UL)U L:3 ~4 U yuWa ULL - LCi.d BS1965 1865 main Bible/The emphatic dialott: containing 3 5158 00007 5023 s Library. irn Promptly. I c-,......-.'..... Vi.ec. | ZIMMERMAN LIBRARY? WITTIENRIG.K( C(OL)LG1 C Class. ~ Book No.;.; ' X | Acc. No. I.- -. B oREV........ F. A.... November 16, 1916 | PRESENTED TO ElJI^ } Wittenberg College Libr, FROM THE LIBRARY _ R1 REV. DR. J. F. SIHAFER H November 16, 1916 _!^:^B^?~~~~~~~e88~~ee~ _ _ _~ -,^ ml~'I-,II 1I 1% FF;~tl~~l r~B tY g \FIi~A I 4 II A.I I_ PREFACE. To trouble the reaaer with any lengthy remarks on the important advantages to be derived from a new translation of the Sacred Writings, is deemed altogether unnecessary. Much information on this point has been given by others, who have published modern Versions of the New Testament, with the reasons which have induced them to do so. Those reasons will serve in a great measure also for this. It is generally admitted by all critics, that the Authorized or Common version of the Scriptures, absolutely needs revision. Obsolete words, uncouth phrases, bad grammar and punctuation, etc., all require alteration. But this is not all. There are errors of a more serious nature which need correction. The translators of the Common version were circumscribed and trammelled by royal mandate; they were required to retain certain old ecclesiastical words, which accordingly were left untranslated. Thus the minds of many who had no means of knowing-the meaning of the original words have been misled and confused. Biblical criticism, however, during the last two hundred years, has done much to open up and elucidate the Word of God, by discovering many things which were unknown to the old translators, making great improvements in the text, detecting numerous interpolations and errors, and suggesting far better renderings of many passages. Many modem versiota have availed themselves of this valuable assistance, and it is believed they hathereby been enabled to give the English reader a betterunderstanding of twa originally-written... Without presuming to claim any superiority for this, as a translation of tbie Testament, over any other modern version, it is thought that the preset Wo presents certain valuable features, not to be found elsewhere, and which wiltl e of rea practical utility to every one who wishes to read the books of the vangelits ad Apostles, as they were written under the guidance and inspiration of thf ioly: Spirit. These features are;-An approved Greek text, with the various fsf the Vatican Manuscript, No. 1209; an Interlineary'literal Word for Word translation; a New Version, with the Signs of Emphasis; a copious seleotion f References; many appropriate, illustrative, and exegetical Foot-notes; and a vas able Alphabetical Appendix. This combination of important items cannot be fotid in any other book. The reader will ind further remarks on this subject, on tie page headed," Plan of the Work;" and he is also invited to read the pages with ties respective captions;-"To the Reader;" " [History of the Greek Text w and "iitS tory of English.Yersions." Also, on another page will be found the "Lette: s i Pronunciation of the Greek Alphabet," for the special benefit of those *wo may wish to obtai a rudimentary knowledge of that language. The intelligent reader will at once perceive the utility and importance of this ar. rangement. Readers who are familiar with the original tongue, obtain in this Work one of the best Greek Tcstaments, with important ancient Readings, well worthy of treir attention, and it is presumed, that there a even few Greek schols, who iv.,rFACE. so far advanced, but may derive some help from the translation given. Those who i have only a little or no knowledge of the Greek, may by careful reading, and a little I attention to the Interlineary translation, soon become familiar'with it. This Work, in fact, places in the hands of the intelligent English reader the means of knowing and appropriating for his own benefit, with but little labor on his part, what it has cost others years of study and severe toil to acquire. Scrupulous fidelity has been maintained throughout this version in giving the true rendering of the original text into English; no regard whatever being paid to the prevailing doctrines or prejudices of sects, or the peculiar tenets of theologians. To the Divine authority of the original Scriptures alone has there been the most humble and unbiassed submission. In the preparation of this Work for the press, all available help to be derived from the labors of great and learned men, has been obtained and appropriated. Lexicons, Grammars, ancient and modern Versions, Commentaries, critical and explanatory, Cyclopedias, Bible and other Dictionaries, etc., have been consulted and culled from. Also, the suggestions, opinions, and criticisms of friends, on words, phrases, and passages, have been duly considered, and sometimes adopted. It is not presumed ' that this Work is free from faults or errors. Infallibility is left for others to claim. Great care, however, has been exercised to make it as correct as possible. Many thanks are due to particular friends who have rendered pecuniary aid, or friendly counsel, during the prosecution of this undertaking; also to subscribers to the first edition, to whom it has been issued in parts, for their aid, and patience in waiting so long for its completion, and also for their frequent words of encouragejnenat during its slow progress. The Work was begun about seven years ago with rather diffident feelings, yet with reliance on Divine aid, and has been prosecuted under discouraging and embarrassing circumstances; but it is now completed with feelings of unfeigned gratitude to the Supreme Being for his goodness and providential supervision. The Work is now-sent forth to the public, to stand or fall on its own merits. Trie, it cannot boast of being the production of a council of learned men, as King Jamies' version, but let it be remembered that TYNDALF. alone, under very disadvantageous circumstances, did far more for the English Bible than that learned body, for they only followed in the wake of his labors. This Volume, principally designed for the instruction and advantage of others, is siow reverently committed to the blessing of our Father in the heavens, with an earnest and sincere desire that many of those who peruse its pages may be led by the knowledge, faith, and obedience inculcated theicin, to obtain an inheritance I.the aionian kingdom of Jesus the Anointed one. Geneva, Ill., Aug., 1864.. WILSON. HISTORY OF THE GREEK TEXT. 1nl~ foillowing condensed no- were then known. These varlous Read%1count of the different editions iugs, with some additions, weregiven in of the Greek New Testament, tics Greek Testament, published by will introduce the reader to the Bishop Fell, at Oxford, in 1675. )isitory of the Greek Text, and the va- In 1707, Dr. MuLLe Greek Testament rione steps taken by learned men foir appeared. Hils Text is simply takeni thre purpose of editing- it with greater fieom. Stephens' as given In Walton's critial accuracy. The history willcons- P1olyglot; h is collection of various Rteadmencs with the first printed editions. ings was extensive. aind these were made The first printed edition of the whole the ground for a critical amendment of,of the Greek New Testament was that the Text. contained in the Oomplutensian Poly Dr. ]EDWAIM WELLs published the first glot; publishel by Francis Xims~EsE (le critical revision in parts at Oxford, beCisxoctos. The principal editor of the tween 1709 and t719, with a translation work was Lopez de Stunica. It was and paraphrase. printed iii Ureek and Latin, and corn- BENGEL followed on in the same work pleted January 10th, 1514. In conse- and published his edition In. 1734. snd qlecice of the delay as to the publica- iit his"I ApparatuosCriticus' he enlarged tin) of this edition i~from 15t4 to 1520) the stock of various Rteadings, thict of EtksAMU5 was commenced and WZrEDT'I published his Greek Testacouple'ed, and was publishel in 1516, ment in 1751-2, but only indicates in be(Ain tics first edition pubiiashed of the hi.s; losr macamn, the few Readings (ircekt New Testament. Like the Coin- which hie pre!erred to those of the Elplutensian. edition, this was also in zevir edition, lint in the collection of Greek and Latin. The latter partof the critical materials he did more than all. boork of Itevelation being wantin in his his predecessors pot to-ether. MlS. hie supplied the same by translatinsg GialSBAcH. in critical labors, excels the La-tia Vulgate into Greek. by far any wvho preceded him, lie used The Greek Manuscripts usged for these the materials others had gathered. Hils two elitions were few In nuinhcrof lit. first (edition was commenced in 1776; tic critical value, and thereiore do not his last completed- in 1806. lie coinpr)s:oess mech real authority. In 1535, bined the results of the collations of Evasinus poblished his fifth edition, Birch, Matthvei and others, with thb-se which is the basis of the common) Text.* of Wetstein. In his Revision he often Inl 1546, and again in 1549, ROBEav preferred the testimony of the older SVEP1i;.is printed, at Paris, two beauti- 5185. to the mess of modern copies. fill small editions of the Greek New Since the publication of Griesbach's, T'estament; and in 1550 his folio edition Text, three or four other critical edi. with various- readings from several Man- Lions have been published, And have reusqcripts-he collated some 1.5 AISS., calved the examination and approval of hot chiefly fol~lowed the Complutensian, sholars. Of these, the edition of Scholz, co)py. hase passed through numerous editions. BrosA. published five editions of the 1iil fundamental principle of criticism Greelk Testament; the first in 1565, the was4, that the great majority of copies last in 1598. decide as to the correctness of the Text; In 16214, the EiLzp~vnt, printers at Ley- hence, those who prefer the more ancient den, Published a small and beantitlil documents, will consider the Text of Greekc Testament, the, edit-or of which Is GrIesbach preferable; while those whose wholly unknown. It differs little from i tsdgmeit would favor tics mass of testi. Stephen.4' folio edition. The printers moniles, would prefer that of Scholz. gave to this Text the name of "1Textus, In addition to Scholz's collation, Lach-. Iteceptus."1 manic, Tischendorf, Tregelles. &e., have In WALvON's POLYGLOT of 1657, the given to the world the resuilt of their Greek New TotAament was given accor- critical labors, and which are acknow ding to tl'e Te ~t of Stephens: and In ledged to be of the highest authority,the last volnuese there was a collection The number of MSS. now known, and of various Readings from such MSfi. as which have been examined, is nearly, 'V Ecsma, n hs tir edtio o 153, n-700; thus affording now a far better Erama, i hs hir eitin f.52, n-chance. to obtain a correct Greek Text, serted the text, 1ehic v.7 on the authority than when the authorized version was of a RhS. now in DubiO Tyndale used thisa edition to revise his Engihveso. t first published. HISTORY OF ENGLISH VERSIONS. HE first English version of the vise the translation then in use. They New Testament was that made were ordered to use the Bishops' Ihible by JOHN WICLIF, or WICijFFE, as the basis of the new version, and to about the year 1367. It was alter it as little as the original would translated from the Latin Bible, verba- allow; but if the prior translations of tim, without any regard to the idiom Tyndale, Coverdale. Matthew, Cr;nmer of the languages., Though this '-ersion or Whitchurch, and the Geneva tditors was first in point of time, no part of it agreed better with the text, to ad pt the was printed before the year 1731. saume. This translation was perhaps the TYNDALE'S translation was published best that could be made at the time, and in 1826, either at Antwerp or Iam-n if it hadl not been published by kingly burg. It is commonly said that 'lyn- authority, it would not now be veneradale translated from the Greek, but he ted by English and Americaln protestnever published it to be so on any title ants, as though it had come direct from page of his Testament. One edition, not God. It has been convicted of containpublished by him, has this title-" The ing over 20,000 errors. Nearly 700 Grieck Newe Testament, dylygently corrected MSS. are now known, and sonpe of them and compared with the Greke, by Wil- very ancient; whereas the translators lyam Tyndale, and fynesshed in the of the common version had only the:dyere of oure Lorde God, A. MI. 1). and vantage of some 8 MSS., none of which xxxiiij. in the moneth of Nouember.' were earlier than the tenth century. It is evident he only translated from Since 1611, many translations of both Old the Vulgate Latin. and New Testaments, and porticns of the published the whole i s:le, have been published. The fallowing COVEDALB published the? whole BiTble are some ot the most noted. in English, in the year 1535. lie ' fl- The Family Expositor: or a Parrphrseand lowed his interpreters," and adopted Version of the New Testament, with Critical Tyndale's versiin, with the exception Notes. y PhiliplDoddridge. 1755. The Fovr Gospels transl:,ted from the Greek. of a few alterations. By George Campbell. 1790. MATTHEw's BIBLE was only Tyndale A New Literal Translation, from the Origiand Coverdale's, published under the nal (reek, of the Ap stolical Ep:st.es. By feigned name of Thomas Matthews. JamHs Maekmaigit. 17iT5. A Translatisn of the New Testament. 'lBy. HOLLYBUSHE'S NEW TESTAMENT was Gilbert Wakefield. 17!5. printed in 1538, "both in Latin and A Translation of the New Testnment, from Elnglish, after the Vulgate text," to the original G-eelc. oHulbiy attemplted by Naithniel Scatlett, assisted by meni of piety which Coverdale prefixed a dedication andlltrt ssstte. 17m8. to HIenry VIII. The New Testament in an Improved Ver-. THE GREAT BIBLE, published in 1539, sion, upon the basis ufArchbishop Newcoinm's purported to be " translated after the New Translation, with a corrected Text. 1808. rrted te b e rand ftexte The New Testamexnt, in Greek aid English; veryte of the Hlebrue and GOreke ttextes," the Greek according ti Griesb:lch; the Enughut it is certain that it was only a revi- lish upon the basis of the fourth Londen edision of Matthew's, with a few small al- tion of the Improved Version, with an attempt terations lt was namd " te to further improvement from thetrpaslatiols terations. It was named the Great.t of Campbell, Wakefie.d, Scarlett, a4ckn"glt, Bible," because of its large size. and Thomson By Abner Kneeland. 1822. CRASaMzR's BIBLE, published in 1540, ANew Family Bibie, andimprovedVersion, was essentially the same as the Great from corrected Texts of the Originals, with Bible, bt tok his -name on account of Notes Critical,&c. yB.Boothroyd. 1823. Bibje,-t tok his - e on accou t Of The Sacred Writings of the Apostles and a few corrections which he made in it. Evangelists, transi;:ted from the Original, by -Tas GEN-EV. BIULE was published at Ctmpbell, Macknigl.t, and Dcddridge, with Geneva in 1560. The New Testament in varios Emendatirns y A. Campbe. 18;N. A New and Correctecd Version of the New 1557. Coverdale was one of the Geneva Testament. By R. DickinScn. 1833. brethren who iasued it. The Book of the New Covenant, a Critical TfHE BISHOPS' BIBLE Was a reisal of Revision of the Text and Transl:ticn ofComthe English Bible, made by the bishops, mon Version, with the aid of most ancient and compored with the originals, It MSS. By GrBnille, emendation. The Holy Bible, with 20,t00 emendations. was publshed in1568. By J. T. C(oiquest. 1841. saB DowAY BIBLE appeared in 1609, The Good News of our Lord Jesus, the and was translated from the a enicl Anointedt from the Crutical Greek of Titt. man. ByN.N.Whiting. 1849. Lat'tn, or Vulgate..A Translation of the New Testament, from.KING JAMEs' BILB, or the Authorized theSyriac. By James Murdock. 1862. Version, was published in 1611. In the Translation of Paul's Epistles. By Joseph in tlhelanguages, were appointed to re- bach's Text. By Samuel Sharpe. 1850. TO TIIE READER. TTTAT "All Scripture, divincly inspired, "is probable were also the translato:s' is profitable for 'lTeaching, for Convic- "opinions. That their translation is partion, for Correction, for TIAT Instruction "tial, speaking the language of, and givwhlich is in Righteousness," is the truth- "ing authority to one sect." And lfu testimony of tile Sacred Writings according to Dr. Gell, it was wrested and ti;out tlhemselves. We rejoice to express partial, "and only adapted to one sect;'; our conviction that the Word of God was lut lie imputes this, not to the trnmslaip..r:ct and infallible as it emanated fromn tors, but to those who employed them, those holy men of old, the Prophets and for even some of the translators comApostlcs, who "spoke, being moved by plained that they could not follow their the Iloly Spirit." As arevclation ofJeho- own judgment in the matter, but were revah's will to tlhe human race, it was rcqui- strainedlby "reasons of state." site that it sliould be an unerring guide. The Version in comnlcn use will appear moreI sll, e fat is klnown, Amid the ever conflicting strife of lunman moe imperfeetatill, wllS the fact is l, thalt it was ne.t a translat: n from the Origi. opinions, and tle endless diversity of 1ll, but merely a revision of the Versicns thoulght, we needed such a standard, to t'ien in use. 'lhis is evident from thefollowlead us safely through tlie perplexing ing directions given by King James to the prolilesns of life, to counsel us nuder all translatoms, viz.. "The Bisht ps' Bible to be pro s of life, to counsel us under all "fiilowed, and altered as litt.e as the Origi. circumstances, to reveal the will of our "nul willpermit. And these translations to ecavenly Parent, and to lift on high a "be used when they agree better with the "xt tan t:~e Bisiop ipBibee Tyn. celestial light, which streaning through "tt tlan te isiiopsilbh!e-ame^, Tyn "dat's, Matthew's, Coverdale's, Whitchurch's, the thick darkness that broods aroutn, "tGeneta." None of these were made from shall guide tle feet of his erring and be- the Original Greek, but only compared wiat wildered clildren to their loving Father's it-being all translated from the Fulgqal lone. We needeld thleforle a testimlony Latin. Slence it tollows, that the authorized home. We dd t a tstmony version is simply a revision of the Vulgate. upon which to repose our faitli and hope, And the Greek Text, with which i t was com. free from all error, imnmutable, and larnno- pared, was compiled from Eigl t 1IMSS. only, nious in all its details-sosething to te 1 oil vt which were written since the tenth us hnow to esctlpe from ee t vi of th1e centary, and are now cons dered ofcomparaus ov to escape fom tle evils of thie tive.y siight authority. The " Textvs Receppresent, and attain to a glorious future. tus," or leceived GreekText, was made frcm With reverence and joy we acknowledge tlic-e MSS., and is now proved to be t.e very the Sacred Writings to be such, as they woistGlreek Tethextan in a printed focm. ch, as n they iere was only one MS. for the Book of were originally dictated by the Ioly t;evelation, and part of that wanting, which Spirit. How important then that they was supplied bv translating the Latin of tl:e should be correctly read and understood! Vulgate into Greek! Since the publication But can it be fairly said that such is the of the "Textus Reeepts," and the Cornin Version, soime C60 liS. have been discovered, case with our present English Version? some of which are very ancient, and very W opinenot. Though freely acknowledg- valuable. The beet andoldet ofthese is oe ing that it is sufficiently plain to teach marlcd B., Cod. Patrcaar, No. l(9, of thle men +t>e social and reliions duties of life, fouth andfifth centuries. Theseconlld malk. he social and religious duties ie, ed A., Cod.. Aexandrinu, of the fifth century. and the path to Immortality, yet it is a 'the thid marked C., Cod. EphArer., aboutt;e notable fact that King James' Translation filth century, and tlie fourth marked L, Cod. is far from being a faithful reflection of Cantabuhiensis, ofthe seventh eentury,. the mind of the Spirit, as contained in the MSi, tlule Lasoistance ftoim. lrJ Original Greek in which the books of tile aid from the labors o fmany eminent liblica i New Tcstament were written. There are Criti-s ald Transl.tors. Amcng these tnay some thousands of words which are either be entioned, —Mill, Wetstein, Griesbach, Seholz, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tittman, mistranslated, or too obscurely rendered; 'regetles, l)Dddridge. Macklnig t, Campbell, bcsidels others which are now obsolete, llorne, Mliddleton, Clark Wakefie'd Bloomthlrough improvement in the language. fle:d, Thompsc(f, Murdock. Kneelanid IoothBesides this, it has been too highly colored ro`'d, Conquest, Sharpe, Gausaen, Turnbull, in man les with the par ies and Trench, &e., &e. in many places with the party ideas and Should any person doubt the proprie5 of opinions of those who made it, to.be the Translaticn, in any particular part, let worthy of full and implicit confidence himnot hastily censure or condemn till he bcinr placed in it as i clluine record. u has compared It carefully with the various being placed in it 'as a genuine record. authorities on which it Is based; and even In tlhe words of Dr. Macknight, "it was should he see reason to differ in sorue re"made a little too conplaisant to the spects, acorrect Greek Text is given, so that " King, in favoring his notions of predes- the Original may be alw::.ys appealed to in election, witchcraft, miliar ases of doubt. However intaerfect the tinntion, election, itccraft familiar Tnsltionmay e conidered the Critspirits, and kingly rights, and these it ic, it cannot adulterate te Original.... PLAN OF THE WORK. 1. Greek Text and Interlinearyn and Phrases intimately connected with Translaiion.-lThe left hand column doctrinal suljects, alplabetically arranged. contains the GRKEK TEXT according to The se will be critically examined, and the Dr. J. J. Gricsbach, and interlined with it lighlt of Biblical science thrown upon such a LITERLA WORD-FO(-WORD TItANSLA- iS have given rise to sectarian disputes, TION, wherein the corresponding English and the cavils of infidels. is placed directly under each Greek word. The Sectional Divisions are those of the Va- SIGNS OF EM.PHASIS. tican and Alexandrian MSS. Greek Word. The Greek article often finds its equivalent enclosed in brack!ets Lthus,] though authori- in the English definite article the, but in t:.e zed by Griesbach, are omintted by tie Vat. MS. mnajrity of cases it is evidently only a ma;rk The advantages to be de rived fiom such a;,f emphasis. It frequently precedes a subarrangement must be apparent to the Bi.be stantive, n adjective, a verb, an adverb, a Studidnt. The learned have a Greek Text ac- participle or a particle, thus pointing out the knowledged to be one of the best extant, emphatic words. The Greek article and Eimwhile the unlearned have almost an equal phatic Pronouns exercise a most important chance withl those acqainateu with the Origi- nfluence on the meaning of words, and somenil, by having tiie meaning and granmmatica} tines throw light on doctrines of the highest construction given to eaic;i word. Tlis part interest The sacred penmen of tle New of the work will be a desideratum by mainy,; estamnent were, in the opinion of many emibut more ada:pted for criticismI than readinlg. nent persons, guided by Divine inspiration in Although by adheringl to the arrangement of the choice of their words: and in the use of the Original, the Translation may appear nn- the G-eek article there was clearly a remark. couth, yet the strength and beauty of inany able discretion displayed. In fict, the Signs passages are thereby preserved. of Emphasis are incorporated with the words The frequent recurrence of the Greek arti- in such a manner. that the latter cannot be cle of e!nphasis, and an occasional ellipsis, stated without conveing at the same time often interfere with the sense and elegance st the intelligent mind an idea of the very inof a sentence, but this cannot well be avoided t na:tioi with which the senltence was spoken in.aw;rd-for-word Translation. The advan- when it was written dwnn. 'lins peculi. tges, however, accruing t: the diligent litves- arity of the Greek language cannot he pro- tiator of the Divine Word by persuing this perly expressed in Enwrilsh except by the use plan are many, and will be duly appreciated., typ)'-r;aphical signs; such as, Initial Capi'2. New Version.-Thle column on tal letters, italics, SMALL CAPITALS, and the right hand side of the page is a New 'T Common Version of the New TestaVERSION for general reading. Tllis rel- ment fails to give tlhe render a full conception dering is based ulpon that in the left hiand i f the nmeaning designled to be conveyed by Columin, and tthe labors of mainy talented the Greek original, ins reg-rdColumn ad th s of m y ri.,1st. 'l'o those Words which are connected Critics and Translators of the Scriptures with thle Gr eek Article; The Readings of tile oldest Manuscripts 2d. To those Pronouns Substantive which now known are somletimes incorporated are intended to carryintheinsl ~es apeculiar and always referred to. In this Column em hais; and, 3d. To those Adjectives and Pronouns thle EMPIPATIC SIGNS are introduced, by which obtain a comparative importalnce, by whichl tle Greek Words of Emphlasis are reason of the position which they occupy in designated. For the use and beauty of the Greek Text, with reference to some.other words. this arrangement, the reader is requested 'o remed thee deficiencies the following to examine the annexed remarks on Signs Systen of tNoattion is evnployLd in the Engof Emphasis. lish column of the DIAGLOTT. The Chapters and Verses of the Common 1. Those Words rendered positively emnVersion have been retained, principally for phatic by the presence of the Greek article. are convenience ofreference. The readerhowever, printed In Snall Capitals: as, "The LIrE w: by ftllowing the paragraphs in the opposite tle LIoGT of MEN." column, need not be governed by these arbi. 2. Those Pronouns Substantive which, in trary divisions. Chapters and Verses were the Greek, are intended to be positively i, -mnot introduced till the middle of the 10th cen- phatic are printed in Black Letter; as, " -C tary. must increase, but 2 must decrease.".3. Foot Notes and References. 3. Those Adjectives and Pronoun.s which in — 'lhe arions Ieadings of thei Vatican the Greek are comparatively erphatic, vs iii. M-S.,te variors ReaCcinidts tef CVaticn (c:ietced by th!eir p sition, re printed with *:n MS., Notes for the elucidation of the text, Initial C:'pitil Letter: as, "One Bndyv, ild and References, are introduced at the bot- itle Spirit, even as ye are called in One Elope torm of the page. Tlie Notes are criticl. orvour CALI.ING. illustrative, explanatory, anl( stulestive 4. All Greek Substantives, as being of more ilustrave, expan y, and sust e. imprtince than other words, are also eon.Old Testamlent quotations are alweays re-;nccel with a Capital Letter. ferred to, and copious parallel passages in Ily alopting these Siigns of Emphasis, it is thl Nes. believed certainty and intensity are iriven to e sages where they occur, as well as uracaty 4, Appendix.-It is intenleil to add lnd earnestness to the discourses in which an Appendix to the Work, csntaiuin aig i tley are tuad; thus rendering the reader, t e c ii P ealrer, as it were, of the life-words ot llnim / tla 'corl'apllcal andl Prol'o)r NllfnS "vwho spke as never m'n boke." or whlch found in the New Testament, with Woirds were enunciated by His insphred apostles. LETTERS AND PROWNCIATION OF THE GREEK ALPHABET. 7100RX. NAMtE. S0UND, On POWER. REMARKS. A a Alpha aIL ACCENTS ar ad to B $ Beta b sometinte, vs-Ast the reader to d-si-nsiitate between 'y Gamma g hard, as inbegin v;,rcA wihreaike in A Delta d!-,-in, but different in ineanE e Epsilon e short, as in met means iieeessiry, either for Zeta lite 1preon~icstmg er uuderZ ct~nnd ii gofrtie Gr-eek. itoH a ~ Eta e long, as in keen guage, and as the earliest of ii lite manusceipts of the o 0 Theta th 6sn!liestmainetitis without I~ Iota te('st' is omit them in the Ke Kappa k )IA-, sOTT leairig the sense, iii dr;_itfiti erses, to 1be deA x Lambda I terni~nid by tie context. If aecettis fti-or a partieular M AlMu mn sensne, it, may be ass erroneous N, Nu oiie, and theta they are imrioust and If ttey doniot a xi x vor aniy partieutar cense, o o Omicron o short, as in lot titet theyATce.-onnessary n 7r- Pi P tabl dsueaetcytoft-opnionp p lh o r prevatils aniotg tielearnted final Sigma ntteerntnK ithe proper sound a-, fnls Sim 5 of soose of tiese letters, attd T -r Tn tis it ini inipossibleat thtsd~sT T11u t ttisie of tiuie to ascertain T v Upsilon u tie toude of pronunciation asnotg Sthe aneciti Greeks, * ~ Phi ph Ute stisplest p'an is to con. d~ec each G reek tetier as xx Clhi ch hard, as iji cheord~ ' sreopnding in totted to ~i p Psi Ps t Ocoirrelaitte letter in out ~1 co Omega o long, as in throne., the Table.' The LETTERS are divided into seven vowels and seventeen' consontant&~-; The.VOWELS are e, o, short;- s, as, long; and a, a, v, doubtful. DhPHTHONGS are formed of two vowels joined together, and are twelve in nunober; six proper, at, nu, f S, eV, ot, ou, and six limi proper, a,?, 's 7,as.Telttle stroke under a 7, 95,W standing for Iota, called Iota subscrtpt, is not sounded, but merely serves to) show the derivation. The LABIALS, (NT, $S, s,) the PALATALS, (Kc, -y-, and the DENTALS, (-r, 1, 0,) are named according- to the organs of articulation employed in pronouncing them. To each of these Classes belongs a double letter, so called because combining, the sound of s with that of another consonant; titus, the Labials, irs, $rY, eOs, are equal to tp, the Palatals, KcS,.ys, XS) to ~.and thie Dentals, 'as, as, to(. The letter iv can stand only before Dentals; before Labaias it beconies 4t before the liquids, (X, IA, a', p,) assimilation takes place, so that before X it becomes x, before p it becomes p, &c. Before Palatals a, is converted into -y' but observe, that whenever.Y is found before another 'y, or either of the other Palatals, it is always proiounced like a; thus a-nyeos (angel) is pronounced ai,.~ gelos, ub.~ggelos. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON GRAIMMAR. Every word having a vowel or diphthong for the first letter is, in most printed books, marked at the beginning either with an aspirate, or rough breathing, ('), as jixtos, (sun,) pronounced as if written helios; or with a smooth one, ('), as;ri, (upon,) simply read epi. The former one of these breathings is only of necessary use, and may be considered as having the force of the English letter h. The aspirate is placed over p and v when they stand at the beginning of a word; thus foSoov, (a rose,) pronounced rhodon. In diphthongs the breathing is placed over the second vowel; thus vlos, (a son,) pronounced why-os. When p is doubled, the last one takes the aspirate, as ep-wa-o, pronounced errhoso. Words in Greek are of eight kinds, called Parts of Speech; viz., Article, Noun, Pronoun, Vcrb, Participle, Adverb, Preposition, and Conjunction. The Article, Noun, Pronoun, and Participle, are declined with Gender, Number, and Case. There are three Genders; the Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. There are two Numbers; the Singular, which speaks of one, as Aoyos, a word; and the Plural, which speaks of more than one, as Aoyot, words. To these&the Greeks added a third number, called the Dual, which only speaks oftwo, but this number was not much used, asd is not found either in the Septuagint, or New Testameat. There are five Cases; the Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, and Vocative. The Article b,,, -o, generally answers to the definite article the in English. When no article is expressed in Greek, the English indefinite article a is signified. Thus avOpwros mean a man, J or man in general; and 6avOpwaros, the man. It is thus declined: SINGULAIR. PLURAL. Masc. Fern. cut. - Mase. Fer. Near. Noma. 6, 7, TO, the. Nom. ol, al, ra, the. Gen. raov, I^s, TOu, of the. Gen. rMwv, -Twv, rw, of the. Dat., rp, re, T ot t he. Dat. roIt, Tais, rois, to the. Ace. -oY, '7rv, TO, the. Ace. Tous, ras, Ta, the. The Article has no vocative; w, which sometimes precedes a noun in the vocative, is an Interjection. The Article takes the consonant T in every Case, except in the nom. sin. masc. and-feni. 6, 7, and in the nom. pl..masc. and fem. ot, at, where the r is superseded by the aspirate (').The gen. pl. in all genders and in every declension, enas in wv. The Personal or Primitive Pronouns are three; c-y, 1, plural *Jefs, we, of the first person; ia, thou, plural,iess, you, of the second; Gen; ob, he or she, plural aeris, they, of the third. The PRclative Pronouas ante 6s, j1, 6, who, which, and auros, auTv7, atuer, he, she, it, &c., &c., &c. - To those w'!oloy unacquainted with Greek, the eorscoing' remarks will give some, though perhaps bt little satis lction. If a tyrtiher knlit!.lvde isa esired, the reader had better pro. curea-rammnar. A very good book to commence with has been publishctby Hagster & S ons, London, entitled, " A 'ractical Gutide to the first Study of the Greek Ttsmeatla," de. signed for those who ihave no kiow.., of tie Urceki language. *[ETArriEAioN] KATA MATOAJON. AC LAOT TDINGS TO MATTE.TIW St~e. & 1.C11APTER 1. BLf3Aos '}eEYYEcrcS b-00OU XpIToVro, V1OU I A iheeiater of thc A oreel efdeseeet ofJesus Christ, Zoaef Lcae OF'Jesus Chri.st, VI~Ltt)A~azt 2 Afptet 'e,7O rt on of~ David, Son ot Dcvid, eo f Abe em. Aberaem beget the Abrtiahtam. Ie-aaic- IeicataK SE E-yEYV77EE 'Top laKWf3 IoicWf3 2 Front I Abrahiani rotsaac; teoaac ted bego t the Jacob; Jacob ceedcd ISAAC; fromi, 1:a~Be e-ycv!,-(rE 'Too' Iov~ag' ict 'rous a~eXepovs M, ACOB; from ++Jarcob,,eld begot the Judas and tbe brotbeen JUDAII and his aaolaTV ou~es Be E')YEVI/7jOE 'TOY 4,apET KiT' 'l~L of bime. Judas tnd begot thle Paebteen ed the Zapa ce 'r1s Oaltap. 'I'epeS Be VyEV}ce'poE 'TOg' 3 from Judah, PITAREZ Zara by thle Thaeae. Phree and begot the anld ZAILAH, by TAMBAII; Etrpce~i Er1pco/ StF f-yEPPYoe 'rop Apaex 4 Apaju front Pharez, hllrzaoN; Erece; Esroee and beget the AreeM Amme front ILezron, RAmt; 8,F C —EVY-q0`,E TOY AutxczaI3a' Aj~iva~aG St 4fon ai Aml aed beget the Aeteedeb; Aeinedab and fonRaAMNe-eyjeTpNaaro'wv' Naacworow SE e'yEo'vpo'e DAB; front Amnminadab, beget the Naaetee; Naaseec and begot NHHN rm Nh 'rag ~eA wv ~A~wvSc yet''str ~ovBo 1CShO, SALMON; the Sheee Salmee eand beget the Deec 5 from Salmon, BOAZ' EtK T7l1t 'Peae. $oo0C Sc Ce'yCet'ea~oE TOP fIStqS IEK by IRAHAD; from Boaz, by the Rtchlah. Bees ted beget. the Obed by OBEn), by RUTHu; from TiJs 'PovO. C1$vSY1 Se v~yc-flO'r 'TOP IctTO'eU Obgd, JESSE; thle Ruth. Obed end begot:the Jesee; Igerl et StE-ytvaio'e 'rOtY AettS 'TOY jao'taea. 6 'and from J3esse, Jetee eed beget the Dacid the b ki g. DA-vID the KtNG. IDavid AentS Sc *[6,80CG-1AfUS] FY/EVg'74-E 'TOP:SOAOIAWPa hade 4Snnnamnoi by the tDavit aed- [the kiegj beget thle Soloeen [WID OW] Of URIA11; EtC 'T71q 'rO OUpton. '7:oXojj00o Be e'yevzpqo'e 7 Solomion bad I'Rttby thle ofthe Uciet. Setemoe aed beget DOB11AMI Rehoboam had rog,' Po(3ocg,. 'Po~oa B Sc -ePP770i' 'TOg' Afjocg' AntjAi; AbijAl had the Rteheene ltebeee aed beget the Ahia; ASA; A/3oa e SE EyC-YY-qOE 'TOY Ao-e' 8 Ao'a e ScE'eg'pE 8As tdEH IA-EP7E Al~a end beget the Asae Aea aed beget 8AahdJEOIA 'roP lcoo-eaq'av Icoo'gt~pea Be e-E7EY?1OE ToY icvpa~u' PleAT Jehoshaplhat Itaid the Jeeepbet; Jetephat ted beget the Jeraee; t.JFJIRAMt; Jeboiant IWpajt Be e'yevP~tete ToY, OCtaete' O~a Beee had UZZtAIat; Jeceam end begot the Ociae; Otias cad eegec 9 Uzzialt IonS.JO'THA t1 g'pOe 'ToY lweaeatut l~aoeOCI/A Be CEyEYPe'E- 'TOP' A~a(-' Jothant had AttAZ; Ahsz the Jethtea; Jethae eant beget thle Aebee; had IlEZuElAlt AXaC So E-YEo'va7oe 'rOP EeC~tao" '0 EmC"C4SE 10a egkabltt A Acha, aed beget tile zeetles; zeehie, ted 1 eeil.l A e'yevY7)Oe Top Mgytveo'o- Mazvaeo-o's Sec E'yev'Y7)E NASSElt; Maiiesselt had beget tile Maeesenee Maneence end beget AMON; Anton. had Jo'ToY Auwinte Aj~attv Be 01EVVY1T~OE 'rOYlWfrtaY. Ito' SIAn; the Ameoe; Amen and beget the Jo si; Jeeie. 11 and f J1osialt had St 6-e7EYY70'e 'TOP IEXOVICWe KMI Tons atSEk~ovy JECttoXaAn anld Ili$ BMM) eed beget the Jecheeies ted the beethers TrinsES, near thle time of auJToO, E7rt 'Tpf /ACTo(Keerias Bae~nAceos. the CbARUYING-AWAY to g hit,, neeae tie remecal Babhyloeian. Babylon. VATICAN MAteuecetlrT-Tjtte —A tnditag to. Mattlhew. 0. the Keae-eem/t. 1 8. By g referetnge to 2 C'hr'ni. xxii., slid ffflowvinq chptpers, It will be snes thAt the names Of ddae aS, Joeale, aid A-Aa'uth thle imenlediat~e tlaoeendintte of Jehorarm, are oteitted in, th t e xt. li. I It est1, " Josiah be.-A tJthoiak-im, and Jehotakimtbel'ot Jcehnnbthe,"' pro ba'y in so-ted to, taet taP fo~trteaii get-(e't Coat, - s etriioreA lin v~er 1 1 16Ueg lktackttt'91te Clarice, and soate Others, adopt titee reiadig. It is not fouted ilt tielde O1t M;', ~1. Luke i.2. t 2. (l-n. xxl. -XXV, M; xxix.56 a 0, I fsm Zvi.; aevl, 12; jiu.xiL 4. 17' 1 C.4yon. HLi 10. C7iap. I: II2.] MATTHEW. l-Mc-'ra5e 'EitiiE'rolKeo-ap Baj~vAwvoaslEXovias After and the remee at 1iebylonian, Jeleonian E'eyeppt'?o'E 'Toe' a~aceti3.:Sa~an0l7A SC-E-EV16 beget the Salatietlr. Sadathiet and beget 'rOt' Zopo(3aGEXv 13Zopo,3a[3oA Be e-yc-t'i'7e rTO, the Zorohetet; Zecehtabet tend begote the Ato~oO' A~Stou5 Be E"J/EVY)OE6 'roe EAiacKELLO EAuaA bittd Abiud tnd begot thle Eliehitt; EtieKE ScB E-YIEeVsY7T 'rot A'Wp- 14 A~Cp SE 1E7E-1VVIJO` kite ted beget thle Atee; Azor ted begot 'rOt:2a3WKc 126WKCS,E7yEVP?0e TrOt' AXeqL/L AXEL$ the Saodk; Sadok aed begot the Achime; Achite SE cEyEvtrt7OE TrOP EAtov8' 1- EALov5 BE e-E7Evv71-e and beget the Mutid; Etiutt ted beget TOtY EAEXe~ap- Exea~'ap Bc- Eyteevt/1oE'roe' Ma'rOat" the ], EIkezne ted begot the Meattbae Ma'rOae' S 67C'EVt'?OG'E 'rOP latcwI- 16 IaKC0w$ SE Matthtn ned begot the Jacob; Jacob ted VyEVVctt77O' 'o'Io'prt'tSceMapias, ~ beget tbhe Jesepit, the husb~ind of Mary, oftwhom, cyc'YI'tl?17 17t0O'Ov, 6 XcEyOpie6VoS Xpio'rOS. wasetboen Jesus, thet beiegeeemed Christ. 17rfwao' ov' al -yEvtcat awro Ai~paact& Ewt AaiWL,, Ati theentie geneentione fren Abracee tilt David, eyevteai Seca-rrE(toccpc-s icaee atro AaviS E'Or 'rvT geteention* futeete; end fromt David titt thle,.LC'rOiKEnras Ba/3uAwtovo, 7yt'EI& & aTect'rero'epsremeova, Babhylenien, geneteetions fourteen; xcat atro 'tjgS fLTe'r Cott -tas Baf6uAwt'os kws rote and fretm the ereinecet Babylonian tilt the XPIO'TOV, -yeveeaL SEEctTErtrOapcs. Cheist, geneeations foeeteen. 1-4Tou 66 1hi0OV Xpurwo si "ytcris 6To.'r T lit'. Of the new Jeses Chritt the tirtb thee nes. Myv7a-rEv0,Eiiy's -yap 'r'qs u7rel'pos au'rou Mapta- 'rep Being espeesed fee the teether of hin Mtary tethe!wgr7mp, 'rpty 'tiov'EA04Etv cw'rovs ct.cth E ca'E Joseph, betere either cateetegether thete, eke won foeed in 7CaUTTPL eXovat-a etc 2t'EvaTJL'OS Ct')'otJ. 191WV0'714 Sc woetb, having by a spirit hoty. Josepih and 6atvl.p aceT7'rn, 811MaOS WP Kt' Sf174 f OEXae' MeTi'r1t ettehushand efhier, ajeetteanbebnigand not witting her 7riya3tprS-ykaT'IOat7, CI-OuVX770s Aadpa aitroAvTo-a te pebticty expoee a itclinetd secretty te release (lT77t'. 'tiTau'rce Sc atwsrou Et'6u1Arqev'roa-, LSou, b ee. Thene bet ofhite thinking ont elo gyAi/jxsr ietuptotu SaT' ot'Cp ELt)aw7i O.u'rp, Acvjcevt t esenetger ofateord in adreeamt appeatetd to him, saying; Iweo-qcp, ul'os AauntS /At't epoO-qftv 'rapcakai~etv Mateseph, sne of David, net thoushoetdetfenr tetnke AlaptalA Tale' yt~it'tca o'ou' 'r'P ev acTu'p ey the wrife of thee; that eu in bee beieg foreed, Etc lTIV-ttA'rOh EO~TT' aL'ytou' "T'rJe'rTt SE tuot, teat by a spirit in bety'; she stathbeareand neson, teid aC~T~EoT~ 'rO ot'olha aV'roU 1io'ovt" aU'rs -yap (TyWOty theousattetllthte enter efhite trees; lie fee ebhtineer cl~ap. 1: 2 01. 12 And after the CA IRYtN(O-AWAY to Babylon, from J ecniali descended SALATrlttLt froti 'Sala13 front Zerubbaltel, ABIUD; frott Abitid, 'IAteKim; front E'liakint. Aziov; 1ll from Azor, ZA D)OC; front Zadoc, Actttati; from Achtim, EtIUD; 15 from Elietd, ELEAZAR; front Eleazar, Mt THtAN; front Matthatt, JACOB; 16 and from Jacob, JoaxEts, the HUtBANDn Of Mary, of whomt was h)orn TIIAT JeSus8, Who i3 NAXED Christ. 37 f [All the GENERATIONS, then, frost Abraham to ilavid, are Ihurteen Generations; frott David till tite CARRYINGAWAY to Babylon, footteen Generatiotos; and f-ont tilte CARRYINGAWAY to Babtylon till the MAIsSIAHI, fourteen Generatiotts.] 18 Notw tlte I NATIVITY of tlte *Cetats'T Jeans was titus: Mary hiS MToERn. htad been pledged to JoSEP11; but bt fore they united, site wits diseno — 'ered to ise pregnatit by the holy Spirit. 19i Them Joseph, her affitinced HUSBiAND, beinr, a just sian, andL utnwillhittg to expose her, purposed to div~en-e her privately. 20 Buat viliile lie wsit reflecting on these things, behold t an. Angel of tihe Lord appeared to him in a Dreatm, sayitmg, 'Jonseph, Son of David, fear not to take Mary, thy athitineed WaIFE; for THAT RIt~NG FonatEB in her is by the holy Spirit 21 sitei hlIJbearx'ton, and thou Shalt Jea~ll his NAME 1 Jesus; for hec Nvill *VArTeAN 31ANSCenRIr-55. the OneSTt Jesus. t17. Penn omits this verse; Neseconee, Pearce, and others regard Itans a marginal glots. tis. Fifth year before.the, common Acne Dsteini. t 1. Jesus-.-leb. Yeteva-Stnuo ~. Jja4Aeor Jnohea. YAn, or Jsu, Iskah be;and SlU'A, Pewerfe-hencetlitenamesignifis I Csel be trPoerefuee "'hotushalt eall hisimaie Jzses,"for thin rea~son, "B3ecause HI! WeMh W~e his PEOPLE9 &lom their ness." See Actsv-il. 45, Heb. iv. 8, and Appendli, wordjete., I&18 Lukel. 27. t 19. Deut. xxiv. h - 2L. Luke i,31 2141 Ctap. 1: 22.] MATTHEW. [C7iap. 2: 7. C'TO Aaov avrov a7ro'Twva/aprLwv avrwv'3T (Tovro IT save his PEOPLE from the people ofhlim from the sils of them; This thlCi SINS." 6s 6Aov'yeyovev, Iva 7irX7pcO7 pw Tro TO 0ev 6iro 22 (All this occurred, and all was done, so that might be fulilled the word spoken by that tie WORD SPOIEN 7ro KvpIOU ola Trov rpo prlrov, Aeyovros 2l3"18ov, by the Lo'd through the the Iord through the prophet, saying; Lo, POPIhET, miight be veri{' orapOevos E v 7a0T'pt eIE, Kai Treera vUiov, KEaI fed, saying: the virgin in womb shall hae, and shall bear a son, and 3 $ "Belold tlle VIRKarAaovori TO ovooua avrov Etuyavov7rX-'" 6 Src- "tGIN shall conceive, anld theyshall call te name of him Emlnlnnel;" which is )ear a Son, and llis EeoUEpEp 'u-vUog^ceoVs, fe'?'wv *[6] Eoms.) "NeAME shall be called being translated, with us Lthe] Godl. " Inlma-nu-el;" which 2ALteyEpFepEs e IE6 lwrolo o a rov 0 rvov, erola0ev sirllnifies, God with us.) Beingarolsed and the Joseph from the sleep, hle did 24 And JOSEPH, beintg Tp t V EVTO a s Kpov ap- raised from SLEEP did as W; 7rporE'Ta~~V avTE 6 arynoE r KvptovU- Kat,rapeas commanded to him tile messenger of alord; and took te ANGEL Of tie Loi Aa/3,E r SuOaIKa auTou, 15e a oflc fdCo KEV e had conmmmded hdm, and thel OVSC fIOICEl took his WIE; the wife of him, but not he knew 1is WIFE; arT7l v f WS 0) f71CE *rs vhov [aorvs ViOo *[,35 but lie knew her no, her till she brought forth [ the son of her the till she brought fortl a 7rpToTOKov' ]Kcat Kcaxere TO ovo/uaauToU177toV S.011,,and called his NAME first-born; o and called the name of him Jesus. KE4. 3'. 2. CHAPTER II. 1 And JESUS being born 'Tou Be I77oov y7Evvllerv'TroS El BrOee.t 'T71r in BMthlehem of JUDA;A, The and Jelus -being born in Behlee oftheem te ays of lerod, the IovuSaas, Ev ltiepaLrs HpwouV 'rov fia(rrfws, t0ov, KING, behold, + Magians Judea, in days of lerod the king, lo, iion tohe East, came ilto payyot aro avaroAw 7Trapefye7vo o fet 'Ifpoo'oXv- Jerusalem; saying: wise-men from an east country came into Jerusalem, 2 "Where is tlle NEW/pa, AfeyoY7rT - 2rlou EOrTI 6 'TrX8OESfta't6A s TrwL BORN KING of the JEws? saying; Where is the new-born king of the for we saw his STAR at Iovoatwco; csoolvE 'yap avTou 'rop ao'Tepa CV Tp its RISING, and are come Jews P we saw for of him the star in the to do him ionmage." ava'roAt7, Kat flAOoAev r 'poacKurvro'a av'r. 3AKco- 3 Now * Herod, the rising, and are come to do homage to him. Having KING, having heard, was o'as Se 'HpwO rs 6 fBaa(rtevs eapax7rl, Kai raara alarnled, and All Jerued ad e theard ing was alarmed, and ai salem with hlim. 'IEpoooA'JJua AfTr' avSrov 4KaL (rvvau'ya'ywv lraras 4 And having assembled Jerusalem with him; anl having called together al All tile CHIEF-PRIESTSald TOus apXiepEis Kart ypalfA.LaTEL TOL Aaov, ervv- Scribes of the PEOPLE, lie the chief-priests oad scribcs of the people, he in- inquired of them where the OaCer'o,rap' avurov,* tov 6 Xpitcro yeyvvaTat. 501o MESSIAH should be born. quired of them, where the Anointed should he born. They 6 And THEY answered, 8e et7roy aurT*P EY BrOAEEL 'rTI/s IouasiaCs o0vw "In Betllehem, of Juand said to him; In Bethleem- of the Judea; thus DAA;" for thus it is ayap 7ye7ypar7rai 5a TOv 7rpo07p0ro 65aKat aru BrO- written by the PROPIIET: for its written by the prophet " And thou Beth- 6 $ "And t)hell Bethlehem, ACcIu, y7j Iouva, ovIa/Ltws fAaXta'tr) C fC TOIt " Land of JUDAH, art by Icee, land of Juda, by no means least art among the " no eans least as to tile ye/,uoolt Ioui5a eKI (rou yap ee,Aeu(reTat iyoute- "PRINCES of Judal; for out princes of Judn; outofthee for shallcomeforth a prince, "ofthlee shall come forth vPO, To'r iroljtavt Torov Xaov i Tov, Tov Icrpaq7A." "a Prince, 1who shall rule who shallgover the people of ne, the Israel." "nly PEOPLE ISRAEL." ITore H'pcoWls RaOpa Kaeoas Rrovs 'O,tayous, 7 Then iHerod, having seThen Ilerod privately hsvine called the wise-men, cretly called tlle 3MAGIANS, * VATICAN MTANUScRIPT-23, a God. 2.5. a Son, 25, of her the first-born. —om.; so Lachmann and Tischendorf. 3. the KINO Herod. t 23. TTeh. IMMA, with:; vn, vs: and aL, God —the fttwre name of Jesus; showing that he will be " G;rd with us." It is n.t emphatically "' G(oD" who will be with his people under tlhe nnase cf Immannlel but "GO: d, in the same sense in which it is said "The wosn Was God-."Johln i, 1, (See Dr. Middleton on the Greek Article.) 1, A Beet of Philosophers, $ 21, Isa. lix, 20; orn, R x, I2,;2, 23, Isa, vii, 14, t 2, Luke ii. 7. 0. M1 iah2, —,2; } Chap. 2: 8.] M ATTHYEW.. [Chap. 2: 16. iirpft3wose 7rap' avwv 'TOP XPOVOY 'TOV ai.vo.evovU ascertained exactly fiom learned exactly from them the time of the appearing tilCell the TIME of tile aTTfepos, 8 Kait weul/as avrovs eis BOXAeEc, STAR'S APPEARING; astar, and sending them into Bethleeln, 8 and senlillg them to frlT' e lopEvOEPVTS, aicptGws eTao-aTe rfT pl TOV Betlllehen, lie said, " Go, hesaid; Passing on your way, exactly inquire about the searchi strictly for the iraitov- Erav 8~ E 1TE, a7rayytetAaTE fJto, 6rws CUILD; and as soon as infant; assoon as andyouhavefound, bring word to ne, that yOU ]have found himl, bring Xyw eBAwv r1paO-KVVn71rw avlT^e. 590 e 8 akovaavres ilte Wordt, that I also nIll I also going pay homage to him. They and havin, hear go andpay llit reveln-lc."' Tro f3aortXews efropEvOrjo'av. Kat ioov, 6 aatr'7p, * At ld Y lTil, I of the king departed. And lo, the star, heard the KING, d(Iarti; v Eo Ex 'T, aa, 7 nlld bellold! the se ra y loY V 'Try ayar oAq?po v avrovs, rw hulch tl t its I, awhich they saw in the rising, went before them, till llllly saw at its 1lA~WY CT7 fcrayv ov5?TO 7atoP. I(,0I ovT-s SIs, ftrecedilcd thliemI, till it going it stood over where was the infant. Sceilg calae wle illoo Illr il. E 'roy ao-repa, EXaprnoav xapav fzeyaXv ap, oopa' it seei tile sTA, and the star, they rejoiced a joy very great; tiey Ajocll csin ti v'AR, i AOoVTes ES'TVOKitaEOVTOra o a they rejoiced wtlit vcry Krac fA8OY 7FO F~S fZST77vYO KlaV vfElbOZ tAt8~OYC a great Joyv and being come into the house, theysawthe infant with grt Joy. 11 And coming into thle Maptas T"rris zrTpos aTrov,Kat rYroTFres Trpo eCKv- hOUSE, the1 y st' the Mary the mother ofit, and falling down didhomageryis - Pr7aov avTep, Kai avoLaVTESTOvs0 fo-aupouvsauTrwv, TIl;R and prostrating, to it, and 'opening the treasuries ofthem, tley lionored him. Then ~rpoa7vesyKa' avrt o8wpa, XpuaovK cat AtfavoV Kl opening their CASKETS, they offered to it gifts, gold and frankincense andl tley offered, as Presents to o'lvpvav. 2 Ka' Xp7quartrOevrTESs KaT' ovap, y? lhinm, Gold, Franinccnse, nyrrh. And being warned ia a dream not a Ind Myrrl. avctKap'ai 7rpos 'Hpwot7v, St' aAX7ls 80ou avEXc- 12 ind being warned in to return to Herod, by auother way they a Dreaml not to retuln to p7ff rarv E Tr7v Xwpav a'Twv, IHerod, they went HOME withdrew into the country ofthelm. Anotler T ay. 1 'AvaXcwpoavTrwrv 6 avTowv, tout ayyOtos 13 But they having *reHaviogwithdrasn but ofthem, lo, se ueogr tired into tlitr owll COUNcvptov (patvfrC a KCar' ovap Tro IwoAl(), eywvt TRY, Jbelold!. an Angel of of a lord appears in a dream to the soseph, saying; the Lord * appeared to JoEyeepOEfs 7rapa\aa3e 'TO ratitov Cait T7rv lu7Trepa SEPII in a Drean, saying: Arsinlg take the infant and the mother "Arise, take the CHILD aUTTOU, Kait )1'-o ES' TI(1 Op 10 W 5a7 S ' awJovU, cjogtoAo- JORDAN, Confessing thleir weedipped in to the Jodon' by, him, confessingSi. 70tV0UES'O TinE al/aprtaT~s ao~cwsv. 7 Bu Seeing many of the sine nf thein. thle PHiARSUEEs and Sad7 I~css ae 'roXAous'cS' T 4' apiaucewv ie-at 2agov- ducees conling to * th~e Seeing and many of the Phorisees and Snddorees 1IMMERSION, lie said to comi::g to the dipping of hOU, beI' themd 40 rgey o I~aLWS Ep~geOco Sii 'O inTih/~ o bi:, e nodVipers! IWho has Ladinonceutols' rEv&S'ThLuara EXsavaP, i-IS' bircE5EL~1EV islied you to fly frosi to thein; 0 broods of venomnoonsne'pento, who pointedo01t the AvPRoAtjg1rgiG YENiVpc t puyEty ai-o T7ls jEskhotoo-'s OP-Y1S; GEANCE? to yni to See feom the coming wenthb? 8Pou hn ri 5Hisouncaie ov' icapr~ov a~io' 'T-0a (Ae-TG'oias, Worthy of RE-FORMATION: Bring forth then fr:,it worthy of tile refoelontion, ~ad isientt 5Kai ~L7) 8o~i5)T AE-yELS' eS' caurtL'Tl rI~Tap ay to yourselves, 'we, and not tbinb t snao ion jourseioea; A filther aoaFte-RA CEX5flES Troo, Aj~pauju AE7co -yap tSoeL, oTL Sufarafi lIAN; for' I assure you, we haoe the Abramn; I say foe to you, thnt is able That JGOD is able out of 6 Coos EIC T1CVV IS'OWI 'TOUTWS' Eyetpai r-emvaf 'T9I tlcac STONES to raise up the God nout of the stones theme to raise op childrensto the Children to &saABAHAM. VATICAN MANUSCRIeT —. the River JOnDAN. 7. the immERtsiox. + 1. Dzsons. This doe anot always mean an uninhabited region, but one comparatively barren, with a sporse pop-a latianU. See Joolthna XV. 81, 62, where menbtion it; made o f nt si cities- witlh their villages," inathe wildemness. 2. Rteform. The word "repent" does'p express ti~e fi-res of the Sri 'nal, wrhich signifies a change ofecharacter, a permanent aii~a. tion of tie dispositionsan ThabIts. The somne remare mony be applied to. the noon Kf thle namnemeaning in verse s.-Ganaett. 2. Baoileia means kinig)ypewer, anthoeity r oyld 'inty smrjay ty, j'., iswell aklingdwm, rea~lm, or reign. Theoprophet Danieluocosk-ings an"d kingdangs syisonymosisly, (Dan. ii. 441 so nina the evangelists. Bee Msatt. xxi. II, 15: S11eek xii?, 10: Lulre xx. 58 - and Zech, ix. I?. Johnis misolon was " to go before the face Of the Lord. to prepare his ways," 'Luke t.:78)1 and to point out tie Messiah. See Johln i. 6-8, 293 84; Acts xlii. 24. 25. Therefbre he called ou the people to "StIeformi, because thes 2Qajestot the heavens (God's, Anointed) has come."' $8, sa~x4. 7 Lukeii. 7-Q. Chap. 3; 10.] M ATTHEW. ['ap. 3: 17. Af3paaiu. 10 HOTr oe *[cao] 7j aGvO7 srpos 7Iv 10 Even now the AXE Abraam. Now and [even] tile axe to the lies at the ROOT of tile p Oay Twv SevoSpwv KFeIra' 7rav ovv bevopov U71 TlREES; EveryTree, thereroot of the trees lies; every therefore tree not fore, not producing good 7ro0tov KapTrov KaAovr, EKKor7reTai, Kat eis 7rvp Fruit, is cut down, and bearing fruit good, is cut lown, and into a fire Cast illtO a ire. 3aAAXe'at. 11 E-yw fCo Le 7Frtr o Vw ulas ev 3arL, 11 E, indeed, t immerse i, cast. I indeed dip you in water, you in Water in order to feS /ETravoltav 6 8e 07Tra-w iuov ePXOJUEvos, Refornation; but HE who into reformation; he but after of me coming, is COMING ifter mne, is t(rXvpOTEPos ov E0oTtY, OV OVK EIU /l lKaOS a T more powerful than I, mightier of me is, of whom not l am worthy the t Wlhose SANDALS I ant vror/eaTra $jaoraoaar avRos bvlas O a7rriao- V E not worthy to ca ry; ${1e sandals to carry; he you will dip in Will imimerse you ili holy IrvevuaTr a-yw Kai 7rvpl. 1Ovu TO 7TVOVY eV Spirit and in 'ire. spirit hloly and fire. Of whom the winnowilg shovel in 12 WtlOSe WINNOWING Tr7 XelPI aurovi, Kaot iaKaoapleo Trv aAwvoa SHOVEL is in his HAND, the hand of him, and het illthtoroughly cleanse tlhethreshing floor and ie will effectually aurTovt Kai tuvvacE TOY 0orTov avrTov es C 7TY clenUse I1is THRESHINGof him; and he willgatheethehe wheat of hi into the FLOOR; lie will gather his aroOtKcrv7, TO 8e axupov KaraKavaUei 7rpt lWIIEAT into * lis GRAstorehouse, the but chaff he will burn up in fte NARY, but tie. CIlAFF he aa,-0ea-T. will consume with Fire inextinguishable. inextinguisha)le." aToTre rapayoivsrai 6 7l0-ovs airo Tr7s raXi- 13 Then comes JESUS Then comes the Jesus froml the. Galilee from GALILEE to the Joaalaoas Erl 7Tro Iop3avrov rpos Tov Icwavvrlv, Tro DAN, to be IMMERSED by to the Jordan to the John, of the JOIIN.,GcnrTora07vai Vbt avrov-14O eC Iwavvrls steKcohwve 14 But * HE refused to be dipped by him; The but John refused him, saying; " I have auTrov, Aywov' Eyw Xpelav EXW vIro aou - a0 R aTi- Need to be inmersed by him taying; I need to have by thee to be thee, and thou comest to Orlvat, Kai avu EpXp rrpos,ue; 15 AVroKptOes 3 6 m " dlipped, and thou couest to nte? Allnering utd thle 15 Butt JESUS answerI17t-ovs CLre trpos arrov' ACpes aPTr O5rw yap ng, said to him; "Pernit Jeesus aid to him; Permlit now; thus for it now; for thus it is betrperov eeartv 71uiv, rAXrlpwaar rrrarav8sKatoa'vv7. COUng us to estallish becoming it is t to u fultil ai ri hteousness. Every Ordinance." Then ToTC a(prlortv avrov. 1Kat K a'rriracis t6 Iraovs Joln suffered lii. Then he suffered him. Alnd having been dipped the Jesus 16 And JEsus being avef,71 evus aTo TOU vsaTS' Kai iaov, ayewX- immersed, went up fiozn went up immediately from the water; and lo, were the WATER; and, behold! 6o-av' *[avTr(] of oupavoo, Kai feieC TO vv'eoYa.instantly the hEAVENS opened [to him] the heavens, and was seen the spirit were opened, and * the TOvU eou KaTraBaIvov &a-et 7rCepaorpay, [Kai] Spirit of God appeared, of the God decending like a dove, and] descending, like a Dove, cPXOducvov e7k auroy. 17 Kai i5ov, 4CwvI n FK TOV and t restting on him.. coming on him. And lo, a voice out of the 17 And, behold l a Voice ovpavws, X~yovaca' OmTos efoTo 6 vios lov 6 from the HEAVENS, sayheavens, saying; This is the son of me the ing; "This is my SON, aya77Tros, ev Co 0 evoK?7-a. the BELOVED, in whom I beloved, in whom I deliht. deligllt." V* ATICAN MaANUSCRIPT-10. even —omft. 12. his GRANABY. 14. na refused. 10. to hVfa —aomt. 10. the Spirit of God. 16. and-omit. t 11. immerse you in Water. Baptizo, and its root Bapto, signify to dip, to plunge, to immerse, and was rendered by Tertullian, tingere, the term used for dyeing cloth, which was by imnmersion. It is always construed -ultably to this meaning. 'lhus t is en hudatee en to Iorflanee.-CampIbell. 11 Whose SANDALS, &c. The office alluded to, though of a servile description, wav; performed by disciples for their instructors, as it appears from the Talmtudihtss and Ensebius. 12. The allusion in this passage is to an ancient process in a.lrIcultlure, by sWhieh the chnffvas d-iven towards a fire prepared for burning it, in order that it mig;t not be blown bihck and mixed again wr.th the wheat. $ 11. Acts i. 5; ii. 2-4; xi. 10. + 16. Isa. xi. 2; lsi. 1. t 17. Isa. xlll. 1; Luke ix. 3. Chap. 4: 1.] MATTHEW. [MCap. 4 11. KEC. 8'. 4. 1ToT'e I67 ovs av701XOa fis wT7v ep(ltov b'ro Then the Jesus was led into the desert by Trovu rvevjarTos, ireipa077avat Ebro Trov 8taB3oov. the spirit, to be tempted by the accuser. 2Kait V77r'TEVras lufLpas 7TeO apatov ra KaLt vVKcTa And fasting days forty and nights Trecrapaicov'ra, 6o'repov -ereivaa'e. 3KaL vrpoo'forty, after he was hunngy. And coming eaXOv avrT 6 frepacSwv, eftreFt Et vios eL Tov to him the telnpter, sail; If a son thou be ofthe OEOto, eLre, 'va of XiOot ob7ro aprot 'yevCwTaIt. God, speak, that tile stones these loaves may beconlle. 4'0 8e aroKptOels etre- reyparrat'r " OuK e-r' He but answering said; It is written; "Not by apcrt /ov, CV e7aral avOpwrros' aAX' eXrt 7raVTi bread alone shall live a nan; but by every i7/Fatr eEK7ropeVuoevT 861a oTrojLa7os Oeov." word proceeding firom mouth of God." 6Tore 7rapaAa/.ifavfe avrov 6 8taf3oAos ets 'rJv Then takes hiln the accuser into the ~&ytav roAIv, Kcat ictrr H'ti avroV eFri TO 7rTepv7tOY holy city, and places him on the wing rtoo fepovu 6 Kai Aeyet avrT- El vUos et 70T Oeov, of the temple; and says to himn; If ason thouhe ofthe God, fBae aoeavTov KaTcw' ye'ypar'rat yap- " 'Or Trot tcait thyself down; it is written ~ for; "That to the a'y eAots t'3rou eyTreAetrai rept oaou KCeat eF messengers orhiim he will give charge of thee; and on XeipWv apovuc r?, I/7i7r OTe 7rpocItO r7s Trpos hands they shall raise tlee, lest thou strike against AOVY TroY iro3a orov." 7 Eepa awvrp 6 Irqovs stone thle foot ofthee." Said to him the Jesus: TIaAirv ye'ypa7rTa' " Ovuc fKcTrIpao'es Ktvptl Again itis tritten; "Not thoushalt putto the roof Lord ToY Oeov aov." the God oftihee." 8nIaAL, trapaAaflJar e ca vovr 6 8iaEoAos els Agaiha takes him the accuser into opos fs rXov ltav, Kat 8efKvvoa't avurry'raatas a mountain high exceedingly, and showe to Ilifi all 'ras faorAetas rlov KOTLOV Keat r-qv 8oavy avTrwV, the kingdoms of the world and the glory oftheln, 9 Kci AXeye auTcre Tavra 7ravra oot wcorw, Eay and says to himn' These all to thee I will give, if rEOa'wv rpoacrrvvra?7a s uot. 1~ToTe AeycT avTr) falling dorwn thou *ilt do honage to me. Thlen says to him 6 Iorlovs' 'Traye o7rnrw pyov, aToar ava' yypa7rthe Jesus: Go thou behind of me, adversary: it is witten rat yap' " Kuptov 'rov eov 0 ov 'r' po tKUYv7lrets, fore "Lord the God of thee thou shaltworship, j ati aTreT povrtf AarpeuTreEs." llToTE apti7artv a:id to him only thou haltrender serice." Then leaies avJTor 6 8tia3oXos' Kai iou, ay oyeXot rpoor77A ov h ai the accusers and lo, merengens came cKait St1covov aQUrwV. and ifaiiatered to hitn. CIAP. IV. 1 Then JESUS was conducted by the SinrIL into the DESERT, to be tempted by the ENEMY. 2 And after fasting forty Days and forty Nighlts, le was hungry. 3 Then the TEMPTERL approaching himi, said; "If thou be a Son of GOD, coinimand that these STONES become Loavcs." 4 But HE answering, said; "lt is writte1n, M * ' MAN shall not lire by ' Bread only, but by Every 'Word proceeding from 'the Mouth of Gob.'" 5 Then the ENEM Y c011 -ducts him into the HIOIY City, and places hint on the BATTLEMENT of the TEMIILE, 6 and says to him " If thou be a Son of UoI), cast thyself down; for it is written, t' lie will give 'his ACNGELS charge of 'thee; they shall u1phokl 'tlihe on their Iands, lc;t 'thou strike thy FOcT against a Stone.'" 7 JESUS answered; Again, it is written, ' 'liou shalt not try the Lord tlhy GoD."' 8 Again, the ENE1MY takes lhimr to a 'very hiriht MAountain, and shows Ilhn All the KINGDO031S of tlhe t WORLD, and the ULOtY of them;! 9 and says to I;in; "All these will I give tirce, if prostrating thou wilt worslip le." 10 lhen Jesus says to him; "Get thee behind ile, Adversary; for it is written, t' Ihou shalt 'worship the Lord thy ' GOD, and hinm only shalt ' thou serve."' 11 Then the ENE:MY leaves him; and bclhlc 1 Angels cane and minigtercd to him. * -- * VATICAN MANUSCnItPT —4. MAN, t 8. wonLnt. Ko.Rnos, here translated world, may be restricted to the Land cf Palestin, s it i3 n 1:o-.:. iv. 1;; t'ouh in Luke iv. 5, hce oikoumenee is found, which may possib'. include the Roman empire, in which acceptation it is fiequ.nt'y used. t 4. Dcut. viil. 8. 0 Psa. xci. l, 13. 7. Deal. vi. 10. t 10. Delt. vt. 13. C7ap. 4: 12.] MATTHEW. _ [Ch ap. 4: 23. 12A ovaoas oe 6 Iroovs, 6't Iwavv'rs 7rapeWoOi?, Hearing now tlle Jesus, that Jolln was deliveredup, aveXwp7r'ev eIs T7rv raAtatava. 13Kat KaTahe withdrew into the Galilee. And having A.trwv 'rTv NaCaper, EA0wv KarLaTrKJ'ev ftIs left the Nazareth, coliing dwelt at Kacrepvaov/l 'rT7V 7rapaOaAarTO'taL, ev 6pLOLS Capernaum the by the sea-side, in borlder Zaj3ouvAwv Icat NeOaAEtL 14 ivta Ir\ 7rpwt? Tro of Zabulon and Nephthalim; t.at might be fultilled the pe0v oita 'Hoa-aIov TOU poprTou, AE'yovros' word spoken through Esaiaa the p,'-p:ct, saying; 1'", rP Zsa3ovAow Kait -7 NITEpQ aAeif 6sov "'Lauld of Zabulon anct lan:l N':.phthalim way Oac aooar7s irepav Tro Iop~ayvov, raAtAla 7a'w of the sea by the Jordan, G;lilee of the eOywv. 16'O Aaos 6 cKa077fieVOS cy c':corei eL5e 4PCs nations. The people who aresitting i, (d:trlkness saw alight eya ro ica tsLE KaO7rpjevois cy XC, feat Oa'Kta great; and to those sitting ill a region even a ihade OZlaTOOru, ewS ETEV aveT T auros.; of leath, aliglt has alisen to them.' 17A7ro Tore 7peaT'o 6 Ie-oUs KT7pva'a'etv, Kai Froen that title began tile JCebs to proclaim, ant AeVy' e MelTavoEITr' r77yyuce yap 71 /3ao'tAeta to say; Reform; has come nigh for the royal dignity TrCW OvpaUvwv. of the heavens. 18 Iept7raTwv e w8 rapa rT77 OaAaoorav 'rT7s Wal'ing and by the sea of the raAiAaias, eSie )uo a6epA.ous, /tcuwva 1roT Gdlilee, e saw two brothllers, Simoni thle As'OUy/.O nTevov V, Kai Av.peaV Tov aSeA poy called Peter, nnd Andrew tile brother aurou, 3aA\Xovras alup,.A7rlrarpov eis T?7v Oahaarof lilll, casting a fisling-not into the sea; a'av- roav yap aXiiss. 19 Kat A;yet avtros' they were for tishers. Anl;l he stltys t, liern; Aevre oTriatw /Aov, Kai roirlcrw cv LaS &axts Colle behin.l of me, and I will naike you fishlers avOpwcrcu. '~.Oi e euOwcs a(pevres Cra 8LKTrua, of men. They and immediately leaving tile nets, kcoAov0ouav auro. 21 Kat rpoiBas eKeLOev, etSev fo.lowedl lim. Anlr going on from tlhence, he saw aAXovs 8vo a3eAfovs, laTcw3oYv To TOto ZeBeother two brothers, Jalme the ofthe Zebeactov KatI IwCav7ryV Tro aS3eA)ov aurou, ev 7Tr dee and John the brother of hin, in the 7rAoi,.eLTa ZE,8c3 aou V TOU ireTpos a1urTW, KTarapship with Zebelee of tle faiher of them, nmendTriToras Ta crTuva aUTrwC ' Kat EKaAerev avTrovs. ing the nets ofthem; and he called them. *'201i e EuOews apevres To 7rAotov Kai TOV 7rarepa They and forthwith leaving the ahip and the father aurwv, 7iicoAov7le7aav avur Of them, 'foilowed ' him. 23 Kacu reptl'yev 6A7rv r77v raxtAalav 6 Iitrovs, And went about all the Galilee the Jesus, taOTcwy elv 1Tras avvaywcyats avrwv), Kai Kl7pU'teaching ein the synagogues of theln, anJ preach 12 NJow JEsus, hearing That John was imlprisoned, retired into GALILEE; 13 and, having leit NAZARETI, residled at THaAT CapernaumI, by tihe lake, in tile Contiles of Zebulon and Napltali; 14 so that the voRD SPOKEN tlrougl lsaiah thle PROPiHET, might be verified, saying; 15 t" Land of Zebulon "and Land of Niaphtali, i situate near tile lake, (on "tile JORDAN, Galilee 'of. "thie NATIONS; 16 " TlAT PEOPLE, "dwelling iin Darkness, "saw a great Light; alnd "to TI10JEK INlABITIING "a Regcion, even a Shadow "of Death, a Light arose." 17 F'ronl that time JEsvs began to prioclailm, a;nd to sayi; ' Relorn; i,)r tile EOYAL 1SAj.1S'T'Y of tlih IiEAXVEN Lus approached." 18 And walking by tlbe LAKE Of GALILEE. lie Sa '1o Blrothers, TIIAT Silllon w1ho is SUITNAM.t1ED 'Pter, aid Andrew lsis BliOTHEH, casi.iliag a Il;g ilito tle LAKE; 10u they were F1islerlen. 1'9 And he says to them, 'Follow nle; and 1 will make you F'isllers o1 Ai MtI." 20 And TIIEY, imm11ediately leaving the AtTS, folloowed himt. 21 And going forward friom thence, lie saw o.tltr i o Brothers, James tlle son of ZEBEDEE, and J hn lls BROTHER, in the BOAT with Zebedee their I}ATIlER, repairing their NETS;and he called them. 2-2 And THEY, instantly leaving tile BOAT and their FATHER, followed him. 23 And *JESUS journeyed throughout All GALILEE, teaching in their SYNAGOGUES, and proclaiming thle GLAD TIDINGS of the KINGDOM, * VATIpAwN MAnuscalrT-23. he went about throughout All. I1. sa. ix. I,, aiap. 4:- 24.] MATTHEW. [ Cl; ap. 5): 9. vOwYv To evaTnEX1ooe T375 jao-tAotcs, Efti OEpaertemov leg the gladtidingt efthe kingdote, aeed ruring 7aooat/ vooov aica 7raoact /.caczactau ey Tee Acct-t. every dtiseane and every inalody among-the people. 24 Kais airipi-y J7 amK03 auTrou EtIS 6'A-i T771' And went the report othime into all the 1tupiay* KaL 7tpoo-77Ve-ylcaz auvp 7raVTa5 TOtVS Syerin; and they hroteght tee hint ellI the icaZKOS' Exoras, 7roLKiAaiLS Y00T01S Kai fSaecasots oich hosing vaiete diseonens and torenoets oU7/exo/.eleous,*[Kai] 6aq~to~t'o/.tEvous, Kat tTa677 -seinedtawith, [and3 deetoniaca, aned in-,,v aCo/Aezous, Kai 7trapctAtTtIoUS- Eai e~eparEtv(TEl natics, aned peerolytir., and hie cured otrrOue. 25 Kai p7KoAovO,qcraee atnre, oXAot 7ro/Xkot theta. Atnd feolaowed to hint crowds 1reat.7Oo Trps rimhtxatas, Kai AC~cccroAcws, cat [ecpofeton the GaLilee, aned ilerspolit, and froa (rOAVIAWt', Kai louknav, ccat 7re-pav TOVd loplc'ozu. Jernsairtm, end Juedea, and beyond ofCthe Jordan. KMn!. El. 5. 13wte 86 TOV'S oX~ooe, awe/iFj mt To 0(105Ka Seeing and the iutitueed ie wet ip to tea. tinooian;ad Ka~itr-avr-o sau wo v, 7rpoo arA 0ouv ~a vr ] of/ a 0p hating seated hianneif, salne Lto Line] the diaeciTat aurow, 2 Ki avoi~,cts To o-rroua a570U', E0iple. othito; and opening the icouth of hite, hie 8aOeriex aurotis, 3~~tl MaxcapLoi Of' irTT0voL T' taunght thete, taying; Blenned the poor to tLe 7rveEq gaTt- d-TL acurau Co-'rT u' h /aczi.N ria TrCeae epitit; bectaone of theit it the kinghtom of the oupacwvez. 4 Mcuapiot ol lrcld0oUvlTCS- 6-T' aTroi hevn..Binned the wourers; foe they 7rapaEKA7OaltrotsTat. Macapioi ol 7PZEtS' 6 ri shail he comnftrteed. B ittsed the 3oeeh; fCs aurTot KXI7po~oj.A7loovao' T?[Y -yajv. MaucapLot of they shall inherit the earth. aIsieaed the a7ret~vcoYvrg EaU 8t41ort'Es rajtr actcatoo-vz'rn'* 6 — teungering anti thirnting the tighitoonneat; for -%VTOL Xop~~aO6W10-0'Tat. 7 Matcaptoi of eXLs77tsthey shAti he satisfied. Blessed the,aerciftti, ves. oTt Bt'TOt EAE-7O0p7ottTat. for they shail ohtain atercy. Macaptot of Kaccapot Tn Kanp~,iet IT, a7o Bletmed the nleon to t he heart;' far they TOY' OEOv 0t4OTai. t9Maicapoio o' eip77VOTOoii the God shoilisee. tlenned the pse rtmanheen; 6 Tt (teT0t Vi ot OeFou EK?7 O7;Oo-0J rai. 10 M ctapiot of' for they sans of God tholl he ca ed. Blieneed thoenn and lchning EVery kin;d of D~isease and 1fintuntity atitong thle PEOPLE. 24 And his F AM3E Spreal[-' tltioweli All SYRlA tintl they Tiroetalit Ito hinti All thle SICK, having Various Disord(ers, iantl arrested by Severe Co.,iplaiiiis; denioniacs, and lunatics, and paralytics;-axid lie healed tlteim. 25 Anid great Crowds followed Iijiti fromt GAItLEE, enld IDecaIoliS, and ins~n i~Jdeea, and. fromi the vicinity of the Jordan. CHAPTER[ Y. I And 1rhtolding the canwisa, lite asceitted [ilie dtouwn, hiLs MISCPLES ic;Utne ui: Ai;] ttpening his motIturt, lie taugtit them, aSU Mig: 3.Happy the t ennuit (in s~i~it) for thetirs is t EI t 1 N (d)O M1 of the aisEAh i.' - 4 ha,1ppy tbe t 31URNFR;sceirg [that tljfg still b~. conisoated I 5 HLippy the $ MEEK; because, tijrpD Will, possess theC LAND 6 1 I lihpytY they who IIU NG EItR I tId I aIeSr (tar rightcotisness]; since tfy2 Weill he satistied 7 Happy [lie MERCIr.us,; beetitiseo 11J9 will receive ttercies I 8 [happy the t1rURE (in hecart); hocr tlh'9 will hehold God I 9 H1appy the r3EACEMAKERIS; because lh)rp will be called Sonia of God I VATnICAN MA-NSoCR1PT-24. and-oerit. I. came up. 1. to himt-omit. I. Some particuLar mouontain lIT the netghborltoed of Capeenaum, to generally aup pwsed to be here intended, probably Alount Tahoe, or tue edevotion well kutown in tltot victitity. 1t 3. Wetstein thinks this phrase ought tio h2emt.tstitid-' Happy in the Spirit'asaccaunit are the poar -" and Get; Caotphell reitderns it-" ht;ppy th-e poeer who reie t t. tt d violnene to the origtusal. The fe-iter interferes; with the tirroeIgeitent Ir the11 words, atid Cthe latter paahraIses rather than troesIntf-. In Lulte vi. 20, wve )Itve ithe aentro~ce not as our Lodutrd I but here it seems- Matthew explans tile metaptber, poirenthetiea~lv, by adding "n epirit. So in verses enidS8. For a furthee ilixistrartiat, see James il. 5. 'the naricle and noon in in the dative ease,.and conveys the satte meonit: as our preposition tin. I.& Luke vi. 20; Jaser-s Di. 5. $ 4. Isa. lx. 2, 3. 6. PMe xxxvii. 11, go. ti. lat. IV 1. I 8. John Wi. 2, 8. Chap. 5. 10J C~lp.: 1.)MATTHEW. lap:19 I Ma.p. 5: 19. lecegpee eeedeeetaefegtteeaaa (ote at themn is 2jj3afikertea 'Trot ovpueauw. "MtKatpLOL f6TE, the kingdoma ofthe heavens. blessed are ye, ESTate oveL~Lyoo-tLJ ZSLLP tcat 51W4 WG, KaI eiWwo-i ewhenever teeyereproac you and ersecutete, and a.,y 7T1ZV 7rov?77pol j77su cs aO' b~ws, IEu3oILeVoL, fVO1KEY' aeery evil weoedtagitinst you, tpeaking falsely,hbcause P/too0. 12 XatCupT etcat a-ycXXaau~c- 0311 e,.VttOOS -tf ine. Rejoiceeye and eeettye, forethe rewared ie/tcve 7ro~t s'y 7rotsroupavoiv ou'rc -yap f8tcv~as' -of yea great in the heavens; in thiaaway for they pere-aerted 'Tour 7rpo(P7Tas 'Tour 71(50 b5/trot. "'Tpelf f0Te the peophets those before yoa. Yeeu ree -ro &Nag 'rue -y7se. Ece 5e 'To Xa'xa Jaropaft'7 Pt the cdlt e#the earth. If but the salt heeete teastelete,waith 'TL5' AttaZ5T77cl7TaL, EL esoL~ey taXUEt P71, Pt /477 wehat hahlt it he salted? tor aeothing is it otaeevice any eaoee, tate-ps /3Xuq7Oevaieat Po, scat caraura'TetrOraL zbro 'rrot t ehectst oat, and troddenuaderefoot bey the at'pw 7rrov. 14Pr4 OSTc 'TO (I)Wl 'TOUS K007.tOV. Ou Stn'rerat Yea are the light~ofthe woeld. Not poseiblele 7roXt' icpu$877Pat elrazeca opovs1 IceLLt'~71, 0 a city toe hide upoa a hilt beiataittated; ate Katotict AIIXt'ot, scat 'TIOicrtt t aUToy b710 'TOtY they iegt-t atIteep, antd place him unerat the /ti)34 is, aNN/C-P1`t 'T7ls' Av~yteav. tcat Aa/Airos ura'Tt eatr, but ot the teanp-tand; and atgivealightatoalt 'T 7 t T 0tsctc. 16 ia A taw 'tCO) 4r that3- it the iouse. Thusa lte ittshiae the light 6Fcez C~P/lpOO-Ofl THZ' a~Opwaurwi, ~3srcor tLonatM at you itnthepre-enece afthte amen, that they maaysees 6t/tCOY 'Ta icatka ep(ya, ocat Soattrotot 'Toty ra'repa atfyta the good workhe and taay V-aeaa the fathier ',WYTOY PS' 'TOtS 0ttpaVOtS. afyou that eta the heavena, 17 M77 5eo~tttT7iTe,.rit 7iX.oyt jcaTatXvt~ca ttzt Net ahiahye. ltha t Ihave comee te testtey the ivo/toP -1 7tous 7rpoe)777-as OoK ujAOov ta'Ta~uo-at, t awe or tite p-epitets; InettIhaeece ee toe atetey aAXk' 7rAu7pcooai. 18AIA71v -yap JkEye s5kutv, Eers hat to fet1iL ludreet fee t say to yea, tilt at, 7rapcX~u? t ovprttos scat 71 7t7, troTa cie 71/. Passataey' the hetave. aadtthe earth, iota aetetee at-oe scepata otu tA71 irrapekOP aTO 'TOt oPOU0, E'wa ay' fiae peiat inaneaise 1ea7 teemt the Lee, tilt,7rapt'a yte ll'Ta. s5O cpat out' Ampu pikai, 'Tr alt ee utfihledt. 'Whoevere therefoee breaht oae of ihe 10 Happy the 4 PERSECUTED onl account of Rtightteousnetss for theirs is the EirGDo~m of tiat HEAVENS! I IlHappy are you, when they revile aid persecute 3you, and, ott ty accoant, Ihisely allegt, livery kuind of Evilagainst you. 12 Rtejoice -and exult, Because your 4 REWARD will be great in the IEXvENs; for titus THOSE PROPHETS who preceded yosu wvere persecuted. 13 11ou are the 4 SALT of the EARTHI. But if tite * SALT become insipid, how shall it recover its savor? It is then worthless, except to he cast out andi troddendown bty tEN. 14 'Pou are tite 4 LIGHT of the WORLD. A city being situated on a hl cattnot be concealed: 15 ntor is a Latttp ligltted to be placed under tide f CORN MEASURE, but on tite LAHP-STAND; and it gives light to ALL the FAMI LY. 16 Thus, letyour LIGHT thie. itelore MEN, that thymay see your -oooD wo rks, and glorif~y THAT S1ATIlER of yours in lthe HEAVE NS. 17 Tltink not, That I heave coaie to subvert the LAWv, -or the PROPII ETS l I htave comec not to su'bvert, hut to establish. 1S For, indeed, I say to you, Tthl1 HEAVEN and' EARTH pass -away, one lota or Otte Ti'pof a letter Shall by no means pas fronti tite LAW, till allbe.accomt2JlishetL. 19 Therefore, whoever f 1 3. Perhaps allusion Is 1here nieade to a bitumissous adfarateeisofsl on at he akeAepalttes gratquant~ties of which were thrown by tite priests ovtr the sacrtet, Iecooterct ae see-ofte Iernigdeh, and to hasteni its consumption. This sabemee Itwevr,-vesesilelaage bvxpoure to the atmospttere-t andthte portion of It ~aa rederd utitfi th pupos tr alichItwas ordinarily a pp lied, waseitrewed upon Ile evmet f eeteeole t p'eensh peing wet-weathr Mamrlll h Is travels, statatht to esedsm tht ie etiri~os is avor-Trollope. t IL- The modits was misor, lotl amnee he~eels ail eennns containing a little less than a peekf tau tts cea tbtaohi~ hre epnds upon tecapacityof the mneasure. 1 10. 2 Tim I. l1t Acts lv. 22; Rlev. IIL.21 lit. Prnn VlL1S a 1iLLuke zlv. 4,& S $adAPhi'bIull Chap. 5: 20.] M ATTHE V. [C ap. 5: 26. caXLorctCJ Kel, / rcai r77 oVTrw ovs avrOpeo ovs, h stall violate one of the leatt, and teach thus the ien, I.EAST of thlese COIEaXriTosr KA101ETr6CaLL v r7 favcit fia ru IMANDS, and sall.ll teltcl least in ofhe be called in the ki o N SO, \-illl e call d ovpavwev 6s 8' ay 7ro7ar- Kai 0a77, O, TOs little ia tie i KINGDOM,. of heav-ns; who but ever shalldo and teach, the sale t hle IAVAENS; bIlit 11hoaevyas tK0Xrloenrat Ev rr iBarteia rwvt ovpavwv. ever shll plrlcise and 514E5ya KAfl0,o-e-i Ev T? $ ever shall practise aid. great shall becalled in the kingdom tof te heavens. teach themn, will he called 20Ae'y yap 7 Y vL, &t fa1 jut) TpooeuVT?) 2) great in tile KINGIDOL of Isay for to you, that except abounld the the EAVNS. riKaoCrvvln ViuLWV WAEtov Tr0wv ypaUplaTEWV KaOI 20 l'or I tell you, that righteousness ofyou more of the tcribes antd unless yolr RIGIHTEOUS4ap(oratwv, ov p7r etIoEXOS7^ ets r v aatea LELC W eNESS excel that of tlle Pharisees, byno meansyou may enter into the kingdom SCRIBES and Parisees, rv oupav you shall never enter intt 'rw~,e KLN pDaO twe I.Ea ofthe heavens. te KINGDOM othc HEA NVENS. 21 HKtovo'are, 6 FPp n ro apXaboz- "rOt 21 You have healrd That You haveheard, that itwassaid to the ancients; "Ntt sai to tle AN, CIENTS, + 'Tlhou shlalt not fovevts s av o v V S T 'kill; ald whoeveTr shall thou shalt kilt, who and ever shall kill, liable shall he to the LIYE1..)) 22 E-yo &e Xe-, 6Tras 6 op_ 'kill, wil I be 1a mcnable to Kpto'eL. " Ey2 Eo X8 A W dfit, u T n ras 6 op'y- 'tiie JUD)GF;E.' trebunal." I but ay to you, that all the being 22 Ult J sa to yOu, (O4VOS Ty a'rep avi'ov'o *[sl,3 FVOXOS [ e Tilat evelry OIIo' -E l-. l.G angry tothe brother of liu; [withoutcause,) liable shallbeAN(RY Wil i hiS ]ROTIIo.rn R Tp aKpieo 6E s o' av er) 'ry asetfi 'VTOV- shallblle anl-nahle to tlle to thetribunal; who and evershalltaytothe brother of hin; JU)ltoS: aid hlloever pata, evoxos o rat ry Uf rvySpt- 6s 8' at ElrT' shall say to his IrOTIFR, vile fellr, liable shallbe to the sanhedrim;r whoadever halls.y; Fool1 will bi srllc. ct to fOWpe, evoXos Ea-Tat fis T7]V yeefvyav ou trupos. tie HItGH COUN( II. t t Ofool, liable shallbe to the Ceenat ofthe fire. MhlloeVr shall stV, ApOS23Eav ouv 'rpoatfpps 7 0 -opol aov cWL TO trte sletell! weill l) ohIf therefore thou bring the gift ofthee to the noiolts to the DURNING Ovuraa'r7lprot, K CaKft!ULY7 7rOpr, Tr 6 aeAcos of G nEI 1.N,A. altar, atd there remember, that the brother 23 f. th rcfore, tlloit aov EXEt TI KaTra 0oU 24afPE EKEL TO WSpOV b rllrgtly ull'r to thlcA.ofthee has somewhat against thee; leave there the gift 1'A, and tl(''er r(o1l c't otOV efpJrpoa'erv rTOu Ovcriaea'rTptov, Kat tewaye, Thalt thy BItOTnIER has ofthee before the altar, and go, ougllt against thee, irpwrov &taAAayr7lft 're aoEA()aw rov, Kat Trore 24- lcve tl(e thlv GIFT first bethoareconciledltothe brother oftlhee, and then before tlh. alta,: aslid go, EfAOwtv rpo'epe 70T 6WpoV erov. 2 IoOt0 fvvoOw first be recollcild to tlly coming offer the gift ofthee. Bethouwillingtoagree IROTHIER, then comle, a1d 7rfi avLrt8Kta'ov 'raXv, fws 6brou Et cEv Tr 68y present thy GI T. with the opponent ofthee quickly, while tho art in the way 25 Agree quickly witl jCeT' autrov /A77rrOTE oe rapa8qo 6 a t'rztiKos tthy PROSlEC(UT0R, wlhile with him; lest thee deliverup the opponent to thetllO artOntlle OAD witl Kcptr., Kas KpirT7) [oe waapa6qtp} rp 7rp7peT, hitm; lest the PRoSECUjudge, and the judge [thee deliverup] tothe officer, TOn deliver thee to thle Kai ELS vAtaK71v flAOi]71O'r. -26ApsAV ey A oey, JUDGE, and the JUDGE to and into prison thou-halt be east. Indeed Isay tothee, the OFFICER, and tlhoo ot0 r 7 feeA)rs EKI8ete, wrY at airows 7ro be cast Into Prison. by no means than wilt come out.thence, till thou hast paid the 26 Indeed, I say to thee, EfrXaTro KcopavtTrlv. Thou wilt by no means last farthing. be released, till thou alist ____paid tile LA ST,Farthing. ~ VATICAN MANUSCnrIT-22. without cause —omit. 25. deliver thee —omit. + 21. The Jews had a Common Court consisting of twenty-three men, which had power to sentence criminals to death, by beheading or strangllin; this was called the Judamet, or Court of Judes. The Sanhedrim or High Council consisted of reventluswo men, being tite Court of the Jews, befbre which the highest crimes were tried, This Court alone had power to punish wiih death by stoning. This aa thought a more terrible deat th th the former, Chap. 5: 27.] MATTHEW. [MChap. 5: 35. 2;HKova-are, 6Tr fp1A0717' OU " UOLXFV- 27 You have heard That You have heard, that it was said; "Not thon sh;ltconnit it Was Said t' IIOU sBalt ylES." - EcEyee e XE-y(c bujL, OTti ra 6 8Erowv 'not commlit adultery;' adultcry." I but say toyou, th h, aall looking at 28 but sy to ou, yvvalKR a 7rpos To erTOuiyriaat aUTrS, 13q EOO- Thlat every Mlan GAZING a woman in order to lust after her, alrealy has AT a Wo lanll, in older to XEVoe avr aT El 7 Kp avraov. 9 E e 6 C 'RISII 11PURE,Edebauched her in the heart of him. If and the SIRE, 1I;S already comopOaAXios oov 6 seteos oKaesaAi(ie 0-e, eEAE nmitted lewdness with her eye ofthee the right ensnare thee, tear out 111 is HEA T. av-roY,, scat faAe aaro oov' aovu>epe p yap aot, 29 There!ore, if thy a RIGIT EYE illsnare thee, Uiva aroX-z7rat &v 7'WrV@ /.EAa/ 0ou, KaL,.7 o6Aov Ipluck it out, and throw it that shouldperi-th one ofthe members ofthee, and not whole av. K E to lose one of thy XEatlTO 0o'wa ovou 3A.l6?0 eta 7yfeseay. 3~Kat eL l. F the body oftheeshouldbeeastinto Gehenna. And if the ],RSl tlla ttlly tole BmoDY should be cast into oeta Trov XFep oKavSaXAEt 0-e, fEKCKOOv aUrT'v, Gelenna. right of thee hand ensnare thee, cut off her, 30 Aind if thy RIGIT cKat /3ae a7ro a-ovw a0vu epEc yap 0oSi iva aro- Hlanmd insnare thee, cut it and cast from thee; it is profitable for to thee that should off, and throw it aay it rA71-aL eV TWo pX0eAov 00ov, Kat /577 bAov TO a-wcua is better for thee to lose perish one of the members ofthee, and not whole the body oneof tly MrEtlBERS, than a-ou IA-z06r7 fes Oy~lea. that thy Whole BODY of thee should be cast into Gehenna.ast ino — ~should *be cast into Ge } 31EpeOn SOE, "6Tt 6s am a rovXu-p T7rl yvvarEa lenna. Itwas said and, "that whoever shallrelease the wife 31 And it was said, abrouv, 3OOC) avr7 al7roratro." 3'2 Eycw e t Whoever shall dismiss of him, lethimgive her abillofdivorce." I but 'Iis WIFE, let hilln give Aeywo vLytv, 6Tr 6s av airohAv T 7v yUvaKa a- 'her a Writ of Divorce.' say to you, that whoever may release the wife of 32 But I say to you, That * EVERY-ONE W1iO TOV, TrapEKTOS Aoyov 7roppeias, vroie avUT71V ISISSES his WF x, him, except on account of fornication, makes her lISISSlS liS WIFR, exMoiXaGOaL' Kai 6s eav a7roeAvAtevs7v )yaL70p, cpt on account of Whoretocomlnitadultery; and whoever hWr being divorced may mlaor, do(l, causes herto counlit oX~aaTadultery; anld *itz who colommits adultery. tie diored.OSMaa. ARS the divorced woimian, conuits adultery. 33naXrv 77rCovaare, 67t eppeOrf TOS apxaolst 83 t Again, you hlave Again you have heard, that it was said to the ancients; heard Tlhit it was said to " OVK fE7ropKr7OLa's' aroSwo3eis 8e TrP- Kvpi tlhe ANCIENTS; t'lThou "Notthou shaltswearfalsely; shaltperform but to the Lord 'slialt not perjure tlhself, Trovs 6pICovs COV." 34 Eyw e A'yow, A7 tu7 oluoaTat ' but shalt perform to the the oaths ofthee." I but say to you not swear ' LORD thine OATIIS;' 6Aews' /17)TE ev Tt oupavy, 6Tr Opovos co0r- 'rov 38 but I say to you, at;all; not even by the heaven, for athrone itis ofthe Swear not at all; neither Oeo'3 35 /AIF7 1E.Ef T7r 77, 6T7L v'7ro0otovY Eot rT by the IIEAVEN, for it is God; nor by the earth, for a foottool it i, of the GOD'S Throne; 7ro3wv av'rov' trTe E f IS 'Iepo0oAvuAa 67r wroAts 86 nor by the EARTH, feet of him; neither by Jerutalem, for a city because it is a Footstool E~Tr Tov,ueyaaov faaaloews, 36.7rff ff T-p for his FEET; neithershalt it is ofthe great king; nor by the thou swear by Jerusalem, * VATICAN MANUscRIPT —O. go away. 82. VEaYr-otsx who DIVORCKE. 82. 8a who MABBIS... 33. The morality of the Jews in regard to oaths was truly execrable. They'maintained that a man might swear with his lips, and annul it at the same moment in his heart. They also held that oaths are binding only according to the nature of the thing by which a man swears; asserting that the law, which our Savior here cites, referred to those oaths only which were ofa binding nature: Instances of this distinction, which they made between oaths that were and were not binding, are expressly cited and condemned by our Lord in Matt. xxiii, 10-22; and the injunction here given agatitst swearing by Heaven, by Jerusalcm, &c., is in relation to a variety of frivolous adjurations which were constantlyin their mouths, 2t, Exod. xx. 14. t 81. Deut. xxiv. 1; *latt. xix. 8,-9 Mark x. -12. $ S, Deuat UiiL 21-?3; Num. xxx2. 3 4. James v.12. C~hap. 5: 36.] MATTHEW. keepaXa0-ld o ov oUops 6-i 01' 6vao'a0-e F'11ma ix heed 'ofthee'sahoittluico ear,.for nottedaratable one' hir Xevic7jv 71 MeCAatLVYai 7rOiLloCtL. 37k6Torw 8E 6 XcsyoS wchite o block tocco1ke. Letbe butthe word vl~tec- 1)a1 var- oV OV0 TO at 7rfpia-frol TOV'TWI', ofyou; yes yes; no no; that foracer andabove ofthesce, CKC TOV 7WOV77P0U EOTLV. of the evil s '~3HKcoura~re, 6T1i epAEO71 "OtjictAtoy p' You haveheardl, that iteocas sid; An eye foe ooepax1uov, aica o3ov'ra av-rs o~ov-ros.'" 3 E-ya atan eye, cod a tooth for aciooth."1 'but Xvyeat V5/LIV, f/t7l CVTL(rTfl VGI TCO WrOV7Jpfp- ttX' 60-717 say -ta youot resiot the evil; but whoevee o-e (Sar711rei E7l'L T 7v afeLfa' 0-01' 0ayo'a,, o-Tpe4IoS thce shall step uopn thae eight of thee' cheek, taco aursp Kai 771Y akk77v- K~ai rgp Oe AOVrt 0-O1 s to bham ciso the othee; cod to the puroepnlg thee toi tue Oiji'ai, KIft Toy Xi~coy o-old Aa/3EL5', a(pfes CWTep at law, cod the tonic of thee teonhae, give op tokMin aICI TO L/.CTtoy/ Kai 60-1's 0-e ayyapeva0et /Acktov nice the smactie; cod wehoever thee shell force to go ciell b', fiira'ye /46T' CtXTOV UO 42Te,, atTO1'~t' T E one, go with hico two. Toetice askiag thee 818001' KaU TOP,EXO1TaI a710 o-01' 5aavet-ao-Oat, do thee glvee cod the wishing fromc thee tohoecow cooney, /477 a7ro0-TpafPrs. not do thou repalse. 43 HKcouaTlE, 6IST CP(S077 A-yaO 770-,EtS TO Yo avbeeheard, that itowasnsaid; "Thoacshaltilove the 71X7)0LOP 0-1', IC IO /10-70-EIS TOY ~Go'00' neighbor ofthee, cnd hate the meeney of tkee." 44E-ywA 8es keycs 04M1'e a-yl7ra7Te '701s eXOpousx blmoyi, I hat coy toayou, leee the enemoies ofyou, [eVX'X yfSTE TOUS KafTapOpsI.CY)01s l5/acs, I KaA 4s [bless those cuesing yea, good W3OIffeLT OIS01A1/.7O-00-L7/ 65uas,] IcaI 7Tpoo-,EuXEo0-E do toathoe. hating yea,] and pray kfrp I-COP [e~r7pea4'ovrcoct 6~tuas Kai] SiCOvPCO1)ea fee these injoring yea cand) persecuting btsas- 4- 6rcws 7C7/7l0Oe VIdo 701' 7rdtTpoa bl~seov, yea1 that yoe masy-be sees of the father of yoa, T01' fV 0V~aVO1S 6TL TOY 'qAiov a&bTO1 avaCTCAACt of the is heneas: -far the sun of himo it risen 5711 7IoF77po1'i KaiL a70a0's, Kai opeXE& sirt 8ucaton eil cnd good, coad' straiss ono jest o's. Kat. a~nKovS'.' 46 Etap -yap a-yali16-11T11 T01'S cod nejast, I f fer., yau leee those lacing Eeoc what rewsed have youa not even Of TCAC'1)CU TO av1To 7roLio1'0-; va,1 aoTathe tcn-gcticerees the c aciao dot. co ad if Yea m0t7k0-0 rou01s cisAejOvi i 6teov /JAloV1, T iTrept0-0-ov ssicte the, 'h*ethhs of ye only, ~ what c oere [Chap..5: 47. for it is the t city of the GREAT Kiso; 36 nbi by thy* h1EAD, biecause tisou catist ioth Matke One Hair white 6r lblack. 37 Beit let your Yfs he ye s; and your No, 5o10 for whlatever EXCEEDS theCse, proctetis front E VI L. 38 You have heard That it was said, t 'Eye for 'Eye, and Tooth for 'Tooth; 39 but I say to you, 3oppose not thle 'INJUP.1 -OUS PERPsoN; hut if any one strike thee 0th thy RiIGHT Cheek, tturn to -hima also the LEST; 4.0 and WIIOEVER WILL suit tuft for thy COAT, let Wint have -the MANTLEC also. 41 And if a mantfpres lhee to go one t Mile With hing two. 42 't Give to atas who soLicIT thice; and aiim, Who WOULD borrow front thee, do not rejebt. 43 You have hecard T'hat it wad said, 3 Thou shalt love thy NEIGHHO13R, and hate thtine ENEMY; 44 hut E say to you, Jove your ENwEMIs, and pray for T11OSE who *5P'ERSECUTE YOU; 45 that you may resenible THAT FATHER Of yours in, the HEAVENS, who makes. his S UN. arise on Bad and Good, aind sends rain. on Jnst and Unjust. 46 For if YOU love THEX only who LOV you, What Reward can you. expect? Do not even the TAXGATHIRNERSI tile SAME? 47 And if you salute your BRETHREN- Only, n what do you excel? Do oVATICAN lslIMSCAITcp-44. bless TncosE-*hO Othiii Yo1, do oo to enost who uATX you-eoeiti ~44. rensBesYTc YOU. t 4i ~ An allusloit to th~e Aegeri or coilriers of the Persians, who had authority to impress into thir service mect5 horses, ant ships, or dtap ithing that came In their way and which might nerve to sktelerate theirJoui'ney. PFrolni the, Perolans thia custom psetohe Ro. luaas, and It,1 is si etained IJn the Xoth t'da. The Roman miliox,ormleaud a thousand peftds. a8i. nsa xlviii.! IF88 Ex Dii 4 eut. xlx. 21. SQ Pro xx. 25; xxiv. 59 Bacxl~7~l.~ 2,leuxv. L-i 2 ev. xix. 1;Sut, xi,0 .Chap. 5: 48.] MATTHEW. [cutp. 6: 7. 7roletTe; O1)Xt tei0t c9OttKot 06TCe 7rotou0y; -not. even the GENTILES doayou? eat eveen the Gentiles so to? 5the SAME. 4EO-ErOe 01)1V' t/EA T~Ets eeot, 4to-rep 6 ra'r-qp 48 $ Be LI ou therefore Shell be th~refore yeu perfect, at the father perfect, even as * youra v/teao, 6 E' rTats o1)papoist, 'rcAebs e0TL. HEAVENLY. FATHER is of yea, who in the heavens, perfect it. perfect. KE41. ~.6CIIAPTERt VI. 'HPOEXErC rap at~toO1)NlN,6JCLIV.I? 7rLEW 1 Beware, that you perr~p6-1X1Fe TqY ticloomov V'ACO g~ VOELY formi not yottr RELtGttOUS Tahe heed the righteouaaesa, of you eot to do DUTIES bsefore MEN, in c/.tsrpoo-OCY 'rei avew~p rwvu, irpos ' To Oea~qvt'e order to be OBuSERVED by in the presence of the tmet, so as to he exhihited them; otherwise, you wvill alWTOtE*' El 6C fl7YE, Fd10t YOVK ow e ETe ITCapC 'rfy obtain' no Rteward from to theta; if hot otheewtte, reward eant you have with to the TIA AHRo usi 7rarpt V'tWN, Tel Ey 'rotas ovpavots. 2O'0TaN 0oup thte HEAVENS. *father of yao, to the it the heavens. Whet then 2 When, therefore, thou lf~tF AE71IOO)N~l, Ifl OAWIpE ~i.'poocv givest Alnts, proclains it thou daoet atomt, eat etound a terumpet it the pesenece not by tsmund of ttunlpet, a01), eboircp of tiiroepiT'at arotOV1Yot CY 'rats W'uv as the HIYPOCRItTES do, in ef thee, like the hypoceites do it the tyna- the ASSEMNBLIES atnd in -yw-yatS Keat i 'r ats Aj~t~ams, 6i7rwee 8o~ao'Ocotow the STREEt'S, that they gooet tand it the streets, that they may have proibe nea be. extolled by MEN. naro Twyn as'Opwareen. A/ApI;e Ae-yct bltpl~t aI7rEXovo0L Itt ded, I say to you, They of the omen. Indeed I toy to you, they obtoi,, lave theirRMEWARD. TOP' /ItoO VdrTtv. 3o 2 Sc 'oouoa cpo- 3 But thou, when givthe reeward of theta. Of thee hut doing alio- ing Alms, let inot thy o-VV~qV) uta -yvwcfe,'7 apltoi-pa iyou, 'ti arOtct 7 LEFT hand know what giviog, eat let it heat the left of thee, whet doe, the thy RIGHT hand does; 86~ta oo 6aw'p 0-oV h EAE71haoouIp EY 'TcP 4 so that efline ALMS eight of thee; thtt taoyhe ofthee the eluiotgiving it the may be I'RIVATE; sod ePWTt''r1 Keat 6 rT~'71p 001), 6 jXcETWY EN 'rf, TIIAT FATIE'R of tMine, seeeet; end the fathtee of thee, tho.eeing it the' whio SEES int SEcRET, Wil1 KP1) Tf1, *[aUTOa'] atro~waToct o-oi [ev rf1,4a~fpe,e.] recotupense thee..eeeet [himself] wilt glee heck to thee [it the cleae tight.) 5 And when * you pray, 6'a'7p7u~,oi o ilaorcp oi you sha-ll 'not itmitate the And the, thee peoyeot, nat thou thaltthe like the HIYPOCRITES, for they are 7rotepi'rav 6-ri 4ptAouoTe CY 'rats avtwaywayats teat fond of standittg up itt the hypoceitet; foe they tote it the synegogaes tad ASSEMBLIES and at the EN 'rats 'ywittatL 'reiN wiaetwscta ECTLT- I0ra rcs7pOO'EV- CORNERS Of the OPEN it the cotneet of the tide placet staeding to SQUARES to pray, so as to Xe0-0at, 67rces av 4ayeo-t 'rote avOpcmnroLS. Auej; lbe OBSERVED) by MEN. pety, that they toey eppear to the men. Indced Indeed, I say to yota, They. Ac-yeo bp.tv, 6'rt aa7rcXoua 'rOt' /,EITOOON a'rwy. leave titeir RENWARD. tesay to yat, thet ttteyhavein full the recard trthe,,,. II But tljou, witen thou 6,:V Bc, el'ra' arpoo-cu-,cucvcEa'T 'n wouldst pray, enter into That hot, thet thou prayest, en ter intto the eetired tity PRIVATE Room, and EION 0ot,, teal Kseicoas 'r71v Ovpay a01), 7rp~ooc1)at htavittg closed tite DOOR, plece of thee, ted locking the doer of thee, peoy tlhou pray to TIIAT FATHER Of Tr) 7ra'rpt 001), Trfp EN Tey Kp1)W'TcU Seat 6 ira'r-qp titine whto is SNVtSIBLE; to the fatler of thee, to the in the seccet; and the fatheyc and TIIAT FATHER Of 001), 6 j6Ae7irwt1 EN 'Ty, IKpurtTrf, aaroSotoct 001 thtine, wito SEES In SEof thee who seeing it the seeret place, wilt give to thee CRET, will recompense, ':,-vTyl pIavcpwt.] 7 rlpoo-C1Xo/eNot Sc et I~q 'r- thee. (in the clear tight.) Praying' hut not hih- 7 And in pray'er, use '-roAo'}eaqen), e&eoarep of cet'ueoi 8oteo,_t -yap 6T& not foolish repetitions, as hte, lihe the Geetiles; theyleotelee fer otat thte * IIypocRtTEs; for VATICANe MA1SUsattPT —47. the SAME. 45. your tHSAVRESLY FATt1AS is perfect. 5.you pray, you shall not. 7. HYtPOCRITEt. I. The phrase of seunding a trum~petfbSfore themrsteems only a figurative expreteion to represent their doing itinasnoity, ootentatious w.y.-Do~tlridge. tEraonus atdltezaJustly observe, that fheathanai in verse I is a theatrical word,; tChat Shepokrifai- Signifies disgudseee.itsyeve. a sonks t and that essunding a truampef may. allude to the mueic of tite stage. 5 48. Lsske vt.8A t Eph. V.I 5.2. Rom. ii1l I ~ Eccles. v. s Chap. 6:8.] MATTHEW. Chap. 6: 20. fev T1 7roAvAo'ye ajrwv EPrtaaKov Oe trTal. they think that by using in the wolJioess of theln tlhey shalll be heard.. 1\ NY vWODS that tll.y 8M1l out 61IotiwO7)r avTols' ote -yap 6 7rarrJp will be accepted. Not therefore you may belie to thelm; knows for the father 8 Therelore, do not imi-.4wv, t.v Xofeta EXFTe, inpo rou ivass tatc tlhem; for *GO;D your ofyou, ofwhatthings need yol have, before of the you FATH ER knows your Neai-rr)at GoTov. z OJrTcvS o' Jt 7rpooeUXeroe uLE' s cssitics, before you ASK ask him. In this way then pray you;t n, ii. -Haarep iLuwv, 6 ev TroS ovpavots, ayiaaT7OrTw TO 9 Thus, then, pray ou: rather of us, who in the neavens, reverenced the +Or FatChe, THOiU ill tle ovo/,ia (roUv ie~ fAOeTwt 1) BaaAea ou( eiY710O Trw IIEAVIENS, Revered be thy name ofthee; let come theh kingdoli oft.hee; let e done NAME I TrO ff\Xea - o, s v o, s paywc, l E If TnS 1s' l 10 let thy t KINGDOM the will oftbee, as in heaven, also on the earth; COlie; thy WILL be donle T11 o aprov l/v ro T wO Entaulov t os jittlv upoil EARTII, even as in the bread of us the siffticient giveto tu to l Ieav-n. srr pot"ov '2 Kap apfs 1v 'Ta ofstAr) uara,wv, 11 Give us This-d;y to-:ty;, and tichtarge to us the debts of us, our NECESSARY 1;0(1); T?1'2 a nd. tforgive tus our as eves we discharge to the debtolrs of us; Da; ITS, as * tae hve for13 iat s71 Etoe- eveayKt$ s t, erieparuov, a[\Aa giVe'L our:nETORS; and not bring us into temnptation, but 13 and +abandon usnot Puaai 7Ias a7ro Tou wroYrpou. 1 Eav -yap a-p/tre o Trial, lbut: preserve us save us froin the evil. If for you forgive fill EVI,. rots arOpwTerois Ta 7rapcan7rwaTa aurW, aafoei l- For if you + forgive to the liten tle ftults ofthleir, willforgive TEN their Or1E.NCES, KatI v3uv t '6 ar-ni7ps E v Oupavoyv o oupaor:EN AVENLY FATIIER also to you the fathier ofyou the heavenly; if lt uot il also forgive you; aI>rTe TOtS avOpvwroLs Ta raparTT wuaTx auTrwtv, 15 but if you t forgive forgive to the Inen tle fiults oftheml, not MEN their OrFFENCES, oJ3s 6 7rarrfp biAtwv a(prla'et Tr, rapaTrrwa7tara neither willyour ATrnEL neit er the father of you willforgive the faults brgive your OFFENCES. 6fCOvP. 16 Moreover, when you of yco. fast, be not as the I1Iyo16'Orftv 6s. y7orev?7)T, ut71 ytea-'O, oIt'rep Ol ClTrEs, of a melancholy Whctl anI you f;wt, not be, liie the aspect; for they disto:t blrot'ptrat, a-KvOpwsTot apaviCtovoti ap Ta?rpoa- their FEATUiEs, hiat 1thy hypocrite., ofa sa.1 facc; they disfigure for tile fa- Ilay seel filasting to MEN..Ta 4aTWV, 0 srws IavVt0-i Trols avtOpawrois Indecd, I say to you, They cel oftlheml, so that they ainy seem to the ilen lhave their nEWARD. PytarevovyTs. Aaurv Aeywo vytv, 6Tt a7reXovuo 17 Buttloul, hen fas'tto be fasting. Indeed I sny to you, that they obtan ining, anoint thy head, and rovt ao Oov a'Trwv. 17 X2 BE v7oT)aO vwv, actX\iat waslh thy face; the rewsrd of then. Thou but fasting, anointt 18 thalt thy fasting may oou T?7r) KcerpaA7), Kat TO rrpoo'Wrrov crou vItrar not appeu' to MEN, but to ofthee the head, and tile face ofthee wash; TIHAT FATHIER of thine 3n w U6. pS..ava7s roIs avOpwarois v)t1Trevwv', who is INVISIBLE; and so that uotthoumanyebtseem totile iteCu fasting, TIIAT FATIIEH: of thille aXAa Try 7raTrp aov, Tr) Etv T'r Kpu7rTf' cKai 6 ra- who SEES in SECRET, will but to the father ofthee, that in tile secret; and the fa- recompense thee. Tr7p orov, 6 hAFe7rwv e re 7 tCpv7UrT, acrowaT o'e.. 19 lo Iot accumulate ther of thee, who seeing in tile secret, will give to thee. for yourselves T Treasures, 7Mt7 OjoravpiCeres.iv O7-avpouse rit T7)s ys, upon the lEARTII, where Not lay up to you, treasures on the earth, Mot and Rust consume 6irdov 0-7s icai 8pwcoses a(pavptt, Kca 6wrou icA~fTat and where Thieves break where moth and rust destroys, antd where thieves thlloughI and steal; 8sopvotaovart Kai KAeFrTovat' o 7oaoavptCe e b 20 but deposit for yourdig through and -teal; lay up but selves Treasures in Ilea* VATICAN MAvusacsr-T-8. GOD your FATHER. 12. tbo have forgiven. 1 9. Luke xl. 2. t 10. 53n. li. 44. ' 1 Matt. xviii. 21 —3. 18. 1 Cor. x. 13 -13. Johl xvil.'. l t 14. Mark xi. 25, 26. 4 1. James 1 ii.. 16. Isa. Iviii. 5. t 10. Pro;.xxili. 4; 1 Tim. vL 10,17-10... * ' '*..-' ' Chap. 6:21.] - MATTHEW. - [Chap. 6: 29. vIV 7Oa7avpovs ev oupavy, 6rov ovTe Or77S ovrT ven where neither Moth to you treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor nor Rust cal consume, opwa-is afavtiCet, icai oro KeA7rTat ov SLopua- and where Thieves break rust destroys, and where thieves not dig not tlrough, nor steal. oovao' ov3e KAE7rTovoiv. ' 'Orov 'yap eCrtv 6 21 For where *.tly through nor steal. Where for is the TREASURE is, there * thy Oraaupos Uv v, EKec c(rrat Ka Kapia vJv. IHEART will also be. Oro'avpos b~EaOv, EKEt Eo'74 teKai 71 tcapBLa uwyv. treasure ofyou, there willbe also the heart ofyou. 2 $The LAMP Of the 223'O XvXvorU Toy W/I0T0S e575th 6 eOeAUOS BODY is * thine EYE; if, The lA p of the body it the r therefore, thine EYE be E o 6&Aos clear, thy Whole BODY Eav ouv b oq5OaA/os aov a'mrkovs t1, ov will e enlihtened will be enlightened; If therefore the eye of thee sound maybe, whole To co0,a frou twrTeLrov ECTa. 23 Eav. e 6 ouOiaA- din,2 th W ine BODY ibe the body of thee enlightened willbe. If but the eye be dalkened. If tlen 7.os aov Srovrtpos pf, 6Aov so T cOua roy< arcoTEL- THAT LIGIT which iS iil of thee evil may be, whole the body of thee darkness ho thee be D'a kness, how /ov cOrTat. El oulP TO 4COS, To eV (TOL, tOKOTOS great is that DARKNES ill be. If then the light, that in thee, darkness 2 No tian can serve T s2t No man can serve eaoTt, TO nKEoTo' uroaoV; Two Masters; for either is, the darkness how great?he will ate ONE, and love 2. OUhe will hate ONlF, and love 24Ou5ets 8uvaTra obua KVpItOS 8ovuA~Vet' 1 tile OTHER; or, at least, No one is able two lords to serve; either le will attend to One, and ~yap Trov va Aol'vff7t6, Kari TOtv efpov ayar'ff'ei' neglect the OThER. You for the one he will late, alll tie other he will love; cannot serve God and 7f eyos akTVOeTai, KaiL rou eTepou KaTawppovr7Ioet. t Mammon. or one he willcling to, and the other hew illlight. 25 Therefore, I charge o 8vvaaO'e eE(p ovuAe etV V Kai p.acUwva. 5 Ala you, n Be not anxious Not you ale able God to serve and malntmol:. For aout yOUr LIFE, wllat TOVTO A e'yaO iIP' Mr/ /ep/iavare Trp tUEKp V/UwyA, you shal eat, or w'hat you this I say toyou; Not be overcareful the life of you, shall drink; Ior about TI payref, cKat TI wt7Te' Se, ry a, Tc w/LUT your BODY, whatyoushall what youmayeat, and whatyoulnay drink; nor to the body wear. Is not the LIFE of VlSUwv, TI tv8TYaoOF. Ovxt?' tvX7 vrAetoov ea7t more value than FOOD, ofyou, what you may put on. Not the life more is and the BODY than RAITrrrs Tpofrps, Kat TO (ro'wJa 'rov evTvo aTos; 26 E/- aiENT? the food, and the body the clothing? Look 26 Observe the BIRDS,3Aelare e S TrC rereivY a 7TO OvpaYov, 6bT OU of IEAVEN; theysownot, attentively at the birds of the heaven, for not nor reap, nor gather into a'retpouva'i, ovY e Oept(ova-iv, oiSe ovu vayova'iv els Store -houses; $butyour they sow, nor reap, nor gather into IIEAVENLY FATIIER feeds aroOir)Kas- Kai 6 7rarryp 6vucwv 6 Jpavios rTpepei them. Are not aou of barns i and the father of you the heavenly feets greater value than they? aura. OuX v',LELS JaXAhov i a4Fepe6rT avTWv; 27 Besides, which of them. Not you greatly excel them? you, by being anxious, 27 Tis lE it pepVC LzEpiiarwvwv ovvaTat 7rpoo'Oetai canl prolong 1is LIFE one Which and by ofyou beingovercareful is able to add Monlent? erTt Tr)V AtfaLJv aurTo V1XrrXvv eva; - Kar wept 28 And whly are you to the age of himu spi one? And about anxious about Raiment? EtV,8vtarTos Trt Tfepi pVaTe; KarauaOaere Ta Kptva Mark the t LILIES of the clothing why be over careful? Consider the lilies FIELD. HOw do they Tov aypov irwbs aviaver o, Kortia, ovoe r)1e0f^ grow? They neither laof the field how it grows; not it labors, nor spins; bor nor Spin; 29Ae'yo e ~ vivLY, 6rt oUBe:oAo0 vlV Ev rraO2p T 97 ~9 yetI tell you, That I may but to you, that not even Solomon in all the not even Solomon in All * VATICAN 3MANUscRxIT-21. thy TRIASUREn. 21. thy HEABT. 22, thine y xa. t 24. Mammon is a Svriac word for riches, whicd our Lord beautifully represents as a person whom the folly of nlen had deified. t 28. Sytrac-wild lilies, or lilies of the desert. Supposed by Kitto and Sir J. E. Smith to be the amiaryllis lutea, a golden lilaceous flower, which grows wild in the Levant, and blooms in Autumn, Dr. Bowring thinks it is the Mortapgos lily, which grows profusely in Galilee, and iS of a brilliant red color. t 22 Luke xi 84. $ 24. Luke xvi. 13. 25. Lule xii. 22; Phil. iv.; 1 Pet. v. 7. t 26. Job xxxviil; 41; Psa. cilvii. 9 madp. fi: 304 M TT EW Mcap. 7: 6. &o 'at' re~e~aA-rOwr o' rorwv 3 Iliha SPLYNDORt, Wag arflury eFh1ii wasoclothed like one oflee If rayed like one of these. ffL 30 Ift then, GOD SO, 5etoN XpToiP rote a-ypot, a-77f~tepol o1Ta deoatahiHR o h sheae the greono ef the' field, too-day enistiag " eoaeteHR ftt abpotov ELY7 KXLJ3aWov $8aXAo3LEJ'oV, 6 0OEos ox5'TwS7 FIELD, (1Which flourishes to-,orrow i Ino a oven is;beingeat th To-day, and Wo-niorrow B/.f~IES'1JGV, 1/ roAeg~eeX~o d/aso~tOsr- ill be cast into a Furclothes, not ]moth more you, Oyottofweak sic, bow dintrhst ore TrOL; M-q ow1 /AEp1tLjrlT77Te, AE7OVTes- Ti yout,Ooudsrtfl faith? Not thetrefore yo4 tmaybe ever croeful, saying; vl 1 hreoeb. o qsaysxgEV,77 I 7~w/EV,77 i ~~ragco a; mious, saying, What mpaynerat, 71nhTtn awicopw, 7 abet a~~e;Shall we eat? or, What ma weHJf eat, o whaUt may wedrnor wha may~ wLe pt? shall we drink? or, With '4'ravM yp atTMT cOP7 ~r(7TEV01 'yapwhtsalebecoed All far thete the Gentiet' seeks i knows foe hthlw ecohd 6raTamp 'ewv 6 ouats 6~i "i(T TCNJTCV 33_1 for all the nations tefte oytoU th eney htyoho edo hs require these things; and thefatie ofouthehevenytha yu hvesee o thse our IIE.VVENLY FATHER airaprrw'. 33 Z777EITE 8e 71'pWTOI' T77V, 19aCWLAeLCa 0nW htyuhv need All. Seek yout but fonst the kingdoin now l hsethat ygsa Tou O1EOU Kcai T7)h' 8LfccUooxfl'77 arTOO KiCR TauTM of alluthe seckthings rs of the God and the righteousoetsoef him; an 3tBu eeesoufis SraJTO. rpo0E~7O'E~L t4~t' ~4 s~ ox' Insa EIlITEOUSNESS and oil~ra shaiOthesoperedde toys. Net71OU therforehe o KI NGDOMl; and all thiese. al *allbe upeaddd t yo. Nt tereorebe verthins shall he superadded v/71077Te Lez T71yS atipiow 77 -yatp afpoj)S 14 to you etreful for the atoreowe; the foe moeeotw woiltbe over yu Ta atensa. A~OJfETO 1/ 77K. 31 Be not anxious, thien, i'77t7YL raT77 7,7fpq Ka,,, about the Ionnow; for caeefol ~jthej of heeself. sogh to the day the troshle te)ORWMl li aUT17S. anxiety for itself. Souflof her.cient for eaeb DAY is its own TROUBLE. KE~. ' 7.CHAPTER VII. 1MT) Kptl'E're, ~1/C P77 K~pLQS7TE. 2 Ev '9? -yap I I Judge not, that You -Not do you judge, that not youmay be judged. In waht for mony not becjudged; KI/pLUaTi KIVpETE, KptOEOscrEff Kai 01 '9/ /LeTp9 2 for as you J udge, you judgetent youjudge, youtshaillejudged; and is what measore Wiiilbe judged; atid + by /x~or,.~~O7O~L~,LL.3i~ SEEY the Measure you disyesumeonure, itohttlle-meanoerd to you. Why and sneet thou pease, it will be aseasured T~o icapqoo, TO ex' T, o~s~akgU~0 ToO a&MIpov to you. the splinter, that in the eye of the heother 3 4: And why olsser'rest -ou~ T7771 Ve 0' TV) 09/p o~Oa~A/AT9 8oO OU Ka thou THAT SPLINTIEi in of thee, that hot in thine-own eye boomn not per- thy IBROTHER'S EYE,- and 4'~s s tt ps Taxtc. ox.A/S, erivest niot the TlitlRtN ceivest? or how wilt thouosayto the hrother of thee; Altowote, in THINE-O'wN Eye? e~c~~w O 1fC~~S aso TO OLOU000.ICW 4 or, how wilt thou say I can poll the *plinter froam the eye of thee, aod to thy B5ROTHIER, Let sne ~aOu, 77 8OKCOS C-P TV? OlpeaALff -ou; S'Tropicpra, take the SPLINTER frosts In, the 'boom in the eye of thee? 0 Htypocrite, tltine EYE.; assd, behold, a eK,8aAe 7rpwrov' T77' 5OJCOS EK TOV ofJSOaC/,LoU wo THIORN in thisie-owit EYE? Senirt the beam nout of the eye of thee, 5 Hypocrite! iirst extrict the THORN fromt ECtI TOTE Sia(4XE4/ES. EK31aAE4, TO 1CaPCPOS EK C TOO heonEYadte nod 'then thoo shalt seo cleaely to pol the splinter autoft the tieonEE n hn tltou. wilt see clearly to O~O~p.u TO C&A/SO 0-0.take the SPLINTER frookli eye ofthe 'beather ofthee.ttyRTIESYE 6M77 OwesT TO wytoyrOI ~S KUIf J, JAI7Be 0tXX77T`C I 4: Give not SAC-RED Not yosamay gleeslio holy. to the dogs, neither cant THINGS to DOGS, stor 7005 /JLAGYya4)tTG5 6powv-elstpooaoi' TwI' XotpwV throw your PEARtLS before OMl Pearl of yea before the seine; SWINE; I0st they tread V-ATIcAIO MksuscasrT-88. hit RIORTEOU5SNEBB and KsINGDiOM. 84. the things of —Owit.'.:r S. Lukeuil. 81. 1.'Luke vl. 7; Rosm.lit.I xiv. 4; I Cor.ltv.; Jalesi!v. i, 12. ' 2. Markiv. 24. IS8. Luke Vi. 41. 18. Provix.7, 8; xx11.0D.' ChaP. 7: 7.1 ('iap 7:.]MATTHEW., C5ap:8 [Map- 7: 18. /A777~0TE tcaTaraT7lr~wo-t' aVTous EV TOIS0 '0Toow lest they shtuld tram~ple themt under the feet aUTWIee, Kal O-T'pa~ev-res ArStwa-iv beas. tf theme, atd turnieg they thouidrend yeu. 7ALTEL'TE, Efti 800OLToEraL V'ALY' C77TEL'E, rKai Ash, ted it thallhe givee to yet seeh, ttd evprjc-Erer KPOETif7, Kcai aWo(L77O1CTai~ t5 ttt. Slas you shallfind; knock, ted it shallhetopened toeeo. Alt -yap 6 atLTWt' Aau43ar'Ei scai 6 (-q-rwr EU'PlITKElfee the ashisg. receives; ated the seekieg rieds; KeaL -rrP Kcpovioyt' aWGyot-f77MCat.9 H 'TIrs net to the ketekieg it shall he epeeed. Or ehat [is there] E~ bl.ecv av~pw-ros, 6s.' eat' avrr-o 6 vos avtrov of yeu a tae, ehe if etk the see efhise ap-rov, -L-q XIOot' Ecrr&?o-ei aVTnr1; loiKai Eat' rX~ruv hered, eot estone willtfive tehite? er if etfish au 7o, ~L-q oritt', erirtwflei aVrT(P; 1tEr OtV 6tee he aeks, eottaserpent twillgive tothime? If thee yet, 7rov-qlpot OPTIES, otia7e 5o/dfara atyat~a 6Lovat r0ts had oees heieg, know gifts feed te give to the 'TEICt'OS VU/.L, 2' rOOe1, )uaAAot' 6 7iraTrqp t (VP, 6 childreee eof you, how teuth smeee the fether efyee, that eV 'rols o~pat/oLs, 5WO-EL a-ya~a rots atU~ovfYtv ie the heaveens, five getd te those asking auVrot; 12r1aVTra our', 6era at' Oexsrre rI'a him? Alt thereftee,eesmuch seever youmaytellt thee 7SlOLWO It' uLie Of at'pwttrot, Ob'rT. I Kar 6(q s tetrr rTL should do tt yee the mrs, even se else yet de arrrors 0)T05 -yape Cr17 6 VOWS0 Kcai o1 7rpOf/Ye)Tal. It them; this fee in the tlew aed the prophets. 13 ElrEA0ETrE 8ta T7775 O0TEt'77F 7rvA'7s. 671 Enter yte it thrtugh the streit gete; fee lr~a-eta i 7rvX77, Scat EvpvXwtpos 7? 65os i? weide the gate, ted hrtad the eoad that alra-yovora Er$ T7)1' a-rwAcray. icai wroA~ot CLOLY tleadieg intte the perditioe; ee ad maty aer OS ELOtEPX0/.LEvot 81 aVT77). 1Ti YTE7t'7 27r7vA7), tttese entering through her. Hoet strait the gete, Kic aT EOAryeuev4 7) 43os 71 a7ra-yoveYC ELF T771' ted difficu.lt the read thtt leadieg into -the Cco7pv' Kifa oXL-yoi gUIt' os1 EbPltTKO1"res aVT77t. tife; ted fete see they tiedieg her. 15fpoo-EXETrE 8e alTO 7T)1 41Eva07rpo0Pq)7rTit', Beware ye ted of the iciser peephets, OITLYCES EPXOV'7aL 7rpos U/Las Ct' C1'vV~aot ripofarho roein to yet it clothieg of sheep, 'rTt1, WCOfsOC1 8E ELIIL AvKcot ap7ra-ees. tAr within hut theycere wottves raenouts. By T0)P KcaplifrCO av-rwv' e7rt71'fscOcOO au-rovs. M71TIthe frests e f them you shall knowe them. Whet ovAL~eyovorv awo ftlfapOecov 0'Tar/suAqvt, 71 a'ro do they gather from thorns a clumter ef grapes, cr frose 'rpt(3oAwy erVK Ole; 1706Tco iray 6Cv8po1' cryafoev thietles APg? Sc every tree geod KaplroV$ Kfa~ovs iotet 'ro Be wa~rpo1' 8e1'&po1 fecits good hears; the hut eorrupt. tree Kapwovs 7IrO1'7POtS wT016. lS OU BUVa'Tai~ 5C1'~p0 fruits evil hemr. Net is possible tree thfm under their FEET, or turning again they tear you..7 t Ask, and it will be given you; 5ffek, and, you will find; knock, aiid it will be op~encd to you.: S for EVERY-ONE Who ASKS, receives; and every one wito SEEKs, finds; and to Himt who KNOCKS, the door * is opened. 9 Indeed, 1: What Man among you, wito, if Itis SON request Bread, will offer him. a Stone? 10 or, if lite ask for -a Fisit, will give him a Serp e nt? 11If _nou, then, being evil, know how to impart good Gifts to your CHILDREN, hlow otuch more Will THAT FATHER Of,yours in. the HEAVENS give Good titings to THOSE who ASK him? 129 t Wltatever you wish 4that MEN should do to you, do ysu the tame to theni; for tisis is tise RAW and the PROPHETS. 13 t Enter in through tite NARROW Gate; for wide is the GATE Of DESTRUCTioN, and broad THAT WAY READING thither; and MANY are they who enter through it. 14 Hlow narrow is the GATE Of RIFE! how diffiCult THAT WAY LEADING titither! and how FEW are titey Wito FIND it. 15 $lBeware Of FALSE TEACHERS, Who come to you in the Garb of Siteep, wvlile inwardly they are ravenous Wolves. 16 5 By tlteir 'FRUITS you will discover titem. Are Grapes gathered from Thorns, or Figs from Thistles? 17 1 Every good Tree yields good rIta; but tile BAD tree produces had Fruit, 18 A good Tree cannot *VATIfCAli MArruscatxrT-S8 Is opened. 0. Ic there-omit. t 7. Matt. xxi. 22; Mark xi '24 Lake xi. 9; John xv. 24: James 1. 5. 5 8. Prov. viii.~ 17; Jer xxil. 12, 15. 509. Ltde xi. 11-13. 5 12. Lu'ke vi. S1. Il1l. Luke xtll. 24. 5 15. 2 Pet. II. 1-8 I John iv. 1; Acts xx. 28-IS. T 18. Luke vi. 43. IlL17. Matt. fiL 33. C71ap. 7::19.] MATTHIEW. [Chap. 7: 27. a-yaOoP KaproVS lrovepouE 7ri-OiE, OZJBE 81Et3poP good fruits evil toabear, neither treee eiartp~ov Kap7Iovs KcLXOUS 7I-OELV. 19fnay att/apov, IEcorrapt fruit, goad thobea. Etoty tree, IAS) 7ri-ovv) icapTrOY KaXoS', EKKJOrTiE-Tal Kaics 7rvp Dot booting fruit good is cutdown aend into a fire PaAXIETas. 2 Apa-ye airo T-Wv Iaplretz aui-Wv,is coot. Thereofore by the *. fruits oftheao Ce~iX57co~r~eTo0e avi-ous. yeu sahlliknow theem...21 Ou 7ras 5 Xe-ywv utoi KupsE, KVupsE, 61EAtEVg-.Not all who saying to me, OLord, O Lord, shall enter acrCas ess i-nv jaosiAEiav i-wv ouapavyv 'aX' ci into the kingdom of the heavmen; bet ho 7roiwv TrO OEAqgea ToV 71a1ipos /50, i-OU CY Oupavois. doing the will ofthe father ofme, of that in teavoens. 22 fiOAAos EP0UO1!IA0 CvY EEIcvP? i- ep~ KlpiE, Maey shalltey tomea ino that the day; O Lord, WtVp1E, Ott i-ry O-ffl Ov ia7is 7rpo1EcP77Tetvr/AEv, Kas O Lord, tottoethe thy name lhavewe prophesiet, aad iTf, o-tp ovojuai-r 8atgcovia etc-f8a~opov, Kas i-q to the thy name deinon. lcovewecastout, tnd to tleI o-qo ovo/Aai-s 5vagccss 7roA~as elrosi7traAt~v; i~ Kai thy namoe woaders many hateooed(lone? And TO p oAXo-ynoeaw aVi-oss OTi- ou~etrO-c E-YVWV then I will declace to them; Bocause never Ihoneow bl1,as- CtloXwplEt-e alr cgtov (ol Epy~UE~ i-nv yea, depttet from me thtoe working the lawelessness. 24n s ouv 6a-i-s aicOuCs 1 ) i-ouV TO O-YOPS Alt therefore whoever hoot, of toe the cerde ovi-OuS, sras 7roies avi-ous, 6juoct~wrc au-rOy avaps these, aad doet them, Itwilltcompare him to amao, 4PpovsI."p 6cI-tS VK03/01A'0e i-nv OlKlav aui-TOV vrs prttdent, who bailt the houte of him uope i-nv Trcipay, K as KaTE$871 7' 8poX7, Kai 77AdOV the rock; and felldowu the roin, and catoo 0 oll-iTa/oi, Kas c-ryveu-av oi avqelos, Kai i-poacethle floodo, oat blew the teiads, cod bedt 76rYOv i-f 0lilta EKEsVp.7 Kai Gulf VllCO 7-C-6/deAlagainsl the boose that; and not it fell; ittwasofeauded WTlO y/ap CM1 i-v71 Ei-Cpav.' foe on the rook. 26 Kai i-as 6 acoucotv /sOu i-OUS Xo-youS i-OuiOVS, -And all who heariag ofmee the words these, Pcai uen 7rosco aVi-ous, 6poswfo-ei-at avaps l$wppg, and not doing them,.hailhecompaeed toamian foalialt, 6TISr's fgIO&801A-0-'E i-nv1 Ostcsav a5TOU eirs i-nv a/A/Aovwho built the house oflbim uopn the maed; 27cal caTiE,$n 2) ISpoxn, Kai5 7NxOov Olt 7roi-apos, and fell down the cain, anad come tke floodt, eas EirYvuo-av os avqsos, cas 7rpOosE~o~iaP T-P and blew the,wind., and oashedoaganist the OsW~f,q Excsvp, Kai 611606 Was nvY 1 riW-etsS aui-ns bon 4ht n it fell; anod no, the fall he!wEyaA7). greent. yield bad Frttit; notr a bad FTree, good Fruit. 19 t (Every Trhee not produfitng good Fruit, is cut down, and cast into a Fire.) 20 Tlterefore, by their FRUITS ytou will discover thent. 21 Not EVERY-ONE Wito SAYS to ate, M Aaster, Master, 'will enter into the KINGDOM1 Of thte 1rNAVENS; hot HtE W1to PERFORMiS tite WILL Of THAT FATtIER Of ntine itl * tile HtEAVENS5, 212 Many will say to ott in Thiat DAY, Matster, Alaster, ]itae we Ilot tatugiht in TH~Y iNante? antdini lTRY Nanif expelled D~ettons? ettd ill 'THY Namie perfortied ouany Wontders? -23 Attd titen I will plainly declare to thletm, I I never approved of you. Depart frottt lml, You whto PRACTISE INIQUITY. 24 Titerefore, whvoever Ilears titese PRFECEPT~S Of Mine, and Obeys tltett, * lite willI be corttpired to a prudent Man, wlt-o built I 115 House 011 tue ROCK; 25 for tilougirl tile RAtN fell, and thte TORRENTS eante, and thte WINO~S blessv, and rushte-1 upon that HOUSE, it fell tiot, because it was founded 05-1 tile ROCK, 126 IBot EVIERY-ONE who0 HEiARS tltese PRIECEPTS Of Mine, and disobeys thteti, will be cotnpared. to- a foolisi,l Mtt, who built *II isHouse on the SANiD; 27 for witen tite EAIN fell, and thle TOR-RENTS caime, tand the 'WINDS blew, and dashed agrainst that HIOUSE, it fell, and greatwa A-eis UN." * VATICAN MA5lUBCRIPT —21. the HEAVENS. 24. he mill be compared. 24, Hisn House. 26. His I-louse. I 10. mitt. lii. 10. 5 21. Matt. xxv. a1 Luke vi. 40, sxill. 252 R om. if. 13; James 1. 22.:23. Luke xULi 27.,.$ 24. Luke vi. 47-42. Chap. 7: 28.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8: 9. 28 Kai eyeVe7TO, 6'Ie (rvveTEAEO'E 6 Irt0'ous And it came to pass, when had finished the Jesus 7ovs Xoyovs TOuTOVS, Ee^TrAXa -crovro 0 oxAoL the words these, were astounded the crowds e7ri Tr iaCtX autVro. 29 Hv yap Siaa'Kwvo at the teaching of him. He was for teaching avrovs Ws etovtrav eXowv, rai ovX &s ol ypaLutheml as authority having, and not as the scribes. ( OTlT tS. KE4. {. 8. KaraBSavrL 8e aVuwT a7ro rov opov, I7KoAovConing down and to hlm from the mountain, followed Or1oayv avurT oXAot 'rohAAo. 2 Kai 8sov, Ae7rpos after himn crowds great. And lo, a leper eAOwv Trpo('ecKuyv avry, Afeywv Kvpie, cap coming prostrated to limn, saying; 0 sir, if OAprs, vvuaa-a p tE KaOaptlraa. 3IKa eK'retvas thou wilt, thou art able me to cleanse. And putting forth 7'r;v Xefpa, raro aVuov 6 I1o'ous, Ae)ywY' OAcw, the hand, lie touched himn the Jesus, saying; I will, KaOaptaor)7Ti. Kat euews fKaOapto'Ol avrovu be thou cleansed. And imnmediately was cleansed of him the Ae7rpa. 4Kat Aeyei aurTc 6 Ilaovus 'Opa PrlSevi leprosy. And says to him the Jesus; See no one EtrfsS aAAa braye, o'eav7ov eItov Tw t eper, tlhou tell; but go,. thyself show to the priest, eKat 7rpo(reveyyKe To &tpov, 6 7rpce'crTate MwoTa s, and offer the gift, which colmmanded Moses, eCs /.apTvupto avuoUs. for a witness to tlhem. 5 EtorAeovr 6Se avTr' eis Karepvaov,, 'rpotTIaving entered and to him into' Capernaum, came r7AOev avry eKaTovTapXos, irapafKaXwv avTov, to him a centurion, addressing him, 6 Kai Aefyw Kupie, 6 iraos,tou ehA.Xq'Tat ev T'r and saying; 0 sir, the boy of me is laid in the OtKctC 7raptAVTtKos, Setvws aO r B avtiooPevo'S. 7 Kai house a paralytic, greatly being afflicted. And Aeyei aurT 6o I7o'ovs' E'yco eAO0v Oepaireuvrw says to him the Jesus; I coinig will heal avuTov. 8 Kai acroKpOeIs 6 EKarov7'apxos efr]' him. And answening the centurion said; Kvupe, OVK etiFt iKsavos iva pov }ro Tr1v a0'rTyrv O ir, not lam fit that of me under the roof eFI(reAOrs aAka tovov etre XoyfT, Kai ia0rltlhou shoudst enter; but only speak a word, and will be rera- 6 rat s Puov. 9 Kat yap eyw avOpw7ros Cl/tt healed the boy of me. Even for I a man am 28 And it happened, when JESUS had finished tis DISCOURSE, titat tthe PEOPLE were struck with awe at his mnode of INSTRUCTION; 29 for lie taught then. as possessing Authority, and not as *their SCRIBES. CIAPTER V1II. 1 Being come down fron the MOUNTAIN, followed by great Crowds, 2 behold, $a Leper coming, prostrated himself, saying, " Sr, if thou wilt, thou caust cleanse me." And JESUS extending hIs HAND, touched him, saying, "I will; be thou clean:" and instantly he was t purified from His LEPROSY. 4 Then JESUS says to hiim, "See that thou tell no one; but go, t show tlyself to the PRIEST, and present thle + OBLATION enjoined by Moses, for + Notifying [the cure] to the people." 5 T And having entered Capernaumn, a t denturion came to him, earnestly accosting him, 6 and saying, "Sir, my SERVANT is laid in the ItOUSE, seized with palsy, being greatly afflicted." 7 l ie says to hinm, " ant coming, and will cure hin." 8 *And the CENTURION answered, " Sir, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under ny ROOF; but only command by word, and my SERVANT will be cured: 9 for even ~ am a man * VATICAN MANUVCRIPT —9. their SCllsBEs. 7. He says.. 8. And the CSXTURaION. t 8. Byeuch a sign did Moses convince the house of Israel that God had sent him; and the Jews themselves confess that leprosy is the finger of God, a disease peculiarly of his sending and removing; and that it is not lawful for the physician, or any but the priest directly appointed in his course, so much as to attempt the cure of it.-Townson. t 4. A sino4kring, and a burnt-offering with the meat-offering, and the priest shall make atonement for him.-Lev. xiv 31. t 4. far notifying [the cure] to the people-so Geo. Campbell translates. The oblation could not be an evidence to the priest, as he had the privilege to inspect the man in private, beol e he was permitted to enter the temple to make an oblation. The ceremony consequent upon obtaining this permission, was the testimony of the priest to the people, that the man's leprosy was removed, and that he was no longer excluded from society. t 5. A Roman officer, who had the command of one hundred soldiers. t28 rk i. Lu 2. Mark i. 22; Luke v. 2 Mark12-14. $ 4. Lev. xlv. 2-..5. Luke vii. 1-10. Ckap. S: 10.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 8: 18... srTO etovUiCav, eXwv vir' eUavTov o -paTWTaas' rnder authority, having under myself soldiers; Kai Aeyw Tovurfp nopevu0T7i, Kct IropeueVTar KaU and.I say to this; Go, and hegoes; and aAACy EpXou, Kas EPXETar K icai T 8v ouy eOU' to another; Come, and hecomes; and to the slave of me; Ilor71aoov TOUTO, KaL TOteL. ~ AKOVCoas te 6 Do this, and he does. Hearing and the I7aoovs, eOavtAaaoe, Kcat eFtr TOtS aKoAOV0OUvorv Jesus, was astonished, and said to those following; AjurvY Aeycw 6vfv, ovse EV T7 IaparIA roCaavU vY Indeed I say to yo, not even in the Israel so great 7I-aLrv eVpov. 11A'fyw e tf Au, 6TL 'roAXot aro faith I have found. I say but to you, that many from avaroAtwv Kati vauriwy 't( ouva, Kai avaKA071Ora'ovTa east and west willcome, and willlie down cUfTa Apaa/l Kca IaaaaK Kat ItaKcwft v 7'ry 13alAwith Abraam and 4aac and Jacob in the kingdom Elf 7Tw oUpaCvwv. lO2 e viol 'r77 fBao'iAeias of the heavens. The but.mons of the kingdom EfKf8Xi7oo7ro'VaL CIT TO OKOTOS TO ewTEefpO' eKEI shallbe cast out into the darkness the outer; there aO'Ta o 6 KcAavOLos Kat 6 Bpuy/Uos Tcw oSovTwv. willbe the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. 13 Kat eiirey 6 Io)aous 7WT tcaTovTaP 'Tarapye, And ' aid the Jesus tothe centurion; Go, *[CKa] "WS feTriaTEva as ~YEV7077'TW tJi. Kai iqace [and] as thou hast believed let it be done to thee. And was healed 6 iras avTOu ev Tr &pa eceiKv.' the boy of him in the hour that. 14 KCai eAOwv 6 17iTovS ts S T77v oKltav rIeTpou, And coming the Jesus into the house of Peter, e8Se T77V 7revepav aVTou fifetAfl^/.EV cKat irvpfersaw the mother-in-law of him beinglaiddown and burning aOoua'a. 15 Kat 4araTo Tr)s XeLpos avTrrS, Kai with fever. And he touched the hand of her, and a(7?tKEv avUTvy 6 7rvp1P OS Kpat r71fype07, KtaI r&left her the fever; and arose, and minisKcovet avTos'. *6O0/as Se -yvo(eClSS, 7rpoO-71Veytered to them. Evening now being come, they brought Kay aUvTtf 6atpiUov'oji vos vroXA ous Kac Etfe3aAe t9 him being possessed many; aud he cast out Ta 7rvuev.,LTa, Ao X7, Kai 7ravTas TouS KaKCS the spirits by a word, and all those sickness EXO'Tas edfparevaoev 17 ' ros rX-qpwOi7 TO having he healed; that might be fultilled the 1OcfY Biza 'Hacov 7TOv rpop7Trou, AeyovTos' word spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying; " AVTOS Tas aarsevelas 1owyV eXAajQ, Kai 7as "Imiself the weaknesses ofus hetook away, and the vo-ous f oE.aarTaev".': diseases he removed." 18Iwv e 6 IS oe 6 vs 7roAAous OXAovs wept Seeing and the Jesus great multitudes about * appointed under Authority, having soldiers under r me, say to this. one, 'Go,' and he goes; to another, 'Come,' and he cones; and to my SERVANT, ' o this,' and he does it." 10 And JESUS listening, was astonislled, and said to THOSE WALKING with him, "Indeed, I say to you, I have not found So-great Faith * among any in ISRAEL: 11 and I assure you, tThat many will come from the East and fronm the West, and will recline with Abrahani and IsAc and Jacob, in the KINGDOM of the HEAVENS; 12;but the SONS of the KINGDOM will be driven into the OUTER DARKNESS, where will be WEEPING and GNASIIING.of TEETIt." 13 Then JESvs said to tlie CENTURION, " Go; be it done to thee as thou liast believed." And *tlhe SERVANT was IMMEDIATELY restored. 14 I Then JESUS entering into Petr's HOUSE, saw his WIFE'S MOTHER lying sick of a fever: 15 and lie touched her IHAND, and the FEVER left her; and she arose, and entertained * inl. 16 $ Now, in!the evening, they brought to him llany demoniacs; and lie expelled tlhe'SPIITS with a Word, and cured ALL the SICK; 17 that the WORD SPOKEN through Isaiah the PROPHET might be verified, saying, $t" Ie hlts "hinself carried off our INFIRMITIES,JLnd borne U our DISTRESSES." 18 And JESUS seeing * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT-0. appointed under. 10. among any in. 18. and-omit. 13. the sEnvANT. 15. him. t 12. Our Lord continues the image of a feast: the banquetingrocm was in the night illuminated with many lamps. He who is driven out of it and the house, is in darkness, and the faither he is remored, the grosser the darkness. —Wetstein. t 17. "This man bearcth away our sins, and for us he is in sorrow." —Thomson's Septuagint translation of Isa. liii. 4. 11. Luke xii. 20. t 12. Matt. xxi. 43. t 14. Mark i. 29-21; Luke iv. 88. a. I k i. 32; Luke iv. 40. 17. Isa. liii. 4. CMWp. 8.: 19.] MATTHEW. actTo, EKEAEVEcEv a7reAOtv els TO 7rep2zv. 19 Kai him, he gave orders to depart to the ottlerside. And 7rpocreACwv elfs ypatuarevs, e7rev avtrc Aiaa'coming one scribe, said 'tohlim; Otat':aer,,caXe, aKoAovOro'7o Tol, 67rovJ eav aTrepXr.;ol(at I will follow thee, where ever thou goest. And XE'yeL avrT 6 Iocrovs' Al awAa7reKe$s. eovUS says to him the Jesus; The foxes dens eXOvaUi, Kai Ta ireTeTia Trov ovpavov KaTaI71tcr7vtlhey have, and the birds of the' heaven 'nests; aeis' 6 oe vIos Tro avOpcoroU OVK EXE., 71OV TrlV the but son of the man not he has, where the KeipaA?7IV KAtlv. 21 'Erepos Oe TwOV jLaflSTwv head he may rest. Another and ofthe disciples avTov etrev avTerp Kvppe, E7riTpe4ov pot 0 rp cwov of him said to llim; O master, perit thllou e first areAOetV, Kcal Oaat rol o TraTpa juou. 22 '0 8 to go, and to bury the father of me. The but Ir'trovs ELrev auTr,' AKOAovOeL /iLO, Kai a(fis Jesus said to him; Follow me, and leave TOVS VEKcpovs OataI TOVS eaUTrwY peKpOVS. the dead ones to bury the ofthenmelves dead ones. `3 Ka El/Aj3ar'T avurw ets TO 7rAoovo, yrcoAovO7lAnd entering to him into the ship, followed orav aurVT OL p[aOr1TaL arvro. 24Kait Lou, reFaeiLos to him the disciples of him.' And lo, acommotion efTaras feyeVYETo EV T7 Oaatrart'r, carTs 7TO AoIov great arose in the sea, so as the ship Kaxv7rTreoOal b7ro Twv KvJiaTivo' aUvrs Oe EKato cover by the waves; lhe but was Oev3e. 25 Kas 7rpoo'eAOov es ot ouaOrTai rliyepav asleep. And coining the disciples awoke aIroV, eyovTres' KupiE, a0Ywov *[rt/as,] aToAli im, esaymln; O master, do thou save [us ] we AvLeOa. 26 Kat Aesyei avrois' Ti eltAol e7rTe, perish. And lie says to them: How timid you are, oAryoTrtatrot; Tore efepOeiS e'rETti.rl0o'e TOts 0 you of weak fith? Then arising he rebuked the aCefoLis Kai Tyf OaAAa(or Kcait EcyeeTO yaA.ivlr winds and the sea; and there was a calln /eEyaArl. 270o oe avOpwroi efOavjuarav, AfyovYTS' great. The and men were astonished, saying; InoTaros oaTIY ou0Tos, 6rt Kai ol aLve/AO Kail t What is tllis, that evea the winds and the Oa.Aaarra bTraiovova'v avUT r; sea. hearken to him? 28Kat eAOovTi avrT) els TO 'fpav, eis T7rV And coining to him to the other side, into the Xwpav Twv repyefr7'wv, br'ilvTrW7 av aurT, vo country of the Gergesenes, met him two alyJovlwo/gef ot, eK Trwv p 7vrf/peiwv eEpXOteVOi, being demonized, out of the sepulchres coming forth, Xake7roi Aiav, 6a.Te /7I1) IX'UeIv vTa 7rape0eE v fierce very, so that not to be'able anyone to pas along [ Cawp. 8: 38. *a Crowd about him, gave orders to pass to the t OPPOSITE-SI DE. 19 And a certain Scri;e approaching, said to leim, +' Rabbi, 1 wiill f)llow thlee whlrevcr thou gocst." 20 And JFsus says to hinl, " The FoxEs have Ioles, and the BIRDS of H}AVEN places of shelter, but the soN of IAN lhas not where lie may recline hig HEAD." 21 And another, one of *thle DISCIPLES said to hlinl, T "Master, permit me first to go and bury my FATIHER." 22 But JFSUs * ayS to him, "Follow me; and leave the DEAD ONES to inter TIEIR own Dead." 23 Then going on board *a Boat, his DISCIPLES followed l1inl. 24 And behold, there arose a v'iolent Tempest in tlIe LAKE, so tlhat the IBOAT was lbeing.covered bIy tle BILLOWS; but te was asleep. 25 And *they came and awoke limn, saying, "Save, Master; we perish i!" 26 And lie stays to them, "Wly are yout afraid, O you dlststtut'ul '" Then arising, ]e rebulked the WINDS and the SEA and there was a great Cafni. 27 And the MEN were astonlmhed, saying, " Iow great is this maan! for etven tle WINDS and tlte SEA obey hinl." 28 t And coming to the OPPOSITE-SIDE, into the REGION of the * GADARFNF.S, there met him two Demoniacs, coming forth from the MONUMENTS, so very furious, that no one was able to pass along by that ROAD. -- - * VATICAN MAN,A ctIP-T-18. a Crowd. 21. the DIscIPLEs.,2. says, 23, a Boat —so Lachmannt:,nd Tischendorf. 25. they came. 25. us —orit. 28. GADAassRs-so Tischendorf; bu Lachmann reads GERABENES. t 18. Opposite side or shore of the Lake Gennesareth. Crossing this lake does not always denote saming fo.om the east side to the west, or invelselyi thoughthe river Jordan, both above and below the lake, ran southwards. The lake was cfsuch a form, that, without any impropriety it might be said to be crossed i1 other directions, even by those who kept on the same ste oftheJordan.-CemtpbeU.; ': i 19. Luke ix. 57. t 21. Luke ixz.... 24.. ark iWv.;. Luke vi,JI 28. Markv. 1 i Lukesvlt. bl. . 7a~p. 8:2] MATTHEW. 8ita T'-q1' 68ou cKetV7JI. 29 Kas i8ovi, eKpaitav by the tony that. And lo, they cried out Xvyo'res- Ti?'ii4t, Kic I'OL, VIC 'TOt) Neov; HAsaying; W5hattous anod to thee, Oson ofthe Go1? (onoest Oes &l0e 'irpO Kratpotv Loaa t'ta yaucs; 30 Hy 8e thou there before ndestinedtine to tormnt usn? Therewsn o,~apaycc atr avrw;v anye Xoipws 7roAAcnu' at some distance from them, aherd oftswine manny j~o,60coIAEs'7.- 31 01 6e Saqiuoees rrcpfKoao~v aV'rov, feediog. Theanod demnons implhored hint, Avyoy7res- Ei LxjoaXXCLS 77/uctI, airotr'T-iAot' 9juav satyin g; If tbhouoat out us, send us EI' Trns' a'}ee T WP' X01PJV.' 2 Ka Lremev aw'rmss to the heed ofthe swine. And hie. id to theot; 'Ttra'YETrE. 01' 56 6EAeX0oTres atir'7Xot CLIS TIOII Go; They and comeing out they went to the Xotos. Kai i~ou, 6tpIAtql-e i7ra(T 1 ts'yCFA7j KaTar swint. And to, euehed ohole the heed down 'rOt Kcp71/ifot) EI' 'Tflt' OaAaawayct, aice a're~az'os ev' the steep plnee into the lahe, and died in 'TOIS b5aoriv. I'301 5e RonrKOsres epu-yot, gets the wattees. They anod feeding thee, Bed, end ctrtEAOITCeS CIS T'r17~i rokiv, at7rll7>")/Lsct 7iriw'a, areiting nt the city, reloted nll, Kcai 'rT 'rTWV 6ai1Avsoyj,jEVs's.. 31 Kat i~ou, 7rac'a nod thnt of those being denionized. And lo, wehote the eity weenteout to otineetiog to the tenon,; nod i80o'7'eI atfros', 7rapvlcaAetrat', 67reets,.ee'rcas p taeeing Itin, they entreoted, that he woeld depart csro 'rTCO 6piwv czTrrwV. (rota the cnnat% of then,. [Ml'ap. 9: 2. 2)9 And, behold, they cried out, saying, " Whia Inast thott to do with us, 0 Sonl of GOD? ConteCst tlous hithier hefore tlte appoitited Time, to torment tta? " 30 Now there was at sonte diotance front titem a great Iterd of Swing feeding. 31 And the DEMONS insplored hint, saying, "If tltou disusiss us, send us away to tte HtERD Of SWINE." 32 And lite said to them, "Go." And THEY, going0 forth, went away to tlte SWINE; and behold, tlte Whole HERD ralted down 1- the PRECIPICE ittto thle LAKE, and perished in the WATERS. 33 Tlten the SWINEHTEEDS fled, alid reaching tile CITY, related till this, and the TIINGS concerning thle DRMONIACS. 34 And presently tlte Witole CITY caite tortlt to meet J~sus, slnd seetng hint, thtey entreated that hie would retire from their KE4e. 0'. 9 YCNIY t~c e,3asess'ia'iroso, ~s'rpao, ~ CHAPTER IX. And stepping into the hoot, he penned over, end 1 Tlten stepping on 11A YCss 'rfls'ta s icuro~st'. 2Kat i~ov, 'rpoo'eoepoi' hoard *a~ Boat, hie crossedI entnn to the tea city. And to, they hrought tite hake, and caute to his tu'rtp, 7rapaAtT'IKos', EWL ICAit'V7I' j/3e$A,7gcEV'o. T OWN City. to bitt, a poenlytir, Upon a bed lying. '2And titey brttughtt to Kani cope 6 1'70ouos '77 1/ TIr'T avtircntt, eh7E re hint a paralytic,, lytng on And seeing the Jenus the faith ofthene, hewntdtothe a Bed: and JEsus per'rapaAtTsLccP. Ompae, 'reicop" mpecev'ra *[0'0i] ceiving their FAITE, said pnetlytic; Tahe acuage, non; tee forgiven [ithee] to tlto PARALYTIC, "Sonl VATICAN IdAeNeaCRrF-I. a Boat. 2. thee —omit 4 82. The fob'wing extract from "~Haekett's Tour in tite Hfoly Land," will serve an an illus. trationt;-" CoUN TUt or TH Z GADAREN ann.-I spettt a night, and port ef two daysi the vi. cinity of the Laske of Tibetias. My tent was pitched near the Hot Baths, about sm~Iille sooth of the town of Tiberias, end, eonsequently, near the tooth end of the latke, In lookitig across the water to the other tide, I had before me ithe country of the Gadarentes, where thre owtnse, implle byan visprit, plunged into the sea. I was struck with s mock ef aceurecyint li sacred writers, whic ha4 never occurred to me till then, They state thatt ' the swtne ran, violently down fthe steep place or precipice,' (the article beincrqie by the Greek,) 'and were choked in the waters.' It is imp t"ed here, first, the hil~s in tisart region spproaeh near Sthe water; and, oecond'y, that'they fall nff so abruptly along the shore, that it would herne. tuecal farea writer, familtar with that fact, to refer to it aswtell known. Both these iniplies. tiotns are correct. A mass of rocky hills overlosoc the seat oct th-t side, so sear the water, thlat one sees their dark outline reflected from itt surf sece, while their sides, In getteral, are so steep', that a person familiar with the scener would hardly think of speaking Of a Steep place or preeipice, where no much of the coast forms but one contipuousa precipice. Our translators omit the defintte article, atid show, by this Inadvertence, how naturally Woe Moro exact knowledge of the Evangelists influenced thetr language.', 'ka~ltt vh. 2. Mfarkill; Luke v.I& Maop. 9: 3.] MATTHEW. ([C'hap. 9: 13. au /ap'rsai roo. 3Kai i~ov, -rivesrcvy typa4Lf.ua- take courage; Thy 5N the sin ofthee. And lo, ecee cCfthe srbsare forgiven.'! TrECr' VE17iOt Ci E'anrois- TObrS /Aka007huc-. 4Kai 3 And lhehold, some of said antenethemtelves; Thes blasphemes. And the SCniBEs aaid among 16001v 6' IjO-OVS ras EPOVIsA-4Eie avrv Eirp themselves, " This nian knowming the Jerus tile theeghir ftchem, says; hiasphienies."'heaTs LcItELS EVvjnu.aeo-0E 7roi/a7pa c' 'raiS icaptatas 4 But JESuS discerning Whly yeu think evils in the hearts their THiOUGHiTS, saild, s5ltcer; aTi -yap eCOtyi EnK07rrWcpor/; Etc W~hy do you think evil efytu? Which for is ettiec? ito ba [things] in your HEARTS? Ae(secwurral aoo al &Muap-riaL; 7) Esivreir- E-yespas 5 for, which is easier? Arefotrgiven ci thee the sins? er to sty: Arise to say, * Tby SiNS are foraice liEpisraTes; t6'hee, 6e e7tiye bTi E4ouatsaie givers; or to say, [with ted waii? That het yec macy hkntw that autherity effect.,] Ariae, and walk? EXE 6 losTovap~w~ru erL 77Ty? a wtserai 61But that you uray eyas th ston 'ofti marOenron E the eat oogv know that the aON Of MAN I ahe-(OT eys'epieenricp yp aa Authority On EARTH )Ta (It th etyt; ctt to forgeive Sins," (then lie (thenle heays eotl aayici rsn OEISepo' aon raje i~ir'jvice ineye~ ~ says to the PARtALYTIC,) take up of tthee the hed, ted cc intote he "arise, tak upy THyUBE ouco' iron. 7 Kaii v-yepOEis alr77A~cteie roP ot ndictotypsri& houte of thee. Aed eritttg he went ito the hoete 7 And arising, lie went anrn.~Iosrs Eo OAL csto his HOUSE. - au~ov.8 Ovrs 8 ofo eot anu.eaerat, a 8 And the PEOPLE iceof h,,e. Seteig ted the ectotts woedeced,' ted ni,*erd rie T~~oarvO Eot', 'rTO &se'raEincui efeard andvraise glo~oriid tee Gd ha ai ieOn athrity s grieratf TIIAT GODJ who had OivEN gcetted a pwrthe Od thheigeetcttcy tegei such Authority to MEN. 'rto te Oenirs. t And JESUS, passing Kas rapa-ywvt 6 17)trovv eices~fy; estev ea'Opw- on from thence, saw a And pastitgo tethe Jesttt teemihete, tesa eee met Man, nansed Mtittliew, 7rOvt' eea677,Es'o elii TO TEActr'OVI', MaTdaiov, sitting at the t TAX-OFtitting at the ecuticithotte, Matittewe FICE; and lire says to him, AE-yo1.40'o1- Kice Xe-yes awUrp Aico~ov~es lo " Follow me.'t And lire hciegntimed; titi he ttys ito him; Folilow Me. arose, and followed hnim. Kas ayaTee a — 7liKOX0n77o-er anlT(P. llKal F-yEPETO, 10 And it came to pass, Aed riting up he ititowed hite. And it heppeted, as lie was reclining at taano aece~ero E'T7 Oisca, Kice tsoo, 'rokAoi bie irs sisris.,Ilod of him retclinig ettache it the tituee, and it, meacy Many Tribute-takers TEAwyas ices &/.tepTWA0s eXOopTes oa-nv e'ic~VTo and t Sinners consing, iubicaee etti einners coming rclitted reclined with JESUS and Tfrp laTO- Kice 'rotS jseaj'~ats areron. Kes his Disip~iPEs. with the Jesct ted ihe ditciplet oi itim. And II And the PnAaRrSEEa s3OP1TEr of' 4'epstataoi er-or' TOIS j=e71lrasr au-rou- olssem'ing it, srtid to hIls seing titte Phaiteiee stid tc the ditstities teohim; DrSCIPLES, j"Wlry does,&asrL pAvre TE6 rAP urwvr' Kice atAapTCtNCthr E0-0555 your TEACIrIkt Cat With Why witt the pubhiieet itS sinners eatit TRIBUTE TAXERS itnd 6 Wsarr-KaAos dVeACVV; 12'0 8E I-7onfos eacotoAS, Sinners?" the teachere o eyceP The ted Jetut betting 12 But * ME Iresring it, sar-er *[evrntsss] On Xpeses' eXovo-sr of so-Xvor-r-es says, THEY who aire in says ret thein;) No seed have thote heing wcii HEALTH have no need of serpon, ekA' ot KaeKws EXOicTES. 13HopvOevrAes, as Physician, but THEY efephvetiifte, hut ittete tick heitg, Yet ice gicie who are arice. 6C /.LaOET7E, Ti EO'Tii' "E9AL0r' 0eAw, Kice on 13 But go, and leisra het learn whet it; Mleccy I wish, atd net What that is, T' 1 desire' *VATICAN MANSesRIPT-5. Thy StNr. 5. feared-so Lach. rind Tisch. 1B. am hearing. 12. to their-mt. I). Probably an office erected on the tide of the lake foer collecting toll of passengers, and reeeiving the customs far goods carried by water. t 10. The word hamssrtoolos, sinnier, is generally used in the Gospels, arid indeed throughout the N. T., either to signify a Genti'e,, or such of the Jews who from their illicit practices, were looked upon in the stame light with the Gentiles. See 6al. It. 15. OhltMarklIt. 1; Lake v. 27. lO.MarkiHi15; LarjkyT, 29 l.U. t Ik Itos. vi.; Mattatxii47 , capo 9: 14.]___ MATTHEW. [Clap. 9: 22. -- = Owvaa." Ov yap /AqOov~x caa.eor L Kcaovs, aAA' a sacrifice." Not for I am come tocall just persons, but &iacap':rwovs. sinners. 14ToTe 7rpoo'epXovTal atvrf ol 3aO6'r7Ta Icowavou, Then came to hll the disciples of John, AefovTfEs A&tant j/'etJS Kai Oi capitratoi VraTreVsaying; Why we and the Pharisees fast OLEft *['roAAa,] o oe aaOrlrai roov ov vro'arevovo'i; [much,] the but disciples oftheenot fast? liKa et7rev avrots 6 I1aoous' M71 8uvav'Ta ot Viol And says to them the Jesus Not are able the sons 0OV vut PWvoS TfrevOei, ef' 6oroV eT'' aCvrw1 of the bridalchamber to mourn, in asmuch with them caOrTv 6 vvfcpios:.EAkevaoorrai e j/Aepat, 6rav is the bridegroom? Shall come but days, when acrapO'o ar' auirwv 6 VVuMeLos, Has 'roe VT'reUvmaybetaken from them the bridegroom, and then they ohall aOV0TrL. 16 OvseiS SE e7riS/aAAet fi \rlA77/a acaKovs faot. No one now puts a patch of cloth aytvafov erit Iyaartl oraaiy' aipei yap To 7rA\1 -ufulled on ta mantle old; takes away for the patch pco/ua avuou aro T'ov t artLou, Ka Xetpov rXioXU/.a of it from the mantle, and worse a rent 'ylveTat. 17 Ouve aA.ovuo'v oivov veov cis becomes. Nor do they put wine new into arocovs 7raAatovs' et 8e -17ye, f7qYyvuvrat ol acrKOL, bottles old; if but not, burst the bottles, Kai 6 orvos efXeiTai, Kai of aOKoS a7roAovvTrat and the wine i spilled, and the bottles are destroyed; aAAa faAAovariv otvov veov ets acrcous KaIvovs, but they put wine new into bottle. new, KaiS a/tcporTpo auvvTrrpovvrai. and. both are preserved together. d Tavura avrTou Aaouvvros, avTros, Irov, apXwy Thlese of him speaking, to them, lo, a ruler eis efOwv rpofreKvcve avtrp, Aeywv' OT7 certami coming prostrated to him, saying; That the OuyaTrfp uov aprt eTfveXeurroev' aAXAa EAcwv daughter of me now is deadc but coming eTrOfs T'S1V X'fx pa rov fer' avtr'v, Kat (S,7ETat. lay the hand of thee upon her, and sheshallllve. 9Ka& eyepOets 6 Ia'ovs ')oq ovuOat'ey auvrt', And rising the Jesus went after him, Ka oS uara avo. 20 Kas isov, yvve afioptat-el puaOir)at aurou, and the disciples of him. And lo, awoman havinga foovaoa SwoeKca E71, lrpoaoe0ovaa ortrlOEvt lotrof blood twelve year, approaching belind, 4TaTo 'rov KpafNfrSov rov I/CarTou avrov. 21EAtouched the. tuft of the mantle othim. She fee yap efv avTrp. Eav lovovoy &aowa Tro U fLa'rOV said for within herself; If only cantouch the mantle arVTOU;, cff.wO7aofat. t2'0 e I7)faovs ertaorpatfets.of hitm,: 'shallbehealed. The but Jesus turning 'Compassion, t and. not 'a Sacrifice;' for I came not to call Rirhteous men, but Sinners.' 14 Then John's DISCIPLES accosting him, said, t " f and the PHARISEES fast, why not also. thy DISCIPLES?" 15 And JESUS says to them, " Can the BRIDEMEN mourn, while tle BRIDEGROOM is with them? But the Time will conle, when the BRIDEGROOM will be taken from them, i and then they will fast. 16 No one puts a Piece of undressed Cloth on an old Garment; because the PATCH itself would tear thle GARMENT, and a worse Rent be lmade. 17 Neither do persons put new Wine into old Skins; for if they do, tle SKINS burst, and the WiE is spilled, and the SKINS are destroyed: but tley put new Wine into new Skins, and both are preserved." 18 t While he was thus speaking to them, a certain Ruler coming, prostrated to him, saying, "My DAUGHTER s8 by this time dead; but come, lly thy HAND on her, and she will revive." 19 And JESUS arising with Ilis DISCIPLES, fol lowed him. 20 t And, belold, a Woman, having been afflicted with an hemtorrllage for Twelve Years, coming behind, touched the TU'T of his MANTLE; 21 for she said within herself, "If 1 can only touch his MANTLE, I shall be cured." 22 JESUS turning, and *VATICAn MAswscrPT —14. much-omit. 13. "I desire mercy, rather than sacrifice." —eptuagint. t 15. The force of our Lord's answer will appear more appropriate from the- fct that John was now in prison, so that his fCllowers were fasting in consequence of their master's removal from them. t 17. Skins of the kid were very mGuch used by the ancients for their wine. They were used whole, and the openingS for the legs and head were tied up with strings. They were not strong enough to be used a second time for the same purpose.-So-sel Sharpe..t,14. MarykiL, 18 Luke v. 83. t 6, JohniiL 29, 118, MarLk v.32 Luke vii 41, "$.0, Xrk V..2; Luke l. 4.... C'iap. 923.] MAT"THEW. Keat i~wi attnsjt, EDire' Oacpo-t, OityaTEP- )'ij and tieeing her, said; Tae courage, daughter-t tie lrLToTtT 0ot? 0SetICEf VE. Kat C-(w61) 4j yuvv~ a~ro faith ofthet hasteved the... And wa eeU the wonste ro 7'775' eCpcax CKL7s 23 Kaie sA~w,, 6 hInoous C is the hose ofthat. And cominig the Jesus iitoe T?)V octIaV Tou apXovToS, Keai ~wse 'Tous au.Mjras, the house ef the ruler, ted seeing the flute-pl~eyrs, #Ca( TotX~t OXXYopvoU,60VoA-0v, 24AksyCet *[awroix.] aned the crow'd inakinganoase. says (to them ] Ava~wpevrv ou -yap a7re~avS To Kopaa-iL0Z' cakAa withdrawe; aot fore t deed the girl, bet KiZaOEu~Se. Kai,CaTc-yeAcuv aurTou. 25 'O-re Be sleeps. And they derided het. Whet but Sefc-3AX10)Ol A oXXos, c-tc-EA~cP e icpa'r'que 'T775 th'y Vitteot the crowd, he enterieg tookhoeld oetthe XSIPoS aUT7lS- -tag t7-ycpO1 'r0 Kopaa-tov. 26 Kai hend -other- and wttraited the gerl. And SE~77A6SY 71) tp?7Mj 0177 aiI'l FS 6A-qv Ttm'Y my77 CKtVs77. weet ferth the repore this late all the teed thet. 27 Kai wrapa-yortL eitcee~ev re~, 17rov, 'qiKoAu-O And peestinge o tertethere the Jesus, w'ent 0O7oay *[aureg] 3U0 TlutPAot, tCpatCOVTES KaiL efile ihiienJ tee bihnd wen, e.-3iee! out ted AE'v-r0TES- EXSc-70o-e 2'fuas, WCE Aatn3. ~ EAdovrti eeyitg,; Haveepitye e u, OteontelDavid. Bteingeeeute cs Ci -r~j ottceav, lrpoGr77X~os au7t9 0f TUI)2A1,, ted ieto the house, canie te hime the blied met, tern AS —yc- au-rots 6 inc-ous. ntir-r~us're, 6,ri Suz'ct aed says te them the Jete.; Deyou believe, that t am /uliU 'lotTo 21oplt7ae Ae-louo-tv aurey;~ Nat KuptC. ti~le thie to do? Theyteay toehim; Ye. maeeter; 23To~re rJa-ro -rwy o4P~aA~cwv atvToW, Xcsywvthee he toeeced the eyes ef them, eayieg Ka-ra T -q' wtt-ri5' 'I~twi' 'yext'f07q-rc b~V'. 3( Kat Accrdingte the aih eftyoe heitdete te yoe. Anti aV<,-,6?pr-ave aurcovt otl otp0aAjuot. lat SveI~pt/.i7)weropened efthem the eyes. And eleictiy octro ao-rotx 6 1710iOux, ACeywv' 'OpaTC, /A718EtS cherged them the Jeses. saying; See, at tnee 'y1wwoKEtrw. 31 Os" BE CSEXO0YTES &Le0ii,.torav k hewt. They bet having gene puhlished airrov CY' ISA7.- ~SS 7. -3-Au'rTwv 8sE ecp'him in all the teed that. Theee tand going Xo~u-itvuv' t8ou, 7rpoG'tqvE'ylav aur're av~pwsrop away, it, theyhbroeght toelhiiea; a Kco'pov, 8at/.ovt~o/.tct'ot. 33 Ken E438XrqOeVTor 'Tou demh,' heing demeeized. Aeid lieing casteeut the aat~ououio, MaAjosep 6 KeWep0$. Kati EOauaacraoa deteet, speke the deuth. And were etoeiehed OL oXxot, XLEYOTES' Ou3EerOTE c-pawq obrw.s CY the creowds, saying, Never wasit ieve thee it [Chap. 'Or: 33. seeing her, said, "Take courage, Daughlter; titly A ITII liss cuvred titee. Anld thle WYOMAN WaS well froma that flouR.23 t-Jksus being come into thle atUiER'i HiOUSE, and SCeiti tle UIC FLUT-F, PLAY~FHS and thle 'CROWD mlaking, flamentatitton, 24 saIvs to tlieti, "Leave thle phlace for thle G RI, is not dead. hut slecjls." And they derided huhl. 25 Ilit wien tile COMPANY was excluded, lie entering in, grasped her 1AIND, and the GIsRL was raised. 26 And the REPoRT Of this (miracle] went forth throughli All tilat iwioriN. 27 And JIEsus patsing fromn thience, Two B~linid mlent followed, texclaiminsg, " 0 Son of Dhavid, have cotspassioo on us! 28 And being come into the lIOUSte, tIile MLIND slen camne to hiine; and ti4USsilys to thillti, "Do you. believe That I catn do this?" Trhey reply to him, "Yes, Mlaster." 2.9 Then lie touched their tEYS, saying. "Be it dune to yout according to your FAITHi." 30 And Their EYES weic opeiied; and JEsus strictly charged thenm, saying, " See that you infori'i no one." 31 But THEY, h1avinr departed, spread his fame through AllI that LAND. 32 N'ow, ias these men were going out, hehiold, "ttlere wilt broughlt to hinio a Dhumb tian, bein denionized. 33 And the DEMON having heen expelled, the DUMB nian spoke, land the iPIcOPLE were astonished, saying, " Never was it thlus seen in,iSRAEL!" VATLCAN MeA,~uvsczie-24. to tbenm-smit. 27. him-emtit. 23. 2Se-nats on Virg il savt, " The funerals of the e'der tort with, the trumpet, and those ofteyoungr ittielts" igfoott remarks, "QOn tlle death of his wife even the poorest Jew will afford not less than twa pipes tor flutes,) and one woman to make Lamentstion." See 2 Chron. xxxv. 25 - Ecehes. xii. 5; Jer. ix. 17; xlviii go. t 53. Mark v. 88p Luke viii. 51. t 82. Matt. xii. 22; Luke xl. 14. C~ap..9: 34.] M ATTHEW. [Map. 10: 5. Tr) lapaqAX. 31 O 65e aptralot eA eyov Ev 'rP 34 But tihe PuARISEes to the Israel. The but Ph.arisees said; By the said, T " Ile expels tlhe apXov'ri Tv oatr ovs wv o Ksa, E 3aAAtE 's a ova. O Em. ONS!iv tile nltNcI prince othe deons e c out te demons e tut te en. of tile DEl:a;ONs."' 35 Kai Vrepi1yev 6 Irtfrovs ras rroAets wraoras 1 35 SAnd J1Ssus went And wentaholt the Jesus the 'cities ail thlllrUl ill the C:I'T s KaIt as Ic. Xas, 8t8ocrEKv E'v rats dSUvayw-yats and VILLAGES teachiIng and the villages, teaching in the synagogues in thlir SYNAGOGUES, oilld avTrwv, Kai Kc7iopv'crv To evayyeLov T'r)s aorti- announcing the (LAD) 'rofthem, and publishing the gladlttdings oftle kingedo, I)INGS Of tile KlSINGDOM, etas, Kai OepanrEovwv 7raeav )V00TV Kai 7ranlav and curing Ev\erly Disease and healing every disease alnd every anid Evely al;li.iy. ua.aactav,. 36 + And beholding the m:tldy. CnROWDS, e (ICdeply lpitied. 3" I3wv E 5 oVs oXAOuST, Ta-7rAa-yXa tel61 Pirp tthem, Because they were Seeing and the crowds, he was moved with pity for I ei I- harassed aidl disadurwvs oTL rlOav EOcruAjU/IVeO Kat epip.etVoi,o persed, as Sheep hlaving them, because they were jaded and scattered, 110 Slheplerd. coFret 7rpoB3aTa u7 eXovra roiueva. 37Tor0 Aeyf 37 Tlhell lie says to his like sheep not having a hepherd. Then he says )SCIPL.S, - ihe 5l\5 -Trots LaOrflCras a'rov' 'O /fEv 6epirt.os ro-oAus, o0 VEST indeed is "rre;t, but to the disc.ples of him; The indeed harvest plenteous, tile s i - ptile REAPER S are few; e ep'yarai oAtsyo. 3s Ase/?0rE ovv 0ov Ktvpov 38 beseel, tlhcrefore, but laorers few.. Implore then the lord s rco tle LR()l) of tile IIAR'rov Oeptcruov, o~a'ws fKQtaX fp'ayras ets roy s.^. t e ol Sl Tni OePtcOUa, &nws saa p spyaas Lgs roY VEsT, tlhlt lIe wIouldI send oftlhc harvest, that he would send out laborers into the t.,,,./. / 1Laborers to REAl' it." Oifpt'lov avrrov. K E4C. I. 10. Kai rpoofhIarvet of him. And having CIIr'TI;R X. itcSz. 'aiueos Tros owSoeKa faOfr0ras aubrov, eowcalled the twelve disciples of him, he 1 And Iaving SUlltlmonKECt aurots efovuotav wrUeve.aTrwv aKaOapTrwc,,Y'r cd his TWE LVI lDiscipl)s, gave to them authority spirits uncle;tn, so as +. lCO;Iave thlem Alttlority eicfaAAetLv avra, Kat Oepareuetvr racrav vooaov to expel inmpue Spirits, to uett out them, and to heal every disease and to cure Diseases and Kat rwaaav AaAaciavp. Maladies of Every kind. and every malady. 2 Now tlese are the 2 TCwv 3e o8woEKa a7roOTroAwv ra ovofJuaTa NAAMES of tile TW\EI,'e Of the now twelve apostles the namne Apostles; Thle first, TIhAT EMTr raUraa TpWTOS, tSSJWY 6 AfeyofJevos Sinmon, NAMED Peter, and are these; trst, Simon that being called Andrew hlls BROTIISER; HTfrpos, Kat Avspeas 6 a8eApos avrov IaKCw- TIHAT Ja.mes, son fZEnEPeter, and Andrew the brother of him; James DEE, and Johln liis Bnlo3os 6 Tro ZeSesatov, Kai Iwavvrjs 6 aseApos TIIER; that ofthe.Zebedee, and John the brother 3 Philip and Bartloloav'rov' 3lXtAIr7os, Kat BapOoAopalos mcvuas, ca mew; Tllomas, and Matofhim; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and tlew tile TRIS1UTE TAMarOato os 6 reXwr7S Iac os 6 tv AA(patov, KER; TAT Jaes, son Mitthew the tax-gatherer; James that ofthe Alpheus, of AiPlrAxUS and TladKat *[AesBBatos 6 E7rLKA710re] Oa3atlos' 42tLow dTeCus and [Lebbeus that surnamed] Thaddeus; Simon on ti i 6 KavavrtT7s, Kai Iov3as 6 IoKaptlwr-n, 6 Kai 4and Slon tie J Cdas ariot the Canaanite, and Judas that Iscariot, who even T as Isari ' Who even delivererd lffn wrapatous atro. up. delivered up him. 5Tovros rovsTOS ows8Ea arreaO-re AEv 6 Ila7ovs, 5 These TWELVF JESUS These thp twelve sent forth the Jesus coItmmtissioned, instructing irapayyst as averots, XYeywv Ets 6oov e0Cvwv ML1 them, saying, "Go not commanding them, yaying;. Into aroadof lentilesnot Away to tle Gentiles, and a7EreIrTe, Kai ets rwoXiv SZajapetrwv ut7 toFEA- Center not any city of the you may go, and into acity of Samaritans not you may Sa;n;ltas; VATICAN MANUSCRIPT —. THAT Lebbaeus, surnamed-omit. 34. Mark iii. 22; t 35. Mark vT. 6; Luke xiii. 22. t 30. Mark vi. t4; Ezek. xxxiv. 5; Jer. xxxii. 1-4.: 37. Luke x. 2; John iv. 35. t 1. Mark iii. 13; ix.l. MYlap. 10: 6.1] MATTHFFEW. 07r.6 nAopevJeToE e /.LjaAAoV irpos i-a irpo3ar-a enter. IGo you but rather to the oheep i-c azrowACOAra OLICOU IopalA. 'll10pEVO/.t6vol SC thle peishing houe of Ise. Pasing onyottway an KcI7pVTO`ET~E, AtyOV7-6S' 'Ori 77-yy- e O9atriAEta prech yso, ooyiog; Thathas oueonigh the kintgdomo i-wl oupai'cOPu. $ Aat~vouvras 6e-pairEVEiTE, 'Eicofthte loseaen. Ti oehbeiotgtit'k heal: detd pljt' eyestpEre, Aesipous xa~apicETe, 6acu1.oita " oCA rile up, lepers Cleans, de"n Eic36aAXETCE 5wptaw EAaf3ETi-, awOpeav &TE. touto; freely yettott,, rceived,freely give. 9 if- KTVWTS7O`E X'UOT0,,elq56 ap-yvpol', AS773E Net provide gold nr sle, n, 616cy I 'Ta2 CwVC66 i'4ece '/.i?1 7rqpap eis 65ov, c1,tpcer in the belts ofytot; not1 obag for ojtourte PLt77E 8UO XLi-wva6s, /u.L78aE urwo%7ara,,vA71e p'al3ov. nrttwo tuleir., nor ootdlol, nor 8!o off. A~tos -yap 6 ep-yar77s Trvqx rp04PvIS abT-Ov crtoir. 51 orthy for the laborer oft).e foeti of him is. IIEts ~, 8' a;' 7ro~t' 7 Kw4tl7Y eto06A077'T6, Ioto wchatantd eve city orcointr y-Itow you ay ente.,, c~E-rao'caTC, 716 El' aVT~ a~tos E(TTL KICIKE /.LeLv~'CC oeacti out, woho is hier twtthy is; oodtittre abide, ice as ~A7r 12 EtoEpXo/lCVOj 8E66 '777;'7 till yott go theneti. Enterog and into t:oe ouctav', acrsrao-a-Oe aV7P 13 Kat 66a' /u.tE p tol.est oolste htr. Aol if it~eetottyitte 11O') 0cil atlc, e.Oiw 7 177 7a/w' 1 lo777v. the litose worthy, lt ot ~ the pteace ofyou tt er -EaV 5t /1A7 -p al~ia, 7 eipyvpvs ' ucov 7rpos 11/1a if boOtttttstty be w-tthy, the p..oct ofyoo to yoo 67?o-clT7iw. _a1(6 6s 66 /477 a677 v ittas, let it tstrn. Aotl who if nto ooyttteiite yoe, */fa clo 7 i-ois Aoyovs b/lcd;'. e~epXo/c.vt~i '7776 nor oea the worod. o'yott, Coming, tout ofthet o0La16 77 T7776 roAc-ws eetfCv?7s, EKTI-atacT6F i-OP hue or ofthe city tltat, ettohe off the KcvOPIOvTO i-wv 7roav 'Pcwv. 15Atg;' AE-yOJ VIAIP, dLeot of the feet ofyol. Iondeetd Iany tosyou, morteetolerable wcilibe lotod of'Stodto ottd tGottnoh- it 77/Afpqj KpttTEWS, 77 i- w-OXES EKELV7p. 6 oty aottay of ttial, thao the city ttIIot Lo, I airoo'i-4EA~w 4/26 &tc 7rpO~ai-c el' A/269 Avocw;'. teed youohasoleep inotittt ofweolves. ril'eoo~e OW', IpPOVII/.01 C(.)6 O OfPEL6, Kai1 aK6cpaOL Be ye tltetefeee wtse its the serpeotts, and artless k6 at, TEPItTTEpat. at the dot-en. "17lpoaoexETE ae 6770 i-fll av'Opwtrcwy. rapaTohe Iteed eed of the ieee They weill 8cvOO0-owr -yap tt/266 66 arvyEtpta, Kai t;' Tagls Mudovdere fee yoo to snedtottitms, &"l in thle Matp. 10: 17. 6 4: Bitt go rattltr to the tPtlISdHINli SHEEP of the St~ck of Israel1. 7la 4:' Attd to yott go, proclin, stying, fTWIt N ia1)01 tt f iii. HEAVENS htas approachetd.' 8 1tcaIltc Sifk, liraiso the 1)iadj] leause Le-pers, xpel. D~emtons; freely you have received, freely gilt:. 9 Provide tleitllfr Gold, nor Silver, tttr Copper, iR your tGI1IDLES; 10 carry not Trsivtlinc BigLly, no0 sptare Clothes,.-hoes, or 'Stafl; I ior titO %VORKMAN is worthy of 116 StAINTENANCE. 11 And 'lltkatfver City or Village yon enter, Inqifire what Wt-rtliy person irrsides there; atit remain u-il Itlittt till you. leave thle plare. 12 'When you cnter the HOUSE, salutte the fanmily. 13 And it the FAMILY bte worthy, let the PEACE yott wislt conic upon 111cm; but if ullwortlty, let your IPACE return oupolt y'ourselves. 14 And w-hoever will not receive you, nor hear your WORDOS, in dt parting front tlntrt ItlEor CITY,, sitalke the D)UST Off your FEET. +15 Indeed, I sny to you,,:it will be more elidurlnblO for the Lmntd of Sodomn atid Gomorrab, in a Day of Judgment, tllan for tltat ctT"Y. 16 4: Behold I IE send you forth as Sheep * into the Midst of Wolves; be, therefore, sagacious as SERPENTS, and iuuocenlt as DOVES. 17 But beware of these MEN; 4:for'they will deliver you up to. hIigh oVATICAN MNSeeceReP-13. upon you. le. into 5 1. [Roise the Dead.3 This claiise, tionugh found In the YetIran, is wsntlsg In a great number of MSS8. (Gtiesbach exeluded It fromn Il isfet etli tifo eif th e G teek test, tun Ins erted It In subsequtent~editions, miacbied as dtubful, Cal-nltbPll, Wefteifis, md Watkefle d r~e et it. Aiteknight, Whitby, and Deddridge think it better il tritain ti ~:sa ti sdnsower jpassageslnthis i~e~lourse refer toevenits whic~hditli rot iItemcitthely take place. tieeverses 18 1,.8 Their purees were cnommonly lot their girdlee. - 0. Isa. liii. 0; Acts xlii. 40. t 7. Maric vi. It; Luke ix. 5; x. 7. t 1. S Tim. v. I8. t IS. Ma~tt. xi. 22,24. I 1 6. Lukte x. S. 51 1. Matt. xx~iv. 9I. Chap. 10: 18] MATTHEW. o'vvaywoya$s a'rowv juaaTrrywoovo b usas. 18iKs synagogues ot tlem they shall scourge you; and Eir 71yel, ovas a e Kal BaalOiAeis axOn(areoOe EVeKev before governorls anti alo kinigs you shall belead ol account f/Lov, ELs j.apTvprov auTori Kai 70sS efvearv. of nle, for a witness to thern and to the na;tions. 19'Orait e waptaiswatlv /dutas, 17 /ufpLLuvr7a7 r7T6E When but they s.dil deliver up you, lot you may be anxious, Vwr 71 T1 ACaAr1T7,rTe' so& aeraL yap vp,.v ev how or whtat youl ust speakh itshalllbe given for to you in CKEL'v 7 Wp, 't1 AaA?7lrere. '~.Ou yap ibeIsT that the lhour, what you sliillpeak Not for you f(Te o0 AaAojTvreS aAAa -to 7rvefVla 0OV 7'rat pos are the spearki,,, but the spirit oftlbe father b/Wvo, '0o AaAovv eV iIy. l Inapa5wuret e of you, that il pearking in you. Will give up and a8FsAfo a5o kpov cls a Oavarov, ticaT rari)p TfKVOv' a brother a brotl.er to death, and a f;ther achill; Kait ~erava7(rlffOrVTaTKL TE a eC7r 'yoteis, Kai Oavaand slha Irie up children against parents, and deliver Tfwcrovfiv aourovs' 22 ta caeoa8e OiaOouvLEvoL 17ro to death then; and you will be being hated by ravrcTwv 5ia ro ooIUa ttov. '0 Se uirotetvas eis all for the name of me. The but persevering to TEAoTs, ObTOS acoOo(FreTTai. end, the same shall be saved. 23'Orav Ce 8lCtWffot v5as fEv ry7 7roeI 7ravrp, When but theypersecute you in the city tilis (euye7rf eLs r?7r fTrepay' Kay etc 7rauvTs 8ICwtcooW fee into the other, andif out of this they persecute 6/pas, befVY7'E T lS '1Y rr7 aAX7v. Auqjv yapJ Ae-yw you, flee into the other. Indeell for I say b vly, ovl 77 TefAcO7r 7'r as WroXes Tou Iopa-7q, to you, in no wiseyou may tnish the citiro ofthe Israel, inr av c fy 6 v iO TOV avOppwrroV. 24OVuK fCT till maycomethe son ofthe man. Not is laOrT7r7) s rfnrp Tov 88afrKaAXov, ovJe ootAos lrep adisciple abowe the tencher, nor a slave above 'rov Kupov a5bov. 25 Apcero, 7Tq juaOt7rlp iva the lord ofhiln. S.ficient to the disciple that 'yevjTrai s 6 oS5a(tKaXos aaVov, Kcai 6 oouvos s he be as the teacher of imn, anl the sl:toe as 6 Kvuptos avrou El rov otCKO eeo'rot7rv BeEXA 3ovA the lord of him. If the ntaster ofthe houe Beelzehul ef1reKaA(rfav, -roorO taLAAo TroVY otl\iaioOVS oaUrov; they have named, how mich more the t doinestics of him P 26 M7 ouv f(poj7077Tre aurovs, OuoSv yap ao7r Not therefore you may fear them. Nothing for ii KfKa\vU/..fevosv, 6 oVK a7rotcaAtvqOrF'rFTa. Kai haring been covered, which not shall be uncovered; and [Chap. 10: 26 Councils, and scourge you in their SYNAGOGUES; 18 and they will bring you before Governors and Kings, on ny account, to bear Testinlony to them and the GENTILES. 19 Inut when they deliver 'you up, b nolot an\ious how, or wliat you shall speak, because wliat you shouldl say shall be suggested to 3you in That MOMENT. 20 For it is not out thalt shall SlPEAKC; buti te SPIRI'T of y3'(itr FATIIEIR is THIAT which SPEAKS by you. 21 +Then Brother will deliver up Broliher to D)eal, and a Fathier Ilis Ch.ld; and Chliidrn w.il r:se up against Parents, andl c.llse te te to die. 22 And you will be hated )by all on account of nly RNA M. But Hlt wllho PATI.TIiL.Y E}.NDUES to the iEnd, will be savcd. 23 But wlhen tlhy persecute you int tiis CITY, Iyt to the OTilEit; t[and fronm tihat, it they persecute you, take refuse in ANOTIER;] for in(leed I declare to you, you will not lave gone through the ct'rl:s of *Israel, till the soN of SnAN le comie. 24 $tA Disciple is n]ot above-hlis TEAC!IER, nor a Servant above iis MASTER.. 25. It is sufficient for the l)SCTPIE thalt lie be as his i ' ACIIE., and the SERVANT as llis 1MASTER. If they have called the IIOUSEHOLDER Beelzelbul, how much nmore THOSE of his TIOUSETOLD? 26 t Therefore, fear them not; for lhere is ilol'inc concealed, which will not be discovered; I I I i VATICAN MarNUscIPT-23. Israel. 23. This sentence is not found in the Vntican MS., though it is nnproed by Griesbrch. Clarke says-"This clause is fouild in MSS ) L, and eight others; the Atmenian, Saxon,;: the ftataexcept three; Athan., Theodor., Tertul., August., Ambr., Hilar. and Jurencet. Benqt i ( his gomeon, approves of this re:idin. On tile above authorities. aGesbach has inserted it in his text. It probbly made a portion of this gospel as written by Matthew.". t 10. Mark xiii. 11; Luke xii. 11. 21. Luke xxi. 16. t 24. Luke vi. 40; John xiii. 16; x. 20. t?6. Mark ir. 22; Luke viii. 17; xii. 2. Chap. 10' 27.]1.MA TT THEW. Chap. 10: 37. icpV~rTOl', 6 ov -yvwa0r7OETaLL. 27 '0 XEV.W btjetz El secret, whichnott shlltbe kown- What Ibay to you in T07 (rKOTtfa, EL7IrTE El' T6P~ -Prrs KaL 6 esI To ovs thle darkoest, speak to the light; totwhat, in the ear aicouJETE, KC77POtaTeE 57, T1Mb' 8cvyaT&rl'V KCZL a eAV yotbthea. preaoliyott on the.houw-tops. Aud tot q ol8Ettr~e airo rwl' a7TOITIEl'OlTCO~l TO OtWIALX, T17)l be ofraid Ot those killitog the tbtly, thle 83e 1bJup pZ /11 autaa.evtw i' a7rOKTsbl'aL 4)Ol, flfllTIE bot life not blooe otta e to lilt; be hrit i 3 e /Ax.kXol' 'rot 53jtoauCVOVa Kati #VX77V Kai trtelba bnt oather ttta'. tojog ohibe both tile tot body aeroA c-trat t El 'y, EE 29u? 6 0 ur oo to desttoy toin ~ f2 Not ttto teottoos acotraptov 7rwAEvTri;?frt El Vc- autTtst 015 7rE0-E( an oais ae b,llt? a t tote el theta not shell Trat E71L Tl7)l 7t~l' Ctl'Et TOU 71raTPOT blAWP' 30eT~wo falt opott the eaelS etlhout thle fth~et et'yo. Of Yott 8c Ki at' rptxrs 77$ KeoaAl7s 7aaO'a 'qptOf.u7qtuevat tod eoroe t t te b its ofthe teaJ elI being ntttberet ttot. 31M~ odb' tPo$Olt70WTE- rotoAXwt tr'TpoVOdWV tWe. Not thereorte te er yeu l ota p sperocoe alta(EPfETC V1IALEIT. sre bettee 700. 32 flas 0ov1 6IPTIT 6/.bOX0y7) Ott El' ELLOL e/.L'rpotTAll tttreetoteewhoever sltolltoitlees to ote ia pt.e,,eiic Osl' TlOw l al'OpcvTlrc tl, 6/.ttA01OY7ITrW K(Z1yW El' a m-ofp ef the itt,et Itwillto t eteos evettI to hitm Efet7rpoOGEJV TO00 7rarpos /A1)1, T07U El' ouJpalots. ittwesetete oftitt totlaer flite, ofthot is -a e s 33 60.rTa ay apl'atIari7Tat /AE ee/.lrpotTGcu' 'tstl Whtoever but if toy detty Ine itt preetece ofthe al'6pfstrt tl', a pyt'jtro,.tat a ural' KatyWO CytorpQ(F0Ct' D oot, I Vt.ltloty blitt reve d i p re eteo TrOt 7rarpas /10o3, Too El' ouipal'0s. ofthe fetlier of toe, of tltat tn heavens. v o1loutflr77-E, 6 ri a7A,0ot' f6rAety EtP77V'7y E1tL Not YOotoU tttoppUBsetlto1t Iate owe to ocetd petceoupon T771' 70731Y' oui 71A0ol' &9AEll' cip7pl'il, aAAa the eooth; tot lautteo se tototeld lotte. hot p.aXatpal'. 21, llA~ol' ap StXatrat al'pwnol' Kcara a swod. Ibtteo moe for to vt a otan egoittst 70o5 irarpas a')roo, Kalt Ou-yaTepc Ka~rc T 71T /1A77 -tite fattier otlhiot, sod ad ttgttter against tlte tooTpoOT a5T71e, Kact VI1)0cItql Ka'ra Tr71S vrolOepas t 'er oth~er, and a. daughter-in-luw gainstt tthe mother-io-law atrrvj. 13 Ka 4EXOPOt 'rot axlOpwstrov, atf otctaicot of hret aod reatiies of the soso, the household lio loving fatlter or mnother ahove mae, nout EOTTL /.Au a~toT' Kets 6 101ACstl VIOl' 71 OttyaFpct is oftoe worlthy, sod he loviog see or daughter and htid, whitie will itot be tttatle known. 27 What I tell youo in ithe DARK, p lIsH I n, tite LtIG VIT; anduw bI'lst tt9W1 whisptered in yottr EAR, Procltittt from the 1f 11005KTOPS. 28 Be not afraid of THOlSE Wtlo KILL lthe ItODY butl cannot destroy 1ite [lotttre] tt LIVE; t W t radwrlnarto1 IM osto CAN itttetIi t, ottroy Ito It Lila atid lotly tn t Ctlt nnttt. 29 Are ttot Twon Sparlrows sotld fttr ant f Assar itt o 7 Tx tt t 'itlic 01 tlitt o t sloth1 fN1l ots tile eiaOtUN witlitntt ivtotr FATtlER. 301 And even thle PIAIRS of Your HEAD are all ntuntbered. 31 itor not, titen, pau aire of more value titat Matny 'Spttrrow11s. 32l tItocver, tlterefttre, sitall acktiowbdgle m~e Itelor1e MIEN, JE talso will t-IC l:Tlo tw l dge hitttl htto re Tit AT lAT1tVR of Mnitte itt *t~lt ]ttiF.AV ENS. 33 Butt wboever slill. rentonnee nie before x IEN, I also will renoxtoce tiialt befttre THIAT FATIIER Of titine io* Ithe H1EAV ENS. 34 t Think -not VhAt I ant cotte to send furtlh Peace on thtis LARND; I stttt conte not to send Peace, but War. 35 For nty cooling will set 'ta Alan againat Ilis FATHER, and a Dttu'eter agatinst hter MOTH Elt ` sod a llau-ghterrin-lttw against her Mother-in-law; 36 so thlat at IAN's Enemnies will he found in his own YAMILY. 37 $I1s EWito LOV Es Father or Motiter more titan nte, is not wortihy of met; and HE Who LOVES Son or Daughiter ntore titan nte,is not wiortity of nte. VATICANINTAeoUSostsT-32. ithe rAvzxso. 33. the asAVorte. 3 7. Tite houses weeolt-roofed. Compare Death. xxii. 8, Josh. Hi. 6, Neh. viii. tk Isa. Xv. 3. Jot. xxxii, R9, Arts x. S). t 28. See Appett 1ix tetd verse. I 2).-4maariows iitt Y elute bobeet otto cett acid fioe mills, or thllee farthing-9 st&iiig. t 2tt, Some Greek copies readLin this place fees Iaettlees-'the will of. 3 32, Lutke xii. 8: lx, 20; Mark vii.38; Rom. i,9; S Tim,1.il12. ~ 84. Luke Xli. SL 33, Mlicah viil, 0, 3 37. Luke xiv. 26, Chap. 10; 38.] MATTI-TIEWV. [C7tap. 11: 7. 6Tfrep fesLE OVK Eor /yOU atlos' 3s Kat 6s ov AauLahove me, not is of ne worthy; and who not takes BavEL 'roP arTapov a5Trov, Ktc aKo2ovOel o7rTaLW the cross of hinself, and follows after IOV, OVK fTri yOU atios. '0 fEpwv TyV 'VX^oV me, not is of ue worthy. lie finding the life a'lrov, a7roAa-ei avrT7?v Kai 6 actroAeiras Tr7v ofhiimself, shalllose her; and lhe having lost tlhe ~/sXJqv ab'rov Evftcv e.toU, ebpa7'El avrr)v. 40' lile ofliinselfon accoutntof une, slall find her. lie &eXo/evos Ublas, Etue &EXcral' Kal 6 cE /e 8Xo/receivilng you, mne receives; and he une receivevOS, EXETal rov aroar0reitavTa AC. 41 0 i, receives hlim sendling me. lie SeXOFLY voS Tpo(ffpriT fv eis ovoyLLa ipof>77rov, ALffreceiving a propllet in a nane of a prophlet, a reOov wipo(fq. rov A\7erTar Kai 6 6EXOfIcpos ward of a prophet shallobtain; and le receiving liKcalov Eis orvoULa liKaC ouv, iufLfo 8IKtalov a just man in annaole of a justian, areward ofajtstntan A\t7ETai. 42 Kai s 6 cay ro'rtao fva Tirv I tLIpwv slall obtain. And whoever may give to one ofthe little-ones ToUTWY 'roT7rLfiu s /UXpov fovov,, efi oivoya iathese a cup of cold on!y, in a itilne of a 07r~ov, a.g7av Aveyw ioi, ov /d71 a7roAefrp Trov,p, OV il a'o 7rr disciple, indeed I say to you, not not iay lose the auLrOov a J'ov. reward of hnself. KE4,. ta'. 11. 1 Kai eyevrTO, O6TF efTf\feov 6 IIiovs tlaTao'And it happened, when had finisoted the Jesus chargOwv TOlS 6wfKca LtaOlTais abTrov, fETef3r7 ing to the twelve disciples ofl imself, he departed EKfiftiO, rTOv La6fKEI Kia K7rpv0oFelv fv Trai thence, of the to teach and to preach in the 7roAearv avTcv. 2 '0 e IwavY7js aKovo-as eYv YT cities ofthem. The and John having lheard in the feo',s rvrpl, Ts epiya Tov XpirTOLv, 7rEc-las ovo prison the works ofthe Anointed, having sent two a7O1TYrwY avouV, 3 etIrev arvTY' Zv e 6 epXOIievos, disciples ofhimself, said to him; Thouartthe coming one, ] csrefpov?rpoasoKwfojuf: 4 Kai axroKp0tels or another arewe to lookfor? And answering the 7I7aovs flrev avrois' lopevOepf'es atratyyeir aT Jesus said to them; Going away relate Iwatrvp aKov Efe Kica BA3rETET' TUfor John, neither eating nort driseking; and they oveRs. AaRqaoR'oy eXEt. HAGER ' 6 vlns 'cOo Say A demon hebhse. Came the sn of the rtv~pcwrou, EET07RwR' icaL WrRRcOv Kicr MeYOU(owl l0U, tman, efoting' and drinhing; eend they sty; LO, cWypWIIoEr (Pzy7os ccu otR'o7rorT77, 'cEkczw~w cfRRXGJ a man glustes and a wsine drinkser, of tee-gatherero a Britad Sf251 a1/AapTwXWR. Kai E~oc~txtw017 4I (rowIta arlo 'sTwv &net sinners. Itot isepetifted the wiisadm by the thildires ef ber. 20TOTE 77jJ~faro oR/eRtteiR' 'ras 7roAEr, el' aLs Then he begaui to reproaeh the cities, in ehicb E-1EI'JRTO atR 7rAERG'7-TR 6URay.Eir al')TOL), 6TI t(YU wei-re done the miost mighttyworssk efhion, Lreatee not!zFTiV07j1'aV- 21 Oua a0), XapaCtiv, oval Crag, tho!yereformsed; Wee tothee, Chor-sein, moe to thee, 13-87'ctR~av 675s ER cR' Tupp a IftS lRwR'R EyER'oYrTo 'Betsa~ida i for if is Tyr-e tot Sidos bel beesn dose BR' 5vRR'11/Ets, at' 7yella/det'25 ER' 14LRR', IR'25atR avR the mtighty worke, those being performied in you, long sgo would is sackeloth aed &shes they bave refeessed. Beut Ae'ys LALLY Tvp~p scat Xitawvs al'emfTGTa r '~ I say toyou; fyres antd Sidotn ssore tolerable EOr'rtQ ER' 77/1&EPj KPIM(Y~c, 77 R'RV W- ~ R TJ wtill he. is adcly of triale, than, you. And Shoe, Kcarepvaoup, j '"s rou oupavou 4cseer, Caernourae, whchah even to the heocee art being exalted, to.Jestitiilitr 'shaltS e bisoght deow. for it is Sedos, Wa boets daae the mighty weorhs, those heisg dose tit thee, E/AeRR'IR aPR itAEXI8?)S77 C711AFpPR'. -417R es i1thadremsahitd tijlt this dity. Bet t say RJtRRt', ($T& -Y1p:30401ACOPt aPRE~rTOTpoR CEo-ratL Et, t~o you, that laud of Sedora more totetable vtlibe hi 2/ttpqe KP~ffewas, 77 0,01. a day of UWal. thaothree. 2S Ev' eKwtvr' 7tw iraipop Cerot~pGeiR~ ( I77rots Os(I that She otccasion answtering She Jesus ERarev- trot~ytues @, 7rctTep, IC14)OE TOil saih;ik bowoe lthee,. O~i~there t lsed ott'he ovppaR'es Kwe~ "T7? 777, 61Mr C1'EK77.l4Q, 7BaUTco aZ7o beeves sand of the- #srthi, eewAse Stieso bait SWi these frost Wstie mees sad diteesaftwC inat, and th~ney&st eveasee~ thesa vpit7roll. 'Nat, 4 7reT-IOp, &rR o0'rcTW C7EROTO, to. bebes, 'Yea, the fathee, fit es-es so it W-as EU5O1CR02 Ek/rpoolpOIGR ro'o. 2717asTar ~tot 7inepe-3007, good hopreesene ef thee All sts,. in Car, ivtin Chtup 11 26. It 8 For John. catne altSta~ininug frosn me-it ald driitk toad they say, Ile has it 1St-111011 it> the.Sr, OfNIA vsr came partkimnc' ot' ieat and drink and they say Behold, a Glutton an tmine hiitaker! alhR AsswiaRte o-f Trribute tinkets atid SitR-20 I-Vhen he began to censure tile CITIES h5 Whlict 7105T Osf hiS MItRAtLE~s had twen performied, Because they did not reform. 21 WAoe to thee Chorazi0! woe Its tltee, Beths-tda! For if THOSE MIRtACLES which are BP.,INGO PEYttFORMED inl yO1, liad bee-t done in 'lre a nd '-Sidou, they woutild long, since have reformntd in Sackcloth and Askis. ' 22 There-fore, 1 say to you, it will be tmt(reetldurabie for Tyre arid Sidott, iRI a hDay of Judgtnent, than for yotu. 23 Autd tboott CapernaUM, THOtU which art atNGREXA LTIF1 to HEAYvEN, 1wilt be lbrtugh~t dlown to tillades,; ford if THOSE 3IIRA.L1ES which are atINGO EIiRFORMIt~) itt thee, bhad Ueest done, in Sodoin, it had rensained till THISPAY. 24 But I say to you, Tietditt will he 15o0e endurable tos' tile Land of S:dorn, ill a4 Day of Judgaitit~t, than for thee."" 21 n15 tSCAIN,1tms v.s sai d. I adore thilde, 0l'a t1 er, LOt-~l Of H XA VRIN lad EARTH, Blecattse, liaviIng cca~tc'teld these tltilgsk front the Wise *tld Itttel, higscot, thol t hast Xexeale~j thwillt toIC hmhbei 22 Yes, TATISEt, YOethu% it Was wrell pleasing ilk thy sightt0" 23. Hades-frot a, not andI ideia to tee- and, literallyc means_ Astifese, asbte, iseieible. It Is fosund elttrea tlimes fri ile New 'lYestaemnt. lIt the klOmulon Verstot it is rendered grapein i (or.xrv.5-,and in all other places heiR; but thielattoer tauow univeeesa admittesq lobeattffncorreet translation. See Appecidix —wordhandev. y. lo Lakesx U, L 2~ 3'. Iasa ai. lZ; Ez~k. zxts5, 1. I ~pekq. x,, Chap. 11: 27.1 MATTHEW. [C/hap. 12: G..... vio ro TraTpos ptoV Kat ouvets e7r'j'yIvwatKet Tro by the fathier of me; atd no one knows tle viov, Fr ftI7 6 7raT7p' oUve rov raTrepa res T ErTson, if not the father; neither the father any one 'yivwTrKeI, eFt u1 6 vios, Kaz 'y eav StouAr7Ta knows, if nottile son, anll towhom mnaybewtlling 6 vios a7rOKcaAv/ai. A8 EcuTe rpOS Le 7Traves o the son to reveal. Come to me all the KOTtwvPTes Kai 7r(c!opTlta'eVOi, Kayw avairauarw toiling and being bur.iened, ald wrill cause to rest v6fas. 2 AparFe Tov Cvyu OYuov ef') bjas, Kai you. Take the yoke of me upon you, and iCa0eOET at' E/toU 6TL rpaos EFL/I, KL1 TraCeIvos be ifotrmed by ue; for ueek aina, and humble Tr7 Kap^a-. rtat EuprofeTe ava7ravatfv CTras iuvXats tothe lheurt; and you hall tind a rest to thle livea vpcwv. '0O 'yap '(u-yos,ov Xp71Tros, Ica TO of you. The lor yoke of me easy, aud the <>opTrov y /L feha)pov efCtv. burder of me light is. KE<. sf'. 12. 1 EY eKCtviy Tr Kaopp feropev0tu 6 lrcrovs,rots At that the season pa;ssed the Jesus tollhe aralSa._rS (ta trwv o ropIf Awv' ot fE paQO'Trat aturo istath through the cora-lields; the and dtciples of ham 7rfetvaa av, Kat rlptav'TO TlAAY orraXvas, Kcat were lungry, and began to plAlck ears of corn, and f0Otevy. 20i t e 4,apioaos i8OVTes, etIrOV aVTw) to eat. The and Pharisees seiug, said to lhin; I8ou, o /.lqr07)tTa aou iroovaotv, 6 OUK EJEOTT Lq, the disciples ofthee are doing, that ot is lawfiul 3o055v fv E aas3' y. 3'0 8e enfv auots' OVK to do on saiathb. He but said to them; Not aVCy7VWT, T eTrotlf7re Aavtu, 6or feretvaae, KaC have you known, what did David, when he ras hlury, and ot /AET avTov; 47rws Co f7rAOeYV CtS TOY O IKot thboe with hials? how he entered into tlhe house TOU Ofou, KaO TOUS apros T7)S 7' v rpO aEOwS e pal'yv, of the God, and the loaves of the presence did eat, oUs OVK ECOY t7l aVT) (tpayev, ouOe TOIS AIET* which n't lawful waa to him to eat, neither tothose with au'TOuV t { 7 TOIS lepeva'l iouVtS; 6H ousV hin, except the pinets alone t Or pot aveyvwcrfe T f TCvO, Y 6o o tT TOtIS q_ aqrtv oi ave yt read i the law, that to.tbe aulbath! the ifpElS fv Tr) fpif TO (raf0 3t aTo (33?o rAovat, CCfa priests in the tetple thie abbath violate, and avaCLLTo efri; 6Aeyew se V6iPu, 6TS TOv fepou blamelea ure t I say but tQ you, that f th temple 27;All things are imparted to me by my TATlriER; and no one, but tile FATTHER, knows the SON; nor does any one know the FATHIER, except the soN, nl(d ie to whom tile SON is pleased to reveal hlilm. 28 Come to me, All You LABORlNG and burdened ones, and t will cause you to rest. 29 Take my YO.E on you, and be taught by me; 1'or 1 anl neek and lowly 111 I E:A RT; and your LIVES will lind la Resting-place. 30 T For mly YOKE is easy, and my BURDEN ls hght. CHAPTER XII. 1 At That TIME +JESUS on the + SABBATH went thiough theW' TiLDS OF GRAINi; and hlis DISCIiP]iys were hulgry, and began to pluck otf Ears of Grain, und to eat. 2 Now the PHARISIEES, olbserving, sa.d to him, ' Behold, thly DISCIPLES Iare doing wlitt is not lawlul to do on a Saibbath." 3 But HE sai to-dThem, +"Ilave you notread what David did, when *le was hungry, and THOSE who were with himn? 4 how he t entered into the TABERNACLE of GOD, l:ed ate the LOAV ES of the PIIESEsNC, wlllch were nit lawiul for inm to eat, nor for TLOSsE who were with hin, but for the PRIESTS alone? 5:Or, have you not read in the LA w, thlat t tie PRIESTS in the wuePLX protfina the REST to be olscrved on the SABBATIIS and are blameless? 6 But 1 say to you. *VATICAN MANVUSCRIPT.-3. he was. t 1. 8ABnATu-w'ith us, Satnrday, or rather Fridiy at sun-set to.Saturday at sun-set, fbr thie Jevws reckoned. + t, Uy oomparipg 1 {anTr.xi:T__.;.anit Le'ifV. xxiV, it will tippe:r thai tVis also trianpired on a Sabbath. t.a From um, xvlii. 9, it appeara t;at twtaction il li muaweie saci'ificede ontl. ahb fjth, by which the ordinary work of the weok w a i.ibd- Cilpare EX5id. xlx. 8. - t 27. Matt, xxvilii 18 John iii, 251 vi. 46; x. 5. t 29. John xv. 3; Heb. iv 9-1. 30. 7 John v.'.. 1. Mark ii. 28; Luke yi, Dent, X;iii, 25* 8. SBam, xl, 1-4..b. 4eeY, t;t,- Num, Ixviii.,. Chap. 12: 7.] MATTHEW. Chap. 12: 18..,ieCI^ eTrLv woe. 7 Et e ef7V/ceKT, TI eOr lv' greater is here. If but yott had known, what is; " EXAeov OeA, Kcai ou OCrtaw' " oucK av Kare"Mercy Idesire, and not a sacrifice," not wotl(l you LscKacraTe TOus ayatTrios. 8 Kvpios yap eo't have condelned the blameless. A lord for is TOV ra,8l3a-ov 6 vios rov avOpwnrou. ofthe iabbath tthe sn of the man. 9 Kat euFTra3as ecei0evr, 7\eOCv etI T-7f (uvvaAnd passing on frotnthenlc, he came into the synawyrl.Y)v/ aUTWv. 10 Kai t3ou, ayvOpwCros 77V TYv gogue of theil. Anl lo, a lan there was the XEtpa eXW'V lqpav. Kat e7rippwao7Irav avTroP, hand' having withered. And theyl asked himn, eyovTYes' EL ee6 -t -rotS aaB3,aort Oepateveriv; saying; If it is lawftl tothe lsabbaths to heal? 'la iaT7)-yoprlcrf'L(Ti arTov. 11'0 8E Ci7reY auroLs' that they migllt accuse hi:. lie but said to them; Tts' crrai e 6Vfiwv avOpwi7os, 6s EceL TrpoaToYtV What slihllbe among you a nian, who slialllhave sheep Y, Kcat eata / a EuTreOp TouT rois ra3f3acrttL eIS one, and if llould falU this lo the -XtbtN inlto fiSOuvov, ouXi Kparo-'eI avro, eat e'yepeL; a pit, not seize it, and raise it up? 12loaor owut, a appei av9ppwros' rpoBarov; '(OTre Hoiw lmch then iosouloerior a mlaIn of aisheep? So that CeerTL TOtS i'rct 3ao't Kaws 7rolev. 13 Toe iisnlawful to the sabbath good to do. Then Aeyet TfP avOpwirCp"' EKTretVOv Twlv Xefpa C ou. he says to the man; Stretch out thie hand of thee..Kat ee'rettE'.Kai alrotcareoTraOa U'ytr7s, V's And he tretchedit out; and it was reetored whole, a I aAA,7. the other. 1401 8e 4aptolatot ~av,8ouvAovt eXafovY Kaar The then Pharisees a council held agnairt aVTov eff O~ovTres, 6tws aurov atro earwav. him going out, how hiia they cmiglt destroy. 15'0 8e IF1rovs yvovs aveXwpeaP'ev eKeLOev tIcat The but Jenus knowing withidrew frolu thence; and l4KcoAovuerl'av aurcp okoi 7rohAAor Kat eOepafollowed 'him crowds great; and he TrEVOfV aUTros 7rarIas, c16 t Ea rerTt/LA aev healed them alL and chareed avTrots, va t? epavsepov auTrov 7rotriawalv ii rcows tlem, that not known hliu they should make; so that Xr)olpwOt 'TO r pOev tia 'H cratou TOU irpoit might be fulfilled the word spoken through Eoaias the proOpsTrov, Ah yovTos' 1 88I, ' ras 6o e, 6 rs o 6v phet saying; "Lo, the servant of me, whom That one greater than the TEMPLE is i(re. 7 If, then, you had known wllat this is; ' I 'Idesire Compassion, and 'nlot a Sacrifice,' you would not have condetined the INNOCENT; 8 for the o.N of MAN is Master of the SAIiBATII." 9 + Andhavi.r 1 ftl tiat place, lie wtent into their SY AGOGUE; 10 anld lehlold, there was a Man lwho had *a withered Hanid. They asked J:sus, with a design to accuse himi,: " Is it lawful to heal on the SA BBiATI 9"' 11 And iti. answered thenl, ' VWat Man isi there amrong you, who, lhaving one Sheep, tif it fall into a it on the SABBATrH, will not lay hold on it, and lift it out? 12 Does not a Man greatly surpass a Sheep? Therefore, it is lawful to do good on the SABBATIH." 13 Then he says to the 'IAN, "Stretch out Thine IIAND." And he stretched it out; and it was restored to soundness, like the other. 14 Then the PHARISEES, departing, held a Council concerning him, how they night iestroy him. 16 But JESUS knowing it, withdrew fromt them, and * ntany followed him, and lie healed them all; 16 and charged them not to make hlin known 17 so that the WORD SPoKN thlroughl Isaiah the PitOI'IET nmighrt be verified, saying; 18 + '"Behold, my SEK *VATICAN lMANUSCaIPT.-10. a withered lIand. 15. many followed. t 18. The following is from the Septuagint version of Isa. xlii. 1, translated by Thompson:-"Jacob t8 Iry servant, I will uphold him; Ihrael is my chosen one, my soul hath el'braced him. I have put my,spirit upon him; he will publish judgment to the nat;ons: he will not cry aloud, nor urge with vehemence, nor will his voice be heard abroad. A bruised reed he will not break, nor will he quench smoking flax, but will bring forth judgment unto truth -and in his name shall the nations trust (or hope)," The words faeob and ISrael, added by the authors of the SeptUagi nt, have obscured this prophecy. H 7. Hos.. vi. Matt. ix. s3. t 9. Mark iii. 1 Luke vi,. 0 t 10. Luke xiii. 14; iv, 8; John ixl, 10. 11, Exod. xxii 4,5; Deut. xxii. 4. 18.!a. xlii. 1.., (I/tap. 12::19.1 MATTHEW. Chap. 12: 28. 6 tlfT Maet a E/07ffa "'VANT, whom I have rho.. 17pewTIra, -,yrno uv is6 F5K7-V1 Ihlae chosnet, the beioved of tee, ilk wthene taehe delight the:SPet, i)Zt BELOVED.i, 1l5 gmtX77 l iou' Osjaw i-o 7rev~ juo ai'al, whom. tike delight.: I soot ofeme; I williput the spirit ofine upo im,i "Will put t111Y SPIRIT tUpoi Et Ei.V 'OL Oa~~j ary~cel 9~ OW "him, and lie shall, proeed judg-Luent to the nations he all al hdelae. Net chniJttieoteNA Ti ON; S. EPLta61, ov&E Epattyatiei, on/te a~otia-e -ris eV 19 "He will inot strive he shell btrive, cor cry tout, nor shall heae anyotee in tenor cry out. nor wvill any 'rats 7r~a'rEiatS T775' (elv77i av'rolr "' KaAa,.iot'"n erhi ov. the wide places the votice orhise; a reed "tne OPearN i viARE. i having ben p ris/df not hat blall reake, atd flrax. 'roling/ cc 20 "He will not break hoigtnloi 1 o tehlheh tedaA lin sche a bruised Reed, and a evoa' ov o-/3~ea-w Ewv aly EE9ap Cl ViKLOT ':"dimly burning Taper lie T tot K eITI;.eilocchad h T oouTie foeth t etee "will not extinguish, till ert~' El~rV. ut repovo/La~ OlTOL e~'i~ "lie send fortli tile JUDOthle julgooo L. And to the ntue of hit nattoen "SIENT to Victor'y. cAtrzov'ri1' 21 " The itations also will hope." "'vll hiope itt his name." 22 MTien 1ttley broum.lit 22 TOTE 7rpoar-vFvXO- alTrre Sal/Jol'lO,.lE1OS, to hint a demoniac, blind 'filhe wtet hrought to hint a dettnuiae, and dunib; and lie cored TVIPXOS Kat Evpos' Kat &Edpan-revorev au'roa', '(r hint', so that * the 1DLMB hlied eel dteeh; aned ie hee-led tint, so titet mnan spake atid saw. TaO' TI)epaa' Kat KWt1tP' Eat AakEts' Kai f3AE~reta' 23 Atid All the PIEOPLE ette hlind antd duoch hoth to opeah end te see. with aniazeinent, asked, tKai e~tia-aVTrO wai'rep We oXAoi, Kat eXeiyove " Is this thle SuzN of D~aAttd wereawaeond nil ttte ceowdt, end salid; vid?" M7'r UTScal' v'g ~ut; 24 0I 85 24 But the PHAaRazais Net thin& is the non ]Devid? Thte ned hearing t hemi, said, "This ''apta-atat aKoO1TaVTC-S, 4EIVraa OdTOt OX EX- taita could hnot exptel Dx,. Photieesn hearleg, seid i This net MONS, except through (3aAkct 'Ta Batuavia, Els 7 ci' Tref BEc-4CfROvA Becizebul, tile Prince of cntts net the dmontos, if set hy the Beelzehet, the DE.tONS." apa't'-e'5idvta. 25 EtIsW$ BC tlTV 25 And * be knoin a prince of the demoens. Knownng bet the Jeses their tllcitglts saindunom 'rat ca'Otu.e1jrcis atulwa, elare-y awrotts. flao-a Ba- te,"or igo ttle tbhoughts of these, sold to theen; Eveery behin& divided againlst itvtAL-ta ueoptT6,lfta ga9' e'aUTms fp771AOU'a&, Kcat self, is desolated; and No kindom beig-dide agint isel, i Wdwase; ndCitv or Ihouse beino, dihiogdon heiog~otdtdSetest`sleiagaitestttd.. 7raera 7raXis a7 omai /AEpt6Eurcixr,caO iaVTrS, O, virie ag Isfssl, eant every eity nr hcose heingtivid-ed ngaiest itself, net stand. aaatca. S at i6ora'sws taraase 6 Now if the ADVERwillntteed. And if the tdoerseoy the nadversnry tA- epltehVR EOLJT~' 'iret' oa' a —a- sltY, lie is at vairiatice ecEaAAci, 4Et( ka~io ti~epieT07ai with inisef; ho the tosts nout, with himontl he isntvaeianece, 'new then 'ih isl;,hwta I~~'a i tiei auo; a Will INS 1 ItN DOM stand? 0 —eilrnto gle ha~iodota eaideu? A'7 aif It hyco 27 Besides, if I tinough wltadte KingAo ohi? Adt I byBeelzeeul expel D)EmoNS, Be~g~aA - 5i~oaia t vio A FLW thiroteht whomi do your Betltehol cont nout tL~e dentens, tlhe soee nf'yolo sisxtlteTee Ca''Tlt sc~a~ttst ~s 'anTa urt foee-, thbcd will be Your by wltot dontheycenti ttt? In tltis tlcey ef yot:Jtdes CCaOaTat scpirTat. tEL 8E * ci'ra'cvuarTl Ocot' E)W 2t'lnt fi lebf shaoil he judges. If hen hy spilit ofGOnd,I vin rB-tpeiftti e tylDit K/.3akAXw i-a 8aiuoaaia, apa eq/Gao-,Ea,t v~ine oouteruliloNS tbcn coot out ths tieuoens tien, ins suddenly conte amnntg +(111 OAL5AEr *VurTowIClAN 1AUCecas'-22. they brou;;ht. 22. the teas man spake and saw. 25. lie knowing. 1 28. See. note oni Boaileia, Mtatt. Wii 2. Itist not according to fact, to make Jesus nay that "the kingdoto of God len eome unto yon," as~rendezed itt the Common Versijon ari.d f ioed by modern transntolates. Tie coiltit~th chws thatt ourLord is speaking of hmef ThOese miracleq were proofs of Iliii Nlennialiship. Bee John!ii, 2j v. ltti vii. 111. 22. Luke it. t4. 21.. Mark ULit.22 Cap12291MATTHEW. [Chap. 12: 37. 8/a 7/0aCfi~ta ro00 Oeoo. 29 H 710) 8uvarat baa unexpectedly appear,,you the tmajesty of the God. Or how is ahle ed aniong you. Iris CUYCoeAEII tci 1.711 OLEICavrov0 IfrXopoo, Kait 29 Moreover, how can toy one to enter inot the hoose of the strongman~,, and any one enter the STRONOG 1.a 0,cOml cto-raov Biapwratoai, eaP I~ TW oP ne's DOUSE, and plunder the h~oosehlod stouf of him to ploeder, if tot fiost his GOODS, unless hie first 8 TPL0, 0d;KtSTTE121'0IL P~ bind the STRONG one? heehouohihid the stroegmao? ted thee the homse of him and then indeed lie may 6icepn-aoet. 'O 0 /14 Ott' /he1' C/JAO!), KaT' 4100o plunder his HOUSE. he shall plunedr. tIle not heing with moo, agoinot me 30 HE who is not with to-t-Ka 6 /d7j 0'0i'alywv /.ET' clJo!, (rKoP7riCEL. neisainst mnt; and weI is; ted he not gtthering with me,.cate.. Who GA7THISSR not wtth 31 Ata 1.00TO ACy U lY?/dt rlara C Ka1. iC~ tme, scatters. Therefore thio I gay to yoe; AUl a/ait an 31 t Therefore, I say to,8,acr(Poj/Ata aqtEetjtrE1.at 1.01 at'6pwtrots' 5 you, Though every other evil-speaking shoul he forojvon to the moo; the hot Sin and Blasphemy will 1.00 7F550/ta1OI AQ077/J~t 0K ~EOh~ea be forliven eto you FEN; of the spirit evil-speaking not shallibe forgiven yet tu~e BLASPHEMY oif *[ros ~p~rts] 32 Ka 6s' at Et1!7 the SPIRIT will, not be *[.g. sOwio ]Ao-YOV for'eiven. [to the loon,] oed who ever ooy speah atword r ICCLTC ro0u viou.00 eavdpatro:), Czq5CF077ctTaI at)Tff) 32 For whoever maty against of the son oithe moo, it shall he forgiven to him; speak a Word ag-ainst the 6s 8' as' eumri pca 70 TC~dTS70&10 SON of MAN, it * fWillhbe wh o oemypt Kagotto the oPIititrofth h~ aoly, forgiven him; hut litt who w0obu afevqer ay s'a agaistf, Othe spri of0/ thoe hoy may speak against the noti a~shtt~lheforaoo - ai~, o0.thoE isthitfTc aw i, OLT SPIRIT, w it Will inl notitshll e orivn t Min~the i tis the age, 0u. s.tIeAor. '3 o27i1e105J* no wise be forgivlen hint, nee n te co;;g. itoo o.s~eyet the too neither in tltis n1or in the 1.0' I~pt~l'00100 G~o' ~ loatinig AGE. gpvKtood, Knd th fruits of himi good; or 3 JEitluer call thie TREE good, ed thegood, atid its FRUrT good; lrot77eraTE TO 8ttEvapov (1r11pot', Kait TO0P KCI/JT01 or call the TREE had, and maheyoe tthe tree corrupt, anod the frutoits FRTbtd fc w 010 ttpO.CE ap 10 ptOD.08spo'know the TREE 'by the of hio Coerrupt; h toe thte fotit the tree FRUIT. 7yi1'CsowfCa. II. rEY'P?7nfaTC4 *X18PC0hJt' 7rws, 3 I 0 Progeny of 'Vipers! in knownr. 0 hroods ofvenomouoserpents, how t how can yon, beila o evil, Saao0 a-a~ Aaey woyepoi ot'res; CE -yap speakf gooti things. for oeeyoseiabe grood lthings) to speak, evil (tee) boing; tout of for out of the EXUBERANCE' 1.00 Wf'pIO0'CO/jaTO1.0 T775 Kap~tat' 1. 0Tnofpt axcet. of the BHEART the mouth thd fulenes of the heart the meoth speahs. speaks. 35,0 a-ya~os ass'pwsros CtC.00 atyct~ou 9t71(rapou 3.5 $ The nOOn Man1 out The good mn tout of the good teesurm Of his GOOon Treasure pro(e1CaXXes 1.0 a0ya060' Ka 6 11Ot77P05 at'OpWtOS duets *gtotd things; and hoings torth the good (thingo); and the eoil mae the EVIL 'Man out Of his lEN 1.00 W07royiJou0 O70Ltajpo crmjaAAci ro077/Ja. BAp Treasure produces estef the evil treasuoe hoiegs toeth evil (thinen). evil tltigs Ae-yw 8 e b jAiv, 6ri trat' jAmna ap-yov, 6 c a 38 But I say to. you, I nay hot te yoo, Shot every word Idle, whjioh if' That for Every pernicious aAZXICe00uP ot" C&POpswrot, aiotT0oCso0lRi, 7r'SPI Word which MEN niay toy seakt the men, theyeshot! givetaounto, coneeemiog utter, they shall he IRe001.00 Awyot' CS' p7/JC/pt E/ptOCo)' 3 Eic yapJ 1.,Tw sponsihie, on a Day of thin wot4 Ina oday ofttrial, By feo th Jud ment )ioWyatt'o,0 88EOa407fstO7ltT, ECU Ce Twtvk oywv ott 3r For by thy WORDS woedg of ttem the, nhltti he noqeitted, ted hby tha wordt of thee thjou Wilt he acquitted; teo1.~ti~t0Ot0i7.and by thy WORDS thou the,, ilhnh he cotedetned, wilt he condemned.t' VATICAN4 MAwNUemIPTr-31. to YOU MRS. Si. to maoso-oitw. St. not be ftrgiven him, 352, In no wise he forgiven him. ill. tf the aaCAeR-Oeot. 35. good things, 32. The Vat. M555. here reads t"it shlall sot be fbrgle hm5 hc is cotayt what is started in verse 51 and iteo parallel je=nge In Luke Oi. 10. Probably it Is an error of the transcriber. tl'or this reasoa it senot been inserted in the test. St3. Mark 111.28; Luke ill. 10 I Johtn v.10 t 83. MatS. vii. 17. LukqY1.g 44 ~84.5lK$S, M 7,2Xil.W,;SL Luke VI. 40. I ~~.~ haf. 12: 38.] MATTHEW. Chap. 12: 45. 38Tore aireCpoea7aY a raves mu V yparctrew; 38 Then some of tile Then answeered some of tle scrites -CIEIS *answered hliml, *[ga t aptbraiwv,] ASyoVFre AyainaKX, e Y Saiy;g, "Teacher, we de[and Pharisees,] saying; O teacher, we sirc to witness a Sig oCuev a7o aou ov a77Juov t ievl. 3''O 3e aoCKsOeis iom thee. " wish fron thee a sign to see. Ile but amlvering 39 Iut HY answering, el7rsy auroIrs revEa xroPrpa ata,uotXah ts fr- sa'd to thlem, "A wicked Sanrd faithless Generation said to them; A generalon evil and alulterous a Ild tithless Generatlon rotI E7IO7S TG- KE a awep our b00 F'aL avr- 0delnin0ds' a Sign; but no Sign will be given it~ exsign detmands; and a bign not shallbegivPn to er, i l gen It, (u7 TO T77FLeO Irca 'rov rpa^rov. 40 n^fp cept tile SIGN of Jonah if not the gn ofJonas, the prophet. Likes 40 F oras Jnah 40 + For as Jonah was -yap v Iwvas cVY 7,7 K7 oIAt 70TV K7)ro0vs rp7f Three Ilays and Tlree for was Jon;s in the helly ofthe fish three Is n lA e ae Nights in tile STOMACH 71te-paS Ka TpEIS YUKrasI OVtwS FeTo a 6 sOas of the GREAT FIS roH SO of the snoaT fis; so dny, nnd three nigtts^ so shall be the son dTyu neat thece T iitn to t b will the SON of SIAN be oU avpno e P KapT5a hr77-s Y7S 7perS 7tepas Three Days anld Three oft.he man i the heart ofthe earthi three days N ts ii tae hEART of Kat Tpets VuKras. 41 Avpes NivteUvta aVa '77-r- tle EAPTnH. and three mights. Men Ninevites shall stand 41 l e Ninevies will Tovract EY Tri IcpioeL eTa 7r)$ yef/cay rav77rS, sta. d up in tlhe Juc. up ill the jildgment agailst the generation of this, st ili Kar maraNcIPvou t~iY aUT777/- 6-ri Arevo-qo-ax. BIENT;gamnst iliaa GENae KaEatc~ptvouv ar77V" 6Tt iletEV070av IElnATi;o, and cause it to and sh;l. Iivejtudgientagainst her; for they reefrmed he crndelnd; s ior tley Ets T70 1c7)vy,.ta Iwva' Kat t85o' 7rAtiov Iwva Woe. refornICedt the \WANING at the pre:lching ofjouas; and lo a greeter of.loJa here. of Jonah; ar.c bellold, 4' BaerkAsiraa voroiu ETep0l7r7Tat ev T7 Kcp(Tei sonmetllint' grcater thua ~tucen of solth sha:lrise tp in the jgtltnent Jolr;ll iSle:,ueta 7rrS yevfa raUvrrs7, IcaIt t KaraKptve t 42 $The Queen of the against the generation oftl.i, ald hall give judgment ngiintt.outIl atill rise Up at tle aVTrrv7 6T-t 7iAe0V i c.rcov trparwtC 'r7s 'Y7 JI)UD;GMENT agio:nst tllis lher, for she came from tle C ote ds of the arth (NEIATION, d cause atco:.rat 7r'v oPa's av OAo(owAvoS' Kat t6ou, srAeaov it to be condemned; for t. hear tl.e wis:loun of Solomon; and lo, a greater slle cau:e from a nlSTA-T 2oo/:00ooo cdjSe. 3'Or7.v 8f T0 aKa9Uapo0 I.pAM) to hear the wisof So!iumon here. When but the unclean 1)(>It of Solomon; and bewevfela eheAO;r a. o 7ro avOpwarov, 8icEpXEra hhld, something greater s;iit tnny cote out from the oman, it wan.leel about tll;t Solononis here. t' aRybp:' ro;rwv Cr77rovv aCvarauvot, cat OJ 413 When the IMPUnE thr tlt dy places seeking a resting-place, and not Spirit is gone out of the ebpictr;ci. 4TorE Xeyes' ErlfTperic/W cIs rov MAN, it roves through it finds. Then it ays; I will return into the Palrched Deserts, seeking o0Kov IAO, b6ev CfE Oov. Kat fA\ov efplaKeto a Place of Rest, and finds house of me, whence I came. And coming it t it not. erXoAacora, acreaapwfaEcvoV, eal KeFco00PrJdAeEo0,. 41 Then it says, I will it being empty, having been wept, and- having beemetin order. return to my HOUSE, 4TTorE 7ropvcucra, Keat 7rapaAa.lptavei Ec0' tavrov whence I came. And Then It goes, and takes wth coming, it findc it empty, etrTra rEpa rvev/ara, 7rovIrpolrepa iavrov, at swept, and furnished. seven other spirits, more icked of itelf, 'ant 45 It then departs, and:f;rehAovra icaroLKEt EKEL' Kcat -ytI rat ra takes with itself Seven they entering finds an abode there; and b.contes the Other Spirits,mOrewicktd * VATICAN lMANuscRaPT-.- S. and 1Iha;ris-ees —oait. 28. answeredl him, saying. t 8S. This was a demand often maole —ee latt. xvi. 1,Mark viii. 11; Luke xl. 10 —and prolhally founded on the prophecy of Dan. vii. 13, which describes the Son of Man as coming in the clouds of heaven. it was almost a chotlteristie nf tho Jews to agk a sign. See 1 Cor. i. 22. They demanded one from henoeen-scomc relesfiql p:ientlmenon-which would be the strongest test of Jesus' pretensionls.-lloomfie7d. t 40. That is, simply, in tAe earth. So Tyre is s;id to be in the heart,f tle sea, Ezelk. xxviii. 2, although it was so near the continent, that, when Alexander hbeeigdd it,:'. carried a causeway from the land to the city.-Trollope. t 42. Il the Old Testanicnrit-S*eta. S 38. Luke xi. 2.; 0. Matt. xvi.. 4.. 17. 41. Jonah ii.5. t 42. 1 Kings x. 1; 2 Chron. ix. 1. 43. Iluke xi. 24. Chap. 12: 46.] M ATTHEW. [Ciap. 13: 4. ~av7i scat the blade and fiuit yielded, then appeared also TO C Cavlta. 27 I hpoatrefopfCs 5e ol ouXAo 7ro the darneL Coming and the slaves ofthe o0(co3eOarorovo, uErov av7-' Kvpte, ovuX Kcaov householder, said to him; O lord, not good onrepf.a Ero-Tfpas fv c oT rt, atyppe; wro ev ovvY EXt seed didtt thou sow in the thy ield? whencethen hasit iavta, 'O e e Sep7 aurois' EXOpos avOpaoiros darnel? He and said to them; An enemy a man TO7r7 E7TOlflo'ev. O1 se 8ovAot titrov auTP' this has done. The and slaves said to him; O Aezts ovv arteA6o9vTfS ou\lAAftwEuv auraa; Dost thou wish then going forth we should gather them? 9'O e0 E fj' Ov', wUrore, orvuXA yoVTes T a ('CaY(a, He and said; No, lest, gathering the darnel, Etpewoa'rfTE ato aua roLS TOv orlroT. 3 Af>eTf youshouldroot'ip with them the wheat. Leavethem oupauvavareaO t atszporepa pUeXpl TOU OeptOUovto grow together both i til the harvest; Kai K caipeqp Trov epILTAOU epwf 'roTs eprrTa1ls' and in time ofthe harvest I-willsay to the barvesters, ZuAAetaTre vpwcroty ra tcayla, Kait 6roa-are Tura Gatheryolt irst the darnel, and bindyou them eig SEaCtas, 7rpos TO 'KcaTaKtawota avTa-' 70Tr O into bundles, for the to burs them; the but oiToy oruva'ayeaETE Eti Tlrv affoO7K1C7 jV tOv. wheat bringtogether into the bhra of me. lAAAX yv rapafoAlty inapEf87rKs auvrotS, Afywv' Another parable he proposed to then, saying; 'O* ou1a ffrTsy iq S8aaltleta ariv ovpavwv KOKICK Like is the kingadom ofthe heavens to a grai ovtartewS, 6AayauoY. atvOpw(s n7rwftpey fcl T(P of mustard, which taking mau' sowed ij the considers, but obeys the WOAD. 24 He proposed to them another Parable, saying, The KINGDOM of. the HEAVENS anay be compared to the FIELD in which Ihe Oi acr osowed Good Grain: 25 but while the MEN SLEPT, His ENEMY came and sowed t Darnelamong the WHEAT, and went away. 26 When the BLADX shot up, and put forth the Ear, then appeared also the DARNEL 27 And the SERVANTS of tile HOUSEIOLDER, coming said to him, Master, thou didst sow Good Seed in THY Field; whence, then, has it Darnel? 28 He replied, an Enemy has done this. * And THEY say to him, Dost thou wish then, that we should weed them out P 29 And JiE said, No; lest in weeding out the L)ARNEL, you also tear up the WHEAT. 80 Let both grow to. gether till tile BAavEST; and in.the TIME of HARVEST, I will say to the REAPERS, First gather the DARN;EL, and lind it in Bundles for BURNINo;:thlen bring together the wheat into ly GANARY." 81 t Another Parable he proposed to them, sayilg; 1Te KINGDOM Of the hEAVENS is like to a Grain of Mustard, which a Man planted in his FIELD; * VATICAN MAsBacalr.-28. And xasn say to him. t 2. A plantwhicht bearsastrikingresemblance to wheat. The ftllowing remarks by H. B. Hackett, will folly illustrate this:-" In passing through the fertle country ofthe ar cient Philistines, on thesouth of Palestine, [ siskedthe guide, one da;, a native Syrian, tf he knew ofl pant whlch was asp to make its appearance amog the wheat, and which reSea0le itt iamuck that it coud bard'.y be distlnguished from it He replied that it w. vey colahmo,. and that he wou d sooshowr me a specimen ofit. foon afterthh he pol&ted out to mtneo ofth'.sgra" growingnearour pth- and afterwards, havtingonce seen i 1 found it I a'mostere: tie where [ searched for t. Except thit the stalk wea not)t 2'ih, it Ppperred ctherwlse preciFelylike wheat, just Pl tie e begs hei how t shw tcmsnelve* a^*l the ke-ne's pref wehe'in out into shape, I collected e"0-e speeimens of t":; deepitfUi "RatSai!ve found, on showing them to frends, th.t they have imtoast a tiali uite 4 *aieiS-l:''ome species of grain, such a wheator barle. -: Ilamti, 12 $ 81. Mark ls. 3i0 ltfiuki l.a, I. * p.al 13: 82.] MATTH EWT. [ Cp: 13: 89. *aeyprp Tbrou. 32 '0 fJlKpo EpoV ev fsarT wavTrwVY 39 which indeed is one field of him. Wlich lea indeed al of thle tleast ofAllsEErs; 'rlwv o'7repaiaT ' i ray 8e avor70p,!eitTov Ncv but when grown it is ofthe seeds; wherl but itmay begrown, agreater ofthe larger thlan any HERB, Aa)avviu ea'ri, ar 7yiVeRLrarrt epop, o'are feAOet t and becomes a Tree, so herbs is, and becomes atree, so that tocome that the BIRDS of HEANra reEreia Trov oupavou, Ica KcraTre'frouo v er EN e come and build their the birds ofthe heaven, and to make nestt in neSts o. its BRANCHES. 'rois KcAaoos avtov. 33 $ Another Parable the branches Ott. lhe spake to them; "The 3 AArAv 7rapao\X77v eAaA7rfrfe avTroLI 'Oocta KINGDOM of the HEAVAnother parabl e he pake to them; Like 1N resenbles Leavej, 'trtV 7 fiaoR tatrnwv ovpaYp 7vv fLy, r7v ay3oura!whlchl a Wonman taking, is the kingdom of the heavens toleaven, which taking nilnCled in tllee_+ lefyvyr seEcpvc> etis. ahevpou ov aTa Tpa, &ws obu sules of Meal, till the a woman mixej in of meal ueaaur~ three, till of it i whole fermented.' 'vEwo 7 6.ov, 4 Tata 7rayTa cEAa^ o-' v ABltlese thin JEwas le:vened whole. These all epake the c nicate sts communicated to the Iralrous Yev rapC aoa.s Wroi oXIAoT KBct XpIS CRSOWS n11 Parables, and Jesus in parables to the crolws, and witelut a parsn 3 C without a Conmparison lhe 7ratpaoA7is ouec eAaAet arotis OTreS rW r)- taittht them not; aparable not he spake totlhem; so that it lmigt t pcDw to 3bj8v ol& Trov irpo'oirov, Aeyoiros' 35 so tlat the wonD be fulilled the word spoken through the prophet, raying. SPOKEN throuth the PRtOAYOitlr Ef vta'p oAas rTO -oT Moo' Cp- PIIET nii"lt I)e verified, "AVot.~a ev ~rapcoIs'0',ACS T OU' ep tc.1 -"Iwililopea in parables the.naoitl ofme. lwill saying; It"I will open Io/iCt KeKpviu.jesa ae r Karao^X ro I ",lly nlouth in parahles, openly deltre. thiugahavingbeehidh froma a legsuning "I will oplelyd decllare *rKooou ("thinlgs haviill, r hen hid ofthe world.] "from the beginning." 36Tore afPets Tovs ox.Aous, AOfv ets rr v 36 Then * JESs learThen leaving the crowds, went into the ing the PEOPLE, retired to OItiiav 6 Ilr)ous. Kar wpotrlAoov avtur ol the hOUSE; and his dis-.house the Jesun. And eame to hbi tie ciples applrOaUhed hlll, fArO7TraL aurov, AEyovreFs" 4ap op'o cLtEv TtlV saying, 'Explain to us disciples o(fhim, saying; IIplait to vua the the P\RATLi, of thCe uAIVrapaB0o&k7y Twi aitiWof rov crypov. 3 '0 e N EL in tho iLELD." parable ofthe darnel of the field. He and 37 He answering, said, a'rotcptOets caTrev *[avrois'] '0 u'reIpwp TO "He wao sows the sC,6(D answering said [to them;] Me sowag the See othe f MAN; I oo eSred ti the oson of the man; Sto V ~repta a, eettri! v o~0 ro v oavpoo' 39 & SE^EMT who 06 te, aypovn, et tw 6 coamos- To, WOULD; the ooi~ Seed ~oodse aypos, Eorr~ b xoayCos- 7o be natov are th, osoftlle lN( the avd Alid, ia the worldt the and good te t te; arpKuafi o Orwre[ea fwls a-t s Babrtas' DOM;llth en T.VoET, are the SON S of tie Eai'll one:.reed, they are the soua oftha aingdsan; the e aiCana, Mfarl ot viot TOV teO iPOt' 8391 u e I THA T lNEMY who and darneL. are the aone ofthe wicked(one); the ad SOWED thenl is tile D*XOpos, r6 artlpc e au'ra, fEsrtI 6 v AlaAr eAos VEBSARYa; the HARVet S' enemy, he aving sowa them, is the advesary; th ad is the End w t the A LAe epnaedot, tV t EAiuL TOOU f alO'O - eTn ' Oi ot and the REAPERS Ire Miesharvoet, nd of the age a., the and seugers. vtASCaW Maiic ea tCiTA,-8" ofthe Warld —oiit. 84. he leut bi. ho tiaemo —Ot. >.'ao t 82.-Thatis, of II t'ose seeds with which the people ofJuIea were then acquainted. 0u Lord's words are to be interpreted by popular use. And we learn fom Matt xvii. SO tbho tie a grain of mustaud ceed was become proverbial fbr expr.essino a very small. nnityt.Ce. mbell. t a2. Ab e beeomP atree. It attaatns large sze in hdea. Lgh foot says, R. Simeon Ben Chalaphta mentions one "into wuhit he was wont to climb, as men are wont ta climb into: fi,-tree." rleneh qertes a tl"*elerin Chili who lnnd ridden under one...3. A measure containing about a pcrk and a half, w:antinK a littlc. more thau a pinit.. The afthem made an ephh. t 5. 85. I wi open mV month in narales: I will nitter dark sayInrs Mcteh kose been from the beginning." —Sir Z. C. t 1treatoas &Ptjw Fgt translation of Ps lxvill. a. *, hLX Xtit. V0 Z, E'Prsal 2i.'',' CMap. 13: 40. -.IATTHEW. - ' hap. 13: 49. - -- OfpiarTai, ayye77A eiatv. 4'0'aTfrp- ovV ovArealers, messn gers are. As therefore are AEye'Ta Ta tLavlatl, CKat WUvp Kaie'rar ObTWS gathered the darnel, and in afire are burned; so cT'oat ev ITp ovvrTfAeE TOU aCiwvos TVTOV. will it be in the end of the age this. 1 AToao'TeAeE 6 vios Tro avOpwcrou rovs ayyfAovs Will send the *on of the man the messengers bUrov, Kat oruAAetovoatv ECc 'Tr77,fiar irms avrTOv of him, and they will gather out of the kingdom of him Travra 'a frfavlaaAa Kai rovs 7rotovvTaS TrlV ayoall the seducers and th.oe working the law2It it, 42 tat aAXovtpv avrovs eIs Tr7v icatvov lessness, and they will cast them into the furnace roV 7trvUpos' Kf I eTat 6 KcavuO.os Kai 6 opvyeyos of the fire; there shall bethe weeping and the gnashing rwv o0ovrwv. 43 TOTE O 8iCKaCIO fKAEaK UOVoiL, of the teeth. Then the righteous shallshine, s 6 ilAtos, ev T'71 fartiAei t v To 7rarpos avTwv. as the sun, it the kingdom of the father of them. 0 eXowv wOra *[aKcovEv,] aCKOvUTW. He havilg ears [to hear,] let him hear. 44*[HIaAIv ] oota Eo'T iv,j aoArfLa t r7coy [Again] like is the kingdom of the oupavwt, Oraloavpyo KcecpJuLefY, eMv rq aCypq, 6v heavens to a treasure having been hid in the field, which eubpvo acOppwlros eKcpv*e, Kat. aro Tr7s xapas fidindin man he hides, and from the ' oy avTov W'raye, Kai 7ractva 6ara ffeXetrw st, EKa of him le goes, and all as much a he has sells, and ayopaczit ov aypov ECeivov. buys the field that. 4 IhlaAy 6Auota eOTrrv ' BaaotXea Twv ovpavav Again lile is the kingdom of the heavens *[avopwor),] e/.U7rop?), 7TrovrTI KcaXovs /Aapaypl[t6 a man] a merchant, seeking choice pearls. 'Tas. 46 E Epwy 5e Eva 7roAvTrit/uv /apyapTrr1v, Finding and one costly pearl, reAOOwv 7rfrepaKfe rav7 a 6ara feX, Kait 7lyopagoing he sold l as much as he had, and bought rev aCvrov. it. 47 ItaAtv 6oaeo a eaTIv B9aaiXeia Twv ovpavov Again * like is the kingdom ofthe heavens aay7TlvP, BA77Oeta0r) ets T77v OaAar'Tav, Kae elK to a drag-net, being.cat into the sea, and Of ravrTOs 7evovs 0vvayayovaur 4s jv, 6re e7rXvevery kind' bringing together; ' which, when it is pow07, avatLSaaravrTs$ erti rov ayitaXov, cKai full, draing to the shore, and Kaaravr es"'u'vveEfav ra Ka' a eis ayyera, ra sitting down 'they collected the good into vessels, the 'e aflrpa emw eBjatov. 409 OTwS f-Tat ev 'rT but bad away they cast. So it will be in the 40 As therefore the DARNEL is gathered and burnled in a Fire, so will it 1)J in the END of *the AGE. 41 The SON of MAN will Isend forth his MESSENGERS, who will gather out of his KINGDOM All SEDUCERS and INIQUITOUS PERSONS; 42 t and will throw them into the FURNACE of FIrE; there will he the WEEPING and the GNASHING of TEETI. 43 "Then will the RaIffTEOUS he resplendent as the usv in the KINGDOX of their FATnER. H1E who HAS ears, let him hear. 44 The KINGDOM of the HEAVENS is like a hidden Treasure in a FIELD, which, a Man finding, lie covers up, and, frosm his JOY, he goes and sells all that lie has, and buys that FIELD. 45 Again, the KINGDOM of the HrEAVENS is like a Pearli of Great value; 46 which t a Merchant, who was seeking Choice Pearls, having found, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. 47 Again, the KINGDOM of the HEAVENS resembles a Drag-net, being cast into the SEA, and enclosing fishes of Every Kind; 48 which, when it is full, they draw to. the SHORE, and sitting down, gather the GOOD into ressels, but throw the UssLESS away.. 49 So will it be at the * VATICAN MANvsRIPT. —40. the AGE. 43. to hear-omit. 44. Again-omit. 45. Man-omit.-: t 40. To translate aiooo, by the word world, has a tendency to lead the reader astrfy. lNo less than thirteen different meanings are.attachedto tthis word, in the Common Version. The meaning is age, and this rendering can alw.ys be understood.. The context will determine, generally, what age is referred to-the Jewish, Christian, Messianic, or the endless succession of ages. For further remarks, see Appendix. t 46. Such as tthose found In She Eafssi,.ho travel about buying or exchanging jewels, pearls, or other valuableb, 41, Matt. xxil. 7. $ 43. Matt.iti.2. i. t 43. Dan. xi. 8..: *.MaaP. 13: 50.1 - MATTHEW..[CMap. 13: 58. evvyereXcta lrou ruteoos. - EEX~cruoorai o! a'y-yeend of the tye. Shtlt go'toeth' the meesenAot, KiCt a~optouci rovs srovflpots eic /ArOOV roW gee, and * -il separate the wicked feom among the BlK~aLCOVe so Cat 8ra~ova'ty av7'ovJFEisT7f fitICal~ll/ov -just, and shalltcast them into 'the urnioce 'TOV srupoSr KC1 Et rai 6 'Kc~auOe1A05-Kal 6 j~prypxss of the Sere; there wilt be the weeping and the gnashitg 'rcsn 050Yrrwv. 61*[A..yet av'roi's 6 lsjo'ovs.] of the teeth. [Says to them -the Jesus.] vul'7 K -rc E rcTavra Travra; Ae'yovata' clivT~p Itne y~ououderretod theie things ill? They~ coy tohimo; Nat [sKupic.] 6'5-O 3e;' (17EV atrrOLS- Ata ToUT~O let LO lord.) He then soid to them; Theeefore thin ras 'ypcat/.areuS, /AaOfireuOEtF n 9rOIattett -rcoy' ecery scrihe, heinginetroeted tothe kiogdora of the.0UPavcP.tv, 6AotOS earlyV., avpwonrqp 0ucK3eMlrTl-p, heveons, like is tonaman:nohouseholder, s60orss eic13Xc1AE CE -rot, 077otwupov -ab5roU Kateca who I biogs out ot the trenocey ofthim new icat ira~aat.t and old. 63 Kat e-ycevcr, 6TE IF-EAEO eyz' 1.6,r )o v s Tasi Aod at eaaoe to pan., when had concluded the Jesus the 7rapC5(3Oast sratrTas, /.tErpT7 EIOCE ' Kt at ponin threse, he deported theoce. An EXdcvv EtS TrOV iraipt~a cajrov, *8taqerEevaurour coming eatsi he cocotey of hiiii, he taoght them 4EP Trfl ouvya-ywiy? PIW, ~ EarA V717TEO*w. in the evnagogoe of themn, eo no to tstonish atrrou'i, Kat Ac'ytue. floofy Tovref,~ crloc/na them, and -o osay. )rence Ohms the wisdom scTqiat, at' Zu'a4tcts; *Ol)X OUI'tos ECrTIV this and theE powesse? Not this is the. Tof theICOPOg Vies; ouXt 17 A71,)-7,11 auVrt0 Ac-yerat ftecarpenter son? not the mother ot hima is called M n-u;KaeL oi a~IEA45ot uv CL TU Iaiwf~os, scat S.ay?, an the brothers ofthm Jamies, anod ir at Ztecstv,,att lov~aus; Ksai ate aleAePat J ones, atd Simon, anod Judos? and thce siseree aurov ovX& rad-at 7rpos 77As flearc t; 7ro00v out' a? himt net noi with ue sree P wheonce then erourrt, rau'rva irav-ra; *7rtc~as'ayAX1CJvrT c V thiste thene all? And' they. found a difficulty in vwurtp. '0 8e bprosn; 'r'y aol-ots-' 0vc (Otm himo. The and Jesus said to'theni i Not is %wpotp~,rSqs artgoso, et jv7j CI' I5 * parp l ca4 rv a prophet osih~onreit,. it no5L in tlv coontey,.of him, Kcat cvp-y oociti ctbrou. tKai ovk eir014~17e5P sand in the bouse- ethics. And nor he did do thdre mighty wocka. many, heckuss at tie - unhelietfof ay~rcev. them. END of the AGE. The MESSENGERS Will. go forth, attd will separate the WICKED from amiong the RtGHITEOUS; 50 and will titrow them into- the FURNACE Of FIRE; there will he the WE'EPING and the GN-AsitING Of TEETH. 51 Have you underttood all titese thingt?" They answered, 11Yes." 52 Then uE said to them, " Every Scrih~e,.therefore, being, instircted -*in the KINGDOMt -Of the 11EAVENS, is like a Hoiusehtolder, whio pr~oduces front hiS TREASURY, 'new things and old.".53 And it occurred, white JESUS had concluded tisese FARABLES, he departed thence. 54 $And camin into till1s OWN. CITY he so taught the inhabttants in tleici SYNAGOGUE, tltat titty were astonished, and said, "Whseitce Itas this Dlan, this WISDOM, and these MIRACULOUS POWERtS? 55 1 Is not thris the CAnPENTErR'S sON? is not hitS SOTIIER called Mary? and do not )itis BRtOTHIERS, Jatnies, and.T oses, and Sinion, and Judas, 56 and all his fSISTERS, live wilth us? Whecr~e, then, has lits all these 57 And' they stumhhld tit ltim' But JESUs said to thlem, "iA Prophet is not witlhout honor, except in his OWN COUNTRY, sant Isn his own VAMILY." 58 t And lhe did not perform atany Milracles tlte're, because of their UNBELIEF.. VATICAN )CaieueCaxs.T.-tI1. JIesee Osay to thelm-nine. 51. Lord ---onst. 52. In. t 56. I hat is, Nazareth, where he bad been brought up, Luke tv. 1ll, 23l. t 55. Jo. seph-sa rc~,d ishii, ichendo:?, a-id Titt-mn. t il. According to Theophylact. ihe umames of the sisters of Jeous were Mary and Salonme. 554.- lkltt. I.I.; MSark vh.l. t 551 John YK 4i. 57. MattS xiLS; lsa. VII 141 Itoin.iL92, 3; 1Peter IL8 &- Mark vi. k 8. ha.p. 14: 1.)] MATTHEW.. C~'Map. 14: 19. Kbbf. is'. 14.' 1EY EKEL5O9 'TV IcaipVf?71tco 0ev enpwas 6 'At that the time heard Herod the TeTpatp(13 Tny aEony Iqo~ou, 2Kal Wr71 TOIS tetrarch the faote ofJesut, and seid to the 7ra1Ots' G~TlOV' OUTOS 4EOrTIP IcetQtt')S 6 $rurTtohrjs serveots of hime This is Joho the dipper; anTS r-epe77 acO. TOWV PE1CpfaH, Kfit SaourO at' he israised from theo' deed, and therefore this the auvalZAcis El'Ep7ov4tiY EM aUTrr. 3 'O eygp 1HpcAi~s, mighty powers wort to him. The for ilerod, KpaT770GS T01'c laMvv77, *871tOEy aVITOP, Kait eOETo seizing the John, hadhbound him, andl put el'pv KUG~p &a Hpw~lta aTa' yvsatsa slosAin prison, on accouteof Iterodias the wife of in-rov Trou a~empou avrotu. 4 e-ye -yap avrcTV 6 Philip the teother ofbhim. Had seid for to him the lwatVl?7s5 OtK eteartL O-t EXEL)' atT77I'. Kret * John; Not it is lowful to thee to here her. And OtXcovP cttrov alr0KCTelrctl, stflo$71071 TOY5 OXXOVe eeishing him to destroy, hie feored the people, 6Ts 4C-s 7rFPO-hT?77 aGTOM C-XP 6S revEa-tws' se foe as e prophet him they esteemed. Birth-day of hot a-yo/.eEVWP TOV 'Hp~ovo, wpX77aT0 7 Gu-YaTl77p waheinglheld of the Herod, deored the daughter 'r77s lif~cv~ita~os eSv Twff u.eaf1 ftea 71P*0'E TV9 of the Iterodits in the midst; aod plreasd the 'Hpco& p 0J E e ' 6 t o &,s ~ oey atuTV lerred; wherreupon with aneoath liepeomised to l~ee 8ovvat, 6 eap a17-71orjrTi. 8 H &s, lrpo3tto gite, whet soreve she moight ash. She sod, heiog Rao-0eto-a 6710 'r1z eA?77P-po ~QU71, Aor /AOt, icrierd hy the mother of her, Geve to me, tq 57),tiY, fW 8E 57ri6 7Ttti~ t T71Y1 xc4)faA I7l.'IW GP OU 'TOt she ssid, here upon a plate the heed of John the IRawr-rTrou. 9 Kai eXv7r?70fl 6 fOatrsAEvs- 3tt se dipper. And was sorry the king; heroues of hot TroVs 6picous Kcai 'TOUS tvvavctcE/IUEPOUS, eKethe oaths sod those reclining at toblr, he coemn AeWT-E 4O'qva't. '('Ka 7rE.4/fts arltFKEtlpaAlO-e mooted it to he given. And seoding lie roe off the heed of TOY' Iceal'nyP EJv 'T j fIIAaq 1 Kait 7?veXB?71 the Joho io the prison. And wos hrought the KEj~aX71 aZUTov Slt riTWcSiC ICa5 SaWf 'Tfwt Kopa- i heed of him oo a plate, sod it was gireo to the little (Ttr ic t ~ V~ 7 S T p071rp t ct 'O7S. 12K a t irpo o - girl; aod she hroughtit to the mother of her. Aod comi. 0A0oy'res o' ua07yrat aueorv n7pa' TrO acopa, Kcce Cothe diseiples of him leook the hody, sod they a~itu au-ro' Kcai eAOO ovrSs TVrr') ~ ~ lv 9 17 -Oov. honied it; sod departiog they told it to the Jesus. CHAPTER XIV. I At That TIME, Tilerod the t TETRARCHI, ileatr, ing of the FAME Of Jesus, 2 said to his SERVANTS, "Tiis is John the im. mERsER; 1)f is raised froiAx the DEAD; and tilerefore MIRACLES -are performedat by 11i11." 3 For $ HLEROD * thet had caused JohNrr to be seized, hound, and put ig * PRISON, on account of t Hlerodias, hiS BROTHER 4 for John had said to hlim, t "It is not lawful for thee to ilave lier.tt 5 And wisiling to kill him, hie feared thse PEROPLE, - *Because they esteemed hill as a Prophet. 6 But wilen HEROn'S Birth-day was kept, the t DAUGHTER Of lIERtoDa, AS danced in the IIDST, and pleased IIEROD; 7 whereoin lie promised with tin Oath to Five liar whatever she auigist request.I 8 And SHE, being instigated by her MOTHER, said, " Give me htere, on a Platter, tile HEAD of JOHN the isaimERsER." 9 Asid tue *KRING, being storry on account of the OATHS and file GUESTS, commlanded that it should ha given lhar. 10 Accordingly, by his order, JOIINH was beheaded in the PRISON. 11 And bis HiEAD was brought on a Platter, sand presented to the GIRL; and sue carried it to her *MOTH-FR. 12 And his DISCIPLES cooling, carried off *the DEAD-aOnY, and buried oVATICAN MANuscoReP.-3. then had. S. r aIaisoe. 9, RISO, being sorry on accouset of the OATHS and the GUESTS, commanded. 12. the DAsD-Bomr. i I. Properly, the Flovernor of the fourth p art of a country; co mmonly used an a title InferIor tosaXN, andadenoting chief ruler. The person her-espoken of was Antipas,a son of Itered the Great. The name xrIGis sometimes gIven to tetrarchoi. See veroe 9.-Gee. Campbell. I S. PIle hod married a dau~rhter of Aretas, an Arabian prince, whom hee put away, after he had induced fierod~as to quit her husband; this occasioned a war between Hierod and Aretas. t 6. Siamod Salomne, daughier of Hierodias, by her forizer hUsband.-Josephus, Ant, xvili. v. 4. 1. Mark vi. 14; Luke I x. 7. 5. arke vi. I17 Luke El1. 1I, 20. t 4. Ler xvffi. 10 I x. 21. IS, Matt. xt0 28; Lu —e xx.,0. Chap. l4:.1:MATTHEW. [Ciap. 14: 22. 13Kat acov(ras 6 I-arovs, avexwp7rev ECKEI0eY it; and departing, told And 1: ing heard the Jesus, withdrew from thence. Ey wkoto, ets.eppJov 'roovo xa7' t8tav' Kal anjov- 13 $ SAnd JE9sus having in aship into adesett place by himself; and having hearld, priately ithdrew pavrTs ol oxAol, 71KoAouOtqrav avty ire awo efn tlelCe, by Boat, into neard the crowds, theyfo;lowed him byland from ae e; of v roeav. 14 KV fiL e cam to 6 im the PEoPrT,l, lbeing informTia-n irooxev. \yovr Is0_i C6 6ed, followed toium by Land the cities. And couing out the Jesus saw f te CE I; *oAvv, oXAov Ksar VrrQap XV10 I avv-ovros, fro'n tne ClTIoS. $rohuvv'oXi'o0t' KcrL ErlrhayXV~L0071 57F aUi-0( 14 And * coiming out, he great acr owd; and be was moved withpity toward them 14 And Great Co g out, nd Kat EOepatireE 'rovs appca'rous aVTwcv. he }had conmpassion on and healed the sick ofthem. theL, and eualed their them, and Uealed their SICK. 1]5O sav y e -yevo YEVt;s, Vpoo;qAUOo avreC, ol 15:And+EveningllavEvening ans having come, came tohim the ing arrived, *tlhe DISCI'tjaerTaL avrou, etyov';es' Epyayos eaoiv 6 7ro0eos, LES catie to himn, saying, disciple of him, saying; A desert is the place, " Tle PLACE is a lesert, Kai 77 wepa r. xcapt ve' r Aev aroAuaov tous and the noUR is now and the hour alreody has pased by; dismiss the past; dismiss the crowds, oXAovs, I'a ac eAov7es, a that they slay go to the crQktds, that going into the villages, they VILLAOES, anld buy thempasoia favos Bo a7a. G'ous 'a IOS selves 1rovisions.' may buy themselves victuals. The' bhut Jesus 16 But Jesvs said to raffV aurolS' OU Xpetayr eXOUcrv airEAev Ks^ or thlen, i" They need Int desaid to thea,; No -need they have to go away; give part; au supply t Oem." acvurotPs QLoel pa-y. 1701 ~E Ayqv avt,' 17 THEY, however, reto them you t o eat; They and say to him; plied to himui, "We e alve OVK *XOIAf 4)s WE l e.? vTES apToT0VE Kai Suo5 ere otnlyt Five Loaves and Nhot e have Isere, except five ' loaves and two Two ) Fis e." XdvaS. O ' er. e o a. ov4 tc. 18 And HE said, "Bring fishes. lie and said; Britg to.me tlhem here. them here to lle." D.Kat KeX.emras T'oUs oXAous avatcAtO-qvat E 'rt 1 Kni Ere~Everos~ aS i-ous oXhoUs O C~apaKY CI 19 Aid conitianding the la' ^PEOPLE to reline on tile And diteetieg the crowdts to recline upon rouv. xopeOVs, Xg I 7;aI' -rs T - aprais, lie took.the FIV}E the.- g Oa ^~, Loaves and tile TWOthe g. r o taking the five loave d and the Tw O oTis O X as, avas asI i opaos Fishes, andr looking towTOWu 8vO ixOVas, aya$AeJ as *$ 'roy oupa oV, the. two flshes, looking up to the heaven, itrds HEAVEN, piraiscd fuo-a f x Kcat iKAkaoas, 8wOI 0ErTos i j trals God; theno t breakinglthe lie gave praise; and t breaking, e to dicp OA, lie gave tleni to ovs api-outs, ol s 8ua6r ai i-ogs oxUoss. d2iKai the DISCIPLES, anld the the loaves, the and diuciple to the crowdls. And diSCiples d stributt to the CROWDS. eacy OtraTES, Kal tXopar8rv 0 Ad the all ate and the ate all, and were tllledc and they took up i h.ro 7repltaevo' T'wV KAao'/.a~ v, sa covovs were satisfield; andl of tlle that over anlabove ofthe fragmenlts, twelve. baskets Iet21 Oi t 8O0Vi-eS is they gatlhered i T9awelve '"'Pt 0T " Baskets full. ttfu. Those and eating were men about o] Now ~TEFY Who }lad aV'ralctarXtAtot, Xwpts 7yvvolKwv KIM Wr&O v. lfs~~~sei-aK~~rXL~o X. ETEN, were altout live five-thousand, besiden women and childreo. thousand nien,beoideswo2Kaas EvtiGeS 7lvay)iarCev i-ots juaO7T-as S4 71vaCL nlen and childlen.And immediately he urged the disciples to enter nd itlmediatly lie constrained the i sCIPr.ES tO enter * a Boat, s VATICA MANUkCrIPT.i.14. lhe went. 15. the m)sCIrLES. 22. he constrained. 2- 2. a Boat. ~' 15. Thejfrt oitening, which commenced at three o'clock. The seeoect evening, which bewan at sunset, is that mentloned ill verse A3. t 19. The Jewiblh loaves wele brtid, tlain, and britte; so that a k);nife was nct required for dividing theln. t 201 'I'le.e were sma11 wicler baskett, which thle Jews carried their victLa!s in, hen fromn hioce; aotd by thei nltmbei-' here particularized, it would seem that each apostle filled hlis own b)as; ket.-Pearee. 'I t15. 1ar 5i. 82; Luke ix. 10; Tohn vi.l, 2. j. t 1 ark vi. 8; Luke i. 1i2; John vL 5. t 1..iIatt. xv. eO. Otp. 14; 33.] MATTHEW. Chap. 14: 33.... ELS TO rwkoLoV, iKa 7rpoa'yet avrovsr ELS TO refpaV, into the ship, and to go before him to the other side, ecos ob a=roAvuop r ovs oXAous. 3 KaL aaowhile le should dismiss the crowds. And having Averas Tovs oXXovs, aveftSf es 0 opos KCar' sent away the crowds, hewent up into the mountain by t3tav rrpoarevaor.Oat. O1 as Be yevo Aevrfs,,povo s himself to pray. Evening and having come, alone lv eFce. 24To Se rAoiov i13OT jerov T7s lie was there. The and ship now in the midst of the OaAaaarers 7Iv, Btaa'avwiopevov b7ro rwv cK0 vuAaTwv' sea was, having been tossed.by the waves; i7v pyap fvavrtos a6 oV S. 5TeTapT1 8 f uAaKr was for contrary the wind. In fourth and watch rVS VVUKTOS aTrr77AOe rpos auvrovs, 7feptraTrwv eTr of the night lle went to them, walking upon.7)sJ Oakaaa'r)s. 26 Kai t8OvrfE avTov of /UaOrrqTa the sea. And seeing him the disciples e7ri T-'17 OaAaea'av 7rept7raTouYTa, ErapaXPX07fraw, upon the, sea walking, they were terrified, Ae-yovres' '07r 4pavTraOrifa CfTl' Kai afro Tou saying; That an apparition is; 'and from the po3Sov fKcpatcav. 27 EvOews 8e EfaAoa'ev avrots fear they cried aloud. Immediately but spake to them 6 Iraous, XAeywv OapaorETe, Eyw etpti. ) 4pothe Jesus, saying, Take courage, I am; not be 3E1t(fE. 28 AroKptOets 8e av Ty6 O rITpOS Ep re' afraid. Answering and him the Peter said; Kvpte, Et ffv er, Keseuvaov O Errwpos oe eA0efv eari 0 lord, if thou art, bid ne to thee to come upon Ta tdacTa. 29'O Bs estrev EAk0. Kat tra-t8as the water. He and said; Come. And descending a7ro 'ou roatov 6 lierpos, Aretpirat177a v Er 7Ta from the boat the Peter, he walked upon the vrara, feAO6v rpos TOv Ilou'v. o BAE rwv 8e water, to come to the Jesus. Seeing #ebut raov aveCt ov r 'Xupov, Ef<)otri0-' Kai apta/ievos the wind strong, he was afraid; and beginning KCaTa7rovT1LeoeaOa, EKpate, Xeywv' Kupie, aerwoo to sink, he cried, sayig; 0 lord, save a~. 31 EuvecwS 8e 6 Ilraovs EKT-reas T?1v Xeipa, me. Imtedir.tely and the Jesus stretching out the hand, freXajsero avuou, Kai Aeyet avrwT O\Ayotea-Te, took hold of him, and says to him; 0 distruotful man, efs 71 ESiLaraaras; 32Ka, efLBatVr avrwov es for why didst thou doubt? And entering oftheni into TO rrAoiov, eKonaa erV avetios. 01 8 ev sT the ship, ceased the wind. They and in the and precede him to th4 OlHER SIDE, while he dis, missed the CROWDS. 23 tAnd havi:ig dis, missed the CROWDS, h5 privately ascended the MOUNTAIN to pray; and remained there alone til it was Late. 24 By this time tht BOAT *was many F'ur longs distant from tht LAND, tossed by ith( WAVES; f6r the WINI was contrary. 25 And ii; the t Fourlt Watch of the NIGHT, hI went towards them, walk; ing on the LA*E. 26 And when the DIs, CIPLES saw him twlalk, ing on the LAKE, the) were terrified, and ex, claimed, ' It is an Ap, parition!" and they crle( aloud, through fear. 27 But Jesus inunedi, ately spoke to them, say, ing, "Take courage, it is b; e not afraid." 28 And PETER answer, ing, said to hlmo, "Mas, ter, if it be tlou, bid me come to thee on the WA; TER." 29 And JFSUS. said, "Come." Then *Peterde. fending from the BOAT, walked on the WATER, * and came to JESUS. 30 But perceiving the WIND strong, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, lie exclaimed, "Master, save me!" 31 And JEsUS instantly extending his HAN D, took hold of him, and said to litim, "O distrustful man!.why didst thou doubt?" 32 And *going up into thle BOAT, the WIND subsided. 33 Then THOSE in the * VATICAw MAsuscaIPT.-24. many Furlongs distant fron the LAND, tossed. 29. Peter, 29. and caime to. 82. going up into. t jr Between the hours of three and six in the morning. Grotius observes that this was the Roman division ofthe night, taken by them from the Greeks; and that the' Jews from tie time of Pompey, after they were become a dependent people, had adopted this mode ot reckoning, instead of their own which originally consisted of three watches only. t 6. In Job it*. this is a prerogative asoribed to God, and which is freelv rendered by the LXX; tliusi' Walkiii upon the sea, as upon a pavement." An Egyptian hieroglyphie for x, pressing impossibility was, a picture of two feet walking on the sea..2, 3.MrkTi.S J0; Jolhn vi.l. Ctiap.` 14.- 34.3.MATITHEW. 7rAoiqu, *[gA6oj/TEsj 7rpotTelvv77cwa1 at/rly71 As}-y ship, reeeeiagjl piostteted to hiot, sayoPres- AA77Ocsi Oeou WVio El 34Kar tiairEIng; Certainily ofa God casot houart. Aed. having p~aO'CWTES, 77A80' Cis T7771 7771' rEil'1(T, pT. ' Kai poasedovere, theyceteeto, the teed, GeAnsosoet, And hnoieg hits the mets efthe piace that, at7rEtrTEl1A1' LftsiSA771' 7711' 7repiX0)p01 ffCEi1'77l they sent ithe stl the eemetryeroundabout thAt; Kita ir-potr77pi'Eyca1' aCWTff tfI/raY S TrOUS KaKcaS alld they heemight to Lila sitl these diseasee Ecyjo'as, 33,ccm Tape~ccAouv a(5o701' hecov$0o0 haveeia', ted beeesogit him that eniy cc4ew;rai rTau Kpa~tTrreSou 'louIe /ALCrTLU atTovt~t'ymaight toucht the Su ft ofithe mssstte afhlias; atC~ t6'Tu 7~4avtZra, 51CetfsiO77OTZ'. sand ssssas~ teeehtid, woere tade whoie. KIEC~ te'. 15. 1To'rL- 7poa-epXowrai Teel 177cToV 01f (57r0 IqpoThen camee te the Jesus thoeiefrom Jeeuo-oXre.kw -ypa/d/IaTEIS- Kati s!baptoatioil ke-yowles' satele secihes aed Phariaees, saying; Tt 01 ol ~aO7 rat 7'ou 7ra~p~fCita'ouoti '7771' irazpa*Why thle diteipies atfthee tensagress the tradi8oo'iz' 'Twy irpeaov$)epfwiv; oil -yap viwrTozrrcX 'Tas ties ofithe sideesO t ot fee theyawash the hattds of thesm, wheanever brcead they seep eat. He het cirOicpiOeis eitre1' CeUTOIS*. iaTi Ka(i btP$Cis 7rapaansweering sa&idl to theus; Why also yet teats$awleTrE 'T771 F1'roX77' 'TOyP OEOV, 8i1i T771/ lWapgtress the ceommandmeat of the Ged, theeeigh the teteti8o'' eci' 4 '0 7yap Oe C i''c~trA~a slots orytoceP The fro God hoccoeteteeded, sayite; "Tijuc To -01 aryz kW T7R )C 71'g77TEpCa E7Kal "'0 "-Hetor tho tather atnd the stother;" andt; "1He KqcleiAo~yra;9 -.ratrpa 77 ~urepa, Oa'ari? *'TeAEueeli~ father or moteheej death -let hism T1'r W."~Q t5 Twees Se XE-rveT 'Os ams', -srp 'rc die." TYou hut Sayi Whoever watysay tothe sra'tp 71 'Tp Full7pp AWPOP, 55I E(55 EF ~ 'E/.OU (Ather or the mothee; A gilt, whatevee oeat ef me Cs~teA77G7s, Kic Ol /577 T'i/770'p. 'Tom T(5TECI ihot ssightesthe profited, then tet tot maybheter the father au~rote*[y? 'r~y /iAP7TrFpca fiJ7ou.I 6Kca'qcupcoao're tf him [or. the mether of him)] And yeu aseeti 7771P IEk"toX~1 'Tote Oeoe, nix r-771 '7repa~0owt diWV. the etsssmatsdmeat o5'the God throagh the tradition of yet. 7 iir Icp ai, cKaXWS ispoe407jTeuo'e Wrcpi t~JIACO 0 hypoceites, Well prophesiad etteerting yeas [Mhap. 13: 8. BIOAT, did homage to hini, saying, + "Assuredly, thou art God's Son."' 34 1 And ha-ving passed over they caime tO, LAND at Gennlesarett 3$5 And the MEN of that PLACE rCfOg-nl~n3illen sent througi All that COUNTRY, antd broughlt to himl' ALL the, diseased;36 and implored him, that they iought only tOUfh~ tise TUFT of his MANTLE; and at watay as touched,, were cored. CHAPTER XV. I ~ThTci cause to JEsus *Pllarisefs arid Sc.ihes frien Jerusalem, saying, 2 " Why do thy DiscePLES ViOllite tite f TCADITIOINARY PRECEPT otf the ELDERS? for titey do -not wash * their H1ANDs before Meals." 3 'But HE answering, salid to thleill " Why dto You alto violate the COMVIANDMENT of GOD by your-TtADiITION? 4 For GOD* said, I'ilo'nor FAT1IEX Slnd MOTH'FaR;' and t'IE, who0 RE'VILEs Father or Mother, 'shtall he punished with 'iDeath. 3 Biut goU assert, 'If any ~one say to FATTIER of MOTHER, An Offcriugis that by which thou tulightest derive assistance from Tole; 8 th-en * lie shall by no means blonor his FATHER!' Titus, by your TRADITION, you annul the eAVORT) Of tGOD. 7 Illypocrites I well did Ismala prophesy concerning you', saying, 8 $'This people f [draw VATICAN XiANSecRITrT-34. to LA5D at Gennesaret. 3. Pharisees and Scribes fthons 4 erusalela. 2,-the sessis. 4. sald, 'Ho~nor eeA~nia." 8. Il~e shall by no mesas honor hit rATH19a. Thus. 0. orbhit XoTIsEa-eit. 8. WORoD. t2.Hitsthat eateth with unwashed hands lsguhlI ofdeath.-.-abbi 4ime, M #Th* wordshIn brackets are found la the proplteegfrom which they are taken, both in the Hebrew and8epesgnt.Thesreoomlttedbythe Vatican audesever-al other excellenitMSS.',and' aom~ancent ersons.Eramus, Mill1, Drustus~ and Den 1e, a"rove of the emnission soian Grisbah hs lft ou ote taxt. Buttas they-fare found ia theplace from which they are, quotd, I hsbeththitghtbest, to Insert them Ia the text. as. Math. xxvii,8. 8 4. Mark vi, 53. 37. Mark viI.. t ~ 4. Exod. xx. 12; Bent. V. 186 Nfh. v. I. 1 4. Exod. xx 17; Lev. xx.O0; tleut. xxvil. 18; Prov.*x- 20. $ 7.Mar 'vil. 8. s&.xzxix 13. Clap. 15: 9.).MATTHEW. C~aup. 15: 20. 'Hroais, Ae'ywv' 8`'o Aaos o5'TOS 'Tots XEIXCO'l Esaits, saying; "The people this weith the lips JAE 'Tijta 72 8e mcp~ita awTwiv 7rop~Scs t7reXet air' sot htono;~ the but heart of themt fartoff isresaoved from C/Aou. I MT7y Be (re$8ovTat /.Oe, 8i~a;TtcoveTEr tMc. Without profit hat they reverenceo ame, tesehieg Maawa,kctias, CYTaAX/JAaTa aucOpwnrwv.' HKa dootrines, commansdmsents ottmen." And 7rpoO`Kaakco'aj~asos TrOte oXkote, eireZ' awr'ois' htving cailed the crowd, he slid to them; Aicou-TE K~ait IuvLe're. 'rv o ciaosp~oIeveot cis.Heaeyo sand beinstrucled. Not that entering inot Tro OrTo/Aa icowvot 'rOte ateOpwrote aAXac To EKcropthe mouath pollutes the ean; but that proceedEtiO/hEteQt SIC TOU O-rO/Aa~TOV TrOUtIO COIIOL 'rOtP iag 'oatof the saouth this pollates the ac/Opwstrote. 12To-re 7rpoo-eX~te'res A' /iaOqlTat Itlua. Thea haoiog come the disciples atnrou, smirote avU~p- Omas, 6'rm ol elsapio-aioi, flhiot, said to himt; Knaweat thou, that the Phacisees, axEoUocatteTE Tote Ao-yot, SE0`Ka a,\ior071vave I3to heariab~ that.sayiny, found adifficulty? He Beas trOKIcpOC-SetsSTe' n-flfai sJItTetc, 7te ovic eovti hat answeriog said; Evrey p.antatioo, whichbaot has 'reuo'sey 6.7raT~lp /10o 6 ottpavtios, cei(&pt,qa-ei'rTai. planted the father of ace the heaoenly, shalt be coated up. 14A(PE'e aurous- 63i7-yoi eio-i TV0po1 *[TrUtIAWte.] Let alone theia; guides they are blind [of blind.] Tuqtxos Be 't4XO' Ecta 6a 7)', atjwpoTepoL Eis SBad and bliad if may lead, both into,890teote weooto'Tai. Airoscp;EaS BE 6 fT'rTpoa a pit will fall. Aaswseciag and the Peter 67eIWE a1)TW- 4'pCXo'ote T)/1l 'rel 'Cpa.8oAtlt 'ravTteq. scad to him; Explain to as the compaeisoa this. 11 '0 Be I77joos 5171eV' AK/47131 KiCI b/lets arO'Tte'Ot The and Jests 5 aid; Yet aslu yos usisteltigent fOSTe; 17 0V* [7rc] l'oe;re, 6tI Wrate 'rO 6iO'ifopevs aeet Not Lyet) perceive you, that all that eaterO/LEtOV S1P TrO Oro.tua, Eis 'r71e scoiXiaa Xwapei, iag into the mnoath, inot the belly patsses Kca ci's a~ispwepva etc$RaX~e'atIs 1TCa Be f~cropCVand iato a privy ss cast; Those hat proceed0/A6JtaC K t 'rOt OrTo/.LtTos, Etc '715 Katp~ita etepig eelut oftie amouth ferot the heart iasaes XeTai, KsCEIVCsme com'o; 'rOte avzOpcsrote. 1EK -yap fhrth, sad they pollute the mnao. From for 'rs7s scap~tas elep~oteTa& 8iaAo)yiouom0 VO77oesPOm the beach comes forth purposes soil; 4POV01, /ALlXelai, lropPElctl, KcXoiit, *eeV8e.tctp'TVsacrcers, adualterses. foraicotitos, thefts,. false testimopata, 03AaorPsp1emat. - Tau7-a eIT'l rTa Ko1teoVVrt aiem, evil speakisgs. These is the (thiegs) polluting Tote aV~pdshsOV" 'rO a ateiir~ois Xepo, 4spayeit 0o the mao, that hut with uawashed huad to eat oat K0lteOL TrOP avtOpcatIoteo. pedlales the muao. 'nigh to StE with their 'StOUTHI, and] honor Me 'with their LIPS; but 'their heart is far remov'ed front ate. 9 'But in vain do they ' worship me, teaching as 'Doctrines, the Precepts 'of Men."' 10 J And having railed the CaOWD, he said to them, "Hear, and be instructed: 11 Not THAT ENTERING the MOUTH, pollUtes the MAN, but THIAT PROCEEDIN ofrom theMtouTIf, pollutes the MtAP." 12 Then 'the DISCIPLES approaching, say to him, " Didst thou oblserve That thle PHAIIISEES were of. fended, when they heard that SAYING? 43 But HtE answering, said, " Every Plantation, which.niy HEAVENLY PATHER has not planted, shall be extirpated. 14 Leave tlient; t they are blisid Guides; and if the IBlitid lead the Blind, both will fall into the Pit." 1 5 tThen PETER replying, said to him, "'Expai to us *that SAYING.' 16 And *uE, saiu15"A~re you also yet without anderstatading? 17 1)o you not perceive, That WHTATEVER ENTERS tile MOUTH, passes into the BELLY, and is ejected? 18 But tthose THINGS PROCEEDI NG out of the MOUTH, issue from the HEART; anrd tfofg pollulte the MAN. 19 t For out of the HEART proceed iniquitous Desiogns;-Murders, Adulteries', Fornications, Tllefts, false Testimonies, Caluminies. 20 These arethie THING5 Whiclt POLLUTE' this StAN; hut to EAT with Unwashed Hands pollutes not the MIAN."' a VATICAN MANISCLscPsTr-12. the xstsCIPLES approaehing, say. 1i. ofthe Blhnd. —osit. NI. that s~Aisx~a. 10. aRsaaid. 17. yet.-ma.ss S O. Mark vil. 14. IL. Isa, hx.I16; Mal. it.58; Matt. xxhL 10; Luk~e vi. 59. t 15. MarkI:11. 17;' I&. Jsamaeseh.@. Z19. Mark vil. 21. .Chap. 15: 21..MATTHEW. [chap. 15: 31. 21 Kai EfeXOwv eKetC etE 6 Ilqrrovs aveXwp-X rev 1 +And JESUS departAnd departing thence the Jesus withdrew illg thence, witihdrew into 1ES Ta pJfpE7 Tvpou KcaL 2lwjO os. 22 Kai isov, the CONFINES of Tyre int. thle confines of Tyre and SiJon. Ad l lo, and Sidon. yvvuf Xvava ia, caro Tiwy opiwv Kn^IVWV s' eA0ov- 22 And behold, a CaaFoman Canaanitish, of the part ' those coming tnalanitish iWomanll COmlll ra, EKpRvJyacftE awr,, Xeyov-ra. EAEao'ov AE, front those PARTS, criae olt, cried out to hit, saying; Pity me, out to him, saying, "IIav.s KUpte, V e AaviS' OuvyarT7r p uovu JcaKws Batovit- comnpission on Ill, 0 IastOlord O on David; the daughter of me sadly is deuon- ter, Son of David! siy Serai. 23'0 o e OVU atreKpsp Wcr7i Aooyov. KOat DAUGHTER is sadly deiled, He but not answered her a word. And mOniZed.' 7rpore~A0ovTes o0 PtaO87nrai avrovTO 77prw av rov, 23 Bnt he answered ier coming tle disciples of him, besought hiil, not a Word. And his disAcEyovrTs Aro\vo(Jov a jv'r,}V 6-i- Kpg o-T-qefOy cipls colting, entreated saying; Send away her, for she cries at the back him, sayin," DismisS her; uCY 24 '0 8s atropctOess e7r1eY OVK aCirfQT- sor site crlcs after us." ol us. e le but answering said; Not am 24 But lE answering, Anyr, et ju7 eis iTa 7 ipofSa ia Ta aroAwAoTa oiKcov said, "I an only sent to sent, except to the sheep the perishing house of thle PEISHIING SHEEPof Irpa X. 25'H 8e EXota Tro K av, the Stock of Israel." Iop A. tH Be *Xovtr 7 pcei awcp, 25 Yet advaneine Israel. She then coIUing prostrated to him, 25 Yct advancing, SH * Aeyovuoa Kuvpt, Ot77fl8 got:. 26 'O Se aop proKpt strated to hilm, saying aying; Olord, give aid to me. He but anwering O Master, help me! efE OVK frt IcAo Atv To aTO T' a?6 But hIr answering, Fircrv' O.Vs Ea-rt KioA. oAa I TaFL~ v 'ro apr'o 'CVrw said; Not it right to take the bread of the sad, t is not proper TeKtCWV,) Ksat aeWI TOiS K 'vvapiois. 27 H SE to take the CIfILDREN'S children, aid to thro to the dogs. She but lEAD, and thirow it to ett'e.. Nai, KvpIe' Kai yap Ta' Keyapda tcOOeL tttlt e Ho s." atir2. Na, M~pE SaL yap it iv zc 27 But sile said, "I besaid; True, O lord; even for the dogs eatest 7 But siee Sai, r eve T r ^ rWv 7rr0 oseecll thee, Sir; for even trco trwh ~~Xl; t'Rc~, 1 8 7rcSrohe. DOGS eat! THOSE of the erumbs of the falling from the table TOW IUP~ I OV 25TOT. cROslew b CRtUMBS wwhich FALL fromn,o their MASTERS TASBLE.'t ofthe masters of thetm. Then answering the 2 28 Then Jesus answerPIaraoos 1f7t5 alt'pt Q sYoVa, eyart7) avov et ing, said to her, O WoJesus said to her O. woman, great of thee the IlGTISE eoIS OEA, rttma n l great is Thy FAITH; ir S ys7r o, s ees. Ka a7 e it to thee as thou defaith; let it be to thee, as thou wilt. And was healed see' " t Ksirest." And her DAvUns y Ouetpaun act roVs7 wipa- S sS ToERs was cured from that the daughter of her from the hour that. very MOMENT. e29Ka t zce;rca^ s v EvrEas. KW V \Taovs, /K V\- frapa hein the Crin 29KctKai;e.Tatas ecefOe'. 6 1 —ouFs, eA cF t 7rapa 2t And Jesus, having And departing thence the Jesus, came near left tat plce, cane to T7nv cX-ctaPav T2S raActAaxfs- KaS avaBars flS tlle LAKE of GALILEE; the sea of the Galilee; and atendig into and ascending tthe n rON7T opos, EKa71aTO EKEo. '30 Kqt rpoo7nXov aVtC5. TAIN sat doawn there. t'e mountain, he sat down there. And came to him 30 And g eat Crow ds oXXOf WroNAo, EXOPrTES /dO cavTiy XfAotJs, casmle to him, bringing crods'. great, having with them lalle, Wilt thlenl the lalie, thel rvutXovs,; KoiPovU, cKVAOVSs, KcaL f'Pivs rcoAAhov;. I crippled, the hlind, the blind, deaf, maimed, and otlhers many; dessi, and nlany others Kat epAIJIaYv avrovS rapa fotS. 'Or a$s Trov Ibjoov, and laid thlen at *his 5ed they laid them at the feet of the Jesus, T, and le cured them: *a', e~ pacreufre atuTOVS 31.crh TOS oXo.v s 31.so that the CaOWDS and ^ heaeed them; so that the crowds eheld, with wonder, the oavuoaoa, fXeTrov'as Kiw(povs AaXovv'ras, KvX- Deaf *hearing-. tlie Cripto uwosder, beholding deaf spealing, maisued pled restored, the Lale * VATIca MiovscrCtT. -3O0. crippled, blind, deafand. 80. his F.ET. 81. hearing. t 26. The Jews likened the heathen nations to dogs.-Lightfoot. t.30. The original word kullos, properly.sif.ifics, one whose hand or arm has been cut off; (see MarkAx. 4:.) but it is.trtitnm es appelied A t hose who were 'only dsabled in thbse parts. To supplyg a lost limb was a creation, and therefore an astonthitig miracle. N "T.sarklvrl;. 24.... Mitt. x,.; Acts tii. 2;6 tPRm. xv. *. 2s.8 t i.L, ut 0. ': 29. Mark vii. 81. t 81. sa. xxxv.,. -. csap. 15: 32.] MATTHEW.: ~ip. —16B T: ovs yfELS, XWAOS p7raTouvTas, tat pxos walking, and the Blind kou$s uyetr, Xwkou$ 7rep~,rioTFrOv a, te a t ^ey g'lorified sound, lame walking,. axd blind seeing; and they glorified XAerovras Kai eBoaotrav' roY Oov Iaopaxh. 32 O 'tlle GD of Israel. seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. The 32d Thens D Es having called his DISCIPLES, said, oe In(trus, rporKaea POs wovs aras anv- "I have compassion on then Jesus, having called the disciples of LYE ZCayxi'L$L OXo i' the CROWD, because they, TOV, Ere' srAayi/oal eri To oXov, otL have continued with me him, said; I have compassion on the crowd, for tre Days, and haveno*[t78] 7 scpat Tpfts, prpor/eivova-i /AO1, KCai OVK thing to eat; and I do not [already] days three, they have remained tead w not wislh to dismiss them fasteXouvot TI OaywiL' KaC aroAuvrai avUovs ing, lest they should faint they have any thing they may eat; and to send away them on the lOAD." v7r1Treis oV OeAw, r7proTe etKAvwo'iv V t 6 94'i. 33 And his DIsCIPLEs fasting not I will, lest they may faint in the vway. sy to lim, " IoW can 3 Kai X6y0ovtv aVTy oi afrTaz atov noOv c get sorea many Loaves in And they say to him the disciples of him; Whence c t, to an avs i a Desert-place, to satisfy, iutiv ey epr77Tn apToi TorovUTro, jaOte XOpTaorat such a Crowd?' to ous in a desert place loaves so many, n so as to atisfy 34 An JESS says to oXAov Torovorov; 34 Kat Ae'yei avnros o Inrous tlel, "lIow many ILoavca acrowd so great? And aTny tohmtheY Jesus; he And TE tloaous apTovs EXETe; 01 ie eItov' 'Era, E Cai said, ' Seven, and a Few Hlowmany loaves have you? They and said; Seven, and Smallfisles." oAtiya iXOv6a. 35 Kai eKCAecuoe rots oXAOis 35 Then he commanded a few sma:l fishes. And he directed te thecroe crod te PLE to recline on avareo-eia eiri T7rv y7i7v. 35Katl AacSv rovs the GROUN1; to recline upon the ground. And taking the 36 aid taking the SEVETrra apOovs Kai Tovs iX3vas, evxaptoT77oras EN La)ives and the rFISn seven loaves nd the ti.les, gig tials S, ite offered thanks, eKcAao Kais. sctw e TOIst laOenTats atrou, o oe and broke them, and gave he broke and he gavc to thlie diciplc. of hil, the and to his DISC'IES, and the. uaerO1Tai rT, oxAr. 3K;lia fa-yov 7avTes, Kaea DISCIPLES distributed to disciples to the crowd. And they ate all, and the CROIYD. eXopTf-wav-6rav. Kat ppa 'to 7rtepiaa-evov rwv 37 And they.all ate and were filled; and they tookup that oer e ofe ere satisied; and aove of the KAaoueaTwwY, r'Ta oarovprpias Arrpeis. 01 oe lElEMAININOG FRAGMENTS fragmeuts, even large lasiet fdil. They and they gathered Seven large eoaOiovres eftrav rerpaKt-'XltXol avspes, XWplS t Baskets full. eating were four tioud uen. Iesid!e 38 NOW THEY who had yval.KWV Kai raltwv. EATEN were * about Four wouen and children. thousand Men, besides Women and Children. 39 t And having dis39Kat aroAvaas a roEvs oAovs, averfilt Ci missed the CROWDS, he And having tent away the crowds, he went into went into the BOAT, and 7o IrAolY., Kat fX0erv ets 7ra 6pta MayoaXa. canle to the t COAST ot 4 the ship, and caone to tlle ('oalts of Magdala. * Magdala. KE$. ts'. 16. 1 Ki 7rpooa-eAovres ol tapiraito CHAPTER XVI. And coming the Pharisees Kat Za3SovUKalot, reipa'ovres ErtrpwT71ra' av70ro, 1 t Then the PsaIARI and Sadducees, tempting they asked him, SEES and SADDUCEES fT7jAfisOe sC 70ooU oop s'OU n rsw tai anwrois. 2to drew near, and tempting a sign from the heaven to show. to them. He asked him to show theti a. Sign from HFAVEN. o VATICAN MANVUSCXPT.-32. already-omit. 88. about. 89. Magadan-so also Lachmann and Tischednorf. t 37. Baskets of larger capacity than. the wicker baskets mentioned in Chap. xiv.20-larg enough to contain a man's body. See Acts ix.,5. t. The modern name Is. Jnd e)dedt, field or coast of Mejdel. Mejdel, from which the plain takes its name, is a paltrY village, about an hour from Tiberis, near where a line of high rocks overhangs the lake. 'rhis was the ancient Magdala, called in Markl viii. O, Dalmanutha; the blrth piue of that Mary, out of whom were expelled seven demons. t 2 Mark viii1. 1 t3.2 Kings iv. 43, 8. 8Matt. xiv 13 Luke xxil,9. $ 8 Mark viii 10. ' t l, Matt. xli.. 8. Catp.. 18-: 2.1 MATTHIEW. [chaap. 16: 12. 86 dOKP.Ocs ewev wroso [Oxtas yevu~v1s, 2 But lit bot asnwering said to thenm; [Evninig cominag, sadt te - E venn,fflC yot Ae'ye'Te- E.uULW irVpk(Et -yap 0 oupaasa. Kai be Fairt)wea yonaoy; Foirwe ather; reddens for the heaven. And SKY is red;' JpOwtL.:277/depo5 XEL/.UwvJ vup~a~cEL -yap oi-ruy- 3 and in t in the morning; To-doy a storm; incred for low- 'There will va'Cwts' 6 ovpas'os. 'TsroKpicrai, TO JLE5Y 71p(C~O To-day, for ecting the heaven. Hypocrites, the troly face red and lowea of te hane yonkon toodg, th erl,.ota crites!1 youi c 'TOO ovpay5ou 'yl/CD(fKE-TE 8iaicpLP'E1s, raSEwT ui judge as t ofth heven youkno tojude, he ut sin ANCE of the T'~ COPKtpot5' 00 8uvcwOE;] 4 rs'ea 7ros'spa Ka& not discernI ofthe times anot can you;'] A generation evil anod the TIMtES.],LoiXaALiT 0I77fIELov e2Ti'77-ctEL Kic mT'n.esos*v o S- 4 4A wicki adulteerou a sign seeks; and a sign not shaUl less Generati a Sign; hut Oo'q6fat av'T- [tA~ T 'lLt5 ~Ja LTOU begiven it, he given to her. except the sign of Jonas [the iNoJna 7rpoq~n7'Tov.] Kai ca-rakvsrws avrovs, alrflAff. ving them, lit prophet.) And leaviog themo, he wentawany. 5 $ Now, Kai e~orrs olua07Tat wroueiS O 7rpaSI PES passing,.Ad tanning the dinciplen of himo to the other nide. st1 K, ad take Loaves EtreXa~oJvTo ap-rovs Aa$gELV. - 6'0 Se 1)o-ous eL7FEv 6 And.Je had forgotten loaves to tahe. The and Jenun said te, "h au'ToLs 'Opare icat TpoOreXe'Te aLro 'T71 CuJVsl ware of the to thoen, Lank and take heed of the leaven Ithe PHARISE: Tws' 4'apf Ioativ Kaz:cdIMoviacaw. 7 Of ae,C0 ducees: " 1' 7An TH of the Phneineen and Sadducees. They and ret- am nd thm -yto(05To es, &lart)'O, Xo-yot'res- 'Ori ap~ovs o ing, "Becau nosed amnong themnelven, saying; Because loaves anot brought no L o~a,86~&Iev. a rovos ao 6 IflfTOVs etwer' Ti 8ta- 8. But Jes wehsveebronght. Knowtng and the Jesun said; Why rea- it, said, "10 Ao'L~c~o S' aUTOL, OL'y~r~J'OL,6rtOpTUT ful! Why do son you among yoneseloes, 0 you of weak faith, betnause loaven aniong youe Oosc *[exaRE'TE;] 9 Ourw voeL'Te, oule 1YI Cause you liat slot [you hone hronght?] Not yet perceive you, toe rem~en- 9 or ref ceive, o e eUCTE 'TOOT 7rS"TO apTOoS 'TCOO 7r05TaKIcTXtAteez, FIVE Loaves her you the five loaves of the five-thousntd, THOUSA ND, a icat TOTOUtA K01C0P5OtS c-AaI3OTe0 ~OUSE 'TOUs ny Baskets y( and hownmany baskets yountooknup? Nee the 10 nor ~B"Tt ap 'TOT TOS~ 'T'TpIC~fXLAeOS, sct Woae Loaves of tite seven naves of the fourthonnand, and how many SaND, Bandet orrut~ase~avre; " 17cosau Peure 67i au illow is large bsknets you tonk up? Why not do you perceive, thatn'otd o op wept ctprvo 0t7o0v u~/LtV 71poroXOL' 7T 'fl 1wUns I opoke not t shunt hreend I spoke to you to take heed of the leaven Bread, *hutbl -tapi~s jatpLtatorS scat laBOscazcon'; t2TO'Te ts- ithe DEAVEN C ofshe P~harinees and Saddoceen? Then they ISEES and Sai assv,6Tt oUvC OtTO lrpooiXoz' tT a 'T71s CUIA71T 12- Then understood, that not he did say hewace of the teaven to Ta i thens to be,% 'Too arp 'OO, (lAX' asro 'T77S MtaX71s 'Twe' 4,apuoamov LEAVZN of 4th.- hrond. but of the doctrine of the Phocineen fts OT Ksdi at 4ot aicato,. 0SADDUCEES end Sgadducees. sees. answering, T, [ In the tsay, ' It wtill ther, for the hbe MOrig be a ~Stormg the SKY is ring.' Hlypo.!an correctly [he APPEAR3KY, hut can'he SIGNS Of ed and faithon dentands tio Sign will except the I.And leawent away. 'the DISCIto the OTHforgottexi to vith them. sus said to srve, and beLEAVEN Of gs and Sadc.y reasoned selves, say. so we Itave oaves.,e,us knowing rou distrustyou reason ~selves, Beve no Bread? not yet per-,ollect * the Df the FIVE-,nd HOW mamu took-up?, the SEVmN FOUR THOUHow "many you took up? it that ytna elnend, That O you about ew-are you of )f the PHARdducees[" hey under.,did not tell rare of kthe BREAD, but MINE of kthe i ad Phari * VATncq,sioMXssoneale.-d a Ad lt-10sit. 4. the PRooruB-9mif. 5. Ihe snnenrLZSn. 8. broadgot —nls. ii. lbut beware you of..12. SAoDDeCans and Phariseen. I 4. NAtt *iL 80. 1 t5. Mark viii. it~ tI6 Luko xli. 1.:. Matt. XlV. 17. 5 1t, Matt. xv. 84. IfChap. 18: 13. ] MATTHEW. fZat.P. 18: 21. 13EAOwa' 8s 6 Itqo-otS it TQ utept KaZZtmapeits 13 And JESUS coming Coming anod the Jesos into the poet. of Cesaneto into tire rARTS of 1- CesaT777 4tLaiersrou, r7pwarr rOzS /laOflre$ arurou, Ae rea PHIIPIquestioned of the Phtilip, asked the disciples of him, say i DSCIPLES, saying, ycee Tr'a ~E Xyou'w 0 cwpcsror 1VO~~ T-Wiro do xINq say that -yw;- Tva E A-yoa-t of'a~proteivi, O tlhe SON Of MAN is? ing; Who toe say the men to be, the 14os 'To cae wn4v;And THEY replied, too of he oot Thy nd tld; Som, John the immERson ofthe7 Tin anTLPT T7ey andi e Haid;" Some, SEE; *SOME, Elijah; and IJoho17 The darippee;v ttheet otd, Ekion; ZTPothet s Jeremiah, or one Joh th diper otersand Elas; oterEs otePROPHETS."i ace tlepe/.uia, 1 Ivta 'TOYS irpotjoTcnrw. ofAeye 1 e sstothm anod Jerenoios, or one of the prophets. He say "Btwhsdo~n a atoLSe; o butEL who mTI e / ay E7 to berar 1An- thart I ani?", ptocithee, o hot neehotme e:Sty t he? Apt,,s- 16 Simon Peter answerpr~ L$~E LFLoY5 flrpo 511'S St6 XLO'OS, in' said, "`(Tbou art tire wernog t.:e Simon Petre soid; Thounetthie Aoointed, L 6 tLO$'TOl COU'T~/ ~s7'TO. 1 Ke arorps~rsCHrtasT, tire suN of the CCOPTO. OcnsLIVINGi God." the ton of the nod the living. And notnwerong 17 And Jesus answerI 7-opEae'asr'Macpo L L.W~#~ ing, said to him, " Happy the Jesus soid to him; Blessed neaf n imnnnat thou, Simon on of 1corvat',6TL o-apt Kcat ail~a OorK alrE~akutS 0,0', Jonah; for Flesh and of Jonas; foe fieth and blood not ithasreveaoled to thee, Blood has not revealed aAXk' 6 ~rar-op $uov, 6 Er' Tots oupaczOzS-. 18Krmyw this to thee, hut THAT hot the fotther of toe, that in the heavens. Alto I FATHER of mine in the (To?O7W56rr00 L lE~osEELE71L TUT *lHeavens. anod to thee soy, that thou net a roch, anod uopn this 18 Moreover, I also say,rp 7re-rp, 0L1tf3OA77O0It /A0J 'T775' 4EIKA71aoLav, Kair to thee, That tiiatz art ta the rock t wirr huild ofmwe,the ehorch, anod ock, anrd on $ this ROCK 7rrr~er 'a5OU 00 KEaT1OPXtJ-0uryrr aUT7Si. 19 Kai I wvill build My caruiacar; gates of hodet eon thallpeenoilagoront her. Aod andf ttle Gates Of 1l-ades aOwad (r~ Ta KAFI T77s I8aornAetat TCO OU shall arrrt tr-iuurp'lr over it. towirgive to thee tine keys of the hiogdom. of the hot- 19 And I will give three pnvwa'*V reaL 6 Ear' 8-aop-7 f7 $77,ETt ttire KcEYS of tire KINGno htne homoethn neoni the emS, itaoih none of the HEAVENS; veios; adhtvrhuaetbnuoth eah sale$aird wiratever tlrou shalt EAJfOJfTlS 0$oupa1VOS Keai 6 ear' AUp irT7. ind on the EARTH, shall boond in the heavens; anod whatseverthou mayesttloote he hound in the SffEAvfrtI T777$ 777$, Ei-mIa AeAI/elvoV Ere' T01$ oupaVOls. ENs; arid whatever thou nnpoo the, tooth, thorilhe lonted in the heavens. shalt loose On tihs EARTHI 2 To~re 515t~,e1Aaro T01s ruaOq7-ats arcrov, te'a shall he loosed in the, Then he charged the discipres of him, thnt HEAVENS."t EL701Et fTw~itL7V awTos E0-TLI' por 20 tTlren he commanduone theythourdtelltt h is-th6 Xnointedo. ed * tire DrISCrPLES tirat on tot h in he Aoinrd.,throy should tell no one, 21 'OTE 6 a1SSOEW 01$ that Ije is the MESSIAH. 21AsrO T 77eljpTO 177000$S8(YLFPTI 21 Frnm tirat tinre, JEProin that time began the Jesub - to show to the sus iregan to disclose to VATICAN MANUCSeaPe.-13. the mom of MAN to? 14, orau E. 17. Reavens..20. the ornerPLUas. - t 55. This town waa near to the sprisg-head ef the Jordan, and wes built by Philip, 'tetrarch of Galilee, in honor of Tiberius Cwoor; and to distinguish it from tire sea-port town of Cesares, mentioned, frequently I a the Acts of the Apostles, it was erlied Cesarea Philippi. See Josepltn., A nt. x viii. 2, 1, ari d x.x,8, 4. t 15, Parkhurot says, 'This expression seems allusive t3 tie fi)rm of the Jfewish sepulcbres, -which were large subterraneous eaves, with anarrow monthor entrosee,manly of which areStohe fourrd IioJudeit,to thinsday. The LXX render the correspond~ng praee f.om the Heb. qf Ia. xXXViii.140the gmtee ofihe oPs1 -chre, The faill meanint of foorLordtn promise seems trib1e, that his choreh en earth, hower~er pe-secuted and distressed, sliould never fail till the consummation of all things and should then, at the resnrrection qf the,st, finally triumph over death and the grave.0 NoM. f re 1 C or. xv. 54, 65.t 19. It is said, that when the Jews modema man a, doctor of the rw they used to put Into his hands the key of the closet in, the temple, where the socred bookcs were deposrted, arrd a'ss tablets to write upon; sirreifelg thot they gays him authority to tendh and to explain the scriptures and law of God to the people. hliS.Xtikvilli 2?.- LukelIx. I& I&8Mark vli 29; LukelIt20',Thi4;v.9 *3l. 37. Jo.laai. 43. tld,8.Epha-R. O0. lXttx~ is;. JohEEX U S 20.Mattlixil.Mark vii.8so; Luke ii. 21, .~hap. 16: 32.J MA:'TTI-l'W. [[Ciap. 17':1. /uaOtracts av'rov, 6rL oEt avrov a7reA0etv esL 'lepodisciples of lln, thlat InliSt he to go to.,eruoroAXuta, cat 7roAAa 7raOetv aro rw'v 7rpeafSVTesalem, and many (thngs) to suffer from the elderl pwvy Kca apxLepewx Kiat y'pajULaa7ro,, Kat a7rOKand high-priests and scribes, and to he rave7]vai, Kai 711 rpTpr ^'ffpta e-yepOrjva. 2- Ka killed, and the third day to le raited. And Wpo~aa BOfLEfos aVTrov 6 nerpos, 71ptaro eI'rLtqvwy taking aide him the Peter, began to reprove avrq), Aeywv' 'IJews roi, Kvpt' oU'It t ECrTas him, saying; Be itfar from thee, Olord; not not shall be ors 'roVro. 23 0 8e o-rpaters eftre ry nleTppto thee thiu He but turning said to the Peter; 'Tirayf osr'(rw /rov, oaTava' aorav&aXov /uou Go thou behind of me, adversary; tsotunmbing-block ot me es' 6Tt oUv 'povtes rTa rovu eov, aAAa 'r _.tbh art; for not thou regardest the (thins) of the God, but those TSV avOpw7rTwv. 24 To-re 6 Itaoovs Ei7re 'rot A uaof the. men. Then the Jesus said to the dis8f7rass avTrov El Tis Ofeci or7Tw povu e0cyXO, dples ot hlm; I any one wish after Ile to comre, az7rapvylraotOw eaavTro, Kai aparTwo roV osTavpo let him deny himself, and let hiim bear the crotbs aU'rov, Kai aKroover'ETw Uos. ''Os Tap av ofhim, and follow nie. Whoever for OeAp 'rTlv uvXvY a-ou aowaa(l, a7roASaTE avr-ry' mnay ish the life oltlhm to s;.;, shalile hoer; 6s 5' av aoXeAf rp T77 uxtrv a'rTou eveice. w. hoeter and I may loe thle lie oflhim on ccolnt qIou, -eupi71reC aLtIr'v. `6Ts 'yap wCeAetCrai avol me, hialt flud ler. What for is profited a Opwwros, faU' rov Ko0o-ov b6Aov Kepr77Jar,r717 8e mn, it tile world whole he may win, the and *d/vt'XY abrov C77 IWO71a; 1 TI Swrnti atOpcwtros life of him ~ he may forfeit? or what shall Five a tan - avraAAay/a.a T77s tuxr/ss a '.iro; t7 MeAA, yap ijexchiange for tie liie of lill IT aiot for 6 vios 'ov avypw7orou EfpXCrOat EC '17 80u rTO Ute son ofthle lian to coule in t..e glory oftile irarpos aUTro, ITAETa Trw ayyTAc\w a7Jou, Kar father of him, with tihe uleoxengers of him, and TOTf aro8wrteL fKacTTrq iCtaT r Tr7M irpadti then he will render to each ole accordingto the behalior CWTOV, of him,. 28 AgtrP A.eyW Vl1P, eftO Tives -rwY COe fTrwIndeed I say to you, theree are oe ofthose here having 'rcv, olrfves ov prfl yevrfwvTra Oavarou, ies ar *tood, who not lot shall taste ofleath, till -sawo T ovM vlovi ToU ayvOpwirou cpXO.Lfevv e 1pry they uay see the son otthe lan comning in the Ba3 rAesia atrov. KEC'.:,. 17, 1Kai peA' royal majety of lim. And after -,uepas f 7rapaXaqjifavfe 6 'Ilaovs rov nilepov, iays six takes the Jesus the Peter, feat lateSovw, ai 1awvvty. rovM afSEXpov auTrou auld James, and John t he brother of him; his DIscrr,1LEs, $ 'hat he 1musst go to c.erusalem, and sltiel'r 1:,lncl lf]oim the ELDEIIS, a11d lligh-pricsts, iu;d Scrlibi s. and be killed, and tlhat cn the T111nuI Day he must be raised up. 22 And PETER taking him aside, and *rebuking hini, said, "Be this f;ir from,tlhee, Master; this shall not be to thee." 23 But HEr turning, said to I'ETER, "Get thee behind nlc, Adversary; thou art a Stumbling-block to lme for tlhou regardcst not the TIINGS of GOD, but THOSE of MEN." 24 Then JESUS said to his DIscIPLES, $"If any one wishl to come after I:ie, let hini renounce Ilillself, and take up his caoss, and follow nme. 25 IFor whoever would salve his LIFE, shall lose it; arid whoever loses his I. rrT on my account, shall fiid it. 26 For what is a Man profited, if he sliould g;iin tle Whole WOuLD, 1ind forfeit his LIFE? or what will a lman give in Bansom for his LIaE? 27 tForthe soN of MAN is about to colle in the GLORY of his YATIIER, wiit hlis ANGELS; and then lie will recompense to eachl one according to his COND)UCT. 28 1Indeed I say to you, * That there are SOME of those STA NDING here,who will not taste of Death, till they see the soN of MAN corning in his lOYAL MAJESTY." CUAPTER XVI. 1 And after six days, JESUS took PETER,Janes, and John the BROTIIBa ol James, and privately con-; i --- * VATICAN MANUSCPaiPT.-22. rebuking him, said. 28. That there are. t,21 Meatt xvii..22; xx 17; Markviii. 3; i.,31; x. 33; Luke ix 22 44- xvii. 31i iv. 6, 7: 24.Matt. x. vrH. 4ar t L4 ltke ix.23; xiv 27, t1 2. Lue xvii 3 Johnii. 25. *.I rs:,Pd:^.. 2x'ix7. * tt.,arxxrI —; Mark vill. oS - Luke lx,: 20, 28. Mak. 1I li. g ix, 27, 1. Mark ix. 2i Luke i, 268 .'iap. 17?: 2.J MIATTHEW. [hap; 17: 12. Kai avafqepet avrovrs ets- opos v*?lAov Kal'rt.itav. ducted them up a lofty anil heads up them into a mountain high privately. MOUntain; Kani eTeFIEopPwO7O e~TrTpor0Oev aV7-raw, eat 2 and he was trans. And he was transtigued in tlie presence ot hnem, nd formedl ill their 1presence; eXfAaJte 0 T rpoa'wUro au-rou &s 6 i.tos- 7ra e Io! FACE s6hohe as the *hone the face ofhnn as the V. Kai 6 eav,7 LsKato, 8oaww vjLv,. Ot Be and whatever may be just, I willgive tu you. They and artlAX0ov. 5 IaaALv eeAOwv 7rept EiKTrr Kal went away. Again going out about sixth and eYYaTrIv &cpay, E7roi7L(rev t'av rU. 6 rIept be ninth hour, he did in like manner. About and T'r7Y EvOKaT7V [0cpa[ ] ~tAeOwv, fevpet aXAous the eleventh [hour] going out, he found others ETOrwTas, Kai Ae'yet avrois' Tt Ctoe o'(r7TKaTr standing, and he says to them: Why here stood you 6AMv. T7'r efuepav apyos; 7Aeyovao'r aur,' 'OTI all. the day idle? They say to him: Because ovufEs 7)iuas Efpia'Owacro. AeyetL aTrois' 'TTrano one us hired. lie says to them: Go 7yere Kait bfELeS fEL TOV ay.LrEAwva' *[Kat 6 Eav also yon into the vineyard: [and whatever 1 BtKaIov, A?7'J/eo0e.] O8 tas a e B yeYonay be just, you shall receive.] Evening and having fLE'V7S, AeyfE 6 ivpros 'TO aJtirEfwos 'r come on, says the lord of the vineyard to the eftrtpotrt a Trov KaXeaov 'rovs fpyaTaIs, cat steward of him; Call the laborers, and a7roos avTOis roy p uraOov, apajul.fE os aro 'rWV give to them the hire, beginning from the faXaTwv, fCoS TtV 7rpwTv. 9 Kae fAOOPrfTs ot last, till the first. And having come those 7rept T77'v eBfeKaTO7r cppav, EAaSot ava B7Tvaptay. about the eleventh hour, rdceived each adeuarius. 10EAovTres be oL 7rpW'TOt, eO, 6vol tav, 7rAso ova Having come then those first, supposed, that more Ai/ovrTa- KCa (eAaSov KaS avurot ava 8Slvaptov. they shall receive. and received also they each a denarius. 1tAaJovTres e ey7oyyUOVc KcaTa T7ouVoicoS roTroV, IIavng received but they murmured against the householder, 12Ae6yovTfes 'Ort obro o& erXaaot e lTO av cpav aying; That these the last one ' hour e7rotc7(rav, cKait aovus 7uLIv aVTros ferot7ras, rots worked, and equal to us them thou hast made, to the aTo'raaoacr a TO 'apos 'r7S fltEpas, Kat 'ro KtUhaving endured the burden ofthe day, and the burnMOwvca. ~'O be a7roKpileis flrev ^vt avOrwvP ing neat. lie lbt answering said to ohe ofthem; 'ErTatpe OViK aSlKcW oe- ouxt 8t'vaptovu O'Uvfp' Friend, not I wrong thee; not ofadenarinu didst thou vr7lra:s LOt; 14Apov Tro 'oP, Kat WTrafy. 'OfAw agree to me? Take the thine, and go. I wish e TrourY r Xa fExarT ovvat WIS Kat (rot. 15 H and to this the last to give as also to thee, Or OUKc etTrt.os 7rotraat 6 OeAEO fEv 'rois fLots; not isit lawfulto me to do what I will with the iy own 1 6 o>80aIAos o0ou r'novrpos co'rTv, 6rt fyc, or the eye ofthee evil is, because I ayaOoS e/it; 1 Oj TCWS EfotVrat ol EfXaTot, good am? Thus shall be the last, [Chap. 20: 16. VINEYARD, and whalltever is rcasonable, I will give you.' And TIIEY went. 5 Again having gone out about the t sixti hour, and about tile t ninth, lie did in like manner. 6 And about the tELEVENTHI, going out, he found others standing, anid says to themt, Why stood you here All the day unemploved?' f They say to him, 'Because no one ihas hired us." lie says to tlihem, 'Go you also into the VINEYARD.' 8 And Evening having come on, tile OWNER of tile VINEYARD says to his STEWARD, 'Call the LABORERS, and give them their WAGES, beginning with the LAST, and ending wiith tie FIRST.' 9 And i HlosE who came about the ELEVENTH hour, leceived, each one, a Denarius. 10 T'hen IROSE who canle FIRST, expected that they shouldr receive mlore; and tbhf also received, each one, a Denarius. 11 But having received it, they mIurmnured against the HIOUSEHOLDE}., 12 saying, 'These LAST have worked One Hour, and thou h]ast made them equal to us, who Ihave ENDURED the BURDEN anldthe SCORCHIIG HEAT of the DAY.' 13 IIE answering said to one of tlem, riend, I do not injure thee; didst not thou agree with ue for a Denarius? 14 Take THAT which is THINE, and go thy way; * will give to This LAST, even as to tlee. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do wlhat I please with xY OWN? Is tliine EYE envious, Because l am liberal?' 18 Thus the LAST shall * VATICAN MAfUSCRIPT. —4. hour-omit. 7, and whatever may b right, you shall receive. —omt. 14. * will..,N oon..1. 0Three o'clck in the afteroono. t 0, FlTO o'clock a to aiterdocL: '... _*i.I I Cvsap. 20: 17.] M ATTHEW.,,6jsap. 20: 25. wpceVToz' Kat of lrpeoTot, EirXaT01. *[rioAxot lie t first; and the FIRST, first; and the first, lat. [Mtoy last." yjap C-1o-1 KXO7ToL, OAI-yot &E EKAEFKTOL.] 17 t Aud * wlen Jesus tor are called, fee but chosen.] was about to go -up to O Jerusalem, lie took the I'Kat avWeaLatWVu 6 I-q'ovs 'Is epoao'ov~ua, TEV Sile priAnt goiog up the Jesus to Jerusalem, o, l,*ad adt hm srapeAa.Be T1OUF &M IE~a iAaaOi7aS Kear' t~ta v Oilvately WAnYsidt, te he took the twelv~e disciples prvtl oii1 the oAd, w o ITs d- fxaes -. 18 "I8ov, aoa,6awvo/.4Ev ~'eod eg i teway, Rnead tote; L, weg t Jerusalesi; and thle "l 'pao'o~u/.ea, aica 6 y'as 'rou as'Oprou 7r0 Se~ ON Of MAIN will be deto Jerosalem,, and theso ofthe ean wd Le livered to the HIGii5ij0,o-ETa9 'rots apXiFpEVO1 Kica -ypa/.e/AaT1FvO's Keai PRIESTS and Scribes, and delivered up toithe high-prientt and teribes; and they will -condem~n bins; Pearaicpvvai)Oty auros' *[Ouiarwl~,] 'O Keat 7rapa- 1l9 nod wilt deliver Mm~i t hey wilt condooto him Etc deatihj and ih'y wil to the GENTILES, to be &,iOovOLiy airi'oV TOiS fEOITOLt OLT TO eCjiraitaL MOCKD edsougd.deliver np him,t to the Gentjile for the to tooch, aiid crucified, atid onl the RetFa'tfert etoT.paoa'at t '71 7T1 THRD Bay lie will rise. and to trosorge, and to crucify i and i a Lhe Tthi r~d ' 20 tTheii the MtOTH EER Ji'7,prp' aVatO'T770'ETai. of Zebedee's chiILDREN coy4 he willotand op. came to him, with her 2' Tars wrpao'o~x~es aur~. P T VO SONSa, prostrating, and re- Tact camet to him the mnother of thle sons usigsmtsigfoi. C hint. ZL/3e3aiou, /eera 'rees ut'ws at-rT77S, lrPairsUt'0ao'a, 01I And sit said to her, ct Zebedee, with the soens ofbiere, prostrating, Whtosth wh? Peat atrovo'a 't1 7rap' aVTOU. It 'o ae ELE,htds hoiws, an ako nnehigfr~ i~, H a toil " *nid SnE said, "Coot' and ski g ometingfroin im. e &d si matnd, tltat in thy KINGa!)7ft*atTel Eire' Tt Ose~ts; AE7E [aj J EiE, Iva DOM, one of These niy to her;' Whtt wilt thee?7 She toyt Ito Iikaiio I Soy, tihat TOSn a i tt~ may titrc v titte ohe two tent Ufta, Cto ot iohttO Right ]liand, and the other P aysit tlfese th tw osoue oea i at thy Left." CouK 11CteavWVf~l, rv T. aijA~ 22 But Jesus answverof thee, and one at left of thee, it the kingdom ing said, " You know not 0001. 22As'otpytOets 8e 6. Ii-oo-out stmrss. 09 ot- wiu o eqet a o f t hee. Ansewering hot she Jetus said. Not y y youdrin yof requese ICup, ElT 'tatet~e uia'e rti''O lro1sPt',y of which I ant about haste, wihnt vou osk. Are yoo abie to dribk tile Cup, to drink?" They say to aS Ofyeti cekAAwt ll'ety I.: Ae'}yowari' awrep- Au- lini, " We can." w*hich C an tstt to deinkI They tay to hitn; We 23 H~e -says to ttens, vct~esoa. 23*[Krat] AyEtYE a'.T'ros' Ta ltp' 110- j"you willide, rik ace able. nd3 h bsays to theto; The indeed ofI ss ta' inted torit a 'r13ptov taov irieae 'i-0 BEl,Kadtrat OKc ELc~ol` niy Ritghit haiid, and at gop f o se nitit t~at te ht tealt at i~it *thc Left, is tiot itijiie to:eAD!) otiest e uosulwoi' l.Aou, owice srts' fjAos' Elouat, give, except for whomn it,of tne and st teft of ste, not it toite to give, hisenpraedbsy csAN' Oft ~ 'Toigtaoras airo 'rot 7ra7-pos M~ov. FATitER." hul to whem It has beet% prepored hy tule fotther otfme. 24 1 Aod the TEN, hay24 Kau atcou-asyres of 8Fsia, 7r,'avater-4prav 7rept sg heard, wer tdgtn *Atd hoving hented the tee, werecongry on aecount of againoat the Trwo Brothers. 'rwys 5vo a5s*~iafP.Q " '0 Bes lIqoovs, 7rpoo',aAe- 25 But Jtseus, having thea two brothers. Tole hat Jet".e, hating called thieim, said, " You VATICAN MANoUn&Xses-16. For many are earned, bus e Cow csssn-ewmte. 17. when Jesuit wios shoal Ca go up t' Jertisa eur, I.C W0k. 57. atid said ta) them on 0hit WAy. 15. t0 De-Itlh-smit. 21. A'lud saii s'd. 21. ta h1iin-orlit. 23. And-ozalt. 23. tue Left. IRThis was fulfilled, wben "Heired killed Jamses, thle neoseesr of John, with a s~word," Aetaxti. a aid wlien John WHbasnisethed to ' TioAT aitL which is CALhes'Po-ltaoso, for the WORD of Go., Stil for the WETItNtttOY of jesas, Chr-ist,' IteV. i. 'Q. '1I6. I Matt. xix. 30e I 1 17. Matt. xv'i. 9Ii; Mark x. 82; Taske xviii. 11 John s-1t. 12, 20, Matt. i v. Ill- Mark x. 8' I Id2. Matt. xxvi. 151 4a21 ~Iark xi%,.%oii Lukth 'xyii. 4s2, 'ohn rvihl. II' 2 3. Acls xilt2sAO=. v" 17i aliCop. i, Rev.ig, ij 4.X X, 41; Luke xxii. d,~ MCap. 20: 2G.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21: P. tralfevos auVovu, eFrey' Obare, 6TL ni apXovPTS *know That the PRINCES called them, *aid; You know, that the rulers of the NATIONS rule illTW, ceftwv KEaraKvpitvovUoty avUrw, Kial ot UeyaAot periously over theml; and of the nations douineer over them, and the great the GREAT exercise auKaTrfEovoriaCouviy avTr wv OVs oVrS f l ETat thority over them. exercise authority over them. Not thus it shall be 26 It *is not so among evy bnlv' aAA' ts eav OeA? e y VpUtI/ a-yas you; but whoever may a yaong you; but whoever maywiuh among you great desire to become great yevefa-at, CrW TC wYV 8EtKOVos' K 7 Ka s faV among you, let himt be to become, let him be ofyou aservant; and whoever Your Servant; OeAp eV V.IuVt eiva 7TrpwTOS, 5OTu VwUV 27 tand whoever may may wish among you to be filrt, let him be of you desire to le chief, let him 6ovAos- 28 ao-rep u vios TOo avOpwrov OVK e be Your Slav; a slave even as the son of tle man not cale 28 even as the SON SaicKov O7,valZ a\Aa saKrovalOat, KaIt ovvaL r7-v. of MAN camle not to be to be served but to serve, aud to give the served, but to serve, and avX7Xv aurTOV AVTPOz avTr rroAAov. Ito give his LIElS a Ranli of him a ransoln far tarty. on for mlany.": Kat fRoropuvooevo w avurwv a 'IrepLXwo, 209 j.And departing from And departilg of them from Jelicho, Jerich o, n great Crowd 7lKoAOU0Ea V avTu o-Xos 7rokvs. 30 Ku - o V, ifollowed him. followed himt a. wd great. And lo, 30 Ald behold, Two ~UO Tv)AO, Ka0f POL 7rapa Trs d0', QaKOU0 b5blind nmen sittin by tile 'reS 6iL I0-ovs rapayel, eKpja)t,, AfeyovsTcs sus I'sseld by, cried out, sayi V 7 a pnn"O Master, Son of ing that Jesus passes by, cried out, saying; sayi, aster, Son EAkFc71oov jnas, Kupce, VoS Aav&. 31'0 Be oxos 1)avid, hlave pity on us!" Pity ts, Olord, son of lavid. The and crowd 1 e PEOPLE reeErfTr 7 aUToBs, iva 7r7loav. 'Ot u proved them, that they mIriglit be silent; but THEY reproved themn, that they might besilent. They but Ill'tle lent; l t leSlov ciKpaov, AE-OYTcES- EAe-t(r-o' Sluas, KUIpE, cried the louder, saying, more did cry out, saying; Pity us, O lord, 0 Master, Soi f avid VI -3d Ka oar 6 vs have pity on us I' Lvos Aavi. Kai v oltrovs' ec- 3'2 And Jsuvs stopping, son ofDavid. And having stopped the Jesus lie cal them and saig called them, and said, vr1a7v avTrovs, eKat Elre' Tit Oeere 7r6b77Oac "What do you wish I called them, and said; What do you wish Ish oulddosu do for you?" vfilv; shAeyovartv avtp. -Kvpe, iva avoiXoarv 33 Th eyu f or you?"im 8lI 33 They say to him, to you? They say tohim; 0 lord, that maybe opened Sir that ouEYES may 71u)vW o0 ocpdah\ot. ar'Aayx ^(r'et0us e 6 be opened." of us the eyes. Being move with pity and the 34 And Jesus being I?-ouvs, rIaTro T7wV opOaACpaw, auv'tj Kteai EU- moved with conlpassion, Jesus, he toulhed the eyes of them; and im-touched *Their EYES; and OeWs avSefljAXla av'TWv ol oP0aAhol' Kai 77IK0- *thty received sight and lnediately saw ngaia ofthem the eye>: and they followed Iim AovOeaavy aUVTPry. followed him. CHAPTEA XXI, KE-b. Ica'. 21. 1 TAnd wlhen they were 1 Kat r'e r77yytrav eis 'IepoooAhvua, eat f h7ovI nilgh to Jerusalemi and And when they were nigh to Jerusalemu, and had come had come to Betllplage, Eli BtQO0apy7-I TprOS TO opos TwoV eAatwv, Toore 6 ne.r to the MOUNT of to Bethphage by the mountai the the olive-trees, then the OLIVYE, then JEsus sent Iro0ov-s a7rca-Trete /vo tAaOr7Tas, \hywv avTroTs' Two Disciples, saying to Jesus sent away two disciples, saying to them i them, 2 IlopfUO e e1s Tr7v cafl7 rJ T17v revavt lYWvIw 2 "Go to THAT VIIYou xtay go to the village the over against you,t ISAGE wlliCl 1 OVERA. cat evu0ews e SpfTreT ovov s8e6eLevity, icat irwAov GAINST you, and you will abd imlmediately you will find an ass having been bound, and a foal immediately lind an Ass VAraTCAn MASUsctisT. —2. is nob so. 83, our BYEs. 34. Their zsEs. 84. they treeived siglt, 1 26. Matt. xxiti. 11; 1 Pet. v. 3. t 27. Matt. xvitl. 4; Mank ix. 5-. x. 43. $ 28. Luke; iU.:ai? John Xit.4 14; P':il. ii.7. 28. Isa. UHi. 10, 11 Dan. ix 24,26; Matt, xxvi. i8 1 Ti, t.O; Titus Ii.14; Heb.ix.2.. 2 * $. Mark1i, l uke xU. 29, Ctap. 21: 3.] MATT HEW. feT' aurl7s' vooavcareT s aEyyeTe /os1. 3Kar ca with her; haviug losed Lbing to ale. Aud if Tp ViIv eiT7p T'i, EpeirE. 'OT 6 aly (one) to you shoullsay any (tiling,) you sia!lsay; Thlat thle Kipios avrwv XPfEatv EXEL' euOews oe alro(Tlord ofthem Lced has; imnmediately and he will TreAXe aU7ovs. 4Tovro Be 6Aoy 7yeoyovev, iva send them. 'ais and all has heen done, that 7rArlpwo7 O o 7 7)0ev ia rov trpo q7rov, sight befulfilled the wordbpoken thluough the prophet, Aeyorros,' EiraTare T7 Ovyarpt iLowvP Ioov, sayig; "Say tothe daughter of Zion; Lo, 6 3arie6uvs OV fpXTait oi Trptvs, KaI cf7rtethe king ofthee comes to thee meek, and having 37cKWS e7ri oov0, Kat rcwAov v vlop bro'u/yiov." beeneet on an ass, even a foal ason ofabeawtof burden." 6IIopvOevrOF J e otPL O iaO71at, Kat trora0t7'vT Having gone and the disciples, and having done caOws?rpoaefTaTey 'avrois 6 IprTOVu, *7 7ryayo' as commanded to them the Jesus, they led Tr7v ovov Kat T70V 7rw ov, Kai eire6rnKav earacv the ass and the foal, and they placed upon avrwcv Ta iaTtarta avrv/ ' Kai ereKaOtlev eravw them the mantles ofthem; and theycaused to it on.(one) avrwv. 8 '0 ae rXetaTos o\oos Te'rpwa'av cavof them. The and greater crowd spread ofthemT7v TaO Iuarta El T- y-' aAXot e eoK0Tr0ov selves the mantles in the way; others and cut off KXatovs at7o Tcwv 1 t Kai ea'p, oKa pCVVVO ev branches from the trees, and scattered in T' 6O30. 90 I e oXAot ot 'rPoa'yo,'Te Kat Ol the way. The and crowds those going before and those aKoAovUouvTEs ercpa'^o, Xfyovres' 'laoavvya Tr following did cry, saying; Hosanat to the VUy AaVLO' euvAoypuevos 6 fpXo/1ePos ev o' ouart son OftDavid, worthyofblessing he coming in name KvpiOt &aCavva eV TOtS t4to-roit. 10Kat Et.reAofLord: hosanna in the highest. And having ov'ros avTro Etr 'IFpoo'oAXu/.a, caeta'fOl ira~aoentered ofthem into Jerusalem, was moved all 71 vrorts, Aeyovaau Tis earTt oUrTO; A O the city, saying: Who is thisP The te o ot y OXro S earTv IYOr7'ovs o irpocprl-. and crowds said: This is Jesus the prophet, [C7tap. 21: 11. tied, and a Colt with her; lojsc them, and bring them to Ine. 3 And if any one questions yun, reply, l'hat the MASTER walls them;' and lie will send them promptly." 4 N ow all this was performed, that the Uwou1) SP'OKEiN thllougl the ItoPitETr might be verified, saying, 5 +'Sayto the nDAuTr"TEl Ot Zion, Belold tliy "KING' conies to tlee, "lowly, t lbeing seated on "an AsS, evenl *on a Colt "of a Laloring Beast." 6 $Andthle lDSCIP..E went,'and having done as JESUS directed tenm, 7 they led the Ass, and the COLT, and 1put tlheir MANTLES over them, and made him ride. 8 And a GKtEAT PART of the Crowd spread *Their own GARMENTS on the ROAD; and others cut Branches from the TREES, and scattered them on the ROAD. 9 And THOSE CROWbS * rRECEDING himl, and THOSE that FOLLOWED, shouted, saying, t" IIosanna to the SON of Davidl I 'Blessed be HE who 'COMES in the!Name of 'Jehovah.' Iosanna in the HIGHEST heaven i' 10 $ And having entered Jerusalem, the Whole CITY was in commotion, asking, "Who is this?" 11 And the CROWDS answered, "This is Jesus, THAT PROPHET who * VATCAw MA.NUSCXIPT. —. on a Colt. 8. Their-own QaaRMENTs. 0. r'll. cXDINs him, and. t 5. Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem ridinr on an ass, has been objected to as me-n and ridiculous, but it ought to be remembered that this circumstance was an exact f.ilfilimeint of Ezek. le. 9, and exemplified at the same time his strict observance of the divine lan, Eastern asses are much larger and more beautiful than ours, and kings and p-triarchs did not disdain to ride on them. Compare Gmn. xxii. 3 Exod. iv. 20 Nun. xxii. 21; Jndgecsv.l ); x. 4 28im.xvil.2; xv;i.23 xix.20 1 Kings.8, 8,84. When olomnonand s:teceed'ng princes m-iltiplied horses they were rebuked by the prophets, and chastised by Old frit. 6ee Isa. ii. 6,7 xxxi. 1 Hos. xiv.8. Compare a'soIos.i. 7; Micrh v.10,11 gZ-h. ix. 10. t O. Hosanna. is a -Iebrew word, signifying, "Save, we beseech thee I" sptd in this place is ismilar t) tVhe French "tire leri," or the English "GOd save the king." "HosannA to the sos of David," is equivalant to "God preserve the soa of David." - ts. Isa. Ixi. 11 Zech Ix- 0.; John xii. 15, 6, Mark, 4, $, a Kluapl t, 1I $ 9. Psa, cxviii. 2, 1 10. Mar xl 15. - M~ap. 21 t 12. ] M-ATTFHEW. [map. 21-: 2T.. T?77, 6 aro Na~ape-r T71s raLaLXiaCs.. 12 Kai. that front Nazneetle of the Galilee. And CITdaiXOEi 6 17/rotiS CICI TiO 16pov *[TOU NOUan, entered the Jesus into the tenmple Lef the Godj deaL etE/3ake 7raprccaS TOVS 7ww\oineras iaL a-yopanod canteout nil the nellineg and huyY~seS Tr91 ifptp, deaL TIS' TpcarFECat TCOYi KoAXAU illg in the teotple, ned thle tables tfthe moneyBio-renu'KarEGoTpE4/e, Eat Tas ica~ebpaT TWPS chaogees ovetunrneti nnd the seets of the 7rw~oin'TCVPl Tias wiEpLO'Tepas. 13icai Ae'yf av'sellitog the doese: anod he says to~ 'rotq$'eypa'r'rai "'0 01KOS dUOV, ouKcr 7rpooreuvXs Othei, itsnwritten: 'The house of tee, nltehoue of prayer tcA7,O77treTrai Vi/letS8ECaUTirtE7foL7(.ra-ie o-ir77,atOi shni heecalled. yon but it have otade n den A?hO 'T 'J'. 1 1K ai rpoo-77jk~oi al-re 'rV4pAOi icae ofrobbern." And ectre to hime blind anod XwAkoL CY TV-9 I CpaiP, KaiL eO~pIZarevTeZ avrovs. M ne in the terople, end hie hbealed thoto. I1 ltflTIE. 8e 01 apxLEPEiS Kai o1 "fpa/A/AaTfLS Ta H toiogneeni hot the itigh-preees and Othe scethes thle OaeoLaatia, a erTOA77e, KaeL TOt'S raitas Kpa. woenders, which liedid, anod the hoys eeyIng io tite tetmple, end enyinf; Hoeannna tethe &L1 aceoi- 71yai'aKTflO'ai, Kaf i.L entoil aVtTWe #(I oitDavid; tt eytwet e.nogry. anod said toIitita; 'i-il T ot'-r0l A e-yo ucris'; '0 86e 171oOUS Il aree thelon' what titene are ocying? TIte anod Joesu Ac )'EL auroil- N"Wt ov3L-oTTe avE-yi'W)Tc- "'OTIneys to theto; 'te; ntever have yettleead; "1Thee Ce oToiAacTOS I't7ir1Wi Kai O,-jAa 0 vTwv EaT7-pout of wteeth othehben se t, otnt kieig (eo en) ithotthant 'TI OTCel ai'ov;"1 17 KaiL tCaTaAL7r~nIS at'TOtS, peefected praise?" And htaving left thent,,Ef5779k6L C et Ti7is 7iopews ELs Bsn6avtay, Kai lite wnet out et the city into Bethany, and ite eodged there, n fpe&'is Se, e7TavayZWi' ELIS T7111 7ioAav, crelEerly bate. retunenmg iteen tite city, he was Pa'ao. 19K at n8W v.0'eeICSqY /A1101' ErL T5) 6aoU, hungry. Attd seeing' afig-tere one.by the way, s~kOev ers aU'T77i, Scat ou~ei embp~v et' al.7~ Eti7 heet-ioe to her, and nothingfottnd in her eteept.4peAxa lpovoir KeaL Aryet aWtp M71KEETL CE 000V tenors alone; smtd bennys toher; No ntere by thee Dmap7f os -ye5'7)TaL CiS Toip atceva. Kai eC~-q lenin senyhbe p odneed to the seae. And withpcnseO1 rapa~pi7eea 7' ousc7. 20 Kait Lo05Tes ot eeed imntediateiy the fig-tree. And seein g the /uaOsprat e~aw/uamrai, AX y YTes. flces 7rapa~p77jta discipies wondered, saying: How seen -Fs-pa'O~q s1j o'vsea; 21 Asrotrpt~ets Be 6 Inro6vs withered the Sfi-tree?1 Answering end the.Jest. is from Naezareth see GALS:LEE."' 12 jAnd.JESIS went' into fithe TMPLE, and cx-~ pelled All THOSE SELLING and buying, and overturnecd tule TABLES of the BANICEES, and tlif SEATS Of the SELLERS Of DOVES; 13 and said to tlien, 'It is written, t ' My1 liousE. shall be called a House of Prayer' but _pI 0niake it a Den of Robbers." 14 And the Blind and l~anee canie to Ibun in thle TPSIPLE, and lie hteaeed them. 11- Bnt when the aGonIPRIESTS and scuiBEs saw the WONDERS which he perfornied, and -* THOSE Boys who were CRYING in the TEMPLE, "llosaiina to the SON of David I"' they were exasperated, 16 and said to hidl, "Most thou hear what these are saying?" And JE~SvS says to thena, "Yes; have you never read, t'Out of the Mouthe of Infants and N'urselogs thou hast perfected praise.' " 17 And having left them, he, went out of the CITY, $ to Betliany; and passed the night there. 18 T Returning to the CITY, in tile Morning, he -was hungry; 19 and seeing a single Fig-tree by the RoAD, he went to' it; but finding nothing on, it, except Leaves, lie said, " May no fruit gi ow on thee to the AGE " And the FiG-TREE instantly withered. 20 $And the DISCIPL-ES seeing it, were astonished, saing, "lHow soon is the.FIG-TREE withered 1" 21 Jesus answering, oVATICAN MWANUCecaTel-1. Of Go n-etit. 55. miake it. -15. weons 3018s who were CRYING. t12. the TEMPLEt-te hienemu Thin was not the aones, heouse, or Temple strictly so eallsedl including only the vestibule, the sanctuary, and the holy of helles. To thin our Lord himself had not access, because not of the posterity of Aaron. The traffic waes carried on la the out-et courts. These courts the Pherinces did not account holy. - 3 15,is Luke xlz 46; J h ISt I 13, Isa. lvi, 7' 18. Psa. viii. 2.. Jo nXl, 18. 1 55. Mark Ux. 12. 210. Mark xil.2. Chap. 21: 22.] MATTHEW. [Chap. 21: 30. etirev avrois' AArv e Aeyco'w vity eav eX7Tre said to them: Indeed I say to you, if you may have IrLarTLv, Kati /l 8laKpit07're, ov 1Aovov Tro faith, 'd not ahould doubt, not only the (miracle) 'rTs (ruvKlcs roroa'erTe, aAXa Kayv Trp opti rov'rT ofthe fig-tree you shalldo, but also if to the mountain this Efr7'Te' Ap9r7rT, Kai qt AYr r)7i fiS T't' you shoulld ay; Be thouliftedup, and be cast into the OaAa(rrave 7yevt7Jreai. 22 Kai irarra, 6ora av sea; it shall be done. And all, whatever aiTrlO''TE EFV Tr rpOrEvX7, rr'rTevovTes, you shall ask in the prayer, believing, Ae74ECTaO E. yeou shall receive. 23 Kai eA0ovT ' aV'fT fIS T' lepo,, irpocrtA0Xoy "And having come to him into the temple, came auTy t 31acaCOVT ol apXtepePts Ka o 7rpeFrBU rpoL to him teac:.ing the high-priests and the elders?ToU AaoV, AE'yovres' Ev 0rota etova'La ravra of the people, saying; By what authority thee (things) lrotfis; Kat TIS ffor eSWKe T7ty efoUloaav' raurrlv doest thou? and who to thee gave the authority this? "4ArolcptOeas s8 6 17oouvs ertev avTrots' Epw7a7rajo Answering and the Jesus saod to them, I will sk paas KaywT Xovyov ea. bv eav elr7rTe pOI, you also I word one; whlchl if you nay say to me, KaYW wliIv efpc, ev 7roit etovuaL TarTa also 1 to you will tell, by what authority these (things) 7notw'w 'To BaarrTria Iowavov 'rofev 7Jv; e4 I do; the dipping of John whence was? from oupavoU,?1 ef avOpw7rwv; Oi 8e s e\AoyTo7ro heaven, or from men? They and reasoned 'rap' avurots, AVyovTrEs' Eav etirwtev, 'E oupaamong themselves, saying; If weeshouldsay,from le.vovU -epet 7u1v Atart ouv ovKc E7rItarEuvoa' Ven, he willsay to us: Why then not did youe elieve avte;: E Eav Be el7rwz/ev, el aOpc7rwcv' po3outo htm: If but we shouldsay, from men: we JetCa rov oXov' rav7 es 'yap eXOUv't 'rot Iwcavvml iear the crowd: all for hold the Jonn c(s 'po(prrT71v. 27 Ka airoTKpiOev'rs rTe Il7ov as aprophet: And they answering to the Jesus *irov" OuV ot8aAtFv. Etpi avros cat avros' said: Not we know. Said to them and he: OUe 4yo Xe^ywo v.ttv Ef 7rola esovsia ravra Neither. say to you by what authority these (things) *roew. 28Ti ae vttv BOKCe; AvOpwiros c&Xe I do. What but toyou seems right? A man had freKva svo' cat 7rpoa'exOow rT7 7rpiT(e, etre' children two: and coming, to the first, he said: TeKYOV, vra ye, O7/epoY epyacOu el Y rp aA'reAcovt i Son, go, to-day work in the vineyard {/LoU. 29'O a atroKpiOeis C(IfM' OU OOeAw' ofme. He and answering ~said:. Not iwill: VoarTpov sfe Aet'ral/EAl7ets, atirAfXO. Kda afterward but having changedhis mind, he went. And,rpoaEXA v ' y s eTpY, FrEv &cto'avuosws. '0 Be coming to the other, he said just the same. le and said to them, "Indeed, I say to you, If you have an unshaken Faith, yon will not only do T'iiIS miracle of the FIG-TREE, but also, if you should say to this MOUNTAIN, 'Be thou lifted up, and thrown into tile' SA,' it will be done." 22 $ And whatever you shall ask in PrAYER, beheving, you will rive." 23 1 And hlavilf, entered the TEMPLE, tile llGII-PRIESTS and FLDEu S Of the PEOPLE, caile near, as he was teaching, and said, " Py What Authority dost thou perform these things? ai:d who EMPOWERED the( " 24 Jesus replying, said to them, " 2 will also a, k you ene Question, whlch if you answer me, 3 also will inform you by What Authoritty I do these things. 25 Whence was * TIIAT IM sl RSION which was of John? F'rom l-:lavcn, or fromn Men?" And THIEY reasonedl thus among thelisieves, "It we say, From lieaven, l:e will retort, Why then did you hot believe himn? 26 And it we say, From Men, we dread thle CROWD; for they all regard Jonir as a lProplht.' 27 They, therefore, said to JESUS, in reply, " We cannot tell." Ani re said to thcnm, "Neitler do 3 tell you by What Authority I perform these things. 28 But what is your opillion of this A M An Ilid* l'wo hons; andconming to tile }riST, he said, 'Son, go wo k To-day in ny VINEYARD.' 29 1IE answered, *'3 will, sir,' but went not. 30 And coming to the SECOND, he said the same....... ~... V] VATIA MAnuscaRI. —25. THAT IMMtESION which wasof John. 28. Two Sons. 2: f *will, sir;' but went not. SO. And coming to the SscoDn, he said the same. And uB answering, said, ' will not;' but afterwards he repented and went. 21. Matt. vii. 20; Luke xvii. 0; James 1. 6; 1 Cor. xiii. 2. 2?. Matt. vii. 8 Mark xli. 2; Jamesa v, 1G; John iti. 22; v. 14. - 23. Mark xi. 27; Luke xx. 1. Mkap. 21: 31.) MATTHEW. [MoP. 2.1: 38. arOKfpIOCIS eiirev' Eyw IMPLIE, Kiee oulf Ct7FAOe. And HE, answerin1g, said, aswoering said; I toed, and, not went. ILwill not;' but after31 tt tc ra &o~ariaie ro e~agac iu ifa~o. wards repenting, hie, went. Who of the two did the aeill of the father? 31 Whicit Of the TWO AE-yUO~' *aur.] 0 ~pw'or. AE'cet 'ror 6perforrued the FATtIER'S thley say [to tbiut;] The firnt. Says to them the WILL r" They say, " The Iaj7aous. Apaay' Ae-ywa LWi, 6'rt of' TEctlw'aL lfat *LTF. JESUS said Jesos; Indeed. I say to you, that the tax-gatheaer anod toyo.Ta thC~"n eed TI st at aropvat irpoa-youoa&v bl~asa cis 'rav,gaaaActav oyuyhtteTt the haelots go befoee you into the kingdomx IUTE-TAREIRS land thle,rovOfo. 3' Rke -ap rposbl~s laivv~s v tAR oTrS precede you inofthe God. Come foe to yen John in t heKNtGDOM of Goin. 32 For nt auet 63rp Siatcuouawne iot iwTv-T urp 1vui the 1 flRightamcy ofrighteou~ness, and not yo youisnadWayo it8E 'rekcweat a at' w p0p 0 eraTma LTP eousness, anti yott hebut ax-athees and th arlo~ts. believedl him lieve- him tiot; hot tite hatagteeIadte att eiod bn TRIDtUTE-TAKERS anld thle bhafIY 8C a3ov'TES 011 tETejdEA?107?1TE 60ITfpof', Tou H1ARLOTS believed tina; youanod seeing not repented afteewaoodo, of the yet pout, itaving seen it, WrtfTeuo-ar au'rTV. di not afterwat ds repent, to believe tine. SO[TO ttELIE'VE him. 3Anotheep tinenhle77 heoc YOT' [AP ne1on) 33Hear Another Para. Anoter prabl hea you [A an] ble. There was a House. flt' oIKohO307tOT-qls, 6OMS CEPT~uretive ajttreAwava, hohktr, T wlo planted a WUo a househotdee, weho plontedt a vineyoed, Vineyard, anti enclosed it icai (ppa'yjsol' atUrft 7epieOqice, lfat watcyEl El' witit a Hedge, and di""ged nd Rhedge to it placed around, and adngged tnfaWiepssnitad awrfJ AV1voV, teaa ffeKCOOM770'E rup-YOti' aIft e~ built a Towver, and leased it a eane-preen, and bouit I a tonwee; and let it to Cultivators, and left eloro aUTop 7YeWP-7OS, Kai ame8-qju7aleie. 34'o're tecury oa1t it no hnusbonchnen, and woent abrohad. When 34 And;vten thte vayfBe?77-YLOJ' 6 icalpos TOwl' Kap~rWl'5 aregT'rEiAE TAGE approached, he sent nold treeneeac the iti,,e ofhet fruits, he sent his SERVANTS tat tite CUL'rOUt aoukovs attirou, W(pos Tovs yewtpyottC, Aft- TtVATORS, to receive the the Slaves a Cinem, to the husanhndnen, no tO FRUITS. lEaiv Tour Kaptrotir at'Tou. 3, Kai kanaies'e co 35 Dot the ICULTIrArceive the feuits aflit. And hating tahen the TOSS hatving seized his -Yfwp-yo1 Tour 8ouAous au'rou, 60 gseV felepaY, SERVANTS, severely beat hosbnhodnen the stlave, of him, hima i,,dced they S ayed, one, and ttnurdered ann6v Be aare~creiivav, 6tv 8E eAieof3oAa~o-av. 3Mflakase titer, and stoned another. him and they hatled, him. nnd they petted nwith stones. Again 36 Agttitt, he sent Other atreo-rest~g aX,\our Bou~ous, 7rAetovas 'naWl Servants, atore honortthle he bent ot~hee Stnv",, greatee the than the FIRST, and they Wrprl.I'rcv Ka Et e~ri'tleTrdl au'rois &toauTws., 3''To,- treated them in a similar. first ant they did to them in like neannee. Aftee- manner. Typov e SEa~retrreike 7rpos aurous Top, Wloo at5-rou, 37 Finally, h le sent wards ned he sent tn them the Ison ofhimn, his S;ON to them, saying, A e y WY " EYa'paar77o-ovat -rov utop /tou. 'I OtI 'Tiney will respect aty saeying; They will eegared the men -oftme. The SON.' SE -yeCanp-y~l 18OPIFre TOP VloS', Etarot' el' hCSrtOs' 38 lBnt tite CULTIVAhot hushandmnen, seeing the non, said among thenesetves; TORS seeing tite SONt, said VOdrs efrTIV 6 IcX7jpovo1Aos' 8su'r, antrirei- among themselves, ' This Thi, is the heier eae emy is tisa HEIR; $ come, let lfIAtEl' ccu'rol', Eat ma-raaOXcsnLev'TS7J/ EKtnpoolmo~aal us kill him, anal forelltly kilt him, sand may retelen the inheritonce 11(11t tite SN~t EITANCE.' *VATICAN MAsUSCaaeT.-31. to hiM-emit. 81. LATTEs, 83, A man-oeit. 5,3. Leesse,wine- ress, Isthe word used by Matthew, w~q~hi upjoleeaioe, wine-vatis used by Mark eh. xlii 1. Wr. tobineon saw a wtne-ipres at llelxleh, WhC1te1 was hewVn out of a ree, ss~ ~v~ed ntotwoart. Te uperandmore shallow patt wits the place where the graeawge ut th loeranddeeeronewasth p~ee arreei.tingtte liquid pressed out of h. Tiiswto ~scs rvd lr othtese-res'atdwie-nag. his facst witl servo ta Illutrae te wrdsof.asu asrecrde bFtnetwohistorians. Dtl ake vOf, 2K, t S. Mstt, illS1; Luke vii. 33, 1 83. Cant. viii. as Isa. v. I Laa l rP. 1 811. Iteb. it. 6 117. 37S. Iteb. ia; 1 10hua lv. v., I&Ntt. XvIV2-4;JohnaXi. 03. Chap. 21: 39.] - MATTHEW. [Chap. 22: 3. 39 Then seizing hinl, auorom. 89Kat Aaseov e auvov, Efeao, t w they $thrust hinl out of ofhim. And having taken h, ty cst out VINEYARD and killed,roU aC/i7rkfAvo, Icai atirKTreivav 4 r O ray oV him ofthe vineyard, and k.le. When the 40 hen, therefore, the eAf0 6 Kcvpis lrov au7reAwyos, rI 7TOIToE OWN'ER of the VINEYARD mn come the lord of the vineyard, what will he do CCS, llat ill e do to comes, what will he do to 'rots yewpyols EKIctvOs; 41 AeyouCva avT' those OCCUPANTS?" to the husbandrnen to those? Theysay to him 41 Tey reily i him 41 They reply to him, Katcovs KaKird alroXfcaO avTovS' Kai L aTO -. ' le will put those Wretche wretchedly destroy them; and the vine- wretches to a wretched Awva fesckw(rTai aAAos 'yewpyoLs, olTvtes aro- death, and will lease tile oard willlet out to other husbandmen, who will VINYARD to Other CulSaWo'oUvat auWrp 'rovs aporous ev 'ros pos K ostivators, who will render render to hi. the fruits in the seasons lim the FrUITS i their avsrw. 43Aeyei avurots 6 I.rovus Ouve7roe e SEASONS." ofthem. He says tothem the Jesln; Never 4 JEsUS says to them, avftyvcoe ev rais 'ypacas' "Aiov o::. ar o0Kt- "Hlave you never read have youread in the writings: "A stone which rejec- i the SCRIPTURES, t+'A j.iuaav 0 o0 olcoojuovr'fes, OUTOS eyevY7077 elS 'Stone, which the rUILDted they building, thesame was made into 'RS rejected, the sane KepaTv, 7or0177ai fva rrpooa7lvrovTO Kai nake One +Proselyte, and and the dry, to make one;proselyte: a d when he is gained, you * VATICAN M laVSCRrPT.-5. of their MAnTLhs-omit, r. Rabbi —mit. 8 TEACtHR. 9. Is Your H&AVXNtLY PATHEa. 14. —mit. t 5. These were small slips of parchment or vellum, on which certain portions of the law were written. The Jews tied them about their foreheads and arms, for three purposes.1, To put them in. mind of those precepts which they should constantly observe. 2. ro proeuresthem reverence and respect in the.sight of the Aeathen, And. To act as ameleti of ekares to drive away evil sprits, —Clarke, t l Lachmann and Tlschendorf omit thit verse. t 15. A convert to Judaism. tt-..uMtn. xv.- S Deut.vi; 8;. xii.12. t a12., kB ltti.;38, 9; Luke xi. 45; xL 4, 8. James ii..-: ll.: Mitt. XxL. '6t27., l,.1.,.Luke xsv. 11;,xiii. 14, James iv;; IPetel v.5. - .sp. 23:16.) MATTHEW. [/o.2:2 6TraJ -ye771-at, 7roLeLTE a1701/ IO 1' y6e et't'- niako him a Son of Gewhn he becoemes, you toohe hjo a o ofeen lienna, doubly more than 817AOTe-poy' bwV. 16 Oval vttis, d317-yo, r~~L yourselves. doohie of ye,: Woe to you, goides blind, 16e Woe to you, tblisid 01 Ae-yo-rcs- 'Os ay' o,/Aoo-7 CY T, Paw ovuCy Guides! YOU who SAY, 'To the saying; Whoever may swear by the temople, eothing, swear by thle TEM1PLE, it S~rt" 6 ~'as'o/tO?7 o' ip po~r.c ious'au 5is othting; but to swear it is; whso bot ever maey swcearby' the gold of the teinpl,, by the GOuLD Of the TEUOIPCLAEL. 17 Mepos scat -rvoAoit LSs yap yF(y 11E it is binding. he is booned. 0 fools tead hled; which eoe greater 1 Foolish and Blind! s~rt'; 6~puos, 6 ~ 6 &~~ ~ for which is more sacred, is? the geld, or the tesepie, tWat sanctifying the t0 GOLD, $ or JTHAT XPTP.1 Kat' 'Os sat, o/teoofl ssi utz- TEMPLu * wbhil corisEgold? Also; Wheoever mtey swoear by the alter, CRATE:D tlC GOLDo? 00pq o305' eITTLJ' 5 at' gonC T-f 18 And, to swear by the tothing itis; Aeebe re eyseTebyte R, it is notjing,; hut 80pip Tri Elrat'cw au-ToV, ocPissAC-. '1 Mw~oi Ka to sweatr ly THAT OFFERgift that epon it, lie is booed. O fo'ole tnd ING whiich is upon it is 'rm~ov 'i ya ~es~s'; -ro &eoo' ~ is bi1in lols and Blind! blisadrJ whoch for1 greaoter oth lgroft ~ or th for which is sinore sacrcd, altar, tl'at sanctifying the gilt; He thee tli r EWhi~ih CONOssosaor77pug.', ~THAT ALTAI~w~' u o,.toas s' 'f~,050555 a-rept'~ SECiATEStIleurFERING? sweearing by the alter, sweer% by it ted HEtlror wh ss' ras's Tots cray'oi auwou, 21 seas 6 oleoc-as 0H ereoe-v by all tbe (things) upon it; ted be sweeing SWEAk by the ALTAR, sCy Ty aw, ogss'uct Cy auvep Kai CY' sM c arol- maiie oaths bsy st, and by 9 ep all thlings on it; by the teteple, swears by it aed by the (one) heving 21 slid HE NIr1o SWEAllS K71ffras'Tt auroP':22sai 6 o/toeas ss' -Iw oupas'wh teTE Llllk5 inebhited iti ted be soeertng by the heaoeo,,no~ by tieT~it,and byak11 o/vv- E' T-ro Opos'csl 'ou Osou scat s' i-cw ca~r- waho DWEL it, it;byi swease by the thrtee efthe God ted by the (oee) sit- 22 aDWL use it;SWAR 50?hs'w craviw aurov. hly HEVN, akes oatls te ePt t by,,tlle THSRONE of Goie, and b HTIMwho sits on it. 23 Ouat 6"Att', -ypagLa'TeLs sKat 4)aptc-atot, broic- 23 Vroe to you, S cilbil; Wee to yeou, see bet ted Piiersees, hyps- and PhIarise~s, Ilypoptwat 6i'I alto35scaToUTdI5 TO 7731o005005V, Ka TO -s i-seitesI Becrause you lily creitic.; beceese yoe tithe the mintt, aed the tulle Of MINT, and 1115,, av'10oo', scat -sos ieu/.vos' scat q4P~sca-rs -a SRapu- and CUMMIN, $bult nlegdill, ted the ceerelit; ted poet by the weigaier Irt tilis MtORE YIMPOET7rspa Too 'opAOu, Trfs scpssTs, scal TOP' sXsot', Kcat ANT iniatte.so ieJW (ttstigs) oftbe law, thle joitiro, ted the' ne~rcy, abd -JUSTICE, COMPOASSION, 'I7t t-to. Taura 8s s~t 7otoasaet' ndFPA It. TiseSethilugs the Ifaith. These botittisbisidig to do, and those you Oughbtto practise and 5-7asso. 2408 O7otuifet o tuto's not to oIitit t II0S3. net to omtit. Guides blied; the straining oet 24 Blind Guides! fhwho -o'scewlG r7'8e Ckap7)Xol scal-LTa s's' filter out the GNAT, Yet the* s-at tbe bet camel Swallewing dowt. swallow the CAMEL. 25 Woe~to you, Scribes 2O Uas blssv,.eypctgt.eaTett scat!Iapitratto ~isOs and Pilarisees, Ilypo-' Wee te yes, scribes atd Pharisees, hype- crites! $ Because you Ipopt-rt- wt ca~sptsweTo sceess'wovwoovipou ify tile OUTSIDE Of tise crites; beotese youeeleanse the oetside ef the ep cup atid the DIsH, huh *-VAICAN MAIrUSCaleT.-1-7. which CONSU1tSATED. t 24 An illusion to the custont of the Jews (also Greelr.A and Rtomans) of passing their wines through, a stralusir. The Jews did it from 'relIgious scruples, Ohs Geontiles. front cleanlinessI 1a. Matt. xtv- 14. 17. EXoeh xxx. 29. T 19.. Exoe. XIxx. 37. 22. Meatt, v34. 2s. Luke Xi.42.. 23. 1 SabnX.AV22;- )llcshv*LS; Matt.XIL 4. - TdI&ek Vii. 41 Luke xi. 89. Choap. 23: 213.] MATTHEW.,[M~lap. 23. 35. I I i I i I icat T772 7rapo~iL3os, etrfsOey 6e 7ye/ovf~ty e~ ap- within, they are foil of assd of the dish, withis bat they are full of ra- Rapine and injustice. 7ra-y77S Kali a~tsctas. 264)apttraie Trv4AC, /ca~aptwOs' 26 Blind Phariscel first pine sond injousice. 0 Phariseec blind, cen purify the INsIDE Of the 7rpWT'r Osr EPTOS Toll7rOT71plOU JCai T77 7rp~~s cup and the Disn, that first the inside ofthe cusp asd ofthe dish, t'IC OUTSIDE Of them may Iv 7VTUsatT fTS7TW cOtt' also become clean. that sosy becosse also the outoside of thess Cleass. 27 Woe to yon, Scribes Slnd IPlarisees, Ilypo27 Ovag ~w yp//aTEL Kcat slapto-aLsl, iorotc- crites! * Becau se you reWoe bo you, scriles and Phariooes, hypo- sensble wlsitened t/epulpiTat- 671 7rapo/.eota5eTe TafPolS scEKOs'la/.Lc/ots, chres, whiihi indeed, outcrts;becaose youarse like to toomhs hasoing bees ohitened, wardly, appear beautiful; OlTtVEC- etlsOEV/JP ~x-viPaLOPTaI CIpCIOL, Ec-trOEZ/ 6e but within, are full of tile wobiol wsithoot insdeed appear beautirul, snithisi but Bones of tise Dead, and of yE/toU01olS 00-TEfJl siPCKpfV sKat 7ra0-gs ascaOaplrlas. All Itpurty. fal ofbonces ofdlesd sod of all onclessness. 28 hu1 alo. uin,ITa' lent N/eels E~a'Os' 1AEs' BatI'tTl T01s deed, outwardly loappear I So also yoa woithout iodeed appear to the rigllteous to mEN; but as'Opa'7rols &Ksaltw, EswOdEs' 35 ff50701 EOa7rE bsroic- inIwardly you are full of soeo just, within hot fall are of by- Hypocrisy and Iniquity. plsrc-c's Keat as'so.eas. 29 Woe to you, Scribes poocisy aod of lowlelssoess. and Phlarisees, hlypom vltgev ynetasssat4alasl T5-crites l Because you `9 Oat egi, 7auaael9Kai4~ata-aotV"IOK-build tlse SEP'ULCHRES Of Woe to yost, scoibes sod Phsoisees, hytto- tile PROPHETS, and orssapLTal dit OfIC5OUOEITE ToO's Ta4oovS Ta's 'po('I71 noc1t, tile MEONUME~NTS Of oites; betoose yoo boild the tosobs ofthe prophet., tl UT Ta's', scat KcOO`ffttT6 Ta dl'v7lfLeta Tw's BLt(la's, til JUdsT, I e a sd adorn the monumoents of the just, 3 n aI eIa sen..y Ies atS,.,lived in the DAYS of our ta eee Et 77YEOa ev7-t i/espnts P& FTHERS, We would -not aodl say; If wellsd beets is the do;'. of the hv te atrptr 7rarFPpa' S')oea', ovsc as' 71,ue~a KC~ttv5vo& aura's' wills tltc n in the aeuuftther% ofos, not we had beets- poetthers ofttsesiDn oftl ROS S cs' TJ aheNart rwvs 7rptot-sqTa's. 31' o-r ~u E of thus yROuHETeStif in the blood of the prophets; So th at yot oa3naThu yoursel es, tioft pel=Ts EnuTrl, dTt viO OST'' WV)(osetvtaaYTa y ou are the SONS Of testify to yooeseloes, that s00s youtre of the h~aoiug hilled rtHOSE Wvlo SfUJRDERED To02 7rpo(o77'ras. -Kain s5/.ees wrX7pwaattr T o the PRIOPHIETS. the prophets. And yoo fillyou the 32- $2su also will fill IIFTpoI' Ta's waaTfpa' I' 7ea'. 33tse 1 es's'1/.aTa up the MEASURE of your soetomooc ofthe fathess ofyou. O serpeots, O broodsFATHERS. L-y eY-77a' pV~77T-e a7ro T-qs KPlG-Ea' T713 33 Serpents, $Progeny oft'ilrso; how eao yoo tee froms the jodgonent ofthe ofvprsl10 ca yo TEV7; at 'TowTo, 1300, eya' arOoTEXAWa' escape the JUDGMENT Of '=hna- Ileoouse of this, to, S seod the GEnENNA. wpos 6/sas irplt)hTas, scat frI400s, scat 'ypaueua- 34 On account of this, to yout prophets, sotd wise nien, and seribes - Bhl,1 sn oys TIEIS scat E~ a-t'r's amroeres'et~e scat orraupw'- Pr opltets, and Wise men, tod oat of thoem you. oill k ilt and willecru- sand Instructors; and some freT5, scat e~ avTa's 1eAZTrTlya('re-7e es' TaItS of tlieni yost will kill and city, sod ( ost of theos you wIll scourge is the crucify; and others yots ohs'ya'yw-ats bta's' scat Sta'~el-e airo 7rOAsa'a cis will scourge in your aTEaynog~ogues ofyso and pususe froosm city to AOOGUFs, and persecute 7roAty- tbra's eA\Op 5la5' to~ea.r 7ra tul/f from City to) City; city: so that snay cows uposs You. all blood 3 ota l h n &Ksaios', CKXVuso/.tesOV ~TI T775 'ySs asr TOV ascent Blood being shled righteous,. beinsghed upon the earth froms the upon the LA-NY), IWIy na.ta~ros ApeXA ToO &1Kt5lov icu rot' al/.arode conle upon you, f4rom the blood n/ Abel the, jail ts the blood BLOOD of Abel the JUST, 1 27. Luke xi. 44; Acts %xiii.. 3. 29. Luke xi. 47. 1 31. Acts vl i. 51 52; I Thess. tis 15. 3 82. 1 Thess. it 16. 333. Matt. titl.; 1l. 14. -. I 34.' 74tt. xxi. 84.86.- Lke xid. -5 - Cftap. 23: 36:J MATTHIEW.. Z tXcZ)Lu v'ot EapaXLou, bi' eq~oE OOucraE /lgErc& vt'Zehtariai as0e1 ofl.3araiei, who= you killtex beteeen TOU ItoOU Kal Toul Ovcficu-ajTp1u. 36 Agern, XEcYW the teuiple an:l the altar. Indleed;Itay 6NW, 67i 77SJEl ra:'ria 7TOS'a *7ri 7-7 'ytoeeaiz t ynti, thbthalteornthereit ings) all upon the generation TiZUT7lV. 'Ii 'IFpOvJaIIX/.L, Iepa'uaA.S7pIA, 47 carolrthis. Jerenutee, Jerusalemn, the killTELvWOU'r TOEr roPOW qTaS, Kci AtOo(3aKouoc TrevUS k -g, the prophets, and stoning the a7reo~rtmees'u E I-fSOSrpav atbrfl 70ro0t~arif ltJOEX7l0 heeving eeu %eut to hee, humt ofteu Idesired eWLUUrvvaya-Veu Ta' TeKya rI oi, 6X' Tpo7rav E OwlO'L to gather the ahildreen ofthee, what manner gethers va-yE opviS 'reg voocrt oic u 7u rrs wO, Tav 7r'repuvyag; abird the broot orheselif under the wing-P Kai OUic ii0tAXO'ct'-rf. pIiETatL IALL' 6 and not youwerewillieg. Lo,. is let to you the OLKOV 6pL'[Lw * Lepftos.3 31 Ae-yw -yap L4utv~ Ou house oL you La es~ert.] Itay for taou; Not jht) fAC- 3177Te al1 ctprt, EcwT ax, 0r7TC7E. EuAay7rnot aeyoumysteeetu x now, till you way say llaving been J;tC-POS 6 qFe,.e0o'o as' v` OVOAM71 KUPIOV. hLeuned he. coling in tense i Lurd. KEd'. Kal. 24. 5Kat EtEXWat i' I6llo'U ETOpEVETo airo 7-to And beiqgomeeout the Jesus was going from the iepOV- Kat irpoir.-X78ov oL iLm87lTrt aCWTOI e'irtrati etemple; and eete the disciples tthim, tapointout atvT9I 'rnyr O Ol ogas 'roto lepou. 2'0 Se Ino-ous to hit the buidin g* of the temple. The and Jesus 17ev atuots' Ou' $Ae7rEre 2aimVxt rTu'ra; vyA77 said tothem; Not 'seeyou all these; indeed ryer ~pdlo, Cu 1"5) p4e (i&F: Ateos ser Isay toyou, not notshseldhe lit hereo stone upon A10ov, 6S 00 l~Ka latAO7ja6Tfa. astone, which not shall bethrawa dows. 3Kafqaevou Se aCwrou eirt 'IOU OpOUS 'TW Sittiug and ofhim upon the mountain ofthe [Chap. 24: 3, to the BLOOD of: Zechariah, Son of Barachial, whom you w.l11 imurder 1 e ween the SANCTUARY n I the ALTAR. 36 Indeed, I say to you, That all these things will conme upon this GEKERATION. 37 $0 JerusaIem, Jerusalemn! DI.STI'OYING the PLPOPIIxTS, and stoning THOSE SKENT to thee, low often have I desired to assenble thy CHII.DiREN:, as a Bird collects her YOuNcG under her WINGs t hut you would not. 38 Behold, your NrABITATION is lett to you; 39 for I tell you, You shall not see me from this tine, till you shall say, 'Blessed he nHE who 'COlMES in the Name of 'Jehovah."' CIIAPTER XXIV. 1 $ And JESUS being come out was going from the TEMPLE; aUd his DISCIPLES came to show him the BUILDINGS of the TEMPLE. 2 And *HE answering, said to them, "Do you not see all these things' I assure you, $There shall not be left here a Stone upon a Stone; all will he overthrown." 3 And as he was sitting on the MOUNT of OLIVES, *VATICAs MANUscasIr.-38. a desert-omit. 2. Hs answering, said. t 85. There are a variety of opinions among critics, as to who is here meant. Some think it is the Zechariah, son ofJehoiadah, mentioned in 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21; but this leaves the Jews innocent of the blood shed during nearly nine qenturies of the most scandalous years of their history. Others think reference is here made to " Zechariah, the son of Berechiab and the grandson oflddo," Zech. i. 1; ofwhose murder mention is made in the Targtsm, or Chaldee araphraa. ofJonathan Ben-Uziel, (said to be a cotemporary of Jesus Christ.) In reply to this complaint of Jeremiah, (Lam. ii. 20,) "Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary ofthe Lord?" he says, "Was it well in you to slay a prophet as you did Zeohariab, the son of Hiddo, in the House ofthe Lord's sanctuary, because he endeavored to withdraw you from your evil ways?" This Zechariah livedsom 320 years after the one previously mentione, yet a period of over'50 years of Jewish history isleft out. Were not the Jews moreresponsible forinnocentblood shed during the last preceding five centuries oftheir history, than they could be for blood shed before the deluge? Others are ofopinion that Jesusspokethis prophetically of that Zechariah who was massacred, "in the middle of the holy place" three yeara before the final destruction of Jerustlem. Of himJosephua says, he was ajust man. Thus Abel wasthe first and this Zechariah, the last 'lut person, whose blood belng spilt upon the land, should be required of that generation. This view agrees with the context, and recorded facts; and in ag eenent with the same, ephonewate, a word in the first aorist tense, has been thrown into the future, instead of the past. 8. 2 Chron. xxiv. 20, 21. 7. Luke xiii. 8. Psa4.cxviil. 26; Mat'. xxi. 9, $1. Miarl'xiil. 1 Luke xxi.3 5, 2. Lukexix. 4.. Chap. 24t 4.1 MATTHEW. [Chap. 24: 15. tehaiwv, TrpoaoTAOov avrTl ol iaOlrrai KaTr' t8iav, the DISCIPLES came to olive trees, came to him the disciples privately, him privately, saying, Ae'yov'reS Etre fjitv, 7TOT e 'avTa eTrai; aC aC Tell us, when these saying; Tell to us, when these (things) shall be? and things will be?" and TI TO rafJteioV T7)S ars 7rapovaias Kai T7s "What will be the SIGN what the sign ofthe thy presence and of the of THY presence, and of a-vTfeITas Tro atcvwoso; 4Kai a7roKptLOeis 6 the CONSUMMATION of end ofthe age? And answering the the AGBr?" I77)ovs emrrev avrors' BAor~ETe, p rls b ias 4 And JESUS replying Jesus said to them; Take heed, not anyone you to them, said, $ "Beware, 7rAav77r7.'. rIloAot 'yap eevaovUraOTai T'r that no one deceive you; may deceive. hMany for shall come in the 5 for many will assume ovo/aTeti IoV, Xeyov Tes. E-yco i 1 65 XPIo-ToIS my NAME, saying, ',t am. name of me, saying; I am the Anointed; the MESSIAn;' and will Kai 7roXAovs 7rAav7rlovot. 6 MeAA710ETE C deceive many. and many they shll alctive. Yol shall be about and t ' And you will soon aKoveuv 7roA\glovs, Kai aKoaos 7wokwCr vv- hpaTr, hear of Conflicts, and Reto hear wars, and reports of wars; see, ports of Battles; but take t1A Opoia0e- Oei yap *[7ravTa] 'yeveoOal care that you be not not you be disturbed; it behoves for [all] t totake place; alarmed; for these things aAA' ourcw earT To Treos. TE7Ypraor lyap mnust occur; butthe END but nt tyet is the end. Shall be raued up for i I N t yet.' fOvOS Frt feVos, KaL SaoLAeia ev& 8aatAetay- Kai 7 F'or Nation will rise nation agailst nationl, and kingdom against klngdom; and against Nation, and Kingaov~e Anol, *[ I AoI~oI,] el t~o/ Ka dom against Kingdom; eroTaLbe atieo, '*[al^ oo,] at aetiato KaTa and there will be in varithere shall be famines, [and plagues,] and earthquakes in t t - eeous places, Famines and T01roto. llavTa E TravrTa apX71 wctvwv. Earthquakes. places. All but thee beginnie oflorrow. 8 Yet these are only a 9ToTe 7rapawaoovourv upaEa es OS 6 itv, Kat aroK- Beginning of Sorrows. Thei they shall deliver up you to afllicton, and shall 9 Tlen they will deTrevovarv b/Aas' Kat coaErO'.iaovoUt.LevOe 4rO liveryouup to affliction, kill you; and you shall be being hated by and will destroy yoll; and Travrwy Trw g eOvV 'Oa rT ovoua p/ov you will e detesled by all ofthe nations on account of the name of me. All the NATIONS, On aC10 vKa V count of my NAME. OKai TOTE 0oKavaAXi97lovrTali aro\Xo' caKL 10 And then: Many And then shall be caused to stumble many; and illbe insnared, and will aAAhXovs 7rapaSwo'oubo, Kait liar7o'ovoar aAAr7- betray their associates, each other shall deliver up, and shall hate each and abhor them. Aovs. 11 Kat 7roAAol 6evao7rpoq7l;Tai feepOr- 11 And I Many False otler. And many false-prophete shall be Prophets will arise, and ooral, KQ l arrao'ovor 1roou s 12Hai & will deceive Many; aov-rat, Kair avr)(rovori1roA\ovs, Kai stia iladei'" ~~ raised up, and sali deceive many and because e ofCE eTip T will abound, the LOVE of T o rAiOurv'7ivaL Tr7v avo/Ilavci, ^vyrlreTai thle NMANY will cool. the to be increased the lawlessness, hall be cooled the 13 But HE wllo,.PAa-ya7rr7 T7WV roAAwv. 13~O e vio0&VaS eis TIENTLY ENDURES to the love of the many. lie but holdrig out to. End, will be saved. Treos, cbros aowe11ar('Tat. 14Kat KripvX'O)rfrTat 14 And These I$ GLADu end, the sam shall be saved. And shall be published TIDINGS of theq.xNsG))O}i T7UTO To0 FVaryA0ov T77s JSaotXEias ev 6x r will he puhlished ln the thii 'the glad tidings ofthe kingdom ia whole the Whole HABITABLE, for a OiHOLVu7, ELI,lapMpToV rJra5P 7rsq TO ve KaHll testimony toe all tile iXhabitable, for atestlmony to all the uation&: and EN oe hih e lIONS; and then will the END come. TroTr et TO reAos. 1 'Orav ovv t t 15 Whlen, therefore, you then rballometbe end. Whe ttheey ayeethe shall see, stationed on S6eAvy/p) T1Is epllrwafcwo, Tro 6f Qe holy Ground, THAT DEabomination oftbe desolation, the woid havingbeenspoken STRUCTIVE Y ABOMINA* YATIOeAw MAuvcsritr. —. all-Tomit. 7, and plagues-omtt. t 4 Eph. v. 6O 1 John iv. 1. ' 9. Mark xiii.; -Luke xxi. 12; John xv. 20. t 10. 1. 'I:. 1.. 5 Acts.;ct. 2 Pet. it. 1. 1 13. Matt..14. Matt. iv.23; ton.x. 18; ix. 35 Col. 1. 6 23. - t lb. Dan. ix. T27 i, f.. - Mar~. 24: 16.] M A.TrTHEW. [6hrap. 254: 27. ~La ~t'flXT~l 7rO~7TOV E~6OECt'TO7folTION, Which is SPOKEN thrungh Daniet the prophet, ba.dig stood in plavo of throug-h IDaniel the ayLW (6 vayt'OOE~' toetcE' 16HPIM~IET," (READER at-, avayiva-Kv v~i~o-) 16ToTEC 0 11 tend!) holy: (he reading lot him think: then they in 16 tf" thn let:THOSE Ti- Io-t~ hIyerwo-al/ e-ar Ta opv 176 i JU A' escape to the the. Judea, let thems Bee to they noaiouas: lie MIOUNTAINS; e~r To Bwtlt-~o, j77 a~aaiy~co apt T ex 17 let not lia who is C'.oathe rs/aloof, not7 letahiJg dwn~, t~o tak th uto on the RcOOF descend to opste ro, rt nbe odo, otk h u take the thines froni his T?7S otictas abTovr 18ai 6 em T~d aypcp, /A0l uOUSE; the house of~htm; ted he in the Sold, tot 18 and let not Hiem who E*rurTpE~anToJ oarLmw, I Ta 14leaTia abrov. is in the FIELD, return to lot bo-tu toot baok, to take the mottle ofhliin. take his MANTLE. TfiI Ct'teat~atv 19 +Bhut alas for, the 19Ovai e-rt ey aqTpL e~va~ PRcal, rlndahesUS+ Woe and to the in womab hoaving P1odNA tdotheN~ - n oteING WOIMEN hin Ttose Oq.\cicouvats El' Keivtlais Taill ~j.eepais. ' lpc DAYS! gioing..rk it thtse the days. Pray 20 Piay, therefore, ihat C-UXC0o0 SE, bia /Aol -Ecl7Trii ~ Ov/7 blw your iLOIGIT he not in you. antd, that tot toay he the Eti;ht ocytol tite Winter, nor ott a SabX~6n'l5/_Ll 21 for21ETa O~TTE Si then theewl otrutter, nor it sobhatit. Sall be for to ee il he great Distres-, suich as 0Axt4's /.e-ya~f, of'a 00 -yeyom'em a~r' apXncs never bappested tronit the affliction great, suel tas nut has been feast o beginning beunigofte oldtl jKO,TiioV qfaiS TOt) VVYD, OV' oV tLS7 yci,7Jral. 22Kai -NOW, or-, ior ever will be. ofuorld tilt the now, nre tot tot soay be. Atd 22 T Aid uinless those ac ' ir. C ietci w t DAYS were cut short, Noi et,.c7q EKcoAOw0s7o-av t '71.ea )ne could suray eocept wore thorenred the days thtter, tot shoudO n coul dsrive; bet vo-w?1'rar a-at- ~ a e TOT EAE~ovson accotunt of the catocc saved al?a eaff iO-a n acout ot TutJth EKEcToLse kEN, those DAYS will be, orsod al eh on tess2o3o he ro limited. iCoXOAsoj8 slo-o/Tri~ at iqljeepai eKeiat'a. 2TOTE eat' 23 tlIf any one should shalltbe shortened Ithe days thosr. Thea tif syt o hi,'eod TIE V/Alt' 017-q5' 5ov, cOe 6 XpiO-Tos, 17 WI~ 8 - fl 7 here is tlte MESSIA11,' or. aioy touyou shootddsay; Lo, berer the asousted, or heree; rot 'there;' helieve it not; wiortTeuteTl7e. 24 YEypO17rrosTa, 'Yap #E1J3OXPjyProl 24 hbecauise False Mesbelieve you. Shaht be rarsed fur false anoroted ones saiabs and F alse Prophets cad false prophets, Ka 8wo-oun' o-nuei~a y.eyaka will arise, wlo will pioeand fase poro~phets, andshll give signs great rdI ie;tasodIKat T.Epara, dI0Te TXavn?7rai, EL &8vvaTVos teaL lode, if possible, even the anid wanders, so ts to derceive, if possihle even IOSN TrdVs eKXeICTov. 25 l80U, 7rpoeiprnca b/Alt'. 2GEam' 25 Remembcr, I htave the chosen. Lo, I have foretold. to you. it forewarned you. ovJK eilrcwt bt' u/vLt' 1ov, y Tr?p ep77/q.I E0'TI- /A?7 26 If, therefore, they thea they should say to you; Lo, in the desert. be is jnut lsay to you," 'Behold, lie is eCe-AO77Tre' 18ov, ev Tots Ta/ALots- /67 riLrTTES- 10 tile DESERT l' go not y~.s should go out; Lo, in the retired plares. not you shoold forth; or, 'Behold, lie is iln SECRET APARTMENTS ' 0'ETE. 2s5L0'7r*ep,yoap 7 ao-,palfl7 etepxfra, aio believe it not.. heliese. As for the lightaeg' rouses oat from 2 o steLoT alatrTOMf*t, Iea& fJatttverat ( WS U 0'/A Cstt' OLUTdS. MIING emerges from t11e east and shiss to t~st 50 East, and shines to thlo 18. Ilot only the temple, sod the moutntain on which it stood, but the whole City of Jerssralem, and several fitrlongs of land round absut it, were accounted holy. t 16. Jose. iphue aod Euseblusinform us tilat when'the Rosmans under Cesttus, Gallus made tlleir first. advance towards Jerusalem, they soddenly withdrew again, in a most unexpeted and Insieedlbpolhttle manner; at whIch Js3ephus testifies his surprise, siore th viymgtte have betn easily taken. By this means they gave as tt Wore a algnal to the Christians to r~etire; whieh, In regprd to this admonition, they, did,. some to KeUl, anld other's to Mdount Lihanus, and therehy_ preserved their livea.-JDe&ke.Ido 219. Luke xxili. 29. 121. D~an. Le. 28. z 22 Isa. laV1 8s Fs-2 Mr xiii. '21 Luke xvii, 23; utx~. 8, - 2,LDie xvii. 24,.' 0 ~ap24281M ATTHEW. [crhp.-24: 37. Eel-at Kett 77 7rapovosia TOO thouJ ToOvaiOpwetlov, West; so will bc the ehaol he altjo the peserice ofthe son ofthe xnan. PRESENCE of the soN of '1380rov *[-yap] caPp w o 7rTW/da, KEiCE ouvaX- AIA N. Where [for] ever may hr the earroar, theree nil Le 28 Wherever the DEAD 07(oo~t'-a o I a-eroL. di"Eu~ws 5E jscrTa T-i1 yOAi*sv CARCASS nity he, there gothered the eagler. Inimediatrly but aftere the affliction thoe 4 EAGLES will be colT~S77/Lpl KLW,6iAtsoOlrycEr lected. ofthe days ttoae, the bun shallthedarkrene, 29 And speedily after Katl ' o-EA-jV71 Oo fwi o c)-osNl-7 ~ te AFFLICTION of those a~d the WeOOD not eh Ilgive the tight of her, and DlAYS, I the SUN will he SI aTTEPES 7rTE'oOulaL a~rO TOU ovpavou, Scat at' obscured, and the HoeN the ntarr habu fail fronm the heroen, and the Sill wilihoild her LIGHT, &uvajuoSs TWV ooVpaVatvoaAEvO7roy'-rai. 30 Kas and the STARS Will fall iowers of the heoaons shall he tahken. And from HEAVEN, and the TOE pl'JOE-a o ~lfLOJwo tCu o POWERS Of thle HEAVENS thro atoll appear the ilg i, e f the son ofthe willbe slitaken. at'Owsro CS Tf OopS'r tes TOE KtJ/tvra dl And lthe SIGN Of the 11.a it the ieavenm aned then hatlii ament SON Of HAN Will then apr, was-as at (Pu~as T?77a 'y775, Seas o4/0ral TOM Vto' per *ean;ad all the trihes ofthe eaertl, no urd ateysatiaee tier son then All the TRniDES of tile LAND illnet TOO aytpwsrou EPXouES'oP ErL- TWtS PEIIOEAWS TOO il aet of the Mann caeeing upon the clouds ofthe and thcy will.see thle SON oopaoo,~aea &PfL~E tat 8~r~ ToA7 of SMAN CO~ning on thle heve, ith poe-er and glory much; CLOUD)S Of HEAVEN, Witht 31eai aroof-rEXEi Tous ayy'esAoss avwou j I-C great Majesty and Power. and heawill seed the aoeaeengers ofhieo with his SiPS h il sn o~aXwsy-yos 4P75175 /AE-ya/Xsjs, Ira elEL'loaCtov7 lnod MESSENGERS with a and tryalelt gaher ounding Truinspet, oftraeepet -avice great; and tthey wllll assemblewi TOl/5 C-KAEKTOLIs arouG c-ic Tfewy TEas-apwlaive wy Iasn HOE frontstebl the r hosen (onaes) ofhen ferout the feem in-lds, hsct)F rn as-aairort ooavw' 6s aepft' ol-v. ~ Aro eAC Winds,-front one fror extremities of heorens to extreeaities of three. Feome xtrenost y0 Her e t 8ET775 trumqs.taOEl-E T77t' iapa~oA77ve '6roa the Nother. i PRA hut,the 5ig-tree learn you the parable; w-hen 32E Nrow tlean Y-REPARA Onti 6Kxeaaos aol-71s 7EP77rat &rakos, Seat Ta When its StRANCIS is yet already the brarch. of her maeybe trader, and thetedr n ut fot 4uXha. EK4C1077 'Y5VfeIO'KEl-E, OTI E5770V TO edr ndusfri lelaves, yqu I wtat oaes reay put forth, you hnow, that near the -umn snowa th ~lopos 33 Odrw0 teas 6IEesa, 6Tas' L537Te 'raYwa 33 Thtus also, when enu oeeeeer; S - lan poe, Whr Y~OeO amall shall see All these things, TaoTa, 7SS'WGeKCETE, 6ws E7'-YVS IEOTtL Es-S Oopass. know, That 4lhe is nigh. threse, know yeu, that near it, is at doors, at TM oos A~vqv e Ayca bauvt, 00 )u77 7rapEAOp, 77 YEVECat3 IndeeDoorsayt. yu Indeed Isay. toyou, anot not manypass away the genrration 3Th4 tIsisd ayt yu C6Tqiwsay7rarara7-a-jP77al 3 '0 *T 4 ti GENERATIONq Glthis tillE s rall-r thaosa m evdl-a. T will not pass sway, till th esl al he a'h oe h All these things be seOovpayos seas 77 -yi lapEAEvcrlai, Ole 8E \o'YOI complished. hraveR and the earth shall pans away; the bat words 5TeHAE o ~ouou 00 /57 71apEA0weis. thet EARTH Will fail; butt atmearnothket slay poseaway. osy woapsa cannot fail. lsps Se TS7 77/SEpaS ECKELSY77 ieas cipas Ooa~Et 36 1 But no one knows About and the day that and hoar no oes concerninsg that:PA sod otass', 0V8E Ot ay7C-EO& 'rTs' oopamvea, 55/A77 6s * Hour; tso, not tlse ANkaowa, nor the meranengei. of the henoens, encept the GELS of the, HEASENS, 7Taflpzo'o. ''fll-p a ~t ~epa -co Nte 5tsor tile soNe, but the 7raT-I-n~ve U t 7'j~faI Tu NveFATHER~ Only. father alone. Ae and the days. of the Nor, 37*Ioashe AY VATICAN MAxtuosamrT.-28 for-osmat. 50. Hteaven. 5 4. That this, Se3. Hlour, 10. isor the eoN, but the wATURIL Only. 37. For as.: Iet 28. Detat. xxvIL 4.41 1 29. Mark xiii. 24 Luke xxi. 25;' Acts% Ii 205. I30. ts.Lj. I 85. MatS. xii. 41 j I Cor. xv. 52, i Thoess. Wv 18. ~ 3. James v.0e0 I# ~4 tt xxi. BO; Mark xiil. 30; Lukeaxll - 03. Aets1. 7. MATTHEW. Chap. 24: 38i] oufrws efra, *[caC ] v 7rapovau a 'rov vuou Tro even so willbe [also] the presence ofthe son of the avOpcrov. 38 'na~rep yap 71rav Ev 'ras jftepa's man. As for they were in the days Tras 7rpo 7ro KaraKtAvuov rpWcyo'res Kica the before the flood eating and 7rtvovTes,- yaJouv'res Kat fKeycyac ovrEs, aXpt drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till 'is 71fLpas etl'?fOe Nwe eis 'rti Ktofw0 V, ofwhich day entered l oe into the ark, 3J Kat OVK eyvWorav, ws rAOe~v 6 KaTrKAhvao.os and not they knew, till came the flood Kai f7pev alravras' ouTws e era *[Kat] t and took away all; even so will be [also] the rapovlTa TOV vlov ' ov aTv) pwroOv* 40 Tore Soo presence of the son of the man. Then two eo'ovrai feyv 7 agypy 6 els 7rapaAa4Bave'rm t, * shall be in the field: the one is taken away, Kat 6 fes acpterat. 41 AVo aAr70ovoai ev rep and the one is left. Two grinding in the juvowvr. pfta?rapaXAaclavE'rai, Kait ua ac(ptrat. mill; one is taken away, and one is left. 4 ^pyOop mfre ovv, 67i,oVK o3aie, vroa pspa Watch you therefore, becanse not you know, in what hour 6 Kvpto0s Vfwd, fpXfra. 43 EKevo.Se VytvwKOfCErE, the Lord o' you comes. Thin but know you, 6T e1 ft St 6 o coK3o trorTS, wrotrq vuAaKp that if had known the householder, in what watch the KAe7rtrT7S EpXErai, eypityoptio'e~v av, Kat OvK thief comes, he would have watched, and not arv Eflait 8opuvy~jvalt 7r'1 orKtav av'rov. he would have allowed to be dug-through the house of him, 44Aia rotrot Kat vbAets 'ytIeolOe 'rot#oa 6Tri, On account ofthis also you be ready, beoause, ' &pcpq ou 80KoCEtr, 6 Vios TOV avOpwtrov in which hour pot you think, the son ofthe man pxerat. 45 Tts apa 7Y brv 6 wrtoros oovtos tat >povitaos, Who then in the falthtfl slave and prudent, by KaTrearaT7 trev 6 upios auVrouv Ert Trs OpaWhod m placed the lord of'hiim over of the domesiftrlas abrou, 'rovt oviat avroIs 'rTv 'rpo0fr7Y ev tics of him, of the to gi to to them the food in Kalpq; 46 Mataupos 6 os e oou io eivos, 6v eAOwv season? Blesed the *lave that,. whom coming 6 k tcvupos avroUv bprfflt i*romiovta O'ros. 47AI.tv the lord of him shall fnd doing so. Indeed AeXltd div, 6'rt tt iraaot rots bTrapXovuorv aurov ' layi to yo, that over all. the' posuession* ofhitt KatraO'taeiE arv'v. 43 Eav rE 5f? 6 KIaKOS hewiliplateb him. If but shouldsyx.the bad SouXho;: f.;cfvos Ef It Kapoi, avUrou'.Oov~e' 6 * tave that in the heart of him; Delays the KVptos pot *['eA9etv' 49Ktiat aPr'at itVf'retl i'Vs P' or ofme [to comei] and should begin to strike the LChdp. 24: 49., of NOAH, thus will be the PRESENCE of the SON of MAN. 38 t For as in those DAYS, THOSE before the DELUGE, they were eating and drinking, marrying, and pledging in marriage, till the Day that Noah entered the ARK, 39 and understood not, till the DELUGE came, and swept them all away; thus will be the PrgSENCE of the soN of MAN. 401 Twomen shall then be in the FIELD; * one will be taken, and the * other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the MILL; one will be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch, therefore, Because, you do not know *at what* Day your MASTER will conie. 43 But yon know this, tlat if the HOUSEHOLDER knew at What Hour of tle night + the: THIEf would come, he would watch, and not suffer him to break into his HOUSE. 44 Therefore, he gou also prepared; Because tile SON of MAN wil I come at an Hour, when you do not expect him. 45 t Who then is the FAITHFUL and prudent Servant, whom his MASTER has placed over his HOUSEHOLD, to GIVE thenm FOOD in due Season? 46 Happy tlat sERvAANT, whoml his MASTER, on coming, shall find thus emnployed! 47 Indeed, I say to you, That lie will appoint hitri over All his 'OssEs8IONS. 48 But if that Servant should WICKEDLY say in hiSs HABRT, 'My, MAiTE delays; 49 and should bezin to __ _.; * VATIOAN IMANUsCRIrT.-7.. also-omit. 39. also —oist, 40. one. 40. other 42. Day. 48. to cme-oit. t 38. Gen. vi, 3-5; Vii-.; Luke xvii. 26; 1 Pet. fii. 20.. 42. M. Matt xv. 13 Mark xiii. Lkexxsti. 6.:4&. Luke dii, 9 1 Thess v.; 2 Pet. i, 10; ltev.i. &ii, xi. 1L: 47. Matt. xxv. 21, 23,; Luke xxti.,. '.; mip.t 24: 50.] MATTHEW. [Ctapp. 25: 7; avvSuovoos, er0Ot7 e 1Kad wrtvV ea asvseevovs- beat his ELLOW-SERfellow-slaves, mayeat andalomaydrink with those getting VANTS, and should eat E and drink with the INrVY' tlet 6O KvplOS TOV 8ouAouv KEIvoV fv TEMPERATE; drunk; shallcome the lord of the slave that in 50 the MASTER of that 7 epa, '7 ov 7rpoSoolKa, Kai ePv cpa, 'p ou SERVANT will come in a aday, in which not he expects, and in an hour, in which not Day when he does not ylvRWKE& 51 Kai LXoyTo/J.7re- aUTov, Ka1 TO expect him, and at an he knows; and shall cut asunder him, and the Hour of which he is not aware, uepos avrov tETa rwcv brOCKpLwv t1oEL- EcKeI 51 and will cut him off, part of him with the hypocrites willplace; there and will appointhi3 POR - eoati 6 KA6avwOS Ka 6 pvos Ka 6 pu s rwv ooovzrwy. TioN with the NYPOLwillbe the weeping and the gnashing ofthe teeth. ICRITES; ^there will be tle WEEPING and the GNASHING of TEETH. KEi. Ice'. 25. CIIAPTER XXV. 1 t r t The r1 The KINGDOM of the l To7'e 6uoico-rqrfEraz ) Paon't.eia rwv oupawv E F t nH7 EAVENS, at that tinie, Then willbecompared the kingdom ofthe heavens a b conpared to Ten 6elca TapOevots, airlves, AaBovaat 'ras Aa,/Araat t Virgins, who, having tea virgins, who, havingen the ps taken the lamir AMPS, ent auTwy, efal7Xov ers ardvrT77i)a'v 'ro vvu/epiov. out tto meettthe B 1DEofthem, went out to a meeting ofthe bridegroom. GROOM. 2 ri7EpTf oe 71(rav e avTrwv poyt/uot, Kaitc Tre 2 Now five of them Five and were of them prudent, and five were * foolish, and tive fLwpawr. 3AtrveS /ACtpat, AaXouv8ar Tas a/araas were prudent. 3 *For the FOOLrSI foolish. Who foolish, having taken the lamps took their LAMPS, ut abTWV, OVK eXai3ov fe6O' EavrTv eAaCov. 4Ai carried no Oil with them. ofthem, not took with themselves oil. The 4 The PRUDENT, howBe ppOovtlL eo EXaBov eXaIOP EY roIS ayy7Cl0 ever, besides *their own but prudent t i i the el LAPS, took oil in the veel *[aVTwv] fEJ7a TwVl AafLraTIwv an^rwI. tr Xp)v_- VESSELS. loftheme] wi th the lamp- While thee BrTDE(ovros Se TO'V YuVpulov, evvfuraT av 'Traoat, rait GROOM delayed, $ they ing and the bridegroom, nodded all, and 11l becane lrowsy, and fKcaOevoy. 6Mfr7s Se VUKTOS Kpavyt71 eyovev'1 fell asleep. did sleep. Of middle andnight a cry was raied; 6 And at Midnight a Irou, 6 vvugros *[p Ta] pXte ] Xee feisL aetS rav- Cry was raised, 'Behold, Lo, the bridegroom [comes;] go out to a meet- tlle BRIDEGROOM; gO Out TI7r7ov auTou. 7TOTE 7yfpOor)av irarat ac arapOetvo and *neet liii!' inlg ofhim. Then arose all the virgins 7 Then All tllse vrIR eiceivai, Kca eKo(riuoa r Tav as Aa/L7tra1 as avrwv. GINS arose, andl put tlose, and put in order the lamps of them. tllir LAMPS in order. * VATICAN MsANUS8CIPT. —. f)olish, and five were prudent. 8. For the FOOLISa. 4. their own, 6. comes-omit, 6. to the Meeting. t 1. Virgin signifles a chaste or pure person, and is applied to both sexes in the sacred writ:ngs. See lev. xiv. 4. It has been thought best to retain the word here. t 1. An eve-witness of a Hindoo marriage, gives the foelowing striking illustration f this cus. tm:-" The bride lived at Serampore to which place the bridegroom was to come by water, After waitin two or three hours, at lengtl, ncar midnight, it was announced in the very words of (ripture, 'Behold, thle bridegroom cometll go ye out to meet him.' All the per, )1nis cemloyved now lighted their lanops, anld ran with them in their hands to fill up.their stations in the procession t some of them had lost their lights, and were unprepared, but it was thentoo late to seek them, and the cavalcade moved fo ward to the house of the bride t at which place the company entered a large and splendidly illuminated area, before the house, covered with an awning, where a gr'eat multitude off -ends, dressed in their best ap. parel, were seated upon mats. The brideg oaom was carried in the arms of a friend, and placed in a superb seat in the midat cf the compinv, where he sat a short time, and then went into the house, the door of which was immediately shut, and guarded by sepo s. I and others exposttiated with the door-keepers, but n vain. Never was I so Btruck with our Lord's beautiful parable as at this moment-'And the door was shut.':t 1. SttL 0vl,-; Sii. 42: xXv.S.. 1. Eph.,20, SO; BevxiT7!r ami. 2, 0, & T**%* 41;.; 7, EuL ukq 0.~ Otsap."S2&e 8.] MATTHEW.' SAL Be /.epatp 7-rats 4)povi/uotls eLtroP' A re 21/ILl The but fooli~h to tshe prudent said; Give to us SC 'ToO EAaiouVl) vftl, 6TLi at' Aajw~ra~es 7'eWV cot of thle oil ofyma, becoose the laolpsi ofos 0o'$ePn'UVrra. 9 AarEicptdnajoo ~[5E] at 4pl' pvl/otl, areetingoisheod. Antoswered Lbot] the prudent, Ae'yovaat- Mn7ro'TE ovc apKceon %/IVl Kith5/l' saying; teot not itsoight suffice to us and to you; 7ropEvEao0e /llAaAov 2rpol Totus 7rwAoVs'Tas, Eau go yoo oather to tise sellieg, sod a-yopatoa'l,'e auratll' l0AITepXoevws' Be aV'Tril boy to yoorselves. Goiogoaway ood oftheto wyopao-aL, 77AOeJ 6 vvl/i4SLoS Kau atf 4Tl/.eO to boy, roome the bridegroost; ted the prepared ones *L(TIlONl' /4LET' aVTOt) Et 'roves 7-/tOtS- KaiL.5K enteted with bite inob the cop~tiol-frosts;acod ros XELEiGl0 j' Ov~pa. 11To-Tepov SE EPXOV'Ta0LK closed -the door. Afterwords and comet else at' Xotirat 7ra~Oev'oL, Ae'yovo-av KUPHE, KUtPIE, tlte reoin"icg virgiors, saying, O lord, O lord, a5'oL~ol' 1/LW. 12 'Q 8E airoKpIOIELS erez'*AI77 opec to0Us. Iteltot aubweriog soid; lneded IF ')sCO lS/LL, OVIC OL6a 3' as. 1Jpr'prOPEL'Te O5)1, I Say toyou, cot Ibeoss yoo. Watclsyoo therefore, 6rs 01/I oL~aTE 'Till 77/Afpal/, oI)6E 'Til7 dtpal. beit e noos ot ytouktsow tlte day, nor the boor. 14 ' rep c1sap apl'p~elTos airo377tLcl' EICaAEOE 'TOt/ Li:k e for a ttstc. gniog ahroad celld tl~e LaLo1/s tJotIous, Kait rapEFceKcEl aVT'oLS ra~ b7rap - own' clotves, And delitererd to tbhet ttte goods XOP"ra, a~rour 11aifL 'li /U1EV CaIKE 7TEVTE ofhito. and to himt ineded begoavc five 7raxaV'Ta, (p) Ze Buo, '(p SE 1t' ttMtT'Tp taleat., toltim costi too, toltim cod one; to each ICaTat 'TnPi'LaLpl 6uvaluty" KaiL a7rebu~al-eTpl acordorllgto the Own power; cod wentohbroad euee. 16 JllpEttOCLS *[aE] 6 T 7-t 'EZ'iE iattnrdiotrly. Going [oed] he lst fhoe iraAal'ra?ha$wIt, E1P7CaO'(tT0 El' aV'TOIS, KaiL taltnts heviog reteied, toradsd wcith Itreo, cod eroTCL71i'el aAka Tcl"TE *['TaAaVlTa.] 17 'noaesocade other floe ctaerlettts Li ke 'TIS * KalL b] 'Trt 8l/, EKICE67)017 Koal auros aAAct wise { lco Itoe ctie' twe, gained elto tlr otlter 8o'o. _'O 8E 'TO bl XCa$wvl atilENOwvl wpul/el too. He, hot the ote haviog receivctd hating retired digged *[El'] 'T-p yp Kail aTrEK~ptIe 'To ap'yvt/poi 'To) *[lot the eroth, antd hbc the. silveg oftbe ICvpiov Ga'Tol. 113Me'Ta Be Xpol'oV IToAO/l EPXe'Ta lotd ofthim. After hot time muohl comes 6,cujptor 'TIC aoutAtl' E1CELltl' KaiL rupaip-El the lord of the sloors those, cod adjusts /IEI' az'TWY XO-yov. ', Kcts 7rpotTEA~cvl 6 Ta wtitlt them a Acounoot. And coolnong be the [Chap. 25: 20. 8 And the 'FOOLISH said to tile PRUDENTe 'Give ut of your oiL.; for our LAMPrS are going out.' U IBtit tite PRUDENT replied, saytg 'Lest tilere be not ellougil for us and you, go ratlher to THOSE W11o SELL, and buy for yourselves!' 10 Alnd while they were Poing away to buy, tile DBRIDEOROOMI came; and THEY, wbio were PREPARED, entered with hint to tile NUPTIAL-FEASTS; 4,and tile DOOR wsas sihut. it Aftei'wards Sale also tile OTHIER Virgins, sayiHlg, ~Master, MlaSter, 12 But 'RE answering, said, 'Indeed, I say to you, I recot-nize not.' 13 1 Wt'atchl, t lereftlre, ilefause you know neithler tile DAY nor tite HOUR. 14 4 Again, [it is] like at M1an, wilo, intending to tratvel, called Itis OWN Servants, and delivered to tihem. hiif GOODS. 15 And to ONE lie gave Five t Talents, to ANOTIlE.R tw~o, and to ANOTIIER ene; ~ to ecelt according- to his RESPFCTIVE Capacity; and in.olfldiately deplarted. 16lIle who ibad REC IE vED tile FivF. rTalents, wvent sod traded writh titena, and *gaiued Otiler five. 17 And in like manlner lIE witt hlad received tite TWO. gaitled Oth~er two. 18 Bust HEr witoiad received tile ONE, wvent land ditr-red tile EArTIL, anti lifil is MASTEPR'S MO0NEY. 12 After a lolng Tinme the MASTER of tilose. SERVANTS returned, and reckolled wvithl t11gn. 20 Thlen 515, "0w11 ilad oVATCANso MAloeueCsRI.-O.- but-eosi, il nmit. alganed Other five, 1ll. Talentso-mit. 17. hie alsos-oclt. 15. in-omit, t11, A talent Io estimated by different writers to be in value somewhere between 1110 and 2,2110 dollaro, or ~140) anati~111, lo,1 Luke shit.j%. I 12. Matt. vii, IV, 22. t I5. Mstt, XXIV. 42, N4 ark xi1i' -g14. Luke iuil. 12. 15. Ibm. x1L. 1 sCea. XR 711,S25; Xph.c - lvu MATTHEW. Chalp. 25: 21.] [Chap. 25: 29. -- _ 7revTe TrahavO a Xaa/3c, 7rpooarlveyxev ah\a five talents h-ine received, brought other Trefre raaVrTa, fE-ycv K:;pti, rev're TraavTa five talents, saying; 0 lord, five talents LOLt raper wlKas' 1e, aAXa i7eve TraavTa to me thou deliveredst; see, other five talents fKep. r.oa *[eTr' awrots.] 21 Ep- avtrp 6 Kvptos I gained [upon them.] Said to him the lord avTov' Eu, 8ovAE atya0e Ka 7triaTTe f7r oAtya ofhim; Well, O slave good and faithful; overa few (things) 77S 7rit os, E7rt 7roxAwv ae KaTatrT71aC' thou wast faithful, over many thee I willplace: ecre0A e efs rS71v Xapa' Tro Kuptov aOov. enter into the joy of the lord ofthee. 2:Ilpo(reXOUv, e Kai 6 Ta 8vo 'raavCTaC *[AaComing and also he te two taleuts t i aving,/3ev,] El7re' cVpie, Uo TaAXTra'a yot IrapeoWesKa received,] said: 0 lord, two talents to me thou deliveredst: tae, aAAx u8o TaAavra EKFep67(ra *[elr aturots' lo, other two talents I gained [upon them:] 23 Etp7 avrMt 6 Kvptos aurou' Eu, Bouxe aya0e Said to him the lord of him: Well, 0 slave good Kat 1rtTrT' E7rt oAxya 7S rT-Tros, e7rt and faithful; over a few (things) thou wast faithful, over roAA o'W ae KaTaCrT7o'cr eIW- iAO eti 'rn7v Xapav many thee I willplace; enter into the joy TOU Kcuplou O'O. 24 lporeX0ww v Kcat 6 'TO ev ofthe lord ofthee. Coming and also he tha one TaAavrov etI7A)JO S, etre' Kvpte, eyvwcv re, 6O talent having taken, said; Olord, I knew thee, that (rt 77cPpos EL avOpuoros, Oeptwev 6rov ouvc ae'rtLhard thou art a man, reaping where not thou sowpay, cKat Uvvaywv 60ee ovu oleracop7riaas' 2 cai edst, and gathering whence not thou rcatteredst; and o,3770etis, aareAOwv eKpvUta TO 'raAavrov rOV ev beingafraid, going away hid the talent oftllee in T7rp ' Lce, eXeIS TO oY. A2GAroicptOels Oe tle earth; lo, thouhnast the thine. Answering and O KUPlOS aluro etnre avTrt' lov77jpe 5ouAe caL the lord of him said to him: 0 wicked slave and oIcvarpe, rpeLs, 6rt Oepltw brrou oVuc ea'retpa, slothful, didst thou know, that I reap where not I sowed, Kcu o'va-ywt 60e oUv eoracopartra; 2TEet our and gather whence not I cattered? It behoved then o'e fSa\Aev ro apyvptov /ov Trois rpactreITrcts thee to cast the silver of me to the hankers: Kat e\.cov eyw eOt/LLeracAt77 a'v ro ef/ot/ OtUI and coming I might hve received the mine with Trow. * 28 Apare ovv ar' pVTro To 'raXavrov, interest. Take you therefore from him the talent, Kat 8oTe r T eXovr7t 'a sEKCa raAta a. a Tpq and give to him having the ten talents. To the RECEIVED the FIVE Talents, camte and presented Five Talents more, saying, 'Sir, thou gavest over to me Five Talents; see, I have gained Five other Talents.' 21 llis MASTER said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful Servant! thou ltast been faithful in a Few things, t I will apIpoint thee over Many; partake of thy:MASTER's JOY/. 22 IIE also who had tie TWe TO alents, comrg, said, 'Sir, thou gavcst over to nme Two Talents; see, I have gained Two Other Talents.' 23 Iis MlASTER said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful Servant! thou hiast been faithfll in a Few ttlings, I will appoint thee over Many; partake of thy MASTER'S JOY.' 2i Then RE who hadt RECEIVED the SINLGE Talecnt, approaching, said, 'Sir, I knew thee bTcev =T'o 7rivw jAE' bUWK2V wLVOP CY 7'p DIUCT Of t lh VINE:, till ScrtPv7Es,-b 6TOa7v7o 7ritlw.LEO ' UaaLW tiPOio e' 77 that DAY when I drink that, wliet it' I drink, with yoL new in tlhe -SaatFe 70 7rarpos ov. 30 Kat iu a vrcs, it new with you in ily 7ai) i 'ToO. iT ro e $OU. Kos iPo7i -ets FATioER'S KINGDOM. kingdot ofthe father of ne. And havining sunhyn 30 And having sung, 'eFrheo v e rr o opos,rw kaiatwv. they departed to tlle they leparted to the mountainaofthe olive-trees. they depard to MOUNT of OLIVES. S ArTore uSyez-aiois o lsaovs H&avres vE 31 Then JESUS says Then hesatys tothem the Jesus; All you to them, 2u il Al 0fP11ettO=lfTE( E e' eeos tO Mr p rwc-VKTI TaVTn- stumble on ly account, 'ill bestumbled at Ime in the night ta this s NoTst e for it ac is Tyeypantrat ap " l lraTao' 7o0 7rol ealo, eat written, J 'I will smite itih written for: "1 willsmtite the shepherd, td 'thle SIiePId ei), and tlhe loaa'copwiOtcr re'at a 7rpofaTaa T 7s 7roavrlts." '.SHEEP of the FLOCK will will bterattered the slieep of hlie fold." 'be dispelsed.' 3Mera 8- ' TO' CfyFp0?l7Vt.e, irpoaw. tas efs 32 But after I am After 'but the to be r:ised e, Iwil betore yeou to RA ISrD, $: will precede Tyv PraxiAmalY. 3 ATroK;i0Eps OE O n werpos you to GALILEE." the 'Gia:ee. Antwering and the Pete 33 An Peter aswer ei7rCv a Vot Et'f avTres aoKaLVF aAtsot 'oato ev ing, sad to him, "If all aled' to hinm: If all shllllbestulnbled at sl.oUld stoumlle with rI - onc, eyw Ouee' ore `KaCPhA0rOnt tooe a. p Eap.1 spect to thee, I never will thee, ' neer ill beatumbled. S lid be made to stumbnle." avT.lo 11taous' A7v i AXeycs ol, 6TIr CeY Tav 34 JESUs said to him, to hint the Jesui: Indeed I say to thee, that in this e Indeed, I say to thee f7. TcS, T'rptv aCiSKt pa 4wVnifal,, ptsaterap PV7 That This NIGHT, before the night, before a aock to have crowed, thrice thou wilt. the Cock crow, thou deny me...Says: to him the 'Peter: Anif it may behove 35.ETER says to him, icfae vt' os VdtoOaveiz, 0ov P7r te rappv7eO/Ouala'. "Though doomed to die me, with, thee to die, not'not thee Iwcill deny. with thlee, I will not dis'OToi$ fat crarefs o aia. et 3 ToTe own Thee." And All the Inl like manner also all the dlticples - said. Then DISCIPLES said the same. * V*tLCcar MAnuscrAPT.-, 27. a Cup. 2. 28. this is BLooD of the covSAANT, THAT which Is POuxED o:U.. i' S. That i, " before a watch trumpet willsound," etc. It is *tell known that no cocks were allowed tof retain in Jerusalem during the pasgover feast. The,Romans,.who had a strong guard in the castle of Antotia, which overlooked the temple, divided the night into fourSwatches, beginning at six, nine, twe!ve, and three. Mark xii 85, alludes to this divi. sion oftime._ Theftwoe asLwato)hes were.lboth called cock-crowings. The tomans relieved ruard at each watch by sound of trumpet: the trampet of the third watch was called the Brst, and that of the fourth the second cock. And when it wa said the cock-crew, the meening is, that the truumpet of the third watch soinded; hich always happened at inidnight.. 28. 1 Cor. x. ~: 7,. Msark xiv.23. 2. xod x a i, o; Lev. xvii. 19. att. tIh l-l x vbi.)../- a ckxiv.t,: Iuke xxL.r i. 1 Mattkl. IIXarI xl vi. 2 St ec.,VWt. 7... Mt.xvi.7,1 ritv. t ttMkbrik lt So;L,knxxUL84; In xtLtW8. Matp. 26.36.1 MATTHEW.- [Cap,. 26:I4. epXe'raL IAETr' avrTwu 6 Iui6ovus El$ xWItpov Avyo-.36 ++Then conies JESUS cooies _ wth them, the Jesus into a place- beitg wills them into a Place /AEvoz, Ve0o-p7~4avfl, Kai Asyes 'rTots 1=a6Wraiss called Gethseniane, and cedled Gethsemae, a sd hsesays tothec disciples: SaY to bis DISCIPtES, KaOsoa're av7oU, ewE oti awrEkfws) 7rpoo-ElJw/uai ' Iemain heie, while I go' Sit y~p here, wohile goite awaoy. I'shallpray there and. pray." ENCEL. p scat 7'r~jcvTY fpJ a ouS 37 And takling with there. And hotin g taken -the.Petoer and the+ hint PETLR, and te JTWO, Buo vlovs Ze,8c-Saov, arppjaro XvuiireO~at -Kai a5aq- Sonts of Zebedee, he betoo.Soon o$ 7.ebedee, he begot tobehorowoful and to be.gan to he filled witit sor-ti I.eotVELl/. TOTE AC'yEs au'rotss. nsptasros row and anguish. - tosgih ht h osttet oeteyneoeo 38 Then lie+ says to CO'rTiv fl /tX'77 /~.Lut EwE Oat'a'roir /.LetaTe WaGs them, 1 "My SOUL it is the soot ofmte to death; remttain yoo beet surrounded witls a deadly Kcat TPilyOpELt'E MET' e.OOth -3 Kat. iiposAOoCIt auguishst stay lttro, and aod wtcth you with ote. Aod goitg forward1 watch; with nie.". /.t~p~', 'rEEV irsirO~Wr~s ai'ro, ipooU- 39 And going forward alittle, he felt.on face ofhiso, pray- j~ Xo~Letos, scat Xeyosr 1IClT'rEP /LOU: IEl avv'ro Face lite, lite fell on his In9, andVEr sayirg O'rhrof possible ifa e Isupplicating ad Eo'r, " ro ''rmoop ~r~* saying, "0O my Fathter, it is, tet ptss froot toe.the cop this; e oshl, e l c~i 7 t. 4 cup he renooved from nieI ur~klo' ovX s ~ OeAw, aAA' &ef)so. Kai yet not 'as I1 will, but as hout nest-s' t swilt, bhot as Ottou., And t fpX*'rat upos 'roVSi.1=014Tas, scat ssvpwsxci VT beeomtes., to the t iscisples, sod. Sonds. thee; 40 And he returnsg to ~cagtoaoe'ra,.tlte DIscIPLES, and finds KaE61~ Sf at Ae'yes He'rlrpcVr OJrws titetsepngadsy sleeping, s~d he soys to the, P eter,. ' So sno* te leinadsy to PE~tR "It iso so then, to-Xuora'e.,.eat c~pa' yjp~qyop?7o-a&s-/Ae'r *~MoV, thAt you could, pot.l'ep eould yoo' ott..,so hou tor wsish stel?. wae 41.rneopar en spo'oake, aILl5OEA or witt nie 'a Single Watcttysu. and pesy yoo, that not ~yqoR osoy O-q7T6 cis ircipatl/.os' 'rO /.tEY' VrtEiJ/a irpoti.ot'O,.41 tWatch sad 'pray, eotee ioto: ictoptiiono.; the indteed spiritt Teady, that you enter not into i1 Be orapZ ao8eseals.. ' Trial; thte SPIRIT, indeed the hot flesh. isea. i.so willitng, but the FLEsSI 42flaAts9eK i 8eworepote -airfAXcwY, pooa,7u~a'o,iswa. Agoio,. a secood 'toe' going stay,. *e jteayed," 42 A second time reti-. *[Avywve.] r-larep Mov, EL' ous Bva'ras 'ro+o r n,he supplicated, "0. [5ayitg;] O'(att~ tf tot, if tot. it is possible this' m iy Father, if it anniot *['rO irO'rptose] 'asapsXessel *[Cir' E/AoU,] fase /41 he that This be. removed; [the cop] 'it pass frost tej sexept if I 'must drink it,-thiy au'rO 7rp, ')eEoFl0v)'r 'rO OeA71/Aa ro v., 43 Kai WILL be done." it+ I deiekh5 be dose 5he, wilt of thee.. Antu 3Andeunig s EXOwI' ev.ptciKet au'rou.s 7-Ats' ica~eu~os'rat finds tteni still sleeping.; domisng ' he sonds theos agaon sleepiog; "hi YSnr vr (7o-av -yap auTtos o1 b6pOaAu~ot '$ef8apnpAevos) powered.) '(weet foe oftheti the eyes wetighed downt,) 44 ta~eta'o~s ssA~ r~,rpojar 41 Again, lca~ing, them, sod leaving them,' goitgoaway egain, he proyed lieo westt and piayed. a si 'p'rs~,'rs a'rvAoou ss~e.' 5o'sthird tinse, using sgaisn athird-timse, the ' some woard speaking t Then thle SAME 'WordsI EpXs'rat 7rpos 'rout ua~s,'ras a6'rOU) seas As-yes. 45' 11s then ccmisns to hie comet to. the sdisoiples of tim, At esays *thte ]DISCIPLAPS, aRIId saY& au'rotss KaeevBs're 'rO AOslr0se Kcai aseasavesrOE;- to thtens,' 'hDo yost Sle-ep to itten; 'Sleep yoo tlhe remanider sod resnt you P 'NOW, s nd tike yoitr~rst'? saov, try-ytsces a- c 6ipa, scat 6 ivos efou aveOpwsrou 'ftor behold, the HOUR'iiS lo,' ho, eome nigh tlte hoor, sod the' sos of the' Mau, srrivcd, aind the soN' of 'VATIC~tt IhtANsseeost1F.' —42. syla-oi..42. eei"-os~ii 42. 'from nt m-esst. 44. saznt soAm Words. 45. tile stoeteLPtos. 45. for behold. lit0..~ xiv. 82- S; I, uke xxih.. 81; John 10ii.JS. t;47, Matt. iv. 21. - 88. Jiahit, X1i 27. I 89 Mairk xiv. ad; Luke Xsii. 42; Heb. v,7,.1 1M vn. 89 VI vl35 IPtsl A. 4 &)(~rkxil.33 Wl~8 Luke XxiL, 40, 40;E' a~4~8 COap. 26: 46.] MATTHEW. 7rapaLSBoTra cis Xizpas a TapTrwC wv. 46EyyctpeoOe, isdeliveredup illto hands orfinners. Arise, a7cWtYLEY' ou, i7-ytiKCe 6 irapaOioous Fe. let ul go; lo, has come nigh he delivering up. me. 47Kai e' avTou Xahovuros, i8ov, Iouvas, els And whlle ofhim speaking, lo, Judas, one 'rwv OKOc, 53e?A0, f eKai ftA aUTro oXhos 7roAvs of the twelve, came, and with him a crowd great fALtra uaXaPCW Kai t v uAcwv, aaro rwcv epxLepewo with swords and clubs, froom the high-priests icat rpeovTrepw 'roV Aaov. 48 '0 Be irapatoovs and eldera ofthe people. He and deliveringup avrov, eOwice aurots o771uetoy, Ae'yw 'Ov av him, gave to them a sign, saying; Who ever 4.~ ' E8o07 po~ ang, spoke tothem,s'aying, ei "All Authority has Ikeen' Jeass. poke to them. saying.; HaI beer gien to inea n arara etovr-ta ev oupavcp Kait (et 77s. 19 nopuv- anl'd o artl n all autlhoityj it heaves and on earth. oiog on VTer us aO-qretvppov 7rpOS avTrov 7raV'Ta TOVS KatKCS fXOTas, DEMONIACS; they brought to him all those sickness having, 33 and the whole CITY Kai T7ors 3aLaov,oI rit." Comes then the mlother oflhim and the brothers 31 Iis MOTHER and avrTO' 1ai efw e'Of Tfors a a rp ar0Uov, BROTIIERS then calne, anll oflhi n.i audwitlout standing they sent to him, standing witlhout, sent to pwvoUvrTes avrUov. 32 Kat etfaK7 o oAos rep himl callinl him.. eatllin- ~ him. And sat a crowd about 32 Alll' a Crowd sat avTov' eLror Se avrc'v I5ov, j A.p-7rl'p aoov round him, and they said biAn; said and to him; Lo, the mother ofthee to hlli, " BIeold, thy tI()Kat ol aseAepot frov efow r7TOV0't o e. ~Kat TIIER and thy BR'noT'n;n and the brothler ofthee without are seeking thee. And are without seeling thee." arifKpt6il7 auvots, Ae-yv' Tis 'aErt. /) 7TpT71p 33 And he answered heanswered to theme saying; Who is the mother them, ay3ing, " WlO is oov, 71 ol a5sAcpol ov; 34*[KaC] T'epfl,\e- my aIOTHER, or lmy BRoofme oi the brothers ofme? rAnd] looking THERS''" *a4.v0os KUKaICp rous rept avroY KaOrlLevouvs, 34 And looking about about round those about him sitting, on TlOSE sitting Touli A'ytEl. I8r o /Ars7T7p Lov, Kai ol aSeAroi pAov. him, lhe said, "Behold my be says; Lo the mother ofime, and the brothers ofme. MOTHER, and my BRO35' Os *[yap] a iroirJaPy To OfAXrta TroU 0lfou THTERS! Who [for} ever may do the will of the God, hoever shall do OIUTOS a8EAfos~ov, yov a~fAt 35 Nhoever shall do Otv0o a8sX(Po s lAOU, ati a8exAip *[[3OV,] Kai the WILL of GoD, this is this brother of me, and asister Lof me,] a ndle L o, my Brother, and Sister. srsrCp aT1. and Mother." -motlher is. KE. 5'. 4. CIIAPTER IV. ' 1 And again he began.' Kair raXiv,7plaT0o &aoa'Kelv rapa Tr7^ to teach by the LAK:; And aoai he began to teach by the and so * very great a BOaacoroi'av,Ka,t0u 7rvr8 arpos avtro oxAos woAvs, Crowd gathered about sea, and was assembled to him a crowd great, him, that entering thie W(rT6f av'rov Ef/(3Uavs a fis TO oiol nO7a0to07al BOAT, lie sat on the o s him entering into the ship, to fit LA KE; anld All the CROWD tV 7p 8Oaaaro-p' sat ai ir oXa o rps rp 71 was by the LAKE on the is the *ea. and all the crowd by the LAND. OXAacrreav Irt.i12S r /7S yr /, c 2Kai etSaaoicev 2 And he taugllt them sea on the laud was. And he taigh. many things in Parables, arovs EV. rapaoSokals 7roAa, iKac eAcycv auv7rs and said to them, in his them in parables many, and sid o 'hem IEAC II NG; Ev r.7 ) SaXi acrov' 3Aovere ISov, sE2A0~s 3 "lIearken I Behold, in the teachmln of him: Hear you: Lo, went ot o tbe SOWER went forth to b oretpwJp rov fr7rrpa... 4Kai fy(e ro e. r.' * sow. te; *ower. f the (seed) to ow. And it happened in the 4 And it happened, in * VATICAN MANUSCRIPT.-29. Transgression.' 4. And-omit. 85. For- omit. 85. my-omit. 1. very. 8. sow. t 29. The Fat. MSS. reads Transgression, and Griesbach has placed the word amarteematop sin, or transgressian, in the margin, witl his mark ofl trong probability. Grotius, 1 ill, atnd Ben-el prefer this reading, It Is also the reading of the Coptic, Armenian, Gothic, Vulgate, and all the.ltalt btt two. It is a Hebraism for punishment, the effect of sin. The sin against the tHoly Spirit is plainly stated to be, ascribig the niracles of Christ and his apostles to demoniaeal agency. They who acted thus, cold not be converted to the Christlin, pith. beciase ther resisted the strongest possible evidence. Ihey remail-;! thetefore in ths (cam foilorp tate in whieh Christianlt' found them; wlich is expreiaed by the phrase, "he ha.not: trgivetuss.'" t 0 Mstt. MiL l. i,.:* uke tii. 10, 1 John v. 1t, t;l.Matt xi:. 4. Luk vii,. i.L t 3l iatt..ii, 1J- Luke tii 4.:: *cttap. 4: 6.} MARIC. I[ ap. 4: it. sa-itag, this indeed felt o the path Antd 77A06 Tan 7reTeisa, leai lcaTE((Jn)Ev av7-0. AAAo caethe Virds, antd ate it. Antather 8CE SCEO5VY 571 TO rETpwAET, tlirov OJIc etL - -yajv tad felt ota the rockygtound, walere tot iat had eath '7roAN77p, KaL EVOE-CVY sjaYCTea1AE, ian TO jLL71 mucaah and iammediately itepruteaup, ttarough the ntt CFX5r1l /3atOo -y7e. 6 HALov 8s av'aTEtAna'Tos, to hav'e at depth afeartti. Sun anad havhtg atiset:,,Etcvjar)FGTL077, Kat ta 'TO /.7j EX(Eip,SLav, E~77 -it wts scotattetd,. and tthrough the taot to ahe a nroot, was paYOa7. 7 Kau ~A~o vrEtOel' eir aicap~as- aIcL dried ap. And another fell into ttorns,. anad cttee8i7oavn elf aicas'Oaz, icai towe~rl/Ota aUTo, KiCO sperng up the thorns, tand choked it, tand Kapiiol' ovic c-8wtce. 8 KaiaAnAo vrfTenvTI' S T77V fruat nat it gate. A::d anather felt into the '>O7lV 7771' tcaA?77z Kai 4EILou Kaplroa ala'Ctf3(tlOlTa grouad the good; tand it boae.fruit npt'iagiagtap icat, Cuu~al'olTca KaL 4EI~epsv i' 'TpLaOlCiTOL, lfat aad acreeasag, tand bore ate tth'rty, and el' ij-qKcovTCa, Kal bv ElKtTo5'. 9,Kat eAe-ye ' 0 ate nsity, tattaoe abtundred. And he stid, iHe excey' Cwl~a aKlOettE, alcoJ1Tw. hating earp tataetr, let hisahete. It) 'OTre &e f575V5CTO KaOra/.oavla 7?pwTqa-arnl Wha tand he aaas datoe, asked attTo5' 01 7repi anTtov, a-tlJJ Tots &Mthfka, 'T'e7 hits thase ahboat hita, with thae twelte, the 7rapat~oek-ql/. 1 Kai 6e-tyet awTOLs- 'Tdutyl Wohparahles. Atd hesatid tot themt; Ta yau it it rat1 ')'lWVat 'TO f.LtiOT?7ptov rqly j~anktiaTtt 'TOU given ta knaoe the secret of ttae kingdata ofthe t9e-ov elf LVOIs he 'Tots E4w El'Y 7rapnaigAas 'TO 'Gad, taothes -hat tathaae witlatat in Parahles atte 7rat"Tat -yLltSTC&L Ivapg 13AL7rov7ES j3Ae7rweri, ailt (thiags) ar. tante Ittat neeitag tttey may see, lfat /.Lfl 1hWerTL Ka0 aKOUO'TIES CttfOVWftl, kaeL ~ui tad ntatthey ayapsee ttand heara:itg tael maythaer, aad ntt tlhey inaylhaere teat they shatldtauee, atad shatadhbe forgivea auToLs 'TO a/AapT?7j/aOT. 7Kai Ae-yet aC~tsT - ta thema the eas a ess tatheta Ouic oiOTrE 'Tr175v IIapa$OA77I' 'TauTe77; Kna TrWS Nat -knaow yoa ttae peahale Itais? cad how *alt the Pjaatales witltyautkhowa'S He sattiag. 'TOVt Xo-yov a t'TtlfPfL. 15 OUT01 he Ed,1tl' of 7rapa.tha sted, tata., Thete atad 'tee they hy 'TS)1/ 65ov, e7say o7retpe'Tai aS Ao-yos, ieat eSctP the path, theta istsawa the ward, and whet 'atcovoneo-Lse, EFvOEIFWs fPXErt L oaSOTal'as, Kat they amay hete, imeadeaiatety eacomes the ada'ersat'y, anti SOWING, sonme seed fell ity the ROAD anti tite stuns esatle and, picked it up. 5 And some fell on the ROCKY GROUND, where it htad ttot tmucht Soil; and inaehaeyit vegetated, bcc,-iute it ltad no Depth 'Of SO'il; 6 * and the strq Itaving, arisen, it was -scorched; and lageause it HAD) 11 Rot,~t it~witliered. 7 And sonic fell among Thtortts; aatd than TIORINS gcrew tip, and eltoked it, and it itore ito Ftuit.' 8 And some fell on nOOn GOtlItND, and yieldtth F''uit, springing up and inrasing_; attd onte Itore thirty, and otte sixty, and otte a hundred.' 9 Antd lite said, * aaIJJ tHAVING tara to hear, let hint h]ttr." 10 j And when he hiad retii'ed, THOSE altout hina, With the TWEL.VE, asked aitti concerning the * PARABt I.E. I1I And lite Said to them, aaTo you is giveat tite SE.CRET Of the KINGDOM a)f GODs; hut to + TttOSE WITIIOUT,.AlL things are done in Paalt s.a 12~thttt secing, thery mtav see, so atot perceive; aett lieirilg they aatlty laear, and ittunderetaaad; lest they shaould turn. tatd *it Should he forgiven thens", 13 And lits say's to them', lb you nttt understand titis VARA13L)? Jfow thenl will you know All 'tle PARA 1, FS?'a 14 +The sOWER tOWS tite IVORD. 15 And these are TIIOSE whterat the WORD is S0Wfl by tlae ROAD s aad whleat Itey hiave heard, the AD. VEHtSANtY Comes fimmedi. tately, and takes away VAle AN laAreecnI~RI.-6. anal the etta having arisees. O. Who hans ean. le, vsAUAsA~s. '' II. ie given Ct0. enXCAse, 12. it should bes. 14MatS xiil. 10;. Lile~viii 'O. 151 1. Cor.v 1,2 all II Theoas, lv, 12 9 Tjm.1114. 21krL.-% 12. Ian vi 9 Mat i1il Chap. 4: 10.] MARK. tCh7ap.4: 25. aUpet roy Xoyov rov c-rwapevv rapeLo s KapiaizT TIIAT WORD which was takes the word that having been sown in the hearts SOWN * upon tllem. Iavo. O 16 And these in like auTCV. 16Kat o'roLm r ar TeOLIIOSE SOiLOINS ET of them. And these are like those on the on tle ROCKY GROUND; 7rerpw)i otreLpoIe'voI, ol, 6dray aKovaoCwoa 'ro who, whcn they hear the rocky ground being sown, who, when they may he thear t WOD, rceive it immediAoyov, evOews Aie'ra Xapas Aaljlavovartv avrov atcly with Joy; word, immediately with joy they receive it; 17 And having no Root; Kai OVK EXOVOUL PiCav ev eavrois, aAAa 7rpoa- in themselves, they are and not they have aroot in themselves, but for a but temporary; then Trial Ka0p1o f 3 El'TarOyvcoufs OAiews 74 alwylOV or Perseci4ion occurring season they are; then occurring trial or persecution accont of te WOD, they instantly fall away. bsa Trop Aoyov, evOews (rKcavSaAXovrat. 18Kai 18 And others are TUOSE through the word, immediately they are offended. And who are SOWN among the aAAot etart o els 'ras aKavOas a7reipo/evAor ThIONS; * these are TIEY others are those into the thorns being sown; Who have IIEARD tll o7ro0 eira' o TroP Aooyo aKovovp'rs, 17Kar al WORD; these are those the word hearing, and the 19 and the CARES of tll AGE, $ and the DECEIT*PLvaL 'rov aiwvos, icat a'ra'rr 'rov rXoUroU, ULNESS of RICiES, and cares ofthe age, and the delusion ofthe wealth, tUe STRONG D ES, IRS thle STRONG DESIIRES for Kal ai 7rfpt ra Aoira eOvjLtat eia7ropeopfuo atvai OTHIER things entering in, and the about the other (things) strong desires entering in choketlle WORD, and rervu.v7rVLyovr 'royv oyov' Kcat aKapiros 'yiveral. der it unproductive. choke the word; and unfruitful it becomes. 20 And *those are rTIEY, 20 Kat OUTOL ELo aiv o fXi 7rPV y7Vr Tr)V? KaA?7p who are SOWN on the cOOD And these are those upon the ground the good GROUND, '110o hear the J7rapS~V'~S, O E acououL WORD, and a(cept it, and o'rapeipTes, oirves aK OVOVOt TOP AO-YOY Kai be arr irivn being sown, who hear the word, and earr sixty, and loe a hundred*. 7rapafeXopvrar Kar Kap7ropopopovrv, v' rptaKovra, 21 And lhe sad o thlem, accept; and bear fruit, one thirty, + " Is a lamp lbrought, to KaLt v er7TKov'rTa, KICLt i fKCar0o. 21 Kai fAeyfv be put under the CORN-,and one sixty, and one a hundred. And he aid MEASURE, or under the avtrois M 'Tri 6 XAvXos EPXerai, Iva VM. rv TO couchi? sothatitmlaynot to them; Neither the lamp eomes, that nder the be placed on the LAMPoftoyv 're0, 7 b6ro 'r 1V K\AIVt7v; ovX' la 22 T For nothin, was measure it may be placed, or under the couch P not that 2ien, excep th int it T t - hidden, except that it e7rs TrV AvUXvav?trl7r 8; 2 Ouv yap cO'ar should le nlanifested; nor on the lamp-stand it may be placed? Not fr is -;l it concealed, but that rt tcpu7rrov, 6 fav, tUl7 avepwOr)' ovos it should come to light. anything hidden, which if not it may be disclosed; nor 23 If any one has Ears eyevero alroOKpupoP, aAA.' iva ecs epavepov eA0h7. to hear, let him hear," was stored away, but thatinto light it may come. 24 And he said to them, t3E Elr s Xt warra atKOveiv, aKcoverw. 24Kat $"Considerlwhatyouhear; If any one has ear to hear, let him hear. And by the Measure you disEfXeyfv aVTOS' BXArwcr,,t aKovere. Ev w pense, it will le measured he aid tothem: Consideryou, what you hear. In what to *you, and shall be adfT1eprpf fJerpeFire, le'rp707)Frerat /LItv. 25 'O yap ded to you; measure you measure, it ihall be measured to you. Who fur 25 $ for whoever has, to * VATICAN MANUSCRIUT.-15. upon them. 18. these arc THEY Who hlave IEAnD the wonn, 20. those are THEY. 22. nothing was hidden, except that it should he nmanifested; nor was it concealed, but that it should come to light, 24. you, and shall be added to you, t 21. By klneen must lie understood the couch (like our sofa,) which, as Grotius observes, had _ych a cavitv ns to admit of a candelabrum he;ng put under it; nay, it seems, anything much larger indeed, by thie citations adduced b1 Wetstein, it appears to have been used by the ancients as a common hiding place.-Bloomfield. 19. 1 Tim. vi. 9, 17. t 21, Matt. v. 15; Luke viii. 10; xi. 83. 22. Matt. x. Luke sii;2. t 24. Matt, vi.; Luk vi. 88, t 25. att. xiU li;. rX. 2:ie viii, 19 Ixi., eMap, 4: 2C.' MARK. [67ap. 4: M. at' xr, 0 e~-at vrp tea i~a owecxe II bin will be given; and ever may haet. it sabll be gicen to hini, and wehonoet h as, even lIC wh-]o has not, evcn whrat 11 6 ]ai ~c-ycv he his wvill be taken from o EXEL apO77TE-rai a7r~ 26 KsoEuy whAc he ias wi'i be takeni fromn hi,,. And lie saiji Iiini. O5TW EOLU7~I~ERTOOOd'et t- 2 And lie said, t "The lb. t te higicn,, th Gnd if KINGDOM of GOD is, as O.7118 i tO e kingom' of te God T7as it7a 27 eat tholouls a 'Mlan should caat ii,,,n shouldcast ite seed en the eart, and SEED1 Oil the GROVN D KaOEtJpta 7EV7O /DcaEt7p ttn 27 and should slee li shonidiileep iid wake eight and din, and the NiehIt, and wake by by t-liopov 6AaO-Tavpy t/7JKJ7Tt i'S OVK 053E and the SEED sbould gerted7h Kgrietaid gu~cvvnnpa, nM h,,nt ainate, and grow up, bje seedshold grmiateand rowup, as nt kowsknows not how. awos AV~roja'r77 *[,yap] 'j -y1 Kap~rOlPOp6, 28 The EARTH produces lie. Of its owni nceerd [fcc] ihe earth bears fruit, spontaneously; -fiat the 7rpCVTOV/, XOpTOt', ELTa O-TaXti, ELTa 'rA7p7P7 oiTov Plant, thecn th~e Ear, afterfcirs, a plannt, tie, ani eir, then fnii g-ni wvanils the Perfect Grain in ES' TcP O-Ta~vi. tOa 57rapRaeq) i EKapWOS, the EAR. inthe car. When but may' be ripe the fruit, 29 Btut when the GRAIN EvOOFwn aro' -,e TO perv, T7apGr7CVis niatured, ininiediately i 0mdi 00lTleXAeLd the sickle, foTr isreadTyKEV e sends the SICKlEF, Be, i~nied~tel t~ tcdt he icke, ie t nedy cause the 11ARVIEST is 6 OEPIToAos. 30'Kat eXe-ye Tiv's 6uiS.twouFeist reaiy." the tarestt. And he saiid; To what nmay wet cmaitt 301 And lie said, ~ To Tr75 $aoAetas' Tou Oeov; 77 ev' 7rota~ 7rapatf3oAr what n::y we conipare the the kingdomn ofihe God? or by chat parahle txouoasw ofGot)i or * biv 7raspa,3aAwIvass atT77v; 3 'SIS IKOKKIOS Otf/ca7rewd, What Parable niay wc ifcaynweconipait ber? At a grain ofnmusteIe4 lustrate it? 6e tSo' sr 7C77,/LEO~O rt- 31 It resenmbles a Grain wbcehntinhaCn en 7 ti cecib len i of Mustard, whiehi, wheni wilih~wenimayeson o th eath, les ofsoiwn on the EARIT1I, jis TWVY TIES (T7TepaaTWS EO`TL ThIS' Vrt T71S -y77S thc least of All TH5OSES ali eftLet secds itis cofShoee en the eathcib SEEPS that are on thte 32KaL 6Tavs o-rapp, at'aHaS'et KaL -yLS'Erar57ra- EARTIf; end wbeittnitmybeanwn, itapringsup and beconmes of 32 bitt when it is sown, TWdY AXaS'WS'v /L4tcit, Kai 7rotES tKialots l~ra it grow.s Up, atid iecollics ill iherbs freater, and produces branhese greeni, reater thian All oilier AOVS, 6(rTe 3uparOaT, 6710 T77X' owtalv. avTot) Ta 11ERBS, stnd jiroduces grcat an a inbe tdeeCit hidie e it DeeBRANCHIEs: go ttiit tile so s t be tiderthe shaowof t te IRDlS Of H EAVEN Ca'n 7ETEIS'C TrOb ovpapoU't KaTaOE771'OUV. '1 a Toi- Iluild thbeir steels under tthe hi~dt cfube heacen tnhbuikldeets. Aid such SHAD)OW Of it.'" atiTatE 7fapa,6ohAms wr~kXais EXaXEL aROTOtE TOP' 33 And with matty h-e 1pecrblet manny bespoke tonthein the Such Paral~les lie spoke Ao-lot,, iaOwsc -q~VpavETO alcovC1v. 3 XCo)pta bs the WORD to illeI'li, even RSs wnrd, eien as they iwere able to benr. wiithnut bit they were sable to under7rapep~oA~js 01ff E-aXeL awoTO5 Elttts' KaT'staatid. aparable net he apnhn in ittet privately but 34 *And witlsout a ParsTotsjuc~n~is auro e~e~vevawa. l lieIt did atot adldress, otedsils of hmsef h explained 7all. thin; but privately hie if bnanf benplin~ llexplained all things to his 35 KCCL owE Urt l EESf ~i isfipl1Es. An tntieen n ta b oi7ta 35 AnMd on That DhAT, Andli sys o he in tht he day, eveningf Eeilln 0avneoni, h 7eS'o/LES'77s AsEX&wVeCY CLS' TO 7reptaS. r4 Kai say13s to thens, "'Let ue pass bebingcome; Wtinay pnssover to thea theraside. And over to the OTTIR MSIDE-" aiPellTeE TOt' oXXot' 7rapaXaujeaovoU-tv OUTOS, W's 36 And htaving left the bavcing left the crowd they tnnb himt, as CROWD, they took him as VAiTICAN MAlNnUeSCRI.-28, For-emit.. 30. In What Comparison shall we piseS% It? 84. And without.' t i. See Note otl matt, xiii. so., t20. Malt. 1211. 24. Stt0.'Matt. xi i. 31; Luke xiii 18 I& 33. )tatt.xiii,841 John Xvi, 15.; 3, Matvll. 8, 2 L,4Lk -IoI 22 3MO 7. KMARIK. C."ap. 5:4. 77? leg T9P 7rXot9p- * rcaia] nAa 86 7rAota 7V hie was in thc BOAT. And he wet is the ship; 'alaa3 ether and ships mae Other Boats were with PIET' avTOs'. '37 Kai yti'eTat AaiAa# ave/.ou btLE-a- himn. taitla hitm. And arose a squalil of wind great; 37 And there arose a XAW 'ia tE Jeu/.eTa eircejaAXkcv ElI TOn 7r~soro, great Gale of Wind, and 07.the and waves dashed inot the ship, thce WAVES daSheCd inlto thle iaTe avT0 7J77 -Yetil'E OaL. Kat 771' avtos es' BOAT, so that * thle BOAT soat it now to 0.1]. Asnd was hie is was now full. lrj 7rPte/tt'p, E~rt TO 7rpoO-KiEPaXat0V VI)32 38 And Ije was in the thle.stera, os the. pillaw sleeping i STERN, asle( p ot tile1;4iat 8it-yetpovoWi au-ro', Ka'i Ae'yovow al)~V L~OW; and they awjok~e hiint, tad they awake hima, tand thef said ta hits; and said to him', " Tear',er,.ALaO-KaXe, oeat /A c arot, 6T arokXXWgeEa; dlots it. lot coIn(eern thee. teacher, no cnersthaee, thtt we-perish?. That we perish', '3'Kat tE-yepOEtg E7rETIA77i0e Tf~J ai'eucp, lain eLTe 3 n snh e Aed teia atira e reaked the miad tad ett buked the WIND, 1and said seOXca;o heslent, bie still~. Rtgceiased to tule SEA, "li 1ESiientl he tth se; B ie, hetl. Atd read still I" And the wi~ er Dcas6aveg.os, mag e-E7EETO ya X77Y77 ~uqyaAj. 4~0Kai cd, and there was a great the iad tand wat ta CiAt great. Aand Calm. EL~nEV~U~tYTt~a~t ETE* [irro; ~ 40 Andhlie aid to thrm, lie aaid to theta; Why timidt fireyou [so P) hotW hyaeyu fad OUiC,6XCTE WItiTW; Kat eeio8)706'qoas' 45o,80' How distrustful you are! eat yaahtve, aith? Asd they feteed a fear 4 n hywr x jut-yas', Kait Otaeyor srpos aXX-qAous- Tis ap 1Anahe er x great, tand said to ane anather; Who the s ceedingly afr~aid, and said 01)T03 COTIn', 6uL KaiL 6 aveEdoS Kait i Oaxaa-a- to one another, " Who tiu n this is, far even the wind tadthe tea is this, Tiat eventheW I Nu vlraliu~tV euee.and the SEA ohcy hint " Learehe to hima. * KE~ ~ 5CHAPTER V. Kat qX~o EL TO -r73 O~aO773, I t And they came to Kai nX~o CisTO 7epa'-r-s Oaaffo71sesthle otiter side of thle LAIKE dad Chey cAmae to the othertide ofthe tea, itto into thle REGOoN Of thle 0711' Xce~pail Tan' rctaapns'ws. 2Rat E~,EA6Owwrt *GERASYNES. *the trcountry oftihe Gatarenes.. And hatingeatte 2Adbsn si u awrpC9EiC TOD,rAoIOV, *C(EuOEWsl aer77t'T770-eY av1Jrc of the BOAT, thecre miet 7to 1imaour of~h tie hip, tuatardiatelyj eaet hts int olut Of thle tarONuEli TWY A' d77/d4fICS' CIPOpco)roy El' 7rEcIv/AaTi nata/p- SldE NT S, a TOalanwith ilani aotoftaithe totahs a mat it spirit unclrtn, pure Spirit, 7(y36$ 0773' KCTOtK7101V CLXEV EI/ TO~L PV77/4aot, 3 whvlo bad his IIAABITA-. wha tht dtaelling had in the totahs; TION in thle TOatlla; aiid geat ouTE &AaAOeOLA otcaeto 713ulvaro alUToV 5100l, no one could hind *l~insi *sad nateves sititcahias taone asea able hiss tohbind. any Ionger -with Ch~ains; A4 Bia To aVTOle 7roX~anItS irE~ats icat &Xvuoeos 4- for utany tiusies lie hod for the hiss tasty tittes with fetter tand chaita been BOUKD with Fetters -Me3waOn, SCat Sierazo-Oai VWr autTotv Tas and Chaitts, and the Esohte beethated, and eo hateehebra ast by hiss the CHAINS badh been wrenchiaAs0ETCS, intL Tats wE6n VeEpi~a.Kl t~ ed off by himi, and the chains., sad the fetters etohatebeetbrheanra atd as ate i'ETTERi5 brokcn; and iio 'VsATICAtt ~ V3CtI7sar-.-MR180. alto- it. 37. the mRoss was, dO. so-omitai. II. GzzAatamat. 2. immediately-ostit, B. him ally longer with. 1-. Te epuebrs f the Jews were formerly tenongot racks, mountains, and otberusfre~entd paces inordr tiat there mlight be as little danger as possible of that pslluiuliw wici taeltn~aoy hingeadroderd Tiey were often Rso largess aCOnmMadiOua O roo, and re ow ltearesrte Cot p~eesof heler f',rthe night. 8ararietime t~iltwa-ntdoring, Arbs -arins the winte osn aeu hi perinanentab.adeian them. It appearsfthat at a veCl~rlyperied,egom othstmbweeused far sue hla pUrpo:aC; Ms Is iah apeikhs at some wtreaiamnthgraves, andilodle in the monuments," chap, lxv. d. Bureb)bardt repartt. that he Sound many sepulebres fin the rocks at Uns Keie, (suppocet to be the ancient Gadara,) thawing bow naturally the conditions Of this narrativ'e could have been juifilledOisstlia; region.. a X4.vii 6 Luskeviiin20;-. C/ap. 5 5.] MARK. fC'ap. 5: 16. av'rov itrr e au.a Karrara 5xat tzarap'os, rvvUKos dne was able to subdue him was able to tame and always, night him. Kcat -qtuepas, eF TOIS IvYr7aot' Kia ev Trots opeo'T 5 And he was always, and day, in the tombs and in the mountains Night and Day, in the 71r Kpawv, Kat KaraKortcr e avTov Atots. SEPUILCI RES and in the le wascrying out, and cutting himself with stones, MOUNTAINS, crying out, G I8wv 6 'rTOM I2JvoUV aaTo aKpoOev, ePopae, Kal and cutting himself with Seeingand the Jesus from a distance, he ran, and Stones. Crpo'~EKvvt7w'6v avw ' Kaic Kpatas (w uyaA 6 And seeing JEsus at prostrated to him; and cryiug out withavoice great, a distance, he ran and EITre, rL FeUO KaiL O't, I71aov, vie 7ov Oeov 0 ro prostrated to him, said, what tome and to thee, Jesus, O son ofthe God of the 7 and crying out with a v^ia70TV; bpKCW o-e ov FOeov, / it faavo-a- loud Voice, * said, "What highest? I will adjure thee the God, not me thou mayt st t thou to do with ne, rTp'. 8 (EAeye -yap avr'- EehAOe 70 7vevtua ro Jesus,-O 0on of GODtorllent. (lle had saidfor to him; Come out the spirit the the lIIEST'? I implore acKaapTov CK Tro avOpwTrov.) 9 Kai earr7pwora hee-Go, —torment Me unclean out of the man.) And he askeed otavTrov Ti ao'o ovo/a; Kai Aeyet av'ryT Aeyea^v 8 (For hie had said to him: What thy name? and he ays to him; Legion hinl, 'IlMUrE SI IRIT ovola 6oi 6rt 7roAAot E6yE. 10 Kai 7rapec~aAe Come out of the MAN.") name to me; for many we are. An e besought 9 And e asked him, tota fosn y ame e.t avrov roAXa, va?y auTous a7roo-"reifl ' What i thy Name him many times, that not them li woul e says to I im, "My 7Tr7 xwpas. 11 Hve e ct 7Wpos r opEt ayeA7 rnae n; r we ofthe country. Was and there near tothe mol,,tain ohed r n Xopwv Ue~yaA7 K. 1J Ka2 ap aaav 1(0 And lihe eartestly enXotptw ea fooToc.. Kait rapCKaXE-av treated him. that lie would of swine great feeding. And besougt t d them out of the avrov o01 atfNLoves, XEyov'Ts' TIefeIOV lpeas f1S COUNT'RY. him the demons, saying; Disioiss us iuto 1L NOW thlere was by 7ovs XOIpovs, vYa eis av7rovs eta'e0itev. 13 KaL the MOUNTAIN, a great the swine, that into them we may go. And Herd of Swine feeding. 7r'eTpeftev avrois vOews 6 Ir 1o'ovs. Kai eteA- ]2 Ai.'d*tLhe ) Nsbegaveleave tothem immediately the Jeus. And having sought i nl., saying, " DlsOo'ra a repuaa ra aaOapra 7A iss r8s 0o t e swi NE, tha. ovra ra rrvevfuara 7a azaeapra faf ov es we may. g~ t them. ' come out the spirits the unclean enteted Into we m d *e gave them 13 And *li gave them Tovsr XOpovs' Kai wpfU77o'ev 77 ayAe71r Ka7a tou leave. Anti the IMPURE the swine; and rushed the herd down the. PIRITS laling COlle C lt Kprftlvov e1s 'Tr7 Oa o'a v *[roC'a be c. s 5tr- went,nto tlle SWINE; precipice into the sea; [they were ardabou: wo andl th HERD rlusheddown Xzior'] Kat er'viyov'o fv 7) Qataaoht. 14 o tthe PRECIPICE into the thousand;] and were choked in the sea. Those IAKE, and were drowned inLthe IARE. oe ofrcKOvres avrovs fivtyop, Kai arl7ryeiAav n4 lhen the SWINEand feeding them fed, and reported n:nDS tiei, and leported ets r7)V 7roAriV Kca eits ovs aypovs. Kai fct A- it in the cilm. and in the to the city, and to the vige. And me ilelages And they Came Oov l8eiY, 7rL eo rt o yeyovos. 15 Kat epxovrai out Io eee what THAT w-a out to see, what is that having been done. And they come which had been DONE. 7rpos rov Irovv, Kat Oewpouva rov OaiAovriCo.eF- 15 And they came to to the Jemns, and they behold the being demonised J^SUS, and beheld the Dps VoY Ka7,EVo *[Kt,] a uvov, Kal o- AD the EIrpoON, sitting sitting ad bhving been clothed, and' being of down, l.thed, and in his vovuvra, Tro eoXl.KorTa 7ro AeyewVta' Kal right mind; and they were sane mind, the having been posuteed by the legion;: and afraid. e foBrl7('rav..16 Kat &rl7yr7ao'ac ro avroLs ot itov- 16 And THOSE SEEING they were afraid. And related to them those having it, related to them what * VATICAN MANUSCRaPT.-7. says. 12. they besought. 13. he gave them leave.- 13. and they were about Two Thousand-omit. 15. and —mit. t 13. See Note on Matt. vti, 32. C7,ap.: 17.3 MARIK. Ctap. 5: 27. 7TC, 7raT fyeEvf7o r Toap Saoyio/yEV, Ktat rfpi hiad lhappenedto the DEMoseen, how it happened to tile one being demonized, a ot C, a n d ouoncerning tle 7TWr' X PoiPp. 17 IKar 7iptwro 7rapatcaAE i avTroP SWI.N r. thle s.ine. And they began to entreat him 17: And they began to a-eAOfiv a avrO TW pwv arTav. IS Kair iStay- Centreat him to depart front to depart from. the coatto ofthem. And entcring tleir BODE)RS. TOS avrov ElS TO 7rAoiov, 7rapfKacE avrov 6 18 And lie having enof him into the ship, besought him he tered the BOAT, t I1 who aaiLoviOoOsts, rva I /uFT' aVTov. 19 Kai had I)ccn a DMIONIAC, en.. having been demonized, that he might be with him. Aud treated hiin that lie might OVK aQtctKev avrov, aXAa NA'yEt avT(P ' Trayf tevwit t lim; not hcsuffered him, but hes ays to him; Go 19 And yet lie did not EtS TOVP 0101GO t O- rpOS iTOtVS aOOV Ka avaycfQ I - Ipermit litni, Iut says to into the house ofthee to thle friends, anld relate tint, "Go 7iot, to thy Aoy auvTot, bfra rot 6 Cvptos 7e7rTOtr77K Kat FREC)S, ald tell telent to them, how muchto thee the Lord has done, andow IU t ha 7Ae77o ae. 20 Ka arr7JAOe, K eat aro KP pvt- done for thee, and has had has pitied thee. And he went, and began to pub- pity on e." Oerv fV U C CaOh, Pta poh a 've 6 20 And he w^nt away, qo'w Es' T Asteaoro,, o' av'rT 6 and Ictzan to proclaimI in hlsh in the Decapolis, how much had doae to himi the nd bIegn to proclai in I?7o'ovs" Kai 7raleS OavA o SDECAPOIIS, hoiw much JoIou t rav s. s lald doe for Iint; and Jesus; and all were astonishedl. 1 Ka~ iaTrfTCpac-aPTos Tov I-rov CY 79y TrAoloy all Tere aston^islhld. 21: And Jcsus having And havingpaseed over the Jesus in the ship again pased ovr in agai, a;n pas-cd over in *a; lraAtv Es TO7 7repav, avvt7XQ71 oX).os 7roAvs Eir Boat to tlhe OT11R SIDE, aigail to the otherside, weregathered acrowd great to gcat Crowd,ntlercl to auTIov' Kai 771 7nraga T77 oaharcerd. 22 Kato?auro. cat?v* rapa 'r7vv 0aao'roav. ' mKa i, and he was by the tim, and he was by the sea. And LI ad L:[3ov,] EpXeTat els Trw apXrvva-'ycTwyc, oVo- 2 2' tAnd oneofthesYN(o,] comes one of the synagogue-rulers, by A(G()(; E-U'LES, lilllltd J.Latf Iaeipos' Kat trwv avTov, e7rirTE 7rpoS Trovs J.lilus, c;lliic, ald seCilng name Jairus; and seeing hiui, he fell to the lim, lie fell at hlis FEET, iroas avrov, 23 Kai 7rfpfKaXEt avTrov roAAa, 23 and earnestly enfeet ofhim, and besought him much, treated him, sayinlg, " My AEcywv'- 'Ot TO OvpyaTpIOv.u ov ETXaT e'S eXfr I.ITTL DI)AUGhI'TE is at,aying; That the little-daughter of me lastend is; tle point of death; conte, and put thy HIANDS on her iva AOwov E7rOyls avUT7 ras XElpas, dorws that site may be restored, tl at coming thou mayest put to her the hands, so that and she will live." awp' Kcat (riO-Ca. 24 Kai arI7AOE /Ler' 24 And he went with she may be saved; and. he shall live. And he went with hil, andl a great Crowd avTov' Kaat 7CKoXov0St avut oxAos 1roAvs, Kai folloowed him, and pressed him; and followed him a crowd great, and on him. OrvvEAiov avrov. 25 Kat 7yvv7) *[Tt] ovo'a 25 And a Woman, havpreeed on him. And a woman [certain] being ing had a lJemorrhage env 1vSret atuarTos C77 S weKa, 26Kat iroA\a for twelve Years, in aflow of blood yearc twelve, and msanythings 26 and having suffered waOovora Wro 7rohAwy tarpw, Kai atravlraasa much under Many Pihysihaving sufferedunder many physicians, and baing spent cians, and having exirap a, K pended ALL her property, s' T'ap' av'rS v7ra'a, tant 1.t7Efayetv. 37 But HE answering said to them; Give to them you to eat. t t " said to them, I' Qou supKat Aeyovart avTT A'reXkovTres ayopaaw/ueP ply them." And tley say And they say to him; Going may we buy to him, "Should e go and 8ivapiwv 8haKco-taw aprovs, Cat &wteY avrots for Two hundred Denarii denarii tro hundred loave, and give tothem Loae, a ive the 4payetv; s '0 C kfve,/ y CU oet apr ' os rovs toeat " to eatt Ile but say to them: How many loaves 38 And HE says to them, exeT'; rayesre Kat tS're. Kat yovyTrFs, "IHow Many Loaves have baveyou? go you and seeyou. And havingascertained,you? Go amnd see." And Aeyoua-t IvT-re, Kat Svo IxOvas. 3 Kaat cir- having ascertained, they they say: itive, and two fishes. And heor- say, "Five, and Two Tratp aunrots atvaKAivat rraras, ' uv-nro'ia Fishes.' ifered them to make recline all, company 39 And he commanded auvvproawia, ert 1r XAowpe, XopTr,. 40 Kat ave- them to nake all recline in company, on the green grass. And they Conpanies on tle GREEN ircrov irpaaiat irpaoaat, ava fKaTro, Kat aa Grass. reclined squares squares, by a hundred, and 40 And they lay down 'r5f57pKoIra. I4 Kat Aa,wv Trovs 'rere aprouv in Squares, by hundreds by fifty. And taking the five loaves and by Fifties. Kat 'rous uto iXOtvas, ava3AeItas f ts rov oupavov,, 41 And taking the rIV. and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, Loaves and thle Two Fishes, and loolcing towards evAoyiacsE, mcat KaOeKtAX E T'ovs apTous, tat JCiFAVEN, he praised God, he gave priec, and broke the loaves, and and broke the LoAvEs, eMsov rots A.aOj'rais abvro, it'a aparwata, and gave to *the Drscigave to the disciples of him, that they might etbefore PLES to set befoi)e Item; av'ro0' cai 'ros oat.ovs po.iXOvas Ep ao' and the TWO Fishes lhe them: and the two fishet he divided to all. distributed to all. * VATICAX MAuscni.PT.-35. The rLACK is a Desert. 8. what they shoudi eat. But us. 41. the D1SCIPLrES. t 82. Matt. iv 13. 34. Matt. ix. 3; xlv. 14. 3d. Luke ix. ii. 35 Mait. xiv. 15; Luke ix. 12. 88. Matt. xiv. 17; Luke ix. 13; John vi. 9. cMiapR. 6: 42.] MARI. [lap. 6: 55. 42 Kai epayou 7ravTres, Kai eXopTracQat97a. 42 And they all ate and And they ate all, and were filled. were satisfied. 43 Kai 77pav Ic/ai.aT'oc 8wcEKa Icoptvovs rA7?- 43 And they took up And they tookup of fragments twelve baskets full, Twelve Baskets full of pets, Kai aVro Trwv ixovwv. 44Kat rlaav of a- Fragments [of the Bread,] and of the fishes. And were those having and of tlle FISHES. yovTEs TOVS apTovs, 7revTaKIatO'Xtrot avSpes. 44 Now THOSE whoATE eaten the loaves, five thousand men. of the LOAVES were Five 45 Kai evOewcs 77va'yKaOae TrVS uaOfrras abrov thousand Men. And immediately heurged the disciples of himself 45 $ And immediately e.frBvac eis TO 7rAoov, Kai 7TpoaZyeiv Els T 7re- hle constrained his DISCIto step into the ship, and to go before to the other PLES to go into the BOAT, paGV rpos B7Ooaatoav, f:ws avTro a Xro7vap Trv and precede him to the side to Bethsaida, while he should dismiss the OTIIER SIDE, towards OXAov. 46 Kai a7roTataLevos avTots, a7rleXOev Betlhsaida, while te should crowd. And having sent away them, he went send away tile CROWD. EtI TO OPOs Tpotevuaa-Oai. 4Kai oitas yevo- 46 And havingdismissed into the mountain to pray. And evening having them, he retired to the feEV77S, TO 7r OO TO fV rfoto ry gEoqs a]aS Oaa 1s MONTAIN to pray. come, was the ship in middle ofthe sea 47 And Evening having Kai avTror ovos e7rt T77S y7S. 43 Kai eLtEV come, the BOAT was inthe and he alone upon the land. And he aw 3Midst of the LAKE, and be avi-ovs t aavavt o us fV f -E v ^ut' Y was alone on the LAND. them tormented in the 'rowing; wa forot these tormeneted it the owie f 48 And he saw them o ave'os evavrTos auros. Kar w t rap toiling at the oAR; for the the wied opposite to them. And about fourth agnainst the em;th aKy tS KTOS epXea I a t and about tIhe t Fourthr v.atcrsv.rS VtlCTos epXerat wpos a'oTus,?rpT - Watch of the NIGHt, he watch of the night comes towards them, walk- the NIeTw le comes towards them walk. 7raTCtv Ecrt Tr)qs OakataS' Kat 70EAee 'apeA0ev ing on the LAKE, and ing on the sea; and wished to pa i the LA, and a 49 K a & wished to pass by them. auTovs. 49 O be, osvrTes avTro' weptaTrovu a 49 But seeing him thems. They but, seein g him t walkin g on LAK, hey fErl TS e aAaanos, eoiapr aTao a ltki e Ango ntheLAKE, theKyan ewt 't-S7S Ohatbreoo/S, e~O~Cat' 4sat/raogtQ ets'Ce, icat tlhought it was an AppaneavfesJpap. hO laVT'S rap aurrov s tion, and they cried out; a p o rlat'eS yap avtrov Esov, Kat they cried out. All for him.sa, and 50 for they all saw him, ETapaXO7rloav. Kat euvOes eAaArje Iet atrr t, and were terrified. And were terrified. And immediately he spoke with them, inmediately e spoke with cat Ae-yet avTros' OapaoTre' eyct et/At, AIq epo- them, saying, "Take courand says to them; Take courage; I ate, e itis e; benot afraid." 'eE0eE. 51Kat avef7l rpos avTovs eS TOr wXrotot- 51 And he went up to Anfrid. And hewentup to them into the loat: them into the BOAT; and Kat ecorao-ev 6 a t'elos. Kai Ataw *[efK re- theWIND ceased; andlthey and ceased the wind. And greatly [out of me- were exceedingly amazed ptaroV] vl iEavtros efto-raVTO, *[KIcat eOaup a Cot'.] in themselves. wtare] in themselves they were asmazed [.ad wondered,] 52 For lthey understood 2 Ov yap ovrus)ca er't Tots apTots' 7lt' yap 7 not about the LOAVES; Not forthey understood about the loaves; was fur the because their Ie AaT was Vapt a avt'wv ne7rewpcvpweE. stupified. heart of thee having ben stupitied. 53 And having passed aKas 8Mtatrepe res 77AOoPt'7. 7 r over, they came to the 63 IRat atareparoavrer 7Oov wt Irslv T ys rev LIAND Of Genncssarct and And havingpassedover they came to the laud Gen t. vs/aapeT- scat rpoo'wppwto'eYrpat. 54 Ka c put to tle shore. aeCnret: ntn drew to the shore. And coing t 54 Anld coming out of aWt e U woto, eve cyovrs the BOAT, inmmediately of thetn out of the ship, Immediately knowing tley recognized him, avfUTo, 55 rept8paulov'res A7eh' rmy wreptywpov 55 and running through hii, running about whole the adjacentcountry that Whole SURROUNDING VATICAN MANSXscUIPTr-51, out ofmeasure-omit, 51, d4 wosdered4 —st, t 4s. See Notes oln Matt. xlv, 25, 20, 1 43, Matt. xlv. 22;' John vi, 17. t 52, Mark tiii, 174 18 C~oap. 6:5. M AR1K. [C/tap. 7: 6.s vKeLJ/SpV,?7plaYTO cr1' ToLs Kpcaf3JJaTOLS TOVS REGION, carried about the~ that, they began on the couehes these SICK on couci~s; to IKaEwa e~ovTars lrepLitIpepLv, 671ev 77KOVOPI, 67-i where they hcard hie was. sichnees having teocarythbout, there they hvead, that 5 n hrvrleeEK61ES607. 56 Kai 6rov as' 61LOE7T0PELETO EIF 51Ad hrvr eeS there hie is. And wnherever hie entered intto tl'red, into Towns, or CiKW ja w~7oEt~s, ~ 'pss t rs yp ties, or Villages, they etows or cities, or villages, in the marhets placed thle SICK ill thle,ETLOOU' 'revs ac-Oc-povy'ras, Kai 7rapiCKaAeou' MARKETS, and ipoe they plaeed thote heing sich, tnd they hesought hi, Tthat iteytighit but av~o/, s'a Ky 'LU KpsT7Iaev e tocsch the TUFT Of his ttima that ifteve the tell tfthe maentle LEanasiny s ave I w'a a osa' ~'e'ea'etouched hint wecre cured. ol hiti they might toothi and whseter touthed hint, EfiT1OYJT0. CHLAPTERS V11. wyerenaved. I I And the PetARtSEass, XEC. C. 7. and sonic of tlhc SCRIBiES, IKat crp-o~t7 sav-rov o apcLOhaving, conic froin Jet-usaAtid were gathered to Itin the Phar~esite, lmRs etoMn leat TIVEI9 Tcop -ypa/.~FtTecttv, 1EAXoPrEI a~ro 'Iepe- 2 And observing some and soite tfthe sceihes, hating comne cetnt Jeru- Of his DISCIPLES eating 0ooxv1.iwV" 2 aica L30/TES 'rsvaS 'WV ieaOsi'rWs BUEAD With coninon, that sniem; and seeing some of the ditcipies is, with Unwashed Hands; av'rov icoivais XepOL, rovr' earsT, av's'rTOLS, 3 (for the PIIARISEES, of himn wtilomem~on hands, that in unwashed, and All the JEws holding co-Otoes'ras apTV' 3v (of -yap 'I'apwoaLos Keai 7ras- thle TRLADITION of the' eating I once.; (the foe Phaeisees and ati ELDERS, cat not, unless TIES 55' Isatses' p5 1UU s'tI~WV7at Tra thic wash their HtArN DS the Jets, if not tith fsat they may~ wahthe w h it xeipae, OVIC 4ECOtOsvo, KptZTOUV'rES T77? 7rapcxoriaoJ leF hands. not they eat, holding the teadition 4 and ceonine, from a 'ros 7rpecrI~vTepcols. Ka&t earo a-yopas, eas' /A Market, unless t'iey * mafthe eiderts: and ferom a markeet, if not ttserse tltemselves, thley eat,6aTIr-rtecassr, OVte E'Osov0os' teat atAa 7roXAa not. And many other they mightS dip, not they eat; and other mony thing things there are which cons'I, a 7rape~a,6oV teparets', 8a~rT1ro/AovS 70T57- they have received to ntatnit, whtch theyreeieved to hold, dlippings of taiitt, —Iltiniersionssf Cttps, pscass, icat tee-Tws', teat Xa~~tAK s', *[Keas Ktv~sws']) snd of Pots, -and of Copper Cops, tand otpots, and ofeoppereseltet, [and ofeouches;!) vessels; ~rt~ eiretr ~'pco'rcaloLV av'rov ot' 4napiiatoi teat 0L 5 thbothi the 'PIIAUISEES then asked him the Phaeitees and the attd tlte acictoca. asked -ypa/i/.taT1te A~tart of' 1sa67)'rat G0ev ov 7reFp1ra- -ttt wty dlo not thy nscribes: Why tite diteipies ofthee "at walh DtjsciPLFs walk according Troves icaras 'r77s srapaaeoTs' 'ras' 7rpEff/3v)TEPCOV, to thle TRADItTION Of tite neeoeding to the teadition oftite elderst, FilitiERS, butt cat 1DiIEAD aAt/Ca Ktvotate X5p"5s' EiOtovti't Teop apTos' '0 with coititioti Hands?" hot weithcomooon honda they eat the loaf? Ite *[8e anroescptOLt] wtret avTeLTe 'OTI tca/Ats srpae- 6 Ilkssaid to thlett, "Well1 I tat onnnweringl said to theao- That tell pret diii I1saiaht prophesy eon4PreTfV'Ees T'Ho'asa 7rept ~ttA(V' 'r&als b~'reKP1Trea, c' erening you, HtYiPOCRITES, pitesied Esain, shboot yoa the ttypoteites. a,Ias it is writtets, T 'This -ytspaTratr " O&Tee S taIos 'rote XEiAEO' 14 'e~rOPLE honor nie witlt Itiaswritten: "Thin the peoptewnith the lips ate 'their Lips, but tlteir *VAnTeANo M~ideuse1Ti.-4. besprinlkle themselves, they eat noto. 5. and of couches-omit. 5. both tbs l'HAanaanS. 0. but answering-oisest. t, This Pharisees, (says Jonephus,) delivered many doetrines of the peoiple as belonging to the boy, which were handed dawn by the fatthers, hut niot written in tile law of Moses; and for this reason, hit meet of the Sadduceeeo rejects them i mainataining Chat those things W~liieji are Written, ought to be aecounted pasrts of the law, and Cleat ouchs are only receivid bny tradition from the fathers ought net to be observed.-Ant, ehil. IS. b0 ItO 4Itt. ix. 20; Mark v, 27, 28; Acts ziiz,12, 51. Mtt. 71?. 1, Io, Isa. x.117.13., M/ap. 7: 7]1 MARK. [COsP. 7: 10 7iua j e 6`E ap~sce aurope rop~Sw alre~eL a' IHEART i5 far rensoved honior, the but berot of themi far off is remioved from 'fromH mc. E$.505. 7 MaT77P &c a-cf3ov-aL JAE, Mat rKOPT'ES 7 'Biut in vain do they me oI vaio bot the'y worship oie, teaching 'worship nc, teaching as &3SaaiaktaZs, EPTraxA/.a-a as'Gpceircsur." A~pEPTIES 'Doctrines, the Precepts ireaihiogg, coioiandmients ofuieo." Leavio' 'of Mess.' *[7oxtp] -r-iv EVTOX77VP TrOU Gent, KpaTELTE T77VP 8 Laying aside the [tsr] the commanodmenot of the Godi, yoo hold th COMMANDMEN.1'T of GOu, 7apaLO-sv Trwv aO~0rcsV, [La3rT.'rlo.FouS ~e-r you rctain the TRADITION tradition ofthe oino, [idippilags of pot4 of ME N." Kat irUT7jpIWP- Kai aAAa 7rapo/.eoia Toiavura wroNAa,9 And lie said to thenm, sod of rops; sod other sjiuilar srchilikeoiaoythinsg, Well do You annul the 7TOLELTE.]9 Kai eAe}Ev/ au'rois. KaAcvs a~e'rei'r COMM1AANDMiENT of GoD, you do. J Aod hoe said to themi. Well yousert aside that you osay keep your -r-p ero71pTouOEV, ~a IO 7rpa~G-P U~L()VOwn TRADITION. theoinin'TandinnTooh OGod, t'at t77e traditionse ofu,10 For M oses said,4'lloSir roososdoirot. ofI" MOod, -hot Stire Trsdtiiaofo TO ort FATHER sod tisy rrspusrqre. Mwos~s yap LITE Ts~a 'ry TIlESR.' intd +1155 who you oay keep, Moses for said; "Honor the ' + 'ewrpa 0'S OL 775 MVJEPRSF00 Ka I 'RE-viLES Father or Mo5rottepa octhr sod t71r toothrep TOWt; sod;i '0 tiser, let hsin be pussished fathr otheeand the mothr othe;" a d; Il'with Dealth.' ksatoXu'yssit 7rTTep 7'1 /.tlJTepa, Oavar~fp TcES)- 11 lust isu assert, ' If a rri fatiier or ioother, a death leS hisi Ta,.,.) 1 'ILLIS5EAEY~E-Easr eLiT? ai 'co-oan say to FATHFSR or moTR7 "aFLEp ~ X)-tETITER, +Bc that Corhan, die." Yoo Sot say; If shosildhay a iiin that is, on Offering, thy roy 'rep 7warps 'q TlI /AIT Kopf~av (6 efi wisich thou mighstest de. to tir fitiro sor thr sisthor; Coribss (which riseassstance front me; &sspop,) 6 cap el e/10oJ wtP*A776r1$ 12 [w ]r] v a o gi, ototoorso ofsi tos igtr~ h prttd; soI 12 you no more permsit a Ot/ECT tve otofm thou m ightelOt b rfted an'h Isi to (lo ossy tisin g for rLAOUEia(PICTe uo 0o.tEY ri5' a w rarp ITE rItTIR no siore yo susffrr him soy thing So (To for tbs fatherrT r OHR *{a5Too,] 7 'e T? rps*[ abisoo] 13acpouposrea 13 osaking voild the Lol himsebrfil orforstir inotssrr (of Stiiserst saishivogidI WORD Of GOD by yourTRaATrOY Ao-YOV TOU OCOV Tn 7rapa~oact te~wp 71 DITION, whsich You have Siir worid sitshe Gos forStir trodition of you, whtit dislivered; and ns~an~' such 7rape8WancrE seas 7rapopLota rotastra 7roAAa 7rt likeI'lsissgs you do.' you deivertird; sod simisiir soti lihr sissy Stings you 14 tAssd lsavinsg *again EtTE. liKas 7rp00oa~eo-ajieos 7raVTa T'OV called All of tse CROWD), do. And baving called l thr lise said to tseos, " Let all oXALoP, c-AE-yc asTroiss AKcooETsE /AOo waTRNES, listen to mc, and he in. crowd, hr Raid to tirm; Herar se Alt,. structed. seal ovvcTE'. 15 Oo~yetr CTIV E~CVOEs 'ra a8papi- 15 Thtere isnothsingf'oma so5 bir instructed. Nothing is outsidlO ofttir 'an WithIout thte MAN, Whsieh 7eas' Eto-sropcivo/.seovofi' s auros', 6 Uova'ai awroys esntering inl *POLLUTES esteroig itos him, which tistire himn his; lust the TrHINGS proKicossrwai* aA~a Tea esecropevoo/eva ax' aorov, ceeding, frost * thtO -MAN, So maskr comision hut She thitog. procrrdiiig fresi h i i, ace theC THINGS Whirls Exctva CoTTi Tem KOeotuwoua Troo aa'Opcwros' 1'0[Et POLLUTE htin. those ts3thr thiogo makingscomsionthe man. [If 16 *[If any one has VATTCAN MANTUSeCIFT.-8. For-omsif. 8. dippings of Pots and of Cops;s and many other such like thigsg yois do-omif. 12. And-omif. 12. hits-omit. 12. hts-omint. 14. Ra~ain called. 15. rOILLUTES him. 15. the M AN, are the THINS which POLLUTZ him. 151. If any one has Ears to hear, let him hear-omit. t1I. A piece of history, delivered in the Talmud, will Illustrate this subject, aud at the same time exhibit in a clear light the profligacy, superstition said casuistry of the Jews. A, man of lieth-Itoron had made a vow, and declared that his fathier should reap no benefit from Isis property. Afterwards, on the occasion of his Son's marriage, he wished to Invite his fathertc the entertainments and, to evadethe obligatioisef his vowhe transferred Iiisr rigt aiod propertyIn the room and feast to afriend, who wa-sengag-ed toinvite his fAther. Thi, hlowever, wasjiidged tobe unlawftil, unless hehadtransfrrredestireiyaiidtruiytbilspart of his property to hi'sfriend, without interposing any condition with respect to thecinvitation of his father. whomn he' was bound by all m~lns not to profit. How can we br surprised at the severity with whichosurgSavior rebuked such vnaecasuistry, suehwaut of natu~ralfec-ce tion, andasuch abominable hypocrisyi-Wakefield. 10, Exodor. 12'- Den'% v. 18 Matt. xv. 4, 1 ii). Exod, xxi. 17; Lev. xx. Os Prey, 1Z..katt. i i aix. 5t ~Xiii 18. 14, Malt,. xV. 10, 18. Matt. xi. 15. C.ap. 7: 17.] MIA IRK. [Cap. 7: 27. TrlT XeL cwra arcoVevI, acoUTEr.] 17 Kal Ears to hear, let him any one has ears to hea, let him hear.] And herll*."] 'OTf eiE1o-0fV eit OtIKOv O rO TOU oXAou, 17 + And when he wcnt when he entered into a house from the crowd, frOl t CROWD ilnt a er7)pwr)Tw aurov o pUa07'TraL avrov rfpt 'r)S louse, his DISCIPLES asked him the disciples of hil concerning the askld i concerniug the 7rapaoXr)s. 18 KaI Ae'ye arTots' Obrto Kt PARABLt.E. parable. And he says fo them; Thus also 18 AlllC says to them e5tfAE aavvt'ero fTCre; OVu oei're, 6o' wt a 0 TO"Ae Oatt also so destitute you without understanding are? Not know you, that all that oh understandliig- Do you et~Oey,, eto7ropevo/eyvor eit 'OV avypw7roY, ov not perceive, that nothing without, entering into the man, not flotlL WitlOt, ENTEsRING 8uvaTra avTrov KOlvworat; 9 6I'. OVK EI'Trop- INTO the MAN, can pollute is alile him to make common? that not goes Illl? eve'ra auTrou eCS 'rT7 Kap8tav, XaAx' c I TTrv KOI- 19 because it enters not ofit into the heart, but into the belly; into tle HEART, lut illft Atav- Kai fEs 'TO aPe8pciYCa ecKropeve'rai thie BELLY, and passesinto and into the privy goes out, lie SINE, purifying All the KcaOaptSov 7ravra T 'ra pwc.ara. 20 EAe'ye 6' FOOD." cleansing all the toods Hiesaid and, 20 And he said, " TAT 'Ot 'Tro e 7ov ayOpwTrot CeKTopevoSYevoPJ, eKeIyo which PROCEEDS OUT o0 That the oue o' ths man proceeding forth, that the MAN, ttat pollutes the KOIVOI 7 T0oy aOpwrov' 21 EawOev 'yap *K T7rS MAN. makes common the man; Within tor out oe the 21 For from within, Kic^psas TWV ay Opwa7rco oO 8taAo'yLacof oi KaKoi out oi the IEART Of MEN, heart of the men the purposes the evil eCllillate EVIL PURPOSES; EiTropeVOvaTa' LOIXfeatl, ropveiat, povo, ov -Adulteries, Fornications, proceeds; adulteries, fornications, mlriders, Murders, 92cAokrat, rXApove;lal ro pia, os aaovp os, a, 22 Thefts, Covetousness, thefts, covetousnesses, villanies, deceit, Intemperance, Villanies, Deceit, llnteinofOaAulos irovs7pos, AaocPff7rla, - ir'eprl)avia, peanlce, Envy, Calumnies, eye evil. evil speakings, pride, Pride, and Folly; QpfpoTvvYtJ) 2a wravra Tauva.Ta rovm'pa aTw0eF 23 All These EVILthings 1olly; all these thethings evil withi emanate from within, and fcK'opeverai, Kal Ioivos Tro avOpwcrrov. pollute the M3AN." comes forth. an i makencommonthe man. 24 + And arising thence, 24 Kai efciOflE avaorras, ar7A'Oev f:I 7ra FeO- he retired into the CONAnd thence arising, he went loto the bor- FINES O0 Tyre and Sid(;n; opta Tupov Ka ts8aVOS, KaIt ereaf A0iwv fiS 'rTy and having entered, into ders of Tyre and Sidon; and entering.r,to the the HOUSE, lie desired no oKtarv, ov8eva 710eAe -yvwvatr Kai OeK O1uv)70r one to know it; but he house, no one he wished to know; and not hewa able could not be concealed. AaOeiv. 25AKcovoaaoa yap yvv7r werpt arVou; 7s ~5 For a Woman, whose i beconcealed. Laving heard for awoman about him,ofwhom LITTLE DAIGIITER had etXe ro OuyaTrplo afir7s rveu/ua ataOap'rov, an unclean Spirit,*immehtd th- littledaughter ofherself a spirit unclean, liately heard of him; and efOovaa trpoce7reorae rpos TOVS rooas awro7' laving come fell down at havinogcome felldown to the feet ofhim. Ils FEET; 26 (7)1v e 7 yuvvr) 'EAXhhvts, Zvpotoivti(ra'a 'r 26 (now the WOMAN (was now the woman a Greek, aSyrophenician to tle was tan Hellenist, a NAye-vec) JKi f7)pwra arTov, Ivara r aiovIov Ce-. 'TIVE of 'Syropllenicia.) i,'th,) and she besought him, that the demon he aIld shle entreated hliln to,BA7p rK r71s OUyaTpos aftr7ls. 27'O e lI7ovs'o expe' t le DEMON from her wouldlcast out ofthe daughter of herself. The hut Jesus DAu'GIII E. etirevavr77' AQes Aipwrotv opTra07)vatt ra 'reEKva. 7 7 And he said to lher. said tohcr; L.eaone fist to be filled the children i Let lli CHILDRl N first ov yap KaXov EcaTr, AaSfIetv rot apTov rTw TeK- be satisfied; for it is not not for good it is, to take the bread oflhs chtl- proper to take tlle CTIILYvwv Kai SaXEliv ToIs KoiuapioS., 'H 8e L)DEN 'S BREAD), and throw dren, and to cast to.he dogs. She but it to tle DOGS.' V* TIoaN MlacerIcBiT.-25. mmediately heard, 27. And he said. t 26, Ocn wht, spoko the Greekllanguage. 117 3itt. a.. 21. 1G. n. viii. 21; Matt. xv..24Matt. xv. 21 C.Tap. 7: 28.] M AR K.T [Cap. 7: 37. afreKpLO7, Kat As yei avryp Nat, Kvpte' lea yap 28 But she answered, answered, and says to him; Yes, oir; even for and says to him, "Truc, Ta Kvvapia vTrOKCarTc T77S TpaTe"C-qs fC-Oe n aro Sir; yet even the DOGS the dogs under the table eatest from under tile TABLE eat of the TW ltlXtWl 'TW l'raailtov. 29 KaL stre/v av7p' CHILDREN'S CRUMBS." ofthe crumbs ofthe children. And hesaid to her; 29 Aid lhe said to her, ALa ToUTooy TOV Aoyov 6w7rayes' eAr AvOe 'To "For This REMARK, go; Through this the word go; has come out the tle DEMON las departed Saifiovtov EK T71.S Ouvya'Tpos (OV. 30 Kat aTreA- from thy DAUGHSTER." demon from the daughter of thee. And having 30 And departingr to ler OovOra CeF TO OtIKO, aubTa s, eVpE 'T0 ottIovtzopv OUsE, she founi' * her gone into the louse of her, s'e found the demon IAUGIITER laid upon the e~ea7r)vOos, Kai T77r) OuyaTepa BefBAlUIev77 ei7ri nE), and the DEMON CXhaving gone out, and the daughter having been laid upon pellcd. T7lS KcAbt'es. 31 t And again Icaving t31 Kii 7rahv ete F fC T v Tuoo Kai the CON FIN. ES ofTyre, *le ai Kt 'raAv eO c 'Twv eto, Tvpou aet camnl hy Sidon to the LAKEA And again coming out from the borders of Tyre andot G LILE, through the Sr vo ~ 5 GALILEE t GILE, tlhrough tile Oios, AO\eV eis 'T' Oaf a(aa-av 7Tjs raytAaias, li(lst of the BORDERS of Sidon, he came to the sea ofthe Gallee, ava feGOv 'TWv OptIv AeKcaTroXefw. 3KI DeF cpo. thlrougll mndt ofthn borders o ] )e'.poiis. Anl thy 32 $ And the y bring to ovoziI aurV KWC)()OY v oytAXov, tcat irapaKaXov- hinm a dealf man who stamIbring tolim a deatman a stammlerel, and thev, cnrent I(tcred, aild they entreat iv, avTrov IVla feartO aur T 'Tr7J XEpa. 33 IKa1 hlll to place his HAND on thit that he mightplace to him the hand. And hllll. aroXa/3o,uevos avrov a'ro 'TO oXAOV KaTr' tItav, 33 And having privately haviln taken hiln from the crowd privately, takenhlilm frOtlltle CROWD, e.aAse Trous aKTivovs auroT eis ra Ura aU'TOV, tlie put his FITNGERS into lie lLt toe tionera ot hi;nselfinto the ears of him. IliS EAi:S, and spitting, #cat 7rr'Tvas 7jtaTo 'rT7S yAwoeo'rs avrov. 34 K.t touched hlis TONGUE; and Flttlng he touched the tongue ofhimn: and 31 and looking up to avaBAe\ as eis 'TO oupavovy, c-TeEtaef, cKait EAVEN, hc'groanced, and look.ag up to the heaven, he groaned,: nd S;a to lin, "Eplpllatlha," Aeyei a6u EpPaea, b eo-'T, 6tavotX07'1T. that is, Be opened. says to him: Ephphatha, that is, be opened. 3 lina *[svOec,,] 7)votX oOrlahav ou a o a aaco 35 And lis EARS were And Cimmediatelyl were opened ofhim the ears. opellc, and tlwe COD of Xat e o 8ecos 'T- y~ce7 aros, cat ~Itis TonGUE was loosed, Kat eAvOl 6 eo'tAos TrT7 7kwff~r'?$ avrov, Ka plainly. and was loosel the bond ofthe tongue of him, and aXake., opOws. 36 Kat iteO'TCrA aTo auTois, Iva 86 t And lie charged hepoke p'ainly. And he charged them, that them t ttllev should tell tioevt etlrwoiv' 6rcav 8e atvTos avros tirrfTrc- '-Ino one; but the more *he no one thev should tell; what but lie to them charged cllarged them, the more Ae7r, uaAA\ov vepitaor0fpov eK77PUtrOVo. -37 Iat aialundantly * tbel pubmore abundantly they publihed. And lished it. vr'epsrepitcaws ft-e7rA)(raoov'T, AeyovrTes KaAcs 37 And they were asbeyond mensure they were astonished, saying; Well tonished beyond measure, 7rav-ra 7re7rotsce' Kcait rovs KWce ovS Arotet acov- saying, "i e has done all all (thins) b ha done; and the d afones hemakes to tllings well; he makes both efv, cat roys aAaAovs AaXetiv tile DEAF to lhear, and the hear, and the dumb once tospeak. *Dumb to speak. ~ VATICAN MANIaSCIPT.-30. her DAUGHTEv laid upon the nBD, and the D)MOS expelled. 31. he came by Sidon to. 35. immediately-omit. 36. he charged. 86. t)Ct published 87. Dumb. t 33. Doddridge well observes about this miracle, " If any should ask Why our Lord used these actions, when a word alone would have been sufficient; and such means (if they can be colled means) could in themselves do nothing at all to answer the end,-I frankly confess I cannot tell, nor am I at all.concerned to know. * * * * Had'Christ's patients, like NaaInll, (2 Kings v. 11,12, been too nice in their exceptions on these occasions, I fear they would )Ilve!ost their cure, and the indulgence of a curious, or a petulant mind, would have been buat a poor equivalent for such a loss." t 81. Matt. xv. 29. t 2. Matt. ix 82; Luke xi. 14. 36. Mark v. 4; viii. 26. clar. 8: 1. ] MARK. rmap. 8: 11. KEde. 771 8. CHAPTER VIII. tC iezasTL a s /~OAUoXi 1 $ In Those DAYS tbe EVIEKCthvae thes d7lepa, ecury AO OXO Crowd * again being great, 0070, EeS F~7 eov-rio 'i pyWOL ~ ad hving nothing to eat, bei::g, and not httving tnythingtheyceoudeat, haeieg calling his aiISiciLES,hli sco~oageoovrou ii8~ra adroccAsyt ~ says to theni, called the disciples offtitneli he says to theem; 2 "I hav opaso on the CROWD, 3ccaUSe 2- Y0rayo~/tt ~ O Xo 77?)eIyEpat 11tow they have continused I taee pity on thle ecrowd; becautse nttw datys three Days, and heave noTpEls, Wrp0tT/dEOOVTL *[jU01,1 0371 OVK0 EX0iUt- Ti thinig to cat; tarce, they ctetiete [wteth te,j ted not tieytLaeetnything 3 and if I dismiss them 4palycotIa. 3 Kai carp arro~varw aii'Tovs P70TC fa-sting to their 11oniea, tilly c alt eat. Aid if I disttiss theet fattineg thley wvill fainit on thle etgstny ~saW eou~itiv'atEl'Ti 63p.~ ROAD; for sortie of thenm icte- iv-shae conic from a great hnt eetue ofthealeleie, they twilifaint en the way; somte distance." -yap ael'J7WV p.ea ptt~r jKiioiirt. 4 Kai a~reCKptG77Tas' 4 Aiid his DISCIPLES forc tfthiem a great distanehaee cotne. Atd anewered answered hin, 1Whtenico auTrqp 01' /.aO77Tat alUTOU. HUOEO1 TOvrovs' 3iii'sLo- trill atty one he able to ito hii the dieciplcs ci hiet; Whcence thete wilt he ahle satisfy Tlitse with Btread 'rtT?&3e Xop7-aoat ~pT-wO erT' Lcp77tas; 5Ka here in a J)escrt place? tany one hece ito atisfy oflotave4 in a deteet piece? And 5 1 Arid lie tisked titeni, esrapatra u~oS Foerua' XET ci~ou; o 3 How Miany Loaves have he asked titem; listceany hate you loaves? They aid visit' An HY ad ei'ror' 'Esrra. Kai irapvry-yetAe T(y oXA9p aon- 6 Anti he commanded said; Sevcn. And lie gave ocders ito the icrewd to tie CatOnV to recline on 7FTEITVi E7TL Tr1S 'y777 Kat Aaf9ati' TOVJE ErTa the GiROUNI); and tatking recline epon tite grotted; aid taking tite sevn the SEvEN Loares, +and apToViS, eiiXapto-rthiras Mkorno, Kat eCtMou TI ht~iving giCen thlanks, lieo ittaves, ri, ing thanks he hioke, aed gete tc n,, broke titent, and gave thetit /Aa07T(l.Tau'oviva7rap~w(l- ai 7rae07KaVto hits )ItaCrILEs for dhisdisciplets afimself, thattheyaightseb oe:andtherypetbiore triltution, anti they ilaced dictte fh a~ii theihryiXihtetnita: O 'aid Kaei tiA.. titemibelore the CROWD. Trg) 0XACP. 7KaActxo tXO3ya hadaoaa fews the crowd. And they had iamtifiehes ifeew: and cu,' An hyha e 8te7aa ta a ua "' ISniatll fishes; stid htavinig -yt-aae, er7iaaeatKia a. Eipayos' 8e, offered praise for theni, lite praise, hesmid placeheiore ulso them. They ate and, said, "Place * These also oat E~oprao-O-qo-a' teat ppar' 71epLosv/v.aTa before titeit." and we. efilled: audtheyetohkup veerandahiuc 8 Titus thecy atle, and Kc'aTuarws', i7rTat 07rptkas. 9Horar' 8e ot' Pa- were satisfied; aitt they at cfrgaeaii, useven liege hbaskets. 'Were and these hat. tooik up of the rentainint' -YOvTES, &ti Te-rpamioTiAtot Koti a~reAvo-el' Fra mntcus Seveti lar ge lneg eaten, aboutt fourtheoeand; and hedismissed Baskets full. allTOVS.9 An d they were aibout them~i). Four thousand; and lie theta.,dismissed thenm. 15 Kat evOewselAE~fas cis To 7rXOtOi /.Lera TMO 10 $ And immediately And imemediately entering itat the ship with the 5!be entered,5nto this BOAT,u a 0 r Twiv atjT-ov, 77AOEo ECl Ta uLepS7 kaaAijavov~a. With his DisCIPLEsS, and discipies oihimsuete he cate intoethe pact. of Daltaiitha. came into the REGnION Of ~hKat e~7,iAOop of 4'apteratoi, oat 7qp~apro ouvCn- t Dalmanutha. And came forth the Pharisees, aid hegae to 11 tAnd this PHARTSEES TretO av'Te, 71qToUOTrEs rap' awtTot aii,.etoy afro camit forth, anti began to arjae With hite, beehieg of him asign rom argue with him, seeking VATtICAN 3kseseacexr.-1. again beingf great. 7. These. 9. And they were about. lii. beg entered. t 0. The same as Magdala; rsee Matt. xv. 80. 5. Matt. xv. 32. b. Matt. xv. S4; Mark VI. 38. t 6. Matt. xiv. ID; 31ark vi., 4i. I 1o. 'Mati. xv. as). $ 1 L Matt. xli. 3t1*; xi. I Johat vi. so. C7ap. 8: 12.3 MARK. [Ciap. 8: 22. rov ovpavov, 7reipaCT'ov s avuro. l~Kai( ava- of him a Sign from nEAthe heaven, tempting him. And gro;.n- VEN, trying him. a-Trevaas rw T7rvEvUai a-rov, Ae-ycE Tz? yevea 12 And groaning deeply ilg deeply in the spirit of hiself, he say: Whythe genrtion in his SPIRIT, le says, a:JTrl fri.iuEyl eT7rlj7TEl; Au.j/Y AEyw 7 *[ iyv,] fl " Why does this GENERAthis a sign feels? Indeed I say [to you,] if TION seek a Sign Indeed, 8o erafTai T y r w a avTf?fo. I say to you, no Sign shall shall be given to the generation thi, a ig. C given to this GENERATION." 13 Kalt acr lS avrovUS, ef/tas 7raAta v *[fel T 13 And leaving them, And leaving them, eittring again [into the re-embarking, lie passed 7iholo,,] ar7AOe eis Tr0 7repav. 14 Kari ereAa- to tile OTHIER SIDE. stiip,] hedelarted t ttle otlher ide. And they 14 + NOW they forgot to OoVT XafEciv apTovs, Ktat eI 7L ieva apTov OuK take Bread, and lad but f)rgot to t:tke lovts, and except one loaf not (no oaf with them in eiXOV JAOe6' Eauvorv v rEw rAoiy. 15 Kat 8tetT- the BOAT. tlleyllad ith thlenselves in the ship. And he 15 1 And lie charged 'reAAEro avrois, Ae'ywv' 'Opare, fAEn-ET7r airo them, saying, "Observe! chrged them, saying Look you, beware you of Beware of tile t LEAVEN of T7rS Vy/7)S 7rWY 4apItaiwWa, Kai 7r7S (Cu'liS 'HpW- thle PIIAaRISEES and of the tile leaven oft!he Phaiisec,, and ofthe leaven of He- LEAVEN of lHerod." oov. 131 Ka 8iexoyitovTo irpos aAAkAovs, *[Ae- 16 And they reasoned rodl. And they reasoned with one another, [say- with one another, * Beyov'rTs'-] OTt apTOvs OVi K fXOftJe. 17 KLt YYovs cause they had no Bread. Ing;] Because loaves not weehave. An oig A ndie knew it, 6 IL7atovs, Eyefi aurots' Ti 86aAoy7^eo-0er, 6dT and says to them, " Why the Jesus, he says to them; why reason you, because do You reason, Because ap7ovs OVK eX7e e; Ovu7r VYOeisre, ove you have no Bread? ' Do loaves not you iave? Not yet perceive you, neither yOU not yet perceive, nor oUviere; *[e'ti Tre7rwpw/ofYriV fEXere 'r)V Kap- understand? Is your understand you? [yet] having been stupitied have you the heart HEAIT stupified? 5aie VY w; 1X OfOaAlovs eXovT's ov 00 3Aferfer; 18 IIaviii Eyes, do you ofyou? Eyes having not see you not see? an h;viig Ears, Kt oToa EXVT'reS o ve aECoVEre; Kai OV tL711AoV- do you not hear? and do and ears having not hearyoa? and not remember younot rec ect? 19 $ When I broke the EUvETE; OTf TOUS revre apTrovs fcaa fts FIV Loaves among the you? When the five loaves I broke to lVE THIOUSAND, hOW T0os -.rfeTaKiToXiAiovS, roaOV Ktco()voS rAX7- many Baskets full of Fragthe five thousand, how many baskets full nmets took you up?" They peIF KAaila'Tucrwv -paTre; Aeyovarw avrq say to him, "Twelve." offragments took you up? They say to him; 20 +1 "And when the AeCo)cKa. 205 'OTe 86 OUS c7ra ftS TOUVS T'pa- SEVF.N aniong tile FOUR Twelve. When and the seven to the four TIHOUSAND, HOW many t... e e large Baskets full of KIcrXiAlovs, 7roowv la-rvpiawv rATrpwyaaa Kzasr - Fragments took you up?" thlousand, how many largebaskets full of And * they say to him, iUawYv ntpaer; O BE fetror' 'ErEa. 1 Kai "Seven." fragments took you up? They and aid; Seven, d 2 A nd he said to them, EAfyeV avrois' flws ov O'vvIfe;. "Iow is it you do not he said to them; low is it not youe nderstand? ' understand'?" 22 Kai fpXf-Ta ers B7etratsav. Kai gpovoiv 22 And * they come to And he come. to Bethasid. ' And they bring Bethisaida; and they bring ~ VATICAN MAUVSChrPT.-12. to youi-omst. 13. into the BOAT —omit. 16. saying-omit. 18. Because they had no Bread. 17. he knew it, and says. 17. yet-omit. 20. they say to him. 22. they come. t 15. Matthew joins the Sadducees with the Pharisees, and makes no mention of Ierod. But there is no real discrepancy, since Herod and the Herodians (i. e. his adherents and courticrs,) were, no doubt, Sadducees, and there is every reason to tihink that their doctrines and mornls were such as to justify the caution of our Lord. Zumee, by a striking metaphor, denotes the infection offalse doctrines, (so Matt. xvi, 12,) as well as corrupt morals.-Btoomfield. S 14. Matt. 1. ttxvi.. 1. Mtt; Luke xii. 1. + 17. Mark vi. 2. t 10. Matt. xiv. 20; Mark vi. 43; Luke ix. 17; John vi.. 1 20. Matt. e. 37; Mark viii, Chmap. 8: 23.] MARK. [Cdap. 8: 32. avrr ruvAoov xatc iapatcaXovauv avrov, Iva a aBlind man to him, and to him a blind man and beseech him, that beseechl him to touch H-inm. av'rov a&7lra. 23 Kai E7rtAaopcvos Tr7 23 Andtaking the HAND him he would touch. And having taken othe BLIND man, he conXelpos Tov rv(u ov, er7Y-yayev avrovr ew rTS ducted him out of the VILhand of the blindjnan, he led him outside of the LAGE; alld having spit Ko/ulesa Kai 7rrTvaas fiS Ta o.LfriaTa avrov, e7rl- on his EYES, and placed village; and havingspit into the eyes of him, having liS HANDS on him, he OlIs Tas XeLpas avrry, Ernpw'ra avrov, El asked him whether he saw placed the hands to him, he asked him, if an thino 'TL JB3A67E. 24 Kat avaf3Xe#/as Aesye' BXE7rC Y TL Oheari. 24 Kay atBAhinks hey-E Bsees. 04 And looking up, he anythinr he sees. And lookingup he says; I see 4 And loo p, he WE said, "I see MEN as Irees, rovs asOpworovs, s sv8pa, repraovras. al I ng MEN asrecs the men, like trees, walking. 25E,`ra 7raAiv E7rEreOrle as Xerpas err Tovs 25 Then le placed his Then again he placed the hands.upon the HANIS on his EYES again, op)0aAiLovs avrov, Kai E7rotr7)eV avarcv ava- and *he saw plainly, and eyes of him, and he made him look was restored, and saw BEi~aOL Kat atoKarFa Ta0Ol Kaci evyeA\e6e every object clearly. up; and he was restored, and he saw 26 And le sent lim rT7lAavywsr aorav as. 2 Kai ereTeLaXrEev avrov away to hns * House, say.. plainly every one. And he sent him ilog, " Go not into the VILeis OiKOV aurou, Aeywv' M78e erIs rT7r KCewp71y LAGE." to house ofhim, saying; Neither into the village 27 1 And JEsus and his,io'eexo, 'x'[pIla e E s EtL 27:$ And JEsUS and his.] DISCII'I.ES went out to mayest thouenter, [nor mayestthou tellany one in the village. tle VIJAGES of Cesarca 271 Kai frtAOFv 6 Ioo-ovs Kar of'.eaOrrat avTov PHILIPPI; and, on tile And departed the Jesus and the disciples of him ROA), lle askcd his DISIeS 'ras KwcUas Katioapeias rT7SE ILAl rou. Ka PI.}:s, saivng to thenm into the villages of Cesarca of the Philip. And " Who do MEN say that 1 ev r7) 68oo, e7fr7p a Trrov Sa07ras avTov, Aefywv ant?" on the way he asked the disciples of himself, saying aVroIs' Tlva ue Aeyovo-iv OL avOpworotr eiva; 28 And THEY *spoke to to them; Who me they say the men to be? im, Saying, t"Join the 28 01 8e anreKptOilo'aav Iwavv7ll rot l arTIa-rTSv TIMiERSER; and others, They and answered; John the dipper; Elijah; arld otlers, One of Kai a\Aoi, HAiavs aAAoi e, Eva Trv 7rpopl)Tiv. the PROPIIETS." and others, Elias; others and, one ofthe prophets. 29 Anid h * asked them, Ka avros AXyel avTrols 'TyeLs E r va,u/ "Who say ou thatfI am "' And he says to them; You but who me And PETER answering, A~yrET ELtvaL; AroKpiOefis e 6 Ilerpos XAyet says to him, t" Chou art you say to be? Answering and the Peter says tile CHRIST." avuTrc' v fEt Xptaros. 30 Kai eTreTU7tl/tcv 30 t And lie strictly to him; Thou art the Anointed. And he strictly chn arged c ed tllnm that they avrols, Iva I7fI,~Vt Aefycrfi TrptL auTov. 31 Kai should tell no one concernthem, that no one they shouldtellabout him. And in him. 4paTo MtaaeKlv avTous, r 31 And TOe began to he began to teach them, that must the son.ofthe 3 n e e t avTpwrv i]{e as aaa-fv Kainform them That thte soNi CrIOpwr7rov rhoAkra lraOsrI / a at o oxarvar of SAN must suffcr many man many things to sufer, and to be rejected t s and he rejeced by thiings, and be rejected by aRro 7501 7rpe~VTfpwI Kcat m 'apXtLpEoV Kt a tlheELDB S, andthle 1IGIIof tllce elders and oflhe llhgh-prnests and PRIESTS, and the SCRIBS, UrwP ypa,uaTeows', Ka an7oKTav'O7lpa, Kait eTa andbe putto death, and afof the scribes, and to be killed, and after t 'rpers lepar ataora 32 c rap ter Three Days to rise up. thtre days to stand up; Itnd plainly the 32 And lie spoke this * VATICAN MasAUSc rPT.-25. he saw plainly, and was restored, and saw every objict clearly,. 2. House, saying, "Go not into.!. 20. nor mavest thou tell any on" In I he VILLAGE-omtit. 28. spoke to him, saying, "John the xamnasn." 29. asked them. saying. "Who say." t 23 Mark vii. &3. t 27. Matt. xvi. 18; Luke ix. 8. t 28. Matt. xlv 3. t?9 Matt xvi.; John vi. 0; xi, 87. t 30. Matt, xvi. 20. t 81. Matt. vi.21 sv i "t' Luke ix 22. (Yialp. 8: 33.) M AR K. [CGhap. 9: 2. Ao-yo' eAaAci. Kai 7rpov-Aaf~o/Ievos au-rap 6 lHE- woaD SO Plainly, that. PEtoord ho spoke. And taenieg aside him the Pr- TERl, taking himnisidle, heTpOS, lqp~a'To E7rf7TL~euI aVT(c,. 33 0 31E tafOTpa- anto rcni~onstratc with ter, hie begot to rebukho bit. lie but turning hlini. 4PEIS, tcal I&w' 'TOUS teaOorTas aU'TOu, E7rE'Ti/A?7aTE 33 But lIE, turning eound, and seing the disciples of hiooelif, he rebuked round and lookiing on his Tz-pjIIe-rpw, XE'yca- 'Tira-ye owriow /o00, O-aTala- DISCIPLES, rebuked * Ptthe Peter, saying; Go thou behind me, adoertary; ter, and says, "Get beonI 0V (PPOPEIS 'TG 'To Nov, aAX/a 'Ta hind me, Adversary; for because mot thou thiokeot the things of the God, but the things tho(u regardest not the T'net' as'Opw'Tws'. 14Kai 7rpOtYfdakceoa/.flt'OY 'TOl THIINGS of GOD,bUt THOSE of the men. And ha'iogecalled the Of MEN."' OXXOto OwJ 'TOiL p.alo'Tais r a'TOV, -t-ret' auTois-:34 Andliavin g called the crowed with the dliociples of himoelt, besaid to themn; CROWD witlh hii Disci'Ooo-Ss DEXEL ooriorc p.ou a~covoueiv, arTapvn7oaa- PLES, heC said, * t"JIf any Whoevee woishes aftee me to follow, let him deny out wish to conie after mue, Ow 1,au~ov, icai aparw 'Top o-raupos ad'TOV, Kcai let huis renounce himself, htmmefI, tnd let him beae the ceots of hitetelt, ted and take up his CROSS, and aKoAoIGeI'Tw /101. 3 'tOs 'Yap at' OeAn 'T771/ o*VX77t follow not. let him follow me. Who foe ever mey ewish the life 35 For +whoever would ab'ToI owaar.trta'ot s t 'oe, save his LIFE Shall lose it; of himself totsave, ehalllose her; mhohutevee mayltose * lut whoever may lose his 'T'f71 EaU7OU 4*uX77s/ f'V/KSEESSIAOU El TOEa-LIfE on noy account, and the efhimseef lfie on tccount efmne ted ofthe glad that of the GLAD TIDINGS, -yEAiov, o~wirci aV'T7lS. 36 (Tt -yap wfpeAo7vOEi shiall save it. lidiog., t heft save bee. (Whet for wilitipeofit 36 For what * does it at'Opw-rot, Eat' KC-p67l0l 'TOP KofT/Loy 6Aov, sai profit a Man to gain the tootn, if he thoufldein the world whole, ted wohole WOULD, and forfeit *q 'T-qvt' uo~oq abToVu; 37 b T wS fiS L.1FE? shoooldfoefeit the life of hirnseff? or mhat sheflfgioe 37 * For Niflixt could a axsOpworos at"TaAXay/.sa 'T7js *~uXois ab'ToO;) MAN give to Redeem his toota in exehonge for the fife eflfhin~etft) LI'E? 5"O yap as' erafo-Xvt'O, IA Kcat TOU 'EAU 38 tlf, thoerefore, sany 'Whe foe core moy beothetet me tnd the Tiy One shiall. he asloofloed of Aoyus t' T~ et'~ wu-r 'T7,tOLa~ii E II at, and of these MY tordt* io the geeoreoion this the; adufierous ted,aogti ~L a/Aap'TwAr1j, Kca 6 ufos 'Tou at'Opworou e'raTasoot- RATION; Ual d O Oifif MAGNstofuf, atIso the eoe of the met miff be IIAffi; tlsofe zsOiNiof MAN 077ce-rat aurov, 6-rat' EA07 c- 'T7 5 'TOO? s ealaido thoord him toee emoeom it th gfe TOf Ithe, wioeo lie cofflic in tite ashtne hi, wen e my cme n te goryof heGlO(RY Of f 153 FTATHERt, 7ra-rpos abnou /AE~ra 'Twt a-y-YEXc01 'Tcet a-yicev withI the HIOLY ANGELS." fothee efh~imoeef wthb the mesetorget a efihe holy ores KE4). 0'. 9. 1 Kai eCest au'Toii- A,,i.pt Ac-yw CHAPTER IX. It ~~~Aod he sohd totthento; Iodeed t,oy IAdlisadtthm VAsit, 6-ri eItri 'TIpfs 'nt' 605e ET-qrpsco-rP, IT An Ildd hIt said to them, to yoe, that tee someoftftose here lhocieg tood, who ed say thr soni you, 00 Aso1 yeu-OwVtrat Oat'aToV, icls ap i~woit T7 Tliat STANIGhere aesoeo tot not sholl taste ofdleoth. fill they may see the TIS TNIG lte /3ao-isc-a v 'Tou O~eou *A77Xudutas et' 8uvla/i. whfo willnottaoteOfiDeattl, royatmajeety of the God haviegecome itt power. till flity see Gon's ROYAL MAJESTY having come 2 Kai /550' -ijSpas 4 7rapaXa/.t~at'i 6 IflTOou WithI power. Atd after doys six tahes tite iesus 2 t Alod after six Days, 'TOt' lhTpov, icai 'Toy IaicWfBO, Kai leat't'77t', KaI JESUS takes PtETER, end the Peter, ted the Jaese, ted John,..,d JAMES, f1,11 301011, aind prl. Gt'D~Spci au'Touf etir opos 4nkoyjs ca'T' i~iat' vatehy conducfts them, by trod, op them into a mountain high privately.thienselves, to a lofty 'VArTeooA MoA-rersojrT.-31. Peter, and cove. n4.. If ati one with. 16. does 5 Liprofot e Man to guilt. 17. Far whatecouold a SMAN give. li4. Mttif. X. M xvi.24; Luketex IS: xiv. 27. 5 351. Johnoxif. 2S. t 38. melt. X. 83.o Lake ix. 510- xli. 5 Moma.tiI ( STim. i.8;ii.12. +I. Matt. %vL 28; Luke ix.!27. 42. Matt. xvii. It: Lt~e ix 28. m'iap. 9: 3. ] MARK.' poPOtS* Kcai iiEcauopePwO?7ry IArpooaeir awrToov. aonoe; aod liewa transfigured in the poresne ofthem. I5KaL -ia tsratrtt aTos) E-YEVETO G-TIA,80oarc, AEnsca And the garmenetso fhiee hewowe glittering, white Xsav *[JcSr xtI"'] o!ct -yvaeves erti-S -y7~ 7lT 0o extremely [as no jsuch as a fulier uopn the earth not 5vva-rat Aeme~asern 4 Kaiw co677 au-roIa- HAtas it table to tmake white. And appeared to them Elias ta-sv Mwcrei- icat 7isi-av anuAAaAouvTreS Ti-p 171oou. with Moses; and were talking withthe Jesus. oKai xairOscptOCS 6 IUEipos AE-YEL TsP I7rou' And answering the -Peter says tothe Jesus. 'Pa/3j6, Kca~on cer7-tv 7//tas Oe3 Eivas Kcai 7roiflRabhi, rood itis its here tohbe; ted weteey ere~iea' nsc71/s'a -peLSa, nrot ~etaov, scat Mwnei letav, tooke tento theree, tether one, and Mote, ote, 1KQL H,\ts piv 6 Ou -yap -p~et 'r AaA77/o-p anod Etias One.. Not for hehe new any th in gh e tighttsay; -4(av -yap EKcIPo/30t. 7T1Ca E-YCVET0 FEsPCEA77 Eartthey were fter teetitird. Aed there romeor cloud ovrevsetaCoucno. asrrots- sca 7/AOep~wv77 eft T7Js vct(aEA7JSsaodowieg them; antd come a oie oueoefthe ctood; UOrSs en-rTy 6 vina- IeOU 6' ayalrT-7l -o au-roy This it the sone ofter the besovedi hiec lascotre. 8 Kai E07rsava 7rypsAe~zauevot, owsce-7t hoor yet. And soddenly looking eround, no tOUgee osiaevact esov, a\ACX To,' 17/si-oVt- /eOVOv 4LE etav00 one the saw bot the Jesuo lotoe with th:oti-oT'. 9 Ka-ra)?aovropwv -e auTrwv aaro i-)t) opova-, Setveeo Com21er deoW aod of theto from the moutatio, Steq-etAat-io asrrots, iva /z773evL Bi-j-y7/nrcowat q he ehotred 11beot, thttot totouoc they chouidzetote wbot Cot5ov, eC I)sa b-rat' 6 vlov -ros avdpworou Etc vercpwcv they szw, excep. when the soo et the mao outtof deadtotte a varT il. 10 Kat Tot, Ao-yov Ecpa-relnav arpon ehoojJ Loe hied. Aod the word they kept to fau~i-os, n-uCi-rovv-res, i- T sOr7t -rO etc VCe-KpceV theocfeleite, argoiog, whet is thot out of demt oese apaniT7vpat. 11 KaL Es-7-pwTWV at-i-nv, Xeyo-rPES' toLe raised. Ac they coked him, osYilwl tjOT AfeYOVnsn 01 ypai.ewearTf~, 6-rt H~talip~et That sty thle scrihet, that Etias moost f-A0,Eta rpco-oPa'; 12Q0 &S airoKIcp EIS t ret' ava-ota — torote trot; Her cod anwering sacid tothem; EAites jtet' eXAOws 7rp~wrsov, at71-oaOTtn?7- ravl-aEttec indeed cowieg test, restoreik cilthingoc, SCEL irov- ye-ypari-iat Frtri-n T ut Vov rows avOpas-ou, cod how itioweittee aohot the son of the Ulen%..[6iap. 9 12. Mountain; and lito was transfot-ned in their pretence. 3 And his nARMEINTS became glittering, exceedingly wl11ttt; nude as no lfstllerf On tite FARTHE i5 able * titus to make white. 4 And there appeared to titem Elijah, with Motes; anti tltey were conversing Willh JeSUS. 5 Andl PETER answering says to Jesus, "ItRabhi, it is good for -us to bo Itere; anti let us make 0 Three Bootits; one for thee, -and otto for Muses, atisi otto for Elijab." 6 For lie knewy not what to * say; for they were terrified. 7 And there cause a Cloud, covering thlm t tend *there was a Voice Ci1ttte out of tue CLOUD, "'Jittt it DIV WELOVED sorN; htear hinti." 8 And suddettly looking roasnd, tltey saw no otto anly lontger wvith ilsestsselves, excep~t Jesusa otsly. 9 It Attd as thevy wisle descrndistg, from11 the,StOUNTAI.N, lie esiisititandesl theme tisat titey slhois relite to no otto whiat they had seen, fsiP the suN of MAN Should tiase risen - trotr tlte Deatd. 10 And they. kept the MATTER to thselitieilreS, itixioutly inquiring, iia risK. VasssNo attl TasE DEAD could niean. 1I Anid thry asked himn saying, AN ity tlo tile SCstInESs say, 'hihat Illiatsh moust first coite 12 And ass said to them, "1 Elijaih, isidreti, is rousing first * to restore all things: t and (as it is written of the sur of oVAT-seaLX MAN-eeResT.-S.-as stnow —smtisf 3. thus to make white. 5. Three lisatls. 0, aostwer; for. 7. there woos aVoice. 5. any honsger with themselveo. excent Jeous only 12, eald, to them. 12. to restore. i 115, lt~ is ein.,ectured by Bhloomfield that toti ought to ho separated, and to irail ham H. Hie has titus edited his text. i12. There is enoatterable ambiguity about the readin of this osiddatowig verse,colt stands letthe Greek. Thae eitshaeohenpzld sante have ouggestedIan amendmentof the text. If read, isowever, with Cthe parerishetleal eleistes4,anti the transposi.tion of the lootetoust otveroelt, the passage makes good sense cond egreeo with the account in 4ittatthew yvit. 1 2 matt, xvu, 2, Cap. 9: 13.] MARK. [(,,ap. 9: 22. iva 7roA\a Wra0T, Kat c AOVteW^0t. 13 AAAa MAN,) that he must suffer that many things he shouldsuffer, and should be despised. But much, and be despised. AEyw 'lLv, Kon cai HAias eA7AvOe, cat ca rotltaav 13 But I say to you, Isay to you, that both Elias has come, andtheyhave done. lThat Elijah lha even avur-, 6aba lOerlerai/, tKaOws 'ye-yparTrar er, come, (as it is written of to him whatever they wished, even as it is written about him,) and they have done avrov. 14 Kai eAQOwv rpOs 'rens faOlTras, foev to lim whatever they him. And cominS to the disciples, he saw pleased." oXXov..oXvv Fepr avrovs, Kae ypas ars av~ - 14 +And * coming to OX~Oy -oo. vv wept avT'ovs, Kai /pa/AjaTELs rvC- the -CIPLES te aw a crowd great about themn, and scribes di- the DISCIPLES, *ty s 'rov^ras avros. 15 Ka eu rras o oxAo, a great Crowd aboutthem, pnting with them; And immediately all the crowd, w the Scribes disputing s~au eurose, E5~eCa~Fe~a]~, tt 7T~POTpEX OVTES 1with them. W e avrov, EeeOae7On,, Kat 7rporpeXovres 15 And immediatelv All seeing m, were awe-struck, and running to the CROWD seein g im, 7ora'T'o avro. 1 K ai er Tpwi'7e aV' ovs were struck with awe, and sauted him. And he asked them; 1. running to him, saluted Ti o't7lTesT'1 wpos aVuTov; 17 Kat aroKcpiOeis Eis him. Wha. dlspute you with them P And answering one 16 And he asked them, Etc Tou oXAOV eLre' Aita'CKaAe, fve'ypea 'TO "About what are you disolt of the crowd said; O Teacher, I brought the puting with them?" vlov pov Trpos, e(XO eXvor Ta rve aa aA ot. 8 Kai 17 And one of the son of me to thee, having aspirit dumb. And CROWD * answered him, 6 Pov a avov Ka-raaB, 6ar * av TOv Kate "Teacher, Ihave brought 6'ov ay av'ov i a.a', oo '' to thee my sol, who haas wherever him it may seize, itconvulses him ad to a dum N, who pa ii e m t a dumb Spirit. acpptiei Kai TptCEI TOUS oaov7ras aruov, Kai 18 And wherever it he foaus, and grinds the teeth of him, and seizes Iim it convulses rppaiveTrat. Kai eitroV TOIS piaOr7irais oov, iva him; and lie foams, and piued away. And I spoke to the disciples of thee, that grinds * his TEETH, and aurO FKeaaXwo-, Kai OVK tcXvtuav. 19 '0 e becomes emaciated. And it they mlght cast out, and not they had power. He and I spoke to thy DISCIPLES a7roKpciOes avro01 Aye n * yeEa a7r-rosT, fwc to expelit, and they could answerlng them tay: O generation without faith, till not." 19 And tie answering, rOTr TrpoS vias fa-o/alt; ews TroTf aveCopat says to them, "O unheV h c.n with yu shall I be? till when hallI bear lieving Generation! llow Vltwv; fEpeTE aV'Troy pos te. 20 Kas lve'yKay long must I be with you? you? Bring you him to me. And they brought how long must I endure avroy prpos avrov. Kai itwv auVToY, 9VCOew TO youP brin him to me." hilm to him. And seeing him, immediately the 20 And they brought 7rvevra ecrapatEv aU0ro- Kai 7rat iW art 'Ts him to hlim; and seeing himi, + the SrPRIT immedispirit convulsed hlim: and falling upon the + atcly convulsed hint; and y717, eKVIAIFTo, a(>pWv. 21 CKai er'npwTrae 70T falling on the GOUNv he ground, le rolled, foaming. And e asked the rolled about, foaming. TrarTpa av'rov' lIoTo Xpovos coTty, sS TOVTO 21 And he asked his father of him; Iow long a tine is it, since this FATIIER, "HOWV long a ye-yovev avuTr; 'O e et7re' naitiooev' Kai time is it since this befell happencd to hin? Hle and said; From a child: and him?" And IE said, 7roAXaKts avTov Kai efs 7rvp eace Kat es vcSara " From child hood. often him both into fre hlas cast and into waters, on i ha thrown Hlim into Fire and Iva ao7reAo'. avrov' aiA', ft T'r uvaati, into Waters to destroy that it might destroy him. but if any thing thou cant do, hihi; but if thou caust do f3o7f0Q'Tov 1FIJ m, orXaayXv(ltfOets e~' /uAas. any thing, have pity on us, give aid to us, having pity on us. aid help us." * ATICAN M lA seSCirT.-14. they came. 14. they saw. 17. answered him. "Teacher." 18. the TEETH. t 17. The child was subject to epileptic fits, which were supposed to be brought on by the' power of dcmons.-See Fa;mer on Demonology, p. 107. The particulars described in verses 18, 20 and 2A are, indeed, all symptous of epilepsy. IBut if we even should suppose the man ewa in epileptic it would not' fllow that the disorder was not induced by demoniacal influeat 14, Matt, xvil, 14; Luke ix, 37'. 20. Luko ix, 42. .Cap. 9: 28.] MARK..... 23'0 oe Iro1ovu e~ieV avTurt To, c ovvatraa The and Jesus said to him; That, if thou art able 7tra'T7 'aC ' 7ravr7a ovvara 'r O 7rTirrE' ov'TL. to believe; all things are possible to the belifving. 24 *[Ka] evOews Kpatas 6 7ra'rip rov iTratioV, [And] immediatelycrying out the father ofthe child, *[/LferTca alcpvwv] eAeye- TlLaorevwfuc orl0eL,ov [with tears] he said; I believe; helpthou of me T7 ai71rL ia. 25 ICwv Oe 6 Ia17ovs, 6TL ef trvvthe unbelief. Seeing and the Jesus, that runs toTpeXeL oXXos, e7rf1''7)f'e Tro 7rvevuaaT.ri T acagether a crowd, he rebuked the spirit the unOapTr, Ae-ywcr avTry To rrvevA.a 'TO aAaXov Ka clean, saying to it; The spirit the dumb and KwfCo)O, eywOI 6 01 TrLTaacw' EteAOe ~t aCvov, deaf, I tothee command; Come out of him, Kai L7)KEtL et (rfeA0ps Efs avTro. 26 Kal Kpacav, and no more enter into him. And crying out, Kai t roAAa airrapatas, eft7hOe. Ka~ 6yevEfT and many times convulsing, it came out. And he became tO'e rveKpos, r rTe 7roAAovs Aeyeiv, 6'T acreOavetv. ' dead, so that many to say, that he is dead. 27'O e Isi)OVus Kpaz'T7i'as avr ov r77s XeIpoS, The but Jesus taking him ofthe hand, 7l'ye pev aUTov' Ka avE r77. raised up him; and be stood up. 28 Kai ferA'O ovra avrov esI o1Kov, ot pa.a07'Ta And having come himn into a house, the disciples avrTov ETrlpWwTw V aVT'ov KarT' iav 'OT 7),ieis of him asked him privately; That we OVCK t7)8Vv70 LUfV EKfSaXeliv avTo; 29 Kat ferlF not were able to cast out it? And he said avTois. ToVTO 'TO 'yEos ev ovoeYv onva7ett feAto them; This the kind by nothing is able to go 6Ofv, Ef J7) ev 7rpo'yEtXv7 *[Kai vr71owea. ] out, if not in prayer [and fasting. 30 Ka eKtlOef c EfEOovrSE, Wrape7ropevovTo 8ta And thence departing, he passed through r7)s raAiata.a Kat oVK 77OEXEv, iva Tris yVy. the Galilee; and not waswilling, tht anyoneshouldknow. 31 ESoarLc' 'yIp T ovs /paOr7Tas abrov, Kill eAeyHe taught for the disciples ofhimself, and said ey *[auvTots] 'OT' 6 Vuos 'ou avOpwarov 7rapato them; That the son ofthe man is deli$6orTai fEs Xetpas aveOporwv, Kai atrOKrFvovoiv vered up into hands of men, and they willkill ausTro KI at airoKTaraOef, TrrV 'rpirr 2)/tpa avahim; and having been killed, the third day he 0'r'7aT'erat. 32 O01 e 77yvoovv ro rSlua, Kai will rise. They but did not understand the word, and eoI3o0V rTO aCroVL e7repwrT?7'ai. were afraid him to ask. 83.Kai 77eEv ELs Kaa repvaov/' Klat eV Tr otKia And hecame to Capernaum; and in the house [Ch7ap. 9: 33. 23 And Jesus said to him, * "1 F THOU CANST? All things can for the BELIEVING." 24 The TATnER of tile CHILD ilnsiediately exclaiming, said, "I do believe; help My UNBELIEF." 25 And JESUS perceiving That the Crowd was running together, he rebuked the IMPURE SPIRIT, saying to it, " ])uMB and *1)EAF SPIRIT, I command thee; come out of him, and enter him no more." 26 And crying out, and greatly convulsing him, it came out; and he became like one dead, so that many said, " He is dead." 27 But JEsus taking * his HAND, raised him, and he stood up. 28 $ And having entered a Iouse, his I)ISCIPIES asked him privately, "Why could not iee cast it out?" 29 And he said to them, ':This KIND can go out bly nothing, except by Prayer." 30 And departing from that place, they passed through GALILEE, and ICe desired that no one should know it; 81 for he taught his DISCIPLES; and lie said to themo, + " 'lhe soN of MAN is t being delivered into the Hands of Men, and they will kill him; and having been put to death, * after Three Days lie will rise." 32 But THEY did not understand the WORD, and were afraid to ask Him. 33 And he came to Capernaum; andbeingn tlio * VATICAN MANIuCDIPT.-28. "IY THOU CANST? All things." 24. And-omit. 24. with tears —omit. 25. and PIAP. 27. his HAaN. 29. and Fasting. —ot. 81. to him-omtt. 81 after Three Days he will rise. t 1. The parnllel assge in Matt. xvii. 22, reads-"The so0 of MarN is about to be de-.livered into the Hands of Men." 2 f:. Matt. xyi. 20; Mark xi. 2. Luke xvii. 6; John xi. 40. 28. Matt xvi. 19. 5. MattU. xvu. 22; Luke ix. 44, CUesP. 0: 34'.] MARK.' yEO/E'SE7SlW'-c VTOVS* TL ex' 'ip 3 being, heasked thein WIhat on te waoy *FLirpoy A'au-i-ovs] 8LCAoy71'Eore I f~ erw [1-mong yourelves] wereyoudispoting? Theybut wr -w~v- si-pos aAA77Aovs 'yap 61EX1EXO7Jo-at El' 'isilent; with oneaother for they Isad disputed on the O3c,, 'rLr 11EiL'wY. Kai caOLtTltS, E41PWV'770ET waoy, 'tho gr~eae. And sitting down, he called 'rovs Mwc-Ka, IKaL AEycL airrots- Et riis 0OEAet the toelve, and says to theto; If any one desire, 7TpCWTO5 ctvat, corTai 7raT02"-W ETXaTos, Kai 7raptitot to be, he weillbe of oil last, aod of 'i-Wv 3LCaKOVO5. Kai Aajocex 7ratzLtox, E-T'i7JOEY all servanot. And tohing atittle child, he placed aVt'O ex' Lfiofy au'iwv, KaL Eva'aylaXioa$~exos it in Moidst ofthein, cod eombracing inhis arms a~~-vo, Et7i-EY atSTOlS.' 3'OS cax'El 'i-Wcv 'Iolto'i-rw it, hensaid to theto; Whoever oce efthe such 7rii-a3ceII 3E~~77iat E7i-L 'iTi OVOp4ZTL UO0U, E/1CE 81Eflitttechildren otoyreeeive in the noate oftoe, mereivs 'i-ax' WaxE 6S Ca Ect' E 8F~7j'iat, OVIC C-jAe 8EXi-Tat, and whoevere me may reeive, cot me reivs aX~a 'iop' arioo'i'cxAaV~ia.x. 3 AwcscpxOq 6C hot the havingseent me. Answtered eant aV'i-e Iwvavv7'ss, Ac'}wx' AL~aoTKaAE, 61801AEP 'i-xza to him Job,,, saying: Oteacher, I saw cone T(' oo91 r 0V/cTL 01 C-K/3aA~oJTat 8a/l~ox'L KatL EfCVto tbe ooaoe ofthee cooting oot demons: cod we XtvoctIAEV cu-ox', 6TiL ot)ic aicoAot6,EL i/Aw. 39 '0 foebod him, becoose not he foltonwe cs. lie 6E 171o-OVSs ELri-E Msq WCw~Oc'i-T aU-i-ox. OAELS -yap hot Jesos said: Not do youfoebid him. No one for 60~-TI', bsr 7roLioJETE aupa/AiJ e~rL 'iCp o'o/l~ai-~L U,o, i, who willtdo a mightytworkhin the nome of me, Wax 5VV7fI-C~-Tl3 'iaXV KaKoNo-y~loat ~Le. O cod wilt he abbb readily to speak coil of mne. Who -yap OVic cart icaB' tS/uwx, tvirep blAwx' coTi-Vx. foe cot is againet yoo, foe you is. Who -yap ax' Viio'i-xo` 15las VT7i-'-j x MiaTros, Ex' foe eveeemoygive deinkto you Wop ofwater, in cocte, hbecateeofAcoictedyoomre, indeed tIsny to you, cot /A?? asioXetrp 'iox' /Lm 6ox' av'i-ou. 42Kas 6s ax' ott hemaytlose.the. eewced ofhimseef, And whoever fTiia~vaaXxsp 4Ea TCOwI /Allypx', TOIL 7r0oTEVox'TCOV may icectee oce of the tittte ooes, of the believing UStC/ E/E, ica~oV ea'Lx' atvi-qJ jtaXXox', El 7r1EPlccx'i'e into me, good itois to him eather, if hongs ALtOOS /VALKOS 2i-rL i-o' TOP paX?7kox au'i-ou, mat aostone ofamilt maroud the neck of him, and iS3Xsrn~ai-a CIS Trfv Ba'Nauao'a'. 43 Kiz cEay &Kuap' hasebeen coot into the sea, And if may ~atpac,j Xcip trov, awoico~ox' aUTi-sv icaxox' 1csooee time the hood of thee, cotthouoff her: good. [Ciap. 9: 43. iiousr, he asked them, Ti'What did yost dispute about on the ROAD P' 34 But TIIFY were tilent; for they had disputed with each othier, on the ROAD, as to Who would be greatest. 35 And titting down, ho railed the TWELVE, and says to thiem; t If any one desires to be first, lie will be last of all, and a Servant of all." 36 And Ttaking a little Chiild, he placed it in the Mlidst of them, and embracing it in his arms, he said to thieno, 37 " Whoever may receive one sU'jaH little Child in myNAMtE, receivcs me;"Tand whoever * receives Me, receives not Me, but HIMi who SENT iie.,, 38 $ And John * spoke to him, saying, "Teacher, we saw one expelling Dcnions in thy NAME, and we forbad him, Because lie does not~follow us." 39 lBut.JEasLI said," "Do not forbid hini; t for there is no one who will do a Miracle in my NAME, and lie able rashly to reproach, Die. 415 For he who is not againstyou,.is for~you..41 T 1'or whoever mayr give you a Cup of Water to drink in * the NAME, That you are CnRIsT's, indeed I say to you, Ile shall by no means lose his REWARD. 42 $ And whoever may' insnare one Of * THE5E LITTLE-ONES BEL IEVING in me, it would be better for him if a Millstone shiould be fastened to his NE~cK, and be should be' thrown into th~e SEA. 43 $ Andl if thy HANDS insnare thee, cut it off; it VATICAN MAoAueCRfaT'-45. among themselves-emif, 87. receives MeS& spoite to tutu. 41. the NAM2, That you are CooaIST'S. 42. aTes83 oVoTTLa-01IRe t 83. Matt. xviii. I - Lube Is. 48; xxii. 24. jkas, Moth, xx. 28, 17 t Mark x. 45, I Ce. Mstt. xviiL 2tlliark x.lO. 5 17. Matt. x. 40; LueixdS 48 38. Lukelix. 4Q.555. 1 Cor. xii.S3. I 41, Matt. x. 42. 42. Matt. xvili.0;'Luae~zvil.l Clsp. 9: 44.1 M ARK([.-p 1:2 ci-ot CErL K~UAXO1 cLF T7771' ~Ce771 EIrEAOEL1', 77 TraS is better for thee to enterl to thee it is ceippled into the life to enter, sthon the LIFE crippled. than having' 6LJo Xcipats E-Xoi7ra G7LEAOE I' S T7771 yeepp1a1, TWO Hanlds to depart to two handt having to go 44eits the Gehenna, tjGEnIENNA, intOTHAT IN) CIS 70 7i-Vp To a0fhE0'-T0V, *[o7roau 6 G-KCVX77~ EXTINGUI5OIABLE FIRE; jeto the fire the inextinguishable, [where the wormt,44 ft wer the wonrI a T Jw1' 0) 4EAEuVTa, KICR T0 7rvpJ ov tT/3,EvvvraL It dies not, and tite FIRE iS cCftheet cot diet, eead the fire eot it quencbed.] not quenched.] 45 KaL cap 6 7i-ous 0SV fTKa1'6aAtC77 Lrc-, alroicot*OL 45 And if t~ly FOOT inl-' And if the feet ef thee may ieteeee thee, eet thee off snare thee, rut it off; it is hitJ7 godOt1i toeto theeYT toet EIerGL inLo te ~COO17p1 better for thece to enter hi,' ge iti ete eete it h ife lanie into LIFE, thas hs XCONO'e 77 TOVS 6LJo 7roaaseF XoP'ta jSM7077v1at CIS illg TWO Feet, to he east leeme, thee the twe feet heving te he cas tt into GEIETAfLno h * r ELS670 to-t~p 70 aAff cn7701' T7771 -YCCY'1a1, L~I O7v oaTBE- 0705) UNQUENCH~ABLE FIRE; the Gelet inttethe Sere theineetitguitheble, wheree 4 hr hew nde 01C-WA77~ VW UT-kVq a To L7 rup ounot, and the FiRE is not the worte efthete cot diet, aed the tere net qece. rrj3EPvvrai.] 47 Rai cap1 6 oepOaA/Aos 00ov 0Kav- qeee. it quencehed.] And if the eye of thee tees 47 And if tilinc LYE in-_ UALxCp W I? ~ uo' aa'a~E7 L1a snore tllee, pluek it oint; ietcaree thee~castehouout bimt; good to tlee it is one- it is better fer titee to elI4s~aA,.Aop CLOEAOEL1 CLF T7771 f~aoeiLAELOap rova Novt, ter one-eyed into the eyed to ettter into the hingdomeoefthe God, KINGDOMt of GOD, titan 41 &o oeP~akAeovue CXOV'a SA77077Leat ELF T7771' e- Ilavitng Two Eyes to he east thanttee eyet loivig to beecaet ieto the Ge- into * Gehenna; E11et1' *[TOt 7rvpspO,] 6-7ov 6 O`KWA774 avrswy 48 $ where their wo~l5L henna Lof the fiee,] wehere the worte efthern dies siot, and the FIRE 18 OV rEACV~Tq, Ea TO 7ro p aov a-jGEcvvuat. 0 nlas not queneiled. eet dies, ted the tere cot it qeecehed. Eveery ote 49 For every one shall -yap 7rVpL aA~A0770-c~aL- I[Kai 7-rao-a Ova-ta he salted with fire. f+[and foe with Lere thallthe telted; [and every seceifice everv Sacrifice silall be eaM aA1fr077iurcTat.] 50 KaXOauT 'ia AaF, cap 8e seas~ncd with Salt.] weithttttaltshal esalted.] Good the cdlt; if bet 5o T SALT is good; hut 70 a&Aay apaAa' -yepirraL, ECY 7L1' aV'ro ap~u- if the SALT IlecCOnle tastethe talt withoettaste teeybeectme, with whet it Willtyon less, ltowv wrill you restore 0e-c; EXCTCEPc1 ~avroLF aAase Kai ei p77p eE7 vC -Its saltness, Dlave Salt in tetson? Hatve 700 in yeeeceieet salt, and he yoe atpeece yourselves, and lie at El' IAMIAot. peace with one another."e with one anotthee. CHAPTER X. KE@. ~. 10.I t And arising from Kat ECkeLOe1 aP0Ta'tOct ep~EcZL CIS Tra 6ptt tisence, lie conlies into tilO r7 And feetm thencee teitieg itecomeet into tttebordeet CONFLNE5 ofJUneA,*even 'ih IoavcLas, 5Bea 'ra 7i-epa1 i-au lophapovu,eat beyond the JOEDAN; and ef tte Judet, hy the etherse te oftite Joedan; ted agrain Crowds collie toge0u/Ahropevav~at 7raAL1 oXXas s-pos au~oav iat, titer to Itini, and again, as eomoe togetbee tgain ceowtdt to hie,; ted, lie had been accustonted, (P ctwect, 7racAt1' E8t~aerKcE1' au-iovs. 2Kat he taught themeshehadhbteeaccutomed, e.eis betaeght them. Aed 2 And 1'barisces aplrpaiYEXOPtTEF 4'apLaatot eT7r7pwr77foav av'rop* Et proaching, asked him, to.. ppeoachitg Phnoeisee tahked hime; it try liini, 'Is it lawful for 4$,e-'rsv avptp yuvatsca awaouvoat; 7ri-Epa(eTC0.rS a Men to dismiss hise it is lawful foreaeoana twife toeeeiease? tryitg Wife?"o VATICAN MANiCeeTese.-44. where the woRm dies not, and the vPiez is net quenchedomit. 45 & 415. into the INEXwTIeNtUISHALE FIRM; where their woset diei not, acid tite FIRe is nat quenched-emit. 47. Gtehenna. 47. Of FyeRE-eMtt. 41). and every Saerifice shall be teasoned with Salt-omtt. 1. even beyond the JOUcAlo. * -t 48.AHebrew term, meennangthe vehley of the sonafH~innotn. For futher rematrks sea Ajppettdix. I 44, 45, 41,49. 'The claistos hracketed in thece versee. ai e not Losiid in the Vat-ican. They are marked as doubtful by ritesboch, anidarefexpunsedbyhsyclthendorf. t 48. Isa h'xvi.544 I t 0. MastS. v. 13t Luke xiv. $i. I.1.- Matt. xix. I John x. 40 ~..7. 52. Matt. xix. 8. - Ciap. 10: 3.] MARK. [~hap 10: 15. avurov. 3'0 oe aaroKpiOeis eirev avrots' Ti 3 And liE answering himn. lie and answering said to them; What said to them, " What did -t./L eEV'rcTihaT MwoU7s; 4 Ol 8 e troV' Mwoars Moses command You'?" t, you dtid enjoin Mos'e? TI ey and said; MLoses 4 And TIIEY said,.t" MoereTpel~e /,jif3iov aroo'raatov -ypa^ai, cKai ro- ses permitted a Writ of allowed a scroll ofseparation to be written, and to re- )ivorce to be written, and Avoaai. 5 Kai *'[a-roKpOets] 6 I71aovs efLrep to dismiss her." lease. And [answering] the Jesus said 5 And JESUS said to avrois- rpos T7-s a-KcArpolcapoSia' 6C/Y ' eypaierv them, "Because of your to them; For the hardness of heart of you he wrote STUBBORN DISPOSITION vaIYv 77v esro707)v ravUr7v. 6 ArTO oe apX ls he wrote you this comto you the coinianidment this. From but abeginning MAND. KrTiwcs apa-s-v Kai 077kv elroia-lev avTovs 6 0eos. 6 But from the Beginofcreation a male and a female he lade them the God. ning of Creation, *he made 7" 'EvcKev P rovrov Kcaraet4et avOpwo7ros Tov them Male and Female. "On account ofthis shallleave aman the 7 + On account of this 7raTrpa aurou Kai 7r7Y.77TErpa, *[Kai 7rpoaKcoA- a Man shall leave hlis Af.ther ofhimselfand the mother, Land shallbe closely TIIru and s a OTIIER, * and A\-r)0-7erai Trpos Tr'v yUvacKa avrov'] 8 Kai adhere to his wiyE; united to the wife of himself, and 8 and the TWO shall bCcome one I'lesli; so that eaovrTa o avUo cis o-apKa tiav.. 'aO-RE OVKfTI they are no longer Two, shallbe the two into flesh one." So that nolonger Iut One Flesh. Cetr Suo, aAXa ua a oapF. 9'0 ovv 6 deos eos'v - 9 What GOD, then, has tlieyaretwo, but one flesh. What then the God has join- united, let no Manl sever.' (uvev, avOpwlros o151 Xwpi'Ew. ln Kai fev rt 10 And, in the InolsE, edtogether, a ooan not disunitcs. And in the * the I)ISCIPLES again ouiciea raasv ot f.asoarra av-ro' 7repi n OV asked him * concerning house' again the disciples of him concerning ofthe tls. a11 11 And he says to them, ahiro eatr71peT71a avrov. l Ka eYry t Whoever shall dismiss hisn asked hlm. Aud o "hay: his WlPE, and marry anoaveols' 'Os eav arouAvap 7,t7V yvvatKa aiTov, tlier, commits adultely to them; Whoever mav releasb the w.o'e o n mseif with her. Kea 'ya/t7r)T7 aA\Xr, gotxaral e7r' avur'7v. 12 And if * sbe who and may marry another, commits adultery with her. t dismiSSeC her ItUSBAND, 12 Kat ea yvv7''' atro 7vry TOP avSpa av'rr)s, fcat shall marry another, she And if a woman mayrelease the husband ofheerself, and commits adultery. yaj,77p c aAApo, juotXarai. 13 Kai rpo(roeepov 13 4 And they brought iit;yl,eimarriedtoanotlher,comilsitiadultery. And they brought little Children to him, avrrep 7rai3a, iva aq7qTai avrwvl ol 6se 1ua0077a5 that he migllt touch them; to hi.isllittlechildren.thobath ouhtheittouht hem; but disciple the DISCIPLES reb14 ukcd * ttlem. f~7rf/.v 'rot~?rpoo'P~epovo'tV. 14Iowv 6i 1 51rs~t11ass Tri 7rp"s>e V 1 ' ~ 6 14 But Js.sus seeing it, rebuked those bringing. Seeing but the 14 But JSUS seeing it, 0 was displeased, and said to Il-q7ovs 71yavaKrcT71'e, Kait eIrT a1vros' AaTy) Kat BrOatava, 7rpos TO opos TWv eai- phage, and Bethany, near Bethphage and Bethany, to the mountain ofthe olive *the MOUNT OfOLIVES, h wv, aroarTTAAe& 8uo TWv paOer7TWv aTrov, KaI sends Two of his Discitrees, he endi two ofthe disciples of himself, and PLES, * VATICA MANUSCaPT.-46. Bartimeus a Blind Beggar, the sow of Timeus, sat by the ROAD. Ald. 47. Sonof David Jesus, have. 49. said, "Call him." And. 50. leaping up. came. 52. him on the ROAD. 1. THAT MOUNT which is. t 4. Basimeus, is considered by many to be a real name and not an explication of ho whyos Tmntaio. t 50. Or upper garment. This was of considerable dimensions, and enveloped the whole body. In those hot countries, they threw it aside when they were at work, or plouhinginn the field.-Wakefield. f 51. Rabboi, an intensifledsignifcationofRabbi, neanlne My Mater; the highest title ofhonor in the Jewish schools. It is only usedinone other passage in the New Testament-John xx. 16. 146. Matt. x. 28. 46. Matt. xx. 29 Luke xvifi. 5. 6 t 52. b. ttx. 22; Mar v.8 4. 1. Matt. xxi 1; Luke xix. 29; John xii. 14. 2~ Vr~ ' T~ra-yE-rE CSt -rs7' KCjaa?7Pt Trs7 2 and says to them,'G says to thein Go you into the towt that to THAT VILLAGE which is mareaTy'c'rL tvuws" KaiL C11)0501 cEtrhrpcuo/.4eVtot OVER AGAINST you, atnd opposite you and iammediately entering as soon as you enter it, yost ECi aui-ajs, Evp?7o-e-Ie 7rcoAet 8eaeAyeJ'v, eip' 6,' will dfid a Colt tied, onl into her, you will find acetit haviag beaantiedaupoawhich which -no Man has *yet ov8,Eis at'OpwWPtat KcKaOLKc' AVmrv-res awrov sat: loose him, and bring no oae of inen haasat; haviaglIaaoed hiam him. ayas-rce. ~ ctEt rsteVA C-Lr7 ' To 7roi- 3 And if any one should lea~lyou. Aad if ay tone toayouaahouldsay; Why da say to you, ' Whly do you Errs 'rTOVre; eitara-t *['OTtl;6 KVPtos auTou this7' say, The MASTERL you thit3? soy yoa; (That) the master ofhiat needs it; and he will inXpetax' 5etc' Kai evUGeWs aVTrot atroe-rT5AAt stantly send it hither." teed bas; aad iamaediately hiaa he will sead 4An thyw tad W~66. 4Arnp\Oos' 8C, K01t 5t)ot 7rw0A0o/ 8e535,.L-tot found a Colt fastened at heae. Theyweatt and, tand foand ta cot havinghbeea tied tl1e DOOR outside, in tle, 7115'st uae5W 57tTOaLP3t' Kl STREET; and they loosel1 eate the date weithott it the street; tandt Atiuowts' au-rot. Kat -TIVCs -rwt' cKeL co-Ti7Ko- IAdsmeo HS theytaoose hitm. Atd som~e atfthoe there sttand- thereSOM sai THS rwt' ese-lot awri~os* Ti irotstre Auoyrss rOt'P NON lag said to theam; What do yoa loosing the thcnt, "Why do you untie 71c~ot; e013s ire' u-rts ca~esEVETELROthe cOLT?" calt? They tand said toathemt even as cman~aaded 6 And THEY said to theme 6.I7o-ovs' scat a~p~scar av7rot's. 7 Kai 7iya'yos' a5 JESUS had * directed; t~he Jesas; tand thay.ufferelt themn. And they ted and they allowed them. rOt' 7rWAot pos 'rOt' I7ieeus', Kcat srt[3aX~ovots' 7 And they * led the, the atcot to the Jests, tand they thaew upon COLT to JESus, and threw auVrc a TRu/a-rta a-rWV" Kcai sscadto-Ess sr' aui-T,. on it their MtANTLES; and him. the mantates afthaaseltet; tand h, utpon hit,, he sat on it. r5floXkot 8E 'rZ t/.ea-Ta a6TrWs' Ce-rpc0GaYoi CSi rls' 8 t And many spread Many and the mantles oftthemselves spread it the their GARMENTS on thle 65aoV- aANot BE OTtr-ofaas etcosrros 5KI T1Wt ROAD;., and others cut way; others anot hratches eat aff fara the * Branches, from the 8EY'aPCot'e * r sat sorTpws't'Ot' Ess T77 65esV.] TREEFs, and scattered them trees,. e~and sctttered it the way.1 on the ROAD. 9 Kat, ol 7rhoaloo'res scat olf aKcoAoVuvotrss 9 And THtOSE PRECEDAnd those going hefore tant those follaowitg ING amid TttOSE FOLLOWsscpa~ot, * [ke-yet'rs.] 'n~oas'sa' suXo-yfljA1t'os ING, sliouted, " IHosanna I" did try, [soyiag. Hostanna; woethy afhblessing `f" lessed he atsc who 6 pxo/.sss's *[em' os'o/.LTL scUPtou'] 1 uoVA-7i- comES, in the Name of he cotaiag [in name atLord;) worthyaof 'Jehovah P'" /A(Vs7 71 fPXOjAtES'S fPaotxsa TrOU re-rpos 7lItWt' 10 " Blessedhbette combless~ingthe atoming kingdoma ofthe father afasinK GDMoouFA Aaut3' w&oet't'a Es' rOts m6*ucr-rots. 11 Kai etcr77A- tn tOO o u A Dteld; Hosannat in the highest. And e-TitERDavid!' I"Hosanna 00t' ets 'IsEPoe-ut~ea 6 1770eeus, *[Kaetj Ci TO temos~eae tered itot Jerusalema the Jetsus, [ttutj i,,to the 1 And *JE5s~s went tspo" scat 7rept$Asip:a/esm'os 7rat'Ta, otmtas 777 into Jerusalem, and ixito tempte-, tad haei g lookedroua on at ait, evettag no the TEMPLE..And having looked round on all tltiinos, 01)0515 1775 &pas, etXAss' cts B770am'tam /Aes'a it now hemn Evening, ails being the hatr, hewentatoat to Bethay wt 'reas' ~masca.- thty ith went out to Bdethany, with 12 + And the NEXT DAY, Ket 'rpeauptos' 6~6Om'-rwm au-rwv aro as they were comoing front Aad the teat day comting taut af them foot IlBothany, he war Itungry; aVAsT16Le tAsaUSCaITa.-2. yet sat. 2. 'that —omat. 6. said niid. 7. brn. 5 'ianhet, cut diewn oat of the atteaS. Ad w, S.adoattere In tie A-s0i I). saying-spait. 9in the namofeer-si. j h eiiterced. It. dnd —~omit. 8.1Matt. x I. S. I. pia, cxvlll. 111.. 10. Pta. Cxlviii. 1. II1. matt. XxI. 12. Z121. Mfatt. xis. 15. Cap. 11: 13.] ]MARi.' [C7ap. 11: 20. BsOjavsas, e7reLvaeO 13 LKa lowv orVK0cv /JaKpo- 13 and observing a FigBethany, he was hungry; and seeing a fig tree at a dis- tree, at a distance, having 6ev, eXOva'av vuAAxa, rAOev, ft apa eupraoet Leaves, he went to search tance, hllsing t leaves, ewet, if perhaps he will find for fruit oil it, (for it rt - eY avrT7 KaL eQOwyv e7r' aUvri/v, OVUeY was not yet tthe *SEASON any thing on ber, and coming to sF her nothing for Figs.) And having ebpeV et E 77 r vA a' ov yap rlv cKapos ovecKWv. come toit, he found nothhe found except leaves: not for itwas season of figs. ing but Leaves. 14 Kai a'roKcpLOeLs etiev avur MrtcETl erK srov 14 Then he said to it. And answering hesaid to her: No more of thee f" Let no one eat Fruit efL Tov aLwv Ai. tEIie Kaprov a-yot. Kai of thee to the AGE!" And to the age no one i fruit may eat. And his DISCIPLES heard him. 77KOVOv ot ta0Tq-irar avwrov. 15 Kat fpXoyraiL cs 15 tAnd they came to heard the disciples of him. 40 And they come to Jerusalem; and going into Ilepoa'oXvt.ac KCa t erOcA0wv elS TO e70 pov 7ipa7ro the TEMPLE, he drove out Jerusalem: and going into the temple hebegan THOSE SELLING and buyeKcBahAitv Tovs 7rwAovvTas Kac a7yopa5ovras Ev ing, and overturned the to cast out those selling and buying in TABLES of the BANKERS, 7 ( iepp' Kat 7as Tpatre'as Twv CKo uJXXl3l"Twv, and the SEATS of THOSE the temple: and the tables the money-changers, SELLING DOVES; scat rTas icaOepas 'rwv 7rwt ovT'rv TY as TrepiaoTr- 16 and would not permit and the seats ofthose nelling the doves any one to carry al Article pas KaT0-TpeCe' 16 cKa ovcK il^, iva,IS through the TEMPLE. he overturned: and not suffered, that any one zieyK atcEKvo o8ta Tov lepov. 171 at eooaa- 17 Ile also taught ' and tsaid, "Is it not written, shoulddarry anrticlethroughthe temple. And he taught, T'Ai ouSE shall E e E~e Ae'ywi' *'[av'rots'] GO 'yEyparo'as' Ovro a s he Ice A y aUOS] OV'OT callca lieolse of Praver saying [to them:] Not is it. written: "That ll ouse of Praer for All NATIONS?' but tou hOe os yfot, shOeKOS 7pocreyvXr 7 hTlhe07Tai have made it a Den of the house' oftne, ahouse ofprayer shallbe called Robbers." 7ral T'OGS EfOfEOY; bu/est 8~e e7OtvpraTT alUTO. for all the nations? you but have made it 18 tAnd the *HIGoa7r7Xhaaov XAaTrwv." 1 Kat Ko av o -pau PRIESTS and the scSnB- s a len ofrobbers." And heard the ribes ard, and o t ho CaTeLs Kas ol apXefpeIs, Kat eTOv TrWS ateVO they might destroy him; prELS too for they feared him, B7ennd the bigh-priests, and they sought how him for tey feared him, BearoAeo-ovoOv- -ed pobovvTo yap avTov, Tr wras Z cause All the CROWD was they might destroy: they feared for him, because all the astonished at hll TEACHoXAo~S ~eTAr7ra TO ~To Errr oiosaXt avrov. 1 Kai 'NG crowd was amazed at the teachilg of him. And 19 And when it was orE o- e-yeverrO, eETropevueo etw Tris roAfws. Evening, he went out of when evening it became, he went out ofthe city. the CITY. 20 Kai 7rpwt 7rapa7ropevoicevoi, Etiov 7rsV 20 tAtid passing along And in the morning passing along, they saw the in the Morntng, they saw *VATICAN ANMAUSCRIPT.-13. SEASON. 17. and said, " Is it not." 17. to them — omit. 18. aHia-PsrISTs and the scIrnEs. t 13. That Jesus had a right to gather figs from this tree, if there had been any upon it, appears from the law of Moses, mentioned In Deut. xxiii. 24, 25. J osephus alluding to this law, mentions ripe fruits in general, not grapes and corn only. His words are-" Let not p'lssengers, (whether natives or strangers,) be hindered from touching the ripe fruits. Let them be permitted to fill themselves with them, but not to carryany away." That some ripe fi gs might be expected on fig-trees at that tine of the year will appear, says Pearce, from the following considerations;-"Jesus went up to this fig-tree on the 11th day of the month Nisan, i. e. three days before the Passover, which was always on the 14th day of it. ' On the morrow after the Sabbath' which followed the Passover, the first-fruits were to be offered to G.)d in the temple." Lev. xxiii. 11 The leaves on the tree indicated that summer was nigh, Matt. xxiv. 32, and that fruit niglt be reasonably expected, especially as the fig-tree shoots forth its fruit before te le aves. If, therefore, the tree bore figs, now was the period to find and eat them. t 13. That is, te season f)rgathering them, t 14. Somecavillers object to this miracle of our Savior, and ask, What right hiad he to destroy this fig-tree? In answer, observe, that the tree was evidenltly b;arren, and therefore of no use to anyone; that it could hardly be private propertv forit was on the publicroad and that it was made the means of inculcating a great moral truth on the minds of his disciples. t 13. Matt. xxi. 10. t IS. Matt. xxi. 12; Luke xix. 45; John il. 14. $ 17. Isa. Iv;7. 118, Matt. xxi. 4 4,4; Luke xix. 47 20. Mattt. xxi, 19, CUKaIS' et-qpaAL~uEv77v e EtC iwi- '-1 KaL as'ajs- the FIG-TRLEE withered fig-tree haviag teen wi~thered froma roote; And remtem- away from the Roots. s'770OELS 6 llErpos, X6eyfL aVrCp,0 'Paoft, tac,,' 21 And PETER refesne-' b~xing the Peter, says to himt; Rabbi, io, the bering, sayjs to him, " RabUVK57, 1s' V aTj7pao-w, f?7?pasTaL. ~ 2Km bi;- behold, the FIG-TREE. jag-tree, whchit thou didat c~rse, has been withered. And which thou didst curse, is aerolypLOELs 6 IsloouF Ae-yfawLroVtOL EX~ITE mas- withered away." - acnsering the Jesus cay. to themt; Slate you faith 2.12 AndJEsuSanswerinig TIP OeOV.:, Ajui,~t' -yap Xe-yw W'A, 6rTL bs as' says to them,' " ave Faith ofGodt. Indeed for Imay toyou, that whoever in God. ei7rp 7 0E rvcp AOrL O $,6 17 23 For indeed I say to mtay cay to the mountttin thie; Be lifted up, and cast you,.+ That whoever should EL vs'Oaaoa" BLM3 Ias Op.7,, saytothiiSMOlJNTAtN, 'Be into she sea; aed nat shoald dout in the raised up, and thrown into icap~ir~ auTrou, aAAa Srior~evq 6-I AEyfl the sEA;' anid should not heart ofhimself, hut sheeld believe that what he cay. doubt in his IIEART, but 7Ls'eTaL E0-TIaL avrcpt 6 easv uws. 24 Aia TmOU-rO believe that * what he says coanestepeas;itshaliheto hiniarhateveehemaaayay. Through thit is beimig done; he shall Ae-ywa iess', 7ras'ra 6cra as' rpotTEtXoMAeYoL aLTELO- have it. I bay to 'ou:all tthings w~hatever praying you desire 24 For this reason I Of, 7r1tT7 EUE7EL 6s AauiSaiyeTe, KaL E~r~at 6,eus. say to you, ++ All things heiieve yeu that you rceeive, tand it shall he to you. whatever you * pray for, Kam 6Tas' 0TTPJIC1Te 7rpo00euXoFLEs'O, aePLETrE, EL and desire, believe That Ad cwhena you stand praying, forgive, if you will receive, and you EXET le-ca'1Ls0f VQ ~L 6sra~~pshiallhbave them. any thing yoahave eajaint anyoate, th at also the father 25 I And when-you stand s5AWs', 6 es' Trot oupas'ots, acppY VM~'A T '7nrapasr- praying, forgive, if you afytu, that in the heaveac,amayforgiveyoa the fautst haive any thing, agaiiist any Twt~ 6eews. 26 EL See blELS OU7K a(JLETE, OIIB one; that also THAT PAaryaa. If hat yaa not foreive, neither TER of yours in thin JIFAVENS niay forgive you 7 raT'np V/EJws', Es et, L T otsipavots, a.pA6Oel 'ra yorOSEC tihe father afyoa, that in the heaveas, will fareive the 26u OF[lFtNCEfSu o o 7rapasr-rw~ia'a eVeews'. 2 7 Kat epxosVrai 7-ais'v forgiVe, neither Will TIHA? fauita. af yaa. Aad they come again FATHIER Of yours in the eLI lEpsoo-oAv/ia. K a es' T~O Ifpcp Irep1raroUVs- hEAVENs forgive your usto Jarualteta. And in the teatpie walkiag FENCES."] 'ro auco, E~o'ca sposaveos ofapiepis 27 $And they came ofhian, come to him, the high-preinns again to Jerusalem. And ai KL te71 o-9-e 1 28 u s lie was walkingaibout is Kai oL ~ypa/4la-teis Ki rpeojuepo, Ktthe TEMPLE, thin RiGlttad the scoribes aad the elders, tand PRIESTs, and the SCRIiBES, Ae-yov-is' awrre Es' 7rocta E~ovatr Tii ave-a 7roLeLs; and the RELDERS, cause to theytay to hint; By what' eathaoity thea, thiiagsdaestthaa? hini, Kma TiC 00ot T17h'EOiLs e -ovr tI/TaTs' t8WKEVs, fs'a 28 and *tbley said to tad chaotethee the nathority thin eave, 5hat hiiiu, ' ]By Whlat Authority Tavua 7 17iE 29 0 Ieljreg*ar~LEC tloest thou these tliinue a thetethingsthio aaaycetdo. The hat Je8nan [answering] tor who teSIPWERD the etr~ auots ErewT?,ywbl~s *[ca-w] epa 29 Amtd JESUS said to said to theta; 5 ciii ash yea [alsa 1] one them, ('I will ask you Oito Ao-yos' tcat ahro~pLO7-rie lOL, ovat ep&J V.Is'P, Es' Question; and if you anctad; cand cansweryaot ta me, ctd Awditell teyoa, hy suver sits, I also wil Ii ntorot '1r0La e~ouniq Tatrea srotw. 30 To Ra7rrio'lta YOU liy What Authority I chat tautharity' thes, thiags I tie. The dipping do these things. YATICAN MlANSCIeaTpv-23. what he says it being dlone; be shall have it. Foe this. 24. prey for, and des're. S)evee you That you didreeive, 28. they said, 25. or who. 25. answeling-omait. 25. also I-emit, 1- 2I. This verse is; wanting in Dr. Birch's collation of the Vat, MIS., anil Is omitted by several NIBS. and Versions. $ 23. Matt. xvii. It; xxi. 21; Luke evil. 0. 24. Matt. VI!- 7;- Luke xl. I % John OE..53vJi0es' ill. 1. 25. Mtatt, VI. 14; Csl. Iiii. 13. 86 2. Matt, Xviih. 86. S 27. Matt. xxiE. 25-; Luke xx. 1. /lap. 11': 30.. M ARK. 1o'hap. 13: 7..Iwavvou e5 ovpavov -t', al et av9pwarwv; a7roic- 30 Was the IMMERSION of John from heaven was, or from men answer of * JOHN from Heaven, piO-re. oi. 31 Kai EAoyibovro rpos avr'ovs, or from Men? Answer you to me. And they reasoned among themselves, me." AeyOYT'ES' Eav EirwA.EV' Et ovpavov, epE- 31 And they reasoned saying; If we shouldsay; From heaven, he willsay; among themselves, saying, 'A TarL ovv oveK CrirE voaTre avTr; 32 AAA' eay "If we should say, From Why then not did you believe him; But if leaven; lle will sav, Why eirwgjtev- E avOpwrwv- eFo,8vouvra 'rov Aaov- then did you not believe eshoulldsay; From men; they feared the people; hi? a7ravres -yap eXov i-ov Iwavv, 6rs ovrws 32 But * should we say, all for held the John, that really From Men;"-they fearid rpoQr7'r7s 7rv. 33 Kai a7roKp0evsres Ae-yovst Trw the PEOPLE; for all nmainprophet was. And answering they say to the tlin that t JOHN was really Iarov. OvKi oi8ape. KaL 6 I7Ovo *[aroKpL- aPropllet. Jesus. N'ot cwe know. And the Jesuls [anter 33 Ananswering they Otls] Aeye avrots- Ov3f seyco Ae-yw ultU, eV say toJESIs, "We do not ing he says to them; Neither I say to you, by know,' And JESUS snys 7roia eovaiq 'ara ' ro. to them, "neither do IE tell what authority these things I d. u hy What Authority I KE... do these things." KE,.,B'. 12. CIIAPTER XII. Kai '77ptaTo avrots ev 7rapaoeAais Xeyestv' R And he began to them in parables to t;lk; 1 And lie began to adA.AreXwva Efev'reucrav avOpwros, Kai 7repier0eC ('dress them in Parables. A vineyard planted a man, and placel aroundl A Man planted a VincppayJLuoV, Kai wpvuev dvroAviLov, Kai rePKooo u7re ylarld, and placed a Ilcdge a hedge, and dug a wine-vat, and built Iloutit, and duga tWinlrvup-yov' Kai EF8oro avurov 'ywpyotsi, Kai adrer/ - vat, and built a Tower, Sind atower; and let out it to husbandmen an went led it to CUITIvATOBS, Graco. 2 Ka arEaTeiLAe rpos Tros yFwpyovs rY and left the country. abroad. And hesent to the lhusbandmen in the 2 And he sent a Servant Kcaiprp ouAo I, Iva rapa Trw'v yewpywv Aa,/3 to the CULTIVATOAS, at season aslave, that from the husiban.linen, hemightrecei'e thC SEASON, thatlie might axro ovU naprouv rov abtlnre~Awvos. 3 0' 5e Aasv- (receive from the CIULTIVAof the fruit of the vineyard. They but takine 'ros() of the *FRUITS of 7re avTOv, eestpaY, Kat aierrreictav KteVOV. 4 Kai the VINEYARD. him, theyflaved, and sent away empty. And 3 But * seizinghim, they 7raXiv atrreTrr AE 7rpos avrovs aAkov aovAov- beat Him, and sent him again he sent to them, another slave; away elmpty. icaceivov XiOo3oAe7orava's CeS K(aaiato'av, Kai 4 And anain he sent to and this pelting witle stones they woneled on the head, al tiem another Servant *[aTwETeiAavYj '7irtcJ.w0vov. Kas X\Aov anr- i;,iil *htim they wounded [sent away] having dlistonored. And another le in the head, and disgraceO7FrtA' KtKctvov a'7recreivay' Kait aroAovs fully treated. sent; and tlhi they killed: and many 5 And lie sent Another, aAkovs, rToves fey epovrTf, rovUs S a7roKrev- and Fim tlty killed1 nind othere, some inldeed flyinvg, some hut killing. Ot, beati Miny Others, beating VOYTfr. Er * E[ovvy] va V'ov EXCwv, ayaTra7ro * some. and killing *some. Yet [ttherefore] one son having, beloved *[a'rov,],] arre'riAe *[Kca] av'ov arpos aurovs 6 * Ieaving yet One lse[ofhimself,] he sent [and] himn to ten loved Son,he sent him lmst eXa're, A'yws Ors evTpamrcaorvsara ~ros ~v!o tlhemn, saying, 'They last, saying; That they wil regard tihe on ilresp N. pov. 9 Ericeiv t 8e oS y>ewpiyoi e7royv 7rpos eavrovs' 7 But Those CULTIVAol me. Thosc but the husbandmen said to thleilelves: TORS said among them* ATCAa MIaNTSCRIPT,-30. Jolre. 32. should we say, 33. answeringomit, 2. FnrtiTs of. 4. t in they wounded in the head. 4. sent awayomit, n. P.onie 5,Rso. lne. 0. lie lad yet one Son, beloved; he sent. 0. therefore —onit. 0. ofhimse'f-omit, 6. also-omit, t 1. Sec Note on Matt. xxi. 83. t 82. Matt. ii. 5; xiv. 5; Mark vi. 20. + 1. Matt. xxt. 28; Luke xxil. 9 i So Isa. v. 1-7.; Clap. 12: 8.] MARK. [Chap. 12: 16. 'OTt obTOS e(ri: v 6 KX-lpovouos' Oevre, a7roK- selves; 'This is the HEIR;.hbat this i the heir; come, we may come, let us kill him, and reiwJpLEV avTOV, K1at 7LWOY eaTae 1;s KcA7povoiULa. thc INHERITANCE will be i'l him, and of us shall be the inheritance. ours.' 8 Kai AaSovTfs avrov, aireK7eisva, Kai Efe/a- 8 Then seizing him, they And havingke hi they killed, and cest killed him, and cast him Aov eCW Tov a7rewovos. 9 Tt *[ovv] 7rOltqE out of the VINEYARD. out ofthe vineyard. What [therefore] willdo 9 What will tile LORD 6 KVplS rTOu apTfXrAvos; EAevoerai KeaL aroAe- of the VINEYARD do? He the lord ofthe vineyard? lie willcome and destroy will come and destroy are TOVS YewpyovsJ, Kai 8w EL roT0 auf7r~Ewva those CULTIVATORS, and the husbandmen, and wiEl give the vineyard gieC the VINEYARD to ahXots. 10 OuvE 'trVv ypa(tpv Taur-qv avesyvwrf' others. to others. Noteven the writing this have you read; 10 Have you not even ' AtvOV 0r1 a7rSoKuicao-ov ol'KosKOOoOvTes, OVrTOS read this scRIrTURE?*'A stone which rejected those building, this ' A Stone which tile EYevO71 flS Ke>a\h7) yCwvLas' 11 rapa Kvplov BUILDERS rejected, has bewas made into ahead of a corner. by a Lord come the Head of the eyevrEro abT7r, Kat Eaort Oavtaao-T71 ev oepOat ats Corner; 'was done this, and itis wonderful in eyes 11 this was performed I v;*".12 Ka i OVV aure o par a a by Jehovah, and it is won7lyw Kay EC77Tovv auOe KpaTr7crai, Kai,euT ofus?" And they sought him to seize, but derfulinourEye.'" ebpo7I3re0qav 'Os OXv o Po e-yvwcav yap, 6Tr 7rpos 12 And they sought to they feared the crowd; they knew for, that to apprehend Him, but they ath'oes eTeed 'apao, e'e. Kat feared the CROWD; for avUovs T77' brapa$o07s erg. Kat asrsTes they knew that lie had spo. them the parable he spoke. And leaving tey knew that he had spoken the PARABI.E respectaThim, theywetOtaa. ing them; and leaving him, him, t y.hey went away. they wellt away. 3 Kai arorrE\Atovat sr'pos avrov rivags rwv 13 T Then they send to And they send to him some ofthe lim some of the PIIARI4apzraaltws Kai cw 'HpOwiacvwY, iva avr'ov aypev- s.Es, andoftheIIerodians, Pharisees ' and ofthe Herodians, that him theyinight that they might ensnare cufrt AoyyT. 4 01 e &eOovses Aseyovate avtr Him in Conversation. catch in word. They and having come they say to him: 14 And lavilg come, AtaaorKcaAf, otSaGteyF, 6T7 aAnOres ei, ca t ov THEY say tohim,'Teacher, O teacher,,we know, that true thou art, and not we know that thou art sin-,iEfL ot o w7rpt ov8evos ou yap 3kreias ets ccre,andcarestfornoone; cares thee about no one. not for thou lookest into for thou lookest not to tle zrpoorcorov avOpworwo, aA.A' rn' aAOearas 7rlv 6ov Appearaance of Men, but face of men, but in truth the wIy teadCest the WAY of GOD Trou Oeov taoKcetS- E EtSa' KcVla'o Kalerapi in Truth. Isitlawfulto ofthe God thou teachest: isit lawful tribute to Cesar pay Tax to Cesar, or not? Bovvat, i1 ov; swuOs, i f7 w 8ouev; 16to 15 Should we pay, or to give, or not? thouldwe give, or not shouldweie e give? e sould we not pay" But 8e Etows auwov r7v tvro1cp1rtv, ELtrfy av7rots Tt in, knowing tlIeir IIYPocbut unowing ofthem the hypocrsy, said tothem: said to them, " hy to them: Why do you try Me? Bring JAe 7trepaCere; pepere ftot S7rvaplov, iva Low. ne a Denarius, that 1 may me do you tempt? bringyou tome adenarius, that I may see. seeit. 1 O1 8e 7JveyKav. Kai AeFye aurois' Ttlvos t 16 And THEY brought They and brought. And he aya tothem: Ofwhomthe one. Adlle says tothenl, *VATICAI MAI &NactPT.-9. therefore —orit. t 14. The Jews, whose religions system was theocracy, were of opinion, that they could not, -onsistently with their allegiance to God their king, comply with paying an acknowledgment of subordination to an earthly sovereign. J udns of alilee was the first who endeavored to persuade the Jews of the unlawfulness of piaving tribute to a foreign potentate. See Josephnus Ant, xviii.1. and 1. J. ii. 12. The primitive Christians also hold a similar opinion, and fondly thought, that their sutection to Jesus Christ exempted them from all alegi:alce to the power of the magistrate. This idea is tlhe proper clue to lead us to aright understanding of all tihose passges in the epistolary writings of the New Testament, which relate to civil government.-Wakefield. t 10 'sa. cxviii.22. t 12, Matt. xxl. 45,46; Mark xi. 18; John vii. 25, 80, 44. $4 la.'Matt;iii. 15; Luke xx, 20, C3Ysap. 12: 17.] MAR K. [07ta.p. 12: 26. 1seo uTta 7 a wcr7 s eEtr1 0U'T, "Whose LI KENESS and IN — likoness this, sod the inscriptioof They and said to 11is; SCRIPTION is this?" And Katorapos. 17 lIaj `*[-a7roiept~c-is] 6 1710OVS E5re-V THEY said to himi, - Cc-,)5 Ceo,ar. And Casowerinig] the Jetos said sar's." [4asrotse] ATo~o'TE 'T a Klat-tapos Kato-apt, 17 And JESUS Said,' Lto theo,;j Gic yooi hock the thinsg of Cesar to Cesar, "Render the THINGS of seat 'Ta Trot ONov, 'rr.t 041. Kai eOavjuao-Ev Ce-ar, to Cesar; and the aod the things ofthe God, to the God. And they wondered THINGS of GOD, to God." e~r ao'Tc. 18Kat epXoV'rat:a66ovicato rpos And they * wondered at at hioo. And comet Sadduoces to sinm. av'ros', o7-tves Aeiyovots' a'ao-raots' up7 eivai- 18 T Then the Sadducces, soleswh ooy o resurection not to be; who say there is no Itesurteat Esr77PWT7lo-avaV'ToV, AEyoprEsE 19 At~atrtcaAE, rection, came t o him, and aod thcy ished hiso, saying; 0 teocher, asked hill, saying, M/Iw`7)5 E-ypah~Et/ IILY, " 6,t eat' 'Ttt'0 a~eAos 19 "1Teacher', Moses I)otics rotoe for os, "that if toly brother wrote for us, 'That if one's asro0avpta arl? vasa et'eeap 'Brother should die, and ohoold dic, and hoohilaveestheinid sawie, snd childrens not lease a Wife hehind, and aopp, Iva AaBp 6 a3eL s oro 71''vsa- leave no Children, that his sliot heavt,tOhot s',oiudt~,kethe brotbher of himo the woife 'BRIOTiER ssossid take his tea aVTou, teai E~aVa(TT77op o'wrEppa, rc a~eA(Pi 'WIFE,, and raise op Offoehiio, soil t;ould raise op seed, so the boobtier 'spr'isg for his BREOTHER.' r- iTOS. " ` Ewra a~c-Xrpos -qo'avr tat 6 7rpW70S 20 Thsere were Seven of linelotf." Seven brother, were; asd the fiste Brethers; sod tile FIRST 6\a~e 'yvs'atia, teat airo0trtqoiocwv ovtS acppijee took a Wife, and dying, Took o oIde, sod dyiog not lets left no Child. e7r Ep~u a. 2' Kat 6 SEV'TCpos 6Xa(3Et a1177v1, 21 AndtlieSECOrN~took bed And the secon d took ber, her, and died, *leaving no teasi ass-cOavc-, teat osbe asrocS aq5lKEe osrepia* teat Chsild; and tise T1HIRD In osid did, tsd,ieither he lift seed: sant like nsanner. 6 TpITos swo'avrws. 22 laie awraov 07771] 22 And tue SEvEN left the tirdio is like~ ooooer. And [took ber] so Offspring. Last of all 0iE7s-75 Keat outs a4Pnicav a Oc-2tApfa. Ea'Xa'T7 the WOMAN also died. th oovn, ad sot left sfeel. Lost 23 At the RISsUREEC7raVTwcv1 a~rs0ave tea p U7. 7t 'i T IO0N, 'Whose W ile' will1 site of oil died asto the woiois. Is the [theforteot ie Of thsCrst? fits tihe SEVEN av'ar'rao'et, *[rav a'aoTTsto-t,] 'T5VOs auTw1' had lisr for a Wife." cososo,.[to hyt1slit]o ois tb~ 241 And.Jresus answering CCITat 'yut77; ol -yap ElTTa ao-Xov a007771 -yupas sai t siilbe tifft? tie fot teoes bsd bor a & esi toit thelti "iDo you not ICea. "1 Kast asrotept isa 6 I77roo0E eir~ av701s err ts roli ti-o Anid nsweroing tbe Jti *sad to O.1cm knowing tise SCRIPTURES, GO 8ta ro7V 70rAat'aer0e,Ep77 EUtIOvE Tas -ypaepas, nor tise POWERt of GOn? Not hrolh his do yu or, otknoing he ritn 1.125 For wisen the31 shall 065166 T771 Ba1'a.ltY 70O0 NOVu; 2.5 'GraV yap et rise front tise Dead, they 5oither lb. powoer of the God? Whos for sout of will neither nllarry, nor he I aias`pso' `01'00'TEetyt1'o (tOTE oUTS civen in marriag hu d~a (oea) the wa rie, eiter 0.- 1arry ho e as * THOSE ANGELS iln 'ya/sttG`Ko1VTat, aAX.' Eio-L1'Ws-P a-yEAoi 51 'TOtE the HEANENS. att gist, is maretiage, but aos msressegets to lbs 26 But coneerninoth ovapa1ot. 26 rplle BE 8T 7111'IEKePW1, 671 CEyetpoV- DEAD, that they ~lfrise, hesoen,. Cosoceosingbut lbs dea onelsooth)abt they rise savte you not read in the 'Tat, oue ave-YVcVEre v ri7~$9 w'esp OKo Mtoses, at tise not btooeyosutod is lbs book of Moss.., at BUSH, ]tow GOD spoke to 70ou fRarou ht trs 17)6 OoAyscIim, saying, $' hE ant thte tbs busb as toid to hits the God, sain 'GoD of Albrsisam, and the "E'yc 6 Neos At~paags, seat 6 NOeS Io'aas * 'God of Isaac, and the I:the Goit ofAbrahsam, snd lbs God oftosac, sod * God of Jacob 7 VAeTeCAo MasUSCaRi.- 17. answerissg-omit. 17. to'them-omit. 17. grestly Wonsderedatlsifil. 21. leavoiig 150 Child, 22. took tier-erntit. S2t. thereforeO'i,t 23 when theyshasllrioe-omit. 25. THOlSE ANGELS. "G. God. 28' God., as1. Ma~t'. xxii. 23; Luke xx. 27. +25. 1 Cot. xv 42, 45, 52. 128. Exod ill. 8. Chtap. 12: 27.3 MAR{K. [Clap. 1-2: 35. 6 Nos Iaswa6." 21 OntK EOTTLS 6 OeC-0 t'EKepWV, 27 Ile is not tise * G od t cGod ofJacob." Not is thle God ofdead (oce,,) of the dead, but of I lie0 akxa (Cvrys 'TI~i *[ovs] rosAn rxas'aoOe. Living; *you do greatly but ofli~ing (oese.) 'Yoe [therefore] greatly err. err." KIai -7rpoG-eA~wi' El's TCO5 ypauuaTnreWs, SteovOO s 28 Andon of tle 'And approchbing oeeeoftbo scribesho i. had CIE, baeegillg4~00 hlICd CVlectZ' eatJC'n-ious'-i-W, 6513W5 6TI- Kecadxl azJTois 0 SBs aii er theot di~ptiog bee~itet~nt eeel to hea disputing, and pcrcrthemt dC ~isputing, ktowing5 tllot IeTll to the CrivinogThat Ile ]Itad ab1ly beeaece, oPdbiw;Wro i 7e ui11SWercd thiem,asckd hllte '0 nsee, se h Cn Wijech i fr, Whlichl is thle chlief Cons1 -7raVJV aTcA7; -ptn7 satsdsnent of allr" ofall oemeanodmcent; Tble Landl Jesoo repied Oa t wpwm *[7ravs'rcenp'-ro,\771 iAs'ouf 29 JEsusrerldi(toliinl IorpanA, Icuptov, 6 NOeS 7i/tees', KteO55 Ets EOiT1 'kest, (cracl; J hovait oar 3t Isrel, a Lord, tbe God f ut, Loot tone is: 'Gun is one J ehloVah; tiat ceya7r370`Ftc KU~L5V 'TOP OEOs' erOn C 6A-eiS 30 'and thou shialt love a-id tboushaltleove e Lord tile God oftliecoetefwobeicv hva il odw All TS7S icap~tcac So-, Kai EF, 6A77 i-Ths *ul-yov. theyallited. ings. And leaving him all they fled. 51 And a certain Yontll i5 Kai el's Ts veavtecKOS hKOhOUvet avrtf, r e followed him, wllh a Linen And oe a certain young man foloe, p- cloth wapped hmabout is AfdB rlueos eeviova er t vftivov Kad Kpaheroviv naked body; and they,eB$ASpEvos 'trvtot'a erit 'Y,/tV0ov Kea Kattpa'rovst ed ped about a linen cloth on naked; and they seiz izeseized him; avuov *[o veavit-rKo0.] 62t'O e KaTaAtrw'v r77Y 52 butleavingtllCLINEN him [the young men.] He but leaving the CLOTII, he lied naked. o'lvovsa, yvu.vos eXVyEv * t[a7r avrwv.] 53 tAnd they conducted linen cloth, naked he fled [from them.l JESUS to the lliGlI53 Kal atr7-'ya'yov rov I7oo0vv 7rpos TOV aPXie- 'ItlEST; and allthe ItIGIAnd they led the Jesus to the high- PRIESTS, and the ELDERS, pea at Ka vvepXovtra avry 7ravres ot apXifpfis, and the SCRIBES, came topriest; and came together to him all the high-priests, gether to him. cKa ol 7rpeaTSvTrpoi, Ktea o ypauuaTres. 54 Ka 6 54 And PETER followed and the elders, and the scribes. And hilll at a distance, even f lerpos awro aeaKpoOev reKoXovrl0frev avreT Ceos into the PALACE of tle the Peter at a distance followed him even HIGH-PRIEST; and sat in foCo feis Tr7v avAi71v ro apXLEPEWS' Kat 7as avy- company with the ATTENto into the palace ofthe high-priest; and was sit. I)ANTS, warming llimself KaOr)fueos /6ETa TWV b7TnperTwvu, Kat OepAfaivo- before the FIRE. tingin company with the attendants, and warming 5 t And the HIGHlievos Trpos TO (pw. 65 O Be apxtepeis Kat PRIESTS and the Whole. h nlrelf to the light. Tile and high priests and SANHEDRIM sought testi6Aov To ovvetplov e r77TOvv Kara Trou I71nov mony against JESUS, in whole the high council sought against the Jesus order TO KILL him; but papTrvptav ets TO OavaTrw'at avTrov Kai ovX they found none. testimony for the to put to death him; and not 56 For many testified euplaO-ov. 86 1oAAoL yap cEevsoIuaprvpovv falsely against him, but they onnd. tMany for testified falsely tllfir TESTIMONIES were KXT'r avrov, Kai toat al!uapTrptat OVK 7loav'. insufficient.. gainst - him, but consistentthe testimonies not were. 7 d s e oi Kat,rves avac'ravrTes, efevfogaprUpo U' taT' 57 And some standing 7 Kadsoe aa p up, testified falsely against Ad some having stood up, testified fhiely against awvrot', Ae'YdvTfS' 68 'O1 SLSS EEOU fayfEt auToV hinls, savying, him, saying; That we heard lain 68 " Mie heard him de* VATICa MANlINse arTi, —45, rabbi-Omit. 46. of them-omit. 47. EAs-TIP. 51. the young men —ornet, 52. from tlem-omit. t 14. Maitt.':xvi. 55: Luke zxii. 52. 49. PSa. xxil. 0; Isa. liii. 7} Luke xxii. 371 Xiyv. ", t 53, Matt. xxvi. 57.; Luke xxii, 54; John xviii, 13. t 55. Mtt. xxvi,. Q -Clhop. l4it 9 3 MARKC. Ae-YOVTos 'OTS E1w KaeTaAvt~c TOP vaoO TovoTO evsaying, Thet 1 ttiltdestrey the teteple tttis TOP XEtporotVToP, hat 8tce TPICOP?l.LC-pWP caXjov/ the maede with beatls, ted in three days another aXeLpoTOLSJTop OIK080U77lO-W. 59 IKat ov3E OJTWOS 3pdettithoebeeads I tillbeild. And eotevee the. t0rvi VP -,) /uaPTvpia auwP 60 Kai avaOTOas conittentteet the tettiteoty efthete. And arising 6 ap~tepeous eig /.cE(oz', C-7r?7PC*T?)er6 TOP h-40ooov the high priest in teidet, lie tsbed th~e Jete,, ALE-WP OUK atirOKptL/p OetaeP; Tt O'TL 10 seying; Nt ttnttereee thotd tething? what tbese ofthee KaTa/.tapTVPOuo1P; 61 '0 ac. fo-iwsr, Kai ovi3eP testifyttgtinst? Ile bet wassilente, aed nething a7rscKpipa'o-ro flOaip 6 apXiEpc-OI C-TSVPWTa a'JTOP lie anstwered. Agaie the high-ptiett atked bite KILL XEF-/EL all7-W c-ie 6 XptTrTos, 6 v1os TOO te.d t oy t bime; Thett ert the Anointed, the teo ttl fVoko-yVTroo 62 'O8E I~coous c-L-TEV E-yw ELiLL. bittsed? T,te aed Jetus saitt, 1I et; Kai oi~EC-06 TOP VIOP TOO arOpwwou tc- SE~LtWP tnd youtehtlltsee the see efthe eten at rightI ica~yvj~eVOv TSI 8uaOlAdews, Ki~e EPXOIAJEPOV /ACETa vitting tfthe poetee, aed Ceteitg with TWV PflPe-XClP TOO o'JpaVOoO. 63 '0 6 ac pXLepeOs tite clouds eftite tevett. The ted htgh-ptittt. B ppn T~a ovs Xi-rcovas aiJTro', AeELti Ti ETL ltvittg reett the Clothtet tthititetef, ttt ht futtetie XPE-LaP EXI/.Ev Mvp rvpwP 1-; II v r a - E T77E lte hteeewe tfeWitrttetes? Yetttae 1eareed tite 9Aao0e7uias- TL ut)/L airLLE-TaiL Og' 5E Trat7ES bitespitey; %tett to yte ajptetrs? They bet eli,CatTEiCKPLV a ezTroW cit/aL EPoXop Oravaoo. C-5 Kccn con&kt,,ttt titm te ht deeettittg eldceth. Attd 91))tPCYTO TLPES c-/.z1TTOL1P alTcf, KaiL 7rLC-C1KXvOTTeLP heget. tette tuttpittttee bite, ted toecover TO 7PTp1W7rOP auT00, KaiL CokaiLpL'eLP aOlTOV, the faee of itte, ted te beet weith tite fst tite, KiCO XE-yeLP awrep- flpoepnVTevarov. KaiL Of t/lt)aetd teesay toebitm; Perottesy. Attd the atPETaLL 1Sawtcj~saot aVTOP EI3IaAXop. CC Kai oCT01 tendentttnwitteopenbands hite heet. And beieg TOO neTpou eP T7, ctoA7p KaTCet, CPXETaL fuaL the Peter in the couret-yard below, coetee nee TCwP 7raiLLiL~fWV T-OO apXLeEPws 67 aico t~ovt~f tfthe meid-neevente tfthe high priest: aed eeting TOP, rIErpoy OepjuatLou.evoP, E/4Ake~ao-aT OaTwe the Peter warmting himseelf, she leekiteg to bite Ae-yei- Kait 00V /AETa TOO NaCzap'77iou bineou Vuo-a. tees. And thou weith the Ntaeerene Jetu. twest. 60 8e i7ptpsTaTro, Aee-ewv- 0K oL&a, oov~c It, bet deeied, saying:t Net I knoe, nee,e~tOTa,~at Ttr ov0 Xe-yes. KaiLL s-iXOes, e~ct Eis cetepeeheed whet thee neyeet. And he twent out inte TO 7rpoa~oXLO *[Kat aAEEcT-rolp e(PcvPflteL.] the euter cxett [andt a cock crew'.] [caip.1II: Cs. dlare, ~1 will destroy THItS TEMPLIE MADE Wii-t tI AN is, and in Three Dll's, I will lbuild Another tnai'e without hands." 59 But not even th-us iwas thieir TESTIMONY Etillicient. 60O AndtbeieIIG~tiTi-rr1T stattditg 111 10ntho stii, alStkd JESUS, t-I'inme A nSiterest thott nothing `,I yt-hat these testify ag-aiitut thee" 61 ~But HtE was silent, and atiswerel otthlling. AtidI the 1-icntOIt-ttEyT uiskid him, attd says to ltut; "Art.tijonUthe MAES — StAll, thle SON of thle BtLFsuSFeD OSie 'I I (iS Aad JESUS said, 'If tin atol you shall see fhe, — ttN Of MAIN Sittling at thle kttuht liatid of the sttcirti tine, and cointiit with thle cr'outIs Of HEsAVEN. (i3 And be1 Itoti PMlat-ns h~avititre ttthos GARM~ENTS, Was 5ha t fat thitr need haN-e wce of Witnisses? I Xot Yoc. hteu]ead thle S1Altts'Im:tl What itsyonr opitiontt " And they AL1. con ciited hitti as is orthy (if IX atlt. (5 Atid sonic begass to,pit cttn it, atid ho entver His FAcE., and ho heatt himi witit the fist, and io Suiv to hittt, `hrin-le to us;~ a(nd thte ATTENDANTS s-trttek Ilt it on the cheek sNith t tie Open h1and. 66O 'And PEFTFR beingbelow in tite COURT-YARD, there comes oneC Of thle StAIDSEtRiANTS Of the HttGtt-PRIEST 67 stid seeing PETER warming himself, earnestly lookitigt at hitit, she says, 11hLb aa also watt with the NAZARtENE, *JESUS'" 68 Blut jIt E deailed, saying,, I *-neitber know nor understaistt wehat thotu sayest." And hie wen.,i out into tile nuTEBi COVRT VATICAX MANSCeeTet-6O. Bteeasue theqse. 07. JESUS. e, neither keiow nor underetand, 103. atid a Coele erew-eett. T 158. M arke xv.2t J ohn i i. 11). t 6C. Matt.exxvi. 02. I!I Mett: xxiv 801t * Oatt. xxvi. at; Lobe xxii. 63. 1 CO. MatI~ xxvi.3ii, 6', Luke xxii 15; Jehtu xvlii Se. Chap. 14: 69.] MARK. [ Ciap. 15: 6. 69 Kai st 7raiito0lKrl7 oovcra avTrov * [raAvy] jpca'ro And the maid-servant seeing him [again] began AEfyeiv rois trapeo'rrKcotriv 'O tL OVTOS e t avTlrw tosay to those having stood by; That this of them E(TTLY. 70 'O e 7raAty r7pVfEt. Ka /C-Ta is. He and again denied. And after ItKpcov traAtv ol TrapfcrTW'ffE fEAEyov T'r nFerpP alittle again those having stood by said to the Peter; AA.710cs Et aVTrwv Ef' cat yap raAiAaios e, TTruly of them thou art; also for a Galilean thou art, *[cat h7 AaAia Tao 6FS4otaile.] 7'0 Be rlptaTo [and the speech ofthee islike.] lie then began' avafe,/euanT ev Kai olvvvat r 'OT( OVK olsa TOV to curse and swear; That not I know the avOpwtrov TOUrTOV, 6v A'yeTE.; Kai EcK aeVIman this, ofwhtom you say. And of secrepou ae\6KTrwp e(pwvtlov. Kat avetVr77o'O7 6 ond cock crew. And relmemnbered the nTerpos TOV P71jiaTos, ou en7re av'r 6 Ia'oovs' Peter the word, ' ofwhich said to him the Jesus'OTI 7rpi. aeKTropa 4fwvy7at Sts, aerapv'r.o) ieE That before ac.,ck to have croedtwice, thou wilt deny me Tpis. Kat e7rfl3a\w.v efKaie. thrice. And reflecting he wept. KE4'. re'. 15. 1 Kai EvOews eTri T0 TrpLwt av1.BovItov rot0qAnd itnmuediately on the morning a council ha1idg rTavyTs oi apXtepets lefTa TWv TrpeOU3vTepwVE Kai been held the high-prieits with the elders and ypa.JLaEaTrfeV., Kat 6Aov TO 'tvvefplov, 'rJ(cravTrs scribes, even wllole the sanhedrim, binding Troe IrTovY, a7rlrveyKav Kai 7rape'wcKaC v To riIthe Jesus, carried and delivered up to the PiAaOr. 2 Kai eT7r7pwT'ra-ev avTro 6 rItAaros' late. And aaked him the Pilate ZUv E,fI6aoievs 'rWV lovoatwv; '0 oe aTrOKplThou art the king of the Jews? lie and answerOEIs EfirE avrcl- Zv AEyeEs. 3 Kai Icar7jyopou tag said tohim; Thou sayest. And accused avrov ot apXzepeis 7roAAa. 4 '0 e ISAtaros him the high-priests many things. The and Pilate raAXv e7r7PipwT'r)fE avTrov, Aeywv' OicK airoKpivY again asked him, saying: Not answeret thou OVFV; lae, 7roo'a 00ov Ka'TalfapTvpovaJ'v. nothin g? see, how many things of thee they testify against. 0O oe Irl'rovs OUKEt o vvKer ov aIrfKep' Ea'TE The but Jesus nolonger nothing answered: so as Bav/,uaeiFv TO tliAaTrov. 6 Kara Be koprTfv to surprise the Pilate. At now, feast arfAvev' avuros evha Seo-'JOv 6V7rEp pnrotlvo. heusedto releasedtothem one prisoner whoever they asked. 69' and the 3lAID-SERVANT seeing him, *said to THOSE STAND)ING BY, "This is one of thenm.' 70 And HE denied it again. And after a little, TII(SE STANDING BY said again to PETER, " Crtalinly, thou art one of them;l for thou art also a Galilean." 71 Then HE began to curse and swear, " I know not this MAN of whom you speak." 72 $ And *immediately for a second time ta Cock crew. And PETER recollected tile WORD whiich J esUs spoke to hIim, 'That iclfore a Cock crous twice, thou wilt disown me thlrice." And reflecting on it, lie wept. CHAPTER XV. 1 tAnd immediately in the * Morniln, tile H 1011 -PRIESTS, with the ELDERS andl Scribs, even the Whole SANHEDRIM, held a Council; and having 1Iounll l Esus, they carriAe land delivered him up to * 'ilate. 2 And PIIATF asked him, " Art tbou the KiNG of tile JEWS'?" An(d ni: answering, * says to lihii, " bfou sayest it." 3 And the HIGH-PRIESTS accused him of many things. 4 + Then PILATE asked him again, saying, "Answerest thou nothirrg? See how many things they * accuse thee of." 5. But JESUS answered no more, so that PILATE was astonished. 6 Now at each Feast he used to release to them O(ne Prisoner, whoeverthey asked. * VATICAN MANIvaciPT. —0. again-omtt. 69. said to THOSE. 70. and thy PrBssc is like it-omtt. 72. immediately for a second. 1. Morning. 1. Pilate. 2. ays to him. 4. accuse thee of. t 72. or a watch-trumpet sounded. See Note on Matt. xxvi. 34. t 60. Matt. xxvi. 71, 73; Luke xxii. 58, 59; John xvilt. 25, 26. $ 72. Matt. xxvi. 7.t. 1. Psa. ii. 2; Matt. xxvii. 1 Luke xii. 66: xxiii. 1; John xviii. 25; Acts iii. 13; iv. t2. 2. Matt. xxvii. 11. t 4. Matt. xxvii. 13. $ 5. Isa. liii. 7; John xix. 0. 6. Matt. xxvii. 15; Luke xxiii. 17; John xviii.39. (CVtaop. 7]1 MAR K.' 7 Hy~ &E 6 AE7yogEMos Bapafgf8as ~uETaI TeeM aOuoTaWas andhle beingteamed Bareabbas with the inteeiyia~rT WM 7EE.~/S OTMPE o-TaoEt epoi'ov gettt having beet btound, who it the a ditiou mturder 76V-07E10a. 8 Kait awa~o77o-as 6 oXAos itadecommitted. And cryitg out the certwd 7l7ptaTo arTtirerat, KcaOwe.s act EroLeL avtrois. beget ito deetatd, ts always lie did to theta. 0 to3E M1AaTOs ca~r1EeptOq aeVTOIS, Ae-ywMl Ocs-ke The but Piltte tanwered them, say ing; tie yet Te airoAttow bIPe TOM $airtAea T0VM IoL)3i6RwM wish tahII releete to you the kieg eefthe IeweC I~E-ytvwtTicE -yap, 6Tt 6ia ep~ovoM 7rapct~e5wKeiceal lie hneew foe, thatthrough envy htad d elivered up aUlTOM OL apXiEpcEts. 1 01' 6e apXLepets avETeihite the highytiicat. The eed high-pttests stirted oany TrO oXAoM, lta /.ta\AoP TOM Bapa(3f8ave up the eeowd, thet rather the Bierahlet a7roAvtr7 atri. 12 0o &e flAaToY alrOicpIidEL hele sold releae etotltem. theheut Pilate eanseeeitg 7raXiM ELSE;r' avotsr Ti OUt' OEXIETrE 7roti7aTc oM agai atid te thete; Whtt thee (io you wish I saelt de wheat XC-yCETE f8airiea 'rTwP lotv~aicai; 1301' ae ia you call a king ofihe Jeets? They bet again eicpa~avM:4TrupwlOM attTo. 14 '0 be lliaaTos ceied out; Crucify himt. The aed Pilate EAe-yep aiVTOIS Ti -yap tcaKcOP e7iov7caeM; 01 8e taid totheet; What fer evil heahetioet? They bet 7reptia-rws L-KpataM-.TaupwavCjo awo 15 t0 vehemenetly cried oet; Crucify bite. The 8e fIt~aTos, jpouAopeMos TVq oXAI) 'To LKaPoM thee Pilate, beingwtillieg teothe crwd thesetiefeetiet 7riiJi~ai, actiTAidTEP atiTOii TOP Bapaf3$6av, icai teetake, released toethete the Ilerebbe,, and 7rctpe~coice TOtY 171cootf, 4ppayebAwo-as, 1Pva delivereedeup the t eats, having scourged, that a-rTavpw0i.7 be teighthbe rueified. iii 01 SL U'TpaTifW7ra& air1yay/ov avroi' ecv -r77 The aed soldiees led away him within the avX71s, 6 607L 7rpaslcwptov scat ouVysccAortitii atteta whieh ia ajudgtmeathall; tand tbeycalltogether bx'qtv 'rnt o-retpav. 17 Ka& cvyuoeo-iy aVtTO; whole the cempany. And they eietbed bite 7ropcJ~tpai'e scat 7rept-i'Tio-tty auV9. 7rma l~iTCS peeple, aad placed iteeteand him braiding alcrtM1Oi oi'cTe~iavoi'. Is Kai t7ptcavro aanraCtfef.at acaethine wreath. And they began te tatutle Oat aurov' Xalpe 6 j8anriEVs TCOP; 1ov6atwyn. him- Rail the hing aftbe Jews. 19 Kai e-tJvrToi auwooi 'rTflP KiCEaA27P KaAaAqV, Atit they ateeck of him the head with a reead, Kcat EPC-7rTUOP aVTc5 Kcai t TOetTe$,r'a -yova'a tad spit upon hita tand placiag the knees [6hap.1I5: I19. 7 And there was HE who was NAMED Barabbas, having been imprisoned wIith thle INSURGENTS, who hail committed Mlurder iii thle INSURRECTION. 8 Andtile CROWD Ego.. ing up began to denmand 1illat lie was accustomed to -railt theis. n 9 But PiLATE- answered them, saying, Do you Wish me to release to you tule X1INGQOf tIle JEVS'-e 10O For he kitew T116t *they had delivered hint up frona Envy. 11t ~But the 1IIanJPRIESTS stirred up the C114lWD, that hie should tither release BARABIAS, to them. 12 And PILATE answering again, said to thecni, 'What *-then shall Id(o to Ititt yon csll the KaNG Of the JEWS?" 1.3 And THTEY again cried out, "tCrucify hint." 14 Atid PILATE said to them," For what? Htas lie (lone Evil?" But they velhenmently cried out, Baying, "Crucif him." 15 $ Then ILATE, being willing to GRATIFY thle CRIOWD, released BARtABBAS to theni and binviti scourged Jusus, delivered himu to be crucified. 16+And the bOLDIERS led hitaway into thle COURT, which is the Frie. horitnitt; and they called tog~ether the Whole CoxP'ANT. in17 And they arrayed him intertwining an Acanthilne Wreath, placed it around his h ead; 18 and began to saute him,- liati, KING Of the JEWS I 19 And they struck his READ with a Reed, and spit on him, and KNtlE'LING, did homage to him. * VATICAN MANtUScaIPT.-&. going np began. 15. they hadt 12. then shall I do to him ysu call the K irs o ttle JaEWS? $ 11. Matt. xxvii. 29: Arts ii. Id.: 15. Matt. xxvii. 0.6t John xixii, 10. 2 18. Malt. xxvii. I7. .-aop.I 5:: 3J.] MARK I. [c ap 15: Mi. orpoaeKtvvovv avrT'. *' Kax ore eYErataY avuTr, 20 And wlhen they hld did homage to him. And when they mocked him, mockCd linl, they strippIcd EeSvourav aUrTOv ''V 7rOp(Vppv, icai euvevoua' liiilt of tile Pt1PI.CE;lrthey took off him the purple, andt put on llnllt, anld put o tllhi * liis av'ro T7a li/aTta Trsa tLa' Kat efayovo'vt avrov, ownl CLOTHES, and led hinm him the clothes the own; and theyledout him, out. *[iva toavpwa o r'iv av7rov.] 21 Kai ayyapevovao 21 $ And One Simon, a [that they mightcrucify him.] And they compel CvrcIlia;l, tllh l"ATIl.R of 7rapayorTa Ttva Situwva Kupa7vatov, epXo.cefpvo t'Alciixi(lr and ltiius, passing hy one Simon a Cyrenian, coming ('Olill; il'l tlh11 e CountrI'y, air' aypov, (7TroV rarepa AAeiavrpou Kai 'Pov- w;s passing by, aind tll y from country, (the father ofAlexander and llu- ollmpl hiun to carry his (pov,) Iva apP 'ro0Y ff'apov av'o. 22 Ka l Cits. fui,) that he moight bear the cross of ihil. Andl 23 + And tlly bring Iirni ~popovoty avroY fert rox'yooa r70roy' 6 ernr to*( G,.()TH'iIA, \\lic, l('they bring him to Golgotha place; which is illo i 'lllated, is, a lPlac ueOepTVritevuoELvoVf Kpavlou 'TOrOS. 23 Kai c 3tio'v of a Skull. beilg translated, olaskull aplac Andl thy ga, e 23 A lid they presented avvt *[7reLv] fasc vpmY t^eo OP oivov' i 8 him Wine m1inglt t witl him Itodrinkj havigbeen aixedwithmyrrh wiue; he but My.'lll; but *l i did not ova eAace. rcccii cit. not received. 21 And * they nail himr 24 Kat arravpw(ravpTs avrov, olaufpilor7Ti a to the Cross,;.ll )t ];t is And crucifying hin, they divide tle A (l ots s.arLa av'rou, BaAXAoV'CTs K^7poy cr' anTa, frS tak l, hal cacl sould clothes ofhinm, casting lots on tieln, who o 'rt apt 25 HI,e Kpa arpr7, Ka eoa'avpwcrav '2 And it was the third app. H ec a Hour chien they nailed whatshouldtake. Itwarsand hour thir(l, and they crucilie:l I)11r *ln tIll y na auTov. 26 Kat 71l' 1 Efrtypap7r] t7rs aittas avrov 2 And t i l i ll i-rPTiON himn. And wasthe inscrilion; tftheaccusation oflin f li A ICCIA '' ION o.O f7riryeypaMFivrl- " 'O aaafievs rTvv IovOaiov." O Srittcn over hlilll, "l'The wa.o written over' The king Of tle Jews." 1vi C. nf tll J i\\ S. ' 27 Ka u ovv avTp ffrTavpovaf Uvo A'paOras' Cva EK 27 And witll hinm they And with him they crlcify two robbers; one at * crlilfit d T1o i (,ol)rlis; Beitlow, Keat,a fe evwvvpko avrov. 28 *[Kai one at l is Ritht l;ind,and right. and one at left ofhim. [And tle otlhr at lis Llft. frA77ipAr)7 3V Ypafpnl ATcyovr'a " Kait ccfra 28 *+[AndTl'ATsciurwasfulfilled the writing that saying; And with TURIlF was \8 rifitd, \.licll avopuwv eAoyitrOr7."]. 2 Kat ol raparopevote, ot sAYs, $"i.Je W\asi umlllbeu, tawlet ones he was numlered."] And those passing along 4 with LAW-BRIEAKERlS."J ~ 3aaa'(plguovy auTov, KvoUvreTs ras KepaAas 29 And T110SE PASSING reviled him, shaking the heads ALONG rev\iled hli, + slia-. a'vrwv, ieat ACyovrYT Ova' 6 KaTaXvwv Top ksyig tleir "Al TIiO an( ofthem, and saying; Ah; he destroying the st lng, O" Ahl Tlhl( i)EsultUOYElt of the TEMPIE, vaov, Kai eV Tptiar t71JeCpas OIKOaOcWV anld Builder of it in Three temple, and in three days building; Das,w aworoV oreavo7, Kai Kearafic a aro TOU 0'ravpov. 30 save thyself, and save thyself, and come down from the cross. come down froIl the 81 OCoitws Kat ot apXifpeis, efuratSoreTs 7rpos cioss!" In like manner also the high-prietrs, mocking to 31 In like manner also, aAX\Arovs AeITa 'wv 'pa.LLarcwvp, fXeyov thetCtiol(-PRIESTsderidini one another with the scribes, said; hiiil, wVith the Scriles, said VATICANi MAKUSCRIPT. —20. his CLOTHES. 20. that they might crucify himomit. 22. GOLGOTHA. 23. to drink-omit. 28. v. 24. they nail him to the Cross, and part his oasMEnTs. 27. crucified. 28.-mit. t 21. Persons probably well known, and then living at Rome; since Paul, Rom. xvi. 1., salates Rufus there. t 28. Fritz. and Tischendorf cancel this verse, and Grieebach marks It for omission; yet Bloomfield thinks injudiciously, as it is a remarkable fulfilment of prophecy, and is omitted only by a few MSS. - 21. hMatt. xxvii. 32; iLuke xxiii. 26. t22. John xix. 1. t 24 Ps. xxlii. IS; Luko xxiii. 34; John xix. 23. 1 28. Isa. lil 112; Luke xxii. 37. t 29. l'sa. xxii. 7 CLap. 15: 32.3 MARK. [Chcap. 15: 41. AAAouY EC'wacda f, avTro ov ovvaTai o'crat; Others he saved, himself not is able to save t 3 '0 Xpurros, 6 f/aota evs ' oV IoparlA, cKTaThe Anointed, the king of the Israel, let him,fawC vvv a7ro 0O ToV 'Tapov, iva t /WCUev Kat descend now from the cross, that wemaysee and rffoUTreuvTwev. Kat olt vveforaupwfLevot. auvry may believe. And those having been crucified with him wvetsIt'o auvov. 33Srevol.evMr s he wpas eiKTrs, reproached I him. Beingcome and hour sixth, -cKIoTO eTevero EJs bA7v T717Y y77PV, EwI. wpas darkness was on whole the land, till ioour EVva7rSs. 31 Kac 't7 cpt ' Tr feYvvCTT eforlaeev 6 ninth. And the hour the ninth cried the Ir7rrovus dv7r7 /eyar7q, *[Aeycwv ] EXAoI, eXwi Jesus with a voice loud, aying;j] loi, eloi; Aay/la raajaXOaav; 6 eaTTf:efOepl.u7ytvfUuofEov' ijamma ' sabachthani? which is being translated; 'O OeoS tUou, *[^ Of OSe o U ] ov l TIt,Le FyKaC eThe God of me, Lthe God ofme;3 to what me hastthou Aies; 3 Kai 'ries rW 7r atpe7(r'7KorcOv aKOvieft, And some of those standing by hearoavres, feeyov' I8ov, HAiav 4pCwve. 36t papuwv tln, said: Lo, Elias he calls. Running Se fIS, Kat ye.ueras 'troyyov otovs, rFepIOeTs Ir and one, and filling asponge of vinegar, attaching and KaXaJiyp, eroTrtev a vroV, Ae'ycwv A Tere* -tsIpdev, toareed, gavetodrink him, saying: Letaloe:we may see, El ePXe7at HXtas Kae, Oetv avTrov. 37' '0 se it comes Elias to takedown him. The then 177aovs, aIeirs pwvr77v fesyak1-v, ete7rFevo'E. Jesus, uttering a voice loud, breathed out. 23 Kar TO KaTa7rferaorLa TOV vaou fa-Xia7i fLS And the curtain of the temple wa rent into 8vo, a7ro avwOev e ws Ka7CT. 39 Iov sE 6 KICEv7Vtwo, from above to below. Seeing but the centupltv, 6 7rapeTr7r)Kws e etvavtas avtrov, 67T rion, that having stood by over against him,: that ovrw *[Kcpatas] etEf7rtuEaev ev, ftE Ar-0wYs o thus havingcriedl hebreathed out, aid: Truly the avOpo7ros ovros vIos 77v OeoV. 40 Hoav cE Kar mna this ason wa of a god. Were and also yuvatices aro,uaKpoOev Oewpovaart cv afs 7yv Kai women from a distance beholding: among whom wa also Mapca / MayaAX77l77, Kat Mapia ) 7Tov larcw,3ov Marj the lMagdalene, and MLary theofthe James 'TOVU /tKpOU Iat IWoa7l /7)Ti7p, Kati SaAcXcW' 41 a the little and Joe.e mother, and Salome: who *[cat,l 6're 1fV fE '7 raAitatai, 7qKoAoveOOv (also,] whe he ws i the Galilee, followed cvUT,1 Kai 1ji71o0ovu avrT Kai atact a 7ro\Aat, him, 'nd served him: and others ' many, al frtrvavafacaaar avTtrrp s 'lepooToAvpa. those havingcome up with him to Jerusalem. to each other, " Ie saved others; cannot lle save himself? 32 The MRSSIAAr! the KING of * Israel! let him cole down now from the cnoss, that we may seo and believe." Even those, +who were crucified with him, reproached hiim. 33 And the sixtth Hour being come, there was l)arkness over the Wlhole LAND, till the ninth lour. 34 And at the *NINTIE Iour JESus cried with a loud Voice, t "Eloi, Eloi, lamma sabachthani?" which, being translated, is, "My Gon tto what last thou surrendered me?" 35 And some of TIOS: STANDING BY, hearing this, said, "Behold, he calls Elijah." 36 SAnd one ran, and filled a Sponge with Vinegar, and putting it on a Reed, gave hlim to drink, saying, "Let him alone; let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down." 37 Then JEsns uttering a loud Voice, expired. 38 t And thle vEI. of the TEMPLE was rent in Two fronl top to bottom. 39 And THAT CENTURION. who STOOD BY over against him, seeing that thus lhe expired, said, "Cerlainly, *'lhis MAN was a Son of God." 40 TAnd Women also were beholding fronl alist;ancc; among whom was lMary of MAGDALA, and Mary the MOTHER of JAMES the YOUNGER, and * of Joses, and Salome; 41 who when lhe wasin GAILEE,, followed him, and ministered to him; and MANY Others, who CA'ME Uv with him to Jerlusalem.. _ _ *VATICAN MAaoscairT.-32 Israel. S1. SIsrTI Hour. 84. sayin -onmtt. 2t. my Goo-omit 8S. having erled-omit, /9. This yMN. 40. the mother of, 41. also-Bas.t. t 3. Matt. xxvii.44; Luke xxiii. 39. T 3. Psa xxii. i1 Matt. xxvil. 4. 1 36. Psa. lxix 2. 2. Maxxv. i51; Luke xxih. 45. t 40. Psa. xxxiiL 1. / 41 Luke Vil..,. M~p. IS:V. MARK. [C'Map. 16: lo. 42Kat 78,7 ortrs -yevo/ievr7r, (cirei,7v 7rapaAnd noweveing being come, (sioce itews, prepe.. O-Kevfl, 6 eoTiL 7rpoo-af8f8a7-ov/,) 43 77OEr Iarom1p ration, that is before sab bathj came Jtoseph 6 awo Aptjea~alas, eurX?7)~uwv 'fgoukcur-qs, 6s thet from Arimathea, ofoank asenetort, who icai au-ios 77' 7rpo -6,XojAcvos rt7vV $aorLAeiai' -ou also himsnelf was expecting the kingdomo of the Ncov, -roAy77aqeas eiYr1A0e 7rpos 7thAaTo1V, Kat God, assumingeourage wenoti to Pilate, and 1TpaOT ro oi~ca -iou 17t~oou. 44 0 BE fLAa-ros askedfor the body of the Jesus. The aed Pilate e~avuizcocev, ei 7757 1eOVS7jKe ic at SrpohKaXeccawondered, if already he wasdead; aod having pEPOS TiOP KEY-iupltara, C17FSPWT7j0OEJV au-roy, EL called the ceoturion, lie asked him, if wfa~acr a7re~ar'c. 45 Kai 'yvous aro -iou ICc VT-ru aleendy liehad died. And knowing feom the centopian'oy, E~erp7pf~aTO 'TO o-wu/.a 7(w' IwitO?7q5. 46Kai 10 he gove the body to Joseph. And a-yopao'as uriv,5ova, *[rcai] KcadeFAwv au-roy, haviog booght lioeo, Cndj having taken:down him, EIVE(A7t0o T7p oriyaoi- aice icaTc0l7Kc- auroy EV' he werapped the lioeno cod ltid him io jeyucu-qAet, 6?7Vt XcAaTo,.t77,.scr'or t ic 7rcTpas — aica a tomb, whichewa, haoiogbeeohewc ootof &rock; aod TrpofrcicUAftoe AtOos' eii T711v OupaV -Tou IUP711EIcOU. eoiled acstone efainet tbe door efthe tom b. 47 'H Be Mapia 7' Ma-y~aA7rjvj icat Mapta Iwo~rj Thebot Mary the Magdaiene sad maey efdotes e~cewpouz', r1ou ific-rai. beheld, where he was loid. KE'Ze. i' Kai Sia-ycy ryoevu -ou aqf38aerov, Mapta2' Ae beieg paet the Ch7 oyte Ma-yaaA7rn'a, Kcai Mcepic. 7'7 TiOtJ latccoV, iKai Mogdalene, aod Mory shot of the Jeames, cod:SaXcvpA iq-opao-av apeej/.ara, Ityae AOoufala Salome bought Aromatics, that coming aetiwarrii auTOy, 2Kat Aias- irpaotrs vs l.eae theymcighttanoint him. Aed very ecoly ofthe 5-Froa4f8aTrar EpXovrat evi To p1t'7/Ecioy, al/aE-rof7Ee theyncame to the tomb, having Aay-os TrOU 7"AIOu. -' Kai cke'yoy, 7rpos 1au-as1sn the sun. Aod they said to themmelvec; Tis a7roicu)Atocs jlmei -Top AiOov eic Tis Oupas -Tou Who mwi./ollam foron. the stone front the d o or ofIj.h e /.Liv7)/.uEsoua;awsKa~ avaf3Ac~araa Oc`Wpouaty,. It tombh t And lookiug op they saw, that (LroKE~ic,Aet7-aiL 6 Ai~srs- 71 -yap jue-yas lot~opct. ted been eolledtaway the stoneeI it was for great very, Kai tiT-eA~ouo-aL cIS -TO A/dA17/.cto, E1t0oy yeAnd haoieg emicered ioto the tomh, they sow a 42 Anti Evenin~r being now come, (since it was the Preparntion, that 10, the Day before the Sabbath,) 43 THAT JOSeph came, who was of Ariniatlica, tin honorable Setiator, who htinself also was texpecting the K.iNGD)OM Of GOD, taking courage, went to 0PILATE, and -asked for the BODY Of JESUS. 44+ And P~l1ATE. Wontiered that leie as already dead; and having called the CENTURION, be ittquired of bint * if lie was already dieatl. 45 Arid having ascertoited front the CFNTUleiON, he gave the * DEADMOOTy to JosvrsFr. 46 And having boughlt Linen, taking him doorit, lie, wrapped him in. thle t..iiaS;N, ailid * put bln in a oI Iib whicih wvas hewn out of the Rock, and roleld at S~~tone to the ENTRANCE Of the TO-AlI. 47 Anti Mary Of M,,AO — JDALA, anid *TiIAT Mar,1y the niotlier of Joses, saw where lie was laid. CHAPTER XV1. living Halt, Mary Of MIAGI)AJTA, aiid THAT Mary thii itotherof JAMES, iiiid Stithwat tlhey ought come Bart iuioint hint). 2 And very early oni tire *first day of the wEEiK, (abtiut sunrtlae, they caine to the- TrOMB. 3 Andtirey said to themselves, "' Who will roll awAay the STONE for us from the ENTRAN CE of the TOMB?'4 (for it was veryhlarge.) And looking up, thecy saw that the STONE had beeni rolled away. 5 tAiid *coming to the o VATICAN MAees3CmRTP-43,IPiLATX, 44. If he Was already dead. 4.l. ]DEAD NODT, 46, and —mtrend 46, put him. 47. THA&T Mary the mother. S. firetdayoftht~eWEE, b, comning to. t42, Math. xxvii, 57; Luke xxiii. 50-, John xi, 88. t 43. Luke II. 25, 811- t 1. Matt. =xi'hI,. Luke xxlv. 1 - JohuL xA, t 1. Luke xxhiii,510 IS5. Luke Wv,;), J ohntxx. 11. 12. Cha.p. 16: 6.] MARX. [Map. la: 14. aP'TOKOJV KaO71IIEvop E1/ -rots 8c~ots, Ireptfe,6X~-n yousth sittineg wn the r ig ht, havinegbeene,IEPoZ oro\7-O7vI Xevic?7y' Eai E~cOa/A07707jo-ap. clothed ae robe wshite; ted they were sewe-struck. 6 0 5e?sesYEt av7-ats Mn 4EKdctt6Ef (Te-et 177o-ouv Ile bet t says te theme; Net be you amazeed; Jsesu C'71Tevc rToP NaCa~p~lPos, TOPe coravpw/.Eysovw yeeterek thle Nazaeresse, the havineg beencrucrified; 7775p01O7, OP/K 50111/ &bE Lb 6 ro7ros, 67r00 behe~berenrsised,net -heis here; see the plar e, where c071/ay aStTOY. 9 AAA Vlra-yETE, tiraiE TrOIS theyteaid bise. Bet ge, sty te the (IlaOelTaLP at/TIot, KaiL 791 HFl fpi, 6dTL 7poa-yet disciples ef hiss, seed te the Peter, thaet he goes hefere V~kas Cis 'Tll raX~t~a~aV' CKIC C L V'T01V o~eo-Oe, you iete the Galilee; there hime yee will see, xacadas ei7eVy 15,51v. 8 Kai etc-A~ovo-ai, eept/yv hei tee. Ased having goeseoet, theytfled S7rO 'TOP 77/dj1Af1t/ CLXE be- aS aSI 'TpO/AO5' Kat feest the teomb; haedseisedasnd these treesbling seed ECo-Ta~tS, KICt 05/bEvt ovibst 4Et7rov' 540o3 0oyTo, aseteonishmenst, seed teose oese seethiseg they said; they were afraid,yap. b [vo-a e 7rpcslL 71 owT CYtraB&tTOV/ e4)aIvS Haigrsensed early r7t~ of-weeh he appeared IrpweTop Maplt~ 'T? MabX, a~p' is e43e3 -first. te Slary the lMagdelene, feese whewm he Issd X10KC-1 brrTa Bcat~osua. 15 Etcstv,1~ 7ropev~csto-a rest sevens deeseose. She goiseg alr?7-yyetAE T015 UET' aPTOV 'YEVO/.tEVOtS, irel'breeghsbeekwored tethese with hims eviseghbeese, mu 00Oue1 KaL Kc~atos'nt. 11 Kaepivoi aKcovo-aVrSs ileg ased weeping. Aed these hiving heerd itL Kpsa t OccaOlJ VW7 tV'T77S, 717rttr'T71-al'. t h -t he we asaliveeen ( hsed beet seen by her, they did seet helieve. Meia be 'Taco-a 8vtutJ e~ at/Ta/I 7Eptlra'TOPOL5' After hut tiese thiegs tetwe of thems wselkise he aeppeaeed in anoether sespect, gesng iseto a-ypos'. 13 Kcqts1e10o arrteAOOV-rss ar7rllyeLAal ceuntry. Asedthese havinggesee brougbthbach weed 'TOtS Aot7rois- 01/b KEIVetOLS 4E7rtOTevTJaP. to the rest; s eithee te them did Ctrey give credit. 14To`T-epos, cavKEt/.Eevois aVoTr1 'TOIf '~LK Aftereerds, reeiieing withtbees te the elevess Cfat'EPWO-q' Kat sIveittole 'T77l' ar1L0rTtas cteTctl' tse speparesed; and repreecbed the uneleeief sefthem KeeL cKX77pOKatpbtav, bri 'rots Oeaosq/Aevots avt/op seed harednesseofheart, beeseseteothese tsavisersen himn 6e?7y(eyp~fVoV OV/ elrttyTevCTal'. iR' Kat L7eir ' Isseieg besen reised sees they gave creedit. Aned said TOMBI the~y saw a Youth sittinig at the RIGHT side, clo;tliid 'with aslWhite Robe; and tltey were awe-struck. 6 4:And StE says to thlen; Ble not alarmied; you seek Jesus, THSAT NIAZARFNE who wvas CRUCIFIED. HeI has been raised; lite is inot here. See the PLACE where tbey laid hint! 7 But 'go, say to his DISCIPLES, and to rF.TE., That lie precedes you to GALILEE; tisere you will see Him, 4: as he said to you." 8 And coming out, they fle.d from tltc TOMB; for trembling and aston-sisienuthad seizedtltem; and they said nothing to any one, for tltey were afraid 9 *[And having risen early on the first dlay of the Week, "'lie appearid first to Mlary Of MA GDALA, from whomi he had cepelled Seven Denmous. 10 4: Zbe 'went sind told THOSE who Isad BEEN with Itin, as they 'were mournisg and weeptng. 11 And ttjeg, having heard that lie was alive, and isad been seen by her, did not believe it. 12 And after THESE things, lte appeared in Anotlher Aspect I to two of them, as they were walkiog, gotnginto the country. 13 ndtblrp retursting amiounced it to tlte OTIS ERE disciples; neither toTHESE did they give credit. 14 T:Afterwards he appeared to tite ELEVEN, aS they were reclining, and censured their UNBELIEF aisd OHSTINACT, Because they believed not THOSE who Itad SEEN him after his resurrection, VATICANC Mtseu5CaieT.-9 —S0 —wMt. 0. From tibs verse to the end of the chapter Is wanting In the Vat. MS,;, anld ift many Otiser ancient copies. Gries;bach maris the whole passage ofvery doisbtfulauotheisticity~bat 'retains it inthe text, Tischesidortrrejcetsgthe wholeelause. Bustjudgingfromtbeevidenew 'witit regard to this peesapge, it is probably an authentic fragmrenit, placed asea completion of the Gospel In~ vbry~early times -,and therdfore coming to us with strong claimis on our reception and reverence. I 6 Mastt. xxvivil. 5 —7. 7. Matt. xxviv. 82; Mark xlv. 28, P/. Jolts xx. 14. ~11. Lukexxaivl. I Johanxx.lS. 12I. Luke xxlv. L3. 14i. Luke xxiv. 5/Ia John Xs.! 0. 1 I ot. - Z b. Ctap. 16: 1;3 MARK. [ Clap 16: 20. avrTOs' TlopevOeve7r eS ' ov KcotrgUOV ar ratva, 1 f.And he said to to them; Having gone into the word all. em, "Go into all the K7P E aY O 16 WORLD, and proclaim the pvar GLAD TIDINGS to the publish the glad tidings to all the creation. He Whole CREATION. 7ra'Trevaa Kat BarTt7rLOfIs, awOvrljreTa 6 8e 16 IIE. who IEIIE..VES -havingbelieved and having been dipped, shailbesaved; he but and is imnlersed will 1)e artarOT7aas, KaraKip0trloErat. 1 7 Flia se rois saved; but n' -who Binot having believed, shall be condemned. Signs andtothose LIVES NOT will he condenlned. trlaTEvraart ravra wrapa.oXev067jar' Ev 'r 17 And these Signs will having believed these shallattend; In the aco ny the BELI\VovogearL,iuov 3atuovra EKf3aova'r ywaroaais:RS; tln my NAMF tlicy name of me demons theyshall cast out; withtongues will expel Denlons; t llcy AaAr\7oovo' Kaivais' 'SosEts apov(r Kay will speak in new Lanthey hall speak new,. serpentstheyshalltakeup; andif gUagCS; Oaveaeitov TI 7rtItIOtV, OU,U?7 aVTOIS 3Aa*a-t. 18 rthey will take up deadly thingthey may drink, not not them it may hurt: rp d if they sliould drink any detadly.ert appabTrovS Xftpas feTtlO -ova t, Kict KaAws poison, it will not injure upon sick oues hanud they shall place, and well rllin; tlley will l;y itovaov. 19'O feZv OV, KptLOS,.Ji'fTa TO AaA - Ilands on Sick persons, they will be. The indeed then -Lord, afte theh tohave and they will be well." rat avrots, avfAX77aOr elS Tro ovpavov, Kat 19 Then, ind(l(d, after spoken tothem, hewa sakeu op into the heaven, anq the LORD lhad SPOKEN to e iaOtoev fK SEt.IWv rov OeOUv' 20 KCIEtVOL f EEw- tlheln, lhe was taken up into }HEAVFN, and sat sat at righ ofthe God: those and having down at tHe Rigt land of Oowres etKpvuay wavr1axou, 'to KvplOUv o'vep- GOT). gone frth published everywhere, the Lord working 20 And TIOSE lavino yovv0U os, Kat rov Aoyov Sefeatovv'ros ta "rwv gone forth, proclairit d with, and the, word ratifying through the everywllere, ttlle lordi e7raKCcoXovaov7w v T rtlft lawmv.] co-operating, and ratifying accompaying sinUs.j tile WORD trllrllou tle ACCOMPANYING SignS. * ACCORDING TO AMAR K" * VAtlCAn MinuassIlPT.-SkbS6erption-AccORDInG TO MABK. 15. Matt.xxvii.19, RIoln. x. 15 —; Col. i 23. t 16. Acts l. 88; viii. 12; xvi.l -33. + 17. Acts v. 16; viii.7; xvi 18. 1 t i. Actsii.4; x.46; xix.6. I 18. Acts xxviil. 5. 18. Actsxxviii. 8 James v. 14, 1i. t 19. Luke xxiv. 51 Actsi.; ii. 84, 35. 1 20 Acts v. 12 xiv. 8', 1 Cor. i. 4, 6; Heb. ii. 4. LEYArrEAION] KATA AOYKAN. [GLAD TIDING8o BY LUKO. ACCO1DING TO LKUE. KE'>. a. 1. CHAPTER I. 1 Since many have unE7TrEB77rTep ^oAXAoLt eEXEtp-rlav avaaarraTOal dertaken to prepare a llisince many have undertaken to prepare tory of those 1ACTS, which atlT7yr'rv 7rEpt T70Y 'rErlX7poqfopiftevwov Ev.1rlv have been FULIY ESTABnarrative about those having been fully established among us, LISHED among us, 'payaTrwv, 2 KaOws 7raperooav MIY oi a7r' 2 teven as TIOSE, who facts, even as delivered to us those from WFRME from the Beginning apX7rs av'o7' ra a vErrTlp'aT yeIo/YeoV 'ov aEye-witesses and Ilispena beginniug eye-witnesses and ministers havingbeen of the scI' of the WOaD, delivered ienem to us;;oyouv CooE Kcauoo, 'rap-KO rove'ndoKot avwo ev 3 it seemed proper for word; itseemedrightalsoto ne, havingtraced fromthefirst me also, having accurately 7raWily aKplOws, KcaOerF7 aooi ypaiai, Kpa- traced all things from the all accurately, in an orderly manhertothee to write, Oiost fi:-st, to write to Thlee in TrlVrTe eo(FisAe, 4 va Ert'yvEcp Tept V v consecutive order, tt Most excellenlt Theophilus, that thou mayebtknow concruingwtich excellent TllCeoililus, KaT1)X7, Xo'yw^ T77 a'aoaEv. 4 that tlIou lest know tho hlast been taught of words the certainty. Wthe CETcAINT'Y of the Words, concerning which E V'yTfro EV TraLs 7/fepais 'Hpcoou, rovO 1a-t- thou hast been taught. Was in the days of Herod, the king n te DAYS of Aews 7ris Iovalas, IlepEvs 'ts ovola7arT Zaltaptas, Ierod, * King of JUDv A, of the Jews, apriest certain nane Zachatias, here was a certain Priest CE Ep777efpLaS Ahla' Kcat n 'yvvl av rou fK Twv n;iamed Zachariah, of tlle of course ofAbia; and the wife of him of the Course of Alijah; and his t-yaTpfoWV Aapcv, Kat 'To ovoa aUrT77 EXAI(raeT. * Wife was of the DAUGOIdaughterr of Aaron, and the name of her Elisabeth. TEES of Aaron, and her c Hrav os SKacoi aA(porFpo M EvWInov roV NeouA, NAME was Elizabeth. Hay E ~tlciaiLo0~dt~t L acoEpoO And t:,ey weroe hotis They were and righteous both in presence of the God, 6 nto thle sight of righteous in the sight of 7ropevot/eyo s 7V iraats Tras EvToXacts Kat 8iKat- GOD, walking in all the walking in all the commandments and ordi- COMMANDMENTS and Inw/o'rL rov KUvpov aEtU/LTrroI. 7Kat ovKc 7J avtros stitutions of the LORD nauces of the Lord blameless. Aud not was to them blalleless. 'TKVov, ica0oTt i EtfraBeTr 77v oTartpa, Kat 7 AndtheThadnoChild, a child, because the Elihabeth was barren, and because * Elizabeth was anopo bnarren, and bothl were far at.oo'rpOL 7poj8p77KoTrCs ev 'rail 77//ttpas aTwv scdin Y ARS bont having been advanced in tire day of them Now itoccured, while 7)aoav. SEyevero 6e ev rT7 leparTevEt aurov he was PE;FORMING T11E were. It happened now in thetoperform saceedrites him I'RIat T'S OFFICK befole fv Tr 7a TCt rl S e EplPfptas av0rou evaVLT Tov GOD, in the OaDER of his in the order of the course of him before of the CLASS, Neov, 9Kara 7TO eOS T7S fEpaTELas fcaXf 9 t thatit fell to him by God, according to the eustom of the priesthood it fl to his lo lot, according to the CUS* VATICAN MiAUScaIT.-Title —AccoaDns X o LOuji. 6. King. 5. Wife. 7. Elizabeth. 8. This epithet proves that Theophilus was a man ofSenatorian rank; probably a prefect, or governor; the same Greek title being applied to the Roman governor Felix, in Acts xxiii. 26, and elsewhere. It was equivalent to the Latin title optimus, bestowed by the Ronans on their principal senators. t 9. Prideaux, referring to Lightfoot's Temple Service, says, that the priests, according to David's institution were divided into twenty-four courses, that each course attended at Jerusalem its week; anA every course being divided into seven classes, each class served its day at tle temple; and each priest ofthat class had his part in the service appointed by lot. And Josephus gives much tle same account, adding that the priests entered uporItheir office on the sabbath-day at noon and left it at the same time on the sabbath-day following; and that this practice, first settled by David, continued to hit own days.-Pearce. t 2. Heb. ii 3; 1 Pet. v. 1; Pet. i. 16; 1 John i. 1 Mark i. 1 John xv. 27. $ 3. Acts i. 1 t 4. John xi. 81.;. Matt. ii. i G. 1 Chroni. xxiv. 10,19 Neh. ji 4, 17. Chap. 1: 10.] IJIUJE. [Chap. 1: 19. 'rov Ouvfeaa'ra, EtiAOfAwv le TO vaov Tov KvptovU' TOMr of the ralRESTHOOD, oftheto burnincense, entering into the templc ofthe Lord; +to go into tile t SANCTU10 cKat av To wrArQos rTv TOv Aaov 7rpooaevUXOEvov ARY of the LORD to burn and whole the multitude was of the people praying INCENSE. eco T7 'pa, TO 'v Ovitta.taros. e11 f cO? oe 10 tAndthlWhoIleMULwithout to the hour ofthe incense burning. Appeared and TITUDE of tle PEOPLE Wta avTrr a-yyeAos KtplOUV, EftTTS CK OetiwV Tov praying without, at the tomhim amessenger ofalord, standing at right ofthe IIOUR of the INCENSE OvatarrT7ptpov Trov OvuiauaTos. 12 Kat erapaXOvj BURNING. alter of the incense. And was troubled 11 And there appeared iat emeireaer e' to him an Angel of tihe Zaxaplas t v, eKai y- be, since I know not a messenger; How ehallhe this, eioce scane not 1 Man?" PWOefKW; I a 7OIpOL a ~s~35 And the ANGEL anlher? Ae oneigte escer sld 7hr swering, said to her, know And answrin themesenge sad tohe ' J"Holy' Spirit will colieI fle ce/ra clt)1oL e7rEAEuOEcTat vri reE, KiCO StJvalts~ upon thee, and Power front A spirit holy sholleome uopn thee, aed a power tihe Most Iligh will over/LV'V~~~u1rJtJ5 rK0CLo-ei toL 5LO KaL 'TO 'y1EVl'W/ieeoV SIadnW' tiler; and tilereofhig-hest shallovershedowthee;thereforeeod the heriegbegotteo forctilatecno.'TTeN,BElNG A-yL10V, KcA71O'oeral VIttS OeOV. 36 Kai 18ou, tioi~y, will be called a Son holy, shiall he called a soe efGod. Aed lo, of G od. E~ira~'r~ o'yyt'7f ovIceL U'T7 rtiei~l- 3G And bhelold, ElizaEllaeeheth the hieswomena oftthee, even she. hevinglitth KlNSWO MAN, even sly~ has coOceilved a 4pvLaO tlot' ev 'ylipeL aOV'r1) KICO o65ros /.L1v E'ITOS Son Iit her Old age;,n coeceived aeson ie oldlege vlher: anod this month sloth t~llS Vttesxt ot o-T'rLP wUTf i7T7, KaAovf.ELpv TOpa 37 '071 00K with ItEn who it CALLED is toaher the besng called borrena. For eat barren. a~vvat'T77orEL 7rapa TreP 60ep7 ar' A7rnac. 25FZEire Be 37 t For *No, DeclarashalL heiespossihte with the God every word. Said and tion is impossible With MaptaWk 15OV, 71 60oA7j KUPLOtJ 70evtOLro pyot GOD." *Xu la, theLhandiaeid e falord: meyithedanetomse 38'And Mary said, " BeKaOa 'To frq/.LG 00. Kait a7r*AOEJJ aii' CtJTy7S 6 hold, tile HIANDMAID Of according Ca the word of thee. And 'Weet from her the the Lord I May it be done ayyeXos. to me according to tihy messener. WORD."1 AInd the ANGEL 39Asc -aeaseeapagee.as '1A ats darted from her. Arising and Mary In the days 9Atnd Mary arising in rarip e rop evu 71 ci 'rq7 opt7 p u those DAYS, Went to, + til those, she went inot the hilly couotry — withMONA OU CUTR *orov~ns~, OLE ToALL' lou~a. 410 Kaic Lo-77X00 c-' EI with haste, to a City of Juhaste, into a city of'Juad. And eoteced inotdah 'rose mouos ZaLXapLov, KaO 77o10.raffTo 'T71 EAL0La- 40 and entered into the the haase of Zacharias, end saluted the ELisa. HOU~SE of Zttchitriah, sod /3er. 41 Kai vevMETOe IWl5 flICtl005' 2' EXioCZ$E.'T talnted ELI'ZABETH. Ijesh.' And it heppensed, asa heard' the Elisaheth 41 And when ELIZAVAIeCANc MkeeotCnteT.-37. of God No Dteclaration is. t 31. See Note on.Matt.. 1.21. si. Isa:. vii. 14;Malt. 1. 21. I 52 1. Luke Hi. 21. 432. 2 Sam. vii. 11. 12: Poe% exxitL-lll Ila O xvl.5;J er. xxiii B; ActsiI.5i. K 3. 1s&,xziv.23: Jlaon.ii.44. vii. 14, 27; MiaaV7 eb1. 51.Mt~.2. 37. Gen. xvi ~i. 14: Jar. zxxnii.17 Matt. 3lx 2(1 Mark x. 2V Luke xviii. 27; Rom. IV. 21. ~lg Josh. xxz; zi. 0-hi. C&zap. 1: 4:2.] LUKE. c Top aoa'raO/Iov Tr7s Mapias, eaOKCprT7)0E To j3pethe salutation of the Mary, leaped the babe (pos ev T7? KoiAla aUT7rs' KcL 7rA7oO7O 7rrr rvevaTOS in the womb of her; and was filled a spirit aytov ) EAhlo-aB r, Kat ave(fwv7o'e pOwvp.eyabp of holy the Elisabeth, and she cried out with a voice great Kai eTrev' 42 EvXOy7l cyv) e O7 ev yvvalrt Kat and said; Having been blessed thou among women; and euooyTlp.evos 6 Kapiros T7'S KotiAas trou. 4 Kat having been blessedthe fruit of the rwomb bfthee. And 7ro0cv O TrovOTO, Iva eAr)p ) FlTrr7p TOV KvpIt O whence to me this, thatshouldcomethe motheer ofthe Lord jLov T7rpos Le; 44 Io yu yap, s i E7yevEO 7) oWV) of me to mec? Jo for, as came the voice rTO ao7traTfrOUv OUV fis Ta wrIZa /ou, eaKIpT7r)'e ofthe salutatidn ofthee into the ears of ue, leaped To 3pe<)os ev aayaAAtao'ei El T o KcoXitia 0uov. the babe in exultation in the womb of me. 4 Kais LaKcapta r7 7rLOTEv)aaoa, 6TI EaTai TeAeicrAld happy she having believeJ, that shall be a fulfillOais TotL AeFAaXA7rcuvos avur) 7rapa KvpLOV. nent to those having been told to her from alord. 46Kat fEIr MapLta/ Me7ya1vvet ) j vux77 ov And said Mary; magnifiea the soul of me rTO KvptOV, 47 Kai r7ya, ia(tre TO 7tpevva /LOV e0rt the Lord, and has etulted the spirit of me in Ty Oe Tt OWcrpt p OV' 4856r fTrefAef*ev e7ri thle God the savior of me; for helooked upon T1lr TalVrevwo't T7s 8ovA71)S aTrov. I8ou 'yap, the low state of the handmaid ofhimself. Lo for, a7re TOV vVv JuaaKapiovat /AE Irao'aL atl yeveat' from the now willcall happy me all the generations; 49 6Ti EroiL7)'e 10ot,.yaXeia 6 uvvaTos' Kat for has done to me great thlgs the mighty one; and ayov TO ovoy.a auTou, 50 Kat TO eAeos TauTou holy the name of lim, and the mercy of him EfS YyeEVas 7eve oV Tois poDovfflevots avTov. to generations of generations to those fearing him. 61 ETrol7rIT KpaTos ev fpaxtovi abvrouv teoeaoplie has showed strength with arm of himself: he has irifrev Vt7rfprq)avos 8iavola KapSias aVrwv. dispersed arrogant onts in thought of heart of them. 62 Ka0eiAe vvaaCTas a7ro Opovwv, Kca v4iawe Ile has ast down mighty ones from thrones, and lifted up rTarelvovs. 53 Ileivwv'as fverA71A7Oe ayaOcv, humble ones. Hungering ones he filled ofgoodthings, KaL 7rA TouvvrTas eaTreo-TetAe KevoVs. 64Avreand being rich he sent away empty. He AaS3ero Iapa7r) 7rat8os ar'ov, tvla'7)'Olvait EAovs, aided Israel a child ofhimself, to remember mercy, a65 (Kaws eAaA7)h e 7rpos tros 7rartepas rAof v,) (a he spoke to the fathers of us,) [ Chap.1: 55. BETH heard the SALUTATION of MARY, the BABE leaped in her WOMB; and ELIZABETH was filled with holy Spirit. 42 And she exclaimed with a loud * Voice, and said, "Bilessed art thoa amlong Women! and bles. sed is the FRUIT of thy WOMB! 43 But how happens this to me, that the mOTHER of my LORD should conic to me? 44 For belhod, when the VOICE of thy SALUTATION came to ny EARS, the BABE leaped in my WOMB for Joy. 45 And happy SHE HAVING BELIEVED that there will b)e a Fulfillment of the WORDS SPOKEN to her by the Lord." 46 An d Mary said, +"My SOUL extols the LORD, 47 and my SPIRIT exults in GOD my SAVIOR; 48 because he kindiv viewed the HUMBLE CONDITION of his HAN DMA)D; for, beholdl;rom. TRIS TIME tAll GENERATIONS will pronounce me nappy, 49 for the MIGHTY O)n has done Wonders for me; $ and holy is his NAME 60 $ and his MERCY extends to Generations of Generations of THOSE who FEAR him. 51 $ He shows Strength twith lhis Arm; he disperses those Proud in the Thought of their l4earts. 62 lie casts down Potentates from Thrones, and raises up tlae;owly. 63 Ile fills the Hungry with good things, and the Rich lhe sends away empty. 64 He supports Israel, his own Child, remembering Mercy, l5 ($ as he spoke to our *VATICAN MANUSCBIPT.-42. Cry. 51. Grotius observes, that God's eficacy is represented by hisflnper, his great power by his hand, and his omnipotence by his arm. The plague of lice was the finger of God, Exod. vii. 18. The plugues in general were wrought by his hand, Exod. iii. 50. And the destruction- ol Pharoah's host in the Red Sea, is called the act of his arm, Exod. xv. 16. 46. 1 Sam.. 1.. 1 48. Luke xi. 27. t 40. Psa. cxt. 9. t 50. Pas. chi 17, 8. 561. Psa. xcviii. 1. 65. 1 Sam. ii. 8; Psa. cxiii. 7. o 65. Gen. xvil 19; Psa. csxxil. 11. Chap. 1: 56.] LJUKE. [Clap. 1: 6o. rqy Al3paaloc KaiL T7 aTep.tyar avu Tv iew alwvos. FATHERS,) to ABRIAIHAM, to the Abraam and tothe seed of him even to an age. and to his POSTERITY, CeVCI 56 EtetivE be MaptaL. Guy aVT71 f. Lulas 'rpeis to the Age." Abode and Mary with her about months three: 56 Anld Mary rcmaincd with her al)out tlhrec ICat 17IEO*TpE4YeI 61s 701v OIKOv a07s7. Months, and returnled to and returned to the house of her. her HnoUs E. 7T, 57 Now ELIZAnBETH'S 7eTe as EXoa/'ra T CrA'o(O07o 6 XPOVOS TOy TIME to be DEIAVlRED To the now Elisabeth was fulfilled the time ofthe was fulfilled; and she 7TfK1C aVT71J'v Kal fEV^Ylvffr1e v11. 58 Ka IT7Kou- brought forth a Son. to bear her; andshebroughtforth aon. And heard 68 And her NE'IGHBORS oaa ol 7repLoiKoi Kai olt avyyeveis avTris, 6r andRE I.ATivEshealrd'Tliat the neighbors and the kindred ofher, that the Lord had magnificd eueyaXusI KUvpIO TO ee os aTOVrov.LeT' auvr7s' his MEFtCY towards her; had magnifed alord the mercy of himself toward, her; and they rejoiced with lier. Ka t apo a. Ka yvo, 59 And, on tthe Elii n 'vvExaLpov av 5.. Kat f-ofT e, ' T Day,:t w len tlhey c;ame to uad theyrejoicedwith her. And it came to pass, i the circuncise the CHILI), they o'05or rjuepa 71AOov 7rpiLreT/Ai TO 7rai6ov' Kac were al)out to call hili eilhth day theycame tocircumcise the littlechild; and Zacharill, after the NAME *caAovv avro, e7r TcY ovof0iat Tov 7raTpos avcro, of his FArTHER; called it, after the name ofthe father ofhim, 60 bllt his MOTHER inZaxapia'. O Kai aaoKpl iO i aa?j /arTnp av7 ov terposing, said, "No'; but ALachario. And answerilg the mother ofhim + he shall be called John." *tILr' OvXi' aAXa KA07oroe6raTa IOwavV}is. 61 Kai 61 And they said toller, said; No: but he h all be called John. And "There is no one anlong elirov irpos avTr7Tv 'OV EUVeis Eoffty fE T7 thy BELATIVES, who is they said to her; That no one is among the called by this NAME." auvyyyrvea aou, 6s KaAftrat 791 ovoplaTI TOUTTY. 62 Then they nskcd his kindred ofthee, who is called to the name this. FATHEI, by Sigls, WIIAT 62 Efvevov 86 7T o wra7Tp avrov, 0T 71 av OEAot HE WISHED HIM TO BE They madeoigncthen t9 the father ofhim, the whathe would desire CALLED. icaAfteaia avrov. 63 Kai acrT7la-as 7rtiaKtitov 63 And requesting +a to be called him. And havintrequested a tablet, TABLET, le wrote, aying, cypaeA, Aecywv Iwa1vv71s 'rTT 70 OvO.0 av Trov. t"liis NAME IS John." he wrote, saying: John is the name ofh:m. And they all wondered, Ra c8av aaat ave.y wAoere X B 8E T 64 Afor Iis OUTl wnas And they wondered al Was opeed and the l rTro!a0 avrov 7rapaxpry.ta, cat 7 'yAwroa avro o instantly opened, and his mouth olhim immediately, and the tongue ofhim;,. s lI Kai eXaXet FvAoywo 70ov Oeo. 65 Kat e-yeto spoke, praising GOD. and he poke blessing the God. And came 65 And Fear came on 7ri raTvra0as ipo$os rovus 7repiowiovvTas avrous' ALL ' their NEIGIEHBOS. on atl a tear those dwelling around them; And All these TII GS W('rC Kai sv 6Ar 7Tt opEtft 7175 Iov0 aias eiaAseiro talked of through All the and in whole the hilty-country of th Judea talkedofthroughout t+MOUNTAINOUS COUNTLY 7ravTa 7ra rl7a7ra Trara. G6 Kai eforTo 7ra17re OfJUDEA. all the things these. And placed all 66 And All THOSE Ol a0ovaavrS 0 v 'rv Kapoia a0Trwv7, A~yovress HEARING, pondered theml those having heard in the hearts of themselves, saying; in their IIEARTS, saying, t 59. Not before that day, because the mother was unclean seven days, Lev.xii. 1, 2; and so was the child, by touching her, and therefore he was not then fit to be admitted into covenant. The law appoiutedno certain place in which circumcision was to be done, nor any certain person to perform it, and there fore it was sometimes done by women, Exod. iv. 25; and here in the house of Elizabeth, as appears by her presence atit, verse 00. The Jews did it sometimesin their schools, forthe sake of the number of the witnesses. Then also they namedthe infant; because, when GOD instituted circumcision, he changed the names of Abraham and Sarah.-Whitby. Among theTews; the child was named when itwas circumcised, and ordinarily the name of the father was given to the first-born son.-A. Clarke. t 63. A thin board, mnde out ofthe pine-tree, smeared over with wax, was used among the ancients, as a writing-tablet. t 9. Gen. xvii. 12; Lev. xi 3. ~ 00. ver. 13. S 03. vcr. 13. t 04. ver. 20. 06..ver. 9. M~ap. 1: 67] LU E.[6ap. I: 7ID. Ti pa s 7aL~ol/reuro ora; K XEP "What then willti What then the child this woill be? And hood c11111) be?1" * And thci 7 1 land of the Lord was wvith KVPLOV 77Y PIET a.7JTOV. h1 im. fl~ord wax with him. 67 And Zacliariahi, his 67 Kat ZaXaptas 6 7rTC77p a1rou E7rA77 T017 rATmEL, was filled wills And Zarhariao the father ofbirn wa 5llrd holy Spirit, andpropliesied, 7TeV.LTO &LO, m rpE~1TuoAC v*saying, osii fhl, ad polsrl 68 " Blessed 1)6 the a sprit ofhoy, nd rophsie, sying; Lord, the Gnu Of ISIRAFL, Ev~o-yrros impLos, 6 Neosr ov 1'pa-qX- 6'rI hecause lie has visited and Blessed Lotd, the God of the Isreloi for wrought Redemption for lreOKE4/caTO Keai Ciros7TEr AVTrpwoiv1 '19 Xace his IEOPLE; be has vivit*f and wrought redeomption to the people 69 and T has raised up 5) seasf a Honrn of Salvation for aUTrOV Ka i7-yeipe KepCas oWT77Lpas 7714/diV 1 l us, in the * House of D~aofbhimself, aod raisedoup ahorsa ofsalvation to us ina thevihsS-VAT ouce- AaVI5 TrOV 7rai&5v aibrov- 70 (sa~ws Exax'qre 70 (+ even as lie spoke house of Oavid the seract of himseif; (even as he spoke by the Mouth Of THOSE 5ia oo-rsoeaTos wees' a'-icciv, TrcW air' atos nOL~Y ones, his Prophets ibmroogh saouth ofthe holyones, ofihosefrfsia noage, ofthie Age;) 7rpo)-,rwv u~ru-)71 OCOT7pip e~EX~cov 71 a Saivation from nour irpcprrcs/ arou) 1 E e~pwv2//W", Enemies, and from the sfprophets nfhimaseli)~ aslvtioni fromt eOnemies of' u, Hand Of ALL who RATE. ictie Xepo raVs'rwv Tros PIuovs-rcau'W jyas- us; cnd erom hand sf ail those hating us: 72 to perform his Mercy 72. tq' E~o eaTW a~w, jwKiwithi our FAT11ERs; and to to performa mercy with the fathers ofun, and'r ebrhi holy Cv-,u~~jr07,vi BaO7K7Y -y abwU'ou, 73 bpjCo, Is nant; two71a1;a~spsIVyas73 the Oath which he is rememgber coesneact holy of binneif, ani oath, which swore to Abraham, our wj~oo-e wpor A,9paa/A TOP' 7ra-repa 4jgewV, 'rOt FATHERI, —! heswoire to Abraama the father ofu%, of the 74 to permit us, being aovs'as ~yjw, 74 apo~ows,, E Xcipos T(~ eXO,,$V rescued froni the Hand of to give to as, - withsout fea, frsom hand ofthe eaneies u NdIS ereeyt C 75 worship him, 71eWY fAvo-Oessras, Aampveuew au'rc~p Em' c6o0'rOTrs 75 by Holiness and of on havinag heen rescued, to worship him in hsiiaeas IRiflhteousness in, his sight, Kcai 5catoous'p. evPwrirov awrov, 7rac-aS Tas Alf ourD MAs and righteouoassa in presecre ofhim,, ail the 76 And tijsu, Child, CLpa jw 76 Krz v,~ ativ7p0PT7 Wilt he called a Prophet of 711.7PO. ~ liL~ i~Pha the M1ost High; for thou days of cs. And thoo, uitile thild, a prophet shalt go thef'ore this Lord ioo,7i~hp iroroeo yap irp *[irps. to prepare lils Ways; atohighest shaii be calurd; thoo shait go c or befsre [face] 77 tn imi art a Knowocuos]sepov oidoa ~ova 'os 77 TO ledge of Salation to his ofta lord, to prepare ways of hism, of the PEOPLE in the forgiveness 8ovvi ywo-i O-T71m TC~a~ avou, y a5E-of their Sins, Co giv-e ktowledee ofsaleation Co she peopie ofhiei, in forgive. i8 on account of the, 78 tender Conipassions of our Grel a/.ap-r~ws a1JTWY, 78 ia owkayXs'a eAfOvs God, by which he has neras of aioe oftihemn, onnecoontof Sender marries visited us5; a Day-dawn oese i7,7PcOV, Em' oIT fwericKE~iaTo jl~as cesecToA77 f~ fronm on high, tOfod ofu o b Sy which he hasnvisited us a rising froni 79 to Illuminate, THcI5E, 4OU, elriojam/al T101 CVP GICOTEL Kcai oscia SITTING in Darkness and to high, wn shine to those in darkness and shade Desth-shade; to DIRECT VATICAN MkNSoCRtPT.-0lh. For also the Rand. 09. the Honses of David. 70. face t63. A hoen in Scripture is frequently a symbol ofpoweer or principality, and hence this tiXprension wiil signify, a mighty Sarior, or P'rince of Salvation. xViii. 4; xxii. 10, 17; Heb. vi. 13, 17. z 70. lsa&.XI.; Mal. iii. i; iv. si Hdatt. xi. l0; ver. 17. 6,`tap. I ~ 80.3 LUK~E. [67ap. 2: 7. Oava~rOV KtOt71,tEV'OLS, 70O) Ka7evOOvv1a TOVS 7r08rt our FEET into the Way of f death sittu,1, of the to 'Coide tile feet PuatC." ff1'UV, El$ 0680Y EIp771'77s. 80To EC 7rat8101' 77tJ~ave, 81) Now the criILD grew, ofs n oawy ofpcoec. Thle nwlittle chill grew, ant acoc 0srnho icat elcparaLDV7'O 1rvc-uTv7 Kai 77v El Trais epqh alnd aqind herwas in the sod becarenong inepori; andswa in s e ds Nid;adlcNi I the o yois Ewsjjir-pa av~iFLFcv awru 7pOS IOO iddii appcarance to iset, till day ofmanoifestatiou of bis to thle A. Io0paaq~k.RAL Israei. CHIAPTERt 11. KE.~.2. 1 Now it occurred ii, 1E-yev~c-re be eS' Tats 77/oepais ceiCLais, 'E~77XOE th1ose DAYS, that an Edlict itcaune0-0h5wak.ti te days those, scait fortb %%ciit forth fj ill Cesir 6SyTga rava 1Katcapos Avuyovaoov, a~roypaoEpe- Augusotu to Wister All a htecree t'oo Cella' Augustdi., t ur cis trr the 7 iABiiTALtiE. ORi 7araape 7771', o~l~i/Lvjct,77. (A5r177 OfOcrj 2 ( I'l is S 5w,1S thie fI rot tOL the bohaitabie. (This the regist, y Reist.icy of Quirinus, Gov7r,0CT~q fyE1'eTO 'fiyEALLOVvO1VT0S T771S YV/iiR ertor Of SYRIA.) first wsossode beine guoveoo oftile Sy,~i Kvp77vtov.) 3 Kai eTopevowro7r av-res a7ro-ypa- 3 Andl they all went to Ccreo'os.i.And tiieywent all ~, to Ilhe regristered, eich into his ~e~a, laOT0 ES775't~a' r0hl' ~A4~ OWN City. registered, eoch itito the his owto city. We'lit,,, 4 And Josepht also went SeKat Iwovrq a'ro T77s r'aIAtEias, Elf 7OocvsS npfroii GALiIIsF, Outt Of aud also, Josqjn rote the Galiiiee, out of city I lie City of Niazarith, into 14acapOIT, Cis T775' lovta8tlt1, csI r1oAiI/ &aUt, JUOEDA,iiitO thle TCity Of Naxuireih, lotint the loiudea. lnot a city fOrtoid, j)Ia-id, sshlich is eaihil 77rIT,aAfi-rat B77OAkEEJt, (6ia ~ro ~et'at a1Toi/ Cs l~etlilehicnl, (4iera-uso lie wi..is cailed Betheieno. (hecauoethe to be himo of Nwas of the Itouse and fk1lfO1 Kat wTrpias actut8,) a~ro-ypa~a-Oat, ow Family of Dlavid,) hoose and foaoily ot~avid,~ to he registiered with 5 to lie registered with M-apsa/.e Tr?1/t/VWE)EV R1)Tf *[,ydsta1K,] Mrti ITOOE) Moc~y the having b ene opol ed to hboo Loawife,) heing pregnant. ots~ c~cue~. Eyeero~e E' 7) E~aLCCLTOIS 6And it cayne to pass beiog wsithichihld It happencedbht io the to he theio hileMI they WERE there, elf EL, EWTA~j0O7700Oa' at 7lI/tepal TOtS TEKEty VT V.U DliAYS oflher DELIVERY there wercefufoilied the days of the to beor her. weeac plsid 7 Kai ET E K C 01 T OGV Ctoy T77STO01 7rpCTsrOr0KOV, wr copihd 'Aodohbehooglotforth tue son of her the first-boro, 7 $And she broughit Kai ea-7ap-yavwoe1' au-rOY, Eai alVE-KNIV'E1 aVO forth her FIRST-BORN SON, and swothed hims, iaod olad himo and swathed biiti, atid uhi1 ES 7 t.7'7 81071 oulf 771' aVTOIS 'loNGS El' T19) timt ini *ta Manger; lie. to tle otoogee; becoose sot waso -to themo o place to the cause-there was sio Place Ka-aua7aX ter. for thent in the GUESTgoest-choamber. CIIA31It YU1. VATICAN M,5e-2. This was the first Rtegistry. 5. Wife —amit. 7. a Maniger. t 1. Oikousmeoee literally moons the inohabited earth, and is applied in this place, by some lecent translators, to the Rtoman Empire. 'Bat asnon historijon mentions agenero censos at this time, the meaning ofthe word most be restrieted to the oand of Judea, where this enrollment task place.. Oikoumesee is used by, Lukein chap. xxi. 211, and A~cts xi. 28, anid app idisti rsre~dsnse. t 7. Wetsein has shown from a multitude ofinstanees, tha pbese mens atoerely th'eviager, but the-wholeofable. The roomforguests beIng alradyfal JoephandMary retired to a morelcomely receptacle, called a eostblsos, the midleofw~lchafsredroom far cttle,and the sides aoeommsdation forpersons. IRwas not propely a stable, but was formed fsr the convenient lodging of both men and cattle. Biso? eare, oweerhas a note on tbls 'verse which 1s worthy of consideration. He says Upn th whle~t seems to me probable, tAat Mary was deliveredin aguest-chamier, or ldgig~rsm, wheherIt were insa public house, or that of some friceid, Is not saidjh in sam chmbr o ahoueandnot of astablot aad that then, forwantofabed in thatpueotchamber, wh-erein to lay her Soni Josos, she mode use of one of the Fasterns mangers, noade of coarse cloth, andfastened like our seamen's hammockos, to some part of the chamber where she was; and t erlaid him, s'having no other plecefor him. This afforded a circumstance hy which the shepherdsowere directed to find him out, and distinguish this holy babe frovs all others. See verses 12, 1.11" 27. Acts v. 87. 1 4. 1 8am. xvi. 1, 4; John vii. 42. $4. )[att. 1. 111 Luke I..2.~ 5, Matt. i. 18; Luke i. 17. t 7. Mat,. 1. 25. Cap. 2: 8.1. LUKE. 8Kat rotfEives;oaa ev r e 7 X, wpa.7 a'rt And shepherds were in the country the this acypayAovvu7es, Kat >vAaoao'ovTres vuAaKas Tr7s abiding in the fields, and keeping watches of the vUKcTOrS rt T7rrlv rotijvrlv avrC y. 9 Kai *[8tov,] might over t ie flock of them. And [1o,] a'yyeXos Kvplov e7reaoT? avroLs, Kait soa Kvptov amessenger of a lord stoodnear to them, and glory of a lord 7repiLAactp. avrouvs Kat efpoBrOr7oav (pooBov sione round them; and they feared a fear pjuyap. 10 Kat el7Y O re vo avro yyEos' M great. And said toth the te messenger; Not fpoSe(rOe' Biov yap, Eva'y'yeAzio/la bfitv xapav fear you; lo.for, I bring glad tidings to you njoy A~TyaX7v7, 1'tis fca~rta 7ravrT Tep Aay l rTI great, which shall be to all the people: that TXrex67 vr/Utv artlaepov 'wTr) p, bs cfart Xpto-ros was born to you to-day a savior, who is anointed KvptLOS, cp 7roAsE Aauvi. 12 Kat 'roUro VutLv To Lord, in city of David. And this to you the arlpefovh Ep7la7rre f3peq)os Earrapyavw.evov sign; You shall find a babe having been swathed K9i/ievov ev 4)aTyrv7. 13 Kat e]aipv-qs e-yevero lying in a manger. And suddenly was r'vv 7r C a'yyA TrA70os r0rpaTtas ovpavlov, with the messenger a multitude of host ofheaven, alvovv7rwv ovy Oeov, Rat k yoVCwv' 14 tc" Aoa praising the God, and saying; " Glory fy v b Jr'7ros Oey1, cati e9ri y-7s elprv77r' ev avOpwinhighestheavetnstoGod, and on earth peace; among men 7roiS UevoKtca." good will." 15 Kat Et'yfero, &s aOt7rl)0ov ar' avTrwv eIS TOp Anditcame to pass, when went from them into the ovpavov ot ayyeAoi, Kai ol avOpcwrot, ol 7rot/.9 -heaven the messengers, and the men, the shepres, eirov 7rpos aAAk7Aovs' AIeAOWtifEv o' Cws herds, said to one another; We should go now to rtl870AeU, Kaci tOwuLev 'T0 o /sa rTOUTo 7O yeyoos, Bethleem, and see the thing this the avingbeen done, 6 O Kvptos Eyvwpla'ev t/1tv. 16 Kai 71AOov which the Lord has made known to Ms. And they came a7reuo'avPreT Kai avEvpov T77rY 7 Mapta/L KQat 0r having made haste, and they found the both Mary and' the Iwaro ), Kal TO &pF)os Ket/ivov ev TrY (arvi7. Joseph, and the babe lying in the.manger. 17 l0ovTfs 6f, 8,Lyvwpo0av *[7rtEp] T70v 7Pa70sTO Having seen and, they published [around] the declaration T7o AA7lE'9fvros avrTOS rfept 7TU n'aitov TroroV. that having been told to them eoncerning the little child this. 18l Kat ravres ol aKuot'avres eOaviarav 7rEpt And all theoe having heard wondered sabout T7o AaAr77evTwCv 1)Wo Trw T1'OIlfCiwV lrpos aVTOUs. thoee having been told by the shepherds to them. 19'H Oe Mapitas ravra avvfErrlp1t a Prsfara The but Mary all kept thle words *[tav7s,] auvuarAA\ovuaa Ev 7e r Keaprta aUT71s. [tlhese,l pondering in the heart of herself. [,tap. 2: 19. 8 And there were Shepherds in TIHAT COUNTRY, residing in the fields, and keeping over their FLOCK the Watches of the NIGIT.. 9 And an Angel of the Lord stood by them, and the Glory of the Lord shone round them; and they were greatly afraid. 10 And tie ANGEL said to thenl, "'ear not; for behold, I bring you glad tidings, twhich will be a great Joy to All the PEOPLE; 11 t because To-day was born for you, in David's City, a Savior, who is the Lord Messiah. 12 And this will be a Sign to you; you will find a Babe swathed, lying in a Manger." 13 And suddenly there was with the ANGEL a Multitude of the heavenly Iost, praising GOD, and saying, 4 "Glory to Godin the highest heavens, on Earth Peace, and among Men Good will." 15 Now it occurred, whelp tile ANGELS departed firomi them to HEAVEN, the ME;N, tile SH[EPHIERDS, said to one another, "Let us go now to Bethlehem, and sec this TI1NG which has transpired, which the LORD has made known to us." 16 And they came in haste, and found both MARY and JOSEPH, and the lIABE lying in the MANGER. 17 And having seen it, they published TIAT DECLARATION which had been SPOKEN to thenm about this CHILD. 18 And All TROS RHAYING HEARD, wondered at the THINGS RFLATED to them by tile SHEPHIERDS. 19 But MARY kept All these words, pondering them in her HEART.,... * VATICAN MAs scarPT.-. o-mI. o- t 2. Sign. 7. arouiud-omit, r1, these t 10, Gen, ii.; Psa, lxxiiL 17; Jer. lv. 2. "' 11. Isa.t.O.. Chap. 2: 20.] LUKE. 20 Kai v7reaTpEfav of iroIT evEs BotaCovres Kca And returned the shepherds glorifying aild atiOUvTES TOv OEOV fert T7raa-v ohs 77KOvCTra Kai praising the God for all which they had heard and.El8ov, KaOwS EaA70rlOr 7rpos avrovs. seen, even as it had been told to them. 21 Kat 6TE erA'ror07o'ay r7,Aepat OKTr TO7V And when were fulfilled days eight of the 7rfplTreLfE aUTOY, Kai fKA770 70o ovofaa avrov to circuntcise him, and he was Eailed the name of him I-qrovs, TO tCA77OEV VbO rTo ayyeAov 7rp TOU Jesus, that Leingc:tlled by the messenger before ofthe avAA7riqe6rvaL av-rov fV T7r KotALa. was oonceived him in the womb. 22Kat 6'T e7rA7Ir07orav av t ilEcpa 'ro TOV KaOapirrAnd when werefullilled the days ofthe purifica/Aov auvt V, KaTra Tov voFLo MwcAews, av)7ya"Yov tion ofthem,according to the law ofMoses, they brought avToV efs IepoaooAvfa, TrapaTrT)arat 7ap IRvpt, him to Jerusnlem, to present to the Lord, 23 (KcaOws yyfeypatr'Tart f voi KuptOV ' "* 'Ol n (ns it is written in law of Lord; That way aptrev 8tavot/yov I.7trpav, a&tov Tr KtVCpIT every male opening a womb, holy to the Lord K^rcA r)r7ffTat') 24Kat 7Tov ovvat Outvrav, KCa'a slall be called,;") and of the to offer a sacriflce,accordingto TO eIp71Epvo v ev voPUC Kvptov' " ZeVyOS 7puTyothat having beensaid in law of Lord; " A pai of turtle vwv, 77 ouo vEOoacrovs 7TrepirTfpv.' doves, or two young pigeons." 2 Kais iov, 77t avOpworos EV 'IepouvraA,77/, 'q And lo, was a man in Jerusalem,. to whom ovoia ', iewov' Kai 6 avOpw'ros oir'os ircatos a name ofSileon; and the man this just Kat feval37rs, wrpo efXO/lAeVOS rapaKAc77rftv TOv and pious, waiting for consolation of the Io'pa77A. Kat 7rvfvua 7)v a'yov eT' aurovy 6Ka Israel. And aspirit wns holy upon himn; and 771 aV'T KeXp71uat'Tfir voMv v7bro 7To wvevLaTos it w. to him laving been informed by' the spirit T70 ayTiov, u. eMv Oava7rov, 7rpiv 77 68) of the holy, not to see death, before he hould see TOY XpIaTrov KIPIOV. '7 1Kat 7)a Ov EV 'Tfp 7 V'the anointed ofLord. And he cane by the spirit a'Tr EIS 'To Lepov' Ka fv rw T aeayayefi ' Tous into the temnple; and in the to bring the *yoPEts TO 7ratlio v I70ouv, TOVU roLr)7rat avrovs parents the little child Jesus, of the to do them KarTa 70 EtLoLT.9 Atvov 7TO VOljou WTfpt according to tlhat hxving been instituted of the law concerning aUTov' I Icai auTro cseEaTO aurto fIS ras aCyKah)io; also lie took it into the arms Aas a6rov, cKai fvoy7a'e Trov OMfov, Kai e7erf of himself, and blessed the God, and naid; * VATICAN MAN1JSCRIPT.-22. Days of her Purification. [Clap. 2: 28. 20 And the SHEPHERDS returned, glorifying and praising GOD for all which they had heard and seen, even as it had been declared to them. 21 tAnd when eight Days were ended, the [tilme to CIRCUMCISE him, his NAME was called Jesus, THAT NAME given ]im by the ANGEL before his CONCEPTION. 22 lAnd when ttlic * Days of her Purification were completed. according to the LAW of Moses, they carried him up to Jerusalemn, to present him to the LORD;23 (even as it is written in the Law of the Lord, that t" Every Male, being a first-born, shall be called holy to the Lord;") 24 and to OFFER a Sacrifice, according to what is enjoined in *the LAW of the Lord, — t "A Pair of Turtle-doves, or Two Young Pigeons." 25 And beliold, tllcre was a Man in Jerulslen, whose Name was Silmeon; and he was a righteous and pious MAN, expectig the Consolation of ISILAEL; andt the holy Spirit was on him. 26 And he was divinely informed by the HolY SPIRIT, that lie would not die, till lie should see the Lord's MESSIAH. 27 And lie came by the SPIRIT into the TEMPl.E; and whlen the PARENTS BROUGtT iN the CHIti. Jesus, to Do according to the CUsTOM of the LAW concerning him, 28 j)e also took him in his ARM s, and praised GOD, and said, 24. the LAW of. t 22. That is, thirty-three days after what was termed the seven days of her uncleanness -fortv days in all; the time appointed by thelaw, after the birth of a male child. See Lev. xii. 2, 0. t 24. OneTor a burnt-offering, and the otherfor a sin-offering; See lev. xil. 8. These were the offerings of the poorer Jewish mothers. t 27. To present him to the Lord, and then redeem him by payingJve shekels, Num. xviii. 15,16. t 21, Luke i. 5. t 21. Matt. i. 25; Luke i. 81. 22. Lev. xii. 2 —C, t 23. Exod. UI.; x xii, 29; xxxiv. 19; Num. il. 18; viii. 17; Xvili. 15, t1 24. Lev. fii, M~ar. 2: CO.] LIUKE. [Maip. 2: 40. Nvs airo~veiTe TOP' 8ov~ov orou, 51EOTroTa, 29 "Now, (4 sovereign Now dost thso lismiss the Pervsan oftice, 0 soereign, Lord, di smiss t hy S ERVAN2,T K2Ta To A77/ea a-ov, Ctv Ep?771 30 MT ~O 1 Tiridinga to thy WORD, inl acrigto the woed ofthee, in peae;, for hav seenth e Peace; O-p~aA/AOt /10V TO OsJW7lp7PLO O-OU,? 6 ITO I/eA- 30 hecansemyEv~shave eyes of one the slvation ofthee, which thou htot Seen thly SALVATION-, 0-aS ICaTa 7Tp0O`W OV WaVTWV TW5J AawI" 82 (pWS 31 whichithouhaest made reard befoeo face of all the peopl; alight ready in the Presence of eis ruroicaNevts ceyvr', EaL So~rav Aaou (Or All thre PEOPLE; fi rvlaion ouf nstions tont aliiey ofpeopleofthee 32 +a lighit of Nations IOsP27,7A -3I Kai 77Z' 6 7raT?7p au-,ou Kai 771 /A?T7l7P fo nihenet n Iusrae. Anou asth fat 005r ofhimo anut the esin for nLIgtneada Oac~e ~1'TS E7L TtS HAOJ/.eVOL T~t ~tO Glory of thy People Israel." wondering att those bei-1g spoken aobeut ti,. 33 And bigl FATHER and 3at Kai EUAo-y-q10CP atJrovs -'Zutcewv, Eai etire wpos itOTrlER were wondlering hnd blessed thems Siumeon, and teid to itth Iu ORD~s SPOKEN ConMapiaau T77v /.ei'Tepa awrou- I80ou, OIETCS KCetTat ezriiing hini. Mtlu-y the toother of hiui; Lo, this is plaetud 34 And Simeon blessed EitC tTwotv scat avaoTTao%,v trOXA 55 T9) themn, and said to Mary hlis for afalt ond rising of many it the MOTHER, tirliold, this I(Tpat-7, Kai Eis o-quL~~oS' aVTLA4EyOL4EVQV' 35 (net, child is desthind for the Isal udt for a ign beinggspoehe aguinst; i, Fail and Rtising of many o-OU 6E allT77E T-OP5 4IVX-lJ 8tcEASIIoCTrZL fAo/e(Pata-) in ISRAEL; atud for la fthiceandofthy..elf the sout shalipierceethrogh tsvorcd;) MNark of contradiction;6-irc-is ay' es-o~aXWn0O`o'V CE ToXAcoto XapatWY 35 (and indeed, a Sword a')tht say bs discloes of mansy tieart* will pier-ce thUnlglt the 8ia~o-yo-/-oi.SOUL of [lure Thyself.) that reasoningso. the Reasonings of Mlany 33 Kat?t' Avta irporp77lrts, Ov-yarvP 4easeousjA, Hi rts may he disclosed. And hootna eprop~eice.s, a dauughte.r of Phanuel, 36 There was also a Ex OuX-tqs Aurajp- abT7 r p~Oj~e0?7Kui CC lJ/jACpats Prophetess, Antid, 1)u,unhof tribte of Asee; she havioxg heeoadvanced in days hcr of iluanucl, of the tribe?toA~aIs, C37aRaTa CT71 /AIETa at'3posg brw airO f Ashier; sije wtus far ad. mtany, having liuedu yeaes woiih a hiusbauod seven feet 'aneed in Age,loaving livrd Ti)? irapdEvtrs ab-l-,7S Keai auT7 — xvpa 61. To'with * a Husbsand sevetn the virginity oft heself; ealeus she tewidowbotheysears Years fuomlter VtIxosINITvY; O-y5O77IKOCvTa reotcapcov, 3) OVE afpttTTaTo asarot T~ 3 sje was also a Widow I eighty foer, who not witiudrew freem the *abottt eighty-Statr Years, tepou. Y?7trTetatS Eat 8EC7pTCOL XaTpvosUca t'VKTQ Who de-parted not front the teumple, faotilign ad prayers servei g sight TE;MPLE, hot serving God teat?'ILpase. 3 Eat ali?) CU I Tv 6pq~ C"tO` INight and D)ay with sed day. Aout siet, this the hose teed- Fatns ndPaes TaZOai, aVoo0csttO.\yf-tT0 Tfy Kcvpte, Kat eAaket we~pt 3~ isghby, ecknoeledgedt the Lord, aned s1,oke abott.8 Ad she stanidings by at THtAT ver-y lime, praie auTou Twait TOtE 7tpOObCEXO/dCJ/OtS AvTpwsrtt' o'E *GOD, and spk olIitett hitm to clt these teohing fer redeseptioe it pk 1It 'leovaaA7,u.All TtHOSE EXPECTINO J epousal~em. T Deliver anceein J erusalcis. 3t Kat we s e-TCco-aso Aay-ra a 'Ta sca'r roll 31 And wlten they htad And whens they finisheut sit the things aeeording to the finialted all things accordCs/LOP EtUPtOU, UbrEfTTpf54aVl CStE Tiot r"tALActat', ttigto th.LA AYof tue Lord, tow of Lerd, theyrcetuunedst tnto ths Galilee, 1.1hey retrs IT111 to GCeA scLEi,, CIS T77V si-o~ts aliTatv, Nca'apeT. 4OTo Be wat~ios'ttttonpt~zrtt ito tshe city oftiseoselees, Nazaceth. The aed little child 40 ~And the CHTILDS 71J~as'e, Eat CrEparTLouTr *[7rvsuvja-r,] siA\pot- grew, and beesnie strong.!,, gew, ted was ttreogtheeed rin spirit,) titieg hued withs Wisdom, and Aedvoy aosPtas' Kat Xapts Nov 7v sir' aulTO. t he Favor of God was on fitled with wisidom; tand favoe sfGod was on it. hint. VAICsAN MVAN1111CRaTe.-38 A M555AND. 87. till eighty-fouar. 8,Gts. antI spoke. 40. In Spirit —omit. 82 S. Isa. x111 6. xlix. 0. Ix. I t Acis xfl. 47; xxviii. 28. 1:34. Isa. Viii. 14; Met*. XX&.44 Rtom.ixz. H; t CorAi. 23, 241 nIet ii. 7,8 5 184. 11-eb. xi i. 3. 11.7. Acts XzVi. 7 t I Tim. v. 5. - 8 Loi e xriv., 2t.' 4t0. Luke i. go; vee. 52. Cfap. 2: 41.3 LUKE. [Ca. 2: 51. 41 Kai GropevoYrTO l 'yoveis avr7ev taT) e'ro eis 4l And his PAlENTS And went the parents of him every year to went yearly to Jerusalem Ispovaa L rf eoprp 'roU Iwaaxa. to the + YEAST of the PASSJerusaloe ofthe feast ofthe passover. OYER. Q4;:Kat 6 40 And when lie was 4Kat 6reE EVE'r5O e'V 5t86eca, avafavr twelve Years old tthey And when hewas years twelve, having gone up twlve ars ol, Carcey *js~ ''Iepovaohvya] ca4ra 'o e0OS yS went up according to the ar-rUw *[!Es I-epoaoAv1Aa] cataa To EOos 'roT rS of then Lto Jerualemn] accordingtothe custom oftheCUSTOM o4 the h EAST. C * 43 7*, 43 And having t comOp T77S t rKa TeLravTv Tas p.epas, e pleted the DAYS, on their feast; and. havingended the days, in RETUN, JCSsthecOUTI, wry vr'oo'Trpeqfeil avrovs, VrcELEvev Ios 6 remained in Jerusalem. the to return them, remained Jesus theAnd *i PAENT knew 7ras ev 'IepovaraaX77' Kai OVK E'yv Iwaor)i Ka it not. boy in Jerulslemo and net knew Joseph ad supposing him f X7r AU 44 Nou E 44 And supposing him rtlp aToUm. NoiravTes E auro Ev to he in the COMPANY, they the mother ofiimn. Having supposed and him in cntaDay'sJourney; and Tp a0-Uo8sia ivai, 7AOov viepas 68olv, Kat they sought him, among the company to be, they went of a day a journey, ter LATIVS an d - their RELATIVES and AC(EVe TOUV aTvrov Er 'TOtS fUvyTEffEi Kait TOts QUAINTANCES. they sought him among the kinsmen and the 45 But not finding him -'yvwarois. 4 Kai u77l Evpovres, VrefTaTrpeav they returned to Jerusaacquaintances. And not finding, they returned lem, seeking him. eis 'lfpovo'a\X71, rTOUVTES avroy. 46 Kai 46 And it happened, to Jerusalem, seeking him. And after tree ays they feyevEro,,fteO' plEpas TpfEtS EpOV auvov EV rT found him in the TFMPLE, it happened, after days three they found him in theitting in the Midst of iep a KaOEofLevov ev peo-Y rwV oitO'acKaAcwv, the TEACIERS, both heartemple sitting in middle ofthe teachers, ing tem, and asking them Kat aKovovtra auTrwv, Kal fErepwTr 'Ta aVTovs. questions. and hlearing of them, and asking them. 47 And ALL were as47 ElrTasv7ro Oe VravPrs *[o0 aKOvovTfs avrov,] tonished at his INTELLIWere amazed and all - [those hearing him,] GENCE and REPLIES. E7rt Tr) aO-vveOEI Kat ras afroKptOieao' aVrov. 48 And seeing him, they upon the tnderstanding and the ' answe h. were aazed; nd hims o4 Kat SOreES oavrov, feferAay7Tav Kcat 7irpos T]ERa said to him, "Child, And seeing him,. theywere amazed; and to 'why hast thou done thus aUrov t7 MtL'r)p aUrouV eTre' TeKVor, Tr eCroi)- to us? behold thy FATIEt him the mother ofhim said; Ochild, why hastthou and I *seek theesorrowvas 771V OUTlws; IOtSo, & rar7?p ffOU Kayw ing." done tou. thus? lo, the father of thee ani I 49 And le said to them, OvUv fMElVot E.7)TOVJIEfV Ge. 9 Kat e9le Trpos "Why did you seek me? beingin distress bavec ought thee. And he said to Did you not know that I Lavous' Ti 6br feS7 Eie EE; OVK p7t're, llmut b)e in ttlhe [COaTS] themt; Why for didyouueek meP not know you, f ny 1ATIIER? 'rT EV TOlS TOW 7raTpos pou BeI ElVaii lE; '0 KaE,t'( e: 70"^ 7W na^rp r 'i^ 5" 50 And tljrE_ did not that in the otthe father of me milst to be me? And 50 Ad tl)rg did not Cl.uTo o ) OV lv'77aS TSo A7ga, 6 EaAXq1oElv avToIs. understand the wool) which lie spoke to them. they not understood the word, which he spoke to them. i1 Kat KaTerr Ue'Tr' auvrwv, Kattt iAOev eis Naga- 61 And lie went down And he went down with them, and came into Nata- witl tlenl, and came to pE'- KaiC 71tv v7TroTaa-a-oeos avrois. Kdi N Nazaretll, and was subject reth; and was being subject to themn. And the tothem. And Ill MOTIHER VATTCAn MAnSVcaI1PT.-42. to Jerusalem-onit. 43. his rABesTs knew, 47. those.bearing him-omlt, 48, seek thee, t 42, All the males were required to attend at the three festivals at Jerusalem; and fenales, though not commanded, yet used often to attend, especially at the Passover. Children were excused, but the Rabbinical writers say, that th above. obligation was thought binding at twelve years of age, t 43. That fs, been there eight days, of which the feast of the l'assover was one, and the rest were the seven days of unleavened bread. 40. 'ihey sat on benches in a half circle; and theircholars artitheir feet, Acts xxii... t' 49. Tn the courts or house of my Father, is now generally admitted as correct, Asimilar ellipsis occurs in Mark v, 85, and Acts xvi, 40, ':.. $ 41, Exod, xxiiL 15 17; xxxt. 23; Deut. ixl, 1. 10.: Chta~p. 2: 5 2.3 LIUKE. [MaP. 3: 7.,t-r)T77p au-rv &tETIOpeL w7at'Ta Ta ~-quwaRT TaVTa kept All * these THINGS in tother oflcio treasored all the words these her HEART. CE Ti? p0~ia a5T71S. 62 Kats I71TrOtS 7rp-60EE7rTf 52 tAnd Jesus advanced in thle tceot of hecself. And Jesu abvanted *in i Wisi)ox, anti in Manuoo~te, Kai 7AtkIKta, Eai- XapLTL ~rapit OtqE' Kcai liness, and in Favor with tic 6lon, anod in vigor, and intfavor with God aod God and Men. fJ ~CIAPTERI 11T. REd4'. y'. 1 Now in tite fifteenth Ese i-SIYear of tIte GOVERNMENT EVEC15 E 71TeEatl5eE~aTrf0 T-os'?'j7y/.o,,as of Tiberitts Cesar, l'ontius toi yeor scow fifteenth Iof the govecoscent Pilate being Governor of TtfepLOv KatoCnpoS, I17YE/0VCPEVOTos n'oPT-iou n, JUISEA, tind lierod teotfil erias Cesarc being governor Pootios Pi- trarch of GALILE~E, and AD-i-oi T-775' Iovu tas, Kai TETpapXoUvi-os Ti7JC1 -hl-p hIs - OTOIER teat.e of tile J-des, and heing tetrarch ofthe trteehof8 IITRA tt h 1' AtAatas' 'Hpeeov, tltAirirov 6E 'ron a~eXtPov PrIovince of I'roeltonitis, Galilee lierod, Philip ood the hrother tnd Lysanias, the tetrarels atTriOV 7ETpopXovv-ros TJ7s lrotpalag Kat TpaXw- of AB itAeRE, of hot heiog tetrarclo of thle lttoio6 ood Trachcc- 2 ++I'n tite * lligh-priestPT'trt0o Xwpas, Kai Auo-aseou 'T~js A,8kLA?73) lined of I Annas, and Cati11iti regin, ood Lysotica of the Ahileoc aphss, a Comatnad front T-rTpapXollPoS 2etr ap~tspEws Avva KaL K(ai- God canto to John, the being tetrrceh, under high prieots Aonas and Coi- SON Of Zachariali, in the VX -jca, E y E V L'ro jiApa d'EOU Ciii I Wa "71Vib, TOP DESERT. tttt,.Lesitew r of~od to Joht, the 3 j~n he went into All Z2aaptOU VItov, ci' 'i- Ep7t. 3 Kat 'eAOe' ets the atijarent *Csmuntry of ofZacalciaria aon, in the deseet. And lieawent into tlteJORDA N, putliShirgsxran u(ATUVR TI'Y 7iEPIXWPOV TOi lIopkvoi'o, KC3PU(iC-aTV liteetersion ot Rtefornmation -,ItI h ccct ho h J ordas preaching Tfor Forgiveness of Sins,. j0atrrT1rT4C /eCrT'votase ts arPEotv ay~aprtmv, wS 4 As it is written in the ~ig otccreocrc-tico itoo ftoitgieness oftcec; as Book of tite Wtords of -y cip'ratE jt3A9,y Acw'ywz 'Horatou o'i-o 7rp- tsaiah,tlieriIoPHET; J."A it it w.ci tcte it bookcc ofwotda ofEsaioa the pee- "V1oice proclittintig in thp v] Ea, rt 77jLAv Kcai with a;oice loud, [saying; Ab, what to us and aoo, Ira/rov Nabaprve'; 7rAfes acroXeaat ipas' tothee Jesus ONazarene? comestthou todestroy us; oSa se 'rs el, 6 ayiLs 0TV Oeou. 35 Ka I know thee who thouart, the holy the God. And Ef7rETterLfa' auTre b I7lo-ovs, Ae-ycv' i4tlU0wrt, rebuked him the Jesus, saying; Be silent, Kait ff~AOe e avsrov. Kait tavu avTrov To and come out of him. And havingthrown him the ibaJL.ovLov ElS fLefov, EtAe0EV aCr' aVuTo, iASeov demon into midst, came out of him, nothing B3Aa.av avrov 36 Kat fEyeveT fau,3os e7rt hurting him; And came amazement on rav'ras' Kca arvveAaAovu 7rpos aAArlAovs, Aeyovall, and talked to one another, sayreS' Tis 6 Xoyos ovTos, 6r tE fEtOVtlq Kat ing: Whath the word this, for with authority and 8uvaufEL fErTiaaoa'at rols aKaOaproIs 7rvefvtuaOl, power he commands the unclean spirits, eal cEpXovTra; -37Kat fcesropeveT'o 70Xo 7repi and they come out? And went forth areportconcerniog avUou eSr 7ravra TOTroV T'5s SreptXWpov. him into every place of the country around. 33 Avaa'ras Be CK T77S ruvayw-yS), elao'7\A v Having risen upandout of the synagogue, he entered Els T'r7' otKtav Ztliwvos' wevOepa 8e Trov eYt.fwvos into the house of imon: mother-in-lawand ofthe Simon 17v a'uvVxof.LEv7f petp /Aey afaA KcaLt lpwcT7lrav was seized withafever great: and they asked avotroP epl aUeT7S. 39 Kat, frtTrras eravw him about her. And standing above avruT71, EVre7t1a70e rFPy 7peTq) teat aqf'lKev her, herebuked the fever: and itleft avu'rTv. lnapaxpr fuca Se avaoTraaa 8OtlKOvet her. Forthwiith Md rting up she served avrTOLs them. 40 Auvovros Se roU jAtou, ratres 6oaot etXOY Setting and ofthe sun, all aa many as had aTrOevovvTas voforLs 7roiKLAatLS, S yayo au'rouv being aJlicted with direaeo various, brought. them 7rpos auvTrou' 6 b e vt lcao7rt avrwY ras to him: he and oae by oneseparately ofthem the Xetpas eTL'Oets, eeparevo'fv avrous. 4L E phand. having placed, he healed them. Came Xero Be Kat &at/Fovla aCro roAAwvW, Kcpacovra out and also deluons from mnany, cryiAg out KaL XAeyoVTaO 'OT' wv I4 6 ulos 'rou Oeov. KaO and saying: That thou art the son of the God. And Ef'tfL.wv OVUK e(a - av7a aXAEIv, 6Tt 7 8etfav rebuking cot hepermittedthem to ay, that they knew 'ro Xptrros atVroU cEtYvat. the Anointed him to be. having a Spirit of an tinmpure Demon; and lie exclaimed with a loud Voice, 34 "Ah! what hast thou to do with us, Jesus Nazarelne? Comest thou to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; $ the HOLY ONE of GOD." 35 And JESUS rebuked him, saying, " Be silent, and conic out of him." And the DEMON having throw n him itto the Midst, departed fron him, without hurting Ilim. 36 And amazement came on all, and they spoke to one another, "What WORD is this! F'or with Authority and Power he conmmands the rIMPURE Spirits, and they come out." 37 And a Report concerning himn went fortth into Every Part of the SUBRROUNDING COUNTRY. 38 $ And rising up out of tile SYNAGOGUE, he entered tihe ItOUSE of Simon. And SIMON'S Mother-in-law was confined -with a violent Fever; and they asked him concerning her. 39 And standing over her, he rebuked the FEVER, and it left her; and instantly rising up, she served them. 40 $ Now as the SUN was setting, all who had any sick with various Diseases, )brought them to bhinl; and IIE, placing his HANDS on each one of them, cured thenl. 41 And Demons also departed from nlany, crying out and saying, "Zfou artthe soN of GOD.' And rebuking them, he pernlitted thenm not to say 'hat they knew him to be the 0MESSIA1H. - --- --. t S3. As iemosswasused both in a good and bad sense before and nfter the time of the evangelists, the wovrd nelean mnay. have been added here by Ltike merely to express the quality of ttsi s8prit. B it it is worthy ot remark, that ths inspired writera never use the word dgts in.a geood suase, —Ckare./ 1 84. Psaat. xvi. 10; Dan. ix 24. 8. Mat, Viii. 14 Mark i. 29. 40. Matt. ii 1.; Mark i. 82.. Maop. 4: 42.) I LU K1El [Ciqp.a 7. 42 repas, e~~c X~cvv erope-v~ 07 t 42 And Dayhiavingeome, Binejg t(.e ad day, comiing out he went int hie retired -to a 1)esert f 'cU0 07rOVp mat 01 OXAOL E7rEc7Trmv aV-TOV, Place; and the citown~s odeiert plae:e ted the crowds sought him,, sought him, and came to KaL aqAOwve cE' Kao, en KaRTELXoI ano-o IA7 hiti~, and urged him. not to a ed oite to hism, and urged hie: n,,t leave thiem. aropeeHaL n7'c atrwu. 43 '0 Se Etwre rpos 43 But HEg said to them, tu depart fesom theet. He bft stid to "I anust proclaim the glad aurous, OTI Kai crats e'Tepais 71oAcOWt eany- tidings of the KINGDOMa of' them; Tdit also to the other cities to poblisih GOD -to OTHER CitieS alISO; -yE~kio-ao-Oat A.e e 8 r-aqs. 8arTLAeiaV 'cOo NOW 6ri- lbecause for this 1 heave Uldtidinigs so usot the kiingdsom of the Godibeetooe heen sent." ci rouToar -rkut 44 + And hie was preachfor thi 1hatebe noentfortts tug * i thle SYNAGOGUES41Ka v le-lpV~oowv ev' 'ats o-vxyelt 7sof GALILEE. Aid lie was prcoahiog inth *OOagogues fh CHAPTER V. 'a~htXaias. KEP. E'. 6. 1E'yevo'ro Se ci' rcq 1 + No tO I~ieo t hoppened bot in to the + o tocrea TcOY s' CarUCcto,6a 'cTP ou aKcovei TrOP theC CROWD PRESSED on Vc coXd ooPe' nicm fte ohar hehim to H EAR thle WORD Cf AyecoGe, etRTR7V ccv nn'v Gmu, Ije was standing hy worit tithe God coad he2 was stoediog- by the th a Id Giennsare*t; o Asxiouvn revvnoapET, 2a pen iete Soo rwkotce n e a w Lake Getoesaeet. toiltie esa twe ships Boats stationed -near the ETTWT& 7rapt rcv' Aijsoale' Of Bc &Atcts nacof~ati- sIloa1tE-; htteain iodig by the lake; the bot fishermoen hanog M tasiilette 'rp s' o-o',aacc~s's 'ciSer~n Egjofas were washting, their NETS. g:oc frso, theet, wete w aohio gthe nets. Eoterin5 3 And ]having gone into SE ftP s'V T'cwvcAotws', 6 7s' 'cou Atu~vios'o i~pw- one of thle BOATS, Wltieht tudinteoone oftite ships, whichwseeofthe Simott; he was SsimoN's, he asked '77reoe nwo-t naro 's-us 'y~s eraarvyayetv o~t-yovr tint to put off a little from. askeit hiet feet, the ltod to pot otf &littie; thle LAND;and sitting Kait lactlh s 5 ESLaaO-eE C k 'cvu r~oou 'cooS down, lie instructed thle teit sitti0g dots be taoght oet of the ship the CROWDS oUt of the BOAT. OXXOVS. 4 'flI, Se EravW5TrTo AatAwi, E7ITE TwPOS 4 And when hie ceased croed,. Wheoand hecesased speahiog, se said to speaking.he saidto."itmoN', 'rov liweaes' Eranva-yeye ELI, To j9a0s, KiCL t- psitoutautothie DEEP, the Simono; Pottout into the d eep, toil and let down your NETS XaRao;arTE T'cci lKTUeE 6t.twi' eLI, aypa. Kat for a Draught." I e' d ote the' nets of yes fee adrtoght. And S And *Simon answer. at'oirputeLIs 6:i2.iso' tCsuE *[auT,-cc,] EWLOT~rTa, ing, said. "1Master, we I' t>7 s 7.,oo JV 5TO ohrac io7E, ou3(tvestee hate shbored thlrou-h flit fli'og whole efte nighto havirngotoiled, nothin weci Whole NiGsiT, and hasve t~togiwhoe o th oiht acigieied sehio "~caught nothing, v. et, at 13)/.tvs eri Se 'c9) kiSU(Ttti1 0,0 XaAat7(O TO thy WORD, 1 will let down hetaken; ot bot the werd oftheelweililet down the ti ES &Ktr~oos. 6Kai 'cowo 7l0t7pyaVTGs, 0atupeiAei- 6ll ANdTS net. Aod this hoviog ioee, they oenlo- 6Adhaving done this, crap -rA,7q0os aXOvwv 7roALJ- Btepinlreuro Be TO they enclosed a great Mulmed toitioit otshe gect; sos nodthetitude of Fishes: aiid their 81K~ruav aurwsM. 7 Kai eeoditgra T 5 ~T_ NETS were rendung. set ofthein, And they beekooed to the poet. 7 And they beek~zned to Xots T-ots cES' 'pi', &epcg(~ ti coc~en their PARTNERS 'in the b,"st toittose io the otiee ships, of the ceoeig OTHER Boat. to come and ooAafeoOn n~oa'Ea ~~~o'5set aca~avASSIST them, And thtey to help thoo,; aod they coote, aii tilled came, and filled Both the oVATICAN M*.NUsCatie.-4-1. to the sysVAGosuss. 2, two Boats. 5. aimon. 5. to 1ltiG5-luajit. '. 5, J Ta.S. Q. NTse, S. CaL~led also the sea %orlhakeof Galilee, and the seaofTtheria.. Itwas anciently called t'(' ext. of CY iniereth, It to about fiee mites wide, and somte sixteen or sevsenteen waiq* I on' *.. t 4 1. Mlarkt 1. 83. I 1. Matt. Wv. 181 Mark 1, 15. 4. JotsniAzt,. VctaIp. 5: 8.1 LUKIE. [C7tap. 5: 15. ~t:.1 LU. CaS 5 acuporfpa 'a 7ra ota, Co'tre 3vuit(feati av'ra. both tile *i:is,, ao as to ink i;el. 8 IOY f e ifLttUy IleTpos, 7rpoocirtCOe ros yovYCc Seeing and Simou Petur, felldown to the l.nes tov I7leov, Aeycwv' EtfAee a7r' fyov, 6t C acrf, of the Jesus, oayicg; Cepart from ale, for a e al. aL.aptrt Aos etui, cKvpl. 9 eaup3uos. yap 7rfpia *inner I at, Olord. Anmazement for seized eoXfy avo70o Kait rapVrs wTOVS (iav aUwCT, f7r 7?1 him and all those ith }im, at the a'ypa,rfTWV 1xOvcJ., ' avvfEXaov 10 6poIws draugitoftbe tl,, wich they lad tanen; in likemlanner Ze Kar lacuwjov Kaia Iwcavvr7, vliOS Zefseaiov, and also Jamees and Jolhn, sons ofZebedee, oi 7foav K aovwrot Lr iJULc'rvt. laiL elte trpos who m'eie paitners ith the Simnon. And said to 'ro'y,aywva b Ir rovs Mi' ~oB3ov' aCTo Tro vvv the Simuon the Jelus; Not fear; from ofthe now avQpwUrovs F 1 ^wyp&v. 11 Kai KaTaya7oy es men thou wiltbe catchina. And htaing brought Ta vXrAoa f7rt Tr7jV yr7, CaV(fEVTfs 7ravra, 7 KOAOVtle hlips to the land, having left all, they folOr, aav avTrp. lowei him. 12 Kait cyevfEO EY 'YP ftva aVTOV y fY ila T'w Andit happened in to the to be hinm in one oftbe rvoAfwv, Kat iaov, avr7p 'rA'7pr7s AeXrpas' Kca cities, and lo, a man full ofleprosy; and It3C 70TP I7a-oV, ire(aTcv firt irpoOTwlov, sCe?7071 *eeing the Jetus, having falle on face, entreated avTov, AfTyv' KUPtp, Ea ' OeArs, Vvvafar /JU him, *aying; Olord, if thou wilt, thou artable me KaOaptbrat. 3Kai eLCTeias 'rl Xcepa, l+a70. toclease. And stretchingout the Jiod, hetouched avUTO7, el7rwv' Oeh, KaOaptaoirrt. Kai vOEwOS him, maying: I will. be thou cleaned. And immediately I Ahirpa air7iAOv ar' avUov. 14 Kat avos the leprosy departed from him. And he.irap'y1)flX^fY atllTy Ure 7ievt EtnirEf acAA. aTfiXcomnmanted him no oe to tell: but going oWv sEltov cfavurov y i9 fpft, Kat rpocaet'PyKe show thyself to tle priest, and offer wefpt - ouKaOapi-aou ov rov, aOws irpoafralt on acenmtofthe cleanlsiiK i ofthlee, As enjoined Mwoi]S, i fS apUpvplOY auT7ol. 3loses, for a Witneu to them. 15 AttpXeTO Se IaaAhAoy Aoyos vfpt avrov Spread abroadbut more the word concerning him; Keat iuvvr1pxovTo oxAot rSoAAos caKOVflv, Kat and came t6gether crowds great to hear, and BepacrvfeuBOa [tJ'tb avrav] airo Trwt aorefvefwv to be healed Lby him] from th)e weakal je BOATS, so thl.t they wcre sinkinig. 8 And Simon Peter secing it, fell dloNun at the 11o:}s of * Ji(S:s, saying, "1 nart from n} e, 0 L(i d, Fcr I anl a sinlul Man." 9 For amazement seiz d linm, aind A].L w1:o WV(10 with llinl, at lie 1^wAU(;i T ofrini-S:s whlich they had takt n; 10 and in like manner also, Janes mlnd J o!n. Sci,:s of Zebt d( e, x l:o v. rc P;1] I - ncis with SltC.N. A];d * Jesus said to SIMON, " (ar not; 1IEN' CFroRTlI thou wilt catch Mitn," 11 And hlaving brought tile BOATS to tile L.AND, t leaving all, they followed hil. 12 + And it occurred, wI( n he WAS in one of tie CITIES, behold, a Man full of Leprosy, seeing JrES tS, fill on hlis Face, and besought hint, saying, "Sir, if thou wilt, thou canst cleanse Me." 13 And extending his HAND, he touched him, saying, "I will; be tlicu cleansed." And instantly tlhe L:PROSY departed from him. 14 $ And It commanded hin to tell no one; " Iut go, rsaid he] show thyself to thle aRIEST, and prcctlit an offering on account of thy CILErANS SNG, as 1e os S commnanded, for Notil'-il g [the cure] to the people." 15 But the REtPORT concerning hiinl sprt:-d allbro d the more; and gre:it Crowds came together to hear, and be cured of their INFJIBMITIES. * VAllTCAN MANIucaxlrT.-8. Jesus. 10, Jesus, 15, by him-omit, t 14, ThisiaJunctionofour Lcrd:pon the manto shw himselftothe priest,might have had a further m6eanirttgth:fi imnerely Compliance witli tle direction of the Mosaic law in this case. The Jewislh labbins thought that the curing cf the leprosy would be characteristic cfthe Messiah, Thisi makes the obstinacy wad unbeliefofthe Jewish rulers and people *sappear still more inexcusable, 10. Matt, tv. 19. Mark 1. 17, 11. Matt, Iv. 20s xix. 271 Mark 1. 18 Luke xviii, 28. 2 % MattS ]l;1aii2: Mark 1,-40. 14. Matt. viii. 4, 14, Lev, xiv, 4,10, 2l, iv,0 Chap. 5: 16,.].T IJK 1. [Ceap. 5: 24. abrwv' 1AvUTOs e 7 7 7 irOXWPWv V c Tai epfP71/ios, oftleit: Hle Iut was ' setiting in the deterts, Kcat ' po0aevXopeSos. and praying. 17 Kai eyeve7ro fv pt.i 'rwt v ji7AFpwv, Kat arros Anl ithappened In ole oftthe days, and he 71Y Ia t' Kla tCV Kai r77a K tcctO7jtEvIot taplaliotI Kai was tea;clilg; and were sitting Plalriees atld vojuootiao'tcaAol, of 77r.av cA7,vkvOorfs EK 7raorTls teacherstofthelaw, they were htvlng..t,-e out of all cwus77S 'rs raIXlAaias mat Io.batas, icat 'Ilpovvillages oftie Gaiilte alndi Jtudea and.ert - 0a.ca7,u R Kai 8uvapOtI Kvptov i fis 70.aa'rOa saleul; and power ofl.ortl was into h' to hea31 avTous. 1S Kat t5ou, avper ewvrat rot at aftJaprial arov. 21 Kat 7ptavTro have been forgiven to theethe sine ofthee. And began SiOAoyi(e0or L otf yp/A fftTlleiS Kai of acpiTaltot to reason the scribei and the Pharisees, AfYovYTs' Tit cSTiov Oiuros Ss AXaAE fsXaarlp7 itas,; saying; Who is tbis who speaks blasphemies? Tis atvaat aif rvai a/TapTlas, ft fPt tOvos d who is Able to forgive sins, * not alone the Ovos; '2Exryvovs ie lIr)ovs teovs 8laAoylt'T/ovs Got? Knowing but the Jesus the redsonin g auTrwv, aroKpitpOEt EftrE rpos auTousv Ti 58aAoofthein, answering said to them; Wthy do you TyiEiO0e ev frats K aplias bjcswv; 3 Tt efrTLI reasoe in the hearts ofyou? Which ir EvicorcdTepop; Eftlrvf A c)fwv at ao at aua - eaier P to say; Have been forgiven to thee thle siu TriaL aovu; 7if 17reI E'7Ytpe Kai wfptnra(T; ofthee? or to ay; Arise and walk? 24 'Iva fE (Eli7TE, f 6TL EO OVa-ia eXe( Vios r ov Thatbutyoumayknowr,that authoritiy las the son of the avOpowov Eiri T7rS yTr alEvai atuapTraS, (f t7r luaa on the earth to forgive sins, (he siiil Trp 7rapaAeAvlCevtf' ) 2oi XAeyso EyCipE, KaL tothe having been palsied;) To thee I say; Arise, and qpar TO KItvIBIOY foOVs, OppEVOv tL TOV havingtaken up the little bed ofthee, go into the 16 $And te retired inlo solitary places, and prayed. 17 Ai&d it occurred on one of the DAYS, be was teaching, and the *PIIARISEES and Teachers of ttie Law were sitting ne;ar, lhaving come out of Le\ ry Vil;age of Galilee, and vl. JIudea, and 'roUTI Jeullsa.leti; ind ile Mighty 'ower of tnce Lord was on * iill tc( CURE. 18 t And, behold, Men bringing on a Bed a palsie d 1Man, and they souiglt, Iring him in, and 1.'c: him in his presence. 19 A 1d iu(o.indinr how they could iriing him in, on rccount (t Otle CROWD, thving ast:endei t(, tlic )":oY,.le:.',,ft'd hilml, titli,lie 2LiiI 1- 1E), t1lhrou1 h tllt 1 TIL.ES,.ito tie IDE)sT before * thent all. 20 And perceiving their FAITH, lie said, "Mian. ihy SINS are forgiven thee." 21. And lie SCRIBES and thle P'IA RISErS:,'an to je;tsonj savying "Who. is tlis that;atte rs Blas. pheniies? Who eat forrlve Sins, except God only?" 22 But JESUS knowing their 'THOUIGITS, answerrng, said to 11m',, "Why do you reason in your U1ARL'i'S? 23 Which is easier? to say, 'Thy SINS arc.forgiven thet;' or to say, [wtth effect,] ' Arise, and walk ' 24 But that you may know that the soi of aI AN has AUTHORITY on EARTII to forgive Sins," (lie says to tile PALSIED MAN,) I say to thee, 'Arise, and taking up Ilty I.ITTLE BED, go to thy iOUSE.' " —. VATICAn MAvscsrT. —17. PHAtaSaES. 17. him to cuzR. And. 19. them all. t 19. Probably through the door in the roof, which being fastened, was forced open. See Mark il. 4. Becase allthe roof, except the door, was covered with tiles, It is said, "1 they lowered him through the tiles;" of course by means of the stairs leading down into tie area or court of the house, where the people were assembled, I16. Matt. xiv, 23 Mark vt. 48.- I,8. latt. IX. 21M Xrk l. 8, t 21 l.att, il < Msrk ii., 7. S 21. Psa, xxxil. 5; Isa. Xliil. 25. Chaap. 5: 25.) LU E [ ap. 5 35. 01os ao'ooe. Kai. 7rapa~pn71a ae-aa'as evorioi' 25 AdInatlarig houes os thee. And insantly arssing in preosec jn their presence, and takavTwet, apas E~i ') KaTE-KEITO, a7re7AOej';ng up that onl which bha efthers, having tsokesep on wl,,h heibad ben laid, went laid been lying, hie proEISC TOY OLKOi' abrov, oa,.Wi' TrOY Jest'. 26 Kat cccded to his w HUE into the house ocidnioself, glorifying the God. And praising GOD. -EiO-Taosts eAaflev &7raPTas, sKai e~o~~ot' 'rOt' 26 And astonishment omaozoemet took ail, and they gileiided the seized all, and thecy praisAt OwE"V sKa E~kqrX77OeCaJa' epof8ov, XeyovTres '0Ts Goes, and were tfilled wills God: and weeilled ofeer, saying: Tisat Fecar, saying, "We hav-e,Fi~o1AEt arapa~o~at o-qA7/yot. seen wonlderful things to. ne hoveseten woniderfoltinhoe to-day. day." 27 Kas pAEra 'raUra EJ:iAOIE, sKas c~eaoaTo 27 ~ And after this, lie And afier these hie swent olit, and saw wciit oest, and sew a Tii'TeXwvP7v, ot'olia-rs AEuit,. Ka&077/AEVo0 5 -70L TO ute-laker, naianed Levi, apubiieao, wiih a nsaie Levi, s itting at the silttiiig at tbe TAX-OFFICE, TreAwpisoy, seas eiwre' aVTq.I AseokovOcs /5o5. 1iidh sadtobn, Vl ewto-honte: and lie said to him,: Foliow "e. los use." t im F.:Kas seaTa~s7rws' aTaPT'a, avaGiTaY 7 28 And forsakinglallilie And forsaking all, risin 6- p he foliowed 2 n oskn i aurq. 2) Kas earot-qae BoX7je. p~e-yaXnt' Aevs arose, and followed buss. hoe. Aed imode a feast great Le,~i 29 $ And * Levi niade a aUTeP 55' T5n ossest aVdTOVP seas 1)' OXXOS 7eAC0VtWt great Fea st for hiisi, in his to hiss in the hoose ofhimsself: and was acrowed ofpuohieons osen1 HOUSE; asid there 7roAUS, seas aAAwv', os' 77rat /.sET' au~eos ea~alcet- wals at great Crowd of Tfri. great, ted of others, who were with them iecin- iute-tekers, asid of others, gus. E0.tt Yt oi 7paup~A ESOJ wi wo were reclining with tog.. And mormureed the scribesm O otteto them. seas os 4'apsoaaos 7rpos 'Tous /.LfL7lJi. aCTOUO, 30 And *thie 1'esAerssrrs atod shle Poaiehes. to the disciples of his, aind their SCRIstEe coiliiAefol'TES' AIa75 /.LETe TWZP TrEAWt'Cmj seas 4/Aap- phoined to Isis DISCIPLES, saying: Wisy wish the pohlisoom and sio- sayinit "Why do you Cat 'rasAWa' so0s0rET seas wsv6TE; aKts oerOsepsOfs 6 and tirisk Wills TRIBIUTE. seems do yooueat anod driokP And anseaoiog. the TAKERS and Sinners'r" '171r0sF ei5* rpos aVTlous. Os XP~lay fXOLOO55' 31 And * J esus answerems ti sid to sthems Ho need hove ing, said to thesi, ' Tnosp, o" vi-yataWoPeTs sa~pot, GXA, 015 seaKSec EXOPTES' who are in HtEALTH have tbons, hsiotig oheoilhotofaphysician, hot theme sich heing: 550 'need of a Physician, OUht ek7Av~aO seaAEo'as &Ksasots, CaXAaS a/.LapTW- -but THOSE who are SICK. not hossom totit jes loemi hot mioeem 32 1$ I have sot come to Aous ess gAe~avosas/. call the Rihglteouss, hut to reformation. Sinners to lRepenitanice." 33 'O' Se eisovi 7rpos, aVT05" *[Aia-ri] of1 33Ad hY said to They anod moid to him: twhy) the hiss And ' TielSSlESo /.&a0?7Ta1s ICOst'seYOs 5'7lOT65050CT TsseKa, seas ac-v1sres Joust frequenftl fast and disciples oflohn Coot oftieo, and proyess Psi-ay an in like sanner,rosouswrat, bgeIOSw seas of TWo'S 'Iapt-iwvscss of Be THS' f h HA'ES,tohe, iniihomnannierndthoseoeehe Phario'sem theme hot TOEo h ~tasss 304O55. ea s'u v 1'0. 8* " bUt THINE eat and driesk?" to thee ent and deinh P Ile anod si to 34 And lie said to them, arros Mp&s'oe* TOSS5,5055 05 iiigt~sO, 1 whilte ls ISIDEMEN fast, them: Not esouaebe ti the tons of thebhritui-chanbser,in whlthe 'BRIDEGOROOM is 'e 6. ~ ~ ltS 57 07C,5 O5 with thens P wnhich 'the hridegroom with! them im, to ttoh* 85 But Days will come, 5/ 'rTt 5ae 6E 7Os~a *714gupae, seas iTs when the BRI)iEG1OR00t tfot Wiioe htdys, a~nd when wIl be taken frons theais, aCLItpOth air' av'rois 6 5'tVIA0OS, T0TE s"1.e o-ad then thecy WIlfati stay Lo tahen erom. thpmz the hrisdegrooso, then Sissy wiiiifist Thtose DAYs."1 V ATICAYO ]KAXIOsesTe,.29. Lzvir. 30. the PHARnismSo aned their senrsat. lii. Jesus. 4 2i AMeitl. x. 0; MarkEIt. 13, 14. 29. Matt. ix. 1O; Mstrgif. 15. ~ 11 at IL. 'fne i 15. ~83$. mitt, hE, 14; Marhk if, 18,8.mat Chap. 5 I SG. LUKE. [Clap. G: 8. L~iap 5 ~ ~ iap.: 5.LUKE rilv ev EKflvais Tras,/iepais. 86EAXeye be Kai in those the days. IIe poke and also 7rapaf3e77l v rpos avTovs' 'OTn ovOeis eTtfAarl Ia a parable to them; That no one a patch Ict.aTov catOVOV eTtfLSaAAht efri lfta7 tolv taAiov' ofa mantle new sews on to a mantle old: ft Ie /.L7TYE, Kal To caiov O (f XIi, Kat Tr Iracaic If but not. and the new itrends, and the old ou 'crv e^qwv eL ETrt3,Xhr.a TO a7rO rTOU KcaLOV.,ae t agrcl a patch that from the new.. Ka ovsea s j3aAAci otvov veov is aWfKOvs And to one lputs wine new into skins 7racaiovs fet 8s fiL-yey, r77JtL yeaOS OstOS TOVS old: if but not, aillburstthe new wine tile aatKOvs, Kai avuos eKXv0rC7Qerai, Kcl o atiTKdt skins, and he will be spilt, and the skins a7rohoovvTaL 38 aAAa olrov pvov Cei acaKrVS KaLwill be destroycdl: but wine new into skins new vovs hAreTfov' *[Kai a OTt0pot ovvT'lpovV'Tat. ] requiresto beplut: Land both are preserved.1 35[Kliat] OVa~is Trtiv lraxatov, *[~Evoecs] OeAel A nd] l no one havin g drunk old, lit.mmediately] desires vCOV' A6eyet ')ap 0 7OraAaios XprjTOToepos eOTrnv. new: lies:ys for: The old better is. IKE4. s'. 6. 1 EyevErO e fel ( ra3f3a-r *[oevrepo7rpwrTf] It lapp)eued and in salhbath [second-tiret) ila7ropeUv'ea i avuTrov 8a TrwV o7ropylWv' Ktai to pl:ts Wiim through thle grain-fields: and f'riXAov ol ouaOi0rTal avrov rovs o'TaXvas, Kat lpluckcd the disciples of lhi the ers of grain, and 7CFOLov, 4wXOvrfs 7ras XepoTi. 2 TIves se rco ate, rubbing the han!ds. ome, and oftihe ~xapTaawi. EIrov *[avToiS'] Ti 7roiLtTe, 6 OVK erltnlai.ees said (to them;) Why do you, which not itris FoTi *[7roiLeL] e' Tros fra3f3aorti 3 Kai azroKpleif lawful [to doJ in the sabbaths? And answering 7rpos avTovs eIrev 6 Ilovs- OtvSe TOVTo aveyto thlem said tile Jesus; Not even this have you VoTfT, 6 E7rOrotaf Aacwvt, 67roT7 Ee7rEvarev avros rea(t, twhat did David, when was hungry he Kai oi te7.T' avTov ovT; 4 rws Cta1 fQVY eIS TO7 and those with him being? how heentered into the OIKOP roV Oefov, Kai TOUS tapTovs r.rl7 7rpoO0foews house ofthe God, and the loaves of the -presence eAafe, Kai cpaye, Kar ewCe fC *[Kai] Tros he took, and ate, and gave [also] to those.CT' avTou oS OoVK EeCoTIi 4faytev, eL.t7l /iovos with him; which not itislawful to eat, if not alone Tovv Ifp S tL Kais:eA'yC avrTOI' *T'O tl the priests? And he.said to them [That] VATICAN MAnXhscnIPT.-S36. rent from a new. 36. wJ 30. will not agree with. 37. NE WINxa. 88. 8). And-omit. 89. immediately-omit.. 1. secoe fields. 2. to them-omit. 2. to do-omit. 4. ihow-omit..4. also —omf.,5. That-omif. t 87. Bottles of akin or leather, which the Jews used for pul used for this purpose now in Spain, Portugal, andtheEast. S burst such as these, if they were old, and dry.. See Josh. ix. 4 t 80. Matt. ix. 10, 17; Mark ii. 21, 22. 1. Matt. xii. I xs. 10. t 8. 1 8am... 0. t 4. Lev. xxiv. 9. 3G +And he also spoke a Parable to thlel; " o one puts a Pie( e * rent fronm tt Incw Garment on an old; else the sNow also * will niake a rent, and THIAT Piece from the NEW * w ill not agree with the OLD. 37 And no one puts new Wine into t old Skins; else the *NEw WINE will hurst tlie SKINS, and itself e)c Fpilt, and the SKINS be destroyed. 38 But ncw IWine n:ust Ie put into new Skins. 39 N'o one lhavingo drunk old wine desires inew; for lie says, ' The OLD is good.'" CIAPTER VI. 1 + And it occurred on the Salbbath, that lie went throughl the * Grain-fields, iand his DIscIPLES pluck( d the IIADS of GRAIN, tllnd ate, nrubing themn in their BlANDS. 2 And some of lthe PHARISEES said, " Why tdo you $ whlat is not lawful on the SABBATH?" 3 And * Jesus answering tlhem, said,'" Have y( n not even read this, +whiclh David *did, ihen hungry, hlj and THOSE lio * were with him? 4 lce went into the TADERNACLE of GOD, and tock the LOAvES of the PtEeENCE, and ate, and gave to THIOSE witlr him,; wllich none lut the PRIESTS could lawfully eat." 5 And he said to them, ill make a rent, and the PIECB. and both are preserved-omit. id-first-omit. 1. GrainS. Jesus. S. were. tting their wines in. Skins nre few wine, by fermenting would L, and Job xxxii. 19.; Mark ii. 23. _ t 2. Exod. (Vuap. 6:-. 6.) LUKE. scoplosco-0Tim 6 ocIos rou acvpwrov~ scat Tov octf3 -a lord is the soa ofthe man also of the sab8a-rot,. bath. It happenedand a~lso] in another sabbath to enOcto' aUTOY cis Top77 o-vva-yway771', lead i8ao-ne7 w Kail toer him into the synagogue, and to teach; and 771V C(et Ct'pco7ros, Ka 7)1 Xeip a0700 7 Setiat 771' wne there o man, and the hood ofhim the right waos ~77pa. 7 Il'cpET777pOt1 Se atPTOJV OL -1pa04s/ TC1571 erithored. Watched anod blot the scribes Ka21 01 etapleralol C e J 6 T' craq 8 a791 Oepa7rEtvo-l, and the Pharisee. if in the sabbeob he wrill heal, Iva1 65PWtTI lKaiT7lyopia1 avTrov. 8 AUTrOs 8e so thattuoymightfind anaoocosation ofhim. lite hut.75c1 T0V5 8IlXo-yto-jeovS avurw1,Ka E CI (11 T9 borer the purposes ofthem, and soid to oh. avOpw~rV~ 79V t-opav1 EX0"TI 7771' XLI(pa2 E-yepe, moo the writhered having the hood; Arise, Eat 0-77701 61s 70 gLEto01. '0 Be at1ao-7asCt5 6T77. and stood into the midst. He cod having arisen stood. `i' ~rtcy oup 6 17700o15 arpo aV07005' ElrcpwTr7Tw Said thenathe Jesus to theot; Ierilltask V/as TI c646-tT r015 ta$$acToiv; a-ya00orot7prat, yoo; What is itleefol to the sabbath? to do good, '77 KaKC7OTO77o-at; +1vX771' a'WO-ai, 77 a7rOKErei1a1; -or to do roil? a life to save, or to bill? 10 Kai 7rc-p1/3Aeccl.ee1os 71ra1'Tas a207VS, 61761' — And lookiogoarouod on all them, he said aw0791' ECTEI'oV1' 771' XC1P't OTOO. 'O8 670Cr17706' to him; Stretoh oat the hand of thee, lie and did; Ka&I ctW6E2a60c00a7 71 Xe1p avrou [i j atXA4.] and was restored the hand ofbhio [as the other.] 11.Awrot Se c1rX770'0770-a1 avotas, Kcao SieAcAovv They and were filled etadness, and they talked pr~or a~k-qkots, 71 ap5 7roi77ffTEiav1 79 17700o0. to one another, erhat they should do to Oh. Jesos. *11 E'}EVeETo 8E 61' -ra1s 77/.Lcpai$ 7Tawraise 677AIt came to pass and in the days those, he weret 0OsV CIS T0 OPOS 7rpoo'tJcvtoOtO( KaOI 71'v 81a1VtK76-C out into the mountani to pray: aod eras passing the p6115 61Tou~P0~X 0 Ocov. 13111 56 night is the plane of proyer of the God. And erhen 4-yeve6r0 71)dpep, 7rpoo t-1fc1177O 0S AIZ7TO It become day, he celled to the disciples abu700P scat eKXA~aperos a7r ) aZvrw1 Bwcyal~s, otis of himself: shd hocisgehosen, from them twelve, whom Wat a~w~o~ov' topoao-6. 14 f'e va Y a also apostles he named: (Simone, erhom also, cst1o0/.IatO rl*57p0o,,Cai Av 8p615 701' at~eA,(ov t he uanaed Peter, and Aedfreer the heethee au21)701' Tcticcsi1o Kai lwayipv,177' 4l1X1t717ro0 Kai2 of him, James and John, Philip anod fCiap. 6: 14. "Thte SON Of lOAN is Lord even of the SABBATH." 6 And it occurred on Anotiter Sabbatht, titat hie entered tite SYNAGOGUE, and taugilt. Attd a Man was there witose RIGIIT StAND was withered. 7 And tite SCuIESs and PHAaISEES watclted Ilill closely [to see] if lite would core on tite SABBIATHII tltat titey mtigltt fintl an Accusation against- hJim. 8 But bec knew titeir PURPOSES, alld said to THOAT MAN HAVING tite wititered HAND, "Arise, and stand in tite MIDIST!e And HE arose and stood. 9 Then JESUS said to them, '1 ask you, if it is lawful to do good ott tito SAnHATIO, or to do evil? to save Life, or to kill?" 10 And looking round on titent all, he said to Itim, "Stretelt out tltinc SOANDee And lIE did so; and his bAND was restored. 11 And tbec9 were filled with madness, and consutlted with one anotiter, wltat they should do to JESUS. 1" t And it came to pass in those DAYS, tltat lito went out to thestounTAIN to pray; and lie rentained, through the night, in ttlho ORATORY of GOD. 13 And when it was Day lie summoned Itis DISUIPLES; $ and having selected from them twelve, whtom he also nameol Apostles;14 Sinson, wbom lite also named Peter, 'and 'Andrew' tis 13ROTI5EN, James and Joltn, rhiltp and hBarthtolomew, V.&wIcmi Misueecntwf. —6. also-omit. 9. I ask you, If it is lawful. ~0, ac.the ottoer-omit. 13, Alpheas.,. t12. Or the place of prayer to God. 10arly all modeiro critics trainslate pio~eoke In this,passa —e and'Acts xvi. 13,In this ma'nner. A proeakeE was alarge'uncoveredb1tiildin~e wit,~ seats, asr in an amnphitheatre, and used far worship where there was no synagogue. 0. TIlatt. xll, 1I; Mark III. I'- Luke xili,. 1,t xlv. 3; John ix. 16.' 12. Mlatt.x v. 23. 4 3(Att,. 2. 1 14. John i. 42. Ct:p. 6: 1.3.] IAUKE. [Chap. 6: 24. BIapoAooatov, 15 MarOatov Kat OwcAJav, IaKw,3ov uarthlioloe.f, Matthew and Thomas, James rovy rov A )ailtov, Kat )ItcOwa arov KaAov/u,.vo t',e ofthe Alpheti, and Simnon the being called,JAWT7v, IlovSav IatOwfBOO Kai IovSa IOeKaptZelotes, Jud!as ofJanles and Jud:.s IscarWT7)VY 6S *[Calt] f'yEVET Tpo0 T7s-') 17 Kai iot, who Lalsoj becam e a traitor;) and KCrat3as /feT' aUTrwV, e(Tr? efTr T07TOV TreSov, desce.;: ig wiLh thlem, hestood on a place level, l:t oX\os fuaO7rwov auvTov, Kai 7rA70os 7roAu anl a crotd of(lisc-il, l of lim, and a multitude great Tov Aaott aro rarr71s rl]s Iovu3aas, iat 'Iepovoftlie pFple faom all oftihe Juedea, and Jerur::A7/c,, Kat Tr7s wrapaAtou Tupiy Kat Z&Wwvos, LdeL, and o ttle sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon, o0 71iAov aKcovfrat aurov, Kat ta0rl)va awro 7rvV w lo c;e to her hiln, and to behealed from the, )Wr a'rwov 18 Kai ol oxAovufevot a7ro 7rpevuadi,':.ses ofth!elehes; and thloe beilngtroubled from spirits 'rw aKaOapTwv' Kai eOparefvoVT. 3IKat was uncleanl; nal thly were Ihealed. And all 6 oXAoS C(SretL arTre'oOT aVuTOV 6Tt vYa/Ais tile (!rwd ugit totouch him; for apower rap' avrou pr OXeo Kat laro 7rav'7as. froin him went out, and healed all. 20 Kai auvos fErapas 'rov o(pOaAXovs abrou And he havingliftedup the eyes ofhimself fls Tous I/aO77 Tas ajToV, efAye' MaKaptoI 0l on the disciples of limself, he said;i lessed the 7rroxo 6ort VFt.eTrefpa Eorp t) f3aotAeta TOU Iour: for yours is the kingdom ofthe Oeov. 2l Macaptos ol rfIVWVTfS vvv' 6O7 XopT'aoGod. Blessed the hungering now; for you shall 0:7eofOfe. MaKapiot o0 K? altopV s uvv' 6oT be satiltied. Blessed the weeping now; for yeAao-e're. you halllaugh. 22 MaKcaptot ei'TE, 6Ta/v lt'7ov'wo'i vuas ol iclssed areyou, when may hate you the avOpiros, Kai brav ampopawao'v iaS, Kac men, and when they may separate you, and ovSet16ao'wa, Kai efKI3a waOi To ovouta VCwv 4 S they may revile, and may eat ont the name ofyou as Wovrlpov, eYfKa rou vlov Tro ayvOpwrov. 23Xaevil, on account ofthe son ofthe man. ReptTE Et e fKceI T1rp 1jp.ep, Kart crKpT71r'aTer' sOu oice you in that the day, and leapyou forjoy; lo yap, 6 fa'0ros bvuwfJv rtoAvs ev Tr.oupavrp' KaTa for, the reward of you great in the heaven) according to Traura yap Efrotov Tros lrpo(tprrass ofl raTrpes thete for _ did to tle prophets the fathers ofthem.. 24 ny oval i v ros 7rAovo'ots'u'o iS areBut woe to you the rich; for yon have 15 Mat'hew and Thomas, TIAT James, son of * Alpheus, and THAT Simon who was CALLED the Zealot. 16 Judas + the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a Traitor;17 and coming down with them, he stood on a level Place, with a* Crowd of his Disciples, $ and a great Multitude of PEOPLE from All JUDEA and Jerusalem, and the SEA-COAST of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him, and to be restored from their DISEASES; 18 and THOSE who were * distressed by unclean Spirits were cured. 19 And All the CROWD sought to touch him, I For a Power went ou: from him, and healed all. 20 And fe, having lifted up his EYES on his DISCIPLES, said; " Hiappy, 1POO ones! For yours is the KINGDOa of GOD. 21 lHappy now, HUNGERING ones I Since you will be satisfied. hIappy now, WEEPING ones! Because you will laugh. 22 $Iiappy are you,; when MEN may hate you,' and separate you, and may revile and cast out your NAMES as evil, on account of tle Son of Man. 23 +Rejoice in That DAY, and leap for joy; for behold, your REWARD will be great in HEAVEN; + for thus their FATIIERS did to the PROPHETS. 24 $ But Woe to YOur, RICiE ones; For you have, your CONSOLATION. - I * VATICAN MAseUcalPT.-15. Alpheus.: 16. also-omit. 17. a great Crowd. 18. distressed by unclean Spirits were cured. t 16. Jude 1. t 17. Matt. iv. 25; Mark iili 7. I 1. 7Mark v. sO; Luke vii. 46. 20. Matt. v.; xi. 5; James ii.. 21 tt 21. Ma tt. v.. 4. t 22. Matt. v.ll; 1 Pet. ii. 10; ii.l4 tiv.14. + 23. Matt.v. 13; Acts v. 41; Col. i. 24; James i. 2.. 23. Act vil. 51..24. James v.1. atap?-6; 15~1 LUKE. [M'ap. 6: 3G., x tre r771' aapaIC~i7Oiv 6/teev. OvaL bjuiv, of 25 Woe to You who.Irc fll a the comfort ofysot. Woe to you, those *r FULL now!I Because you e/A~rErX-qa0/vt-tOt 6'rt 7rtloa'tTV ovat iS/elF, of will hunger. * Woe to *heeileg been filled; for yeus hall hunger: Woe to you, those YOU who1 LAUGH now! I or 7-eXCOIYTe5 pupW tSri 7rcEV570ETIE Ka! KAaVwreTc. you will mourn and w-ccp. Iltaghing DOW. for yeushl ehourne and you shall weep. 2~,Oovat, 6'raP KaxoIs &/tave iTW0Lb't 0! a'Opeoroto 26 Woe, when imEN may *Woe, whet well you may tpeak the spe:ak well of You!I for KRT~~ao~ ya e~oooj Tot sjeu~owpoarras *thlus their PATHERs did according to these for did _ to the fisle-prophets to the 1'7ALSR-1R0PII'ETS. 01 TTWC5OtOTat".27, t But I say to You, Othe fatthers etheot. -Who IIEAR mne, Love your 27 XA'15.et Xeyc T~S eieuov~w Aywa EIN NFIiES; do good to rTHOSE Who HIATE YOU, 71st to you tsay to those hearing, * Loveyson 'rov~seXt~pov'5 61u/tW KcaXws 7roilTwe TOll /0000V- 28 b hess THOSE Who the enemties ofyou: good do yes to those beat- C URSE, you, pray for THSE~s 011v vbjsa. 28cVXo~yETrE rOVS ea-rapwieo~tve eUS-es who INJURE you. log yes: bless yes these ectesiog you~ 09- T UM RKN prpOOEOXou for~E thos E7traduciVTng Yo tbeeon the CHEEK, present pceyyea Coc thte ledoceg '~' the OTHER also; + Rnd 29TU)TVrTOPT9 oE eCr1 T77' otayova, 7rapEE Eat +H I h AE To the strihing thee on the cheek, fe~rc alto O~t)TO c AWAY illy~ MANTLE, WithTa/Il aXAA70 Keai ai7ro ToO atpowros t~vTOiLa~rsov, hold not even thy COAT. the other: and root the tahieg, ofthee the mantle, alTYXTV /371XOrS.7 s.S Give to EVEry one also the toutio tot thou sosyesthlodee., ASKING thee;and frono HIMt wilo TAKES AWAY 'IO Il atvrt ae Tcp aroOvTL G' 6i- OW* Sfa1 ar10 TOO what is TtHINE, demand it * To til atd thoeeasking thee give thee: ted eromet the 0IPO1'TOS Ta era, /A77 a7aiTreI. 31 Kai scadwks not. tahing whatijethine, tot detosd bock. Aod oil 31 1 Aod as you woulld O ee,'a7rivi uv fa pw701W, l[' tht~at lIEN should do I)toll, yoo wisl,, that sacy do to yoo the w~ee, [also di like noanner to them. tI/tesl] 7rolelre aolTOlC 6gtOWeo. 3' Kai et aya- 312 t And if you love *you)3 do yoo to thetm is like toanner. Aod if you TIhi)E 15110 JOVE TOO,1 WaTE eTOts a-yarSIWTas v5/tas, 7r010 6/.tIP Xapts What Thanks are due to lace those locing yotc, eihat toyou thatks you? for even SININERS EOwL; Keat 'Yap 01 a/.tapwceX0t 'rot's a-ya7rwwras love ThlosE Who LO'VE is it? oens foe the sinncer those hels1 in them. aVT~ot) a'YcorCet.1 33 Kai, cap ayaOfsrolflTE TOt'S 3*nifyud'go theta tote. Atd iC yoo should do good those to *HS AdIfG y OOuDo goo ayaooTrolS'oe5ra b/tOE, 7roia bl.uv toapIOts INOnoo t doig~god j~u. wht o yuIhanks is it? yoWhat thanks aro due I*s *[yp 1aai iotT O7000 to YOU? SINNERS even do ales [tee] the sianers the sasme do. teSlE 34~ Ka o 8aveCn~TE 7rap' Cvn cksrliccTc a~roka- 34 *And if you lendlto And, ie yeacshoaldicend Cots whoat yott hope to ce- those froml whloul you hOpe j~ei, 7rota bjttv X i EOTI, scai *[yeap] of to receive, What Thaia h fleice, whet to yea thanks is It? tlso VCorl the are due to you? SINNERS a/.tapTwXot dll/tapTwAols ~aoctcooowy, 1pa a~ro~a- even lend to Siuners, that slosets to slosers lead, that they mtey they may receive an EQUSlsOwn To ~o0a. 35 fl7po ixyairare TO's eXOpovs YA'LENT'. reocesve the likethoegs. 1Bu1 lose you the enemices 35 But love your EREvl5~cov, Keai ayaOwsrot~Tc aIct aaveL~eTe /tA775eO mutS, and do good and ofyou, and.do you good and.leamd you sotoleg lend, in Netthing despair* VATICANI XANV3CReloee.-25. FU ILL now. 25. Wee, -you who LAUGH now. 20. t1he 1AJOEz did'they tOthe eALe-ae01aocEeee. aI. you also-omit. 83. For if also 300 do good 33. for-omtt. 44. for-omit. ~27. Eizod. xxihi. 4;- Prov. xxv. 21; Matt. v. 41;, Rom, ill. 20. 128. Mott. v. 4-: 'Lue xxis. 84; Acts vii. 00. 5 2. SMott. '. K"'. 5 29. 1 Cor. vi. 7. 3 50. Best, v.7, 8, 10o; Peov. xxi. 26i MalttV. v42. 31. Mastt. vii. 12. __ 32. Siott. v. 40. 3 4. LMalt. v. 42. C7tap. 6:z 36.) LUKE. [C7ia~p. 6: 43. areAlrsioT~s- 00a eoa-ra s 1A10`00s u6tiop aroAvs, ing; and your REWARD despairing! cad shall be the record ef yea geeat, wil be great, and I YOU rcat ea0e005 voiL s54a-oV'ro 4&t cwros Xplisrlos will be Sons of thte m ost cod youtshall be soas efchighest; for he kind 1-igh: for be is kind to the EO'rse f711 'rOVS aXap~tTrous Kas 7r05'7lpOVS. UNTHLANKFUL and Evil. is to the aathaahfel and roil. 36 +Be yon compas56 rlPSeu *[ot'p] OLICTIP/LOVES, KcaOWS * [teat sionate', as your FATHER Be youo [therefore) eompassionate, eves as [al I is conipassionate. elwa~TVnp V'IHWY OIETLPMOWY Co-T. -3 Kai t A77 37 jdentad the father ofyoo comspassienate is. And aol +7 Adjdent n KPIET Ki oIA1 pi77,e-M7 jc-r81aCTe you will nut be judged; jKudge yo, and no notyou7 way7TS beuded: not eL~hSS condenon not, and you will jogya.cdetoyoscbjdgdst condemnsyou, not be condemned; foreras ou uto1 ircara5seKceo0ijTe aeroAUs'E, Kras asio- give, andlyou will be forced cot act youmasyhecondemaaed; releaseyou, aadtyugvn Av0Oqrefr0e. '3 AtLwrTS, Kras &67o0-orat U given shell hr. released. Give yea, cand it shalhe gives to you: 38 give, and it will be AVT-poJe KcaAov re t~s' ov *[Kcas] oszAtu_ gven to you; good Mlessmreasore god haviegbheec presseddew Lcand] havinag heea oire, pressed down, shaken,UtE~O5 *[Kia] L'7i~pEiXVViOI1tAEJV0 5WT 5-1V -EIST0 together, and overflowing, slhahen fztadi ruscing ever shallhbegivenainto the Will le given into your LAP. roAero~v tetees 'rsya air1 T57ff '9 For by the SAME Measure hoscom ofyco. by the foe samee saeasure, wtth which with whocit you measure, /.eSTpEtTE, aVtoges'p77No-lOTat5 Nv/L5. -3 Esse BE it will be dispensed to you yeosreesuree itahallbesaensuoedacaix toye. He spoeheand agail." arapaSoA71Y auTIS-o M77-is eluvcrs wT4)os 'sTUpOAOr 39 And he spoke a Paraa parable toethem; 'Noet is able a blind blind ble to tbeni; t"Can a 65t77yslsi; ov~s az~atpoi-pos LSts &o6upos' 7reovvras; Blind man lead a Blind to lead? act both intoac pit will fall? 01110? Will not both fall 40 OvK ic srt,.az07)r71s seorsp TrOP &MawtraXop iloto a Pit? Not is a disciple seer the teacher 40 4 A disciple is niot aLvrOVw saT7i7p-rsJ,.teosi BEl 'rasefrrUa &T abo0Ve Is1s TEACHFER; but of lIcself; haviaghbeen fully qualifted butreveryene ehallhbe as the everT1y one fully qualified Ua~corca~os atrrot,. 41 Ts BE 0AEawsse TO Kraptooe will he as his TEACHER. teacher -ofhise. Whycand eest thou the apliater 41 tBut why observest 'so Er T19 oePOakAwes 'rot a~eAopou co-o, sr1,vs BE thou ThiAT STILINTER itt that is the eye efthe brother ofthree the hot ti-ty 55ROTHtER'S EYE, astt 50OEOJ T77V t-. Trp 5i5tJ -oj0aA#V~ ou Ea-raioese; percfivestllltTlIA'l THUORN hecee Chat is thine eown -eye sot perreivest? to thine owN Zye? 42 [ 7] ws 5tvaoat Ae-yetv T4?p aaeFr&pq o-o' 4 2, How wilt tliou sany to fcrj how artthouahle testy to the brother ofthee: thy IELOTHER, 'Brother, ANoAcpe, a~oce, *Kc8aXiw To KapfPOT TO 55' let mne tak out THAT Obrother, allowsee, Icteeastoutthe apliater thet;a 'he `PLI1NTER IunhteEEi oo0aAk~u90 coat auTos T7v SFY T91 oJ)0akAw 4700 thysl o eing teY eye ofthee; thyself the in the eye tftheeTJISNi thyslf no seeowng teYE Nicoy 00 )SAsercsn; 'Toroerpsa, erF~jaAe 7rpWTOFI Hypocritle first extract beasa net beheldiag? O0hypscrite, cosatout filst tlesoMfrntheow TIOll BOKOY Se Tov oqs0aAuot' 000, Kat TOTS ETlE, ait4 tren thineotwil thle bea, sout of the rye of thee, cod then sEe ulearl toe etroot TilT 5ia0ASI~itse seKaAeis' TO rap~ooe TO S T9? o(s0aX- seePleaTrl in ethyt~ TJIAthouwiltseeceleteytorcasteout the splitter that is the eye THINER' EYE. R0 /AtO TOt' a~sAot'oov. Ot' -yap S0-Ts U15pov 43Vothrisu ef the brother efehee. Not for is a tree 4 +Fothriso good Ea~v, r~tt'' Iap7OF0a~os' Ot~Selte~ptiTree which yields bad good. bearing frodt corrupt; ace s Freitrl; nor *again a had VATIC AN MA.-NesCsRsrT-36. therefore-emit. 80. elco-essit. SS. alSd — omif. 33. asid-coozf. 42.,or-comst. 43. again. t41. In tice Talmud are the followisng provers e-They aloe say to others, take the Srnaoll piece of wood olt of thy teeth, are ansswered b,'take the beoim out of thine owu eyes.5"-Haia anad asse Ligkt~feet. 4 11. Matt. v. 45s. 1 116.?eatt. v. 41. 1 117. Matt. Vil. 1, 8 5. Prey. xi". 17. 1 115. Matt-XV, 14, A, 41.ath. x. 24; John ifi. 115; xv. 20. 1 41. 1 t VLi 11. 143. Matt. Vil 18, 1?. CYiap. 6- 44.], LUKE:..I I Clap. 7: 3. -~~ I.-:raOrpov, woouvv KUaptov KaXov.. 41 'iEKao'V rv ap corrupt, bearing fruit good. Every for 'EJvpov E K Tou ttouv iccpiroV ytVWoKera' - oV yyap tree from the own fruit is known; not for 'et- aiCavOwv Tv\a eyovuO auKa, ouOe EK SaTrov from thorns do they gather figs, nor from a bramble Tpvuycvt Orau Alv)v. 45 '0 ayaOos atOpwCros EK do they pick. cluster of grapes. The good man out of roU ayaOov Ojacraupou T'is KapSias au"rou 7pothe good treasure ofthe heart ofhimself brings (pepet ro atyafO ' cat 6 7roPvpos *[at0,pooros] forth the good; and the evil rman} EK TOU rovtlpou *[Or7oavpou r71S Kapstas avrov] out of the evil treauare ofthe heart ofhimaelf 7rpO(fpEt TO wovpoy eOl K yatp rou T fepto''fVFLabrings forth the evil; out of for the fulneas ~ros T7s tcKaptCas AaAEt ro ro-opa cavurov. 46Ti of the heart speak* the mouth of him. Why;,e xfL KaCAIETF, KUptE, KVpt' Kat ovu TOfter6 a and me doyocalil, Olord, Olord; and not do what I ay? 47 Ias 6 E pXofos E rpoS fti, Kat atcovwv ptov All the coming to me, and hearing of me wev' oywt, Kai Totwy avTrovVs, VO7rOFlic VtiI, the ord, ad doing them,. will show to you, 7rvt eOT'rl 6.toios* 45 '*uoos ef ariT avOpow7r to whom heit like. Like he is to a man oIKO3olQuovvTr oictav', 6s EO'Ca 6 KaLt ea8Ufve, building ahouse, who dug and wentdeep, Kat E871Ire OtehAtov e rt T77v wfrpavt' rAX)lltvpas and laid afoundation on the rock;. ofaflood 5e yEvo pevY7s, rpotrepp7ftlv 6 irotracos 'r otKIt and kayiag come, dahed against the stream the house CKEtty lKat OVK tlOXmVre aO'iAXVat atrrtlv reOethat, and not wae able to shake her: it was pfAtwTro yap 7rt rTov irETpav. 4 '0 oe atcouoras, founded for upon the rock. He but having heard, Kat P7 srotofaas, iaotos cortv avOfpwrY OuLKOoand not havingdone, like heia to a man having u.7so'avrt oiKcta ra T' ),v YT XfoptS OefteAtov' built a house on the earth without a foundation: ' rpoa'epr7lefl 6 TroTa/tos' Kat eVOes trerf, to which dashed against the stream.t andimmediately it fell, Kat EyfVfTE 'r o prl77p tz S oT7olKtaS eKeIvt7S /seya. and hecame the ruin ofthe house that great. KEC. f. 7. EeLt Be erA77pcwoe rravrat crl ltuara atrou When and hehadended all the words ofhim fes ras aKoas ToT Aaou, EtatrA.ee fEs Kartpin the ear e f the* people, ke entered into Capervaouvu. 2 'EarovYrapxoau e rivt oovAos IcaKws oauln. Ofareenturion and eertain slave sick eXWYV, 17teXfAE TEAEUevr, 6os t71 avC fevr't/ios. being, wasabaubt to die, who wat to him valuable. Free which yields good 'ruit. 44 For + Every Tree is known by its owN Fruit. For they do not gathcr Figs from Thorns, nor do they pick Grapes fron Brambles. 45 The GOOD Man out of the GOOD Treasure of of *the HEART produces GOOD; and the BAD Man out of the xvII. produces EVIL; for out of *an Overflowing Heart his oOUTHt speaks. 46 t And why do you call Me, 'AMaster, Master,' and obey not my colmmands? 47 + EVEBY ONE COMING to me, and healing My WORDu, uad oleving thiem, I will show you whom he is like; 48 lie resembles a Mmn building a louse, wlio dug deep, and laid a foloundation on the RoCK; and a Flood having comlle, tie STREAM dashed against that lHOUSE, but could not sllakeit; * becanse it was WELL-BUILT on the BOCK. 49 But HiE who HEARS ahd oleys not, resembles a Man building a ]Touse on the EARTIt, without a Foundation; against whlich the STREAM dashed, and it fell imnlediately, and great was tile RUIN of that HOUSE." CHAPTER VI. 1 Now when he had finished All his SAYIN(S il the HEARING of the PEOPLE, $ he entered Capernaum. 2 And a Centurion's Servant, who was valuable to hlim, being sick, was about to die......... VATICAN MAWrCetIPs. —t. the nsABr. 45. Man —oit, ~ 45. Treasure ot his asAST —omit. 45. an Overflowing Heart., 48 because it waswefLL- U ILt o. t 4. Matt. x1t583.. 4.. xtt I.Yi at.ii21L 25iL koxiiil,25. t 7, Matt.iiL^t U. 47,t Yu il 5. Cliap. 7: 3.) L1UKE. [C~'ap. 7: 11. ~ Aesorar35 rep TO 3700, CWCOEIA ~rss 3 4ndhlavinghicard con. Havting heard tand &',)ot the Jetsus, he sent to ccrning, J i,'SiJS, 1 lie sent ajrot' 7peg-OTEPsUeT~t lw, oukiewal, p olTw Eld ers Of the JEWS to him 1, II1u elders of the Jeec, aehing soliciting hint, thiat lie QdTOt', 6rcus eNOwt' &aL wo' irot' o ov alTOU. would come and save his hima. that c-iuiin. hewtoulidseve the slave afhji.. elf. SERVANT. 4O1 83E Tapca-yevofuEevoi 7rpos Trot Ijq~oow.', 7rPEphct- 4 And having conmc to T.aeyand having comte to the Jesus, they be- JESUS, THIEY earnestly heXqu' ate-Tot o-rou~aias, Xe-yswres ' OrL al~ios soughit hnin, saying, -le saaght hime earnestly, eaying; That worthy is worthy for whIomi thou EI0T IV', f 91 7tpEet TOUTO* a-ya7ra~ 'yap TO shouldst, do this; hkeis, for whomtthaouwiltconfer this; he lovet farrli the or A ellaT- sjuws' Kat Tr77s o-uv'a}ycv-y577P auros ~vv o 5IN fornh loesbil our - nation of us, and the synagogue hie hob 'itON n ul u tmse 67ot. ' eIoij eso u ut' SYNAGOGUE." for us. The and J esus went witit 6 ThenJtEsus went with aesTots. HI77 8e aUTOtJ O0 /Aatpas' areXoPTo5 them; and bicing not far thera. Already and ofhimt eot far being dieoant froim the HOUStE, the CENairs T77s o11lactet eire,.Lie *[7wpov aurov] a EcC2 TUitION sent Friends, sayferos tte thouse, tent [to haim) the cen- ing to him, " Sir, trouble rovratpXos. c PLXous, \E-ywvavt ~Ty K up tE,. /A not thyself; for I am not turioa frenede, saying to him; O sir, not worthy that thou sliouldst eio ow sya tj~ come under my to' be thor, troubied. ndt foe I am worthy, that usder tUe 7 therefore, I did not -TCfY77s' gtoe 'EToEA07S' 7 31o oV3e e,.oaUTov think myself even worthy rooi of iae:thouashouldet enter: therefore not even myseLf to come to thee; bot com71ttlC-a Tct7pos oe 0eAtei cAAae elire Awy91, ICaL natid by Word, and * asy Idierard fit to thee to come; hot speak a word, and SERVANT will be cured. La-9pjrc-retL 6 TaLS goat'. 8Kai -yap eyaw av~pr'.tos 8Foe'n a aMa or boir Sh ha ofme. oeafoe C aman appointed underAutitority, Ciltt~so eoooav Ti~ogoeor,~X~"' UT E.oa)- aving Soldiers under me, sin uner atihority beingeset, hoving under my- rnisyolioe G, 'm~ea~pri~at- Kee Aeos TU~cJ, lopu~srsand lie goes;. and to ansell soidiers; and I soy to this; Go, other, 'Conic,' and hie K=I 7TopscraTQ Kai aXA/U EpXOV, Ka epXe-rat, comnes; and to my sEE.oa t he goes oaidtoanoather; Cuame, tand hercoines: VAST, 'Do this,' and he stat Tp.8tiXVs /0.95. 1Ioti7eroi' TOUTO, Kcai TOIEI. does it." aird toithesiave aftme: Do this, tand he does. 9 AtovoTas 8 ac 'Tar 6 l71erous, Cedamsgoceoe aurOvP 9 And Jjrsus hearing Siearing tand these the Jcesus, admired him, these things, adotircel scator7-a~ts, TfJ teo~u~o'rt UT9 oXX ~ im, and turniing-, said to aol turtiag, to the followinig him crowd he said. the CROWD following him, Af-yoce tbioi, eti6e C' TeP IiTpasqX TOO'aUTqV7ri5 I " I tell yon, I hare not tesay to you,ntaieven in the Iscroel sogreeat faith found, even in ISRAEL, E~pit' ~ cet6sro're4'ts'es 1' IE/Of~O~tTEEsuch great Faith." t1have ftoad. And having retorned those havitghbeentsett 10 And THOSE who hadl "s TOM-si opEt, IF5POl/ TOt' *[aao0evoUVrrc] 6ouXot' been SENT, having retaito the house, they fatad the [heing sick] slave tursied to the HOUSE, found t~ylntaiot'a. the SIRVANT restored to heon, welu. health. Kai EF"ft'ETO IFYT'q 'tp t-q, ewropeve~ro ent 11 And it' occurred on Aad it hap~pened in the teat, he wat going to thle NEXT day, that lie was 7ro~st' EaouA FP/Lt775/ Naty" occt~ 0ru'eropeuOs'To (roling to a City called a city beiag tailed Nalaz and were goitg. TNain; and his DI5CIPLES VATICAte MANtUecsasT. —6. to him-emit. 7. let my esa~vkrr be healed. 10. being S'. Either magiatrates of the place, or elders of the synagogot which the Centurion had bot, linthe 3parallel place in Matthswhe is re!reserted as comingtb Jesos himself hot It is aO1aS farto ofspeech in all tiationa, to attribute the act to a parsjn, which is done, no t la hnsdf,- hsh b his orstkoritjr.-Clarkc. t Ii. Nato, was a s oa~ll, city of Galilee, in% tmtib3 of Isacha. According to Euseblus, It was two miles from Mtoiunt Tobor, sotttho ward, kied near to -otdor. Chap. 7: 12.3 LUKE. [Ciar. 7: 1l. avury otf jia.aOTa avrov *[tKavoi,] Kai oXXos were going with him, and with him the disciples of him many,] and a crowd a great Crowd. 7roXvs. 12 's i e 7iyyyae 'r7 7rvA 'rvs roAews, 1 And ashe approached great. As andhedrewneartothe gate ofthe city, the GATE of the CITY, beKaL i8ov, etfKOLieCfETO reOTflcws, vis 10 ovo'yev7fs hold, a dead man was being and lo, was being carried out adead man, ason only-born carried out, an Only Son of 'T7 I.7?Tpt abvroi, KLa av'T7 Xtpa' Kai oXios his MOTHER, and sfe was to the mother ofhinmeli, and she a widow; and a crowd a Widow; and a great 'rr)Ss roAecws iKavos 7V tv avTr. 13 Kai Lwv Crowd from the CITY was of the city great was with her. And seeing with her. avT77v 6 KVptos, eorrayXaXvs07 e7r' avT7, Kat 13 And seeing her, the her the lord, he had compasion on her, and LORn had pity Oil lhe, and ures'V arVT' M E s. 4 Ka. r K poerfA wv said to her, "Weep not." said to her; Not weep. And comingup 14 Anld approaching, lie J/aTo T71T a-opov 01 E aoTafaaaOCvT Es ET o-ay. tOluclhed the itBiER, and t;: e netouchedthe hier; thoseand bearing stood still. BEARERS stood s:it.. And Ka f1rfe' Nea~v fc, aot \eywu, Cye7pOTr. hlie said, "Young ma., And hesaid; Oyoungman, tothee I ay, rise. I say to thee, Ar:se.' 15 Kat aveitaOBtaf 6 vCKpos, cait T77paro Aaeiv' 15 Then HE wbh, had And satup the dead, and began to.peaf been DEAD sat up, and beKca e8fwKev avU0 rovT /7TpL avrTov. 16 EAaBe oe gan to speak; and he gave and he gave him to the mother ofhim. Seized and hil to his MOTHER. poB$os 7raVras, Kat eEooR a'ov Tov Ofov, Aeyovres- 16 Andl fear seized all; a fear all, and they glorified the God, saying: and they praised Gou, sae - 'O'I wrpopTr7rs Aefyas f'yr777fpTar ev 71Julv, Kcat ing, " A great Propllet That a prophet great has risen among Iu, and Ilas risen among 1is " alld, 6rT erEfo'Ke'aTro 6 Oeos roV Aaov aurov. 17 Kai. " GOD has visited his that has viited the God the people ofhinelf. And PEOPLE." ct7AOefv 6 Aoyos oTros ev 6Arp r Ilousaia 1reptl 17 And this BEPORT went out the word this in whole the Judea erninconcerning ig him pervadc avrov, Kat *[etp] fraoap 'ry epitwppw. All JUDEA, and All ihe him, and Lin] all the surroaIo.lne country. SURROUNDING COUNTRY. 1s Kai a 7rr-y'yiav Iwavvp o0' aeO-rai avrov 18 And John's niSC.And told John the disciples ofhlim PLES told him of all these rept i'aravrwv TroVTw. 19Kai vrpoaKaAeaaufc- things. about all these. And havinog alled oes buo rlva's TWv pal r ap6rov o a oavvos, 19 And summoning two to two certain oftlhe disciples of himselfthe John, Of lis DISCIPLES, Jol Efe/AfE pos Tro Ir 70ouY, AxEwv-'. Et 6 Epxo- sent to the LORD, saying sent to the Jesus, aying: Tloa art the coming 'Art ftbo the COMINI ^^Elvbs, 7aaovrpo'o; ^~ Hnaaaeo ON E? or are we to expect 7i7vb$, 7 aAAov 7rpoooeW; ' Aaay e nother?" one, or another are wetolook for? iHavig conme 7e 7rpos avrov of avopes elnrov Iwavvl7s 6,Rar- 20 And having come to and to him the men they said: John the dip- him, the MEN said, ' Joln, rtaOT7r arEaTraAeflv 7/uas rpos a-, AFywv Z2 the IMBIERSER, *sent us per hassent us to thee, saving Tho, to theC, saying, 'Art th-u -ft 6 epXOc-vos, 77 aXAov 7rpoo'oicaiyev; 21 Ev the COMING ONE i or q1c artthe coming one, or another are wo to look for? In we to expect Another?'' aurvT 8e 71rrt pa eOepaTrevfre TroAovs acro voaowv 21 Andin That nou lie thisn and the hour he ny fro die delivered many from diIisCKat tuaOrTIywv Kat 7rvfeviaTcrW V lov77pwX Kai eases, and Plagues, and and plagtue and spirits evil, and evil Spirits; and le gaeC *VATICAN MANsysaCrT.-11. imany-omit. 17. in-omit. 19. the LoaD. saying. 20. sent. 14. The people of the East bury the dead without coffins: but they carry them to the grave on a bier which is shaped like one.-Harmer. "Presently a funeral procession, consisting of men and women, camerapidlyfrom the city, (the cemetery is outside ofthe present Jerusalem,) and halted at a newly-made grave sunk three or four feet only below ihe ground. The body was not enclosed in a coffn, but wrapped in a loose garment ail lad on a bierearrlcd by hand. My,npression is that even the face was partially erpoo-vi t0 view. It was under similar cirumstances that the son of tne widow at Nain was bore to the grave."-H-aokett. t 10. Luke xilv. 19; John iv. 19 vL 14; ix, 17. J 16. Luke 1 08. 3 18 Mttk. X1. 2. MTajp. 7; 22.] LUKE. [Cliap. 7: 30. TrVcpAOtS 'roAAoLC E~api-aTro TrO.8X1Ersts. `2 Kai * siglit to many Blind per. to blin. ones soany.le gave the to soe. Aod sons. a7rOKpLOelP 6 17ieoso esirev at)roSs loPe-VOEVTESs 22- And *Jesus answeraswtering the Jesus said to thero; Going away ing, said to thetm, -" Go, oara y)E7'E ca'' o 137E Ea seeaTr telohn what you hiave - 'a te to Joho what you have seen and heard; seen and heard; the Blind *[6TrI] Tipoti~o cara$AeiroVO`L, XwAoL 7rept7raT- are made to see, the LameC [that] baid ones see again, lamte ones tiewalinig to walk, the Lepers are ove-i, Xsirpot sca~apL(OVrat, KczeP0t a.'COVOUeT,) cleansed, the Deaf htear, about, leper. are cleansed, deaf ooes. are hearing, the 1)ead are raised, Tglad sVEcpoL f'yetpoS'Tai, 7rTrreOI eva'y7exti'ovravt tidings are announced to dead ones aroraied up, poor onesare addressed with glad tidings the Poor; 23 teat,.easaptos CO-TIP, r6s say u-q oIKavaS'StAO-7 23 and happy is lieuwho and blessed is, whoever not may bt stoutbiod Shall not smunitte at ate.'" El/ f/401. 214 tAiDJJ~tit,'SMESSxN. i2me AWAo'cs C rt yEIe'ln ELS ttdtotop departed, lite Htaving departed tail the meossoogers ofJob. t0tCl ttg nhui ',t olpta'o As-yEIs 'rpos TrSv OXAovs WC-PtIasov tet COtintto the DF.shoe begon to soy to the crowdls conoerning Joho; et~T e edse Ti eteX'tiAvOa'E CIS TrIs' spueov Osaaarrcrai; ken by the Wind? WVhathbooeyouomoretout itto the desort 2to seP 25Btwy enyo scaAal~os fi~r avEg.ou caAse'o.esvov; 5 AAka T 5Bt h en o aoreed by wtiod beiog shakero? Bot wbat out? To seea Mtnnclothied E~EA7)XOC5T5 LIiS' ttS''CeiiOS ESin~i~S soft goitkictits? Bcltiolt, hav yo coe ut o se? a mn il.oft gar 1it0SE robcd in SPLENDID toPRE, and ltiving itn 'riOtS 77tjA(ttTLES`'E0P; l8ov, o I ES' L/.LA aO~L PtL sooots hoviog beon clothed? Lo, those int T1 olathio luxury, are Io RtOYAL PALCVS'l0C Keat 'rpvcpp firapXosVr5, ES' TOtS 6(Xe-i- ACES. showy otd inoiotury titiog, in the royal 26 But why went you A"Eltos Ei10iS'. 26 AX~a 'i- C~f~lqAV~aTe 1asiS'; out? To see a Prophet? palaces are. iBt wriat hoaoeyooooo'un to o e,(. Yes, I tell you, sit one 7rpeo1)7Tptj'rsj; Nat Xe-ywn fi/e, sent 7isp tyeOT o r i otor101e excellent than a Proaopoophet? Yes Ioay to you, aod iochotoore phet. 7ipOwP7Tov. -70fi'Tos e0'ri, Wept o& U')-yepair- 27 Thisisheconcerning ofoaytophet. This is, conernoing whom ittswritt whiom i t is written, $ 'Be-,ras* " lot., Eyw airoTTEXAkw Toy ayt-tEAoS moL hold! *1 send niy xaEstoo; "1Lo, I send the esoseoogor oftoo. SYNGER hefore fthy Face, 7r00 7rpeoVT0ro eYon, 6S Kca'raeTKEiaaes 'Tils 6&i' %vhio urill prepare thy WAY btoroe face ofthoe, who shol Ioprepae the vily before thee.' eof tee in restene fteev.' I Asayr [far] to/yuS'. 28 I say to you, Antong ot6,(Obe tP ooe ot Sloe."TOL S syv [oo] to oo thiose bornt of Wtomien, there,.*ots5'ES 'sSS'lliS o(oote is not a greatertbtan John; a greater omoong offspitnig ofouiJet Lproet] yet tie LEAST in thteKINGIwaS'ov *[ro IPaur'riorouv] aesCOTV 6 BE inoisof GOD is superior t ot.oht Lthe dipper] not is; the bot him t FtLMpOTEpOS cS' 'rp OaistU'oyB, /ustLCsWP sos i the kingdom.s sfthe God, greater 29 And All the PEOPLE Kas s 6 Aaov aicoutrav, eadsdch of biso is. Andl all the people haoto~herooJ. ao i'tBUTE-TAKERK5justified 01Tsai'a, ltctwas 'ot Be',BarleBi ds GOD, $ having h een imtb, too-gatherers, justified the God, haviog beot dipped mersed with the flx~smsl. TO $scKirrtece Ieoap'tov. 30 01 8s sl'apiTaiot scat sioN- of John. Sb, dipping of Jobs.. The hot Phtoisoes and 30 Buat the PHAursmss 0 OS'A'/.Ksot 7-7t' $eVA71r' 'reV Bees,,idsr'i(av cis and LAWYERS set aside the the iawyers tbe purpose of the Gsd set aside for t PuRPOSE of GOD towards. eavTovs, pA77 18atrTi0eysSres ibr' aiJTou. themselves, nothiavingbeen themselves, noot haviag bees dipped by horn. immersed hy him. oVATIe"o.' MAesUseaIev.-21. sight. 22. he answering. 22. That,-seeit. 27. I send. 28. For-omit 28. prophet —teal. 28. the dlppeo —oioir. t22. Matt. xi. 5. 1 22. Luke iv 1S. ~ 24 MAtt xi..7. 27. Mal. UIl. 1 t 22. Matt. i iiL 5;Luke ill. 12. 5302 Acts. 27. CMap. 7: 31.3.LUKE., [Cap. 7: 39. L3 Tlv ovv boLoowaw rovs aOpwc.rovs 's 31 To what then shall To what then shall I compare the 'men of the I compare the MEN of this 'yevEas Tavu7-s; ecat T'ri Etv 6Lo -t o 32'OOoi-o GENERATION r and what generation this and to what arethey like? Like are they lik? 32 They are like TIIOSE o etr0- 7ratriois Tros vy a'yopa KaOr/.1evois, Kai Boys SITTING in a Public they are boys those in a market sitting, d place, an d calling to one 7rpoaopwvovatv aAX7rAols, Kal Ae-yovaotv HvA71- another, and saying, 'We calling to one another, and saying; We haveplayed have played for you on oaouev gutiI, Kai OVtK wpX7 oe-aaOe' eop77v77-aaeo v the flute, but you have not theflute foryou, and not you have danced; we have mourned danced; we lhave sung ^, K OVK EKaVaOT. 33EArl e yp lournlful songs for you, a33 E.. e yap but you have not laforyou, and not you have wept. Has come fore n mIentedl. ' Iwavv77s 6 3a7r't(rroT77, u7Ter) apTov eaoOtiY, 33 + For John the IMJohn the dipper, neither bread eating, IERSER las colIle Ilcithler A77TE OIVOv TrIVWlV Kt Aeyfre' Aai. Aovlov eXEt. eating Bread nor drinkigis nor wine drinking; and you say; A demon he has. Wine, and you say, ' lie aI EX7Avev 6 vlos Tov avOpwtVrov, efae0wv Kai has a Demon.' Ha come the son ofthe man, eating and 3-4 The SON of bIAN 11as rvv K yE Ioov, apO7ros ayOs K come eating and driilking, 'VWV' Ka XeyeTer Ioand, you say, 'Bellold a drilking; and you say; Lo, a man glutton and o, os Glutton and a Wine-drinkOS7rOT77S, eSX~os 'TEAwJIP KS aaopTwAX. 'er I an Associate of TributLa wine-drinker, afriend oftax-gatherers and sinners. takers and Sinners!' 3 Kai e31iKawO07 j aropta a7ro rWV TirfKWY avr77S 35 $But WISDOM is And isjustified the widdom by the children of herself vindicated by All her 7ratQ cv. CII LLREN." taIa H' e 36 And one of the 36 HpwTa oe rIs atvro0V 7ev apS'aaiwv, iva PIIARiSEEs invited him to Asked and one him of the Pharisees, thtat And ntera E7AOW E T cat with hinl. And enterFay.,eT' avuro Kal eS('AOIwv fes Tr7v otKlav illn tile nIoirsE of the he might eat with him; and entering into the house P11ARISEE, he reclined. Tov 4apiraiou, a'vfKAe07l. 37 KaS -isou, yvvtrl 37 And, behold, a t Woofthe Pharisee, he reclined. And lo, aeomnau man wlo was of the CTY, Ev rTI TroXeS, 7r)TI 77Y &apapTrwos, eryvorvaa OTS a Sinner, knowing that lie in the city, who was asinner, knowing that reclilsedilthle PSHARISE'S avaKceitrat Ev S oT1ILa 0ToU aptIQaov, KO/zLCraaIa otTsE, brought anAlabashe reclines in the touse ofthe Pharisee, having brought ter box of Balsam, aAa3aaTrpov Muvpou, 38 cas aTaaa o7riaw rapa 38 and standing be-c an alabaster-box of balsam, and standing behind at hind at htis FEET, -eeping, 7ros woaas aurou, C povoaa, l o p TpeXeiv shle began to wet his FEET the feet of him, weeping, she began to wet Wit TEARS, and wiped Tros woQas auvov TOIS QaKpvua' Kal Tats OQptI them with the HAIR of the feet of him with the teare; and with the hairs her HEAD, and repeatedly rT7s KepoaXt7S ar6T7S E*ecao'aoE, Kai KaTf(EiAES kissed his FEET, and anofthe head of herelf wiped, and iedkis ointed them with the AL7ovs irooas aurou, tKar qetL4pe Tr l0vpu. 39 IOwv SAM. the feet of him, and andintedwitbthebalsam. Seeing 89 BUt THAT PHARISE Be 6 ZapSaa os 6 IKaKEoas aVroV, ferev eV eaVTUY, who had INVITED him obbatthe Pharitee thathavingcalled him, spoke in himself, serving this, spoke within AE^y;,' OQV'Ts t 77 TrpoTr P7 7S/, EyVOIv KeV ay, himself, saying,: "This saying; hild kw, man, if he re a rophet wouldnow,, * VATICA MAsuBCBIPT.-37. who was in the CITY, a Sinner. t 87. There is no good reason bfr coicluding that this woman was a publicprostitute, as many suppose. She was probably only a Geatile, and therefore in the estimation of the Pharisee a ainner. Hamartolos, is often used in the New Testamentin this sense. t 38. This is not intelligible, withoutadverting to the posture in which the ancients took their meals. They placed themselves along the couch on their sides, supported their heads with one armn bent at the elbow, and resting on the couch and with the other they took their food, and were supported at the back by cushions. Their feet of course were accessible to one who came behind the couch.- Wakefield. t 31 at. tti.. t83 Matt. iii. 4; Mark i. Luke i. 15. t 5. Matt. i. 19.. Matt. xxvi. 6; Mark xiv. 3; John xL 2. 89. Luke xv. 2 C'tnp. 7: 40.] LUKE. [Ctap. 7: 50.. tlS at K rorarf7r 7 yvv7, 1S'tls aTrrTeat avTovtv o at11n what tile wom:,n, who touches him; o rt af/iapTrwos ecO't. 40 Kat atroKplOets b I6lTous tll:t a sinner she is. And answering the Jesus (i7re 7rpos avrTO',LFUwv, EXWO 'o0 TI FiTrEIV. Stil to him; Simon, I liavetotheesomething tosay. 'O e e77r- AtSaarcaAe, erE., 41 AVo XpEW(e(le ant eays: O teacher, say. Two debtAECT?7at 7taY aVeFTo'T TIVrtY ets w e ay yoo e CROWD S say that I as i Asyova'tv ei oxAos El'vai; 19 Oi ae aroscpti6rErPEs 19 And THEY answering say the crowds to e? They cad r nseweri-v saidhe Jo al y began i deErO!V' Ioavvv 71o vToP~rTrttT-r7iq aAkot E, HAe e, sER; i sut others, Elijah; id John th diwpper other Tbut,WE. 1ha';Id others, that a certain aXhos k e, B s, ri rpo 7r/77 marts Torv apxcttwv avEO'rT7. P0rplhet of tile ANCIENTS others and, that aprophet one of the ancients hastood op. has risen up." ~Eie Bes averots' 'T,se lS 're Tea pcE YE7EfE 20 And he said to them, ltesaid and tothem Yioui but who me - say you But who do Lau say thatt VATICAn ManoCXoRT.. —ll. gladly reeetved. 12. The ZaT already began to decline., when the TWELVE crme, 12. Fariems. 14. as it were by, t 123 Matt. xIv. li: Mark vt. 35; John v1. 1., at 13 M aar, k ~iil..t. 4 19, Matt, xiv, 2i ver. 7, 8, ,Clap. 9: 211]1 L[UKE. [Chap. 9: 29. etx'at A'roKcpINIS 8e 6 flE-,pos E~ire, Top I am? t "And * Peter anto he? Anowering and the Peter said; The swering said, "The CHRIST Xput~ros 'oy N~ov. 21 '0 atervrirqlpo-as av'-'ots, of GOD." Aeointed oethe God. He and havingoteictlychtrged theem, 21 tAnd HE having irap'IrCYeLXE /Lp78eI A~yEIIJ TOUTO' 2 etrlwe1 '0T- ticlriagdthm i comemanded to eo oee to tell this; eeying; That srcl hre hm r 8et 'Iox' Wvh T-OV aVOpcvovro 'roX~a 'ra~exx', Kai dere d them to tell this to emust the soe ofthe mao matnythiegs toeouffer, and Do one; airo~oicqaao-6ps'ai airo 7-Oil 7pEoI~v'1E wI Kcai 22 saying, 4+"The, SON to he rejected hy the elders and of MAN utust suffer many apXtfPfWV Kai -ypa1A1Aa'Iew', Kcai atroicrayfOpxat, things, and be rejected by high-prieste and scrihes, anod to be killed, tite ELDERS, and HighlKcai r-p )apr tp e-yep0ps'ai. -priests, and Scrihes ttnd aod the third day to he raised. be killed, and on the THIRD Y3 EE~>e ~E ~ -~~* ~ TI OEEI OILO,)Day be raised." tHeneaid aned to all; If aeyone wishes neter 23 r And he said to all, ILAlI Ep~e-Oat, apl'pelcto-Oca gavTox', xcat ctpa-reo'"If any one wish to conte n,me to comee, let him. deny himeeelf, anod let him. hear after nle, let him renounce 'TOx' O-TIavpox a5'T-OV KcaO' hpAEpas', Kcat aKoAoy- himself, and take up lII' 1. the crone ofhimself every day, aed Cot- CROSS daily, and follow Oer wt. 24 'OS -yap ax' p1A T7i-, *' ~VX-x Me. low mee. Who forevcere maywislc the life Fo wherwul 24Fo whee wol:auOuhms tocnave, 9sallro~se ah'r; who bu ax'r may save Itis LIFE, shall lose it; of hmerf t cor, eallbee er ehohot ere~O7and whoever loses his LIFE A.er 'ipx' lvX7x ab'rov EIEKEs' E/LOV, OV)7T01 ~iOaet on myacut eshall lose the ifle of himeleefoe eccount of eme, he shallesave myv acoutt. j avT7Px. 25 Tt yap cextceXEtrai ax'pwirces ceptpo-as sv t her. Whet foe isprofited aemen havieg woe 25 tFor what is a Man TrOP Kcoo-tox' 6Aox', 4aVT0x 8e airoXEoas, p1C71 et w - profited, if hie gain the the world wcoher, himseelf aod havnciglost, orhaving for- whole WORLD, and destroy Otis; 2'Os -yap ax' Er~atf-Xv'Oi JAEs Kcat 'xOUS or forfeit Himself. feited P Who Coo coere eayheashamted mee ned the 26 + For whoever is qeoyqs Xo-yovs, 'I-VT0ox 6 Vlos 'iox. ax'OpwTroU ashame'd of me, and soY my words, this the soe of the eecn Words, of jiin the SON of e~rata-XV0'OpOETat, 6'rax CEXft EN TIf 50o7p MAN will be aslianted, will he aehamed, whee he may come ie the glory when hie comes in Iti's ownl TbioV, Kcas 'OU iia~pos, Kcai Twy x' & cyi ayyeACx'. GLORY, and that of the FA - ofitimoelf, eod ofthe father, cod ofthe holy messnegegree. TIlER, and of the ItOLY 27 'Ae'-ts2 6e beeix aA-Ows, 6101L TINes TieiS dias Angels, Iboy hot to you truly, are soome ofthooc here 00t ~t ~ox'a x 7 l But I tell you truly' f"WT MTMx, oov 7 yvwyriOax'aTou, h a Tltere are SOME TANDIsNiG eteoding, weho noct not shailltaste ofdeath, till there, whto will not taste I~M~ 'ip' $an~etx' 'oo Oov.of Deatht, till tltey see they may see the royaleeajeety of the God. Gn OA IJSY 28 E-ysxro 8f FXETa TOVS Ao'yovs TOVTOus, 28 And it occurred about It happened aod otter the words threse eih ay afrte &o-ethepat '~cK i rapa~a~wxi rlErpox' a WORDtkn-*Ptr ahout days eight, cod having tahen Peter cod O5 akn Ptr loopy~v Ki l~oiovavx'e3p 615S TO Opos and John, arid James, lie Joho cod Jam~es, he went op into the mtountain wetu DotemuN'Irp0Euao~I. ~KatEyEETO EN ff ~pOEU-TAIN to pray. to pray, And it ococured, to the to.29 And it Ilappened, so Xe0OaL aUToS', To et~os Tou 'Irpoo-7rov awrov Ite FRAYED, tile rOsRf Of 1pray him, the form ofthe face of hi.t tis FACE WHts changed, fTepOJ', Icat 6 i~aT-rtaos alJTol AFlVKOI e~al0TfftTpa atid hits ILAI3ENT becante,differcot, aed the raiotent ofhim, whiteness flashieg Iwhite and ebazzltitg. V,&TXCAr9 IlI4ruscuirT.-20. Peter. 27. there, wvho. 10. )latt, xel. 1l t John vi. 611- as2. Meatt. xvl. 205. t 22. Math. cr1. 21; xvii. 22. 1 23. Matt- x. W ax' vi. 24; Mark viii.S34; Luke xlv, 27. 25 3 Matt.xvi. It: X*Pk Is, he Cliap. 9t. sei1 LURE. LCa~p. is' Z5J., "O Kai i6ov, actz'6E oeftE tovceur, forth. Ae d lo,, men two wertalking with him, vy!o ortw Mor" and Etioe, they ppteariogI in gtot-y, epolo of the depe leere ofhtim, vhchih te me, bhot,.A97p0V`Ew'V 1EpO0VaA771L, U, 6E1 11e'rPos #cat, to fulfil so1 Jtertoe 'Ihe but Peter tnd' '0L OVV aVT~t 77002'l 19141Cp77,uEt'ot e'7r2'1., Atato(,e Wisth him o% Cr~e httvingbhonrtthry withttcrp. Ilav-7pylyo/YSJTaC))' iavTrv5tc0 E LOV+72 a~V TO~tV, Kait i.;, otrtkentd btut they stw the gloty ofbite, ttnd 701)0 6Oo atv~praS TiovS 0yVI/Eo'efi ros av'rcp'.. K~ai the two me thote etondittg with hiti. Antt E'YEV'ETO Elv 791 a1aCtXP1(ECTOCO av'Tous air' aVTOu, it appetted int the ttt depttrt them fromt tiot, ctitrE 6 1kipo rpoS 'raV laovovtnr Evitt-rara, eaiti the lotter to the Jests;, O astetr icaAttV C-0`TI ' JlCMs 617E EL'eiaL Ka(L iri-07crafIEv gttott it is us here totbe: and vieetmaytake or/C77v~as 'ipEtS, JoaMP C`OL, kftL /Itatv MCOCTEL1, Kif~ tents:thrre, onte fttr ttee, antd one fete Mtoses, tnd Ptav I-ILat Wop 01601 6 XE'}OEL., 34 Tav'ra 8e av'tov oefttrEtieoi totlknowingwttot hesaye. Thtese tnd ofhim AE-yYoseio, e'yeveTo 2'e2~EA77, teai E7rEG`Kiafc-vJ saying, ottoe a tlott, and oversttadowett lvrovJs, e($to(37)tt7tTp 6e ev' '71 EKE1110US ELO-71AOE12' theto they feared and in the those to enter Eti ' t 77v vf'EAt77v. '3 Kait (pv e'yc-e2TO Elf 'T77S into tlte couod. And a voice camer out of the t'ECPEA77S, AE'}~ovt-a "O1rOS ro-rtp 6 vt'os A~ou 6 couodt, saying: "This is the son, oftte the ayair7j'7-0s aetprot a~v i 36 KaieotE 'i-f heloved, him hoor you." Atd i0 the -yeleo-Oat '?777 f4t(f2'77V, 6EtNp7f ( 1770OVti j461OoS. to hot, beren tite voice, tote fooed the tJeous elone, hat avuto Ea-vy'qftOa', Seat ov6E2 a7r-,-y-yEiAa2' Ev And Otrey wereesilent, ont toonsottn totd int EIEicVOLas 'T-cszto /epatL0 06EV COP 4crtptKaot~tv. tttose the days nottttng of what they ted seen. 37 E'yoFVE'T 6E El' TV1 471S 47y/epa, 1Ca'TEX(op2Tcf2 tttttppeoed and in Itte next t4ay, having come dowen (1v070.2 aw roy TVOPOVS, av"Y72T71aOE2 atV'f. oXAos them foom. the moontaint, met him e rrow~d 7irAVS. 38 Kas t~ot, a2'77p alto 'rov oX~otI ap2Egreet. And tlo, aeeett froem the erowd rritd 13s770o'E, AE7YW 2 4SasWPICaIE,, 8CE0/i. (Lr00, Et$E loodty, saying:t 0 teether, I -prey thee, to tooh 4ctEr'o2' 1)102 /.0U~ ZTI'S /dO2'OVe271S' W0TI /.tOL. ont the 'son 'ot me, for ettly-hore heles to me; If Ctca t6ov, 7rvEv aC Aa$8ft'es (t2)TOl' Kict eftaitttd to, aespirit seizes him, tted end 3O Arid beltold, two Alen 'were cotuvcrsino- with htitt, and these Nvere Moses attd Elijahlt 131 who apipeari-ig in (7tery, spohc~ of h1is DiErVAll TOREE Wttltc Xas ttboutt to lie consuitmtted at Jcrut. Saeimt. 32 NtW PETER, and THOSE Wiht ltittt lWtre tOvfirp oW eted otilth Sleep t)-t iavitig aw-akoned, tllty sltw hitiG.LoRy, andlTeIsEF TVVO Iden STANDING Witht 'tint. 33 And itbtccurrcd, when they we-re.)P R~'tTtIN C frtnit Ititl, PETER1 said to Jisus, "M1atter, it 1s gooid for us to he' here; a ttd lut us make titrue Booths; Otto foa- thbee, attd O~ne forMoses, attd Ott for Elijah;" not kttowittg what hie said. 34 And as ltc was thus speakittg, a Cloud canic ted covered them; and thecy were afraitd when * they ENTERED) the CLOUD. 35 And a Voice proceeded front tite CLOUD, saying,$"Tltis is my 0SGN th~e OLOVED; flteachittt." '36 Axtd.whett tlte voicig had eeaacd, * Jesus was foutd ftlotte. tAnd tbri8 were t siltnt, sand told ito one in Tlonso jA'YS what titey load seen. 37 t Now it Itappeneol tlte NEXT 'Day, when, titey cante down front tleICOUN - TA IN, a great Crowd mn~t him... 38 And behold,+ a Man frosa the CROWD, cried loudly, saying, "Teacher, I beseech tltee, to look on tmy sON, For heissoy Ottly' Citild. 39 And behold, a Spirit seizes him, and.,he suddenly VATICAN MLktsUSCmx~ro.34. thry, It5. cuesuw SOw. SO. Jesus. t36. Je'us enijoined stienee upon the pec~tators of his';transfiguration, (see Hatt. xvii. It), til; -after hisresurreetton'- stda rptrdobUy on rni reason of this injunction of seercey to Cthe disetiples mttght 'be 00 or' unilno-tgaest o h piope tnto a belief of htis d ivitte character by a dogree of evidence whictt would control the. outd, and not l eave fiee ottope for the exerctse of the moral dispotitiott sand thein-geattous workiangs of the heort. lIt atPIpeoro to hove consulted thts purpose, on 'all occasIbns, with pdsrttcular attentiob.Wt'ktfield, 1 2. Da t. 'itt. IS, X. it. 75. Matt. iii. 17. ~35, Acts'fitiS. 81k Matt. Xi.0. 3.7. lhZatt. xvoil 14 Matrk ix.14,1t7. Ciap. 9: 40.3 LUKE. [6C ap. 9: 48. Pvrls Kpaet, teai acrapaacret av'royv Jea acpov, cries out; and it so condenly hecrics out, and convulee him with foam, vulses him that lie foanis; Kair uoy's a7roXwpet ar' avfrov, avvrptsov. avro. and after bruising hii, and hardly departs from him, bruibing him. with difficulty departs froit 4t Kai fO7e7Ov TCV cY psafO7rwvy rov, iva EKcfaAwa'iv inl. And I besought the disciples oft ter, that they might expel 40 And I entrcated thy avTro' cKa ovc 7Uv'7)el70Crav. 41 AvoKtpiOes e 6 DISCIPLI:S tocx;pelit; and it; and not they were able. Answering andtthe tllev could llot. Ir7Tovs fE7rev' h yEvEa a7rta7Tos KaL &src- 41 lAnd JI.- ST answcrJense said; O generation without faith and having ing, said, " 0 unbeliuvilvl Trpa.fL(V'7' ws 7roTrf fsooat 7rpos uieas, Kat land perverse Gc(snlratti(l! Ieen perverted; till when shall I be with you, and nIOW lol 1S Bshll I he s-ihl avteoSua VlVs.,,; npo-cyyaye rov v'lo fov ir Oe. you, and endure'you? Conbear with you? Lead othe e. ofthee le U hy SON ler. 4'E r ' r e 42 And while he was 42ETt 8E Trpoo-FepXOUCyo arovU, ep'p-,7eY av-ov 4U And allvlc 'ro Pas While nnd coming to him, dashed down bim approacling, t::e lEMOIN To oali/oviov, Kai arvvetorrapajtm. E7rEl70-ae 5e daslud hllni donl, and vietlR. demon, and violently convulsed. Behbled ard lently onvUllstd llllil. Al:I o Ile7ovs 'rT sryvy ea'r 'r Y, akceapTro, Ka tay a-re JEsctsrbul kedtlhe itrlru the Jesus the spirit the unclean, aned beahtd SPIRJT, alntl cured tli, 'rov 7raia, Kals arsE8KEv avwrov 7raTpi alT. cii, and delivered hiin 4 EerAlnwro e 'fin 7raive s s7r wr ea 7 43 Anid tley were all 6 l7ovsroet rpos astruck witlh awe at the MAWere amazed and all at the manieby sie TIC PO E of GO.A IEST1C POWEl: cf Gel. O'rU OeOv. elt te Ot ha. But while all were wontlh1rel tlie God. fI~~lavrast'v BE OaIVCLOV'e E W V Oe s ing at every tiling wh-iil Io Jrvsvs did, he said to iis All and were wondering nt all which did DS S T I?7o-ovs, cssre irpos TOV a7Tas asrOfov D44 " CI e pt I, S; the Jesus, he said to the disciples of himself; A~so-Os \q'ORDs)S r it %our r A1TSs 44&0EaE buUees els Ta CWTa UCWV TOUS oYOVS WO/lO S Ill lOUr AIR(S'5he StoN of M'AN is ttli,st -Place you into the ears ofyou the wo.t I;t to lbe. dcli'er(d illto lilt, r eoyUovs d Tyap VtOs,rov a.Opco'rouv AeAA(I 7rapa- 1toltvdes sttJ Men." these; the for son ofthe man is ablout Ito e 4 e 4 t THEFY did lot BsoeOasa sta Xsrpc 5 as'Opcnuro t" O5 B 't 7t'OOe understasld this SAX (s;, delivered into hands ofinen; Theybutunderstoodnot ld as O veiled friltl, 0 pr77jua TOVTO, Kai r77 7rapaKtKEaAv/sevov ar' theni tlhat they nligllt nfnt the word this, anditwnas having been velied from perceive it; and tliy e-tn(l avrAve, iva FL77 aolaOwvTra avro- Kai tepoovtv.ro afraid to ask htisn concernthem, that not they might perceive it; end tber lared Ing thi SAYING. epcT7rl'at avov re fpI Tro0 srlaeoe 7orTov. 46 And a Dispute nros to ask him concerning the word this. aniCtlg thenl, wni l (i O 46 E or7A0e e t aAoaoylrpos cV avrors, TO, T;j t III1E WOLLD BE ListA''Arose and a dispute among them, that, wrhch EST. EtfI iEtCwv C'v'rwv. 47 0 8e Ilqo'vs t18a.' '0 47 But JRSUS, pcreeivwouldbe greater ofthem. The and Jesus perceiving the tng the THOSGIIT of tllilr 8gaXAo'y1ruov TriS KcapStas avTrwv, efTrAafofVoOs HlEART, havilng taken a thought ofthe heart ofthem, Lavingtaken Little child, placed it sear.raiz8ov, Ea'Tr) rfev av'ro rap' aUT'ry, Kait Erfv hinlself, a.little child, placed it near himself, and said 48 and said to tliem, 'av'rots 48 OS feav EflTrai 7ovroTo o "o 'atoov eir "Whoever may receive to them; Whoever may receive this the little child in This LITT.LE CII.D 111 11ly to9 OvoiaTSr I/OV, o E n xe eXfrc ta Ka 6s fav e/Ae NAME,, recelvts Me, ajid the name ofme, me, receives; and whe me oever nme oeve rectise i!' BcSt4nra, 8EXe'Tat To airoOr'rEtavara fE. 'O0 yap receives HlI wVo F? r mayreceive,.receives the. havingsent me. He for nle; +for HEiWilis.rs A-'.iKpoTfpos Ev wrato'v bfeev VirapXwsv, otros efarat among you a:ll, te s. el; less among all you being, he sbhll te be great." VATICAN MAnUsCLsPTT.-48. is great. 44. Matt.xvii.22. f, t 4'. Markix 82; Iube I.. lx, r;;:; 4 40. M1.,' avs. 1; x.84. 4Maatt.,3. x. 40t, x., Ivt. 5, M;h;.!; i. ', n' il. 4',; x:,'.I)..t 48 Matt. xxiii.11,12. ahap. 9: 49.3 LUKIiE. [Clap. 9:. fte'yas. 49A-oKpiOeis Se 6 ldavvrls eLrevs ETiro- 49 t And * John answeigreat. Answering andtlle Jluhn 8id; Omas- ing said, " Master, we saw Ta0t, CeiOUiE T7ia ETL Tf y 0oOjaTL (TOU EKcBA- one expellingr *Demons in tel, we s: on3 in tie name of thle casting tly NAE and forbade AovTa a [ra olov ia Kai ~KiccvturauEY avTov T ri', 6 ]I Because hIe does not out the lemolls: aln we forlaee Ili, becall followus. ou c aKCOAovOei fLEO' 7cp.vW. 0 Kai et7re 7rpos not lih follows ith us. And said to 50 B3ut *Jesus said, cIro 6 i7O(r9os' Mr KiarAe.Vr' oy 'yap OUK eart " 'orbid hini not; tfor lho hil:l the.!e,,is: Not forbidyou: who fos not iU w1lo is not against you iC Kca3' vbiwv,,resp VibtWV ecrTtL. 1or you." against you, for yoa is. E ~ o 5 'y c A a 51 IX'ow it occurred, ''1Y-r 5 Te Ev rw rv.rA.qpovr0ar -as n tlle D'rys of hie It citc to pass and in the to be co.iplted the.len th e T ee zltztepai Tr-? ns'aoai.LCce av'o, 0J7 T 7 ieTiOEMENT were coUi-,ypas Tth aihaA7dcEs aUov, Iai aUTO T iO lF^E), De resolutely set days oftlhe wi.thdrawing of Ir1l, andl he tile FCE to GO to JesaToOIliS 1'ACE to GO to Jerusairpoaco'dTov auTou c(TrSptr,6 TOU 7ropeverra& eIS face ofhiimsef fil'mlyset of tle to go to 'IepaouraA7tu. 5i" la areareitAe ayyFAovy 52 And he sent MesJerusalen. Andl he sClt mnesss enger s elrs before Ilin; and rpo Trpocrw7rov aoy'ov' Kai iropefvOUevrs eit7r300o having gone, they weit before face of himself: cnd ihaving goe they entered inio a Village of the SaesI KIc.U.Y ZE;CapelTrwv, COTe EroI/iao'iaa auTri. rlaritans, iln order to make iilto a vill;ge of SaInarit;an, 8so to preare for him. prparatio for him. 3 Kxi ouxe fe4aZro aurov, oTn ro Trpo'wTov Kz OAK ie~asro aUTO, 6T. TO. 1O.OY 53 And 4they did not Aa.l not they received him, because t he f'c t + caTrov s,: ropeivouevoY' els 'IepovoaAchrl. 5.1lov- rceci-e Inim, Becase lie:i going to Jertksalem. See- WooIS goin;g towards JerusaTE; 86 oi /tIOri7Tra aVrTOv, IaxcwBos tKa Iwavvrijs, lel.;:1, a the disciples of him, Janes antd Johln, 5 And llis DISCIPLES, ftroV' Kupte, OeAetis tELrw/tu v Tvp KcaTrar7vat Jtames and John, observing sai;l: Olovd, wiltthlo nwespeak fire toco)ne down tis, said, "Master, dost Taro To7: oup2vov, teat aO.aiCw'ai aurovs, *[(Os Kea thoul wish that we comfronr the heaven, and tit cansuine tlhem, [as even malld l ir to come down HA\as e7rorloaE;] f rpa(Ets E ET eT71 fVt7h flonllL HEAVEN, to consume, lias did?] Turning and he rebuked thell?" avTros, [Kait esrev' OUK otOaTF, o/ov 7,rveuf.aTos them, Land sairl: Not youknow, ofwhat spirit 553 But turning he reeTTEf i5ELE;] 53 Kai EaropEu07ao'aY els prepay linked them; are you?] And they went to another 56 and tey wet to A 56 and they went to An' other Village. v:ilag. 57 *[EyeyeTo] aE 7ropevoJiUEVw avTrwv ev Tr 57 SAnd as they were [It happenedl and going ofthem in the travelling on tle aOAD, One 63'1, EiLre iTs Trpos a ovTO' AtKOAovU 7cOw orol, said to hin, "I will follow way, said oue to him: I will follow thee, thee wherever thou goest." obEou a, arepXrj, *'[tupIE.] Is Kai e,'e, aur7qv ouv av' aurEpXp, *CKUpE 5 Ka enres' atvsTc 58 And *Jesus said to wherever thou mayeat go, O matter. And iaid to him "The h 6 lajroots' Ai aA sreKes (pwAcovs EXOUIa, Kat Ta Iloles, and tile BIDS of the Jesus: The foxe, dens have, and the * VATcAN MrANUscRIPT.-49. John. 43. Demons. 50. Jesus. 54. the DISCIPLES. 54. as even Ellas did-onmit. 55. and said, " Know ye not of what spirit you are"-omit. 57. It happened-omit. 57. 0 master-omit. 58. Jesus. t 51. "I think the word analepsoos must signify, of Jesus's retiring or withdrawing himsel, and not of his being received up; because the word sumpleerousthai here used before it, denotes a time completed, which that of his ascension was not then. The sense is thatthe time 'was come, when Jesuswas no longer to retire fromJudea and the p:arts about Jerusalem as he had hitherto done; for he had lived altogether in Galilee, -lest the Jews should have laid hold on him, before the work of his ministry was ended, and full proofs of his divine mis-. sion given, and some ofthe prophecies concerning him accomplished. Johnsays, chan. vii.' 1, Jesus woalked tn Galilee; for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill hinm. Let it be observed, that all which follows here in Luke to chap. xix. 45, is represented by,. hlim, as done by Jesus in his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem." —'earce. - d1. SIark ix. 30; see Num, xi. 32. t50 See Matt. xii. 30; Lukc x. 23. t 5*. Jol' iv.,. t 57. Matt. viii. 1, C, ap. 9: 59.] LUK-E. [6haj. 1Io we'reLVa 'Tot ovpat'oV Ka'Tao-ipwaoeis' 6 3e vios HEFAVEN p1srces of shlcter; birds vftie hcaven roosts: the hbut ton but the SON of M6AN lisa 'Tou avOpwssaOU 05K EXEI, 7TV 'T77t' tf2O~A77t' KICV'7. not-wii-ee lie may reclino of the wao not h an, where the head he uioy rett. hiS HtEAD." 59 Eire 05 7TpOS 67-Epov- AKoXOVOEL $05. '0 BE Heado o tte; Folo te Heh 9 $And he said to anHesadan to noter; ollw me Hebutother, " Follow me." But fi~'KPi ISLp4OJ~LiaSEOtT TWTt sits said, "Sir, ermit use Isaid; Ottoeter, ieroit thou ote haviog gone firstt frto goso buy y Orcaia Troy staTspa A.OV. GO Eisre Be tV'TrV 6 FAHR to hoty the father of ott. Said toad to hit, theFAHR 1Ils-ovs' AsPESa ToUS PEKP0US Oa~ial 'rOVS EsauTet 60 * And lie said to him, Jesos; 1.eove the dead ones to hory the oftheinteeves " Lcave tise DEAD ONES to~ veKcpous' au( BE asteA,6y tt' 3wy AYXE sra7' $ao-i- intcrrTtEIitOWttDl ed; hut dead ones, tho,, aod hocing gtone pobhosh the hitg- 'IO 0thtt ansij publish the Aseia' 'roV OsoU. " Ei're 8e6 Kat iTepos- AKcOou- KINGIDcM of GOn." dot, ofthe God. Said aod also aoother; ISwill 61Adaoeras ol o02 o0w fb, CVpLiE' 7ipazrov BE f71rIpf*l0Y /A$01 said, "Sir, t I wvill follow follow thee, 0 otaster; fieet hot- permtit thou Int a7bT6'a~aTOCII 'roiS CIa 'rot OLKOV $0V. 62 Eisre BE thee; but permnit nie first the hotetooid ehot noorder soy affairs tobi-ifarewe 00 tothote h 0 oustote, ad u at HOME."1 *[7rpoa' au-rOt] 6 IoltTous' OU&CeIS ssri/3a~wv 'Tm'q [ to hit] the Jesos; No tone hoving pot the 62 Bttt JEsus said, " No ~Xepa aI'rou Ear' apOTpot', Kat $Aearwtv eta' 'T one, having put his HANS) Haod ofhiitelf ton a plough, ond loohing for the things (Sn tlhe Iloisgit, anid look~ingo~riaw, EVOErOS ECTTIruC ci'',T'/V3acikeiatpirov Oe. uss"osrND, is properly dishehiod, well-disposed is for the kingdomot fthe God. )os cid towards the KINGDOM of GOD." KE4s. I'. 1 0. CHAPTER X. Mer'a 3c 'Tau~a at'e5ei~ss' 6 KL'pioa *EKaii Nwate hstl Arter now these ihings appointed the toed' [also oaN o.af~itulr *thsistye C&EPOtS 6E$50$vh1OPTra, Kai a7retTTEiAEJ' auToila (fiters, anti +sent theist *otheot seteoty, aind seot theot tob w tfr iit n via Bu0 7rpo 'rpocrwsrot al'TnOo I cia' raya 7ro~t it ytobeoehii,each twobe hfore face of hiotself into eveee.it to Every City and P'lare, Kat'roro', 6- us~evatroa epco~i. 2 where lito was about to. go. aod place, wsehre woe about hie to go. tie 2 *And lie said to thens, 7SFy 0ovy 71poa aVTots " 0 IAEJ Ocpiau.os sroAva', t" The HIARVEST indeed is9 stild thea to theot; The indeed horvest great, plenteous,- but the REr-Ahot B ep a oAi7oi' 8En770lre OtUP 'TOO lKVpiOV ERiS are few; beseechi, the bu ahoreres few; i'tploee theeefore the toed therefore, the LOaRD Of the 'TOO OCpiGoUo, JnrWSa EKt~aAj' Cpy~a Eta 'TIrot iARVEST, OAlsi lie wouils of the o. keteet,~ that he would seed out lahorecs inot the tend out Laborers to REAP Oepio-~ut' at3rov. 3 'Tra-yvreT5 i~ou, vyw 07f0o — it. hareest f himeself. Gotyou to, I.send '*Ailft' 4~a p/cft'$0)Atw' M 3 Go; thbehiold, *I send yat s bthis oide ofsoolet. MS1you forth as Lambs ainolsg you s lmbsisk ids-, fwoles. Notwolves. PaC"Ta~e'Erc j.dat'iiot', $57j s-r7pat' $7735e )710871-, eacey you a puese, etcr ba hg etc Ban- 4 4Carry no Purse, nor $a'ra' Kai $773Et'a Kar7a T7'- 66v aa'raio',o-OE. Bag, nor Sboes, and salute dolts and 05o 00e b y the wer salute. no0 one by the ROAD. Eta' 6l.' at' Mmfiat eti-EpXfl(OeO,7pwo Ef istosohatond ever hootse ytootomyentee, 'rW'o5 E'E 5 j~m into Whaee Eipn77r T 'reiOLKqJ - 'TOVTrp. &, Ka5 eiz. '7 - CK Hofuse You enter, Bay first, Peaces to the house this. Aed if - otye thc Peace to this HOU1SE.' vios Etpslt'71a E7rat'a~raUTEc'ai Er'T Svo'r 77 y) fL7Jt' - 6- -And if a Son of Peace sott of pests, sahelleest On.- hem the peace is there, your PEACE shissil VATICANe MAXUseClePT. —OO, And he said. 62. to him-swita 1. Se v-e-n ty — two, and sent. 1. also —etto - 2. and he said. 5. I send. j 50. Mat ii 8 i e I Rings. xi~~x. 20. ---. 'Matt. x. 1: TvMark v i. 7.2.Matt. ix. 37,$8; John i'. S5. 5 3. Mhatt.x. X. 16. 4. ihh-tt. X.Q, lo; Murhoyt. o; Luke ix. 3. - tIS. Matt. x12. Chopa 0. U E [ Clap. 1 0: 1 6. VJ.LWuO EL 6E fjt77'}'E, E-p bltas avaIO~i4ageL. 7EP rest on himi; hut if not, it ofyou; if but,,ot, on yo it shall reun in shall return to vou. awqr +-'',I~ ~LVT1eOLLTCKL7rto~~ And inL That itousie this and the house' remain, eatiog and drinhing remoain,. eating and drinkTO reap' an'rwt" a~10S 'yap 6 eFP-yUT17T rOn ingthe'T-tINGswitlh thens1; the thing. wit h them: worthy for the taborer of the for the LABORER is worthy lALLOov a d'Ton EC7TL. Of hiS REWARD. GO not rewarod ofimsl is. froiii House to House. M - I /-,iEal3Oa V CTE E~ oulfias Eis OLKtLOL. 8 KaL 8 And into Whatever Not eo you from os to hose Alo City you enter, and they ist ~'v b' ay' roX;,' e1G-epXao-OE, KaL 6EXcv7WtL receive you, eat WHAT iS i,,tohatoad ever city you may enter, and they mayreceive PLACED BEFORE you; Aas,~f coOiLErc TO IrapaTLOeFLEv'a tyiva, IC ~S~ yas tto the tiniaD heiag act before you, iat, 'n say to tihenm, rhoe I ea youand ItN(otat ef GOD has apVpairvenE'r 'eOnS E' as'rp ao0OEVELS, KaL XE'yETE proached you.' cure yoo those in boo sick, sad fly o 10 But into Whlatever aVT-oLs H-Y"yLIKEP EeP' bpoua ' j~avLaea TOn GeFOn. City yoti etiter, anld they to them; 11ste. aigh to youo the kiugdouza ofthe God. receive you siot, going ouit 10 Eis aitS' at' 7roXLL' fL0OfpXyaloE,' aIC /V inlto its WIDE PLACES, Into what but eaer city y~ou y aente, sond not say5eX'cWvv~ai 5Ftua, rEeAOo'res eci 'rae 7rAaOrtaLO 11 +'even THCAT DUiST they may receive yoo, going, out into the weide phaces ofvnur cITYwhiCha dheri s OU'r75,EL~OTE~ KL TY Ko'Lo'ro', OP OAXl- to our S-EET, av e Wipe Off o fher, say you RoEen, the dust, that cla for you.1 Itwevier, know C )~t Ids, 'That the SlINt etoat3 Of 0ELPTO 57/ALL' CE T-qg 7tokEwsl t5.tLet' arouaLo'o/LEOa' GOD has app;roached. tung to usfrotm the. iiy ofyoo, woe wip off tlyst ta tJ/L~t arsit 'rn~o'yL/WOETE (SL?7'yLK~' 1l it will lie mote tuol;rSile foryon: howevere this knowe you, Lhathasapproachedthe for Sodom, its that DA~Y, I30~rLXe-a 'ron Oeon. " AE-yw to/Aut', 6TL:WolAois titan for thata CLTY. kingdlom of the God., say to you, thst for Sodom 13 WettheCo EL' 'r't 71/Aepc/ 5ICELv?, at'fKTTo'rP0V E0-'CL 71 'I'll raSIn! Woen to thlee, Iuth'l io the day that more toleorable it twill be ituto She saida! For if TtHOs.SiE MRA7roAC-L Er KELVS7.7 13 Onai Lot, Xopa($'LV, ovaL 1701o, ciSjs Wnhieh; are BE.ING city that. aWoe to thee, Chorasio, weoe to thee, PEtiFOtiMED tn Toll, hlad Ba7o-aao'e~L E ES Tpt~ ICL ~~ct'LEyE'OTObleien dotie in lyro atte etihisaida foe i f is Tyte sad Sidon had hbeen done Sion they would hive 5Sf ~WO/LELS EL' 7I'OOL fP EPreforttied long 5ato, sitting dL ua/~s a' yEt'o/Jeat cL tt/.t, 'ta aEy-in Sackeloth atid Ashes, the. stiracies,,those heingdone io you, loogagowroold is 1Bti ilb mr 'akloKfith IOL ashes si ItO~ing th' haL /Eref'orlOed. tolerable fatr Tyre and Sistotioh sd ahes sitieg the Sae ofooted oth, in the JUDGMtENT', TII flit Tp(tt Sfai:LWwVL at'EKT0TCPO' Eo'TL EL' c than11 for you. liut foo Tyre totS Sidon taste totoerhle it teiil he in, 1 Ai ljtCpr 'ep VpOL tAt. LuKat onu, Ka'rEpt'aon/A, 7l natinil, rTHOU *Which art the j'adgotnet,thoanfo~yuu. Aoad thou, Caperoaumo, whicb BEIiNG EXALTE.D to isFA'rcs on onpat'on vycatOewoa, ~css 'qrgon ca'ra- SE,N. Av ilIt bhchrou-ht down emoo to the heaveo art heing exaited, eveeo to invisihiiity down to - tHades, j3L~aaO07o~rl. '0 atconatt 61ACOPt, q-~ton aOSCOLEL 10 1ItsasO hEARS yott, Stitit he hrouoght. tie hAearleg you, me betrs, hfears Me; and StE who VATICAN MA'lscuO rTc.-1i. to our FoEET, We. ii; shalt not he exalted to HKEAVENS, thou shalt go down. ti1. This expression o fnourninsg and sosrrow was frequtent in the East. Thus Tanmar stgnified herdistreiss when disliosiored byAmniin, 2 Sa.m. xiiiQ 0,Thus also, "When Mord'_ —i perce!iVed all that Was done, Morideeai rent his clothes, and- put on sackcloth anti ashies," Esthecr iv, 1. 'rThis Joh expressed his repetitance, Joh xiii. 0. Thus Dainiel "ocet 1110 face aUto the Lor1d Gad, to seclaby tiayer and supplieation, witda fasting, and sackcloth and adlieu," lin. io. 3, Other naitioits adopted the practice, and tt became a very comnion toethod, whereby to exhibit great grieftand misery.-Burdee'. t ii. See note eta Math. xi. 23. t 7. Mtatt. x 11. I S. Lukzeixi. 2. Si, Math, x. 14; Luke hx.ll; Acts xiiiSi; Xviti. S.. 12, Math, x, ii;- Mark vi. 11,. is. Math. xit. 25.. It 1. Matt. Xt 53. t111. MatE. X. 40; P4hr~k iz, 87; JQ6 Aiii. 20. Cacp: 10: 17.] LUKE. [6,ap. 10: 24... — -~ -.. _ -----— _ __Kat 6 ae7rwv viras E~ Q/u aOe'ret b 6se e/LE aOTrwv, REJECTS YOU, rejects Me; and he rejecting you me rejects: he and me rejecting, and lie who REJECTS le, a9tOTil, Tro a7ro(rreTiLavT7a [f. rejects HIIM lwho SENT me." rejects, the one sending me. 17 And the *SEVENTY 17'fd o, en b t returned with Joy, saying, 17'Tre(oTpEav 6e o fo t eoT77KO a.ETa Xapa, I,"Lord, even the DEMONS Ilavingreturued aad the seventy with joy, are suject to us by thy AXyovres' Kuvpi, cKat Ta aljtuovta TrorTao(rerat NAME.". saying: 0 lord, and the demuons are sbject n h said to tlenl 7jt;l EY 7rt6 ovo/iaTl (rov. 1SEitre e avTors' E0wec- "I saw tile ADVERSARY to us in the name ofthee. lie said and to them; I be- fallilg from IIEAVEN like povv rov (raTavav ws a(rrpaT,;v ec Trov ovpavou Lirlitn'nr. held the adversary as 1.ightning olt of the heaven 19 elold, *I llave ivn 7res'ovTa. "?Iou, 8iGw/nu vJ.iv Y71v Efovat a vOU AUTIIORITY to TRnAI> having;fllen. Lo, I give to you the authority 1 Serpents and ScOlpiolS, To0 TraTrlEv eTra oEewv Kai sKOpT7ri'V, KaC eR I and on All *'II'AT I )WElR ofthe to tread on serpents and scorpions, antd on WVliC is of tle ENEMY; 7rarav Trlyv bUvvatayIv ov EXOpov KCOa ouseP;i/Aas and nothing shall by any all the power of the enemy; and nothing you mleans iljure You; ou pr) aitcrlc(rp. 20~rIAnk ev rTOUTVY /,1t XaLpe'Te 2() bIt rejoice notin this, bot not you may hurt. But in this not r-joice, That tlie SPIRITS are sulb6T( r Taveuara vutLT tiv 7lrorao'(reTra Xatpere e, ect to you; but rejoice Lhat the spirits to you are subject; rejoice you but, [liat tyour NAMES * llave brt 'ra ovoura vb,uwv eypacpr ev 'rots oupavols. been enrolled in the IIEAthat the names ofyou anre written in the heavens. VENS." 21,Ev avrt Trr wpa r71yaA\Xt aTro Tq 7rvevutarI 1 +In That IIOUR *lte In this the hour exulted the spirit exultedill theHIOLYSPIRIT,,6 Il sovs, EKar (ttr Eos/1oAoyov/oI aoo, raTrps Iand said, "I adore thee, O the Jesus, and said; Ipraise thee, O fater, her, Lord of HEAVEN cKUp TroU oupat'vov Eat r7)s Yr7S, T1 art~KpsUlas and EARTHt, Because, havO lord of the heaven and the earth, that thou hast hid ing concealed these thlnrs ravTa airo 'rocswv Kat arvveTwv, tat atreKaxvas from the Wise and lntellithese things from wise men and discerning men, and thou hast revealed gent, thou hlast revealed aura v'OS vat, 6 raTr7p, bi oUtrws feytv Othem to Babes; yes, FA~Th Prtoh s; yes, 6 PTi o&Tos Eyc o TrFER; For thus it was them to babes; yes, the father, for even so it was II; or t alUS t as eu3vota e'7rpo(r9ev -(ov. 22- avta 1ot 7rap8oO7l well-pleas ing tly sight. good in presence of thee. All tome aregien All tins are imVS TOV s rarpos /OU- KaC oveIs YIVW5aKeI, TI parted to me by my FAby the father of me; and noone knows, who TIE; and no oie, knowv wlio thl e SON is, except thle ecarv 6 vUos El /7 6 7rar7rlp' Katt rT ea'TLY 6 FATHER; and who the FAis the son if not the father; and who is the TIER i, except the SON, 3rarsl7, p L I 7 6 vloe, erKai 'q eav t3ovrA77Tat 6 and he to whom the soN father, if not the son, and to whom may bewilliugthe may lbe disposed to reveal viss a7roKav/ai. 23 Kai a'rpa(peis rpos TOUS hinlm soq to rceal. And turning to the 23 And turning to his 'iar71Tas, cKaT'r sav erife' Maxapioe ol o(SpaXuois, DISCIPLES, lhe said piidisciples, privately he laid; Blessed the eyes, vately, $ "IIappy 1ar 2 TIHOSE EYES Which.sEE:o.eXero'res, a PAErTEs. 24 A'yaW yap UU/t, what you see those seeing, what you see. I say for to you, 6nrr s'hotCo~/7arL teat pad es oa 24 For I tell you, t That 6'rT 'roNAot 7rpodprnral Kai /PaoiAeis -q0,1roav Ma2ny lProplhets'anld Kings that tmany prophets and, kings- desired desired to see tle thins desired to see the things tfpiv, a /ueCrs,3AecETTe, Kat OVUEK EiOov Kat which nou see, and saw, to see, what you see, and not saw. and them not; and to licar tll acoverai, a atcovere, Kat 6u v r7lce(rav., things wliicll you * lear, ' to hear, what youhear, and not heard. and leard thenl not.". VATICAN MANUsenrIpT.-17. SEVENTY-TWO. 10. I have given. 16. TiAT,Rowve which is of the rENEz. 20, have been enrolled il. l2. he exulted in the HOLY SPIBIT, and. 24. hear of me, and. t 20. Phil, iv, 3,'sIeb xii, 23,; Iev iii. 5 xxi. 27. 21. Matt. xl. 27. - t 22 Matt il; 13; Johnl'iii. 35 v. 27; xvii. 2.. -. 23. MIttt; iilO 1.. '24. Let. i. s. - Cihap. 19': 5.] LUKE. [C Cap. 10: 35. 5KrcIi IS o, Vo/.tKo 'r1i aveo-rT7, eK'rEipa2Awp 25 And, lchold, a certa;i, i And lo, alawyer certain stood up, tempting Lawyer, stocd up to try avroT, ICal AeYWV' AiSao-KKaAE, Tr 7roL7a'as C'cW77v illl, saying, s "Teacher, him, and saying,; 0 teacher, what shall I do life what shall I do to inherit alwviov KrX7povo'o/tcrc; 2 '0 Se etnre rrpos avrov' aionian Life?" age-lasting I may inherit? lie and said to him; 26 And lie said to him, Ev 'rTC YOCt, otw YT yeyparTrai; 7TWS asvaYyivw'KeS; " What is written in the In the law h what las been written? how readesttthou? LAW? How dost thou. 7''0 ao a.oKpiOCis elSrEv' " AyaartoeTri Kvprov read?" lie and answering said: "Thou halt love Lord 27 And HE answering, Tro OEoY aoOU e 6Xr7s T7rIS Kapiaas orov, Kat * said, T "Thou slilt lo\ve the God ofthee out of whole of the heart ofthee, nmdoutof ' Jelhovah thy GoD witll O6A '7Ts TtS uv s rOV, tKat el -rsj 7rtls rXvOS "As ll FlltyEART, andwithl whole of the soul ofthee, and outof whole ofthe strength All thy SOUL., and witit IOU, Kca E d6r7ts T77C Siavoias o ov- Kai Tov "All thy STRENGtTH, and ofthee, and outof whole of the nind ofthee: and the "with All tly MIND, and 7rArTriaov rov as oeavrov." 28 E,,re e avtre' "ttlhy NEICIBOIL asthyneighbor ofthee as thyself." les ai and to hin: S(clf." OpOws aarc-cptiOr s' TroVro roie Kai Car. ' 9 'O9 28 And HE said to hin, Rightly thou hast answered: this do, and thou shaltlive. Ile " hlU hl:lSt ailSWer(d '(1'8e OeFcoev SiKCaoV baVToV, 3oriltE rpOS rct' I Ov Vetly; t do this, and thllo but choosing tlojiy himneli, said to the Jets shalt live." (at rTts forti LOv X\ratov; ao'TrAoXawv *[se] o 29 But i., wishing + to Ant who is ofme aneighbor? IReplying adthe justify himnself, said to J EIancovs etTrev- AvOpworos s KcaTBativfv a7ro ss, "Who is My iNeighJesus said: A man certain was going down f ron bor 'IFpovaaX, i fis 'IepiXe, Katc at Aarais TrEpti-rE er 30 JFSUS replying, said! Jerusalem to Jericho, and robbern fell among: A certain Malln waS going 0 a Kt fKevnfS s aVro0Y Keat rXwYwas EOETVEYS, down fromnt Jerusalem to of Kai esOva-av-res aVToY Kai 7A'rlyas ~T'iOevTEs, Je richo, and fell a tog, who both stripping him and blows having inflictedl, Jeriho, alid fell anloi a7r'AOov, actErTEs lutOlav? 'rvyXavov-ta. i Kat a lolehhrs, whlo both hinglit they departed, leaving half-dead being. By sll ilped him, and inflitefd uWyKuvpav se l'pevs Tis KaTajlaivv f vr 63Sq bnlows, they departed, leachance and a priest certain was going down in the way in lm half dead. etett,.r, tat to ao av'aplOE. 3"0 s 31 And by Chance a er-. that, and seeing him, parssed along. In like manner that ROAD, Oa d seeinrg him, ce Kait AviTesE, *y[eyyoCsvos] KaTa Tro TOTOV, iths d aong. and also a Levite, [having come] pear the place, lieassel aOIlg. e dOw Kate i e, havri'ape e.e pe ce, 3 9 And in like manncer sArttVe' at trc nvs, av'reapqAs.f 33 ZaC~aps7eS e Of.also a Lcevite, comting ilear couing and seeing, passed along. A Samaritean butthe LACE, and secing tile I-L,.ACE, and seeing, ris oo0evcv, riOe Ktar' avrovt, Kait tiwv avTog, passed along. certain traveling, came near him, and ecing him, 33 But a certain + Safe(rrAa^yXvir-7l. Kai 7rpoae9A0wv Kca-reroa' maritatn traveling, ce;la le was moved with pity. And having approached he bound near hIim,'andl seeing tlll, ra 7pavaT'ra avnrov, e7rtXewv aeaiov Kat oivov lhe was ntoved with pity the wounds of lhin, pouring on oil and wine: 31 and approaching, lto 7rit8tf3aoras SE avtroV f ro 70 tiov KTrVaos 7-Iya-yEv hulld llp liS \Ot.NI)S,' having et and him on the own hbet led ltlling on Oil and Winel; In: eand having placed iiln on aros T et 7rav8'oXetos, cat lcrEFeA-7i aion. lhis OWN Beast, Ibrought him to an inn, and he took care oaim int to nn Inn, and tooki -a Kat e-T 'r7v avptov *[feEAOO v,] fKjSawv care oflnlm. And on the nextday [havtngcomeout,. tlavingtake out 3 A n tle IFXT uvo -oqvaptao eoege 'req 7ravtoxef, Kat eCretv DAY,,having takenout'lTwo tvib denarii he gave to the innkeeper, and said Denarii, lie gave thl; 11 to *[auTry ] E-rigeXA7070T7 avro' Kai 6, Tt av the l rNNKXF.PEn, and said,' [to him:] Take care of him: and whatever 'Take care of him, and VATICA MANUvSRIPT.-30. And-omit. 32. having come-omit. 85. having come out-omit. 85. to him-omit. Y 25. Matt. xlx. 16 xxii. 5. t 27. Deut. vi. 5. t 27. Ley. xix. 18. t 28. Lev. xviii. 5 Neh. ix. 2, Ezak. xx. 11; xiiL 21; Lom.n x.. 29. Luke xvi. 15. 18. ohn iv.j.9 C/tap. IC: 361ij LUKE [ C/ap. 11: 3. "rf5tob7TaV's7(T37S, f'y1e, eV' T9) E1raVCEpXeIT~i Me, tloL oet,,Pee, 1, in tl;' eetuinIe (A7TO3CLO'(W 001. 3 Tis * [oVt'] 'TOVTreV 'con' 'T'P1U 'i il ).oy to thee. 'Whitl Jthenl oftheme tfthe three 1r!A~iO`LOT aotooL 001 'ye-yoveval TO!) CE/L7rETOV'TOS a ncighLr eneso to thee to baee teen to the Lavin g fallen *IS 'T-eVS Arr-ras; 37'( Se Eirf-E '0 7roroaas TO amonegthe eebbeere; Ile and sa id; ltebeovingshowenthe fAfos 4rr' av'rov. Eoirev SE av'ra2 6' I~aovss1:1y towtrds Lime..Said tiet to Lit, the Jchus; JnopeVstJ, Ka01 01v 'roLei 61AotWs. G, adthudo in like tanerte. 38 *[-YIEVTO] E' 'IV T 'ropeveotOi av-oti LIthaee,peeiedj ted in the Ito go tbeee, *[iKaLJ a!TOS E-1tla7AtlP e1S K1W/IAlV Tia-I''.7V0t'SE [aod] L~e -eneieed ioto taillage ceetoin; o woeat and 'TIS ovoka'T1 Mapfa, re&e~a'TO IZv'rov *[EIS T-OV Fetatin to a e j e.e tdoetke, receised iMM Lnob the 0O1K5-P aP't'is.J 3oeKi~c TrP&E 7a.v aSCAh,7 K"cAOuj~eeV's houee ofhtereRl.1 Ard to be woe* eeieter hoving beeticalled Mapia, 77 KaiL 'tapaKcoOL0Ol liapIS 'TOVs 7-5oCl$ Mory, who also haoingeoat at the feet 'TOV Ia1it'OU,.a7KOVE 'reY AOeYOtV au-TOV. 40, 'H Seg efthe Jesus, beard thre word ofbito. The biot McaFea 7rFpIf4t7rT(1T 7fPt ItoAArl ta 1K~l'tapl" Alarothae wte-over-uideed about etooh seeeieg; evirtTao-a Se ELire' Kvpte, ov dectE 001t, hTti~ beviegctieneeeeeed said; Olord, notcoceens thee thatthe acs-Etsl.71 /~401 /Aol'7r /AE KaLTEA~ire 6iaKOVPEIV;ELIVE sistoer etne alote tee haseteft toaeriee? soy ovl' altrip WI 110lIlTAt~lrL 41 A'roicptthee to ber, that to tme ehe eeey gioe eid. AeswerOectSE feEI-El' av'rp7 6 17joovs- Mapea, Map~a, iug ted said tetLe; the Jesus; Meeath a, totaetho, /1ep1/d1'as 711 TgI~~ irEpt sroAAa 4 tO theeaetatetieue and troubled about etany tbiegs el teo c'iXpeia. Mapta,5 Tl'aat-v /ELC is tee~d. Moat' ted tie good poet eteAe~laTo,. lI'TLS ovic aOtlOpeftirei-ai (17! aV'T1S. kee, ekoset, which tot, shlltietahoe awey ftem beer.. Kai VYEyEPETO El'T VI eivail awriot' el' 'oro- 'TiviAtd it happened i t lie to it bite it a placeeecerteie IrpO0EfVXO/L~k'ttl' ks e~ravtoaT0, ElI-C TIS 'TOJl preyieg, whet he ccteed, said tee elthce disciples, tlhim, to kite: 0 teed, teaeh us to pi-ay, axevene Joke 'taught the kd0T as V'OV. 2Etire 5E cav'rots- OTl'?rpoodieiples tfteiooelf. ieeseid andtIotheem; Thee, you fVX71(TOE, XE-yE'TE rIa'Ttip, I-ta)(l-0CiTw 'To ovoiea pety. sy, et fOlthte, hetecllcvved the taeec 00!)' EAOETW0 0-01) 2.xi~t aI1 'TOl' O'TOY 74Ul'Y efthtee let eoeee othtce the bingeom: the breead ofte 'TOl' EIIOVOt 'I3t e/l' T.li '4 Ka the' tecessaty giee thee to U'e the etery day: aed kvhatex-er thou1 In"Ivest cxpit-d niiole I, iat 'lily IxTUN ill pi lc *3d Nsowwsoiich of Three TIISJEF lhinkkE't tho6U was Nicigitiotrto Rm NIM. 500ELL aiutoog tli uRORRERs let 37 And itt said,1 ITE Wilbo 31ANIF}SILFD 1t~I Y towards lein -` Aiid.Tesous 5111( to liettet Go, and Co tftjeo in like taistier. 38 NOW at they WE-NT ote, t. enteroed. a ceriinit I illage; i-sod a certalin Wti'Oliln, laint-d Alartlia, il-n tertained hint.39 And PslE had a Sister called Miary, wh'o also, +sittilg at * thoe aaF.T Of the LORD, heard his IORoa. 40 JBUt MARLT1IAwa perpleied whith Alotch So-rvitlg; anid (onitig thar,Esi said, M aster, dust tiituo tInt caeTOlist my sisuai.t h1at leit Mc to serve alcone Tell her,. then, to assiast 41 And *the loati answering, said to bor, "Marthia, Martha, thit a art anxious, aind tiroubust libyscif about mainy tbhistg; 43 but *of few thinigs, or of one, is thocrn NL~id; and Mary has cho(sen flie nOOD Part, whielt shall not ho taken away Imcin her." CHAFTER XI. I And- it occurre d as lie Was rIAYING itt a eittaiat Plasecitlien lie ceased, gre of hits stISCirLi stid. to Itian?iasttt, titch ilas to L5rycvtu tsclin taught 2 And he sadd to thene, "Wtlin oe-u piy say, 11)0 Taller, i I' h thly N-NE1 ILet 'fly RiNoa04i CMeC s gte u1s -AY RIi rAY our NIusP aAry 1001; VA'tleAN Istesroceiea?._-P,. thcr"-e'ini. 18. Itltapericnd-oeoit. Ss. COiO -omtel. L. into Lcrbieeoe-oeoit... the FET'o sOf e. LeeD. 41. the Losttl nect. 42' of few things,ercoeItheeee —gd % &Jln I. I; xilL 2A. I89. Ldkeyil cU.tS Acts xxfi. 8. 32. Njrtt. V I. 9. MCap. 11: 4.] LUKE. [cap. 11 14 aFpes r77lYv Tas aoeapTlas 77ICVV, Kal -yap aVTO7 4 andLc I ust (l forgive to us the min of us, even for ourselves SINS; foir We ouI:SlI ( aS>telEO aa,'r opclAoA0T' ityv Ka ju7 cLree- |1 ds( froice ", rev otc-, -kli(o forgive all owin; us; and not thou moaycat isl ldet,tcd to s; and. KtlS hluas els rtelpaohuov. 5 Kai Eie onpos awrous aldllo us not to Trial." ELw S Trcpaoeoz'. 5 Ks: elurE 7rpos asowes' u An lead us into temptation. Audhe said to them; e d t) lceri, len to tree loave a of e TisEVE e Whiich 1 of you s11out haf v TrapeYeveTo e, 6Sov ' rpos ]iid, Ka oK w 6 have iothi hastcote from a way to me, anct uot I havewhat lac before hi irapacoraw aTir. 7 KaKEiLvos Eftwlv Ql rrOKptfFIs t lace beud re anse'nn I u halllet a ud he fro within a il Sering U K E ttr a hin at Midnigti. Sh1oand say r7rphi Mr idni KOtOOVS TapX' r Vp ' o not trole, trohile 0 tile lholday; Not tome trohble dathou cause; readly the door OOr iS nOW dosel, a Ke aEI-TTaL, Kalra 7Tra0ia Mou JATE ' K eaov ets T7 hay ChILu oEN art e ith ofli has been shut, and the children of me with we in the 11 BE I) I canlot ri6e t KOltr el(rtly' oU S&val aL avaCTas OVOLva 0ot. 01l0 etlle.C bed are; not I a abhle having aien to give tothee. 8 1 tal yI he Thlng 5AEy7wo vI, El Kal ov 6waoE avTcp avaaTas, he will not rise atud give soy to you, if and not wil give to him having arisen, llt leca se h1 IS ihis tra p O fva avrtou pA 7,, Bla yE T71vw arvaotOev Friend, yet because of his because the tu be o hinm Afriend,througlindeed the importunity IMPORTUNITY nilded, lie aurTo ey7EpOeis cOa'Et avTc awpL XP7Es, 9 KoS- wil iseatil give hiul, as o him ariing he ill give to hlu a many as le wants. And i ony as tle nee;e. 'lyco 6,.IV AE7Y AiTFVTe, Ka( 5 f877fJEat itIYiiv 9 +Atnd $ say to yon, 1 toyou say; Ask you, atd itshallbe given toyou; Ask, and it will be giVeo l Thas been shut, and avo aEthe chi- n;oe sick, and you will eek you, and youshallfind: knoclryou, and. ithallbe hlY; knock, andit will be bed are; not Ismable havingarise n tsgiv e t oe opened to you. rat bMJt. lH~as yap S. azr' Xa0 av5es Kai 71(0 oteolr EVERY ONE wgho openedto youV Ale for the asklnag ceve t d T reaives aned a iE 6 ^JTWV eupiro'eJi' Kat Tr9 KpOVOVT0 avoy7 IfTaCo. \vlso SEEKS, finds and theseekin; ande: indtotna knocking ithallbeopened. to tilM w1lO iKNOCKS, the llTsa to yu vtwLY Tov T rafpCt lrge 6 vios apiroY door * is opened. tot ratone villgivt. tohia: or alo afisli, uotiaplaceofa S)N re quest Breau, will becausete t be olvc himl ahried Sttogne? or if l:e a ulTs opV TIEpOeis woetr a Jv7wy; 1- tpea ', 9 Kaask for a Fisl, will instead a fish aerpent will give to him: or man o if he w ay nP. f a FiSh give hin t a Sercrov, '17 fhrltaoEt aVTyt otoparozV; 13Et ovv pent? an Ceg, not will give to bim aacorpion ~ 1f then 12 or also, if he shllolld Eftoys, o'oy; poQ rapXoyo rs, oisa re ogeaTa ask an Egg, will give lini you, evil heitng, kntow you gitai aU Scorpion ayara slsovat roLs TEKPOLE' z 7 rorS To t AAov 13 If gonu then, being good to givo to the children of you, howmuce tore Evil, know lloW to illpart 6 T7rSTrp, ^ ft oHpavo, waEf revua ayov TrOs kgood Gifts to your ClILthe father, that of heaven, will giv agpirit holy tathone DReN, how e nuchv neore wAil the FATWER, THAT of ato (7tV t au tTe r HEAVEN, give holy Spirit king a k g it tho IS tlS WIl SK him l' 14 IKe 71(7' gre~aXAwp oa0LOtLoY, Keat (UVTOU rv. 1*4 And heO wascastiDn AnT he was cationg out a tt desmon, and it was out * aduu Demon And. * VATICAN MANUscRPT. —lO. is opened, 11, Ifsa on ask Fish.ot any one oty0y0a6 T?7 7EOO C wasconiingandapproacehet Itt7 1/i w'a ~ ~ ' thle HOUSE, lie heard Mlunerto the hooce, he heard a oound ofomocic cod doncees. sic and t Dancing. 20 K-ai rpooxtaXeO'agevtos Eba 'rts' rat~toys, EWUvv- 26 And euninionisig one Aod oco coied o to oftheoeeootc heO. f thise SERVA NTS, lie asked Oat'e'ro 't e177 'raura; 27 '0 8e etret au'rqj t him thre reason of this. qiried what way hethese things? lio cod maid to him: 217 And StE said to hinin, 'Ont 6 aaexipos 00o) 7l~'J~1 a E - e6vtrep 6 s-a'rsp 'Thiy JIROTIIER, is Comle Thot the hrother o-fthee iscomce: aod hos sacrificed the father and thy SATISER has killedi I05) TOt' ttOffXOt 'rOt' Otn1TEUOt. 6'tI b>ctatvov'ra the FATTED CALF, Because oftbtee ths calf the totted, hecauoeooafe lie hiss received him irt au'rot a~reAa~elv. 28 lp-yto'077 8c, Eat ovi' e~c- healthl.' hiom ho reeeived, lie woo cngey tnd, aod not wcs dic. 28 And lie was enraged, VAc TICeAN MeANaeSCRIP-21. thee. I am no longer worthy to be clled, thy Son'- make rsac as one of thy etanD SZ1aVAIOTs. But. 22. out quickly. 24. agaln-omif, It25. Cheesn, probably oaght to be rendered a choir of singera. Le Clere deities that the 'word means daneing at all. Sycmphonia, translated matcc may meas4 the musical ihlstEme )sAfts, which seeompceute4 the choir of stngers, -atoap. 15:- 29.) LUKE. Mcap. 16: 5. Mys EiOcANOEIS. 0O out' raaTN7p avTou c_~-eAOtst' andrefuosedtoenter. *Arid posed to enter. The therefore fathee ofthio going out liS FATHIER going' out, enarapeitaAE& asrrov. 291 6E as7roKpiOesEiS 575 -re treated hint. besought himo. Ite and answering said tothe 29 And iisc answcrinr,, 7ra~rpt Iaov, 'roo-asTa c-T7J aouxsuv aoD, EnL oaid to his FATtIERt, 'Befather: Lo, so many years to I slaoe for thee, and olVd, so wany years have I osaE~rto7-E EvrToAXt Go-o 7rap-qA~ov- CaL e~loi ouaE- slaved for tfiee, attd never nvr aecomooond orthee Itpassedby: and toooe never disobeyed thy conintatid; 7rOTE E&O51as eplpov', I'va,.LETa TwS' (PAWt' /hov and yet thoot never gayest thoo oavest h id, that w ith the friends ofme Me a Kid, that I ought be EsiopavOw. 30'OTe a 6 iirOt tr 6 6 ar-joyful1 With tIly FUSENDS; Si aigh t he i oyfuoI. When and the son ofthee this, the haviog 30 lint when THItt SON 4 a-yve ou00 Tot' sLOt' f/ETa 7ropmovst, 771AGev, ~Ov- of thitic cattle, who has devourediolfthee the lioiog with harlots, coame, thou haot UONSUatInD Thy LIVING Oat as.OTeP TOP i5.OGfXOt TOY' TITEVTOI'. 31 '0 Be 'vithl PROTIii TUTFIS, tites goacrified foe himo 10te colf the fatted. St0 ood tast kille~d for hint the ci'rer aurq) Tew-vov, au, rat'roTe /1ET' E/10!) E1, 55FATTFI) Calf.' soid to hioia 0 child, thoo alwoys with moe aet, 31 Aiid stE said to hint, KaiL 7rava Tra eAta Ga a0Tv'. 32 Evcppav077vas 5 'Chsild, tl~su art always wad ail the mone thine is.: To be joyful hot with Ite,, stid ALL that is Kal.Xap?7vai eci, 6-rL 6 a5EArpos outs o6'ros 5INE, is thinte. wand to w~e -,lad it is proper, foe the brothee ofthee thi 32 It was proper to be t'5IfOS 77v, Kal *[av]sE(77a. Kai asroAeoAws ~v,,joyful and be glath; Foe dead wow wad [agoa~ialiw, adhwiagbew oot asTilS i3ROiTIiER otf thiiie dead was an [aaiu isalie. ad hvin ben lst aswas dead, but is restored to Kai evpe~i7. life; lie was even lost, bust aod if, foond, is found."'" K E'C is'. 1 6. CHAPTER XVI. aEAFsye 8e sat 7rpos 'rous uiaO-q-ras as5Tov, I Anid lie said also to Ile said aod also to the diaciples ofhiooself: * thle Disciples, Therc AvOprrros 'r~is 71' NrAoucrtos, OS ssLXEV OIIYOPLOV witS a certatin rich Alan. Amaan cectainwwaw rich, wito had aosteward; wholiad a Steward; aid ljr Keai 0sTos BiSBA77O71 aV-rep &ie Saia KsOP71ic'w Ta wans accused to Ihini of ow'D, this w-oo accused to himo os wasting the wasting his P SF.sSSIONSa. ira otaa-o.2 Kai cPwvc7ovss auras', EIIE AndbavingcahledhSits. ooocsbsions o him., Aond havi,,gcaiicd hia, hewsaid lesaid to Ilits, I'Whiat 9 this that I helir of Iheec,. atsrras Ti TouTo aotots 'repi Oats; anrsaoS TOY resildes art ACCOUNT tif thyv t- hia; Witat thio S learconceroacoing hee? reodee the TWAt5iP frto Ao~yoy Tr1t ottcot'ottas a~o' ou -yap 6Usvaiop ETI caisot he a Steward nlo acounat oftshe stewaedohip of theoe wot iotooooswiiooohilelonger lun~crl' oco'ess. Eire 8e sv 'av-rqep 6 olscovo/eos' Ti 3 And this STEWARDI to he steword, Sail aod io hioaself 'ia, stcward. Who, said within hinitelf, Whiat 7roiN,lac, 6,r.i 6 icupios puou aoaipetslraIOrs Ou1COPO- sallljdo? F~orillyASt~TEit cloall I do, toi the loed ofe co ahkes the steward.. takes the STEWARD5SH IP /uiapt air eu.ou; Zica7TTelt OUJS iO~uVW, Srai'rstv ' awoy from nie I have not ship fcoom woe? To dig not I 'woe wstregth, to hog stresgit to dig(* and I anis aixst'O/vouat. E-yvWY Tri 'rolow, it'a, 6-rat' ashamed to beg. S wom wshamoed. I hoow what 5 will do, that, when 4 I know wb~at I will do, /1ETfTsa~aow Tfls oticovo'ogas, 6aEtWVai- ur esthat wlient I ani deprived of tilic TWRSII' 1V Imay be psout of the stewardship, they may receive me inota 5EiAI5Itte e 1sully receive Tile into their 'rOUs OIKcOUT assTWt. Kai 7rpod'ica~caagsst'os own, stouses._E the houges aftiheoselves. And baylo7 oommoned 5 Ansi calling- tacht one Pta. 5KOO' et F~~IAE-rsO Tou KL5Plau Of Isis 3lASTER'~S aEBTRISI, one eath ofthe debtor# of the Socrl lie said t o the F mRST, M Ioo fawsrots, sec-ye -rcp 7rpwrsqep floov oypslAeis ep scsslse dust tliuo owee s.y aei,;macel, he waod to ths Siare, How mogh owewt thou to thle 3IASTEIS/' VTIANtAt MAweoCntmTx-28. And his PATHErw. Its. FATTS4 Calf, 2 eos -w..mt. 1, the Disciples, 8, Sl 11110. 32, Agaia Chap. 16: C.] LUKE. [CVtap. 16: 11. IcupicPJ,ou; 6'0 oe eTreY 'Ecarov Tarovs eAalov. lord of me? HIeahd said; A hundred baths of oil. ]lat etreV avUTC AeCat L ou 'TO ypaCCa, Krat And hesaid tohim; Receive of thee the bill, and KaOIeras rTaXws ypabov 7r1evTr'KOvTa, 7 EreTra sittingdown quickly write thou fifty. Then Erep ECiTre':2u e 7Troov opfleiA s; 'O Oe eiTes' to anotherhesaid; Thou and how muchowest thou? He and said; 'EKa-ov Kopovs triTov. *[Kai] Asyet aUTt-r A hundred cors of wheat. [And] he says to him; Aeai raou TO 'ypaczaa, Kati ypat/ov oy8)o7sKovTa. Receive of thee the hill, and write eighty. 8 Kat erprfrevt 6 KVPIOS TOV OIKOVOOV T77 Anld praised the lord the steward the aItKcLas, 6TI fppoviLUWS EfTroL'ae-' 6Tr o L vIoI TO utljust, because prudently he had done: for the sons ofthe ativos TOVTOVU fpOvPIUWTepOL t'ep TOUS viOVS TOU age thi t more prudent above the sons of the 4(wrTOS eI TS7V 'yeveav rT7v EavTWv eii. 9 KqIyW light for the generation thatofthemselve are. And I vi.Lv Aeycu' notr77raTe favrols 4tAovs eK 'ro to you say; BMake you to yourselves friends out of the /pafccWva T77s aoliKas' Iva, 6'rav eKcNlr77res, eafcwmammon of the unjust: that, when yoetmay fail, they may 'at i'uas ets 7ras altwviou ov'cKvas. 10 '0 trros receive you into the age-lasting tabernacles. He faithful Efy eAaXZoTo)p Kai ES 7roA\t\ C TIrTOFS cT Kai T in least also in much faithful it: and he v e CaXtrT(T a3IKos, sat ev wroXXw aiKOS foTtv. in least unjust, also in much unjust is. 1 Et ouvv v TrpT a3iKio suauwvca 7rioTot OVK If therefore in ttie unrighteous maammou faithful not eyeverOe, Tro aA77r0vov Trs Vyet riLTrev.'t,; 1KC:a you have been,the true who to you willentrust? and 6 And IHE said, t'A Hundred Baths of Oil.' And * 1E said to hinm, 'Take back *Thy ACCOUNT, and sit down quiclly, and writc one for fifty.' 7 Then he said to another, 'And how mucli dost tf)ou owe?' And 1 E said, t 'A Hundred Cors of Wheat.' Ile says to him, 'Take back *Thy ACCOUNT, and write one for eighty.' 8 And the MASTER applauded the UNJUST STEWARt), Because lie had acted prudently; For tlhe SONS of this A (.E are more prudent as to THAT GENERATION which is their own, thiant the SONS of LIGIHT. 9 And I say to you, t Make for yourselves 'riends with the DECEITIFUL WEALT,'l, that, when *it fails, they may receive yout into AIONIAN Manlsions. 10 IITE who is FAITIrrUT, in a little, is also ftithful in nuch; antd lb: lwho is UNJUST in a little, is alsounjust in much. 11 If, therefore, you have not been faithlful in the L)ETLUSIVE Richls, who will confide ite TRUE to you. El e' T9p aA\OTpi 7rit-rTot OVK 'e-yeveae, TO 12 And if vou have not if in tie another faithful not you have been, the been faithfil in TIAT V/.ereTpo P TIS bVtiv 8wore; whlich is ANOTHER'S, wlho yours who to you will give? will give you THAT wliich 13 Ov3eis otLcerT7s vvatTat 8Ivati Kcvpios 8ovXFv- is* YOUR OWN? No one domestic is able two lord~ to terv; 13 + No DolUestic can s ereeo Two Masters; for loe etv' 77 'yap ToP Cva /atir10rEI, ari TOP Erepov willitlr hate te o eitherlor the one be willhate, and the other ate the e o andl love tie OTrER; or lie aoyartlaee' q fEvos a Ere~'Ta6 i Kaic TOU ~Tepou will attend to one, andl hewilllove; or one hewillqlintgto, and the other neglect the OTHER. YOU Karafppov)trei. Ov wvvatrOe Oecgp ouvevev fi cat cannot serve God and he will slight. Notyou are able God to serve au.l Mammon. * VATICAs MANIrs IrT —. In said. 0. Thy LETTERS, and. 7. And-omit. 7. Thy,1'TTEi;R9, anld, 9. it l'xi, 12, ouv owN, t 6. The bath was the largest measure of capacity among the Hebrews, except the homeer of which i t w stl te tenthi p):rt.. Se3 Ezek. xlv. 11, 14. It is equal to the ephah, 1, e., to seten gallonn and a Aa!f'foou-r me:sure.-Cltr/ke. Joseplus st:ites tiat it conttailled seventy-two sextarii. or abotit thirteen anld a Il f a:1llons. '+ 7, The cor was the largest measure of capaceity nmoni the Hebrews, whet.her for:olids or liquidl, As the bath was equal to thO enhah. so thle car was equal to the homcr. It contained about seventy-five gallons and fivo pints English. 2i 8. John xii. 30; Eph. v. 8 1 Thcss. v. 5. t 0. Dan. v. 27 Mntt. vi. 1; xiR. 21t I roa. vi. 7-i. 110, Catt. sxv, 21; Luke xix. 27. 113, Matt, vi. 2, ,Maap. 16: 14.) LUKE. Ci ap. 1I:2C 14a Wa. Hicovos' be TaV'Ta IaT r T a SOf s 14 And the PSIARISES, maml. Heard and these all al.o the -4bcin& nioney-lovers, also 4scpscapt oL, 4PiXcpyvpoi 057rap~oprTes' Kai fJEUVKJIC heard till these things, and Pharisees, muoney-lovers being; snd they they ridiculed hint. GUTfovawoI. 15 Kati e~irey avTOLS' 'TIAEeS 15 And he said to them, mocked hiss. And he said to them; You " Llu are THIOSE who11 E'E 0' MIaLOU"TET 'GTU EPW7)TLOP 'TWY V IY ~ h are those justifying yourselvos is prersece ofthe urees fc 0 ' 66e eos711'O~cL 'aP ietp~as ~ MEN; but GOD knows your as' pcsnrwv-s NNO YPOK TtKpabw HEARtTS; For TIIAT Whielt mes: thehout 'God ksosn the hearts ofyou; i5 HIGHLY PRIZED) aniollTLTO el' as'pcoriOs bi54'SXv, 05eXv')y/La eVCwr'Tol Men is an Abomination be'for that hy men, highly prized, sansaomssnstion sopresescefoe*GD erov Oeov. fr GD o(the God. 16 t Tite LAW aind the 16cO sPolato scai Of srpoqP7Trai 'ws Icsavvo asoPROPHETS were till John; The lsw and the prophet, sill Johs fross front that period, the KIN G'rOTE j~ 6aa-iAeta 'To OBeov e~a'y-yeXIteTat, Kat DON of GOD is proclainted. then the kingdom of the God is presched, and atnd every one presses towwaIs E15 avrnys fitaCE'Tat. 17 EUsOCOTrEsspov 8 astrds it. everyouteinto her presses. Easier hot 17 $And it is easier for to7'1 'TOt oupavIov' aICL r7)1 y771' lrape-A~eII, 7) 'TOU HEAVEN and EARTHI to it is the heavens snd the earth to pss. away, thus o sthe pass away, than for one vo0$ou /A10a' scpaias' lrea'elJ. 15 IIate 6 asr0XVW1v Point of the LAW to fail. low use fine poist to fail. Eoeryoseswho diasmissing 18 4-EVF.Y ONE: wito TS7JV' t55/RL5Ca tb'TOU, KaiL yagFwsr E'Tepae, /.Lot OIISSii5WFai the wile of hisssell, asdmurig sohrrsssl marriesg another, commitsDVMSE iWFan XEEV Ka Iras 6 a~roXAl/ekvet777/ a7T al/a/OS adultery; and 551E wilo edultery: ssdevreyonewho herbeingdivorced fross suhushaud MARE 1rbigdmarying~c, IommXsEdltery. vorced from her Husband,' msreyis pwromsis TTVV VO SKa adultry.contnits adultery. ~Av man now ee'Tainw r)' ichvOs, And wJ'as 19 f Now tilere was a AwKT maopowoerteaises S ioho, civpda sesvs certain rich Malt, who was clothedT WpurpleG andL fineoline, feaIstlGino I/Sclothed in Purple and Fine clthd upl sd 5u Ies eolss linen, and feasted sumptuaO' 7i/.tepart Aagw2Jpce. 20 nlTWsXOS 8C 'TIS [ 711"] ously every Day. eveeryduy sussptuously. A poor audrcertsin [was] Os'oea'Tt Aca~apos, *[6S] EJ3EI3,V'To srpos T~ 20 And a certain Poor namoed Lassoss, [who] was 1usd at the man, nalted Lazarus, was wiv~k was av'Tou 7JXKCcslEyOS, 21 Kai eriMOul2wv laid at his GATE, full Of gate ofhiss besgeoverredwithsores, And losging sores, Xop'TarO71)al, G7F0 'Tco1 lLXIW1' 'TcslI 'TLT'TOI"TC0V 2.11 and longing to lte fed us he fed fross the crumbs those fulling with * THOSE CRUMBS airo TI)? 'TpaTeC~IS 'TOUl IrAove-ou0 aAAa Kail ol whieh FEL.L from tile Ricir fKoss the table- ofthe richs h ut even the ntan's TABLE; hut even SC t4es E/(og.e1'oi ar7e~cXELo1 'Ta iX5C7 avlTot. the 0005 callte and lieked dogs cossing licked the sores of hi.. hisi sores. 2E'yEVe'TO be arFOavt1el1 'TOP' 7l'TWaXo1, scam are- 22 And it occurred, tllat Ji happened asd to die the poor, andi to the PooR. tan died, and sceXfOfls't av'rov 67r0 'Twvu ayyeAw1' E? 'TOP,csx- was carried away by tile bo bornseAway hiss by the ssessengers into the ho- ANGELS to ABRlAHsAM'S *VATsICAN M,&XVuea~rT.-t15. the Lord. I&. uz who MARRausn. 20. was-essit.,20. webo-smit. 21. THINGS Which FELL. 19. Thts parable stands in connection with apalpable confusion and interruption of our Savloro discourse, which is brokens afterthe fifteenth verse by three verses neither eonnected with each other nor with what p recedes them. Neither is it directly said that our Savior did usoetbe paralle, but is abhuptly introduced &e. I ani unable to learn whetiler a similar pazable. has been recognized in the rabbinical wribinys efit the eomplexion of it certainly accords wsth their mode of illustration much better thain It does with that enaployed by our f~aviasr,-Me(7xLh'h Drc, Lightfoot and others have shown that the Jewe in their Gessara jav a VeBpacabie Muoch to the Same purpose.-Dsckridpe. 5 4. Malt. axtii, 14. t 55, Luke i, 23. t1 5. Mail. iv. 17; xi. 12, 13; Lotke 6a. 29.. 117, Matt, v.M 18 L 18. Mattv, 02; xxix. 9; Mark x. 711 1 Cor. vii. 10,11L Chap. 16: 23.] LUKE. [Cap. 16: S1. 7ov Af3paa/y. A'reOav e e'Kcal 6 rAovurios, IKa tBOSOM. And the airc som Abraam. Died and also the rich, and man also died, and was EfTa77. 23 Kait v T r 'oM ferapas TrouS o r0aA- buried; was buried. And in the unseen havinglifted the eyes 23 and in HADES, being luos ab'ov, Wbrapxwrs env faoa'oi, epa rov in Torments, he lifted up ofhimself, being in torments, ees the hiS EYES, and sees * AbraApaa/ii a ro utaKpoOev, Kai AaCapov E ro7s icoA- ham at a distance, and Abraam from t distance, and Lasarun in the bo- Lazarus in t the FOLDS Of 2ros acerou. 24 Ka; avUos e vwflras elrf' larep his mantle. som. ofhim. And he crying out he aid Ofather 24 And crying out a ABpaay, fAe eao,puc, ai a Ar a Scipod, ilva said, 'Father Abraham, Abraham, do thol pity me, and end Lazarus, that pity me, and send Lazarus, 13aCi, 'o apo 70V o aKevo v atzrov vars, Iha t his e may dip the TSP of he may dip the tip ofthe finger of hinself of water, FIGJe in Water, and ~KaL I5ea~clCvE 7 p 77W )'Awoa eo(, rru ' oe o MWF i cool my ToNcUne; For I ned tnyrl the tegoe unde reein t n ant tortured in this FLAM E.' and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain 27 o 7'. 2 Eire 2e A 2. To, 5 But Abraham said, ev p c AoYs t avs. a Ele Oe A opaae e Tenvcov, 'Child recollect That tionu, in the flame this. Said and Abraam; child, re t h at, /AvO77a,, 60a~ c during thy LIFE, J didst reYlerar, Tdws aireQAa/es 7a a'yaeoa ov fV 7T ceive thy GooD things, and remember, at atthoudidstreceivethetingood oftheein the Lazarus, in like manner tr7 oo, Kars AaSCapos dAowns rT a cKaca MUv M his EVIL things; but now life ofthee, and Laarus in like mannerthethngs bhd; now *here he is comorted, and be MSe ixrapaKaeTesr, nrv e otutvalaai. 26Ka tl ouart tormented. but this is comforted, thou and artinpai. And 26 And besides all this ezri raoa 7TUvTOLS,.e'rau j/wvM KQaL tV/Al xa a a great Chasm is situated besides all these, between ofus and ofyou achaem between us and you; so /eEya ErTr7lplKtalt, drws oo OeAoEr'Es 8siaSBvpai that THOSE WISHING to great has been fixed, so that those wishing to pns over pass over hence to you are evOM erposr baas,,xrl avvwv Tat, ir8e 0 o' ecfteOeV unable; nor can *those hence to you, not is able, nor th n ose t e cross over thence to us.' rpos 7/e)as laFreppw av. 27 Eire Oen EPrCe otvMv 27 Then lie said, 'I ento us crosr over. Hesaid then; I beseech thee treat thee, then, Father, to rE, 7 raoep, ila lrE//7S aVTOM EiS rTO OeKOV TOU send him to my AT iERa's tlee, O father, thL thht ouwouldstendhim to the house ofthe HOUSE - 7raTpos yov' 28 eXw yap 7rTEE afeAdpovs 607rws 28 For I have Five Bro; fatllr of me; I lare for fie brotheer thnt thers; that lie may testify ameaprvpalTai avrois, iva /A7 Kai avoto eeOnariv fully to them, lest tbtjL e may testify to them, that not also they maycome also come into this PLACE etr TOP T07orod 7TOtToY Tr77S SaaMov. 29 Aefte of MISERY.' ilto the place this' ofthe torment. Says 29 * But Abraham says [avsT'] AIlpaa,' Exovton Moerea tKai rovS +'They have Moses and [to himl Abraam: They have Moses and the the PROPHETS; let them irpo(p7ras- aKovaarwoar avs'rwvi. 90'0 oe eorEr hear themu;' prophets let them hear them. He and said:. 30 And im said, 'No, Ouvt, erarep, Afbpaa'e aAA' eav ise afro etKcpewV Father Abraham, hut if No, 0 tatner, Abraam: but if one from dead ones one should go to them from ropev0? rrpos auTOVs, usETaMPO7IovdOiV. 31E'l 8e the Dead, they willrefor.' mtny go to them, they will reform. GIe said but 31 And lie said to him, V*ATICAN MaacscrPT-27. Abtaham. 25. here he is comforted, and. 26. tCose. 29. But Abraham. 29. to him —omit. 1 22. The expfesslon, "Abraham's bosom," alludes to the posture usedby the Jews at table. Thlis was ruclining on couches after the manner of the Romans, the upper part of the body resting upon the left elbow, and the lower lying at length upon the couch. When two or three reclined on the same couch, some say the worthiest or most honorable person lay first, -' Lightfoot suas, in the middle;) thenext in dignity ay with his headreclitning on the breast or'bosormofthe frst, as John ts said to have done an the bosom.of Jesus at supper and hence is borrowed the phrase of Abraham's bosom as denoting the state of celestial happiness. Abraham being esteemed the most honorable person, and the father ofthe Jewish nAtion, to be in' his bosom signiflep (in allusion to the order in whicl guests were placed ti. al entertairiment) the highest state of felicity next to that of Abraham limself, -iurder. t 23. Tots kolpois, being plural, the idea seems to be as expressed in tel text. See F;trkhurst.. t '.. Job xxi.l'; Luke vi.f 24.; t 2. Isa. viii. 20; xxxiv.l Joiln v. s, 45; Acts xv 21; xvii. 11. aDTep Es MWO-ews sal 'TWOs 7potP7?rO)S U o QscKsOv!' If they hear not Moses te hintl If Moses and the prophets not they and thle r'RsWHETS, J neiot~iv,5' OlJ&E cta' rts Etc VFPcat attaoT-7, WrEb- therwilltheybeconvincedl, iktar. neither if one eeoutofadonen shouldriee, will though one should rise Ovrroborai. fromn the Deaid.' - they heecnvijnced. CHAPTER XVII. XEC 1 17. 1 And hie said to * hisa EV617..DISCIPLES,:" It is inipos. E 8~e TEAwos 'Ious AaO77Tas' Ay't'EI Vo sihie for SNARES not * to He said and to the disciples: Iempobnihle coiie; but. Woe to him triTs 'Too /A-1 EA66Y 'Ta OKap~a\aR otuat BE, aei though whiom they come!I itin ofthe not to now.te nnoJ wehtbet 2 it would lie better for ob epXvrata. 2 AUosITEAss (XUTtp, El /AtVAOS OP'SKOS him, if an upper Millstone whom they come. It isprofitabie forehim, itf a wils~one upper were hiattgc aliout hia *epmetsTaL TFpl TOP' TrpaX7lXov' auToU, Kas ep~tw- NE CK, and lt he throwit wan hung about the meok nfhaln, andhbavehbeen into the SEA, thou1 that hie Trat st f rITTV OaAaaooav, 71 'a osazKav Aso-p.1 va should-insnare one of these thrown into the. ten, 3than that he sheold reennaer nTe LITTLE ONES. TWOs A.LIKPWa't TOt5TWt. nfpo05Xe75 laurlsS. Eat' 3 Take heed to your. of'the little Ones thene. Tke 'eeed to yonrseeisr. If sets-es; 4 If thy JIMOIt i-li al &gap~r *[ss a's] 6 cs5eAcpos 0oov, eviT/ia77O550 sins, trebiuke hiim; and if nnd thould sin CagninsttheeJ the brother efthee, reehke hie reforms, forgive him. aUV('t" sKaitsap fgsavra~oo, a7 saurp Kai 4 And if seven tiniea in hint; aned if heahonid referin, forgtve him. Aed a DAY lie snaga oisist thee, Cat' br'raKSc 'ufls SIA~pas a/~uapri ut F ~t nd seven times lie turns if neroentimesn ofthe day hieshould sinnagninst thee, aned to thee again, sayingI &srratics *[T715 q'uepas] ss-wro-peup, As 'reon ~'tou shalt forgie seven Simes (ofthe day] heeshonid turn, saying; Itutu." Merat'ow, aeP77oeis avre9,. 5 And the APOSTLES I1reforin; Shoe'shnit forgive hi.,. said to the LORD, "lIi5 aLesiros' of airoa-oAot TrP scupiep' rpoaOeGs crease our Faith." 'And said the apostles to the toed; Do Shou ndd 6 I And the LORD said, hessv irtarts'v. 6ESTE BE 6 scvposoe Es *jtess " If you had Faith as a tosst faith. Said aned-the toed; it yoe had Grain of Mustard, you sIos'V L~S sCOKKsos' o'rs'aircws, *AcE7-eT ay' T7 iiight say to this SYCAfaith nn a geani of eutentrd, yssnlighteny tothe MINE-TREE, Be thou -upoy I~'t'rup spCW07rTt, scat 4pwevO77Ti Et' rooted and planted in tbe, nyensn.ine-iree thin; Re thenuoprooted, andhe thenuplanted in SEA; and it would ohey 'rp OaAartrop sKai 6ir~lcotvo'es ay. iqsss. 7 Tts Be you. the n, eat e nd it weoild ehey you. Which hat '7 But whic~h of you hayEt 6/&tetS 8ots~os eXwa's aporpsses~a 71 7r05g~ait'ot'a, ing a Servant plou'liing or at yea a staen hnvieg pionghing or fendilag cattle, feeding cattle, wilT say to 6S Cs'sOexosoTs sc TOU aypo epss EvOewi hint as lie comes in from wise. havneg eeome net of he Soeld wilsay; Imtmediateiy the FIELD, ' Come imsmediJrttpeAiOcet aa'aeoas; 8 AAX' ouxt spss av'T~p itely, and recline?' - on ohaein? Rt not wilisay teoe 8ln will he not say to E:TosjsAU(ToS' l's 86sl'i7-co, Kcat 7reps'wo-a~l~eos him, I'make ready my supXakek ready whet I may sep, and having girded pe;gr hsland Bsatcos'as gea, IWS 4pa'cu scat rteer scat /Ass'a 'raUs'a serve tme, while I eat and de Ithee *moe me, till I~ way eat aned drink: end after Sheen drink; and afterwards thju oaysrssat wssre~aas au; 9 Ml Xa~pss s*Xss 'rq 8ouxq shalt eat and drink ' ehal eat. end d~rinh then? Net tanor has the elave 9 Does he thank * that 4w"t'P9, 4Ts EXSWOt~x 'Tet 8iaaX0ft'Ta, * [ov SERVANT 'Because he did Ithat, -bhecasne hedsid thethinguheveg ieee.newmmnaded? [Ne What was commanded? Ssa, 10L'a, KCUa OCIlES, t$TCt? V0t710'i7T5f Uaon 0Soas, when gohls a nin yea,. whenyonupbaltihetednee anl you shall hare done All1 the 0:VAteCAl MAXUeC1Teale 1.- lila disciples, - 1 ehould conex ievertheless Woe3. ssli&t thtea-vati. 4., of the day-emhe~ jo the sseVANT. 8, 1dm. 1 think t xtLJon n 10, 11. ' I. Matt. xviit. 6, 7; Mark-ix. 42; I C!or, xi. IO.'- 3 Matt.' xviii. 15, 21. IS. Le~v. xix. 17 i Prov. xvii. 1o; James V.11 a 6. Matt. xyii. 20OJ. 306.l; Mar'k x. 28; xi. S& Cazp. 17: l1.] LUKE. [Crcap. 17: 21. ra tiaraX0evTa vflIy, AyETEfE 'OTt ovAot thethingshavingbeen commanded you, say you: That alaves aXpfet EcoyLEV' 6T 6 w(pfetAofAev wrot77o'a, unproitable we are: because what we were bound to do, re7rotlicauEv.:. we have done. 1 Ka eyeverto e y Tp ViropeuevrOat avrov eis And it happened in the to go him to 'Ilpol'eraA7lA, cat autos otq7pXero la faerOU Jerusalem, and he pnssed through midst ca.tuapefas KaC raAiAaica. 12 Kai fe'irpXOuefVOV of Smaria and Galilee. And entering avTrou ecs rTiPa Kcej7'rV, atrr7vTr7Tra autry 6eca of him into a certain village, met him ten Aefrpot avipes, ot E fr71rav ropAwoev. 18 Ka leprous men, who stood far off. And avrot 7ppav fswv27v, Aeyovres' I71Tov e7rrT7-aTa they lifted p a voice, saying: Jesus master, fEAf'700v r/Aa. 14 Kai ts8 v eirev aVuols' pity us. And seeing he said to them: nIOpEUvOOevts Ert8eltiae cauTovS rots eipevO'I. Going show you yourselves to the priests. Kait fyEve7o eF rT vdrayeti auTovs, fKcaOapTrO)And it happened in the to go them, they were cleansed.