4 And t the Levite, the husband of the wo- wept before the LORD until even, and asked tt Levite. tman tat was slain, answered ad said, eI counsel of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up e ch. 19. 15. came into Gibeah that belongeth to Benja- again to battle against the children of Benmin, I and my concubine, to lodge. jamin -my brother? And the LORD said, fchl. 19. 22. 5 fAnd the men of Gibeah rose against Go up against him.) me, and beset the house round about upon 24 And the children of Israel came near me by night, and though t to have slain me: against the children of Benjamin the second uch, 19.25,26. sand my concubine have they tforced, that day. t Hel, sle is dead. 25 And tBenjuami went forth aginst them tver. 21. Ilmbled. 6 And lhI took my concubine, and cut her out of Gibeah tte second day, and destroyed tch. 19. 29. in pieces, and sent her throughout all the down to the ground of the children of Israel country of the inheritance of Israel: for again eighteen thousand men; all these i Josh. 7.15. they ihave committed lewdness and folly in drew the sword. Israel. 26 i Then all the children of Israel, and 7 Behold, ye are all children of Israel; all the people, weent up, and came unto the uver. 18. kc. 19. 30. 30. give here your advice and counsel. house of God, and wept, and sat there be8 IT And all the people arose as one man, fore the LORD, and fasted that day until saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, even, and offered burnt offerings and peace neither will we any of us turn into his house. offerings before the LORD. 191 The Beijamites destroyed. JUDGES. Benjamtm's desolation bewailed..;. 27 And the children of Israel inquired of 45 And they turned and foed toward the B. C. about 1406. the LORD, (for Ithe ark of the covenant of wilderness unto the toek of fRioon: nd about 1406. God owas there in those days, they gleaned of them in the highllways five.Josh. 18. 1. 28 t/And Phinchas, the son of Eleazar, the thousand men; and pursued ard after fJosh. 15. 32. 1Sam. 4. 3,4. son ofAaron, Zstoodbefore it in those days,) them unto Gidom, and slew two thousand yJosh..24.33. saying, Slhall I yet again go out to bottle men of the;n. zDeut. 10. 8. against the children of Benjamin my broth- 46 So that all which fell that day of Ben& 18. 5. er, or shall I cease? And the LORD said, jamin were twenty and five thousand men Go up; for to morrow I will deliver them that drew the sword; all these were men into thine hand. of Yalour. a So Josh.8.4. 29 And Israel a set liers in wait round about 47' But six hundred men turned and fled to ch. 21.13. Gibeah. the wilderness unto the rock Itimmon, and 30 And the children of Israel went up abode in the rock Rimmon four onthls. against the children of Benjamin on the 48 And the men of Israel turned again upon third day, and put themselves in array the children of Benjamin, and smote them against Gibeah, as at other times. with thile edge of the sword, as well the men t Heb. as t1 Andthle children of Benjamiowenttout of every city, as the beast, and all that fo.tcl. against the people, and were drawn away t came to hand: also they set on fire allthe th. ne teb. tom-ite from the city; and they began t to smite of cities that tthey came to. /otd. of the olteoiti the people, andt kill, as at other times, in oounaded s tht highways, of which one goeth op to II the CHAPTER XXI. at, 5c. house of God, and the other to Gibeah in 1le,Tol5le ea2 i tIhe desolatio, o.f B enjamin. Or, Betl-et. the field, about thirty men of Israel. 8 ] y the destructios of Jnbeah-gilead they I' 32 And the children of Benjamin said, They vid, them fr hludlred vives. 16 They advise are smitten down before us, as at the first. hem to ot..prite ttc oirgi mlat danced t But the children of Israel said, Let us flee, Shiloh. and draw them from the city unto the high-'TOW athe men: of Israel had sworn in ac. 20. 1. nays. Vi.L zpeh, saying, There shall not any 33 And all the men of Israelrose up out of of us give his daughter unto Benjamin to their place, and put themselves in array at wife. Baal-tamar: and thle Hiers in wait of Israel 2 And the people came b to the house of bch.20.18,26. came forth out of their places, even out of God, and abode there till even before God, the meadows of Gibeah. and lifted up their voices, and wept sore; 34 Andthere came against Gibealtenthou- 3 And said, 0 LORD God of Israel, why sand chosen men out of all Israel, and the is this come to pass in Israel, that there b Josh. 8. 14. battle was sore: b but they knew not that should be to day one tribe lacking in Israel? Is. 47. 11. evil twas near them. 4 And it came to pass on the morrow, that 35 And the LORD smote Benjamin before the people rose early, and cbuilt there an c2tam.-o.21.5 Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed altar, and offered burnt offerings and peace of the Benjamites that day twenty and five offerings. thousandand a hundred men: all these 5 And tle children of Israel said, Who drew the sword. is there among all the tribes of Israel that 36 So the children of Benjamin saw that came notup Bith the congregation unto the cJo3h. 8.15. they were smitten: cfor the men.of Israel LORD? dFor they had made a great oath dch. 5. 23. gave place to the Benjamites, because they concerning him that came not up to the trusted unto the liers in wait which they had LORD to Mizpeh, saying, He shall surely set beside Gibeah. be put to death. EJosh. 8. 1. 37 dAnd the liers in wait hasted, and 6 And the children of Israel repented rushed upon Gibeah; and the liers in wait them for Benjamin their brother, and said,!I Or, nale a 11 drew:themselves along, and smote all the Tlere is one tribe cut off from Israel this lo- soatnol city with the edge of the sword. day. with the.-do for wives for them that itlo hth 138 Now there was an appointed sign e- Ho shallwedo for wives fo them that Josh. 6.05. tween the men of Israel t and the liers in remain, seeing we have sworn by the LORD, w, I i. wait, thatlthey should mako a great t flame that we will not give them of our daughters Hsb.tcith. with smoke rise up out of the city. to wives? t EHb. m h39 And when the men of Israel retired in 8 ~ And they said, What one is there of stootioe. the battle, Benjamin began t to smite and the tribes of Israel that came not up to MizHebhOtso.t, kill of the men of Israel about thirty per- pell to the LORD? And, behold, there came tLheuounde. sons: for they said, Surely they are smitten none tothca mp;fromeJabesh-gileadtothe slSam. l. 1 down before us, as in the first battle. assembly. h 31. 11. 40 But when the flame began to arise up 9:-For the people were numbered, and, beout of the city with a pillar of smoke, the hold, there sere nono of the inhabitants of eJosh. 8. 20. Benjamites elooked behiind them, and, be- Jabeshll-gilead there. t Heb. tIe hold, tthe flame of the city ascended oup to 10 And the congregation sent thither,wo,,n co,,- heaven. twelve thousand men of the valiantest, and -aO tion. 41 And when the men of Israel turned commanded them, saying, fGo and smite fo.5.&oh. again, the men of Benjamin were amazed: the inhabitants of Jahsh-gilead with the 0. a. t eb. for they saw that evil t was come upon them. edge of the sword, with the women and the 1San. 11. 7. toLcOhedthes. 42 Therefore they turned their backs be- children. fore the men of Israel unto the way of the 11 And this is the thing that ye shall do, wilderness; but the battle overtook them; gYe shall utterly destroy every male, and goNum.31.17. and them which came out of:the cities they every woman that tllath lain by man. tIeb. ko,,,,destroyed in the midst of them. 12 And they found among the inhabitants h th e lying 43 Thus they inclosed the Benjamites of Jabesh-gilead four hundred tyoung vir- wncth a'cc round about, and chased them, and trode gins, that had known:no man by lying with OeHb. yoscmg Or,fromWOe- them don Il with ease t over against Gibeah any male: and they brought themn them unto the Luc.hah, c. to ard the sunrising. camp to hShiloh, which is in the land of gls. HtHel. onto 44 And there fell of Benjamin eighteen Canaan. hJo. 1. over atInist.thousand men; all these weoe men ofvalour. 13 And the whole congregation sent some IThe Benjamites carry RUTH. off the virgins of Shiloh. B. C. t to speak to the children of Benjamin ithat 20 Therefore they commanded the children B. C. about 1406. were in the rock Rimmon, and to i call of Benjalnin, saying, Go and lie in wait in about 140G. peceably unto them. the'incyards; t Heb. ato 14And Benjamin came again at that time; 21 And see, and, behold, if the daughters spak, ood and theyge them wives woich they had of Shiloh come out "'to dance in dances, [ osee Eo. 15. called. saved alive of the women of Jabesh-gilead: then come ye outof the vineyards, and catch 20. i ch. 20. 47. and yet so they sufficed them not. you every man his wife of the daughters ch 11. 31. 11iOr, prolaio 15 And the people krepented them for of Shiloh, and go to theland of Benjamino. 1 amo. 186. 20. 0. Benjamin because that the LORD had made 22 And it shall be, when their fathers or e. 31.13. Dto. 20. 10. a breach in the tribes of Israel. their brethren come unto us to complain, over. 6, 16 ~ Then tile elders of the congregation that we will say unto them, II Be favourable JeOr. Gratify said, How shall we do for wives for them unto them for our sakes: because we re- sin t that remain, seeing the women are de- served not to each man his wife in the war: stroyed out of Benjamin? for ye did not give unto them at this time, 17 And they said, Theroe Must be an in- that ye should be guilty. heritance for them that be escaped of Ben- 23 And the children of Benjamin did so, jamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of and took tlheta wives, according to their Israel. number, of them that danced, oWhom they 18 Howhbeit e may not give them wives caught: and they went and returned unto I vet. 1. of our daughters: tfor the children of Is- their inheritance, and "repaired the cities, nSeech.20.48. lh. 1i. 35. rael have sworn, saying, Cursed be he that and dwvelt in them. giveth a wvife to Benjamin. 24 And the children of Israel departed t feb. froo 19 Then they said, Behold, there is ofeast thence at that tribe year to feeo. of the LORD ill Shiloll tyearly, in a place and to his family, and they went out from 11 Or, tootuard which is on the north side of Beth-el, I on thence every man to his inheritanc.. 17. 6. & e -nri- the east side 11 of the highway that goethup 25 ~In those days there was no kin in 18.1. &19. 1. i0g. from Beth-el to Shehem, and on the south Israel: I'every man did that wic De ut. 12. 8. II Or, on. of Lebonah. right in his own eyes. oh. 17.. THE BOOK OF RUTH. B. C. CHAPTER I. 10 And they said unto her, Surely we will B. C. about1322. 1 Elielech dIve-s by fa ile, iento oao, dieth return with thee unto thy people. about 1312. the,e. 4 Maolo,, a,d Chitio,,, having ma ried 11 And Naomi said, Turn again, mydaughtivesof~uab, odea~lsol. t.tBttaomitzst,-etItiome- ters: wlvy will ye go with me? are there wall, 8diasuadeth a-. tlodatylhteositn laiCefw om going wit/h he. 14 Oldiaoh leavet heo, but th yet any wore sons ill my womb, "I that they t Gen. 8. 311. witt goeat colst acy acomltatieth he,. 19 Tey may be your husbands? Dcut. 5.. to come o tBeth-lehem, these thiy ae gladly 12 Turn again, my daughters, go your w Or,if le received... way; for I am too old to have a husband. tirlh th-. aJuldg. 2. 16. NO OWiteametopassinthedayswllenathe If I should say, I have hope, Iif I should batd. tHacb.jw(lyed.' judges t ruled, thattherewat Obafamine ohave a husband also to night, and should t Heb. hoe. bSce Go. 12. in the land. And a certain man of CBeth- also bear sons; tHe. I h 10. & 26. i. lehem-judah went to sojourn in the country 13 Would ye tarry for them till they were Ecf h lt have 2 Kings 8. 1. of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons. grown? would ye stay for them from hav- less. c Judg. 17. 8. 2 And the name of the man 2(s Elinrelech, ing husbands? nay, my daughters; for t it Judg. 2. 15. and the name of his wife Naomi, and the grieveth me much for your sakes that "the Job 19.21. name of his two sons Mahlon atnd Chilion, hand of the LORD is gone out against me. Ps. 32. 4. & dSeeGen. 35. dEphrathitcs of Both-lellem-judali. And 14 And they lifted up their voice, and we pt 38. 2. & 39. 19. they came einto the country of Mloab, and again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; 910. e JudE. 3. 30. t continued tOlere, but Ruth o clave unto her. oProv. 17.17. t web. tweot. 3 And Elimelech Naomi s husband died; 10 And she said, Behold, thysister in law 18. 24. and she was left, and her two sons. is gone back unto her people, and unto 1 her JUdg. 11.24. 4 And theygtook them wives of the women gods: return thou after thy sister in law. q Se Joslh.24. of Moab; the name of the one wzas Orpahl, 16 And Ruth said, I11 Entreat me not to 15, 19. and the name of the other Ruth: and they leave thee, or- to return from following after Luke 24. 2. dwelt there about ten years. thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and L e.2 5 And Mahlon and Chilion died also both where thou lodgest, I will lodge:'thy po- er,Bot of them; and the woman was left of her two ple shaIl be my people, and thy God my 2-2IigsO2.2, sons and her husband. God: 4,. about 1312. i Then she arose with her daughters in 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there,e 2 1112. law, that she might return from the coun- vill I be buried! tthe LORD do so to me, -t S.17. try of Moab: for she had heard in the coun- and more also, if aught but death part thee & 25. 22. f i E.1.4.31. try of oab loow that the LORD had fvisited and me. 2 Sm. 1.13. La 10. 68. his people in g giving them bread. 18 uWhen she saw that she t was stead- 2 King3G.31. gPs. 132. 15. 7 Wherefore she went forth out of the fastly minded to go witlh her, then she left IA ts21. 14. Ratts 6. 11. place where she was, and her two daughters speaking unto her. tHel,. in law with her; and they went on the way 19 ~ So they two went until they came to stse-gthen-e d to return unto the land of Judah. Beth-lelhem. And it came to pass, when hersslf. 8 And Naomi said unto her two daughters they were come to Beth-lehem, that a all the 31att. 21.10. hSeeJo3h.24. in law, hGo, return eaoh to her mother's cityo as moved about them, and they said, y sols. 23.7. 15. house: ithe LORD deal kindly with you, as Yls this Naomi? Lm. 2. 15. i 2Tim. 1. 16, ye have dealt with kthe dead, and with me. 20 And she said unto them, Call me not 11 Tlt is, 17, 18. 9 The LORD grant you that ye may find liNaomi, call me IIMara: for the Almighty Pleasatwt. ver. 5 Irest, each of 0yo6 in the house of of her hus- hath dealt very bitterly with me. 11 That is Ch. 2. 20. band. Then she kissed them; and they 21 I wvent out full, land the LORD hath Bitter. t Ic. 3. 1. lifted up their voice, and wept. brought me home again empty: why thew eJob 1. 21. 13 193 Rutht gleaneth in the fields o.f Boaz. RUTH. Boaz sheweth her great fnalour. B. C. call yo me Naomi, seeing the LORD hath her parched corn, and she did eat, and B. C. about 1312. testified against me, and the Almighty hath "Was sufficed, and left. about 1312. afflicted met 15 And when she was risen up to glean, 22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Boaz commanded his young men, saying, s ayer18 Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and which returned out of the country of iIoab: i reproach her not t ieb. hame aEh. i. 32. and they came to Beth-lehem ain the be- 10 And let fall also some of the handfulse ot. 2 Sam. 21.. ginningof barley harvest. of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not. CHAPTER II. 17 Soshe gleaned in the field until even, 1 Rleth gleanetl in fhe fields of Boaz. 4 eoaz and beat out that she had gleaned: and it taking knowledge of her, 8 sheteth Aer great was about an ephah of barley. feeee. 18 That which she got, she eat ieth to 18 ~ And she took it up, and went into the aomi. city; and her mother in law saw what she a ch. 3. 2, 12. A ND Naomi had a kinsmartn of her lus- had gleaned: and she brought forth, and L. band's, a mighty man of wealth, of the gave to her Ithat she had reserved after she,e ver. 14. family of Elimelech; and his name was was sufficed. b oh. 41.4. 21 1 Boaz. 19 And her mother in law said unto her, IICallecd Boo, 2 And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Where hast thou gleaned to day? and Dlatt. 1.5. Naomi, Let me now go to the feld, and where wroughtest thou? blessed be he that tLe vth9.9. Cglean ears of corn after hi7 in whose sight did ~take knowledge of thee. And she o ver. 10. Dett. 24.19. I shall find grace. And she said unto her, shewed her mother in law with whom she Ps 41l 1. Go, my daughter. had wrought, and said, The man's name 3 And she went, and came, and gleaned with whom I wrought to day is Boaz. t eb. hap in the field after the reapers: and her t hap 20 And Naomi said unto her daughter in halene.d. was to light on a part of the field belonging law, PB lesed be he of the LORD, who 1ch. 3. 10. unto Boaz, who wuas of the kindred of Elim- thath not left of his k indness to the living 2Samn2. 35 elech. and to the dead. And Naomi said unto Jho29. 13. 4 ~ And, bellold, Boaz came from Beth- her, The man is near of kin unto us, llone a POV. 17.17. dPs. 129.7,. lehem, and said unto the reapers, dThe of ournextkinsmen. rch. 3. 9. & Luke.a8. LORDbewithyou. Andtheyansweredhim, 21 AndRuththclleoabitess said, Hes id h. 2Thtes,3.16. The LORD bless thee. unto me also, Thou shalt keep fast by my 11 Or. o-e rhe t 5 Then said Boat unto his servant that young men, until they have ended all my he-lh- Ce was set over the reapers, Whose damsel is harvest. Lee. 25. 25. this 1 22 And Naomi said unto Ruth her daugh6 And the servant thac was set over the tcr in law, It is good, my daughter, that reapers answered and said, It is the Mloab- thou go out with his maidens, that they e ch. 1. 22. itish damsel ethat came back witic Naomi 11meet thee not in any other field. e 11 Or, fall out of the country of Moab: 23 So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz "po,i thee. 7 And she said, I pray you, let me glean to glean unto the end of barley harvest and and gather after the reapers among the of wheat harvest; and dwelt with her mothsheaves: so she came, and hath continued er in law. even from the morning until now, that she CHAPTER III. tarried a little in tile house. I BeI Taonli's ilcsteliec,, 5 Irth lieth at coae' 8 Then said Boaz unto Ruth, IIeast thou feet. 8 toaz ackolwletdgth e ri gh oelf a kbenot, my daughter? GO not to glean in an- mac,. 14 ie setdeth heaweay eewith six mestrt other field, neither go from hence, but abide of iraley. here fast b y my maidens: rHEN Naomi her mother in law said unto 9 Let thine eyes be on the field that they T her, IMy daughter,'shall I not seek al 1 r. 7. 36. doreap,and go thou after them: hav Inot brest for thee, that it may be well with 1 Tim. 5. 8. charged the young men that they shall not thee? b ct. 1. 0. touch thee? and when thou art athirst, go 2 And now is not Boaz of our kindred, unto the vessels, and drink of that which ecith ehoso maidens thou wast? Behold, rell. 2.8. the young men have drawn. he winnoweth barley to night in the threshflSaem.25.23. 10 Then she f fell on her face, and bowed ingfloor. herself to the ground, and said unto a im, 3 Oash thyself therefore, dand anoint d 12SSm.14.2. Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and thou shoaldest take knowledge of me, see- get thee down to the floor: but make not ing I an a stranger? thyself known unto the man, until he shall 11 And B3oa answered and said unto her, have done eating and drinking. ch. 1. 14, 1, It hath fully been showed me, gall that thou 4 And it shall be, lwhen he lieth down, that 17. hast done unto thy mother in law since the thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, death of thine husband; ad how thou hast and thou shalt go in, and I uncover his feet, 11o, lft ep left thy father and thy mother, and the and ly thee down and he will tell thee the othe land of thy nativity, and art come udo a wha thou shalt do. thate clt on people which thou knevest not heretofore. 5 And she said unto her, All that thou sayhl Sm.24.19. 12 h The LORD recompense thy work, and est unto me I will do. i ch.. 16. a full reward be given thee of the LORD 6 ~ And she went down unto the floor, P. 17. 8' God of Israel, iunder whose wings thou art and did according to all that her mother 3i. 7. & he. come to-trust. in law bade her. tr. 1 3l.d.13i Then she said, 11 liLet me find favour in 7 And en Boaz ad eaten and drunk feOr, e.ind tty sight, my lord; for that thou hlast com- and ehis heart was merry, he went to lie eJudg. 19. 6, iafota.e orted me, and for that thou hast spoken down at the end of the heap of corn: and 9, 22. MM.n. 33.15. C IS.m. 1.18. tfriendly unto thine handmaid, /though I she carrw softly, and uncovered his feet, 2 S-h. 13.2. be not like unto one of thine hlandmaidens. and laid her down. Etll. 1.10. htel, 14 And Boaz said unto her, At metltime 8 And it came to pass at midnight, that Gc. 34.3. come thou hither, and eat of thie bread, the man aVtS afraid, and 1Turned himself: i or, Judg. 19. 3. and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. And and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. took hold r. ll1 Sam.2.41. she sat beside the reapers: ande reached 9 And he said, Who art thou? And she 194 The nearest of kin declining it, RUTIH. Boaz taketh RIuto to wife. B. C. answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: 5 Then said Boaz, What day thou buyest It. C. aboutl1312. fspread therefore thy skirt over thino thlle field of the hand of Naomi, thou must about1312. handmaid; for thou art If 0a near kinsman. buyit also of Ruth the Moabitess, the wife f Ez. 16. 8. 10 And he said, hBlessed be thou of the of the dead, f to raise up the name of the fcn. 38. 8.!I Or, one that LOID, my daughter: for thou bast shewed dead upon his inheritance. Dot.2.5.O,6. ha!h right to more kindness in the latter end than 1at 60' And the kinsman said, I cannot re- h. 3. 13. redeem. the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst deem it for myself, lst I mar mine own MatO. 22. 24. gch. 2. 20. & not young men, whether poor or rich. inheritance: redeem thou my right to thy- g Ch. 3.2,l. ver. 12. 11 And now, my daughter, fear not; I will self; for I cannot redeem it. A oh. 2. 20. do to thee all that thou requirest: for all 7 Now ti thi s uas the nanner in former hDeut.25.7,9. i ch. 1.08. the t city of my people doth know that thou time in Israel concerning redeeming and Hcb. gate. art k a virtuous woman. concerning changing, for to confirm all kPro,. 12. 4. 12 And now it is true that I awa thy /near things; a man plucked off his shoe, and I er, 9. kinsman: howbeit'there is a kinsman gave it to his neighbour: and this was a sach. 4. 1. nearer than I. testimony il Israel. 13 Tarry this night, and it shall be in the 8 Therefolre the kinsman said unto Boaz, so Deut. 25. 5. morning, thatif he will "perform unto thee Buy it for tiee. So he drew off his shoe. co. 4. 5. the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the 9 qAndBoazsaiduntoth elders, andsunto 7ttt. 22.21. kinsman's part: buh if he will not do the all the people, Ye are witnesses this day, part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do that I have boughtallthat asus Elimelecoh's, oJudg. 8. 19. the part of a kinsman to thee, O~c8 the LORD and all that was Chilion's and Mahlon's, of Jer. 4. 2. liveth: lie down until the morning. the hand of Naomi. 14 V And she lay at his feet until the morn- 10 Moreover Ruth the Moabitess, the wife ing: and she rose up before one could of Mathlon, have I purchased to be my wife, 1 utom. 12.17. knowanother. And he said, i'Letit not be to raise up the name of the dead upon his h& 14-. 16. known that a woman came into the floor. inheritance, itlhat the name of the dead be iDeut. 25. 6. 1 Cr. 10. 32. 15 Also lie said, Bring the 11 vail tht thou not cut off from among his brethren, and I The. 2. h.ast upon thee, and hold it. And wllen from the gate of his place: ye are witnesses I Oes,.ht.. she held it he measured six 7neasuIres of this day. 1 O, s hbarley, and laid it on 1er: and she went 11 And all the people that were in the gate, k s 127. 3. & P into the city. and the elders, said, We are witnesses. 16 And when she came to her mother in kThe LORD make the woman that is come BDcut. 25.9. elaw she said, Who art thou, my daughter? into thine house lilke Rachel and like Leah, 1Or, egt'thee And she told her all that the man had done whicll two did Ibuild the house of Israel: * ises, or, to her. and Iado thou worthily in IlEpbratah, and powe,. sn Gert. 35.16, 17 And she said, These six teasur es of t be famous in Beth-lehem: 19. barley gave he me; for he said to me, Go 12 And let thy house be like the house o ft Hh. go not empty unto thy mother in law. Pharez, lwhom Tamar bare unto Judah, of deon thy qP. 37. 3, 5. 18 Then said she, qSit still, my daughter, Ithe seed wiolh the LORD shall give thee of 0l0. until thou know how the matter will fall: this young voman. nGen. 38. 29. for the man will not be in rest, until he have 13 ~ So Boaz 1 took Ruth, and she was his 1 Chr. 2. 4. finished the thing this day. wife: and when h wennt to nter, qthe Matt. 1. 3. CIHAPTER IV. LORD gave her conception, and she bare a ol S.un.220. B.oaz clloth ie!o jsdgmssent thse,ext kinsman,s, l 3. 11. O 6e rusfrsert thle rsedle, ltios7 acco,';isg to the 14 And lthe women said unto Naomi, q en. 29. 31. [sna s-e a i s IsraelI. 9.os- b0uyel the inl erit- Blessed be the LORD, whilch hath not left & 33. 5. assce. 11 Ie Itn,lieth dsth. 13 She beaeth thee this day without a,1kinsman, that his -lukeo 1. 08. Obeld the g,.ansdfate of Uavid. 18 The ysesea- name may be famous il Israel. Ito 1. 125. iots of Phale. 15 And lie shall be unto thee o restorer of a t Hell. ca.sed H lEN went Boaz up to the gate, and sat thy life, and t a nourisher of thine old age: to se to hats. 3. 12. 1. him down there: and, behold, athe for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, thee,. kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; wbhich is'better to thee than seven sons, O10 unto whom he said, Ho, such a one! turn hath borne him.?deeme aside, sit down here. And he turned aside, 6And Naomi took the child, andlaiditin tHeb. and sat down. her bosom, and became nurse unto it.: - t.o sOsishs 1 Kin. 21. 8. {2 And he took ten men of bthe elders of 17 tAnd the women her neighbo 4rs gave:t p 55. 221. rrov. 31. 23. the city, and said, Sit ye down here. And a name, saying, There is a son born to. 5.h they sat down. Naomi; and they called his name Obed:.y 3 And he said unto the kinsman, Naomi, he is the father of Jesse, the father of sl Sam. 1.8. that is come again out of tile country of David.... Mloab, selleth a parcel of land, hichli was 18 ~ Now these are the generations of n 5s kh 1. 58, our brother E limelech's: Pharez: UPlarez begat Hezron, tHeb. Isoid 4 And tI thought to advertise thee, say- 19 And Hezrou begat Ram, and Ram be- vChr. 2. 4, I,il reveal ing, CBuy it slbeforo the inilabitants, and gat Amminladab, Mtt. 1. 3. inhinteea,. [before thle elders of my people. If thou wilt.20 And Amminadab begat XNahshon, and fi-. 7. [eJer. 32, 7, 8. redeem i', redeem it: but if thou wilt not Nahshon begat 11 Soalmo n, dG cn. 23.18. redeem it, then tell me, that I may know: 21 And Salmon begat Boaz, and Boaz be- lO Or, Satmnh. eLe.25. 25. efor there is none to redeem it besides thee; t ObedIt. 1. 4. and I ant after thee. And he said, I will 22 And Obed begat Jesse, and Jess begat 1 Chr. 2.15. redeem it. zDavid.N. 1, 95, 195 THE FIRST BOOK OF SAMUEL, OTHEIRVISE CALLED, THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS. B. 0. CHIIAPTER I. 17 Then Eli answered and said,'Go in B.C. about 1171. [1 Flkahb Levte, havbg wo oives, borshlppeto peace: and tlle God of Israel grant thee about 1171. c,-lly at Shiloh. 4 ple eroishetA lannah, thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 0,, boh.-cc,-, e-od by1ocoocl b -olcebo'. 9 18 And she said, "Let thine handmaid find,odg. 18.. nl, -oh io glioofe er —fh Pfoe-.-iild. 12 li. filest rebuikng hrop, oftoerwalcosb besetl heor. 19 grace in thy sight. So the -woman 7 4nt 4. Xtrnhhv~ on baul,...y.~ athom Luke. 15O.a boo.oh Oceb-oc boee, S,, oeb, teoo-oh ct bo-e her way, and did eat, and her countenance LIke. 50. till he bOs -oeaed. 2-1 She p,-esenth him, a- was o more sad.,. aolng to her vo t, to the -_o nv. 20. 4, 5.. 19 ~ And they rose up in the morning e3.t. Gt.33.15. N OW the re rwas a certain man of Ra- early, and worshipped before the LORD, Ru th2. 13. mathaim-zophim, of mount Ephraim, and returned, and came to their house tD Ece. 9. 7. olChr. 6. 27, and his name ta8s ('Elkanah, the son of Ramah: and Elka bah Yknew Hannah his yGen4. 1. 34. Jeroheam, the son of Elihu, the so0o of Tohu, wife; and %the LOoD remembered ber. G... 90. 22. bRuth 1.2. the son of Zuph, b an Ephrathite: 20) Wherefore it came to pass, t when the about 1171. 2 Andbohehad two wives; the nameoof the time was come about after Hannah co d ta eld.itrevone s Haannah, and the name of theother conceived, that she bare a son, and called o o of PoPeninah: acd Poninnahi had children, his bnamc..oe Soeo, seaying, Becauseo I have doyr. hbut oannah hlad no children. asked him of the LORD.. Thatis. Ask3 And this man went up out of his city 21 And the man ElkDi ah, and ll his t rdfo d. eel. 23.t14. c tyearly dto worship and to sacrifice unto house, cwent up to offer unto the LORD ver. 3. Du.t. G 16. thIo LoRD of hosts in 5Shiloh. And the two the yearly sacrifice, and his vow. Luke2.41. sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the 22 But ocnnah ieo t ot up; fo slo said tyHcb. froec priests of tihe LORD, wece there. unto toer husband, I toill tot go rp until b Luke 2. 22 0eer o ear. 4 ~ And when the time was that Elkanah the child be weaned, and,heol I ),ill bbring eer. 11, 28. oi~~~~ln~~~~c~~ou~t~. h 0, 2. 11,18. 0,7u. 12. 5, f offered, to gave to Peninnah his wife, and him, that lie may appear before the LORD, ji. 6,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 3. 1. to all her sons and her daughters, portions: and theres Cabide dfor ever. dEx. 21.6. eoJh. 18. 1. 5 But unto Iacnah he gave I a worthypor- 23And eElkanah her hlusband said unto fDeut.12.17, tion; for hoe loved Hannah: bu thoe LORD her, Do what seemeththee good; tarry until S..7. 0100.00. eegohaoshu.ueeyeowomb fO~~.Sn.7.25. ho18. oo 16. I p. h u tier woob. thou have weaned him; fonly the LORD lO,. doulec 0 And her adversary also 0 hprovoked ter establish his word. So the eoman abode, about 1165. poetioc. sore, for to make her fret, because the and gave her son suck until sheowoaned gDooeut. 12. 5, gOen. 30. 2. LORD had shut up her womb. him. 0, i0. tH.eb. anger- 7 And as he did so year byyear, I t when 24 And whec she had weaned iim, sle ilOo1 18.2 1. todr,-. she went up to the house of the LORD, S0 tooc him up witt ier', ceito three bulloci, LUcos2.22. hJob24. 01. she provoked toer; therefore she wept, and andoneepha offlour, andca bottle of wine, kGen. 42. 15. 2 IKing. 2. 2, U Or,from- the did not cat. and brought him unto Acthe house of tile 46s2. 2, bmo oSha trle, 08 Then said Elanath hter husband to her, LORD inShliloh: and the child aos young. Io-1,ott.7.7. /e Hannah, whly weepest thou? and why catest b5 And they slew a bullock, and ibrougih o Hsh. foe thou nol and wioy is tly tho-ct grievedi the child to Eli. c-o 2,. ih".g.",ggLp. aon not I ibetter to thee than ten sons c 26 And she said, 0 my lord,tk (s thy soul 1/Ot r, -t —d.,th 4. 15. ~., _A.., 9 ~T So Hannah rose cp after tiooy toad lioeth, my lord, I tamo the woman that stood Ocs-icord eaten in Shiloo, and after they ihad drunk. by ticee o-ere, praying ueoto tice Looc. lb eoecico, NowoEl, thie priest cot upon eathyapost 27 Forothis hild peyed; andth LORD tl the oo. oh. 3. 3. ofklthoe temple of the LorD. ioth gioven me my petition whick I csked of Re Or, hAe IJob 7. 11. 0 10 bAnd she saei tin bittercess of soul, hiom: I o-o, bo 01-0.~1. 1 andpryedunto the LORD, andcoeptsore. bO 0"Theeefoee also I hove 0tlent ocim to si-ic byr. t heb. 15t.s 10 Acd she 9o-owed a voe, cod said, 0 tie LORD; as long as lie liveth i he shall resdoo sf -oed. -.c-ORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed tlook on bho-liettot lo LOrD. And ie worshipped aGen. 24. 20, eatS. 7. 8.t n Shi aflictieon of thine candmaid, and dro- the LtoRD there. 12. mft-. 28. 20. member mee, and not forget thine hindma pid, CHAPTER II. sh. 30.3. obut ilt give ynto thine h andmad o man Io - lbcook's og ith-okfo-oss 12 The-irof OrcPhil. 4. 6. J dg. 0 0.21 child, then I will gico him unto the L.oD Ribs sooc. lo en's bisO.-y. 20 ByE Bib' bose Luke 0. Go.. 20. 30. all the days of lobn life, and Oithere shall no ic srioogIl oosofoo. 224i6eo o- 5, he. Eo-. 6.312. razorscome upon lis heod. sehhi-s sos. 274 oooOecy boors 111's Pocss. r,. 92. 10.0& trs 25. 18. 12 And it coee to pass, as she tcontinocd AND cHannah h rayed, and said, 010y 1ib. 0. eo0.1.'. &' praying before the LORD, that Eli marked - earce rejoice.h in the LoRD,'cine dles... 04. 0 G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~en. 24 1. 135.&20, 30.a22. 1 ier mouth. lorn is eailted oin the LORD; y mouth e. tHsb..rere of 11 Now Hcannao, she sphe inc her eart; is enolarged over mine henemieds; hocusel 5 k, 9 t Ileb.,,,d ef e~~~~~~~x. C1iPTE II wr,. only iier lips moved, but her voice was not drejoie in thy salvation. D'et. 3. 24. pou-o. 0.00. herd: therefore Eli thought she had ee 2 oAThcr is none ioly s the LoD: for 0D2.4. iudb. 13 5. drunken. tcee is fnono besides thee: neither is Ps. S0. 8. & t Geh..I e.i- 14 Aed Eli said unto-her, how long ilt ther any rock like our God. hO. 6, 0. pliedto-oay. thou be drunke ] pot awy thy ine from 3 Talk no more so eo eeding pEoudly; fpci. 9235. thee. 1i6t oct arrogancy come out of yoour 2S-.22.2. 12 And tcanneh onssered and shide N, mouth:i foe tHe Lonc is a God of knowl- e.. O1i d 4. OlHOh. hsed msy lord, I 0ao a wonian tOof a sorrowful edge, and by him actions are weighed. JOd. 15. cfrpbe-b. spirit: I hose drunk ceither wine nor 4 h The bowrs of tie iiighty men cre bro- tcII. hacsi. 6to. 02. 0. & strong drink, hot have o poured out sy soul ken, and they that stumbled ore girded odith As37.15.i7. 142. 2. hefreo tie LORD, stremni as. 7. 3. o-Dsot.13.13. 10 Count ot tpino hndmaidbforne daughter 5 i Thoy t hai t ereo foull have iied ne out iop,3.. &0. tOr, crditb- of"-Belitbt for out of the fhbuodance of sy tieeooelves foe hroad; acd toey tooct reire Loeiol.3. seb. IIe f3complaint itantd grief have I spoken itertc. hungry ceased: so tiot bo toTree ti r. i3. 9. 104 Wickedness of Eli's sons. I. SAMUEL. Prophecy agasnst his hoose. B. C. borne seven; and tshe that hath many judge shall judge'him: but if a man in B. C. about1105. childrenis waxea d feeble. against the LORD, who shall entreat for about 1165. 6 m The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: him? Notwitlhstanding, they mearkenednot [ Is. 51. 1. he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth unto the voice of their father, P because the oeeum. 15.30. Jer. 15. 9. up. LOD would slay them. p Josh. 11. 20. Det.3S2. 39. 7 The LORD maketh poor, and maketh 21 And the child Samuel Igrew on, and Pree. 1. 10. Jo 5. 18. srich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. was'in favour both with the LORD, and ieer. 21. H... 6. 1. 8 Pe 1 e raiseth up the poor out of the dust, also with men. rProe. 3.4. eJe, 1. 21. and lifteth up the beggar from the dung- 27 ~ "And there came a man of God unto Lue.2.52. ePa; 75. 7. hill, lto set thee among princes, and to Eli, andsaiduntoehim, Thus saith the LORD, Ato. 4. 247.'Pa. 113. 7o 8. make them inherit the throne of glory: for t Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy R. 13.1. 4. 17. "the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, father, when they mere in Egypt in Pha- 1Ki. 13. 1. Lke 1. 52. and he hath set the world upon them. raoh's house? t e 4. 14, 27. q Joe 36. 7. 9 Heo will keep the feet of his saints, and 28 And did I uchoose him out of all the -e El. 28.1, 4..eho38.4,5,e. the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for tribes of Israel to be my priest, to offer upon em. 10..& P.. 24. 2. & by strength shall no man prevail. miee altar, to burn incense, to wear an 18 1,7. 102. 25. &.Le- 2.3.10. 10e. 5. b 10 The adversaries of the LORD shall be eplhod before me? and I did I give unto the e 6 1e. 2 7. Relh. 1i. 3. tbroken to pieces; Uout of heaven shall he house of thy fathtier all tlheofferisgs made by 7,8, 34, 3. h ePs. 01. 11. & thunder upon them:'the LORD shall fire of the children of Israel? 10. I-, 15. 121. 3. judge the ends of thle earth; and he shall 29 Wlherefore Ykik ye at my sacrifice and Rosss.5.9,l0. t oP.. 29. give strength unto his king, and Vexalt the at mine offering, which I have commanded 18. 8-19. s eh. 7. 10 horn of his anointed. in my zhabitation; and bonourest thy sons y Det. 32.15. P. 18 i. 13. 11 And Elkanah went to Ramah to his above me, to make yourselves fat with the zDeut.12.5,6. |. P e. 96.13.& house. SAnd the child did minister unto chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my 98.9. tie LORD before Eli the priest. people? ae. 50. 9 aP.. 89. 3d. 12 ~ Now the sons of Eli were asesons of 30 Wherefore the LORD God of Israel 5Jer.18.9,10. n 10 elial; b they knew not the LORD. saith, aI said indeed that thly house, and thle sPa. 18. 20. & eh.5..1. 13 And the priest's custom with the people house of thy father, should walk before me 91. 14. IaDent.13.13. was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, for ever: but now the LORD saith, bBe it ds1al. 2. 9. J 2dg.2, 10. the priest's servant came, while the fleslh far from me; for them that honour me I el Kie. 2.27. Jer. 22. n. as in seething, with a fleshhook of three will hionour, and dlthey that despise me Es 44. 10. |See ca. 4. 11, Rom. 1.28. teeth in his hand; shall be lightly esteemed. f.. lighily 1~~~~~~~18, 31. b 14. 14 And lie struck itinto the pan, or kettle, 31 Behold, Itlhe days come, that I will cut s.& 22. 18, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook off thine arm, and the arm of thy father's &e. brought up the priest took for himself. So house, that there shall not be an old man in ilOr, thesfflei they did in Sihiloh unto all the Israelites thine house.;ee of she that came thitler. 32 And thou shalt see Ilan enemy in my tbIre as tet, eLe. 3.3,4, 15 Also before they eburnt the fat, the habitation, in all the wealth which God f..1 the 3, 10. priest's servant came, and said to the man shall give Israel: and there shall not be d t that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the fan old man in thine house for ever. hve gaive priest; for he will not have sodden flesh of 33 And the man of thine, whob I shnallnot esrael. thee, but raw. cut off from mnine altar, shall be to consume fOes Ztbh. 8. 1 And if any man said unto him, Let thine eyes, and to grieve thine heart: and 4. tReb. as o* them not fail to burn tile fat tpresently, all the increase of thine house shall die tin t eb. se. the day. and then take as muleh as thy soul desireth; the flower of their ageO gtlKin. 13.3. then h would answer him, Npay; but thou 34 And this shall be ga sign unto thee, h he. 4. 11. shalt give it me now: andifnot, Iwilltake that shall come upon thy two sons, on ilein. 2.35. it by force. Hophni and Phinehas: bin one day they 1Chr. 9.22. 17 Wherefore the sin of the young men swas shall die both of them. Ea. 44. 15. dOse. e. 11. very great dbefore the LORD: for men 35And I will raise me up afaithfulpriest, 2Sarm.7.11, 01e f. 2. 8. eabhorred the offering of the LORD. that shall do according to that which is in 27. fe. 18 I~fBut Samuel ministered before the mine heart and in mymind: and kI will 1Xin. ll.38. E.. 2e. 3. LORD, being a child, Igirded witl a linen build him a sure house; and he shall walk I Ps. 2.2. & 18. 2 S.a-. 8.'14 eplhod. before.mine.noi..ted foe ever. 50. 19 Moreover his mother made him a little 36 mAnd it shall come to pass, that ev- m1 Kin.2.27. Coat, and brought it to him from year to ery one that is leftinthins house shall t Hb. JoA. h eh. 1. 3. year, lwhen she hcame up with hebr husband come and crouch to him for a piece of silto offer the yearlytsacrifice. ver and a morsel of bread, and shall say, ICOht ~,oue G.e.. lb. 19. 20 ~ Add fIll blessed Elba ale nod his tPut me, Ipray thee, into None of tie th, peleat. wife, and said, The LORD give thee seed priests' offices, that I mayeat a piece of hd. tOr, petit..of this.oman forethe H loan hiclh isklent bread. /hi4,.1 ask- to the LORD. And they went unto their ed, ie, own lIoe. CHAPTER III. kal. 1. 28. 21 And the LORD lvisited Hannahl, so that 1 Ho thse word of he bod was first evealed to 1 Getn. 21. 1. she conceived, and bare three sons and two Sa.Oel. Il e1 ctleSoae thdete alien E'[i the vision~. 19 Samuel growreth i,~ credilt. neneSO. 26 daughters. And the child Samuel "grewte afbEi", fe Se-n th..leeoeieltlete Judg. 13.24. before the LORD. l i / e. 34. 19. ~eh, 2. 11. Lheb1. 80. & 92. Now Eli was very old, and heard all AND athe child Samuel ministered unto Labs A~tco~eoel. An~hw~ P.~ 2. 40. that his sons did unto all Israel; and how l the LORD before Eli. And b the word bAP. 7.0. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. BSeE. 11. ne E. 38. they lay with "the women that t assembled of the LORD Was precious in those days; SO er. 21. o. at the leoor of the tabernacle of the congre- there eas no open vision. about1141. tHeb. estee- gation. 2 And it came to pass at that time, when a t 41. ledbyt-oope. 23 And he said unto them, Why do yesuch Eli was laid down in his place, and his Ge-n. ~7.1. & 48. lO. or, Otth, tlhings? for lfI heat of your evil dealings by eyes began to wax dim, thae he could not el 2. 22.&4.. esiesseda of all this people. teem 15. a. Nay, my sons; for it is no good report 3 And ere the dlamp of God went out ein d E. 27. 21. that I beanr: ye make the LORD'S people the temple of the LORD, whlere the ark of Lev. 24. 3. lOr, to ti Ieto ransgress. God wnas, and Samuel was laid down to 2Chr. 13.11. 25 If one man sin against another, the sleep; -ch. 1. 9..183 Samuel telleth Eli the vision. 1. SAMTUEL. The Israelites are overconLe. B. C. 4 That the LORD called Samuel: and he I Eben-ezer: and the Philistines pitched in B. C. about1141. answevred, Here am I. Aphek. about 1141. 5 And lie ran unto Eli, and said, HIere act 2 And the Philistines put themselves in I; for tho. oalledst me. And hle said, I array against Israel: and.when tthcy acl6..l. 7; called not; lie down again. And he went joined battle, Israel cas smitten before the 12. and lay down. Philistines: and they slew of +the army in t Heb. te 6 And the LORD called yet again, Samuel. the field about four thousand men. battle as And Samul rose and ent to Eli, andsaid, 3 Andwhenthe people cer come intothe'P"ad. Here ac, I; for thou didst call me. And camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore t Heb. the a he answered, I called not, my son; lie down hath the LORD smitten us to day before the "ay again' Pllilistines? Let us tfetch the ark of the..eb. take orT,ilhusdid 7 IlNoc Samuel fldid not yet know the covenant of theLoD.outoflShiloh untous, u,toete. cSazcec Ito- LORD, neither was the word of the LORD that, when it cometlc among us, it may save f.oi he a:h, kce yet revealed unto out of the hand of our enemies. codthe'L 8 And the L. oD called Samuel again the 4Sothpeople sent to Shiloh, that they c ctll eo, f third time. And he arose and went to Eli, might bring from thence the ark of the covt he dccc and said, Ier i aict I; for thlo didt call en..ant of the LORD of hoets, lbhich dwell- b2Sm... 2.,aos reealed me. AndEli perceived that tle LORD had eth betveei'the cherubim: and the two [t. S1. 1. & it(lio ]h&. called the child. sons of Eli, Hoph ni and Phinehas, d hesc 01. 1. fSec Acts 19. 9 T1.erefore Eli said unto Samutel, Go, lie there with the ark of the covenant of God. cE....18,22. 2. down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that 5 And when the ark of the covenant of the NU,. 7. 89. thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy serv- LORD came into the camp, all Israel shlloutant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down ed with a great shout, so that the earth rang in his place. again. 10 And the LORD came, and stood, and 6 And when the Philistines heard the noise called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. of the shout, they said, What mneanetl the Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy noise of this great shout in the camp of the servant leareth. Hebrews? And they understood that the g2ein. 21.12. 11 I And the LORD said to Samuel, Be- ark of the LORD was come into the camp. Jer. 19. 3. hold, I will do a thing in Israel,'lat which 7 And tie Philistines were afraid; for they hch. 2.3o-3. bothi te ears of every one that heareth it said, God is come into the camp. And they t Heb. bOegin- shll tingle. said, Woe unto us i for there hath not been ig at-d 12 In that day I will perform against Eli such a thing theretofore. t g el,. esteredilng. hall things hich I have spoken oconcerning 8 Woe unto us! who shall deliver us out da. or, the i Or, And I his house: t when I begin, I will also make of the hand of these mighty Gods? these thired day. will tellhi, an end. are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with dc. 1311 iFor I have toldhimthat I will kjudge all the plagues in the wilderness. t oh. 2. 29, 30, his house for ever for the iniquity which he 9 dBe strong, and quit yourselves like men, d1 Cor. 11.13. 31, &c. knoweth; because hissonsomadethemselves 0 ye Philistines, that ye be not servants kE..7.3.&18. l vile, and he t"'restrained them not. unto tie hrews,'as they have been to eudg. 13.1. 30. 14 And therefore I have sorn unto t t quihtyourselves likehmen, and fight. tIe. ] lo. 2. 12, 17, house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house 10 ~ And the Philistines fought, and f Is- ie.eo. 22.'"shall not be purged with sacrifice noroffer- rael was smitten, and they fled every man f er. 2. 11Or,eaueeeed. ingfor ever. into his tent: and there was a very great L 26 17 tHieb. 15AndSamueltlayuntilthe morning, and slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty DePt. 28. 2. frol.ted ot opened tie doors of the house of the LORD. thousand footmen. And t. Aod Samuelfeared to show Eli the vision. 11 And athe ark of God was taken; and icl. 2. 32. mch.2.23,25, 16 Then Eli called Samuel, and said, Sam- hthe two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, Ps. 78. 61. nN lum.15.30, uel, my son. And he answered, Here ate I. t were slain. i[ ch. 2. 34. 31. 17 And he said, What is the thing that 12 ~ And there ran a man of Benjamin Pc. 70. 64. the -Lose hath said unto thee? I pray out of tle army, and ecame to Shilohl the tI-Ieb. d;ed. oRuth i1.17. thee hide it not from me: bGod do so to same day with his clothes rent, and kwith i2Sanl. 1.2. t Heb..oadd. thee, and tmore also, if thou hide any earth upon his head. /hJostl..6.. ii Or, wod. I thing from me of all the things that he 13 And when lie came, lo, Eli sat upon 0a 2Sao1. 13.19. t ehb. all th sid unto the. seatytheey side watching: fohis heart h S15. ic. hee,, or, 0. 18 And Samuel told him t every whit, and trembledfor thearkof God. Andwhenthe Neis. 5). 1. oreds, ihid nothing from him. And he said, PIt is man came into the city, and told it, all the Job 2. 12. pJob 1. 21. & the LORD: let him do what seemeth bim city cried out. I shi. 9. e2.1o. good. 14 And when Eli heard the noise of the IS, 39. 8. 19 ~ And Samuel grew, and l the LORD crying, he said, What meaneth the noise of 0eh. e a.2. was with him, and did let none of his words thistmult e man came in hastily, CoGe. 39. 2, fall to the ground. and told Eli. 21,23. 20 And all Israel t from Dan even to Ieer- 15 Now Eli was ninety and eight years old;,c. sheba knew that Samuel was l; established and "'his eyes t were dim, that he could not lh. 3. 2. to be a prophet of the LORD. see. t eb. stood. t Judg. 20.1. 21 And the LORD appeared again in Shi- 1G And the man said unto Eli, I ats he UOr,faeithful. loh: for the LORD revealed himself to Sam- that came out of the army, and I fled to day about 1141. tuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD. out of the army. And lie said, IVohat ttis 2 S-. 1. 4. ver. 1, 4. there done, my son? tIIeb. is the CHAPTER IV. 17 And the messenger answered and said, thing 1 TheIlraelitesae e ovecle y thte Philistinesat Israel is fled before the Ptilistines, and Eben-czer. 13 Iheafeh she itthele ieo there hath been also a great slaughter among efele Phiiti-to. 10 Pie0 cee ecitt-eogto. the ack taket, eIophni and Phinehaa are elain. the people, and thy two sons also, Hophni 12 Eli at the tetes, fallig acklbaed, breaketh and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God his neek. 19 Phlteha.' oifs, disceouaged it her is taken. travailwithl-chabotl, dietl. 18 And it came to pass, when he made 11 Or, came to A ND the word of Samuel llcame to all Is- mention' of the ark of God, that lhe fell from ~pQJ0. oc rae. Now Israel went out against the off the seat backward by the side of the gate, tIheb. 00I. Philistines to battle, and pitched beside and his neck brake, and he died: for he 198 Dagon fatleth before the ark. I. SAtIUEL. The Philistines send back the ark. B.C. was an old man, and heavy. iH And hlie had go again to his own place, that it slay + us B. C. about 1141. judged Israel forty years. not, and our people: for there was a dead. about 1141. 19 ~ And his daughter in law, Phbiehas' ly destruction throughout all the city;'the lTeTSeemsto wife, wnas with child, near Itohbedelivered: hand of Cod was very heavy there. tH.eb- e have b eelIand when she heard the tidings that the rk 12 And the men that died not were smitten:ot, -d m.Y Judg.O: to d of God wns taken, and that her father in ith the meroe: and the cry of the City e.6, 9,..-Iit - law and her husband were dead, she bowed went up to heaven. soutl t est herself and travailed; for herpains tcame -do.i. upon her. CHAPTER VI. i{Or, to cry 20 And about the time of her death Othe 1 Afotnoeeea..tht oh, Poilijti-t toO, -oat, { ~out. mome tha stod byhe how tot send back the ak. 10 Thley biing it ot ot. women thoat stood by her said unto her, a e cart with a, offeirig -,too e th-shemesh. tHeb. were Fear not; for thou hast borne a son. But 19 Th ootle pteoptle' loo kiele ioto the tooed. she answered not, tneither did she regard atkO 2l They aend to thee of ffio'th-jeatim e cna. 35.17. it. tofeth it. tHeb. et tot 21 And she named the child IIPI-chiabod, A ND the ark of the LORD was in the aboutl140. o trhea. saying, The glory is departed from Israel: -E - country ofthe Philistines seven months. { thatie, h ecaute tioe arh of Hod toot tahen, aad he- 2AdtoPiltito aidtehpiasea.dl0 H Thnt i%, because tile ark of God wvas taken, and be- 2 And the Philistines I celled for the priests aGen. 41 8.: Whr-e is the cause of her father in law and her husband. and the diviners, saying, What ishall we do EX 7. 11. eloTy? or, 22 And she said, The glory is departed to the a te LORD tellus herewith ho.. 0 thee i' lo efrom Israel: for tie ark of God is taen. te shell sened it to lhis place. A. 2. 4. 00000. l?.3 And they said, If ye send away the ark Fen. 10.1S. CHAPTER V. of the God of Israel, send it not hempty; b E. 23 15 et. 26h 8. t& I T Pei~itti-et hitb 6ho-ght the coO itto Ah- hbut in any tise return him C a trespass offer- Deot. 16. 16. 78.01. dod, set it in the ho 3se of Dagon. 3 tshall be healed, and it shall eLe5. -itt- d, -d.,rl lt i,..iee.. a.d they.of.n the ye shal e healed, ad ithel. dol soitte, oith eeraoit. 8SoGooidealewthhis h dbe known to you wiy his hand is not e- der. 9. theoreofGath, twhentoit, brouooght thithe r: 10and moved from you.,.o eobithethemfookro,woh-e itwabro uhtthltheo. 4 Then said they, What shall be the tresND the Philistines took the ark of God, pass offering which we shall return to him?. 4. 1. and brought it'ffrom Eben-czer unto They answered, Five golden emerods, and 12. Ashdod. five golden mice, eacceeording to tihe number tate e-. 17, 2 When tlhe Philistines took the ark of ofthielordsofthe Pliilistines: for one plague 1 10 Judg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 1.'2.[hol 13. 3. deoig. 16.2. HGod, they brought it into the house of b Di- was on +you all, and on your lords. {gee, aad tet itby Da,,on. bJoudg.psoitahiee a pee. gon, and set it by Dagron. 5 Wherefore ye shall make images of your f Heb. thm,, 3 ~ And when they of Asodod arose early emerods, and images of your mice that fmar c Is. 19. 1. &h on the morrow, behold, Dagon aons Cfallen. the land; and ye shall givg glory anto the feb.o. 6. 40. 1, 2. upon his face to tile earth before the ark God of Israel: peradventure hewill hlighten ojat 7. 19. ot..W. 7. of the LORD. And tiey took Dagon, and his hand from off you, and fiom off iyour t2. d set him in his place again. gods, and from off your land. John 9. 24. 4 And when they arose early on the morrow 6 Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, hA e el 5., morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his kas the Egyptians and Pharaooh oardened 11, face to tle ground before tile ark of the their hearts? when he h ad wrought'won- Pt. 39.10. eJer. 50.2. LORD; and ethe head of Dagon and both derfully among them, idid they not let +the teh. 5.3,4,7. Ez: E. 4. 6. the palms of his hands wooe cut off upon people go, and they departed O E. 7 10 & liE. 1. 7, the threshold; only 11ithe stwmp of Dfagon 7 Now therefore make a new cart" and 8. 15. 14, Orthe fisthy as left tol him. take two milch kine; "on which there hath 17 ir't. 5 Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, II Or, nenor any that come into Dagon's house, and bringtheicalves bome fromthem: p-oeshfrtiy. fSce Zephi. 1. ftrend on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod 8 And take the ark of the LORD, and lay l E. 12. 31. 0. eunto this day. it upon the cart; and put'the jewels of t Heb. them. gver. 7, 11. 6 But othe hand of the LORD was heavy gold, which ye return him for e trespass l2Smn. 6. 3. E-.-.j9. 3. upon them of Ashdod, and hle dostoyed offering, in a coffer by the side thereof; and neum. 19. 2. Aeo. 13. 11. them, and smote them ith iemerods, even send it away, that it may go.ver. 4, 5. o..'. Atshdod and the coasts thereof. 9 And see, if it goeth up by the way of his h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oerl. 4, 5. 7 And when tie men of Ashdod saw that own coast to PBeth-shemesht, then Ilhe hath pJosh. 15.10. oilDei o2.27. it was so, they said, The ark of the God of done us this great evil: but if not, then 11Ot, it..I., Israel shall not abide with us: forhisohand qWe shall know that it is not his hand that qte. 3. is sore upon us, and upon Dagou our god. smote us; it wans a chance that happened 8 They sent therefore and gathered all the to us. lords of tie Philistines unto them, and said, 10 tt And the men did so; and took two What shall we do withthe ark of theakfte God of milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and Israel? Andthey answered,Letthe ark of.shutup their calves at home: the God of Israel he carried about unto 11 And they laid the ark of the LORD upon Gath. And they carried the ark of the God the cart, and the coffer with the mice of gold of Israel about thither. and tile images of their emerods. P And it was so, that, after they had ear- 12 And the kine took the straight way to bkDeut. 2,15. tied it about, ktho hand of the LORD Was the way of lteth-shemesh, and went along b. 7. 13. & against the city with a very great destruc- the highway,lowing as they went, and turn12.. tion: and mhe smote the men of the city, ed not aside to the right hand or to the left; ttee. 11. [both small and great, and they had emerods and the lords of the Philistines went after.terOL. C In their secret parts. them unto the border of Beth-shemesh. Pa. 78. 66. 10 ~ Therefore they sent the ark of God to 13 And they of Beth-shemesh were reap. Ekron. And it came to pass, as the ark of ing their wheat harvest in the valley: and God came to Ekron, that the Ekronites cried they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, out, saying, They hlave brought about the and rejoiced to see it, leob. me, to ark of the God of Israel to tus, to slay us 14 And the cart came into the field of slay me an atd our people. Joshua, a Beth-shemite, and stood there,. 11 Seo they sent and gathered together all where here Owas a great stone: and they the lords of the Philistines, and said, Send elave the wood of the cart, and offered the away thle ark of tile God of Israel, and let it kine a burnt offering unto the LORD. *199 The Israelites repent. I. SAMUEL. They desire a kingg. B.C. 15 And the Levites took down the ark of of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the B.C. aboutl140. the LORD, and the coffer thatwas weith it, Philistines. about1120..wherein the jewels of gold were, and put 8 And the children of Israel said to Samthena on the great stone: and the men of uel, t Cease not to cry unto the LORD our t tIeb.,e not Beth-shemesh offeed burnt offerings and Godfor us, that he will save us out of the t f sacrificed sacrifices the same day unto the had of the Philiestines. as fieee e.. LORD. 9 ~ And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and Joseh. 13.3. 16 And when "the five lords of the Philis. offered it for a burnt effering wholly anto'l9. 37. 4. tines had seen it, they returned to Fkron the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the Ps..99. 6. the same day. LORD for Israel; and the LORD liheard Jer 15. ever. 4. 17'And these are the golden emerods him. ie Oer, which the Philistines returned for a tres- 10 And as Samuel was offering up the ae pass offering unto the LORDe; for Ashdod burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to one, for Gaa one, for Askelon one, for battle against Israel: I'but the LORnDtlu- p SeeJoh.a10 Gath one, for Ekron one; deredwith agreat thunder on that day upon 10. 18 And the golden mice, according to the the Philistines, and discomfited them; and 5. 20. number of all the cities of the Philistines they were smitten before Israel. oh. 2. 10. belonging to the five lords, both of fenced 11 And the men of Israel went out of 2anm.22.14. cities, andeof country villages, even unto the Mizpehl, and pursued the Philistines, and 15. tOe, Ilgreat stone of Abel, where on they set smote them, until they came under Bethagrat stone. down the ark of the LORD: twhieLa stone car. remat|eth unto this day in the field of 12 Then Sanmueltook a astone, and set it q Geaa. 28. 18. Joshua, the Bieth-whemitt. hetween Iizpeh and Shen, and called the & 31. 45. & tSaee BE. 19. 19 ~ And the smote the men of Beth- nane of it lEbhn-eaer, eaying, Hitherto |ci..h 21fu. Jos5,4195 i sbemeah, because they had looked into hatl the LORD hea sped us. 2. w. a0.4.i,1, the ark of the LORD, even he smote of 13 I"So the Philistines were subdued, and I That is, The 2Sam..7. the people fifty thousand and threescore they Ieame no more into the coast of Israel: stoneafheldp: and ten men: and the people lamented, and the hand of the LORD was against the dh. 4.1. because the LORD had smitten many Philistines all the days o' Saamuel. Jtg. 13. 1. of tlie people with a great slaaghter. 14 And the aities whicha the Philistines had a'l. 13. 51. 2 Sam. 6.9. 20lAnd themen of Beth-shemesh said,'Who taken from Israel were restored to Israel, Mal. 3. 2. is able to stand before this holy LORD God? from Ekron even unto Gath; and the coasts and to whom shall he go up from us? thereof did Israel deliver out of the hands 21 ~ And they sent messengers to the in- of the Philistines. And tiere was peace Joash. 18.14. habitants of aKirjath-jearim, saying, The between Israel and the Amorites. Jeg. l18. 12. Philistines have broughtl again the ark of 15 And Samuel tjudged Israel all the days a ae. 6. lh, the LORD; come ye down, anld fetch it up of hislife.h. 1. to you.. 16 And he went fromea year to year tin[ Judg. 2. tt. CHAPTER VII.. circuit to Beth-el, and Gilgal, and Mizpeh, t.etb..... he 1 They of i biath-$.earim ii,ca the tkl into the and judged Israel in all tlhoso places. taoaee efAiie.aa, a-d f eaaaif l hear a s e sate 17 And ahis return was to Ramiah; for ac lh. 8.4. ta tatp it. 2 Afte, aaeat-e yeac t te3th elia, there was his house; and there he judged by Samtal'a,eaa,etaa ee, t -p at aiaprh. t7 reliceaaaefsaceah sadeeatatlLtefodIsrael; and there he hbuilt an altar unto Judg. 21.4. diseomfitth th Phtilistinea by thande,at EbSc- the LORD. ezet. 13 P'ht ahiliasine ae scbdued. Sat- CHAPTER VIII. 1S- CHAPTER VIII. ~e~ peazeablly and r~ellgiously judgethr israel. I By oeeasa. of the ill gtover.ment of Samel's aseh. 6. 21. A ND the men of aKirjath-jearim came, tons, theseaelcitesask aking. 6Scamuel eying Pt. 132. 6. ~1-. and fetched up the ark of the LORD, in grief, is comfoaead b! God: 10 lHe telclth he.b 2 Sam. 6. 4. and brought it into the house of b Abinadab,aaner of a king. 19 Gaod ailet Samael to in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to eyidd -a the iai-aaiaty of the phale. keep the ark of the LORD. AND it came to pass, when Samuel was about 1112. 2 Aad it came to pass, while the ark abode A old, that hie atade his bsons judges asDeut. 16.18. iu Kirjath-jearim, that the time was long; over Israel. 2 Chr. 19. e. aboutll20. for it was twenty yeers: and all the house 2 Now the name of his firstborn was I Joel; btee Ju dg.[ of Israel lamented after the LO a. and the name ofIis second, Ahiah they a.neth ct.. eDent. 30. 2-,Ab a:hy[ 0~;p1r14' 10t. 3 2 3 ~ And Samuel spake unto all the ihouse were judges in Beer-sheba. |ithdJudg.5. 1 KingaS8.48. of Israel, saying, If ye do treturn unto the 3 And his sonseewalked not in his ways, 10. Is. 55. 7. LORe with all your learts, thecn dpu t away but turned aside dafter lucre, and'tohk!i Vahai, Hes.. I. tihe strange gods and eAshtaroth from among bribes, and perverted judgment. I Cer. 6.28. Joel 2. 12. you, and fprepare your hearts unto tihe 4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered eJer. 22. 15, dOen. 35. 2. LORD, and tserve him only: and lie will themselves together, and came to Samuel 16,117. Joh. 24.14, deliver you out of the hand of the Philts- unto Ramah, daEx. 18. 21. 23. tines. 5 And said unto him, B3ehold, thou art old, 1Tim. 3. 3. Jadg. 2. 11. 4 Then the children of Israel did put and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now & 6. 10. f2Chr.30.19. away hBaalim and Ashtaroth, and served fmake us a king to judge us like all the eDeat. 16.19. Job 11.13.14. tle LORD only. nations. Pa. 1. 5. gDut.l6.13.& And Samuel said, iGather all Israel to 6 ~ But the thing t displeased Samuel, 1095. 10.20. 13.4. Mizpeh, and I will pray for you unto the when they said, Give us a king to judge fvee. 19, 20. Blatt. 4. lO. Luk 4t. a. Ln. a. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. Den, 17.14. i Judg. 2. 11. 0 And they gathered together to Mizpeh, 7 And the LORD said unto Samuel, Heaerk-. Hs. 13. 10. iJad. 20. 1. and drew water, and poured it out before en unto the voice of the people in all that Acts 13.21. 2i.i.2 3. the LORD, and /fasted on that day, and they say unto thee: for g theyhave not re- tHb. ate 2sn.-t14.14. said there, aWe have tinned against the jetted thee, but hthey..e rejected me,!ial ie;a e I.. LORD. And Samuel judged the children that I should not reign over them. -1 DHa. 9tI.3.5. of Israel in Mizpech. 8 According to all the works which they gSeoEs.16.8.S Joel2. 12, 7 And when the Philistines heard that the have done since the day that I brought them h el. 10. 19. & nJudg. 10.10. children of Isratel were gathered together to up out of Egypt even unto this day, wtere- 12.17, 19. 1Kinge8.47. Mizpeh, the lords of the Philistines went with they have forsaken me, and served Hs. 13. 10, Pr. 106.6. up against Israel. And when the children other gods, so do they also unto thee. 11. f200L Manner of the king foretold. I. SAMUEL. Saul cometh to Samuel. B.C. 1095. 9 Now therefore lhearken unto their voice: 5 Ani wNhen they were come to the land of B.0C. Ilhowbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, Zuph, Saul said to his servant that as abnlout1095. ] Or, oby. and ishew them the manner of the king with him, Come, and let us return; lest Orn,,ot- that shall reign over them. my father leave caring for the asses, and 1thstanh.di,,g 10 ~ And Samuel told all the words of the take thought for us. in the LORD unto the people that asked of him a 6 And he said unto him, Behold now, there kigy iceettc - hogis in this city dn man of God, and he is an d Dent. 33.1. 0qeieith-nk, n 11 And he said, /This will be the manner honourable man; eall that he eeith cometh I Kinges3.1. of the king that ihall reign over you: IHe surely to pass now let ts go thither; per- e h. 3. 19. shalt shw, willtake your seons, and appoint them for adventure he can shoew us our way that we in. himself, for his chariots, and to e his t horse- should go. iver. 11. men; and some shall run before his chariots. 7 Then said Saul to his servant, But, beSee'Det.t7. 12 Andihe will appoint him captains over hold, if we go, fwhat shall we bring the I f See Judg. 6. 1S, he. thousands, and captains nver fifties; and man? for the bread tis spent in our vessels,I 18.&13. 17. ohl. 10. 25. ilg 43 will se. thee i to ear his ground, and to and thee is not a present to bring to th e i.3. 1!h. 14.52. 2 X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iins 14.42. eat. i. enp iis harvest, and to manke his instru- man of God: wthat t ha.e we? 2 I3e d.43. ents of war, and instruments of his char- 8 And tihe servant answered Saul again, iots. nnd snid, Behold, t I have here at tnnd the Olesbenen 13 And he will take your daughters Oo be fourth part of a shekel of silver: theeet wil cl t confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be I give to the man of God, to tell us our way. " bakers. 9 (Beforetime in Israel, bhee a man'-/en t tIeb. there -Il in..21.7. 14 And I he will take your fields, end your to inquire of God, thus hie spake, Come, and f,..d i nStos.d0;.tC. ninnyards,andyour oliveyards, even the best let ns go tt the seer: for tie thee is now ie c heed. of them, and gisve Ithe to hit servants. notllet a Prophet was beforetime called ha ge,,,,. 2. 22. 13 And lie will take the tenth of your seed, Seer.) 7ent 0.2 t.11 and of your vineyards, and give to his 10 Then said Saul to his servant, t Vell 2i in. 17.13. te.b teoffcers, and toihis servants. said; come,letus go. So they -e untunto lChr. 26.28. stttetnlcl, 16 And lie will take your menservants, and the city where the sel of God toes. h 29. 29. ee. 37. 36. your maidservants, and your goodliestyoung 11 i And as they went up tthoe hill to tihe 2 Cr. 16. 7, 10. men, and your asses, and put the to his city, ithey found young maidens going ou Is. 30.10. ework. to draw water, and said unto them, Is the Aiem.7. 12. 17 H weil take the tenth of your sheep: seer here? tHIel,. Thy and ye shall be hil servants. 12 And they answered them, and said, He word sgtocli. 1S And ye shall cry out in that d(y he- is; behold, ho is before you: make haste itsH,. et the cause of your king which ye shall hae now,. for he ca.e to day to the sity; foer se't f ti nProv. 1. 25, chosen you; and the LORD'till not hear kthere isa nlsacrieice of the people to day y i e 1. 20. 27, 28. you in that day. lin the high p1 eli i Ge. 24. Ia. 1. 15. 19 ~ Nevertheless the people o refused to 13 As soon as ye be come into tihe city, ye i ee. 31. 5,1. obey the voice of Ssmuel; and they said, shall straightay find im, efore lie go up ch. 16. i. Je. 41.16. Nay; but we ill e i a king over us; to the high place to eat: for the people will i Or. feast. ieer. e. 20 Thatno caleo may he Plike all tie nn- not eat until lie come, because he doth bless I1Kings 3.2. tiens; and tlhat our king may judge us, and the sacrifice; and afterwards they eat that go o;t before us, and fight our battles. be bidden. Now therefore get you up; for 21 And S.mul. heardall the word.s of the about this time ye shall find him. tHh. tdy. people, and hie rehearsed them in the ears 14 And they went up into the city: and of tihe LORD. when they were come into the city, behold, qver. 7. 2 And the LORD said to Samuel,'iHeark- Samuel came out against them, for to go up Hos.. 1. 11. en unto their voice, and make them a king. to the high place. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, 15 I eNow the LORD han d ttold Samuel - mh. 15.1i. Go ye every man unto his city. in his ear a day before Satul came, sying, Acts 13. 21. 1t T morrow about this time Iwill.sed tHeb. CHAPTER IX. thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, eee-d te 1 SaclI,,d his fa...' th..s.. 6 biy andtheu shalt anoint him to be captain e f Se. the3 fone of/,s eevat. I [ ad direetior of p a n ~ ~, ~ aitse outc.sele ofiids, 1acrd iilng Gd's'selatLon, of over my people Israel, that he may save my n h. 20. 2. 18emt or Snamue l.a 1 9j Samueodt lo'?evntrainorb e18 etish tc Se.. t9 Ss ti-et-tsie,-lth people out of the hand of the Philistinest: sh 10.1. S,.e thisfte,t. 2e5 S -,tcft"ses teti - foCr I have e looked upon my people, because oEx. 2. 25. & beingiehiet. Seaul o, his,ay. their cry is come unto me. 3. 7, N.TOW there was a matn of Benjamin, 17 And when Samuel saw Saul, tile LoRD ti. 14.. Lwhose name tess'Kish, the son of said unto him, Pt3ehold the man whom I tc. o. 16.12. Cr.. 33. Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Bseh- spako to thee ofl this same shall treign bHo. 13. Ii. 9. 39. orath, te son of Aphiah, I a Benjamite, a over my people. t eb. IiOrh nl mighty man of 18 Then Saul drew nenrto Samuel in the t in. i 2sef And he had a son, whose name was gate, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, where o C Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: the seer's house is. substeane. and there ts not among the children of 19 And Samuel answered Saul. and said, e-h. t10. 23. Israel a goodlier person than he: l fromn his I ant the seer: go up before me unto the shoulders and upward he was higher than high place; for ye shall eat with me to day, qVer. 3. any of the people. and to moerrow I will let thee go, and will t Heb. to dcay 3 And the asses of KRish Saul's father tere tell thee all that is in thine heart.!three days. lost. And Rish sid to aul this son, Tke 20 And as for uthine asses thst ner lost ch. 8.5, 19. now one of tile servants with thee, and arise, tthree days ago, set not thy emind on therine;. 1. go seek the asses. for they are found. And on whom "is alln. 1h. 17. 4 And he passed through mount Ephraim, the desire of Israeli Is it net on thee, [Jsdg.20.4d, etteied4.42. and passed through the land of Ic Shalisha, and on all thy father's house? 47, 48 but they found them not: then they pas- P.s. 68. 27. but het y found the~n note ihen thety patss-1 And Saul answered and said, eAtm not sSee Judg. ed through the land of Shalim, and there I a Benjamite, of the tsmallest of the tribes 6.15. they uere not: and lie passed through the of Israel? and'my family the least of all 1Heb. land of the Benjamites, but they found the families of the tribe of Benjamin? accodlg it thet not. herfore thn speakeest thou so to me i thiis ord. 201 Sacmuel anointeth Saul. I. SAMUEL. Saul is chosen kon5g. B. 0. 22 And Samuel took Sul and his servant, 9 ~ And it was so, that, when he had t. C. t1095. boutlS095. and brought them into the parlour, and turned his tback to go from Samuel, God.._9 made them sit in the chiefest place among tgavoe him another Iheart: and all those oto.b them that weore bidden, which ereo about signs came to pass that day. Ohlde. thirty persons. 10 And Swhen they came thither to the hill, tf1hb.t..... 23 And Somuel said unto the cook, Bring behold, t company of prophets met him; r. 6 the portion which I gave thee, of which I and'the Spirit of God came u0 on him, and t h. 10. 20. said unto thee, Set it by thee. he prophesied o mong them. e.. o.e.7.32,33. O24 And the cook took up tile shoulder, anod 11 And it came to pss, when all that knew Ez. 24. 4. tlhat which ato s upon it, and set it before him beforetime sow that, behold, le prophSaul. And tSamuel said, Behold that eeiedamong the prophets,then the people t Ieb.amao It Or,oeserved. which is Ielcft! set it before thee, ani eat: said tone to another, What is this that is to hiso-eigo for un0o this time hath it been kept for heoe come unto the son of Kislh? Is Saul also b-tt. since I said, I hsve invited tile people. So among the prophets osl. 19. 21. Saotl did eas o ith Saoouol Ohat day. 12 And one tof the same place answered td.OO. OttIV And twhen they were comeo down from and said, But Ywhois their father? There- Jetto 7.15. the high place into the city, S tamuel cor- fore it became a proverb, Is Saul also Actsl4.13 Deut.o22.0.. munedwith Saulupon Ytheoto top oftto house. among the prophets? tHob. fo 2So-. 11.0. 26 And thteyarose early: and it came to 13Andwhen he had made an cndofproph- thoee. Aot, 10. 9. ptss about the spring of the day, that Sam- esying, lie came to the high place. y Is. 541. 13. uel c dled Saul to the top of the house, sey- 14 l A-a Saul's uncle said unto him and Johb 6. 45. ing, Up, that I msy send thee away. And to his servant, Whithier went y? And & 7. 16. Soularose, and they went out both of them, lie said, To seek the asses: and when we he and Ssamuel, abroad. saw that they owere no where, we came to 27 And as they were going down eo the Ssamuel. end of thle city, Samuel said to Saul,Bid d15 And Saul's uncle said, Tell me, I pray the servant pass ot before us, (and hie thee, what Samuel said untoyou. H teb. today. passed on,) but stand thou still t a while, 16 And Saul said unto his uncle, I-e told that I may show thee the word of God. us plainly lhat the asses were found. But CHAPTER X. of the matter of the kingdom, whereof Sasm1 Soo-etooittet.h. Sdtt. 2H, eofotAti ouel spake, he told him not. to essdiottt ofote17 [ And Samuel called the people togethby ],'edictlo,, of thr~ee siggns. 9 Saucl's heart is changd,.n,,d he p,ophesisth. 14 lh coteaoleth er Zunto the IORD Ito Mizpehi; z uldg. 11.1. the matter of the Oittodotnfroeo his etncle. 17 18 And said unto the children of Israel, o0. 1,. Sot is thoS o Mlitpslh by tot. 10 Te diffeT- bThus saith the LORD God of Israel, I ct. 0l. 15. -tot o.Lauioite ofitis ettO-tssts. brought up Israel out of Egypt, and deliv- aosl. 7. 5, 6, sob..016. & THEN 0Samuel took a vial of oil, and osed you out of the hand of tte Egyptians, btJudg.6.8,9. 16. 13. -'L poured it spon his hesd, sand hissed and oat of the hand of ll kingdoms, osod of 2tin.9..3,6. him, and said, Is it not because Cthe LORD them that oppressed you: P.. 2. 12. hath anointed thee to be captain over dhis 190 And ye have tlhis dy rejected your soth. 8. 7, 19. eAct. 1tO l. sinheritance? God, who himself saved you out of all your h 12. 12. BoDeu. 32.9. 2 When thou art departed from me to day, adversities and your tribulations; and ye Ps.. 7. 71. then thou shalt find two men by 5Rachel's have said unto him, Nay, but set a king etG.. 35. 19, sepulchre in the border of Benjamin fat over us. Now therefore present yourselves 20. Zelzsh; and thtey will say unto thee, Tlhe before the LORD by your tribes, and by f Josh. 18o. 28 asses which thou sentest to seek are found: your thousands. enHb. ehe sand, lo, thy ftlter hath lef t the care of the 20 Ans whlen Samuel had dcaused all the |d Josh. 7. 14, bustes. asses, and sorrowob thfor you, s ying, What tribes of Israel to come near, the tribe of 1,17. g.cts l.2i,26G. shall I do for my son? Benjamin was taken. A.2, O3.3,7 3 Then shalt thou go on forward from 21 When he had caused the tribe of BentHob. - bothence, and thou shalt come to the plain of jOmin to come near by their families, the thee ofpeae.: Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men fmily of Matri was takens and Saul the as Judg. 18. going up 8to God to Beth-oel, one carrying son of Kish was taken: and when they 15. three kids, and another carrying three sought him, he could not be found. hter. 10. loaves of bread, and another carrying a 22 Therefore they einquired of the LORD e. 23. 2, 4, lo. 13. 3. bottle of wine: further, if the man should yet come thither. 10, 11. toet. 0. 10. 4 And they will t salute thee, and give thee And tie LORD answered, Behold, he hath f oeh. 9. 2. 1 Eto 150.0,21 two loaves of bread; which thou shoit re- hid himself among the stuff. g2st. 21.6. Ki....3..5. ceive oftheir hands. 23 And they ran and fetched him thence.. 1 Cfr. 14. 1. 5 After that thou shalt come to hthe hill of and when he stood among the people, fhe tIKi. 1.,.t.5. God, iwhere is the garrison of the Philis- was higher thant any of the people from his 92'l'. 11.12. o,. 16. 13,. tines: and it shall come to pass, when thou shoulders and upward. IHob. Let th voer0.10. art come thither to the city, that thou shalt 24 And Samuecl said to all the people, See ki, live. oh. 19.23,21. meet a company of prophets coming down ye him gwhom the LORD hath chosen, that ise, Det. tHob. t sha1 kfrom the high place with a psaltery, and a there is none like him among all the peo- 17. 14, &c. (-to s, tabret, and a pipe, and aharp, before them; ple? And all the people shouted,and said, oth. 8. 11. that whe land they shall prophesy: h t God save the king. k Judg. 20.14. thee siotos, 6 And "the Spirit of the LORD will come 25 Then Ssmuel told the people ithe msn- oh. 11.4. Es. 4. 8. upon thee, and'thoo shalt prophesy with ser of the kingdom, and wrote it in s book, th. 11. 12. Luke 2. 12. them, end shalt beturned int another msn. and laid it up before the LORD. And Soam-,Dent.13.13. t Heb. do rfo 7 And tleo it be, when these osigns are uel sent all the people asay, every man to 0 2 s.m. 8. 2. thee se tht come unto thee, thal thou do as ocaossion his house. 1 Kings4.21. had shall servethee; for t God is wih thee. 260~AndSaulalsowent homekto Gibeah; b l10.25. fittl, 8 And thou shalt go down before me Ito and there went with him a bahd of men, |2 Ch. 17. 5. f~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ind P.~. 72. lO.| JUdg. 9.33. Gilgal; and, behold, I will come down unto whose hearts God had touched. 01't 0. h01. pJ.udg. 6 12. thee, to offer burnt offerings, and to sacri- 27 /But the mchildren of Belial said, How,, ch. 11. 14, fiee sacrifices of peae fferings: esevoe days shall thi sman savo us? Andthey despised e otgh sa/ 1. & 13. 4. shalt thou tarry, till I come to thee, and him, land brought him no presents. But t teaf -ch. 13. 8. show thee wha thou shalt do. IIl he hld his peace. deaf 202 Saul rescueth Jabesh-gilead. I. SAMUEL. Samuel testifieth his lutegrity. Bi. C. 1095. CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XIL B. Clm95. 1 d h,,h ff-aththef.Jtbeah-gilld,T-. hf.1h eol~dition. 4 Tey -s~l nsenlrr,d.,-e I Samuel testifieth Ei i ntgrity. 6 1.3-p —th folt~~~~~~~ditia. ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ tlehte tftcarldre uttat ae tiek 1L deliveed by Sautl. 12 Sl heeys ofirmel thepole3 fi3nrvaitude. 16 He t-ei,'ll eth-ths.and his klgdom.enew-ed. it thde' hette. 211oHfoah - 12.12. THEN aNahash the A tmmonite came up, h i d'. /Jedg. 21. 8. |Tand encamped against I Jabesh-gilead / AND Samuel said unto all Israel, Beand all tle men of Jabesh saidunto Nahlash, A hold, I have hIearkned unto a'your el. 8., 19, eae-26. 2.8. CiMake a covenant with us, and we wilmvoieinallthatyesaiduntome andha e ut 20. ] E.. 23. 32. serve thee. made a king over you. IPh. 10.24. & Kit.20.34 2 Ad Nahash the Ammonite answereu d 2 Atd now, behold, the king Io lkhtl be 11. 14,15. El. 17. 13. tlue, On this condition will I make a fore you: dand I am old and goyhoaded; o hU,'. 27.17. |vet 1 3 ith ~oithatI yth t th. 8. 20... covenant with you, tha I may thrust out and, behold, my sons arc with you: and I d. 8. S d Ge. 34. 14. allyourriglteyes, andlayitfor dareproeach have walked before you from my childhood [ e.. 15. eli. 17. 26. upon all Israel. unto thit dty. 11o. 5. 3 And the elders of Jabesh said unto him, Belhere I tam: twitness atainsttme 24' 0fthe. | Glive us teven days' respite, tht t /y before thl LORD, and before a'is e nointe d: 2|'S 1. 14, F-e,-.t t.ts. tsend messengers unto all the coasts of Is- f/whose ox ]h.e I taken? or whose ass 16. rael: and then, if there be no man to save have I taken? or whom have I defraudedl fTurn. 16 15. us, we will come out to thee. whom have I oppressedl? or of whose hand Acts, 20. 33. etl,. lt.26.h& 4 ~ Then came the messengers eto Gibeah have I received any tbribe lilt gblind 1 Tht 2..5.,a. 421.. of Satu, and told tlhe tidings in thie ears of mine eyes therewith? and I will. restore it 1 Htb. fJua. 2.. 4. the people: and fall the people lifted up you.nso. & 21. 2. their oioes, and wep t. 4 And they said, Thouhastot defrauded.l... ttWt I 2 And, behold, Saul came after the herd us,nortoppressedus, neitlher stthou taken soi hi ede., out of the field; and Saul said, What aughtayt'h nmine eyes ata' had aileth the people that they weep? And 5 And lie said unto them, The LORD'isgbDtt 18 19. they told him the tidings of the men of Ja- witness against you, and his anointed is Je, 18h''8 besh. witness this day, hthat ye have not found Aot 1. 938. g u.dg. 3. 10. 6 YAnd the Spirit of God came upon Saul tght i my had. Ad thy e d,.,. pe al[ught /in myhand. And theyasred 2.1.2.... 6.024.hl. whcn e heard those tidings, and his anger He is witness. ied, 2. 4.`9. 6 13. 25. w haskindled greatly. 8 ~ And S.muel said unto the people, kIe, g. 4. 8 eci. 10.10. & 7 nd le took a yoke of oxen, and hhewed is the LORD that IIadvanced itoset and 1. 13. them in pieces, and sen the throughout Aaron, and that brought your f athers u I de. hJudg. 19.29. all thi eoasts of lsrael by the hands of mes- tout of'the latd of Egypt. I.. 18. h 5.3, 4. 21 ger saying, /W..........h not 7 Now therefore stand still, that I may 1 536. 2, 3.. 10. forth after Sul and after Samuel, so shall I reason with you before the LuRD of all the t.. g it le done unto his oxen. And the fear of I righteous acts of the LORD, which he did [~e,. oigatthe LORD fell on the people, and they came t to you and to your fatlhers.'! t.:eIe, 1Heb. a toe, teout with one consent. [8 "When Jacob was come into Egypt, and Judg. 5. 11. ]a._, 8 und when he numbered them in kBezek, your fathers'cried unto the LORD, then tHt t. ill. |J1g. 2). 1. tie childrenl of Israel were three hundred the LORD Osent MIoses and Aaron, which Ct't.46.52,..t..dg. 1.. th.ousand, and the men of Judah tirty brought forth your tfathe out of Egypt, Et 2.23. 12 Sm. 24.9. thtousad. and made them dwell in this place.... 10. 9 And they said unto the messengers that 0 And when they iforgat the LORD thleir 4O.. came, Thus shall ye say unto the men of die ldth itthehad Sis... Jabhesh-gilead, To morrow, by that time the captain of the host of Hazor, and into the 1lJedg.4. 7. sO, un he hot, ye shall have ihelp. And the hand of "the Phlistines, and into the ]land ~td.. ddie,et... messengers came and shewed it to the men of the king Cof Moah, and they fought,.1dg.. 7. of Jabesh; and they -ere glad. against them. & 13. 1. 10 Therefore the men of Jabesh said, To 10 And theyecrieduntotthe LORD, and sait, Jedg. 3. 12. m -r. 3. aerrow I we will come out unto you, and ye NWe have.inned, because te.l.e forsaken I Jhtdgg. lO10. shall do with us all that seemeth good unto the LORD, "and have served Baali' and,lJuig. 2. 13. you. Ashtaroth: but now Ideliver us out of the e Judg. 10.15, 11 And it was so on the morrow, that hand of our enemies, and wewill serve thee. 10. nSteeeh.31.11. t Saul put the people tin three companies; 11 And the LORD Sent YJerubbaal, and ]yJdg. 6. 14, oJudg. 7. 16. and they tam tento the midst of the hliost in Bedan, and tJephthah, and tSamuel, and 32. the morning watch, andslew the Ammonites delivered you out of the hand of your zJulg. 11. 1. tuntil the heat of tlhe day: and it came to enemies on every side, and ye dwelt safe. aeh. 7. 13. pass, that they which remained were seat- 12 And lwhen ye saw that bNahash ilthe Ich. 11. 1. tered, so that two of them were not left to- king of the children of Ammon came against. 19 gether. you, eye said unto me, Nay; butah king 12 ~ And the people saidunto Samuel, hleig o e edtheLORD your d d. 8. 23. peh it. 27. I P:Whois he that said, Shall Saul reign over God was your king... S eeL hke 19. us? hbring the man, that we may put them 13 Now theee ehld the ig f whom bh. 10. 24. 27. to death. o have chose, neIa whom ye have desired i 2Staa19.22t. 13 And Saul said, There shall not a atd, behold, tthe LORD hath set a king fe.8.5.he,. man be put to death this day: for to over you. 10. sE..14.13,30. day'the LORD hath erought salvation in 14 If ye will Ifear the LORD, and serve tHle. 12.11. i. 1 i Israel Ihim, and obey his voice, and not rebel h J'. 24.'14.' 1025.. 14 Then said Samuel to the people, Come, against te tt t..d l.e1t of the LO R;.'1. 12, 14. |t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gis h. t10mnmeto h LR;iH. S.. Yh 1 lt.o. S. ttand let us go tto Gilgal, and renew the king- tilen shall both ye and also the king that ha e.oueh. dom there. reigneth over you tcontinue following the f"1hb. 15 And all the people went to Gilgal; and LORD your God: be sftef.. 10.17. there they made Saul king hlbefore the 1 Eel if ye ill inot obey the voice of the i Le. 26. 14, /t..... i ce of the I il.~c~~ 0. 4, /15 0h. 10 8. LORD in Gilgal; and t there they tacrificed LORD, but rebel against the commandment e 2 sacrifices ot peace offerings before the of the LORD; then shall the hatnd of the LORD; and there Saul and all the mn of LORD be against you, k as it ws against tosh. 24. 20. Israel rejoiced greatly. your fathers. tve. 9. 203 Saul's selected band. I. SAMUEL. Samuel reproveth Saul. B. C.1095. I16 Noow therefore Istand and see this 8 [ dAnd he tarried seven days, accord- B. C. 1093. great thing, which the LORD will do before ing to the set time that Samuel hadi aDE.. 14.13,31. your eyes. pointed: but Samuel came not to Gilgal; d ch. 10. 8. Pr.ov. 2. 1. 17 Is it not twoheat harvest to day? nI and tle people were scattered from him.,Joh. 10.12. 12. ill callunto the LoRD, and lie shall send 9 And Saul said, Bring hither a burnt h. 9, 10. thunder and rain; that ye may perceive offering to me, and peace offerings. And J- ts5. 16. and see thaot Oyour wickedness is great, he offered the burnt offering. o to. 8 7. wthich ye have done in the sight of the LORD, 10 And it came to pass, that as soon as he p E. 14. 31. in asking you a king. had made an end of offering the burnt offerSeeEzralO.9. 18 So Samuel called unto the LORD; and ing, behold, Samuel came; and Saul went q qEo. ). 28.& the LORD sent thunder and rain that day: out to meet him, that he might t salute him. t Hteb 10. 17. and Pallthepeople greatlyfearedtheLoRD 11 ~[ And Samuel said, What hast thou bless him. Jnle3 5.15. and Samuel. done? And Saul said, Because I saw that 1John 5.l16 19 And all the people said unto Samuel, the people nootscattered from me, and Deut. 11. 1. 16. ray for thy servants unto the LO thy hytat thou camest not within the days npoIft;.1. 19. God, that wve die not: for we have added pointed, and that the Plilistines gathered t1or. 8. 4. unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a themselves together at Mdichmash; t Kingo. 13. king. 12 Therefore said 1, Tile Philistines will Po 914.94. 20 AV And Samuel said unto the people, come down now upon me to Gilgal, and I Jo.h. 7. 9. Fnar not: ye have done all this wickedness: have ot t made supplication unto theLORD: teb. P,. 10. 8. yet turn not aside from following e LORD, I forced myself therefore, and offered a burnt eeaed th J.r. 14. 01. but serve the LORD with all your heart' offering. face. Ez. 20.9.14. 21And 0turn ye toot asid for te 13 dSamuel toSaul,eThoulhast done..Chr. 16.9. D e0t. 7,8. should ye go after vain things, which can- foolishly: f thouhastnotkeptthecoonmand- fch. 15. 11. Md. 1.0. not profit nor deliver; for they are vain. ment of the LORD thy God, which the comt IIeb. foo 22 For tthe LORD will not forsake his mandedthee: for now would the LRD]:avo eoing. people efor his great name's sake: because establislhedthykingdomuponIsraelforever. y Act. 12. 5. it hath pleased the LORD to make you his 10 Y Out noo thy kingdom shall not con- gcio. 15. 28. Rom. 1.9. people. tinue: hthe LORD hath sought him a man hps. 89. 20 ('o01 1.9. 23I Moreover as for me, God forbid that I after his onn heart, and the LORD blath Ats 13. 22. Tim. 1. 3. should sin against the LORD t ill ceasing commanded him to be captain over his peoIP.. 34. I t pray for you: but h I will teach you the ple, because thou hast nlot kept that which!roy,. 11.. otia.gth. 11."'good and the right way: the LORD commanded thee. 2 Chr. (1. 27. 24 b Only fear the LORD, and serve him in 15 And Samuel arose, and gat him up from ]Jer. 6 16. truth with all your heart: for'consider Gilgal unto Gibeah of Benjamin. And Saul b Ece. 12. 13. 11 how dgreat things he hath done for you. numbered the people that toeoe t present t ebh.fould. cI.. 5.1.2. 25 But if ye shall still do wickedly, eye with him, i.bout six hundred men. ich. 14. 2. Ort,.oat a shall be consumed, fboth ye andyourking. 16 And Saul, and Jonathan his son, and 0000t tbing.g CHAPTER XIII. the people that zuere present with them, ict. 1 Satti's selected banod. O tle scaletll the Hebros abode in t Gibeah of Benjamin: but the tHeb. oeba, dDu.t.1021. to.'iia agaiit he Philivi-ie.,.hoso ahisono Pllilistines encamped in Michmash. ver. 3. P.d0s. 12t. 2, 3. J tnittei0. 5 The Phlistin-,,'roeat 17 ~T And the spoilers came out of the camp eJotho. 04. 20. host. The distto ess of0he Isr eites. 8Saul, of the Philistines in three companies: one sueary of a!fointo foP Soamolt, sacifdeetih. 11 Satntelt *epoveth him. 17 Th th e spoitng company turned unto the way that leadeth ba,,ds of the dltilistines. 19 The policy of the to k Ophrah, unto the land of Shual: kJosh. 18. 23. Philistines, to suffer to smith in lsoael. 18 And another company turned the way tHb. otesyean SAUL treigned one year; and when he to lBeth-horon: and anotercompany turn- I Jo... I.. 3.& of-oooeyooia tS toad reigned two years over Israel, ed to the way of the border that looketh to 18.1, 14. - ]ii IeOttli.) 2 Soaul chose him three thousand coen of the valley of'Zeboim toward the d wilderness. Nell. 11. 34. 1093. Israel; tlhereof two thousand mere with 19 Now'ttilere was no smith found,tSee 2 ings Saulin Michmash and in mount Beth-el, throughout all the land of Israel: for tte 24.14. and a thousand 0ere with Jonathan in Philistines said, Lest the Iteblews make Jer.24.1. ach. 10. 20. aGibeah of Benjamin: and the rest of the thent swords or spears: people he sent every man to lis tent. 20 But all the Israelites went down to the b chl. 10. 5. 3 And Jonathan smote b the garrison of the Poilistines, to sharpen oeery nan his share,.-11.o Pt/, hill. Philistines that atts in I"Geba, and the andlhiscoulter, ndhlisaxs, ndllismattock. Phlilistines heard of it. And Saul blew the 21 Yet they had t a file for the mattocks, t Hob. a file trumpet throughout allthe land, saying, Let and for the coulters, and for the forks, and with ootthos. the Hebrews hear. for the h axes, and t to sharpen the goads. tHoe. to set. 4 And all Israel heard say that Saul had 22 So it came to pass in the day of battle, smitten a garrison o te Pilistines and that e Phi l sti nesither anord nor spear oSoJudg.5.8. t Heb. that Israel also t was had in abomination found in the band of any of the people that l didstbnik, with the Philistines. And the people were oero with Saul and Jonathan: butwithSaul Gen. 30. called together after Saul to Gilgal. and with Jollathan his son was there found. p lo. 14. 1, 4. E..5. 21, 5~ And the Philistines gathered themselves 23 And the Itgarrison of the Philistines 11 Or,ltandi,,g together to fight with Israel, thirty thousand went out to the passage of Michmash. ca. chariots, and six thousand horseo en, and CHAPTER XIV. people as the sand which is on the sea shore l Jonathan, ntittlg os his fatheo, the p'iet, or in multitude: and they came up, and pitch- tie peoole, goeth and miacltoqusly smiteth the ed in dIiohmash, eastward from IBeth-aven. Philistines' garrisont. 15 A di,leter'o to alketh 6 When the men of Israel saw that they them beat thtemelues. 17 Saul, toot staying the were in a strait, (for the people were diis- ooS,, s e toet h o- them. 21 itoe galtieJudg. 6. 2. tressed,) then the people Cdid hide them- taga Ithent. t 2 Saul's otsadtvised a2djuitatiost selves in caves, and in thickets, and in hitdereth thevictory. 32 1Ie estainoth tlepooroolks, and in high plices, and in pits. pta fiom eating blood. 3 le dlildeth an altaro. 7 And sotne oof the ebres went over 36 Jonathan, taken 6y lot, issaved ythepeople. Hb. Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead. As 47 Satl'strength ondfnily. about 1087. tble afteo tfor Saul, hoe tas yet ill Gilgal, and all the TOW llit came to pass upon a day, that lOr, there him. people t followed toim trembling. 1 Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the was a day. 204 Jonathan smiteth the Philistines. I. SAMUEL. Saul's unadvised adjuration. B. C. youngman that bare his armour, Come, and 1 And it came to pass, hllile Saul I B. C. about1087.- let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, mtalked unto the priest, that the i noe about 1087. that is on the other side. But he told not that 7tas ill the host of the Plhilistines his father. went on and increased: and Saul said SNume.2721. 2 And Saul tarried in the uttermost part unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand. l Or, tumult. of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree whlich 20 And Saul and all the people that werne is in Migron: and the people that were with hIim tassembled themselves, and they t Heb. acll. 13. 15. nith hin ere about six hundred men; came to the battle: and, behold, nevery tw-e c'ied tcth. 22. 9,11. 3 And b Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, CI-chla- man's sword was against his fellow, andtoettter. 20, called bod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son there twas a very great discomfiture. nJudg. 7. 22. Aimeleuh. of Eli, the LORD'S priest in Shiloh, dwear- 21 Moreover, the Hebrews tielt were eitll2 Chr.20.23. cel,. 4. 21. ing an eplod. And the people knew not the Philistines before that time, whiclh tent dch. 2. 28. that Jonuthan aa gone. up eith th into te camp e fromle the coont4 ~ And between the passages, by which try round about, even they also turneal to ech. 13. 23. Jonathan sought to goover e unto the Philis- be with the Israelites that were with Saul tines' garrison, there uas a sharp rock on and Jonathan. the one side, and a sharp rock on the other 22 Likewise all the men of Israel which side: and the name of the one wt6s Bozez, ~had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, och.13.6. and the name oftlhe other Seneh. when they heard that the Pllilistines fled, t Hb. tooth. y The tforefront of tihe one twas situate even they also followed hiard after them in northward over against Mlichmash, and the the battle.' other southward over against Gibeal. 23 I'So the LORD saved Israel that day: pEx. 14. 30. 6 And Jonathan said to the young man and the battle passedover qunto Beth-aven. Ps. 44. 6, 7. that bare his armour, Come, and let us go 24 S And the men of Israel were distressed tos. 1. 7. over unto the garrison of these uncircum- that day: for Saul had'' adjured the people, q cl. 13. 5. oised: it may be that the LORD will work saying, Cursed be the man that eateth any tlJosh.. 26. for us: for thene is no restraint to the food until evening, that I may be avenged fJudg. 7.4,7. LORD f to save by many or by few. on mine enemies. So none of the people l2Chro14.l. 7 And his armourbearer said unto lim, tasted any food. Do all that is in thy heart: turn thee; be- 25 s And all they of- the land came to a s Deut. 9. 28. llold, I ane with thee according to thyhleart. wood; and there was thoney upon the Iatt. 3. 5. 8 Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass ground. r oE 3. 8. over unto these men, and we will discover 26 And when the people were come into Num. 13.27. ourselves unto them. the wood, bellold, the honey dropped: but Xatt. 3, 4. t Heb. 9 If they say thus unto us, t Tarry until no man put his hand to his noutih: for the tBe etdit. noe come to you; then te eill stand still in people feared the oath. our place, and will not go up unto them. 27 But Jonathan heard not when his father 10 But if they say thus, Come up unto us; charged the people with the oath: wherefore then we will go up: for the LORD lbath de- le put forth the end of the rod that was in gSee Get. 21. liveredthemointo our hand; and Ythis shall his hand, and dipped it in a honeycomb, 14. be a sign unto us. and put his -hnnd to his mouth; and his JUdg. 7. 11. 11 And botliof them discovered themselves eyes weore enlighttened. unto the garrison of tile Plilistines: and 28 Then ansvered one of the people, and the Philistines said, Bellold, the Hebrews said, Tiy father straitlycharged the people come forth out of the holes where they had with an oath, saying, Cursed be the man hid thetmlselves. that cateth any food this day. And the 12 And tie men of the garrison answered pcople were 11 faint. Or, sten,. Jonathan and his armourbearer, eand said, 29 Then said Jonathan, Iry father Lath Come up tous, and we willshew you a thing. troubled the land: see, I pray you, Ihow And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer, mine eyes have been enlightened, because Come up after me: for the LORD hath de- I tasted a little of this honey. livered them into the hand of Israel. 30 Howl much more, if haply the people had 13 And Jonathanl climbed up upon his eaten freely to day of tle spoil of tlieir enehlnds and upon his feet, and his armour- mics whllic they found? for had there not bearer after him: and they fell before Jon- been now a much greater slaughter among athan; and his armourbearer slew after tle Philistines? lhim. 31 And they smote the Philistines that day 14 And that first slaughter, which Jonl- from Micllmashl to Aijalon: and the people nthan and his armournearer madb, was were vcryfaint. 1 Ort, Aif a about twenty men, within as it were a half 32 And tle people flew upon the spoil, and Ifrt oeeofne acre of land, whiet a yoke of onent?ight took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew g. 1. of atd, Plogh. them on the ground:and the people did udg. 7. 21. 15 And there was trembling in the host, eat tlemn n with the blood. o Le,. 3.17.h& 1520 King,;7.7. in the field, tnd amnong all tie people: the 33 ~ Then they told Saul, saying, Bellold, 7.26. &17.10. Jobich. 13.17. garrison, and ithe spoilers, they also them- thle people sin against the LORD, in that & 19.26. bled, and the earth quaked: so it eas t k a they eat with the blood. And he said, Ye 23. 24. t heb. atrn.- very great trembling. have 11 transgressed: roll a great stone unto Or, dealt lntrgofGoed. 16 And tile twatclmnen of Saul in Gibeah me this day. - OGen. 35. 5. of Benjamnin looked; ad, behold, the mul- 34 And Saul said, Disperse yourselves ly. l ver. 20. titude meltcd ateay, and they Iwent on beat- among the people, and say unto them, Bring ing down one another. me hitller every man his ox, and every man 17 Then said Saul unto the people that his sheep, and slay the here, anld eat; were with him, Number now, and see who and sin not against the LORD in eatingwith t hA is gone from us. And when they had nun - the blood. And all the people brought ev-eb. S bered, behold, Jonathan and his armour- eryman his ox twith him that night, and nchi. 7. bearer were not there. slew theem there. 18'And Saul said unto Aiah, Bring hither 35 And Saul " built an altar unto the LORD: tll, the ben the ark of God. For the trk of God oas at l the same was the first altar that he built /ee eti that time with the children of Israel. unto the LORD. the LORD. 205 The people rescue Jonathan. I. SAMUEL. Saul sent to destroy Aoalek. 1. 0 3 5 0 And Saul said, Leot us go down after his people, overIsraelt: now thereforehark- B.0C. about 1087. the Philistines by nlight, and spoil themun- en thou unto the voice of the words of the about10e 7. til the morning light, and let us not leave a LO -D. man of them. And they said, Do whatso- 2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I reoem0ever scemeth good unto thee. Then said bet that which Amalek did to Israel, bhow b E. 17.8,14. the priest, Let us drawnear oitter untoGod. te laid oait for him inthe cway, when he DNut 24.20. 37 And Saul asked counsel of God, ShallI cameo up from Egypt. et. 17.. go down after the Philistines? wilt thou de- 3 Now go and smite Amalek, and Cutterly 18 19. ych. 286. liver them into tehehand of Israel? But Yhe destroy all that they have, and: spare them cle-. 27. 28, Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~29. answere.d him nottet day. enot; tt sly both man and women, infant Josh. 0. 17, Joeh. 7. 14. 38 And Saul said, ZDraw ye near hither, and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 21.. 10. 190.. ailltho 0 olief of the people: and hnow and A And Saulgathered the people together, O tlch. see wherein this sin hath been this day. and numbered them in Telaim, two huncoes. 39 For, a as the LORD livethl, which saveth dred thousand footmen, and ten thousand Jucdg. 20.2. Israel, though it be in Jonathan my son, he men of Judah. ae2Sa-om2.. shall surely die. But there was not a man I5 And Saul came to a city of Amalek, and among all the people fthct answe red him. IIlaid wait in tihe valley. II Or, fecght. 40 Then said he unto all Israel, Be ye on 6 ~ And Saul said unto d the Kenites, eGo, clyNur-.24.21. one side, and I and Jonathan my son will depart, get you down from among the Ama- Judg. 1.16.& be on the other side. And the people said lekites, lest I destroy you with them: for 4. 11. unto Saul, Dowhat seemoth good untothee. fye shewedl kindness to all the children of ]e Gn.l.2 5.& 41 Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. 19. 12.1. bProv. 16. 33. of Israel, b loGive a perfect lot. CAnd Saul So the Kenites departed froo among the co. 18. 4. Acts 1.21. and Jonathan were taken: but the people Amalekites. f.. 18.10,19. 11 Or, Shoeths tCescacped. 7 SAnd Saul smote the Amalekites from N.10.9, JOof~W. h 42 And Saulosaid, Cast lots between me and Oovitoah untilthou comest to i Shur, that.. cJosh. 7. 16. Jonathanmyson. AndJonathan was taken. s over against Egypt. gt.. 4. ]clh.10.20,2c. 43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, dTellme P And k he took Agag the king ofthe Ama- h25G-2. 1. ftIeb. what thou Ihast done. And Jonathan told lekites alive, and lutterly destroyed all the. 1. went focth. him, and said,'i did but taste a little honey people with the edge of the sword. ieGe. 16.7. dJoslh. 7.19. wvith the end of the rod that was in mine 9 But Saul and the people e'spared Agog, |k Se 1 lns ]ever, 27. /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20. a4,5,&oI./ ecer. 27. hand, aed, lo, I must die. and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, ec.3.1e fRutlh 1 17. 44 And Saul answere d, fGod do so and and lof the fatlings, and the lambs, and all e l.30.. 9vee. more also: I for thou shalt surelydie, Jon- thft toae good, and would not utteely do- evec, 15. athan. stroy them: hbut everything lhat.e.e vile II Oe, of Mh 45 Acd the people said unto Saul, Shell cand refuse, that they destroyed utterly. ccdre Jonathan die, whoie hath wrought this great 10 ~ Then came the mord of the LORD unto h2Sam.14.11. salvation in Israel? God forbid: h as the Samuel, saying, 1 Kin. 1.52. LORD liveoh, there shall not onehair of his 11 It repenteth me that I hiave eet op 0. 5. L..21.18. head fall to the ground; forhehathl wrou.ght Saul to bS king: for lee is Oturned hack Gsc. 0.0,7, with God this day. So the people rescued from following me, P andhath notperformed 2S0m. 21.16 Jonathan, that hle died not. mycommandments. Andit grievedSam- oJ.1 22. 16. 46 Then Saul went up from following the uel; and hle cried unto the LORD all night. Iloel 9. 6. Philistines: and the Philistines ment to 12 And when Samuel rose early to meet 1pEel..!3. 1.,their o.n place. Saul in tl.e morning, it was told Samuel, v. 47 ~ So Saultook the kingdom over Israel, saying, Saul cameto'C ermel, and, behold, qce.l?. and fought against all his cnemies on every he set him up a place, and is gone about, side, against Moab, and against the children and passed on, and gone dcown to Gilgal. -h. 1.. ieh. 11. 11. ofiAmmon, and against Edom, and against 13 And Samuel came to Saul: and Saul 2ml. 10. 6 e. thticngs of Zoobh, 00nd againcetthe Phili- esaid unto him, 1Blessed be thou of the sGen. 14.19. tines: and whithersoever he turned him- LoRDo Iicveperform eddthe comeandmen JUdg. 17. 2. self, he vexed them. of the LORD. Reth 3. 10. j Or, wouecght 48 Andhe Ilgathered a host, ald lsmote the 14 And Samuel said, What meaneth then -meghtily. Amalotkites, and delivered Israel out of the this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and itcr. 15. 3, 7. hands of them that spoiled them. the lowing ofthe oxen which I hear? mch. 31. 2. 49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, 15 And Saul said, They haeve brought them 1Chr. 8. 33. and Ishui, and Melohi-shua: and the names from the Amalekites: tfor the people spared t er. 9, 21. of his twvo daughters ere tchese; the name the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to Oes. 3.12. of the firstborn Morab, and the name of the sacrifice unto the LORD thy God; and Ice Prey. 28. 13. younger Miohal: rest me have utterly destroyed. 00 Acd the 0name of Seul's mite ers Ahin- 16 Then Samuel said unto Saul, Stay, and oam, the daughter of Ahimaaz: and thle I will tell thee what the LORD lhath said to tHeb.Able,-. ]name of thle captain of his hlost was tAbner, me this night. And he said unto him, tile son of Nor, Saul's uncle. Say on. eneh. 0. 1. 51 "And Kish 00as tele father of Saul; acd 11 And Samuel sold, "When thou leest ch. 0. 21. Ner tle father of Abner was tle son ofAbtiel. little in thine own sight, wast thou not cde 52 And there was sore war against the Phi- the Ihead of tie tribes of Israel, and the listies all the days of Saul: and when Saul LORD anointed thee king over Israel? saw any strong man, or any valiant man, 18 And the LORD sent thee on a journey, oec. S. 11. O he took him unto him. and said, Go and utterly destroy the sinCHAPTER XV. ners the Amalekites, and fight against them [1 Oamztel siendeoh Sauldto dcesl od olet OSzCel until t they be consumed. f eH,. t'r ths Eolce.. Oi.s s.e.. eth.t.g ed 19 Vherefor ye le didsthouio ot obeyhey cc e Os set efl Os c. lOSeveceel elsceeoellccte vlo ice of the LORD, but didst fly upon the te-, [ sjsei efl[eicce frec-cosisco]ecisoos..od...'s spoil, and didst evil in tle sight of the ehumiliatioe. 32Sam0oel killeeth eag. 34 Sam- LORD? o tees7 l azd Sa$,a,t-. 20 And Saul said unto Samuel, Yea, I ver. 13. aou1o79o16. SAIUEL also saiduntoSauel, IThe LORD lhave obeyed the voice of the LORD, and {kc..0. 10. klsent me to anoint thee to bc king over have gone the way which the LORD sent me, 20. He is rejected for disobedience. I. SAMUEL. Samuel anointeth David. B. C. and have brought Agag the kingof Amalok, will show thee what thou shalt do: and B. C. about1079. and have utterly destroyed the Amalekites. gthou shalt anoint unto me him whom I about 1063. 21 YBut the people took of the spoil, sheep name unto thee. yveo. 15. and oxen, the chief of tie things which 4 Acd Samuel did that which the LORD e h.. 16. should have been utterly destroyed, to sac- spake, and camo e to Beth-lehem. And the rifice unto the LORD thy God in Gilgal. elders of the town h trembled at his com- h oh. 00. 1. F.. 50.c, 9. 22 And Samuel said, ZHath the LORD as ig, and said, i Comest thou peaceably? t heb. Proo. 21.3. great delight in burnt offerings and oacri- And he said, Peaceably: I am come to iv fi. 1. 11,. as in obeying the voice of the LORD? sacrifice unto the LORD: ksonctify your- I.Kicg2.13. 1311,10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~. ot 1c 176,217 Behcold,'to obey is better than sacrifice, selves, and come with me to the sacrifice. 2Kiingsc.22. Eir.'i.6,7,8. oanclto hearken than the fat of rams. And ho sctificd Jesse and his sons, aod k 0..01.1014. Heb. 10.6, 7, 23 For rebellion is as the sin of t witch- olled themto the sacrifice. 8, 9. craft, and stubborness is as inicquity and 6 0 And it came to pass, hen they were aEcc. 5. 1. idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the come, thathe looked on Eliab, and mc said, Ioh, 17.13..eov. 6. word of the LORD, he liatS also rejected Surely the LORD'S anointed is before hiw. solled 3tt.5.24.& thee from being king. 7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look Bliho. L. 1:h.' 12. 1 Cr. 27.18. lIark 12.33. 24 CAnd Saul said unto Samuel, I have not on "his countenance, or on the height I lKi.. 12.2. t Heb. sinned: for I have transgressed the cow- of his stature; because I have refused him: oa.147.12.20. cdiweation osmandment of the LORD, and thy words: Ifor the LORD seeth not as mao seeth; cP.117.10,11. oDet. 18. 10. hbecause I dlfeard the people, and obeyed for man p looketh on the t outward appear- ols.. 55. 8. Ibct. 13. 14. their voice. anc0, but the LORD looketh on the Yheart. p 2 Co. 10. 7. $s 2 Sam. 25 Now etherefore, I pray thei pardon my 8 Then Jesse called SAbinadab, and made lhb. eyes. 12. 13. sin, and turn again with me, that I may him pass before Samuelc. And he said, Nei- qlcKings8.39.] E. 23 2 worship the LORD. ther hath the LORD chosen this. Clhr. 28. 9. d.9 x,. uIwlnoa P.. 7 9. Preoy.2. 29..[26 And Samuel said unto Sul, I will not 9 Then Jesse made II Shammah topass by.!. 7 9. Is. 51.12,13. return with thee: e for thou hast rejected And he said, Noither hath the LORD chosen Je0.11.20. &h eSeech.2.30. the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath this. 17. 10. h20. 12. rejected thee from being king over Israel. 10 Again, Jesse made seven of hlis sons to Aet 1. 24. 27 And as Samuel turned about to go passbeforcoSamuel. AndSamuelsaidunto c. 1713 fses I Mings away, fhe laid hold upon the skirt of his J, Te LO l t co th. 17. 13. Jesse, Thle LORD hath not chlosen these. [|'Sic, II. 30. |:sm"I. 30. mantle, and it rent. 11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are ere 2 iSh. ch.c28.17,18. 28 And Samuel said unto him, L'The LORD al ty hild A i said, Tc r ec. alltby2children? And he said, tThccre./~ 8h/....... Iin. 11.31. hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee maineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he I Chr.. 13. this day, and hath given it to a neighbou keepeth thle sheep. And Samuel said unto sch. 17. 13. of thine, that is better than thou. Jesse,'Send and fetch him: for we will t ch. 17. 12. 11Or, Ete,,l- 29 And also the IIStrength of Israel chill not sitt tdown till lie come bither. S 7. Oy,. ot, C'iv-nnt lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that 12Andhe oet, adhboughottiwin. Now e.bc.c to~!l. 12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now [ n.. 78. 70. toe should repent. he eeas oruddy, ando withaltof a beautiful t eb. coccild. 1... 1'.1. 30 Thenhce said, Ihave sianedi yetilion- countenance, and goodly to look to. YAnd c 172 E,,. 2-1. 141. 11C. 17. 42, 2 Tin. 2. 13. our me now, I pray thee, before the elders the LORD said, Arise, anoint Ihim: for this Cont. 5. 10. wTi. 1. 2. of my people, and before Israel, and turn is hie. Joooh 5. 44. again with me, that I may worship the 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and lsH.b faio! & 12. 43. LORD thy God. anointed him in the midst of his brethr enn: S. 5 r. 17. 31 So Samuel turned again after Saul; aa o ch. 9. 17. and "the Spirit of tihe LORD cm pnzh 01 andSaul worsthippedethe LORD. David from that dayforward. So Samuel P l..920 32 ~ Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to rose up, and cnt to Romanh. sua mce Agag the king of tie Amalekites. And 14 [ b But the Spiritof the LORD departed 1l Ag came nto ohim delicately. And Agog from Saul, and Ianevilspiritf'omttheLORDa Joidg. 11.29. said, Surely the bitterness of death is past. troubled him. - & 13. 25. & kEa. 17. 11. 33 And Samuel said, kAs thy sword hath And Saul's servants said unto him, Be- 14 i6 No. 12.4. wm5. ade women childless, so s hall thy mother hold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth C. lb 1o, 105. Sc Jdg. 1. be childless among women. And Samuel thee. aboutlO65. o hewed Agag in pieces before the LORD in 16 Let our lord now command thy servants, bdg.16c.20. i llgal. whlich ao-e dbefore thee, to seek out a man, h. ll.6.&18. 34i~Then Samuel w enttto Ramah;and Saul othis a cunning player on a lrp: and it 12 & 28. 1. I oh. 11.4. wcnt up to his hlouse to I Gibeath of Saul. shall come to p ass, when the evil spirit fo e. 61. 11. tiSee oh. 19. 35 And mSamucl came no more to sece Saul God is upon thee, that he slhall'plays with J1. 0. 9. 23 24. until the day of his death: nevertheless his hand, and thou shalt be well. 1 r. 11. Samuel'mourned fo Saul: and the LORD 17 And Saul said unto his servants, Prooh, 18.1. orepented that he had made Saul king over vidi e mc now a man that can play well, and1 o yes.1t. t.Israel. bring him to me. oet. 21, 22. CHAPTER XVI. 18 Then cnswerid one cf tlo servants, and o c.g. l.8.. tewost. ee t by GMeh, -dl,,ols poaet- f said, Behold, I have seen a s o n of Jesse the,ro 2 it, sooh to et/-tlehs... 6 Hi' ho.... Beth-leho..itc, t0/at is cunning in playing, 2eKrings3.15. juogoiecs it ceproved. 1I He aeocsteth David. and fa mighty valiant man, and a man of foh. 17.32,30, Lh5 eol eeodlohfor D-eidl to ieO hiswil war, and prudent in lmatters, and a. come- al 3 336.c about1063. h-,io. ly person, and Othe LORD is with him. io, seeh. ooh. 1533. A ND the LORD said unto Swmuol,'How 19 Wc[ Wherefore Saul sent messengers unto g oh. 3. 19. & cth. 15. 23. AL long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing Jesse, and said, Send mc David thy son, 18.1 124. -!h. 9. to. I have rejected him from reigning over hwhich is with the sheep. h-s. 11. It in.JOg. 1. Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I 20 And Jesse itook an ass laden with ch.17.15,34. lP...7,. 70. will send theOe to Jesse toe Both-lelowito: cobreoad, and a bottle of wine, and a kid, and iSeech.10.27. 8s9.19c20. for d I have provided me a king among ohis sent them by David his son unto Saul. & 17.18. Alct,,3.22. sons. 21 And David cme to Saul, and kstood Gs....3.11. t h. to 2 And Satoneo said, How can I go? if Saul before him: and he loved him greatly; and Prococc. 16..hioeo.o.. hear it, he wilill ill me. And the LORD he bec.ame hi, amourbearer. k Coa. 41. 46. ech. 9. 12. & said, Take a heifer twith thee, and say, II 2 And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let 1 10.8. I20. 29, mcm oscic o h OD rv P`9 20. 19. ai come to sacrfiee to the LORD. David, I pray thee, stand before m; for he fEx. 4. 1.. 3 And call Jesse to the saorifice, and fI hth found favour in oy sight. 107 Goliath defieth Israel. I. SAMUEL. David accepteti the challenge. B. C. 23 And it came to pass, when /the evil tcaptain of theis thousand, and ~look how B. C. about1063. spirit from God was upon Saul, that David thy brethren fare, and take their pledge. about 1063. took a harp, and played with his hand: so 19 Now Saul, and they, and all the men lver. 1, 16. Saul wvas refreshed, and was well, and the of Israel, seere in the valley of Elah, fight- t He. evil spirit departed from him. ing with the Philistines. ep of CHAPTER XVII. 20 V And David rose up early in the morn- t 1'ahe arlies of Il ltes a-,, Philstiines be- ing, and left the sheep with a keeper, and Ge. 37.14. insg'eady to battle, 4 Goliath c11evlh prloudly took, and went, as Jesse had commanded f-th tso ehalles!le a eonbat..12 oavi dsent by him; and he came to the l trench, as the IOr, place of hiefote. 9 -s t sabhiet h-is ]. soieis roughtieelessee. to vlisit dles hetien, ai. et the shal- host was going forth to the 11 fight, and the e. vslaye ~o Saul. 32 He schowelkthh~. v ~easb~ozr~of his26. 5.c to hSuo. 32 dde aelsels the. asoe ofshis eosfi- shouted for the battle. desce. 38 lsit.ut m ed yf.ith, he 21 For Israel and the Philistines had put [1 Or, sluyeshstieyiant. 55Sou C hta ssticeofDavlid, the battle in array, army against army. vstle slsof ach. 13. 5. OW the Philistines gathered together 22 And David left this carriage in the fi e o.11 their armies to battle, and were gath- hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran - e. the bJoss. 1.. 35. ered together at 1 Shochoh, whih belongeth into the army, and came and t saluted his ve o Chr. 28.18. to Judah, and pitched between Shochoh and bretsaren. ute d hi liOr, he Azekah, in "I Ephes-dammim. 23 And as he talked with them, behold, tlIHeb. asker coastft- 2 And Saul and the men of sral mere there came up the champion, the Philistine his b,-eth..ise 0imca.-lled e gathered togetller, and pitched by tie valley of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the.armies of eae s ides[ 3fW. 151 a/se, a1.of Elah, and t set the battle in array against of the Philistines, and spake I according JU.. 15. ChIn. 11.13. the Philistines. to the same words: and David heard thlesm. ver8. t Heb.- ased |3 And the Philistines stood on a mountain 24d And all the men of Israel, when they the battle. on the one side, and Israel stood on saw theman, fled tfrom him, and were sore Hcl,. f-om mountain on the other side: and there afraid. hi face. was a valley between them. 25 And the men of Israel said, Have ye 4 A And there went out a champion out of seen this man that is come up surely to c2Sam.21.]9. the camp of the Philistines, named CGo- defy Israel is he come up: and it shall be, dJosh. 11.22. liath, of Gatllh, whose height was six cu- that the man who killeth him, the king will bits and a span. enrich him with great riches, and vwill give q Jos. 15. 16. 6 And he had a helmet of brass upon his him his daughter, and make his father's tHeb.clothed. head, and he wals tarmed with a coat of house free in Israel. mail; and the weight of the coat was five 26 And David spaoe to the men that stood thousand shekels of brass. by him, saying, What shall be done to the 6 Andhehad greaves ofbrassuponhislegs, man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh iOr, goret. and a targetofbrassbetweenhis shoulders. away "the reproach from Israel? for who coh. 11.k2. e2Sam.2119.. 7 And the estaff of his spear usos like is this euncircumcised Philistine, that he soh. 14.6. a weaver's beam; and his spear's head should t defy the armies of " the living God? t e. 10. sueighesl six hundred shekels of iron: and 27 And the people answered him after this s Deot. 5.26. one bearing a shield went before him. manner, saying, I So shall it be done to the szer. 25. 8 And ihe stood and cried unto the armies man that killeth him.. 25. of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye 28 I And Eliab his eldest brother beard come out to set your battle in array? m when he spako unto the men; and Eliab's fbh. 8.17. not I a Philistine, and ye fservants to Yanger was kindled against David, and lies yien. 37. 4, Saul? choose you a man for you, and let said, Why camest thou down hither? and 8, 11. him come down to me. withwhom st thou left those few sheep in Ottt. 10. 36. 9 If he be able to fight with me, and to kill the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the me, then will we be your servants: but if I naughtiness of thine leart; for thou art prevail against him, and kill him, then shall cone down that thou mightest see the battle. gchll t. 1. ye be our servants, and g serve us. 29 And David said, What have I now.ver. 26. 10 And the Philistiloe said, I hdefy the done? Is tere not a cause? ver. 17. tSam.21.2i. armies of Israel this day; give me a man, 30 ~ And he turned from him toward anthat we may fight together. other, and' spake after the same t manner: a ver. 26, 27. 11 When Saul and all Israel hear d the people answered him again after tHeb. sosl. words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, the former manner. and greatly afraid. 31 And w thn the words w ere heard which ior. 58. 12 ~ Now David..s itle son of that David spke, they rehearsed them before Plth 4. 22. l Ephrathite of Beth-lehem-judah, whose Saul: and lie t sent for llim. tHeb. h. 16. 1,18. name 2oas Jesse; and he had leight sons: 32 ~ And David said to Saul, bLet no s toOkhim. k Gen 35. 19. and the man went among men for an old man's heart fail because of hlim; Cthy serv- bDeut.20.1,3. lch.6.t10,11. man in the days of Saul. ant will go and fight with this Philistine. cch. 16. 18. so I Cllr. 2. 13 And the three eldest sons of Jesse went 33 And Saul said to David, ld Thou art not NlSee hum. 13, 14, 15. and followed Saull to the battle: and the able to go against this Philistine to fight 13. 31..c...l...68,9. wnames of his three sons that went to the with him: for thou?o.t sbt a youth, ad e Deut. 9, 2. 1 Chr. 2. 13. battle zwere Eliab the firstborn, and next a man of war from his youth. unto him Abinadob, and the third Sham- 34 And David said unto Saul, Thy servant mah. kept his fsather's sheep, and there came a 14 And David was the youngest: and the lion, and took a lltamb out of nOr, id three eldest followed Saul. the lock: 15 But David went and returned from Saul 35 And I went out after him, and smote e h. 16. 19.'to feed his father's sheep at Beth-lehem. him, and delivered it out of his mouth: 16 And the Philistine drew near morning and when le arose against me, I caught and evening, and presented himself forty hi'c by his beard, and smote him, and slew days. him. 17 And Jesse said unto David his son, 36 Thy servant sle botll the lion andte ePs.18.16,17. Take now for thy rethren. an ophals of this besr: and this uncircumcised Philistine & ( 7. & 77. parched corn, and these ten loaves, and run shall be as one of them, seeing lie hath de- 2 Cor. 1. 10. tHeb, cheeses to the camp to thy brethren: fied the armies of the living God. 2 Tim. 4.17, of ilt. 18 And carry these toen theeses unto the 37 Davidsaidmoreover, eThe LORD that 18. 208. He slayeth the Philistine. I. SAMUEL. Jonathan's love for David. B. C. delivered me out of the pao of the lion, 54 And David took the head of the Philis- B. C. about1063. and out oftho paw of the bear, he will de- tine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he about1063. liver me out of the hand of this Philistine. ut iris armour in his tent. flh. 20. 13. And Saul said unto David, Go, and fthe 55 ~1 And when Saul saw David go forth O Chr. 22.11, LORD be with thee. against the Philistine, lie said unto Abner, 16. H8 1 And Soul t armoed David with his the captain of the host, Abner,'whose son ooe ch. 16. tHh. edthed armour, and lie put a helmet of brass up- is th's youth? And Abner said, As thy 21, 22. Dauoit lith on his head; also he armed him with a coat soul livetl, O liing, I cannot tell. his clothes. of mail. 56 And thile king said, Inquire thou whose i 39 And David g;rded his sword upon his son the stripling is. armour, and he assayed to go; for he had 7 And as David returned from the slaughnot proved it. And David said unto Saul, I ter of the Philistine, Abner took him, and cannot go with thllese; for I hve not proved brought him before Saul with the head of ver. 4. them. And David put them off him. the Philistine in his hand. 40 nd lhe took his staff in his hand, and 58 And Saul said to him, Whose son art chose him five smooth stones out of theo thou, to young man? And David an11 Or, valley. 11 brook, and put them in a shepherd's t ba sered, I am the son of thy servant Jesse ver. 12. tIeb. vessel. which he had, even in a scrip; and his the Beth-lehemite. sling avas in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine. CHAPTER XVIII. 41 And the Philistine came on and drew 1 Jo a, loveth anid. 5 Saol envelth hi, near unto David; and the ian that bare h o iseo 0 0se0,0 h to ktill him ais f oly 12 forb hin fon hisod suces, 17offeeth hi the shield ten~t before him. hiaeth d ig te for aLi scar ce 22 Daidpesu -,l aded 42 And when the Philistine looked about, to be the king's so, i,t lal, givetoh to lred ePas.123. 3,4 and saw David, lie disdained htim: for lie foe.lins of the Pili. ti,esJfo ichal's dowry I Cor. 1.27, was butt a youth, and hruddy, and of a fair 28 Sawl'ls hlatred, and l)avi's loy itooeaselo. 28. countenance. AND it onme to pass, when he had made hch. 16. 12. 43 And the Philistine said unto David, an end of speaking unto Saul, that i ol. 21.14...ia I a dog, that thou comost to me with athe soul of Jonathan Woas knit with the Gen.44. 30. 2Sam.38.3 staves? And the Philistine cursed David soul of David, b and Jonathan loved him lDeut. 13. 6. 08.0 It. gh0 by his gods. as his otn soui, oht. 19. 2. h 2Inigo8.O13. 44 And the Philistine Said to Dokid, him2 And ul took lim that day, hand ould 20. 17. kl10KigJ 20. Comeo me, and I will give thy fleso unto let imgonomore hometohiso father'shouse. S. 1. 2.. the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the 3 Then Jonathan and David made a cov- oh. 17. i field. enant, because lie loved him as his owt soul. 45 Then said David to the Philistine, 4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a robe that oras upon him, and gave it to 2Sam.22.33, spear, and witi a shield: Ibut Icome to thee David, and his garments, even to Lis sword, 35. in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of and to his bow, and to his girdle. P.i 124. 8. & the aomie onIso l, hom thou lst defied. 5 AndD.avid went out.hithersoever Saul 2;. 10. 4. 46 This day will the LORD t deliver thee sent him, ond 11behaved himself wisely: Or, Heb, 11. 33, into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and and Saul set him over the men of war, and ]prospered, 34. take thine head from thee; and I will give he was accepted in the sight of all the peo- ooe. 14, 12 se00r. 10. 01 the carcasses of the host of the Philistines ple, and also in the sight of Saul's sevants.3 0 e 0,00. this day unto the fowls of the air, and to 6 And it came to pass as they came, when Or, siht tlhee tp. the wild beasts of the earth; O that all the David was returned from the slaughter of Philistine. Deout. 28.26. earth may know that there is a God in Israel. the I Philistine, that d the women came out d E. 15. 20. oJo0 4. 24. 47 And all this assembly shall knolv that of all cities of Israel, singing and dancing, Judg. 11.3-1. 1KingtS.d43. the LOR1D Psaveth not with sword and to meet king Saul, with tabrets, with joy, tHeb. three& 1S. 36. spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and and with tinstruments of music. stri ned iL2iingslO9.19 he will give you into our hands. 7 And the women'answered one another rotteoLt. Is, 52. 10. 48 And it came to pass, when the Philis- as they played, and said, f Saul bath slain eE. 15. 21. p s. 44. 6,7. tine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet his thousands, and David his ten tlousands. cflh. 21. 11. &: H~o. 1. 7. David, that David hasted, and ran toward 8 And Saul was ery wroth, and the say- 29. {. Ch. 240. i the army to meet the Pllilistine. ing tgdispleased him; and lie said, They Heb. hias 2Cher.2.i... 49 And David put his t.hand in his bag, havI asoribed unto David ten tlousands, Y, in his and took thence a stone, and slang it, annd and to me they have ascribed but thou- 4.4. smote the Philistine in his forehead, that sands: and oohat can lhe have more but Ecc. 4.0. the stone sunk into his forehead; and he h the kingdom? ol, 15. 00. fell upon his face to the earth. 9 And Saul eyed David from that day and ioch. 16. 14. chl. 21. 9. 50 So nDavid prevailed over the Philistine forward. k ct. 19. 24. See Judg. 3. owithl a sling and with a stone, and smote the 10 q[ And it came to pass on the morrow, 1Kings18.29. 3 1.h &. 15. | Philistine, and slew him; but there was no that ithe evil spirit from God came upon Act. 16.16.:s4-.23'21. sword in tie handof David. Saul, and lie prophesied in the midst of Ch. 19.9. 51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the house: andDavid played with his Iland, 1- tot19.10. l& the Philistine, and took his sword, and as at other times: land there oas a javelin 2o.20. 4. drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew in Saul's land. him, and cut off his head therewith. And 11 And Saul EI cast the javelin; for le said, e ooVe. 15, 29. T when the Philistines saw their champion I will smite David even to the wall Fwith it. ch. 16. 13,18. sH was dead, s they fled. And David avoided out of his presence tctic. p pt. 16.14. & 52 And the men of Israel and of Judah 12 ~ And Saul was I afraid of David, be- 28. 15. arose, and shouted, and pursued tle Pllilis- cause Othe LORD was with him, and was 7l. 7. 17. tines, until thou come to the valley, and to P departed from Saul. 2 Sm. 0. 2. the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of 13 Therefore Saul removed him from im, S. the Plhilistines fell down by the way to and made himm rois captain over a thousand;'e tJosh. 15.13. oSlo 0araim, cvenuntoGatt, sduntoEkron. and'Ihe went out and came in before the tor 53 And the children of Israel returned people. Go.. o9. 13, from chasing after the Philistines, and they 14 And David 1h behaved himself wisely in n. 39. 2,3, spoiled their tents. all his wayst; and "'the LORD was with him. Josh. 6. 27. 14 209 Saul's jealousy of David. I. SAMUEL. Saul seeceth to kill David. B. C. 15 Wherefore when Saul saw that he be- 2ButJonathanSaul's son " delighted much B. C. about 1063. haved himself very wisely, he was afraid of in David: and Jonathan told David, saying, about 1063. him. Saul my faither seeketh to kill thee: now ever. 5 1 Bat Iall Israel and Judah loved David, therefore, I pray thee, take heed to thyself ach. 18.. because he vent out and came in before until the morning, and abide in a secret them. place, and hide thyself. 17 ~ And Saul said to David, Behold my 3 And I will go out and stand beside my t ch. 17. 25. elder daughter Merab, ther will I give thee father it the field wahere thou art, and I will t Heb. a sot to wife: only be thou t valiant for me, and commune with my father of thee; and what otf lot'. fight'the LORD'S battles. For Saul said, I see, that I will tll thee., Let not mine hand be upon him, but let 4 ~ And Jonathan bspake good of David bPrv.31.8,9. 27, 29O. the hand of the Philistines be upon him. unto Saul his father, and said unto him, Let Ch. 2I.5 28. 18 And David said unto Saul, Y Who am I? not theking c sin against his servant, against c Gen. 42t 22. er. 21, 25. and what is my life, or my father's family David; because lihe hath not sinned a oainstP. 35. 12. & 2 m. 12. 9. in Israel, that I should be son in law to the thee, and because his works have been to lo. 13. yhoee r. 23. king? thee-ward very good: Jo. 18. co2 7. 18. 19 But it camo to pass at th ttime when 5 For he did put his t life in his hland, and dJadg.20.17. Mera;b Saul's daughter should hlave been eslewtho Philistine, andftheLORDwro ught 12t.. given to David, that she was given unto a great salvation forallaIrael: thou sawestt ch. 28.21. z2Sam. 21. ZAdriel the I"Meholathite to wife. it, and didst rejoice: t wherefore then wilt Ps. 119. 10t9. aJudg. 7.22. 20 blAnd Michal Saul's daughter loved thou hsin against innocent blood, to slay eclh. 17.19,50. bver. 28. David: and they told Saul, and the thing David without a cause? fth. 11. 13. t Hel. 0as tpleased him. 6 And Saul hearkened unto the voice of Icllr. 11. 14. rlght in his 21 And Saul said, I will give him her, that Jonathana: and Saul saore, As the LORD h!1 20. 32. eyes, she may be "a snare to him, and that dthe liveth, he shall not be slain. Ibratt. 27. 4. BE-. 10. 7. hand of the Philistines may be against him. 7 And Jonathan called David, and Jonadver. 17. Wherefore Saul said to David, Thou shalt tlhan sheved him all those things. And eSee er. 26. ethis day be my son in lawin the one of the Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he twain. was in his presence, as t in times past. clh. 16. 21. & 22 ~ And Saul commanded his servants, 8 t And there was war again: and David 18 2 1:, saying, Commune with David secretly, and went out, and fought with the Philistines, t Heb. yessay, Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and slew them with a great slaughter; and daand all his servants love thee: now there- they fled from t him. fore be the king's son in law. 9 And ktho evil spirit from the LORD was but12. 23 And Saul's servants spake those words upon Saul, as he sat in his louose wit llis Il eb. in the ears of David. And David said, javelin in his hand: and David played with liface. Seemoth it to you a light thing to be a i hand... 1. king's son in law, seeing that I atm a poor 10 And Saul sought to smite David even to man, and lightly esteemed? the wall withl the javelin; but lie slipped 24 And the servants of Saul told him, say- away out of Saul's presence, and he smote t Hab. ing, t On this manner spake David. the Javelin into the wall: and David fled, Accoranat to 25 And Saul said, Thus shall ye say to Da- and escaped that night. itaeooe adt. vid, The king desireth not any fdowry, but 11 0Saul also sent messengers unto David's Ps. 59, title. f Gno. 34 12. a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to house, to watch him, and to slay him in the EX. 20. 17. be gavenged of the king's enemies. But morning: andMichal David's wifetold lim, lcho. 10. 24. Saul lithought to make David fall by the saying, If thou save not thy life to night, to h ver. 17. hand of the Philistines. morrolv thou shalt be slain. 20 And when his servants told David these 12 A So Miehal "' let David down through a mso Josh. 2. words, it pleased David well to be the king's windo: and he went, and ed, and escaped. 1t5. iSee er. 21. son in law: and i the days were not t expired. 13 And Michal took an t image, and laid it Acts 9.24,25. t Heb. 27 Wherefore David arose and went, he in the bed, and put a pillow of goats' hair t Hob. foorthltel. and ollis men, and slea of the Philistines for his bolster, and covered t with a cloth. t kver. 13. two hundred men; andlDavidbhoughttheir 14 And when Saul sent messengers to take Judg. 17. 5. 12 Sa...1. 14 foreskins, and they gave them in full tale to David, she said, He is sick. the king, that he might be the king's son in 15 And Saul sent the messengers again to law. And Saul gave him Michal his daugll- see David, saying, Bring him up to me in ter to wife. the bed, that I may slay him. 28 ~ And Saul saw and knew that the 16 And when the messengers were come in, LORD atas with David, and that Michal behold, thtere woas an image in the bed, with Saul's daughter loved him. a pillow of goats' hair for his bolster. 29 And Saul was yet the more afraid of 17 And Saul said unto Mtichal, Why hast a2am.ll.l2. David; and Saul became David's enemy thou deceived me so, and sent away mine continually. enemy, that he is escaped? And? And ichal 30 Then the princes of the Philistines answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me'tHeb. taowent forth: and it came to pass, after go; olvhy shlould I kill thee 1? a2Sa.2.2. oh. 26.21. they went forth, that David tbehaved him- 18 ~ So David fled, and escaped, and came 2aKingsl.13. self more wisely than all the servants of to Samuel to Ramall, and told him all that P-. Ilt61.5. Saul; so that his name vas much t set by. Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel CHAPTER XIX. went and dwelt in Naioth. 1 Jot-athan diseloselh his father's plrposc to kill 19 And it was told Saul, saying, Behold, Datold. 4 Hae testtslth hiafathlr, o,etooeilia- David is at Naioth in Ramah. tion. 8 B: lasono of David's tlood suaccess ie a 20 And o Sall sent messengers to take Da- o Se John 7. iotaew qIa.00 Sallas 7l~i o~ltt oahe bal.keh,hlt id: l'and when they saw the company of 32,.5, &e. against /im. 12 [iebal tdec-r,el her, ilth-e,' waithat atogt it DaiLvid's 6ed. ]8 Davidt conethl the prophets prophesying, and Sanmuel 1, el. 10..5, 6. to Saan-el in, Naioth. 20 Saol't stesselgetst sent standing as appointed over them, the Spirit I C-O. 14. 3. o taake David, 22 andStaul Timself, propihesy. of God was upon the messengers of Saul, 21 A ND Saul spake to Jonathbtn his son, and they also tprophesied. lNd m. 1125. andto all his servants, thatthey should 21 And when it was told Saul, he sent Joel2.28. kill David. other messengers, and they prophesied like210 Davzd consulteth with Jonathan. I. SAMIUEL. They agree upon a token. B.0. wiso. And Saul sent messengers again the Jonathan: but if it please my father to do B; C. about1062. third tinme, and they prophesied also. thee evil, then I will show it thee, and send aboutlbt2. 22 Then ivent he also to Ramal, and came thee away, thati thou mayest go in peace: to a great well that is in Sleehu: ancd lhe and kthe LORD he with thee, as he hath kJosh. 1.5.t asked and said, Where are Samuel and Da- been with my father. h. 17. 37. eid? And one said, Iehold, they be at 14 And thou shaltnot only whileyet I live 1Ch. 22.11, Naioth in tmalh. sheow meo the kindness of the LORD, that I 10 23 And he went thither to Naioth in Ro- die not: itch 0.10. smah: and rthe Spirit of God was upon him 15 But also ithou shalt not cut off thy 2latS. 9. 1..I. 20. 2. talso, and he went on, and prophtesied, until kindness fiom my h ouse for ever: no, not 3 7. 21. 7. Henb.te t, he came to Naioth it nRamah. when the LORD hath cut off the enemies of Nu-. 2dd. 24'SAnd he stripped off his clothes also, David every one from the face of the earth. t 5ic. 1.8. and prophesied before Samuel in like man- 16 So Jonathan tmade a covenant with t Hob. cut. See2Sam. 6. ner, tead tlay down tnaked all that day and tile house of David, saying, e"Let the mot. 25. 22. 14, 20. all that night. Wherefore they say, UIs LORD even require it at ttho hand of David's See h. 31.h 2. ehe. 10ii. 11 Saul also among the prophets? enemies. hS 84. 7. 17 And Jonathan caused David to swear 21. 8. CHAPTER XX. agait,.lbecause he loved him: "foro e lee, by hie loved him as he loved his own soul. Ito to-ed J..Whdcon,,,, hrni., h i, orhissofay hi.. tlJona..than dDaid -'eewt/li,~oveo,,a tb 18 Then Jonathlan said to David,'To oath. 18 Jona tha's toke, to David. 24dSaul, morrow is the sew moon: and thou shalt ehe. 18.1. eitisttid-, totethl kt ill Jothtn. 35 be missed, because thy seat willbe tempty. oo. Je, looo Inglt i tc/eo hibi-eloofD-id. L 19 And tvheo thou hast stayed three days, tH:eb.mised. A ND David fled from Naioth in Rsamh, then thou shalt go down Ieequickly, and or, tand came and said before Jonathan, come to 2'the place where thou didst hide dilige-tly. What have I done? what is mine iniquity? thyself tOwhen the business ns il hand, teshb.rtetly. and what is my sin before thy father, that and shalt remain by the stone li Ezel.,pch. 19. 2. he seeketh my life? 20 And I will shoot three arrows on the i Htb. sn the 2 And le said unto him, God forbid; thou side thereo f, as though I shot at as h dek. d of the shalt not die: behold, my fathler will do 21 And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, tse. nothing either great or small, but that he Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly IIOt That tIth. uneov- will t sh ew it me: and whly should my father say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on otb e s eittooea,', hide this thing from me? it is not so. this ide of thee, toake them; then come. te 3 And David sware moreover, and said, thou: for ttere is peace to thee, and tno the. ot oh~. 9. 15. Thy father certainly knoweth that I have hurt; eas the LORD livtth. any thing. found grace in thine eyes; and he saith, 22 But if I say thus unto the young man, q Jer. 4. 2. Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be B3elhold, the arrows are beyond thce; gothy grieved: but truly, as the LORD liveth, and way: for the LORD hath sent thee away. as thy soul livetlh, there is but a step be- 23 And as touching pthe matter which 1s. 15. tween me and death. thou and I have spoken of, belhold, the Seo 42. II Or,Sstsba e 4 Then said Jonathan unto David, liWhat- LORD be between thee and me for ever. ia thy mi/nd, soever thy soul t desireth, I will even do it 24 So Davidhid himselfinthefield: and ot,eddeell dt, for thee, nhen the new moon was come, the king sat i., 5 And David said unto Jonathan, Belold, him down to eat meat. t Htb. sob.k to morrow is the I new moou, and I should 25 And the king sat upon his seat, as at seth, ehib.L- not fail to sit with the king at meat: but other times, even upon a seat by the wall: 51th. 10 let me go, that I may thide myself in thle and Jonathan tarose, and Abner sat by.Nalqu-. 10.'10. & 28. 1 s. field unto the third clday at even. Saul's side, and David's place was empty. h9~. M 2. ~ 6 If thy father at all miss me, then say, 26 Nevertheless Saul spake not any thing David earnestly asked leave of me that le that day: for lie thought, Something bath ech. l. 16. 4. might run to Beth-lehem his city: for there befallen him, he is Inot clean; surely he is sLv. 7. 21. & /i or,.e-t, is a yearly 1/ sacrifice there for all the family. not clean. 15. 5, &. sc 9. d12. 7dlf he saythus, It is well; thy servant 27 And it came to pass on thenmorrow,,dSeeDeut. i. shall have peace: but if le be very wroth, lvhiih wtas the second day of the month, 23. then be sure that eevil is determined by that David's place was empty: and Saul 2an. 17.2. him. said unto Jonathan his son, Whierefore eel. 2. 10. 8 Therefore thou shaltf deal kindly with tometh not tilhe son of Jesse to meat, Slth. 7. 7. thy servant; for Y thou hast brought thy neither yesterday, nor to day? fJosh. 2.14. servant into a covenant of the LORD with 28 And Jonathan tanswered Saul, David tver. 6. -er. 16. thee: notwithstanding, hif there be in me earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethtel. 15. 0. &iniquity, slay me thyself; for whyshooldest lehem: i. 18. thou bring me to thy father? 29 And hie said, Let me go, I pray thee; h2Sr.'14.32. 9 And Jonathan said, Far be it from thee: for our family hath a sacrifice in the city; for if I knew certainly that evil were de- and my brother, hle hath commanded me to termined by my father to come upon thee, be there: and now, if I have found faour then would no I tell it thlcee? in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray thee, 10 Then said David to Jonathan, Who and see my brethren. Tlhereforceocome th shall tell me? or what if tby father answer not unto the king's table. thee roughly? 30 Then Saul's anger was kindled against 11 ~ And Jonathan said unto David, Come, Jonathanl, and hie said unto him, lTlThou son II Or, Thto and let us go out into tihe fold. And they of the perverse rebellious somane, do not ccersersoeel. went out bothel of them into ti:e field. I know that thou hast chosei the son of tHeb. So- of 12 And Jonathan said unto David, 0 LORD Josse to thine own confusion, and unto the Zi.{~... heb. God of Israel, when I have tsounded my confusion of thly mother's nakedness? earoehed. father obout to morrow acy time, or the 31 For as long as the son of Jeese livth i HeO. -tcoe- third day, and, behold, if there be good upon the ground, thou shalt not be estaberthieears, toward David, and I then send not unto lished, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now,es. 2. thee, and t showt it thee; send and fetch him unto me, for he tshall t Heb. is the iRoth 1. 17. 13iThe LORD do o and much more to surely die. tfdea. 211 David obtaineth hallowed bread I. SAMUEL. He feigneth madness at Gath. B. C. 32 AndtJonathantanswered Saullhisfather, bread, hthat wats taken from before the B. C. about 1062. and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be LottRD, to put hot bread in the day when it about 1062. slain? what hath lie done? was taken away. uch. 19. 5. 33 And Saul cast a javelin at him to 7 Now a certain man of the servants of hLev2i.,9 Daitt. 27.23. smile him: Ywhereby Jonathan knew that Saul was there that day, detained before Luke 23.22. it as determined of his father to slay the LoRD; and his name tes iDoegt, an ich. 22. 9. tch. 18. 11. David. Edttite,the clicfst of the herdmet that P 52, titte. yver. 7. 34 So Jonathan arose from the table in belonged to Saul. fierce ane er, and did eat no meat the second 8 And David said unto Ahimnelecli, And day of the month: for lie was grieved for is there not here under thine hand spear or David, because his father had done him sword l for I have neither brought my Shane. vword nor my weapons with me, becatse the 35 ~ And it came to pass i2 the morning, king's business required lhaste. that Jonathan went out into the ield iat tihe 9 And the priest said, The sword of Goliath time appointed with David, and a little lad the Philistine, whom thtou slelest in kthe kch. 17.2, 50. with him. valley of Elah, /behold, it is here wrapped ISee h.31.10. 36 And he said unto his lad, Run, fincd out in a cloth behind the ephod: if thou wilt nowthe earrows hich I shoot. Atd as the take that, take it: for there is no other t.eb to pass lad ran, he shot a aarrow t beyond him. save that here. And David said, There is tovete hit. 837 And when the lad was come to the place none like that; give it me. of tle arrow which Jonathan had shot, 10 ~ And David arose, and fled that day Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, 1I for fear of Saul, and vent to llAehish the ler, not the arrow beyond thee? king of Gath. Aibtle, 38 And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make 11 And "'the servants of Aehish said unto Pt. 3i, title. speed, haste, stay not. And Jonathan's him, Ia not this David the lking of the land? m.,56i,title. lad gathered up the arrows, and came to did they not sing one to another of him in his master. dances, saying, "Saul hath slain his thou- tc. 10.7. & 39 But the lad knew not any thing: only sands, and Davidhi ten thousands 29. 5. Jonathan and David knew the matter. 12 And David O laid up these words in his O Lke 2. 19. t eb. 40 And Jonathan gave his tartillery unto heart, and was sore afraid of Aehish the ttstrume. this lad, and said unto him, Go, carry kingof Gath. tHeb. that theen to the city. 13 And i1h0 changed his behaviour before iPt. 34title. Wthie. 41 ~ Ancd as soon as the lad was gone, them, and feigned hlimself mad in their David arose out of a place toward the hands, and llecrabbled on the doors of the lee. e,-de south, and fell on his face to the ground, gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his r. and boweed himself three times: and they beard. kissed one another, and wept one with 14 Then said Achish unto his servants, Lo, { another, until David exceeded. ye see the man Ulit mad: wherefore then l{ Or, plyetoh h.. 17. 42 And Jonathan said to David, ZGo in have ye broughtehitto me eedt. r' the peace, ilfoeraeuch as Ne have Swtorn t oth 15 Have I need of madmen, that ye have LORD be of us in the name of the LoRD, saying, The brought this fellow to play tie madman in wittess o0 LORD be between me and thee, and be- my presence? shall this fellow come into that thich, tween my seed and thyseed for ever. And myhouse? h Seeet. he arose and departed: and Jonathan went CHAPTER XXII. into the city. 1 Cimpanes esot Snto l)avil at dllden. 3 At CHAPTER XXI. Mizl,eh he ot,,endt, his pabitst,,to the bking 1ipeid at Job obtci,-h olef../iqlcloehtttlootd of etoab. 5 Ado,cished by Gi d, he,, coth to brold. 7.oee as t,eesett. 8.David aietk ah eih. 6Satlgoiflog20t.0 jetbho, tol.- ln tcthotf 1 d fhioaoath' t it t /fhesc. D og eacetiaf-de od. 1:1-1h AG~nfigeh ~ zsetl Ahieleeh. 1[ Sai tco-,adeld to kilt ah. 14. RHEN came David to Nob to aAhimelech theptin. o 17 The footmertt eftsing, Doe etethi~ki~inb. 13,2,~ anmoD3~i~ta~obto 4Alrim e cutethit. 20dAiatth'arescapinc. bieifgk.Dtcd calledAhih. iJ. the priest: and Ahimelech was bafraid the tews. Called aho at the meeting of David, and said unto AVID therefore departed thence, and trkt2.2, him,Why art thou alone, end to man nith l0 etoepo e 2Ae tt, nd. te, Bt1.0 thee? then his brethren and all his father's house & 114, title. b ch. 16. 4. 2 Aed David said unto Ahimelech the heard it, they went doSn thither to hin. b 2 Som.23.13. priest, The king bath commanded m a 2 C And every one tha was in distress, and eJudg. 11.3. butsines, and hith said onto me, Let no everyone that t e as in debt, and every one fHeb. hadt man know any thineg, of the busines where- lhat was t discontented, gathered them- -it' about I send thee, and what I have con- selves unto him; and he beae ee a captain t Heb. bitte manded thee: and I have appointed y over them: and there were with hit about of oul. servants to such and such a plce. four ihundred men. 3 Now tlherefore what is ut der thline nd? 3 And David ent thence to Mizpeh of Heb. fond. give ne five loaves of bred in mine 2an,,o-ib: and he said unto the king ef Moab, eEx.025.30. 0or what there is t present. Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, Le. 2D. 5. 4 And the priest atnswered David, and come forthi, andbeith you, till I know! att.12.4. said, There is no common bread under wlatGodwildofome. dEn x. 19.15 mine hand, but there is Challowed bread; 4 And he brought them before the king of Zeeh.7. B. dif the young men have koepi themselves at Moab: and they deln witlh him all the elThess. 4.4. least from women. while that David was in the hold. jljOr,especially 5 And David answered the priest, and 5 ~ And the prophet dOad saiduntoen- t. 2Sam24.11. /-eththisday said unto him, Of a truth women 02 e been vid, Abide tot it tie hold; epart, end et Chr. 2.9. 2. 2 Ch.2.9. t eptifromus a-hbout thesee three days, tsince thee into the land of Judah. Then David Ibetoetel. Icme outi, and the Ivess.h of the young departed, and came into the forest of HafLte. 8. 21. men are holy, and the bretlis in manner reth. ett. 1'3,4 tcommon, llyea, though it were sanetiied t q When Sal hleard that David was disertth 2. 2b5 this dey fi ithe vessel. covered, and the men that were with him, 6 ark o the priet hiem hallowed b ead (now Saul abode in Cibeah und era letre H Og pte i. 26. 6 So the Driest I/ g ~?ae ~ain haidhitn, pc...... iee. 3, 4l. for there was no bread there but the ho- in ito h, having his spear in his bend, high t. 212 The priests of Nob slain. I. SAMUEL. The treachery of the Keilites. B. C. and all his servants tswere standing about CHAPTER XXIII. B. C. about1062. him;) 1 David, inqueirlng of te Loed Ib Abiathore, res- about1062. 7 Then Saul said unto his servants that cuth Keilal. 7 G'od Aezlle him the conielg of stood about him, Hear now, ye Benjamites Sall, al te eactest of te I;eiltits, le t a ech. 8. 14. will the son of Jesse'give every one of you t s.mfoKtile, h-. t 19d s Te Zillaeo dis, fields and vineyards, andl make you all cap- tover hin to Saul. 25t At laon /e is e.scued tains of thousands, and captains of hun- feom Sales by tLeinasionofthtPlhilistitnes. 29 dreds; He dleltth at En gedi. 8 That all of you have conspired against 7T HEN they told David, saying, Behold, tHeb. uneov- me, and there is none that tsheweth me. the Philistines fight against aKeilah,.osh. 15.44. eretl smliils that f my son hlath made a league with the and they rob the tlhreslingfloors. soea of Jesse, and there is none of you that 2 Therefore David b ilquered of the LORD, b ver. 4, 6, 9. ct. 20 2. is sorry for me, or sheweth.unto me that my saying, Shall I go and smite these Philis- ch. 30. 8. f ol. 18. 3. & ohsoth stirred up my servant against me, tines? And the LORD said unto David, a. 5..19, 20. 30. to lie in wait, as at this day? Go, and smite the Philistines, and save sell. 21. 7. 9 Then answered gDoeg the Edomite, Keilah. Ps. 52, title, which tvas set over the servants of Saul, 3 And David's men said unto him, Behold, & Yer. 1,2, 3. and said, I saw the son of Jesse coming to we be afraid here in Judah: how much more h ch. 21. 1. Nob, to h Ahimelech tho son ofiAhitub. then if we come to Keilah against the armies i ch. 14. 3. 10 kAnd he inquired of the LORD for him, of the Philistines 7 kNu. 27.21. and Igave lim victuals, and gave him the 4 Then David inquired of the LORD yet I ol. 21. 6, 9. sword of Goliath the Philistine. again. And the LORD answered him and 11 Then the king sent to call Ahimeleoh said, Arise, go down to Keilah; for I mill the priest, the son of Ahitub, and all his deliver the Philistines into thinle hand. fatller's house, the priests that were in 5 So David and his men went to Keilah, Nob: and they came all of them to the king. and fought with the Philistines, and brought 12 And Saul said, Hear now, thou son o s away their cattle, and smote them with a tHeb. Ahitub. And he answered, t*Here I am, great slaughter. So David saved the indedold me. my lord. habitants ot Keilah. 13 And Saul said unto him, Why have ye 6 And it came to pass, when Abiathar the conspired against me, thou and the son of son of Ahimeleoh'ced to David to Keilah, c cl. 22. 20. Jesse, in that thou last given him bread, that he came down with an ephod in his and a sword, and hast inquired of God for hand. him, that he should rise against me, to lie 7 i And it was told Saul that David was about1061. in wait, as at this day? come to Kcilah. And Saul said, God hath 14 Then Ahimelech answered the king, delivered him into mine hand; for he is and said, And who is so faithful among all shut in, by entering into a town that hath thy servants as David, which is the king's gates and bars. son in law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is 8 And Saul called all the people together honourable in thine house? to var, to go down to Keilah, to besiege 15 Did I then begin to inquire of God for David and his men. him? beit far from men: let not the king 9AhndDavidkne wthatSaulsecretlypracimpute any thling unto his servant, eeor to tised mischief against him; and dhsesaidto d Num. 27.21; all the house of my father: for thy servant Abiathar tlhe priest, Bring hither the ephod. oh. 30, 7. t Heb. little knew not of ll thins, tless or more. 10 Thensaid David, 0 LORD God of Israel, orgreat. 16 And the king said, Thou shalt surely thy servant hath certainly heard that Saul die, Ahimelech, thou, and all thy father's seeketh to come to Keilah, eto destroy the ech. 22. 19. house. city for my sake. I Or, gared. 17 X And the king said unto tho I t footmen 11 Will the men of Ieilalh deliver me up t eb. that stood about him, Turn, and slay the into his hand? will Saul come down, as thy priests of the LORD; because their hand servanthatllleard? OLORDGodofIsrael, also is witll David, and because they knew I beseech thee, tell thy servant. And the when he fled, and did not seow it to sne. LORD said, He will come down. tuSeeEx.l.17. But the servants of the kin,?"'would not 12 Then said David, Will the men of Keiput forth their band to fall uponthe priests lah Tdelivcr me and my men into the land t Heb. of the LORD. of Saul? And the LORD said, They will shst pl,. 18 And the king said to Doeg, Turn thou, deliver thee up. and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the 13 ~ Then David and his men, fwhich fsch. 222. & Edomite turned, and he felluponthe priests, were about six hllundred, arose and departed 25 13. tseech,2..31. and "slew on that day fourscore and five out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they persons that did wear a linen ephod. could go. And it was told Saul that David oser. 9, 11. 10 o And Nob, the city of the priests, smote was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare he with the edge of the sword, both men and to go forth. women, children and sucklings, and oxen, 14 And David abode in the wilderness in and asses, and sheep, with the edge of the strong lolds, and eemained in a mount- y. 1.i. sword. ain in the wilderness of hZiph. And Saul LJos5h. 15.55. poh. 23. 6. 20 1 pAnd one of the sons of Ahimelell isought him every day, but God delivered i s. 54. 3, 4.;h. 2. 33. the son of Allitub, named Abiathar, 0 es- him not into his hand. caped, and fled after David. 15 And David saw that Saul was come out 21 And Abiathar shewed David that Saul to seek his life: and David was in the wilhad slain the LORD'S priests. derness of Ziph in a wood. 22 And David said unto Abiathar, I new 16 s And Jonathan Saul's son arose, and it that day, when Doeg the Edomite was went to David into the wood, and strengththere, that lie would surely tell Saul: I have ened his Land in God. occasioned thse death of all the persons of 17 And he said unto him, Fear not: for the thy father's house. hand of Saul my father shall not find theeo 11Kings2.26. 23 Abide thou with me, fear not: "'for he and thou shalt be king over Israel, and I that seeketh my life seeketh thy life: but shall be next unto thee; and kthat also kch. 24 20. with me thou shalt be in safeguard. Saul my father knooYeth. 213 Sautl pursueth after David. I. SAMUEL. Saul acknowledgeth his fault. B. C. 18 And they two /made a covenant before forbid that I should'do t thithing unto my B. C. about 1061. the LORD: and David abode in the wood, master, the LORD'S anointed, to stretch about0000. and Jonathan went to his house. forth mine hand against him, seeing he is ltt. 18.3.&t2. 19 ~ Then "cam e up the Ziphites to Saul the anointed of the LORD. 16. 42. to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide 7 So David tisttyed his servants with tiob. cutoff. 2 o- 21. t. himself with us in strong holds iu tie wood, these words, and suffered them not to rise i Pa. 7. 4. stO t.26.t.t. is tthe hill of Ilothilah, thich it too the against Saul. But Saul rose up out of the Matt. 5. 44. P.. 54, title,. south of 11Joshimon? cave, and went on ]is way. R-.. 12. 17. t Hoob. tl - 20 Now therefore, O king, come down ac- 8 David also arose aftsrward, and went 19 ooght Atd. cording to all the desire of thy soul to come out of the cave, and cried after Saul, sayd0,, TO1 tOl. down; and "our part Ihall be to deliver ing, My lord the king. And when Saul s hims into the king's hand. looked behind hlim, David stooped with his P -. 21 And Saul said, Blessed be ye of the face to the earth, and bowed himtself. LORD; for yo halve compassion on me. 9 And David said to Saul, kWherefore k P.. 141.6. 22 Go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know hearest thou men's words, saying, Behold, trov. 16. 28. teO,. and see his place where his t haunt is, an David seeketh thy hurt & 1.9. foot -allobe. who hath seen him there: for it is told me 10 Behold, this day thine eyes have seen that lie dealeth very subtilely. how tiat tthe LORD had delivered thee to 23 See therefore, and take knowledgo of day into mine hand in the cave: and sotme all the lurking places where lieo hideth him- bade,mte kill thee: but tine eye spared self, and come ye again to me with the cer- thee; and o said, Iwill not put forth mine tainty, and I will go with you: and it shall hand against my lord; for he is the IORD'S come to pass, if he bhe in the land, that I anointed. will search him out throughouo all the thou- 11 Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the tands of Judah. skirt of thy robe in moy and: folr in that I 24 And they arose, and went to Ziph be- cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee fore Saul: but David and his men tuere in not, know thou and see that there is Inet- t P.7.3.35. oJosh. 15.55. the wilderness tof Maon, in the plain on ther evil nor transgression in mine hand, 7. oh. 252,2. the south of Jshimon. and I have not sinned against thee; yet 25 Saul also and his men wen to seek thou untest my soul to t ttake it. m c. 26.20.{ him. And they told David: wherefore lie 12 6.Th LoRD jodgh otwe en me andthee, o,oo. 16.5. I Or,fr, tho came down Ilinto a rock, and abode in the and the LORD avenge me ofthee: but mine Judg. 11.27.. t wilderness ofiton. And when Saul heard hand shall not be upon thee. O.. that,loe pursued after David in thetilder- 13 As sooth the provter of the ancients, Jo 5. 8. ness of Maon. Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: 26 And Saul went on thits side of the but mine hand shall not bhe upon thee. mountain, and David and his men on that 14 After whom is the king of Israel come rP.. 31t. 2. side of toe mountain: faod David made out? after whom dost thou pursue? O after oc. 17. 43. haste to get away for fear of Saul; for Saul adeaddog, afterI'a flea.. 2SmS 9. 8.,P.. 17. 9. and his men eompassed David and his 15 qThe LORD therefore be judge, and peAt.26. 20. men round about to take them. judge between me and thee, and'see, and q ver. 12. Sot2 Kittg d 27'oBut there came a messenger unto Splead my cause, and t deliver me out of,.2 Chr. 24.22. 19.09. Saul, saying, Haste thee, and come; for thine hand.... ]' Hob. P.3,1 t.rh. - the Phtilistines lave t invaded the land. O16 ~ And it came to pass, when David had 43. 1. & 119. 28 d 10 Wherefore Saulreturned fro m pursuing made an end of speaking these words unto 154. I aftoer Davd,ond sent o ginit the Polos- Saul, thot Sul said, tIo thois tha S yois, y Mi.e / t. osThoS 5, role inesoo totettooo hty ootttd tho.t Th0e 1 Solo- tson David 9 And Saul lifted up his voice, t HOo. y. oofdiis hammahlekoth. and wept. t oto. to. 17. on. 29 ~ And David went up from thence, and 17 nd he id t pfothcdd to David, Thou art Smore oth. 2fl. 21. s2 Chr. 20.2. dwelt in strong holds at s En-gedi. righteous than I: for." thou tast rewarded tCo. 0/. 26. me good, whereas I have' ewarded thee evil. lIatt. 5.44. CHAPTER XXIV. 10 And thou hast sotewed this day how 1.DOavd i,ncveao tf-gedi, havige utotffSal's thalt thou hast dealt well with me: forasskirt, sloaooeh hi/. life. 8He,h0wetAt theoi'e hiois omuch as when t the LORD had t delivered h l,. 26. 2/. ionooeney. t6 So.t, aek,loted/.sinq 0is ftaul, me into thine hand, thou killedst me not. I Heb. oakethooaoohoathoo/]ad,oandoldepartetA. lso/foosd/oosy toOtttt upto/, I ta~kah., J D-4id, -ttd d.fp-titeh. 19 For if a manl find his enemy, will lie let -th. 23. 28c.Oheitfsaothpooo, 23.12. & 0a c. 23. 28..A ND it came to pass, d when Saul was re- him go well away? herefore the LORD re- 26. 8. t —Hlb. after. 1 turned from t following the Plilistines, ward thee good otbr that thou hast done unto that it was told him, saying, Behold, David me this day. is in the wildersne of Es-gedi. l0And now, behold,'I knowwellthattthou a ch. 23. 17. 2 Then Saul took three thousand chlosen shalt surely hbe king. and that the kingdom b r. 38. 12. men out of all Israel, and t went to seek of Israel shol hbe established in thine hland. David and his men upon the rocks of the 21 b Swear now t/erefore unto' me by the on. 21.t23. wild goats. LORD, Cthat thou wilt not cut off my seed 2S,- 21. 6, 3 And he came to the sheepcotes by the after me, and that thou wilt not destroyy.y.. P1lil. 6. way, where as a cave; and CSaul went in name out ofy father's ouse. d Jud,g.3.2l to dcoverhis feet: and eDavid and his men 2 And David watre unto Saul. And Saul Pa..57, totle, remained in t ie sides of the cave. went home; but David and his men gat & 142, ttle. 4 f And the men of David said unto him, them up unto d the hold. r ch. 23.29. fob. 20. 8. Behold the day of which tihe LORD said CHAPTER XSV. unto thee, Beheld, I will deliver thine 1 S-m-ot teotA. 2 D-aid ia' P o,o, -odoth to enemy isto thine hand, thao ttoo mayest do Otlot. /0 J'-o,ookd iI ftoIotoh,,t/1 soo to him as it shall seem good unto thee. hOoio./ltoot,!o0,/o. 14 Ab/goil,oo. Then David arose, and cut off the skirt of;,,-di- t.o f 23'aidbthaot ooo oat.tald ha tRel,t. 0 tSaul'srobeprivily. thog 0-eof diPh. alo D's/ robe i Apivotil yt. soe toih' 5. And it came to pass afterward, that iiria! to i.q a ia l hn about 1060. Doaovid'seart smote him, because he had Prsoti. hca. 2. 3. h tt2ao.2~.t10. cut off aul's skirt. Ai ND Samuel died; and all the Israel- bl2um.0.29. hoh.2. 0.11. 6 And he said unto his men,thThe LORD ites 0ere gathered together, and O t- D-,,. 8. 21-.1 Nabal's churlishness. I. SAMUEL. Abigail's discreet conduct; B. C. mented him, and buried him in his house at on before me; behold, I come after you. B. C. about1060. Ramah. And David arose, and went down But she told not her lusband Nabal. about1060. c to the wilderness of Paran. 20 And it was so, as she rode on the ass, Cen. 21. 21. 2 And tihere woas a man oin iaon, whose that she came down by the covert of the Ps. 120.5. lpossessions were in eCarmel; and the hill, and, behold, David and his men came ch. 23..24. man was very great, and he had three down against her; and she met them. Or, thousand sheep, and a thousand goats: and 21 Now David had said, Surely in vain busines he as shearing Ilis sheep in Carmel. have I kept all that this fellowe loath in the e Joal. 1. 55. 3 Now the name of the man was Nabal, wilderness, so that nothing was missed of and the name of his wife Abigail; and she all that pesrtcainel unto him: andl he hath was a woman of good understanding, and requited me evil for good. tPs. 109. 5. of a beautiful countenance: but the man 22 " So and more also do God unto the en- Pro. 17. 13. was churlish and evil in his doings; andhe emies of David, ifI:lea-ve of all that per- aRnuth 1. 17. was of the house of Caleb. tnai5 to him by the morning light Yany that ch.3.17.&20. 4 i Anld David heard in the wilderness pisseth against the wall. 13, 1'. fGen. 38. 13. that Nabal did f shear his sheep. 23 And when Abigail sawo David, she Iast- sver. 31. 2 Sam. 13.23. 5 And David sent out ten young men, and ed, and Zlighted off the ass, and fell before y 1 in.14.10. David said unto te young men, Getyoung up David on her face, and bowed herself to the & 21. 21. t IenakSkims to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and tgreet him ground, 2 Iinga 9. 8. isB t0r ane in my name: 24 And fell at his feet, and said, Upon me, zJO. 1. 1 18. osspeae, s G 6 And thus shall ye say to him that liveth my lord, zzon me let this iniquity be: and Jdg. 114. lh.' 17. e2. in'rosseesity, g Peace be both to thee, and let thine handmaid, I pray thee, speak in IfCla. 12.18. peace be to thine house, and peace be unto thins t audience, and hear the words of tHeb. sare. 10. 5. all that thou last. thine handmaid. 7 And now I have heard that thou hast 25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, t regard t Hb. lay it shearers: now thy shepherds which were tlis man of Belial, evesn Nabal: for as his to his heart. t Hel,. with us, we t hurt them not, Ohneither was name is, so is he; Nabalis his name, and 11 That is, seansesl5 there aught missing unto them, allthe while folly is with him: but I tiine handmaid'ool. e 15, 21., 21. they were in Carmel. saw not the young men of my lord, whom 8 Ask thy young men, and they will shew thou didst send. thee. Wlerefore let the young men find 26 Now therefore, mylord, as the LORD a2I(ings2.. i Nell. 8. 10. favour in thine eyes; for we come in in liveth, and as thy soul liveth, seeing the Etlh. 9.. good day: give, I pray thee, whatsoever LORD bath bwvithholden thee from coming been. 20. 6. cometh to thins land unto thy servants, and to shed blood, and from t Cavenging thyself er. 33. to thy son David. with thine own hand, now dlet thine ene- tHebl. saving 9 And when David's young men came, they mies, and they that seek evil to my lord, be thesef. spake to Nabal according to all those words as Nabal. Rlom. 12.19. t leb. ested. in tie name of David, and t ceased. 27 And now ethis "blessing which thine d2Sam.18.32. 10 ~ And Nabal answered David's serv- handmaid hath brought unto my lord, let it eGn. 33. 11. k Jdg. 9. 28. ants, and said, kWbo is David? and who even be given unto the young men that ch.30. 26. Ps. 73. 7, 8. is the son of Jesse? there be many servants t follow my lord. 2 Kings S.15. & 123. 3, 4. nowadays that break away every man from 28 I pray tllhee, forgive the trespass of thine 1 O, present. his master. handmaid: for fthe LORD sill certainly tHeb.usalkat l Judg. 0. 6. 11 tShall I then take my bread, and my make my lord a sure house; because my tie feet of, tHel,. water, and my t fieshl t Ihave killed for lord gfighteth the battles of the LOeRD, and is. ealssyht.e my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I hevil hlath not been found in thee all thy JsIg. 4. 10. know not whence they be? days. fss2 7 11. 12 So David's young men turned their 29 Yet a manisrisento pursue thee, and 27. way, and went again, and came and told to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord 1 ings 9. 5. him all those sayings. shall be bound in the bundle of life with the 1 Chlr. 17. 10, 13 And David said unto his men, Gird ye LORD thy God; and the souls of thine ene- 25. on every man his sword. And they girded mies, them shall he isling out, tas outl of ecll. 18. 17. on every man his sword; and David also the middle of a sling. h l. 24. 11. girded on his sword: and there went up 30 And it shall come to pass, when the iJer. 10. 18. after David about four hundred men; and LORD shall have done to my lord according tieb. ie thie ml. 30. 24. two hundred " sabode by the stuff. to all the good that he hath spoken concern- eidst of. the 14 I But one of the young men told Abi- ing thee, and shall have appointed thee bighet of a gail, Nabal's wife, saying, Behold, David ruler over Israel; setig. sent messengers out of the wilderness to 31 That this shall be tno grief unto thee, 1jeb.,s o tieb. flese salute our master; and he trailed onthem. nor offence of heart unto my lord, either, upO tem. 15 But the men were very good unto us, ttat thou hast shed blood causeless, or that r. k o mand we a were not t hurt, neither missed we my lord lath avenged himself: but wtllen t H.l. any thing; as long as wce ere conversant with tie LORD shall have dealt well with my lord,:s amned. them, when we were in the fields. then remember thine handmaid. o E. 14. 22. 16 They were o a wall unto us both by night 32 11 And David said to Abigail, Blessed k Gen. 24. 27. Job 1. 10. and day, all the while we were with them be the LORD God of Israel, which sent thee ba. 18. 10. Ps. 41.13. & keeping the sheep. this day to meet me: 72. 18 17 Now therefore know and consider what 33 And blessed be thy advice, and blessed Luke 1. 68. 2 oh. 20.7. thou wilt do; for evil is determined against be thou, lwhich hast kept me this day from i r. 26. our master, and against all his household: coming to shed blood, and from avenging q Deut. 13.13. for lie is such Ea son of q Belial, that a mna myself with mine own hand. Jslg. 19.22. cannot speak tollim. 34 For in very deed, as the LORD God of r.en 32.'13. 18 ~ Then Abigail made haste, and'took Israel liveth, which hath "kept me back xyer. 2N. Pro. 10. 16. two lsundredloaes, and two bottles of mine, from hurting thee,except thou hadst hasted & 21. 141. andfive sheep ready dressed, and five mes- and come tomeet me, surely there had anot nver. 22. I1 Or, lumps. e of parched coven, and a hundred 1 llus- been left unto Nabal by the morning light ters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of any that pisseth against the wall. Gepes, 32. 16, figs, and laid thestson asses. 35 So David received of her hand that 20. 19 And she said unto her servants, aGo hicll she had brought him, and said unto Ill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The death of Nabal. I. SAMUEL. Saul confesseth his sin. B. C. her, o Go up in peace to thine house; see, I 8 Then said Abishllai to David, God Lath B. C. about 10G0. have hearkened to thy voice, and have' ac- tdelivered thine enemy into thin hand this about 1060. eopted thy person. dky: now therefore let me smite him, I pray och. 20. 42. 3(0 ~ And Abigail came to Nabal; and, be- thee, with the spear even to the earth at tetb.'S-m. 15. 9. hIold, qhe held a feast in his house, like the once, and I will not smite him the second hua tl 2OIlngso 1. ot. 24. 18. Lhk.iO. 0& feast of a king; and Nabal's hearbt was time. 8. 48. merry within him, for lie as very drunken: 9 And David said to Abishai, Destroy him p Gen. 19.21. wherefore she told him notling, lessormore, ot: for who can stretch forth his hand ch.2-1.6., 7. tq2Sa-.13.23. until the morninglight. against the LORD's aninted, and be guilt- S 1. 16. 37 But it came to pass in the morning, less when the ewine was gone out of Nabal, and 10 David said furthermore, As the LORD his wife had told hitm these things, that his liveth, fth LoRDt shall smite lim; or i lis foh. 25.38. heart died within him, and he became as a day shall come to die; or he shall hdescend P.i 91.1.2,23. stone. into battle, tand perish. Lake 18. 7. 38And it came to pass about ten days afte, 11 iThe LORD forbid that I should stretch os. 12.19 that the IORD smote Nabal, that he died. forth mine Iland against the LORD'S anoint- See. 47. 39 M; And wllen David hlard that Nabal ed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the et 31.14. rver. 32. dwas dead, lie said, i"Blessed be the LORD, spear that is at his bolster, and the cruse Job 1.&14s.. 2. 23. that hath pleaded the cause of my reproach of water, and let us go. 5. tver,, 34. from the hand of N abal, and hath tkept his 12 So David took the spear and the cruse P. 3.7. 13. at 1 tln2.44. servant from evil: for the LORD hoath sre- of water from Saul's bolster; and they gat h c. 31. 6. a'. 7. 10. turned the wickedness of Nabal upon his them away, and no man saw it, nor kneh is, nor ch. 2., 12. own head. And David sent and communed neither awaked: for they we0re all asleep; with Abigail, to take her to him to wife. because Oa deep sleep from the LORD was k Gen. 2.21.& 40 And when the servants of David were fallen upon them. 15.12 come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake unto 13 i Then David went over to the other ler, saying, David sent us unto thee, to side, and stood on the top of a hill afar off; take thee to him to wife. a great space bei between them: 41 And she arose, and bowed herself on 14 And David cried to the people, and to Rutth 2. 10, hebr face to the earth, and said, Behold, let Abncr the son of Ner, saying, Answerest 13. "thine handmaid be a servant to wash the thou not, Abner? Then Abner answered Proa. 15.. 33 feet of the servants of my lord. and said, Who art thou that criest to the totelb. at h d42 And Abigail hasted, and arose, and lidng? feelt,. rode upon an ass, with five damsels of hers 15 And David said to Abner, Art not thou 27. that went fafter her; and she went after a valiant man? and who is like to thee in yJosh. 15.56. the messengers of David, and became his Israel? wherefore then hast thou not kept z h. 27. 3. & wife. thy lord the king? for there came one of the 30. 5. 43 David also took Ahinoam Yof Jezrcel; people in to destroy the king thy lord. a2Sam,3.1. 3. Zand they were also both of them l;is wives. 10 This thing is not good that thou hlast Pha tield, 44 T' But Saul had given aMichal hi s lone. As the LoRD liveth, yea ere tvolrthy I Heb. the 2Sam. 3.15. daughter, David's wife, to I Palti the todie, because yehave not kept your mss- | Osnofdeath, b l. 10. 30. son of L. ist, which was of b Gallim. ter, the LORD'S anointed. And now see Sam. 12. 5. where the king's spear is, and the cruse of CHAPTER XXVI. water that waos at his bolster. 1 Saul, ag aht tis-ottee of he Zilio, comU t o 17 Aid Saul knew David's voice, and said, tLh thench stayeth Abishai foos kiltitlg Saktl, I. U this thy voice, my son David? And Ich. 24.16. but oaker ohis s/ea aet c),use. 13 D0avid 0 e- David said, It is my voice, my lord, O king. OsVetl lXler, 18 atod exhor.ctl! Satt. 21 Saul 18 And he said, "1 Wherefore doth my lord ch. 21.9, 11. acinowledgetlh his sit. thus pursue after his servant? for what A ND the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gib- have I done? or what evil is in mine hand? a clo.. 19..L ch, Saying, "Doth not David hide 19 Now therefore, I pray thee, let my lord Pt. 5,. title, himself in the hill of Hachilal, zwhich is be- the king hear the words of his servant. If fore Jeshimon? the LORD have o stirred thee up ngninstme, o12Sam.16.11. 2 Then Saul aroso, and went down to the let him accept an offering: but if they be & 24. 1. wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand the children of men, cursed be they before t Ie. smell, chosen men of Israel with tlim, to seek Da- theLORD; for they have drivoe me out Geo. 8. 21. vid in ttoe wilderness of Zipll. this day from t abiding in the Pinheritance LcV. 26. 31. 3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilab, of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods. ODCUt. 4. 28. which is before Jeshimon, bythe way. But 20 Now therefore, let not my blood fall to 1. O David abode in the wilderness, and'he saw the earth before tile face of tie LORD: for toel. that Saul came after him into the wilderness. the king of Israel it come out to seel sa cel. 4 David therefore sent out sp'es, and un- flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge in o20sa;.1.l1. derstood that Saul was come in very deed. the mountains. 5 ~ And David arose, and came to the 21 J Then said Saul, rI have sinned: re- 15. 21. & place where Saul had pitched: and David turn, my son David; for I will no more do. 1 2. 14 beheld te place where Saul lay, and Ab- thee harm, because my soul was'precious 18. 30. 17. 5. ner tile son of Ner, the captain of his lost: in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played Ore, mtidst of and Saul lay in the,I trench, and the people the fool, and have erred exceedingly. i tcaie, pitched round about him. 22 And David answered and said, Behold oh. 17. 20. (i'Then answered David and said to Ahime- the king's spear! and let one of the young 1 Chr. 2. t16. lech the Hittite, and to Abishai Cthe son of men come over and fetch it. Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will 23 tThe LORD render to every man his tps. 7. 8. &.lJg. 7. 10, dgo dowsn with me to Saul to the camp? righteousness and his faithfulness: for the 18. 20. 11. And Abishai said, I sill go down with thee. LORD delivered thee into py hand to day, 7 So David and Abishaicame to the people but I would not stretch forth mine hand by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping against the LORD'S anointed. within the trench, and his spear stuck in 24 And, behold, as thy life was much set the ground at his bolster: but Abner and by this day in mine eyes, so let my life the people lay round about llim. be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, 216 David fleeth to Gath. I. SAMUEL. Saul seeketh to a witch. B.: C. and let him deliver me out of all tribula- 2 And David said to Achishl, Surely thou B. C. aboutlO.0; tion. shalt know what thy servant canl do. And about 1056. 25 Then Saul said to David, Blessed be Ac'ish said to David, Therefore willImake thou, my son David: tlou shalt botl do thee keeper of mine head for ever. Gens. 32. 28. great thinys, and also shalt still'prevail. 3 e Now b Samuel was dead, and allIsrael b ch. 25. 1. So David went on his way, and Saul re- hadlamentedhim, and buriedhlliminRamall, turned to his place. even in his own city. And Saul had put CHAPTER XXVII. away ethose that had familiar spirits, and ever. 9. 1 Sall hs a ri,lg Davihl to e in Ceath seselth teo the wizards, out of the land. E.. 22. 18. movefoa hcim. ldavidL beg eth Ziiklng oef AciJ.i. 4 And the Philistines gathered themselves Lei. li. 31. 8Ie, 1,1Uadingothle'eoet)Lties,i )esuadethAchiih together, and came and pitched in iShiu- Det. 1. 1, hefoegiht ayaiecst Jcdalh. nem: and Saul gathered all Israel together, 11. about 1058. A ND David said in his l:ceart, I shall now and they pitched in e Gilboa. dJosh. 1e18. t Heb. Beee,,..15 t perisll one day by tlce leand of 5 And when Saul saw the host of the Plli- 2 aings. 8. seetesd. ee the te is nothing better fo; me than thab I listines, he wans fafraid, and his heart,ah. 1. 1. should speedily Cscape into tlle land of the greatly tlernbled. fJab 18 11 Philistines; and Saulshalldespair of me, to 6 And ehen Saul inquired of the LORD, seek me any more in a)y coast of Israel: so Y the LORD answered him not, neither by gch. 14. 37. shall I escape out of his hcand. I dreams, nor iby Urim, nor by prophets. Pr 1.. 8. ach. 25. 13. 2 And David arose, eand Ice passed over 7 Tlcen said Saul nto his servants, Seek I. 2. 9. with the six hundred me tha t e with me that teree ith me atwoman tlsat ath a familiar spirit, that h um. 12. 6. bch. 21. 10. him b unto Achish, tile son of Maoch, king I may go to lcer, and inquire of her. And tEx. 28. 30. ao Gatlh. cris servants said to dim, Bechold, theere is a Nut. 27. 21.:3 And David deelt ithl Aclcish at Gatl, sewoman that lhath a familiar spirit at Enhe and hli men, every man wvith his house- der. cel. 25. 43. hold, even David Icvitlh his tweo wives, 8 And Saul disguised himself, and put on Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the olher raimnent, and lie went, and two men Carmelitess, Nabal's wife. with himn, and they caly e to the woman by 4 And it was told Saul that David was fled night: and khe said, I pray thee, divine kDeut. 18.11. to Gath: and hle sought no moro again for unto me by tile familiar spirit, and bring IClsr.1t.13, him. me him up, whom I shall name unto thee..8. 19. 5 l And David said unto Achish, If I have 9 And the woman said unto him, Behold, now found grace in tlline eyes, let them thou lnowest wht Sal at Saul h done, how he give me a place in some town ill the country, hath I cut off those that leave familiar spirits, l ver. 3. that I may dwell there: for why should thy and tile wizards, cut of tile land: whiereservant dwell in tle royal city with thee? fore then layest thou a snare for my life, to 6 Then Achish gave hin Ziklag that day: cause me to die? d See Job.. 1. wherefore d Ziklag pertaineth unto the kings 10 And Saul ssare to ler by the LORD, 31. & 1.. of Judah unto this day. saying, As the LORD liveth, there shall no t Heb. tie 7 And t the time that David dwelt in the punishment lhappen to thee for this thing.,,unber of country of tIle Philistines was t a full year 11 Then said the woman, Whom shall I diays. and four months. bring up unto thee? And he said, Bring t 1eb. a yenr 8 And David andhismenwentup, andin- me up Samuel. of lsi/.: Se vaded the Geshurites, f and thle i Gczrites, 12 And when the woman saw Samuel, she andthegAmalekitcs: forethosoale tionswerc cried with a loud voice: and the woman eJoh. 1 3.. of old tile inhanitants of the land, has thou spake to Saul, saying, Why Ilast thou deJaseh. 13, 2. goest to Sllur, even unto the land of Egypt. ceived me? for tlou ae.t Saul. 1o. 9 And David smote the land, and left 13 And the king said unto her, Be not JulS. 1. 9s. neither man nor woman alive, and took afraid: for what sawest thou? And the or, sei. sawvaythle sheep, and the osen, and the asses,woman said unto Saul, I saw "'gods ascend- EEx. 22. 28.,.7E. 17. 16. and tile camels, and thle apparel, and re- ing out of the earth. Sisheec.le.7,O. turned, and came to Achisll. 14 And he said unto her, t What form is t Heb. Ihat hGsa. 25. 18. 10 And. Allish said, i Whither have ye le ofel? And sl;e said, An old man cometh is' isforee-a lieOr, idyo made a road to day? And David said, up; and he iscoveredwith famantle. And leh. 15. 27. ete d}al. e a Against the south of Judah, and against the Saul perceived that it uas Samuel, and e 21iin.2.8,13. iSe, C. 2. south of itheaJerlhmeelites, and againstthe stooped withll eis face to thle ground, and 9, 25. south of tile Kenites. bowed limself. 1. 11 And David saved neither man nor wo- 15 ~ And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast man alive, to bring tidings to Gath, say- thou disquieted me, to bring me up? And ing, Lest they should tell on us, saying, So Saul answered, ~I am sore distressed; for oProv. 5. 11, did David, and so f/ill be his manner all tle Philistines make war against me, and l1. 13. & 14. the wh;lile he dwelleth in the country of tile 2'God is departed from me, and qansweretll 14. Pililistines. me no more, neither tlhy prophlets, nor by Cle. 18. 12. 12 And Aehish believed David, saying, He dreams: therefore I have called thee, that avcr. 6. tHeb.tostins. hatl made his people Israel tutterly to ab- thou mayest make known unto me what I tIIeb. hor hli; therefore he shal be mly servant slall do. eys the hand for ever. 16 Then said Samuel, Wherefore then dost of pae0petst CHAPTER XXVIII. thou ask of me, seeing the LORD is depart1 AZis,tseth seonidsese dl Ualicl. l3 Sna,, av- ed from thee, and is become thine enemy? foesake a of t'od, 7seekesh to a titch. 9 The uitecla,encoeraged by5 Saltl. aeisethl s Sanesl. he splke by t me: for the LORD hlatll rent folhisef. 15 SaL,,ait lis uilh, fsictsth. 21 tlts the kingdom out of tlline hand, and given PrO led6. 4. toman uith his servants 1efcsh lhim vitlh eeat. it to thy neighbour, even to David:, ch. 15. 28. about 1056. A fD ait came to pass in those days, that 18 Beceause thou obeyedst not the voice I tcbh. ach. 29.1. 1 the Philistines gathered their armies of tile LORD, nor executedst his fierce I acicteald. together for warfare, to fight with Israel. wrath upon Amalek, thlerefore hath the s s h. 15. 9. And Achbish said unto David, Know thou LORD done this thing unto thee this day. 1 in'. 20.42' assuredly, that thou shalt go out vith me' I I Chr. 10. 13. assuredly, that thou shalt go out with sme 19 Moreover tile LORD.evill also deliver Jar. 48. 10. to battle, thou and thy men. Israel with thee into the hand of the Philis217 Sau-tl's ruin foretold. I. SAMlUEL. The Amalekites spoil Ziklag. B. C. tines: and to morrow shalt thou and thy tby servant so long as I have been t with B. C about 1056. sons be with me: the LORD also shall de- thee unto this day, that I may not go fight about1056. liver the host of Israel intothhand of the against the enemies of my lord the king? - Philistines. 9 And Achish answered and said to David, t Hab. t eh,..a-le 20 Then Saul t fell straightway all along I knoa that thou art good in my sight, Ias beofe-thee. hasste, aod on the eart, and swas sore afraid, because an angel of God: notwithstanding,'the 12S,.. 14.17, fell itlh the of the words of Samuel: and there was no princes of the Philistines have said, He 20. & 19. 27. l&z-e'of /i strensrth in him; for he had eaten no bread sall not go up witlh us to the battle. a e.. all the day, nor all the night. 10 Wherefore now rise up early in the 21 ~ And the woman came unto Saul, and morning with thy master's servants that are saw that he was sore troubled, and said come with thee: and as soon as ye be up unto him, Behold, thine handmaid hatllh earlyn tle mornig, and havelight,depart. t Judg. 12. 3, obeyed thy voice, and I have tput my life 11 So David and his men rose up early to osl. 19. 5. in my hand, and have hearkened unto thy depart in the morning, to return into the Job 1'3... wsords which thou spakest unto me. land of the Philistines. " And the Philis-,2 Sam. 4. 4. 22 Now therefore, I pray thee, hearken tines went up to Jezreel. thou also unto the voice of thine handmaid, CHAPTER XXX. and let me set a morsel of bread before 1 The A,-alekites spoil!. 4 D)avid asl'icg thee; and eat, that thou mayest have c~zsel is ealcorlged by God to 2,usue them. strength, whllen thou goest on thy way. 11t By the meants of a sc,,ve. l.,7ltias he is 23 But he refused, and said, I will not eat. bo lt to the elens, and ec,t a th spoil. 22 ]david's I-a to divide the spoil eq-rally But his servants, together swith the woman, betweel.he0 thle fiaht a-ds th-n that keepl the compelled him; and lie hearkened unto stuff. 2(; t l seldesil p eseltsrto hisfiends. their voice. So lie rose from the earth, and A ND it came to pass, when David and sat upon the bed. AL his men were come to Ziklag on the 24 And the woman had a fat calf in the third day, tlat the aAmalekites had invad- aSeecl. 17.. house; and she hasted, and killed it, and ed the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Zik- & 27. 8. took flour, and kneaded it, and did bake lag, and burned it with fire; unleavened bread thereof: 2 And had taken the wonen captives, that 25 And she brought it before Saul, and sese therein: they slew nlot any, either before his servants; and they did eat. great or small, but carried thles away, and Then they rose up, and went away that went on theirway. night. 3 ~ So David and his men came to the city, CHAPTER XXIX. and, behold, idt stas burned with fire; and I David m-archin g ith thei Pl illsines., 3 is dl.- their wives, and their sons, and their daughallowed iby hei' princes. 6 Acishl discsiaseth ters, were taken captives. hits, litlh comeatc datisocs of hlisfiddsity. 4 Thlen David and the people that wvere ach. 28. 1. N OWV athe Plilistines gathered together with hlim lifted up their voice and wept, unbel.. 4.. alt tAheir aarmies b to Aplee: and the til they had no more power to weep. Israelites pitched by a fountain which is in 5 And David's btto aives mere taken cap- bh.25. 42,43. Jezreel. tives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abi- 2 Sam. 2. 2. 2 And the lords of the Philistines passed gaill the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. on by hundreds, and by thousands: but 6 And David was greatly distressed; efor Ex. 17.4. David and his men passed on in the rear- the people spake of stoning him, because csh. 28. i, 5. ward Cwiti Acllish. the soul of all the people was tgrieved, ev- ItHc. bitteM, 3 Then said the princes of the Philistines, ery man for his sons and for ihis daughters: Jdg. 18. 25. What do these Hebrews here? And Achish dbut David encouraged himself in the LORDa etl. 17.S. said unto the princes of the Philistines, Is his God. 2 Kigs4.27. not this David, the servant of Saul the king 7 eAnd David said to Abiathar the priest, d Ps. 42 5. S& dSeoc..27.7. of Israel, which hath been with me dlthese Aiimelech'e son, I pray thee, bring me 5.:, 4, 11. eDs-s. 6. 5. days, or these years, and I have efound no hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought Hab.3.i7,18. fault in him since he fell uatoco sne unto this thither the epllod to David. ech. 23.,G 9. day? 8 f And David inquired at the LORD, say- fch 23. 2, 4. 4 And the princes of the Philistines were ing, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I wroth withlhim; and the princes of the Phi- overtake them? And he answered him, flChr.l2.1i. listines said unto him, fMake this fellow Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake return, that he may go again to his place them, and itllout fail recover all. which thou hast appointed him, and let him 9 So David went, hlie and the six hundred yA-sll. 14.21. not go down with us to battle, lest gin the aen that were with iim, and came to the battle le be an adversary to us: for where- brook Besor, where those that were left bewith should the reconcile himself unto his hind stayed. master? should it not be with the heads of 10 But David pursued, he and four huntllese men? dred men: tfor tvwo hundred abode behind, ger. 21. 5 Is not this David, of whom they sang which were so faint tatthey could not go hch. 18. 7. & one to another in dances, saying, hSaul over the brook Besor. 21. 11. sles his tlousands, and David his ten thou- 11 ift And they found an Egyptian in the sands? field, and brought him to David, and gave 6 t ThenAchishcalled David,andsaidunto him bread, and he did eat; and they made him, Surely, as the LORD liveth, thou hast hie drink mater; i2a..25. o3 25 been upright, and i thy going out and thy 12 And they gave him a piece of a cake of 2 Kti. 19 27. coming in with me in the host is good in my figs, and two clusters of raisins: and hLwhlens SoJudg. 15. Ever. 3. sight: for kI have not found evil in thee e e ad eaten, his spirit ca again to him: 1. t Hell. tho sincethe day oftlhycominguntomeuntothis for he had eaten no bread, nor dunk any C.14 27. art ot geeood day: nevertheless ttle lordsfavour thee not. water, three days and three nights. anthes ss0f e 7 OWherefore now return, and go in peace, 13 And David said unto himn, To whom betlh.e eoless that thou t displease not the lords of the longest thou? and whence art thou? And sail a tses Philistines. he said, a young man of Egypt, serveyes of the 8 M And David said unto Achish, But what ant to an Amalekite; and my master left leeds. have I done? and what hast thou found in me, because three days agone I fell sick. 218 David recovereth the spoil. I. SAMUEL. Death of Saul and his sonis. B. C. 14 We made an invasion upon the south 29 And to theot which were in Rachal, and 1B. C. aboutl0t56. of ithe Choerethites, and upon the coast to themn which twere ill tile cities of 1the about1056B. which belongeth to Judah, and upon the Jeraltmeelites, annd to themrn which were in iver. 16. south of kCaleb; and we burned Ziklag the cities of the KIienites, 1cd. 27. 10. 2Sm. 8. 18. with fire. 30 And to thoem which wtozre in YItormah, zJudg. 1. 16. I Kinga l.38, 15 And David said to him, Canst thou bring and to ttem which were in Chor-ashan, and y J-d. 1. 17. Ez. 25. 16. me down to this company? And lie said, to them which wocre in Athach, Zelh. 2. 5. Swvear unto me by God, that thou wilt nei- 31 And to thlemt wlich were in ZHebron, Josh.14. 13. kJosht. 14.13. ther kill me, nor deliver me into the hands and to all the places where David himself 2 S. 2. 1. & 15. 13. of my master, and I will bring thee down to and his men were wont to haunt. this company. 10 ~ And when he had brought him down, CHAPTER XXXI. belold, they woer spread abroad upon all 1 Satl havilg 1ost li 7itoy, anld his sons stain, h tTltess. 5. 3. the earth, teating and drinking, and dan- too Oit aohi lTolraeet till tLenoetvee. 7'he cing, because of all the great spoil that they 0'h0tOli The t fosket, o of t ctJ-. had takel out of the land of the Philistines, 11t hey of Jabes1t-gileatd, tecove'itlt tie bodies and out of tlhe land of Judah. by tight, btot thet at Jtabeh, atld noti-nfully 17 And David smote them from thle twi- bur-y thei, botets. tHehb. thlei- light even unto the evening of tthe next NT OW'athe Philistines fought against Is- al Cr. 00. 1mOtOtr'tot. day: and there escaped not a man of them, etaelo: and the mel of Israel feed from 12. save four hundred young men, wvhich rode before the Philistines, and fell down u slain i Or,. upon camels, and fled. in mount b Gilboa. wlol rldead. 18 And David recovered all that the Am a- 2 And the Philistines followed hard upon t h. 28. 4. lekites had carried away: and David res- Saul and upon his sons; and tho Philistines cued his two wives. slew Jonatthan, and Abinadab, and Iel- c h. 14. 49. 19 And there was nothing lacking to them, chi-sllua, Saul's sons. 1 Chr. 8. 33. neither small nor great, neither sons nor 3 And dtlie battle went sore against Saul, tS-ee 2 Sam. daughters, neither spoil, nor any thiog that and thle tarchers tlhit him; and he was 1.6, &c. overt. 8. they had taken to them: ttDavid recovered sore wounded of the archers. tHeb. all. 4 eThen said Saul unto his armourbearer, eztooters ne 20 And David took all the flocks and the Draw thy sword, and thrust me through toott 6oWt. herds, twhich they drave before those other therew.ith; lest fthese uncircumcised come tHeb. cattle, and said, Tlis is David's spoil. and tllrust me through, and Iltabuse me. foeeddhttol. aner. 1(J. 21~ And David came to the'twoo tundred But his armourbearer vould not; Yfor he eSO Judg. 9. men, which were so faint that they could was sore afraid. Terefore Saul took a 54. not follow David, whom they had made also sword, and h fell upon it. f ch. 14. S. & to abide at the brook Besor: ald they 5 And hen is rmourbearer sa tht 17. 26. went forth to meet David, and to mneet Saul was dead, le fell likewise upon his 1Or, mocle. thle people that were with him: and when sword, and died with hii. 2 S-m. 0. 14. t Or, asked David came near to the people, he 1I saluted 6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and his, 2 Sam. 1.10. thoen tottl ttem. armourbearer, and all his men, that same tt.t did, 0 22 Then answered all the wicked men, and dat together. Jod_. 00. 15. ttoott}Ltof Belial, of ttllose that went'with 7 And then the men of Israel that wiere oDet.. D13.13. avid, and oid, o Becuse they ent not on te other side of the valley, and theyl J.19. 22-. vwith us, we will not give them aught of the that were on the other side Jordan, saw tiat spoil that we have recovered, stve to every the men of Israel fled, and that Saul and man his wife and his children, that they his sons were dead, they forsook tlte cities, may lead them7n away, and depart. and fled; and the Philistines came and 23 Then said David, Ye shall not do so, ny dwelt in them. brethren, with that whlicth the LORD hathl 8 And it came to pass on the morrow, given us, who hath preserved us, and de- when the Philistines came to strip the slain, livered the company that came against us that they found Saul and his three sons 2 S. 1. 20. into our hand. fallen in mount Gilboa. i2 Stt. 0. 20. 24 For who will hearken unto you in this 9 And t hey cut off his head, and stripped k cl. 21. 9. pseoNum.31. matter? but'tas his part isd that goeth dotvn off his armour, and sent into the land of tle IJ.t.g.. 0:3. p2. to the battle, so shall Iis part be that tarri- Philistines round about, to p publish it in the 7 2Sm.21.12. Jo'h. 22. 8. eth by tlo stuff: they shall part alike. house of their idols, and among the people.,tJtosi. IL. 11. t H:eb. 25 And it was so from that day t forward, 10 kAnd they put!is armour in the house Jl0g. 1. 27..aodftoruatot. that he made it a statute and an ordinance of lAsltarotlt: and "'they fastened bis cll. 11. 0, 9. for Israel unto this day. body to the wall of n Beth-shan. 11. 2i ~[ And when David came to Ziklag, he 11 ~ And whllen the inhabitants of Ja- lOtr, concertsent of the spoil unto the elders of Judah, besh-gilead heard 11 of thoat tvhich the Pohi- iL otim. t sel,. eve t to his friends, saying, Behold a t pres- listines lad done to Saul, nSee ol. tt. tettfito, toent for you of the spoil of the enemies of 1'PAll the valiant men arose and went 10. 3et. 03. 11. the LORD * all night, and toolt the body of Saul and the 2Steo. 2. 4-7. 27 To themt which twere in Beth-el, and to bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth- 02Chr. 0. 14. q Josl. 19. 8. ]ltheoo which twere in'lsoutll Ramoth, and to shan, and came to Jabesh, and 9burnt them Ae 6. 10. /Josll. 1:5. 48. themo whichl over'e in rJattir, there. t- 2.45. sJolsh. 13.16. 28 And to them which woee in Aroer, and 13And theytooktheir bones, andd'bulied 21. 12, 13, to tleo7t which zeet- in Siplimoth, antd to theot.. uotder a tree at Jabesh, Sand fasted 14. t Josh. 15. 50. theio which were in tEshtemoa, teven days. tGet t. 10. 219 THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL, OTtERVISE CALLED, THE SECOND BOOK OF THE KINGS. B. O. 1056. CHAPTER I. 18 (~Also he bade them teach the children B. C. 1056. 1 Thle Amaleilte, tho 6eoghlt tilings of i te over- of Judah the use of the bow: behold, it is thL1ow, asld ao.used hi7nslfe of.Sal's death, is written' in the book II of J asher:) ol Sam. 31.3. slain. 17 oavid lIametetl Sae a,,d Jonatlha, 19 The beauty of Israel is slain upon thy PJoh. 10. 13. -tigh a song. high places:'Ihow are the mighty fallenl Os,! f she eTOW it came to pass after the death of 20 "Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in espright. Saul, when David was returned from the streets of Askelon; lest Sthe daugh- tee_ 27. alSam.30.17, atheslaughter ofthe Amalekites, andDavid ters of tile Philistines rejoice, lest the qve S-sr1. 5. 26. had abode two days in Ziklag; daughters of ttle uncircumcised triumph. 5Il. 1. 10. 2 It came even to pass on the third day, 21 Ye "emountains of Gilboa,'let thesre be Se Judg.l6. b ch. 4. 10. that, behold, l a man came out of the camp no dow, neither let there be rain, upon you, 23. c Sam. 4. 12. from Saul c with his clothes rent, and earth nor fields of offerings: for there tile shield sSee E. 15. upon his lead: and so it was, when he came of the mighty is vilely east away, the shield 20. to Dvid, that he fell to the earth, and did of Saul, as thogh the hadc not been Jdg. 11. 34. obeisance. e anointed with oil. lS 18. 6. 3 And David said unto him, From whence 22 From the blood of tie slain, from the t 1 Sm. 31. 4. comest thou? And lie said unto hlim, Out fat of the mighty, Zthe bow of Jonathan iLSsm.31.1. of the camp of Israel am I e scaped. turned not back, and the sword of Saul re- so JedgI 5. tHel,. WIVat 4 And David said unto lhim, tHow wsent turnednot empty. 23. e. the matter? I pray tle,tell me. And he 23 Saul and Jonathan.. ee lovely and JeBO. 4. 1 San. 4. 16. answered, That the people are fed from 11 pleasant in their lives, and in their deatlhl lS. 10.1. the battle, and many of thle people also are they were not divided: they 1ere s0ifter y sm. l. 1. fallen and dead; and Saul and Jonathan than eagles, they were astronger thal lions. slS-s18.4. his son are dead also. 24 e daughrters of Israel, weep over Saul, II O, seet. 5 And David said unto the young man that wlho clothed you in scarlet, wvith others de- aJ. lg. 14.18. told him, How knoweest thou that Saul and lights; who put on ornaments of gold upon Jonatllan his son be dead? your apparel. 6 And the young man that told him said, 25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst dltSam. 31. 1. As I happened by chance upon dmount Gil- of the battle! 0 Jonathan, thouetuastslain |esee 1 Sam. boa, behold, e Saul leaned upon lis spear; in thine hligh places. 31. 2, 3, 4. and, lo, the chariots and hlorsemen followed 26 I am distressed for thee, my brother hard after him. Jonatlhan: very pleasant hast thou been 18.e. 7 Aned when he looked behind him, lhe saw unto me: b tly love to me was wonderful, 3. & 19.2. & me, and called unto me. And I answered, passing the love or' women. 20. 17, 41. & tHeb. t Ilere an I. 27 CHow are tile mighty'fallen, and the 23. 16. teholhl ms. 8 And he said untQ me, Who art thou? weapons of war perished ver. 19. And I answered him, I aon an Amalekitc. CHAPTER II. 9 He said unto hie again, Stand, I pray 1 David; by Cod's direction. with ls company go11 Or, nrV coat thee, upon me, and slay me: for t anguish elth cp to elrbo,, lhele he is made isin of Ji - of mail, or. is come upon me, because my life is yet das. 5 Hle eo,,omlesh tIhem of Jabeesh-ileiad my eenb-oid- wholc in me. fo- theih kindless ro Skael. 8,!bne-. enaket Isher1edaoathin- boshcth king. of.Iseel. 12,t sortal kbisrmi.h deeaeth see, 10 So I stood upon hlim, and f slesw im, bs,. e l,,,ele of Ans-er's a.d tee lvee of Jioab' that mys,1e. because I was sure that lee could not live men. 18 Asohelissai.l. 25eAt A,,'er's-notion fJudg. 9c. 5. after that he was fallen: andu I took the Joah soe, dete a shetereat. 32 Asahlel's bueal. crown that utas upon his head, and the A ND it came to pass after this, tha. Dabracelet that w5as on his arm, and have 1. vsid ainquired of the LORD, saying, aJudg. 1. 1. brought them hither unto my lord. Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? I S1 a. 23. 2, 11 Then David took hlold on is clothes, And the LORD saidunto sism, Go up. And 4, 9. & 30. 7, y ch. 3. 31. &: and grent them; and likewise all the men David said, Whitherl shall I go up? And he 13. 31. that ue-ere with him: said, Unto bHebron. sSam.30.31 12 And they mourned, and wept, andfast- 2 So David went up thither, and his Cteo er. wo. ed until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan woives also, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and li. 5. 1 3. his son, and for the people of the LORD, Abigail Nabal's wife the Carmelite. l g. 2.11. and for the louse of Israel; because they 3 And dthis men that zoere with him did clSam.30.5. were fallen by the sword. David brint up, every man witll his house- I Sam. 27. 2, 13 ~ And David said unto the young man hold: and they dwelt in the cities of Itebron. 3. & 30. 1. that told him, Whllence art thou? And lie 4 eAnd the men of Judah cme, and there 1 answered, I am the son of a straner, an they anointed David king over the house of about Amalekite. Judah. And they told David, saying, Tiat esrcr. 11. ANsum. 12.5. 14 And David said unto him, hHow wast fthe men of Jabesh-gilead svere they that ch. 5. 5. i 1 Sam. 31.4. thou not i afraid to kstretchforth thine hand buried Saul. f1S-am.31.11, 1 Sm. 2l. 6. to destroy the LORD'S anointed? 5 ~ And David sent messengers unto the 13. & 2e. I9. 15 And I David called one of the youngmen, men of Jabesh-gilead, and said unto them, Ps; 10.5. 1.. and said, Go near, andi fall upon him. gBlessed be ye of the LORD, that ye have g.uthl2.20.& I oh. 4. 10. 12. And lhe smote him that lhe died. shewed this kindness unto your lord, even S. i0. I Sam. 2.. 16 And David said unto hlimm Tiy blood usto Saul, and hve buried Ilim. Ps. 115 15. 1I(inge2.32, be upon thy head; for nthy mouth sath GAndnowa letheLOoD shew kindness and h2Tim. 1. 16, 33, 37. testified against thee, saying, I have slain truth unto you: and I also will requite you 18. nver. 10. tle LORDo's anointed. this kindness, because ye have done this Luke 19. 22. ]7 ~ And David lamented with this lament- thing. ation over Saul and over Jonathan his son: 7 Therefore now let your hands be strength220: Asahel slain by Abner. II. SAMUEL. David still waxeth stronger. B. C. ened, and t be ye valiant: for your master ter end? how long shall it be then, ere thou B. C. about1055. Saul is dead, and also tie house of Judah bid the people return from following their about 1053. have anointed me king over them. brethren? tHeb. be ye 8 I But iAbner tile son of Ner, captain of 27 And Joab said, As God liveth, unless teh nes ef ~tSaut's host, tooktlltsh-boshe th tle so. o hf "thou hadst spoken, surely then tin 14. Saul, and brought him over to Mahanaime; morning the people had lgone up every one Prov. 17. 1i. l nIm.i4. 55. 9 Aend made him kIing over Gilead, and over from fe ollowing his brother. t leb. froee tfeb. the ho.t tile Ashurites, and over Jezreel, and over 28 So Joab blew a trumpet, and all the te ere[ieeg.,,hie w-nt Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all people stood still, and pursued after Israel II Or, I."ll.. Israel. no more, neither fought they any more. seet 1t0,'Eh-baal', 10 Ish-bosheth Saul's son esas forty years 29 And Abner and his men walked all that I Chr. 8. 33. h. 3839. old when he began to reign over Israel, and night through the plain, and passed over 1055. reigned two years. But the aouse ofJudah Jordan, and went through all Bithron, and followed David. they came to'labanaim. kloh. 5. 5. 11 And k the t time that David was king in 30 And Joab returned from following Ab1Kings2.11. Hebron over the house of Judah was seven ter: and when he had gathered all the th.b- tbe y ears monthe. people together, there lacked of David's sf 2 e. it ~ hAnd Abner the son of Ner, and tile servants nineteen men and Asahel. servants of Ishl-bosheththe son of Saul, went 31 But the servants of David had smitten I Josh. 18. 2. out from Mlahaaimt to I Gibeon. oflBenjamin, and of Abner's men, so that eaboutIl53. 13 And Joab the son of Zeruiah, and the three hundred and threescore men died. t eH. thet servants of David, went out, and met ftto- 32 JAnd they took up Asahel, and buried togeth eer t gether by ltle pool of Gibeon: andthey sat him ln the sepulchre of his father, which et. 41.12. doan, the one on the onee side of thle pool, ta5s Bethlehem. And Joab and his men and the othler on the otlher side of the pool. went all niglht, and they came to Hebron at 14 And Abner said to Joab, Let tle young break of day. men now arise, and play before us. And CHAPTER III. Joab said, Let them arise. Di.ethe Did,till e aecth s 2ronger. 2 15 Then there arose and went over by Si soees 5ee bo to him in Hebio. 6 Abtle,, number twelve of Benjamin, which per- diepleeed.,ith Ih-btslhet, 12 te.eleh Dt. vid. 13David.equi,'et a conditlom to b~'bg him I aineel to Ish-bosheth the son of Saul, and his life e 7 Abeliei', hsving eommtne i twelve of the servants of David. w ith the Isaeelites, isfeasee yeJ.avil, sed diee16 And they eauglht every one his fellow by eised. 22 Joab, etuerleis froe laitle, i. di.the head, and thretest his sword in his fel-,leas-d with tGe ting, s,d ltilleth Ab,,e,e. t8 ealow's side; so they fell down together: ie cueteeh Jo ab, 31 a.ed esoe mothefoe Abner.! That is, wherefore that place was called II Helkath- NTOW there was long war between the The field of hazzurim, which is in Gibeon. lehouse of Saul and the house et'David: stroneg eset. 17 And there was a very sore battle that but David waxed stronger and stronger, and day; and Abner was beaten, and the men the houseeofeSaulwaxed weakereanddweaker. of Israel, before the servants of David. 2 ~ And annto David were sons born in 1iChe3.1-4. 1 Chr. 2. 16. 18 ~And there were'threc sons of Zerui- Hlebron: and bis firstborn was Aenon, l of b l Sa.25.43. all there, Jdab, and Abishai, and Asahel: Ahinoam the Jezrecclitcss; slaee. 12. 8. and Asahel was oas light t of foot t'as a 3 And hiis second, 1i Chileab, of Abigail the Ior, Daeniel, thb. sf his,wildroe. wife of Nsabv the Carmelite; and the third, 1 thr. 5. i. feet. s19 And Asahel pursued after Abner; and Absalom the son of Iaaeah tile daughter of Hoeb. as oe in going he turned not to tle right hand nor Telma Iing Ie of Gecshiur; c t Sam. 27. 8. sqf the soes to the left fefrom following Abner. 4 And the fourth, dAdonijah the son of. 1e. 37. thet is i,tethe 20ThenAbnerlooke hnedbehin him,and said, ITaggith i and the fifth, Slhephatiah the son dl tigei.5. field. Aetthoul sahe l? And heanswered,Ijam. of Abital; pPe. 18. 33. 21 And Abner said to him, Turn thee aside 5 And the sixth, Ithream, by Eglah David's CM. to thy righet and or to thy left, and lay thee wife. These eroe born to David inI Hebron. [8. 14. 0T n tcm opswieteena hold on one of tile young men, and take thee 6 ~ And it came to pass, while there was t Hoeb. f,.o5 his l] armour. But Asfhel would not turn war between theiouseofSauliandtheleouse a side frm fo llow ing of him. of David, that Abner made himself strong Jadg.t1,.e22 And Atbner said again to Asahel, Turn for thbe house of Saul. Jd.1. thee aside from following me: sherefore 7 And Saul lad a concubine, ahose name should I smite thee to the ground? loa ates eRizpah, tle dauglhter of Aiah: and eh.21. 8,10. then should I hold up my face to Joab thy Ish-boshets said to Abner, A eWerefore hast brother? thou fegone in unto my father's concubine? fch. 16. 21. 23 Howbeit he refused ti turn aside: 8 Then was Abner very wroth for the words wherefore Abner with the hinder end of the of Ish-bosheth, and said, As* I e a dog's g eut. 23.18. eh.s3.27.h. epear smote him.under the fifth i-ib, that head, which against Judah do shew kind- t S- 24.14. 6. & 20, 10. B.&I.. 16. the spear came out behind him; and he fell tess this day unto the house of Saul thy. down there, and died in the same place: fatber, to his brethren, and to is friends, and it came to pass, that as many as camse and have not delivered thee into the sand to the place where Asahel fell down and died of David, that thou chariest me to day with stood still. a fault concerning this woman? 24 Joab also and Abishal pursued after 9 e So do God to Abner, and more also, ex- ht eh 1.17. Abner: and tile sun went down when they cept, ias the LORD hath sworn to David, I1 Kis 19.2. were come to tle hill of Ammah, that lieth even so I do to him; ii Sta. 15 28. before Giahl by the way of the wilderness of 10 To translate the kingdom from the house e& 16.l1,12. & Gibeon. of Saul, and to set up the throne of David Ih. 12i. 1 Chrn 12.223. 25 ~ And the children of Benjamin gatbh- over Israel and over Judah, kfrom Dan eveno ehJdg. 20. 1. ered themselves togetller after Abner, and to Beer-sheba.l. 17. 11. behame. onetroop, andstoodonthetopofet 11 And he could no t answer Abner a word 1Kingg 4.5. hili. again, because lie feared him. 26 Then Abner called te JOab, and said, 12 Atind Abner snt messengers to David 1048. Shall thle sword devour for ever? knowest on his behalf, saying, Whose is the land? thou not that it will be bitterness in the let- saying also, Blake thy league with me, and, 221 Abner revolteth to David, II. SAMUEL. and is slain by Joab. B. C. 1048. behlold, my hand shall be with thee, to bring 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother slew B. C. aboutall srel untod thee. Abner, because he had slain their brother about1048. 13 ~ And le said, Well; I will maece a CAsalhel at Gibcon in the battle. league with thee: but one thing I require of 31 ~ And David said to Joab, and to all a ch. 2. 23. tf eb.sayin. thee, tthat is, I Thou shalt not see my face, the people that vere with him, dBend your dJ..b. 7. 6. ISoGen.43.3. except thou first bring maichal Saul's clothes, and egird you withl sackcloth, and ch. 1.2, 11. mlSn. 18.20. daueghter, when thou comest to see my face. mourn before Abner. AndkingDavid hint- e Gen. 37. 34. 14 And David sent messengers to Ish-bo- eelf follo ed the t bie. C Heb. bd. sheth Saul's son, saying, Deliver reee myewife 32 And they buried Abner in Hebron: nl l. Mlichal, which I espoused to me lfor a hun- and the king lifted up his voice, and wept 27. dred foreskins of the Philistines. at thie grave of Abner; and all the people 15 And Ish-bosheth sent, and took her wept. olSnm.O-.44, from her husband, even from OPhaltiel the 33 And the king lamented over Abner, P/ son of Laish. and said, Died Abner s a ffoeel dieth? feh.13.1213. IleHb. ggib 16 And her huaband entwith her tnlong 34 Thy Iandes ueee not bound, nor thy ecedeeeeptccg. weeping behind ter to PBaelurim. Then feet put into fetters: as aten falleth bepk. 19. 16. said cAbner unto him, Go, return. And he fore wicked men, so felleat thou. And all tchb. ceturned. the people wept again over hin. child-ee Of 17 ~ And Abner had communication with 35 And when ll thie people cause n.. the elders oe Israel, saying, Te sought for Bavid to eat neat ehile it een yet day, gh. 12. 17. t Heb. both David tintimes pastto be king over you: David sare, saying, hSo do God to me, J/. W'. 7. iyesterdyand 18 NOw then do it:'for the LORD hath and more also, i' I taste bread, or aught h ethi. 17. bectci ddey. spoken of David, saying, Bythe hand of my else, till tce sun be dan. e chl. 1. 12. gver.9. servant David I will save my people Israel 36 And all the people took notice of it, out of the hand of the Philistines, and out and it opleneed them: as whatsoever the teh. H ee ef the chand of all their enemies. king did pleased all tie people. eoc1 ice th.6 13 And Abner also speke in the ears of 37 For all the people and all Israel under- 1 Chr. 12.29. Benjamin: and Abner went also to speak stood tlhat day that it was not of the king to in the ears of David in IHebron all that slay Abner the son of Ner. seemed good to Israel, and that seemed 38 And the king said unto his servants, good to thie whole house of Benjamin. Know ye not that there is a prince and a teHeb. tndee. 20 So Abner came to David to Ilebron, great man fallen this day in Israel? kchi. 19.7. and twenty men with him. And David 39 And I a0 this day tweak, though iSeech. 19.13. made Abner and the men that were with anointed king; and these men the sons of 1 King. 2.5, [6, 33, 3:t.| him a feast. Zeruinh k be too hard for me: the LORD I.. 4. & 21 AndAbner said unto David, I will arise shell reward the doer of evil according to.. 12.. [ie. 0, 12. and go, and cwill gather all Israel unto my his wiokedness. 2 Ti4. 14. lord the king, that they may make a league t 1Kin. 11.37. with thee, and that thou mayee tCreign over CHAPTER IV. all that thine heart desireth. And David 1 The iraeeitee leicc v,eoteblel at 1e death ofAlsent Abner aeny; andhe vent in peace. ne,. 2 Basat an-t Rcchab slay Ihe -bosheth. ad 22 ~ And, behold, the servants of David bciccgtieehead i to Hebr occ. 9eJ)cidcactecethcce and Joab came from pursuing a troop, to b,. ad h-d to be h.,~W. aeedieebeanefec e'eetdcegateeep, te besaienaccd.Ishboshcech'ctheadcelt ovb uied. and brought in a grent spoil with them: ND when Saul's son heard thal Abner but Abner teas not with David in Hebron; --- was dead in Hebron, lhis hands were a Ezra 4.4. for he had sent hin acey, and lie was gone feeble, and all thec Israelites ere.troubled. I.. 13..7. in peace. 2 And Saul's son had two men that zer-e b Mntt. 2.3. 23 Whcen Joab and all the host that tua, captains of bhands: the name of the one eas with him were come, they told Joab, say- B.nah, and the name of the tother Re- IHeb..eceed. ing, Abner the son of Nor came to the king, chub, the sons of Rimmon a Beerothitc, of end be eath sent him away, and he is gone the children of Benjamin: (for CBeeroth eol. 18. 25.. in peace. also was reckoned to Benjamin: 24 Then Joalb came to the king, and said, 3 And the Beerothites fled to dGittaim, dNeh. 11. 33. What hast thou done? behold, Abner came and were sojourners there until this'lay.) unto thee; why is it thlat thou hast sent 4 And CIJonthan, Saul's.son, had a son e h 9. 3. him away, and he is quite gone? tlat as lamne eofl his feet. He was five 25 Thou knoweat Abner the son of Ner, years old when the tidings came of Saul and that he came to deceive thee, and to know Jonathan fout of Jezreel, and his nurse flSae. 29.L1,: u 1Sn. 29.6. Uthy going out and thy coming in, and to took him up, and fled: and it came to pass, 11. Is. 37. 28. know all that thou doest. as she nde haste Co flee, that he fell, end 26 And when Job wa cone oat from became lame. An nd ehi-s n1meteae1lephtib- Or, David, he sent messengers after Abner, osheth. Me,'ibe-al, which brought him again from the ell of 5 And the cone of Rimmon the Beerothite, ItChre). 34. Sirah: but David knew it not. Rechab and Baaeah, went, and came about 27 And when Abner was returned to He- the heat of the day to thelhouse of Ishelaings2.e.. bron, Joab ltook him aside in the gate to bosheth, who lay on h bed at noon. So oh. 20. 9, speak nith him l quietly, and smote him 6 And they came thither into the nidst of 10. there?under the fifth rib, that he died, for the house, as though they would Ihave fetchII Or, the blood of cAsahel cis brother. ed wheat; and they smote him g under thie g eh. 2. 23. ite4en~is 28 ~ And nfterward then Datid Ieard ii, illt rib: and Rechab and Baanah hisbkrothy ch.. 6. bhe said, I and my kingdom are guiltless be- er escaped. h. 2.2. 23. fore the LORD for ever from the blood of 7 For when they came into the house, he I eeb. bteoods. Abner the son of Ner: lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they [al-ing.2.32, 129 aLet it rest on the head of Joab, and smote him, and slew him, and beheaded 33. on all his father's house; and let there not him, and took his head, and gat them away tHeb. efail from the house of Joab one bithaet bath through the plain all night. be,cet v.. an issue, or that is a leper, or that leaneth 8 And they brought the head of Ish-bob Lev. 15. 2. on a staff, or that falleth on the eword, or sheth unto David to Hebron, and said to the that laeketh bread. king, Behold the head of Ish-bosheth the 222 David anointed king over Israel. II. SAMUEL. David smiteth the Philistines. B. -. son of Stul thins enemy, ewhioh sought that he had exalted his kingdom foe his B. C. about 1048. thy life; and the LORD hath avenged my people Israel's sake. - about 1043. lord the king this day of Saul, and of his 13 ~ And tDavid took him more concuh lSam. 19.2, seed. bines and wives ott of Jerusalem, after he q Dent. 17.17. t10.t11. &23. 9 And David answered Rechab and B.- was come from Hebron: and there were yet IChr. 3.9. & 15 &..... 29 anah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the sons and daughters born to David. I. 3. lBeerothite, and said unto them, As the 14 And "these be the names of those that 1 tChr. 3.5.& iGen. 48. 16. LORD liveth, s who hath redeemed my soul were born unto him in Jerusalem; II Sham- 14. 4. 1 Kings1.29. out of all adversity, mua, and Shobab, and Nathan, and Solo- ies, Shie, Ps. 31. 7~ 10 When kone told me, saying, Behold, ae, 1 t.C. 1.5. kch. 1.2,4,15. Saul is dead, tthinking to have brought 15 Ibhar also, and IhElishua, and Nepheg, 11 Or, theb, good tidings, I tool; hold of him, and slew and Japhio, Elishao., s sees ishi. t im in Ziklag, II who thought that I would 16 And Elishama, and liEliada, and Eliph- I Chr. 3. 6. ~w? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I eye ascB~, Bdiada, h55 Iave given him a reward for his tidings: alet. o IC] 14 7. ttiOr, ss he 11 Hen much more, when wickhed men 17 ~ I But when the Philistines heard that l Ors, shih! have slain a righteous person in his own they had anointed David king over Israel, 1047. sosed deesse hose upon his bed? shall I not therefore all the Philistines came up to seek David; ltChr. t. 1t. hims fo'this now Irequiroe his blood of your hand, and and David heard of it, land weent down to & 14. 8. tid,ng,. take you away from the earth? the hold. t ch. 23. 14. t Gen.. 5,. 10 And David 1'lcommanded his young 18 The Philistines also came and spread sch. 1. 15. men, and they slew them, and cut off their themselves in "the valley of Repliaim. u Josh. 15. 8. hands and their feet, and hanged thel utp 19 And David inquired of the LORD, say. I. 17. 5. over the pool in Hebron. But they took ing, Shall I go up to the Philistines? wilt seh. 2~ 1~ the head of Ish-bosheth, and buried it in thou deliver them into mine hand? And ts. 3. 2, nolh. 3. 32. the'sepulchre of Abner in Hebron. the LORD sid unto David, Go up: for I. 30.8. will doubtless deliver the Philistines inito CHAPTER V. thine hand. 1 The tibes come to N elbron o aoiet David eve,~ 20 And David came to YBaal-perazim, and ysI. 28. 21. ds1esl. 41c-id'-c. Ois-tskig zielfeec David smote thes there, and said, The the JeLtsites welleth in it. II i,'iat so, doth 5, Devid. i3 ilseseest,, oliA i,,LORD hath broken forth upon mine eneJ 1esalsv. 17Ovied, di'etMs blyeo~ l,sciteth mies before te, as the breach of waters. Pthe ilistlnes at 2Baal-2ceralm 22 and agaic Therefore he called the name of that place at the mulbe y trees. I Baal-perazim. I Tht is Ph/e plai,~ f at vCh. 11./1. TIHEN camoe all the tribes of Israel to 21 And there they left their images, and le, in. of & 12. 23. T David unto Hebron, and spake, saying, David and his men Il"burned them. bste. 29. 14. Behold, bwe are thy hone and thy flesh. 22 ~ eAnd the Philistines came up yet e Oryook 12 qln~~~~~~nd ~~the hlsie mup t em away. ] Also in time past, when Saul was king again, and spread themselves in the valley zDet..5,25. sletsu. 18.13 over us, ~thou wast he that leddest out of Rephaim. e y Cr. 4t. 12. and broughtest in Israel: and the LORD 23 And when bDvid inquired oftheLORD, l Cl. 14.13. dlSam~ 16.1, said to thee, dThou shalt feed my people he sid, Thou shalt not go upi but fetch.1 12. Israel, and thou shalt be a captain over a compass behind them, and come upon s.. P. 78. 71. Israel. them over against the mulberry trees. Se ohl. 7. 7. 3 eSo all the elders of Israel came to the 24 And let it he, when thou hearest the eSiMigs7. e Ilts. 11.1. hking to Hebron; f and king David made a sound of a going in the tops of thesoth mulberry. f2Kin.11.17. league with them in Hebron ubefore the trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: gJudg. 11.11. LORD: and they anointed David king over for then dshallthe LORD go out before thee, dJudg. 4. 14. 1 8am.23.18. Israel. to smite the host of the Philistines. 4 ~ David wase thirty years old when he be- 25And David did so, as the LORD had elChr.141.O, hlCr.26l.31. goan so reign, hand he reigned forty years. co emanded him; and smoee the Philistines Gibe,,. 29. 27. 5 In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven from'Geba until thou come to fGazer. fJosh. 16.10.:iclhi 2. 11] IATE I li Ch.2. years and six months: and in Jerl.salem CHAPTER VI. he reigned thirty and three years over all 1 -avid feteAhih the ark jom liie'jath- cearm on kJ] dg. 1. 01. Israel and Judah. a tew ci-t. Uzzacc is sette,, at'erez-uzzai. IJo.,h. i.63a. 6 ~f And the king and his men went kto 9 Ged bie-seth Obe-edo,.nfo the arick. 12 David. 112 Jerusalem unto tilthe Jebusites, the lnhai b- brvit,,itgltheiahlitoiZotith s.. feis, dci th lead t1, 12hich'pehc s ]n.e bevd, fore it, fee thich i lichal desttisjith hi.m 17. itants of the land: which spake unto David, laet its ca tcbe- uncle w ilth reatloi antd..-iday,.c; saying, Except thou take away the blind fea.stin!. 20 Mliedhal tiiovlng Oacid feo his 1042. to, ise. e and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither:.eligious jo y is ildl ess to he death.5 ner. 9. lthinking, David cannot come in hither. A GAIN, David gathered together all the clt., I Kin'g,2.0l. 7 Nevertheless, David took the strong hold.L- chosen s,en of Israel, thirty thlousand. IhOr ti.: Mr h& 8. 1. of Zion: m the same is the city of David. lAnd David arose, andwent with all the jach-j4eaim, [l Chq. 11. 6- 8 And David said on that day, Whosoever people that were with him from et Baale of Josh. il. 9, 0. getteth up to the gutter, and smiteth the Judaht, to bring up from thence the atrk of cc. II Or. Becasce Jebusites, and thelae nd the blind, that God, It whose name is called by the name of I! or, at,hich |theyh-lsaid, are hated of David's soul, ihe chall be tle LOnD of hosts bthat dwelleth between Othe stt esetsheblind chief cad cptin. II Yherefore they said, the cheruhim. sh It -dth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~even- a, the He ~a~....t The blind end the lame shell not comSe into AndtheytsettlheakfGod p ot e crtldlhe lame, 38ndthey tsetthe ar~k of God upo......n O ses intothe the house. cart, andbroughtitout of thehousecof Abin A- hostAs 9 So David dwelt in the fort, and called it dabthatwasinalGibeah: andUzzahlandAhio, selj toe. tser. 7. Ithe sityofDavid. AndDavidbuiltround the sons of Abinadab, drave the new carl. b Iam. 4. 4. theb. scnt eabout from Millo and innward. 4 And they brought it out of dthe house of Ps. 80. 1. it nd 10 And Davidtwent on, and grew great, Abinadnb which wcas at Gibeah, t*ecom- s Heb. tade c to. and the LORD God of hostsz as witlh him. pnying the ark ofGod: and Ahio went be- te-ids. about 1043. 11 ~ And PHiram king of Tyre sent omes- for te t ahe rk. ce so Ntum. 7. plIns sengers to David, and cedar trees, and car- 5 And David and all the house of Israel 9. 1 Chr.s 1l4 petent, and treasons: and hey built DB- played before the LORD on all mannee of..7. Ceh.heh-e's vid a house. instruments ma de of fir wood, even on 11iOr, Theill. tf ith slt. 11 And David perceived that the LORD harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, dl Sam. 7.1. fthesmal. had established him king eves Isradl, and and an aornets, and on cymbals. t Heb..ith. 223 David danceth before the ark. II. SAMUEL. God's promises to David. B.C. 1042. 6 ~ And when they came to eNalehon's CHAPTER rV1I. B. C. 1042. threshintefloor, Uzzaeh fput forth his hand I latht fis aoi th,rpoe of ld o a Chrt 1. el Chr. 13.9, to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for build God a hose, 4 f!e, by the,oI f God h. 17.1. eoald, the oxen l shook it. fo-iddeth hit. 12 Il eoeieoh i te. Chid-o. 7 And the anger of the LORD was kindled t,ed blessings ie tie seed. 18 dtavid's rajete bch. 5. 11. fSee um... against Uzzah, and g God smote him there a-d than-sglvgts. tSe, &tJ 7. 15. trt d foe hit II oeet; ott theOe too died by tho AND it came to pass,'when the kin, sat d EO 26. L. b IOr,tsltMed. sar of God. oo 1 in hishouse, and the LORD had given e 4o. 21. 0 9ltto.t1. 1 8 Atod BDavid wa displeased, becouset the him rest round about from all his enemies; ei e., lOe.,...h.e... LLORD had tmade a breach upon Uzzah: 2 That the king said unto Nathan the 18. Ot ohb.toek. and tie called tle name of the place o Perez- prophet, See now, I dwell in bt, house of lChr. 2. 7. I That is, Tle. uzzath to this day. cedar, C but the ark of God dwelleth within & 28. 2. tbeachofUz- 9 Atd hDavid was afraidof th LORD that dourtains. OtHOe. to my t I. day, and said, How shall the arkl of the 3 And Nathan said tothe king, o, do tll to hA. 119. 120. LORD ome to Met that is Iin thine heart; for the LORD is f ot 1 Ki0g1 Seo Lake 5. 10 So David would not remove the ark of with thee.. 5. 3. & 8.19. the LORD Unto him. into the city of David: 4 [ And it came to pass that night, that I Chr. 2. 8. but David carried it aside into the houso of tte word of the LORD eame unto Nathan, e h8. 3. il he.O.15. i o0bed-edom /the Gittitt. saying, glgt s 8.l1. klChr.l3.14. 11 kAnd the ar lof the LOR continut d ia t Go and toll ttoy servant David, Thus htoa.40.18,19, the house of Obcd-edom the Gittite tlreo faith the LORD, fShalt thou build me a 3-1. lGe. 30. 27. months: andthleLORD tblessedObed-edom, house for me to dwell in? iLet. 26. 11, I& 39.. and all his household. 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in any house 1. 12 ~, And it was told king David, sayinog, osince the time that I brought up the chil- Deot. 23.14. The LORD hath blessed ttle house of Obed- dren of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day, I[I a of the edom, and all that pertaincth unto him, but have walked in l a tent and tn a taber- I Che. 17. 6. eelChr.15.25. beouseofthe arkof God. "'SoDavid.ent totle. kch. 5. 2. and brought up the ark of God from the 7 In all th ylpaces wherein I have walked N oS. 7L, 72. house of Obed-edom into the cityof David with all the chlildren of Israel spake I a IBldt. 2.. with gladness. word with II any of the tribes-of Israel, whomo Acts 20. 4. 15. 13 And it was so, that when nthey that I commanded kto feed my people Israel, I/Sa m. 16.11, Joeh. 3. 3. bare the ark of the LORD had gone si saying, Why build ye tot e a house of 17. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aig Why. b u i l 5' o m e. soof ~. 78.750. Ioee. 10.2, paces, he sacrificed Ioxen and fatlings. cedar P..70. 15..1fH, 14 And David P danced before the LORD 8 No therefore so shalt thou say unto my. Oe. 1 K aing withl all his might; and David was girded servant David, Thus seith the LORD of f lS..18.14. ote 1 tohIsStoe 18.1It o Olte.15.26. Oceith a linen ophod. hosts, II took thee from the sheepcote, t from /h. 5.10. & 8. PSee 10. 10. l0So David and all the house of Israel following the sheep, to be ruler over my 6, 1i. 2oS0E.I brought op tie ark of the LORD aith shout- peopl, over Israel:. 1 St 31. 6.. FP. 30. 11. ing, and with the sound of the trumpet. 9 And "I was with thee whithersoever thou P,. 89. 23..1 S.t. 2.18. 16 Antd tas the ark of the LORD came into.enteste,.and have t o t off all thine enemits t H.l.. f-otn 1 Ohr. 15.27. the city of David, dichal Saul's daughter tout of' thy sight, and hlave made thee 00 thyfcee. l Chr. 15. 28. looked through a window, and saw king Da- great name, like unto tte name of the great Ge. 12. 2. l Chr. 15. 29. aid leaping and dancing before the LORD; eneo that are in the earth. t pPs. 44. 2. & and she despised him in her heart. 10 MIoreover will appoint a placefor my 80. 8. t1 Chl. 16. 1. 17 ~ And they brought in the ark of the people Israel, and will Oplant them, that Jer. 24. 6. lChr. 15. 1. LORD, and set it in "his place, in the midst they may doell in a place of their own, and Amo. 5.15 P-. 13t. t. of the tabernacle that David had epitched move to more; q neither shall the children qPs.. 80. 22. tf H.b. for it: and David offered burnt offerings of wickedness afflict them any more, as be- - J.dg. 2. 14, to/e. and peace offerings before the LORD. foetime, 15, 16. IKXing 8.5, 18 And as soon as David tad made an end 11 And as Tsince the time that Icommand- |1 Sm. 12. 9, 62, 60. of offering burnt offerings and peace offer- ed judges to be over ey people Israel, and II. 2. ylKingtt.55. ings, Yhe blessed the people in the name of have o caused thee to est from all thine en-. 1 Chr. 16. 2. the LORD of hosts. emies. Also the LORD telleth thee tthat he ee. 1. t fChr. 16. 3. 10 tAnd be doaIt among all the peoplo, will mako thee Le house. 0 1.. 1. 21. even among the whole multitude of Israel, 12 I And o'hen thy days be fulfilled, and 1 I.11.38. as well to the women as men, to every one thou tshalt sleep with thy fathers, YI ill I t cake of bread, and a good piece of flesh, set op thy seed fter thee, which ehall proand a flagon of toino. So all the people oeed out of thy bowels, and I will establish | -t. 1I. 16. 1 Kiinp 1. 21. departed every one to his house. his lingdom. Acte 13. 30. about 1042. 20 ~'Then David returned to bless his 13 tle shall build a house for my name, yl in.. 8. 20. oP.. i, title. household. And Miohal tle daughtee of and I oill Istablish the throne of his king- Pe. 132. 11. Satul came ou to meet David, and said, dom forever. zl te. 5.1. How glorious was thle king of Israel to day, 14 b I will be his father, and he shall be myt 6.12.038. 19. boer. 14, 16. who buncovered himself to day in tlhe eyes son. CIf he commit iniquity, I will chasten 1 Ch.. 2t2.10. S -.10.21. o the tandmaids of hits servants, as one of him with the rod of men, and with the &2S. 6. c Jud. 9.. 4. the Ovain fellows Ilshatmelessly uncoveaeth stripes of the children of men:. Ot. 16. liOe, openly. himself! 15 But my mercy shall not depart away P,. 89. 4, 29, 21 And David said unto t icihal, It oeas from him, dals I took it from Saul, whom I 36,37. |dl S.-.13.14. before the LORD, dwhich chose me before put away before thee. 00. 89.26,27. &- 15. 28. Hb.5 bO. 2L thy fothe-, and before tll his houset, to ap- 16 And ethine house and thy kingdom shall. 1.. point me ruler over the people of the LORD, be established for ever before the e: thy tIP.,.i8.31, over Israel: therefore will I play before throne shall be established for ever. 11tO, ef tff tt lLORD. 17 According to all theste tored, atd ac- dl..I.a1.93, e N% 2' S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. & 16. 14. oooodosetde 22 And I will yet be more ile th t thus, cording to tll this vitioo, so did Nothan I Xit. 11.13, of -nysev ft and will be base in mine own sight: and I of speak unto David. 34. eSelS.l5. the maidservants which thou hast spoken 18 ~ Then went king David in, and sat be- -ye. 13. 35. of, of them shall I be had in ionour. fore the LORD, and lie said, fWho amo, 0 P.. 89. 3, 37. I.. 22. 14. 23 Therefore Miohal the daughter of Saul Lord GoD? and what is my house, that John 12.34. mtt. 1. 25. had no child eunto the day of her death. thou hast brought me hitherto? f Get. 32. 10. 22.4 ivDavd's prayer and thanksgozvng. II. SAMIUEL. He sendeth for Mephiboohethj D. C. 1042. 19 And this was yet a small thing in thy Damascus: and the Syrians ibcameo serv- B. 0. sight; 0 Lord GoD; abut'thou hast spoken ants toDavid, acl broughtgifts. iand tile about 1040. gre. 1, 13. also of thy servant's house for a great while LORD preserved David whithersoever lihe Al hI. 0. to come. hAnd is this the t manner of man, went. ver. 2. tI Heb. l. 0 Lord GOD? 7 And David took Ithe shields of gold that kher. 14. 20 And whatcanDavidsaymoreountothee? were on the servants of Hadadoezer, and ch. 7.9. iGen. 18. 19. for thou, Lord GOD, iknowest thy servant. brought them to Jerusalem. 1 See 1 Kifigs P1. 139. 21For thy -word's sake, and according to 8 And from {IBetah, and from I1Berothai, 10. 16. thine own r eart, hast thou done all these cities of Hadadezer, Icing David took ex- { Or, Tibhath. great things, to make thy servant knon ceeding much brass. O,, thoee. 9 ~ When lIToi kingof Hamathheardthat iCh r.18.8. kl r.16.25. 22 Yherefore /:thou art great, 0 LORD David had smitten alli the hoaest ofHadadeazdr, Chr, 2. 5. God: for lthere i none like thee, neither 10 Then Toi sent'Joram his son unto kin, 1Chr. 18. 9. ilk 48.1. h 0is h there any God besides thee, according to David, to salute him, and to bless him; be- 1 Chr. 18. 10, 135.5.&145.3. all that we hare heard with our cars. cause he had fougoht against Hadadezer, and adoram. Jar. 10.6. 23 And "what one nation intho earthis smitten him: for H-adadezer t hadwars Vwith is,,. -rlhih I Dout.3.2i.h like thy people,,even like Israel, whom God Thi. And Jorae0 t brought with him ves- o r,ese. 4.35i. &32.39. went to redeem for a people to himself, and seels of silver, and vessels of gold, and ves- tHeb. r 1 S.n2.m 2. to make him a name, o nd to do for you sols of brass:r ofes |Ps8.8..&89. great things and terrible, for thy land, be- 11 Which also king Dovid " did:dedicate r.e 6, 8. for I. 4. 10, tfore'thy people, which thou redeemedst to unto the LORD, with the silver and gold 0 ahb. Ia hi. Is. 45. 6.I,18,~ cete 22. thee from Egypt, from the -nations and that lie had dedicated of all nations w shich oe Deut. 4. 7, their gods? lie subduerd;,eI. 7. 51. 32h 34h. h33. 24 For o thou hast confirmed to thyself thy 12 Of Syria, and of Moat, and of the chiOl- & 2le 11. 29. I people Israel to be a people unto thee for dren ofmmon, ndof te Philistines, and 2. P'. 147. 20. ever: Peand thou, LORD, art become their of Amnalek, and of the spoil of Hadadezer, Ae g. Dol~ur. 9.26. Go.his smiting. 95Deat. 0 L.00 God. heo dhason of lehob, king of Zobah.2 Ie. 11 7. ehl. 1. 10. 25 And nov, 0 LORD God, tle nord that 13 And David gat hino a name when be reoDeat.26.18. the hast spoken concerning thy servant, turned from Osiiting of the Syrians in otle e os slale. F, Pa 48. 14. and concerning his house, establish it for valley of salt, IlPbeing eighteen thousand prSee i Ch. ever, and do as thou hast said. WeWe. 0. 1r 20 And let thy name be magnified for ever, 14 ~ And lie put garrisons in dom; Ps0 1,2 2 saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over throughout all Edom put he garrisons, and 07 40 Israel: and let the house of -thy servant lall they of Edom becanme David's servants. o,,u 2. 18. David be established before thee. "And the LORD preserved David whither-,y e. 6. 27 For thou, O LORD of hosts, God of Is- soever he went. h. 1 ehb. opened rael, hast t revealed to thy servant, saying, 15 And David reignedover all Israel, and 20..3. Osiro, —, I will build thee a house: therefore haththy David eoecuted judgment and justice unto 1Chr. ll. Oh& Ruth 4. 4. servant found in his heart to pray this prayer all his people. 18. 15. eane.9 0.10. untothee. 16'And Joab the son of Zeruiah toas over l Kinge 4. 3. 28 And now, 0 Loed GOD, thou a.. that the host; and tJehoshaphat the son of Ahi- 110 eqJsh. 17. 17. God, and qthy words he lrue, and thou hast lud eas r lrecorder;o promised this goodness unto thy servant: 17 And Zadolk the son of Ahitub, and w rier of tlieb. bsthot, 29 Therefore now Olet it please thee to Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, toer the eheoic!es.,leasesd asi bless the house of tby servant, that it may priests; and Seailh was the I scribe; Ihr. 3. c. ontinue for ever before thee: for thou, 0 18'And Benniahthe son of Jehoida roes I r Lord GOD, hast spoken it: and with thy over' both the Y Cherethlites and the Peleth''}ac5'ary. blessing let the house of thy servant be ites; and David's sons were lobhief rulers. sliChr. 18. 17. rch. 20. 51. blessed'for ever. AF yamI30.14. CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER VIII. 7o 1 CICAFTER VIII 1 David yDZia rsenieth foelfet phBoshetibh. 7 For 7Fs Or, poisese 1 Dsoidste.d- eesthth.! Pliligi-rta-atdede, olitss -Jonathaeds saoise he,-etetai-eth him at Ai tasle, ch. 20. 26. 140.avl subdueth Dhe lohdistinoead tele $1ai ese. an ostorsseAte oinal thao reasheau's. Odds 3 He s tdeh Hadadee,, ad th- e Syrias. 9 ae h ethes Ziahir fa,rm t 9 He Tol sendeth Jora w ith... resents.o b Aies.ib 11'he l,erserts nd the spoil David delcsateth A ND David said, Is there yet any that is to God. 14 He- puteSh garr-ios i,, Edo-. 16 l_ left of the house of Saul, that I may htabout 1040. avid'ls qier,. ashew him kindness for Jonathan's sake? al San. 18.3..IChr. 18., AND after this it came to pass, that De- 2 And there teas of the' liouse of SaUl' —a 20. 14, 15, odfl~.. -.Lvid smotoe the Philistines, and subdued servant whose nasmeas 0 Zibk. Andwhen 1e'o, 42Oh -, T i- them: and David took II Metheg-ennah out they bd called him unto David, the king,.27.. b ch0. hs160 & oil of Ae-, of the hand of the Philistines. said unto him, Art thbu Ziba? And he 19 b 2,eah. l And blie smote Moab, and measured them said, Thy servant is he. blum..24.17. with alineo,castingthem downto the ground; 8 And the king said, Is there not yet any rr. 6, s 14. even with two lines measured he to put to of the house of Saul, that I may sheow the. 10. death, and with one full line to keep alive.'lkindnessofGoduntohime? AndZibasaid lSan.20.14. |Se. 1 Sm. And so the lMoabites bhecame David's serv- unto the Iing, Jonathan hath vet a son, 0. 07. ants, and dhbrought gifts. evhich ris lame on his feet. -h de. 4. o 3 e David smote also I HEadadezer, the son 4 And the king said unto him, Woere is,-s, of Rehob, king of IZobah, as he went to re- hle? And Zibah said unto the king, Behold, fCh. 18.1. 0cover f his border at the river Euphrates., lie is in the house of leeachir, the son of s eh 7. 27. -eh. 10. 6. 4 And David took 1l from him a thousan d Ammiel, in Lo-debar. P. 6, title. Ilchariots, and seven hundred horsemen, 5 Then king David senti and fetched fSa Gen. 15. and twenty thousand footmen: and David hlim out of the house of Machir, the son of 10. oleoughed all the chariot horlses, but re- Ammiel, from Lo-debar. 1 Or-, fhis. served of them for a hundred chariots. 0 Now when il5ephibosheth, the son of Cf, AslChr.l0. 5 hAnd'when the Syrians of Danmascus Jonathan, the son of Saul, was come unto 5feid-h a0, 4 came to suoour Hladadozer king of Zobah, David, le fell on his f.ce,:and did rever-'bh.k. hi... gJosh.l1. 6,9. David slew of the Syrians two and twenty once. And Davidsaid, Mephiboslieth. And hli.Xi..11.23, thousand men. he answered, Behold thy servant! 11, 25. 6 Then David put garrisons in Syria of 7~AndDa-idsaidunutohim,Fearnot:ffor 3fve s. 1 5 225 David's messengers are abused. II. SAMUEL. -David's adultery.. C. I will surely slleowv thee kindness for Jona- battle was against him before and behind,. C. about 1040. than thy father's se, ond villrestorether's sake ose of all the choice smen of Israel, about 137. all the land. of Saul thy father; and thou and put thetoo in array against the Syrishalt eat bread at my table continually. ans: 8 And he bowed himself, and said, What 10 And the rest of the people he delivered is thy servant, that thotr shouldost look upon into the hand of Abishai his brother, that 9giSam.24.14. such ga dead dog as I am? he maight put thea in array against the oh. 1h 9. 9. 9 Then the king called to Ziba, Saul's children of Ammon. hSeech. 16.d4. servant, and said unto him, h I have given 11 And he said, If the Syrians be too 1). 219. unto thy master's son all that pertained to strong for me, then tlhou shalt help me: but Saul and to all his house. if the children of Ammon be too strong for 10 Thou therefore, and thy sons, and thy thee, then I will come and help thee. servants, shall till the land for him, and thou 12'Be of good courage, and let us hplay o Dcut. 31. 6. shalt bring in the frisits, that thy master's the men for our people, and for the cities of hl ham. 4. 9. son may have food to eat: but Mephibo- our God: and ithe LORDon do that which ICor. 16.13. veri 7,11,13. sleeth thy master's son slhall eat bread seemeth him good. i Sa 3. 1. h. 192. 28. alway at my table. Now Ziba had fifteen 13 And Joab drew nigh, and the people k h. 19. 17. sons and twenty servants. that ses-e with him, unto the battle against 11 Tioen said Ziba unto the king, Accord- the Syrians: and they fled before lim. ing to all that my lord the king hath corm- 14 And when the children of Ammon sas manded his servant, so shall thly servant do. that the Syrians were fled, then fled they As forMephibosheth, said the king, he shall also before Abishai, and entered into the eat at my table, as one of the king's sons. city. So Joab returned from the children 12 And Mephibosheth had a young son, of Ammon, and camo to Jerusalem. ltChr.S.34. twohoso name teas OMicha. And all that 15.A.nd when the Syrians saw that they aboutlO36. dwelt in the house of Ziba wero servants were smitten before Israel, they gathered unto Ilephibosheth. themselves together. 13 So MIephihosheth dwelt in Jerusalem: a 16 And Hladarezer sent, and brought out mer. 7, 10. tmfor he did eat continually at the king's tle Syrians that wera beyond lithe river; I Thatis., Eo. vsr.3. table; and "'as lame on both his feet. and they camo to Helam: and I Shobach photen. the captain of the host of Hadarezer weent 1 Or, CHAPTER X. before them. Slpoohacl, Doavid's soe-ssensea cofsa lt to Cim rIfafne s t lLe 17 And when it was told David, he gather- 1Chr. 19. 1'. Asmonites, astent llenedbytsheSo lay ns, are ove,' - ed all Israel together, and passed over Jorcome by Jo.ab anAd 6ishai. lo Shobah, m.aking dan, and qame toHelam. And the Syrians "a o 2t.U s1e1ply of the -Syoias at ldSla, is lai set themselves in array against David, and by Davld. fought with him. about 1037. A AND it came to pass after this, that the And the Syrians f led before Israel; and alChr.l1. -I I kingh of the calildrensofAmmonedied, David slew the menc of seven hundred &c. and IIanun his son reigned in his stead. chariots of the Syrians, and forty thou2 Then said David, I will shew kindness sand khorsemen, and smote Shobach the k lChlr.1.18, unto Hanun the son of Nahash, as his fa- captain of their host, who died there. te oo1.en thlr showed kindness unto me. And Dayid 19 And when all the kings that were sery, sent to comfort him by the hand of his sery- antsto Hadarezersaswthatltheywereosmitten ants for his father. And David's servants before Israel, they made peace with Israel, came into e th land of the childrenof Am- and served tem. So the Syrians feared ch. 8. a. mon. to help the children of Ammon any more. 3 And the princes of the children of Am- CHAP.TER XI. t sob. mon said unto Hanun their lord, t Thinkest 1 hTVile Joab besieged nabbah, David cornniltteth In thine eyes thpu that David loth lhonour thy father, adultery witl& Sath-,sba. 6 Uiaoh, seotfos' by dothDavid, that he hlath sent comforters unto thee? Dsvid to cover i.e aulery, s.ol..loodt nol home hath not David eather sent~his servants,eitle-. sobe tno-. dll,.nket. 14 He cIm.b ieth to.hntla set' 0oaot eeethi sasat,. Joab tie letter of his death. 18 Joah scndeth tihe unto thee, to search the city, and to spy it es thseaseof to David. 26 David taketh Bqthout, and to overthrow it? dsel. a to wife. 4 Wherefore Ianun took David's servants, A ND it came to pass, t after the year about1035. and shaved offthe one half of their beards, 0. was expired, at the time when kings t Heb, at ste and cutoff their garments in the middle, go forth to battle, that a David sent Joab,,et-ra ofthc B. 20. 204.-& boven to their, buttocks, and sent them andllis servants with him, and all Israel; c., 47. 2. away. and they destroyed the children of Ammon, 1 Kingf 20. 5 When they told i unto David, ihe sent and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried 2Iloo. 10. to meet them, because the men were greatly still at Jerusalem. I Ch 20 1 ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jeri- 2 U And it came to pass in an eeningtido, cho until your beards be grown, and len that David arose from off his bed, band b eut. 22. 8. return.; Malked upon the roof of the king's house: c Gen. 70. 2. 6 Alnd when the children of Ammson saw and from the roof he esaw a woman ash- J: b 31. 1. c Gen. 3. 30. that they Ostank before David, the children ing lerself; and the woman avots very beau- aItt. 5. 28..: 6. 1.11. of Ammon sent and hired dthe Syrians of tiful to look upon. i Or, 1 8am. 13. 4. M~aB'h~shua, 1 Sao. 103. 4Beth-rehob, and the Syrians of Zoba, 3 And David sent and inquired after the rI cha. dch. 8.3, 5. twenty thousand footmen, and of king woman. And one said, Is not this tlBathlOr, A-mied. fOr, th -me C taacah a thousand men, and of i Ish-tob sheba, the daughter of 11 Eliam, the wife EI of twelve thousand men. Uriah the Hittite Judg. 11.3,5. 7 And when David heard of it, he sent 4 And David sent messengers, and took ePs. 51, t0tl. oh. 23. 8. Joab, and all the host ofethe mighty men. her; and sle ame in unto li, and he lay James 1.14. 8 And the children of Amaon came out, woitlh her; 1lfor she was fpurified from her r, and put the battle in array at the entering uncleanness: and she returned plto her had,uAaiied ~fvr. 5. in of the gate: and ftheo Syrians of Zoba, house. -es&ef, ce. and of Rehob, and Ish-tob, and Miaaoah, 5 And the woman conceived, and sent slcs.ectu-ne d. twerse by themselves in the field. and told David, and said, I am with child. f Lo. 15. 19, S9 When Joab saw that the front of the S ~ And David sent to Joab, payia, 128. &018. 19. C26t Uriah is slain in battle. II. SAMUEL. Parable of the ewe lamb. B. C. Send me Uriah the Hittite. And Joab sent Thus shalt thou say unto Joab, Let not this B.C. about 1035. Uriah to David. thing t displease thee, for the sw ord devour- about 1035.'t. 7 And when Uriah was come unto him, eth tone as well e.s another: make thy t eb. ofthe eDavid demanded of hife thow Joab did, battle more strong against the city, and t Heb. tmil acc of, t. and how the people did, and how the war overthrow it: and encourage thou him. in thteveye. prospered. 20 ~ Atnd when the wife of Uriah heardic tit.,o and 8 And David saidi to Uriah, Go down to that Urialh her husband was dead, she h. g Gen18.4. & thy louse, and wash tihyfeet. Andl Uriali mourned for her husband. 19.. departed out of the king's house, and there 27 And when the mourning was past, Dat Seb. toet tfollowed him a mess of Teat from the vid sent and fetched her to his house, and q oh. 12. 9. out tfterhim. king. she q became his wife, and bare him a son. 0 t e. 9 But Uriah slept at the door of the But the thing that David had done tdis- ltth king's house with all the servants of his pleased the LORD. ytto of. lord, and went not down to his house. CHAPTER XII. 10 And when they had told David, saying, l.atha e' p aabl-of thewe eameb astetoh.David Uriah went not down unto his house, David to be his owe jete. 7 David, cproveed by Nasaid unto Uriah, Camest thou not fromo thy 1te, eofttehis -ie, tit p-deot-. iS _.Davddou-neth-and p-yayobfop th- hild,,,hite journey? whly thoen didst thou not go down lioee e id e.ooeoh t.Oeid cmdil itiioed. 24$otoeeoe it Oece,oe, aedetmd Jtdiunto tlhine house? diah. 26 David taket Ratbbah, and to-treth h h. 7. 2,. 11 And Uriah said unto David, A The ark, the peoople theeof. and Israel, and Judaht abide in tents; and A ND the LORD sent Nathan unto David. about 1034. ieh.520. t,mylord Joab, and the servantsofmylord, A. And'he ca me unto him, and bsaid aP.i tite. are enocamped in the open fields; shall I unto him, There were two men in one city; b Seo oh. 14. then go into mine house, to eat and to dri, t the one rich, and the other poor. 5, &c. and to.lie with my wife? ci thou livest, and 2 The rich an had exceeding manyflocks 1 King 20. ts thy.soul liveth, I willnot do this thing. and herds: -41 12 And David said to Uriah, Tarry here 3 But the poor ma had nothing, save one 3. to day also, and to morrow I will let the little eve lamb, which he had bought and depart. So Urialh abode in Jerusalem that nourished up: and it grocw up together with day, and the morrow. him, and with his children; it did eat of 13 And when David had called him, lte his own tfeat, and drank of his own cup, tfHtb. neogt. did eat and drink before him; and he made and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as to Gen. 19. 33, himk drunk: and at tven he wentout to lie adaugliter. 35. on his bed /with the servants of his lord, 4 And there came a traveller unto the rich l eor, 9. but went notdownto this house. man, and he spared to take of his own 14 And it camoe to pass in the morning, flock and of his own herd, to dress for the mSeet 1 ng.g that David "' wrote a letter to Joab, and wayfaring man that was come unto him; 21. 8, 9. sent it by the hand of Uriah. but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed 15 And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set it for the man that was come to him. tHeb.strong. ye Uriah in the forefront of the thottest 5 And David's anger weas greatly kindled tHilb. fb o hbattle, and retire ye tfrom him, that he gainst the man; and he said toNatban, atfeo' it. may "be smitten, and die. As the LORD liveth, the man that hath n ch. 12. 9. 16 And it came to pass, when Joab ob- done this thing 1 lshall surely die: Or, t Woothy served the city, that lie assigned Uriah unto 6 And he shall restore the lamb cfourfold,to dit, o, i a place where he kne that valiant men because he did this thing, and be"cuse he I' of tilts. thad no pity. ttt 17 And the men of the city went out, and 7 V And Nathan said to David, Thou art E. 2t.1. fought with Joab: and there fell some of the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Is- Lak. 19. 8.. the people of the servants of David; and rael, I dlanointed thee king over Israel, and I Sa 113. Uriah the Hittite died also, I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; - 18 I[ Then Joab sent and told David all 8 And I gave thee thy master's house, d the things concerning the war; thy master's wives into thy bosom, andgave 19 And charged the messenger, saying, thee the house of Israel and of Judaht; and {Whoen thou hbst made an end of telling the if that had beeo too little, I would morematters of the war unto the king, over have gissn unto thee such and such 20 Andif so be that the king's vwrath arise, things. and he say unto thee, Wherefore approalch- 9 Wherefore hasi thou fdespised the eSee 1 So. ecd ye so nigh unto the city when ye did commandment of the LORD, to do evil in 1. 19 fight? knew ye not that they would shoot his sight? thou hoast killed Uriab the Hit- fieu. 15.31. from the wall? tite with the sword, and tast taken his wife geh. 11.15,16, oJudg. 9.53. s 21 Who smote ~Abimelech the son of tobe thy wife, and hast slain him with the 17,27.,Jtdg 6 32, P Jerubbesheth? did not a woman cost a sword of the children of Ammon. Jero-baalo. piece of amillstone upon him from thOle wall, i0 Now therefore hthe sword shall never hAm. 7. 9. that he died in Thebes? why went ye nigh depart from thine house; because thou hast the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah despised me, and hast taken the wife of the Hittite is dead also. Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. iDeut. 28.30. 22 ~[ So the messenger went, and came 0and 11 Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will ch. 16.. sheowed David all that Joab had sent him raise up evil against thee out of thine own koch. 16. 22. for. house, and I will itake thy wives before See Sam 23 And the messenger said unto David, thine eyes, and give them unto thy neigh- 15. 24. Surely the men prevailed against us, and hour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the,eh 24.10. came out unto us into the field, and we were sight of this sun. Job 7. 20. upon them even unto the entering of the 12 For thou didst it secretly: kbut I wilI Ps. 32. 5. & gate. do this thing before all Israel, and before.01 4. 24 And the sthooters shot from off the w allte soP. 1e. 1s. upon thy servants; and somo of the king's 1 I ADd David said unto Nathon'I have t ch. 24. 10. Job 7. 21. ]servants be dead, and thy servant Uriah sinned against the LORD. And Nathan t'.. 32. 1. ]the Hittite is dead also. said unto David, The LORZD al~o hath'put Mi,. 7. 18. 2Then David said unto the messenger, away thy sin; thou shalt not'die. Zoch. 3. 4. 227 Solomon is born. II. SAMUEL. nn.non forceth Tamar. B. O. 14 Howvbeit, because by this deed thou hast CHAPTEP XIII. B. 0. about O34. given great occasion to the enemies of the 1 Am lovlg.2 ama, by Jdotadab's counsel bol32. LORLD Oto blaspheme, the child also that is f glbt himseef sec, savibethi ie-..15 He oI. 52. 5. born unto thee shall surely die. /lateh heo, and s/atnefstlty otte1] he aelca. Ez. 36. 20M23. 19 Absalum enter-ta~,~et hey, and co-aealeth his'Ez.t36.20. 15 i[ And Nathan departeduntohis house. 23 ta esheepsheattisg, among all the Bn., 2. 2. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's kis'es sons, he illelt Armeo,. 3i0 avsidtgievwife bare unto David, and it was very sick. igs at the eles is comfotetl by Joe7adab. 37 16 David therefore besought God for the Absaloefteeth to taltnas at Gecst r. tisb. fasted tchild; and David tfasted, and went in, A ND it came to pass after this, that ach. 3.2,3. aft. antd Play all night upon the earth. ~0 Absalom tb:e son of David had a fair peh. 13. 31. 17 And the elders of his house arose, and sister, whose name was b Tamar; and Am- bl Chr. 3 9. went to him, to raise him up from the earth: non the son of David loved her. bat he would not, neither did he eat bread 2 And Amnon was so vexed, that he fell bith them. sick for his sister Tamar; for she tas a 18 And it came to pass on the seventh day, virgin; and t.Amnon thought it hard for t IIeb. it wa that the child died. And tile servants of -him to do any thing to her. a David feared to tell him that the child was 3 ButAmnonhad afriend, whosesnametMs or, hisclse. is dead: for they said, Behold, while the Jnadab, cthe sot) ofShimeahlsDavid's brothl- ted cf child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and er: and Jonadab tlas a very subtile man. 1 t he would not hearken unto our voice: how 4 And he said unto him, Why art thou, 1 t9. t eb. will he then t vex himself, if we tellhimthat being the king's son, t lean tfrom day to tHel. thin. do lhrt. the child is dead? day? vwilt thou not tell me? And Amnon tHeb. morn19 But when David saw that his servants said unto him,I love Tamar, ty brother tn by whispered, David perceived that the child Absalom's sister. mssi was dead: therefore David said unto his 5 And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee servants, Is the child dead? And they down on thy bed, and make thyself sick: said, He is dead. and when thy father cometh'to see thee, say 20 Then David arose from the earth, and unto him, I pray thee, let my sister Tamar q5Ruth 3. 3. washed, and 9anointed thissself, and chang- come, and giv e meat, and dress the meat od his apparel, and came into the house of in my sight, that I may see it, and eat it rJob 1.h2. the LORD, and %sorshipped: then he came at her hand. to his own house; and when he required, 6 b So Amnon lay down, and made himself they set bread before him, and lie did eat. sick: and when the king was come to see 21 Then said his servants unto him, What him, Amnon said unto the king, I pray thing is this that thou haost done? thou thee, let Tamar my sister come, and dmake dGe: 18. 6. didst fast and weep for the child, while it me a couple of cakes in my sight, that I was alive; but when the child was dead, may eat at her hand. thou didst rise and eat bread. 7 Then David sent home to Tamar, say22 And lhe said, While the child was yet ing, Go nov to thy brother Amnon's house, OSe.Il.,8.1,5. alive, I fasted and wept: Ifor I said, Who and dress him meat. Josh 3. 9. can tell whethers GOD will be gracious to 8 So Tamar went to her brother Amnon's me, that the child maylive? house; and he was laid down. And she 23 But nol he is dead, wherefore should I tookb lflour, and kneaded it, and made lOr sne. fast? can I bring him back again? I shall cakes in his sight, and did bake the cakes. tJb 7.8.9,10. go to him, but t he shall not return to me. 9 And she took- a pan, and poured themn 1033. 24 ~ And David comforted Bath-sheba his out before him; but he refused to eat. wife, and went in unto her, and lay with And Amnon saidi elave out allmen from eGen.45.1. cIdaOtt. 6. her: and U she bare a son, and Ihe called me. And they went out every man from e alfl 2.90. his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him. him. 10 And Amnon said unto Tamar, Bring 25 And he sent by the hand of Nathan the the tmeat into the chamber, that I may eat IThat it, B- prophet; andhe calledhis name i Jedidiah, of thine hand. And Tanar took the cakes ac ed Iof th because cf the LOtD. which she had made, and brought thent into LeOe. 26 2 And YJoab fought against lZRabbah the chamber to Amnon her brother. yl Chr 20. 1. of the children of Ammon, and took the 11 And when she had brought thessz unto l)Dent. 3.l. royal city. him to eat, he f took hold of her, and said f enG 39.12. 27 And Joab sent messengers to David, unto hler, Come lie with me, my sister. and said, I have fought against Rabbah, 12 And she answered him, Nay, my brothand have taken the city of waters. er, do not t force me; for t' no such thing t Heb 28 Now therefore gather the rest of the ought tocbedonoinIsrael: do notthouethis Isb1lesse, people together, and encamp against the hfolly. Ge. 3t. 2. city, and take it: lest I take the city -and 13 And I, whither shall I cause my shame t ech.stought tIeb. tnt~ tit be called after my name. to go? and as for thee, thou shalt be as one not eo to be name 6e all- 29 And David gathered all tthe people to of the fools in Israel. Now therefore, I loe. eaut7onba t. gether, and went to tRabbah, and fought pray thee, speak unto theking; iforhe will LeV. 9, against it, and took it. not withhold me from thee. 11. & 20. 17., Cr.20 20. 30 SAnd he took their king's crown from 14 Howbeit lhe would not hearken unto her GC-en. 34. 7. off his head, the weight whereof was a voice: but, being strongerthan she, kforced &Jts.. 6. talent of gold with the precious stones: and her, and lay with her. it was set onDavid'shead. Andhe brought 1 X Then Amnon hated her t exceedingly 11 8. tHeb. very forth the spoil of the city tin great abund- so that the hatred wherewith he hated her tg~reb. kDeut. 22.25. ance. was greater than th lov wherewith lhe had See h.12,11. 31 And he brought forth the people that loved hor. And Amnon said unto lier, fHel. citl were therein, and put tshem under saws, Arise, be gone. tyg eat hat'ed and under harrows of iron, and under axes 16 And she said unto him, There is no geatly. of iron, and made them pass through tle cause: this evil in sending me away is brickkiln: and thus did he unto all the greater than the other that thou didst unto cities of the children of Ammon. SoDavid me. But he would not hearken unto her. and all the people returnedunto Jerusalem. 17 Then he called his servant that minis228 Amnon is slain. II. SAMUEL. The widow of Tekoah's parable. B.C. tered unto him, and said, Put now this wo- king's sons came, and lifted up their voice B. 0.1030. about1032. man out from me, and bolt the door after and wept: and the king also and all his her. servants wept t very sore. tHeb. hths I Ge.3. 37. 3. 18 And she had lola garment of divers col- 37 I But Absalom fled, and went to tTal- t copJ.dg. 5. 30. ours upon her: for with such robes were the,in th son 1 A id, ig of G s. o 5. mat, the son of [I Atmtihudl, king of Geshur. la. 45. 14. king's daughters that ooere virgins appar- And DDavid mourned for his son every day. 1030. elled. Then his servant brought her out, 38 So Absalom fled, and went to a Geshut, eh 3. 3. and bolted the door after her. and was there three years. Or, Jos.h. 7. 6. 19 IV And Tamar put ashos on her head, 39 And the souo of king David [I longed to Aooiha. ieh. 0. 2. and rent her garment of divers colours that go forth unto Absalom: for ihewas bcomfort- ah. 14. 23,32. 1Job'2.12a. & 15. 8. Job 2.12. cwas on ier, and'tlaid her hand on her ed concerning A..non, seeingle hcas dead. b 10.0. Jer. 2. 37. Olr,:... Ja.. ead, and wen on crying. t —ae. 20 And Absalom her brother said unto her, CHAPTER XIV. P. 84. 2. toeb. Hath t Amnon thy brother been with thee? oloig a Oido fO eiol-, by On b-a 8 2l 1 bl. to ilcioe the king's hea co fatch hohe Ab- Ge.38.12..A[.o... hbut hold nowc'tly peace, my sister: he is saloon ringot him to Jeusalem.o' 5 Absalo,'s t Heb. set ot thy brother; tregard not this thing. So beauty, hair, nd ehilder. 2. After to y ears. biNs h-ort. Tamar remained t desolate in her brother Aiso.e by Ao i. b-oaglt ioao it kioe'o pcos, t Heb. and Absalom's house. -e. solot. 1 ButawhenkingDavidheardofallthese NTOW Joab the soatef Zeruiah perceived 1027. things, he was very wroth. - that the king's heart was "toward Ab- ah.13. 39. 22 And Absalom spako unto his brother salom. Gen. 24. 60. Amnon Oneither good nor hbad: for Absa- 2 And Joab sent to b Tekoah, and fetched b 2 hs. 11.6. & 31.t24. lom bhated Amnon, because he had forced thence aP aise woman, and said unto her,I pLev. 19. 17, his sister Tamar. pray thee, feign thyself to be a mourner, 18. 23 ~ And it came to pass aftertwo full Cand put on now mourning apparel, and esso RuIth3. 1030. years, that Absalom qhad sheepshearers in anoint not thyself with oil, but be as a wo- 3. qSee Gen 38. Bal-hazeor, which is beside Ephraim: and man that had a long time moorned for the 12. 13. Absalom invited all the king's sous. dead: 1 Sam. 25. 4, 24 And Absalom came to the king, and 8 And come tothe king, and speak on this 06. said, Behold now, thy servant hath sheep- manner unto him. So Joab dputtho words d er. 19. shearers; let the king, I beseech thee, and in her mouth.. 4. 15. his servants go witt thy servant. 4 ~j And when the woman of Tekoah spake 25 And the king saidto Abealoco, Nay, oy to the king, she Ifell on her face to the e 1 Sam.20.41, son, letus not all nowogo, lest e b oarge- ground, and did obeisance, aad said, c.l. able untothee. Andhopressedhim: how- t fHelp, 0 king. tHeb.O belt he would not go, but blessed him. 5 And the cting said unto her, What aileth fsee 2 Kings 26 Then said Absalom, If not, I pray thee, thee? And she answered, 11I aoo indeed a I0.2',28. leot my brother Amnon go with us. And the widow woman, and mine husband is dead. g Soo ho. 12.1. king said unto him, Why should li go cith 0 And thy handmcaid had two soas, and thoe 0 they two strove together in the field, and 27 But Absalom pressed him, that he let there b was t none to part them, but the one teb. Amaon and all the king's sons go with him. smote the other, and slew him. 00 dtisee 280NowAbsalomh oadcommandedloisserv- 7 And, behold, hthe whole family is risen tetweoshss. ants, saying, Mark yc now when Amnon's against thine handmaid, and they said, De- hiurn.35.19.,Jodg. 19. 6, eart is merry ith ine, and when I say liver him that smote his brother, that we Dent. 19.12. 0. 22. unto you, Smite Amnon; then kill him, may kill hlim, for the life of his brother Rt+h 3. 7. fear not: II have not I coommanded you? be whom lie slew; and we will destroy the heir I S-m.25.36.t Bsth. courageous, and be tvalant. also: and so they shall quench my coal p,. 101. 15. 29 And the servants of Absalom did unto which is leftj and shall not leave to my husO s,,ill'ot Amnon as Absalom hadcomm anded. Then band oeither name nor remainder t upon tITehb uon ct,,,i d tiall the king's sons arose, and every man the earth. the. o n,'coo t ga; him up upon his mule, ad fled. 8 And the king said unto the woman, Go...h. a,ledou? 30 Anid it came to pass, while they were to thine house, and I will give charge conJosh. 1. 9. in the way, that tidings came to David, say- corningthee. t Hebc. sots of ing, Absalom bath slain all the king's sons, 9 And the woman of Tekoanh said unto the no. and there is not one of themleft. king, My lord, 0 king, ithe iniquity be on iGen. 27. 13. ceoH. codd. 31 Then the king arose, and stare hio gas- me, and on my father's house: k and the Saco.24. -ah. 1. 11. ments, and lay on the earth; and all his king and lhis throne be guiltless.,. 2. oteh. 12. 10. Servants stood by with their clothes rent. 10 And the king said,.Whosoever saith S. eh03.0',029. over. 3. 32 And UJonadab, the son of Shimeah Da- nght unto thee, bring him to me, and lie Kg... vid's brother, answered and said, Let not shall not touch thee any more. t. th my lord suppose that they have slain all the 11 Then said she, I pray thee, let the king th'! — gyoung men the king's sons; forA Amnoonly remember the LORD thy God, fthit thou of loo'd do cIet.-nouth, is dead: for by the t appointment of Absa- wouldest not suffer lthe revengers of blood!-,ot o-loiply iOr. -ttltd. lon this hath been h ldetermiued from the to destroy any more, lest they destroy my to dtt.oy. day that he forced lis sister Tamar. son. And he said,'As the LORD 1iveth, Num. 35.19. oh. 19. 19. 33 Now therefore Ilet not my lord the king there shall not one hair of thy son fall to the o 1 Sam. 14. take the thing to his heart, to think that all earth. 45. the king's sons are dead: for Amnon only 12 Then ihe woman said, Let thine hond_ As, 27. 34. is dead. maid, I pray thee, speak one word unto my Jundg. 20. 2. sver. 38. 34YButAbsalomfled. Andihcyoungman lordthe king. And bhe said, Say on. oc.13. 37,08. that kept tile wnatch lifted up his eyes, and 12 And the woman said, Wherefore then pJob 3.4. 15. looked, and, behold, there came much peo- hast thou thought such a thing against nlte Reb. 9. 27. ple by the way ofthe hill side behind him. people of God? for the king doth speak this II Or, -caae 35 And Jonadab said unto the king, Be- thihg as one whichis faulty, in that the king |od othot Otos.bc od-.hold, the king's sons come: Oas thy aorv- doth not fetch home again'his banished. h Ao ilog to e Bant said, soitis. 14 For we Pomust needs die, and acce as hathao d. oc,.d f thy 86 And it came to pass, as soon asbhehad water spilt on the ground, which cannot he o ss. seodeftt 0 made an end of speaking, that, behold, the gathered up again; Ilneither doth God re- d[ 229 Absalom's return. II. SAMUEL. His rebellion. B. C. 1027. spect any person; yet doth he odevise I may send thee to the king, to say, Where- B. C. 1027. means, that his banished be not expelled fore am I come from Gesbur? it /tad been qcwut. o5.15, from him. good for me to have beee7 there still: now 25, 28. 15 Now therefore that I am come to speak therefore let me see the king's face; and if of this thing unto my lord the king, it is there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me. beoause the people have made me afraid: 33 So Joab came to the king, and told him: and thy handmaid said, I till now speak and when he had called fr Absalom, lie 1025. unto the king; it may be that the king will came to the king, and bowed himself on his bc 3.4. perform the request of his handmaid. face to the ground-before the king; and the 45. 15. 1G For the king will hear, to deliver his king bkissed Absalom. Luke 15. 20. handmaid out of the hand of the man that CHAPTER XV. wocEll destroy me and my son together out 1 baoo, yfair heeclis td coostees, seaseth of the inheritance of God. the hleacLs of Jsael. 7 Uoder eoeteee of a vosw 17 Then thine handmaid said, The word of he obtaith leaeto go to lii6roeo. 10 He maketh tHeb. my lord the king shall now be t comfortable: thoe a gce tconsaplecy. 13 David Mepon t for sss5t. for as an angel of God, so is my lord the 19 Ittcai seooldeot vsr. 20. king t to discern good and bad: tlerefore uieee secark. 30 Davidl o ie cotnsao y so S I P ch. 19. 27. the LORD thy God will be with thee. snolntOlivete eeping. 3111eduldsethAhithoohel'o tHeh. 18 Then the king answered and said unto eounseI. 32.Hushai i ent back trith ikasto.aoiiona. to hea'. the woman, Hide not from me, I pray thee, AND ait came to pass after this, that 1024. the thing that I shall ask thee. And the Ae A bsalom bprepared him chariots and ach. 12. 11. eoman said, Let my lord the king now speak. horses, and fifty men to run before him. b i igs l. 5. 19 And the king said, Is not the hand of 2 And Absalom rose up early, and stood Joab with thee in all this? And the woman beside te the ay of the gate: and it was so, answered and said, As thy soul liveth, my that when any man that had a controversy lord the king, none can turn to the right tameto the kinc for judgment, then Ab- t0lo. hand or to-tsleft from aught that my lord salom called unto him, and said, Of what o coc. the king hath spoken: for thy servant Joab, city art thou? And he said, Thy servant ver. 3. he bade me, and'he put all these words in is of one of the tribes of Israel. the mouth of thine handmaid: 3 And Absalom said unto him, See, thy 20 To fetch about this form of speech lath matters are good and right; but 11 there is |11 0, oeoeotsill thy servant Joab done this thing: and my no man lepucte of the king to hear thee. ia,s thee ver. 17. lord is wise, taccording to the wisclo of an 4 Absalom said moreover, e Oh that I were fom thekingI ch. i9, 27. angel of God, to know all things that are in maownde judge in th land, that every ard. the earth. which-hath ally suit or cause might come,Jude. 9. 29. 21 ~ And the king said unto Joab, Behold unto me, and I would do him justice! now, I have done this thing: go therefore, 5 And it was so, that when any man came bring the young man Absalom again. nigh to hint to do him obeisance, he put 22 And Joab fell to the ground'on s face, foth his fac eand, and too him, and kissed t eb. and bowed himself, and t thanked the king: him., and Joab said, To day thy servant knoweth 6 And on this manner did Absalom to all that I have found grace in thy sight, my Israel that came to the king for judgment: lord, 0 king, il that the king hath fulfilled dso Absalom stole the hearts of the men of l. om.. 18. 11 iO, ty. Sthe request of IThis servant. Israel. U oh. 13. 37. 23 So Joab arose'and went to Gechur, 7 ~ And it came to pass e after forty years, 1023. and brought Absalom to Jerusalem. that A Absalom said unto the kIing, I pray elSamlfi. 1. 24 And the king said, Let him turn to his thee, let me go and poy my vow, which I tsGen. 43. 3. own house, and let him'not see my face. have vowed unto the LORDe in Hebron. clh. 3. 13. So Absalom returned to his own house, and 8 f For thy servant L vowed a vow lwhile f 1 Sen. 16. 2. saw not the king's face. I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, If the gGen. 28. 20, tHeb. And 2 ~ + But in all Isracl there was none to be LORD shall bring me again indeed to Je- 21. as AbSalorr. go much praised as Absalom for his beauty: rusalern, then I will serve the LORD. hell. 13. 38. shcEsselsl yos Y from the sole of his foot even to the croewnc And the king said unto him, Go in pence. malinaeells- hied there cas no blemif in his ead there as no blemish in him. So he arose, and went to Hebron. al topracise 26 And when he polled his head, (for it 10 l[ utAbsalom sent spies throughout all greatly, was at every year's end that lhe polled it; the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye yIs. 1.. 6. because the hoair was heavy on him, there- hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall fore he polled it:) he weighed the hair of say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron. his head at two hundred shekels after the 11 And with Absalom went two hundred king's weight. men out of Jerusalem, thaet eoere called; i Sam. 9.13. zSeech.18.18. 27 And Zunto Absalom there were born and they went kin their simplicity, and they & 1. 3, 5. three sons, and one daughter, whose name knew not any thing. kGen. 20. 5. was Tamar: she was a woman of a fair 12 And Absalom sent for AhithopheI the countenance. Gilonite, IDavil's counsellor, from his city, Ps. 41. 9. 28 X So Absalom dwelt two full years in even from?0"Giloh, while le offered snori- 5:. 12,13,14. saser. 24. Jerusalem, and dsaw not the king's fece. flees. And the conspiracy was strong; for nJosh. 15.51. 29 Therefore Absalom sent for Joab, to the people "'increased continually with Ab-,P. 3. 1. have sent him to the king; but lie would salom. not come to him: and when he sent again 13 q[ And there came a messenger to Dathe second time, he would not come. vid, saying, ~The hearts of the men of Is-.over. 30 Therefore he said unto his servants, rael aro-after Alsalom. Judg. 9. 3.. tHeb. Oars See, Joab's field is inecr mine, and ie lath 14 And David said unto all his servants myplacs. barley there; go and set it on fire. And that voere with him at Jerusalem, Arise, Absalom's servants set the field on fire. and let us Pflee; for we shall not else es- p h. 19. 9. 31 Then Joab arose, and came to Absalom cape from Absalomr: mke speed to depart, Ps. 3, title,. unto his house, and said unto him, Where- lest'le overtake us suddenly, and hbring tIseb1 t. a. fore have thy servants set my feld on fire? evil upon us, and smite the city with the 32 And Absalom answered Joab, Behold, edge of the sword. I sent unto thee, saying, Come hither, that 15 And the king's servants said unto the 230 i David feeth from Jerusalem. II. SAMUEL. Shiezei curseth David. B. C. 1023. king, Behold, thy servants areo tcadly to do on aistli me, then thou shalt be P a burden B;. C. 1023. wbatsoever my lord the king shall t appoint. unto me: t lel. 6hooos. 16 And 9thle king went forth, and all his 34 But if thou return to the city, and say pch 19. 365. qqPa. 3, title. household tufter hlim. And the king left unto' Absalom, qI will be'thy seiVant;1O ch; 16; 19. t Heb. "ten women, which were concubines, to king; as I have beei thy'father's servant at his feet. keep the house. lithllerto, so will I now ls beathy servant: rch. 16.21,22. 17 And the king went forth, and all the then maycst thou for me defeat the counsel people after him, and tarried in a place that of Aliithlophel. was far off. 35 And /last thota not there with the'e Za18 And all his servanits passed on beside dok and Abiathar the priests? thlerefore it bch. 8.15.. im;'and all the Cherethites, anrid all the shall be, that wliat thing soever thou shalt Peletlhites, and all the Gittites, six'lhundred hear out of the king's house,'thou shalt -ch. 17.15,16. men which: came after him from Gath, pass- tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priests. ed on before the king. 36 Behold, they have there Swith them yter. 27. toh. 18.2. 19[TThensaidthekingtotIttalitheGittite, their tWvo sons, Ahiniaaz Zadok's son, and Wherefore goest thou also with us? retura J oinattnn Abiathar's sort; and by them ye to thy place, and abide with the king: for shall send unto me every thing that ye odn thou art a stranger, and also an exile. hean. 20 WhlYereas thou eamest btot yesterday, 37 So Hushai tDavid's friend came into teh. 16. 16. ttleb. maneI should I tilis day'tmake thee' go up arnd tl city, Uand Absalom eame into Jeru- 1Chr.27.33.,l/toee o tdser do..n eith us seeingI go'twlitbler I may, salem. uch. 16.15. yin. return thou, and take back thy brethrena CHAPTER XVI. 1 lSam.23.13, mercy and tiauth be with thee. 1 Zi6a, by presetss antdfalse suaestionls, obtaineith 21 And Ittai answered the king, and said, his eaSto ita t ce o 5tlt BalL/t-,vtSl/onei c0oseth ])avid. / hotid teitic patiestee abs tainoRtuth 1. 16, AS tile LORD livetll, and as my lord the th, -til ettloiooe thotes, foo ee 15 17. h/ing liveth, surely in what place my lord the IiTsa/thi isinoatettl hinself ttto Abstlcon's cout-' FPro. 17. 17. king shall be, whether in deatll or life, even sel. 20 Ahoitophel' coulnsel.' O 18. 24. there also Will thy servant be. A ND a when David was a little past the ach. 15.30,32. 22 And David said to Ittai, Go and pass.Z-I top of the hillt, behold, b Ziba the serv- b h. 9. 2. over. And Ittai the Gittite passed over, ant of Mephtiboshetmet Ohim, with a couple and all his men, and all the little ones that of asses saddled, and upon them two hunzwete with him. dred loaves of bread, and a hundred 23 And all the country wept with a loud bunches of raisins, anda hundred of sumvoice, and all tile people passed over: the met fruits, and a bottle of wine. king also himself passed over the brook 2 And the king said unto Ziba,; What II Called, lltidron, and all the people passed over, meanest thou by these? And Ziba said, Johl 18. 1, toward the way of the Ywilderness. The asses be for the king's household to foeot-,O. 24 ~ And lo Zadok also, and all the Le- ride on; and the bread and summer fruit yeh. 16. 2. vites were with him, bhearing the ark of for the young men to eat; and the wine, zNumr. 4. 15. the covenant of God: and tlley set down cthat such as be faint in thle vilderness may ceh. 1S. 23.& the ark of God; and Abiathar went up, un- drink. 17. 29. til all the people had done passing out of 3 And the king said, And where is thy the city.' master's son? dAnd Ziba said unto the d chl 19. 27. 25 And the king said unto Zadokl, Carry king, Behold, lhe abideth at Jerusalem: for back the ark of God into the city: if I shall he said, To day shall the house of Israel refind favour in the eyes of the LORD, lie store me the kingdom of my father. aP.. 43. 3. a vill bring me again, and shoe meo both it, 4 eThen said the king to Ziba, Behold, erro. 18. 13. and his habitation:' thine arte all that pertained unto MIephibb Num.-.. 14. 8. 26 But if he thus say, I have no b delight osheth. And Ziba said, tI llhumbly beseeeh tel,. I do ch. 2. 20/. in thee; behold, hete ete I, clet him do to thee that I may find grace in thy sight, my obeisanec. lt t5 me as seemeth good unto him. lord, 0 king. 2 Ott. 6. B %r., JIs, 62o 4 27 Tile king said also unto Zadok the 5 ~ And when king David came to Bahuatssa. oe. priest, 4A't not thou a a lseer? return into rim, behold, thence came out a man of ttle dla S. 3. /.e the city in peace, and "your two sons with family of the house of Saul, whose name f cb, 1. 16. you, Ahitnana thy son, and Jonathan the woas f Shimei, the son of Gera: IIhe came lKin.2.8,44. eSecltoc,.17. son of Abiathar. forthj and cursed still as lhe came. 1Or, /es still f ch, 17. 16. 28 See, fI will tarry in the plain of the 6 And lie cast stones at David, and at all see fos th n.ilderness, until there come word from you the servants of king David: and atll the aod cursed. to certify me. people and all the maighty men were on his t Heb. I2 Zadok therefore and Abiatllar carried right hand and on his left. sno oflood. the ark of God again to Jerusalem: and 7 And thus said Shimei when lhe cursedi gDeut.13.13. they tarried there. Come out, come out, thou tbloody man, IJudg. 9. 24, 30 ~ And David went up by the ascent of and thotu man of Belial: 6. 57. tHeb. mounant Olivet, t and wept as he went up, 8 TsheLoRD hath hreturneduponthee all lfiag.2. 5antstg, and hd d hadlis head covered, said lie went ithe blood of the hlouse of Saul, in whose oandtocc/l0. thbarefoot: andallthepeoplethatwaso eith stead thou hast reigned; and the LORD icS 1.ot16 29a lt/ 10. 4. him iecovered every man his head, and they hath delivered the kingdom into the hand 4. i, 12. h3tls. 12. tent up, k weeping as they went up. of Absalom thy son: and, tbehold, thou tHeh. t. e2. 20, 1. 2 31 ~ And one told David, staying, I Ahith- art taken in thy mischief, because thou ar2t lcbolt//tesia iJer. 14.3, 4. ophel is among the conspirators with Ab- a bloody man. tiy evi/. OkPo. 120. 6. salom. And David said, 0 LORD, I pray 9 ~'Then said Abishai the son of Zeruiah t 1 am.24.14. r. 3.1, 2. & thee, - turn the counsel of Ahitbophel into unto the king, Why should this k dead dog ch. 9. 8. 55. 12, &c. foolishness. ourso my. lord the king? let me go over, I I Ex. 22. 28. /ot ch. 16. 23. & 82 ~ And it came to pass, that when David pray tllee, and take off his head. tach. 19. 22 17. 14, 23. was come to the top of the anoetnt, where 10 And-the king said, r'What have I to do 1 Pet.. 23. he worshipped God, behold, Hushai the with you, ye sons of Zeruinh? so let him, Sen 2 /ing nJash.l 1.. Archite came to meet him ~with his coat curse, because 0the LORD hath said unto 18.25. o h. 1. 2. rent, and earth upon his sead: him, Cuise David. ~Who shall then say, am3. 38. 33 Unto whom David said, If thou passest I Wherefore hast thou done so? o Raom. 20. 231 Ahithophel's counsel II. SAMUEL. is defeated by Hushai'os. B. C. 1028. 11 And David said to Abishai, and to all hath spoken after this oanoer: Shall e do B. C. 1023. his servants, Behold, aemyson, whichqcame acfter his t saying? if not, speak thou. p h. 12. 11. forth of my bowels, seekcth my life: how 7 And IIushai said unto Absalom, The tt Ib.,eort?.Gen, 15. 4. much more now Nmay this cI enjamito do counsel that Ahithophel hath tgiven is not t Ieb. it?, let him alone, and let him curse; for good at this time. toeceseled. ithe LORD hath bidden him. 8 For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy fa12 Io may be that the LORD Will look on ther and his men, that they be mighty men, lOr, teert. minelltallietion, and that the LOmD Will and they be tchafed in their minds, as a tOel,. leb. eye, requite me good for his cursing this day. bear robbed of her whelps in the field: and ]i.te ofEd 1l, Geo. 29. 32. 13 And as David and his men went by thy father is a man of war, and will not Judg.O. 25. 1P.,. 2I. 1. the way, Shimei went along on the hill's lodge with the people. t.o. 13.S. eYto. t2.. side overe against him, and cursed as he 9 Behold, he is hid now in some pit, or in d wec,, ent, and threw stones at him, and t cast some other place: and it Vill come to pass, 00,.el dtust. wohen some of them be toverthroon at the 0 Ieb.foll.c. dohti.:11- And the king, and all the people that first, that whosoever heareth. it will say, le00e with -him, came weary, and aefresh- There is a slaughter among the people that ed themselves there. follow Absalom. cl. 15. 37. 15 And SAbsalom, and all the people the 10 And he also that is valiant, wlhose heart men of Israel, camo to Jerusalem, and is as the heart of a lion, shallotterly dmelt: dJh. 2.l1. Ahithophel with him. for all Israel knoweth that thy father is a 16 And it came to pass, when Hushai the mighty man, and they which be with him t h. 15. 37. Arcllite, tDavid's friend, was come unto oae valiant men. Absalom, that Hushai said unto Absalom, 11 Therefore I counsel that all Israel be t Heb. Let the t God save the king, God save the king. generally gathered unto thee, efrom Dan e Juledg. 20. 1. kiLeclive. 17 And Absalom said to Hushai, Is this even to Beer-sheba, f as the sand that is fGcc. 22. 17. o ch. 19. 25. thy kindness to thy friend?:why wentest by the sea for multitude; and t that thou t Iel,. Prov. 17. 17. thou nolt with thy friend? go to battle in thine own person. tl.yfae, 18 And Hushai said unto Absalom, Nay; 12 So shall we come upon him in some o r, ce but whom the LORD, and this people, and place wihere ie shall ho food, and e ill. all the men of Israel, choose, his will I be, light upon him as the dewo falleth ou the and with him will I abide. ground: and of him and of all the men that oh. 15.34. 19 And again, Xvhom should I serve? are with him there shall not be loft somuch should I-not serve in the presence of his as one. son? as I have served in thy father's pres- 13 MIoreover, if he be gotten into a city, tenc, so owill I be in thy presence. then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, 20 ~ Then said Absalom to Ahithoplhel, and we will draw it into the river, until Give counsel among you what we shall do. there be not one small stone found there. 21 And Ahitlophel said unto Absalom, Go 14 And Absalom and all the men of Israel y lh. 15.16. & in unto thy father's Y concubines, which le said, Thle counsel of Hiushai the Archite is 20. 3.- hath left to keep the house; and all Israel better than the counsel of Ahithoplhel. For ztGeo. 34. 30. shall hear that thou zart abhorred of thy!/the LORD had tappointed to defeat the g h. 15.31,34. 1 ta. 13.4. ftller: then shall athe hands of all that good counsel of Achithophel, to the intent tHlel,. ach, 2. 7.. are with-thee be strong. that te LORD might bring evil upon Ahb- oolcated. Z-do. 0.1. 2 22 So they spread Absalom a tent upon the salom. top of the house; and Absalom ooent in 161 h~ Tlen said Hushai unto Zadok and h lh. 15. 35. ch.12. 11,12. unto his father's concubines b in the sight of to Abiathar the priests, Thus and thus did all Israel. Ahithophel counsel Absalom and thle elders 23 And the counsel of Alithophel, whllich of Israel; and thus and thus have I counhe counselled ic those days, ewas as if a selled. t iob.,ord. man had inquired at the t oracle of God: so 16 Now therefore send quickly, and tell ech. 15.12. as all thile counsel of Ahithophel Cboth David, saying, Lodge not this niglht in the ich. 15. 28. with David and With Absalom. plains of the wilderndss, but speedily pass over; lest the king be swallowed up, and all CHAPTER XVII. the people that are With him. 1 Ahikeol7hes oomcl i s ovebtylot H a"hei's, 17 t Now Jonathan and Allimaa, Istayed f ch.1.5.27,36. teoodog to.od'c noooiootonent. 15 tSeret ito- hby"' En-rogel; for they might not be seen IJoh0.2.4,0,c. telligene is sent uto Doavid. 23 AhihlOoplhd to come into the city: and a wench went,o Josh. 1:5.7.&| hOloe;h himelf. 2 o5Aoaeso isemad O calotl. 27 and told them; and they went and told 18. 11. i Drid at clahaoain is feioo1thed woith poovioioo. fing David. M ORBEOVER Ahithophel said unto Ab- 18 Nevertheless, a lad saw them, and told M salom, Let me now choose outi twelve Absalom: but they wvent both of them alway thousand men, and I will arise and pursue quickly, and came to a man's house "in nh. 16. 5. after David this night: Bahurim, which had a well io his court; 2 And I will come upon him while lie is llither they went down. taSo DBut. aweary and weak handed, and ewill make'19 And ~the woman t ook and spread a oee Josh.2. 25. 18. him afraid: and all the people that ate covering over the well's mouth, and spead spread to. 10. 14. owith him shall flee; and I will bsmito the ground corn thereon; and the thing was not bZeclh. 13.7. king only: known. 3 And I will bring back all the people unto 20 And when Absalom's servants came to the he man whom thou sceekest is as if the woman to the house, they said, Where all returned: so all the people shall be in is Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And P the woo- 1,SeEs.l.19. peace. man said unto tlem, They be goneover the Jo.lh. 2. 4, 5. t Hb. 4 And the saying tpleased Absalom well, brook of water. And when they had sought tees tioht i, and all the elders of Israel. and could no' find: them,o they returned to fheeyoof,: 6I TlThen said Absalom, Call now: Hushai Jerusalem. la-. 18. 0. the Archito also, and let us hear likewise 21 And it came to: pass, after they were t HOel, t Wehat he sitll. departed, that they Came up out of the well, et0latishitle; G6 And when Iuslhai as come to Absalom, and ewent and told loing David, and said A bsalom spake unto him, saying, Ahithophel unto David, gArise, and pass quickly over q vter. 15, 16. 232 Ahithophel hanyeth himnself. II. SAMUEL. Absaloen is slain by Joab. B. 0. 1023. the water: for thus hath Ahithophel coun- before the servants of David, and there was B. C. 1023. selled against you. there a great slaughter that day of twenty - 22 Then David arose, and all the people thousand eien. that weare with him, and they passed over 8tFor the battle was there scattered over Jordan: by the morning light there lacked the face of all the country: and the wood not one of them that was not gone over tdevoured more people that day than the tHeb.,eultiJordan. sword devoured. 0plied to de23 ~ And when Ahithophcl saw that his 9 ~ And Absalom met the servants of Vycr. tHeb. done. counsel weas not tfollowed, he saddled his David. And Absalom rode upon a mule, ass, and arose, and gat him home to his and the mule wvent under the thick boughs r oh. 15. 12. house, to This city, and t put his household of a great oak, and his head caught hold of tHel,. in order, and Shallged himself, and died, the oakl, and he iwas taken up between the egae et!arc and was buried in the sepulchre of his fa- heaven and the earth; and the mule that eeeoneet.,1t tther. acas under him went taway.! tiueg0.1t. 24 Then David came to iahean im. And 10 And a certai mall sac it, and told tla. 17.. Absalom passed over Jordan, he and all the Joab, and said, Behold, I saet Absalom tt 27 men ofIsrael with him. hanged in an oak. J oshG 13:.26 25 XT And Absalom made Amasa captain of 11 And Joab said unto the man that told sh. 2t 8. the host instead of Joab: which Amasahim, And, behold, thou sacest hiltt, and e11 r,JtAe al;e a0s a man's son, whose name seas I Ithra why didst thou not smite him there to the smta'celite. an Israelite, that went in to t Abiaail the ground? and I would have given thee ten tHeb.Abi.l.t daughter of 0 Nahash, sister to Zeruiah shekels of silver, and a girdle. t1 Cttr. 2 11, Joab's mother. 12 And the man said unto Joab, Though I 17.'26 So Israel and Absalom pitchedin the should treceio a thousand shekels of sil- l. I seib h Or, Je S. land of Gilead. ver in mine hand, yet would I not put forth teo-t 1ihe,Se 1Chr. 2. 271 T And it came to pass, when David was mine hand against the king's son: efor in ht 13, 16. come to IMahanaim, that I Shobi the son of our hearing the king charged tlhee and ever. 5. xSeech.10.1. Nnhash of tabbahl of the children of Am- Abishai and Ittai, saying, tBewlare that tlHeb.Bela,-e & 12. 29 mon, and tYMachir the son of Amtmicl of none toech the young an Absalom. hosoevo ye ych. 9.,. Lo-debar, and ZBarzillai the Gileaditoe of 13 Otlerwise I should have vrolght false- e o;, 4do zch. 19.31,32 Rogelim, hood against mine ote life: for there is no 1 ICigL. 2.7. 2I8 Brought beds, and li basins, and earth- matter hid fromn the king, and thou thyself,j Or, cups. en vessels, and wheat" and barley, and wouldest have set thyself aeainst mnc. flour, and parched corn, and beans, and 14 Then said Joab, I may not tarry thus lentiles, and parched pulse, t with thee. And lie took three darts in his t Heb. before 29 And honey, and butter, and sheep, and hand, and thrust them through the heart of thes. cheese of kine, for David, and for the people Absalom, ewhilo he was yet alive in the that vetre with him, to eat: for they said, t inidst of the oak. t Hbt. hIeart; Tho people is hungry, and wy, and eary, and 5t And ten young men that bare Joab's a ch. 16. 2. thirsty, ain the wilderness. armour compassed about and smote AbsaCHIAPTERt XVIII. lom, and slew him. 1 Davidc viewilg the a16mtes *l their march o veth 16 And Joab blcw the trumpet, and tle thec thhe-s of eseltee. 0 Tis dse-lities.,e people returned from purs..ingafter Israel:!sure tmitte d i f, te e wood of Lphlta. 9O e sa- for Joab held back the people. totn, hanieegi,itaoa k, is biatey Jdonae, tnd es into a pit. 18 Ab.lot's place. 19 Ahimaa[ 17 And they took Absalom, and cast him atd Clcshi bltn tiding to LDavid. 33.avid into a great pit in the vood, and flaid a f Joh. 7.26. aose-ethfo- Atetloe. very greatl heap of'stones upon him: and all AND BDavid numbered thle people that Israel fled every one to his tent. L svere with him, and set captains of 18T NowvAbsalomin hislifetime had taken thousands and captains of hundreds over and reared up for himself a pillar, which ie them. in t the king's dale: for he said, h I haveo e y Gca. 14.17. 2 Anld David sent forth a third part of the son to keep my namne in remembrance: and hSec1h.14.27. people under the hand of Joab, and a third he called the pillar after his own name: part under the hand of Abishai the son of and it is called unto this day, Absalom's aolh. 15. 1. Zeruiah, Joab's brother, "and a third part place. under the land of Ittai the Gittite. And 19 ~i Then said Alhimaaz the son of Zadok, the king said unto the people, I will surely Let me now run, and bear tie king tidings, go forth with you myself also. how that the LORD hath t avenged him of t Ael. jutdgad bach. 21. 17. 3 b But the people answered, Thou shalt his enemies. hieelf,.oen the not go forth: for if me flee away, they will 20 And Joab said unto him, Thou shalt hIand., c. tee,.setlaei, not tcare forus; neither if half of us die, not t bear tidings this day, but thou shalt tlHeb. be haart.o.e.. will they care for us: but now tlou cart hear tidings another day: but this day tleoou tof tiu teeB,. as ten tSworth ten thousand of us: therefore ote salt bear no tidings, because the king's di tltesetalll of it is better that thou tsuccour us out of the son is dead. au. city. 21 Then said Joab to Cushi, Go tell the t Haeb. to 4.And the ling said unto them,'What king hat thou hast seen. And Cushibowot. seemeth you best I eill do. And the king ed himself unto Joal, and ran. stood by the gate side, and all the people 22 Then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok came out by hundreds and by thousands. yet again to Joab, But t llosoever, let me, ft Ieb. 5 And the king commanded Joab and I pray thee, also run after Cusli. And bleh.a.n.y. Abishai and Ittai, saying, Deat gently for Joab said, Wherefore wilt thou run, my my sake with the young man, even wich son, seeing that thou hast no tidings lraeady? 1l Or, ever. 12. Absalom.'Andallthe people herdwhot 23 Bat heasoever, said ee, let me run. the king gave all the captains charge con- And.he said unto him, Run. Then Ahllimcerning Absalom. aaz ran by tyhe way of the plain, and over~6 e So the people went out into thefield ran Cushi. against Israel: E nd the battle was in the 24 And David sat between the two d Josh7. ettd oEpham t i 917.15, d ood of Ephraim 18. 7 Where the people of Israel were slain roof over the gate unto the wall, and lifted 233 David mourneth for Absalom. II. SAMUEL. David's return to Jerusalem. B. C. 1023. up his eyes, and looked, and behold a man - 7 Now thierfore arise, go forth, and speak B. C. 1023. running alone. t comfortably unto thy servants: for I swear -- 25 And the watchman cried, and told'the by the LORD, if thou go not forth, there will tleb. to the kisg. And the king said, If hioe be lone, aottarry one with thee this night: and that heart of thy there is tidings in his mouth. And he camea ill be worse unto thee than all the evil that e.a:3. apace, and drew near. befell thee from thy youth until now. 26 And the watchman saw another man 8 Then the king arose, and sat in the running: and the watoimana called unto the gate. And they told unto all the people, porter, and said, Behold anotee er man saying, Behold, the king doth sit in the running alone. And the king said, He also gate. And all the people came before bringeth tidings. the iing: for Israel had fled every man to t Hb. I ses 27 And the watchman said, t Methinketh his tent. theurni,cg the running of the foremost is like the run- 9 I And all the people were at strife ning of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok. Ald throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, the king said, lle is a goodman, and cometh The king saved us out of the hand of our with good tidings. enemies, and lie delivered us out of the 28 And Alcimaaz called, and said unto the hand of the Philistines; and now he is 11 Or, Peace ling, ltAll is well. Asd lle fell down to the clfled out of the land for Absalom. d clh. 15. 14. be to thee. earth upon his face before the king, and 10 And Absalom, whom we anointed over tHeb. Peace. said, Blessed be the LORD thy God, Wlhich us, is dead in battle. Now therefore why t Heb, hath t delivered up the men that lifted up t speak ye not a word of bringing the king t eab. are ye shct eP. their hand against my lord the king. back? silet? t Heb. Is 29 And the king said, t Is the young man 11 ~ And king David sent to Zadok and to thereeacces Absalom safe? And Ahimaaz answered, Abiatllar the priests, saying, Speak unto When Joab sent the king's servant;, and le the elders of Judah, saying, Why are ye thy servant, I saw a great tumult, but I the last to bring tie king back to his house? knew not what it was. seeing the speech of all Israel is come to 30 And the king said unto himt, Turn the king, even to his house. aside, and stand here. And he turned 12 Ye are my brethren, ye are emy bones ech. 6.1. aside, and stood still. and my flesh: wherefore then are ye' the 31 And, behold, Cushi came; and Cushi last to bring back the king? tHeb.Tidiong said, t Tidings, my lord the king: for the 13 fAnd say ye to, Amasa, At thou not of fch. 17. 25. ia i1'ocyht. LORD hath avenged thee this day of all my bone, and of my flesh? Y God do so to gRutl 1.17. them that rose up against thee. me, and more also, if thou be not captain 32 And the lcing said unto Cushi, Is the of the host before me continually in the young man Absalom safe? And Cushi room of Joab. answered, The enemies of my lord theking, 14 And he bowed the heart of all the men and all that rise against thee to do thee of Judah1,ILeven as the heart of one man; h iJudg. 20.1. hurt, be as that young man is. so that they sent this?orcd unto the king, 33 2 And the king was much moved, and Return thou, and all thy servants. went up to the chamber over the gate, and 15 So the king returned, and came to 7 h. 19. 4. wept': and as Ie went, thus lie said, k 0 my Jordan. And Judah came to iGilgal, to go i JoSlc. 5. 9. son Absalom! amy son, my son Absalom! to meet tho king, to conduct -the king over would God I had died for thee, 0 Absalom, Jordan. my son, my son 16 v And kShimei the son of Gera, a Ben- k clh. 16. 5. jamite, which owas of Bahurim, basted and 1 King'2. 8. CHAPTER XIX. came down with the men of Judah to meet 1 Joab catlt,7 tlhe kinog o cease hias oLenliLc. 9 king David. Ph.e ]saoeiresae ealeat to 6iirg the ki,lo bacyk. 17 And there e'oere a thousand men of JltlDai. 18Sli,et isat oll. e 4sC,11eieibosetho Benjamin with him, and IZiba the servant lch. 9. 9, 10. eeuosed. 32 IBaizilla di.smi.ed. Chnlehar his of tlhe house of Saul, and his fifteen sons & 16. 1, 2. son is takes into thle kaitg's family. 41 The Is- and his twenty servants with him; and they aelites exvostllato with Judah for brngiily ewent over Jordan before the king. hoA.easthciyA-ihoutsh tm. 18 And there went over a ferry boat to A ND it was told Joab, Behold, the king carry over the king's household, and to do I Tneepeth and mourneth for Absalom. tnhat he thought good. And Shimei thle tHeb. the t4 eb. oa.o. 2 And the tvictory that day was tu,nedd son of Gera fell doen before the king, as he.ood in. hi ion. o, or de- into mourning unto all the people: for the was come over Jordan ey liveoance. people heard say that day how the king was 19 And said unto the king, "pLet not my nl Sam. 22. grieved for his son. lord impute iniquity unto me, neither do* 15. 3 And the people gat them by stealth that thou remenber'"that which thy servant did n li. 16. 5, 6, aver. 32. day ainto the city, as peoplebeing ashamed perversely the day that my lord the king he. steal away when they flee in battle. went out of Jcrusalem, that the king should b ch. 15. 30. 4 But the Icing b covered his face, and the I take it to his liehrt. o Ccl. 13. 33. ceh. 18. 33. kingcried with a loud voice, cO my son Ab- 20 For thy servant dotlh know that I have salom! O Absalom, my son,nmy son! sinned: therefore, behold, I am come the 5 And Joab came into the house to the first this day of all Pthe house of Joseph to pSeech.16,5, king, and said, Thou hast shamed this day go down to meet my lord the king. the faces of all thy servants, which this day 21 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah anhave saved thy life, and the lives of thy siered and said, Shall not Shimei be pdt sons and of thy daughters, and thelives of to death for this,, because he qcursed theq qE. 22. 28. thy wives, and the lives of thy concubines LORD'S aniointed? t-Heb. 6 tIn that thou lovestthine enemies, and 22 And David said, "''Wlat have to do a ch. 16.10. rylovtiag, o. hatest thy friends. For thou hbast declared with you,y sois of Zerniah, that ye should t ob. that this day, tthat thou regardest neither this day be adversaries unto me? Sshal alSam..ll.l3. 1ceitLCco 50 princes nor servants: for this day I per- there any man be put to death this day in ens r eive, that if Absalom had lived, and all Israel? for do not I know that I am this t t we had died this day, then it had pleased day king over Israel? t lis 2.8 thee well. 23 Therefore the king said unto Shimei, 9, 37, 46. lB4 'David's gratitude to Barzillai. II. SAMUEL. Sheba's revolt. B, C.'1023, Thou shalt not die. And the king sware Why have our brethren the men of Judah B. C. 1023. unto him. stolen thee avway, and ghave brought 9. 6. 24 ~And" Mephibosheth the son of Saul king, and his household, and all David's yver. 25. came down to meet the king, and had men with him, over Joldan? neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed his 42 And all the men of Judahll nswered the beard, nor washed his clothes, from the day men of Israel, Because the king is nhnear of hver. 12. the king departed until the day he came kin to ous: wherefore then be ye angry for agaite in peace. this matter? have we eaten at all of the 25 And it came to pass, when he owas come lIing's cost? or hath he given us any gift? to Jerusalem to meet the k ing, that the 43 And the men of Israel answered the z ch. 16. 17. king said unto him,'Wherefore wentest men of Judah, and said, We have ten parts not thou with me, IMephiboshoth? in the king, and we have also more right in 26 And he answered, liy lord, 0 king, my David than ye: why then did ye tdespise tHoeb. se. servant deceived me: for thy servant said, us, that our advice should not be first had at lil/ht. I will saddle. me an ass, that I may ride in bringingbackourking? Andithe vords i see Judg. 8. thereon, and go to the king; because thy of the men of Judah were fiercer than the 1. 12. 1. servant is lame.. words of the men of Israel. ycli. I6. 3. 27 And Yhe hath slandered thy servant oh. 14.17,20. unto my lord the king;'but my lord the CHAPTER XX. king is as an angel of God: do therefore 1 ByoCiae otl of loelad'slteo l Sooineclone aa/,lt what is good in thine eyes. i, poollo 1oLoon 4 omaon, "n'oe caloai' a 28 For all of nly fatlher's house were ere but ove, Jlla, is lail by Joab. 14 Joab p.stth t cIo.mea of tdead men before my lord the king: ayet Sheba -zto Abhel. 16 A o uise l uomaa 0 aveth the deah, didst thou set thy servant among them that city by Sieba' Slec l. 23 David'sofFclo., lSan.2. 16. did eat at thline own table. What right AND there happened to be there a man about1022. ach. 9. 7.10, therefore have I yet to cry any more unto AL of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the 13. the king? son of Biclori, a Benjamitc: and he blew a 29 And the king said unto him, Why trumpet, and said,'We have no part in aoh. 10. 43. speakest thou any more of thy matters? I David, neither have we inheritance in the have said, Thou and Ziba divide the land. son of Jesse: bevery man to his tents, 0 b 1 Kin. 12.1fi. 30 And Mephibosheth said unto the king, Israel. 2Clhu. 10.16. Yea, let him take all, forasmuch as my lord 2 So every man of Israel went up from the king is come again in peace unto his after David, and followed Sheba the son of own house. Bichri: but the men of Judah clave unto b1 Iigs 2.7. 31 q~ And b Barzillai the Gileadite came their king, from Jordan even to Jerusalem. down from Rogelim, and went over Jordan 3 I And David came to his house at Jeruwith the king, to conduct him over Jordnfi. salem; and the king took the ten women 32 Now Barzillai was a very aged man, his concubines, whom he had left to keep e ch. 15. fi. & oh. 17. 27. even fourscore years old: and ile had pro- the house, and put them in t ward, and fed 16. 21, 22. vided the king of sustenance while he lay at them, but ent not ill unto them. So they t Heb. Mahanaim; for he ooas a very great man. wvee t shut up unto the day of their death, a /Ioe of 33 And the king said unto Barzillai, Come t living in widowlood. ctuoOd. thou over with me, and I will feed thee with 4 ~ Then said the king to mansa, t dAs- t el,. bound. me in Jerusalem. semble me the men of Judah within three Bleb. inwidt Heb. Hot 34 And Barzillai said unto the Iing, t How days, and be thou here present. oooot of Batyoo daoys long have I to live, that I shouldgo up with 5 So Amnsa.. ent to assemble the men of life. lreo tOLcyLo the king-unto Jerusalem? Judah: but he tarried longer than the set tHeb. Call..ofcoy 00f. 335 I amn this day dfourscore years old: time which he had appointed him. d cO. 19. 13. dF,. hO. 10. and can I discern between good and evil? 6 And David said to Abishai, Now shall can thy servant taste what I eat:or what I Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm drink? can I hear any more the voice of than did Absalom: take thou ethy lord's ech. 11.11. singing men and singing women? wloerefore servants, and pursue after hlim, lest he get 1 Kings 1.33. then should thy servant be yet a burden him fenced cities, and t esape us. t eb. deliveo. unto my lord the king? 7 And there went out after him Joab's himselJo'lom 36 Thy servant will go a little way over men, and the f Cleretlites, andthe Peieth- 000 eyes. Jordan with the king: and why should the ites, and all the mighty men: and they fc. 8. 18. king recompense it me with such a reward? ent out of Jerusalem, to pursue after 1ings 1.38. 37 Let thy servant, I pray thee, turn back Sheba the son of Bichri. again, that I may die in mine own city, anod 8 When they oeree at the great stone which be buoried by the grave of my father and of is in Gibeon, Amnasa wentbefore them. And e 1 igs 2..7. my mother. But behold thy servant eChim- Joab's garment that lie had put on was girdJer. 41. 17. ham; let him go over witlh my lord the king; ed unto him, and upon it a girdle with a and do to him what shall seem good unto sword fastened upon his loins in the sheath tlle. thereof; and as he wvent forth it fell out. 38 And the king answered, Chimham shall 9 And Joab said to Amasa, zArt thou in go over witll me, and I will do to him that gealth, my brothero? gAnd Joab took egr3ntt. 2(49. which shall seem good unto thee: and wnllat- Amnsn by the beard with the right hand to Luke 22. 47. t Ieb. hoose. soever tiou shalt t require of me, that will kiss him. I do for thee. 10 But Amasn took no heed to the sword 39 And all the people went over Jordan. that wtas in Joab's hand: so hhe smote him hi kings2.5. And when the king was come over, the king therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his iclh. 2. 23. oGen. 31.55. fkissed Barzillai, and blessed him; and he bowels to tile ground, and tstruck him not t Iob. dootbreturned unto his own place. again; and le died. So Joab and Abishai teol sot hi. 40 Then the king went on to Gilbal, and his brother pursued after Sheba the son of stroke. t 1el. t Chimham went on with oim: and all the Bichri. Chimhon. people of Judah conducted the king, and 11 And one of Joab's men stood by him, also half the people of Israel. and said, Ie that favoureth Joab, and he 41 ~ And, behold, all the men of Israel that is for David, let hinsz go after Joab. camo to the king, and said unto the king, 12 And Amaso wallowed -in blood in the 235 Sheba is beheaded. II. SAMUEL. Saul's sons hanged. B. C. midst of the highway. And when the man remnant of the Amorites; and the children B. C 1021. about1022. saw that all the people stood still, he re- of Israel had sworn unto them: and Saul moved Amasa out of the highway into the sought to slay them in his zeal to the chilfield, and cast a cloth upon him, when he saw dren of Israel and Judah:) that every one that cane by him stood still. 3 Wherefore David said unto the Gibeon13 When he was removed out of the high- ites, What shall. I do for you? and whereway, all the people went on after Joab, to with shall I make the atonement, that ye pursue after Sheba the son of Bihlri. may bless b the inheritance of the LORD? 5 oh. 20. 19. 14 1 And he went through all tile tribes of 4 And the Gibeonites said unto hin, 11 e 11 Or, It is not k2Itin.15.29. Israel unto kAbel, and to Beth-maachal, will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of siltver ore 2 Chr. 16.4. and all the Berites: and they were gath- his house; neither for us shalt thou kill any gold that tc erd togetloer, and went also after him. man in Israel. And he said, What ye shall scov 5o dol 15 And they came and besieged him in say, that Eill I do for you. ieh Sael o 1.2 Kin.19.32. Abel of Beth-maaohah, and they cast up a 5 And they answered the king, Thle man nethe- per1 Or, ]t..oo.l bank against the city, and 1lit stood in the that consumedus, and that.l devisedagainst tains it to. cictO sloe threnche and all the people that weose with us ctatwo shouldbe destroyedfromremain-. to. ill. c. otrtmootwoall. Joab t battered the wall, to throw it down. ing in any of the coasts of Israel, II Or, t Hel,. 10 ~ Then cried a vise woman out of the 0 Let seven men of his sons be delivered cut stff., Trn X d tolu city, Hear, hear; say, I pray you, unto Jo- unto us, and weo ill hang them up unto the 0 t, Come near hither,that I ety speak with LORD tin Gibeah of Sacl, II loe01hoe the el e.-.10.26. thee. LORD did choose. And the king said, I &h11.4. 17 And when he was come near unto her, will give thesm. 11 Or, chose.of the woman said, Ar-t thou Joab? And he 7 But the king spared Itephibosheth, the th LCeOD. answered, I tawn he. Then she said unto son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of dlSam.10.24. hlim, Hear the words of thine handmaid. ethe LORD'S oath that vas between them, el Sam.18.3. And lle answered, I do hear. between David and Jonathan the son of & 20. 8. 15, itOr, Thiey 18 Then she spake, saying, ilThey were Saul. 2. 2318 laislyspake wont to speak in old time, saying, They 8 But the kingetook the two sons of fRiz- foh. 3. 7. 17t tlc bP shall surely ask coleusel at Abel: and so pah the daughter of Aial, whom she bare S -ely othey they ended the seatteo. unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and seitl csk of 19 I ab one of theen that are psaceable the five sons of IIMichal the daughter of I O.r, ficha.l' Abel, andl so antd faithful in Israel: thou seekest to de- Saul, whom she t brought up for Adriel the tilte. m ae t} end: stroy a city and a mother in Israel: why son of Barzillai the Meholathite: tf Heb. bare to 1SeIeut. 20.'ilt thou swallow up "'the inheritance of the 9 And he delivered them into the hands of Ad..iel, LORD? the Gibeonites, and they hanged them in the Ioe18.19. 19. 20 And Joab answered and said, Farbe it, hill Ybefore the LORD: and they fell ta1 1019. cll 21. 3. far be it from me, that I should swallob up seven together, and were put to death in the fch. 6. 17. or destroy. days of harvest, in the first days, in the be21 Thle matter is not so: but a man of ginning of barley harvest. mount Ephraim, Sheba tle son of Bichri 10 I And h Rizpah the daughter of Aiah. er. 8. tHeb. by his tby lame, hath lifted up his hand against took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon h. 3. 7. Ota-C. the king, even against David: deliver him the rock, ifrom the beginning of harvest iSee Deut.21. only, and I will depart from the city. And until water dropped upon them out of heav- 23. the woman said unto Joab, Belold, his head on, and suffered neither the birds of the air shall be thrown to thee over the wall. to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of 22 Then the woman went unto all the peo- the field byonight. tEcc. 9. 14. ple "in her wisdom: and they cut off the 11 And it was told David what Rizpah the 15. head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and cast it daughter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul, t fleb. eore out to Joab. And he blew a trumpet, and had done. scattteed. they tretired from the city, every man to 12 q, And David went and took the bones oeh. 8. 16, 18. his tent. And Joab returned to Jerusalem of Saul and the bones of Jonathan his son K1Iings 4.6 eunto the king. from the men ofkJabesh-gilcad, which had kl Sam.31.11, o11. 8. 16. 203 ~ Now OJoab was over all the host of stolen them from the street of Beth-slhan, 12, 13. lIKio 4. 3. Israel: and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada where the IPhilistines had hanged them, t 1Sam.31.10.'I Ora. wnete- as over the Cherethites and over the Pe- when the Philistines had slain Saul in Gil-,'ao-oeo. lethites: boa: 1chl. 8 17. 24AndAdoram wasPoverthe tribute: and 13 And he brought up from thence the 1 cilgs 4. 4. q Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was Il re- bones of Saul nd the bones of Jonathan his s o. 23. 38. corder: son; and they gathered the bones of them iete-pott, O25 AndShevawasscribe: ande"Zadokand that were hanged. Gen. 40. 45. Abiathlar tvere the priests: 14 And the bones of Saul and Jonathan Es., 2. 16. 20'And Ira also the Jairite was II a chief his son buried they in the country of Benialt. 18. ruler about David. min in SZelah, in the sepulchre of Kisl hiis Jso.18.28. father: and they perlormed all that tlhe 1 ~ tttettCHAPTERIs XXI. king commanded. And after that'God So Josh. 7. 1 The th,'le yeas' fo,'t the Gibeonites et ase. ath, by hatgi-t tee-eo of Saul't s 10 li z- as entreated for the land. 26. plh 6's titgd,- etset0 tte leaod. 12 Dasid bt,'iettl 15 I Moreover the Philistines had yet war t. 21. 5 the botes of Saul ad Joatr i,,isfather's again with Israel; and David went down, about 1018. sopulchreos. 150Poursattlea caiestthelh'tilistines, and hisservants ithhim, and fought against ttertioo Jfore vatiacts of IDsvids loy foufiatlt. the Philistines: and David waxed faint. 1021. ]EHEN there was a famine in the days of 16 And Ishbi-benob, which wtcas of the sons David tihree years, year afteryear; and of lithe giant, the weight of whose t spear i Or, RaJpha. t Heb. sought David tinquired of the LORD. And the weighecd three hundred shekels of brass in ITohb. the tieface, a. L,oRD a oswered, It is for Saul, andfor his weight, he being girded with a neew swod, s.a. or, th. bloody house, because he slew the Gibeon- thought to have slain David. ad. ites. s 17 But Abishai the son of Zeruiah suc2 And the king called.the Gibeonites, and coured him, and smote the Philistine, and aJoh. 9.3,15, said unto them; (now the Gibeonites were killed him. Then the men of David sware 10, 17. not of the children of Israel, but aof the unto him, saying, Thou shalt go no more och. 18. 3. 236 ;David's psalm of thanksgiving II. SAMUEL. for Gods powerful deliverance. B. C out with us to battle, that thou quench not P17'He sent from above, he took me; he B. C. 1018. ~bout 118. the 10tlight of Israel. drew me out of II many waters: 18 qAnd it came to pass after this, that 1 IhIe delivered me from my strong en- P. 141. 7. p 1in.11.36. there was again a battle with the Philistines emy, andt from them that hated me: for I Or, g,'eat. & 15. 4. at Gob: then OSibbeohai the Husthathite they were too strong for me. aver. 1. P. 132. 7. slew II Saph, which wasne of the sons of I the 19 They prevented me in the day of my bPs. 31. 8. & tHeb.caodle, giant. calamity: but the LORD was my stay. 118.5.,1 01.. t19 And there was again a battle in Gob with 20 b I-e brought me forth also into a large eh. 1 5. 26. 0 Chr. 00. 4. the Philistines, where Elit....the son of place: he delivered me, beca no he ode- P. 22. 8. rl Cbr.11.29. IIJaare-oregim, a Beth-lehemnite, slew'the lighted in me. de-. 2. I Or, Siet,pi brother of Goliath thie Gittite, the staff of 21 IThehone rewarded me nccording to Ino..26.23. Or, aipha.' whose spear owas like a weaver's beam. my righteousnesse; according to the clean- IKiog 8.32. lOr, Jai,-. 20 And ethere was yet a battle in Goth, ness of oy hands hath lie recompensed me. Pt..8. to 0 Chrfo. where wat a man of grea stature, that had 22 For I have flkept the ways of the Pt. 24.. 23. 5. on every hand six lingers, and on every foot LORD, and have not wickedly departed f Ott. 18. 18. lIChr. 20. 6. six toes, four and twenty in number; and from myod. 119. 3. & 128. 1. IOr, Sepon. he also was born to lithe giant. 23 For all his ijudgments owere before Prov. 32. 21 And when lie Ildefied Israel, Jonathan me: and as for his statutes, I did not deno~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~g Dent. 7. 12. t]oe, the son of Shitmeah the brother of David part from them. Pr. 119. 30, cs 10,c 1Pt it9. 3/, s..10, lew him. 24 I was also hupright tbefore him, and 102. 25, 26. 02 x These four were born to the giant in have kept myself from minein niquity. /Ger.. 9. & nl. w.016./, Gati, and fell by the handof David, and b 25 Therefore itheLORDhnth recompen.ed 17. 1. -2;..e:h. the hand of his servants. meaccording to my riglhteousness; accord- Job 1. 1. e Chr. 20.5. ofing to my cleanness tin his eyesight. t Hb. f/it. CHAPTER XXII. 26 With k the merciful thou wilt show thy- t,,e. 21. A tealoc of talkstivi,,l fo/ Gbod'e poowerful do- self merciful. nal wtith the upright man tHeb. bfect 1018. lveace, and aifold ileatcge. thou wilt show thyself upright. hit cY-... ND David a spake unto the LORD the 27 With the pure thou wilt shew thyself k tatt 5. 7. Jug. 2. 0. Z-l words of this song, in the day that the pure; and with tihe froward thou wilt L 2. 3, Judg. 5. 1. t Lev. 26. 23, LOrD had b delivered him out of the hand Ilshew thyself unsavoury. 2-1. 27, 28. ePt. 18, title, of all his enemies, and out of the hand of 28 And the "'afflicted people thou wilt oele & Pa. 34. 19. I[Or, r.t, P 3 Sa19 ul: - save: but thine eyes are upon a the hough- P. 18.26. D~sot. 32I. 4. 2 And he said, I The LORD is my rock, and ty, that thou mayest bring thiec down. tEo. 3.7, 8. Pa;. 18. 2. &e. & 31.3. & 71. my fortress, and my deliverer; 29 For thou art my I lamp, 0 LORD: and Ps. 72.12,13. 3. & 9. 2. & 3 Tihe God of my rock; din him will I the LORD will lighten my darkness; soJob 40. 11, 14A. 2. trust: he is my eshield, and the fhorn of 30 For by thee I have Ilrun through a 12. d Heb. 2. 13. my salvation, my high'/tower, and my troop: bymy God have Ileaped over a wall. Is. 2.11, 12, etOen. 15.1. O hrefuge, mysaviour; thou savest me from 31 As for God, his say isperfect; 17.hO.OO. fl uke 1.69iswy..4 fhsho 0.00. violence. Pthe word of the LORD is ltried: he is a. 37 4 I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to buckler to all them that trust in him. Oe, Oca dl/, gProv. 18, 10. Job 29. 3. I be praised: so shall I be saved from mine 32 Pore who i God, save the LORD? and Ps. 27. 1. hl's.. 9.9. & 14. / & 5.9oo. 16f enemies. cwho is a rock, save our God?0 ler e 6. &t 59. 16. b1O.~~o~r & 717. 7 When the llwaves of death co passed 33 God is my estrength and power; and ofop Je.r1.19. wme, the floods of t ungodly men made me he h Smaketh my way iperfect. Dt. 2. 4. hel Or, I..g. aferaidt 34 He t maketh my feet c1 like hinds' feet; Dan. 4. 37. t M'b.e Bt/l. 6 The ill sorros of hell compassed me and setteth me upon my high places. ev. 15. 3. iPs. 011. 3. about; the snares of death prevented me. 35 /YH teacoeth my hands t to war; so Pt. 12. 6. & 7 In ty distress 0I called apoDthe LORD, that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms. 119. 1-00. ii Or, crd. and cried toemyGod: and lie did hear my 36 Thou hast also given me the shield.of Peo. 30 5. k Pt.i1. 4.4& voice out of his temple, and my cry did thy salvation: and thy gentleness hath Or, refced. 120. 2. enter inato his ears. t made me great. 1 Sm. 2. 2. 8 Then "'the earth shook and trembled; 37 Thou hast Zenlarged my steps under Ie. 45. 5, 6. 1%.3.6,17., P. 30. 6, 1522 the foundations of heaven moved and me; so that my t feet did not slip. rEa. 15.2. 17. shook, because he was wroth. 38 I have pursued mine enemies, and de- P..27.1.&28. Jutg. 9.. OThere went up a smoke t out of his nos- stroyed them; and turned not again until 7,. &h3t.4. I7, 12. &23.4. 7718. trils, and o fire out of his mouth devoured: I had consumed them..2. 97. 4. coals were kindled by it. 39 And I have consumed them, and wound- t H/1i. r iddoth,o, aJob 26.. 11. 10 He bowed the heavens also, and came ed them, that they could not arise: yea, let, oAh. ti Hcb. by. down; and l darkness was under his feet. they are fallen "under my feet. Heb. 13. 21. opt. 97. 3. 11 And he rode upon a chertb, and did 40 For thou hast bgirded me with strength 13. wb. 3. i. fly: and he was seen "upon the wings of to bottle: them. that rose up against we Jeh 52. 3. Heb. 12.09. the wind. hast thou t subdued under me. Pt. 101.2, 6. P.. 144. 5. 12 Andhe made S darkness pavilions round 41 Thou aest also given meo the dnecks of & 119.1. Is. /2. 1. about him, tdark waters, and thick clouds mine enemies, that I might destroy them Hel,. nex. 20. 21. of theo sies. that hate me. ettallth. 1 Kige.S. 12. 13 Througlh the brightness before him wre 42 They looked, buh there was none to 0011.2. 18. Pt, 007.2. tcoals of fire kindled. save; even eunto the LORD, but he an- Mab. 3. 19.,Pt. 104. 3. 14 The LORD thuindered from heaven, swered them not. oDet. 32.13. 0ver. 10. and the Most High uttered his voice. 43 Then did I beat them as smallfas the Is. 33. 16. & P. 97. 2. 15 And he sent out 0arrows, and scat- dust of the earth: I did stamp them as the 58. 14. tHOec. biOtd- teoed them; lightning, and discomfited mire of the street, and did spread them,P%. 140. I. igetet them. abroad. t 0eb. foe wt -. 9. 16 And the lchannels of the sea appeared, 44 h Thonu also hast delivered me from the ic.,t Judg. 5.20. the foundations of the world were discover- strivings of my people, thou hast kept me t Geb. m-tdi18m. 2. 10. ed, at the Yrebuking of thoLORDo, at the p2o1i to. & 7. 10. blast of the breato of his: e nostrials. Pod. a2. t Go. eco/kss. e PaO1 4.3. Pta. 18.2,39. c P.44. P.. 29. 3. 5. tleb cailted ioboo. d Gen. 49.8. Eo. 23.27. Josh. 10. 4. et. 00. 30. -, Des. 30. 23. Pc. 7. 13. &77. 17. h 144. 6. GaO,. e eJo, 27. 9. Prov,.. 28. Is. 1. 15. MIie. 3.4. f2Kinga 13.7. 3. 11. yEn. 15. 8. Pa, 106.9. talh. 1.4. aitt. 8. 2. i Or,'Ps. 35. 0. G.a. 0. 35. 00. 10. i. 1li. 7. 0. oech. 10. 5. angeo, Ps.74.1. h oh. 3. 1. & 5 1. e 19. 9,214. b.2 20. 2, 2. 237 IDavid's last words. II. SAMUEL. David's moghty men. B. C. 1015. to be ihead of tho heathen: ka people 12 But he stood in the midst of the groud, B.C. 1018. which I knew not shall serve me. and defended it, and lew tile Philistines: D.ut. 28.13. 45 t Strangers shall titsubmi t themselves and the LORD wrought a great victory. oh. 8. 1-14. unto me: as soon as they hboar, they shall 13 And III threo of the thirty chief went l1Chr. 11.15. 2. 8. be obo dient untoome. down, and came to Davidoin the harvest o o,,r tohethree O tI.. 00.5. 46 Strangers shall fade away, and they time unto'theo caveo of Adullam: and ttle cots over o HeT,. shall be afraid lout of their close.places. troop of the Philistines pitched in'ttho tot of the 47 The LOtD liveth; and blessed be my valley of Rephaim.. 2.. dt0. r0c0; oand exlted be thoGod of tohe "'ook 14 And David was then-in lo holdo and,otlh. 5.18. 11 O,.yieJ of my salvation. the garrison of the Philistines was then int l -to22. 4, b,-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~0Sm 22.e4,m dio?,o.o..... 48 Itis God thatt tavengeth me, and that Betll-lelt.t.. t[ Lb.i: Ste It bringeth down the people under me, 15 And David longed, and said, Oh that |ost. 33.29. 49 And that bringeth me forth from mine one would give me drink of t oe water of the -,P. Git. 3. & enemies: thou also hast lifted me up on well of Beth-lohem, which is by the gate'1. 17. high above them that rose up against me: 16 And the three mighty men brake through tItBE. 7. 17. tou boat delivered me from the O'iolent tothe host of the Philistines, and dre...waeet etP. 89. 6. an. o out of the well of Both-lehem, that was by 0tl-t,. gioath 00 Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, the gato, and took it, and brought it to tavenytoemot 0 LORD, among Plthe heathen, and I will David: nevertheless he would not drink fO,, singpraises unto thy name. thereof, but poured it out unto the LORD. 8.-25.39. I g'pH'e i's theot po..eed oh. Iy.819,3j1. 00 istto tower of salvation for his 17 And he said, Be it far from me, 0 hP'':'king: and sheweth mercy to hist anointed, LORD, that I should do this: is not this P-. 44. 2. 0unto David, and Ito his seed for evermore. itthe blood of the men that went in jeopardy 1, Le. t7. 10. oP.. 140l.. of their lives? therefore he would not drink Potom. t5. 9 CHAPTER XXIII. it. These things did these three mighlty q Ps. 144.10. mn Pa. 89. 0' 1 DI id, in hi la- 7otdt., f th tit foith:it men. P 0 G1.' prot ies to tbe b.yond etot o oxote,'ieco. 18 And tAbishai, the brother of Joab, the q 1 Chr. 11.20. ch.7.12, 13. o The diffetnat.t0te of tht wicked. 8 A ca- son of Zeruiao, eos chief 00on0- three. Pt. 09. 29. to.t of oocid' cighty. otto. Aod:he lifted up: his spear against.thrce N OW these be tho last words of David. hundred, toand slcw theto, and had tto ttheb.ot. ach. 7. 8, 9. I David the son of Jesse oaid, aand the name among three. P1.o.7.i. ton wooo was raised op on high, Otho 09 Wo lte not most honourable of three? 0 89. 27. /anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet therefore ho.wo their captain: howbeit ho Sam.-16.l1, psatmiotof Israel, said, attained not unto the firt sthce. Ps.3 89. 0. 2 C1 Tho Spirit of the LORD spake by mo, 20 And Benaiah the sonof Jehoiada, the 2,) 2.and his word eos in my tongue. otason of a valiant man, of'KRabzeel, twho,eo.3h. 15. 21. {ttPe.t1..1. {3 The God of Israel said, dthe Rock of had done many acts, he slew two tlionlike to,. gtt d Dmt. 32. 4, Israel spatke to o, I.loHe that ruleth over moo of MIoab: le t.ent down also and slew ofocs. 31. c..t in tim of snod. IfE..1, IS./ oh. 22. 2. 32. men ooost be just, ruling tin the fear of a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snoo. Ads Bl, iGod. 21 And he. slew an Egyptian, tt goodly 1 Clhr. 11.22. ottIo, do. 4 And fhe shoal be as the light of the man: and the Egyptian had a spear in his t I0ch. lion s Pt. 110.2. morning, zohen the sun riseth, ven a morn- hand; but lie went downtothimawithia staff, of O'od. tEl. 18. 21. ing withlout clouds; as the tender grass and pluckled the spear out of the Egyptian'st Otto,. tt 2Clr. 19.7,9. spritngigy out of the earth by olear shino hand, and slew him withl his ownspeoor. f oll fJud3.5.31. ing after ran. 22 These things did Benooth toe son of oe, 0, Po.$8. 36. 5 Although my house be not so with God; Jetoiada, and had the name 0mong thoree 1tYlto 10. 03, Proe.d.408. yet he hath made with me an everlasting mhightyto. a me. of Htoso... covenant, ordered in allt things, and sure 23 Ito ws l more honoura ble than the otttte OteP.110.3. for this io all my salvation, and all omp thiety, but te attained oot to the firs'ooo. ltOt 111,1"Or pglo..715e. / desire, although be make it not to grow. And David set him tooer hlisltguard, a.le a0.1.0.g rI8. 2 9. ~IBaut the ooos of Belial shall be all of 2t tAtohel tle brother ofJoab was one of tl thi,ly. them as thorns thrust away, because they the thirty; Elhanan the son of Dodo of t000 8 18. 000 cannot be taken with hands: Both-lelhem, 20. 23. 7 But the maon that shall touch them must 25 0Sh0mmah the H|odite, Elika the;1r —U tHeb.jiled. be tfenced with iron and the staff of a I-arodite, tH t spear; and they shall be utterly burned 2c Hole the Paltite, Io the son of Ikkesh 1 S-22.14 with ftire in tte same place. the Tekoite, toot, 2 18 * 8 0 These obe tte names oftho mightoy men 27 Abiezeor the Anethothite, Mebunnai the S Il Or, Jooles- whom David had: I The Tachmonoito that Hushathito, 1 ba.eet t!he sat in the seat, chief among the captainso; 28 Zalmon the Abehito, Itaarai the NoPaoeiomeoni, Otho same was Adino the Eznite: Ilhl lifted e, hol of 0h, Otteeo. top) heis sear aogainst eight hundred, tewhom 29 Heleb the son of Baoa..h, a Netoph-. Ot lhr.1 he slew at one time, athito, Ittai the son of Mibai out of Gibetab [he s l e toe time.LL 00. 0 27. 2. O And after him to.s IElonzar the soo of of tle childten of..onjamin, IH, b.'o'. Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three mighty 30 Benaiht the Pirathonite, Iliddai of the 11 AIC, r. " 12. ot nan itth David, wheon they defied the'Phi- Il brooks ofI YoGaash,. 1.. 0 27. listiues that were there gathcred togetherto l1 Abi-albon the Arbathite, Azmaveth the y J ug. 2. 9. battle, and the men of Israel were0 gone Btrhumit e, ocoy: 082 Eliahba the Shaalbonite, of the tons of 10 HIe arose, and smote the Philistines Jashen, Jonathan, until- his hand was weary, and his hand 33 Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam the son blave unto the sword: and the LO01 of Sharar theoHararite, wrought a great victory that day; and the 84 Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai, the son people returned after him only to spoil. of the Mlaohathtite, Eliam the son of Ahithil chrl 11.27. 11 And after him owas iShtamm ah to eon oplel the ilonite, k o- I Cho. of Agoo tohe IOtootite. OtAd the Philisi- 35 Hoezrai the Carmelite, Paarai the Ar, 11. 13, 1. tines weroe gathered togother ftiito a troop, bite, 11Or, ofte. wehoets o piece of ground fol oftettiloos: 3 Igal the son of Nathoua of obah, Bini aoingo. and the people fled from the Philistines. tile Gadite, 238 David's sin in II. SAMUEL. numbering the people. B. C. 1018. 37 Zelek the Ammonite, Nahari the Bee- LOPD, I offer thee three thintgs; choose B. C. 1017. roethite, armourbearer to Joab the eon of the of them, that I may do it unto thee. Zeruiah, 1t So Gad came to David, and told him,.ch. 20. 2. 38 Irae an Ithrite, Gareb an Ithrite, and said-unto him, Shall l'seven years of pSee 1 Chr. ach. 11. 3 6. 39 tUriah the Hittite: thirty and Seven fomine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt 21.12.. in all. thou flee three months before thine enemies, CHAPTER XXIV.' whilethey pursue thee? or that there be 1 David, tepnted b6 Sata-, fo-tcth Joabl to lum- three days' pestilence in thy land? now adber thl people. 5 The ctcvLtais, ieelinemontete vise, and see what answer I shall return to Iaxd tlenty days, bin. fhs mute of thiteefh him ithat sent me. Ah.l.d.e.l tholesaLdfi htiny Sen. 10 Daidt, ha- 14 And David said unto Gad, I am in a i|cy cth;ee platsets potpoundectd by, tfepehteth,.*X,i d c7-oe- th'the three daey pestilece. 15fte great strait: let us fall now into the hand the death of thresore o ll te toLrcd, DVid of the LOPD; q for his mercies are 11 greot: P. 103.8,13, by Xe"peltacee tleetetetlc tree ttiono of J~- and'let me not fall into the hand of man. 14.& 119.156. ] t'sale.. 18 Davl by Gali', tioeetio, ptr- 15[ So'the LORD sent a pestilence upon 11 Or, many. caeth A-tattal.the-ht Lyfooo; toyhertte travtg Israel from the morning even to the time rSeo Is. 47. 6. -aocfictd, thletarqe altysth. appointed: and there died of the people Scoh. I. 15. 1017. A ND a again the anger of the LORD was from Dan even to Beer-sheba seventy tliou- Is Cllr. 2. 14. } 1. 1. [- kindled against Israel, and llhe moved sand men. & 27. 21. taci Ot. t {David against them to say, b Go, number 16 tAnd when the angel stretched out his tEro. 1. 23. -,ar21. O sf Israel nd Judah. hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it,'lthe 1 Clr. 21. 15. J.m.' 1.:1, 2 For the king said to Joab the captain of LOeD repented him of the evil, and said to ttueno. (.. 11. tile host, which toas with him, 1 (to now.the angel that destroyed the people, It is 1 Sam. 15.11. 6b Chr.27.23, through all the tribes of Israel, Cfrom Dan enough: stay now thine hand. And the.O2. 13,14. 21. even to Beer-shebn, and number ye the angel of the LORD was by the threshingiOrComp ast. people, that dI may know the number of place of Arunah the Jebusite. Clr. 21.15, cJudg. 20.1. the people. 17 And David spake unto tto LORD n hen L0,-oa: Se. dJcr. i7. 5. 3 And Joab said unto the king, Now the he saw the angel that smote the people, and Ter. 18. LORD thy God add unto tthe people, how said, L o;VI have sinned, and I have lone 2 Chr. 3. 1. many toeyer they be, a hundredfold, and wicliodly: but these sheep, nwat have titey I2Chr.21.17. that the eyes of my lo'rd the king may see done? let thine hand, I pray ttlee, be aainst itt: but why doth my lord the king delight me, and against my father's house. in this thing? - -18 - And Gad came that day to David, 4 Notwithstanding the king's word pre- and saidunto-him, zGo up, tear an altar lIChr.2l.l8, vailed against Joab, and against tie cap- unto the LOtD in the threshingfloor of hc tains of the host. And Joab and the cap- tArounah the Jebusite. t lb. tains of the host went out from the presence. 19 Ald David, according to the saying of Aradiah. of the king, to number the people of Israel. Gad, went up as the LORD commanded. 5 I And they passed over Jordan, and 20 And Araunahlooked, and saw the king eDout. 2.36. pitched in eAroer, on the right side of the and his servants coming on toward him: Josi,13.9,16. city thqt lieth in the midst of the l river of and Araunah went out, and bowed himself o Or, alley. and toward fJazer: before the king on his face upon the ground. f/uam.32.1,3. 0 Then they came to Gilead, and to the.21 And Araunah.said, Yhereforoe is my ilO'- Irland of Talltim-hodshi; and they came to lord the king comoe to his servant?'And OaScGen.23. tatl toly Dan-jaan, and aboutto hidon, David said, To buy the threslingfloor of 8-10. itlhotbitet. 7 And came to the strong hold of Tyre, and thee, to build an altar unto the LORD, that gJosh. 10. 47. to all the cities of the Hivites, and of the bthe plague may be stayed from the peo- b -um.16.48, Judg._1. 211. Canaanites: and they wentunt to the south pie. 60. hJo 19. lO.8. of Judah, even to Beer-sheba. 22 And Araunah said unto David, Let my Judg. 18. 28. 8 So witen they had gone through all the lord the king take and offer up what sconlnd, they came to Jerusalem at theond of esh good unto him: C behold, horo be oxen cl Kio. 19.21. nine months and twenty days. for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instru9 And Joab gave up the slim of the num- ments and other instruments of the oxen iSee 1 Chr, ber of the people unto the king: land there for wood. 21.. ere in Israel eight hundred thousand 23 All these fitings did Araunth, has t evalia n tat dmen the sword; and the king, give unto the king. And Araunall men of Judah tvre fiveo hundred thousand said unto the king, The LonRD thy God dac- dE.20.40,41. men. cept thee. kl m.124.5. 10 ~ And- David's heart smote him after 24 And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; that he had numbered the people. And but-I will surely buy it of thee at a price: Itch. 12. 13. David said unto the LORD, l have sinned neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the,greatly in that T have done: and now, I LORD my God of that which -doth cost me beseech thee, O LORPD, take away the in- nothing. So tDavid bought the threshing- teo 1 Cfit. tl Sa.m. 13. iquity of thy servant; for I have n'dono foor and the osen for fifty shekels of silner. 212..,25. 13.' very foolishly. 25 And David built tihee ano altar unto the 11 For when David ws the morn- LORD, and offered burnt offerings and lSan.22.5. ing, the word of tho LOR.D came unto the peace noferings. fSo the LoeD 000S on- f.h. 21. 14. o Sam. 9. 0. prophet' Gad, David's o seer, saying, treated for tihe land, and gthe plague was er. 21. 1 Chr. 2.2. 12 Go andsay unto David, Thus stith the styedfrom Israel. 23.9 THE FIRST BOOK OF THE KINGS, COMiLOONLY CALLED, THE THIR.D BOOK OF THE KINGS. B. C. 1015. CHAPTER I. old; and Abishag the Shunammite minis- B.C. 1015. 1 Abinhag cherlAheth. Datidl int his extrme age. tered unto the king. 5 Adonijah, David's nad;litl, D- sunrpet/ the king- 16 And Bath-sheba' bowed, and did obeilom. 1i1 ly the coaotnsel of Nath/a, 15 Batlh- sance unto the king. And the king said, sheba moveth / the kig, 22 ad-I oatos ecod- t What wouldest thou? t Cebb. TW'lat sheba 32 Solodon, by ntavh l's ap toileBtt,- 17 And she said unto him, My lord, Ithou o fltc? be.i.y at.ointed kitog by Zndok ald A'ati.., thc s oarest by the Lo.nD thy God unto thine I or. 13, 30.,cople triutmph. 41 Jotat, b6ringino t hee, handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy noles, Atdonijo'a's goestsy. 501,lon ij'ah, dfy- son sllhall reign after me, and he shall sit iuny o t/he lo,'n of the altar,. npoot /is good be- upon n.y throne. oi-avozodois byisosncbySololot1. 18Andnow, behold,Adonijallreigneth; and t Heb.enle,ted TOW king David -was old and t stricten now, my.lord the Icing, thou knooVest it in years; ad they covered him with 19 1t And lo hbath slain oxen and fat cattle,n nr. 7, 8, 9 clothes, but he gat no heat. and sheep in abundance, and hath called all 26. 2'Wherefore his servants said unto him, the sons oftheking, andAliatharthepriest, t Hen. bAn t Let there be sought for my lord thle king and Joab the captain of the host: but Solthenm ec k. t a young virgin: and let her stand before omon thy servant hath he not called. t lcb. thle king, and let her t chlerish him, and let 20And thou, my lord, 0 king, the eyes of a damc/l, 0 her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the king. all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldest may get heat. tell them who shall sit on the throne of my t Inelo.l 3 So they sought for a fair damsel through- lord.tlle king after him. bn a ch.ih out all the coasts of Israel, and bfound Abi- 21 Otherwise it slhall come to pass, when nJoh. 1. 18. sh a aShunammitey and brought her to mylord the king shall n"osleep with hisofa- nDet.31.16. the king. tloers, that I and my son Solomon shall be ch. 2. 10. 4 And the damsel nwas very fair, and cher- counted t offenders. tclnh. ished the king, and ministered to him: but 22 t hAnd, lo, while slhe yet talked with the the king knew her not. king, Nathan the prophet also came in. b2 Sam. 3. 4. 5 ~ Then b Adonijah the son of Haggith 23 And they told the king, saying, Behold 1- leb. roiy, exalted himself, saying, I'ill t be king: Nathan the prophet. And when he was c2Sam. 1. 15. and c he prepared him chariots and horse- come in before the king, he bowed himself. men, and fifty men to run before him. before the king with his face to the ground. 6 And his father had not displeased him 24 And Nathan said, lMIylord, 0 king, hast t Heb. fa t atany time in saying, Vhy hastthoudon thou do ne said, Adonijah shall reign after me, Ini days. sO? and he also taons a very goodly man; and lie shall sit upon my throne? dl2 Sam. 3.t,4. d and this mothc?' bare him after Absalom. 25 ~Fof loe is gone down tlis day, and hatt o ner. 19. I Clro 3. 2. 7 And t he conferred with Joab the son of slain oxen and fat cattle and sheepin abundtleln,. bis Zeruiah, and with eAbiatlnar the priest: ance, and hath called all the king's sons, totls tnen, and fthly t following Adonijah helped himt. and the captains of the host, and Abiathar tVoli/ Joab. 8 But Zadok the priest, and Benaiah the the priest; and, behold, they cat and drink 2 Saam. 20.25. son of JQhoiada, and Nathan the prophet, before him, and say, 1' t God save king Ad- pl1 Sam.10.2t. fcl. 2.22,28. and gShimei, and Rei, and tlhe mighty onijah. teol. LAt t ielb. ll,ed men which belongel to David, were not 26 But me, even me thy servant, and Za- |ki/q AdoSiof/nt Adoi- with Adonijah. dok the priest, and Benaiah the son of Je- J.'l ivn. jSth. 9 And Adonijah slew sheep ond oxen nnd. loiada, and thy servant Solomon, hath he g ch. 4. 18. fat oattle by the stone of Zoheleth, whllich not called; 2 nSa. 23. 0. is by IIEn-rogel, and called all his brethren 27 Is this thing done by my lord the king, 1l Or, T tellt the king's sons, and all the men of Judah and thou hast not shlved it unto thy servC7oyn, _ the king's servants: ant, who should sit on the throne of my lord 2 Bam.17.17. 10 But Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, the king after him? and the mighty men, and Solomon his broth- 28 5 Then king David answered and said, er, lle called not. Call me Bath-sheba. And she camo tintothe t Heb. beforn 11 1 Wherefore Nathan spake unto Bat-: king's presence, and stood before the king. th/ king. sheba tlhe motther of Solomon, saying, Hast: 29 And the-king sware, and said,.As thle q2 Sam. 4. 9, thou not heard tltat Adonijah the son of LORD liveth, that bath redeemed my soul i2Sm. 3. 3. 4 iIaggith doth reign, and David our lord D avid out of alldistress, knoteth it not? 0o''Even as I sareo untothoe bytheLonD -oer. 17. 12 Now therefore come, let me, I pray God of Israel, saying, Assurcdly Solomon thee, give thee counsel, that thou mayest thy son shall reign after mo, and he shall save thine own lif, and the life of thy son sit upon my throne in my stead; even so Solomon. will I certainly do this day. 13 Go and get tleee in unto king David, 31 Then Bat-slleba bowed witlh herfaceto and say unto him, Didst not thou, my lord, the eartll,and did reverenceto the king, and O king, swear unto thine handmaid, saying, said, sLet my lord king David live for ever., Tlfh. 2.3. 1 Chr. 22. 9. k Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign 32 And king David said, Call me Zadok Dan. 2. 4. after me, and te shall sit upon my throne? the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and whlly then doth Adonijall reign? Benaiha the son of Jehoiada. And they t 2 Sam. 20. 6. 14 Behold, while thto yet talkest there with came before the king. t Ot,oioh thel king, I also will come in after thee, and 33 The king also said unto them, t Take elongeth lo teb.fillup. t confirm thy words. with you the servants of your lord, and,e: See 15 f And Bath-slleba went in unto the king cause Solomon my son to ride upon t mine Esth. 6. 8. into the chamber: and the king was very own mule, and bring him down to'1 Gihon: t 2 Chr.32.30. 240 Solomon is anointed king. I. KINGS. David's charge to Solomon. 0B. C. 1015. 34 And let Zadok the priest and Nathan 2 And Solomon said, If he will shoew him- B. C. 1015. the prophet Xanoint him there king over self a worthy man, rothere shall not a hair l Sarn. 10.1. Israel: and Yblow ye with the trumpet, and of him fall tothe eartlh: but if wickedness ISlssr.l14.45. & 16., 12. say, God save kinig Solomon. shall be found in him, he shall die. Ssas. 14.11. 2 S-.2.5.& 35 Then ye shall come up after him, that 53 So king Solomon sent, and they brought Acts 27.34. ciih. 1. 6 l e may come and sit upon my throne; for him down from the altar. And he came and 2 Kihgs 9: 3. he shall hbe king in my stead: and I have bowed himself to king Solomon: and Sol& 11. ii. appointed him to be ruler over Israel and omen said unto him, Go to thine house. y2Sr.15.10. 1over Judah. CHAPTER I 2Kings9.51. 36hAd Benassi the son of Jshoiads an I.sid, hssigsif,-sshs.,stssso-,, of-s &ci.11. lt dhk d' t LO D.avd, haming gtve,~ a c ~rnto Soomon, 3 oy.eo & 1.. swred the h ing, and said, Amens the LOD iqisosness, bsfJoas, 7ofdaszillai, 8ofShimei, God sf my lord the Icing say so too. 01. lSsss ss lh. 8ddsijh, Josh. l. 5,17. 37 ZAs the LO RD hatlh been with my lord -o.i.g B..h-h.ii.. tso s-.o o.slsosoe fs,- AU0lSm. 20.131. the king, even so hbe he with Solomon, and [0o. is 2- to dssh. 26, 14isg his 47~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. laf, gis, Ai, to death.,, of Ait],a),i.tho. 2,aighi'!. 7. make his throne greater than the throne J loesives him, is depre ofthepfi &thoosd 28 sf ssytodl l' gD'etnI oitde ho,'nsf theasla,'isthse,eslain. of my lord Icing David. 3.5 B.ld ish is., Pt hal Jsis'sb-sss,..d Zddok ho 38 So Zadoh the priest, and Nathan the Abiithna's. 365hl0es, confined to Jerusale, by[ b 2 Sm. 8.18. prophet, b and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, ocasio, of going thene to Gash, is put to death. & 23.20-'23. and the Chorethites, and the Pelethites, N OW'the days of David drew nigh that aGc. 47. 29. osent down, and caused Solomon to ride he should die; and he charged Solo- Deut. 31.14. upon king David's mule, and brought him mon his sos, s.ying, to Gihon. 2 b I go the way f all the earth:'be thou bJosh. 23. 14. 89 And Zadok the priest took a born of strong therefore, and show thyself a man; Deust.17.19, cEx.30.23,2.5, Coil out of ths taberncle, and dsnointed 3 And keep the charge of the LORD thy 20. 89. Solomon. Aod thsy bles the trumpet; God, to walk is his ways, to keep hit stat-,n2 od all the peopl sid, God save king utes, and hois commandments, and his SudgIoChr.h9. 12. Solomon. ments, aod his testimonies, so it is |ritten StSs. 10.4. 40And all the people cam e p afters hi, in the l.s of Moses, that thou mayest! Or, tso. and the people piped ith Il pipes, and re- dllprosper in altl thats thou doest, oand dlso.t. 29. 9. joiced with great joy, sothat thes eartlh rent hithersoever thou turnest thyslf Jo 1. 7. ith tinse sound of them. 4 That the O D may continu his word 1 Chr 22.12, 41 And Adonijah and all the guestsi that of sse withhim heard it as they had made thy children take heed to their say, to or, Aonijh Veril o u r lrd ing. avid mhe jath i uhe b o do ard upon i goirde ta te[~ o end Sof eoting.,Ad d w ahe Jos herd salk before me in truth wish lthal r 1Soe.1. the sound of the truopet, lie soid, Where- heart and oith all their sotul, there shall 14, 30. fore is this noise of the ity being in an not tffil thee (said hs) a man on the throe -b ss. 7. 2. Uproar? of Israel. f. 3.2 opsossO oflssost. Jo'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fs. 132. 10. 02 Asd tile lie ySet sphke, behold, Jona- 5 lsoreover thou tknos st also what Josh Htin.20.3 than the son of Ahithsar the priest came: h soof eah did to,' ad t.. the son~~of Zeruiah idid to me he h 2 S-. 7. 12 and.donijht said unto him, Co 7sBt h o tht oftostsof 13.. f2SA.18.27. fthou at a valianst an, and sringest el, unto A obner the so of or, and unto h.. 25. food hidings. isns sn thse so of Jether, tlom hs sle, t He,1,b. t. [ot 03 And Jonathan ansmesred and said to and t shed thhlood of oar is peace, sd sffooosss Adonijah, Verily our lord king David hath pot the blood of ssr upon his girdle that o-s ths made Solomon king. oos about his loins, and in his shos that thesOs. 44 And the king holth sent with him Zadol ssv-se on tis feet. i 2 S. 3. 39. * the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Do therefore I -hcording o toy tmsdom, 18., 12. Benaiai the'son of Jehoiada, and the Coer- and lot not his boar head go down to the 14, "I 19. 5, ethits, and the PSelethites, oand they have graove in peace.s caused him to ride upon th king's mule: 7 But shmw kindneso s unto the sons of 2 Sm. 3. 7 45 And Zadok the priest and Nathon the 0erzillai the Gileadit, ansd let them be of ~12 n. 20. 0. prophst have anointed him king in Gibon: those that eat at ty table: for so Pthsy Hebs. 5. and they are come up frSom thence rejoising, came to mewhen s led because ofibsalom [Sa. 9. so that the city rang again. This is the thy srother. P-os. 20. 26. noise that yse have heard. 0 And, behold, thoe hist with thee o Shim.ot2Sam.19.31, fChr.s29.23. 00 And tlso olomonIosittoth on the throne ei the.on of Gera, Benjamit ofBaurims, 38 9 of the kingdom. which cursed ss with a ft grievous curse in 2 S.. 0.7, 47 Aod moreover the king's servants came ths dsy whens I oent to Mahansim: but hi se 10.: 1. 28. sser. 37. to bless our lorsd king David, sying, hGod cames down to meet me at Jordan, and'I to2 SS.17.. make the name of Solomon better than thy swars to him by the LORD, soyiog, I Vill lq2 S-. 16.5. name, and sake his throne greater than thy not put thee to death with the sword. fHeb.ssssop. iGen. 47. 31. throne. iAod ths king bowedhimselfupon 0 Nos therefore thold him not guiltless: 2SlSm.t19.18. the bed. for thou at a ise man, and knofst what s s 19.2.. 48 Aod also thus said ths king, Blesssd be thou oughtest to do unto hi; but his hear tE.. 20.7. lot. 7.0. Othe LORD God of Israel, which hath'given tead'; bring thou down to the grave with Jo, 9. 28. Ps.132.11,12.,one to sit on my throne this day, mine eyes blood. Gen. 42. 38. even seeing it. 10 So 5David slept with his fathers, and h 44 31. 49 And all the guests that wvere with was buriedin Y the city of David. sl h 10 21. Adonijah were afraid, and rose up, and 11 Andthe days that David reigned over Aets 2. O. & went every man his way. Israel oes e forty years: seven years reigned 13. 36. 50 IVAndAdonijahfeared becauseof Solo- lie in Hebron, and thirty and three years y 2 sam. 5. 7. 1 oh. 2.28. mon, andarose, andwent, and I caught hold reignedhe in Jerusalem. s 2 ss.. 4. on the horns of the altar. 12 ~ aThen sat Solomon upon the throne 1 Clr. 29.26, 51 And it was told Solomon, saying, tBe- of David his father; and his kingdom was 27. hold, Adonijah feareth king Solomon: for, sstablished greatly. Chr. 29.23. lo, he hath caught hold on the horns of the 13 ~ And Adonijab the son of Haggith 2 Chr. 1. 1. altar, saying, Let king Solomon swear unto came to Bath-shsba the mother of Solomon. 1014. me to day that he wilneot slay his servant And she said. bComest thou peaceably? b 1Sam. 16.4, with the sword. And he said, Peaceably. 5. 16 241 Adonijah is put to death. I. KINGS. Joab is slain.3.. C. 1014. 141 He said moreover, I haveo.somewhat to Ithat thou mayest take away the nnocent B.. 1014. sayunto thee. And she said, Say 0l. blood, which Joab shed, from me, and from 15 And he said,.Thou khowest that the the house of my fether. Nu. 35.h3. ] h. 1I5. kingdom was Ininc, and that all Israel set' 32 And the LORD shall return his blood Dent. 19.13. their faces on me, that I should reign: upon his own head, who fell upon two men & 21.8, 9. howbeit the kingdom is turned about, and more righteous Uand better than he, and t Judg. 9. 2,, d l Chr. 22.09, is become my berother's: for dit was his slew them with tle sword, my father David Ps. 7. 10. & 28. 5, from the LORD. not knowing thereof, to wit,'Abner the 21172113,7. 16'And now I ask one petition of thee, son of Nor, captain of the host of Israel, F)ro. 21.30.,!*ey.. 2 S-m 3. 2.7.[ D..oo. 21.. tdeny me not. And she said unto hi, andYA.masa, the son of Jether, captain of2S.2 Dan.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ehe plai'U2 Ssnm.5.17. O1Esb. h,- say on. the host of Judah.' y y 17 And he said, Speak, I pray thee, unto 33 Their blood shall therefore return upon f!]ceaa,!]Soomon the king, (for he will not say tee he head of Joab, and Zupon the head of z2sam. 3. 29. ]s. 132. 10. nay,) that lie give me Abishag the Shunam- his seed for ever:'but upon David, and aPo...5. 255. echl. i. 3 4. mite to wife. upon his seed,. and upon his house, and 18 And Bath-sheba said, Well; I will upon his throne, shallnl there be peace for epeak for thee unto the king. ever from the LORD. [19 I3ath-sheba therefore went unto king 34 So Benaiah the son ofJehoiadawent up, Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. andfoll uponhim, and sloew him: andhe was 1014. And ths king rose up to meet her, and huried in his own house in the wilderness. /E.. 20.12. fbowed himself unto her, and sat down on 35'[ And the king put Benaiah the son of his throne,: and caused a seat to be set for Jehoiada in his room over the host: and gseePs., 45.9. thes king's mother; land she sat o his bZadok the priest did the king put in the bfNu.-.25.11, right hand. room of CAbiathar. 12.13.. [20 Then she said, I desire one smallpeti- 36 ~ And the king sent and called for 1 Sls. 2. 35. |See I Chr. 6.| 0ion of thee; Ipray thee, say me not nay. d Shimei, and said unto him, Build thee a 53eolf. 23. And the king said unto her, Ask on, my house in Jerusalem, and dwell there, and b21. mothler; for I will not say thee nay. gonot forth thence any whithe r. 27. 21 And she said, Let Abishag the Shunam- 37For itshallbe, tha on the daythou goest d 2Sam. 16.5. mite be given to o donijah thy brother to wife. out, and passest over'the broaolKidron, thou.. 22 And king Solomon answered and said shalt knowfor certain thatthou shalt surely cSam.L 15.23. unto his mother, And why dost thou ask die: thy blood shallbeuponthine own head. fLew. 20. 9. Abishag the Shunalo nmite for Adonijah? 38 And Shimeil said unto the king, The JoSh. 2. 10. 2,am. 1. M ask for h im the kingdom also; for he is saying is good: as my lord the king hath mine elder brother; even for him, and for said, so will thy sersvant do. And Shimei h. i. 7. o hAbiathar the priest, and for Joab the son dwelt in Jerusalem many days. of Zeruiah. 39 And it came'to pass at the end of three 1011. 23 Then king Solomon sware by the LORD, years, that two of the servants of Shimei i iRuth 1.17. saying, i God do so to me, and more also, if ran away unto g Aehish son of Maineah 1 Sam. 27. 2. Adonijah have not spoken this word against king of Gath. And they told Shimei, sayhis own life. ing, Behold, thy servants be in Gath. 24 Now therefore, as the LORD liveth, 40 And Shimei arose, and saddled his ass, which hath established me, and set meo on and went to Gath to Achish to seek his servthe throne of David my father, and wlio ants:audShimei went, andbroughthieseryk2 Sm.7.11, bhath made me a house, as he kpronised, ants from Gatb.!13.!Adonijalh shall be put to death'this day. 41 And it nwas told Solomon that Shimei: Chr. 22. 10. 25And.king Solomo0 sent by the hand of had gone from Jerusalem to Gath, and was 1014. Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; and he fell come again. apo l him that lhe died. 42 And the king sent and called forShimei, 26'V And unto Abiathar the priest said and said unto him, Did I not make thee to Jloshb. 21.18. the king, Get thee to lAnathoth, unto thine swear bytheoLORD, and protesteduntothee, it anbstms, own fields; for thou art 0worthy of death: saying, Know for a certain, on the day thoue sof eh. b ut I e ill not at this time put thee to death, goest out, and wealkest abroad any whither, eaS-n.23.6. oioecause thoo' barest theoaok of the Lord that thou shalt surely die? and thou snidst S2.saml 15.24..GOD before David my father, and because untome, The Word that I haveheardis good. 29. [i'thou-hnst been afflicted in all wherein my 43 Why then haOt thou not kept the oath,lten.22.20, foither was afllicted. of the LORDI, and tile commandment that I 23. 271 So.Solomon tlrust out Abiathar from have charged thee with? -am. 15.24..being priest unto the LORD; thatl hle might 44 Theking said moreover to Shimei, Thou lan.2.31- 9fulillthe wordof theLORDa, hichhespake knowest hall the wickedaess which thine I 2pbae6.5. 35' concerning the house of Eli in Shiioh. heart is privy to, that thou didst to David o. 28' Then tidings. came to Joab: for Joab myfatber;therefore the LORD shallireturn iPs. 7.16. pch. l. 7. PPhad turned after Adonijah, though he thy wickedness upon thins own head:..; 17i19. turned not after Absalom. And Joab fled 45 And king Solmon onhall be blessed, and unto the tabernacle of the LORD, and bthe throne of David shall be established kProw. 25.5.:lch 1I. 0. qcaught hold on the horns of the altar.:before the LORD for ever. 29 And it was told king Solomon that Joab 46 So the king commanded Benaiah the was fied unto the tabernacle of the LORD.; so of Jehoiada; which went out, and fell and, -behold, he is by the altar. Then Sol- Upon him, thathe died. And the tkingdom lyet. 12. onion sest Benaiah the son of Jehoialda, was established in the band of Solomon. 2 Chr. L 1. saying, Go, fall upon him. 30 And Benaah came to the tabern acl e of CHAPTER LORD,and said unto him, Thus saith.olomonaie Phaaoh's dahte. 2 High the king, Come forth. And he said, Nay; laces ei. itse, So Gi lo, s sorificeth at GibeoC. 5 Solomor~ at Gibeo,~, it, the cgoice wrhich G'od but I will die here. And Benaiah broub ht ga ve hi, pefe-ring esisdom, obtaitioh sisdom,. the king word again, saying, Thus said i tces, nd hoo.16 Soo,... 1no,'sjodgment 6oeJoab and thus heanswered ao. 5,...n the ao ha-lot, wakeeh -a-in,.ososd. 1014..221,14.!311 And the king said unto himn "Doasbe ND ISolomon node asfaiiy nOtk Phae ss.7.B.b9 bhath said, and fell upon him, andburyhim;A aoh king of Egypt, and took Pharaoi's 21. P41 2 4 n hknsi t i I hAND USelemon made affinity with Pha- inch. 7.8.& 9..: 212~~~~~~~~ Solomon's judgment I. KINGS.. betooeco. the two harlots. B. C. 1014. daughter, and brought her into the bcity of 19 And this woman's child died in the B.C. 1014. David, until he had made an end of build- night; because she overlaid it. 6;2Sam. 5 7. ing his'Olwn house, and dth house of the 20 And she arose at midnight, and took my cch. 7. 1. LORD, and ethe wall of Jerusalem round son from beside me, while thine handmaid d oh6.6. about. slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her ecl. 9.15, 19. 2 fOnly the people sacrificed inhigh places, dead child in my bosom. fLo. 17.3,4, because there was no house built unto the 21 And when I rose in the morning to give. name of the LOIRD, until those days. my Child suck, belhold, it was dead: but Deut. 12. 2, 3 And Solomon gloved the LORD, hwalk- when I had considered it in the morning, 4, 5. ing in the statutes of Davidhis father: only behold, it was not my son, which I did eh. 22. 43. lie sacrificed and burnt incense in high bear. DeUt. 6.5.& places. 22 And the other woman said, Nay; but 30. 00, 20. 4 And ithe king went to Gibeon to sac- the living is my son, and the dead is thy R-. 8.238. rifice there; k for that was the great high son. And this said, No; but the dead is C'or. 8. 3. place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solo. thy son, and the living is my son. Thus her. 6 14 mon offer upon that altar. they spake before the king. yer.,. 5* In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solo- 23 Then said the king, The one saith, This 2 Chllr.0I. 3. mon nrin a dream by night: and God said, is my son that'liveth, and thy son is the k Chr.16.39 Ask what I shall give thee. dead: and the other saith, Nay; but thy 12 hr.. 3. 6 "And Solomon said, Tho hast sheowed son is the dead, and my son is the living. 2 hr. 1. 7. unto thy servant David my father great 24 And the king said, Bring me a sword... mercy, according as he Owalked before And they brought a sword before the king. thee in truth, and in righteousness, and in 25 And the king said, Divide the living 2. 13, 19. uprightness of heart with thee; and thou child in two, and give half to the one, and o2 Chr, 1. 8b, last kept for him this great kindness, that half to the other. &c. thou Phast given him a son to sit on his 26 Then spake the woman wllose the living Il Or, bonty,. throne, as it is this day. child owas unto the king, for klher bowdls kGen. 43. 30. ochl2dA.&9 l 7 And now, 0 LORD my God, thou host tyearned upon her son, and she said, O Is 49.15. 2 oKing20.3. made thy servant king instead of David my my lord, give her the living child, and in Jer. 31. 20. Ps. 15.2. father: qand I a On but a little child: I no wise slay it. But the other said, Let it p cl. 148. know not heon "'to go out or come in. be neither mine nor thine, but divide it. hot. i Clor. 9.R 1 8 And thy servant is in the midst of thy 27 Then the king answered and said, Give rNomn.27.17 people which thou Shast chosen, a great her the living child, and in no wise slay it: ns tut. 7. 6. people, tthat cannot be numbered nor count- she is the mother thereof. ed for multitude. 28 And all Israel heard of the judgment t Gen. 13. 9' Give therefore thy servant an t under- which the king had judged; and they feared lver. 9, 11,12. standing heart to judge thy people, that I the king: for they saw that the /wisdom of t He,. io, the 2 Chr. 1.10. may Ydiscern between good and bad: for God was tin him to dojudgment. midst ofhiool. Jame 1. 5. who is able to judge this thy so great a tHeh. people? CHAPTER IV. hearling. 10 And the speech pleased the Lord, that 1 Solomon's princes. 7 His tuelve oficerfor.ptoPs. 72. i, 2. Solomon had asked this thing. vslo,-. 20, 24 Thle eace atd largeless of his 11 And God said unto him, Because thou kigd(oom. 22Hisdailyp,ovision. n26Hisstnales.. ast asked this thing, and hast not asked 29 liisuisdom. zJnmes 4. 3. for thyself t long life; neither hast asked 0 king Solomon was king over all Israel. t Heb. any riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of 2 And these were the princes which he day.. thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself had; Azariahl the son of Zadok 11 the priest, 11 Or, thec.ioef t Heb. understanding tto discern judgment; 3 Eliloreph and Ahiah, the sons of Shisha, 0o ee3r to hear. 12 aBellold, I have done according to thy II scribes; aJehoshapllat the son of Ahilud, I Or, secretan al John5.14, word: blo, I have given thee a wise and an the Ilrecorder. rles. 15. understanding heart; so that there was 4 And bBenaiah the son of Jehoiadawas n 2 Sam. 8.16. bc1. 4.2.,30, none like thee before tlhee, neither after o'er the host: and Zadok and CAbiathar 20. 24. at 1.& 5.12. & thee shall any arise like unto thee. were the priests:r, eme 10 1 13 And I have also Cgiven thee that which 5 And Azariah the son of Nathan wnas over beanee. Fr"t'. 16. thou hast not asked, both driches, and hon-d the officers: and Zabud tile son of Nathan b cl. 2.35. thnt6 3. 20. our: so that there Ilslhall not be any among w0as eprincipal officer, aoid fthe king's cSech. 2.27. Idon.. 20. thie kings like unto thee all thy days. friend: dyer. 7. & lo. 23, 25, 14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to 6 And Ahishar waon over the household: o 2 Snm. 8.18. b&. keep my statutes and my commandments, and SAdoniram the son of Abda was over & 20. 3. 1fi. eas thy father David did walk, then I will tle 0I tribute. f2 S-m 1..37. IOrn, atoh so flengthen thy days. 7 v And Solomon had twelve officers over b 16. I1. eeot. 10 And Solomon oaolokb; and, behold, it all Israel, which provided victuals for the 1 Cllr.27.33. ecllh. 15. 5. was a dream. And he came to Jerusalem, king and his household: each man his g 5. 14. f Ps. 91.16. and stood before the ark of the covenant of month in a year mnade provision. l Or, levy. Prov. 3. 2. the LORD, and offered up burnt offerings, 8 And these are their names: OlThe son I Or, Ben.hun. So Gen.41.7. and offered peace offerings, and hmado a of Hur, in mount Ephraim: hSo Gen. 40. feast to all his servants. 9 1 The son of Dekar, in Makaz, and in i Or, 20. 1G ~ Then came there two women, that Shaalbim, and Betl-sheme sh, and Elon- Bel-denkar..h: 8. 5. nwere harlots, unto the king, and o stood be- beth-hanan: Esth. 1. 3. fore him. 10 OI The son of Hesed, in Aruboth; to him In Or, Dan. 6. i. 17 And the one woman said, O my lord, I pertained Soohoh, and all the land of lie- B'e-hoesed. Mark.721. and this woman dwell in one house; and I pler: ium. 27. 2. was delivered of a child with her in the 11 Tlhe son of Abinadab, in all the region 1it. Benhouse. ofDor; lwhichl had Taphath the daughter of ai-ladab. 18 And it came to pass the third day after Solomon to wife: that I was delivered, that this wonman was 12 Baana the son of Alilud; to hiin perdelivered also: and we werne together; tained Taanachl and Megiddo, and all Beththere was no stranger with us in the house, shean, which is by Zartanah beneathl Jez. save we two in the house. reel, from Beth-shean to Abel-meholah, 243 Solomon's greatness:and wisdom. I. I(INGS. Hiram giveth him tinbei..B.C. 1014. evs unsto the platce that is beyond Jok- CHAPTER V. B. C. 1014. ieam: Il nata., edng to oig-atdaste Solomen, is e,n13 IltThe son of Geber, in Inmoth-gilead; tied tfthit, ts a oildtstsl, sod d,mle to furish him oith timbe, heto. 7 Hie-.qO-bee,q. to lim pertained hthe towns of JSir tte,sn blesait fao. foSaSoaomos, ad s'equesting Ih Nl.32.41. son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead; to foodfsorhisfasmily tfuisfh- etsmk lthte. 13 iDcut. 3.4. him also pertained Othe region of Argob, Thenumbek oolomosss'ssworkaesnasllIboures. which is in Bashan, threescore great cities tND aiHiram king of T'yre sent his srv- aver. 10, 18. with walls and bas A.ants untoSolomon; for ihe had leard 2 Ch. 2. 3., 11o, so n- t14 Ahinadab the son of Iddo had II Maha- that they had anointed him king in the ttta room of his fathe: b for Hiram was ever a; san. 5..11. s15 Asimaat tas in Naphtali; te also took lover of David. I1st.. 14.. Basmath the daughter oi'.Solomon to wife: 2 And CSolomon sent to Hiram, saying, Ass..9. 16 Banali the son of iushai was in Ashcr I3 Thou knowest how that David my father e2 Chr. 2.3. andin Alothi: could not build a louse unto the name of 17 Jehoshapisot the son ofParuah, in Isst- tht LORD his Gad, lfor the wars which d / Cis. 22. 8. ch ar were about him on every side, until the & 28,3. 18 Shimei tihe son of Elah, in Benjamin: LORD put them under the soles of his feet: 19 Geber the son of Uri sas in tile coun- 4 But now the LORD my God hiath given kD.tL. 3. 8. try of Gilead, is kthe country of Sihlon king me erest on every side, so that there is e h. 4. 24. of the Anorites, and of Og, kin of Bashan; neither adversary nor evil occurrent. 1 Chr. 22. 9. and he tas the only yofficer which tins in 5 fAnd, behold, I t purpose to build a f2 Cir. 2.4. the land. house untothenam of the olon y od, t HRyeb. say. I sert. 22.17. 20 1 Judah and Israel were many, I as the Ys the LORD spaka unto David my father, g2 Snon. 7.13.,l- 5. 3.8. sand whichl is by the seat in multitude, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy I ihr. 17.12. Prey. 1. 28. "'eating and drinking, and making merry. throne in thy room, he shall build a house & 22.10. ap. 72. 3, 7. 21 And 0Solomon reigned over all king- unto my name. lin. 4.4. dome from Othe river unto thie land of the 6 Now therefore command thou that they 02Chr. 9. 26. PPhilistines, and unto the border of Egypt: hew me hcedar'trees out of Lebanon; and,10. P.. 70.8. i Ptheiy brought presents, and served Solo- my servants shall be with thy servants: and.oG.. 15. 18. men all the days of his life. unto thee will I give hire for thy servants Jnsl. 1. 4. 22 ~ And Solomon's t provision for one according to all that thou shalt t appoint: t Heb. say. P 7s. 68.1529. day was thirty ttmeasures of tine flour, for thou knows st that there is not among 72.10,. and threescore measures of meal, us any that can skill to hew timber like unto t seb.,sdasd. 23 Ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen out of the Sidonians. tIheb. coas. the pastures, and i hundred sheep, besides 7 ~ And it came to pass, when Hiram harts, and roebucks, and fallow deer, and heard the words of Solomon, that tie rejoiced fatted fowl. greatly, and said, Blessed be thie LOnRD this 24 For le had dominion over all the region day, which hath given unto David a wise on this side the river, from Tiphsah even son over this great people. qPr. 72. 11. to Azzah, over nall the kings on tlis side 8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, I lChr. 22.9. the river: and "he had peace on all sides have tconsidered the tilings which thou tSHb.h -sd. round about hlim. sentest to me for: ns d I will do all thy StJto-.236. 25 And Judah and Israel s dwelt + safely, desire concerning timber of cedar, and cont Hsell. srevery man under his.vine and under his ck rning timber of fir. -ssinkaly. fig tree, 5"from Dan even to IBeer-sheba, all 9 y servants shall bring thess down from oIMl. 4. 4. the days of Solomon. Lebanon unto the sea; t and I will convey i 2 Chr.. 2. 16. iZeh. 3. 10. 26 ~AndxSolomonahadfortythousand stalls them by sea in floats unto the place that oh..1 f Yhorses for his chariots, and twelve thou shialt thppoint me, and willcause them t Hb. stsd. uJudg. 9,01. 4Hh ed thousand horsemen. to be discharged there, and thou shalt reoth. 10. 10. 27 And'shose officers provided victuals seive thelm: andtlhou shalt accomplish my for king, Solomon, and for all that came un- desire, kin giving food for my household. hSe s Ezra3.7. 5Dtl. to king Solomon's table, every man in his 10 So Hiram gave Solonmon cedar trees and E. 27. 17. I. month: they lacked nothing. fir trees accotrding to all lis desire. As 02.10. ztet. 7. 258 Barley also and straw for the horses 11 lAnd Solomon gave Hiram twentythou. Iss. 2 Ch. 2. s and 1dromedsries brought they unto ttise sand f measures of wheat for food to his 15 stri laisssr,' plote wheres t te o ofic t were, every man tsusesold, and tweitymsasures ofporeoil: tHeb. is. Estb. i. it. according to his charge. thus gave Solnom. to Hiram year by year. tolls. 1. 13. 29 And aGod gave Solomon wisdom and 12 And the LORD gave Solomon wisdom,.ih. 3.12. understanding exceeding muc, and large- mas lie promised him: and there was peace nll. 3. 12. ness of ieart, even a the sand that is on between Hiram and Solomon; and they two the sea shore. made t league together. 30 And Solomon's wisdom excellcd the 13 ~ And king Solomon raised a +levy out tlHeh. trislte iOG.. 25.6. swisdom of all the children bof the cast of all Israel; and the levy was thirty thou- e. lSe. Ant. 7. country, and all ethc wisdom of Egypt sand men. 22. 31 For he was dwiser than illmen; ethan 14 And he sent them to Lebanon, ten deh. 3. 12. Ethan the Ezrahite, fund Heman, and thousand a month by courses: a month t lChr. 15.19 Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: they were in Lebanon, and two months at.,. o89, titl. and his fame was in all nationsround about. home: and iAdtoniram was over the levy. n el. 4.6. fSee 1 Chr.. 2. 32 And Yht spake three thousand prov- 15'And Solomon had threescore and ten oto. 9.21.2 6. & 6. 33. & erbs: and his h songs were a thousand and thousand tiat bare burdens, and four score 2 l. 2. 17, 15. 19. five. thousand hewers i the miountains; 28..- 82. titlt. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar 16 Besides the chief of Solomon's officers Ps r. 1. 1. stree that is io Lebanon even unto the hys- which awere over tie work, three thousand Os-. t2. 9. sop that springeth out of the wall: he sp ko and.three hundred, which ruled over the h Ctnt. 1.1. also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping people that wrough in thie work. things, and of fishes. 17 And the king commanded, and they ieh. 10. 1. 34 And /there came of all people to hear brought great stones, costly stones, and 2Chr.9.123. tho wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of Phewed stones, tolay the foundation of thk lChs. 22... the earth, which hIad heard of his wisdom. house. 144 Theobuildling of the temple. I. KINGS. The ornaments of it. B. C. 1014. 18 And Solomon's builders and Hiram's with boards of cedar: he even built the00 B.C. 1005. builders did hew thelo, and the "stone- for it within, even for the oracle, even for B]ore.ili. oo: squarers: so they prepared timber and the Inmost holy place. o.x..26.33..oE,. 27.. stones to buildthe house. 17 And the house, that is, tile temple be- Lev. 16. 2. fore it. was forty cubits lon. oh.. 6.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Chr. 3]. S.[ CHAPTER VI. 18 And th ce dar of the house within was Ez. 5. 3. o Tohe oidldi,, ofSo!ooo,,'o etenpl/e. 6 olToe 0am 1 carved with lhknops and t open flowers: all heb. 9. 3. beOs thereof. 11God's proooseotoo it. 15 Thao WS cedar; there was no stone seen. Or, goo-ods. ceing atl adooonioq ofit. 23 The cheerbim. 10 And the oracle te prepared it the tHe. oe3l The doos, 36 1ThIe ouot. 37 The 6ioos of house within, to set there the ark of the ofI bo04di0og it. covenant of the LORD. tot. o r.3... jAND I it ocame to piss in the four hun- 20 And the oraocle in the forepart owas 1012. dred and eightieth year after tlhe twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits children of Israel were come out of the land in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's thereof: and le overlaid it with tpure gold; t Heb. reign over Israel, in the onthlZif, which is and so covered the altar wohichl was of shLo oqt. bActa 7. 47. thle second month, that B le began to build cedar. t Hoeb. bilt. thle house of the LORD. 22 So Solomon overlaid the house witlhin olooE..d4.O, 2 And Ctlhe house which king Solomon with pure gold: and lie made a partition o built for the LORD, tlhe length thereof was by the chains of gold before the oracle; and thrcescore cubits, and the breadth thereof he overlaid it with gold. twenty oobits, and the height thereofthirty 22 And the whole house o he overlaidwith cubits. gold, until ie had finislhed all the house: 3 And the poroh before the temple of the also/'the whole altar that was by the oracle p Ex.$0.1,3,6. house, twenty cubits was tlhelenglth thereof, he overlaid with gold. according to tie breadth of the hlouse; and 23 ~ And within tlhe oracle qlhe made two q Ex.37.7,8,9. ten cubits was the breadth thereof before cherubim of 1llolive t'ee, each ten cubits 2Chrf. 3. 10, the hlouseo. high. 11. 02. dSeo Ez. 40. 4 And for the house he made dll windows 24 And five cubits was the one wing of the Or, i. 16. & 41. 16. of narrow lights. cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the t10. ttof II Or, 5olo,, 5 ~ And II against the wall of the house he cherub: from tle uttermost part of the one!boval owitlh- built ~ tlchambers round about, againat the wing unto the uttermost part of the other o waells of the house round about, both of the were ten cubits..: temople f and of the oracle: and he made 25 And the other cherub woas ten cubits: tedoudlosed. chambers round about. both tle cherubim were of one measure and 110 00r0, 6 0 The nethermlost chamber was five cubits one size. /O3_0:00o broad, and the middle was six cubits 26 The height of the one cherub was ten toee.E 41.0. broad, and thle third was seven cubits cubits, and so was it of tle other cherub. Hb. broad: for without io the wall of the house 27 And hle set the cherubim within the | ret. 16o, 19, fo. 10, 10 he made tnarrowed rests round ablout, that inner house: and 0'lithey stretched forth o.Eo.25. 20.& 1, 31. the beams should not be fastened in tlhe the wings of the cherubim, so that the wing 37 9. 20,lo 2 ot o31 owalls of tl houseoo. h o of thle one touched the one wall, and the 2 CU. 5..?Heb. 6ibs. C Heb. 7 hAnd'lthe house, when itwas inobuiling, wing of the other cherub touched the other Or lhh' O qdo. was built of stone made ready before it was wall; and their wings tohetouhedodrooto Oit oetlooooo;o. hoooobrought thiter 0 to hat there was neitlher in tloe ooidst of the lo se.. gSelDet.27. hoammer nor axe noro aoy tool of iron heard 28 And lieo overlaid the cherubim with 0,0. tin the lhouse, while it was in building. gold. ol. 5.18. 8 The door for the middle chamber owas in 29 And he carved all the walls of the [Hob. the right tsilde of the house: and they weent house round about -with carved figures of tlhooldto. op with winding stairs into thle middle cherubimandpalmt tresand topuenl.owers, tHeb oe helamber, and out of the middle into the within and without. ioofo third. 30 And the floor of the house he overlaid 1005. 9 oSo he built the house, and finished it; witlh gold, within and without. hver. 14, 38. and covered the house Ilwith beams and 31 o, And for the entering of the oracle lhe tOoir, tooolt boards of cedar. made doors of olive tree: the lintel eandl oa,,-...dthe 10 And thenl he built chambers against all side posts weroe a fifth part of the wall. 110Or 0ili0e oiih the house, five cubits highl: and they rested 32 The Iltwo doors also were of olive fo t. todao. on the house ltwi timber of cedar. tree; and lie carved upon them covings of JJ o, o1eooooof 11 Aod the word of the LORD came to cherubim and palm trees and open flowo. ttdoo.t. Solomon, saying, er., and overlaid theom with gold, and ef. H 0012 Concerning this house which thou art spread gold upon the cherubim, and upon coot of fOoo ioth.2.4.&9.4. in building, if thou wilt walk in my stat- the palm trees.I. utea, and execute myjudgments, and keep 33 So also made he for the door of tlhe aill my commandments to walk in them; temple posts of olive tree, 0lC fourth part of 0or, tlhen will I perform my mord with thee, the 11. fowalli [o.o | 2 S.m. 7.13. k whlich I spaoe unto David thy father: 34 And the two doors were of fir tree: tlhe 1 Chr.22.10. 13 And 11 will dwell among the children Stwo leaves of the one door erooe folding, s Ez.41.23,24, | Ex. 21. 8. of Israel, and will not eforsakeo my people and the two leaves of the other door were 25. Leo. 00. 11. Israel. folding. 2 Co. 61. I. n o.. 0. 14 20 So Solomon built the house, and fin- 35 And he carved thereon cherubim and tshed it. paln trees and open flowers: and covered Do.ot.31. 6. 15 And he built the walls of the house them evwith gold fitted upon thle carved work. -oo. 38. within with boards of cedar, 0I both the floor 33.[ And le built tloe inner court with three lOt,from. th of the house, and the walls of thle ceiling: rows of howed stoneo, and a row of cedar flto, of to ooand he covered theo on the inside mith beams. hLoollo,'. wood, ano d covered the fooo of the house 37'1[ In thlofourth yae astthofoundation ood so lor. with planks offir. of the house of the LORD laid, in the month 10. 16 And te built twenty cubits on the sides Zif: of the house, both the floor and the walls 38 And in the eleventh year, in the month 140 Solomon's other buildings. I. KINGS; Hiram's work for the temple. B. C. 10.(9. Bul-, which is' the eighth month, was the I 18 And lhe made tle pillars, and two rows B. C. 1005. house finished lthlroughout all the parts round about upon the oe network, to cover 1Or. wvio/ oil thereof, and acecording to all the fashion of the cllbpiters that weocre upon the top, with theleapllTtein- it. o'was lo e "seo en vears in building it. pomegranates: and so did he for lthe other m..d.. tl.ert CHAPTER VII. chapitcer. *. t l tot.di- 1 Te bdilditg of Solomot's hoe. - 2 Of theT hotse 19 And the chlapiters that toere upon the of.tlether- f o febano,. t; Oftole /ochofpillatOs. 7 Ofthhe top of the pillars woce of lily work in the s,0.e of jtdy. tt. 8of le hoeleefo's porch, four cubits. dauq lel'. 1' *lrlam F's w1orkl1 of tLe t11'0o pillars.. 1005. i23 Of otle molet set. 27 Of1the te',.ases. 38 Of 20 Alldd tile ellapiters upon thle two pillars ou Compnre thc ten [avers, 40 ald all thie vesselsa. dl ponmeg'anaostes also ahove; over against over. i. UT Solomon was building his own house the belly which owats by tile network: and 1005 till992. /L) " thirteen years, and hefinished all his the pomegranates were itwo hlundred ill iSee 2 thr. 3. aotl. 9. 10. house. rows round about upon the other ehapiter. 16. & 4. 3. 2 Chr. 8.1. 2 I He built also tle house of the forest of 21 kAnd lhe set up thle pillars in itthe poreh Jer. 5-2. 20.. Lebanon; the length thiereof was a hlun- of tlhe temple: and he set up tihe righllt k'Chr. 3. 17. dred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty pillar, and called tile name tlhereof ilJaohin: 1 oh. 6. 3. cubits, and tile height thereof thirty cubits, and lhe set up tile left pillar, and called the 11'1t1t is, Ile upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar namo thereof ItBoaz. shalg establ beams upon tlie pillars. 22 And upon the top of the pillars zowas loch. 3 Ald it was covered with cedar above lily work: so was the work of tle pillars c Tllt is, Oo't fHeb. ribs. upon tle tbehams, tlhat lay on forty five finished. tiss-.e!lth. pillars, fifteen in a row. 23 Anld he madeano molten sea, ten cubits M2ooin.25.13. 4 And there wtee windows in three rows, tfrom the one brim to thle other: it woas 2(ollr 4 2. tIlto. sight and t liht was against ligllt io three ranks. round all about, and his height owas five Jer. 52. 17....t...stsi.,t. 5 Aodcll tloe ldoors and posts te.e s.quare, eubits: anda line of thirty ctbits did om- t Heb.,i Or., s)Cet lwitl the windows: and light Zwas against pass it round about. ahl 6io to,t.Il' iiie s light in tllree ranks. 24 And under tele brim of it round about.wel} sla: e ~6 ~ And lhe made a porch of pillars; the there wese knops compotssing it, ten in a [ i. lengtlh tlereof was fifty cubits, and the cubit, 1eompassinrg the sea round about: 2fclr.4.4. breadth tllereofthirty cubits: and the porch the knops zoere cast in twvo rows, when it -[Or, aceotdt- ots 11i before them: and the other' pillars was cast.:,i! to thlen. oand the tllick bearn wero e before them. 25 It stood upon o twelve oxen, three look- o 2 Cr.4.4.,. ]I Or, accoTrl- 17 l The llle made t porchll for the throne ing toward thle northi, and three looking Jer. 52. 20. tlo to tLe. olowhere he migllt judge, eveo the porch of toward tloe est, and three looling toweard judgmeut: and itowas covered with cedar thle south, anld thrlee loolkinlr toward thle t e,. fom t from one side of the floor to the other. east: and the sea wtaS set' ~bove upon thenm, Jioo. tloool-. 8 ~ And his liouse wheohe dwelt had an- and all thlleir linder parts owere inward. other court within ttle porch, ouhieh iwas of 26 And it was sa hiendbreadthl thick, and tile like worlk. Solomton tmade also t Ilouse toe brim thereof was wrought like tile blim lb oh. 3. 1. for Pharaoll's daughter, b whom hlehadtaken of a cup, Witll flowers of lilies: it contained 2 Ohr. 8. 1. to wtife, like untot tlis porch. Ptwo thllosand baths., See 2 Cllr. 4. 9 All these were of costly stones, accord- 2i7 And lie made ten bases of brass; foul 5. ing to tloe measures of lhewed stoes, saowed cubits was the length of one base, and four owith snaws, weithin and wvithout, even from cubits the breadth tolereof, and tllree cubits tile foundatioi unto the copingt, and so on ttle leight of it. tile outsite toward thle great court. 28 Acnd the work of the bases tcas on this 10 And tlle foundation twats of costly annere': theyliad borders, and the borders stones, even great stonles, stolles of ten were between the ledges: cubits, and stones of eightt cubits. 29 Alnd on tlhe borders that were between 11 And above were costly stones, after the tole ledges veote lions, oxen, and cllerubim: measures of helwed stones, and cedars. and upon the ledges thtere tas a base 12 And tle great court roud about h oas abovc: and beneatoh the l'ons and oxen vwith tllree rows of helved stones, anid a row weroe certain additions made of thilln ork. of cedar beams, botlfor tbr tile inner court of 30 And every base hlad four brazen wheels, a Jtoln 10. 23. tile house of the LORD, C and for the porch and plltes of brass: and tlie four corners Acts 3. 11. of' the house. tlhereof cad undersetters: under tle laver 13 ~ And king Solomon sent and fetched owere unldersetters molten, at the side of i 2 Cr. 4. 11, d H-iram out of Tyrc. every addition..H -'anm: Seo 14'ee etas t a widow's son of tile tribe of 31 And the mouth of it within tle chapiter er0. Naphtali, and flis father twas a man of and above twas a cubit: but the mouth e2 Chr. 2. 14. Tyre, a worker in brass: and 0e was Oiled thereof toas round efteo the work of the tleHb. tLton witl wisdom, and uenderstanding, and cun- base, a cubit and a lalf: and also upon of oa "toitdoo ning to eorek all vo;ks ith brass. And he the mouth of it wees gravings with their came to king Solomon, and worought all l.s borders, foursquarc, not roound. fIChr. 4.16. ~work. 32 And under tloe borders wseoe four yxri.31. 3. & 15 For lhe teast two pillars of brass, of wheels; and the axletrecs of thle wheels 1. eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of ere tjoined to thle base: and the hleight t Hcl. int the tRel. towelve cubits did compass either of them ofa wheel Vwas a cubit and half a cubit. base. foasiotted. aboot. 33 And the w ork otheo he whleels lwas litke 002 Kiio2.t5.17. 1to And bie mode too cleapitirs of molten tlh work of a ehariotoheel: their axletrees, 2 Cio.. 3. 15. & d. A 1 b.rass, to set upon tlhe tops of tlle pillars: and their naves, and tlleirfelloes, and thleir Jer. 21. the height' of tile one chapiter wass five spokes, zucre allmolten. cubits, and the teight of the other chapiter 84 And there oere e four undersetters to tons five cubits: the four corners of one base: tand the un17 A4rd nets of checker work, andwreeaths dersetters 0we0e of ttle very base itself. Of chain wolrko, for tlhe clhapiteros which swe'eo 35 And in tile top of tle lbase owas there a upon thle top of the pillars; seven for the round comlass of oalf a cubit higte: and on olle chapiter, and seven for tloe other chapi- tlle top of tle base the ledaes thereof and ter. thle booders tllereof were oft tile same. Theiifeast;of the I. KIINGS. dedication of the temple. B. C. 1005. 36t For on the plates of the ledges thereof, 2Andallthe menof Israel assembld them- 13. C. 1005. ~ and on the borders thereof, he graved cher- selves unto king Solomon at the d feast in ubim, lions, and palm trees, according to the month Ethanim, which is the seventh ILe. 23. 34. t obeb. the t proportion of every one, and additions month. lv. 8: kedness. round about. 3 And all the elders of Israel came, eand 1004. 37 After this mannencr he made the ten the priests took up the ark. lum. 4. 15. bases: all of them had one casting, one 4 And they brought up the ark of the Detut. 31., measure, attd one size. LORD, f and thile tabernacle of tle co.gre- J... 3. S. I2 Chr. 4. 6. 38 Then q made lie ten lovers of brass: gation, and all the holy vessels that eeeC in 1 Clr. 15.14, one laver contained forty batlhs: and every the tabernacle, even those did the priests 15. laver was four cubits: and upon every one and the Levites bring up. fch; 3 4. of the ten bases one laver. 5 And king Solomon, and all the congrega- 2 lbe. 1. 3. t Heb. 59 And he put five bases on the right tside tion of Israel, thbt were assembled unto ahoulder. of the house, and five on the left side of the him, zere with him before the ark, u sacri- g2Sm. 6.13. house: and he set the sea on the right side ficingsheep and oxen, that couldnot be told of the house eastward, over against the nor numbered for multitude. southl. 6 And the priests h brought in the ark of h2Sam. 6.17. t l.eb.l...ot.: 40 ~ And t Hiram made the lavers, and the covenant of tile LORD unto ibhis place, iE. 2h'.33,34. See ver. 13. the shovels;, and tlie basins. So Hiram.into the oracle of the house, to the most ch.. 19. made an end of doing all the work tllct lie holy place, event kunder the wings of the ch. 6i. 27. made king Solomon for the house of the cherubim. LORD: 7 For the cherubim spread forth their two 41 The two pillars, and the two bowls of wings over the place of the ark, and the the chapiters that were- on the top of the cherubim covered the ark and the staves ver. 17, 18. two pillars; and the two -'networlts, to thereof above. cover the two bowls of the chapiters which 8 Anid they dreew out the staves, that the l E,. 25.14,15. 2[eree upon the top of the pillars; t ends of the staves were seen' out in the tHeb. heads. 42 And four hundred pomegranatesforthe Ilholy place befor e the oracle, and they il'Or, a_: as two networks, even two rows of pomegran- were not seen without: and there they are 2 Chr. 5. 9. ates for one network, to cover the two bowls unto thlis day. tlHeb. spo-t of the chapiters that were tupon the pil- 9 "' There vaes nothinginthe ark 0save mE:. 25. 21. the fooc of lats; the two'tables of Stone, which Moses ~put D'et. 10.2;'thepillarls. 43 And the ten bases, and ten lavers on there at Horeb, ilfPwhen the LORD made a nDeuf. 10. 5. the bases; covenaeo t with the children of Israel, when leb. 0.4. 44 And one sea, and twelve oxen underthe they caoe out of the land of Egypt. o. 40. 20. seac; 10 And it came to pass, when the priests g Or,,ohel e. sEx. 27. 3. 43 s And the pots, and the shovels, and the were come out of the holy lace, that the E. 345.27,28. l2 Cr. 4. 16. basins: and all these vessels, which Hiram cloud'filled the house of the LORD, Deut. 4. 13. made to king Solomon for the house of the 11 So that tle priests could not stand to vese 21. t Beb. LORD, ver-e of t bright brass. minister because of the cloud: for the glory qEx.40.34,35. 0la0d1 1ri0ht', 460 In tohe plain of Jordan did the king of the LORD had filled the house of the 2c. 14. 13,. 0or, ocoeod. |cast them, tin the clay ground between LORD. t2 Clor. 4. 17. USuccoth and ZZartllan. 12 ~ rThen spake Solomon, The LORD r2 Chr. 6. 1, t tOel. ioo the 47 And Solomon left all the vessels un- said that he would dwell in the thickdark- a c. tl5iicessJ of weeiZghec, tbecause they were exceeding ness. slhee. 16. 2. t..e ground. many: neither was the weight of the brass 13 t I have surelybuilt thee a hose to dw'ell. 18 11.,C e.m 33. 17. t found out. in,'a settled place for thee to abide in for Sam. 7. xJoshl. 3. 16. 48 And Solomon made all the vessels that ever. 7. 13. tH.l.. for pertaineed unto the house of the LORD: 14 And the king turned his face about, orS. 131. 14. ts.e exeedig] Ythe altar of gold, and Zthe table of gold, and tblessed all the congregation of Is- o2Sam.. 18. clotitduce. whereupon athe shewbread uas, rael: and all-the congregation of Israel t Heb. 49 And the candlesticks of pure gold, five stood; Ce. 2 14. on thoe right slde, and five on the left, be- 15 And he said, YB3essed be the LORD God y Luke 1. 68. 2Ee.37.20,b.'fore the oracle, with the flowers, and the of Israel, which Zspake with his mouth unto s2 Sam. 7. 5, yEe.,37.25,&c. lamps, and the tongs of gold, David my father, and bhath with his hand 25. zExc37.10,c. d the bowls, d the snuffers, and fulfilled it, saying,.aE.. 30. the basins, and the spoons, and the t cens- 16 Since the day that I brought forth my o2 Stuo.7. 6. lev, 24. 5-8. ers of pue gold; and the hinges of gold, people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city 2 Clr.6.5,&c. t Hel,. both for the doors of the inner house, the out of all the tribes of Israel to build a oashbaoocc most holy place, and for the doors of the house, that bmy name might be therein; bver 29. house, to wit, of the temple. but I chose 0David to be over my people' DeUt.12.11. 51 So was ended all the work that king Israel. cISao. 1e. 1. Solomon made for the house of tile LORD. 17 An ddit was in the heart of David my 2 SCh 7. 8. t Hel. And Solomon brought in the tthings bwhioh father to build a house for the name of the I Cw,. 2. 4. holy t.hingg David his father bad dedicated; even the LORD God of Israel. d 2 So. 7. of D-vid. ilte, anod the gold, and the vessels, did he 18 eAnd the L0olD said unto David my 0.C.r,,. baSam. 811. put among the treasures of the house of the father, Whereas it as in tine heart o Chr 8, 2 C'hr. 5.1. LORD. build a house unto my name, thou didst CHAPTER VIII. well that it was in thino heart. 1 Thefemst of te dedicatioo oftlc temple. 12, 54 10 Nevertheless fthou shalt not build the f2 Salo. 7. 6, Sotloboen's tlessicg. 22 Socono's praye,.. 62 house; but thy son that shall come forthl 12 13. Iifs s -crifces of peace Ioffiolgo. out of thy loins, he shall build the house unto h. 5. 0, 5. a2 Chr. 5. t2, IIEN aSolomon assembled the elders of my name. &'c. 1 Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, 20 And the LORD hath performed his wore tHIeb. theo chief of the fathers of the children of that he spake, and I am risen up in the p'0ncec. |Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, room of David my father, and sit on the b22Sm.6. 17. b that they might bring up the ark of the throne of Israel, oas the LORD promised, gl C 28. 28. 5, c2Snm. 5.7,9. covenant of the LORD c OUt of the city of and lave built a Iouse for the name of the 6. & 6. 12, 16. David, which is Zion. LORD God of Israel. 241 Solomon's prayer at the I. ICINGS. dedication of the temple, B. C. 1004. 21 And I have set there a place for the if there be caterpillar; if their enemy be- B. a. 1004. ark, wherein is hthe covenant of tile LOP.D, siege them in the land of their "cities; hver. 9. which he made with our fathers, when he vwhatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness nOr, Deut. 31. 26. brought them out of tile land of Egypt. therc be;jltistict.ol. i2 Chr. 0.12, 22 ~g And Solomon stood before ithe altar 38 What prayer and supplication soever &e. of the LORD in the presence of all the con- be madce by any man, or by all thy people kEx. 9. 33. gregation of Israel, and kspread forth his Israel, which shall know. every manl the Ezra 9. 5. hands toward heaven: plague of his ownn heart, and spread forth s 1. 15. 23 And lie said, LOPD God of Isracl, ithcre his hands toward this house: Ex. 11. is no God like ttiee, in heaven above, or on 39 Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling2 Sam.7. 22. earth beneatlh, who keepest covenant and place, and forgive, and do, and give to rDeut. 7. 9. mercy with thy servants that "walk before every man according to his -ays, wcose ehk. 1. 5. thee with all their hetirt heart thou knohvest; (for thou, esvc's thou,Den.i9. 4. 24dWho hast kept with thyservant David only, fknowest the hearts of all the chil- flS.m.1. 7. h.. 6. my father tat thou promisedst him: thou dren of men;) I Chr. 28. 9. 2Iinga20.3., spahkest also witll thy mouth, and hast ful- 40 gThat they may fear thee all the days P., 1_. 4. filled it with thine hand, as it is this day. that they live il the land lic1h thou gavest ea. 10. 20 Therefore now, LORD God of Israel, unto our fathers. keep with thy servant David my father that 41 Moreover concerning a stranger, thatis g'. 130. 4. o Sam. 7.12, thou promisedst him, saying, o t There shall noe of thy people Israel, but cometh out of 1fi. not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the a far country for thy name's sakle; ce.. 2. 4. throne of Israel; tso that thychildrentake 42 (For they shall hear of thy great name, ta*Hb. Thes/ heed to their way, that they walk before me and of thy strong hand, and of thy Det. 3. 24. at off nto asthouelcast alked'beforee me. stretched out arm;) when he shall come 20see X 2nlG YIAnd now, O God of Israel, let thy word, and pray toard this louse: f.oc a my s I pray thee, be verified, which thou spakest 43 Hear thou in heaven thy dwellingplace, sight. aUnto thy servant David my father. and do according to all that the stranger tHeb.on'yif. 27 But qwill God indeed dwellon the earth? calleth to thee fort: ithat all people of the il m. 17.46. p2Sam. 7 2. behold, the heaven and "heeaen of heavens earth may knows thy name, to kfear thee, as 2IRin. 19.19. 2Chr.2.6. cannot contain thee; hole much less this do thy people Israel; and that they may P. 67.2. Is. 6. 1; house that I have builded? know that tthis house, which I have build- iPc. 10-. 15. Jer. 23. 24. 28 Yet have thou respect unto the prayer ed, is called by thy name. tIeb. Acts 749. h. of thly servant, and to his supplication, 0 44 ~ If thy people go out to battle against a:!..lame is 17.2'. LORD my God, to hearken unto the cry and their enemy, whithersoever thou shalt send elatied cpeo-,,2 Cor. 12, 2. to the prayer, which thy servant prayeth them, and shall pray unto the LOR.D t to- t se. before thee to day: weard the city which thou hast chosen, and t ob. 29 That thine eyes may be open toward towascrd the house that I have built for thy tkil, ity. this lhouse night and day, even toward the name: sDeut. 12. 11. place of which thou hast said,'SMy name 45 Then hear thou in heaven their prayer shall be there: that thou mayest hearken and their supplication, and maintain their unto the prayer which thy servant shall 11 cause. 1 Or, ig/t. t Dan..1. 10. mal t I toward this place. 46 If they sin against thee, (Ifor there is 12 Chr. 6. 36. 1 Or, ih this 80 "'And hearken thou to the supplication no man that sinnoth not,) and thou be an- erov20. 9. plce. eOf thy servant, and of thy people. Israel, gry with them, and deliver them to the EcC. 7. 20. 2 Chr. 20. 9. when they shall pray it oward this plce: nemy, so that they carry them s.e y cap- [ fJes 3,2, Neh 1. 6. and hear thou in heaven thy dwellingplaces: tives "'unto the land of the enemy, far or 10. I Or. is tais and when thou hearest, forgive. near; ilace. 31 ~ If any man trespass against his neigh- 47 "Ytt if they shall t bethink themselves I. tHeb. nda e bour, t and c an oath be laid upon him to in the land whither they were carried cap- Dect. 28. 36, cause him to swear, and the oath come be- tives, and repent, and make supplication 61. oAth f Iim, a fore thine altar in this honse: unto thee in the land of them that carried oLs. 26. 40. Lev.a. 1. 32 Then hear thou in heaven, and do, and them captives, Osaying, We have sinned, t Hel,. bti,lg Ee. 22. 1i. judge thy servants, Ycondemning tile wick-. and have done perversely, we have come - s a l to tlteir yDeut. 25. 1. ed, to bring his way upon his head; and mitted wickedness; sec-t. justifying the righteous, to give him accord- 48 Anld so Preturn unto thee with all their NOsel. 1. 6. ing to his righteousness. heart, and with all their soul, in the land PD. 0. 6. Ler. 26. 17. 33 hen thy people Israel be smitten of their enemies, hich led them away cap- Dan. Daet. 28. 29. Tdown before the enemy, because they have tive, and pray unto thee toward their land, J. 29. 12, a Lv. 26. 39, sinned against thee, and a shall turn again which thou gavest unto their fathers, the D... 6. 10. 40. to thee, and confess thy name, and pray, city which thou hast cosen, and the house. Neh. 1. 9. and make supplication unto thee 11 in this which I have built for thy name: I Or, t owards house: 49 Then hear thou their prayer and their 34 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive supplication in heaven thy dwellingplace, the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them and maintain their 11 cause, 11 O, again unto the land which thou gavest unto 50 And forgive ttiy people that have sinned their fathers. against thees, and all their transgressions bLev. 26. 1. 35 i b When heaven is shut up, and there wherein they have transgressed against Douto 28. 23. is no rain, because they iave sinned against thee, and tgive them compassion before 13erl e. thee; if they pray toward this place, and them lho carried them captive, that they Ps. 106. 46. confess thy name, and turn from their sin, may have compassion on them: cP.. 25. 4. & wlen thou atflistest thems: 51 For'tlley Id thy people, and thine in- aDeuts 9 29. 27.11. & 94. 36 Then ear tou in heaven, and forgive heritance, which tliou broughtest forth out Neil. 1. 10. 12. & 143. 8. the sin of thy servants, and of thy people of Egypt, tfrom the midst of the furnace of t Dceut. 4. 20. dle'am.12.23. Israel, that thou Cteach them dthe good iron: Jer. 11.4. cLev. 26. 16, way wherein they should walk, and give 52 That thin eyes may be open unto the 2.9, 26. rain upon thy land, which thou hast given supplication of thy servant, and unto the 2eut. 28. 21, to thy people for an inheritance. of thy people Israel, to heark 22. 37 cIf there be in the land famine, if there unto tem in all thatht they call for unto thee. 2 Ch 20. 9. be pestilence, blasting, mildew, locust, or 63 For thou didst separate them from among 248 Solomon's peace offerings. I. KINGS. God's covenant with, Solomon. B. C. 1004. all tho people of the earth, to be thine into second time, 4as he had appeared untohim B. C. theritance, "as thouspakest by the hand of at Gibeou. about 092. u E.. 19.5. Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest 3 And the LORD said unto him, e halve lot 9'.l 26, our fathers out of Egypt, 0 Lord GOD. heard thy prayer and thy suppliati ton, that d,. 3. 5.. h. 54 And ad was so, that when Solomnon thou hastmade beforcme: Ilhavehallowed 2 Kill. 0.5. had made an end of praying all this prayer this house, which thou bast built, fto put Pa. 10. 17. and supplication unto the LORD, he arose my name there for ever; goasd mine eyes fh. 8. 29. from before tile altar of tile LORD, from and mine heart shall be there perpetually. 0,0t. 11.12. kneeling on his knees with his hands 4 And if thou wilt hwalk betfor me, oas spread up to toeaven. David thy father walked, in integrity of O. 1.. 2 S-n6. 18t. 55 And hlie stood, eand blessed all the con- heart, and in to.ightness, to do according ieh. 11. 4, 0..&lg ne - &~~~ich 14. 4,S.] gregationof Israelwith aloudvoice, saying, to all that I h tm commanded thee, onoo/l 560 Blessed be tib LORD, that hath given wilt ieep my statutes and my udgments 5. rest unto his people Israel, according to all 5 Tholn I will establish tile throne of thy y Deut. 12.10. that lie promised: Ythero hath not failed kingdom upon Israel for ever, kas I prom- k2Sam.7.12, Jo.h, 0.4. 1. ]t l. 2 5. one word of all his good promie, which he ised to David thy fatlher, sying, There 15. prmsd ytl hand of1 Moseis sevn....... [ 6 sh. 14 promsised hy slot hand ofMoses his servant. shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of.... fIeb. fallen. 57 The LORD our God he with us, as hle Israel. I2 Dz Det. 31. 6, 1 Chr. 22. 10. t w0. as witt our fathers'let oimt otleave us, o6 tBut ifyo shall at all turn from following p. 132.12. Joh. 1 5. nor forsake us' me, ye or your children, and will not keep 12 Sl. 7.i. aPs. 119. 3. 58 That he may uincline our hearts unto my commandments and my statutes which 2 el. 7. 9, him, to walk in all his nways, and to lkeep his I have set before you, but go and servo 20. commandments, and his statutes, and his other gods, and worship them; P. 89.30,he. judgooeets,owhichhe commanded ouefathers. 7 "1 Then sill I cut off Israel out of the otDent. 4.26. 59 And let these my words, wherewith I land which I have given them; and this 2tKis. 17.23. have made supplication before the LORD, house, wtich I havo hallowed "'for my & 25. 21, be fiigh unto the LORD our God day and name, will I cast out of my sight; uand,Jer. 7.14.] night, that he maintain the cause of his Israel shall he a proverb and a byword oeut. 28.37. servant, and the cause of his people Israel among all people: P. 44. I. t Hob. the at all times, as tih matter shall require: 8 And P at this house, Owhich is high, every p 2 Chr. 7.21. thitng of. a 60 b That all the people of the artoo may one that pusseth by it shall be astonished, 0dy0 5, loot know that'the LORD is God, uanl thot and shall hiss; and they shall say, qWhloy D..ut29.24, there is none else. hato tilo LORD dote thus unto this land, 05, 2n. J.11. I4. 21. J-e. 22. 8| 9. otasto.I. 4.1. 01 Let yoour olieart therefore be perfect andto this house 2io. 10.10 eitls tlhe,ORD0 out God, to walt in tois o9 And they shall answer, Because they eDet. 4. 35, statutes, and to keep his commandments, forsook tile LORD their Gad, who brought o. H as at thos day. forth their fathrs out of thoe lcd of Egypt, isel. 11 4. ~ 62 T Aed tthe king, and Ill Israelswith and have taken hold upon other gods, and 15. 3. 14 him, offered sacrifice before the LORD. have worshlipped them, and served them: 2Kings20.3. 63 And Solomon bffored a sacrifice of therefore hath tile LORD brought upon e2 Chr. 7. 4, peace offerings, whlich lie offered unto the them all this evil. o. LoeD, two and twenty thousand oen, and 10 I And it came to pass at the end of ri. 6.37, 38.0 a hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So twenty years, when Solomon had built the & 7. 1. the king and all the children of Israel two houses, the house of the LORD, and the 2 ier. 8.1. dedicated tihe house of tile LORD. king's house, f2 Chg. 7. 7. 6t f The same day did thi king hallow the 11 (Soeow liram n the king of Tyre lhad fur-o. 2 Chr. 5. 2, - middle of tihe court that asoo before the tished Solomon with cedar trees and fir house of tile LORD: for theroe he offered trees, and with gold, ocoording to all lis burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the desire,) that then king Solomon gave HIiram Heb. vtee g2Cl.. 4.1. fat of the peace offerings: b ecause the twents y cities iu the land of Galilee. soo tight i, braeon altar tohat sos before tiot Lotesoas 12 And Hiram came out from Tyro to see Ot tots. too little to receive tile burnt offerings, and tile cities which Solomon had given him; t Jost. 10. 27. meat offerings, and the fat of the peace and they t leased hio not. / TTlat is, 100. offerings. 13 And he said, What cities are tlese...s.to9,, b ete. 2. 65 And at that time Solomon held ha which thou oast given me, my brotherl D? oo. Lev. 23.4. 3. feast, and all Israel with him, a great con- And ie calledthem the land of.C Csbulunto " 5. 13.1 itNum. 3. 8. gregation, from i tho entering in of Hamnath this day. tesr. 24. Jos0. 13.5. unto kth river of Ezypt, before the LORD 14 Asd Hiram sent to the king sixscore 2on...09. illdg,~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sg. 5. 9. 2utl 14:25.. our God, seeen dayt and seven days, even talets of gold. /00,10. 10. 36. O..1. fourteen days. 15 l And this is the reason of'the levy zJosh. 17. 11. Nuo..4.0 6 "'On tloe eigoth day le sent the people which king Solomon raised; for to build aTJosh. 16.10. 12 Clot. 7 atopy: and they hblesessd the king, ond the bouse of the LORD, and his own house, Judg. 1.290. 7.8. went unto their tents joyful and glad of and IMilo, and thle wall of Jerusalem, and about 92. su2 Ch. 9, heaot for all the goodOess that the LORD Y Hazoer, and ZIlegiddo, and a Gezer. bJosh. 1. 10. 10 Oet ( 0 o]' had done for David his servant, and for 16 Fos Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone / O,....... I about 1014.[ Otso Isre. l his people. up, asso taken Gczer, and burnt it wit fire, band slin tile Canaanites tlhat dwelt in tle Josth. 10. 3. CHAPTER IX. city, and given it fos a present unto his h21. 22. |1 God's seven~ant inL a vlsiml wuith S'olomorn. 10 Th~6 Ch]r. 8. 5.[ daugh-ter, Solomon's wife. 10 { ut.taltreentso of Solom.on i-an esd. tHi-a 151, o o Ciot. 19. 4, td.o.o..ssr -kk thoot s ef usno t b-oo. 1 17 And Solomon built Gezer, and eBeth- 2oChr.8.0.44 0sistoo~~. ottO, s~~s t,,ottttt osos Ott tosobast 5 ~~~ tCh. 8.4,06,{ {the~snaelitestto,,oo'aufesessaot st. 24Phareaoh' hboron tile nether, &c. d aughter emoveh to he house. 25 Solomon's 18 And dtBaalath, and Tadmor in the wil- saod. 4. 26. Y0001 sob 6s,ttetoest. as,ofatohsb y 4dertess, in the land, gold f 0roml Ophir. t eb. the de. 19 And all the cities of store that Solomon. l s about 093. sl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e,~e of S'or-{!about 082.I D 1 it came nto pass, when Solomon had had, and cities for iuis chariots, and cities noo,-sid, Ahe, 2 Chs. 7. 11, -' finished the building of the house'of for his torsomen, and t that which Solomon tesired. he. the LORD, b and the king's house, and Call f desired to build in Jerusatlem, and io jver. 1. belh. 7.1. Solomnon's desire whieh hle was pleased to do, Lebanon, and in allthoe land ofhis dominion. g2 Ch. 8. 7, 2 Cor. 8.6. 12 That theLORD appeared to Solomon the 2004 [tdall the people thot sooso leftof. 249 The queen of iSheba's I. KINGS. visit to Solomon. B. C. the Anorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, for ever, therefore made he thee king, fto B. C. about992. and Jobusites, which were not of the chil- do judgment and justice. about 992. dren of Israel, 10 And she Ugave the king a hundred and h.udg. I 21, 21 Their children htlht were left after twenty talents of gold, and of spies very f 2 8n.a. 15 27, 29.&3.1. them in the land, iwhom the children of great store, and preoious stones: there Pe. 72,2. /Jos. 15. 63. Israel also were not able utterly to destroy, came no more such cbundaence of spices as P"eO. y. 15. & 17. 12. kupou those did Solomon levy a tribute of these which tie queen of Sheba gave to kin g PS.72. 10,15. kJudg. t. 28. /bondservice unto this day. Solomon. IS-e Ge. 9. 22 But of the children of csrael didSolomon 11 hAnd the -navy alo of Hiram, that h h. 9.027. 25, 26. 00 make no bondmen: but they eoe men of hbrought gold from Ophir, brought in from Ee 2. 55, war, and his servants, auo is princes, and Ophi. great plenty of I almug treee, and ]lgrmt,-e.e., 58. his captains, and rulers ofis chariots, and precious stones. 2 Chr.. 8. Neh. 7. 57. & 9. 10, II. & 11. 3. his horsemen. 12 iAnd the king made of the olmug trees l.. n -e. 25. 30. 23 These oereo the chief of the officers that Iltpillars for the house of tile LORo, and f2Chr. 9. 11. were over Siolomen's work, "five hlundred for the king's house, harps also and peal- lOr a ilS. 10~2 Chr.. and fifty, which hbare rule over the people teries for singers: there came no such kal- Hobh. acrop.. that wrought in the work.nmug trees,, nor were seen unto this day. k5 Chr. 9. 10. och.'3. 1. 24'V But ~Pharaoh's daughter came up 13 And king Solomon gave unto the queen 2 fl%. 0. 10. out of tle city of David unco 1her hob ae oesheball herdeslre,whhtsoevers lhaskecd, 1,010. 7.0. ehiech Solonmo had built for her: qthen besides that which Solomon gave her tof t cb.-.ccodq72Sm.5.9. didhe build Iillo. his royal bounty. So shie tured and eenlt ig'to thec cih. 11.27. 25 ~ "And three times in a year did Selo- to her own countre, she and her servants. i{. 0 ofkiny 2 Chr. 32.5. men offer burnt offerings and peace offer- 14 ~ Now the wciglht of gold that came to le,. O2 Chr. 8. 12, ines upon the altar which lie built unto the Solomon'in one year was six hundred three13,16. LORD, and he burnt incense i upon the score and six talents of gold, t HeO,. altar that was before the LORD. So he 12 Beside, that he hod of the merchint01'05 it. finished the house. men, and of the traffick of the spice mer2 Chr. 8.17, 26 ~T And'king Solomon made a navy of ichants, and Iof all the kings of Arabia, and 12 Chr. 9. 24. 18. ships in t Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth, of the Il governors of the country. P'.72. 10. tnW.33. 35. oo the tshore of the Red sea, in the land 16 IAcnd king Solomon made tohundred I Or.. 1ch. 2. i. of Edo. etargets of beaten gold: six hundred shekels etio l. 2.. 27'And Hiram sent in the navy his serv- of gold went to one target. t Hohb. 111. oants, shipmen that had knowoledge of the 17 And he...adle 00 tlree tundred shields coch. 10. 26. ot,. 10. 11. sea, with the servants of Solomon. of beaten gold; three pounds of gold Went cJob 22. 24. 28 And they came to OiOphir, and fetched to one shield: and thIe king put them in the from thencegold, four hundred and twenty'{1ouse ofthe forest of Lebhnon. eh.7. 2 talents, and brought it to king Solomon, 18 00 o Mloreover, the king made a great.o2 Chr. 9.17, throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the &h. CHAPTER X. best gold. 1 Tlh queer of Sheb admireitih teisdomofSol- 19 The tthrone had six steps, and the top c. lOSeoo.1o.'oegld. 1111- gets. 18The of the throne was round tbehind: and 0H.0. -o thc 2oleocfieol. 11Hi —eeele,. 024.-eoecO. there were t stays on either sideon t0 i hilo 126 Mi. eceaio.ccod odie,... 208 li., tiie. place of the seat, and two lions stood beside leef. f2 Chr.. 1. A ND when thle a queen of Sheba heard of the stays. t Hc. Icood,. he. the fame of Solonon concerning the 20 And twelve lions stood there on the one n.mot. 12.42. cothne of te LO, sh came b to prove him side and on the other upon thie six steps: ole. 11. 31. with hard questions. there was not t the like made in any king-. Ho.. so. O-ooddgu.l0. 2 And she came to Jerusalem with a very dom. rov.c. 16. great train, with camels that bare spices, 1 PAndallkingSolomon's drinking yes- 1/2 Cr. 9. 20, and very. much gold, and precious stones.: of gold, and all thle vessels of. and when she was come to Solomon, she the house of tlhe forest of Lebanon of commnuuned with him of all that we s in her pure gold; i none eere of silver: it was i10., there heart. nothing accounted of in the days of Solo- O. ilO.0 t Heb. wold,. 3 And Solomon told her allher l questions: mon. i th there was not any thing hid from the king, 22 For thelkinghad at sea a navyofqThar- qGen. 10. 4 which lie told her not. shish with the navy of HTiram: once in three 2 Ch. 20.6. 4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that lie gold, and silver, divory, and apes, and pea- i or,,lo had built, cocks.',el. 5 And the meat of his table, and the sitting 23 So'king Solomon exceeded all the kings, oih.. 12, 13. t eb. Of his servants, and the tattecndanco of his of the earth for riches and for wisdom. & 4. 30. eedt ministers, and their apparel, and his II cup- 24 ~And all theeartc t sought to Solomon, t HIeb. sought. lOr,..tle.. hearers, eand his asce.t by which he enet to hear his wisdom, chich God hod pot in Lhfcf..1 Chr. 26.16. up unto the house of the LORD; there was his heart, no more spirit in her. 25 And they brought every man his pres- ch. 4. 26. O And she said to the king, It was a true ent, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, 2 0lr. 1. 14. t0ehb. -o.d, iroport that I heard in mine own land of and garments, and armour, and spices, & 9. 25. li Or, eayings. thly l1acts and of thy wisdom. horses, and mcles, a rte year by year. t Dout. 17.16. 7 lHowbeit I believed not the words, until I 26''And Solomon.gatheredtogether ehar-, 2Chr. 1. 15came, and mine eyes had seen it; and, bc- iota and horsemen: and lie had a thousand 17. t Heb. tc,- hold, the half was not told me: thy wio- and four hundred chariots, and twelve {ce. 00,t odded dom and prosperity exceedeth the fame sand horsemen, whom he bestowed in the |oDeot. 17.16. whlo, t "ich I heard. cities for chariots, and with thle king at 2 f. 0.1. yoo~~~~~~~lLeJJ to $ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 28. tehfaee. 8 doHappy are thy men, happy are these Jerusalem. lPo. 8. thy servants, hich stand continually before 27'And the king,made silver to Oe 1in t01.. d..d thee, and that lhear tly wisdom. Jerusalem oas stones, and cedars madee hto h 0,0, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ieh.7 fettle of the ole,5. 07. 9 eBlessed be the LORD thy God, which be as the eycnmore treee that are oh the fellof delighted in thee, to set thee oo the throne Yale, for abundance. i Soleof Israel: because the LORD loved Israel 28~50AndSolomonhadhorsesbroughtout o oo's. 2BO Solomion seduced to idolatry. I. KINGS. Solomon's adversaries. B. C. of Egypt, and Ylinen yarn: the king's mer- ites of his father's Servants with him, to B.: C. about 992. chants received the linen yarn at a price. go into Egypt; Hadad being yet a little about 984. 29 And a chariot came up and went out of child. y Ez 27. 7. Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, 18 And they arose out of Midian, and came zJosh. 1. 4. and a horse for a hundred and fifty: z and to Paran: and they took men witil them out 2 Icings 7. 6. so for all the kings of the Hittites, and fotr of Paran, and they came to Egypt, unto t -eb.bytheii - the kings of Syria, did they bring thesia out Phraoll king of Egypt; which gave him a had. tby their means. house, and appointed him victuals, and CHAPTER XI. gave him land. 1 Solomon's wi,-ess d coctbiies. 4In his otld ae 19 And Hadad found great fatour in the they deat, hin to idolatry. 9 Godethleaateesh sight of Pharaoh; so that lie gave him to him..leotanovl's a.letlsaies atere.eadad,a/a oswife the sister of his own wife, the sister of to,~ is L Bse ths 2t E l/t 0 Oltea,7 theLo -eigs,- Tallpenes the queen. ed i,~ D.amasCu~, 26ad Je r-oboa m h. - to ho.Ahljas p.roldesie. 41 Solomanols a cls, eignt and 20 And the sister of Tahpenes bare him doeth;: tRehoboam scceedeth ihim. Genubath his son, whom Tohlpetnes weaned about 992.' UT aking Solomon loved b many strange in Plaraoh's house: and Genlubatll was in,Ael. 13.;. I) women, tI together with the daughtter of Pharaoh's household among the sells of Phabl)eot. 17. 17. Pharaoh, evomen of the Moabites, Amon - traoll. ites, Edomites, Zidonians, and' Hittites; 21 "And when Hadad heard in Egypt that h. 2. 10 34. 2r, eads. Of the nations concernigty which the David slept with his fathllers, and that Joab te3x. 31. 16. LORD said unto the children of Israel, Ye the captain of tile host was dead, Hadad Daut. 7.3,4. shall not go in to tlem, neither shallthey said to Pharaoh, tLet me depart, that I tisel. come in unto you: foe surely they oill turn may go to mine own country. edvay. away your heart after their gods: Soloomn 22 Then Phlaraoh said unto him, Bt:what clave unto these in love. hast thou lacked with me, thai, behold, 3 And he had seven hundred wives, prin- thou seekest to go to thine own country? cesses, and three hundred concubines: and And he answered, t Nothing: lowbeit let tHtb. Not. his wives turned away his heart. me go in any wise. about 984. 4 For it came to pass, when Solomon vas 23 s, And God stirred him up another add Doet. 17.17. old, dthCat his wives turned away his heart versary, Rezon the sonl of Eliadtll, which tNl,. 13. 26. after other gods: sad his eleart las not fed from his lord eHadadezoer king of Zo- ye2 Sam. 8.3. ecl. 8. 01. perfect with the LORD his God,;fas was bah: fell. 9. 4. tlhe heart of David his father. 24 And he gathered men unto him, and ro. 33. 5 For Solomon event after eAshtoreth the became captain over a band, Zwllen David /2 Sam. 8. 3. J-dg.. 13. goddess of the Zidonians, and after {lMilcom slew them of Zobah: and they went to Da- & 10. 8, 18. 2 Kin. 23.L3. the abomination of the Ammonites. mnascs, and dwelt therein; and reigned in OGtltlcd, 6 And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Damascus. MolehA, LORD. and t went not fully after the LORD, 25 And he was an adversary to Isrel'all ].r. 7. as did David his father. the days of Soloilon, besides tile mischief ot seb. 7 hThen did Solomon build a high place that Hadad dcit: and he abhorred Israel,,ft/filled tot f iChlemosh, the abomination of Moab, in and reigned over Syria. Nte,, 11 k tle bill that is before Jerusalem, and for 26'V And aJeroboam the son of Nebat, an e ch. 12. 2. ] h 14.23.59. hNu 433.5. iMoloch, the abomination of the children of Ephrathite of Zereda, Solomotl's servant, C2 e. 13. 6. Ammon. whose mother's name Suas Zeruah, a widow icNum.d2t..t 8 And likewise did he for all his strange woman, even he blifted up his hand against b 2 Sam.20.21. Jug0 1.1.2t wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed the king. lkO:i..23.13. ounto their gods. 27 And this teas the cause that he lifted'9 And tle LORD Wtas agry with Solomon, up his hand against the ]oing: C Solomon ccl. 9.24. tesr. 2, 3. because this leart was turned from tie built MIille, and trepaired the breaches of tH, eb. dlsd., clh.3.5. &9. LOR God of Israel,'"' hich had appeared the city of David his father. 2. unto him twice, 28 And the man Jeroboam to as a mighty ell, 6.t12.h 10 And "had commanded him concerning man of valour: and Solomon'seeing the 9.6. this thing, that hie should not go after other young man that he twas industrious, lie t:[eb. gods: but he kept not that which the LORD made him ruler over all the t charge of the did'ot-k. commanded. house of Joseph. t Hel,. 11 Wherefore the LORD said unto Solomon 29 And it came to pass at that time when 6l?.dea. t with Forasmuch as this tis done of thee, and Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, that the about 980. thee. thou hast not kept my covenant and my prophet l Ahijah the Sliilonite found lim in d c,. 14. 2. o ver. 31. statutes, which I have commanded thee, I1 the way; and he had clad himself with a ch. 12.15,16. will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and new garment; and they two swere alone in will give it to thy servant. the field: 12 Notitlhstanding, in thy days I will not 30 And Ahijah caught the new garment dotitfor David thy father's sake: buhtIwill that was on hit, and'eet it n twaelve som. rend it out of the hand of thy son. pieces: 15. 27. & 24. p2Sam. 7.15. 13 OHowbeit I will not rend away all the 31 And le saidto Jeroboam, Takthee ten 5. Pa. 89. 33. kingdom; buzt will give gone tribe to thy pieces: for fthus saith the LORD, the God fvet. 11, 13. 0qch. 12. 20. son for David my servant's sake, and for of Israel, Behold, I sill rend the kingdom Dcut. 12. 11. lJerusalem's sake 9which I have chosen. out of the hand of Solomon, and will give I Chr. 5. 2. 14 ~ And the LORD s stirred up an adver- ten tribes to thee: sary unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomite: he 32 (But lie shall have onetribe for my servwas of the king's seed in Edom. ant David's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake, t2Sam. 1. 8. 15 tFor it came to pass, when David was the city which I have chosen out of all the 1I Chr. 18.12, in Edom, and Joab the captain of the host tribes of Israel:) 13. was gone up to bury the slain, U after he had 33. Besause that they lave forsaken me, e. 5,, 7. DoLNm 20.19. smitten every male in Edom; and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess Deut. 20,13. 16 (For six months did Joab remain there of the Zidonians, Chemosll the god of the witlh all Israel, until he had cut off every Moabites, and Milaom the god of the chilmale in Edom:) dren of Ammon; and lave not walked in my 1i T'hat HI dad fled, he and certain Edom- ways, to do that suhich is right in mine 251 Rehoboam sulcceedeth.Solomon. I. INGS. Ten tribes revolt from Rehoboam. B.- C. eyes, and to keep my statutes and my judg- sulted with the young men that were grown B. C. 975. about 980. ments, as did David his father. up with him, andl which stood before him: 31 HLowbeit I will not take the whole king- 9 And lie said unto them, What counsel dom out of lis hand: but I will make him give ye that swe may answer this people, prince all the days of his life for David my who have spoken to me, saying, Make the servant's sake, whom I chose, because lie yoke which thy father did put upon us kept my commandments and my statutes: lighter? hA h. 12.16,17. 85 But hI ill take the kingdom out of his 10 And the young men that wses grown up son's Iland, and will give it unto thee, event with him spake unto him, saying, Thus ten tribes. shalt thou speak unto this people that spake 86 And unto hli son will I give one tribe, unto thee, saying, Thy father made our ich. 15. 4. that iDavid my servant may have a flight yoke heavy, but make thou it lighter unto 21sis.19. aletaybeforeme inJerusalem,tlse city which us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My. 10. 1 7'I. slave chosen me to put myname tsere. little finger shall be thicker.than my faoree..le., 37 And 1 eill take thee, and thou stalt ther's loins. reign according to all that thy soul desireth, 11 And now whereas my father did lade and shalt be king over Israel. you with a heavy voke, 1 will add to your 38 And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken yoke: my father hath chastised you with unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk whips, but I will chastise you with scorpiin my ways, and do tsat is right in my siglt, oas. to keep my statutes and my commandments, 12 So Jeroboam and all the people came kJoshs. 1.5. as David my servant did; that kI will be to Rehoboam the third day, as the king had /2Sam. 7; 11, with thee, and Ibuild thee a sure house, as appointed, saying, Come to me again the 27. I built for David, and will give Israel unto third day. thee. 13 And'tue king answered the people.9 And I will for this afflict the seed of t roughly, and forsook the old men's coun- tteb.ha.lay. David, but not for ever. sel that they gave him; about 980. 40 Solomon sought therefore to kill Jero- 14 Anld spake to them after the counsel of beam. And Jeroboam arose, and fled into the young men, saying, My father made Egypt, unto Shishbak king of Egypt, and your yoke heavy, and I will add to your 2l2Ch~r.9. 29. was in Egypt until tile death of Solomon. yoke: my father also chastised you with 11 Or ds, 41 S And "' tile rest of the 1 acts of Solo- whllips, but I will chastise you with scorpior, tlisgs. mon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, ons., 2 Chr. 9. 30. asre they not written in the book of the acts 15 Wherefore the king hearkened not unto tHb. daye.. of Solomon? the people; for fthe cause was from the fvor. 2a. about 975. 42 "And the t time that Solomon reigned LORD, that lie might perform his saying Judi. 14. 4. 2 Chrf. e. 31. in Jerusalem over allIsrael aes forty years. which the LORD spake by Ahijahll the Shi- 2 Cr-. 10. 15. o 2 Chr. 9 43 AndSolomon slept lithlisfathers, and lonite unto Jeroboam the son of Nebat. & 2fr7. t 25r. 2' Alatt. 1. 7, 20. |calledt[. 7. was buried in the city of David his father: 10 I So when all Israel saw that the king bearm. and PRehoboamhisson reigned inhis stead. hearkened not unto them, the people an- cls.111131. CHAPTER XII. swered tie king, saying, hWhat portion 2Sanu 20. 1 1e ITsha ieSa, assembled eat ShoAt to eroet have wo in David? neither have eve inheritstehoboam, so Jeoboai mae s as suit of s'laxa- ance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, 0 tioL sc7t0so h i. 6.. eoboamn, c eftsig lhe old Israel: now see to tline own house, David. le' s coslsel, by the advice of ysg ne. L as- So Israel departed unto teir tents..s-eeth stehr -oaclys. 16 fPew aiLae 1euOletlcg 17 Bult ias for the children of Israelhikh is.. 11.13 36. kill Adoram, an.d mkake Reba^,6A to flee. 21 iRel obiam, c sa-si ayI, isfobidda teb. aSe- dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam s"alcah. r25 Jeloboam stselgthcleth /tinself by reigned over them. cities,26 all by ileidolatly f tle oculvea. 18 Then king. Rehoboam sent Adoram, isc. 4.. 6 5. a2 Cllr. 10. AN. SD alchioboam vent to Shlecllem: for who seas over the tribute; and all Israel 14. hac. all Islael were come to Sheoheato stoned him with stones, that lie died. make him king. Therefore king Rehoboam tmade speed to tfTei,. 6t cl. 11. 20.' And it came to pass, when BJeroboam get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusa- s..sts.e.etsle d ll. 11. 40. the son of Nebat, who was yet in CEgypt, lem. inslf. heard of it, (for he was fled from the pres- 19 So tIsrael Irebelled against the house 1 2IKin. 17.21. once of king Solomon, and Jeroboam dwelt of David unto this day. Or, fell in Egypt,) 20 And it came to pass, when all Israel ay. 3 That they sent and called him. And heard that Jeroboam was come again, that Jeroboam and all the congregation of Israel they sent and called him unto the congregacame, and spako unto Rehoboam, saying, tion, and made him king over all Israel:.dlSaln.ell- 4 Tisy father made our slyoke grievous: tleres was none that followed the louse of t18. now therefore make thou the grievous serv- David, but the tribe of Judah k" only.,. c.11.13,32. el'. 4.7. ice of thy father, and his heavy yoke which 21 I And when 5Rehoboam was come to b 2 Chr. 11.. l lie put upon us, lighter, and we will serve Jerusalem, lie assembled all tile louse of thee. Judah, with the tribe of Benjamin, a hunt 5 And lie said unto them, Depart yet for dred and fourscore thousand chosen men, three days, then come again to me. And which were warriors, to fight against the the people departed. house of Israel, to bring the kingdom again 6 ~ And king Rehoboam consulted with the to Rehoboam the son of Solomon. old men, that stood before Solomon his fa- 22 But o the word of God came unto Shem- o2 Chr. 11. 2. ther while lie yet lived, and said, Hlow do ye aiah the mall of God, saying, advise that I may answer this people? 23 Speak unto Rehoboam, the son of Soloe2 Chr. 10. 7. 7 And they spoke ualto hii, saying, eIf mon, king of Judah, and unto all the house Pro)a. io. 1. thou wilt be a servant unto this people this of Judah and Benjamin, and to the remnant day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, of the people, saying, and speak good words to them, then they 24 Thus eaith the LORD, Ye shall not go will be thy servants for ever. up, nor fight against your brethren the chil8 But he forsook the counsel of the old dren of Israel: return every man to his men, which they had given him, and con- house; Pfor this thihing is from me. They pver. 1i. 252 Jeroboanm's idolatry. I. KINGS. The disobedient prophet ensnarcd.: B. C. 975. hearklend therefore to the word of the sign -llich'tlle man of God had given by B. C. 975. LLORD, and returned to depart, according the word of thile LORD. to the word of the LORD. 6 And the king answered and said unto |lSeeJudg. 9. 25 ~ Then Jeroboam qbuilt Sheohem in the snan of God, eEntreat now the face of eE. 8. 8. &'.5.' omount Ephllraim, and dwelt therein; and the LORD thy God, and praty for me, that 9.28.&10. 17. eJudg. 8. 17. went out from thence, and built'Penuel. my hand mayobe restored me again. And Num. 21.7. 26 And Jeroboam said inl his heart, Nom the oan of God besought tthe LORD, and Js 1. shall tile kingdom return to the house of the king's hand was restoredlim again, and t Hl,.hesof. David: became as it 2tas before. of Oe Lon. sDet.12.i.,6. 27 If this people Igo up to do sacrifice in 7 And the king said unto the man of God, the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then Come home with me, and refresh thyself, shall the heart of this people turn again and fI will give thee a reward. fl Sam. 9. 7. unto their lord, even unto Relloboam king 8 And the man of God said unto the king, 2lIins5.15. t2Kin. 10.29. of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go If tlhou wilt give me half thine house, Ivill gSoNum. 22. & 17. 16. again to Reloboam king of Judah. not go in with tliee, neither will I eat bread 10& 024.13. o Ex. 32. 4, 8. 28 Whereupon the king took counsel, and nor drink water in this place: zOc. 2e. 128. tmade two calves of gold, and said unto' For so was it charged me by the word of Hos. 4. 15. them, It is too much for you to go up to the LORD, saying, h Eat no bread, nor 7 1 oe. 0. 11. yJudg.18.29. Jeruealem: "behold thy gods, 0 Israel, drink water, nor turn again by the same z oh. 13. 34. which brought thee up out of the land of way that thou camest. 2 Kin. 17.21. Egypt. 10 So he went another way, and returned a oh. 13. 32. 29 And he set the one in'Beth-el, and not by the way that he came to Beth-el. b Num. 3. 10. the other put lie in YDan. 11'[ Now there dwelt an old prophet in ch. 13. 33. 30 And this thing became n sin: for the Beth-el; and his tsons came and told him t ieb. son. Kin. 17.32. people wvent to worship before the one, all the works that the mal of God bad done 2lCr. 11.14, evet unto Dan. that day in Beth-el: the words which he Es. 44. 7, 8. 31 And hlie made a ahouse of high places, had spoken unto the king, them they told L.., b and made priests of the lowest of the peo- also to their father. 34. pie, which were not of the sons of Levi. 12 And their father said unto them, What Nu 12. 29.12. 32 And Jeroboam ordained a feast in tile ay owent lie? For his sons had seen what (oh. 8. 2, 5. eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the way the man of God went, owhicil came from Or, ot,r emonth, like unto'the feast that is in Judah, Judah. to tie alta,, and he,offered upon the altar. So did he 13 And he said unto his sons, Saddle me fc. in Beth-el, 11 sacrificing unto the calves that the ass. So they saddled him the ass: and 11 Or, to saci- he hlad nde: and hlie placed in Beth-el the he rode thereon, fle. priests of thellighplaces whichhehadnmade. 14 And went after the man of God, and dAm. 7. 13. 33 So he II offered upon the altar wvhich he found him sitting under a0 oak: and he 11 Or, tent ql had made in Beth-el the fifteenth day of the said unto him, Art thou the man of God to the aleal, eighth month, even in the month which lie that camest from Judah? And lhe said, I 4c0. had e devised of his own heart; and or- (tt. eoNum. 15.39. dained a feast unto the children of Israel: 15 Then he said unto him, Come home with t Hel,. tobito and he offered upon the altar, t and f burnt me, and eat bread ite0. incense. incense. And he said, i I may not return with ier. 8. 9. f ch. 13. 1. CHAPTER XIII. thee, nor go in with thee: neither will I eat lJeoo tttoedt bread nor drink water with thee in this aoaiolst his alta. at o ethl-el, woither- place: seo, 6 l at ihe,aoer of ie tBrollet is s- 17 For t it was said to me' by the word of HtOel.atoord Jtored. 7 Tle prophet, eftsilg thlei kl,l' Xenter- tileLORD, Thou shalt eat nobread nor drink. tain-nent, deopateth from oeth-el. 11 A,, old water tlere, nor turn again to go by the way k cl. 20. 35. phOhe,, hdciog,0i,, Oeite, bSi,t. 20 that thou camest. 1Thes. 4.15. He, is epooed by 0od, 23 stoi,b, tt 26 l' 0 bl.,'ied by oheotl 7o, opht, 31 /o cof e said unto his 18 d unt m, I a prophet also phroptyee. 33 Jeoboam's obsti,lacy as thou art; and an angel spake unto me a 2 Kin.2.17. A ND, behold, there a came a man of God by the wordofthe LORD, saying, Bringhim A. out of Judah by the word of the LORD back with thee into thine house, that he b c. 12.32,33. unto Beth-el: band Jeroboam stood by the may eat bread and drink water..Bot he 110 or, to ff. altar Ito burn incense. lied unto him. 2 And lie cried against the altar in the 19 So he went back with him, and did eat word of the LORD, and said, 0 altar, altar, bread in his house, and drank mater. thus saith the LORD; Behold, a child shall 20 ~ And it came to pass, as they sat at c2Kin. 23.15, be born unto the house of David, CJosiah by the table, that the word of the LORD came 16. name; and upon thee shall he offer the unto the prophet that brought him back: priests of the high places that burn incense 21 And he cried unto the man of God that upon thee, and men's bones shall be burnt came from Judah, saying, Tllus saith the upon thee. LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed dI. 7. 14. 8 And he gave dt sign the same day, say- the mouth of the LORD, and last not kept Jol1 2. 18. ing, Tlis is the sign hiot tho LORD h th the commandment which tho LORD thy God Cor. 1. 22. spoken; Behold, the altar shall be rent, commanded thee, and the ashes that are upon it shall be 22 But camest back, andhbast eaten bread poured out. and drunk water in the {place, of the which lser. 9. 4 And it came to pass, when king Jero- the LORD did say to thee, Eat no bread, boam hlleard the saying of the man of God, and drink no water; thy carcass shall not which had cried against the altar in Beth-el, come unto the sepulchre of thy fathers. that he put forth his hand from tile altar, 23 ~ And it came to pass, after lie had eatsaying, Lay hold on him. And his hand, en bread; and after lhe had drunk, that he which he put forth against him, dried up, saddled for him the ass, to oit, for the so that he could not pull it in again to prophet whom le had brought back. him. 24And when he was gone, 0"a lion met clh. 20. 36. 5 The altar also was rent, and the ashes him by the way, and slew him: and lis poured out from the altar, according to the carcas s wast in the way, and the ass 253 The disobedient prophet buried. I KINGS. Jeroboamn's ruin foretold.)j B. C. 975. stood by it, the lion also stood by the car- that he said, Come in, thou wife ofJerobo- C. 056..-css. am; why feiguest thou thyself to be another? 25 And, behold, men passed by, and saw for b am sent to thee ttlt theay tidings. t Irb. /,eid. the carcass cast in the way, and the lion 7 Go, tell Jeroboam, Thus saith the LORD standing by the carcass: and they came Godof Israel, dForasmuoh as Iexalted thee dSee 2 Sam. and told it in the city where theold prophet from among the people, and made thee I12. 7. 8. dwelt. prince over my people Israel, ch. 16. 2. 23 And when the prophet that brought him 8 And rent the kingdom away from the o sh. 11. 31. back from tlbe oay heard thebeof, lie said, house of David, and gave it thee: and yet It i the man of God, who was disobedient thou hast not been as my servant David, unto the word of the LORD: therefore the fo ept y commndmests, and oho fet.t11.33,38. LORD soth delivered him unto the lion, followed me with all his heart, to do/ that & 1. 5. t Hob.soo-, twhich hath *torn him, and slain him, ac- only lohich o(68 right in mine eyes; cording to the word of the Lonot, which he 9 But hast done evil above all that were spbko unto him. before thee: /for thou hast gone and made gslh. 12. 28. 27 And lhe spake to his sons, saying, Saddle thee ether gods, and molteo inoges, to pro- Ors. 11. 15. to the ass. Aod they saddled hims. soke me to anger, and hhast cast me behind Nehs. 0. 27. 28 And he went and found his carcass cast.thy back: Ps. 60. 17. in the way,;and the ass and the lion stand- 10 Therefore, behold, it'ill bring evil E. 23735. ing by the carcasso the lion had sot eaten upon the house of Jeroboam, and kwill cut about 956. toeb.b,oket.I the esrcass, nor ttorn the ass. off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against i/h. 15. 29. 20 And the prophet took up the carcass of the wall, loand him that is shut up and left elt. 21. 21. the man of God, and laid it upon the ass, in Israel, and will take away the remnant 2 Kings 9. 8.: and brought it back: and tlhe old prophet of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh IDest. s. /.i/ came to the city, to mourn and to bury sim. ttay dung, till it be all gone. OhiX.. 26. 20 And he laid his carcass in his own t11Him that dieth of Jeroboam in the snch. 16.d4. / grave, ond they mourned over hin, soy- city shall the dogs eat; and him that dieth 1. 21. nJer.. 18. itng, Alas, my brother! in the field shall the fowls of the air ats: for 31 And it came to pass, after he had bur- the LORL) hath spoken it. 2 ie.7, jed him, that he spake to his sons, saying, 12 Arise thou therefore, got thee to thine Wien I am dead, then bury me in the sop- ton house, e..nd.hen thy feet enter into er. 17. 2p Ye. 2. i nol...y s. 23.16, oulchre twherein the man of God is buried the city, the child shall die. 19.'lay my bones beside his bones: 13 And all Israel shall mourn for him, and about 974. 32/PFor the saying lwhich he cried by the bury him: for he oly of Jeoboam shall word of the LORD against the altar in Beth- come to the grave, because in him o there is o 2Chr. 12.12. See't, 16s/. el, and against all the houses of the high found sone good thing toward the LORD 19. 3. places which are in the cities of q Samaria, God of Israel in the house of Jeroboanm. 2h1s. 3132. shell surely come to pass. 14 PIMoreover tle LORD shall raise him up 2s oh. 15.27,28, 2&h~ 13. 9., 13.9. ~33'I"After this thing Jtroboam returned s king over Israel, tho shall cut off 1tle 29. titob. not from his evil way, but t made again of house of Jeroboam that day: but what? etsedtd tie lowest of the people priests of the high even now. o:es places: wsbosoever would, he tconsecrated For the LORDn shall site Israel, as a t Hb. filled him, and hie became one of the priests of'reed is shaken in the water, and he slhall h.s had, the high places. root up Israel out of this'good lasd, which g2Kings17,6. Judg. 17. 12, 34 And this thing became sin unto the he gave to their' fathers, and: shall scatter P 4.'52. 7. sch. 12.30. house of Jeroboam, even to t out it off, and them'lbeyond the river, because they hIave - Josh..23.15, t h. 14, 10. to destroy it from off the face of the earth. made their groves, provoking ths LORD to 1/. anger. s2 Kin. 15.29. CHAPTER XIV. 16 And he shall givo Israel up because of t E.. 34. 13. Ai wbth peis e i t, Jsropoh sdetoshi' ss]~ ftdi the sins of Jeroboam, "who did sin, and t)ut. 12.3,4. / ilhlsbt nl~sss~tt 555s ],st ts/..absrt/ ho made Israel to sin. sh. 12.30. & eSsiod. 17 A/dijeh, fosted i s red./ t 1s. 3t. & 15.| s'sdtb t7 Abijsh dies~, o~,,d isi~esd. 2~17 ~ And Jeroboam's wife arose, and de- 3,34. 17. 19 Na*dlai steeedetsh Jeotirobm. 21 dtehoboam's parted, and came to Tirzalh: a sesd Vsshen 30,34/ 16.2. soisid,etis. 27 Shit. tptilath Jseoosal s. she came to the threshold of the door, the | ch. 16. 6, 8, 29 Abij.. muceeth d Re/..hipdbadie/ 15, 23. 2 ic0ie otshohilddisd Osot. 6. 4. 956. A Tthat time Abijah the son ofJeroboam 18 And they buried him; and all Israel yver. 12..A fell sick.'' mourned for him,'according to the word of: Yer. 13. 2 And Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, the LORD, which he spake by the hand of s 13 I pray thee, and disguise thyself, that thou his servant Ahijah the prophet. be not known to be thle wife of Jeroboam; 19S And the rest of the aCts of Jeroboam, and get thee to Shiloh: behlold, there is bhow he swarred, and how he reigned, be- t2 Chr. 12. 2, tob. 11. 31. Ahijah the prophet, which told me that aI hold, they are written in tihe book of the hc. sBeoutd be king over this people. Chronicles of the kings of Israel. tbSelSan.. 3 bAnd take twith thee ten loaves, and 20 And the days which Jeroboam reigned 7,. 11 cracknels, sand a Ilcruse of honey, and go tsere two and twenty years: and he t slept t 0e5,. t Heb. iss to him: he shall tell thee what shall become with'his fathers, and Nadab his son reigned by dt-.s thsise hand. ofthe child. in his stead. 954. 11Or, cakes. 4 And Jeroboam's wife did so, and arose, 21 ~ And Rehoboam the son of Solomon ]JOs, bosssb. I4nd went to Siiloh, and came to the house reigned in Judah. LbRehoboam tas forty b 2Chr. 12.13. reh. 11. 29. ofAhjer uta Ah/ o95 sob. if. n. sfAhijah. Bat Ahijah could not see; for and one years old when he began to reign, 975. t eobh. std hiseyes twere setbyreason of his age. and he reigned seventeen years in JerusJet his hots- 5~AndthoLORD saiduntos Ahijah,Behold; leto, the city Iwhich the LORD did choose eh. 11. 36. ess. the wife of Jeroboam ometh to ask a thing out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his of thee for hIer son; for he is sick: thus and name there. dAnd his mother's name tes dser. 31. thus shalt thou say unto here: for it shall be, Naomah at Ammonitess. 972. when she comneth in, that she shall feign 22 e And Judah did evil in tie sight of the 2 Chr. 12. 1. herself to be another woman. LotRD, and they fprovoked him to jealousy fDt. 32.21. 6 Aod it was so, when Ahijah oheard the with their, sins which they had committed, p,. 7 8.58. sound of her feet, as she came in at the door, above all that their fathers had done. 1 Co.t. 10. 22. 254 Abijam's wicked reign. I. KINGS. Asa's good reign. B.C. 972. 23 For they also built them hligh places, 12 "And he took away the.socomites out' B. C. and limagces, hand groves, on every high of the land, and removed all-the idols that about 951. g 1cut. hill, and under every green tree. his fathers had made. Eo. 11j.4:,2;. 24 And there mere also sodomites in the 13 And also IMaachah his mother, even, ch. 1.21.h IOPr, Ntlditg land: andl they did according to all the r he removed from being queen, because 22. 46. zoa0st, or,, abomninations oftlhe nations which the LORD she had made an idol in a gove; and Asa o2 Chr. 15. 16. statues 1 cast out before the children of Israel. t destroyed her idol, and Pburnt it by the t Hcl. coto og. h2 Iin. 17. 9, 25 lA And it came to pass in thoe fift year brook Kidrou. pSo.Ex.32.20. 10. of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of 14'But the high places were not removed: q ch. 22. 43. Is. 57. 5. 7. gypt cone up against Jerusalem: nevertleless Asa's'leart was perfect with 2 Cllr. i5. 17, Dcut.2I. 217. 20 "'And lie took away the treasures of the the LORD all his days. 18. l 12. &4. house of the LORD, and thle treasures of tie 15 And he brought in the t things which -oSee ver. 3. 22Kins3.7. king's house; he even took away all: and his father had dedicated, and the things t Ieb. holy. 971. he took away all the shields of gold "'which hiell himself had dedicated, into the house. 11. Solomon had made. of the LORD, silver, and gold, and vessels. 2 clr. 12. 0. 27 And king Rehoboam made in their sted 16 And there nas war betlveen Asa and 2 Chr. 12. 9, brazen shields, and ommitted tohe unto Baasha king of Israel all their days. 2Cr129 the chands of thoe olief of the tguard, which 17 And SBaasha king of Israel went up s2 Cllr. 16. 1,... 10. 1. kept the door of tloe king's louse. against Judal, and built tRamnh,'tllat le &c 1 28 And it Was so, when tle king went into might not sufier any to go out or come in to t Josh. 18. 2.5. the house of the LORD, that tle guard bare Ass king of Judah. u Se cl. 12. zte. them, and brought them back into the 18 Tlell Asa took all tle silver and tle gold 27. guardchamnber. tlhat uere' left in the treasures of thle bouse o2Chr.. 12 29 ~Now the rest of the acts of Reho- of the LORD, and tle treasures of the king's 10c00. 12.21 & boam, and all that he did, are they not house, and delivered them into the hand of 15. 1. written in the book of the Chronicles of his servants: and king Asa sent thlemto 2 Chr.12.15. the kings of Judah?'Ben-badad, the son of Tabrimon, the son 2Chlr. 16. 2. 958. 30And there was P war betweenRehoboam of Hezion, king of Syria, that dwelt at q2Clhr.12.16. and Jeroboam all their days. YDannascus saying, 1cl0. 11.23,21. 1 ver; 21. 31 qAnd Rehoboam slept with his fathers,. 19 There is a league between me and tllee, sCher. 12.16, and was buried with his fathers in the city and between imy father and thy father: beAbljh. of David.'And his mother's name waos old, I have sent unto thee a present of silIatt. 1. 7, Naamahnnan Ammonitess. And'Abijamhis ver and gold; come and break thy league tbia. son reigned in his stead. with Baasha king of Israel, that he may CHAPTER XV. t depart from me. t Ic. go op. CHP20 So Ben-ladad hearkened unto king Asa,: 1 dj'am'e iced oigLo. 7 s aucc-edeth htm, and sent the captains of the losts whichl he 9 AIsa's qood reigns. 16 Theb lar etwueet Baasha and him cael. him to. nale a laye tuith en- bad against tle cities of Israel, and smote halads. 23 Jho,,ahat -a,-eEdethL a-.'25 o'- 410jon, and a Dan, and 6 Abel-beth-maae hahl, 2Kin. 15.29. lda','soiieblesi1,. ~27 aahacoiao'iriogowoaine1 ooand all Cinneroth, with all tlhe land of.aJlog. 18.29. him e-ecoteth shijah'Js 1ophecly. 31 laedalb' Naphtali. b O.12014 aets aool death. 33 Daasl'e,uociked'ei. 21 And it came to pass, when. b 2am.2s14 958. NTo 0in the eighteenth year of kingJer- heard therenof, that he left off building of a2 Chr,:131. 1, - oboam the son of Nebat reigned Abi- Ramah, and dwelt in Tirzah. 2. jam over Judah. 22 c'ltien king Asa made a proclamation o2 Chr. 16. 6. 2 Three years reigned he in Jerusalem. throughout all Judah; none was t exempt- tHet. free. b2Chr.11.20, bAnd his mother's name eoas CIB[aachah, ed: and they took away thle stones of Rn21. 22. the daughter ofolAbishalom. mah, and the timber thereof, wllerewitlh c 2 Chr. 13, 2! 3 And he walked in all the sins of his fa- Baasha hlad builded; and king Asa built olic loleoe ther, which he had done before him: and with them dGeba of Benjamin, and,Miz- dJosh.21. 17..loooq/ler of ehis loeart was not perfect with to honRD pah. Josl 18 26.:,'ost. r his God, as the heart of David his father. 23 The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all d2Ile. 11.12 4 Nevertheless ffor David's sake did the his might, and all that lie did, anod the cities olls-OoI... LORD his God give him a 11 lamp in Jerusa- which he built, are they not written in the e 9llo. 0. 1 lem, to set up his son after him, and to book of tlle Chroniclesof the kings of Ju*h. 11,. establish Jerusalem: dab? Nevertheless fin the time of his old f 2Clr. 16.12. 2f chll. 21. 5 Because David Odid that 0which was age he was diseased in his feet. 2 COr, 21.1, right in the eyes of the LORD, and turned 24 And Asa slept with:is fathers, and was 914. eh. 11. 36 not aside from any thing that lie command. buried with his fathers in the city of David ch. 1148.. ed llim all the ldays of his life, save only in his father: and /Jelosbapllat his son 2 Chr. 17. 1. the matter of Uriah the Hittite. reigned in lis stead. h I S-n, 11 1. 61And thlere was war between Rehokoa 25 ~And N ab the sonofJeroboam And Nada b the- 954. is. &0. 301. and Jeroboam all the days of his life. ganto reign over Israel in the second year hmIatt. 1. 8, 7 k Now the rest of the acts of Abijam, and of Asa king of Judah, and reigned over caled l,2 Cr. 13. 2, all that he did, are they not written in the Israel two years. Josapoat. w3, 22. book of tthe Chronicles of the kings of Ju- 26 Andhedidevilinthe sightofthe LORD, tHelo. dah? And there was was war between Abijam and walked in the vay of his father, and in reoned. and Jeroboam. ihis sin wherewith he made Israel to sin. ieh, 12. 30. & 955. 8 o And Abijam slept with his fathers; and 27 tkAnd Baasha the son of Abijah, of 1i. 16. /2Chr. 11. 1. they buried him in the city of David: and the house of Issacllar, conspired against khl. 11. 14. Asa his son reigned in his stead. him; and Baasha smote him at Gibbethon, [Josh. 19. 44, 9 ~ And in tlle twentieth year of Jeroboam which belonged to the Philistines; for Na- 21. 23. king of Israel eeigned Ann over Judah. dab and all Israel laid siege to Gikbbethlon,. 16. 15. 10 And forty and one years reigned he in 28 Even in the third year of Asa king of liThat is, Jerusalem. And his I mother's name zoas Judah did Baasha slay him, and reigned in rloaontol- Maaehah, the daughter of Abishalom. his stead.,nothel t, 11 7" And Asa did that which was right 29 And it camoe to pass, when he reigned, rer 2, in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his that he smoteo a)l the house of Jeroboam; m2Croei.. ~fatllher. he left not to Jeroboam any that breathed, 255 Jehi7's prophecy against Baasha. I. IKINGS. Zimri bcrnethl himself. B. 0. 954. until he had destroyed him, according unto which he spake against Baasha t O by Jehu B. C. 929. "'tthl saying of thile LORD, which he spake the prophet, Qh.14.10,l1. by hlis servant Ahijah the Shilonite: 13 For all the sins of Baasha, and the sins t aeb. by the n oa. 19L.9 1.30 7Behause of the sins of Jeroboam which of Elah is son, by shiol they sinned, and eandof. be sinned, andbllich lbe made Israelsin, by by which they made Israel to sin, in pro- er. his provocation wherewith he provoked the vokeing the LORD God of Israel to anger LORD God of Israel to anger. with their-vanities. pDent. 32.21. 31, Nov the rest of the acts ofNadab, and 14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah, andall I Sam. 12.21. all that he did, are they not written in tile that lihe did, arse they not written in the book Is. 41. 29. book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel? of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel? o1 Co. 8.4.& 1over. 16. 32 O And there was sar between Asa and 15 ~ In the twenty and seventh yeao of 10. 19. Baasha king of Israel all their days. Asa king of Judah did Zimri reign seven 929. 953. 33 In tlhethird year of Assa king of Judah days in Tirzlah. And the people were enbegan Baasla the son of Alijahl to reign campeclagainstGibbetion,+,llichblologed qhc. 15. 27. over all Israel in Tirzah, twenty and four to the tPhilistines. years. 10 And the people that soere encamped pch. 12.28,29. 34 And be did evil in the sight of the LORD, heard say, Zimri hath conspired, and Iath |& 13. 33. & and walked in'the way of Jeroboam, and also slain the king: wherefore all Israel 14. 16. in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin. made Omri, the captain of the lost, king CHAPTER XVI. over Israel that day in the camp. CHPTER XVI. 17 And Omri went up from Gibbethon, and 1eedobh him. 8 Zie ni -iconlsiill geioaot Eloh allIsraelwithhim,andtheyhbesiegedTirzah. s-s,,edabthosim. llZisiesecltsea bihar/^ slooob- 18 And it came to pass, when Zimri saw 929. ecy. 15 Omri, made kiOlg by the soldiers, forethl that the city was taken, that lie went into Zimni despeoratsly to bu6 imsel,. 21 aTe A lco- the palace of thle king's house, and burnt don being d2lvided. OmLl p,'eaiethaa Ltis Ti.b tile king's house over him with fire, and'ee7la. 1 27 Alab soeceedeth hin. 29 Ahab's lost died, ickeld -eign. 34 Josdzc's cse s1oa Hid tIelhe 19 For his sins which he sinned in doing abuilde' of Jlraihe. evil in the sight of the LO1RD, "in walking cls. 12. 28. & about 930. HEN the word of the LOnD came to in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin which 15. 26, 3. aver 7. A aTJehu the son of Hanani against he did, to-make Israel to sin. 2 Chr1. 2. Baasha, saying, 20 Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and & 20. 34. 2 6 Forasmuch as I exalted thee out of the his treason that he wrought, ar e they not b ch. 14. 7. dust, and made thee prince over my people written in the book of the Chronicles of the c c l15. 34. Israel; and CIthou host alked in the oaykings of Israel? of Jeroboam, and hast made my people 21 % Then were the people of Israel divided Israel to sin, to provoke me to anger with into two parts: half of the people followed their sins; Tibni the son of Ginath, to make him king; odbers. 1. 3 Behold, I will t take away the posterity and half followed Omri. of Baasha, and the posterity of his house; 22 But the people that followed Omri pree h. 14. 10. & and ewill make thy house like e the house of vailed against the people that followed Tibni 15. 29. Jeroboam the son of Nebat. the son of Ginatll: so Tibni died, and Omri fch. 14. 11. 4fHim that dieth of Baasha in the city reigned. shall the dogs eat; and him that dieth of his 23 ~ In the thirty and first year of Asa king 925. in the fields shall the fowls of the air cat. of Judah began Omri to reign over Israel, 5 Now the rest of the acts of Baasha, and twelve years: six years reigned he in Tirg2 Chr. 16.. what he did, and his might, L ar they not zahb. written in tile book of the Chronicles of the 24 And he bought the hill Samaria of Shekings of Israel? mer for two talents of silver, and built on 6 So Baasha slept with his fathers, and the hill, and called the name of the city h ch. 14.17. & was buried in h Tirzah: and Elah his son which he built, after the name of Shemer, 15. 21. reigned in his stead. owner of the sill, t 1 Samaria. t ol,. 7 And also by the hand of the prophet 25 1 But t Omri wrought evil in the eyes of Shoaesoo. iver. 1. iJehu the son of Hanani came the word of thle LORD, and did worse than all that wiere sSeeh.13.32. the LORD against Baasha, and against his before him. 2 2Kin.l7.24. house, even for all the evil that he did in 26 For he walked in all the way of Jero- John 4. 4. the sight of the LORD, in provoking him to boam tile son of Nebat, and in his sin t ic. 6. 16. anger with the work of his hands, in being whereith he made Israel to sin, to provoke ve 19. like the house of Jeroboam; and because the LORD God of Israel to anger with their kch.l.5.27,29. khe killed llim. Xvanities. ver. 13. See aos. 1.4. 8 ~ In the twenty and sixth year of Asa 27 Now the rest of the acts of Omri which 930. king of Judah began Elah the son of Baasha he did, and his might that he sheowed, are to reign over Israel in Tirzah, two years. they not written in the book of the Chroni12 Xi s09.31. 9 land his servant Zimri, captain of half cles of the kings of Israel? his chariots, conspired against him, as he 28 So Omri slept with his fathers, and was wasin Tirzall, drinking himself drunk in buried in Samaria: and Ahab his son reignt Me,. shick the house of Arz t ste ward of his house in ed in his stead. as over. Tirzah. 29 And in the thirty and eighth year of 918. 929. 10 And Zimri went in and smote him, and Asa king of Judah began Ahab the son of killed him, in the twenty and seventh year Omri to reign over Israel: and Ahab the of Ass king of Judah, and reigned in his son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria stead. twenty and two years. 11 And it came to pass, when lie began to 30 And Ahab tile son of Onmri did evil in reign, as soon as le sat on his thronc, that the sight of the LORD above all that woere nlSam.25.2. he slew all the house of Baashoa: he left him before him. iO Or, sOth his'not one that pissetll against a wall, 1 nei- 31 And it came to pass, t as if it had been t cb.t was it 0ki,,eo asod lther of his kinsfolks, nos of his friends. a light thing for him to walk in the sins of a light thi... hi0rsefods. 12 Thus did Zianri destroy all the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that le took to Sc. osser.. 3 Baasha, s' accordingtothe wordofthe LORo, wife Jezebel tile daughter of Ethbaal king y Deuta 7. 3. 256 ElijUa.h is fed by the ravens. I. KINGS. He rniseth the zidow's son. B.0C. 018. of the IZidonians,I aand went and serve to the d of ttlo LORD, hih he spake B. C. Baal, and worshipped iin. t by Elijah. about 910 zJusg. 18.7. -32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in 17 1 And it came to pass after these things, ach.21.25,26. btllhe house of Baal, mhich he had built in that the son of the woman, the mistress of tHel. by tile 2 Kin. 10.18. Samaria. the house, fell sick; and'his sickness was so hatd of. & 17. 16. 33 CAnd Ahab made a grove; and Allab sore, that there was no breath left in him. b2Kim.10.21, d did more to provoke the LORD God of Is- 18 And she said unto Elijahi, fWlat have f Sc Lhke 5. 2, 27. rael to anger than all thile kings of Israel that I to do with thee, 0 thou man of God? art 8. c2 Kin. 13. fi. were before him. thou come unto me my sin to remem& 17.10. & 34 [ In his days did Hiel the Beth-elite brance, and to slay my son? J. 3 2. build Jericho: he laid the foundation there- 19 And he said unto her, Give me thy son. Jer. 170. of in Abiram his firstborn, and set up the And he took him out of her bosom, and car-.h. 2.., gates thereof in his youngest sect Segub, ried him up into a loft, here he abode, and.. 6 according to the word of the LORD, which laid tim upon his own bed. Jo. hospake by Joshua the sin of Nu. 20 And he cried unto the LORD, and said, 0 LORD my God, hast thou also brought CHAPTER XVII. evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, 1 Elijlh, heving pt o.)hesid against Ahab, is sent by slaying her son? to i(hrcith, hee d e tlstreteied himself upon the himself upoin. 4. 34 ct 0Cc tcde,td- ff a 0hcth. 127 l,! aocth tchild three times, and cried unto the LORD, 35. id'c i2 t it t hi. and said, 0 LORD my God, I pray thee, let t Hel,. about 910. AND tElijah the Tishbite, who seas of this child's soul come tinto him again. -e-sWec. tHeb. the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto 22 And the LORD heard the voice of Eli- tlreb. info Elijhcc, Ahab,'As the LORD God of Israel liveth, jah; and the soul of the child came into him cit inltutd Lkeh1. 17. b before whom I stand, tthere shall not be again, and hle hrevived. pet' 4d. 25, h- dew nor rain dthese years,'but according 23 And Elijalc took the child, and broughtsc heb. 11. 35. is.e]iled to my word. him down out of the chamber into the house, 2 And the nvord of the LORD came unto and delivered hic unto his mother: and 2 Kiti 3.2.. t4him, saying, Elijah said, See, thy son liveth. bDet. 10S. 8. 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, 24 ~ And.tile woman said to Elijah, Now cJams 5. 17. and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that by this iI know that thou art a man of iJocin3. 2. & dLuko A. 25. is before Jordan. God, and that the word of they LORD in thy 1630. 4 And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of mouth is truth. the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. CHAPTER XVIII 5 So hle went and did according unto the 1In the ex-ectcitytoffacmine Jflijal, Jttc to Aiat, word of tile LORD: for he went and dwelt te lijteth 17oo Otliiah, 06eadio, eiAheb, be y firel by the brook Cheritll, that is before Jordan. ft, tea,,,e covinceth Baal'st pocphets. 41 6 And the ravens brought him bread and Elij'a, by payer obtaining rain., follote:th flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in Ahab to Jezteel. the evening; and he drank of the brook. ND it came to pass after a many days, about906. t Heh. at the 7 And it came to pass t after a while, that X_ that the word of the LORD came to a I,te 4 25. ect lofdays. the brook dried up, because there bhad been Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, shew Ja.ce 2S. 17. no rain in the land. thyself unto Ahab; and b I will send rain b Dct. 28.12. 8 ~ And the word of the LORD came unto upon the earth. hin, saying, 2 And Elijahl went to shew himself unto eObad. 20. 9 Arise, get thee to eZarepbath, which be- Ahab. And thera was a sore famine in Luke 4.20, longeth to Zidon, and dwell tilere: behold, Samaria. called I have commanded a widow woman tilere to 3 And Ahab called t )badiah, which was t Heb. Sarelta.' sustain thee. tthe governor of his house. (Now Obadiah Obadiahu. 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. feared tile LORD greatly: teb. over And when he came to tile gate of the city, 4 For it was so,'hen tJezebel cut off the iit1t1ic. behold, the widow woman was there gather- prophets of tile LORD, that Obadiah took a t heb. Izeel. ing of sticks: and he called to her, and said, hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a a cave, and fed them with bread and water.) vessel, that I may drink. 5 And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go into the 11 And as she was going to fetch it, he land, unto all fountains of water, and unto called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray allbrooks: peradventure we may find grass thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand. to save the horses and mules alive, tthat teIeb. that,e 12 And she said, As the LORD thy God we lose not all the beasts. c -ct cot off liveth, I have not a cake, but a shandful of 6 So they divided the land between them meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruseo:to pass throughout it: Ahab went one way t he and, bellold, I amn gathering two sticks, that by himself, and Obadiah went another May I may go in and dress it for me and my son, by himself. that we may eat it, and die. 7 2 And as Obadiah was in the way, be13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go lhold, Elijah met him: and he knew him, and andt do as thou hast said: but make me fell on his face, andsaid, Art t that my thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto lord Elijahl tme, and after make for thee and for thy 8 And he answered him,I a m: go, tell thy son. lord, Behold, Elijah is here. 14 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, 9 And he said, What have I sinned, that The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither thou wouldest deliver thy servant into the shall the cruse of oil fail, untilthe daythat hand of Ahab, to slay me? ltb.givelth. the LORD tsendeth rain upon the earth. 10 As the LORD thy God liveth, there is 15 And she went and did according to the no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath saying of Elijah: and she, and lie, and her not sent to seek tliee: and when they said, iOr,. house, did eat llcmazy days. He is not there; ie took an oath of the flltyear. 16 nd the barrel of meal f meal asted not, kingdom and nation, that they found thee neither did the cruse of oil fail, according not. 17 257 Elijah reproveth Ahab. I. KINGS Baal's lprophets are slain. B.C. 11 And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy lord, 29 And it came to pass, when midday was B.C. about 906i Behold, Elijah is here. past, "'and they prophesied until the time aboutO906. 12 And it shall come to pass, as soon as I of the t offering of tile evening sacrifice, - c2 Kin. 2. 16. am gone from thee, that Itho Spirit of the that there aos uneither voice, nor any to,.1Cor. 11.4,5. Es.S. 12, 14. LORD shall carry thee whither I know not; answer, nor any tthat regarded. toeb. Mutt. 4.. andso when I come and tell Ahab, and hie 30 And Elijah said unto all the people, ascenling. Aca809. oita 8. 39. cannot find thee, he shall slay me: but I Come near unto me. And all the people,evr 26. thy servant fear tho LORD from my youth. came near unto him. rand he repaired t~lob. 18 Was it not told my lord what I did when the altar of the LORD thaot ws broken,io. Jezebelslew the prophets of the LORD, how down. to to..10 I hid a.hundred men ofthe LORD'S proph- 31 And Elijah took twelve stones, accordets by fifty in a cave, and fed them with ing to the number of the tribes of the sons bread and water? of Jacob, unto whom the word of the LORD 14 And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy lord, came, saying, tIsrael shall be thy nameu: s Gen. 32. 28. Behold, Elijah is he a: and he shall slay 32 And with the' stones lie built an altar & 35. 10. me. ain tile name of tihe LORD: and he made a tasin. I. 3. 15 And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts trench about the altar, as great as would tot. 3. 17. liveth, before whom I stand, I will surely contain tao measures ofseed. show myself unto him to day. 33 And no Yput the wood in order, and cut y Leov. 1.6,7,8. 16 So Obadiah went to meet Ahnab, and the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the told himn: and Ahab went to meet Elijais. wood, and said, Pill four barrels with water, 17 t And it came to pass, when Ahab saw and pour it on the burnt sacrifice, and on sco Judg. 6. dih. 21. 20. Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, dArt thou the wood. 0. eJosh. 7. 25. he that Itroubleth Israel? 34 And he said, Do i tlhe second time. Ats 16,. 20. I8 And he answaered, I have not troubled And they did it the second time. And ihe Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, said, Do it the'third time. Andthey did it fitChru. 12. 2. fin that yo have forsaken the command- the third time. ments of the LORD, and thou hast followed 35 And the water tran round about the Batliu. altar; and hie filled the trench also with. aver. 32, 38. 19 Now therefore send, and gather to me water. g5osh. 19. 2. all Israel unto mount g Carmel, and the 36 And it came to pass at the time of the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, offering of the elvenng sacrifico, that Elijah h 1h. 1. 33. handthe prophets of tihe groves four hun- the prophet came near, and said, LORD dred, which eat at Jezebel's table. b God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, bEx. 3.6. 20 So Aabhsent unto all the children of'let it bh kuown this day that thou art God cch. 8.43. tch. 22. 6. Israel, and, gathered thtprophets together in Israel, and that I ats thy servant, and 2 Kin. 19.19. unto mountt Canrmel. that dI have done all these tlings at thy P. 83.18. 21 And Elijah came unto all the people, word. dNum. 16.28. k2Kin.17.41. and said, kldow long.halt yo between two 37 IIear me, 0 LORD, hear me, that this t itt. 6. 24. I opinions? if the LORD be God, follow people may know that thou act the LORD 11 Or, him: but if Baal, lthen follow him. And God, and that thou hast turned their heart tho-s/hte. tle people answered him not a wnord. back again. i SeJosh,d. 22 Then said Elijah unto the people, mI, l8 Then ethe fire of the LORD fell, and sLev. 9. 24. 15. even I only, remain aprophetofthe LORD; consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, Jdg.(, 21. m ch.19.10.14.?but Baal's prophets are four hundred and and the stones, and the dust, and licked up ltCh.t2.l2. osar. 19. fifty men, the water that coas in the trench. h 7.1. 23 Lot them therefore give us two bullocks; 39 And when all the people saw il, they and let them choose one bullock for them- fell on their faces: and they said, fThe fer. 2l. selves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the wood, and put no fire under: and I will God. dress the other bullockl, and lay it on wood, 40 And Elijah said unto them, Il Takh te or, and put no fire zcnder: prophets of Baal; let not one of them Asss, Ah.d 24 And call yp on tie name of your gods, escape. And they took them: and Elijah q 2Kin10..105. and I will call on. the name of the LORDn: brought them down to the brook Kishon, over. 38. and the God that 0answereth by fire, let and h slew them there. ihDeut. 13. 5. 1Chr. 21.26. him ba God. And all the people answered 41 ~ And Elijalh said unto Ahab, Get thee & 15. 20. [tIoH,. lThe andsaid, Itis well spoken. up, eat and drink; for therse is lit sound II Or, a eod wot-lisgood. 25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of of abundance of rain. o/,s f Baal, Choose you one bullock foryourselves, 42 So Ahab hent up to eat and to drink. and dress it first; for yp are many; and And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; I Or, ansawe call on the name of your gods, but put no iand he cast himself down upon the earth, iJ.uns5. 17, PPF. 115. 2. fire B*under. and put Ihis face between Ihis knees, 18. Jer. 10. 5. 26 Andi they took the bullock which was 43 And said to his servant, Go up now, [1 eop. t. 4. i. 4. given them, and they dressed it, and called look toward the sea. And he went up, and & 12. 2. onthe name of Blaal from morning even looked, and said, Thele is nothing. And I Or, heard. untilnoon, saying, 0 Baal, Ilhear us. But he said, Go again seven times. IiOrsslsosls "Pthere waos Pno voice, nor any that Ilan- 44Andit came to pass at the seventh time, salsouth. saored. And they lilaped upon the altar that lie said, Behold, there ariseth a little hivhwaus toads. clantflao,lial sn ahand. t Heb.,i wich was made. cloud out of the sea, like a Inan's hand. oosot 2aoa. 7 And it came to pass at noon, that Eli- Andhe said, Go up, say untoAhab, Pru- ttelb. PTe, Oa, hs ntedi. jab mocked them, and said, Cry taloud: pare tIhy chariot, and get thee down, that or,/intd.,. for he is a god; either lhoi is talking, or the rain stop thiee not. t oss. Oa-ths he ais pursuing, or io is in a journey, o, 45 And it came to pass in the mean while, I 11esat& pu~Ut eradventure he sleepeth, and must be that the heaven as hblack wilth cloud. alid L... awaked. wind, and there was a great rain. And 2ig0 rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ev. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 1 2 k2 ings 4. Deat. 1.1.. 8 And they cried aloud, and q cut them- Ahab rode, and went to Jezreol. 20. &.,. selves after their manner with knives anud 46 And the hand of the LORD was on Eli- H. ti s sa hood; lanaoso, till tthe blood gushed out upon jah; and l:e /girdcd uphisloi.sad. rus'.., ~.p sthsn. them. hbefore Ahabt to the entrance of sel, ezreel.,,, 13h God oeapreth to Elinjah. I. KINGS. B-. B.n-hadd besiegeth bSamaria.!. C. CHAPTER XIX. toI. son o.f Shaphat of Abol-soholah shalt D. C. 4o1,ut 90. 1 Eijo, t-cA ayaalobh' I ianal o. t. tlouanoint to he prophet in thy room. about 906. _____ din frw ldaoy, - i-o.o)aI.of -s li', 05 17 Aond Iit shall come to pass, itat hima is!fotad ho to t.....ea.eta oato hia, se-dit ng a oh oit ho - that oescapeth the sword of. Hazael shall'2 Kil. 8. 12. a[f. Jeht, and Jllisha. 19 EUlhoa, takinag lave- Jethu slay: and him that escapeth from the & 9. 1I, &c ofh sfiends, jtblloaeth Elijah. sword of Jehu,shall Elisha slay. 10., &. AND Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah 180 0Yet II have left om seven thousand & 13.3. A[ had done, and withal how he had in Israel, allthe knees whichhave not bow- tSCIoa. 6.5. nc-h. 18. 40. aslain all the prophets with thle sword. ed unto Baal, I and every mouth which hath aston. 11. 4. 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto not kissedhim. no, I wit bRuati 1. 17. Elijah, saying, b So lot the gods do to ame, 19. n So he departed thonce, and found tave. |lt. 21). 10. and more also, if I make not thy life as the Elisha the son of Shaphat, who woas plough- Seoa Hos. 13. t2KingAs.31. life of one of them by to morrow about this ing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, 2. time. and lie with the twelfth: and Elijah passed 3 And lwhen he saw tthat, he arose, and by him, and cast his mantle upon him. went for his life, and came to Beer-sheba, 20 A'd he left the oxen, and ran after whichl belongeth to Judah, and left his serv- Elijahl, and said, tLet me, I pray thee, tlatt. 0. 01, anottltere. Iiss my father and my mother, and then I 22. 4 d Buatlhiatinlfwentaday'sjourneyinto willfollow theeo. Andl saiduntobim, tGo ltkea9.61,6o. the wilderness, and camo and sat down un- back again for wllat have I done to thee? t eb. Go eNtun..l.l der a juniper treeo: andhe requestod tfor 21 And he returned back fbom him, and.t.... Jonah 4.3,8. himself that lie might die; and said, It is too a yoke of aoen, and slew them, and it Heb.. ttenough; now, 0 LORD, take away my life; z boiled their flesh with the instruments of z2Sa..l2.22. fohislife. for I nam not better than my fathers. the oxen, and gave unto the people, and,5 And as lie lay and slept under a juniper they did. eat; Then hie arose, and went tree, behold, then an angel touched him, after Elijah, and ministored unto him. and said unto ltim, Atise nod eat. ta'" i ase - ad, with Ahab's h-...... be0 loohod, nod,..hold, ttto'o s~ns a CHAPTER XX. hcake bhon on the coals, and a crus of,Lat dnt,,tosot olthiatoo,oso,,.... tilab. b0,/t,,. watoer ttt Itis tOtod. Aad lie did oat and ataja/h Snpntia. 23 Bosatl ia,hf, t-ophd et, t.h ae. ttansae saalot. 12 as thetotat drink, and laid him down again. fo,'e,!an,-d Aha., the Sinrs, trttsbtq i,, the 7 And tihe angel of the LORD came again valley,, 0co1e gain-t hitn i, A'phetk. 281 B the the second time, and touclted tim, and said, -oto of th, potphl,.l Gd', j.)ttdaa-t, th, Arise and eatl because the journey is too,g'ti,aot-lntltaain. 3.1 tTo Sta,."tgI oot foe that. lmgthnetseses, A at edtd erl-aaaad away greator..... tolh a covenan1 t. 35 The prophet, -nde- the 8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and pti/ale' oo ktat 3 iTOg Aht b toJa,, hi0/ta pnarnleeapiojntera,tmakniaolngttabtojd.teohim-t d So tx.34.28. went in the strength of that mcat dforty self, desounceth God's judgme.t agailst Oiot. ttt. 0.9,10'9I. days and forty nights unto'Horeb the A ND Bet-h.adad tho king of Syria gath- 101. /..2. mount of God. -. ered all his host together: and thete eEx. 3. 1. 0 9 And he came thither unto a cave, and toesre thirty and two kings with him, and lodged tlhere; and, behold, the word of tile horses, and chariots: and he went up and LotD came to aim, and le said unto him, besiegod Samaria, and warred against it. IWhat doest thou here, Elijah? 2 And he sent messengers to Alhab king from. 11.3. 10 Aind he said, fI have been very gjeal- of Israel into the city, and said unto him, Ntlu. 2.5.11, ous for the LORD God of hosts: for the Thus aith B3en-hadad, 13. lchitldore of Israel Iae forsakeon thy cove- 3 Thy silver and thy gold is mine; thy [xa. 69. 0. nant, thrown down thline altars, and I slain wivos also and thy children, event the goodlihalt, 10. 4. thy prophets with the sword; and ii, even est, aoe mine. itc. 18. 22. lIonly, am left; and they seek my life, to 4 And tihe king of Israel answered and Rot. 11.3. take it away. said, Sly lord, 0 king, according to thy tkEx. 24. 12. 11 And Ihe said, Go forth, and stand kupon saying, I aot thine, and all that I hlave. tho mount before tlhe LORD. And, behold, 5 And the messengers came again, and IEz. 1. 4. & the LORD passed by, and la great and said, Thus speaketh t en-hadad, saying, 377.. strong wind rent the mountains, and brake Although I have oent unto thee, saying, in pieces the rocks before the LORD; btit Thou shalt deliver me thy silver, and thy the LORD tas not in the tind: and after gold, and thly wives, and thy children; the wind an earthiquakle; but the LORD 6 Yet I will send my servants unto thee to taos no0 in tihe earthquake: morrow about this time, and they shall 12 And after the earthquakeo a fire; but search thine house, and the Ihouses of thy ithe LORD ttoas not ii the sire: and after the servants; and it shall be, that whatsoever firo a still small voice. is t pleasant in thine eyes, they shall put it t Htb. 13And it was so, whoa Elijnah bard it, that i tlheir hand, and take it',way. dsoale.,nSo Er.3. 6. he wrappedfisface inalistmantle,ondwent 7 Then tlhe Iing of Israel called all the I. out, an stood in the entering in of the cave. eldors of the land, and said, larlk, I pray. 9 IAd, behold. theot came avoice unto him, yo', and see Ito this ot/a secketh misand said,t Whntdost thou ere, Elijaih? bchief: for ie sent unto me for ty -wives,.l 14'A10nd be said,I h/ave been very jealons and for my children, and for my silver, and for the LORD God of hosts: because the for my gold; and I denied hit not. t Heb. I kelt children of Israel have forsaken thy cove- 8 And all the elders and all the people said,otbal'ftO, nant, thrown down thinoe altars, and slain unto hlim, Hearken not unto hit,t nor con- t. thyprophets with thle sword; and I, event I sottt only, am left; and they seek my life, to 9 Wherefore lie said unto the messengers take it anay. of Ben-hadad, Tell my lord the king, All 2Xtin. 8. 12, 15 Aod the LORD said unto hit/, Go, o- Ithat thou didst send for to thly servatt at 13. turn on thyaaylto the wildoeress ofDnmast- theo first I will do: but this thing I may not 72t-K.9.1-3. cut~ P and wt n ttlo ott, ato'ntnt laz ael do, And the messengers departed, and oh/-l 4.27, tlo bekiuover g Syria: brouglt hia.. word agin.. ]"all'd''/16 And q Jeolhu tLe son of Nimshi shalt thou 10 And Ben-ladt d sent unto hin, and hlisets. Ianoint to be king over Israel: and rElisha said, tTho gods do so unto me, and more aol. 19. 2. 259 By the direction of a prophet, I. KINGS. the Syrians are slain. B. C. 901. also, if the dust of Samtaria shall suffice for Thus.aith the LOrD, Because the Syrians B. C. 900. handfuls for all the people that t follow me. have said, The LORD is God of thie hills, but tHeb. are at 1 And the Iine of Israel answered and lie is not God of the valleys, therefore will ecr.13. myfeet. So said, Tell hie, Let not him that glrdeth on I deliver all this great multitude into thine Ex;..:.I harness boast himself as he that put- hand,e and ye shall know that I aine the Jod]. 4. i tet. l it off. LORD. 12 And it came to pass, when Ben-hacEacl 2I Anid they pitched one over against the t Ieb. eord. heard this tmessage, as lie uas b drinking, other seven days. And so it was, that in /b er. 16. he and the kings in the 11 pavilions, that he the seventh day the battle was joined: and iOr, tate. csaid unto his servants, II Set yotrselves in the children of Israel slew of the Syrians, pce array. And they sethey set themselves in array a hundred thousand footmen in one day. the engine against the city. 30 But the rest fled to Aplcek, into the cl ttheye 13 ~ And, behold, there t came a prophet city; and theree a wall fell upon twenty placed en- unto Ahab king of Israel, saying, Thus and seven thousand of the men that were gileo. saith. the LORD, Hast thou seen all this left. And 1cn-hadad fled, and came into t ce,. great multitude? behold, I will deliver it the city, 11 t into an inner clahmber. 11 r, fo,c-ceacted. into thine hand this day; and thou shalt 31 ~Andllisservantsssaiduntollim,Behold ehemcee to eCoe28. Icno that I a the LORD. noe, eoc have.eard that the kings of the amoer.-. 14 And Ahab said, By whom? And ie house of Israel are merciful kings: let us, feb. into said, Thus saith the LORD, Even by the I pray thee, hput sackcloth on our loins, ihcanbe ItOr,servant. 1lyoung men of the princes of the prov- and ropes upon our heads, and go out to camec, t Heb. bind, incos. Then tle said, Who shall t order the the king of Israel: poeradventure he will ci. 22.5. or, tie. battle? And lie answered, Thou. save thy life, h Ge. 37.. 15 Then he numbered the young men of 32 So they girded sackcloth on their loins, the princes of the provinces, and they were and'plct ropes on their heads, and came to two hundred and thirty two: and after them the king of Israel, and said, Thy servant he numbered all the people, even all the Ben-hadad saith, I pray thee, let me live. children of Israel, being seven thousand. And ho said, Is he yet alive? Ile is my 16 And they went out at noon. But Ben- brother. der. 12. lladad w0as ddrinkine himself drunk in the 33 Now the men did diligently observe ch. 16. 9. pavilions, he and the kings, the thirty and lwhlether any thing zotocld come0 from him, two kings that helped him. and did hastily catch it: and they said, 17 And thie young men of the princes of Thy brother Ben-hadad. Then lie said, Go the provinces eent out first; and Ben-ha- ye, bringhim. Then Ben-hadad came forth dad sent out, and they told him, saying, to hlim; and he caused him to come up into There are men come out of Samaria. the chariot. 18 And he said, Whether they he come out 34 And Been-hadadl said unto him, iThe i oh. 15. 20. for peace, take them alive; or whether they cities, whllich my father took from thy father, be come out for war, take them alive. I will restore; and thou shalt make streets 19 So these young men of the princes of for thee in Damnscus, as my father made in the provinces came out of the city, and the Samaria. Then saidl Ahab, I will send army which followled them. thee away with this covenant.'So he made 20 And they slew every one his man: and a covenant with him, and sent him a ay. the Syrians fled; andIsrael pursued t;lece 35~ And a certain man of tthe sons of x 2Iingt2.3,~ and Ben-hadad the king of Syria escaped the prophets said unto his neighbour tin 5, 7,1.5. on a horse with the horsemen. the cord of the LORD, Smite me, I pray I cl. 13.17,18. 21 And the king of Isrnel went out, and thee. And tlie man refused to smite im. smote the horses and chariots, and slew the Ten saidhe horses and chariots, andec sleause the ou Syrians with a great slaughter. hast not obeyed the voice of the LORD, be22 ~ And the prophet came to the king of hold, as soon as thou art departed from Israel, and said unto him, Go, strengthen me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon as thyself, and mark, and see what thou doest: he was departed from him, c;, lion found octl. 13. 24. e2Sm. 11. I. efor at the return of the year the kine of him, and slew him. Syria will come up against thee. 37 Then te found another man, and said, 23 And the servants of the king of Syria Smite me, I pray thee. And the man smote said unto him, Their gods are gods of the him, t so that in smiting lie wounded himt. tehb.-oti'iic lhills;therefole they were stronger than we; 38 So the prophet departed, and waited t -dooudbut let us fight against theml in the plain, for the kine by the ]cy, and disguised him- ic. and surely we shall be stronger than they. self with ashes upon his face. 24 And do this thing, Take the kings away, 39 And oas the king passed by, he cried Seo. 2 Sam.c. every man out of his place, and put cap- unto the king: and ie said, Thy servant 12. 1, &c, tains in their roomso: went out into the midst of the battle; and, 25 And number thee an army, like the behold, a man turoed aside, and brought a tHeh. that army tthat thou last lost, horse for horse, man unto me, and said, Keep this man: if [w a f nllec. oad chariot for chariot: and wec will fight by any means he be missing, then Oshallthy 2 Kings 10. against thlem in the plain, aed surely eo life e for islife, or else thou shalt t pay a 2. shall be stronger than they. Andbe heark- talent of silver. tlHe. ceigh. ened unto their voice, and did so. 40 And as thy servant was busy here and 900. 26 And it came to pass at the return of there, the was gone. And the king of Is- elci he wa the year, that Ben-hadad numbered the raelsaid unto llim, So shall thyjudgment. f Josh. 13.4. Syrians, and went up to fhAphek, t to fight be; thyself hast decided it. t Heb. to the ogainst Israel. 41 And he i asted, and took the ashes away wac vith Js- 27 And the children of Israel were num- from his face; and the king of Israel disruel. bered, and Ilwvere all present, and went cerned him that le was of the prophets. II Or, er eagainst them: and the children of Israel 42 And he said unto him, Thus saith the victualed. pitched before them like two little flocks of LORD, PBecause thou hast let go out of thy, eh.22.31.31. kids;' but the Syrians filled the country. hand a man whom I appointed to utter do28 I And there came a man of God, and struetion, therefore thy life shall go for his spake unto the king of Israel, and said, life, and thy people for his people. 260 Ahab desireth Naboth's vineyard. I. KINGS. Elijah's prophecy against Ahab. D.C. 900. 43 And the king of Israel wnentt to his thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but B.C. 899. house heavy and displeased, and came to dead. qtch. 21. 4 Samaria. 16 And it came to pass, when Ahab heard CHAPTER XXI. that Nabothi was dead, that Ahab rose up to..he *tg.-id.cth' -.. go down to the vineyard of Naboth the JezaJeoto Jzb rii, Ottto ait ooabootttg z i;od treelite, to take possession of it.:consdetnaed of blasrphety. 15 Ahab taketh 2,os. 17 ~ LAnd the word of the LORD came to gPH. 9.12. [ JssotL of the vteyaod. 17 lijoiab denlotneth Elijah the Tishbite, saying, jotdganentaugaistAtohabandJezeLel. 25 t'icked 18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Jlilab -eap-tio, GOut defetoteth thejudgsetott. Israel, h which is in Samaria: behold, he is tt cll.. 32. A -ND it came to pass after these things, in the vineyard of Naboth, whither he is 2 Ctrt 22. 9. |L that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vine- gone odown to possess it. yard, whlich qvas in Jezreel, hard by the 19 And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, palace of Ahab king of Samaria. Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou killed, and 899. ] 2 And Ahlab spaye unto Naboth, saying, also taken possession? And thou shalt alSam.8.14. Give me thy avineyard, that I may have it speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto LORD, iIn the place where dogs licked the i chl. 22 38. my house: and I will give thee for it a bet- blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood, t Heo. be ter vineyard than it; o-, if it t seem good even thine. goodinthile to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in 20 And Ahab said to Elijah, fHast thou kcth. 18. 17. edye. money. found me, 0 mine enemy? And lie an-.3 And Naboth said to Ahlab, The LORD swered, I have found thee: because thou t 2Kin. 17. b Lev. 25. 23. forbid it me, bthat I should give the in- hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of Rolo. 7. 14. oum. 06. 7. lheritance of my fathers unto thee. the LORD. zt. 40. 18. 4 And Ahab came into his house heavy 21 Behold, mI will bring evil upon thee, etch. 14.10. and displeased because of the word which and will take awray thy posterity, and will 2 Kinggs 9. 8. Nabotl the Jezreelite had spoken to him: cut off from Ahab " him that pisseth against I c Sa-.25.22. for he had said, I will not give te t the in- the wall, and hllim that is shut up and left oth. 14.10. heritance of my fathers. And he laid him in Israel, down upon his bed, and turned away his 22 And mill make thine house like the face, and would eat no bread. house of l' Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and 1, cl. 15. 29. 5 ~ But Jezebel his wife came to him, and like the house of 9 Baasha the son of Ahijah, tch. 16. 3, 1. said unto lim, WYhy is thy spirit so sad, for the provocation wherewith thou hlast that thou catest no bread? provoked me to anger, and made Israel to 6 And he said unto her, Because I spake sin. I unto Naboth the Jezreelite, and said unto 23 And'of Jezebel also spake the LORD, 2 Kin. 9. 36. ohim, Give me thy vineyard for money; or saying, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the else, if it please thee, I will give thee an- Ilvall of Jezreel. 11 Or, dith. ot/hei? vineyard for it: and lie answered, I 24' Him that diett of Ahab in the city the,ll. 14. 11. & will not give thee my vineyard. dogs shall eat; and him that dieth in the O1f. 4. 7 And Jezebel his wife said unto him, Dost field shall the fowls of the air eat. thou now0 govern the kingdom of Israel? 25 ~ But tthere was none like unto llhab, tch. 16.30,&c. arise, ancl eat bread, and let thine heart which did sell himself to work wickedness be merry I will give thee the vineyard of in tle sight of the LORD, " whorn Jezebel his Ch. 16. 31. Naboth the Jczreelite. wife w stirred up. I' Or, incited. 8 So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, 26 And he did very abominably in followand sealed themCo with his seal, and sent the ing idols, according to all thicgys'as did 0 Gen. 1.5. 16. letters unto the elders and to the nobles the Amorites, whom the LORaD cast out be- 2Kin. 21.11. that soe te in his city, dwelling with Naboth. fore the children of Israel. 9 And she wrote in the letters, saying, 27 And it came to pass, when Ahab heard tH-eb. it, te Proclainm a fast, and'Set Naboth ton high those words, that lie rent his clothes, and top of tte among the people: Yput sackclotll. upon'his flesh, and fasted, yGen. 37. 34. people. 10 And set two men, sons of Belial, before and lay in sackcloth, and went softly. him, to bear witness against himt, saying, 28 And the word of the LORD came to scEx. 22. 28. Thou didst 0blaspheme God and the king. Elijah the Tishbite, saying, Lev. 24. 15, And then carry him out, and d stone oim, 29 Seest thou how AOkab humbleth himself 11. tllt tli may die. before me? becausiehe bumbleth himself A/c ts. 1.!1lAnd the minen of his city, eve tlhe elders betore me, I will not bring the evil in his ddLev. 24. 14. and the nobles who were the inhabitants in days: blot Zin his son's days will I bring z2oings9.25. his city, did as Jezebel had sent unto them, the evil upon his house. ant as it 0als written in the letters which she had sent unto them. CHAPTER XXII. els. 58. 4. 12 eThey proclaimed a fast, and set Na-1 AhOal, sedcsdbyfolt p troltrt1, acP- rding f osle oto.d of licawah, is slain at amlotlh-gilted. 37 both on high among the people. The dogt lcok ou, hi.a btood, atd hazhiah sueeod13 And there came in two men, children of eth Ait. 40 Jehoshapha t's good,eiqn. 45 dl s Belial, and sat before him: and the men of acts. 50Jehoram sctceedelt him. 51 Ahaziah' Belial witnessed against him, even against 0 uil ign. Naboth, in the presence of the people, say- A ND they continued three years without 897. ing, Naboth did blaspheme God and the LL war between Syria and Israel. fSee 2 Kings king. f Then they carried him forth out of 2 And it came to ptss in the third year, 9, 26. the city, and stoned him with stones, that that Jehoshaplhat thle king of Judah came b2 Chr. 18. 2. he died. dovn to the king of Isrt el. &c. 899. 14 Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Na- 3 And the king of Israel said unto his both is stoned, and is dead. servants, Know ye that bRamotth in Gilead b DeBt. 4. 43. 15 V And it came to pass, when Jezebel our, and e be tstill, and take it not tre. et heard that Naboth was stoned, and was out of the hand of the king of Syria? f tOt akitlg dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, 4 And he said.unto Jehoshaplat, Wilt thou it take possession of the vineyard of Naboth go with me to battle to Ramoth-gilead? And the Jezreelite, cohicht he refused to give Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, CI c2Kings3. 7. 261 1Ahab seduced by false prophets. I. KTNGS. Be is slain in battle.,B. C. 89. am at thoi art, my people as thypeople, suade him, and prevail also: go forth, and B.C. 897. my horses as thy horses. do so. 5 And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of 23 1Now therefore, behold, tihe LORD hath lEz. 14.9. Israel, Inquire, I pray thee, at the wortd of put a ying spirit in tile mouth of all these the LORD to day. thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken dih. 18. 19. 0 Then the king of Israel dgethered the evil concerning thee. prophets together, about four hundred men, 24 But.Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah and said unto them, Shall I go against Ra- went near, and smote 5Iicaiall on the cheek, moth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? and said, " Wbich way went the Spirit of ooo C]o.18.23. And they said, Go up; for the Load thall the LORn from neo to spealk unto the. 1 deliver it into tlse hand of the king. 25 And Micaah said, Behold, thou shalt tOXin. 3. 11. 7 And eJehoshaphant said, Is there not see in that day, when thou shalt go,linto t Ore, fro hIere a prophet of the LORD besides, that t an inner chamber to hide thyself. ei..oboo to we might inquire of him? 26 And the king: of Israel said, Take A[i- tchab,-mb 8 And the king of Israel said unto Jehosh- caiah, and carry him back unto Amon tile nphot, Thetrs is yet one man, thlioniaor the governor of the city, and to Joash the king's to tolo of Ilah, tby whoon we may inquire of son;. 20. 30.. the LORD: but I hate tim; for he dota not 27 And say, Thus saith the king, Put this prophesy good concerning mne, butevil. And fellow in the prison, and feed him with Jehoshaphat said, Let not the king say so. bread of affliction and with water of affic9 Then the king of Israel called an ion, until I come in peace. Or, unotth. lofficer, and said, Hasten hithetr Mioaiah 28 And olticaiah said, If thou return at all the son of Imlah. in peace,'the LORD hath not spoken by me. oNom.tO.29. 10 And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat And he said, Hearken, 0 people, every one onot. 18. 20, the king of Judah sat each on his throne, of you. 21, 22. Otib.HA. having put on their robes, in a *void place 29So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat in the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and tle king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilcad. all the prophets prophesied before them. 30 And the king of Israel said unto JeII And Zedekiah toe son of Chenannah hoshlphat,.tI will disguise myself, toot en- 11O..O... h, made hlim horns of iron: and he said, Thus ter into the battle; but put thou on thy ct s - saith the LORD, With these shalt thou push robes. And the king of Israel odisguised f the Syrians, until thou have consuned ttem. hi mself, and went into the battle. tooto' 1too12 And all the prophets prophesied so, 81 But the king of Syria commanded his o t. saying, Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and pros- thirty and two captains that had rule over per: fotr the LORD shall deliver it into the his chariots, saying, Pight neither with small hing's tand. nor great, save only with the king Of Israel. 18 And the messenger that was gone to call 32 And it came to pass, when the captains Micaiah spake unto him, saying, Behold of the chariots saw Jehosthaphat, that they now, the words of the prophets declare said, Surely it is the king of Israel. And good unto the king with one mouth: let toy thley turned aside to fight againso him: and word, I pray thee, be like the word of one Jehoshaphat Period out., 2 eChr. 18.31. of them, and speak that which is good. 33 And it came to pass, when the captains P. 13.20. 14 And Miceiah said, As the LORD livoteh,of the chariots perceived that it was not the fNtm,22..38. fswhat the LORD saith unto me, that will I king of Israel, that they turned back from speak. pursuing him. 15 ~ So loe ame to the king. Andtoking 3d Ant a certaint man drew a bow tat a tResl. in tis said unto him, 1Micaiah, shall we go against venture, and smote the king of Israel be- soonmlieity, ramoth-gilead to. battle, or shall we for- tween the tjoints of the harness: wherefore 2 s-o, 15.11. hear? And he answered him, Go, and he said unto the driver of his chariot, Turn teb.l prosper: for the LORD shall deliver it into thine han d, nod tarry e out of the host; *ooso the hand of the king. for I am t wounded.'a 16 And the king said unto him, How many 35 And the battle tincreased that day: and tdatis. times shall I adjure thee that thou tell me the king was stayed up in his chariot againstt nothisg but that which is true in the name the Syrians, and died at even: and the blood -dd ofthe LORD?i ran out of the wound into the t midst of' the. as t irle. bosom. gtttt. 9. 36. 17 And he said, I saw all Israel tscattered chariot. upon the liills, as slheep that have not a 36 And there went a proclamation throughshepherd: and tile LORD said, These have out the host about the going down of the no master: let them return every man to sun, saying, Every man to his city, and kis Iouse in peace. every man to Iis own country. 18And the king of Israel said unto Je- 37'1 So the king died, and t was brought to te. ame. hoshlaplhat, Did I not tell thee that hle would Samaria; and they buried the king in Saproplosyno good concerning me, but evil? maria. 19 And lie said, Hear thou therefore the 88 And one washed the elhariot in the pool uIs. 6. I. mord of thle LORD: hi saw tle LORD sit- of Samaria; and the dogs licked up his DEn. 7.9. ting on hlis throne, iand all the host of heav- blood; and they wasled his armour; accordiJob 1.6. &2. en standing by him on his right hand and ing Ounto the word of the LORD which he qlh. 21. 19.. on his left. spake. P. i103.20,21. 20 And tto LORD said, Who stalltl per- 39 Non the rest of the sats of Ahab, ant Zeci. 1. suade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at allthat he did, and rthe ivory house which -Ao,. A. 15. 3Iatt. 18. 1. RaMoth-gilead? Andone saidon this man- lhe made, and all the cities that lie built, Hob. 1.7,14. her, and another said on that manner. are they not written in tile book of the U Or, deceve., 21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood Chronieles of the kings of Israel? before the LORD, and said, I will persuade 40 So Ahab slept with his fathers; and 897. him. Abazialh ts son reigned in hlis stead. 914. 22 And the LORD said unto him, Where- 41 ~V And'Jehoshaphat the son of Asa be- Begnn t Jhdg. to9. 23with?l And he said, I will go forth, and I gan to reign over Judalh in the fourth llyear reig lon. E. 14.9. wmill be d lying spirit in the mouth of all his of Ahab king of Israel. 51 2Te-.2.11i. prophets. And lie said, kThou shalt per- 42 Jehoshaphat twas thirty and five years 2tChrL. 20.31. 2162 Jehoshaphat's good reign. II. KINGS. Ahaziah's messengers consumed.. C. 014. old when lie began to reign; and he reigned to go to Ophir for gold: Cbut they went not; B. C.913. twenty and five years in Jerusalem. And for the ships wer. broken at dEzion-geber. his mother's name was Azubah the daugh- 49 Then said Ahaziah the son of Ahab unto c2 Chr. 20.37. ter of Shilhi. Jehoslaphlat, Let my servants go with thy delh. 9. 26. t2 Chr. 17. 3. 43 And the walked in all the ways of As servants in the ships. But Jehoshaphat his father; lie turned not aside from it, would not. ch. 14. 23, & doing that which was right in the eyes of 50 ~ And eJehoshaphatn slept with his fa- e2 Chr. 21. 1. 15. 14. the LonD: nevertheless'the high places thers, and was buried waitli his fathers in 2 Kitng12.3. were not taken away; for the people offered the city of David his father: and Jehoram 889. xl2 Clr. 19. 2. and burnt incense yet in the high places. his son reigned in his stead. aow he tle2 Co. 0.14. 44 And'Jehoshaphat made peace.iththe 51 ~ f Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to is ta..ig y h. 14.124. & king of Israel. reign over Israelin Samar ia the seventeenth one. 15. 12. 45 Now the rest of the acts of Jehosha- year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and lver. 40. 913. plat, and his might that he showed, and reigned two years over Israel. 898. z.oen.25.23. how lie warred, are they not written in the 52And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, 2 m. 8.14. book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ju- and walked in the way of his father, and 5gcl. 15, 26. 2 Kings 3. 9. dahl in the way of his mother, and in the way of & 8. 20. 46 And the remnant of the sodomites, Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Iss 2Clar.20.35, which remained in the days of his father rael to sin: &c. Asa, he took out of the land. 53 For Lhe served Baal, and worshipped lJudg. 2.11. ii Or, had ten 47 Thcre was then no king in Edom: a him, and provoked to anger the LORD God Clh. 16.31. shipt. deputy was king. of Israel, according to all that his father bch. 10. 22. 48 aJehoshaphlat I bmade ships of Tharshish had done.THE SECOND BOOK OF THE KINGS, CO11MONLY CALLED, THE FOURTH BOOK OF THE KINGS. B. C. CHAPTER I. hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of B. C. abouta803. obeell. lsisa d'. God, the king hath said, Come down. about896. __ tlha 1i. 1ir lelijs Iao aaaOia. 1 0 And Elijah answered and said to the eth fie fi'om -eavet al)oan thl wltom A.h.aziah captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then ent to apptrelend hir. 13 Je piietal the thid elet fire come down from heaven, and con- eLuk 9. 54. cadtait.. ald catcouagediyao azgel, telltlh the sume thee and thy fifty. And there came ialyofaiedtata. 17JelraansueaedstlaAhazia/l. down fire from heaven, and consumed him a2Sam. 8. 2. mIHEN Mloab arebelled against Israel and his fifty. i h. 3. 5..1 after the death of Ahab. 11 Again also he sent unto him another 2 And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice captain of fifty with his fifty. And he anin his upper chamber that was in Samaria, wered and said unto him, O man of God, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and thus hath the king said, Come down quickly. said unto them, Go, inquire of Baal-zebub 12 And Elijah answered and said unto cl 10. the god of CEkron whether I shall recover them, If I be a man of God, let fire come of this disease. down from heaven, and consume thee and 3 But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah thy fifty. And the fire of God came down the Tishbite, Arise, go up to meet the mes- from heaven, and consumed him and his sengers of the king of Samaria, and say un- fifty. to them, Is it not because there is not a 13~Andlesentagain a captainofthethird God in Israel, that ye go to inquire of Baal- fifty with his fifty. And the third captain zebub the god of Ekron? of fifty went up, and came and tfell on his t fel. bowed. 4 Now therefore thus saith the LORD, knees before Elijah, and besought hlim, and t-Hhb. the t Thou shalt not come down from that bed said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, bed tu-ialre1 on owhich thou art gone up, but shalt surely let my life, and the life of these fifty thy lotbaotlonae die. And Elijah departed. servants, f be precious in thy sight. fl Sam.26..l. 1-housha, t Xl 5 6 And when the messengers turned back 14 Behold, there came fire down from Pa. 72. 14. daolafooaia, unto lim, lte said unto them, Why areye heaven, and burnt up the two captains of now turned back? the former fifties with their fifties: there6 And they said unto him, There came a fore let my life now be precious in thy sight. man up to meet us, and said unto us, Go, 15 And the angel of the LORD said unto turn again unto the king that sent you, and Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Is it of him. And lie arose, and went down with not because there is not a God in Israel, him unto the king. that thou sendest to inquire of Baal-zebub 16 And hle said unto him, Thus saith the the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast sent mes, come down from that bed on which thou art sengers to inquire of Baal-zebub the god of gone up, but shalt surely die. Ekron, is it nt because there is no God in it eb. WVhat 7 And he said unto them, tWhat manner Israel to inquire of his word? therefore was e a- of man was he which came up to meet you, thou shalt not come down off that bed on er a nd told you these words? which thou art gone up, but shalt surely 896. 8 And they answered him, He was da ie. The end dSfeZech.13. hairy man, and girt with a gidle of leather 17 So he died according to the word of yearthttJne hairy d girt ith gird le atherh o Itt. 3. 4. about his loins. And he said, It is Elijah the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Phoa, wa the Tishbite. IIJehoram reigned in his stead, in the see- Ptb eghan-d 9 Then the king sent unto him a captain ond year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat -enth ofJeof fifty with his fifty. And he went up to king of Judah; because he had no son. hohaphat, him: and, behold, he sat on the top of a 18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahazitah Ich. 1. 263 Elijah taken up into heaven. II. IKINGS. Little children mock Elisha. B. C. 896. which he did, ae theynot written in the book which view at Jericho sat him, B. C. 890. of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel? they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on CHAPTER II. Elisha. And they came to m.eet him,.nd kver.7. 1 Elijah, taihing i oear,,e of lisha, oith hisa- hbowed themselves to the ground before him. tie divideth Jotdan, 9 -adl, g'atio'g i'saM his 16 ~ And they said unto him, Behold now, elllqeest,lstaPkeZ op byafiey chariotintto hcavee. therebewritllthy servantsfifty tstrongmen; t -eb. soslof 12B Elish, dividi,o7 Jo,-dan,aih Elijah's.a.. let them go, we pray thee, and seek thy t.esog.h. tte, i.s atowlesdecl hislseesaoe. lo6 e y ootlg master: Ilest peradventure the Spirit of lSee I Kings pophta, hardly obtaiioig l-,, t.o -ek Elijah,': orld'd'lo otf1 i llti9o!: su/ h l tia the LORD hath taken him up and ast him 1.3. the ooh~olsesoan trateors. 23 BOeas desteoy ithe upon tsome mountain, or into some valley. At 8. 39.ehild,en that,locked lia. And he said, Ye shall not send. h s A ND it came to pass, when the LORD 17 And when they urged him till he as tho aGen. S.'. AL would U take up Eliiah into heaven by ashamed, lie said, Send. They sent there- in. b 1 Kin. 19.2L. a whirlwind, that Elijah went witl b Elisha fore fifty men; and they sought three days, from Gilgal. but found him not. eSee Ruth 1. 2 And Elijah said unto Elisha, c Tarry 18 And when they came again to him, (for 15, 16. here, I pray thee; for the LORD hath sent he tarried at Jericho,) he said unto them, me to Beth-el. And Elisha said rzto hie, Did I noo say unto you, Go not? dlSam. 1. 2. AS tile LOtD liveth, and d asthy soulliv- 19 ~ And the men of the city said unto Ier. 0,-; eth, I will not leave thee. So they vent Elisloa, Beold, I pray thee, the situation eh. 4. 30. doon to Beth-el. of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: elli.. 20.35.:And ethe sons ofthoproplletsthat were at but the water is naugit, and the ground oer. 5, 7, 16. Beth-el came forth to Elislha, andiaid unto t barren. t Heb canbseh.4. 1,38. him, Knowest thou that the LORD will take 20 And lie said, Bring me a new cruse, i0s to nis9. 1. awaythyymasterfrom thyhead to day? And and put salt therein. And they brought it crt. he said, Yea, I know it; holdye your peace. to him. 4 And Elijah said unto him, Elisha, tarry 21 And he went forth unto the spring of here, I pray thee; for the LORD hath sent the waters, and- cast the salt in tlere, and mSee Ex. 15. me to Jericho. And he said, As the LORD said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed 25. livcth, and is thy soul liveth, I oillnot these watersl there shall rot he feom Jeh.4416.6 leave thee. So they came to Jericho. thence any mole death or barren land. 5 And the sons of the prophets that ooee 22 So the waters were healed unto this at Jericho came to Elisha, and said unto day, according to the saying of Elisha which him, Knowest thou that the LORD will take he spake. away thy master from thy head to day? 23' And he went up from thence unto And he answered, Yea, I know it; hold ye Beth-el: and as he was going up by the your peace. way, there came forth little children out of 6 And Elijah said unto him, Tarry, I pray the city, and mocked him, and said unto thee, here; for the LORD hath sent me to him, eo up, thou bald head; go up, thou Jordan. And he said, As the LORDliveth, bald head.and as thy soul livetll, I will notleave thee. 24 And he turned back, and looked on And they two went on. them, and cursed them in the name of the 7 And fifty men of the sons of thleprophets LORD. And there came forth two she tHeb. in went, and stood t to view afar off: and they boears out of the wood, and tare forty and sight. or,ove, two stood by Jordan. two children of them. a.aist. 8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped 25 And he went from thence to mount Carit together, and smote the waters, and mel, and from thence he returned to Saf SoEx.14.21. I fthey were divided hither and thither, so maria. Josh. 3. 16. that they two went ove on dry ground.; CHAPTER III. ser14. 9 tAnd it came to pass,s hen they were lJehoram'seeigtoe. 4Aldesla.'ebelleth. lJefhoam, gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, vith Jiehoshap.hat, and the ki,gy ofEdo., bing Ask what I shall do for -thee, before I be d.itrtesselt,fosba, of,trte,. oy itirrelota.i a etith'.. -wats,, a-d promise of v eto,'y. 21 tht uofbiotes, taken away from ttee. And Elihs said, d,,eeive dtheetolo.1...oftl.ce.,e,,oi. I pray tltee, let a double portion of thy 500ovelc,oe. 2Therlofllon, yacifictng spirit be upon me. the kilg of do'eom,,, aoseath thesiege. tH eb. Tho-t.10 And he said, tTThou hast asked a hard T OW aJehoram the son of Ahab began aeh. 1. 17. I last d tle thing: never-theleess, if thou see me when ta to reign over Israel in Samaria in the ttsl-in a.L-:oIan taken from thee, it shall be so unto eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Ju- 896. at. r thee; but if not, it shall not be so. dah, and reigned twelve years. 11 And it came to pass, as they still went 2 And he wrought evil in the sight of the on, and talked, that, behold, there appear- LORD; but not like his fatlter, and like his gch. 6. 17. ed aehariot offire, and horses of fire, ald motller: for lhe put away the timage of tHesb. Ps. 101. 4.,parted them both asunder; andElijah went Baal b that his father had made.. atte. up by a whirlwind into heaven. 3 Nevertheless he cleaved unto Cthe sins bKin.16.31, hsh. 13. 1-. 1b2 I And Elitta saw it, and he cried, My of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made:32. father; my father, the chariot of Israel, and Israel to sin; he departed not therefrom. c 11'in12.28, the horsemen thereof! And he saw him no 4',-And Mesha king of Ioab vas a sheep- 31, 32. more: and he took hold of his own clothes, master, anr recdered unto the king of Isand rent them in two pieces. rael a hundred; thousand dlambs, and a d See e. 16. 1. -13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah hundred thousand rams,.with the wool. that fellfrom him, andwent back, and stood - 5 But it came to pass, when'Ahab teas sch. 1. 1. tHeb. lip. by the tbank of Jordan; dead, that the king of Moab rebelled against 14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that the king of Israel. fell from him, and smote the waters, and ~6 And kingJehoram went out of Samaria said, Whiere is the LORD God of Elijah? the same time, and numbered all Israel. And when lhe also had smitten the waters, 7 And he event and sent to Jehosliaphat 895. ivr.-. i they partedhither andthither: and Elisha the king of Judah, saying, The king of ewent ove.. IMoab hath rebelled against me: wilt thou 165 And when the sons of the prophets gowith me against Moab to battlel And 264 Elisha obtaineth water. II. KINGS. The widow's oil multiplied. B.C. 895. lie said, I will go up: f Iam as thou art, stone, and filled it; and they stopped all B. C. 895. my people as thy people, and my horses as. the wells of water, and felled all the good f lKings224. thy horses. trees:t only in Kir-haraseth left they the t Heb,. autil 8 And he said, Which way shall we go stones therof; hoeweeit the slingers went he left the up? And he.ansoered, Tl.e way ttrough abouit, and.smote it. te f the wilderness of Edom. 1' ~I And when the king of Moab saw that seth. 9 So the king of Israel went, and the king the battle was too sore for him, he took with t 11. of Judall, and the king of Edom: and they him seven hundred men that drew swords, fetched a compass of seven days' journey: to break through even unto the king of and there was o ater for there was no waterd forEd: but the host, anuld not. t the, the cattle t that followed them. 27 Then S lie took his eldest son that should aAm. 2, 1. feet. Se.Ex. 10 And the king of Israel said, Alasl that have reigned in his stead, and offered him 1. 8. the LotD hath called these three kings to- for a burnt offering upon the wall. And aether, to deliver them into the hand of there was great indignation against Israel: Moab! ltad they departed from him, and returned t co. 8. 20. lttings22.7. 11 But gJehoshaplhat said, Is there not to their ovwtlaned. lhere a prophet of the LORD, that we may inquire of the LORD by him? And one of CHAPTER IV. tile king of Israel's servants answered and 1 Jlsal ha mutipliolth t1hh idol,'s oil. 8le gi;eth said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, a so, o to- the good Shototont,iOte. 18 Ife raiseth which poured water on the hands of Elijaho. again he, d-eal soet. 3S At'Gilgal e healeth the 12 And Jehoshaphat said, The word of the deoly pottage. 4d te tisctt a tuniho eten LORD is witih hlim. So the king of Israel tt t e tee. and Jehoshlaphat and the king of Edom NTOW there cried a certain woman of the heh. 2. It. hwent down to him..L wives of athe sons of tlhe prophets Kin.20.35. 13 And Eliaha said unto the king of Is- unto Eslsha, saying, Thy servant my husi E.. 14.3. rael, iWlhat have I to do witl thee? kget hband is dead; and thou knowest that thy kSoJudg. 10. thee to Itle prophets of thy father, and to servant did fear the LORD: and the cred14. the prophets of thy mother. And the king itor is come bto take unto him my two sons b See Iev,. 25. Ruth 1. 15. of Israel said unto him, Nay: for the LORD to be bondmen. 39. 1 1 Kin. 18.199.hath called these three kings together, to do- 2 And Elisha said unto her, What shlall I ltatt. 18. 25. liver them into the hand of Moab. do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the mlKingldl. 14 And Elisha said, "As the LORD of house? And she said, Thine handmaid clh. 5.1. hosts livetlh, before whon I stand, surely, hatl not any thing in the house, save a pot were it not that I regard the presence of of oil. Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would'3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels not look toward thee, nor see thee. abroad of all thy neiglbours, even empty nSee 1 Sam. 15 But now bring me a'a minstrel. And vessels; Cllborro not afew. cSeeh. 3.16. 10. 5. it came to pass, whllen the minstrel played, 4 And when thou art come in, thou shalt 11 Or, 8cant o E. 1.33.h&3. that ~the hand of the LORD caLme Upon shut-the door upon thee and upon thy sons, trot. 14,22.&8.1. him. - and shalt pour out into all those vessels, 16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, and tlhou shalt set aside that which is full. pIeh. 4. 3. PMhake this valley full of ditches. 5 So shelo went from him, and shut the 17 For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not door' upon her and upon her sons, who see wind, neither shallye see rain; yet that brougllt thevessels to her; and she poured valley shall he filled with water, that ye out. may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and 6 And it came to pass, when the vessels your beasts. were full, that she said unto her son, Bring 18 And this is but a light thing in the me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, sight of the LORD: hle will deliver the There is not a vessel more. And the-oil Itoabites also into your hand. stayed. 19 And ye shall smite every fenced city, 7 Then she came and told-the man of God. and every choice city, and shall fell every And lie said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy good tree, and stop all wells of water, and IIdebt, and live thou and thy children of the Or, cteditor. t Hebll. t mar every good piece of land with stones. rest.. 20 And it came to pass in the morning, 8 ~ And tit fell on a day, that Elisiha t heb. there E.r.29.39,40. when sthle meat offering was offered, that, passed to dSllunem, where 7tas a great wvo- saoday. behold, there came water by the way of man; and she tconstrained him to eat dJollh. 19.18. Edom, and the country was filledwithwvater. bread. And so it was, that as oft as lihe tHe,. laid 21 t~ And when all the Moabites ieard that passedby, he turned in thither to eat bread.,.olado hiln. the kings were come up to fight against 9 And she said unto her husband, Bchold tHeeb. ttee them, they t gathered all that were able to now, I perceive that this is a holy man of scied to- t put on-armour, and upward, and stood in God, which passeth by us continually. gathe. the border. 10 Let us make a little chamber, I pray t Heb. gir I 22 And they rose up early -ithehe morning, thee, on the wall; and let us set for him aig ltefa Iand the sun shone upon the water, and thle there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a Moabites saw the wate t he the other side as candlestick: and it shall be, when he comred as blood: eth to us, that he shall turn in thither. 23 And they said, Thisisblood: the kings 11 And it fell on a day, that he came tHeb. are surely tslain, and they have smitten thither, and he turned into the chamber, des.o. ed on another: now therefore, Moab, to the and lay there. spoil. 12 And lhe said to Gehazi his servant, Call 24 And when they came to the camp of this Shunammite. And whllen he had called Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the her, she stood before him. ]Moabites, so that they fled before them: 13 And he said unto him, Say now unto 11 Or. they but Iltliey went forward smiting the Moab- her, Behold, thou hast been careful for us smote i,).t ites, even in their country. with all this care; what is to be done for evetesat~iltt. 25 And they beat downe tha cities, and on thee? wouldest thou be spoken for to the every good piece of land east every man his king, or to the captain of the host? And 2G5 The Shunammite's son II. KINGS. raided to life. IB. C. 895. she answered, I dwell among mine own hands: and qhe stretclhed himself upon the 13. C. 895. people. clild; and the ilesh ofthe child waxed warm. - 14 And he said, What then is to be done 35 Then lie returned, and walked is the 5I i..17.21. for her? AndGehcazi answeredVerily she house tto and fro; and weent up,'and Acts20.10. hath no child, and her husband is old. stretched himself ulpon him: and Sthe child t Heb. osce 15 And hlie said, Call her. And when he sneezed seven times, and the child opened hithe', -ndI hhd callcd her, she stood in the door. his eyes. et- lithe. eGec. 18. 10, 16 And he said, eAbout this feseson, ac- 8 And he called Gehazi, and said, Call cl5ii.17.21. 14. cordicg to the time of life, thou shalt em- this Shunsmmsite. Sc he called lie. Aed els. 8. 1, 5. Heb. set brace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, when she was come in unto him, he said, c-. hoe man of God, fdo not lie unto thine Take up thy seon. fee. 2. 2 handmaid. 37 Then she went in, and fell at his feet, 17 And the woman conceived, and bare a and bowed herself to the ground, and todki t 1Kin.17..3. son at that season that Elishla had said unto up her son, and weent out. He. 11. 5. hee, according to tihe tisce of life. 88 ~ And Elishat came again to Gilgal: about 891. 18 ~ And when the child was grown, it fell and the'e s a edearth in tie land; and ceh. 2. 1, on a day, that he went out to his father to the sons of the propsets wers Ysitting be- ec e 8. 1. the reapers. fore hlim: and he said unto his servant, Set y. 2,3. 19 And he said unto his father, My head, on the great pot, and seethe pottage for thie i. 3. myts adI Andlsaido toheladCarry hig sons of the proephetst. Ateo 2.3. to his mother. 39 And one went out into the field to gather 20 And when hie had taken him, and herbs, and found a wild vine, and gaticred brought him to his mother, he sat on her thereofswild gourds his lap full, and came knees till noon, and then died; and shred them into the pot of pottage: for 21 Ande she went up, and laid him on the they knew then not. be'd of the man of God, and stist the door' 40 So they poured out for the men to eat. upon him, and went out. And it came to pass, as they were eating of 22 And she called unto her husband, and the pottage, that they cried out, and said, zEx. 10. 17. said, Send me, I pray thee, oneof the young 0 thloe man of God, there is Zdeath in tihe,see Ec. 15. men, and one of the asset, thatI may run pot. And they could not'eat thereof. i. to tile Ma of God, seand co again. e 41 But lesaid,Then bring meal. And ahe eh. 2. 21. 23 And ie said, WVherefore wilt thou go to cast it into the pot; and he said, Pour out. 10. him to dayna, n [ ho9. 6. hia to day it is neither new moon, nor for the people, that they may eat. And t e. He/s. ecae sehsbbath. And she said, It shall be cell. tiers was no t harm in the pot. tf. ecu 24 Then she saddled an ass, and said to 42'V And thero came a man from Bsel. Baa la. tHeb. her servant, Drive, and go forward; tslaek shalis'i, csandebrhughtthe man of God bread / S. 9 7. ~ sit ot not thy riding for me, except I bid thee. ofthefirstfruits, twentyl.avese f barley and s 1 Cs,. 9. 7. f 5 25 So she went ansd came unto the man of fullearsofcorn lin sthehusktlireof. Andhe Gl. 6.. gch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G.'6. 6. t~ide. Gd eeod 9tomount Csrmea And it caas to said,Giveuntostsepeople,thettheynayeses. 1jes, icehi~, gesh. 2. 22. pass, when tic man of God saw her afar off, 43 And his servitor said, d What, should I t,.p, that lie said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, set this before a hundred men? He said gecst. yonder is that Shunammite: again, Give the people, th th they may eat: d /Luke 9. 13. 2t Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and for thus saith the LORD, e They shall eat, sJohn i.9. say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well and shall leave thereof. sLke ss. 17. with thy husband? is it well with the child? 44 So he set it before them, and they did John.s. 11. And she answered, It is well. eat, fand left thereof, according to the 11. 20. 27 And when she came to the man of God word of the LORD. & 15. 37. H-e/. by lie to the t ill, she caught thici by the feet: Joht 6. 13..feet, but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. CHAPTER V. 8Iatt. 2. 9. And the man ofGod said, Let her alone; s Naambn, by the tet'ot efa captivecaid, ls sent do Sacaria to be curced of hie leprosy. 8 his/se, Heb. bitte', for her soul is tvexed within her: and the seccdic hite o Jor dan, c/et'el him. 15 sfe e.. IS. 1.1O. LORD hath hid ii from me, and hath not fie'seceseifceetli esfe told mes. -arh. 2UGsaii, abun hi,,c er' na/ e 28 Then she said, Did I desire a son ofmy my sO saamaE, issmittee will lelsosey. h er. 16. lord? hdid I not say, Do not decieve me? Noiw' aN..n, captain ofthehost ofthlle about t94. ilKin.18.;i6. 29 T'hen he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy h- king of Syria,was b agreatman twith aiuko 4. 27. ch, 9. I. loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and his master, and t thonourable, because by! E,. 11.3. kLukeh10 4. go thy way: if thou meet any man, ksalute him the LORD had given II deliverance unto tHeb. befo,e. him not; and if any salute thee, answer Syri: el scesesO a mighty ails il valeur, I.'cis. I Se Ex..7.19. him not again: and llay my staff upon the but he was a leper. ebe. /9/ee & 14i. 16. face of tihe child. 2 And the Syrians had gone out by cosm- s/c. l,sed e h.2. 8, 14. i30 And the mother ofthe child said, "es panies, and had brought away captive out;,ael it Actss 19.12. the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I of the land of Israel a little maid; and she cc1ctO, etece.,eh. 2. 2 will not leave thee. And he arose, and t waited on Naaman's wife. 1, followed her. 3 And she said- unto her mistress, Would t e,. was 31 And Gehazi passed on before them, and God my lord were with the prophet that is Iefor e. laid the staff upon the face of thie childl in Samaria l for. he would t recover him of tHeb. befoe. fHslc. but there seas neither voice, nor teearic ig. his leprosy. fHeb. glet Wtelt.'herefore he.eent again to meet hit, and'4 And se went in,and told his lord, say- it c/i i i. htold him, saying, Thie child is "not aw/ked; ing,'Thus and thus saith the maid that is of 32 And when Elisha was come into the the land of Israel. housec, behold, the child was dead, and laid 5 And tile king o Syria said, Goto, go, and upon his bed. I will selid.a letter unto the king of Israel. e 33. i He owent in therefore, and shut the' And he departed, and Ctook twith:him tesn el S-m. 9.8. elMse6. 6. door upon them tssie, nd prayed unto talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of ch. 8. 8, 9. pl Kin.17.20. the LORD. gold, and ten changes of raiment. H eb. i his 34 And he went up, and lay upon the child, 6 And he brought the letter to the king of Ia-id. and pet Iis mouth upon h/s mouth, and his Israel, saying, Ntow when this letter is come eyes upon his eyes, and his sands upon his unto thee, behold, I hiave therewith sent I266 Naaman cured of his leprosy. II. KINGS. Gehazi smitten with leprosy. B. C. Naaman my servant to thee, that thou may- two young men of the sons of the prophets:. C. about 894. est recover him of his leprosy. give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, about 804. 7 And it came to pass, when the king of and two changes of garments. Israel had read the letter, that lie rent his 23 And Naaman said, Be content, take d dGen. 30. 2 clothes, and said, Ast I ldGod, to kill and two talents. And he urged him, and hbound Deut. 32.39. to make alive, that this man dotll send unto two talents of silver in twvo bags, with two 1 sas. 2,6. me to recover a nan of his leprosy? Where- changes of garments, and laid themn upon fore consider, I pray you, and see how he two of his servants; and they bare theom seeketh a quarrel against me. before him. 8 q[ And it was so, when Elisha the man of 24 And when he came to the II tower, he i Or, secret Go.hod heard thaltt he king of Israel had toolr the from their hand, and bestowed place. rent his clothes, that he sent to the king, thec, in the house: and le let the men go, saying, Wherefore last thou rent thy clotles? and they departed. let him come now to me, and he shall know 25 But he wvent in, and stood before his that there is a prophet in Israel. maste. And Elislia said unto Iim, Whence 9 So Naaman came t withll is horses and comest thou, Gehazi? And he said, Thy with his chariot, and stood at the door of the servant went tno whither. t Hcb. house of Elisha. 2And lle said unto hlim, Went not mine t ither or 10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, heart ztiti thee, when the man turned again thithe., eaSec1. 4.41. saying, Goandewashin Jordan seventimes, from tils chariot tomeet thee? Isi atimeto l Johl. 7. and thy fleshh slla come again to thee, and receive money, and to receive garments, and thou shalt be clean. oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and 11 But Naaman was wroth, and went away, oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?'II Or, I sisl ansd said, Behold, IIt tlhoughlt, He vill sure- 27 The leprosy therefobro of Naaman " shall 1 Tim6.610. [withl.s-self, ly come out to me, and stand, and call on cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. I/ ie lClsuve- the name of the LORD his God, and + strike And lhe went out from his presence o a leper N lum. 1210.' C. Isis hand over the place, and recover the as white as snow. cls. 15. S. t hIcb. oaislI leper. CHAPTER VI. t lbo. moe 12 Atre not 11Abanha and Pharpar, rivers of I Efisha, ivitlg leave to the yosIq s plophets to enezplasnddsols1. Damascus, better than all the waters of Is- la -rse thrs dsellissgs, cause:h il.or1 to sims. 8 I[ Or, slamla. rael? mayI notwcash in them, and be cleanl? o le disloseth the kiss of.Sy-ia' s counsel. 13 The So hle turned and went away in a rage. am, tcic a sent to l)oth-l to applehend 13 And his servants came near, and spake blioha, i, s6iaten siathS 5alidesa. 10 i ed ir unto him, and said, MIy father, if the oe,le.t ilTdo, Saoaria,-i-As5osea -seaeseth o prophet had bid 0soe7e great thing, mea to eat their o hw clildres. 30 The kil#y sedvwouldest thou not have done it? how much cth to clay lish,. rather then, shen he saith to thee, Wash, A ND athe sons of the prophets said unto about 893. and be clean? i Elisha, Behold now, the place where we- el,. 4.38. 14 Then went he down, and dipped himself dwell with thee is too strait for us. seven times in Jordan, according to the say- 2 Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, fJob 33.25. ing of the man of God: and fhis flesh came and take thence every man a beam, and lct again like unto the flesh of a little child, us make us a place there, where we may k Luke 47. 27 ld he was clean. dwell. And he answered, Go yo. 15 ~ And he returned to the man of God, he 3 And one said, Be content, I pray thee, and all his company, and came, and stood andgo with ty servants. Andhe answered, before him: and he said, Behold, now I I will go. lic Dn. 2. 47. knos that there is hno God in all the eartl, 4 So he went with them. And when they & 3. 2!). & 6. but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, came to Jordan, they cut down wood. 26, 27. take i a blessing of thy servant. 5 But as one was felling a beam, the t ee t ish. iseon. iGen. 33. 11. 16 But tie said, kAs the LORD liveth, be- head fell into the water: and le cried, and:k c!. 3.14. fore whom I stand, lI will receive none. said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed. I Gen 11. 23. And lie urged him to take it; but le refused. 6 And the man of God said, Where fell it? oSeelSatt. 1. 17 And Naaman said, Shall there nothenot then, Andheshewedlim the place. And bhe cut Il, 2. 21. oi8. I pray thee, be given to thy servant two down a stick, and cast it in thither; and Acts 8.18,20. mules' burden of earth? for thy servant will tie iron did scvim. henceforth offer neither burnt offering nor 7 Tllerefore said le, Take it up to thee. sacrifice unto other gods, but untotheolORD. And lie put out his hand, and took it. 18 In this thing the LORD pardon thy serv 8 Then he e king of Syria warred against ant, that when my master goeth into the Israel, and took counsel vith lis servants, ch. 7. 2, 17. house of Rimmon to worship there, and Itlie saying, In such and such a place shall be leaneth on my hand, and I bow myself in my 11 camp. O, the house of Rimmon: when I bow down 9 And the man of God sent unto the king lcaslliaig. myself in the house of Rimmon, the LORD of Israel, saying, Beware that thou-pass not pardon thy servant in this thing. such a place; for thither the Syrians are 19 And he said unto him, Go in peace. come down. t teb. a site I So he departed from him t a little way. 10 And the king of Israel sent to the place t' e-e -f t20 ~ But Gellhazi,the servant of Elisha the which the man of God told him and warned e.Ossed.,man of God, said, Behold, my master hath him of, and saved himself there, not once spared Naaman this Syrian, in not receiv- nor tlice. ing at his hands that which he brought: 11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria but, as the LORD liveth, I weill run after was sore troubled for this tiling; and le him, and take somewhat of him. called his servants, and said unto them, 21 So Gehiazi followed after Naamari. And Will ye not shew me which of us is for the when Naaman saw hint running after him, king of Israel? he lighllted down from tile chlariot to meet 12 And one of his servants said, tNone, tseb. eVo. t iHe. Is him, and said, ts all well? mylord, 0 king: but Elisha, tile prophet tlerceae? [.22 And lhe said, All is well. My master that is in Israel, telleth the king of Israel hath sent me, saying, Behold, even now the words that thou speakest in thy bedthere be come to me from mount Ephraim chamber. 267 A great famine in Samaria. II. KINGS. Elisha prophesieth soudden plenty. B... 13 ~ And he said, Go and spy wherc le is, 32 But Elisha sat ino his house, and "'the B. C. about 893. thatImoayseneland ffetllhim. Auditras elders sat with him; and the king sent a about 892. told him, saying, Behold, he is in e Dothan. man from before him: but ere the messenoGen. 37. 17. 14 Therefore sent he thither horses, and ger came to him, he said to the elders,'See nE,. 8. 1. & tHlb. Aleay. chariots, and a tgreat host: and they came ye how this son of oIa murderer lhath sent to 20. 1. by night, and compassed the city about. take away mine head? look, when the mes-,Lukol3. 32. I]Or,tol;istet*. 15 And when the 11 servant of the man of sendger cometh, shut the door, and hold himtt l la igsls8.4. God eas risen early, andgone forth, behold, fast at the door: is not the sound of his a host compassed the city both with horses master's feet behind hind him? and chariots. And his servant said unto 33 And while he yet talked with them, behim, Alas, my master! how sall vo do? Ilold, the messenger came downl unto him: d2 Chr. 32.7. 1G And hie answered, Fear not: fordltlley and lie said, Bellold, this evil is of tie Ps. 55. 18. that be with us arte more than they that be LORD; t what should I wait for the LORD 2i Job 2.9. Pom. 8. 31. owith them. any longer? 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. CHAPTER VII. And the LORD opened tile eyes of the young 1 MlAisha pi.ophes atht incredille p tlentty iL Smaoaia. 3 Foents lepers, etttti'eitg ot tihe host cf tba Syeman; and lie saw: and, behiold, themount- n,,,. b,'ot.gttditntofthcift light. 1 I Oeking ech. 2. 11. ain as8 full of ellorse3 and chariots of fire irding od spies the t Leus to be tite, spotileth tie Ps, 39. 7. h& roundabout Elisha. teltsofttecSyial. 17 Telosrd, tho toll not 68. 17. 18 And when tlley came doown to hlim, Eli- Iclieve te prolphecy oftllenotyau hal th clarle Zech.e gate, is.odder to Sead: i,* the p —.... e6. 1-7. & slla prayed unto the LORD, and said, Smite this people, I pray ttee, with blindness. HEN Elisia said, Hear ye the word of about 892. fGcn. 19. 11. And fite smote them with blindness accord- 1 the I.ORD; Thus saith the LOReD, "To aver. 18, 19. ing to the word of Elisha. morrow about this time shall a measure of t10~[AsodElishlasaiduntothem, Thisisnot fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two t Ieb. omeye tlhe way, neither is this the city: t follow measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate attolessa -. me, and I will bring you to the man whom of Samaria. yo seek. But he led them to Samaria. 2 b Then t a lord on whose hand the king b ver.i7,19,2(0. 20 And it came to pass, when they were leaned answered tlle man of God, and said, t Iel. a loed come into Samaria, that Elishla said, LORD, BBehold, Cif the LORD would make windows othich beopen the eyes of these en, tt that they may in leaven, might this thing bo? And lie longedaoet/e see. And the LORD opened theireyes, and said, Bellold, thou shalt see it with thine i,,o lca,they sawv; and, behold, they were in the eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. htL-dt hi midst of Samaria. 3 W And there were four leprous. men d at c. 5. 18. 21 And the king of Israel said unto Elisha, the entering in of the gate: and they said c3a1. 10. when he saw them, liy father, shall I smite onetoanotlher, Vhysit elereuntil e die? 1. these? shall I smite them? 4 If we say, We will enter into the city, 22 And lie answered, Thou shalt not smite then the famine is in the city, and we shall theml: wouldest thounsmite those whomthou die there: and if we sit still oere, we die hast taken captive with thy sword and with also. Now therefore come, and let us fall 12. 20. thybow? set bread and water before them, unto the host of the Syrians: if they save that they may eat and drink, and go to their us alive, ne shall live; and if they kill us, master. we shall but die. 23 And lie prepared great provision.for 5 And they rose up in the twilight, to go them: and when they had eaten and drunk, unto the camp of the Syrians: and when he sent them away, and they went to their they were come to the uttermost part of the h ch. 5. 2. master. So itthe.bands of Syria came no camp of Syria, behold, there 2cas no man Yer. 8,a. more into the land of Israel. there. about 892. 24 ~ And it came to pass after this, that 6 For the LORD had made the host of the Bcn-hnadad king of Syria gathered all his Syrians eto hear a noise of chllariots, and a e2 Sam.5.21.1 llost, and went up, and besieged Samaria. noise of horses, even the noise of a great l. 19 7. 25 And there. was a great famine in Sansa- Iost: and they said one to another, Lo, the Job 15. 21. ria: and, behlold, they besieged it, until an king of Israel lath hired against us ftlle flKin.10.29. ass'shead was sold for fourscore pieces of kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's Egyptians, to come upon us. dung for five pieces of silver. 7 Wherefore they o arose and fled in the g Pa. 48.45.,6. 26 And as the king of Israel was passing by twilight, and left their tents, and their Prov. 28. 1. upon tile wall, there cried a wonan unto horses, and their asses, even the camp as him, saying, Help, my lord, 0 king. it tvas, and fled for their life. lie Or, Le not 27 And he said, tlIf the LORD do not help 8 And when these lepers came to theutterthe Loas thee, whence shall I help ttee? out of the most part of the cmp, they -went into one save tlae. hbarnfloor, or out of tile winepress? tent, and did eat and drink, and carried 28 And the Icing said unto her, What aileth thence silver, and gold, and raiment, and thee? And she answered, This woman said went and hid it; and came again, and enunto me, Give thy son, that we may eat him tered into another tent, and carried. thence to day, and we will eat my son tomorrow. also, and went and hid it. iLev. 26. 29. 29 So iwe boiled my son, and did eat hint: 9 Then they said one to another, We. do Deut. 28.53, and I said unto her on the tnext day, Give not well: this dy i a day s a day of good tidings, 27. thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath and oe hold our peace: if we tarry till the tHeb. otbeit. hid her son. morning light, t some mischief will come t Heb. 30 ~ Aned it came to pass, when the king upon us: now therefore come, that we may t dhall find heard the words of the woman, that lie go and tell the king's housellold. ptiseinett. kl in.21.27. k rent his clothes; and he passed by upon 10 So they eame and called untothe porter the wall, and the people looked, and, behold, of the city: and they told them, saying, We he had sackcloth within upon his flesll. came to the camp of the Syrians, and, bet Rteth 1. 17. 31 Then he said, /God do so and more also hold, there teas no man there, neither voice 1tings 19.2. to me, if the.head of Elisha the son of Sha- of man, but horses tied, and asses tied, and phat shall stand on him this day. the tents as they tZere. 268 Elisha's'prophecy verified. IT. KINGS. Hazael killeth his master. B. C. 11 And lie called the porters; and they to life, that, beholds the woman, whose son B. C. about 892. told it to the iking's house within. he had restored to life, cried to th'e king for about 885. 12 ~ And the king arose in the night, and her house and for her land. And Gehazi said unto his servants, I will now shew you said, ly lord, 0 king, tli i is the woman, what the Syrians lhave done to us. They and this is her son, whom Elisha restored Enow that we be hungry; therefore are to life. they gone out of the camp to hide them- 6 And when the king asked the woman, selves in the field, saying, Vhien they come she told him. So tie king appointed unto out of the city, we shall catch them alive, her a certain i officer, saying, Restore all 11 Or, eunech. and get into the city. that owas hers, and all the fruits of the field'13 And one of his servants answered and since the day that she left the land, even unsaid, Let some take, I praj thee, live of the til now. t heb. init. horses that remain, whiich are left tin the 7 ~ And Elislha came to Damascus; and 885. city, (behold, they a-e as all the multitude Ben-hadad the king of Syria was sick; and of Israel that are left in i.: behold, I say, it was told him, saying, The man of God is they are even as all the multitude of the come hither. Israelites that are consumed:) and let us 8 And the king said unto eIIazael, f Take elin. 19.15. send and see. a present in thine hand, and go, meet the 1 Sam. 9. 7. 14 They took-therefore two chariot horses; man of God, and Vinquire of the LORD by 1 Kings 14.3. and the king sent after the host of the Syr- Ilim, saying, Shall I recover of this disease? cl. 5. 5. ians, saying, Go and see. 9 So Hazael went to meet him, and took geh. 1. 2. 15 And they went after them untoJordan: a present t with him, even of every good tHeb. and, lo, all the way was full of garments and thing of Damascus, forty camels' burden, ie hsis hand. vessels, which the Syrians had cast awvayin and came and stood before liim, and said, their haste. And the messengers returned, Thy son Ben-hadad licig of Syria hath sent and told the king. me to thee, saying, Shall I recover of this 16 And the people went out, and spoiled disease? the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of 10 And Elhsha said unto him, Go, say unto fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two him, Thou mayest certainly recover: howAher. 1. hmiasures of barley for a shekel, I according beit the LORD bhath shllewed me that hll he b er. 15. to the word of the LORD. shall surely die. 17 ~ And the Icing appointed the lord on 11 And he settled his countenance tstead- t Heb. asd set whose hand lc Ieaned to have the charge of fastly, until he was ashamed: and the man it. the gate: and the people trode upon him of God iwept. uke 19. 41. i h. 6. 32. in the gate, and he died, ias the man of 12 Andl azaelsaid, Whyweepetl mylord? ver2. God had said, who spake when the king And he answered, Because I know ntlle evil X slh. 10.32. & came down to him. that thou wilt do unto the children of Israel: 12. 17. & 13. 18 And it came to pass as tle man of God their strong holds wilt thou set on fire, and 3, 7. kver. 1. had spoken to the king, saying, k Two meos- their young men wilt thou slay with te Am. 1.h3. ures of barley for a shekel, and a measure sword, and /wilt dash their children, and tsll. 15. 16. of fine flour for a shekel, shall be to morrow rip up their women with child. Hos. 13. 1i. about this time in the gate of Samaria: 13 And Hazatel said, But wheat, m'is ty Am. 1. 13. 19 And that lord answered the man of God, servant a dog, that lie should do this great lSam.17.43. and said, Now, behold, if the LORD should thing? And Elisha answered, c Tile LORD n 1Kin.19.15. makcwsindows in heaven,miglitsuch a thing hath slevwed me that thou shalt be king be? And lie said, Bllold, thou shalt see it over Syria. with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. 14 So he departed from Elisha, and came 20 And so it fell out unto him: for the peo- to his master; who said to him, What said pie trode upon him in the gate, and he died. Elisha to thee? And lee answered, He told CHAPTER VIII. me that thou shouldest surely recover. I Tle SIl.amntp havLg left Is. eountrc avet, ]5 Alid it came to pass on the morrow, yeas, to avoid t/isforewsae fo seor amileS,f Li- that he took a thick cloth, and dipped it il sha's sniacel sae ihoth h/c' I,, ll'estoeei 1,y the water, and spread it on his face, so that l e kineg. 7 iazae:, ieisg sent sih a pr esete bci died: and Hazael reigned in his stead. dedlea-ladal to Is tishla t D-slalsc hes, a 0fte' le ]ad 16 T And in the fifth year of Joram the 892. heard thle prophecy, killera /Aisnasto., atd suc-,cedeth him. 16 Jelo'a'ls wl icke d'ie-c it, J?- s oi n of lahab ling of Israel, Jehoshlaphat dah. 20 Edi ard Libiah edvolt. 23 caziah being then king of Judah, ~Jeboram the o2Clr.21.3,4. slcceedeth Je/ioram. 25.haziah's. wick'es jeigs,. son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah t begane tHel,.' 28He esiteth J ehosan w tolltdedci, at Jezrel. to reign. yneied. about 891. rTHEN spake Elisha unto the woman, 17 PThirty and two years old was he when Bsn to ach. 4.35. L awhose sonlhe had restored to life,say- le began to reign; and le reigned eight rein ilsconing, Arise, and go thou an'd thine household, years in Jerusalem. pt Wit li and sasournaeiereooer thou cansesojourn: IS Atd hesojourn walkesoed i the may of the kings ft:her. bPs. 100. 1. forthe L D i bath calledfor a faininc and of Israel, as did the house of Allab; for 1c2Chr 21. 6. it shall also come upon tile land seven years. bthe daughter of Aleab was his if e: and. 2 And the woman arose, and did after the lie did evil in the sighlt of tile LORD. iver 2e. saying of the man of God: and she went 19 Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah,'2Sam. 7.13. witlh her'ousehold, and sojourned in the for David his servant's sake,'as he prom- liia. 11.3f land of the Philistines seven years. ised him to give him aleways a tlight, and & 15. 4, about 885. 3And. itcamewtopassatthesecvenyears'end, to his childrenCh. 21. 7. that the woman returned out of the land of 20 ~[ In his days SEIdom revolted from un- tHe).eandle, thiePhilistines: andsllewentforthtoicryunto der the hand of Juda, land made a king or, the king for her house and for her land. over themselves. sCGt. 27. 40. vch. 5. 27. 4 And tlle king talled witll Gehazi the 21 So Joram went over to Zair, and all the 2Clr6. 2. 8 servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me, chariots witll him: and he rose by night, 9, 10. I pray thee, all the great things that Elisha and smote the Edomites which compassed t 1Kin. 2. 47, hatis done. him about, and tihe captains of the char- A. so ful5 And it came to pass, as lce was telling iots: and the people fled into their tents. SD fl d h. 4. 35. the king how lhe lha ddrestored a dead body 22 2 e etEdom revolted from under the hande Ge. 27. 40. 269 Jehit atointed lking. II. KINGS. He conspircth agaost Joraco. 1. C. 802. ofJotudh unto this day. 5ThenLibn ahre - l0 And tho dogs shall eat Jezebel in the't. C.884. volted at the same time. portion ofJezreel, and there shall be none 2Uhr.2l.1O. 23 And the orest of the acts of Joram, and to bury her. And he opened the door, and ],l i Kil:213. all that he did, are they not written in the fled. verl 35, 36. book of the Chronicles of the kings of Ju- 11 ~ Then Jehu came forth to the servants dall? of his lord: and one said unto him, Is all h2 24 Aod Joram slopt with hit fathers, and woll? wherefore came Othis mad fellowo to oJer. 19. 26. c wa.2. os buried with his fathers in the city of thee? And he said unto them, Ye know Jelohn 10. 20. 885' David: and IIAhaziah his son roigned in the man, ad his sommunication. o.. CallsJ. Joe' his steold. 12 And they said, It is false; tell us now. soiah, 2 clr. 5 In the tweclfth yearof Jorsm the son And he said, Thus and thus spakc hle to 22. 6, lod Je. of Alhab king of Israel did Ahlaziah the son me, saying, Thus saith the LOIaD, I have oshoz, 2 ofJehoram king of Judah begin to reign. anointed thee king over Israel. Ch,5. 21. 17. Yw n tet er odwsAa &hs al. 172. 20tYTwo and twenty years old soss Asa- 13 Then tleyobasted, and'took every man p latt. 21.7. zih n he ber.n to reign; and lie reigned his gaorment, and pal itcdee him oil the 220 2 osst yar to Jeeusslem. Anod his sothes's top of the stairs, and blew with trumpets, one2. 0" year in Jerusalem. Adhsmte' lOs, gcao5-, name Weas Athaliah, the II daughtee of Omri saying, JeMl. t king.s t.l.,lN-ohto: king of Israel. 04 So Jehu the son of Jeloshaphat Se'ser. 10. 27 Andhle walked in the way of tie house son of Nimshi conspired against Joram. z2Clor.22.3,4. of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the (Now Joram lbd hept Ramoth-gilead, he 884, LORD, as didll the house of Ahab: for he aadll Israel,ecausofazael king of soas the son in law of the hlouse of Ahab. Syria: 2 Chs.22. 5. 28 ~ And he vent "witlh Joram the son of 5 But q kin, + Joram was returned to be.q oh. 8. 9. b oh. 9. 15. Ahab to the'war against lsazael king of healed ill Jezrcel of the wounds which thle 1lIs,. II eb. sheloe- Syria in lamoth-gilsad; and the Syrians Syrians tbad given him, when ho fought Jto,. c... O" wounoded Joram. with H1ael ].ling of Syria.) And Jeohu ItLhb.s.os.. -oo-olso 29 And bking Joram woent back to be said, If it be your minds, tohen let none go t IIlb. let o[ 10011'd, P.. healod is Jezreel of toe wouasds tsohich the forth nor' escape oat of the city to go t ttell ssosooeoots. hmoth, er.28. Syrians oad given him at 11Rasmah,, when lie t Jc el. l. 0.10. fouglolagcinstsHasacl kingofSvria. 0Ahd 16 So Jehu rode in a olariot, and went to 2loh. 22.O,,7. Asasziah the so of Jeooaso king of Judah Jezreel; for Joram lay there. "And Aha-.clo. 8. 29. Heb. wenot down to see Joram the son of Ahab in ziah king of Judah was come down to see ssooodsole. Jezreel, because he was t sick. Joram. CHAPTER IX. 17 And there stood a watchman on the 1 tlistscsende aylossso,sopsetwsslss stbstiv lons tower in Jezreol, and lhe spied tilhe company o anoint Jehs at mor.h-lil-al.'4 Ph propheo of Jehlu as hle came, and said, I see a comAl-oio dsoo hios nsssss flparty. A11 Jsl, isi pany. And Joram said, Tolso a horseman, lade kifng by the solliers, killeth Josar i,o the field of oasoth. 27 Ahzsishs is saio at Gt, -nd and send to meet them, and let him Say, Is b,'ieclt Jerussalem. 30 P,,oldJezeblis throen i0 peace? dow out fa sindso. d eate, by dog,. 18 So there went one on hlorseback to meoet 884. A ND Elisha the prophet called one of him, and said, Thas soith the king, Is it alK5ua.20.35...A_. athe children of the proplhets, and peace? And Jelhu said, What bast thou to b lh. 4. 209 said unto him, O Gird up thy loins, and take do with peace? turn thee behind me. And J..-. 1. 1. lIsts boa of oil is thione hand, land go to the watchlman told, saying, The messenger coh. 8. 028,29. amoll-gilsd: came to them, but he cometh not again. 2 And when thou comest thither, look out 19 Then hle sent out a second on horsethlere Johu tle son of Jehoshaphat the son back, lwhich came to them, and said, Tmus of Nimshi, and go in, and make him arise saith thle king, Is it peace? And Johu aa1 E ler. 5,11. up from among hllis brethlren, and carry sosred,Wloat hastthou todoecith peace ttch. des.- hlot to n tinnc.r chamber; turn thee behind me. ibeosoac sobsoo- 3 Then etake the box of oil, and pour it 20 Asd the watchmsa told, saying, tie os ohis head, and say, Thus saith the lo RD, came even unto them, andil cometh not el tKin. 19.l6. I have anointed theeking over Israel. Then again: and the Ii driving is like the driving it Os, open the door, and flee, and tarry not. of Jeoh the son of Ninshi for se driveth chiL. 4 So tlbe young inan, even the young man g furiously. H+ cb. io thle prophet, went to Ramoth-gilead. 21 And Joraco said, Siake ready. And ossoiosess. 5 And when he came, behold, the captains his chlariot was made ready. And sJoram b sIeb. Bisod. of the host seqess sitting; acd le said, I king of Israel and Ahoazial king of Judah s 2 Mr. 22. 7. lhave an errand to thee, 0 captain. And went out, each in his chariot, and thley went Jehn said, Unto which of all us? And ihe out against Jehul, and met him in the poss- tthb.fso.os. said, To thee, O captain. tion of Naboth the Jezrcelite, 8 And he arose, and went into the house; 22 Aod it came to pass, ohen Jorcm saw and he poured the oil on his head, and said Jehu, tlhast hle said, peace, Jelu? And flKin.19.16. unto hlim, fThus soaith the LORD God of lhe answered, What peace, so long as the 2 ss. 22.7. Israel, I have anointed thes king over the ehoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and loer people of the LORD, even over Israel. Witchcrafts are so many? 7 And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab.23 And Joram turned his hands, and fled, thy master, thallt I may avenge the blood of and said to Ahaziah, Thesre is treachery, O |gL!ingsli4. smy servants the prophets, and tile blood of AbcaziaI. h21. 15. all the servants of she LORD, gOat the hand 2 And Jebu Odres a boo eith his fall eb.s flletEl h I of Jezebel. strength, and smote Jehoram beteen s his....ib. h& 21. 2. 8 For the whole house of Ahab sloallperish: arms, and the arrow went oat ah his heart, b i 1Sa-m.25.22. and hi eill cut off from Ahab i/him that and he d sunk down io his chariot. t Hsb.soesd. /kieut. 32.' [. pilssth against the wcll, and Olim that is 22 Thes said Jewot toanidhdr his captain, lI iK.0. l.lb1O ssut up andleft in Israel: Take up, and caot him is the portion of &15.h~. 2. 9 And I will make the hlouse of Ahab like tihe field of Naboth the Jezreclite: for re-.2. tlhe house oflJceroboam the son of Nebat, member ]low tht, when I and thou rode toesl Kings. 1. and like the house of toBasha the son of getbher after lAhab his father, lthe LORD t 1 Kin 21.20. 3, 11i. I Ahijah: laid thiis burden upon him; 270 Ahaziah and Jezebel slain. II. KINGS. Ahab's seventy sons slain. B. C. 884. 26 Surely I have seen yesterday tile t blood Jbehu, saying, We are thy servants, and B. C. 884. of Nabotl, and the blood of his sons, saith will do all that thou shalt bid us; we mill t /ele. bloods. tile LORD.; and I wvill requite thee in this not make any king: do thou that which is eIl Kin.2i.19. I plat, saith the LORD. Now thcerefore take good in thine eyes. 11 Or, portion. and cast him into the plat of ground, ae- 6 Then lie wrote a letter the second time cording to the word of the LORD. to tcecm, saying, If ye be t mine, and if ye t ileb,fo e. 27 Buut when Alaziah the king of Judah will hearken unto my voice, take ye thle saw this, lhe fled by tie way of the garden leads of the men your master's sons, and house. And Jechu followed after him, and come to me to Jezreel by to morrow this said, Smite him also in the chariot. And time. Now the king's sons, being seventy they (lid so at the going up to Gur, which persons, were with the great men of the IInthloking- is by Ibleam. And he fled to'Megiddo, city, which brought them up. docI of tac- and died there. 7 And it caone to pass, when the letter eels. aco. 28 And his servants carried him in a came to tlem, that they took the king's Cnilr" 22 e 9. chariot to Jerusalem, and buried hlim in sons, and slew seventy persons, and put alIKin.21e21. about 880. his sepulchre with his fathers in the city of their ieads in baskets, and sent him the7et Thbe le h. i- David. to Jezreel. cSc i eroyt 29 And in the eleventh year of Joram the 8 ~ And there came a messenger, and told ocifec.teerin son of Ahab began Ahaziah to reign over Iim, saying, They have brought the lceads of hits tclness, Judah. the king's sons. And he said, Layye them 2 elr/ 2. 18, 30 ~ And wllen Jehu was come to Jezreel, in two heaps at the entering in of the gate 19. PBtetlc Jezebel heard of it; Yand she tpainted until the morning. yorlhte l- her face, and tired her ead, and looked 9 And it came to.pass in the morning, that gcn to reigc out at a cindow. he went out, and stood, and said to all the alone, 31 And as Jeliu entered in at the gate, she people, Ye be righteous: behold, 6I con- bh. 5. 914, 24. cll. 8. 25, said, eHad Zimri peace, who slew his mas- spired against my master, and slew him: about854. ter? but who slew all these? y.z 23. 40. 32 And lie lifted up his face to the win- 10 Know now that there shall efall unto l Sam. 3.19 t Hb coctse, dosw, and said, Who is on my side? who? the eartlh notlling of the ord of the LORD, o/ceoi/peiec- And tler looked out to him too.or tlree shich the LORD spake concerning the house i I eunuchs. of Abab: for tlhe LORD hath done that zI icn. 16.9- 33 And he said, Throw her down. So which lie spake dt by hllis servant lijah. dll Kings 21 20. they threw her down: and soc7e of her 11 So Jehu slew all tllt remained of the 19, 21; 29. iOr, chaber- blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the house of Ahab in Jezrcel, and all his great t Hle,. by t/he laite. horses: and lie trode her under foot. men, and his lkinsfolks, and his priests, /cccd of'. 34 And when he was come in, lie did eat until he left him none remainling., aOrcecguaintand drink, and said, Go, see now this cursed 12 And lie aieose and departed, and came alKin.16.31. woman, and bury her: for a she s8 aking's to Snmaria. And ns le was at the t slcar- t ieb. ho,,se daughter. ing house in the way,. of shelrhe-s 35 And they went to bury her: but they 13 e Jehu tmet with the brethren of Aha- Oi/cic// found no more of her than the skull, and zial king of Judah, and said, Who ar7e ye? seecce. the feet, and tlco palms of her- hands, And they answered, We are the bretllre of ech. 8. 2./ 30 Wherefore they came again, and told Ahaziall and we go don t to salt the 2 Cr. 22. 8 him. And he said, This is the word of thle children of the king and the children of the t cIIe.feo1 cd. /tlsT,. by lte LORD, which lie spake thby his servant queen. Ir/. toe -cecl/of. Elijah the Tishbite, saying, bIn the portion 14 And he said, Take them clive. And b 1 rin. 21.23. of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: they took them alive, and slew them at the ac l. 83. 10. 37 And the earcass of Jczebel slall be cas pit of thle shearing hlouse, evet two and dung upon the face of tle field inl the por- forty men; neither left ie anny of them. tion of Jezreel; so that they shall not say, 15 5 And when lie was departed thence, lhe This is Jezebel. flighted on f Jellonadab the son of'Re- tH1te,foLnt. CHAPTER X cahab cotmingto meet him: and he tsaluted fJer. 35 6. 1 Jetr, 0y h/i, eteJ caltsses -th eney of.,dl4ol's him, and said to him, Is thine heart right, &c. coilccd,/e / tobcsec/.eadcd. 8-llece-cse clfacthty as my lieart is wit/l thy heart? And Je- I Cchr. 2. 55. the opcey.eoceaoflScia. 12At t leshea l,!/ hocse heondab acnswcered, It is. Ifit be, lgive ne t HIfel,bessed. he slay elIt eo aolcfo.ty ofdleaziah's bc'th/let,. thine band. And lie gave hin his hand; hcEzr 10. 19. 15 HL tsalbti Jhdestdab statlthe 0orshl)esy o f1 and he took him up to him into the chariot. Ble. 29Jeh. cs feocoweeb Jeotoae's cJ7'c1. 3-2 16 And lhe said, Come with me, and see my Ilzael oppCesaetl srael'. 3h1 Je/oaehaz scceed- izeal for the LORD. So they made him i lKin. l9.10. et4 h Jctiu. ride in his chariot. 884. AND Ahab hacT seventy sons in Samaria. 17 And when he came to Samaria, Ohe kcl 9. 8. 11. And Jehu wrote letters, and sentto slew all to at remained unto Ahab il Sa- 2cClrs 22.8. Samaria, unto the rulers of Jezreel, to tie maria, till he had destroyed him, according t eb. elders, and to tthem thlat brought up to the saying of the LORD, I which he spake Kin. 21.21 Aouie. liab's children, saying, to Elijabh. 2 Now as soon as thlis letter cometh to 18 ~ And Jellu gathered nll the people toyou, seeing your master's sons are with gether, and said unto them, "Allab served ml Kings 16. you, and there are with you chariots and Baal a little; buzt Jehu slhall serve him 31, 32. horses, a fencel city also, and armour; much. 3 Look even out the best and meetest of 19 Now therefore call unto me all the your- master's sons, and set him on his fa- nprophets of Baal, all his servants, and all el Kin. 22. 6. ther's throne, and fight for your master's his priests; let none be wanting: for I house. Ilave a great sacrifice to do to Baal; who4 But tllcey ere execedingly afraid, and soever shall be wanting, he shall not live. said, Bellold, two kings stood not before But Jehu did it in subtilty, to the intent him: how then shall we stand? tlat lie might destroy the worshippers of 5 And lie that was over the house, and he Baal. that twas over the city, the elders also, and 20 And Jehu said, t Proclaim a solemn as- t Rb. thle bringers up of the chi/dc-en, sent to sembly for Baal. And they proclaimed it. Snctify. 211 Baal's worshippers destroyed. II. KINGS. Joash is anointed king. B. C. 884. 21 And.chu sent throut h all Israel: and Joram, sister of Alaziah, ttok 1 Joash the B. C. 884. all the worshippers of Baal came, so that son of Aaziah, and stole him from among there wvas not a man left that came snot. theking's sons which were slain; and they 11 Or, Jeos, ol Kin.16.32. And they come into the ~house of Baal; hid him, even him and his nurse, inl the l Or, so. l.% and the house of Banl as 11 full froet one bedchlamber from Athaliah, so that he was thet they endto anoter. not slain. sttsd moett 22 And lie said unto him that wteas over the 3 And lie was with her hid in the house of to vnoztet. vestry, Bring forth vestments for all the the LORD six years. And Athaliah did worsleippers of Baal. And he brought them reign over tile land. forth vestments. 4 ~ And ett:e seventh year Jehoiada sent 878. 23 And Jellu went, and Jehonadab the and fetched the rulers over hundreds, with e2 Chr. 23. 1, son of Rechab, into the house of B aal, and the captains and the guard, and brought &e. said unto the worshippers of Bnal, Search, them to him into the house of the LORD, and look that thero be here with you none and made a covenant with them, and took of the servants of the LORD, but the wor- an oath of them in the house of the LORD, shippers of Baal only. and shevowed them the king's sosl. 24 And wvhen they went in to offer sacrifices 5 And lie commanded them, saying, This is and burnt- offerings, Jehu appointed four- the thinsg that ye shall do; A third part of score men without, and said, If any of the you that enter in d on the sabbathll sh.1 even dl Cr. 9. 25. men whom I have brought into your hands be keepers of the watch of the king's house; p lKin.20.39. escape, he that letteth hiba go, This life 6 And a third part shall be at the gate of shall be for the life of him. Sur; and a third part at the gate behind 25 And it came to pas, as soon as he lad tie guard: so shall ye keep the watch of made an end of offering the burnt offering, the house, II that it be not broken down. 11 Or, foat that Jehu said to the guard and to the cap- 7 And dtwo ltpartsof all you that go forth on bletkin ot,. tains, Go ins and slay them; let none come the sabbath, even they shall keep the watch lOt, coteeat H. b, forth. And they smote them with tthe of the house of the LORD about thoeking. sAe etth. edge of the s8vord; and the guard and tie g And ye sha.ll compass the king round t e. h.ands. captains cast them out, and went to the about, every man with his weapons in his city of the house of Baal. hand: and he that comleth within the ranges, tiheb.staluest. o2 And they brought forth the t'images let him be slain: and be ye swith the king Cin.l 14.23. out of the ouse of Baanl, and burned them. as he gecth out and as le coineth in. 27 And they brake down the image of 9 eAnd the captains over the hundreds did e 2 Chr. 23. 8. Baal, and brake down the house of Baal, according to all things that Jehiliada the tEzrs (. 1i. |'and made it a draughtthouse untothis day. priest commanded: and they took every Dan. 2. 5. & 28 Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel. man his men that were to come in on the 3. 29. 29 ~t Howbeit, froesa the sins of Jeroboam sabbath, with them that should go out on the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, the sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the Jehu departed not from after them, to wit, priest. 1 in. 12.28, tthe golden calves that were ill Beth-el, 10 And to the captains over hundreds did 29. and that ucre in Dan. the priest give king David's spears and 30 And the LORD said unto Jehu, Because shields, that were in the temple of the thou hIast done well in executing; that whieh LORD. is right in mine eyes, and hast done unto 11 And the guard stood, every man with the house of Ahab according to all that uwas his weapons in his hand, round about the t Se trer. 35. in mine heart, t thy children of the fourth ling, from tie righ ttcorner of tile temple t tel,. ch. 13. 1, 10. gner'ation shall sit on thethrone of Israel. to the left corner of tie temple, along by shobtldtt. & 14. 23. & 31 But Jehu t took no heed to Moalk in the the altar and the teple. 15. 0, 12. law of the LonD God of Israel with all his 12 And he brought fothll the king's son, tonet. heart: for lee departed not from the sins and put-tie croen upotn lim, and gave teIee.14. at of Jeroboam, which made Israel to sin. hiltm the testimony; and they made him ttxltiela.lG. 32 ~ In those days the LORD began tto king, and anointed himn; and they clapped about 860. cutlsraelsholt: andI azael smote them their hands, and said, tf God save the tetb.L, e th t Oel. to ces in all the coasts of Israel; king. kint live. oft the ettis. 33 From Jordan t eastward, all the land 13 ~ Ansd when Atblaliah heard the noise f1Sam.10.21. ee c. 8. 12. of Gilead, the Gadites, and the guard anies, of ths gfars 5nd of the people, she came g2 Chlr. 23.12, t Ifel.toearl and the leanassites, from Aroer, which is to the people into the temple of the LORD. &C. tle sisits of by the river Arnon, usven YGilead and 14 And when she looled, behold, te king the SLt. Basihan. stood by ha pillar, as the manner was, and hcll. 23. 3. l Or. ect 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and al the princes and the trumpeters by the king, 2 Chr.34. 31. ittead stel that he did, and all his might, are thiey not and all the people of the land rejoiced, and ass.s. setwritten in the book of the Chronicles of the blew s.ith trumpets: and Athaliah rent her yAm. 1. 3. kings of Israel? clothes, and cried, Treason, treason. 851. 35 And Jehu slept with his fathers,: and 1 But Jceoiada the priest commanded tlleyburiedllim ill Samaria. And Jhoahaz the captains of the hundreds, the oicers his son reigned in his stead. of the lhot, and said unto them, IIave her t el. the 36 And t tih e tie that Jellu reigned over forth without the ranges; and him that foldays eare. Israel in Samaria was tiventy and eight loweth her kill with the sword. For the years. priest had said, Let her not be slain in the CHAPTER XI. house of the LORD. 1 Jeoass, tigtsavedt by Jehosea his att6frome 16 And they laid hands on her; and she AJhalifhsmnssate he fsed steloat, is tItsi- went by the way by tie which the horses 0884. seas it the hsses of Ghd. 4 Jshoia.i, giving 884- e lets. s setea e tl tpssie ~ fitl t Jeths s e,s tl eo-r y it came into the king's louses: and there was a2 Chr. 22. 10. eth his kitg. 13 Athtalah is slain. 17 Jehoia. ste slain. b isl. 8. 206. tla theetol eth 5l5e ttotsip of GOlt, 17i i Anad Jehoiada made a covenant be- i 2 Chr. 23. 1. tHcb. seetlof A ND tien aAthaliahi bLthe mother of twees the LORD and the king and the peotlhe kitgedotn..S Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, pie, thatthey should be the LORD's people 1i2Chr. 22.11. she arose and destroyed all the tseed royal. between tie hins also and the people.:2 Sm. 5. 3. Jehoslabeatlh. 2 But lt Jehohseba, the daughter of king 18 And all the people of the land went into 272 The teimple is repaired. II. KINGS. Joash slain by his servants. B. C. 878. the tIhouse ofBol, andbrake itdown; his 12 And to masons, and heweors of stone, B.C. 856. altars and his images ""brake they in pieces and to buy timber and hewed Stone to reI oh. 10. 26. thoroughly, and slew Mattan the priest of pair the breaches of the house of the LORD, I Deut. 12.. Baal before the altaers. And'the priest and for all that Vti's laid out for the house tHob. t'2(r.23. 17. appointed tofficers over the house of the to repair it. foth. 2Chr. 23.18, LORD. 13 Howbeit ithere were not'made for the See2Chr. 24. &o. 19 And he took the rulers over hundreds, house of the LORD bowls of silver, snuffers, 14. t Bo!b. op~en, and the captains, and the guard, and all the basins, trumpets, any vessels of gold, or people of the land; and they brought down vesscls of silver, of the money that was the king from the house of the LORD, and brought tinto thehouse of the LORD: came by the way of the gate of the guard to'1l4 But they gave that to the -workmen, and the king's house. And he sat on the throne repaired therewiththhe house of the LORD. of the kings. 15 Moreover kthey reckoned not with the k oh. 22. 7. 20 And all the people of the land rejoiced, men, into whose hand they delivered the and the'city was in quiet: and they slew money to be bestowed on workmen: for they Athaliah with the sword beside the king's dealt faithfully. house. 16 lThe trespass money and sin money lLE.5.15,18 o Chr. 24. 1. 21 oSeven years old was Jehoash when he Was not brougbt intothe house of the LORD; began to reign. tit was the priests'. ruLe. 7. 7. 17' Then "lHIazael kink of Syria went up, Nuo. 18. 9. CHAPTER XII, and fought against Gatl, and took it: and about 840. 1 Jehoasleo h -ioell all the days o f o ehooada o Hazael set his face to go up to Jerusalem h. e 8l. 12. 4 de.lvetho oder foo the reei, of blto emple. 18 And Jehoash king of Judah Ptook all & Cr.2 17 5/eeodl to teioof foon Joeo o boo, - etotothe hallowed things that Jehoshaphat, and 23. o-tf 0/c Oolleoood 1toeooooo. 10 J00h bOo Jehoram, and Alhaziab, his fathers, kings of lia.15.18.,lain. by hls servan~ts, Amaziahr Jucceedetr hiLm.p1Ki.5.. e. by hio, Ao,ceodoh Ot.Judah. had dedicated and his own hallowed h. 18.15,16. 2Olhr. 24. 1. TN the seventh year of Jelhu, Jehloash things, and all the goldthat was found in I1 began to reign; and forty years reigned th ttreasures of the house of the LORD, and he in Jerusalem. And his mother's name in the'king's house, and sent it to Hazael owas Zibiah of Beer-sheba. Iing of Syria: and he twent away from tHob. -eno 2 And Jehoash did that which was right Jerusalem. Ut. in the Sight of the LORD all his days where- 19 ~ And the rest of the acts of Joash, and in Jehoiadd the priest instructed him. all tliat he did, are they not written in tile 830. Iin.15.14. 3 But bthe high places were not'taken bookofthoChroniclesofthekingsofJudah? qc. 14.5. h22. 43. away: the people still sacrificed and burnt f0 And his servants arose, and made a 2 Chr. 24.25. eho. 14. 4 iincense it the high places. conspiracy, and slew Joash in litlhe house of J or, Bothcoeh. 22. 4. 4 ~ And Jehoash said to the priests, CAll Millo, which goeth down to Silla. nillo. 1e Or. holy the money of theltdedicated things that is 21 For Jozachar tile son of Shimeath, and.2 Chr. 24.26, thioogo. brought into the house of the LORD, even Jechozabadthe son of I Shomer, his servants, Zaidl. Itheb. d the money of every one that passeth the smotoe him, and lie died; and they buried lOre, holin. s... account, tthe money that every man is set him with his fathers in tle city of David: Shlrtictt. dr,. 3o,10. 13. at, and all the money that to cometh into and'Amaziah his son reigned in his stead. 839. I HI, tt ayny man's heart to bring into the house of CHATTER XIII. 2 Ch,. 24.27. ft1t tce LORD, 1 Jhoahae' wciced oeigtk. 3 Jehoahaz, o),pre-e d to of thi 5 Le the priests take it to tlhem, ever y y Ios..a.. 8 Joaoh..c. t aabtoe, nta of tis Oacquaintance: and let them re- etdothht. l..i.ioeedo.. 2Jo-toa euocdedeh him,.. 14 ~isha dyi,,g propheieth to or. 27. 2. pair the breaches of the house, wheresoever Jocosodobh Ote. htdcse Thotoo Joath shooee victobeio over the Syrianso. 20 The [ Hob. any breach shall be found. Moaebites itnvading the laod, Elisha'ts bo es rai. e -oaceodeht to- 6 But it was so, that tin the three and 1, asdead2ao. 22Iazael dlinog, Joash getteth -oo th, hoset twentietl year of Iaing Jehtoash fthle pritosts to if-o?,t otneetoioo.Oet dE. feeeoc.. had not repairedthe breaches of the house. TN t the three and twentieth year of Joash 856. E.o. 25.. 7 1 fle. 299.. 7 Then king Jehoash called for Jehoiada the son of Ahaziah king of Judah, Jeho- 1Ho h. the igt the priest, and the othot' priests, nod said ahaz the son of Jeha began to reign ooer tttottbtoa unto them, Why repair ye not the breaclies Israel in Samaria, and rceigne'd seventean heo of Ho. il of the house? now therefore receive no 2w0re years. h t. t tweni th money of your acquaintance, but deliver it 2 And lie did tha which twaos evil in the htird yet,.. for the breaches of the house. sight of the LORD, and' tfollowed toe sins t teb. talked f. Chr. 24. 5. 8 And the priests consented to receive no if Jeroboam tbe son.ofNeba1, which made ft. g 2 Ch,. I. 6. roe money of tile people, neither to repair Israel to sin; he departed not therefrom. the breaches of the house. 3~Andtadtheanger ofttheLORDwaskindled about 849. h72 er. 24. 8, 9 Bat Jthoiada the priest tool, a chest, toagainst Israel, and he' delivered them into aJudg. 2. 14. h and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it the hand of b Hazael king of Syria, and into boh. c8.12. beside the altar, on the right side as one the hand of Ben-hadad the son of Hazael, cometh into the house of tihe LonRD: and all'tir days. ttleb. the priests that kept the door put therein 4 And Jehoahaz Obeseught the LORD, and about'842. thrhold. all the money that was brought into the the LORD hearkened unto him: for dlbe cPs. 78.34. house of thile LORD. saw'the oppressitn of Israel, because the d E.. 3.7. 10 And it was so, when they saw that there king of Syria oppressed'them. h. 14, 26. tes much money in tile ehest, that the (And the LORD gave Israel a saviour, Sec'ver. 25. O.oet. kintg's Ilscribe and the high priest came up, so that they went out from under the hand & cel. 14. 25, tilob. toutd and they tput Up in bags, and told the of the Syrians: and the children of'Israel 27. p money that was found in the house of the dwelt in their tents,'as beforetime. 9 HeO. as y-c LORD. 6 Nevertheless they departed not from the too.dey, tnd 11 And they gave the money, being told, sins of the house of Jeroboam, h,o irade thitd doy. into the hands of them that did the work, Israel sin, but twalked therein: fand o Heb. 0. that had the oversight of the house of the theoe tremained the grove alto in Sama- ahd. tHMb.oogoht LORD: and they f laid it out to the carpen- ria.) flrXia.. 03. it foth. ters and bdlders, that wrought upon the 7 Neither did ho lenave of'the people to Je- tHob. ood. house of the LORD, hoahaz but fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, 8 1273 r Elisha's sickness and death. II. KINGS. Amaziah's good reign. B.C. and ten thousand footmen; for tie king of of tholland of Jehoahaz his father by war. B. C. about 842.. Syria had destroyed them, gand had made SThree times did Joasll beat him, and re- about 839. them like the dust by threshing. covered the cities of Israel. yAm. 1..3 8 ~ Now the rest of the acts of Jehoahaz, r ver. 18, 19. and all that he did, and his might, are they CHAPTER XIV. about 836. not written in the book of the Chronicles of 1Amateh'e slnis ocf seigt. 3 i0, tctlie,'e on t, the kings of Israel i? n.o. 8 Amaziahk,, ovokin.e JelRoas, 7's ovee - 839. 9 And Jehoahaz slept with his fathers; come and sp oile. 15 Jcroboam etocaedetah Jevr. 10,,e- and they buried him in Samaria: and 11 Jo- hoash. 17. maziah slain ly a conlspipacy. 21 oe Ah. ash his.son reigned in his stead*. A-ariah sueedodth hit. 23 Jeoloan'es niked nAlone. 10 S In the thirty and seventh year of Jo-,el 28Zaeearnai,ncecedea Hie. 841. ash king of Judah began IIJehoash the son TN athe second year of Joash son of Je- 839. I~n Cnnortn of Jehloahaz to reign over Israel in Samaria, 1L hahai z king of Israel reigned bAmnziah ach. 13.l10. with -is fa- and -eignel sixteen years. the son of Joash king of Judan. l 2 h. 2. ther,ch,n1.l. 11 And lie did that wlhich, ws evil in the 2 HIle nlas twenty and five years old when sight of the LORD; hle departed not from he began to reign, and reigned twenty and all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's who made Israel sin: blt he walked there- name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. in. 3 And he did that wihich was right in the hch. 14. 15. 12 hAnd the rest of the acts of Joash, and sight of the LORD, yet not like David his iS,.o ver. 14. iall that Le did, and klhis might wherewith father: lie did according to all things as & 25. he fought against Amaziah king of Judah, Joash his father did. kch. 14. 9,&,.. e they not written in tile book of the 4 IHowbeit the ligrh places ere not taken cch. 12. 3. 2 Clr. 5.17, Chronieles of the kings ofIsrael? away: as yet the people did sacrifice and &e. 13 And Joash slept with his fathers; and burnt incense on the high places. 82. Jeroboam sat upon his throne: and Joash 5 And it came topass, as soon as the kingwas buried in eamaria with the kings of dom was confirmed in his band, that lie slew Israel. his servants dwhieh had slain the king his dch. 12. 20. about 839. 14 ~ NonY Elislla was fallen sick of his father. sickness whereof he died. And Joashi the 6 But'the children of the murderers hl slew king of Israel came down unto him, and not: according unto that whicll is written in wept over ilis face, and said, O my father, the book of the law of MIoses, wherein the l ch. 2. 12. my father! the chariot of Israel, and the LORD commanded, saying, eThe fathers Deut. 24.16. horsemen thlereof. shall lot be put to death for the children, Ez. 18.1, 20l. 16 And Elisha said unto him, Take bow nor the children be put to death for the fnand arrows. And he took unto him bow there; but every man shall be put to death and arrois. for his own sin. t Hsb. Jek, 16 And lie said to the king of Israel, fPut 7 file sleol of Edom in Ithe valley of salt about 827. thiheh-,ets tIhine hand upon the bow. And he put his ten thousand, and took 1 Selah by war, snd fCllr. 25.11. reld. bhand upon it: and Elisha put his hands called the name of it Joktheel unto this 2 Sam.8.13. upon the king's hands. day. [ie. 0o, tit.. 17 And lie said, Open the window eastward. 8 i iThen Amaziah sent messengers to Je- I[ Or,l eroee. Andhe openedit. Then Elisha said, Shoot. hoash, the son of Jehonhaz son of Jehu, hJosr. 15.88. And he. shot. And he said, Tile arrow of king of Israel, saying, Come, let us look one. [ the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of another in the face. about 826. deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite 9 AndJelloash the king of Israel sent to Joeph.. n,1IKin.20.26. the Syrians in "Aphek, till thou have con- Amaziahl kingof Judah, saying, k Tlle thistle ein. IX. sumed thCeb. that was in Lebanon sent to the n cedar that i2 Clr. 25e.17. 18 And lie said, Take the arrows. And he was in Lebanon, saying, Give thy daughter took these. And he said unto the king of to my son to wife: and there passed by e kS Judg. 9. Israel, Smite upon the ground. And he wild beast that nas in Leanon, and trode.. smote thrice, and stayed. down the thistle. 19 And the man of God was wroth with 10 Thou hast indeed smitten Edom, and him, and said, Thou shouldest have smitten uthine heart hath lifted thee up: glory of Deeut. 8. 11. five or six times; then hadst thou smitten this, and tarry tat home: for why shouldest 2 Chr. 3'2. 25. rer 5. 215. Syria till thou hadst consumed it: a'ihere- thou meddle to thy hurt, that thou slouldest'0.0. 28.5,17. as now thou shalt smite Sy;ria but thrice.' fall, even thou, and Judall with thee I? nb. 3.4. about 838. 20 ~ And Elisha died, and they buried him. 11 But Amaziah would not lear. Tlere-.t..h. y And the bands of thee ioabites invaded the fore Jehoashl king of Israel went up; and land at the coming in of the year. he and Amaziah king of Judalh looked one 21 And it came to pass, as they were bury- lno the face at'oBeth-shemesh, which t Josh.. 38. ing a man, that, behold, they spied a band belongeth to Judah. h 21;16. of menn; and they cast the man into the 12 And Judah twas put to the worse be- tHsl,. teae sepulchre of Elislia: and shen the eman fore Israel and they fed every man to their telite. te >. oet tCwas let down, and touched the bones of tents. down. Elisha; he revived, and stood up on his feet. 13 And Jehoasl king of Israel took Amaoch..8. 12. 22 ~ But sHazael king of Syria oppressed ziah king of Judah, the son of Jehoash the Israel all the days of Jehoahaz. son of Ahazialh, at Beth-shemesh, and came pch. 14. 27. 23 PAnd the LORD was gracious unto them, to Jerusalem, and brake down the wall of rEs. 2.212. 25. and had compassion on them, and qhad re- Jerusalem from ~the gate of Ephraim unto olNel. 8.10. &'rE, 32. 13. spect unto them, "because of his covenant Pthe corner gate, four hundred cubits. 121 39. -with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would 14 And he took all q the gold and silver, and p Jor. 31. 38. not destroy them, neither cast he them from all the vessels that were found in the house Zei. 1. 10. tiHe. faee. his tpresence as yet. of the LORD, and in the treasures of the qlKingse7.51. about 839. 24 So Hazel. king of Syria died; and Ben- king's house, and hostages, and returned about 825. hadad his son reigned in his stead. to Samaria. tHeb. 25 And Jehoash the son of Jehobhaz ttook 1a ~' Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash h13. 12. snetoU snk'drln again out of the hand of Ben-hadad the son llich he did, and his might, and how he k of Hazael the cities, which he had taken out fought lwith Amaziah king of Judah, are 274 Jeroboam's wicked reign. II. ICINGS. Zachariah's evi reign. D. C. they not written in the book of the Chroni- 5 I And the LORD damote the king, so B. C, about 825. cles of the kings of Israel?i that he was a leper unto the day of his about 755. 16 And Jehoash slept with his fathers, and death, and'dcelt in a several hce. And - eas buried in Samaria with the hicgs of I- Jothan the king's son aes over the house, dc2h..26Ce19rael; and Jeroboam his son reigned in his judging the people oe the laned. C21. stead. 6 And the rest of the acts of Azariah, and Lsv:. i3.e46.,2Che. 2.25, 17 ~'AndAmaziahthe sonofJoashkingof all that he did, are they not written in the Sc. Judah lived after the death of Jehoash son book of the Chronicles of the kings of Juof JehoahazS king of Israel fiteen years. dah? 18 And the rest of the acts of Amaziah, are 7 So Azariah slept with his fathers; and about 758. they not written in the book of tie Chroni- fthey buried him weith his fathcr in the fiehr. 26.23. cles of the kings of Judah? city of David: andJotham his son reigned C 2Ct.t2.2i7. 19 No ehey sade a cnspiracy eagainst ain his tead. sJeh. 10. 31. him in Jerusalem: and ie fled te" Lacish; 8 ~ In thethirtyandeighthyear ofAzariahe about 773. 810. but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew king of Juds did Ztchariall the son of Je- TIec tc'iac him thlere. oboam reign over Israel in Samaria six been n in20 And they eroeghtb im ona horses: and months. he was buried at Jerusalem withhisifthers 9And Sc did thet shich es evilin the cyeas. in the city of David. sighlt of the LORD, as his fathers haid done: -et. 17. 123. 21 ~Accdalthc peopleofJudadtook tCAzat- lie departed not from the sins of Jeroboam 2 Chlr. 26. 1, riah,l which wae sixteen years old, and made the son of Nbat, who made Israel to sin.. i.s sled Si h kintg instead of his fathee Amazic. 10 And Shallum the son of Jabesh cona- about 772. eh. 22 He built YElath, and restoredittoaJu- spired against himc and..ote him before gA. p.p..e. e... dah, after that the king slept with his fia- the people, and slew him, and reigned in icd, ache. 2. c. eletrs. his stead. A-. 7.79. 825. 23 I In the fifteenth year of Amaziah the 11 And the rest of the acts of Zachariah, 1cc hcc.- sons of Joasc king of Judah, Jeroboam the behold, they a'e written in the book of the ic to -sica sont ofJoaashkingof Israel began to reignin ChIronicles of the kings of Israel. e Samaria, and cignedl forty and one years, 12 This cwas h the word of the LORD which hch. 10. 30. 24 And he did that which was evil in the he spake unto Jehu, saying, Thy sons shall sight of the LORDn: he departed not from sit on the throne of Israel unto the fourth all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, geaeration. And so it came to pass. who made Israel to sin. 13' Shallum the son of Jabesh began to about 772. N 1um. 13.21.L 25 He restored the coast of Israel Zfrom reign in the nine and thirtieth year of iUz- iatltt. 1. 8, 9, ] 34. 8. the entering of Haiath unto athe sea of the king of Judah; and he reigned a full callctOztass slout. 3. 17. plain, accordiag to the word of tie LORD month in Samaria. sed ccc, God of Israel, which he spake by tile hand 14 For Menahem the son of Gadi went up AZaelah. b J.h 1.. iof hisservant b Jonalh, tle son of Amittai, from kTirzah, and cameto Samaria, and tItch. Mantt. 12. 39, tile prophet, which was of c Gath-hepher. smote Shallum the son of Jabesh in Sams-.cet ajP rtG LR dznh alici....-...., Jonas. 2 te L da te aiti I- ria, and sle him, and reignedl his stead i. Jes. ca, that iteas very hittetr: for therae wa 15 And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and s.1. czech1. 19.13.ra co.. 13not anyshut up, nor any left, nor anyhelper his conspiracy cehich he made, behold, they 822. for Israel. are written in the book of the Chronicles of d h. 13. 4. 217 f And the LORD said not that he would the Icings of Israel. De.. a32. S. blot out the name of Israel from under.eav- 16 ~ Then Menahem smote ITiphsah, and ll Ki.gs4.24. feb. 13. S. ene: but he saved them by the hand of Jero- all that were therein, and the coasts thereof beam the son of Jonash. from Tirzahl: because they opened not'to 28 I Nowthe rest of the acts of Jeroboam, hint, therefore he smote it; nd all 1the cch. 8.12. gt Sarm 8. (a. and all that hie did, and his might, how he women therein that were withll child IKin, 11.21. warred, and how he recovered Damascus, ipped up. 2 Ch. c... and ItHamath, i..hihi belonged to Judah, 17 In the nine and thirtieth year of Aza- 72. cAfte a. ni c- for Israel, are they not written in tihe book riah king of Judah began Menahecm the son -accat Of the Chronicles of thle kings of Israel? of Gadi to reign over Israel, and reigned of Ilyea, 29 And Jeroboam slept with his fatlers, ten years in S.marin. ch. 15. 8. even with the kings of Israel; and hZach- 18 And he did that which was evil in tihe 784. ariah his son reigned in his stead. sight of the LORD: he departed not all his CHAPTER XV. days frorn the sins of Jeroboam the son of 1 Aza.iah's lood eign. 5 eis dylnff a leper,.o- Nebat, who made Israel to sin. tha -,, sccce-eith. 8 7,Schhia h, hclvct of Je- t19 A tnd'Pul the king of Assyria came 771. eha 81. csne~ ~acisc, esiccec ill, t.sslcivc. i against the land: and M1enahem gave Pulc,Chr. 5. 6. ih t i h0. 13/callccece.cee ccacth, isslaiae~,lyes- a thousand talents of silver,that his hand c..c. I. Th cchelsr 16 M-ecaets st,'ehtlchceth hiacIf e 17th ysa c Pet. yt-slecahlac eetldoh ahim e tah might be with him to confirm the kingdom oe.. 8. 9. P,, I. o Pl 21Pckahhi, l....... dr hi.. 23PPck~ahW1 Jeroboamc i. slaics b, Pekah. 27 Piekah is oppressd by in his eand. hc4 peartnerchlip, accdslaie by Hohea. 32 Jo- 20 And- Menahem Sexacted the money of tHtb. c-asd in thaising- late;. scacseaciea. Mdlca ascccssdstl hics. tIsrael, even of allthe mighty men of wealth, to comeforth. dateesith hi. Nivr ogv fisths, h, N the twenty and seventh yea Jer each man fifty shekels of silver, to give ted. him t beam king of Israel abegan b Azariah to thie king of Assyria. So the king of As/ca!eort t son of Amaziah king of Judah to reign. syria turned back, and stayed not there in i goitng to 2 Sixteen years old was he when hie began the land. the Syrle tO reign, and he reigned two and fifty years 21 I And the rest of the acts of MIenahem, ss. ~ lae t' iga, th. isi in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was and all that he did, are they not written in teenth yes Jecholiah of Jerusalem. the book of the Chronicles of the kings of of 3 And e did thalt which was right in the Israell -ac' eas sight of tile LORD, according to all that his 22 And Menahem slept witl his fathers; -ehy. father Amaziah had done; and Pekahiah his son reigned in his stead. ach. 1. 1. 4 Save that tte high places were not re- 23 ~ In the fiftieth year of Azariah king 761. 2 Chr. 26., 1 3, 4. moved: tce people sacrificed and burnt in- of Judah,Pekahiahthe son of ienahembei C.ilsd u_ I cease still on the high places. gan to reign oves Israel in Samaria, and iah. ver. 13, 30,&c. &h2 Chr. 26. ever. 35. eh. 12.3. & 14.4. reignedl twoyears. 2715 Jotham's good reiqn. II. KINGS. The wicked reign of Ahaz. B. C. 761. 21 Andlhe did that oohich ooso evil in the tions of the heathen, the LORD cast B. C. sight of the LORD: hlie departed not from out from before the children of Israel. about 742. thle sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who 4 And he sacrificed and burnt incense in made Israel to sin. the high places; and don tile bills, and dDeut. 12. 2. 759. 25 But Pekah the son of Remaliah, a cap- under every green tree. 1 lKin. 14.23. tain of his, conspired against hlim, and o 5 IThen Rezin kills of Syria, and Pekah 742. smote him in Samaria, in the palace of the son of Remaliah nking of Israel, came up to eIs.7.l,4,&c. king's' house, with Argob and Arieh, and Jerusalem to oar: andtheyhbesieo edAg azt, vwitll him fifty men of the Gileadites: and but could not overcome hiot. he killed him, and reigned in his room. 6 At that time Rezin king of Syria fre- fch. 14. 22. 20 And the rest of the acts of Pekahialh, covered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews and all that he did, behold, they are writ- from t Elath: and the Syrians came to tHob. loOlh. ten in of the Chronicles of the Elath, and dwelt there unto this day. kings of Israel. 7 So Ahaz sent messengers to t Tiglath- g ch. 15. 29. 759. 27 ~ In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah pileser king of Assyria, saying, I arn thy Heb. Tilp I.. 7. 1. king of Judah, 2'Pekah the son of Remaliah servant and thy son: come up, and save gatl-toleser, began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and me ot of tile hand of the king of Syria, and Chr. 5. 26 reigned twenty years. oult of the hand of the king of Israel, which 20, Tilgath28 And he did that whichL was evil in the rise up against me. sight of the LonD: he departed not fron 8 And Ahnz took the silver and gold that' 740. the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who was found in the house of tile LORD, and made Israel to sin. in the treasures of the king's house, and I ch. 12, 18. 740. 29 In the days of Pekah king of Israel sent itfor a present to the king of Assyria. [ 21. IlChr. 5. 26. ame Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and 9 And the king of Assyria hearkened unto Is. 9. 1. tools'Ijon, and Abel-beth-maachah, and him: forthekingofAssyria wventupagainst rlKin. 1.20. Janoahl, and Kedesll, and Hazor, and Gil- tDamascus, and itook it, and carried the tRleb. end, and Galilee, all the land of Naphtali, jpeople of it captive to Kir, and slew Rezin. Danmaee. and carried them captive to Assyria. 10 ~ And king Abaz went to Damascus to iForetol.l 739.' 30 And Hoshea the son of Elah made a meet Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and Am. 2. 5. conspiracy against Pekah the son of Rema- saw an altar that towas at Damascus: and liah, and smote him, and slew lim, and king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the Aflter an'reigned inhis stead, tintlie twentieth year fashion of the altar, and the pattern of it, anarchy for of J otham the son of Uzziah. according to all the workmanship thereof. some ears, 31 And the rest of tile acts of Pekah, and 11 And Urijah the priest built an altar clo. 17.. all that -he did, behold, they are written in according to all that king Ahaz had sent flo.. 10. 3, 7, 15. the book of the Chronicles of the kings of from Damascus: so Urijal the priest made. Israel. it against king Ahaz came from Damascus. fourth year 32 ~ In the second year of Pekah the son 12 And when the king was come from Daof Ahas,, in of Remaliah king of Israel began U Jotham mnscus, the kinog saw the altar: and k the k 2 Chr. 26.16, the:en- the sono of Uzziah king of Judall to reign. king approached to the altar, and offered 19. tieth yea 33 Five and twenty years old was heo when thereon. dbcrJotamo he bega n to reign, and lie reigned sixteen 13 And he burnt his burnt offering and his reign: Uoh, years in Jerusalem. And his mother's meat offering, and poured his drink offer75i. name twas Jeruslla, the daughter of Zadok. ing, and sprinkled the blood of this peace t IIeb. which 34 And lie did that which was right in the offerings, upon the altar. re hi. n2Chr. 27.1. sight of the LORD: he did I according to 14 And he brought also Ithe brazen altar, 02 Chr.. 1. ser. 3. all that his father Uzziah had done. which 2oas before the LORD, from the forey ver. 4. 35 ~ Y Howbeit the high places were not re- front of the house, from between the altar moved: the people sacrificed and burned and the house of the LORD, and put it on g2 Chr, s7. 3, incense still in the high places. ZHe built the north side of the altar. &dc, the higher gate of t he LORD. 15 And king Alhaz commanded Urijah the 36 ~ Nom the rest of the acts of Jotham, priest, saying, Upon the great altar burn and all that he did, are they not written in "Lthe morning burnt offering, and the even- mE.. 29. 39. the book of the Chronicles of the kings of ing meat offering, and the king's burnt sac- 40, 41. about 742. Judah? rifice, and his meat offering, with the burnt At t.e end 37 In those days the LORD began to send offering of all the people of the land, and of Zotlham' against Judah aRezin the king of Syria, their meat offering, and their drink offerreit6. and b Pekah the son of Remaliah. ings; and sprinkle upon it all the blood of acl. IS. 5. 38 And Jotham slept with his fathers, and the burnt offering, and all the blood of the is. 7.1. was buried with his fathers in the city of sacrifice: and the brazen altar shall be for b er. 27.: David his father: and Ahaz his son reigned me to inquire by. 742. in his stead. 16 Thus did Urijah the priest, according CHAPTER XVI. to all that king Ahaz commanded. l Ahaz' wiked oes. Ahas, a.ssailed by Rebin 17 " And king Ahaz cut off O the borders 739. and Peio, hirth Y'ig.thl-pi.teser hemo. of the bases, and removed the laver from 2nChr. 2 24. 10 Ahlas,,erdi, te o t te oso aze altar- o feso off them; and took down i' the sea from off l ing7.27, to hios eor devotion. 17 le saloilob th e tbemlte. the brazen oxen that were under it, and 28. 19 Hlezetkia ueee deth his. put it upon a p.avement of stones. pl I ngs7.23 about 742. TN the seventeenth year of Pekah the son IS And the covert for the sabbath that they 2.5. 2G Chr. 28. 1,. of Remaliah, a Ahaz the son of Jotham had built in the house, and the king's entry &c. king of Judah began to reign. without, turned lhe from the house of the 2 Twenty years old was Ahaz when he be- LORD for the king of Assyria. gan to reign, and reigned sixteen years in 19 ~ Now the rest of toe acts of Ahaz which Jerusalem, and did not that which was he did, are they not written in the book of right in the sight of the LORD his God, like the Chronicles of the kings of Judah? bLo.1. 1. David his fnather. 20 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and 726. 2 Chr. 28..3. 3 But he walked in the way of the kings of 0swas buried with his fathers in the city of q2Chr.28.27. Ps.106.37.38. Israel, yea, band made his son to pass David: andHezekiahhissonreignedinhlis cDeut. 12.31. through the fire, according to the abomina- stead. 276 Israel is carried II. KINGS. into captivity. B. C. 780. CHAPTER, XVII. grove, and worshipped all the host of heav- B. C. 721. sheea', wickedeigo. 2 eing sbded! en, Zand serveod anl. Shalmanease, he /tonapore th tgaoint h'im w itht 8 17 "And they caused their sons and their z l Cin.16.31. ki ti of lEgypt. 5 Soa)aio for. thei ins Is daughters to pass through the fire, and & 22. 3. calptivated. 2-t 1'l/ stratge glatiots, wticl/oete bused divination and enchantments, and Ch. 11. 18. tea[seplntled itt Samaeae, be!ilg plagued with esold themselves to do evil in the sight of aLeV. 18.21. lions, imak a mixatcre of' ellion Ls. the LORD, to provoke him to anger. Bi. 23. TN the twelfth year of Ahazhkin, of Judah 18 Therefore the LORD was very angry l a 3. a 8.10, aAfternin-. began 0 oslbea t! e son of Elah toreigann olitl Israel, and removed them out of his in Samaria over 0 lrael nine years. sight: there tvas none left dbut the tribe of eClIin.21.20. Ch. 15.30. 2 And he did that wehich otas evil in the Judah only. d 1Iin.11.13, sight of the LORD, but not as the kings of 19 Also eJudah kept not the command- 2 Israel that were before him. ments of the LORD their God, but walked Jc. 3. 8. bch. 189.9 3 ~[ Against him came up 6 Shalmaneser in the statutes of Israel e\hich they made. king of Assyria; and Hoshea became his 20 And tile LORD rejected all the seed of tIel,. servant, and t gave him It presents. Israel, and afflicted them, and fdelivered fch.13.3.&15. e1-de,'ed, 4 And the king of Assyria found conspiracy them into the hand of spoilers, until he had 29. 2 Sm. 8. 2. in Hoshea: for he had sent messengers to east them out of his sight. Ort,'ibutei. So king of Egypt, and brought no present 21 For she rent Israel from the house of gLI in.1.ll, to the king of Assyria, as he thad done year David; and hthey made Jeroboam the son 31. 725. by year: therefore the king of Assyria shut of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drave Israel h 1 lan.12.20, him up, and bound him in prison. from following the LORD, and made them 28. 723. 5 l~ Thsen tlle king of Assyia cameup sin a great sill. tcl. 189. 9. throughout all the land, and vent up to Sa- Fothehe children of Israel walked in all maria, and besieged it three years. the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they 721. 60 d In the ninth year of Hoshea the king departed not from them; dch.8.8. 0,11.f Assyria took Samaria, and carried Ise 23 Until tte LORD removed Israel out of HIoe. 13. 16, rael away into Assyria, f and placed them his sight, ias he had said by all his servants i lin.s 14.16. foretold. in Halah and in HInbor by the river of Go- the prophets. kSo was Israel carried away k er. 6. Lsev. 26. 32, zan, and in the cities of the Medes.'out of their own land to Assyria unto this S33. 7 For so it was, thatethe children of Is- day. Det. 289.3/. rael had sinned against the LORD their 24 ~ lAnd the king of Assyria brought about678. 1. d 29. 27. God, which had brought them up out of the 0en0'n from Babylon, and from Cuthal, and l Era4. 2, 10. fl Cr 5. 20. land of Egypt, from under tlte Iland of Pha. from tAvas, and from Hamath, and from,se tver. 30. raoh king of Egypt, and had feared other Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities ncs. 18. 342 gods, of Samaria instead of the children of Is- IvaA. Lev. 18. 3. 8 And,ewalked in the statutes of the rael: and they possessed Samaria, and Deut. 18.9. heathen, whom the LORD cast out from be- dwelt in the cities thereof. lh. 16. 3. fore tlhe children of Israel, and of the kings 25 And so it was at the beginning of their of Israel, lwhich they had made. dwelling there, that they fealed not the 9 And the children of Israel did secretly LORD: therefore the LORD sent lions those tlings that stere not right against tie among them, which slew some of them. LORD their God, and they built them high 26 VWhlerefore they spake to theo king of hch. 18. 8. places in all their cities, hfrom tile tower of Assyria, saying, Tile nations which thou the watchmen to the fenced city. hast removed, and placed in the cities of ilIKin. 14.23. 10 iAnd they set them up timages and Samaria, know not the manner of the God Is. 57. 5. kgroveslin every high hlill, and under every of the land: therefore he hath sent lions tHeb.statles. green tree: among them, and, behold, they slay them, ExE. 34. 13. 11 And there they burnt incense in all the because they know not the manner of the Dent. 21. high places, as daid the heathen whom tile God of the land. tIlc. 5. 14. LORD carried away before them; and 27 Then the king of Assyria commanded, IDeut. 12. 2. wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD saying, Carry thither one of the priests ct. 12. 4. to anger: whom ye brought from thence; and let,E..20.. 3,. 12 For they served idols, m'whereof the them go and dwell there, and let him teach Lev. 26. 1. LORD had said unto them, Yoe shall not them tle manner of the God of the land. Dout. 5.7, 8. do this thing. 28 Then one of the priests whom they had n Deut. 4.19. 13 Yet the LORD testified against Israel, carried away from Samaria came and dwelt t heb. by tlte and against Judah, thby all the prophets, in 1eth-el, andtaught them how they should hatldofatl. and by all ~thle seers, saying, t'Turn ye fear the LORD. ol am. 9.9 from your evil ways, and keep my com- 29 Howbeitevery nation madegodsoftheir pJer. 18.11.& mandments and my statutes, according to own, and put theotb in the houses of the 25.5.&35.15. all the law which I commanded your fa- high places wh ichthe Samaritans had made, thers, and whlich I sent to you by my serv- every nation in their cities wherein they ants the prophets. dwelt. 14 Notcwithstanding, they would not hear, 30 And the men of ~13abylon made Suc- over. 24. 7Deut. 31.27. buto hardened their necks, like to the neck cotllh-benoth, and the men of Cuth made Prov.291. of their fathers, that did not believe in the Nergal, and the men of Hamatth made,Deut2.29.25. LORD their God. Ashima, Deut. 32.21. 15 And they rejected his statutes, "and 31 P'And the Avites made Nibhaz and pEera4. 9. l:to. 1. 13 his covenant that lte made with their fa- Tartak, and the Sepharvites qburnt their qLev. 18. 21. Pt C112..' thers, and his testimonies which he testified children in fire to Adrammelechll and Anam- Deut. 12. 31. Rom. 11. 2. against them; and they followed Svanity, melech, the gods of Seph arvaim. De. 12130 and ibecame vain, and went after the 32 So they feared the LORD,'and made -lKin. 12.31. 31. heathen that Weere round about them, con?- unto themselves of the lowest of them priests ltc. 30. 0 cernting whom the LORD had charged them, of the Iigh places, which sacrificed for them Zeph. 1. 5. 1 Ein. 12. 8. that they should tnot do like them. in thle houses of the high places. in. 1G And they left all thecommandments of 33 SThtey feared the LORD, and served itj eeLoc'. 23.& 15 13.& the LORD their God, and emade them molt- their own gods, after the manner of the..a sty fero 16. 33. en images, evee twvo calves, iand made a tions I/whom they carried away from thence. thsene. 277 Rezekiah's good reign. II. KINGS. Sennacherib invnadeth JudaLh. B. C. 34 Unto this day they do after the former it: evn, in the sixth year of Hezekioh, thot B. C. about678. manners: they fcar not the LORD, neither is thoe ninth year of tosho a king of Israel, bout721. do they after their statutes, or after their Samaria o was tooen. ordinances, or after the law and command- 11 IAnd the king of Assyria did carry och. 17. 6. ment which the LORD commanded the chil- away Israel unto Assyria, and put themo pch. 17. 6. [tGen. 32. 28. dren of Jacob, twhomnhenamed Israel; 9in Halah and in Habor by the river ofq. Clhr. 5.26. & 3.5. 10. 35 With whom the LORD had made o Gozan, and in tho cities of the ledt s: liC". 11.t1. covenant, and charged them, saying, Ye 12 "Becauseo they obeyed not the voice of - oh. 17. 7. [oudg. 60. 10 shall not fear other gods, nor'bow your- the LORD their God, but transgressed his Dn. 9.6,10. Do. 20.0S. tselves to them, nor servo them, nor sacrifice coveront, and all that Moses tohe servant of to them: the LORD commanded, and would not hear ~ 36 But the LORD, who brought you up out them, nor do thtem. of the land of Egypt with great power and 13 j Now'in thefourteenth yeai of king 713. y t.. 6. 6. Ya stretched out arm, thim shall ye fear, Hezekiah did f Sennachterib kingof Assyria O2 ch,. 32.1, tDet. 10.20. and him shall ye worslip, and to him shall come up against all the fenced cities of hO. ye do sacrifice. Judah, and took them. ls. 06. 1h. 37 Aod the statutes, oand the ordinnces, t14 And Hezekiah king of Judah sent tothe 0t Hb. and the law, and thle commandment, which king of Assyria to Loachish, saying, I have Sohoo ib. Deut..5. 32 lie wrote for you,'ye shall observe to do offended; return from me: that which thou for evermore; and ye shall not fear other puttest on me will I bear. And the king of gods. Assyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of 38 And the covenont that I have made Judah three hundred talents of silver and b Dout. 4.23. with you bye slhall not f -get; neither shall thirty talents of gold. ever.32, 33. y fear othergods. 15 And Hezekiah gave hin all thile silver ot h. 1. 8 39 But the LORD your God ye shall fear; that was found in the house of the LORD, and he stall deliver you out of the hand of and in the treasures of the king's house. all your enemies. 16 At that time did Hezekiah cut off the 40 Howbeit they did not hearken, butthey gold from the doors of the temple of the did after their former mnt ner. LORD, and froo7 the pillars which llHezekiah 41'So these nations feared the LORD, king of Judahhad overlaid, and gave tit to thtb. tem. and served their graven images, both their thoe king of Assyria. children, and their children's clildren: as 17' And the king of Assyria sent Tartan about710. did their fathers, so do they unto this day. and,absaris and Rab-shakeh from Lachish to king HIezekiah witlh a t great host against t heb. heaoj. CHAPTER XVIII. Jerusalem: and they went up and came to 1 lezekiah' good 4eibo. 4H dtroyethl idoilary, Jerusalem. And when they owere come up, -nd j-p-'sprth. 9 Sama~'- is atldcatv ooooooo'tei'os. 13 Seomaheo,'hios! atoi odh i. they came and stood by the conduit of the foo~~i~oiotioos. to o3o to~lnrito,itnoorodooo Jotodao, oocfiedlooO,'0ibuitt. Ot17O t-itkih, oentby'Seo- upper pool, 0which is in the highway of the otIt.7. 3. l~he.ib agan,'eviit -ilor Hezkiah, lod o bla U- fuller's field. phtomoosptetoasoiooteoloiteththioeosoplettoevolt. 18 And when they had called to the Iing, about 720. \TO0W it oamo to pass in tht thtird year of there came out to them loiakim the son of -L Ioshea son of Elah king of Israel, that Hilkiah, which toas over the household, and 9tahhr..27. aI-Iezekial tte son of Ahoz king of Judah Shebnt the Iscribe, and Jono the son of tor. & 29. oobegan to reign. Asaph tho recorder.' too'tary. te i -t11e d 2 Twenty and five years old was he when 19 And Rab-shakeh said unto them, Speak 3tOtt. 1.9. he began to reign; and lie reigned twenty ye now to Hczelioh; Thus saith the great and ninoe years in Jerusalem. His mother's king, the king of Assyr ia, IWhat confidence 2tior.32.10, f 2 Chr. 29. 1, name also was bAbi, the daughter of Zach- is this wherein thou trustest?. Atijok. arioh. 20 Thou itsayest, (but they areo bt t t~vin ii Or. tilkest. 3 And lot did tat owdhich oas right in the words,) II Ihave counsel and strength for thIeb.,wood sight of the LORD, according to all that the war. Now on whom dost thou trust, of0thel tp. David his father did. that thou rebellest against me? o. Bdi t2 CMr. 31.1. 4 dT Horemovedthehighgplaces, andbrake 21..Now, beholo, thou ttrustest upon the -oo0ot-l tl, tHeb.toatueo. the timages, and cut down the groves, and staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, to-gi a r. dNum. 21.. 9. brako in pieces tho dbrttzen serpent that on which if a man lean, it will go into his -th - AThot it, S Moses had nmade: for unto those days the haod, and pierce it so is Phraoh king of E. 2., 7. pite.ofbrast. children of Israel did burh incense to ito Egypt unto all that trust on hin. Hoh. trust-eh. 19. 10. and he called it IIlNehushtan. 22 But if ye say unto me, We trust in the etAhee. Job 13. 15. 5 He etrusted in the LORD God of Israel; LORD our God: is not that he, Zwhose higih soet. 4. Pt. 13. 5. fsothat after hi was nonelikehoim amnong places and whose altars Hezekiah hath 2 0Chr. 31. 0. f ch. 23. 05. all the kings of Judoh, nor any that were taken away, and hath said to Judah and & 32.O12. g Deut.10.20. before him. Jerusalem, oYe shall worship before this Johi.. 2.8. 6 For he geltvo to toe LORD, and depart- altar in Jerusalem?i tOeob. fot, ed not tfrom following him, but Ikept his 23 NoW therefore, I pray thee, give ate:oh im. commandments, whichtho LORD comman d- lI pledges to my lord tloe king of Assyria, IlOr, hostaie. h 2 Chr15.. ed Moses. and I will deliver thee two thousand horses, abouti 725. 7 And the LORD h was with him; and he if thou be able on thy par to set riders I t.-n18.5, iprospered whithersoever lie wtent forth: upon them. 14. andho.krebelled against the kingofAssyria, 24 How then wilt thou turn away the face Pt. 60.t12. and served him not. of one captain of tihe least of my master's kch. 16; 7. 8 /He smote the Philistines, even unto servants, and put thy trust on Egypt for II Chr. 4.41. t Gaza, and the borders thereof, "from the chariots and for horsemen? Is 14. 29. tower of the watchmen to the fenced city. 25 Am I now come up without the LORD t Roh.Aza.t. 9 If nd "it onio to pass in to l fourth against this oplotto destroyit? The LORD oh.o17. 9. year of king Hezekiah, which oowas the said to me, Go up against this land, and about723.,sevnth year of Hoshea son of Elah king of destroy it. Israel; 0hat Shalmaneser king of Assyrio 20 Then said Eliakim the son of HIilkiah, nteh. 17. 3. came up against Samaria, and besieged it. and Shbna, and Joahl, unto Rab-shakeo, about 721. 10 And at the esd of three years they took I Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the 278 lRab-shakeh's blasphemou s speech. II. KINGS. Sennacherib's blasphemous letter. B. C. Syrian language; for we understand it: proach the living God; and -ill'reprove B. C. abouti710. and talk not with us in the Jews' language the words which the LORD thy God hath aboiut710. in thie ars of the people that are on the heard: aherefore lift up thy prayer forthe wall. remnant that are tleft. - e Pa. 50. 21. 27 But'Rab-shakeh said unto them, Hath 5 So the servants of king Hezekiah came t Hebfeound. my master sent me to thy master, and to to tIsaiah. thee, to speak these words? hath he not f AndIsaiahdsaiduntothem, Thusshall fIs.37.6, c. sent le to the men llich sit on the wall, ye say to your master, Thus saith the that they may eat their own dung, and LORD, Be not afraid of the words Which t Ie,.the oa- drink ttheir own piss with you? thou hast heard, witlh which the servants gch. 18. 17. tee oaf t5ei?- 28 Then Rab-shakeh stood and cried with of the king of Assyria have blasphemed. feset. a, loud voice in the Jews' language, and me. spake, saying, Hear the.aord of the great 7 Behold, I till send ha blast upon him, her. 35. 36, king, the king of Assyria: and he shall hear a rumour, and shall re- 37. a2Chr. 32.1. 29 Thus saith the king, aLet not Hezekiah turn to his own land; and I will cause him Jer. 51.1. deceive you: for he shall not be able to de- to fall by the sword in his own land. liver you out of his hand: 8 ~ So Rab-shakeh returned, and found 30 Neither let Hezekiah make you trust in the king of Assyria warring against Libnah: the LORD, saying, The LORD will surely for he had heard that he was departed deliver us, and this city shall not be de- ifrom Lachish. i oh. 18. 14. livered into the hand of thekingof Assyria. 9 And kwvhen he heard say of Tirhlakah 710. 31 Hearken not to Hezekiah: fobr thus saith king of. Ethiopia, Behold, he is come out kSee I Sas. li Or, Seeh thekingofAssyria, I tMake an agreement to fight against thee; ihe sent messengers 23. 27. sy favOea. with me by a present, and come out to me, again unto Hezekiah, saying, O leb. Mlake eud then eat ye every man of his own vine, 10 Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king itle nsi a nd every one of his fig tree, and drink ye of Judah, saying, Let not thy God I in I. 18. 5. Ge. 32. 20. every one the tes of is I cistern: thou trustestes deceive thee, saying, Jerusait33. ii. 3 Until I come and take you avay to a lem shall not Le delivered into the hand of Pros, 18. ii. land like your own land, a land ot corn the king of Assyria. 11 Or, pit. and wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a 11 Behold, thou hast beard what the kings bDeut.8.7,8. land of oil olive and of honey, that ye may of Assyria have done to all lands, by delive, and not die: and hearken not unto straying them utterly: and shalt tlioube dellOr, Hezekiah, when he Ilpersuadeth you, say- livered? deceiveth. ing, The LORD will deliver us. 12 " Have tlie gods of the nations delivered -I oh. 18. 33. cll. 19. 12. 33 c Hath any of the gods of the nations them which my fathers have destroyed; as 2 OChr.32.14. delivered at all his land out of the hand of Gozan and Haran, and Rezeph, and the Is. 10. 1, 11. the king of Assyria? children of n Eden which serse i Thelasar ei. 27. 27. E cll. 19. 13. 34 d Where are the gods of Hamath, and 13 ~Where is the king of Hamath, and the och. 18. 34. of Arpad? where are the gods of Sephar- king of Arpad, and the king of the city of ech. 17. 24, vaim, Hena, and eIvah? have they deliver- Sepharvaim, of Hena, and Ivah? At-a. ed Samaria out of mine band? 14 ~ P And Hezekialh received the letter of 15s.37.1,e. 35 Who are they among all the gland t he he messengers, and read it: countries, that have delivered their country and Hezekiah went up into the house of the f Dan. 3. 15. out of mine hand, f that the LORD should LORD, and spread it before the LORD. deliver Jerusalem out of mine hand? 15 And Hlezekiah prayed before the LORD, 36 But the people held their peace, and and said, 0 LORD God of Israel,,awhich glSa,. 4,4. answered him not a word: for the king's dwellest between the cherubim,'-thou art Ps. 8e. I. commandment was, saying, Answer him the God, even thou alone, of all the king- i- tlin. 18.39. not. doms of the earth; thou hast nade heaven I4-. 6. 37 Then came Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and earth. It. 10 10, which teas over the household, and Shebna 1 LORD, bow dolown thine ear, and hear: 11, 12. the scribe, and JoRhl the son of Asaph the topen, LORD, thine eyes, and see: and sIP. 31. 2. g I. 33. 7. recorder, to tlezekiah ewith their clothes hear the aords of Sennacherib, walichhath t 2 Chr. 6. 40. rent, and told him the words of Rabhshakeh. sent him to reproach the living God. ver. 4. CHAPTER XIX. 17 Of a truth, LORD, the kings of Assyria 1 Hezekiah mol.ilng sendeth to IsaiahL to pr ay fo, have destroyed the nations and their lands, thesn. 6 Isaish comfotorths them. 8Senlsachc-ib, 18 And have tcast their gods into the firea: t lchb givi. goinsg oencontee lTishakah, set hletl a blasphe- for they evere no gods, but Zthe work oft P,. 115.24. anoas sretteao dezeslial. 1 4 azci4 at- s - ea e r. amen's hands, eood and stone: therefore Jsr. 10. 3. 20 Isaiah's prop/hecy of the',,ide awedestio, m e handsstoe t hereo r of Senaclherib. at d the goos d f Zion. 3.5 tlhey have destroyed them. angel sla. ethe Asshtiansa. 36 Setlache-ib is 19 NOW theretbre, O LORD our God, I boslait, at 2ineive by his sotat saos1. seech thee, save thou us out of his hand, Is. 37.1, &. AND ait came to pass, when king Heze- Ythat all the kingdoms of the earth may yrs. 83. t8. kiah heard it, that he rent his clothes, lnow that thou art the LORD God, even and covered himself with sackcloth, and thou only. went into the house of the LORD. 20 ~ Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to 2 And he sent Eliakim, which steas over Hezckiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD the household, and Shebna the scribe, and God of Israel, Z Tiat which thou hast prayed Is,37.21,hc. the elders of the priests, covered with sack- to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria bLuke 3. 4, cloth, to bIsaiah the prophet the son of "I have heard. PA. 65. 2. allest Aenoz. 21 This is the word that the LORD hath itasias. 3 And they said unto him, Thus saith spoken concerning him; Tie virgin bthe itnL. 2.13. IIezekialh, This day is a day of trouble, and daughter of Zion hath despised thee, and Or, ptovoca- of rebuke, and lhblasphemy: for the chil- laughed thee to scorn; the daughter of Jciota. dren alre come to the birth, and there is not rusalem Chath shaken her head at thee. 12. strength to bring forth. 22 W\hom hast thou reproached and blas- La. 2. 15. c2Sam.16.12. 4 cIt may be the LORD thy God will hear phemed? and against whom hbast thou ex- dP 71 22. dch. 18. 35. all the words of IRab-shakeh, dwhom the alted thy voice, and lifted up thine eyes on I... king of Assyria his master bath sent to re- high? even against d the loly One of Israel. e... 279 The Assyrian army destroyed. II. KINGS. Hezektah's life es lengthened. B.C.710. 2.3 feBy thy messengers thou hast re- of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, B.C. 713. preoched the Lord, and bast said, f With Thus saith the LORD, t Set thine house in t Heb,. fBy the the multitude of my chariots I am come up order; for thou shalt die, and not live. ttob. Gibo hatod of. ]tothe height-of tte mountains, tothe sidesof 2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and chate t... -oh. 18.17. Lebanon, and will cut down t the tal cedar prayed unto tte LORD, saying,,tgte f's. t0. 7. trees thereof,and tdthe hoicefirtrees thereof: 3 hbeseech thee, OLOmRD, lremembernowo 2se'.17.23. tHeb the a nd I will enter into the lodgings ofhis hbor- how I have walked before tlee in truth ando oh, 13. 22. talt-,.'. & der's, atondintot1thetforestofhisCarmel. nwith a perfect heart, and have done that oe. 17.1. IOeh,the for- 24 1 have digged and drunk strange wa- iohich is go'd in thy sight. And Hezektiah 1 i"' 3. 6. /t ood his ters, and witht the sole (f my feet have. I wept tsore. t fooitftfoield, dried up all the rivers of h besiegedplaces. 4 And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was m e. i i. 0r0. 08. 25 1f Haat thou not heard' 16ng ago lott VIt gone oat into the middle..court, that the _/ 00 / 1~. 10:18./ l: 25 "Ha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t t ~ ~ ~ ~ h.... ue~ I"Orfoneet. hoave done it, and of ancient times that I word of the LORD came to him, t I'f D Oe, e~ty. o. a, ai have formedit? now have I brought it to 5 Turn again and tell Hezekihh tthe cap- I s'o, 9. 16. |. tr -ou.,t pass, tlhat hthou thouldeot be to ly waste i to f my people, Thus saith the LORD, tle 10. 1. h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-d o W, Is s a t t ODt ha'o.Ot it fe] ced cities into ruinous heaps. God of David thy father,'I have heard thy tot. 0. 20. Oooogoooa d 26 Therefore their inhaboitants mete t of prayer, I have seee fthy tears: behold, I Pt,. t'. 2..,- med it of small power, they were dismayed and con- will heal thee: on the third day thou shall fP. 39. 10. h [oncinot founded; they were as the grass of the go up unto the house of the LORD. 6. 8. tllo field, and as the green herb, as /the grass It And I will add unto thy days fifteen O.tlng 0t.,o on 0the housetops, and cs co~eo blasted be- years; ad I will deliver thee and this city le 1,1d _, foreitte grown p. out of the hand of the king of Assyria; andl ond fetc o 27 But kI know thy II abode, and thy going [ tI will defend this city for mine own sake, og ch. 19. 34. {itois to be out, and tby coming in, and thy rage against and for my servant David's sake. me. 7 And hlsaiah said, Take a lump of figs. thI.. 38. 21. oo [ 28 Because thy ragegainst me and thy And they took and laid it on the boil, and d: 45. 7. tumult is come up into mine ears, therefore oe recovered. aI. 1t. t. I will put my hook in thy nose, and my 8 ~gAnd Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, Whatt isee Judg. 6; tHeb. oho,t bridle in thy lips, and I wilt turn thee back shall be the sign that the LORD will heal 17, 37, 39. of [od. by the way by which thou camest. me, and that I shall go up into the house of t.. 11, 14. ip,. 129.1 6. 29 And this sthall be I a sign unto thee, Ye the LORD the third day?. tkPa.139.1,&c. shall eat this year such things as grow of 9 And Isaiah said, kThis sign shalt tthou lkSoI,.38.7, tlOr, ittlng. themselves, and in the second year tht have of the LORD, that the LORD will'do 8. 1Job 102. which springeth of the same; and in the the thing that lie hath spoken: shall tihe Ez. 29. 4. & thirdyear sow ye, and reap, and plant shadow go forward ten degrees or go back.. 4. vineyards, and eat tile fruits thereof ten degrees? Am. 4. 2. 30 And e tte remnant that is escaped of 10 And Hezekiahl answered, It is a light mter. 33, 36, the house of Judah shall yet again take root thing for tlo shadom to go down tet de37. downward, and hear fruit upward. grees: nay, but let the shalow,eturn btcknSam. 2.34. 31 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a wardten degrees. ]oh. too a,. I t dt tltyot eeepe t i1AoltIa httIeme t e detie,h. 27,l. 9 emanant, and t ley that escape out of 11nd saia tie prophet crie un o the o.1....'')~"l Lukh 0. 10. mount Ziona tthe teat of the LORD of LORD: and loe~brought tte satodow tea do- l toJot,. 00. a2 Chr.3t 2'hosts shalt do this. geees hback.ard, by whith it had gone down 12, 04. 03. 2 32 Therefore thus saith the LORD concern- in the t dial of Ahaz. tI. 38. 8. O Hh. the - ing the king of Assyria, He shall not tome 02 T0"Atthattim e IfiBerodach-balada, tte t Hot,. ] 3.' "' ~ nohtetfloe into this city, nor shoot tn arrow there, nor son of Blaadon, king of Babylon, sent let. det'oto. y~,~:. r i telb[rsY anhdbed...t' a present unto~ H!eed~ikg!hltiaeli]:efor lie I7312] At,,e, ofRJo.- come hefore it with shield, nor cast a bank tees ant o peeseat ooto Hehiot, foe te 712. |ob the againstit. had heard that ezekih had been sick. m.39. 1,. tolinlh. 83 By the may that le came, by the tame 13And'ltleekiah hearkenede unto lthem, lOe te,. tleb. the to- shall he return, and shallnot come into this and shewed them all the house of his II pre-e daet-taa- tI... city, saith the LORD. e ious tings, tle silver, and the gold, and dtat. oIl. 9.'7. 38[ For qI will defend this city, to save it, thle spices, and the pretious ointment, and e Q2Chr.32.'27, eth. 20. 6. for mine own sake, aod "for my servant all the house of hi t mour, and all that 31.. r tian.t.t2, Bavid'ls sae. was found in uis tresseures: there was oth- tI r, Opitey. 13. 305 And o it came to pass that night, that ing in his house, nor in allhis dominion, U Orjt.,2tfhr. 32.21. the angel of the LORD went out, and smote that Hezekiahl shewed them not. t {la,.T...,t. I. 37.3.. in the camp of the Assyritans a hundred 14' Then camo e Isaiah the prophet unto fourscore and five thousand: and when they king Hezekiah, and said unto him, What arose early in the morning, behold, they said these men? and from whence came toot-C alt dead corpses. they untothee? And LHezekiah said, They 86 So f ennac erlb king of Assyria depart- are coloe from a far country, event from ed, and went and returned, and dwelt at IBabylon. Oco-. 10. t. tNilleveh. 15 And he said, What have they seen in 37 And it came to pass, as te was worship- thine ]house? And Hezekiah answered, 79 ping in the hlouse of Nisroch his god, that'All thes hings that ae 0 in mine house have o et. 13. 2uChr.32.21. oAhdrammelechand Sharezer hissons'smote they seen: there is nothing among my toer.7. tim with the sword: and they escaped into treasures that I have not sheled ttem. t Hb. the land of Armenia. And YEsar-haddon 10 And Isaiah said unto Hezekiah, Hear,a.....e. hit son reigned in bo stead. the word of the LORD. Eto. 4.d2. Ho, CHAPTER XX. 17 Behold, toe days come, that all that is I, ch. 24. 13. &/ o1 Hezekiah, avin g ceiv a message ofdth, in thine house, and that which thy fathers 25. 13. ty h"too h hit life 1t,,gto. he,ed.,8 Th., 1 ave laid up in store unto this day, tshall Jl a yl.217. toot t tot l.... 10. b f tt he carried unto Babylont notling ehall be i- 12,dad...a -~ing t~o~.vist h 2 - l e., h,-ado,.,,d-a 1noi Ct eloo teft, saith the LORD. tMhi 2h012. hzeit lr ~eoottr oo. toolo ottot tt~,~ da~l le toof etal oefom OOo. 33. 11. thior.asolo. 14 I h -sa dtloroot e tajdino to,~e.eof 18 And of thy sons that shall issue from'd, i713 fe.Ite1to!he Bblooto oo ivoito.''3,oe- thee, which thou shalt beget, oshaol tley D. t,3. 2 fhr32.24.,.,h oeo-todeth Hllo-otlol. take away; 11and ttey shall be ounuchs in.o Som. 3.18. he. TN thoose days oas He.e.ia sich untot0 the palace of the king ofBabylon. Jo.b i. 21. I.38.1. death. d ot And the prophet Isaialo the son 10Then said HezelkiahuntotIsaiah,"Good Pe. 39. 9. 280 Manasseh's wicked reign. II. KINGS. Amoen's wicked reign. B. C. 712. is the iord of the LORD which thou heast 15 Because they have done that tehich D. C. spoken. Ard lie said, "Is it not good,i if eas evil in my sight, and have provoked about698.,Or, Shell peace and truth be in m y days? me to anger, since the day their fathers tl-le -ot ie 20 I'Aendthe restof theacts ofe Hezekiah, came forth out of Egypt, even unto this'pe-Bac e and all his night, and oew he tlnade a pool, day. Chr. 2.32 and a conduit, and" brought water into the 1i'MIoreover Manasseh shed innocent cl,. 21. 4. 2 olC.O _.l city, are they not written in the book of the blood very much, till lie had filledJerusalee J Nzeh. 3. 16. Chronicles of the kings of Judah? Itfrom one end to another; besides his sin t Ieb. fe-eo 2 Chllr.32.30. 21 And Itezekiah slept witl his faters: hereit he made Judall to sin, in doing,evth to about 710. and Manassel his son reigned in his stead. that which was evil in the sight of then o2 Chr.32.33. hLORD. 6h9e 8 Ctilt. H APTER XXI.I 117 T Nrow t the rest of the acts of Manasseh, t 2 Cr. 33.11a. w;icednscaboutth,' lpci'ea g9ai8.ahV 107ii and all that he: did, and his sin that he 19. Am,t, s -eedt him. g1,'3 A wlstslicetl rel. 17 sinned, ace they not written in the book of 23 He bi,tg slai, by h i teeaelts, antd hose.tor- tle ChroDicles of the kings of Judal? dentelr raia by thce peple, Josiah is eade kig. 18 And u Manasseh slept with'his fathers, 2 Cllr. 33.2c0. about 698. N/ANASSEti "was twelve years old hen and ias buried in the garden of his own.2 Chr. 33. 1, eT he began to reign, and reigned fifty and house, in the garden of Uzza: and Amon i4t. hce. five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's his son reigned in his stead. name was Hephzi-bah. 19 ~T ZAmon was twenty and two years old e 2 C1r.33.212 And he did that which ewas evil in the whenehe began to reign, and he reigned two 23. bch; 16. 3. sight of the LORD, bafter tle abominations years in Jerusalem. And his mother's of the heatleln, whom the LORD east out name vwas Meshullemeth, the daughter of before the children of Israel. Haruz of Jotbah. 3 For he built up again the high places 20 And he did that w2hich was evil in the ecll. 18. 4, cwhich Hezekiah his father had destroyed; ightof the LORD, as his father Ianasseh y ver. 2. -c. and he reared up altars for Baal, and mnade did. dlIEin.16.32, a grove, das did Ahab king of Israel; and 21 And he walked in all the way that his 33. f eorshipped all the host of heaven, and father walked in, and served the idols that tcDut. 1. I9. served them. father served, and worshipped them: & 17. 3. 4 And f he built altars in the house of the 22 And hle Zforsook the LORD God of his Il Kin.ll.33. ci. 17. 10. LORD, of which the LORD said, In Jeru- fathers, and walked not in the way of the f Jer. 32. 34. salem ill I put my name. LORD. g Sam.7. 13. 5 And le built altars for all the osbuiltt altars 23 for alAndl the servants off monconspired 641. lIi,. 8. 29. heaven in the two courts of the house of the against him, and elee the king in his own a2 hr. 33.24, 9. LORD. house. 25. hLee. 1. 21. 6 hAnd he made his son pass through the 24 And the peple his son pass through the land slew all & 20. 2. fire, and observed itimes, and used en- them that had conspired against king eh: e. 3. e hantments, and dealt with familiar spirits Amone aod the people of the land made 17i. 1. 26, nd wizards: he wrought much wickedness Josiah his son king il Ieis stead. Ln1. 19.,26. in the sight of the LORD, to provoke iten to 25 Now the rest of the acts of Amon Det. 18.10, anger. which he did, are they not written in the 11. 7 And he set a graven image of the grove book of the Chronicles of tle kings of Juole. 17. 17. that he had made in tie Louse, of which the dah? LORD said to David, and to Solomon his 20 And he was buried in his sepulchre in k2Sm.t7. 13. son,.in this house, and in Jerusalem, the garden of Uzza: aitd bJosiah his son rati. i. 10, 1 King8 29. which I have chosen out of all the tribes of reigned in his stead. tlle{ & 9.3. Israel, will I put my name for ever: Josiea. oh. 23. 07 HAPTER XXII. C.P232.13,14. 8 INeither till I make the feet of Israel CHAPTERXXII. Jc..32.4. move any more out of the land which I gave 1 Jo paih' eoi ts eimn. e3 ic tkih catr for tut 12Sam2 7 10. their fathers; only if they will observe to at1-eek of ltY lte, Jat ili. idlieO Oieteh t fo llc do according to all that I have commanded iteq,tile of thle Iod. 15 1Jtldah i-,opesecth the them, and according to all the law that my destl'etio o.fJetusalen, bt tesilte tlherof it servant Moses commanded them. Josiah' time. 9 But they hearkened not: and Manasseh TOSIAO tewas eight years old when lie 41. rePror.29.12. rseduced them to do more evil than did tJ began to reign, and lie reigned thirty c2 Cllr. 3.1. the nations whom the LORD destroyed be- and one years in Jerusalem. And his fore the children of Israel. mother's name was Jedidah, the daughter 10 ~ And the LORD spake by his servants of Adaiah of bBoscath. 6 Josh. 15. 39. the prophets, saying, 2 And lhe did thart uwhich cLwas right in the th. 23.26,27. 11'13ecause Manasseh king of Judah lath sight of the LORD, and walked in all the h& 24. d,. done these abominations, ~rl d bIatll done way of David his father, and'turned not,Deut. 5.32. Jer. 1.5. 4. wickedly above all that the Amorites did, aside to the right hand or to the left. ol Kin.21.26. which were before him, and 2'hath made 3 ~,lAnd itcame topass in tle eighteenth abouth 24. peer.9. Judih also totsin lithhis idols: yeav of king Josiah, thect the king sent.12 Chr. 70. 8, 12 Therefore thus saith tile LORD God of Shapllan the son of Azaliab, the son of h. Israel, Bellold, I ant bringing s6uch evil Meshullam, the scribe, to the house of tihe upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whoso- LORD, saying, lSame.3. 11. ever heareth of it, both ihis ears shall 4 Go up to Hilkiah the hligh priest, that he Jer. 193.. tingle. may sumn the silver whiclh is hbrought into e cl. 12. 4. rSee I.34.11. 13 And I will stretch over Jerusalemt the the house of the LORD, vich fthe keep- f ec. 12. 1). Linm. 2.. line of Samaria, and the plummet of the ers of the I door have gathered of the peo- P.. 10..m. 7. 7, 8. house of Ahab: and I will iipe Jerusalem ple: t Ie,. t He0t, he as a nan wvipeth a dish, lwiping it, and And letthemgdeliver it into the hand tZ~,Slcold. ipet anted turning t upside down. of the doers of the vork, that have the tch.12.11,12, itn,-th, it 14 And I will forsake the remnant of mine oversight of the house of the LORD: and 14. tiocewtef, inheritance, and deliver them into tlle-lland let them give it to the doers of the work, of their enemies; and they shall Become a which is in the house of the LORD, to reprey and a spoil to all their enemies; pair the breaches of the house, 281 Hefldah's prophecy. II. KINGS. Josiah destroyeth idolatry. B. C. 024. 6 Unto carpenters, and builders, and CHAPTER XXIII. B. C. 624. masons, and to buy timber and hewn 1 Joesiah eaueth the book to be sead i,, a olem1n stone to repair the hlouse. assem bly. 3 Hte.eneueth the covelnat of the hh. 12. 15. 1 7 fIowbeit, hthere was no reckoning made Lo-d. 4 l1 det-yt4h idlolatsy. l5 He b...tst with them of the money thhat was delivered dead m1e's bttef r/pon the altar of IJeth-el, as ccrnsfosepssloi'esiet2. iHei ke,t into their band, because th y dealt faith- 24 HnJI,.d olle ioons. ully;' e e passover. c put away wztc ~es ant a a o mfully oiaot. 26 od'sfina iuathl asaist JllaWh. 8 T And HIilliah the high priest said unto 29 Josiah, olo, i. s. a.. i at i Dcut. 31.24, Shaphan the scribe, iI have found the book Ae qiddo. 3L Jehoahaz suceeding hims, s irahco. of the law in the house of the LORD. And by Ph ahao].-n. eho-lh,.ho made Jehoia2 Chr. 3. 14, Hilkiah gave the book to Shapllan, and he kiO, kins. 36 Jkeohskies uikelt. reigs. e. tread it. AND athe king sent, and they gathered a2 Clr.34.29. 9 And Shaphan the scribe oame to the 1 unto him all the elders of Judah and 30, &c. king, and brought the Icing word again, ofJerusalem. t Heb.melted. and said, Thy servants have t gathered the 2 And the king went up into the house of money that was found in the house, and the LORD, and all the men of Judah and have delivered it into the hand o f them that all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, do the work, that have the oversight of the and the priests, and the prophets, and all house of the LORD. the people, tboth small and great: and he tI eb. f,.om 10 And Shaphlan tle scribe shelved the read in their ears all the sords of the books mll -et king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath de- of the covenant bwhich was found in the 0U50 o."'at. livered me a book. And Shaphan read it house of the LORD. i il. 22 8. before the king. 3 ~ And the king Cstood by a pillar, and cell 11.14,17. 11 And it came to pass, when the kingh td made a covenant before the LORD, to walk heard the wolds of the book of tile law, that after the LORD, and to keep his commandhe rent his clothes. ments and his testimonies and his statutes 12 And the king commanded Hilkiah the with all thseir heart and all theirt soul, to priest, and Ahikam tile son of Sllaplan, perform the words of this covenant that lk bdoo, sand kAchllbor the son of 11 ichaiah, and woere written in this book. And all the peo2 Chr. 3. 20. Shaphan the scribe, and Asahiah a servant pie stood to the covenant. 1 Or,t licat. of the king's, saying, 4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the 13 Go ye, inquire of the LORD for me, and high priest, and tile priests of the second for tile people, and for all Judah, concern- order, and the keepers of the door, to bring ing the words of this book that is found: f for forth out of the temple of the LORD all the lDeut. 29.27. great is Ithe wrath of the LORD that is vessels that were made for Baal, and for kindled against us, because our fathers tithe grove, and for all the host of Ileaven: dli. 21. 3,7. have not hearkened unto the words of this and he burned them without Jerusalem in book, to do according unto all that which is the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes written concerning us. of them unto Beth-el. 14 So Hilkiah the priest, and Abhikam, and 5 And he tput down the tidolatrous tlIeb.cated Aolhbor, and Silapllan, and Asahih, ent priests, whom the kings of Judah had or- to e. unto Huldalh the prophetess, the wife of dained to burn incense in the high places in tHeb., Sllallum the son of "'Tikvah, the son of the cities of Judah, and in the places round C1e.l.t.i., 2Ch. 34.122.!ilarllas, keeper of the twardrobe; (nosv about Jerusalem; them also that burned Hi0. 10.5. j1Or, Halas-h. she dwelt in Jerusalem lin the college;) and incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the aord. | th. t IHeb. they communed wvitl her. moon, and to the 11 planets, and to e all the ep. 1.4. gIsR,nsets. 1;5 ~ And she said unto them, Thus saith host of heaven. tt Or, Or., i.. tld the LORD God of Israel, Tell the man that 0 And le brought out the fgrove from the ot,,, ll' - secoldlpa,t. sent you to me, house of the LORD, without Jerusalem, tots. oDetut.2q.27. 1G Thus saith the LORD, Behold, "I will unto the brook Kidron, and burned it at eelh. 21. 3. Do..9.11,12, bring evil upon this place, and upon the the brook Kidron, and stamped it small to fel. 21. 7. 13,14. inhabitants thereof, even all tile words of powder, and cast the powder thereof upon the book which the king of Judah hath 9Othe graves of the children of the people. g 2lChr. 34. 4. read: 7 Ad he brake down te ouses ofthe houses the igs 14. oDeut.29..5, 17 ~Because they have forsaken me, and sodomites, that toere by the house of the 21. & 15. 12. 2ii, 27. have burned incense unto other gods, that LORD, swhere the women wove thanoings i Ez. 16. 16. they might provoke 0me to anger with all the for the grove. t Woieks of their lhands; therefore my wrath 8 And he brought all the priests out of the shall be kindled against this place, and cities of Judah, and defiled the high places shall not be quenched. where the priests had burned incense, from p2Clr.3-i.26, 18 But to l'tle king of Judalh whiels sent iGeba to Beer-sheba, and brake down the I k Kin15.22. he. you to inquire of the LORD, thus shall ye'igh places of the gates that toore in the say to him, Thus saith the LORD God of entering in of the gate of Joshua the govIsrael, As tOuchbizyg the words which thou ernoi of the city, swhich sers e on a man's hast heard; left hand at the gate of the city. qPs. 51. 17. 19 Because thine Sheart was tender, and 9'Nevertheless the priests of the high 1SeeEz.44.10s. 67. 15. llou lhast' humbled thyself before tihe places came not upto tiseastarofthe LORD 14. X lKin.21.29. LORD, when thou heardest what I spake in Jerusalem, h"but they did eat of the un- n lSam.2.36. against this place, and against the in- leavenedbread among their brethren. habitants thereof, that they should become 10 And he defiled'Tophetlh, which is in t. 30. 33.,Lv. 26. 31, la desolation and ta curse, and hast rent rthe valley of the childreuof Hinnom, sthat Jer. 7.31. &t 32.. thy clothes, and wept before me; I also no man might make his son or liis daughter l) 6O i. 12. t Jer, 2, 6. & llave heard thee, saith the LORDon. to pass through the fire to Mloleoh. 41. 22. 20 Behold therefore, I will gather thee unto 11 And he took away the horses that the S. i( P,; 37. 37. thy fathers. and thou tshalt be gathered kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the /, LeV D18. 21. tIt. 7. 1,2. into thy grave in peace; and thine eyes entering in of the house of the LORD, by E. 23. 31039. shall not see ll11 the ivil which I will bring the chamber of Natllan-melech the 11 cham- O, o,e upon this place. And they brought the berlain, which ooas in the. suburbs, and l tfi, king sord again. burned the chariots of the sun with fire. 282 A solemn passover is kept. II. KINGS. Josiah slanm in battle. B.C. 624. 12 And the altars that were ion the top 26 I[ Notwithstanding, the LORD turned B. C. of the upper chamber of Ahaz, owhich the not from the fierceness of his great wrath, about623. qSo Jor. 19. kings of Judah hao made, and the altars wherewith his anger was kindled against 03. which'0Manasseh had made in the two Judah, Ibecause of all the provocations ch. 21.11,12. Zephl. L. 5. courts of the lhouse of the LORD, did the that Manasseh had provoked him withal. & 24. 3,'. oh. 21i. 5. king beat down, and ilbrake theno down 27 And the LORD said, I will emove Ju- Je 150.4. 11 Ob, - 11 from thence, and cast the dust of them into dan aiso out of my sight, as "I lave re- t"o"e......s. Jieo-s-too. the brook Kidson. moved Israel, and will cast off this city sco. 17. 18, 13 And the high places that soere before Jerusalemn which I have cosen, and tile 20. 18. 11. Jerusalem, which were on tihe right hand house of which I said,'tMy name shall be h 2. 13. ] TThat is, the of lithe mount of corruption, which sSolo- theoe. s Il Xo.. 20. acslf oiah nd..21.4 7 nounnO of mon the king of oIsrael had builded for Ash- 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and b Ollveu. h 1 7 O. toretl the abomination of the Zidoniao s, all tisnt he did, nare they not written in the 1 in. Ll. 7. and for Chemosh the abomination of the book of the Chronicles of tie kings of JuMoabites, and for Milcom the abomination dah? of the children of Ammon, did the king 29 ~ 00In his days Pharaoh-nechoh king of 610. defile. Egypt went up against the king of Assyria n2Chr.35.20. tE.. 23. 24. 14 And he hbrake in pieces tie t images, to tihe river Euphrates: and king Josiah out.7.5,25. and cut down the groves, and filled their went against him; and lie slew him at t Htb. places with the bones of men. PMegiddo, when he ihad seen himn. pZeeh. 12. 11. 50050t5. 15 ~f Moreover the altar that was at Beth- 30 And his servants carreedshim in a echar- Iq,h. 141. 8. nlInio.12.28, el, and the high place "which Jeroboam the 0ot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to r2Chr.35.2. 33. son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had Jerusalem, and buried him in his own sepmade, both that altar and the high place lie ulchre. And'the peopleoftitelandtookJe- sf2Ci. 20. 1. brake down, and burned the high place, hoahaz thie son of Josiah, and anointed hlim, and stamped it small to powder, and and made him kingin his father's stead. burned tile grove. 31 ~ IIJeonhoaaz was twenty and three IIClled 10 shod as Josiah turned himself, he spied years old when lie began to reign; and he Shhllu.n, thcsepulehresthatweretilereinti~~~~~~~~emount, I ~~1 Che. 3. 15.! the sepulchres that wsre there in the mount, reigned three months in Jerusanlem. And Jr 22.'11 and sent, andtook the bones outof the sep- Iis mothler's name ws tHamutal, the h 1.18. nlcheos, nd burned thes, upon the altar, daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. h. s1 in. 13. 2. and polluted it, according to the o word of 32 And he did tha/t which oas evil in the the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, eight of the LORD, according to all that his who proclaimed these words. fathers had done. 17 Then le said, What title is that that I 83 And Pharaoh-nechoh put him in hands see?i And tihe men o' the city told him, It Iat Iliblah in the land of Iamath, o that o e 25e..6.| el Kin. 13. 1, is Ythe sepulchre of the man of God, whioieh he might not reign in Jerusalemd; and fput Jer. 52. 27. 30. camo from Judah, and proclaimed teese thelandto a teibute of aleundredtalentsof 11 O, sesses things tihat thou hast done against the altar silve, and a talent of gold. f / esiee"l. of Beth-el. 34 And'LPharaol-nccholi made Eliakim tHeb. set 18 And he said, Let him alone; let no the onJo king t tie oo ofJoial man mov hisbones. So they lethisboas his father, and Y turned his name to Jehoi- 2 Chlr. 26. 3. t.Reb. talone, with the bones of Zthe prophet that akim, and took Jelhoahaz away: and he [2 Chr. 36.o4. cames out of Samaria. came to Egypt, and died there.. lt... 13.31. 19 And all thle houses lso of the high 35 And Jeooiakim gave bthe silver.od the aSee 2 Chr. places that sere aiu the cities of Samaria, gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed tile land to o.., 34.. 7. which toe kings of Israel had made to pro- give tile money according to the command- calile i yoke the LORD to anger, Josiah took nmeat of Pharaoh: he oexacted tie silverand a Jakie. away, and did to thOm according to all the the gold of the people of the land, of every 0 M 2 10 acts that lse hatd done in Beth-el. one according to his taxation,to give itunto 12. 01 l i. 13.2. 20 And bhe ItCslew all the priests of the Pharaoih-nechioh. Eh. 19. 4. ai Or, high places that toere there upon the altars, 36~ Jehloiakim as twenty and five years byss. 33. aoeifsed. and eiburned men's bones upon them, and old whcn lie began to reign; and lie reigned 610. s.. 22. 20. returned to Jerusalem. eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mnoth- Ch. 5. Kin. 18.40. 21 ~ And the king commanded all the peo- er's name sas Zebudah, the dauoghte oe f h.. oh. 11. 18. ple, saying, e'Keep tile passover unto thle Podaiab of Rumah. d 2 Chr. 3. 5. LORD your God, f as it is written in the 37 And lie did ihat ohich soas evil in the e 2Chr. 35. 1. book of this covenant. sighet of tile LORD, according to all that his fEs. 12. 3. 22 Surely gthere was not holden such a fathers had done. Lev. 23. 5. passover from the days of the judges that CHAPTER XXIV. num. 2.. judged Israel, nor in all the days of the 1 Jeoiolkim,fi st Osbdued by sieouebdnezssa..tso D-us. 106.. 2. kings of Israel, nor of the kings of Judah;' ebeoilee aast]le e, I,,' eouetheisoeoeeeis. 5 gChr. 35.18,. 23 But in the eigihteentlh year of king.7oseehiee deee h hio. 7 Ths kiig of~eept 19. Josiah, horeceit this passover was holden h,'sq esveiSle by i0e boel of, akeioe. 8 Jelai-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ciLJeileR 1 0Jrucl~ aboutr 0'2_3.l 607./ about 021. to the LORD in Jerusalem. eled ecptive ieoe. lie.e 17 Zesdekiah iss oeadeeo [is lSth yser 24 I Moreover h tle wtorekers with familiar ki,,:, aod,'esoneth ill neto the etter dslttoeo[ 606.gG ea.dies. spirits, and the wizards, and tile..images, ofJdsh. 603 hoh. 21.6. and the idols, and all the abominations that N ais days Nebuchadnezzsr king of 600. Or, were spied in the land of Judah and in Babylon came up, and Jehoiakim be- 2 Chs. 3/. K tsephisl, Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he came his servant three years: then he Je r. 25. I, 9. Go. 31. 19. mighlt perform the words of/the law, which turned and rebelled asainst him. Dan. 1.1. iLev. 10. 31. were written in the book that e bo And the LORD sent against lin bands b Jer. 2. 9. & h 210. Os. priest found in tihe house of the LORD. of the Chaldocs, and bands of the Syrians,. 32.28. D-tP Sola. 1 25 k And like unto him was there no king and bands of. the Moabites, and bands of E19. 8. Okh. 18. 0. before him, that turned to the LORD witsi the children of Aiommon, and sent them eeh. 20.17. all his heart, and with all hIis soul, and against Judah to doestroyit, according to 2.ij. s3, 14. with all his mighit, according to all the law tile word of the LORD, whioh he spakoe t by & 23. 27. of Moses; neither after him arose there hisoservants the prophets. Ot els. by Ohe any like him. 8 Surely at the commandment of the LORD 7,odof. Its Jerusalem besieged and taken. II. KINGS. Jerusalem is again besieged. B. C. 600. came this upon Judah, to remove thess, out CHAPTER XXV. B. C. 590. of his sight, d for the sins of Manasseh, ac- 1 Je.,5alem is tesisesl. 4 Zetlekiah taken, hi, dleh.21. 2,11. cording to all that he did; so,,s.lai,, hiis eyes'tpt out. 8 N'ebuia-aa,- die& 23. 26. 4 eAnd also for the innocent blood thlt fath the city. crt' ie, thtie lemnats exses pt ste. 21. 16. he shed: for he tilled Jerusalem with inno- Phs p.t- i -ptnssstys, 13 psilblh fe, spo o.lasorrs no atiiy 135s st~isst,lld ear,*ieth a-ay thie trle,. IS Tle n!obles cent blood; which tihe LORD would not pnar- sstiss at Riblti. 22 Udtliss.,,h. sssss a don. otes tser ts t'emai-ed, bi,sil ali-. tlere.t 5 f Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim,.I/es ito Euypt. 27 Evil-merodscs advasleth and all that be did, ase they not written in Jelioichli:s in his c —t. the hbook of the Chronicles f the kings C ND it came to pass in the ninth year f90. Judstss? o 1f sf his reign, in the tenth month, in the a2 Chr. 36.17. 599. 6 f So Jesoiahii slept with sis fathers: tenth lday of the month, thas Nebuchadnez- Je34..2i. & fSs 2 C1, and Jehoiachiu Isis son reigned in his zar king ofI Babylon came, he, and all his 39. s. & 52.4,. t. 8. stead. host, against Jerusalem, andpitched against 5. Jer.22.l18,19. 7 And 9the king of Egypt came not again it; aad thsy built forts against it round 24.1. & 36.. 30. any more out of his landt: for hthe king of about. gsee Jrt. 37. Babylon had taken from the river of Egypt 2 And the city was besieged unto the 5, 7. unto the river Euphrates all that pertained eleventh year of king Zedekials. bJir. 46.2. to the king of Egypt. 3 And on the ninth dsay of the 588. i Called j,e- 8 ~!liJehoiachin was eighteen years old month tihe famine prevailed in the city, and /ij,.. 39. 2. & osinlah, thr. when he began to reign, and lie reigned in there was no bread for tihe people of the 52. 6. 3.1i. Jer. 24. Jerusalem tsree months. And his mother' land.. ansI si- name tuas Nchushta, the daughter of El- 4 ~ And'the city was broklen up, and all icJer. 39. 2. h ish, JTr. 22i 24,. nathanls of Jerusalem. the men of war flted by night by tile way of 52. 7, h. i2 et36. 9. 9 And lie did thsat shich svas evil in thIe the gate between two walls, which is by the sight of tlhe LORD, according to all that his king's garden: (now the Chaldees tere father had done. against thie city round about:) and slthe dJer...4-7. kB.s. 1.1. 10 k At sis that time te servants of Neb- king went the way toward the plain. & 52. 7. uchnadnezzar king of Babylon came up 5 And tile army of the Chaldses pursued Es. 2. 12. 5tH,,. — ts against Jerusalem, and the city tsas be- after the king, and overtook him in the into aglee. sieged. plains of Jericho: and all his army were 11 And Nebuchadneznzar king of Babylon scattered from him. c'me. against the city, and his servants did 6 So they took the king, and brought him besiege it. up to the king of Babylon Lto Riblah; and e, i. 2.3.33. Jr. 2. 1. &. 12 Ind Jehoiachin the king of Judah went they t gave judgment upon him. Jer. 52.9. 29. 1i. 2. out to tie king of Babylon, he, asd his 7 And they slew tl sons of Zedekiah be- fH5t..k.i. ~~~~z. 17.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zedkia be- ~?~e,l? Es. 17. 12. mother, and his servants, and his princes, fore hIis eyes, and tfput out thie eyes of islt 11e, et shs. and his I1 officers: n and the kIing of Bab- Zedekiahi, and bound him with fetters of th X6, hraoh d- an H.,. steitsats ss ylon'took him O in the eighth year of his brass, and carried hIim to Babylon. | i';hthyer, retign. 8 ~ And in tie fitsh monthl, on the sev-.. fT..7. [Jer. aZ. 1. 13 I'And he carried out thence all tile enth day of the month, which is htlhe nine-. 12. 3. nSeeesh.25.27. treasures of the house of the LORD, and the teenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar king of Se. s oSse Jer. 52. treasures of the Iing's house, and'i cut in Babylon, casme Nebuzar-ndan, II captain of Y12ee4. i 2. 28. pieces all the vessels of gold which Solomon the guard, a servant of thle king of Babylon, hSeesh.a4.12. pi, ch. 20. 17. king of Israel had made n the teaple of the unto Jerusalem: h& ae. 27. Is. 39. 6. LORtD, as the LORD sad said. 9 kAnd lie burnt the house of the LORD, ir. 39. 9. qsee Dan. 5. 14 And'she carried away all Jerusalem, land tile king's house, and all the houses of 2. and all tie princes, and all tle mighty men Jerusalem, and every great ssan's house iE1 5 f Jr. 20.. of valour, tevet ten thousand captives, and burnt he with fire.. 24. i. all1 the craftsmen and smiths: none re- 10 And all the army of tihe Chaldees, that p 79. 1. Stee Jr. 52. mained, save tthi poorest sort of the peo- swere iith the captain of the guard, "brake ie. 39. 8. 28. pie of tie land. down thie walls of Jerusalem round about. A-ss. 5. stso 1 Sam. 15 And Yihe carried away Jehoiaehin to 11 Now therest of the people that were5 sONsisS3. 13. 19, 22. Babylon, and the king's mother, and the left in the city, and the tfugitives that fell J-r. 52. 14..,h. 25. 12. king's wives, and sis officers, and the away to tile king of Babylon, with the rem- ss~ - y. 5. h Jer. 40. 7. mighty of the land, those carried lie into nant of the multitude, did Nebuzar-adan 2. 15. y 2 Chr.36.10. captivity faom Jerusalem to Babylon. the captain of thie guard carry away. tHeb. fsl/sa Eth. St. 6. 16 And tall the men of might, even seven 12 But the captain of the guard ~left of asay. J-r. 22. 24, thousand, and crafts d smitis a tie poor of the land to be vinedressers and oih. 24. 14. ho. thousand, all tlat asere strong asid apt for husbandmen. J-r. 39. 10. tOr, uasss. war, even them the king of Babylon brought 13 And I' the pillars of brass that erse in & 40. 7. &.Sn, J-r. 52. captive to BabylonI. the house ofthe LORD, and'tile bases, and 52. 16. 28.. 17 ~ And a the king of Babylon made Mat- s the brazen sea that stas in the house of p th. 20. 17. 599. taniah bis father's brother king in his the LoRD, did the Chaldees break in pieces, Jr. 27. 19, stead, and Cchanged his name to Zede- 23~~~~~~~~2. & 52. 17, [Jer. 3]7. I. stead, and echanged his name to Zeds- and carried tie brass of them to Babylon. &. s Chr. 3.i. kiah. 14 And the pots, and the shovels, and the qt g7.. 2Chr. 38. 10. 18 d~~edekinh was twenty and one ye~rs sl~ings7.15. 2Chs. 26. 10. 28 d Zedekiah was twenty and one years snuffers, and the spoons, and all tile vessels Soeh. S3. 31. old when he began to reign, and he reigned of brass wherewith they ministerd, took is7.7. 2 sr.36. 4. eleven years in Jerusalem. And his moth- thley away. sllias 7.23. d2Clsr.36.1 IL er's name t a ss lamutal, the daughter of 15 And the firepans, and the howls, atd tEa. 27. 3. Jer. 37.1. & Jeremiah of Libnas. such things as were of gold, is gold, and ofaf Kitgs7.45, 52. 1. 19ln eddta hc a vli h 0, 52. 1 19 find lit did t/st?sthih was evil In the silver, in silver, the captain of the guard -th. 23. 31. sight of the LORD, according to all that Je- took away. 593. hoiakim had done. 16 Tie two pillars, aone sea, and the Hseb. f2Chr.S6.12. 20 For through the anger of the LORD it bases which Solomon h ad made for the house tihon-ea. came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah, until of the LORD; "tthe brass of all these es- ul Kin. 7. 47. he hIad cast them out from his presence, sels was without weight. g2Chr. 36.. 13. that Zedekiah rebelled against the king of 17'The height of the one pillar was li Kin. 7.15. Es. 17. 15. Babylon. eighteen cubits, and the chapiter upot it Jer. 52. 21. 284 The nobles of Joudah slain. I. CHRONICLES. Gedaliah is moordered. B. C. 588. vas brass: and the height of the clhapiter son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and B. C. 588. three cubits; and the wreathen work, and Jaazaniah the son of a laachathllite, they pomegranates upon tile chapiter round and their men. about, all of brass: and like unto thesehad 24 And Gedaliah sware to them, and to thee second pillar with wreathen wvork. their men, and said unto them, Fear not to tyer. 52. 24, 18 ~1 And the captain of the guard tool be the servants of the Chaldees: drwell in &c. eScraiah thle chief priest, and a Zephaniah the land, and serve the king of Babylon; zl C5hr. 6. 14. the second priest, and the three keepers of and it shall be well with you. Ezer7. 1. the tdoor: 25 But fit came to pass in the seventh 588. a Jer. 21. 1. & 19 And out of the city he took an I officer month, that Ishmael the son of Netlanihl, fJer. 41. 1,2. 29. 25. that was set over the men of war, and b five the son of Elishama, of the seed troyal, tHel, 2, t Heb. men of them that t were in the ]cing's pres- came, and ten men with him, and smote t. th,.eshold. ence, lhich were foulnd in the city, and the Gedaliah, that he died, and tile Jews and II Or, eu-teh. Ilprincipal scribe of tie host, which muster- the Chaldees that were with Ihim at Mizpah. 6See Jr,. 52. ed the people of the land, and threescore 26 And all thle people, bott small and 25. men of the people of the land that wse?-e great, and the capttins of the armies, arose, t Helo.so6the found in the city: and came to Egypt: for they were afraid goJer. 43. 4,7. kilg'sfac, 20 And Nebuzar-adan captain of the guard of the Chalders. ost01. 14. took these, and brought them to the king of 27 ~- hAnd it came to pass in the seven 562. ii Or, scribe of Babylon to Riblah: and thirtieth year of thle captivity of Jehoi- h Jer. 52. 31, ts c'lo"tis" 21 Anld tile king of Babylon smote them, achin king of Judah, in the tvelfth mothl, t&e. ofthe hot, cand slew them at Riblahll in the land of onthe seven and twentieth day of tllemonth, c Lev, 2. 33. Hamnth. So Judah was carried away out that Evil-merodach king of Babylon in tile Deut. 28.36, of tleir land. year that he began to reign idid lift up the iSee Gen. 40. 61..7. 22 cdlAnd as foi- the people that remain- head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of 13, 20. ed ill the land of Judah, whom Nebuchad- prison; dJre. 640.. 0nezzar king of Babylon itad left, even over 28 And he spake tkindly to Ilim, and set t HRc. good them lie made Gdaliahll the son of Alikam, his throne above the tltrone of the kings tlhttgs e;ith the son of Shaphan, ruler. that overe with him in Babylon; hin. sJer.40.7,8,9. 23 And when all tile ecaptains of the ar- 29 And changed his prison garments: and mies, they and their men, heard that the he did keat bread continually before him k2 Sam.. 7. king of Babylon had made Gedalialh gov- all the days of his life. ernor, there came to Gedaliallh to Mizpah, 30 And his allowance was a continual aleven Ishmnel the son of Nethaniah, and lowance given him of the king, a daily rate Johanan the son of Careah, and Seraiah the for every day, all the days of his life. THE FIRST BOOK OF THE CHRONICLES. B. a. 4004, CHAPTER I. 1G And the Arvadite, and the Zenoarite, B. C. &a. 1 Adan's litt to,onh. 5 The sons of Japhetl. and the Hamathite. about 4004, 8 The sons of Ieam. 17 Thte soJts ohfSlem. 24 17 1 The sons of Shem; Elam, and As- hC. Sh's line to Ab-aham. 29 Ishmaet's son. 32 shur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, Tle sons of etuLah. 34 Thc posteoityoof Aba- and Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and IIlMe- gGen.10.22.& haen by Es3a. 43 Tle kings of.doc. H1 Th sheoh. 11. 10. dohes of Ed.on,. 18 And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and She- 11 Or, lra, Gern.45., 26 A DAM, aSheth, Enosh, lah begat IEber. Ge. 10. 23. & 5. 3. 9. 2 Kenan, Mnahalaleel, Jered, 19 And unto Eber were born two sons: the 3 Henoch, Methuselah, Lameoh, name of the one toas!IPelegi because in i That is, 4 Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. his days the earth was divided: and llis livsloin, |bGen. 10. 2, 5 1I bThe sons of Japheth; Gomer, and brother's name w0as Joktanso OGe. e10. 05. &c. elMagog, and iMadai, and Javan, and Tubal, 20 And hJoktan begat Almodad, and She- hGen. 10. 26. and Mieshech, and Tiras. lepl, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, 6 And the sons of Gomer; Ashchenaz, 21 Hadoramn also, and Uzal, and Diklall, eOr,Diphato, and 1 Ripllhath, and Togarmah. 22 And Ebal, and Abiosael, and Sheba,.. it is in 7 And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and 23 And Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab. some o0pie0. Tarshisl, Kittim, and IIDodanim. All these were the sons of Joktan. liOr,Rlooatnol, 8 S CThe sons of Ham; Cush, and Miz- 214 iSlhem, Arphaxlad, Shelah, iGeo. 11. 10, cording to raim, Put, and Can. an. 25 kEber, Peleg, Reu, hc. 0so00e col0es. 9 And tihe sons of Cush; Seba, and Havi- 26 Serug, Nahor, Terale, Luke 3. 34, co. 10. 6, all, and Sabta, and Raamah, and Sabtecha. 27 lAbram; the same is Abraham. h&c., And the sons of Raamah; Sheba, and De- 28 The sons of Abraham; "'Isaac, and aeo. 11.1. dan. " Ishmnel. - I tel-. 17.5. dGen. 10. 8, 10 And Cush lldbegat Nimrod: he began to 29 These cae tleir generations: The.oen.21.2,3. 13, &c. be mighty upon the earth. ~firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Ie- 0 Gen. 16. 11, 11 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and Ana- dar, and Adbeel, and Mlibsam, 15. mim, and Lehabim, and Naplhtuhim, 30 Mishlma, and Dumah, Massa, IIHadad, oGn. 25. 1312 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (of whom and Tema, 15. seDleut. 23. 23. came the Philistines,) and'Caphtorim. 31 Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These IOr., adat-, f Ge. 10. 15, 13 And fCanaanbegat Zidon his firstborn, are the sons of Ishmael. Gen. 25. 15. &c. and Heth, 32 ~ Now Pthe sons of Keturah, Abra- about1853. 14 The Jebusite also, and the Amorite, hlam'sconubine: shebareZimran, andJok- pGn.2o.12. and the Girgashite, shan, and Ioedan, and Midian, and Ishbak, 15 And the Hivite, and the Arkitc, and the and Shuahl. And the sons of Jokshlan Sinite, Sheba, and Dedan. 0285 The kings of Edomn. I. CHRONICLES. The posterity of Judnh. B. C. 33 And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and 4 And eTamar his daughter in law bare D. C. 1752, aboutl853. Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and El- him Pharez and Zernah. All the sons of &C. - claah. All these are thle sons of Kieturah. Judlah were five. qGon.21..,3. 34 AndqAbra gat Isao..Theso.s 5 The sons offPh.rez.; Iezron, and ai-.G-.. 38. 9,,.Gen. 525. 25, of Isaac; Esau and Israel. mul. u0. 26. 35 The sons of5Esau; Eliphaz, Reuel, lAnd the sons of Zerah; ImZimri, oand Oitt.i,3. G-e.36.9,10. and Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah. Ethan, and Hemals, and Calool, and 11 Dars: fes6. 10.1. R~uth 4. 18. 36 The sons of Eliphaz; Teman, and five ofthem in al l. O, BOr. 2abdi,,:IOr, Zpho. |Omar, II Zephi, and UBatam, Kenaz, and 7 And the sons of h Carmi; IIAchar, the Ji,h.7. 1. he.30.11. T'imns,o andAmalek. stroubler of Israel, who transgressed in the 1 IlCn. 4.31. 37.Tihe sons of Reuel; Nahath, Zerah, thingsaccurssd. 10r, o,' la. Shammah, and Mlizza. 8 And the sons of Ethan; Azariah. ISee Sh.,. i. St Ge. 55. 20. 38 And Tlhe sons of Sir; Lotan, and Sho- 9 The sos also of Hezron, that were born II Or, Aehs. bal, and Zibeon, and Anah, and Dishon, unto him; Jerahmeel, and ilRas, and iJoshO. 18. and Ezar, and Dishan. I Chelubai.. h7. 1. 11Or, em —,, 39 And the onssof Lotan; Hori, and IIHo- 10 And R iam kbhegat Amminadab; and IIO.,oA —m. Ge 36. B2. smsn: and Timna owas Lotan's sister. Amminadab begat Nahshon, Ipronce of thes Olstl.. 3,4. l Or, i'ws, 40 Thesonsof0 hobal; IlAlian, and Ooo- childre aofJudah; II Or, Caleb, Gen. 38. 23. ver. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10, iS. Get. 306. 23 hath, and Ebal,! Shephi, and Onam. And 31 And aloshon begat 1 Salm, and Sslma "' 1, 42. k d. 19, 1s Or5ss, the sons of Zibeon; Aiah, and Anah. begat Boaz, 20 Geu. 31. 23. 41 The sons of Anah; U Dishon. And the 12 And Boas begat hbed, and Obed begat Intt. i. 4. lGes. 36. 25. sons of Dishono; A Amram, and Eshban, and Jesse. INu-. 1.7. m10,1-)ds,-, IthrOr, and Cheran. 13 l "And Jesse begat his firstborn Eliab, & 2.3. G.oi. 36. 26. 42 The sons f Ezer; Bilhoh, and Zavan, and Abinadab the second, and ItShimma about 1471. 11 Or, Alk, and i!Jakan. Thesons of Dishan; Uz, and the thllird, iOSn, Slmo., Gts. 36. 27. Aran. 14 Nethaneel the fourth, Raddai thle fifth, rutlh 4. 21. about 1iG76. 43 ~ Now these are the'kings that reign- 15 Ooem the sixth, David the seventh: 0,stt. 1.4. OGs. 36. 31, ed in the land of Edom before as y king 16 Whose sisters were Zeruiah, and Abi- about 1090. ho. sreigned over tilhe children of Israel; Bela gail. "And the sons of Zeruiah; Abishai, olS-m. 1G. 6. the son of seor: and the name of his city and Joab, and Asahel, three. itOr. owas Dinhlabah. 17 And'Abigail bare Amasa: and the fao s~am 1, 44 And when Bela was dead, Jobab the ber of Amnsa was s'Jetller Iso li. Iosos. 56.59. son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead. 18[ And C hleb the son of Hezlon begat s2S-.i.5. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.2'n.- 17.25. 45 And when Jobab was dead, IHusham of childsre of Azubah his wife, and of Jeri- 2 S-. 17.25, the land of the Ternanites reigned in his othl: her sons are these; Jesher, and Shs- Ith- stend. bab, and Ardeon. alie. 46d And when Hushamwas dead, Hadad the 19 And when Azubah was dead, Caleb about 1471. so of Bedad, which smote Midian in the took unto him 2'Ephrath, whichl bare him pr.50. field of Moab, reigned in lis stead: and the Hur. name of his city was Avith. 20 And Hur begat Uri, and Uri begat 47 And when Hadad was dead, Samlah of OBezaleel. qE.. 31. 2. Miasrekbh reigned in his stead. 21 ~And afterward ILron went in to the N. 27.1. les.. 36. 17. 48 Anod when Samloh waso dead, Shaul of daughterr of Machir the foather of Gileld, Iehobotb by the riverreigned in his stead. whom hle t married when le was threescore to HIb. took. 49 And when Shaul was dead, Baal-hanan years old; and she bare him Segub. the son of Aohbor reigned in his stead. 22 And Segub begat Jair, who had three P Or, fsds-, 50h Aod when Boal-hanan was dead, IIH.- and.sentiy cities in the land of Gilead. Os s. 39.3 dad reigned in his stead: and the name of 23'And he took Geshnr, and Aram, with slo.32.41. 1 Osr, P, lo|iis city was IIPai; and his wife's name o o s the towns of Joen, from them, with Ibenath, oot. 3.14. Gss. 36. 39. /Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the andthetoiss thereof, eve00 threesco i 1 daughter of Mezahsb. ies. All these belonged Oo the sons ofSIaabout 1496. 51 ~ Hadad died also. And the dukes of chir the father of Giled. e Go. 36. 4o. Edom were; duke Tismnah, duke IIAllah, 424 And after that Hezron was dead in Ca- about 1471. ItOr, Alsos. duke Jetoeth, leb-eplhratah, then Abiah Hezron's wife bare 52 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke him tAshur the father of Tekoa. tsch4. 4. 5. Pinon, 25 3 And the sons of Jerahmeel the first53 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke 5ib- born of Hezron were, Ram thle firstborn, zar, and Bunah, and Oren, and 0zer, anl 54 Duke Magdiel, duke Iram. Those are Abijah. the dukes of Edom. 20 Jerashmeel bad also another wife, whose name was Atarah; she was the mother of CHAPTER II. Onam. O 3Tehsos f-ssoel. IP - l yeleis sfJ.dslh 27 And the sons of Ram the firssborn of Tasmo,.. 53 The childres sfJesse. 18 Phe podtesonyfCle Theesofdloseo. lIJh1s]leros Jerahmeel were, lsaaz, and Jamin, and t-0y qf ~Cale b th — f Hfjrz.~o. 21 eradr.' poTaeoity by the da-ohte,' of 2lchi,s. iJ-sh. Eker. so"l's pee/sos. 00S/-s.1', 42 28 And the sons of Onam o.ere, Shsmm i, Aolth,, boob of Colei's pseeity. 50 1h, and Jada. And the sons of Shammai; Naposlerity of Cale 0,he o/ of Iu,. dob, and Abishur. 1702, &. RHESE aro the sons of' Israel; a o.- 109 And tho noame of the wife of Abishur.Os, J besl. beno, Simeon, Levi, sodJudah, Issachas, was Abihail, and she baore him Allban, and aGsen. 29. 32. and Zebulun, Molid. & 30.3,. &c, 2 Dan, Joseph, and Benjamin, Naphitali, 30 And the sons of Nadab; Soled, and 5& 35. 18, 22. Gad, and Asheo. Appaim: but Soled died without children. & 46. 8, &~. 3 ~ The sons of bJudah; Er, and Onan, 31 And thle sons of Appaim; Ishi. And bCen. 30. 3. iand Shelah: wohichl three were born unto the sons of Ishi; Shoeshan. And dthe chll- Se r. 34, 403. 12. him of the daughter ofS hua the Canao o- dren of bheshan Ahlai. a N.S.2S.. 19 itess. And dErs the firstborn of Judah, 32 And the sons of Jada the brother of G0en. 38. 2. was evil in the sight of the LORD; and he Shammaoi; Jether, and Jonathan: and JedGen. 38.7. slow him. ther died without children..286 The posterity of Caleb. I. CHRONICLES. David's sons and snccessorsj B. C. 33 And the sons of Jonathan; Peloth, and six months: and sin Jerusalem he B. C. about1471. andntza. Theseowerethe sonsofJerahmo- reigned thirty and three years. about 1053, ~~~eel. 6 ~5 fAnd these were born unto him in Jo- &C. l34 d Now Sheshnn bad no sons, but daugh- rustleo; II Shimea, and Shobab, and Niaters. And Shesh n ad a servant, anEgyp- than, and gSolomon, four, of lIBath-shua e2tt. O.a tian, whose name owas JarJ a. the daughter of IIAmmiel: f 2 Sm. 5. 4. 35 And Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha 6 Ibhar also, and II Elishams, and Eliph- ot. tM. 4. his servant to ifo; and shte bare hlim Attai. elet, e1O 36 And Attai begat Natltan, and Nathan 7 Atd Nogah, and Nepoeg, and Japhia, $.....a..oh. 11.41., begat 0 abhd, 0 Aod tlistttia, and,Eliada, and Eiph37 And Zabad begat Ephlal, and Ephtol delet, hnine. g2Sam.12.24. begat Obed, 0 lThese were all the sons of David, be- if Ot 38 And Obed begab Johu, and Jehu begat sides the sons of the concubines, and iTa- Botht'.am. Asariah, %Sam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~o. 01L.0. ~Azoooar~~ioh, ear 0 their sister...... [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Fzaiah..... 39 Atd Azaroih begat toHele, and Heleo 10 ~ And Solomon's son was kRehohoam, oa..11.io3. begat Bleasah, llHbiah his son, Asa his son, Jehoshaphat ls. OrEiihttt, 40 And Eleasah begat Sisamsi, and Sis- his son, 2S... t15. amai begat Shallum, 11 Joram his son, Il haziah his son, Joash liOr,Bediada, 41 And Shallum begat Jekamiah, and Jek- his son,_ i.17 |amins begat Elishamn. 12 Amaziah his son, IlAzariah his son, Jo- hSee2 Sm.5. about 1471, 42 1 Now the sons of Caleb the brother of tham his son, 4,,. h&o. Jerahmeel owere, Mesal his firstborn, which 13 Ahaz his son, Hezekiah his son, Manas- i 2 Sam. 1.3.. owas the father of Ziph; and tihe sons of seh his son, k Kio.11t43. Mareshah the father of Hebsron. 14 Amen his son, Josiah his son... 43 And tihe sons of Hebron; Korab, and 15 And the sons of Josilah were, the first- ] Or Tappuahl, and Rheketo, and Shema. born IIJohnnan, the second It J eloiakim, the e line,, 15. 1. 44 And Shema begat Rlaham, the father of third II Zedekiah, the fourth Shallurn.:Oz-ih Joerkoam: and Rekem begat Shammai. 16 And the sons of IJehoiakim; it Jeconiah |2 Ch,. 22.6. 45 And the son of Shammai was Maotn: his son, Zedekiah'"his son. or,Jeholhzoo, and Mtaon ooas the father of Beth-zur. 17 ~ And the sons of Jeconiah; Assir, 2 Cr. 2t. 17. 46 And Ephah, Caleb's concubine, bare Salathiel this son, II Or. tUzt.h, 1Hars, and Moza, and Gazez: and 0i3ran 18 Malhiram also, and Pedniabh, and She- l2 Kin. 15.30. begat Gazez. nazar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Neda- liOr, 47 And the sono of Jahdai; Regoem, and hints Jehoahaz. Jotham,and Gesham, andPelet, andEphah, 19 And the sons of Pedaiah were, Zerub- 2 Kin. 23.30. and Shaoph. babel, and Shimei: and the sons of Zerub- 0Ii O,,Elikilt, 48 Maochah, Caleb's concubine, bare She- babel; Meshullam, and IHananiah, and 2 Ii. 23.34. her, and Tirhanah. Shelomith their sister: II O, 49 She bare also Shaaph the father of 3~ad- Maottaniah, 4 h s atso Shph th fath of Md- 20 And Hashubah, and Ohel, and Ber- 2Kin.2-4.17. omannah, Sheva the father of iachbenah, echtiah, and Hasadiah, Jushab-hesed, five. I Matt. 1. 11. and the father of Gibeh: and the daughter 21 And the sons of Hananiah; Pelatiah, Or, yJosh. 15.17. of Caleb twas YAohsa. and Jesaiah: the sons of Rephaiao, the Jhoia hin,. 50 ~ These ere the sons of Coleb the son sons of Arno, the sons of Obadiah, tthe 2Kin. 24.6. llOro,Epohrath, of Hur, the firstborn of IlEphratal h; Sho- sons of Shechaniahl. ot, Cot-i, ver. t9. balthe father of Kirjath-jearim, 32 And the sons of Shechaniah; Shemai- Jer. 22.24. 51 Salma the father of Beth-lehem, Hareph ah: and the sons of Shemaiah; O Hattush, tt 2 Kingts 24. the father of Beto-gader. and Igea!, and Bariah, and Nearith, and 17, lttlng his 52 And Shobal the father of Kirjath-jea- Sitpha t, six. Ill Or~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pa, Rsix.b -ucle iOor, ditiah, rim had sons; IfHaroeh, and Ii half of the 23 Andthe sons ofNerias h; Elioenai, and HOeb,. eh. 4.2. Manahethites. t Hezekiah, and Azrikam, three. Shalttit. lieO, hlf of 63 And ttoe families of Kirjath-jearim; the 24 And the sons of Elioenni were, Hodai- n-Batt. 3. 12. ite Jentueh- Ithrites, and the Putotes, and the Shu- ah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah, and Akkub, ooEzra 8. 2. mathites, and tho Mishraites; of them came and Johnan, and Datlaiah, and Annni, theb. tt tth. the Zareathites, andthe Eshtaulites. seven. Hiskijhh. 54 The sons of Salma; Beth-lehem, and CHAPTER IV. Ii Or.Ataritet, tte Netophathites, IIAtaroth, the house of 1, 11 The posterity ofJodah by Caleb the son of or, Cottof Joab, and half of the Manohethites, the H,,,. 5 OfAshu d the liostoth ous sot, of I.eze.ous f t Zorites. s, 9 0OfJabez, and his trayer. 2l The too- Z. Zoittt. Cit sfShtloh. 2-1 tTs poste-ity -I tititof.55 And the families of the scribes which i icyh oha. 2 Thei ottostot ofylo atd of t dwelt at Jabez; the Tirathites, the Shims- A.0iokiitt inotaot ti,. athites, nnd SuchathitesAmale les in mont Seir athites, and Sucmoathites. These are the TrHE sons of Judah; aPharez, IIezron, 1300, &c. nioT'dg. I3 16. |Kenites that came of Hemath, the father 1L and II Carmi, and Hua, and Shobal. oa Gen.. 29. s.a.e3ca. o f the house ofIRectah. 2 And teaiah the son ofSbhobal begat Ja- &,16.12. hath; andJahath begat Ahumai, and Lahad. liOrCh elbai., CHAPTER III. Thesreore the families of the Zorathites. e h. 2. 9. or. The on ofDavid. 10 His ltlt to Zedekiah. 17 3 And these wesre of the father of Etam; Calob, ch. 2. |Ttsstotof Jeooish. Jezroeel, and Ishma, and ldbash: and the 18O abouh 1053, ]'TOW these were the sons of David, which name o' their sister was Hazelelponi: I Or, Haoeh, n. N weret hoorn unto him in Hebton; the 4 And Penuel the father of Gedor, and 0.3. 2. 52. 2 Sam. 3. 2. firstborn sAmnon, of Ahinoam the OJezre- Ezer the fathes of Hushah. These to the bJo t M15.r6. elites: the second, II Daniel, of Abigail the sons of bHur, the firstborn of Ephbotah, 0 h. 2.50. Carmhi r C elites a the father of Beth-lehem. IIOr, Chil,,,,b 2 om. 3. 3. 2 Tte third, Absalom the son of Maaootah 5 T And'Ashur the father of Tekoa had cth. 2. 24. the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur: the two wives, Helah and Naarah. fourth, Adonijah the son ofloaggith: And Na boe tim A, and 3 The fifth, Shephatiah of Abital: the Hepher, and Temeni, and Haahashtari. e 2Sam.53.. sixth, Ithream by CEglah his wife. These were the sons of Naarah. 4 These six were born unto him in He- 7 And the sons of Helah were, Ztreth, td2Sam.2,11. bron; and dthere he reigned seven years and Jezoar, and Ethnan. 28S Of Jabez, and his prayer. I. CHRONICLES. The line of Reuen. B. C. 1300, 8 And Coi begat Anub, and Zobebah, and 33 And all their villages that were round B. C. 1800, &s. tie families of Ahasrhel tie son of Harum. about tie same cities, unto IIBaal. These &c. 9 ~ And Jabez was dmore honourable than were their habitations, and Il their geneald o. 34. 319.'his bretlhren: and his mottier called his ogy. I Os. BnIntTt i, name II Jabez, saying, Because I bare him 84 And Meshosbab, and Jamloch, and Jo- o..'Sos.s,.lfoi. with sorrow. shah the son of Amaziah Jab. 19. 8. 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, 35 And Joel, and Jehu the son of Josibiah, i[ Or, as Ihey tHeb. Ifth..o saying, t 01 that thou wouldest bless me tle soil of Sseraiah, the son of Asiel, di,4ed th —s wit,'e. indeed, and enlarge my coast, and tthat 30And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and Jesh- sss thins hand aigst he tith me, and that ooiaht, and Asaiah, and Adiel, and Jesim- tiss. It eh. dome. thou wouldest t keep ste from evil, that it iel, and Benaiah, may not grieve me! And God granted him 37 And Ziza the son of Shiphi, the sot of that which he requested. Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, 11 ~ And Chelub the brother of Shuah be- the son of Shemaniah; gat [Viehis, which was the father of Eshton. 38 These tmentioned by their names were fHeh. 12 And Eshton begat seth-rapha, and princes in their families: and the house of co-otsi. ii Os, ihe sity Paseah, and Tehinnahl tie father of ItIr- their fathers increased greatly. o..s..s. hahash. Tses o- tse smen.f Rechah. 39 ~ And they went to the entranoe of Ge- about 715.;Joil. 15. t. 13 And tle sons of IKenaz; 0thniel, and dor, evet unto the east side of the valley,;Orfalsthat, Seratih: and thesons of Othniel; II Hathath. to seek pasture for their flocks. set Aiiss-.- 14 And Meonotllai begat Ophrah: and So- 40 And they found fat pasture and good, t h riahbegatJoab, II-the fstherofftie ivalley and the land sas wide, and quiet,' and gat. ~'c. I~~riCltJnltefte ffh Ivl oV, IICh larashim; fo they were craftsmen. peaceable; for they of Ham had dwelt Nell. 11.350. 15 And tile sons of Caleb the son of Jc- there of old. i Ornlenslsit- phunns h; Iru, Elab, and Naam: and the 41 And these written by name came in the ai/.ot t~ of Eh11ee...... tt of etc totofE. lth, l.en.Keos.. days of Hezekiah king of Judat, and ismote i 2 Kin. 18. 8. 16 And the sons of Jehaleleel; Ziph, and their tents, and the Ihabitstions that were ICTt ites.s, Zipah,, Tiria, and Asareel. found there, and destroyed them utterly 10, And tie sons of Ezr t erss Jether, and sunto tisi day, and dwelt in their rooms: belI Or, Uiss. Mered, and Epher, and Jalon: and she cause there tes pasture there for their bare Mirian, and Shoammi, and Ishbah focks. the father of Eshtemoa. 42 And somes of them, event of tle sons of [jOr, ThirseJs 18And his wife IIJehudijshbareJeredthe Simeon, five hundred men, went to mount cse. father of Gedor, and Hhber the father of Seir, Ihaving for their captains Pelatiah, Socho, and Jckuthiel the father of Zanoah. and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel, And these are tile sons of Dithiah the the sons of Itshi. daughter of Pharaoh, which S iered took. 43 And they smote Lthe rest of the Amas- k Seo 1 Sam. oer, Jetssii- 19 And the sons of his wife IIHodiah the lekites that were escaped, and dwelt there 1.5. 2. 30.17. job, tot- sister of Noison, the father of Keilah the unto this day. h 2 S."'. 8. tio Garmite. and Eshtemoa the Maachathite. CHAPTER V. 12. 20 And thie sons of Shimon were, Amnon, I The line f Reuben (hso lost his birthrsigyht) -sto and Rinnah, Ben-hanan, and Tilon. And thte captivity. 9 Th-er- haitalo and contqut ei st the sons of Ishi were, Zoheth, and Ben- of titsfes- I. P le otief -s,, ""s iitstaeof th, HaOqarlts 1.Te hesft, ses.1 ansd habitw-alon of Gad. 18 The ~tmbe,' and conq u es t of Reztbem,~ Gad, and th, hail of flianadsso. 23 Tile g Ces. MItA. 21 ~ Tihe sons of Selah Otlse son of Judah ghOiletits tes disfo ftstfiib. s5a 4. 12. were, Er tile father of Leoah, and Landah The,,- eaptiiltyfoie.if sin. tihe fater of Mareshah, and tie families of' OW thle sons of Reubse the firstborn of 1300, &c. tise house of thes that wrought fine linen,.. Isorael, (for ai ewas the firstborn; but, atGet. 29. 32. of tihe house of Ashbeo, forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, & 49. 3. 22 And Jokim, and tie men of Chozeba,'his birthright was given unto the sons of bOen. 35. 22. snd Joash, and Saraph, who had the domin- Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy d& 49. 4. ion in Moab, andJashlubi-lchem. And tiese is not to be reckoned after the birthright. ses. 48. 15, -re ancient things. 2 For.Judah prevailed obove his breth- a. 23 Tihesewere thle potters, and those that ren, and of him cam e the echief isruler; but dGens49'8,10. dwelt among plants and hedges: there they the birthright was Joseph's:) Ps.'60. 7. & dwelt with the king for his ework. 3 The sons, Isay, of fReuben thefirstborn 108. 8. 1Osr, Jsi., 24 ~ The sons of Si.meon wee., IleNmuel, of Israel reE-, anoch, and Pallu, Hezron, Ii. 52.. Oe. 46. 10. and Jamin, IlJarib, Zerah, and Shaul: and Carmi. bottO2 6. E.. 6. 15. 25 Shallun his son, Mibsam Ihis son, Mish- 4 The sons of Joel; Shemaish his son, Gog lOr, psrl —. 26t,~ Jrn 4.9 t. ma his son. his son, Shimei his son, fGen. 46.9. lOr, J-otist, 26 And the sons of Itshnma; Hamuel his 5 Micahhis son,Reatiabis son,Baalhisson, E.. u. 14. 5oho- [-. as.5Nu. sell, Zacchur his son; Shimei his son. 6 Beerah his son, whom If Tilgatl-pilneser 27 And Shimei had sixteen sons and six king of Assyria carried away captive: he 11 Or, Tiglathdaughters; but his brethren had not many was prince te tReubenites. 2ii. 10.. ~~~~~~~~zu ichiden neither i l theirfml ulni- / 2 Kin. 15. 29. children, neither did all their family multi- 7 And his brethren by their families, Vwhen h& I6. 7. tHbh. oto. ply, tlike to the children ofJudah. the genealogy of thlei generations was reck- gflssyt. 17. hJosh. 19. 2. 28 And they dwelt at hBeer-shoba, and oned, were the chief, Jeiel, and Zechariah, Moladao, and Hazar-shual, 8 And Bela the son of Azaz, the son of OI Or. Ba:h, 29 And at II Bilhah, and at Ezem, and at II Shean, the son of Joel, who dwelt in /Aro- jOr, ShraiJosh,1 19.3s i Tolad, er, even unto Nebo and Baatl-ineon: oh, 4tvor.4 11Os, Ettold, 30 And at Bethuel, and'at Iormah, and at 9 And eastward he inhabited unto the ens hJosh.13. 10 Josh. 19. 4. Ziklag, tering in. of the wilderness from the river 10.!Or, Haz-, 31 And at Beth-mareaboth, and llHazar- Euphsrates: because their cattle were multie,,,, sst im,t and at Beth-birei, and at Shaaraim. plied fin the land of Gilead. i oh. 22. 9. t-1. 19. 5. /Jsh.22s9 Jo. 19.. These were their cities unto the reign of 10 And in the days of Saul they made war David. kwith the Hagarites, who fell by their hand: k Oen. 25.12. i Or. EthSe-, 32 And their villages were, liEtam, and and they dwelt in their tents tthroughout t eb.,oth Josh. 19. 7. Ain, Rtimmon, and Toohen, and Ashan, five all the east land of Gilead. all thefaes cities: 11 ~ And the children of Gad dwelt over of Ohs ast. 288 The chief men of Gad. I. CHRONICLES. The fanlilies of the LIvites B. C. 1300, against them, in the land of leashan untoe 4 IV Eleazar begat Phinehas, thinehas be- B. C. &c. Saleah: gat Abishua, about 1300, 12 Joel the chief, and Shapham the next, 5 And Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki &e. I J-l. 13. 11, and Jaanaii, and Shephat in Bashan. begat Uzzi, 24. 13 And their brethren of tile house of their 6 And Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiah fathers were, Micbhael, and Meshullam, and begat MIeraioth, Sheba, and Jorai, and Jachan, and Zia, and 7 Mereloth begat Amariah, and Aeariah Heber, seven. begat Ahitub, 14 These are the children of Abihail the 8 And dAhitub begat Zadok, and'Zadok d2Sm.. 8.17. son of teuri, the son of Jaroah, the son of begat Ahimaaz, e'2 S.l1.5.27. Gilead, the son of Michael, the son of JP- 0 And Ahimaaz begat Azarial, and Azarishishai, tile son of Jahdo, the son of tBuz; all begat Johanan, 15 Ahi the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni, 10 And Johanan begat Azariah; (he it is chief of the house of their fathers. fthat executed the priest's otice t in the fSe2Chr~ 26. 16 And they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan,'-temple that Solomon built il Jeresalem:) 17, 18. and in her towns, and in all the suburbs of 11 And hAzariah begat mareiah, and Am- te Mb. tech. 27.. mSharon, upon t theireborders. ariah begat Ahitub, it h ft Heb,. 17 All these were reckoned by genealogies 12 And Ahitub beget Zadok, and Zadok glI icgg t. goi,,gsfoeth. in the days oftJotham king of Judah, and begat II Shallue, 2Chr. 3. e2Kin. 15.5, in the days oftJeroboam king of Israel. 13 And Shalluma begat I-Iilkiah, and Hilki- hSee EZra 7. 32. 18 l TTie sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, allbegat At ariah, 3. e2 Kin.14.16, and half the tribe of Manasseh, e of valiant 14 And Azariah begat iSeraiah, and Sera- aess, 28. men, men able to bear buckler and eeord, tah begat Jebozadak,.teabellaet t HeO. -ote of and to shoot with bow, and skilful in war, 15 And Jehozadak wenb into captivity, tie. 91. 11. a were four and forty thousand seven hun- kwhen the LORD carried away Judah and dred and threescore, that went out to the Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuohadnez- k2Kii..25.18. war. zar. 19 And they made war with the IHagarites, 16 I The sons of Levi; l 1iGesheom, Ko- IlEe 6. 16. Cee. 2o. 15. with iPJetur, and Nephish, and Nodab. hath, and Merari. II Or, Gee,'ho,,, a]. 1. 31. 20Andqthey werehelped againstthem, and 17 And these be the names of tie sons of er. te tSe. tee. 22. the Ggaeites ere deliveredinto theihand, Gersbom; Libnii, and Shimei. and all that tere witth them: for they cried 18 And the sons of IKohath we'e, Aeram, to God in the battle, and he was entreted of and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel. rP.. 12. 4, 5. them; because they put their trust in lim. 10 Te sons of Merari; hali, and Mushi. t] elh. 21 And they ttook away their cattle; of And these are the families of the Levites d aptiie. their camels fifty thousand, and of sheep taccording to their fathers. two hundred and fiftythousand, and of asses 20 Of Gershom; Libel his son, Jaehath his,feb.e I twto thousand, and oft men a hundred thou- son, Zimmah his t son,.42. e, ath eiand. 21 11 Joahe hiu son, i Idd his son, Zerah his,i Or,, NuB, 11.35. 22 For there fell down many slain, because son, IIJeaterai his son. ver. 42. the war was of God. And they dwelt in 22 The sons of Klohath; II Amminadab his itf, Addiahb e2Kin.l51.29. their steads until Sthe captivity. son, Korah hig son, Assir his son, te. 41. h 17. t. 123 IV Acid the children of the half tribe of 23 Elkanahi his son, and Ebiasaph his son, 11 Or, Ethei, MIanasseh dwelt in the land: theyincreased and Assir his son, ier. 41. tfrom Baeian unto Baael-hermon and Senir, 24 Tahath his son, IIUriel his son, lzziah lie, Petor, and unto mountHermon. his son, and Shaul his son. ee. 2, 18. 24 And these were the heads of tue house 25 And the sons of Elkanah; umaseai,;aOr.Zepnciof their fathers, even Epher, and Isli, and and Alimoth. a,.deieh, Eliel, and Azriel, andJeremieh, and Hode- 2i6AsforElkanah, tlec sonaof Elkanah; el viah, and Jahdiel, mighty men of valoeur, iZoplhait his son, and NINahllath his soi, eaa tHicb.hecef t efamous men, ceed heads of the house of a 7 PEliab his son, Jeroham his sonE, Bib.- 1..., ec. their fathers. nab his son..15~And theytransgressedeagainsttheGod 28 And the eons of Samuel; the tirstborn 3ez5, l2 Xi.. 17. 7. of their fathers, and went a boringg after 11 ashni, and Abiab S. 1.1. the gods of the people of the land, whom 290 The sons of lMetarti; Mahli, Libni his eve. 34, God destroyed bebfore them. son, Shimei his soni, Uzza his son, Teah. about 771. 26 And the God of Israel stirred up the 80 Shimea his son, IHaggiah his son, Asa- 1ve 3, spiritofUtPulkingof Assyria, and the spirit iah his son. d about 740. of Tilgaeth-pilneser king of Assyria, and ie 31 And these ace Obey ihom David set Iiiic1d cis 2 ii.15.2t. celeied them acey, even the Reubenite, over tlhe service of song in thce houseE Of the ].el, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of l- LORD, attee tihat the 9 ar had rest. v-e 31. y 2Kin. 17.6. nasseh, and brought them unto YHalah, and 32And they ministered before the dwell- 1 Sam. 8. 2. b 18. II. Habor, and Ha., and to the river G.ozan, ingplae of the tabernacle of the congrega- about 1280, unto this day. tion with singing, until Solomon had built &ce the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and a ch.'16.1. CHAPTER VI. then they waited on their office according 1 ThesonsofLevi. 4Te lieoffelstento totheireorder. the ca.ptitity. if T hefamiliee of Gershom, Me- 33 And tileso are they that t waited with tfh eccet. tei. eed iohec. 40 The ficc tjle it., eed tlheir children. Of the sons of the KohathaheellIQO,.iee acid L / ohicebeites;... singer, the soe of Joel, the about 1300, piests a-d Levites. Ge. sot ot hemuel, it-A Grom, H, sons ofa Levi; IIaIGcrshon, Kobatie, 34 Tie son of Elkt nab, the son of Jeroham,.16. and Merarei. the son of Eliel, the son of I Toab, ie. o26, en. 46.11ii. 2 Andthe sons of ohath; A, Izhar, 35 The son of iZuph, the son of Elkant h, tzrlh. |A.1x. and IHebron, and Uzziel. the son of Mahath, tie son of Areasati, q,.o~pfi. Beec.26.m57. 3 And the chlildren of Amram; Aaron, and 36 The son of Elkanah, the son of,iJoel, /lies. 24. eb. 23.6. Moses, and Miriam. The teis also of Aa- tie son of Azariab, the son of Zephaniah, Sted, $ lei Se, ver. 22. ron t; tNadab and Abih u, Eeaz.r and Ith- 37 The ei. of Tehath, the son ofAssir,the el, Uc.iel. eLse. it. i. eamar. son oft"Ebiasaphi, tle tson.fKorah, ce.. t. 2L 19 289 The cities of the I. CHRONICLES. priests and Levites. B. C. 38 The son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, 64 And the children of Israel gave to the B. C. 1444, about 1280, the son of Levi, the son ofIsrael. Levites these cities with their suburbs. &c. &o. 39 And his brother Asaph, who stood on his 65 And they gave by lot out of the tribe of right hand, even Asaph the son of Berlachi- the children of Judah, and out of the tribe ah, the son of Shimea, of the children of Sineon, and out of the 40 The son of Mtichael, the son of Baasei- tribe of the children of Benjamin, these citah, the son of Malohiah, ies, which are called by their names.,See set. 21. 41 The son of I Ethni, the son of Zerah, the 66 And ethe residue of the families of the e er. 61. son of Adiah, tsons of Kohath had cities of their coasts out 42 The son of Ethan, the son of Zimmah, of the tribe of Ephraim. thte son of Shimei, 67 fAnd they gave unto them, of the cities fJollh. 21. 21. 43 The son of Jahath, the son of Gershom, of refuse, Shechem in mount Ephraim with the son of Levi. her suburbs; they gave also Gezer with her 44 And their brethren the sons of Merari suburbs, HCalledJedt'. stood on the left hand: lEthan the son of 68 And yJokmeam with eer suburbs, and gSeeJosh.21. htict,, 11 Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluoh, Beth-horon with her suburbs, 22-35 ch. 9. 16. & 45 The son of Hashabiah, the son of Ama- 69 And Ajalon with her suburbs, and Gath- hemany 2.5. 1, 3, 6. th.3. ziah, the son of Hilkiah, rimmon with her suburbs: ohtie s the, Or, 46 The son of Amzi, the son of Bani, the 70 And out of the half tribe of Manasseh; ottotemnaes. h. 17 son of Shamer, Aner with her suburbs, and Bie with here 47 The son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the suburbs, for the family of the remnant of son of Merari, the son of Levi. the sons of Kohath. 48 Their brethren also the Levites were 71 Unto the sons of Gershom werte givent, appointed unto all manner of service of the out of the family of the half tribe of MIanastabernacle of the house of God. seh, Golan in Bashan with her suburbs, and 1444, &c. 49 ~ But Aaron and his sons offered t upon Ashtaroth with her suburbs: t Lev.. 9. the altar of the burnt offering, and " on the 72 And out the he tribe of Issachar; Kedesh u x. 30 7! altar of incense, and were appointed for with her suburbs, Daberath with her suball the work of the place most holy, and to urbs, make an atonement for Israel, according to 73 And Ramoth with her suburbs, and all that Moses the servant of God had oom- Anem with her suburbs: manded. 74 And out of the tribe of Asher; Msshal 50 And these are the sons of Aaron; Ele- with her suburbs, and Abdon with her subazar his son, Phinehas his son, Abishua his urbs, son,.765 And Hukok with her suburbs, and Re51 Bukki his son, Uzzi his son, Zerahiah hob with her suburbs: his son, 76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali; Ke52 Meraloth his son, Amariah his son, Ahi- desh in Galilee with her suburbs, and Hamtub his son, mon with-her suburbs, and Kirjathaim with 53 Zadok his son, Ahimaaz his son. her suburbs. eJosh, 21. 54.'Now these are their dwellingplaces 77 Unto tile rest of the children of Merari throughout their castles in their coasts, of vcere given, out of the tribe of Zebulun, the sons of Aaron, of the families of the Ko- Rimmon with her suburbs, Tabor with her hathites: for theirs was the lot. suburbs: yJosh. 21.1 55 Y And theygave tbemHebron in the land 78 And on the other side Jordan by Jeri12. of Judah, and the suburbs thereof round cho, on the east side of Jordan,..ere given about it. themt, out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in zJosh. 14.13. 56 ZBut the fields of the city, and the vil- the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jah& 15. 13. lages thereof, they gave to Caleb the son of zah with her suburbs, Jephaunneh. 79 Kedemoth also with her suburbs, and aJosh.21.13. 57 And ato the sons of Aaron they gave Mephaatll with her suburbs: the cities of Judah, namely, Hebron, the 80 And out of the tribe of Gad; Ramoth city of refuge, and Libnah with her suburbs, in Gilead with her suburbs, and Mahanaim and Jattir, and Eshtemoa, with their sub- with her suburbs, urbs, 81 And Heshbon with her suburbs, and IlOr., lolon, 58 And II Hilen with her suburbs, Debir Jazor with her suburbs. JoshL. 21. 1. with her suburbs, CHAPTER VII I Or, Aito, 59 And IIAshan with her suburbs, and 1 EPtoe ofsahcar-, 6 ofBenjcain, 13 oflaphJosh. 21. 16. Beth-shemesh with her suburbse: a li, 14 of Mfancsah, 20, 24 and ofjlEphlii. 21 60 Andoutof the tribe of Benjamin; Geba The calanity of phrwaim by the mea of Gath. O Or, Almon., with her suburbs, and IIAlemetl l with her Biciah is born. 28 Eplhaio's habijatioelc. Josh. 21. 18. suburbs, and Anathoth with her suburbs. 30 The sons of Ahe,.. All their cities throughout their families \TOW the sons of Issachar wvero, ITola, 1400, &c. were thirteen cities..l and I;Puah, Jashub, and Shimrom,four. aooen. 4f;. 13. b er. 66. 61 And unto the sons of Kohath, which 2 And the sons of Tola; Uzzi, and Repll- N u. 2(;. 23 wtere left of the family of that tribe, weose aiah, and Jeriel, and Jahmai, and Jibsam,o lPhrvt,, Jo. cities given out of the half tribe, oamselty, alpd Shemuoe!, heads of their father's house, cJoh. 21. 5. out of the half tribe of 3Manasseh, Cby lot, to wit, of Tola: they oeore valiant men of ten cities. might in their generations; b whosenumber o2Sam. 24. 1, 62 And to the sons of Gershom throughout was in the days of David two and twenty 2. their families out of the tribe of Issachar, thousand and six hundred. ch. 271. and out of the tribe ofsher,and ou t of the 3 And thbe of Aonsherof Uzi; and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and out of the tribe of sons of Izranhiah; Michael, and Obadiah, Manasseh in Bashan, thirteen cities. and Joel, Ishiah, five: all of them chief 63 Unto the sons of Merari were given by men. lot, throughout their families, out of the 4 And with them, by their generations, tribe of Reuben, and out of the tribe of after the house of their fathers, eeore bands dJoshe. 21. 7. Gad, and out ofthe tribe ofZebulun, dtwelve of soldiers for war, six and thirty thtousand 34. cities. men: for they had many wives and sons. 290 The sons of Manasseh. I. CHRONICLES The sons of Ashes. B. C. 1400, 5 And their brethren among all the families were, Beth-el and the towns thereof, and B. C. 1400a &o. of Issachar were valiant men of might,reck- eastward *Naaran, and westward Gezer, &c. oned in all by their genealogies fourscore with the ttowns thereof; Shechem also and and seven thousand. the towns thereof, unto Gaza and the towns i Jol. 16. 7, cGen. 46. 21. 6 ~ The sons of aBenjamin; Bela, and thereof: faaeath. Num. 26.38. Becher, and Jediael, three. 29 And by the borders of the children of tHeb. ch, 8. 1, &c. 7 And the sons of Bela; Ezbon, and Uzzi, kManasseh, Beth-shean and her towns, l-ayehtere. and Uzziel, and Jerimoth, and Iri, five; Taanach and her towns, 1IMegiddo and her k Josh. 17. 7. heads of the house of their fathers, mighty towns, Dor and her towns. In these dwelt I Josh. 17. 11. men of valour; and were reckoned by their the children of Joseph the son of Israel. genealogies twenty and two thousand and 30 7 The sons.of Asher; Imnalh, and Gen. 46.17. thirty and four. Isuah, and Ishuai, and Beriah, and Serah N.a. 26. 44. 8 And the sons of Becher; Zemira, and their sister. Joash, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and 31 And the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Omri, and Jerimoth, and Abiah, and Ana- Malchiel, who is the father of Birzavith. thoth, and Alameth. All these are the 32 And HeberbegatJaphlet, andnShomer, ther. 34, sons of Becher. and Hotham, and Shua their sister. Shaner. 9 And the number of them, after their 33 And the sons of Japhlet; Pasaeh, and genealogy by their generations, heads of Bimhal, and Ashvath. These are the the house of their fathers, mighty men of children of Japhlet. valour, was twenty thousand and two hun- 34 And the sons of ~Shamer; Ahi, and over.32, dred. Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram. Shon. 10 The sons also of Jediael; Bilhan: and 35 And the sons of his brother Helem; the sons of Bilhan; Jcush, and Benjamin, Zophalh, and Imna, and Shelesh, and Amal. and Ehud, and Chenaanah, and Zethan, 36 The sons of Zophah; Suah, and Harand Tharshish, and Ahishahar. nepher, and Shual, and Berl, and Imrah, 11 All these the sons of Jediael, by the 37 Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and heads of their fathers, mighty men of val- Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera. our, were seventeen thousand and two hun- 38 And the sons of Jether; Jephunneh, dred soldiers, fit to go out for war and and Pispah, and Ara. battle. 39 And the sons of Ulla; Arab, and dNum. 26.39, 12 dhuppim also, and Huppi, the chi- aniel, and Rezia. Sh1phfao., dren of II Ir, and Husbhim, the sons of II Aher. 40 All these wer-e the children of Asher, and H.- 13 ~ The sons of Naphtali; Jahziel, and heads of their father's house, choice and ph... Geuni, and Jezer, and eShallum, the sons of mighty men of valour, chief of the princes. Or, Bilhah. And the number throughout the genealogy wlvere./7.,14 - The sons of Manasseh; Ashriel, of them that were apt to the war and to Or, 26 38m, whom she bare; (but his concubine the battle was twenty and six thousand men. Aramitess bare Machir the father of Gilead: ecena. 46. 2, 15 And Machir took to wife the sister of CHAPTER VIII. Huppim and Shuppim, whose sister's name lt rot ad chief ne o f j. he was Maachah;) and the name of tile sec- stocoflatl d oalthan. oled was Zeloplehad: and Zelophehad had THOW Benjamin begat aBela his first- 1400, &a. daughters. L born, Ashbel the second, and Aharah aGen. 46. 21t 16 And Maachah the wife of MIachir bare a the third, Num. 26,38. son, and she called his name Peresh; and 2 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fiftb. ch. 7. 6. the name of his brother was Sheresh; and 3 And the sons of Bela were, 11 Addar, and 11 Or, At/, his sons were Ulam and Rakem. Gera, and Abihud, Gea. 46. 21. flStm.12.11. 17 Andthe sonsof Ulam; fBedan. These 4 And Abishua, and Naaman, andAlhoah, wer e the sons of Gilead, the son of Mlachir, 5 And Gera, and 11Shephuphan, and Hu. ilOr. the son of Manasseh. ram. Sbhuham, 18 And his sister Hammoleketh bare 6 And these are the sons of Ehud: these Num. 26.:9. gan. 2 30, Ishod, and Abiezer, and Ltaholahl. are the heads of the fathers of the inhabit- See ch. 7.12. Jeezre. 19 And the sons of Shemidah were, Ahian, ants of Geba, and they removed them to and Shechem, and Likhi, and Aniam. b Manahath: b ch. 2. 72. hNumt.2636. 20 ~ And hthe sons of Eplhraim; Shuthe- 7 And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Goer, he tal, and Bered his son, and Tahath his son, removed them, and begatUzza, and Ahihud. and Eladah his son, and Tahath his son, 8 Aed Shaharaim begat children in the 21 AndZabad his son, and Shuthelah his country of Moab, after he had sent them son, and Ezer, and Elead, whom the men away; Hushim and Baars were his wives. of Gath that were born in that land slew, 9 And le begat of Hodesh his wife, Jobab, because they came down to take away their and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcham, cattle. 10 And Jeuz, and Shachia, and Mirma. 22AndEphraimtheirfathermournedmany These were his sons, heads of the fathers. days, and his brethren came to comfort 11 And of Hushim he begat Abitub, and him. Elpaal. 23 ~ And when he went in to his wife, she 12 The sons of Elpaal; Eber, and Misham, conceived and bare a son, and he called his and Shamed, who built Ono, and Led, with name Beriah, because it went evil with his the towns thereof: house. 13 Beriahl also, and CShema, who were ver. 21. 24 (And his daughter weas Sherah, who heads of the fathers of the inhabitants of built Beth-holon the nether, and the upper, Ajalon, who dlove away the inhabitants of and Uzzen-sheralh.) Gath: 25 And Rephah teas his son, also Resheph, 14 And Ahio, Shashak, and Jeremoth, and Telah his son, and Tahan his son, 15 And Zebadiah, and Arad, and Ader, 20 Laadan his son, Ammihud his son, 16 And Michael, and Ispah, and Joha, the 11 lishama his son, sons of Beriah; Num. 18. 8, 27 aNon his son, Jeboshuah his son. 17 And Zebadiah, and Moshullam, and 16. 28 ~ And their possessions and habitations Hezeki, and IIeber, 291 The inhabitants I. CHRONICLES. o.f Jerusalet. B. C. 1400, -18 Ishmerai also, and Jezliah, and Jobab, 8 And Ibneiah the son of Jeroham, and B. C. 1200, &c. the sons of Elpaal; Elah the son of Uzzi, the son of liochri, and &c. 19 And Jakim, and Zichri, and Zabdi, Meshullam the son of Shephathiah, the son 20 And Elienai, and Zilthai, and Eliel, of Reuel, the son of Ibnijab; 21 And Adaiah, and Berailah, and Shim- 9 And their brethren, according to their 1 Or, Shea, rath, tile sons of lSltimhi; generations, nine hundred and fifty and six. enr. 13. 22 And Ishpan, and Heber, and Eliel, All these men were chief of the fathers in 23 And Abdon, and Zichri, and HIanan, the house of their fathers. 24 And Hananiah, and Elam, and An- 10 ~eAnd of the priests; Jedaiah, and eNeh.ll. 10, tothijah, Jehoiarib, and Jachin, &c. 25 And Iphedeiah, and Penuel, the sons 11 And lAzariah the son of Hilkiah, the liesh. 11. 11, of Shashak; son' of MIeshullam, tlhe son of Zadok, the Senaiah. 26 And Shamsherai, and Shehariah, and son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the ruler Athaliah, of tlte house of God; 27 And Jaresiah, and Eliah, and Zichri, 12 And Adaiah the son of Jerobam, the the sons of Jerollam. son of Pashur, tile son of Malchijah, and 28 These owere heads of the fathers, by Maasiai the son of Adiel, the son of Jahtlleir generations, chiefoneos. These dwelt zeralh, the son of Meshullam, thle son of in Jerusalem. Meshillemith, the son of Immer; Called 29 And at Gibeon dwelt the 11 father of 13 And their brethlren, hlends of the house Jehiel, ch. 9. Gibeon; whose dswife's name owaes'Iaachah: of their fathers, a thousand and seven hun35. 30 And his firstborn son Abdon, and Zur, dred and threescore; tvery able men for tEHcb. ighty de ch. 9. 35. and IKish, and Baal, and Nadab, the work of tth service of the..ouse of God. seo of' Zi Or, 31 And Gedor, and Ahio, and 11 Zacher. 14 And of the Levites; Shemaialh the son o Zechariah, 32 And Mikloth begat II Slimeah. And of Hasshnb, the son ofAzrikam, the son of ch. 9. 3.. these also dwelt with their brethren in Hashabiah, ofthe sons of Merari; 11 Or, Jerusalem, over against them. 15 And Bakbakkar, Heresh, and Glal, Stohn.n3., 233 ~ And eNer begat Kish, and Kish begat and Mattanial the son of Micah, the son of elSam. t.51. Saul, and Saul begat Jonathan, and Mal- Zichri, the son of Asaph; e ci-shua, and fAbinadab, and I Esh-baal. 16 And Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, the f tSnl14d.49, 34 And the son of Jonathan was 11 Merib- son of Galal, the son of Jelduthllun, and Berbatl; and Ierib-baal begat oMich. ecoiah thle son of Asa, the son of Elkanah, 11oet 35 And the sons of Micah were, Pithon, that dvwelt in the villages of the Netopha-. 2 nue. a. e anod Meleeh, and 11 Tarea, and Ahaz. thites. 11 Or, hAim. 6 And Ahaz begat hJehoadah; and Jeho- 17 And the porters were, Shallum, and 2 Sen4. 4. Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza; their brethren: Shallum woas the chief; & 9. t,10. 37 And Moza begat Binea: s Rapha twas 18 Who hitherto -waited in the king's gate g2 Sam. 9.2. his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son. eastward: they wtere porters in the comllOr, Tat-1ea, 38 And Azel had six sons, whose names panics o' the children of Levi. ch. 9. 41. are these, Azrikam, Bochleru, and Ishmael, 19 And Shallumn the son of hore, the son h Jarah, and -Sheariall, and Obadiah, and Hanan. of Ebiasaph, the son of KIorah, and his ch. 9.42. All these zere the sons of Azel. brethren, of tle hlouse of his father, thle ich. 9. a3, 39 And the sons of Eshek his brother Keorahites, swere over the wtork of tlle servRqphaiah. were, Ulam his firstborn, Jehush the sec- ice, keepers of the tgates of thetabernacle: t felb. threahend, and Eliphelet the third. and their fatlers, being over the host of the olds. 40 And the sons of Ulam nere mighty men LORD, woere keepers of tlle entry. of valour, archers, and had many sons, and 20 And f Plinehas the son of Eleazar was fluEn. 31. 6. sons' sons, a hundred and fifty. All these the ruler over them in time past, and the are of the sons of Benjamin. LORD zwas with him. 21 Ancl Zechariah the son of Mesbelemialh CHAPTER IX. wasts porter of the door of the tabernacle of 1 he oinal of, aeCl's and Jtdah's gencalogi gres. grtion 2 The Isaeclites, 10 the p1iests, 14 and the Le- t hes coion. ietes, ulth'ethielim, ehich dltelt in Jer-tsacem. 22 All these which were clsosen to be 27 The charge of ce.itait Levites. 35 The stock porters in the gates wcere two hundred and of SauC old Jothaecate. twelve. These were reckoned by their gen1200, &c. S O tall Israel nwere reckoned by fene- ealogy in their villages, hlom David and cl. Oi. 1, 2. aEzrt. 29. k) alogics; and, belold, they wer-e rit. Snmuel at the seer t did ordain in their l set - I San. 9. 9, ten in the book of the kings of Israel and office. tH ls. Judah, twho were carried away to Babylon 23 So they and tteir cildren led the fouteded. for their transgression. oversight of the gates of the house of the'l Or tetust. about 536. 2 T bNow tOle first inhabitants that dwelt LORD, nanzely, the house of the taberb Ezr. 2. 70. in their possessions in theieir cities were, the nacle, by wards. aelh. 7. 73. Israelites, the priests, Levites, and Ctlle 24 In four quarters were the porters, tocJos. 9. 27. Nethinim. ward the east, west, north, and south. Ezra, 2.43. & 3 And in d Jerusalem dwelt of the children 25 And their brethren, wzhich were in their 8. 20. of Judah, and oftlle children of Benjamin, villages, twere to come zafter seven days i2Kinsgll.5. dNeh. 11.1. and of thle children of Ephraim, and Ma- from time to time with them. nassell; 26 For these Levites, tle four chief port4 Uthai the son of Ammihud, the son of ers, were in thei II set office, and were over 1 Or, trust. Omri, tle son of Imrl, the son of Bani, of the 11 lcambers and treasuries of the 1house lr,to.. the children of Pharez the son of Judah. of eGod. uses 5 And of the Shilonites; Asaiah the first- 27, And thelylodged round about the louse born, and his sons. of God, because the charge zwas upon them, OAndofthe sons ofZeral;Jeel, and their and tle openinlg thereof every morning perbrethren, six hundred and ninety. tainedb to tlen. ttH. I,,-ing 7 And of the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the 28 And ceortain of them had the charge of ale, asdcar son of Mesllullam, the son of Hodaviah, the the ministering vessels, that they should.y thm o-t son of Hasenuah, t bring them in and out by tale. by ale. 292 Saul's overthrow atnd death. I. CHRONICLES. David made king at Hebron. B. C. 1200, 29 Sonme of them also tcerne appointed to forsook their cities, and fled: and the Phi- B. C. 1056. &o. oversee the vessels, and all thile linstru- listines came and dwelt in them. ments of the sanctuary, and the fine flour, 8 Andit came to pass on the morrow, when 11Or, vesOels. tad the line, and the oil, and the frank- the Philistines came to strip the slain, that incense, and the spices. they found Saul and his sons fallen in mount 30 And some of the sons of the priests Gilboa. kEo. 30. 23. made ktlle ointment of the spices. 9 And.when they had stripped him, they 31 And ilattithial, oloe of the Levites, who took his head, and his armour, and sent intas the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, to the land of the Philistines round about, H Or, to-st. had the Ilset office lover the things that to carry tidings unto their idols, and to the I Lev. 2..& were made 11 in the pans. people. 6. 21. 32 And other of their brethren, of the sons 10 b And they put his armour in the house 61 Sar..31.10. 11 Or, on.. flat of the Kohathites,', vee over the t shew- of their gods, and fastened his head in the pltes, or, bread, to prepare it every sabbath. temple of Dagon. slieos. 33 And these are "the singers, chief of 11 ~ And when all Jabesh-gilead heard all,n Lhe. 24. 8. the fathers of the Levites, teho renlmaniig that the Philistines had done to Saul, t Heb. bread in the chambers wee free: for ttllthey were 12 They arose, all the valiant men, and of odeoing, employed in that work day and night. took away the body of Saul, and the bodies tch. 6. 31. & 34 These chief fathers of the Levites vere of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, 25. t. chief throughout their generations; these and buried their bones under the oak in t Heb. lpoon dwelt at Jerusalem. Jabesh, and fasted seven days. th0. 35 ~ And in Gibeon dwelt the father of 13gSoSauldiedforlhistransgressionwhliih teb. 0ransGibeon, Jehiel, wnlloe.ife's na0me te.t he tcommitted against the LORD, Ceven t.esal och. 82. 29. Maachah: against the word of the LORD, which he elt Snm.1313. 36 And his firstborn son Abdon, then Zur, kept not, and also for asking counselof one & 15. 23. and Kish, and Banl, and Ner, and Nadab, tlhat had a familiar spirit, dto inquire of d 1 Sam. 28. 7. 37 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, itt |elSm. 15.28. and Mikloth. 14 And inquired not of the LORD: tllere- 2 Sam. 3. 9, 38 And Mikloth begat Shimeam. And fore he slew him, and eturned the kingdom 10. & 5. 3. they also dwelt with their brethren at Jeru- unto David the son of t Jesse. t Hb. Iai. salem, over against their brethren. CHAPTER XI. p cal. 8. 33. 39 PAnd Ner begat Kish; and Kish begat 1 Did HAPTEo i... Saul; and Saul begat Jonathan, and Mal- b,n,. 4H. einnlthhencaletoftZioelfeob nthe chi-shua, andAbinadab, and Esh-baal. Jehusites by Joab's valoun. 10 A catalogue of 40 And the son of Jonathan 0tas Merib-.David'slightyn me. baal: and Merib-baal begat Micah. rIHEN a all Israel gathered themselves to 1048. 41 And the sons of Micah tveen-, Pithon, l David unto Hebron, saying, Behold, we a2 Sam. 5. 1. qch. 8. 35. and Melech, and Tahrea, qancld Aaz. arie thy bone and thy flesh. 42 And Ahaz begat Jarall; and Jarah be- 2 And moreover t in time past, even when t Hel,. both gat Alemoeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; Saul was king. thou eoast he that leddest yeserdelay and Zinmri begat tIoza; out and broughtest in Israel: and the LORD nd the third 43 And loza begat Binea; and Rephaiah thy God said unto thee, Thou shalt l bfeed day. his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son. my people Israel, and thou shalt be ruler s 11 Or, tle, 44 And Azel had six sons, whose names are over my people Israel. 6 P.. 78. 7i. these, Azrikam, Boocheru, and Ishmael, and 3 Tereforeo came all the elders of Israel to Shearian, and Obadiah, and Ianan. These the king to Hebron; and David made a were the sons of Azel. covenant with them in Hebronubefore the LORD; and Ctley anointed David king c2 Sm.. 3. CHAPTER X. over Israel, according to the word of the 1 Snaz' oveathrown and deth, 8 Phe Phi'il innif LORD t by d Samuel. t 1el). by the t,tnloh over oSaul. 11 inTh akidnessofJabesh 4 ~ And David and all Israel "went to haondof. gileanldtoardSauloalndhis-sona. 13Sal' si;n, Jerusalem, which is Jebus; fwthere the dlSann. 16.1, foe shicS th bainogdo.nwas nnatnladfrom hi.m Jebusites twere, the inhabitants of theland. 12, 13. to David. 5 And the inhabitants of Jebus said to e2Sam. 5. 6. 1056. OW athe Philistines fought against Is- David, Thou shalt not come hitler. Never- fJudg. 1. 21. a 1Sam., 31.t1, rael; and the men of Israel fled from tieless David took the castle of Zion, which & 19. 10. 2. before the Philistines, and fell down nlslain is the city of David. t Or.eouslded. in mount Gilboa. 0 And David sad, Whosoever smitetl the 2 And the Philistines followed hard nsfter Jebusites first shall be t chief nld captain. t Reln. head. Saul, and after his sons; and the Philis- So Joab the son of Zeruiah went first up, II Or, dIhai, tines slew Jonathan, and, and IAbinadab, and and was chief. 1Sam. 14.49. Malchi-shua, the sons of Saul. 7 And David dwelt in the castle; there3 And the battle went sore against Saul, fore they called 11 it the city of David. 1I That is, tHeb. soot- and the t archers Chit him, and he was 8 And he built the city round about, even Zio.., esneithisnec. wounded of the arclers. froom illo round about: and Joab t repair- 2 Snm. 5, 7. t H.eb. fon d 4 Then said Saul to his armourbearer, ed the rest of the city. t Hb. hios. Draw thy sword, and thrust me through 9 So David t waxed greater and greater: revived. therewith; lest these uncircumcised come for the LORD of hosts s as with him. tHei. nnent llOr,amoknCe. nda abus. me. But his armourbearer 10 ~ O These also are the chief of the mighty an oenq d would.not; for le vwassore afraid. SoSaul menwhom David had, who Ilstrengthenedoi 2Sai took a sword, and fell upon it. themselves with him in his kingdom, anc e2 2Sm.23.8. 5 And when his armourbearer saw that with all Israel, to make him king, accord- 1Or, hOtd Saul was dead, he fell likewise on the ing to htho word of the LORD concerning to th.o the L sword, and died. Israel. l nmS.16.1 n6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and all 11 And this is the number of the mighty 12 his house died together. men whom David lad; Jashnobenm, la 11 ronof 7 And when all the men of Israel that Haehmonite, the chief of the captains: he t,.onsof sere in the valley saw that they fled, and lifted up his spear against three hundred that Saul and his sons were dead, then they slain by hri at one time. 293 A catalogue of I. CHRONICLES. Davzd's moghty mene B. C..1048. 12 And after him was Eleazar the sot of 34 The sons of IlHashem the Gizonite, B. C.1047. Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite, three mighties. 35 Ahiam the son of Saoar the IHararite, Or, J-h-o. 1047. 13 He was with David at IIPas-dammimo, IIEliphal tte son of II Ur, e tS-tt.23. Ili fphss- tand there the Philistines were gathered to- 36 Iepher the Mecherathite, Ahijeh the 33. baoooot.. gether to battle, where was a parcel of Pelonite, Or, Shtlttt. too. 17.0. ground full of barley; and the people fled 37 Ii Hezro the Carmelite, IINaarai the son IOEOlitpthsea. from before tte Philistines. of Ezbai, t Or, Ah-ti. U O, stood. 14 And they II set themselves in the midst 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhatr IOr, Hlsrai. of that parcel, and delivered it, and slew II the son of Haggeri, 11o, Pt...t the Philistines; and the L ORD. s d t/he 39 Zelek the An...onite, Naharai the Be- ]tOh'ftit,. ll Or; by a great t1 deliveranc. rotthote, the armourbearer of Joab the son Os0, tho o9ga io. 15 ~ Now lthree of the thirty captains of Zeruiah, 11 Or, 1tre. iwent down to the rock to David. into the 40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite, teetst.. ovfAdullam; andthehostofthoPhilis- 41 Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ott tlhity. tines encamped kin the valley of Rephaim. Ahlai, i2tto.23.13. t16 And David was then in the hold, and 42 Adina the son of Shizat the leubenite, a k h. 14. 9. the Philistinet;' garrison was then at Beth- captain of the Reubenites, and thirty with lehem. him, 17 And David longed, and said, Oh that 43 Hanan the son of Iaaehah, and Joshaone would give me drink of the water of the phat the Mithnite, well of Beth-lehem, that is at the gate 1 44 Uszzia the Ashterathite, Shamt and Je18 And the three brake through the host hiel the sons of Hothae the Aroerite, of the Philistines, and drew water out of the 45 Jediael the I son of Shimri, and Joha ItOr,Shismitt. well of Beth-lehem, that was by the gate, his brother, the Tizite, and took it, and brought it to David: but 406 Eliel the Mahavite, and Joribat and David would not drink of it, but poured it Joshaviah toe sons of Elnaam, and Ithmah out to the LORD, the Moabite, 19 And said, My God forbid it me, that I 47 Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel the Mesoshould do this thing: shall I drink the blood baite. t s.b toth tof these men 0 that have put their lives in CHAPTER XII., Otstioloor. jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their 21 ots that came toavid at Zlttat. 03 lives they brought it: therefore he would he1esta t thtt et.... hi st Hi6,o-e. not drink it. These things did these Ohe OW Ithese ate they that came to Da- about 1058 mightiest. N id to bZiklag, twhile he yet kept aI Sae. 27.2. t2S.m.23.18. 20 ~ And Abishai the brother of Joab, he himself close because of Saul the son of b 1 Sam.276.. was chief of the three: for lifting up his Kish: and they owere among the mighty t Heob. Being spear against three hundred, he slow thet, men, helpers of the war. pst sdtt,I,. and had a name among the three. 2 They were armed with hows, and could 92 So. 13. 21 soo the three, he was more honour- use both the right hand and Cthe left in..dg.20.16.[ 19. able than the two; for he was their cap- hutling stones and shooting arrows out of tain: howbeit he attained not to the first a bow, even of Staul's brethren of Benjamin. three. 3 The chief was Ahiezer, then Joash, the 22 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of sons of'IShomath the Giboathite; and Je- IOr, ltHlb.g gat a valiant man of Kabzeel, t who had done ziel, and Pelet, the sons of Azmaveth; and oh. of dds. many acts;'he slew two lionlike men of Beraheah, and Jehu the Anotothite, 2Stam.23.20. Moab: also lie went down and slew a lion in 4 And Ismaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty a pit in a snowy day. man among the thirty, and over the thirty; tH H. tote 23 And he slew an Egyptian, ta man of and Jeremia, and Jahaziel, and Joheana, tO oaoteto great stature, five cubits high; and in the and Josabad the Gederathite, Egyptian's hand wast a spear like a weaver's 5 Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and Bealiah, and beam; and he went down to him with a Shemariah, and Shephatiah the Haruphite, staff, and plucked the spear out of the 6 Elkanah, and Jesiah, and Azareel, and Egypttan's hand, and slew him with his Joezer, and Jashobeam, the Korhites, own spear. 7 And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the sons of 24 These things did Benaiah the son of Jeroham of Gedor. Jehoiada, and had a name among the 8 And of the Gadites there separated three mighties. themselves unto David into the tiold to the 25 Behold, he was honourable among the tilderness men of might, anl men t ofsao t Hob. of to. thirty, but attained not to the Jfirst three: fit for the battle, that could handle shield hoot. and David set him over his guard. and buckler, whose faces wert like the 26 ~ Also the valiant men of the armies faces of lions, and weret dt as swift as the d2otso.2. t8. 28am.3.23.: were,'Asahel the brothler of Joab, Elhanan roes upon the mountains; t Hsh. to the the son of Dodo of Beth-lehem, 9 Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab 0 P0 toH 5o, 27 I Shammt oth the "Harorite, Helet the the third, o Shanmrash. I eoi, in altto make OeSotol. OlPelonite, 10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the at 2Or, 28 Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite, Ahi- fifth, 1a.oI.dite, ezer the Antothite, 11 Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh, 2t —-23.25. 029 IISibbetai the Hushathite, IIIlai the Aho- 12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth, Ocr, P1tsis, hire, 13 Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the.t.2 30 Matharai the Netopthathite, IIHeled the eleventh. 1] O, s tt tOr, son of Batnah the Netophathite, 14 These were of the sons of Gad, captains oaloatat/ Mebunnal.cudrss 31 Ithai the son of tibai of Gibeah, that of the host: Ione of the least owase over a; ld 11Or, Zttto. poertained to tile children of Benjamin, hundred, and the greatest over a thousand. oIlol. I Or, nelk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~~~and the or, Hol,. Benaiah the Pirathonite, 15 These are they that went over Jordan o, 1 Or, Biddli. 32 ItHurai of the brooks of Gaash, IIAbiel in the first month, when it had overflown otousald. Or, the Arbathite, all his ebanks; and they put to flight all tReb..ttt Abi-altoo. 33 Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba t the them of the valleys, both toward:the east, so,. Shaalbouite, and toward the west. osh. 2.. 294 The armzies that I. CHRONICLES. came to David. B. C. 1if And there came of the children of Den- 36 And of Asher, such as went forth to bt- B.C. 1048. about 1058. jamin and Judah to the hold unto David. tie, IOexport in war, forty thousand. 17 And David went out tto meet them, 37 And on the other side of Jordn, ofthe OIaks. ie;epg tHeb. efores and answered and said unto them, Ifyo te Reubenites, and the Gadites, and of the teir rank. the come peaceably unto me to help me, mine halftribe of Manasseh, with all manner of t Hebs. s oss. heart shall b e knit unto you: but if ye be instruments of war for the battle, a huncome to betray me to mine enmies, seeing dred and twenty thousand. (l Or, idens. there is no wrong in mine oands, the God 38 All these men of war, that could keep of our fathers look thereoe, and rebuke it. rank, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, t Hob. th 18 Then o the spirit came upon fAmasai, to make David king over allIsrael: and all piit eloth. who was chief of the captains, ad lie e8tid, the rest alo of Israel were of one heart to ed A0055CaC Thine ase we, David, and on thy side, thou make David king. o son of Jesse: peace, peace oe unto thee, 39 And there they were with David three f2Sam.17.25. and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God days, eating aod deinhing: foe their brethhelpeth thee. Then David received them, ren had prepared for them. and made them captains of the band. 40 Moreover they that were nigh them, about1056. 19 And there fell some of Manasseh to even unto Inssachar and Zebulun and Naphal Sas. 29.2. David, 0whees he came with the Philistines tali, brought bread on asses, and on camels, against Saul to battle; but they helpedthem and on mules, and on oxen, and Lmeat, Os, ciotoiu not: foe the loeds of lihe Pheilistioesoupon sea~ahefgtodoehefaiio sses not: for the lords of the Philistines upon meal, cakes of figs, and bunches of raisins, qf 8lSam.'29.4. advisement sent him away, saying, hHo and wine, and oil, and oxen, and sheep -tosh. ooun will fall to his msater Saul t to the jeopardy abundantly: for there was joy in Israel. hoads. of our hieads. 20 As he went to Ziklag, there fell to him CHAPTER XIII. of Manasseh, Adnah, and Jozabad, and ID-idfeeeheleioe ish seslesifoe Jedioael, and Michael, and Jozabad, and Ki,'aith-jea sim. 9 Coa U e-lc s-insens, the ark Elihu, and Zilthai, captains of the thou- is 1sf, as se hose f Osd-sdoe. sands that were of Manasseh. AND David consulted with the captains 1045. pe Or with a 21 And they helped David lagainst ithe A of thousands and hundreds, and with ITse. bandof theovero for they ere ali every leader. Il Sm.30. i, miglty sen of valour, and were captains 2 And David saiddnto all the congregation 0,10. in the host. of Israel, If it seem good unto you, and 22 For at that time day by day there came that it be of the LORD our God, tiet us Slfs. let. to David to help him, until it was a great sendabroad unto our brethren every where, teokforth host, likh the heost of God. that are " left in all the lano of Israel, and a d seed. 1048. 23 IV And these are the numbers of the witc thes also to the peietts ond Levites o ISsm. 1.1. iO,...ptai., 1lehbands that oere ready.rmed tothe war, ehich i ce tSin their cities and suburbs, i..s7.4. O.reo. asd kcamoe to David to Hebron, to eturn that they may gather themselves unto us: t HI b. i.. the IHle,.headc. the kingdom of Saul to him, M according to 3 And let us h bring again the ark of our ieofsi I 2Ss.2.3.4. the word of the LORo. God to us lfor we inquirednot at it inthe Salba6.. he. i 24 The children of Judah that bare shield days of Saul. tlSse. Oise oil.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t dt d gt 4 A d 11l the cg eg t'o'ad tha thy "o and spear were six thousand an e u n a the congregation sald that they I e. 00. 14. dred, ready e. armed to the war. would do so: for the thing was right in the b,2. ml Sa. I.1, li 25 Of the children of Simeon, mighty men eyes of all the people. I3. / of valour for the war, seven thousand and 5 So IDavid gathered all Israel together, el S-m. 7.1. Os. one hundred. from dShihor of Egypt even unto the enter- 2 Sam. 6.1. prepa,ed. 26 Of the children of Levi four thousand ing of Hemath, to bring the ark of God 1 Jose. i3. 3. and six hundred. efrom Kirjath-jearim. ii OSm.. 21. 27 And Jehoiada was the leader of the 0 And David went up, and all Israel, to 7. 1. Aaronites, oand with him werce three thou- fBaalal, that is, to Kirjath-jeario, ehich fJooh. 15.., sand and seven hundred; belonged to Judah, to bring up thence the 60. lS.nm.8.17. 28 And nZadok, a young man mighty of arke of God the LORD, Othat detileth be- gI sm. 4.4. valour, and of his father's house twenty and tween the cherubim, wlhose name is called 2 S-s. 6.2 two claptains. o? it. 29 And of the children of Benjamin, the 7 And they fcarried the nark of God hin a tHeb. tH Heb. tkindred of Saul, three thousand: for hith- new cartsoutooftheehouse ofAbinadab: thte ok 6,ethren! oto +othe t regtest part of them had kept Uzza and Ahio draveo the cart, tde. Gen. 31.123. thesktAaofDthe aouseof Sl. 8kAndD avidand allIsrael play edbefore hsshose-4. tHob. 30 And of the children of Ephraim twenty God with all their might, and witht siog 15. |lctde thousandand eight hundred, mighty men of ig, and with harps, aod with psatries, h.,3. fohsem. valour, Sfamou0 throughout the house of and eith timbrels, and with eymbals, and itIm. 7. 1. /o2 cam. 2.o,9. | 2hi fathers. toeSamI rSO. lhttl fothers. with trumpets. em.. t Rel,.tme of 31And of the half trihe of Manasseh eighlt- 9. And when theyenseontothenthreshing. tsh.sso..g...ess... een thousand, which were expressed by foo of' Chidon, Ussa put foeth his hnnd II fa.ted name, to come and make David king. to hold the ark; for the oxen t stumbled. l.nit, o 1 3. 32 And of the children of, 2e W.hich 10 And tse angerof the ioRD was kindled 2 nm... were meo that had understanding of the against Uzza, and he smote him, ibecause.eok it. times, to know what Israel ought to do; the ihe put his hand to the ark: and there he INmt. 4,.15. heads of them were two hundred; and all Idied before God. h. 15. ti 15. ii Or, ngeee their brethren wore at theircomandment. 11 And David was displeosede btcause the me. 10. 2. of'batle, o. 83Of Zebulun, such as went forth to bat- LORD had made a breaoh opon U.T..d0, in tle, lexport in war, with all instruments of wherefore that place is called I:Perezouzza rThais, Theu ate. wa, fifty thousand,'whioh could 1 keeprank: to this day. to-sof U OII o, they were tnot of double seart. 12 And David was afraid of God that day, o $a thoetile 34 And of Nophtalt a thousand cnptains, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God ~?tHe;tl, ] 34~h And sv toan 1 of Napi brhtai ~ thousandhmet cat~e.rains, ses aOoay, and with them with shield and spear thirty home to me tt~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~omles to. m seethbet aodeeeeotbootood. 13 So David tbrought not the ark home to S Heb. cee t lAnd of the Daniteo expert ie two..twenty himself to the city of David, but carried it P.t/ 12.. and nigdtof thound sd si oded. asideintotehou fbddomtGittit... [Pa. 12. 2.' anti eight thousand and six hundred. aieit h os fOe~dmteGt~@ David's wives and chiltlren. I. CHRONICLES. 27he ark brought front B. C. 1045. 14 "And the ark of God remained with the to Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the B. C. family of Obed-edom in his house three LOuD Unto his plaee, which he had pre- about1042. n,Sa.11. months. And the LORD blessed~thehouse pared for it. oAs GeO. 30. of Obed-edom, and all that he had. 4 And David assembled the children of 27. CHAPTER XIV. Aaron, and the Levites: h. 20. 5. 1 Hi-'.n' indnes to 2 Daoid'sfetlilt I Ofthe sons of Kiohath; Uriel the chief, in cprocle, iee, a1 ch-ildrct. 8 His to vio- and his 11 brethren a lundred and twenty: Or, torits egainst Ilte Philistines. i Of the sons of MIerari; Asaiah the cllief, kiesnen. about 1043. ]TOW a Hiram king of Tyre sent mossen- and his brethren two hundred and twenty: e2tSta.5,1t, - 1 gers to David, and timber of cedars, 7 Of the sons of Gershom; Joel the chief, he. n with masons and carpenters, to build him a and his brethren a hundred and thirty: house. 8 Of the sons of dElizaphan; Shemnaiah d Ex.6. 22. 2 And David perceived that the LORD had the chief, and his brethren two hundred: confirmed himking over Israel, forlhisking- 9 Of the sons of eIHebron; Eliel the chief, e E. 6. 18. dom was lifted up on high, because of his and his brethren fourscore: people Israel. 10 Of the sons of Uzziel; Amminadab the tHeb. yetl 3~[AndDavidtookltnmorevives atJerusa. chief, and his brethren a hundred and tem: and David begat more sons and daugh- twelve. ters. 11 And David called for Zadok and Abianb ch. 3.5. 4. Nol b these arethe names of chs children thar the priests, and for the Levites, for which he hadin Jerusalem; Shammua,and Uriel, Asaianh, and Joel, Shomaiah, and Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon, Eliel, and Amminadab, 5 And Ibclar, and Elisllua, and Elpalet, 12 And said unto them, Ye ale the chief 6 And Nofanh, and Nephog, and J aphia, of the fathers of the Levites: sanctify your11 Or. cliada, 7 And Elishama, and Il Beeliada, and Eliph- selves, both ye and your brethren, that ye 2Sm. 5.16. alet. may bring up the ark of the LORD God of 8 O And when the Philistines heard that Israel unto te place that I have prepared e2tam.5.17, CDavid was anointed king over all Israel, for it. all the Philistines went up to seek David. 13 Forf because ye did it not at the first, f!2Sm. 3. And David heard of it, and went out eth LORD our God made a breach upon Clh. 13.7. against tlhem. us, for that we sought him not after the due goll. 13.10,11.. 1047. 9 And the Philistines came and spread order. deot. t 15. themselves din the valley of Rephaim. 14 So the priests and the Levites sancti10 And David inquired of God, saying, fled themselves to bring up the ark of the Shall I go up against the Philistines? and LORD God of Israel. wilt thou deliver them into mine hand? 15 And the children of the Levites bare And the LORD said unto him, Go up; for I the ark of God upon their shoulders with will deliver thlem into thine hand. the strives thereon, as hMoses commanded, AEx.. 25. 14. 11 So they came up to Baal-perazim; and according to the word of the LORD. Nlun. 4. 15. David smote them there. Then David said, 16 And David spake to the chief of the & 7. 9. God hath broken in upon mine enemies by Levites to appoint their brethren to oe the mine-hand like the breaking forth of waters: singers with instruments of music, psaltertherefore they called the name of that place les and harps and cymbals, sounding, by 11 That is, II Baal-perazln. lifting up the voice with joy. A place of 12 And when they lad left their gods there, 17 So the Levites appointed iHeman the i cl. 0. 33. ibeechsl. 0David gave a commandment, and they were son of Joel; and of his brethren, kAsaplck eh. 6. 39. burned with fire. the son of nereehiah; and of the sons of e2Sm. 5.022. 123 And the Plolistines yet again spread Merari their brethren, lEthan the son of tcl. 6.44. themselves abroad in the valley. Kushaiah; 14 Therefore David inquiredagain of God; 18 And with them their brethren of the and God said unto him, Go not up after second dcegre, Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaf2Sam.5.23. them; turn away from them, fand come ziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jelliel, and upon them over against the mulberry trees. Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and iaaseiah, 15 And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a and Mattitliah, and Eliphelel, and Miksound of going in the tops of the mulberry neiah, and Obed-edom, and Jeiel, the porttrees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: ers. for God is gone forth before thee to smite 19 So the singers, Heman, Asaph, and the host of the Philistines. Ethan, coere appointed to sound with cymg2am. 5.25, 16 David therefore did as God commanded bals of brass; dcat. him: and they smote the host of the Philis- 20 And Zechariah, and IIAziel, and She- iiver. 18. h Josh.. 27. tines from' Gibeon even to Gazer. miramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, and Eliab, Jaee. 2 Chr. 26. 8 17 And A the fame of David went out into and Malaseiah, and Benaiah, withpsalteries iDout. 2.25& tall lands; and the LORD ibrought the fear 71on Alamoth m P. 46,title. 11.'iS.' * of him upon all nations. 21 And 0Mattithiatl, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obed-edom, and Jeiel, and CHAPTER XV. Azaziah, with harps 1 on the Sheminith to 1 Or. on the excel. 1042. 1 David, aein pe chct oe a-dce for- the ark, or oree, ote 16. 1. de-eth the piests a,d Lete t1 b, i,lg it from 22 AUd Chenanial, chief of the Levites, Ps. c, title. Obed-edomn. 25 le e):fot7ne h thte solemnity Ituas for tsong: he instructed about the 11 or, Mfot Eeb. It is l.e-of aith go- eat joy. 2 lichaO dnespieth li,. Soicg, because he ona8 skilful. the can age the ack of A ND David made him houses in the 23 And Berochiah and Elkanah were od,tbuctfor -i- city of David, and prepared a place doorkeepers for the ark. -outecartheLtvites. for the ark of God, a and pitched for it a 24 And Shebaniah, and Jehoshaphat, and t He. bNum 4.2,i15. tent. Nethaneel, and Amasai, and Zechariah, lift irb. Deut.10.8.h&.2 Then David said, tlonoe ought to carry and Blenaiah, and Eliezer, the priests, " did N, l. 10. 8. 31. 9. the bark of God but the Levites: for them blow with the trumpets before the ark of P,. 81.3. bout 1042. hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God: and Obed-edom and Jehiah wee- o 2. C. 12, c I Rings. 1. God, and to minister unto him for ever. doorkeepers for the ark. 13. & ch. 13. 5. 3 And David egatllered all Israel together 25 So David, andthe eldersofIsrael, and 1 KIings 8. 1. 291 the house of Obed-edom. I. CHRONICLES. Davzd's psalmn of thaneksgiv2ng. B. C. the captains over thousands, ent to bring 17 And hath confirmed the same to Jacob B. C. about1042. up the ark of the covenant of the LOtD for a law, andz to Israel for an everlasting about 1042. out of the house of Obled-edom with joy. covenant, 26 And it came to pass, when God helped 18 Saying, Unto thee weill I give the land the Levites tlhat bare the ark of the cove- of Canaan, t the lot of your inheritance; t Hb. nant of the LORD, that they offered seven 19 When ye were but t few, f even a few, the cord. bullocks and seven rams. and strangers in it. t heb. merof 27 And David woas clothed with a robe of 20 And dVhe1 they went from nation to /,utllber. fine linen, and all the Levites that bare the nation, and from onte kingdom to another fGen. 34.30. ark, and the singers, and Chenaniah the people; Or, carriag. master of the l song with the singers: David 21 HIe suffered no man to do them wrong: also had upon him an ephod of linen. yea, ho reproved kings for their sakes, g Gen. 12. 17. p o. 13. 8. 28 1'Thus all Israel brought up the ark of 22 Saying, hTouch not mine anointed, & 20. 3. the covenant of the LORD with shouting, and do mny prophets no harm.E.. 7. 118. and with sound of the cornet, and with 23 iSing unto the LOoD, all the earth. hPs. 105. 15. trumpets, and with cymbals, making a shew forth from day to day his salvation. iPs.G. 1. &c. noise witl psalteries and harps. 24 Declare his glory among the heathen; q Sm. 6.l16. 29 0 And it came to pass, as the ark of his marvellousvworks among all nations. the covenant of tile LORD came to the city 25 For great is the LORD, and greatly to of David, that ldichal the daughter of Snul be praised: he also is to be feared above looking out at a window saw king David all gods. dancing and playing: and she despised 26 For all the gods ko. the people are I.ov. 19.4. him in her loeart. idols: but the LORD made the heavens. 27 Glory and honour are in his presence; CHAPTER XVI. strength and gladness are in his place. 1 taoid'efestivao sacifie. 4 He oodeoeth a choir 28 Give unto the LORD, ye kindreds of to siclt tthak.,yiviy. 7 The psalm of thatls- the people, give unto the LORD glory and oivigtw. 37 ite atlrlointtrtl ntnictees, 1 prttes, strength. r Jie st anl m soictal.s, to attend continually on 29 Give unto the LORD the glory due unlto t,~httot.~. ~his name: bring an offering, and come be about 1042. 0 O athey brought the ark of God, and set fore him: orsllip the LORD in the beauty a.2Sam. 6.17- ]. it in the mnidst of the tent that David of holiness. 19. had pitched for it: and they offered burnt 30 Fear before him, all the earth: the sacrifices and peace offerings before God. world also shall be stable, that it be not 2 And when David had made an end of moved. offering the burnttofferings and the peace 31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the offerings, lie blessed the people in the name earth rejoice: and let -een say among the of the LORD. nations, The LORD reigneth. 3 And he dealt to every one of Israel, both 82 Let the sea roar, and the fulness tllereman and woman, to every one a loaf of of; let the fields rejoice, and all that is bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a therein.. flagon of uinte. 33 Then shall the trees of the wtood sing 4 ~ And he appointed certaito of the out at the presence of the LORD, because Levites to minister before the ark of the he comethl to judge the earth. b Ps. 38o & 70 LORD, and to brecord, and to thank and 34 0 give tlanks unto the LORD; for hoe Ps. 106. 1. & title. praise the LORD God of Israel; is good; for his mercy enduretih for ever. 107..& 118. 5 Asaph the chief, and next to him Zech- 35 " And say ye, Save us, 0 God of our 1. & 130.1. ariah, Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jeliel, salvation, and gather us together, and de- mPs. 106. 47, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, liver us from tle heothe heathen, that e may give 49. t Heb. uioh and Obed-edoo. and Jeiel t ito psalteries thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy, and with hIarps hbut Asaph ade a sound praise. ofsollattriet ewith cymbals;G 03 Blessed be the LORD God of Israel nt 1.Lil8. 15. atl /oaops. 6 Benaiah also and Jahaziel the priests for ever and ever. And all tthe people Deut. 27.15. with trumpets continually before the ark of said, Amen, and praised the LORD. the covenant of God. 37?r So he left there before the ark of the 7 ~ Then on that day David delivered covenant of the LORD Asaphand hisbrethcSee 2 Sam. Cfirst thois psaolm to thank the LORD into ren, to minister before the ark continually, 23. 1. the hand of Asaph and his brethren. as every day's work required: dPs. 1051-15. 8 dtGive thanks unto the LORD, call upon 38 And Obed-edom with their brethren, his name, make known his deeds among the threescore and eight; Obed-edom also the people. son of Jeduthun and Hosah to be porters: 9 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, 39 And Zadok the priest, and his brethren talk ye of all his wondrous works. the priests, P before the tabernacle of the l clh. 21. 29. 10 Glory ye in his holy name: let the LORD qinthelteigllplaeetlhatwasatGibeon, 2 Chr. 1.13. heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD. 40 To offer burnt offerings unto the LORD q 1 Kings 3. 4. 11 Seek the LORD and his strength, seek upon the altar of the burnt offering continhis face continually. ually'tmorning and evening, and to do, oe.29..8. 12 Remember his marvellous works that according to all that is written in the law of I[uo-. 28. 3. he hath done, his wonders, and the judg- the LORD, which he commanded Israel; tHcl,. in the ments of hllis mouth; 41 And with them Heman and Jeduthun,..n. ng 13 0 ye seed of Israel his servant, ye oo l- and the il-d th at ere cltosen, who were od i tle dren of Jacob, his chosen ones. expressed by name, to give thanks to the tt. 14 He is the LORD our God; his judg- LORD,'becauso his mercy endueth for ser. 34. ments are in all the earth. ever; 2 Cllr. 13. l1 Be ye mindful alvays of his covenant 42 And with them Heman and Jeduthun & 7.3. the word evhich he commanded to a thenou- with trumpets and cymbals for those that Jer. 31.11. Gn.17. 2 & sand generations; a should make oeound, and with musical in26, 3. & 28. 16 Even of the ecovenant which he made struments of God. And toe sons of Jedu- t Hseb. 13. & 35.11. with Abraham, and of his oath unto Isaac; thun were t porters. i fo the gate. 597 Nathan's message to David. I. CHRONICLES. His prayer and thanksgiving. B. C. 43 tAnd all the people departed every man the honour of thy servant? for thou knowest B. C. aboutll42. to his house: and D avid returned to bless thy servant. aboutlO42. his house. 190 LORD, for thy servant's sake, and t2 Ssa.. 1, according to thine own heart, hast thou 20. CHAPTER XVII. 2 NWoosi,-,1 000p, —-g ee 2o:soon. B done all this greatness, in making known bild Go a house, 3 after by tie uoi o' od all these t great things. teb. reag - fo biddsth him. 11 e iomiseth him bleisiolgs 200 LORD, there is none like thee, neither ncses, a"I benefits iit his seed. ti Dlavid's prayer and is there any God besides thee, according to tlhankosivins. all that we have heard with our ears. a2 Sam. 7. 1, OW it came to pass, as David sat in 2l And what one nation in the earth is like hc. XN his house, that David said to Nathan thy people Israel, whom God went to redeem the prophet, Lo, I dwell in a house of ce- to be his own people, to make thee a name dars, but the ark of the covenant of the of greatnessand terribleness, bydrivingout LORD remainotl under curtains. nations from before thy people, whom thou 2 Then Nathan said unto David, Do all hast redeemed out of Egypt? that is in thine heart; for God is with thee. 22 For thy people Israel didst thou make 3 ~ And it came to pass the same night, that thine own people for ever; and thou, LORD, the word of God came to Nathan, saying, becamest their God. 4 Go and tell David my servant, Thus 23 Thereforenow, LORD, let the thing that saith the LORD, Thou shalt not build me a thou hast spoken concerning thy servant house to dwell in: and concerning his house be established for 5 For I have not dwelt in a house since the ever, and do as thou hast said. day that I brought up Israel unto this day; 24 Let it even be established, that thy name tHeb. hav but t have gone from tent to tent, and from may be magnified for ever, sayilg, The i~. 000one tabernacle to another. LORD of hosts is the God of Israel, even a 6 Wheresoever I have walked with all Is- God to Israel: and let the house of David rael, spake I a word to any of the judges of thy servant be established before thee. Israel, whom I commanded to feed my peo- 25 For thou, 0 my God, t hast told thy t heb. ast ple, saying, Why have yo not built me a servant that thou wilt build him a house: reveed th, house ofcedars? therefore thy servant hath found in hi eaofthy 7 Now therefore thus shalt thou say unto heart to pray before thee. my servant David, Thus saith the LORD of 26 And now, LORD, thou art God, and hast hosts, I took thee from the sheepcote, even promised this goodness unto thy servant: tHeb.from t from following the sheep, thatthoushould- 27. Nos thereeore Illet it please thee to II Or. it atth after, est be ruler over my people Israel: bless the house of thy servant, that it may pleased thee. 8 And I have been with thee whithersoever be before thee for ever: for thou blessest, thou hast walked, and have cut off all thine 0 LORD, and it shall be blessed for ever. enemies from before thee, and have made thee a name like the name of the great men CHAPTER XVIII. that are in the earth. e David ahdteth the Phiistie asl. hos 0itO. 9 Also I will ordain a place for my people 3 He d-le!h Ho dalozos ails t'oSs blesssDaIld Israel, and will plant them,oand they shall 11 The p-,e3ents and the spoil David dedicatsth dwell in their place, and shall be moved no to tod. 13 He puttet gatisons in Edom. 14 more; neither shall the children of wicked- l)aid's opieess. ness waste them any more, as at the begin- T0OW after this ait came to pass, that about 0410. ning, _David smote tle Philistines, and sub- a 2 am. 8 1, 10 And since the time that I commanded dued them, and took Gatll and her towns c. judges to be over my people Israel. More- out of the hand of the Philistines. over I will subdue all thine enemies. Fur- 2 And he smote Mo.b; and the Moabites thermore I tell thee, that the LORD will became David's servants, and brought gifts. build thee a house. 3 T And David smote 11 ladarezer king Of 11 Or, Hadad11 ~ And it shall come to pass, when thy Zobahll unto Hamathl, as he went to stablish ses,days be expired that thou must go to be his dominion by the river Euphrates. 2 Sam. 8. 3. with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy 4 And David took from him a thousand seed after thee, which shall be ofthy sons; elariots, and seven tiousand horsemen, 2 San. 8. 4, and I will establish his kingdom. and twenty thousand footmen: David also seven hms12 He shall build me a house, and I will hougllcd all the chariot horses, but reserved otee. stablish his throne for ever. of them a hundred chariots. b 2 Sam. 7.14, 13 b I will be his father, and he shall be my 5 And when the Syrians of t Damascus t eH. Dar 15. son: and I will not take my mery away came to help Hadarezer king of Zobah, Da- e from him, as I took it from him that was vid slew of the Syrians two and twenty before thee: - thousand men. cLuk 1.33. 14 But cI will settle him in mine house 6 Then David put garrisons in Syria-daand in my kingdom for ever: and his throne mascus; and the Syrians became David's shall be established for evermore. servants, and brought gifts. Thus the 15 According to all those words, and ac- LORD preserved David whithersoever he cording to all this vision, so did Nathan went. speak unto David. 7 And David took the shields of gold tllat i Called i. d2Sam. 7.18. 18 6 0 dAld David the king came and sat were on the servants of Hadarezer, and te book of before the LORD, and said, Who am I, 0 brought them to Jerusalem. Samuel LORD God, and what is mine house, that 8 Likewise from 11 Tibhoath, and from Chun, Beaah, and thou hast brought me hitherto? cities of Hadarezer, brought David very se,'oo/,i. 17 And yet tis was a small thing in thine much brass, wherewith c Solomon made thle C1 in. 7. 15, eyes, 0 God; for thou lbast also spoken of brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels.. thy servant's house for a great while to of brass. 16. come, and hast regarded me according to 9 ~ Now when a Teu king of Hamoth heard 11 Or, To, the estate of a man of high degree, 0 LORD how David thad smitten all the host of Had- sam, 8. 9, God. arezer king of Zobah; l' Or, Jora, 18 What can David speak more to thee for 10 He sent 1I Hadoram his son to king Da- a sam. 8. 10, 298 David seandeth to- Hanun. I. CHRONICLES. Rabbah is smztten by Joab. B. C. vid, Ilto inquire of his welfare, and tto 9 And the children of Ammon came out, B. C. abouat1040. congratulate him, because he had fought and put the battle in array before the gate about1037. against Hadarezer, and smitten him; (for of tile city: and the kings that were come IIOr, toaallts. Hiadarezer tllad war with Tou;) and swith wtere by themselves in the field. t less. hira all manner of vessels of gold and silver 10 Now when Joab saw that t'the battle t Teb. the tHeb.,asthe aand bras. was set against him before and behind, he fac of thd nanofoao's. 11 i Them also king David dedicated unto chose outof all the Il choice of Israel, and put ble was. the LORD, with the silver and the gold that thent in array against the Syrians. l; Or, young he brought from all these nations; from 11 And the rest of the people he delivered -ne Edom, and from AIoal), and from the chil- unto the hand of t Abishai his brother, and tlfeb.Abihai. dren of Ammon, and from the Philistines, they set themselves in array against the and from Amalek. children of Ammon. tHelb. Abhai. 12 Moreover, t Abishai the son of Zeruiah 12 And he said, If the Syrians be too slew of the Edomites in the valley of salt strong for me, then thou shalt help me: d 2Snm.8. 13. dleighteen thousand. but if the children of Ammon be too strong e2 s a. 8.14, 13 1'And he put garrisons inEdom; and for thee, then I will help thee. &c. all the Edomites became David's servants. 13 Be of good courage, and let us behave Thus the LORD preserved David whither- ourselves valiantly for our people, and for soever le went. the cities of our God: and let the LORD do IOr, reern- 14 ~ So David reigned over all Israel, and thlat which ib good in his sight. amllceor. executed judgment and justice among all 14 So Joab and the people that were with Called his people. him drew nigh before the Syrians unto the 2 Sam. 8.t. th15 And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over battle; and they fled before hlim. [sU n.1ee.the host; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahi- 15 And when the children of Ammon saw iah, 2Sa.8.a lud, Ilrecorder; that the Syrians were fled, they likewise a17,.I Sahi 10 And Zadok the son of Ahitub, and fled before Abishai his brother, and entered ela, Itings liAbimelech the son of Abiathar, were the into the city. Then Joab came to Jerusa4. 3. priests; and 11 Shavsha was scribe; lem. f 2 Sam. 18. 17 f And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was 16 ~ And when the Syrians saw that they about 1036. t Ieb. at the overthe Cherethites andthePelethites; and were put to tle worse before Israel, they handofthle the sons ofDavidwere chieftabouttheking. sent messengers, and drew forth the Syrkitg., CHAPTER XIX. ians that vwere beyond the lRiver: and Thatis, Eu1 Dcvid's me0set.C, scaPt Xto fonto Hat Ha bcn the IIShophach the captain of the host of Had- lJraeatse coat of'ahash, a)e vilcanous/y t,'eated. 6 Thce arezer went before them. w Or, Shobach, Anioiteo, strsengcthened by theSyicals, a)'eoue,'c 17 And it was told David; and he gathered 2 Sam.10.16. come byJoaband Abishai. ifiShoiphch, s aking all Israel, and passed over Jordan, and a new tspply of the Syrians, is slain by David. came upon them, and set the battle in araboutlO3. NTOW ait come to pass after this, that ray against them. So when David had put a2Sa.m 10.1, 1 Nahash the king of the children of the battle in array against the Syrians, they &c. Ammon died, and his son reigned in his fought with him. stead. 18 But the Syrians fled before Israel; and 2 And David said, I will shoe kindness David slew of the Syriansaseven thousand unto Hanun the son of Nahash, because his mlet which focught i chariots, and forty father sheowed kindness to me. And David thousand footmen, and killed Shophach the sent messengers to comfort him concerning captain of the host. his father. So the servants of David came 19 And when the servants of Hadarezer into the land of the children of Ammon to saw that they were put to the worse before Hanun, to comfort him. Israel, they made peace with David. and 3 But the princes of the children of Am- became his servants: neither would the t eb. It, mon said to Hanun, tThinkest thou that Syrlians help the children of Awmon any shine eyes David doth honour thy father, that he hath more. doh l)avid, sent comforters unto thee? are not his serv- CHAPTER XX. ants come unto thee for to search, and to 1 iRabbah is besiged be Joab, spoiled by.Dait, overthrow, and to spy out the land? nd tlhe people tielreof tortared. 4 Treegitats 4 Wherefore Hanun took David's servants, arie si, iL three severa l ovelthlrolus of ith PALiand shaved them, and cut off their garments listines. in the midst hard by their buttocks, and AND ait came to pass, that tafter the aboutl035. sent them away. L year was expired, at the time that a2anm. il. 5 Then there went certain, and told Da- Iings go out to battle, Joab led forth the t t. h t tht vid how the men were served; and he sent power of the army, and wasted the country aa'enf to meet them: for the men were greatly of the children of Ammon, and came and yea'. ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at besieged Rabbah. But David tarried at Jericho until your beards be grown, and Jerusalem. And bJoab smoteRabbah,and 2Sa.ra.12.26. then return. destroyed it. (0 And when the children of Ammon saw 2 And David Ctook the crown of their king about1033. t Eb. that they had made themselves t odious to from off his head, and found it t to weigh a c2Sm.12.30 to stink. David, Hanun and the children of Ammon talent of gold, and theace wzere precious 31. sent a thousand talents of silver to hire stones in it; and it was set upon David's tHeb. thc them chariots and horsemen out of Mlesopo- head: and he brought also exceeding much wcight of. b ch. 18. 6, 9. tamia, and out of Syria-maachah, band out spoil out of the city. of Zobah. 3 And he brought out the people that zerec 7 So they hired thirty and two thousand in it, and cut theam with saws, and with hbarchariots, and the king of Maachah and his rows of iron, and with axes. Even so dealt about1018. people; who came and pitched before Med- David with all the cities of the children of d Sm.2118. eba. And the children of Ammon gath- Ammon. And David and allthe people re- 1Or, conti ered themselves together from their cities, turned to Jerusalem. u.d. and came tobattle. 4 ~ And it came to pass after this, dthat t eb. stool. about 1037. 8 And when David heard of it, he sent there lltarose war at I Gezer with the Philis- 11 Or, Gob. Joanb, and all the host of the mighty men. tines; at which time eSihbechai the Hu- ach. 1L 29. 299 David's szn in numbering Israel. I. CHRONICLES. The three days' pestilence. B. C. shathite slew OI Sippai, that set8 of the chil- cies: but let me not fall into the hand of B. C. 1017. abont 1018. dren of lIthe giant: and they were subdued. man. 5 And there vwas war again with the Phi- 14 ~ So the LORD sent pestilence upon IsJ1 Or. Ste,h, listines; and Elllanan the son of Jaeir slecw rael: and there fell of Israel seventy thou2Sa.o21.18. Labhmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, sand men. Il Or, aph.. whose spear staff.oa like a weaver's beam. 15 And God sent an hangeluntoJerusalem h2Sm.24.16. j1 Called also And yet again f there was war at Gath, to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the Jaar.-oe- where was ta mant of prett stature, whose LORD beheld, cd ithe repented him of the iSesGn..6.6. s7m.21.19. fingers and toes twere four and twenty, six evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, 2tSa.l.21o. 0. ec..h hand, and six o.t each foot: and It is enough, stay snow thine hand. And ff2San.21.20 he also was i the son of the giant. the angel of the LORD stood by the thresht uh. a mat 7 Bot eten he 11 defied Israel, Jonathab ingfoor of 11 Ornan the Jebusite. 1 Or, ofteasuo.e. thesonofll Shimer David's brotherslewhim. 10 And David lifted up his eyes, and ksaw trauctah, t HRel. ott, 8 These were born unto the giant in Gath; the angel of the LORD stand between the 2Sa. 24.18. e hlr, Oh and they fell by the band of David, and by earth and the heaven, having a drawn svord k 2 Chr. 3. d. the hand of his servants. in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem. to- se-sd. CfHAPTER XXI. Then David and the elders of Israel, ltho ot 1 David, temptesd t Satan, focelst Joab to nlsmo er w' e clothed in sackcloth, fell upon their [i Called ths seodple. 5 1'le,ltnbetr of Ithe people bting fes. 1Sam.tnna, tottl, Daticpenft of it. David laving 17 And David said unto God, Is it not I lam. hree platues lopoltldeld i ad chooseth the pestilelet. 14 A1 fte the dctih of seventy hot- that commanded the people to be numbersand, Davifdbl repenta nep,reventetl ts he'lest,,u.c ed? even I it is that have sinned and done tioLo fJrcusaleeo. 18 Davtid, L, Gad'sdiesctitot, evil indeed; but as for- these sheep, what uctlasetl Olan'.s thlteshiltfloo:. wheres ha have they done? let thine hand, I pray tyfiezita ltayth, thodgivetlh sie.ofif28 avoear thee, 0 LORD my God, be on me, and on by lire, atd staesth tse piroett.'L2 David saoeificeththe,s, restralnidfrom Gibeot byfear my father's house; but not on thy people, of the alyel. that they should be plagued. 1017. A ND aSatan stood up againstIeel, and 18 0 T Then the bangel of the LORD com- 1 2 Chr. 3. 1. a2Sm. 24.1,, provoked David to number Israel. manded Gad to say to David, that David ho. 2 And David said to Joab and to the rulers should go up, and set up an altar unto the of the people, Go, number IsraelfromBeer- LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan the 6 oh. 27. 23. sheba even to Dan; b and bring the number Jebusite. of them to me, that I may know it. 19 And David went up at the saying of 3 Aud Joab answered, The LORD make Gad, which he spake in the name of the his people a hundred times so many more LORD. as they be: but, my lord the king, ate. they 20 1 And Orn0n turned back, and tsaw thle I Or, I; t not all my lord's servants? why then dotll angel; and his four sons with him hid them- Oetctn t-t. my lord require this thinga? why will he be selves. Now Ornan was threshing wheat. bedback and a cause of trespass to Israel? 21 And as David came to Ornan, Ornan sa thie as4 Nevertheless the king's word prevailed looked and saw David, and went out of the qst;o.hen against Joab. Wherefore Joab departed, threshingfloor, and bowed himself to David solsltih and wvent throughout all Israel, and came to tith his face to the ground. him hid Jerusalem. 22 Then David said to Orna, t Grant me themstles. 5 1 And Joab gave the sum of the number the place of this thresthingfloor, that I may t Heb. Give. of the people unto David. And all they of build an altar therein unto the LORD: thou Israel were a thousand thousand ad a shalt grant it me for tle full price: that the hundred thousand men that drew sword: plague may be stayed from the people. and Judah ttas four hundred threescore 23 And Ornan said un'o David, Take it to and ten thousand men that drew sword. thee, and let my lord the king do that ewhich e cll. 2724.. 6 But Levi and Benjamin counted he not is good in his eyes: lo, I give thee the oxen among them: for the king's word was abom- also for burnt offerings, and the threshing inable to Joab. instruments for wood, and the wheat for Iet,. Anl it 7 t And God was displeased with this the meat offering; I give it all. sths exssti, tiling; therefore he smote Israel. 24 And king David said to Ornan, Nay; teeyes of the 8 And David said unto God, dI have sin- but I will verily buy it for the full price: ee,,ttn th is ned greatly, because I have done this thing: for I will not take that hicll is thine for thitng. ebut now, I beseech thee, do away the in- the LORD, nor offer burnt offerings without d2Sarl.24.10. iquity of thy servant; for I have done very cost..2 S..1.1 foolisllly. 25 So'tDavid gave to Ornan for the place m 2 S.m. 24. e9 0V And the LORD spake unto Gad, Da- six hundred shekels of gold by weight. 24. fSo 1 Sam. vid's fseer, saying, 26 And David built there an altar unto 9. 9. 10 Go tnd tell David, saying, Thus saith the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and tHeb.stt-ett, the LORD, I toffer thee three thitngs: peace offerings,and calledupon theLooaD; Otto. choose thee one of them, that I may do it and Ithe answered him from heaven by fire TLes. 9. 24. unto thee. upon the altar of burnt offering. 2Chr. 3.1. & 11 So Gad came to David, and said unto 27 And the LORD commanded the angel; 7.1. t Rob. Tack him, Thus saith the LORD, t Choose thee and he put up his sword again into the to tees 12 YJEither three years' famine; or three sheath thereof. g2SS.m,24.13. months to be destroyed before thy foes, 28 ~ At that time when David saw that the while that the sword of thine enemies over- LORD had answered him in the threshingtaketh thee; or else three days the sword floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacriof the LORD, even the pestilence, in the eiced there. land, and the angel of the LORD destroying 29 o For the tabernacle of the LORD, lhich o ch. 16. 39. throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now loses made in the wilderness, and tllhe altar therefore advise thyself what aword I shall of the burnt offering, twere at that season in bring again to him that sent me. the high place at' Gibeon. p I Kings 3.4. 13 And David said unto Gad, I am in a 30 But David could not go before it to in- cl. tI. 39. great strait: let me fall now into the hand quire of God: for he was afraid because of 2 Chr. 1. 3. i Or, Tan. of the LORD; for very II great are his ner- the sword of the angel of the LORD. 300 David's charge to Solomon. I. CHRONICLES. Solomon is made king B. C. 1017. CHAPTER XXII. the land into mine hand; and the landis B. C. 1017. D1.Dav.ld,forkno-in g the place of she tmple,,- subdued before the LORD, and before his'la.eth 5 bu, olancSoo' the bOsOilding of it. OHGe people. insstteth Solomo in God'Is pr.omises, and |es 19 Now "set your heart and our soulto 2 Chi.20.3. duty in sbilddisg the s teple. 175 He coaroth 0he seek tihe LORD your God; arise tlereforo, ] Kings8.6, and build ye tlhe sanctuary of the LORD 2l. aDeus. 12.5. M HEN David said, IThis is-he house of God, to'bring the arlk of the covenant of 2Chr. 5.7.& |So. 2i4.18. _1L the LORD God, and this is the altar of the LORD, and the holy vessels of God, into.11. chO. 2101.19 thl burnto offeringfor Israel. lhe house that is to be built Yto the name Igss. 7. 26,b.: 1 1~sHodoo sslgtslgls slsoo lOisg,5. 3. 2 Chr. 3. 1. 2 And David commandcd to gather together of the LORD. b I Ki. 9. 21. bth strangers that were in te land of Is- CHAPTER XXIII. foel; and he set masons to hew wroughtI- U. stones to build the house of God. 7blsold ss soooig. Thredl Homoedo snd o oioo osstrltiot of the sleites. 7 3 And David prepared iron in abundance The fcnilie.fosfhe IGs,sho-sites. 12T. son s of for the nails for tlhe doors of thle gates, and.ohsth. 211 "esons of e...i. 24 Th ofice for the jodnings; and brass in abundanoce of dasl L0it5. 1ts7. 4. e without weight; 0 henDavid oassldao dfsl olfdys, 1015. 1i insg7.47. 4 Also cedar trees in abundance: for the S h e made o Solomon his son king over I li.. 1.33l diijos1.O. sZidonians and they of Tyre brought much Israel. 39. cedar wood toDavid. 2 q And he gathered together allthe princes e0. 8. 5. sell. 29.1. 5 And David said, e Solomon my son is of Israel, with the priests and the Levites. 1015. young and tender, and the house that is to 3 Now the Levites were numbered from about 105. be builded for the LORD otust be exceeding the age of btillirty years and upward: and bium.4.3,47. moagnifial, of fame aod of glory throughout their number by their polls, man by man, all countries: I will lherefore now make was thirty and eight thousand. preparation for it. So David prepared 4 Of which, twenty and four thousand abundantly heford wis death. sos Ilto set forsard the work of thie house iOr, to overThen hle called for Solomon his son, of the LORD; and six thousand were esot. and charged him to build a house for the eofficess and judges: Dlt.1. 18. LORD God of Israel. 5 Moreover four thousand oswere portess; s. 21h. 09. 7 And David said to Solomon, My son, as and four thousand praised the' LORD with 2l-s 19. S. f2S.r. 7. 2. for me, J'it was in my mind to build a the instrumentsswich I made, sad Da- dSee2Chr.29. 1KingS. 17. house guntothl lnaome of tleLORD roy God: vid, to praise thesrewith. 25, 26. ch. 17. 1. & {es Ami. 6. 5. h. 2i. L OButsthesorsdof thelorD camestom, say. 6 Andeflavid divided them into t courses. 5. 28 8 Buttng he wor dof thi nneL2r, Deametom, epssay-I n.25, inh Thou last shed blood abundantly, and am ong the sons of Levi, namely, Geshon, eF.. 6 57. 1e.. b 5 hast made great wars: thou shalt not build Kohatl, and oIorari. s. 6. i,,. hl| gins 5.3. a house unto my name, because thou hast 7 ~ Of the fGershonites were H Laadan, 2 Chr. 8.14. ch. 28. 3. shed much blood upon tihe earth in my sight. and Shinei. o& 29. 25. i o. 28. 5. 0 iBelhold, a 0so shall hbe born to thee, who 8 The sons of Laadan; the chief was Je- t b. shall be a man of rest; and I will give him hiel, and Letham, and Joel, three. dHiisio. kl ioI.. 00. Orest ofrom all his s.emies round about: for 9 The tosoo of Shimei; Shelomitl, and fo. 26.021. 5. 4d. his name shall be II Solomon, and I will give Haziel, and Iaran, three. These were tihe n i Or. Libni, i Tbs. is, peace asd quietneoss unto Israel in hisdays, chief of thefsthers of Latclran. lo. 6.17. Peaceable. 10 ilIe shall build a house for my name; 10 And the sons of Shimei owere, Jahbath, 12 S —. 7 13. and "he shall be my son, and I will be his IIZina, and Jeush, and Berisab. Thesefour I; Or, Ziash, 1 Kings, 5-. father; and I will establish the throne of were the sons of Shimei.. ii h 17.12, 10. hi, kingdo over Israel for ever. 11 And Jahath was the chief, and Zizas b28.O6..11 No, ty son, 1the LORD besoith thee; the second: but Jeush and Beriah thad tR eh. slteo! nHs.1.5. ooand prosper thou, and build the house of not many sons; thllerefore they were in one il 16.~~~~~~~~~~~~~rcoig according to their futher's house ng s. 15. tihe LORD thy God, as lhe hath said of thee. reckoning, a.odig to sofah'sos. t5 l iKisl 3.9, 12 Only the LORD Ogive thee wisdom and 12 ~ Y Tshe sons of Kohath; Arram, Izhar, gEx 6.18. 12. undorstandiog, and give thee charge con- Hebron, and Uzziel, four. P.. 71. 1. 1ering Israel, that thou mayest keep the 13 The sons of hAmram; Aaron, and hEx. 6. 20. law of the LORD thy God. Moses: and iAaron was separated, that i Er. 08. 1. pi'osh. 1.7,8. 13 lTlhen shalt thou prosper, ifthoutalkest hie should sanctify the most iholy things, Hlib 1. 5.. to. 28. 7. heed to fulfil the statutes and judgments t oand his sons for eser,.to burn in- ki.. 30.7. which the LORD charged Moses with con- cense before tie LORD, Ito miinister unto Nlum. 16. 40. qDeut.31.7,8. cerning Israel: 9be strong, and of good him, and Ito bless in his uame for ever. 1 8os 2o.28. Josh. 1.6,7, courage dread not, norbe dismayed. 14 Now concerning Moses thle man of I/Det. 21.5. /9o. 0. 14 No, behold, i'in my trouble I hase God, "his sons..ere named of the tribe of -t... 0.03. pspsdssosotstsLsas. Lo28t~t ~. 10. prepared for the house of the LORD a hun. Levi. / See ch. 26. 11Or, iso soy dred thousand alents of gold, and a tlhou-. 15 ~Tho sons of Ioses were,. Gershor, 13, H, 0. 5sso,,tys and th ousand talents of silver; and of and Elizer. oEx. 2. 22. &,Asssr. 3. brass and iron I without oeigsht; for it is in 16 Of the sotos tf Gershom, rl]Shtbeul 18.3,04. abundance: timber also and stone havse I ns the chief. poh. 26. 24. prepared; and thou mayest add thereto. 17 And the sons of Eliezer were, Rchno ISlISh tI, 15 Moreover, there are workmen with thee biah lithe chief. And Eliser bhd none other ch. 24. 20. II Thot Os, in abundance, howers and II workers of stone sons; but the sons of Reliabiah t were very qsh. 26. 05. and sdtimber, and all msanner of cunning men many. j Or, fist. spt fors every man0 er of work. 18 1Of the sons of Izhar; IlShelomith the t Ieb. sese 16 Of the gold, the sisler, and ohe brass, chief. hiylgtymil.iand the iron, there is no number. Arise 19 "Of lhe sons of lebron; Jeriah the 0slied. ssso. ll, therefose, and be doiog, and'tht LORD fOsYS, Amarilh the second, Jahaziel the liShdstosss-, be with thee. third, ans Jekameam the fourth. ch. 24, 22. 17 ~ David also commanded all the princes 20 Of the sons of Uzziel; Micah the first, Icl. 24. 23. of Israel to help Solomou his son, saying, and Josiah the second. IDet. 2.10. s not the LORD your God with yost? 21 ~ SThl sons of lerari; Mlobli, and sbh. Ho26. Joshl. 22.'4. 9,1sli ~ The sons of Metart; 5ieLahl, and sP.2. 28RI 7 t and bath he ~not given you rest on cr S. So. 7, 1. evord both b e so gloss yo st ossevey Mushi. The sons of Mahli; Eleazar, and th. 23. 2. side? for he ihalth given the inhlabitants of tKRish. t h. 24. 29. 301 The divzsions of the priests. I. CHRONICLES. The divisions of the priests. B1. C. 22 And Eleazar died, and "had no sons, 7 Now the first lot ame forth to Jehoiarib, Bt. C. 1015. aboutl045. but daughters: and their Ilbrethren the the second to Jedaiall, sons of Kish'took thec. 8 The third to Harim, the fourth to Seorim, uch. 24. 28. 23 YThe sons of Mushi; Mahli, and Eder, 9 The fifth to Malchijah, the sixth to Mija11 Or, kinsmen. and Jeremoth, three. min, txSeeNum.3B. 21 ~I These we-e the sons of eLevi after 10 The seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to 6, 8. the house of their fathers; even the chief of CAbijah, e CleNh.12,4,17. y cl. 24. 30. the fathers, as they were counted by number 11 The ninth to Jeshuah, the tenth to Shec- Luke 1. 5. Num. 10.17. of names by their polls, that did the work aniah, 21. for the service of the house of the LORD, 12 The eleventh to Eliashib, the twelfth to aver. 27. See from the age of atwenty years and upward. Jakim, Nu 1. l.3. k 25 For David said, The LORD God of Is- 13ThethirteenthtollHuppah, the fourteenth 4. 3. & 8. 24. rael b hath given rest unto his people, lithat to Jeshebeab, Ete 31.. they may dwell in Jerusalem for ever: 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to b ch. 22. 18. 26 And also unto the Levites: they shall Immer, II Or, and he no emorte "carry the tabernacle, nor any 15 Theseventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth |dwcelleth in vessels of it for the service thereof. to Aphses, i.l le, ~27 For by the last words of David the Le- 16 The nineteenth to Pethahiah, the twentceec. 4. 5 vites otere tnumbered from twenty years tietll to Jehezekel, &e. old and above: 17 The one and twentieth to Jachin, the 1015. 28 Because t their office was to wait on the two and twentieth to Gamul, sons of Aaron for the service of the house 18 The three and twentieth to Delaiah, the tel,. of RD, in the LORt, in the courts, and in the four and twentieth to Iolaaziah. cuter. chambers, and in the purifying of all holy 19 These sere the orderings of them in t|eHO.,i thin os, and the work of the service of the their service dto come into the house of the d oh. 9. 25. ta tho e ha house of God; LORD, according to their manner, under of the soc, 29 Both for dithe shewbread, and for ethe Aaron their father, as the LORD God of fAaeto, fine flour for meat offering, and for fthe Israel had commanded him. Nell. 11. 24. unleavened cakes, and for lthat owhich is 20 ~ And the rest of the sons of Levi were dEx. 25. 30. baked icl the ipan, and for that which is these: Of the sons of Amram; tShubael: ech. 23. 16, eLev. 6. 20. fried, and for all manner of hmeasure and of the sons of Shubael; Jelhdeiah. Shbel. c. 9. 29, &e. size; * 21 Concerning f Rebabiah: of the sons of fch 2. 17. fLev. 2. 4. 30 And to stand every morning to thank Rehabiah, the first soas Isshiah. Lo,. 2. 5, T. and praise the LORD, and likewise at even; 22 Of the Izharites; gShelomoth: of the gech. 23. 18, Ot.r S31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices unto sons of Shelomoth; Jahath. Shecomith. e. 9at5plate. Ln the LORD iin te sabbaths, in the ne 23Andthe sons of hHebron; Jeriah the hcl. 23.19. & hLe. 19.3.5. moons, and on the kset feasts, bynumber, first, Amariah the second, Jahaziel the 26.31. i Num. 10.10. according to the order commanded unto third, Jekameam the fourth. F.. 8u. U. them, continually before the LORD: 24 Of the sons of Uzziel; Michah: of the dLLo. 23. 4. 32 And that they should ckeep the charge sons of Mlichah; Sheamir. Dos. 1. Oh. of the tabernacle of the congregation, and 25 The brother ofl ichah uas8 Isshiah: of. thechargeoftheholyplace,eand"the charge the sons of lsshiah; Zechariah. fNum 3. 6- of the sons of Aaron their brethren, in the 26 iThe sons of Merari were Mahli and i s. 6. 1. service of the house of the LORD. Mushi: the sons of Jaat iah; Beno. l. 2 1. 27 ~ The sons of Merari by Jaaziah; Bcno, CHAPTER XXIV. and Sholham, and Zaccur, and Ibri. I The divisions of the ons f fAaono by lot into 28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, bwho had no et.. 2 22. four acntlcd tetl owcle.t. 20 Tie Khathites, 27 sons. eand th-e eUecaritei divided by lot. 29 Concerning Kish: the son of Kish was 1015. \TOW these are the divisions of the sons Jerahmeel. thLe. 10.1,o I1 N of Aaron. aThe sons of Aaron; Na- 30 /The sons also of Mushi; Mahli, and I ch. 23. 23. NDum. 26... dab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. Eder, and Jerimoth. These there the sons bN-m. 3.4. & 2 But b Nadab and Abihu died before their of the Levites after the house oftheir fathers. 26. 61. father, and had no children: therefore Ele- 31 These likewise cast lots over against azarand Ithamar executed the priest's office. their brethren the sons of Aaron in the pres3 And David distributed them, bothZadok ence of David the king, and Zadok, and of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of Ahimelech, and the chief of the fathers of the sons of Ithamar, according to their of- the priests and Levites, oven the principal fices in their service. fathers over against their younger brethren. 4 And ther e more chief men found of the sons of Eleazar than of the sons of Ith- CHAPTER XXV. amar; and thus were they divided. Among 1 Tha eumber anl of/ces of the slnges. 8 Their the sons of Eleazar there Coere sixteen chief division by lot i.tto/oto and tlenlty orde,.s. men of the house of their fathers, and eight OREOVER David and anthe ctptains of about1015. among the sons of Ithamar according to the. the host separated to the service of the house of their fathers. sons of a Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jed- ach. 6. 33, 39, 5 Thus were they divided by lot, one sort uthun, who should prophesy with Ilarps, 44. with another; for the governors of the sane- itll psalteries, and with cymbals: ansd the 11 Othersise tuary, and governors of the house of God, number of the workmen according to their called Jeehwere of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons service was: -reoh, of Ithamar. 2 Of the sons of Asaplh; Zaccur, and Jo- olS14. 6 And Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the seph, and Nethaniah, and 11 Asarelah, tile t el,. by the scribe, one of the Levites, wrote them be- sons of Asaph under tile hands of Asaph, h ing ftho fore the king, and the princes, and Zadok which prophesied taccording to the order er. 6 the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abi- of the king. t i. athar, and before the chief of the fathers 3 OfJeduthun: the sons ofJeduthun; Ged- ye 11. Rt H. house of the priests and Levites: one t principal aliah, and I Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Iashabiah, Wiitll Shimof thefcater. household being taken for Eleazar, and one and Mattithiah, Itsix, under the hands of ei, mettiotaken for Ithamar. their fathc Jeduthun, who prophesied with edver. 17. 302 The divisions of the singers. I. CHRONICLES. Keepers of the treasures. B. C. a harp, to give thanks and to praise the 2 And the sons of Meshelemiah were, Zech- B. C. about 1015. LORD. ariah the firstborn, Jediael the second, Zeb- about 1015. 4 Of Heman: the sons of Heman; Bukki- adiah the third, Jathniel the fourth, I Or, Aza.-eel, ah, Mattaniah, 11 Uzziel, 11 Shebuel, and Jer- 3 Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Eliver. 18. imtoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Gid- oenai the seventh. lOr, Sh tbael, dalti, and Romamti-ezer, Joshbekashah, 4 Moreover the sons of Obed-edom were, 20. Moallothi, Hothir, and Ialhazioth: Shemaiah the firstborn, Jehozabad the sec5 All these were the sons of Heman the end, Joah the third, and Sacar the fourth, Or, eatterm. king's seer in the 1 words of God, to lift up and Nethaneel the fifth, the horn. And God gave to Heman four- 5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, teen sons and three daughters. Peulthai the eighth: for God blessed 11 him. That is, 6 All these were under the hands of their 6 Also unto Shemnialh his son were sons Ohell-eolomt, father for song in the house of the LORD, born, that ruled throughout the house of their ash 1c. 14. with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the father: for they were mighty men of valour. b ter. 2. service of the house of God, b t according to 7 The sons of Shemaiah; Othni, and Ret Heb. by the the king's order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and phael, and Obed, Elzabad, whose brethren haods of the Heman. owere strong men, Elihu, and Semachiah. ~kinrg 7 So the number of them, with their breth- 8 All these of the sons of Obed-edom: they ren that were instructed in the songs of the and their sons and their brethren, able men LORD, even all that were cunning, was two for strength for the service, were threescore hundred fourscore and eight. and two of Obed-edom. 8 O And they cast lots, ward against ward, 9 And Mleshelemiah had sons and brethc2 Chr. 23. 13. as well the small as the great, Cthe teacher ren, strong men, eighteen. as the scholar. 10 Also a Hosah, of the children of Merari, a ch. 16. 38. 9 Now the frst lot came forth for Asaph to had sons; Simri the chief, (for though he Joseph: the second to Gedaliah, who with was not the firstborn, yet his father made his brethren and sons zuere twelve: toim the chief;) 10 The third to Zaccur, he, his sons, and 11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, his brethren, were twelve: Zechariah the fourth: all the sons and 11 The fourth to Izri, he, his sons, and his brethren of Hosah were thirteen. brethren, were twelve: 12 Among these were the divisions of the 12 The fifthl to Nethaniah, he, his sons, and porters, even among the chief men, having his brethren, were twelve: wards one against another, to minister in 13 The sixth to B3ukkiah, he, his sons, and the house of the LORD. his brethren, sere twelve 13 ~ And they cast lots, 11 as well the small te Or, a dt 14 The seventh to Jesharelah, he, his sons, as the great, ccording to thehouse of their foorthe ornoll I and his brethren, were twelve: fathers, for every gate. -rfo,- he 16 The eighth to Jeshaiah, he, his sons, 14 And the lot eastard fellto 11 Shelemiah. grat and his brethren, were twelve: Then for Zechariah his son, a wise counsel- IClleddeh10 The ninth to Mattaniah, he, his sons, lor, they cast lots; and his lot came out and his brethren, aoere twelve: northwvard. 17 The tenth to Shimei, he, his sons, and 15 To Obed-edom southward; and to his his brethren, owere twelve: sons the house of t Asuppim. 1 heb. 18 The eleventh to Azareel, he, his sons, 16 To Shuppiom and Hosah the lot came Gathering9. and his brethren, wuere twelve: forth westward, with the gate Shallecheth, 19 The twelfth to Hashabiah, he, his sons, by the causeway of the going lup, ward Seo 1 If ings and his brethren, wsere twelve: against ward. 10. 5 20 The thirteenth to Shubael, he, his sons, 17 Eastward were six Levites, northward 2 lr. 9. 4. and his brethren, were twelve: four a day, southward four a day, and 21 The fourteenth to lMattithiah, he, his toward Asuppim too ncd two. sons, and his brethren, were twelve: 18 At Parbar westward, four at the cause22 The fifteenth to Jeremoth, he, his sons, way, and two at Parbar. and his brethren, woere twelve: 19 These are the divisions of the porters 23 The sixteenth to Hananiah, he, his sons, among the sons of Kore, and among the sons and his brethren, weere twelve: of Merari. 24 The seventeenth to Joshbekashah, he, 20 ~ And of the Levites, Ahijah was b over b ch. 28. 2. his sons, and his brethren, werce twelve: the treasures of the house of God, and over ial. 3. 10. 25 The eighteenth to Hananti, he, his sons, the treasures of the tdedicated things. t H'h. holy and his brethren, were twelve: 21 e col cesntei7g the sons of IlLardan; thiy:S. 20 The nineteenth to Mallothi, he, his so0ls, the sons of the Gersllonite Laadano, chief ie Or, Lihti, and his brethren, were twelve: even of Laadn the Gershonite clt. 6. 17. 27 Tile twentieth to Eliathal, he, his sons, were0 IIJellieli. 11 Or, eJ iel, and his brethren, weve tOwelve: 22 Thoe sons of Jehieli; Zetham, and Joel slt. 28. & 28 The one and twentieth to Hothir, he, his brother, which werve over the treasures 29. his sons, and his brethren, were twelve: of the house of the LORD. 29 The two and twentieth to Giddalti, he, 23 Of the Amramites, and the Izharites, his sons, and his brethren, woere twelve: the Hcbronites, and the Uzzielites: 30 The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, 24 And cShebuel the son of Gersheom, the ch. 23. 16. he, his sons, and his brethren, zoere twelve: son of Moses, owas ruler of the treasures. 31 The four and twentieth to Romamti-ezer, 25 And his brethren by Eliezer; Rehabialt he, his sons, and his bretllhren, were twelve. Iis son, and Jesllaiah his son, and Joram his son, and Zichri his son, and tdShelomith dlh. 00. 18. CHAPTER XXVI. his son: 1 Tlts divisions of the porters 13 The yates ars-. Which Shelomith and his brethren U Or, S/eteoi- signe.d by lo. 20 T0o Loeies tat tad harge of oerse over all the treasures of the dedicated a 0, 0ve. t hestreasure s 20, ic0rs an 0 jlOdfs es things, which David the king, and the chief l. Or-ch, CONCERNING the divisions of the port- fathers, the captains over thousands and h. 6. 07. & J ers: Of the Korhites was ilMeshelemiah hundreds, and the captains of the host, had 9. 19. thle son of Kore, of the sons of II Asaph. dedicated. 303 The captaions for every monzth. I. CHRONICLES. David's several officers. B. C. 27 tOut of the spoils won in battles did the Zarhites: and in his course wee t.en- B. C. about 1015. they dedicate to maintain the house of the ty and four thousand. about 1015. LORD. 12 The ninth captain for the ninth month 11clt. Outof 28 And all that Samuel ethe seer, and was hIAbiezor the Anetothite, of the Ben- ch. 11.t28. te battles Saul the son of Iisl, and Abner the son of jamites: and in his course were twenty a,,dsploila. Ner, and Joab the son of Zeruiah, had and four thousand. e Sao. 9.. dedicated; oanod whosoever had dedicated 13 The tenth captain for the tenth month any thing, it was under the hand of Shel- wtas hMaharai the Netoilhathite, of the h2Sam.23.28. omitl, and of his brethren. Zarhites: and in his course weore twenty ch. 11. 30. 209 Of the Izharites, Chenaniah and his and four thousand. sons tere for the outward business over 14 The eleventh captain for the eleventh fech 23. 4. Israel, foe focers and jodges. month d eas iBenaiah the Pirathonite, of the ioh. 11. 01. 30 And of the Hebronites, Hlashabiah and children of Ephraim: and in his course his brethren, men of valour, a thousand and were twenty and four thousand. t Hob. over seven hundred, 0were t officers among them 15 The twelfth captain for the twelfth the cha-le. of Israel on this side Jordan westoard in month was Ileldai the Netophathite, of llOr, Ieled, all the business of the LORD, and in the Othniel: and in his course were twenty h. 11. 30. service of the ling. and four thousand. coh. M2. 19. 51 Among the Hebronites was Jerijah 16 ( Furthermore over the tribes of Israel: the chief, even among the Hebronites, oo- the ruler of the Reubenites woas Eliezer the cording to the generations of his fathers. son of Zichri: of the Simeonites, ShephaIn the fortieth year of the reign of David tiah the son of Ma.achah: they were sought for, and there were found 17 Of the Levites, tocashabiah the son of Sch. 28. 30. hS..Jooh.21. among tlhemo mighty men of valour hat emuel: of the Aaronites, Zadok: 39. Jazer of Gilead. 18 Of Judah, /Elihu, onle of the brethren l 1San. 16. 6, 32 And his brethren, men of valour, were of David: of Issachar, Omri the son of iab. two thousand and seven hundred chief Mlichael: fathers, whom king David made rulers over 19 Of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half Obadiah: of Naphtali, Jerimoth the son litcH.l. tribe of Manasseh, for every matter per- of Azriel: 2Chr.19.11. taining to God, and t iaffairs of the king. 20 Of the children of Ephraim, Hoshea CHAPTER XXVII. the son of Azaziah: of the half tribe of 1'he tttcfolv capotailsfo' ee t sRever,eal month. 16 Manasseh, Joel the son of Pcdaiah: The orifcs of te telve lib. 23 Tre t - 21 Of the half tribe of Itanasseh in Gilead, berilg of the peolpt is hindered. 25 David's Iddo the son of Zechariah: of Benjamin, s6veral otiets. Jaasiel the son of Abner:'NTOW the children of Israel after their 22 Of Dan, Azareel tlle son of Jeroham. number, to wit, the chief fathers and These were the princes of the tribes of captains of thousands and hundreds, and Israel. their officers that served the king in any 23 ~ But David took not the number of matter of the courses, which came in and them from twenty years old and under: bewent out month by month throughout all cause ";the LORD had said he would in- Gen. 1. 5. the months of the year, of every course crease Israel like to the stars of the heavens. were twenty and four thousand. 24 Joab the son of Zcruiah began to num- about 1017. 2 Over the first course for the first month her, but he finished not, because tere liere2am.24.15.,2Sam.23.8S. was a Jashobe am the son of Zabdicl: and fell wrath for it against Israel; neither ch. 21. 7. olh. 11. it. in his course tore twenoty and four thou-t was tlhe number put in the account of the t feb. sand. Chronicles of king David. acenoedl. 3 Of the children of Perez woas the chief 253 And over the king's treasures was about 1015. of all the captains of the host for the first Azmaveth the son of Adiel: and over the month. storehouses in the fields, in the cities, and 4 And over the course of the second month in the villages, and in the castles, was lOr, Doo, owas II Dodai an Alhohite, and of his course Jellonathan the son of Uzziall: 2 Srn. 2. 2. Iots Mikloth also the ruler: in lhis course 26 And over them that did the work of the likewise were twenty and four thousand. field for tillage of the ground was Ezri the 5 The third captain of the host for the son of Chelub: third month was Benaial the son of Jehoi- 27 And over the vineyards was Shimei the 1 Or ad, a 11 chief priest: and in his course were Hamathito: t over the increase of the vine- t Ieh ovtr etipC~oetell tventyand four thousand. yards for the wino oellars.oas Zabdi the cto..lo.ic. 1 in 4.5. Tils is that Benaiah, who owas b mighty Shiphmite: V R s ofte ttns.03.20, a no y the thirty, and above e tte thirty: 28 And over the olive trees and the syea- stLeyardo. 2,. 23 and in his course wtas Ammizabad his son. more trees that were in the low plains was ch. 1i.22,S-c. 7 The fourth captain for the fourth month Baal-leaan the Gederito: and over the cele2Soo.3.2. 2o'was CAsaleel the brother of Joab, and Zeb- lars of oil uas Joash: sh. 11.'w. adislh his son after him: and in his course 29 And over the herds that fed in Sharon were twenty and four thousand. was Shitrai the Sharonite: and over the 8 The fifth captain for the fifth month was herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat Slhamlluth the Izrahite: and in his course the son of Adlai: were twenty and four thousand. 30 Over the camels also was Obil the Ish9 The sixth captainL for the sixtt month maclitc: and over the asses 0was Jehdeiah dlch. ll. 28. owas dlra the son of Iktkesh the Tekoite: the hIeronotllite: and in his course were twenty and four 31 And over the flocls was Jaziz the Hantlhousand. gerite. All these were the rulers of the 10 Tile seventh cacptain for the seventh substance which coas king David's. ech. 11. 27. month was et1elez the Pelonite, of the ehil- 32 Also Jonathan David's untcle was a 1 oer dren of Ephraim: and in his course were counsellor, a wise lan, and a 11 scribe: and secrcay. twenty and four thousand. Jelliel the 1 son of Haohmoni was with the 1 Or, iahomA f2Sam.21.18. 11 The eighth captain for the eighth king'ssons: rite. l. 0. 290. month woas fSibbeoai the Hushathite, of 33 And Ahithophel zuas the king's coun- o2Sm.10.12. 304 David exhortethl to fear God. I. CHRONICLES, Iis instructions to Solomon.. C. sellor: and PIlushai the Archite a0s8 the Yof the treasuries of the house of God, and B. C. about 1015. king's companion: of the treasuries of the dedicated things: about1015. 34 And after Ahithophel was Jehoiada the 13 Also for the courses of the priests and p2Sa-m.15.37. son of Benaiah, and Abiathar: and the the Levites, and for all the work of the serv- yh, 26. 20. 16. 16. general of the kinges army coao'Joab. ice of the house of the LORD, and for all the q 1 Kings 1. 7. vessels of service in the house of the LORD. ch, 11. 6. CHAPTER XXVIII. 14 He gave of gold by weight for thlieeg of lDavoid i.n lnoo em wasemblyhavindelaledGod'S gold, for all instruments of all manner of faoer to, -et petoocse to hoes bo, Solomon, eoeth them to fe God. 9, 20 He encorevice; ilve also for all instruents of ageth Sololol to build the tentple. ii He gcv- silver by weight, for all instruments of every eth hin pattern for the fortn, and gold and sih kind of service: verfo ithe materials. 15 Even the weight for the candlesticks of A ND David assembled all the princes of gold, and for their lamps of gold, by 27. 16. EL. Israel, athe princes of the tribes, and for every candlestick, and for the lamps bch. 27. 1, 2. bthe captains of the companies that minis- thereof: and for the candlesticks of silver tered to the king by course, and the cap- by weight, both for the candlestick, and also tains over the thousands, and captains over for the lamps thereof, according to the use c oh. 27. 25. the hundreds, and Cthe stewards over all of every candlestick. Or, cttle. te substance and Ilpossession of the king, 16 And by weight he gave gold for the 0r, aoldhi'nand of his sons, with the officers, and tables of shewbread, for every table; and eocec. with dthe mighty men, and with all the likecvise silver for the tables ofsilver: Or, ectnuch. valiant men, unto Jerusalem. 17 Also pure gold fop the fleshhooks, and doli. 11. 10. 2 Then David the king stood up upon his the bowls, and the cups: and for the golden feet, and said, Hear me, my brethren, and basins he gave glave by weight for every e2Sam. 7. 2. my people: As for -ne, eI had in mine basin; and likeswise silvera by weight for P..1323,4,. 3 heart t build a house of rest for tie ark of every basin of silver: fP. 99.. & the covenant of the LORD, and for f the 18 And for the altar of incense refined gold 132. 7. footstool of our God, and had made ready by weight; and gold for the pattern of the for the building: chariot of the'cherubim, that spread out zEx..5.18-22. 2 Sam. 7. 7, 3 But God said unto me, Thou shalt not thehi cvings, and covered the ark of the.1 nm.4. 4. 13. build a house for my name, because thou covenant of the LORD. 1 0oin. 23, lKi;ngc.5 heast been a man of war, and hast shed 19 Allthis, saidiDavid, athe LORDmade &c. 22. 8. t blood. me understand in writing by his hand upon dSee Er. 25. oa Heb. brlod. / 4 Howbeit the LORD God of Israel h chose me, even all the works of this pattern. 11,12. me before all the house of my father to be 20 And David said to Solomon his son, bBe DoeuC. 31.7,8. 1 Sa. a king over Israel for ever: for he hath ctlo- strong and of good courage, and do it: fear. li. 1. 6, 7, Gan49.8. sen iJudah to be the ruler; andofthe house not, nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, 9,.h 5. 2. of Judah, kthe house of my father; and even my God, uwill be with thee; choe will cli.22. 13. Pi.0 7. & lamong the sons of my father he liked me not fail thee, nor forsake tlee, until thou eJosl. 1. 5. 78. 68. to ake one king over all Israel: hast finished all- the work for the service of 1k I Sam. 1. 5 mAnd of all my sons, (for the LORD bath the house of the LORD. l 1 Sm. 16.12, given me many sons,) nho loath chosen Sol- 21 And, behold, dtle courses of the priests dch.24, &25 13. omn my son'to sit upon the throne of and the Levites, even they shall be svithl 26. on cl. 3. 1, & h. kingdom of the LORD over Israel. thee for all the service of the house of God: & 23.1.1. ( And lie said unto me, Solomon thy son, and therle shall be with thee for all manner nch. 22. 9. ihe shall build my house and my courts: for of workmanship eevery willing skilful man, e x.3.5.2,26. o2S-lS.7.13, I have chosen him to be my son, and I will for aly manner of service: also the princes & 36.1, 2. 14. be his father. and all the people zoill be wholly at thy ch. 22. 9, 10. 7 Moreover I will establish his kingdom commandment. 2 Chr. 1. 9. for ever, 2Pif he be t constant to do my compch. 22. 13. mandments and my judgments, as at this CHAPTER XXIX. t Hebstcong. day. 1 Davd, by hi, canlc and enrcaty, ecausech 8 Now therefore, in the sight of all Israel the princes and aeople to life, ol lic1clo. I0 JDthe congregation of tile LORD, and in the id's thaksegivil!g and poayer. 20 Tile pTeople, audience of our God, keep and seek for all /aveing blessed God, dco fnd, and acrifced, maeolomo the commandments of the LORD your God: kiley 21 cavid's viie ad death. that ye may possess this good land, and'7URTHERMORE David the king said 1015. leave it for an inheritance for your children 1' unto all the congregation, Solomon my q Jer. 9. 24. after you for ever. son, wcom alone God iath chosen, is yet |Ho3, 4. 1. 9 I- And thou, Solomon my son:, qknow a youg and tender, and tie work is gret: a King3.7. taolhn 17. 3. thou the God of thy fatler, and serve him fo the palace is not for man, but for tie oh. y2. 5. 2Ioin. 20. 3. r wit a perfect heart and with a willing LORD God. rov. 4. 3. Pa. 101.2. mind: for sthe LORD searcheth all hearts, 2 Now I have prepared witle all my might cI Sm-l. 16.7. and understandetl all the imaginations of for the house of my'God the &old for thingo l ki. 8. 39. the tloughts: tif thou seek him, he cill he to be ezade of gold, and the silver for things Pa,.7.9.& 139. found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he of silver, and the brass for things of brass, 2. will cast thee off for ever. the iron for tchinga of iron, and wood for Prov. 17. 3. 10 Take heed now; ufor the LORD hath things of wood; b onyx stones, and ctones b Se I. 54. 11, Jer. 11.20. & chosen thee to build a house for the sane- tobe set, glistering sto 1es, and of divers 12. 17. 10. h 20. a soany ho 12. 10. & 20. tbary: be strong, and do it. colours, and all manner of precious stones, R. 21. 18, Rev 2 23 11 ~ Then David gave to Solomon his son and marble stones in abundance. t2 Chr. 15. 2. thepattern of the porch, and of the houses 3 1oreover, because I have set my affecher. 2. thereof, and of the treasuries thereof, and tion to the house of my God, I have of mine dcc:2, of the upper chambers thereof, and of the own proper good, of gold and silver, ovhich Se e E. 25. inner parlours thereof, and of the place of I have given to the house of my God, over 40lO. 1 the mercy seat, and above all that I have prepared for the 0t Hc. of ol 12 And the pattern t of all that he had by holy house, tcat wesoith tlhe Spirit, of the courts of the hIouse of tce 4 E.ven three tllousa.nd talents of gold, of him. LOrnD, and of all the chambers round about, the gold of c Ophir, and seven thousand tal- 1 Kin. 0. 28. 20 305 Davzd's thanksgiviegq. II. CHRONICLES. His reign and death. B. C. 1015. ents of refined silver, to overlay the walls of people, which are l present here, to offer B. C. 1015. the houses withal: willingly unto thee. 5 The gold for things of gold, and the sil- 18 0 LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and 1 Or, foutnd. ver for things of silver, and for all manner of Israel, our fathers, keep this for ever in of work to be,adle by the hands of art- the imagination ofthe thoughts of teheheart tHeb. tll ificers. And who theen is willing tto conse- of thy people, and lprepare their heart un- liOr, stablih, hi, tand. crate his service this day unto the LORD? to thee: Ps. 10. 17. 0dh. 27. 1. 6 ~ Then dthe chief of the fathers and 19 And ~give unto Solomon my son a per- op. 72. 1. princes of the tribes of Israel, and the cap- feet heart, to keep thy commandments, thy ech.27.b25,&c. tains ofthousands andofliundreds, with ethe testimonies, and thy statutes, and to do all rulers of the king's work, offered willingly, these things, and to build the palace, for 7 And gave, for the service of the house of the which P I have made provision. pver. 2. God, of gold five thousand talents and ten 20 ~ And Daavid to all the congregation, ch. 22. 14. thousand drams, and of silver ten thousand Now bless the LORD your God. And all talents, and of brass eighteen thousand the congregation blessed the LORD God of talents, and one hundred thousand talents their fathers, and bowed down their heads, ofiron. and worshipped the LORD, arid the king. 8 And.they with whom precious stones 21 And they sacrificed sacrifices unto the were founddgave then to tile treasure of the LORD, and offered burnt offerings unto the ebh. 2. 21. house of the LORD, by the hand of fJehiel LORD, on the morrow after that day, even the Gershonite. a thousand bullocks, a thousand rams, and 9 Then the people rejoiced, for that they athousand lambs, wtith their drink offerings, offered willingly, because with perfect heart and sacrifices in abundance ftr all Israel:,2 Cor. 9. 7. they toffered willingly to the LORD: and 22 And did eat and drink before the LORD David the king also rejoiced with great joy. on that day with great gladness. And they 10 ~ Wherefore David blessed the LORD made Solomon the son of David king the beforealltheeeongregation: andDavidsaid, second time, and canointed tiet unto the qlKingsl.35, Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our LORD to be the chief governor, and Zadok 39. father, for ever and ever. to be priest. h Lat. 6. 13. 11 h Thine, 0 LORD, is the greatness, and 23 Then Solomon sat on the throne of the 1 Till i. 17. the power, and the glory, and the victory, LORD as king instead of David liis father, Ree. 6i. 1. and the majesty: for all that is in the and prospered; and all Israel obeyed him. heaven and in the earth is thiee; thine is 24 And all the princes, and the mighty the kingdom, 0 LORRe, and thou art exalted men, and all the sons likewise of king Daas head above all. vid, "t submitted themselves unto Solomon rEcc. 8 2. tRom 11.36. 12 lBoth riches and honour come of thee, the king. tiebl. gave and thou reignest over all; and in thine 25 And the LORD magnified Solomon ex- tehe.,nl.,hand is poeer and might; and in thine ceedingly in the sight of all Israel. anid | e Sloiiiott: hand it is to make great, and to give bestowed upon him such royal majesty as 2Se & 47 29. strength unto all. had not been on any king before him in Is- 2 Chr. 10. 8. 13 Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, rael. C. E1. 18. andl praise thy glorious name. 26 ~ Thus David the son of Jesse reigned slKings3.13. 14 But who tatl I, and what is my people, over all Israel. t2 Chr. 1. 12. tHeb.retnin, that we should t be able to offer so willingly 27 And the time that he reigned over Is- Ecc. 2. 9. or, Afti.ti after this sort? for all things come of thee, rael ta8 forty years; seven years reigned t 2 Sam, 5. 4. ltrciyl. and t of thine own have we given thee. he in Hebron, and thirty and three years 1 Kings2.11. tiet.ftff/te O15 For kwe are strangers before thee, and reigned lie in Jerusalem. tt2 S-tt. 1. hod.Pt12. sojOurners, as sWere all our fathers: Iour 28 And hnIdied in a good old age, Y full t Gel1..58. sL. 39 12.. days on the earth are as a shadow, and of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon ych. 23. 1, el. 211. 13. there is none t abiding. his son reigned in his stead. Och. 14. 2. 16 0 LORD our God, all this store that we 29 Now the acts of David the king, first Pt. 90. 9. & have prepared to build thee a house for and last, behold, they are written in tlhe 102.1i. i14t. thine holy name cometh of thine hand, and lthbook of Samucel the seer, and in the book l op, i tory. 4. is all thin oewn. of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of tHcl,. uods. t oeb. expect- 17 I know also, my God, that thou m triest Gad the seer, aoteo. the heart, and tlhast pleasure in upright- 30 With all his reign and his might,' and zDatn. 2. 21. Sn - nle it. ness. As for me, in the uprightness of the times that went over him, and over Isch. 28. 9. mine heart I have willingly offered all these rael, and over all the kingdoms of the nProv. 1.20. things: and now have I seen with joy thy countries. THE SECOND BOOK OF THE CHRONICLES. B. C. 1015. CHAPTER I. 3 So Solomon, and all the congregation B. C. 1015. 1 The rolemn oeffei,ig of Solomon at Gibon. 7 with him, went to the high place that was Soletmen's coice ofuisdorm i. blessed by God. 13 at eGibeon; for there was the tabernacle e 1 Kings 3. 4. Sotlomtl's stregtsle antd wealth, of the congregation of God, which Moses the 1 Chr. 16. 39. aIKin. 2. 46. ND aSolomon the son of David was servant of the LORD had made in the wil- & 21.29. b Gen. 39 2. 2 strengtllened in his kingdom, andblite dernest. f2Slm.. 2. 1 Chr.29. 25. LORD his God was with him, and';magni- 4 f But the arc of God had David brought. fled him exceedingly. up from Kirjath-jearim o the place wh ich I Chr. 15. 1. 2 Then Solomon spke unto all Israel,to o David had prepared for it: for he had 1045. d 1 Chr. 27. 1. dthe captains of thousands and of hundreds, pitched a tent for it at Jerelsalem. gEx. 27. 1. 2. and to the judges, and to every governor in 5 Moreover sthe brazen altar, that hBe- & 38. 1, 2. all Israel, the chief of the fathers. zaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had hEx. 31. 2. 306 Solomon's strength and wealth. II. CHRONICLES. Hiis mnessage to Hutran. B. C. 1015. made, Nhie put before the thber-acle of the on the solemn feasts of the LORD o0r God. B. C.1015. LORD: and Solomon and the congregation This is an ordinance for ever to Israel. 11 Or, wa sought unto it. 5 And the house which I build is great: 6o. 0 And Solomon went up thither to the for hgrcat is our God above all gods. hPs. 135. 5. brazen altar befor e the LORD, wbhich was 0 But who tis able to build himo a house, i IKingoPs27. at the tabernacle of the congregation, and seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens o ~.. 18. tI Kings 3.4. ioffttered a thousand burnt offerings upon it. cannot contain him 1 who aoe I then, that tIs. 6.1. kl Kino3.5,6. 7 ~ kIn that night did God appear unto I should build him a house, save only to Ot'ohe. aeth Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I burn sacrifice before him? red, or, shall give thee. 7 Send me now therefore a man cunning to Oloh,..t 8 And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, trLt t. shoewed great mercy unto David my father, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, l1 Ohr. 28.5. and hast made e Ito reign in his stead. andhblue, and that can skill tto grave with tet,. to 9 Now, 0 LORD God, let thy promise unto the ouning men that are With me in Judah [ grae ra-o ]mlKin.3.7,8. David my father be established: "'for thou and in Jerusalem, kwhom David my father /"'O. t Ho,. mtch hast made meking o ver a people tlike the did provide. 01 Ctr. 22.15. | e dth st otf dust of the earth io multitude. 8 Send me alo o edar trees, fir tree, and I1 Kiigl 5.3. to terO. 10 "Give me now wisdom and hnowledge, l aloumo trees, out of Lebanon: for I know i oer. Iooinoo3.7. that 0I may'go out and come in before tlis that thy servants can skill to cut titober in t g.,tgg',e oN —-.27. 17. people: for who can jodge this thy people, Lebanon; and, hehold, my servants shall 1 Rio. 10.11. D..t. 31.i2. that is so great t be wit thy servants, p i Kings 3. 11 I'And God said to Solomon, Beoause 9 Even to prepare me timber in abundIi, 1i, 13. this was in tline heart, and thou hast not anc: for the house whlich I am about to asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor tile lie build shall be twonderful great. 0 Roel.,great of thine* enemies, neither yet hast hasked 10 "And, behold, I will give to thy serv- o-tlwoder-d io.qg life; but lastaskedwisdom andknowl- ants, the hewoers that out timber, twenty fi0. edge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my thousand measures of beaten wheat, and -lI in. 5.11. people, over whom I have made thee king: twenty thousand measures of barley, and 12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto twenty thousand baths of o ine, and twenty tlthee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, thousand baths of oil. 1 Ohr. 29.25, and honour, such as qnone Of the lkings 11 Then Ituram the king of Tyre anot. 0. 22. have had that have been before thee, net- swered in writing, which he sentto Solomon, [loKings10.9. Eco. 2. Y. i g l. th2 r shall there any after thee have thie like. " Because the LoRD Ihath loved his people oh. 9. 8. 13 ~ Then Solomon came froo his jou.- he hath made thee ling over them. ey0 to the high place tlhat was at Gibeon 12 IHuram said moreovder,'Blessed be the o 1 Kings 5.7. to Jerusalem, from before the tabernaocle of LORD God of Israel,'that made heaven poe Ge. I. h2. the congregation, and reigned over Israel. and earth, who hath given to David the oPs. 33.. h,lIin.4.i. 126, 1 ad Solomon gathered chariots and king a wise son, tendued with prude ce 102.25.&12i. 10. 260, h!. hlorsemen: and he hod t thousand lttd foaur and understanding, that tight buildrhonse 8. t& 136t5. 6.,!h. 9. 25. on' Ats 4. 24. &L hundred chariots, and twelve thousand foe the LORD, and a housefor his kingdom. 14. 15. horsemen, which he placed in the chariot 13 And now I have sent a cunning man, Rlo. lo0.6. cities, and with the king at Jerusalem. endued with understanding, of Huram my t Heb. know-, sl Kin. 10.27. 15 snd the king tmade silver and gold father's,.q. [ oh. 0.27. tt Jerusalem as plenteous as stones, and 14' The son of a ooman of the daughters - td,t.doe,Jh 2. 24. edar tees made he as tte sycamore trees of Dan, d his fother oas a man of Ty.e, d-. 0 Rob. 5o..0. thtt ase in tte vole for abundance. ehilful to work in gold, and in silver, in q lIKi. 7.13, I Kiti10.28, 1i i'dd Solomon had horses brought ott brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in 1a - 29 of Egypt, d li y the ig e- purple, in ble, and in fe ltnen, and tin,,h. 9. 28. Of Egypt, and T yre, | s ra].mg,,, li. chants received the linen yar at a pri-e. crimson; also to grave any ianner ofgrav[t H~. theg~.. Rot,,fo tof o 17 And they fetched up, and brought forth ing, and to find oat every device which shall Itotootsz out of Egypt a chlariot for six hundred be put to him, with thy cunnint g men, and,04: w-a shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred witth the cunning men of my lord David thy!Sotomo's. oand fifty: and so brought they out horses father. thei for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the 15 Now therefore the wheat, and the htand. kings of Syria, th by their means. barley, tile oil, and the wine, which "my 0 et. 10. CHAPTER 11. lord hath spohen of, let him send unito his 1, 17 e mleto.oo aosebsfo s. e I ildig of th servantso: l Kin.S. 8,9. to3et.ts. c liiso.i-oeootojl..foeooeo- 16'ADd we will cut wood out of Leanon, t h.accordme and1>,'ovi.ioeoftui.0 IHi5ua,orvsandelh'as much as thou shalt need: and we will -ig tooallthy Moi o'iod.,sw v,. bring it to thee in floats by sea to tJopp1; soeed. {l Kingao.0. A A ND Solomon tdetermined to build a and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem. t Heh.Jat,ho, A. Itouse for the name of the LORD, and 17 ~ dAnd Solomon numbered all tthe Stool 19.46. a house for his kingdom. strangers that wee in the land of Israel,.. blKin. 1. 15. 2And bSolomon told out threescore end after the numbering wherewith'David his t.SVer. 2. fotlteeltodoamheeedolremtoodotteyaeee I txi.13,.18. ten thousand men to bear burdens, anadfather had numbered them; and they were 15, 1. 9. fourscore thousand to lhewin toie mountain, found a hundred and fifty tthousad and 20 21. and tlhree thousand and six hundred to three thousand and six hundred, l. 8. 7, 8. eIOr, Him, oversee them. 18 And hie set Xthreescore and ten thou- tleb.tbemen, 1 Kingo 5.1. 3 ~ And Solomon sent to II Huram the king sand of them to be be arers of burdens, and the strange. I clClir. 14.1. of Tyre, saying, 0As thou didst dealwith fourscore thousand to be hewoers in the uI IChr.22. 2. l tet. I David my father, and didst send him cedars mountain, and three thousandand six hun- As it iver. Eo,.. 30. 7. to build him a house to dwell therein, even dred oveeerseers to set the people awork. 2. t. so deal with eooe.,tos of 4 Beltold, dI build a house to the name of CHAPTER 110, ePtoot. tite LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, 1 Tlaot, o.d ii-e of bl,.tdi,.q t't e t-I. 3 10E. 25.0. antd eto burn before him sosweet incense, ThP /m.smre izod o,,mament oftle toute. 11 1012. L.. 24. 8. ad for fthe continual shehbred, ad for tIesOim. 14'ildpis. 6.1..3, the burnt offerings morning and e'ening, HflENaSol.omonbegan to build the h. 0,9111. on the sabbatls, and on the new moons, and t of the LORD a toJerulsm toi mtout be..2.,1 307 of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Gn.22.2.14 1 9, lt.'''~~~~~~~~~~30 The dimenszons and II. CHRONICLES. ornaments of the tenmple. 0. C. 1012. Moriah, 1llwhere the LORD appeared unto 2 7 b Also ie made amolten sea of ten cu- B. C. 1012. David his father, in the place that David bits tfrom brim to brim, round il compass, II Or. lhid had prepared in the threshingfloor of iI cr- and five cubits the height thereof; and a blKii g. 7.. IIsnof nan the Jebusite. line of thirty cubits did compass it round tHeb. l.fom Dt[ id his 2 And he began to build in the seond about. hiis, to s, day of the second month, i the fourth year 3 C And under it was the similitude of hi bi. Au Or, of his reign. osen, ohich did compass it round abouth clKings7.24,.2. i. 3 ~ N ow these are the things 1wherein ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round 52, 26. lChr 21'.18. Solomon was t instructed for tihe building about. Two rows of oxen were cast, when o& 22.' of th house ofGod. The length by cubits iascast. dltingo t6.2. after.the frst measure was threescore cu- 4 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking tolsH bits, and the breadth twenty cubitt. toward the north, and three looking toward footoe'dd. 4 And the eporch that was inthefront of the west, and three looking toward the south, tlittgot.6. sthe house, the length of it was according and three looking to ard the east: and the to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, sea tos sotabove upon them, and all theis and the height was a hundred and twenty: hinder parts owere inward. and he overlaid it within with pure gold. 5 And the thickness of it was, handf flKings..17. 5 And fthe greater hous he coiled with breadth, and the brim of it like the work of fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, the brim of a cup, Ilwith flowers of lilies; 11 Or, like a and set thereon palm trees and chains. and it received and held dthree thousand lilyflo —r.o | Hob. 6 And he tgarnished the house with baths. d See 1 Kings' covered. precious stones for beauty: and the gold 6 I He made also eton lavers, antdi put fiove 7 26. owas gold of Parvaim. on the right hnsd, and five on thle left, to e IKings7.38. 7 He overlaid also the house, the beams, wash in them: t such things s tlhey offered Heb, the the posts, and the. walls thereof, and the for the burnt offering they washed in them; l- ofLtbit doors thereof, with gold; and grased cheru- hbut the sea was for the priests to Wash in. oqftotg. bhim on the walls. 7 fAnd he made ten candlesticks of gold flitinst 7.49. 8 And he made the most holy house, the gaccording to their form, and set thelo in gEx.2.5.31,40. length whereof was according to the breadth the temple, five on the right hand, and five 1 fit. 18. 12, of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth on the left. 10. thereof twenty cubits: and he overloid it 8 hHe made also ten tables, and placed loKiigt7.48. with fine gold, amounting to tix hundred tthet in the temple, five on the right side, talents. and five on the left. And he made a hun9 And the weight of the nails was fifty deed ibasins of gold. I Or, sol.,. shekelsofgold. Andhe overlaidtheupper 9 Furtbermore ihe madethe cour of the itKin.6.36. chambers with gold. priests, and the great court, and doors for g Kin. 6.23, 10 lAnd in the most holy house he made the court, and overlaid the doors of them &e. two cherubim nlof image work, and overlaid with brass. II Or. (tssooe them with gold. 10 Andkho set the sea on the right side k1Kig 7.39. thik) of 11 I And the wings of the cherubim 5ere ofthe eost end, over against the south. oOl S twenty cubits long: one wing of the one 11 And lHuram made the pots, and the tSee 1Kings o cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall shovels, and the lbasins. And Huram 7. 40. ofthe house: and tho other wing was like- tfinished the work that he was to make IIeO, bosl,. wise five cubits, reaching to the wing of the for king Solomon for the house of God; t Hel,. finihother cherubo. 12 To woit, the two pillars, and "Ithe porn- d to.osft. 12 And one wing of the other cherub was mels, and She claopiteis tohic ooere on the nlI in. 7.41. five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: top of the two pillars, and the two wreaths and the other wing was five cubits atlso, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters joining to the wing of the other cherub. which wesre on the top of the pillars; 13 The wings of these cherubim spread 13 And' four hundred pomegranates on Sea 1 Kings themselves forth twenty cubits: and they the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates 7. 20. stood on their feet, and their faces were on each wreath,to cover the to poomels 4 Or, esosstof ( inwared. of the chapiters which were tupon the 0I el,. spos the Osotse. ieae Et. 00.1. 14 ~ And he made the asil of blue, and pillars. thefase. tttt 27.51. purple, and crimson and fine linen, and 14 Ie made also Ibasest and I lavers made 1 Kin.7.27, Hte. 9.. twrought cherubim thereon. he upon the bases; 43. t Hb.e -"d 15 Also he made before the house itwo 15 Ooe sen, ohd twelve oxen under it. iftesldotod. 0to -end. pillars of thirty and five cubits Ohigh, and lA The pots also, and the shovels. and the O IKin. 7. 15- the chlapiter that was on the top of each of fleshhooks, and all their instruments, did 21. them was five cubits. PHura n his father make to king Solomon p IKin.7.14, JAr. 52. 21. 16 And he made chains, as in tlhe oracle, for the house of She Lon, of tbriglt brass. 45. Hteb. long. and put theos on the heads of the pillars; 17qiIn theplainofJordan didthl king cast t Heh. made Kings7.20. and made ka hundred pomegranates, and them, in the clay ground between Succoth irghto, r, l 1Kings7.'21' put ther on the chains. and Zetedothah. -sootd. That is, 5..17 And he /reared up the pillars before 18'Thus Solomon made all these vessels hiKin.7. 46. shalletas-s the temple, one on the right hand, and the in great abundance: for the seight of the IHeb. thiek lith. other on the left; and called the name of brass could not be found out. -of the 5Tbat is, s1, that on the right hand lsJachin, and the 19~ Ad' Solomon made all the vessets that "'Od. iti-ssr'gth. name of that on the left II Boaz. werefor the house of God, the golden altar I in.7. 47. also, and the tables whereon ithe sheowbread s 1 Kin. 7. 48,. h! CHAPTER IV. was set; 49. 50. T ohealta of bass. 2 henolhesslatepota welve 20 Moreover the candlesticks with their tEa 25.30. oxn. t6e,t. lavers, caodlesctiks, adttales. lamps, that they should burn'after the oEX. 27. 20, 9 Th.e cours, a,d tAe instro.o.neo s of bass. 19 manner before thle oracle, of pure gold; 21. The ittftgoosot.s eo.old. 21 And Sthe fsoers, tid thle lamps, and.. 25. 31, aEx. 27., 2.'/OREOVERhemnde ln altarofbrass, the tonags, otta lh ofgold,as that tper- st. 2Kin.l1. 14. 1_1 s twenty cubits the length thereof, and feet gold e teh.r p /fe. E.i.43. 13,16. twetty cubits the breandlt thereof, aod ton 22 A nd the snuffers, and the I basins, and tionsofgold. cubits the hIeight thereof. the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold: J Or, bols.. 30[ The ark brought zn. II. CHRONICLES. Solomon blesseth the people. B. C. 1012. and the entry of the house, the inner doors CHAPTER VI. B. C. 1004. thereof for the most holy placc, and the I Soomon,,ltavia lbessed thepeolepl, b.leeh.God. doors of the house of the temple, oere of 12 Solomeo' prayer i the co oseeCxutios of the gold. temnpleo, po tle bazen scafftold. CHAPTER V. THEN asaid Solomon, The LORD ath alI in. 8.12, 1 TIe dedicated 2teasuaes. 2 Th.e olem-n ed stlion 1 said that lhe would dwell in the bthick &c. of tihe ak ilto the oracle. 11 Godf being praisd darkness. Lev. 16. 2. gwveth a visile ssigoo of isfaoo... 2 But I have built a house of habitation for 1005. EHNUS Ianll the work that Solomon made thee, and a place for thy dwelling for ever. a Ki. 751. 51. for the house of the LORD was finished: 3 And the king turned his face, and blessed and Solomon brought in all the things that the whole congregation of Israel: and all the David his father had dedicated; and the congregation of Israel stood. silver, and the gold, and all tlie instru- 4 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God mea ts, put he among the treasures of the of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled house of God. that which he spake with his mouth to my 1004. 2 ~ b Then Solomon assembled the elders of father David, saying, b 1 Kings8.1, Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the 5 Since the day that I brought forth my &c. chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, people out of the land of Egypt I chose no unto Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the ityamong all the tribes of Israel to build a 2Sam. 6.12. covenant of the LORD aout of the city of house in, that my name might be there; David, which is Zion. neither chose I any man to be a luler over d Kings8. 2. 3 d Wherefore all the men of Israel assem- mypeople Israel: eSee chl. 7. 8, bled themselves unto the king ein the feast 6 CBut I have chosen Jerusalem, that my cbh. 12. 13. 9, 10. which toas in the seventh month. name might be there; and dhave chosen dlch r. 28. 4. 4 And all the elders of Israel came; and David to be over my people Israel. the Levites took up the ark. 7 Now eit was in the heart of David my e2Sam. 7. 2. 5 And they brought up the ark, and the father to build a house for the name of the l 1l.7..&h tabernacle of the congregation, and all the LORD God of Israel. 28.. holy vessels that were in the tabernaele, 8 But the LORD said to David my father, these did-the priests and the Levites bring Forasmuch as it was in thine heart to build up. a house for my name, thou didst well in that i Also king Solomon, and all the congre- it was in thine heart: gation of Israel that were assembled unto 9 Notwithstanding thou shalt not build the him before the ark, sacrificed sheep and ox- house; but thy son which shall come forth en, which could not be told nor numbered out of thy loins, he shall build the house for for multitude. myname. 7 And the priests brought in the ark of t he LORD therefore hath performed his covenant of the LORD unto his place, to the word that he hath spoken: for I am risen up oracle of the house, into the most holy place, in the room of David my father, and am set even under the wings of tile herubim: on the throne of Israel, as the LORD prom8 For the cherubim spread forth their wings ised, and have built the house for the name over the place of thile ark, and the cherubim of the LORD God of Israel. covered the ark and the staves thereof 11 And in it have I put the ark, fwherein fll 5..10. above. is the covenant of the LORD, that he made 9 And they drew out the staves of the ark, with the children of Israel. that the ends of the staves were seen from 12' O And he stood before the altar of the g 1 Kin. 8. 22. the ark before the oracle; but they were not LORD in the presence of all the congrega|l Or, theyate seen without. And lithereitisuntothisday. tion of Israel, and spread forth his hands: tere, as 10 There wacs nothing in the ark save the 13 For Solomon had made a brazen scaf1 Kings8.8 two tableswhlicllh oses fput the-ein at Ho- fold, of five cubits tlong, and five cubits t Heb. fDeut.10.2,5. rob, Iwhen the LORD made a coveotant with broad, and three cubits high, and had.set it Ithe cenqt ot 6. 11. the children of Israel, when they came out in the midst of the court: and upon it he toatso, d. I Or, here. of Egypt. stood, and kneeled down upon p lis knees 11 V And it came to pass, when the priests before all tile congregation of Israel, and were come out of the holy place: (for all spread forth his hands toward heaven, tlt b. fotesd. the priests that re t present were sancti- 14And said, OLoRD God ofIsrael, hthere EF,. 15. 11. fied, and did not thens wait by course: is no God like tliee in the heaven, nor in Deut. 4.39d,& gl Clr. 25.1. 12 gAlso the Levites izohich oee thle siag- the earth; whichi keepcst covenant, and.. ers,.all of them of Asaph, of Hemnn, of sheweost mercy unto thy servants, that Jeduthun, with their sons and their breth- walk before thee wittl all their hearts: ren, being arrayed in white linen, having 15 i Thou whllich hast kept wit thy servat i 1 Chr. 22. 9. cymbals and psalteries and harps, stood at David my father that which thou hast promIl Chr. 16.24. the east end of tile altar, and with them a ised him; and spakest with thy moutil, and hundred and twenty priests sounding with hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is trumpets:) this day. 13 It came even to pass, as te trumpeters 16 Now therefore, 0 LORD God of Israel, and singers were as one, to make one sound keep with thy servant David my father to be heard in praising and thanking the that which ttaou hast promised bim, saying, 12Sam. 7.12 LORD; and when they lifted up t heir voice It Tere shallnotfail thee a maninmnysight 1. a with the trumpets and cymbals and instru- to sit upon the throne of Israel; lyet so that 6 12. ments of music, and praised tile LORD, thy children take heed to their way to walk. 7'. 18 iPa. 136. See saying, iPFor he is good; for his mercy en- in my law, as thou hast walked before me. t Hfeb. Thee 1 Chr. 16.34, dureth for ever: that then the house was 17 Now then, 0 LORD God of Israel, let sall,lot a 41. filed with a cloud, cvet the house of the thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken?ntb O.e s.t LORD; unto thy servant David. af. 14 So that the priests could not stand to 18 But will God in very deed dwell with I Ps. 132. 12. k Ee. 40. 35. minister by reason of tile cloud: kfor tile men onthe earthl? Behold,heaven and the ch. 2. 6. ot.. 7. 2. glory of the LORD had filled the house of heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how Is. 66. 1. God. much less this house which I have built! scts 7. 49. 309 Solomon's prayer at the II. CHRONICLES. consecration of the temple. B. C. 1004. 19 Have respect therefore to the prayer of 34 If thy people go out to war against their B. C. 1004. thyservant, andtohis supplication, OLORD enemies by the way that thou shalt send my God, to hearken unto the cry and the them, and they pray unto thee toward this prayer which thy servant prayeth before city which thou hast chosen, and the house thee: which I have built for thy name; 20 That thine eyes may be open upon this 35 Then hear thou from the heavens their house day and night, upon the place where- prayer and their supplication, and main: of thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy tain their 11 cause. t] Or, Obqht. name there; to hearken unto the prayer 36 If they sin against thee, (for there is Be Or, in this which thy servant prayeth li1toward this rno man which slnneth not,) and thou be rProv. C0. 9. dlace. place. angry with them, and deliver them over be- Ecc. 7. 20. 21 Hearken therefore unto the supplica- fore their enemies, and they carry them 2 tions of thy servant, and of thy people Is- away captives unto a land far off or near;. t Hb.pray. rael, which they shall tmake toward this 37 Yet if they t bethink themselves in tile tha. ttke place: hear thou from thy dwellingplace, land whilther they are carried captive, and thelcativeo eveo from heaven; and when thou hearest, turn and pray unto thee in the land of their e,-,y tioe forgive. captivity, saying, We have sinned, we have cluay. t nb. andhe 22 ~ If a man sin against his neighbour, done amiss, and have dealt wickedly; t Heb. obeing requitoeoao tandan oath be laid upon him to make 38 If they return to thee with all their back to their ortqoflhim. him swear, and the oath come before thine heart and with all their soul in the land of Iheart. altar in this house; their captivity, whither they have carried 23 Then hear thou from heaven, and do, them captives, and pray toward their land, and judge thy servants, by requiting the which thou gavest unto their fathers, and wicked, by recompensing his way upon his toeward the city which thou hast chosen, own head; and by justifying the righteous, and toward the house which I have built by giving him according to his righteous- for thy name: ness. 39 Then hear thou from the heavens, even II Or, 24 ~ And if thy people Israel 11 be put to the from thy dwellingplace, their prayer and be smitote. worse before the enemy, because they have their supplications, and maintain their sinned against thee; and shall return and 11 cause, and forgive thy people which have II Or..ighc. confess thy name, and pray and make sup- sinned against thee. Or, towa,d. plication before thee in this l louse; 40 Now, my God, let, I beseech thee, thine 25 Then bear thou from the heavens, and eyes be open, and let thine ears be attent forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring t unto the prayer that is otade in this place. t:eb. o the them again unto the land which thougavest 41 Now'therefore arise, 0 LORD God. |payerof to them and to their fathers. into thy rting place, thou, and te ark this ilace. l tin. 17.1. 26 ~ When the'"heaven is shut up, and of thy strength: let thy priests, 0 LORD Ps. 132. 8, 9, nof thy, strsength:y laet typrine s t s, 0 ORD 0 10. 16. there is no rain, because they have sinned God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy Ch,. 6. against thee; yet if they pray toward this saints Urejoice in goodness. t Chr. 28. 2. place, and confess thy name, and turn from 42 0 LORD God, turn not away the face of Neh. 9. 25. their sin, when thou dost afflict them; thine anointed:'remember the mercies of |Ps. 132. 1. 27 Then hear thou from heaven, and for- David thy servant. I. 55. 3. give the sin of thy servants, and of thy peo- CHAPTER VII. ple Israel, when thou hast taught them the 1 God havinggeiven testimony to Solomot's praver good way, wherein they should alk; and walk; and byfefo heae, andlory i tihe temle, the send rain upon thy land, which thou bhast eooieooohit him. 4Somoc's Polomoc socrgiven unto thy people for an inheritance. S5e-. O oeoth e ket the feast of olbeola o t 08 If eo 0be dearth tn the ta les, ao. d the feast of the dedicaiot of the alta?. och. 20. 9. 28 ~ If there obe dearth in the land, if dismissetlh te people. 12 God appeailg to Sotthere be pestilence, if there be blasting or omen giveth himo,,pronises pont cotditiotn. mildew, locusts or caterpillars; if their ene- OW U when Solomon had made an end al Kina. 8. 54. tteb. in the mies besiege them in the cities of their of praying, the b fire came down from bLcv. 9.24. oattl oflth landt whatsoever sore, or whatsoever sick- heaven, and consumed tile burnt offering Judg.. 21. 0gates0, ess there be: and the sacrifices; and cthe glory of the 1 Kin. 18.8. 29 Thent what prayer or what supplication LORD filled the house. 1 Clrt. 21. 26 soever shall be made of any man, or of all 2 dAnd the priests could not enter into el Kin. 8. 0, thy people Israel, when every one shall the house of the LORD, because the glory hew house of the LORD, because the glory, |d e'.h. 13, 14. know his own sore and his own grief, and of the LORD had filled tile LORD'S house. Ez. 10. 3, 4. 11 Or, towatd shall spread forth his hands 1 in this house: 3 And when all the children of Israel saw ihic, Ohe. 30 Then hear thou from heaven thy dwell- how the fire came down, and tile glory of ingplace, and forgive, and render unto the LORD upon the house, they bowed every man according unto all his ways, themselves with their faces to the ground whose heart thou knowvest; (for thou only upon the pavement, and worshipped, and pl Chr. 28. 9. P knoest the hearts of the children ofmen;) praised the LORD, esaying, For he is eels. 5. 13. 31 That they may fear thee, to walk in thy good; ffor his mercy enduret for ever. PS 136. l. tOeb. oahlthe ways, tso long as they live tin the land 4 ~ lThen the king and all the people flChr.le.41. days which. hich thou gavest unto our fathers. offered sacrifices before the LORD. ch. 20. 21. tHeb. qopot, 32 ~ Moreover concerning the stranger, 5 And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of I Kin. 8. 62, thefaoe of twhich is not of thy people Israel, but is twenty and two thousand oxen, and a hun- 63. theiand. come from a far country for thy great dred and twenty thousand sheep. So the lJohn 10.20. name's sake, and thy mighty hanld, and king and allthe people dedicated the house Acts 8.027. thy stretched out arm; Of they come and of tGod. pray in this house; / hAnd the priests waited on their offices: Al Chr. 15 16. 33 Then hear thou from the heavens, even the Levites also with instruments of music from thy dwellingplace, and do according to of the LORD, which David the king had all that the stranger calleth to thee for; that made to praise the LORD, becausehlis mercy all people of the earth may know thy name, endureth for ever, when David praised t by t Ioeb. by 0t0I00y and fear thee, as dotl thy people Israel, their ministry; and ithe priests sounded their hand. a.oliclt- )on tand may know that tthis house which I trumpets before them, and all Israel stood. ic.. 5. 12. this hooe. have built is called by thy name. 7 Moreover k Solomon hallowed the middle k Kin. 8. 64. 310 God appeareth to him. II. CHRONICLES. Citzes which Solomion built. B. C. 1004. of the court that was before the house of CHAPTER VIII. B. C. 992. the LORD: for there he offered burnt offer- 1 Solomon's buildings. 7 The Gentiles hich erene ings, and the fat of the peace offerings, be- lefteSolomot ma-de trbtarie.q; but the Israelites cause the brazen altar which Solomon had 11 Phla aoh's da.l(aghte. emovete h to her made was not able to receive the burnt oe. 12 Sh-no.'c eal toem sacifies. 14 offerings, and the meat offerings, and the h h. plceseasd Leeti tf.heir fat. etaee. 17 The,avy fetchehgohlfe, Ophie. lKxin.8.65. 8 ~ lAlso at the sameetime Solomon kept AND a it came to pass at the end of aKin..9.10, the feast seven days, and all Israel with him, 1 twenty years, wherein Solomon had l c. a very great congregation, from the entering built the house of the LORD, and his own Z Jos. 13. 3. in of Hamath unto m the river of Egypt. house, tHeh. 9 And in the eighth day they made ta sol- 2 That the cities which Huram had reemn assembly: for they kept the dedication stored to Solomon, Solomon built them, and of the altar seven days, and the feast seven caused the children of Israel to dwell there. days. 3 And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah, t,11ia.8.66,. 10 And non the three and twentieth day and prevailed against it. of the seventh month Be sent the people 4 bAnd he built Tadmor in the wilderness, bl Kin9. 17, away into their tents, glad and merry in and all the store cities, which he built in &c. heart for the goodness that the LORD had Hamath. showed unto David, and to Solomon, and to 5 Also he built Beth-horon the upper, and Israel his-people. Beth-horon the nether, fenced cities, witl *elineg9. 1, 11 Thus'Solomon finished the house of walls, gates, and bars; hat. the LORD, and the king's house: and all 6 And Baalath, and all the store cities that that came into Solomon's heart to make in Solomon had, and allthe chariot cities, and the house of the LORD, and in his own the cities of the horsemen, and tall that tebh. allthe house, he prosperously effected. Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and desiye of Sol1'2 And the LORD appeared to Solomon inLebanon, and throughout allthe land of u e,hich by night, and said unto him, I have heard is dominion. sa ild. pDeut, 12. 5. thy prayer, Pand have chosen this place to 7 ~'As fo- all the people that were left Ki.9 myself for a house of sacrifice. of the Hittites, and. the Amorites, and tie clhKina9.20, qah. 6.26, 28. 13 If I shut up heaven that there be no Perizzites, and the ivites, and the Jebu- e. rain, or if I command the locusts to devour sites, which were not of Israel, the land, or if I send pestilence among my 8 Bout of their children, who were left after people; them in the land, whom the children of Ist Heb..o.n 14 If my people, t which are called by my rael consumed not, them did Solomon make tino C name, shall "humble themselves, and pray, to pay tribute until this day. adne moand seek my face, and turn from their 9 But of the children of Israel did Solomon eJanlles.S. icked ways; Ithen mill I hear from heav- make no servants for his work; but they en, and will forgive their sin, and will heal tere men of war, and chief of his captains, set, 6. 27,30. their land. and captains of his chariots and horsemen. t cl. 6. 40. 15 Now tmine eyes shall be open, and mine 10 And these were the chief of king SolotHebh. to he ears attent ftunto the prayer that is made mon's officers, evee dtwohundredand fifty, dSee 1 Kings taye- Of in this place. that bare rule over the people. 9. 23. this polae. 16 For now have "I chosen and sanctified 11 ~ And Solomon e brought up the daugh- e1 Iins 3. 1. IlKings9.3. this house, that my name may be there for ter of Pharaoh out of the city of David ul- & 7. 8. & 9. Chh.h.6.. ver: and mine eyes and mine heart shall to the house that he bad built for her: for 2A. be there perpetually. he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house 1 King.s9. 4, 17'And as for thee, if thou wilt walk be- of David king of Israel, because the places &c. fore me, as David thy father walked, and do are t holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD t Hel,. according to all that I have commanded hath come. holi,ess. thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my 12 ~ Then Solomon offered burnt offerings judgments; unto the LORD on the altar of the LORD, 18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy which he had built before the porch, kingdom, according as I have covenanted 13 Even after a certain rate fevery day, fe B. 29. 38. y cll. 6.16. with David thy father, saying, YtThere offering according tothe commandment of NUm.28.3,9. 11, 26. & 29. t ceb. Phereksall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Is- Moses, on the sabbatls, and on the new iha, lot e rael. moons, and on the solemn feasts cthree. at offo N 192 But if ye turn away, and forsake my times in the year, even in the feast of un- Dt. 16.16.4i theoc. statutes and my commandments, whichl I leavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, o Lev. 26. 14, have set before you, and shall go and serve and in the feast of tabernacles. 33. other gods, and worship them; 14 ~ And he appointed, according to the orDsn. 28. 15, eut, 7. 20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots der of David hes father, the l course ofthe h Ct,. 24.1. out of my land which I havte given them; priests to their service, and i the Levites to i Chr. 2. 1. and this house, which I have sanctified for their charges, to praise and minister before my name, will I cast out of my sight, and the priests, as the duty of every day rewill make it to be a proverb and a byword quired: the kporters also by their courses k lChr. 9. 17. among all nations. at every gate: for t so bad David the man & 26. l. 21 And this house, which is high, shall be of God commanded. t Heb..o oas an astonishment to every one that passeth 15 And they departed not from the corm- cecoond aDet,.29.24. by it; so that he shall say, aWhy hath the mandment of the king unto the priests and Jer. 22. 8, 9. LORD done thus unto this land, and unto Levites concerning any matter, or concern-,f a this house? ing the treasures. 22 And it shall be answered, Because they 16 Now all the work of Solomon was preforsook the LORD God of their fathers, pared unto the day of the foundation of the whllich brought them forth out of the land of house of the LORD, anduntilit was finished. Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and So the house of the LORD was perfected. 111 ings9.26. worshipped them, and served them: there- 17 ~ Then went Solomon to lEzion-geber, I00, Elath. fore bath he brought all this evil upon and to 1 Eloth, at the sea side in the landof Deut. 2. 8. them. Edom. 2Kin. 14.22. 311 The queen of Sheba's II. CHRONICLES. visit to Solomon. B. C. 992. 18 And Huram sent him, by the hands 16 And three hundred shields made he of B. C. of his servants, ships, and servants that had beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold about 992. n lKin.9.27. knowledge of the sea; and they went with oent to one shield. And the king put them ch. 9.10,13. the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and took in the house of the forest of Lebanon. thence four hundred and fifty talents of 17 Moreover the king made a great throne gold, and brought them to king Solomon. of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold. 18 And there weret six steps to the throne, 1 Mt totesftCHAPTER with a footstool of gold, which wesre fasteno 13 Soloo's gold. 0 15 is target. 17 ed to the throne, and t stays on each side of t ch.b ha.lls. The thlrote of ivory. 20 His vessels 23 His the sitting place, and two lions standing by preens. 25Hi chariots and horse. 26 lithe stays tributes..29 l9is 1'eig anid dcatl. 19 And twelve lions stood there on the one about992. AND awhen the queen of Sheba heard of side and on the other upon the six steps. a 1 King3 10. 11 the fame of Solomon, she came to prove There was not the like made in any kingl, &s. Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, dom. latt. 1t 42. 42. with a very great company, and camels that 20 ~ And all the drinking vessels of king Luke 11. 31. bare spices, and gold in abundance, and Solomon woere of gold, and all the vessels precious stones: and when she was come to of the house of the forest of Lebanon were Solomon, she communed with him of allthat of tpure gold:,lnone were of silver; it t heb.,shot was in her heart. was sot any thing accounted of in the days osl. 2 And Solomon told her all her questions: of Solomon. I Or, there and there was nothing hid from Solomon 21 For the king's ships went to Tarshish silve r which he told her not. oswith the servants of Huram: every three in thm. 3 And when the queen Of Sheba had seen years once came the ships of Tarshish bringthe wisdom of Solomon, and the house that Iog gold, and silver, 1ivory, and apes, and ilOr, hehad built, peacocks. 4 And the meat of his table, and the sitting 22 And king Solomon passed all the kings teel. of his servants, and the attendance of his of the earth in riches and wisdom. I Or, butert. ministers, and their apparel; his 1 cup- 23 V And a ll the kings of the earth sought bearers also, and their apparel; and his the presence of Solomnon, to hear his wisascent by which he went up into the house dom, that God had put in his heart. of the LORD; there was no more spirit in 24 And they brought every man his presher. ent, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, 5 And she said to the king, It was a true and raiement, harness, and spices, horses, t Hel,. tood. t report which I heard in mine own land of and mules, a rate year by year. U Or, sayings. thine lacts, and of thy wisdom: 25 ~And Solomon s thad fourthousandstails dl Kin. 4. 26. 6 Howbeit I believed not their words, until for horses and cllariots, and twelve thousand & 10. 26. I came, and mine eyes hlad seen it: and, hosemen; who hebestowed in th chariot. 1. 14. behold, the one half of the greatness of thy cities, and with the king at Jerusalem. wisdom was not told me: for thou exceed- 26 ~ eAnd he reigned over all the kings el Kin. 4. 21. est the fame that I heard. ffrom the 1river even unto the land of the fGen. 15.18. 7 Happy are thy men, and happy so'e Philistines, and to the border of Egypt. Ps. 72. 8. these thy servants, which stand continually 27 YAnd the king t made silver in J erusa- bTha is. Eubefore thee, and hear thy wisdom. lem as stones, and cedar trees made he as 21h5ates. 8 Blessed be the LORD thy God, which de- the sycamore trees that ares in the low g I Kin. 10.27. lighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to plains in abundance. ls.. 15. be king for the LORD thy God: because tliy 28 h And they brought unto Solomon horses t Ieol. gave. God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, out of Egypt, and out of all lands. h 1 Kin. 10.28. therefore made lhe thee king over them, to 29 / i Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, ch. I. 16. do judgment and justice. first and last, are they not written in the i] Kin. 11.41. 9 And she gave the king a hundred ad and ook of Nathan the prophet, and in the tHeb e ohds. twenty talents of gold, and of spices great prophecy of kAhijah the Shilonite, and in klKin. 11.29. abundance, and precious stones: neither the visions of lIddo the seer against Jero- lel. 12.15.0 was there any suchl spice as the queen of boam the son of Nebat? 13. 22. Sheba gave king Solomon. 30'"And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem m I ingt 11. 10 And the servants also of Huram, and over all Israel forty years. 42, 43. b ch. 8. 18, the servants of Solomon, bwhichl brought 31And Solomon slept with his fathers, and 975. cl Kin 10.ll, gold from Ophir, brought e algum trees and he was buriedin the city ofDavidhis father: almugtrees. precius stones. and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead. 11 And the king made of the algum treet U Or, stir. I t terraces to the house of the LORD, and to CHAPTER X. etHeb. liy;- the king's palace, and harps and psalteries 1 The Israelitel, as.remled at Shehem to ecroswn sayls. for singers: and there were none such seen ehoboam, by Jeroboas make a -rtt of t elaatio,. z,~to him. 6 ]ehoboam, refusi,~g the ohl before in the land of Judah.,me's coun.tsel, by the dvie orf yossg met, an12 And king Solomon gave to the queen of stseeth them.-oeghly. 16 Tes toibes'esvolting Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, kill Hadodranl, ansd make Rehooam to flee. besides that which she had brought unto the A ND aRehoam went to Shechem: for l lins 12. le king. So she turned, and went awaytoher AIL to Shechem were all Israel come to sc. own land, she and her servants. make him king. 13 ~ Now the weight of gold that came to 2 And it came to pass, when Jeroboam the Solomon in one year was six hundred and son of Nebat, who was in Egypt, b whither b l Kin.ll.40. threescore and six talents of gold; le had fled from the presence of Solomon 14 Besides that whichi chapmen and mer- the king, heard it, that Jeroboam returned chants brought. And all the kings of out of Egypt. ler, captaine. Arabia and Ilgovernors of the country 3 And they sent and called him. So Jerbrought gold and silver to Solomon. oboam and all Israel came and spake to 15 ~ And king Solomon made two hundred Rehoboam, saying, targets of beaten gold: six hundred shckels 4 Thy father made our yoke grievous: now of beaten gold went to one target. therefore case thou somewhat the grievous 312 Ten tribes revolt II. CHRONICLES. from Rehoboam. B. C. servitude of thy father, and his heavy yoke Judah and Benjamin a hundred and four- B. C. about975. that he put upon us, and we will servethee. score thousand chosen mlen, which were about975. 5 And he said unto them, Comeo again un- warriors, to fight against Israel, that he to me after three days. And the people de- might bring the kingdom again to Rehoparted. boem. 6 ~ And king Rehoboam took counselwith 2 But the word of the LORD came bto bckl. 12.15. tile old men that had stood before Solomon Shemaiah the man of God, saying, his father while he yet lived, saying, What 3 Seak unto Relloboam the son of Solocounsel give ye le to return answer to this mon, king of Judah, and to all Israel in people 7 Judah and Benjamin, saying, 7 And they spake unto him, saying, If 4 Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go thou be kind to this people, and please up, nor fight against your brethren: return them, and speak good words to them, they every man to his house; for this thing is will be thy servants for ever. done of me. And they obeyed the words of 8 But he forsook the counsel which the the LORD, and returned from going against old men gave him, and took counsel with Jeroboam. the young men that were brought up with 5 J And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem, him, that stood before him. and built cities for defence in Judah. 9SAnd lhe said unto them, What advice 6 He built even Beth-lehem, and Etam, give ye that we may return answer to this aid Tekoa, people, which have spoken to me, saying, 7 And Beth-zur, and, Shoco, and Adullam, Ease somewhat the yoke that thy father did 8 And Gath, and Maresllah, and Ziph, put upon us? 9 And Adoraim, and Lachistl, andAzekah, 10 Acd the young men that were brought 10 And Zorah, and Aja]lon, and Hebron, up with him spake unto hlm, saying, Thus which are in Judah and in Benjamin, shalt thou answer the people that spake fenced cities. unto thee, saying, Thy father made our 11 And he fortified the strong holds, and yoke heavy, but make thou it somewlhat put captains in them, and store of victuals, lighter for us; thus shalt thou say unto and of oil and wine. them, My little finger shall be thicker than 12 And in every several city he put shields my father's loins. and spears, and made thiem exceeding tHeb. ladid. 11 For whereas my father tput a heavy strong, having Judah and Benjamin on yoke upon you, I will put more to your his side. yoke: my father chastised you with wahips, 13 ~ And the priests and the Levites that 974. but I will chastise you with scorpions. were in all Israel t resorted to him out of t He,.e 12 So Jeroboam and all the people came all their coasts.ented tem to Rehoboam on the third day, as the kin 14 For the Levites left Ctheir suburbs and slves to Ilil. bade, saying, Come again to me on the their possession, and came to Judah and cNum.35.2. third day. Jerusalem: for dJeroboam and his sons dch. 13.9. 13 And tie king answered them roughly; had cast them off from executing the priest's and king Rehoboam forsook the counsel of office unto the LORD: the old men, 15 eAnd he ordained him priests for the e1 Ki.12'.31. 14 And answered them after the adidice of high places, and for fthe devils, and for & 13. 33. & the young men, saping, My feather made Uthe calves which he had made. 14 9. your yoke heavy, but I will add thereto: 18 /And after them, out of all the tribes Ho. 132. my father chastised you with whips, but I of Israel, such as set their hearts to seek I 1Oce. 17. 7. will chastise you with scorpions. tie LORD God of Israel came to Jerusaleln, - 1. 2. 15 So the king hearkened not unto the to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fa- | 1 ic.12.28. c Sam. 2. 5. people: Cfor the cause was of God, that tlers. hSeec. 19. 1 Kin. 12.[5, the LORD might perform his wsord, which 17 So they estrengtlened the kingdom of &30. 11, 8. 24. he spoke by the dhand of Ahijah the Shi- Judah, and made Rehloboam the son of i cl. 12. 1. dl Kin.11.29. lonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.. Solomon strong, three years: for three years 16 I And when all Israel sawthat the king they walked in the way of David and Solowould not hearken unto them, the people mon. answered the king, saying, What portion 18 $ Acld Rehoboam took him Mahalath have we in David? and we have none in- the daughter of Jerimoth the son of David heritance in the son of Jesse: every man to wife, and Abihail the daughter of Eliab to your tents, 0 Israel: and now, David, the son of Jesse see to thine own house. So all Israel went 19 Which bare him children; Jeush, and to their tents. Shamariall, and Zalim. 17 But as for the children of Israel that 20 And after her lie took kcMnachah the t1 Kin, 15.2. dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam daughter of Absalom; ewhict bare him She is called reigned over them. Abijah, atid Attai, and Ziza, and Shelo- Miehicn 18 Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram that mith. the lccuglil was over the tribute; and the children of 21 And Rehoboam loved Maachah the,h. 13.2. Israel stoned him itle stones, that he died. daughter of Absalom above all his wives tHeb. But king Reloboam tkmade speed to get and his concubines: (for he took eighteen atrecythened him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem. wives, and threescore concubines; and beahiscelf. 19 eAnd Israel rebelled against the house gat twenty and eight sons, and threescore el Kin. 12.19. of David unto this day. daughters.) 22 And Rehoboam Imade Abijahc the son I See Deut.21. CHAPTER XI. of Maachah the chief, to be ruler among 15, 16. 17. f1 eoad ais an ateoih. to sbdue Israel, is h l brethren: for he tholeught to make him fo-bidden by Sh-maiah. 6 5L atr-tlythetleth his icirgdem. eith fo..en and.ovaisio. 13 T.e king. priests nd Levites,ld such afearel God, for- 23 And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of akhece by Jeroboamn, stelgthelar the kingldom of all his children throughout all the countries Judah. 18 Jt"e vess ael child,-ete of Iehotboai. of Judah and Denjamicn, unto every fenced. H,lc. - alKi.l12.21, A ND awhen Rehoboam was come to Je- city: and he gave them victuals iin abund- tlaede of &c. LX rusalem, he gathered of the house of ance. And he desired t many wiveo. es. 313 Slhishak invadeth Judnh. II. CHRONICLES. Abijah warreth against Jeroboam. B. C. 972. CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER XIII. B. C. 958. 1 Rehoboam, forsakiny tihe Lord, is puniiied by 1 Abiiah nuceeedingn naGetht,,a alnaist Jeroboam. S ishak. 5 He nad the priaices, *'opeting at the1 4 H dela' eth tht e 1dight of hi caqn s e. 13 Tluntpleachincg of ShtWnaia, a-e delive-al J,-om de- in.q i,l lod he overeometh Jenoboam. 21 The st'?ntcto,, ibtnot efao1. so il. 13 The engnl and ive and children of.4ijah. deat/nofdh/nn f nn TOW ain the eighteenth year of king l Kin. 1.l, nah. 11. 17. A ND) nit came to pass, when R eh eoboam began Abijah to reign over &c 1. had established the kingdom, and had Judah. l.Kin. 14.22, strengthened himself, bhie forsook the law 2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem. 23, 4-. of tlhe LORD, and all Israel with him. His mother's name also was b Michaiall the i See cl. 11. cl.Kin. 124. 2 And it came to pass, that in the fifth daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. And there 20. 25. year of king Rehoboam, Shishak king of was war between Abijah and Jeroboam. 957. 971. Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because 3 And Abijah t set the battle in array with tHeb. 6bollnd they had transgressed against the LORD, an army of valiant men of war, eve0r four togete,. 3 With twelve hundred chariots, and three- hundred thousand chosen men: Jeroboam score thlonsand horsemen: and the people also set the battle in array against himowith were without number that came with him eight hundred thousand chosen men, being d ch. 1.. 8. out of Egypt; d the Lubim, the Sakkiim, mighty men of velour. and the Ethiopians. 4 ~ And Abijall stood up upon mount c Zem- c Josh, 18. 22. 4And he took the fenced cities whichper- araim, which is in mount Ephraim, and tained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem. said, Hear me, thou Jeroboam, and all Iseh. 11. 2. 2 5 Then came e Shemaiah the prophet to rael; Relloboall, and to the princes of Judah, 5 Ought ye not to know that the LORD that were gathered together to Jerusalem Godof Israel dgave the kingdom over Israel d2 Sam. 7.12, because of Stlishak, and said unto them, to David for ever, even to him and to his 13,6. feh. 15. 2. Thus saith the LORD, f Ye have forsaken sons eby a covenant of salt? eNum. 18.19. me, and therefore have I also left you in 6 Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servthe hand of Sllishak. ant of Solomon the son of David, is risen 6 Wllereupon the princes of Israel and up, and hath frebelled against his lord. f Kin.11.26. itJamet4. 10. the king Lhumb]ed themselves; and they 7 And there are gathered unto hitn /vain & 12o20. Ex. 9. 27. said, hThe LORD is righteous. men, the children of Belial, and ilave gJudg. 9.4. 7 And when the LORD saw that they hum- strengthened themselves against Relioboam ilKin.21.28, bledthemselves, ithevordoftlheLoRDcame the son of Solomon, when Rehloboam was 29. to Shlemaiah, saying, Tley have humbled young and tenderhearted, and could not themselves; therefore I will not destroy withstand them. 11Or, a little them, but I will grant themn l some deliver- 8 And now ye think to withstand the kingwh~ile. ance; and my wrath shall not be poured out dom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak. David and ye be a great multitude, and Se eI. 26.13. 8 Nevertheless kthey shall be his servants; there ne with you golden calves, which I Deut. 28.47, that they may known my service, and the Jeroboam hmade you for gods. hl Kin.12.28. 48. service of the kingdoms of the countries. 9 iave ye not cast out the priests of the & 14. 9. mlKin.14.25. 9 mo So Shishak king of Egypt came up LORD, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, Hlo. S. 6. 26. against Jerusalem, and took away the treas- and have made you priests after the man- iceh. 11.14.15. ures of the house of the LORD, and the ner of the nations of other lands? kso that 1Ex.29.O 5. treasures bf the king's house; ihe took all: whosoever cometh tto consecrate himself t Helb. tofilt he carried away also the shields of gold ith a young bullock and seven rams, tI/e hise..d.: eIKitn. 1016, which Solomon had n made. sane may be a priest of the/ that are no See E. 29.1. 17. 10 Instead of which king Relhoboam made gods. Levt,. 2. ll. 9. 15, 16. shields of brass, and committed thes ~'to 10 But as for us, the LORD is our God, and o2Saln.8. 18. the hands of the chief of the guard, that we lave not forsaken him; and tle pliests, kept the entrance of the king's louse. which minister unto the LORD, are tlhe 11 And when the king entered into the sons of Aaron, and the Levites wait upon house of the LORD, the guard came and theinr business: fetched them, and brought them again into 11 lAnd they burn unto the LORD every i h. 2. 4. the guardchamber. morning and every evening burnt sacrifices 12 And when lhe humbled himself, the and sweet incense: the 1nshewbread also Lev,. 24.6. wrath of the LORD turned from him, that set they it order upon the pure table; and 1 Or.n ln yet he would not destroy him altogether: 11 and the candlestick of gold with the lamps tet Jndalh also in Judah things went well.. thereof, "to burn every evening: for we t. 27. 20,,hee thinl" 13 So king Rehoboam strengthened him- keep the charge of the LORD our God; but 21. e ln:h. t. Iself in Jerusalem, and reigned: for Re-ye have forsaen h. Le24.2, 3. 21.& Iin. hoboam was one and forty years old when 12 And, behold, God himself is with us for 14. 13. he began to reign, and lhe reigned seventeen our captain, ~and his priests with sound- oNumn. 10. 8. ch. 19. 3. years in Jerusalem, nthe city which the ing trumpets to cry alarm against you. 0 ptKin.14.21. LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of children of Israel, Pfigllt ye not against the pAct 5. 39. ich. 6. 6. Israel, to put his name there. And his LORD God of your fathers; for ye shall not mother's name was Naamah an Ammon- prosper. itess. 13 ~1 But Jeroboam caused an ambushI Or. fixed. 14 And hle did evil, becuseo he 1 prepared ment to come about behind'them: so they not his heart to seek the LORD. were before Judah, and the ambushment 15 Now tile acts of Relhoboam, first and tnas behind them. t eb. ennnis. last, are they not written in the t book of 14 And when Judah looked back, behold,. mC. 9. 29. & Shemaiahl the prophet, " and of Iddo the the battle wa before and behind: and they 13. 22. seer concerning genealogies? eAnd there cried unto tlihe LORD, and the priests l I(in.14. 30. were wars between Rlehoboam and Jerobo- sounded with the trumpets. am continually. 15 Then the men of Judah gave a shout: 16 And Rehoboam slept with his fathers, and as the men of Judah shouted, it came tl Kin.14.31, and was buried in the city of David: and to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all q ch. 14. 12. Abijm. tAbijah his son reigned in his stead. Israel before Abijah and Judah. /314 Asa destroyeth idolatry. II. CHRONICLES. He smiteth the Ethiopians. B. C. 957. 16 And the children of Israel fled before fore Asa, and before Judah; and the Ethi- B. C. 41. Judah: and God delivered them into-t.eir opians tied. hand. 13 And Asa and the people that were with 1 7 And Abijah and his people slew them him pursued them unto s Gelar: and the I Gen. 10. 19. with a great slaughter: so there fell down Ethiopians were overtlrown, that they could & 20. 1. slain of Israel five hundred thousand cho- not recover themselves; for they were t de- t ieb.,tloen. sen men. stroyed before the LORD, and before his 18 Thus the children of Israel were brought host; and they carried away very much under at that time, and the children of Ju- spoil. 1Chr. 5. 20. dah prevailed, h because they relied upon 14 And they smote all the cities round P.. 25. 5. the LORaD God of their fathers. about Gerar; for l the fear of the LORD nl Gen. 35.5. 19 And Abijahl pursued after Jeroboam, came upon them: and they spoiled all the c. 17. 10. and took cities from him, Beth-el with the eities; for there was exceeding much spoil towns thereof, and Jeshanah with the towns in them. sJoeh. 15. 9. thereof, and s Ephrain with the towns there- 15 They smote also the tents of cattle, and of. carried away sheep and camels in abund20 Neither did Jeroboam recover strength ance, and returned to Jerusalem. again in the days of Abijah: and the LORD t i Sam.25.38. t struck him, and Uhe died. CHAPTER XV. s1]Kin.14.20. 21 IBut Abijahwaxed migllty, andmarried 1 Asa withJedah ascc aany of I.r.el, esoed by fourteen wives, and begat twenty and two als c lemh/Y of a thcl Cod f Oded, casts solemn covenacnt sith God. 16.le putesth sons, and sixteen daughiters. dou, c'laaehahi mottes forss hrc idolat,ts. 18 eOr, 22 And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and Ilebitclgethdedicate thinsinto thehouseofG'od, cernmewltaye. Ihis ways, and his sayings, are written in and eljoyeth a Iong rece. ich. 12. 15. the 11 story of the prophet x Iddo. ND n the Spirit of God came upon Aza- a N. 24. 2. L. riah the son of Oded: Judg. 3. 10. CHAPTER XIV. 2 And lie went out t to meet Asa, and said ch. 20 14. & 1 Asa suceesditlg destroyath iddoatrt y. Having unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah 24. 20. peace, Che strstentee t.h his kingcdom with fores and Benjamin; Tllhe LORD is with you, t Heb. and armies. 9 Calling ot God. he overthlroleth whileye be with him and c if ye seek hlim6, efore.4sa. Zcac-ah a cd c loileth the Etshicotiaes. he will bhe found of you; but d if ye forsake b Jame 4. 8. 955. O 0Abijah slept with his fathers, and they him, he will foirsake you. -er. 4, 15. 1 Chr. 28. 9..D buried him in the city of David: and 3 Now efor a long season Israel hath been cih.. 12,13. al Kin. 15.8, Asa his son reigned in his stead. In his without the true God, and without fa teach- Jer. 29. 13. &c. days the land was quiet ten years. ing priest, and without law. Atatt. 7. 7. 2 And Ass did that which was good and 4 But' when they in their trouble did turn dch. 24.20. right in the eyes of the LORD his God: unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought eHos. 3. 4. about 951. 3 For lie took away the altars of the strage him, lie was found of them. fLev. 10. 11. 6See 1 Kings gods, and bthe high places, and Cbrake 5 And lin those times these was no peace Dest. 4. 29. 15. 14. down the timages, dand cut down the groves: to him that -sent out, nor to im that came sCi. H5. 17. 4 And commanded Judah to seek the LORD in, but great vexations tvere upon all the LJslg. 5.C. c.. 341. 13. God of their fathers, and to do the law and inhabitants of the countries. tHeb. the commandment. 6 iAnd nation was destroyed of nation, iiatt. 24..7. statue5. SAlso he took away out of all the cities of and city of city: for God did vex them with Hsl. beatH e d l Kin. 11. 7. Judah the high places and the t images: and all adversity. in piece. t Heb. the kingdom was quiet before him. 7 Be ye strong therefore, and let not your u i-nage. 6 ~ And he built fenced cities in Judah: hands be weak:. for your work shall be refor the land had rest, and he had no war in warded. those years; because the LORD had given 8 And when Asa heard these words, and him rest. the prophecy of Oded the prophet, lie took 7 Therefore he said unto Judah, Let us courage, and put away the t abominable t cle abom build these cities, and make about thee idols out of all the land of Judah and Benja- ilations walls and towers, gates and bars, while the min, and out of the cities kwhich lie had kch. 13. 19. land is yet before us; because ee have taken from mount Epllraim, and renewed sought the LORD our God, we have sought the altar of the LORD, that was before the hiCm, and lie hath given us rest on every porch of the LORD. side. So they built and prospered. 9 And lie gathered all Judah andBenjamin, 8 And Asa had an army of men that bare and Ithe strangers witl them out of Ephra- l ola. 11. 16. targets and spears, out of Judah three hun- im and Manasseh, and out f Simeon: for dred thousand; and out of Benjamin, that they fell to him out of Israel in abundance, bare shields and drew bows, two hundred when they saw that the LORD his God was and fourscore thousand: all these wtere withhim. mighty men of valour. 10 So they gathered themselves together 941. 9 ~'And there came out against them Ze- at Jerusalem in the third month, in the fifeh. f6. 8. rah the Ethiopian with a host of a thousand teenth year of the reign of Asa. thousand, and three hundred chariots; and 11'LAnd they offered unto the LORD tthe m ch. 14. 15. fJosll.15. 44. came unto fMaresiah. same time, of nthe spoil which they had tHels.intnt 10 Then Ass went out against him, and brought, seven hundred oxen and seven day. they set the battle in array in the valley of thousand sheep., Ch,. 14.13. Zeplhatlals at Mareshah. 12 And they ~enitered into a covenant to o2 Kin. 23.3. Ex. 14. 10. 11 And Asa g cried unto the LORD his God, seek the LORD God of their fathers with all oi. 3.t. 31. Ch. 13. 14. and said, LORD, it is hnothing with thee their heart and with all their soul; Nas. 10. 29. Pt. 22. 5. to help, whether with many, or with them 13 PThat whosoever would not seek thei cE.. E. 20. ei 1 Sam. 1 i.. that have no power: help us, LORD our LenRD God of Israel q should be put to death, q Dest. 13. 5, i 1 Sam.17.45. God; for we rest on thee, andiin thy nlame whether small or great, whether man or 9, 15. Prove.. 10. we go against this multitude. 0 LORD, woman. jOr, thou aset our God; let not lrmaa prevail 14 And they sware unto the LORD witti a,,notal man. against thee. loud voice, and with shouting, and with Sch. 13. 15. 12 So the LORD Ismote the Ethiopians be- trumpets, and with cornets. 315 Asa reproved by Hanani. II. CHRONICLES. Jehoshaphat's good reign. B. C. 041. 15 And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for last, to, they ate written in the book of the B. C. 941. they had sworn with all their heart, and kings ofJudad and Israel. ver.. 2. sought him with their whole desire; and 12 And Asa in tile thirty and ninth year tle was found of them: and the LORD gave of his reign was diseased in his fee, until them rest round about. his disease was exceeding great: yet io his l Kin.15.13. 16 ~ And also concerning I Mtachah the disease he o'sought not to the LORD, but to,, Jer. 17. 5. IIThat s. I mother of Asa the king, he removed her tie physicians. gteatlo'the., from being queen, because she had made 13 ~ "And Ass slept with his fatlhers, and 914. 1 King 15.2. an tidol in a grove: and Ast cut down her died in theone and fortiethyear of his reign. tl Kin.L1.24. 10. idol, and stamped it, and burnt it at the 14 And they buried him in his own sepul- He,. diigged. O oh.ho-oo brook hKidoon. chrcs, which he had t made for himself in oG,,. 50. 2. o h. 14. 3, 5. 17 But tthe high places were not taken the city of David, and laid him in the bed ICtrke 1i. 1. hoKin 15.14, away out of Israel: nevertheless'tho teart which was filled'with sweet odours and Joln 19. 39, of Asa was perfect all his days. divers kinds of sp)ices prepared by the 40. 18 0 And he brought into the house of God apothecaries' art: and they made Pa very 2, oe. 2t. 19. the things that his father had dedicated, great burning for him. Jer. 11.2. and that he himself had dedicated, silver, and gold, and vessels. CHAPTER XVII. 19 And there was no more war unto the 1JAhoieoeoi, eo, -igtth etti and five and thirtieth year of the reign of Asa. ptosperoth. 7 le sodothlt Leviteo,ith the,rinces to teach Judah. 10 Ilio enemies beig torijied CHAPTER XVI. by G.od, sto. of them Oitt him presens and 1 Aso, by the aid of ths Syrians, diverteth Baa.ha otibtel. 12 Hi g reatntess, captains, atd armies. building OfRanmah. 7 Beig reproved theteof by Hantn. 0A ptltdh hi0 in et1oe. ti A ND aJoehohaphat this son reigned in alXin.15.24. At.on hi. eo.h.cb itt hi.,litteoio he -LI his stead, and strengthened himself 00t toeGod, but to thephytatls. 13 Hi. dlath against Israel. anod brial. 2 And lie placed forces in all the fenced 940, viz. TN the six and thirtiethi year of the reign cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the From the I of Asa, anBashna king of Israel camo up lndof handi t tie of Judh, and in the cities of Ephrarenoing of against Judah, and built Ramah, bto the ih, b which Ass his father had taken. b ch. 15.. t.te eto intent that lie might let none go out or come 3 And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, tibh-, eho in to Asa king ofJudahl. because hie walked in the first ways "of his Or, of hi, hih Asa 2 Then As brought out silver and gold out father David, and sought not unto ntlir; father, nd w~ now [ of the treasures of the house of the LORD 4 But sougit to the LORD God of his fa- of.aid.t ling. and of the king's house, and sent to Ben- ther, and walked in his commandments, and alXIin.15.17. hndad king of Syria, that dwelt at tDa- not after Ithe doings of Israel. oloKn.12.28. ho. { mascus, s aying, 5 Therefore the LORD stablished the kingb oh. 15. 9. 3 There is a lcaguo between me and thee, dom in his hand; and all Judah d tit brought d lSam.10.27. t Heb. as there iovs between my father and thy fa- toJehoshanphatpresents; and he had riehes iKin. 10 225. Darmesek. ther: behold, I have sent thtee silver and and tonour in abundance. t Hb. gave. goldf ge, hbreakt thy league with iBansho And his heart II was lifted up in the ways elKin. 10.27. hing of Israel, that he may depart from of the LORD: moreover fhe took away the hot. 18.1. me. Ihigh places and groves out of Judah. 913. 4 And Bon-hadad hearkoned unto king 7 ~ Also in the third year of hlis reign he IThat is, was t TIe,. ohich Aso, and sent the captains of this armies sent to his princes, even to Ben-hail, and an eetotraqed. were his. against the cities of Israel; and tlhey smote to Obadiah, and to Zechariah, and to No- flKin.22.43. Ijon, and Dan, and Abel-maim, and all the thaneel, and to ichaih, to teach in theoh. 15 17. & store cities of Naphtali. cities of Judah. 19.2. 20.33, 5 And it came to pss, when Bnaasha heard 8 And with them he sent Loevites, even 912. it, that he left off building of Ramnh, and Shemnith, and Nethanialt, ad Zebadilt, yak. 15. 3. letthis work cease. and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jebon6 Then Ass the king took all Judah; and athan, andAdonijah, and Tobijah, and Tobthey carried away the stones of Ramah, and adonijah, Levites; and with them Elishaiam the timber thereof, wherewith Baasha was and Johoram, priests. h Kin. 10.. hbuilding; and he built thtereith Geba and 9lhAnd they taught in Judah, and had the [h eh. 35. 3..h.19. 2. i pah. book of the law of th LORD with them, and h..7. oe. 317.0. 17 And aot thattime 0 anani the seer went about throughout all the cities of Ju-.. came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto dah, and taught the people. 141. him, d Because thou hast relied on the king 10 ~ And ithe fear of the LORD a fell upon i Ge. 5. 5. ech. 14. 9. of Syria, and not relied on the LooD thy all the kingdoms of the lands that 00e?'e [ eb. eas. fch. 12. 3. God, tlherefore is the host of the kingof round about Judah, so that they made no t Hoh. i[ Syria escaped out of thine hand. war against Jthoshaphat. abundantce. 8 Were not etho Ethiopians and fthe 11 Also soeae of the Philistines kbrought ak 2tamn. 8. 2. g Jo,3. 21. 2 Labia ta huge host, withovery any chari-'Jehoshaphat presents, and tribute silver; Prov. 5.21. & ots and horsemen? yet, because thou didst and the Arabians brought him flocks, seven 0o3. rely on the LORDa, he delivered them into taousand nnd seven undred rams, and 32. 17.& thino hnd. seven thousand and seven hundred lto goats. Zech. 4. 10. 9 0por the eyes of the LORD run to and 12 ~ And Jehoshaphat waxed great exceed1100, ot-oqr fro throughout tthe whole earth, Ilto sltew ingly; and ho built in Judah Ilcastles, and tOr, pa.eo.. to hlod ithY hinself strong in the hheolf of iten whose cities of store. them, &h. heart is perfect toward him. Herein ithou 13 And he had much business in the cities hl Ssm.13.13. ]ast done foolishly: therefore from hence- of Judlah: and the men of war, mighty men ilKin. 15.32, forth ithou shalt have wars. of valbur, oore in Jerusalem. kteh. 18. 20. 10 Then Ass was wroth with the seer, and 14 And these ae the numbers of them 0cSee. 10.2. kput hin in a prison hiouse for toe 00as in cording to the Ihouse of their fathers: Of MOat. 14.3. a rage with hlim because of this thing. Judah, tihe captains of tihousands; Adnah 0~Htb. And Asa t oppressed sonie of the people the the chief, and with himt mighty men of valeo.shed. same time. our thlree hundred thousand. t Hot,. at his It Kin. 15.03. 11 ~ And, behold, the acts of Asa, first and 1 And snest to him tao Jeohaanon the hiad. 115 He and Ahab go II. CHRONICLES. against Ramoth-gilead. ~B. C. 912. captain, and with him two hundred and 13 And Micaiall said, As the LORD liveth,. C. 897. fourscore thousand. eeven what my God saith, that will I speak. 16 And next him.was Amasiah the son of 14 And when lie was come to the king, the eINf. 22.18, lJudg.5.2, 9. Zichri, lwho willingly offered himself unto king said unto him, Micaiab, shall we go to 20. 5. k 23. the LORD; and with him two hundred thou- Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? sand mighty men of valour. And lie said, Go ye up, and prosper, and 1 Kin. 22.14. 17 And of Benjamin; Eliada a mighty they shall be delivered into your hand. man of valour, and with him armed men 15 And the king said to him, How many with bow and shield two hundred thou- times shall I adjure thee that thou say sand. nothing but the truth to me in the name of 18 And next him swas Jehozabad, and withl the LORD? him a hundred and fourscore thousand ready 16 Then he said, I did see all Israel scatprepared for the war. tered upon the mountains, as sheep that 19 These waited on the king, besides have no shepherd: and the LORD said, moer. 2. "'those whom the king put in the fenced These have. no master; let them return cities throughout all Judah. therefore every man to his house in peace. 17 And the king of Israel said to JelloshCHAPTER XVIII. apliat, Did I not tell thee that he Mould not 1 Jehoshlphat, joitled il agittity itlh Ahab, isper- prophesy good unto me, Ih but evil?, Or,bt for -.tadesl to yo eith him against Ranoth-gilead. 18 Again lie said, Therefore hear the word evil. 4 Ahab, selsced bl false proplets, accodilg to of tle LORD; I saw the LORD sitting upon th~e tvo,,d of.l3mia~h,,ts rslati the,-, his throne, and all tihe host of heaven stand897. N OW Jehoshaphat alhad riches and lon- ing on his right hand and on his left. Ich. 17.. 6 l our i abundance, and b joined affinity 19 And the LORD said, Who shall entice 2 tio 8. 18. with Ahab. Ahab king of Israel, that he may go up and in.. 2 CAAnd t after certain years he went down fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one spake say&c.l. 22 2,to Ahab to Samaria. And Ahab killed ing after this manner, and another saying t Hebh at th Sheep and oxen for him in abundance, and after that manner. eto of ears. for the people that lie clad with hlim, and 20 Then there came out a fspirit, and fJob 1. 6. persuaded him to go up zuith hirs to Ra- stood before the LORD, and said, I will enmoth-gilead. tice him. And the LORD said unto him, 3 And Ahab king of Israel said unto Je- Wherewith? hoshaphat king of Judah, Wilt thou go with 21 And lie said, I will go out, and be a me to Ramoth-gilead? And he answered lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophhim, I amn as thou art, and my people as ets. And the;ORD said, Thou shalt enthy people; and we will be witlh thee in'the tice himn, and thou shalt also prevail: go war. out, and do eve:~ so. 4 ~ And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of 22 Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath gJob 12.16. dlSam.23.2, Israel, dInquire, I pray thee, at the word put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy Is. 19. 14. 4. 9. of the LORD to day. prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil Ez. 14. 9. 2 Bm. 2; 1. 5 Therefore the king of Israel gathered to- against thee. gether of prophets four hundred men, and 23 Then Zedekiah the son of Chenaanall said unto them, Shall we go to Ramotll-gile- came near, and hsmote Micainh upon the h Jer. 20. 2. ad to battle, or shall I forbear? And they cheek, and said, Which way went tile Spirit I1ark 14. 65. said, Go up; for God will deliver it into of the LORD fiom me to speak unto thee Acts 23. 2. the king's hland. 24 And Mlicaiah said, Behold, thou shalt 6 But Jehlloshaphat said, Is there not loere see on that day hen thou osalt go 11 into II Or,,aoo tHeb. a prophet of the LORD tbesides, that we tan inner chamber to hide thyself. c.a.b,, to yet,tor0,0or. might inquire of him? 25 Then the king of Israel said, Take ye 7 And tile king of Israel said unto Jehosh- Micaiall, and carry him back to Aono the tebh. aphat, There is yet one man, by whom we governor of the city, and to Joash the king's a may inquire of the LORD: but I hate lim; son; for be never prophesied good unto me, but 26 And say, Thus saith the king, iPut this ieh. 10. 10. always evil: tile same is Micainh the son fellowin theprison,andfeedhim with bread of Imla. And Jehoshaphat said, Let not of affliction and with water of affliction, unthe king say so. til I return in peace. 8 And the king of Israel called for one 27 And Micaiah said, If thou certainly relOr, euttuc~s. of his Ilofflicers, and said, tFetch quickly turn in peace, theo? hath not the LORD t Heb, Micaiah the son of Imla. spoken by me. And he said, Hearken, all Hasten. And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat ye people. king of Judah sat either of them on his 28 So the king of Israel and Jchoshaphat throne, clothed in theie robes, and they the kingofJudah went up to Iamoth-gilead. UOrfloo-. sat in a lovoid place at the entering in of 29 And the king of Israel said unto Jethe gate of Samaria; and all the prophets hoshapllat, I will disguise myself, and will prophesied before them. go to the battle; but put thou on thy robes. 10 And Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah So the king of Israel disguised himself; had made him horns of iron, and said, Thus and they west to the battle. saith the LORD, With these thou shalt push 30 aNoo the king of Syria had commanded toeb. Syria until t they be consumed. the captains of the ohariots that oweoe with tlouec000- 11 And all the prophets prophesied so, i, ahi ying, Figlt ye not with small or oune then. saying, Go up to Ramoth-gilead, and pros- great, save only with the king of Israel. per: for the LORD shall deliver it into the 31 And it came to pass, when the captains hand of the king. of the chariots saw Jehoshaplat, that they 12 And the messenger that went to call said, It is the king of Israel. Therefore Micaiah spake to him, saying, Behold, tihe they compassed about him to fight: but words of the prophets declaoe good tothe Jehoshaphat cried out, and tihe LORD t meb. ilth king tvith one assent; let thy word there- helped him; and God moved them to dceotne mouth. fore, I pray thee, be like one of theirs, and leart from hlim. speak thou good. 32 For it came to pass, that, when the cap317 Jehoshaphat is reproved. II. CHRONICLES. Jehoshabphn.t's prayer. B3. C. 897. tains of the chariots perceived that it was Ammon, and with them other besides the B.C. 896. not the king of Israel, they turned back Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to t Hel. f,.m again t from pursuing him. battle. aJft, din,. 83 And a certasin man drew a bow t at a 2 Then there came some that told Jehosht Heb, in his venture, and smote the king of Israel t be- aphat, saying, There cometh a great multieisnplicity. tween the joints of the harness: therefore tude against thee from beyond the sea on tHeh. he said to his chariot man, Turn thine this side Syria; and, behold, they Se ain.Gen. 14.7. etueee te hand, that thou mayest carry me out of the HIazazon-tamar, whicll is b En-gedi. bJosll 15.62.. sand. o.t; for t.ounded. 3 And Jehoshaphat feared, and set thim- tH{. Leiasol!late. 834 And the battle increased that day: low- self to Cseek the LORD, and dproolaimed a hi face. tHoh. beit the king of Israel stayed himtzself up fast throughout all Judah. ccl. 19. 3. sade sick. in his chariot against the Syrians until the 4 And Judah gateredthemselves together, d Ezra 8. 21. even: and about the time of the sun going to ask hep of the LORD: even out of all Jer. 36. 9. down he died. the cities of Judah they came to seek the Jonah3. 5. CHAPTER XIX. LORD. 1 Jelhoha)1lat, -)e,,-ovn ly JedAt, visi4c!. his kin,- And Jehoshaphat stood in the con gregadoen. O His ienatoeciOtc to the jcldeS, 8 to the tion of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house riests and Levites. of the LiORD, before the new court, 896. A ND Jehoslhaphat the king of Judah re- 6 And said, 0 LORD God of our fathers,..L turned to his house in peace to Jeru- art not thou e God in heaven? and frulest e Delt. 4. 39. salem. nIot thou over all the kingdoms of the Josll. 2. 11. l Sam. 9.. 2 And Jehu the on of Hanani a the seer heathen? and tin thine hand is tihe-e eaot 1 Ii.. 23. went out to meet lim, and said to king power and migllt, so that none is able to fatt. 6. 9. Jehosllaplhat, Sllouldest thou help the un- withstand thee? fPs. 47. 2, 8. b P. 139. 21. godly, anod ilove them thatlastetlce LoRD? 7 ASwt not thou hour God, tehco ididst?ea.4.17,27, c ol. 32. 25.. therefore is wrati upon thee from before drive out tle inhabitants of this land before 3 1 Chr. 29.12. the LORD. thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed | P. 62.11. de i. 17. 4. 6. 3 Nevertheless, there are dgood things of Abraham kthy friend for ever? 1Satts 6. 13. Seecl. 12.12. found in thee, in that thou hast taken 8 And they dwelt therein, and have built h Gen. 17. 7. away the groves out of the land, and hast tle a sanctuary thereein for thy name, say-. { o6. 7. e ol,. 30. 19. eprepared thine heart to seek God. ing, tHeb. tlicoc. Ezsr 7. 10. 4 And Jehlloshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem: 9 lIf, when evil cometh upon us, as the iPr. 44. 2. t etb. he r- sand t ie cent out again through the people s.ord, judgment, or pestilence, or famine,. 41. 8. t-co-odcl tdfrom Beer-shleba to mount Ephraim, and we stand before this house, and in thy Jas 2. 23.,uot occL. brought tllhem back unto the LORD God of presence, (for thy "' name tis in this house,) 115. 23. their fatlers. and cry unto thee in our affliction, then 37. 5~ Andhe setjudges in theland throughout thou oilt hear and help. h. 6. 28, 29, all the fenced cities of Judah, city by city, 10 And now, behold, the children of Am- 30. 6 And said to the judges, Take heedwhatye mon and Moab and mount Seir, whom thou m cl. 6. 20. fDeut. 1.17. do: for f ye judge not for man, but for thet wouldest not let Israel invade, when they, De t. 2.4,9, Ps. 82. 1. LORD, glho is withl you tin-the judgment. came out of the land of Egypt, but ~they 19. Ece. 5. 8. 7 Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD turned from them, and destroyed them not; Num. 20.21. t aeb, i. the be upon you; stake eed and do it: for 11 Behold, 1say, hozo they reward us,'to Ps. 83.12. cate, of h there is noiniquitywithtlleLORDsourGod, come to cast us out of thy possession, which judmectlt. nor irespect of persons, nor taking of gifts. thou hast given us to inherit. 1hDeut. 32. 4. 8~ Moreover in Jerusalem didJeheoscaspbat 12 0 our God, wilt thou not Cqjudge them? q 1 Sam. 3. 13. Rom-. 14. kset of the Levites, and of the priests, and for we have no might against this great iDeut. 10. 17. ofthe chief the he fathers of Israel, for the company that cometh against us; neither Jolt 34. 19. judgment of the LORD, and for controver- know we what to do: but 0our eyes are rPs. 25. 1.5. & Acts.02.. I ies, when they returned to Jerusalem. upon thee. 121. 1, 2. & Gal. 2. 6. 9 And lie charged them, saying, Thus shall 13 And all Judah stood before the LORD, 123. 1, 2. & Epch. 6. 9. ye do tin the fear of the LORD, faithfully, with their little ones, their wives, and their Col 3. 25. and with a perfect heart. children. 1 Pet. 1. 17. 10 n And what cause soeyer shall come 14 5T hen upon Jahaziel the son of Zechk De.ut. 16. 18. to you of your brethren that dwell in their ariall, the son of Beonaiah, the son of Jeiel, Cet. 17. 8. cities, between blood and blood, between the son of Mattaniah, a Letvite of the sons 12Sao. 23. 3. law and commandment, statutes and judg- of Asaph, Scame the Spirit of the LORD in sNum. 11. 25, mDeut. 17. 8, ments, ye shall even warn them that they the midst of the congregation; 26. & 24. 2. &c. trespass not against the LORD, and 80so 1 And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah,. 15. 1. & nwrath come upon oyou, and upon your and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou oE.. 3. 18. brethren: this do, andye shallnottrespass. king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD 11 And, bellold, Amariah the chief priest unto youi tBe not afraid nor dismayed by tEr.14.13,14. 1 Ch.. 26.30. is over you Pin all matters of the LORD; reason of this great multitude; for the bat- Dcut. 1. 29!), and Zebadiah the son of Ishmael, the ruler tle i not yours, but God's. 30. 31. 8. t Heb. Take of the house of Judah, for all the king's 1 To morrow go ye own against them: 32. eouatge and matters: also the Levites shall be officers behold, they come up by the tclifftof Ziz * t ebo.aecoct. do. before you. tDeal courageously, and the and ye shall find them at the end ofat the c ch. 11. 2. LORD shall be I with the good. 11 brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel. 11 Or. valley. CHAPTER XX. 17'Yc shall not need to fight in this bat- uEx.14.13,14. 1 Jehoshaphat it hi., fear pr.ocaimeth a fat. 5 tle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see.Iis praye.o 14 T1 e priophecy of Jahaziel. 20 the salvation of the LORD with you, 0 JuJelosicapoat ehoteth tte oeol. ant sleth dall and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dissi, tocgecco. 1sioelcoet sy to roag tagainst theem: bessel od ot 1ic1erachahS, i.es2ce itle eiocips. 0tfor tile LORD oeill be with you. oNum. 14. 9. 31 Jehoishaphat'seeoign. Hi.. e...cyf tsrhs, 18 And Jehoshaphat Ybowed his head with ch.lS.2. &32. which he sade with Ahaziah, aceosdilcg to the his face to the ground: and all Judah and 8. prophecy of Mliezoe-, ctnhappily pe.iohed. the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the y Ex. 4. 31. TT came to pass after this also, that the LORD, worshipping the LORD. 1 children of Moab, and the children of 19 And the Levites, of the children of the 318 Overthrow of his enemies. II. CHRONICLES. Jehoram's wicked reign. B. C. 896. KI oathites, and of tile children of the Kor- 86, And he joined himself with him to B. 0. 896. lites. stood up to praise the LORD God of make ships to go to Tarshish: and they Israel with a loud voice on high. made the ships iu Ezion-gaber. At first 20 ~ And they rose early in the morning, 837 Then tliezer the son of Dodavah of Jthehhphos t and Went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: Marcshah prophesied against Jeltoshaptat, tsndl and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood saying, B3ecause tlhou hast joined thyself tKin.22. 9. and said, Hear me, 0 Judah, and ye in- with Ahaziah, tile LORD hath broken thy I.s. 7.9. habitants of Jerusalem; ZBelieve in the works. "And the ships were broken, that 1tIKin.'2.48. LORD your God, so shall ye be estatblished; they were not able to go Oto Tarshish. oth. 9. e1. believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. 21 And when he had cons.lted with CHAPTER XXI. the people, he appointed singers unto the Jeo-,am, autteee io e.osaha0.p,,layeth his al~~l~~r.16.29. ~ ~ ~ ~ r~~lOtetetee. f~suc~l ri. OEdtmeoottL5bsO eh.t1.... LORD, "and tthat should praise the beauty 12 eot. th etOt oftioh ist Hteb. of holiness, as they sent out before tile him is -...iti,,g 1t'Pth'i,}'e, ott' Aaetisto [tei p,'a..., and to say, I Praise the LORDo; for oppt-,o..m. 8 tOi ioett:te hii.e, ife..i b I Chr. 1.34. his mercy endureth for ever. -not death, and burial. P.. 136. 1. 22 ~ And when they began to sing and to NOW tJehostaphat slept with his fa- 889. 1 Chr. 16.41. praise, dthe LORD set ambushments agatinst thers, and was buried with his fathers lKin.22.50. [ch.6.13. &h7. the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount in the cityof David. AndJehoram his son 3,6. Seir, which were come against Judah; and Ittreigned in his stead. Ao theb. A.nd II they w0 eoemitten. 2 And tl hod brethren the soot of JeboshO tto tittt 23 For the children of Ammon and Moab aptat, Azariah, oddehiel, and Ze tariath, tht toy it. stotd up agoatost the inhabitants of mount and A taria, ansd liclhoel, and Stephatit He b. in Seir, utterlytosly and destroy thento: and aho: all tt toe toese the sons of Jehoshaphat wne hen they hod nade an end of tte inhahit- king of Israel. dJitg. 7. 22. atot of Seir, every one helped to destroy 3 And heir fathe gave them great gifts of Sao.t. 14 00. antother. tilver, aod of gold, and of precious things, 11 Or, t|y 24 And lten Judah came toward the wit~ fnced cities in Jsdah: but tte ting- 892.. I.. watchto.wer in.thte wilderness, they looked dom gave te to IIJehoram; because Ote ses 1J'Oso"n. anothe.t. unto the multitude, and, bellold, they twere tile firstborn, sad, p.otSt, ft /t dead bodies fallen to the earth, ad 0none 4 Now when Jehoram nas risen up to dthe O TdetothLio.. es.ped. kingdom of his father, he strengthened him- wi h, t Htl,. there 25 And nwhen Jetosnaphat and his people self, and slew all his breothren with the te, It came to take away the spoil of them, they sword, and divers also of the princes of 2 Kin.. 16.!tesaloting. found among them in abundance both riches Israel. with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, 5 ~ b Jehoram was thirty and two years old 892. twhich they stripped off for themselves, more when he began to reign, and lie reigned Olooost than they could carry away: and they were eight years in Jerusalem. 2 Kin.. 17, three days in gathering of the spoil, it was 6 And ie walked in the way of the kings h&. so much. of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab: for 26 ~ And onthe fourth day thby assembled he tad the daughter of Ataha to oifeo and Colh. 22.2.' Thot is, themselves i the valleyof 11Beractah; foe li rought that ohih was evil in th eyes Blessing. there they blessed the LORD: therefore the of the LORD. name of the same place nwas called, The 7 Howbeit the LORD would not destroy valley of Beraehah, unto this day. the house of David, because of the covenant 27 Then they returned, every man of Ju- that he had made with t avid, and as he dah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat in the promised to give a Slight to him and to his t Iet. Ooop, t sIe,. ead. t forefrot of them, to go again to Jerusa- dosons for ever. or, -atdle. |t.Wh. 12.43. lemowithjoy; for the LORD had emade them 8 ~eIn his days the Edomites revolted d2Slm. 7.12, to rejoice over their enemies. from under the S dominion of Judah, and 1.9 28 And they came to Jerusalem with poal- made themselves a king. l'Kin. 11.36. teries and harps and trumpets unto the 9. Then Jehoram went forth with his 2Ki.8. 19. house of the LORD. princes, and all his chariots with him:' 12. fch. 17. 10. 29 And ftho fear of God was on all the h oe p by nigt, ad ote the. and he rose up by nighlt, and smote the kingdoms of Ohose countries, when they had Edomites which conpassed him in, and te 889. heard that the LORD fought against the captains of the chariots. 2 King.8.20, eenmies of Israel. 10 So the Edomites -revolted from under Hh. 30 So the realm of Jehoshaphat soas quiet: the hand of Judah untothis day. The same tH. t. goh. 15. 15. for his'/God gave him rest round about. time also did Libnhah revolt from under his Jot 34.2)9. 31 ~ hAnd Jehoshaphat reigned over Ju- hand; because he had forsaken the LORD h i Kin.22.41, dah: he was thirty and five years old when God of his fathers. &c. bhe began to reign, and he reigned twenty and 11 Moreover he made high places in the five years in Jerusalem. And his mother's mountains of Judah, and caused tte inname as Azubah the daughter of Shilhi. habitants of Jerusalem to fcommit forni- f/Le. 17.7.& 32 And he walked in the way of Asa his cation, and compelled Judah thereto. 20. 5. father, and departed notfrom it, doing that 12 ] And there came a II writing to him'e. 13. ]which was right in the sight of the LORD. from Elijah the prophet, saying, Thus saith t Wich i ot i~eeeh. 17.0. 33 IHowbeit'the higt places nere not the LoRD God of David thy father, Because hiit h taken away: for as yet the people had not ohis de ot ed i the ysofehOsh- Kig. 1. thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehosh- Biua.1 kh. 12'141&d kpreparedtheir hearts untothe Godof their aphat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa 19. 9. fathers. king of Judah, e. He ord 34t Now the restof the acts of Jehoshapbat, 13 t hst wledi of the ig 4 13 But hast walkedlanthe way of the kings x.715,7. first and last, betold, they o~e written in of Israel, and hast gmade Judah and the Dt. 31. 16. H,, e t book of Jeho the son of Ioanani, twho inhabitants of Jerusolem to hgo a whoring, i 100.2016 31t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hx 34l. 1.5. -1de t. S- t ic mentioned in the book of the kings of lihe to the onhboredoms of the house of Ahab,. Ietd. Israel. and also hast kEslin tby beethren of tty fa- ntege9.22. s Ki.22.48, 35 ~ And after this n didJehoshbaphat king ther's house, hich.ero better than thy- ntr.e. 49. of Judah join himself with Ahaziah king of self: t et 9, Israel, wo did ver wickhedly 14 Behold, with' a great plague will the tke. 319 Ahaziah's wicked reign. II. CHRONICLES. Athaliah's usurpation. B.C. 889. LORD smite thy people, and thy children, they, he is the son of Jehoshaphat, who B.C. 884. and thy wives, and all thy goods: i1souoht the LORD with all his heart. So 15And thou shalt have great sickness by the house of Ahaziahl had no power to keep -eh. 17. 4. I ec. 18, 19. /disetse of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall still the kingdom. out by reason of the sickness day by day. 10 ~ OBut when Athaliah the mother of 884. about 887. 16 ~ Moreover the LORD "stirred up Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she o2 Kings 11.,Ii11.14, against Jehorae the spirit of the Philts- arose and destroyed all the seed eoyal of.. 23. tines, and of the Arabians, that were neare the house of Judah. the bthiopiansee 11 But P Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the p 2 Kin. 11.2, Heh.e- ci d 17 And they came up into Judah, and king,tookJoashthesonofAhaziah, andstole Jh.ohba. ecaptiee:See brake into it, and tcarried away all the him from among the king's sons that wore.h.L2. 11. substance that was found in the king's slain, and put him and his nurse in a bedchl.t2. 7. house, and'this tons also, and. his wives; chamber. SoJehoshabeath,the daughterof 887. so that there was never a son left him, save kingJehoram,thewife ofJehoiadathepriest, [ OrtAAhi, IIJehoahliaz, the youngest of his sons. (for she was the sister of Ahaziah,) hid him,li. 22. I. c, 18~ l And after all this the LORD smote him from Athaliah, so that she slew him not..42arla.h i h, 22aiaO. o~ h1is bowels with an incurable disease. 12 And he was with them hid iu the house 19.. And it came to pass, that in process of of God six years: and Athaliah reigned 880. time, after the end of two years, his bowels over the land. I His son, fell out by reason of his sickness: so he died CHAPTER XXIII. Po,,.e. of sore diseases. And his people made no 1Jehltiada, hving set thigs ir aosder, makhet 2Kingasg.290, burning for him, like ithe burning of his Joohlking. Il2dthaliahislain. 16Jehoiada soon after. fathers. esatoreti the o,.,oship of Goi. over. 15. 20 Thirty and two years old was he wten AND 0in the seventh ycea Jehoiada 878. p ch. 16.14. he began to reign, and he reigned in Jeru- l. strengthened himself, and took the 2 King 11. t Hob. with- salem eight years, and departed twithout captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of 4, &c. o it de.,ire, being desired. Howbeit they buried him Jercham, andIshmaelthe sonof Jehohanan, Jer. 22.18. in the city of David, but not in the sepul- and Azariah the son of Obed, and Maaseiah chres of the kings. the son of Adaiah, and Elishaplhat the son ~CHAPTER XXII. of Zithri, into covenant with him. CHAPTER XXII, i Atazioh is-ceedi. -cinteh ckie1kdly. 5 t his 2 And they went about in Judah, and gathcofed-acy oith Jor-m the e,, of,4ab, he i ered the LeVites out of all the cities of Ju-;(i,, by ceht. 10 A thaliah, deotroyig all the dah, and the chief ofthe fathers of Israel, seed.oyal, sae Joaih,,homw Jehosabath hie and they came to Jerusalem. aacet hid, Os optph tho kicgd0. 3 And all the congregation made a cove885. A ND the inhabitants of Jerusalem made nant with the king in the house of God. And a2 Kin.. 4, -LI. Ahaziah his youngest son king in his he said unto them, Behold, the king's son he!. stead: for the band of men that came with shall reigu, as the LORD hath 6 said of the 52 Sam. 7. 12. Oeoe-.21.17. the Arabians to the casip had slain all the sons of David. 1 Riag. 2. 4. bolest. SoAaiah te so n ofJhoa etc. 0. Iboldest. So hazia tthe on of Jehoram 4 This is the thing that ye shall do; A &.. 16.. 21. 17. king of Judah reigned. third part of you C entering on the sabbath, 7.1. 21.7. See 2 Kings 2 CForty and two years old twas Ahaziah of he priests and of the Levites, shall be lChr.9. 25. 8. 21. when-he began to reign, and hie reigned one porters Of tlihe t doors; t year in Jerusalem. His mother's name also 5 And a thiird part shall be at the king's reHold8. dor,. 21.6. was d Athaliah the daughter of Omri. house; and a third part at the gate of the 3 He also walked in the ways of the house foundation: and all the people shall be in of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellotr tleo courts of the house of the LORD. to do wickedly. 6 But let none come into the house of the 4 Wherefore hie did evil in the sight of the LORD, tave the priests, and dticy that it Ch.t23.28, LORD like tile house of Ahab foe they ministe of thc Levites; they oeall go in, 29. 884. were his counsellores, /ofter the death of his for they at.e holy: but all tihe people shall e2Kin. 8. 28, father, to his destruction. keep the watch of the LORD. &o. 5 ~ He walked also after their counsel, and 7 And the Levites shall compass the king f2IKin. 9. 15. ewent with Jehoriam the son of Ahab king round about, every man with his weapons t Heb. herte. of Israel to war against Hazael king of in his hand; and whosoever else comethinuitl they Syria at Ramoth-gilead: and the Syrians to the house, he shall be put to death: but ood smote Jorar. be ye with the king when he cometh in, and 0i1wu. 6fAnd he returnedd to be healed in Jez- when he goeth out. nOtherwise rel because of the wounds t which were 8 So the Levites and all Judah did accord-! calld Aha. c given him at R.amah, when he fought with ing to all things that Jehoiada the priest slab. etc. 1. gcahna ~aweeh aa aOel king ofSyroia. And IiAzaiah tii had ecommanded, and took every ma his ioa, oh. -. eta of king of Judah went down to men that were to come i. oa the sabbath, 17. see Jehoram the son of Ahab at Jezreel, with them that were to go out on the sabHob. tread. because ice was sick. bath: for Johoiada the priest dismissed not ingidocce. 7 And the tdestruction of Ahaziah gwas ethe courses. e r. gJudg. 14. 4. of God by coming to Joranm: for when ho 9 Moreover Jehoiada the priest delivered 24. & 25. [ Kina.12.l. was come, he hwent out with Jehoram to the captains of hundreds spears, and eh. 10. 15. against Jehu the son of Nimshi, iwhom the bucklers, and shields, that had beent king [2 Kin. 9.21. LORD had anointed to out off the house of David's, which toere in the house of God. i2 Kings 9. 6, Ahab. 10 And he set all the people, every man 7. 8 And it came to pass, that, when Jehu having his weapon in his hand, from the k 2 Kings. 10; was Iexecuting judgment upon the house of right side of the t temple to the left side of 8 Hob. 10, II. Ahab, and l found the princes of Judah, and the temple, along by tie altar and the tem- Cldelr. i 2 Kings 10. the sons of the brethren of Ahaziah, that plt, by the king round about. tHeb. foc.. 13. 14. ministored to Ahaziah, hlie slew them. 11 Then they brought out the king's son, 72Rietin. ii'And he sought hazhiah: and they aid pat Apon him the ocrow, and fowve fDoat.17.18. at hoidd. caughthim, (forheiwas hidinSamaria,) and him the testimony, and made him king. ]in tile kingio So brught hi to Je: and when they had And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, t,tb. Lat the om slain hiim, theoy buried hiim: Because, said and aid, tO God save the king. kilglive. set I.... t7 is slain. II. CHRONICLES. The temple repaired. *B C 878 12 ~ Now bhen Athaliah heard the noisc of j 3 And the king called for Jehoiada the B. C. 85G6. the people running and praising the king, chief, and said unto him, tYhy last thou not she came to the people into theSouse of the required of the Levites to brinlg in out of I 12 Kil. 12. 7. LORD: Judah and out of Jerusalem the collection, 13 And she looked, and, bellold, the king according to to te coeotanddmoenl of eiIoses eEx.30.12,13, stood at his pillar at the entering in, and thle servant of the LORD, alud of the congre- 14, 16. the princes and the trumpets by the king: gation of Israel, for the f tabernale of wit- fNlm.. 1. 50. and all the people of tkhe land rejoiced, and ness? Aets 7. 41. sounded withl trumpets, also the singers 7 For othe sons of Athaliah, that wicked gech. 21. 17. lCllr. 25. 8. with instruments of music, and Osuch as woman, had broken up the house of God; taught to sing praise. ThenAthaliah rent and also all tile hdeclicted things of the h2 in.1 12.4. t llel. Coo- her clothes, and soid, t Treason, treason. house of the LORD did they bestow upon p-Lolcey. 14 Then Jehoiada the priest broughlt out Baalim. the aptails of hundreds thot were set over 8 Anld at the king's comonandment ithey i 2 iin. 12. 9. the host, and said unto them, Have her made a chest, and set it without at the gate forth of thle ranges: and whoso followeth of the hlouse of the LORD. her, let him be slaln with tle sword. For 9 And they made t a proclamation through t H.el,. the priest said, Slay her not In the hlouse of Judah and Jerusalem, to bring in to the oce. the LORD. LORD ktlloe collection that Moscs the serv- bver. G. 15- So they laid hands on her; and when she ant of God laid upon Israel in the wilderetl. 3. 28. n as come to tlce ntering hLof thle colse gate ness. by thle hing's house, they slew her there. 10 And all the princes and all the people 1G ~ And Jehoiada made a covenant be- rejoiced, and brought in, and cast into tlle tween him, and between all the people, and chest, until they had made an end. between the king, that they should be the 11 Now it came to pass, that at what time LORnD' people. the chest was brougllt unto tlce king's office 17 Then all thle people went to the house of by the Iland of the Levites, and Iwhllen they 12 Kiin.12.10. Baal, and brake it down, and brake his saw that there was much money, the king's iDsot. 13. 9. altars and his images in pieces, and islew scribe and the ligh priest's officer came and Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars. emptied the chest, and took it, and carried 18 Also Jehoiada appointed the offices of it to tlis place again. Thus tlley did day by the house of thle LORD by the hand of the day, and gathered money in abundance. kl Chr. 23. 6, priests the Levites, whom David hal kdis- 12 And the king and Jelloiada gave it to 30, 31. & 24. tributed in the louse of the LORD, to offer such as did thle ork of the service of the 1. tlhe burnt offeriugs of the LORD, as it is ousof te oD, and hlired masons and l Nun. 28. 2. written in the llaw of Moses, with rejoicing carpenters to repair tle house of the LORD, t icl,. by tAe and with singing, as it wats ordaline t by and also such as wrought iron and brass to htc htds oY la- David. mend tile lhouse of tie LORD. *idX. 19 l nd he set the'porters at the gates of 13 So tce sorkmcn e rought, and tthe tHcl,. t7ie lellcr.25.2,. the hlouse of the LORD, tlat none which work was perfected by them, and they set ihealivg ueect sn Chrce. 1. s. coas unclean. in ca.y thing should enter in. the lcouse of God in his state, and stree.gtlc- c1c slcicos O &c. 20 11 And Ihe took tle captains of hundreds, ened it. uoA. 2fiio.ll.l9. and thle nobles, and tile governors of the 14 And whee they had finished it, they people, and all thle people of the land, and brouglht the rest of the money before tcle broughlt down the king from the house of king and Jehoiada, lcwhereof were made? See2Kings the LORD: and they came through thle hligll vessels for the house of the LORD, even ves- 12.13. gate into ttle king's ouse, and set the king sels to minister, ao d I to offer 2sittal, aosd!s Ore, estiss. upon the tllrone of the kingdom. spoons, and vessels of gold and silver. And 21 And all tle people of the land rejoiced: they oeffed burnt offerings in the house of and the city was quiet, after that they had the LORD continually all the days of Jeslain Athaliah witlh the sword. hloiads. 15 ~ But Jehoiada axed old, and sas full about 820. CHABPTER XXIV. of days hlen lie died; a hundred and thirty years old as he whllen lie died. H q5ssiveth dEh fosll tlcsea f tJheitemle. f 16 And they buried him in the city of DaHe slict] oder for the secpais- of the temple. 15 Jehoiada's d eate h asd he,ocsasole bucial. 17 vid among tile kings, because he lhad done Joash, fallilg to id1tolact yl, dyeth 2eclactah the good in Israel, coth toward God, and toward JO)I of Jehoiada. 23 Jonch zs spoiled by the Sqr- his house. i,,ls, a hl e Oai ed y a ld Jehozabad. 27 17 Now after the death of Jehoiada came about 840. sAteccich -sceeesdath hic. the princes of Judah, and made obeisance about 878. TOASH awas seven years old when lte to the king. Then the king hearkenedunto a2in.ell.21. ti began to reign, and he reigned forty them. sllis 14.23. & 12.1, &c. years ill Jerusalem. His mother's name 18 And they left the house of the LorD. also nas Zibiall of Beer-slheba. God of their fathers, and served "groves od. 19. 2. & b ee ch. 26.5. 2 AndJoash b did thzt hich was right in and idols: and'wvrath came upon Judah 28. 13 & 29. the sight of the LORD all the days of Jehoi- and Jerusalem for this their trespass. 8. & 32. 25. ada the priest. 19 Yet he 2lsent prophets to them, to bring i, cll. 6. 15. 3 And Jelloiada took for him two wives; them again unto the LORD; and they testi- Jer.7. 25, 26. and he begat sons and daghters. fied againstthem: but they would not give & 26. 4. 4 h Aend it came to pass after this, that car. ch. 1S. 1. & tHels.soree- Joash was minded Oto repair the house of 20 And'the Spirit of God tscame upon 0. 14.,tel. te LORD. Zechril the son of Jehoiada the priest, t Heo,. 8iG. 5 And lce gathered together the priests and which stood above tle people, and said ulnto cd.ld,s a tihe Levites, andl said to tcem, Go oult unto tllem, Thus saith God, 0Why transgrcss ye J] g. 6i. 14. c21 in. 12. 4. thle cities of Judah, anld Cgather of all Is- the commandle nts of the LORD, tlhat ye s' U1. 14.41. rael money to repair tlce louse of your God cannot prosper? s lecause ye have forsaken ch. 15. 2. from ye'r to year, anld see that ye lhastenl tile LORD, lie hath also forsaken you. 840. the onatter. LHombeit the Levites hastened 21 And they conspired againlst him, and tInitt. 23. 35. it not. tstoned lim wvith stones at the command- Acts7.58,59. 21 321 Amaziah's reign. II. CHRONICLES. He fallet to idol t. C.840. meoot of the king in the court of tho house 8 But if thoo wilt go, do it, be strongforI B. C. 829 of the LORD. the battle: God shallmoko tOhee fall before 2 Thus J oasl the kingrememberednotthe the eneoy:'for God hath fpower to help, feo. 20.0 kindness whichJehoiadahisfatherhad done and to cast down. tohim, but slew his son. And whenhedied,he 9 And Amazlah said to the man of God, said, TheLORD lookuponit, andrequire it. Butwhat shallewe doforthehundredtalents 840. 23 ~1 And it came to pass tat the end of whichl I have given to the tarmy of Israel? tHeb. nocd. tHeb.,o tho the year, that Uthe host of Syria came up Anod tho moan of God answered, UThet LOth lD. 10. 2. Iweol -to, of against him: and they came to Judah and is able to give thee much more than this. the year. Jerusalem, and destroyed all the princes of 10 Then Amaziah separated them, to wit, [ie.12.17. the people from among the people, and sent the army that was come to him out of 839. alltle spoil of them unto the king of tDa- Ephraim, to go theme again: wherefore t b. t! sb. maso us. their anger was greatly kindled against Ju- thebplace. Doa,',esek. 24 For the army of the Syrians came with dah, andthey returnedhome tin great anger. t Hb. ib h-o oLo. 26.. smaoll company of men, and the LORD 11 h And Amaziah strengthened himself, efeoce,.. 10ut. 32. 0. 0delvered a verygreat hostinto their hand, and led foth his people, and eent to tithe.boot 827. Is. 30. 17. because they had forsaken the LORD God valley of salt, and smote of the children of y Le. 26. 25. of 2heir fothers. So they executed judg- Seir t thousand. 2l 14.7. D.uot.28. 2. ment against Joash. 12 Aod ottoot ten thousand loft alive did Zlh. 22. 8. 25 Andwheo they were departed from him, the children of Judah carry sewy captive, i. 10. 5. (fortheylefthim n great diseases,)'hi own and brought them unto the top of the rook, o 2 Kin.12.20. servants conspired against him for the blood and casttboo donfrofe thetoep of the rock, b vet. 21. of thoe soensofJefioibao tt t epriest, aod sle tlot they all were brokeon in pieces. himon his bed, and he died: andtheyburied 13 ~ But tthe soldiers of the army -which Hob. Me him in the city of David, but they buried Amaziah sent back, that they shlould not go oe f the er, him not in the sepulchres of the kings. with him toobattle, fell upon the cities of tofd. Jo[ OOOOO 23 And these are they that conspired Judah,from Samaria even untoBeth-horon, 2 Kin. 12.21.s n..1. against him; It Zabad the son of Shimoath and smote three thousand of them, and took [ Or, Shotete,. an Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the son of much spoil. 839. 0 Shimrith a Moabitess. 14'I Now it came to pass, after that Amaco2 KIin12.18. 27 ~ Now eoneoerning his sons, and the ziah was come from the slaughter of the t]!b. greatness of'the burdens laid upon himc Edomites, that ihe brought the gods of the iSeeeh.28.23. founding. and the t repairing of the house of God, be- children of eir, and set them up to be khis kt. 10. 3, 5. Or, hold, Obey otto written in tie'I story of the gods, and bowed down himself before them, o~,2to..t..o.. book of the kings. dAndAmaziah his son and burned incense unto theom. d2 Kin.12.21. reigned in his stead. 15 Wherefore the anger of the LORD was CH APTER XXV. kindled against Amazich, and hie sent unto I -ii b sgi-tdth Ro0 -, t -IIoet. 3 Ife xeecf- him a prophet, which said unto him, Why eth jusi -0 tihe e t heato,:s.5'Haviig hi,-, honst thou souglt after Ithe gods of tte peo- i s. 9. 5. eoo0y of Isotloto ogoioot 0he sEdeots, ot the pie, which tt could not deliver their own peo- oseec. ii. ord of al.opo het oe losetth thte to td?.et taletts, pie out of thine hand? oI'd disniothtem.. tth o ovoeItho'fth the 16 And it carne. to pass, as lho talked with Bld-tltoo. 10, 13 The Iotites,dodei tIt-tdti Wlnim, that the Icing said unto him, Art thou Iloot, tiscicsolot, soieltoot0,.eotototc~1 toosl. 14 teaotit, 0,tooooftooiebe'ctho,/]e, etoe'.olh ma edeof the king's counsel 1 forbear; why of Edom, aod des,,pieth the dmonitions of the shouldestthou be smitten? Then tle prophote,'otht. 17 eleporotoethJo ash tohi.ovethrot. ct forbare, and said, I know that God hath 25 Hils eigs,. 27 HI,s sloai, by cotspilacy. t 0 determined to destroy thee, because thou G eb. ao Kin. 14. 1, A iTIAZIA-oawastwentyandfiveyears old hast done this, and hast not hearkened un- eoso1ttoot. be. 4-L w. hen he began to reign, andhe reigned to my counsel. cloe.2.25. twentyandnineyearsinJorusalem. Andhis 17 ~ Then ~Amaziah king of Judah took 826. mother'so name oasJehoaddeanofJerusolcml. advice, and sent to Joash,thte son of Jehoa- o2 in. 11. 8, 2 And he did that which wa gs right in the t az, the son of Jelhu, king of Israel, saying, 0 t.:lSe 2 Kings sight of the LORD, b but not with a perfect Come, let us see one another in the face. 14.4. heart. 18 And Joash king of Israel sent to Amae{0. 10. 32 Now it came to pcss,swhen tie kingdom ziah kin of Judao, saying, The, thistle that IOr, fso~o e 2 Kin. 14.5, was testablished to him, that he slow his t wasinLcbanon senttothe codarthatowaoin toot, o. &e. servants that had killed the king his father. Lebanon,saying,Give thy daughter to my son [thoIa. ieb. 4 But he slew not their children, but dil towife: and there passed byttvildbeastth at t He,. a toos / a it is written in the loaw i the book of wos in Lebnon, and trode dotn thet itl. ftoit as5, Iethistl. Moses, where tile LORD commanded, say- 10 Thou sayost, Lo, thou hast smitten the dDflt.l2.O1. ting, dThe fathers shall not die for the chil- Edomites; and thine lheart liftetlh thee up 2 Iin. 1. 6. droen, neither sthall the children die for the fa- to boost: abide now at home; why shtouldest Jor. 01. 0. thers, but every man shall die for his own sin. thou meddle to thine hurt, that thou shouldE.18. t20. ~ Bioercover Amaziah gatheredJudah to- est fall, even thou, and Judah with thee? gether, and made them captains over thou- 20 But Amaziah would not hear; for Plit pl Kin.12.15. sands, and captains over hundreds, accord- came of God, that he might deliverthem in- ohl. 22. 7. ing to thehouses of theirfathers, throughout to the hand of their ene;ies, because they all Judeah and Benjamino: and he numbered 9soueot after the gods of Edom. Qee. 04. e Lu. 1.3. them'from twentyyears old and above, and 21 SoJoash the king oflsrael went up; and found them three hlundred thousand choice they saw one another in the face, both he men, able to go forth to war, that could and Amazilt king of Jodat, at Both-shehandle spear and shtield. mesh, which belongeth to Judah. 1 1othired oloo a hundrded thousanod omigthty 22 And Judah was t put to toe worse before t Heb. men of vour ouot ofe Israelfo a hundred Israel, and tey fed every man to his tent. lmlttt. talents of silver. 23 And Joash the king of Israel took Ama7 But there came a man of God to him, ziah king of Judah, the sou of Joash, the saying, 0 king, let not the army of Israel go son of "Johoahaz, at Beth-shmesh, and [Ro ch.21.17[ with thee; for the LORD is not with Israel, brought him to Jerusalem, and brake down & 22. 1,. to owit, woith all the children of Ephraim. I the toll of Jerusalem from tto gale of 322 'izziah's reign, II. CHRONICLES. leprosy, and death. B. C. 8G6. Epraim to ttlec corner o ate, four lundred helmets, and habergeons, and bows, and B. C. 810. cubits. t slings to cast stones. t lIeb. the 24 And he took all the gold and the silver, 16 And lie made in Jerusalem engines, in- t el. tones 7a.eo1'it tah. and all tble vessels that.erc fbund in tle vented by cunning..en, to be on tle toweers of ltin.s. h louse of God weith Obed-edom, and tlh treas- and upon tle bulwarks, to shoot arlrows and ures of the king's houlse, the hostages also, great stones withal. And his name tspred tHel,. veti and returned to Samaria. far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, fo-th. in, 11.1, 25 ~ tAnd Amaziall tble son of Joash kin till le was strong. of Judall lived after thie death of Joash son 10 l But hwhen he was strong, his heart about 765. of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years. was ilifted up to his destruction: for he hDcut.32.15. 26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, transgressed against theLoRD his God, and iDent.. 1. first and last, behold, ae- ttey not written in k went into the temple of the LORD to burn ch. 25. 19. 81. the book of the kings of Judah and Israel? incense upon tlte altar of incense. kSo 2 Kings t Hsb. fsn 27 ~ Now after thle time tiat maziah did 17 And dAzariah ttle priest went in after 16. 12, 13..ftl1. turn asway tfrom fro folloin the LORD they him, and twith him fourscore priests of the II Cllr.. 10. t, IrelC- t made ad conspiracy against him in Jerusa- LORD, t/eet c?-. valiant men: l co. lem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent 18 And they witllstood Uzziah the king, s to Lachish after im, and slew him there. and said unto him, It 1appeltaineth not mNlun.lf.40. cilt oft a dl, 28 And they broulght him upon horses, and unto thee, Uzzia, to burn incense unto the 18. 7. -siti,2 Kil. buried him with his fathers in the city of LORD. buteto tl1priests tllesons ofAaron, n3x.30.7,8. 14. 20. IJudah. that are eonsecrated to burh incense: go CHAPTER XXVI. oult of tile sanctuary; for thou llast tresIUzisao succe,elleq, anl 1e in,,,uell it the das, passed; neither shall it be for thline lonour of7eeariah. p,ospereh. 16 Ii'Vainlr/odol, he froln the LORD God. iv hadet the?,, iests offle, atd is snitel.,,ith 19 Then Uzziah was wroth, and had a leqrosy. 2 oledieth, andJothae,.succedoth/i,on. censer in his hand to burn incense: and 810. THENoallthepeople of Judah tooklUzzi- lwhile he was wrothll itli the priests, ~thle O Nm,. 12.10. 2lKit 111 1. ah, elo tvae s sixteen years old, and made leprosy even rose tp in his forchead before 2 Ii.l. 5. 27. 2,. 15. 1 him king in the room of his father Amaziah. the priests in the house of the LORD, from &Lc.. 2 He built Eloth, andrestored it to Judah, beside the incense altar. I Or Azariah. aEter that the king slept siitl Iis fathers. 20 And Azariat tte chief priest, and all 8 Sixteeon years old lwas Uzziah when he the priests, looked upon him, and, bellold, began to reign, and lhe reigned fifty and two he evas leprous ill his forelead, and tley years in Jerusalem. His mother's name thrust him out from thence; yea, himself also ewas Jecoliah of Jerusalem. P hasted also to go out, because tile LORD e As Esth. 6. 4 Ald ele did that eohich wvas right in the had smitten him. 12. sight of the LORD, according to all that his 21 Andl Uzziah thi e king was a leper unto q2 1in. 15. 5. father Amaziah did. thle day of his death, and dwelt in a t sev- r L-v. 13. 46.. bSeechl.24. 2. 5 And bhe sought God in the days of Zcsh- eral house, beisng a leper; for lie was cut Num. 5. 2. ecGen. 41. 15. ariall, lwho ehad understanding tin tile vi- off froin the house of tile LORD: and Jo- Dan. 1. 17. & sions of God: and as long as he sought the tham his son seas over the king's house, 2.19.& 10.. LORD, God made him to prosper. judging tlte people of tlle land. t Hel, ii th[e 6 And lie went forth and d warred against 22 ~ Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, asetltho oeit. sthe Pthilistines, and brake down the vall of first and last, did Isaiah the proplhet, the sIs. 1.1. dis. 14. 290. Gat, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall son of Amoz, write. Or,?L, tlt, of Ashdod, and built cities 11 about Ashdod, 23 tSo Uzziah slept with his fathers, and t2 Kin. 17. 7. country f and among the Philistines. they buried him with hIis fathers in the field Is. 6. 1. AtlIoed. 7 And God helped him against ethe Philis- of the burial which belonged to the kings; tts. 21. 1G. tines, and against the Arabians that dwelt for they said, He is a leper: and Jotham in Gur-balu, and the lehunim. his son reigned in his stead. f 2 Sm. 8. 2. 8 And the Ammonites fgave gifts to Uz- CHAPTER XXVII. cl. 17. 11. zialh: and his name t spread abroad even 1 Jotta les ioti, selspiiosptetlt. 611e sttbdsth t Heb. -erti. to the entering in of Egypt; for he strength- th,e Amnoites. 7 His ti-. succeedeth ened himtself exceedingly. hin. 9 Moreover Uzzialh built towers in Jerusa- TOTHAI aivas twenty and five years old 758. |g2Kin. 14.13. lem n at theen e began to reign, and hat te vallreign, and he teigsed a21in.15.32, NOoh.3.13,19, gate, and at the turning of t te Zetll, and sixteen years in Jcrusalem. His mother's hc. 32. 11 fortified ttlem. name also was Jeruslhalh, tile daughter of zecl. 141. 10. 10 Also he built towers in the desert, and Zadok. IiOr.,epai-ed. ii digged many wells: for he had much cattle, 2 And he did that tevich weas right in the Or si, Clt ts bott in the lou country, alld in the plains; sight of the LORD, according to all that his i,"t"Y lhusbandmen also, and vinedressers in the father Uzziah did: howbeit lie cntered not ctletts. tmountains, and in liCarmel: for he loved into the temnple of tile LORD. And the b621in. 15.35. l Or, f'tifttlf` t husbandry. people did yet corruptly. teltds. 11 orov Uzziah had a st of fi 3 HIe built the high gate ot tlt liouso of gtHebd. men, that went out to war by bands, ac- tile LORD, and onl the wall of liOphel he lOtr.', yM cording to the number of their account by biilt muc. the hand of Jeiel thle scribe and MIaaseiah 4 Moreover le built cities in tle mountains CI. 33. 14. the ruler, under the Iasd of Haoahilh, ole of Judh, and in the forests he built eastles Nts. 3. 26. of the king's captains. and towers. 12 Tlte whole nuoober oEf tse elief of tsle 5 ~ He fought also with the king of the Amfathers of the mighty men of valour tuere monites, and prevailed against them. And two thlousand and six hundred. the children of lmmlon gave him the same t els. Ste 13 Asd ullder ltheir land iesa tnn army, yer a lhunldred talents of silvcr, and tell,iieuer ofa"t three lundred thousand and seven thousand thousand measures of wheat, and tell tOlla: and five hundred, tlnt made titr nithnighbty sand of..rley. tSo...uc. did'Ilo children t heb. Til. power, to help Ilc king against thle enemy. of Almon pay unto him, both the second 14 And Uzziah prepared for them through- year, and:te tl!ird. out all tile host shields, and spears, and 0 So Jotham becanLe mighty, because he 323 T/le cap.tives of IT. CHRONICLES. JIda, sent home. B.C. 78. 8. I prepared his ways before the LORD his 13 And said unto them, Ye shall not bring. C. God. in the captives hither: for whereas we have about741. 110r, 7 [ Now the rest of tle acts of Jotham, otfended against the LORD altcady, ye inestaiisihei. and all his wars, and his ways, lo, they arse tend to add sLore to our sins and to our written in the book of the kings of israel trespass: for our trespass is great, and and Judah. thee is fiere lratllh against Israel. 8 He oas five and twenty years old when 14 So thle armed men left the captives and he began to reign, and reigned sixteen years the spoil before the princes and all tle conin Jerusalem. grcgation. about 742. 9 I C.And Jotham slept with his fathiers, and 16 And the men ~w hich were expressed by over. 12.,2Kin. 15.38. they buried tim in tile city of David: and name rose up, and took the captives, and Ahaz his son reigned in his stead. wvith tle spoil Clothed toll that were naked CHAPTER XXVIII. among them, and arrayed them, and shod 1 Aihazn 7eti,:ls vey w ick edly is rteatly ca./ietcl them, and l'gave them to eat and to drink, p2T(in. 6. 22. bylleSyrians. 6 Jtldal bengcsptovatetd byshe and anointed them, and carried all tile Pro. 21, Is~eliosinsclt oleoby thecotot0eld ofAlrle t feeble of them upon asses, and brought 22. pelpt I. -ldiotteridillg fo-i ei toi Aesl iio Cthem to Jericho, tlle city of palm trees, to Luke6. 27. -ot hlpIetd thereby. 22 ], h bs distrtess e tt e'oetJh Rolll. 12. 20. dno.e idosatlols. 26' Ie dying, 11ezekiah tsc- their brethren: then they returned to Samnaceedetr /imDt. 34. 3. dJudg. 1. 16. 741. A lAZ a"wzas twenty years old when Ihe 16 "7At that time did king Ahaz send about 741. 2 Kin. 16. 2. A began to reign, and he reigned sixteen unto tie kings of Assyria to help him. years in Jerusalem: but lie did not thlt 17 Foragain the Edomites lladcom and 2 Kiin.l167. uhich voas rigtll in the sight of tile LORD, smitten J.udah, and carried away tcaptives. f Hcb. like David hlis father: 18 STile Philistines also had invaded the a cecltiiy. 2 For he walked in the ways of the kings cities of tile low country, and of the south sEz. 16.27,57. b Ex. 34. 17. of Israel, and made also b molten images for of Judah, anadlad taken Betil-shemesh, and Lev. 19. 4. cBaalim. Ajalon, and Gederoth, anld Shocho witsl the cJudg. 2. 11. 3 Moreover he 11 burnt incense in ettlle val- villages tiereof, and Timnah with the villOrs, oeie-l Iley of tile son of IIinnom, alnd burnt ellis lages thereof, Gimzo also and the villages aesleif. e chllildren in the fire, aftcr the abominations thereof: and they dwelt tiere. dt2 Kin.23.10. of the heathen whlom the LORD llhad cst out 19 For the LORD brought Judah low beeLe.. 21. before thechildren of Israel. cause of Altaz king of tIsrael; for lie t c1. 21.2. 2 lKis. 16i.. 4 lIe sacrificed also and burnt incense in "tmade Judah naked, and transgressed sore Ex. 32. 25. cl. 33. 6. tile high places, and on the hlills, and under against tlhe LORD. every green tree. 20 And xTilgatih-pilneser king of Assyria 740. f Is. 7. L 5 Wherefore fthe LORD his God delivered came unto him, and distressed him, but O2 Kin. 1..29. about 741. lhim into the hand of tlhe king of Syria; and strecgthened tim not. & 16. 7, 89.'2 Kin. 16.5, thley g smote him, and carried away a great 21 For Ahaz took away a portion olt of 6. multitude of tllem captives, and brought the iouse of tie LORD, atd out of the t Het,. tthemsa to t Damascus. And lte was also do- house of the king, and of the princes, and.aliareseL. livered into the hand of tie king of Israel, gave it unto the king of Assyria: but he who smote hli with a great slaughter. hlelped him not. h2 Kiit.15.27. 6 ~' For hPekah the son of Remaliah slew 22 ~T And in the time of his distress did he in Judah alundred nd twenty thousand trespass yet more againstthe LORD: this t Helb. sos in one day, uehiceh evre all t valiant men; is thaect king Ahaz. of vatoui. becuseo tley lad forsaken the LORD God 23 For Yhle sacrificed unto the gods of yeSe.cl25.14. of tleir fatlers. tDamascuns, which smote him: and lie tlI{eb. 7 And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephlraim, said, Because the gods of tie kings of iiaDmetet. slew Maaseiah the king's son, and Atzrikam Syria help them, therefore will I sacrifice the governor of tile house, and Elkanah thlst to tilem, tat they may may lelp me. Beut they zJer.44..7,18. ttheb. tile 0 wa t next to the king. vere tile ruin of slim, and of all Israel. steo1tl to the 8 And the cllildren of Israel carried away 24 And Ahaz gattilered together tle vessels kislt. captive of their ibretllren two iundred tlou- of the Iouc of God, and cut in pieces the elli. 11. 4. sand, women, sons, and daughters, and took vessels of tie house of God, and shut up See 11. 29.3, alsoawaymuech spoilfromthem, andbrought the doors of the house of thle LORD, and hi lc the spoil to Samaria. made him altars in evely corner of Jeru9 But a prophet of the LORD 0was there, salem. wllosn e na e as Oded: and le went out 25 And in every several city of Judah he before tlhe host that cmne to Samaria, and made higll places lto burn incense unto HOr, to q0er. kPs. 69. 26. said unto tllem, Bellold, k becausce the otller gods, and provoked to anger the Is. 10. 5. & LORD God of your fathers was wroth wlith LORD God of his fathers. 47. 6. Judah, lie latll delivered tllem into youlr 2e b Now tile rest of his nets and of all b21Kin. 16.19, -Ez.25.12,15. hand, and ye have slain them in a rage his ways, first and last, behold, they are 20. Obs. lObs. that I reachleth up unto hleaven. written inl the book of the kings of Judah i Zech.. 1. 10 And now ye purpose to keep under and Israel. lEzra. 6. the children of Judall and Jerusalem for 27 And Ahaz slept with his fatlhers, and 726. av. 18. 5. S "bondmen and bondwomen unto you: bott they buried him in the city, evena in JerumLev. 25. 39, a'e thesre not witil you, eves with you, sins salem: but they brought him not into the 42, 43, 46. against the LORD your God? sepulchres of the kings of Israel: and Hez11 Now hear me therefore, and deliver tle ekiah his son reigned in his stead. captives again, whllic ye have taken oalptive nJames 2.13. of your brethren:' for tile fierce wrath of CHAPTER XXIX. the LORD is upon you. 1 UctIeklaSh's qoole,eie. 3 ee lseston'etS e'eligios. 12 Then certain of tie lieads of tile clil- 5 lle ezhoe'lfth the Levites. 12 The!L saerCtif/ dren of Eplhraim, Azariai h the son of Jot;a- tie,,ietFlse...,l. elee. tlse the, h.ot,. of GSod. 20 nan, Berechial the son of OMeslhillemotll ljeoioj qhi fSitS tolects tuaeeidicts,,el-eoeni t e and Jehizkialh the son of Shallurn, nmd Lhcidit test'sfoeoen l ItaLo, piete.iSs. Amnasn thle son of Hadlai, stood up against ETZE% EKIAI "bega71 to reign eheves hoe 726. them tiat came froo n tilo war, 1i 7.( lio e tland twenty years old, and he a2 Kin. 18. 1. 324 zekiah's good reign. II. CHRONTCLES His solemn sacrifices, B. C. 726. reigned nineand twentyyears inJerusalem. 19 Moreover all the vessels, whichl king L. C. 726. And his mother's naLnse ntcee Abijah, the Ahaz in his reign did Ocast away in his bcll. 26. 5. daughter bof Zechariah. trasgressionll, have we prepared ad sanec- o ch. 28. 24. 2 And lihe did that euhich i cs right in the titled, and, behllold,' they are before the sight of the LORD, according to all that altar of the LORD. David ieis father hlad done. 20 If Then Hezekialh the king rose early, 726. 3 S He in the firstyear of his reign, in the and gathered the rulers of tile city, and cSeech.28.24. first month, Copened the doors of the house went up to the house of the LORD. ver. 7. of the LORD, and repaired the. 1 And they brought seven bullocks, and 4 And ho' broult in tshe priests and the seven rams, and seven lambs, aeid seven he Levites, anud gathered them together into goats, for a'sin offeling for the kingdom, 1Lev. 4.3,14. the east street, and for the sancttary, andfor J udah. And 5 And said unto them, Hear me, ye Le- lie commanded the priests the sons of Aaron dlClhr. 15.12. vites; dlsanctify nolv yourselves, and sanc- to offer to een oen the altar of the LORD. ch, 35. 6. tify tihe house of tile LORD God of your 22 So tbey killed the bullocks, and the fatllers, and carry forth the filthiness out of priests reclved the blood, and isprinkled qLev.8.14,15, tihe hloly place. it on the altar: likeweise, when they had 1.9 24. 6 For our fatllers have trespassed, and killed the rams, they sprinkled the blood Heb. 9. 21. done that wchich 2eas evil in the eyes of the upon the altar: they killed also tele lambs, LORD our God, and hlave forsaken him, and and they sprinkled the blood upon the altar. e Jer. 2. 27. have eturned away their facee ffrom the hab- 23 And they brought t forth tie lie goats t teb. sear.,Ez. 8. et;, itation of the LORD, and t turned their foe' the sin offering before the king and the tHeb. gvet backs. congregation; and they laid their 9hands Lev.t4.15,24. ethe ccck. 7 fAlso they have shut up the doors of the upon them: f ch. 28. 24. porch, and put out the lamps, and have not 24 And the priests killed them, and tlley burned incense nor offered burnt offerings made reconciliation wlit their blood upon in the hloly place unto tile God of Israel. the altar, Ito make an atonement for all sLev. 14. 20. geh. 24. 1. 8 Wherefore the eewrath of the LORD Was Israel: for the king commanded that tice upon Judah and Jerusalem, and he hlath de- burnt offering and tile sin ofiering should tHelb. livered thlleml to ttrouble, to astonishment, be lcadce for all Israel. coellnotiotc, and to hhissing, as ye see with your eyes. 25 t And lie set tle Levites in the house of t I Chr. 16. 4. Det. 28.25. 9 For, lo *our fathers have fallen by tlle tlhe LORD wlith eymbals, with psalteries, & 29. 6. hl Kings9.8. sword, taid our sonsand our daughters and and with hlarps, -'according to tile com- ulCChr. 23.5. Jer. 18. 16. & our eives re in captivity for this. m. andment of l)avid, and of'Gad tlse & 2. 1. 21~~~~~~~~9. ~~~~~~~~~8. & 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o. " 8. b4. 18. &29 18. 10 Now it is in mine heart to make ka king's seer, and Natllan the ropltet: for le 9.4. i 2. 5, 6, covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that so seats the commandment tof the LORD 22Sem.24.11. I_ 17'. ]his fierce wrath may turn away from us. t by lis prop4 ets. y lh. 30. 12.,le. es. 12. 121 Iy sons, klbe not noew legligent: for 26 And the Ievites stood with the instru- t el,. by the the LORD hath / closen you to stand before ments t of David, and the priests with'the eetsd of the Oir, c iteot l chim, to serve him, and that ye should min- trumpets. feRD ister unto hlim, and Il burn incense. 27 And Hezekiall commanded to offer the t HeL. by the s. 1 i &-2, 12 ~ Tilell tihe Levites arose, Italath the burnt offering upon tile altar. And tcwhen It of. 6. son of Amasai, and Joeltthe son of Azariah, the burnt offering began, b the song of tile 1 Cllr. 23. 5. r of te sons of th e sons of the ollathites: and of the LORD began alto withl the trumpets, and Ass.. 5. eacrsicie. sons of Iterari; Kisll the son of Abdi, and' vwith the tinstruments ordainee l by David alun. 10. 8. Azarial thle son of Jealelelel: and of tlhe king of Isael. 1 Chi 15.24. Gersiollites i Joai tile son of Zimmall, and 28 And all the congregation morshlipped, & 16. 6. sEdel the son of Joah: and tile tsingers sallg, anld the trumpetersI HCn. e tihe 13 And of the sons of Elizaphan; Shinllri, sounded: naed all this coeltienued until tile tec. and Jeiel: and of tihe sonls of Asaph; Zeoh- burnt offering was finished. bni 23. 18. ariah, and IMattanialh: 29 And when they had made an end of tHeb.c l. 14 And of the sons of Hleman; Jehiel, and offering, c tile king and all that were t pres- efics. Shimei: and of the sons of Jedutilun; ent with him bowed themselves, and vorShemnaialh, and Uzziel. shlipped. t HOeb. so,. 15 And they gatllered tieir brethren, and 30 Moreover Hlezekiai the killg and the -h. 20. 18. snvetr, 5. c"sanctified tilemselve3, and came, accord- princes commanded thle Levites to sing s.b. d. r, ict else ing to te commandment of tile king, by praise unto te unto the LORD with the words of btsites. of the sords of the LORD, "to cleanse the David, and of Asaphl tile seer. And they stle LbOR house of tile LORD. sang praises lvitl gladless, and they bowed,l:. cc0. te 16 And the priests went into the inner their heads and worshipped. nlChr. 23.28. part of the house of the LORD, to cleanse 31 Then Hezekiali answered and said, it, and brought out all the uncleanness that Now ye have ilconsecrated yourselves unto ie Or,filled they found in the temple of tile LORD into tie LORD, come near and bring sacritices ycc e-d, the court of the house of the LORD. An ndand thank offcrings ito tie touse of tlse cl. 13. 9. the Levites took it, to carry it out abroad LORD. And the congregation brought in cILv. 7. 12. into the brook Kidron. sacrifices and thank offerings; and as many 726. 17 Now they began on the first day of the as were of a free heart, burnt offerings. first month to sanctify, and on the eighth 32 And tile number of tLe burnt offerings, day of the month came tiley to tile porcll of which the congregation brought, was tbreethe LORDe: so they sanctified the ihouse of score and ten bullocks, a hundred rams, tile LORD in eight days; and in tlhe six- and two hundred lambs: all these uere for teenth day of the first month thley made an a burnt offering to the LORD. end. 33 And thie consecrated things 2vere six 18 Then they went in to IIezekiall the hundred oxen and three thousand sheep. king, and said, oe hlave cleansed all the 34 But tie priests were too few, so tlat louse of the LORD, and the altar of burnt they could not flay all the burnt offerings: scll. 35. 11. offering, itll all the vessels thereof, and slecrefore etheir brethres thc Ievites i did t Hen, ttle sllebread table, with all the vessels e elp tpem, till tie wolk as ended, and thereof. until tile othes priests lhad sanctified these- t/ic..1 325 Hezekiah proclaimeth II. CHRONICLES. a solemn passover, B. C. 726. oselves: ffor the Levites tot'e more Yp- ioh people to keep th feastof t noleaven- B.C. 726. o'hN 3. right in heart to sanctify themselves than o i bread in the second. month, a very great fch. 30. 3. the priests. congregation. gsP. 7.10. 35 And also the burfit offerings werea in 14 And they arose o nd took away the t Lev. 3. 16. abundance, oith h the fat of th peace otfer- "altars that wvere in Jerusalem, and alltGe co. 20. 24. iNom. 15t 5, 1tgs, and othe drink offerings foo eovery altars for incense took they away, and o ast 7, 10. burnt offering. So tie service of the house themo into the brook Kidron. of the LORD was set in order. 15 Then they killed the passover on the ]6 And Hezekioh rejoiced, and all tle fourteenth day of the second month: and people, that God tad prepared tho pto- the priests and the Levites Were stshained, ott. 29. 31. pie: for the thing was done suddenly. and sanctified themselves, and hrought in the burnt offerings into the house of the COIAPTER XXX. LORD. I Hezekiah p'oelaioeth a soleto 1oo ssoveo o, ohe 16 Ani they stood in ttheir place after t tHeb. thei seondo monhotfoo Joodato aoold osodoe. t13 Te as- their manner, according to the law of M oloses ta n. ]-sobfy,.oooog det,'oyet the alltars ofidolatry, the man of God: the priests sprinkled tile keep tIefeastfo-toeeo days. 27 TIhep)iests nod blood, wohich they received of the hand of Levites bless tho polle. the Levites. A ND Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Ju- 17 For t0ere 0e many in the congregaX. dath, and wrote letters also to Ephraim tion that were not sanctified: t theretfore the 0 ot. 29. 74. and 0Manasseh, that they should come t tthe Levites had the charge of the killing of the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, to keep passovers for every one that eats not clean, tito passover unto the LORD God of Israel. to sanctify theot unto the LORD. 2 For the king had thaken counsel, and his 18 For a multitude of theo people, eve princes, and tll the congregation in Jo- Umanyof Ephraim and toanasseh, Issachar 000er. 11. rusaleom,to keep the passover in the second and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, 9l'm. 0.10, amouth. yet did they cat the passover otherwvise,,o. 12. 43, it. 3 For they could not keep it bat that time, than it was written. But Hezekiah prayed ho bEx. 12.6,18. ebehause the priests had not sanctified for them, saying, The good LORD pardon oth. 29. 34. themselves sufficiently, neither had the everyone people gathered themselves together to Je- 19 That Y preparoth his heart to seek God, 0 19..3. [ [rusalor. the LORD God of his fathers, though he bet t eb. ia. 4 And the thing tpleaosed the king and all not cleansed according to the purification ighOtt tino Othe congregatiaon. of the sanctuary.,yN of the.peye s Po they established a decree to make 20 And the LORD hearkened to IHIezekiah, proclamation throughout all Israel, from and healed the people. Beerosheba even to Dan, that they should 21 And the children of Israel that were come to keep the passover unto the LORD tpresent at Jerusalem kept %the foast of t *oe,.fotnd. God of Israel at Jerusalem: for they had unleavened bread seven days with great E:c.12.15.t & not done it of a long time it sue. h sort as gladness: and the Levites and the priests 13. C. it was written. praised the LORD day by day, siogingp with t tel,. from 6 So the posts went with the letters t from t loud instruments unto the LORD. [ tebhato the hoand. the king and his princes throughloutall Is- 22 And Hezekiah spae t comfortably unto 00/,, rael and Judah, and according to the corn- all tte Levites athat taught the good knowtl- t.0, /t maudment of the king, saying, Ye Children edgeoftheLonD oandtooydidoat through- t to. i t dJer.d. 0. 1|of Israel, (/turn ao ain unto the LORD God outthe feast seven days, offeringpeace of ir- ot [ 0, Jol 2. 13. of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and lie will ings, and bmaking confession to the LOnD / 0 o. return to the remnant of you, that are es- God of their fathers. ot. 33. 10. e2 Kin.L5.19, caped out of the hand of etheo kins of As- 23 And the whole assembly took counsel tt a Lent. 1~ 29. syria. to keep Cother seven days: and they kept o35. 3. f z. 20. 18. 7 And be not ye flike your fathers, and other seven days mith gladness. i Ez 10.11. like your brethren, which trespassed against 21 For Hezekiah king of Judah t d did give ]so t Khogo the LORD God of their fathers, toho there- to the congregation a thousand bullocks and a. og5. sg oh. 29. 8. fore Pgavt them up to desolation, as ye sec. seven thousand sheep; and the princes!ttb. Iifttd t 8 P ow a tbe yo not hIstiffneeked, as your gave to tit congregation a thousand hbull-.,00. l0, ofe 0ot yo00 fathers oere, but tyield yourseores unto ocks and ten thousand sheep: anda great ot,. teoos. the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary, number of priests e sanctified themselves. dt|O. 35. 7,8. I Deu..10.16. which he hath sanctified for ever: and 23 And all the eongrcgation of Judah, o t. 0. 391. f seb. gtoe serve the LORD your God, ithat the fierce- with the priests and tlho Levites, and all the thehani: Se. ness of his wrath may turn away from you. congregation f that came out of Israel, and f. 11, 18. t Chrs29. 00. 9 For if ye turn again unto the LORD, the strangers that out of the lond of Boots 00. 0. 0your biethren and your children shall fidt Israel, and that dwelt in Judah, rejoiced. 2 kcom0 passion before them that lead them 26 So there was great joy in Jerusalem: O t. 1000. 46. captive, so that they shall come aoain into for since the time of Solomon tit son of t E.. 34.. this land: for the LORD your God is igra- David king of Israel there toao not theo like |ious and merciful, and will not turn away in Jerusalem. | Nom..23. -mi. 55.7. this face from you, ifye 0return unto him. 27 ~ Tthen the priests theo Levites arose thib. the 10 So the posts passed from city to city, and hblessed the people: aod their vo ice / ho through the country of Ephraim and Ma.- was heard, and their prayer came utp to,t h ott nh. 36. 16. nasseh, eve0 unto Zebulun: but nthey this holy d tellingplace, eve0 unto heaven. o. i68.5. laughed tthem to scorn, ad moked them. CHAPTE XXX. CHAPTER XXXI. oSo oh. 11.16. 11 Nevertheless, o divers of Asoer and tla- 2,h pt ifto d t itp. 2 ve. t..2. 18 2leIepe sflo~.... l tso~i l ily.... tt. 0 22. onassch and of Zebuhlun humbled themselves, HeBootiot,o-doo, ti tdoe,le..s of to,, to.etto t-d and cae to Jerusalem. Lotodoooitofoo, toei, o 2. 13. 12 Also in Judah I'the band of God was to oetnace. 5 The peoole's foTrort dneos iOa ooeritngs give them one heart to do the commandment nd tithes. [. I-ezekiah d apOitltorb qaice,' to q... 29. 25. of the king andof the princes, hy the word dioo....ofthetitioo. 20Tlioityfotpfioiih. of the LORn. N 6W when all this was finished, all Is13 d And tilere assembled at Jerusalem I- rael that were tpresen otatt wen t out t..od 326 which is kept with gladness. II. CHRONICLES. Sennacherib's iovasion. I. C. 726. I the cities of Judah, and hbrake the t images three years old and upward, even unto ev- B.C. 726. in pieces, and cut down the groves, and cry one that entereth into the house of the a2 Xinl. 18.4. threw down the high places and the altars LORD, his daily portion for their service in tilh.shaoteos, Iout of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim their charges according to their courses; lch. 30. 14. also and Matnasseh, o until they had utterly 17 Both to the genealogy of the priests by t leb. ntil destoyed the alt. Then allo the children thehouse of their fathers, and the Levites 4t t.k, - of Israel returned, every man to his poe- s from twenty years old and upward, in n 1 Chr. 23.,md. session, into their own cities. their charges by their courses; 24, 27, b IClr.23.6.& 2 ~ And Hezekiah appointed b the courses 18 And to the genealogy of all their little 24.0. of the priests and the Levites after their oes, their sives, and their sons, and their courses, every man according to his service, daughters, through all the congregation: for 0Clc. 23.30, the priests and Levites efor burnt offerings i their lset otfice they sanctified them- 11O tt, 31. and for peace offerings, to minister, and to selves in holiness: give thanks, and to praise in the gates of 19 Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, the tents of the LORD. which ioere in the fields of the suburbs of Lev.. 25. 34. 3 He appoisnted also the king's portion of their cities, in every several city, the men Num. 35. a2. his substance for thh burnt offerings, to wit, that were o expressed by name, to give por- over,. 12, 3, for the morning and evening burnt offer- tions to all the males among the priests, 14,15. tings, and the burnt offerings for thle sab- and to all that were reckoned by gnealebaths, and for the neaw moons, and for the fies among the Levites. dl-um. 28. & set feasts, as it is written in the dlaw of h0 ~ And thus did Hezekiah throughout all 29. the LORD. Judal, and P wrought that which.... good a2 sin. 20. 3. 4 Moreover he commanded the peonle that andright andtruth before theLORD his God. 18. 8, dwelt in Jerusalem to give the eportion of 21 And in every work that he began in the &e. the priests and te Levitcs,that they might service of the house of God, and in the law,.ch1. 13. 10. be encouraged in f the laws of the LORD. and is the commandments, to seek his God, fSIl. 2. 7. 5 5~Andas soon asthe commandmenttocame he did it with all his heart, and prospered. tHebh. boaket abroad, the children of Israel brought in CHAPTER XXXII. feth...abundance 9the firstfruits of corn, wine, I S scts'eib iitcdiec Jdodd, HcstkiihfoiQfith ge. 22. 29. and oil, and II honey, and of all the increase himself, and e-eohrsetsh his people. 9Agaisnst Sole. 13. 12. of the field; and the tithe of all tlhings the blaspheiies of Seantaehrib, by vess-age asd t Oe, d ts,. brought they in abundh atly. lsttt-s, H-stfioh etsd 1seh, ss.e. 21 Asscs-gt 6 And concerning the children of Israel dCSssey ths hsstf tte isst, thlse l.eyf Hezekiah. 24 l1ekiah pr-ay-gtl i,, his.siekiese, and Judah, that dwelt in the cities of Ju- Godgiieoh 2dtna if t of recoveiy. 25 He hassq dah, they also brought in ti e tithe of oxen proud is humbldi by Ghod. 27 His wealth and Lse.. 27.301. and sheep, and the stithe of boly things cei. 31 is ee is tho -- slesseg efB.yDet. 14. 28. which were consecrated unto the LORD their lea. 32 He dfying, Mstanasseh sutcceedo him. O Ht b. heaps, God, and laid thec t by heaps. FTER these things, and the establish- 713. heapse. 7 In the third monthI they began to lay the t ment thereof, Sennacserib king of As- i1813, foundation of the heaps, and finished thews syris came, and entered into Judah, and in the seventh month. encamped against the fenced cities, and Is. 36.1, he. 8 And when Hezekiah and the princes thougit f to win them for himself. t1Hb. came and sas the heaps, they blessed the 2 And lwhen Hezekiasl sasthat Sennache- ts bfs LORD, and his people Israel. rib was come, and that t he was purposed th-esP. 9 Then Hezekiah. questioned with the to fight agsainst Jerusalem, tlHeb. hisfae priests andthe Levites concerningthe heaps. 3 He took counsel with his princes and his stte, 10And Azariah the chief priest of the house mighty men to stop the waters of the fount1 M.s 3. 10. of Zadok answered him, and said, iSince ains which swere without the city: and they the people began to bring the offerings into did help him. the house of the LORD, we have had enough 4 So there was gathered much people toto eat, and have left plenty: for the LORD gether, who stopped all the fountains, and hath blessed Ihis people; and that which is the brook that t ran through the midst of t Eb. left is this great store. the land, saying, Why should the kings of orefled. 11 $ Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare Assyria come, and find much water? t 1Oe,'chsambers in thc house of the LORD; and OAlsoihestrengthened himself, land built bis. 22. 9,10. lsttehouaest. they prepared the, up all the wall that was broken, andraisediS cch. 25. 23. 12 And brought in the offerings and the up to the towers, and another wall without, tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: and repaired d Mille in the city of David, d2 Sa.. 5. 9. Nth. 13. 13. kover which Cononisnh the Levitewsa ruler, and sade Idarts and shields in abundanct. 1 Ri. 9. 24. and Shimei his brother was the next. 6 And hle set captains of war over the Otr,so-ds, 13 And Jehiel, and Azaziah, and Nahath, peoptle, and gathered them together to him nt, sea and Asahel, and Jtrimoth, and Jozabad, in the street of the gate of the city, and tl'h. take and sEliel, and Ismaclhih, and MaIhth, and t spske comfortably to them, saying, t tHlb. ItBenaiah, wereoverseerstunderthehandof 7 c strong and courageous, /be not h. 30. 22. st tfslssss. Cononial and Sbimei his brother, at tie afraidnor dismayed for the kingof Assyria", 4e0. 2. commandment of Ilezekiah the king, and nor for all the multitude that is with him: tlDet.31g. Azariah the ruler of the house of God. for gthere be more with us than with him. f. 2 feb. 9.0. 15. 14 And Kote the son of Imnah the Levite, 8 With him is an h arm of flesh; but iwith 2 the porter toward tle east, was over the us is the LORD our God to help us, and to 7 in. 0. 1. freewill offerings of God, to distribute the fight our battles. And the people trested 1 7.. hiJer.s 44.. oblations of the LORD, and the most holy themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king l. 13.. i il. 13.12. things. of Judah. Rom. 8. 31. t heb. 15 And i next him were Eden, and tinia- 9 9~ kAfter this did Sennacherib king of to l It,. at hil asd. min, and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, Assyria send hisservantstoJerusalema I Josh. 21. 9. and Shecanish, in Ithe cities of the priests, (but he himself laid siege against Lachish, 110. O t, in their 55set office, to gite to their breth- and all his *power with him,) unto Heze- k2 Kin.18.17. 1tCht. 9. 22. ren by courses, as well to the great as to the kiah king of Judsh, and unto allJudahthat t oth. small: were at Jerustalcm, saying, doesnion. 16 Besides their genealogy of males, from 101Thus saith Sennacherib king ofAssyria, t 2 Kin. 18.19. 327 The Assyrians are destroyed. II. CHRONICLES. Manasseh's wicked reign.1 B. C.710. Wheron do ye trust, that ye abide Iliu the and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that B. C. 713. siege in Jerusalen? the wreat.h of the Loit) came not upon them i Or, i, the 11 Dotll not e Iezeki ah persude you to give hin the days of ylezokial. t2o in,20.19,.t1oe ehold. over yourselves to die by famine and by 27 ~ And Hezekiah had exceeding much e2 Iingse 18. thirst, saying, athe LOtD our God shall riches and honour: and he made himself 30. deliver us outtof the hand of the king of treasuries for silver, and for gold, and for Assyria? precious stones, naed for spices, and for n2Kin.18.22. 12 1LHath not the same Hezekiah taken shields, and for all manner of tploasant tHeb.i1nste,away his high places and his altars, and jewels; eets of dle commauded Judah and Jerusalem, saying, 28 Storehouses also for the increase of tee. Ye shall worship before one altar, and burn corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls for all incense upon it? manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks. 13 Know ye not what I and my fathers 29 Moreover lie provided him cities, and have done unto all the people of other lands? possessions of flocks and herds in abundo2Kin.18.33, were the gods of tilhe nations of those lands anco: for iGod had given him substance ilCh r. 29.12. 34, 35. any ways able to deliver their lands out of very much. mine hand? 30 k Thiis same Hzekiah also stopped the Is. y2. 9, 11. 14 Who ceas there among all the gods of upper watercourse of Gilhon, and brought it those nations that my fathers utterly de- straight down to the west side of the city stroyed, that could deliver his people out of of )avid. And Hezekiah prospered in all mine hand, that your God should be able to his?orks. deliver you out of mine hand? 31 ~ Howbeit, in the business of the t am- 712. )2,2 C. 18.29. 15 Now therefore flet not Hezekiah de- bassalors oftlheprinces ofBabylon,wllolsent tRe. ieter-. ceivo you, nor persuade you on tltis man- unto him to inquire of the wonder that was ]teets. nor, neither yet believe him: for.o god of dloete in the land, God left him, to. try him, 1'2in. 20. 12. any nation or kingdom was able to deliver that le might know all that 2tas in his heart. Is. 39. 1. his people out of mine Iland, and out of tile 33 V Now tihe rest of the acts of -lezekiall, nreDtt. 8. 2. hand of my fathers: how much less shall and his tgoodness, belhold, they arte written your God deliver you out of mine hand? in " tile istio. of Isaiah the perophet, tile t Heb...icd16 And his servants spake yet moreagainst son of Amoz, and in the ~book of the kings |etes... tile LORD God, and against his servant Hez- of JudahI and Israel. It. 36, I 37, ekiah. 33 PAnd Hezekiah slept with his fathers, & b8, & 39. 2 Kin. 19.9. 17 qHe wrote also letters to rail on the and they buried him in tile li hiefest of tile eoKingsl8,&h LORD God of Israel, and to speak against sepulchles of the sons of David: and all,e2 Kin1e.12. him, saying, "As tile gods of the nations of Judal and the inhabitans ofJerusalem did 8. other lands have not delivered their people him'honour at his death. And Mianasseh p2YKin.'20.21. out of mine hand, so shall not, the God of his son reigned in his stead. [ 1 Or, higehest. Hezekiahi deliver his people out of mine CHAPTER. Pro. 10. 7. hand. CHAPTER XXXIII..s2Ki..18.28. 18 SThen they cried with a loud voice, in l "latasee ictel reiete. t }eetteth Lp iflO/athe Jews' speech, unto the people of Jeru- t, abod ettt idelot. 12 Upetl d ti.ellea. e He iod t 2 Kin.18.26, salem that woere on the wall, to affright he is,reas/ed, e,tdtetsItethdtlot, itloatdey. 18 Hi, 27, 28. them, and to trouble them; that they might eets. 20HedeiLttg. Aoteetetcceedettethis. 21,A.etake the city. D eeknitig wticetdly is seait by his sevtalets. 25 19 And they spake against the God of Je- bet..endeeeessetLsaiIL,./siae sezeceedettethie. rusalem, as against the gods of the people M1/rANASSEH awas twelve years old.2 Kings 21. ltK2in.19.18. of tihe earth, zwhichk vere u tho work of the whI en e began toreign, andhereigned ( &c hands of man. fifty and five years in Jerusalem: e2Kin.19.15. 20'And for this cause Hezekiah theking, 2 But didt/hat e/vhiceh seas evil in the sight y Ol in. 19. 2, and y tle prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, of the LORD, like unto the babominations,Dltt.. K. 9. 4C. prayed and cried to heaven. of the heathen, whom the LORD had cast Clt. 28. 3. about 710. 21 t ZAnd the LOED sent an angel,.which out before the children of Israel. tcin.1K9. 35, cut off 41a tile mighty men of valour, and the 3 ~ For the built again the high places t ele/. he. &e. leaders andcaptainsin the ampof the king shich Hezekiah his father had ebroken lt, neel aetd of Assyria. So lie returned with shame of down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, 6itlt. face to his own land. And when he was and denade groves, and eorshipped eall e 2Kitg.8.4. come into the house of his god, they that the host of heaven, and served them. 31. h 32. t Hel. nad, came forth of his own bowsels t slew him 4 Also lhe built altars in the house of the 12 tehi~seatl. there with the sweord. LORD, whereof the LORD had said, fin dDeut. 16.21. 22 Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the Jerusalem shall my name be for ever. Deut. 17. 3. 710. inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of C And of e built altars for all the st of t 1 t Heb. pne- Senna6herib the king of Assyria, and from heaven Yin the two courts of the house of f D1lt. 12. 11. eteetesthitte. the atlIteiKi. 8. 29. the hand of all other, and guided them on the LORD. 1. 9. ch. 17. 5. every side. 6 tAnd he caused his children to pass,.. 6. & 7. b Ch. 1. 1. 23 And many brought gifts unto the LORD through the fire in the valley of the son of 16. 713. to Jerusalem, and tapretents to HIezekiah Hiunom: i also he observedtimes, and used cl. 4. 9. c 2 in. 20.1. king of Judah: so that he was bemagnified enchantments, and used witchcraft, and hLev. 18. 21. I.. 38. 1. in the sight of all nations from theneeforth. kdealt with a familiar spirit, and with wiz- Deutt. 18. 10. dI Or, s.glt 24 IV CIn those days Hezekiah was sick to ards: ele wrought much evil in tile sight of 2Kin. 23.10. set, cfoee the death, and prayed unto the LORD: and the LORD, to provoke him to anger. l. 28. 3. im. he spke unto him, and he l gave him a 7 And the set a carved image, the idol Ea.23.33,39. d r. 116. 12. sign. which he had made, in the lhouse of God, of i Deut. 18 10, ech. 26.1n16. 2 But Hezekiah drendered not again ae- whicl God had said to David and to Solo- 11. lsab. 2. 4. eordiingto tle benefitdone untoleim; fore lis mon his son, In "tthis house, and in Jeru- e23ein. 21. 6. felt. 24. 18. heart was lifted up: ftherefore there was salem, whiol I Iave chosen before all tIle Xin. 21. 7. g Jer. 26. 18, wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jeru- tribes of Israel, will I put my name for saps 132. 14. 19. Saletm. ever: t e,. the 26 dNotwithstanding, Hezekiahl humbled 0 2Neither will I any sore remove the e2S.u.. 7.10. lifeti: )p. hiinself for t the pride of his heart, both he foot of Israel from out of the land whic I 328 H2s captivity and return. II. CHRONICLES. Josiah's good reiqn. C.. 938. have appointed for your fathers; so tllat CHAPTER XX V B.C. 041. they will take heed to do all that I have de comrnuded themn, according to tle whole 1 Josia'goo tei,. 3 e detoyel id atry. thle ctlcetfh oadeeyoere te ~'epavof te ct, le. law and the statutd the statutes and te ordinances by 14 tIilki.h hag t.teo,d e btool of the lae. Jotle hand of Moscs. s'ah selleth tho Illdal go itquir e of tihe Zod. 9 So Manasseh made Judah aned the in- 23 Hldadh prophesleth thle tdet'ectohofJerhabitants of Jerusalem to err, acdt to do ailen, tbut -e.slte thteleof i,.Jotiah'. t-me. 29 worse than the heathen, whom the LORD J -osial. tc u g it to be -ed ic sonet assemhad destroyed befobr the children of Is- oly etl t ott hod. rael. TOSIAH at os eight years old when he a2 ICingo 22 10 And the LORD spake to Manasseh, and cl began to reign, and he reigned in Je- 1, &o. to his people: but they would not hearken. rusalem one and thirty years. 677. 11 ~ Wherefore tile IORD brought upon 2 And lie did that tehich was right in the o Deut.28.:. te them the baptaits of tl hee host igt of the LORD, and walked in the ways t IIcb. ohie[ of Assyria, wllich took Manassell among the of David lis father, and declined tteitherc vere the thorns, and 1 bound him with'1 fetters, and to the right cland, nor to tle left. -t/ciSo. carried him to Babylon. 3 ~ For in the eighth year of his reign, while G34. pJob 36. 8. 12 And when he was in affliction, he be- loe was yet ycGung, h~ began to bseee after bc. 15. 2. [P. 107.10,11. sought the LORD his God, and'humbled the God of David his father: and in the Or, cOair. s himself greatly before the God of his fa- twelfth year lie began eto p1urge Judahi and 630. lPet. 5. 6. tilers, Jerusalem (tfromn the high places, and the Iiin. 13. 2. Chr. 5 20. 13 And prayed unto him: and lhe was'en- groves, and the carved images, and the dcl. 33.17,22. tzra 8.. 23. treated of him, and heard his supplication, molten images. and brought him again to Jerusalem into his 4 eAnd they brake down tlhe altars of eLev. 26. 30. sPs. 9. 1t. kingdom. Then ilManassel lknew that tile Baalim in his presence; anld tlei images, 2 Kit.. a.4. Dan. -4. 25 LORD he vast God. that wrce on Iigh above thlem, he cut down; II Or. Or, 14 Now after this he built a t wall without and tle groves, and the carved images. anod Zages. t 1 tin. 1. 33. the city of David, on the west side of t Gillon, tce molte images, ho brake in pieces, and in the valley, evel to the entering in at the made dust of thecb, f and strewed it upon f2 Kin. 23. B. c. 27 o. 273. fish gate, and compassed cabout Oplhel, the t graves of theo that had sacrificed un- t Iiel,.face tIOr, TlPe and raised it up a very great height, and to them. ofctsyaven. toccer. put captains of war in all the fenced cities 5 And he Yburnt the bones of the priests g 1 Kin. 13. 2. of Judah. upon their altars, and cleansed Judah and ver. 3,,7. 15 And he took away'the strange gods, Jerusalem. and tle idol out of tho house of tile LORD, 6 And so did he in the cities of Manasseh, and all the altars that hle had built in the and Ephraim, and Simeon, even unto mount of the house of the LORD, and in Je- Naplltali, with their 11 mattocks round about. 11 Or, satles. rusalems, and east them out of thle city. 7 And when he had broken down tlce altars 16 And hle repaired the altar of the LORD, and the groves, and had c beaten tile graven h Deut. 9. 21. and sacrificed thereon peace offerings and images tilto powder, and cut down otll tlce t lelb. to yLIev. 7.12. Ythlank offerings, and commanded Judab to idols throughout all the land of Israel, he [clakeeouserve the LORD God of Israel. returned to Jerusalem.. czc. 32.121 O 17 ZNevertheless the people did sacrifice 8 ~ Now iit n thle eighteenth year of his 624. still it tile high places, bet unto the LOID reignl, whenl le lhad pulged the land, and i2 Kin. 22. 3. their God only. tihe house, lie sent Shaphan tile son of Aza18 h Now thoe srest of the acts of Innasseh, liall, and Maaseiahl tile governor of tile city, and hcis prayer unto his God, and tle words and Joah tle son of Joallhaz to recorder, e 1 Samn. 9. of L the seers that spake to him in tile name to repair the hlouse of the LORD Ilis God. of tile LORD God of Israel, behold, tlhey 9 And wheln they came to Hilkiah thie high care os ritten in the book of tile kings of priest, thley delivered kthe money that was k See 2 ICings Israel. broughlt into tile house of God, which the 12. 4, &c. 19 His prayer also, and hoe2 God was en- Lovites tllat kept tle doors had gatllered of treated of himn, and all his sins, and his tle hand of Manasseh and Ephllraim, and trespass, and the places wleerein lie built of all tile remnant of Israel, and of all Julhigh places, and set up groves and graven dah and BenJamin; and they returned to images, before he was humbled: behlold, Jerusalem. [ Or, Ilosai. they tare written amond the sayings of 1/ the 10 And they pu. it in tile land of the workseers. men that had the oversight of the house of bb2Kin. 21.18. 20 ~ b So Manasseh slept with cIis fathers, tile LORD, and they gave it to tle workmen and tihey buried him in his own house: and that wrought in thle house of the LORD, to Amoen his son reigned in his stead. repair and amend the house: e2 Kings 21. 21 f C'Amon tas two and twenty years old 11 Even to tihe artificers and builders gave 19, &c. when lie began to reign, and reigned two they it, to buy hewn stone, and timber for years in Jerusalem. couplings, and 11 to floor the houses which the 1/ Or, to 22 But lie did that which 2as evil in thle kings of Judah lad destroyed, c-otec. sight of tile LORD, as did Mlanasseh his 12 And tile men did the work faithfully: father: for Aolon sacrificed unto all the and tihe overseers of theon sere Jahlath and carved images which Manasseh his father Obadiah, thle Lovites, of the sons of Merari; had made, and served them; and Zechariaih and Meshullatm, of tlhe sons 23 And humbled not himself before the of tile KIohathites, to set it foreward; and dvter. 12. LORD, das Manasseh is fatller had humbled other- of ttle Levites, all that could skill of tHeli. nccit-d himself; but Amon ttrespa.ssed more and instrunents of music. pied lt-es- more. 13 Also they overe over the bearers of burp'3.. 24 Anod his servants conspired against dens, and zestse ovelsee.rseofalltll tatwrou htclt e2 King2el. him. and slew him in hi ocn. ouse. the ork in any manner of l andof 1Clhr. 23.4,5. 23, 24. 25 ~c But the people of tile land slew all the Levites t!he e c.oe.e scribes, and officers, G41. them tlatitad cotplred agai/st kicng Amot; and porlters. and tlc people of tlle and made Joeith his 14. And when they brought out tle money son king ill is stead. t'at was brougc t tl Louse of the LORD, 329 Huldah's prophecy. II. CHRONICLES. Josiah keepeth a passover B.C. 624. Hilkiah the priest "found a book of the t great and small: and he read in their ears B. C. 624. law of the LORD giveno tby Moses. all the words of the book of the covenant 2 Kin. 22.8, 15 And Hilkiah answered and said to Sha- that was found in the house of the LORD. t0 b. froo &. phan the scribe, I have found the book of 3t And the king stood in l'his place, and y,000 00'I-Iel,.,y the J~ea/~.eevo tH. the law in the house of tile LORD. And made a covenant before the LORD, to walk -. d of. Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan. after the LORD, and to keep his co mmand- i..oll14. 16 And Shaphan carried the book to the meo ts, and his testimonies, and his statutes, oh. 6. 13. king, and brought the kingword hack again, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to HFeb. Io tho saying, Allthat was committed Oto thy scrv- perform the words of the oovenant which hand of. ants, they do it. are written in this book. t io.po....d 17 And thoy hlave tgathered together the 32 And he caused oil thot were Opresent t oot, oroomelt- money that was found in te house of the i Jerusalem and Benjaminto stand to it. d. LORD, and have delivered it into the thand And thle inhabitants of Jerusalem did 00of the overseers, and to the hand of the cording to the covenant of God, the God of workmen. their fathers. 18 Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, 33 And Josiah took away all the abom- I Kin. l11. 5. saying, Hilkihl the priest hato given me a inations out of all the countries that perO Gb., foit. book. And Shaphan read 0it before the tained to the children of Israel, and made king. all that were present in Israel to serve, even 19 And it came to pass, when the king had to serve the LORD their God. And all his Je. -. 3.10. heard the words of the law, that he roent his days they departed not 0 from following the tkeb. fooc clothes. LORD, the God of their fathers. oftel. 20 And the king commanded Hilkiah, and iOr, Ac hor. Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and IIAbdon CHAPTER XXXV. 2fin. 22.12. the son of Micah, and Shaphan the scribe, I Josiah keepob a eost solm, 0 pas- sove0. 20 H, and Asaiah 0 servant of the king's, saying, ooio Phoht ho, o ol 0 lgiddo. 21 Go, inquire of the LORD for me, and L lliof Joih. for them that a're left in Israel and in Ju- REVER, Joikptp ov o 23. dehooncrni~ th 8ods o theboo'h/ ]-~OREOVEP~, a Josiah kept a passover abenil 623.] dah, concerning the words of the book that 0.1L unto the LORD in Jerusalem: and a2ii.n.23.21, is found: for great is tiheo wrath of the LORD they killed tlhe passover on the b fourteenth 22d. that is poured out upon us, because our day of the first month. b Ex. 12. 6. fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, 2 And he set the priests in their I charges, ozr.6. 19. to do after all that is written in this book. and I encouraged them to the service of the e oh. 23. 18. 22 And Hilkiah, and they that the king house of the LORD, Er. 6. 18. had appointed, went to Iuldahl the proph- 3 And said unto the Levites ethat taught d eh. 09.5, 11. 2Kin.22.14. etess, tile wife of Shallum the son of' Tik- all Israel, which were holy unto the LORD, eDeut. 33. 10. II Or,. vlao. oath, the son of II Hasrah, keeper of the fPut the holy ark 0 in tihe houe which Sol- olh. 30. 22. Otleb. t wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusealem omen the son of David king of Israel did Mdl. 2.7. gn.-meats. 11 inthet college;) and they spake to her to build; hit shall not be a burden upon your feechl.34i.l4. lIfe, i)e to that effect. shoulders: serve now the LORD your God, og o. 5.7. schoolori,i 23 I'And she answered them, Thus saith andhis people Israel, hl hr. 23.26. the seood the LORD God of Israel, Tell ye the man 4 And prepare yoourselves by the ibhouses iOChk. 9. 1. paol. that sent you to me, of your fathers, after your courses, accord24 Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will ing to the kwriting of David king of Israel, k Chlr. 23, b bring evil upon this place, and upo the in- and according to the leoiti-g of Solomon 24,&25& 26. habitants thereof, even all the curses that his son: 1 oh. S. 14. are written in the book which they have 5 And mtoanl in the holy place according Ps. 131. 1. read before the kiug of Judah: to the divisions of t tle families of the fa- teob. the| 25 Because they have forsaken me, and there of your brethren Othe people, and hoseofoe the have burned incense unto other gods, that after the division of the families of the fatlhos. they might provoke me to anger mith all the Levites. t Helb. the works of their hands; therefore my wrath 6 So kill the passover, and sanctify your- O oflh shall be poured out upon this place, and selves,and prepare your brethrenthat th eoe. shalll not be quenched. may do according to the word of the LORD cook. 20.,12. &:80. 3. 1.5.| 26 And as for the king of Judah, who sent by thle hand of Moses. Ezr. (j. 20. you to inquire of the LORD, so shll ye say 7 And Josiah t O gave to the people, of thef HO b.hfocod. unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of Is- flock, lambs and kids, all for the passover h.. 24. rael concerning the words which thou hast cob~~~oc. 30. 21. rael concernioy the words which thou hast offerings, for all tiat mwere present, to the heard; number of thirty thousand, and three thou27 Because thine heart was tender, and sand bullocks: these ereo of the king's thou didst humble thyself before God, when substance. thou heardest his words against this place, 8 And his princes gave willingly unto the toeb.odlbrold. and against the inhabitants thereof, and people, to the priests, and to the Levites: humbledst thyself before me, and didst rend Hilkiah and Zechoriah and Jehiel, rulers of thy clothes, and weep before me; I have the house of God, gave unto the priests for even beard thee also, saith the LORD. the passover offerings two thousand and six 28 Behold, I will gather thcee to thy fathers, hundred acnall cattfle, and three hundred and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in oxen. peace, neither shall thine eyes see all the 9 Cononioh also, anod Shemaiah and feevil that I will bring upon this place, and thanoel, his brethren, and Hashabiah and upon the ihabitants of the same. So they Jeicl and Jozabad, chief of the Levites, brought the king word again. fgave unto the Lovites for passover offer- t ah.oflood. 2o i. 23. 1, 29 2 OThen the king sent and gatheed to- ing five thousand so-oll cttle, and five he. gother all the elders of Judah and Jerusa- hundred oxen. lem. 10 So the service mos prepared, and the l30 And the kig ent up into thle house priests ptood in tleir place,and the Le,- e f. 18. of the LORD, and all the men of Judah, vites in their courses, according to the and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and theo king's commandment. priests, and the Levites, and all the people, 11 And they killed the passover, and the 330 Josiah is slain at Megiddo. II. CHRONICLES. Zcdekiah's bad reign. It B.C. priests tsprinkled the blood from their his t goodness, according to that whicth B. C. 610. tabout 623. hands, and the Levites'flayed the. towas written in tie law of the LORD, 12 And they removed the burnt offerings, 27 And his deeds, first and last, behold, t Heb. qoh. 29. 22. that they might give according to tile divi- they aote written in the book of the ig kiskn desses. rSeeeh.'29.34. sions of the families of the people, to offer ofIsracl and Judah. L-v. 3. 3. unto the LORD, ast it is written'in the book CHAPTER XXXVI. of tioses. And so did they ith the oxen. 1 Jehoatz succeding is depdosd by Pha.aoh, and tEx. 12. 8, 9. 13 And they t roasted the passover with fire caroitd into ~.ypt. Jehoiakim o orsiqtg ill is oDet. 16. 7. according to the ordinance: but the other carried bo2ttd tttto 9aSllon. 9Jehoiacott ttc-,,loSam.2.1$, holy offerings Usod they in pots, and in btdt,tt i. tt to totott ito otby..~~~~~14,1~15~. ]-. 11 Zedekiah...ucceetding t ttt';,et ill, aotd caldrons, and in pans, oand tdivided thom dpstwh th, )tot-ptt, td'tott otto. t cb. -ade speedily among all the people. JOeb-tehadtteztat. 14Je3sttleto, fo the ots of thettIt... 14 And afterward theoy made ready for te t,'estts atd p.eople, it, wholly desttoytd. 22 themselves, and for the priests: becatuse o he ptooltonatlot of Cyus. the priests the sons of Aaron owere busied TIIEN'the poople of the land took Je- 610. in offering of burnt offerinoogs and the fat - hoahaz the son of Josiah, and made a2l(ings 23. until night; therefore the Levites prepared him king in his father's stead in Jerusalem. 30, oc. for themselves, and for the priests.the sons 2 Jehotahaz was twenty and three years of Aaron. old when he began to reign, and he reigned 15 And the singers the sons of Asaph weroe three months in Jerusalem. t He. in their t place, according to the g command. 3 And the king of Egypt pt put him down a t tRHel. soat'ot. onent of David, and Asapt, and fHeman, Jerusalem, and t condemned the land il a.'1tor-Ed]im. 1 Chr. 2.5.1. andJcduthun t the king's seer; ndthe port- hundred talents of silver and a talent of t HOt. too,.... ers Ywaited at every gate; they might not gold. -ttotd. tyI Cho. 9. 17, depart from their service; for their breth- 4 And the king of Egypt made Eliakim his 18. & 26. 14, ten the Levites prepared for them. brother king over Judah and Jerusalem, and. 16 So all the servio e of the LonRD Was proe- turned his name to Jehoiakim. And Necho pared the same day, to keep the passover, took Jehoahaz his brother, and carried him and to offer burnt offerings upon the altar to Egypt. 610. oftheLonRD, according to the commandment 5 b Jehoialim twas twenty and five years t 2 Ii0gs 23. of king Josiah. old when hle began to reign, and he reigned 36, 37. 17 And the children of Israel that were eleven years in Jerusalem: and lie did tthat 607. HReb.fotnd. present kept the passover at that time, wohico as evil in the sight of the LOnRD 200,. 24. 0. zEx..12.t15. & and the feast of ounleavened bread seven his God. Foretold, 13.. days. 06 CAgainst him came up Nebuchadnezzar Rob. 1.6. tht. 30. 21. 10 And there as no o passover like to that king of Babylon, and bound him in II fetters, 606. 2aXin.o23.22, kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the to docarry him to Babylon. 23. prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel 7'Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the ot, otoito. keep such a passover as Josiah kept, and vessels of the house of the LORD to Baby- ISts.2 Kitgo Y_24.6. the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah Ion, and put them in his temple at Babylon. Jer 22.10,19. and Israel that were present, and the in- 8 Now the rest of tle acts of Jehoiakim, & 36. 30. habitants of Jerusalem. and his abominations wbich he did, and 2 Kin. 24.13. 19 In the eighteenth year of the reign of that which was found in him, behold, they DBo 1. 2. Josiah was this passover kept. atre written in the book of the kings of & 5. 2. 610. 20 ~ bOAfter all this, when Josiah had pre- Israel and Judah: and I Jehoiacohin his 0rj-a ob 2Kin.'23.29. pared the temple, Necho king of Egypt son reigned in his stead. o. o. Jer. 46.2. came up to fight against Charchemish by 9 fJehoiaohin was eight years old when roontih, O Hto. h-oo. Euphrates: and Josiah went out against he began to reign, and be reigned three Ter. 22. 24. him. months and ten days in Jerusalem: and lie f2 Kin. 24. 8. 21 Buo he sent ambassadors to him, saying, did that ohieoh was evil in the sight of the tR teb. att What have I to do with thee, thou king of LORD. oto ofths Judah? Isoeot not against thee this day, 10 And 0 when the year was expired, king eakt. tHbO,, the but against ttite house wheroewith I ave Nebuchadnezzar sent, and brought him to 02 Kings 24. Oo-feo-y owoar: for Godcommandcd me to mak haste: Babylon, hwith the t goodly vessels of the 10-17. t. forbear thee from meddling w0ith God, who house of the LORD, and made II/Zedekiah hi an. 1.1, 2. is withl meo, that he destroy thee not. his brother king over Judah and Jerusa- & 5. 2. 22 Nevertheless Josiah would not turn his leto. 00 Sco 1Kin. 22. face from him, but t disguised himself, that 11 ~ kZedekiah was one and twenty years t:eb. vtssels 30. he might fight with him, and hearkened not old when he began to reign, and reigned of'desioe. unto thle words of Necho from the mouth of eleven years in Jerusalem. 1 Or, God, and aonme to fight in the valley of tMe- 12 And he did that which owas evil in the ttotie giddo. sight of the LORD his God, aod humbled itfotht-', 23 And the archers shot at king Josiah; not himself before Jeremiah the prophet ~2 Kiot.. 217. and the king said to his servants, IHave speaking from the mouth of the LORD. iTer. 37. 1. tR lI,. me away; for I am sore t wounded. 13 And Ite also rebelled against king in.2.18.,,mado siL, 24 dHis servants therefore took him out Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear t s in.24t.8 tlKio.22.34. of that chariot, and put him in the second by fod: but lie'stiffened Otis otck, and d2Kin. 23.30. chariot that lie thad; and they brought him hardened his heart from turning unto the o to Jerusalem, and he died, and was buried LORD God of Israel. I Jer. 52. 3. tO, ototsg Iliin one of the sepulchres of his fathers. 14 ~ Itoreover all the chief of the priests, Bz. 17. 15,18. te,,sepul- And'all Judah and Jerusalem mourned and the people, transgressed very much.2Mt.27.14. etots." for Josiah. after all the abominations of the heathen; t Jtr. 25.3,4. ozechl. 12. 11. 25 ~ And Jeremiah flamented for Josiah: and polluted the house of the LORD which & 35. 15. & fLan. 4. 20. and o all the singing men and the singing e had hallowed in Jerusalem. gsetl tt.9.. women spoke of Josiah in their lamenta- 10 And tto LORD Hod of btir fatboo totesjh.Ot 23. tions to this day, hand made them an oodi- sent to them tby his messengers, orising U t otf,Jer. 22. 20. nonce in Israel: and, behold, they are Ilbotimes, and sending becauset oe bad Tt so. u betimes, and sending; because he had eon written in the lamentations.. compassion oo his people, and on his It/,-.ot odn 26 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and dwellingplace: ~sseofttoy. 331 Jerusalem wholly destroyed. EZRA. The proclamation of Cyrus.! B. 0. 593. 16 But ~tlley mooked the messengers of sword carried le away to Babylon; vllre...58:. God, and I'despised his words, and'lmis- they were servants to him andhis sons until oJcr.5. 12,13. used his prophets, until the'"wrath of the the reign ot' the kingdom of Persia: Jer. 7.7. pProv. 1. 20., LOsD arose against his people, till thct-e 21 To fulfil the word of the LORD by the 30. Zvas nlo tremedy. mouth of' "Jeremiash, until the land btlad TJer.25.9,11,.fJer. 32.3. & 17 TTherefore lie brouglit upon them the clejoyed hler abbaths: for) as long as sbhe 12.b&26.6',7. to0038. 04. king of tole Claltdees, who tsloe toeir lay desolate Cshe kept sabbath, to fulfil & 29. 10..Ps. 4. 1. & young men with the sword in the house of threescore and ten years. Lev. 26. 34, 79. 5. their sanctuary, and had oo compassion 22 ~ dNow in the first year of Cyrus king 35. 43. tHeOl henilbg. upon young man or maiden, old man, or of Persia, that the word of the LollD spob- Dan. 92. 5'70. him that stooped for age: he gave the.. all e n by tle outlh of eJ ereiah might be a.- cILev 25. 4. 5. sDeut. 2s. 49. into i. hnd. into plishd, te. pli stirred up, the spirit 53G. 2 tIin. 25. 1, 18 tAnd all the vessels of the house of of f Cyrus king of Persia, that lhe made a IlEzr. 1. d&c. God, great and small, and the troasures of procla.ation throughout all his kingdom, eJs. 2o. 12, z 9 7 the house of tile LOoRD, and tlhe treasures and p)tt it also in writing, saying, 13. & 29. 10. P. t. 7s.;0 & of tle king, and of his prinoes; al; tihese lie 23 s Thus saith Cyrus kig ofPersia, All the & 33. 10, 11, t 79.2 3. bronght to Babylon. kingdoms of thle earth ltth tile LORD God 14. u2tKin.25.13, 19'AInd they burnt the house of God, and of teavoe given me; and be tllt charged fts. 44. 28. brnlke don tSe wasll of Jerusalet, ald me to build him a hlouse in Jerusalem, sEzrl. 2,3. 588. burnt all the palacs thereof with fire, and which is in Judah. Who is there amnong * 2tit' 2'. 9. destroyed all tilt goodly vessels thereof. you of all Iris people 7 The LORD his God Pa. 71. (L 7. 20 And tythemn that had escaped from the be with hio, and let him go up. & 79.1, 7. tHtb. the re- totairltZelo.-fo y..0G25.0.11. EZRA. B. C. CHAPTER I. a second soo-t four oundred and ten, ond D. C. about 536. 1 Tle proetamatio. t of CtYots fo, tOle boildiltg of other vessels a thousand. about 530. the tellle. 5 Tie,eople,ovid efo, ite t.t...... 11 All tile vessels of gold and of silver 7 Cyt t.s?'etoetlh thl vessels of the temnple to wueore flive thousand and four hlundred. All Ohihb.-% these did Sheshbazzar bring up with thebsCf1 tb. Os ~N OW in the first year of Cyrus king of of +tlle captivity thait were brought up t..ttO2 COhr. 36.22, Persia, that tle wvord of tle LORD by from Babylon unto Jerusalem. t 23. the mouth of Jeremiah mnight be fulfilled, Jer.75.12.& the LORD stirred up tie spirit of Cyrus CHAPTER II. 29.10. king of Persia, that be t dh e a proelama- t1 6eO hteo tlst t'-"1-, of tl.eople 36 of the olt. 5. 13,14. tion throughout all his kingdom, and p2ut 5tOie.t, 40 of tlt Levites, 03 os he NT'ehi,.itl, t Helt, cted it also in writing, saying,.O.,f Stot ht tetat 2 tf 7 ie - ieot6 T utic/L eott ttt,tet hett t heit r peoig,'e. 64 Tte whole a 11oice to 2 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The tn6e7 oftLe-n, esitb tteir suI tldocc. 68Thei7 patst. LOIRD God of lenven lhath given n.e all ola.tion-. the kingdoms of the earthl; and Ie lhath NTOW athese a-e the children of the about 530.,I.. 44. 28. & /clarged me to build'iim house ah t Jeru- province that went up out of tile slt1.7Cb. -is. 5. 1, 13. salem, lhicl it in Judaol. captivity, of those lhich had been carried 3 Who is thterc among you of all his people? nway, bwhobm Nebuclhadnezzar tile king of b2 in. 24.14, hbis God be with him, and let him go up to Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, 15, 16. & 25. Jerusalem, lwhich is in Judah, and Luild and came again unto Jerusalem and Ju- 11. IDns. 6. 2f. the house of tlle LOoRD God of Israel, (dhe dall, every one unto s his city; 2 Chr. 36.20. is the God,) which is in Jerusalem. 2 Which came with Ze; ubbabel: Jeshua, 4 And whlosoever remaineth in any place Nehemiah,, t Seordeoi, Oeelaia, iordeai, where lie sojourneth, let the men of his Bilshan, IlLIizpar, Bigvai, lRtchum, Bao- Neh. 7. 7. tHeb. lift place tllelp him witl silver, and with gold, nall. Tile number of the men of the peo- IlOr. hi,nouo. and with goods, and witll beasts, besides ple of Israel: RCooiah. tlte freewill offering for the Louse of God 3 Tele cildren of Parosh, two thousand a [Ior, that is in Jerusalem. hundred seventy and two..lispereth. 5 ~T Then roste up the chief of the fathers 4 Tile childrlen of Shephatiah, three hun- 11 Or, 9ehutme. of Judah and Benjamin, and tle priests, dred seventy and two. and thle Levites, with all themt whose spirit 5 The cllildren of Arah, Cseven hundred aSeo ollO. 7. ePhil. 2. 13. eGod had raised, to go up to build tbe house seventy and five. 10. of the LORD whllichll t in Jerusalem. 6 Tile children of dPahatlh-moab, of the dNTh. 7. 11. 6 And all they tlhat toere about them children of Jeshua ald Joab, two thousand Tlht is, 1 strengthened theed their hands with vessels of eight tlundred and twelve. trdlpd tlte. siloer, with gold, withl goods, and.ith 7 The children of Elam, a thousand two beasts, and oith precious things, besides hundred fifty and foulr. all that was villingly offered. 8 Tte children of Zattu, nine hundred felt. 5. 14. & 7 f Also Cyrus tle king brought forth thle forty and five. 6. 5. vessls of the house of the h LORD,.V.hich 9 The children of Zaccai, seven hundred y2Kin.24.13. Nebluchadnezzar hld brought forth out of and threescore. lChr. 36.7. Jerusalem, and ltd putothem in the house 10 Tte children of IIBani, six htndred l[Or, Sindt, of his gods; forty and two. tsh. 7. 15. 8 Even thlose did Cyrus king of Persia 11 The clildren of Bebai, six hundred bring forth by the hland of liithredatlh the twenty and thlree. hSeech. 5.14. treasurer, andnumberedtloem unto lSiesh- 12 Tile children of Azgad, a thousand two bhzzar, thle prince of Judah. hundred twenty and two. 9 And this is the number of them: thirty 13 The children of Adonikam, six hundred cllargers of gold, a tllousand chlargers of sixty and six. silver, nine ald twenty knives, 14 Tile clildren of Bigvai, two thousand 10 Thirty basils of gold, silver basins of fifty and sis. 332 riThe number of thle people EZRA. who returned from Beabylon. B.. Ca. 15 The childret of Adin, four hundred 52 The children of llBazluth, the children B. C. bout 53G. fifty and four. of tIehida, the children of Harslla, about536. 1G The children of Ater of Hoezekiah, 53 The children of Barkos, the children of ninety and eight. Sisera, the children of Thamah, Il Or. Bzith, 17 The children of Bczai, three hundred 54 The children of Neziah, the children Nch. 7. 54. twenty and three. of Hatipha. [I Or, Ilrip,j, 18 The children of I1Jorah, a hundred and 55 [ Tile children of l Solomon's servants: l 1 Kin. 9. 21. Nell. 7. 24. twelve. the children of Sotai, the children of Soph19 The children of HIIashum, to hundred ereth, the children of I1 Peruda, 11 Or, Peida, twenty and three. 56 The children of Jaalah, the children of Neh. 7. 57. Or, Gioeomoc 20 The children of II Gibbar, ninety and Darkon, the children of Giddel, Nelh. 2. fiove. 57 The children of Shephatiah, the chil21 Thle children of Beth-lehem, a hundred dren of IHattil, the children of Pochereth of twenty and three.. Zebaim, the children of I; Ami. 11 Or, Amon, 22 The menl of Netophah, fifty and six. 58 All the nNethinim, and the children of Nell. 7. 59. 23 The men of Anathoth, a hundred "Solomon's servants, were three hundred nJhosh. 9. 21, twenty and eight. ninety and two. 27. t Or, Beth- 24 The children of lAzmaveth, forty and 59 And these ooere they which went up 1Chr. 9.2. anaoveth, two. from Tel-melah, Tel-barsa, Cherub, IlAd- nlI in.,.21. Nelh. 7. 28. 25 The children of Kirjath-arim, Chephi- dan, and Immer: but they could not sheo I Or, Afddtlo, rah, and Beeroth, seven hundred and fobrty their father's house, and their II seed, wheth- Nel. 7. 1. and three. er they toere of Israel: I1 Or, pedliree. 25 The chlildren of Ramah and Gaba, six 60 The children of Delaiah, the children hundred tewenty and one. of Tobiah, thle children of Ofekoda, six hun27 The men of Michmas, a hundred twenty dred fifty and two. and two. 61 ~ And of the children of the priests: 28 The men of Beth-el and Ai, two hun- the children of Habaiah, the children of dred tenty and thllree. Koz, the children of Barzillai; whllich took 29 Thle children of Ncbo, fifty and two. a wife of the daughters of 0Barzillai the o2Sam.17.27. 30 Thle children of Magbish, a hundred Gileadite, and was called after their name: fifty and six. 62 These sought their register aooioolg eSeo ver. 7. 31 The clhildren of the other'Elam, a those that 00ere reckoned bygencnlogy, but thousand two hundred fifty and four. they ere notfound: l'therefore twere they, p Num. 3. 10. 32 The cllildren of Harim, three llundred as polluted, put from the priesthood. t IHcb. they and twenty. 63 And the IITirshatha said unto them, e-e pollottOre, SridO, 33 The children of Loed, lI Hadid, and Ono, that they tshould not eat of the most holy ed froL t.he -Iit is in seven. hundred toenty and five. things, till tlere stood up a priest with,"itehlood. som copies. 34 The children of Jericho, three hundred' Urim and itll Thummim. i Or, 9o0forty and five. 64 ~ s The whole congregation together was.e. 0.:See 35 The children of Senaah, three thousand forty and two thousand three hundred and l.8. 0. and six lundred and thirty. threescore, qe22,2, ft Cllr. 24. 7. 2 Tte priests: thle children of fJcda- 65 Besides their servants and their maids,.l. 28.. iah, of tile house of Jeshua, nine hundred of whom the)oe coere seven thousand three Nlo. 27. 21. seventy and three. hundred thirty and seven: and thoec eore c lh. 7. 66, IlClc.24.14. 37 The children of Immer, a thousand among them tro hundred singing men and ho. fifty and two. singing Vomen. 1 Cllr. 9. 12. 38 The children of rPashur, a thousand 56 Their hlorseszero seven hundred thirty two hlundred forty and seven. and six; their mules, two hundred forty iltChr.21.8. 39 The children of ioarim, a thousand andfive; and seventeen. 67 Their camels, four hundred thirty and 40 1 The Levites: the children of Jeshua five; their asses, six thousand seven hunOr, Joldah, and Kadmicl, of the children of I Hodaviah, dred and twenty. cl.. 3.9. seventy and four. GS 1~ And some of the chief of the fa- tNch. 7. 70. called nlso 41 ~S The singers: the children of Asaph, thers, when they came to the house of the odevac, a hlundred twenty and eight. LOR,D mhic i8 at Jerusalem, offered freely lell,. 7. 43 42 ~ The llildren of tte porters: the eloil- for the house of God to set it up in his dren of Shallum, the children of Ater, tle place: children of Talmonl, the children of Akkub, 69 They gave after their ability unto the the children of Hatita, the children of Sho- "treasure of the work threescore and one t1 Chr.26.20. bai, in all a hundred thirty and nine. thousand drams of gold, and five thousand k 1 CIlr. 9. 2. 43 ~1 kTheo Ncttinin: te ildrenofZiha, pounds of silver, and one hundred priests' tlhe children of Hasupha, the children of garments. Tabbaoth, 70 XSo the priests, and ttie Levites, and ec. 1. 16, 17. 44 Thle children of Kcros, the children of soome of the people, and the singers, and lNeh. 7. 73. I Or,. IlSiaho, the lhildren of Padou, the porters, and the Nethinim, dwelt in their 45 The children of Lebanah, the children cities, and all Israel in their cities. of Hagababh. the children of Akkub, CHAPTER III. 40 The children of Hagab, the children of 1 The altear is set oop. 4 fiorit fo. frequented. 7 ll OrSamli. It Shalmai, thle children of Hanan, Oc'o Iooecl p-eoc...ed. 08'1afocu;lations ofnhe Or, Josthe a, 47 The children of Giddel, the children of temple, ae laid in gIeat joy ao1d mocotinln. Hag. 1. 1. & Gahar, the children of Retiah, A ND whon the seventlo month was come, 2. 2. 48 The children of Bezin, the children of.. and the children oF Israel tce in the Zech. 3.1. Nekoda, tile children of i'Gazzam, cities, tie people gathered themselves to- ]lC.llecl 49 The children of Uzza, tile children of gether as one man to Jerusallem. orbobel, Paseal, thle children of Besati, 2 Then stood up IIJcshua the son of Joza- 2A.U. 112. 50 The children of Asnah, the children of dak, and his brethren the priests, and ottt.l..12. ii Or, elhicsh- ftehunlim, tice clildreel of 1 Nleplusimo, If Zeoubbabel tte son of a Shcaltiel, and is a Llke 3. 27, 0esi0. 51 Thle childrenl of Balbulk, the children brettlren, and houilded tile oltar of the God elle3. of Hakupha, the children of Harhur, of Israel, to. offer burnt offerings ttlereon, Salathiiel. 333 IFouondotioo of the temple laid. EZRA. The letter sent to Artaxerxesi B. C. as it is bwritten in the law of lIoses the God, as ye do; and we do sacrifice unto fB.C.t about 536. man ofGod. him b since the days of Esar-haddon king of about 078. 3 And they set the altar upon his bases; Assur, which brought us up hither. b Deut. 12. 5. for fear was upon them beeause of the peo- 3 But Zerubbabel, and Jeshua, and the b2 in. 17.24, pie of those countries: and they offered rest of the chief of the fathers of Israel, 32.,33. & 19. burnt offerings thereon unto the LORD, said unto them, c Ye have nothing to dowith 37. cu-. 28. 3, evce Cburnt oftferings morning and evening. us to build a house unto our God; but we 4. 4 d They kept also the feast of tabernacles, ourselves together will build unto the LORD h.. 20,I NOt. 0. 14,'Os it is oritten, and foffee'et the daily God of Israel, as dking Cyrus the king of deh.. o, e, 3. 17. burnt otfferings by number, according to the Persia atht commanded us. Zch. 14.16, I custom, tas tte duty of ever dy day required; 4 Then etho people of the land weakened 534. 17. o And afterwartd ffered ttle Coeetinuee tte hands of the people ef Judah, and oot. 0.. eE.. 23, 16. burnt offering, both of the new moons, and troubled them in building, fT um.29.12, of all the see feasts of thle LORD that were 5And hired counsellors against then, to he-. /consecrated, and of every one that willingly frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cye,. t offered a freill offering unto the LORD. erus king of Persia, even until the reign of -tte". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rgkigo Pri,fe e n i thereg ty i.e,.le 06 From the first day of the seventh Darius king of Persia. ~~~~~~~ay~~~~~~~~ iru king ofPesi. aoy. began they to offer burnt offerings unto the 6 Aed in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the 2. Ee. 29. 39. LORD. But the foundation of the temple beginning of his reign, wrote they unto'hit tHeB. AhalhNum. 28. 3, of the LORD was not yet laid. an accusation against the inhabitants of teeth. tI, 19, 206. & 7 Thy gave money also unto the masons, Judah and Jerusalem.. 2, 8,13. and to tile Ii carpenters; and hmeat, and 7 % And in the days of Artaxerxes wrote 522. O H0eI th;e drink, and oil, unto them of Zidon, and to 11Bishlam, Otittredath, Tabeel, and the rest I O, ee t, eoi, of them of Tyre, to hring cedar trees from oftheir companions, unto Artaxerxesking e Hb. tht Loot Lebanon to the sea of iJoppa, kaccording of Persia; and the writing of the letter weast-o zut~~~~a~~zot yet ~~~~written in the Syrian tongue, and interpret-ot 5.0ytt ]-,ee~ded. to tihe grant t tht they had of Cyrus king of ette in the Syrian tongue, d tepeto, Persia. ed in the Syrian tongue. eo-kooe-. 8 o Now in tthe second year of their coming 8 Rehum the chancellor and himshai the h I Kie.... uneto the ]louse of God at Jerusalem, in the i.scribe wrote a letter against Jeruselem to 11 O, 2 Chr. 2. 10. second month, began Zerubbabel tile son of Artaxerxes the king in tthis sort: ee.. Act. 12. 20. Shetaltiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak, 9 Then o reote Rehum the chanoellor, and i 2 Cf r. 2. 1. anathe remnantoftheirbrethethren thopriests Shimstha the scribe, and the rest of their Aet.. 300. and the Levites, and all thcey that were come tco.pantions; fthe tinaites, the Aphar- 01Chld. k ch06.. 3; out of the captivity unto Jerusalem; land sathchites, the Tarpelites, the Apharsitcs, /o2ing s1. 535. appointed tile Levites, from twenty years the Archevites, the Babylonians t he Susan- ft I0, i 17. eCh.239.4, old and upward, to set forward the work of chite, the Deavites, and the Eimites, 30, 31 II 27b. 2.24 the hIouse of the LonRD. 10 UoAnd the rest of the nations whom the about 678.,_h.2. 0. 9 Then stood "|Jeshua toth his sons and great and noble Asnapper brought over, and 0.. his brethren, Kadmiel and his sons, the set in the cities of tmarit, and tihe rest 110, Htoelawi- sons of IIJudahi, ttogether, to set forward that are on this side the river, hand tat 7So S er 11,.h, oh. 2.40. the workmen in tie house of God: the sons such a time. 17.. 7. 12; t-eb. as one. of Honadadi wsith their sons and their broth- 11 ~ This is the copy of the letter that they 2 |en the Levites. sent unto him, even unto Arttxerxes tile tOkietd tChaenld. 10 And twhen the builders laid the founda- king; Thy servants the men on this side tle 0, 1 Cle. 1. 5, tion of the temple of the LORDo, they set river, and at such a tie. 52. c6, 42. Othe priests in their apparcl with trumpets, 12 Be it known unto the king, that tile Jews and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cym- which came up from thee to us are come unto o1 Chr. 0. 3. als, to praise the LORD, after the oordi- Jerusalem, building thie rebellious and the & 16.4. & 25. nance of David king of Israel. bad city, andhave ei set up the walls thereof, I Ore, finished. |1. 311 i'And they sang together by course in and 1 joined the foundations. 0 CLc. el, -.E. 15.. 21. praising and giving thanks unto the LoneRD; 13 Be it knoen no c unto the kiog, that, if id o.eeeh.. 2 Chok. io3. because he is good, "for his mercy enrl..- this city be builded, and tile.alls set up NN3h. 12. 2-1 gia hnml te o.yiol ti-tCna ie eth for ever toward Israel. And all the, ten i they ot py tol, ti- tc |r0Uc;.16. 3. people shouted with a great shout, when ute, and custom, and so thou shalt endam- i h.. 24,. PJ, 1:3,6. I. Pooh levne o ie ig. I rs~t~A /.. 4.. /they praised the LOnD, because the foun- age the evenue of ti kings. T: f laid. i4 Now because two have maintenance............. JSe.'.I.' 2"3 12'But many of the priests ant Levites from seiking's palace, and it eas not meet /og..3. and chief of the fathers, tho eree ancient for us to see the king's disionour, therefore anith.5 - men, that had seen the tirstl ho.use, whenthe hav e sent and certified the king; of.hepi.-e. foundation of this house was laid before 15 That search may be made in the book their eyes, wept with a loud voice; antd of the records of thy fathers: so shalt thou many shouted aloud for joy: find in the book of the records, and know 13 So that the people could not discern the that this city is a rebellious city, and hurtnoise of tile shout ofjoy from tile noise of ful unto kings and provinces, and tt they the weeping of the people: for the people have t moved sedition t within the same of ftChi.mIa.-de. shouted witha loud shout, and the noise old time: for which 00cause. this city do- t ct-ll. i.. was heard afar off. stroyed. hidt CHAPTER IV. 16 We certify the king that, if this city be i'e"tf. 1 The advea,-ites, tein,ot aeepoeted in the -tciilding builded againt, and tihe walls thereof set up, ofthe,teple eith the Jes, eniearouc to hi,nder by this means thou shalt have no portion on it. 7 Thleti late. to Aw-tae,'xes. 17 The deoree this side tie river. of Aeta-e'es. O3 ThlIe butildincg is hindered. 17 ~ T/eeo sent the ]ring an answer unto oeetet. 7,8, OW' when atlco adversaries of Judah Rchum thle chancellor, and to Shimsoihn the!9. N. and Benjamin heard that t the children scribe, and to the rest of their Tcoiepan- t Chl. tHeb.thesois| of the captivity builded the temple unto the ions that dwell in Samaria, and t untoe l tice. tfleot e as- LORD God of Israel; rest beyond tie river, Peace, and at such a! eoctatio~e.!2 Then they came to Zerutbbabel, and to time. thie chief of the ftheers, and said unto themo, 18 The letter which oye sent unto us hath Let us build with you: for we seek your been plainly readbefore me. 334 .Tl;77ehbuildiong is renewed. EZRA. Letter to Darius. B. 0. 522. 19 And tI commanded, and search hath builded these manyyears ago, vhichagreat B. C.519. been made, and it is found that this city of king of Israel builed and set up. tChld. by old time hath tmade insullrectioln against 12 But "'after that our fathers had pro- I Kings6.1.?ea. decee kings, and that rebellion and sedition have voked the God of heaven unto wlvrth, he,l2Ohr.36.10, been made therein. gave them into the hand of "Nebuchad- 17. I G..0 15.18. fol,. 1. 4. 21 tGive ye now commandment to cause of Babylon, thie sae king Cyrus made a -oc. 1.1.. these meo to cease, and that this city be not decree to build this house of God. ola dellee o builded, until another commandment shall 14 And sthe vessels also of gold and sil- 0ch. 1.7,08.& e given from me. ver of the house of God, wvhiclNebuchadnez- 6.5. 22 Take heed now that ye fail not to do zar took out of the temple that ots in Jeruthis: why should damage grow to the hurt salem, and brought them into the temple of of the kings? Babylon, those did Cyrus the ]lingc take out 23 ~T Noo hen the copy of king Artax- of the temple of Babylon, and they tere deerxes' letter was read before Relaum, and livered unto one,'lwhose name 00a8 Sheshl- H g. 1. 14.& Shicmshai the scribe, and their companions, bazzar, whom lie had made IIgovernor 2. 2, 21. they cent up in Ihaste to Jerusalem unto 15And said unto him, Tako these vessels, IlOr, deputy. t llald by the Jews, and made them to cease tbyforce go, carry them into the temple that it ic 7aleih,,c.ld ccd poler. Jerusalem, and let the house of God be po0e0'0. 24 Then ceased te rk of the house of builded in his place. 520. God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased 16 Thec came the same Sheshbazzar, and unto the second year of the reign of Darius'laid the foundation of the louse of God.c. 3.8, 10. king of Persia. which is in Jerusalem: and since that time CHAPTER V. even until noee hatl it been in building, and I ZeSthacel adtld Jeseh,,, ic-ciedl 00 Iaoql i aced'yet it is not finished. s cl. 6. 105. ZeS/caioho, aeifort-c-dtho bsldi.ctnof theleblple 17 Nowa therefore, if it seem, good to the 3 tni alclozi co ot hid e king, tlet there be search made ill the ecing's t oh. 6. 1, 2. Jecog. 6 2Tleiv eot,. to t.rics cgain-t tife Jmeu. treasure house, ewhilch it there at Babylon, 520. THEN thlc prophcts, Haoggai the proph- vhetcer it be 0so, that a decree tan maode of aH.g. 1. l. T t, and b Zechariah tile son of Iddo, Cyrus to e king to build tais house of God Zoc.l. 1t 1h prophesied unto the Jews that leoac in Ju- at Jerusalem, and let the king send his dall and Jerusalem in the name of the God pleasure to us concerning this matter. of Israel, even unto them. ec1. 3. 2. 2 Then rose up AZerubbabel the son of CHAPTER VI. Shcaltiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadal, I DBrioescindlingctclleceeofceclc, enonJel acLce and began to build the house of God which d ecefoe coLe ldoacemoeott h of ctac d dOiclitc. 1f ids at Jerusalem: and lvitl them woe the e paoct. h te tlemple issifiahels. 10 Ttefeast prophets of God oelping them. of the dedicalioc is Selpt, 19 ana taepassove. der.. 6 3 At the Enam time came to them dcTt- EN Darius the king made a decree, 519. l it. e. nai, governor on this side the river, and nnd sealch was made in the house of 5t o Shlotlar-boznai, and their companions, and the trolls, where t t htreasures re laid 0 c17. ever. 9. said thus unto them, 0tYho lath command- up in Babylon. b-tk, ed you to build this house, and to make up 2 And there tas found at 11 Achmetha, in csj. d this call i tho pal ac that is in tie province of the to des!d. fver. 10. 4 f Then said weunto them after this man- Medes, a roll, and therein 0as a0 record Ot Eolbat Cald. that ner, What are tel names of the men t that thus written: taca, or, its builccl fis make this building? 3 In the first year of Cyrus the king, the acofece. Octcelilcyc 5 But V/the eye of their God was upon the sase Cyrus the king made a decree conSecclc.7.6, elders of the Jews, that they could not eelning the house of God at Jerusalem, 28. 01. cause them to cease, till the matter came to Let the house be builded, the place cccere P,. 33.18. Darius: and then they returned answer they offered sacrifices, and let tle foundahol. 6. 6. by letter concerning this matter. tions thereof be strongly laid; the height 519. 0 ~ The copy of the letter that Tatnai, gov- thereof threcscore cubits, and the breadth ernor on this side the river, and Slletllar- tlereoflthreescore cubits - i ch. 4. 9. boznai, i and his companions the Aplarsa- 4 b Vit7e three roe s of great stones, and a b1 Ki. 6. 360. chites, schicll 0oc0c on this side the river, row of new timber: and let the expenses be sent unto Darius the king: given out of the king's hlouse: t Cflld. 7 They sent a letter ullto him, t wherein 5 And also let Ctho golden and silver ves- coh. 1.7, 8. & in th oilst was writtc thus; Unto Darius the king, sels of the house of God, which Nebuchad- 5. 14. 0.l0eof. all peace. ncozzar took forth out of the temple whioh io 8 Be it known unto the king, that woee nt et Jerusllem., and brought unto Babylon, into the province of Judea, to the house of be restored, and tbrougct again unto the f Chald. ec. t Chald. the great God, which is builded citc tgreat templo which is at Jerusalem, eve?-. one to s~tto'of p tonese, and timber is laid in the walls, nd his place, anndplace then in the house of *0ln this work goeth fast on and prospereth in God. their hands. G dNow theleefoi-e, Tatnai, governor be- e ch. 5.3. 9 Then asked we those elders, and said yond the river, Sihethar-boznai, and tyour ty lald.cfIei, kver. 3, 4. unto tiem thus, tk lco commanded you to companions the Apllarsachites, lwhic ar oceies build this house, and to make up these beyond thle river, be ye far from thence: walls? 7 Let the colak of this house of God alone; 10 We askced their names also, to certify let the governor of the Jews and tlh elders tliee, that ce might write the names of the of the Jewsu build this house of God in his meo that wecrC til chief of them. lace. 11Andtlcusetley returnedousanser,csay- 8 IMoreover tI make a decree wollat ye fChold.6/ne ing, WTe are the servants of ice God of lcav- shall do to the elders of thoce Jecle for the ee 0s en and earth, and build the house that was building of this house of God: that of the Soade. 335 The temple finished. EZRA. Ezra goeth up to Jerusalem. B. C. 519. king's goods, even of the tribute beyond bthe son of Seraiall, the son of zariah, B.-C. 457. the river, forthllith expenses be given unto the son of Hilkiab, t Chld.. snate these men, that they be no tthindered. 2 The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, b lClir. 6. 14. to cease. 9 And that which they have need of, both the son of Ahitub, young bullocks, and rams, and lambs, for 3 The son of Amnriah, the son of Azariah, the burnt offerings of the God of lheaven, the soo of Meraioth, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the 4 The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the appointment of the priests whllich e at son of Bukki, Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day 5 The son of Abishua, the son of Phinlhas, without fail: the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the e oh.l7. 23. 10 I Tlat they may offer sacrifices tof sweet chief priest: Jer. 29. 7. savours unto the God of heaven, and fpray 6 This Ezra went up from Babylon; and t Cllnad. for the life of the king, and of his sons. he soas c a ready scribe in the law of Mloses, c ver. 11, 12, o~ rest. 11 Also I have made a decree, that whoso- which the LORD God of Israel had given: 21. flTion.2.1,2. ever shall alter this word, let timber be and the king granted him all his request, pulled down from his house, and being set daccording to the hand of the LORD his der. 0. t Ch.all. let up, Clet him be hanged thereon; n and let God upon him. cll. 8. 22, 31. hi. ie de- his house be made a dunghill for this. 7 e And tllele ent up soruo of the children cllo. 8. 1..sityo.l.'12 And tile God that hath caused his of Israel, and of the priests, and fthe Le- fSe ch. 8.15, gDa.u 2. 5. & hname to dwell there destroy all kings and vites, and the singers, and the porters, and &c. 3. 29. people, that shall put to the'ir hand to alter g the Nethinim, unto Jerusalem, in the sev- gch. 2. 43. & hi Kig 9.3. asdo to destroy this hlouse of God whil is entlh year of Altaxerxes the king. 8.20. at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a de- 8 And lhe came to Jerusalem in the fifth 457. cree; let it be done with speed. month, which toas in the seventh year of 13 ~ Then Tatlnai, governor on this side the the king. river, Shethllar-boznai, and their compan- 9 For upon the first day of the first monthl about457. ions, according to that which Darius the tbegan he to go up from Babylon, and on t H0el. -ws king lhad sent, so they did speedily. the first day of the fifth month came he to thefotos. [ ich. 5. 1, 2. 14 iAnd the elders of the Jews builded, Jerusalem, according to the good hand of t0n0 of lfB and they prospered tlrough the prophesying his God upon hiln. of Iggi the prophotandoZeolariah the son 10 For Ezra had prepared his heart to heors. of Iddo. And they builded, and finishedit, iseek the law of the LORD, and to do it, according to the commandment of the God and to k teach in Israel statutes and judg- i P. 119. 45. t Cllod. of Israel, and according to the t command- ments. ver. (;, 25. deree. |/Deut.;33. 10. dos ment of 1 Cyrus, and oDarius, and 1' Arteax- 11 ~ Now this is the copy of the letter that | 8eh. 2. 1-8. ch. l. l.. erxes king of Persia. the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the 1al. 2. 7. 13. 15 And this house was finished on the third priest, the scribe, even a scribe of thlc ords oer.o3. day of the month Adar, which was in the of the commandments of the LORD, and of I cl. 4. 21. sixth year of the reign of Darius the king. his statutes to Israel. moll. 7.1. 16 ~ And the children of Israel, the 12 Artaxerxes, Iking of kings, l'unto Ezra lEz. 26.7. 515. priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the priest, a scribe of the law of tihe God of Dan. 2. 37. t Ch.ld. the tthe children of tle captivity, kept "tho tleaven, perfect pea.ce, " and at such a time. 11 Or, to Eao..o.. ofsth dedication of this house of God with joy, 13 I make a decree, that all they of the C piest, 0t toaososol-ta- 17 And offered at the dedication of this people of Israel, and of his priests and Le- 2-010o ibe popl.,if the 1l- oJ' house of God a hundred bullocks, two hun- rites, in my realm, which are minded of tl,e Godof nl Kihn..63. dred rams, four hundred lambs; and for a their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go heav, 2 Cllr. 7. 5. sin offering for all Israel, twelve he goats, witi tlhee. peace, &c. och. 8. 35. according to the number of tile tribes of 14 Forasmuch as thou art sent t of thle m oi. 4. 10. Israel. king, and of his "'seven counsellors, to in- t Clld. from p1 Cllr.2. 0. 18 And they set the priests in their P divi- quire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, ao- befo timell q 1 Chr. 23. 6. sions, and the Lovites in their q courses, for cording to the law of thy God which is in fkoi. the service of God, which is at Jerusalem; thine hand; soEth. 1. 14. t COlsal. tras it is written in the book of Moses. 15 And to carry the silver and gold, llich -o- dinC to 19 And the clildren of the captivity kept tsle king and his counsellors lave freely ofrSigr. 3.60.& O~thnno.. 1t tich passover supon the fourteenth day of fered unto tile God of Israel, o whose habit- o2 Chr. 3. 2. 8. 3. the first month. ation is in Jerusalem, 135. 21. En.. 12. 220 For the priests and the Levites were 10 POAnd all the silver and gold that thou pcllh. 8. 25. 1 purified together, all of them socre pure, canst find ill all the province of Babylon, t2Clor.30. 15. and killed tile passover for all the children with the freewill offering of the people, and u2 Cl.35.l1. of the captivity, and for their brethren the of the priests, offering willingly for thel 1 Clr.29.G,9. priests, and for themselves. house of their God whllicl is in Jerusalem: 21 And the children of Israel, lwhich were 17 That thou mayest buy speedily with this come again out of captivity, and all such as money bullocls, rains, lambs, Coit their Ch. O. 11. lhad separated themselves unto them from rmeot offerings and their drink offerings, Num. 15.4lEx. 12.15. & the xfilthinless of the heathen of the land, and I offer them upon the altar of the house 13. 132.0. to seek the LORD God of Israel, did eat, of your God which is in Jerusalem. s Deut. 12. 5, 2 Chr. 30. 21. & 35.17. 22 And kept tile Yfeast of unleavened 18 And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, 11. zProo. 21O. bread seven days withl joy: for the LORD and to thy bretllrcn, to do withl the rest of Iovn.23.29. had made themo joyful, and 2turned the the silver and the gold, that do after the 2 Chr..11. heart a ofthe king of Assyria unto them, to will of your God. lh.l.l.&ver. strengthen their hands in the work of the 19 The vessels also that are given thee for 6, &e. house of God, the God of Israel. tle service of the house of thy God, those deliver thou before the God of Jerusaleom. CHAPTER VII. 20 And whllatsoever moe shall be needful 1 Ezra,oeth to.Je ole salems. 11 Thse gcios for the house of thy God, which thou shalt conmisolo oof oAtoxeres to lEsa. 27.Ezra have occasion to bestow, bestow it out of Olesseo/ God for Osifavooo. the king's treasure i louse. 457. NOW aofter those thinogs, in the reign of 21 And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do sNell.. 1. aArtaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra make a decree to all til treasurers which 336 T'he companions of Ez-ra, EZRA. who returned from Babylon. 3. C. ae beyo th rivr, that whatsoever Ezryoa the son of Beba, and with him twenty and B. C. about457. the priest, the scribe of the law of the God eight males. about 467. of heaven, shall require of you, it be done 12 And of: tie sons'of Azgad; Johanan speedily, 11 the son of IIakkatan, and with him a hun- Ii Or, the 22 Unto a hundred talents of silver, and to dred and ten males. yotsstaon. t tChalSd.e. a hundred tmeasures. of wheat, and to a 13 And of the last sons of Adonikam, whose hundred baths of wine, and to a hundred names are these, Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shembaths of oil, and salt without prescribing aiah, and with them threescore males. hov tuch. 14 Of the sons also of Bigvai; Uthai, and tweb. fTaet- 23 t Whatsoever is commanded bythe God' IZ abbud, and with them seventy males. i Or, Zaccu,.oeer is of of heaven, let it be diligently done for the 15 ~ And I gathered them together to the assome the[de-e house of the God of heaven: fo ir why should river that runneth to Ahava; and tere d. therecbe wrath against the realm of the king II abode we in tents three days: and I view- 11 Or, pitched. and his sons? ed the people, and the priests, and found 24 Also ae certify you, that, touching any there none of the Csons of Levi. cSee ch. 7. 7. of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, 16 Then sent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Nethinim, or ministers of this house of God, Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for J arib, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for or custom, upon them. Zechllariah, and for Meshullam, chief men; 25 And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of SE..18.21,22. God, that is in thine hand, tset magistrates understanding. Deu 1C.t, 118. and judges, which may judge all the people 17 And I sent them with commandment that are beyond the river, all such as know unto Iddo the chief at the place Casiphia, u er. 10. the laws of thy God; and Uteach ye them and tI told them what they should say unto t hob. 1put 2 ir. 17. 7. that know them not. Iddo, and. to his brethren the Nethinim, at etordos dI' 2 2 And whosoever will not do the law of the place Casiphia, that they should bring / ol ehoit-2Sla: nessomatt p..2 pe heing t. hy God, and the lace of the king, let judg- unto ts ministers for the house of our God 4.Ce 2 19am. mentbeexecuted peedilyupon him,whether 18 And by the good hand of our God upon. 319. fClhald. to it be unto death, or t to banishment, or to us they d brought us a man of understand- d Nh. 8.7. & ootl t. t. confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment. ing, of theonofnhli, the son of Levi, 9. 4, 0. u1Chr. 29.10. 217 Blessed be the LORD God of our fa- the son of Israel; and Sherebiah, with his y ch. 6. 22. thers, Ywhich hath put such a thing as this sons and his brethren, eighteen; in the king's heart, to beautify the house of 19 And Hashabiah, and with thim Jeshaiah the LORD which is in Jerusalem: of the sons of Merari, his brethren and their z ch. 9. 9. 28 And 2hath extended mercy unto me be- sons, twenty; fore the king, and his counsellors, and be- 20 eAlso of the IIethinim, whom David and e Se ch. 2.43. fore all the king's mighty.princes. And I the princes hd appointed for the service aSe ch.5.. was strengthened as athe hand of theLOdRD of the Levites, two hundred and twenty &ver. 69.& my God-was upon me, and I gathered to- Nethinim: all of them-were expressed by ch... gether out of Israel chief men to go up with name. me..21 1 Then I fproclaimed a fast there, at f 2 hr. 20. 3. HAPTER VIII. the river of Ahava, that we might V aflict g LaIe. 16. 29. e CHAPTER VIII. ourselves before our God, to seek of him a & 23. 29. 1 6yloTPhe os e ofeC thr, o t frn. h right way for us, and for our little ones, Is.58. 3, 5. Babvl.,,. 15 He,,.,lee to /Idal for, mini.... foe the ernple. 21 He keepeth a fast. 24 He and for all our substance. hPs. 5... colittet i the treastes to the cestody of the 22 For i I was ashamed to require.of the i So 1 Cor. 9. oaie.ts..F...m Ah.avehey eomeeosJruaem. king a band of soldiers and horsemen to 15. 33 Thle iteasle is weighed it themple. 36 Ths help us against the enemy in the way: beeoetaiesioa is deliorsO. cause we had spoken unto the king, saying, 457. rH EIESE are now the chief of their fathers, kThe hand of our God is upon all them for oh.7. 6;9,28. 1 and th~is is the genealogy of them that go sd that seek him; but his powver and his tPs. 33.18,19. went up with me fromlBabylon, in the reign wrath is'oagainst all them that "forsake & 314. 15, 22. of Artaxerxes the king. him. Rom. 8. 28. 2 Of the sons of Phinchas; Gershom: of 23 So we fasted and besought our God for Ps. 34. 16. the sons of Ithahar; Daniel: of the eons this: and he was ~ entreated of us.,'Chr. 15. 2. e Chr. 3. 22. of David; anattsh. 24 ~ Then I separated twelve of the chief I Chr. 5. 210. 3 Of the sons of Shechaniah, of the sons of of the priests, Sherebiahll, Hashabiah, and 2.Chr. 33.13. b ch. 2. 3. b Pharosh; Zechariah: and with him were ten of their bretthren with them, Is 19 22. reckoned by genealogy of the males a huba 25 And weighed unto them Pthe silver, and eph. 7.15,16. dred and fifty. the gold, and the vessels, even the offering 4 Of the sons of Pahath-moab; Elihoenai of the house of our. God, which the king, and the son of Zerahiah, and with him two hun- his counsellors, and his lords, and all Israel dred males. there present, had offered: 5 Of the sons of Shechaniah; the son of 26 I even weighed unto their:hand- six Jahaziel, and with him three hundred males. hundred and fifty talents of silver, and sil6 Of the sons also of Adin; Ebed the son ver vessels a:hundred talents, and of gold of Jonathan, and with him fifty males. a hundred talents; 7 And of the sons of Elam; Jeshaiah the 27 Also stwenty basins of gold, of a thouson of Athaliah, and with him seventy males. sand drams; and two vessels of t fine cop- 0t eb.yl!loxo, 8 And of the sons of Shephatiah; Zebadiah per, t precious as gold. or, sahiin the son of Michael, and with him fourscore 28 And I said unto them, Ye are bholy brass.. ihales. unto the LORD; the vessels are rholy also; t Hesh. 9Of the sons of Joab; Obadi the son of and the silver and the gold are a freewill dosio.l... Jebiel, and with him two hundred and eight- offering unto the LORD God of your fathers. Lv. 21. 7, een males. 29 Watch ye, and keep them, until ye 8. 10 And of the sons of Shelomith; the son weigh them before the chief of the priests e33. 8. of Josiphiah, and with him a hundred and and the Levites, and chief of the fathers of L'ev. 22 2.3. threescore males. Israel, at Jerusalem, in the chambers of 19m., 4. 4, 11 And of the sons of Bebai; Zechariah the house of the LORD. 22 337 Ezra's prayer, and EZRA. confession of sinS.. B. 0. 30 So took the priests and the Levites the 8 And now for a t little space grace hath B.- C. 457. ssbout457. weight of the silver, and the gold, and the been shewed from the LORD our God, to vessels, to bring then to Jerusalem unto leave us a remnant to escape, and to give tHeb. the house of our God. us II a nail in his holy place, that our God monett. 31 1 Then we departed from the river of may''lighten our eyes, and give us a little lOr, apn:| Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month, reviving in our bondage. notts an d soh.7.6,9,28. to go unto Jerusalem: and I the hand of our 9'For we were bondmen; tyet our God o aneodA: God was upon us, and he delivered us from hath not forsaken us in our bondage, but Soo Is. 22. 23. the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay ahath extended mercy unto us ill the sight rPs. 13. 3. &: in wait by the way. of the kings of Persia, to give us areviving, 34. 5. tfNeh. 2. 11. 32 And we came to Jerusaleom, and abode to set up the house of our God, and tto re- Nseh,9. 36. there three days. pair the desolations thereof, and to give us t Pa. 136. 23. 33 I Now on the fourth day was the silver a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem. 28 ver. 26, 30. and tle gold and the vessels weigled in 10 And now, 0 our God, what shall we say to h. 7. the house of o.r God by the hand of Mere- after this? for we have forsaken thy om-. o s moth the son of Uriah the priest; and with mandments,.. 2 him was Eleazar the son of Phinehas; and 11 Which thou hast commanded t by ty Is. 2. with them was Jozabad the son of Jeshua, servants the prophets, saying, The land, tHeb. by the and Noadiah the son of Binnui, Levites; unto which ye go to possess it, is an un-load of 34 By number and by weight of every one: clean land with the Y filthiness of the people h 6 21. and all the weight was written at that time. of the lands, with their abominations, which 35 Also the children of those that had been have filled it t from one end to another with o. fro carried away, which were come out of the their uncleanness.' XoIdh: a x Soth. 6.17. captivity,'offered burnt offerings unto the 12 Now therefore'give not your daughters 2 Kin. 21.16. God of Israel, twelve bullocks for dllIsrael, unto their sons, neither take their daugh- zEx. 23.32. &h ninety and six rams, seventy and seven ters unto your sons, anor seek their peace 34. 16. lambs, twelve hle goats for a sin offering: or their wealth for ever: that ye may be Deut. 7. 3. all tis owas a burnt offeringauntothe LORD. strong, and eat the good of the land, and aDet. 23. 6. ych.7. 21. 36 ~ And they delivered the king's Ycom- bleave it for an inheritance to your chil- bProv. 1322. missions unto the king's lieutenants, and dren for ever. & 20.7. to the governors on this side the river: 13 And after all that is come upon us for ePs. 103. 10. and they furthered the people, and the our evil deeds, and for our great trespass, tHeb. hasts house of God. seeing that thou our God thast punished suiteld beus less than our iniquities deserve, andhast neath otr CHAPTER IX. given us such deliverance as this; i,,ouitie. 1 Ezra nournett hfot. tha ai0ity of the peopl tith 14 Should we d again break thy command- d John 5. 14. styvanonsea e ll Hasyete nuti Godsith confn- ments, and ejoin in affinity with the people 2 Pet. 2. 20,: -siooat~ss. of these abominations? wouldest not thou, p ~ri enches came to ~ me, saying, The peo- eree.21. 2 3 457. x OW when these things were done, the be f angry with us till thou oadot consumed eh. 13. 2. N princes came to me, saying, The peo- us, so that there ehould be no remnant nor 27. ple of Israel, and the priests, and the Le- escaping? fnst. 9. 8. a ch 6. 21. vites, have not a separated themselves from 15 0 LORD God of Israel, g thou art right- |h. Neh. 9. 2. the people of the lands, idoing according cous; for we remain yet escaped, as it is Da.. 14. b Deut. 12.30, to their abominations, even of the Canaan- this day: behold, we are 7 before thee i in RPom. 3. 19. 31. ites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jeb- our trespasses; for we cannot kstaud be- i1. 1. 17. usites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the fore thee because of this.or. 1.17 Egyptians, and the Amorites. P.. 130. 3, cEx. 34. 16. 12 For they have Ctaken of their daughters CHAPTER X. Deut. 7. a. for themselves, and for their sons: so that 1 Sechaniah encosrageth Ezra to reform the Nelh. 13.23. the dholy seed have emingled themselves stoalse marrbavveoah. EzllO mosvw lsgO aesn dheyh ltke peeopi. 9 Titspeopl. at the exatorhation dEx. 19 6. & with the people of those lands: yea, the of Ezra, -veoent, and promise aendmewot. 1.5 22. 31. hand of the princes and rulers hath been te cars to pefo it. 18 the smes of the chl 14. 7. 6 chief in this trespass. hich had ma dielrage t dive 2C.14. 3 And when I heard this thing, f I rent TOW awheli n Ezra had prayed, and when aDan. 9. 20. my garment and my mantle, and plucked off he had confessed, weeping and casting fJob 1. 20. the hair of myhead and of my beard, and himself down bbefore the house of God, t2 Chr. 20.9. gPs. 143.4. sat down oastonied. there assembled unto him out of Israel a 4 Then were assembled unto me every one very great congregation of men and women Ach. 10. 3. that htrembled at the words of the God of and children: for the people t wept very tlHeb. repta Is... 2. Israel, because of the transgression of those sore. ee. that had been carried away; and I sat 2 And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one in i E. 29. 39. astonied until the ievening sacrifice. of the sons of Elam, answered and said un5 ~And at the evening sarifice I arose up to Ezra, We have Ctrespassed against our oNeh. 13. 27. 1Or, from my II heaviness; and having rent my God, and have taken strange wives of the sl;cisisa. garment -and my mantle, I fell upon my people of the land: yet now there is hope Enx; 9. 29,33. knees, and l spread out my hands unto the in Israel concerning this thing. LORD my God, * 3 Now therefore let us make da covenant d2 Chr. 34.31. Dan.9. 7, 8. 6 And said, 0 my God, I am /ashamed with our God tto put away all the wives, tHel,.tobring,nP. 38. 4. and blush to lift up my face to thee, my and such as are bornofthem, according to forth. I00r, God: for'our iniquities are inareased lthe counsel of my lord, and of those that,c0iltiness. over our head, and our II trespass is " grown etremble at f the commandment of our God; e clh. 9. 4. n 2 Chr. a8. 9. p unto the heavens. and let it be done according to the law. fDut. 7.2,3. ev..l8. 5. 7 Since the days of our fathers have~ we 4 Arise; for this matter beloegoth unto o. 10.6. been in a great trespass unto this day; and thee: we also uill be with thee: ybe of glChr.28.10. Dan. 9.5,6,8. for our iniquities Phave we, our kings, and good courage, and do it. pDeut.28.36, our priests, been delivered into the hand 5 Then arose Ezra, and made the chief 64. of the kings of the lands, to the seord, to priests, the Levites, and all Israel, kto hNEls. 5.12. Neh. 9.30. captivity, and to a spoil, and to.confusion swear that they should do according to this JDa.n. 9. 7, 8. of face, as it is this day. word. And they saware. 338 ,The nmnies of those who NEHEMIAH. had married strange wives. B. C. 457. 6 7 Then Ezra rose up from before the there were found that had taken strange. C. 456. } house of God, and went into the chamber of wives: namely, of the sons of Jeshua the Johanan the soea of Eliashllib: and when he son of Jozadak, and his brethren; Maa-1 ilDeut. 9. 18. came thither, he idid eat no bread, nor seiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Godadrink water: for he mourned because of the liah. transgression of them that had been carried 19 And they ~gave their hands that they o2Kin.10.1.5. away. would put away their wives; and beieg l Chr.29.24. 7 And they made proclamation throughout Pguilty, they offered a ram of the flock for 2 Clhr. 30. 8. Judah and Jerusalem unto all the children their trespass. pe. 6..4,.. of the captivity, that they should gather 20 And of the sons of Immer; Hanani, themselves together unto Jerusalem; and Zebadiah. i 8 And that whosoever would not come 21 And of the sons of Harim; Maaseiah, within three days, according to the counsel and Elijah, and Shemaiah, and Jehiel, and of the princes and the elders. all his sub- Uzziah. THeb. stance should be tforfeited, and himself 22 And of the sons of Pashur; Elioenai, devoted. separated from the congregation of those tNaaseiah, Ishmael, Nethaneel, Jozabad, that had been carried away. and Elasah. 9 ~ Then all the men of Judah and Ben- 23 Also of the Levites; Jozabad, and jamin gathered themselves together unto Shimei, and Kelaiah, (the same is Kelita,) Jerusalem within three days. It tcts the Pethahiah, Judah, and Eliezer. ninth month, on the twentieth dclay of the 24 Of the singers also; Eliashib: and of k See 1 Sam. month; and kall the people sat in the street the porters; Shallum, and Telem, and Uri. 12. 18. of the house of God, trembling because of 25 Moreover of Israel: ofthe sons of Pat Hcb. he this matter, and for the great rain. rosll; Ramish, and Jeziah, and Mlalchiah, showers. 10 And Ezra the priest stood up, and said and Miamin, and Eleazar, and Malchijah, t Heb. hae unto them, Ye have transgressed, and t have and Benaiah. casetode. taken strange wives, to increase the tres- 26 And of the sons of Elam;'lattaniah, deuesl, or, pass of Israel. Zechariale, and Jehiel, and Abdi, and Jereaev- ie'..sht 11 Now therefore Imake confession unto moth, and Eliah. Jac. 7. 19 the LORD God of your fathers, and do his 27 And of the sons of Zattu; Elioenai, Oso,. 28. 1. pleasure: and'nseparate yourselves from Eliashib, Malttaniah, and Jeremoth, and v. the people of the land, and from the strange Zabad, and Aziza. er wives. 28 Of the sons also of Bebai; Jehohanan, 12 Then all the congregation answered and Hananinh, Zabbai, and Athlai. said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, 29 And of the sons of Bani; Meshlellam, so must we do. Malluch, and Adaiah, Jashub, and Sheal, 13 But the people are many, and it i8 a and Ramoth. time of much rain, and we are not able to 30 And of the sons of LPahath-moab; Adna, stand without, neither is this a work of one and Chelal, Benniah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah, n Or, ese hebs day or two: for II wve are many that have Bezaleel, and Binnui, and Manasseh. greatly qf- transgrcessed in this thing. 31 And of the sons of Harim; Eliezer, 14 Let now v-our rulers of all the congrega. Ishijab, Malehiah, Shemaiah, Shimeon, th s thig. tion stand, and let all them which have 32 Benjamin, Mallucl, and Shemariah. taken strange wives in our cities come at 33 Of the sons of Hashum;. Mattenai, appointed times, and with them the elders Mattathah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, Maof every city, and the judges thereof, until nasseh, and Shimei. n2 Chr. 30. 8. tbhe fierce wrath of our God Ilfor this mat- 34 Of the sons of Bani; Maadai, Amram, II Or, tillti ter be turned from us. and Uel, malte, be 15 I Only Jonathan the son of Asahel and 35 Benaiah, Bedeiah, Cllelluh, dissptched. Jaha'ziah the son of Tikvah t were employ- 36 Vanish,'eremotle, Eliashib, t TH-eb. ed about this matter: and Meshullam and 37 Mlattaniah, Matten ai, and Jaasau, Shabbethai the Levite helped them. 38 And Bani, and Binnui, Shimei, 16 And the children of the captivity did so. 39 And Shelemiah, and Nathan, and AdaAnd Ezra the priest, witih certain chief of iah, the fathers, after the house of their fathers, 40 II Machnadebai, Shashai, Sharai, 11 Or, M1stand all of them by their names, were sep- 41 Azareel, and Shelemiall, Shemariah, nadebai, searated, and sat down in the first day of the 42 Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph. eording to tenth month to examine the matter. 43 Of the sons of Nebo; Jeiel, olattithiah, some copies. 17 And they made an end with all the men Zabad, Zebina, Jadau, and Joel, Benaiah. that had taken strange wives by the first 44 All these had taken strange wives: and day of the first month. some of them had wives by whom they had 45. 18 5 And among the sons of the priests children. THE BOOK OF NEHEMIAH. B. C. CHAPTER I. which were left of the captivity, and con- I. C. about446. 1 l'ehemiahs undsestaeding by Hanani the nisery cerning Jerusalem. about 446. of.Jee.?lem,,aeh,.ftte, and jerayeie e. 3 And they said unto me, The remnant that 5 Hid tayer. are left of the captivity there in the province ach. 10.-1. - THE words of aNehemiah the son of are in great affliction and reproach: bthe Ibeh. 2. 17. I IHachaliah. Aendit cameto pass inthe wall of Jerllsalem also Cis broken down, c2Cin. 25.10. month Chisleu, in the twentieth year, as I and the gates thereof are burned with fire. was in Shushan the palace, 4. came to pass, mllen I heard 2 That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, these words, that I sat down and wept, and he and certait men of Judah; and I asked mourned certain days, and fasted, and them concerning the Jews that had escaped, prayed before the God of heaven, 339 Artaxerxes sendeth NEHEMIAH. Nehenozah to Jerusalem.B. C. 5 And said, I beseech thee, d0 LORD God ber to make beams for the gates of the- B. C. about446. of heaven, the great and terrible God, palace which appertained Yto the house, about445. ethat keepeth covenant and mercy for them and tbr the wail of the city, and for the Dau. 9.4. that love him and observe his command- house that I shall enter into. And the gch.3.7.,E.. 20t 6o ments: king granted me, h according to the good hE- 05. 5. h& 6 Let thine ear now be attentive, and hand of my God upon me. 7. 6, 9, 28. f I in.8.28, fthine eyes open, that thou mayesthear tho 9 ~ Then I oame to the governors beyond -e. 18. 29. prayer of thy servant, which 1 pray before the river, and gave them the king's letters. 445. 2 Ch. 6. 40. thee now, day and night, for the children of Now the king had sent captains of the army Dan.. 17,18. Israel thy servaots, and g confess the sins and horsemen with me. gDao. 9.20. of the children of Israel, which we have 00 When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tosinned against thee: both I andmyfather's biah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of house have sinned. it, it grieved them exceedingly that there hrI. O'.. 106. 6. 7 We have dealt very corruptly against was come a man to seek the welfare of the Dan. 0.5. thee, and have tnot kept the command- clildrenof Israel. iDeut. 28.15. ments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, 11 So I i came to Jerusalem, and was there i Ezra 8. 32. which thou commandedst thy servant Moses. three days. 8 Remember, I beseech thee, the word that 12 I And I arose in the night, I and some thou coonmandedct thy servant Moses, say- few men with me; neither told I any man ]kLev. 26. 33. ing. ktf ye transgress, I will scatter you what my God had put in my heart to do at Dot. 4.'2.5, abroad among the nations: Jerusalem: neither was there any beast 26, 27. & 28. 9 l But if ye turn unto me, and keep my with me, save the beast that I rode upon.. commandments, and do them; "though 13 And I went out by night hby the gate k 2 Chr. 26.09. oe. there were of you cast out unto the tter- of the valley, even before the dragon well, ch. 3. 13. Dent4.4. 29, most part of the heaven, Pet will I gather and to the dung port, and viewed the walls 30, 31. & 30. them from thence, and vill bringtlemunto of Jerusaleom, whichowere lbroken down, I(h. 1. 3. 2. the place that I have chosen to set my name and the gates thereof were consumed with ver. 17. mDelt. 30.4. there. fire.,tDct.9.O2. t0 1O'Nowmthese are thy servants and thy 14 Then I went on to the'gate of the ob. 3.t15. Dan. 9. 15. people, whom thou hast redeemed by thy fountain, and to the king's pool: but there great power, and by tby strong hand. was no place for the beast that was under ever. 6. 11 O Lord,tI beseech thee, "let now thine meto pass. ear be attentive to the prayer of thy serv- 15 Then went I up in the night by the ant, andto the prayer of thy servants, who hbrook, and viewed the wall, and turned n2 Sam. 15. p It. 26. 8. I desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I back, and entered by the gate of the valley, 31. Hel. 13. 18. pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant and so returned. him mercy in the sight of this man. For I 16 And the rulers knew not whither I ch. 2 1. was the king's lcupbearer. went, or what I did; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews, nor to the priests, nor CHAPTER II. to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to the 1 Artaxerees rdecstcandi,t g the catse of NAhe- rest that did the work. miash' sades (Sed eth him with letters and cornmisiontadoJeusa tem. 9eemiaa, itohthloe rief 17 1 Then said I unto them, Ye see the of the semiea, cometh to J-asatlem. 1- He diet- distress that we aoe in, how Jerusalem lieth eth ascrtttly tOlho c otftbewalls. 17Hlinciteth waste, and the gates thereof are burned Iht Je-s to build in despite of the -ecmies. with fire: come, and let us build up the about 445. A ND it came to pass in the month Nisan, wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a oc.. 3. aEwa 7.. oa- in tht twentieth year of AArtaxerxes reproach. Ps. 441. 13. the king tlhat twine was -before him: and 18 Then I told them of Pthe hand of my 9. 4. bh. 1. 11. bI took up the Oine, and gave it unto the God whilch oas good upon me; as also tie,. 5. 14, 15. king. Now I had not been beforetione sad king's words that he had spoken unto me. 022. 4. in his presence. Andthey said, Let us rise up and build. So p ver. 8. 2 Wherefore the king said unto me, Whyis they q strengthened their Iands for this 2 Sam. 2.7. thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not goodzvorck. eProv. 15.13. sick? this is nothing else but Csorrow of 19 But when Sanballat the Horonite, and heart. Then I was very sore afraid, Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Godl3Hin. 1.31. 3 And said unto the king, dLet the king shem the Arabian, heard it, they rlaughed P., 44. 13. & Da.2. 4. & live for ever: why should not my counte- us to scorn, and despised us, and said, 79.4. & 80.6. 0. 10. & 6. 6, nance be sad, when ethe city, the place of What is this thing that ye do c swill ye re- ach. 6. 6. 21. my fathers' sepulhres, lieth waste, and el and belgainst the'king? e ch. 1. 3. the gates thereof are consumed with fire? 20 Then answered I them, and said unto 4 Then the king said unto me, For what them, The God of heaven, he will prosper dost thou make request? So I prayed to us; therefore we his servants will arise and the God of heaven. build: tbut ye lave no portion, nor right, t E-m4. 3. 5 And I said unto the king, If it please nor memorial, in Jerusalem. the king, and if thy servant have found favour in thy sight, that thou wouldest send CHAPTER III. me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' The names and order of th that builded the sepulehres, that I may build it. wall. t Heb. wife. 6 And the king said unto me, (the tqueen rHEN a Eliashib the high priest rose up ah. 12.10. also sitting by hcim,) For how long shall thy with his brethren the priests, band bJohn5. 2. journey be? and when wilt thou return? they builded the sheep gate; they sanctified och. 12.39. So it pleased the king to send me; and I it, and set up the doors of it; Ieven unto Iter. 31. 38. fch. 5. 14. & setboimfatime. the tower of teah they sanctified it, unto ech. 14. 10. 13. 6. 7 Moreover I said unto the king, If it the tower of dHannneel. tb. at h., please the king, let letters be given me to 2 And tnext unto him builded ethe men Lo. to I the governors beyond the river, that they ofJerioho. And next to them builded Zae- Er, 2. 34. may convey me over till I come into Judah; cur the son of Imri. f 2 Chr. 3.1. 8 And a letter unto Asaph the keeper of 3 f But the fish gate did the sons of Has- h. 12. 39 the king's forest, that he may give me tim- senaah build, who also laid the beams Zeph. 1. 10. 340 The names of them NEHEMIAH. that builded the wall. B. C. 445. thereof, and ~set up thile doors thereof, the of Urijah the son of Koz another piece, from B.C. 445. looks thereof, and the bars thereof. the door of the house of Eliashib even to the gSteech.. 6. 4 And next unto them repaired Ieremoth end of the house of Eliashib. 7.1. the son of Urijah, the son of Koz. And 22'And after himr repaired-the priests, the next unto them repaired Meshullam the son men of the plain. of Berechiah, the son of Ileshezabeel. And 23 After him repaired Benjamin and Hanext unto them repaired Zadok the son of shub over against their house. After him Baana. repaired Azariah the son of Bnaaseiah the 5 And next unto them the Tekoites re- son of Ananiah by his louse. paired; but their nobles put not their 24 After him repaired Binnui the son of hJudg. 5. 23. Ilecks to h the work of their Lord. Henadad another piece, from the house of all. 12. 39 6 Mloreover ithe old gate repaired Jehoiada Azariah unto,the turning of the stall, event Ver. 19. the son of Paseall, and Meshullamn the son unto the corner. of Besodeiah; they laid the beams thereof, 25 Palal the son of Uzai, over against the and set up the doors thereof, and the locks turninlg of the waonll, and the tower which thereof, and the bars thereof. lieth out from the king's high louse, that 7 And next unto them repaired Melatiah boas by the ecourt.of the prison. After etjer. 32.2. & the Gibconite, and Jadon the Meronothite, him Pedaiah the son of Parosh. 33.1. &37.21. the men of Gibeon, and of Mizpah, unto 26 Moreover'the Nethinim lidwelt in oEzr 2. 43. k c. 2. 8. tie kthrone of the governor on this side the IlY Ophel, unto the place over against'the oh. 11. 21. river. water gate toward the east, and the tower 11 Or, -eich 8 Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son tlantlietl out. deatt i,. of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next unto 27 After them the Tekoites repaired an- Odel him also repaired tananiah the son of ole otler piece, over against the great tower II Or, left Je- of the apothecaries, and they II fortified Jo- that lieth out, even unto the oall of Ophel. 000salentctlto rusalem unto the lbroad l v all.28 From above the a horse gate repaired the. 27.0. the broad 9 And next unto them repaired RPephaiah priests, every one over against his house. waIl. l 1,. 8.1, 3. & the son of Hur, the ruler of the half part of 29 After them repaired Zadok the son of 1 3. I lo. 12. 38. Jerusalem. Immer over against his house. After him. 37 10 And next unto them repaired Jedaiah repaired also Shemaiah the son of Shech- 2C hin.11.16, the son of Harumanph, even over against his aniah, the keeper of tile east gate. Jer31. 40, house. And next unto him repaired Hat- 30 After iim repaired Hananiah the son tush the son of Haslabniah. of Shelemiah, and Hanun the sixth son of 11 Malehijah the son of Harim, and Ha- Zalapl, another piece. After him repaired shub the son of Pahathi-moab, repaired tie Mleshullam the son of Berechiahover against tHeb. secosnd tother piece, "and the tower of the fur- his chamber. e aces. 31 After him repaired Malchiah the goldt ich. 12. 38. 12. And next unto him repaired Shallunl smith's son unto the place of the Nethinim, the son of Haloheslb, the ruler of the half and of the merchants, over against the gate part of Jcrusalem, ie and his daughters. 1Iiphkad, and to the 11 goingup of the corner.'Or. cote, noh. 2.13. 13 1'The valley gate repaired Hanun, and 32 And between the going up of the cor- chamlber. the inhabitants of Zanoah; they built it, ner unto the sheep gate repaired the goldand set up the doors thereof, the locks smiths and the merchants. thereof, and the bars thereof, and a thou- CHAPTER IV. o oh. 2. 13. sand cubits on the wall unto Othe dung gate. I iec o inc h sco// i/cfAi-h es//COth ocd 14 But the dung gate repaired 5Ialchiah 1oe tinueth tleen ork. 7,, lder.statding h-:eg!rath the.son of Reellab, the ruler of part of and seretof th een y,/es ettetla /e teh. 13 Beth-haccere m; he built it, and set up thhe, a}meth t be s 19 ane d yiveth military doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the prpee., bars thereof. d UT it came to pass, athat twhen San- ch. 2.10,19. p oh. 2. 14. 15 But the gate of the fountain repaired 1 /ballat heard that we builded the wall, Sllallun the son of Col-hozell, the ruler of he was wrot/l, and took great indignation, part of MIizpah; he built it, and covered it, and mocked the Jews. and set up the doors thereof, the looks 2 And lhe spake before hlis brethren and thereof, and the bars thereof, and the ovll tie army of Samaria, and said, What do q Jol] 9. 7. of the pool of q Siloah by the king's garden, these feeble Jews? will they t fortify them- tHeb. leave and unto the stairs that go down from the selves? will they sacrifice? will they make o t/ecity of David. an end in a day? will they revive the stones selve. 16 After him repaired Nehemiah the son out of the heaps of the rubbish which are of Azbuk, the ruler of the ialf part of Beth- burned? zur, unto the place over against the sepul- 3 Now b Tobiah the Ammonite was by hin,. 2. 10, 19. r2Kin.20.20. chres of David, and to the rpool that was and he said, Even that which they build, if Is. i2. 11. made, and unto the house of the mighty. a fox go up, he shall even break down their 17 After him repaired the Levites, Rehum stone owall. the son of Bani. Next unto him repaired 4 c Hear, O'our God; for we are t despised: P. 123. 3, 4. Hashlabial, the ruler of the half part of and dlturn their reproachll upon their own t eb. Keilah, in his part. head, and give them for a prey in the land despite. 18 After him repaired their brethren, Bav- of captivity: dP. 79. 10. ai the son of Hoenadad, the ruler of the half 5 And'cover not their iniquity, and let Provy. 3.34. part of Reilah. not their sin be blotted out from before thee: Ps. 69.,27,28. 19 And next to him repaired Ezer the son for they have provoked thee to anger before & 1097 14.15. of Jeshua, the ruler of Mizpah, another tie builders. Jor. 18. 23. piece over against the going up to the arm- 6 So built weo the wall'; and all the wall 2 Chr26.. 26 9 oury at the turning of te wall. was joined togetller unto the half thereof: Or, Zacai. 20 After him Baruch the son of /I Zabbai for the people hadoa mind to work. earnestly repaired the other piece, from the 7 Bu It it came to pass, that f when San- f e,e. 1. turning of the soall unto the door of the ballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and house of Eliashib the high priest. the Ammonites, and tile Ashdodites, heard t Heh. 21 After him repaired Meromoth the eon tliat the waols of Jerusalem t were made up, asoolded. 241 'laehemiah setteth a watch. NEHEMIAH. Ile rebuketh the usurers. B. C. 445. and that the breaches began to be stopped, take up corn for them, that we may eat, B. 0. 445, then they were very wroth, and live. g Pa8. 3,4,5. 8 And Yconspired all of them together to 3 Some also there were that said, We have come and to fight against Jerusalem, and mortgaged our lands,vineyards, and houses, tHeb. to tto hinder it. that we might buy corn, because of the taacant 9 Nevertheless hwe made our prayer unto dearth. eslor tio it. our God, and set a watch against them day 4 There were also that said, We have borAhP,. 50. 15. and night, because of them. rowed money for the king's tribute, andlz 10 And Judah sod, Tile strength of the that tpon our lands and vineyards. bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is 5 Yet now c our flesh es as the flesh of our c It. 58. 7. much rubbish; so that we tre not able to brethren, our children as their children: build the wall. and, lo, lwe dhring into bondage our sons d Er. 21. 7. 11 And our adversaries said, They shall and our daughters to be servants, and sooe L.e. 25, 39., not know, neither see, till we come in the of our daughters are brought into bondage midst among them, and slay them, and alresady: neither is it in our power to recause the work to cease. dee7t them,; for other men have our lands 12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews and vineyards. which dwelt by them came, they said unto 6 T And I was very angry when I heard tOr, Tat aus ten times, IIFrom all places whence ye their cry and these words. tll shall return unto us they till be ttpon yoa. 7 Then t I consulted with myself, and I t Heb. an t.ace" ye 13 SI Therefore set I tin the lower places rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, anaid said tco,qtsretou,. behind the wall, and on the higher places, I unto them, eYe exact usury, every one of 0l.. toth. Jot,, teven set the people after their families with his brother. And I set a great assembly Ex. 2. 2.5. the lowe, their swords, their spears, and their bows. against them. E.. 2,2 l ofto 14 And I looked, and rose up, and said 8 And I said unto them, Wte, after our tlae, 40. unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to ability, have fredeemed our brethren the f Le-. 25. 48. ilNum. 14.9. the rest of the people, IBe not ye afraid of Jews, which were sold unto the heathen; DDeut.. 2. them: remember the Lord, which is kgreat and will ye even sellyour brethren? or shall k Deut. 10.17. and terrible, and /fight for your brethren, they be sold unto u3? Then heldtheytheir 12 S.a.10.12. your sons, and your daughters, your wives, peace, and found nothing to anslver. and your houses. 9 Also I said, It is not good that ye do: 15 And it came to pass, when our enemies ought ye not to walk gin the fear of our God o Lev. 25. 36. mJo 5. 12. heard that it wasknownuntous,t1and God hbecause of the reproach of the heathen [h2Sam.12.14. had brought their counsel to nought, that our enemies? R.. 2. 24. we returned all of us to the wall, every one 10 I likewise, and my brethren, and my 1 Pet. 2.12.: unto his work. servants, might exact of them money and16 And it camo to pass from that time corn: I pray you, let us leaveoffthisusury. forth, that the half of my servants wrought 11 Restore, I pray you, to them, even this in the work, and the other half of them held day, their lands, their vineyards, their olivebotll the spears, the shields, and the bows, yards, and their houses, also the hundredth and the habergeons; and tile rulers were part of the money, and of the corn, the behind all the house of Judah. wine, and the oil, that ye exact of them. 17 They which builded on the wall, and 12 Then said they, We will restore them, they that bare burdens, with those that andwillrequireo nothing of them; so'ill we laded, every otne with one of his hands doasthousayest. ThenIcalledthepriests, wrought in the work, and with the other iand took an oath of them, that they should iEzra 10. 5. hand held a weapon. do according to this promise. Jer. 34. 8, 9. 18 For the builders, every one had his 13 Also kI shook my lap, and said, So God k tattlot-. tlteb. on his sword girded tby his side, and so builded. shake out every man from his house, and Acts183.i.& loina. Andhe that soundedthetrumpetztaasbyame. from his labour, that performeth not' this 18 (i 19 And I said unto the shaken outbles, and to e promise, even thus be he shaken oat, and rulers, and to the rest of the people, The t emptied. And all the congregation said, tehb. enyty, work is great and large, and we are sopa-Amen, and praised the LORD. lAnd the avo;d. rated upon the wall, one far from another. people did according to this promise. 12 Ii.. 23. 3. 20 In what place therefore ye hear the 14 I~ Moreover from the time that I was sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto appointed to be their governor in the land Eoa.1l4.14,t5. us: "our God shall fight for us. of Judah, from the twentieth year r even r ch. 13. 6. Deut1.1.30.& 21 So we laboured in the work: and half unto the two and thirtieth year of Artaxers3. 22. & 20; 4. of them held the spears from the rising of es the lting, that is, twelve years, I and my Josh. 23. 10. the morning till the stars appeared. brethren have not teaten the bread of the nlCor.9.4,15i. 22 Likewise at the same tine said I unto the governor. people, Let every one with his servant lodge 15 But the former governors that had been within Jerusalem, that in the night they my before me were chargeale unto the people, U Or, every ot be a guard to us, and labour on the day. and had taken of them bread and Mine, bewent with 23 SoneitherI,normybretlhren,nor myse rv- sides forty shekels of silver; yea, even their i., at.on ants, nor the men of the guard whiohfollowed servants bare rule over the peopld: but so 2 Cor. l.9.: Seo Judgt 5. me, none of us put off our clothes, 11 saving did not I, because of the 21 fear of God. 10l. 13. 11. that every one put them off for washing. 16 Yea, also I continued in the work of 01 ver. 9. this wall, neither bought we any land: and CHAPTER V. all my servants toere gathered thither unto 1'he Jells comnilain of ihebr debt, morrgage, and tile work, bondaoe. i teheminak heboh' eth the zqv.,'ers, and easeth them to mte a covenattt ofraietitao. 17 Moreover there twere e at my table a qO Sam. 9. 7. 14 He fob-ea, eth his owt allowatce, and keep- hundred and fifty of the Jews and rulers, lKin. 18.10. ctt hsoapitality. besides those that came unto us from among aIs. 7. A ND there was a great a cry of the peo- the heathen that are about us. LX. ple and of their wives against their 18 Now theat wich was prepared for me I lin. 4. 22. tev, 25. 35, hbbrethen tte Jcrws. daily twas one ox and six choice sheep; also 36. 37. 2 For there were that said, We, our sons, fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten Deut. 15. 7. and our daughters, are many: thereforeowe days store of all sorts of mine: yetfor all O~~~~~~day tr falsrs fwn:ytfral Sanballat's evil practices. NEHEMIAH. The wall is finished. i. C. 445. this Srequired not I the bread of the gov- 16 And it came to pass, that k when all our B. C. ernor, because the bondage was heavy upon enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen about 445. 14, 15. this people. thatt.oere about us saw these things, they t ch. 13. 22. 19 it Think upon me, my God, for good, ac- were much cast doln in their own eyes: for clh. 2.10.& 4. cording to all that Iha ave done for this lthey perceived that this work was wrought 1, 7. & 6.1. people. of our God. I PI. 126. 2. CHAPTER VI. 17 T~ Mloreover in those days the nobles of |1 Saotatlat pg tiseth by?aft, oy orumtroso y Judah t sent many letters unto Tobiah, and t heb. mtletihired t1,ophlecies, to tersif. AXehemiah. 15 The the letters of Tobiah came unto them. It O tUor isfiishe to the teor of the eneiecs. 17 18 For there were many o n Judah smorn t'abi. i,telliete bet..n tie.o ie unto him, because be..t the son in la of m ad tl-tlobtetsof Jezdsh. Sheclhaniah the son of Arab; and his son.abh. 2. 10,19. NTOW it came to pass, awhen Sanballat, Johanan had taken the daughter of Meshul& 4.1, 7. [l and Tobiah,and II Cleshem theArabian, lam the son of Berechiah. e 1 Or sb —, ash and the rest of our enemies, heard that I 19 Also they reported his good deeds before esr. 6, had builded the wall, and that there was no me, and uttered my lwords to him. And UOr, attoro. b ch. 3. 1, 3. breach left therein; (b though at that time I Tobiah sent letters to put me in fear. had not set up the doors upon the gates;) CHAPTER VII. cProv. 26. 24, 2 That Sauballat and Geshem csent unto 1 ehertiah iobm. itoteh the chaqge of Jestusatlem 25. me, saying, Come, let us meet together in to Hatatni ated lanlcciah. 6 A register of the some one of the villages in the plain of genealogy of them,t ich came at lth flst ott of d 1 hr. 8. 12. dOno. But they e thought to dome mischief. Bab9lon t Of the.oet 39 of tAe ptiests, 43 of ch. 11. 35. 3 And I sent messengers unto them, say- th teites. 46 of the dactiito,.7 ofSolumono -e-vants, 63 and of the priests.ch4i coul not eP. 37.12,32. ing, I amt doing a great work, so that I can- fid their podiqoecf. 66 I he tuhoie number of not come down: why should the work cease, them, tih th eiir,ubstanee. 70 Thei,t oblations. whilst I leave it, and come down to you?']TOW it came to pass, when the wall mas 4 Yet they sent unto me four times after ht built, and I had a set up the doors, and chl6. 1. this sort; and I answered them after the the porters and the singers nnd the Levites same manner. mere appointed, 5 Then sent Sanbatlat his servant untome 2 That I gave my brother Hanani, and in like manner the fifth time with an open Hananiah the ruler bof the palace, charge ch.'2. 8. letter in his hand; over Jerusalem: for-he wtas a faithful man, Wherein was written, It is reported and 0feared God above many. cE,. 18. 21. I Or, Gesaem, among the heathen, and II Gashmu saith it, 3 And I said unto them, Let not the gates ver. 1. fthat thou and the Jews think to rebel: for of Jerusalem be opened until the sun be flch. 2. 19. twhich cause thou buildest the wall, that hot; and lwhile they stand by, let them shut [I ~ ~ thou mayest be their king, according to the doors, and bar then: and appoint these words. watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 7 And thou hast also appointed prophets every one in his watch, and every one to be to preach of thee at Jerusalem, saying, over against his house. There is a king in Judah: and now shall it 4 Now the city was t large and great: but tHeh. hroad be reported to the king according to these the people were0 few therein, and the houses sca e0. words. Come now therefore, and let us werenot builded. take counsel together. 5 I And my God put into mine heart to 8 Then I sent unto him, saying, There are gather together the nobles, and the rulers, no such things done as thou sayest, but thou and the people, that they might be reckoned feignest them out of thine own heart. by genealogy. And I found a register of the 9 For they allmadeus afraid, saying, Their genealogy of them which came up at the hands shall be weakened from the work, that first, and found written therein, it be not done. Now therefore, 0 God, 6 dThese are the children of the province, about530. strengthen my hands. that went up out of the captivity, of those dEzra2.1,&o. t10 Afterward I oame unto the house of that had been carried away, whom NebuShemaiah the son of Delaiah the son of Me- chadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried hetabeel, who wpas shut up; and he said, away, and came again to Jerusalem and to Let us meet together in the hlouse of God, Judah, every one unto his city; ewithin the temple, and let us shut the doors 7 Who came with Zerubbabel, Joshua, of the temple: for they will come to slay Nehemiah, IlAzariah, Raamiah, Nahlmaoni, I[Or,Seu.iah: thee; yea, in the night will they come to Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Ne- SCOEzra2.2. slay thee. hum, Baanah. The number, Isay, of the 11 And I said, Should such a man as I men of the people of Israel was thist flee? and who is therce, that, being as I 8 The children of Parosh, two thousand a ant, would go into the temple to save his hundred seventy and two. life? I wmill not go in. 9 The children of Shephatiah, three hun12 And, lo, I perceived that God llad not dred seventy and tmo.!gEz. 13. 22, sent him; but that ghe pronounced this 10 The children of Arab, six hundred fifty prophecy against me: for Tobiah and San- and two. ballat had hired him. 11 The children of Pahbath-moab, of the 13 Therefore awas he hired, that I should children of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand be afraid, and do so, and sin, and that they and eight hundred and eighteen. might have mattert for an evil report, that 12 Tihe children of Elam, a thousand two they might reproach me. hundred fifty and four. ch. 13. 23. 14 I*My God, think thou upon Tobiah and 13 The children of Zattu, eight hundred Sanballat according to these their works, forty and five. i Ez. 13. 17. and on the iproplletess Noadiah, and the 14 The children of Znecai, seven hundred rest of the prophets, that would have put and threescore. me in fear. 15 The children of 11 Binnui, six hundred'Or, B1ani. about 445. 15 ~ So the wall was finished in the twenty forty and eight. and fifth dclay of the month Elul, in fifty 16 The children of Bebai, six hundred and two days. tmenty and eight. 343 A register of them which NEHEMIAH. came first from Babylon. B.-'C. 17 The children of Azgad, two thousand 53 The children of Bakbuk, the children of B. C. about 536. three hundred twenty and two. HEakupha, the children of Harhur, about 636. 18 The children of Adonikam, six hundred 54 The children of li Bazlith, the children threescore and seven. of MiIehida, the children of Harsha, Or. BotZuth.. 19 The children of Bigvai, two thousand 55 The children of Barkos, the children of threescore and seven. Sisera, the children of Tamall, 20 The children of Adin, six hundred fifty 56 The children of Neziah, the children of and five. Hatipha. 21 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, 57 ~ The children of Solomon's servants: ninety and eight. the children of Sotai, the children of Soph22 The children of Hashum, three hundred ereth, the children of i Perida, i Or, Peruda. twenty and eight. 58 The children of Jaala, the children of 23 The children of Bezai, three hundred Darkeon, the children of Giddel, twenty and four. 59 The' children of Shephatiah, the chil-' 11Or. Jo. 24 The children of 11 Hariph, a hundre d and dren of Hattil, the children of Pochereth of twelve. Zebaim, the children of:lmon. IOr, Ami. Ori, (Wlba. 25 The children of II Gibeon, ninety and 60 All the Nethinim, and the children of five. Solomon's servants, were three hundred 26 The men of Beth-lehem and Netophah, ninety and two. a, hundred fourscore and eight. 61 k And these were they which. went up E{e. 2 Oh 27 The men of Anathoth, a hundred twenty clso from Tel-melah, Tel-haresha, Cherub, and eight. IIAddon, and but they could not t or. Addca,. U Or, 28 The men of {l Both-azmaveth, forty and sheow their father's house, nor their 11 seed,1 lOr,Pcdigrc. Atmaveth. two. wvhetherthey were of Israel. fOr, Kirjath- 29 The men of. 11Kirjath-jearim, Chlephi. 62 Tile children ofiDelaiah, the children of arim. rach, and Beer6th, seven' hundred forty and Tobiah, tle children of Nekoda, six hundred three.' forty and two. 30 The men of Ramah and Gaba, six hun- 63 ~[ And of the priests: the children of dred twenty and one. Habaiahll, the children of Koz, the children 31 The men of ltichmas, a hundred and of Barzillai, which took one of the daughters twenty and two. ofBatrzillai thle Gileadite to wife, and was 32 The men of Beth-el and Ai, a hundred called after their name. twenty and three. 6'These soughlt their register 0among 33 The men of the other Nebo, fifty and those that were reckoned'by genealoy, but two. it iwas not found: therefore were they, as eSee ver. 12. 34 The children of the other eElam, a thou- polluted, put from the priesthood. sand two hundred fifty and four. 65 And lithe Tirshatlha said unto them, IOr, tAegov35 Tile children of H carim, three hundred that they should not eat of the most holy eio'9.and'twenty. tilings, till there;tood- up a priest with h.8.9. 36,The children of Jericho, three hundred Urim and Thummim. forty and five. 66 ~ The whole congregation together was 37 Tlie children of Lod, Hadid, and One, forty and two thousand three hundred and seven hundred twenty and one. threescore, 38 The children of Senach, three thousand 67 Besides their manservants and their nine hundred and thirty. maidservants, of whom there were seven fl Chr. 21. 7. 39 ~ The priests: the children of fJeda- thousand three hundred thirty and seven: iah, of the house of Jeshua, nine lundred and they had two hundred forty and five seventy and three. singing men and singing women. lfChr.24.11. 40 The children of s2mmer, c thousand 68 Their horses, seven hundred thirty and fifty and two. six: their mules, two hundred forty and five: hSee 1 Chr. 9. 41 The children of hPashur, a thousand 69 Their camels, four hundred thirty and 12. & 24. 9. two hundred forty and seven. five: six thousand seven hundred and twenil Chr. 21.. 42 The children of iHcarin, a thousand and ty asses. seventeen. 70 1 And t some of the chief of the fathers f Heb. part. 43' Tile Levites: the children of Jeshua, gave unto tile work. IThe Tirshatlia gave ch. 8. 9. or, l odai.- of Kadmiel, ancl of the children of IIHode-. to the treasure a tlousand drams of gold, ah, Era 2. vah, seventy and four. fifty basins, five hundred and thirty priests' 40. or. Jo- 44 ~ The singers: tile children of Asaph, a garments. dat, Ere, 3. hundred forty and eight. 71 And some of the chief of the fathers 45 ~ The'poiters: the children of Shallum, gave to the treasuree of the work "I twenty mSoEta2.69.B the children of'Ater, the children of Talmon, thousand drams of gold, and two thousand the children of Akkub, the children of Hat- and two hundred pounds of silver. ita, the children of Shobai, a hundred thir- 72 And that which the rest of the people ty and eight. gave was twenty thousand drams of gold, 46 ~ The Nethinim: the children of Ziha, and two thousand pounds of silver, and the children of Hashupha, the children of threescore and seven priests' garments. Tabbaoth, 73 So the priests, and tlhe Levites, and the 47 The children of EKeros, the children of porters, and the singers, and some of the U Or, Siata. II Si, the children of Padon, people, and the Nethinim, and all'Israel, 48 The children of Lebana, the children of dwelt in their cities; land when the sevo-, Ec 3. 1. cOr,Shamlai. Hagaba, the children of II Shalmai, entll month came, the children of Israel 49 The childfen of Hanan, the children of were in their cities. Giddel, the elildren of Gahar, CHAPTER III. 50 The cliildren of Reoain, the children of 1 Thet ellgiots cnannec of seaontit andi heating Rezin, the children of Nekoda, th-e loas. 9 Tey co fof-t the eople. 13 The 51 The' children of Gazzam, the children of foelanedess of then to hea, anl be i atructecd. Uzza, the children of Phaseah, 16 They keep ilhefeast of tabe-sancles.'52' The' children of Besni, tile children of AND all'Ithe people gathered themselves about445..Osp.!r, Meunim, the children of i Nephishesim, A together as one mall into the street Ezr. 3.. 344" The law expounded by Ezra. NEHEMIAH. A general solemn fast. B. C. that was before the water gate; and they 16 ~ So the people went forth, and brought B. C. about445. spake unto Ezra the Iscribe to bring the them, and made themselves booths, every hbout445. book of the law of Moses, which the LORD one upon the Yroofof his house, and in their t h. 36.26. hd commanded to Israel. courts, and in the courts ofet the house of yDeut. 22.8. cEzra 7. 6. 2 And Ezra thle priest brought dthe law God, and in the street of thile'water gate, eeh. 12. 37. dDnut. 31.11, before the congregation both of men and Iand in the street of the gate of Ephraim.a2 rin.14.13. 12. women, and all that could hear with un- 17 And all the congregation of them that eh. 12. 39. Heb. that derstanding, eupon the first day of the sev- were come again out of the captivity made nnd.rneed ienth month. ebooths, and sat under the booths: t tr since 3 And he read therein before the street the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that e Lev. 23.24. that was before the water gate t from tte day had not the children of Israel done so. totteh.from morning until midday, before tile men and And there was very b greant gladness., 2 Cer. 30. 21. rinthelgt. the women, and tiose that could under- 18 Also Cday by day, from tie first day cDlet. 31.10, stand; and the ears of all tile people were unto the last day, he read in the book of &e. attentive unto the book of the law. tile law of God. And they kept the feast tHeb. a ret onh. tower 4 And Ezra the scribe stood upon a t pul- seven days; and on the eighth day was t a nereiret. wooe. pit of wood, which they had made for the solemn assembly, daceording unto the man- d Len. 2336. purpose; and beside him stood Mattithialh, nr. Nun. 29.35 and Shema, and Anaiah, and Urijah, and CHAPTER IX. Hilkiah, and Maaseiah,e on his right hand; 1 Arolemln fast, aed e p-,,aeoe f e he peoplee. 4 and en his left hand, Pedaiah, and Mishael, rlrh nevitss mak, a eligioue confessioe of God'n and Malchiah, and Hashum, and Hashbad- eeedrn adtei etrn. ana, Zechariah, and Meshullam. TOW in the twenty and fourth day of 445. t Heb. ya, 5 And'Ezra opened the book in the t sight L athis month the children of Israel reeh...2. of all the people; (for lie wa h above all the were assembled with fasting, and with people;) and when he opened it, all the sackclothes, i and earth upon them. bZosr.. 7.. fJTudg.. 20. people fstood up: 2 And Cthe seed of Israel separated them- 1 s-r-. 4.12. 6 And Ezra blessed the LORDthe o ile great selves from all t strangers, and stood and 2 S-. e..2, g Cor.. 14. 1.' God. And allthepeople Yanswered, Amen, confessed their sins, and the iniquities of irt 2. 12. t Lar. 3. 41. Amen, with hlifting up their hands: and their fathers. nEer 10. 11. I'Tm. 2. 8. they ibowed their heads, and worshipped 3 And they stood up in their place, and. 13. 3, 30. iEx. 4. 31. h the LORD with their faces to the ground. dread in the book of tie law of the LORD te.ret 12. 27. 7 Also Jehuat, and Bani, and Sherebiah, their God one fourth part of the day; and 2 Chr. 20.18. Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maa- another fourth part they onfessed, and dete. 8. 7 8. seiah, Kelitan, Azariah, Jozabad, ianan, worshipped the LORD their God. k Lv. 10. 11. Pelaiah, and the Levites, keaused the peo- 4 1 rThen stood up upon the 1lstairs, of tie II Or, samffold. Deut. 33. 10. pie to understand the law: and the people Levites, Jeshua, aed Bano, Kadmiel, Siebeeehr..7. 7, stood in their place. aniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chena 2. 7 8 So they read in the book in the law of ani, and cried with a loud voice unto the God distinctly, and gave the sense, and LORD their God. caused them to understand the reading. 5 Then the Levites, Joshua, and Kadmiel, EzEra 2. 63. 9 ~lIAnd Nehemiah, which is lt he Tirsha- Bani, Hashbaniah, Sherebiah, Hodijah, ieh. 7. 65. & tha, andEzriathepriestthe se ribe, andthie Shebanish, and Pethahiah, said, Stand up 10. 1. nr ls ieLR orGdfree n Levites that taught the people, said unto all and bles tie LORD your God for ver and ]Or, thegrvr. thepeople, "Thisdayyishlolyuntothe LORD ever: and blessed be ethy glorious name, elbhr.. 9.13. ]your God; Imourn not, nor weep. For all which is exalted above all blessing and e2 Chrr. 35. the people wept, when they heard the words praise f2 Xi.., ns aof the law. 6 fThon, even thou, art LORD alone; n~es. 13.0 24.Pr 80. 10. L.,. 23h 2. 10 Tre.n he said unto them, Go your way,'thou hast made heaven, rthe heaven of Is. 37.i6, 20. the fat, and drink the sweet,i2'and send heavens, withialltheirhost, theearih, and cIDeat. 10.11, 4h, er 15teu', portions unto them for whom nothing is pro- all things that areo therein, the seas, and oe.. 1..ce. 3.4. pared: forthis day is holy unto our Lord: all that is lherein, and thou kprereset Rev. 14.7. pEth. 9.. 19 neither be ye sorry; for thejoy oefthe LORD them all; and tie host of heaven worship- hDeut. 10.14. 22. is your strength. peth thee. ltKin. 8. 27. Rev. 11. 10. 11 So the Levites stilled all the people, 7 Thou art the LORD the God, who didst iCna.. 2. 1. saying, Hold your peace, for the day is choose Abram, and broughtest him forth kPs. 36. 6. holy; neither be ye grieved. out of Ur of the Chlaldees, and gavest him tn. 11. 31. 12 And all tie people went their way to tie name of m Abraham; & 12.1. ver. 10. eat, and to drink, and to qsend portions, 8 And foundest his heart nfaithful before mor n. 17. 5. and to make great mirth, because they had thee, and madest a Icovenant with him to.. nne7,t8. randerstood the words that were declared give the land of the Cnarmnitesrthe Hit- reteseelt. unto them. Cites, tie Amorites,andtihePerizzites, and t i e. 1i2. 7.& 15. 18. & 17. 13 t1And on the second ddy were gathered the Jebusites, and tihe tirgasliites, to gives 8 together the chief of the fathers of all the it, 1say, to his seed, and Phast performed po 3.. people, the priests, and tile Levites, unto thy words; for thou art rightebus: Jo. 23. 14. Or, that they Ezra tihe scribe, even Ito understand the DOAnd didst see.the afflietion of our fathers IE 2. 25. & migsht n- words of thie law. in Egypt, and heardest their cry by theed t-..fytadrrest herryyhed.Ex.. 14. 10. 8t, 1,e 14 And they found written in the t. n.0Ee. Cd. it. [ or wst hich tie LORD had commanded tby 10 And ishewedst signs and wonders upon 7, 8 9,, Ol. aerr Moetes, thnt tise eimldlren of Israel should. Pieraoh, tnd onalhis servants, and on all.12, hldt. t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n onb'6a ll ieedef. dwcell in Iooths in the feast of. the seventh tihe people of his land: for thou mereesnt ]..s. montha tht they tdealt proudly against them. So e. 18.. s Lev. 23. 34 ~E.9 6 42.'' 15 And titlat they should publish and pro- didst tou mlo thee a name, as it is this E.. 93 19. 42.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J.. 63.121. Dut. 16.13. claim in all their cities, and in Jerusalem, d. cr. t. t20. i Le. 23. 4. saying, Go forth unto the mouna, and 0fetoh I r'And thou didst divide the sea before Dn. 93. 15. Dnet. 16.10. olive branches, and pine branches, and them, so tha they went through the midst Ex..14.21,22,'Ore,. mi. myrtle branches, and palin branches, and of tihe sea on the dry land; and their per- 27, 28. branches of thick trees, to makels booths, as secoutors thou threwest into the deeps, Yas a P. 78.13. it is written. stone into the mighty waters. y E. 15.i5, 10. 345 The Levites make NEHEMIAH. a religzous confession. t. 0. 445. 12 Moreover thou 5leddest them in the dny the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: It. 1. 445. by a cloudy pillar; and in the night by a and in the time of their trouble, when they.. zBE.0. 13. 21. pillar of fire, to give them light in the way cried onto thee, thou iheardeet then front pP. 106. 44. aEx. l19.20.& e wherein they should go. heaven; and according to thy manifold kJu.dg. 2. 18. 20.1. 13 aThou camest down also upon mount mercies kthou gavest them saviours, who & 2 a.' bPs. 19. 8, 9. Sinai, and spakest with them from heaven, saved them out of the hand of their one- tHeb. they Rom. 7. 12. and gavest them bright judgments, and mies. toned tHb. les ttrue laws, good statutes and command- t8 But after they had rest, tlthey did evil doevil. so ft01ru. noments: again before thee: tlierefore leftest thou ISo Judg. 3. c Gen. 2. 3. 14 And madest known unto them thy oholy them in the hand of their enemies, so that 11,12, 30.& E.. 20. 8, 11. sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, they had the dominion over themo yet whe 4- 1. 31. dEn.i(.14,15. statutes, and laws, by he lhand of Moses they retuened, and cried nto thee, th.. /~'1~'6~5'. Ie s tatutes', and 1re.... tee thou I~'~64 /John. 2. / thy servant: heardeat them from heaven; and eomany nP.. 10. 43. Est. 17. 6. 15 And dgavest them bread from heaven times didst thou deliver them according to.r.. 10. 20-.., for their hunger, and e broughtest forth wn- thy mercies; le. 18.5. ter for them out of the roeek for their thirst, 29 And testifiedst against them, that thou R.- ci... le.t. 1. 8.; and promisedst them that they should fgo mnightest bring them again unto thy law: Ga1.3.12. t,He,: d,?t/ in to possess the land ewchich thou hadst yet theydealt proudly, and herkenednot th,,00m. 4 they 0dealt proudly, hoCe. e liftld P worn to give them. unto thy commandments, but sinned against o hi- eaod 16LI But they and our fathers dealt proud- thy judgments, (~which if a man do, he dlwicg o geivether, ly, and hhardened their necks, and heark- shall live in them;) and t ithdrev the eholder mns.l 1.40. enedsnottothy commandmentsd, sshoulder, and hardened their neckl, and Z-c,.7. 11. vera. 29. 17 And refused to obey, ineither were would not hear. Htheb. poP/. 106.. mindful of thy wonders that thou didst 20 Yot naj years didst thou tforbear 5-v.? { Deui. 31.27. among them; but hardened their necks, them, and testifiedst 2'against them by thy the. Kin. 17.14. and in their rebellion appointed ka cap- Spirit' - in thy prophets yet would they,22in.17.13. i2 Chs. 00.08. 2 Chr. 36. 1. Je. 10. 1. tain to return to their bondage- but thou not give ear' rtherefore gavest thou them Jr. 7.2.' Pr. 19. 1o.5. Je er. 7 25. e i P., 78.1I1,2, art ea God ready to pardon, Igracious and into the hand of the people of the lands. 252 4. 43. merciful, slow to anger, and of great kind- 31 Neverthelessfor thygrea mercies' sake tHeb..i, the i ns. 14. 4. ness, and forsookest them not.'thou didst not utterly consume them, nor had''ofthy | He'.' God 18 Yea, r'when they had made them a forsake them; for thou ar't ta gracious and ]poph ets. sfe.0doctco. |molten calf, and said, This is thy God that merciful ad. qSe Aot. 7. b3.. brought thee up out of Egypt, and had 32 Now therefore, our God, the great, the 51. Nu-. 1i4'18 wrou.ght great provocntions,'mighty, and the terrible God, whio keepest 1Pet.. 1.1. P. 860. 5, 12. 19 Yet thou in thy "manifold mercies foe- covenant and mercy, let not llthe t trouble 2 Pt.. 21. Joel 2.13. sookest them not in the wilderness the seem little before thee, tthat hath come rt. 52. 42. unE. 32. 4. 0pillar of the cloud departed not from them upon us, on our kings, on our princes, cand v r. 27. by day, to lead them in thIe way; neither on our priests, and on our prophets, and Jg42. 2Sl. & Ps. t06. 45. the pillar of fire by night, to shew them on our fathers, and on all thy people, 5. 1,. 1-1.3.2l,22. ligct, and the way cherein they shoold go. since the tim the e fthe kings of Assyria unto Ier. 17. Nu l. 14.14. 20 Thou gavest also thy Pgood Spirit to this day. c Eo. 346, 7. 1 Co. I. 1I. instruct them, and withheldest not tby 33 Hovheit Ythouat justin all thatis oh. 1.2, p, Num. 11.17. qnmanna from their mouth, and gavest them brought upon us; forthou 10st done right, t -Hel), I. 60. 11. s"water for their thirst. but Zve have done wickedly: e. t H~a, that 0qE.. 16. 15. 21 Yea, Sforty years didst thou sustain 34 Neither have our kings, our princes, athfctcacd!Joah. 5. 12. them in the wilderness, so that they lacked our priests, nor our fathers, kept thy law, rtEx. 17.6. nothing; their tclothes waxed not old, and norhearkeneduntothycommandments and o Kin. 17.3. |Deut. 2. 7. their feet swelled not. thy testimonies, wherewith thou didst test- / P ]j'. Deut. 8.4. & 22 Moreover thou gavest them kingdoms ify against them. Dl. 11. 107 29. 5. and nations, and didst divide them into 35 For they have anot served thee in their / 0 c.,6. Naa.21.2I1, corners: so they possessed the land of"0S kingdom, and in 0 thy great goodness th t | n. e95,. ha. hon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, thou gavest them, and ic the large and f a Daut. 20.47. Gen. 22. 17. and the land of Og king of Bashan. land weich thou gavest before them, neither u. y JosI. 1. 2., 3 1 Their children also multipliedst thou turned they from their ricked works. e so. as the stars of heaven, and broughtesl thenm 36 Behold, dwe are servants this day, and ev. 25. P. 41. 2. 3. into the land, concerning which thou hadst for the land that thou gavest unto our fa- iDeut. 28.48. tHeloosoee d- promised to their fathers, that they should there to eat the fruit thereof and the good Ero 98. 9. ic, tostheir go in to possess it. thereof, behold, ve r~e servants in it: eIeot. 08. 33, seill. 24 So Ythe children went in and possessed 37 And eit yieldeth much increase unto 2 ter. 3.2. the lund, and'thou subduedst before them the oings whom tcou hast set over as he- fsDet. 2c.48. Nos. 13. 27. the inhabitants of the laud, the Canannites, cause of our sins, also they have fdosinsl- g2 Kiio 230.3. Deet..7,. an gavest them into their van hs, wt teio over our o S, an over ou cattle, at Chr. 29. 10 audavest hando, h3odi4e, COO. 31.!z..2. ~ kings, and the people of the land, that they their pleasure, and we are in great distress. E,,, 10. 3. bDeut. 6.11. might do with them t as they would. 38 And because of all this we Ymake asure se ct. 10. 29. iaOr, cst erns. 5 And they took strong cities, and a covenant, and write it; and our princes, ch ch 10. 1. Heb. ree of afat land, and possessed b houses full of all Levites, and priests, h t seal unto it. tHel,.- as food. goods, Ilwells digged, vineyards, and olive- /he satieg, eDeut. 32.15. yards, and tfruit trees in abundance: so CHAPTER X. or, sled. dHos. 3.1. they did eat, and were filled, and ebecame 1 Theames. of hM,n that seoatd the sovenatc. 29 eJadg. 2. II, fat, and delighted themselves in thy great The poiense 12. dgoodness. tT0W those that sealed were, aNehe- tHeb. at the Ez. 20. 21. 26 Nevertheless they e'ere disobedient,.IN miath, lithe Tirshtha, Ithe n of ] eins. f l in. 14.0. and rebelled against thee, and feast thy HachalialC, and Zidkijah, h. 9) 38. Pe. 20. 17. lao belcind tceir backs, and slew thy 2 tSeratah, Azariih, Jeremiah, se, 8. 9. gI Kin.c18.4. 9prophets whieh testified against thes to I Pashur, Amariahl l5alchijnie h, IOr. 0.tea - C 19. 10. tarn them to thee, and they orought great 4 Hottush, Sliebaniah, Meallush, ercor. 20cr. 24.20, b h. 1. 1. It. provocatioss. 5 Harim, Mereinoth, Obodiah, Ilnatt. 23.37. 27 hcTierefore thou deliveredst them into 6 Dahiel, Ginnethon, Baruch, SeacSh. 12. 1AsAcs7. 12. Judg. 2 14. & 3.. 8. & s. 100. 41, 42. 7 Mleshullamin, Abijah, Mijacin, 21. 346 The sealing of the covenant. NEHEMIAH. The inhabitants of Jerusalem. B. C44. 8 Maaziah, Bilgai, Shemaiah: these were of oil, unto the priests, to the chambers of B. C. 445. the priests. the house of our God; and "the tithes of 9 And the Levites: both Jeshua the son our ground unto the Levites, that the same Lev. 27. 30. of Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of Hena- Levites might have the tithes in all the oUo.18.21, dad, IKndmiel; cities of our tillage. &c. 10 And their brethren, Shebaniah, Hodi- 38 And the priest the son of Aaron shall jah, KIlita, Pelaiah, Hanan, be with the Lvites, swhen the -Levites Zum.l 18.26. 11 Michao, Rellob, Hashabiah, take titheso: and the Levites shall bring up 12 Zacur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah, the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our 13 Hodijahl, Bani, Beninu. God, to Ythe chambers, into the treasure yfllChr. 9.26. dSee& Ec-ra 2. 14 The chief of the people; dParosh, Pa- house. 2Chr. 31. 11. 3, &c. hath-moab, Elam, Zatthu, Bani, 39 For the children of Israel and the chilch, 7.8, &c. 15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai, dren of Levi'shall bring the offering of the Deut. 12. 6, 16 Adonijah, Bligvai, Adin, corn, of the new wine, and the oil, unto the 1 17 Ater, Hizkijah, Azzur, chambers, where ace the vessels of thle Ctr.31, 12. 18 Hodijah, Hashum, Bezai, sanctuary, and the priests that minister, 19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai, and the porters, and the singers: and we a c11.13.10,11. 20,Iagpiash, Meshullam, Hezir, will not forsake the house of our God. 21 Meshezabeel, Zadok, Jaddua, 22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah, CHAPTER XI. 23 Hoshea, HIananial, Hashub, 1 The. tle,.#-, volunta,' men, and t0e tenth man 24 Hallohesh, Pileha, Shobek, eho.,et by lot, dvell at.teresalem. 3 A cataloelu 25 Rethum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah, oftltei. ames. 20TleTesidue delt inother cities. 26 And Ahijah, Hanan, Anan, A ND the rulers of the people dwelt at 27 Malluch, Harim, Baanah.. L. Jerusalem: the rest of the people also dEzra 2. 36- 28 ~T eAnd the rest of the people, the cast lots, to bring one of tell to dwell in 43. priests, the Levites, the porters, the sing- Jerusalem athe holy city, and nine parts to aver. 18. fEzrn 9.01. & ere, the Nethinim, f and all they that had dwell in other cities. latt. 4.5. & 10.11,12,19. separated themselves from the people of the 2 And the people blessed all the men, that 27. 13. ch, 1'3..3. lands unto the law of God, their wives, their bwillingly offered themselves to doell at Judg. 5. 9. sons, and their daughters, every one having Jerusalem. knowledge, and having understanding; 3 f C Nowo these ace the chief of the prov-cl Chr. 9. 2,3. 29 They olave to their brethree, their ince that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the oDent.t29.12, nobles, gand entered into a curse, and cities of Judah dwelt every one in his pos14. into an oath, hIto alk in God's tow, which session in their cities, to o/it, Israel, the hcl 15.12, 133. as given tby Moses tlhe servant of God, priests, and the Levites, and dtheNethinim, dEzra 2.43. Pi.. 119. { and to observe and do all the command- and ethe children of Solomon's servants. eEzra 2. 55. h,2 Kin. 23.:'1. ments of the LORD our Lord, and his judg- 4 And f at Jerusalem dwelt certaisL of the f Chr. 9. 3, 2 flr. 31.31. ments and his statutes; children of Judah, and of the children of &e. t Heb. Oy t 10 And that we would not give our daugh- Benjamin. Of the children of Judah; i aE.. 16. ters unto the people of the land, nor take Atlaiah the son of Uzziah, the son of Zech7Deat. 7. 3. their daughters for our sons: ariao, the son of Amariah, the son of ShephE. r9.12,1ti. 3t1 kAnd if the people of the land bring atial, the son of Mahalaleel, of the children k E. 20. 10. ware or any victuals on the sabbath day to of Perez; en. 38. 29 Lev. 23. 3. sell, that ee wouldtnot buyitof them on the 5 And Maaseiall the son of Baruch, the Phaoez. Deut. 5 12. sabbath, or on the holy day: and that we son of Col-hozeh, the son of Hazaiah, the ch.13.15, &he. would leave the Iseventh year, and tle nex- soo of Adniab, tie son of Joib, the soex-n of l E:x.23.10,11. action of t every debt. Zechariah, the son of Shiloni. Lev. 25. 4. 32 Also we made ordinances for us, to 6 All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jeru-,De.t.15. 1, charge ourselves yearly itlh the third part salem.ver.e four hundred threescore and 2 of a shekel for the service of the house of eight valiant men. ch, 5.s12. our God; 7 And these are the sons of Benjamin; t o-ell. every 33 For " the shewbread, and for the 0con- Sall the son of Meahullam, the son of Joed,,a01d0. tinual meat offering, and for the continual the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolinh, the Lev 2. 24. 5, burnt g, of tfe sabbaths, of the now son f Maaseabba, the so, of Ithiel, the one 2 Chr. 2. 4. moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy ofJesaiah..o.. things, and for the sin offerings to make 8 And after him Gabbai, Sallai, nine hun29, an atonement for Israel, and foe- all the dred twenty and eight. work of the house of our God. 9 And Joel- tile son of Zichri.eas their 34 And we cast the lots among the priests, overseer: and Judah the son of Senuah as8 1ch. 13. 31. the Levites, and the people, P for the oood second over the city. Is. 40.1G. offering, to bring it into the house of our 10 Of the priests: Jedaiah the son of h1 Chrl 9. 10, God, after the houses of our fathers, at Joiarib, Jaohin. &c. times appointed year by year, to burn upon 11 Seraiah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Lev6..12. the altar of the LORD our God, as it is MIeshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of' E.c. 23.19. & written in the law: Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, 00as the ruler 134. 26. 35 And''to bring the firstfruits of our of the house of God.,Ceu. 1920. ground, and the firstfruits of all fruit of 12 And their brethren that did the work of Dut. 26. 2. all trees, year by year, unto the ouse of the house overe eight hundred twenty and oEY. 13. 2.12, the LORD: two: and Adaiah the son of Jerolham, the 13. 36 Also the firstborn of our sons, and of son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, tile son of Iev. 27. 26, our cattle, as it is written Sin the law, and Zechariah, the son of Pashur, the son of 27. the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks, Ialchioh, Nuo I. 10 15, to bring to tile house of our God, unto the 13 And his brethren, chief of the fathers, 16. priests that minister in the house of our two hundred forty and two: and Amashai t Le. 23. 17. God: the son of Azareel, the son of Ahasai, the Num. 15.19. & 18. 12, &.1 37 lAnd that we should bring the first- son ofl eshillemoth, the Eon of Immer, Dent. 18. 4. fruits of our dough, and our offerings, and 14 And their brethren, mighty men of val& 26. 2. the fruit of all manner of trees, of wine and our, a hundred twenty and eight: and their 347 The inhabitants of other czt'es. NEHEMIAH. The succession of high priests' lD. C. 445. overseer was Zabdiel, l the son of one of 3 1i Shec.ianiah, 1 Relum, I Meremoth, B. C. tlhe great men. 4 Iddo, 1I Ginnetho, CAbijah, about536. ie Or, sof 15 Also of the Levites: Shemaiah the son 5 11 Miamin, 1I Maadiah, Bilgah, Of l.edo.- of fHashub, the son of Azriam, the son of 6 Shemaiah, and Joiarib, Jedaiah, Or Iam. Heashabiah, the son of Bunni; 7 IISallu, Amok, Iilkiah, Jodaiah. These Shebaniah, 16 And Shabbethai and Jozabad, of the 0were the chief of the priests and of their. l t'leb. were chief of the Levites, t had the oversight of brethren in the days of d Jeshua. o0el,. ithe outward business of the house of God. 8 Moreover the Lovites: Jeshua, Binnui, il Chr. 2629. 17 And Mattaniah the son of Micha, the Kadmiel, Slerebiah, Judahn? acd Mttani- Or, son of Zabdi, the son of Asaph, was the ah, ewhiech weas over 11 the thanksgiving, he 5r1. 15h principal to begin the thanksgiving in pray- and hi brethren. O er: and Balbulkiah tle second among his 9 Also Bakbukiah and Unni, their breth-' yi..l.tOt.. brethren, and Abda the son of Shammu., ren, uere over gainst the in the naties. er. 16. the son of Galal, the son of Joduthun. 10 I And Jeshuan begat Joiakim, Joiakim Luke 1. 5. kver.. 18 All tile Levites in kthe holy city were also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joi- I' Or, two lundred fourscore and four. ada, 19 MIoreovor the porters, Akkub, Talmon, 11 And Joiada begat Jonathan, and Jonn- er. 17. tHeb. at.h and their brethren that kept tthe gates, than begat'Jaddua. LOr,..oadiaho gates. weore a hundred seventy and two. 12 And in the days of Joiakim were priests, o r. 17. 20 I~ And tlhe residue of Israel, of the the chief of the fathlers: of Seraiah, Mera- 11 Or Salai, priests, and the Levites, oere in all the iah; of Jeremiah, ananial; ve. 20. cities of Judah, every one in his inherit- 13 Of Ezra, Meshullam; of Amariah,' Je- dEzra 3. 2. ance. olohanan; Hag. 1. 1. l Se eh. 3.26. 21 ButtheNethinim dweltin 11 Ophel: and 14 Of Ielieu, Jonathan; of Shebaniah, Zech.3 1. 11 Or, /,le Zilha and Gisps nvero over the Nethinim. Josepl; eec 11 17 1: tooe-. 1 22 The overseer also of the Levites at Jo- 15 Of Harim, Adna; of Meraioth, Helkai; {idThat is, the rusalem| was Uzzi the son of Bani, the son 16 Of Iddo, Zechariah; of Ginnethon, salms, of of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah, theo Iosleullam son of Mioha. Of the sons of Asaph, the 17 Of Ahijah, Ziohri of Miniamin, of singers were over the business of the house Moadialh, Piltai; of God. 18 Of Bilgah, Shliammua; of Shemaiah, JeSee Ezra. 23 For nit was the king's commandment honathan 8, 9. & 7.20, concerning them, that 11 certain portion 19 And of Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah,,: &c, ishould be for the singers, due for every Uzzi; 1I Or, a s*u,'e day. 20 Of Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Eber; odecanace. 24 And Pethahial the son of Meshezabeel, 21 Of Hilkiah, Itashabiah; of Jodaiah, [ Gen. 38. 30, of tie children of t1 Zerah the son of Judah, Netliancel. Zaraoh. fwas o at the king's hand in all matters con- 22 ~ The I.evites in the days of Eliashib, olChr.18.17, cerningthe people. Joiada, and Johanan, and Jaddua, were I 23. 28. 25 And for the villages, with their fields, recorded chief of the fathers: also the somne of the children of Judll doelt at priests, to tie reign of Darius the Persian. pJo3c. 14.. 10. PKirjath-arba, and in the villages thereof, 23 The sons of Levi, the chief of the faand at Dibon, and it the villages thereof, thers, were written in the book of the and at. Jekabzeel, and in the villages there- f Cironicles, even until the days of Jo- fl Chr. 9. 14, of, hnan the son of Eliashib.. 26 And at Jeshua, and at'Moladah, and at 24 And the chief of the Levites: IHashaBeth-pl;elet, biahl, Slierebiah, and Jeshua the son of 27 And at Hazar-shual, and at Beer-sheba; IKadmiel, with their brethren over against and in the villages thereof, them, to praise and to give thlanks, ao- g l Chr. 23, & 28 And at Ziklag, and at Mlekonah, and in cording to the commandment of David the 25, & 26. the villages thereof, man of God, hward over against ward. hcE. 3. 11. 29 And at En-rimmon, and at Zareah, and 21 Matttniah, aad rakbukiah, Obadiall, at Jarnmuth, IMeshullam, Talmon, Akkub, were porters 0 Zanoal, Adullm, and in teir villages, keeping the ard at the ward at the ilthresholds of the il Or, eoeae.-. at Lachish, and tile fields thereof, at Aze- gates. es, or, cskah, and in the villages thereof. And they 26 Tiese were in the days of Joiakimn the semblies. dwelt from Beer-sheba unto the valley of son of Jeshua, thl son of Jozadak, and in Hinnom. tthe'days of Nehemiah i the governor, and of i ch 8. 9. ] Or, ofGeba. 3I Thle children also of Benjamin lfrom Ezra the priest, kthe scribe. Eezr-7.6, 11. Or, to 0Mid- Gebah dcelt lint tlic ecmaslh, and Aija, and 27 [ And at ttheodedication of the wall of 445. nash. Beth-el, and in their villages, Jerusalem they sought the Lovites out of all Deu. 20. 5. 32 Aecd'at Anatiloth, Nob, Ananiah, their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to pe. 30, title. 33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim, keep the dedication -ith gladness, 0"both 1 Clhr. 25.6. 34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat, with thanksgivings, and with singing, with 2 hr. 5. 13, 1 Chr. 4.14. 135 Led, and Oneo, Ithe valley of craftsmen. cymbals, psalteries, and with hlarps. 7. 0. 23 And of the Levites wuere divisions in 28 And thile sons of the singers gathered Judah, and in. Benjamin. themsclves togetiler, both out of the plain country round' about Jerusalem, and from CHAPTER XII. the villages of Netophathi; 1 Phe priets, 8 and the Levites, eliel came ep 29 Also from the house of Gilgal, and out | wit/h'Zecbbabcl. 10 The,,c cssiooc of high of the fields of Geba and'Azmnaveth: for tle 2 0ie0ts. 22Ceotaio chief Leuites. 27'leesoere.- singers hlad builded them villages round nit.of te dedication of than,noll. 44 Tioe jffcc, about Jerusalem. about 536. 30 And the priests and the Levites purified eCza. 1, ol. 2.. OW these are the Ipriemselves, and purified tlie people, and the lbsec 1eo 0.- N' vites that went up with Zerubbabol gates, and the wall. 8. the son of Shlealtiel, and Jeshua: o Seraiah, 31 Then I brougS t up the princes of Judah Or, MUeliu, Jceremil, -era, upon the wall, and appointed two great -vel1. 14 2 Amarnini, 1iMalluch, IHattuso, 0companies of then that gacve thanks, 3148' Dedication of the wall. NEHENMIAH. Refbrmatzon of certain abuses. B.13C. 445. whereof one went ol the right hand upon Ammonite and tile IMotabite should not come 13. C. 445. the waill otoward the dung gate: into the congregation of God for ever; nSe. er. 38. 32 And after them went Hoshaiah, and 2 Because they met not the children of Isoch. 2. 13. & half of the princes of Judah, rael with bread and with water, but Chired e,1a... 5. 3. 13. 33 And Azariah, Ezra, and Meshullam, halaam against them, that he should curse Josh 2. 9, 34 Judahl, and Benjamin, and Shemaiah, them: dhowbeit our God turned the curse 10. and Jeremiah, into a blessing. dt'ur. 23.11. pN'ue. 10.2, 35And eertair of'thepr.ests' sons Nith S Now it came to pass, whee they hd. 10. 8. trumpets; samely, Zechariah the sonst heard the law,'thet they separated from 3.5. Jonathanne, the son of Shemaiah, the son.f Israel all tihe mixed multitude. e28.... Mattaniah, the son of Miehaiah, the son of 4 I[ And before this,'Eiashib the priest, Zaccur, the son of Asaph:'.having the oversight of the chamber of the tele.,eieug 30 And his brethren, Shemaiat, and Aza- house of our God, seas allied unto Tobiah: eet ose, reel, Mtilalta, Gilaltai, Mal, Nethaneee, and 5 And he had prepared for him a great c. 13. 44. q Ohr. 23. 5. Judah, Ilanani, with qthe musical instru- chamber, fehere atbretime they laid the fceh. 12. 44. merts of David the man of God, and Ezra meat Offerings, the franktincense, and the the scribe before them. vessels, and the tithes of the corn, the new rch. 2.14.i&3. 87 eAnd at the fountain gate, which was wine, and the oil, S'which wss commanded Hieb. the 15. over against them, they went up by'the to ee give. to tte Levitee, and the esinges, sings.d. s. 3e. 15. stairs of the city of David, at the going up and the porters; and the offerings of the fehe of the wall, above the house of David, even priests. Le th. 3.26.& 8. s unto the water gate eastward. But in all this time was not I at Jerusa- qeN.18. i21, 1. 3, 16. 38 "And the otter company of them, that lem: hfor in the two d thirtieth year of24. u eSeeye. 31. geee thanks went over against theet, and I Artaxerxes k ing of Babylon came I unt oe.. 14. after them, and the half of the people upon king, and t after certae daye I. obtained I about 434. sell3. 1. the wall, from beyond'the tower of the leave of the kintg: tHeh. st the y h. 3. 8. furnaces even unto Ythe broad wall; 7 And I came to Jerusalem, and under- eed ofdlae. 2 tKin.14.13. 39'hd tfrom above the gate of Ephraim, stood of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobi- I Or, I aeh, 8. i. eand above'the old gate, and above bthe ah, it ipreparing him a chamber in the eWtY 3. 6. fesh gate, Cand the tower of HEandseel, and courts of tte house of God. ed. 6 h. 3. 3. the tower of leah, even unto dthc sheep 8 And it grieved me soree: thereforeI cast.5. e 3 gate: and they stood still in ethe prison forth all the household stuff of Tobiah out dehe' 8ts 32eee gte. of the chamber. 40 So stood the two companies of the 9 Then I commanded, ane they kcleansed - el c. 52. 5, eJde. e2. 2. that gave thanks in the house of God, and the chambers: and thither brought I again 15, 1i, 18. I, and the half of the rulers with me: the vessels of the house of God, with the 41 And the priests; Eliakim, Maaseiah, meat offering and the frankincense. Miniamin, Miehaiah, Elioenas, Zechariah, 10 ~ And I perceived that'tlhe portions of eandt Heanutah, with trumpets; the Levites had Inot been given thee::for itert. 3. 8. 42And Maaseiah, and Shemnaiah, and Els- the Levites and the singers, that did the azar, and Uzzi, and Jehohanan, and Mal- work, were fledevery one to m his field. e n. 35.2. chijah, and Elam, and Ezer. And the 11 Then.contended I with tie rulers,el ee. 17, 25. t.Hb. made singers *sang loud, with Jezrahiah their said, IWhy is the house of God forsakenh Pew. 28.4. tteir voice overseer. And I gathered them togeeher, and setthem o he. is. 39. to be heard. 43 Also that day they offered great sacri- in their *place. tte. flees, and rejoiced: for God had made them 12 tThen brought all Judah the tithe of tsthelig. rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the corn and the new wine and the oil unto steh.t5.5, 9. the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Js- the I'treasuries. hi1. 1. rusalem was heard even afer off. 13 tAnd I made treasurers over the tress- O, f2 Chr. 31.11, 44 ~ fAnd at that time were somn appoint- urs, Shelemiahthe piest, and eadokh the p rokstee. |12. | ed over the chambers for the treasures, for scribe, and of the Levites, Ped eiah: and te2Chr.31.12. eh. 13. 5, 12, the offerings, for the firstfruits, and for the tnext to thems ts Hanan the son of Zat- st. i1. 44. 13. tithes, to gather into them out of the fields cur, the son of eIattaniah: for they were tIIel, t. 1 Tht is. of the cities the portions 11 of the Ite epor the counted tfaithful, and t their offie eas to hee h-Id. thet I. prtesttendl~evites: tforJudahrejoicedfot distribute unto their brethren. ch. 7. 2. tet[elf tAe the priests and for the Levitee tthat waited. 14'Lsmember e,vO ny Ged, concerning I Cor. 4. 2. {jeefJ ts. 45 And both tho singers and the porters this, and wipe not out my good deeds that tttee. it -s et.,. test kept the e.ed of their Gol, and te wsad of I has edone for the house of my God, and ep-c tee.'eeod. the purification, saccordingo the command- for the II offices thereof. ewe. 22, 31. t I Chr. 25, & ment of David, atd of Solomon his son. 15 ~ In those lays tw I i Judah Sot e et. 5. t9. i'. 46 For in the days of David hand Asaph of treadingwinepresseston ttle sabbath, and e. hlChr. 25. 1i, old there ere chief of the singers, and bringieg in sheaves, and ladieg tsses; as ktiedeee.e.:/!. Songs of praise and thanksgiving unto God. alsowine, prapes, and figs, and allteankner s ii, uee. |2 Chrt.. 30. I7 And all Israel in the days of Zerubba- of burdens, "which they brought intto J eru- te. isum.18.21, bel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gaves the alem on the sabbath day: and I testified te. 2010. 24. portions of the singers and the porters, ev- against them in the day wherein they sold ah. o. 1. I[ iThat is. ery day his portion: /and they It anctified victuals. Jer.17.21,22. set tapat. hoty things unto the Levites;'and the 16 There dwelt men of Tyre also therein, kN..e18.ii26. Levitee sanctified the... unto the children of which brought fish, and all manner of ware, Aaron. eand sold on the sabbath unto the children of,ttt~eet.21.i. ~ CHAPTER XIII. Judah, and in Jerusalem. 12. 1 Upos the eacdindg f the law sepaIaete is made i7 i Then I contended with te nobles of e. ii. 2 Kin. 23. 2. feeathe S - et netievde. 4 strehte tt Ai, JlJudah and said unto them, What evil tting ch, B. 3 8. & |~tur) t Ca ueet] the cha-nens to be cleaneal. 10 st. &. Hte?eeseeeeh the ssaeeee 1t te tueteteeto. t5 is this that ye do, and profane the sabbath i s. 16. Th-eviolat-ono ftheeabbath, 23Sandthemrrage. dIy? Hel, the with etran ge itves. 18 YDid not your fathers thus, and did not y. i7. 21, cae. (N that day tthey read in tehe bookof our God bring all this evil upon us, and 23. n He e. e r s Moses in the taudience of the people; upon this city? yet ye bring more wrath b Dut.23.3.4. and therein was found written, b thet the upon Israel by profaning the sabbath. 349 N/ehemhiah reformeth ESTHER. certain abuses. B. C. 19 And it came to pass, that when the gates 25 And I'contended with them, and'cursed B.C. about434. of Jerusalem'began to be dark before the them,and smote certain of them, and pluck- about434. sabbath, I commne ded that the gates should ed off their hair, and made them fswear by ec. 23. 32. be shut, and charged that they should not Ged,8ying, ye shllnot give your daugh- ILer. i. ede. 17. 21, he opened till after. the sabbath: land ters unto their sons, nor take their daugh-. Prey. 28.4. 22. some of my servants set I at the gates, that ters unto your sons, or for yourselves. J110r, reviled there should no burden be brought in on the 26 g Did not Solomont king of Israel sin by her.'sabbath day. these things? yet hamongsmany nations was fnstt10. 5. 20 So the merchants and sellers of allkind there no king like him, e who was beloved of " 29, 30. of ware lodged without Jerusalem once or his God, and God made him king over all Kin. 1., twice. Israel: knevertheless even him did out- C. 21 Then I testified against them, and said ledish women cause to sin hi i. C. 13. t waHeb. &f unto them, Why lodg e yetabout the wall 27 Shall we then hearken unto you to do i2 Sa. 1. 12. th-1 if ye do so again, I will lay hands on you. all this great evil, to Itranstess against our 2 i Sc12.24. b ch. 12.30. From that time forth came they no more on God in marrying strange twives t kl Kin.ii. 4, the sabbath. 28 And one of the sons' of Joiada, the &v. 22 And I commanded the Levites, that son of Eliathib the high priest, was son in t Er 10. 2. tbthey should cleanse themselves, aed that law to Sanbtalnt the Horonitee therefore I et. 1. 10., titd. they should come ani keep the gates, to chased him fnom me.. about 434. sanctify the sabbath day. CRemembe me, 29 "Rem bee them 0 my God, thecause -sc. 6. 14. eceeb. heel 0 my God, eoneernicceg this also, and spare they have defiled the priesteood, and'the Rteh. frthe,-ewth me according to the Igt gre.ess of thy mer- covenant of the prietthood,nd ofe tse.Le- de.lliLt. tlEn. Cy. vites. el.. d Etst9. 2. 23 7 In those days also saw r Jews thtat 30 i'Thus cleansed I them from all sCra- h. tdteb. he thad married wivesofAshdod, ofAmmon, gees, and appointed the wards of the pob. he. 30. disct,',dst a e ld ofeMoabe priests, and the Levites, every one in his eh.12.ihc. i sp-kt. 24 And their children spake half in the business; t Hb..oh speech of Ashdod, and t could not speak in 31 And for the wood offering, at times ap-' oh. 10. 34. i-teleset the Jews' language, but according ta the pointed, and for the firstfruits.'Rmnen- 14e.lI, 22. ieorle. language t of each people. ber me, 0 my God, for good. THE BOOK OF ESTHER. D. C. CHAPTER C. the women idn the royal house which telong- B. C. about 521. 1 Ahcnueres nketh royal feast,. 0 slhti, set ede to king Ahasuerus. about 19. ft,, sf-(essh Co tee's. 13 Ah-scee, by the 10 i On the seventh day, when ithe heart ctttof cf1-e-cs, -ktstea she seshe! of ees's of the king was merry with wine, he con- h n2Sam.13.2. s-`st-igcay. manded Meluman, Biztha, iHerbona, Big- tel'. 7. 9. N OW it came to pass in the days of tha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the iEs4. 6.. aAhasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which seven chamberlains that served in the tt chs. Dan. 91. reigned bfrom India even unto Ethiopia, presence of Ahasuerus the king, cle. 8.9. over a hundred and seven and twenty 11 To bring Vashti the queen before the DeDn. 6. L. provinces,) king with the crown royal, to sheow the peo2 That in those days, when the kingAhas- pie and the princes her beauty: for she dlIXin. 1. 46. uerus dsat on th te tlroneef his kingdom, was t fair to look on. S eb. good sNOh.h.1. which was in eShushan the palace, 12 But the queen Vashti refused to come of -1eet3bset Slne 31a the third year of his reige, he fnde et thi king's commandment t by his cham- tC. a feast unto all his princes and his servants; berlains: therefore was the king very wroth, t leb. tuhic feGe. 4t. 20. the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and his anger burned in him. Wa byei o!h. 2. 18. |,- wasyhei. Iarkh6. 21. and princes of the provinces, being before 13 ~ Then theking said to the k wise men, al ofhis him: 1..ich knew the times, (for so s the. 10. 7. When lee shewed the tithes of his glsi hegnor ettwe ithte- wed Be.0 [i 4 When lie sewed the riches of his glori- king's manner toward all that knew law and Da.. 2. 12: cus kingdom and the honour of his excellent judgment: diet. i. I. majesty many deys, even a hundredeeand 14 And the next unto him was Carshena, IChr. 12.e32. fourscore days. Shetbaher, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Mar5 And when these days were expired, the sena, land Memucan, the mseven princes of mEzra7i. 14. king made a feast unto all the people that Persia and Media, "which saw the kinges e Kin.sih.;. 1TIeb.fotend. were tpresent in Shushan the palace, both face, ald which sat the first in the kingunto great and smnall, seven days, in the dom,) court of the garden of the king's palace; I t What shall w do unto the quees tsHe. Whe JlOe, tislst. 6 Where were white, green, and iblue Vashti according to law, because she hath to do. gSee ch.7.. hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen not performedthe co andment of the |Ez. 23. 41. Bem. i2. dl. and purple to silver rings and pillars of kingAhasuerus by the chamberlains t e. marblet: Cthe bedsaere of gold and silver, 16 And Memucan answered before the king Oef. upon a pavement ieef red, and blue, and and the princes, Vashti the queen hath not phtyr, d white, and black marble. done wrong to the king only, but also to all marble, ai d 7 And they gave thent drink in vessels of the princes, and to all the people that are alabaste., gold, (the vessels being diverse one from in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus. -td estoIcsf another,) and troyal wine in abundance, 17 For this deed of the queen shall come bles celce. t according to the state of the king. abroad unto all women, so that they shall ft h,~. sti-e 8 And the drinking was accordieg to the Igespise their husbands iceheir eyes, when cliph. C. i3. /fh k