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T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vh~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~::':b:'-,,..,'~; ---: Tii LC~~-P- ---- _____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ - ___ I - H~~THHEDH5I r: K A' Cts —— ~- ~ i a kr kst~,> Al~ - r9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K S,,; i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i..I ~ I if:.....~ ~l i 31 H~~~~~~~~ S....._!____'__i _____li __j4_! __ iE WICKED 1 Jno. 2: 12. Have not. 1 Jno. 3:15. Has its youth. 1 Jno. 2:13, 14. Judge themselves unworthy of. Acts Has its maturity. Eph. 4: 13. 1 Juo. 2:13, 14. 13: 46. Is DESCRIBED As Exhortation to seek. Jno. 6: 27. A life unto God. Rom. 6:11. Gal 2: 19. A life according to God. I Pet. 4:6'. NO. 169. LONG-SUFFERING OF Newness of life. Rom. 6: 4. GOD, THE. Living in the Spirit. Gal. 5.25. Revived by God. Psa. 85: 6. IHos. 6: 2. Is part of his character. Exo. 34: 6. Num. Evidenced by love to the brethren. 1 Jno. 14: 18. Psa. 86:15. 3:14. Salvation, the object of. 2 Pet. 3: 15. All saints have. Eph. 2: 1, 5. Col. 2: 13. Through Christ's intercession. Luke 13: 8. Should animate the services of saints. Rom. Should lead to repentance. Rom. 2: 4. 12:1. 1 Cor. 14: 15. 2Pet. 3:9. Saints praise God for. Psa. 119:175. An encouragement to repent. Joel 2: 13. Seek to grow in. Eph. 4:15. 1 Pet. 2: 2. Exhibited in forgiving sins. Rom. 3: 25. Pray for the increase of. Psa. 119: 25. Psa. EXERCISED TOWARD 143:11. HIis people. Isa. 30:18. Eze. 20:17. The wicked alienated from. Eph. 4: 18. The witcked. Rom. 9: 22. 1 Pet. 3: 20. Lovers of pleasure destitute of. 1 Tim. 5: 6. Plead in prayer. Jer. 15: 15. Hypocrites destitute of. Jude 12. Rev. 3: 1. Limits set to. Gen. 6: 3. Jer. 44: 22. Illustrated. Eze. 37: 9, 10. Luke 15: 24. THE WICKED Abuse. Ecc. 8:11. Mat. 24: 48, 49. No. 168. LIFE, ETERNAL. Despise. Rom. 2:4. Christ is. Jno.1: 2. 1 Jno. 5: 20. Punished for despising. Neh. 9: 30. Mat. Revealed by Christ. Jno. 6: 68. 2 Tim. 1: 10. 24: 48-51. Rom. 2: 5. To know God and Christ is. Jno. 17: 3. Illustrated. Luke 13: 6-9. LOV. 53 LOV. Exemplified. 3flanasseh, 2 Chr. 33: 10-13. Passeth knowledge. Eph. 3: 19. Israel, Psa. 78: 38. Isa. 48: 9. Jerusalem, To be imitated. Jno. 13: 34. Jno. 15: 12. Mlat. 23: 37. Paul, 1 Tim. 1: 16. Eph. 5:'2. 1 Jno. 3: 16. No. 170. LOVE OF GOD, THE. TO SAINTS, IS is a part of his character. 2 Cor. 13: 11. Constraining. 2 Co.::714. 1 Jno. 4: 8. Unchangeable. Jno. 13:1. Christ, the especial object of. Jno. 15: 9. Indissoluble. Rom. 1: 35. Jno. 17:.26. Christno. a s 26i. Jun.11 10.Obedient saints abide in. Jno. 15: 10. DESCRIBidED AS in. Jno. 15: 1Saints obtain victory thlrough. Rom. 8: 37. DSovereign. Deu. 7 8. Is the banner over his saints. Song of Sol. Sovereign. Den. 7: 6. Deu. 10: 15. 2: 4. GreAbidingt. Zep. 3 17. Is the ground of his saints love to him. Abiding. Zep. 3:17. Luke 7:47. Unfailing. Isa. 49: 15,16. To saints, shall be acknowledged even by Unalienable. Rom.: 39. enemies. Rev. 3: 9. Constraining. Hos. 11: 4. Illustrated. Mat. 1S:11-13. Everlasting. Jer. 31: 3. Irrespective of merit. Deu. 7: 7. Job 7: 17. Exemplified towards, Peter, Luke 22: 32, MANIFESTED Tpetie Af ertS D 77Jo7 7 61. Lazar-uss, Fc. Jno. 11: 5, 36. His apos. Perishing sinners. Jno. 3: 16. Tit. 3: 4. tles, Jno. 13: 1, 34. John, Jno. 13: 23. His saints. Jno. 16: 27. Jno. 17: 23. 2 The. No. 172. LOVE TO GOD. 2: 16. 1 Jno. 4: 16. The destitute. Deu. 10:18. Commanded. Deu. m1:1. Jos. 22:.5. The cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9: 7. The first great commandment. Mat. 22: 38. EXHIBITED IN With all the heart. Deu. 6: 5, with Mat. The giving of Christ. Jno. 3:16. 22: 37. The sendi-ngi of Christ. 1 Jno. 4:. 9 Better than all sacrifices. Mar. 12: 33. Christ dying for sus while sinners. Rom. PRODUCED EY h5:S. 1 yJno.: 10. The Holy Ghost. Gal. 5: 22. 2 The. 3: 5. Election. Mal.2. Rom. 9 11-13. The love of God to us. 1 Jno. 4:19. Adoption. 1 Jano. 3:1.. Answers to prayer. Psa. 116:1. Redemption. Isa. 43: 3,4. Isa.63:9. Exhibited by Christ. Jno. 14: 31. -Fireeness of salvation. Tit. 3:4-7. A characteristic of saints. Psa. 5:11. Forgiving sin. Isa. 38: 17. SHOULD PRODUCE Quickening souls. Eph. 2: 4, 5. Joy. Psa.: 11. Drawing us to himself. Hos. 11: 4. Love to saints. 1 Jno. 5:1. Temporal blessings. Deu. 7:13. Hatred ofsin. Psa. 97: 10. Chastisements. Heb. 12: 6. Obedience to God. Deu. 30:20. 1 Jno. 5:3. Defeating evil counsels. Deu. 23: 5. Perfected in obedience. 1 Jno. 2: 5. Shed abroad in thse heart by the Holy Perfected, gives boldness. 1 Jno. 4:17,18. Ghost. Rom.a i: a. God, faithful to those who have. Deu. 7: 9. Saints know and believe. 1 Jno. 4: 16. TTEY WHO HATE Are known of him. 1 Cor. 8: 3. Saints should abide in. Jude 21. Are knownpreserved byof him. 1 Psaor. 14: 203. PERFECTED IN SAINTS Are preserved by him. Psa. 145: 20. By obedience. 1 Jno. 2: 5. Are delivered by him. Psa. 91: 14. By brotherly love. 1 Jno. 4: 12. Partake of his mercy. Exo. 20: 6. Deu. 7: 9. The source of our love to him. 1 Jno. 4: 19. Have all things working for their good. To be sought in prayer. 2 Cor. 13:14. Rom.: 28. Persevere in. Jude 21. No, 171. LOVE OF CHRIST, THE. Exhort one another to. Psa. 31:23. To the Father. Psa. 91: 14. Jno. 14: 31. Pray for. 2 The. 3: 5. To his Church. Song of Sol. 4: 8, 9. Song The love of the world is a proof of not of Sol. 5: 1. Jno. 15: 9. Eph. 5: 25. having. 1 Jno. 2: 15. To those who love him. Pro. 8:17. Jn-o. They who love not others, are without. 14: 21,. 1 Jno. 4:20. MANIFESTED IN HIS Hypocrites;,without. Luke 11:42. Jno. 5:42. Coming to seek the lost. Luke 19: 10. The uncharitable, without. 1 Jno. 3: 17. Praying for his enemies. Luke 23: 34. God tries the sincerity of. Deu. 13: 3. Giving himself for us. Gal. 2: 20. Promises connected with. Deu. 11: 13-15. Dying for us. Jno. 15: 13. 1 Jno. 3:16. Psa. 69: 36. Isa. 56: 6, 7. Jas. 1: 12. Washing away our sins. Rev. 1: 5. Interceding for us. Heb. 7: 25. Heb. 9: 24. No. 173 LOVE TO CHRIST Sending the Spirit. Psa. 68: 18. Jno. 16: 7. Exhibited by God. Mat. 17: 5. Jno. 5: 20. Rebukes and chastisements. Rev. 3: 19. Exhibited by saints. 1 Pet. 1: 8. LOV. 54 LOV. His personal excellence is deserving of. Abound in. Phi. 1: 9. 1 The. 3:12. Song of Sol.: 9-16. Continue in. 1 Tim. 2:15. Heb. 13: 1. EHis love to us a motive to. 2 Cor. 5: 14. Provoke each other to. 2 Cor. 8: 7. 2 Cor. MIANIFESTED IN 9: 2. Heb. 10: 24. Seeking him. Song of Sol. 3:2. Be sincere in. Rom. 12: 9. 2 Cor. 6: 6. Obeying him. Jno. 14: 15, 21, 23. 2 Cor. S: S. I Jno. 3: 1I. Ministering to him. Mat. 27: 65, with Be disinterested in. 1 Cor. 10: 24. 1 Cor. Mat. 25: 40. 13: 5. Phi. 2: 4. Preferring him to all others. Mat. 10: 37. Be fervent in. 1 Pet. 1: 22. 1 Pet. 4: 8. Taking up the cross for him. Mat. 10: 38. Should be connected with brotherly-kindA characteristic of saints. Song of Sol. 1: 4. ness. Rom. 12: 10. 2 Pet. 1: 7. An evidence of adoption. Jno. 8: 42. Should be with a pure heart. 1 Pet. 1: 22. SHOULD BE Allthings should be done with. 1 Cor. 16: 14. Sincere. Eph. 6: 24. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED, TOWARD With the soul. Song of Sol. 1: 7. Saints. 1 Pet. 2: 17. 1 Jno. 5: 1. In proportion to our mercies. Luke 7: 47. Ministers. 1 The. 5:13. Supreme. Mat. 10: 37. Our families. Eph. 5: 25. Tit. 2: 4. Ardent. Song of Sol. 2:5. Song of Sol. 8:6. Fellow-countrymen. Exo. 32: 32. Rom. Unquenchable. Song of Sol. 8: 7. 9: 2, 3. Rom. 10: 1. Even unto death. Acts 21:13. Rev. 12:11. Strangers. Lev. 19: 34. Deu. 10: 19. Promises to. 2 Tim. 4: 8. Jas 1:12. Enemies. Exo. 23: 4, 5. 2 Kin. 6: 22. Increase of, to be prayed for. Phi. 1: 9. Mat. 5: 44. Rom. 12: 14, 20. 1 Pet. 3: 9. Pray for grace to those who have. Eph. 6: 24. All men. Gal. 6: 10. THEY WHO HAVE SHOULD BE EXHIBITED, IN Are loved by the Father. Jno. 14: 21, 23. Ministering to the wants of others. Mat. Jno. 16: 27. 2: 35. Heb. 6:10. Are loved by Christ. Pro. 8:17. Jno. 14: 21. Loving each otiler. Gal. 5: 13. Enjoy communion with God and Christ. Relieving strangers. Lev. 25: 35. Mat. Jno. 14: 23. 25:35. Decrease of, rebuked. Rev. 2: 4. Clothing the naked. Isa. 58:7. Mat. 25: 36. Want of, denounced. 1 Cor. 16: 22. Visiting the sick, Skc. Job 31: 16-22. The wicked, destitute of. Psa. 35:19, with Jas. 1: 27. Jnom. 12:15. Cor. 15: 25. Sympatizing. Rom. 12 26. Exemplified. Josenph of ssimthkea Mat4. Supporting the weak. Gal. 6: 2. 1 The. 27: 57-60. Penitent -woman, Luke 7: 47. 5 14. Certain svomen, Luke 23: 28. Thlomas, Covering the faults of others. Pro. 10:12, Jno. 11: 16. Mary I a1gdalene, Jno. 20: 11. with 1 Pet. 4: 8. Peter, Jno. 21: 15-17. Paul, Acts 21: 13. Forgiving injuries. Eph. 4: 32. Col. 3: 13. No. 174. LOVE TO MAN. Forbearing. Eph. 4:2. Is of God. I Jno. 4:7. Rebuking. Lev. 19: 17. Mat. 18: 15. Commanded by God. 1 Jno. 4: 21. Necessary to true happiness. Pro. 15:17. The love of God is a motive to. Jno. 13: 34. Commanded by Christ. Jno. 13: 34. Jno. The love of Godis amotive to. J. 13: 34.. 15: 12. 1 Jno. 3: 23. After the example of Christ. Jno. 13:34. AN EVIDENCE OF Jno. 15: 12. Eph. 5 2. Being in the light. 1 Jno. 2: 10. Taught by God. 1 Tse. 4: 9. Discipleship with Christ. Jno. 13: 35. Faith worketh by. Gal. 5:6. Spiritual life. 1 Jno. 3:14. A fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22. Col. 1: 8. Is the fulfilling of the law. Rom. 13: 8-10. Purity of heart leads to. 1 Pet. 1: 22. Gal. 6: 14. Jas. 2: S. Explained. I Cor. 13: 4-7. Love to self is the measure of. Mar. 12: 33. Is an active principle. 1 The. 1: 3. Heb. 6: 10. Is good and pleasant. Psa. 133:1, 2. Is an abiding principle. 1 Cor. 13: 8, 13. Is a bond of union. CoL 2: 2. Is the second great commandment. Mat. Is the bond of perfectness. Col. 3:14 22: 37-39. Hypocrites, devoid of. 1 Jno. 2: 9, 11. 1 Jno. Is the end of the commandment. 1 Tim. 1: 5. 4: 20. Supernatural gifts are nothing without. The wicked, devoid of. 1 Jno. 3:10. 1 Cor. 13:1, 2. Exemplified. Joseph, Gen. 45: 15. Ruth, The greatest sacrifices are nothing without. Ruth 1: 16, 17. Jonathan,, 4c. 1 Sam. 20: 1 Cor. 13: 3. 17, 41, 42. Obadiah., 1 Kin. IS: 4. Centurion, Especially enjoined upon ministers 1 Tim. Luke 7: 5. Primitive Chursch, Acts 2: 46. 4: 12. 2 Tim. 2: 22. Heb. 10: 33, 34. Lydia, Acts 16: 15. Aquila, SAINTS SHOULD 4C. Rom. 16: 3, 4. Paul, 2 Cor. 6:11, 12. Put on. Col. 3:14. Epaphrodituls, Phi. 2: 25, 26, 30. PhilipFollow after. 1 Cor. 14: 1. pians, Phi. 4: 15-19. Colossians, Col. 1: 4. LOV. LYI. 55 MAJ. Thessa.lonians, I The. 3: 6. Onesiphorus, THE WICKED 2 Tim. 1: 16-18. Philemon, Phile. 7-9. Addicted to, from their infancy. Psa. 58:3 Moses, Heb. 11:25. Love. Psa. 52: 3. No. 175. LOVING-KINDNESS OF S elightin. Psa. 62:4. Seekafter. Psa.4:2., GOD, THE. Prepare their tongues for. Jer. 9: 3, 5. Bring forth. Psa. 7:14. Is through Christ. Eph. 2: 7. Tit. 3: 4 —6. Give heed to. Pro. 17: 4. GESC RIBED A. A characteristic of the Apostacy. 2 The. 2:9. Great. Neh. 9: 17. I Tim. 4:2. Excellent. Psa. 36: 7. LEADS TO Good. Psa. 69: 16. Marvellous. Psa. 17: 7. Psa. 31: 21. Love of impure conversation. Pro. 17: 4. Multitudinous. Isa. 63: 87. Often accompanied by gross crimes. Hos. Everlasting. Isa. 54:8. 4:1, 2. DMerciful. Psa. 117: 2. Folly of concealing hatred by. Pro. 10: 18. Better than life. Psa. 63: 3. Vanityofgettingrichesby. Pro.21:6. Consideration of the dealings of God gives SVaity of getecting riches bPro. 12: 21 19. a knowledge of. Psa. 107': 43. Poverty preferable to. Pro. 19: 22. SNBetrothed in. Hoe. 2: 19.Excludes from heaven. Rev. 21: 27. Rev. Betrothed in. Hos. 2: 19, Drawn by. Jer. 31:3. Preseravn by. Jer. 431: 3. They who are guilty of, shall be cast into Preserved by. Psa. 40: 11. hell. Rev. 21. Quickened after. Psa. 119: 88. Quickened ater. Psa. 119: 88. Punishment for. Psa. 5: 6. Psa. 120: 3, 4. Comfortedby. Psa.119:76. Pro. 19: 5. Jer. 50:36. Look for mercy through. Psa. 51: 1. Looeior mercy thsrough. Psa. 61:1. Exemplified. The devil, Gen..3: 4. Cain, Receive mercy through. Isa. 54: 8. Gen. 4 9 S Gen.: 15. Jaco Are heard according to. Psa. 119:149. Gen.. os e, Are ever mindful of. Psa. 26: 3. Psa. 4l9: 1. Gen. 27:19. Joseph's b eth en, Gen. 37: Should expect, in affliction. Psa. 4.2: 7, 8. 31,32. Gibeetesa oe 9 9 13. Aomeen, Jud.16:19. Sa, 1 Sam. 15: 1 3. /fie'hal, Crowned with. Pa. 103:i 4. 1Sam. 19:14. David, I Sam. 21: 2. Pro. Never utterly taken from saints. Psa. 89: 33. pt of Belhe 1 Kin 13 18 Geh2 zi, Isa. 54. 10. phet of Bethel, 1 Kin. 13: 18. Gehazi, Isa2 Kin. 54: 122. Job'sieds, Job 13 4. Former manifestations of, to be pleaded in 2 Kin. 5:t22. Jeh sf3 iete, Mat 26: 72 prayer. Pea.25:6. Pea.89:49. D-ineeites, Nah. 3: 1. Peter, Mat. 26: 72. PRAY FOR THE Aenanias, &c. Acts 6: 5. Cretans, Tit. Exhibition of. Psa. 17: 7. Psa. 143:. 1 Continuance of. Psa. 36: 10. No. 177. MAGISTRATES. Extension of. Gen. 24: 12. 2 Sam. 2: G. Are appointed by God. Rom. 13: 1. Praise God for. Psa. 92: 2. Psa. 138: 2. Are ministers of God. Rom. 13: 4, 6. Proclaim, to others. Psa. 4: 10. Purpose of their appointment. Rom. 13: 4. No. 176. LYING. I Pet. 2: 14. Are not a terror to the good, but to the evil. Forbidden. Lev. 19: 11. Col. 3: 9. Rom. 13: 3. Hateful to God. Pro. 6: 16-19. To be wisely selected and appointed. Exo. An abomination to God. Pro. 12: 22. 18:21. Ezr. 7: 25. A hinderance to prayer. Isa. 59: 2, 3. To be prayed for. 1 Tim. 2: 1, 2. The devil, the father of. Jno. 8:44. SHOULD The devil excites men to. 1 Kin. 22: 22. Rule in the fear of God. 2 Sam. 23: 3. Acts 5:3. 2 Chr. 19:7. SAINTS Know the law of God. Ezr. 7: 25. Hate. Psa. 119: 163. Pro. 13: 5. Be faithful to the Sovereign. Dan. 6: 4. Avoid. Isa. 63: 8. Zep. 3: 13. Enforce the laws. Ezr. 7: 26. Respect not those who practice. Psa. 40:4. Hate covetousness. Exo. 18: 21. Reject those who practice. Psa. 101:7. Not take bribes. Exo. 23: 8. Deu. 16:19. Pray to be preserved from. Psa. 119: 29. Defend the poor, &c. Job 29: 12, 16. Pro. 30: 8. Judge for God, not for man. 2 Chr. 19: 6. Unbecoming in rulers. Pro. 17: 7. Judge righteously. Deu. 1: 16. Deu. 16: The evil of rulers hearkening to. Pro. 29:12. 18. Deu. 25: 1. False prophets addicted to. Jer. 23: 14. Be impartial. Exo. 23: 6. Deu. I:17. Eze. 22: 28. Be diligent in ruling. Rom. 12: 8. False witnesses addicted to. Pro. 14: 5, 25. Subjection to their authority enjoined. Rom Antinomians guilty of. 1 Jno. 1: 6. 1 Jno. 2:4. 13: 1. I Pet. 2: 13,14. Hypocrites addicted to. Hos. 11: 12. Wicked-Illustrated. Pro. 28: 15. Hypocrites, a seed of. Isa. 57: 4. Good —Exemplified. Joseph, Gen. 41: 4a. MAL. MAS. 56 MEE. Gideon, Jud. S: 35. Samuel, 1 Sam. 12: Christ set an example to. Jno. 13:14. 3, 4. Ezr. 10: 1-9. Arehenziah, Neh. 3: 15. SHOULD, WVITH THE I HOUSEHOLDS, Job, Job 29: 16. Daniel, Dan. 6: 3. Worship God. Gen. 35:3. Wicked —Exemplified. Sons of Samusel, Fear God. Acts 10: 2. 1 Sam. 8:3. Pilate, Mat. 27: 24, 26. M3erag- Serve God. Jos. 24:15. istrates inS Philippi, Acts 16: 922, 23. Gallio, Observe the Sabbath. Exo. 20: 10. Beu. Acts 18: 16, 17. Felix, Acts 24:26. 5: 12-14. No. 178. MALICE. Psut away idols. Gen. 3.5: 2. Forbidden. 1 Cor. 14: 20. Col. 3:. Should select faithful servants. Gen. 24: 2. A hinderance to growth in grace. 1 Pet. Psa. 101:6, 7. 2:1, 2. Should receive faithful advice from servants. Incompatible with the worship of God. Kin. 5:13, 14. 1 Cor. 5: 7, 8. I)UTY OF, TOWARDS SERVANTS; Christian liberty not to be made a cloak for To act justly. Job 31: 1, 1. Col. 4: 1. 1 Pet. 2:16. To deal with them in the fear of God. Saints avoid. Job 31: 29, 30. Psa. 35: 12-14. Eph.6:9. Col. 4:1. THE WICKED To esteem them highly, if saints. Phile. 16. Speak with. 3 Jno. 10. To take care of them in sickness. Luke Live in. Tit. 3: 3. 7: 3. Conceive. Psa. 7:14. To forbearthreatening them. Eph. 6: 9. Filled with. Rom. 1: 29. Not to defraud them. Gen. 31: 7. Visits saints with. Psa. 83: 3. Mat. 22: 6. Not to keep bacl their wages. Lev. 19: Pray for those who iljure you through. 13. Ieu, 24:15. Mat. 5: 44. Not to rnle over them with rigour. Lev. Brings its own punishment. Psa. 7: 15, 16. 25: 43. Deu. 24: 14. God requites. Psa. 10:14. Eze. 36:5. Benevolent, blessed. Deu. 15:18. Punishment of. Amos 1:11, 12. Oba. 10-15. Unjust, denounced. Jer. 22: 13. Jas. 5: 4. Exemplified. Caisn, Gen. 4: 5. Esau, Gen. Good-Exensplified. Shbraham, Gen. 1: 27: 41. Joseph's brethren, Gen. 37: 19, 20. 19. Jacob, Gen. 3.5: 2. Joshua, Jos. 24:15. Saul, I Sam 19: 9-11. Sanballat, c. D1avid, 2 Sam. 6: 20. Centurion, Luke 7: Neh. 2: 10. HI-aman, Est. 3: 5, 6. Edom- 2, 3. Cornelis, Acts 10: 2. ites, Eze. 35: 5. Presidenrts, 4c. Dan. 6: Bad-Exemplified. Poipbha?, Gen. 39: 20. 4-9. Herodias, Mar. 6:19. Scribes, 4c. ESgyptians, Exo. 1:13, 14. Nabal, 1 Sam. Mar. 11: 18. Luke 11: 54. Diot~rephes, 25: 17. nssalekite, I Sam. 30:13. 3Jno. 19. No. 181. MEEKNESS, NO. 179. MARTYRDOM. Is death endured for the word of God, and Christ set an example of. Psa. 45: 4. Mat. testimony of Christ. Rev. 6: 9. Rev. 20:4. 11:29. Slat. 21:5. 2 Cor. 10:1. SAINTS A fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22, 23. Forewarned of. Mat. 10:21. Mat. 24: 9. SAINTS SHOULD Jno. 16: 2. Seek. Zep 2: 3. Should not fear. Mat. 10: 28. Rev. 2:10. Put on. Col. 3: 12, 13. Shoulid be prepared for. Mat. 16: 24, -5. Receive the word of God with. Jas. 1: 21. Acts 21: 13. Exhibit in conduct, &c. Jas. 3: 13. Should resist sin unto. Heb. 12: 4. Answer for their hope with. 1 Pet. 3: 15. Reward of. Rev. 2: 10. Bev. 6: 1. Show, to all men. Tit 3:2. Inflicted at thIe instigation of the devil. Rev. Restore the erring with. Gal. 6: 1. 2: 10, 13. Precious in the sighllt of God. 1 Pet. 3: 4. The Apostacy guilty of inflicting. Rev. 17: SaIsSTE S SHOULD 6. Rev. 18:24. Follow after. 1Tim. 6: 11. Of saints, shall be avenged. Luke 11: 50, 51. Instruct opposers with. 2 Tim. 2: 24, 25. Rev. 18: 20-24. Urge, on their people. Tit. 3: 1, 2. Exemplified..Sbel, Gen. 4: 8, with 1 Jno. 3: A characteristic of wisdom. Jas. 3: 17. 12. Prophets and Sais7ts of old, 1 Kin. 18: Necessary to a christian walk. Eph. 4: 1, 2. 4. 1Kin. 19: 10. Luke 11: 50, 51. Heb. TIHEY WHO ARE GIFTED WITH, 11: 37. Urijalh, Jer. 26: 23. John the Are preserved. Psa.76: 9. Baptist, Mar. 6: 27. Peter, Jno. 21: 18, 19. Are exalted. Psa. 147: 6. Stephen, Acts 7: 58. Primit'ive Christians, Are guided and taught. Psa. 25: 9. Acts 9: 1, with Acts 22: 4. Acts'26: 10. Are richly provided for. Psa. 22: 26. James, Acts 12: 2.,dntipas, Rev. 22:13. Are beautified with salvation. Psa. 149: 4. Increase theirjoy. Isa. 29: 19. No. 180. MASTERS. Shall inherit the earth. Psa. 37: 11. Authority of, established. Col. 3: 222. 1 Pet. The gospel to be preached to those who 2: 1S. possess. Isa. 61: 1. MER. 57 MIN. Blessedness of. Mat.5:5. Magnified. 1 Chr. 16: 34. Psa. 115: 1. Exemplified. Mloses, Num. 12: 3. David, Psa. 118:1-4, 29. Jer. 33: 11. 2 Sam. 16: 9-12. Patul, 1 The. 2: 7. Typified. Me'rcy-seat, Exo. 25:17. No. 182. MERCY. Exemplified. Lot, Gen. 19: 16, 19. Epa2.hrloditUs, Phi. 2: 27. _Paul, 1 Tim. 1i:13. After the example of God. Luke 6: 36.7. Paul, 1 Tim. 1 Enjoined. Hos. 12:6. Col. 3:12. No. 184. MIINISTERS. To be engraved on the heart. Pro. 3: 3. Called by God. Exo. 28: 1, with Heb. 5: 4. Characteristic of saints. Psa. 37: 26. Isa. QualifiedbyGod. Cor.35,6. HSOULD E: 1. O v Commissioned by Christ. Mat. 2S: 19. With cheerfulNess. Rom. 12: 8. Sent by the Holy Ghost. Acts 13: 2, 4. To our brethren. Zec. 7: 9. Have authority from God. 2 Cor. 10: 8. To the poor. Pro. 14: 31. Dan. 4: 27. To animals. Pro. 12:10. Authority of, is for edification. 2 Cor. 10: 8. Upholds the throne of kings. Pro. 20: 28. 2 Cor. 13: 10. Beneficial to those who exercise. Pro. 11:17. Separated unto the gospel. Rom. 1: 1. Blessedness of showing. Pro. 14: 21. Mat. DECR t hD ASThe. 5:7. Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Cor. 5:20. Hypocrites devoid of. Mat. 23: 23. Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Cor.: 20. Denunciations against those devoid of. os. Ministers of Ch.rist. 1 Cor. 4 1. 4:1,3. Jas.2:33. Stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Car. 4:1. No. 183. MERCY OF GOD, THE. Defenders of the faith. Phi. 1: 7. Is part of his character. Exo. 34: 6, 7. Psa. Specially protected by God. 2 Cor. 1: 10. 62:12. Jon. 4: 2. 2 Cor. 1: 3. Necessity for. Rom. 10:14. DESCRIBED 4S Excellency of. Rom. 10: 15. Great. Num. 14:18. Isa. 54:7. Labours of, vain, without God's blessing. Rich. Eph. 2:4. 1 Cor. 3:7. 1 Cor. 1:10. Manifold. Neh. 9: 27. Lam. 3: 32. Compared to earthen vessels. 2 Cor. 4: 7. Plenteous. Psa. 86: 5, 15. Psa. 103:. SHOULD BE Abundant. 1 Pet. 1: 3. Pure. Isa. 52: 11. 1 Tim. 3: 9. Sure. Isa. 65: 3. Mic. 7: 20. Holy. Lev. 21: 6. Tit. 1: 8. Everlasting. I Chr. 16: 34. Psa. 89: 26. Humble. Acts 20:19. Tender. Psa. 25: 6. Luke I: 78. Patient. 2 Cor. 6: 4. 2 Tim. 2: 24. New every morning. Lam. 3:23. Blameless. 1 Tim. 3: 2. Tit.: 7. High as heaven. Psa. 36: 5. Psa. 103: 11. Willing. Isa. 6: 8. 1 Pet. 5: 2. Eilling the earth. Psa. 119: 64. Disinterested. 2Cor.12:14. 1The.2:6. Over all his works. Psa. 145: 9. Impartial. 1 Tim. 5:21. Is his dlelight. Mic. 7: 18. Gentle. 1 The. 2: 7. 2 Tim. 2: 24. MANIFESTED Devoted. Acts 20: 24. Phi. 1: 20, 21. In the sending of Christ. Luke 1: 78. Strong in grace. 2 Tim. 2: 1. In salvation. Tit. 3: 5. Self-denying. 1 Cor. 9: 27. In long-suffiering. Lam. 3: 22. Dan. 9: 4. Sober, just and temperate. Tit. 1: 8. To his people. Deu. 32: 43. 1 Kin. 8: 23. Hospitable. I Tim. 3: 2. Tit. I: 8. To them that fear him. Psa. 103: 17. Luke Apt to teach. 1 Tim. 3:. 2 Tim. 2: 24. 1: 50. Studious and meditative. 1 Tim. 4: 13, 15. To returning backsliders. Jer. 3: 12. Joel Watchful. 2 Tim. 4: 5. 2: 13. Prayerful. Eph. 3:14. Phi. 1: 4. To repentant sinners. Pro. 28: 13. Isa. Strict in ruling their own families. 1 Tim. 55: 7. 3: 4, 12. To the afflicted. isa. 49: 13. Isa. 54: 7. Affectionate to their people. Pli. 1: 7. To the fatllerless. Hos. 14: 3. 1 The. 2: 8, 11. To whom he will. Hos. 2: 23, with Rom. Ensamples to the flock. Ph. 1: 17. 2 The. 9:15,18. 3:9. 1Tim.4:12. 1Pet.5:3. NWith everlasting kindness. Isa. 54: 8. SHOULD NOT EE A ground of hope. Psa. 130: 7. Psa. 147: 11. Lords over God's heritage. 1 Pet. 5: 3. A ground of trust. Psa. 52: 8. Greedy offilthly lucre. Acts 20: 33. 1 Tim. SHouLD BE 3: 3, S. 1 Pet. 5:2. Sought for ourselves. Psa. 6:2. Contentious. I Tin. 3:3. Tit. 1: 7. Sought for others. Gal. 6: 16. 1 Tim. 1:2. Crafty. 2 Cor. 4: 2. 2 Tim. 1: 18. Men-pleasers. Gal. 1.: 10. 1 The. 2: 4. Pleaded in prayer. Psa, 6: 4. Psa. 25: 6. Easily dispirited. 2 Cor. 4: 8, 9. 2 Cor. 6:10. Psa. 51: 1. Entangled bycares. Luke 9: 60 2 Tim. 2: 4. Rejoiced in. Psa. 31: 7. Given to wine. 1 Tim. 3: 3. Tit. 1: 7. iIN. M58 MHIN. Should seek the salvation of their flock. Delude men. Jer. 6:14. 1 Cor. 10:33. Seek gain. Mic. 3:11. 2 Pet. 2: 3. Should avoid giving unnecessary ofibnce. Shall be punished. Eze. 33 6-8. Mat. 1 Cor. 10: 32, 33. 2 Cor. 6:3. 24: 48-61. Should make full proof of their ministry. THEIR PEOPLE ARE BOUND, TO 2 Tim. 4.5. Regard them as God's messengers. 1 Cor. ARE BOUND, TO 4: 1. Gal. 4: 14. Preach the gospel to all. Mar. 16: 15. Attend to their instructions. Mal. 2: 7. 1 ~Cor. I~~: 17. ~Mat. 23: 3. Feed the Church. Jer. 3:15. Jno. 21: Follow their holy example. 1 Coy. 11: 1. 15-17. Acts 20: 28. 1 Pet. 5: 2. Phi. 3:17. Build up the Church. 2 Cor. 12: 19. Imitate their faith. Heb. 13: 7. Eph. 4:12. Hold them in reputation. Phi. 2: 29. Watch for souls. Heb. 13: 17. 1 The. 5:13. 1 Tim. 5:17. Pray for their people. Joel 2: 17. Col. 1:9. Love them. 2Cor. 8:7. 1The3:6. Strengthen the faith of their people. Pray for them. Rom. 15: 30. 2 Cor. 1: 11. Luke 22: 32. Acts 14: 22.' Eph. 6: 19. Heb. 13:18. Teach. 2 Tim. 2: 2. Obey them. 1 Cor. 16:16. Heb. 13:17. Exhort. Tit. 1: 9. Tit. 2: 15. Give them joy. 2 Cor. 1: 14. 2 Cor. 2:3. Warn affectionately. Acts 20: 31. Help them. Rom. 16: 9. Phi. 4: 3. Rebuke. Tit. 1:13., Tit. 2:15. Support them. 2 Chlr. 31:4. 1 Cor. 9: Comfort. 2 Cor. 1: 4-6. 7-11. Gal. 6: 6. Convince gainsayers. Tit. 1: 9. Pray for the increase of. Mat. 9: 38. War a good warfare. 1 Tim. 1: 18. 2 Tim. Faithful-Exemplified. The Elevendpostles, 4: 7. Mat. 28:16-19. The Seventy, Luke 10:1, Endure hardness. 2 Tim. 2: 3. 17. -lIatthias, Acts I: 26. Philip, Acts 8: SHOULD PREACH 5. Baznabas, Acts 11: 23. Simeon, 4c. Christ crucified. Acts 8: 5, 35. 1 Cor. 2: 2. Acts 13: 1. Paul, Acts 28: 31. Tychicsls, Repentance and faith. Acts 20: 21. Eph. 6: 21. Timothy, Phi. 2: 22. EpaplhroAccording to theoracles of God. I Pet. 4: 11. ditus, Phi. 2: 25..chippus, Col. 4: 17. Everywhere. Mar. 16: -20. Acts 8: 4. Titus Tit. 1: 5. Not with enticing words of man's wisdom. 1 Cor. 1: 17. 1 Cor. 2:1, 4. No. 185. MIRACLES. Not setting forth themselves. 2 Cor. 4: 5 Without deeitfulness. 2 Cor. 2: 17. Power of God necessary to. Jno. 3:2. 2 Cor. 4: 2. 1 The. 2: 3, 5. aDESCRIBeD AS Fully, and without reserve. Acts 5 *20. Marvellous things. Psa. 78:12. Acts 20: 20, 27. Rom. 15:19. Marvellous worlks. Isa. 29:14. Psa. 105: 5. With boldness. Isa. 58: 1. Eze. 2: 6. Signs and wonders. Jer. 32: 21. Jno. 4: ~Mat. 10: 27, 28. 48. 2 Cor. 12:12. Mat. 10:.27, 28. With plainness of speech. 2 Cor. 3: 12. MAFNIFEST With zeal. 1 The. 2: S. The glory of God. Jno. 11: 4. With constancy. Acts 6:4. 2 Tim. 4:2. The glory of Christ. Jno. 2:11. Jno. 11:4. With consistency. 2 Cor. 1: 18, 19. The works of God. Jno. 9:3. With heedfulness. 1 Tim. 4:16. Were evidences of a divine commission. With good will and love. Phi. 1: 15-17. Exo. 4:1-5. Mar. 16: 20. Without charge, if possible. 1 Cor. 9:18. The Messiah was expected to perform. Mat. 1 The. 2:9. 11:2, 3. Jno.7:31. Woe to those, who do not preach the gospel. Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by. I Cor. 9:16. Mat. 11: 4 Jno5:36. Acts 2: 22. WHEN FAITHFUL Jesus was followed on account of. Mat. 4: Approve thlemselves as the ministers of 23-25. Jno. 6: 2, 26. God. 2 Cor. 6: 4 A gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12: 10. Thank God for his gifts to their people. WERE PERFORMIED 1 Cor. 1: 4. Phi. 1: 3. 1 The. 3: 9. By the power of God. Acts 14: 3. Acts Glory in their people. 2 Cor. 7: 4. 15::12. Acts 19: ll. Rejoice in the faith and holiness of their By the power of Christ. Mat 10: 1. people. I The. 2:19, 20. 1 The. 3: 6-9. By the power of the Holy Ghost. Mat. Commend themselves to the consciences 12:28. Rom. 15: 19. of men. 2 Cor. 4: 2. In the name of Christ. Mar. 16: 17. Acts Are rewarded. Mat. 24: 47. 1 Pet. 5: 4. 3: 16. Acts 4: 30. WHEN UNFAITHFUL First preaching of the gospel confirmed by. Described. Isa. 56:10-12. Tit. 1:10, 11. Mar. 16:20. Heb. 2: 4. Deal treacherously with their people. They who wrought, disclaimed all power Jno. 10:12. of their own. Acts 3: 12. MIR. 59 MIR. Should produce faith. Jno. 2: 23. Jno. 20: His appearance to his disciples, the doors 30: 3. being shut. Jno. 20:19. Should produce obedience. Deu. 11:1 —3 No. 187. MIRACLES WROUGHT Deu. 29: 2, 3, 9. Instrumental to the early propagation of the THROUGH SERVANTS OF GOD. gospel. Acts 8: 6. Rom. 15: 18, 19. MOSES AND AA.RON: FAITH REQUIRED IN Rod turned into a serpent. Exo. 4: 3. Those, who performed. Mat. 17:20. Mat. Exo. 7: 10. 21:21. Jno. 14:12. Acts 3:16. Acts 6: 8. Rod restored. Exo. 4: 4. Those for whom they were performed. Hand made leprous. Exo. 4: 6. Mat. 9: 28. Mar. 9: 22-24. Acts 14: 9. Hand healed. Exo. 4: 7. Should be remembered. 1 Chr. 16: 12. Psa. Water turned into blood. Exo. 4: 9, 30. 105: 5. River turned into blood. Exo. 7: 20. Should be told to future generations. Exo. Frogs brought. Exo. 8: 6. 10: 2. Jud. 6:13. Frogs removed. Exo. 8:13. Insufficient, of themselves, to produce con. Lice brought. Exo. 8:17. version. Luke 16:31. Flies brought. Exo. 8: 21-24. THE WICKED Flies removed. Exo. 8: 31. Desire to see. Luke 11:29. Luke 23: 8. Murrain of beasts. Exo. 9: 3-6. Often acknowledge. Jno. 11:47. Acts 4:16. Boils and blains brought. Exo. 9: 10, 11. Do not understand. Psa. 106: 7. Hail brought. Exo. 9: 23. Do not consider. Mar. 6: 52. Hail removed. Exo. 9:33. Forget. Neh. 9:17. Psa. 78: 11. Locusts broght. Exo. 10: 13. Proof against. Num. 14: 22. Jno. 12: 37. Locusts removed. Exo. 10:19. Guilt of rejecting the evidence afforded by. Darkness brought. Exo. 10: 22. bMat. 11: 20-24. Jno. 15: 24. The first-born destroyed. xo. 12:29. No. 186. MIRACLES OF CHRIST, The red-sea divided. Exo. 14: 21, 22. Egyptians overwhelmed. Exo. 14: 26-28. TH'1E. Wsater sweetened. Exo. 15: 25. Water turned into wine. Jno. 2: 6-10. Water from rock in Horeb. Exo. 17: 6 Nobleman's son healed. Jno. 4: 46-53. Amalek vanquishled. Exo. 17: 11-13. Centurion's servant healed. lat. 8: 5-13. Destruction of Korah. Num. 16: 28-32. Draulghts of fishes. Luke 5: 4-6. Jno. 21: 6. Water from rock in Kadesh. Num. 20:11. Devils cast out. Mat. 8: 28-32. Mat. 9: Healing by brazen serpent. Num. 21: 32, 33. Mat. 15: 22-28. Mat. 17: 14-18. 8, 9. Peter's wife's mother healed. Mat. 8: 14, 15. JOSHU: Lepers cleansed. MIat. 8: 3. Luke 17: 14. Waters of Jordan divided. Jos. 3: 10-17. Paralytic healed. Mar. 2: 3-12. Jordan restored to its course. Jos. 4:18. Withered hand restored. Mat. 12:10-13. Jericho taken. Jos. 6: 6-20. Impotent man healed. Jno. 5u: 5-9. The sun and moon stayed. Jos. 10: 12-14. The dead raised to life. Mat. 9: 18, 19, 23- Midianites destroyed. Jud. 7: 16-22. 25. Luke 7:12-15. Jno. 11:11 —44. SAMsoN: Issue of blood stopped. Mat. 9: 20-22. Alion killed. Jud. 14: 6. The blind restored to sight. Mat. 9: 27 —30. Philistines killed. Jud. 14: 19. Jud. 15: 15. Mar. 8: 22-25. Jno. 9:1-7. The gates of Gaza carried away. Jud. The deaf and dumb cured. Mar. 7: 32-35. 16: 3. The multitude fed. Mat. 14:15-21. Mat. Dagon's house pulled down. Jud. 16: 30. 15: 32-38. SAMUEL: His walking on the sea. Mat. 14: 25-27. Thunder and rain in harvest. I Sam. Peter walking on the sea. Mat. 14: 29. 12: 18. Tempest stilled. Mat. 8: 23-26. Mat. 14: 32. THE PROPHET OF JUDAH: Sudden arrival of the ship. Jno. 6: 21. Jeroboam's hand withered. 1 Kin. 13: 4. Tribute-money. Mat. 17: 27. The altar rent. 1 Kin. 13: 5. Woman healed of infirmity. Luke 13: The withered hand restored. 1 Kin. 13: 6. 11-13. ELIJAH: Dropsy cured. Luke 14: 2-4. Drought caused. 1 Kin. 17: 1. Jas. 5:17. Fig-tree blighted. Miat. 21:19. Meal and oil multiplied. 1 Kin. 17:14-16. Malchus healed. Luke 22: 50, 51. A child restored to life. 1 Kin. 17: 22, 23. Performed before the messengers of John. Sacrifice consumed by fire. 1 Kin. 18:36, 38. Luke 7: 21, 22. Men destroyed by fire. 2 Kin. 1: 10-12. Many and divers diseases healed. Mat. 4: Rain brought. 1 Kin, 18: 41-45. Jas. 5:18. 23, 24. Mat. 14:: 14.: Mat. 15: 30. Mar. Waters of Jordan divided, 2 Kin. 2: S. 1:34. Luke 6: 17-19. ELISHA: His resurrection. Luke 24: 6, with. Jno. Waters of Jordan divided. 2 Kin. 2:14. 10: 18. Waters healed. 2 Kin. 2: 21, 22. MIR. 60 MIS. Children torn by bears. 2 Kin. 2: 24. Poured out on the day of Pentecost. Acts Oil multiplied. 2 Kin 4:1-7. 2:1-4. Child restored to life. 2 Kin 4: 32 —35. COImaMUrNcATEsD Naaman healed. 2 Kin 5: 10 14. Upon the preaching of the gospel. Acts Gellazi struck with leprosy. 2 Kin. 5: 27. 10: 44-46. Iron caused to swim. 2 Kin 6: 6. By the laying on of the Apostles' hands. Syrians smitten with blindness. 2 Kin. 6:18. Acts 8: 17, 18. Acts 19: 6. Syrians restored to sight. 2 Kin. 6:20. For the confirmation of the gospel. Mar. A man restored to life. 2 Kin. 13: 21. 16: 20. Acts 14: 3. Rom. 15:19. Heb. IssrH: 2: 2 4. Hezekiah healed. 2 Kin. 20: 7. For the edification of the Church. 1 Cor SIladow put back on the dial. 2 Kin. 20: 11. 12: 7. 1 Cor. 14: 12, 13. THE SEVENTY DISCIPLES: Dispensed, according to his sovereign will. Various miracles. Luke 10: 9, 17. 1 Cor. 12:11. THE APOSTLES, &C. Were to be sought after. 1 Cor. 12: 31. i'iany miracles. Acts 2: 43. Acts 5:12. 1 Cor. 14: 1. PETER: Temporary nature of; I Cor. 13: 8. Lame man cured. Acts 3: 7. WERF NOT TO BE Death of Ananias. Acts 5: 5. Neglected. 1 Tim. 4:14. 2 Tim. I: 6. Death of Sapphira. Acts 5:10. Despised. 1 The. 5:20. The sick healed. Acts 5:15, 16. Purchased. Acts 8: 20. Eneas made whole. Acts 9:34. Might be possessed without saving grace. Dorcas restored to life. Acts 9; 40. Mat. 7: 22, 23. 1 Cor. 13: 1, 2. STEPHEN: Counterfeited by Antichrist. Mat. 24: 24. Great miracles. Acts 6: 8. 2 The. 2: 9. R.ev. 13: 13,14. PHILIP: Various miracles. Acts 8: 6, 7, 13. No. 190. MISSIONARY-WORK BY Elymas smitten with blindness. Acts 13: MINISTERS. 11. Commanded. Mat. 28:19. Mar. 16:15. Lame man cured. Acts 14: 10. Warranted by predictions concerning the An unclean spirit cast out. Acts 16:18. Heathen, &c. Isa. 42: 10 —12. lsa. 66: 19. Special miracles. Acts 19:11, 12. Is according to the purpose of God. Luke Eutychus restored to life. Acts 20:10-12. 24: 46, 47. Gal. 1: 15, 16. Col. I: 25-27. Viper's bite made harmless. Acts 28: 6. Directed by the Holy Ghost. Acts 13: 2. Father of Publius healed. Acts 28: 8. Required. Luke 10: 2. Rom. 10:14, 15. PAUL AND BARNABAS: The Holy Ghost calls to. Acts 13: 2. Various miracles. Acts 14: 3. Christ engaged in. Mat. 4: 17, 23. Mat. 11: No. 188. IRACLES THROUGH 1. Mar. 1: 38, 39. Luke S:1. Christ sent his disciples to labour in. Mar. EVIL AGENTS. 3:14. Mar. 6:7. Obligations to engage in. Acts 4: 19, 20. Performed through the power of the devil. Rom. I: 13 —15. 1 Cor. 9: 16. 2 The. 2: 9. Rev. 16: 14. Excellency of. Isa. 52: 7, with Rom. 10 ~ la. WROUGHT In support of false religions. Deu. 13: 1, 2. Worldly concerns should not delay. Luk By false christs. Mat. 24: 24. 9: 9-62. By false prophets. Mat. 24: 24. Rev. 19:20. God qualifies for. Exo. 3: 11,18. Exo. 4: A marlse of the Apostacy. 2 The. 2:3, 9. 11, 12, 15. Rev. 13 The. 213. God strengthens for. Jer. 1: 7-9. RNotto be regarded. Den. 13: 3. Guilt and danger of shrinking from. Jon. Notto be regarded. Deu. 13: 3. Deceive the ungodly. 2 The. 2:10-12. Rev. Requires wisdom and meekness. Mat. 10164. 13:14. Rev. 19: 20. Requires wisdom and meekness. Mat. 10:16. Exemplified. Magicians of Egypt, Exo. 7: Be ready to engage in. Isa. 6: 8. 11, 22. Exo. 8: 7. Tieitco oEEndos. 1 Aid thoseengagedin. 2Cor.ll:9. 3Jno. Sam. 28:7-14. Simon Magus, Acts 8: 5-8. ~i~ZS:1-9-11 4. Simow Harmony should subsist amongst those engaged in. Gal. 2:9. No. 189. MIRACULOUS GIFTS OF SuCCEss OF, To be prayed for. Eph. 6: 18, 19. Col. 4: 3. THE: HOLY GHOST. A cause of joy. Acts 15: 3. Foretold. Isa. 35: 4-6. Joel 2: 28, 29. A cause of praise. Acts 11:18. Acts 21: Of different kinds. 1 Cor. 12: 4-6. 19, 20. Enumerated. 1 Cor. 12:8-10, 28. No limits to the sphere of. Mar. 16: 15. Christ was endued with. Mat. 12: 28. Rev. 14: 6. MIS. 61 MUR. Opportunities for, not to be neglected. 1 Cor. In admonishing others. 1 The. 5: 14. 2 The. 16:9. 3: 15.' Exemplified. Levites, 2 Chr. 17: 8, 9. Jonah, In reproving others. Lev. 19:17. Eph. 5:11. Jon. 3: 2. lThe Seventy, Luke 10: 1, 17. In teaching and exhorting. Psa. 34: 11. Psa. ~..postles, Mar. 6:12. Acts 13:2-5. Philip 51: 13. Col 3: 16. HIeb. 3: 13. Heb. 10:25. Acts 8: 5. Paul, 4.c. Acts 13: 2-4. Silas, In interceding for others. Col. 4: 3. Heb. Acts 15: 40, 41. Timotheus, Acts 16: 3. 13:18. Jas. 5: 16. Noah, 2 Pet. 2: In aiding ministers in their labours. Rom. 16: 3, 9. 2 Cor. 11: 9. Phi. 4: 14-16. No. 191. MISSIONARIES, ALL 3 Jno. 6. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE AS. In giving a reason for their faith. Exo. 12: 26,27. Deu.6:20,21. 1 Pet. 3:15. After the example of Christ. Acts 10: 38. In encouraging the weak. Isa. 35: 3, 4. Women and children, as well as men. Psa. Rom 14: I. Ron. 15: 1. I The. 5:14. 8:2. Pro. 31:26. Mat. 21: 15, 16. Phi. In visiting and reliering the poor, the sick, 4:3. 1 Tim. 5: 10. Tit. 2: 3-5. 1 Pet. 3: 1. &c. Le-v. 25:35. Psa. 112: 9, with 2 Cor. The zeal of idolaters should provoke to. 9: 9. Mat. 25:36. Acts 20: 35. Jas. 1: 27. Jer. 7s: 18. With a -willing heart. Exo. 35: 29. 1 Chr. The zeal of hypocrites should provoke to. 29: 9, 14. Mat. 23:15. With a superabundant liberality. Exo. 36: An imperative duty. Jud. 5:23. Luke 19:40. 5-7. 2 Cor 8: 3. The principle on which. 2 Cor. 5: 14, 15. Encouragement to. Pro. 1: 25, 30. 1 Cor. However weak they may be. 1 Cor. 1:27. 1: 27. Jas. 5:19, 20. From their calling as saints. Exo. 19: 6. Blessedness of. Dan. 12:3. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Illustrated. Mat. 25: 14. Luke 19 13, &c. &c. As faithful stewards. 1 Pet. 4: 10, 11. Exemplified. Hansash, 1 Sam. 2: 1-10. In youth. Psa. 71:17. Psa. 148:12, 13. Captive smaid, 2 Kin. 5: 3. Chief of the In old age. Deu. 32: 7. Psa. 71: 18. Fathers, 4c. Ezr. 1: 5. Shadsach, 4c. In the family. Dell. 6:7. Psa. 78: 5-8. Dan. 3. 16-18. Restored Demnoiac, Mar. Isa. 3S:19. 1 Cor. 7: 16. 5: 20. Shepherds, Luke 2: 17..Jnna, In their intercourse with the world. Mat. Luke 2: 38. Joanna, s 4c. Luke 8: 3. 5: 16. Phi. 2:15, 16. 1 Pet. 2:12. Leper, Luke 17: 15. Disciples, Luke 19: In first giving their own selves to the Lord. 37, 38. Centurioen, Luke 23: 47. ~qindrew, 2 Cor. 8: 5. Jno. 1: 41, 42. Philip, Jno. I: 46. Woman In declaring what God has done for them. of Samaria, Jno. 4: 29. Barnabas, Acts Psa. 66: 16. Psa. 116:16-19. 4: 36, 37. Persecuted Saints, Acts 8: 4. In hating life for Christ. Luke 14:26. Acts 11: 19, 20..2pollos, Acts, 18: 25. In openly confessing Christ. Mat. 10: 32. Atquila, 4,c. Acts 18: 26. Yasiotus indiviIn following Christ. Luke 14: 27. Luke dsas, Rem. Chap. 16th. Oeesiphosus, 18: 22. 2 Tim. 1: 16. Philemon, Phile. 1-6. In preferring Christ above all relations. No. 192. MURDER. Luke 14: 26. In joyfully suffering for Christ. Heb. 10:34. Forbidden. Exo. 20: 13, with Rom. 13: 9. In forsaking all for Christ. Luke 5: 11. Explained by Christ. Mat. 5: 21, 22. In a holy example. Mat. 5: 16. Phi. 2: 15. Hatred is. 1 Ino. 3: 15. 1 The. 1: 7. Is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5: 21. In holy conduct. 1 Pet. 2:12. Comes from the heart. Mat. 1: 19. In holy boldness. Psa. 119: 46. DEFILES THE In dedicating themselves to the service of Hands. Isa. 59: 3. God. Jos. 24:15. Psa. 27: 4. Person and garments. Lam.. 4: 13, 14. In devoting all property to God. 1 Chr. 29: Land. Num. 35: 33. Psa. 106: 38. 2, 3, 14, 16. Ecc. 11: 1. Mat. 6: 19, 20. Not concealed from God. Isa 26:21. Jer. Mar. 12: 44. Luke 12: 33. Luke 18: 22, 2: 34. 28. Acts 2: 45. Acts 4: 32-34. Cries for vengeance. Gen. 4: 10. In holy conversation. Psa. 37: 30, with Pro. GoD 10: 31. Pro. 15: 7. Eph. 4: 29. Col. 4: 6. Abominates. Pro. 6:16, 17. In talking of God and his works. Psa. 71: Makes inquisition for. Psa. 9:12. 24. Psa. 77:12. Psa. 119: 27. Psa. 145: Will avenge. Deu. 32: 43. Hos. 1: 4. 11, 12. Requires blood for. Gen. 9: 5. Num. 35: In showing forth God's praises. lsa. 43: 21. 33. 1 Kin. 2: 32. In inviting others to embrace the gospel. Rejects the prayers of those guilty of. Isa. Psa. 34: 8 Isa. 2:3. Jno. 1:46. Jno. 4:29. 1:15. Isa. 59:2, 3. In seeking the edification of others. Rom. Curses those guilty of. Gen. 4:11. 14: 19. lom. 15: 2. 1 The. 5: 11. The law made to restrain. 1 Tim. 1: 9. 6 MUR;. 62 NE~W. OBE. SAINTS Num. 21: 5..aaron, 4c,.. Num. 12:1 2, 8. Specially warned against. i Pet. 4:15. IKoreal, S4c. Num: 16: 3. Elijah, 1 Kin. Deprecate the guilt of. Psa. 51:14. 19: 4. Job, Job 3:1, &c. Jeremiah, Jer. Should warn others against. Gen. 37:-22. 20: 14 —18. Jonah, Jon. 4: 8, 9. DisciJer. 26: 15. sles, Mar. 14: 4, 5. Jno. 6: 61. Pharisees, Connected with idolatry. Eze. 22: 3, 4. Luke 15: 2. Luke 19: 7. Jews, Jno. 6: THiE WICKIED 41-43. Grecians, Acts, 6: 1. Filled with. Rom. 1 29. o. 194. NEW BIRTH, THE. Devise. Gen. 27:41. Gen. 37:18; Intent on. Jer. 22:17. The corruption of human nature requires. Lie in wait to commit. Psa. 10: 8-10. Jno. 3:6. om.:7,. Swift to commit. Pro. 1: 16. Rom. 3: 15. None can enter heaven without. Jno. 3: 3. Perpetrate. Job 24: 14. Eze. 22: 3. EFFECTED B Have hands full of. Isa. 1: H God. Jno.1: 13. 1 Pet. 1: 3 Encourage others to commit. Pro. 1:11 Christ. 1 Jo. 2: 29. Characteristic of the devil. Jno. 8: 44. TheHolyGhost. Jno.3:6. Tit.3:5. Punishment of. Gen.4:12-15. Gen. 9: 6. THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OF NTum. h5: 30. Jer. 19: 4-9. The word of God. Jas. 1: 18. 1 Pet. 1: 23. Punishment of, not commuted under the The resurrection of Christ. 1 Pet. 1: 3. Law. Num. 35: 31. The ministry of the gospel. 1 Cor. 4:15. Of saints, specially avenged. Deu. 32. 43. Is of the will of God. Ja I:18. Mat. 23: 35. 1ev. 18::20, 24. Is of the mercy of God. Tit. 3: 5. Excludes from heaven. Gal. 5: 21. Rev. Is for tle glory of God. Isa. 43: 7. 22. 15. DESCRIBED AS Exemplified. Cais, G(en, 4: 8. Esan, Gen.A new creation. 2 Cor. 5: 17. Gal. 6: 15. 27: 41. Joseph's brethren, Gen. 37: 20 Eph. 2:10. Pharaoh, Exo. 1: 22. dbimelech, Jud. Newness of life. Rom. 6:4. 9:5. len of Shechessi, Jud. 9:24..ale1 e5 A spiritual resurrection. Rom. 6: 4 —6. kite, 2 Sanl. 1: 16. Rechab, f4c. 2 Sam. 4 Eph. 2:1,. Col. 2:1 Col. 3:1. 5-7. David, 2 Sam. 12: 9. Jlbsaon Anew heart, Eze. 36: 26. 2 Sam. 13: 29. Joab, 1 Kin. 2: 31 32 A new spirit. Eze. 11: 19. Rom. 7: 6. 2Basala, 1 K9in. 15: 27. Zieia, 1 Kin. Putting on the new man. Eph. 4: 24. 16: 10. JeKebel, 1 Kin. 21 O. ELders of The inward man. Rom. 7: 22. 2 Cor. 4:16. Je16eel, 1 Kin. 21:13. 21:hab, 1 Kin. 21: Circumcision of the heart. Deui 30: 6. 19. Ilazael, 2 Kin. 8: 12, 15. J.dramlme withRom. 2: 29. Col. 2:11. lech, 4c. 2 Kin. 19: 37. iaicnassehl, 2 Kin. Partaking of the divine nature. 2 Pet. 1: 4. 21: 16. Isholsel, Jer. 41:7. Psices of'The washing of regeneration. Tit.3:5. Isae, Ee. 31:6. People of Gie All saints partake of. 1 Pet. 2:2. 1 Jno. 5: 1. 6: S8. The Herods, Mat. 2: 16. Mat. 14: 10. enODUCes Acts 12: 2. Her~odias and her~ daogihtes, Likeness to God. Eph. 4: 24. Col. 3: 10. Mat. 14: 8-11. Chief Priests, Mat 271. Lieness to Christ. Hom. S: 29 Judas, Mat. 27: 4. Barabbas, Mar. 15 7. Knowledge of God. Jer. 24: 7. CoI. 3:10. Jeuws, Acts 7: 52. 1 The. 2: 15. I-Iatred of Sin. 1 Jno. 3: 9. 1Jno. 5:18. Victory over the -world. 1 Jno. 5:4. No. 193. MURMURING. Delight in God's law. lom. 7: 22. Forbidden. 1 Cor. 10: 10. Phi. 2:14. E:AAIASNOST Faith in Christ. 1 Jno. 5:1. God. Pro. 19:3. Righteousness. 1 Jxo. 2:29. The sovereignty of God. Rom. 9: 19, 20. Brotherly love 1.J11. 4: 7. The service of God. Mal, 3: 14. Connected with adoption. isa. 43: 6, 7. Jno. Christ. Jno. 6: 41-43, 52. Ministers of God. Exo. 17: 3. Num. 16: 41. The ignorant cavil at. Jno. 3: 4. Disciples of Christ. Mar. 7: 2. Luke 5: 30. Manner ofeffecting-lllustrated. Jno. 3: 8. Unreasonableness of Chis. Lam. 73: 39. Luk 0. Preserves from Satan's devices. 1 Jno. 5: 18.'Unreasonableness of. Lam. 3:39. Tempts God. Exo. 17: 2. No. 195. OBEDIENCE TO GOD..Provokes God. Num. 14: 2, 11. Deu. 9: 8,22. Commanded. Deu. 13:4 Saints cease from. Isa. 29: 23, 24.. Without faith, is impossible. Heb. 11: 6. Characteristic of the wicked. Jude 16. INCLUDES Guilt of encouraging others in. Numn. 13: Obeying his voice. Exo. 19: 5. Jer. 7: 23. 31-33, with Num. 14: 36, 37. Obeying his law. Deu. 11: 27. Isa. 42:24. Punishment of. Num. 11: 1. Num. 14: Obeying Christ. Exo. 23: 21. 2 Cor. 10 5. 27-29. Num. 16: 45, 46. Psa. 106:: 25, 26. Obeying the gospel. Rom. l: 5. Rom. 6: Illustrated. Mat. 20:11. Luke 15: 29, 30. 17. Rom. 10:16,17. Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4:13 14. Moses, Keeping his commandments. Ecc. 12: 13. Exo. 5: 22,23. Israelites, Exo. 14: 11. Submission to higherpowers. R0m. 13: 1. OFF. 65 OFF. PAR. Better than sacrifice. 1 Sam. 15: 22. Not let their liberty occasion, to others. Justification obtained by that of Christ. 1 Cor. 8: 9. Rom. 5: 19. Use self-denial rather than occasion. Rom. Christ, an example of. Jno. 15: 10. Phi.2: 14: 21. 1 Cor. 8: 13. 5-8. Heb. 5:8. Avoid those who cause. Rom. 16: 17. Angels engaged in. Psa. 103: 20. Reprove those who cause. Exo. 32: 21. A characteristic of saints. 1 Pet. 1: 14. 1 Sam. 2: 24. Saints elected to. 1 Pet. 1: 2. MINISTERS SHOULD Obligations to. Acts 4: 19, 20. Acts 5: 29. Be cautious of giving. 2 Cor. 6: 3. Exhortations to. Jer. 26: 13. Jer. 38: 20. i Remove that which causes. Isa. 57:14. SHOULD BE All things that cause, shall be gathered out From the heart. Deu. 11:13. Rom. 6:17. of Christ's kingdom. Mat. 13 41. With willingness. Psa. 18: 44. Isa. 1: 19. Denunciation against those who cause. Mat. Unreserved. Jos. 22: 2, 3. 18: 7. Mar. 9: 42. Undeviating. Deu. 28: 14. Punishment for occasioning. Eze. 44: 12. Constant. Phi. 2: 12. Mal. 2: 8, 9. Mat. 18: 6. Resolve upon. Exo. 24:7. Jos. 24:24. Exemplified. aarson, Exo. 32: 2-6. BaConfess your failure in. Dan. 9:10. laam, 4-c. Num. 31: 16, with Rev. 2: 14. Prepare the heart for. I Sam. 7: 3. Ezr. 7:10. Gideon, Jud. 8: 27. Sons of Eli, 1 Sam. Pray to be taught. Psa. 119: 35. Psa. 143: 10. 2:12-17. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 12: 26-30. Promises to. Exo. 23::22. 1 Sam. 12:14. Isa. Old Pophet, 1 Kin. 13: 18-26. Priests, 1: 19. Jer. 7: 23. Mal. 2: 8. Peter, Mat. 16: 23. To be universal in the latter days. Dan. No. 197. OFFENCES AGAINST 7:27. Blessedness of. Deu. 11: 7. Deu.28:I- THE HOLY GHOST. 13. Luke 11: 28. Jas. 1: 25. Exhortations against. Eph. 4: 30. 1 The. The wicked refuse. Exo. 5: 2. Neh. 9: 17. 5: 19. Punishment of refusing. Deu. 11:28. Deu. EXHIEITED IN 28:15-68. Jos. 5: 6. Isa. 1: 20. Tempting him. Acts 5: 9. Exemplified. Noah, Gen. 6: 22. Aibrsam, Vexing him. Isa. 63: 10. Gen. 12: 1-4, with Heb. 11: 8. Gen. 22: Grieving him. Eph. 4: 30. 3, 12. Israelites, Exo. 12: 28. Exo. 24: 7. Quenching him. 1 The. 5: 19. Moses, Exo. 34: 4. Caleb, 4c., Num. 32: Lying to him. Acts 5: 3, 4. 12. dsa, 1 Kin. 15: 11. Elijah, 1 Kin. 17: Resisting him. Acts 7: 51. 5. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18: 6. Josiah, 2 Chr. Undervaluing his gifts. Acts 8: 19, 20. 35: 26. David, Psa. 119: 166. Zersubba- Doing despite unto him. Heb. 10: 29. bel, 4-c. Hag. 1: 12. Joseph, Mat. 1: 24. Disregarding his testimony. Neh. 9: 30. Wise smen, Mlat. 2: 12. Zacharias, 4c. Blasphemy againsthim, unpardonable. Mat. Luke 1: 6. Paul, Acts 26: 19. Saints 12: 31, 32. 1 Jno. 5: 16. of Rome, Rom. 16:19. No. 198. PARABLES OF CHRIST,.No. 196. OFFENCE. THE. Occasions of, must arise. Mat. 18: 7. Wise and foolish builders. Mat. 7: 24-27. Occasioning of, forbidden. 1 Cor. 10: 32. Children of the bride-chamber. Mat. 9:15. Persecution, a cause of, to mere professors. New cloth and old garment. Mat. 9: 16. Mat. 13: 21. Mat. 24: 10. New wine and old bottles. Mat. 9: 17. THE wICKED TAIKE, AT' Unclean spirit. Mat. 12: 43. The low station of Christ. Mat. 13: 54-57. Sower. Mat. 13: 3, 18. Luke 8: 5, 11. Christ, as the corner-stone. Isa. 8: 14, Tares. Mat. 13: 24-30, 36-43. with 1 Pet. 2: 8. Mustard-seed. SMat. 13: 31, 32. Luke 13:19. Christ, as the bread of life. Jno. 6: 58-61. Leaven. Mat. 13: 33. Christ crucified. 1 Cor. 1: 23. Gal. 5: 11. Treasure hid in a field. Mat. 13: 44. The righteousnes of faith. Rom. 9: 32. Pearl of great price. Mat. 13: 45, 46. The necessity of inward purity. Mat. 15: Net cast into the sea. Mat. 13: 47-50. 11, 12. Meats defiling not. Mat. 15: 10-15. Blessedness of not taking, at Christ. Mat. Unmerciful servant. Mat. 18: 23-35. 11: 6. Labourers hired. Mat. 20:1-16. Saints warned against taking. Jno. 16: 1. Two sons. Mat. 21: 28-32. SAINTS SHOULD Wicked husbandmen. Mat. 21: 33-45. Be without. Phi. 1:10. Marriage-feast. Mat. 22: 2-14. Be cautious of giving. Psa. 73: 15. Rom. Fig-tree leafing. Mat. 24: 32-34. 14: 13. 1 Cor. 8: 9. Man of the house watching. Mat. 24: 43. Have a conscience void of. Acts 24: 16. Faithful, and evil servants. Mat. 24: 45-51. Cut off what causes, to themselves. Mat. Ten virgins. Mat. 25: 1-13. 5: 29, 30. Mar. 9:43-47. Talents. Mat. 25:14-30. PAR. 64 PAR. Kingdom, divided against itself. Mar. 3: 24. Goodness of God. 2 Chr. 30: 18. Psa, House, divided against itself. Mar. 3: 25. 86: 5. Strong man armed. Mar. 3: 27. Luke 11: 21. Forbearance of God. Rom. 3:25. Seed growing secretly. Mar. 4: 26-29. Loving-kindness of God. Psa. 51: 1. Lighted candle. Mar. 4:21. Luke 11: 33-36. Justice of God. I Jno. 1: 9.,'ian taking a far journey. iar. 13: 34-37. Faithfulness of God. 1 Jno. 1: 9. Blind leading the blind. Luke 6: 39. EXPREssED BY Beam and mote. Luke 6: 41, 42. Forgiving transgression. Psa. 32:1. Tree and its fruit. Luke 6: 43-45.'Removing transgression. Psa. 103: 12. Creditor and debtors. Luke 7: 41-47.' Blotting out transgression. Isa. 44: 22. Good Samaritan. Luke 10: 30-37. Covering sin. Psa. 32:1. Importunate friend. Luke 11: 5-9. Blotting out sin. Acts 3: 19. Rich fool. Luke 12:16 —21. Casting sins into the sea. Mic. 7:19. Cloud and wind. Luke 12: 54-57. Not imputing sin. Rom. 4: 8. Barren fig-tree. Luke 13: 6-9. Not mentioning transgression. Eze. 18: 22. Men bidden to a feast. Luke 14: 7-11. Remembering sins no more. Heb. 10: 17. Builder of a tower. Luke 14: 28-30, 33. All saints enjoy. Col. 2:13. 1Jno. 2: 12. King going to war. Luke 14: 31-33. Blessedness of. Psa. 32: 1, with Rom. 4: 7. Savour of salt. Luke 14: 34, 35. SHOULD LE.AD TO Lost sheep. Luke 15: 3-7. Returning to God. Isa. 44: 22. Lost piece of silver. Luke 15: 8-10. Loving God. Luke 7: 47. Prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32. Fearing God. Psa. 130: 4. Unjust steward. Luke 16:1-8. Praising God. Psa. 103: 2, 3. Rich man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31. Ministers are appointed to proclaim. Isa. Importunate widow. Luke 18:1-8. 40:1, 2. 2 Cor. 5:19. Pharisee and Publican. Luke IS: 9-14. PrSAY FOR, Pounds. Luke 19: 12-27. For yourselves. Psa. 25: 11, 18. Psa. 51:1. Good Shepherd. Jno. 10(: 1-6. Mat. 6: 12. Luke 11: 4. Vine and branches. Jno. 15:1-5. For others. Jas. 5: 15. 1 Jno. 5:16. No. 199. PARDON1. Encouragement to pray for. 2 Chr. 7:14. WITHHELD FROMI Promised. Isa. I: 18. Jer. 31: 34, with The unforgiving. Mar. 11:26. Luke 6: 37. Heb. 8:12. Jer 60: 20. The unbelieving. Jno. 8: 21, 24. None, without shedding of blood. Lev. 17: The impenitent. Luke 13: 2-6. 11, with Heb. 9: 22. Blasphemers against the Holy Ghost. Mat. Legal sacrifices, ineffectual for. Heb. 10: 4. 12: 32. lMar. 3 28, 29. Outward purifications, ineffectual for. Job Apostates. Heb. 10: 26, 27. 1 Jno. 5: 16. 9: 30, 31. Jer. 2: 22. Illustrated. Luke 7: 42. Luke 15: 20-24. The blood of Christ, alone, is efficacious Exemplified. Israelites, Num. 14: 20. Dafor. Zec. 13:1, with 1 Jno. 1:7. vid, 2 Sam. 12: 13. hIastasseh, 2 Chr. Is GRANTED 33:13. Hezekiah, Isa. 38: 17. ThePar.a By God alone. Dan. 9: 9. NMar. 2: 7. lytic, Mat. 9: 2. Tie Penitent, Luke 7: 47. By Christ. Mar. 2: 5. Luke 7: 4S. No. 200. A Through Christ. Luke 1: 69, 77. Acts 5: O. 200. PARENTS. 31. Acts 13: 38. Receive their children from God. Gen. 33: Through the blood of Christ. Mat. 26: 28. 5. 1 Sam. 1: 27. Psa. 127: 3. Rom. 3: 25. Col. 1: 14. THEIR DUTY TO THEIR CHILDREN IS For the name's sake of Christ. 1 Jno. To love them. Tit. 2: 4. 2: 12. To bring them to Christ. Mat. 19:13, 14. According to the riches of grace. Eph. To train them up for God. Pro. 22: 6. 1: 7. aEph. 6: 4. On the exaltation of Christ. Acts 5: 31. To instruct them in God's word. Deu. Freely. Isa. 43:25. 4: 9. Deu. 11: 19. Isa. 38:19. Readily. Neh. 9: 17. Psa. 86: 5. To tell them of God's judgments. Joel 1:3. Abundantly. Isa. 55: 7. om. 5: 20. To tell them of the miraculous works of To those who confess their sins. 2 Sam., God. Exo. 10: 2 Psa. 78: 4. 12: 13 Psa. 32: 5. 1 Jno. 1: 9. To command them to obey God. Deu. 32: To those who repent. Acts 2: 3. 46. 1 Chr. 28: 9. To those who believe. Acts 10: 43. To bless them. Gen. 48: 15. Heb. 11: 20. Should be preached in the name of Christ. To pity them. Psa. 103: 13. Luke 24: 47. To provide for them. Job 42: 15. 2 Cor. EXHIBITS THE 12: 14 1 Tim. 5: 8. Compassion of God. Mic. 7: 18, 19. To rule them. I Tim. 3: 4, 12. Grace of God. Rom. 5:15, 16. To correct them. Pro. 13:24. Pro. 19: Mercy of God. Exo. 34: 7. Psa. 1:1. 1S. Pro. 23: 13. Pro. 29:17. Heb. 12: 7. PAT. 65 PEA. Not to provoke them. Eph. 6:4. Col. 3:21. Ministers approved by. 2 Cor. 6:4. Not to make, nrholy connexions for them. SHOULD BE ACCOMPANI.ED iBY Gen. 24: 1-4. Gen. 28: 1, 2. Godliness. 2 Pet 1: 6. Wicked children, a cause of grief to. Pro. Faith. 2 Thea 1:4. Heb. 6:12. Rev. 13:10. 10: 1. Pro. 17: 25. Temperance. 2 Pet. l: 6. SHOULD PRAY FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Long-sufiering. Col.: 11. For their spiritual welfare. Gen. 17:18. Joylfulness. Col. 1:l11. 1 Chr. 29: 19. Saints strengthened unto all. Col. I: 11. When in temptation. Job 1: 5. Commended. Ecc. 7: 8. Rev. 2: 2, 3. When in sickness. 2 Sam. 12:16. Mar. Illustrated. Jas. 5: 7. 5: 23. Jno. 4 46, 49. Exemplified. Job, Job 1: 21. Jas. 5: 11. Sir.WHEN FAITHFUL, eon, Luke 2: 25. Pausl, 2 Tim. 3: 10. Are blessed by their children. Pro. 31: 28..?braham, Heb. 6: 15. Prophets, Jas. 5: 10. Leave a blessing to their children. Psa. John, Rev. 1:9. 112: 2. Pro. 11:21. Isa. 65:23. No. 202. PEACE. Sins of, visited on their children. Exo. 20: God is the uthor of. Psa. 147:14. a. 45: 7. 5. Isa. 14:'0. Lam. 5:7. od s the or. a. 17: 14. Isa. 4: 7 Negligence of, sorely punished. 1 Sam. 3:13.1 1 Cr. 4LTS FRO 3. WHEN W~CKED,RESULTS FROM W]EEw WICKED, Heavenly wisdom. Jas. 3:17. instruct their children in evil. Jer. 9: 14. Heavenly m. J 317. 1 Pet. 1: 18. The governnment of Christ. Isa. 2: 4. Set a bad example to their children. Eze. Praying for rulers. 1 Tim. 2: 2. 20: 18. Aemos 2: 4.. Seeking the peace of those with whom we Good-Exemplified. 44 br ahamn, CGen. 18: 9. dwell. Jer. 29: 7.. Necessary to the enjoyment of life. Psa. JacobrGen 44:2, 3. Jse;~h Ge. 4:34: 12, 1 4, with 1 Pet2 3: iG, 11. 13 —20. Mother of Moses, Exo. 2: 2, 34:12,14, with Pet. 3: 1, 11. ansal, 2d. 11: S. Han, l Sam.GOD BESTOWS UPOrN THOSE WHO J3lanoah, Jud. 13: S. -Hannah, I Sam. 1.28. David, 2 Sam. 15: 5, 33. SLhunam- Obey eim. Lev. 26:6. mite, 2 Kin. 4: 19, 20. Job, Job 1: 5. hi. Pro. 16: 7. mothe, 2f LKnse1, Pro. 31:Jb1. JNobllesn, Endure his chastisements. Job 5:17, 23, 24. Jno. 4: 49. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. l: 5 Is a bond of union. Eph. 4: 3. Bad-Exemplified. Met/sher of.llicah, Jud. The fruit of righteousness should be sown 17:3. Eli, I Sam. 3: 13. Saul, 1 Sam. in. Jas. 3: 8. 20:33. J.thaliah, 2 Chr. 22: 3. Msanasseh, The Church shall enjoy. Psa. 125:5. Psa 128: 6. Isa. 2: 4. Hos..2: 1S. 2 Chr. 33: 6. Herodias, Mar. 6: 24. SAINTS sHOULD SAINTS SHOULD No. 201. PATIENCE. Love. Zec. 8:19. God, is the God of Rom. 15: 5. Seek. Psa. 34: 14, with 1 Pet. 3: 11. Christ, an example of. Isa. 53: 7, with Acts Follow. 2 Tim. 2: 22. 8: 32. Mat. 27: 14. Follow the things which make for. Rom. Enjoined. Tit. 2:2. 2 Pet. 1: 6. 14:19. Should have its perfect work. Jas. 1: 4. Cultivate. Psa. 120: 7. Trials of saints lead to. Rom. 6: 3. Jas. 1: 3. Speak. Est. 10: 3. PRODUCES Live in, 2 Cor. 13: 11. Experience. Rom. 5: 4. Have with each other. Mar. 9: 50. 1 The Hope. Rom. 15: 4.. 5:13. Suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable Endeavour to have, with all men. Rom. with God. I Pet. 2: 20. 12:18. Heb. 12:14. To BE EXERCISED IN Pray for that of the Church. Psa. 122: 6-8. Running the race set before us. Heb. 12: 1. Exhort others to. Gen. 45: 24. Bringing forth fruits. Luke 8: 15. Ministers should exhort to. 2 The. 3:12. Well-doing. Rom. 2: 7. Gal. 6: 9. Advantages of Pro. 17:1. Ecc. 4: 6. Waiting for God. Psa. 37: 7. Psa. 40:1, Blessedness of. Psa. 133:1. Waiting for Christ. 1 Cor. 1:7. 2 The. 3: 5. Blessedness of promoting. Mat. 5: 9. Waiting for the hope of the gospel. Rom. THE WICKED 8: 25. Gal. 5: 5. Hypocritically speak. Psa. 28: 3. Waiting for God's salvation. Lam. 3: 26. Speak not. Psa. 35: 20. Bearing the yoke. Lam. 3: 27. Enjoy not. Isa. 48: 22. Eze. 7: 25. Tribulation. Luke 21:19. Rom. 12: 12. Opposed to. Psa. 120: 7. Necessary to the inheritance of the promises. Hate. Psa. 120: 6. Heb. 6: 12. Heb. 10: 36. Shall abound in the latter days. Isa..2: 4. Exercise, towards all. 1 The. 5:14. Isa. 11: 13. Isa. 32: 19. They who are in authority, should exercise. Exemplified. qbriaham, i Gen. 13: 8, 9. Mat. IS: 26. Acts 26: 3..dbimelech, Gen. 26: 29. Msordecai, Est. Ministers should follow after. 1 Tim. 6: 11. 10: 3. David, Psa. 120: 7. PEA. 66 PER. No. 203. PEACE, SPIRITUAL. There is none for. Isa. 48: 22 Isa. 57: 21. Supports under trial. Jno. 14:27. Jno. God is the God of. Rom. 15: 33. 2 Cor. 13: 16: 33. 11. 1The.5:23. Heb.13:20. God ordains. Isa. 26:12. NO. 204. PERFECTIO'N. God speaks, to his saints. Psa. 85: 8. Is of God. Psa. 18: 32. Psa. 138: S. Christ is the Lord of. 2 The. 3: 16. All saints have, in Christ. 1 Cor. 2: 6. Phi. Christ is the Prince of. Isa. 9: 6. 3: 15. Col. 2: 10. Christ gives. 2 The. 3: 16. God's perfection the standard of. Mat. 5: 48. Christ guides into the way of. Luke 1: 79. IMPLIES, Christ is our. Eph. 2:14. Entire devotedness. Mat. 19: 21. Is through the atonement of Christ. Isa. Purity and holiness in speech. Jas. 3:2. 53: 5. Eph. 2:14, 15. Col; 1: 20. Saints commanded to aim at. Gen. 17: 1. Bequeathed by Christ. Jno. 14:27. Deu. 18: 13. PREACHED Saints claim not. Job 9:20. Phi. 3:12. By Christ. Eph. 2: 17. Saints follow after. Pro. 4:18. Phi. 3:12. Through Christ. Acts 10: 36. Ministers appointed to lead saints to. Eph. By ministers. Isa. 52: 7, with Rom. 10:15. 4: 12. Col. I: 28. Announced by angels. Luke 2: 14. Exhortation to. 2 Cor. 7: 1. 2 Cor. 13: 11. Follows upon justification. Rom. 5: 1. Impossibility of attaining to. 2 Chr. 6: 36. A fruit of the Spirit. Rom. 14: 17. Gal. 5: 22. Psa. 119:96. Divine wisdom is the way of. Pro. 3: 17. THE WORD OF GOD IS ACCOMnPANIES The rule of. Jas. 1: 25. Faith. Rom. 15:13. Designed to lead us to. 2 Tim. 3: 16,17. Righteousness. Isa. 32: 17. Charity is the bond of. Col. 3:14. Acquaintance with God. Job 22:21. Patience leads to. Jas. 1: 4. The love of God's law. Psa. 119:165. Pray for. Heb. 13: 20, 21. 1 Pet. 5: 0. Spiritual-mindedness. Rom. S: 6. The Church shall attain to. Jno. 17: 23. Established by covenant. Isa. 54:10. Eze. Eph. 4: 13. 34: 25. Mal. 2: 5. Blessedness of. Psa. 37:37. Pro. 2:21. PROMISED TO No. 205. PERSECUTION. The Church. Isa. 66: 12. The Gentiles. Zec. 9: 10. Christ suffered. Psa. 69: 26. Jno. 5:16. Saints. Psa. 72: 3, 7. Isa. 55:12. Christ voluntarily submitted to. Isa. 50: 6. The meek. Psa. 37: 11. Christ was patient under. Isa. 53: 7. Those who confide in God. Isa. 26: 3. Saints may expect. Mar. 10:30. Luke 21: Returning backsliders. Isa. 57: 18, 19. 12. Jno. 15: 20. We should love. Zec. 8: 19. Saints sufier, for the sake of God. Jer. 15:15. The benediction of ministers should be. Of saints, is a persecution of Christ. Zec. Num. 6:26. Luke 10:5. 2: S, with Acts 9: 4, 5. SAINTS All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer. Have, in Christ, Jno. 16: 33. 2 Tim. 3: 12. Have, with God. Isa. 27: 5. Rom. 5: 1. ORIGINATES IN Enjoy. Psa. 119: 165. Ignorance of God and Christ. Jno. 16: 3. Repose in. Psa. 4: 8. Hatred to God and Christ. Jno. 15: 20, 24. Blessed with. Psa. 29: 11. Hatred to the gospel. Mat. 13: 21. Kept in perfect. Isa. 26: 3. Pride. Psa. 10: 2. Ruled by. Col. 3: 15. Mistaken zeal. Acts 13: 50. Acts 26: Kept by. Phi. 4: 7. 9-11. Die in. Psa. 37:37. Luke 2: 29. Is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel. Wish, to each other. Gal. 6: 16. Phi. 1: Mat. 26: 52. 2. Col. 1: 2. 1 The. 1: 1. Men by nature addicted to. Gal. 4: 29. OF SAINTS, Preachers of the gospel subject to. Gal. 5: 11. Great. Psa. 119:165. Isa. 54: 13. Is sometimes unto death. Acts 22: 4. Abundant. Psa. 72: 7. Jer. 33: 6. God forsakes not his saints under. 2 Cor. 4:9. Secure. Job 34: 29. God delivers out of. Dan. 3: 25, 28. 2 Cor. Passeth all understanding. Phi. 4: 7. 1: 10. 2 Tim. 3: 11. Consummated after death. Isa. 37: 2. Cannot separate from Christ. Rom. 8: 35. The gospel is good tidings of. Rom. 10: 15. Lawful means may be used to escape. Mat. THE WICKED 2: 13. Mat. 10:23. Mat. 12:14,15. Know not the way of. Isa. 59:8. Rom. SAINTS SUFFERING, SHOULD 3: 17. Commit themselves to God. 1 Pet. 4: 19. Know not the things of. Luke 19: 42. Exhibit patience. 1 Cor. 4: 12. Promise, to themselves. Deu. 29:19. Rejoice. Mat.: 12. 1 Pet. 4:13. Are promised, by false teachers. Jer. 6:14. Glorify God. 1 Pet. 4: 16. PER. 67 PER. PIL. Pray for deliverance. Psa. 7: 1. Psa. Promises to. Mat. 10: 22. Mat. 24: 13. 119: 86. Rev. 2: 26-928. Pray for those who inflict. Mat. 5:44. Blessedness of. Jas. 1: 25. Return blessing for. Rom. 12:14. WANT OF, The hope of future blessedness supports Excludes from the benefits of the gospel. under. 1 Cor. 15:19, 32. Heb. 10: 34, 35. Heb. 6: 4-6. Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake. Punished. Jno. 15: 6. Rom. 11::22. Mat. 5: 10. Luke 6: 22. Illustrated. Mar. 4: 5, 17. Pray for those suffering. 2 The 3:2. No. 207. PERSONALITY OF THE Hypocrites cannot endure. Mar. 4:17. False teachers shrink from. Gal. 6:12. HOLY GHOST, THE. THE WICKED He creates and gives life. Job 33: 4. Addicted to. Psa. 10: 2. Psa. 69: 26. He appoints and commissions ministers. Isa. Active in. Psa. 143: 3. Lam. 4: 19. 48: 16. Acts 13: 2. Acts 20: 28. Encourage each other in. Psa. 71: 11. He directs ministers where to preach. Acts Rejoice in its success. Psa. 13: 4. Rev. 8: 29. Acts 10: 19, 20. 11: 10. He directs ministers where not to preach. Punishment for. Psa. 7: 13. 2 The. 1: 6. Acts 16: 6, 7. Illustrated. Mat. 21: 33-39. He instructs ministers what to preach. Spilit of-Exemplified. Pharaoh, 4.c. Exo. 4Cor. 2:13. 1:8 -14. Saul, 1 Sam. 26: 18. Jezebel, He spoke in, and by, the Prophets. Acts 1 Kin. 19: 2. Zedekiah, 4c. Jer. 38: 4-6. 1: 16. 1 Pet. 1: 11, 12. 2 Pet. 1: 21. Chaldeans, Dan. 3: 8, &c. Pharisees, Mat. He strives with sinners. Gen. 6: 3. 12:14. Jews, Jno. 5: 16. 1 The. 2 15. He reproves. Jno. 16: 8. Herod, Acts 12:1. Gentsiles, Acts 14: 5. He comforts. Acts 9: 31. Paul, Phi. 3: 6. 1 Tim. 1: 13. He helps our infirmities. Rom. 8:26. Suffering of-Exemplified. Micaiah, 1 Kin. He teaches. Jno. 14: 26. 1 Cor. 12: 3. 22:27. David, Psa. 119: 161. Jeremiah, He guides. Jno. 16:13. Jer. 32:2. Dasiel, Dan. 6: 5 —17. Petesr, He sanctifies. Rom. 15:16. 1 Cor. 6:11..,c. Acts 4: 3. Jdpostles, Acts 5:18. The He testifies of Christ. Jno. 15: 26. Prophets, Acts 7: 52. Psimitive Chulusrch He glorifies Christ. Jno. 16:14. Acts 8: 1. Paul and Barnabas, Acts 13: 50. He has a power of his own. Rom. 15: 13. Pauz and Silas, Acts 16: 23. Hebrews, Heb. He searches all things. Rom. 11: 33; 34, 10: 33. Saints of old, Heb. Il: 36. with I Cor. 2: 10, 11. +No. 206. PERSEV:EIRA NC IE. He works according to his own will. 1 Cor. 12:11. An evidence of reconciliation with God. He dwells with saints. Jno. 14:17. Col. I: 21-23. He can be grieved. Eph. 4: 30. An evidence of belonging to Christ. Jno. He can be vexed. Isa. 63: 10. 8: 31. Heb. 3: 6,14. He can be resisted. Acts 7: 51. A characteristic of saints. Pro. 4: 18. He can be tempted. Acts 5: 9. TO BE sMANIdFESTED Ih No. 208. PILGRIMS AND STRA-NSeeking God. I Chr. 16: ll. Waiting upon God. Hos. 12: 6. GERS. Prayer. Rom. 12:12. Eph. 6:18. Described. Jno, 17:16. Well-doing. Rom. 2: 7. 2 The. 3: 13. Saints are called to be. Gen. 12: 1, with Continuing in the faith. Acts 14: 22. Acts 7: 3. Luke 14: 26, 27, 33. Col. I: 23. 2 Tim. 4: 7. All saints are. Psa. 39:12. 1 Pet. 1:1. Holding fast hope. Heb. 3: 6. Saints confess themselves. 1 Chr. 29: 15. MAINTAINED THROUGH Psa. 39: 12. Psa. 119: 19. Heb. 11: 13. The power of God. Psa. 37: 24. Phi. 1: 6. SAINTS AS, The power of Christ. Jno. 10: 28. Have the example of Christ. Luke 9: 59. The intercession of Christ. Luke 22: 31, Are strengthened by God. Deu. 33: 25. 32. Jno. 17:11. Psa. 84: 6, 7. The fear of God. Jer. 32: 40. Are actuated by faith. Heb. 11: 9. Faith. 1 Pet. 1: 5. Have their faces towards Zion. Jer. 50: 5. Promised to saints. Job 17: 9. Keep the promises in view. Heb. 11: 13. Leads to increase of knowledge. Jno. 8: Forsake allfor Christ. Mat. 19: 27. 31, 32. Look for a heavenly country. Heb. 11:16. IN WELL-DOING Look for a heavenly city. Heb. 11:10. Leads to assurance of hope. II-eb. 6: 10, 11. Pass their sojourning in fear. 1 Pet. 1:17. Is not in vain. I Cor. 15: 58. Gal. 6: 9. Rejoice in the statutes of God. Psa. 119: 54. Ministers should exhort to. Acts 13: 43. Pray for direction. Psa. 43:3. Jer. 50: 5. Acts 14: 22. Have a heavenly conversation. Phi. 3: 20. Encouragement to. Heb. 12: 2, 3. Hate worldly fellowship. Psa. 120: 5, 6. L ~ ~.... POO. 68 POO. Are not mindful of this world. Heb. 11: 15. Inconsistent with love to God. 1 Jno. 3: 17, Are not at home in this world. Heb. 11: 9. A proof of unbelief. Jas. 2:15-17. Shine as lights in the world. Phi. 2: 15. Rob not. Pro. 22: 22. Invite others to go with them. Num. 10: 29. Wrong not, in judgment. Exo. 23: 6. Are exposed to persecution. Psa. 120: Take no usury from. Lev. 25: 36. 5-7. Jno. 17:14. Harden not the heart against. Deu. 15: 7. Should abstain from fleshly lusts. 1 Pet. Shut not the hand against. Deu. 15: 7. 2:11. Rule not, witll rigour. Lev. 25: 39, 43. Should have their treasure in heaven. Mat. Oppress not. Deu. 24: 14. Zec. 7: 10. 6: 19. Luke 12: 33. Col. 3: 1, 2. Despise not. Pro. 14: 21. Jas. 2: 2-4. Should not be over anxious about worldly Relieve. Lev. 25: 35. Mat. 19: 21. things. Mat. 6: 25. Defend. Psa. 82: 3, 4. Long for their pilgrimage to end. Psa. Do justice to. Psa. S2: 3. Jer. 22: 3, 16. 55. 6. 2 Cor. 5: 1-8. A CARE FOR, Die in faith. Heb. 11:13. Is characteristic of saints. Psa. 112: 9, The world is not worthy of. Heb. 11: 38. with 2 Cor. 9: 9. Pro. 29: 7. God is not ashamed to be called their God. Is a fruit of repentance. Luke 3: 11. Heb. 11: 16. Should be urged. 2 Cor. 8: 7, 8. Gal. 2:10. Typified. Israel, Exo. 6: 4. Exo. 12:11. GIVE TO, Exemplied. Abrsaham, Gen. 23: 4. Acts Not grudgingly. Deu. 15:10. 2 Cor. 9:7. 7: 4, 5. Jacob, Gen. 47: 9. Saizts of old, Liberally. Deu. 14: 29. Deu. 15: 8,11. I Chr. 29: 15. Heb. 11: 13, 38. David, Cheerfully. 2Cor.8:12. 2 Cor.9:7. Psa. 39: 12. The Apostles, Mat. 19: 27. Without ostentation. Mat. 6: I. No. 209. POOR, THE. Specially if saints. Rom. 12:13. Gal. 6:10. Made by God. Job 34: 19. Prov. 22: 2. THEPray for. WHOa. 74, FT R21LIEVE, Are such by God's appointment. 1 Sam. THArehappy. Pro. 14:IN FAITH, RELIEVE,. 2: 7. Job 1: 21. Are happy. Pro. 14:21. Are blessed. Deu. 15: 10. Psa. 41: 1. Pro. CONDITION OF, OFTEN RESULTS FROM22: 9. cts20:35. Sloth. Pro. 20:13.Acts 20: 35. lad companyth. Pro. 28:19. Have the favour of God. Heb. 13:16. Drunkennessand guony. PHave promises. Pro. 28: 27. Luke 14:13,14. Drunkenness. Pro. 23: 21. By oppressing, God is reproached. Pro. 14:31. Regards, equally ws the rich. Job 34 19. By mocking, God is reproached. Pro. 1'7: 5. Regards, equally with. the rich. Job 34:19. THE WICRZED Forgets not, Psa. 9:18S. Hears. Psa. 69: 33. Isa. 41: 17.- Care not for. Jno. 12: 6. Maintains the right of. Psa. 140:12. Oppress. Job 24: 4-10. Eze. 18:12. Delivers. Job. 36: 15. Psa. 35:10. Vex. Eze. 22:29. Protects. Psa. 12: 5. Psa. 109: 31. Regard not the cause of. Pro. 29: 7. Exalts. 1 Sam. 2: 8. Psa. 107: 41. Sell. Amos 2: 6. Provides for. Psa. 68: 10. Psa. 146:7. Amos 4: 1. Despises not the prayer of. Psa. 102 17. Tread down. Amos 5: 11. is the refuge of. Psa. 14:6. Is the refuse of. Pea 14:6. Grind the faces of. Isa. 3: 15.' "Devour. I-Iab. 3:14. Shall never cease out of the land. Deu. 15 Devour. Hab. 3 14. 11. Zep. 3: 12. Mat. 26: 11P Defraud. Pmos. 10: 2. MAY BE..... Defraud. Amos 8: 5, 6. Rich Despise the counsel of Psa. 14:6. Rich in faith. Jas...5. Liberal. Mar. 12: 42. 2 Cor.: 2. Guilt of defrauding. Jas.: 4. Wise. Pro. 28: 11. PUNISHMENT FOR Upright. Pro. 19: 1. Oppressing. Pro. 22: 16. Eze. 22: 29, 31. Christ lived as one of. Mat. 8: 20. Spoiling. Isa. 3: 13-15. Eze. 18: 13. Christ preached to. Luke 4: 18. Refusing to assist. Job 22: 7, 10. Pro. 21:13. Christ delivers. Psa. 72:12. Acting unjustly towards. Job 20:19, 29. Offerings of, acceptable to God. Mar. 12: Job 22:6, 10. Isa. 10:1-3. Amos 5:11,12. 42-44. 2 Cor. 8: 2,12. Oppression of-Illustrated. 2 Sam. 12: 1-6. SHOULD Care for-Illustrated. Luke 10: 33-35. Rejoice in God. Isa. 29:19. Exemplified. Gideon, Jud. 6: 15. Ruth, Hope in God. Job. 5: 16. Ruth 2: 2. Widosw of Zarephath, 1 Kin. Commit themselves to God. Psa. 10:14. 17: 12. Prophet's Widow, 2 Kin. 4: 2. Whena converted, rejoice in their exalta- Saints of old, Heb. 11: 37. tion. Jas. 1: 9. Regard for-Exemplified. Boaz, Ruth 2: 14. Provided for under the Law. Exo. 23:11. Job, Job 29: 12-16. Nebuzaradan, Jer. Lev. 19: 9, 10. 39:10. Zaccheus, Luke 19: 8. Peter and NEGLECT TOWARDS, IS John, Acts 3: 6. Dorcas, Acts 9: 36, 39. A neglect of Christ. Mat. 25: 42-45. Cornelius, Acts 10: 2. Church at Antioch, POW. 69 POW. Acts 11: 29, 30. Paul, Rom. 15: 25. Is a ground of trust. Isa. 26:4. Rom. 4;21. Churches of Macedonia and Jtchaia, Rom. THE WICKED 15:26. 2 Cor. 8: 1-5. Know not. Mat. 22:29. No. 210. rPO~WER OF ~GOD, THE. Have against them. Ezr. 8:22. Shallbe destroyed by. Luke 12: 5. Is one of his attributes. Psa. 62: 11. The heavenly host magnify. Rev. 4: 11. EXPRESSED BY THE Rev. 5:13. Rev. 11:17. Voice of God. Psa. 29: 3, 5. Psa. 68: 33. Finger of God. Exo. 8: 19. Psa. 8: 3. No. 211. POWER OF CHRIST, THE. Hand of God. Exo9:318.9: sa.483, 15.:13As the Son of God, is the power of God. Arm of God. Job 40: 9. Isa.52:10. Jno. 5: 17-19. Jno. 10: 28-30. Thunder of his power, 8kc. Job 26:14. As man, is from the Father. Acts 10: 38. DEsCRIBED AS DFESCRIBED AS Great. Psa. 79119'll Nah.l:12. Supreme. Eph. 1: 20, 21. 1 Pet. 3: 22. Strong. Psa. 89:13. Psa.136:12. Unlimited. Iat. 28: 18. Glorious. Exo. 15: 6. Isa. 63: 12. Over all flesh. Jno 17: 2. sighty. Job 9:4. Psa. 89:13. Over all things. Jno. 3: 35. Eph. 1: 22. Everlasting. Isa. 26:4. Rom. 1:20. Glorious. 2 The. 1: 9. Sovereign. om.n 9: 21. Everlasting. 1 Tim. 6: 16. Effectual. Isa. 43: 13. Eph. 3:. Is able to subdue all things, Phi. 3: 21. Irresistible. Deu. 32:39. Dan. 4: 35. EXHIsSTED I Incomparable. Exo. 15:11, 12. Deu. 3: Creation. Jno. 1: 3,10. Col.l:16. 24. JoUnsearchable. Job 5 9. Job:10. Upholding all things. Col. 1: 17. Heb. 1: 3. Unsearchable. Job:9. Job:. Salvation. Isa. 63: 1. Heb. 7: 21. Incomprehensible. Job 26: 14. Ecc. 3:11. Histeaching. Mat. 7: 28, 29. e 4:32. All things possible to. Mat. 19: 26. Working miracles. Mat. 8:27. Luke 5:17. Nothing too hard for. Gen. 18: 14. Jer. 32: 27. Enabling others to work miracles. Mat. Can save by many or by few. 1 Sam. 14: 6. 10:. Mar.16:17,18. Luke 10:17. Is the source of all strength. 1 Chr. 29:12. Forgivingsins. Mat.9:6. Acts5;31. Psa. 68: 35. Giving spiritual life. Jno. 17: 2. ExHIsITED IN Creation, Psa. 102:25. Jer. il 12. Giving eternal life. Jno. 5: 21, 2b, 26. Creation, Psa.12:25. Jer.1. Raising the dead. Jno. 5: 28, 29. Establishing and governing all things. Raising himself from the dead. Jno. 2: Psa. 65:6. Psa.66:7. The miracles of Christ. Luke 11: 20. The resurrection of Christ. Luke C20. 134 Overcoming the world. Jno. 16: 33. The resurrection of Christ. 2 Cor. 13: 4. Overcoming satan Col. 2:15. Heb. 2:14. Col. 2:12. 2Cor.13:4.Overcoming satan. Col.2:15. Heb.2:14. The resurrection of saints. 1 Cor. 6:34. Destroying the works of satan. 1 Jno. 3 ~ 8. T he resurr ection of saints. 1 Cor. 6: 14. Ministers should make known. 2 Pet. 1:16. Making the gospel effectual. Rom. 1: 16. SAINTS. 1 Cor. 1: 18, 24. Made willing by. Psa. 110:3. Delivering his people. Psa. 106: 8. Succored by. Heb. 2: 18. Succoured by. Heb. 2:18. The destruction of the wicked. Exo. 9: Strengthened by. Phil. 4: 13. 2 Tim. 4: 17. 16. Rom. 9: 22. Preserved by. 2 Tim. 1: 12. 2 Tim. 4: 1S. SAINTS Bodies of, shall be changed by. Phi. 3 21. Long for exhibitions of. Psa. 63:1, 2. Rests upon saints. 2 Cor. 12: 9. Have confidence in. Jer. 20: 11. Present in the assembly of saints. 1 Cor. 5: 4. Receive increase of grace by. 2 Cor. 9: 8. Shall be specially manifested at his second Strengthened by. Eph. 6: 10. Col. 1l:11. coming. Mar. 13:26. 2 Pet. 1: 16. Upheld by. Psa. 37: 17. Isa. 41:10. Shall subdue all power. 1 Cor. 15: 24. Supported in affliction by. 2 Cor. 6: 7. The wicked shall be destroyed by. Psa. 2: 9. Delivered by. N: 10. Dan. 3: 17. Isa. 11: 4. Isa. 63: 3. 2 The. 1: 9. Delivered by. Neh. I: 10. Dan. 3: 17. Exaltedby. Job 36: 22. No. 212. POWER OF THE HOLY Kept by, unto salvation. 1 Pet. I: 5. Exerted inbehalf of saints. 2 Chr. 16: 9. GHOST, TH Works in, and for saints. 2 Cor. 13: 4. Eph. Is the power of God. Mat. 12:28, with Luke 1: 19. Eph. 3: 20. 11:20. The faith of saints stands in. 1 Cor. 2: 5. Christ commenced his ministry in. Luke SHOULD BE 4: 14. Acknowledged. 1 Chr. 29: 11. Isa. 33: 13. Christ wrought his miracles by. Mat. 12:28. Pleaded in prayer. Psa. 79: 11. Mat. 6: 13. EXHIBITED BY Feared. Jer. 5:22. Mat. 10: 2S8. Creation. Gen.::2. Job 26: 13. Psa. 104: Magnified. Psa. 21:13. Jude 25. 30. Efficacy of ministers is through. I Cor. 3: The conception of Christ. Luke 1: 35. 6-8. Gal. 2: 8. Eph. 3: 7. Raising Christ from the dead. 1 Pet. 3:18. IRA. 70 PRA. Giving spiritual life. Eze. 37: 11-14, Small and great. Rev. 19: 5. with Rom. 8: 11. All men. Psa. 107: 8. Psa. 145: 21. Working miracles. Rom. 15: 19. All creation. Psa. 14S: 1-10. Psa. 150: 6. Making the gospel efficacious. 1 Cor. 2: 4. Is good and comely. Psa. 33: 1. Psa. 147: 1. 1 The. 1: 5. SHOULD BE OFFERED Overcoming all difficulties. Zec. 4: 6, 7. With the understanding. Psa. 47: 7, with Promised by the Father. Luke 24: 49. 1 Cor. 14: 15. Promised by Christ. Acts 1:8. With the soul. Psa. 103: 1. Psa. 104: 1, 35. SAINTs With the whole heart. Psa. 9: 1. Psa. Upheld by. Psa. 1:12. 51:. Psa. 138: 1. Strengthened by. Eph. 3:16. With uprightness of heart. Psa. 119: 7. Enabled to speak the truth boldly by. With the lips. Psa. 63: 3. Psa. 119:171. Mic. 3: 8. Acts 6: 5, 10. 2 Tim. 1: 7, 8. With the mouth. Psa. 51: 15. Psa. 63: 5. Helped in prayer by. Rom. 8: 26. With joy. Psa. 63: 5. Psa. 98: 4. Abound in hope by. Rom. 15: 13. With gladness. 3 Chr. 29:30. Jer. 33: 11. Qualifies ministers. Luke 24:49. Acts 1: 8, 9. With thankfulness. 1 Chr. 16: 4. Neh God's word the instrument of. Eph. 6; 17. 12: 24. Psa. 117:7. No. 213. PRAISE. Continually. Psa. 35: 28. Psa. 71: 6. God is worthy of. 2 Sam. 22: 4. During life. Psa. 104: 33. Christ is worthy of. Rev. 5: 12. More and more. Psa. 71: 14 God is glorified by. Psa. 22: 23. Psa. 50 23. Day and night. Rev. 4: S. Offered to Christ. Jno. 12: 13. Day by day. 2 Chr. 30: 21. Acceptable through Christ. Heb. 13 15. For ever and ever. Psa. 15: 1, 2. Is DUE TO GOD ON ACCOUNT OF Throughout the world. Psa. 113: 3. His majesty. Psa. 96:1, 6. Isa. 24:14. In psalms and hymns, &c. Psa. 105: 2. His glory. Psa. 138: 5. Eze. 3:12. Eph.:19. Col. 3:16. His excellency. Exo. 11: 7. Psa. 148 13. Accompanied with musical instruments. 1 Chr. 16:41, 42., Psa. 150:3-5. His greatness. 1 Chr. 16: 21. Psa. 14: 3. 1 Chr. 16: 41, 49. Pea. 110: 3-5. His holiness. Exo1 Chr. 16: 25. Isa. 6: 3 Is a part of public worship. Psa. 9:14. Psa. His holiness. Exo.15:11. Isa.6: 100:4. Psa.118:19,20. Heb.2:62. His wisdom. Dan.'2: 20.' Jude 25. His wisdom. Dan. 2: 20.- Jude 21. 100: 4. Psa. 118: 19, 20. Heb. 2: 12. His power. Psa. 21:13. SAINTS SHOULD His goodness. Psa. 07: 8. Pea. 119:1. Show forth. Isa. 43: 21. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Psa. d36n: 1. Jer. 337: 11. Psa. 118 Be endued with the spirit of. Isa. 61: 3. Psa. 136: 1. Jer. 33: 11. His mercy. 2 Chr. 20: 21. Psa. 89: 1. Psa. Render, under affliction. Acts 16: 2 118: 1-4. Psa. 136th. Glory in. 1 Chr. 16: 35. His loving kindness and truth. Psa. 138: 2. Triumph in. Pa. 106: 47. His faithfulness and truth. Isa. 25: 1. Express theirjoy by. Jas.: 13. His salvation. Psa. 18:46. Isa. 35: 10. Invite other s to. Psa. 34 Psa. 95Isa. 42:12. Invite others to. Psa. 34: 3. Pea. 91: 1. Isa. 61: 10. Luke 1: 68, 69. Prayforabilitytoffer. Psa.5115. a. His wonderful works. Psa. 89: 5. Psa. Pray for ability to offer. Psa. 1: 15. Psa. 119: 175. 150:2. Isa. 25: 1. Posture suited to. 1 Chr. 23: His consolation. Psa. 42: 5. Isa. 12: 1. His judgment. Psa. 101: 1. CALLED THE His counsel. Psa. 16: 7. Jer. 32:19. Fruit of the lips. Heb. 13: 15. Fulfilling of his promises. 1 Kin. 8: 56. Voice of praise. Psa. 66: 8. Pardon of sin. Psa. 103: 1-3. Hos. 14: 2. Voice of triumph. Psa. 47: 1. Spiritual health. Psa. 103: 3. Voice of melody. Isa. 51: 3. Constant preservation. Psa. 71: 6-8. Voice of a psalm. Psa. 98: 5. Deliverance. Psa. 40: 1-3. Psa. 124: 6. Garment of praise. sa. 61 3. Protection. Psa. 28: Psa.59:17. Sacrifice of praise. Heb. 13:1. Answering prayer. Psa. 28: 6. Psa. 118: 21. Sacrifices of joy. Psa. 27: 6. The:hope of glory. I Pet. I: 3, 4. Calves of the lips. Hos. 14 2. All spiritual blessings. Psa. 103: 2. Eph. The heavenly host engage in. Isa. 6: 3. 1: 3. - Luke2:13. Rev.4:9-11. Rev. 5: 12. All temporal blessings. Psa. 104: 1, 14. Exemplified. 3I1elchizedek, Gen. 14: 20. Psa. 136: 25. Moses, {4c. Exo. 15: 1-21. Jethso, Exo. The continuance of blessings. Psa. 68: 19. 18: 10. Israclites, 1 Chr. 16: 36. David, Is OBLIGATORY UPON 1 Chr. 29:10-13. Psa. 119:164. Priests Angels. Psa. 103: 20. Psa. 148:2. and Levites, Ezr. 3: 10, 11. Ezra, Neh. Saints. Psa. 30: 4. Psa. 149: 5. 8: 6. Hezekiah, Isa. 38: 19. Zacharias, Gentiles. Psa. 117: 1, with Rom. 15: 11. Luke 1: 64. Shepherds, Luke 2: 20. Children. Psa. 8: 2, with Mat. 21: 16. Simeon, Luke 2: 28. Aqnna, Luke 2: 38. High and low. Psa. 148: 1,11..11usltitudes, Luke 18: 43. Disciples, Luke Young and old. Psa. 148: 1, 12. 19: 37, 38. The Adpostles, Luke 24: 53. ~PRA. 71 PRA. First Converts, Acts 2: 47. Lame man, With boldness. Ifeb. 4:16. Acts 3: 8. Paul and Silas, Acts 16: 25. With earnestness. 1 The. 3: 10. Jas. 5:17. No. 214. PRAYER. With importunity. Gen. 32; 26. Luke 11: Commanded. Isa. 55: 6. Mat. 7: 7. Phi. 4: 6. Luke 1 Tim. 5: 5. TO BE OFFERED Night and day. I Tim. 5: 5. To God. Pa.5:2. Mat.4:10. Without ceasing. 1 The. 5: 17. To Godhrist. Luke23:sa 42. Acts5: 259. Everywhere. 4: 10Tim. 2: 8. To the Holy Ghost. 2 The. 3:. In every thing. Phi. 4:6. Through ChriGst. Eph. 2 18. Heb. 10 19. For temporal blessings. Gen. 28: 20. Pro. Through Christ. Eph. 2: 18. Heb. 10: 19. 30:8. Mat. 6: 11. God hears. Psa. 109:17. Pea. 65: 2. For spiritual blessings. Mat. 6:33. Col. 3:1. God answers. PeDa. 99: 6. Isa. 58: 9. For mercy and grace to help in time of need. Heb. 4:16. Bowing the knees. Eph. 3:14. Modelfor. Mat. 6:9-13.'Looking up. Psa. 5: 3. Vain repetitions in, forbidden. Mat. 6:7. Lifting up the sotl. Psa. 25: 1. Ostentation in, forbidden. Mat. 6: 5. Lifting up the heart Lam. 3: 41. ACCOSIPANIED WITH Pouring out the heart. Psa. 62: 8. Repentance. 1-Kin.8:33. Jer.36:7. Pouring out the soul, i Sam. 1 15. Confession. Nel. 1: 4, 7. Dan. 9: 4-11.! Calling upon the name of the Lord. Gen. Selfabasement. Gen. 18:27. 12: 8. Psa. 116: 4. Acts 22:16. Weeping. Jer. 31: 9. Hos. 12: 4. Crying unto God. Psa. 27: 7. Psa. 34: 6. Fasting. Neh. 1: 4. Dan. 9: 3. Acts 13:3. Drawing near to God. Psa. 73: 28. Heb, 10Drawing near to God. Psa. 73:28. Heb Watchfulness. Luke 21: 36. 1 Pet. 4: 7. ~~10 ~: 22. ~Praise. Psa. 66:17. Crying to heaven. 2 Chr. 32: 20. Thanksgiving~ Phi. 4: 6. CoL 4: 2. Beseeching the Lord. Exo. 32: 11. PLEAD IN THE Seeking unto God. Job 8::5. Promises of God. Gen. 32: 9-12. Exo. Seelking the face of the Lord. Psa. 27: 8. 38:13. 1 Kin.8: 26. Psa.119:49. Making supplication. Job 8: 5. Jer. 36: 7. Covenant of God. Jer. 14: 21. Acceptable through Christ. Jno. 14:13,14. FaithfulnessofGod. Psa.143:1. Jno. 15: 16. Jno. 16::23, 24. Mercy of God. Psa. 51:1. Dan. 9:18. Ascends to heaven. 2 Chr. 30: 27. Rev. 5:8. Righteousness of God. Dan. 9:16. Quickening grace necessary to. Psa. 80: 18. Rise early for. Psa. 5: 3. Psa. 119: 147. THE HOLY GHOST PromisedTHE HO5LY GHeSpirit oT ~ ec.12Seek divine teaching for. Luke 11: 1. Promised as a Spirit of. Zec. 12: 10. Faint not in. Luke 18:1. Faint not in. Luke 18: 1. As a Spirit of adoption, leads to. Rom. Continue instant in. Rom. 12: 12. 8:315. Gal. 4m: 6. Avoid hinderances in. 1 Pet. 3: 7. Helps our infirmities in. Roms.: 26. Suitable in affliction. Isa. 26: 16. Jas. 5:13. An evidence of conversion. Acts 9::I. Of the rigeteous, availeth much. Jas. 5: 1. Shortness of time a motive to. 1 Pet. 4: 7. Of the righteous, availeth much. Jas. 5: 16. POSTURES I Of the upright, a delight to God. Pro. 15: 8. Standing. Kin.22. Mar. 25. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP Standing. 1 Kin. S: 22. Mar. 31: 25. SHOULD BE OFFERED UP Bowingdown. Psa.95:6. In the Holy Ghost. Eph. 6: 18. Jude 20. Keeling. 2 hr.: 13. Psa.95 6. Luke In faith. Mat. 21: 22. Jas. 1:6. 22 41. Acts20 36 In full assurance of faith. Heb. 10:22. Falling ontheface. Num. 16 22. Jos. In a forgiving spirit. Mat. 6: 12. 5:14. 1 Chr. 21:16. Mat. 26: 39. With the.heart. Jer. 29:13. Lam. 3: 41. Spreading forth the hands. Isa. 1: 15. With the whole heart. Psa. 119: 58,-145. Lifting up the hands. Psa. 28: 2. Lam. With preparation of heart. Job 11: 13. 2:19. 1 Tim. 2:S. With a true heart. Heb. 10:22. The promises of God encourage to. Isa. With the soul. Psa.42: 4. 65: 24. Amos 5: 4. Zec. 13: 9. With the spirit and understanding. Jno. The promises of Christ encourage to. Luke 4: 22-24. 1 Cor. 14:15. With confidence in God. Psa. 56: 9. Psa.ast mercies an incentive to. 86: 7. 1 Jno. 5:14. Experience of past mercies an incentive to. 86:7. 1 Jno. 5:14 Psa. 4: 1. Psa. 116:2. With submission to God. Luke 22:42. P. 4:. sa. With unfeigned lips. Psa. 17: 1. No. 215. PRAYER, PRIVATE. With deliberation. Ecc. 5: 2. Christ was constant in. Mat. 14: 23. Mat. With holiness. 1 Tim. 2: 8. 26: 36, 39. Mar. 1: 35. Luke 9:18, 29. With humility. 2 Chr. 7: 14. 2 Chr. 33: 12. Commanded. Mat 6: 6. With truth. Psa. 145: 18. Jno. 4: 24. SHOULD BE OFFERED With desire to be heard. Neh. 1: 6. Psa. At evening, morning, and noon. Psa. 17:1. Psa.55:1,2. Psa.61:1. 55: 17. With desire to be answered. Psa. 27: 7. Day and night. -Psa. 88: 1. Psa. 102: 2. Psa. 108: 6. Psa. 143: 1. Without ceasing. I The. 5: 17. PRA. 72 PRA. Shall be heard. Job 22: 27. Servants. Luke 7: 2, 3. Rewarded openly. Mat. 6: 6. Children. Gen. 17:18. Mat. 15:22. An evidence of conversion. Acts 9; 11. Friends. Job 42: 8. Nothing should hinder. Dan. 6: 10. Fellow-countrymen. Rom. 10:1. Exemplified. Lot, Gen. 19:20. Eliezer, Gen. The sick. Jas. 5: 14. 24: 12. Jacob, Gen. 32: 9 —12. Gideon, Persecutors. Mat. 5: 44. Jud. 6: 22, 36, 39. IlHannah, I Sam. 1: 10. Enemies among whom we dwell. Jer. David, 2 Sam. 7: 18-29. Hezekiah, 2 Kin.. 29: 7. 20: 2. Isaiah, 2 Kin. 20: 11..Msanasseh, Those who envy us. Num. 12:13. 2 Chr. 33: 18, 19. Ezra, Ezr. 9: 5, 6. Ne- Those who forsake us. 2 Tim. 4:16. hemiah, Neh. 2: 4. Jeremialh, Jer. 32:16- Those who murmur against God. Num. 25. Daniel, Dan. 9: 3,17. Jonah, Jon. 2: 11: 1, 2. Num. 14:13-19. 1. Habakkuk, Hab. 1: 2. Jlnna, Luke 2: By ministers for their people. Eph. I: 16. 37. Paul, Acts 9: 11. Peter, Acts 9: 40. Eph. 3: 14-19. Phi. 1: 4. Acts 10: 9. Cornelius, Acts 10: 30. Encouragement to. Jas. 5: 16. 1 Jno. 5:16. No. 216. PRAYER, SOCIAL AND Beneficial to the offerer. Job 42:10. Sin of neglecting. I Sam. 12:'23. FAMILY. Seek an interest in. 1 Sam. 12: 19. Heb. Promise of answers to. Mat. 18: 19. 13: 15. Christ promises to be present at. Mat. Unavailing for the obstinately-impenitent. 18: 20. Jer. 7:13-16. Jer. 14:10, 11. Punishment for neglecting. Jer. 10: 25. Exemplified. Abrahamn, Gen. 18: 23-32. Exemplified. Jbhrara, Gen. 12: 5, 8. Jacob, Jbraham's sesrvant, Gen. 24: 12-14. Moses, Gen. 35: 2, 3, 7. Joshua, Jos. 24:15. David, Exo. 8: 12. Exo. 32: 11-13. Samuel, 2 Sam. 6: 20. Job, Job. 1: 5. iThe Disci- 1 Sam. 7: 5. Solomon, 1 Kin. 8: 30-36. ples, Acts 1: 13, 14. Cornelisus, Acts 10: 2. Elzsha, 2 Kin. 4: 33. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. Paul and Silas, Acts 16: 25. Paeul, 4-c. 30: 18. Isaiah, 2 Chr. 322:20. Nehemiah, Acts 20: 36. Acts 21: 5. Neh. 1: 4-11. David, Psa. 25: 22. Ezekiel, No. 217. PRAYER, PUBLIC. Eze. 9: 8. Daniel, Dan. 9: 3-19. Stephen, Acceptable to God. Isa. 6 7. Acts 7: 60. Peter and Johrn, Acts 8:15. Acceptable to God. Isa. 56: 7. God promises to hear. ~2Chr 7:14,16. Church of Jerusalem, Acts 12: 5. paul, God promises to bless in. xo. 20: 24. Col 1:9-12. 2The. 111. Epaphras, ~~CssassRIST~ ~Col. 4:12. Philemon, Phile. 22. CHRIST Sanctifies by his presence. Mat. 18:20. No. 219. PRAYER, ANSWERS TO. Attended. Mat. 12: 9. Luke 4:16. Promises answers to. Mat. 18: 19. God gives. Psa. 99: 6. Psa. 118: 5. Psa. 138: 3. Instituted form of. Luke 11: 2. Christ gives. Jno. 4:10,14. Jno. 14: 14. Should not be made in an unknown tongue. Christ received. Jno. 11: 42. Heb. 5: 7. I Cor. 14:14-16. GRArTED Saints delight ill. Psa. 42: 4. Psa. 122: 1. Through the grace of God. Isa. 30: 19. Exhortation to Heb. 10: 25. Sometimes immediately. Isa. 65: 24. Dan. Urge others to join in. Psa. 95: 6. Zec. 9: 21, 23. Dan. 10:12. 8:- 21. Sometimes after delay. Luke S1: 7. Exemplified. Joshua,'c. Jos. 7: 6-9. Da- Sometimes differently from our desire. vid, I Chr. 29: 10-19. Solomon, 2 Chr. 2 Cor. 12: 8, 9. 6th chap. Jehoshaphat, 4-c. 2 Chr. 20: 5- Beyond expectation. Jer. 33: 3. Eph. 3: 20. 13. Jeshua, c. Neh. 9th chap. Jews, Promised. Isa. 58: 9. Jer. 29: 12. Mat. 7: 7. Luke 1: 10. priamitive Christians, Acts Promised especially in times of trouble. Psa. 2: 46. Acts 4: 24. Acts 12: 5, 12. Peter, 50: 15. Psa. 91: 15. 4-c. Acts 3: 1. Teachers and Prophets at RECsEIVED BY THOSE WHO.2ntioch, Acts 13: 3. Pault, 4c. Acts 16:16. Seek God. Psa. 34: 4.,o 218. PRAYER, INTERCESSORY. Seek God with all the heart. Jer. 29:12,13. No. 218. JRAYERS, INTEIVCESSORY. Wait upon God. Psa. 40:1. Christ set an example of. Luke 22: 32. Return to God. 2 Chr. 7: 14. Job 22:23, 27. Luke 23: 34. Jno. 17: 9-24. Ask in faith. Mat. 21: 22. Jas. 5: 15. Commanded. 1 Tim. 2:1. Jas. 5:14, 16. Ask in the name of Christ. Jno. 14: 13. SI-OULD BE OFFERED UP FOR Ask according to God's will. 1 Jno. 5: 14. Kings. I Tim. 2: 2. Call upon God in truth. Psa. 145:18. All in authority. 1 Tim. 2: 2. Fear God. Psa. 145: 19. Ministers. 2 Cor. I: 11. Phi. 1: 19. Set their love upon God. Psa. 91: 14, 15. The Church. Psa. 122: 6. Isa. 62: 6, 7. Keep God's commandments. 1 Jno. 3: 22. All saints. Eph. 6: 18. Call upon God under oppression. Isa. 19:20. All men. I Tim. 2: 1. Call upon God under affliction, Psa. 18: 6. Masters. Gen. f4: 12-14. Psa. 106: 44. Isa. 30:19, 20. PRE. 73 PRE. PRI. Abide in Christ. Jno. 15: 7. Words. Jno. 6: 68. Humble themselves. 2 Chr. 7: 14. Psa. 9:12. Promises. 2 Pet. 1: 4. Are righteous. Psa. 34: l:. Jas. 5: 16. Care and tenderness. Isa. 40: 11. Are poor and needy. Isa. 41: 17. As the corner.stone of the Church. Isa.28: SAINTS 16, with 1 Pet. 2:6. Are assured of. 1 Jno. 5-: 15. As the source of all grace. Jno. 1: 14. Love God for. Psa. 116: 1. Col..1: 19. Bless God for. Psa. 66: 20. Unsearchable. Eph. 3: 8. Praise God for. Psa. 116: 17. Psa. 118:'21. Illustrated. Song of Sol. 2: 3. Song of Sol. A motive for continued prayer. Psa. 116: 2. 5: 10-16. Mat. 13: 44-46. DENIED TO THOSE WHO NO. 221 PRESUMPTION. Askamiss. Jas.4:3. Regard iniquity in the heart. Psa. 66: 18. A characteristic of the wicked. 2 Pet. 2: 10. Live in sin. Isa. 59: 2. Jno. 9: 31. A characteristic of Antichrist. 2 The. 2: 4. Olfer unworthy service to God. Mal. I: EXHIBITED IN 7-9. Opposing God. Job 15: 25, 26. Forsake God. Jer. 14:10, 12. Wilful commission of sin. Rom. 1: 32. Reject the call of God. Pro. 1: 24, 25, 28. Self-righteousness. Hos. 12: 8. Rev. 3:17. Hear not the law. Pro. 28: 9. Zec. 7: 11-13. Spiritual pride. Isa. 65: 5. Luke 18: 11. Are deaf to the cry of the poor. Pro. 21: 13. Esteeming our own ways right. Pro. 12: Are hlood-shedders. Isa. 1: 15. Isa. 59: 3. 15. Are idolaters. Jer. 11:11-14. Eze. 8: Seeking precedence. Luke 14:7-11. 15-18. Planning for futurity. Luke 12: 18. Jas. Are wavering. Jas. 1: 6, 7. 4:13. Are hypocrites. Job 27: 8, 9. Pretending to prophecy. Deu. 18: 22. Are proud. Job 35: 12, 13. Pray to be kept from sins of. Psa. 19:13. Are self-righteous. Luke 18: 11, 12, 14. Saints avoid. Psa. 131: 1. Are the enemies of saints. Psa. 18: 40, 41. Punishment for. Num. 15:30. Rev. 8: Cruelly oppress saints. Mic. 3: 2-4. 7, 8. Exemplified..Jlbraham, Gen. 17: 20. Lot, Exemplified. Builders of Babel, Gen. 11: 4. Gen. 19:19-21..tbralhamn's servant, Gen. Israelites, Num. 14: 44. Korah, 4c. Num. 24:15 —27. Jacob, Gen. 32: 24-30. Is. 16: 3, 7. Men of Bethshemesh, I Sam. 6: raelites, Exo. 2: 23, 24. Moses, Exo. 17: 4 19. Uzzah, 2 Sam. 6: 6. Jeroboam, 1 -6, 11-13. Exo. 32:11-14. Samson, Jud. Kin. 13: 4. Ben-hadad, I Kin. 20: 10. Uz15:1S, 19. Hannah, I Sam. 1: 27. Samuel, ziah, 2 Chr. 26: 16. Sennacherib, 2 Chr. 1 Sam. 7: 9. Solomon, 1 Kin. 3: 9, 12. 32:13, 14. Theudas, Acts 5 36. Sons of Mian of God, 1 Kin. 13: 6. Elijah, 1 Kin. Sceva, Acts 19: 13, 14. Diotrephes. 3 18: 36-38. Jas. 5:17,18. Elisha, 2 Kin. Jno. 9. 4: 33-35. Jehoahaz, 2 Kin. 13: 4. Heze- No. 222. PRIDE. kiah, 2 Kin. 19: 20. Jabez, 1 Chr. 4: 10. Is sin. Pro. 21: 4..Lsa, 2 Chr. 14: 11, 12. Jehoshaphat, 2 Hateflto God. Pro. 6:16,17. Pro.16: 6. Chr. 20: 6 —17. IManasseh, 2 Chr. 33:13, Hateful to Christ. Pro. 8:12, 13. 19. Ezra,,c. Ezr. 8:21-23. Nehemiah, te o rt Neh. 4: 9, 15. Job, Job 42: 10. David, OFTEN rIGoIN'.TES IN Psa. 18: 6. Jeremiah, Lam. 3: 55, 56. Dan- Self-rigiteousnes. Lue 18:11, 12. iel, Dan. 9: 20-23. Jonah, Jon. 2: 2, 10. Religious privileges..: 11. Zacharias, Luke I:13. Blind man, Luke Unsanctifiedknowledge. 1 Cor. 8:1. 18: 38, 41-43. Thief on the Cross, Luke Inexperience. 1Tim.3:6. 23:42,43..lpostles, Acts4:29-329-1. C- Possession of power. Lev. 26:19. Eze. nelius, Acts 10: 4, 31. Primitive Christians, Acts 12: 5, 7. Paul and Silas, Acts Possession of wealth. 2 Kin. 20:13. 16: 25, 26. Paul, Acts 28: 8. as Forbidden. 1 Sam. 2:3. Rom.12:3,16. Refusal of, exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 28: Defiles a man. Mar. 7: 20, 22. 15. Elders of Israel, Eze. 20: 3. Phari- SAINTS sees, Mat. 23:14. sees, Mat..23:14. Give not way to. Psa. 131: 1. No. 220. PRECIOUSNESS OF CHRIST. Respect not, in others. Psa. 40: 4. To God. Mat 3:17. 1 Pet. 2:4. Mourn over, in others. Jer. 13:17. To Saints. Song of Sol. 5: 10. Phi. 3: 8. I Hate, in others. Psa. 101: 5. Pet. 2: 7. A hinderance to seeking God. Psa. 10: 4. ON ACCOUNT OF HIS Hos. 7: 10. Goodness and beauty. Zec. 9: 17. A hinderance to improvement. Pro. 26:12. Excellence and grace. Psa. 45:2. A CHARACTERISTIC OF Name. Song of Sol. 1: 3. Heb. 1:4. The devil. 1 Tim. 3: 6. Atonement. 1 Pet. 1: 19, with Heb. 12:24. The world. 1 Jno. 2: 16. 7 PRa. 74 PRO. False teachers. 1 Tim. 6: 3. 4. Keeper. Psa. 121: 4, 5. The wicked. Hab. 2: 4, 5. Rom. 1: 30. Deliverer. 2 Sam. 22: 2. Psa. 18: 2. Comes from the heart. Mar. 7: 21-23. Strength. Psa. 18: 2. Psa. 46: 1. The wicked encompassed with. Psa. 73: 6. Refuge. Psa. 46: 1 11. Isa. 25: 4. LEADS MEN TO Shield. Gen. 15: 1. Psa. 84: 11. Contempt and rejection of God's word and Tower. 2 Sam. 22: 3. Psa. 61: 3. ministers. Jer. 43: 2. Light. Psa. 27: 1. Isa. 60: 19. A persecuting spirit. Psa. 10: 2. Guide. Psa. 48: 14. Isa. 58: 11. Wrath. Pro. 21: 24. Law-giver. Neh. 9:13, 14. Isa. 33: 22. Contention. Pro. 13: 10. Pro. 28: 25. Habitation. Psa. 90: 1. Psa. 91: 9. Self-deception. Jer. 49:16. Oba. 3. Portion. Psa. 73:26. Lam. 3: 24. Exhortation against. Jer. 13: 15. Union in God and Christ. Jno. 17: 21. ls FOLLOWED BY Committing themselves to God. Psa. 31: 5. Shame. Pro. 11: 2. Acts 7: 59. 2 Tim. 1: 12. Debasement. Pro. 29: 23. lsa. 28: 3. Calling upon God in trouble. Psa. 50:15. Destruction. Pro. 16: 18. Prov. 18: 12. Suffering for Christ. Acts 5: 41. Phi. 1: 29. Shall abound in the last days. 2 Tim. 3: 2. Profiting by chastisement. Heb. 12: 10, 11. Woe to. Isa. 28::1, 3. Pleading the covenant. Jer. 14:21. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, SHALL BE Being secure during public calamities. Job Resisted. Jas. 4: 6. 5: 22, 23. Psa. 91: 5-7. Brought into contempt. Isa. 23: 9. Interceding for others. Gen. 18: 23-33. Isa. Recompensed. Psa. 31: 23. 62:7. Jas. 5: 16. Marred. Jer. 13: 9. No. 224. PROCRASTINATION. Subdued. Exo. 1S:11. lsa. 13:11. Broughtlow. Psa. 1S: 27. lsa.2:12. Condemned by Christ. Luke 9: 59-62. Abased. Dan. 4: 37, with Mat. 23: 12. Saints avoid. Psa. 27: 8. Psa. 119: 60. Scattered. Luke 1: 51. To BE AVOIDED IN Punished. Zep. 2:10, 11. Mal. 4:1. Hearkening to God. Psa. 95: 7, 8, with Exemplified..dhithoplhel, 2 Sam. 17:'23. He- Heb. 3: 7, 8. zekiah, 2 Chr. 32: 25. Phlaraoh, Neh. 9: Seeking God. Isa. 55: 6. 10. Ilaman, Est. 3: 5. Moab, Isa. 16: 6. Glorifying God. Jer. 13:16. Tyre, Isa. 23: 9. Israel, Isa. 28: 1. Hos. Keeping God's commandments. Psa. 119:60.: 5, 9. Judah, Jer. 13: 9. Babylon, Jer. Making offerings to God. Exo. 22:29. 50: 29, 32. Jsssyria, Eze. 31I: 3, 10. Ne- Performance of vows. Deu. 23:21. Ecc. 5:4. buchadnezzar. Dan. 4: 30. Dan. 5: 20. MOTIVES FOR AVOIDING, Belshazzar, Dan. 5: 22, 23. Edom, Oba. The present the accepted time. 2 Cor. 6: 2. 3. Scribes, Mar. 12: 38, 39. Herod, Acts The present the best time. Ece. 12: 1. 12: 21-23. Laodiceans, Rev. 3: 17. The uncertainty of life. Pro. 27:1. No. 223. PRIVILEGES OF SAINTS. Danger of, illustrated. Mat. 5:25. Luke 13:25. Exemplified. Lot, Gen. 19:16. Felix, Acts Abiding in Christ. Jno. 15: 4, 5. 24:25. Partaking of the Divine nature. 2 Pet. 1: 4. No 225. PROMISES OF GOD, THE. Access to God by Christ. Eph. 3:12. Being of the household of God. Eph. 2: 19. Contained in the scriptures. Rom. 1: 2. Membership with the Churcd of the first- Made in Christ. Eph. 3: 6. 2 Tim. 1: 1. born. Heb. 12: 23. MADE TO HAVING Christ. Gal. 3: 16, 19. Christ for their Shepherd. Isa. 40: 11. Abraham. Gen. 12: 3, 7, with Gal. 3: 16. with Jno. 10: 14, 16. Isaac. Gen. 26: 3, 4. Christ for their Intercessor. Rom. 8: 34. Jacob. Gen. 28: 14. Heb. 7: 25. 1 Jno. 2: 1. David. 2 Sam. 7:12. Psa. 89: 35, 36. The promises of God. 2 Cor. 7: 1. 2Pet. 1: 4. The Fathers. Acts 13:32. Acts 26:6,7. The possession of all things. 1 Cor. 3: 21, 22. All who are called of God. Acts 2: 39. All things working together for their good. Those who love him. Jas. 1: 12. Jas. 2: b. Rom. 8:28. 2 Cor. 4: 15-17. Confirmed by an oath. Psa. 89: 3, 4. Heb. Their names written in the book of life. 6: 17. Rev. 13: S. Rev. 20:15. The covenant established upon. Heb. S: 6. HAVING GOD FOR THEIR God is faithful to. Tit. I: 2. Heb. 10: 23. King. Psa. 5: 2. Psa. 44: 4. Isa. 44: 6. God remembers. Psa. 105:42. Luke 1: 54, 55. Glory. Psa. 3: 3. Isa. 60:19. ARE Salvation. Psa. 18: 2. Psa. 27:1. Good. 1 Kin. 8: 56. Father. Deu. 32: 6. Isa. 64: 8. Holy. Psa. 105: 42. Redeemer. Psa. 19: 14. Isa. 43: 14.. Exceeding great and precious. 2 Pet. 1:4. Friend. 2 Chr. 20:7, with Jas. 2: 23. Confirmed in Christ. Rom. 15: 8. Helper. Psa. 33: 20. Heb. 13: 6. Yea and amen in Christ. 2 Cor. 1: 20. PRO. 75 PRO. Fulfilled in Christ. 2 Sam. 7: 12, with As the seed of Isaac. Gen. 21:12. FulActs 13: 23. Luke 1: 69-73. filled, Heb. 11:17-19. Through the righteousness of faith. Rom. As the seed of David. Psa. 132: 11. Jer. 4:13, 16. 23: 5. Fulfilled, Acts 13: 23. Rom. 1: 3. Obtained through faith. Heb. 11: 33. His coming at a set time. Gen. 49: 10. Dan. Given to those who believe. Gal. 3:22. 9, 24, 25. Fulfilled, Luke 2: 1. Inherited through faith and patience. Heb. His being born of a virgin. Isa. 7:14. Ful6: 1'2, 15. Heb. 10: 36. filled, Mat.: 18. Luke 2: 7. Performed in due season. Jer. 33: 14. His being called Immanuel. Isa. 7:14. FulActs 7:17. Gal. 4: 4. filled, Mat. 1: 22, 23. Not one shall fail. Jos. 23: 14. 1 Kin. 8: 56. His being born in Bethlehem of Judea. Mic. The law not against. Gal. 3: 21. 5: 2. Fulfilled, Mat. 2: 1. Luke 2: 4-6. The law could not disannul. Gal. 3:17. Great persons coming to adore him. Psa SUBJECTS OF; 72: 10. Fulfilled, Mat. 2: 1-J 1. Christ. 2 Sam. 7:12, 13, with Acts 13: The slaying of the children at Bethlehem. 22, 23. Jer. 31: 15. Fulfilled, Mat. 2:16-18. The Holy Ghost. Acts 2: 33. Eph. 1: 13. His being called out of Egypt. Hos. 11:1. The gospel. Rom. 1: l, 2. Fulfilled, Mat. 2:15. Life in Christ. 2 Tim. 1: 1. His being preceded by John the Baptist. A crown of life. Jas. 1: 12. Isa. 40.3. Mal. 3: 1. Fulfilled, Mat. 3: 1, 3. Eternal life. Tit. 1: 2. 1 Jno. 2: 25. Luke 1:17. The life that now is. 1 Tim. 4: 8. His being anointed with the Spirit. Psa. Adoption. 2 Cor. 6:18, with 2 Cor. 7: 1. 45: 7. Isa. 11: 2. Isa. 61: 1. Fulfilled, Preservation in affliction. Isa.43: 2. Mat. 3: 16. Jno. 3: 34., Acts 10: 38. Blessing. Deu. 1: 11. His being a Prophet like unto Moses. Deu. Forgiveness of sins. Isa. 1: 18. Heb. 8:12. 18: 15-18. Fulfilled, Acts 3: 20-22. Putting the law into the heart. Jer. 31; His being a Priest after the order of Melchi33, with Heb. S: 10. zedek. Psa. 110: 4. Fulfilled, Heb. 5: 5, 6. Second coming of Christ. 2 Pet. 3: 4. His entering on his public ministry. Isa. New heavens and earth. 2 Pet. 3: 13. 61: 1, 2. Fulfilled, Luke 4:16-21, 43. Entering into rest. Jos. 22: 4, with Heb. His ministry commencing. in Galilee. Isa. 4: 1. 9:1, 2. Fulfilled, Mat. 4:12-16, 23. Should lead to perfecting holiness. 2 Cor. His entering publicly into Jerusalem. Zec. 7:1. 9: 9. Fulfilled, Mat. 21: 1-5. The inheritance of the saints is of. Rom. His coming into the temple. Hag. 2: 7, 9. 4:13. Gal. 3:18. Mal. 3:1. Fulfilled, Mat. 21:12. Luke SAINTS 2: 27-32. Jno. 2: 13-16. Children of. Rom. 9: 8. Gal. 4: 28. His poverty. Isa. 53: 2. Fulfilled, Mar. Heirs of. Gal. 3: 29. Heb. 6: 17. Heb. 6: 3. Luke 9: 58. 11: 9. His meekness and want of ostentation. Isa. Stagger not at. Rom. 4: 20. 42: 2. Fulfilled, Mat. 122:15, 16, 19. Have implicit confidence in. Heb. 11: I1. His tenderness and compassion. Isa. 40: 11. Expect the performance of. Luke 1: 38, lsa. 42: 3. Fulfilled, Mat. 12: 15, 20. Heb. 45. 2 Pet. 3:13. 4:15. Sometimes, through infirmity, tempted to His being without guile. Isa. 53: 9. Fuldoubt. Psa. 77: 8, 10. filled, 1 Pet. 2:22. Plead, in prayer. Gen. 32: 9, 12. 1 Chr. His zeal. Psa. 69: 9. Fulfilled, Jno. 2: 17. 17: 23, 26. Isa. 43: 26. His preaching by parables. Pea. 78: 2. FulShould wait for the performance of. Acts filled, Mat. 13: 34, 35. 1:4. His working miracles. Isa. 35: 5, 6. FulGentiles shall be partakers of. Eph. 3: 6. filled, Mat. 11: 4-6. Jno. 11: 47. Man, by nature, has no interest in. Eph. His bearing reproach.. Psa. 22: 6. Psa. 69: 7, 2:12. 9, 20. Fulfilled, Rom. 15:3. Scofiers despise. 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. Fulfilled Hor. 11: 3. Scoffers despise. 2 Pet. 3:3, 4. 4: His being rejected by his brethren. Psa. 69:8. Isa. 53: 3. Fulfilled, Jno. 1: 11. Jno. 7: 5. No. 226. PROPHECIES RESPECT- His being a stone of stumbling to the Jews. Isa. 8: 14. Fulfilled, Rom. 9: 32. 1 Pet. 2: S. ING CHIRIST. His being hated by the Jews. Psa. 69: 4. As the Son of God. Psa. 2: 7. Fulfilled, Isa. 49: 7. Fulfilled, Jno. 15: 24, 25. Luke 1: 32, 35. His being rejected by the Jewish rulers. Psa. As the seed of the woman. Gen. 3: 15. Ful- 118: 22. Fulfilled, Mat. 21: 42. Jno. 7: 48. filled, Gal. 4: 4. That Jews and Gentileg should combine As the seed of Abraham. Gen. 17: 7. Gen. against him. Psa.'2: 1, 2. Fulfilled, Luke 22:18. Fulfilled, Gal. 3:16. 23: 12. Acts 4: 27. PRO. 76 PRO. His being betrayed by a friend. Psa. 41: 9. His universal dominion. Psa. 72 8. Dan. 7: Psa, 55:12-14. Fulfilled, Jno. 13:18, 21. 14. Fulfilled, Phi. 2: 9, 11. His disciples forsaking him. Zec. 13: 7. The perpetuity of his kingdom. Isa. 9: 7. Fulfilled, Mat. 26: 31, 56. Dan. 7: 14. Fulfilled, Luke 1: 32, 33. His being sold for thirty pieces of silver. No. 227. PROPHECY. Zec. 11:12. Fulfilled, Mat. 26: 15. Is the foretelling of future events. Gen. 49: His price being given for the potter's field. 1 Num. 24:14. Zec. 11: 13. IFutlfilled, Mat. 27::7. God is the Author of. Isa. 44: 7. isa. 45: 21. The intensity of his sufferings. Psa. 22:14. God gives, through Christ. Rev.: 1. 15. Fulfilled, Luke 22: 42, 44. A gift of Christ. Eph. 4: 11. Rev. 11: 3. His sufferings being for others. lsa. 53: 4- A gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12:10. 6, 12. Dan. 9: 26. Fulfilled, Mat. 20: 28. Came not by the will of man. 2 Pet. 1: 21. His patience and silence under sufferings. Given from the beginning. Luke 1: 70. Isa. 53: 7. Fulfilled, Mat. 26: 63. Mat. Is a sure word. 2 Pet. 1: 19. 27:12-14. THEY WHO UTTERED, His being smitten on the cheek. Mic. 5: 1. Raised upby God. Amos 2: 11. Fulfilled, Mat. 27: 30. Ordained by God. 1 Sam. 3: 20. Jer. 1: 5. His visage being marred. Isa. 562:14. Isa. Sent by God. 2 Chr. 36: 15. Jer.' 7: 25. 53: 3. Fulfilled, Jno. 19: 5. Sent by Christ. Mat. 23: 34. His being spitted on and scourged. Isa. 50:Filled with the Holy Ghost. Luke 1: 67. 6. Fulfilled, Mar. 14: 65. Jno. 19: 1. Moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Pet. 1: 21. His hands and feet being nailed to the cross. Spake by the Holy Ghost. Acts 1: 16. Psa. 22:16. Fulfilled, Jno. 19:18. Jno. Acts 11: 28. Acts 28:25. 20: 25. Spake in the name of the Lord. 2 Chr. His being forsaken by God. Psa. 22: 1. Ful- 33: 18. Jas. 5: 10. filled, Mat. 27: 46. Spake with authority. 1 Kin. 17: 1. His being mocked. Psa. 22: 7, S. Fulfilled, God accomplishes. Isa. 44:26. Acts 3:18. Mat. 27: 39-44. Christ the great subject of. Acts 3: 22-24. Gall and vinegar being given him to drink. Acts 10: 43. 1 Pet. 1: 10, 11. Psa. 69: 21. Fulfilled, Mat. 27: 34. Fulfilled respecting Christ. Luke 24: 44. His garments being parted and lots cast for Gift of, promised. Joel 2: 28, with Acts his vesture. Psa. 22:18. Fulfilled, Mat. 2:16,17. 27: 35. Is for the benefit of after ages. 1 Pet. 1: 12. His being numbered with the transgressors. Is as a light in a dark place. 2 Pet. 1: 19. Isa. 53: 12. Fulfilled, Mar. 15: 28. Is not of private interpretation. 2 Pet. 1: 20. His intercession for his murderers. Isa. 53: Despise not. 1 The. 5: 20. 12. Fulfilled, Luke 23: 34. Give heed to. 2 Pet. 1: 19. His death. Isa. 53:12. Fulfilled, Mat. 27: 50. Receive in faith. 2 Chr. 20: 20. Luke 24: 25. That a bone of him should not be broken. Blessedness of reading, hearing, and keepExo. 12: 46. sa. 34: 20. Fulfilled, Jno. ing. Rev. I: 3. Rev. 22: 7. 19: 33, 36. Guilt of pretending to the gift of. Jer. 14 His being pierced. Zec. 12: 10. Fulfilled, 14. Jer. 23:13, 14. Eze. 13: 2, 3. Jno. 19: 34, 37. PUNISHMIENT FOR His being buried with the rich. Isa. 63 9. Not giving ear to. Neh. 9: 30. Fulfilled, Mat. 27: 57-60. Adding to, or taking from. Rev. 22: 18, 19. His flesh not seeing corruption. Psa. 16: 10. Pretending to the gift of. Deu. 18: 20. Fulfilled, Acts 2:31. Jer. 14: 15. Jer. 23:15. His resurrection. Psa. 16:10. Isa. 26:19. Gift of, sometimes possessed by unconvertFulfilled, Luke 24: 6, 31, 34. ed men. Num. 24: 2-9. 1 Sam. 19: 20, His ascension. Psa. 68:18. Fulfilled, Luke 23. Mat. 7: 22. Jno. 11: 49-51. 1 Cor. 24: 51. Acts I: 9. 13: 2. His sitting on the right hand of God. Psa. How tested. Deu. 13: 1-3. Deu. 18::22. 110: 1. Fulfilled, Heb. 1: 3. His exercising the priestly office in heaven. No. 228. Zec. 6: 13. Fulfilled, Rom. 8:34. God is able to afford. 1 Pet. 1: 5. Jude 24. His being the chief corner-stone of the God is faithful to afford. 1 The. 5: 23, 24. Church. Isa. 28:16. Fulfilled, 1 Pet. 2: 6, 7. 2 The. 3: 3. His being King in Zion. Psa. 2: 6. Fulfilled, OF GOD, IS Luke 1: 32. Jno. 18: 33-37. Indispensable. Psa. 127:1. The conversion of the Gentiles to him. Tsa. Seasonable. Psa. 46: 1. 11:10. Isa. 42: 1. Fulfilled, Mat. 12:17, Unfailing. Deu. 31: 6. Jos. 1: 5 21. Jno. 10: 16. Acts 10: 45, 47. Effectual. Jno. 10: 28-30. 2 Cor. 12: 9. His righteous government. Psa. 45: 6, 7. Uninterrupted. Psa. 121: 3. Fulfilled, Jno. 5: 30. Rev. 19: 11. Encouraging. Isa. 41:10. Isa. 50: 7. PRO. 77 PRO. Perpetual. Psa. 121:8. Is EXERCISED IN Often afforded through means inadequate Preserving his creatures. Neh. 9: 6. Psa. in themselves. Jud. 7: 7. 1.Sam 17: 36: 6. Mlat. 10: 29. 45, 50. 2 Chr. 14:11. Providing for his creatures. Psa. 104: 27. Is AFFORDED TO 28. Psa. 136: 25. Psa. 147: 9. Mat. 6: 26. Those who hearken to God. Pro. 1: 33. The special preservation of saints. Psa. Returning sinners. Job 22: 23, 25. 37: 28. Psa. 91: 11. Mat. 10: 30. The perfect in heart. 2 Chr. 16: 9. Prospering saints. Gen. 24: 48, 56. The poor. Psa. 14: 6. Psa. 72:12-14. Protecting saints. Psa. 91: 4. Psa. 140: 7. The oppressed. Psa. 9: 9. Delivering saints. Psa. 91: 3. Isa. 31: 5. The Church. Psa. 48: 3. Zec. 2: 4, 5. Leading saints. Deu. 8: 2,15. Isa. 63: 12. Is VOUCHSAFED TO SAINTS, IN Bringing his words to pass. Num. 26: 65. Preserving them. Psa. 145: 20. Jos. 21: 45. Luke 21: 32, 33. Strengthening them. 2 Tim. 4:17. Ordering the ways of men. Pro. 16: 9. Upholding them. Psa. 37: 17, 24. Psa. Pro. 19: 21. Pro. 20: 24. 63: 8. Ordaining the conditions and circumstan. Keeping their feet. 1 Sam. 2: 9. Pro. 3: 26. ces of mnen. 1 Sam. 2: 7, 8. Psa. 75: 6, 7. Keeping themfrom evil. 2 The. 3: 3. Determining the period of human life. Keeping them from falling. Jude 24. Psa. 31:15. Psa. 39: 5. Acts 17: 26. Keeping them in the way. Exo. 23: 20. Defeating wicked designs. Exo. 15: 9Keeping them from temptation. Rev. 3: 10. 11. 2 Sam. 17: 14, 15. Psa. 33:10. Providing a refuge for them. Pro. 14: 26. Overruling wicked designs for good. Gen. Isa. 4: 6., Isa. 32: 2. 45: 5-7. Gen. 50: 20. Phi. 1: 12. Defending them against their enemies. Preserving the course of nature. Gen. 8: Deu.: 20: 1-4. Deu. 33: 27. Isa. 59: 19. 22. Job 26: 10. Psa. 104.5-9. Defeating the counsels of enemies. Isa. Directing all events. Jos. 7: 14. 1 Sam. 8:10. 6: 7-10, 12. Pro. 16: 33. Isa. 44: 7. Temptation. 1 Cor. 10:13. 2 Pet. 2: 9. Acts 1: 26. Persecution. Luke 21:18. Ruling the elements. Job 37: 9-13. Isa. Calamities Psa. 57: 1. Psa. 59:16. 50: 2. Jon. 1: 4, 15. Nah. 1: 4. All dangers. Pea. 91: 3-7. Ordering the minutest matters. Mat. 10 All places. Gen. 28: 15. 2 Chr. 16: 9. 29, 30. Luke 21: 18. Sleep. Psa. 3: 5. Psa.: 8. Pro. 3: 24. Is righteous. Psa. 145: 17. Dan. 4: 37. Death. Psa. 23:4. Is ever watchful. Psa. 121: 4. Isa. 27: 3. SAINTS IS all-pervading. Psa. 139:1-5. Acknowledge God as their. Psa. 18: 2. Sometimes dark and mysterious. Psa. 36: 6. Psa. 62: 2. Psa. 89:1. Psa. 73:16. Psa. 77:19. Rom. 11: 33. Pray for. Psa. 17: 5, 8. Isa. 51: 9. Praise God for. Psa. 5: 11. For his glory. a.RDERED 63 14. WITHDRAWN FROMr THE For his glorysa. Rm63:14. Disobedient. Lev. 26:14-17. For good to saints. Rom. 8: 28. Backsliding. Jos. 23:12, 13. Jud. 10: 13. The wicked made to promote the designs of. Backsliding. Jos.23:12,13. Jud. 1: 1340-45. Isa. 10: 5-12. Acts 3:17, 18. Presumptuous. Num. 14To BE ACKNOWLEDGED40-45. Unbelieving. Isa. 7: 9. Obstinately impenitent. Mat. 23 38. Inprosperity. Deu.8:18. 1 Chr. 29: 12. NOT T5 RE FOUND IN In adversity. Job 1:'21. Psa. 119: 75. Idols. Deu. 32: 37-39. Isa.46: 7. In public calamities. Amos 3: 6. Man. Psa. 146: 3. Isa. 30: 7. In our daily support. Gen. 48: 15. Riches. Pro. 11: 4, 28. Zep. 1: 18. In all things. Pro. 3:6. iHosts. rJos.:4-8, with Psa. 33:16. Cannot be defeated. 1 Kin. 22: 30, 34. Pro. Hosts. Jos. 11:4-8, with Psa. 33: 16. Horses. Psa. 33: 17. Pro. 21: 31. Illustrated. Deu. 32: 11. Psa. 125: 1, 2. Man's effirts are vain without. Psa. 127:1, Pro. 18:10. sa.. Isa. Isa.31: 5. Luke 2. Pro. 21: 31. 13: 34. SAINTS SHOULD Exemplified. A2braham, Gen. 15:1. Jacob, Trust in. Mat. 6: 33, 34 Mat. 10: 9, Gen. 48: 16. Joseph, Gen. 49: 23-2. Is 29-31. rael, Jos. 24: 17. David, Psa. 18: 1, 2. Have full confidence in. Psa. 16: 8. Psa. Shadrachl, 4c. Dan. 3: 28. Danliel, Dan. 139:10. 6: 22. Peter, Acts 12: 4-7. Paul, Acts Committheirworks unto. Pro. 16:3. 18:10. Acts 26:17. Encourage themselves in. 1 Sam. 30: 6. Pray in dependance upon. Acts 12: 5. No. 229. PROVIDENCE OF GOD, Pray to be guided by. Gen. 24: 12-14. THE. Gen. 28: 20, 21. Acts 1: 24. Result of depending upon. Luke 22: 35. Is his care over his works. Psa. 145: 9. Connected with the use of means. 1 Kin. PRU. PUN. 78 PuN. 21: 19, with 1 Kin. 22: 37, 38. Mic. 5: 2, Oppressing. Isa. 49: 26. Jer. 30:16, 20. with Luke 2: 1-4. Act9 27: 22, 31, 32. Persecuting. Jer. 11: 21, 22. Mat. 23: ]?anger of denying. Isa. iA: 13-17. Eze. 34-36. 28: 2-10. Dan. 4: 29 —1 Hos. 2: 8, 9. Disobeying God. Neh. 9: 26, 27. Eph. S: 6. No. 230. PRUDENCE. Disobeying the gospel. 2 The. 1: 8. Is the fruit of their sin. Job 4: 8. Pro. 22: Exhit ited in the manifestation of God's 8. Rom. 6: 21. Gal. 6: 8. grace. Eph. 1: 8. Is the reward of their sin. Psa. 91: 8. Isa. Exemplified by Christ. 1sa. 52: 13. Mat. 3:11. Jer. 16: 18. Rom. 6:23. Heb. 2: 2. 21: 24-27. Mat. 22: 15. — 1. Often brought about by their evil designs. Intimately connected with wisdom. Pro. Est. 7:10. Psa. 37:15. Psa.57: 6. 8:12. Often commences in this life. Pro. 11: 31. The wise celebrated for. Pro. 16:21. IN THIS LIF BY THEY WHO5 HAVE, Sickness. Lev. 26:16. Psa. 78: 50. DGet knowledge. Pro. lal: 1. Famine. Lev. 26: 19, 20, 26, 29. Psa. Deal with knowledge. Pro. 13:16. 107:14. Look well to their goings. Pro. 14: 15. Noisome beasts. Lev. 26:22. Understand the ways of God. Hos. 14:9. War. Lev.26:25,3233. Jer.6:4. Understand their own ways. Pro. 14: 8. Deliverance unto enemies. Neh. 9: 27. Crowned with knowledge. Pro. 14: 18. Fear. Lev.2636,37. Job18:11. Not ostentatious of knowledge. Pro. 12: Trouble and distress. Isa. 8: 22. Zep. 23. 115. Foresee and avoid evil. Pro. 22: 3. Are preserved by it. Pro. 2: 11. Cutting off Pa. 94: 23. Bringing down their pride. Isa. 13: 11. Suppress angry feelings, &c. Pro. 12: 16 Future, shall be awarded by Christ. Mat. Regard repro of.19 Pro.111. P.16: 27. Mat. 25: 31, 41. Regard reproof. Pro. 15: 5. Keep silence in the evil time. Amos 5:13. FUTURE, DESCRIBED AS Saints act with. Psa. 112-. Mat. 29. Lke 12: 5. Saints should specially exercise, in their in- esurrection ofdamnation. Jno. 5:17. tercourse with unbelievers. Col. 4 i5. tercouree with unlbeliev ers. Col. 4; 5. Resurrection of damnation. Jno. 5:29. Virtuous wives act with. Pro. 31: 16, 26. Rising to shame and everlasting contempt. The young should cultivate. Pro. 3: 21. Dan. 12: 2. OF THE,, WICKED Everlasting destruction. Psa. 52: 5. Psa. Fails in times of perplexity. Jer. 49: 7. 92: 7. 2 The. i: 9. Keeps them from the knowledge of the Everlasting fire. lat. 2: 41. Jude 7. gospel Mat. 11: 25. Eternal death. Rom. 6: 23. Rev. 21: 8. Denounced bar God. Isa. 1: 21. Isa 29 Damnation of hell. Mat. 23. 33. Denounced by God. Isa. 529: 21. Isa1 Co 19 Eternal damnation. Mar. 3: 29. Necessity for-llustrated. Luke 14:.2832. Isa. 33:14. Necessity for-Illustrated. Luke 14:28-32. Blackness of darkness. 2 Pet. 22:17. Jude 13. Exemplified. Jacob, Gen. 32: 3-23. Joseph, Everlasting burnings.. 3 14 Gen. 41: 39. Jethro, Exo. 18: 19, &c. To e wr th of God. Rev. 14: 0. Torment with fire. Rev. 14: 10. Gideon, Jud. 8:1-3. David, 1 Sam. 16. Torment for ever and ever. Rev. 14:11..Aged Counsellors of Rehoboam, 1 Kin. 12: Tormentforever and ever. Rev. 1: 1. 7. Solomon, 2 Chr. 2:12. Nelhemiah, Neh. The righteousness of God requires. 2 The. 2: 12-16. Neh. 4: 13-18. Gamaliel, Pa. 35: 8. Acts 5: 34-39. Sergius Paulus, Acts 13: Often sudden and unexpected. Psa. 35: 8. At Paul, Ac34-39. S s Psa. 64: 7. Pro.29: 1. 1 The. 5: 3. 7. Paul, Acts 23: 6. SHALL BFE No. 231. PUNISHMIENT OF THE According to their deeds. Mat. 16: 27. WICKED, THE. Rom.2:6,9. 2Cor.5: 10. According to the knowledge possessed Is from God. Lev. 26:18. Isa. 13: 11 by them. Luke 12: 47, 48. ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR Increased by neglect of privileges. Mat. Sin. Lam. 3: 39. 11: 21-24. Luke 10: 13-15. Iniquity. Jer. 36: 31. Amos 3: 2. Without mitigation. Luke 16: 23 —6. Idolatry. Lev. 26: 30. Isa. 10:10, 11. Accompanied by remorse. Isa. 66: 24, Rejection of the law of God. Hos. 4: 6-9. with Mar. 9: 44. Ignorance of God. 2 The 1: 8. No combination avails against. Pro. 11: 21. Evil ways and doings. Jer. 21: 14. Hos. Deferred, emboldens them in sin. Ecc. 8:11. 4: 9. Hos. 12: 2. Should be a warning to others. Num. 26: Pride. Isa. 10:12. Isa. 24:21. 10. Jude 7. Unbelief. Rom. 11: 20. Heb. 3:18,19. Consummation at the day of judgment. Mat. Covetousness. Isa. 57:17. Jer. 51:13. 25: 31, 46. Rom. 2: 5,16. 2 Pet. 2: 9. ____ REB. 79 REC. RED. No. 232. REBELLION AGAINST JPromises to those who avoid. Deu. 28: 1-13. 1 Sam. 12: 14. GOD. Forgiven upon repentance. Neh. 9: 26, 27. Forbidden. Num. 14: 9. Jos. 22: 19. MINISTERS Provokes God. Num. 16: 30. Neh.9: 26. Cautioned against. Eze. 2: S. Provokes Christ. Exo. 23: 20, 21, with1 Sent to those guilty of. Eze. 2: 3 —7. Eze. Cor. 10:9. 3:4-9. Mar. 12: 4-8. Vexes the Holy Spirit. Isa. 63: 10. Should warn against. Num. 14: 9. EXHIBITED iN Should testify against. Isa. 30: 8. 9. Eze. 17:12. Eze.44:6. Unbelief. Deut. 9: 23. Psa. 106: 24, 25. Rejecting his government. I Sam. 8: 7. Should remind their people of past. Deu. Revolting from him. Isa. 1: 5. Isa. 31: 6. 9: 7. Deu. 31: 27. Despising hislaw. Neh. 9: 26. Punishment for. Lev.26:14-39. i Sam. 12:15. Isa.1: 20. Jer.4: 16-18. Eze. Despising his counsels. Psa. 107: II. 12. Isa.: 20. Jer. 16-18. Eze. Dististing his power. Eze. 17: 20: 8, 38. Mur.s.ring against him. Num. 20: 3, 10. Punishment for teaching. Jer. 28: 16. Refusing to hearken to him. Deu. 9: 23. Ingratitude of-Illustrated. Isa. 1: 2, 3. Eze. 20: 8. Zec. 7:11. Exemplified. Phaeaoh,Exo. 5:1,2. Korah, Departing from him. Isa. 59: 13. 4c. Num. 16: 11. Moses cndAaqon, Num. Rebelling against governors appointed by 20:12, 24. Israelites, Den. 9, 23,24. Sael, him. Jos. 1:18. 1 Sam. 15: 9, 23. Jeroboam, I Kin. 12: Departing from his precepts. Dan. 9: 5 28-33. Zedekiah, 2 Clr. 36: 13. KisgDeparting from his instituted worship. dom ofsrael, Hos. 7:14. Hos. 13: 16. Exo. 32: 8, 9. Jos. 22:16-19. No. 233. RECONCILIATION WITH Sinning against light. Job 24:13. GOD Walking after our own thoughts. lsa.Predicted. 24, with sa.: Predicted. Dan. 9:24. with lsa. 53:5. CONNECTED WITH. Proclaimed by angels at the birth of Christ. CONNECTED WITH. Stubbornness. Deu. 31: 27. Luke 2: 14. Injustice and corruption. Isa. 1 *23. Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances Contempt of God. Psa. 107: 11. is necessary to. Eph. 2: 16. Col. 2: 14. Man is prone to. Deu. 31 27. EFFECTED FOR MEN The heart is the seat of. Jer. 5: 3. Heb. By God in Clrist. 2 Cor. 5:19. 3: 12. D By Christ as High Priest. Heb. 2: 17. By the death of Christ. Rom. 5: 10. Eph. THEY WHO ARE GUILTY OF, 92: 16. Col. I:21, 22. Aggravate their sin by. Job 34: 37. 2 16. Coo 1 * 21, 22. Practise hypocrisy to hide. Hos. 7:14. BytebloodofChrist. Ep.2:13. l. Persevere in. Deu. 9: 7, 24. 1:20. While alienated from God. Col. 1:21. Increase in, though chastised. Isa. 1: 5. While enated from God. Rom.: 21. Warned not to exalt themselves. Psa. 66:7. The ministry of, committed to ministers. Denounced. lsa. 30:1. 2 Cor. 5 18, 19. Have God as thaeirl enAny. Isa. 63l: 10. Ministers, in Christ's stead, should beseech Have God's hand against them. I Sam. mentoseek. 2 Cor. 5: 20. 12: 15, with Psa. 106: 26, 27. EFFECTS Or Impoverished for. Psa. 68: 6. EFFECTS OF, Peace with God. Eph. 2: 16,17. Brought low for. Psa. 107: 11, 12. Access to God. Eph. 2: 18. Delivered into the hands of enemies on Union of Jews and Gentiles. Eph. 2: 14. account of Neh. 9: 26, 27. Union of things in heaven and earth. Cast out intheir sins for. Psa. 5: 10. Cast out of the Church for. Eze. 20: 38. Col. I:20, wits Eph. 1:10. A pledge of final salvation. Rom. 5: 10. Restored through Christ alone. Psa. 68. Necessity for-Illustrated. Mat. 5: 24-26. Heinosnes8. of. 1 Sam. 15: 23. Typified. Lev. 8: 15. Lev. 16:20. Heinousness of. 1 Sam. 15: 23. GUILT OF No. 234. REDEMPTION. Aggravated by God's fatherly care. Isa. Defined. 1 Cor. 7: 23. 1: 2. Is of God. Isa. 44: 21-23, with Luke 1: 68. Aggravated by God's unceasing invita- Is by Christ. Mat. 20: 28. Gal. 3: 13. tions to return to him. Isa. 65: 2. Is by the blood of Christ. Acts 20: 28. Heb. To be deprecated. Jos. 22:29. 9: 12. 1 Pet. 1: 19. Rev. 5: 9. To be confessed. Lam. 1: 18, 20. Dan. 9: 5. Christ sent to effect. Gal. 4: 4, 5. God alone can forgive. Dan. 9: 9. Christ is made, unto us. I Cor. 1: 30. God is ready to forgive. Neh. 9: 17. Is FROMI Religious instruction designed to prevent. The bondage of the law. Gal. 4: 5. Psa. 78: 5, 8. The curse of the law. Gal. 3: 13. RED. 80 REP. The power of sin. Rom. 6: 18, 22. No. 235. REPENTANCE. The power of the grave. Psa. 49:15 Commanded to all by God. Acts 17 30. All iniquity. Pea. 130:8. Tit. 2:14. Commanded by Christ. Rev. 2: 5, 16. Rev: All evil. Gen. 48:16. 3:3. This present evil world. Gal. 1: 4. Given by God. Acts 11: 18. 2 Tim. 2: 25. Vain conversation. 1 Pet. G1:l 18. 4 Christ came to call sinners to. Mat. 9: 13. Enemies Psa 106: 10, 11. Jer. 1. Christ exalted to give. Acts 5: 31. Death. Hos. 13:14. 12:10. Death. Hoe. 13:14. By the operation of the Holy Ghost. Zec. Destruction. Psa. 103:4. 12:10. Man cannoteffect. Psa. 49: 7. Called repentance unto life. Acts 11: 18. Corruptible things cannot purchase. 1 Pet. Called repentance unto salvation. 2 Cor. 7:10. 1 18. WE SHOULD BE LED TO, BY The long-suffering of God. Gen 6: 3, JPROCURES FOR US: 24. with 1 Pet: 3:20. 2 Pet. 3: 9. Justification. Rom. 3: 24, Rom. 2: a. Forgiveness of sin. Eph. 1: 7. Col. 1: 14. The goodnems of God. o in. 8: 47. The chaetieements of God. 1 Kin. 8:47. Adoption. Gal. 4: 4, 5ev. 3:1. Purification. Tit. 2:14. The present life, the only season for. Job Godly sorrow works. 2 Cor. 7: 10. 36:- 18,19. Necessary to the pardon of sin. Acts 2: 38. Acts 3:19. Acts 8: -22. DESCRIBED AS Conviction of sin necessary to. 1 Kin. 8:39. Precious. Psa. 49: 8. Acts 2: 37, 38. Plenteous. Psa. 130: 7. PREACHED Eternal. Heb. 9:12. By Christ. Mat. 4:17. Mar. 1:18. SUBJECTS OF, By John the Baptist. Mat. 3: 2. The soul. Psa. 49:15. Psa. 71: 23. By the Apostles. Mar. 6: 12. Acts 20: 21. The body. Rom. S: 23. In the name of Christ. Lulke 24: 47. The life. Psa. 103: 4. Lam. 3: 8. Not to be repented of. 2 Cor. 7: 10. The inheritance. Eph. 1: 14. The present time the season for. Psa. 95: MANIFESTS THE 7. S, with Heb. 3: 7, S. Heb. 4: 7. Powerof God. Isa. 50:2. There is joy in heaven over one sinner Grace of God. Isa. 52: 3. brought to. Luke 15: 7, 10. Love and pity of God. Isa. 63: 9. Ministers should rejoice over. their people A subject for praise. Isa. 44: 22, 23. Isa. on their. 2 Cor. 7 9. 51: 11. Should be evidenced by fruits. Dan. 4: 27. Old Testament saints partakers of. Heb. Mat. 3: 8. Acts 26::20. 9:15. SHOULD BE ACCOFMPANIED BY THEY WHO PARTAKE OF, Humility. 2 Chr. 7.14. Jas 4: 9, 10. Are the property of God. Isa. 43: 1. Shame and confusion. Ezr. 9: 6-15. Jer. 1 Cor. 6:20. 31: 19. Eze. 16: 61, 63 Dan. 9: 7, 8. Are first-fruits unto God. Rev. 14: 4. Self-abhorrence. Job 42: 6. Are a peculiar people. 2 Sam. 7: 23. Confession. Lev. 26: 40. Job 33: 27. Tit. 2: 14, with 1 Pet. 2: 9. Faith. Mat. 21: 32. Mar. 1: 15. Acts 20: 21. Are assured of. Job 19: 25. Psa. 31: 5. Prayer. 1 Kin. 8: 33. Acts 8: 22. Are sealed unto the day of. Eph. 4: 30. Conversion. Acts 3: 19. Acts 26: 20. Are zealous of good worls. Tit..2:14. Turning from sin. 2 Chr. 6: 26. Walkl safely in holiness. Isa. 35: 8, 9. Turning from idolatry. Eze. 14: 6. 1 The. Shall return to Zion with joy. Isa. 35: 1:9. 10. Greater zeal in the path of duty. 2 Cor. Alone can learn the songs of heaven. 7:11. Rev. 14: 3, 4. Exhortations to. Eze. 14: 6. Eze. 18: 30. Commit themselves to God. Psa. 31: 5. Acts 2: 38. Acts 3: 19. Have an earnest of the completion of. THE wCICIED Eph. 1: 14, with 2 Cor. 1: 22. Averse to. Jer. 8: 6. Mat. 21: 32. Wait for the completion of. Rom. 8: 23. Not led to, by the judgments of God. Rev. Pray for the completion of. Psa. 26: 11. 9: 20, 21. Rev. 16: 9. Psa. 44: 26. Not led to, by miraculous interference. Praise God for. Psa. 71: 23. Rev. 5: 9. Luke 16: 30, 31. Should glorify God for. 1 Cor. 6: 20. Neglect the time given for. Rev. 2: 21. Should be without fear. Isa. 43: 1. Condemned for neglecting. Mat. 11: 20. Typified. Israel, Exo. 6: 6. First-born, Danger of neglecting. Mat. 11: 20-24. Exo. 13: 11-15. Num. S1: 15. A.tone- Lulke 13:3, 5. Rev. 2: 22. ment.money, Exo. 30: 12-15. Bond- Neglect of, followed by swift judgment. se'vant, Lev. 25: 47-54. lRev. 2: 5, 16. REP. 81 RES. Denies to apostates. Heb. 6: 4-6. Unreservedly. Isa. 58: 1. Illustrated. Luke 15:18-21. Luke 18:13. Sharply, if necessary. Tit. 1: 13. True-Exemplified. Israelites, Jud. 10: With christian love. 2 The. 3: 15. 15, 16. David, 2 Sam. 12:13. Manasseh, They who give, are hated by scorners. Pro. 2 Chr. 33: 12, 13. Job, Job 42: 6. Nine- 9:8. Pro. 15:12. ves, Jon. 3: 5-8. Mat. 12: 41. Peter, Hatred of, a proof ofbrutishness. Pro. 12:1. Mat. 26: 75. Zacchesss, Luke 19: 8. Thief Hatred of, leads to destruction. Pro. 15:10. on the cross, Luke 23: 40, 41. Corinthians, Pro. 29:1. 2 Cor. 7: 9. Contempt of, leads to remorse. Pro. 5: 12. False-Exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 15: 24-30. Rejection of, leads to error. Pro. 10: 17 J.hab, 1 Kin. 21: 27-29. Judas, Mat. 27: SAINTs SHOULD 3-5. Give. Lev. 19:17. Eph. 5: 11. No. 236. REPROOF'. Give no occasion for. Phi. 2: 15. Receive kindly. Psa. 141: 5. God gives, to the wicked. Psa. 50: 21. Isa. Love those who give. Pro. 9: 8. 51: 20. Delight in those who give. Pro. 24: 25. Christ sent to give. Isa. 2: 4. Isa. 11: 3. Attention to, a proof of prudence. Pro. 15: 5. The Holy Spirit gives. Jno. 16: 7, 8. Exemplified. Samuel, 1 Sam. 13: 13. NaChrist gives, in love. Rev. 3: 19. than, 2 Sam. 12: 7-9. Jdhijah, 1 Kin. 14: ON ACCOUNT OF 7-11. Elijah, 1 Kin. 21: 20. Elisha, Impenitence. Mat. 11: 20-24. 2 Kin. 5: 26. Joab, 1 Chr. 21: 3. Shemaiah, Not understanding. Mat. 16: 9, 11. Mar. 2 Chr. 12: 5. Hanani, 2 Chr. 16: 7. Zech7:18. Jno. 8: 43. ariah, 2 Chr. 24: 20. Daniel, Dan. 5: 22, Hardness of heart. Mar. 8: 17. Mar. 16:14. 23. John the Baptist, Mat. 3: 7. Luke 3: Fearfulness. Mar. 4: 40. Luke 24: 37, 38. 19. Stephen, Acts 7: 51. Peter, Acts 8: Unbelief. Mat. 17: 17, 20. Mar. 16:14. 29. Paul, Gal. 2:11. Hypocrisy. Mat. 15:7. Mat. 23: 13, &c. Reviling Christ. Luke 23: 40. No. 237. RESIGNATION. Unruly conduct. 1 The. 5:14. Christ set an example of. Mat. 26: 39, 42. Oppressing our brethren. Neh. 5: 7. Jno. 12:27. Jno. 18: 11. Sinful practices. Luke 3:19. Commanded. Psa. 37:7. Psa.46:10. The scriptures are profitable for. Eph. 5: SHOULD BE EXHIBITED IN 13. 2 Tim. 3: 16. Submission to the will of God. 2 Sam. 15: WHEN FROM GOD, 26. Mat. 6: 10. Is for correction. Psa. 39: 11. Submission to the sovereignty of God in Is despised by the wicked. Pro. 1:30. hispurposes. Rom. 9:20,21. Should not discourage saints. Heb. 12: 5. The prospect of death. Acts 21:13. Pray that it be not in anger. Psa. 6: 1. Loss of goods. Job 1: 15,16, 21. Should be accompanied by exhortation to Loss of children. Job 1:1S, 19, 21. repentance. I Sam. 12:20-25. Chastisements. Heb. 12:9. DEcLARED TO BE Bodily sufeiring. Job 2: 8-10. Better than secret love. Pro. 27: 5. The wicked are devoid of. Pro. 19: 3. Better than the praise of fools. Ecc. 7: 5. MOTIVES TO An excellent oil. Psa. 141: 5. G sTIVES TO; God's greatness. Psa. 46:10. More profitable to saints, than stripes to a God's love Heb. 12 6. fool. Pro. 17:10. God's justice. Neh. 9: 33. A proof of faithful friendship. Pro. 27: 6. God's wisdom. Rom. 11:32, 33. LEADS TO God's faithfulness. 1 Pet. 4: 19. Understanding. Pro. 15:32. Our own sinfulness. Lam. 3: 39. Mic. 7: 9. Knowledge. Pro. 19: 25. Exemplified. Jacob, Gen. 43: 14..Jaron, Wisdom. Pro.15:31. Pro.29:15. Lev. 10: 3. Israelites, Jud. 10: 15. Eli, Honour. Pro. 13:18. I Sam. 3: 19. David, 2 Sam. 12: 23. Happiness. Pro. 6: 23. 1Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 20: 19. Job, Job 2: 10. Evenually brings more respect than at Stephen, Acts 7: 59. Paul, Acts 21: 13. tery. Pro. 28: 23. Of those who offend, a warning to others. Disciples, Acts 921: 14. Peter, 2 Pet. 1: 14. 1 Tim. 5: 20. No. 238. RESURRECTION, THE. Hypocrites not qualified to give. Mat. 7: 5. Ministers are sentto give. Jer. 44: 4. A doctrine of the Old Testament. Job 19: Ministers are empowered to give. Mic. 3' 8. 26. Psa. 49: 15. Isa. 26: 19. Dan. 12: 2. MINISTERS SHOULD GI1Vf, A first principle of the gospel. Heb. 6: 1, 2. Openly. 1 Tim. 5: 20. Expected by the Jews. Jno. 11: 24. Heb. Fearlessly. Eze. 2: 3-7. 11: 35. With all authority. Tit. 2: 15. Denied by the Sadducees. Mat. 22: 23. With long-suffiring, &c. 2 Tim. 4: 2. Luke 20: 27. Acts 23:. RES. 82 REV. Explained away by false teachers. 2 Tim. The efficacy of faith. I Cor. 15:14, 17. 2:18. A proof of his being the Son of God. Psa. Called in question by some in the primitive 2: 7, with Acts 13: 33. Rom. 1: 4. Church. 1 Cor. 15: 12. EFFECTED BY Is not incredible. Mar. 12:24. Acts 26: 8. The power of God. Acts 2:24. Acts 3: Is not contrary to reason. Jno. 12:24. 1 15. Rom. 8:11. Eph. 1:20. Col.2: 12. Cor. 15: 35-44. His own power. Jno. 2:19. Jno. 10: 18. Assumed and proved by our Lord. Mat. 22: The power of the Holy Ghost. 1 Pet. 3: 18. 299-32. Luke 14: 14. Jno. 5: 28, 29. On the first day of the week. Mar. 16: 9. Preached by the Apostles. Acts 4: 2. Acts On the third day after his death. Luke 24: 17:1S. Acts 24:15. 46. Acts 10: 40. 1 Cor. 15 4. Credibility of, shown by resurrection of in- THE APOSTLES dividuals. Mat. 9: 25. Mat. 27: 53. Luke At first did not understand the predictions 7:14. Jno.,t4l: 44. Heb. 11: 35. respectiug. Mar. 9: 10. Jno. 20: 9. Certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Very slow to believe. Mar. 16:13. Luke Christ. 1 Cor. 15:12-20. 24: 9, 11, 37, 38. EFFECTED BY THE POWER OF Reproved for their unbelief of. Mar. 16: God. Mat. 22: 29. 14. Christ. Jno. 5: 28, 29. Jno. 6: 39, 40, 44. HE APPEARED AFTER, TO The Holy Ghost. Rom. 8: 11. Mary Magdalene. Mar. 16: 9. Jno. 20: 18. Shall be of all the dead. Jno. 5: 28. Acts The women. Mat. 28: 9. 24: 15. Rev. 20:13. Simon Peter. Luke 24: 34. SAINTS IN, SHALL Two disciples. Luke 24: 13-31. Rise through Christ. Jno. 11: 25. Acts Apostles, except Thomas. Jno. 20:19, 24. 4: 2. 1 Cor. 15: 21, 22. Apostles, Thomas being present. Jno. 20: Rise first. 1 Cor. 15:23. 1 The. 4:16. 26. Rise to eternal life. Dan. 12:2. Jno. 5:29. Apostles at the sea of Tiberias. Jno. 21: 1. Be glorified with Christ. Col. 3: 4. Apostles in Galilee. Mat. 28: 16, 17. Be as the angels. Mat. 22: 30. Above five hundred brethren. 1 Cor. 15: 6. Have incorruptble bodies. 1 Cor. 15: 42. James. I Cor. 15: 7. Have glorious bodies. 1 Cor. 15: 43. All the Apostles. Luke 24: 51. Acts 1: Have powerful bodies. 1 Cor. 15:43. 9. 1 Cor. 15: 7. Have spiritualbodies. 1 Cor. 15: 44. Paul. 1 Cor. 15: 8. Have bodies like Christ's. Phi. 3: 21. Fraud impossible in. Mat. 27: 63-66. Be recompensed. Luke 14:14. He gave many infallible proofs of. Luke Saints should look forward to. Dan. 12:13. 24: 35, 39, 43. Jno. 20: 20, 27. Acts 1: 3. Phi. 3:11. WAS ATTESTED BY Of saints shall be followed by the change of Angels. Mat. 28: 5-7. Luke 24: 4-7, 23. those then alive. 1 Cor. 15: 51, with 1' Apostles. Acts 1: 22. Acts 2: 32. Acts The. 4: 17. 3:15. Acts 4: 33. THE PREACHING OF, CAUSED His enemies. Mat. 28: 11-15. Mocking. Acts 17: 32. Asserted and preached by the Apostles. Persecution. Acts 23: 6. Acts 24: 11-15. Acts 25: 19. Acts 26: 23. Blessedness of those who have part in the SAINTS first. Rev. 20: 6. Begotten to a lively hope by. 1 Pet. 1:3, 21. OF THE WICKED, SHALL BE TO Desire to know the power of. Phi. 3: 10. Shame and everlasting contempt. Dan. Should keep, in remembrance. 2 Tim. 2: 8. 12:`2. Shall rise in the likeness of. Rom. 6:5. Damnation. Jno. 5: 29. 1 Cor. 15: 49, with Phi. 3: 21. Illustrative of the new birth. Jno. 5: 25. Is an emblem of the new birth. Rom. 6: 4. Illustrated. Eze. 37: 1-10. 1 Cor. 15: Col. 2:12. 36, 37. The first-fruits of our resurrection. Acts No. 239. RESURRECTION OF 26: 23. 1 Cor 15: 20, 23. The truth of the gospel involved in. 1 Cor. CHRIST, THE. 10 14 30. Foretold by the prophets. Psa. 16: 10, with Followed by his exaltation. Acts 4: 10, 11. Acts 13: 34, 35. Isa. 26: 19. lRom. 8: 34. Eph. I:20. Rev. 1: 18. Foretold by himself. Mat. 20: 19. Mar. An assurance of the judgment. Acts. 17: 31. 9: 9. Mar. 14: 28. Jno. 2: 19-22. Typified. Isaac, Gen. 22:13, with Heb. 11: WAS NECESSARY TO 19. Jonah, Jon. 2: 10, with Mat. 12: 40. The fulfilment of scripture. Luke 24: 45, 46. 40 REVEN Forgiveness of sins. 1 Cor. 15: 17. No. 40. REVENGE. Justification. Eom. 4: 25. Rom. 8: 34. Forbidden. Lev. 19: 18. Pro. 24: 29. Rom. Hope. 1 Cor. 15: 19. 12: 17, 19. 1 The. 5: 15. lPet. 3: 9. The efficacy of preaching. 1 Cor. 15:14. Christ an example of forbearing. 1 Pet. 2: 23. REV. 83 REW. Rebuked by Christ. Luke 9 ~ 54, 55. Exemplified. Joseph's brethren, Gen. 37: 19. Inconsistent with christian spirit. Luke Goliath, 1 Sam. 17:43. Michal, 2 Sam. 6: 9: 55. - 20. Shinei, 2 Sam. 16: 7, 8. Selnacherib, Proceeds from a spiteful heart. Eze. 25: 15. Isa. 37: 17, 23, 24. Mloabites and..nsmmonsINSTEAD OF TAKING, WE SHOULD ites, Zep. 2: 8. Pharisees, Mtat. 12: 24. Trust in God. Pro. 20: 22. Rom. 12: 19. Jews, Mat. 27: 39, 40. Jno. 8: 48. MaleExhibit love. Lev. 19: 18. Luke 6: 35. factor, Luke 23: 39. Adthenians philosoGive place unto wrath. Rom. 12: 19. phers, Acts 17: 18. Exercise forbearance. Mat.: 3-41. No. 24. EWARD OF SAINTS, Bless. Rom 12:14. No. 242. REWARD OF SAINTS, Overcome others by kindness. Pro. 25: 21. THE. with Rom. 12: 20. Keep others from God. Col. 3: 24. Heb. ll: 6. 1 Sam. 25: 24-31. 1 Sam. 26: 9. Is of grace, through faith alone. Rom. 4: Be thankful for being kept from taking. 4i 516. Rom. 11: 6. 1 Sam. 25: 32, 33. Is of God's good pleasure. Luke 12:32. The wicked are earnest after. Jer. 20: 10. Prepared by God. Heb. 11: 16. Punishment for. Eze. 25: 15-17. Amos Prepared by Christ. Jno. 34 2. 1: 11, 12. As servants of Christ. Col. 3: 24. Exemplified. Sismeon and Levi, Gen. 34: 25. Not on account of their merits. Rom. 4: 4, 6. Samvsosn, Jud. 15: 7, S. Jud. 16: 28-30 DEscRIBED AS Josb, 2 Sam. 3: 27. Jabsloe, 2 Sam. 13* Being with Christ. Jno. 12: 26. Jno. 23-29. Jezebel, 3 1 Kin. 19: 2. S hab, 14: 3. Phi. 1:'23. 1 The. 4:17. 23-Kin. 22Jezebel: 26. H, Est. 3: 8-.hab, Beholding the face of God. Psa. 17:15. Edostites, Eze. 25: 12. Philistines, Eze Mat. 5:8. Rev. 22: 4. 25:16. iersedias, Mar. 6: 19-24. Jame Beholding the glory of Christ. Jno. 17: 24. and John, Lue 9: 54. Chief priests, Acts Being glorified with Christ. Boom. 8: 17, 5:33. Jews, Acts 7::54:59. Acts 23:12. 18. Col.3:4. Sitting in judgment with Christ. Luke No. 241. REVILING AND RE- 22:30, with 1 Cor. 6:2. PRPOACHING. Reigning with Christ. 2 Tim. 2: 12. Rev. 5:10. Rev.20:4. Forbidden. 1 Pet. 3: 9. Reigning for ever and ever. Rev. 22: 5. Of rulers specially forbidden. Exo. 22: 28, A crown of righteousness. 2 Tim. 4: 8. with Acts 23: 4, 5. A crown of glory. 1 Pet. 5: 4. THE WICKED UTTER, AGAINST A crown of life. Jas. 1: 12. Rev. 2::10. God. Psa. 74: 22. Psa. 79:12. An incorruptible crown. I Cor. 9: 25. Christ. Mat. 27: 39. Luke 7: 34. Joint heirship with Christ. Rom. 8: 17. Saints. Psa. 102: S. Zep. 2: 8. Inheritance of all things. Rev. 21: 7. Rulers. 2 Pet. 2:10, 11. Jude 8, 9. Inheritance with saints in light. Acts Of Christ, predicted. Psa. 69: 9, with Rom. 20: 32. Acts 26: 18. Col. 1: 12. 15: 3. Psa. 89: 51. Inheritance eternal. Heb. 9: 15. The conduct of Christ under. I Pet. 2: 23. Inheritance incorruptible, &c. 1 Pet. 1: 4. SAINTS A kingdom. Mat. 25: 34. Luke 22: 29. Endure. 1 Tim. 4:10. Heb. 10: 33. A kingdom immoveable. Heb. 12: 28. Endure for God's sake. Psa. 69: 7. Shining as the stars. Dan. 12: 3. Endure for Christ's sake. Luke 6: 22. Everlasting light. Isa. 60: 19. Should expect. Mat. 10: 25. Everlasting life. Luke 18: 30. Rom. 6: 23. Should not fear. Isa. 51: 7. An enduring substance. Heb. 10: 34. Sometimes depressed by. Psa. 42: 10, 11. A house, eternal in the heavens. 2 Cor. Psa. 44:16. Psa 69:20. 5:1. May take pleasure in. 2 Cor. 12: 10. A city which hath foundations. Heb. 11:10. Supported under. 2 Cor. 12: 10. Entering into the joy of the Lord. Mat. Trust in God under. Psa. 57: 3. Psa. 25: 21, with Heb. 12: 2. 119:42. Rest. Heb. 4:9. Rev. 14:13. Pray under. 2 Kin. 19: 4, 16. Psa. 89: 50. Fulness of joy. Psa. 16: 11. Return blessings for. 1 Cor. 4: 12. 1 Pet. The prize of the high calling of God in 3: 9. Christ. Phi. 3:14. Ministers should not fear. Eze. 2: 6. Treasure in heaven. Mat. 19: 21. Luke Happiness of enduring, for Christ's sake. 122:33. 1 Pet. 4: 14. An eternal weight of glory. 2 Cor. 4: 17. Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake. Is great. Mat. 5:12. Luke 6:35. Heb. 10-: 35. Mat. 5: 11. Luke 6: 22. Is full. 2 Jno. 8. Excludes from heaven. 1 Cor. 6: 10. Is sure. Pro. 11:18. Punishment for. Zep.2:8,9. Mat.5:22. Is satisfying. Psa. 17:1 b. RTC. 84 RIc. Is inestimable. Isa. 64: 4, with 1 Cor. 2: 9. Cannot redeem the soul. Psa. 49: 6-9. Saints mnay feel confident of. Psa. 73: 24. 1 Pet. 1: i8. 2 Cor. 5: 1. 2 Tim 4: 8. Cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath. Hope of, a cause of rejoicing. Rom. 5: 2. Zep. I: 18. Rev. 6: 15-17. Be careful not to lose. 2 Jno. 8. THEY WHO POSSESS, SHOULD THiE PROSPECT OF, SHOULD LEAD TO Ascribe them to God. 1 Chr. 29:12. Diligence. 2 Jno. 8. Not trust in them. Job 31: 24. 1 Tim. Pressing forward. Phi. 3: 14. 6: 17. Enduring suffering for Christ. 2 Cor. 4: Not set the heart on them. Psa. 62: 10. 16-18. Heb. 11: 26. Not boast of obtaining them. Deu. 8:.17. Faithfulness unto death. Rev. 2: 10. Not glory in them. Jer. 9: 23. Present afflictions not to be compared with. Not hoard them up. Mat. 6: 19. Rom. 8:18. Devote them to God's service. 1 Chr. Shall be given at the second coming of 29: 3. Christ. Mat. 16: 27. Rev. 22:12. Give of them to the poor. Mat. 19: 21. No. 243. RICHES. 1 Jno. 3:17. Use them in promoting the salvation of God gives. I Sam. 2: 7. Ecc. 5:19. others. Luke 16: 9. God gives power to obtain. Deu. 8: 18. Be liberal in all things. 1 Tim. 6: 18. The blessing of the Lord brings. Pro. 10:22. Esteem it a privilege to be allowed to Give worldly power. Pro. 22: 7. give. 1 Chr. 29: 14. DEscRIBED AS Not be high-minded. 1 Tim. 6:17. Temporary. Pro. 27: 24. When converted, rejoice in being hum Uncertain. 1 Tim. 6:17. bled. Jas. 1: 9, 10. Unsatisfying. Ecc. 4: S8. Ecc. 5:10. Heavenly treasures superior to. Mat. 6: Corruptible. Jas. 5:.2. 1 Pet. 1:18. 19, 20. Fleeting. Pro. 23: 5. Rev. 18: 16, 17. Of the wicked laid up for the just. Pro. 13:22. Deceitful. Mat. 13:22. THE WICKED Liable to be stolen. Mat. 6: 19. Often increase in. Psa. 73: 12. Perishable. Jer. 48: 36. Often spend their days in. Job 21: 13. Thick clay. Hab. 2: 6. Swallow down. Job 20: 15. Often an obstruction to the reception of the Trust in the abundance of. Psa. 52: 7. gospel. Mar. 10: 23-25. I-Heap up. Job 27: 16. Ecc. 2: 26. Deceitfulness of, chokes the word. Mat. Keep, to their hurt. Ecc. 5: 13. 13: 22. Boast themselves in. Psa. 49: 6. The love of, the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6:10. Profit not by. Pro. 13: 7. Ecc. 5:11. OFTEN LEAD TO Have trouble with. Pro. 15: 6. Pride. Eze. 28:5. Hos. 12: 8. Must leave, to others. Psa. 49:10. Forgetting God. Deu. 8:13, 14. Vanity of heaping up. Psa. 39: 6. Ecc. 5: Denying God. Pro. 30: 8, 9. 10, 11. Forsaking God. Deu. 32: 15. Gsilt of trusting in. Job 31: 24, 28. Rebelling against God. Neh. 9: 25, 26. Guilt of rejoicing in. Job 31: 25, 28. Rejecting Christ. Mat. 19:22. Mar. 10:22. DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST THOSE WHO Self-sufficiency. Pro. 28:11. Get, by vanity. Pro. 13: 11. Anxiety. Ecc. 5:12. Get, unlawfully. Jer. 17:11. An overbearing spirit. Pro. 18: 23. Increase, by oppression. Pro. 22: 16. Hab. Violence. Mic. 6:12. 2: 6-8. Mic. 2: 2, 3. Oppression. Jas. 2: 6. Hoard up. Ecc. 5: 13, 14. Jas. 5: 3. Fraud. Jas. 5: 4. Trust in. Pro. 11: 28. Sensual indulgence. Jas. 5: 5. Receive their consolation from. Luke Life consists not in abundance of. Luke 6: 24. 12:15. Absse. Jas. 5: 1, 5. Be not over-anxious for. Pro. 30: 8. Spend, upon their appetite. Job 20: 15-17. Labour not for. Pro. 23: 4. Folly and danger of trusting to-Illustrated. THEY WHO COVET, Luke 12:16-21. Fall into temptation and a snare. 1 Tim. Danger of misusing-Illustrated. Luke 16: 6:9. 19-25. Fall into hurtful lusts. 1 Tim. 6: 9. Examples of saints possessing../b6sam, Gen. Err from the faith. 1 Tim. 6: 10. 13: 2. Lot, Gen. 13: 5, 6. Isaac, Gen. Use unlawful means to acquire. Pro. 26; 13, 14. Jacob, Gen. 32: 5, 10. Jo':eph, 28: 20. Gen. 45: 8, 13. Boaz, Ruth 2: 1. BarBring trouble on themselves. 1 Tim. 6:10. zillai, 2 Sam. 19: 32. Shunammite, 2 Kin. Bring trouble ontheirfamilies. Pro. 15: 27. 4: 8. David, 1 Chr. 29: 28. Jehoshaphat, Profit not in the day of wrath. Pro. 11: 4. 2 Chr. 17: 5. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 32: 27-29. Cannot secure prosperity. Jas. 1:11. Job, Job 1: 3. Joseph of.limathea, Mat. RIG. 85 RIG. 27: 57. Zaccheus, Luke 19: 2. Dorcas, Should yield their members as in.struActs 9: 36. ments of. Rom. 6: 13. Examples of wicked men possessing. Laban, Should yield their members servants to. Gen. 30: 30. Esau, Gen. 36: 7. Nabal, om. 6:19. 1 Sam. 25: 2. Haman, Est. 5: 11. A.m- Should have on the breast-plate of. Eph. monites, Jer. 49: 4. Tyrians, Eze. 28: 5. 6:14. Young masn, Mat. 19: 22. Shall receive a crown of. 2 Tim. 4: 8. No. 244. RIGHTEOUSNESS. Shall see God's face in. Psa. 17: 15. Of saints endures for ever. Psa. 112:- 3, 9, Is obedience to God's law. Deu. 6:25, with with 2 Cor. 9:9. Rom. 10:5. An evidence of the new birth. 1 Jno. 2: 29. Godloves. Psa. 11:7. God looks for. Isa. 5:7.The kingdom of God is. Rom. 14:17. CHRIST The fruit of the Spirit is in all. Eph. 5: 9. Is the Sun of. Mal. 4:2. The scriptures instruct in. 2 Tim. 3:16. Loves. Psa. 45: 7, with Heb.: 9. Judgments designed to lead to. Isa. 26: 9. Was girt with. Isa. 11: 5. Chastisements yield the fruit of. Heb. 12:11. Put on, as a breast-plate. isa. 59:17. Has no fellowship with unrighteousness. 2 Was sustained by. Isa. 59: 16. Preached. Psa. 40: 9. MINISTERS SHOULD Fulfilled all, Mat. 3: 15. Be preachers of. 2 Pet. 2: 5. Is made, unto his people. 1 Cor. 1: 30. Reason of. Acts 24: 25. Is the end of the law for. Rom. 10: 4. Follow after. 1 Tim. 6: 11. 2 Tim. 2: 22. Has brought in everlasting. Dan. 9: 24. Be clothed with. Psa. 132: 9. Shall judge with. Psa. 72: 2. Isa. 11: 4. Be armed with. 2 Cor. 6:7. Acts 17: 31. Rev. 19:11. Pray for fruit of, in their people. 2 Cor. Shall reign in. Psa. 45: 6. Isa. 32: 1. 9: 10. Phi. 1: 11. Heb. 1: 8. Keeps saints in the right way. Pro. 11: 5. Shall execute. Psa. 99: 4. Jer. 23: 5. Pro. 13: 6. None, by nature, have. Job 15: 14. Psa. Judgment should be executed in. Lev. 19:15. 14: 3, with Rom. 3: 10. THEY WHO WALK IN, AND FOLLOW, Cannot come by the law. Gal. 2: 21. Gal. 3:21. Are righteous. 1 Jno. 3: 7. No justification by works of. Rom. 3: 20. Are the excellent of the earth. Psa. 16: 3, Rom. 9: 31, 32. Gal. 2: 16. with Pro. 12: 26. No salvation by works of. Eph. 2: 8, 9. Are accepted with God. Acts 10: 35. 2 Tim. 1: 9. Tit. 3: 5. Are loved by God. Psa. 146: 8. Pro. 15: 9. Unregenerate man seeks justification by Are blessed by God. Psa. 5: 12. works of. Luke 18: 9. Rom. 10: 3. Are objects of God's watchful care. Job The blessing of God is not to be attributed to 36:7. Psa. 34: 15. 1 Pet. 3: 12. our works of. Deu. 9: 5. Are tried by God. Psa. 11: 5. SAINTS Are exalted by God. Job 36:7. Have, in Christ. Isa. 45: 24. Isa. 54:17. Dwell in security. Isa. 33: 15, 16. 2 Cor. 5: 21. Are bold as a lion. Pro. 28: 1. Have, imputed. Rom. 4: 11, 22. Are delivered out of all troubles. Psa. 34: Are covered with the robe of. Isa. 61: 10. 19. Pro. 11: 8. Receive, from God. Psa. 24: 5. Are never forsaken by God. Psa. 37: 25. Are renewed in. Eph. 4: 24. Are abundantly provided for. Pro. 13: 25. Are led in the paths of. Psa. 23: 3. Are enriched. Psa. 112: 3. Pro. 15: 6. Are servants of. Rom. 6:16, 18. Think and desire good. Pro. 11: 23. Pro. Characterized by. Gen. 18: 25. Psa. 1: 5, 6. 12: 5. Know. Isa. 1: 7. Know the secret of the Lord. Pro. 3: 32. Do. I Jno. 2: 29. 1 Jno. 3: 7. Have their prayers heard. Psa. 34: 17. Work, by faith. Heb. 11: 33. Pro. 15: 29. 1 Pet. 3: 12. Follow after. Isa. 51: 1. Have their desires granted. Pro. 10: 24. Put on. Job 29: 14. Find it with life and honour. Pro. 21: 21. Wait for the hope of. Gal. 5: 5. Shall hold on their way. Job 17: 9. Pray for the spirit of. Psa. 51: 10. Shall never be moved. Psa. 15: 2, 5. Psa. Hunger and thirst after. Mat. 5: 6. 55: 22. Pro. 10: 30. Pro. 12: 3. Walk before God in. 1 Kin. 3: 6. Shall be ever remembered. Psa. 112: 6. Offer the sacrifice of. Psa. 4: 5. I'sa. 51: 19. Shall flourish as a branch. Pro. 11: 28. Put no trust in their own. Phi. 3: 6-8. Shall be glad in the Lord. Psa. 64: 10. Count their own, as filthy rags. Isa. 64:6. Brings its own reward. Pro. 11: 18. Isa. Should seek. Zep. 2: 3. 3: 10. Should live in. Tit. 2:12. 1 Pet. 2: 24. Tends to life. Pro. 11:19. Pro. 12: 28. Should serve God in. Luke 1: 75. The work of, shall be peace. Isa. al: 17. 8 RIG. 86 RIG. The effect of, shall be quietness and assu- His acts. Jud. 5: 11. 1 Sam. 12: 7. rance for ever. Isa. 32: 17. His government. Psa. 96: 13. Psa. 98: 9. Is a crown of glory to the aged. Pro. 16: 31. The gospel. Psa. 85: 10, with Rom. 3: THE WICKED 25, 26. Are far from. Psa. 119: 150. Isa. 46: 12. The final judgment. Acts 17: 31. Are free from. Rom. 6: 20. The punishment of the wicked. Rom. 2:5. Are enemies of. Acts 13:10. 2 The. 1: 6. Rev. 16: 7. Rev. 19: 2. Leave ofi Amos 5: 7, with Psa. 36: 3. Shown to the posterity of saints. Psa. 103:17. Follow not after. Rom. 9: 30. Shown openly before the heathen. Psa. 98:2. Do not. 1 Jno. 3: 10. God delights in the exercise of. Jer. 9: 24. Do not obey. Rom. 2: 8, with 2 The. 2:12. The heavens shall declare. Psa. 50: 6. Psa. Love lying rather than. Psa. 52: 3. 97: 6. Make mention of God, not in. Isa. 48:1. SSINTS Though favoured, will not learn. Isa. 26: Ascribe, to him. Job 36: 3. Dan. 9: 7. 10, with Psa. 106: 43. Acknowledge, in his dealings. Ezr. 9: 15. Speak contemptuously against those who Acknowledge, though the wicked prosper. follow. Psa. 31: 18. Jer. 12: 1, with Psa. 73: 12-17. Hate those who follow. Psa. 34: 21. Recognise, in the fulfilment of his proSlay those who follow. Psa. 37: 32. 1 mises. Neh. 9: 8. Jno. 3:12, with Mat. 23: 35. Confident of beholding. Mic. 7: 9. Should break off their sins by. Dan. 4: 27. Upheld by. Isa. 41:10. Should awake to. 1 Cor. 15: 34. Do not conceal. Psa. 40: 10. Should sow to themselves in. Hos. 10: 12. Mention, only. Psa. 71:16. Vainly wish to die as those who follow. Talk of. Psa. 35: 28. Psa, 71:15, 24. Num. 23: 10. Declare, to others. Psa. 22: 31. The throne of kings established by. Pro. Magnify. Psa. 7: 17. Psa. 51: 14. Psa. 16:12. Pro. 25: 5. 145: 7. Nations exalted by. Pro. 14: 34. Plead, in prayer. Psa. 143: 11. Dan. 9: 16. BLESSEDNESS OF Leads him to love righteousness. Psa. 11: 7. Having,;imputed without works. Rom. WE SHOULD PRAY 4:6. To be led in. Psa. 5: 8. Doing. Psa. 106: 3. To be quickened in. Psa. 119:40. Hungering and thirsting after. Mat. 6: 6. To be delivered in. Psa. 31: 1. Psa. 71: 2. Suffering for. 1 Pet. 3: 14. To be answered in. Psa. 143: 1. Being persecuted for. Mat. 5: 10. To be judged according to. Psa. 35: 24. Turning others to. Dan. 12: 3. For its continued manifestation. Psa. 36: 10. Promised to the Church. Isa. 32: 16. Isa. His care and defence of his people designed 45: 8. lsa. 61: 11. Isa. 62: 1. to teach. Mic. 6: 4, 5. Promised to saints. Isa. 60: 21. Isa. 61: 3. The wicked have no interest in. Psa. 69: 27. Exemplified. Jacob, Gern. 30: 33. David, Illustrated. Psa. 36:6. 2 Sam. 22: 21. Zacharias, kc. Luke 1: 6. No. 246. RIGHTEOUSNESS IM-.dbel, Heb. 11: 4. Lot, 2 Pet. 2: 8. No. 245. RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD, PUTED. T Predicted. Isa. 46:13. Isa. 51: 5. Isa. 56:1 THE. Revealed in the gospel. Rom. I: 17. Is part of his character. Psa. 7: 9. Psa. Is of the Lord. Isa. 54:17. 116: 5. Psa. 119:137. DESCRIBED AS DESCRIBED AS The righteousness of faith. Rom. 4: 13. Very high. Psa. 71:19. Rom. 9: 30. Rom. 10: 6. Abundant. Psa. 48:10. The righteousness of God, without the Beyond computation. Psa. 71:15. law. Rom. 3: 21. Everlasting. Psa. 119:142. The righteousness of God by faith in Enduring for ever. Psa. 111: 3. Christ. Rom. 3: 22. The habitation of his throne. Psa. 97: 2. Christ being made righteousness unto us. Christ acknowledged. Jno. 17: 25. 1 Cor. 1: 30. Christ committed his cause to. 1 Pet. 2: 23. Our being made the righteousness of God, Angels acknowledge. Rev. 16: 5. in Christ. 2 Cor. 5: 21. EXHIBITED IN Christ is the end of the law for. Rom. 10: 4. His testimonies. Psa. 119: 138, 144. Christ called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS His commandments. Deu..4. 8. Psa. by reason of. Jer. 23: 6. 119:172. Is an everlasting righteousness. Dan. 9: 24. His judgments. Psa. 19: 9. Psa. 119: 7, 62. Is a free gift. Rom. 5: 17. His word. Psa. 119: 123. Never to be abolished. Isa. 51: 6. His ways. Psa. 145: 17. The promises made through. Rom. 4: 13, 16. SAB. 87 SAI. SAINTS CALLED Have, on believing. Rom. 4: 5, 11, 24 The sabbath of the Lord. Exo. 20: 10. Clothed with. Isa. 61: 10. Lev. 23:3. Deu. 5:14. Made righteous by. Rom. 5: 19. The sabbath of rest. Exo. 31: 15. Justified by. Rom. 3: 26. The rest of the holy sabbath. Exo. 16: Exalted in. Psa. 89: 16. 23. Desire to be found in. Phi. 3: 9. God's holy day. Isa 58: 13. Glory in having. Isa. 45: 24, 25. The Lord's day. Rev. 1:10. Exhortation to seek. Mat. 6: 33. First day of the week kept as, by primitive The Gentiles attained to. Rom. 9: 30. Church. Jno. 20: 26. Acts 20: 7. 1 Cor. Blessedness of those who have. Rom. 16:2. 4: 6. SAINTS THE WICKED Observe. Neh. 13: 22. Ignorant of. Rom. 10: 3. Honour God in observing. Isa. 58: 13. Stumble at. Rom. 9: 32. Rejoicein. Psa. 118: 24. lsa.58:13. Submit not to. Rom. 10: 3. Testify against those who desecrate. Neh. Excluded from. Psa. 69: 27. 13:16, 20, 21. Exemplified. tdbraham, Rom. 4: 9, 22. Gal. Observance of, to be perpetual. Exo. 31: 3: 6. Paul, Phi. 3: 7-9. 10, with Mat. 5:17, 18. No. 247. SABBATH, THE. Blessedness ofhonouring. Isa. 58:13, 14. Blessedness of keeping. Isa. 56: 2, 6. Institutedby God. Gen. 2: 3. Denunciations against those who profane. Grounds of its institution. Gen. 2: 2, 3. Neh. 13:18. Jer. 17: 27. Exo. 20: 11. Punishment of those who profane. Exo. The seventh day observed as. Exo. 20: 9, 31:14, 15. Num. 15: 32-36. 10. THE WICKEI Made for man. Mar. 2: 27. Mock at. Lam. I: 7. GoD Pollute. Isa. 56: 2. Eze. 20:13,16. Blessed. Gen. 2: 3. Exo. 20:11. Profane. Neh.13:17. Eze.22:8. Sanctified. Gen. 2: 3. Exo. 31:15. Wearied by. Amos 8: 5. Hallowed. Exo. 20: 11. Hide their eyes from. Eze. 22: 26. Commanded, to be kept. Lev. 19: 3, 30. Do their own pleasure on. Isa. 58:13. Commanded, to be sanctified. Exo. 20: 8. Bear burdens on. Neh. 13: 15. Will have his goodness commemorated in Worl on. Neh. 13:15. the observance of. Deu. 5:15. Traffic on. Neh. 10: 31. Neh. 13:15, 16. Shows favour in appointing. Neh. 9: 14. Sometimes pretend to be zealous for. Luke Shows considerate kindness in appointing. 13:14. Jno. 9:16. Exo. 23: 12. May be judicially deprived of. Lam. 2:6. A sign of the covenant. Exo. 31: 13, 17. Hos. 2: 11. A type of the heavenly rest. Heb. 4: 4, 9. Honouring of-Exemplified.lMoses, 4'c. Num. CHRIST 15: 32-34. Nehemiah, Neh. 13:15, 21. Is Lord of. Mar. 2: 28. The woemen, Luke 23: 56. Pauel, Acts 13: Was accustomed to observe. Luke 4: 16. 14. Disciples, Acts 16: 13. John, Rev. Taught on. Luke 4: 31. Luke 6: 6. 1:10. Servants and cattle should be allowed to rest Dishonouring of-Exemplified. Gathereers upon. Exo. 20: i0. Deu. 5: 14. of manna, Exo. 16:'27. Gatherers of No manner of work to be done on. Exo. sticks, Num. 15: 32. Men of Tyre, Neh. 20: 10. Lev. 23: 3. 13: 16. Inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jer. No purchases to be made on. Neh. 10: 31. 17: 21-23. Neh. 13:15-17. No burdens to be carried on. Neh. 13:19. No. 248. SAINTS, COMPARED TO. Jer. 17:21. The sun. Jud. 5:31. Mat. 13:43. Divine worship to be celebrated on. Eze. Stars. Dan. 12: 3. 46: 3. Acts 16:13. Lights. Mat. 5:14. Phi. 2: 16. The scriptures to be read on. Acts 13: 27. Mount Zion. Psa. 125:1, 2. Acts 15: 21. Lebanon. Hos. 14: 5-7, The word of God to be preached on. Acts Treasure. Exo. 19: 5. Psa. 135: 4. 13: 14, 15, 44. Acts 17: 2. Acts 18: 4. Jewels. Mal. 3: 17. Works connected with religious service Gold. Job 23: 10. Lam. 4: 2. lawful on. Num. 28: 9. Mat. 12: 5. Jno. Vessels of gold and silver. 2 Tim. 2: 20. 7: 23. Stones of a crown. Zec. 9: 16. Works of mercy lawful on. Mat. 12: 12. Lively stones. 1 Pet. 2: 5. Luke 13:16. Jno. 9:14. Babes. Mat. 11: 25. 1 Pet. 2: 2. Necessary wants may be supplied on. Mat. Little children. Mat. 18: 3. 1 Cor. 14: 20. 12: 1. Luke 13:15. Luke 14:1. Obedient children. 1 Pet. 1: 14. SAL. 88 SAL. Members of the body. 1 Cor. 12: 20, 27. Is of love. Rom. 5: 8. 1 Jno. 4: 9,10. Soldiers. 2 Tim. 2: 3, 4. Is of mercy. Psa. 6: 4. Tit. 3: 5. Runners in a race. 1 Cor. 9:24. Heb. 12:1. Is of the long-suffering of God. 2 Pet. 3: 15. Wrestlers. 2 Tim. 2: 5. Is through faith in Christ. Mar. i6 16. Good servants. Mat. 25: 21. Acts 16: 31. Rom. 10: 9. Eph. 2: S. 1 Strangers and pilgrims. 1 Pet. 2: 11. Pet. 1: 5. Sheep. Psa. 78; 52. Mat. 25: 33. Jno. 10: 4. Reconciliation to God, a pledge of. Rom. 5: Lambs. Isa. 40: 11. Jno. 21:15. 10. Calves of the stall. Mal. 4: 2. Is DELIVERANCE FR01M Lions. Pro. 28: 1. Mic. 5: 8. Sin. Mat. 1: 21, with 1 Jno. 3: 5. Eagles. Psa. 103: 5. Isa. 40: 31. Uncleanness. Eze. 36: 29. Doves. Psa. 68:13. Isa. 60: 8. The devil. Col. 2: 15. HIeb. 2: 14, 15. Thirsting deer. Psa. 42: 1. Wrath. Rom. 5: 9. 1 The I: 10. Good fishes. Mat 13: 48. This present evil world. Gal. 1: 4. Dew and showers. Mic. 5: 7. Enemies. Luke 1: 71, 74. Watered gardens. Isa. 5: 11. Eternal death. Jno. 3: 16,17. Unfailing springs. Isa. 58: 11. Confession of Christ necessary to. Rom. 10: Vines. Song of Sol. 6: 11. Hos. 14:7. 10. Branches of a vine. Jno. 15: 2, 4, 5. Regeneration necessary to. 1 Pet. 3: 21. Pomegranates. Song of Sol. 4: 13. Final perseverance necessary to. Mat. 10:22. Good figs. Jer. 24: 2-7. DESCRIBED AS Lilies. Song of Sol. 2: 2. Hos. 14: 5. Great. Heb. 2: 3. Willows by the water-courses. Isa. 44: 4. Glorious. 2 Tim. 2:10. Trees planted by rivers. Psa. 1: 3. Common. Jude 3. Cedars in Lebanon. Psa. 92: 12. From generation to generation. Isa. 51:8. Palm trees. Psa. 92:12. To the uttermost. Heb. 7: 25. Green olive trees. Psa. 52: 8. Hos. 14: 6. Eternal. Isa. 45:17. lsa. 51: 6. Heb. 5: 9. Fruitful trees. Psa. 1: 3. Jer. 17: 8. Searched into and exhibited by the proCorn. Hos. 14:7. phets. 1 Pet. 1:10. Wheat. Mat. 3:12. Mat. 13: 29, 30. The gospel is the power of God unto. Rom. Salt. Mat. 5:13. 1: 16. 1 Cor. 1:18. No. 249. SALVAT''ION. Preaching the word is the appointed means of. 1sa 3. P. 39. Je r. 1: 21. Is of God. Psa. 3: 9. Psa. 37: 19. Jer. 3: 23. The scriptures are able to make wise unto. Is of the purpose of God. 2 Tim. I: 9. 2 Tim. 3: 15. Jas. 1: 21. Is of the appointment of God. 1 The. 5: 9. Now is the day of. Isa. 49: 8. 2 Cor. 6: 2. God is willing to give. 1 Tim. 2: 4. From sin, to be worked out with fear and Is by Christ. Isa. 63: 9. Eph. 5: 23. trembling. Phi. 2: 12. Is by Christ alone. Isa. 45: 21, 22. Isa. 59: SaiNTs 16. Acts 4: 12. Chosen to. 2 The. 2: 13. 2 Tim. 1: 9. Announced after the fall. Gen. 3:15. Appointed to obtain. 1 The.: 9. Of Israel, predicted. Isa. 35: 4. Isa. 45: 17. Are heirs of. Heb. 1:14. Zec. 9: 16. Rom. 11:26. Have, through grace. Acts 15: 11. Of the Gentiles, predicted. Isa. 45,: 22. Isa. Have a token of, in their patient suffering 49: 6. Isa. 52: 10. for Christ. Phi. 1: 28, 29. Revealed in the gospel. Eph. 1: 13. 2 Tim. Kept by the power of God unto. 1 Pet. 1: 5. 1:10. Beautified with. Psa. 149: 4. Came to the Gentiles through the fall of the Clothed with. Isa. 61: 10. Jews. Rom. 11: 11. Satisfied by. Luke 2: 30. CHRIST Love. Psa. 40: 16. The Captain of. Heb. 2:10. Hope for. Lam. 3: 26. Rom. 8: 24. The Author of. Heb. 5: 9. Wait for. Gen. 49: 18. Lam. 3: 26. Appointed for. Isa. 49: 6. Long for. Psa. 119: 81, 174. Raised up for. Luke 1: 69. Earnestly look for. Psa. 119: 123. Has. Zec. 9: 9. Daily approach nearer to. Rom. 13:11. Brings, with him. lsa. 62: 11. Luke 19: 9. Receive, as the end of their faith. 1 Pet. Mighty to efbect. lsa. 63: 1. Heb. 7: 25. 1: 9. Came to eftect. Mat. 18: 11. 1 Tim. 1: 15. Welcome the tidings of. Isa. 52: 7, with Died to effect. Jno. 3: 14, 15. Gal. 1: 4. Rom. 10: 15. Exalted to give. Acts 5: 31. Pray to be visited with. Psa. 85: 7. Psa. Is not by works. Rom. 11: 6. Eph. 2: 9. 106: 4. Psa. 119: 41. 2 Tim. 1: 9. Tit. 3: 5. Pray for assurance of. Psa. 35: 3. Is of grace. Eph. 2: 5, 8. 2 Tim. 1: 9. Pray for a joyful sense of. Psa. 51: 12. Tit. 2: 11. Evidence, by works. Heb. 6: 9, 10. SAN. 89 sCO. Ascribe, to God. Psa. 25: 5. Isa. 12: 2. jThe Church made glorious by. Eph. 5: 26, Praise Godfor. 1 Chr. 16: 23. Psa 96: 2. 27. Commemorate, with thanks. Psa. 116:13. SHOULD LEAD TO Rejoice in. Psa.9: 14. Psa. 21: 1. Isa. Mortification of sin. 1 The. 4: 3, 4. 25: 9. Holiness. Rom. 6: 22. Eph. 5: 7-9. Glory in. Psa. 21: 5. Offering up of saints acceptable through. Declare. Psa. 40: 10. Psa. 71:15. Rom. 15:16. Godly sorrow worketh repentance unto. 2 Saints fitted for the service of God by. 2 Cor. 7: 10. Tim. 2: 21. All the earth shall see. Isa. 52: 10. Luke 3: 6. God wills all saints to have. 1 The. 4: 3. MINISTERS MINISTERS Give the knowledge of. Luke 1: 77. Set apart to God's service by. Jer. 1: 5. Show the way of. Acts 16: 17. Should pray that their people may enjoy Should exhort to. Eze. 3: 18. Acts 2: 40. complete. 1 The. 5: 23. Should labour to lead others to. Rom. 11: Should exhort their people to walk in. 1 14. The. 4: 1, 3. Should be clothed with. 2 Chr. 6: 41. None can inherit the kingdom of God withPsa. 132:16. out. 1 Cor. 6: 9-11. Should use self.denial to lead others to. 1 Typified. Gen. 2: 3. Exo. 13: 2. Exo. 19: Cor. 9: 22. 14. Exo. 40: 9-15. Lev. 27: 14-16. Should endure suffering that the elect may obtain. 2Tim. 2:10. No. 251. SCORNING AND MOCKAre a sweet savour of Christ, unto God, in ING. those who obtain. 2 Cor. 2: 15. The heavenly host ascribe, to God. Rev. The sufferings of Christ by, predicted. Psa. 7: 10. Rev. 19:1. 22: 6-8. Isa. 53: 3. Luke 18: 32. SOUGHT IN VA.IN FROM Christ endured. Mat. 9: 24. Mat. 27: 29. Idols. Isa. 45:20. Jer. 2:28. SAINTS ENDURE, ON ACCOUNT OF Earthly power. Jer. 3: 23. Being children of God. Gen. 21: 9, with No escape for those who neglect. Heb. 2: 3. Gal. 4:29. Is far off from the wicked. Psa. 119: 155. Their uprightness. Job 12 4. Isa. 59: 11. Their faith. Heb. 11: 36. ILLUSTRATED BY Their faithfulness in declaring the word A rock. Deu. 32:15. Psa. 95:1. of God. Jer. 20: 7, 8. A horn. Psa. 18: 2. Luke: 69. Their zeal for God's house. Neh. 2: 19. A tower. 2 Sam. 22: 51. THE WICKED INDULGE IN, AG.INST A helmet. Isa. 59:17. Eph. 6:17. The second coming of Christ. 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. A shield. 2 Sam. 22: 36. The gifts of the Spirit. Acts 2: 13. A lamp. Isa. 62: 1. God's threatenings. Isa. 5:19. Jer. 17: 15. A cup. Psa, 116:13. God's ministers. 2 Chr. 36: 16. Clothing. 2 Chr. 6: 41. Psa. 132:16. Psa. God's ordinances. Lam. 1:7. 149: 4. Isa. 61: 10. Saints. Psa. 123: 4. Lam. 3: 14, 63. Wells. Isa. 12: 3. The resuirection of the dead. Acts 17: 32. Walls and bulwarks. Isa. 26: 1. Isa. 60: 18. All solemn admonitions. 2 Chr. 30: 6-10. Chariots. Hab. 3: 8. Idolaters addicted to. Isa. 57: 3-6. A victory. 1 Cor. 15: 57. Drunkards addicted to. Psa. 69: 12. Hos. Typified. Num. 21: 4-9, with Jno. 3: 14, 15. 7: 5. No. 250. SANCTIFICATION. VTHEY WHO ARE ADDICTED TO,,NO5. 250. SANCTIFICATION. Delight in. Pro. 1: 22. Is separation to the service of God. Psa. 4: Are contentious. Pro. 22: 10. 3. 2 Cor. 6:17. Are scorned by God. Pro. 3: 34. EFFECTED BY Are hated by men. Pro. 24: 9. God. Eze. 37: 28. 1 The.'5:23. Jude 1. Are avoided by saints. Psa. 1: 1. Jer. Christ. Heb. 2:11. Heb. 13:12. 15:17. The Holy Ghost. Rom. 15: 16. 1 Cor. 6:11. W5alk after their own lusts. 2 Pet. 3: 3. In Christ. 1 Cor. 1: 2. Are proud and haughty. Pro. 21: 24. Through the atonement of Christ. Heb. 10: Hear not rebuke. Pro. 13: 1. 10. Heb. 13:12. Love not those who reprove. Pro. 15:12. Through the word of God. Jno. 17: 17, 19. Hate those who reprove. Pro. 9: 8. Eph. 5: 26. Go not to the wise. Pro. 15: 12. Christ made, of God, unto us. 1 Cor. 1: 30. Bring others into danger. Pro. 29: 8. Saints elected to salvation through. 2 The. Shall themselves endure. Eze. 23: 32. 2:13. 1 Pet. 1: 2. Characteristic of the latter days. 2 Pet. 3: 3. All saints are in a state of, Acts 20: 32. Acts Jude 18. 26: 18. 1 Cor. 6:11. Woe denounced against. Isa. 5: 1, 19. SCR. 90 SCR. Punishment for. 2 Chr. 36: 17. Pro. 19: 29. DEsIGNED FOR Isa. 29: 20. Lam. 3: 64-66. Regenerating. Jas. 1:1. 1 Pet. 1: 23. Exemplified. Ishmael, Gen. 21: 9. Children Quickening. Psa. 119: 50, 93. at Bethel, 2 Kin. 2: 23. Ephraim and Illuminating. Psa. 119:130. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 30:10. Chiefs of Judah, Converting the seoul. Psa. 19: 7. 2 Chr. 36:16. Sanballat, Nel. 4: 1. Ene- Making wise the simple. Psa. 19:7. mPes of Job, Job 30: 1, 9. Enemies of Sanctifying. Jno. 17:17. Eph. 5: 26. David, Psa. 35:15, 16. Rulesrs of Israel, Producing faitl. Jno. 20: 31. Isa. 28:14. Cmmonites, Eze. 25: 3. Ty. Producing hope. Psa. 119: 49. Rom. 15: 4. osans, Eze. 26: 2. Heathen, Eze. 36: 2, 3. Producing obedience. Deu. 17:19, 20. Soldiers, Mat. 27: 28-30. Luke 23: 36. Cleansing the heart. Jno. 15: 3. Eph. Chief Priests,,'c. Mat. 27: 41. Pharisees, 5: 26. Luke 16: 14. The men Cho held Jesus, Cleansing the ways. Psa. 119:9. Luke 22: 63, 64. He'rod, 4'c. Luke 23: 11. Keeping from destructive paths. Psa. 17:4. People and rulers, Luke 23: 35. Some of Supporting life. Deu. 8: 3, with Mat. 4: 4. the multitude, Acts 2: 13. Athenians, Acts Promoting growth in grace. 1 Pet. 2: 2. 17:32. Building up in the faith. Acts 20: 32. Wo. r252. SCRIPTURES, THE. oAdmonishing. Psa. 19:11. I Cor. 10: 11. NW O. 252. SCRIPTUR LES, THE. Comforting. Psa. 19: 82. Rom. 15:4. Given by inspiration of God. 2 Tim. 3: 16. Rejoicingtheheart. Pea.19:. Pea. Given by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. 119:111. Christtaughtoutof Luke24: 7. Jna. 6: 63, w.it 2 PeCo. 3: 6. ARE CALED THE Ignorance of, a source of error. Mat. 22: 29. Word. Jas. 1:21-23. 3 Pet. 2: 2. Acts 13:27. Word of God. Luke 11:28. Heb. 4:2. Christ enables us to understand. Luke Word of Christ. Col. 3:16. 24: 45.'Word of truth. Jas. 1:1. The Holy Ghost enables us to understand. Holy scriptures. Rom. 1:2. 2 Tim.: 15. Jno. 16:13. 1 Cor. 2: 10-14. Scripture of truth. Dan. 10: 21. No prophecy of, is of any private interpre. Book. Pa. 40:7. Rev. 22:19. tation. 2 Pet. 1: 20. Book ofthe Lord. Isa. 34 t 16. Every thing should be tried by. Isa.: 20. Bookofthelaw. Neh. 8:3. Gal.3:10.. Acts 17:11. Lawofthe Lord. Pa.: 2. Isa. 30: 9. SHOULD BE Sword of the Spirit. Eph. 6: 17. The standard of teaching. 3 Pet. 4: 11. Oracles of God. Rom. 3: 2. 3 Pet.: 11. Believed. Jno. 2: 22. Contain the promises of the gospel. Rom. Appealed to. i Cor. 1: 31. Pet.:16. 1:2. Read. De. 17:19. Isa. 34 1: 6. Reveal the laws, statutes, and judgments o Read publicly to ALL. Deu. 31: 11-13. God. Deu. 4: 14, with Ex. 24: 3, 4. Neh. S:3. Jer. 36:6. Acts 13: 1. Record divine prophecies. 2 Pet. 1: 19-21. Known. 2 Tim. 3:15. Testify of Christ. Jno. 5. Acts10: 43. Received, not as the word of men, but as Acts 1:2. 1 Cor. 15:. theword ofGod. 1 The.: 2:13. Are full and sufficient. Luke 16:29, 31. Received with meekness. Jas. 1: 21. Are an unerring guide. Pro. 6:23. 2 Pet. Searched. Jno.: 39. Jno. 7: 2. 1:19. Searched daily. Acts 17: I. Are able to make wise unto salvation Laid up in the heart. Deu. 6:6. 11eu. through faith in ChristJeus. 2 Tim. 3: 15. 11: 18. Are profitable both for doctrine and practice. Taught to children. De. 6:7. Deu. 1 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17. 19. 2 Tim. 3:15. DEsCRIBED nA Taught to ALL. 2 Chr. 37: 7-9. Neh. Pure. Psa. 12: 6. Psa. 119:140. Pro. 10: 5. 5:7, S. True. Psa. 119:160. Jno. 17: 17. Talked of continually. Deu. 6:7. Perfect. Psa. 19: 7. MNot handled deceitfully. 2 Co. 4: 2. Precious. Psa. 19:10. Not only heard, but obeyed. Mat. 7: 24, uick and powerful. Heb. 4: 12. with Luke 11: 28. Jas. 1: 22. Written for our instruction. Rsm. 35: 4. Used against our spiritual enemies. Mat. Intendedfortheuseofallmen. Rom. 16:26. 4: 4, 7, 10, with Eph. 6: 11, 17. Nothing to e taken from, or added to. Den. All shoulddesireto hear. Neh.: 1. 4: 2. Deu. 12:32. Mere hearers of, deceive themselves. Jas. One portion of, to he compared with another.I 1: 22. 1 Cor. 2:13. Advantage of possessing. Rom. 3:2. SEA. SEC. 91 SEC. SAINTS Coming of the day of God. 2 Pet. 3: 12. Love exceedingly. Psa. 119: 97,113, 159, Day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 1: 8. 167. FORETOLD BY Delight in. Psa. 1: 2. Prophets. Dan. 7:13. Jude 14. Regard, as sweet. Psa. 119:103. Himself. Mat. 25: 31. Jno. 14: 3. Esteem, above all things. Job 23:12. Apostles. Acts 3: 20. 1 Tim. 6: 14. Long after. Psa. 119: 82. Angels. Acts 1: 10, 11. Stand in awe of. Psa. 119: 161. Isa. 66:2. Signs preceding. Mat. 24: 3, &c. Keep, in remembrance. Psa. 119:16. THE MIANNER OF; Grieve when men disobey. Psa. 119:158. In clouds. Mat. 24: 30. Mat. 26: 64. Hide, in their heart. Psa. 119: 11. Rev. 1: 7. Hope in. Psa. 119: 74, 81, 147. In the glory of his Father. Mat. 16: 27. Meditate in. Psa. 1: 2. Psa. 119: 99, 148. In his own glory. Mat. 25: 31. Rejoice in. Psa. 119:162. Jer. 15; 16. In flaming fire. 2 The. I: S. Trust in. Psa. 119: 42. With power and great glory. Mat. 24: 30. Obey. Psa. 119: 67. Luke 8: 21. Jno. As He ascended. Acts 1: 9, 11. 17: 6. W~ith a shout and the voice of the ArchSpeak of. Psa. 119: 172. angel, &c. 1 The. 4:16. Esteem, as a light. Psa. 119:105. Accompanied by Angels. Mat. 16: 27. Pray to be taught. Psa. 119:12, 18, 33, 66. Mat. 25: 31. Mar. 8: 38. 2 The. 1:7. Pray to be conformed to. Psa. 119: 133. With his saints. 1 The. 3:13. Jude 14. Plead the promises of, in prayer. Psa. Suddenly. Mar. 13:36. 119: 25, 28, 41, 76, 169. Unexpectedly. Mat. 24: 44. Luke 12: 40. They who search, are truly noble. Acts As a thief in the night. 1 The. 5;'2. 2 Pet. 17:11. 3: 10. Rev. 16:15. Blessedness of hearing and obeying. Luke As the lightning. Mat. 24: 27. 11: 28. Jas. 1: 25. The heavens and earth shall be dissolved, Let them dwell richly in you. Col. 3:16. &c. at. 2 Pet. 3: 10, 12. THE WICKED They who shall have died in Christ shall Corrupt. 2 Cor. 2:17. rise first at. 1 The. 4: 16. Make, of none effect through their tradi-. The saints alive at, shall be caught up to tions. Mar. 7: 9-13. meet him. 1 The. 4:17. Reject. Jer. 8: 9. Is not to make atonement. Heb. 9: 28, with Stumble at. 1 Pet. 2: 8. SRom. 6: 9, 10, and Heb. 10: 14. Obey not. Psa. 119:158. THE PURPOSES OF, ARE TO Frequently wrest, to their own destrue. Complete the salvation of saints. Heb. tion. 2Pet. 3: 16. 9:28. 1Pet.:5. Denunciations against those who add to, or Be glorified in Iis saints. 2 The. 1:10. take from. Rev. 22:18, 19. Be admired in them that believe. 2 The. Destruction of, punished. Jer. 36: 29-31. 1: 10. No. 253. SEALING OF THE -OLY I Bring to light the hidden things of dark. ness, &c. 1 Cor. 4:5. Judge. Psa. 50: 3, 4, with Jno. 5: 22. Christ received. Jno. 6: 27. 2 Tim. 4: 1. Jude 15. Rev. 20:11-13. Saints receive. 2 Cor. 1: 22. Eph. 1: 13. Reign. Isa. 24: 23. Dan. 7: 14. Rev. 11:15. Is unto the day of redemption. Eph. 4: 30. Destroy death. 1 Cor. 15: 23, 26. The wicked do not receive. Rev. 9: 4. Every eye shall see him at. Rev. I: 7. Judgment suspended until all saints receive. Should be always considered as at hand. Rev. 7:3. Rom. 13:12. Phi. 4: 5. I Pet. 4: 7.. Typified. Rom. 4: 11. Blessedness of being prepared for. Mat. 24: No. 254. SECOND COMING OF 46. Luke 12: 37, 38. SAINTS CHRIST, THE Assured of. Job 19: 25, 26. Time of, unknown. Mat. 24: 36. Mar. 13:32. Love. 2 Tim. 4: 8. CALLED THE Look for. Phi. 3: 20. Tit. 2:13. Times of refreshing from the presence of Wait for. 1 Cor. 1: 7. 1 The. 1: 10. the Lord. Acts 3:19. Haste unto. 2 Pet. 3: 12. Times of the restitution of all things. Pray for. Rev. 22: 20. Acts 3: 21, with Rom. 8: 21. Should be ready for. Mat. 24: 44. Luke Last time. 1 Pet. 1: 5. 12: 40. Appearing of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1: 7. Should watch for. Mat. 24: 42. Mar. 13: Revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1:13. 35-37. Luke 21: 36. Glorious appearing of the great God and Should be patient unto. 2 The. 3 ~ 5. Jas. our Saviour. Tit. 2: 13. 5: 7, 8. SEE. 92 SEL. Shall be preserved unto. Phi. I: 6. 2 Tim. Prepare their hearts for. 2 Chr. 30: 19. 4:18. 1 Pet. 1: 5. Jude 24. Set their hearts to. 2 Chr. 11: 16. Shall not be ashamed at. i Jno. 2: 28. Engage in, with the whole heart. 2 Chr. Shall be blameless at. I Cor. 1:8. 1 The. 15: 12. Psa. 119: 10. 3:13. 1 The. 5: 23. Jude 24. Early in. Job 8: 5. Psa. 63:1. Isa. 26 9. Shall be like him at. Phi. 3:21. 1 Jno. 3: 2. Earnest in. Song of Sol. 3: 2. Shall see him as He is, at. 1 Jno. 3: 2. Characterized by. Psa. 24: 6. Shall appear with him in glory at. Col. 3:4. Is never in vain. Isa. 45: 19. Shall receive acrown of glory at. 2 Tim.Blessedness of. Psa. 119: 2. 4: 8. 1 Pet. 5: 4. Leads to joy. Psa. 70: 4. Psa. 105: 3. Shall reign with him at. Dan. 7: 27. 2 Tim. Ends in praise. Psa. 22: 26. 2:12. Rev. 5:10. Rev. 20: 6. Rev. 22: 5. Promise connected with. Psa. 69 32. Faith of, shall be found unto praise at. Shallbe rewarded. Heb. 11:6. 1 Pet. 1: 7. THE WICRED THE WICKED Are gone out of the way of. Psa. 14: 2, 3, Scoff at. 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4. with Rom. 3: 11, 12. Presume upon the delay of. Mat. 24: 48. Prepare not their hearts for. 2 Chr. 12:14. Shall be surprised by. Mat. 24: 37-39. Refuse, through pride. Psa. 10: 4. 1 The. 5:3. 2 Pet. 3:10. Not led to, by affliction. Isa. 9:13. Shall be punished at. 2 The. 1: 8, 9. Sometimes pretend to. Ezr. 4: 2. Isa. 68:2. The man of sin to be destroyed at. 2 The. 2: 8. Rejected, when too late in. Pro. 1: 28. Illustrated. Mat. 25: 6. Luke 12: 36, 39. They who neglect, denounced. Isa. 31:1. Luke 19: 12, 15. Punishment of those who neglect. Zep. 1: No. 255. SEEKING GOD 4-6. Commanded. Isa.55:6. Mat.7:7. Exemplified. AJsa, 2 Chr. 14:7. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17: 3, 4. Uzziah, 2 Chr. 26: 5. His NCLUDES SEEa. 83 16. Hezekiah, 2 Chr. 31: 21. Josiah, 2 Chr. His word. Amos 8: 12. 34: 3. Ezra, Ezr. 7:10. David, Psa. 34: His face. Psa. 27: 8. Psa. 105: 4. 4. aniel, Dan. 9: 3, 4. His strength. 1 Chr. 16: 1. Psa. 10: 4. No. 256. SELF-DELUSION. His commandments. 1 Chr. 28: 8. His precepts. Psa. 119: 45,!)4. A characteristic of the wicked. Psa. 49: 18. His kingdom. Mat. 6: 33. Prosperity frequently leads to. Psa. 30: 6. Christ. Mal. 3: 1. Luke 2: 15, 16. Hos. 12: 8. Luke 12: 17-19. Honour which comes from him. Jno. 5: 44. Obstinate sinners often given up to. Psa. 81: By prayer. Job 8: 5. Dan. 9: 3. 11, 12. Hos. 4: 17. 2 The. 2:10,11. In his house. Deu. 12: 5. Psa. 27:4. EXHIBITED IN THINKING THAT SHOULD BE Our own ways are right. Pro. 14: 12. Immediate. Hos. 10:12. We should adhere to established wicked Evermore. Psa. 105: 4. practices. Jer. 44: 17. While he may be found. Isa. 55: 6. We are pure. Pro. 30:12. With diligence. Heb. 11: 6. We are better than others. Luke 18: 11. With the heart. Deu. 4: 29. 1 Chr. 22: 19. We are rich in spiritual things. Rev. 3:17. In the day of trouble. Psa. 77: 2. We may have peace while in sin. Deu. ENSURES 29:19. His being found. Deu. 4: 29. Chr. 28: 9. We are above adversity. Psa. 10: 6. Pro. 8:17. Jer. 29:13. Gifts entitle us to heaven. Mat. 7: 21, 22. His favour. Lam. 3: 25. Privileges entitle us to heaven. Mat. 3: 9. His protection. Ezr. S: 22. Luke 13: 25, 26. His not forsaking us. Psa. 9: 10. God will not punish our sins. Jer 5: 12. Life. Psa. 69: 32. Amos 5: 4, 6. Christ shall not come to judge. 2 Pet. 3:4. Prosperity. Job 8: 5, 6. Psa. 34:10. Our lives shall be prolonged. Isa. 56: 12. Being heard of him. Psa. 34: 4. Luke 12:19. Jas. 4: 13. Understanding all things. Pro. 28: 5. Frequently persevered in, to the last. Mat. Gifts of righteousness. Hos. 10: 12. 7: 22. Mat. 25: 11, 12. Luke 13: 24, W. Imperative upon all. Isa8: 19. Fatal consequences of. Mat. 7: 23. Mat. Afflictions designed to lead to. Psa. 78: 13, 24: 4S-51. Luke 12: 20. 1 The. 5: 3. 34. Hos. 5: 15. Exemplified../hab, 1 Kin. 20: 27, 34. IsNone, by nature, are found to be engaged raelites, Hos. 12: 8. Jesus, Jno. 5: 33, 41. in. Psa. 14: 2, with Rom. 3: 11. Cszcrcl of Laodicea. Rev. 3: 17. SAINTS NO. 257. SELF-DENIAL. Specially exhorted to. Zep. 2: 3. Desirous of. Job 5: 8. Christ set an example of. Mat. 4: 8-10. Purpose, in heart. Psa. 27:. Mat. S: 20. Rom. 15: 3. Phi. 2: 6-S. SEL. 93 SEL. A test of devotedness to Christ. Mat. 10 No. 259. SELFISHNESS. 37, 38. Luke 14: 27, 33. Contrary to the law of God. Jas. 2: 8. NECESSARY The example of Christ condemns. Jno. 4: In following Christ. Luke 9: 23, 24. 34. Rom. 15:3. 2 Cor. 8: 9. In the warfare of saints. 2 Tim. 2: 4. God hates. Ma. I: 10. To the triumph of saints. 1 Cor. 9: 25. EXHIITED IN Ministers especially called to exercise. 2 Being lovers ofourselves. 2 Tim. 3: 2. Cor. 6: 4, 5. Pleasing ourselves. Rom. 15: 1. SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN Seeking our own. 1 Cor. 10: 33. Phi. 2: 21. Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts. Seeking after gain. Isa. 56: 11. Rom. 6: 12. Tit. 2::12. Seeking undue precedence. Mat. 20: 21. Controlling'the appetite. Pro. 23: 2. Living to ourselves. 2 Cor. 5: 15. Abstaining from fleshly lusts. 1 Pet. 2: 11. Neglect of the poor. I Jno. 3: 17. No longer living to lusts of men. 1 Pet. 4: 2. Serving God for reward. Mal. 1: 10. Mortifying sinful lusts. Mar. 9:43. Col. Performing duty for reward. Mic. 3: 11. 3: 5. Inconsistent with christian love. 1 Cor. 13: 5. Mortifying deeds of the body. Rom. 8: 13. Inconsistent with the communion of saints. Not pleasing ourselves. Rom. 15: 1-3. Romn. 12: 4, 5, with 1 Cor. 12:12-27. Not seeking our own profit. 1 Cor. 10: 24, Especially forbidden to saints. 1 Cor. 10: 24. 33. 1 Cor. 13:5. Phi. 2:4. Phi. 2: 4. Preferring the profit of others. Rom. 14: The love of Christ should constrain us to 20, 21. 1 Cor. 10: 24, 33. avoid. 2 Cor. 5: 14, 15. Assisting others. Luke 3:11. Ministers should be devoid of. 1 Cor. 9: Even lawful things. 1 Cor. 10: 23. 19-23. 1 Cor. 10: 33. Forsaking all. Luke 14: 33. All men addicted to. Phi. 2: 21. Taking up the cross and following Christ. Saints falsely accused of. Job 1: 9-11. Mat. 10: 38. Mat. 16: 24. Characteristic of the last days. 2 Tim. 3: 1,2. Crucifying the flesh. Gal. 5: 24. Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4: 9. Nabal, 1 Sam. Being crucified with Christ. Rom. 6: 6. 25: 3, 11. Haman, Est. 6: 6. Priests, Being crucified unto the world. Gal. 6: 14. Isa. 56: 11. Jews, Zec. 7: 6. James and Putting off the old man which is corrupt. John, Mar. 10: 37. Multitude, Jno. 6: 26. Eph. 4: 22. Col. 3:9. No. 260. SELF-RIGHTEOUSSNESS. Preferring Christ to all earthly relations, No. 260. SLF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. Mat. 8: 21, 22. Luke 14: 26. Man is prone to. Pro. 20: 6. Pro. 30: 12. Hateful to God. Luke 16:15. Becomes strangers and pilgrims. Heb. 11 I: Hateful to God. Luke 16:15. S 13-15. 1Pet.2:ll. IS VAIN BECAUSE OUTR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS Dang er of neglecting. 2:11. But external. Mat. 23: 25-28. Luke 11: Danger of neglecting. Mat. 16: 25, 26. 1 Cor. 9:27. Rewardof. Mat. 19: 28, 29. Rom. 8:13. But partial. Mat. 23: 25. Luke 11: 42. Happy result of. 2 Pet. 1: 4. No better than filthy rags. Isa. 64: 6. Exemplified. oJB.aham, Gen. 13: 9. Heb. lneffectual for salvation. Mat. 5: 20, with 11: 8, 9. Widow of Zarephath, 1 Kin. Rom 3: 20. 17: 12-15. Esther, Est. 4:16. Rechabites, Unprofitable. Isa. 57:12. Jer. 35: 6, 7. Daniel, Dan. 5: 16, 17. Is boastful. Mat 23:30. ~lpostles, Mat. 19: 27. Simon,./ndriew, THEY WHO ARE GIVEN TO James and John, Mar. S1:16-20. Poos Audaciously approach God. Luke 18: 11. WidJ s, Luke 21n M4. Psimitiee Choistians Seek to justify themselves. Luke 10: 29. Acts 2L: 45. Acts 4: 34. Basnabas, Acts Seek to justify themselves before men. 4: 36, 37. Paul, Acts 20: 24. 1 Cor. 9 Luke 16:15. 19, 27. Moses, Heb. 011:24, 25... Reject the righteousness of God. Rom. 10:3. No. 258. SELF-EXAMINATION. Condemn others. Mat. 9:11-13. Luke 7.: 39. Enjoined. 2 Cor. 13: 5. Consider their own way right. Pro. 21: 2. Necessary before the communion. 1 Cor. Despise others. lsa. 65: 5. Luke 18: 9. 11: 28. Proclaim their own goodness. Pro. 20: 6. Cause of difficulty in. Jer. 17: 9. Are pure in their own eyes. Pro. 30: 12. SHOULD BE ENGAGED IN Are abominable before God. Isa. 65: 5. With holy awe. Psa. 4: 4. Folly of Job 9: 20. With diligent search. Psa, 77:6. Lam. 3: 40. Saints renounce. Phi. 3: 7-10. With prayer for divine searching. Psa. Warning against. Den. 9:4. 26: 2. Psa. 139: 23, 24. Denunciation against. Mat. 23: 27, 28. With purpose of amendment. Psa. 119: Illustrated. Luke 18:10-12. 59. Lam. 3: 40. Exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 15: 13. Young Advantages of. 1 Cor. 11: 31. Gal.6:4. man, Mat. 19: 20. Lawyer, Luke 10: 25, SEL. SER. 94 SER. 29. Pharisees, Luke 11: 39. Jno. 8: 33. To prefer their business to their own neJno. 9: 28. Israel, Rom. 10: 3. Church of cessaryfood. Gen. 24:33. Laodicea, Rev. 3: 17. To bless God for mercies shown to them. NO. 261. SELF-WILL AND STUB- Gen. 24: 27, 48. To be faithful to them. Luke 16: 10-12. BORNNESS. 1 Cor. 4:2. Tit. 2: 10. Forbidden. 2 Chr. 30: 8. Psa. 75: 5. To be profitable to them. Luke 19: 15, PROCEED FROM 16, 18. Phile. 11. Unbelief. 2 Kin. 17:14. To be anxious for their welfare. I Sam. Pride. Neh. 9: 16, 29. 25:14-17. 2 Kin. 5: 2, 3. An evil heart. Jer. 7: 24. To be earnest in transacting their busiGod knows. Isa. 48: 4. ness. Gen. 24: 54-56. EXHsIBITED IN To be prudent in the management of their Refusing to hearken to God. Pro. 1: 24. afifairs. Gen. 24: 34-49. Refusing to hearken to the messengers of To be industrious in labouring for them. God. 1 Sam. 8:19. Jer. 44: 16. Zec. Neh. 4:16, 23. 7: 11. To be kind and attentive to their guests. Refusing to walk in the ways of God. Gen. 43: 23,24. Neh. 9:17. Isa. 42: 24. Psa.78: 10. To be submissive even to the froward. Refusing to hearken to parents. Deu. 21: Gen. 16: 6, 9. 1 Pet. 2:18. 18, 19. Not to answer them rudely. Tit. 2: 9. Refusing to receive correction. Deu. 21: Not to serve them with eye-service, as 18. Jer. 5: 3. Jer. 7: 28. men-pleasers. Eph. 6: 6. Col. 3: 22. Rebellion against God. Deu. 31: 27. Psa. Not to defraud them. -Tit. 2: 10. 78: 8. Should be contented in their situation. 1 Cor. Resisting the Holy Ghost. Acts 7:1. 7: 20, 21. Walking in the counsels of an evil heart. Should be compassionate to their fellows. Jer. 7: 24, with Jer. 23: 17. Mat. 18: 33. Hardening the neck. Neh. 9: 16. Hardening the heart. 2 Chr. 36: 13. SiHOULD SERVE. For conscience towards God. 1 Pet. 2: Going backward and not forward. Jer. 7: 9.. 24.Heinousness of. Sam. 15 23. In the fear of God. Eph. 6: 5. Col. 3: 22. HeM S SHOULD s of. Sam. 1:23. As the servants of Christ. Eph. 6: 5, 6. Be without. Tit. 1: 7. Heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto Warn their people against. Heb. 3: 7-12. men. Eph. 6:. Co. 3: 23. Pray that their people may be forgiven As doing the will of God from the heart. for. Exo. 34: 9. Deu. 9: 27. Eph. 6: 6. Characteristic of the wicked. Prov. 7: 11. In singleness of heart. Eph. 6:. Col. 2 Pet. 2: 10. 3: 22. The wicked cease not from. Jud. 2: 19. With good will. Eph. 6: 7. Punishment for. Deu. 21: 21. Pro. 29:1. When patient under injury are acceptable Illustrated. Psa. 32: 9. Jer. 31: 18. to God. 1 Pet. 2: 19, 20. Exemplified. Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49: 6. WHEN GOOD Israelites, Exo. 32: 9. Deu. 9: 6, 13. Saul, Are the servants of Christ. Col. 3: 24. 1 Sam. 15: 19-23. David, 2 Sam. 24: 4. Are brethren beloved in the Lord. Phile. Josiah, 2 Chr. 35: 22. Zedekiah, 2 Chr. 16. 36: 13. Are the Lord's freemen. 1 Cor. 7: 22. No. 262. SERVANTS. Are partakers of gospel privileges. 1 Cor. O12:13. Gal. 3: 28. Eph. 6: 8. Col. 3:11. Christ condescended to the office of. Luke Deserve the confidence of their masters. 22:27. Jno.13: 5. Phi.2:7. Gen. 24: 2, 4, 10. Gen. 39: 4. Are inferior to their masters. Luke 22: 27. Often exalted. Gen. 41: 40. Pro. 17: 2. Should follow Christ's example. 1 Pet. 2: Often advanced by masters. Gen. 39: 4, 5. 21. To be honoured. Gen. 24: 31. Pro. 27:18. DUTIES OF, TO MASTERS: Bring God's blessing upon their masters. To pray forthem. Gen. 24: 12. Gen. 30: 27, 30. Gen. 39: 3. To honour them. Mal. l: 6. 1 Tim. 6: 1. Adorn the doctrine of God their Savioul To revere them the more, when they are in all things. Tit. 2: 10. believers. 1 Tim. 6: 2. Have God with them. Gen. 31: 42. Gen. To be subject to them. 1 Pet. 2: 18. 39: 21. Acts 7: 9, 10. To obey them. Eph. 6:5. Tit. 2:9. Are prosperedby God. Gen. 39: 3. To attend to their call. Psa. 123:. Are protected by God. Gen. 31:7. To please them well in all things. Tit. 2: 9. Are guided by God. Gen. 24 7, 27. To sympathize with them. 2 Sam. 12: 18. Are blessed by God. Mat. 24: 46. SIC. 95 siMI. Are mourned over after death. Gen. 35: 8. Persecutes the wicked by. Jer. 29: 18. (See marginal note.) Healing of, lawful on the sabbath. Luke Shall be rewarded. Eph. 6: 8. Col. 3: 24. 13: 14-16. The property of masters increased by faith- Christ compassionated those in. Isa. 53: 4, ful. Gen. 30: 29, 30. with Mat. 8: 16, 17. WHEN WICKED CHRIST HEALED, Are eye-servants. Eph. 6: 6. Col. 3: 22. Being present. Mar. 1: 31. Mat. 4: 2, 3. Are men-pleasers. Eph. 6: 6. Col. 3: 22. Not being present. Mat. 8: 13. Are deceitful. 2 Sam. 19: 26. Psa. 101:6, 7. By imposition of hands. Mar. 6: 5. Luke Are quarrelsome. Gen. 13: 7. Gen. 26:20. 13: 13. Are covetous. 2 Kin. 5: 20. With a touch. Mat. 8: 3. Are liars. 2 Kin. 5: 22, 25. Through the touch of his garment.. Mat. Are thieves. Tit. 2:10. 14: 35, 36. Mar. 5: 27-34. Are gluttonous and drunken. Mat. 24: 49. With a word. Mat. 8: 8, 13. Are unmerciful to their fellows. Mat. Faith required in those healed of, by Christ. 18: 30. Mat. 9: 28, 29. Mar. 5: 34. Mar. 10: 52. Will not submit to correction. Pro. 29: 19. Often incurable by human means. Deu. 28: Do not bear to be exalted. Pro. 30: 21, 22. 27. 2 Chr. 21: 18. with Isa. 3: 5. The apostles were endued with power to Shall be punished. Mat. 24: 50. heal. Mat. 10: 1. Mar. 16: 18, 20. Good-Exemplified. Eliezer,Gen. 24th Chap- SAINTS ter. Deborsah, Gen. 24: 59, with Gen. 35: 8. Acknowledge that, comes from God. Psa. Jacob, Gen. 31: 36-40. Joseph, Gen. 39: 3. 38:1-8. Isa. 38:12, 15. Acts 7: 10. Servasnts of Boaz, Ruth 2: 4. Are resigned under. Job 2: 10. Jonathan's armosss-bearer, 1 Sam. 14: 6, 7. Mourn under, with prayer. Isa. 38:14. David's servants, 2 Sam. 12:18. Captive Pray for recovery from. Isa. 38: 2, 3. maid, 2 Kin. 5: 2-4. Servants of Naaman, Ascribe recovery from, to God. lsa. 38: 20. 2 Kin. 5: 13. Sewvants'of Centursion, Mat. Praise God for recovery from. Psa. 103: 8: 9. Servants of Corsnelius, Acts 10: 7. 1-3. Isa. 38:19. Luke 17: 15. Onesimus after his cosnversion, Phile. 11. Thank God publicly for recovery from. Bad-Exemplified. Servants of Jibraham and Isa. 38: 20. Acts 3: 8. Lot, Gen. 13: 7. Seavants of.biiielech, Feelfor others in. Psa. 35: 13. Gen. 21: 25. Jbsalom's servants, 2 Sam. Visit those in. Mat. 2b: 36. 13: 28,29. 2 Sam. 14: 30. Ziba, 2 Sam. Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging 16: 1-4. Servants of Shimei, 1 Kin. 2: 39. to Christ. Mat, 25: 34, 36, 40. Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 11: 26. Zinssi, 1 Kin. 16: Pray for those afflicted with. Acts 28: 8. 9. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5: 20. Sevansts of Jas. 5:14,15. Jlmon, 2 Kin. 21: 23. Job's servants, Job THE WICKED 19:16. Sesvants of the High Priest, Mar. Have much sorrow, &c. with. Ecc. 5: 17. 14: 65. Onesimus before his conversion, Do not seek the aid of God in. 2 Chr. 16 Phile. 11. 12. No. 263. SICKNESS. Forsake those in. 1 Sam. 30: 13. Visit not those in. Mat. 25: 43. Sent by God. Deu. 32: 39. 2 Sam. 12: 15. Not visiting those in, an evidence of not beActs 12: 23. longing to Christ. Mat. 25: 43, 45. The devil sometimes permitted to inflict. Illustrative of sin. Isa. 1: 5. Jer. 8: 22. Job 2: 6, 7. Luke 9:39. Luke 13: 16. Mat. 9:12 Often brought on by intemperance. Hos. 7:5. No. 264. SIaPLICITY. Qften sent as a punishment of sin. Lev. 26: 14-16. 2 Chr. 21:12-15. 1 Cor. 11: 30. Is opposed to fleshly wisdom. 2 Cor. 1:12. GOD Necessity for. Mat. 18:2, 3. Promises to heal. Exo. 23:25. 2 Kin. 20: 5. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED Heals. Den. 32: 39. Psa. 103: 3. Isa. 38: 5, 9. In preaching the gospel. 1 The. 2: 3-7. Exhibits his mercy; healing. Phi. 2: 27. In acts ofbenevolence. Rom. 12: 8. Exhibits his power in healing. Luke 5: 17. In all our conduct. 2 Cor. 1: 12. Exhibits his love in healing. Isa. 38: 17. Concerning our own wisdom. 1. Cor. 3: 18. Often manifests saving grace to sinners Concerning evil. Rom. 16: 19. during. Job 33: t —24.. Concerning malice. 1 Cor. 14: 20. Permits saints to be tried by. Job 2: 5, 6. Exhortations to. Rom. 16: 19. 1 Pet. 2: 2. Strengthens saints in. Psa. 41: 3. THEY WHO HAVE THE GRACE OF, Comforts saints in. Psa. 41: 3. Are made wise by God. Mat. 11: 25. Hears the prayers of those in. Psa. 30: 2. Are made wise by the word of God. Psa. Psa. 107: 18-20. 19:7. Psa. 119:130. Preserves saints in time of. Psa. 91: 3-7. Are preserved by God. Psa. 116: 6. Abandons the wicked to. Jer. 34: 17. Made circumspectby instruction. Pro 1: 4. SIN. 96 SIN. Profit by the correction of others. Pro. Gives knowledge of. Rom. 3: 20. Rom. 19:25. Pro. 21:11. 7:7. Beware of being corrupted from that, which Shows exceeding sinfulness of. Rom. 7:13. is in Christ. 2 Cor. 11: 3. Made to restrain. 1 Tim. 1: 9, 10. Illustrated. Mat. 6: 22. By its strictness stirs up. Rom. 7: 5, 8, 11. Exemplified. David, Psa. 131: 1, 2. Jeremi. Is the strength of. 1 Cor. 15: 56. ah, Jer. 1 -: 6. Primitive Chrlistians, Acts Curses those guilty of. Gal. 3:10. 2: 46. Acts 4: 32. Pazul, 2 Cor. 1:12. No man can cleanse himself from. Job 9: No. 265. SIN. 30, 31. Pro. 20: 9. Jer. 2: 22. Is the transgression of the law. 1 Jno. 3: 4 No man can atone for. Mic. 6: 7. Is of the devil. 1 Jno. 3: 8, with Jno. 8: 44. God has opened a fountain for. Zec. 13: 1. All unrighteousness is. 1 Jno. 5:17. Christ was manifested to take away. Jno. Omission of what we know to be good is 1:29. 1 Jno. 3:5. Jas. 4: 17. Christ's blood redeems from. Eph. 1: 7. Whatever is not of faith is. Rom. 14: 23. Christ's blood cleanses from. 1 Jno. 1: 7. The thought of foolishness is. Pro. 24: 9. S.INTS All the imaginations of the unrenewed heart Made free from. Rom. 6:18. are. Gen. 6: 5. Gen. S: 21. Dead to. Rom. 6: 2, 11. 1 Pet. 2: 24. D)ESCIIBED AS Profess to have ceased from. 1 Pet. 4: 1. Coming from the heart. Mat. 15: 19. Cannot live in. 1 Jno. 3: 9. 1Jno. 5:18. The fruit of lust. Jas. 1: 15. Resolve against. Job 34: 32. The sting of death. 1 Cor. 15: 56. Ashamed of having committed. Rom. Rebellion against God. Deu. 9: 7. Jos. 6: 21. ]: 18. Abhor themselves on account of. Job 42: Works of darkness. Eph. 5: 11. 6. Eze. 20: 43. Dead works. Heb. 6: 1. Heb. 9: 14. Have yet thle remains of, in them. Rom. The abominable thing that God hates. 7: 17, 23, with Gal. 5: 17. Pro. 15: 9. Jer. 44 4, 11. The fear of God restrains. Exo. 20: 20. Defiling. Pro. 30:12. Isa. 59: 3. Psa. 4: 4. Pro. 16: 6. Deceitful. Heb. 3: 13. The word of God keeps from. Psa. 119: 11. Disgraceful. Pro. 14: 34. The Holy Ghost convinces of. Jno. 16: 8, 9. Often very great. Exo. 32: 30. 1 Sam. If we say that we have no, we deceive our2: 17. selves, and the truth is not in us. 1 Jno. 1: 8. Often mighty. Amos5: 12. If we say that we have no, we make God a Often manifold. Amos 5: 12. liar. 1 Jno. 1:10. Often presumptuous. Psa. 19: 13. Confusion of face belongs to those guilty of. Sometimes open and manifest. I Tim. 5: 24. Dan. 9: 7, 8. Sometimes secret. Psa. 90: 8. 1 Tim. 5: SHOULD BE 24. Confessed. Job 33: 27. Pro. 28: 13. Besetting. Heb. 12:1. Mourned over. Psa. 38:18. Jer. 3: 21. Like scarlet and crimson. Isa. 1: 18. Hated. Psa. 97: 10. Pro. 8: 13. Amos 5: 15. Reaching unto heaven. Rev. 18: 5. Abhorred. Rom. 12: 9. Entered into the world by Adam. Gen. 3: 6, Put away. Job 11: 14. 7, with Rom. 5:12. Departed from. Psa. 34:14. 2 Tim. 2: 19. All men are conceived and born in, Gen. Avoided even in appearance. 1 The. 5: 22. 5: 3. Job 15: 14. Job 25: 4. Psa. 51: 5. Guarded against. Psa. 4: 4. Psa. 39:1. All men are shapen in. Psa. 51: a. Striven against. Heb. 12: 4. Scripture concludes all under. Gal. 3: 22. Mortified. Rom. 8: 13. Col. 3: 5. No man is without. 1 Kin. 8: 46. Ecc. 7:20. Wholly destroyed. Rom. 6: 6. Christ alone was without. 2 Cor. 5: 21. Specially strive against besetting. Heb. 12:1. Heb. 4:15. Heb. 7: 26. 1 Jno. 3: 5. Aggravated by neglected advantages. Luke GoD 12: 47. Jno. 15: 22. Abominates. Deu. 25: 16. Pro. 6: 16-19. Guilt of concealing. Job 31: 33. Pro. 28: 13. Marks. Job 10:14. WE SHOULD PRAY TO GOD Remembers. Rev. 18: 5. To search for, in our hearts. Psa. 139: Is provoked to jealousy by. 1 Kin. 14: 22. 23, 24. Is provoked to anger by. I Kin. 16: 2. To make us know our. Job 13: 23. Alone can forgive. Exo. 34: 7. Dan. 9: 9. To forgive our. Exo. 34: 9. Luke 11: 4. Mic. 7: 18. Mar. 2: 7. To keep us from. Psa. 19: 13. Recompenses. Jer. 16: 18. Rev. 18: 6. To deliver us from. Mat. 6: 13. Punishes. Isa. 13: 11. Amos 3: 2. To cleanse us from. Psa. 51: 2. THE LAW Prayer hindered by. Psa. 66: 18. Isa. 59:2. Is transgressed by every. Jas. 2: 10, 11, Blessings withheld on account of. Jer. 5: with 1 Jno. 3: 4. 25. SIN. 97 SIN. SLA. THE WICKED MIINISTERS SHOULD Servants to. Jno. 8: 34. Rom. 6:16. Mourn over. Ezr. 10: 6. Eze. 6: 11. Joel Dead in Eph. 2: 1. 2: 17. Guilty of, in every thing they do. Pro. Testify against. Isa. 30: 8, 9. Eze. 2: 21: 4. Eze. 21: 24. 3-5. Eze. 22: 2. Jon 1: 2. Plead necessity for. 1 Sam. 13: 11, 12. Try to turn the people from. Jer. 23: 22. Excuse. Gen. 3: 12, 13. 1 Sam. 15: 13-15. Pray for forgiveness of. Exo. 32 31, 32. Encourage themselves in. Psa. 64: 5. Joel 2: 17. Defy God in committing. Isa. 5:18, 19. National prayer rejected on account of. Boast of. Isa. 3: 9. Isa. 1: 15. Isa. 59): 2. Make a mock at. Pro. 14: 9. National worship rejected on account of. Expect impunity in. Psa. 0: 21. Psa. 94:7. Isa. 1: 10-14. Jer. 6: 19, 20. Cannot cease from. 2 Pet. 2:14. Cause the withdrawal of privileges. Lam. Heap up. Psa. 78:17. lsa. 30: 1. 2: 9. Amos 8: 11. Encouraged in, by prosperity. Pro. 10: 16. Bring down national judgments. Mat. 23: Led by despair to continue in. Jer. 18: 12. 35, 36. Mat. 27: 25. Try to conceal, from God. Gen. 3: 8, 10, Denunciations against. Isa. 1: 24. Isa. 30: with Job 31: 33. 1. Jer. 5: 9. Jer. 12:17. Throw the blame of, on God. Gen. 3: 12. Punishment for. Isa. 3: 8. Jer. 12: 17. Jer. Je.r. 7: 10. 1 25:12. Eze. 28: 7-10. Throw the blame of, on others. Gen. 3: Punishment for, averted on repentance. Jud. 12, 13. Exo. 32: 22-24. 10: 15, 16. 2 Chr. 12: 6, 7. Jon. 3: 10. Tempt others to. Gen. 3: 6. 1 Kin. 16: 2. Exemplified. Sodom and Gomorrsah, Gen. Delight in those who commit. Rom. 1: 32. 18:20. 2 Pet. 2: 6. Children of Israel, Shall bear the shame of. Eze. 16: 52. Exo. 16: 8. Exo. 32: 31. Nations of CaShall find out the wicked. Num. 32: 23. naan, Deu. 9: 4. Kingdom of Israel, 2 Kin. Ministers should warn the wicked to forsake. 17:8-12. Hos. 4l: 1, 2. Kingdonm of Jldah, Eze. 33: 9. Dan. 4: 27. 2 Kin. 17: 19. Isa. 1: 2-7. Moab, Jer. LEADS TO 48:29, 30. Basylon, Jer. 51: 6, 13, 52. Shame. Rom. 6: 21. Tyre, Eze. 28: 2. Nineveh, Nah. 3: 1. Disquiet. Psa. 3: 3.7. SINCERIT. Disease. Job 20:11. No. 267. NCERTY. The ground was cursed on account of. Gen. Christ was an example of. 1 Pet. 2: 22. 3: 17, 18. Ministers should be examples of. Tit. 2:7. Toil and sorrow originated in. Gen. 3:16, Opposed to fleshly wisdom. 2 Cor. 1:12. 17, 19, with Job 14: 1. SHOULD CHARACTERIZE Excludes from heaven. Gal. 5: 19-21. Eph. Our love to God. 2 Cor. 8: 8, 24. 5: 5. Rev. 21: 27. Our love to Christ. Eph. 6: 24. When finished brings forth death. Jas. 1:15. Our service to God. Jos. 24: 14. Death, the wages of. Rom. 6: 23. Our faith. 1 Tim. 1: 5. Death, the punishment of. Gen. 2:17. Eze. Our love to one another. Rom. 12: 9. 18:4. 1 Pet. l:22. 1 Jno. 3: 18. No. 266. SINS, NATIONAL. Our whole conduct. 2 Cor. 1: 12. The preaching of the gospel. 2 Cor. 2: 17. Often pervade all ranks. Isa. 1: 5. Jer. 5: 1 The. 2: 3-5. 1-5. Jer. 6:13. A characteristic of the doctrines of the gos. Often caused and encouraged by rulers. pel. 1 Pet. 2: 2. I Kin. 12: 26-33. 2 Chr. 21: 11-13. The gospel sometimes preached without. Often caused by prosperity. Deu. 32; 15. Phi. 1: 16. Eze. 28: 5. The wicked devoid of. Psa. 5: 9. Psa. 55:21. DEFILE Exhortations to. 1 Cor. 5: 8. 1 Pet. 2: 1. The land. Lev. 18: 25. Isa. 24: 5. Pray for, on behalf of others. Phi. I: 10. The people. Lev. 18:24. Eze. 14:11. Blessedness of. Psa. 32:2. National worship. Hag. 2:14. Exemplified. Men of Zebsulmn, 1 Chr. 12: 33. Aggravated by privileges. Isa. 5: 4-7. Hezekiah, Isa. 38: 3. Nathanael, Jno. 1:47. Eze. 20: 11-13. Mlat. 11: 21-24. Paul, 2 Cor. 1: 12. Timothy, 2 Tim. 1: 5. Lead the heathen to blaspheme. Rom. 2: 24. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. 1: 5. Are a reproach to a people. Pro. 14: 34. SHOULD BE No. 268. SLANDER. Repented of. Jer. 18: 8. Jon. 3: 5. An abomination unto God. Pro. 6: 16, 19. Mourned over. Joel 2:12. Forbidden. Exo. 23: 1. Jas. 4: 11. Confessed. Jud. 10: 10. INCLUDES Turned from. Isa. 1: 16. Jon. 3: 10. Whispering. Rom. I: 29. 2 Cor. 12: 20. Saints especially mourn over. Psa. 119:136. Backbiting. Rom. 1:30. 2 Cor. 12: 20. Eze. 9: 4.. Evil surmising. I Tim.6: 4. 9 SLA. 98 SOB. STE. Tale-bearing. Lev. 19:16. enemies, Psa. 31::13. Jeremiah's enemies, Babbling. Ecc. 10:11. Jer. 38: 4. Chaldeans, Dan. 3: 8. Daniel's Tattling. 1 Tim. 5: 13. accusers, Dan. 6: 13. Jews, Mat. 11: 18, 19. Evil speaking. Psa. 41: 5. Psa. 109: 20. Witnesses against Christ, Mat. 26: 59-61. Defaming. Jer. 20: 10. 1 Cor. 4:13. Priests, Mar. 15: 3. Enemies of Stephen, Beating false witness. Exo. 20:16. Deu. Acts 6: 11. Esnemies of Paul, {c. Acts 5: 20. Luke 3:14. 17: 7. Tertsllus, Acts 24: 2, 5. Judging uncharitably. Jas. 4: 11, 12.69. OBRIET. Raising false reports. Exo. 23:1. No. 269. SOBIETY. Repeating matters. Pro. 17: 9. Commanded. I Pet. 1:13. 1 Pet. 5: 8. Is a deceitful work. Psa. 52: 2. The gospel designed to teach. Tit. 2: 11, 12. Comes from the evil heart. Luke 6: 45. With watchfulness. 1 The. 5: 6. Often arises from hatred. Psa. 41: 7. Psa. With prayer. 1 Pet. 4: 7. 109:3. REQUIRED IN Idleness leads to. 1 Tim. 5:13. Ministers. Tim.3: 2,3. Tit. 1: 8 The wicked addicted to. Psa. 50: 20. Jer. Wives of ministers. 1 Tim. 3: 11. 6: 28. Jer. 9: 4. Aged men. Tit. 2: 2. Hypocrites addicted to. Pro. 11: 9. Young men. Tit. 2: 6. A characteristic of the devil. Rev. 12:10. Young women. Tit. 2: 4 The wicked love. Psa. 2: 4. All saints. 1 The. 5: 6, 8. They who indulge in, are fools. Pro. 10: 18. Women should exhibit, in dress. 1 Tim. 2:9. They who indulge in, not to be trusted. We should estimate our character and Jer. 9: 4. talents with. Rom. 12: 3. Women warned against. Tit. 2: 3. We should live in. Tit, 2:12. Ministers' wives should avoid. I Tim,. 3: 11. Motives to. 1 Pet. 4: 7. i Pet. 5: 8. Christ was exposed to. Psa. 36: 11. Mat. 26: 60. No. 270. STED'ASTNESS. Rulers exposed to. 2 Pet. 2:10. Jude 8. Ministers exposed to. Rom. 3:8. 2 Cor. 6:8. Extibited by God in all his purposes and The nearest relations exposed to. Psa. 50: 20 ways. Dan. 6:26. Saints exposed to. Psa. 38: 12. Psa. 109:2. Commanded. Phi. 4:. 2 The.: 15. 1 Pet. 4: 4. Godliness necessary to. Job 11:13-15. SECURED BY SAINTS The power of God. Psa. 65: 22. Psa. Shouldkeep their tongue from. Psa. 34: 62: 2. 13, with 1 Pet. 3: 19. The presence of God. Psa. 16: 8. Should lay aside. Eph. 4: 31. 1 Pet. 2: 1. Trust in God. Psa. 26: 1 Should be warned against. Tit. 3: 1, 2. The intercession of Christ. Luke 22: 31, 32. Should give no occasion for. 1 Pet. 2: 12. A characteristic of saints. Job 17:9. Jno. 1 Pet. 3:16. 831 Should return good for. 1 Cor. 4: 13. SHOULD BE MANIFETED Blessed in enduring. Mat. 5: 11. In cleaving to God. Deu. 10: 20. Acts Characterized as avoiding. Psa. 1: 1, 3. 11 2. Should not be listened to. 1 Sam. 24: 9. In the worl of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15: 8. Should be discountenanced with anger. Pro. In continuing in the Apostles' doctrine 25:23. and fellowship. Acts 2: 42. EFFECTS OF, In holding fast our profession. Heb. 4: 14. Separating friends. Pro. 16: 28. Pro. 17: 9. Heb. 10: 23. Deadly wounds. Pro. 18: 8. Pro. 26: 22. In holding fast the confidence and rejoic. Strife. Pro. 26: 20. ing of the hope. Heb. 3: 6, 14. Discord among brethren. Pro. 6: 19. In keeping the faith. Col. 2: 5. 1 Pet. 5: 9. Murder. Psa. 31: 13. Eze. 22: 9. In standing fast in the faith. 1 Cor. 16: 13. The tongue of, is a scourge. Job 5: 21. In holding fast what is good. 1 The. 5: 21. Is venomous. Psa. 140: 3. Ecc. 10: 11. In maintaining christian liberty. Gal. 5: 1. Is destructive. Pro. 11:9. In striving for the faith of the gospel. End of, is mischievous madness. Ecc. 10: 13. Phi. 1: 27, with Jude 3. Men shall give account for. Mat. 12: 36. Even under affliction. Psa. 44: 17-19. 1 Punishment for. Deu. 19:16-21. Psa. 101:5. The. 3: 3. Illustrated. Pro. 12: 18. Pro. 25: 18. Saints pray for. Psa. 17: 5. Exemplified. Laban's Sons, Gen. 31: 1. Saints praise God for. Psa. 116: 8. Doeg, 1 Sam. 22:9-11. Princes of MINISTERS Jmmon, 2 Sam. 10: 3. Ziba,'2 Sam. 16: 3. Exhorted to. 2 Tim. 1: 13, 14. Tit. 1: 9. Children of Belial, 1 Kin. 21: 13. Enemies Should exhort to. Acts 13: 43. Acts 14: 22. of the Jews, Ezr. 4: 7-16. Gashmu, Should pray for, in their people. 1 The. Neo. 6: 6. Haman, Est. 3: 8. David's 3:13. 2 The._2: 17. STR. 99 SWE. Encouraged by, in their people. 1 The. Injustice. Hab. 1: 3, 4. 3: 8. Confusion and every evil work. Jas. 3: 16. Rejoiced by, in their people. Col. 2: 5. Violence. Exo. 21: 18, 22. The wicked devoid of. Psa. 78: 8, 37. Mutual destruction. Gal. 5: 15. Principle of-Illustrated. Mat. 7: 24, 25. Temporal blessings embittered by. Pro. 17: 1. Want of-Illustrated. Luke 8: 6, 13. 2 Pet. Excludes from heaven. Gal. 5: 20, 21. 2: 17. Jude 12. Promoters of, should be expelled. Pro. 22:10. Exemplified. Caleb, Num. 14: 24. Joshua, Punishment for. Psa. 55: 9. Jos. 34: 15. Josiah, 2 Kin. 22: 2. Job, Strength and violence of-Illustrated. Pro. Job 2: 3. David, Psa. 18: 21, 22. Sha.- 17:14. Pro. 18: 19. drach, 4c. Dan. 3: 18. Daniel, Dan. 6: 10. Danger of joining in-Illustrated. Pro. 26: 17. Primitive Christians, Acts 2: 42. Corin- Exemplified. Hterdmen of Jlbram aned of Lot, thians, 1 Cor. 15: 1. Colossians, Col. 2: I. Gen. 13: 7. Herdmen of Gerar and of No. 271. STRIFE. Isaac, Gen. 26: 20. Laban and Jacob, Gen. 31: 36. Twuo Hebrews, Exo. 2:13. Christ, an example of avoiding. Isa. 4 2: 2, Israelites, Deu. 1: 12. Jephthah and.rmwith Mat. 12:15-19. monites, Jud. 12: 2. Judah and Israel, 2 Forbidden. Pro. 3: 30. Pro. 25: 8. Sam. 19: 41-43. Disciples, Luke 22: 24. A work of the Mesh. Gal. 5:.20. Jews, Jno. 6: 52. Jno. 10: 19. Joudaizing An evidence of a carnal spirit. I Cor. 3: 3. Teachers, Acts 15: 2. Paul and Baornabas, Existed in primitive Church. 1 Cor. 1: 11. Acts 15: 39. Pharisees and Saddulcees, EXCITED BY Acts 23: 7. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 1: 11. Hatred. Pro. 10:12. 1 Cor. 6: 6. Pride. Pro. 13:10. Pro. 28:26. [No. 272. SWEARING FALSELY. Wra. Pro. 1v: 18. Pro. 10:. Forbidden. Lev. 19:12. Num. 30: 2. Mat. Frowardness. Pro. 16: 28. 33 A contentious disposition. Pro. 26:21. Tale-beariog. Pro. 26: 20Hateful to God. Ze.: 17. Dru-nkens. Pro. 23: 23 1'0. We should notlove. Zee. 8 17. Lusts. Jas. 4Pro. 23:29, 30. Fraud often leads to. Lev. 6:2, 3. Curious questions. 1 Tim. 6: 4. 2 Tim. 2: Saints abstain from. Jos. 9: 20. Psa. l: 4. 23. Blessedness of abstaining from. Psa. 24:4, 5. Scorning. Pro. 22:10. THE WIC5CED Difficulty of stopping, a reason for avoiding Pleadexcsesd t o. Jer. Jer. 7: 9,0 4. it. Pro. 17:14. Shameful in saints. 2 Cor. 12: 20. Jas. 3: 14. Shall be judged on account of. Mal. 3: 5. SAINTS SHOULD Shallbecut offor. Zec.': 3. Avoid. Gen. 13: S. Shall have a curse upon their houses for. Avoid questions that lead to. 2 Tim. 2: 14. Zec. i: 4. Not walk in. Rom. 13:13. False witnesses guilty of. Deu. 19: 16, 18. Not act from. Phi. 2- 3. Exemplified. Saul, 1 Sam. 19: 6, 10. ShiDo all things without. Phi. 2: 14. mei, 1 Kin. 2: 41-43. Jews, Eze. 16: 9. Submit to wrong rather than engage in. Zedekiah, Eze. 17: 13-19. Peter, Mat. Mat. 5:39,40. 1 Cor.6:7. 26:72, 74. Seek God's protection from. Psa. 35:1. No. 273. SWEARING, PROFANE. Jer. 1S: 19. Of all kinds is desecration of God's name. Praise God for protection from. 2 Sam. 22: Mat. 5: 34, 35. Mat. 23: 21, 22. 44. Psa. 18: 43. Forbidden. Exo. 20: 7. Mat. 5: 34-36. Saints kept from tongues of. Psa. 31: 20. Jas. 6: 12. MINISTERS SHOULD Saints pray to be kept from. Pro. 30: 9. Avoid. 1 Tim. 3: 3. 2 Tim. 2: 24. THE WICKED Avoid questions that lead to. 2 Tim. 2: Addicted to. Psa. 10: 7. Rom. 3:14. 23. Tit. 3: 9. Love. Psa. 109:17. Not preach through. Phi. 1: 16, 16. Clothe tlemselves with. Psa. 109: 18. Warn against. 1 Cor. 1: 10. 2 Tim. 2: 14. Guilt of. Exo. 20: 7. Deu. 5: I1. Reprove. I Cor. 1: 11, 12. 1 Cor. 3: 3. Woe denounced against. Mat. 23:16. 1 Cor. 11: 17, 18. Nations visited for. Jer. 23: 10. Hos. 4: 1-3. Appeased by slowness to anger. Pro. 15: 18. Punishment for. Lev. 24: 16, 23. Psa. 59: It is honourable to cease from. Pro. 20: 3. 12. Psa. 109: 17, 18. Hypocrites make religion a pretence for. Exemplified. Joseph, Gen. 42:15, 16. Son Isa. 58:4. of Israelitish wsoman, Lev. 24: 11. Saul, Fools engage in. Pro. 18: 6. 1 Sam. 28: 10. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 6: 20. Evidences a love of transgression. Pro. 17: 19. Jehoram, 2 Kin. 6: 31. Peter, Mat. 26: 74. LEADS TO Herod, Mar. 6:23, 26. Enemies of Paul, Blasphemy. Lev. 24-: 10, 11. Acts 23: 21. TEM. 100 THA. No. 274. TEMPTATION. Blessedness of those who meet, and overcome. Jas. 1: 2-4, 12. God cannot be the subject of. Jas. 1:13. Exemplified. Eve, Gen. 3: 1, 4,. Joseph, Does not come from God. Jas. 1:13. Gen. 39:7. Bolaara, Num. 22: 17. Jichas, COnMES FROM Jos. 7: 21. David, 2 Sam. 11: 2. Jelr booam, Lussts. Jas. 1: 14. 1 Kin. 15: 30. Peter, Mar. 14: 67-71. Covetousness. Pro. 28:20. 1 Tim. 6: 9. Paul, 2 Cor. 12:7, with Gal. 4: 14. The devil is the author of. 1 Chr. 21: 1. Mat. 4:1. 1The.3:5.' No. 275. THANKSGIVING. Evil associates, the instruments of. Pro. 1: Christ set an example of. Mat. 11:25. Mat. 10). Pro. 16: 29. 26: 27. Jno. 11: 41. OFTEN ARISES THROUGH The heavenly host engage in. Rev. 4: 9. Poverty. Pro. 30:9. Mat.4:2,3. Rev. 7: 11, 12. Rev. 11: 6, 17. Prosperity. Pro. 30: 9. Mat.4:. Commanded. Psa. 50: 14. Worldly glory. Num. 22:17. Mat. 4: 8. Is a good thing. Psa. 92: 1. To distrust of God's providence. Mat. 4: 3.OULD BE OFFERE To presumption. Mat. 4: 6. To God Psa. 0: 14. To worshipping the god of this world. Mat. To Christ. 1 Tim. 1: 12..4 9. Through Christ. Rom. 1: 8. Col. 3: 17. Often strengthened by the perversion of Heb. 13: 1. God's word. Mat. 4: 6. In the name of Christ. Eph. 5:20. PERMsIITTED, AS A TRIAL OF In behalf ofministers. 2 Cor. 1: 11. Faith. 1 Pet. 1: 7. In private worship. Dan. 6: 10. Disinterestedness. Job 1: 9-12. In public worship. Psa. 35: 18. Always conformable to the nature of man. In every thing. 1 The. 5:18. 1 Cor. 10: 13. Upon the completion of great undertaOften ends in sin and perdition. 1 Tim. 6: 9. kings. Neh. 12: 31, 40. Jas. 1: 19. Before taking food. Jno. 6: 11. Acts 27: 35. CHRIST Always. Eph. 1:16. Eph. 5:20. 1 The. 1:2. Endured, from the devil. Mar. 1:13. At the remembrance of God's holiness. Endured, from the wicked. Mat. 16: 1. Psa. 30: 4. Psa. 97: 12. Mat. 22: 18. Luke 10: 25. For the goodness and mercv of God. Psa. Endured same kind of, as man. Heb. 4: 15. 106: 1. Psa. 107: 1. Psa. 13e: 1-3. Endured, yet without sin. Heb. 4: 15. For the gift of Christ. 2 Cor. 9: 15. ResIst3d by the word of God. Mat. 4: 4, For Christ's power and reign. Rev. 11: 17. 7, 10. For the reception and ef'ectual working of Overcame. Mat. 4:11. Jno. 16: 33. the word of God in others. 1 The. 2: 13. Sympathizes with those under. Heb. 4:15. For deliverance through Christ, from inis able to succour those under. Heb. 2: 18. dwelling sin. Rom. 7: 23-2b. Intercedes for his people under. Luke For victory over death and the grave. 22 31,32. Jno. 17: 15. 1 Cor. 15:57. God will not suffer saints to be exposed to, For wisdom and might. Dan. 2: 23. beyond their power to bear. 1 Cor. 10:13. For the triumph of the gospel. 2 Cor. 22:14. God will make a way for saints to escape For the conversion of others. Rom. 6: 17. out of. 1 Cor. 10: 13. For faith exhibited by others. Rom. 1: 8. God enables saints to bear. 1 Cor. 10:13. 2 The. 1: 3. God knows how to deliver saints out of Forlove exhibited by others. 2 The. 1: 3. 2 Pet. 2: 9. For the grace bestowed on others. 1 Cor. Christ keeps faithful saints from the hour of. 1:4. Phi. 1: 3-5. Col. 1: 3-6. Rev. 3: 10. For the zeal exhibited by others. 2 Cor. Saints may be in heaviness through. 1 Pet. 8: 16. 1: 6. For nearness of God's presence. Psa. 75:1. SAINTS SHOULD For appointment to the ministry. I Tim. Resist, in faith. Eph. 6:16. 1 Pet. 5: 9. 1: 12. Watch against. Mat. 26: 41. 1 Pet. 5: 8. For willingness to offer our property for Pray to be kept from. Mat. 6:13. Mat. God's service. 2 Chr. 29: 6-14. 26: 41. For the supply of our bodily wants. Rom. Not occasion, to others. Rom. 14: 13. 14: 6, 7. 1 Tim. 4: 3, 4. Restore those overcome by. Gal. 6: 1. For all men. 1 Tim. 2: 1. Avoid the way of. Pro. 4:14, 15. For all things. 1 Cor. 9:11. Eph. 5: 20. The devil will renew. Luke 4: 13. Should be accompanied by intercession for Has strength through the weakness of the others. 1 Tim. 2: 1. 2 Tim. 1: 3. Phile. 4. flesh. Mat. 26: 41. Should always accompany prayer. Neh. 11. Hypocrites fall away in time of. Luke 8: 13. 17. Phi. 4: 6. Col. 4: 2. _ ~ ~~..... THE. 101 TIT. Should always accompany praise. Psa. 92: All earthly treasure exposed to. Job 5: 6. 1. Heb. 13: 15. Mat 6: 19. Epressed in psalms. 1 Chr. 16: 7. Heavenly treasure secure from. Mat. 6:20. Ministers appointed to offer, in public. Luke 12: 33. 1 Chr. 16: 4, 7. 1 Chr. 23: 30. 2 Chr. 31: 2. Woe denounced against. Isa. 10: 2. Nah. SAINTS 3: 1. Exhorted to. Psa. 105: 1. Col. 3:15. Illustrates the guilt of false teachers. Jer. Resolve to offer. Psa. 18: 49. Psa. 30: 23: 30. Jno. 10:1, 8, 10. 12. Exemplified. Rachel, Gen. 31: 19. /chasn, Habitually offer. Dan. 6: 10. Jos. 7: 21. Schechemites, Jud. 9: 25. Mi. Offer sacrifices of. Psa. 116:17. cah, Jud. 17: 2. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5: 20-24. Abound in the faith with. Col. 2:7. Two thieves, Mat. 27: 38. Judas, Jno. 12: Magnify God by. Psa. 69: 30. 6. Barabbas, Jno. 18: 40. Come before God with. Psa. 95: 2. Should enter God's gates with. Psa. 100:4. No. 277. TITLES AND NAMES OF Of hypocrites, full of boasting. Luke 18:11. CHRIST. The wicked averse to. Rom. 1: 21. Exemplified. David, 1 Chr. 29:13. levites Adam. 1Cor.15:45. 2 Chr. 5: 12, 13. Daniel, Dan. 2: 23. Jonah, Almighty. Rev. 1: 8. Jon. 2: 9. Sim.eon, Luke 2: 25. nna, Amen. Rev. 3:14. Luke 2: 38. Paul, Acts 28::61. Alpha and Omega. Rev. 1: 8. Rev. 22: 13. Advocate. 1 Jno. 2:1. No. 276. THEFT. Angel. Gen. 48:16. Exo. 23: 20, 21. Is an abomination. Jer. 7: 9, 10. Angel of the Lord. Exo. 3: 2. Jud. 13:15-18. Forbidden. Exo. 20: 15, with Mar. 10: 19. Angel of God's presence. Isa. 63: 9. Rom. 13: 9. I The. 4: 6. Apostle. Heb. 3: 1. From the poor specially forbidden. Pro. Arm of the Lord. Isa. 51: 9. Isa. 53: 1. 22: 22. Author and Finisher of our faith. Heb. 12: 2. Includes fraud in general. Lev. 19: 13. Blessed and only Potentate. 1 Tim. 6: 15. Includes fraud concerning wages. Lev. 19: Beginning of the creation of God. Rev. 3: 14. 13, Mal. 3: 5. Jas. 5:4. Branch. Jer. 23:5. Zec. 3: 8. Zec. 6:12. Proceeds from the heart. Mat. 15:19. Bread of life. Jno. 6: 35, 48. Defiles a man. Mat. 15:20. Breaker. Mic. 2:13. THE WICKED Captain of the Lord's host. Jos. 5:14, 15. Addicted to. Psa. 119: 61. Jer. 7: 9. Captain of salvation. Heb. 2: 10. Store up the fruits of. Amos 3: 10 Chief Shepherd. 1 Pet. 5: 4. Lie in wait to commit. Hos. 6: 9 Christ of God. Luke 9: 20. Commit, under shelter of the night. Job. Consolation of Israel. Luke 2:25. 24: 14. Oba. 5. Chief Corner-stone. Eph. 2: 20. 1 Pet. 2: 6. Consent to those who commit. Psa. 50:18. Commander. Isa. 55: 4. Associate with those who commit. Isa. Counsellor. Isa. 9: 6. 1:23. David. Jer. 30: 9. Eze. 34: 23. May, for a season, prosper in. Job 12: 6. Day-spring. Luke 1: 78. Plead excuses for. Jer. 7: 9, 10. Deliverer. Rom. 11: 26. Repent not of. Rev. 9:21. Desire of all nations. Hag. 2: 7. Destroy themselves by. Pro. 21: 7. Door. Jno. 10: 7. Connected with murder. Jer. 7: 9. Hos. 4: 2. Elect of God. Isa. 42: 1. Shame follows the detection of. Jer. 2: 26. Emmanuel. Isa. 7: 14, with Mat. 1: 23. Brings a curse on those who commit it. Eternal life. 1 Jno. 1:2. 1 Jno. 2. 1 Jno.: 20. Zec. 5:3. Mal. 3:5. Everlasting Father. Isa. 9: 6. Brings a curse on the family of those who Faithful witness. Rev. 1: 5. Rev. 3: 14. commit it. Zec. 5: 4. First and last. Rev. 1: 17. Rev. 2: 8. Brings the wrath of God upon those who First-begotten of the dead. Rev. 1: 5. commit it. Eze. 22: 29, 31. Forerunner. Heb. 6: 20. Brings down judgment on the land. Hos. God. Isa. 40: 9. Jno. 20:`28. 4: 2, 3. God blessed for ever. Rom. 9: 5. Excludes from heaven. 1 Cor. 6: 10. God's fellow. Zec. 13: 7. THEY WHO CONNIVE AT, Glory of the Lord. Isa. 40: 5. Hate their own souls. Pro. 29: 24. Good Shepherd. Jno. 10:14. Shall be reproved of God. Psa. 50: 18, 21. Great High Priest. Heb. 4: 14. Mosaic law respecting. Exo. 22: 1-8. Governor. Mat. 2: 6. SAINTS Head of the Church. Eph. 5: 23. Col. 1: 18. W'arned against. Eph. 4: 28. 1 Pet. 4: 15. Heir of all things. Ieb. 1: 2. Pray to be kept from. Pro. 30: 7-9. Holy Child Jesus. Acts 4: 30. Repudiate the charge of. Gen. 31: 37. Holy One. Psa. 16:10, with Acts 2: 27, 31. TIT. 102 TIT. Holy one of God. Mar. 1: 24. Wisdom. Pro. 8:12. Holy One of Israel. Isa. 41: 14. Witness. Isa. 55: 4. Horn of salvation. Luke 1: 69. Wonderful. Isa. 9: 6. I AM. Exo. 3: 14, with Jno. 8: 58. Word. Jno.1:1. 1 Jno. 5: 7. JEHOVAH. Isa. 26: 4. Isa. 40: 3. Word of God. Rev. 19: 13. Jesus. Mat. 1: 21. 1 The. 1: 10. Word of life. I Jno. 1: 1. Judge of Israel. Mic. 5: 1No. 78. TITLES AND NAMES OF Just One. Acts 7:52. No. 78. TITLES AND NAlIES OF King. Zec. 9: 9, with Mat. 21:5. THE HOLY GHOST. King of Israel. Jno. 1: 49. Breath of the Almighty. Job 33: 4. King of the Jews. Mat. 12: 2. Comforter. Jno. 14:16, 26. Jno. 15: 26. King of saints. Rev. 15: 3. King of kings. I Tim. 6: 16. Rev. 17 14. Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9:14. Law-giver. Isa. 33: 22. Jas. 4:12. Free Spirit. Psa. 51:12. Lamb. Rev. 13 * S. God. Acts 5: 3, 4. Lamb. Rev. 13: S. Lamb of God. Jno. I: 29, 36. Good Spirit. Neh. 9:20. Psa. 143: 10. Leader. Isa. 55:4. Holy Spirit. Psa. 51:11. Luke 311:13. Life. Jno. 14: 6. Col. 3: 4. 1 Jno. 2. Holy Spirit of God. Eph. 4: 30. Light of the world. Jno. 8: 12. Holy Spirit of promise. Eph. 1: 13. Lion of the tribe of Judah. Rev. 5: 5. Lord, The. 2 The. 3: 5. Lord of Glory. 1 Cor. 2: 8. Power of the Highest. Luke 1: 35. Lord of all. fActs 10:36. Rom. 10:12. Spirit, The. Mat. 4:1. Jno. 3: 6. 1 Tim. LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Jer. 23: 6. 4.1. Lord God of the holy prophets. Rev. 22: 6, 16. Spirit of the Lord God. Isa. 61: 1 9. Lord God Almighty. Rev. 15: 3.Isa. 11:2. Acts5:9. Mlediator. i Tim. 2: 5. Spirit of God. Gen. 1: 2. 1 Cor. 2: 11. Messenger of the covenant Mal 3 1 Spirit of the Father. Mat. 10:20. Messiah. Dan. 9: 2. Jno.l: 41. Spirit of Christ. Rom. 8: 9 1 Pet. 1: 11. Mighty God. sa.9:..Spirit of the Son. Gal. 4: 6. Mighty One of Jacob. Isa. 60:16. Spirit of life. Rom. 8: 2. Rev. 11: I. Morning-star. Rev. 22: 16. Spirit of grace. Zec. 12:10. Heb. 10:29. Nazarene. Mat. 2: 23. Spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19: 10. Offspring of David. Rev. 22:16. Spiritofadoption. om 15 Only-begotton. Jno. 1: 14. Spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11:2. Eph 1 17 Our Passover. 1 Cor. 5: 7. Spirit of counsel. Isa. 11: 2. Plant of renown. Eze. 34: 29. Spirit of might. Isa. 11: 2. Prince of life. Acts 3: 15. Spirit of understanding. Isa. 11: 2. Prince of peace. Isa. 9: 6. Spirit of e f the Lord. Isa. 11 2. Prince of the kings of the earth. Rev. 1:. Spirit of the fear of the Lord. Isa. 11:2. Prophet. Lule 24:19. Jno. 7: 40. Spirit of truth Jno. 14: 17 Jno. 1: 26. Ransom. 1 Tim. 2: 6. Spirit of holiness. Rom. 1: 4. Redeemer. Job 19: 25. Isa. 59:20. Isa. 60:16. Spirit of revelation. Eph. 1: 17. Resurrection and life. Jno. 11. 25. Spirit of judgment. Isa. 4: 4. Isa. 28: 6. Rock. I Cor. 10:4. Spirit of burning. Isa. 4: 4. Root of David. Rev. 22:16. Spirit of glory. 1 Pet. 4:14. Root of Jesse. Isa. 11: 10. Seven Spirits of God. Rev. 1: 4. Rose of Sharon. Song of Sol. 2: 1. Ruler in Israel. Mic. 5: 2. No. 279. TITLES AND NAMES OF Saviour. 2 Pet. 2: 20. 2 Pet. 3: 18. THE CURCH. Servants. isa. 42: 1. Shepherd and Bishop of souls. 1 Pet. 2: 25. Assembly of the saints. Psa. 89: 7. Shiloh. Gen. 49:10. Assembly of the upright. Psa. 111:1. Son of the blessed. Mar 14: 61. Body of Christ. Eph. 1: 22, 23. Col. 1: 24. Son of God. Luke 1: 35. Jno. l: 49. Branch of God's planting. Isa. 60: 21. Son of the Highest. Luke 1: 32. Bride of Christ. Rev. 21: 9. Son of David. Mat. 9: 27. Church of God. Acts 20: 28. Son of Man. Jno.: 27. Jno. 6:27. Church of the Living God. 1 Tim. 3: 15. Star. Num. 24: 17. Church of the first-born. Heb. 12: 23. Sun of righteousness. Mal. 4:2. City of the Living God. Heb. 12: 22. Surety. Heb. 7: 22. Congregation of saints. Psa. 149: 1. True God. 1 Jno. 5: 20. Congregation of the Lord's poor. Psa. 74: 19. True Light. Jno 1: 9. Dove. Song of Sol. 2: 14. Song of Sol. 5: 2. True vine. Jno. 15: 1. Family in heaven and earth. Eph. 3: 15. Truth. Jno. 14: 6. Flock of God. Eze. 34: 15. 1 Pet. 5: 2. Way. Jno. 14: 6. Fold of Christ. Jno. 10: 16. TIT. 103'TIT. General assembly of the first-born. Heb. Ministers of the Church. Col. 1: 24, 25. 12: 23. Ministers of righteousness. 2 Cor. 11: 15. Golden candlestick. Rev. 1: 0. Overseers. Acts 20: 28. God's building. 1 Cor. 3: 9. Pastors. Jer. 3: 15. Eph. 4: 11. God's husbandry. 1 Cor. 3: 9. Preachers. Rom. 10:14. 1 Tim. 2:7. God's heritage. -Joel 3: 2. 1 Pet. 5: 3. Preachers of righteousness. 2 Pet. 2: 5. Habitation of God. Eph. 2: 22. Servants of God. Tit. 1l:1. Jas. 1: 1. Heavenly Jerusalem. Gal. 4:26. Heb. 12:22. Servants of the Lord. 2 Tim. 2: 24. Holy city. Rev. 21: 2. Servants of Jesus Christ. Phi. 1::1. Jude 1. Holy mountain. Zec. 8: 3. Servants of the Church. 2. Cor. 4: 5. Holy hill. Psa. 15: 1. Shepherds. Jer. 23: 4. House of God. 1 Tim. 3: 15. Heb. 10: 21. Soldiers of'Christ. Phi. 2: 25. 2 Tim. 2: 3, 4. House of the God of Jacob. Isa. 2: 3. Stars. Rev. 1: 20. Rev. 2:1. House of Christ. Heb. 3: 6. Stewards of God. Tit. 1: 7. Household of God. Eph. 2:19. Stewards of the grace of God. 1 Pet. 4: 10. Inheritance. Psa. 28: 9. Isa. 19: 25. Stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Cor. 4: 1. Israel of God. Gal. 6: 16. Teachers. Isa. 30: 20. Eph. 4:11. King's daughter. Psa. 45: 13. Watchmen. Isa. 62: 6. Eze. 33: 7. Lamb's wife. Rev. 19: 7. Rev. 21: 9. Witnesses. Acts 1:8. Acts 5: 32. Acts 26:16. Lot of God's inheritance. Deu. 32: 9. Workers together with God. 2 Cor. 6: 1. Mount Zion. Psa. 2: 6. Heb. 12: 22. Mountain of the Lord of hosts. Zec. 8:3. No. 281. TITLES AND NAMES Mountain of the Lord's house. Isa. 2: 2. OF SAINTS. New Jerusalem. Rev. 21:2. Pillarand ground of the truth. 1 Tim. 3: 15. Believers. cts5:. Acts 5: 14. Tim.4: 12. Place of God's throne. Eze. 4'3: 7. Beloved of God. Rom. 1: 7. Pleasant porton. Jer. 1. Beloved brethren. 1 Cor. 15: 58. Jas. 2: 5. Pleasant portion. Jer. 12: 10. Sanctuary of God. Psa. 114: 2. Blessed of the Lord. Gen. 24: 31. Gen. 26: 29. Sister of Christ. Song of Sol. 4: 12. Song Blessed of the Father. Mat. 25: 34. of Sol.: 2i. Brethren. Mat. 23: S. Acts 12:17. Spiritual house. 1 Pet. 2: 5. Brethren of Christ. Luke 8: 21. Jno. 20:17. Spouseof Christ. ong of Sol.:12. Song Called of Jesus Christ. Rom. 1: 6. Spouse of Christ. Song o f Sol. 4:1 2. Song Children of the Lord. Deu. 14: 1. of So. 5:1. Strength and glory of God. Psa. 78: 61. ChildrenofGod. Jno. l1:2. 1 Jo.3:10. Sought out, a city not forsaken. Isa. 62: 12. Children of the Living God. Rom. 9: 26. Tabernacle. Psa. i5: 1. Children of the Father. Mat.: 45. The Lord's portion. Deu. 32: 9. Children of the Highest. Luke 6: 35. Temple of God. 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17. Children of Abraham. Gal. 3: 7. Temple of the Living God. 2 Cor. 6: 16. Children of Jacob. Psa. 10: 6. pVineyard. Jher. 12: 1. Mat. 21: 41. 6 Children of promise. Rom. 9: S. Gal. 4:28. Children of the free-woman. Gal. 4: 31. No. 280. TITLES AND NAMES Children of the kingdom. Mat. 13: 38. Children of Zion. Psa. 149: 2. Joel 2: 23. Children of the bride-chamber. Mat. 9 15. Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Cor. 5:20. Children of light. Luke 16: 8. Eph. 5: 8. Angels of the Church. Rev. 1:20. Rev. 2:1. Children of the day. I The. 5: 5. Apostles. Luke 6: 13. Rev. 18: 20. Children of the resurrection. Luke 20: 36. Apostles of Jesus Christ. Tit. I: 1. Chosen generation. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Elders. 1 Tim. 5:17. 1 Pet.5: 1. Chosen ones. 1 Chr. 16: 13. Evangelists. Eph. 4:11. 2 Tim. 4: 5. Chosen vessels. Acts 9: 1. Fishers of men. Mat. 4:19. PIar. 1: 17. Christians. Acts 11: 26. Acts 26: 28. Labourers. Mat. 9: 3S, with Phile. 1. Counsellors of peace. Pro. 12: 20. Labourers in the gospel of Christ. I The. Dear children. Eph. 5:1. 3: 2. Disciples of Christ. Jno. 8: 31. Jno. 15: 8. Lights. Jno. 5: 35. Elect of God. Col. 3:12. Tit. 1:. Men of God. Deu. 33:1. 1 Tim. 6:11. Epistles of Christ. 2 Cor. 3: 3. Messengers of the Church. 2 Cor. 8: 23. Excellent, The. Psa. 16: 3. Messengers of the Lord of hosts. Mal. 2: 7. Faithful brethren in Christ. Col. 1: 2. Ministers of God. 2 Cor. 6: 4., Faithful, The. Psa. 12: 1. Ministers of the Lord. Joel 2: 17. Faithful of the land, The. Psa. 101: 6. Ministers of Christ. Rom. 15: 16. 1 Cor. 4:1. Fellow-citizens. Eph. 2: 19. Ministers of the sanctuary. Eze. 45: 4. Fellow-heirs. Eph. 3: 6. Ministers of the gospel. Eph. 3:7. Col. 1: 23. Fellow.servants. Rev. 6: 11. Ministers of the word. Luke 1: 2. Friends of God. 2 Chr. 20: 7. Jas. 2: 93. Ministers of the New Testament. 2 Cor. 3:6. Friends. Song of Sol. 5: 1. Jno. 15: 15. TIT. 104 TIT. Godly, The. Psa. 4: 3. 2 Pet. 2: 9. Children of Belial. Deu. 13: 13. 2 Chr. Heirs of God. Rom. 8:17. Gal. 4: 7. 13: 7. Heirs of the grace of life. 1 Pet. 3: 7. Children of the devil. Acts 13: 10. 1 Jno. Heirs of the kingdom. Jas. 2: 5. 3:10. Heirs of promise. Heb. 6: 17. Gal. 3: 29. Children of the wicked one. Mat. 13: 38. Heirs of salvation. Heb. 1:14. Children of hell. Mat. 23::15. Hidden ones. Psa. 83: 3. Children of the bond-woman. Gal. 4: 31. Holy brethren. 1 The. 5: 27. Heb. 3: 1. Children of base men. Job 30: 8. Holy and mighty people. Dan. 8: 24. Children of fools. Job 30: S. Holy nation. Exo. 19: 6. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Children of strangers. Isa. 2: 6. Holy people. Deu. 26:19. Isa. 62: 12. Children of transgression. Isa. 57: 4. Holy priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 5. Children of disobedience. Eph. 2: 2. Col. Holy seed. Isa. 6:13. 3: 6. Joint-heirs with Christ. Rom. 8: 17. Children in whom is no faith. Deu. 32: 20. Just, The. Pro. 20: 7. Hab. 2: 4. Children of the flesh, Rom. 9: 8. Kings and priests unto God. Rev. 1: 6. Children of iniquity. Hos. 10: 9. Kingdom of priests. Exo. 19: 6. Children that will not hear the law of the Lambs. lsa 40: 11. Jno. 21: 15. Lord. Isa. 30: 9. Lights of the world. Mat. 5: 14. Children of pride. Job 41: 34. Little children. Jno. 13: 33. Jno. 2:1. Children of this world. Luke 16: 8, Lively stones. I Pet. 2: 5. Children of wickedness. 2 Sam. 7:10. Members of Christ. I Cor. 6: 15. Eph. 5: 30. Children of wrath. Eph. 2:3. Men of God. Deu. 33: 1. 1 Tim. 6: 11. Children that are corrupters. Isa. 1: 4. Obedient children. 1 Pet. 1: 14. Cursed children. 2 Pet. 2: 14. Peculiar people. Deu. 14: 2. Tit. 2:14. Enemies of God. Psa. 37: 20. Jas. 4 4. Peculiar treasure. Exo. 19: 5. Psa. 135: 4. Enemies of the cross of Christ. Phi. 3: 18. People of God. Heb. 4: 9. 1 Pet. 2::10. Enemies of all righteousness. Acts 13: 10. People of God's pasture. Psa 95: 7. Evil doers. Psa. 37: 1. 1 Pet. 2: 14. People of inheritance. Deu. 4: 20, Evil men. Pro. 4: 14. 2Tim. 3: 13. People near unto God. Psa. 148: 14. Evil generation. Deu. 1: 35. People prepared for the Lord. Luke 1: 17. Evil and adulterous generation. Mat. 12:39. People saved by the Lord. Deu. 33:29. Fools. Pro. 1:7. Rom. 1: 22. Pillars in the temple of God. Rev. 3: 12. Froward generation. Deu. 32: 20. Ransomed of the Lord. Isa. 35 10. Generation of vipers. Mat. 3: 7. Mat. 12: 34. Redeemed of the Lord. Isa. 51: 11. Grievous revolters. Jer. 6: 28. Righteous, The. Psa. 1: 6. Mal. 3:18. Haters of God. Psa. 81:15. Rom. 1: 30. Royal priesthood. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Impudent children. Eze. 2: 4. Salt of the earth. Mat. 5: 13. Inventors of evil things. Rom. 1: 30, Seed of Abraham. Psa. 105:6. Lyinpg children. Isa. 30: 9. Seed of the blessed of the Lord. Isa. 65: 23 lMen of the world. Psa. 17: 14. Servants of Christ. 1 Cor. 7: 22. Eph. 6: 6. People laden with iniquity. Isa. 1: 4. Servants of the Lord. Deu 34:5. Isa. 54:17. Perverse and crooked generation. Deu. Servants of the Most High God. Dan. 3: 32: 5. Mat. 17:17. Phi. 2: 15. 26. Rebellious children. Isa. 30:1. Servants of righteousness. Rom. 6: 18. Rebellious people. Isa. 30: 9. Isa. 65: 2. Sheep of Christ. Jno. 10: 1-16. Jno. 21:16. Rebellious nation. Eze. 2: 3. Sheep of the flock. Mat. 26: 31. Rebellious house. Eze. 2: 5, 8. Eze. 12: 2. Sheep of God's hand. Psa. 95: 7. Reprobates. 2 Cor. 13: -7. Sheep of God's pasture. Psa. 79:13. Scornfull, The. Psa. 1: 1. Sojourners with God. Lev. 25: 23. Psa. Seed of falsehood. Isa. 57: 4. 39: 12. Seed of the wicked. Psa. 37: 28. Sons of God. Jno. 1: 12. Phi. 2: 15. Seed of evil doers. Isa. I: 4. Isa. 14:20. Sons of the Living God. Hos. 1: 10. Serpents. Mat. 23: 33. Special people. Deu. 7: 6. Servants of corruption. 2 Pet. 2: 19. The Lord's freemen. 1 Cor. 7: 22. Servants of sin. Jo.: 34. Rom. 6: 20. The Lord's people. 1 Sam. 2: 24. 2 Kin. Sinful generation. Mar. 8: 28. 11: 17. Sinners. Psa. 26:9. Pro. 1: 10. Trees of righteousness. Isa. 61: 3. Sons of Belial. 1 Sam. 2:12. 1 Kin. 21:10. Vessels unto honour. 2 Tim. 2:21. Sottish children. Jer. 4: 22. Vessels of mercy. Rom. 9::23. Strange children. Psa. 144: 7. Witnesses for God. Isa. 43:10. Isa. 44: S. Stubborn and rebellious generation. Psa. Ns. 282. TITLES AND NAMES OF 78: S. Transgressors. Psa. 37: 3. Psa. 51:13. THE WICKED. Ungodly, The. Psa. 1:1. Adversaries of the Lord. 1 Sam. 2: 10. Ungodly men. Jude 4. TIT. TRI. 105 TRU. Unprofitable servants. Mat. 25: 30. and Rom. 15: 19. Jer. 32: 17, with Heb. Untoward generation. Acts 2: 40. 1: 3, and Luke 1: 35. Vessels of wrath. Rom. 9: 22. Omniscient. Acts 15: 18, with Jno. 22: 17, Wicked of the earth. Psa. 75: 8. and 1 Cor. 2: 10, 11. Wicked transgressors. Psa. 59: 5. Creator. Gen. 1: 1, with Col. 1: 16, and Wicked servants. Mat. 25: 26. Job 3: 4. Psa. 148: 5, with Jno. 1: 3, Wicked generation. Mat. 12: 45. Mat. 16: 4. and Job 26:13. Wicked ones. Jer. 2:33. Sanctifier. Jude 1, with Heb. 2: 11, and Wicked doers. Psa. 101: 8. Pro. 17: 4. 1 Pet. 1: 2. Workers of iniquity. Psa. 28: 3. Psa. 36: 12. Author of all spiritual operations. Heb. No. 283. TITLES AND NAMES 13: 21, with Col. 1: 29, and 1 Cor. 12:11. Source of eternal life. Rom. 6: 23, with OF THE DEVIL. Jno. 10: 28, and Gal. 6: 8. Abaddon. Rev. 9:11. Teacher. isa. 54: 13, with Luke 21: 15. Accuser of our brethren. Rev. 12: 10. and Jlo. 14: 26. Isa. 48: 17, with Gal. Adversary. 1 Pet. 5: 8. 1:12, and 1 Jno. 2: 20. Angel of the bottomless pit. Rev. 9: 11. Raising Christ from the dead. 1 Cor. 6: Apollyon. Rev. 9: 11. 14, with Jno. 2: 19, and 1 Pet. 3: 18. Beelzebub. Mat. 12: 24. Inspiring the prophets, &c. Heb. 1: 1, with Belial 2 Cor. 6:15. 2 Cor. 13: 3, and Mar. 13:11. Crooked serpent. Isa. 27:1. Supplying ministers to the Church. Jer. Dragon. Isa. 27: 1. Rev. 20: 2. 3: 15, with Eph. 4: 11, and Acts 20: 28. Enemy. Mat. 13: 39. Jer. 26: 5, with Mat. 10: 5, and Acts 13:2. Evil spirit. 1 Sam. 16: 14. Salvation the work of. 2 The. 2: 13, 14. Tit Father of lies. Jno. 8: 44. 3: 4-6. 1 Pet. 1: 2. Great red dragon. Rev. 12: 3. Baptism administered in name of. Mat. 28: Leviathan. Isa. 27: 1. 19. Liar. Jno. 8: 44. Benediction given in name of. 2 Cor. 13:14. Lying spirit. I Kin. 22: 22. SAINTS Murderer. Jno. 8: 44. Are the temple of 2 Cor. 6: 16, with Eph. Old serpent. Rev. 12: 9. Rev. 20:2. 3: 17, and 1 Cor. 3: 16. Eph. 2: 22, with Piercing serpent. Isa. 27:1. Col. 1: 27, and 1 Cor. 6: 19. Power of darkness. Col. 1:13. Have fellowship with. 1 Jno. 1: 3, with Prince of this world. Jno. 14: 30. Phi. 2: 1. Prince of the devils. Mat. 12: 24. Sin, a tempting of. Deu. 6: 16, with 1 Cor. Prince of the power of the air. Eph. 2: 2. 10: 9, and Acts 5: 9. Ruler of the darkness of this world. Eph. The Israelites in the wilderness tempted. 6: 12. Exo. 17: 7, with 1 Cor. 10: 9, and Heb. 3: Satan. 1 Chr. 21:l1. Job 1: 6. 7, 9. Serpent. Gen. 3: 4,14. 2 Cor. 11:3. No. 285. TRUST. Spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience. Eph. 2: 2. God is the true object of. Pea. 6: 5. Tempter. MatE. 4: 3. 1 The. 3:. The fear of God leads to. Pro. 14:26. Tempter. Mat. 4: 3. 1 The. 3: 5. The god of this world. 2 Cor. 4: 4. ENcouarGEaIENTS TO; Unclean spirit. Mat. 2: 43. The everlasting strength of God. Isa. 26: 4. Wicked one. Mat. 13: 19, 3. The goodness of God. Nah. 1: 7. The loving-kindness of God. Psa. 36:7. No. 284. TRINITY, THE. The rich bounty of God. 1 Tim. 6: 17. Doctrine of, proved from Scripture. Mat. 3: The care of God for us. 1 Pet. 5: 7. 16, 17. Rom. 8: 9. 1 Cor. 12: 3-6. Eph. Former deliverances. Psa. 9: 10. 2 Cor. 4:4-6. 1 Pet. 1: 2. 1 Jno. 5: 7. Jude 1:10. 20, 21. Should be with the whole heart. Pro. 3: 5. Divine titles applied to the three persons in. Should be from youth up. Psa. 71: 5. Exo. 20: 2, with Jno. 20: 28, and Acts 5: OF SA.INTS IS 3, 4. Not in the flesh. Phi. 3: 3, 4. EACH PERSON IN, DESCRIBED AS Not in themselves. 2 Cor. 1: 9. Eternal. Rom. 16: 26, with Rev. 22: 13. Not in carnal weapons. 1 Sam. 17: 38, 39, and Heb. 9: 14. 45. Psa.44:6. 2Cor. 0: 4. Holy. Rev. 4: 8. Rev. 15: 4, with Acts In God. Psa. 11: 1. Psa. 31: 14. 2 Cor. 1: 9. 3:14, and 1 Jno. 2: 20. In the word of God. Psa. 119:42. True. Jno. 7: 28, with Rev. 3: 7, and 1 In the mercy of God. Psa. 13: 5. Psa. 52: 8. Jno. 5: 6. In Christ. Eph. 3: 12. Omnipresent. Jer. 23: 24, with Eph. 1: Through Christ. 2 Cor. 3: 4. 23, and Psa. 139: 7. Grounded on the covenant. 2 Sam. 23: 5. Omnipotent. Gen. 17:1, with Rev. 1: 8, Strong in the prospect of death. Psa 23: 4. TRU. 106 TRU. Fixed. 2 Sam. 23:3. Psa. 112:7. No. 286. TRUTH. Unalterable. Job 13: lb. God is a God of. Deu. 32:4. Psa. 31: 5. Despised by the wicked. Isa. 36:4,7. Christ is. Jno. 14: 6, with Jno. 7: 18. At all times. Psa. 62: 8. Christ was full of. Jno. 1: 14. Forever. Psa.52:8. lsa.26:4. Saints plead, in prayer. Psa. 25: 20. Psa. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of. Jno. 14:17 31: 1. Psa. 141: S. The Holy Ghost guides into all. Jno. 16: 13. The Lord knows those who have. Nah. The word of God is.es iDo alL n. 16 13. 1:7. 17:17. Exhortations to. Psa. 4: 5. Psa. 115:9 —11. God regards, with favour. Jer. 5: 3. LEing compassed with mercy. Psa. 32: 10. The judgments of God are according to. Psa. Being compassed with mercy. Psa. 322:10. 96 13. Rom.2:2. Enjoyment of perfect peace. Isa. 26: 3. SINTS SHOULD Enjoyment of all temporal and spiritual Worship God in 24, with Pa. blessings. Isa. 57 13. blessings. Isa. 57:13. Worship God in. Jno. 4: 24, with Psa. Enjoyment of happiness. Pro. 16: 20. 14:18. Rejoicing in God. Pa. 5 11 Pa. 33 21 Serve God in. Jos. 24:14. 1 Sam. 12: 24. Rejoicing in God. Psa. 5. 11. Psa.33:21 Walk beforeGodin. 1Kin.2:4. 2Kin. Fulfilment of all holy desires. Psa. 37: 5. Walk before God n. Kn. 2: 4. 2 Kn. Deliverance from enemies. Psa. 37 40. 20: 3. Safety in times of danger. Pro. 29: 2. Keep religious feasts with. 1 Cor. 5: 8. Stability. Psa. 125: 1. Esteem, as inestimable. Pro. 23: 23. Prosperity. Pro. 28; 25. KEProsperity. Pro. 28. Rejoice in. 1 Cor. 13: 6. Fear. Psa. 56:11. Isa. 12: 2. Hebl 13: 6. Speak, to one another. Zec. 8:16. Eph. Sliding. Psa. 26: 1. 4: 25. Desolation. Psa. 34: 22. Execute judgment witll. Zec. 8S: 16. To be accompanied by doing good. Psa. 37: 3 Meditate upon. Phi. 4: 8. Blessedness of placing, in God. Psa. 2: 12. Bind, about the neck. Pro. 3: 3. Psa. 34:. Psa. 40: 4. Jer. 17: 7. Write, upon the tables of the heart. Pro. OF THE W~ICKED 3:3. Is not in God. Psa. 78: 22. Zep. 3. 2. God desires, in the heart. Psa. 51: 6. Is in idols. lsa. 42:17. Hab. 2: 18. The fruit of the Spirit is in. Eph. 5: 9. Is in man. Jud, 9: 26. Psa. 118: 8, 9. MINISTERS SHOULD Is in their own heart. Pro. 28: 26. Speak. 2 Cor. 12: 6. Gal. 4:16. Is in their own righteousness. Luke 18; Teach in. l Tim. 2: 7. 9: 12. Approve themselves by. 2 Cor. 6: 7, S. Is in their religious privileges. Jer. 7: 4, 8. Magistrates should be men of. EXo. 18: 21. Mic. 3: 11. Jno. 8: 33. Kings are preserved by. Pro. 20: 28. Is in oppression. Psa. 62:10. Isa. 30: 12. THEY WH-IO SPEAK, Is in wickedness. Isa. 47: 10. Show forth righteousness. Pro. 12:17. Is in vanity. Job-15: 31. Isa. 59: 4. Shall be established. Pro. 12: 19. Is in falsehood. Isa. 28: 15. Jer. 13: 25. Are the delight of God. Pro. 12: 22. Is in earthly alliances. Isa. 30: 2. Eze. THE WICKED 17: 15. Destitute of. Hos. 4: 1. Is in fenced cities. Jer. 5: 17. Speak not. Jer. 9:5. Is in chariots and horses. Psa. 20: 7. Uphold not. Isa. 59: 14, 15. Is in wealth. Psa. 49: 6. Psa. 52: 7. Pro. Plead not for. lsa. 59: 4. 11: 28. Jer. 48: 7. Mar. 10: 24. Are not valiant for. Jer. 9: 3. Is vain and delusive. Isa. 30; 7. Jer. 2: 37. Punished for want of. Jer. 9: 5, 9. Hos. Shall make them ashamed. Isa. 20: 5. Isa. 4:1, 3 30: 3, 5. Jer. 48: 13, THE GOSPEL AS, Shall be destroyed. Job 15: 14. Isa.2S:18. Came by Christ. Jno. 1: 17. VWoe and curse of false. Isa. 30: 1, 2. Isa. Christ bare witness to. Jno. 18: 37. 31: l-3. Jer. 17: 5. Is in Christ. 1 Tim. 2: 7. CT saints-Illustrated. Psa. 91: 12. Pro. 18:10. John bare witness to. Jno. 5: 33. Of the wicked-Illustrated. 2 Kin. 1S: 21. Is according to godliness. Tit. 1: 1. Job 8:14. Job 18: 21. Is sanctifying. Jno. 17: 17, 19. Of saints-Exemplified. David, 1 Sam. 17: Is purifying. 1 Pet. 1: 22. 45. 1 Sam. 30: 6. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18: 5. Is part of the christian armour. Eph. 6:14. Jehoshlapshat, Chr. 20: 12. Shadeach, 4.c. Revealed abundantly to saints. Jer. 33: 6. Dan. 3: 28. Pasul, 2 Tim. 1:12. Abides continually with saints. 2 Jno. 2. Of the wicked-Exemplified. Goliath, 1 Should be acknowledged. 2 Tim. 2: 2.5. Sam. 17: 43-45. Benhadlad, 1 Kin. 20: 10. Should be believed. 2 The. 2: 12, 13. Sennacherib, 2 Chr. 32: 8. Israelites, Isa. 1 Tim. 4: 3. 81:1. Should be obeyed. Rom. 2: 8. Gal. 3:1 TYP. 107 UNB. Should be loved. 2 The. 2: 10. Brazen serpent. Num. 21: 9, with Jno. 3 Should be manifested. 2 Cor. 4:2. 14, 15. Should be rightly divided. 2 Tim. 2: 15. Brazen altar. Exo.'27: 1, 2, with Heb. 13:10. The wicked turn away firom. 2 Tim. 4: 4. Burnt-offering. Lev. 1: 2. 4, with Heb. 10: 10. The wricked resist. 2 Tim. 3: 8. Cities of refuge. Num. 35: 6, with Heb. 6: 18. The wicked destitute of. 1 Tim. 6: 5. David. 2 Sam. 8:15, with Eze. 37: 24. Psa. The Church is the pillar and ground of. 89: 19, 20, with Phi. 2: 9. I Tim. 3: 15. Eliakim. lsa. 22: 20-22, with Rev. 3: 7. The devil is devoid of. Jno. 8: 44. First-fruits. Exo. 22: 29, with 1 Cor. 15: 20. No. 287. TRUTH OF GOD, THE. Golden candlestick. Exo. 25: 31, with Jno. Is one of his attributes. Deu. 32:4. Isa. 65: 8:12. 16. Golden altar. Exo. 40: 5, 26, 27, with Rev. Always goes before hlis face. Psa. 9:14. 8:3, and eb. 134.: 15. He keeps, for ever. Psa. 146: 6. isaac. Gen. 22: 1, 2, with Heb. 11:17-19. I)DEscesED as Jacob. Gen. 32: 28, with Jno. 11: 42. Heb. Great. Psa. 57: 10. 7:25. Plenteous. Psa. 86:15. Jacob's ladder. Gen, 28: 12, with Jno. 1: 51. Abundant. Exo. 34: 6. Joseph. Gen. 50: 19, 20, with Heb. 7: 25. Inviolable. Num. 23:19. Tit. 1: 2. Joshua. Jos. 1: 5, 6, with Heb. 4: 8, 9. Jos. Reaching to the clouds. Psa. 57: 10. 11: 23, with Acts 20: 32. Enduring to all generations. Psa. 100: 5. Jonah. Jon. 1: 17, with Mat. 12: 40. United with mercy in redemption. I'sa. 85: Laver of brass. Exo. 30:18-20, with Zec. i0. 13: 1. Eph. 5: 26, 27. EXHIBITED IN HIS Leper's offering. Lev. 14: 4-7, with Rom. Counsels of old. Isa. 25: 1. 4: 25. Ways. Rev. 15: 3. Manna. Exo. 16: 11-15, with Jno. 6:32-35. Worlks. Psa. 33: 4. Psa. 111: 7. Dan. 4: 37. Melcihizedek. Gen. 14:18-20, with Heb. Judicial statutes. Psa. 19: 9. 7:1-17. Administration ofjustice. Psa. 96: 13. Mercy-seat. Exo. 25: 17-22, with Rom. 3: Word. Psa. 119:160. Jo.17:17. 25. Heb. 4:16. Fulfilment of promises in Christ. 2 Cor. Morneing and evening sacrifices. Exo. 29: 1: 20. 38-41, with Jno. 1: 29, 36. Fulfilment of his covenant. Mic. 7:20. Moses. Num. 12: 7, with Heb. 3: 2. Deu. Dealings with saints. Psa. 25:10. 18:15, with Acts 3: 20-22. Deliverance of saints. Psa. 57: 3. Noah. Gen. 5: 29. 2 Cor. 1: 5. Punishment of the wicked. Rev. 16: 7. Paschal lamb. Exo. 12: 3-6, 46, with Jno. Remembered towards saints. Psa. 98:3. 19:36. I Cor. 5:7. Is a shield and buckler to saints. Psa. 91: 4. Peace-offering. Lev. 3: 1, with Eph. 2: WE SHOULD 14, 16. Confide in. Psa. 31: 5. Tit. 1:: Red heifer. Num. 19: 2-6, with Heb. 9: Plead, in prayer, Psa. 89: 49. 13, 14. Pray for its manifestation to ourselves. 2 Rock of Horeb. Exo. 17: 6, with 1 Cor. Chr. 6:17. 10:4. Pray for its exhibition to others. 2 Sam. 2:6. Samson. Jud. 16: 30, with Col. 2: 14, 15. Make known, to others. Isa. 38: 19. Scape-goat. Lev. 16: 20-22, with Isa. 53: Magnify. Psa. 71: 22. Psa. 138: 2. 6, 12. Is DENIED BY Sin-offlering. Lev. 4: 2, 3, 12, with Heb. 13: The devil. Gen. 3: 4, 5. 11, 12. The self-righteous. I Jno. 1: 10. Solomon. 2 Sam. 7: 12, 13, with Luke 1: Unbelievers. 1 Jno. 5: 10. 32, 33. 1 Pet. 2: 5. Exemplified towards.Jlbrahalt, Gen. 24: 27. Tabernacle. Exo. 40: 2, 34, with Heb. 9: Jacob, Gen. 32: 10. Israel, Psa. 98: 3. 11. Col. 2: 9. No. 288. TYPES OF CHRIST. Table and shew-bread. Exo. 25: 23-30, with Jno. I: 16. Jno. 6: 48. Adam. Rom. 5: 14. 1 Cor. 15: 45. Temple. I Kin, 6: 1, 38, with Jno. 2: 19, 21. Abel. Gen. 4: 8, 10, with Acts 2: 23. Heb. Tree of life. Gen. 2: 9, with Jno. I: 4. 12: 24. Rev. 22: 2. Abraham. Gen. 17: 5, with Eph. 3:15. Trespass-offering. Lev. 6: 1-7, with Isa. Aaron. Exo. 28: 1, with Heb. 5: 4, 5. Lev. 53: 10. 16:15, with Heb. 9: 7, 24. Vail of the tabernacle and temple. Exo. Ark. Gen. 7: 16, with 1 Pet. 3:20, 21. 40: 21. 2 Chr. 3:14, with Heb. 10: 20. Ark of the covenant. Exo. 25:16, with Psa. Zerubbabel. Zec. 4: 7-9, with Heb. 12: 2, 3. 40:8. Isa.42:6. Atonement, sacrifices offered on the day of, No. 289. UNBELIEF. Lev. 16: 15, 16, with Heb. 9: 12, 24. Is sin. Jno. 16: 9. UNB. 108 U N I. Defilement inseparable from. Tit. 1: 15. Luke 24: 11, 25. Zachac.ias, Luke 1: 20. All, by nature, concluded in. Rom. 11: 32. Chief Priests, Luke 22: 67. The Jews, PROCEED FROMI Jno. 5: 38. Breithren of Chlist, Jno. 7: 5. An evil heart. Heb. 3:12. Thomas, Jno. 20: 25. Jewus of Iconium, Slowness of heart. Luke 24: 25. Acts 14: 2. Thessalonsian Jewus, Acts 17: 5. Hardness of heart iV.ar. 16:14. Acts 19:9. Ephesians, Acts 19: 9. Saul, 1 Tim. 1: 13. Disinclination to the truth. Jno. 8: 45, 46. People of Jericho, Heb. 11: 31. Judicial blindness. Jno. 12: 39, 40. Not being Christ's sheep. Jno. 10: 26. No. 290. UNION WITH CHRIST. The devil blinding the mind. 2 Cor. 4: 4. As head of the Church. Eph. 1: 22, 23. Eph. The-devil taking away the word out of 4: 15, 16. Col. 1: 18. the heart. Luke 8: 12. Christ prayed that all saints might have Seeking honour from men. Jno. 5: 44. Jno. 17: 21, 23. Impugns the veracity of God. 1 Jno. 5: 10. DESCRIBED.AS EXHIBITED IN Christ being in us. Eph. 3: 17. Col. 1: 27. Rejecting Christ. Jno. 16: 9. Our being in Christ. 2 Cor. 1;2: 2. 1 Jno. Rejecting the word of God. Psa. 106: 24. 5: 20. Rejecting the gospel. isa. 53: 1. Jno. Includes union with the Father. Jno. 17: 12: 38. 21. 1 Jno.2:24. Rejecting evidence of miracles Jno. 12: Is of God. 1 Cor. 1: 30. 37. MAINTAINED BY Departing from God. Heb. 3: 12. Faith. Gal. 2: 20. Eph. 3: 17. Questioning the power of God. 2 Kin. Abiding in him. Jno. 15: 4, 7. 7: 2. Psa. 79: 19, 20. His word abiding in us. Jno. 15:7. 1 Jno. Not believing the works of God. Psa. 2: 24. 2 Jno. 9. 78: 32. Feeding on him. Jno. 6: 56. Staggering at the promise of God. Rom. Obeying him. 1 Jno. 3: 24. 4:.20. The Holy Ghost witnesses to. 1 Jno. 3::24. Rebuked by Christ. Mat. 17: 17. Jno. 20: 27. The gift of the Holy Ghost is an evidence of. Was an impediment to the performance of 1 Jno. 4:13. miracles. Mat. 17:20. Mar. 6:5. SAINTS Miracles designed to convince those in. Jno. Have, in mind. 1 Cor. 2: 16. Phi. 2: 5. 10: 37, 38. 1 Cor. 14: 22. Have, in spirit. 1 Cor. 6: 17. The Jews rejected for. Rom. 11: 20. Have, in love. Song of Sol. 2: 16. Song Believers should hold no communion with of Sol. 7:10. those in. 2 Cor. 6:14. Have, in sufferings. Phi. 3: 10. 2 Tim. THF.Y vWHO ARE GUILTY OF, 2: 12. Have not the word of God in them. Jno. Have, in his death. Rom. 6: 3-8. Gal. 5:39. 2: 20. Cannot please God. Heb. 11:6. Have assurance of. Jno. 14:20. Malign the gospel. Acts 19:9. Enjoy, in the Lord's supper. 1 Cor. 10: Persecute the ministers of God. Rom. 15: 16, 17. 31. Identified with Christ by. Mat. 25: 40, 45. Excite others against saints. Acts 14: 2. Acts 9: 4, with Acts S: 1. Persevere in it. Jno. 12: 37. Are complete through. Col. 2: 10. Harden their necks. 2 Kin. 17: 14. Exhorted to maintain. Jno. 15: 4. Acts Are condemned already. Jno. 3: 18. 11: 23. Col. 2: 7. Have the wrath of God abiding upon them. Necessary to growth in grace. Eph. 4: 15, Jno 3: 36. 16. Col. 2: 19. Shall not be established. Isa. 7: 9. Necessary to fruitfulness. Jno. 15: 4, 5. Shall die in their sins. Jno. 8::24. BENEFICIAL RESULTS OF; Shall not enter rest. Heb. 3:19. Heb. 4:11. Righteousness imputed. 2 Cor. 5: 21. Phi. Shall be condemned. Mar. 16: 16. 2 The. 3: 9, 2: 12. Freedom from condemnation. Rom. 8: 1. Shall be destroyed. Jude 5. Freedom from dominion of sin. 1 Jno. 3:6. Shall be cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 21:8. Being created anew. 2 Cor. 5: 17. Warnings against. Heb. 3: 12. Heb. 4: 11. The spirit alive to righteousness. Rom. Pray for help against. Mar. 9:24. 8: 10. The portion of, awarded to all unfaithful Confidence athis coming. 1 Jno. 2: 28. servants. Luke 12: 46. Abundant fruitfulness. Jno. 15: 5. Exemplified. Eve, Gen. 3: 4-6. Moses and Answers to prayer. Jno. 15:7. E.arson, Num. 20: 12. Israelites, Deu. 9: They who have, ought to walk as He walk23. Naaman, 2 Kin. 5: 12. Samaritan ed. 1 Jno. 2:6. lurd, 2 Kin. 7: 2. -Disciples, Mat. 17: 17. False teachers have not. Col. 2: 18, 19. UNI. UPR. 109 VAN. Is indissoluble. Rom. 8: 35. Love Christ. Song of Sol. 1: 4. Punishment of those who have not. Jno.15: 6. Countenanced by God. Psa. 11: 7. Illustrated. Vine and branches, Jno. 15: 1, 5. Delighted in by God. Pro. 11: 20. Fouzndation and building, I Cor. 3, 10, 11. Their prayer delighted in by God. Pro. Eph. 2:20, 21. 1 Pet. 2:4-6. Bcdy and 15: S. members, 1 Cor. 12: 12, 27. Eph. 5: 30. Prospered by God. Job 8: 6. Pro. 14:11. Husband and wife. Eph. 5: 25-32. Defended by God. Pro. 2:7. No. 291. UNITY OF GOD. Upheld in it by God. Psa. 41:12. A ground for obeying him exclusively. Deu. Recompensed by God. Psa. 18:23, 24. 4: 39, 40. Find strength in God's way. Pro. 10: 29. A ground for loving him supremely. Deu. Obtain good from God's word. Mic. 2: 7. 6: 4, 5, with Mar. 12: 29, 30. Obtain light in darkness. Psa. 112: 4. AssERTED BY Guided by integrity. Pro. 11: 3. God himself. Isa. 44: 6, 8. Isa. 45: 18, 21. Walk surely. Pro. 10: 9. Christ. Mar. 12: 29. Jno. 17: 3. Direct their way. Pro. 21: 29. Moses. Deu. 4:39. Deu. 6:4. Kept by righteousness. Pro. 13: 6, Apostles. 1 Cor. S: 4, 6. Eph. 4: 6. 1 Tim. Scorned by the wicked. Job 12: 4. 2: 5. Hated by the wicked. Pro. 29: 10. Amos Consistdilt with the deity of Christ and of 5:10, the Holy Ghost. Jno. 10: 30, with i Jno. Abominated by the wicked. Pro. 29: 27. a:.7. Jno. 14 * 9-11. Persecuted by the wicked. Psa. 37: 14. EXHIBITED IN Praise is comely for. Psa. 33:1. His greatness and wonderfulworks. 2 Sam. A blessing to others. Pro. 11: 11. 7: 22. Psa. 86: 10. The truly wise walk in. Pro. 15: 21. His worlks of creation and Providence. Isa. The way of, is to depart from evil. Pro. 16:17. 44:24. Isa. 45:6-8. THEY WHO WALK IN, SHALL His being alone possessed of foreknow Possess good tings. Pro. 2:10. ledge. Isa. 46: 9-11. Have nothing good withheld. Psa. 84:11. His exercise of uncontrolled sovereignty. Dwellinthe land. Pro. 2: 21. Deu. 32:39. Dwell on high and be provided for. Isa. His being the sole object of worship in 33:16. Dwell with God. Psa. 151: 2. P a. 140:13. heaven and earth. Neh. 9: 6. Mat. 4: 10. Dwellwith God. Psa. 11: 2. Psa. 140:13. His being alone good. Mat. 19: 17. Be delivered by righteousness. Pro. 11:6.2:2. His being the only Saviour. Isa. 45: 21, 22. Be delivered by rhteousness. Pro. 11:6. His being the only source of pardon. Mic.13e delivered by their wisdom. Pro. 126. Be saved. Pro. 29: 18. 7:18, with Mar. 2: 7. His unparalleled election and care of his Enter into peace. Psa. 37: 37. sa. 17: 2. people. Deu. 4: 32-3d. Have dominion over the wicked. Psa. 49: The knowledge of, necessary to eternal life. Have an inheriance for ever. a. 37 1 Jno. 17. 3. Have an inheritance for ever. Psa. 37: 18. Jno. 17: 3A characteristic of saints. Psa. 111:1. Isa. All saints acknowledge, in worshipping him. 26: 7. 2 Sam. 7: 22. 2 Kin. 19: 15. 1 Chr. 17: 20. 26: 7. All should know and acknowledge. Deu Saints should resolve to walk in. Psa. 26:11. 4: 35. Psa. 83: 18. THE W in May be acknowledged without saving faith. Have not, in heart. Hab. 2: 4. Jas. 2: 19, 20. Leave the path of. Pro. 2:13. N.o. 29, 20. IPRIGHTNESS. Do not act with. Mic. 7: 2, 4. No. 292. UPRIGHTNESS. Pray forthose who walk in. Psa. 125: 4. God is perfect in. Isa. 26: 7. Reprove those who deviate from. Gal. 2:14. God has pleasure in. 1 Chr. 29: 17. No. 293. VANI.Y. God created man in. Ecc. 7: 29. Man has deviated from. Ecc. 7: 29. A consequence of the fall. Rom. 8: 20. SHOULD BE IN Every man is. Psa. 39: 11. Heart. 2 Chr. 29: 34. Psa. 125: 4. Every state of man is. Psa. 62: 9. Speech. Isa. 33: 15. Man at his best estate is. Psa. 39: 5. Walk. Pro. 14: 2. Man is like to. Psa. 144: 4. Judging. Psa. 58:1. Psa. 75: 2. The thoughts of man are. Psa. 94: 11. Ruling. Psa. 78: 72. The days of man are. Job 7:16. Ecc. 6: 12. The being kept from presumptuous sins is Childhood and youth are. Ecc. 11: 10. necessary to. Psa. 19: 13. The beauty of man is. Psa. 39: 11. Pro. 31: 30. With poverty, is better than sin with riches. The help of man is. Psa. 60: 11. Lam. 4: 17. Pro. 28: 6. Man's own righteousness is. Isa. 57: 12. With poverty, is better thanfolly. Pro. 19:1. Worldly wisdom is. Ecc. 2: 15, 21. 1 Cor. THEY WHO WALK IN, 3: 20. Fear God. Pro. 14: 2. Worldly pleasure is. Ecc. 2: 1. 10 WAI. 110 WAR. Worldly anxiety is. Psa. 39: 6. Psa. 127: 2. The fulfilment of his word. Hab. 2: 3. Worldly labour is. Ecc. 2:11. Ecc. 4:4. The fulfilment of his promises. Acts 1: 4. Worldly enjoyment is. Ecc. 2: 3, 10, 11. Hope of righteousness by faith. Gal. 5: 5.'Worldly possessions are. Ecc. 2:4-11. Coming of Christ. I Cor. 1: 7. 1 The. 1:10. Treasures of wickedness are. Pro. 10: 2. Is good. Psa. 52: 9. Heaping up riches is. Ecc. 2:26. Ecc. 4: 8. God calls us to. Zep. 3:8. Love of riches is. Ecc. 5: 10. Exhortations and encouragements to. Psa. Unblessed riches are. Ecc. 6: 2. 27: 14. Psa. 37: 7. Hos. 12: 6. Riches gotten by falsehood are. Pro. 21: 6. SHOULD BE All earthly things are. Ecc. 1: 2. With the soul. Psa. 62: 1, 5. Foolish questions, &c. are. I Tim. 1: 6, 7. With earnest desire. Psa. 130: 6. 1 Tim. 6: 20. 2 Tim. 2:14, 16. Tit. 3: 9. With patience. Psa. 37: 7. Psa. 40: I. The conduct of the ungodly is. I Pet. 1: 18. With resignation. Lam. 3: 26. The religion of hypocrites is. Jas. 1: 26. With hope in his word. Psa. 130: 5. The worship of the wicked is. Isa. 1:13. With full confidence. Mic. 7: 7. Mat. 6: 7. Continually. Hos. 12: 6. Lying words are. Jer. 7: S. All the day. Psa. 25: 5. False teaching is but. Jer. 23: 32. Specially in adversity. Psa. 59: 1-9. Isa. Mere external religion is. 1 Tim. 4: 8. 8:17. Heb. 13: 9. In the way of his judgments. Isa. 26: 8. Almsgiving without charity is. 1 Cor. 13: 3. Saints resolve on. Psa. 52: 9. Psa. 59: 9. Faith without works is. Jas. 2: 14. Saints have expectation from. Psa. 62: 5. Idolatry is. 2 Kin. 17: 15. Psa. 31: 6. Isa. Saints plead, in prayer. Psa. 25: 21. Isa. 44: 9,10. Jer. 10:. Jer.18:15. 33:2. Wealth gotten by, diminishes. Pro. 13:11. The patience of saints often tried in. Psa. SAINTS 69: 3. Hate the thoughts of. Psa. 119: 113. THEY w-HO ENGAGE IN, Pray to be kept from. Psa. 119: 37. Pro. Wait upon him only. Psa. 62: 5. 30: 8. Are heard. Psa. 40: 1. Avoid. Psa. 24: 4. Are blessed. Isa. 30: 18. Dan. 12:12. Avoid those given to. Psa. 26: 4. Experience his goodness. Lam. 3: 25. THE WICKED Shall not be ashamed. Psa. 25: 3. Isa. Especially characterized by. Job 11: 11. 49: 23. Though full of, affect to be wise. Job 11:12. Shall renew their strength, &c. Isa. 4I0: 31. Love. Psa. 4: 2. Shall inherit the earth. Psa. 37: 9. Imagine. Psa. 2: 1. Acts 4: 25. Rom. 1:21. Shall be saved. Pro. 20: 22. Isa. 25: 9. Devise. Psa. 36: 4. (See MIsargin.) Shall rejoice in salvation. Isa. 25: 9. Speak. Psa. 10: 7. Psa. 12: 2. Psa. 41: 6. Shall receive the giorious things prepared Count God's Service as. Job 21: 15. Mal. by God for them. Isa. 64: 4. 3:14. Predicted of the Gentiles. lsa. 42: 4. Isa. Allure others by words of. 2 Pet. 2: 18. 60: 9. Walk after. Jer. 2: 5. Illustrated. Psa. 123: 2. Luke 12: 36. Jas. Walk in. Psa. 39: 6. Eph. 4:17. 5: 7. Inherit. Jer. 16: 19. Exemplified. Jacob, Gen. 49: 18. David, Reap. Pro. 22: S. Jer. 12:13. Psa. 39: 7. Isaiah, Isa. 8: 17. Micah, Mic. Judicially given up to. Psa. 78: 33. isa. 7: 7. Joseph, Mar. 15: 43. 57:13. No. 295. WARFARE OF SAINTS. Fools follow those given to. Pro. 12: 11. Following those given to, leads to poverty. Is not after the flesh. 2 Cor. l0: 3. Pro. 28: 19. Is a good warfare. I Tim. 1: 18, 19. They who trust in, rewarded with. Job Called the good fight of faith. 1 Tim. 6:12. 15: 31. Is AGAINST ~No. 294. WAITING UPONThe devil. Gen. 3:15. 2 Cor. 2:11. Eph. No. 294. WAITING UPON GOD. 6:12. Jas. 4::7. 1 Pet. 5: 8. Rev. 12:17. As the God of providence. Jer. 14::22. The flesh. Rom. 7: 23. 1 Cor. 9: 25-27. As the God of salvation. Psa. 25: 5. 2 Cor. 12: 7. Gal. 5:17. 1 Pet. 2: 11. As the Giver of all temporal blessings. Psa. Enemies. Psa. 38: 19. Psa. 56: 2. Psa. 104: 27, 28. Psa. 145:15, 16. 59: 3. FoR The world. Jno. 16: 33. 1 Jno.5: 4, 5. Mercy. Psa. 123: 2. Death. 1 Cor. 15: 26, with Heb. 2: 14, 15. Pardon. Psa. 39: 7, S. Often arises from the, opposition of friends The consolation of Israel. Luke 2: 25. or relatives. Mic. 7: 6, with Mat. 10: 35, Salvation. Gen. 49: 18. Psa. 62: 1, 2. 36. Guidance and teaching. Psa. 25: 5. To BE CARRIED ON Protection. Psa. 33: 20. Psa. 59: 9, 10. Under Christ, as our Captain. Heb. 2:10. WAR. 111 WAT, WIC. Under the Lord's banner. Psa. 60: 4. THEY WHO OVERCOMIE IN, SHALL With faith. I Tim. 1: 18, 19. Eat of the hidden manna. Rev. 2: 17. With a good conscience. 1 Tim. 1: 18, 19. Eat of the tree of life. Rev. 2: 7. With stedfastness in the faith. 1 Cor. 16: Be clothed in white raiment. Rev. 3: 5. 13. 1 Pet. 5: 9, with Heb. 10: 23. Be pillars in the temple'of God. Rev. 3: 12. With earnestness. Jude 3. Sit with Christ in his throne. Rev. 3: 21. With watchfulness. I Cor. 16:13. 1 Pet. Have a white stone, and, in it a new name D:8. written. Rev. 2:17. With sobriety. 1 The. 5: 6. 1 Pet. 5: 8. Have power over the nations. Rev. 2: 26. With endurance of hardness. 2 Tim. 2: Have the name of God written upon them 3, 10. by Christ. Rev. 3:12. With self-denial. 1 Cor. 9: 25-27. Have God as their God. Rev. 21: 7. With confidence in God. Psa. 27:1-3. Have the morning-star. Rev. 2: 28. With prayer. Psa. 35: 1-3. Eph. 6:1S. Inherit all things. Rev. 21: 7. Without earthly entanglements. 2 Tim. Be confessed by Christ before God the 2: 4. Father. Rev. 3: 5. Mere professors do not maintain. Jer. 9: 3. Be sons of God. Rev. 21: 7. SAINTS Not be hurt by the second death. Rev. 2: 11. Are all engaged in. Phi. 1: 30. Not have their names blotted out of the Must stand firm in. Eph. 6:13, 14. book of life. Rev. 3: 5. Exhorted to diligence in. 1 Tim. 6: 12. Illustrated. Isa. 9: 5. Zec. 10: 5. Jude 3. No. 296. WATCHFULNESS Encouraged in. Isa. 41: 11, 12. Isa. 51 12. Mic. 7: S. 1 Jno. 4: 4. Christ an example of. Mat. 26: 38, 40. Luke Helped by God in. Psa. 118: 13. Isa. 41 6:12. 13, 14. Commanded. Mar. 13:37. Rev. 3:2. Protected by God in. Psa. 140: 7. Exhortations to. 1 The. 5: 6. 1 Pet. 4: 7. Comforted by God in. 2 Cor. 7: 5, 6. God especially requires in ministers. Eze. Strengthened by God in. Psa. 20: 2. rsa. 3:17, with Isa 62: 6. Mar. 13: 34. 27: 14. Isa. 41: 10. Ministers exhorted to. Acts 20: 31. 2 Tim. Strengthened by Christ in. 2 Cor. 12: 9. 4: 5. 2 Tim. 4: 17. Faithful ministers exercise. Heb. 13:17. Delivered by Christ in. 2 Tim. 4: 18. Faithful ministers approved by. Mat. 24: Thank God for victory in. Rom. 7: 25. 45, 46. Luke 12: 41-44. I Cor. 15: 57. SHOULD BE ARMOUR FOR, I With prayer. Luke 21 36. Eph. 6:18. Girdle of truth. Eph. 6:14. With thanksgiving. Col. 4: 2. Breastplate of righteousness. Eph. 6: 14, With stedfastness in the faith. 1 Cor. 16:13. Preparation of the gospel. Eph. 6: 15. With heedfulness. Mar. 13: 33. Shield offaith. Eph 6: 16. With sobriety. 1 The. 5: 6. 1 Pet. 4: 7. Helmet of salvation. Eph. 6:17. 1 The. At all times. Pro. 8: 34. 5: S. In all things. 2 Tim. 4: 5. Sword of the Spirit. Eph. 6: 17. Saints pray to be kept in a state of. Psa. Called armsour of God. Eph. 6: 11. 141:3. (Called armour of righteousness. 2 Cor. MOTIVES TO 6 i 7. Expected direction from God. Hab. 2: 1. Called armour of light. Rom. 13:12. Uncertain time of the coming of Christ. Not carnal. 2 Cor. 10: 4. Mat. 24: 42. Mat. 25: 13. Mar. 13: 35, 36. Mighty through God. 2 Cor. 10: 4, 5. Incessant assaults of the devil. I Pet 5: 8. The whole, is required. Eph. 6:13. Liability to temptation. Mat. 26: 41. Must be put on. Rorn 13: 12. Eph. 6: 1. Blessedness of. Luke 12: 37. Rev. 16: 15. To be on right hand and left. 2 Cor. 6: 7. Unfaithful ministers devoid of. Isa. 56: 10. The wicked averse to. 1 The. 5:7. From God. I Cor. 15: 57. 2 Cor. 2: 14. Danger of remissness in. Mat. 24: 48-51. Through Christ. Rom. 7: 25. 1 Cor. 15 Mat 26: 5,8, 12. Rev. 3: 3. 27. 2 Cor. 12:9. Rev. 12:11. Illustrated. Luke 12: 35, 36. B fa2ith. Ileb.l l:33-37. 1Jno. 5:.4 Exemplified. David, Psa. 102: 7. Anna, BOver faithe deil m. 16: 33-320. 1 Jno. 2:14. Luke 2: 37. Paul, 2 Cor. 11: 27. Over the flesh. Rom. 7:24, 25. Gal. 5: 24. No. 297. WICKED, THE, ARE COIMOver the world. I Jno. 5: 4, 5. Over all that exalts itself 2 Cor. 10: 5. PARED TO. Over death and the grave. Isa. 25: S. Isa Abominable branches. Isa. 14: 19. 26:19. Hos. 13: 14. 1 Cor. 15: 54, 55. Ashes under the feet. Mal. 4: 3. Triumphant. Rom. S: 37. 2 Cor. 10: 5. Bad fishes. Mat. 13: 48. WID. 112 wIS. Beasts. Psa. 49:12. 2 Pet. 2:12. Oppressed. Jer. 7:6. Zec. 7:10. Blind, The. Zep. 1: 17. Mat. 15:14. Treated with violence. Jer. 22: 3. Brass and iron, &c. Jer. 6: 28. Eze. 22: 18. Deprived of raiment in pledge. Deu. 24: 17. Briars and thorns. Isa. 55:13. Eze. 2: 6. SHOULD BE Bulls of Bashan. Psa. 22: 12. Pleaded for. Isa. 1: 17. Carcasses trodden under feet. Isa. 14: 19. Honoured, if widows indeed. I Tim. 5: 3. Chaffl Job 21: 18. Psa. 1: 4. Mat. 3;:12. Relieved by their friends. 1 Tim. 5 4, 16. Clouds without water. Jude 12. Relieved by the Church. Acts 6: 1. 1 Corn blasted. 2 Kin. 19: 26. Tim. 5: 9. Corrupt trees. Luke 6: 43. Visited in affliction. Jas. 1: 27. Deaf adders. Psa. 58: 4. Allowed to share in our blessings. Deu. Dogs. Pro. 26: 11. Mat. 7;6. 2 Pet. 2:22. 14: 29. Deu. 16: 11, 14. Deu. 24: 19-21. Dross. Psa. 119119. Eze. 22:18, 19. Though poor, may be liberal. Mar. 12:42, 43. Early dew that passeth away. Hos. 13: 3. When young, exposed to many temptations. Evil figs. Jer. 24: S. I Tim. 5:11-14. Fading oaks. Isa. I: 30. SAINTS. Fiery oven. Psa. 21: 9. Hos. 7: 4. Relieve. Acts 9: 39. Fire of thorns. Psa. 118: 12. Cause joy to. Job 29:13. Fools building upon sand. Mat. 7:26. Disappoint not. Job 31:16. Fuel of fire. Isa. 9: 19. THE wMTCIED Garden without water. Isa. 1: 30. Do no good to. Job 24: 21. Goats. Mat. 25: 32. Send away empty. Job. 22:9. Grass. Psa. 37: 2. Psa. 92: 7. Take pledges from. Job 24: 3. Grass on the house-top. 2 Kin. 19:26. Reject the cause of. Isa. 1: 23. Green bay-trees. Psa. 37:35. Vex. Eze. 2'2:7. Green herbs. Psa. 37: 2. Make a prey of. Isa. 10: 2. Mat. 28: 14. Heath in the desert. Jer. 17:6. Slay. Psa. 94: 6. Horses rushing into the battle. Jer. S: 6. Curse for perverting judgment of. Deu. 27: Idols. Psa. 115: S. 19. Lions greedy of prey. Psa. 17: 12. Woe to those who oppress. Isa. 10: 1, 2. Melting wax. Psa. 68: 2. Blessings on those who relieve. Deu. 14: 29. Morning-clouds. Hos. 13: 3. A type of Zion in affliction. Lam. 5: 3. Moth-eaten garments. lsa. 0: 9. Isa. 51:. 0No. 299. WISDOM OF GOD, THE. Passing whirlwinds. Pro. 10: 25. Potsherds. Pro. P ro. 26: 23. Is one of his attributes. 1 Sam. 2: 3. Job Raging waves of the sea. Jude 13. 9:4. Reprobate silver. Jer. 6: 30. DeSCRIBED AS Scorpions. Eze. 2: 6. Perfect. Job. 36:4. Job 37:16. Serpents. Psa. 58: 4. Mat. 23: 33. Mighty. Job 36: 5. Smoke. Hos. 13: 3. Universal. Job 28 24. Dan. 2:22. Acts Stony ground. Mat. 13: a. 15:.18 Stubble. Job. 21:18. Mal.4:1. Infinite. Psa.147: 5. Rom.ll:33. Swine. Mat. 7: 6. 2 Pet. 2: 22. Unsearchable. Isa. 40: 28. Rom. 11: 33. Tares. Mat. 13: 38. Wonderful. Psa. 139: 6. Troubled sea. Isa. 57: 20. Beyond human comprehension. Psa. Visions ofthe night. Job 20:8. 139: 6. Wandering stars. Jude 13. Incomparable. Isa. 44: 7. Jer. 10: 7. Wayward children. Mat. 11:16. Underived. Job 21: 22. Isa. 40: 44.'Wells without water. 2 Pet. 2:17. The gospel contains treasures of. 1 Cor. 2: 7. MWheels. Psa. 83:13. Wisdom of saints is derived from. Ezr. 7: Whited sepulchres. Mat. 23: 27. 2. Wild ass's colts. Job 11:12. All human wisdom derived from. Dan. 2: 21. No. 298. WVIDOWS. Saints ascribe to him. Dan. 2: 20. Character of true. Luke 2: 37. 1 Tim. 5: 5, 10. EXHIBITED IN GoD His works. Job 37:16. Psa. 104: 24. Psa. Surely hears the cry of. Exo. 22: 23. 136: 5. Pro. 3:19. Jer. 10:12. Judges for. Deu. 10: 18. Psa. 68: 5. Hiscounsels. Isa. 28: 29. Jer. 32:19. Relieves. Psa. 146: 9. His foreshowing events. Isa. 42:9. Isa. Establishes the border of Pro. 15: 25. 46: 10. Will witness against oppressors of. Mal. Redemption. 1 Cor. 1: 24. Eph. I: S. 3:5. Eph. 5: 10. Exhorted to trust in God. Jer. 49: 11. Searching the heart. 1 Chr. 28: 9. SHouinD NOT BE Understanding the thoughts. 1 Chr. 28: 9. Afflicted. Exo. 22: 22. Psa. 139: 2.....~__._.. WIT. WIV. 113 WOR. EXHIBITED IN KNOWING With a meek and quiet spirit. 1 Pet. 3: 4, 5. The heart. Psa. 41: 21. Pro. 15: 11. Luke With good works. I Tim. 2: 10. I Tim. 16: 15. 5:10. The actions. Job 34: 21. Psa. 139: 2, 3. Goon, The words. Psa. 139: 4. Are from the Lord. Pro. 19: 14. His-saints. 2 Sam. 7: 20. 2 Tim. 2:19. Are a token of the favour of God. Pro. The way of saints. Job 23: 10. Psa. 1: 6. 18: 22. The wants of saints. Deu. 2: 7. Mat. 6:8. Are a blessing to husbands. Pro. 12: 4. The afflictions of saints. Exo. 3: 7. Psa. Pro. 31: 10, 12. 142: 3. Bring honour on husbands. Pro. 31: 23. The infirmities of saints. Psa. 103: 14. Secure confidence of husbands. Pro. 31:11. The minutest matters. Mat. 10: 29, 30. Are praised by husbands. Pro. 31: 28. The most secret things. Mat. 6: 18. Are diligent and prudent. Pro. 31: 13-27. The time of judgment. Mat. 24: 36. Are benevolent to the poor. Pro. 31: 20. The wicked. Neh. 9:10. Job 11:11. Duty of, to unbelieving husbands. 1 Cor. The works, &c. of the wicked. Isa. 66:18. 7: 13, 14,16. 1 Pet. 3:1, 2. Nothing is concealed from. Psa. 139:12. Should be silent in the Churches. 1 Cor. The wicked question. Psa. 73:11. Isa 47: 10. 14: 34. Should be magnified. Rom. 16: 27. Jude 25. Should seek religious instruction from their No. 300. WTITNESS OF THE HOLY husbands. I Cor. 14: 35. Of ministers should be exemplary. 1 Tim. GHOST. 3:11. Is truth. I Jno. 5: 6. Good-Exemplified. Wife of Manoah, Jud. To be implicitly received. 1 Jno. 5: 6, 9. 13: 10. Orpah and Ruth, Ruth 1: 4, S. BORNE TO CHRIST bdiigail, 1 Sam. 25: 3. Esther, Est. 2: 15. As Messiah. Luke 3: 22, with Jno. 1: -17. Elizabeth, Luke 1: 6. Priscilla, 32, 33. Acts 18: 2, 26. Saraht, I Pet. 3: 6. As coming to redeem and sanqtify. 1 Jno. Bad —Exemplified. Sameson's wife, Jud. 14: 5:6. 15-17. Michal, 2 Sam. 6: 16. Jezebel, As exalted to be a Prince and Saviour to 1 Kin. 21: 25. Zeresh, Est. 5:14. Job's give repentance, &c. Acts 5: 31, 32. tife, Job 2: 9. Herodias, Mar. 6: 17. As perfecting saints. Heb. 10:14, 15. Sapphira, Acts 5:1, 2. As foretold by himself. Jno. 1: 26. No. 302. WORKS, GOOD. In heaven. 1 Jno. 5.7, 11. In seaverth. 1 Jno.: 11. Christ, an example of. Jno. 10: 32. Acts The first preaching of the gospel confirmed CLL0: 38. by. Acts 14: 3, with Heb. 2:4. The faithful preaching of the Apostles ac- fruits. Jas. 3: 17. companied by. 1 Cor. 2: 4. 1 The. 1: 5. Fruits meet for repentancess. at. 3:118. GIVEN TO SAINTSFruits of righteousness. Phi. 1:11. On believing. Acts 15: S. 1 Jno.::10. Works and labours of love. Heb. 6:10. To testify to them of Christ. Jno. 15: 26. Are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise As an evidence of adoption. Rom. 8: 16. of God. Phi. 1: 11 As an evidence of Christ in them. 1 Jno. They, alone, who abide in Christ can per3: 2. form. Jno. 15: 4, 5. As an evidence of God in them. 1 Jno. Wrought by God in us. Isa. 26: 12. Plii. 4:13. 2:13. Borne against all unbelievers. Neh. 9: 30. The scripture designed to lead us to. 2 Tim. BrActsga28 al: ub23-27.Nh.9: 0 3: 16, 17. Jas. 1: 25. To be performed in Christ's name. Col. 3: No. 301. WIVES. 17. Not to be selected from among the ungodly. Heavenly wisdom is full of. Jas. 3: 17. Gen. 24: 3. Gen. 26: 34, 35. Gen. 28: 1. Justification unattainable by. Rom. 3: 20. DUTIES OF, TO THEIR HUSBANDS; Gal. 2:16. To love them. Tit. 2: 4. Salvation unattainable by. Eph. 2: 8, 9. 2 To reverence them. Eph. 5:33. Tim. 1: 9. Tit. 3: 5. To be faithful to them. 1 Cor. 7: 3-5, 10. SAINTS To be subject to them. Gen. 3:16. Eph. Created in Christ unto. Eph. 2: 10. 5: 22, 24. 1 Pet. 3: 1. Pre-ordained to walk in. Eph. 2: 10. To obey them. 1 Cor. 14: 34. Tit. 2: 5. Exhorted to put on. Col. 3: 12-14. To remain with them for life. Rom. 7:2, 3. Are full of. Acts 9: 36. SHOULD BE ADORNED Are zealous of. Tit. 2: 14. Not with ornaments. I Tim. 2: 9. 1 Pet. Should be furnished unto all. 2 Tim. 3: 17. 3: 3. Should be rich in. 1 Tim. 6: 18. With modesty and sobriety. 1 Tim. 2: 9.1 Should be careful to maintain. Tit. 3:8. 14....... - I~~~~~~~ WOR. 114 ZEA. Should be established in. 2 The. 2: 17. Illustrated. Jno. 15: 5. Should be fruitful in. Col. 1. 303. 10. Should be perfect in. Heb. 13: 21. Should be prepared unto all. 2 Tim. 2: 21. Christ an example of. Psa. 69: 9. Jno. 2: 17. Should abound to all. 2 Cor. 9: 8. Godly sorrow leads to. 2 Cor. 7: 10, 11. Should be ready to all. Tit. 3: 1. Of saints, ardent. Psa. 119: 139. Should manifest, with meekness. Jas. 3: Provokes others to do good. 2 Cor. 9: 2. 13. SHOULD BE EXHIBITED Should provoke each other to. Heb. 10: 24. In spirit. Rom. 12: 11. Should avoid ostentation in. Mat. 6: 1-18. In well-doing. Gal. 4: 18. Tit. 2 14. Bring to the light their. Jno. 3: 21. In desiring the salvation of others. Acts Followed into rest by their. Rev. 14: 13. 26: 2. Rm. 10: 1. Holy women should manifest. 1 Tim. 2: 10. In contending for the faith. Jude 3. 1 Tim. 5:10. In missionary labours. Rom. 15: 19, 23. God remembers. Neh. 13: 14, with Heb. 6: For the glory of God. Num. 25: 11, 13. 9, 10. For the welfare of saints. Col. 4: 13. Shall be brought into the judgment. Ecc. Against idolatry. 2 Kin. 23: 4-14. 12: 14, with 2 Cor. 5: 10. Sometimes wrongly directed. 2 Sam. 21: 2. In the judgment, will be an evidence of Acts 22: 3, 4. Phi. 3: 6. faith. Mat. 23: 34-40, with Jas. 2: 14-20. Sometimes not according to knowledge. MINISTERS SHOULD Rom. 10:2. Gal. 1: 14. Acts 21: 20. Be patterns of. Tit. 2: 7. Ungodly men sometimes pretend to. 2 Kin. Exhort to. 1 Tim. 6: 17, 18. Tit. 3:, 8, 14. 10: 16. Mat. 23: 15. God is glorified by. Jno. 15: 8. Exhortation to. Rom. 12: 11. Rev. 3:19. Designed to lead others to glorify God. Mat. Holy-Exemplified. Phinehas, Num. 25 6:16. 1 Pet. 2:12. 11, 13. Josiah, 2 Kin. 23:19-25. Apollos, A blessing attends. Jas. 1:25. Acts 18, 25. Corinthians, 1 Cor. 14: 12. The wicked reprobate unto. Tit. 1: 16. Epaphras, Col. 4: 12, 13. THE END. INDEX. PAGE PAGE AccEss to God: 1 Christ, the Prophet: 14 Adoption:1 Christ, the King: l Advent, Second, (see Second coming Christ, the Human nature of: 41 of Christ):: 91 Christ, Humility of: 41 Affections, The: 2 Christ, Miracles of:: 59 Afflictions:: Christ, Parables of 63 Afflicted Saints: 2 Christ, Power of.:: 69 Affliction, Prayer under: 3 Christ, Prophecies respecting: 75 Affliction, Consolation under: 3 Christ, Types of:: 107 Afflictions made beneficial: 3 Christ, Excellency and Glory of: 26 Afflicted, Duty toward the: 4 Christ the Shepherd: 15 Afflictions of the wicked, The: 4 Christ, Confessing: 17 Alliance and Society with the Ene- Christ, Denial of::: 22 mies of God:: Christ, Love to: 53 Ambition:: 5 Christ the Head of the Church: 15 Amusement and Pleasures, worldly: 5 Christ, Compassion and Sympathy of 17 Angels: 5 Christ, the Example of: 26 Anger:: 6 Christ, Love of: 53 Anger of God, The: 6 Christ, Death of::: 20 Anointing of the Holy Ghost: 7 Christ, Character of: 15 Antichrist:: 7 Christ, Ascension of: 8 Apostates:: 7 Christ, Resurrection of:: 82 Apostles, The:: 7 Christ, Second Coming of: 91 Ascension of Christ, The: 8 Christ, Titles and Names of::101 Assurance::8 Christ, Union with: 108 Atonement, The: 8 Church, The:: 15 Church, Discipline of the: 23 Backsliding 9 Church, Titles and Names of the: 102 Baptism:: 9 Church, Excellency and Glory of the 26 Baptism with the Holy Ghost: 9 Comforter, the Holy Ghost the: 40 Blasphemy::: 9 Commandments, the Ten:: 16 Blessed, The:: 10 Communion with God:: 16 Blindness Spiritual:: 10 Communion of Saints::: 16 Boldness, Holy:: 10 Communion of the Lord's Supper: 16 Bondage, Spiritual: 11 Compassion and Sympathy: 16 Busy-bodies::: 11 Compassion and Sympathy of Christ 17 Condemnation:: 17 Call of God, The: 11 Conduct, Christian: 17 Care: 11 Confessing Christ: 17 Character of Christ:: 15 Confession of Sin: 18 Character of Saints:: 11 Conscience: Character of the renewed heart: 37 Consolation underoAffliction: 3 Character of the unrenewed heart: 37 Contempt:: 18 Character of the wicked: 12 Contentment:::: 1 Charity (see also Love to man): 12 Conversion: IS Chastity::: 12 Counsels and Purposes of God, The: 19 Children: 13 Covenant, The::: 19 Children, Good: 13 Covetousness:: 19 Children, Wicked: 13 Christ.is God:: 13 Death, Spiritual:: 20 Christ, the Mediator:: 14 Death, Natural: -: 20 Christ, the High Priest:: 14 Death, Eternal:: 20 XVi INDEX. pAGE PAGE Death of Christ, The: 20 God, Forsaking: 31 Death of Saints, The: 2: 21 God, Gifts of: 32 Death of the Wicked, The: 21 God, Glory of:: 33 Deceit: 21 God, Glorifying:: 32 Decision: 22 God, Goodness of 34 Delighting in God: 22 God, Holiness of: 39 Denial of Christ: 22 God, Ignorance of: 44 Despair: 22 God, Ingratitude to: 44 Devil, The: 22 God, Joy of, over his people: 46 Devil, Titles and Names of the: 105 God, Justice of:: 48 Devotedness to God: 23 God, Law of::: 50 Diligence:: 23 God, Long-suffering of: 52 Discipline of the Church: 23 God, Love of:::: 53 Disobedience to God:: 23 God, Love to: 53 Divisions:::: 23 God, Loving-kindness of:: 55 Doctrines of the Gospel, The:: 24 God, Mercy of:: 57 Doctrines, False: 24 God, Obedience to: 62 Drunkenness: 24 God, Power of:: 69 God, Promises of: 74 Early rising: 24 God, Providence of::: 77 Edification:: 5 God, rebellion against:: 79 Election: 25 God, reconciliation with:: 79 Emblems of the Holy Ghost, The: 25 God, Seeking:::: 92 Enemies: 25:: God, Truth of::: 107 Envy:::: 26 God, Unity of::: 109 Example of Christ, The: 26 God, Waiting upon::: 110 Excellency and Glory of Christ, The 26 God, Wisdom of:: 112 Excellency and Glory of the Church 26 Goodness of God, The::: 34 Gospel, The:::: 34 Faith: 27 Gospel, Doctrines of the: 24 Faithfulness:: 28 Grace:::::. 35 Faithfulness of God, The: 28 Fall of Man, The: 28 Happiness of Saints in this life: 35 Families:: 29 Happiness of the Wicked: 36 Fasting::: 29 Hatred:: 36 Fatherless, The::: 29 Hatred to Christ: 36 Favour of God, The:: 30 Head of the Church, Christ the: 15 Fear, Godly::30 Heart, The::: 36 Fear, Unholy:: 30 Heart, Character of the Renewed: 37 Flattery:::: 30 Heart, Character of the Unrenewed: 37 Fools::: 31 Heathen, The:::: 37 Forgetting God::: 31 Heaven::::: 38 Forgiveness of Injuries: 31 Heedfulness::: 38 Forsaking God: 31 Hell::::: 38 Holiness::: 39 Gifts of God, The:: 32 Holiness of God, The:: 39 Gift of the Holy Ghost, The: 32 Holy Ghost, The, is God: 30 Glorifying God: 32 Holy Ghost the Comforter, The: 40 Glory::: 33 Holy Ghost, Gift of the:: 32 Glory of God, The: 33 Holy Ghost, Indwelling of the: 44 Gluttony: 33 Holy Ghost, Inspiration of the: 45 God: 34 Holy Ghost, Offlences against the: 63 God, Access to: 1 Holy Ghost, Miraculous gifts of the: 60 God, Anger of: 6 Holy Ghost, Power of the: 69 God, Call of: 11 Holy Ghost, Personality of the: 67 God, Communion with: 16 Holy Ghost, Sealing of the::91 God Counsels and Purposes of,: 19 Holy Ghost, Titles and names of the: 102 God, delighting in: 22 Holy Ghost, the Teacher, The: 40 God. Devotedness to:: 23 Holy Ghost, Anointing of the: 7 God, Disobedience to: 23 Holy Ghost, Baptism with the: 9 God, Faithfulness of: 2:: Holy Ghost, Emblems of the:: 25 God, Favour of: 30 Holy Ghost, Witness of the: 113 God, Forgetting: 31 Hope::::: 40 INDEX. xvii PAGE PAGE Hospitality: 41 Missionaries, All Christians should be as 61 Human Nature of Christ, The 41 Murder:: 61 Humility: 41 Murmuring::62 Humility of Christ, The: 41 Husbands 42 New Birth, The:: 62 Hypocrites:::: 42 Obedience to God 62 Idleness and Sloth::: 42 OfIence:: 63 Idolatry: 42 Offences against the Holy Ghost: 63 Ignorance of God: 44 Imputed Righteousness -: 5 Parables of Christ, The: 63 Industry:::: 44 Indwelling of the Holy Ghost, The 44 Parents 64 Ingratitude to God: 44Patience 65 Ingratitude: 44 Peace:: 4 Injustice 4: Peace, Spiritual: 66 Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, The 45 Perfection 66 Persecution: 66 Jews, ChrisT the:::15 Perseverance 67 Joy of God over his People, The: 46ly: 67 Personality of the Holy Ghost, The 67: 7 Joy L46 Pilgrims and Strangers 67 Judgment, The: 47 Poor,The 68 Judgments 47 Power of GodTh: 69 Power of God, The:: 69 Justice:::: 48 Power of ChSrist, The: 9 Justice of God, The: 48 Power of the Holy Ghost, The: 69 Justification before God:: Praise:::: 7 Prayer:: 71 King, Christ the::: 15 Prayer, Private: 71 Kings::..: 49 Prayer, Social and Family 72 Law of God, The:: 7: Prayer, Public: 72 Law of God, The 5 Prayer, Intercessory 72 Liberality Prayer under Afflic: tion Liberty, Christian G:: A Pae, s7 Life, Natural::51 Preciousness of Christ: 73 Life, Spiritual:: 2 mption Life, Eternal:2 Pre: 73 Long-suffering of God, The: 52Priest, Christ the High 14 Lord's Supper, Communion of the: 16 Privileges of Saint 74 Love of God, The: Procrastination:: 74 Love of Christ, The:: 53 Love to:::God 63 Promises of God, The 74 Love to God:~:: 6~3 Prophecies respecting Christ: 75 Love to Christ:::: Prophecy 76 Lovie to Man::d h:: 6 Prophet, Christ the 14 Loving Ki.ndness of God, The: Protection 76 MLyingrcehru Evlgn: 60 Providence of God, The: 77 Magistrates::: 5578 Malice:: 56 Punishment of the Wicked, The: 78 Martyrdom:::: 56 Masters:: 56 Rebellion against God:: 79 Mediator, Christ the:: 14 Reconciliation with God: 79 Meekuess:: 656 Redemption: 79 Mercy: ~:: 57 Regeneration (see New Birth): 62 Mercy of God, The 57 Repentance: SO Ministers:: 57 Reproof::: 8 Ministers, Missionary Work by: 60 Resignation: 81 Ministers, Titles and Names of: 103 Resurrection, The: 81 Miracles::: 59 Resurrection of Christ, The: 82 Miracles of Christ: 59 Revenge:: 82 Miracles through Servants of God: 59 Reviling and Reproaching: 83 Miracles through Evil Agents: 60 Reward of Saints, The: 83 Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Ghost: 60 Riches:: 84 Missionary Work by Ministers: 60 Righteousness:: 85 XVlll INDEX. PAGE PAGE Righteousness of God, The: 85 Swearing,'Profane: 99 Righteousness Imputed:: 85 Teacher, The Holy Ghost the:: 40 Righteousness, Self-::: 93 Temptation:::.100 Thanksgiving:: 100 Sabbath, The:: 87 Theft::::: 101 Saints, Happiness of, in this life: 35 Titles and Names of Christ: 101 Saints, Warfare of: 110 Titles and Names of the Holy Ghost: 102 Saints, Titles and Names of:: 103 Titles and Names of the Church: 102 Saints, Compared to::: 87 Titles and Names of Ministers: 103 Saints, Character of:: 11 Titles and Names of Saints:: 103 Saints, Communion of::: 16 Titles and Names of the Wicked: 104 Saints, Death of: 21 Titles and Names of the Devil: 105 Saints, Privileges of::: 74 Trinity, The: 105 Saints, Reward of::: 83 Trust::::: 105 Salvation:: 88 Truth:::: 106 Sanctification: 89 Truth of God, The: 107 Scorning and Mocking: 89 Types of Christ: 107 Scriptures, The::: 90 Sealing of the Holy Ghost:: 91 Unbelief::::107 Second Coming of Christ, The: 91 Union with Christ::: 108 Seeking God:: 92 Unity of God::::109 Self-delusion:: 92 Uprightness:::: 109 Self-denial: 92 Self-examination: 93 Vanity:::::109 Selfishness:: 93 Self-righteousness: 93 Waiting upon God: 110 Self-will and Stubbornness: 94 Warfare of Saints.: 110 Servants: 94 Watchfulness:: 111 Shepherd, Christ the: 15 Wicked, Character of the: 12 Sickness:: 95 Wicked, Happiness of the.: 36 Simplicity:: 95 Wicked, Titles and Names of the: 104 Sin::: 95 Wicked, The, are compared to; 111 Sin, Confession of::: 18 Wicked, Death of the:: 21 Sins, National:: 97 Wicked, Punishment of the: 78 Sincerity: 97 Widows::::112 Slander::: 97 Wisdom of God::: 112 Sloth, (see Idleness and Slotn): 42 Witness of the Holy Ghost: 113 Sobriety: 98 Wives::: 113 Sovereigns (see Kings): 49 Worldly Pleasures and Amusements 5 Stedfastness: 98 Works, Good::: 113 Strife::::: 99 Swearing Falsely::: 99 Zeal:: 114 THE SCRIPTURE TREASURY, BEING THE SECOND PART OF THE SCRIPTURE TEXT BOOK; ARRANGED FOR THE USE OF MINISTERS, S. S. TEACHERS, AND FAMILIES. DESIGNED TO AFFORD A GENERAL VIEW OF THE MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND HISTORY OF THE JEWS AND OTHER NATIONS MENTIONED:N SCRIPTURE, AND OF THE GEOGRAPHY, NATURAL HISTORY, AND ARTS OF THE ANCIENTS, TOGETHER WITH A VARIETY OF OTHER SUBJECTS RECORDED OR REFERRED TO IN THE SACRED VOLUME. NEW-YORK: LEWIS COLBY & CO 122 NASSAU-STREET. 1850. P R E F A CE THE plan of this Book is similar to that of 1" The Scripture Text Book." Its object is to afford a general view of the Manners, Customs, and History of the Jews and other nations mentioned in Scripture, and of tile Geography, Natural History, and Arts of the Ancients, together with a variety of other subjects recorded or referred to in the sacred volume. "It is designed to afford assistance "To Ministers of the gospel, in the study, in their pastoral visits, and in their public ministrations: "To Teachers of Sunday and Daily Schools, &c.: "To Heads of Families, in the instruction of their Children and Servants; as also, to the several Members thereof in searching the Holy Scriptures, for their common edification: " To Persons who meet together in order to search the Holy Scriptures for mutual edification: "To Authors in the composition of religious works: "To Individuals of all Classes, in their private study of the Holy Scriptures." This Book is sent forth with an earnest prayer that, by the blessing of Almighty God, it may tend to the promotion of His glory, and lead many to a more thorough acquaintance with His word. THE SCRIPTURE TREASURY, BEING THE SECOND PART OF THE SCRIPTURE TEXT BOOK; ARRANGED FOR THE USE OF MINISTERS, TEACHERS, &c. &c. NOTE. In order to save space, reference is often made but to a single verse, although the matter referred to may be contained in several verses in connexion with it; therefore, let r eference be made to the context. AGR;. AGR. Climate of Canaan favourable to. Deu. No. 1. AGRICULTURE OR HUSBANDRY. l0: 11. The cultivation of the earth. Gen. 3: 23. WAS PROMOTED AMONGST THE JEWS, BY The occupation of man before the fall. Gen. Allotments of each family. Num. 36: 7-9. 2: 15. The right of redemption. Lev. 25: 23-28. Rendered laborious by the curse on the Separation from other nations. Exo. earth. Gen. 3: 17-19. 33: 16. Man doomed to labour in, after the fall. The prohibition against usury. Exo. Gen. 3: 23. 22: 25. Contributes to the support of all. Ecc. 5: 9. The promises of God's blessing on. Lev. The providence of God to be acknowledged 26: 4. Deu. 7: 13. Deu. 11: 14, 15. in the produce of. Jer. 5: 24. Hos. 2: 8. ErNACTMIErTS TO PROTECT RErQUIRES Not to covet the fields of another. Deu. Wisdom. Isa. 28: 26. - 5:21. Diligence. Pro. 27: 23-27. Ecc. 11: 6. Not to move landmarks. Deu. 19: 14. Toil. 2 Tim. 2: 6. Pro. 22: 28. Patience in waiting. Jas. 5: 7. Not to cut down crops of another. Deu. Diligence in, abundantly recompensed. Pro. 23: 25. 12: 11. Pro. 13:23. Pro. 28: 19. Heb. 6: 7. Against the trespass of cattle. Exo. 22: 5. PERSONS ENGAGED IN, CALLED Against injuring the produce of. Exo. Tillers of the ground. Gen. 4: 2. 22: 6. Husbandmen. 2 Chr. 26:10. Often performed by hirelings. 1 Chr. 27: Labourers. Mat. 9: 37. Mat. 20:1. 26. 2 Chr. 26: 10. Matt. 20: 3. Luke 17: 7. Peace favourable to. Isa. 2: 4. Jer. 31: 24. Not to be engaged in during the Sabbatical War destructive to. Jer. 60: 16. Jer. 51:23. year. Exo. 23: 10, 11. Patriarchs engaged in. Gen. 4: 2. Gen. 9:20. Produce of, given as rent for land. Mat, The labour of, supposed to be lessened by 21: 33, 34. Noah. Gen. 5: 29, with Gen. 9: 20. Produce of, often blasted because of sin. The Jews loved and followed. Jud. 6: 11. Isa. 6 10. Isa. 7: 23. Jer. 12:13. Joel I Kin. 19: 19. 2 Chr. 26:10. 1:10, 11. Soil of Canaan suited to. Gen. 13:10. Deu. Grief occasioned by the failure of the fruits 8: 7-9. of. Joel 1: 11. Amos 5: 16, 17. ALT. 6 ALT. Produce of, exported. I Kin. 5:11. Eze. Probable origin of inscriptions on. Deu. 27: 8. 27: 17. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE: OPERATIONS iNr; Of Noah. Gen. 8: 20. Hedging. Isa. 5: 2, 5. Hos. 2:6. Of Abraham. Gen. 12: 7, 8. Gen. 13:18. Ploughing. Job 1: 14. GeL. 22: 9. Digging. lsa 5: 6. Luke 13: 8. Luke 16: 3. Of Isaac. Gen. 26: 25. Manuring. Isa. 25: 10. Luke 14: 34, 35. Of Jacob. Gen. 33: 20. Gen. 35:1,3,7. Harrowing. Job 39:10. Isa. 28: 24. Of Moses. Exo. 17:15. Exo. 24:4. Gathering out the stones. Isa. 5:2. OfBalaam. Num. 23: 1, 14, 29. Sowing. Ecc. 11: 4. Isa. 32:20. Mat. 13:3. Of Joshua. Jos. 8: 30, 31. Planting. Pro. 31: 16. Isa. 44:14. Jer. 31: 5. Of the temple of Solomon. 2 Chr. 4:1, 19. Watering. Deu. 11: 10. 1 Cor. 3: 6-8. Of the second teumple. Ezra 3: 2, 3. Weeding. Mat. 13: 28. Of Reubenites, &c. east of Jordan. Jos. Grafting. Rom. 11: 17-19,24. 22:10. Pruning. Lev. 25:3. Isa. 5: 6. Jno. 15: 2. Of Gideon. Jud. 6: 26, 27. Mowing. Psa. 129: 7. Amos 7:1. Of the people of israel. Jud. 21: 4. Reaping. Isa. 17: 5. Of Samuel. 1 Sam. 7: 17. Binding. Gen. 37: 7. Mat. 13: 30. Of David. 2 Sam. 24: 21, 25. Gleaning. Lev. 19: 9. Ruth 2: 3. Of Jeroboam at Bethel. 1 Kin. 12:33. Stacking. Exo. 22: 6. Of Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16:10 —12. Threshing. Deu. 25: 4. Jud. 6: 11. Of the Athenians. Acts 17: 23. Winnowing. Ruth 3: 2. Mat. 3: 12. For burnt-offering. Exo. 27:1-8. Storing in barns. Mat. 6: 26. Mat. 13: 30. For incense. Exo. 30: 1-6. BEASTS USED IN; Protection afforded by. I Kin. 1: 50, 51. The ox. Deu. 25: 4. Aftbrded no protection to murderers. Exo. The ass. Deu. 22:10.' 21:14. 1 Kin. 2: 18-34. The horse. Isa. 28: 28. No. 3. ALTAR OF BURNT-OFFERING IMPLEMIENTS OF' The plough. 1 Sam. 13: 20. THE. The harrow. 2 Sam. 12: 31. Dimensions, &c. of. Exo. 27:1. Exo. 3S: 1 The mattock. 1 Sam. 13:'20. Isa. 7: 25. Horns on the corners of. Exo. 27: 2. Exo. The sickle. Deu. 16: 9. Deu 23: 25. 38:2. The pruning-hook. Isa. 18: 5. Joel 3:10. Covered with brass. Exo. 27: 2. The fork. 1 Sam. 13: 21. All its vessels of brass. Exo. 27: 3. Exo. The axe. 1 Sam. 13:`20. 38:3. The teethed threshing instrument. Isa. A net-work gate of brass placed in. Exo. 41:15. 27: 4, 5. E]xo. 38:4. The flail, &c. Isa. 28: 27. Furnished with rings and staves. Exo. 27: The cart. 1 Sam. 6: 7. Isa. 28: 27, 28. 6, 7. Exo. 38: 5-7. The shovel. Isa. 30: 24. Made after a divine pattern. Exo. 27: 8. The seive. Amos 9: 9. CALLED The fan. Isa. 30: 24. Mat. 3:12. The brazen altar. Exo. 39:39. 1 Kin. 8: 64. ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE The altar of God. Psa. 43: 4. Culture of the Church. 1 Cor. 3: 9. The altar of the Lord. Mal. 2. 13. Culture of the heart. Jer. 4: 3. Hos. 10:12. Placed in the court before the door of the tabernacle. Exo. 40: 6, 29. No. 2. ALTARS. Sanctified by God. Exo. 29: 44. Designed for sacrifice. Exo. 20: 24. Anointed and sanctified with holy oil. Exo. To be made of earth or unhewn stone. Exo. 40: 10. Lev. 8: 10, 11. 20: 24, 25. Deu. 27: 5, 6. Cleansed and purified with blood. Exo. 29: Of brick, hateful to God. Isa. 65: 3. 36, 37. Natural rocks sometimes used as. Jud. 6: Was most holy. Exo. 40: 10. 19-21. Jud. 13: 19, 20. Sanctified whatever touched it. Exo. 29:37. Were not to have steps up to them. Exo. All sacrifices to be offered on. Exo. 29: 20: 26. 38-42. Isa. 56: 7. For idolatrous worship, often erected on All gifts to be presented at. Mat. 5: 23, 24. roofs of houses. 2 Kin. 23:12. Jer. 19: Nothing polluted or defective to be offered 13. Jer. 32: 29. on. Lev. 22: 22. Mal. I: 7, 8. Idolaters planted groves near. Jud. 6: 30. Offering at the dedication of. Num. 7ch. 1 Kin. 16: 32, 33. 2 Kin. 21:3. THE FIRE UPON, The Jews not to plant groves near. Deu. Came from before the Lord. Lev. 9: 24. 16: 21. Was continually burning. Lev. 6:13. For idolatrous worship, to be destroyed. Consumed the sacrifices. Lev. 1: 8, 9. Exo. 34:13. Deu. 7:. Sacrifices bound to the horns of. Psa. 118: 27. ALT. AMA. 7 AMM. The blood of sacrifices put on the horns and Their utter destruction foretold. Num.24:20. poured at the foot of. Exo. 29: 12. Lev. Presumption of Israel punished by. Num. 4:7,18,25. Lev. 8:15. 14: 45. THE PRIESTS United with Eglon against Israel. Jud. 3: 13. Alone to serve. Num. 18: 3, 7. Part of their possessions taken by Ephraim. Derived support fronm. 1 Cor. 9:13. Jud. 5: 14, with Jud. 12: 15. Ahaz removed and profaned. 2 Kin. 16: With Midian, oppressed Israel. Jud. 6: 3-5. 10-16. Overcome by Gideon. *Jud. 6: 33, 34. Jud. The Jews condemned for swearing Aghtly 7: 21, 22. by. Mat. 23:18, 19. SAUL A type of Christ. Heb. 13: 10. Overcame, and delivered Israel. 1 Sam. No. 4. ALTAR OF INCENSE. 14: 48. Commissioned to destroy. 1 Sam. 15: 1-3. Dimensions &c. of. Exo. 30: 1, 2. Exo. 37: 25. Massacred. 1 Sam. 15: 4-8. Covered with gold. Exo 30: 3. Exo. 37:26. Condemned for not utterly destroying. 1 Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold. Sam. 15: 9-26. 1 Sam. 28: 18. Exo. 30: 3. Exo. 37: 26. Agag in of, slain by Samue 1 Sam. 15: Had four rings of gold under the crown for 32, 33. slain by Samue the staves. Exo. 30:4. Exo. 37: 27. Invaded by David. 1 Sam. 27: 8, 9. Staves of, covered with gold. Exo. 30:5. Pillaged and burned Ziklag. 1 Sam 30: 1, 2. Called the golden altar. Exo. 39;: 38. Pursued and slain by David. 1 Sam. 30:10-20. Placed before the vail in the outer sanctua- Spoil taken from, consecrated. 2 Sam. 8 ry. Exo.30:6. Exo.40:5,26. 11, 12. Said to be before the Lord. Lev. 4: 7. Confederated againstlsrael. Psa.83:7. 1 Kin. 9: 25.;lRemnant of, completely destroyed during Anointed with holy oil. Exo. 30:26, 27. the reign of Hezeliah. 1 Chr. 4:41-43. The priest burned incense on, every morning and evening. Exo. 30:7, 8. No. 6. AMMONITES, THE. No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be Descent of. Gen. 19: 38. offered on. Exo. 30: 9. CALLED THE Atonement made for, by the high priest once Children of Lot. Deu. 2: 19. every year. Exo. 30:10. Lev. 16:18, 19. Children of Ammon. Jer. 25: 21. The blood of all sin offerings put on the Governed by Hereditary kings. 2 Sam. 10:1. horns of. Lev. 4: 7, 18. CoNTY o, PUNISHrMENT FORr Belonged to the Zanzummims. Deu. 2: Ofibring strange fire on. Lev. 10: 1, 2. ZD 20, 21. Unauthorized offering on. 2 Chr. 26: 16-19. Bordered on the Amorites. Num. 21: 24. Covered by the priests before removal from Was fertile. Jer. 49: 4. the sanctuary. Num. 4: 11. Wellfortified. Num. 21: 24. A type of Christ. Rev. S: 3. Rev. 9:13. Half of, given to the Gadites. Jos. 13: 25. No. 5. AMALEKITES, THE. CHARACTER OF, Descent of. Gen. 36:12,16. Cruel and covetous. Amos 1: 13. CHA1RACTER OF; Proud and reproachful. Zep. 2:10. Wicked. 1 Sam. 15:18. Vindictive. Eze. 25: 3, 6. Oppressive. Jud. 10: 12. Fond of ornaments. 2 Chr. 20: 25. Warlike and cruel. 1 Sam 15: 33. Idolatrous. Jud. 10: 6. 1 Kin. 11: 7, 33. Governed by Kings. 1 Sam 15: 20, 32. 2 Kin. 23: 13. A Powerful and influential nation. Num. Superstitious. Jer. 27: 3, with 9 v. 24:7. CHIEF CITIES OF; Possessed cities. 1 Sam. 15: 5. Rabbah. 2 Sam.12:26,27. Jer. 49: 3. COUNTRY OF, Ai. Jer. 49: 3. In the south of Canaan. Num. 13: fi 1 JEWISH LAWS RESPECTING Sam. 27: 8. Perpetual exclusion from the congregaExtended from Havilah to Shur. 1 Sam. tion. Deu.23: 3. Neh. 13: 1. 15: 7. No covenant to be made with. Deu. 23: 6. Was the scene of ancient warfare. Gen. Not to be distressed. Deu. 2:19. 2 Chr. 14:7. 20: 10. Part of the Kenites dwelt amongst. 1 Sam. Assisted Eglon against Israel. Jud. 3: 12, 13. 15: 6. With the Philistines oppressed Israel for Were the first to oppose Israel. Exo. 17: S. eighteen years. Jud. 10: 6-9. Discomfited at Rephidim, through the inter- Jephthah raised up to deliver Israel from. cession of Moses. Exo. 17: 9-13. Jud. 10:15-1S. Jud. 11: 4-33. Doomed to utter destruction for opposing Proposed a disgraceful treaty to JabeshIsrael. Exo. 17:14, 16. Deu. 25: 19. gilead. 1 Sam. 11: 1-3. AMO. 8 ANA. ANO. Saul's victories over. 1 Sam.ll:ll.1 Sam.14:47. TheGibeonites a tribe of deceived Israelinto Ill-treated David's ambassadors.2 Sam.10:i-4. a league. 2 Sam. 21: 2, with Jos. 9: 3-16. Hired the Syrians against David. 2 Sam. 10: 6. The Israelites unable to expel, but exacted Victories of Joab over. 2 Sam. 10: 7-14. 2 tribute from. Jud. 1: 34, 35. Sam. 12: 26-29. Had peace with Israel in the days of Samuel. Tile royal treasure of, taken. 2 Sam. 12: 30. 1 Sam. 7.14. Of Rabbah reduced to hard bondage. 2 Sam. Brought into bondage by Solomon. 1 Kin. 12: 31. 9: 20, 21. Spoil of, consecrated to God. 2 Sam. 8:11, 12. Ahab followed the abominations of. 1 Kin. One of David's mighty men was of. 2 Sam. 21: 26. 23: 37. Manasseh exceeded abominations of. 2 Kin. Solomon intermarried with, and introduced 21: 11. idols of into Israel. 1 Kin. 11: 1-5. The Jews after the captivity condemned for Confederated against Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. intermarrying with. Ezra 9:1, 2.. 20: 1. Psa. 83: 7. Descent from, Illustrative of man's natural Miraculous defeat of. 2 Chr. 20: 5-24. state. Eze. 16: 3. Submitted to Uzziah. 2 Chr. 26:.. 8. ANAKIM, THE. Defeated by Jotham. -2 Chr. 27: 5. Seized upon the possessions of Gad. Jer.49:1. Descent of. Num. 13: 22. Jos. 15: 13. Aided the Chaldeans against Judah. 2 Kin. WEnE CALLED 24: 2. The sons of Anak. Num. 13: 33. Vexed the Jews after captivity. Neh.4:3,7,8. The sons of the Anakim. Deu. 1: 28. The Jews reprobated for intermarrying The children of the Anakims. Deu. 9: 2. with. Ezra 9: 1-3. Neh. 13:.23-28. Divided into three tribes. Jos. 15: 14. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING' Inhabited the mountains of Judah. Jos. 11:21. Subjection to Babylon. Jer. 25: 9-21. Jer. Hebron, chief city of. Jos. 14: 15, with Jos. 27:3, 6. 21:11. Destruction for hatred to Israel. Eze. 25: Of gigantic strength and stature. Deu. 2: 2-10. Zep. 2: 8, 9. 10, tl, 21. Punishment for oppressive cruelty. Jer. Israel terrified by. Num. 14:, with Num. 49: 1-5. Amos 1:13-13. 13: 33. Restoration. Jer. 49:. 6 Hebron a possession of, given to Caleb for RSubjectionto tle Jews. Isa. 11:14. his faithfulness. Jos. 14: 6-14. No. 7. AMOR.ITES, T IE. Driven from Hebron by Caleb. Jos. 15: 13,14. O. 7. AORITES THE. Driven from Kirjath-seplser or Debir by Descent of. Gen. 10: 15, 16. 1 Chr. 1: 13:134. Othniel. Jos. 15:15-17. Jud. 1: 12, 13. One of the seven nations of Canaan. Gen. Almost annihilated. Jos. 11: 21, 22. 15:21. Exo.3:8,17. No. 9. ANOINTING. Governed by many independent kings. Jos. No. 9. ANOINTING. 5: 1. Jos. 9:10. With oil. Psa. 92:10. Kings of, great and powerful. Psa. 136:18, 20. With ointment. Jno. 11: 2. Originally inhabited a mountain district in WAS USED FOR the south. Num.13:29. Deu.1:7,20. Jud.l:36. Decorating the person. Ruth 3: 3. Acquired an extensive territory from iMoab Refreshing the body. 2 Chr. 28: 15. east of Jordan. Num. 21: 26, 30. Purifying the body. Est. 2:12. lsa. 57:9. Had many and strong cities. Num. 32: 17, 33. Curing the sick. Mar. 6: 13. Jas. 5: 14. Of gigantic strength and stature. Amos 2:9. Healing wounds. Isa. 1: 6. Luke 10: 34. CHARACTER OF; Preparing weapons for war. Isa. 21: 5. Profane and wicked. Gen. 15: 16. - Preparing the dead forburial. Mat. 26: 12. Idolatrous. Jos. 24: 15. MSar. 16: 1, with Luke 23: 56. Defeated by Clledorlaomer, &c. Gen. 14: 7. The Jews very fond of. Pro. 27: 9. Amos 6: 6. Joined Abram against the kings. Gen. 14: WA:s APPLIED TO 13, 24. The head. Psa. 23: 5. Ecc. 9: S. Jacob took a portion from. Gen. 48: 22. The face. Psa. 104: 15. Forbearance of God towards. Gen. 15: 16. The feet. Luke 7: 3S, 39. Jno. 12:3. Doomed to utter destruction. Deu. 20:17,18. The eyes. Rev. 3:18. Refused a passage to Israel. Num. 21: 21- OINTMENT FOR, 23. Deu. 2: 30. Richly perfumed. So. of Sol. 4:10. Jno.12:3. Deprived of their eastern territory by Israel. Most expensive. 2 Kin. 20: 13. Amos 6: 6. Num. 21: 24-35. Jno. 12: 3, 5. Land of,givento Reubenites,&c.Jos 13:15-31. Prepared by the apothecary. Ecc. 1C: 1. Western kings of, confederated against Is- An article of commerce. Eze. 27:17. Rev. rael. Jos. 10:1-5. 18:13. Miraculous overthrow of. Jos. 10: 11-14. Neglected in times of affliction. 2 Sam. 12: Kings of, degraded and slain. Jos. 10:.24-27. 20. 2 Sam. 14: 2. Dan. 10: 3. ANO. ARK. 9 ARM. Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect. Ark of the covenant of the Lord. Num. Luke 7: 46. 10: 33. A token of joy. Ecc. 9: 7, 8. Ark ofthe testimony. Exo. 30:6. Num. Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment. 7: 89. Deu. 28: 40. Mic. 6:15. A symbol of the presence and glory of God. Why recommended by Christ in times of Num. 14: 43, 44. Jos. 7: 6. 1 Sam. 14: fasting. Matt. 6:17, 18. 18, 19. Psa. 132: 8. No. 10. ANOINTING, SACRED. Esteemed the glory of Israel. 1 Sam. 4: Antiquity of. Gen. 28: 18. Gen. 35: 14. 21, 22. Consecrates to God's service. Exo. 30: 29. Was holy. 2 Chr. 35: 3. PERSONS WHO RECEIVED: Sanctifiedits resting-place. 2 Chr. S: 11. Prophets. 1 Kin. 19: 16. Isa. 61:1. The Israelites inquired of the Lord before. Jos. 7: 6-9. Jud. 20: 27. 1 Chr. 13: 3. Priests. Exo. 40:13-15. WAs CARRIED Kings. Jud. 9: 8. 1 Sam. 9: 16. 1 Kin. 1:34. WAS CARRIED THINGS WHICH RECEIVED *By priests or Levites alone. Deu. 10: 8. Jos. 3: 14. 2 Sam. 15: 24. 1. Chr. 15:2. Tabernacle, &c. Exo. 30: 26, 27. Exo. 40:9. Jos.3:14. 2Sam.15:24..Chr.15:2. Brazen altar. Exo. 29: 36. Exo. 40:10. Before the Israelites in their journeys. Brazen laver. Exo. 40.: 11. Num. 33. Jos. 3:6. BrazTHOSE WHO P ExoRT 40 F, Sometimes to the camp in war. 1 Sam. THOSE WHO PARTOOK OF, 4. 4,5 Protected by God. 1 Chr. 16: 22. Psa. 4:45 105:15. Profanation of, punished. Num. 4: 5, 15. 105:15. 1 Sam.6 19. 1Chr.15 13. Not to be injured or insulted. 1 1 S. 1 Sam. 6: 19. Chr. 16: 13. 24: 6. 1 Sam. 26: 9. 2 Sam. 1: 14, 15. Protecting of, rewarded. 1 Chr. 13: 14. 2 San. 19: 21. Captured by the Philistines. 1 Sam. 4: 11. OIL OR OINTaIEN1 T FOR * MMIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; Jordan divided. Jos. 4:7. Divinely prescribed. Exo. 30: 23-25. Jordan divided. Jo. 4:7. iCompounded by the priests. 1 Chr. 9:1~0 Fall of the walls of Jericho. Jos. 6: 6-20. Compounded by the priests. 1 Chr. 9:30. An holy anointing oil for ever. Exo. Fallof Dagon. I Sam. 5: 1-4. 30: 256, 31. Philistines plagued. 1 Sam. 5: 6, 12. Not to be imitated. Exo. 30: 32. Manner of its restoration. I Sam. 6: Not to be imitated. Exo. 30: 32. To be piut on no stranger. Exo. 30: 33. A - t. Jews condemned for imitating. Eze. 23: 41. At Kirjath-jearim twenty years. 1 Sam. 7: ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE ANOINTING 1, 2. Of Christ with the Holy Ghost. Psa. 45: 7. Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house Isa. 61:1, with Luke 4:18. of Obededom. 2 Sam. 6:1-11. Of saints with the Holy Ghost. I Jno. 2: 27. David made a tent for. 2 Sam. 6 17. 1 Chr. No. 11. ARK OF THE COVENANT, THE. Brought into the city of David. 2 Sam. Dimensions, &c. of. Exo.25: 10. Exo. 37: 1 6:12-15. 1 Chr. 15: 25-28. Entirely covered with gold. Exo. 25: 11 Brought by Solomon into the temple with Exo. 37: 2. great solemnity. I Kin. 8: 1-6. 2 Chr. Surrounded with a crown of gold. Exo. 6:2-9. 25: 11. Atype of Christ. Psa. 40: 8. Rev. 11: 19. Furnished with sings and staves. Exo. 25: No. 12. ARMIES. 12-15. Exo. 37:3-5. Antiquity of. Gen. 14: 1-8. Tables of testimony alone placed in. Exo. Ancient, often numerous. Jos. 11: 4. 1 Sam. 25: 16, 21. 1 Kin. 8: 9, 21. 2 Chr. 5: 10. 13: 5. Heb. 9: 4. Of different nations often confederated. Jos. Mercy-seat laid upon. Exo. 25:21. Exo. 9: 2. Jos. 10: 5. Jud. 3: 13. 1 Kin. 20: 1. 26: 34. Troops often hired for. I Chr. 19: 7. 2 Chr. Placed in the Holy of Holies. Exo. 26:33. 25: 6. Exo. 40:21. Heb. 9: 3, 4. WERE COMPOSED OF The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up Bowmen and slingers. 1 Chr. 12: 2. Jer. before. Heb. 9: 4, with Exo. 16: 33, 34. 4: 29. Num. 17:10. Spearmen or heavy troops. Psa. 68: 30. A copy of the law laid in the side of. Deu. Acts 293: 23. 31: 26. Cavalry. Exo. 14: 9. 1 Kin. 20: 20. Anointed with sacred oil. Exo. 30: 26. War-chariots. Jos. 17:16. Jud. 4: 3. Covered with the vail by the priests before Often consisted of the whole effective removal. Num. 4: 5, 6. strength of nations. Num. 21: 23. 1 Sam. WAS CALLED, THE 29: 1. Ark of God. 1 Sam. 3: 3. Furnished with standards. Song of Sol. 6: 4. Ark of God's strength. 2 Chr. 6:41. Psa. Isa. 10: 18. Jer. 4: 21. 132: 8. Accompaniedby beasts of burden and wag. ARM. 10 ARM. gons for baggage. Jud. 7: 12. 2. Kin. 7: 7. Clouds. Eze. 38: 9-16. Eze. 23:24. Overflowing torrents. Isa. 28: 2. Dan. Generally in three divisions. Gen. 14: 16. 11: 10, 26. Job 1: 17. ILLUSTRATIVE OF WERE LED BY Multitudes of angels. 1 Kin. 22: 19. Psa. Kings in person. 2 Kin. 18: 13. 2 Kin. 25:1. 14S.: 2. Dan. 4:35. Miat. 26:53. Experienced captains. 2 Kin. 18: 17, 24. The Church. Dan. 8: 10-13. Song of Sol. CALLED THE 6: 4,10. Wings of a nation. Isa. 8: S. Jer. 48: 40. Numerous and heavy afflictions.Job 19:12. Power ofins. os2 5. Jud. 8:9 10. No. 13. ARMIES OF ISRAEL, THE. Bands. 2Kin. 24: 2. 1 Chr. 7: 4. First mention of. Exo. 7 4. Began their campaigns in the spring. 2 Sam. COLLECETD BY 11: 1. Sound of trumpets. Jud. 3: 27. Jud. 6:34. Often went on foreign service. Jer. 5: 15. Special messengers. Jud. 6: 35. 2 Sam. Jer. 50: 3. 20:14. MARCHED Extraordinary means. Jud. 19: 29, with Often in open line. Hab. 1: 6, 8. Jud. 20: 1. 1 Sam. 11: 7. WVith order and precision. isa. 5: 27. Enrolled by the chief scribe. 2 Kin. 258: 19. Joel t2: 7, 8. CALLED With rapidity. Jer. 48:40. Hab. 1: 8. The host. Deu. 23: 9. 1 Sam. 2::19. With noise and tumult. Isa. 17: 12, 13. The armies of the living God. 1 Sam.17:26. Joel 2: 5. Composed of infantry. Num. 11: 21. Jud. EMPLOYsED IN 5: 15. Fighting battles. 1 Sam. 17: 2, 3. 1 Chr. Horsemen and chariots introduced into, after 19: 17. David's reign. 1 Kin. 1: 5. 1 Kin. 4: 26. Besieging cities. Deu. 20: 12. Isa. 29: 3. DIVIDED INTO Assaulting cities. Jos. 7: 3, 4. Jud. 9: 45. Three divisions. Jud. 7: 16. 1 Sam. 11: 11. Often surprised their enemies. Jos. 8: 2. Vas and rere. Jos. 6: 9. 2 Chr. 13: 13. Jer. 51: 12. Companies of thousands, &c. Num. 31:14Commenced their battles with a shout. 2 Kin. 1: 9, 11. 1 Chr. 13: 1. 1 Chr. 27:1. 1 Sam. 17: 20. 2 Chr. 13: 15. Jer. 51:14. Commanded by the captain of the host. Toil and fatigue often endured by. Eze. 2 am. 2: 8. 2 Sam. 17: 23. 2 Sam. 20:23. 29: 18. Often led by the king in person. I Sam. 8:20. Divided the spoil. Exo. 15: 9. Zec. 14:1. 1 Sam. 15: 45. 2 Sam. 12: 29. 1 Kin. 22 ch. Sent out foraging parties. 2 Kin. 5: 2. INFERIOR OFFICERS OF, APPOINTED BY Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquish- The shoterim or chief officers. Deu. 20: 9, ed. Jer. 50: 42. Lam. 5: 11-13. Amos 1:13. The king. 2 Sam. 18: 1. 2 Chr. 25: 5. Frequently the instruments of God's ven- The captain of the host. 2 Sam. 18: 11. geance. Isa. 10: 5, 6. Isa. 13:5. 2 Kin. 4: 13. In latter ages received pay. Luke 3: 14. Persons liable to serve in. Num. 1: 2, 3. 1 Cor. 9: 7 PERSONS EXEMPTED FROMI SERVING IN; ENCAMVPED Who had builded a house. Deu. 20: 5. In the open fields. 2 Sam. 11: 11. 1 Chr. Who had planted avineyard. Deu. 20: 6. 11:15. Who were lately betrothed. Deu. 20:7. Before cities. Jos. 10: 5. 1 Sam. 11:1. Who were newly married. Deu. 24: 5. Fear occasioned by. Num. 22: 3. Jer. 6: 25. Refusing to join, stigmatized. Jud. 5:15-17. Devastation occasioned by Isa.37:.18Jer.5;17. Refusing to join, often punished. Jud. OFTEN DESTROYED BY 21:5. 8-11. I Sam. 11: 7. Their enemies. Exo. 17:13. Jos. 10:10, 20. Tile fearful allowed to leave. Deu. 20: 8. Jud. 11:33. 2 Sam. 18:7. 1 Kin. 20:21. Jud. 7: 3. Themselves through divine interposition. Sometimes consisted of the whole nation. Jud. 7: 22. 1 Sam. 14: 15, 16. 2 Chr. Jud. 20: 11. 1 Sam. 11: 7. 20: 23. Strict discipline observed in. Jos. 7:16-21. Supernatural means. Jos. 10:11. 2 Kin. 1 Sam. 14: 24-44. 19: 35. Educated in the art of war. Isa.2: 4. Mic. 4:3. Brought their idols with them. 1 Chr. 14: 12. Often supplied'with arms from public arCOIP.ARED TO mouries. 2 Chr. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 26: 14. Whirlwinds. Jer. 25: 32. BEFORE GOING TO WAR Waters of a river. Isa. S: 7. Were numbered and reviewed. 2 Sam. Caterpillars. Jer. 51: 14, 27. 18: 1, 2, 4. 1 Kin. 20:15, 27. Grasshoppers. Jud. 6: 3-5. Jud. 7: 12. Required to keep from iniquity. Deu. 23: 9. Locusts. Isa. 33: 4. Rev. 9: 3, 7. Consulted the Lord. Jud. 1: 1. Jud. 20: Flies. Iea. 7:18, 19. 27, 28. ARM. I1 ARR. Encouraged by their commanders. 2 Chr. Buckler. 1 Chr. 5: 18. Eze. 26: 8. 20: 20. Called harness. 1 Kin. 22:34. Ark of God frequently brought with. Jos. Called armour. Luke 11: 22. 6: 6, 7. 1 Sam. 4: 4, 5. 2 Sam. 11:11. FoR SIEGES 2 Sam. 15: 24. Battering rams. 2 Sam. 20: 15. Eze. 4: 2. Attended by priests with trumpets. Num. Engines for casting stones,&c.2 Chr. 26:16. 10: 9. Num. 31: 6. 2 Chr. 13: 13, 14. Not worn in ordinary. 1 Sam. 21: 8. Praises of God often sung before. 2 Chr. Put on at the first alarm. Isa. 8: 9. Jer. 20: 21, 22. 46: 3,4. Often disposed for battle with judgment, &c. Armouries built for. 2 Kin. 20:13. Song 2 Sam. 10:9. of Sol. 4: 4. Bravery and fidelity in, rewarded. Jos. Great stores of, prepared. 2 Chr. 32: 5. 15: 16. 1 Sam. 17: 25. 1 Sam. 18: 17. WERE PROVIDED 2 Sam. 18: 1. 1 Chr. 11: 6. By individuals themselves. 1 Chr. 12:33,37. Men selected from, for difficult enterprises. From the public arsenals. 2 Chr. 11:12. Exo. 17: 9. Num. 31: 5, 6. Jos. 7: 4. Jos. 2 Chr. 26:14. 8: 3. Jud. 7: 5, 6. 2 Sam. 17: 1. Often given as presents. 1 Kin. 10: 25. Directed in their movements by God. Jos. BEFORE USING 8: 1, 2. Jud. 1: 2. 2 Sam. 5: 25. lChr.14:16. Tried and proved. I Sam. 17: 39. With the aid of God all-powerful. Lev. 26: Burnished. Jer. 46: 4. Eze. 21: 9-11, 28. 3, 7, 8. Deu. 7: 24. Deu. 32: 30. Jos. 1: 5. Anointed. Isa. 21: 5. Without God easily overcome. Lev. 26: 17. Part of, borne by armour-bearers. Jud. 9:54. Num. 14: 42, 45. 1 Sam. 14: 1. 1 Sam. 16: 21. MODE OF PROVISIONING; Hung on the walls of cities. Eze. 27: 10, 11. Food brought by themselves. Jos. 1: 11. OF THE VAQIUISSHED, Food sent by their families. 1 Sam. 17: 17. Taken oil them. 2 Sam. 92: 21. Luke. 11:22. Contribution levied. Jud. 8: 5. 1 Sam. 25: Sometimes kept as trophies. 1 Sam. 17: 54. 4-8. Sometimes burned. Eze. 39: 9, 10. By presents. 2 Sam. 17: 27-29. Of conquered nations taken away to prevent Congratulated on returning victorious. 1 rebellion. Jud. 5: 8. 1 Sam. 13:19, 22. Sam. 18: 6, 7, with Exo. 15:1 —21. Inferior to wisdom. Ecc. 9: 18. Purified on returning from war. Num. 31: ILLUSTRATIVE OF 19-24. Spiritual armour. Rom. 13: 12. 2 Cor. Disbanded after war. 1 Sam. 13:2. 1 Kin. 6: 7. Eph. 6:11-14. 1 The. 5: 8. 22: 36. Spiritual weapons. 2 Cor. 10: 4. Eph. 6:17. Part of, retained in times of peace by the Judgments of God. Isa. 13: 5. Jer. 50: 25. kings. 1 Sam. 13:1, 2. 1 Chr. 27:1-15. No. 15. ARROWS. No. 14. ARMS, MILITARY. Deadly and destructive weapons.Prov.26:18. Made of iron, steel, or brass. Job 20: 24. Called shafts. Isa. 49: 2. 1 Sam. 17: 5, 6. Sharp. Psa. 120: 4. Isa. 5: 28. OFFENSIVE; Bright and polished. Isa. 49: 2. Jer. 51:11. Sword. Jud. 20:15. Eze. 32:27. Sometimes poisoned. Job 6: 4. Two-edged sword. Psa. 149:6. Pro. 5: 4. Carried in a quiver. Gen. 27: 3. Isa. 49.: 2. Dagger. Jud. 3: 16, 21, 22. Jer. 5: 16. Lam. 3:13. Dart or javelin. 1 Sam. 18: 10, 11. 2 Sam. DISCHARGEDo 18:14. From a bow. Psa. 11: 2. Isa.7: 24. Spear or lance. 1 Sam. 26: 7. Jer. 50: 42. From engines. 2 Chr. 26: 15. Battle-axe. Eze.2:9. 26: 9. Jer. 51: 20. At a mark for amusement. 1 Sam. 20:20-22. Bow and arrows. Gen. 48: 22. 1 Kin.22:34. At the beasts of the earth. Gen. 27: 3. Sling. I Sam. 17: 50. 2 Kin. 3: 25. Against enemies. 2 Kin. 19: 32. Jer.50:14. Handstaff. Mat. 26: 47. With great force. Num. 24: 8.2 Kin. 9:24. Called weapons of war. 2 Sam. 1: 27. Fleetness of, alluded to. Zec. 9:14. Called instruments of war. 1 Chr. 12:33,37. The ancients divined by. Eze. 21: 21. Called instruments of death. Psa. 7: 13. ILLUSTRATIVE DEFENSIVE; Of Christ. Isa. 49: 2. Helmet. 1 Sam. 17: 5, 38. 2 Chr. 26: 14. Of the word of Christ. Psa. 45: 5. Coat of mail, breastplate, habergeon, or Of God's Judgments. Deu. 312: 23-42. brigandine. 1 Sam. 17: 5, 38. Exo. 28: 32. Psa. 7: 13. Psa. 21: 12. Psa. 64: 7. Jer. 46: 4. Rev. 9: 9. Eze. 5:16. Girdle. 1 Sam. 18: 4. 2 Sam. 18: 11. Of severe afflictions. Job. 6: 4. Psa. 38:2. Target. 1 Sam. 17: 6. Of bitter words. Psa. 64: 3. Greaves. 1 Sam. 17: 6. Of'slanderous tongues. Jer. 9: 8. Shield. 1 Kiss. 10: 16, 17. 1 Kin. 14:26, 27. Of false witnesses. Pro. 25: 18. ART. ASH. 12 ASP. ASS. Of devices of the wicked. Psa. 11: 2. On Ebal, said amen to the curses of the law. Of young children. Psa. 127: 4. Deu. 27: 13. Of lightnings. Psa. 77: 17, 18. Hab. 3: 11. Bounds of their inheritance. Jos. 19: 24-31. (Broken), of destruction of power. Psa. Bordered on the sea. Jos. 19:29. Jud. 5:17. 76: 3. Did not fully drive out Canaanites. Jud. 1: (Falling from the hand), of the paralyzing 31, 32. of power. Eze. 39: 3. Reproved for not aiding against Sisera. Jud. No. 16. ARTS OF THE. 5:17. Assisted Gideon against the Midianites. Jud. Apothecary or perfumer. Exo. 30:25, 35. 6: 35. Jud. 7: 23. Armourer. 1 Sam. S: 12. Some of, at coronation of David. lChr.12:36. Baker. Gen. 40: 1. 1 Sam. 8: 13. Officers placed over, by Solomon. 1 Kin.4:16. Brick-maker. Gen. 11: 3. Exo. 5: 7, 8, 18. Aided in Hezekiah's reformation.2Chr,30:11. Brazier. Gen.4: 22. 2 Tim. 4: 14. Remarkable persons of. 1 Chr. 7: 30-40. Blacksmith. Gen. 4:22. 1 Sam. 13:19. Luke 2:36. Carver. Exo. 31: 5. 1 Kin. 6. 18. Carpenter. 2 Sam. 5: 11. Mar. 6:3. No. 8. ASP, OR ADDER. Calker. Eze. 27: 9, 27. Dangerous to travellers. Gen. 49: 17. Confectioner. I Sam. S:13. DEscIOBE As Dyer. Exo. 25: 5. Venomous. Job 20: 14, 16. Embroiderer, Exo. 35: 35. Exo. 38:23. Not to be charmed. Psa. 58: 5. Embalmer. Gen. 50: 2, 3, 26. ILLUSTRATIVE Engraver. Exo. 25: 11. Isa. 49: 16.2 or. 3:7. Of obstinate rejecters of God's word. Psa. Founder. Jud. 17: 4. Jer. 10: 9. 558: 4, 5. Fuller. 2 Kin. 18: 17. Mar. 9: 3. Of the enemies of God's people. Psa. 91:13. Gardener. Jer. 29: 5. Jno. 20: 15. (Venom of,) of the speech of the wicked. Goldsmith. Isa. 40:19. Psa. 140: 3. Rom. 3:13. Husbandman. Gen. 4: 2. Gen. 9: 20. (Venom of,) of injurious effects of wine. Mariner, &c. Eze. 27: 8, 9. Deu. 32: 33. Pro. 23: 32. Mason. 2 Sam. 5: 11. 2 Chr. 24: 12. (Deprived of its venom,) of the effects of Musician. 1 Sam. 18: 6. 1 Clhr. 15:16. conversion. Isa. 11: 8, 9. Potter. Isa. 64:8. Jer. 18: 3. Lam. 4: 2. Zeo. No. 19. ASS, THE WILD. 11:13,. Refiner of metals. 1 Chr. 28: 18. Mal. 3: 2, 3. Inhabits wild and solitary places. Job 39: 6. Ropemaker. Jud. 16: 11. Isa. 32:14. Dan. 5: 21. Silversmith. Acts 19:24. Ranges the mountains for food. Job 39: S. Stone-cutter. Exo. 20: 25. 1 Chr. 22:15. Brays when hungry. Job 6: 5. Ship-builder. 1 Kin. 9: 26. Suffers intime of scarcity. Jer. 14:6. Smelter of metals. Job 28: 2. DESCRIBED AS Spinner. Exo. 35: 25. Pro. 31:19. Fond of liberty. Job. 39: 5. Tailor. Exo. 28: 3. Intractable. Job 11:12. Tanner. Acts 9: 43. Acts 10: 6. Unsocial. Hos. 8: 9. Tent-maker. Gen. 4: 20. Acts 18: 3. Despises his pursuers. Job 39: 7. Weaver. Exo. 35: 35. Jno. 19: 23. Supported by God. Psa. 104: 10, 11.'Vine-maker. Neh. 13: 15. Isa. 63:3. ILLUST'rATIVE OF Writer. Jud. 5:14. Intractableness of natural man. Job 11:12. No. 17. ASHER, THE TRIBE OF. Tihe wicked in their pursuit of sin. Job Descended from Jacob's eighth son. Gen. 24: 5. n30. 12 13. 9 Israel in their love of idols. Jer. 2: 23, 24. 30:12, 13. The Assyrian power. Hos. 8: 9. Predictions concerning. Gen. 49: 20. Deu. The Ish aelites. Gen. 6 12. (Heireu. ) 33: 24,'25. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num.l:40,41. No. 20. ASS, THE DOMESTIC. PERSONS SELECTED FROMI, Unclean. Lev. 11: 2, 3, 26. with Exo. 13:13. To number the people. Num. 1: 13. DESCRIBED AS To spy out the land. Num. 13: 13. Not devoid ofinstinct. Isa. 1: 3. To divide the land. Num. 34: 27. Strong. Gen. 49: 14. The centre of the fourth division of Israel in Fond of ease.. Gen. 49: 14,15. its journeys. Num. 10: 25, 26. Often fed on vine-leaves. Gen. 49: 11. Encamped next to, and under the standard Formed a part of patriarchal wealth. Gen. of Dan, north of the tabernacle. Num. 2: 12:16. Gen. 30: 43. Job 1: 3. Job 42: 12. 2.5, 27. WAs USED Ofibring of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 72-77. In agriculture. Isa. 30: 6, -24. Families of. Num.26: 44-47. For bearing burdens. Gen. 42: 26. 1 Sam. Strength of,on entering Canaan. Num.26:47. 25: 18. ASS. 13 ASS. For riding. Gen. 22: 3. Num. 22: 21. Proud and haughty. 2 Kin. 19: 2224. In harness. Isa. 21: 7. Isa. 10:8. In war. 2 Kin. 7: 7, 10. An instrument of God's vengeance. Isa. Governed by a bridle. Pro. 26, 3. 7: 18,19. lsa.10: 5, 6. Isa. 5:26-29. Urged on with a staffi Num. 22: 23, 27. Chief men of, described. Eze. 23: 6, 12, 23. Women often rode on. Jos. 15:18. 1 Sam. Armies of, described. Isa. 5: 26-29. 25:20. PUL KING OF', Persons of rank rode on. Jud. 10: 3, 4. 2 Invaded Israel. 2 Kin. 15: 19. Sam. 16: 2. Bought off by 1Menahem. 2 Kin. 15:19, 20. Judges of Israel rode on white. Jud. 5:10. TIGL.TH PILEZER KING OF, Young, most valued for labour. Isa. 30: 6, 24. Ravaged Israel. 2 Kin. 15: 29. Trusty persons appointed to take care of. Asked to aid Ahaz against Syria. 2 Kin. Gen. 36: 24. 1 Sam. 9: 3. 1 Chr. 27: 30. 16:7, 8. Often taken unlawfully by corrupt rulers. Took money from Ahaz, but strengthened Num. 16:15. 1 Sam. 8: 16. 1 Sam. 12: 3. him not. 2 Chr. 28: 20, 21. Latterly counted an ignoble creature. Jer. Conquered Syria. 2 Kin. 16: 9. 22: 19. SHALMIANESER KING OF, IAWS RESPECTING; Reduced Israel to tribute. 2 Kin. 17: 3. Not to be coveted. Exo. 20: 17. Was conspired against by Hoshea. 2 Kin. Fallen under a burden, to be assisted. 17: 4. Exo. 23: 5. Imprisoned Hoshea. 2 Kin. 17: 4. Astray, to be brought back to its owner. Carried Israel captive. 2 Kin. 17: 5, 6. Exo. 23: 4. Deu. 2~2:1. Re-peopled Samaria from Assyria. 2 Kin. Astray, to be taken care of till its owner 17: 24. appeared. Deu. 22: 2, 3. SENNACHERIB mKIMG OF, Not to be yoked with an ox. Deu. 22: 10. Invaded Judah. 2 Kin. 18: 13. To enjoy the rest of the Sabbath. Deu Bought ofi by Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18: 14-16. 5:14. Insulted and threatened Judah. 2 Kin. First-born of, if not redeemed, to have its 18: 17-32. 2 Kin. 19: 10-13. neck broken. Exo. 13: 13. Exo. 34:20. Blasphemed the Lord. 2 Kin. 18: 33-35. Christ entered Jerusalem on. Zec. 9: 9. Prayed against by Hezekiah. 2 Kin. Jsno. 12: 14. 19: 14-9. Imu R. tcLs C'ONNpFECTEoD WITH; Reproved for pride and blasphemy. 2 Kin. MHoutlh of1 Balaam's opened to speak. Num. 19: 20-34. lsa. 37: 21-29. 22: 28. 2 Pet. 2:16. His army destroyed by God. 2 Kin. 19: 35. A thousand men slain by Samson with a Assassinated by his sons. 2 Kin. 19: 36. jaw.-bone of Jud. 15::19. Condemned for oppressing God's people. Water brought from jaw-bone of. Jud. Isa. 52: 4. 15::19. Manasseh taken captive to. 2 Chr. 33: 11. Not torn by a lion. 1 Kin. 13: 28. The re-peopling of Samaria from, completed Eaten during famine in Samarie. 2 Kin. 6:25. by Asnapper. Ezra 4:10. No. 21. ASSYRIA. Idolatry of, brought into Samaria. 2 Kin. o.. ASSYRIA. 17:29. Antiquity and origin of. Gen. 10: 8-11. Judah condemned for trusting to. Jer. Situated beyond the Euphrates. Isa. 7: 20. 2: 18, 36. Watered by the river Tigris. Gen. 2: 14. Israel condemned for trusting to. Hos. CALLED 5: 13. Hos. 7:11. Hos. 8: 9. Tie land of Nimrod. Mic.5: 6. The Jews condemned for following the Shinar. Gen. 11: 2. Gen. 14: 1. idolatries of. Eze. 16: 28. Eze. 23: 5, 7, &c. Asshur. Hos. 14: 3. The greatness, extent, duration, and fall of, Nineveh, chief city of. Gen.10:11. 2 Kin.19:36. illustrated. Eze. 31: 3-17. Governed by kings. 2 Kin. 15:19, 29. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING; CELEBRATED FOR Conquest of the Kenites by. Num. 24: 22. Fertility. 2 Kin. 18: 32. Isa. 36:17. Conquest of Syria by. Isa. 8:4. Extent of conquests. 2 Kin. 18: 33-35. Conquest and captivity of Israel by. Isa. 2 Kin. 19:11-13. Isa. 10:9-14. 8: 4. Hos. 9: 3. Hos. 10: 6. Hos. 11: 5. Extensive commerce. Eze. 27:23, 24. Invasion of Judah by. Isa. 5: 26. Isa. Idolatry, the religion of. 2 Kin. 19: 37. 7: 17-20. Isa. 8: S. Isa. 10: 5, 6,12. As A POWER, wAs Restoration of Israel from. Isa. 27:12,13. Most formidable. Isa. 28:2. Hos. 11: 11. Zec. 10: 10. Intolerant and oppressive. Nah. 3:19. Destruction of. Isa. 10: 12-19. isa. 14: 24, Cruel and destructive. Isa. 10: 7. 25. Isa. 30: 31-33. Isa. 31: 8, 9. Zec. 10:11. Selfish and reserved. HIos. 8:9. Participation in the blessings of the gosUnfaithful, &c. 2 Chr. 28:20, 21. pel. Isa. 19: 23-25. Mic. 7: 12. 2 ATO. 14 BAB. No. 22. ATONEMENT, UNDER TIIE With Media and Persia divided by Darius into one hundred and twenty provinces. LAW. Dan. 6:1. Made by sacrifice. Lev. 1: 4, 5. Presidents placed over. Dan. 22: 48. Dan. 6:1. By priests alone. 1 Chr. 6: 49. 2 Chr. 29: 24. Babylon the chief province of' Dan. 3: 1. NECESSARY FOR BABYLON THE CAPITAL OF, Propitiating God. Exo. 32: 30. Lev. 23: Its antiquity. Gen. 11: 4, 9. 27, 28. 2 Sam. 21: 3. Enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 4:30. Ransoming. Exo. 30: 15, 16. Job 33: 24. Surrounded with a great wall and fortifi. Purifying. Exo. 29: 36. ed. Jer. 51: 53, 88. OFFERED FOR Called tile golden city. Isa. 14:4. The congregation. Num.15:25. 2Chr.29:24. Called the glory of kingdoms. Isa. 13: 19. The priests. Exo. 29: 31-33. Lev. 8: 34. Called beauty of Chaldees, &c. Isa. 13: 19. Perisons sinning ignorantly. Lev. 4: 20,&c. Called the city of merchants. Eze. 17: 4. Persons sinning wilfully. Lev. 6: 7. Called Babylon the great. Dan. 4: 30. Persons swearing rashly. Lev. 5: 4, 6. REMARKABLE FOR Persons withholding evidence. Lev.5:1, 6. Antiquity. Jer. 5: 15. Persons unclean. Lev. 5: 2, 3, 6. Naval power. Isa. 43: 14. Women after childbirth. Lev. 12: 8. Military power. Jer. 5: 16. Jer. 50: 23. The altar. Exo. 29: 36, 37. Lev. 16: 18, 19. National greatness. Isa. 13: 19. Jer. 61:41. The holy i)lace. Lev. 16: 16, 17. Wealth. Jer. 50: 37. Jer. 51:13. The heated leper. Lev. 14:18. Commerce. Eze. 17:4. The leprous house healed. Lev. 14:3. Manufacture of garments. Jos. 7: 21. Extraordinary cases of. Exo.32: 30-34. Num. Wisdom of senators. Isa. 47: 10. Jer. 50:35. 16:47. Num. 25: 10-13. INHABITANTS OF, Typical of Christ's atonement. Rom. 5: 6-11. Idolatrous. Jer. 50: 38. Dan. 3: 18. No. 23. ATONEMENT, THE DAY OF. Addicted to magic. Isa. 47: 9, 12, 13. Dan Tenth day of seventh month. Lev. 23:26, 27. 2: 1, 2. A day of humiliation. Lev. 16: 29, 31. Lev Profaneand sacrilegious. Dan.: 1-3. 23: 27. Wicked. Isa. 47: 10. Observed as a sabbath. Lev. 23: 28, 32. As A POWER WAS Offerings to be made on. Lev. 16: 3, 5-15. Arrogant. Isa. 14:13,14. Jer. 60: 29, 31, 32. The high priest entered into the holy place Secure and self-confident. Isa. 47: 7, 9. on. Lev. 16: 2, 3. Heb. 9: 7. s Covetous. Jer. 51: 13. ATONEMIENT lIADE ON, For the holy place. Exo.30:10.Lev.16:151 6 Oppressive. Isa. 14: 4. For the ig priest. Lev. 1.6: 1. Heb. 9:7. Cruel and destructive. Isa. 14: 17. Isa. For the whole congregation. Lev. 16:17, 47 6. Jer. 1: 2. ab. 1: 6, 7. 24. Lev. 2:3:28. Heb. 9 * 7. An instrument of God's vengeance on other nations. Jer. 51: 7. Isa. 47: 6. The sins of the people borne off by the other nations. Jer. scape-goat on. Lev. 16: 21. Languages spoken in. Dan. 1: 4. Dan. 2: 4. Armies of, described. HaLev. 1:7-9. Punishment for not observing. Lev. 23:29,30. Armies of, described. Hab. 1: 7-9. Year of jubilee commenced on. Lev. 2: 9. REPRESENTED BY Typical. lob. 9A:8, 24.A great eagle. Eze. 17: 3. T ioal. Hb. BA BYLON., 24.A head of gold. Dan. 2: 32, 37, 38. No. 24. BABYLON. A lion with eagle's wings. Dan. 7: 4. Origin of. Gen. 10: 8, 10. (Marg.) Ambassadors of, sent to Hezekiah. 2 Kin. Origin of the name. Gen. 11: 8, 9. 20: 12. WAS CALLED NEBUCHADNEZZAR KING OF, Land of the (Chaldeans. Eze. 12: 13. Made Jehoiakim tributary. 2 Kin. 24: 1. Land of Shinar. Dan. I: 2. Zec. 5: 11. Besieged Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 24: 10, 11. Land of Merathaim. Jer. 50:1, 21. Took Jehoiachin &c. captive to Babylon. Desert of the sea. Isa. 21: 1, 9. 2 Kin. 24: 12, 14-16. 2 Chr. 36: 10. Sheshach. Jer. 25: 12, 26. Spoiled the temple. 2 Kin. 24: 13. Lady of kingdoms. Isa. 47: 5. Made Zedekiah king. 2 Kin. 24: 17. Situated beyond the Euphrates. Gen. 11:31, Rebelled against by Zedekiah. 2 Kin. with Jos. 24: 2, 3. 24: 20. Formerly a part of Mesopotamia. Acts 7:2, Besieged and took Jerusalem. 2 Kin. Founded liy the Assyrians, and a part of 25:1-4. their empire. 2 Kin. 17: 24, with Isa. 23:13. Burned Jerusalem, &c. 2 Kin. 25: 9, 10. Watered by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. Took Zedekiah, &c. captive to Babylon. Psa. 137: 1. Jer. 51: 13. 2 Kin. 25: 7, 11, 18-21. 2. Chr. 36: 29. Composed of many nations. Dan. 3: 4, 29. Spoiled and burned the temple. 2 Kin. Governed by kings. 2 Kin. 20:12. Dan. 5:1. 25: 9, 13-17. 2 Chr. 36: 18-19. BEA. 15 BEA. Revolt of the Jews from, and their punish. Was clipped. Jer. 48: 37. ment illustrated. Eze. 17 ch. Was shorn. Jer. 41: 5. The Jews exhorted to be subject to, and Sometimes plucked out. Ezra 9: 3. settle in. Jer. 27: 17. Jer. 29: 1-7. Corners of, not to be marred for the dead. Treatment of the Jews in. -2 Kin. 25:27-30. Lev. 19: 27. Lev. 21: 5. Dan. 1: 3-7. Subject to leprosy. Lev. 13: 29, 30. Grief of the Jews in. Psa. 137: 1-6. Of the healed leper to be shaved. Lev. 14:9. Destroyed by the Medes. Dan. 5: 30, 31. Shaving, illustrative of severe judgments. Restoration of-the Jews from. 2 Chr. 36:23. Isa. 7: 20. Isa. 15: 2. Eze. 5: 1. Ezra 1 ch. Ezra 2: -1-67. The gospelpreached in. 1 Pet. 5: 13. No. 27. BEASTS. A type of Antichrist. Rev. 16:19. Rev. Created by God. Gen. 1: 24, 25. Gen. 2: 19. 17: 5. Creation of, exhibits God's power. Jer. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING O 27:5. Conquests by. Jer.'21: 3-10. Jer. 27: 2-6. Made for the praise and glory of God. Psa. Jer. 49: 28-33. Eze. 21: 19-32. Eze. 148: 10. 29:18-20. Difler in flesh from birds and fishes. 1 Cor. Captivity of the Jews by. Jer. 20: 4-6. 15: 39. Jer. 22: 20-26. Jer. 25: 9-11. Mic. 4:10. Herb of the field given to, for food. Gen. Restoration of the Jews from. Isa. 14:1-4. 1: 30. lsa. 44: 28. Isa. 48: 20. Jer. 29: 10. Power over, given to man. Gen. 1: 26, 28. Jer. 50: 4, 8, 19. Psa 8:7. Destruction of. Isa. 13 ch. Isa. 14: 4-22. Instinctively fear man. Gen. 9: 2. Isa. 21:1-10. Isa. 47 ch. Jer. 25: 12. Received their names from Adam. Gen. Jer. 50 ch. Jer. 51 ch. 2:19, 20. Perpetual desolation of. Isa. 13: 19-22. Given to man for food after the flood. Gen. Isa. 14: 22, 23. Jer. 50:13, 39. Jer. 51: 37. 9: 3. Preaching of the gospel in. Psa. 87: 4. Not to be eaten alive or with blood. Gen. No. 25. BEAR, THE. 9: 4. Deu. 12:16, 23. Inhabits woods. 2 Kin. 2: 24. That died naturally or were torn, not to be DESCRIBED AS eaten. Exo. 22: 31. Lev. 17: 15. Lev. Voracious. Dan. 7: 5. 22:8. Cunning. Lam. 3: 10. Supply clothing to man. Gen. 3: 21. Job Cruel. Amos 5: 19. 31:20. Often attacks men. 2 Kin. 2: 24. Amos The property of God. Psa. 50:10. 5:19. Subjects of God's care. Psa. 36: 6. Psa. Attacks the flock in the presence of the 104:10,11. shepherd. 1 Sam. 17: 34. DESCRIBED AS Particularly fierce when deprived of its Devoid of speech. 2 Pet. 2:16. young. 2 Sam. 17:8. Pro. 17:12. Devoid of understanding. Psa. 32: 9. Psa. Growls when annoyed. Isa. 59: 11. 73: 22. Miraculously killed by David. 1 Sam. 17: Devoid of irmortality. Psa. 49: 12-15. 36, 37. Possessed of instinct. Isa. 1:3. ILLUSTRaTIVE OF Being four-footed. Acts 10: 12. God in his judgments. Lam. 3: 10. Hos. By nature wild, &c. Psa. 50: 11.Mar. 1:13. 13:8S. Capable of being tamed. Jas. 3: 7. The natural man. Isa. 11: 7. Many kinds of, noisome and destructive. Wicked rulers. Pro. 28:15. LeProv.26: 6. Eze. 5: 17. The Kingdom of Antichist. RevDa 13: 2. 45:17.. Lessons of wisdom to be learned from. No. 26. BEARD, THE. Job 12:7. The Jews never appeared without. 2 Sam. FouND IN 10:5. Deserts. Isa. 13:21. Worn even by the priests. Psa. 133: 2. Fields. Deu. 7: 22. Joel 2: 22. Laying hold of, a token of respect. 2 Sam. Mountains. Song of Sol. 4: 8. 20: 9. Forests. Isa. 56: 9. Mic. 5: 8. Shaving of, a great offence. 2 Sam. 10: 4, 6, 7. HABITATIONS OF; Plucking of, a sign of scorn. lsa. 50: 6. Dens and caves. Job 37: 8. Job 38: 40. Dribbling on, a sign of derangement. 1 Sam. Under spreading trees. Dan. 4: 12. 21: 13. Deserted cities. Isa. 13: 21, 22. Zep. 2:15. IN AFFLICTION, Liable to diseases. Exo. 9: 3. Was neglected and untrimmed. 2 Sam. Frequently sufflered on account of the sins 19 ~ 24. of men. Joel 1: 18, 20. Hag. 1: 11. BEA. 16 BED. BEN. Often cut off for the sins of men. Gen. 6:7, ILLUSTRATIVE OF with Gen. 7: 23. Exo. 11: 5. Hos. 4: 3. The wicked. Psa. 49:20. Tit. 1: 12., Early distinguished into clean and unclean Ungodly professors. 2 Pet. 2: 12. Jude 10. Gen. 7: 2. Persecutors. 1 Cor. 15: 32. 2 Tim. 4:17. CLEAN; Kingdoms. Dan. 7:11,17. Dan. S: 4. Ox. Exo. 21: 2S, with Deu. 14: 4. People of different nations. Dan.4:12,21,22. Wild ox. Deu. 14: 5. Antichrist. Rev. 13: 2. Rev. 20: 4. Sheep. Deu. 7: 13, with Deu. 14:4. No. 28. BEDS. Goat. Deu. 14: 4. Antiquity of. Gen. 47: 31. Exo. 8: 3. Hart. Deu. 14: 5, with Job 39: 1. Couches or divans used as. Job 7:13. Psa. Roebuck. Deu. 14: 5, with 2 Sam. 2: 18. 6: 6 Wild goat. Deu. 14: 5. A small pallet or mattrass used as. 1 Sam. Fallow deer. Deu. 14: 5. 19: 15. Chamois. Deu. 14: a. Considered necessary. 2 Kin. 4: 10. Pygarg. Deu. 14: 5. MADE OF How distinguished. Lev. 11: 3. Deu. 14: 6. Iron D 3 11. Used for food. Lev. 11: 2. Deu. 12: 15. Used for sacrifice. Gen. 8: 20. Goldand silver. Est. 1:6. First-born of, not redeemed. Num. 18:17. Wood. Son of Sol.: 7-9. (mag.) UNCamel. Gen.A24:64withLev11N; Supplied with pillows. 1 Sam. 19:13. 1 Sam. Camel. Gen. 24: 64, with Lev. 11: 4. 26. Dromedary. 1 Kin 4: 28. Est.:10. Covered with tapistry and linen. Pro. 7: 16. Horse. Job 39:19-2a. Often perfumed. Pro. 7:17. Eze. 23: 41. Ass. Gen.22: 3. Iat.21:2. Of the poor covered with their upper garWild ass. Job. 6: J 39 ment5. Exo.22: 26,27. Deu. 24: 12, 13. Mule. 2Sam.13:29. 1 Kin.10:25. UED R Lion. Jud. 14:, 6. Sleeping on. Job 33: 15. Luke 11: 7. Leopard. Song of Sol. 4=: 8. Reclining on by day. 2 Sam. 4: 5. 2 Sam. Bear. 2 Sam. 17:S8. Wolrf Gen. 49: 2. Jno. 10 12. Reclining on at meals. 1 Sam. 28: 23-25. Unicorn. Num. 23:2. Amos 6: 4-6. Luke 7: 36-38. Jno. Behemoth. Job 40:15. Ape. 1 Kin. 10.; 2Sn Not used in affliction. 2 Sam. 12: 16. 2 Sam. Fox. Psa. 63: 10. Song of Sol. 2. 13:.31 Dog. Exo. 22 1:31. Luk 7 166 * 2 Persons sometimes took to, in grief. 1 Kin. Swine. Lev. 11: 7. isa. 66:17. 21: 4. Hos. 7 14. Hare. Lev. 11:6. Deu. 14:7. Saints meditate and praise God while on. Coney. Lev. 11: 5. Psa. 104:18. Psa.4:4. Psa. 149: 5. Song of Sol. 3:1. Mouse. Lev.11:299. lsa.66:17. The wicked devise mischief while on. Psa. Mole. Lev. 11: 30. Isa. 2:20. 36:4. Mic. 2:1. Weasel. Lev. 31: 29. The slothful too fond of. Pro. 26: 14. Ferret. Lev. 11: 30. Of the poor often sold for debt. Pro. 22: 27. Badger. Exo. 2di: 5. Eze. 16: 10. Subject to ceremonial defilement. Lev. 15: 4. Hot distinguished. Lev. 11:26D. Purification of. Mar. 7: 4. (marg.) Not eaten. Lev. 11: 4-. Deu. 14: 7, 8. ILLUSTRATIVE Not offered in sacrifice. Lev. 27: 11l. First-born of, redeemed. Num. 15:15. Ofthe grave. Isa. 57: 2. Caused uncleanness when dead. Lev. 5:. (Made in darkness,) of extreme misery. Caused uncleanness when dead. Lev. 1.2. To e9IESTIC the Sabbath.. 10. eu. ((Made in sickness,) of divine support and To enjoy the Sabbath. Exo. 20: 10. Deu. comfort. Psa.41:3. 5: 14. (Mlade on high,) of carnal security. Isa. To be taken care of. Lev. 25:7. Deu. 7:. 25: 4. (Too short,) of plans which afford no rest Not to be cruelly used. Num. 22: 27-2. or peace. Isa.28:20. Pro. 12: 10. No likeness of, to be worshipped. Deu. No. 29. BENJAMIN, TRIBE OF. 4:17. Descended from Jacob's twelfth son. Gen. Representations of, worshipped by the hea- 35: 1S. then. Rom. 1: 23. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 27. Deu. History of, written by Solomon. 1 Kin. 4: 33. 33:12. Often used as instrumeats of punishment. PERSONs SELECTED FROM, Lev. 26: 22. Deu. 32: 24. Jer. 15: 3. To number the people. Num. 1: 11. Eze. 5: 17. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 9. Man by nature no better than. Ecc. 3: 18, 19. To divide the land. Num. 34: 21. BIR. 17 BIR. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1:' Can all be tamed. Jas. 3: 7. 36, 37. Given as food to man. Gen. 9: 2, 3. Formed the rere of the third division ofThe blood of; not tobe eaten. Lev. 7:26. Israel in their journeys. Num. 10: 22, 24. The property of God. Psa. 50: 11. Encamped on west side of the tabernacleGod provides for. Psa. 104: 10-12. Mat. under the standard of Ephraim. Num. 6: 26. Luke 12: 23, 24. 2: 18, 22. CALLED Ofilering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 60-65. Fowls of the air. Gen. 7: 3. Families of. Num. 26:38-40. Fowls of heaven. Job. 35: 11. Strength of, entering Canaan. Num. 26: 41. Eeathered fowl. Eze. 39:17. On Gerizim said amen to the blessings. Wingedfowl. Deu. 4:17. Deu. 27: 12. Birds of the air. Mat. 8:'20. Cities and bounds of inheritance. Jos. 18: Many kinds of, granivorous. Mat. 13:4. 11-28. IMany kinds of, carnivorous. Gen. 15: 11. Celebrated as bowmen and slingers. 1 Chr. Gen. 40: 19. Deu. 28: 26. 12: 2. Furnished with claws. Dan. 4: 33. Assisted against Sisera. Jud. 5: 14. Propagated by eggs. Deu. 22: 6. Jer. 17:11. Oppressed by the Ammonites. Jud. 10: 9. Make, and dwell in nests. Mat. 8:'2. Almost annihilated for protecting the men Are hostile to strange kinds. Jer. 12: 9. of Gibeah. Jud. 20: 12-48. Have each their peculiar note or song. Psa. Remnant of; provided with wives to pre- 104:12. Ecc. 12:4. Song of Sol. 2:12. serve the tribe. Jud. 21: 1-23. F'ly above the earth. Gen. 1: 20. Furnished the first king of Israel. 1 Sam. Rapid flight of, alluded to. Isa. 31: b. Hos. 9:1, 2, 15-17. 1 Sam. 10; 20, 21. 2 Sam. 9: 11. Hos. 11: 11. 2 8-10. Many kinds of, migratory. Jer. 8: 7. Adhered for a time to the house of Saul Often remove from places snffering calamiagainst David. 2 Sam. 2: 9, 15, 25, 31. ties. Jer. 4: 25. Jer. 9: 10. Some of, assisted David. 1 Chr. 12:1-7, 16. Rest on trees. Dan. 4: 12. Mat. 13: 32..evolted from the house of Saul. 2 Sam. INHAsBT 3:19. Mountains. Psa. 50:11. Sorne of, at David's coronation. 1 Chr.12:29. Deserts. Psa. 102: 6. A thousand of, with Shimei came to meet Marshes. Isa. 14: 23. David on his return to Jerusalem. 2 Sam. Deserted cities. Isa. 34: 11, 14, 15. 19: 16, 17. MAKE THEIR NESTS Very numerous in David's time. 1 Chr. In trees. Psa. 104: 17. Eze. 31: 6. 7: 6-12. On the ground. Deu. 22:6. Captains appointed over. 1 Kin. 4: 18. 1 Chr. In clefts of rocks. Num. 24: 21. Jer. 48: 28. 27: 12.. In deserted cities. Isa. 34: 15. Remained faithful to Judah. I Kin. 12-21. Under the roofs of houses. Psa. 84: 3. Furnished an army to Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. Early distinguished into clean and unclean. 17: 17. Gen. 8: 20. Numbers of, returned from the captivity CLEXN; and dwelt at Jerusalem. Ezra 1: 5. Neh. Dove. Gen. 8: 8. 11: 4. Turtle. Lev. 14: 22. Song of Sol. 2: 12. Celebrated persons of; 3Ehud, Jud. 3: 15. Pigeon. Lev. 1: 14. Lev. 12: 6. Kish, 1 Sam. 9: 1. Said, 1 Sam. 9: 1. Quail. Exo. 16: 12, 13. Num. 11: 31, 32. 1 Sam. 10: 1..abner, 1 Sam. 14: 51. Sparrow. Lev. 14:4. (mareg.) Mat. 10:29-31. 1 Sam. 17: 55. Elhanas, 2 Sam. 21: 19. Swallow. Psa. 84: 3. Isa. 33:14. Paul, Pisi. 3: 8. Cock and hen. Mat. 23: 37. Mat. 26: 34, 74. Nl~o. 30. BIRDS. Partridge. 1 Sam. 26:20. Jer. 17: 11. NO~. 30. IRDS. Crane. Isa. 38:14. Jer. 8: 7. Created by God. Gen. 1: 20, 21. Gen. 2:19. To be eaten. Deu. 14: 11, 20. Created for the glory of God. Psa. 148: 10. Offered in sacrifice. Gen. 8:20. Lev. 1: 14. hIerb of the field given as food to. Gen. 1: 30. UNCLEAN; Differ in flesh fromn beasts and fishes. 1 Cor. Eagle. Lev. 11: 13. Job 39: 27. 15: 39. Ossifrage. Lev. 11:13. Power over, given to man. Gen. 1: 26. Osprey. Lev. 11:13. Psa. S: 8. Vulture. Lev. 11: 14. Job 28:7. Isa. 34: 5. Names given to, by Adam. Gen. 2: 19, 20. Glede. Deu. 14: 13. Instinctively fear man. Gen. 9:2. Kite. Lev. 11: 14. Instinct of, inferior to man's reason. Job Raven. Lev. 11:15. Job 38: 41. 35: 11. Owl. Lev. 11:16. Job 60: 28. Lessons of wisdom to be learned from. Job Nighit hawk. Lev. 11. 16. 12: 7. Cuckoo. Lev. 11:16. BLO. 18 BOO. Hawk. Lev. 11:16. Job 39: 26. The price of, not to be consecrated. Mat. Little Owl. Lev. 11:17. 27: 6. Cormorant. Lev. 11: 17. Isa. 34: 11. OF LEGAL SACRIFICES Great owl. Lev. 11: 17. For atonement. Exo. 30:10. Lev. 17:11 Swan. Lev. 11: 18. For purification. Heb. 9: 13, 19-22. Pelican. Lev. 11: 18. Psa. 102: 6. How disposed of. Exo. 29: 12. Lev. 4:7. Gier eagle. Lev. 11:18. Not offered with leaven. Exo. 23: 1S. Stork. Lev. 11:19. Psa. 104:17. Exo. 34: 25. Heron. Lev. 11 19. Ineffectual to remove sin. Heb. 10: 4. Lapwing. Lev. 11: 19. Idolaters made drink-offerings of. Psa. 16: 4. Bat. Lev. 11: 19. Isa. 2: 20. Water turned into, as a sign. Exo. 4: 30, Ostrich. Job 39:13-18. with ver. 9. Bittern. Isa. 14: 23. Isa. 34: 11. Waters of Egypt turned into, as a judgment. Peacock. 1 Kin. 10: 22. Job 39:13. Exo. 7: 17-21. Not to be eaten. Lev. 11: 13, 17. Deu. ILLUSTRATIVE 14: 12. (Washing the feet in,) of victories. Psa. Not to be eaten with their young. Deu. 22: 58; 10. Psa. 68: 23. 6, 7. (Building with,) of oppression and cruTaken in snares or nets. Pro. 1: 17. elty. Hab. 2: 12. Often suffered for man's sin. Gen. 6: 7. Jer. (Preparing unto,) of ripening for destruc12: 4. Eze. 33:20. Hos. 4: 3. tion. Eze. 35: 6. Solomon wrote the history of. 1 Kin. 4: 33. (On one's own head,) of guilt. Lev. 20: 9. Confinement of, in cages alluded to. Jer. 5:27. 2 Sam. I: 16. Eze. 18: 13. No likeness of, to be made for worship. (Given to drink,) of severe judgments. Deu. 4:17. Eze. 16:38. Rev. 16:6, Often worshipped by idolaters. Rom. 1: 23. No. 32. BOOKS. ILLUSTRATIVE Probable origin of. Job 19: 23, 24. Of cruel and rapacious kings. Isa. 46:11. MAbE OF Of hostile nations. Jer. 12:9. Papyrus or paper reed. lsa. 19: 7. Of people of different countries. Eze. 31: Parchment. 2 Tim. 4:13. 6. Mat. 13: 32. Made in a roll. Isa. 34: 4. Jer. 36: 2. Eze. 2:9. Of unsettled persons, &c. Pro.27:8. lsa.16:2. Written with pen and ink. Jer. 36:18. 3 Of the devil and his spirits. Mat. 13: 4, Jno. 13. with 19 v. Often written on both sides. Eze. 2: 10. (Snaring,) of death. Ecc. 9: 12. Often sealed. Isa. 29: 11. Dan. 12:4. Rev.5:1. (Snaring,) of designs of the wicked. Psa. Often dedicated to persons of distinction. 124: 7. Pro. 1: 10-17. Pro. 7: 23. Luke 1:3. Acts 1:1. No. 31. BLOOD. Were numerous and most expensive. Acts The life of animals. Gen. 9:4. Lev. 17:11,14. 19: 19. Fluid. Deu. 12: 16. The ancients fond of making. Ecc. 12: 12. Red. 2 Kin. 3: 2'2. Joel 2: 31. Divine communications recorded in. Exo. Of all men the same. Acts 17: 26. 17: 14. Isa. 30: 8. Jer. 36: 2. Rev. 1: 19. EATING OF, FORBIDDEN TO Important events recorded in. Ezra 4: 15. Man after the flood. Gen. 9: 4. Ezra 6: 1, 2. (marg.) Est. 2: 23. The Israelites under the law. Lev. 3: 17. Erasures in, alluded to. Exo. 32: 33. Num. Lev. 17: 10, 12. 5: 23. The early Christians. Acts 15: 20, 29. NOT EXTANT, BUT MENTIONED 1N SCRIPTURE; The Jews often guilty of eating. 1 Sam. 14: Wars of the Lord. Num. 21: 14. 32, 33. Eze. 33: 25, Jasher. Jos. 10: 13. 2 Sam. 1: 18. Of animals slain for food to be poured on the Samuel concerning the kingdom. 1 Sam. earth and covered. Lev. 17: 13. Deu. 12: 10: 25. 16, 24. Chronicles of David. 1 Chr. 27: 24. Birds of prey delight in. Job 39: 30. Acts of Solomon. 1 Kin. 11: 41. Beasts of prey delight in. Num. 23: 24. Psa. Natural history by Solomon. 1 Kin. 4: 68:23. 32, 33. SHEDDING OF HUSMAN, History of the kings. 1 Chr. 9: 1. Forbidden. Gen. 9: 5. Samuel the seer. 1 Chr. 29: 29. Hateful to God. Pro. 6: 16, 17. Nathan. 1 Chr. 29: 29. 2 Chr. 9: 29. Defiling to the land. Psa. 106: 35. Shemaiah. 2 C1; 12:15. Defiling to the person. Isa. 59: 3. Gad the seer. 1;hr. 29: 29. Jews often guilty of. Jer. 22:17. Eze. 22:4. Ahijah the Shilonite. 2 Chr. 9: 29. Always punished. Gen. 9: 6. Visions of Iddo. 2 Chr. 9: 29. 2 Chr. 12: 15. Mode of clearing those accused of. Deu. Jehu the son of Hanani. 2 Chr. 20: 34. 21 ~ 1-9. Sayings of the seers. 2 Chr. 33:19. BOT. BOW. 19 BRA. ILT,USTRATIVE OF (When deceitful,) of the hypocrite. Psa. Memorials of God's providence. Psa. 56: 8. 78: 57. Hos. 7: 16. Psa. 139:16. (When broken,) of the overthrow of Memorials of conversation and conduct of power. 1 Sam. 2: 4. Jer. 49: 35. Hos. men. Dan. 7:10. Mal 3: 16. Rev. 20:12. 1: 5. los. 2:18. The Record of the church of Christ. Dan. 12: 1. Heb. 12: 23. Rev. 20: 12, 15. No. 35. BRASS, OR COPPER. Rev. 22:19. Dug out of the mountains. Deu. 8: 9. No. 33. BOTTLES. Purified by smelting. Job 28: 2. First mention of, in Scripture, Gen. 21:14. CHARACTERIZED BY Ancients often drank from. Hab. 2: 15. Strength. Job 40:18. USED FOR HOLDING Hardness. Lev. 26:19. Water. Gen.'21::14, 15, 19. Yellow color. Ezra 8: 27. (arg.) Milk. Jud. 4:19. Fusibility. Eze. 22: 18, 20. Wine. 1 Sam. 1: 24. 1 Sam.16:20. Sonorousness. Cor. 13: l. Some, made of earthenware. Jer. 19:1. Takes a high polish. 2 Chr. 4:16. (marg.) MIADE OF SKINS Eze. I: 7. Shrivelled and dried by smoke. Psa. Infterior in value to gold and silver. Isa. 119:83. 60:17. Dan. 2:32, 39. Marred by age and use. Jos. 9:4, 13. Antiquity ofworking in. Gen. 4: 22. When old, unfit for holding new wine. Extensive commerce in. Eze. 27: 13. Rev. Mat. 9:17. Mar. 2: 22. 18:12. Sometimes probably of large dimensions. Working in, a trade. Gen. 4: 22. 1 Kin. 1 Sam.ei25:18. 2oSflam.r m16 nn. 7:14. 2 Chr. 24: 12. 2 Tim. 4:14. ILLJSTRA.'rIVE Canaan abounded in. Deu. 8: 9, with Deu. Of the clouds. Job 38: 37. 33: 25. (InAg.) Of God's remembrance. Psa. 56: 8. TAKEN IN WeaR; Of sinners ripe for judgment. Jer. 13: Often in great quantities. Jos. 22 8. 2 (Dried up,) of the afflicted. Psa. 119: 83 Cleansed by fire. Num. 31: 21-23. (Ready to burst,) of the impatient. Job 19, 24 2lly consecrated to God. Jos. 32: 19. 19, 24. 2 Sam 8:10, 11. (Broken,) of severe judgments. Isa. Offerings of, for the tabernacle. Exo. 38:29. 30:14. (mar.) Jer. 1.9:10. Jer. 48:12. Collected by David for the temple. 1 Chr. 22:3, 14,16. 1 Chr.29: 2. No. 34. BOW, THE. Offerings of, for the temple. 1 Chr. 29: 6, 7.,n instrument of war. Gen. 48: 22. Isa. Coined for money. Mat. 10: 9. Mar. 12: 41. 7: 24. (marg.) Sometimes used in hunting. Gen. 27: 3. MADE INTO For shooting arrows, 1 Chr. 12: 2. (see marg.) Mirrors. Exo. 38: 8. (marg.) Called the battle bow. Zec. 9:10. Zec. Gates. Psa. 107:16. Isa. 45: 2. 10: 4. Bars for gates. I Kin. 4: 13. THOSE WHO USED, CALLED Fetters. Jud. 16: 21. 2 Kin. 25: 7. Bowmen. Jer. 4: 29. Shields. 1 Kin. 14:27. 2 Chr. 12:10. Archers. 1 Sam. 31:3. (marg.) Jer. 51: 3. Helmets. 1 Sam. 17: 5. Usually of steel. 2 Sam. 22: 35. Job 20: 24. Greaves for the legs. 1 Sam. 17: 6. Held in the left hand. Eze. 39: 3. Household vessels. Mar. 7:4. Drawn with full force. 2 Kin. 9: 24. Sacred vessels. Exo. 27: 3. 1 Kin. 7: 45. The Jews taught to use. 2 Sam. 1: 18. Altars. Exo. 27: 2. Exo. 39: 39. USED EXPERTLY BY Sockets for pillars. Exo. 38: 10, 11, 17. Lydians. Jer. 46: 9. Lavers. Exo. 30:18. 1 Kin. 7: 38. Elamites. Jer. 49: 35. Pillars. 1 Kin. 7: 15, 16. Philistines. 1 Sam. 31: 2, 3. Idols. Dan. 5: 4. Rev. 9: 20. Sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, Instruments of music. 1 Chr. 15:19. 1 Chr. 5: 18. Moses made the serpent cf. Num. 21: 9 Benjamites. 1 Chr. 12: 2. 2 Chr. 14: 8. 2 Kin. 18: 4. Given as a token of friendship. 1 Sam. 18:4. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Often furnished by the state. 2 Chr. 36: 14. Obstinate sinners. Isa. 48:4. Jer. 6: 28. Of the vanquished, broken and burned. Psa. The decrees of God. Zec. 6: 1. 37: 15. Eze. 39: 9. The strength and firmness of Christ. Dan. ILLUSTRATIVE 10:6. Rev. 1: 15. Of strength and power. Job 29: 20. Strength given to saints. Jer. 15: 20. Of the tongue of the wicked. Psa. 11: 2. Mic. 4: 13. Jer. 9: 3. Macedonian empire. Dan. 2: 39. BRE. 20 BRE. BRO. Extreme Drought. Deu. 28: 23. (Seeking or begging,) of extreme poverty. The earth made barren. Lev. 26:19. 1 Sam. 2: 36. Psa. 37: 25. Lam. 1: 11. No. 36. BREAD. (Fulness of,) of abundance. Eze. 16: 49. (Eating without scarceness,) of plenty. Given by God. Ruth 1: 6. Mat. 6: 11. Deu. 8: 9. Yielded by the earth. Job 28:5. Isa. 55:10. (Of adversity,) of heavy affliction. Isa. MADE OF 30: 20. Wheat. Exo. 29: 2. Psa. 81: 16. (Of tears,) of sorrow. Psa. 80: 5. Barley. Jud. 7:13. Jno. 6: 9. (Of deceit,) of unlawful gain. Pro. 20:17. Beans, millet, &c. Eze. 4: 9. (Of wickedness,) of oppression. Pro. 4: 17. Manna (in the wilderness). Num. 11: 8. (Of idleness,) of sloth. Pro. 31:27. Corn ground for making. Isa. 28: 28. No. 37. BREASTPLATE. Was kneaded. Gen. 18: 6. Jer. 7:18. Hos.7:4. Troughs used for kneading. Exo. 12: 34. A part of defensive armour. 1 Kin. 22: 34, Usually leavened. Lev. 23:17. Mat. 13:33. (marg.) Sometimes unleavened. Exo. 12:18. 1 Cor.5:8. A part of the high priest's dress. Exo. 28:4. WAS FORMED INTO FOR SOLDIERS, Loaves. 1 Sam. 10: 3,4. Mat. 14: 17. Made of iron. Rev. 9: 9. Cakes. 2 Sam. 6:19. 1 Kin. 17:13. Bright and shining. Rev. 9:17. Wafers. Exo. 16: 31. Exo. 29:23. FOR THE HIGH PRIEST, WAS BAKED Materials of. Exo. 28: 15. Exo. 39: 8. On hearths. Gen. 18: 6. Form and dimensions of. Exo. 28: 16. On coals of fire. Isa. 44: 19. Jno. 21: 9. Exo. 39: 9. In ovens. Lev. 26: 26. Hos. 7:4-7. Made from the offering of the people. Making of, a trade. Gen. 40: 2. Jer. 37: 21. Exo. 35: 9. Ordinary, called common bread. 1 Sam. Had names of the tribes engraved on pre21: 4. cious stones. Exo. 28: 17-21. Exo. 89: Sacred, called hallowed bread. 1 Sam. 21:4,6. 10, 14. Nutritious and strengthening. Psa. 104: 15. Inseparably united to the ephod. Exo. When old, dry and mouldy. Jos. 9: 5, 12. 28: 22-28. Exo. 39:15-21. Often put for the whole sustenance of man. The Urim and Thummim placed in. Fxo. Gen. 3:19. Gen. 39: 6. Mat. 6:11. 28:30. Lev.8:8. The principal food used by the ancients. Worn as a memorial. Exo. 28:29, with Gen. 18: 5. Gen. 21: 14. Gen. 27:17. Isa. 49: 16. Jud. 19: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE Broken for use. Lam. 4: 4. Mat. 14: 19. Righteous judgment of Christ. Isa. 59:17. Kept in baskets. Gen. 40: 16. Exo. 29: 32. Defence of righteousness. Eph. 6: 14. Publicly sold. Mat. 14: 15, with Mat. 15: 33. Defence of faith and love. 1 The. 5: 8. Intimes of scarcity, sold by weight. Lev. No. 38. BROOKS. 26: 26. Eze. 4:16. Scarceness of, sent as a punishment. Psa. Canaan abounded with. Deu. 8: 7. 105: 16. Isa. 3: 1. Eze. 5:16. Often ran over pebbles. 1 Sam. 17: 40. Job Plenty of, promised tD the obedient. Lev. 22: 24. 26:5. BORDERS OF, FAVOURABLE TO Often given as a present. 1 Sam. 25:18. 2 Grass. 1 Kin. 18: 5. Sam. 16: 2. 1 Chr. 12: 40. Willows. Lev, 23: 40. Job 40: 22. Served round after funerals. Eze. 24: 17-22. Reeds. Isa. 19: 7. With water, the food ofprisons. 1 Kin. 22: 27. Abounded with fish. Isa. 19: 8. Crumb of, used to wipe the fingers, thrown Afforded protection to a country. Isa.19: 6. under the table. Mat. 15:27. Luke 16:21. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; First fruit of, offered to God. Num. 15: 19, 20. Arnon. Num. 21: 14, 15. Offered with sacrifices. Exo. 29: 2, 23. Besor. I Sam. 30 9. Num. 28: 2. Gaash. 2 Sam. 23: 30. 1 Chr. 11: 32. Placed on a table of shew bread. Exo. 25: 30. Cherith. 1 Kin. 17: 3, 5. Multitudes miraculously fed by Christ with. Eschol. Num. 13: 23, 24. Mat. 14:19-21. Mat. 15: 34-37. Kidron. 2 Sam. 15: 23. 1 Kin. 15:13. Jno. ILLUSTRATIVE 18:1. Of Christ. Jno. 6: 33-35. Kishon. 1 Kin. 18: 40. Psa. 83 9. (When broken,) of the death of Christ. Zered. Deu. 2: 13. Mat. 26: 26, with 1 Cor. 11: 23, 24. Of the willows. Isa. 15: 7. (Partaking of,) of communion of saints. ILLUSTRATIVE Acts 2: 46. 1 Cor. 10: 17. Of wisdom. Pro. 18: 4. (Want of,) of extreme poverty. Pro. 12: 9. Of temporal abundance. Job 20: 17. Isa. 3: 7. (Deceptive,) of false friends. Job 6: 15. BUR. 21 BUR. (Drinking of, by the way,) of help in dis. Pillars erected on. Gen. 35: 20. tress. Psa. 110: 7. Tombs erected over. -Mat. 23: 27-29. No. 39. BURIAL. Sometimes had inscriptions. 2 Kin. 23:17. No. B9. BURIAL. Sometimes not apparent. Luke 11: 44. Probable origin of. Gen. 4: 9, 10. For criminals marked by heaps. Jos. 7:26. Design of. Gen. 23: 3, 4. Were ceremonially unclean. Num. 19: ATTENDED BY 16, 18. Family of the dead. Gen. 50: 5, 6, S. Mat. Often desecrated by idolatry. Isa. 65: 3, 4. 8:21. The Jews anxious to be interred in their Numbers offriends, &c. Gen. 50: 7, 9. 2 family places of. Gen. 47: 29-31. Gen. Sam. 3: 31. Luke 7: 12. 49: 29, 30. Gen. 50: 25. 2 Sam. 19: 37. Female friends. Mar. 15: 47. Luke 7:13. Followed by a feast. 2 Sam. 3: 35. Jer. Hired mourners. Jer. 9: 17, 18. 16: 7, 8. Hos. 9: 4. Great lamentation at. Gen. 50: 10, 11. 2 Sam. Privation of, considered a calamity.Ecc. 6: 3. 3: 31, 32. Privation of, threatened as a punishment. Orations sometimes made at. 2 Sam. 3: 33, 34. 2 Kin. 9: I0. Jer.: 2. Jer. 16:4. THE BODY WAS An ignominious, compared to the burial of Washed before. Acts 9: 37. an ass. Jer. 22: 19. Anointed for. Mat. 26: 12. Illustrative of regeneration. Rom. 6: 4. Wound in linen for. Jno. 11: 44. Jno. Col. 2: 12. 19: 40. No. 40. BURNT OFFERING, THE. Preserved with spices. Jno. 19: 39, 40. No. 40. BURNT OFFERING THE. Sometimes burned before. 1 Sam. 31: 12. To be offered only to the Lord. Jud. 13: 16. Carried on a bier to. 2 Sam. 3: 31. Luke Specially acceptable. Gen. 8: 21. Lev. 7:14. 1:9,13,17. Perfumes burned at. 2 Chr. 16:14. Jer. 34: 5. The most ancient of all sacrifices. Gen. Antiquity of coffins for. Gen. 50: 26. 4: 4, with Coen. 8: 20. Gen. 22: 2, 13. Often took place immediately after death. Job 1: 5. JIno. 11: 17, with 39 v. Acts 5: 6, 10. Offered by the Jews before the law. Exo. Of persons embalmed, deferred for seventy 10: 25. Exo. 24: 5. days. Gen. 50: 3, 4. To BE TAKEN FROMI Of persons hanged, always on the day of The flock or herd. Lev. 1: 2. execution. Deu. 21: 23. Jno. 19: 31. The fowls. Lev. 1: 14. The right of all nations. Jud. 16: 31. Jno. Was an atonement for sin. Lev. 9: 7. 19: 38. Guilt transferred to, by imposition of hands. Of enemies, sometimes performed by the Lev, 1: 4. Num.8:12. conquerors. 1 Kin. 11:15. Eze. 39: 11-14. REQUIRED TO BE Of the friendless, a kind act. 2 Sam. 2: 5. Killed, if a beast, by the person who PLACES USED FOR; brought it. Lev. 1: 5, 11. Natural caves. Gen. 23: 19. Jno. 11: 38. Killed, if a bird, by the priest. Lev. 1: 15. Caves hewn out of rocks. Isa. 22: 16. For the people at large, killed and preMat. 27: 60. pared by the Levites. Eze. 44: 11. Gardens. 2 Kin. 21: 18, 26. Jno. 19: 41. A male without blemish. Lev. 1:3. Lev. Under trees. Gen. 35: 8. 1 Sam. 31:13. 22:19. Tops of hills. Jos. 24: 33. 2 Kin, 23: 16. Voluntary. Lev. 1: 3. Lev. 22:18, 19. Houses of the deceased. 1 Sam. 25: 1. Presented at the door of the tabernacle. 1 Kin. 2: 34. Lev. 1: 3. Deu. 12: 6, 11, 14. The city of David for the kings of Judah. Offered by priests only. Lev.i:9. Eze.44:15. I Kin. 2: 10. 2 Chr. 21: 20. 2 Chr. Offered in righteousness. Psa. 51: 19. 24:16. Entirely burned. Lev. 1: 8, 9, 12, 13. Antiquity of purchasing places for. Gen. Lev. 6:9. 23: 7-16. Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the PLACES OF, altar. Lev. 1:, 11. Frequently prepared and pointed out dur- If a bird, the blood was wrung out at the ing life. Gen. 50: 5. 2 Chr. 16: 14. side of altar. Lev. 1:15. Mat. 27: 60. Ashes of, collected at the foot of the altar, Members of a family interred in the same. and conveyed without the camp. Lev.6:11. Gen. 25: 10. Gen. 49: 31. 2 Sam. 2: 32. Skin of, given to the priests for clothing. Held in high veneration. Neh. 2: 3, 5. Lev. 7: 8. See Gen. 3:21. Provided for the common people. Jer. WAS OFFERED 26: 23. Every morning and evening. Exo. 29: Provided for aliens and strangers. Mat. 38-42. 27: 7. Every sabbath day. Num. 28: 9, 10. Visitedby sorrowing friends. Jno. 11: 31. The first day of every month. Num. 28:11. CAL. 22 CAL. The seven days of unleavened bread. Sacrifices of praise. Hos. 14: 2. Heb Num. 28:19, 24. 13:15. The atonement day. Lev. 16: 3, 5. Num. Patient endurance. Eze. 1: 7. Rev. 4:7. 9At consecration of Levites. Nm.:12. No. 42. CALF OF GOLD. At consecration of Levites. Num. 8: 12. At consecration of priests. Lev. 9: 2, Made on account of the delay of Moses in 12-14. the mount. Exo. 32: 1. At consecration of kings. 1 Chr. 29:21-23 WAs M.ADE At purification of women. Lev. 12:6. Of the ornaments of the women, &c. For Nazarites after defilement, or at expi- Exo. 32: 2, 3. ration of their vow. Num. 6: 11, 14. To represent God. Exo. 32: 4, 5, with For the healed leper. Lev. 14: 13, 19, 20. Psa. 106: 20. At dedication of sacred places. Num. 7: After an Egyptian model. Acts 7: 39, 41. 15, &c. 1 Kin. 8:64. To go before the congregation. Exo. After great mercies. 1 Sam. 6: 14. 2 32:1. Sam. 24: 22, 25. Molten in the fire. Exo. 32: 4. Psa. 106: 19. Before going to war. 1 Sam. 7: 9. Fashioned with a graving tool. Exo. 32: 4. With sound of trumpets at feasts. Num. An altar built before. Exo. 32: 5. 10: 10. Sacrifices offered to. Exo. 32: 6. Acts 7: 41. The fat, &c., of all peace offerings laid on, Worshipped with profane revelry. Exo. 32: and consumed with the daily. Lev. 3: 5. 6, 18,19, 25. 1 Cor. 10: 7. Lev. 6: 12. MAKING OF, Of the wicked, not accepted by God. Isa. A very great sin. Exo. 32: 21, 30,.31. 1:10, 11. Jer. 6:19, 20. Amos 5:22. A forgetting of God. Psa. 106: 21. Obedience better than. I Sam. 15: 22. Jer. A turning aside from the divine com7: 21-23. mand. Exo. 32:8. Deu. 9:12,16. Knowledge of God, better than. Hos. 6: 6. Excited wrath against Aaron. Deu. 9: 20. Love of God, better than. Mar. 12:33. Excited wrath against Israel. Exo. 32:10. Abraham tried by the command to offer Deu. 9:14, 19. Isaac as. Gen. 22 ch. Caused Moses to break the tables of the Incapable of removing sin, and reconciling testimony. Exo. 32:19. Deu. 9:17. to God. Psa. 40: 6. Psa. 50: 8. Heb. 10: 6. Israel punished for. Exo. 32: 26-29, 35. The most costly, no adequate tribute to Moses interceded for those who worship. God. Isa. 40: 16, with Psa.50: 9-13. ped. Exo. 32:11-14, 30-34. Deu. 9: 18-20. Guilt of unauthorized persons offering. 1 Destroyed by Moses. Exeo. 32: 20. Deu. Sam. 13: 12, 13. 9:21. Guilt of offering, except in the place ap-. Punishment of those who worshipped, a pointed. Lev. 17: 8, 9. warning to others. 1 Cor. 10: 5-7. Of human victims execrated. Deu. 12: 31. No. 43. CALVES OF JEROBOAM. 2 Kin. 3: 27. Jer. 7: 31. Jer. 19: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Made of gold. 1 Kin. 12: 28. The offering of Christ. Eph. 5: 2. Heb. Made to prevent the Israelites going to 10: 8-1.0. Jerusalem. 1 Kin. 12: 26, 27. Devotedness to God. Rom. 12: 1. CALLED THE: No. 41. CALIF, THE. Golden calves. 2 Kin. 10: 29. 2 Chr. 13: 8. NO. 41. CALF, T~HE. Calves of Bethaven. Hos. 10:5. The young of the heard. Job 21: 10. Jer. Calves of Samaria. Hos. 8:-5. 31: 12. Placed in Dan and Bethel. 1 Kin. 12: 29. Playfulness of, alluded to. Psa. 29: 6. Probably from an Egyptian model. 1 Kin. FED ON 11:40. Milk. 1 Sam. 6: 10. Designed to represent God. 1 Kin. 12:28. Branches of trees, &c. Isa. 27: 10. Priests appointed for. 1 Kin. 12: 31. 2 Chr. Fattened in stalls, &c. I Sam. 23: 24. Amos. 11: 15. 6: 4. Sacrifices offered to. 1 Kin. 12: 32. 1 Kin. Offered in sacrifice. Lev. 9: 2, 3. Heb. 9: 13: 1. 12, 19. Feasts appointed for. 1 Kin. 12: 32, 33. Of a year old best for sacrifice. Mic. 6: 6. Were kissed in adoration. Hos. 13: 2. If first-born not redeemed. Num. 18: 17. WOnsHIP OF, Eaten in the patriarchal age. Gen. 18: 7,8. Denounced by a prophet. 1 Kin. 13: 1-3. When fattened considered a delicacy. 1 Adopted by succeeding kings. 1 Kin. 15: Sam. 28: 24, 25. Amos 6: 4. Luke 15: 34. 1 Kin. 16: 26. 2 Kin. 10: 29, 31. 23, 27. 2 Kin. 14: 24. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Became the sin of Israel. 1 Kin. 12: 30. Saints nourished by grace. Mal. 4: 2. 2 Kin. 10: 31. 2 Chr. 13: 8. CAM. CAN. 23 CAN. CAV. God's people refused to worship. 1 Kin. tance. Gen. 13: 14-17. Gen. 15: 18. 19: 18. 2 Chr. 11: 16. Gen. 17: 8. Guilt of making. 1 Kin. 14: 9, 10. Had his faith tried by dwelling amongst. Guilt of worshipping. I Kin. 14: 15, 16. Gen. 12: 6. Gen. 13: 7. 2 Kin. 17: 22, 23. Kind to the patriarchs. Gen. 14: 13. Gen. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING; 23:6. Captivity. Hos. 10: 6. ISRAEL COMMANDED Destruction. Hos, 8:6. Hos. 10: S. To make no league with. Deu. 7: 2. Jud. Punishment of the worshippers. Hos. 8: 2: 2. 13, 14. Not to intermarry with. Deu. 7:3. Jos. No. 44. CAMEL, THE. 23:12. No. ~44. CAMEL, THE. Not to follow idols of. Exo. 23: 24. Deu. Unclean. Lev. 11: 4. Deu. 14: 7. 7: 25. Found in deserted places. Eze. 25: 5. Not to follow customs of. Lev. 18: 26, 27. CHAI1RACTERIZED BY To destroy, without mercy. Deu. 7: 2, 24. The bunches on its back. Isa. 30: 6. To destroy all vestiges of their idolatry. Its docility. Gen. 24:11. Exo. 23: 24. Deu. 7: 5, 25. The dromedary a species of, remarkable for Not to fear. Deu. 7: 17, 18. Deu. 81: 7. swiftness. Jer. 2: 2;. Terrified at the approach of Israel. Exo. Abounded in the.east. I Chr. 5: 21. Isa. 15: 15, 16, with Jos. 2: 9-11, and Jos.::1. 60: 6. Partially subdued by Israel. Jos. 10 ch. and A part of patriarchal wealth. Gen. 12: 16. Jos. 11 ch. with Jud. 1 ch. Gen. 30: 43. Job 1:. PART OF, LEFT Kept in numbers by kings. 1 Chr. 27: 30. To try Israel. Jud. 2: 21, 22. Jud. 3:1-4. USED FOR To chastise Israel. Num. 33: 55. Jud. Riding. Gen. 24: 61. 2: 3. Jud. 4: 2. Drawing chariots. Isa. 21: 7. Israelensnaredby. Jud.2:3,19. Psa.106: Carrying burdens. Gen. 37: 25. 1 Kin. 36-38. 10: 2. -2 Kin. 8: 9. Some descendants of, in our Lord's time. Conveying posts and messengers. Est. Mat. 15: 22. Mar. 7: 26. 8: 10. No. 46. CANDLESTICK. War. Jud. 7: 12. 1 Sam. 30: 17. Of the rich adorned with chains. Jud. 8: A part of household furniture. 2 Kin. 4: 10. 21, 26. USED FOR HOLDING Furniture of, alluded to. Gen. 31: 34. Candles or torches. Mat. 5: 15. Subject to plagues. Exo.9:3. Zec. 14:15. Lamps. Exo. 25: 31, 37. Zec. 4: 2. Treated with great care. Gen. 24: 31, 32. F ORTHE TABERNACLE Esteemed a valuable booty. 1 Chr. 5: 20, 21. Form &c. of. Exo. 25: 31-36. Exo. 37: 17-22. 2 Chr. 14: 15. Job 1: 17. Jer. 49: 29, 32. Held seven golden lamps. Exo. 25: 37. Coarse cloth made from its hair. Mat. 3: 4. Exo. 37: 23. Referred to in illustrations by Christ. Mat. Had snufiers, &c. of gold. Exo. 25: 38. 19: 24. Mat. 23:24. Exo. 37: 23. No. 45. CANAANITES, THE. Weighed a talent of gold. Exo. 25: 39. After a divine pattern. Exo. 25:40. Num. Descended from Ham. Gen. 10: 6. 8:4. An accursed race. Gen. 9: 25, 26. Called the lamp of God. 1 Sam. 3: 3. Different families of. Gen. 10: 15-18. Called the pure candlestick. Lev. 24: 4. Comprised seven distinct nations. Deu. 7: 1. Placed in the outer sanctuary over against Possessions of, how bounded. Gen. 10: 19. the table. Exo. 40: 24. Heb. 9:2. Country of, fertile. Exo. 3:17. Num. 13: 27. Lighted with olive oil. Exo. 27: 20. Lev. DESCRIBED AS 24:2. Great and mighty. Num. 13: 29. Deu. Lighted, &c. by priests. Exo. 27: 21. Lev. 7:1. 24:3, 4. Idolatrous. Deu. 29:17. Directions for removing. Num. 4: 9, 10. Superstitious. Deu. 1S: 9-11. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Profane and wicked. Lev. IS: 27. Christ. Zec. 4: 2. Jno. 8: 12. Heb. 9:2. Extremely numerous. Deu. 7: 17. The church. Rev. 1: 13, 20. Had many strong cities. Num. 13: 28. Ministers. Mat. 5:14-16. Deu. I: 29. Expelled for wickedness. Deu. 9: 4. Deu. No. 47. CAVES. 18:12. Natural. Heb. 11: 38. AnRAHAMS Artificial. Jud. 6: 2. Called to dwell amongst. Gen. 12: 1-5. FoUND IN THE Was promised the country of, for inheri- Open fields. Gen. 23: 20. CED. 24 CEN. CHIA. Rocks. Isa. 2:19. No. 49. CENSERS. WERE USED AS Dwelling places. Gen. 19: 30. For burning incense. Lev. 10:1. 2 Chr. Places of concealment. 1 Sam. 13: 6. 1 2;:19. Sam. 14: 11. 1 Kin. 18: 4. Heb. 11: 38. MADE OF Resting places. 1 Sam. 24: 3. 1 Kin. 19: 9. Brass. Num. 16: 39. Burial places. Gen. 23:19. Jno. 11: 38. Gold. 1 Kin. 7: 50. Haunts of robbers. Jer. 7:11. Mat. 21: 13. One of gold in the most holy place. Heb. Hiding places of wild beasts. Nah. 2: 12. 9: 4. Often capacious. 1 Sam. 22:1,2. 1 Sam. 24:3. Directions for removing. Num. 4: 14. Afford no protection from the judgments Often used in idolatrous worship. Eze. 8:11. of God. Isa. 2: 19. Eze. 33: 27. Rev. Of Korah, &c., made into plates to cover 6:15. the altar. Num. 16:18, 39. MENTIONED IS SCRIPTURE Typical of Christ's intercession. Rev. 8: Adullam. 1 Sam. 22: 1. 3, 5. Engedi. 1 Sam. 23: 29, with 1 Sam. 24:1, 3. No. 50. CIARIOTS. Machpelah. Gen. 23: 9. Makkedah. Jos. 10: 16, 17. Carriages for travelling, &c., Gen. 46: 29. No. 48. CEDAR, THE. Carriages used in war. 1 Kin. 20: 25. NO.. CEDA~s THE. Wheels of, described. 1 Kin. 7: 33. Planted by God. Psa. 104: 16. Isa. 41: 19. Bound with traces. Mic. 1: 13. Made to glorify God. Psa. 143: 9. DRAWN BY Lebanon celebrated for. Jud. 9: 15. Psa. Horses. 2 Kin. 10: 2. Song of Sol. 1: 9. 92:12. Asses and camels. Isa. 21: 7. Banks of rivers favourable to the growth of. Value of in Solomon's time. 1 Kin. 10: 29. Num. 24: 6. Drivers generally employed for. 1 Kin. 22: Imported largely by Solomon, 1 Kin. 10: 27. 34. 2 Chr. IS: 33. DESCRIBED AS Sometimes driven by the owners. 2 Kin. High. Isa. 37: 24. Eze. 17:22. Amos 2: 9. 9: 16, 20. Spreading. Psa. 80: 10, 11. Sometimes driven furiously. 2-Kin. 9: 20. Fragrant. Song of Sol. 4: 11. Isa. 5: 28. Jer. 4:13. Graceful and beautiful. Psa. 80: 10. Eze. Bounding motion of, referred to. Nah. 2: 3. 17: 23. Noise occasioned by, referred to. 2 Kin. 7: Strong and durable. Isa. 9: 10. 6. Joel 2: 5. Nah. 3: 2. Rev. 9: 9. Considered the first of trees. 1 Kin. 4: 33. Introduced into Israel by David. 2 Sam. 8: 4. Extensive commerce in. 1 Kin. 5: 10, 11. Multiplied by Solomon. I Kin. 10: 26. Ezra 3: 7. Imported from Egypt. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. USED IN FOR WAR, Building temples. 1 Kin. 5: 5, 6. I Kin. Armed with iron. Jos. 17: 16. Jud. 1:19. 6: 9, 10. Lighted by night with torches. Nah. 2: 3. Building palaces. 2 Sam. 5:11. 1 Kin. 7: Commanded by captains. Exo.14: 7. 1 2, 3. Kin. 16: 9. Making masts of ships. Eze. 27: 5. Advantageously manceuvered in a flat Making wardrobes. Eze. 27: 24. country. Jud. 1: 19. 1 Kin. 20: 23-25. Making chariots. Song of Sol. 3: 9. Formed part of the line of battle. 1 Kin. Purifying the leper. Lev. 14: 4-7, 49-52. 20: 25. Preparing the water of separation. Num. Used in pursuing enemies. Exo. 14: 9. 19:6. 2 Sam. 1: 6. Making idols. Isa. 44: 14. Kept in chariot cities. I Kin. 9:19. 1 THE EAGLE ALLUDED TO AS Kin. 10: 26. Making its nest in. Jer. 22:23. USED IN WAR BY THE Perching on the high branches of. Eze. Egyptians. Exo. 14: 7. 2 Kin. 18: 24. 17: 3. Canaanites. Jos. 17: 16. Jud. 4: 3. Instrumental in propagating. Eze. 17: 4, 5. Philistines. 1 Sam. 13: 5. Destruction of, a punishment. Jer. 22: 7. Syrians. 2 Sam. 10: 18. 1 Kin. 20: 1. Destruction of, exhibits God's power. Psa. Assyrians. 2 Kin. 19: 23. 29: 5. Ethiopians. 2 Chr. 14: 9. 2 Chr. 16: 8. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Babylonians. Eze. 23: 24. Eze. 26: 7. Majesty, strength, and glory of Christ. Jews. 2 Kin. 8: 21. 2 Kin. 10: 2. Song of Sol. 5: 15. Eze. 17: 22, 23. Kings rode in, to battle. I Kin. 22: 35. Beauty and glory of Israel. Num. 24: 6. Kings used, in common. 1 Kin. 12: 18. 1 Saints in their rapid growth. Psa. 92: 12. Kin. 18: 44. Powerful nations. Eze. 31: 3. Amos 2: 9. Persons of distinction used. Gen. 41: 43. Arrogant rulers. Isa. 2: 13. Isa. 10: 33, 34. 2 Kin. 5: 9, 21. Jer. 17: 25. Acts 8: 28. *.*____............................................... CHE. CHI. 25 CHI. Often attended by running footmen. 1 Sam. Mostly nursed by the mothers. 1 Sam. 1: 8:11. 2Sam. b1: 1. 1Kin. 1: 5. 22. I Kin. 3: 21. Psa.22: 9. Song of Consecrated to the sun. 2 Kin. 23: 11. Sol. 8: 1. THE JEWS CONDEMNED FOR Weaning of, a time of joy and feasting. Multiplying. isa. 2: 7. Gen. 21: 8. 1 Sam. I: 24. Trusting to. Isa. 22: 18. Isa. 31: 1. Circumcised on the eighth day. Phi. 3: 5. Taken in war, often destroyed. Jos. 11: Named at circumcision. Luke 1:59. Luke 6, 9. Jer. 51:21. Mic. 5: 10. Nah. 2:13. 2:2 1. ILLUSTRATIVE OF WERE NAMED The clouds. Psa. 104: 3. After relatives. Luke 1: 59, 61. The judgments ofGod. Isa. 66: 15. From remarkable events. Gen. 21: 3, 6, Angels. 2 Kin. 6:16, 17, with Psa. 68:17. with Gen. 18: 13. Exo. 2:10. Exo. Prophets. 2 Kin. 2:12. 2 Kin. 13: 14. 18: 3, 4. Christ's love to his church. Song of Sol. From circumstances connected with their 6:12. birtlh. Gen. 25: 25, 26. Gen. 35:18. Elijah taken to heaven in one of fire. 2 Kin. 1 Chr. 4: 9. 2: 11. Often by God. Isa 8:3. Hos. 1:4, 6,9. No. 51. CHERUBIM. Often numerous. 2 Kin. 10: 1. 1 Chr. 4:27. Numerous, considered an especial blessing. Form and appearance of. Eze. 1:5-11,13,14. Psa. 115: 14. Psa. 127: 4, 5. Animated by the Spirit of God. Eze. 1:12, 20. Sometimes born when parents were old. Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of Gen. 15: 3-6. Gen. 17: 17. Luke 1: 18. God. Eze. 1:15, 21. Eze. 10: 9-11,16, 17. M. LE, The glory of God exhibited upon. Eze. if first born, belonged to God and were 1:22, 26-28. Eze. 10: 4, 18, 20. redeemed. Exo. 13: 12, 13, 15. Sound of thleir wings was as the voice of Birth of, announced to the father by a God. Eze. 1: 24. Eze. 10: 5. messenger. Jer. 20: 15. Placed at the entrance of Eden. Gen. 3:24. Under the care of tutors, till they came OF GOLD, ofage. 2Kin. 10: 1. Gal.4:1,2. Formed out of, and at each end of the Usefully employed. 1 Sam. 9: 3. 1 Sam. mercy seat. Exo. 25:18-20. 17:15. Placed over the ark of the covenant. 1 Inherited the possessions of their father. Sam. 4:4. 1 Kin. 8:6, 7. 2 Chr. 5: 7, 8. Deu. 21: 16, 17. Luke 12: 13, 14. God's presence manifested between. 2 Receivedtihe blessing of their father beSam. 6: 2. 2 Kin. 19:15. Psa. 80: 1. forehisdeath. Gen. 27:1-4. Gen. 48: Psa. 99: 1. 15. Gen. 49 ch. The oracles or answers of God delivered FE'sALE, from between. Exo. 25: 22. Num. 7:89. Taken care of by nurses. Gen. 35: 8. Called tie cherubim of glory. Heb. 9: 5. Usefully employed. Gen. 24: 13. Exo. REPRESENTATIONS OF, MIADE ON THIE 2:16. Curtains of the tabernacle. Exo. 26:1, 31. Inherited property in default of sons. Vail of the tabernacle. Exo. 36: 35. Num. 27: 1-8. Jos. 17: 1-6. Vail of the temple. 2 Chr. 3: 14. Fondness and care of mothers for. Exo. 2 Doors of the temple. 1 Kin. 6 32, 35. 2-10. 1 Sam. 2: 19. 1 Kin. 3:27. Isa. Walls of the temple..2 Chr. 3: 7. 49: 15. 1 Thie. 2:7, 8. Bases of brazen lavers. 1 Kin. 7:29, 36. Of God's people, holy. Ezra. 9: 2. 1 Cor. Riding on, illustrative of majesty and 7:14. power of God. 2 Sam. 22: 11. Psa. 18: 10. Of God's people, interested in the promises. No. 52. CHILDREN. Deu. 29: 29. Acts 2: 39. ~No. 5. CHLDREN.Prosperity of, greatly depended on obedi. An heritage from the Lord. Psa. 113:9. enceofparents. Deu.4:40. Deu. 12:25. Psa. 127: 3. 28. Psa. 128:1-3. NOT TO HAiiVE, Frequently bore the curse of parents. Exo. Considered an affliction. Gen. 13:2, 3. 20: 5. Psa. 109, 9, 10. Jer. 22: 30. WERE REQUIRED A reproach in Israel. 1 Sam. 1: 6, 7. To honor their parents. Ex. 20:12. Luke 1: 25. To attend to instruction. Deu. 4: 9. Deu. Anxiety of the Jews for. Gen. 30:1. 1 11: 19. Sam. I: 5, 8. To submit to discipline. Pro. 29: 17. Heb. Often prayed for. I Sam. 1: 10, 11. Luke 12: 9. I: 13. To respect the aged. Lev. 19: 32. Often given in answer to prayer. Gen. 25: Mode of giving public instruction to. Luke 21. 1 Sam.l 1: 27. Luke I: 13. 2:46. Acts22:3. Treatment of, after birth, noticed. Eze. 16: 4. Power of parents over, during the patri. a~~~~~........ CHU. 26 CIR. archal age. Gen. 9: 24, 25. Gen. 21:14. Prayer. Exo. 24: 1. Psa. 5: 7. Psa. 95: 6. Gen. 38: 24, Praise. 2 Chr. 5:13. 2 Chr. 30: 21. Often wicked and rebellious. 2 Kin. 2: 23. Reading God's word. Exo. 24: 7. Deu. Rebellious, punished by the civil power. 31:11. Exo. 21: 15-17. Deu. 21: 18-21. Preaching. Neh. 8: 4, 7. Sometimes devoted their property to avoid Attachment of the Jews to. Jno. 9: 28, 09. supporting parents. Mat. 15: 5. Mar. 7: Acts 6: 11. 11, 12. MEaIBERS OF, Could demand their portion during their Required to know its statutes. Lev. 10: 11. father's life. Luke 1: 12. Required to keep its statutes. Deu. 16:12. Amusements of. Zec. 8: 5. Mat. 11:16, 17. Required to attend its worship. Exo. Casting out of weak, &c., alluded to. Eze. 23: 17. 16: 5. Separated from, while unclean. Lev. 13 Inhuman practice of offering to idols. 2 46. Lev. 15:31. Num. 5: 2-4. Kin. 17: 31. 2 Chr. 28: 3. 2 Chr. 33: 6. Excommunicated for heavy offences. ILLEGITIMATE, Num. 15: 30, 31. Num. 19:20. Had no inheritance. Gen. 21: 10, 14. Gal. Persons excluded from. Exo. 12: 48. Deu. 4: 30. 23: 1-4. Eze. 44: 7, 9. Not cared for by the father. Heb. 12: 8. A type of the church of Christ. Gal. 4: Excluded from the congregation. Deu. 24-26. Heb. 12: 23. 23:2. Sometimes sent away with gifts. Gen. 25:6. No. 54. CIRCUMCISION. Despised by their brethren. Jud. 11: 2. Instituted by God. Gen. 17: 9, 10. Destruction of, a punishment. Lev. 26:22. Described. Gen. 17: 11. Exo. 4: 25. Eze. 9: 6. Luke 19: 44. Enforced by the law. Lev. 12: 3, with Jno. Grief occasioned by loss of. Gen 37: 35. 7: 22. Gen. 44: 27-29. 2 Sam. 13: 37. Jer. 6: 26. CALLED THE Jer. 31: 15. Covenant of circumcision. Acts 7: S. Resignation manifested at loss of. Lev. 10: Circumcision in the flesh. Eph. 2: 11. 19, 20. 2 Sam. 12: 18-23. Job I: 19-21. Concision. Phi. 3: 2. NJO. 53. CHURCH OF ISRAEL. A painful and bloody right. Exo. 4: 26. Jos. 5:8. Established by God. Deu. 4: 5-14. Deu. Promises to Abraham previous to. Rom. 4: 26: 18, with Acts 7: 35, 38. 9, 13. Admission into, by circumcision. Gen. 17: A seal of the covenant. Gen. 17: 11. Rom. 10-14. 4: 11. All Israelites members of. Rom. 9: 4. Introductory Jewish sacrament. Gal. 5: 3. Was relatively holy. Exo. 31:13. Num. 16:3. Outward sign of. Rom. 2: 28. H.D Inward grace of. Rom. 2: 29. An appointed place of worship. Deu. 12:5. Necessary to enjoying the privileges of the Appointed ordinances. Exo. 18: 20. Heb. Jewish church. Exo. 12: 48. Eze. 44: 7. 9: 1, 10. WAS PERFORMED Appointed feasts. Lev. 23: 2. Isa. 1:14. On males home-born and bought. Gen. An ordained ministry. Exo. 29: 9. Deu. 17: 12, 13. 10: S. On the eighth day. Gen. 17: 12. Lev. 12: 3. The divine presence manifested in it. Exo. Even on the sabbath day. Jno. 7: 22, 23. 29:45, 46. Lev. 26: 11, 12. 1 Kin. 3:10, 11. With knives of flint. Exo. 4: 25. Jos.5: A spiritual church within it. Rom. 9: 6-8. 3. (narlg.) Rom. 11: 2-7. By the heads of families. Gen. 17: 23. In covenant with God. Deu. 4:13, 23. Acts Exo. 4: 25. 3:25. By persons in authority. Jos. 8: 3. The depository of holy writ. Rom. 3: 2. In the presence of the family, &c. Luke CALLED THE 1: 58-61. Congregation of Israel. Exo. 12: 47. Lev. Accompanied with naming the child. Gen. 4:13. 21: 3, 4. Luke 1: 59. Luke 2: 24. Congregation of the Lord. Num. 27: 17. First performed on Abraham and his family. Num. 31: 16. Gen. 17: 24-'27. Privileges of. Rom. 9: 4. Not performed in the wilderness. Jos. 5:5. Proselytes admitted into. Num. 9: 14. Num. Performed by Joshua at Gilgal. Jos. 5 2 7. 15:15, 29. Punishment for neglecting. Gen. 17:'14. Supported by the people. Exo. 34:20. Deu. Exo. 4: 24, 26. 16: 17. Without faith, vain. Rom. 3: 30. Gal. 5'6. WORSHIP OF, CONSISTED:iN Without obedience, vain. Rom. 2: 25. 1 Sacrifice. Exo. 10: 25. Lev. 1: 2. Heb. 10: 1. Cor. 7: 19. CIT. 27 CIT. TIHE JEWS WERE CALLED AFTER Denominated. by. Acts 10:45. Gal. 2: 9. The family of the founder. Gen. 4: 17. Held it unlawful to intermarry with Jud. 18: 29. those not of the. Gen. 34: 14. Jud. 14: 3. The proprietor of the land. 1 Kin. 16: 24. Held no intercourse with those not of the. The country in which built. Dan. 4:29,30. Acts 10: 28. Acts 11: 3. Gal. 2:12. Numerous. Jos. 15: 21. 1 Chr. 2: 22. Jer. Despised as unclean those not of the. 2: 28. I Sam. 14: 6. 1 Sam. 17:26. Mat. 15: Densely inhabited. Jon. 4: 11. Nah. 3: 8. 26, 27. Eph. 2: 11. Often great and goodly. Gen. 10:12. Deu. Sometimes performed on slain enemies. 1 6:10. Dan. 4: 30. Jno. 3: 3. Sam. 18: 25-27. 2 Sam. 3: 14. Often of great antiquity. Gen. 10: 11, 12. Abolished by the gospel. Eph. 2: 11, 15. Often insignificant. Gen. 19: 20. Ecc. 9: 14. Col. 3: 11. DIFFERENT KINDS OF; Performed on Timothy as a matter of expe- Loyal. Num. 21: 26. Jos. 10:2. 2 Sam. diency because of the Jews. Acts 16: 3. 12: 26. Necessity of, denied by Paul. Gal. 2: 3-5. Fenced. Jos. 10: 20. Isa. 36:1. Necessity of, asserted by false teachers. Treasure. Exo. 1: 11. Acts 15: 24. Gal. 6:12. Tit. 1: 10. Commercial. Isa. 23:11. Eze. 27: 3. Trusting to, a denial of Christ. Gal. 3: 3, 4, Chariot. 2 Chr. 1:14. 2 Chr. 9: 25. with Gal. 5: 3, 4. Store. 2 Chr. 8: 4, 6. Paul denounced for opposing. Acts 21: 21. Levitical. Lev. 25: 32, 33. Num. 35:7, 8. Saints the true spiritual. Phi. 3: 3. Col. Refuge. Num. 35: 6. 2: 11. Inhabitants of, called citizens. Acts 21: 39. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Prosperity of, increased by commerce. Readiness to hear and obey. Jer. 6: 10. Gen. 49: 13, with Deu. 33:18, 19. Eze. Purity of heart. Deu. 10: 16. Deu. 30: 6. 28: 5. Purity of speech. Exo. 6: 12. Artificial mode of supplying water to. 2 Kin. 18:17. 2 Kin. 20: 20. No. 55. CITIES, Infested by dogs. 1 Kin. 14:11. Psa. 59 First mention of. Gen. 4: 17. 6, 14. Designed for habitations. Psa. 107: 7, 36. Under governors. 2 Chr. 33: 14. 2 Cor. Often built to perpetuate a name. Gen. 11: 32. 11: 4. Provided with judges. Deu. 16: 18. 2 Chr. Often founded and enlarged by blood and 19.5. rapine. Mic. 3: 10. I-ab. 2: 12. Protected at night by watchmen. Psa. 127:1. BUILT Song of Sol. 5: 7. Isa. 21: 11. Of brick and slime. Gen. 11: 3. Furnished with stores. 2 Chr. 11: 11, 12. Of stone and wood. Psa. 102:14. Eze. Garrisoned in war. 2 Chr. 17: 2, 19. 26: 12. Often had citadels. Jud. 9: 51. Of brick and mortar. Exo. 1: 11, 14. A great defence to a country. 2 Chr. 11: 5. On solid foundations. Ezra. 6:3. Rev. Afforded refuge in times of danger. Jer. 8 21:14. 14-16. With compactness. Psa. 122: 3. Often deserted on the approach of an eneOften of a square form. Rev. 21: 16. my. I Sam. 31: 7. Jer. 4: 29. Beside rivers. Psa. 46: 4. Psa. 137: 1. WERE FREQUENTLY On hills. Mat. 5:14. Luke 4: 29. Rev. Stormed. Jos. S: 3-7. Jud. 9: 44. 17; 9. Besieged. Deu. 28: 52. 2 Kin. 19:24,25. In plains. Gen. 11: 2, 4. Gen. 13:12. Pillaged. Isa. 13:16. Jer. 20: 5. In desert places. 2 Chr. 8:4. Psa. 107: Wasted by pestilence. 1 Sam. 5: 11. 35, 36. Wasted by famine. Jer. 52::6. Amos 4: 6. In pleasant situations. 2 Kin. 2: 19. Psa. Depopulated. Isa. 17: 9. Eze. 26: 19. 48: 2. Burned. Jud. 20: 38, 40. Isa. 1: 7 Arranged in streets and lanes. Num. 22:39. Made heaps of ruins. Isa. 25: 2.. (slarg.) Zec. 8: 5. Lule 14: 21. Razed and sown with salt. Jud. 9: 45. Entered through gates. Gen. 34: 24. Neh. Difficulty of taking, alluded to. Pro. 18:19. 13; 19, 22. Jer. 1:18, 19. Surrounded with walls. Deu. 1: 28. Deu. Perishable nature of. Heb. 13:14. 3: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Often fortified by nature. Psa. 125: 2. Isa. Saints. Mat. 5: 14. 33: 16. Visible church. Song of Sol. 3: 2, 3. Rev. Often fortified by art. 2 Chr. 11: 5-10, 23. 11: 2. Psa. 4S:12, 13. Jer. 4:5. Dan. 11:15. Church triumphant. Rev. 21 2. Rev. Sometimes had suburbs. Num. 35:2. Jos. 22: 19. 21: 3. Heavenly inheritance. Heb. 11:16 CIT. CLO. 28 CLO. The apostacy. Rev. 16: 10. Rev. 17:18. At Christ's transfiguration. Mat. 17: 5. Riches. Pro. 10:1. At Christ's ascension. Acts 1: 9. No. 56. CITIES OF REFUGE. Our Lord shall make his second appearance in. Luke 21:27. Acts I: 11. Design of. Exo. 21: 13. Num. 35: 11. JOS. ILLUSTRATIVE OF 20: 3. The glory of Christ. Rev. 10:1. Names, &c., of. Deu. 4: 41-43. Jos. 20: 7, 8. The protection of the church. Isa. 4:5. REQUIRED TO BE Easy of access. Deu. 19: 3. Isa. 62:10. No. 58. CLOUDS. Open to all manslayers. Jos. 20: 4. Formed from the sea. 1 Kin. 18:44. Amos Strangers might take advantage of. Num. 9: 6. 35:15. Are the garment of the sea. Job 38: 9. THOSE: ADMIITTED TO, GOD Were put on their trial. Num. 35: 12, 24. Established. Pro. 8:28. Not protected outside of. Num. 35: 26, 27. Balanced in the air. Job 37: 16. Obliged to remain in, until the high Disposed in order. Job 37:15. priest's death. Num. 35: 25, 28. Brings over the earth. Gen. 9: 14. Aftforded no asylum to murderers. Exo. Binds up. Job 26 8. 21:14. Num. 35:16-21. Spreads out. Job 26: 9. ILLUSTRATIVE Scatters. Job 37: ll11. Of Christ. Psa. 91: 2. Isa. 25:4. Power and wisdom of God exhibited in Of the hope of the gospel. Heb. 6: 18. forming. Psa. 135: 6, 7. Psa. 147: 5, 8. Jer. (The way to,) of Christ. Isa. 35: 8. Jno.14:6. 10: 13. Jer. 51: 16. No. 5r7 CLOU r>D OiF' GLORY. Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing. Job36: 27, 28. Job 37:10, First manifestation of. Exo. 13: 20, 21. 11. Pro. 3: 20. CALLED Made for the glory of God. Psa. 148: 4. The cloud. Exo. 34: 5. CALLED THE Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Exo. 13:22. Clouds of Heaven. Dan. 7: 13. Mat. 24: 30. Cloudy pillar. Exo. 33: 9, 10. Windows of heaven. Gen. 7: 11. Isa. Cloudof the Lord. Num. 10: 34. 24: 18. The presence of God. Exo. 33: 14, 15. Bottles of heaven. Job 38: 37. God's glory manifested in. Exo. 16: 10. Chambers of God. Psa. 104: 3, 13. Exo. 40: 35. Waters above the firmament. Gen. 1:7. God came down in. Exo. 34: 5. Num. 11:25. Dust of God's feet. Nah. I: 3. God spoke from. Exo. 24: 16. Psa. 99: 7. DIFFERENT KINDS OF, MENTIONED; WAs DESIGNED TO White. Rev. 14: 14. Regulate the movements of Israel. Exo. Bright. Job 37: 11. Zec. 10: 1. 40: 36, 37. Num. 9: 17-25. Thick. Job 22:14. Job 37: 11. Guide Israel. Exo. 13: 21. Neh. 9: 19. Black. 1 Kin. 18: 45. Show light to Israel. Psa. 78: 14. Psa. Swift. Isa. 19:1. 105:39. Great. Eze. 1: 4. Defend Israel. Exo. 14: 19. Pea. 105: 39. Small. 1 Kin. 18: 44. Cover the tabernacle. Exo. 40: 34. Num. Often cover the heavens. Psa. 147: 8. 9:15. Often obscure the sun, &c. Job 36: 32. Was dark to the enemies of Israel. Exo. Eze. 32: 7. 14: 20. Often dispersed by the wind. Hos. 13: 3. Was the shekinah over the mercy-seat. USES OF; Lev. 16:2. To giverain. Jud.:4. Psa. 104: 13, 14. Continued during the journeyings of Israel. To supply dew. Pro. 3: 20. Isa. 18: 4. Exo. 13: 22. Exo. 40: 38. To moderate heat. lsa. 25: 5. Manifested in the temple of Solomon. 1 Kin. From the west, bring rain. Luke 12: 54. 8:10, 11. 2 Chr. 5:13. Eze. 10: 4. Though small, often bring much rain. 1 SPECIAL APPEARANCES OF; Kin. 18: 44, 45. At the murmuring for bread. Exo. 16: 10. Thunder and lightning come from. Psa. At giving of the law. Exo. 19: 9, 16. Exo. 77: 17, 18. 24:16,18. The rainbow appears in. Gen. 9:13, 14. At sedition of Aaron and Miriam. Num. Frequently the instruments of God's judg12: 5. ments. Gen. 7:11, 12. Job 37: 13. PEa. At the murmuring of Israel on report of 77: 17. the spies. Num. 14: 10. MAN At the rebellion of Korah, &c. Num. 16:19. Ignorant of the spreading of. Job 36: 29. At the murmuring of Israel on account of Ignorant of the disposing of. Job 37: 15. Korah's death. Num. 16:42. Ignorant of the balancing of. Job 37:16. COM. 29 COU. Cannot number. Job 38: 37. OF THE JEWS Cannot cause, to rain. Job 38: 34. Under strict laws. Lev. 19: 36, 37. Lev. Cannot stay. Job 38:37. 25:14, 17. ILLUSTR.ATIVE Commenced after their settlement in CaOf multitudes of persons. Isa. 60: 8. Heb. naan. Gen. 49: 13, with Jud. 5: 17. 12: 1. Greatly extended by Solomon. 1 Kin. 9: Of hostile armies. Jer. 4: 13. Eze. 38: 26, 27. 2 Chr. 9: 21. 9,-16. Checked in Jehoshaphat's time. 1 Kin. Of'sins of men. Isa. 44: 22. 22: 48, 49. Of judgments of God. Lam. 2:1. Eze. Success in, led to pride, &c. Eze. 28: 2, 30: 3. Eze. 34:12. Joel 2: 2. 16-18. Of unsearchableness of God. 2 Sam. 22: Evil practices connected with. Pro. 20:14. 12. Psa. 97: 2. Eze. 1: 4. Eze. 22:13. Hos. 12: 7. (Riding upon,) of the power and great- Denunciations connected with abuses of. ness of'God. Psa. 104: 3. Isa. 19:1. Isa. 23: 11. Eze. 7: 12, 13. Eze. 27: (Passing away,) of the goodness and 32-36. Eze. 28:16-18. prosperity of hypocrites. Hos. 6: 4. ARTICLES OF; Hos. 13: 3. Blue cloth. Eze. 27: 24. (Without water,) of false teachers. Jude Brass. Eze. 27: 13. 12 v. Corn. I Kin. 5: 11. Eze. 27: 17. (Carried away by a tempest,) of false Cattle, Eze. 27:21. teachers. 2 Pet. 2:17. Chests of rich apparel. Eze. 27: 24. (Without rain,) of the fraudulent. Pro. Chariots. 1 Kin. 10: 29. 25: 14. Clothes for chariots. Eze. 27: 20. (A morning without,) of wise rulers. 2 Embroidery. Eze. 27: 16, 24. Sam. 23: 3, 4. Gold. 2 Chr. 8:13. (When seasonable,) of the favour of good Honey. Eze. 27: 17. rulers. Pro. 16: 15. Horses. 1 Kin. i0:29. Eze.27:14. 59. COMERCE. Ivory. 2 Chr. 9:21. Eze. 27:15. No. 59. COMMERCE. Iron and steel. Eze. 27: 12, 19. The barter of one commodity for another. Land. Gen. 23: 13-16. Ruth 4: 3. 1 Kin. 5: 8, with 11 v. Lead. Eze. 27:12. The exchange of commodities for money. Linen. 1 Kin. 10: 28. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. Oil. 1 Kin.511. 11. Eze. 27: 17. CALLED Perfumes. Song of Sol. 3: 6. Trade. Gen. 34:10. Mat. 25:16. Precious stones. Eze. 27: 16, 22. Eze. Traffic. Gen. 42: 34. Eze. 17: 4. 28:13, 16. Buying and selling. Jas. 4:13. Purple. Eze. 27:16. ARTICLES OF, CALLED Slaves. Gen. 37: 28. 36. Deu. 24: 7. Merchandize. Eze. 26:12. Mat. 22: 5. Silver. 2 Chr. 9:'21. Wares. Jer. 10: 17. Eze. 27: 16. Jno. 1: 5. Timber. 1 Kin. 5: 6, 8. PERSONS ENGAGED IN, CALLED Tin. Eze. 27:12. Merchants. Gen. 37: 28. Pro. 31: 24. White wool. Eze. 27: 18. Chapmen. 2 Chr. 9:14. Wine. 2 Chr. 2:15. Eze. 27:18. Traffickers. Isa. 23: 8. Illustrative of intercourse with the apostaSellers and buyers. Isa. 24:2. cy. Rev. 18: 3-19. Carried on in fairs, &c. Eze. 27: 12, 19. No. 60. COURTS OF JUSTICE. Mat. 11:16. Inland, by caravans. Job 6: 19. Isa. 21:13. Have authority from God. Rom. 13: 1-5. Maritime, by ships. 2 Chr. 8: 18. 2 Chr. SUPERIOR COURT 9:21. Held first by Moses alone in the wilder. Persons of distinction engaged in. Isa. 23: 8. ness. Exo. 18: 13-20. Increased the wealth of nations and individ- Consisted subsequently of priests and Leuals. 2 Chr. 9: 20-22. Pro. 31: 14-18. vites. Deu. 17: 9, with Mal. 2:7. Eze. 28: 4, 5. Presided over by the governor or the high CARRIED ON BY priest. Deu. 17: 12. Jud. 4: 4, 5. Ishmaelites. Gen. 37: 25. Held at the seat of government. Deu.17:8. Egyptians. Gen. 42: 2-34. Decided on all appeals and difficult cases. Ethiopians. Isa. 45:14. Exo. 18:26. Deu. 1: 17. Deu. 17: 8, 9. Ninevites. Nah. 3:16. Decisions of, conclusive. Deu. 17:10, 11. Syrians. Eze. 27: 16, 18. INFERIOR, People of Tarshish. Eze. 27:25. In all cities. Deu. 16::18. 2 Chr. 19: 5-7. Tyrians. Eze. 28: 5, 13, 16. Held at the gates. Gen. 34: 20. Deu. 16:18. Jews. Eze. 27: 17. Deu. 21: 19. Job 5: 4.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COU. 30 COV. Judges of, appointed by the governor. Conferred together before giving judg. Exo. 18: 21,25. Deu. 1: 9-15. 2 Sam. ment. Acts 5: 34-40. Acts 25: 12. Acts 15: 3. 26: 30, 31. All minor cases decided by. Exo. 18:26. Pronounced the judgment of the court. 2 Sam. 15: 4. Mat. 26: 65, 66. Luke 23: 24. Acts All transfers of property made before. 5:40. Gen. 23:17-20. Ruth 4: 1, 2. Both the accusers and accused required to Re-established by Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 19: appear before. Deu. 25: 1. Acts 25: 16. 5-10. CAUSES IN, WERE OPENED BY Re-established by Ezra. Ezra 7: 25. The complainant. 1 Kin. 3:17-21. Acts SANHEDRISI OR COURT OF THE SEVENTY 16: 19-21. Probably derived from the seventy elders An advocate. Acts 24: 1. appointed by Moses. Exo. 24:9. Num. THE ACCUSED 11: 16, 17, 24-30. Stood before the judge. Num. 35: 12. Mentioned in the latter part of sacred his- Mat. 27: 11. tory. Luke 22: 66. Jno. 11: 47. Acts Permitted to plead their own cause. 1 5: 27. Kin. 3: 22. Acts 24:10. Acts 26:1. Consisted of chief priests, &c. Mat. 26: Might have advocates. Pro. 31: 8, 9. Isa. 57, 59. 1:17. Presided over by high priest. Mat. 26: Exhorted to confess. Jos. 7:19. 62-66. Examined on oath. Lev. 5: 1. Mat. 26:63. Sat in high priest's palace. Mat. 26: Sometimes examined by torture. Acts 57, 58. 22: 24, 29. OF THE ~ROMI\ANS IN JUDEA Sometimes treated with insult. Mat. 26: Presided over by the governor or deputy. 67 Jno. 18: 22, 23. Acts'23: 2, 3. Mat. 27: 2, 11. Acts 18: 12. The evidence of two or more witnesses rePlace of, called the hall of judgment. quired in. Deu. 17: 6. Deu. 19: 15. Jno. 18: 28, 33. 3no. 19: 9. Jno. S: 17. 2 Cor. 13: 1. Never interfered in any dispute about Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on minor matters or about religion. Acts the criminal's head before punishment. 18:14, 15. Lev. 24:14. Could alone award death. Jno. 18: 31. False witnesses in, to receive the punishNever examined their own citizens by ment of the accused. Deu. 19: 19. torture. Acts 22: 25-29. Corruption and bribery often practised in. Appeals from, made to the emperor. Acts Isa. 10: 1. Amos 5: 12. Amos 8: 6. 25: 11. Acts 26: 32. Acts 28: 19. THE JUDGMIENT OF, Generally held in the morning. Jer. 21:12. Not given till accused was heard. Jno. Mat. 27: 1. Luke 22: 66. Acts 5: 21. 7: 51. Sometimes held in synagogues. Mat. 10: 17. Recorded in writing. Isa. 10: 1. (msasg.) Acts 22. 19. Acts 26: 11. Jas. 2: 2. Immediately executed. Deu. 25: 2. Jos. (Greek.) 7: 25. Mar. 15: 15-20. PROVIDED WITH Witnesses first to execute. Deu. 17:7. Judges. Deu. 16:18. Acts 7: 58. Officers. Doe. 16: 18. Mat. 5: 25. Allusions to. Job 5: 4. Psa. 127: 5. Mat. Tormenters or executioners. Mat. 18: 34. 5: 22. JUDGES OF, Illustrative of the last judgment. Mat. Called elders. Deu. 25:7. 1Sam. 16:4. 19:28. Rom. 14:10. 1 Gor. 6:2. Called magistrates. Luke 12: 58. No. 61. COVENANTS. Rode often on white asses, Jud. 5:10. To judge righteously. Lev. 19: 15. Deu. Agreements between two parties. Gen. 26: 1:16. 28. Dan. 11: 6. To judge without respect of persons. Exo. DESIGNED FOR 23: 3, 6. Lev. 19: 15. Deu. 1: i7. Establishing friendship. 1 Sam. 18: 3. Pro. 22: 22. Procuring assistance in war. 1 Kin. 15: To investigate every case. Deu. 19:18. 18, 19. Not to take bribes. Exo. 23: S. Deu. Mutual protection. Gen. 26: 28, 29. Gen. 16:19. 31: 50-52. To judge as for God. 2 Chr. 19: 6, 7, 9. Establishing peace. Jos. 9: 1.5, 16. To decide according to law. Eze. 44: 24. Promoting commerce. 1 Kin. 5: 6-11. To promote peace. Zee. 8: 16. Selling land. Gen. 23:14-16. Sat on the judgment seat while hearing CONDITIONS OF, causes. Exo. 18: 13. Jud. 5: 10. Isa. Clearly specified. 1 Sam. 11:1, 2. 28: 6. Mat. 27: 19. Confirmed by oath. Gen. 21: 23, 31. Gen. Examined the parties. Acts 24: 8. 26: 31. CRE. 31 CRE. Witnessed. Gen. 23: 17, 18. Ruth 4: ORDER OF: 9-11. First day, making light and dividing it Written and sealed. Neh. 9: 38. Neh. 10: 1. from darkness. Gen. 1: 3-5. 2 Cor. 4: 6. God often called to witness. Gen. 31: 50, 53. Second day, making the firmament or at. When confirmed, unalterable. Gal. 3: 15. mosphere and separating the waters. Made by passing between the pieces of the Gen. 1: 6-8. divided sacrifices. Gen. 15: 9-17. Jer. Third day, separating the land from the 34:18, 19. water and making it fruitful. Gen. 1: Salt a sign of perpetuity in. Num. 18:19. 9-13. 2 Chr. 13: 5. Fourth day, placing the sun, moon, and Ratified by joining hands. Pro. 11: 21. Eze. stars to give light, &c. Gen. 1: 14-19. 17:18. Fifth day, making birds, insects, and Followed by a feast. Gen. 26: 30. Gen. fishes. Gen. 1: 20-23. 31: 54. Sixth day, making beasts of the earth and Presents given as tokens of. Gen. 21:27-30. man. Gen. 1: 24, 28. I Sam. 1S: 3, 4. God rested from, on the seventh day. Gen. Pillars raised in token of. Gen. 31: 45, 46. 2: 2, 3. Names given to places where made. Gen. Approved of by God. Gen. 1: 31. 21: 31. Gen. 31: 47-49. A subject of joy to angels. Job 38:7. THE JEws EXHIBITS Forbidden to malke, with the nations of Ca- The deity of God. Rom. 1: 20. naan. Exo. 23: 32. Deu. 7: 2. The power of God. Isa. 40: 26, 28. Rom. Frequently made with other nations. 1 1:20. Kin. 5: 12. 2 Kin. 17: 4. The glory and handywork of God. Psa. Condemned for making, with idolatrous 19:1. nations. Isa. 30: 2-5. Hos. 12:1. The wisdom of God. Psa. 104: 24. Psa. Regarded, as sacred. Jos. 9:16-19. Psa. 136: 5. 15: 4. The goodness of God. Psa. 33: 5. Violated by the wicked. Rom. 1: 31. 2 God as the sole object of worship. Isa. Tim. 3: 3. 45: 16, with 18 v. Acts 17: 24, 27. ILLUSTRATIVE Glorifies God. Psa. 145: 10. Psa. 148: 5. Of the contract of marriage. Mal. 2: 14. God to be praised for. Neh. 9: 6. Psa. Of God's promises to man. Gen. 9: 9-11. 136: 3-9. Eph. 2:12. Leads to confidence. Psa. 124: 8. Psa. Of the united determination of a people to 146: 5, 6. serve God. 2 Kin. 11: 17. 2 Chr. 15: 12. Insignificance of man seen from. Psa. 8: Neh. 10: 29. 3, 4. Isa. 40: i2, 17. Of good resolutions. Job 31: 1. Groaneth because of sin. Rom. 8: 22. (With death and hell,) of carnal security. ILLUSTRATIVE OF lsa. 28: 15, 18. The new birth. 2 Cor. 5:17. Eph. 2:10. (With stones and beasts of the earth,) of Daily renewal of saints. Psa. 51: 10. Eph. peace and prosperity. Job 5; 23. Hos. 4: 24. 2: 18. Renewal of the earth. Isa. 65: 17. 2 Pet. No. 62. CREATION. 3: 11, 13. The formation of things which had no pre- No. 63. CREDITORS. vious existence. Rom. 4:17, with Heb. Defined. Philemon 18 v. 11 i 3. MIGHT DEMAI.ND EFFECTED Pledges. Deu. 24: 10, 11. Pro. 22: 27. By God. Gen. I: 1. Gen. 2: 4, 5. Pro. Security of others. Pro. 6:1. Pro.22: 26. 26: 10. Mortgages on property. Nel. 5: 3. By Christ. Jno. 1: 3, 10. Col. 1: 16. Bills of promissory notes. Luke 16: 6, 7. By the Holy Ghost. Job 26: 13. Psa. To return before sunset garments taken in 104:30 pledge. Exo. 22: 26, 27. Deu. 24:12, 13. By the command of God. Psa. 33: 9. Eze. 18:7, 12. Heb. 11: 3. PPOHIBITED FROsI In the beginning. Gen. 1: 1. Mat. 24: 21. Taking millstones in pledge. Deu. 24: 6. In six days. Exo. 20: 11. Exo. 31:17. Violently selecting pledges. Den. 24:10. According to God's purpose. Psa. 135: 6. Exacting usury from brethren. Exo. For God's pleasure. Pro. 16: 4. Rev. 22: 25. Lev. 25: 36, 37. 4 - 11. Exacting debts from brethren during sabFor Christ. Col. 1: 16. battical year. Deu. 15: 2, 3. By faith we believe, to be God's work. Might take interest from strangers. Deu. Heb. 11: 3. 23: 20. DAI. DAN. 32 DAR. Sometimes entirely remitted debts. Neh 5 Strength of, entering Canaan. Num. 26: 43. 10- 12. Mat. 18: 27. Luke 7:42. On Ebal, said amen to the Curses. Deu. Often cruel in exacting debts. Neh. 5: 7-9. 27: 13. Job 24: 3-9. Mat. 18: 28-30. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 19: 40-46. OFTEN EXACTED DEBTS A commercial people. Jud. 5: 17. Eze. By selling the debtor or taking him for a 27:19. servant. Mat. 18: 25, with Exo. 21: 2. Restricted to the hills by Amorites. Jud. By selling the debtor's property. Mat. 1:34. 1S: 25. A PART OF, By selling the debtor's family. 2 Kin 4: 1. Sent to seek new settlements. Jud. 18: 1, 2. Job 24: 9. Mat. 18: 25. Took Laish and called it Dan. Jos. 19: 47. By imprisonment. Mat. 5: 25, 26. Mat. Jud. 18: 8-13, 27-29. 18: 34. Plundered Micah of his idols and his From the sureties. Pro. 11: 15. Pro. 22: ephod. Jud. 18: 17-21, 27. 26, 27. Set up Micah's idols in Dan. Jud. 18: Were often defrauded. 1 Sam. 22: 2. Luke 30, 31. 16: 5-7. Reproved for not aiding against Sisera. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Jud. 5: 17. God's claim upon men. Mat. 5: 25, 26, Samson was of. Jud. 13: 2, 24, 25. with Mat. 18: 23, 35. Luke 7: 41, 47. Some of, at coronation of David. 1 Chr. The demands of the law. Gal. 5: 3. 12: 35. No. 64. DAILY SACRIFICE, THE. Ruler appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. Ordained in mount Sinai. Num. 28: 6. A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening. Exo. 29: 38, 39. Num. 28:3, 4. Created by God. Psa. 104: 20. Isa. 45:7. Doubled on the Sabbath. Num. 28: 9, 10. Originally covered the earth. Gen. 1: 2. REQUIRED TO BE Separated from the light. Gen. 1: 4. With a meat and drink offering. Exo. 29: Called night. Gen. 1: 5. 40, 41. Num. 28: 5-8. Caused by setting of the sun. Gen. 15:17. Slowly and entirely consumed. Lev. 6: Jno. 6:17. 9-12. Inexplicable nature of. Job 38: 19, 20. Perpetually observed. Exo. 29: 42. Num. Exhibits God's power and greatness. Job 28:3, 6. 38: 8, 9. Peculiarly acceptable. Num. 28: 8. Psa. DEG.REES OF, MENTIONED; 141:2. Great. Gen. 15: 12. Secured God's presence and favour. Exo. That may be felt. Exo. 10: 21. 29: 43, 44. Thick. Deu. 5: 22. Joel 2: 2. Times of offering, were seasons of prayer. Gross. Jer. 13: 16. Ezra. 9: 5. Dan. 9: 20, 21, with Acts 3: 1. Outer or extreme. Mat. 8: 12. Restored after the captivity. Ezra 3: 3. EFFECTS OF; The abolition of, foretold. Dan. 9: 26, 27. Keeps us from seeing objects. Exo. 10:23. Dan. 11: 31. Causes us to go astray. Jno. 12: 35. 1 ILLUSTRATIVE OF Jno. 2: 11. Christ. Jno. 1: 29, 36. 1 Pet. 1: 19. Causes us to stumble. Isa. 59: 10. Acceptable prayer. Psa. 141: 2. Often put for night. Psa. 91: 6. No. 65. DAN, THE TRIBE OF. Called the swaddling band of the sea. Job 39:9. Descended from Jacob's fifth son. Gen. Cannot hide us from God. Psa. 139:11, 12. 30: 6. THE WICKED Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 16, 17. The children of. 1 The. 5: 5. Deu. 33: 22. Live in. Psa. 107: 10. PERSONS SELECTED FRROMI, Walk in. Psa. 82: 5. To number the people. Num. 1: 12. Perpetrate their designs in. Job 24: 16. To spy out the land. Num. 13:12. Are full of. Mat. 6: 23. To divide the land. Num. 34: 22. MIRACULOUS, Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: On mount Sinai. Exo. 19:16, with Heb. 39, 39. 12:18. Led the fourth and last division of Israel. Over the land of Egypt. Exo. 10: 21, 22. Num. 2: 31. Num. 10: 25. At the death of Christ. Mat. 27: 45. Encamped north of the tabernacle. Num. Before the destruction of Jerusalem. Mat. 2:25. 24: 29. Offering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 66-71. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Families of. Num. 26: 42. Greatness and unsearchableness of God. DAY. 33 DEA. Exo. 20: 21. 2 Sam. 22:10,12. 1 Kin. Redemption. Eph. 4: 30. S:12. Psa. 97: 2. Visitation. Jer. 27: 22. 1 Pet. 2:12. Abstruse and deep subjects. Job 28: 3. God's power. Psa. 110: 3. Secrecy. Isa. 45: 19. Mat. 10:27. A TIIME OF FESTIVITY CALLED A Ignorance and error. Job 37: 19. Isa. Good day. Est. 8: 17. Est. 9:19. 60: 2. Jno. 1: 5. Jno. 3:19. Jno. 12: Day of good tidings. 2 Kin. 7: 9. 35. Acts 26: 18. Day which the Lord has made Psa. Any thing hateful. Job 3: 4-9. 118: 24. A course of sin. Pro. 2: 13. Eph. 5: 11. Solemn day. Num. 10: 10. Hos. 9' 5. Heavy afflictions. Job 23:17. Psa. 112: Day of gladness. Num. 10: 10. 4. Ecc. 5: 17. Isa. 5: 30. Isa. 8: 22. The time for labour. Psa. 104: 23. Jno. 9:4. Isa. 59: 9. Wild beasts hide during. Psa. 104: 22. The power of Satan. Eph. 6:12. Col. 1: 13. ILLUSTRATIVE OF The grave. 1 Sam. 2: 9. Job 10: 21, 22. Time of judgment. 1 Cor. 3:13, with 1 The punishment of devils and wicked Cor. 4: 3. men. Mat. 22: 13. 2 Pet. 2: 4, 17. Spiritual light. I The. 5: 5, 8. 2 Pet. 1:19. Jude 6, 13 vs. The path ofthejust. Pro. 4: 18. No. 67. DAY. No. 68. DEAD, THE. The light first called. Gen. 1:5. They who have departed this life. Gen. Natural, from evening to evening. Gen. 23: 2. Gen. 25: 8. Job 1:19. 1: 5, &c. Lev. 23: 32. TERAIS USED TO EXPRESS; Artificial, the time of the sun's continuance Corpses. 2 K[in. 19: 35. Nah. 3: 3. above the horizon. Gen. 31: 39, 40. Neh. Carcasses. Num. 14: 29, 32, 33. 1 Kin. 4:21, 22. 13:24. Prophetical, a year. Eze. 4: 6. Dan. 12: 12. Those who are not. Mat. 2: 18. ARTIFICIAL, DIVIDED INTO Deceased. Isa. 26: 14. Mat. 22: 25. Break of. Gen. 32: 24, 26. Song of Sol. CHARACTERIZED BY 2:17. Being without the Spirit. Jas. 2: 26. Morning. Exo. 29: 39. 2 Sam. 23: 4. Being incapable of motion. Mat. 28: 4. Noon. Gen. 43:16. Psa. 55:17. Rev. 1: 17. Decline of. Jud. 19: 8, 9. Luke 9: 12. Ignorance of all human affairs. Ecc. 9: 5. Luke 24: 29. Absence of all human passions. Ecc. 9: 6. Evening. Gen. 8:11. Psa. 104:23. Jer. Inability to glorify God. Psa. 115:17. 6: 4. Return not to this life. Job 7: 9, 10. Job Sometimes divided into four parts. Neh. 14:10, 14. 9: 3. Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin. Gen. 46: 4. Latterly subdivided into twelve hours. Mat. Were washed and laid out. Acts 9: 37. 20:3, 5, 6. Jno. 11: 9. Were wrapped in linen with spices. Jno. Time of, ascertained by the dial. 2 Kin. 19: 40. 20: 11. MOURNING FOR, OFTEN Succession of, secured by covenant. Gen. Very great. Gen. 37: 35. Jer. 31: 15. S: 22. Mat. 2: IS. Jno. 11: 33. Made for the glory of God. Psa. 74:16. Loud and clamorous. Jer. 16: 6. Mar. Proclaims the glory of God. Psa. 19:2. 5: 38. Under the control of God. Amos 5: 8. By hired mourners. Jer. 9:17, 18. Amos Amos 8:9. 5:16. A TIMIE OF JUIDGMIENT CALLED A DAY OF With plaintive music. Jer. 48: 36. Mat. Anger. Lam. 2: 21. 9: 23. Wrath. Job 20: 28. Zep. 1: 15, 18. Rom. Testified by change of apparel. 2 Sam. 2:5. 14:2. Visitation. Mic. 7: 4. Testified by tearing the hair. Jer. 16: 7. Destruction. Job 21: 30. Testified by covering the head. 2 Sam. Darkness. Joel 2: 2. Zep. 1: 15. 19: 4. Trouble. Psa. 102: 2. Testified by rending the garments. Gen. Calamity Deu. 32: 35. Jer. 18:17. 37: 34. 2 Sam. 3: 31. Adversity. Pro. 24:10. Lasted many days. Gen. 37: 34. Gen. Vengeance. Pro. 6: 34. Isa. 61: 2. 50:3, 10. Slaughter. Isa. 30: 25. Jer. 12: 3. Regard often shown to the memory of. Evil. Jer. 17: 17. Amos 6: 3. Eph. 6: 13. Ruth 1: 8. The Lord. Isa. 2'i 12. Isa. 13: 6. Zep. Too soon forgotten. Psa. 31 12. Ecc. 9: 5.1 1:14. Heathenish expressions ot grief for, forbidA TIME OF MIERCY CALLED A DAY OF den. Lev. 19: 28. Deu. 14: 1, 2. Salvation. 2 Cor. 6: 2. All offerings to, forbidden. Deu. 26: 14. DED. 34 DEF. Touching of, causing uncleanness. Num. Placed with the treasure of the Lord's 19:11,13, 16. Num. 9: 6, 7. house. 1 Kin. 7:51. 2 Chr. 5:1. In a house rendered it unclean. Num. 19: Special chambers prepared for. 2 Chr. 14, 15. 31: 11, 12. Even bones of, caused uncleanness. Num. Levites placed over. 1 Chr. 26: 20, 26. 19:16. See 2 Chr. 34: 5. 2 Chr. 31: 12. A priest not to mourn for, except when Applied to the repair and maintenance near of kin. Lev. 21: 1-3. Eze. 44: 25. of the temple. 2 Kin. 12: 4, 5. 1 Chr. High priest in no case to mourn for. Lev. 26: 27. 21: 10, 11. For support of priests. Num. 18: 14. Eze. Nazarites not to touch or mourn for. Num. 44: 29. 6: 6, 7. Given to propitiate enemies. 2 Kin. 12: Those defiled by, removed from the camp. 17, 18. Nurn. 5: 2. Law respecting the release of. Lev. 27 ch. Uncleanness contracted from, removed by Of property often perverted. Mar. 7: 9-13. Ihe water of separation. Num. 19: 12, IS. Illustrative of devotedness to God. Psa. IDOLATERS 119: 38. Tore thlemselves for. Jer. 16: 7.DEFILEMENT. Offered sacrifices for. Psa. 106: 28. Invoked and consulted. 1 Sam. 28: 7, 8. Forbidden to the Jews. Lev. 11: 44, 45. Consecrated part of their crops to. Deu. THINGS LIABLE TO CEREMONIAL; 26:14. The person. lev. 5:3. The Jews looked for a resurrection from. Garments. Lev. 13: 59. lsa. 26: 19. Acts 24: 15. Furniture, -&c. Lev. 15: 9,10. Num. 19: Instances of, restored to life before Christ. 14, 15. 1 Kin. 17: 22. 2 Kin. 4: 34-36. 2 Kin. Houses. Lev. 14: 44. 13: 21. The land. Lev. 18:25. Deu. 21: 23. Instances of, restored by Christ, &c. Mat. The sanctuary. Lev. 20:3. Zep. 3:4. 9: 25. Luke 7: 15. Juno. 11: 44. Acts CEREsIONIAL, CAsUSED BY 9: 40. Acts 20: 12. Eating unclean things. Lev. 11: 8. Acts iLLUSTRATIVE OF 10: 11, 14. Man's state by nature. 2 Cor. 5: 14. Eph. Eating things that died. Lev. 17: 15. 2: 1, 5. Touching a dead body or a bone. Num. A state of deep affliction, &c. Psa. 88: 5, 6. 9: 6, 7. Num. 19: 11, 16. Psa. 143: 3. Isa. 59: 10. Touching a grave. Num. 19:16. Freedom from the power of sin. Rom. Touching a dead beast. Lev. 5: 2. Lev. 6: 2, S, 11. Col. 3: 3. 11: 24-28. Freedom from the law. Rom. 7: 4. Being along with a dead body. Num.19:14. Faith without works. 1 Tim. 5: 6. Jas. Mourning for the dead. Lev. 21:1-3. 2: 17, 26. Having a leprosy. Lev. 13: 3, 11. Num. Diviners, &c. Isa. 8:19. 5: 2, 3. lmpotences. Gen. 20: 3. Rom. 4: 19. Having an issue, &c. Lev. 15: 2. Num. 5: 2. No. 69. BDEDICATION. Touching any thing defiled by an issue, &c. Lev. 15: 5-11. Consecration of a place of worship. 2 Chr. Going into a leprous house. Lev. 14: 46. 2: 4. Sacrificing the red heifer. Num. 19: 7. Solemn confirmation of a covenant. Heb. Burning the red heifer. Num. 19: S. 9: 18S. Gathering ashes of red heifer. Num. Devoting any thing to sacred uses. 1 Chr. 19:10. 28: 12. Touching an unclean person. Num.19:22. SUBJECTS OF; Child-bearing. Lev. 12: 2. Tabernacle. Num. 7 ch. Causes of, improperly enlarged by tradition. Temple of Solomon. I Kin. 8: 1-63. 2 Mar. 7: 2, with Mat. 15: 20. Clhr. 7: 5. iMoRAL, CAUSED BY Second temple. Ezra 6: 16, 17. Following the sins of the heathen. Lev. Persons. Exo. 22:29. 1 Sam. 1: 11. 19: 24. Property. Lev. 27: 28. Mat. 15: 5. Seeking after wizards. Lev. 19: 31. Spoils of war. 2 Sam. 8: 1l. 1 Chr. 1S:11. Giving children to Molech. Lev. 20:3. Tribute from foreigners. 2 Sam. 8:10,11. Making and serving idols. Eze. 20: 17, 18. Walls of ities. Neh. 12: 27. Eze. 22: 3, 4. Eze. 23: 7. Houses when built. Deu. 20: 5. Psa. 30.title. Blood shedding. Isa. 59: 3. By idolaters in setting up idols. Dan. 3: 2, 3. Moral, punished. Lev. 1S: 24, 25, 28, 29. THINGS DEDICATED TO GOD; Those under, removed from the camp. Esteemed holy. Lev. 27: 28. 2 Kin. 12:18. Num. 5: 3, 4. Deu. 23: 14. DEL. 35 DES. PRIESTS No. 72. DESERT, JOURNEY OF ISRAEL To decide in all cases of. Lev. 10: 10. Lev. 13: 3. TIROUGII THE. Specially required to avoid. Lev. 21: 1-6, Date of its commencement. Exo. 12: 41, 42. 11, 12. Their number commencing. Exo. 12: 37. Not to eat holy things while under. Lev. Their healthy state commencing. Psa. 22: 2, 4-6. 105: 37. Punished for eating of the holy things A mixed multitude accompanied them in. while under. Lev. 22: 3. Exo. 12: 38. Num. 11: 4. Cleansed by legal ablutions. Num. 19: Commenced in haste. Exo. 12: 39. 18, 19. Heb. 9:13. Conducted with regularity. Exo. 13:18. Neglecting purification from, punished by Under Moses as leader. Exo. 3:10-12, with cutting off: Num. 19: 13, 20. Acts 7: 36, 38. Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel. By a circuitous route. Exo. 13:17, 18. Acts 10: 15. Rom. 14: 14. Col. 2: 20-22. Order of marching during. Num. 10: 14-28. ILLUSTRATIVE Order of encamping during. Num. 2 ch. Of sin. Mat. 15:11, 18. Jude 8 v. Difficulty and danger of. Deu. 8: 15. Of unholy doctrines. 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17. CONTINUED FORTY YEARS No. 71. DELUGE,THE. As a punishment. Num. 14: 33, 34. To prove and humble them, &c. Deu. 8: 2. Sent as a punishment for the extreme wick- To teach them to live on God's word. edness of man. Gen. 6: 5-7, 11-13, 17. Deu. 8: 3. CALLED THE Under God's guidance. Exo. 13: 21, 22. Flood. Gen. 9: 28. Exo. 15: 13. Neh. 9: 12. Psa. 78: 52. Waters of Noah. Isa. 54: 9. Isa. 63:11-14. Noah forewarned of. Gen. 6:13. Heb. 11:7. Under God's protection. Exo. 14: 19, 20, Long-suffering of God exhibited in defer- with Psa.: 105: 39. Exo. 23: 20, with ring. Gen. 6: 3, with 1 Pet. 3: 20. Psa. 78: 53. The wicked warned of 1 Pet. 3: 19, 20. With miraculous provision. Exo. 16: 35. 2 Pet. 2:5. Deu.8:3. Noah, &c., saved from. Gen. 6:18-22. Gen. Their clothing preserved during. Deu. 7:13, 14. 8:4. Deu.29:5. Neh.9:21. Date of its commencement. Gen. 7:11. Worship of God celebrated during. Exo. Came suddenly and unexpectedly. Mat. 24: 5-8. Exo. 29: 38-42. Exo. 40:24-29. 24: 38, 39. Justice administered during. Exo. 18:13, 26. PRODUCED BY Circumcision omitted during. Jos. 5: 5. Forty days' incessant rain. Gen. 7: 4, Caused universal terror and dismay. Exo. 12, 17. 15:14-16. Num. 22: 3, 4. Opening up of the fountains of the great Obstructed, &c., by the surrounding nadeep. Gen. 7:11. tions. Exo. 17: 8. Num. 20: 21. Increased gradually. Gen. 7: 17, 18. Territory acquired during. Deu. 29: 7, 8. Extreme height of. Gen. 7:19, 20. Marked by constant murmurings and reTime of its increase and prevailing. Gen. bellions. Psa. 78: 40. Psa. 95: 10. Psa. 7:24., 106 *7-39. Causes of its abatement. Gen. 8: 1, 2. Constant goodness and mercy of God to Decreaseof, gradual. Gen. 8: 3, 5. them during, Psa. 106: 10, 43-46. Psa. Date of its complete removal. Gen. 8: 13. 107: 6, 13. Complete destruction effected by. Gen. Commenced from Rameses in Egypt. Exo. 7:23. 12:37. Face of the earth changed by. 2 Pet. 3: 5, 6. To SUCCOTH. Exo. 12: 37. Num. 33: 5. Traditional notice of. Job 22: 15-17. To ETHAI. Exo. 13:20. Num. 33: 6. THAT IT SHALL NEVER AGAIN OCCUR BETWEEN BAALZEPHON AND PIHAHIROTH. Promised. Gen. 8: 21, 22. Exo. 14: 2. Num. 33: 7. Confirmed by covenant. Gen. 9: 9-11. Overtaken by Pharaoh. Exo. 14: 9. The rainbow a token. Gen. 9:12-17. Exhorted to look to God. Exo. 14:13,14. A pledge of God's faithfulness. Isa 54: The cloud removed to the rere. Exo. 14: 9, 10. 19, 20. ILLUSTRATIVE Red sea divided. Exo. 14: 16, 21. Of the destruction of sinners. Psa. 32: 6. THROUGH THE RED SEA. Exo. 14: 22, 29. isa. 28: 2, 18. Faith exhibited in passing. Heb. 11: 29. Of baptism. 1 Pet. 3: 20, 21. Pharaoh and his host destroyed. Exo. 14: (Unexpectedness of,) of suddenness of 23 —28. Psa. 106: 11. Christ's coming. Mat. 24:36-39. Luke Israel's song of praise. Exo. 15: 1-21. 17: 26, 27-30. Psa. 106: 12. DES. 36 DES. THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SHUR OR Their murmurings punished. Num. 11: ETHAI. Exo. 15: 22. Num. 33: 8. 33. Psa. 78: 30, 31. To MARAR. Exo. 15:23. Num. 33: 8. Why called Kibroth-hattaavah. Num. Murmuring of the people on account of 11: 34. bitter water. Exo. 15: 24. To HAZEROTH. Num. 11:35. Num. 33:17. Water sweetened. Exo. 15: 25. Aaron and Miriam envy Moses. Num. To ELIM. Ex0o. 15: 27. Num. 33: 9. 12:1, 2. BY THE RED SEA. Num. 33: 10. Miriam punished by leprosy. Num. 12: 10. THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SIN. Exo. Delayed seven days for Miriam. Num. 16:1. Num. 33: li. 12:14, 15. Murmuring for bread. Exo. 16: 2, 3. To KADESH-BARNEA IN WILDERNESS OF RITHQuails given for one night. Exo. 16: 8,1 IAH OR PARAN. Deu. 1: 19, and Num. 12, 13. 32: 8, with Num. 12:16, and Num 33: 18. Manna sent. Exo. 16: 4, 8, 16-31. The people anxious to have the land of To DOPHIKA.H. Num. 33: 12. Canaan searched. Deu. l: 22. To ALUSH. Num. 33:13. Moses commanded to send spies, Num. To REPHIDIM. Exo. 17: 1. Num. 33: 14. 13: 1, 2. Murmuring for water. Exo. 17: 2, 3. Persons selected as spies. Num. 13: 3-16. Waterbrought from the rock. Exo.17:5,6. Spies sent. Jos. 14: 7, with Num. 13: Called Massahl and Meribah. Exo. 17: 7. 17-20. Amalek opposes Israel. Exo. 17: 8. Spies bring back evil report. Num. 13: Amalek overcome. Exo. 17: 9-13. 26-33. To MOUNT SINAI. Exo. 19: 1, 2. Num. The people terrified and rebel. Num. 14: 33:15. 1-4. Jethro's visit. Exo. 18:1-6. Punishment for rebellion. Num. 14: 26Judges appointed. Exo. 18: 14-26. Deu. 35. Num. 32: 11-13. Deu. 1: 35, 36, 40. 1: 9-15. Guilty spies slain by plague. Num. 14 ~ Moral law given. Exo. 19: 3. Exo. 20 ch. 36, 37. Covenant made. Exo. 24: 3 —S. People smitten by Amalek for going up Moral law written on tables. Exo. 31:18. without the Lord. Num. 14: 40-45. Order for making the tabernacle, &c. Deu. 1: 41-44. Exo. 24 ch. to Exo. 27 ch. RETURNED BY THE WAY TO THE RED SEA. Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first- Num. 14: 25. Deu. 1: 40. Deu. 2: 1. born. Num. 3: 11-13. Sabbath breaker stoned. Num. 15: 32-36. Aaron and his sons selected for priest- Rebellion of Korah. Num. 16:1-19. hood. Exo. 28 ch. Exo. 29 ch. Num. Korah, &c., punished. Num. 16: 30-35. 3:1-3, 10. Plaguse sent. Num. 16: 41-46. Levites set apart. Num. 3: 5-9. Plague stayed. Num. 16: 47-50. Golden calf made. Exo. 32: 1, 4. God's choice of Aaron confirmed. Num. Tables of testimony broken. Exo. 32:19. 17 ch. People punished for idolatry. Exo. 32: To RIumiON PAREZ. Num. 33:19. 25-29, 35. To LIBNAH OR LBSAN. Num. 33:20. Deu.l: 1 God's glory shown to Moses. Exo. 33: To RISS.AH. Num. 33: 21. 18-23. Exo. 34: 5-8. To KEIFELATIIA. Num. 33: 22. The tables of testimony renewed. Exo. To IOUNT SHAPHER. Num. 33: 23. 34: 1-4, 27-29. Deu. 10:1-5. To HARADAH. Num. 33: 24. Tabernacle first set up. Exo. 40 ch. To MA.KHELOTH. Num. 33 25. Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering To TAHATH. Num. 33: 26. strange fire. Lev. 10: 1,2. Num. 3:4. To TARAH. Num. 33: 27. Passover first commemorated. Num. 9: To MITHCAH. Num. 33: 28. 1-5. To HASHMION.AH. Num. 33: 29. Second numbering of the people. Num. To MOSEROTH OR MOSERA. Num. 33:30. 1; 1-46, with Exo. 38: 25, 26. To BENE-JAAKANr. Num. 33: 31. To KIBROTH-Hs.TTAAV.AHI. Num. 33: 16. To HORHAnGDGAD OR GUDGODAH. Num. 33: Complaining punished by fire. Num. 11: 32. Deu. 10: 7. 1-3. To JOTBATHAH OR LAND OF RIVERS. Num. Called Taberal. Num. 11: 3. 33: 33. Deu. 10: 7 Murmuring of the mixed multitude and Several of these stations probably revisited, of Israel, for flesh. Num. 11: 4-9. Deu. 10: 6, 7, with Num. 33: 30-32. Flesh promised. Num. 11: 10-15, 18-23. To EBRONAH. Num. 33: 34. Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses. To EZION-GABER. Num. 33: 35. Num. 11: 16, 17, 24 —30. To KADESH IN THE WILDERNESS OF ZIN. Quails sent for a month. Num. 11: 19, Num. 20: 1. Num. 33: 36. Jud. 11:16. 20, 31, 32. Miriam dies and is buried. Num. 20:1. DES. 37 DES. Second murmuring for water. Num. 20: All formerly numbered over twenty years 2-6. old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead. Moses striking the rock instead of speak- Num. 26: 63-65, with Num. 14: 29. ingto it, disobeys God. Num. 20:7-11. The law of female inheritance settled. Moses and Aaron punished. Num. 20: 12. Num. 27: 1-11, with Num. 36: 1-9. Called Meribah to commemorate the Appointment of Joshua. Num. 27:15-23 murmuring. Num. 20: 13. Num. 27:14. Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain. Orders given respecting Edom. Deu. 2: Num. 31 ch. with Num. 25: 17, 18. 3-6. The law rehearsed. Deu. 1: 3. The king of Edom refuses a passage. The law written by Moses. Deu. 31: 9. Num. 20:14-21. Jud. 11: 17. Moses beholds Canaan. Deu. 34:1-4. To MOUNT HOR. Num. 20: 22. Num. 33: 37. Moses dies and is buried. Deu. 34: 5, 6. Aaron dies. Num. 20: 28, 29. Num. 33: Joshua ordered to cross Jordan. Jos. 1: 2. 68, 39. Two spies sent to Jericho. Jos. 2: 1. Arad conquered. Num. 21: 1-3. Num. AcRoss THE RIVER JORDAN. Jos. 4: 10. 33: 40. Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church. Called IHormah. Num. 21: 2, 3. Song of Sol. 8: 5. 1 Pet. 1: 17. TO ZALMONAH. Nnm. 33: 41. Murmuring of the people. Num. 21: 4, 5. No. 73. DESERTS. Fiery serpents sent. Num. 21: 6. Vast barren plains. Exo. 5: 3. Jno. 6: 13. Brazen serpent raised up. Num. 21: 7-9. Uninhabited places. Mat. 14: 15. Mar. 6: 31. To PUNON. Num. 33:42. DESCRIBED AS To OBOTH. Num. 21: 10. Num. 33: 43. Uninhabited and lonesome. Jer. 2: 6. To IJE-ABA.RIMa BEFORE MOAB. Num. 21: 11. Uncultivated. Num. 20: 5. Jer. 2:2. Num. 33: 44. Desolate. Eze. 6:14. Orders given respecting Moab. Deu. 2: Dry and without water. Exo. 17: 1. Deu. 8, 9. 8: 15. To ZARED OR DIBoN-GAD. Num. 21: 12. Tractless. Isa. 43:19. Num. 33: 45. Great and terrible. Deu. l: 19. To ALMON-DIBLATHAIM. Num. 33: 46. Waste and howling. Deu. 32: 10. Acesoss THE BROOK ZERED. Deu. 2: 13. Infested with wild beasts. Isa. 13: 21. Mar. Time occupied in going from Kadesh- 1:13. Barnea to this station. Deu. 2:14. Infested with serpents. Deu. 8:15. Order to pass through Ar. Deu. 2:18. Infested with robbers. Jer. 3: 2. Lam. 4: 19. Orders given respecting Ammon. Deu. Danger of travelling in. Exo. 14: 3. 2 Cor. 2: 19. 11: 26. AcRoss THE ARNON. Num. 21:13-15. Deu. Guides required in. Num. 10: 31. Deu. 2:24. 32:10. To BEER OR THE WELL. Num. 21:16. PHENOMIENA OF, ALLUDED TO; To MATTANAH. Num. 21: 18. Mirage or deceptive appearance of water. To NAHALIEL. Num. 21: 19. Jer. 15: 18. (marg.) To BsaIOTH. Num. 21: 19. Simoon or deadly wind. 2 Kin. 19: 7. To THE MOUNTAINS OF ABARIuM. Num. 21: Jer. 4:11. 20. Num. 33: 47. Tornadoes or whirlwinds. Isa. 21: 1. The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel. Clouds of sand and dust. Deu. 28: 24. Num. 21: 21-23. Deu. 2: 26-30. Jer. 4: 12, 13. Sihon conquered. Nulm. 21: 23-32. Deu. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 2: 32-36. Arabian or great desert. Exo. 23: 31. Og conquered. Num. 21: 33-35. Deu. Bethaven. Jos. 18:12. 3: 1-11. Beersheba. Gen. 21:14. 1 Kin. 19: 3, 4. Reubenites, &c., obtain the land taken Damascus. I Kin. 19:15. from the Amorites. Num. 32 ch. Deu. Edom. 2 Kin. 3: 8. 3:12-17. Engedi. 1 Sam. 24:1. RETURN TO THE PLAINS OF MOAB. Num. Gideon. 2 Sam. 2: 24. 22: 1. Num. 33: 48, 49. Judea. Mat. 3:1. Balak sends for Balaam. Num. 22: 5, 6, Jeruel. 2 Chr. 20: 16. 15-17. Kedemoth. Deu. 2: 26. Balaam not permitted to curse Israel. Kadesh. Psa. 29: S. Num. 22: 9-41. Num. 23 ch. Num. Maon. 1 Sam. 23: 24, 25. 24 ch. Paran. Gen. 21: 21. Num. 10: 12. Israel seduced to idolatry, &c., by advice Shur. Gen. 16: 7. Exo. 15: 22. of Balaam. Num. 25:1-3. Rev. 2:14. Sin. Exo. 16: 1. Israel punished. Num. 25: 5, 9. Sinai. Exo. 19:1, 2. Num. 33:16. Third numbering. Num. 26: 1-62. Ziph. 1 Sam. 23:14, 15. 4 DIE. 38 DIS. Zin. Num. 20: 1. Num. 27: 14. Articles of, often sent as presents. 1 Sam Of the Red sea. Exo. 13:18. 17: 18. i Sam. 25::1, 27. 2 Sam. 16:1, 2. Near Gaza. Acts S: 26. 75. DISESES. Heath of.;en found in. Jer. 17: 6. Parts of, affibrded pasture. Gen. 36: 24. Often sent as punishment. Deu. 28: 21. Exo. 3: 1. Jno. 5:14. Inhabited by wandering tribes. Gen. 21: Often brought from other countries. Den 20, 21. Psa. 72:9. Jer. 25:24. 7: 15. The persecuted fled to, 1 Sam. 23: 14. Often through Satan. 1 Sam. 16: 14-16. Heb. 11: 38. Job2:7. The disafibected fled to. 1 Sam. 22: 2. Acts Regarded as visitations. Job 2: 7-10. Psa. 21: 38. 38: 2, 7. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Intemperance a cause of. Hos. 7: 5. Barrenness. Psa. 106: 9. Psa. 107: 33, 35. Sins of youth a cause of. Job 20: 11. Those deprived of all blessings. Hos. 2: 3. Over-excitement a cause of. Dan. 8: 27. The world. Song of Sol. 3: 6. Song of Were many and divers. Mat. 4:24. Sol. 8: 5. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; The Gentiles. Isa. 35: 1, 6. Isa. 41: 19. Ague. Lev. 26: 16. What affords no support. Jer. 2: 31. Abscess. 2 Kin. 20: 7. Desolation by armies. Jer. 12: 10-13. Jer. Atrophy. Job 16: 8. Job. 19: 20. 50: 12. Blindness. Job 29: 15. Mat. 9: 27. Boils and blains. Exo. 9: 10. No. 74. DIET OF THE JEWS, THE. Consumption. Lev. 26:1. Deu. 28: 22. In patriarchal age. Gen. 18: 7, 8. Gen. 27: 4. Demoniacal possession. Mat. 15: 22. Mar. In Egypt. Exo. 16: 3. Num. 11: 5. 5:15. In the wilderness. Exo. 16: 4-12. Deafness. Psa. 38: 13. Mar. 7: 32. Of the poor, frugal. Ruth 2: 14. Pro. 15:17. Debility. Psa. 102: 23. Eze. 7:17 Of the rich, luxurious. Pro. 23:1-3. Lam. Dropsy. Luke 14: 2. 4: 5. Amos 6: 4, 5. Luke 16:19; Dumbness. Pro. 31: 8. Mat. 9: 32. ARTICLES USED FOR; Dysentery. 2 Chr. 21: 12-19. Acts 28: 8. Milk. Gen. 49: 12. Pro. 27: 27. Emerods. Deu. 28: 27. 1 Sam. 5: 6, 12. Butter. Deu. 32: 14. 2 Sam. 17:29. Fever. Deu. 28: 22, Mat. 8:14. Cheese. 1 Sam. 17: 18. Job 10: 10. Impediment in speech. Mar. 7: 32. Bread. Gen. 18:5. 1 Sam. 17:17. Itch. Deut. 28:27. Parched corn. Ruth 2: 14. 1 Sanm. 17: 17. Inflammation. Deu. 28: 22. Flesh. 2 Sam. 6: 19. Pro. 9: 2. Issue of blood. Mat. 9: 20. Fish. Mat. 7: 10. Luke 24:42. Lameness. 2 Sam. 4:4. 2 Chr. 16: 12. Herbs. Pro. 15: 17. Rom. 14: 2. Heb. 6:7. Leprosy. Lev. 13: 2. 2 Kin. 5: 1. Fruit. 2 Sam. 16:'2. Loss of appetite. Job 33:20. Psa. 107:1S. Dried fruit. I Sam. 25: 18. 1 Sam. 30:12. Lunacy. Mat. 4: 24. Mat. 17: 15. Honey. Song of Sol. 5: 1. Isa. 7: 15. Melancholy. 1 Sam. 16:14. Oil. Deu. 12: 17. Pro. 21:17. Eze. 16:13. Palsy. Mat. 8: 6. Mat. 9: 2. Vinegar. Num. 6: 3. Ruth 2:14. Plague. Num. 11: 33. 2 Sam. 24: 15, 21, 25. Wine. 2 Sam. 6:19. Jno. 2: 3,10. Scab. Deu. 28: 27. Water. Gen. 21:14. Mat. 10: 42. Sunstroke. 2 Kin. 4:18-20. Isa. 49:10. Expressed by bread and water. I Kin. 13: Ulcers. Isa. I: 6. Luke 16: 20. 9, 16. Worms. Acts 12: 23. Generally prepared by females. Gen. 27:9. Children subject to. 2 Sam. 12:15. 1 Kin. 1 Sam. 8:13. Pro. 31:15. 17:17. WAS TAKEN FREQUENTLY In the morning, sparingly. Jud. 19: 5, Loathsome. Psa. 38: 7. Psa. 41: 8. with Ecc. 10:16, 17. Painful. 2 Chr. 21:15. Job 33:19. At noon. Gen. 43:16. Jno. 4: 6, 8. Tedious. Deu. 28: 59. Jno. 5: 5. Luke In the evening. Gen. 24:11, 33. Luke 13:16. 24: 29, 30. Complicated. Deu. 28: 60, 61. Acts 28: S. Often sitting. Gen. 27: 19. Gen. 43: 33. Incurable. 2 Chr. 21:18. Jer. 14:19. Often reclining. Amos 6: 4. Jno. 13: 23. Physicians undertook the cure of. Jer. With the hand. Mat. 26: 23, with Luke 8: 22. Mat. 9: 12. Luke 4: 23. 22: 21. Medicine used for curing. Pro. 17: 22. Isa. Thanks given before. Mar. 8: 6. Acts 27:35. 1:6. Purification before. 2 Kin. 3: 11. Mat. 15: 2. Art of curing, defective. Job 13: 4. Mar. A hymn sung after. Mat. 26: 30. 5: 26. Men and women did not partake of, togeth- God often entreated to cure. 2 Sam. 12:16. er. Gen. 1S: 8, 9. Est. 1: 3, 9. 2 Kin. 20: 1-3. Psa. 6:2. Jas. 5:14. DIV. 39 DIV. DOG. Not looking to God in, condemned. 2 Chr. Punished with death those who used. 16:12. Exo. 22:18. Lev. 20: 27. THOSE AFFLICTED WITH, Punished those who sought to. Lev. 20: 6. Anointed. Mar. 6:13. Jas. 5:14. The Jews prone to. 2 Kin. 17:17. isa. 2: 6. Often laid in the streets to receive advice No. 77. DIVORCE. from passers by. Mar. 6: 56. Acts 5: 15. Law of marriage against. Gen. 2: 24. Mat. Often divinely supported. Psa. 41: 3. 19: 6. Often divinely cured. 2 Kin. 20: 5. Jas. PERMITTED 5: 15. By the Mosaic law. Deu. 24: 1. Illustrative of sin. Isa. 1: 5. On account of hardness of heart. Mat. No. 76. DIVINATION. 19:8. Often sought by the Jews. Mic. 2: 9. Mal. An abominable practice. 1 Sam. 15: 23. 2:14. (marg.) Sought on slight grounds. Mat. 5: 31. Mat. All who practised it, abominable. Deu. 19: 3. 18: 12. Not allowed to those who falsely accused PRACTISED BY their wives. Deu. 22: 18, 19. Diviners. Deu. 18: 14. WOMEN Enchanters. Deu. 18: 10. Jer. 27: 9. Could obtain. Pro. 2: 17, with Mar. 10:12. Witches. Exo. 222:18. Deu. 18:10. Could marry after. Deu. 24: 2. Charmers. Deu. 18:11. Responsible for vows after. Num. 30: 9. Wizards. Deu. 18:. 1. I Sam. 28: 3. Married after, could not return to first Consulters of familiar spirits. Deu. 18:11. husband. Deu. 24: 3, 4. Jer. 3: 1. Magicians. Gen. 41: 8. Dan. 4: 7. Afflicted by. lsa. 64: 4, 6. Astrologers. Isa. 47:13. Dan. 4: 7. Priests not to marry women after. Lev. Sorcerers. Jer. 27: 9. Acts 13: 6, 8. *21:14. Necromancers. Deu. 18:11. Of servants, regulated by law. Exo. 21: Soothsayers. Isa. 2: 6. Dan. 2:27. 7-11. False prophets. Jer. 14:14. Eze. 13: 3, 6. Of captives, regulated by law. Deu. 21: EFFECTED THROUGH 13, 14. Enchantments. Exo. 7: 11. Num. 24: 1. Forced on those who had idolatrous wives. Sorcery. Isa. 47: 12. Acts 8:11. Ezra 10:2-17. Neh. 13: 23-30. Observing times. 2 Kin. 21: 6. Jews condemned for love of. Mal. 2: 14-16. Observing heavenly bodies. Isa. 47: 13. Forbidden by Christ except for adultery. (marg.) Mat. 5: 32. Mat. 19: 9. Raising the dead. I Sam. 28: 11, 12. Prohibition of, offended the Jews. Mat. Inspecting the inside of beasts. Eze. 19:10. 21: 21. Illustrative of God's casting off of the JewThe flight of arrows. Eze. 21: 21, 22. ish church. Isa. 50: 1. Jer. 3: 8. Cups. Gen. 44:2, 6. No. 78. DOG, THE. Rods. Hos. 4:12. Dreams. Jer. 29: 8. Zec. 10: 2. Despised by the Jews. 2 Sam. 3: 8. Connected with idolatry. 2 Chr. 33: 5, 6. DESCRIBED AS Books of, numerous and expensive. Acts Impatient ofinjury. Pro. 26:17. 19: 19. Unclean. Luke 16: 21. 2 Pet. 2: 22. A lucrative employment. Num. 22:7. Acts Carnivorous. 1 Kin. 14: 11. 2 Kin. 9: 16:16. 35, 36. THOSE WHO PRACTISED, Fond of blood. 1 Kin. 21: 19. 1 Kin. 22: 38. Regarded as wise men. Dan. 2:12, 27. Dangerous and destructive. Psa. 22: 16. Regarded with awe. Acts 8: 9, 11. Infested cities by night. Psa. 59: 14, 15. Consulted in difficulties. Dan. 2: 2. Dan. Nothing holy to be given to. Mat. 7: 6. 4: 6,7. Mat. 15:26. Used mysterious words and gestures. Things torn by beasts given to. Exo. 22:31. Isa. 8: 19. Sacrificing of, an abomination. Isa. 66: 3. A system of fraud. Eze. 13: 6, 7. Jer. 29: 8. Price of, not to be consecrated. Deu. 23:18. Frustrated by God. Isa. 44: 25. WHEN DOMIESTICATED, Could not injure the Lord's people. Num. Employed in watching flocks. Job 30:1. 23:23. Fed with the crumbs, &c. Mat. 15: 27. THE LAW Manner of, in drinking alluded to. Jud. 7: 5. Forbade to the Israelites the practice of ILLUSTRATIVE Lev. 19:26. Deu. 18: 10, 11. Of Gentiles. Mat. 15:22, 26. Forbade seeking to. Lev. 19:31. Deu. Of covetous ministers. Isa. 56:11. 18: 14. Of fools. Pro. 26: 11. DOV. DRA. 40 DRE. DRI. Of apostates. 2 Pet. 2: 22. Of the devil. Rev. 13: 2. Rev. 20: 2, 7. Of persecutors. Psa. 22: 16, 20. (Poison of,) of wine. Deu. 32: 33. Of obstinate sinners. Mat. 7: 6. Rev. 22: 15. No. 81. DREAMS. Of false teachers. Phi. 3: 2. (Dumb,) of unfaithful ministers.. Isa. Visions in sleep. Job 33:15. Dan. 2: 28. 56: 10. Often but imaginary. Job 20: 8. Isa. 29: 8. (Dead,) of the mean. 1 Sam. 24: 14. 2 Excess of business frequently leads to. Sam. 9: 8. Ecc. 5: 3. God's will often revealed in. Num. 12: 6. No. 79. DOVE, TILE. Job 33:15. Clean and used as food. Deu. 14:11. FALSE PROPIETS Oftbfered in sacrifice. Gen. 15: 9. Lev. 14 Pretended to. Jer. 23: 25-2. Jer. 29: 8. Impiously sold in the court of the temple. Noto be regarded in. Deu. 13:1-3. Jer. Mat. 21:12. Jno. 2:16. CHARAcTERIZED JY. Condemned for pretending to. Jer. 23:32. Simplicity. BYat. 10:16. Vanity of trusting to natural. Ecc. 5: 7. Comeliness of countenance. Song of Sol. THE ANCIENTS 2: 14. Put great faith in. Jud. 7: 15. Softness of eyes. Song of Sol. 1: 13. Often perplexed by. Gen. 40: 6. Gen. Sweetness of voice. Song of Sol. I: 14. 41: 8. Job 7: 14. Dan. 2: 1. Dan. 4: 5. SweeRichness of plumagvoice. Psa. 6813. Anxious to have, explained. Gen. 40: 8. Richness of plumage. Psa. 68: 13. A'Sxai~~ ~03.Dan. 2:3. Mournful tabering of, alluded to. Nah. 2: 7 Dan. 2m: 3. Dwells in rocks. Song of Sol. 2:14. Jer Consulted magicians on. Gen.1:8. Dan. Frequents streams and rivers. Song ofSol God the only interpreter of. Gen. 40: 8.:12.Frequents streams and rivers.Songo Gen. 41: 16. Dan. 2: 27-30. Dan. 7: 16. Sent from the ark by Noah. Gen 8: MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE, OF Abimelech. Gen. 0: 3-7. 10, 12. Jacob. Gen. 28:12. Gen. 31:10. Why considered the emblem of peace. Laban. Gen.31 24. Gen. 8: 11. Joseph. Gen. 371: 5-9. The harbinger of Spring. Song of Sol. 2: 12. Joseph. Gen. 37: 5-9. iLLUSTRATIVE Pharaoh's butler and baker. Gen. 40: 5-19. Pharaoh. Gen. 41: 1-7. Of the Holy Ghost. Mat. 3: 16. Jno. 1: 32 Pharaoh. Gn. 41:1-7. Of the meekness of Christ. Song of Sol lidianite. Jd 7-15 5:12. Solomon. 1 Kin. 3: 5-15. Of the church. Song of Sol. 2: 14. Song Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 2: 1, 31. Dan. of Sol. 5: 2. 4 * 5, 8. Of mourners. Isa. 38: 14. Isa. 59 11 Daniel Dan. 7 c. Of converts to thea c~h~urclh. IIsa, 60 *. 1 Joseph. Mat. 1: 20, 21. Mat. 2: 13, 19, 20. (In its flight) of the return of Israel from Pilate's wife. Mat. 2 12. captivity. Hos. 11: 11. ILLUTRATVE F ILLUSTRnATIVE OF No. 80. DRAGON, THE. Prosperity of sinners. Job. 20: 5-8. Psa. 73: 19,'20. Often of a red colour. Rev. 12:3. Impure imaginations. Jude 8 v. DESCRIBED AS Enemies of the church. Isa. 29: 7, 8. Powerful. Rev. 12:4. No. 82. DRINK OFFERING. Poisonous. Deu. 32: 33. Of solitary habits. Job 30: 29. Antiquity of. Gen. 35: 14. Its mournful voice alluded to. Mic. I: 8. Sacrifices accompanied by. Exo. 29: 40. Its wailing alluded to. MAic. I: 8. Lev. 23: 13. Its snuffing up the air alluded to. Jer. 14: 6. Quantity appointed to be used for each Its swallowing of its prey alluded to. Jer. kind of sacrifice. Num. 15: 3-10. 51: 34. For public sacrifices provided by the state. FOUND Is Ezra 7: 17. Eze. 45: 17. The wilderness. Mal. 1: 3. Not poured on the altar of incense. Exo. Deserted cities. Isa. 13: 22. Jer. 9:11. 30: 9. Dry places. Isa. 34: 13. Isa. 43: 20. Omission of, caused by bad vintage. Joel A species of, in rivers. Psa. 74: 13. Isa. 27:1. 1: 9, 13. ILLUSTRATIVE IDOLATROUS JEWS Of cruel and persecuting kings. Isa. 27: 1. Offered to the queen of heaven. Jer. 7: 18. Isa. 51: 9. Eze. 29:3. Jer. 44: 17-19. Of enemies of the church. Psa. 91: 13. Reproved for offering, to idols. Isa. 57: Of wicked men. Psa. 44: 19. 5, 6. Isa. 65: 11. Jer. 19: 13. Eze. 20: 28. EAG. EAR. 41 EAR. Idolaters often used blood for. Psa. 16: 4. Opens. Job 33: 16. Job 36: 10. Vanity of offering, to idols. Deu. 32: 37, 38. Judicially closes. Isa. 6: 10, with Mat. ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE 13: 15. Offering of Christ. Isa. 53: 12. Christ opens. Isa. 35: 5. Isa. 43: 8, 10. Pouring out of the Spirit. Joel 2: 28. Instruction received through. Isa. 30: 21. Devotedness of ministers. Phi. 2: 17. That hears and receives the word of God, (Greek.) blessed. Exo. 15: 26. Mat. 13.16. No. 83. EAGLE, TH. SHOULD No. 83. EAGLE, THE. Seek knowledge. Pro. 18:15. A bird of prey. Job 9:'26. Mat. 24: 28. Be bowed down to instructions. Pro. 5:1. Unclean. Lev. 11:13. Deu. 14: 12. Be inclined to wisdom. Pro. 2: 2. Different kinds of. Lev. 11: 13, 18. Eze. Be given to the law of God. Isa. 1:10. 17: 3. Receive the word of God. Jer. 9: 20. Called the eagle of the heavens. Lam. 4:19. Hear and obey reproof. Pro. 15:31. Pro. DESCRIBED AS 25: 12. Longsighted. Job 39: 29. Not satisfied with earthly things. Ecc. 1: 8. Swift. 2 Sam. 1: 22. OF THE WICKED Soaring to heaven. Pro. 23: 5. Uncircumcised. Jer. 6: ]0. Acts 7: 51. Strength of its feathers alluded to. Dan. Itching. 2 Tim. 4: 3. 4: 33. Not inclined to hear God. Jer. 7: 24. Jer. Greatness of its wings alluded to. Eze. 17: 35: 15. 3, 7. Turned away from God's law. Pro. 28: 9. Peculiarity of its flight alluded to. Pro. Stopped against God;s word. Psa. 58: 4. 30: 19. Zee. 7: 11. Delights in the lofty cedars. Eze. 17: 3, 4. Not to be stopped at cry of the poor. Pro. Dwells in the high rocks. Job 39: 27, 28. 21: 13. Feeds her young with blood. Job 39: 29, 30. BLOOD PUT ON THE RIGHT EAR OF Il.LUSTRAT1VE Priests at consecration. Exo. 29:20. Lev. Of wisdom and zeal of God's ministers. 8: 23. Eze. I: 10. Rev. 4: 7. The healed leper in cleansing him. Lev. Of great and powerful kings. Eze. 17: 3. 14: 14. Hos. 8: 1. 1 Often adorned with rings. Eze. 16: 12. Hos. (Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the 2: 13. renewal of saints. Psa. 103: 5. Of servants who refused to leave their mas(Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of ters, bored to the door. Exo. 21: 6. Deu. God's care of his church. Exo. 19:4. 15:17. Deu. 32:11. (Wings of,) of protection afforded to the No. 85. EARTH, THE. church. Rev. 12:14. The world in general. Gen. 1: 2. (Upward flight of,) of the saints rapid The dry land as divided from waters. Gen. progress toward heaven. Isa. 40: 31. 1:10. (Swiftness of,) of the melting away of GOD riches. Pro. 23: 5. Created. Gen. 1: 1. Neh. 9: 6. (Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile Laid the foundation of Job 38:4. Psa. armies. Deu. 2: 49. Jer. 4:13. Jer. 102: 25. 48: 40. Lam.4:19. Formed. Psa. 90: 2. (Height and security of its dwelling,) of Spread abroad. Isa. 42: 5. Isa. 44:24. the fancied but fatal security of the Suspended in space. Job 26: 7. wicked. Jer. 49: 16. Oba. 4 v. Supports. Psa. 75: 3. (Increased baldness of, in the moulting Establishes. Psa. 78: 69. Psa. 119: 90. season,) of calamities. Mic. 1:16. Enlightens. Gen. I: 14-16. Jer, 33: 25. (Hasting to the prey,) of the swiftness of Waters. Psa. 65: 9. Psa. 147: 8. man's days. Job 9: 26. Makes fruitful. Gen. 1: 11. Gen. 27: 28. Was the standard of the Roman armies. Inspects. Zec. 4: 10. Mat. 24: 15, with 28 v. Governs supremely. Job 34:13. Psa. 135:6. No. 8 4. EAR, THE. Reigns in. Exo. 8: 22. Psa. 97: 1. Shall be exalted in. Psa. 46:10. The organ of hearing. Job 13: 1. Job Is the Lord's. Exo. 9:29. 1 Cor. 10: 26. 29: 11. Created to be inhabited. Isa. 45: 18. Capable of trying and distinguishing words. First division of. Gen. 10: 25. Job 12: 11. Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of. GoD Job 11: 9. Job 3S: 18. Pro. 25: 3. Made. Pro. 20: 12. Diversified by hills and mountains. Hab. 3: 6. Planted. Psa. 94: 9. Full of minerals. Deu. S:9. Job 28: 1-5,15-19. EAR. 42 EDO. DESCRIBED AS At Philippi. Acts 16: 26. God's footstool. Isa. 66:1. Mat. 5: 35. Before destruction of Jerusalem, predicted. Full of God's goodness. Psa. 33: 5. Mat. 24: 7. Luke 21: 11. Full of God's riches. Psa. 104: 24. At Christ's second coming, predicted. Zec. Full of God's mercy. Psa. 119: 64. 14: 4. Full of God's glory. Num. 14: 21. Isa. ILLUSTRATIVE OF 6: 3. The judgments of God. Isa. 24: 19, 20. Shining with God's glory. Eze. 43: 2. Isa. 29: 6. Jer. 4: 24. Rev. 8: 5. Trembling before God. Psa. 68: 8. Jer. The overthrow of kindgoms. Hag. 2: 6, 10:10. i 22. Rev. 6:12, 13. Rev. 16:18,19. Melting at God's voice. Psa. 46: 6. Burning at God's presence. Nah. 1: 5. 1No. 87. EDOMITES, THE. MAN Descendedfrom Esau. Gen. 36: 9. Formed out of: Gen. 2: 7. Psa. 103: 14. Dwelt in mount Seir. Gen. 32: 3. Deu. Given dominion over. Gen. 1: 26. Psa. 2: 4, 5. 115: 16. WERE CALLED By nature is of. 1 Cor. 15: 47, 48. Children of Esau. Deu. 2: 4. By nature minds the things of. Phi. 3: 19, Brethren of Israel. Num. 20: 14. Brought a curse on. Gen. 3: 17. Governed by dukes. Gen. 36:15-30, 40-43. Shall return to. Gen. 3:19. Psa. 146: 4. Exo. 15: 15. Subject to God's judgments. Psa. 46: 8. Isa. Afterwards had kings. Gen. 36: 31-39. 11: 4. Num. 20:14. Corrupted by sin. Gen. 6: 11, 12. Isa. 24: 5. Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Made barren by sin. Deu. 28: 23, Psa. 107: 34. Judah. 1 Kin. 22: 47. Made to mourn and languish by sin. Isa. CHARACTER OF; 24:4. Jer. 4: 28. Jer. 12: 4. Hos. 4:3. Wise. Jer. 49: 7. Satan goes to and fro in. Job 1:7. 1 Pet. 5: S. Proud and self-confident. Jer. 49: 16. Shall be filled with the knowledge of God. Oba. 3 v. Isa. 11: 9. Ilab. 2: 14, Strong and cruel. Jer. 49: 19. Once inundated. Gen. 7:17-24. Vindictive. Eze. 25: 12. Not to be again inundated. Gen. 9: 11. 2 Idolatrous. 2 Chr. 2: 14, 20. Pet. 3: 6, 7. Superstitious. Jer. 27: 3, with 9 v. To be dissolved by fire. 2 Pet. 3: 7, 10, 12. Carried on extensive commerce. Eze. 27: 20. To be renewed. Isa. 65: 17. 2 Pet. 3: 13. COUNTRY OF Saints shall inherit. Psa. 25: 13. Mat. 5: 5. Specially given to them. Deu. 2: 5. No. 86. EARTHQUAKES. Fertile and rich. Gen. 27: 39. Mountainous and rocky. Jer. 49: 16. Islands and mountainous districts liable to. Mal. 1: 3. Psa. 114: 4, 6. Rev. 6: 14. Rev. 16:18, 20. Traversed by roads. Num. 20: 17. FREQUENTLY ACCOMPANIED BY Aell fortified. Psa. 60: 9. Volcanic eruptions. Psa. 104:32. Nah. 1:5. Called Mount Seir. Eze. 35: 2. Convulsion and receding of the sea. 2 Called Mount of Esau. Oba. 21 v. Sam. 22: 8, 16. Psa. 18: 7, 15. Psa. 46: 3. Called Dumah. Isa. 21:11. Opening of the earth. Num. 16: 31, 32. Called ldumea. Isa. 34: 6. Mar. 3: 8. Overturning of mountains. Psa. 46: 2. Called Edom. Isa. 63: 1. Zec. 14:4. CITIES OF; Rending of rocks. Mat. 27: 51. Dinhabah or Dedan. Gen. 36: 32. Jer..ARE VISIBLE TOKENS OF 49: 8. God's power.,Job 9: 6. Heb. 12: 26. Avith. Gen. 36: 35. God's presence. Psa. 68: 7, 8. Psa. 114: 7. Pau. Gen. 36: 39. God's anger. Psa. 18:7. Psa.60: 2. Isa. Bozra. Jer. 49: 22. Amos 1: 12. 13:13. Teman. Jer. 49: 7. Eze. 25:13. Men always terrified by. Num. 16: 34. Zec. Ezion-geber, a sea port. 1 Kin. 9: 26. 14: 5. Mat. 27: 54. Rev. 11:13. Implacable enemies of Israel. Eze. 35: 5. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Israel forbidden to hate. Deu. 23: 7. At mount Sinai. Exo. 19: 18. Israel forbidden to spoil. Deu. 2: 4-6. 2 In the wilderness. Num. 16: 31, 32. Chr. 20: 10. In strongholds of Philistines. I Sam, Might be received into the congregation in 14:15. third generation. Deu. 23: 8. When Elijah fled from Jezebel. 1 Kin. Refused Israel a passage. Num. 20: 21. 19:11. Jud. 11: —17. In Uzziah's reign. Amos 1: 1. Zec. 14: 5, Saul made war against. 1 Sam. 14: 47. At our Lord's death. Mat. 27: 51. IDavid subdued, &c. 2 Sam. 8: 14. 1 Chr. At our Lord's resurrection. Mat. 28:2. 18: 11, 13. EGY. 43 EGY. Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai. I Kin. House of Bondmen. Exo. 13: 3, 14. Deu. 11: 16. 1 Chr. 18: 12. 7: S. Took refuge in Egypt. 1 Kin. 11: 17-19. CELEBRATED FOR Returned after David's death. 1 Kin. 11: Fertility. Gen. 13: 10. Gen. 45 ~ 18. 21, 22. Wealth. Heb. 11: 26. Were stirred up against Solomon. 1 Kin. Literature. 1 Kin. 4: 30. Acts 7: 22. 11: 14. Fine Horses. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. Confederated with enemies of Israel against Fine linen, &c. Pro. 7: 16. Isa. 19: 9. Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 20: 10. Psa. 83: 4-6. Commerce. Gen. 41: 57. Eze. 27: 7. Miraculous overthrow of. 2 Chr. 20: 22. Religion of, idolatrous. Exo. 12: 12. Num. Revolted from Joram, King of Judah. 2 Kin. 33: 4. Isa. 19: 1. Eze. 29: 7. 8: 20-22. 2 Chr. 21: 8-10. Idolatry of, followed by Israel. Exo. 32:4, Re-conquered by Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14: 7, 10. with Eze. 20: 8, 19. 2 Chr. 25: 11, 12. Magic practised in. Exo. 7:11, 12, 22. Exo. The, Jews ensnared by the idols of and pun- 8: 7. ished. 2 Chr. 25:14, 15, 20. Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Rebelled against Ahaz. 2 Chr. 28:17. Pharaoh. Gen. 12:14, 15. Gen. 40: 1, 2. Aided Babylon against Judah. Psa. 137: 7. Exo. 1: 8, 22. Oba. 11. Under a governor. Gen. 41: 41-44. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING Had princes and counsellors. Gen. 12: 15. Subjection to Israel. Gen. 25: 23. Gen. Isa. 19: 11. 27:'29, 37. As A POWER W.AS Revolt from Israel. Gen. 27: 40. Proud and arrogant. Eze. 29: 3. Eze. Israel's occupation of their country. Num. 30: 6. 24: 18. Oba. 17-19 vs. Pompous. Eze. 32:12. To share in the punishment of the na- Mighty. Isa. 30: 2, 3. tions. Jer. 9: 26. Jer. 25: 15-27. Eze. Ambitious of conquests. Jer. 46: 8. 32: 29. Treacherous. Isa. 36: 6. Exe. 29: 6, 7. Punishment for persecuting Israel. Isa. INHABITANrTS OF, 34:5-S. Isa. 63: 1-4. Lain. 4: 21. Eze. Superstitious. Isa. 19: 3. 25:13, 14. Amos 1: 11, 12. Oba. 10, Hospitable. Gen. 47: 5, 6. 1 Kin. 11:18. 15 vs. Often intermarried with strangers. Gen. Exterminating slaughter of Oba. 18 v. 21: 21. 1 Kin. 3: 1. 1 Kin. 11: 19. 1 Utter desolation of their country. Isa. 34: Chr. 2: 34, 35. 9-17. Eze. 35: 7-15. Abhorred shepherds. Gen. 46: 34. The king of Babylon an instrument of Abhorred the sacrifice of oxen, &c. Exo. their punishment. Jer. 27: 3-6. 8: 26. Israel an instrument of their punishment, Not to be abhorred by Israel. Deu. 23: 7. Eze. 25: 14. Oba. IS v.. Might be received into the congregation Their ruin to be an astonishment. Jer. in third generation. Deu. 23: 8. 49: 17, 21. Mode of entertaining in. Gen. 43: 32-34. Their future subjection to the Jews. Isa. Diet used in. Num. 11: 5. 11: 14. Amos 9:12. Mode of embalming in. Gen. 50:3. Remarkable persons of. Doeg, 1 Sam. 22:18. Often a refuge to strangers. Gen. 12: 10. Hadad, 1 Kin. 11: 14, 19. Eliphaz, Job Gen. 47: 4. 1 Kin. 11:17, 40. 2 Kin. 25: 2:11. 26. Mat. 2:12, 13. ~No. 88. EGYPT. THE ARlIIES OF, NO. 88. EGYPT. Described. Exo. 14: 7-9. Peopled by Mizraim's posterity. Gen. 10: Destroyed in the Red sea. Exo. 14: 23-28. 6, 13, 14. Captured and burned Gezer. 1 Kin. 9: 16. Boundaries of. Eze. 29: 10. Besieged and plundered Jerusalem in ReDry climate of. Deu. 11: 10, 11. hoboam's time. 1 Kin. 14: 25, 26. Watered by the Nile. Gen. 41: 1-3. Exo. Invaded Assyria and killed Josiah who 1: 22. assisted it. 2 Kin. 23: 29. Inundations of, alluded to. Amos 8: 8. Deposed Jehoahaz and made Judea tribuSubject to plague, &c. Deu. 7: 15. Deu. tary. 2Kin. 23: 31-35. 28: 27, 60. Assistance of, sought by Judah against Sometimes visited by famine. Gen. 41: 30. the Chaldees. Eze. 17: 15, with Jer. CALLED 37: 5, 7. The land of Ham. Psa. 105: 23. Psa. HISTORY OF ISRAEL IN; 106: 22. Their sojourn in it, foretold. Gen. 15:13. The South. Jer. 13:19. Dan. 11:14,25. Joseph sold into. Gen. 37: 28. Gen. 39:1. Sihor. Isa. 23: 3. Potiphar blessed for Joseph's sake. Gen. Rahab. Psa. 87: 4. Psa. 89: 10. 39: 2-6. EGY 44 EPH. Joseph unjustly cast into prison. Gen. Destruction of its idols. Jer. 43:12, 13. 39: 7-20. Jer. 46: 25. Eze. 30:13. Joseph interprets the chief baker's and Spoil of, a reward to Babylon for services the chief butler's dreams. Gen. 40:5-19. against Tyre. Eze. 29: 18-20. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. Gen. Captivity of its people. Isa. 20: 4. Jer. 41:14-32. 46:19, 24, 26. Eze. 30: 4. Joseph counsel's Pharaoh. Gen. 41:33-36. Utter desolation of, for fobrty years. Eze. Joseph made governor. Gen. 41: 41-44. 29: 8-12. Eze. 30: 12. Eze. 32: 15. Joseph's successful provision against the Allies to share its misfortunes. Eze. 30: years of famine. Gen. 41: 46-56. 4, 6. Joseph's ten brethren arrive. Gen. 42: The Jews who practised its idolatry to 1-6. share its punishments. Jer. 44: 7-28. Joseph recognises his brethren. Gen. 42: Terror occasioned by its fall. Eze. 32:9, 10. 7, S. Ever to be a base kingdom. Eze. 29: 15. Benjaminbrought. Gen. 43: 15. Christ to be called out of. Hos. 11: 1. Joseph makes himself known to his breth-} Mat. 2: 15. ren. Gen. 45: 1-8. Conversion of. Isa. 19:18-20. Joseph sends for his father. Gen. 45: 9-11. To be numbered and blessed along with Pharaoh invites Jacob into. Gen. 45:16-20. Israel. Isa. 19: 23-25. Jacob's journey. Gen. 46: 5-7. Prophetic illustration of its destruction. Jer. Jacob, &c., presented to Pharaoh. Gen. 43: 9, 10. Eze. 30: 21, 22. Eze. 32: 4-6. 47:1-10. No. 89. EPHRIM, T E OF. Israelplacedinthe landof Gosen. Gen. 89. P I TIBE OF. 46: 34. Gen. 47: 11, 27. Descended from Joseph's second son, adoptJoseph enriches the king. Gen. 47: 13-26. ed by Jacob. Gen. 41: 52. Gen. 48: 5. Jacob's death and burial. Gen. 49: 33. Predictions respecting. Gen. 48: 20. Deu. Gen. 50:1-13. - 33:13-17. Israel increase and are oppressed. Exo. PERSONS SELECTED FROMI, 1: 1-14. To number the people. Num. I: 10. Male children destroyed. Exo. 1: 15-22. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 8. Moses born and hid for three months. To divide the land. Num. 34: 24. Exo. 2: 2. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: Moses exposed on the Nile. Exo. 2: 3, 4. 32, 33. Moses adopted and brought up by Phara- Led the third division of Israel. Num. 10:22. ols's daughter. Exo. 2: 5-10. Encamped west of the tabernacle. Num. Moses slays als Egyptian. Exo. 2: 11, 12. 2:18. Moses flies to Midian. Exo. 2: 15. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 48-53. Moses-sent to Pharaoh. Exo. 3: 2-10. Families of. Nurn. 35: 36. Pharaoh increases their affliction. Exo. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. 5 ch. 26: 37. Moses proves his divine mission by mira- On Gerizim, said amen to blessings Deu. cles. Exo. 4: 29-31. Exo. 7:10. 27:12. Egypt is plagued for Pharaoh's obstinacy. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 16: 5-9. Exo. 7:14, to Exo. 10 ch. Could not drive out the Canaanites but The passover instituted. Exo. 12: 1-28. made them tributary. Jos. 16: 10. Jud. Destruction of the first-born. Exo. 12: 1: 29. 29, 30. ASSISTED Israel spoil the Egyptians. Exo. 12: 35, 36. Manasseh in taking Bethel. Jud. 1: 22-25. Israel driven out of. Exo. 12: 31-33. Deborah and Barak against Sisera. Jud. Date of the exodus. Exo. 12: 41. Heb.:14. 11: 27. Gideon against Midian. Jud. 7: 24, 25. Pharaoh pursues Israel and is miracu- e-monstrated with Gideon for not calling lously destroyed. Exo. 14:5-25. them sooner against Midian. Jud. 8: 1-3. PROPHECIES RESPECTING-; Quarrelled with Jephtha for not seeking Dismay of its inhabitants. Isa. 19:1, 16,17. their aid against Ammon. Jur1. 12:1-4. Infatuation of its princes. Isa. 19:3, 11-14. Defeated and many slain. Jud. 12: 5, 6. Failure of internal resources. Isa. 19:5-10. Some of, at coronation of David. I Chr. Civil war and domestic strife. Isa. 19: 2. 12: 30. Armies destroyed by Babylon. Jer. 46: Officers appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. 2-12. 27: 10, 20. Invasion by Babylon. Jer. 46:13, 24. Eze. The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel. 32:11. Isa. 7:2-17. Jer. 31: 9, 20. Destruction of its power. Eze. 30: 24, 25. Many of, joined Judah under Asa. 2 Chr. Destruction of its cities. Eze. 30:14-18. 15: 9. EMB. ENT. 45 EPH. Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and Repeated through servants when all reformatlon. 2 Chr. 30: 18. 2 Chr. 31: 1. things were ready. Pro. 9:1-5. Luke The tabernacle continued a long time in 14:17. Shiloh, a city of. Jos. 18: 1. Jos. 19: 51. Should be sent to the poor, &c. Deu. 14: One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a 29, with Luke 14: 13. city of. 1 Kin. 12: 29. OFTEN GIVEN IN, Remarkable persons of. Joshuca, Num. 13: The house. Luke 5: 29. 8. Jos. 1: 1../bdon, Jud. 12: 13-15. The air, beside fountains. 1 Kin. 1: 9. Zichri, 2 Chr. 28: 7. The court of the house. Est. I: 5, 6. No. 90. EMBALMING. Luke 7:6, 7. The upper room or guest chamber. Mar. Unknown to early patriarchs. Gen. 23: 4. 14: 14, 15. Learned by the Jews in Egypt. Gen. 50: GUESTS AT, 2, 26. Saluted by the master. Luke 7: 45. Time required for. Gen. 50: 3. Usually anointed. Psa. 23: 5. Luke 7: 46. How performed by the Jews. 2 Chr. 16: 14. Had their feet washed when they came a Luke 23: 56, with Jno. 19: 40. distance. Gen. 18: 4. Gen. 43: 24. Luke Not always practised by the Jews. Jno. 7: 38, 44. 11: 39. Arranged according to rank. Gen. 43: 33. An attempt to defeat God's purpose. Gen. I Sam. 9: 22. Luke 14:10. 3:19. Often had separate dishes. Gen. 43: 34. No. 91. ENTERTAINMENTS. 1 Sam. 1:4. Often ate from the same dish. Mat. 26: 23. Often great. Gen. 21: 8. Dan. 5: 1. Luke Forwardness to take chief seats at, con5: 29. demned. Mat. 23: 6. Luke 14: 7, 8. GIVEN ON OCCASIONS OF A choice portion reserved in, for principal Marriage. Mat. 22: 2. guests. Gen. 43:34. 1 Sam. I: 5. 1 Sam. Birth days. Mar. 6:21. 9: 23, 24. WVeaning children. Gen. 21: 8. Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of Taking leave of friends. 1 Kin. 19: 21. the guests alluded to. Jno. 13: 26. Return of friends. 2 Sam. 12: 4. Luke Portions of, often sent to the absent. 2 Sam. 15: 23, &c. 11:8. Neh. 8: 10. Est. 9:19. Ratifying covenants. Gen. 26: 30. Gen. Offence given by refusing to go to. Luke 31: 54. 14: 18, 24. Sheep-shearing. 1 Sam. 25: 2, 36. 2 Sam. Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to. 13: 23. Luke 14: 22, 23. Harvest home. Ruth 3: 2-7. Isa. 9:3. Men and women did not usually meet at. Vintage. Jud. 9: 27. Est. I: 8, 9. Mar. 6: 21, with Mat. 14: li. Coronation of Kings. 1 Kin. 1: 9, 18, 19. None admitted to, after the master had risen 1 Chr. 12: 39, 40. Hos. 7: 5. and shut the door. Luke 13: 24, 25. Offering voluntary sacrifice. Gen. 31:Began with thanksgiving. 1 Sam. 9: 13. 54. Deu.12:6,7. 1 Sam. 1: 4,5,9. Mar.: 6. Festivals. 1 Sam. 20: 5, 24-26. Concluded with a hymn. Mar. 14: 26. National deliverance. Est. 8: 17. Est. 9: None asked to eat or to drink more than he 17-19. liked at. Est. 1: 8. Preparations made for. Gen. 18: 6, 7. Pro. Music and dancing often introduced at. 9: 2. Mat. 22: 4. Luke 15: 23. Amos 6: 5. Mar. 6: 22. Luke 15: 25. KINDS OF, O3IENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Often scenes of great intemperance. 1 Sam. Dinner. Gen. 43: 16. Mat. 22: 4. Luke 25: 36. Dan. 5: 3, 4. Hos. 7: 5. 14:12. Given by the guests in return. Job 1: 4. Supper. Luke 14: 12. Jno. 12: 2. Luke 14:12. Banquet of wine. Est. 5: 6. Under the direction of a symposiarch or NO. 92. EPHOD, THE. master of the feast. Jno. 2: 8, 9. Served often by hired servants. Mat. 22: The emblem of the priestly office. Hos. 3:4. 13. Jno. 2: 5. WORN BY Served often by members of the family. The high priest. 1 Sam. 2: 28. 1 Sam. 14:3. Gen. 18: 8. Luke 10: 40. Jno. 12: 2. Ordinary priests. 1 Sam 22: 18. INVITATIONS TO, Persons engaged in the service of God. Often addressed to many. Luke 14: 16. 1 Sam.'2: 18. 2 Sam. 6: 14. Often only to relatives and friends. 1 Kin. Generally of linen. 1 Sam. 2: 18. 2 Sam. 1:9. Luke 14:12. 6:14. Often by the master in person. 2 Sam. FOR THE HIGH PRIEST, 13: 24. Est. 5:4. Zep. 1: 7. Luke 7: 36. Commanded to be made. Exo. 28: 4. EUP. EVE. 46 EYE. Made of offerings of the people. Exo. All defiled persons unclean until. Lev. 11: 25: 4, 7. 24-28. Lev. 15:5-7. Lev. 17: 15. Num. Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. 19:19. Exo. 28: 6. Exo. 39: 2, 3. Part of the daily sacrifice offered in. Exo. Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones en- 29:41. Psa. 141:2. Dan. 9: 21. graved with names of the twelve tribes Paschal lamb killed in. Exo. 12: 6, 18. of Israel. Exo. 28: 7, 9-12. Exo. 39:4, 6, 7. The golden candlestick lighted in. Exo. Had a girdle of curious work. Exo. 28:8. 27: 21, with Exo. 30: 8. Breastplate of judgment inseparably unit- The sky red in, a token of fair weather. ed to. Exo. 28: 25-28. Exo. 39: 20, 21. Mat. 16: 2. Worn over the robe. Exo. 28: 31. Lev. 8: 7. Fastened on with its own girdle. Lev. 8: 7. No. 95. EYE, THE. Worn or held by him when consulted. The light of the body. Mat. 6:22. Luke I Sam. 23:6, 9-12. 1 Sam. 30: 7, 8. 11:34. Used by idolatrous priests, Jud. 8: 27. Jud. Gon 17: 5. Jud. 18: 14. Made. Pro. 20:12. Israel deprived of, for sin. Hos. 3: 4. Formed. Psa. 94: 9. No. 93. EUPHRATES, THE. Opens. 2 Kin. 6:17. Psa. 146: 8. Enlightens. Ezra. 9: 8. Psa. 13: 3. A branch of the river of Eden. Gen. 2: 14. Frequently fair. 1 Sam. 16: 12. (marg.) CALLED Sometimes tender. Gen. 29:17. The river. Exo. 23: 31. Neh. 2:7. Psa.72:8. Sometimes blemished. Lev. 21: 20. The great river. Gen. 15:18. Deu. 1:7. PARTS OF, MENTIONED IN ScnRPTURE - The flood. Jos. 24: 2. The apple or ball. Deu. 322:10. Waters of, considered wholesome. Jer. 2:18. The lid. Job 16: 16. Often overflowed its banks. Isa. 8: 7, 8. The brow. Lev. 14: 9. Assyria bounded by. 2 Kin. 23: 29. Isa. 7: 20. ACTIONS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Babylon situated on. Jer. 51: 13, 36. Seeing. Job 7: 8. Job 28: 10. Extreme eastern boundary of the promised Winking. Pro. 10: 10. land. Gen. 1.5: 18. Deu. 1:7. Deu. 11: 24. Weeping. Job-16:20. Psa. 88: 9. Lam. Egyptian army destroyed at. Jer. 46: 2, 1:16. 6, 10. Directing. Num. 10: 31. Psa. 32: 8. Frequented by the captive Jews. Psa. 137:1. The light of, rejoices the heart. Pro. 15: 30. Captivity of Judah represented by the mar- Not satisfied with seeing. Pro. 27: 20. Ecc. ring of Jeremiah's girdle in. Jer. 13: 3-9. 1: 8. Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, Not satisfied with riches. Ecc. 4: 8. a sign. Jer. 51: 63. No evil thing to be set before. Psa. 101: 3. Shall be the scene of future judgments. A guard to be set on. Job 31: 1. Pro. 23:31. Rev. 16: 12. Made red by wine. Gen. 49: 12. Pro. 23:29. No. 94. EVENING, THE. Grows dim by sorrow. Job 17: 7. Grows dim by age. Gen. 27: 1. 1 Sam. 3:2. The day originally began with. Gen. 1: 5, &c. Consumed by grief. Psa. 6: 7. Psa. 31: 9. Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, Consumed by sickness. Lev. 26: 16. and sunset. Exo. 12: 6. (marg.) Num. THE JEws 9: 3. (marg.) Wore their phylacteries between. Exo. CALLED 13: 16, with Mat. 123: 5. Even. Gen. 19: 1. Deu. 28: 67. Not to make baldness between. Deu. 14: 1. Eventide. Jos. 8: 29. Acts 4: 3. Raised up, in prayer. Psa. 121:1. Psa. Cool of the day. Gen. 3: 8. 123: 1. Stretches out its shadows. Jer. 6: 4. Cast, on the ground in humiliation. Luke The outgoings of, praise God. Psa. 65: 8. 18: 13. Man ceases from labour in. Ruth 2: J 7. Psa. The Jewish women often painted. 2 Kin. 104: 23. 9: 30. (mars.) Jer. 4: 30. (marg.) Eze. Wild beasts come forth in. Psa. 59: 6, 14. 23: 40. Jer. 5: 6. Often put out as a punishment. Jud. 16: 21. A srE.soN Fon 1 Sam. 11: 2. 2 Kin. 25: 7. Meditation. Gen. 24: 63. Punishment for injuring. Exo. 21: 24, 26. Prayer. Psa. 55:17. Mat. 14:15, 23. Lev 24: 20. Mat. 5: 38. Exercise. 2 Sam. 11: 2. ILLUSTRATIVE Taking food. Mar. 14:17,18. Luke 24: Of the mind. Mat. 6: 22, 23. 29, 30. (Open,) of spiritual illumination. Psa. Humiliation often continued until. Jos. 7: 6. 119: 18, 37. Jud. 20: 23, 26. Jud. 21: 2. Ezra. 9: 4, 5. (Anointing with eyesalve,) of healing by Custom of sitting at the gates in. Gen. 19:1. the Spirit. Rev. 3: 18. FAM. 47 FEA. No. 96. FAMINE. After the captivity. Neh. 5:3. In the reign of Claudius Caesar. Acts Sent by God. Psa. 105; 16. 11: 28. Often on account of sin. Lev. 26:21, 26. Before destruction of Jerusalem. Mat. Lam. 4: 4-6. 24:7. One of God's four sore judgments. Eze. The Jews in their restored state not to be, 14: 21. afflicted by. Eze. 36: 29, 30. CAUSED BY ILLUSTRATIVE OF God's blessing withheld. Hos. 2: 8, 9. A dearth of the means of grace. Amos Hag. 1:6. 8: 11,12. Want of seasonable rain. 1 Kin. 17: 1. Destruction of idols. Zep. 2: 11. Jer. 14:1-4. Amos 4:7. No. 97. FEASTS, THE ANNIVERSARY. Rotting of the seed in thle ground. Joel 1: 17. Instituted by God. Exo. 23: 14. Swarms of insects. Deu. 28: 38, 42. Joel Enumerated. Exo. 23: 15, 16. 1:4. CALLED Blasting and mildew. Amos 4: 9. Hag. Appointed feasts. Isa. 1:14. 2: 17. Feasts of the Lord. Lev. 23: 4. Devastation by enemies. Deu. 28: 33, 51. Solemn feasts. 2 Chr. 8:13. Lam. 1: 4. Often long continued. Gen. 41: 27. 2 Kin. Solemn meetings. Isa. 1: 13. 8:1, 2. Were Eucharistic. Psa. 122: 4. Often severe. Gen. 12:10. 1 Kin. 18: 2. All males to attend. Exo. 23: 17. Exo. Jer. 52: 6. 34: 23. EXPRESSED BY Children commenced attending, when Taking away the stay of bread, &c. Isa. twelve years old. Luke 2: 42. 3:1. Females often attended. 1 Sam. 1: 3, 9. Cleanness of teeth. Amos 4: 6. Luke 2: 41. The arrows of famine. Eze. 5: 16. The Jews attended gladly. Psa. 122: 1, 2. Often accompanied by war. Jer. 14: 15. The Jews went up to, in large companies. Jer. 29: 18. Psa. 42: 4. Luke 2: 44. Often followed by pestilence. Jer. 42: 17. The dangers and difficulties encountered in FEze. 7:15. Mat. 24: 7. going up to, alluded to. Psa. 84: 6, 7. THINGS EATEN DURING; The land divinely protected during. Exo. Wild herbs. 2 Kin. 4: 39, 40. 34: 24. Ass's flesh. 2 Kin. 6: 25. Off'erings to be made at. Exo. 34:20. Deu. Ordure. 2 Kin. 6: 25. Lam. 4: 5. 16:16, 17. Human flesh. Lev. 26:29. 2 Kin. 6: 28, 29. WERE SEASONS OF Provisions sold by weight during. Eze. 4:16. Joy and gladness. Psa. 42: 4. Isa. 30: 29. Suffering of brute creation from. Jer. 14: 5, 6. Sacrificing. 1 Sam. 1: 3. 1 Kin.9: 25. 2 CAUSED Chr. 8:13. Burning and fever. Deu. 32: 24. Entertainments. 1 Sam. 1: 4, 9. Blackness of the skin. Lam. 4: 8. Lam. The ten tribes seduced by Jeroboam from 5: 10. attending. 1 Kin. 12:27. Grief and mourning. Joel 1: 11-13. The Jews dispersed in distant parts often Faintness. Gen. 47:13. attended.'Acts 2: 5-11. Acts S: 27. Wasting of the body. Lam. 4:8. Eze. 4:17. Christ attended. Jno. 5: 1. Jno. 7: 10. Death.'2 Kin. 7: 4. Jer. 11: 22. Rendered unavailing by the impiety of the God provided for his people during. 1 Kin. Jews. Isa. 1: 13, 14. Amos S: 21. 17, 4, 9. Job 5: 20. Psa. 33:19. Psa. 37: 19. Illustrative of general assembly of the INSTANCES OF, IN SCRIPTURE; church. Heb. 12: 23. In the days of Abraham. Gen. 12:10. No. 98. FEAST OF THE PASSOVER, In the days of Isaac. Gen. 26: 1. In the days of Joseph. Gen. 41: 53-56. THE. In the days of the Judges. Ruth 1: 1. Ordained by God. Exo. 12:1, 2. In the reign of David. -2 Sam. 21: 1. Commenced the fourteenth of the first In the reign of Alhab. 1 Kin. 17: 1. 1 month at even. Exo. 12: 2, 6, 1S. Lev. Kin. 18:5. 23:5. Num. 9: 3. In the time of Elisha. 2 Kin. 4: 38. Lasted seven days. Exo. 12: 15. Lev. 23: 6. During the siege of Samaria. 2 Kin. 6: 25. CALLED THE Of seven years foretold by Elisha. 2 Kin. Passover. Num. 9: 5. Jno. 2: 23. 8: 1. Jews' passover. Jno. 2:13. Jno. 11: 65. In the time of Jeremiah. Jer. 14: 1. Lord's passover. Exo. 12: 11, 27. During the siege of Jerusalem. 2 Kin. Feast of unleavened bread. Mar. 14: 1. 25: 3. Luke 22:1. FEA. 48 FEA. Days of unleavened bread. Acts 12: 3. Illustrative of redemption through Christ, Acts 20: 6. 1 Cor. 5: 7, 8. All males to appear at. Exo. 23: 17. Deu. No. 99. FEAST OF PENTECOST, THE. 16:16. No. 99. FAST OF PENTECOST, TE. Paschal lamb eaten first day of. Exo. 12: Held fiftieth day after offering first sheaf of 6, 8. barley harvest. Lev. 23: 15,16. Deu. Unleavened bread eaten at. Exo. 12: 15. 16: 9. Deu. 16: 3. CALLED THE LEAVEN Feast of harvest. Exo. 23: 16. Not to be in their houses during. Exo. Feast of weeks. Exo. 34: 22. Deu. 16: 10. 12:19. Day of the first-fruits. Num. 28:26. Not to be in any of their quarters. Exo. Day of Pentecost. Acts 2: 1. 13: 7. Deu. 16: 4. To be perpetually observed. Lev. 23: 21. Nothing with, to be eaten. Exo. 12: 20. All males to attend. Exo. 23: 16, 17. Deu. Punishment for eating. Exo. 12:15, 19. 16: 16. First and last days of, holy convocation. An holy convocation. Lev. 23: 21. Num. Exo. 12: 16. Num. 28: 18, 25. 28: 26. Sacrifices during. Lev. 23: 8. Num. 28: A time of holy rejoicing. Deu. 16:11, 12. 19-24. The first-fruits of bread presented at. Lev. The first sheaf of barley harvest offered the 23:17. Deu. 16: 10. day after the Sabbath in. Lev. 23: 10-14. Sacrifices at. Lev. 23: 18, 19. Num. 28: To CO5IWE1IORRATE THE 27-31. Passing over the first-born. Exo. 12:12,13. The law given from mount Sinai upon. Deliverance of Israel from bondage of Exo. 19: 1, 11, with Exo. 12: 6, 12. Egypt. Exo. 12: 17, 42. Exo. 13: 9. The Holy Ghost given to apostles at. Acts Deu. 16:3. 2:1-3. To be perpetually observed during the Mo. Observed by early church. Acts 20: 16. saic dispensation. Exo. 12:14. Exo. 13:10. 1 Cor. 16: S. Children to be taught the nature and design No. 100. FEAST OF TABERNACLES, of. Exo. 12:26, 27. Exo. 13: 8. Purification necessary to the due observ- THE. ance of. 2 Chr. 30: 15-19. Jno. 11: 55. Held after harvest and vintage, Deu. 16:13. Might be kept in second month by those Began fifteenth of seventh month. Lev. 23: who were unclean at the appointed time. 34: 39. Num. 9:6-11. 2 Chr. 30: 2, 3, 15. Lasted seven days. Lev. 23: 34, 41. Deu. No uncircumcised person to keep. Exo. 16: 13, 15. 12: 43, 45. Called the feast ofingathering. Exo. 34: 22. Strangers;o:and servants when circumcised All males obliged to appear at. Exo. 23: might keep. Exo. 12: 44, 48. 16, 17. Neglect of, punished with death. Num. 9: 13. First and last days of, holy convocations. Improper keeping of, punished. 2 Chr. 30: Lev. 23: 35, 39. Num. 29: 12, 35. 18, 20. Sacrifices during. Lev. 23: 36, 37. Num. REMARaABLE CELEBRATIONS OF; 29:13-39. On leaving Egypt. Exo. 12: 28, 50. To BE OBSERVED In the wilderness of Sinai. Num. 9: 3-5. With rejoicing. Deu. 16: 14, 15. On entering the land of promise. Jos. 5: Perpetually. Lev. 23: 41. 10, 11. The people dwelt in booths during. Lev. In Hezekiah's reign. 2 Chr. 30: 1. 23: 42. Neh. 8: 15, 16. In Josiah's reign. 2 Kin. 23: 22, 23. 2 The law publicly read every seventh year Chr. 35: 1, 18. at. Deu. 31:10-12. Neh. 8: 18. After the captivity. Ezra 6: 19,!0. CUSTOMS OBSERVED AT; Before the death of Christ. Luke 22:15. Bearing branches of palms. Lev. 23: 40. Moses kept through faith. Heb. 11: 28. Rev. 7: 9. Christ always observed. Mat. 26: 17-20. Drawing water from the pool of Siloam. Luke 22:15. Jno. 2: 13, 23. Isa. 12: 3. Jno. 7: 2, 37-39. The people of Jerusalem lent their rooms Singing hosannas. Psa. 118: 24-29. Mat. to strangers for. Luke'22: 11, 12. 21: 8, 9. The Lord's Supper instituted at. Mat. 26: To commemorate the sojourn of Israel in 26 —28. the desert. Lev. 23: 43. Custom of releasing a prisoner at. Mat. REMARKABLE CELEBRATIONS OF; 27: 15. Luke 23:16, 17. At the dedication of Solomon's temple. The Sabbath in, an high day. Jno. 19: 31. 1 Kin. 8: 2, 65. The day before the Sabbath in, called the After the captivity. Ezra 3: 4. Neh. treparation. Jno. 19:14, 31. 8:17. FEA. 49 FEE. No. 101. FEAST OF NEW MOON, THE. The fruits of the earth to be common property. Exo. 23 1I Lev. 25: 6, 7. Held first day of the month. Num. 10: 10. Remissionofdebts. Deu. ie:1-3. Neh. Celebrated with blowing of trumpets. Num. 10: 31. 10: 10. Psa. 81: 3, 4. Release of all Hebrew servants. Exo. 21: Sacrifices at. Num. 28: 11-15. 2. Deu. 15: 12. A SEASON FOR Public reading of the law at feast of taberInquiring of God's messengers, 2 Kin. nacles. Deu. 31:10-13. 4: 23. No release to strangers during. Deu. 15: 3. Worship in God's house. Isa. 66: 23. Release of, not to hinder the exercise of beEze. 46: 1. nevolence. Deu. 15: 9-11. Entertainments. I Sam. 20: 5, 18. Jews threatened for neglecting. Lev. 26: Observed with great solemnity. I Chr. 34,35,43. Jer.34:13-1S. 23: 31. 2 Chr. 2: 4. 2 Chr. 8: 13. 2 The seventy years' captivity a punishment Chr. 31: 3. for neglecting. 2 Chr. 36:'20, 21. Restored after captivity. Ezra 3: 5. Neh. Restored after the captivity. Neh. 10: 31. 10:33. Mere outward observance of, hateful to No. 106. FEAST OF JUBILEE, THE. God. sa. 1 mos 13, 14. Held every fiftieth year. Lev. 25: 8, 10. The J ews deprived of, for sils. 2 2: Began upon the day of atonement. Lev. The Jews deprived of, for sin. Hos. 2: II. 25:9. Observance of, by Christians, condemned. CALLE THE Col. 2: 16, with Gal. 4: 10. Year of liberty. Eze. 46:17. No. 102. FEAST OF TRUMPETS, THE. Year of the redeemed. Isa. 63:4. Acceptable year. Isa. 61:2. Held the first day of seventh month. Lev. Was specially holy. Lev. 25: 12. 23: 24. Num. 29: 1. Was specially holy. Lev. 21:12. A memorial of blowing of trumpets. Lev. Proclaimed by trumpets. Lev. 25:9. Psa. memorialofblowing oftrumpets. Lev 89 15. 23: 24. An holy convocation and rest. Lev. 23:. ENACTMENTS RESPECTING An holy convocation and rest. Lev. 23: Cessation of all field labour. Lev. 25: 11. 24, i25. The fruits of the earth to be common proSacrifices at. Num. 29: 2-6. perty. Lev. 2: 12. No. 103. FEAST OF PURIM, OR LOTS, Redemption of sold property. Lev. 25: THE. T23-27. Restoration of all inheritances. Lev. 25: Instituted by Mordecai. Est. 9: 20. 10: 13, 28. Lev. 27: 24. To commemorate the defeat of Haman's Release of Hebrew servants. Lev. 25: wicked design. Est. 3: 7-15, with Est. 40, 41, 54. 9: 24-26. Houses in walled cities not redeemed within Began fourteenth of twelfth month. Est. a year, exempted from the benefit of. 9:17. Lev. 25:30. Lasted two days. Est. 9: 21. Sale of property calculated from. Lev. 25: Mode of celebrating. Est. 9: 17-19, 22. 15:16. The Jews bound themselves to keep. Est. Value of devoted property, calculated from. 9: 27, 28. Lev. 27:14-23. Confirmed by royal authority. Est. 9: Illustrative of the gospel. Isa. 61:1, 2. Luke 29: 32. 4: 18, 19. No. 104. FEAST OF DEDICATION, THE. No. 107. FEET, TIIE. To commemorate the cleansing of the tem- Necessary members of the body. 1 Cor. 12: pie after its defilement by Antiochus. 15, 21. Dan. 11:31. PARTS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Held in the winter month Chisleu. Jno. Heel. Psa. 41: 9. Psa. 49: 5. Hos. 12: 3. 10: 22. Sole. Deu. 11: 24. 1 Kin. 5: 3. No. 105. FEAST OF SABBATICAL Toes. Exo. 29: 20. 2 Sam. 21: 20. Dan. 2:41. YEAR, THE.:41. YEAR, THE. Often swift. 2 Sam. 2:18. 2 Sam. 22: 34. A sabbath for the land. Lev. 25: 2. WERE LIABLE TO Kept every seventh year. Exo. 23: 11. Disease. 1 Kin. 15: 23. Lev. 25:4. Swelling from walking. Deu. 8:4. Surplus of sixth year to provide for. Lev. Injury from stones, &c. Psa. 91: 12. 25: 20-22. Early use of shoes for. Exo. 12: 14. ENACTMENTS RESPECTING * Of women often adorned with tinkling orCessation of all field labour. Lev. 25: 4, 5. naments. Isa. 3: 16, 18. 5 FEE. 50 FIG. FIR. OF THE JEWS No. 108. FIG-TREE, THE. Neglected in affliction. p Sam. 19: 24. Eze. 24: 17. Produces a rich sweet fruit. Jud. 9: 11. Bare in affliction. 2 Sam. 15: 30. Not found in desert places. Num. 20: 5. Washed frequently. 2 Sam. 11: 8. Song ABOUNDED IN of Sol. 5:3. Egypt. Psa. 105: 33. Stamped on the ground in extreme joy or Canaan. Num. 13: 23. Deu. 8: 8. grief. Eze. 6:11. Eze. 25: 6. Often grew wild. Amos 7: 14. (marg.) Washing for others, a menial office. 1 Sam. Sometimes planted in vineyards. Luke 13: 6. 25: 41. Jno. 13: 5-14. Propagated by the Jews. Amos 4: 9. Of strangers and travellers washed. Gen. Required cultivation. Luke 13: 8. 15: 4. Gen. 19: 2. Gen. 24: 32. 1 Tim. Fruit of, formed after winter. Song of Sol. 5:10. 2:11, 13. Neglect of washing, disrespectful to guests. Leaves of, put forth, a sign of the approach Luke 7:44. of summer. Mat. 24: 32. Respect exhibited by falling at. 1 Sam. 25: Reasonableness of expecting fruit upon, 24. 2 Kin. 4: 37. Est. 8: 3. Mar. 5: 22. when full of leaves. Mar. 1 1: 13. Acts 10: 25. FRUIT OF, Reverence expressed by kissing. Luke 7: Eaten fresh from the tree. Mat. 21: 18, 19 39, 45. Eaten dried in cakes. I Sam. 30: 12. Sleep expressed by covering. 1 Sam. 24: 3. Gathered and kept in baskets. Jer. 24: 1. Subjection expressed by licking the dust of. First ripe esteemed. Jer. 24: 2. Hos. 9 10. Isa. 49 ~23. Used in the miraculous healing of HezeCondemnation expressed by shaking the kiah. 2 Kin. 20: 7. Isa. 38: 21. dust from. Mat. 10: 14. Mar. 6: 11. Sold in the markets. Neh. 13: 15. Subjugation of enemies expressed by pla- Sent as presents. 1 Sam. 25:18. 1 Chr. cing, on their necks. Jos. 10:24. Psa. 122:40. 110:1. A species of, produced vile and worthle's Origin of uncovering in consecrated places. fruit. Jer. 29:17. Exo. 3: 5. Jos. 5: 15. Leaves of, used by Adam for covering. Gen. Of enemies often maimed and cut off. Jud. 3: 7. 1: 6, 7. 2 Sam. 4: 12. Afforded a thick shade. Jno. 1: 48: 50. OF CRII\IINALS Often unfruitful. Luke 13: 7. Bound with fetters. Psa. 105: 18. Failure of, a great calamity. Hab. 3: 17. Placed in stocks. Job 13: 27. Acts 16: 24. THE JEWS PUNISHED BY Path of, to be pondered. Pro. 4: 26. God's breaking down. Hos. 2:12. To'be refrained from evil. Pro. 1: 15. Heb. Failure of fruit on. Jer. 8: 13. Hag. 2:19. 12: 13. Enemies devouring fruit of. Jer. 5:17. To be turned to God's testimonies. Psa. Barking and eating of, by locusts, &c. 119: 59. Joel 1: 4, 7,12. Amos 4: 9. To be directed by God's word. Psa. 119: 105. ILLUSTRATIVE To be guided by wisdom and discretion. (Barren,) of mere professors of religion. Pro. 3: 21, 23, 26. Mat. 21:19. Luke 13: 6, 7. OF THE WICKED (Sitting under one's own,) of prosperity Swift to mischief. Pro. 6: 18. and peace. I Kin. 4: 25. Mic. 4: 4. Swift to shed blood. Pro. 1: 16. Rom. 3:15.FRUIT OF, ILLUSTRATIVE Ensnared. Job 18: 8. Psa. 9:15. Of good works. Mat. 7: 16. OF SAINTS (Good,) of saints. Jer. 24: 2, 3. At liberty. Psa. 18: 36. Psa. 31: S. (Bad,) of wicked men. Jer. 24: 2, 3-8. Kept by God. 1 Sam. 2: 9. Psa. 116: 8. (First ripe,) of the fathers of the Jewish Established by God. Psa. 66: 9. Psa. church. Hos. 9: 10. 121: 3. (Untimely and dropping,) of the wicked Guided by Christ. Isa. 48:17. Luke 1:79. ripe for judgment. Isa. 34: 4. Nah. ILLUSTRATIVE 3:12. Rev. 6: 13. (Set on a rock,) of stability. Psa. 40: 2. (Set in a large place,) of liberty. Psa. No. 109. FIRE. 31:8. Can be increased in intensity. Dan. 3: (Sliding,) of yielding to temptation. Job 19, 22. 12: 5. Psa. 17: 5. Psa. 38:16. Psa. 94:18. Though small, kindles a great matter Jas. (Treading under,) of complete destruc- 3: 5. tion. Isa. 1S:7. Lam. I: 15. THINGS CONNECTED WITH; (Washed or dipped in oil,) of abundance. Burning coals. Pro. 26: 21. Deu. 33: 24. Job 29 6. Flame. Song of Sol. 8: 6. Isa. 66: 15. (Dipped in blood,) of victory. Psa. 68:23. Sparks. Job 18: 5. Isa. 1: 31. FIR. 51 FIR. Ashes. I Kin. 13: 3. 2 Pet. 2: 6. God's vengeance. Deu. 4: 24. Heb. 12: 24. Smoke. Isa. 34: 10. Joel 2: 30. Christ as judge. Isa. 10: 17. Mal. 3: 2. Kept alive by fuel. Pro. 26: 20. Isa. 9: I. The Holy Spirit. lsa. 4: 4. Acts 2: 3. CH-ARACTERIZED AS The church destroying her enemies. Oba. Bright. Eze. 3: 13. 18 v. Spreading. Jas. 3: 5.. The word of God. Jer. 5: 14. Jer. 23: 29. Enlightening. Psa. 78:14. Psa. 105: 39. Zeal of saints. Psa. 39: 3. Psa. 119: 139. Heating. Mar. 14: 54. Zeal of angels. Psa. 104: 4. Heb. 1: 7. Melting. Psa. 68: 2. Isa. 64: 2. God's enemies. Isa. 10: 17. Oba. 18 v. Purifying. Num. 31: 23. 1 Pet. 1: 7. Lust. Pro. 6: 27, 28. Rev. 3:18. Wickedness. Isa. 9:18. Drying. Job 15: 30. Joel 1: 20. The tongue. Pro. 16: 27. Jas. 3: 6. Consuming. Jud. 15: 4, 5. Psa. 46: 9. The self-righteous. Isa. 65: 5. Isa. 10: 16, 17. The hope of hypocrites. Isa. 50: 11. Insatiable. Pro. 30: 16. Persecution. Luke 12: 49-53. SA.CRED Affliction. Isa. 43: 2. Came from before the Lord. Lev. 9: 24. Judgments. Jer. 48: 45. Lam. I: 13. Always burning on the altar. Lev. 6:13. Eze. 39: 6. All burnt-ofierings consumed by. Lev. No. 110. FIRST-BORN THE. 6:9, 12. NO. 110. FIRST-BORNq THE. Incense burned with. Lev. 16:12. Num. Of mall and beast dedicated to God. Exo. 16:46. 13:2,12. Exo.22:29. Guilt of burning incense without. Lev. Dedicated to commemorate the sparing of 10: 1. the first-born of Israel. Exo. 13: 15. Num. Restored to the temple. 2 Chr. 7:1-3. 3: 13. Num. 8: 17. Frequently employed as an instrument of OF CLEAN BEASTS divine vengeance. Psa. 97: 3. lsa. 47:14. Not to labour. Deu. 15: 19. Isa. 66: 16. Not shorn. Deu. 15: 19. MIRACULOUS, Not taken from the dam for seven days. In the burning-bush. Exo. 3 * 2. Exo. 22: 30. Lev. 22: 27. Plagued the Egyptians. Exo. 9: 23, 24. Offered in sacrifice. Num. 18: 17. Led the people of Israel in the desert. Could not be a free will offering. Lev. Exo. 13: 2'2. Exo. 40: 38. 27:26. On mount Sinai at giving of law. Deu. 4: Antiquity of offering. Gen. 4: 4. 11, 36. Flesh of, the priests' portion. Num. 18: 18. Destroyed Nadab and Abihu. Lev. 10:2. OF UNCLEA n BEASTS, Destroyed the people at Taberah. Num. To be redeemed. Num. 18: 18. 11: 1. Law of redemption for. Num. 18: 16. Consumed the company of Korah. Num. Of the ass to be redeemed with a lamb or 16: 35. its neck broken. Exo. 13: 13. Exo. 34:20. Consumed the sacrifice of Gideon. Jud. OF IsRAEL 6:21. Tribe of Levi taken for. Num. 3: 12, Angel ascended in. Jud. 13: 20. 40-43. Num. S: 18. Consumed the sacrifice of Elijah. 1 Kin. To be redeemed. Exo. 34: 20. Num. 1S:38. 18: 15. Destroyed the enemies of Elijah. 2 Kin. Price of redemption for. Num. 3: 46, 47. 1:10, 12. Price of, given to the priests. Num. 3: Elijah taken up in a chariot of. 2 Kin. 2:11. 48-31. God appeared in. Exo..3: 2. Exo. 19: 18. Laws respecting, restored after the captiviChrist shall appear in. Dan. 7: 10. 2 The. ty. Neh. 10: 36. 1: 8. Laws respecting, observed at Christ's birth. Punishment of the wicked shall be in. Mat. Luke 2: 22, 23. 13: 42. Mat. 25: 41. The beginning of strength and excellency IN HOUSES of power. Gen. 49: 3. Deu. 21:17. Lighted in the winter. Jer. 36: 22. Precious and valuable. Mic. 6: 7. Zee. Lighted in spring mornings. Jno. IS:18. 18. 12: 10. Not to be lighted on the Sabbath. Exo. Objects of special love. Gen. 25:28. Jer. 35: 3. 31:9, 20. Made of charcoal. Jno. 18: 18. PRIVILEGES OF Made of wood. Acts 28: 3. Precedence in the family. Gen. 48: 13,14. Injury from, to be made good by the person Authority over the younger children. who kindled it. Exo. 22: 6. Gen. 27: 29. 1 Sam. 20: 29. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Special blessing by the father. Gen. 27: God's protection. Num. 9: 16. Zee. 2: 5. 4, 35. FIR FIS. 52 FLO. The father's title and power. 2 Chr. 21: 3. INHABIT A double portion of inheritance. Deu. Seas. Num. 11: 22. Eze. 47: 10. 21: 17. Rivers. Exo. 7: 18. Eze. 29: 5. In case of death the next brother to raise Ponds. Song of Sol. 7: 4. Isa. 19:10. up seed to. Deu. 25: 5, 6. Mat. 22: Number and variety of. Psa. 104: 25. 24-28. Different in flesh from beasts, &c. 1 Cor. Not to be alienated by parents through 15: 39. caprice. Deu. 21: 15, 16. Cannot live without water. Isa. 50:2. Could be forfeited by misconduct. Gen. Man given dominion over. Gen. 1: 26, 28. 49:3,4,8. 1Chr. 5:1. Psa. 8:8. Could be sold. Gen. 25: 31, 33. Heb. Man permitted to eat. Gen. 9: 2, 3. 12: 16, 17. USED AS FOOD INSTANCES OF, SUPERSEDED; By the Egyptians. Num. 11: 5. Cain. Gen. 4: 4, 5. By the Jews. Mat. 7:10. Japheth. Gen. 10: 21. Mode of cooking, alluded to. Luke 24: 42. Ishmael. Gen. 17: 19-21. Jno. 21: 9. Esau. Gen. 25: 23. Rom. 9: 12, 13 The Tyrians traded in. Neh. 13: 16. Manasseh. Gen. 48: 15-20. Sold near the fish gate at Jerusalem. 2 Chr. Reuben, &c. 1 Chr. 5:1, 2. 33:14. Zep. 1: 10. Aaron. Exo. 7: 1, 2, with Num. 12 2, 8. Distinction between clean, and unclean. David's brothers. 1 Sam. 16: 6-12. Lev. 11: 9-12. Deu. 14: 9, 10. Adonijah. 1 Kin. 2: 15, 22. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; ILLUSTRATIVE of Leviathan. Job 41: 1. Psa. 74:14. The dignity, &c. of Christ. Psa. 89: 27. Whale. Gen. 1: 21. Mat. 12: 40. Rom. 8: 29. Col. 1: 18. Solomon wrote the history of. I Kin. 4: 33. The dignity, &c. of the church. Heb. 12:23. No likeness of, to be made for worship. No. 111. FIRST-FRUITS, THE. Exo. 20:4. Deu.4: 18. No. 111. FIRST}-FRUITS, TH:E. Catching of, a trade. Mat. 4: 18. Luke 5:2. To be brought to God's house. Exo. 34:26. TAKEN WITH DIFFERENT KINDS OF; Nets. Luke 5: 4-6. Jno. 21: 6-8. Barley harvest. Lev. 23: 10-14. Hooks. Amos 4: 2. Mat. 17: 27. Wheat harvest. Exo. 23:16. Lev. 23: Spears. Job 41: 7. 16, 17. Often suffered for man's sin. Exo. 7:21. Wine and oil. Deu. 18: 4. Eze. 38: 20. Wool. Deu. 18: 4. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; Honey. 2 Chr. 31: 5. Multiplying a few. Mat. 14: 17-21 Mat. Fruit of new trees in fourth year. Lev. 15: 34. 19: 23, 24. Immense draughts of. Luke 5: 6, 9. Jno. All agricultural produce. Deu. 26:2. 21: 6,1]. To be the very best of their kind. Num. Procuring tribute money from. Mat. 17:27. 18:12. Dressed on the shore. Jno. 21:9. Holy to the Lord. Eze. 48: 14. ILLUSTRATIVE God honoused by the offering of. Pro. 3: 9. Of the whole population of Egypt. Eze. Offering of, consecrated the whole. Rom. 29: 45. 11:16. Of the visible church, Mat. 13: 48. To BE OFFERED Of men ignorant of future events. Ecc. Without delay. Exo. 22: 29. 9: 12. In a basket. Deu. 26: 2. Of those ensnared by the wicked. Hab. With thanksgiving. Deu. 26: 3, 10. 1: 14. Allotted to the priests. Num. 18: 12, 13. (Good,) of saints. Mat. 13: 48, 49. Lev. 23: 20. Deu. 18: 3-5. (Bad,) of mere professors. Mat. 13: 48, 49. Law of, restored after the captivity. Neh. No. 113. FLOWERS. 10: 35,37. Neh. 13: 31. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Wild in fields. Psa. 103:15. Early Jewish church. Jer. 2: 3. Cultivated in gardens. Song of Sol. 6: 2, 3. First converts in any place. Rom. 16: 5. DESCRIBED AS Church of Christ. Jas. 1: 18. Rev. 14: 4. Beautiful. Mat. 6: 20. Resurrection of Christ. I Cor. 15: 20, 23. Sweet. Song of Sol. 5: 13. No. 112. FISHES. Evanescent. Psa. 103: 16. Isa. 40: 8. Appear in spring. Song of Sol. 2: 12. Created by God. Gen. 1: 20, 21. EXO. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 20:11. The lily. Hos. 14: 5. Mat. 6: 28. Made for God's glory. Job 12: 8, 9. Psa. The lily of the valley. Song of Sol. 2: 1. 69: 34. The rose. Isa. 35: 1. FOR. 53 FOU. The rose of Sharon. Song of Sol. 2: 1. Defended against enemies. Nah. 2: 1. Of the grass. 1 Pet. 1:24. OFTEN Garlands of, used in worship of idols. Acts Entered by the enemy. Dan. 11: 7. 14:13. Spoiled. Hos. 10:14. REPRESENTATIONS OF, ON THE Levelled. Isa. 25: 12. Golden candlestick. Exo. 25: 31, 33. 2 Deserted, &c. Isa. 34: 13. Chr. 4: 21. Destruction of, threatened. Isa. 17: 3. Sea of brass. 1 Kin. 7: 26. 2 Chr 4: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Wood work of the temple. 1 Kin 5: 18, God's protection. Psa. 18: 2. Jer. 16:19. 29, 33, 35. Christ, the defence of saints. Isa. 33: 16. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Protection afforded to ministers. Jer. The graces of Christ. Song of SoL. 5 13. 6: 27. Shortness of man's life. Job 14: 2. Psa. No. 116. FOUNDATION. 103:15. Kingdom of Israel. Isa. 28:1. The lowest part of a building, and on Glory of man. I Pet. 1: 24. which it rests. Luke 14: 29. Acts 16: 26. lich men. Jas. 1: 10, 11. FIGURATIVELY APPLIED TO No. 114. FORESTS. The heavens. 2 Sam. 22: 8. The earth. Job 38: 4. Psa. 104: 5. Tracts of land covered with trees. Isa. 44: 14. The world. Psa. 18: 15. Mat. 13: 35. Underwood often in. Isa. 9: ]8. The mountains. Deu. 32: 22. Infested by wild beasts. Psa. 50: 10. Psa. The ocean. Psa, 104: 8. 104: 20. Isa. 56: 9. Jer. 5: 6. Mic. Kingdoms. Exo. 9:18. 5: S. LAID FOR Abounded with wild honey. 1 Sam. 14: Cities. Jos. 6: 26. 1 Kin. 16: 34. 25, 26. Walls. Ezra 4: 12. Rev. 21:14. Often afforded pasture. Mic. 7: 14. Houses. Luke 6: 48. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE * Temples. 1 Kin. 6: 37. Ezra 3: 10. Bashan. Isa. 2: 13. Eze. 27:6. Zee. 11: 2. Towers. Luke 14: 28, 29. Hareth. 1 Sam. 22: 5. DESCRIBED A\S Ephraim. 2 Sam. 18: 6, 8. Of stone. I Kin. 5: 17. Lebanon. 1 Kin. 7: 2. 1 Kin. 10: 17. Deep laid. Luke 6:48. Carmel. 2 Kin. 19:23. Isa. 37: 24. Strongly laid. Ezra 6: 3. Arabian. Isa. 21:13. Joined together by corner stones. Ezra The south. Eze. 20: 46, 47. 4: 12, with 1 Pet. 2: 6, and Eph. 2: 20. The king's. Neh. 2: S. Security aftorded by. Mat. 7: 25. Luke Supplied timber for building. 1 Kin. 5: 6-8. 6: 48. Were places of refuge. 1 Sam. 222:5. 1 ILLUSTRATIVE OF Sam. 23:16. Christ. Isa. 28:16. 1 Cor. 3:11. Jotham built towers, &c. in. 2 Chr. 27: 4. Doctrines of the apostles, Sc. Eph. 2:20. The power of God extends over. Psa. 29: 9. First principles of the gospel. Heb. 6: 1, 2. Called on to rejoice at God's mercy. Isa. Decrees and purposes of God. 2 Tim. 2:19. 44: 23. Magistrates. Psa. 82:5. Often destroyed by enemies. 2 Kin. 19: 23. The righteous. Pro. 10: 25. Isa. 37: 24. Jer. 46; 23. Hope of saints. Psa. 87: 1. ILLUSTRATIVE Security of saints' inheritance. Heb. 11: 10. Of the unfruitful world. Isa. 32: 19. No. 117. FOUNTAINS AND SPRINGS. (A fruitful field turned into,) of the Jews rejected by God. Isa. 29: 17. Isa. 32: 15. Created by God. Psa. 74: 15. Psa. 104: 10. (Destroyed by fire,) of destruction of the God to be praised for. Rev. 14: 7. wicked. Isa. 9: 18. Isa. 10: 17, 18. Come from the great deep. Gen. 7:11. Job Jer. 21:14. 38:16. No. 1 15. FORTRESSES. Found in hills and valleys. Deu. 8: 7. Psa. 104:10. Places strong by nature. Num. 24: 21. Send forth each but one kind of water. Places fortified by art. Jer. 51: 53. Jas. 3: 11. The security of a nation. Isa. 33:16. Dan. AFFORD 11: 10. Drink to the beasts. Psa. 104: 11. PLACES USED AS; Refreshment to the birds. Psa. 104: 12. Cities. Jud. 9: 31. Neh. 4: 2. Fruitfulness to the earth. 1 Kin. 18: 5. Strong.holds. Jud. 6: 2. 2 Chr. 11: 11. Joel 3: 18. Forts. 2 Sam. 5: 9. Isa. 25: 12. Frequented by travellers. Gen. 16: 7. Strong towers. 2 Chr. 26: 9. Abound in Canaan. Deu. 8: 7. 1 Kin. 18.: 6. Afforded protection in danger. Jud. 6: 2. Sometimes dried up. Isa. 58: 11. FOX. FRO. 54 P1W. Drying up of, a severe punishment. Psa. Increase of the land. Psa. 85: 12. 107: 33, 34. los. 13: 15. Given by God. Acts 14:17. CONSTANTLY FLOWING Preserved to us by God. Mal. 3: 11. Especially esteemed. Isa. 58:11. REQUIRE Could not be ceremonially defiled. Lev. A fruitful land. Psa. 107: 34. 11: 36. Rain from heaven. Psa. 104: 13. Jas. 5: 18. Sometimes stopped or turned off to distress Influence of the sun and moon. Deu. enemies. 2 Chr. 32: 3, 4. 33:14. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTUalE; Produced in their due seasons. Mat. 21: 41. In the way to Shur. Gen. 16: 7. First of, devoted to God. Deu. 26: 2. Of the waters of Nephtoah. Jos. 15: 9.' DIVIDED INTO Of Jezreel. I Sam. 29; 1. Hasty or precocious. Isa. 28: 4. Of Pisgah. Den. 4:49. Summer fruits. 2 Sam. 16: 1. Upper and nether springs. Jos. 15: 19. New and old. Song of Sol. 7:13. Jud. 1: 15. Goodly. Jer. 11:16. ILLUSTRATIVE Pleasant. Song of Sol. 4:16. Of God. Psa. 36: 9. Jer. 2:13. Jer. 17:13. Precious. Deu. 33: 14. Of Christ. Zec. 13: 1. Evil or bad. Mat. 7: 17. Of the Holy Ghost. Jno. 7: 38, 39. To be waited for with patience. Jas. 5: 7. Of constant supplies of grace. Psa. 87:7. Often sent as presents. Gen. 43: 11. Of eternal life. Jno. 4: 14. Rev. 21: 6. OFTEN DESTROYED Of the means of grace. Isa. 41:18. Joel In God's anger. Jer. 7: 20. 3:18. By blight. Joel 1: 12. Of a good wife. Pro. 5:18. By locusts, &c. Deu. 28: 38, 39. Joel 1:4. Of a numerous posterity. Deu. 33: 28. By enemies. Eze. 25: 4. Of spiritual wisdom. Pro. 16: 22. Pro. By drought. Hag. 1:10. 18: 4. ILLUSTRATIVE Of the law of the wise. Pro. 13: 14. Of effects of repentance. Mat. 3: 8. Of godly fear. Pro. 14: 27. Of workls of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22, 23. (Sealed up,) of the church. Song of Sol. Eph. 5: 9. 4: 12. Of doctrines of Christ. Song of Sol. 2: 3. (Not failing,) of the church. Isa. 58: 11. Of good works. Mat. 7: 17, 18. Phi. 4:17. (Always flowing,) of unceasing wicked- Of a holy conversation. Pro. 12: 14. Pro. ness of the Jews. Jer. 6: 7. 18: 20. (Corrupt,) of the natural heart. Jas. 3: 11. Of praise. Heb. 13: 15. with Mat. 15:18, 19. Of the example, &c. of the godly. Pro. (Troubled,) of saints led astray. Pro. 11: 30. 25: 26. Of effects of industry Pro. 31:16, 31. Of the reward of saints. Isa. 3: 10. No. 118. FOX, THIE. Of the reward of the wicked. Jer. 17: Found in deserts. Eze. 13: 4. 9, 10. Abounded in Palestine. Jud. 15: 4. Lam. Of converts to the church. Psa. 72: 16. 15:18. Jno. 4: 36. DESCRIBED AS (Bad,) of the conduct and conversation of Active. Neh. 4: 3. evil men. Mat. 7: 17. Mat. 12: 33. Crafty. Luke 13: 32. No. 120. GAD, TIIE TRIBE OF. Carnivorous. Psa. 63: 10. Destructive to vines. Song of Sol. 2: 15. Descended from Jacob's seventh son. Gen. Dwells in holes. Mat. 8: 20. Luke 9: 58. 30: 11. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Predictions respecting. Gen. 49:19. Deu. False prophets. Eze. 13: 4. 33: 20, 21. Cunning and deceitful persons, Luke PERso NS SELECTED FROMI, 13: 32. To numberthe people. Num. 1:14. Enemies of the church. Song of Sol. 2:15. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 15. Used by Samson for annoying the Philis- Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: tines. Jud. 15: 4-6. 24, 25. No. 119. FRUITS. The rere of second division of Israel in their journeys. Num. 10: 18-20. The prouace of corn, &c. Deu. 22: 9. Psa. Encamped south of the tabernacle under the 107: 3. standard of Reuben. Num. 2: 10, 14. The produce of trees. Gen. 1: 29. Ecc. 2:5. Offering of, at the dedication. Num 7: CALLED THE 42-47. Fruit of the ground. Gen. 4: 3. Jer. 7:20. Families of Num. 26: 15-17. Fruit of the earth. Isa. 4: 2. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. 26:18. GAL. 55 GAR. On Ebal, said amen to the curses. Deu. Followed by the people of. Mat. 4: 25. 27: 13. Ministered to by women of. Mat. 27: 55. Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Mar. 15: 41. Luke 8: 3. Jordan. Num. 32: 1-33."'- Sought refuge in. Jno. 4: 1, 3. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 13: 24-28. Appeared in, to his disciples after his resurCities built by. Num. 32: 34-36. rection. Mat. 26: 32. Mat. 28: 7. Assisted in conquest of Canaan. Jos. 4: MODERaN TOWNS OF; 12, 13. Accho or Ptolemais. Jud. 1: 31. After the conquest, returned home. Jos. Tiberias. Jno. 6: 23. 22: 9. Nazareth. Mat. 2: 22, 23. Luke 1: 26. Assisted in building the altar of witness, Cana. Jno. 2: 1. Jno. 21: 2. which excited the jealousy of Israel. Jos. Capernaum. Mat. 4: 13. 22:10-29. Chorazin. Mat. 11: 21. Many from other tribes sought refuge with, Bethsaida. Mar. 6: 45. Jno. 1: 44. from the Philistines. 1 Sam. 13: 7. Nain. Luke 7:11. Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined Cesarea. Acts 9: 30. Acts 10: 24. David in the hold. 1 Chr. 12: 8-15. Cesarea Philippi. Mat. 16:13. Mar. 8:27. Some of, at coronaion of David. I Chr. 12: Christian churches established in. Acts 37, 38. 9:31. David appointed rulers over. 1 Chr. 26:32. No. 122. GARDENS. Spoiled the Hagarites. 1 Chr. 5: 18-22. Subdued by Hazael king of Syria. 2 Kin. Often made by the banks of rivers. Num. 10: 33. 24: 6. Taken captive to Assyria. 2 Kin. 15: 29, KINDS OF, IENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; with 1 Chr. 5: 22, 26. Herbs. Deu. 11: 10. 1 Kin. 21: 2. Land of, seized by the Moabites and Am- Cucumbers. Isa. l:8. monites. Jer. 48:18-24. Jer. 49: 1. Fruit trees. Ecc. 2: 5, 6. Nao. 121. GALIIE E. Spices, &c. Song of Sol. 4:16. Song of No. 121. GALILVEW.. Sol. 6:2. Separated from Judea by Samaria. Jno. 4: Often enclosed. Song of Sol. 4: 12. 3, 4. Often refreshed by fountains. Song of Sol. Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles. 4: 15. Isa. 9: 1. Mat. 4: 15. Taken care of by gardeners. Jno. 20: 15. Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of. Mat. Lodges erected in. Isa. 1: S. 15: 29. Luke 5: 1. OFTEN USED FOR Kadesh the city of refuge for. Jos. 21: 32. Entertainments. Song of Sol. 5: 1. INHABITANTS OF, Retirement. Jno. 18: 1. Called Galileans. Acts 2:7. Burial places. 2 Kin. 21: 18, 26. Jno. Used a peculiar dialect. Mat. 26: 73. Mar. 19: 41. 14: 70. Idolatrous worship. Isa. 1: 29. Isa. 6: 3. Despised by the Jews. Jno. 7: 41, 52. Blasting of, a punishment. Amos 4: 9. Opposed the Roman taxation. Acts 5: 37. Jews ordered to plant, in Babylon. Jer. 29: Cruelly treated by Pilate. Luke 13: 1. 5, 28. Twenty cities of, given to Hiram. 1 Kin. OF EDEN 9: 11. Planted by the Lord. Gen. 2: 8. Conquered by the Syrians. I Kin. 15: 20. Called the garden of the Lord. Gen. Conquered by the Assyrians. 2 Kin 15: 29. 13: 10. Jurisdiction of, granted to Herod by the Called the garden of God. Eze. 28: 13. Romans. Luke 3:1. Luke 23: 6, 7. Had every tree good for food. Gen. 2: 9. Supplied Tyre, &c., with provisions. Acts Watered by a river. Gen. 2: 10-14. 12: 20. Man placed in, to dress and keep. Gen. CHRIST 2: 8, 15. Brought up in. Mat. 2: 22. Luke 2: 39, 51. Man driven from, after the fall. Gen. 3: Despised as of. Mat. 26: 69, with Jno. 23, 24. 7: 52. Fertility of Canaan like. Gen. 13: 10. Joel Chose his apostles from. Mat. 4: 18, 21. 2: 3. Jno. I: 43, 44. Acts I: 11. The future state of the Jews shall be like. Preaching in, predicted. Isa. 9:1, 2. Mat. Isa. 51: 3. Eze. 36: 35. 4: 14, 15. ILLUSTRATIVE Preached throughout. Mar. 1: 39. Luke Of the church. Song of Sol. 5: 1. Song 4: 44. of Sol. 6: 2, 11. Commenced, and wrought many miracles (Enclosed,) of the pleasantness, fruitfulin. Mat. 4: 23, 24. Mat. 15: 29-31. ness, and security of the church. Song Kindly received in. Jno. 4: 45. of Sol. 4:12. GAR. 56 GAT. (Well watered,) of spiritual prosperity of Not to be retained in pledge. Deu. 24: the church. Isa. 58:11. Jer. 31:12. 12, 13. (When dried up,) of the wicked. Isa. 1;:30. Grew old and worn out. Jos. 9: 5. Psa. No. 123. GARMENTS. Of Israel preserved for forty years. Deu. Of Israel preserved for forty years. Deu. Origin of. Gen. 3: 7, 21. 8: 4. CALLED Were often changed. Gen. 35:2. Gen. Raiment; Gen. 28: 20. Deu. 8: 4. 41: 14. Clothes. Pro. 6: 27. Eze. 16: 39. Of those slain with a sword not used. Isa. Clothing. Job 22: 6. Job 31:19. 14:19. Vesture. Gen. 41: 42. Rev. 19: 16. Given as a token of covenants. 1 Sam. 18: 4. MATERIALS USED FOR; Given as presents. Gen. 45: 22. 2 Kin. S: 22. Wool. Pro. 27: 26. Eze. 34: 3. Often rent in affliction. 2 Sam. 15: 32. Ezra Silk. Pro. 31: 2:2. 9: 3, 5. Linen. Lev. 6: 10. Est. 8:15. ILLUSTRATIVE Camel's hair. Mat. 3: 4. (White,) of righteousness. Mat. 28: 3. Skins. Heb. 11: 37. Re- 3:18. Sackcloth. 2 Sam. 3: 31. 2 Kin. 19:1. (Rolled in blood,) of victory. Isa. 9: 5. Not to be made of mixed materials. Deu. (Washed in wine,) of abundance. Gen. 22:11. 49:11. Of the sexes, not to be interchanged. Deu. No. 124. GATES. 22:5. COLOURS OF, MIENTIOrNED; Design of. Isa. 62: 10. White. Ecc. 9:8. MADE OF Blue. Eze. 23: 6. Brass. Psa. 107: 16. Isa. 45: 2. Purple. Eze. 7:27. Luke 16: 19. Iron. Acts 12: 10. Scarlet. 2 Sam. I: 24. Dan. 5: 7. Often two-leaved. Isa. 453: 1. Different colours. Gen. 37: 3. 2 Sam. Fastened with bars of iron. Psa. 107: 16. 13:18. Isa. 45: 2. Were often fringed and bordered. Num. MADE TO 15: 38. Deu. 22: 12. Cities. 1 Kin. 17:10. Scribes and Pharisees condemned for mak- Houses. Luke 16: 20. Acts 12: 14. ing broad the borders of. Mat. 23: 5. Temples. Acts 3: 2. Worn long and flowing. Luke 20: 46. Rev. Palaces. Est. 5: 13. 1:13. Prisons. Acts 12:10. Girt up during employment. Luke 17: 8. Camps. Exo. 32: 26. Jno. 13: 4. Rivers. Nah. 2: 6. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; OF CITIES Hyke or upper garment. Deu. 24: 13. Chief places of concourse. Pro. 1: 21, Mat. 21: S. Courts of justice held at. Deu. 16: 18. Burnoose or cloak. Luke 6: 29. 2 Tim. 2 Sam. 15: 2. Pro. 22: 22, 23. 4:13. Land sold at. Gen. 23:10, 16. Tunic or coat. Jno. 19: 23. Jno. 21: 7. Land redeemed at. Ruth 4: 1. Girdle. 1 Sam. 18: 4. Acts 21: 11. Markets held at. 2 Kin. 7:1, 18. Bonnet or hat. Lev. 8: 13. Dan. 3:21. Proclamations made at. Pro. 1: 21. Jer. Shoe or sandal. Exo. 3: 5. Mar. 6: 9. 17: 19. Vail. Gen. 24: 65. Councils of state held at. 2 Chr. 18: 9. Liable to plague and leprosy. Lev. 13: Jer. 39: 3. 47: 59. Conferences held at. Gen. 34: 20. 2 Sam. Cleansed by water from ceremonial un- 3: 27. cleanness. Lev. 11: 32. Num. 31: 20. Public commendation given at. Pro. 31: OF THE RICH 23, 31. Of the finest materials. Mat. 11: 8. Public censure passedat. Job. 5: 4. Isa. Gay. Jas.2:2,3. 29:21. Gorgeous. Luke 7: 25. Acts 12: 21. Shut at night.fall. Jos 2: 5. Neh. 13: 19. Embroidered. Psa. 45:14. Eze. 16: 18. Chief points of attack in war. Jud. 5: 8. Perfumed. Psa. 45: 8. Song of Sol. 4: 11. Isa. 22: 7. Eze. 21: 15. Multiplied and heaped up. Job 27: 16. Battering rams used against. Eze. 21:22. Isa. 3: 22. Experienced officers placed over. 2 Kin. Often moth-eaten. Job 13: 28. Jas. 5: 2. 7: 17. OF THE POOR Troops reviewed at, going to war. 2 Sam. Provided specially by God. Deu. 10: 18. 18: 4. Vile. Jas. 2: 2. Often razed and burned. Neh. 1:3. Lam. Used as a covering by night. Deu. 24: 13. 2: 9. GEN. 57 GIB. Idolatrous rites performed at. Acts 14:13. Rom. 2: 9. Rom. 3:9. Rom. 9: 24. Criminals punished at. Deu. 17: 5. Jer. CALLED 20:2. Heathen. Psa. 2: 1. Gal. 3: 8. Custom of sitting at, in the evening allud. Nations. Psa. 9: 20. Psa, 22: 28. Isa. 9: 1. ed to. Gen. 19: 1. Uncircumcised. 1 Sam. 14: 6. Isa. 52: 1. OF THF TEMPLE Uncircumcision. Rom. 2: 26. Called gates of Zion. Lam. I: 4. Greeks. Rom. 1: 16. Rom. 10: 12. Called gates of righteousness. Psa. 118: 19. Strangers. Isa. 14: 1. Isa. 60: 10. Called gates of the Lord. Psa. 118: 20. Ruled by God. 2 Chr. 20: 6. Psa. 47: 8. Overlaid with gold. 2 Kin. 18: 16. Chastised by God. Psa. 9: 5. Psa. 94: 10. One specially beautiful. Acts 3:2. Counsel of, brought to nought. Psa. 33: 10. Levites the porters of. 2 Chr. 8: 14. 2 CHARACTERIZED AS Chr. 23: 4. Ignorant of God. Rom. 1: 21. 1 The. 4:5. Charge of, given by lot. I Chr. 26: 13-19. Refusing to know God. Rom. 1: 28. The treasury placed at. 2 Chr. 24: 8. Without the law. Rom. 2:14. Mar. 12:41. Idolatrous. Rom. I: 23, 25. 1 Cor. 12: 2. The pious Israelites delighted to enter. Superstitious. Deu. 18:14. Psa. 118: 19, 20. Psa. 100: 4. Depraved and wicked. Rom. 1: 28-32. Frequented by beggars. Acts 3: 2. Eph. 4: 19. OF JERUSALEM Blasphemous and reproachful. Neh. 5: 9. High gate of Benjamin. Jer. 20: 2. Jer. Constant to their false gods. Jer. 2: ll. 37:13. Hated and despised the Jews. Est. 9: 1, 6. Fish gate. 2 Chr. 33: 14. Neh. 3: 3. Psa. 44:13, 14. Psa. 123: 3. Sheep gate. Neh. 3: 1. Jno. 5: 2. (marg.) Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and Gate of:Miphkad. Neh. 3: 31. sanctuary. Psa. 79: 1. Lam. 1: 10. Gate of Ephraim. Neh. 12: 39. THE JEWS Valley gate. 2 Chr. 26: 29. Neh. 2: 13. Not to follow the ways of. Lev. 18: 3. Water gate. Neh. 3: 26. Neh. 8:3. Jer. 10: 2. Horse gate. 2 Chr. 23: 15. Neh. 3: 28. Not to intermarry with. Deu. 7: 3. Old gate. Neh. 3: 6. Neh. 12: 39. Permitted to have, as servants. Lev. 25: 44. Corner gate. 2 Chr. 26: 9. Despised, as if dogs. Mat. 15: 26. Dung gate. Neh. 3:14. Neh. 12: 31. Never associated with. Acts 10: 28. Acts Gate of the fountain. Neh. 3: 15. 11: 2, 3. Carcase of sin-oflering burned without. Lev. Often corrupted by. 2 Kin. 17: 7, 8. 4: 12. Heb. 13: 11-13. Dispersed amongst. Jno. 7: 31. Criminals generally punished without. Lev. Excluded from Israel's privileges. Eph. 24: 23. Jno. 19: 17, with Heb. 13: 12. 2:11, 12. ILLUSTRATIVE Not allowed to enter the temple. Acts 21: Of Christ. Jno. 10: 9. 28, 29. (Of heaven,) of access to God. Gen. 28: Outer court of temple for. Eph. 2: 14. Rev. 12-17. 11: 2. (Of hell,) of Satan's power. Mat. 16: 18. Given to Christ as his inheritance. Psa. 2: 8. (Of the grave,) of death. Isa. 38: 10. Christ given as a light to. Isa. 42: 6. Luke (Strait,) Of the entrance to life. Mat. 7:14. 2: 32. (Wide,) of the entrance to ruin. Mat.7:13. Conversion of, predicted. Isa. 2: 2. Isa. No. 125. GENEALOGIES., 11: 10. United with the Jews against Christ. Acts The Jews reckoned by. I Chr. 9: 1. 2 4: 27. Chr. 31: 19. The gospel not to be preached to, till Public registers kept of. 2 Chr. 12: 15. Neh. preached to the Jews. Mat. 10: 5. Luke 7:5. 24: 47. Acts 13: 46. OF CHRIST First special introduction of the gospel to. Given. Mat. 1:1-17. Luke 3: 23-38. Acts 10:34-45. Acts 1a:14. Prove his descent from Judah. Heb. 7:14. First general introduction of the gospel to. Priests who could not prove their own, ex- Acts 13: 48, 49, 52. Acts 15: 12. eluded from the priesthood. Ezra 2: 62. Paul the Apostle of. Acts 9: 15. Gal. 2: 7, 8. Neh. 7: 64. Jerusalem trodden down by, &c. Luke Subject of, to be avoided. 1 Tim. I: 4. Tit. 21: 24. 3: 9. Israel rejected till the fulness of. Rom. Illustrative of the record of saints in the 11:25. book of life. Luke 10: 20. Heb. 12: 23. Rev. 3: 5. No. 127. GIBEONITES. No. 126. GENTILES. Descended from the Hivites and Amorites. Comprehend all nations except the Jews. Jos. 9: 3, 7, with 2 Sam. 21: 2. GIR. GOA. 58 GOL. A mighty and warlike people, Jos. 10:2. The male, best for sacrifice. Lev. 22: 19. Cities of. Jos. 9:17. Psa. 50: 9. ISR.AEL First born of, not redeemed. Num. 18: 17. Deceived by. Jos 9: 4-13. Jews had large flocks of. Gen. 32: 14. 1 Made a league with. Jos. 9:15. Sam. 25: 2. Spared, on account of their oath. Jos. 9: Most profitable to the owner. Pro. 27: 26. 18, 19. Milk of, used as food. Pro. 27: 27. Appointed, hewers of wood, &c. Jos. 9: THE YOUNG OF, 20 —27. Called kids. Gen. 37: 31. Attacked by the kings of Canaan. Jos. 10: Kept in small flocks. I Kin. 20: 27. 1-5. Fed near the shepherds' tents. Song of Delivered by Israel. Jos. 10: 6-10. Sol. 1: S. Saul sought to destroy. 2 Sam. 21: 2. Not to be seethed in milk of mother. Exo. Israel plagued for Saul's cruelty to. 2 Sam. 23: 19. 21: 1. Offered in sacrifice. Lev. 4: 23. Lev. 5: 6. Effected the destruction of the remnant of Offcred at the passover. Exo. 12: 6. 2 Saul's house. 2 Sam. 21:4-9. Chr. 35: 7. The office of the Nethinim probably origin- Considered a delicacy. Gen. 27: 9. Jud. ated in. 1 Chr. 9: 2. 6:19. Part of, returned from the captivity. Neh. Given as a present. Gen. 38: 17. Jud. 7:25. 15:1. NTo. 128. GIRDLES. THE HAIR OF, Of. 128. GIRDLES.red for tabernacle. Exo. 25: 4. Exo. Worn upon the loins. 1 Kin. 2: I. Jer. 13: 35: 23. 1, 11. Made into curtains, for covering the tabWorn by priests about the breasts. Rev. ernacle. Exo. 35: 26. Eo. 36: 14-18. I:13. Made into pillows:. 1 Sam. 19:13. MADE OF Skin of, often used as clothing. Heb. 11: 37. Fine linen. Eze. 16: 10. Bashan celebrated for. Deu. 3'2: 14. Twined linen with blue, purple, &c. Exo. The Arabians traded in. Eze. 27: 21. 39: 29. FFlocks of, always led by a male. Jer. 50: 8. Gold. Rev. 1:13. Rev. 15: 6. When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks. Leather. 2 Kin. 1: S. Mat. 3: 4. 1 Sam. 24: 2. Job 39: 1. Psa. 104; 18. Sackcloth. Isa. 3:24. Lam. 2: 10. ILLUSTRATIYE Made for sale by industrious women. Pro. Of Macedonian empire. Dan. 8: 5, 21. 31: 24. Of the wicked. Zec. 10: 3. Mat. 25: 32, 33. USED FOR (Flock of,) of the church. Song of Sol. Strengthening the loins. Pro. 31: 17. Isa. 4: 1. 22: 21. Isa. 23: 10. (marg.) N. 130. GOLD. Girding up the garments when walking. 1 Kin. 18: 41. 2 Kin. 4: 29. Found in the earth. Job 28:1, 6. Girding up the garments when working. ABOUNDED IN Luke 12:37. Luke 17:. Jno. 13: 4. Havilah. Gen. 2: 11. Suspending the sword. 2 Sam. 20: S. Neh. Ophir. 1 Kin. 9: 28. Psa. 45: 9. 4:15. Sheba. Psa. 72:15. Isa. 60: 6. Suspending the inkhorn. Eze. 9:2. (mnarg.) Parvaim. 2 Chr. 3: 6. Holding money. Mat. 10: 9. Miar. 6: S. Belongs to God. Joel 3: 5. Hag. 2: 8. (Greek.) DESCRIBED AS Taken oft when at rest. Isa. 5: 27, with Yellow. Psa. 68:13. Jno. 13: 4. Malleable. Exo. 39: 3. 1 Kin. 10: 16, 17. GIVEN As Fusible. Exo. 32: 3, 4. Pro. 17: 3. A token of friendship. 1 Sam. 18: 4. Precious. Ezra 8: 27. Isa. 13: 12. A reward of military service. 2 Sam. Valuable. Job 28: 15, 16. 18:11. Most valuable when pure and fine. Job ILLUSTRATIVE OF 28: 19. Psa. 19: 10. Psa. 21:3. Pro. 3:14. Strength. Psa. IS: 39. Isa. 22:21. Refined and tried by fire. Zec. 13: 9. 1 Gladness. Psa. 30: 11. Pet. 1: 7. Riglhteousness of Christ. Isa. 11: 5. Working in, a trade. Neh. 3: 8. Isa. 40: 19. Faithfulness of Christ. Isa. 11: 5. An article of commerce. Eze. 27: 22. Truth. Eph. 6: 14. The patriarchs were rich in. Gen. 13: 2. No. 129. GOAT, THE. Imported by Solomon. I Kin. 9: 11, 28. I Kin. 10:11. Clean and fit for food. Deu. 14: 4, 3. Abundance of, in Solomon's reign. 2 Chr. Offered in sacrifice. Gen. 15: 9. Lev. 16: 5, 7. 1: 15. GRA. 59 GRO. HAI. Offerings of, for tabernacle. Exo. 35: 22. Often grew on the tops of houses. Psa. Offering of, for temple. I Chr. 22: 14. 1 Chr. 129: 6. 29: 4, 7. When young, soft and tender. Pro. 27:25. Used as money. Mat. 10:9. Acts 3:6. Refreshed by rain and dew. Deu. 32: 2. Priestly and royal garments adorned with. Pro. 19: 12. Exo. 28: 4-6. Psa. 45: 9, 13. Cattle fed upon. Job 6: 5. Jer. 50:11. WAs USED FOR Ovens often heated with. Mat. 6: 30. Overlaying the tabernacle. Exo. 36: DESTROYED BY 34, 38. Locusts. Rev. 9: 4. Overlaying the temple. 1 Kin. 6: 21, 22. Hail and lightning. Rev. 8:7. Overlaying cherubims in temple. 2 Chr. Drought. I Kin. 17: 1, with I Kin. 18: 5. 3: 10. Failure of, a great calamity. Isa. 15: 5, 6. Overlaying the ark, &c. Exo. 25: 11-13. Sufferings of cattle from failure of, describOverlaying floor of temple. 1 Kin. 6: 30. ed. Jer. 14: 5, 6. Overlaying throne of Solomon. 1 Kin. ILLUSTnATIVE 10: 18. Of shortness and uncertainty of life. Psa. Mercy seat and cherubims. Exo. 25: 90: 5, 6. Psa. 103: 15. Isa. 40: 6, 7. 1 17, 18. Pet. 1: 24. Sacred candlesticks. Exo. 25: 31. 2 Chr. Of prosperity of the wicked. Psa. 92: 7. 4: 7, 20. (Refreshed by dew and showers,) of saints Sacred utensils. Exo. 25: 29, 38. 2 Chr. refreshed by grace. Psa. 72: 6. MIic. 4:19-22. 5:7. Crowns. 2 Sam. 12: 30. Psa. 21: 3. (On tops of houses,) of the wicked. 2 Kin. Sceptres. Est. 4: 11. 19: 26. Isa. 37: 27. Chains. Gen. 41::42. Dan. 5:29. No. 132. GROVES. Rings. Song of Sol. 5:14. as.2:2. O S. Earrings. Jud. 8: 24, 26. Antiquity of. Gen. 21: 33. Ornaments. Jer. 4: 30. Often on tops of hills. 1 Kin. 14: 23. Hos. Shields. 2 Sam. 8: 7. 1 Kin. 10: 16,17. 4: 13. Vessels. 1 Kin. 10: 21. Est. 1: 7. Often used as resting places. 1 Sam. 22: 6. Idols. Exo. 20: 23. Psa. 115: 4. Dan. 5: 4. (marg.) Couches. Est. 1: 6. Idols were worshipped in. Deu. 12: 2. Footstools. 2 Chr. 9: 18. Not to be planted near God's altar. Deu. Estimated by weight. 1 Chr. 28:14. 16: 21. Given as presents. 1 Kin. 15: 19. Mat. Of Canaanites to be destroyed. Exo. 34:13. 2:11. Deu.7:5. Deu. 12:3. Exacted as tribute. 1 Kin. 20: 3, 5. 2Kin. FOR tDOL WORSHIP PLANTED 23: 33, 35. By Ahab. 1 Kin. 16: 33. Taken in war, dedicated to God. Jos. 6: 19. By Manasseh. 2 Kin. 21: 3. 2 Sam. 8: 11. 1 Kin. 15:15. By Israelites. 2 Kin. 17:16. Kings of Israel not to multiply. Deu. 17:17. Fondness of Israel for. Jer. 17: 2. Jews condemned for multiplying. Isa. 2: 7. Punishment for making and serving. 1 Kin. Vanity of heaping up. Ecc. 2: 8, 11. 14: 15. Isa. 1: 28, 29. Mic. 5: 14. LIABLE TO DESTROYED BY THE Grow dim. Lam. 4:1. Gideon. Jud. 6: 25 —28. Canker and rust. Jas. 5: 3. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18: 4. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Asa. 2 Chr. 14: 3. Saints after affliction. Job 23: 10. Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17: 6. Tried faith. 1 Pet. 1: 7. Josiah. 2 Kin. 23:14. 2 Chr. 34: 3, 7. The doctrines ofgrace. Rev. 3:18. God promised to wean Israel from. Isa. True converts. 1 Cor. 3: 12. 17: 7, 8. Babylonish empire. Dan. 2:38. No. 133. HAIR, THE. No. 131. GRASS. The natural covering of the head. Psa. A green herb. Mar. 6: 39. 68: 21. CALLED Innumerable. Psa, 40:12. Psa. 69: 4. Grass of the earth. Rev. 9:4. Growth of. Jud. 16: 22. Grass of the field. Num. 22: 4. GOD Springs out of the earth. 2 Sam. 23:4. Numbers. Mat. 10: 30. GOD Takes care of. Dan. 3: 27. Luke 21:18. Originally created. Gen. 1: 11, 12. Black, particularly esteemed. Song of Sol. The giver of. Deu. 11:15. 5:11. Causes to grow. Psa. 104: 14. Psa. 147: 8. WHITE OR GRAY, Adorns and clothes. Mat. 6:30. A token of age. 1 Sam. 12: 2. Psa. 71: 18 HAN. 60 HAN. A token of weakness and decay. Hos. 7:9. Used in embracing. 2 Sam. 20: 9 Song An emblem of wisdom. Dan. 7:9, with of Sol. 2: 6. Song of Sol. 8: 3. Job 12: 12. Sworn by. Isa. 62: 8. With righteousness, a crown of glory. The accuser stood at, of the accused. Pro. 16: 31. Psa. 109: 6. Zec. 3:1. To be reverenced. Lev. 19: 32. Of priests touched with blood of conse. Man cannot even change the colour of Mat. cration-ram. Exo. 29: 20. Lev. 8: 23, 24. 5: 36. Of healed leper touched with blood of his OF WOMIEN, sacrifice. Lev. 14: 14,17, 25. WVorn long for a covering. 1 Cor. 11:15. Of healed leper touched with oil. Lev. Plaited and broidered. 1 Tim. 2:9. 1 Pet. 14: 28. 3: 3. The Jews carried a staff in, when walking. Well set and ornamented. Isa. 3: 24. Exo. 12: 11. 2 Kin. 4: 29. Neglected in grief. Luke 7: 38. Jno. The Jews eat with. Mat. 26:23. 12: 3. WERE WASHED Sometimes worn long by men. 2 Sam. Before eating. Mat. 15: 2. Mar.7:3. 14: 26. After touching an unclean person. Lev. Men condemned for wearing long. 1 Cor. 15: 11. 11: 14. In token of innocency. Deu. 21: 6, 7. Mat. Often expensively anointed. Ecc. 9: 8. 27: 24. OF N.ZARITES Custom of domestics pouring water upon, Not to be cut or shorn during their vow. alluded to. 2 Kin. 3: 11. Num, 6: 5. Jud. 16: 17, 19, 20. Servants directed by movement of. Psa. Shorn after completion of vow. Num. 123: 2. 6: 18. Kissed in idolatrous worship. Job 31:27. Of the healed leper to be shorn. Lev. 14: 9. Treaties made by joining. 2 Kin. 10: 15. Colour of, changed by leprosy. Lev. 13: Pro. 11: 21. 3, 10. Suretiship entered into by striking. Job Cut off in affliction. Jer. 7: 29. 17: 3. Pro. 6: 1. Pro. 17: 18. Pro. 22: 26. Plucked out in extreme grief. Ezra 9: 3. WERE LIFTED UP Plucking out of, a reproach. Neh. 13: 25. In prayer. Psa. 141:2. Lam. 3-: 41. Isa. 50: 6. In praise. Psa. 134:2. JUDGMIENTS EXPRESSED BY In taking an oath. Gen. 14:22. Rev. 10: 5. Sending baldness for. Isa. 3: 24. Jer. 47:5. In blessing. Lev. 9: 22. Shaving. Isa. 7: 20. Often spread out in prayer. Psa. 68: 31. Isa. 1:15. No. 134. HANDS, THE. Placed under the thigh of a person to whom Necessary members of the body. 1 Cor. an oath was made. Gen. 24: 2, 3. Gen. 12:21. 47: 29, 31. PARTS OF, MENTIONED; Clapped together in joy. 2 Kin. 11: 12. The palm. Isa. 49:16. Mat. 26: 67. Psa. 47: 1. The thumb. Exo. 29: 20. Lev. 14: 14, 17. Smitten together in extreme anger. Num. The fingers. 2 Sam. 21: 20. Dan. 5: 5. 24: 10. Eze. 21:14, 17. God strengthens. Gen. 49: 24. Stretched out in derision. Hos. 7: 5. Zep. God makes impotent. Job 5:12. 2: 15. OPERATIONS OF, MIENTIONED; IMPOSITION OF, USED IN Feeling. Psa. 115: 7. 1 Jno. 1: 1. Transferring guilt to sacrifices. Lev. 1: 4. Taking. Gen. 3: 22. Exo. 4: 4. Lev. 3: 2. Lev. 16: 21, 22. Holding. Jud. 7: 20. Rev. 10: 2. Setting apart the Levites. Num. 8: 10. Working. Pro. 31:19. 1 The. 4:11. Conferring civil power. Num. 27: 18. Writing. Isa. 44: 5. Gal. 6: ll. Deu. 34:9. Making signs. Isa. 13: 2. Acts 12:17. Blessing. Gen. 48:14. Mar. 10:16. Striking. Mar. 14: 65. Jno. 19: 3. Ordaining ministers. Acts 6: 6.'1 Tim. DISTINGUISHED AS 4: 14. The right. Acts 3: 7. Imparting the gifts of the Holy Ghost. The left. Gen. 14:15. Acts 21: 3. Acts 8: 17. Acts 19: 6. Many alike expert with both. 1 Chr. 12: 2. Imposition of, a first principle of the docMany had more command of the left. Jud. trine of Christ. Heb. 6:1, 2. 3: 15, 21. (zmarg.) Jud. 20: 16. SHOULD BE EMPLOYED THE RIGHT HAND, Industriously. Eph. 4: 28. 1 The. 4: 11. Place of honour. I Kin. 2: 19. Psa. 45: 9. In God's service. Neh. 2: 18. Zec. 8: Place of power. Psa. 110: 1. Mar. 14: 62. 9, 13. Signet worn on. Jer. 22: 24. In acts of benevolence. Pro. 3:27. Pro. Given in token of friendship. Gal. 2: 9. 31: 20. HAR. 61 HAR. OF THE WICKED, DESCRIBED AS, No. 136. HARVEST, THE. Bloody. Isa. 1: 1.5. Isa. 59:3. Violent. Psa. 8: 2. Isa. 59: 6. Ingathering of fruits of the fields. Mar. Mischievous. Psa. 26: 10. Mic. 7: 3. 4: 29. Slothful. Pro. 6:10. Pro. 21: 25. To continue without intermission. Gen. Ensnaring to themselves. Psa. 9: 16. 8: 22. The wicked recompenssed for the work of. CALLED THE Psa. 28:4. Pro. 12: 14. Isa. 3: 11. ~ Appointed weeks of harvest. Jer. 5: 24. Saints blessed in the work of. Deu. 2: 7. Harvest time. 2 Sam. 23: 13. Jer. 50: 16. Deu. 30: 9. Job 1: 10. Psa. 90: 17. Fields appeared white before. Jno. 4: 35. CRIMIINALS OFTEN Of barley at the passover. Lev. 23: 6, 10. Bound by. Mat. 22: 13. Ruth 1: 22. Deprived of. Deu. 25: 12. 2 Sam. 4: 12. Of wheat at pentecost. Exo. 34: 22. 1 Sam. Mutilated in. Jud. 1: 6, 7. 12: 17. Hung by. Lam. 5:12. Men and women engaged in. Rutl 2: 8, 9. ILLUSTRATIVE PERSONS ENGAGED IN, Of power. 1 Kin. 1: 46. 2 Kin.in. 13: 5. Reapers. Ruth 2: 4. (Lifted up against another,) of rebellion. Binders. Gen. 37 7. Psa. 129:7. 2 Sam. 20: 21. Called harvest-men. Isa. 17: 5. (Opened,) of liberality. Deu. 15: 8. Psa. Called labourers. Mat. 9: 37. 104: 28. Fed by the husbandmen during. Ruth (Shut,) of illiberality. Deu. 15: 7. 2: 14. RIGHT HAND, ILLUSTRATIVE Received wages. Jno. 4: 36. Of strength and power. Exo. 15: 6. Psa. Often defrauded of their wages. Jas. 5: 4. 17: 7. Former and latter rain necessary to abund(Holding by,) of support. Psa. 73: 23. ance of. Jer. 5: 24. Amos 4: 7. Isa. 41:13. Patience required in waiting for. Jas. 5: 7. (Standing at,) of protection. Psa. 16: S. Not to be commenced until the first fruits Psa. 109: 31. Psa. 110: 5. had been offered to God. Lev. 23: 10,14. (Full of bribes,) of corruption. Psa. 26:10. A time of great joy. Psa. 126: 6. Isa. 9: 3. (Full of falsehood,) of deceitfulness. Psa. Omitted in the sabbatical year. Lev. 25: 5. 144: 8, 11, see lsa. 44: 20. Omitted in the year of jubilee. Lev. 25; (Withdrawn,) of support withheld. Psa. 11, 12. 74:11. The Sabbath to be observed during. Exo. (Cutting off,) of extreme self.denial. Mat. 34: 21. 5: 30. Legal provision for the poor during. Lev. No. 135. HART, THE. 19: 9, 10. Lev. 23: 22. Deu. 24: 19. FAILUR. OF, Clean and used as food. Deu. 12: 15. Deu. Occasioned by drought. Amos 4: 7. 14:5. Occasioned by locusts. Joel 1: 4. Often hunted. Lam. 1:6. Sometimes continued for years. Gen. FEWI&LE OF, 45:6. Called the hind. Song of Sol. 2: 7. A cause of great grief. Isa. 16: 9. Joel Delights in freedom. Gen. 49:21. 1: 11. Kind and affectionate. Pro. 5:19. A punishment for sin. Isa. 17: 10, 11. Brings forth at appointed time. Job 39: Slothfulness during, ruinous. Pro. 10: 5. 1, 2. Miraculous thunder, &c., in. 1 Sam. 12: Brings forth with difficulty. Job 39: 3. 17, 18. Brings forth at the voice of God. Psa. ILLUSTRATIVE 29: 9. Of. seasons of grace. Jer. 8: 20. Forsakes her young in famine. Jer. Of the end of the world. Mat. 13: 30, 39. 14: 5. Of a time when many are ready to reYoung of, abundantly provided for. Job ceive the gospel. Mat. 9: 37, 38. Jno. 39: 4. 4:35. ILLUSTRATIVE Of a time of judgment. Jer. 51: 33. Hos. Of Christ. Song of Sol. 2: 9, 17. Song 6:11. of Sol. 8: 14. Of ripeness for wrath. Joel 3: 13. Rev. Of converted sinners. Isa. 35: 6. 14: 15. (Sure-footedness of,)of experienced saints. (Dew in,) of God's protection, &c. Isa. Psa. 18: 33. Hab. 3: 19. 18: 4. (Panting for water,) of afflicted saints (Cold in,) of a refreshing message. Pro. longing for God. Psa. 42:1, 2. 25:13. (Without pasture,) of the persecuted. (Rain in,) of honour given to fools. Pro. Lam. 1: 6. 26:1. HEA. 62 HED. HEl. No. 137. HEAD. (Lifted up,) of joy and confidence. Psa. 3: 3. Luke.21: 28. The uppermost and chief member of the (Lifted up,) of pride, &c. Psa. 83:2. body. Isa. 1: 6. 2 Kin. 6:31. (Lifted up,) of exaltation. Gen. 40: 13. All the other members necessary to. 1 Cor. Psa. 27: 6. 12: 21. (Anointed,) of joy and prosperity. Psa. The body supported and supplied by. Eph. 23: 5. Psa. 92: 10. 4: 16. Put for the whole person. Gen. 49: 26. Pro. No. 138. HEAVE-OFFERING. 10: 6. To be brought to God's house. Deu. 12: 6. Put for the life. Dan. 1:10. 1 Sam. 28: 2. CONSISTED OF PARTS OF, MENTIONED; First fruits of bread. Num. 15: 19-21. The skull. 2 Kin. 9: 35. Mat. 27: 33. Right shoulder of peace-ofebrings. Lev. The crown. Gen. 49 26. Isa. 3: 17. 7:32. The forehead. 1 Sam. 17: 49. Eze. 9:4. Part of the meat offbring of all peaceThe temples. Jud. 4: 21, 22. Song of offerings. Lev. 7:14. Sol 4: 3. Shoulder of the priest's consecration-ram. The face. Gen. 48: 12. 2 Kin. 9: 30. Exo. 29:27. The hair. Jud. 16: 22. Psa. 40: 12. Tenth of all tites. Num. 18: 26. The scalp. Psa. 68: 21. Part of all gifts. Num. 18: 29. Often anointed. Ecc. 9: S. Mat. 6: 17. Part of spoil taken in war. Num. 31: BOWED DOWN 26-47. In worshipping God. Gen. 24: 26. Exo. To be the best of their kind. Num. 18: 29. 4: 31. To be heaved up by the priest. Exo. 29: 27. As a token of respect. Gen. 43:.28. Sanctified the whole offering. Num. 18: INr GRIEF 27, 30. Covered up. 2 Sam. 15 30. Est. 6: 12. Given to the priests. Exo. 29: 28. Lev. Shorn. Job I: 20. 7: 34. Sprinkled with dust. Jos. 7: 6. Job 2 12. To be eaten in a clean place. Lev. 10: The hands placed on. 2 Sam. 13: 19. 12-15. Jer.'2: 37. Priests forbidden to shave, &c. Lev. 21: 5, 10. No. 39. HEDGES. Nazarites forbidden to shave. Num. 6:5. Antiquity of 1 Chr. 4: 23. Derision expressed by shaking, &c. 2 Kin. DesigiLed for protection. Isa. 5: 2. 19:2i. Psa. 22: 7. Psa. 109: 25. Mat. Often made of thorns. Mic.7:4. 27: 39. PLACED AROUND The Jews censured for swearing by. Mat. Gardens. Song of Sol. 4:12. Lam. 2: 6. 5: 36. (larsg.) When hoary with age to be respected. Lev. Vineyards. Mat. 21: 33. Mar. 12:1. 19: 32. Difficulty of breaking through. Pro. 15: 19. LIABLE TO Danger of breaking through. Ecc. 10: 8. Leprosy. Lev. 13:42-44. Desolation caused by removing. Psa. 80: Scab. lsa. 3:17. 12, 13. Internal disease. 2 Kin. 4:19. Isa. 1: 5. Filled with grasshoppers. Nah. 3: 17. Baldness. Lev. 13: 40, 41. Isa. 15: 2. Poor travellers sought rest under. Luke Of the leper always uncovered. Lev. 13:45. 14: 23. Of women generally covered in public. Afforded protection in danger. Jer. 49: 3. Gen. 24: 65. 1 Cor. 11: 5. Making up gaps in, alluded to. Eze. 13: 5. Of Criminals often cut off. Mat. 14: 10. Eze. 22: 30. Of enemies slain in war, often cut off: Jud. ILLUSTRATIVE 5: 26. 1 Sam. 17: 51, 57. 1 Sam. 31: 9. Of God's protection. Job 1: 10. ILLUSTRATIVE Of numerous afflictions. Job 3: 23. Job Of God. 1 Cor. 11:3. 19: 8. Of Christ. 1 Cor. 11: 3. Eph. 1: 22. Col. Of heavy judgments. Lam. 3:7. Hos. 2:6. 2: 19. Of holy ordinances, &c. Isa. 6: 2. Mat. Of rulers. I Sam. 15: 17. Dan. 2: 38. 21: 33. Of chief men. Isa. 9: 14, 15. Of the way of the slothful. Pro. 15: 19. Of the chief city of a kingdom. Isa. 7:8. (Broken down,) of the taking away of (Covered,) of defence and protection. protection. Psa. 80:12. Isa. 5: 5. PsaCovered,). r0 s: 7. No. 140. HERBS, &C. VCovered,) of subjection. I Cor. 11: 5, 10. (Made bald,) of heavy judgments. Isa. Called the green herbs. 2 Kin. 19: 26. 3: 24. Isa. 15:2. Isa. 22: 12. Mic. GoD 1:16. Created. Gen. 1:11, 12. Gen. 2: 5. HER. 63 HIG. Causes, to grow. Job 38: 27. Psa. 104:14. (Dew on,) of grace given to saints. Isa. Each kind of, contains its own seed. Gen. 18: 4. 1:11, 12. No. 141. HIGH PLACES. Given as food to man. Gen. 1: 28, 29. Gen. 9: 3. Used for idolatrous worship. 1 Kin. 11: 7, 8. FOUND IN God sometimes worshipped on. I Sam. 9: 12. The fields. Jer. 12: 4. 1 Kin, 3: 2, 4. 2 Chr. 33:17. The mountains. Pro. 27: 25. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; The marshes. Job 8: ll. Gibeon. 1 Kin. 3: 4. The deserts. Job 24: 5. Jer. 17: 6. Arnon. Num. 21: 28. Cultivated in gardens. Deu. 11: 10. 1 Kin. Baal. Num. 22: 41. 21: 2. Tophet. Jer. 7: 31. Cultivated for food. Pro. 15: 17. Heb. 6: 7. Bamah. Eze. 20: 29. Require rain and dew. Deu. 32: 2. Job Aven. Hos. 10: 8. 38: 26, 27. Adorned with tapestry. Eze. 16: 16. Mode of watering, alluded to. Deu. 11: 10. Surrounded with groves. 1 Kin. 14: 23. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; BUILT BY Aloe. Song of Sol. 4: 14. Solomon. I Kin. l: 7. Anise. Mat. 23: 23. Jeroboam. I Kin. 12: 31. Barley. Exo. 9: 31. 2 Sam. 14: 30. Jehoram. 2 Chr. 21: 11. Beans. 2 Sam. 17: 28. Ahaz. 2 Chr. 28: 25. Bulrushes. Exo. 2: 3. Isa. 58: 5. Manasseh. 2 Kin. 21: 3. 2 Chr. 33: 3. Calamus. Song of Sol. 4: 14. People of Judah. I Kin. 14: 23. Cummin. Isa. 28:27. Mat. 23: 23. People of Israel. 2 Kin. 17: 9. Cucumber. Num. 11: 5. Isa. 1: 8. Priests ordained for. i Kin. 12: 32. 1 Kin. Fitches. Isa. 28: 25, 27. 13:33. Flag. Exo. 2: 3. Job 8: 11. Sacrifices and incense offered to idols upon. Flax. Exo. 9: 31. 2 Kin. 12: 3.'2 Kin. 16: 4. Garlic. Num. 11: 5. Enchantments used upon. Num. 23: 3. Gourds. 2 Kin. 4: 39. Num. 24: 1. Grass. Num. 22: 4. Of the Canaanites to be destroyed. Num. Heath. Jer. 17: 6. Jer. 48: 6. 33: 52. Hyssop. Exo. 12: 22. 1 Kin. 4: 33. THE JEWS Leeks. Num. 11: 5. Built, in their cities. 2 Kin. 17: 9. Lentiles. Gen. 25: 34. Built, in all their streets. Eze. 16: 24, 31. Mandrakes. Gen. 30: 14. Song of Sol. Condemned for building. Eze. 16: 23-35. 7:13. Provoked God with. 1 Kin. 14: 22, 23. Mallows. Job 30: 4. Psa. 78: 58. Millet. Eze. 4: 9. Threatened with destruction of. Lev. Melon. Num. 11: 5. 26: 30. Mint. Mat. 23: 23. Punished for. 2 Kin. 17: 11, with 18 v. Myrrh. Song of Sol. 4: 14. DESTROYED BY Onions. Num. 11: 5. Asa, partially. 2 Chr. 14: 3, 5, with 2 Reeds. Job 40: 21. Isa. 19: 6. Chr. 15:17. Rushes. Job 8: 11. Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17: 6. Rye. Exo. 9: 32. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18: 4. 2 Chr. 31: 1. Saffron. Song of Sol. 4:14. Josiah. 2 Kin. 23: S. 2 Chr. 34: 3. Spikenard. Song of Sol. 4: 14. NOT REMOVED BY Tares or darnel. Mat. 13: 30. Jehoash. 2 Kin. 2: 3. Wheat. Exo.9: 32. Jer. 12: 13. Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14:4. Bitter, used at passover. Exo. 12: 8. Num. Azariah. 2 Kin. 15: 4. 9:11. Jotham. 2 Kin. 15:35. Poisonous, not fit for man's use. 2 Kin. 4 No. 142. HIGH PRIEST, THE. 39, 40. DESTROYED BY Specially called of God. Exo. 28: 1, 2. Hail and lightning. Exo. 9: 22-25. Heb. 5: 4. Locusts, &c. Exo. 10:12, 15. Psa. 105 Consecrated to his office. Exo. 40: 13. 34, 35. Lev. 8:12. Drought. Isa. 42: 15. WAS CALLED Titheable among the Jews. Luke 11: 42. The priest. Exo. 29: 30. Neh. 7: 65. Were sometimes used instead of animal God's high priest. Acts 23: 4. food by weak saints. Rom. 14: 2. Ruler of the people. Exo. 22: 28, with ILLUSTRATIVE Acts 23: 5. Of the wicked. 2 Kin. 19: 26. Psa. 37: 2. The office of, hereditary. Exo. 29: 29. IIG. 64 RIG. Next in rank to the king. Lam. 2: 6. Office of, made annual by the Romans Often exercised chief civil power. 1 Sam. Jno. 11: 49-51, with Acts 4:6. 4:18. TYPIFIED CHRIST IN DUTIES OF Being called of God, Heb. 5: 4, 5. Offering gifts and sacrifices. Heb. 5: 1. His title. Heb. 3: 1. Lighting the sacred lamps. Exo. 30: 8. His appointment. Isa. 61: 1. Jno. I Num. 8: 3. 32-34. Making atonement in the most holy place Making atonement. Lev. 16: 33. Heb. once a year. Lev. 16 ch. Heb. 9: 7. 2: 17. Bearing before the Lord the names of Splendid dress. Exo. 28: 2, with Jno. Israel for a memorial. Exo. 28: 12, 29. 1: 14. Inquiring of God by Urim and Thummim. Being liable to temptation. Heb. 2: 18. 1 Sam. 23: 9-12. 1 Sam. 30: 7, 8. Compassion and sympathy for the weak Consecrating the Levites. Num. 8:11, 21. and ignorant. Heb. 4: 15. Heb. 5: Appointing priests to offices. 1 Sam. 2: 36. 1, 2. Taking charge of money collected in the Marrying a virgin. Lev. 21: 13, 14. 2 sacred treasury. 2 Kin. 12:10. 2 Kin. Cor. 11:2. 22: 4. Holiness of office. Lev. 21: 15, with Heb. Presiding in the superior court. Mat. 26: 7: 26. 3, 57-62. Acts 5: 21-28. Acts 23: 1-5. Performing by himself all the services on Taking the census of the people. Num. day of atonement. Lev. 16 ch., with 1:3 Heb. 1:3. Blessing the people. Lev. 9: 22, 23. Bearing the names of Israel upon his Sometimes enabled to prophecy. Jno. 11: heart. Exo. 28: 29, with Song of Sol. 49-52. 8: 6. Assisted by adeputy. 2 Sam. 15:24. Luke Alone entering into most holy place. 3: 2. Heb. 9: 7, with 12, 24 vs. and Heb. 4: 14. THE DEPUTY OF, interceding. Num. 16: 43-48. Heb. 7: 25. Called the second priest. 2 Kin. 25: 18. Blessing. Lev. 9: 22, 23. Acts 3: 26. Had oversight of the tabernacle. Num. INFERIOR TO CHRIST IN 4: 16. Needing to make atonement for his own Had oversight of the Levites. Num. 3: 32. sins. Heb. 5: 2, 3. Heb. 7: 26-28. To marry a virgin of Aaron's family. Lev. Heb. 9: 7. 21: 13, 14. Being of the order of Aaron. Heb. 6: 20. Forbidden to mourn for any. Lev. 21: 10-12. Heb. 7: 11-17. Heb. 8: 4, 5, with 1, To be tender and compassionate. Heb. 5: 2. 2, 6 vs. Needed to sacrifice for himself Heb. 5: 1-. Being made without an oath. Heb. 7: SPECIAL GARMIENTS OF; 20-22. Ephod with its curious girdle. Exo. 28: Not being able to continue. Heb. 7: 6, 7. 23, 24. Girdle. Exo. 28: 4, 39. Offering oftentimes the same sacrifices. Broidered coat. Exo. 28: 4, 39. Heb. 9: 25, 26, 28. Heb. 10: 11, 12, 14. Robeofthe ephod. Exo. 28: 31-3. Entering into holiest every year. Heb. Breastplate. Exo. 28:15-29. 9: 7, 12, 25. Linen mitre. Exo. 28:4,39. No. 143. HIGH-WAYS. Plate or crown of gold, &c. Exo. 28: 36-38. Roads for public use. Num. 20: 19. Deu. Made by divine wisdom given to Beza- 2:27. leel, &c. Exo. 28: 3. Exo. 36: 1. Exo. Called the king's highway. Num. 20:17. 39: 1. Marked out by heaps of stones. Jer. 31: 21. Were for beauty and ornament. Exo. Generally broad. Jud. 20: 32, 45. Mat. 7:13. 28: 2. Generally straight. I Sam. 6: 12. Isa. 40: 3. Worn at his consecration. Lev. 8: 7-9. Made to all cities of refuge. Deu. 19: 2, 3. Worn seven days after consecration. Exo. Often made in deserts. Isa. 40: 3. 29:30. INFESTED WITH Descended to his successors. Exo. 29: 29. Serpents. Gen. 49: 17. Wore the ordinary priests garments when Wild beasts. I Kin. 13: 24, with Isa. 35: 9. making atonement in the holy place. Robbers. Jer. 3: 2. Luke 10: 30-33. Lev. 16: 4. Beggars sat by sides of. Mat. 2(: 30. Mar. Office of, promised to the posterity of Phin- 10: 46. ehas for his zeal. Num 25:12, 13. Often obstructed. Jer. IS: 15. Family of Eli degraded from office of, for All obstructions removed from, before perbad conduct. 1 Sam. 2: 27-36. sons of distinction. Isa. 40: 3, 4, with Sometimes deposed by the kings. I Kin. 2:27. Mat. 3, 3. HIT. HIV. 65 HOL. By paths more secure in times of danger. No. 146. HOLY OF HOLIES. Jud. 5:6. Desolation of, threatened as a punishment. Divided from the outward tabernacle by a Lev. 26: 22. Isa. 33: 8. vail. Exo. 26: 31-33. ILLUSTRATIVE WAS CALLED THE Of Christ. Jno. 14:6. Sanctuary. Lev. 4: 6. Psa.'20: 2. Of the way of holiness. Isa. 35: 8. Holy sanctuary. Lev. 16: 33. Of facilities for the restoration of the Holy place. Exo. 28:'29. Lev. 16:2, 3. Jews. Isa. 11: 16. Isa. 62: 10. Most holy place. Exo. 26: 31-33. (Made in the deserts,) of facilities for the Holiest of all. Heb. 9: 3. spread of the gospel Isa. 40: 3. Isa. Oracle. 1 Kin. 6: 5,16, 20. 43: 19. CONTAINED (Narrow,) of the way to life. Mat. 7:14. Ark of testimony. Exo. 26:33. Exo. 40: (Broad,) of the way to destruction. Mat. 3, 21. 7:13. Mercy-seat. Exo. 26: 34. Cherubim. Exo. 25: 18-22. 1 Kin. 6: No. 144. HITTITES. 23-.26. Descended from Canaan's son, Heth. Gen Golden censer. Heb. 9: 4. 10e: 15. Pot of manna. Exo. 16: 33. Heb. 9: 4. CALLED THE Aaron's rod. Num. 17: 10. Heb. 9: 4. Sons of Heth. Gen, 23:, 20. A written copy of the divine law. Deu. Children of Heth. Gen. 23: 5. 31: 26. 2 Iin. 2 2: 8. One of the seven nations of Canaan. Deu. God appeared in. Ex. 25: 22. Lev. 16:2. 7: 1. THE HIGH PRIEST Dwelt in Hebron. Gen. 23:'2, 3, 19. Not to enter, at all times. Lev. 16: 2. Governed-by kings. 1 Kin. 10: 29. 2 Kin. Alone to enter, once a.year. Heb. 9: 7. 7:6. Entered, in ordinary priest's dress. Lev. Land of, promised to Israel. Gen. 15: 20. 16: 4. Exo. 3: 8. Entered, not without blood of atonement. Israel commanded to destroy. Deu. 7: 1, Lev. 16: 14, 15. Heb. 9: 7. 2, 24. Offered incense in. Lev. 16:12. Part of their land given to Caleb. Jos. 14: 13. Made atonement for. Lev. 16: 15, 16, Not entirely destroyed by Israel. Jud. 3 5: 20, 33. The remnant of, made tributary in the reign The priests allowed to enter, and prepare of Solomon. I Kin. 9: 20, 21. the holy things for removal. Num. 4: 5. Luz built in the country of. Jud. 1: 26. Laid open to view at Christ's death. Mat. INTERM5ARRIAGES WITH, BY 27: 51. Esau. Gen. 36: 2. Atype of heaven. Psa. 102: 19. Heb 9: Solomon. 1 Kin. 11: 1, 2. 12, 13, 24. srael after conquest of Canaan. Jud 3: Saints have boldness to enter the true. 5, 6. Heb. 10:19. Israelites after the captivity. Ezra 9: 1. N 147 H LAND Descent from, illustrative of the degradation of the Jews. Eze. 16: 3. Extremely fruitful. Exo. 3: 8. Num. 13: 27. Remarkable persons of. Ephron, Gen. Deu. 8: 7-9. Deu. 11: 10-12. 49: 30..bimelech, 1 Sam. 26: 6. Uriah, Abounded in minerals. Deu. S: 9. Deu. 2 Sam. 11:6, 21. 33:25. No. 145. HIVITES. CALLED The land. Lev. 26: 42. Luke 4: 25. Descended from Canaan. Gen. 10: 15, 17. The Lord's land. HIos. 9: 3. Supposed to be the ancient Avim or Avites. Land of Canaan. Gen. 11: 31. Lev. 14: 34. Deu. 2: 33. Jos. 13: 3. Land of Israel. 1 Sam. 13: 19. Mat. 2: One of the seven nations of Canaan. Deu. 20, 21. 7 1. Land of Judah. Isa. 26: 1. Dwelt near Lebanon. Jud. 3: 3. Land of the Hebrews. Gen. 40: 15. The Shechemites a people of. Gen. 34: 2. Land of promise. Heb. 11: 9. The Gideonites a people of. Jos. 9: 3, 7. Land of Immanuel. Isa. 8: 8. Esau intermarried with. Gen. 36: 2. Pleasant land. Psa. 106: 24. Dan. 8: 9. Land of, promised to Israel. Exo. 3: 8. Exo. Good land. Num. 14: 7. Deu. 3: 25. 23: 23. Glorious land. Dan. 11: 16. Israel commanded to destroy. Deu. 7:1, 2,24. Palestina. Exo. 15:14. Isa. 14: 29, 31 A part of, left to prove Israel. Jud. 3: 3. Original inhabitants of. Gen. 10: 15-20. Remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Deu. 7: 1. Solomon. 1 Kin. 9: 20, 21. Inhabitants of, expelled for wickedness. ROM. 66 lION. HOR Gen. 15: 16. Exo. 23: 23. Lev. 18: 25. Protection afforded in the cities of refuge to Deu. 18: 12. those guilty of unjustifiable. Num. 35: PROMIISED TO 11, 15. Abraham. Gen. 12: 7. Gen. 13: 15. Gen. Confinement in the city of refuge the pun 17: 8. ishment for unjustifiable. Num. 35: 25, 28. Isaac. Gen. 26: 3.. 49. HONE. Jacob. Gen. 28:13,15. Gen. 35:12. No. 149. HONEY. Given by covenant to Israel. Exo. 6: 4. God the giver of. Psa. 81: 16. Eze. 16:19. EXTENT OF, Gathered and prepared by bees. Jud. 14: 8. As promised. Gen. 15: 18. Deu. 1: 7. FOUND IN Jos. 1: 4. Rocks. Deu. 32: 13. Psa. 81: 16. As at first divided. Num. 34: 1-12. Woods. 1 Sam. 14: 25, 26. Jer. 41: 8. Under Solomon. I Kin. 4: 21, 24. 2 Chr. Carcases of dead animals. Jud. 14:8. 9: 26. Sweetness of. Jud. 14:18. Twelve men sent to spy. Num. 13 ch. In the comb sweetest and most valuable. Conquered by Joshua. Jos. 6 ch. to Jos. Pro. 16:24. Pro. 24:13. 12 chl. ABOUNDED IN Divided by lot. Num. 34: 16-29, with Jos. Egypt. Num. 16: 13. 13: 7-14. Assyria. 2 Kil. 18: 32. Allotment of, specified. Jos. 14 ch. to Jos. Canaan. Exo. 3: 8. Lev. 20: 24. Deu. 19 ch. 8: S. All inheritances in, inalienable. Lev. 25: Esteemed a wholesome food. Pro. 24:13. 10, 23. Moderation needful in the use of Pro. 25: A sabbath of rest appointed for. Lev. 25 16, 27. 2-5. Loathed by those who are full. Pro. 27: 7. Obedience the condition of continuing in. WAS EATEN Lev. 26: 3, &c. Deu. 5: 33. Deu. 11:16, Plain. 1 Sam. 14: 25, 26, 29. 17, 22-25. With the comb. Song of Sol. 5: 1. Luke DIVIDED INTO 24: 42. Twelve provinces by Solomon. 1 Kin. With milk. Song of Sol. 4: 11. 4: 7-19. With butter. Isa. 7:15, 22. Two kingdoms in the time of Rehoboam. With locusts. Mat. 3:4. Mar. 1: 6. 1 Kin. 11: 35, 36. 1 Kin. 12: 19, 20. Mixed with flour. Exo. 16:31. Eze. 16:13. Four provinces by the Romans. Luke 3:1. Not to be offered with any sacrifice. Lev. Numerous population of, in Solomon's reign. 2: 11. 1 Kin. 3: 8. 2 Chr. I: 9. First fruits of, offered to God. 2 Chr. 31: 5. Extensive commerce of, in Solomon's reign. Often sent as a present. Gen. 43: 11. 1 1 Kin. 9: 26-28. 1 Kin. 10: 22-29. Kin. 14: 3. Prosperity of, in Solomon's reign. I Kin. Exported from Canaan. Eze. 27:17. 4: 20. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Was the burial place of the patriarchs. The word of God. Psa. 19: 10. Psa. Gen. 49: 29-31. Gen. 50: 13, 25. Jos. 119:103. 24: 32, Wisdom. Pro. 24:13, 14. A type of the rest that remaineth for saints. Holy speech of saints. Song of Sol. 4: 11. Heb. 4: 1, 2, 9. 1 Pet. 1: 4. Pleasant words. Pro. 16: 24. No. 148. HOMICIDE. Lips of a strange woman. Pro. 5: 3. No. 450. HORNS. Distinguished from murder. Exo. 21:13, 14. Num. 35: 16-21, with 25 v. Natural weapons on heads of animals. Dan. JUSTIFIABLE, DESCRIBED AS 7: 20. Killing persons condemned by law. Gen. ANIMALs WITH, IENTIONED; 9: 6. Exo. 35: 2. Lev. 24:16. The ox. Psa. 69: 31. Killing a thief in the night. Exo. 22: 2. The ram. Gen. 22: 13. Killing enemies in battle. Num. 31: 7, 8. The goat. Dan. 8: 5. Killing a manslayer by next of lkin. Num. The unicorn. Psa. 22: 21. Psa. 92: 10. 35: 27. Tusks of the elephant so called. Eze. 27:15. UNJUSTIFIABLE, DESCRIBED AS Used offensively. Exo. 21: 29. Eze. 34: 21. Killing without enmity. Num. 35: 22. WERE USED Killing without lying in wait. Exo. 21: For holding oil. 1 Sam. 16: 1. 1 Kin, 1: 39. 13. Num. 35: 22. As musical instruments. Jos. 6: 4, 5. 1 Killing by accident. Num. 35: 23. Deu. Chr. 25: 5. 19: 5. iRepresentations of, placed at the four corThe avenger of blood might slay those: ners of the altars. Exo. 27:2. Exo. 30:2. guilty of unjustifiable. Num. 35: 19, 27. Wearing of, alluded to. Psa. 75: 5, 10. HOR. 67 HOU. ILLUSTRATIVE Numbers of, kept for war. Jer. 51: 27. Of power of God. Psa. 18: 2. Hab. 3:4. Eze. 26: 10. Of power of Christ. Luke 1: 69. Rev. Prepared and trained for war. Pro. 21: 31. 5: 6. In battle protected by armour. Jer. 46: 4. Of power of Ephraim, &c. Deu. 33:17. Vanity of trusting to. Psa. 33: 17. Amos Of power of the wicked. Psa. 22: 21. 2:15. Psa. 75: 10. THE JEWS Of kings. Dan. 7: 7, 8, 24. Dan. 8: 3, 5, 20. Forbidden to multiply. Deu. 17: 16. Of antichristian powers. Rev. 13: 1. Rev. Imported, from Egypt. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. 17: 3, 7. Multiplied, in Solomon's reign. 1 Kin. (Budding of,) of the commencement or 4: 26. revival of a nation. Psa. 132: 17. Eze. Condemned for multiplying. Isa. 2: 7. 29: 21. Not to trust in. Hos. 14: 3. (Raising up,) of arrogance. Psa. 75: 4, 5. Condemned for trusting to. Isa. 30: 16. (Exalting,) of increase of power and glo- Isa. 31: 3. ry. 1 Sam. 2: 1, 10. Psa. 89: 17, 24. Brought back many, from Babylon. Ezra Psa. 92: 10. Psa. 112: 9. 2: 66. (Pushing with,) of conquests. Deu. 33:17. Notice of early traffic in. Gen. 47: 17. 1 Kin. 22: 11. Mic. 4:13. Sold in fairs and markets. Eze. 27:14. Rev. (Bringing down,) of degradation. Job 18:13. 16: 15. OFTEN SUFFERED (Cutting off,) of destruction of power. From blindness. Zec. 12: 4. Psa. 75: 10. Jer. 48:25. Lam. 2:3. From plague. Zec. 14: 15. From murrain. Exo. 9: 3. No. 151. HORSE, THE. From bites of serpents. Gen. 49:17. Endued with strength by God. Job 39: 19. In the hoof from prancing. Jud. 5: 22. DESCRIBED AS Inbattle. Jer. 51: 21. Hag. 2: 22. Strong. Psa. 33:17. Psa. 147: 10. Dedicated to the sun by idolaters. 2 Kin. Swift. lsa. 30: 16. Jer. 4:13. Hab. I: 8. 23: 11. Fearless. Job 39: 20, 22. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Fierce and impetuous. Job 39: 21, 24. Beauty of the church. Song of Sol. 1: 9. Warlike in disposition. Job 39: 21. Jer. Zec. 10: 3. 8: 6. Glorious and triumphant deliverance of Sure footed. Isa. 63:13. the church. Isa. 63: 13. Want of understanding in, alluded to. Psa. A dull headstrong disposition. Psa. 32: 9. 32: 9. Impetuosity of the wicked in sin. Jer. Hard hoofs of, alluded to. Isa. 5: 28. 8: 6. Loud snorting of, alluded to. Jer. 8:16, No. 152. HOUsES. with Job 39: 20. COLOURS OF, MENTIONED Antiquity of. Gen. 12: 1. Gen. 19:3. White. Zec. 1: S. Zec. 6: 3. Rev. 6: 2. Deep and solid foundations required for. Black. Zec. 6: 2, 6. Rev. 6: 5. Mat. 7: 24. Luke 6: 48. Red. Zec. 1: S. Zec. 6: 2. Rev. 6: 4. Sometimes built without foundation. Mat. Speckled. Zec. 1 S. 7: 26. Luke 6: 49. Bay. Zec. 6: 3, 7. BUILT OF Grisled. Zec. 6: 3, 6. Clay. Job 4: 19. Pale or ash colour. Rev. 6: 8. Bricks. Exo. 1: 11-14. Isa. 9:10. Fed on grain and herbs. I Kin. 4: 28. 1 Stone and wood. Lev. 14: 40, 42. Hab. Kin. 18: 5. 2:11. USED FOR Hewn or cut stone. Isa. 9: 10. Amos 5: 11. Mounting cavalry. Exo. 14: 9. 1 Sam. In cities, built in streets. Gen. 19: 2. Jos 13: 5. 2:19. Drawing chariots. Mic. 1 13. Zec. 6: 2. Often built on city walls. Jos. 2: 15. 2 Bearing burdens. Ezra 2: 66. Neh. 7: 68. Cor. 11: 33. Hunting. Job 39: 18. THE FLAT ROOFS OF, Conveying posts, &c. 2 Kin. 9: 17-19. Surrounded with battlements. Deu. 22: 8. Est. 8: 10. Had often booths on them. 2 Sam. 16: Kings and princes rode on. Est. 6: 8-11. 22. Neh. S: 16. Pro. 21: 9. Eze. 23: 23. Had often idolatrous altars on them. 2 Governed by bit and bridle. Psa. 32: 9. Kin. 23:12. Jer. 19: 13. Zep. I: 5. Jas. 3: 3. Used for drying flax, &c. Jos. 2: 6. Urged on by whips. Pro. 26: 3. Used for exercise. 2 Sam. 11: 2. Dan. Adorned with bells on the necks. Zee. 4: 29. 14: 20. Used for devotion. Acts 10: 9. HOU. 68 HYK. IDO. Used for making proclamations. Luke Of criminals, desolated. Dan. 2: 5. Dan. 12:3. 3:29. Used for secret conference. 1 Sam. 9: Desolation of, threatened as a punishment. 25, 26. Isa. 5:9. Isa. 13: 16, 21, 22. Eze. 16:41. Resorted to in grief. Isa. 15:3. Jer. 48: 38. Eze. 26: 12. Often covered with weak grass. Psa. 129: Often broken down to repair city walls be6, 7. fore sieges. Isa. 22; 10. Accessible from tile outside. Mat. 24: 17 ILLUSTRATIVE The courts of, large and used as apart-. Of the body. Job 4:19. 2 Cor. 5: 1. ments. Est. I: 5. Luke 3; 19. Of the grave. Job 30: 23. Entered by a gate or door. Gen. 43:19. Of the church. Heb. 3: 6. 1 Pet. 2: 5. Exo. 12: 22. Luke 16:20. Acts 10: 17. Of saints' inheritance. Jno. 14:2. 2 Cor. Doors of, low and small for safety. Pro. 5:1. 17: 19. (On sand,) of the delusive hope of hypoDoors of, how fastened. 2 Sam. 13: 18. crites. Mat. 7: 26, 27. Song of Sol. 5: 5. Luke 11: 7. (On a rock,) of the hope of saints. Mat. Admission to, gained by knocking at the 7:24, 25. door. Acts 12: 13. Rev. 3: 20. (insecurity of,) of earthly trust. Mat. 6: Walls of, plastered. Lev. 14: 42, 43. 19, 20. Serpents often lodged in walls of. Amos (Building of,) of great prosperity. Isa. 5:19. 65:21. Eze. 28: 26. Custom of fastening nails, &c. in walls of, (Built and not inhabited,) of calamity. alluded to. Ecc. 12:11. Isa. 22: 23. Deu. 28: 30. Amos 5: 11. Zep. 1: 13. Had often several stories Eze. 41:16. Acts (To inhabit those, built by others,) of 20 ~ 9. abundant blessings. Deu. 6: 10, 11. Divided into apartments. Gen. 43:30. Isa. No. 153. HLYKE OR UPPER GARMENT. 26: 20. APA.RTMIENTS OF, WERE OFTEN Law respecting fringes of. Num. 15: 38. Large and airy. Jer. 22: 14. Deu. 22: 12. Ceiled and painted. Jer. 22:14. Hag. 1: 4. Used by the poor as a covering by night. Inlaid with ivory. 1 Kin. 22: 39. Amos Exo. 22: 26, 27. Deu. 24: 13. 3::15. Burdens often bound up in. Exo. 12: 34. Hung with rich tapestries. Est. 1: 6. The skirts of, used to hold things in. 2 Warmed with fires. Jer. 36: 22. Jno. Kin. 4: 39. Neh. 5: 13. Hag. 2:12. Luke 18: 1. 6:38. Upper apartments of, the best and used for Probably used by women as a vail. Ruth entertainments. Mar. 14:15. 3:15. Had often detached apartments for secrecy REQUIRED TO BE GIRT UP and for strangers. Jud. 3: 20-23. 2 Kin. For running. 1 Kin. 18: 46. 4: 10, 11. 2 Kin. 9: 2, 3. For labour. Luke 17: 8. Lighted by windows. 1 Kin. 7: 4. Often laid aside. Mat. 24:18. Mar. 10:50. Street windows of, high and dangerous. 2 The Jews said to be naked when without. Kin. 1: 2. 2 Kin. 9: 30, 33. Acts 20: 9. 2 Sam. 6: 20. Mar. 14: 51, 52. Jno. 21: 7. OF THE RICH, WAS THE GARIMIENT Great. Isa. 5:9. Amos 6: 11. 2 Tim. 2:20. Rent in token of anger. Mat. 26: 65. Goodly. Deu. 8: 12. Rent in token of grief Joel 2: 13. Pleasant. Eze. 26:12. Mic. 2: 9. Of Samuel rent by Saul. 1 Sam. 15:27. OF BRICK OR CLAY, Of Saul which David cut. 1 Sam. 24: 4, 5. Plastered. Eze. 13: 10, 11. Of Jeroboam rent by Ahijah. 1 Kin. 11: 30. Easily broken through. Job 24:16. Eze. Laid aside by Christ. Jno. 13: 4. 12: 5. Spread before Christ by the Jews. Mat. Often swept away by torrents. Eze. 13: 21: 8. 13, 14. The Jews condemned for making broad the When finished, were usually dedicated. borders of. Mat. 23: 5. Deu. 20: 5. Psa. 10. (title.) No. 154 ILATRY. For summer residence. Amos 3:15. For winter residence. Jer. 36: 22. Amos Allforms of, forbidden by the law of Moses. 3:15. Exo. 20: 4, 5. Liable to leprosy. Lev. 14: 34-53. All heathen nations given up to. Psa. 96: Not to be coveted. Exo. 20: 17. Mic. 2:2. 5. Rom. 1: 23, 25. 1 Cor. 12: 2. Were hired. Acts 28: 30. Led the heathen to think that their gods Were mortgaged. Neh. 5:3. visited the earth in bodily shapes. Acts Were sold. Acts 4:34. 14: 11. Law respecting the sale of. Lev. 25: 29-33. Led the heathen to consider their gods to IDO. 69 INC. have but a local influence. 1 Kin. 20: 23. Merodach. Jer. 50: 2. 2 Kin. 17: 26. Nergal. 2 Kin. 17: 30. OBJECTS OF; Nebo. Isa. 46: 1. The heavenly bodies. 2 Kin. 23: 5. Acts Nibhaz and Tartak. 2 Kin. 17: 31. 7: 42. Nisroch. 2 Kin. 19: 37. Angels. Col. 2: 18. Queen of heaven. Jer. 44: 17, 25. Departed spirits. 1 Sam. 28: 14, 15. Remphan. Acts 7: 43. Earthly creatures. Rom. 1: 23. Rimmon. 2 Kin. 5: 18. Images. Deu. 29: 17. Psa. 115:4. Isa. Succoth-benoth. 2 Kin. 17: 30. 44:17. Tammuz. Eze. 8:14. Temples built for. Hos. 8: 14. Objects of, carried in procession. Isa. 46: 7. Altars raised for. 1 Kin. 18:26. Hos. 8: 11. Amos 5: 26. Acts 7: 43. Accompanied by feasts. 2 Kin. 10: 20. 1 Early notice of, amongst God's professing Cor. 10: 27, 28. people. Gen. 31: 19, 30. Gen. 35: 1-4. OBJECTS OF, WORSHIPPED Jos. 24: 2. With sacrifices. Num. 22:40. 2 Kin. 10:24. THE JEWS With libations. Isa. 57: 6. Jer. 19:13. Practised,inEgypt. Jos. 24:14. Eze. 23: With incense. Jer. 48: 35. 3, 19. With prayer. 1 Kin. 18: 26. Isa. 44:17. Brought, out of Egypt with them. Eze. With singing and dancing Exo. 32: 18, 23: 8, with Acts 7: 39-41. 19. 1 Kin. 18: 26. (marg.) 1 Cor. 10: 7. Forbidden to practise. Exo. 20: 1-5. Exo. By bowing to them. 1 Kin. 19: 18. 2 Kin. 23-24. 5:18. Often mixed up, with God's worship. By kissing them. 1 Kin. 19: 18. Hos. Exo. 32:1-5. 1 Kin. 12: 27, 28. 13: 2. Followed the Canaanites in. Jud. 2: 11-13. By kissing the hand to them. Job 31: 1 Chr. 5: 25. 26, 27. Followed the Moabites in. Num. 25: 1-3. By cutting the flesh. 1 Kin. 18: 28. Followed the Assyrians in. Eze. 16: By burning children. Deu. 12: 31. 2 28-30. Eze. 23: 5-7. Chr. 33: 6. Jer. 19: 4, 5. Eze. 16: 2]. Followed the Syrians in. Jud. 10:6. In temples. 2 Kin. 5: 18. Adopted by Solomon. 1 Kin. 11: 5-8. On high places. Num. 22:41. Jer. 2:20. Adopted by the wicked kings. 1 Kin. 21: In groves. Exo. 34: 13. 26. 2 Kin. 21: 21. 2 Chr. 28; 2-4. 2 Chr. Under trees. Isa. 57:. Jer. 2: 20. 33: 3-7. In private houses. Jud. 17: 4, 5. Example of the kings encouraged Israel in. On the tops of houses. 2 Kin. 23:12. Zep. I Kin. 12: 30. 2 Kin. 21: 11. 2 Chr. 33: 9. 1: 5. Great prevalence of, in Israel. Isa. 2: 8. In secret places. Isa. 57: 8. Jer. 2: 28. Eze. 8: 10. Rites of, obscene and impure. Exo. 32: 25. A virtual forsaking of God. Jer. 2: 9-13. Num. 25:1-3. 2 Kin. 17: 9. Isa. 57: 6, The good kings of Juda.h endeavoured to 8, 9. 1 Pet. 4: 3. destroy. 2 Chr. 15: 16. 2 Chr. 34: 7. Divination connected with. 2 Chr. 33: 6. Captivity of Israel on account of. 2 Kin. Victims sacrificed in, often adorned with 17: 6-18. garlands. Acts 14:13. Captivity of Judah on account of. 2 Kin. IDOLS, &C., MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE j 17: 19-23. Adrammelech. 2 Kin. 17:31. No. 155. INCENSE. Anammelech. 2 Kin. 17: 31. Ashima. 2 Kin. 17: 30. Brought from Sheba. Jer. 6: 20. Ashtoreth. Jud. 2:13. 1 Kin. 11: 33. Called frankincense. Song of Sol. 4: 6, 14. Baal. Jud. 2: 11-13. Jud. 6: 25. An article of extensive commerce. Rev. Baal-berith. Jud. 8: 33. Jud. 9: 4, 46. 18: 13. Baal-peor. Num. 25:1-3. Common, not to be offered to God. Exo. Baal-zebub. 2 Kin. 1: 2, 16. 30: 9. Baal-zephon. Exo. 14: 2. For God's service mixed with sweet spices. Bel. Jer. 50: 2. Jer. 51: 44. Exo. 25: 6. Exo. 37: 29. Chemosh. Num. 21: 29. 1 Kin. 11: 33. Receipt for mixing. Exo. 30: 34-36. Chiun. Amos 5: 26. None but priests to off'er. Num. 16: 40. Dagon. Jud. 16: 23. 1 Sam. 5:1-3. Deu. 33:10. Diana. Acts 19: 24, 27. OFFERED Huzzab. Nah. 2: 7. Incensers. Lev. 10: 1. Num, 16:17.46. Jupiter. Acts 14: 12. On the altar of gold. Exo. 30: 1, 6. Exo. Mercury. Acts 14:12. 40: 5. Molech or Milcom. Lev. 18: 21. 1 Kin. Morning and evening. Exo. 30: 7, 8,. 11: 5, 33. Perpetually. Exo. 30: 8. INS. IRO. 70 ISH. By the high priest in the most holy place Fusible. Eze. 22: 20. on the day of atonement. Lev. 16: Malleable. Isa. 2: 4. 12, 13. Of greater gravity than water. 2 Kin. 6: 5. With fire from off the altar of burnt-offer- Admits of a high polish. Eze. 27:19. ing. Lev. 16: 12. Num. 16: 46. Hardened into steel. 2 Sam. 22: 35. Job Offering of, allotted to the priests. Luke 20: 24. 1: 9. Of small comparative value. Isa. 60: 17. The Jews prayed at time of offering. Luke The land of Canaan abounded with. Deu. 1: 10.: 9. Deu. 33: 25. (marg.) Designed for atonement. Num. 16: 46, 47. From the north hardest and best. Jer. 15: 12. Put on meat offerings. Lev. 2: 1, 2, 15, 16. Used from the earliest age. Gen. 4: 22. Lev. 6: 15. MADE INTO Levites had charge of. 1 Chr. 9: 29. Armour. 2 Sam. 23: 7. Rev. 9: 9. Used in idolatrous worship. Jer. 48: 35. Weapons of war. 1 Sam. 13:19. 1 Sam.17:7. THE JEWS Chariots. Jud. 4: 3. Not accepted in offering, on account of Implements for husbandry. 1 Sam. 13: Sin. Isa. 1:13. Isa. 66: 3. 20, 21. 2 Sam. 12: 31. Offered, to idols on altars of brick. isa. Tools for artificers. Jos. 8: 31. 1 Kin. 6: 7 65: 3. Graving tools. Job 19: 24. Jer. 17: 1. Punished for offering, to idols. 2 Chr. Gates. Acts 12:10. 34: 25. Nails and hinges. 1 Chr. 22: 3. Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering, Bars. Psa. 107:16. Isa. 45: 2. with strange fire. Lev. 10: 1, 2. Fetters. Psa. 105:18. Psa. 149: 8. Korah and his company punished for offer- Yokes. Deu. 28: 48. Jer. 2S: 13, 14. ing. Num. 16: 16-35. Idols. Dan. 5: 4, 23. Uzziah punished for offering. 2 Chr. 26: Bedsteads. Deu. 3: 11. 16-21. Pillars. Jer. 1: 18. Presented to Christ by the wise men. Mat. Rods. Psa.2:9. Rev.2:27. 2: 11. Sharpens things made of it. Pro. 27:17. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Working in, a trade. 1 Sam. 13: 19. 2 Chr. The merits of Christ. Rev. 8: 3, 4. 2: 7, 14. Prayer. Psa. 141: 2. Mal. I: 11. Rev. 5: 8. An article of commerce. Eze. 27: 12, 19. No. 156. INSECTS. Rev. 18:12. Great quantity of, provided for the temple. Created by God. Gen. 1: 24, 25. 1 Chr. 22: 3, 14,16. 1 Chr. 29:2. DIVIDED INTO Taken in war often dedicated to God. Jos. Clean and fit for food. Lev. 11: 21, 22. 6:19, 24. Unclean and abominable. Lev. 11:23, 24. Mode of purifying, taken in war. Num. 31: MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 21-23. Ant. Pro. 6: 6. Pro. 30: 25. Miraculously made to swim. 2 Kin. 6: 6. Bee. Jud. 14:8. Psa. 118: 12. Isa. 7: 18. ILLUSTRATIVE Beetle. Lev. 11: 22. Of strength. Dan. 2: 33, 40. Caterpillar. Psa. 78: 46. Isa. 33: 4. Of stubbornness. Isa. 48: 4. Cankerworm. Joel l: 4. Nah. 3:15, 16. Of severe affliction. Deu.. 4: 20. Psa. Earthworm. Job 25: 6. Mic. 7:17. 107:10. Flea. 1 Sam. 24:14. Of a hard barren soil. Deu. 28: 23. Fly. Exo. 8:22. Ecc. 10: 1. Isa. 7:18. Of'severe exercise of power. Psa. 2:9. Gnat. Mat. 23: 24. Rev. 2: 27. Grasshopper. Lev. 11: 22. Jud. 6: 5. Job (Seared with), of insensibility of con39: 20. science. 1 Tim. 4: 2. Hornet. Deu. 7: 20. No. 158. ISHMAELITES, THE. Locust. Exo. 10:12, 13., Bald-locust. Lev. 11: 22. Descended from Abraham's son Ishmael. Lice. Exo. 8:16. Psa. 105: 31. Gen. 16:15,16. 1 Chr. 1: 28. Maggot. Exo. 16: 20. Divided into twelve tribes. Gen. 25: 16. Moth. Job 4: 19. Job 27: 18. Isa. 50: 9. Heads of tribes of. Gen. 25: 13-15. 1 Chr. Palmer-worm. Joel 1:4. Amos 4:9. 1: 29-31. Spider. Job S:14. Pro. 30: 28. CALLED Fed by God. Psa. 104: 25, 27. Psa. 145:9,15. Hagarites. 1 Chr. 5: 10. No. ~57. lO~N. Hagarenes. Psa. 83: 6. No. 157. IRON. Arabians. Isa. 13: 20. Dug out of the earth. Job 28: 2. Original possessions of. Gen. 25: 18. DESCRIBED AS Governed by kings. Jer. 25: 24. Strong and durable. Job 40:18. Dan. 2: 40. Dwelt in tents. Isa. 13: 20. iss. 71 JER. Rich in cattle. 1 Chr. 5: 21. Many of, at Hezekiah's passover. 2 Chr. Wore ornaments of Gold. Jud. 8:24. 30: 18. Were the merchants of the east. Gen. 37: Remarkable persons of. Jud. 10: 1. 1 Kin. 25. Eze. 27: 20, 21. 15:27. Travelled in large companies or caravans. Gen. 37: 25. Job 6:19. No. 160. JERUSALEM. Waylaid and plundered travellers. Jer. The ancient Salem. Gen. 14: 18. Psa. 76: 2. 3:2. The ancient Jebusi or Jebus. Jos. 15: 8. Often confederate against Israel. Psa. 83: 6. Jos. 18: 28. Jud. 19: 10. OVERCOME RY The King of, defeated and slain by Joshua. Gideon. Jud. 8: 10-24. Jos. 10: 5-23. Reubenites and Gadites. 2 Chr.: 10, Allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. Jos. 18-20. 18: 28. Uzziah. 2 Chr. 26: 7. Partly taken and burned by Judah. Jud. 1: 8. Sent presents to Solomon. 1 Kin. 10: 15. THE JEBUSITES 2 Chr. 9: 14. Formerly dwelt in. Jud. 19: 10, 11. Sent flocks to Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17: 11. Held possession of, with Judah and Benja. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING-; min. Jos. 15: 63. Jud. 1: 21. To be numerous. Gen. 16: 10. Gen. 17: 20. Finally dispossessed of, by David. 2 Sam. To be wild and savage. Gen. 16:12. 5: 6-8. To be warlike and predatory. Gen. 16:12. Enlarged by David. 2 Sam. 5: 9. To be divided into twelve tribes. Gen. Made the royal city. 2 Sam. 5: 9. 2 Sam. 17: 20. 20: 3. To continue independent. Gen. 16:12. Specially chosen by God. 2 Chr. 6: 6. Psa. To be a great nation. Gen. 21:13, 18. 135: 21. To be judged with the nations. Jer. 25: The seat of government under the Romans 23-25. for a time. Mat. 27: 2, 19. Their glory, &c., to be diminished. Isa. Roman government transferred from, to 21: 13-17. Cesarea. Acts 23: 23, 24. Acts 25:1-13. Their submission to Christ. Psa. 72: CALLED 10, 15. City of God. Psa. 46: 4. Psa. 48: 1. Probably preached to by St. Paul. Gal. 1:17. City of the Lord. Isa. 60: 14. No. 159. ISSACHAR, THE TRIBE OF. City of Judah. 2 Chr 25: 28. City of the great king. Psa. 48: 2. Mat. Descended from Jacob's fifth son. Gen. 30: 5: 35. 17, 18. City of solemnities. Isa. 33: 20. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 14, 15. City of righteousness. Isa. 1: 26. Deu. 33: 18, 19. City of truth. Zec. 8: 3. PERSONS SELECTED FROMa, A city not forsaken. Isa. 62: 12. To number the people. Num. 1: 8. Faithful city. Isa. 1: 21, 26. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 7. Holy city. Neh. 11: 1. Isa. 48: 2. AMat. To divide the land. Num. 34: 26. 4: 5. Strength of, onleavingEgypt. Num. 1:28, Throne of the Lord. Jer. 3: 17. 29. Num. 2: 6. Zion. Psa. 48:12. Isa. 33: 20. Encamped under the standard of Judah east Zion of the holy one of Israel. Isa. 60: 14. of the tabernacle. Num. 2: 5. Surrounded by mountains. Psa. 125: 2. Next to and under standard of Judah in the Surrounded by a wall. 1 Kin. 3: 1. journeys of Israel. Num. 10: 14, 15. Protected by forts and bulwarks. Psa. 48: Offbring of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 12, 13. 18-23. Entered by gates. Psa. 122: 2. Jer. 17: Families of. Num. 26: 23, 24. 19-21. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. Hezekiah made an aqueduct for. 2 Kin. 26: 25. 20: 20. On Gerizim said amen to the blessings. Spoils of war placed in. 1 Sam. 17: 54. 2 Deu. 27:12. Sam. 8:7. Bounds of their inheritance. Jos. 19: DESCRIBED AS 17-23. Beautiful for situation. Psa. 48: 2. Assisted Deborah against Sisera. Jud. 5:15. Compact. Psa. 122: 3. Officers of, appointed by David. I Chr. 27: 18. Comely. Song of Sol. 6: 4. Officers of, appointed by Solomon. I Kin. The perfection of beauty. Lam. 2: 15. 4: 17. Joy of the whole earth. Psa. 48:2 Lam. Some of, at David's coronation. 1 Chr. 12:32. 2: 15. Number of warriors belonging to, in Da- Princes amongthe provinces. Lam. 1: 1. vid's time. 1 Chr. 7: 2, 5. Great. Jer. 22: 8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... JER. 72 JEW. Populous. Lam. 1:1. To be a wilderness. Isa. 64: 10. Full of business and tumult. Isa. 22: 3. To be rebuilt by Cyrus. Isa. 44: 26-28. Its wealth, &c., in time of Solomon. 1 Kin. To be a quiet habitation. Isa. 33: 20. 10: 26, 27. To be a terror to her enemies. Zec. 12: Protected by God. Isa. 31: 5. 2, 3. Instances of God's care and protection of. Christ to enter, asking. Zec. 9: 9. 2 Sam. 24: 16. 2 Kin. 19: 32-34. 2 Chr. The gospel to go forth from. Isa. 2: 3. 12: 7. Isa. 40: 9. The temple built in. 2 Cor. 3: 1. Psa. To be destroyed by the Romans. Luke 68: 29. 19: 42-44. THE JEWS. Its capture accompanied by severe calamWent up to, at the feasts. Luke 2: 42, ities. Mat. 24: 21, 29. Luke 21: 23, 24. with Psa. 122: 4. Signs preceding its destruction. Mat. 24: Loved. Psa. 137: 5, 6. 6-15. Luke 21: 7-11, 25, 28. Lamented the affliction of. Neh. 1 i 2-4. ILLUSTRATIVE Prayed for prosperity of. Psa. 51: 18. Of the church. Gal. 4: 25, 26. Heb. 12:22. Psa. 122: 6. Of the church glorified. Rev. 3: 12. Rev. Prayed towards. Dan. 6:10, with 1 Kin. 21: 2, 10. 8: 44. (Its strong position,) of saints under God's Wickedness of. isa. 1: 1-4. Jer. 5: 1-5. protection. Psa. 125: 2. Mic. 3: 10. No. 161. JEWVS, THE. Idolatry of. 2 Chr. 28: 24. Eze. 8: 7-10. No. 161. J Wickedness of, the cause of its calamities. Descended from Abraham. Isa. 51:2. Jno. 2 Kin. 21: 12-15. 2 Chr. 24: 18. Lam. 8: 39. 1:S. Eze. 5: 5-8. Divided into twelve tribes. Gen. 35: 22. Was the tomb of the prophets. Luke 13: Gen. 49: 28. 33, 34. CALLED CHRIsT Hebrews. Gen. 14:13. Gen. 40: 15. 2 Preached in. Luke 21: 37, 38. Jno. 18: 20. Cor. 11: 22. Did many miracles in. Jno. 4: 45. Israelites. Exo. 9: 7. Jos. 3:17. Publicly entered, as king. Mat. 21: 9, 10. Seed of Abraham. Psa. 105: 6. Isa. 41: 8. Lamented over. Mat. 23: 37. Luke 19:41. Seed of Jacob. Jer. 33: 26. Put to death at. Luke 9: 31. Acts 13: Seed of Israel. 1 Chr. 16:13. 27, 29. Children of Jacob. 1 Chr. 16: 13. Gospel first preached at. Luke 24: 47. Acts Children of Israel. Gen. 50: 25. Isa. 27:12. 2:14. Jeshurun. Deu. 32:15. Miraculous gift of the Holy Ghost first given Chosen and loved by God. Deu. 7: 6, 7. at. Acts 1: 4. Acts 2: 1-5. Circumcised in token of their covenant rePersecution of the Christian church com- lation. Gen. 17: 10, 11. Acts 7: 8. menced at. Acts 4:1. Acts 8: 1. Separated from all other nations. Exo. First Christian council held at. Acts 15:4, 6. 33: 16. Lev. 20: 24. I Kin. 8: 53. CALAMIITIES OF, MENTIONED' DESCRIBED AS Taken and plundered by Shishak. 1 Kin. A peculiar people. Deu. 14: 2. 14: 25, 26. 2 Chr. 12: 1-4. A peculiar treasure. Exo. 19: 5. Psa. Taken and plundered by Jehoash king of 135: 4. Israel. 2 Kin. t4: 13, 14. A holy nation. Exo. 19: 6. Besieged but not taken by Rezin and Pe- A holy people. Deu. 7: 6. Deu. 14:21. kah. Isa. 7: 1. 2 Kin. 16: 5. A kingdom ofpriests. Exo. 19: 6. Besieged but not taken by Sennacherib. A special people. Den. 7: 6. 2 Kin. 18: 17, and 2 Kin. 19 ch. The Lord's portion. Deu. 32: 9. Taken and made tributary by Pharaoh- Sojourned in Egypt. Exo. 12: 40, 41. Necho. 2 Kin. 23: 33-35. Brought out of Egypt by God. Exo. 12: 42. Besieged Nebuchadnezzar. 2 Kin. 24: Deu. 5:15. Deu. 6:12. 10, 11 In the desert forty years. Num. 14: 33. Taken and burned by Nebuchadnezzar. Jos. 5: 6. 2 Kin. 25 ch. Jer. 39:1-8. Settled in Canaan. Num. 32:33. Jos. 14: Threatened by Sanballat. Neh. 4: 7, 8. 1-5. Rebuilt after the captivity by order of Cy- Under the theocracy until the time of Samrus. Ezra I:1-4. uel. Exo. 19: 4-6, with 1 Sam. 8: 7. PROPHECIES RESPECTING, Desired and obtained kings. 1 Sam. 8: To be taken by king of Babylon. Jer. 5, 22. 20:5. Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon. To be made a heap of ruins. Jer. 9: 11. 1 Kin. 11: 31, 32. 1 Kin. 12: 19, 20. Jer. 26: 18. Often subdued and made tributary. Jud. 2: JEW. 73 JEW. 13, 14. Jud. 4: 2. Jud. 6: 2, 6. 2 Kin. Distinction of castes amongst, noticed. Isa. 23: 33. 65: 5. Luke 7: 39. Luke 15: 2. Acts Taken captive to Assyria and Babylon. 2 26:5. Kin. 17: 23. 2 Kin. 18: 11. 2 Kin. 24:16. Degenerated as they increased in national 2 Kin. 25: 11. greatness. Amos 6: 4. Restored to their own land by Cyrus. Ezra Often displeased God by their sins. Num. 1:1-4. 25:3. Deu. 32: 16. 1 Kin. 16:2. Isa. Had courts of justice. Deu. 16: 18. 1: 4. Isa. 5: 24, 25. Had an ecclesiastical establishment. Exo. A spiritual seed of true believers always 28:1. Num. 18:6. Mal. 2: 4-7. amongst. I Kin. 19: 18. Isa. 6:13. Rom. Had a series of prophets to promote national 9: 6, 7. Rom. 11: 1, 5. reformation. Jer. 7: 25. Jer. 26: 4, 5. Jer. MODERN, DIVIDED INTO 35:15. Jer. 44: 4. Eze. 38: 17. Hebrews or pure Jews. Acts 6: 1. Phi. The only people who had knowledge of 3: 5. God. Psa. 76:1, with 1 The. 4: 5. Psa. Hellenists or Grecians. Acts 6:1. Acts 48: 3, with Rom. I: 28. 9: 29. The only people who worshipped God. Many sects and parties. Mat. 16: 6. Mar. Exo. 5:17, with Psa. 96: 5. Psa. 115: 3, 8: 15. 4. Jno. 4: 22. An agricultural people. Gen. 46: 32. Religion of, according to rites prescribed A commercial people. Eze. 27:17. by God. Lev. 18: 4. Deu. 12: 8-11. Heb. Obliged to unite against enemies. Num. 32: 9:1. 20-22. Jud. 19: 29, with 20 ch. 1 Sam. Religion of, typical. Heb. 9: 8-11. Heb. Il: 7, 8. 10:1. Often distinguished in war. Jud. 7:19-23. Their national greatness. Gen. 12: 2. Deu. 1 Sam. 14: 6-13. 1 Sam. 17: 32, 33. Neh. 33: 29. 4: 16-22. Their national privileges. Rom. 3:2. Rom. Strengthened by God in war. Lev. 26: 7, 8. 9: 4, 5. Jos. 5: 13, 14. Jos. 8:1, 2. Their vast numbers. Gen. 22:17. Num. Under God's special protection. Deu. 32: 10: 36. 10, 11. Deu. 33: 27-29. Psa. 105:13-15. NATIONAL CHARACTER OF; Psa. 121:3-5. Pride of descent, &c. Jer. 13: 9. Jno. 8: Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them 33, 41. as divinely protected. Jos. 2: 9-11. Est. Love of country. Psa. 137: 6. 6: 13. Fondness for their brethren. Exo. 2: 11, PROHIBITED FROM 12. Rom. 9:1-3. Associating with others. Acts 10: 28. Attachment to Moses. Jno. 9: 28, 29. Covenanting with others. Exo. 23: 32. Acts6: ll. Deu.7:2. Attachment to customs of the law. Acts Marrying with others. Deu. 7: 3. Jos. 6: 14. Acts 21:21. Acts 22:3. 23:12. Fondness for traditionary customs. Jer. Following practices of others. Deu. 12: 44: 17. Eze. 20: 18, 30, with 21 v. Mar. 29-31. Deu. 18: 9-14. 7: 3, 4. Despised all strangers. 1 Sam. 17: 36. Mat. Stubborn and stiffnecked. Exo. 32: 9. 16: 26, 27. Eph. 2: ll. Acts 7: 51. Held no intercourse with strangers. Jno. Prone to rebellion. Deu. 9: 7, 24. Isa. 1: 2. 4: 9. Acts 11: 2, 3. Prone to backsliding. Jer. 2: 11-13. Jer. Condemned for associating with other na8: 5. tions. Jud. 2:1-3. Jer. 2:18. Prone to idolatry. Isa. 2: 8. Isa. 57: 5. Received proselytes from other nations. Prone to formality in religion. Isa. 29: Acts 2: 10, with Exo. 12: 44, 48. 13. Eze. 33: 31. Mat. 15: 7-9. Gentiles made one with, under the gospel. Self-righteous. Isa. 65: 5. Rom. 10: 3. Acts 10:15, 28. Acts 15: 8, 9. Gal. 3: 28. Unfaithful to covenant engagements. Jer. Eph. 2: 14-16. 3: 6-8. Jer. 31: 32. Eze. 16: 59. ALL OTHER NATIONS Ungrateful to God. Deu. 32: 15. Isa. 1:2. Envied. Neh. 4:1. Isa. 26:11. Eze. 35:11. Ignorant of the true sense of Scripture. Hated. Psa. 44: 10. Eze. 35:5. Acts 13: 27. 2 Cor. 3: 13-15. Oppressed. Exo. 3: 9. Jud. 2: 18. Jud. Distrustful of God. Num. 14: 11. Psa. 4: 3. 78: 22. Persecuted. Lam. I: 3. Lam. 5: 5. Covetous. Jer. 6:13. Eze. 33:31. Mic. 2: 2. Rejoiced at calamities of. Psa. 44: 13, Cowardly. Exo. 14:10. Num. 14:3. Isa. 14. Psa. 80: 5, 6. Eze. 36: 4. 51:12. None hated or oppressed, with impunity. Trusted to their privileges for salvation. Psa. 137: 8, 9. Eze. 25: 15, 16. Eze. 35: Jer. 7: 4. Mat. 3: 9. 6. Oba. 10-16 vs. 7 JOR. 74 JUD. CHRIST Successfully effected. Jos. 3: 17. Jos. Promised to. Gen. 49:10. Dan. 9: 25. 4: 1, 10, 11. Expected by. Psa. 14:7. Mat. 11:3. Luke Commemorated by a pillar of stones rais2: 25,38. Jno. 8:56. edinit. Jos.4:9. Regarded as the restorer of national Commemorated by a pillar of stones in greatness. Mat. 20: 21. Luke'24: 21. Gilgal. Jos. 4: 2-8, 20-24. Acts 1: 6. Alluded to. Psa. 74: 15. Psa. 114: 3, 5. Sprang from. Rom. 9: 5. Heb. 7: 14. A pledge that God would drive the CaRejected by. Isa. 53: 3. Mar. 6-: 3. Jno. naanites, &c., out of their land. Jos. 1:11. 3:10. Murdered by. Acts 7: 52. 1 The. 2: 15. The Jews had great pride in. Zec. 11: 3. Imprecated the blood of Christ upon them. Despised by foreigners. 2 Kin. 5: 12. selves and their children. Mat. 27: 25. Moses not allowed to cross. Deu. 3: 27. Many of, believed the gospel. Acts 21: 20. Deu. 31: 2. Unbelieving, persecuted the Christians Acts 17: 5, 13. 1 The. 2: 14 —16. No. 163. JUDAH, THE TRIBE OF. Cast off'for unbelief. Rom. 11:17, 20. Descended from Jacob's fourth son. Gen. Scattered and peeled. Isa. 18: 2, 7. Jas. 29:35. 1: 1. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49:8-12. Deu. Shall finally be saved. Rom. 11: 26, 27. 33: 7. Punishment of, for rejecting and killing PERSONS SELECTED FROM, Christ illustrated. Mat. 21: 37-43. To number the people. Num. 1: 7. No. 162. JORDAN, THE RIVER. To dispy oide the land. Num. 13:6. Eastern boundary of Canaan. Num. 34:12. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: Often overflowed. Jos. 3: 15. 1 Chr. 1:15. 26, 27. Num. 2: 4. Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jor- Encamped with its standard east of the tabdan. Jer. 12: 5. Jer. 49:19. ernacle. Num. 2: 3. Empties itself into the dead sea. Num. Led the first division of Israel in their jour34:12. nevs. Num. 10: 14. THE PLAINS OF, Offering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 12-17. Thickly wooded. 2 Kin. 6: 2. Families of. Num. 26:19-21. Exceeding fertile. Gen. 13: 10. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. Infested with lions. Jer. 49: 19. Jer. 26: 22. 50: 44. On Gerizim said amen to the blessings. Deu. Afforded clay for moulding brass, &c. 1 27: 12. Kin. 7: 46. 2 Chr. 4: 17. Bounds of inheritance. Jos. 15: 1-12. Chosen by Lot for a residence. Gen. First and most vigorous in driving out the 13:11. Canaanites. Jud. 1: 3-20. Fordable in some places. Jos. 2: 7. Jud. Went first against Gibeah. Jud. 20: 18. 12: 5, 6. Furnished to Israel the first judge. Jud. 3: 9. Ferry boats often used on. 2 Sam. 19: 18. Aided Saul in his wars. 1 Sam. 11: 8. 1 REMIARKABLE EV.ENTS CONNECTED WITH; Sam. 15: 4. Division of its waters to let Israel pass After Saul's rebellion appointed to furnish over. Jos. 3:12-16. Jos. 5: 1. kings to Israel. 1 Sam. 13: 14. 1 Sam. Return of its waters to their place. Jos. 15: 28. 1 Sam. 16: 6, 13. 2 Sam. 2: 4. 4: 18. 2 Sam. 7: 16, 17. Slaughter of Moabites. Jud 3: 28, 29. The first to submit to David. 2 Sam. 2:10. Slaughter of the Ephraimites. Jud. 12: Reigned over alone by David seven years 4-6. and a half. 2 Sam. 2: 11. 2 Sam. 5: 5. Its division by Elijah. 2 Kin. 2: 8. Officer placed over by David. 1 Chr. 27:18. Its division by Elisha. 2 Kin. 2 14. Repro.sed for tardiness in bringing back Healing of Naaman the leper. 2 Kin. 5: David after Absalom's rebellion. 2 Sam 10, 14. 19:11-15. Baptism of multitudes by John the Bap- Other tribes jealous of, on account of David. tist. Mat. 3: 6. Mar. 1: 5. Jno. 1: 28. 2 Sam. 19: 41-43. 2 Sam. 20:1, 2. Baptism of our Lord. Mat. 3:13, 15. Mar. With Benjamin alone adhered to the house 1: 9. of David. 1 Kin. 12: 21. PASSOAGE OF ISRAEL OVER, The last tribe carried into captivity. 2 Kin. Promised. Deu. 4: 22. Deu. 9: 1. Deu. 17:18, 20, 2 Kin. 25: 21. 11: 31. Our Lord sprang from. Mat. 1: 3-16. Luke In an appointed order. Jos. 3: 1-8. 3: 23-33. Heb. 7:14. Preceded by priests with the ark. Jos. 3: Remarkable persons of; Jlchan, Jos. 7: 18. 6, 11, 14. Elimelech, Ruth 1: 1, 2. Boaz, Ruth2: l. JUD. 75 K- EN. KIN. Obed, Ruth 4: 21. Jesse, Rulth 4: 22. 1 During four hundred and fifty years. Acts Sam. 16:1. David, 1 Sam. 16: 1,13. Sol- 13: 20. omon, 1 Kin. 1: 32-39. Elihu, 1 Chr. 27: Not without intermission. Jud. 17: 6. Jud. 18. Pethahiah, Neh. 11: 24. Bezaleel, 18: 1. Jud. 19: 1. Jud. 21: 25. Exo. 31:2. Exo. 35: 30. Nashon. Num. The Office of, not always for life or hered. 7: 12. Caleb, Num. 14: 24. d.bsalom, 2 itary. Jud. 8:23, 29. Sam. 15: i. Elhlnaen, 2 Sam. 21: 19. 2 Israel not permanently or spiritually beneSam. 23: 24. Rdodnijaah, I Kin. 1: 5, 6. fited by. Jud. 2: 17-19. Jonathan, 2 Sam. 21.21. Kings of Judah, No. 166. KENITES, THE. 1st and 2nd Books of IKings. tNo 164. JUDEA, MODERN. Originally apeople of Canaan. Gen. 15:19. 5No 164. JUDEA,M MODERN. Connected with the MIidianites. Num. 10: One of the divisions of the holy land under 29, with Jud. 4: 11. the Romans. Luke 3: 1. Dwelt in strongholds. Num. 24: 21. Comprised the whole of the ancient king. Had many cities. 1 Sam. 30:29. dom of Judah. 1 Kin. 12: 21-24. Moses CALLED Intermarried with. Exo. 2: 21, with Jud. The land of Judah. Mat. 2: 6. 1: 16. Jewry. Dan. 5: 13, with Jno. 7: 1. Invited, to accompany Israel. Num. 10: A mountainous district. Luke 1: 39, 65. 29-32. Parts of, desert. Mat. 3: 1. Acts 8: 26. Part of, dwelt with Israel. Jud. 1: 16. Jud. Jerusalem the capital of. Mat. 4: 25. 4: 11. TowNs OF; Part of, dwelt with the Amalekites. 1 Sam. Arimathea. Mat. 27: 57. Jno. 19: 38. 15: 6. Azotus or Ashdod. Acts 8: 40. Shewed kindness to Israel in the desert. Bethany. Jno. 11: 1, 18. Exo. 18 ch. 1 Sam. 15: 6. Bethlehem. Mat. 2:1, 6, 16. Not destroyed with Amalekites. 1 Sam. Bethphage. Mat. 21:1. 15: 6. Emmaus. Luke 24: 13. The Rechabites descended from. 1 Chr. Ephraim. Jno. 11: 54. 2: 55. Gaza. Acts 8: 26. Sisera slain by Jael one of. Jud. 4: 22. Jud. Jericho. Luke 10: 30. Luke 19: 1. 5: 24. Joppa. Acts 9:36. Acts 10: 5, 8. DAVID Lydda. Acts 9: 32, 3b, 38. Pretended that he invaded. 1 Sam. 27:10. John the Baptist preached in. Mat. 3: 1. Sent part of the spoil of war to. 1 Sam. OUR LORDn 30:29. Born in. Mat. 2: 1, 5, 6. Ruin of, predicted. Num. 24: 21, 22. Tempted in the wilderness of. Mat. 4: 1. No. 167. KINGS. Frequently visited. Jno. 11:7. Often left, to escape persecution. Jno. Israel warned against seeking. 1 Sam. 8: 4: 1-3. 9-18. Several Christian churches in. Acts 9: 31. Sin of Israel in seeking. 1 Sam. 12: 17-20. 1 The. 2:14. Israel in seeking, rejected God as their No. 165. JUDGES, EXTRAORDINARY king. I Sam. 8: 7. 1 Sam. 10:18. Israel asked for, that they might be like the Raised up to deliver Israel. Jud. 2: 16. nations. I Sam. 8: 5, 19, 20. Upheld and strengthened by God. Jud. 2: 18. First given to Israel in anger. Hos. 13: 11. Remarkable for their faith. lIeb. 11:32. God reserved to bimself the choice of. NAIES OF Deu. 17: 14, 15. 1 Sam. 9: 16, 17. 1 Sam. Othniel. Jud. 3: 9, 10. 16:12. Ehud. Jud. 3: 15. When first stablished in Israel, not hered..Shamgar. Jud. 3: 31. itary. Deu. 17: 20, with I Sam. 13:13, Deborah. Jud. 4: 4. 14. 1 Sam. 15: 28, 29. Gideon. Jud. 6: 11. Rendered hereditary in the family of David. Abimelech. Jud. 9: 6. 2 Sam. 7: 12-16. Psa. 89: 35-37. Tola. Jud. 10: 1. Of Israel not to be foreigners. Deu. 17: 15. Jair. Jud. 10: 3. Laws for the government of the kingdom Jephthah. Jud. 11:1. by, written by Samuel. 1 Sam. 10: 25. Ibzan. Jud. 12:8. FORBIDDEN TO MIIULTIPLY Elon. Jud. 12:11. Horses. Deu. 17:16. Abdon. Jud. 12:13. Wives. Deu. 17: 17. Samson. Jud. 13: 24, 25. Jud. 16: 31. Treasure. Deu. 17:17. Eli. I Sam. 4: 18. Required to write, and keep by them a copy Samuel. I Sam. 7: 6, 15-17. of the divine law. Deu. 17:18-20. KIN. 76 KIN. Had power to make war and peace. 1 Sam. Armour-bearer. 1 Sam. 16: 21. 11: 5-7. Cup-bearer. 1 Kin. 10: 5. 2 Chr. 9: 4. Often exercised power arbitrarily. 1 Sam. Approached with greatest reverence. 1 22: 17, 18. 2 Sam. 1: 15. 2 Sam. 4: 9-12. Sam. 24: 8. 2 Sam. 9:8. 2 Sam. 14: 22. I Kin. 2: 23, 25, 31. 1 Kin. 1: 23. CEREARIONIES AT INAUGURATION OF; Presented with gifts by strangers. 1 Kin. Anointing. 1 Sam. 10:1. 1 Sam. 16:13. 10: 2,10, 25. 2 Kin. 5: 5. Mat. 2:11. Psa. 89: 20. Right hand of, the place of honour. 1 Kin. Crowning. 2 Kin. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 23:11. 2: 19. Psa. 45: 9. Psa. 110: 1. Psa. 21: 3. Attendants of, stood in their presence. 1 Proclaiming with trumpets. 2 Sam. 15: Kin. 10: 8. 2 Kin. 25: 19. 10. 1 Kin. 1: 34. 2 Kin. 9:13. 2 Kin. Exercised great hospitality. 1 Saul. 20: 11:14. 25-27. 2 Sam. 9: 7-13. 2 Sam. 19: 33. Enthroning. 1 Kin. 1: 35, 46. 2 Kin. 11:19. 1 Kin. 4: 22, 23, 28. Girding on the sword. Psa. 45:3. THEIR REVENUES DERIVED FROM Putting into their hands the books of the Voluntary contributions. I Sam. 10: 27, law. 2 Kin. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 23: 11. with I Sam. 16: 20. 1 Chr. 12: 39, 40. Covenanting to govern lawfully. 2 Sam. Tribute from foreign nations. 1 Kin. 4: 5:3. 21,24,25. 2Chr.8:8. 2Chr. 17:11. Receiving homage. 1 Sanm. 10: 1. 1 Chr. Tax on produce of the.land. 1 Kin. 4: 29:24. 7-19. Shouting " God save the king." 1 Sam. Tax on foreign merchandize. 1 Kin. 10: 15. 10: 24. 2 Sam. 16: 16. 2 Kin. 11: 12. Their own flocks and herds. 2 Chr. 32:29. Offering sacrifice. I Sam. 11: 15. Produce of their own lands. 2 Chr. 26: 10. Feasting. I Chr. 12: 38, 39. 1 Chr. 29:22. Sometimes nominated their successors. 1 Attended by a body-guard. 1 Sam. 13: 2. 2 Kin. 1: 33, 34. 2 Chr. 11: 22, 23. Sam. 8:18. 1 Chr. 11: 25. 2 Chr. 12: 10. Punished for transgressing the divine law. Dwelt in royal palaces. 2 Chr. 9: 11. Psa. 2 Sam. 12: 7-12. 1 Kin. 21:18-24, 45: 15. WHO REIGNED OVER ALL IJRAEL; Arrayed in royal apparel. 1 Kin. 222:30. Saul. 1 Sam. 11: 15, to I Sam. 31 ch. 1 Mat. 6: 29. Chr. 10 ch. Names of, often changed at their accession. David. 2 Sam. 2: 4, to 1 Kin. 2: 11. 1 2 Kin. 23: 34. 2 Kin. 24: 17. Chr. 11 ch. to 1 Chr. 29 ch. OFFICERS OF; Solomon. 1 Kin. 1: 39, to 1 Kin. 11: 43. Prime minister. 2 Chr. 19: 11, with 2 Chr. 2 Chr. 1 ch. to 2 Chr. 9 ch. 28: 7. Rehoboasm, (first part of his reign.) 1 Kin. First counsellor. I Chr. 7: 33. 12: 1-20. 2 Chr. 10: 1-16. Confidalnt orking's special friend. 1 Kin. WHo REIGNED OVER JUDAH; 4: 5. 1 Chr. 27: 33. Rehoboam, (latter part of his reign.) I Comptroller of the household. 1 Kin. 4: Kin. 12: 21-24 v. 1 Kin. 14: 21-31. 2 6. 2 Chr. 28: 7. Chr. 10: 17, to 12 ch. Scribe or secretary. 2 Sam. 8:17. 1 Kin. Abijas or Abijah. 1 Kin. 15: 1-8. 2 Chr. 4:3. 13ch. Captain of the host. 2 Sam. 8:16. 1 Kin. Asa. 1 Kin. 15: 9-24. 2 Chr. 14 ch. to 2 4: 4. Chr. 16:14. Captain of the guard. 2 Sam. 8:18. 2 Jehoshaphat. 1 Kin. 22: 41-50. 2 Chr. Sam. 20: 23. 17 ch. to 2 Chr. 21: 1. Recorder. 2 Sam. 8:16. 1 Kin. 4: 3. Jehoram or Joram. 2 Kin. 8: 16-24. 2 Providores for the king's table. 1 Kin. 4: Chr. 21 ch. 7-19. ~ Ahaziah. 2 Kin. 8: 25-29. 2 Kin. 9: Master of the wardrobe. 2 Kin. 22:14. 16-29. 2 Chr. 22: 1-9. 2 Chr. 34: 22. Athaliah, mother of Ahaziah (usurper.) Treasurer. I Chr. 27: 25. 2 Kin. 11: 1-3. 2 Chr. 22: 10-12. Storekeeper. 1 Chr. 27: 25. Joash or Jehoash. 2 Kin. 11: 4, to 2 Kin. Overseer of the tribute. 1 Kin. 4: 6. 1 12 ch. 2 Chr. 23 ch. 2 Chr. 24 ch. Kin. 12:18. Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14: 1-20. 2 Chr. 25 ch. Overseer of royal farms. 1 Chr. 27: 26. Azariah or Uzziah. 2 Kin. 14: 21, 22. 2 Overseer of royal vineyards. 1 Chr. 27: 27. IKin. 15: 1-7. 2 Chr. 26 ch. Overseer of royal plantations. 1 Chr. Jotham. 2 Kin. 15: 32-38. 2 Chr. 27 ch. 27: 28. Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16 ch. 2 Chr. 28 ch. Overseer of royal herds. I Sam. 21: 7. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18 ch. to 2 Kin. 20 ch. 1 C(hr. 27: 29. 2 Chr. 29 ch. to 2 Chr. 32 ch. Overseer of royal camels. 1 Chr. 27: 30. Manasseh. 2 Kin. 21: 1-18. 2 Chr. 33: Overseer of royal flocks. 1 Chr. 27: 31. 1-20. LAM. 77 LAM. Amon. 2 Kin. 21:19-26. 2 Chr. 33: 21-25. While sucking. 1 Sam. 7: 9. Josiah. 2 Kin. 22 ch. 2 Kin. 23: 1-30. 2 At a year old. Exo. 12: 5. Num. 6: 14. Chr. 34 ch. 2 Chr. 35 ch. From the,earliest times. Gen. 4: 4. Gen. Jehoahaz. 2 Kin. 23: 31-33. 2 Chr. 36: 1-4. 22: 7, 8. Jehoiakim. 2 Kin. 23: 34-37. 2 Kin. 24: Every morning and evening. Exo. 29: 1-6. 2 Chr. 36 95-8. 38, 39. Num. 28: 3, 4. Jehoiachin. 2 Kin. 24: 8-16. 2 Chr. 36: At the passover. Exo. 12: 3, 6, 7. 9, 10. By the wicked not accepted. Isa. 1:11. Zedekiah. 2 Kin. 24:17-20. 2 Kin. 25: Isa. 66: 3. 1-7. 2 Chr. 36:11-21. Numbers of, given by Josiah to the people WHO REIGNED OVER ISRAEL; for sacrifice. 2 Chr. 35: 7. Jeroboam. I Kin. 12: 20, 25, to 1 Kin. 14: 20. The first-born of an ass to be redeemed with. Nadab. 1 Kin. 15: 25-27, 31. Exo. 13:13. Exo. 34: 20. Baasha. 1 Kin. 15: 28-34. 1 Kin. 16: 1-7. An extensive commerce in. Ezra 7: 17. Elah. 1 Kin. 16: 8-14. Eze. 27: 21. Zimri. 1 Kin. 16: 11, 12, 15-20. Tribute often paid in. 2 Kin. 3: 4. Isa. 16: 1. Omri. I Kin. 16:23-28. Covenants confirmed by gift of. Gen. 21: Ahab. 1 Kin. 16: 29, to 1 Kin. 22: 40. 28-30. Ahaziah. 1 Kin. 22: 51-53. 2 Kin. 1 ch. The image of, was the first impression on Jehoram or Joram. 2 Kin. 3 ch. to 2 Kin. money. Gen. 33: 19. (marg.) Jos. 24: 32. 9: 26. (marg.) Jehu. 2 Kin. 9: 3, to 2 Kin. 10: 36. ILLUSTRATIVE Jehoahaz. 2 Kin. 13: 1-9. Of purity of Christ. 1 Pet. 1:19. Jehoash or Joash. 2 Kin. 13:10-25. 2 Of Christ as a sacrifice. Jno. 1: 29. Rev. Kin. 14: 8-16. 5: 6. Jeroboam the Second. 2 Kin. 14: 23-29. Of any thing dear or cherished. 2 Sam. Zachariah. 2 Kin. 15: 8-12. 12: 3, 9. Shallum. 2 Kin. 15: 13-15. Of the Lord's people. Isa. 5: 17. Isa. Menahem. 2 Kin. 15: 16-22. 11: 6. Pekahia. 2 Kin. 15: 23-26. Of weak believers. Isa. 40: 11. Jno. 21: 15. Pekah. 92Kin. 15: 27-31. 2 Kin. 16: 5. (Patience of,) of the patience of Christ. Hoshea. 2 Kin. 17: 1-6. Isa. 53: 7. Acts 8: 32. Called the Lord's anointed. 1 Sam. 16: 6. (Among wolves,) of ministers among the 1 Sam. 24: 6. 2 Sam. 19: 21. ungodly. Luke 10: 3. CONSPIRACIES AGAINST; (Deserted and exposed,) of Israel deprived Absalom against David. 2 Sam. 15: 10. of God's protection. Hos. 4: 16. Adonijah against Solomon. 1 Kin. 1:5-7. (Brought to slaughter,) of the wicked unJeroboam against Rehoboam. 1 Kin. 1-2: derjudgments. Jer. 51: 40. 12, 16. (Consumed in sacrifice,) of complete Baasha against Nadab. I Kin. 15: 27. destruction of the wicked. Psa. 37: 20. Zimri against Elah. 1 Kin. 16: 9, 10. No. 169. LAMPS. Omri against Zimri. I Kin. 16: 17. Jehu against Joram. 2 Kin. 9: 14. Design of. 2 Pet. 1: 19. Shallum against Zachariah. 2 Kin. 15: 10. DESCRIBED AS Menahem against Shallum. 2 Kin. 15:14. Burning. Gen. 15: 17. Pekah against Menahem. 1 Kin. 15: 25. Shining. Jno. 5: 35. NXTo. 168. ~LAMB, THE. Lighted with oil. Mat. 25: 3, 8. N0o. 168. LAMB, THE. Oil for, carried in vessels. Mat. 25:4. The young of the flock. Exo. 12: 5. Eze. Sometimes supplied with oil from a bowl 45: 15. through pipes. Zec. 4:2. DESCRIBED AS Required to be constantly trimmed. Mat. Patient. Isa. 53: 7. 25: 7. Playful. Psa. 114: 4, 6. USED FOR LIGHTING Exposed to danger from wild beasts. 1 Sam. The tabernacle. Exo. 25: 37. 17: 34. Private apartments. Acts 20: 8. The shepherd's care for. Isa. 40: 11. Chariots of war by night. Nah. 2: 3, 4. USED FOR Marriage processions. Mat. 25: 1. Food. Deu. 32: 14. 2 Sam. 12:4. Persons going out at night. Jno. 18: 3. Clothing. Pro. 27:26. Often kept lighting all night. Pro. 31: 18. Sacrifice. 1 Chr. 29: 21. 2 Chr. 29: 32. Placed on a stand to give light to all in the Considered a great delicacy. Amos 6:4. house. Mat. 5: 15. OFFERED IN SACRIFICE Illumination of the tents of Arab chiefs by, Males. Exo. 2: 5. alluded to. Job 29: 3, 4. Females. Num. 6: 14. Probable origin of dark lantern. Jud 7:16. LAN. 78 LAV. LAW. ILLUSTRATIVE Necessary to spread of the gospel. Acts Of word of God. Psa. 119: 105. Pro. 2:7-11. 6:23. A sign to unbelievers. I Cor. 1.4: 22. Of omniscience of Christ. Dan. 10: 6. Sometimes abused. 1 Cor. 14: 2-12, 23. Rev. 1: 14. INTERPRETATION OF, Of graces of the Holy Ghost. Rev. 4: 5. Antiquity of engaging persons for. Gen. Of salvation of God. Gen. 15: 17. Isa. 42: 23. 62: 1. A gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12: 10. Of God's guidance. 2 Sam. 22: 29. Psa. Most important in the early church. 1 18:28. Cor. 14: 5, 13, 27, 28. Of glory of the cherubim. Eze. 1: 13. The Jews punished by being given up to Of spirit of man. Pro. 20: 27. people of a strange. Deu. 28: 49. Isa. Of ministers. Jno. 5: 35. 28: 11. Jer. 5:15. Of wise rulers. 2 Sam. 21:17. (marg.) Of severe judgments. Rev. 8: 10. No. 171. LAVER OF BRASS. Of a succession of heirs. 1 Kin. 11: 36. Moses was commanded to make. Exo. 30:18. 1 Kin. 15 o4. Wisdom given to Bezaleel to make. Exoe. (Put out,) of destruction of the wicked. 31:2, 9. Job 18: 5, 6. (masrg.) Job 21:17. (narg.) Made of brazen mirrors of the women. Exo. Pro. 13:9. 38:8. (Totally quenched,) of complete destruc- Was placed in the court between the altar tion of those who curse parents. Pro. and tabernacle. Exo. 30:18. Exo. 40: 20: 20. 7, 30. No. 170. LANGUAGE. Was anointed with holy oil. Exo, 40: 11. Lev. 8: 11. Of all mankind one at first. Gen. 11: 1, 6. THE PRIESTS WASHED IN, CALILED Before consecration. Exo. 40:12. Speech. Mar. 14: 70. Acts 14: 11. Before entering the tabernacle. Exo. 30: Tongue. Acts 1: 19. Rev. 5: 9. 19, 20. CONFUSION OF, Before approaching the altar. Exo. 30: 20. A punishment for presumption, &c. Gen. One made by Solomon for the temple. 1 11: 2-6. Kin. 7: 23-26. 2 Kin. 35: 13. Originated the varieties in. Gen. 11: 7. Called the brazen sea. 2 Kin. 25: 13. Jer. Scattered men over the earth. Gen. 11: 52: 17. 8, 9. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Divided men into separate nations. Gen. Christ the fountain for sin. Zec. 13: 1. 10: 5, 20, 31. Rev. 1:5. Great variety of, spoken by men. 1 Cor. Regeneration. Tit. 3: 5, with Eph. 5:26. 14:10. No. 172. LAW OF MOSES, TIHE. Ancient kingdoms often comprehended nations of different. Est. 1: 22. Dan. 3: 4. Is the law of God. Lev. 26: 46. Dan. 6: 25. GIVEN KINDS OF, MIENTIONED; In the desert. Eze. 20: 10, 11. Hebrew. 2 Kin. 18: 28. Acts 26:14. At Horeb. Deu. 4:10, 15. Deu. 5: 2. Chaldee. Dan. I: 4. From the mount Sinai. Exo. 19:11, 20. Syriac. 2 Kin. 18: 26. Ezra 4: 7. By disposition of angels. Acts 7: 53. Greek. Acts 21: 37. Through Moses as mediator. Deu. 5: 5, Latin. Luke 23: 38. 27, 28. Jno. 1: 17. Gal. 3: 19. Lycaonian. Acts 14: 11. To the Jews. Lev. 26: 46. Psa. 78: 5. Arabic, &c. Acts 2: 11. After the exodus. Deu. 4: 45. Psa. 81: Egyptian. Psa. 81: 5. Psa. 114: 1. Acts 4, 5. 2:10. To no other nation. Deu. 4: 8. Psa. 147: 20. Of some nations difficult. Eze. 3: 5, 6. None to approach the mount while God The term barbarian applied to those who gave. Exo. 19: 13, 21-24. Heb. 12: 20. spoke a strange. I Cor. 14:11. Remarkable phenomena connected with at POWER OF SPEAKING DIFFERENT, giving of. Exo. 19: 16-19. A gift of the Holy Ghost. i Cor. 12: 10. Terror of Israel at receiving. Exo. 19: 16. Promised. Mar. 16:17. Exo. 20:18-20. Deu. 5: 5, 23-25. Given on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2: Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by 3, 4. Jordan. Num. 36:13. Followed receiving the gospel. Acts 10: C.LLED 44-46. A fiery law. Deu. 33: 2. Conferred by laying on of the apostles' Word spoken by angels. Heb. 2:2. hands. Acts 8:17, 18. Acts 19: 6. Ministration of death. 2 Cor. 3: 7. LAW. 79 LEA. LEV. Ministration of condemnation. 2 Cor. 3: 9. Circumcised according to. Luke 2: 21. Lively oracles. Acts 7: 38. Rom. 15: 8. Royal law. Jas. 2: 8. Came not to destroy but fulfil. Mat. 5: Book of the law. Deu. 30: 10. Jos. 1: 8. 17, 18. Book of Moses. 2 Chr. 25: 4. 2 Chr. 35:12. Attended all feasts of. Jno. 2: 23. Jno. Rehearsed by Moses. Deu. 1: 1-3. 7: 2,10, 37. Entire of, written in a book. Deu. 31: 9. Fulfilled all precepts of. Psa. 40: 7, 8. Book of, laid up in the sanctuary. Deu. Fulfilled all types and shadows of. Heb. 31:26. 9: 8, 11 —14. Heb. 10: 1, 11 —14. Tables of, laid up in the ark. Deu. 10: 5. Magnified, and made honourable. Isa. DIVIDED INTO 42:21. Moral, embodied in the ten command- Bore the curse of. Deu. 21:23, with Gal. ments. Deu. 5: 22. Deu. 10: 4. 3: 13. Ceremonial, relating to manner of wor- Abrogated, as a covenant of works. Rom. shipping God. Lev. 7: 37, 38. Heb. 9: 7: 4. 1-7. Was not the manifestation of the grace of Civil, relating to administration of justice. God. Jno. 1: 17. See Rom. 8: 3, 4. Deu. 17: 9-11. Acts 23: 3. Acts24: 6. Could not disannul the covenant of grace A covenant of works to the Jews as a na- made in Christ. Gal. 3:17. tion. Deu. 28: 1, 15, with Jer. 31: 32. Primitive Jewish converts would have all TAUGHT THE JEWS Christians observe. Acts 15:1. To love and fear God. Deu. 6: 5. Deu. THE JEWS 10: 12, 13. Mat. 22: 36, 38. Zealous for. Jno. 9: 28, 29. Acts 21: 20. To love their neighbour. Lev. 19: 18. I'Ield those ignorant of, accursed. Jno. Mat. 22: 39. 7: 49. Strict justice and impartiality. Lev. 19: From regard to, rejected Christ. Rom. 9: 35, 36. 31 —33. All punishments awarded according to. Accused Christ of breaking. Jno. 19: 7. Jno. 8: 5. Jno. 19:7. Heb. 10: 28. Accused Christians of speaking against. ALL ISRAELITES REQUIRED Acts 6: 11 —14. Acts 21: 28. To know. Exo. 18: 16. Broke it themselves. Jno. 7:19. To observe. Deu. 4.: 6. Deu. 6:2. Dishonoured God by breaking. Rom. To lay up, in their hearts. Deu. 6: 6. 2: 23. Deu. 11: 18. Shall be judged by. Jno. 5: 45. Rom. 2:12. To remember. Mal. 4:4. Was a burdensome yoke. Acts 15: 10. To teach their children. Deu. 6: 7. Deu. Darkness, &c., at giving of, illustrative of 11:19. obscurity of Mosaic dispensation. Heb. Kings to write out and study. Deu. 17: 12:18 —24. 18Good kings enforced 2 Kin. 23: 24, 2 No. 173. LEAVEN. Good kings enforced, 2 Kin. 23: 24, 25. 2 Chr. 31: 21. Used in making bread. Hos. 7: 4. Priests and Levites to teach. Deu. 33: 8-10. Diffusive properties of. I Cor. 5: 6. Neh. 8:7. Mal. 2: 7. FORBIDDEN The scribes were learned in, and expound- During the feast of passover. Exo. 12: ed. Ezra 7: 6. Mat. 23: 2. 15 —20. Public instruction given to youth in. Luke To be offered with blood. Exo. 34: 25. 2: 46. Acts 22: 3. To be offered, &c., with meat-offerings, PUBLICLY READ which were burned. Lev. 2: 11. Lev. At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbati. 10: 12. cal year. Deu. 31: 10-13. Used with thank offerings. Lev. 7: 13. By Joshua. Jos. 8: 34, 35. Amos 4: 5. By Ezra. Neh. 8:2, 3. First fruits of wheat offered with. Lev. In the synagogues every Sabbath day. 23:17. Acts 13: 15. Acts 15: 21. ILLUSTRATIVE OF A means of national reformation. 2 Chr. The rapid spread of the gospel. Mat. 34: 19 —21. Neh. 8:13-18. 13: 33. Luke 13: 21. A shadow of good things to come. Heb. Doctrines of Pharisees, &c. Mat. 16:6,12. 10:1. Ungodly professors. 1 Cor. 5: 6, 7. Could not give righteousness and life. Gal. False teachers. Gal. 5: 8, 9. 3: 21, with Rom. 8: 3, 4. Heb. 10: 1. Malice and wickedness. 1 Cor. 5: 8. A schoolmaster to lead to Christ. Gal. No. 174. LEBANON. 3:24. CHRIST Bounded the land of Canaan on the north. Made under. Gal. 4: 4. Deu. 1: 7. Deu. 11: 24. LEO. 80 LEP. Given to Israel. Jos. 13: 5, 6. INFECTED CELEBRATED FOR Men. Luke 17: 12. Cedars. Psa. 29: 5. Psa. 92: 12. Isa. 14! S. Women. Num. 12: 10. Flowers. Nah. 1: 4. Houses. Lev. 14: 34. Fragrance. Song of Sol. 4: 11. Garments. Lev. 13: 47. Fragrance of its wines. Hos. 14: 7. An incurable disease. 2 Kin. 5: 7. Glorious appearance. Isa. 35: 2. Often sent as a punishment for sin. Num. Great part of, not conquered by the Israel- 12: 9, 10. 2 Chr. 26: 19. ites. Jos. 13: 2, 5. Jud. 3: 1 —4. Often hereditary. 2 Sam. 3: 29. 2 Kin. 5: 27. CALLED PARTS AFFECTED BY; The mountain. 2 Chr. 2: 2. The hand. Exo. 4: 6. Mount Lebanon. Jud. 3:3. The head. Lev. 13:44. The goodly mountain. Deu. 3: 25. The forehead. 2 Chr. 26: 19 Lofty tops of, covered with snow. Jer. 18:14. The beard. Lev. 13: 30. Part of, barren. Isa. 29: 17. The whole body. Luke 5:12. Forests of, infested with wild beasts. Song Often began with a bright red spot. Lev. of Sol. 4:S. Isa. 40: 16. Hab. 2:17. 13: 2, 24. Many streams came from. Song of Sol. 4:15. Turned the skin white. Exo. 4: 6. 2 Kin. Formerly inhabited by the Hivites. Jud. 3: 3. 5: 27. Moses anxious to behold. Deu. 3: 25. Turned the hair white or yellow. Lev. 13: FURNISHED 3, 10, 30. Wood for Solomon's temple. I Kin. 5: 5, 6. THE PRIESTS Stones for Solomon's temple. 1 Kin. 5: Judges and directors in cases of Deu. 24:8. 14, 18. Examined persons suspected of Lev. 13: Wood for second temple. Ezra 3: 7. 2, 9. SOLOMONm BUILT Shut up persons suspected of, seven days. The house of the forest of. 1 Kin. 7: 2. Lev. 13: 4. Storehouses in. 1 Kin. 9:19. Had rules for distinguishing. Lev. 13: 5-44. Difficulties of passing, surmounted by As- Examined all persons healed of. Lev. syrian army. 2 Kin. 19: 23. 14: 2. Mat. 8: 4. Luke 17: 14. ILLUSTRATIVE Ceremonies at cleansing of. Lev. 14: 3 —32. Of great and powerful monarchs. Isa. THOSE AFFLICTED WITH 10: 24, 34. Ceremonially unclean. Lev. 13: 8, 11,22,44. Of the Gentile world. Isa. 29: 17. Separated from intercourse with others. Of the Jewish nation. Jer. 22: 6, 23. Hab. Num. 5: 2. Num. 12: 14, 15. 2:17. Associated together. 2 Kin. 7: 3. Luke Of the temple. Zec. il:1. 17: 12. (Glory of,) of the glory of the church. Dwelt in a separate house. 2 Kin. 15: 5. Isa. 35:2. Isa. 60: 13. Cut off' from God's house. 2 Chr. 26: 21. (Fragrance of,) of the graces of the Excluded from priest's office. Lev. 22:2 —4. church. Song of Sol. 4: 11. Hos. 14: 6, 7. To have their heads bare, clothes rent, (Shaking of its forest,) of prodigious and lip covered. Lev. 13: 45. growth of the church. Psa. 72:16. To cry unclean when approached. Lev. (Mourning of,) of deep affliction. Eze. 13: 45. 31:15. Less inveterate when it covered the whole No. 175. LEOPARD. body. Lev. 13:13. nhabited mountains of Canaan. Song of Sol. Power of God manifested in curing. Num. 4:8. 12: 13, 14. 2 Kin. 5: 8-14. DESCRIBED AS Power of Christ manifested in curing. Mat.'Spotted. Jer. 13: 23. 8:. Luke 5:13. Luke 17:13, 14. Christ gave power to heal. Mat. 10: 8. Fierce and cruel. Jer. 5: 6. GRMENTS Swift. Hab. 1: 8. Lies in wait for ts prey. Jer.: 6. Ho Suspected of, shown to priest. Lev. 13:49. Lies in wait for it7. prey. Jer.: 6 Hos Suspected of, shut up seven days. Lev. 13: 50. ILLUSTRATIVE ILLUSTRATOf God in his judgments. Ho. 13 7 Infected with, to have the piece first torn Of God in his judgments. Hos. 13: 7. out. Lev. 13: 56. Of the Macedonian empire. Dan. 7: 6 6 Of anticehrist. Rev. 13:re. 7: 6. Incurably infected with, burned. Lev. (Tamed,). of the wicked subdued by the 13S 51, 52. Gospel. Isa. 11:6. Suspected of, but not having, washed and pronounced clean. Lev. 13:53, 54, 58, 59. No. 176. LEPROSY. HOUSES A common disease among the Jews. Luke Suspected of, reported to priest. Lev. 4: 27. 14:35. LEV. 81 LEV. Suspected of, emptied. Lev. 14: 36. Setting before the priests and presenting Suspected of, inspected by priest. Lev. them as their offering to God. Num. 14: 37. 8:13. Suspected of, shut up seven days. Lev. Given to Aaron and sons. Num. 3: 9. 14: 38. Num. 8: 19. To have the part infected with, first re- Encamped round the tabernacle. Num. 1: moved and the rest scraped, &c. Lev. 50, 52, 53. Num. 3: 23, 29, 35. 14: 39, 42. Marched in the centre of Israel. Num. Incurably infected with, pulled down and 2: 17. removed. Lev. 14: 43-45. SERVICES OF Infected with, communicated unclean- Ministering to the Lord. Deu. 10: 8. ness to every one who entered them. Ministering to priests. Num. 3: 6, 7. Lev. 14: 46, 47. Num. lS: 2. Suspected of, but not infected, pronounc- Ministering to the people. 2 Chr. 35:3, ed clean. Lev. 14: 48. Keeping the charge of the sanctuary. Ceremonies at cleansing of. Lev. 14: Num. 18: 3. 1 Chr. 23: 32. 49-53. Keeping sacred instruments and vessels. oum. 3: S. 1 Chr. 9: 28, 29. No. 177. LEVIATHAN. Keeping sacred oil, flour, &c. 1 Chr. 9: Created by God. Psa. 104:26. 29, 30. Nature and habits of, Job 41 ch. Keeping sacred treasures. I Chr. 26: 20. God's power exhibited in destroying. Psa. Taking charge of the tithes, offerings, &c. 74: 14. 2 Chr. 31: 11-19. Neh. 12: 44. ILLUSTRsATIVE OF Doing the service of tabernacle. Num. Powerful and cruel kings. lsa. 27: 1. 8.19, 22. Power and severity of God. Job 41:10. Taking down, putting up, and carrying the tabernacle, &c. Nssm. 1: 50, 51. No. 178. LEVITES, THE. Num. 4: 5-X3. Preparing the sacrifices for the priests. 1 Descended from Jacob's third son. Gen. Chr. 23: 31. 2 Chr. 35:11. 29: 34. Heb. 7: 9, 10. Preparing the shew bread. I Chr. 9: 31, 32. Prophecies respecting. Gen. 49: 5, 7. Deu. I Clhr. 23: 29. 33: 8-11. Purifying the holy things. 1 Chr. 23: 28. Originally consisted of three families or di- Regulating weights and measures. 1 Chr. visions. Num. 3: 17. 1 Chr. 6: 16-48. 23: 29. Not numbered with Israel. Num. 1: 47-49. Teaching the people. 2 Chr. 17: 8, 9. 2. Numbered separately after the people from Chr. 30: 22. 2 Chr. 35: 3. Neh. 8: 7. a month old. Num. 3: 14-16,:9. Blessing the people. Deu. 10: 8. F.AamILES, AS NUMsBERED, Keeping the gates of the temple. 1 Chr. Of Gershom. Num. 3: 18, 21, 22. 9: 17-26. -1 Chr. 23: 5. 2 Chr. 35:15. Of Kohath. Num. 3: 19, 27, 28. Neh. 12: 25. Of Merari. Num. 3: 20, 33, 34. Conducting the sacred music. 1 Chr. 23: Chosen by God for service of the sanctuary. 5-30. 2 Chr. 5: 12, 13. Neh. 12:24, 1 Chr. 15: 2, with Num. 3: 6. 27-43. Were consecrated. Nun. 8: 6, 14. Singing praises before the army. 2 Chr. Taken instead of the first-born of Israel. 20: 21, 22. Num. 3:12, 13, 40-45. Nurn. 8:16-18. Judging and deciding in controversies. Zeal against idolatry a cause of their ap- Deu, 17: 9. 1 Chr. 23: 4, 2 Chr. 19: 8. pointment. Exo. 32: 26-29, with Deu. Guarding king's person and house in 33: 9, 10. time of danger. 2 Iin. 11: 5-9. 2 Chr. Entered on their service at twenty-five years 23: 5-7. of age. Num. 8: 24. Had no inheritance in Israel. Deu. 10: 9. Numbered as ministers at thirty. Num. Jos. 13:33. Jos. 14: 3. 4: 3, 23, &c. The Jews to be kind and benevolent to. Superannuated atfifty. Num. 8: 25. Deu. 1'2:12, 18, 19. Deu. 14: 29. Deu. When superannuated, required to perform 16: 11, 14. the less arduous duties. Num. 8: 26. Eight and forty cities with extensive subCEREsION1ES AT CONSECRATION OF urbs, appointed for. Num. 35: 2-8. Cleansing and purifrving. Numn. 8: 7. The tithes given to, for their support. Num. Making a sin-offering for. Num. 8:8, 12. 18: 21, 24. 2 Chr. 31: 4, 5. Neh. 12: 44, Elders of Israel laying their hands on 45. See Heb. 7: 5. them. Num. 8: 9, 10. Bound to give a tenth of their tithes to the Presenting them to God as an offering for priests. Num. 18: 26-32. the people. Num. 8: 11, 15. Had a part of the offerings. Deu. 1S8: 1, 2. LIG. 82 LbO. DAVID Word of God. Psa. 119: 105, 130. 2 Pet. Numbered them first from thirty years 1:19. old., 1 Chr. 23: 2, 3. Gospel. 2 Cor. 4: 4. 1 Pet. 2: 9. Divided them into four classes. 1 Chr. Ministers. Mat. 5:14. Jno. 5: 35. 23: 4-6. Wise rulers. 2 Sam. 21:17. 2 Sam. 23: 4. By his last words had them numbered The soul of man. Job 18::5, 6. from twenty years old. 1 Chr. 23: 24, 27. Saints. Luke 16: 8. Epih. 5: 8. Phi. 2: 15. Made them serve from twenty on account Future glory of saints. Psa. 97:11. Col. of the lightness of their duties. I Chr. 1: 12. 23: 26, 28-32. The path of the just. Pro. 4: 18. Subdivided them into twenty-four cour- The glory of the church. Isa. 60:1-3. ses. 1 Chr. 23: 6, with I Chr. 25:8-31. Whatever makes manifest. Jno. 3: 21. Made them attend in courses. 2 Chr. 8: Eph. 5: 13. 14. 2 Chr. 11:17. No. 180. LION, THE. Served in courses after captivity. Ezra 6: 18. N. 180. LION, THE. Had chiefs or officers over them. Num. Canaan infested by. 2 Kin. 17: 25, 26. 3: 24, 30, 35. 1 Chr. 15: 4-10. 2 Chr. 35: DESCRIBED AS 9. Ezra S: 29. Superior in strength. Jud. 14: 18. Pro. Were all under controul of the high priest's 30: 30. deputy. Num. 3: 32. 1 Chr. 9: 20. Active. Deu. 33: 22. While in attendance lodged around the Courageous. 2 Sam. 17: 10. temple. I Chr. 9: 27. Fearless even of man. Isa. 31: 4. Nah. Punished with death for encroaching on the 2: 11. priestly office. Num. 18: 3. Fierce. Job 10: 16. Job 28: 8. Punishment of Korah and others of, for oftdr- Voracious. Psa. 17:12. ing incense. Num. 16: 1-35. Majestic in movement. Pro. 30: 29, 30. No. 179. LIGHT. Greatness of its teeth alluded to. Psa. No58:6. Joel 1: 6. God the only source of. Jas. 1: 17. God's power exhibited in restraining. 1 Created by God. Gen. 1: 3. Isa. 45: 7. Kin. 13: 28. Dan. 6: 22, 27. Separated from darkness. Gen. 1: 4. God provides for. Job 38: 39. Psa. 104: Sun, moon, and stars appointed to commu- 21, 28. nicate to the earth. Gen. 1: 14 —17. Jer. Lurketh for its prey. Psa. 10: 9. 31: 35. Roars when seeking prey. Psa. 104: 21. DIVIDED INTO lsa. 31: 4. Natural. Job 24: 14. Isa. 5: 30. Rends its prey. Deu. 33: 20. Psa. 7: 2. Extraordinary or mniraculous. Exo. 14: 20. Often carries its prey to its den. Nah. 2: 12. Psa. 78: 14. Acts 9: 3. Acts 12:7. Conceals itself by day. Psa. 104: 22. Artificial. Jer. 25: 10. Acts 16: 29. Often perishes for lack of food. Job 4: 11. Communicated to the body through the eye. INHABITS Pro. 15: 30. Mat. 6:'22. Forests. Jer. 5: 6. Dx.SCRISED AS Thickets. Jer. 4: 7. White and pure. Mat. 17: 2. Mountains. Song of Sol. 4: 8. Bright. Job 37: 21. Deserts. Isa. 30: 6. Shining. 2 Sam. 23: 4. Job 41:18. Attacks the sheepfolds. I Sam. 17: 34. Diffusive. Job 25: 3, with Job 36: 30. Amos 3: 12. Mic. 5: 8. Useful and precious. Ecc. 2:13. Attacks and destroys men. I Kin. 13: 24. Agreeable. Ecc. 11: 7. 1 Kin. 20: 36. Manifesting objects. Jno. 3: 20, 21. Eph. Universal terror caused by roaring of. Jer. 5;13. 2: 15. Amos3:8. The theory of, beyond man's comprehen- Criminals often thrown to. Dan. 6: 7,16, 24. sion. Job 38: 19, 20, 24. Hunting of, alluded to. Job 10:16. ILLUSTBATIVE OF SLAIN RY Glory of God. Psa. 104: 2, with I Tim. Samson. Jud. 14: 5, 6. 6:16. David. 1 Sam. 17: 35, 36. Purity of God. 1 Jno. I: 5. Benaiah. 2 Sam. 23: 20. Wisdom of God. Dan. 2: 22. A swarm of bees found in the carcase of, by Guidance of God. Psa. 27:1. Psa. 36: 9. Samson. Jud. 14: 8. Favour of God. Psa. 4: 6. Isa. 2: 5. Disobedient prophet slain by. 1 Kin. 13: Christ the source of all wisdom Luke 24, 26. 2: 32. Jno. i: 4, 9. Jno. 8: 12, Jno. ILLUSTRATIVE 12:46. Of Israel. Num. 24: 9. Glory of Christ. Acts 9: 3, 5. Acts 26: 13. Of the tribe of Judah. Gen. 49: 9. Purity of Christ. Mat. 17: 2. Of the tribe of Gad. Deu. 33: 20. LOG. MAC. 83 MAN. Of Christ. Rev. 5: 5. Power and greatness of Alexander its last Of God in protecting his church. Isa. 31: 4. king. Dan. 8: 8. Dan. 11: 3. Of God in executing judgments. Isa. Division of it into four kingdoms. Dan. 38:13. Lam.3:10. iHos.5:14. Hos. 8:8, 22. 13: 8. Divisions of it ruled by strangers. Dan. Of boldness of saints. Pro. 28: 1. 11: 4. Of brave men. 2 Sam. 1:23. 2 Sam. 23:20. History of its four divisions. Dan. 11: Of cruel and powerful enemies. Isa. 5: 4 —29. 29. Jer. 49: 19. Jer. 51: 38. The little horn to arise out of one of its Of persecutors. Psa. 22': 13. 2 Tim. 4: 17. divisions. Dan. 8: 8-12, 23-25. Of the devil. 1 Pet. 5: 8. Gospel preached in, by God's desire. Acts Of imaginary fears of the slothful. Pro. 16: 9, 10. 22: 13. Pro. 26: 13. Liberality of the churches of. 2Cor. 8:1-5. (Tamed,) of the natural man subdued by No. 183. MAN. grace. Isa. 11: 7. Isa. 65: 25. (Roaring of,) of a king's wrath. Pro. 19:12. Made for God. Pro. 16: 4, with Rev. 4:11. Pro. 20: 2. God's purpose in creation completed by No. 181. LOCUST, TH.E. making. Gen. 2: 5, with 7 v. Cannot profit God. Job 22: 2. Psa. 16: 2. A small insect. Pro. 30: 24, 27. Unworthy of God's favour. Job 7: 17. Psa. Clean and fit for food. Lev. 11: 21, 22. 8: 4. DESCRIBED AS CREATED Wise. Pro. 30: 24, 27. By God. Gen. 1: 27. Isa. 45: 12. Voracious. Exo. 10: 1. By Christ. Jno. 1: 3. Col. 1: 16. Rapid in movement. lsa. 33: 4. By the Holy Ghost. Job 33: 4. Like to horses prepared for battle. Joel After consultation by the Trinity. Gen. 2:4, with Rev. 9: 7. 1: 26. Carried every way by the wind. Exo. 10: On the sixth day. Gen. 1: 31. 13, 19. Upon the earth. Deu. 4: 32. Job 20:4. Immensely numerous. Psa. 105: 34. Nah. From the dust. Gen. 2: 7. Job 33: 6. 3: 15. In the image of God. Gen. 1: 26, 27. 1 Flies in bands and with order. Pro. 30:; 27. Cor. 11: 7. One of the plagues of Egypt. Exo. 10: After the likeness of God. Gen. I: 26. 4-15. Jas. 3:9. THE JEWS Male and female. Gen. 1: 27. Gen. 5:2. Used, as food. Mat. 3: 4. A living soul. Gen. 2: 7. 1 Cor. 15: 45. Threatened with, as a punishment for sin. In uprightness. Ecc. 7: 29. Deu. 28: 38, 42. In knowledge (inferred). Col. 3: 10. Deprecated the plague of. 1 Kin. 8:37, 38. Under obligation to obedience. Gen. 2: Often plagued by. Joel 1:4. Joel2:25. 16, 17. Promised deliverance from the plague of, A type of Christ. Rom. 5: 14. on humiliation, &c. 2 Chr. 7: 13, 14. Approved of by God. Gen. I: 31. ILLUSTRATIVE Blessed by God. Gen. 1:28. Gen. 5:2. Of destructive enemies. Joel 1: 6, 7. Joel Placed in the garden of Eden. Gen. 2: 15. 2:2-9. Every herb and tree given to, for food. Of false teachers of the apostacy. Rev. Gen.: 29. 9: 3. Allowed to eat flesh after the flood. Gen. Of ungodly rulers. Nah. 3:17. 9: 3. (Destruction of,) of destruction of God's Not good for, to be alone. Gen. 2: 18. enemies. Nah. 3: 15. Woman formed to be a help for. Gen. 21: No. 182. MACEDONIAN EIMPIRE, THE. POSSESSED OF Called the kingdom of Grecia. Dan. 11: 2. A body. Mat. 6: 25. ILLUSTRATED BY THE, A soul. Luke 12: 20. Acts 14:22. 1 Pet. Brazen part of the image in Nebuchad. 4:19. nezzar's dream. Dan. 2: 32, 39. A spirit. Pro. 18: 14. Pro. 20: 17. 1 Cor. Leopard with four wings and four heads. 2: 11. Dan. 7: 6, 17. Understanding. Eph. I:18. Eph. 4: 18. Rough goat with notable horn. Dan. 8: Will. 1 Cor. 9: 17. 2 Pet. 1: 21. 5, 21. Affections. I Chr. 29:3: Col. 3: 2. Philippi the chief city of. Acts 16: 12. Conscience. Rom. 2: 15. 1 Tim. 4: 2. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING, Memory. Gen. 41:9. 1 Cor. 15: 2. Conquest of the lMedo-Persian kingdom. Made by God in his successive generations. Dan. 8: 6, 7. Dan. 11: 2, 3. Job 10: S-11. Job 31: 15. MAN. 84 MAN. Fearfully and wonderfully made. Psa. Prepares the heart of. Pro. 16:1. 139:14. Enables, to speak. Pro. 16:1. Of every nation made of one blood. Acts Preserves. Job 7: 20. Psa. 36: 6. i7:26. Provides for. Psa. 145:15, 16. Quickened by the breath of God. Gen. 2: Destroys the hopes of. Job 14: 19. 7. Gen. 7: 22. Job 33: 4. Makes the wrath of, to praise him. Psa. Made wise by the inspiration of the Al1 76:10. mighty. Job 32: 8, 9. Makes his beauty consume away. Psa Inferior to angels. Psa. 8:5, with Heb.2:7. 39: 11. Is of the earth earthy. 1 Cor. 15: 47. Turns, to destruction. Psa. 90: 3. Nature and constitution of, different from Cannot be just with God. Job 9: 2. Job other creatures. I Cor. 15:39. 25:4. Psa. 143:2. Rom. 3:20. More valuable than other creatures. Mat. Cannot cleanse himself. Job 15:14. Jer. 6: 26. Mat, 10: 31. Mat. 12: 12. 2:22. Wiser than other creatures. Job 35: 11. All the ways of, clean in his own eyes. Received dominion over other creatures. Pro. 16: 2. Gen. 1: 28. Psa. 8: 6-8. CHRIST Gave names to other creatures. Gen. 2: Knew what was in. Jno. 2: 25. 19, 20. Took on him nature of. Jno. 1: 14. Heb. Intellect of, matured by age. I Cor. 13: 11. 2: 14, 16. CALLED Made in the likeness of. Phil. 2: 7. The potsherd of the earth. Isa. 45: 9. Was found in fashion as. Phi. 2: 8. A worm. Job 25: 6. Approved of God as. Acts 2: 22. Vain man. Job 11:12. Jas. 2:20. Called the second, as covenant head of Flesh. Gen. 6: 12. Joel 2: 28. the church. 1 Cor. 15: 47. CosAIPARED TO Is the head of every. I Cor. 11: 3. Grass. Isa. 40: 6-8. 1 Pet. 1: 24. A refuge as, to sinners. Isa. 32: 2. Clay in the potter's hands. Isa. 64: 8. As such, is the cause of the resurrection. Jer. 18: 2, 6. 1 Cor. 15: 21, 22. Vanity. Psa. 144: 4. Shall be recompensed according to his A sleep. Psa. 90: 5. works. Psa. 62: 12. Rom. 2: 6. A wild ass's colt. Job 11:12. Cannot retain his spirit from death. Ecc. Originally naked and not ashamed. Gen.2:25. 8: 8. Disobeyed God by eating part of the for- Would give all his possessions for the prebidden fruit. Gen. 3: 1-12. servation of life. Job 2: 4. Filled with shame after the fall. Gen. 3:10. Able to sustain bodily affliction. Pro. 18:14. Covered himself with fig-leaves. Gen 3: 7. Sinks under trouble of mind. Pro. 18: 14. Clothed by God with skins. Gen. 3: 21. No trust to be placed in. Psa. 118:8. Isa. Punished for disobedience. Gen. 3: 16-19. 2:22. Banished from paradise. Gen. 3: 23, 24. The help of, vain. Psa. 60: 11. Involved posterity in his ruin. Rom. 5: The whole duty of. Ecc. 12:13. 12-19. No. 184. MANASSEH, THE TRIBE OF. Has sought out many inventions. Ecc. 7:29 No. 184. IANASSEHI THE TRIBE OF. Born in sin. Psua. 51: 5. Descended from Joseph's eldest son adopted Born to trouble. Job 5: 7. by Jacob. Gen. 41: 51. Gen. 48: 5. Has an appointed time on the earth. Job Predictions respecting. Gen. 48: 20. Gen. 7: 1. 49: 22-26. Deu. 33:13-17. Days of, compared to a shadow. 1 Chr. PERSONS SELECTED FRO5, 29:15. To number the people. Num. 1: 10. Days of, as the days of a hireling. Job 7: 1. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 11. Has but few days. Job 14: 1. To divide the land. Num. 34: 23. Ordinary limit of his life. Psa. 90: 10. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: Ignorant of what is good for him. Ecc. 6: 12. 34, 35. Ignorant of what is to come after him. Ecc. Part of third division of Israel in their jour10:14. neys. Num. 10: 22, 23. Unprofited by all his labour and travail. Encamped next to, and under the standard Ecc. 2: 22. Ecc. 6: 12. of Ephraim west of tabernacle. Num. 2: Cannot direct his ways. Jer. 10: 23. Pro. 18, 20. 20: 24. Offering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 54-59. Walks in a vain show. Psa. 39: 6. Families of. Num. 26: 29-33. GoD Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. Instructs. Psa. 94:10. 26: 34. Orders the goings of. Pro. 65: 21. Pro. On Gerizim said amen to the blessings. 20: 24. 1 Deu. 27:12. MAN. 85 MAR. Half of, obtained inheritance east of Jordan. As a sign of Moses's divine mission. Jno. Num. 32: 33, 39-42. Jos. 13: 29-31. 6: 30, 31. Inheritance of the other half. Jos. 17: For forty years. Neh. 9: 21. 1-11. As a test of obedience. Exo. 16: 4. Could not drive out the Canaanites but To teach that man does not live by bread made them tributary. Jos. 17: 12, 13. only. Deu. 8: 3, with Mat. 4: 4. Jud. 1: 27, 28. To humble and prove Israel. Deu. 8: 16. SOIE OF Kept longer than a day (except on the SabAided David against Saul. 1 Chr. 12: bath) became corrupt. Exo. 16: 19, 20. 19-21. THE ISRAELITES At coronation of David. 1 Chr. 12: 31, 37. At first covetous of. Exo. 16: 17. Returned to their allegiance to the house Ground, made into cakes and baked in of David in Asa's reign. 2 Chr. 15: 9. pans. Num. 11: 8. At Hezekiahl'spassover. 2 Chr. 30:1,11,18. Counted, inferior to food of Egypt. Num. David appointed rulers and captains over. 11: 4-6. 1 Chr. 268: 32. 1 Chr. 27: 20, 21. Loathed. Num. 21: 6. Often at war with Ephraim. Jud. 12: 1, 6. Punished for despising. Num. 11: 10-20. Isa. 9: 21. Punished for loathing. Num. 21: 6. Country of, purified from idols by Hezekiah Ceased when Israel entered Canaan. Exo. and Josiah. 2 Chr. 31: 1. 2 Chr. 34: 6. 16: 35. Jos. 5: 12. Remarkable persons of;.Daeughters of Zelo. ILLUSTRATIVE OF phehad, Num. 27:1-7. Gideon, Jud. 6: 15. Christ. Jno. 6: 32-35. Jbnimelech, Jud. 9:1..Jothanm, Jud. 9: 5, Blessedness given to saints. Rev. 2:17. 7, 21. JaWir, Jud. 10: 3. Jeph1thahs, Jud. 11, 1. A golden pot of, laid up in the holiest for Barzillai, 2 Sam, 17: 27. Elijaih, 1 Kin. a memorial. Exo..16: 32-34. Heb. 9: 4. No. 186. MARRIAGE. No. 185. MANNA. Divinely instituted. Gen. 2: 24. Miraculously given to Israel for food in the A covenant relationship. MIal. 2:14. wilderness. Exo. 16: 4, 15. Neh. 9:15. DEsIGNED Ionr CALLED The happiness of man. Gen. 2: 18. God's Manna. Neh. 9: 20. Increasing the species. Gen. 1:28. Gen.9:l. Bread of heaven. Psa. 105:40. Raising up a godly seed. Mal. 2: 15. Bread from heaven. Exo. 16: 4. Jno. 6: 31. Preventing fornication. 1 Cor. 7: 2. Corn of heaven. Psa. 78: 24. The expectation of the promised seed of the Angels' food. Psa. 78: 25. ornman an incentive to, in the early age. Spiritual meat. 1 Cor. 10: 3. Gen. 3: 15, with Gen. 4: 1. (marg.) Previously unknown. Deu. 8: 3, 16. Lawful in all. I Cor. 7: 2, 28. 1 Tim. 5: 14. DESCRImED AS, Honourable for all. Heb. 13: 4. Like coriander seed. Exo. 16:31. Num. Should be only in the Lord. 1 Cor. 7: 39. 11: 7. EXPRESSED BY WVhite. Exo. 16: 31. Joining together. Mat. 19: 6. Like in colour to bdellium. Num. 11: 7. Making affinity. I Kin. 3: 1. Like ill taste to wafers, made with honey. Taking to wife. Exo. 2: 1. Exo. 16: 31. Giving daughters to sons, and sons to Like in taste to oil. Num. 11: S. daughters. Deu. 7: 3. Ezra 9: 12. Like hoar frost. Exo. 16:14. Indissoluble during the joint lives of the Fell after the evening dew. Num. 11: 9. parties. Mat. 19: 6. Rom. 7: 2, 3. 1 Cor. None fell on the sabbath day. Exo. 16: 7: 39. 26, 27. Early introduction of polygamy. Gen. 4:19. Gathered every morning. Exo. 16: 21. Contracted in patriarchal age with near reAn omer of, gathered for each person. Exo. rations. Gest. 20: 12. Gen. 24: 24. Gen. 16: 16. 28:2. Two portions of, gathered the sixth day on Often contracted by parents for children. account of the Sabbath. Exo. 16: 5, 22-26. Gen. 24: 49-51. Gen. 34: 6, 8. He that gathered much or little had suffi- Should be with consent of parents. Gen. cient and nothing over. Exo. 16:18. 28: 8. Jud. 14: 2, 3. Melted away by the sun. Exo. 16: 21. Consent of the parties necessary to. Gen. GIVEN 24: 57, 58. 1 Sam. 18: 20. 1 Sam. 25:41. When Israel murmured for bread. Exo. Parents might refuse to give their children 16:2, 3. in. Exo. 22: 17. Deu. 7:3. In answer to prayer. Psa. 105: 40. THE JEws. Through Moses. Jno. 6: 31, 32. Forbidden to contract, with their near reTo exhibit God's glory. Exo. 16: 7. lations. Lev. 18:6. 8; MAR. 86 MEA. Forbidden to contract, with idolaters. Attended by many friends. Jud. 14: ll. Deu. 7: 3,4. Jos. 23:12. Ezra9: 11,12. Jno. 3: 29. Often contracted, with foreigners. I Kin. Presented with gifts. Psa. 45: 12. 11: 1. Neh. 13: 23. Crowned with garlands. So. of Sol. 3: 11. Sometimes guilty of polygamy. I Kin. Rejoiced over the bride. Isa. 6'2: 5. 11:1, 3. Returned with the bride to his house at Careful in contracting for their children. night. Mat. 25: 1-6. Gen. 24: 2, 3. Gen. 28; 1, 2. Garments provided for guests at. Mat. 22: Betrothed themselves some time before. 11, 12. Den. 20: 7. Jud. 14: 5, 7, with 8 v. Infidelity of those contracted in, punished Mat. 1:18. as if married. Deu. 22: 23, 24. Mat. 1: 19. Contracted, when young. Pro. 2: 17. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Joel: 8. God's union with the Jewish nation. Isa. Often contracted, in their own tribe. Exo. 64: 5. Jer. 3: 14. Hos. 2 19, 20. 2: 1. Num. 36: 6-13. Luke I: 5, 27. Christ's union with his church. Eph. 5: Obliged to contract, with a brother's wife 23, 24, 32. who died without seed. Deu. 25: 5. Mat. 22: 24. No. 187. MEASURES. Considered being debarred from, a re- Unjust, an abomination to God. Pro. 20:10. proach. Isa. 4:1. The Jews not to be unjust in. Lev. 19: 35. Consider6d being debarred from, a cause Deu. 25: 14, 15. of grief. Jud. 11: 35. The Jews, often used unjust. Mic. 6: 10. Often punished by being debarred from. OF LIqUIDS oen d50LID; Jer. 7: 34. Jer. 16: 9. Jer. 25:10. Log. Lev. 14: 10, 15. Were allowed divorce from, because of Cab. 2 Kin. 6: 25. hardness of their hearts. Deu. 24: 1, Omer or tenth-deal, (the tenth of an with Mat. 19: 7, 8. ephah.) Exo. 16: 36. Lev. 5: 11. Lev. Exempted from going to war immediately 14: 10. after. Deu. 20: 7. Hin. Exo. 29: 40. Priests not to contract, with divorced orim- Bath or ephah. Isa. 5:10. Eze. 45:11. proper persons. Lev. 21:7. Homer or Cor. Isa. 5:10. Eze. 45:14. The high priest not to contract, with a Firkin. Jno. 2; 6. widow or a divorced or profane person. OF LENGTH; Lev. 21: 14. Handbreadth. Exo. 25: 25. Psa. 39: 5. Contracted at the gate and before witnesses. Span. Exo. 28: 16. 1 Sam. 17: 4. R,uth 4: 1, 10, 11. Cubit. Gen. 6:15, 16. Deu. 3: 11. Modes of demanding women in. Gen. 24: Fathom. Acts 27: 28. 3,4. Gen.34:6,8. 1Sam.25: 39, 40. Furlong. Luke24:13. Jno. 11:18. Elder daughters usually given in, before Mile. Mat. 5:41. the younger. Gen. 29: 26. Distances measured by rods and lines. 2 A dowry given to the woman's parents be- Sam. 8: 2. Jer. 31: 39. Eze. 40: 3. Rev. fore. Gen. 29: 18. Gen. 34:12. 1 Sam. 21:16. 18: 27, 28. Hos. 3: 2. Were regulated by the standard of the CELEBRATED, sanctuary. 1 Chr. 23: 29. With great rejoicing. Jer. 33: 11. Jno. 3:29. ILLUSTRATIVYE With feasting. Gen. 29: 22. Jud. 14:10. (Correcting in measure,) of mitigated Mat. 22: 2, 3. Jno. 2: 1-10. afflictions. Jer. 30: 11. For seven days. Jud. 14:12. (Drinking tears in great measure,) of seA benediction pronounced after. Gen. 24: vere afflictions. Psa. 80: 5. 60. Ruth 4:11, 12. (Weighing the waters in a measure,) of THE BRIDE God's infinite wisdom. Job 28: 23, 25. Received presents before. Gen. 24: 53. (Measuring the dust of the earth,) of God's Given a handmaid at. Gen. 24: 59. Gen. greatness. Isa. 40: 12. 29: 24, 29. (The measure of our days,) of the shortAdorned with jewels for. Isa. 49: 18. ness of life. Psa. 39: 4. lsa. 61:10. (Drinking water by measure,) of severe Gorgeously apparelled. Psa. 45:13,14. famine. Eze. 4: 11, 16. Attended by bridesmaids. Psa. 45: 9. (The measure of the stature of Christ,) Stood on the right of bridegroom. Psa. of perfection. Eph 4:13. 45: 9. (Opening the mouth without measure,) Called to forget her father's house. Psa. of the insatiableness of hell. Isa. 5: 14. 45:10. 5THE BRDEGO10. No. 188. MEAT-OFFERINGS. TAdornE BRIDEGROOly. v. 6:17. Adorned with ornaments. Isa. 61: 10. Were most holy. Lev. 6: 17.. MED. 87 MER. MET. CONSISrED OF Artaxerxes Smerdis (an usurper). Ezra Fine flour. Lev. 2:1. 4:7. Unleavened cakes baked in the oven. Darius Hystaspes. Ezra 6: 1. Dan. 5: 31 Lev. 2: 4. Xerxes. Dan. 11: 2. Fine flour baked in a pan. Lev. 2: 5. Artaxerxes Longimanus or Ahasuerus. Fine flour baked in a frying pan. Lev. 2:7. Ezra 6: 14. Ezra 71;. Est. 1: 1. Green ears of corn parched. Lev. 2: 14. KINGS OF, Barley meal. Num. 5: 15. Called kings of Assyria. Ezra 6:22. Oil and incense used with. Lev. 2: 1, 4, 15. Called kings of Babylon. Neh. 13: 6. Of jealousy, without oil or incense. Num. Styled themselves kings of kings. Ezra 5:1a. 7:12. Always seasoned with salt. Lev. 2: 13. Dwelt in royal palaces. Est. 1: 2. Est. 8:14. No leaven used with. Lev. 2:11. Lev. Were exceeding rich. Est. 1:4. Dan. 11:2. 6: 17. Entertained magnificently. Est. 1: 3, 5, 7. Not to be offered on altar of incense. Exo. Held in their hand a golden sceptre. Est. 30:9. 5:2. OFFERED Put to death all who approached them On the altar of burnt offering. Exo. 40: 29. without permission. Est. 4:11, 16. With the daily sacrifices. Exo. 29: 40-42. Celebrated for wise men. Est. 1: 13. Mat. 2: 1. With all burnt-sacrifices. Num. 15: 3-12. People of, warlike. Eze. 27: 10. Eze. 38: 5. By the poor for a trespass-offering, Lev. Peculiar customs in. Est. 1: 8. Est. 2: 12,13. 5:11. Babylon taken by the king of. Dan. 5: 30, 31. By the high priest every day, half in the The Jews delivered from captivity by means morning and half in the evening. Lev. of. 2 Chr. 36: 20, 22, 23. Ezra 1: 1-4. 6: 20-22. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING, A small part of, was consumed on the altar Extensive conquest. Dan. 8: 4. for a memorial. Lev. 2 2,9,16. Lev. 6: 15. Conquest of Babylon. lsa. 21: 1, 2. Dan. When offered for a priest entirely consum- 5: 28. ed by fire. Lev. 6: 23. Deliverance of the Jews. Isa. 44: 28. Isa. High priest's deputy had care of. Num. 4: 16. 45: 1-4. Laid up in a chamber of the temple. Neh. Invasion of Greece under Xerxes. Dan. 10:39. Neh. 13:5. Eze. 42:13. 11: 2. The priest's portion. Lev. 2: 3. Lev. 6: 17. Downfal by Alexander. Dan. 8: 6, 7. Dan. To be eaten by the males of the house of 11: 3. Aaron alone. Lev. 6:18. No. 190. MERCY-SEAT. To be eaten in a holy place. Lev. 6: 16. THE JEws, Moses commanded to make. Exo. 25:17. Often not acccepted in. Amos 5: 22. Bezaleel given wisdom to make. Exo. 31: Condemned for offering, to idols. Isa, 57: 6. 2, 3, 7. Often prevented from offering, by judg- Made of pure gold. Exo. 25:17. Exo. 37: 6. ments. Joel I:9, 13. The cherubim formed out of, and at each Materials for public, often provided by the end of it. Exo. 25: 18-20. Heb. 9: 5. princes. Num. 7: 13, 19, 25. Eze. 45:17. Placed upon the ark of testimony. Exo. 25:21. Exo. 26: 34. Exo. 40: 20. No. 189. MEDO-PERSIAN KINGDOM. G:21. Exo. 2:34. Exo. 4020. Extended from India to Ethiopia. Est. 1: 1. Appeared over in the cloud. Lev. 16: 2. Peopled by descendants of Elam. Gen. 10: 22. Dwelt over. Psa. 80: 1. ILLUSTRATED BY Spake from above. Exo. 25:22. Num. 7:89. Silver part of image in Nebuchadnezzar's Covered with a cloud of incense on the dream. Dan. 2: 32, 39. day of atonement. Lev. 16: 13. A bear. Dan. 7: 5. The blood of sacrifices on the day of atone. A ram with two horns. Dan. 8: 3, 20. ment sprinkled upon, and before. Lev. Shushan a chief city of. Est. I: 2. Est. 16: 14, 15. 8:15. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Achmetha or Ecbatana a chief city of. Christ. Rom. 3: 25, with Heb. 9: 3. (UGeek.) Ezra 6: 2. The throne of grace. Heb. 4: 16. Divided into many provinces. Est. 1: 1. No. 191. METALS. Dan. 6: 1. Laws of, unalterable. Dan. 6: 12, 15. Dug out of the earth. Job 28: 1, 2, 6. Ruled by, absolute kings. Est. 3: 8, 11. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Est. 7: 9. Gold. Gen. 2:11, 12. KINGS OF, sMENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE Silver. Gen. 44: 2. Cyrqs. Ezra 1: 1. Brass. Exo. 27: 2, 4. 2 Chr. 12:10. Ahasuerus or Cambyses. Ezra 4: 6. Copper. Ezra 8: 27. 2 Tim. 4: 14. MID. MIL. N( MIL. MOA.. Iron. Num. 35: 16. Pro. 27: 17. Flocks and herds fed for supply of. Pro. Lead. Exo. 15: 10. Jer. 6: 29. 27: 23, 27. Isa. 7: 21, 22 1 Cor. 9: 7. Tin. Num. 31: 22. Canaan abounded with. Exo. 3: 8, 17. Jos. Comparative value of. Isa. 60: 17. Dan. 5:6. 2: 32, &C. MADE INTO Often mixed with dross. Isa. 1: 25. Butter. Pro. 30: 33. The holy land abounded in. Deu. 8: 9. Cheese. Job 10: 10. Antiquity of the art of working in. Gen. Kept by the Jews in bottles. Jud. 4: 19. 4: 22. Young animals not to be seethed in that of Freed from dross by fire. Eze. 22: 18, 20. the mother. Exo. 23: 19. Ceremonially cleansed by fire. Num. 31: ILLUSTRATIVE OF, 21-23. Temporal blessings. Gen. 49:12. Cast in mould. Jud. 17: 4. Jer. 6: 29. Blessings of the gospel. Isa. 55: 1. Joel Clay of Jordan used for moulding. 1 Kin. 3:18. 7: 46. First principles of God's word. 1 Cor. 3: An extensive commerce in. Eze. 27: 12. 2. Heb. 5: 12. 1 Pet. 2: 2. No. 1(92. MIDIANITE.S. 1Godly and edifying discourses. Song of No. 192. MIDIANITES. Sol. 4: 11. Descended from Midian, son of Abraham by Wealth of the Gentiles. Isa. 60: 16. Keturah. Gen. 25: 1, 2. 1 Chr. 1: 32. Doctrines of the gospel. Song of Sol. Dwelt east of Jordan, beside Moab. Num. 5: 1. 22 S 1, 4. No. 194. MILLS. A SlYALL PART OF Dwelt near Horeb. Exo. 2: 15, with Exo. Antiquity of. Exo. 11: 5. 3: 1. USED FOR GRINDING Retained the knowledge and worship of Manna in the wilderness. Num. 11: 8. Jehovah. Exo. 2: 16, with Exo. I8: 9-12. Corn. Isa. 47: 2. Governed by kings. Num. 31: 8. Jud. 8: 5. Female servants usually employed at. Exo. Dwelt in tents. Hab. 3: 7. 11: 5. Mat. 24: 41. Engaged in commerce. Gen. 37: 28, 36. Male captives often employed at. Jud. 16: Conquered by Hadad. Gen. 36: 35. 1 Chr. 21. Lain. 5: 13. 1: 46. STONES USED IN Excited by Moab against Israel. Num. 22: 4. Hard. Job 41: 24. Terrified at approach of Israel. Hab. 3:3-7. Heavy. Mat, 18: 6. WITH THE MOABITES, Large. Rev. 18: 21. Sent for Balaam to curse Israel. Num. Not to be taken in pledge. Deu. 24: 6. 22: 5-7. Often thrown down on enemies during Seduced Israel to idolatry, &c. Num. sieges. Jud. 9: 53. 2 Sam. 11:21. 25: 1-6. ILLUSsTRATIVE Punished for seducing Israel. Num. 25: (Grinding at,) of degradation, &c. Isa. 47: 16-18. Num. 31:1-12. 1, 2. Allowed to oppress Israel. Jud. 6: 1-6. (Ceasing,) of desolation. Jer. 25: 10. Rev. Gideon raised up against. Jud. 6: 11-14. 18: 22. With Amalek, &c., opposed Gideon. Jud. No. 195. MOABITES. 6:33.' Miraculously defeated and destroyed by Descended from Lot. Gen. 19: 37. Gideon. Jud. 7:16-22. Jud. 8: 10, 11. CALLED Princes of, slain. Jud. 7: 24, 25. Jud. 8: 12, 21. Children of Lot. Deu. 2: 9. Completeness of their destruction alluded People of Chemosh. Num. 21: 29. Jer. to. Psa. 83: 9-11. Isa. 9: 4. Isa. 10: 26. 48: 46. Shall minister to future glory of the church. Ar given to, as a possession. Deu. 2: 9. Isa. 60: 6. Separated from the Amorites by the river No. 193. MILK. Arnon. Num. 21:13. Expelled the ancient Emims. Deu. 2: 9-11. An animal secretion, of a white colour. Possessed many and great cities. Num. 21: Lam. 4: 7. 28, 30. Isa. 15:1-4. Jer. 48: 21-24. Used as food by the Jews. Gen. 18: 8. Jud. Governed by Kings. Num. 23: 7. Jos. 24:9. 5:25. DESCRIBED AS DIFFERENT KINDS RMENTIONIED; Proud and arrogant. Isa. 16:6. Jer. 48: 29. Of cows. Deu. 32: 14. 1 Sam. 6: 7. Idolatrous. 1 Kin. 11: 7. Of camels. Gen. 32: 15. Superstitious. Jer. 27: 3, 9. Of goats. Pro. 27: 27. Rich and confident. Jer. 48: 7. Of sheep. Deu. 3 2:14. Prosperous and at ease. Jer. 48: 11. Of sea-monsters. Lam. 4: 3. Mighty and men of war. Jer. 48: 14. MON 89 MON. Deprived of a large part of their territories Of the Romans, stamped with the image of by the Amorites. Num. 21: 26. Cmesar. Mat. 22:20, 21. Refused to let Israel pass. Jud. 11: 17, 18. Usually takenby weight. Gen. 23:16. Jer. Alarmed at the number, &c. of Israel. Num. 32: 10. 22 2: 3. PIECES OF, MENTIONED; With Midian send for Balaam to curse Talent of gold. 1 Kin. 9:14. 2 Kin. 23: 33. Israel. Num. 22 ch. to Num. 24 ch. Talent of silver. 1 Kin. 16: 24. 2 Kin. 5: ISaR.1LITES'22, 23. Enticed to idolatry by. Num. 25: 1-3. Shekel of silver. Jud. 17:10. 2 Kin. 15:20. Forbidden to spoil. Deu. 2: 9, with Jud. Half shekel or bekah. Exo. 30: 15. 1 L: 15. Third of a shekel. Neh. 10: 32. Forbidden to make leagues with. Deu. Fourth of a shekel. 1 Sam. 9: 8. 23: 6. Gerah the twentieth of a shekel. Num. Sometimes intermarried with. Ruth I 3: 47. 4. 1 Kin. 11: 1. 1 Chr. 8: S. Neh. Pound. Luke 19:13. 13: 23. Penny. Mat. 20: 2. Mar. 6: 37. Excluded from the congregation of Israel Farthing. Mat. 5:26. Luke 12: 6. for ever. Deu. 23: 3, 14. Neh. 13:1, 2. Mite. Mar. 12: 42. Luke 21: 2. Always hostile to Israel. Psa. 83: 6. Eze. Of the Jews regulated by the standard of 25:. the sanctuary. Lev. 5: 15. Num. 3: 47. IHarassed and subdued by Saul.l Sam. 14:47. Was current with the merchants. Gen. Gave an asylum to David's family. 1 Sam. 23: 16. 22: 4. Jews forbidden to take usury for. Lev. Made tributary to David. 2 Sam.-8: 2, 12. 25: 37. Benaiah slew two champions of. 2 Sam. Changing of, a trade. Mat. 21: 12. Jno. 22:15. 23: 20. WAS GIVEN Paid tribute of sheep and wool to the king For lands. Gen. 23: 9. Acts 4: 37. of Israel. 2 Kin. 3: 4. Isa. 16: 1. For slaves. Gen. 37: 28. Exo. 21: 21. Revolted from Israel after the death of For merchandise. Gen. 43:12. Deu. 2:6. Ahab. 2 Kin. 1: 1. 2 Kin. 3: 5. For tribute. 2 Kin. 23: 33. Mat. 22:19. Israel and Judah joined against. 2 Kin. 3: As wages. Ezra 3: 7. Mat. 20: 2. Jas. 6, 7. 5: 4..Miraculously deceived by the colour of the As offerings. 2 Kin. 12: 7-9. Neh. 10: 32. water. 2 Kin. 3: 21-24. As alms. 1 Sam. 2:36. Acts 3: 3, 6. Conquered by Israel and Judah. 2 Kin. 3: Custom of presenting a piece of. Job 42: 11. 24-,26. - Power and usefulness of. Ecc. 7: 12. Ecc. King of, sacrificed his son to excite animos- 10: 19. ity against Israel. 2 Kin. 3: 27. Love of, the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6: 10. Joined Babylon against Judah. 2 Kin. 24: 2. PROPHECIES RESPECTiNG; *NO. 197. MONTHS. Terror on account of Israel. Exo. 15:15. Sun and moon designed to mark out. Gen. Desolation and grief. Isa..15ch. Isa. 16: 1: 14. 2-11. The patriarchs computed time by. Gen. Inability to avert destruction. Isa. 16:12. 29: 14. To be -destroyed in three years. Isa. 16: The Jews computed time by. Jud. 11: 37. 13, 14. 1 Sam. 6:1. 1 Kin. 4:7. To be captives in Babylon. Jer. 27: 3, S. Commenced with first appearance of new Jeo. 4S: 7. moon. Num. 10: 10, with Psa. 81: 3. Their desolation as a punishment for their Originally had no names. Gen. 7: 11. Gen. hatred of Israel. Jer. 48: 26, 27. Eze. 8: 4. 25: 8, 9. The year composed of twelve. 1 Chr. 27: Restoration from captivity. Jer. 48: 47. 2-15. Est. I: 12. Rev. 22: 2. Subjugation to Messiah. Num. 24: 17. NAmIEs OF TH TWELVE; Isa. 5: 10. First, Nisan or Abib. Exo. 13: 4. Neh. Subjugation to Israel. Isa. 11: 14. 2: 1. No. 196.; MONEY. - Second, Zif. 1 Kin. 6: 1, 37. Third, Sivan. Est. 8: 9. Gold and silver used as. Gen. 13: 2. Num. Fourth, Thammuz. Zee. 8: 19. 22: 18. Fifth, Ab. Zec. 7: 3. Brass introduced as, by the Romans. Mat. Sixth, Ehul. Neh. 6:15. 10: 9. Seventh, Ethanim. 1 Kin. 8: 2. Originally stamped with the image of a Eighth, Bul. 1 Kin. 6: 38. lamb. Gen. 23: 15, with Gen. 33: 19. Ninth, Chisleu. Zec. 7: 1. (mna'g.) Tenth, Tebeth. Est. 2:16. MOO. MOR. 90 MOT. MOU. Eleventh, Sebat. Zec. 1:7. The outgoings of, made to rejoice. Psa. Twelfth, Adar. Ezra 6:15. Est. 3: 7. 65: 8. Idolaters prognosticated by. Isa. 47: 13. THE JEWS Observance of, condemned. Gal. 4: 10. Generally rose early in. Gen. 28: 18. No. 198. MOON, THE. Jud. 6: 28. Eat but little in. Ecc. 10: 16. Created by God. Gen. 1: 14. Psa. 8:3. Went to the temple in. Luke 21: 38. Made to glorify God. Psa. 148: 3. Jno. 8: 2. Called the lesser light. Gen. 1:16. Offered a part of the daily sacrifice in. DESCIBED.AS Exo. 29: 38, 39. Num. 28: 4-7. Fair. Song of Sol. 6: 10. Devoted a part of, to prayer and praise. Bright. Job 31: 26. Psa. 5: 3. Psa. 59: 16. Psa. 88: 13. Has a glory of its own. 1 Cor. 15: 41. Gathered the manna in. Exo. 16: 21. APPOINTED Began their journeys in. Gen. 22: 3. To divide day from night. Gen. 1:14. Held courts of justice in. Jer. 21: 12. For signs and seasons. Gen. I: 14. Psa. Mat. 27: 1. 104: 19. Contracted covenants in. Gen. 26: 31. For a light in the firmament. Gen. 1: 15. Transacted business in. Ecc. 11:6. Mat. To light the earth by night. Jer. 31: 35. 20: 1. To rule the night Gen. 1:16. Psa. 136: 9. Was frequently cloudless. 2 Sam. 23: 4. By an ordinance for ever. Psa. 72: 5, 7. A red sky in, a sign of bad weather. Mat. Psa. 89:37. Jer. 31:36. 16: 3. For the benefit of all. Deu. 4:19. Ushered in by the morning star. Job 38: 7. Influences vegetation. Deu. 33: 14. ILLUSTRATIVE First appearance of, a time of festivity. Of the resurrection day. Psa. 49: 14. 1 Sam. 20: 5, 6. Psa. 81: 3. (Breaking forth,) of the glory of the MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; church. Song of Sol. 6: 10. isa. 58: 8. Standing still in Ajalon. Jos. 10: 12, 13. (Star of,) of the glory of Christ. Rev. 22:16. Signs in, before the destruction of Jeru- (Star of,) of reward of saints. Rev. 2: 28. salem. Luke 21: 25. (Clouds in,) of the shortlived profession Lunacy attributed to the influences of. Psa. of hypocrites. Hos. 6: 4. 121: 6, with Mat. 4: 24. (Wings of,) of rapid movements. Psa. Worshipped as the queen of heaven. Jer. 139: 9. 7:18. Jer. 44:17-19, 25. (Spread upon the mountains,) of heavy WORSHIPPING OF, calamities. Joel 2: 2. Forbidden to the Jews. Deu. 4: 19. Condemned as atheism. Job 31: 26, 28. 200. MOTH, THE. To be punished with death. Deu. 17: 3-6. Destructive to garments. Mat. 6: 19. Jas. Jews often guilty of. 2 Kin. 23: 5. Jer. 5: 2. 8: 2. Destroyed by the slightest touch. Job 4: 19. Jews punished for. Jer. 8: 1-3. ILLUSTRATIYE ILLUSTRATIVE Of God in the execution of his judgments. Of glory of Christ in the church. Isa. Hos. 5:12. 60: 20. (Eating a garment,) of God's judgments. Of fairness of the church. Song of Sol.6:10. Isa. 50: 9. Isa. 51: 8. Of Changeableness of the world. Rev. (Garments eaten by,) of those who have 12: 1. suffered severe judgments. Job 13: 28. (Becoming as blood,) of Judgments. Rev. (Making its house in garments,) of man's 6:12. folly in providing earthly things. Job (Withdrawing her light,) of deep calami- 27: I8. ties. Isa. 13: 10. Joel2.: 10. Joel 3: No. 201. MOUNTAINS. 15. Mat. 24: 29. No. 199. MORNING. The elevated parts of the earth. Gen. 7: 19, 20. The second part of the day at the creation. GoD Gen. 1: 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31. Formed. Amos 4:13. The first part of the natural day. Mar. 16: 2. Set fast. Psa. 65: 6. Ordained by God. Job 38: 12. Gives strength to. Psa. 95: 4. Began with first dawn. Jos. 6: 15. Psa. Weighs, in a balance. Isa. 40:12. 119: 147. Waters, from his chambers. Psa. 104:13. Continued until noon. I Kin. 18: 26. Neh. Parches, with drought. Hag. 1: 11. 8: 3. Causes, to smoke. Psa. 104: 32. Psa. First dawning of, called the eyelids of the 144:5. morning. Job 3: 9. (marg.) Job 41:18. Sets the foundations of, on fire. Deu.32:22. MOU. 91 MUL. MUIl. Makes waste. Isa. 42: 15. Precious things. Deu. 33: 15. Causes, to tremble. Nab. 1: 5. Hab. 3, 10. Stone for building. 1 Kin. 5: 14, 17. Dan. Causes, to skip. Psa. 114: 4, 6. i2: 45. Causes, to melt. Jud. 5: 5. Psa. 97: 5. Forests. 2 Kin. 19: 23. 2 Chr. 2: 2, 8-10. Isa. 64.: 1, 3. Vineyards. 2 Chr. 26:10. Jer. 31: 5. Removes. Job 9: 5. Spices. Song of Sol. 4: 6. Song of Sol. Overturns. Job 9: 5. Job 28: 9. 8:14. Scatters. Hab. 3: 6. Deer. 1 Chr. 12: 8. Song of Sol. 2: 8. Made to glorify God. Psa. 148: 9. Game. 1 Sam. 26: 20. CALLED Wild beasts. Song of Sol. 4::. Hab. 2:17. God's mountains. Isa. 49:11. Often inhabited. Gen. 36: S. Jos. 11: 21. The ancient mountains. Deu. 33:15. Sometimes selected as places for divine The everlasting mountains. Hab. 3: 6. worship. Gen. 22: 2, 5. Exo. 3:12.'Isa. Perpetual hills. Hab. 3: 6. 2: 2. Everlasting hills. Gen. 49: 26. Often selected as places for idolatrous worPillars of heaven. Job 26:11. ship. Deu. 12: 2. 2 Chr. 21: 11. Many, exceeding high. Psa. 104: 18. Isa. Proclamations often made from. Isa. 40: 9. 2:14. Beacons or ensigns often raised upon. lsa. Collect the vapours which ascend from the 13: 2. Isa. 30:17. earth. Psa. 104: 6, 8. ILLUSTRATIVE Are the sources of springs and rivers. Deu, Of difficulties. Isa. 40: 4. Zec. 4: 7. Mat. 8:7. Psa. 104: 8-10. 17:20. Canaan abounded in. Deu. 11: 11. Of persons in authority. Psa. 72: 3. Isa. Volcanic fires of, alluded to. lsa. 64: 1, 2. 44:23. Jer. 51: 25. Nah. 1: 5, 6. Of the church of God. Isa. 2:2. Dan. 2: MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 35, 44, 45. Ararat. Gen. 8: 4. Of God's righteousness. Psa. 36: 6. Abarim. Num. 33: 47, 48. Of proud and haughty persons. Isa. 2:14. Amalek. Jud. 12:15. (Burning,) of destructive enemies. Jer. Bashan. Psa. 68:15. 51:25. Rev. 8: S. Bethel. I Sam. 13: 2. (Breaking forth into singing,) of exceedCarmel. Jos. 15: 55. Jos. 19:26. 2 Kin, ing joy. Isa. 44: 23. Isa. 55: 12. 19:23. (Thresliing of,) of heavy judgments. Isa. Ebal. Deu. 11: 29. Deu. 27:13. 41: 15. Ephraim. Jos. 17: 15. Jud. 2: 9. (Made waste,) of desolation. lsa. 42: 15. Gerizim. Deu. 11: 29. Jud. 9: 7. Mal. 1: 3. Gilboa. 1 Sam. 31:1. 2 Sam. 1: 6, 21. (Dropping new wine,) of abundance. Gilead. Gen. 31: 21, 25. Song of Sol. 4:1. Amos 9: 13. Iachilah. 1 Sam. 23:19. No. 202. MULE, THE. Hermon. Jos. 13: 11. Hor. Num. 20: 2.2. Num. 34: 7, 8. First mention of. Gen. 36: 24. Horeb. Exo. 3: 1. Stupid and intractable. Psa. 32: 9. Lebanon. Deu. 3:`25. UUsED FOR Mizar. Psa. 42: 6. Riding, by persons of distinction. 2 Sam. Moreh. Jud. 7: 1. 13: 29. 2 Sam. 18: 9. 1 Kin. 1: 33. Moriah. Gen. 22: 2. 2 Chr. 3: 1. Carrying burdens. 2 Kin. 5: 17. 1 Chr. Nebo, (part of Abarim.) Num. 32: 3. Deu. 12: 40. 34:1. Conveying posts and messengers. Est. Olives or mount of corruption. 1 Kin. 11: 8: 10, 14. 7, with 2 Kin. -23: 13. Luke 21 37. Liable to the plague. Zec. 14: 15. Pisgah, (part of Abarim.) Num. 21: 20. Food of. 1 Kin. 4: 28. (marg.) 1 Kin. 18: 5. Deu. 34: 1. THE Jr.ws Seir. Gen. 14:6. Gen. 36:8. Forbidden to breed. Lev. 19: 19. Sinai. Exo. 19: 2, 18, 20, 23. Exo. 31: 18. Set a great value upon. I Kin. 18: 5. Sion. 2 Sam. 5: 7. Brought many, from Babylon. Ezra 2: 66. Tabor. Jud. 4: 6, 12, 14. Shall use, at the restoration. Isa. 66: 20. A defence to a country. Psa. 125: 2. Of Togarmah sold in fairs of Tyre. Eze. Afford refuge in time of danger. Gen. 14: 27:14. 10. Juld. 6: 2. Mat. 24: 16. Heb. 11: 38. Often given as tribute. 1 Kin. 10: 25. Afforded pasturage. Exo.3: 1. 1 Sam. 2.:7. No. 203. MURDER. 1 Kin. 22:17. Psa. 147: 8. Amos 4: 1. ABOUrNDED WITH Forbidden by Mosaic law. Exo. 20: 13. Herbs. Pro. 27: 25. Deu. 5:17. Minerals. Deu. 8: 9. Why forbidden by God. Gen. 9: 6. Mus. 92 NAP. The law made to restrain. 1 Tim. 1: 9. Made of brass. 1 Cor. 13: 1. DESCRIBED AS KILLING Made of silver. Num. 10:2. With premeditation. Exo. 21: 14. Made of horns of animals. Jos. 6: 8. From hatred. Num. 35: 20, 21. Deu. 19:11. Many, with strings. Psa. 33: 2. Psa. 150:4. By lying in wait. Num. 35:20. Deu. 19:11. Early invention of. Gen. 4: 21. By an instrument of iron. Num. 35:16. Invented by David. 1 Chr. 23: 5. 2 Chr. 7: 6. By the blow of a stone. Num. 35: 17. The Jews celebrated for inventing. Amos By a hand weapon of wood. Num. 35: 18. 6: 5. Killing a thief in the day, counted as. Exo. Often expensively ornamented. Eze. 28:13. 22: 3. Great diversity of. Ecc. 2: 8. Early introduction of Gen. 4: 8. Appointed to be used in the temple. 1 Chr. Represented as a sin crying unto heaven. 16: 4-6. 1 Chr. 23: 5, 6. 1 Chr. 25: 1. 2 Gen. 4. 10, with Heb. 12: 24. Rev. 6: 10. Chr. 29: 25. The Jews often guilty of. Isa. 1:21. Custom of sending away friends with. Gen. PERSONS GUILTY OF, 31: 27. Fearful and cowardly. Gen. 4:14. THE JEWS USED, Wanderers and vagabonds. Gen. 4: 14. In sacred processions. 2 Sam. 6: 4, 5, 15. Flee from God's presence. Gen. 4: 16. 1 Chr. 13: 6-8. 1 Chr. 15: 27, 28. Not protected in refuge cities. Deu. 19: At laying foundation of temple. Ezra 3: 11, 12. 9, 10. Had no protection from altars. Exo. 21: 14. At consecration of temple. 2 Chr. 5:11-13. Not to be pitied or spared. Deu. 19: 13. At coronation of kings. 2 Chr. 23: 11,13. Often committed by night. Neh. 6: 10. Job At dedication of city walls. Neh. 12: 27, 28. 24:14. To celebrate victories. Exo. 15: 20. 1 Imputed to the nearest city when the mur- Sam. 8: 6, 7. derer was unknown. Deun. 21: 1-3. In religious feasts. 2 Chr. 30: 21. Mode of clearing those suspected of. Deu. In private entertainments. Isa. 5: 12. 21: 3-9. See Mat. 27: 24. Amos 6:5. To be proved by two witnesses at least. Indances. Mat. 11:17. Luke 15:25. Num. 35: 30. Deu. 19: 11, 15. In funeral ceremonies. Mat. 9: 23. PUNISHSMENT FOR, In commemorating great men. 2 Chr. The curse of God. Gen. 4: 11. 35: 25. Death. Gen. 9: 5, 6. Exo. 21: 12. Num. 35:16. Used in idol worship. Dan. 3: 5. Not to be commuted. Num. 35: 32. The movement of armies regulated by. Jos. Inflicted by the nearest of kin. Num. 35: 6: 8. 1 Cor. 14: 8. 19, 21. Generally put aside in times of affliction. Psa. 137:2-4. Dan. 6: 18. No. 204. Music. ILLUSTRATIVE Early invention of. Gen. 4: 21. Of joy and gladness. Zep. 3:17. Eph. 5:19. DIVIDED INTO, Of heavenly felicity. Rev. 5: 8, 9. Vocal. 2 Sam. 19: 35. Acts 16: 25. (Ceasing of,) of calamities. Isa. 24: 8, 9. Instrumental. Dan. 6:18. Rev. 18:22. Designed to promote joy. Ecc. 2: 8, 10. No. 205. NAPTALI, THE TRIBE OF. Vanity of all unsanctified. Ecc. 2: 8, 11. Considered efficacious in mental disorders. Descended from Jacob's sixth son. Gen. I Sam. 16:14-17, 23. 30: 7, S. Effects produced on the prophets of old by. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 21. Deu. 1 Sam. 10: 5, 6. 2 Kiln. 3;15. 33: 23. INSTRUMENTS OF, PERSONS SELECTED FROM, Cymbals. I Chr. 16: 5. Psa. 150: 5. To number.the people. Num. 1: 1& Cornet. Psa. 98: 6. Hos. 5: 8. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 14. Dulcimer. Dan. 3: 5. To divide the land. Num. 34: 28. Flute. Dan. 3: 5. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: 42,43. Harp. Psa. 137: 2. Eze. 26: 13. The rere of the fourth division of Israel in Organ. Gen. 4: 21. Job 21:12. Psa. 150: 4. their journeys. Num. 10: 25, 27. Pipe. I Kin. 1: 40. Isa. 5: 12. Jer. 48: 36. Encamped under the standard of Dan north Psaltery. Psa. 33: 2. Psa. 7: 22. of the tabernacle. Num. 2:25, 29. Sackbut. Dan. 3: 5. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 78-83. Tabret. 1 Sam. 10: 5. lsa. 24: 8. Families of. Num. 26: 48, 49. Timbrel. Exo. 15: 20. Psa. 68: 25. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. 26:50. Trumpet. 2 Kin. 11: 14. 2 Chr. 29: 27. On Ebal said amen to the curses. Deu. 27:13. Viol. Isa. 14:11. Amos 5: 23. Bounds of their inheritance. Jos. 19: 32-39. Made of fir wood. 2 Sam. 6: 5. Did not drive out the Canaanites, but made Made of almug wood. 1 Kin. 10:12. them tributary. Jud. 1: 33. NAZ. NET. 93 NIG. Chosen with Zebulun to go with Barak The remnant of the Canaanites appointed against Sisera. Jud. 4: 6, 10. as, by Solomon. 1 Kin. 9: 20, 21, with Praised for aiding against Sisera. Jud. 5: 18. Ezra 2: 58. Joined Gideon in the pursuit and overthrow WITH THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES of the Midianites. Jud. 7: 23. Had cities to reside in. 1 Chr. 9: 2. Ezra Some of, at David's coronation. I Chr. 12: 34. 2: 70. Officer placed over, by David. 1 Chr. 27:19. Exempted from tribute. Ezra 7: 24. Officer placed over, by Solomon. 1 Kin. 4:15. Had chiefs or captains over them. Neh. Land of, ravaged by Benhadad. 1 Kin. 15:20. 11: 21. Land of, purged of idols by Josiah. 2 Chr. A large number of, returned from the cap34: 6. tivity. Ezra 2: 43-54. Neh. 7: 46-56, 60. Taken captive by Tiglath-pilezer. 2 Kin. Were zealous for the covenant. Neh. 10: 15: 29. 28, 29. Specially favoured by our Lord's ministry. No. 208. NIGHT. Isa. 9: 1, 2. Mat. 4: 13-15. Remarkable persons of; Barak, Jud. 4: 6. The darkness first called. Gen. 1:5. Hiram, 1 Kin. 7: 14. Caused by God. Psa. 104: 20. No. 206. NAZARITES. Belongs to God. Psa. 74: 16. The heavenly bodies designed to separate Persons separated to the service of God. day from. Gen. 1: 14. Num. 6:2. The moon and stars designed to rule and DIFFERENT KINDS OF; give light by. Gen. 1: 16-18. Jer. 31: 35. From the womb. Jud. 13: 5. Luke 1: 15. Commenced at sunset. Gen. 28: 11. By a particular vow. Num. 6: 2. Continued until sunrise. Psa. 104: 22. Mat. Required to be holy. Num. 6: 8. 28: 1, with Mar. 16: 2. Esteemed pure. Lam. 4: 7. REGULAR SUCCESSION OF, PROHIBITED FROI Established by covenant. Gen. 8:22. Jer. WVine or strong drink. Num. 6: 3. Luke 33: 20. 1:15. Ordained for the glory of God. Psa. Grapes or any thing made from the vine. 19: 2. Num. 6: 3, 4. Jtd. 13: 14. Originally divided into three watches. Lam. Cutting or shaving the head. Num. 6: 5. 2: 19, with Jud. 7: 19. Exo. 14: 24. Jud. 13: 5. Jud. 16: 17. Divided into four watches by the Romans. Defiling themselves by the dead. Num. Luke 12: 38, with Mat. 14: 25. Mar. 6:6, 7. 13:35. Raised up for the good of the nation. Amos FREQUENTLY 2: 11. Exceeding dark. Pro. 7: 9. Ungodly Jews tried to corrupt. Amos 2: 12. Cold and frosty. Gen. 31: 40. Jer. 36: 30. DEFILED DURING VYO Accompanied by heavy dews. Num. 11: To shave the head the seventh day. Num. 9. Jud. 6: 38, 40. Job 29: 19. Song 6:9. of Sol. 5: 2. To bring two turtle doves for a burnt Unsuitable for labour. Jno. 9: 4. off'ering. Num. 6: 10, 11. Unsuitable for travelling. Jno. 11: 10. To recommence their vow with a tres- Designed for rest. Psa. 104: O23. pass offering. Num. 6:12. Wearisome to the afflicted. Job 7: 3, 4. ON CO1PLETION OF VOW Favourable to the purposes of the wicked. To be brought to tabernacle door. Num. Gen. 31: 39. Job *24: 14, 15. Oba. 6 v. 1 6:13. The. 5: 2. To offer sacrifices. Num. 6:14-17. Wild beasts go forth in search of prey To shave their heads. Num. 6: 18. Acts during. 2 Sam. 21: 10. Psa. 104: 21, 22. 18: 18. Acts 21: 24. THE JEWS To have the left shoulder of the ram of Forbidden to keep the wages of servants the peace offering waved upon their during. Lev. 19:13. hands by the priest. Num. 6: 19, 20, Forbidden to allow malefactors to hang with Lev. 7: 32. during. Deu. 21: 23. ILLUSTRATIVE OF In affliction spent, in sorrow and humiliaChrist. Heb. 7: 26. tion. Psa. 6: 6. Psa. 30: 5 Joel 1: 13. Saints. 2 Cor. 6: 17. Jas. 1: 27. In affliction spent, in prayer. Psa. 22: 2. No. 207. NETEINIM. IOften kept lamps burning during. Pro. Were the servants of the Levites. Ezra Eastern shepherds watched over their 8: 20. flocks during. Gen. 31: 40. Luke 2: 8. Probably originated in the appointment of Eastern fishermen continued their employ the Gibeonites. Jos. 9: 27. ment during. Luke 5: 5. Jno. 21: 3. NIL. NIN 94 OAK. OAT. GOD FREQUENTLY Full of witchcraft, &c. Nah. 3: 4. Revealed his will in. Gen. 31: 24. Gen. Jonah sent to proclaim the destruction of. 46: 2. Num. 29'.20. Dan.7:2. Jon. 1:2. Jon. 3: 1, 2, 4. Visited his people as.. Kin. 3: 5. Psa. Inhabitants of, repented at Jonah's preach17: 3. ing. Jon. 3: 5-9. Mat. 12: 41. Luke Executed his judgments in. Exo. 12: 12. 11: 32. 2 Kin. 19: 35. Job 27: 20. Dan. 5: 30. Destruction of, averted. Jon. 3:10. Jon. ILLUSTRATIVE OF 4: 11. Spiritual darkness. Rom. 13:12. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING; Seasons of severe calamities. Isa. 21: 12. Coming up of the Babylonish armies Amos 5: 8. against. Nah. 2:1-4. Nah. 3: 2. Seasons of spiritual desertion. Song of Destruction of its people. Nah. 1: 12. Sol. 3:1. Nah. 3:3. Death. Jno. 9: 4. Spoiling of its treasures. Nah. 2: 9. Destruction of its idols. Nah. 1: 14. Nah. No. 209. NILE, THE RIVER. 2: 7. Empties itself into the Mediterranean sea Degradation and contempt put on. Nah. by seven streams. Isa. 11: 15. 3: 5-7. Zep. 2: 15. CALLED Utter destruction. Nah. 1: 8, 9. The river. Gen. 41:1, 3. Complete desolation. Zep. 2: 13-15. The Egyptian sea. Isa. 11:15. Feebleness of its people. Nah. 3: 13. The stream of Egypt. Isa. 27:12. Being taken while the people were drunk. Sillor. Jos. 13: 3. Jer. 2: 18. Nah. 1: 10. Nah. 3:11. ABOUNDED IN Captivity of its people. Nah. 3: 10. Crocodiles. Eze. 29: 3. No. 211, OAK TREE, THE. Fish. Exo.7: 21. Eze.29:4. Reeds and flags7. esa. 19: 47. The hill of Bashan celebrated for. Isa. 2: 13. Reeds and flags. Isa. 19: 6, 7. Annual overflow of its banks alluded to. DECRIBED AS Jer. 46:8. Amos 8:8.trong. Amos9:5. 2: 9. THE EGYPTIANS Thick spreading. 2 Sam. 18: 9. Eze. Took great pride in. Eze. 20: 9. 6:13. Careried on extensive commerce by Isa Casting its leaves in winter. Isa. 6: 13. Carried on extensive o mmerce by. Isa. The Tyrians made oars of. Eze. 27: 6. 3Bathed in. Exo. 2: 5. Idolaters-often made idols of. Isa. 44: 14. Drank of. Exo. 7:21, 24. THE ANCIENTS OFTEN Drank of Exo. 7: 21, 24. Rested under. Jud. 6: 11, 19. 1 Kin. Punished by failure of its waters. Isa.Rested under. Jud. 6: 11, 19. 1 Kin. 19: 5, 6. Punished by destruction of its fish. isa. Chr. 10:12. 19:8. 19MARKABLEEVENTSCONNECTEDW: STH. Erected monuments under. Jos. 24: 26. REMaRleABLE c ren NTe CiNNECTED 1WTH; 25 Performed idolatrous rites under. Isa. 1: Male children drowned in. Exo. 1:22. 29 Isa. 57: 5. (mg.) Eze. 6:13. Ho. Moses exposed on its banks. Exo. 2: 3. 4:13. Its waters turned into blood. Exo. 720.: Absalom in his flight intercepted by, and Miraculous generation of frogs. Exo. 8 3. suspended from. 2 Sam. 18: 9, 10, 14. Miraculous generation of frogs. Exo 8: 3. Jacob buried his family idols under. Gen. No. 210. NINEVEiH. 35:4. Origin and antiquity of. Gen. 10: 11. ILLUSTRATIVE Of the church. Isa. 6:13. Situated on the river Tigris. Nah. 2: 6,. Of strong and powerful men. Amos 2: 9. The ancient capital of Assyria. 2 Kin. 19: Of w d u ers l. c:. 36. Isa.T 37 a: 37.Of wicked rulers. lsa. 2:13. Zec. 11: 2. 36. Isa. 3lo7: 37u. Nah.S ~ls (Fading,) of the wicked under judgments. Called the bloody city. Nab. 3: 1. Isa. 1: 30. DEscRIBED AS Great. Jon. 1:2. Jon. 3:2. No. 212, OATHS. Extensive. Jon. 3: 3. The lawful purpose of, explained. Heb. Rich. Nah. 2: 9. 6: 16. Strong. Nah. 3: 12. Antiquity of. Gen. 24: 22. Gen. 24: 3, 8. Commercial. Nah. 3: 16. USED FOR Populous. Jon. 4:11. Confirming covenants. Gen. 26: 28. Gen. Vile. Nah. 1: 14. 31: 44, 53. 1 Sam. 20: 16, 17. Wicked. Jon. 1: 2. Deciding controversies in courts of law. Idolatrous. Nal. 1:14. Exo. 22: 11. Num. 5: 19. 1 Kin. 8: S1. Full of joy and carelessness. Zep. 2: 15. Pledging allegiance to sovereigns. 2 Kin. Full of lies and robbery. Nah. 3:1. 11: 4. Ecc. S: 2. OAT. 95 OFF. Binding to performance of sacred duties. No. 213. OFFERINGS. Num. 30: 2. 2 Chr. 15: 14, 15. Neh. To be made to God alone. Exo. 22: 20. 10:29. Psa.132:2.. 1. Binding to performance of any particular Antiquity. 3 Gen. 4: 3, 4. act. Gen. 24: 3, 4. Gen. 50: 25. Jos Antiquity of. Gen. 4 2:12. DIFFERENT KINDS OF; Burnt. Lev. 1: 3-17. Psa. 66:15. Judicial form of administering. 1 Kin. Sin. Lev. 4: 3-35. Lev. 6: 25. Lev. 10: 17. 22: 16. Mat. 26: 63. 22:16. Ml at. 26 63. Trespass. Lev. 5: 6-19. Lev. 6: 6. Lev. 7:1. Often accompanied by raising up the hand. Trespass. Lev. 5:6-1. Lev. 6 7:. Gen. 14:22. Dan.12:. Rev. 10:5, 6. Heave. Exo. 29: 27, 28. Lev. 7: 14. Num. Often accompanied by placing the hand 15 19. under the thigh of the person sworn to. Wave. Exo.29.26 Lev 7 30 To be taken in fear and reverence. Ecc. 9:2... ch. Num. 15: 4. Drink. Gen. 35:14. Exo. 29: 40. Num. THE JEWS 15: 5 Forbidden to take, in name of idols. Jos. Thank. Lev. 7: 12. Lev. 22: 29. Psa. 23: 7. 50:14. Forbidden to take, in the name of any Free-will. Lev. 23: 38, Deu. 16: 10. created thing. Mat. 5: 34-36. Jas. 5: 12. Deu. 23:23. Forbidden to take false. Lev. 6: 3. Zec. Incense. Exo. 30: 8. Mal. 1:11. Luke 1:9. 8:17. First-fruits. Exo. 22: 29. Deu. 18: 4. Forbidden to take rash, or unholy. Lev. Tithe. Lev. 27: 30. Num. 18: 21. Deu. 5:4. 14: 22. To use God's name alone in. Deu. 6:13. Gifts. Exo. 35: 22. Num. 7: 2-88. Deu. 10: 20. Isa. 65:16. Jealousy. Num. 5:15. To take, in truth, judgment, &c. Jer. 4: 2. Personal, for redemption. Exo. 30: 13, 15. Generally respected the obligation of. Declared to be most holy. Num. 18: 9. Jos. 9: 19, 20. 2 Sam. 21: 7. Psa. 15:4. REQUIRED TO BE Mat. 14: 9. Perfect. Lev. 22: 21. Fell into many errors respecting. Mat. 23: The best of their kind. Mal. 1: 14. 16-22. Offered willingly. Lev. 22:19. Often guilty of rashly taking. Jud. 21:7. Offered in righteousness. Mal. 3: 3. Mat. 14: 7. Mat. 26: 72. Offered in love and charity. Mat. 5: 23, 24. Often guilty of falsely taking. Lev. 6: 3. Brought in a clean vessel. Isa. 66: 20. Jer. 5: 2. Jer. 7: 9. Brought to the place appointed of God. Condemned for false. Zec. 5: 4. Mal. 3: 5. Deu.12:6. Psa.27:6. Heb. 9:9. Condemned for profane. Jer. 23: 10. Laid before the altar. Mat. 5: 23, 24. Hos. 4: 2. Presented by the priest. Heb. 5: 1. INSTANCES OF RASH, &C.; Brought without delay. Exo. 22: 29, 30. Joshua, &c. Jos. 9: 15, 16. Unacceptable without gratitude. rsa. 50: Jephthah. Jud. 11: 30-36. 8, 14. Saul. I Sam. 14: 27, 44. Could not make the offerer perfect. Heb. Herod. Mat. 14: 7-9. 9:9. The Jews who sought to kill Paul. Acts THINGS FORBIDDEN AS 23: 21. The price of fornication. Deu. 23:18. Custom of swearing by the life of the king. The price of a dog. Deu. 23: 18. Gen. 42: 15, 16. Whatever was blemished. Lev. 22: 20. ExPrESSIoNs USED AS; Whatever was imperfect. Lev. 22: 24. By the fear of Isaac. Gen. 31: 53. Whatever was unclean. Lev. 27: 11, 27. As the Lord liveth. Jud. 8: 19. Ruth 3: 13. Laid up in the temple. 2 Chr. 31: 12. Neh. The Lord do so to me, and more also. 10: 37. Ruth 1: 17. Hezekiah prepared chambers for. 2 Chr. God do so to thee, andmore also. 1 Sam. 31: 11. 3:17. THE JEWS OFTEN By the Lord. 2 Sam. 19: 7. 1 Kin.2:42. Slow in presenting. Neh. 138: 10-12. Before God I lie not. Gal. 1: 20. Defrauded God of. Mal. 3: 8. I call God for a record. 2 Cor. 1: 23. Gave the worst they had as. Mal. I: 8, 13. God is witness. I The. 2: 5. Rejected in, because of sin. Isa. 1: 13. I charge you by the Lord. 1 The. 5: 27. Mal. 1: 10. As thy soul liveth. 1 Sam. 1: 26. 1 Sam. Abhorred, on account of the sins of the 25: 26. priests. 1 Sam. 2: 17. God used, to show the immutability of his Presented, to idols. Eze. 20: 28. counsel. Gen. 22: 16. Num. 14: 28. Heb. Made by strangers, to be the same as by 6:17. the Jews. Num. 15: 14-16. OIL. 96 OLI. OST. Many offences under thejaw beyond the ILLUSTRATIVE OF efficacy of. 1 Sam. 3: 14. Psa. 51: 16. The unction of the holy spirit. Psa. 45: ILLUSTRATIVE OF 7. Psa. 89: 20. Zec. 4:12. Christ's offering of himself. Eph. 5: 2. The consolation of the gospel, Isa. 61: 3. The conversion of the Gentiles. Rom. Kind reproof. Psa. 141: 5. 15:16l. No. 215. OLIVE TREE, THE. The conversion of the Jews. Isa. 66: 20. No. 214. ~OIL. Often grew wild. Rom. 11:17. No. 214. OIL. CULTIVATED Given by God. Psa. 104: 14, 15. Jer. 31: 12. In Olive yards. 1 Sam. 8: 14. Neh. 5: 11. Joel 2: 19, 24. Among rocks. Deu. 32: 13. Comes from the earth. Psa. 104: 14, 15. - On the sides of mountains. Mat. 21:1. Hos. 2: 22. Canaan abounded in. Deu. 6: 11. Deu. 8: KINDS OF, MIENTIONED; S. (marng.) Olive. Exo. 30: 24. Lev. 24: 2. Assyria abounded in. 2 Kin. 18: 332. Myrrh. Est. 2:12. Kings of Israel largely cultivated. 1 Chr. Extracted by presses. Hag. 2: 16, with 27: 28. Mic. 6:15. DESCRIBED AS The poor employed in extracting. Job Green. Jer. 11:16. 24: 11. Fair and beautiful. Jer. 11: 16, with Hos. Canaan abounded in. Den. 8: 8. 14: 6. DESCRIBED AS Fat and uncious. Jud. 9: 9. Rom. 11: 17. Soft. Psa. 55: 21. Bearing goodly fruit. Jer. 11: 16, with Smooth. Pro. 5: 3. Jas. 3:12. Penetrating. Psa. 109: 18. Grafting of, alluded to. Rom. 11: 24. Healing. Isa. 1: 6, with Luke 10: 34. Pruning of, alluded to. Rom. 11: 18,19. The ointments of the Jews made of per- Often cast its flowers. Job 15: 33. fumes mixed with. Exo. 30:23-25. Jno. Often cast its fruit. Deu. 28: 40. 12: 3. Often suffered from caterpillars. Amos Jews often extravagant in the use of. Pro. 4: 9. 21: 17. Good for the service of God and man. Jud. Was titheable by the law. Deu. 12: 17. 9: 9. First-fruits of, given to God. Deu. 18:4. Oil procured from. Exo. 27: 20. Deu. 8:8. 2 Chr. 31: 5. Neh. 10: 37. USED FOR MAKING USED The cherubim in the temple. 1 Kin. 6:23. For food. 1 Kin. 17: 12. Eze. 16:13. The doors and posts of the temple. 1 Kin. For anointing the person. Psa. 23: 5. 6: 31-33. Psa. 104: 15. Luke 7: 46. Booths at feast of tabernacles. Neh. 8: 15. For anointing to offices of trust. Exo. Beaten to remove the fruit. Deu. 24: 20. 29: 7. 1 Sam. 10: 1. 1 Kin. 19: 16. Shaken when fully ripe. Isa. 17: 6. For anointing the sick. Mar. 6:13. Jas. Gleaning of, left for the poor. Deu. 24:20. 5:14. Fruit of, during sabbatical year left for the In God's worship. Lev. 7:10. Num 15: poor, &c. Exo. 23: 11. 4-10. The fruit of, trodden in presses to extract In idolatrous worship. Hos. 2: 5, 8. the oil. Mic. 6: 15, with Hag. 2: 16. For lamps. Exo. 25: 6. Exo. 27: 20. Failure of, a great calamity. Hab. 3: 17, 1S. Mat. 25: 3. IILUSTRATIVE OF When fresh especially esteemed. Psa. Of Christ. Rom. 11:17, 24. Zec. 4:3,12. 92:10. Of the Jewish church. Jer. 11: 16. Dealing in, a trade. 2 Kin. 4: 7. Of the righteous. Psa. 52: 8. Hos. 14:6. Exported. I Kin. 5: 11. Eze. 27: 17. Hos. Of children of pious parents. Psa. 128:3. 12: 1. Of the two witnesses. Rev. 11: 3, 4. Sold by measure. 1 Kin. 5: 1. Luke. 16: 6. (When wild,) of the Gentiles. Rom. 11: KEPT IN 17, 24. Boxes. 2 Kin. 9: 1. (Gleaning of,) of the remnant of grace. Horns. 1 Kin. 1: 39. Isa. 17: 6. Isa. 24: 13. Pots. 2 Kin. 4: 2. Probable origin of its being the emblem of Cruises. 1 Kin. 17:12. peace. Gen. 8:11. Cellars. 1 Chr. 27: 28. N 216 TRICH, THE Storehouses. 2 Chr. 32: 28. Stores of, laid up in fortified cities. 2 Chr. Unclean and unfit for food. Lev. 11: 13. 11:11. Furnished with wings and feathers. Job Failure of, a severe calamity. Hag. 1: 11. 39: 13. Miraculous increase of. 2 Kin. 4: 2-6. Lays her eggs in the sand. Job 39: 14. OWL. OX. 97 OX. DESCRIBED AS Ploughing. 1 Kin. 19:19. Job 1: 14. Void of wisdom. Job 39: 17. Amos 6:12. Imprudent. Job 39: 15. Earing the ground. Isa. 30: 24. Isa. 32:20. Cruel to her young. Job 39: 16. Treading out the corn. Hos. 10: 11. Rapid in movement. Job 39: 18. Sacrifice. Exo. 20:24. 2 Sam. 24: 22. ILLUSTRATIVE Food. 1 Kin.1:9. 1 Kin. 19: 21. 2 Chr. Of the unnatural cruelty of the Jews in 18: 2. their calamities. Lam. 4: 3. Often stall-fed for slaughter. Pro. 15: 17. (Companionship with,) of extreme deso. Goes to the slaughter unconscious. Pro. lation. Job 30: 29. (mag.) 7::22. Young of, considered a great delicacy. Gen. No. 217. OWL, THE. 18:7. Amos6:4. Varieties of. Lev. 11: 16, 17. Deu. 14: Male firstlings of, belonging to God. Exo. 15, 16. 34:19. Unclean and not to be eaten. Lev. 11: 13, Tithe of, given to the priests. 2 Chr. 31: 6. with 16 v. LAws RESPECTING; DESCRIBED AS To rest on the Sabbath. Exo. 23:12. Deu. Mournful in voice. Mic. 1: 8. 5: 14. Solitary in disposition. Psa. 102: 6. Not to be yoked with an ass in the same Careful of its young. Isa. 34: 15. plough. Deu. 22: 10. Inhabits deserted cities and houses. Isa. Not to be muzzled when treading out the 13: 21. Isa; 34: 11-14. Jer. 50: 39. corn. Deu. 25: 4. 1 Cor. 9: 9. Illustrative of mourners. Psa. 102: 6. If stolen to be restored double. Exo. 22:4. No. 218. ox, THE. Of others not to be coveted. Exo. 20: 17. Often found wild. Deu. 14:. Deu. 5: 21. INCLUDES THE Of others if lost or hurt through neglect, Bull. Gen. 32: 15. Job 21: 10. to be made good. Exo. 22: 9-13. Bullock. Psa. 50: 9. Jer. 46: 21. Killing a man to be stoned. Exo. 21: 28-32. Cow. Num. 18: 17. Job 21:10. Mode of reparation for one, killing anothHeifer. Gen. 15: 9. Num. 19: 2. er. Exo. 21: 35, 36. Was clean and fit for food. Deu. 14: 4. Straying to be brought back to its owner. DESCRIBED AS Exo.23: 4. Deu. 22:1,2. Strong. Psa. 144:14. Pro. 14: 4. Fallen under its burden to be raised up Beautiful. Jer. 46: 20. Hos. 10:11. again. Deu. 22: 4. Not without sagacity. Isa. 1: 3. Fat of, not to be eaten. Lev. 7: 23. Horns and hoofs of, alluded to. Psa.69: 31. Increase of, promised. Deu. 7: 13. Deu. Lowing of, alluded to. 1 Sam. 15:14. Job 28:4. 6: 5. Publicly sold. 2 Sam. 24: 24. Luke 14: 19. WAS FED Often given as a present. Gen. 12: 16. Gen. With grass. Job 40:15. Psa. 106:20. Dan. 20:14. 4: 25. The wicked often took, in pledge from the With corn. Isa. 30: 24. poor. Job 24: 3. With straw. Isa. 11: 7. Custom of sending the pieces of, to collect On the hills. lsa. 7: 25. the people to war. 1 Sam. 11: 7. In the valleys. 1 Chr. 27: 29. Isa. 65: 10. Sea of brass rested on figures of. 1 Kin. 7:25. In stalls. Hab. 3: 17. ILLUSTRATIVE Rapid manner of collecting its food, alluded (Engaged in husbandry,) of Ministers. to. Num. 22: 4. Isa. 30: 24. Isa. 32: 20. Formed a part of the patriarchal wealth. (Not muzzled in treading corn,) of Minis. Gen. 13: 2, 5. Gen. 26: 14. Job 1: 3. ters' right to support. 1 Cor. 9: 9, 10. Formed a part of the wealth of Israel in (Prepared for a feast,) of the provision of Egypt. Gen. 50: 8. Exo. 10:9. Exo. 12:32. the gospel. Pro. 9: 2. Mat. 22: 4. Formed a part of the wealth of the Jews. (Led to slaughter,) of a rash youth. Pro. Num. 32: 4. Psa. 144: 14. 7:22. Required great care and attention. Pro. (Led to slaughter,) of saints under perse27:23. cution. Jer. 11:19. Herdmen appointed over. Gen. 13: 7. 1 (Stallfed,) of sumptuous living. Pro. 15:17. Sam. 21: 7. BULL OR BULLOCK ILLUSTRA.TIYE Urged on by the goad. Jud. 3: 31. Of fierce enemies. Psa. 22:12. Psa. 68:30. USED FOR (Firstling of,) of the glory of Joseph. Drawing waggons, &c. Num. 7: 3. 1 Deu. 33:17. Samn. 6, 7. (In a net,) of the impatient under judgCarrying burdens. I Chr. 12: 40. ment. Isa. 61: 20. 9 PAL. PAL. 98 PAS. (Fatted,) of greedy mercenaries, Jer. Burned with fire. 2 Chr. 36:19. Jer. 17:27. 46: 21. Overgrown with thorns, &c. Isa. 34:13. (Unaccustomed to the yoke,) of intracta- The habitation of dragons, &c. Isa. 13: 22. ble sinners. Jer. 31:18. The spider makes its way even into. Pro. KINE ILLUSTRATIVE 30: 28. Of proud and wealthy rulers. Amos 4: 1. ILLUSTRATIVE OF (Well favoured,) of years of plenty. Gen. The splendour of the church. Song of Sol. 41:2,26, 29. 8:9. (Lean,) of years of scarcity. Gen. 41: 3, The godly children of saints. Psa. 144: 12. 27, 30. The place of Satan's dominion. Luke HEIFER ILLUSTRATIVE 11: 21. Of a beloved wife. Jud. 14: 1. No. 220. PALM-TREE, THE. (Sliding back,) of backsliding Israel. Hos. 4: 16. First mention of, in scripture. Exo. 15: 27. (Taught, &c.) of Israel's fondness for ease Jericho celebrated for. Deu. 34: 3. Jud. in preference to obedience. Hos. 10:11. 1: 16. (Of three years old,) of Moab in affliction. DESCRIBED AS Isa. 15: 5. Jer. 48: 34. Tall. Song of Sol. 7: 7. (Fair,) of the beauty and wealth of Egypt. Upright. Jer. 10: 5. Jer. 46: 20. Flourishing. Psa. 92:12. (At grass,) of the luxurious Chaldees. Jer. Fruitful to a great age. Psa. 92: 14. 50: 11. The fruit of, called dates. 2 Chr. 31: 5. N~o. 219. PALACES. (marg.) No. 219. PALACES. Requires a moist and fertile soil. Exo. Jerusalem celebrated for. Psa. 48: 3,13. 13:27. THE TERCM APPLIED TO Tents often pitched under shade of. Jud. Residences of kings. Dan. 4: 4. Dan. 6:18. 4: 5. Houses of great men. Amos 3:9. Mic. 5: 5. THE BRA.NCHES OF WERE The temple of God. I Chr. 29: 1, 19. The emblem of victory. Rev. 7:9. The house of the high priest. Mat. 26: 58. Carried at feast of tabernacles. Lev. DESCRIBED AS 23:40. High. Psa. 78: 69. Used for constructing booths. Neh. 8: 15. Polished. Psa. 144:12. Spread before Christ. Jno. 12: 13. Pleasant. Isa. 13: 22. Blasted as a punishment. Joel 1: 12. OF KINGS Represented in carved work on the walls Called the king's house. 2 Kin. 25: 9. 2 and doors of the temple of Solomon. 1 Chr. 7: 11. Kin. 6: 29, 32, 35. 2 Chr. 3: 5. Called the house of the kingdom. 2 Chr. ILLUSTRATIVE OF 2: 1, 12. FlThe Church. Song of Sol. 7: 7, 8. Called the king's palace. Est. 1: 5. The righteous. Psa. 92: 12. Called the royal house. Est. 1: 9. The upright appearance of idols. Jer. Splendidly furnished. Est. 1: 6. 10: b. Surrounded with gardens. Est. 1: 5. No. 221. PASCHAL LAMB, TYPICAL Surrounded with terraces. 2 Chr. 9:11. Under governors. 1 Kin. 4: 6. Neh. 7: 2. NATURE OF. Often attended by eunuchs as servants. A type ofChrist. Exo. 12: 3. 1 Cor 5:7. 2 Kin. 20: 18. Dan. I: 3, 4. A male of the first year. Exo. 12: 5. lsa. Were strictly guarded. 2 Kin. 11: 5. 9: 6. Afforded support to all the king's retain- Without blemish. Exo. 12: 5. 1 Pet. 1: 19. ers. Ezra 4:14. Dan. 1: 5. Taken out of the flock. Exo. 12: 5. Heb. Royal decrees issued from. Est. 3: 15. 2:14, 17. Est. 8: 14. Chosen before-hand. Exo. 12:3. 1 Pet. 2: 4. Royal decrees laid up in. Ezra 6: 2. Shut up four days that it might be closely Contained treasures of the king. 1 Kin. examined. Exo. 12: 6. Jno. 8: 46. Jno. 15: 18. 2 Chr. 12: 9. 2 Chr. 25: 24. 18: 38. Gorgeous apparel suited to, alone. Luke Killed by the people. Exo. 12: 6. Acts 7:25. 2:23. Were entered by gates. Neh. 2: 8. Killed at the place where the Lord put his Often the storehouses of rapine. Amos 3:10. name. Deu. 16: 2. 5-7. 2 Chr. 35: 1. OFTEN AS A PUNISHMENT Luke 13: 33. Spoiled. Amos 3: 11. Killed in the evening. Exo. 12: 6. Mar. Forsaken. Isa. 32: 14. 15: 34, 37. Desolate. Psa. 69: 25. (mark.) Eze. 19: 7. Its blood to be shed. Exo. 12: 7. Luke Scenes of bloodshed. Jer. 9: 21. 22: 20. PAT. PEA. 99 PHA. Blood of, sprinkled on lintel and door-posts. Offered the inside fat, &c. by fire. Lev. 3: Exo. 12: 22. Heb. 9:13, 14. Heb. 10: 22. 3, 4. 9, 10. 1 Pet. 1: 2. Laid it upon the daily burnt-offering to be Blood of, not sprinkled on threshhold. Exo. consumedf with it. Lev. 3: 5, with 12: 7. Heb. 10: 29. Lev. 6: 12, 13. Not a bone of, broken. Exo. 12: 46. Jno. Waved the breast as a wave-offering. 19: 36. Exo. 29: 26, 28. Lev. 7: 29, 30. Not eaten raw. Exo. 12: 9. 1 Cor. 11: Heaved the right shoulder as an heave. 28, 29. offering. Exo. 29: 22-27. Roasted with fire. Exo. 12: 8. Psa. 22: Had the shoulder and breast as his por14, 15. tion. Exo. 29: 28. Lev. 7: 31-34. Eaten with bitter herbs. Exo. 12: 8. Zec. An offering most acceptable. Lev. 3: 5, 16. 12:10. Generally accompanied by a burnt-offerEaten with unleavened bread. Exo. 12:39. ing. Jud. 21: 4. 1 Sam. 10: 8. I Kin. 1 Cor. 5: 7, S. See 2 Cor. 1: 12. 3: 15. Eaten in haste. Exo. 12: II. Heb. 6:18. Often accompanied by a sin-offering. Lev. Eaten with the loins girt. Exo. 12: 11. 23:19. Luke 12: 35. Eph. 6: 14. 1 Pet. 1: 13. WAs OFFERED Eaten with staff in hand. Exo. 12: 11. Psa. As a thanks-giving offering. Lev. 7:12,13. 23: 4. As a votive-offrering. Lev. 7: 16. Eaten with shoes on. Exo. 12: 11. Eph. For a reconciliation. Eze. 45: 15. Eph. 6:15. 2:13, 14. Not taken out of the house. Exo. 12: 46. For confirming the legal covenant. Exo. Eph. 3:17. -24: 5. What remained of it till morning to be bu- At consecration of priests. Exo. 29: 22, 29. ried. Exo. 12: 10. Mat. 7: 6. Luke 11: 3. For the people at large. Lev. 9: 4. No. 222. PATRIARCHAL GOVERN- At expiration of Nazarites' vow. Num. 6:14. MENT. At all the festivals. Num. 10: 10. Vested in the heads of families. Gen. 18: 19. At dedication of tabernacle. Num. 7:17, EXERCISED IN 23, &c. Training, &c. their servants for war. Gen. At dedication of temple. 1 Kin. 8:62-64. 14: 14. At coronation of kings. 1 Sam. 11: 15. Vindicating their wrongs. Gen. 14:12, By Joshua after his victories. Jos. 8:31. 15, 16. By Israel after their defeat. Jud. 20: 26. Forming treaties and alliances. Gen. 14: By David on bringing up the ark. 2 Sam. 13. Gen. 21: 22-32. Gen. 26: 28-33. 6:17. Acting as priests. Gen. 8: 20. Gen. 12: By David after the plague. 2 Sam. 24:25. 7, 8. Gen. 36:1-7. Job I: 5. By Solomon three times a year. 1 Kin. Acting as judges. Gen. 38:24. 9:25. Arbitrarily disinheriting and putting away By Manasseh on repairing and restoring servants and children. Gen. 21: 14. 1 the altar. 2 Chr. 33: 15, 16. Chr. 5: 1. If a thanksgiving-offering, to be eaten the Blessing and cursing their children. Gen. day offered. Lev. 7: 15. 9: 25, 26. Gen. 27: 28, 29. Gen. 49 ch. If a votive-offering, to be eaten the same day The authority of heads of families for, ac- or the next. Lev. 7::16, 17. Lev. 19: 6-8. knowledged. Gen. 23: 6. To be eaten before the Lord. Deu. 12: 17,18. No unclean person to eat of. Lev. 7:20,21. No. 223. PEACE-OFFERING. A male or female of herd or flock. Lev. 3: No. 224. PHARISEES, THE. 1, 6, 12. A sect of the Jews. Acts 15: 5. THE OFFERER REQUIRED The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual. To give it freely. Lev. 19: 5. Acts 26: 5. To bring it himself. Lev. 7: 29, 30. By descent, especially esteemed. Acts 23:6. To lay his hand upon its head. Lev. 3.: 2, CHARACTER OF; 8, 13. Zealous of the law. Acts 15: 5. Phi. 3: 5. To kill it at tabernacle door. Lev. 3: 2, Zealous of tradition. Mar. 7: 3,5-8. Gal. 8, 13. 1: 14. Required to be perfect and free from blem- Outwardly moral. Luke 18:11. Phi. 3: ish. Lev. 3: 1, 6. Lev.22: 21. 5, 6. THE PRIEST Rigid in fasting. Luke 18:12. Prepared. Eze. 46:2. Active in proselytizing. Mat. 23: 15. Sprinkled the blood on the altar. Lev. 3: Selfrighteous. Lue 6:1. Luke 18:9. 2, 8,-13. Avaricious. Mat. 23: 14. Luke 16: 14. PHI. 100 PHI. Ambitious of precedence. Mat. 23: 6. Had many flourishing cities. I Sam. 6: 17. Fond of public salutations. Mat. 23: 7. Given by God to the Israelites. Jos. 13: Fond of distinguished titles. Mat. 23: 7-10. 2, 3. Jos. 15: 45, 47. Particular in paying all dues. Mat. 23: 23. Were a great people and governed by kings Oppressive. Mat. 23: 4. in the patriarchal age. Gen. 21: 22, 34. Cruel in persecuting. Acts 9: 1, 2. Gen. 26: 8. Believed in the resurrection, &c. Acts 23:8. CHARACTER OF; Made broad their phylacteries, &c. Mat. 23:5. Proud. Zec. 9: 6. Their opinions, a standard to othersJno.7:48. Idolatrous. Jud. 16: 23. 1 Sam. 5: 2. Many priests and Levites were of. Jno. 1: Superstitious. Isa. 2: 6. 19, 24. Warlike. 1 Sam. 17:1. 1 Sam. 28: 1. Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of. Men of great strength and stature amongst. Jno. 3: 1. Acts 5: 34. Acts 23: 9. 1 Sam. 17: 4-7. 2 Sam. 21:16, 18-20. Had disciples. Luke 5: 33. Acts 22: 3. Some of, left to prove Israel. Jud. 3: 1-3. Some came to John for baptism. Mat. 3:7. Always confederated with the enemies of As a body, rejected John's baptism. Luke Israel. Psa. 83: 7. Isa. 9:11, 12. 7: 30. Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered CHRIST Israel. Jud. 3: 31. Often invited by. Luke 7: 36. Luke 11: 37. Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for Condemned by, for associating with sin- eighteen years. Jud. 10: 7, 8. ners. Mat. 9: 11. Luke 7: 39. Luke 15:1,2. Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon Asked for signs by. Mat. 12: 38. Mat. 16: I. forty years. Jud. 13: 1. Tempted by, with questions about the SAMISON law. Mat. 19: 3. Mat. 22: 15, 16, 35. Promised as a deliverer from. Jud. 13:5. Watched by, for evil. Luke 6: 7. Intermarried with. Jud. 14: 1, 10. Offended, by his doctrine. Mat. 15: 12. Slew thirty, near Ashkelon. Jud. 14:19. Mat. 21: 45. Luke 16: 14. Burned vineyards, &c., of. Jud. 15: 3-5. Declared the imaginary righteousness of, Slew many, for burning his wife. Jud. to be insufficient for salvation. Mat. 5: 20. 15: 7, 8. Declared the doctrines of, to be hypoc- Slew a thousand, with the jaw.bone of an risy. Mat. 16: 6,11, 12. Luke 12:. ass. Jud. 15: 15, 16. Denounced woes against. Mat. 23: 13, &c. Blinded and imprisoned by. Jud. 16: 21. Called, an evil and adulterous generation. Pulled down the house of Dagon and de. Mat. 12: 39. stroyed immense numbers of. Jud. 16: Called, serpents and generation of vipers. 29, 30. Mat. 23:33. Defeated Israel at Ebenezer. 1 Sam. 4: 1, 2. Called, fools and blind guides. Mat. 23: Defeated Israel and took the ark. 1 Sam. 17, 24. 4: 3-11. Compared, to whited sepulchres. Mat. Put the ark into Dagon's house. 1 Sam. 5: 1-4. 23: 27. Plagued for retaining the ark. 1 Sam. 5: 6-12. Compared, to graves that appear not. Sent back the ark and were healed. I Sam. Luke 11: 44. 6: 1, 18. Left Judea for a time on account of. Jno. Miraculously routed at Mizpeh. 1 Sam. 7: 4: 1-3. 7-14. Imputed Christ's miracles to Satan's power. Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and Mat. 9: 34. Mat. 12: 24. provoked them. I Sam. 13: 3, 4. Sent officers to apprehend Christ. Jno. 7: Invaded the land of Israel with a great 32, 45. army. 1 Sam. 13: 5, 17-23. Often sought to destroy Christ. Mat. 12: 14. Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote a garMat. 21: 46. Jno. 11: 47, 53, 57. rison of, at the passages. 1 Sam. 14:1-14. No. 225. - PHILSTINES, THE. Miraculously discomfited. 1 Sam. 14:15-23. Saul constantly at war with. I Sam. 14: 52. Descended from Casluhim. Gen. 10:13,14. Defied Israel by their champion. I Sam. Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor. 17: 4-10. Jer. 47: 4. Amos 9: 7. Defeated by Israel at Ephes-dammim and Conquered the Avims and took from them pursued to Ekron. I Sam. 17: 1, 52. the west coast of Canaan. Deu. 2: 23. DAVID CALLED Slew Goliath the champion of. 1 Sam. 17: The Caphtorims. Deu. 2: 23. 40-50. The Cherethites. 1 Sam. 30: 14. Zep. 2: 5. Procured Saul's daughter for a hundred COUNTRY OF, foreskins of. 1 Sam;. 18:'25-27. Called Philistia. Psa. 87: 4. Psa. 108: 9. Often defeated, during Saul's reign. 1 Sam. Divided into five states or lordships. Jos. 19: S. 1 Sam. 23: 1-5. 13: 3. Jud. 3: 3. 1 Sam. 6: 16. Fled to, for safety. 1 Sam. 27: 1-7. PIL. 101 PLA. Gained the confidence of Achish king of. To commemorate remarkable events. 1 Sam. 28: 2. 1 Sam. 29: 9. Exo. 24: 4. Jos. 4: 20, 24. Distrusted by. 1 Sam. 29: 2-7. To perpetuate names. 2 Sam. 18: 18. Often defeated in the course of his reign. In honour of idols. Lev. 26: 1 (marg.) 2 Sam. 5: 17-23. 2 Sam. 8: 1. 2 Sam. Deu. 7: 5. (marg.) 21: 15-22. 2 Sam. 23: 8-12. Often anointed. Gen. 28:18. Gen. 31: 13. Had a guard composed of. 2 Sam. 8: 18, Often had inscriptions. Job 19: 24. with Eze. 25: 16. Zep. 2: 5. The divine glory appeared to Israel in the Gathered all theirarmies to Aphek against form of. Exo. 13: 21, 22. Num. 12: 5. Israel. 1 Sam. 28:1. 1 Sam. 29: 1. Lot's wife became a pillar of salt. Gen. Ziglag a town of, taken and plundered by 19: 26. the Amalekites. 1 Sam. 30: 1, 2, 16. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Israel defeated by, and Saul slain. 1 Sam. Stability of the heavens. Job 26: 11. 31: 1-10. Stability of the earth. I Sam. 2: 8. Psa. Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab. I Kin. 75: 3. 15:27. The church. I Tim. 3:15. Sent by God against Jehoram. 2 Chr. 21: Stability of Christ. Song of Sol. 5:15. 16, 17. Rev. 10:1. Defeated by Uzziah. 2 Chr. 26: 6, 7. Ministers. Jer. 1:18. Gal. 2: 9. Distressed Judah under Ahaz. 2 Chr. 28: Saints who overcome in Christ. Rev. 18, 19. 3 3:12. Defeated by Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18: S. No. 227. PLAGUE OR PESTILENCE, Israel condemned for imitating. Jud. 10: 6. Amos 6:2. Amos 9:7. THE. PROPHECIES RESPECTING; Inflicted by God. Eze. 14: 19. Hab. 3: 5. Union with Syria against Israel. Isa: One of God's four sore judgments. Eze. 11, 12. 14:21. Punishment with other nations. Jer. 25:20. Described as noisome. Psa. 91: 3. Dismay at ruin of Tyre. Zec. 9: 3, 5. Israel threatened with, as a punishment for Base men to be their rulers. Zec. 9: 6. disobedience. Lev. 26: 24, 25. Deu. Hatred and revenge against Israel to be 28: 21. fully recompensed. Eze. 25: 15-17. Desolating effects of. Psa. 91:7. Jer. 16:6, Amos 1: 6-8. 7. Amos 6: 9, 10. Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Equally fatal day and night. Psa. 91: 5, 6. Egypt. Jer. 47: 1-4. Zep. 2: 5, 6. Fatal to man and beast. Pesa. 78: 50. (msag.) Destruction and desolation of their cities. Jer 21: 6. Jer. 47: 5. Zep. 2:4. SENT UPON Their country to be a future possession The Egyptians. Exo. 12: 29, 30. to Israel. Oba. 19 v. Zep. 2: 7. Israel for making golden calf, Ezo. 32: 35. To help in Israel's restoration. Isa. 11: 14. Israel for despising manna. Num. 11: 33. No. 226. PILLARS. Israel for murmuring at destruction of Korah. Num. 16: 46-50. The supports- of a building. Jud. 16: 29, Israel for worshipping Baal-peor. Num. Things raised up as memorials. Gen. 31: 51. 25: 18. MADE OF David's subjects for his numbering the Marble. Est. 1: 6. people. 2 Sam. 24:15. Wood. -1 Kin. 10: 12. Often broke out suddenly. Psa. 106: 29. Iron. Jer. I: 18. Often followed war and famine. Jer. 27: Brass. 1 Kin. 7:15. 13. Jer. 28:8. Jer. 29:17, 18. Silver. Song of Sol. 3:10. Egypt often afflicted with. Jer. 42: 17, The vail and hangings of the tabernacle with Amos 4:10. supported by. Exo. 26: 32, 37. Exo. 36: Specially fatal in cities. Lev. 26: 25. Jer. 36, 38. 21: 6, 9. Two, placed in the temple porch. 1 Kin. Was attributed to a destroying angel. Exo. 7:15-21. 12: 23, with 2 Sam. 24:16. OF MEMORIAL The Jews sought deliverance from, by Sometimes of a single stone. Gen. 28:18. prayer. I Kin. 8: 37, 38. 9 Chr. 20: 9. Sometimes of a heap of stones. Jos. 4: 8, Predicted to happen before destruction of 9, 20. Jerusalem. Mlat. 24: 7. Luke 21: 11. To witness vows. Gen. 28: 18. Gen. ILLUSTRATIVE OF 31: 13. God's judgments upon the apostacy. Rev. To witness covenants. Gen. 31: 52. 18: 4, 8. To mark the graves of the dead. Gen. The diseased state of man's heart. 1 Kin. 35:20. 8:38. PoM. POO. 102 PRE. No. 228. PLOUGHING. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; f Bethesda. Jno. 5: 2. The breaking up or tilling of the earth. Gibeon. JnoSam. 2:13. Jer. 4: 3. Hos. 10:12. Hebron. 2 Sam. 4:12. Noah the supposed inventor of. Gen. 5: 29. Samaria. I Kin. 22:38. PERFORnrED Siloam. Jno. 9: 7. By a plough. Luke 9: 62. The upper pool. 2 Kin. 18:17 Isa. 7: 3. With oxen. 1 Sam. 14: 14. Job 1:14. The lower pool. Isa. 22: 9. During the cold winter season. Pro. 20: 4. The king's pool. Neh. 2:14. In long and straight furrows. Psa. 129: 3. The old pool. Isa. 22: 11. Generally by servants. Isa. 61: 5. Luke The land of Egypt abounded in. Exo. 7: 19. 17:7. ILLUSTRATIVE Sometimes by the owner of the land him- Of Nineveh. Nah. 2: 8. self. 1 Kin. 19:19. (In the wilderness,) of the gifts of the With an ox and an ass yoked together for- spirit. Isa. 35: 7. Isa. 41: 18. bidden to the Jews. Deu. 22: 10. (Turning cities into,) of great desolation. Difficulty of, on rocky ground. Amos 6:12. Isa. 14: 23. Followed by harrowing and sowing. Isa. 28: 24, 25. No. 231. PRECIOUS STONES. ILLUSTRATIVE Dug out of the earth. Job 28: 5, 6. Of repentance and reformation. Jer. 4: 3. Brought from Ophir. 1 Kin. 10:11. 2 Chr. Of peace and prosperity. Isa. 2: 4. Mic. 9: 10. 4: 3. Brought from Sheba. 1 Kin. 10: 1, 2. Eze. Of a severe course of affliction. Hos. 27:22. 10:11. CALLED Of a course of sin. Job 4: 8. Hos. 10: 13. Stones of fire. Eze. 28:14, 16. Of the labour of ministers. I Cor. 9: 10. Stones to be set. 1 Chr. 29: 2. (Attention and constancy required in,) of Jewels. Isa. 61:10. Eze. 16: 12. continued devotedness. Luke 9: 62. Precious jewels. 2 Chr. 20: 26. Pro. 20: 15. No. 229. POMEGRANATE-TREE, THE. Of great variety. 1 Chr. 29: 2. Of divers colours. 1 Chr. 29: 2. Egypt abounded with. Num. 20: 5. Brilliant and glittering. 1 Chr. 29: 2. Rev. Canaan abounded with. Num. 13: 23. Deu. 21: 11. 8:8. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; THE JEWS Agate. Exo. 28:19. Isa. 54: 12. Cultivated, in orchards. Song of Sol. 4:13. Amethyst. Exo. 28: 19. Rev. 21: 20. Often dwelt under shade of. I Sam. 14:2. Beryl. Dan. 10: 6. Rev. 21: 20. Drank the juice of. Song of Sol. 8:2. Carbuncle. Exo. 28: 17. Isa. 64: 12. The blasting of, a great calamity. Joel Coral. Job 28: 18. 1:12. Chalcedony. Rev. 21: 19. God's favour exhibited in making, fruitful. Chrysolite. Rev. 21:20. Hag. 2:19. Chrysoprasus. Rev. 21: 20. REPRESENTATIONS OF ITS FRUIT Diamond. Exo. 28: 18. Jer. 17: 1. Eze. On the high priest's robe. Exo. 39: 24-26. 28:13. On the pillars of the temple. 1 Kin. 7:18. Emerald. Eze. 27:16. Rev. 4: 3. ILLUSTRATIVE Jacinth. Rev. 9: 17. Rev. 21: 20. Of Saints. Song of Sol. 6: 11. Song of Jasper. Rev. 4: 3. Rev. 21: 11, 19. Sol. 7: 12. Onyx. Exo. 28:20. Job 28:16. (An orchard of,) of the church. Song of Pearl. Job 28: 18. Mat. 13: 45, 46. Rev. Sol. 4: 13. 21: 21. (Fruit of,) of the graces of the church. Ruby. Job 28:18. Lam. 4: 7. S~ag of Sol. 4: 3. Song of Sol. 6: 7. Sapphire. Exo. 24:10. Eze. 1: 26.;oO. 230. POOLS AND PONDS. Sardine or sardius. Exo. 28: 17. Rev. 4: 3. Made by God. Isa. 35: 7. Sardonyx. Rev. 21: 20. Made by man. Isa. 19: 10 Topaz. Job 28: 19. Rev. 21: 20. ARTIFICIAL, DESIGNED FOR Highly prized by the ancients. Pro. 17: S. Supplying cities with water. 2 Kin. 20: 20. Extensive commerce in. Eze. 27: 22. Rev. Supplying gardens, &c. with water. Ecc. 18: 12. 2: 6. Often given as presents. 1 Kin. 10: 2, 10. Preserving fish. Isa. 19: 10. Art of engraving upon, early known to the Water of, brought into the city by a ditch Jews. Exo. 28: 9, 11, 21. or conduit. Isa. 22: 11, with 2 Kin. 20: 20. Art of setting, known to the Jews.. Exo. Filled by the rain. Psa. 84: 6. 28: 20........................................................ .PrRE.: 103 PRI. USED FOR When small or defective, refused. Mal. 1:8. Adorning the high priest's ephod. Exo. Of persons of rank, of great value and vari. 28: 12. ety. 2Kin. 5:5. 2Chr. 9: 1. Adorning the breastplate of judgment. Receiving of, a token of good will. Gen. Exo. 28:17-20.'Exo. 39: 10-14. 33:10, 11. Decorating the person. Eze. 28: 13. THINGS GIVEN AS - Ornamenting royal crowns. 2 Sam. 12: 30. Cattle. Gen. 32: 14, 15, 18. Setting in seals and rings. Song of Sol. Horses and mules. I Kin. 10:25. 5: 12. Money. Gen. 45: 22. 1 Sam. 9: 8. Job Adorning the temple. 2 Chr. 3: 6. 42:11. Honouring idols. Dan. 11: 38. Eatables. Gen. 43: 11. 1 Sam. 25: 18. 1 A part of the treasure of kings. 2 Chr. Kin. 14:3. 32: 27. Garments. Gen. 45: 22. 1 Sam. 18: 4. Given by the Jews for the tabernacle. Exo. Weapons of war. 1 Sam. 18: 4. 25:7. Ornaments. Gen.24: 22, 47. Job42: 11. Prepared by David for the temple. 1 Chr. Gold and silver vessels. 1 Kin. 10: 25. 29: 2. Precious stones. 1 Kin. 10: 2. Given by chief men for the temple. I Chr. Servants. Gen. 20: 14. Gen. 29: 24, 29. 29: 8. Often borne by servants. Jud. 3: 18. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Often conveyed on camels, &c. 1 Sam. Preciousness of Christ. Isa. 28:16. 1 Pet. 2:6. 2:18. 2 Kin. 8: 9. 2 Chr. 9: 1. Beauty and stability of the church. Isa. Sometimes sent before the giver. Gen. 54: 11, 12. 32:21. Saints. Mal. 3:17. 1 Cor. 3:12. Generally presented in person. Gen. 43: Seductive splendour and false glory of the 15, 26. Jud. 3:17. 1 Sam. 25: 27. apostacy. Rev. 17: 4. Rev. 18: 16. Laid out and presented with great cere- Worldly glory of nations. Eze. 28: 13-16. mony. Gen. 43: 25. Jud. 3: 18. Mat. 2: 11. Glory of heavenly Jerusalem. Rev. 21:11. Stability of heavenly Jerusalem. Rev. 21: 19. First notice of persons acting as. Gen. 4: 3, 4. No. 232. PRESENTS. During patriarchal age heads of families acted as. Gen. 8: 20. Gen. 12: S. Gen. 35:7. Antiquity of. Gen. 32:13. Gen. 43:15. After the exodus young men (first-born) WERE GIVEN deputed to act as. Exo. 24: 5, with Exo. To judges to secure a favourable hearing. 19: 22. Pro. 17: 23. Amos 2: 6. The sons of Aaron appointed as, by per. To kings to engage their aid. 1 Kin. 15:18. petual statute. Exo. 29: 9. Exo. 40: 15. By kings to each other in token of inferi. All except seed of Aaron excluded from ority. 1 Kin. 10: 25. 2 Chr. 9: 23, 24. being. Num. 3:10. Num. 16:40. Num. Psa. 72: 10. 18:7. To appease the angry feelings of others. Sanctified by God for the office. Exo. 29: 44. Gen. 32: 20. 1 Sam. 25: 27, 28, 35. Publicly consecrated. Exo. 28:3. Num. To confirm covenants. Gen. 21: 28-30. 3: 3. To reward service. 2 Sam. 18: 12. Dan. CEREMONIES AT CONSECRATION OF; 2:6, 48. Washing in water. Exo. 29: 4. Lev. 8: 6. To show respect. Jud. 6: 18. Clothing with the holy garments. Exo. In token of friendship. 1 Sam. 18: 3, 4. 29: 8, 9. Exo. 40: 14. Lev. 8:13. As tribute. Jud. 3: 15. 2 Sam. 8: 2. 2 Anointing with oil. Exo. 30: 30. Exo. Chr. 17:5. 40:13. On occasions of visits. 2 Kin. 8: 8. Offering sacrifices.. Exo. 29:10-19. Lev. On all occasions of public rejoicing. Neh. 8: 14-23. 8: 12. Est. 9: 19. Purification by blood of the consecrationAt marriages. Gen. 24: 53. Ps. 45:12. ram. Exo. 29: 20, 21. Lev. 8: 23, 4. On recovering from sickness. 2 Kin. 20: 12. Placing in their hands the wave-offering. On restoration to prosperity. Job 42: 10,1 1. Exo. 29: 22-24. Lev. 8: 25-27. On sending away friends. Gen. 45: 22. Partaking of the sacrifice of consecration. Jer. 40: 5. Exo. 29: 31-33. Lev. S8:31, 32. Considered essential on all visits of business. Lasted seven days. Exo. 29: 35-37. Lev. 1 Sam. 9:7. 8:33. Not bringing, considered a mark of disre- Required to remain in the tabernacle seven spect and disaffection. I Sam. 10: 27. 2 days after consecration. Lev. 8: 33-36. Kin. 17: 4. No blemished or defective persons could Generally procured a favourable reception. be consecrated. Lev. 21: 17-23. Pro. 18:16. Pro. 19: 6. Required to prove their genealogy before — e -—,~ —-~ I IJ PMI. 104 PRI. they exercised the office. Ezra 2: 62. Redemption-money ofthe first-born. Num. Neh. 7:64. 3:48, 51. Num. 18:15, 16. GA.EsMENTS OF, First-born of animals or their substitutes. The coat or tunic. Exo. 28: 40. Exo. Num. 18: 17, 18, with Exo. 13:12, 13. 39: 27. First of the wool of sheep. Deu. 18: 4. The girdle. Exo. 28: 40. Shew-bread after its removal. Lev. 24: 9. The bonnet. Exo. 28: 40. Exo. 39: 28. 1 Sam. 21: 4-6. Mat. 12: 4. The linen breeches. Exo. 28: 42. Exo. Part of all sacrifices. Lev. 7: 6-10, 31-34. 39:28. Num. 6: 19, 20. Num. 18: 8-11. Deu. Worn at consecration. Exo. 29: 9. Exo. 18: 3. 40: 15. All devoted things. Num. 18: 14. Worn always while engaged in the ser- All restitutions when the owner could vice of the tabernacle. Exo. 28: 43. not be found. Num. 5: 8. Exo. 39: 41. A fixed portion of the spoil taken in war. Worn by the high priest on the day of Num. 31: 29, 41.,lAonement. Lev. 16: 4. Thirteen of the Levitical cities given to, for Purified by sprinkling of blood. Exo. residence. 1 Chr. 6: 57-60, with Num. 20:21. 35: 1-8. Laid up in holy chambers. Eze. 44:19. Might purchase and hold other lands in posOften provided by the people. Ezra 2: session. 1 Kin. 2: 26. Jer. 32: 8, 9. 68, 69. Neh. 7: 70, 72. SPECIAL LAWS RESPECTING; Required to wash in the brazen laver be- Not to marry divorced or improper per. fore they performed their services. Exo. sons. Lev. 21: 7. 30: 18-21. Not to defile themselves for the dead exSERVICES OF; cept nearest of kin. Lev. 21: 1-6. Keeping the charge of the tabernacle, &c. Not to drink wine, &c., while attending Num. 18:1, 5, 7. in the tabernacle. Lev. 10: 9. Eze. Covering the sacred things of the sanctuo 44: 21. ary before removal. Num. 4: 5-15. Not to defile themselves by eating what Offering sacrifices. Lev. I ch. to Lev. 6 died or was torn. Lev. 22: 8. ch. 2 Chr. 29: 34. 2 Chr. 35: 11. While unclean could not perform any ser. Lighting and trimming the lamps of the vice. Lev. 22: 1, 2, with Num. 19: 6, 7, sanctuary. Exo. 27: 20, 21. Lev. 24: While unclean could not eat of the holy 3, 4. things. Lev. 22: 3-7. Keeping the sacred fire always burning No sojourner or hired servant to eat of on the altar. Lev. 6: 12, 13. their portion. Lev. 22: 10. Burning incense. Exo. 30: 7, 8. Luke All bought and home-born servants to eat 1: 9. of their portion. Lev. 22: 11. Placing and removing shew-hread Lev. Children of, married to strangers, not to 24: 5-9. eat of their portion. Lev. 22: 12. Offering first-fruits. Lev. 23:10, 11. Deu. Restitution to be made to, by persons 26: 3, 4. ignorantly eating of their holy things. Blessing the people. Num. 6: 23-27. Lev. 22: 14-16. Purifying the unclean. Lev. 15: 30, 31. Divided by David into twenty-four courses. Deciding in cases of jealousy. Num. 1 Chr. 24:1-19. 2 Chr. 8:14. 2 Chr. 35: 5:14, 15. 4, 5. Deciding in cases of leprosy. Lev 13: The four courses which returned from Ba2-59. Lev. 14: 34-45. bylon subdivided intotwenty-four. Ezra Judging in cases of controversy. Deu. 2: 36-39, with Luke 1: 5. 17: 8-13. Deu. 21: 5. Each course of, had its.president or chief. Teaching the law. Deu. 33: 8,10. Mal. 2: 7. 1 Chr. 24: 6, 31. 2 Chr. 36: 14. Blowing the trumpets on various occa- Services of, divided by lot. Luke 1: 9. sions. Num. 10: 1-10 Jos. 6: 3, 4. Punishment for invading the office of Num. Carrying the ark. Jos. 3: 6,17. Jos. 6:12. 16: 1-35. Num. 18: 7. 2 Chr. 26: 16-21. Encouraging the people when they went On special occasions persons not of Aaron's to war, Deu. 20: 1-4. family acted as. Jud. 6: 24-27. 1 Sam. 7:9. Valuing things devoted. Lev. 27: 8. 1 Kin. 18: 33. Were to live by the altar as they had no in- WERE SOCmETINIES heritance. Deu. 18:1, 2. 1 Cor. 9:13. Greedy. I Sam. 2: 13-17. REVENUES OF; Drunken. Isa. 28: 7. Tenth of the tithes paid to the Levites. Profane and wicked. 1 Sam. 2: 22-24. Num. 18: 26, 28. Neh. 10: 37, 38. Heb. Unjust. Jer. 6: 13. 7:5. Corrupters of the law. Isa. 28: 7, with First-fruits. Num. 18: 8, 12, 13. Deu. 18: 4. Mal. 2: 8. PRI. 105 PRO. Slow to sanctify themselves for God's ser- Glothed in prison dress. 2 Kin. 25: 29. vice. 2 Chr. 29: 34. Sometimes allowed to be visited by their Generally participated in punishment of friends. Mat. 11: 2. Mat. 25: 36. Acts the people. Jer. 14: 18. Lam. 2: 20. 24:23. Made of the lowest of the people by Jero- Might have their condition ameliorated by boam and others. I Kin. 12: 31. 2 Kin. the king. Jer. 37:20, 21. 17: 32. Often executed in. Gen. 40: 22. Mat. 14: 10. Services of, inefectual for removing sin. The king had power to release from. Gen. Heb. 7: 11. Heb.b 10: 11. 40: 21. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Magistrates had power to release from. Christ. Heb. 10: 11, 12. Acts 16: 35, 36. Saints. Exo. 19:6. 1 Pet. 2: 9. KEEPERS OF, No. 234. PRISONS. Strictly guarded the doors. Acts 12: 6. Responsible for the prisoners. Acts 16: Antiquity of. Gen. 39: 20. 23, 27. KINDS OF MIENTIONED; Put to death if prisoners escaped. Acts State. Jer. 37: 21, with Gen. 39: 20. 12: 19. Common. Acts 5: 19. Often used severity. Jer. 37:16,20. Acts Dungeons attached to. Jer. 38: 6. Zec. 9: 11. 16.24. Were under the care of a keeper. Gen. Sometimes acted kindly. Gen. 39: 21. Acts 39: 21. 16: 33, 34. USED FOR CONFIr Nas Sometimes entrusted the care of the pris. Persons accused of crimes. Luke 23:19. on to well-conducted prisoners. Gen. Persons accused of heresy. Acts 4: 3. 39: 22, 23. Acts 5: 18. Acts 8: 3. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Suspected persons. Gen. 42:19. Deep afflictions. Psa. 142: 7. Condemnedcriminals tillexecuted. Lev. Hell. Rev. 20: 7. 24: 12. Acts 1'2: 4, 5. Bondage to sin and Satan. Isa. 42: 7. lsa. Enemies taken captive. Jud. 16: 21. 2 Isa. 49: 9. Isa. 61:1. Kin. 17: 4. Jer. 52No. 235. PROPHETS. Debtors till they paid. Miat. 5: 26. Mat. No. 235. PROPHETS. 18: 30. God spake of old by. Hos. 12: 10. Heb. 1:1. Persons under the king's displeasure. l The messengers of God. 2 Chr. 36: 15. Isa. Kin. 22: 27. 2 Chr. 16: 10. Mar. 6:17. 44: 26. Confinensent in, often awarded as a punish- The servants of God. Jer. 35: 15. ment. Ezra 7: 26. The watchmen of Israel. Eze. 3: 17. Confinement in, considered a severe pun. WERE CALLED ishment. Luke 22: 33. Men of God. I Sam. 9: 6. PLACES USED AS; Prophets of God. Ezra 5: 2. Court of the king's house. Jer. 32: 2. Holy prophets. Luke I: 70. Rev. 18:'20. House of the king's scribe. Jer. 37: 15. Rev. 22: 6. House of the captain of the guard. Gen. Holy men of God. 2 Pet. I: 21. 40: 3. Seers. I Sam. 9:9. Prisoner's own house, where he was kept Were esteemed as holy men. 2 Kin. 4: 9. bousnd to a soldier. Acts 28: 16, 30, Women sometimes endowed as. Joel 2: 28. with 2 Tim. 1: 16-18. GoD COIIMUNICATED TO, The king had power to commit to. 1 Kin. Iis secret things. Amos 3: 7. 22: 27. At sundry times and in divers ways. Heb. Magistrates had power to commit to. Mat. 1: 1. 5:25. By an audible voice. Num. 12: 8. 1 Sam PERSONS CONFINED IN, 3: 4-14. Said to be in ward. Lev. 24: 12. By angels. Dan. 8: 15-26. Rev. 22: 8, 9. Said to be in hold. Acts 4: 3. By dreams and visions. Num: 12: 6. Joel Often placed in dungeons. Jer. 38: 6. Acts 2: 28. 16: 24. Were under the influence of the Holy Ghost Often bound with fetters. Gen. 42: 19. while prophecying. Luke 1: 67. 2 Pet. Eze. 19:9. Mar. 6:17. 1:21. Often chained to two soldiers. Acts 12:6. Spake in the name of the Lord. 2 Chr. Often fastened in stocks. Jer. 29: 26. 33:18. Eze.3:11. Jas. 5:10. Acts 16: 24. Frequently spake in parables and riddles. Often kept to hard labour. Jud. 16:21. 2 Sam. 12: 1-6. Isa. 5: 1-7. Eze. 17: 2-10. Often subjected to extreme suffering. Psa. Frequently in their actions, &c., were made 79: 11. Psa. 102: 20. Psa. 105:18. (marg.) signs to the people. Isa. 20: 2-4. Jer. 19: Fedonbreadand water. 1Kin.22:27. 1,10,11. Jer. 27: 2,3. Jer. 43: 9. Jer. PRO. 106 PRO. 51: 63. Eze. 4: 1-13. Eze. 5: 1-4. Eze. Denounce the wickedness of kings. 1 7:23. Eze. 12: 3-7. Eze. 21: 6, 7. Eze. Sam. 15: 10, 16-19. 2 Sam. 12: 7-12. 1 24:1-24. Hos. 1: 2-9. Kin. 18:18. 1 Kin. 21:17-22. Frequently left without divine communica- Exhort to faithfulness and constancy in tions on account of sins of the people. I God's service. 2 Chr. 15: 1, 2, 7. Sam. 28: 6. Lamn.2: 9. Eze. 7: 26. Predict the coming, &c. of Christ. Luke WERE REQUIRED 24: 44. Jno. 1: 45. Acts 3: 24. Acts To be bold and undaunted. Eze. 2: 6. 10: 43. Eze. 3: 8, 9. Predict the downfal of nations. Isa. 15:1. To be vigilant and faithful. Eze. 3: 17-21. Isa. 17: 1, &c. Jer. 47 ch. to Jer. 51 ch. To receive with attention all God's com- Felt deeply on account of the calamities munications. Eze. 3: 10. which they predicted. Isa. 16: 9-11. Jer. Not to speak any thing but what they re- 9: 1-7. ceived from God. Deu. 18: 20. PREDICTIONS OF, To declare every thing that the Lord Frequently proclaimed at the gate of the commanded. Jer. 26: 2. Lord's house. Jer. 7:2. Sometimes received divine communications Proclaimed in the cities and streets. Jer. and uttered predictions under great bodily 11: 6. and mental excitement. Jer. 23: 9. Eze. Written on tables and fixed up in some 3:14, 15. Dan. 7: 28. Dan. 10: 8. Hab. public place. Hab. 2: 2. 3: 2, 16. Written on rolls and read to the people. Sometimes uttered their predictions in Isa. 8. 1. Jer. 36:2. verse. Deu. 3'2: 44. Isa. 5: 1. Were all fulfilled.'2 Kin. 10:10. Isa. 44: Often accompanied by music while predict- 26. Acts 3: 18. Rev. 10: 7. ing. I Sam. 10:5. 2 Kin. 3:15. Assisted the Jews in their great national Often committed their predictions to writ- undertakings. Ezra 5: 2. ing. 2 Chr. 21: 12. Jer. 36: 2. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Writings of, read in the synagogues every Enoch. Gen. S: 21-24, with Jude 14 v. Sabbath. Luke 4:17. Acts 13:15. Noah. Gen. 9: 25-27. ORDINARY, Jacob. Gen. 49 -: 1. Numerous in Israel. 1 Sam. 10: 5. 1 Kin. Aaron. Exo. 7:1. 18: 4. Moses. Deu. 18:18. Trained up and instructed in schools. 2 Miriam. Exo. 15: 20. Kin. 2: 3, 5, with 1 Sam. 19: 20. Deborah. Jud. 4: 4. The sacred bards of the Jews. Exo. 15: Prophet sent to Israel. Jud. 6: 8. 20, 21. 1 Sam. 10: 5, 10. 1 Chr. 25: 1. Prophet sent to Eli. 1 Sam. 2: 27. EXTRA.ORDINARY, Samuel. 1 Sam. 3: 20. Specially raised up on occasions of emer-. David. Psa. 16: 8-11, with Acts 2:25, 30. gency. 1 Sam. 3: 19-21. Isa. 6: 8, 9. Nathan. 2 Sam. 7: 2. 2 Sam. 12: 1. 1 Jer. I: 5. Kin. I:10. Often endued with miraculous power. Zadok. 2 Sam. 15:27. Exo.4:1-4. 1Kin.17:23. 2 Kin. 5:3-8. Gad. 2 Sam. 24: 11. I Chr. 29:29. Frequently married men. 2 Kin. 4: 1. Eze. Ahijah. I Kin. 11: 29. 1 Kin. 12:15. 2 24:18. Chr. 9:'29. Wore a coarse dress of hair.cloth. 2 Kin. Prophet of Judah. 1 Kin. 13: 1. 1:8. Zec. 13:4. Mat. 3:4. Rev. 11l:3. Iddo. 2 Cihr. 9:29. 2 Chr. 12:15. Often led a wandering and unsettled life. Shemaiah. 1 Kin. 12: 22. 2 Chr. 12:7,15. 1 Kin. 18: 10-12. 1 Kin. 19: 3, 8, 15. 2 Azariah the son of Oded. 2 Chr. 15; 2, 8. Kin. 4: 10. Hanani. 2 Chr. 16: 7. Simple in their manner of life. Mat. 3: 4. Jeohu the son of Hanani. 1 Kin. 16:1, 7,12. The historiographers of the Jewish nation. Elijah. Kin, 17: 1. 1 Chr. 29: 29. 2 Chr. 9: 29. Elisha. I Kin. 19 16. The interpreters of dreams, &c. Dan. 1:17. Micaiah the son of Imlah. 1 Kin. 22: 7, 8. Were consulted in all difficulties. I Sam. Jonah. 2 Kin. 14: 25. Jon. 1: 1. Mat. 9: 6. 1 Sam. 28: 15. I Kin. 14: 2-4. 1 12:39. Kin. 22:7. Isaiah. 2 Kin. 19: 2. 2 Chr. 26: 22. Isa. Presented with gifts by those who consulted 1: 1. them. 1 Sam. 9: 7, S. 1 Kin. 14:.3. Hosea. Hos. 1: 1. Sometimes thought it right to reject pre. Amos. Amos I:1. Amos 7: 14, 15. sents. 2 Kin. 5:15, 16. Micah. Mic. 1:1. WERE SENT TO Oded. 2 Chr. 28: 9. Reprove the wicked and exhort to re. Nahum. Nah. I: 1. pentance. 2 Kin. 17:13. 2 Chlr. 24:19. Joel. Joel 1:1. Acts 2:16. Jer. 25: 4, 5. Zephaniah. Zep. I: 1. PRO. 107 PRO. Huldah. 2 Kin. 22: 14. PROPHESIED Jeduthun. 2 Chr. 35:15. Falsely. Jer. 5: 31. Jeremiah. 2 Chr. 36: 12, 21. Jer. 1: 1, 2. Lies in the name of the Lord. Jer. 14:14. Habakkuk. Hab. 1: 1. Out of their own heart. Jer. 23:16, 26. Obadiah. Oba. I v. Eze. 13: 2. Ezekiel. Eze. 1: 3. In the name of false gods. Jer. 2: 8. Daniel. Dan. 12:11, with Mat. 24: 15. Peace, when there was no peace. Jer. Haggai. Ezra 5: 1. Ezra 6:14. Hag. 1:1. 6:14. Jer. 23:17. Exe. 13:10. Mic. Zechariah son of Iddo. Ezra 5: 1. Zech. 3: 5. I: 1. Often practised divination and witchcraft. Malachi. Mal. 1:1. Jer. 14: 14. Eze. 22: 28. Acts 13: 6. Zacharias the father of John. Luke 1:67. Often pretended to dreams, &c.. Jer. 23: Anna. Luke 2: 36. 28: 32. Agabus. Acts l: 28. Acts 21: 10. Often deceived by God as a judgment. Eze. Daughters of Philip. Acts 21: 9. 14: 9. Paul. I Tim. 4: 1. THE PEOPLE Peter. 2 Pet. 2: 1, 2. Led into error by. Jer. 23: 13. Mic. 3: 5. John. Rev. 1: 1. Made to forget God's name by. Jer. 23: 27. One generally attached to the king's house- Deprived of God's word by. Jer. 23: 30. hold. 2 Sam. 24: 11. 2 Chr. 29: 25. 2 Taught profaneness and sin by. Jer. 23: Chr. 35: 15. 14, 15. THE JEWS Oppressed and defrauded by. Eze. 22: 25. Required to hear, and believe. Deu. 18: Warned not to listen to. Deu. 13: 3. Jer. 15, with 2 Chr. 20: 20. 23: 16. Jer. 27: 9, 15, 16. Often tried to make them speak smooth Encouraged and praised. Jer. 5:31. Luke things. 1 Kin. 22:13. isa. 30: 10. Amos 6: 26. 2: 12. Mode of trying and detecting. Deu. 13:1,2. Persecuted them. 2 Chr. 36: 16. Mat. Deu. 18:'21, 22. 1 Jno. 4:1-3. 5: 12. PREDICTED TO ARISE Often imprisoned them. 1 Kin. 22: 27. Before destruction of Jerusalem. Mat. Jer. 32: 2. Jer. 37:15, 16. 24: 11, 24. Often put them to death. i Kin. 18: 13. In the latter times. 2 Pet. 2: 1. 1 Kin. 19: 10. Mat. 23: 34-37. Judgments denounced against. Jer. 8: 1, 2. Often left without, on account of sin. 1 Jer. 14:15. Jer. 28: 16,17. Jer. 29: 32. Sam. 3: 1. Psa. 74: 9. Amos 8: 11,12. Involved the people in their own ruin. Isa. Were mighty through faith. Heb. 11: 32-40. 9 15, 16. Jer. 20: 6. Eze. 14: 10. Great patience of, under suffering. Jas. 5: 10. God avenged all injuries done to. 2 Kin. 9: No. 237. PROSELYTES. 7. 1 Chr. 16: 21, 22. Mat. 23: 35-38. Described. Est. 8: 17. Isa. 56: 3. Luke 11: 50. REQUIRED Christ predicted to exercise the office of. To give up all heathen practices. Ezra Deu. 18: 15, with Acts 3: 22. 6: 21. Christ exercised the office of. Mat. 24 ch. To give up all heathen associates. Ruth Mar. 10: 32-34. 1:16. Ruth 2: 11. Psa. 45: 10. Luke No. 236. PROPHETS, FALSE. To be circumcised. Gen. 1713, with To be circumcised. Gen. 17: 13, with Pretended to be sent by God. Jer. 23:17, Exo. 1-2: 48. 18, 31.' To enter into covenant to serve the Lord. Not sent or commissioned by God. Jer. 14: Deu. 29: 10-13, with Neh. 10: 28, 29. 14. Jer. 23: 21. Jer.29: 31. To observe the law of Moses as Jews. Made use of by God to prove Israel. Deu. Exo. 12: 49. 13: 3. Unfaithfulness in, punished. Eze. 14: 7. DESCRIBED AS From the Ammonites and Moabites restrictLight and treacherous. Zep. 3: 4. ed for ever from holding office in the conCovetous. Mic. 3:11. gregation. Deu. 23: 3. Crafty. Mat. 7: 15. From the Egyptians and Edomites restrict. Drunken. Isa. 28: 7. ed to the third generation from holding Immoral and profane. Jer. 23:11, 14. office in the congregation. Deu. 23: 7, 8. Women sometimes acted as. Neh. 6:14. Were entitled to all privileges. Exo. 12: 48. Rev. 2: 20. lsa. 56: 3-7. Called foolish prophets. Eze. 13: 3. Went up to the feasts. Acts 2: 10. Acts Compared to foxes in the desert. Eze. 13:4. 8: 27. Compared to wind. Jer. 5:13. Pharisees, &c., zealous in making. Mat. Influenced by evil spirits. 1 Kin. 22:21, 22. 23: 15. PUB. PUN. 108 PUR. Many, embraced the gospel. Acts 6: 5. Acts Binding with chains and fetters. Psa. 13:43. 105:18. Latterly called devout Greeks. Jno. 12: Scourging. Deu. 25: 2, 3. Mat. 27: 26. 20, with Acts 17: 4. Acts. 22: 25. 2 Cor. 11: 24. No.- 238. PUBLICANS, THE. Selling tile criminals, &c. Mat. 18: 25. Banishment. Ezra 7: 26. Rev. 1:9. The collectors of the public taxes. Luke Torturing. Mat. 18: 34. Heb. 11: 37. 5: 27. Putting out the eyes. Jud. 16: 21. 1 Sam. Suspected of extortion. Luke 3:13. 11: 2. Often guilty of extortion. Luke 19: 8. Cutting off hands and feet. 2 Sam. 4: 12. Chiefs of, were very rich. Luke 19: 2. Mutilating the hands and feet. Jud. 1: 5.-7. THE JEWS Cutting oft' nose and ears. Eze. 2.3: 25. Despised. Luke 18: 11. Plucking out the hair. Neh. 13: 25. Isa. Classed with the most infamous charac- 50: 6. ters. Mat. 11: 19. Mat. 21: 32. Confiscating the property. Ezra. 7: 26. Despised our Lord for associating with. Inflicting of capital, not permitted to the Mat. 9: 11. Mat. 11: 19. Jews by the Romans. Jno. 18:31. Often kind to their friends. Mat. 5: 46, 47. CAPITA.L RINDS OF; Often hospitable. Luke 5:29. Luke 19: 6. Burning. Gen. 38: 24. Lev. 20:14. Dan. M.ANY OF, 3: 6. Believed the preaching of John. Mat. Hanging. Num. 25: 4. Deu. 21: 22, 23. 21: 32. Jos. 8:29. 2 Sam. 21: 12. Est. 7: 9, 10. Received John's baptism. Luke 3: 12. Crucifying. Mat. 20: 19. Mat. 27: 35. Luke 7: 29. Beheading. Gen. 40: 19. Mar. 6: 16, 27. Attended the preaching of Christ. Mar. Slaying with the sword. 1 Sam. 15: 33. 2: 15. Luke 15:1. Acts 12: 2. Embraced the gospel. Mat.21:31. Stoning. Lev. 24: 14. Deu. 13:10. Acts Matthew the apostle was of. Mat. 10: 3. 7: 59. Cutting in pieces. Dan. 2: 5. Mat. 24 51. No. 239. PUNISHMENTS. Sawing asunder. Heb. 11:37. Antiquity of Gen. 4:13, 14. Exposing to wild beasts. Dan. 6: 16, 24. Power of inflicting, given to magistrates. See 1 Cor. 15: 32. Job 31: 11. Rom. 13: 4. Bruising in mortars. Pro. 27: 22. Designed to be a warning to others. Deu. Casting headlong from a rock, 2 Chr. 13:11. Deu. 17:13. Deu. 19: 20. 25a: 12. W4TERE INFLICTED Casting into the sea. Mat. 18: 6. On the guilty. Deu. 24.: 16. Pro. 17: 26. Strangers not exempted from. Lev. 20: 2. Without pity. Deu. 19:13, 21. Were sometimes commuted. Exo. 21.: Without partiality. Deu. 13: 6-8. 29, 30. By order of magistrates. Acts 16: 22. For murder not to be commuted. Num. By order of kings. 2 Sam. 1: 13-16. 1 35: 31, 32. Kin. 2: 23-46. No. 240. PURIFICATIONS OR BAPImmediately after sentence was passed. Deu. 25: 2. Jos. 7:25. By the witnesses. Deu. 13: 9, with Deu. Of Israel at the exodus. Exo. 14: 22. 1 Cor. 17:7. Jno. 8:7. Acts 7: 58, 59. 10: 2. By the people. Num. 15: 35, 36. Deu. 13: 9. Of Isrsel before receiving the law. Exo. By soldiers. 2 Sam. 1:15. Mat. 27: 27-35. 19: 10. Sometimes deferred till God was consulted. Of priests before consecration. Exo. 29: 4. Num. 15: 34. Of Levites before consecration. Num. 5: Sometimes deferred for a considerable time. 6, 7. 1 Kin. 2: 5, 6, 8, 9. Of high priest on day of atonement. Lev. SECONDARY KINDS OF * 16: 4, 24. Imprisonment. Ezra 7: 26. Mat. 5: 25. Of things for burnt-offerings. 2 Chr. 4: 6. Confinement in a dungeon. Jer. 38: 6. Of individuals who were ceremonially unZec. 9: 11. clean. Lev. 15:2-13. Lev. 17: 15. Lev. Confinement in stocks. Jer. 20: 2. Acts 22: 4-7. Num. 19: 7-12, 21. 16: 24. Of the healed leper. Lev. 14: 8, 9. Fine, or giving of money. Exo. 21: 22. Of Nazarites after vow expired. Acts 21: Deu. 22:19. 24, 26. Restitution. Exo. 21: 36. Exo. 22: 1 —4. Used by the devout before entering God's Lev. 6:4,5. Lev. 24: 18. house. Psa. 26: 6. Heb. 10: 22. Retaliation or injuring according to the Multiplied by traditions. Mat. 15: 2. Mar. injury done. Exo. 21: 24. Deu. 19: 21. 7: 3, 4. lRAI. 109 RAV. MEANS USED FOR; Occasions famine. 1 Kin. 18: 1, 2. Water of separation. Num. 19: 9. Removed by prayer. 1 Kin. 8: 35, 36. Running water. Lev. 15:13. Jas. 5: 18. Water mixed with blood. Exo. 24: 8-8, Withheld for three years and six months with Heb. 9:19. in the days of Elijah. 1 Kin. 17: 1. Jas. ~WAS BY 5: 17. Sprinkling. Num. 19: 13, 18. Heb. 9:19. DIVIDED INTO Washing parts of the body. Exo. 30: 19. Great. Ezra 10: 9. Washing the whole body. Lev. 8: 6. Plentiful. Psa. 68: 9. Lev. 14:9. Overflowing. Eze. 38:22. Of priests performed in the brazen laver. Sweeping. Pro. 28:3. Exo. 30:18. 2 Chr. 4. 6. Small. Job 37:6. Vessels in the houses of the Jews for. Jno. The former, after harvest, to prepare for 2: 6. sowing. De. 11: 14. Jer. 5: 24. Consequence of neglecting those prescribed The latter, before harvest. Joel 2: 23. Zec. by tile law. Lev. 17: 16. Num. 19: 13, 20. 10: 1. Availed to sanctifying the fiesh. Heb. 9: 13.iThe rainbow often appears during. Gen. Insufficient for spiritual purification. Job 9:14, with Eze. 1: 298. 9: 30, 31. Jer. 2: 22. Often succeeded by heat and sunshine. 2 The Jews laid great stress on. Jno. 3:25. Sam. 23: 4. Isa. 1S: 4. (marg.) IILLUSTARnXTIV0 OF The appearance of a cloud from the west Puirification by tie blood of Christ. Heb. indicated. 1 Kin. 18: 44. Luke 12: 54. 9: 9-12. The north wind drives away. Pro. 25: 23. Regeneration. Eph. 5: 26. 1 Jno. 1: 7. Unusual in harvest time. Pro. 26: 1. 1No. 241. RAIN. Thunder and lightning often with. Psa. 130:7. Occasioned by the condensing of the clouds. Storm and tempest often with. Mat. 7 Job 36: 27, 28. Psa. 77:17. Ecc. 11:3. 25, 27. GOD INSTANCES OF EXTRAORDINARY; Made a decree for. Job 28: 26. Time of the flood. Gen. 7: 4, 12. Prepares. Psa. 147: 8. Plague of, upon Egypt. Exo. 9: 18, with Gives. Job 5: 10. 23 v. Causes, to come down. Joel 2: 23. During wheat harvest in the days of SamExhibits goodness in giving. Acts 14: 17. uel. 1 Sam. 12: 17, 18. Exhibits greatness in giving. Job 36: After long drought in Ahab's reign. 1 26, 27. Kin. 18: 45. Sends, upon the evil and good. Mat. 5: 45. After the captivity. Ezra 10: 9, 13. Should be praised for. Psa. 147: 7, 8. Often impeded travelling in the east. 1 Kin. Should be feared on account of. Jer. 18: 44, with Isa. 4: 6. 5: 24. Often destroyed houses, &c. Eze. 13:13-15. Impotence of idols exhibited in not being Mat. 7: 27. able to give. Jer. 14: 22. ILLUSTrATIsVE Not sent upon the earth immediately after Of the word of' God. Isa. 55: 10, 11. creation. Gen. 2:. Of the doctrine of faithful ministers. Deu. Rarely falls in Egypt. Deu. II 10. Zec. 32: 2. 14: 18. Of Christ in the communication of his Canaan abundantly supplied with. Deu. graces. Psa. 72: 6. Hos. 6: 3. 11:11. Of spiritual blessings. Psa. 68: 9. Psa. DESIGNrED FOR 84: 6. Eze. 34: 26. Refreshing the earth. Psa. 68: 9. Psa. Of righteousness. Hos. 10: 12. 72: 6. (Destructive,) of God's judgments. Job Making fruitful the earth. Heb. 6: 7. 20: 23. Psa. 11: 6. Eze. 38: 22. Replenishing the springs and fountains of (Destructive,) of a poor man oppressing the earth. Psa. 104: 8. the poor. Pro. 28: 3. Promised in due season to the obedient. o 2 Lev. 26: 4. Deu. 11:14. Eze. 34: 26, 27. Frequently withheld on account of iniqui- Unclean and not to be eaten. Lev. 11: 1M. ty. Deu. 11: 17. Jer. 3: 3. Jer. 5: 25. Deu. 14: 14. Amos 4: 7. Called the raven of the valley. Pro. 30:17. THE WANT OF DESCRIBED AS Causes the earth to open. Job 29: 23. Black. Song of Sol. 5:11. Jer. 14: 4. Solitary in disposition. Isa. 34: 11. Dries up springs and fountains. 1 Kin. Improvident. Luke 12: 24. 17: 7. Carnivorous. Pro. 30: 17. 10 REC. RED. 110 REP. REU. God provides food for. Job 38: 41. Psa. To be slain without the camp. Num. 19: 3. 147: 9. Luke 12: 24. Entire of, to be burned. Num. 19: 5. Sent by Noah from the ark. Gen. 8; 7. Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the Elijah fed by. I Kin. 17:4-6. tabernacle. Num. 19:4. Plumage of, illustrative of the glory of Cedar, hyssop, &c., burned with. Num. 19: 6. Christ. Song of Sol. 5: 11. Ashes of, collected and mixed with water No. 243. REAPING. for purification. Num. 19: 9, 11-22. COMMIUNICA.TED UNCLEANNESS TO Is the cutting of the corn in harvest. Job The priest that offered her. Num. 19: 7. 24: 6, with Lev. 23: 10. The man that burned her. Num. 19: 8. The sickle used for. Deu. 16: 9. Mar. The man who gathered the ashes. Num. 4: 29. 19: 10. Both men and women engaged in. Ruth Could only purify the flesh. Heb. 9:13. 2: 8, 9. A type of Christ. Heb. 9: 12-14. THE JEws NOT TO REAP No 246 REPHAIM, ORIANTSTHE. The corners of their fields. Lev. 19: 9 GIANTS, THE. with Lev. 23::22. Subdued by Chedorlaomer. Gen. 14: 5. During the sabbatical year. Lev. 25: 5. Dwelt in Canaan. Jos. 17: 15. (marg.) During the year of jubilee. Lev. 25: 11. Og the king of Bashan was of. Jos. 13:12. Tile fields of others. Deu.`23: 25. THE VALLEY OF, Mode of gathering the corn for, alluded to. A border of Judah. Jos. 15: 8. Psa. 129: 7. Isa. 17: 5. Was exceedingly fruitful. Isa. 17:5. Corn after, was bound up into sheaves. David obtained victories over the Philis. Gen 37: 7. Psa. 129: 7. tines in. 2 Sam. 5: 18, 25. PERSONS ENGAGED IN, The last of, destroyed by David and his Under the guidance of a steward. Ruth warriors. 1 Sam. 17: 4, 49, 50. 2 Sam. 21: 2: 5, 6. 15 —22. Visited by the master. Ruth 2: 4. 2 Kin. No. 247. REPTILES. 4:18. Fed by the master who himself presided Created by God. Gen. 1: 24, 25. at their meals. Ruth 2:14. Made for praise and glory of God. Psa. Received wages. Jno. 4: 36. Jas.5: 4. 148:10. A time of great rejoicing. Psa. 126: 5, 6. Placed under the dominion of man. Gen. The Jews often hindered from, on account 1: 26. of their sins. Mic. 6: 15. Unclean and not eaten. Lev. 11: 31, 40 —43. Often unprofitable on account of sin. Jer. Acts 10: 11 —14. 12:13. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIVE OF Chameleon. Lev. 11: 30. Receiving the reward of wickedness. Job Lizard. Lev. 11: 30. 4: 8. Pro. 22: 8. Hos. 8: 7. Gal. 6:8. Tortoise. Lev. 11: 29. Receiving the reward of righteousness. Snail. Lev. 11: 30. Psa. 58: 8. Hos. 10: 12. Gal. 6: 8, 9. Frog. Exo. 8: 2. Rev. 16: 13. Ministers receiving temporal provision Horse-leech. Pro. 30: 15. for spiritual labours. I Cor. 9: 11. Scorpion. Deu. 8:15. Gathering in souls to God. Jno. 4: 38. Serpent. Job 26: 13. Mat. 7: 10. The judgments of God on the antichris. Flying fiery serpent. Deu. 8:15. Isa. 30: 6. tian world. Rev. 14:14-16. Dragon. Deu. 32: 33. Job 30: 29. Jer. The final judgment. Mat. 13: 30, 39-43. 9: 11. No. 244. RECHABITES Viper. Acts 28: 3. No. 244. RECHABITES. Adder or asp. Psa. 58: 4. Psa. 91: 13. Pro. Descended from Hemath. I Chr. 2: 55. 23: 32. The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy Cockatrice or basilisk. Isa. 11: 8. Isa. 59: 5. against the house of Ahab. 2 Kin. 10: Solomon wrote a history of. I Kin. 4: 33. 15-17. Worshipped by the Gentiles. Rom. 1: 23. Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settle- No image or similitude of, to be made for ments or drinking wine. Jer. 35: 6, 8. worship. Deu. 4: 16, 18. Obedience of, a sign to Israel. Jer. 35: Jews condemned for worshipping. Eze. 12-17. 8: 10. Perpetuity to, promised. Jer. 35. 18, 19. No. 248. REUBEN, THE TRIBE OF. No. 245. RED HEIFER, THE. Descended from Jacob's first son. Gen. To be without spot or blemish. Num. 19: 2. 29: 32. To be given to Eleazar the second priest to Predictions respecting. Gen. 40: 4. Deu. of'er. Num. 19: 3. 33: 6. RIN. 111 RIV. PERSONS SELECTED FROM, No. 250. RIVERS. To number the people. Num. 1: 5. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 4. Source of. Job 2S: 10. Psa. 104: 8, 10. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1: Enclosed within banks. Dan. 12: 5. 20, 21. Flow through valleys. Psa. 104: 8, 10. Led the secont division of Israel in their SoaIE OF, journeys. Num. 10: 18. Great and mighty. Gen. 15: 18. Psa. Encamped with its standard south of the 74: 15. tabernacle. Num. 2: 10. Deep. Eze. 47: 5. Zec. 10: 11. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7: Broad. Isa. 33:21. 30-35. Rapid. Jud. 5: 21. Families of. Num. 26: 5, 6, 8, 9. Parted into many streams. Gen. 2: 10. Obtained inheritance east of Jordan, on con- Isa. 11: 15. dition of helping to conquer Canaan. Run into the sea. Ecc. 1: 7. Eze. 47: 8. Num. 32: 1 —33. Deu. 3:1 — 20. God's power over, unlimited. Isa. 50: 2. Bounds of their inheritance. Deu. 3:16,17. Nah. 1: 4. Jos. 13: 15-23. USEFUL FOR Strength of, at the time of receiving their Supplying drink to the people. Jer. 2:18. inheritance. Num. 26: 7. Commerce. Isa. 23: 3. Cities built by. Num. 32: 37, 38. Promoting vegetation. Gen. 2: 10. On Ebal said amen to the curses. Deu. 27:13. Bathing. Exo. 2: 5. Dismissed by Joshua after the conquest of Baptism often performed in. Mat. 3: 6. Canaan. Jos. 22: 1-.9. Of Canaan abounded with fish. Lev. 11: Assisted in building the altar of witness 9, 10. which offended the other tribes. Jos. 22: BANKs OF, 10-29. Covered with flags. Exo. 2: 3, 5. Did not assist against Sisera. Jud. 5: 15, 16. Planted with trees. Eze. 47: 7. Some of, at David's coronation. 1 Chr. 12: Frequented by doves. Song of Sol. 5: 12. 37, 38. Frequented by wild beasts. Jer. 49:19. Officers appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. Places of common resort. Psa. 137: 1. 26: 32. 1 Chr. 27: 16. Frequently overflowed. Jos. 3: 15. 1 Took land, &c., of the Hagarites. 1 Chr. 5: Chr. 12: 15. 10, 18-22. Peculiarly fruitful. Psa. 1: 3. Isa, 32:20. Invaded and conquered by Hazael king of Gardens often made beside. Num. 24: 6. Syria. 2 Kin. 10: 32, 33. Cities often built beside. Psa. 46:4. Psa. Carried away by Tiglath Pilezer. 2 Kin. 137:1. 15: 29, with 1 Chr. 5: 6, 26. Often the boundaries of kingdoms, &c. Jos. Remarkable persons of; Dathan,.biram, 22: 25. 1 Kin. 4: 24. and On. Num. 16: 1. Num. 26: 9, 10. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; idina, &c. 1 Chr. 11: 42. Of Eden. Gen. 2: 10. No. 249. RINGS. Of Jotbath. Deu. 10:7. No. 249. RINGS. Of Ethiopia. Isa. 18: 1. Antiquity of. Gen. 24: 22. Gen. 38: 18. Of Babylon. Psa. 137: 1. Made of gold and set with precious stones. Of Egypt. Gen. 15:18. Num. 31: 50, 51. Song of Sol. 5: 14. Of Damascus. 2 Kin. 5:12. WERE WORN Of Ahava. Ezra 8: 15. On the hands. Gen. 41: 42. Of Judah. Joel 3: 18. On the arms. 2 Sam. 1: 10. Of Philippi. Acts 16:13. In the ears. Job 42: 11. Hos. 2: 13. Eze. Abana. 2 Kin. 5: 12. 16:12. Arnon. Deu. 2:36. Jos. 12:1. In the nose. Isa. 3: 21. Chebar. Eze. 1: 1, 3. Eze. 10:15, 20. Rich men distinguished by. Jas. 2: 2. Euphrates. Geri. 2:14. Women of rank adorned with. Isa. 3: 16, 21. Gihon. Gen. 2: 13. OF KINGS Gozan. 2 Kin. 17: 6. 1 Chr. 5: 26. Used for sealing decrees. Est. 3: 12. Hiddekel. Gen. 2:14. Est. 8: 8, 10. Jabbok. Deu. 2: 37. Jos. 12: 2. Given to favourites as a mark of honour. Jordan. Jos. 3: 8. 2 Kin. 5: 10. Gen. 41: 42. Est. 3: 10. Est. 8: 2. Kanah. Jos. 16: 8. Numbers of, taken from Midianites. Num. Kishon. Jud. 5: 21. 31: 50. Pharpar. 2 Kin. 5:12. ILLUSTRATIVE Pison. Gen. 2:11. Of the glory of Christ. Song of Sol. Ulai. Dan. 8: 16. 5: 14. Many, fordable in some plaees. Gen. (Put on the hands,) of favour. Luke 15::22. 32: 22. Jos. 2: 7. Isa. 16: 2. RoC. 112 ROE. ROM. ILLUSTRATIVE. Horeb in Rephidim. Exo. 17: 1-6. Of the abundance of grace in Christ. Isa. Meribah in Kadesh. Num. 20: 1-11. 32: 2, with Jno. 1: 16. Oreb. Jud. 7: 25. Isa. 10: 26. Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Rimmon. Jud. 20: 45. Psa. 46: 4. Isa. 41: 18. Isa. 43: 19, 20. Seneh. I Sam. 14: 4. Jno. 7: 38, 39. Selah-lhammahlekoth inth8wilderness of Of heavy afflictions. Psa. 69: 2. Isa. 43:2. Maon. I Sam. 23: 25, 28. Of abundance. Job 20: 17. Job 29: 6. Selah in the valley of salt. 2 Kin. 14: 7. Of people flying from judgments. Isa. (maeg.) 2 Chr. 25:11, 12. 23: 10. Man's industry in cutting through. Job (Steady course of,) of peace of saints. Isa. 28: 9, 10. 66::12. Hammers used for breaking. Jer. 23: 29. (Fruitfulness of trees planted by,) of the Casting down from, a punishment. 2 Chr. permanent prosperity of saints. Psa. 25:12. 1: 3. Jer. 17: 8. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; (Drying up of,) of God's judgments. Isa. Water brought from. Exo. 17: 6. Num. 19:1-8. Jer. 51:36. Nah. 1:4. Zec. 20:11. 10: 11. Fire ascended out of. Jud. 6: 21. (Overflowing of,) of God's judgments. Broken in pieces by the wind. 1 Kin. Isa. 8 7,8. Isa. 28:2,18. Jer. 47:2. 19:11. Rent at the death of Christ. Mat. 27: 51. No. 251. ROCKS. God's power exhibited in removing, &c. Often composed of flint. Deu. 8: 15. Deu. Job 14: 18. Nah. I: 6. 32: 13. ILLUSTRATIVE'OF, DESCRIBED AS God as creator of his people. Deu. 32: 18. Hard. Jer. 5: 3. God as the strength of his people. Psa. Durable. Job 19:24. 18:1, 2. Psa. 62:7. Isa. 17: 10. Barren. Eze. 26: 4, 14. Amos 6: 12. God as defence of his people. Psa. 31:2, 3. Luke 8: 6. God as refuge of his people. Psa. 94: 22. Often sharp-pointed and craggy. 1 Sam. God as salvation of his people. Deu. 14: 4. 32:15. Psa. 89:26. Psa. 95: 1. Often had holes and clefts. Exo. 33: 22. Christ as refuge of his people. Isa. 32: 2. Were a defence to a country. Isa. 33:16. Christ as foundation of his church. Mat. Dreaded by mariners. Acts 27: 29. 16: 18, with 1 Pet. 2: 6. INHAB3rTED BY Christ as source of spiritual gifts. I Cor. Wild goats. Job 39: 1. 10: 4. Conies., Psa. 104: 18. Pro. 30: 2f. Christ as a stumbling-stone to the wicked. Doves. Song of Sol. 2: 14. Jer. 48: 28. lsa. 8: 14. Rom. 9: 33. 1 Pet. 2: 8. Eagles. Job 39: 28. Jer. 49:16. A place of safety. Psa. 27: 5. Psa. 40: 2. The olive tree flourished amongst.. Deu, Whatever we trust in. Deu. 32: 31, 37. 32: 13. Job 29: 6. The ancestor of anation. lsa 51: 1. Bees often made their honey amongst. Deu. No. 252. ROE, THE. 32:13. Psa. 81:16. USED AS Clean and fit for food. Deu. 12: 15. Deu. Altars. Jud. 6: 20, 21, 26. Jud. 13: 19. 14: 5. Places for idolatrous worship. Isa. 57: 5. Male of, called the roebuck. 1 Kin. 4: 23. Places of observation. Exo. 33: 21. Num. DESCRIBED AS 23: 9. - Cheerful. Pro. 5:19. Places of safety in danger. 1 Sam. 13: 6. Wild. 2 Sam. 2: 18. Isa. 2: 19. Jer. 16:16. Rev. 6: 15. Swift. 1 Chr. 12: 8. Places for shelter by the poor in their dis- Inhabits the mountains. I Chr. 12: 8. tress. Job 24: 8. Job 30: 3, 6. Often hunted by men. Pro. 6: 5. The shadow of, grateful to travellers during ILLUSTRATIVEI OF the heat of the day. Isa. 32: 2. Christ. Song of Sol. 2: 9, 17. Houses often built on. Mat. 7: 24, 25. The church. Song of Sol. 4: 5. Song Tombs. often hewn out of. Isa. 22: 16. Mat. of Sol. 7: 3. 27: 60. A good wife. Pro. 5: 19. Important events often engraven upon. Job The swift of foot. 2 Sam. 2: 18. 19:24. LNo. 253. ROMAN EMPIRE, THE. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Adullam. 1 Chr. 11: 15. Called the world from its extent. Luke 2: 1. Bozez. 1 Sam. 14: 4. REPRESENTED BY THE Engedi. 1 Sam. 24:1, 2. Legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's vision. Etam. Jud. 15:8. Dan. 2: 33: 40. ROM. 113 SAC. Terrible beast in Daniel's vision. Dan. 7: Crowning of conquerors. 1 Cor. 9: 25. 7, 19. Phi. 3:14. 2 Tim. 4:8. Rome the capital of. Acts 18: 2. Acts Rules observed in conducting. 2 Tim. 19:21. 2:5. Judea a province of, under a procurator or EMPERORS OF, MENTIONED; governor. Luke 3: 2. Acts 23: 24, 26. Tiberius. Luke 3: 1. Acts 25: 1. Augustus. Luke 2: 1. ALLUSIONS TO MILITARY AFFAIRS OF; Claudius. Acts 11: 28. Strict obedience to superiors. Mat. 8: 8, 9. Nero. Phi. 4. 22. 2 Tim. 4: 17. Use of the panoply or defensive armour. PREDICTIONS RESPECTING - Rom. 13: 12. 2 Cor. 6: 7. Eph. 6: Its universal dominion. Dan. 7:23. 11-17. Its division into ten parts. Dan. 2: 41-43. Soldiers not allowed to entangle them- Dan. 7: 20, 24. selves with earthly cares. 2 Tim. 2: 4. Origin of papal power in. Dan. 7: 8, Hardship endured by soldiers. 2 Tim. 2: 3. 20-25. The soldiers' special comrade who shared No. 254. SACKCLOTH. his toils and dangers. Phi. 2: 25. Danger of sentinels sleeping. Mat. 28: Made of coarse hair. Mat. 3: 4, with Rev. 13, 14. 6:12. Expunging from the muster roll names of Rough and unsightly. Zec. 13: 4. soldiers guilty of crimes. Rev. 3: 5. Of a black colour. Rev. 6:12. Crowning of soldiers who distinguished WAs woRN themselves. 2 Tim. 4: 7, S.. By God's prophets. 2 Kin. 1: 8. Isa. 20:2. Triumph of victorious generals. 2 Cor. Mat. 3: 4. Rev. 11: 3. 2:14-16. Col. 2: 15. By persons in affliction. Neh. 9: 1. Psa. Different military officers, &c. Acts 21:31. 69: 11. Jon. 3: 5. Acts 23: 23, 24. Girt aboutthe loins. Gen. 37:34. 1 Kin. Italian and Augustus' band. Acts 10: 1. 20: 31. Acts 27: I. Frequently next the skin in deep afflicALLUSIONS TO JUDICIAL AFFAIRS OF; tion. 1 Kin. 21: 27. 2 Kin. 6: 30. Job Persons accused examined by scourging. 16: 15. Acts 22: 24, 29. Often over the whole person. 2 Kin. 19: Criminals delivered over to the soldiers 1, 2. for execution. Mat. 27: 26, 27. With ashes on the head. Est. 4: 1. Accusation in writing placed over the Often with ropes on the head. 1 Kin. hIead of those executed. Jno. 19:19. 20: 31. Garments of those executed given to the In the streets. Isa. 15: 3. soldiers. MIat. 27: 35. Jno. 19: 23. At funerals. 2 Sam. 3: 31. Prisoners chained to soldiers for safety. The Jews lay in, when in deep affliction. Acts 21: 33, with Acts 12: 6. 2 Tim. 2 Sam. 21:10. 1 Kin. 21: 27. Joel 1: 13. 1: 16, with Acts 28: 16. No one clothed in, allowed into the palaces Accusers and accused confronted togeth- of kings. Est. 4: 2. er. Acts 23: 35. Acts 25: 16-19. ILLUSTRATIVE Accused persons protected from popular (Girding with,) of heavy afflictions. Isa. violence. Acts 23: 20, 24-27. 3: t24. Isa 22:12. Isa. 32: 11. Power of life and death vested in its (Covering the heavens with,) of severe authorities. Jno. 18: 31, 39, 40. Jno. judgments. Isa. 50: 3. 19:10. (1-leavens becoming black as,) of severe All appeals made to the emperor. Acts judgments. Rev. 6; 12. 25:11, 12. (Putting off;) of joy and gladness. Psa. Those who appealed to Cesar, to be 30:11. brought before him. Acts 26: 32. No. 255. SACRIFICES. ALLUSIONS TO CITIZENSHIP OF; Obtained by purchase. Acts 22: 28. Divine institution of. Gen 3: 21, with Gen. Obtained by birth. Acts 22: 28. 1: 29, and Gen. 9: 3. Gen. 4: 4, 5, with Exempted from the degradation ofscourg- Heb. 31: 4. ing. Acts 16: 37, 38. Acts 22: 25. To be offired to God alone. Exo. 22: 20. iLIt USIONs TO GRECIAN GAMES ADOPTED BY; Jud. 13: 16. 2 Kin. 17: 36. Gladiatorial fights. I Cor. 4: 9. 1 Cor. When offered to God, an acknowledgment 15: 32. of his being the supreme God. 2 Kin. 5: Foot races. 1 Cor. 9:24. Phi. 2:16. Phi. 17. Jon. 1: 16. 3:11-14. Heb. 12: 1,2. CONSISTED OF, Wrestling. Eph. 6:12. Clean animals or bloody sacrifices. Gen. Training of combatants. 1 Cor. 9: 25, 27. 8: 20. SAC. 114 SAD. SAL. The fruits of the earth or unbloody sacri- Could not take away sin. Psa. 40: 6. Heb. fices. Gen. 4: 4. Lev. 2:1. 9:9. Heb. 10: 1-11, Always offered upon altars. Exo. 20: 24. Without obedience, worthless. 1 Sam. 15: The offering of, an acknowledgment of 22. Pro. 21: 3. Mar. 12: 33. sin. Heb. 10: 3. The covenants of God confirmed by. Gen. WERE OFFERED 15: 9-17. Exo. 24: 5-8, with Heb. 9: 19, From the earliest age. Gen. 4: 3, 4. 20. Psa. 50: 5. By the patriarchs. Gen. 22: 2,13. Gen. THE JEWS 31: 54. Gen. 46: 1. Job 1: 5. Condemnedfor not treating, with respect. After the departure of Israel from Egypt. 1 Sam. 2: 29. Mal. 1: 12. Exo. 5: 3, 17. Exo. 18: 12. Exo. 24: 5. Condemned' for bringing defective and Under the Mosaic dispensation. Lev. 1 blemished. Mal. 1: 13, 14. ch. to 7 ch. Heb. 10: 1-3. Condemned for not offering. Isa. 43: Daily. Exo. 29: 38, 39. Num. 28: 3, 4. 23, 24. Weekly. Num. 28: 9, 10. Unaccepted in, on account of sin. Isa. 1: Monthly. Num. 28: 11. 11, 15. Isa. 66: 3. Hos. 8:13. Yearly. Lev. 16: 3. 1 Sam. 1: 3, 21. 1 Condemned for offering, to idols. 2 Chr. Sam. 20: 6. 34: 25. lsa. 65: 3, 7. Eze. 20: 28, 31. At all the feasts. Num. 10: 10. Offered to false gods, are offered to devils. For the whole nation. Lev. 16: 15-80. 1 Lev. 17: 7. Deu. 32: 17. Psa. 106: 37. Chr. 29: 21. 1 Cor. 10: 20. For individuals. Lev. 1: 2. Lev. 17: 8. On great occasions, very numerous. 2 Chr. In faith of a coming Saviour. Heb. 11: 4, 5: 6. 2 Chr. 7: 5. 17, 28. For public use often provided by the state. Required to be perfect and without blem- 2 Chr. 31: 3. ish. Lev. 22:19. Deu. 15: 21. Deu. 17: ILLUSTRATIVE OF 1. Mal. 1: 8, 14. Prayer. Psa. 141:2. Generally the best of their kind. Gen. 4: 4. Thanksgiving. Psa. 27: 6. Psa. 107: 22. 1 Sam. 15: 22. Psa. 66:15. Isa. 1:11. Psa. 116: 17. Heb. 13: 15. DIFFERENT KINDS OF; Devotedness. Rom. 12:1. Phi. 2:17. Burnt offering wholly consumed by fire. Benevolence. Phi. 4:18. Heb. 13:16. Lev. 1 ch. 1 Kin. 18: 38. Righteousness. Psa. 4: 5. Psa. 51: 19. Sin-offering for sins of ignorance. Lev. A broken spirit. Psa. 51: 17. 4 ch. Martyrdom. Phi. 2: 7. 2 Tim. 4: 6. Trespass.offering for intentional sins. No. 256. ADC E THE. Lev. 6:1-7. Lev. 7:1-7. Peace-ofl'ering. Lev. 3 ch. A sect of the Jews. Acts: 17. To be brought to the place appointed by Denied the resurrection and a future state. God. Deu. 12: 6. 2 Chr. 7: 12. Mat. 22: 23. Luke 20: 27. Were bound to the horns of the altar. Psa. The resurrection a cause of dispute be118: 27. tween them and the Pharisees. Acts 23: Were salted with salt. Lev. 2: 13. Mar. 6-9. 9: 49. Were refused baptism by John. Mat. 3: 7. Often consumed by fire from heaven. Lev. CHRIST 9: 24. 1 Kin. 18: 38. 2 Chr. 7: 1. Tempted by. Mat. 16: 1. When bloody, accompanied with meat and Cautioned his disciples against their prin. drink;offering. Num. 15: 3-12. ciples. Mat. 16: 6, 11, 12. No leaven offered with, except for thanks. Vindicated the resurrection against. Mat. giving. Exo. 23: 18, with Lev. 7: 13. 22: 24-32. Mar. 12: 19-27. Fat of, not to remain until morning. Exo. Silenced. Mat. 22: 34. 23: 8. Persecuted the early Christians. Acts 4: 1. THE PRIESTS Acts 5: 17, 18, 40. Appointed to offer. 1 Sam. 2: 28. Eze. No. 257. SALT. 44:11, 15. Heb. 5:1. Heb.8:3. Had a portion of, and lived by. Exo. 29: Characterized as good and useful. Mar. 27,28. Deu. 18: 3. Jos. 13:14. 1 Cor. 9:50. 9: 13. USED FOR Were typical of Christ's sacrifices. 1 Cor. Seasoning food. Job 6: 6. 5: 7. Eph. 5: 2. Heb. 10: 1, 11, 12. Seasoning sacrifices. Lev. 2: 13. Eze. Were accepted when offered in sincerity 43: 24. and faith. Gen. 4: 4, with Heb. 11: 4. Ratifying covenants. Num. 18: 19. 2 Gen. 8:21. Chr. 13: 5. Imparted a legal purification. Heb. 9: Strengthening new-born infants. Eze. 13, 22. 16:4. SAL. 1 5 SAM. Partaking of another's, a bond of friendship. Hail. Mat. 26: 49. Luke 1: 28. Ezra 4: 14. (marg.) All hail. Mat. 28: 9. Lost its savour when exposed to the air. Often perfidious. 2 Sam. 20: 9. Mat. 26:49. Mat. 5: 13. Mar. 9: 50. Given to Christ in derision. Mat. 27: 29. OFTEN FOUND with Mar. 15: 18. In pits. Jos. 11: 8. (marg.) Zep. 2: 9. OFTEN ACCOMPANIED BY In springs. Jas. 3:12. Falling on the neck and kissing. Gen. Near the dead sea. Num. 34:12. Deu. 33: 4. Gen. 45:14,15. Luke 15: 20. 3:17. Laying hold of the beard with the right Places where it abounded, barren and un- hand, &c. 2 Sam. 20: 9. fruitful. Jer. 17: 6. Eze. 47: 11. Bowing frequently to the ground. Gen. The valley of, celebrated for victories. 2 33: 3. Sam. 8: 13. 2 Kin. 14: 7. 1 Chr. 18: 12. Embracing and kissing the feet. Mat. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH 28: 9. Luke 7:38, 45. Lot's wife turned into a pillar of Gen. Touching the hem of the garment. Mat. 19:26. 14:36. Elisha healed the bad water with. 1 Kin. Falling prostrate on the ground. Est. 8:3. 2:21. Mat. 2: 11. Luke S: 41. Places sown with, to denote perpetual deso- Kissing the dust. Psa. 72: 9. Isa. 49: 23. lation. Jud. 9:45. The Jews condemned for giving, only to Liberally afforded to the Jews after the cap- their own countrymen. Mat. 5: 47. tivity. Ezra. 6: 9. Ezra 7: 22. The Pharisees condemned for seeking, in ILLUSTRATIVE public. Mat. 23:7. Mar. 12:38. Of saints. Mat. 5:13. Of grace in the heart. Mar. 9: 50. No. 259. SAMARIA, ANCIENT. Of wisdom in speech. Col. 4: 6. The territory of Ephraim and Manasseh (Without savour,) of graceless professors. properly so called. Jos. 17: 17, 18. Isa. Mat. 5: 13. Mar. 9: 50. 28: 1. (Pits of,) of desolation. Zep. 2: 9. The whole kingdom of Israel sometimes (Salted with fire,) of preparation of the called. Eze. 16: 46, bl. Hos. 8: 5, 6. wicked for destruction. Mar. 9:49. Had many cities. 1 Kin. 13:32. No. 258. SALUTATIONS. SAnARIA THE CAPITAL OF, Built by Omri king of Israel. 1 Kin. 16: Antiquity of. Gen. 18: 2. Gen. 19:1. 23, 24. WERE GIVEN Called after Shemer the owner of the hill By brethren to each other. 1 Sam. 17: 22. on which it was built. 1 Kin. 16: 24. By inferiors to their superiors. Gen. 47:7. Called the mountain of Saneria. Amos By superiors to inferiors. 1 Sam. 30: 21. 4: 1. Amos 6: 1. By all passers by. 1 Sam. 10: 3, 4. Psa. Called the head of Ephraimn Isa. 7: 9. 129: 8. Kings of Israel sometimes took their titles On entering a house. Jud. 18:15. Mat. from. 1 Kin. 21:1. 2 Kin. 1: 3. 10: 12. Luke I: 40, 41, 44. The residence of the kings of Israel. 1 Often sent through messengers. 1 Sam. Kin. 16: 29. 2 Kin. I: 2. 2 Kin. 3:1,6. 2.5: 5, 14. 2 Sam. 8: 10. The burial place of the kings of Israel. Often sent by letter. Rom. 16: 21-23. 1 1 Kin. 16: 28. 1 Kin. 22: 37. 2 Kin. Cor. 16:21. Col. 4: 1. 2 The. 3: 17. 13: 13. Denied to persons of bad character. 2 Jno. Was a fenced city, and well provided 10 v. with arms. 2 Kin. 10: 2. Persons in haste excused from giving or re- The pool of Samaria near to. 1 Kin. 22:38. ceiving. 2 Kin. 4: 29. Luke 10:24. The prophet Elisha dwelt in. 2 Kin. 2:25. EXPRESSIONS USED AS 2 Kin. 5: 3. 2 Kin. 6: 32. Peace be with thee. Jud. 19: 20. Besieged by Benhadad. 1 Kin. 20: 1-12. Peace to thee, and peace to thine house, Deliverance of, predicted. 1 Kin. 20: and peace unto all that thou hast. 1 13, 14. Sam. 25: 6. Deliverance of, effected. 1 Kin. 20: 15-21. Peace be to this house. Luke 10: 5. Besieged again by Benhadad. 2 Kin. The Lord be with you. Ruth 2:4. 6: 24. The Lord bless thee. Ruth 2: 4. Suffered severely from famine. 2 Kin. 6: The blessing of the Lord be upon you, we 25-29. bless you in the name of the Lord. Elisha predicted plenty in. 2 Kin. 7: 1,2. Psa. 129: S. Delivered by miraculous means. 2 Kin. Blessed be thou of the Lord. I Sam. 15:13. 7: 6, 7. God be gracious unto thee. Gen. 43: 29. Remarkable plenty in, as foretold by Art thou in health. 2 Sam. 20:9. Elisha. 2 Kin. 7:16, 20. SAM. SCA. 116 SCO. SCR. Besieged, and taken by Shalmaneser. 2' Sent into the wilderness by the hands of a Kin. 17: 5, 6. 2 Kin. 18: 9, 10. fit person. Lev. 16: 21, 22. A mountainous country. Jer. 31:5. Amos COMMUNICATED UNC',EANNESS TO 3:9. The high priest. Lev. 16: 94. PEOPLE OF, CHARACTERIZED AS The man who led him a-way. Lev. 16: 26. Proud and arrogant. Isa. 9:9. Typical of Christ. Isa. 53: 5, 11, 12. Corrupt and wicked. Eze. 16: 46,47. No. 262. SCIENCES. Hos. 7: 1. Amos 3:9, 10. Idolatrous. Eze. 23: 5. Amos S: 14. Mic. Architecture. Deu. 8: 12. 1 Chr. 29: 19. 1:7. Arithmetic. Gen. 15: 5. Lev. 26: 8. Job Predictions respecting its destruction. Isa. 29:18. 8: 4. lsa. 9: 11, 12. Hos. 13: 16. Amos 3: Astronomy. Job 38: 31, 32. Isa. 13: 10. 11, 12. Mic. 1: 6. Astrology. Isa. 47:13. Inhabitants of, carried captive to Assyria. Botany. 1 Kin. 4: 33. 2 Kin. 17: 6, 23. 2 Kin. 18: 11. Geography. Gen. 10: 1-30. Isa. 11:11. Repeopled from Assyria. 2 Kin. 17: 24, 25.History and Chronology. 1 Kin. 22: 39. 2 Kin. 1:18. lChr.9:1. 1Chr.29:29. No. 260. SAMARIA, MODERN. Mechanics. Gen. 6: 14-16. Gen. 11: 4. Situated between Judea and Galilee. Luke Exo. 14: 6, 7. 17: 11. Jno. 4 3, 4. Medicine. Jer. 8: 22. Mar. 5: 26. Had many cities, &c. Mat. 10: 5. Luke Music. 1 Chr. 16: 4-7. 1 Chr. 25: 6. 9: 52. Navigation. Kin. 9:27. Psa. 107: 23. CITIES OF, rIENTIOrNED IN SCRIPTURE [ Surveying. Jos. 18: 4-9. Neh. 2: 12-16. Samaria. Acts 8: 5. Eze. 40:, 6. Ze. 2: 2. Sychar. Jno. 4: 5. Zoology. 1 Kin. 4: 33. Antipatris. Acts 23: 31. No. 263. SCORPION, THE. Christ preached in. Jno. 4: 39-42. Chirst at first forbade his disciples to visit. Armed with a sharp sting in its tail Rev. Mat. 10:5. Christ after his resurrection commandedthe Sting of, venomous and caused torment. gospel to be preached in. Acts I: S. ARev. 9: 5. INHABITANNTS OF, Abounded in the great desert. Deu. 8: 15. Their true descent. 2 Kin. 17: 24. Ezra Unfit for food. Luke 11::12. 4:9, 10. ILLUSTRATIVE OF, Wickedmen. Eze.2:6. Boasted descent from Jacob. Jno. 4: 12.Wicked men. Eze. 2 6. Professed to worship God. Ezra 4 2. Ministers of antichrist. Rev. 9: 3, 5, I0. Their religion mixed with idolatry. 2 Severe scourges. I Kin. 12:11. Kin. 17: 41, with Jno. 4: 22. Christ gave his disciples power over. Luke Worshipped on mount Gerizim. Jno. 264. SCRIBES. 4:20. No. 264. SCRIES. Opposed the Jews after their return from Antiquity of. Jud. 5: 14. captivity. Neh. 4: 1-18. Worn an inkhorn at their girdles. Eze. 9: Expected the Messiah. Jno. 4: 25, 29. 2, 3. Were superstitious. Acts 8:9-11. FAMIILIES CELEBRATED FOR FURNISHING; More humane and grateful than the Jews. Kenites. 1 Chr. 2: 65. Luke 10: 33-36. Luke 17:16-18. Zebulun. Jud. 5:14. Abhorred by the Jews. Jno. 8: 48. Levi. 1 Chr. 24: 6. 2 Chr. 34:13. Had no intercourse or dealings with the Generally men of great wisdom. 1 Chr. Jews. Luke 9: 52, 53. Jno. 4: 9. 27: 32. Ready to hear and embrace the gospel. Often learned in the law. Ezra 7: 6. Jno. 4: 39-42. Acts S: 6-8. Were ready writers. Psa. 45: 1. The persecuted Christians fled to. Acts ACTED AS 8:1. Secretaries to kings. 2 Sam. 8: 17. 2 The gospel first preached in, by Philip. Sam. 20: 25. 2 Kin. 12:10. Est. 3:12. Acts 8: 5. Secretaries to prophets. Jer. 36: 4, 26. Many Christian churches in. Acts 9: 31. Notaries in courts of justice. Jer. 32: NIo. 261. SCAPE-GOAT, THE. 11, 12. Religious teachers. Neh. 8: 2-6. Part of the sin-offering on the day of atone- Writers of public documents. 1 Chr. 24: 6. ment. Lev. 16: 5, 7. Keepers of the muster rolls of the host. Chosen by lot. Lev. 16: S. 2 Kin. 25: 19. 2 Chr. 26: 11. Jer. 52:25. The high priest transferred the sins of Israel MODERN, to, by confessing them with both hands Were doctors of the law. Mar. 12: 28, upon its head. Lev. 16: 21. with Mat. 22: 35. SEA. 117 SEA. Wore long robes and loved pre-eminence. Made to glorify God. Psa. 69: 34. Psa. Mar. 12: 38, 39. 148: 7. Sat in Moses' seat. Mat. 23: 2. SEAS MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Were frequently Pharisees. Acts 23: 9. The Adriatic or sea of Adria. Acts 27: 27. Esteemed wise and learned. I Cor. 1: 20. Mediterranean or great sea. Num. 34: 6. Regarded as interpreters of Scripture. Deu. 11: 24. Deu. 34: 2. Zec. 14:8. Mat. 2: 4. Mat. 17: i0. Mar. 12: 35. Red Sea. Exo. 10: 19. Exo. 13: 18. Exo. Their manner of teaching contrasted 23:31. with that of Christ. Mat. 7: 29. Mar. Sea of Joppa or sea of the Philistines. 1: 22. Ezra 3:7, with Exo. 23:31. Condemned by Christ for hypocrisy. Salt or dead sea. Gen. 14: 3. Num. 34:12. Mat. 23: 15. Sea of Galilee. Mat. 4: 18. Mat. 8: 32. Often offended at our Lord's conduct and Jno. 6:: teaching. Mat. 21: 15. Mar. 2: 6, 7, 16. Sea of Jazer. Jer. 48: 32. Mar. 3: 22.' Raised by the wind. Psa. 107: 25, 26. Jon. Tempted our Lord. Jno. 8: 3. 1: 4. Active in procuring our Lord's death. Caused to foam by Leviathan. Job 41: Mat. 26: 3. Luke 23: 10. 31, 42. Persecuted the early Christians. Acts 4: THE WAVES OF, 5., 18, 21. Acts 6: 12. Raised upon high. Psa. 93: 3. Psa. 107: 25. Illustrative of well instructed ministers of Tossed to and fro. Jer. 5: 22. the gospel. Mat. 13: 52. Multitudinous. Jer. 51: 42. o. 265. SEA, THE. Mighty. Psa. 93: 4. Acts 27: 41. No. 265. SEA, THE. Tumultuous. Luke 21: 25. Jude 13 v. The gathering together of the waters origin- The shore of, covered with sand. Gen. ally called. Gen. 1: 10. 22: 17. 1 Kin. 4: 29. Job 6: 3. Psa. 78: 27. Great rivers often called. Isa. 11: 15. Jer. Numerous islands in. Eze. 26: 18. 51: 36. Passed over in ships. Psa. 104: 26. Psa. Lakes often called. Deu. 3: 17. Mat. 8: 107: 23. 24, 27, 32. Sailing on, dangerous. Acts 27: 9, 20. 2 GOD Cor. 11: 26. Created. Exo. 20:11. Psa. 95:5. Acts COnMMERCIAL NATIONs 14: 15. Often built cities on the borders of. Gen. Made the birds and fishes out of. Gen. 49:13. Eze. 27: 3. Nah. 3: 8. 1: 20-22. Derived great wealth from. Deu. 33: 19. Founded the earth upon. Psa. 24: 2. Shall give up its dead at the last day. Rev. Set bounds to, by a perpetual decree. 20:13. Job 26: 10. Job 38: 8, 10, 11. Pro. 8: The renewed-earth shall be without. Rev. 27, 29. 21: 1. Measures the waters of. Isa. 40: 12. ILLUSTRATIVE Does what he pleases in. Psa. 135: 6. Of heavy afflictions. Isa. 43: 2. Lam. Dries up, by his rebuke. Isa. 50: 2. Nah. 2: 13. 1: 4. (Troubled,) of the wicked. Isa. 57: 20. Shakes, by his word. Hag. 2: 6. (Roaring,) of hostile armies. Isa. 5: 30. Stills, by his power. Psa. 65: 7. Psa. 89: Jer. 6: 23. 9. Psa. 107: 29. (Waves of,) of righteousness. Isa. 48:18. Of immense extent. Job 11: 9. Psa. 104: 25. (Waves of,) of devastating armies. Eze. Of great depth. Psa. 68: 22. 26: 3, 4. Rivers supplied by exhalations from. Ecc. (Waves of,) of the unsteady. Jas. 1: 6. 1: 7. (Covered with waters,) of the diffusion of Replenished by rivers. Ecc. 1: 7. Eze. spiritual knowledge over the earth in 47a: 8. the latter days. lsa. 11: 9. Hab. 2:14. CALLED THE (Smooth as glass,) of the peace of heaven. Deep. Job 41:31. Psa. 107:24. 2 Cor. Rev. 4: 6. Rev. 15: 2. 11:. 3No. 266. SEALS. Great waters. Psa. 77: 19. Great and wide sea. Psa. 104: 25. Called signets. Gen. 38: 18, 25. The clouds the garment of Job 38: 9. Precious stones set in gold used as. Exo. Darkness the swaddling band of. Job 28:11. 38: 9. Inscriptions upon, alluded to. 2 Tim. 2:19. Sand the barrier of. Jer. 5: 22. Generally worn as rings or bracelets. Jer. Inhabited by innumerable creatures great 22: 24. and small. Psa. 104: 25, 26. IMIPREssIONs OF, The wonders of God seen in. Psa. 107: 24. Frequently taken in clay. Job 38: 14. SEE. 118 SER. Used for security. Dan. 6:17. Mat. 27: 66. Not to be sown during the sabbatical Attached to all royal decrees. 1 Kin. 21: year. Lev. 25: 4, 20. 8. Est. 3:12. Est. 8: 8. Not to be sown in year of jubilee. Lev. Attached to covenants. Neh. 9: 38. Neh. 2.5: 11. 10: 1. Difference between, and. the plant which Attached to leases and transfers of pro- grows from it noticed. 1 Cor. 15: 37, 38. perty. Jer. 32: 9-12, 34. THE JEWS PUNISHED BY Set upon treasures. Deu. 32: 34. Its rotting in the ground. Joel 1: 17. Attached to the victims approved for sac- Mal. 2: 3. rifice, alluded to. Jno. 6: 27. Its yielding but little increase. Isa. 5:10. Were given by kings as a badge of autho- Hag. I: 6. rity. Gen. 41: 41, 42. Its increase being consumed by locusts, ILLUSTRATIVE OF &C. Deu. 28: 38. Joel 1: 4. Circumcision. Rom. 4: 11, Its increase being consumed by enemies. Converts. 1 Cor. 9:2. Lev. 26:16. Deu. 28: 33, 51. What is dear or valued. Song of Sol. 8: 6. Its being choked by thorns. Jer. 12:13, Jer. 22: 24. Hag. 2: 23. with Mat. 13: 7. Secrecy. Dan. 12:4. Rev. 5:1. Rev. 10: 4. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Security. Song of Sol. 4: 12. 2 Tim. 2:19. The word of God. Luke 8: 11. I Pet. Rev. 7: 2-8. Rev. 20: 3. 1:23. Full approval. Jno. 3: 33. Spiritual life. 1 Jno. 3: 9. Appropriation of Saints to God by the spi- SoWING, ILLUSTRATIVE OF rit. 2 Cor. 1: 22. Eph. 1:13. Eph. 4: 30. Preaching the gospel. Mat. 13: 3, 32. 1 Restraint. Job 9: 7. Job 37: 7. Rev. 20: 3. Cor. 9: 11. Scattering or dispersing a people. Zec. No. 267. SEED. 10:9. Every herb, tree and grass yields its own. Christian liberality. Ecc. 11: 6. 2 Cor. Gen. 1: 11, 12, 29. 9:6. Each kind of, has its own body. 1 Cor. Men's work producing a corresponding 15: 38. recompense. Job 4: 8. Hos. 10: 12. SOWING OF, Gal. 6: 7, 8. Time for, called seed time. Gen. 8: 22. The death of Christ and its effects. Jno. Necessary to its productiveness. Jno. 12: 24. 12: 24. I Cor. 15: 36. The burial of the body. 1 Cor. 1: 36-38. Required constant diligence. Ecc. 11 No. 268. SERPENTS 4, 6. Often attended with great waste. Mat. Created by God. Job 26:13. 13: 4, 5, 7. Characterized as subtle. Gen. 3: 1. Mat. Often attended with danger. Psa. 126: 10:16. 5, 6. Called crooked. Job 26:13. Isa. 27: 1. Yearly return of time of sowing, secured Unclean and unfit for food. Mat. 7:10. by covenant. Gen. 8: 21, 22. INFEST The ground carefully ploughed, and pre- Hedges. Ecc. 10: 8. pared for. Isa. 28: 24, 25. Holes in walls. Amos 5: 19. Often sown beside rivers. Ecc. 11: 1. Isa. Deserts. Deu. 8: 15. 32: 20. Produced from eggs. Isa. 59: 5. Often trodden into the ground by the feet Cursed above all creatures. Gen. 3: 14. of oxen, &c. Isa. 32: 20. Doomed to creep on their belly. Gen. 3:14. Required to be watered by the rain. Isa. Doomed to eat their food mingled with 55: 10. dust. Gen. 3: 14. Isa. 65: 25. Mic. 7: 17. In Egypt required to be artificially watered. Many kinds of, poisonous. Deu. 32: 24. Psa. Deu. 11: 10. 58:4. Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan. All kinds of, can be tamed. Jas. 3: 7. Gen. 26: 12. See Mat. 13: 23. Were often enchanted or fascinated. Ecc. MOSAIC LAWS RESPECTING; 10:11. Different kinds of, not to be sown in the Dangerous to travellers. Gen. 49: 17. same field. Lev. 19: 19. Den. 22: 9. Man's aversion and hatred to. Gen. 3: 15. If dry, exempted from uncleanness though Often sent as a punishment. Num. 21: 6. touched by an unclean thing. Lev. Deu. 32: 24. 1 Cor. 10:9. 11: 37. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH If wet, rendered unclean by contact with Moses' rod turned into. Exo. 4: 3. Exo. an unclean thing. Lev. 11: 38. 7: 9, 15. The tithe of, to be given to God. Lev. Israelites cured by looking at one of 27: 30. brass. Num. 21: 8, 9. Jno. 3: 14, 15. SER. 119 SER. Power over, given to the disciples. Mar. By purchase. Gen. 17: 27. Gen. 37: 36. 16: 18. Luke 10: 19. Captives taken in war often kept as. Deu. ILLUSTRATIVE 20: 14. 2 Kin. 5: 2. Of the devil. Gen. 3: 1, with 2 Cor. 11: Strangers sojourning in Israel might be 3. Rev. 12: 9. Rev. 20: 2. purchased as. Lev. 25: 45. Of hypocrites. Mat. 23: 33. Persons belonging to other nations might Of the tribe of Dan. Gen. 49: 17. be purchased as. Lev. 25: 44. Of enemies who harass and destroy. Isa. Persons unable to pay their debts liable 14:29. Jer. 8: 17. to be sold as. 2 Kin. 4:l. Neh. 5:4, (Sharp tongue of,) of malice of the wick. 5. Mat. 18: 25. ed. Psa. 140: 3. Thieves unable to make restitution were (Poisonous bite of,) of baneful effects of sold as. Exo. 22: 3. wine. Pro. 23: 31, 32. More valuable than hired servants. Deu. 15:18. No. 269. SERVANTS. When Israelites not to be treated with Early mention of Gen. 9: 25, 26. rigour. Lev. 25: 30, 40, 46. DIVIDED INTO When Israelites to have their liberty after Male. Gen. 24: 34. Gen. 32: 5. six years' service. Exo. 21: 2. Deu. Female. Gen. 16: 6. Gen. 32: 5. 15: 12. Bond. Gen. 43:18. Lev. 25: 46. Israelites sold as, refusing their liberty, Hired. Mar. 1: 20. Luke 15: 17. to have their ears bored to the door. Persons devoted to the service of another Exo. 21: 5, 6. Deu. 15:16, 17. so called. Exo. 24:13. 1 Kin. 19: 21. Israelites sold to strangers as, might be The subjects of a prince or king so called. redeemed by their nearest of kin. Lev. Exo. 9: 20. Exo. 11: 8. 25: 47-55. Persons of low condition so called. Ecc. All Israelites sold as, to be free at the ju10:7. bilee. Lev. 25: 10, 40, 41, 54. Persons devoted to God so called. Psa. 119: Could not when set free demand wives 49. Isa. 56: 6. Rom. 1: 1. or children procured during servitude. The term often used to express humility. Exo. 21: 3, 4. Gen. 18: 3. Gen. 33: 5. 1 Sam. 20: 7. To be furnished liberally, when their ser1 Kin. 20: 32. vitude expired. Deu. 15:13,*14. HIRED, When foreigners to be circumcised. Gen. Called hirelings. Job 7: 1. Jno. 10: 17:13, 27. Exo. 12: 44. 12, 13. To be allowed to rest on the Sabbath. Engaged by the year. Lev. 25: 53. Isa. Exo. 20: 10. 16: 14. To participate in all national rejoicings. Engaged by the day. Mat. 20:2. Deu. 12: 18. Deu. 16: 11,14. Not to be oppressed. Deu. 24: 14. Persons of distinction had many. Gen. To be paid without delay at the expira- 14: 14. Ecc. 2: 7. tion of their service. Lev. 19:13. Deu. Engaged in the most menial offices. 1 24:15. Sam. 25: 41. Jno. 13: 4, 5. To be esteemed worthy of their hire. Maimed- or injured by masters, to have Luke 10: 7. their freedom. Exo. 21: 26, 27. To partake of the produce of the land in Masters to be recompensed for injury the sabbatical year. Lev. 25: 6. done to. Exo. 21: 32. If foreigners not allowed to partake of Laws respecting the killing of. Exo. 21: the passover or holy things. Exo. 12 20, 21. 45. Lev. 22: 10. Of others not to be coveted or enticed Anxiety of, for the end of their daily toil away. Exo. 20: 17. Deu. 6: 21. alluded to. Job 7: 2. Seeking protection not to be delivered Hebrew slaves serving their brethren to up to masters. Deu. 23: 15. be treated as. Lev. 25: 39, 40. Custom of branding, alluded to. Gal. 6:17. Hebrew slaves serving strangers to be Sometimes rose to rank and station. Ecc. treated as. Lev. 25: 47, 53. 10: 7. Often stood in the market place waiting Sometimes intermarried with their masfor employment. Mat. 20: 1-3. ter's family. 1 Chr. 2: 34, 35. Often well fed and taken care of. Luke Laws respecting marriage with female. 15: 17. Exo. 21:7. 11. Often oppressed and their wages kept Seizing anhdstealing of men for, condemnback. Mal. 3: 5. Jas. 6: 4. ed and punished by the law. Exo. 21: SLAVES OR BOND,; 16. Deu. 24:7. 1 Tim. 1: 10. Called bondmen. Gen. 43:18. Gen. 44:9. Laws respecting, often violated. Jer. By birth. Gen. 14:14. Psa. 116: 16. Jer. 2;14. 34: 8-16. SHE. 120 SHE. BOND, ILLUSTRATIVE Watered every day., Gen. 29: 8-10. Exo. Of Christ. Psa. 40: 6, with Heb. 10: 5. 2:16, 17. Phi. 2: 7, 8. Made to rest at noon. Psa. 23: 2, with Of saints. 1 Cor. 6: 20. 1 Cor. 7: 23. Song of Sol. 1: 7. Of the wicked. 2 Pet. 2;: 19, with Rom. Followed the shepherd. Jno. 10: 4, 27. 6:16, 19. Fled from strangers. Jno. 10: 5. No. 270. SHEEP Washed and shorn every year. Song of Sol. 4:2. Clean and used as food. Deu. 14: 4. Firstlings of, not to be shorn. Deu. 15: 19. DESCRIBED AS Firstlings of, not to be redeemed. Num. Innocent. 2 Sam. 24:17. 18: 17. Sagacious. Jno. 10: 4, 5. Firstlings of, could not be dedicated as a Agile. Psa. 114: 4, 6. free-will offering. Lev. 27: 26. Being covered with a fleece. Job 31:'20. Tithe of, given to the Levites. 2 Chr. 31: 4-6. Remarkably prolific. Psa. 107: 41. Psa. First wool of, given to the priests. Deu. 144:13. Song of Sol. 4: 2. Eze. 36: 37. 18: 4. Bleating of, alluded to. Jud. 5: 16. 1 Sam. Time of shearing, a time of rejoicing. 1 15: 14. Sam. 25: 2, 11, 36. 2 Sam. 13:23. Under man's care from the earliest age. WERE FREQUENTLY Gen. 4: 4. Given as presents. 2 Sam. 17: 29. 1 Chr. Constituted a great part of patriarchal 12: 40. wealth. Gen. 13: 5. Gen. 24: 35. Gen. Given as tribute. 2 Kin. 3: 4. 2 Chr. 26: 14. 17:11. Males of; called rams. 1 Sam. 15: 22. Jer. Destroyed by wild beasts. Jer. 60: 17. 51:40. Mic. 5:8. Jno. 10:12. Females of, called ewes. Psa. 78:71. Taken in great numbers in war. Jud Young of, called lambs. Exo. 12: 3. Isa. 6: 4. 1 Sam 14: 32. 1 Chr. 5: 21. 2 11: 6. Chr. 14: 15. PLACES CELEBRATED FOR; Cut offt' by disease. Exo. 9: 3. Kedar. Eze. 27:21. False prophets assume the simple appearBashan. Deu. 32:14. ance of. Mat. 7:15. Nebaioth. Isa. 60: 7. ILLUSTRATIVE Bozra. Mic. 2; 12. Of the Jews. Psa. 74: 1. Psa. 78: 52. Flesh of, extensively used as food. 1 Sam. Psa. 79: 13. 25: 18. 1 Kin. 1l:19. 1 Kin. 4:23. Neh. Of the people of Christ. Jno. 10: 7-26. 5:18. Isa. 22:13. Jno. 21: 16, 17. Heb. 13: 20. 1 Pet. Milk of, used as food. Deu. 32:14. Isa. 7: 5: 2. 21, 22. 1 Cor. 9: 7. Of the wicked in their death. Psa. 49: 14. Skins of, worn as clothing by the poor. Of those under God's judgments. Psa. Heb. 11: 37. 44:11. Skins of, made into a covering for the taber- (In patience and simplicity,) of patience, nacle. Exo. 25: 5. Exo. 36: 19. Exo. &c., of Christ. Isa. 53:7. 39: 34. (In proneness to wander,) of those who Wool of, made into clothing. Job 31: 20. depart from God. Psa. 119: 176. Isa. Pro. 31: 13. Eze. 34: 3. 53:6. Eze. 34: 16. Offered in sacrifice from the earliest age. (Lost,) of the unregenerate. Mat. 10: 6. Gen. 4: 4. Gen. S: 20. Gen. 15: 9,10. (When found,) of restored sinners. Luke Offered in sacrifice under the law. Exo. 15: 5, 7. 20: 24. Lev. 1::10. 1 Kin. 8: 5, 63. (Separated from the goats,) of the separaFLOCXS OF, tion of saints from the wicked. Mat. Attended by members of the family. Gen. 25: 32, 33. 29: 6. Exo.2:16. 1 Sam. 16:11. No. 271. SHEPHERDS. Attended by servants. 1 Sam. 17:20. Isa. 61: o. Early mention of. Gen. 4: 2. Guarded by dogs. Job 30: 1. Usually carried a scrip or bag. 1 Sam. 17:40. Kept in folds or cotes. 1 Sam. 24: 3. 2 Carried a staff' or rod. Lev. 27: 32. Psa. Sam. 7: S. Jno. 10: 1. 23: 4. Conducted to the richest pastures. Psa. Dwelt in tents while tending their flocks. 23:-2. Song of Sol. 1: 8. Isa. 38: 12. Fed on the mountains. Exo. 3: 1. Eze. Members of the family both male and female 34: 6, 13. acted as. Gen. 29: 6. 1 Sam. 16: 11. 1 Fed in the valleys. Isa. 65: 10. Sam. 17: 15. Frequently covered the pastures. Psa. Had hired keepers under them. 1 Sam. 65:13. 17:20. SHE. 121 SHL. The unfaithfulness of hireling, alluded to. After removal from the table given to the Jno. 10: 12. priests. Lev. 24: 9. CARE OF THE SHEEP BY, EXHIBITED IN Not lawful for any but priests to eat, except Knowing them. Jno. 10: 14. in extreme cases. I Sam. 21: 4-6, with Going before, and leading them. Psa. Mat. 12:4. 77: 20. Psa. 78: 52. Psa. 80: 1. ILLUSTRATIVE OF, Seeking out good pasture for them. 1 Christ as the bread of life. Jno. 6: 48. Chr. 4: 39-41. Psa. 23: 2. The Church. 1 Cor. 5: 7. 1 Cor. 10:17. Numbering them when they return from No. 273. SHIELDS. pasture. Jer. 33:13. Watching over them by night. Luke 2: 8. A part of defensive armour. Psa. 115: 9, Tenderness to the ewes in lamb, and to with Psa. 140: 7. the young. Gen. 33: 13, 14. Psa. 78: 71. FREQUENTLY MADE OF, OR COVERED WITH Defending them when attacked by wild Gold. 2 Sam. 8: 7. 1 Kin. 10:17. beasts. 1 Sam. 17: 34, 36. Amos 3: 12. Brass. 1 Kin. 14: 27. Searching them out when lost and stray- Said to belong to God. Psa. 47: 9. ing. Eze. 34: 12. Luke 15: 4, 5. KINDS OF; Attending them when sick. Eze. 34: 16. The buckler or target. 2 Chr. 9: 15, with An abomination to the Egyptians. Gen. I Chr. 5:18. Eze. 26: 8. 46: 34. The small shield. 2 Chr. 9: 16. ILLUSTRATIVE Often borne by an armour-bearer. 1 Sam. Of God as leader of Israel. Psa. 77: 20. 17: 7. Psa. 80:1. BEFORE WAR Of Christ as the good shepherd. Eze. 34: Gathered together. Jer. 511: 11. 23. Zec. 13:7. Jno. 10:14. Heb. 13:20. Uncovered. Isa. 22: 6. Of kings as the leaders of the people. Isa. Repaired. Jer. 46: 3. 44: 28. Jer. 6: 3. Jer. 49: 19. Anointed. 2 Sam. 1: 21, with Isa. 21: 5. Of ministers of the gospel. Jer. 223: 4. Often made red. Nah. 2: 3. (Searching out straying sheep,) of Christ Provided by the kings of Israel in great seeking the lost. Eze. 34: 12. Luke abundance. 2 Chr. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 26: 14. 15: 2-7. 2 Chr. 32: 5. (Their care and tenderness,) of tender- A disgrace to lose, or throw away. 2 Sam. ness of Christ. Isa. 40: 11. Eze. 34: I: 21. 13-16. Of the vanquished, often burned. Eze. 39: 9. (Ignorant and foolish,) of bad ministers. In times of peace were hung up in towers Isa. 56: 11. Jer. 50: 6. Eze. 34: 2, 10. or armouries. Eze. 27: 10, with Song of Zec. 11: 7, 8, 15-17. Sol. 4: 4. No. 272. SHEWBREAD. Were scarce in Israel in the days of Deborah and Barak. Jud. 5: S. Twelve cakes of fine flour. Lev. 24: 5. Many of the Israelites used, with expertCalled hallowed bread. 1 Sam. 21: 4. ness. 1 Chr. 12: 8, 24, 34. 2 Chr. 14: 8. Materials for, provided by the people. Lev. 2 Chr. 25: 5. 24: 8. Neh. 10: 32, 33. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Prepared by Levites. I Chr. 9: 32. 1 Chr. Protection of God. Gen. 15: 1. Psa. 33:20. 23: 29. Favour of God. Psa. 5: 12. Placed in two rows on the table by the Truth of God. Psa. 91: 4. priests. Exo. 25: 30. Exo. 40: 23. Lev. Salvation of God. 2 Sam. 22: 36. Psa. 24: 6. 18:35. TARLE OF, Faith. Eph. 6: 16. Dimensions, &c., of. Exo. 25: 23. No. 274. SHiPS. Covered with gold. Exo. 25: 24. Had an ornamental border. Exo. 25: 25. Probably originated from the ark made by Had staves of shittim wood covered with Noah. Gen. 7: 17, 18. gold. Exo. 25: 28. Antiquity of, among the Jews. Gen. 49: 13. Had rings of gold in the corners for the Jud. 5:17. staves. Exo. 25: 26, 27. DESCRIBED AS Had dishes, spoons, covers, and bowls of Gallant. Isa. 33: 21. gold. Exo. 25: 29. Large. Jas. 3: 4. Placed in the north side of the tabernacle. Strong. Isa. 23: 14. Exo. 40: 22. Heb. 9: 2. Swift. Job 9: 26. Directions for removing. Num. 4: 7. Solomon built a navy of. 1 Kin. 9: 26. Pure frankincense placed on. Lev. 24: 7. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; Was changed every Sabbath day. Lev. Of Chittim. Num. 24: r24. Dan. 11: 30. 24: 8. Of Tarshish. Isa. 23: 1. Isa. 60: 9. 11 SHI. 122 SHO. SID. Of Adramyttium. Acts 27:2. (Wrecked,) of departure from the faith. Of Alexandria. Acts 27: 6. 1 Tim. I: 19. Of Chaldea. Isa. 43:14. No. 275. SHoEs. Of Tyre. 2 Chr. 8:18. Generally made of the fir tree. Eze. 27: 5. Early use of. Gen. 14: 23. Sometimes made of bulrushes. Isa. 18: 2. Called sandals. Mar. 6: 9. Acts 12: 8. The seams of, were caulked. Eze. 27: 9, 27. Soles of, sometimes plated with brass or PARTS OF MENTIONED; iron. Deu. 33: 25. The forepart or foreship. Acts 27: 30,41. Bound round the feet with latchets or The hinder part or stern. Acts 27: 29, 41. strings. Jno. I: 27. Acts 12: 8. The hllold or between the sides. Jon. 1:5. OF LADIES OF DISTINCTION The mast. lsa. 33: 23. Eze. 27: 5. Often made of badgers' skins. Eze. 16: 10. ~The sails. Isa. 33: 23. Eze. 27:7. Often highly ornamental. Song of Sol. The tackling. Isa. 33: 23. Acts 27:19. 7: 1. The rudder or helm. Jas. 3: 4. Probably often adorned with tinkling orThe rudder-bands. Acts 27: 40. naments.. Isa. 3: 18. The anchors. Acts 27: 29, 40. Loosing of, for another a degrading office. The boats. Acts 27: 30, 32. Mar. 1: 7. Jno. 1: 27. The oars. Isa. 33: 21. Eze. 27: 6. Bearing, for a another a degrading office, Often the property of individuals. Acts only performed by slaves. Mat. 3:11. 27: 11. THE JEWS Commanded by a master. Jon. 1:6. Acts Put on, before beginning ajourney. Exo. 27: 11. 12:11. Guided in their course by pilots. Eze. 27: Never wore, in mourning. 2 Sam. 15: 30. 8, 27, 29. Isa. 20: 2, 3. Eze. 24: 17, 23. Governed and directed by the helm. Jas. Put off; when they entered sacred places. 3: 4. Exo. 3:5. Jos. 5:15. Course of, frequently directed by the hea- Worn out by a long journey. Jos. 9: venly bodies. Acts 27: 20. 5, 13. Worked by mariners or sailors. Eze. 27: Of Israel preserved for forty years, while 9, 27. Jon. 1: 5. Acts 27: 30. journeying in the wilderness. Deu. 29:5. Generally impelled by sails. Acts 27: 2-7. Often given as bribes. Amos 2: 6. Amos Often impelled by oars. Jon. 1: 13. Jno. 8: 6. 6: 19. CUSTOMS CONNECTED WITH; NAVIGATED A man who refused to marry a deceased Rivers. Isa. 33: 21. brother's wife disgraced by her pulling Lakes. Luke 5: 1, 2. off his shoes. Deu. 25: 9, 10. The ocean. Psa. 104: 26. Psa. 107: 23. The right of redemption resigned by a Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous man's giving one of his shoes to the places. Acts 27: 28. next of kin. Ruth 4: 7, 8. Usually distinguished by signs or figure The apostles prohibited from taking for heads. Acts 28: 11. their journey more, than the pair they had Course of, through the midst of the sea on. Mat. 10: 10. Mar. 6: 9. Luke 10: 4. wonderful. Pro. 30:18, 19. ILLUSTRATIVE EMPLOYED IN Of the preparation of the gospel. Eph. Trading. 1 Kin. 22: 48 2 Chr. 8: 18. 6:15. 2 Chr. 9: 21. Of the beauty conferred on saints. Song Fishing. Mat. 4: 21. Luke i: 4, 9. Jno. of Sol. 7: 1, with Luke 15: 22. 21: 3-8. (Having blood on,) of being engaged in War. Num. 24: 24. Dan. 11: 30, 40. war and slaughter. 1 Kin. 2: 5. Carrying passengers. Jon. 1:3. Acts (Taken oft;) of an ignominious and ser27: 2, 6. Acts 28: 11. vile condition. Isa. 47: 2. Jer. 2: 25. The hinder part of, occupied by the passen- (Thrown over a place,) of subjection. gers. Mar. 4: 38. Psa. 60: 8. Psa. 10S: 9. ENDANGERED BY Storms. Jon. 1:4. Mar. 4:37, 38. No. 276. SIDONIANS, THE. Quicksands. Acts 27: 17. Descended from Sidon, son of Canaan. Gen. Rocks. Acts 27: 29. 10: 15. 1 Chr.: 13. When damaged were sometimes undergird- Formerly a part of the Phoenician nation. ed with cables. Acts 27:17. Mat. 15: 21, 22, with Mar. 7: 24, 26. Were often wrecked. 1 Kin. 22: 48. Psa. Dwelt on the sea coast. Luke 6:17. Acts 48: 7. Acts 27: 41-44. 2 Cor. 11: 25. 27: 3. ILLUSTRATIVE CITIES OF MENTIONED Of industrious women. Pro. 31:14. Zidon. Jos. 11:8. Jos. 19: 28. SIE. 123 SIE. Zerephath or Sarepta. I Kin. 17: 9. Luke Dug a trench round the city. Luke 4: 26. 19:43. Governed by kings. Jer. 25::22. Jer. 27: 3. Invested the city on every side. Eze. CHARACTER OF; 23: 24. Careless and secure. Jud. 18: 7. Cut off all supplies. 2 Kin. 19: 24 Idolatrous. I Kin. 11: 5. Frequently laid ambushes. Jud. 9 34. Superstitious. Jer. 27: 3, 9. Called upon the city to surrender. 1 Kin. Wicked and impenitent. Mat. 11: 21, 22. 20: 2, 3. 2 Kin. 18: 18, 20. Engaged in extensive commerce. lsa. Employed battering rams, &c., against the 23: 2. walls. Eze. 4: 2. Eze. 26: 9. Were skilful sailors. Eze. 27: 8. Cast arrows and other missiles into the Supplied the Jews with timber. 1 Chr. city. 2 Kin. 19: 32. 22: 4. 1o zra 3: 7. Often suffered much during. Eze. 29:18 Supplied from Judea with provisions. Acts The Jews forbidden to cut down fruit trees 12: 20, with Eze. 27: 17. for purposes of. Deu. 20: 19, 20. TERRI'rORY OF, Extreme difficulty of taking cities by, allud-:Bordered on the land of Canaan. Gen. ed to. Pro. 18: 19. 10: 19. CITIES INVESTED BY, Given by God to Israel. Gen. 49: 13. Repaired and newly fortified beforehand. Jos. 13: 6. 2 Chr. 32: 5. Isa. 22: 9, 10. Nah. 3:14. Allotted to the tribe of Asher. Jos. 19: Supplied with water beforehand. Nah. 24, 28. 3: 14. Visited by our Lord. Mat. 15:21. The inhabitants of, cut off beforehand Israel unable to expel. Jud. 1: 31. Jud. supplies of water outside, useful to 3 3. besiegers. 2 Chr. 32:3, 4. Hostile and oppressive to God's people. Were strictly shut up. Jos. 6: 1. Jud. 10: 12. Eze. 28: 22, 24. Joel 3: 5, 6. Walls of, defended by the inhabitants. 2 Solomon intermarried with. 1 Kin. 11:1. Sam. 11: 20, 21. 2 Kin. 18: 26. 2 Chr. Ahab intermarried'with. 1 Kin. 16: 31. 32,: 18. Israel followed the idolatry of. Jud. 10: 6. Sometimes used ambushes or sorties. Jer. 1 Kin. 11:33. 51:12. PRErDICTIO-rS RESPECTING Often suffered from famine. 2 Kin. 6: Territory of, to be given to Nebuchad- 26-29. 2 Kin. 25: 3. Eze. 6:12. nezzar king of Babylon. Jer. 27: 3, 6. Often suffered from pestilence. Jer. 21: 6. Partakling with the other nations of God's Jer. 32: 24. judgments. Jer. 25: 2'2-28. Eze. 32: 30. Often demanded terms of peace. 1 Sam; All their helpers to be cut off Jer. 47: 4. 11: 1-3. That God should be glorified in the judg. Frequently taken by ambush. Jud. 9: ments upon them. Eze. 28: 21-23. 43, 44. Their spoliation and oppression of the Frequently talken by assault. Jos. 10:35. Jews to be fully reconmpensed. Joel 3: 2 Sam. 12: 29. 4, 8. Frequently succoured by allies. 1 Sam. Many of, attended Christ's ministry. Mar. 11:11. 1 Sam. 23: 5. 3: 8. Inhabitants of, exhorted to be courageous. Having revolted from Herod, were obliged 2 Chr. 32: 6-8. to propitiate him. Acts 12: 20. CITIES TAKEN BY, No. 277. SIEGES. Given up to pillage. Jer. 50: 26, 27. Inhabitants of, often put to the sword. Fenced cities invested by. 2 Kin. 18: 13. Jos. 10: 28, 30, 32, 35. Jer. 50: 30. Threatened as a punishment. Det,:. 28: 52. Frequently broken down. Jud. 9: 45. DESCRIsED AS Frequently destroyed by fire. Jos. 8:19. Encamping against. 2 Sam. 12 ~ 29. 2 Sometimes sown with salt. Jud. 9: 45. Chr. 32: 1. Sometimes called after the name of the Pitching against. 2 Kin. 25: 1. captor. 2 Sam. 12: 28. Compassing about with armies. 2 Kin. MIENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 6: 14. Luke 21: 20. Jericho. Jos. 6: 2-20. Setting in array against. Jer. 50: 9. Ai. Jos. 7: 2-4. Jos. S: 1-19, Being against round about. Jer. 51: 2. Makkedah. Jos. 10: 28. Often lasted for a long time. 2 Kin. 17: 5. Libnah. Jos. 10: 29, 30. Great noise and tumult of, alluded to. Joel Lachish. Jos. 10: 31, 32. 2: 5. Eglon. Jos. 10: 34, 35. THOSE: ENGAGED IN, IHebron. Jos. 10: 36, 37. Built forts and mounts. Eze. 4: 2. Eze. Debir. Jos. 10: 38, 39. 26: 8. Sechem. Jud. 9: 34, 45. SIL. 124 SIM. Thebez. Jud. 9: 50. Taken in war often consecrated to God. Jabesh-gilead. 1 Sam. 11: 1. Jos. 6: 19. 2 Sam. 8: 11. 1 Kin. 15:15. Keilah. 1 Sam. 23: 1. Taken in war purified by fire. Num. 31: Ziklag. 1 Sam. 30: 1, 2. 22, 23. Rabbah. 2 Sam. 11: 1. 2 Sam. 12: 26-29. Often given as presents. 1 Kin. 10: 25. 2 Gibbethon. 1 Kin. 16:15. Kin. 5: 5, 23. Tirzah. I Kin. 16: 17. Tribute often paid in. 2 Chr. 17: 11. Neh. Samaria. 1 Kin. 20: 1. 2 Kin. 6: 24. 2 5: 15. Kin. 17: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE Ramoth-gilead. 1 Kin. 22: 4, 29. Of the words of the Lord. Psa. 12: 6. Cities of Israel in Galilee. 2 Kin. 15: 29. Of the tongue of the just. Pro. 10: 20. Cities of Judah. 2 Kin. 18: 13. Of good rulers. Isa. I: 22, 23. Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 24: 10, 11. 2 Kin. 25: Of the Medo-Persian kingdom. Dan. 2: 1, 2. 32, 39. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Of saints purified by affliction. Psa. 66: The omnipresence of God. Psa. 139: 5. 10. Zec. 13: 9. The judgments of God. Mic. 5: 1. (Labour of seeking for,) of diligence reZion in her affliction. Isa. 1: 8. quired for attaining knowledge. Pro. 2:4. No. 278. SILVER. (Reprobate,) of the wicked. Jer. 6: 30. Veins of, found in the earth. Job 28: 1. (Dross of,) of the wicked. Isa. 1: 22. Generally found in an impure state. Prov. Eze. 22: 18. 25: 4. Wisdom to be esteemed more than. Job Comparative value of. Isa. 60: 17. 28: 15. Pro. 3:14. Pro. 8: 10, 19. Pro. DESCRIBED AS 16: 16. White and shining. Psa. 68 ~ i3, 14. No. 279. SIMEON, TE TRIBE OF. Fusible. Eze. 22: 20, 22. Malleable. Jer. 10: 9. Descended from Jacob's second son by Purified by fire. Pro. 17: 3. Zec. 13: 9. Leah. Gen. 29: 33. PURIFIED, CALLED Prediction respecting. Gen. 49: 5-7. Refined silver. 1 Chr. 929: 4. PERSONS SEIAECTED FROM, Choice silver. Pro. 8: 19. To number the people. Num. I: 6. Tarshish carried on extensive commerce To spy out the land. Num. 13: 5. in. Jer. 10: 9. Eze. 27: 12. To divide the land. Num. 34: 20. The patriarchs rich in. Gen. 13: 2. Gen. Formed part of the second division of Israel 24: 35. in their journeys. Num. 10:18,19. Used as money from the earliest age. Gen. Encamped under the standard of Reuben 23: 15, 16. Gen. 37: 28. 1 Kin. 16: 24. south of the tabernacle. Nuns. 2: 12. Very abundant in the reign of Solomon. 1 Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. I: Kin. 10: 21, 22, 27. 2 Chr. 9: 20, 21, 27. 22, 23. Num. 2: 13. The working in, a trade. Acts 19 24. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7: MADE INTO 36-41. Cups. Gen. 44: 2. -Families of. Num. 26: 12, 13. Dishes. Num. 7:13, 84, 85. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. Bowls. Num. 7:13, 84. 26:14. Thin plates. Jer. 10: 9. Plagued for allowing the idolatry, &c. of Chains. Isa. 40:19. Midian, which accounts for their deWires, (alluded to.) Ecc. 12: 6. crease. Nurn. 25: 9, 14. Num. 26: 14, Sockets for the boards of the tabernacle. with Num. 1: 23. Exo. 26: 19, 25, 32. Exo. 36: 24, 26, On mount Gerizim said amen to the bless30, 36. ings. Deu. 27: 12. Ornaments and hooks for the pillars of the Inheritance of, within Judah. Jos. 19: 1-8. tabernacle. Exo. 27: 17. Exo. 38:19. Bounds of their inheritance with cities and Candlesticks. 1 Chr. 23:15. villages. Jos. 19: 2-8. 1 Chr. 4: 28-33. Tables. I Chr. 28: 16. United with Judah in expelling the CanaBeds or couches. East. 1: 6. anites from their inheritance. Jud. 1:3, 17. Vessels. 2 Sam. 8: 10. Ezra 6: 5. Many of, at the coronation of David. 1 Chr. Idols. Psa. 115: 4. lsa. 2: 20. Isa. 30: 22. 12: 25. Ornaments for the person. Exo. 3: 22. Officer appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. Given by the Israelites for making the ta- 27: 16. bernacle. Exo. 25: 3. Exo. 35: 24. Part of, united with Judah under Asa. 2 Given by David and his subjects formaking Chr. 15: 9. the temple. 1 Chr. 28: 14. 1 Chr. 29: Josiah purged their land of idols. 92 Chr 2, 6-9. 34: 6. SIN. 125 SPE. STA. Part of, destroyed the remnant of the Ama- Garments sprinkled with the blood of, to be lekites, and dwelt in their land. 1 Chr. washed. Lev. 6: 27. 4: 39-43. Law respecting the vessels used for boiling o. 280. SIN-OFFERING. the flesh of. Lev. 6: 28. Was typical of Christ's sacrifice. 2 Cor. Probable origin of. Gen. 4: 4, 7. 5:21. Heb. 13: 11-13. WAS OFFERED No. 281 SPEAR THE. For sins of ignorance. Lev. 4:2, 13,22, 27. 281. SPEAR, TE. At the consecration of priests. Exo. 29: An offensive weapon. 2 Sam. 23: 8, 18. 10, 14. Lev. 8:14.. First mention of, in Scripture. Jos. 8: 18. At the consecration of Levites. Num. PARTS OF, MENTIONED; 8: 8. The staff'of wood. 1 Sam. 17:7. At expiration of a Nazarite's vow. Num. The head of iron or brass. 1 Sam. 17: 7, 6: 14. with 2 Sam. 21:16. Onthe day of atonement. Lev. 16: 3, 9. Probably pointed at both ends. 2 Sam. Was a most holy sacrifice. Lev. 6: 25, 29. 2: 23. CONSISTED OF Called the glittering spear. Job 39: 23. A young bullock for priests. Lev. 4: 3. lab. 3: 11. Lev. 9: 2, 8. Lev. 16: 3, 6. DIFFERENT KINDS OF; A young bullock or he-goat for the con- Lances. Jer. 50: 42. gregation. Lev. 4: 14. Lev. 16: 9. 2 Javelins. Num. 25: 7. 1 Sam. 18:10. Chr. 29: 23. Darts. 2 Sam. 18: 14. Job 41: 26, 29. A male kid for a ruler. Lev. 4: 23. Those who used, called spearmen. Psa. A female kid or female lamb for a pri- 68: 30. Acts 23: 23. vate person. Lev. 4: 2S, 32. Frequently used by horse soldiers. Nab. Sins of the offerer transferred to, by impo- 3:3. sition of hands. Lev. 4: 4, 15, 24, 29. 2 Furnished before war. Jer. 46: 4. Chr. 29: 23. Pruning hooks made into, before war. Joel Was killed in the same place as the burnt- 3: 10. offering. Lev. 4: 24. Lev. 6: 2. Made into pruning hooks in peace. Isa. 2: 4. THE BLOOD OF, Mic 4: 3. For a priest or for the congregation, T-E ISRAELITES brought by tile priest into the taberna- Acquainted with the making of. 1 Sam. cle. Lev. 4: 5, 16. 13:19. For a priest or for the congregation, Frequently used. Neh. 4: 19, 16. sprinkled seven times before the Lord, Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah outside the vail, by the priest with his / and of Saul. Jud. 5: 8. 1 Sam. 13: 22. finger. Lev. 4: 6, 17. Provided by the Tkings of Israel in great For a priest or for the congregation, put abundance. 2 Chr. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 32: 5. upon the horns of the altar of incense. Frequently thrown from the hand. 1 Sam. Lev. 4d:7, 18. 18:11. 1 Sam. 19: 10. For a ruler or for a private person put Often retained in the hand of tle person upon the horns of the altar of burnt. using. Num. 25: 7. 2 Sam. 2: 23. offering by the priest with his finger. Stuck in the ground beside the bolster Lev. 4: 25, 30. during sleep. I Sam. 26: 7-11. In every case poured at the foot of the Illustrative of the bitterness of the wicked. altar of burnt-offering. Lev. 4: 7, 18, Psa. 57: 4. 25, 30. Lev. 9: 9.282. STARS THE. Fat of the inside, kidneys, &c., burned on the altar of burnt-offering. Lev. 4: S-10, Infinite in number. Gen. 15: 5. Jer. 33: 22. 19, 26, 31. Lev. 9:10. Gon When for a priest or the congregation, the Created. Gen. 1:16. Psa. 8:3. Psa. 148: 5. skin, carcase, &c., burned without the Set, in the firmament of heaven. Gen. 1:17. camp. Lev. 4: 11, 12, 21. Lev. 6: 30. Appointed, to give light by night. Gen. Lev. 9: 11. 1: 16, with 14 v. Psa. 136: 9. Jer. 31:35. Was eaten by the priests in a holy place, Numbers and names. Psa. 147: 4. when its blood had not been brought into Established, for ever. Psa. 148: 3, 6. Jer. the tabernacle. Lev. 6: 26, 29, with 30 v. 31: 36. Aaron, &c., rebuked for burning and not Obscures. Job 9: 7. eating that of the congregation, its blood Revolve in fixed orbits. Jud. 6: 20. not having been brought into the taber- Shine in the firmament of heaven. Dan. nacle. Lev. 10: 16-18, with Lev. 9: 9, 15. 12: 3. Whatever touched the flesh of, was render- Appear of different magnitudes. 1 Cor. ed holy. Lev. 6: 27. 15: 41. si%. 126 SUAl. Appear after sunset. Neh. 4: 21, with Job Persons who sought employment among 3: 9. the Jews. 1 Kin. 7: 13. 1 Kin. 9: 27. CALLED Persons who came into Israel for the sake The host of heaven. Deu. 17: 3. Jer. 33: 22. of religious privileges. 1 Kin. 8: 41. Stars of light. Psa. 148: 3. LAws RESPECTING; Stars of heaven. Isa. 13:10. Not to practice idolatrous rites. Lev. When grouped together called constella- 20: 2. tions. 2 Kin. 23: 5. (sssarg.) Isa. 13: 10. Not to blaspheme God. Lev. 24: 16. Exhibited in the greatness of God's power. Not to eat blood. Lev. 17: 10, 12. Psa. 8: 3, with Isa. 40: 26. Not to eat of the passover while uncirMade to praise God. Psa. 148: 3. cumcised. Exo. 12: 43, 44. Impure in the sight of God. Job 25:,5. Not to work on the Sabbath. Exo. 20: 10. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE:; Exo. 23: 12. Deu. 5: 14. Morning star. Rev. 2:28. Not to be vexed or oppressed. Exo. 22: Arcturus. Job 9: 9. Job 38: 32. 21. Exo. 23: 9. Lev. 19: 33. Pleiades. Job 9:9. Job 38: 31. Amos 5: 8. Not to be chosen as kings in Israel. Deu. Orion. Job 9: 9. Job 38: 31. Amos 5: 8. 17: 15. Mazzaroth. Job 38: 32. To be loved. Lev. 19: 34. Deu. 10:19. One of extraordinary brightness (a meteor) To be relieved in distress. Lev. 25: 35. appeared at Chirist's birth. Mat. 2: 2, 9; Subject to the civil law. Lev. 24: 22. Idolaters worshipiped. Jer. 8: 2. Jer. 19: 13. To have justice done to them in all disThe Israelites forbidden to worship. Deu. putes. Deu. 1:16. Deu. 24: 17. 4: 19. Deu. 17:2-4. To enlioy the benefit of the cities of refuge. Punishment for worshipping. Deu. 17: 5-7. Num. 35: 15. False gods frequently worshipped under To have the gleaning of the harvest. Lev. the representation of. Amos 5:26. Acts 19: 10. Lev. 23: 22. Deu. 24: 19-22. 7: 43. To participate in the rejoicings of the pIeoAstrology and star-gazing practised by the pie. Deu. 14: 29. Deu. 16: 11, 14. Deu. Babylonians, &c. Isa. 47:13. 26:11. Use of, in navigation alluded to. Acts To have the law read to them. Deu. 31: 27:20. 12. Jos. 8: 3-35. ILLUSTRATIVE The Jews might purchase and have them Of Christ. Num. 24: 17. as slaves. Lev. 25: 44, 45. Of angels. Job 38: 7. The Jews might take usury from. Deu. Of osinisters. Rev. 1:16, 20. Rev. 2:1. 23: 20. Of princes and subordinate governors. Might purchase Hebrew servants subject Dan. 8: 10. Rev. 8: 12. to release. Lev. 25: 47, 48. (Bright and morning star,) of Christ. Rev. Might ofier their burnt-offerings on the 22: 16. altar of God. Lev. 17: S. Lev. 22: 18. (Morning star,) of glory to be given to Num. 15:14. faithful saints. Rev. 2: 28. Allowed to eat what died of itself. Deu. (Shining of,) of the reward of faithful min- 14: 21. isters. Dan. 12: 3. Motives urged on the Jews for being kind (Withdrawing their light,) of severe judg- to. Exo.'22: 21. Exo. 23: 9. ments. Isa. 13: 10. Eze. 32: 7. Joel Admitted to worship in the outer court of 12:10. Joel 13:15. the temple. I Kin. 8: 41-43, with Rev. (Setting the nsest amongst,) of pride and 11: 2. See Eph. 2: 14. carnal security. Oba. 4 v. Were frequently employed in public works. (Wandering,) of false teachers. Jude 13 v. 1 Chr. 22: 2. 2 Chr. 2: 18. ATNo. 283. STRANGERS IN SRAEL. The Jews condemned for oppressing. Psa. No. 283. STRANGERS IN ISRAEL. 94:6. Eze. 22: 7, 29. All foreigners sojourning in Israel were o. 284. SUMMER counted as. Exo. 12: 49. Under the care and protection of God. Deu. Made by God. Psa. 74: 17. 10:18. Psa. 146: 9. Yearly return of, secured by covenant. Very numerous in Solomon's reign. 2 Chr. Gen. 8: 22. 2: 17. CHARACTEstIZED BY CHIEFLY CONSISTED OF Excessive heat. Jer. 17: S. The remnant of the mixed multitude who Excessive drought. Psa. 32:4. came out of Egypt. Exo. 12: 38. Approach of, indicated by shooting out of The remnant of the nations of the land. leaves on trees. Mat. 24: 32. 1 Kin. 9: 20. 2 Chr. 8: 7. Many kinds of fruit were ripe and used Captives taken in war. Dell. 21: 10. during. 2 Sam. 16: 1. Jer. 40: 10. Jer. Foreign servants. Lev. 25: 44, 45. 48: 32. suN. 127 swI. swo. The ancients had houses or apartments Consecrated chariots and horses, as symsuited to. Jud. 3: 20, 24. Amos 3: 15. bols of. 2 Kin. 23: 11. The ant provided her winter food during. Worshipped. 2 Kin. 23: 5. Jer. 8: 2. Pro. 6: 8. Pro. 30: 25. Worshippers of, turned their faces towards The wise are diligent during. Pro. 10: 5. the east. Eze. 8:16. Illustrative of seasons of grace. Jer. 8 20. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; Standing still for a whole day in the valNo. 285. SUN, THE. ley of Ajalon. Jos. 10:12,13. Called the greater light. Gen. 1: 16. Shadow put bacl on the dial. 2 Kin. GOD Created. Gen. 1: 14, 16. Psa. 74:16. Darkened at the crucifixion. Luke 23: Placed, in the firmament. Gen. 1: 17. 44, 45. Appointed, to rule the day. Gen. 1: 16. ILLUSTRATVE Psa. 136: 8. Jer. 31: 35. Of God's favour. Psa. 84:11. Appointed to divide seasons, &c. Gen. Of Christ's coming. Mal. 4: 2. 1l: 14. Of the glory of Christ. Mat. 17:2. Rev. Exercises sovereign power over. Job 9 7. 1: 16. Rv. 10: 1. Causes, to rise both on evil and good. Of supreme rulers. Gen. 37: 9. Isa. Mat. 5: 45. Causes, to know its time of setting. Psa. (Its clearness,) of the purity of the church. ~~~104 ~: ~19. ~Song of Sol. 6: 10. Made to praise and glorify God. Psa. 148:3. (Its brightness,) of the future glory of The power and brilliancy of its rising allud- saints. Dan. 12: 3, with Mat. 13: 43. ed to. Jud. 5:31. 2 Sam. 23:4. (Its power,) of the triumph of saints. Jud. Clearness of its light alluded to. Song of 5:31. Sol. 6: 10. (Darkened,) of severe calamities. Eze. Compared to a bridegroom coming forth 32: 7. Joel: 10, 31, with Mat. 24: 29. from his chamber. Psa. 19:.5. Rev. 9: 2. Compared to a strong man rejoicing to run (Going down at noon,) of premature dea race. Psa. 19: 6. struction. Jer. 15l: 9. Amos 8: 9. Diffuses light and heat to all the earth. Psa. (No more going down,) of perpetual bless. 19: 6. edness. Isa. 60:20. THE R.AYS OF, (Before or in sight of,) of public ignominy. Pleasant to man. Job 30: 28, with Ecc. 2 Sam. 12: 11, 12. Jer. 8: 2. 11 7. 3NO. 286. SWINE. Produce and ripen fruits. Deu. 33:14. Soften and melt some substances. Exo. When wild inhabited the woods. Psa. 16: 21. Wither and burn up the herbs of the field. Unclean and not to be eaten. Lev. 11:7, 8. Mar. 4: 6. Jas. 1: 11. DESCRIBED AS Change the colour of the skin. Song of Fierce and ungenerous. Mat. 7: 6. Sol. I: 6. Filthy in its habits. 2 Pet. 2: 22. Frequently destructive to human life. 2 Destructive to agriculture. Psa. 80:13. Kin. 4: 18-20. Psa. 121: 6. Isa. 49: 10. Fed upon husks. Luke 15: 16. Indicates the hours of the day by the shadow Sacrificing of, an abomination. Isa. 66: 3. on the dial. 2 Kin. 20: 9. Kept in large herds. Mat. S: 30. THE JEwST Herding of, considered as the greatest Commenced their day with the rising of. degradation to a Jew. Luke 15:15. Gen. 19: 23, 24, with 27, 28 vs. Jud. The Gergesenes punished for having. Mat. 9:33. 8: 31, 32. Mar. 5: 11, 14. Commenced their evening with the set. The ungodly Jews condemned for eating. ting of. Gen. 28: 11. Deu. 24: 13. Isa. 65:4. Isa. 66: 17. Mar. 1: 32. ILLUSTRATIVE OF, Expressed the east by rising of. Num. The wicked. Mat. 7: 6. 21: 11. Deu. 4: 41, 47. Jos. 12: l. Hypocrites. 2 Pet. 2: 22. Expressed the west by setting of. Jas. No. 287. SWORD, THE. 1:4. Expressed the whole earth by, from rising Probable origin of. Gen. 3: 24. of, to setting of. Psa. 50:1. Psa. 113: 3. Was pointed. Eze. 21: 15. Isa. 45: 6. Frequently had two edges Psa. 149: 6. Forbidden to worship. Deu. 4:19. Deu. DESCRIBED AS 17: 3. Sharp. Psa. 57: 4. Made images of 2 Chr. 14: 5. (marg.) Bright. Nah. 3: 3. 2 Chr. 34: 4. (osarg.) Glittering. Deu. 32: 41. Job 20: 25. Swo. 128 SYN. SYR. Oppressive. Jer. 46:16. No. 288. SYIAGOGUES. Hurtful. Psa. 144:10. Carried in a sheath or scabbard. 1 Chr. Places in which the Jews assembled for 21: 27. Jer. 47: 6. Eze. 21: 3-5. worship. Acts 13: 5, 14. Suspended from the girdle. 1 Sam. 17: 39. Early notice of their existence. Psa. 74: 8, 2 Sam. 20: 8. Neh. 4: 18. Psa. 45. 3. Probably originated in the schools of the WAS USED prophets. 1 Sam. 19: 18-24. 2 Kin. 4:23. By the patriarchs. Gen. 34: 25. Gen. Revival of, after the captivity. Neh. 8:1-S. 48:22. SERVICE OF, CONSISTED OF By the Jews. Jud. 20: 2. 2 Sam. 24: 9. Prayer. Mat. 6: 5. By heathen nations. Jud. 7:222. 1 Sam. Reading the word of God. Neh. 8: 18. 15:33. Neh.9:3. Neh. 13:1. Acts 15:21. For self-defence. Luke 22: 36. Expounding the word of God. Neh. 8: 8. For destruction of enemies. Num. 21: 24. Luke 4: 21. Jos. 6: 21. Praise and thanksgiving. Neh. 9: 5. For punishing criminals. 1 Sam. 15: 33. Service in, on the Sabbath day. Luke 4: 16. Acts 12: 2. Acts 13: 14. Sometimes for self:destruction. I Sam. lGoVFRNED BY 31: 4, 5. Acts 16: 27. A president or chief ruler. Acts 18:8,17. Hebrews early acquainted with making of. Ordinary rulers. Mar. 5: 22. Acts 13: 15. 1 Sam. 13:19. Provided with a chazan or minister, who In time of war ploughshares made into. had charge of the sacred books. Luke 4: Joel 13: 10. 17, 20. In time of peace made into ploughshares. Had seats for the congregation. Acts Isa.2:4. Mic.4:3. 13: 14. Sharpened and furbished before going to Chief seats in, reserved for elders. Mat. war. Psa. 7: 12. Eze. 21: 9. 23: 6. Was brandished over the head. Eze. 32:10. The portion of Scripture for the day someWas thrust through enemies. Eze. 16: 40. times read by one of the congregation. Often threatened as apunishment. Lev. 26: Luke 4: 16. 25, 33. Deu. 32: 25. Strangers were invited to address the conOften sent as a punishment. Ezra 9: 7. gregation in. Acts 13: 15. Psa. 78:62. CHRIST OFTEN Was one of God's fore sore judgments. Attended. Luke 4:16. Eze. 14: 21. Preached and taught in. Mat. 4: 23. Mar. Those slain by, communicated ceremonial 1: 39. Luke 13: 10. uncleanness. Num. 19:16. Performed miracles in. Mat. 12: 9, 10. ILLUSTRATIVE Mar. 1: 23. Luke 13: 11. Of the word of God. Eph. 6: 17, with The apostles frequently taught and preachHeb. 4: 12. ed in. Acts 9: 20. Acts 13: 5. Acts 17: Of the word of Christ. Isa. 49: 2, with 1, 17. Rev. 1: 16. Often used as courts of justice. Acts 9: 2. Of the justice of God. Deu. 32:41. Zec. Jas. 2: 2. (Mnarg.) 13: 7. OFFENDERS WERE OFTEN Of the protection of God. Deu. 33: 29. Given up to, for trial. Luke 12: 11. Luke Of war and contention. Mat. 10: 34. 21: 12. Of severe and heavy calamities. Eze. 5: Punished in. Mat. 10: 17. Mat. 23: 34. 2,17. Eze. 14:17. Eze. 21:9. Acts 22; 19. Of deep mental affliction. Luke 2: 35. Expelled from. Jno. 9: 22, 34. Jno. 12:42. Of the wicked. Psa. 17: 13. Jno. 16:2. Of the tongue of the wicked. Psa. 57: 4. The building of, considered a noble and Psa. 64: 3. Pro. 12: 18. meritorious work. Luke 7: 5. Of persecuting spirit of the wicked. Eta. Sometimes several, in the same city. Acts 37: 14. 6: 9. Acts 9: 2. Of the end of the wicked. Pro. 5: 4. Each sect had its own. Acts 6: 9. Of false witnesses. Pro. 25a: 18. Of Judicial authority. Rom. 13: 4. (Drawing of,) of war and destruction. Originally included Mesopotavnia. Gen. Lev. 26: 33. Eze. 21: 3-5. 25: 20. Gen. 28: 5. Deu. 26: 5, with (Putting, into its sheath,) of peace and Acts 7:2. friendship. Jer. 47: 6. More properly the country around Damas(Living by,) of rapine. Gen. 27: 40. cus. 2 Sam. 8: 6. (Not departing from one's house,) of per- Damascus the capital of. Isa. 7: 8. petual calamity. 2 Sam. 12:10. Abana and Pharpar rivers of. 2 Kin. 5: 12. SYR. 129 TAB. Governed by kings. 1 Kin. 22: 31. 2 Kin. A Saviour raised up for Israel against. 2 5: 1. Kin. 13:5, 23-25. INHABITANTS OF, Elisha predicted to Joash his three victoCalled Syrians. 2 Sam. 10: 11. 2 Kin. ries over. 2 Kin. 13:14-19. 5: 20. Joined with Israel against Ahaz and besiegCalled Syrians of Damascus. 2 Sam. 8: 5. ed Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 16: 5. Isa. 7: 12. An idolatrous people. Jud. 10: 6. 2 Retook Elath and drove out the Jews. 2 Kin. 5: 18. Kin. 16: 6. A warlike people. 1 Kin. 20: 23, 25. Subdued and its inhabitants taken captive A commercial people. Eze. 27: 18. by Assyria. 2 Kin. 16: 9. Spoke the Syriac language. 2 Kin. 18: PROPHECIES RESPECTING - 26. Ezra 4: 7. Dan. 2: 4. Destruction of Rezin king of. Isa. 7: Israel followed the idolatry of. Jud. 10: 6. 8, 16. DyVID Ceasing to be a kingdom. Isa. 17: 1-3. Destroyed the army of, which assisted Terror and dismay in, occasioned by its Hadadezer. 2 Sam. 8: 5. invasion. Jer. 49: 23, 24. Garrisoned and made tributary. 2 Sam. Destruction of its inhabitants. Jer. 49: 26. S: 6. Spoliation of Damascus. Isa. 8: 4. Dedicated the spoils of. 2 Sam. 8: 11, 12. Burning of Damascus. Jer. 49:27. Amos Obtained renown by his victory over.. 4. 2 Sam. S: 13. Its calamities, the punishments ofits sins. Sent Joab against the armies of, hired by Amos 1: 3. the Ammonites. 2 Sam. 10:6-14. Its inhabitants to be captive. Amos 1: 5. Destroyed a second army of. 2 Sam. 10: Its history in connexion with the aMace15-19. donian empire. Dan. 11: 6, &c. Asa sought aid of, against Israel. 1 Kin. Subdued and governed by the Romans. 15: 18-29. Luke 2: 2. Elijah anointed Hazael king over, by Di-G-ospel preached and many churches foundvine direction. 1 Kin. i9: 15. ed in. Acts 15:23, 41. Benhadad king of, besieged Samaria. 1 Kin. 20: 1-12. Io. 29(. TABERNACLE, THE. THEn ISRAELITES N'oses was commanded to make, after a Under Ahab encouraged and assisted by divine pattern. Exo. 25: 9. Exo. 26: God, overcame. 1 Kin. 20: 13-20. 30. IHeb. S:.5. Forewarned of invasion by, at the return Made of the fiee-will offerings of the peoof the year. 1 Kin. 20: v22-25. ple. Exo. 25: l-8. Exo. 35: 4, 5, 21-29. Insignificant before. 1 Kin. 20: 26, 27. Divine wisdom given to Bezaleel, &c. to Encouraged and assisted by God over- make. Eo. 31:' -7. Exo. 35: 30-35. came, a second time. 1 Kin. 20: 28-30. Exo. 36: 1. Craftily drawn into a league with. 1 Kin. C.LLED THE 20: 1-43. Tabernacle of the Lord. Jos. 22: 19. 1 At peace with, for three years. 1 Kin. 1 Chr. 16: 39. 22: 1. Tabernacle of testimony or witness. Exo. Under Ahab soughlt to recover Ramorth- 3S:'. Nium: 50. Num. 17: 7, 8. gilead from. I Kin. 22: 9-29. 2 C1hr. 24: 6. Acts. 7: 44. Defeated by, and Ahab slain. 1 Kin. 22: Tabernacle of' the congregation. Exo. 30-36. 27::1. lxo. 33: 7. Exo. 40: 26. Harassed by frequent in;cursions of. 2 Talernacle of Shiloh. Psa. 78: 60. Kin. 5: 2. 2 Kin. 6:;23. Tabernacle of Joseph. Psa. 78: 67. Heard the secrets of, from Elisha. 2 Kin. Temrple of the Lord. I Sam. i: 9. 1 Sam. 6: 8-12. 3: God smote with blindness those sent House of the lord. Jos. 6: 24. 1 Sam. against Elisha by the king of 2 Kin. 6: I: 7, 24. 14, 18-20. r gas a moveable tent suited to the unsettled Besieged Samaria again. 2 Kin. 6: 24-29. condition of Israel. 2 Sam. 7: 6, 7. Army of, miraculously routed. 2 Kin. 7: 5, 6. Designed for manifestation of God's pre. Death of the king of, and the cruelty of his sence and for his worship. Exo. 25: 8. successor foretold by Elisha. 2 Kin. $: Exo. 29K: 42, 43. 7, 15. - THE BOARDS OF, Joram king of Israel in seeking to recover iKiade of shittim wood. Exo. 26: 15. Exo. Ramoth-gilead from, severely wounded. 36:20. 2 Kin. S: 28, 29. 2 Kin. 9: 15. Ten cubits high by one and an half broad. Israel delivered into the hands of, for the Exo. 26:16. Exo. 36: 21. sins of Jehoahaz. 2 Kin. 13: 3, 7, 22. Had each two tenons fitted into sockets TAB. 130 TEM. of silver. Exo. 26: 17, 19. Exo. 36: At Gilgal. Jos. 5:10, 11. 22-24. In Shiloh. Jos. 1 8:1. Jos. 19: 51. Twenty on south side. Exo. 26: 18. Exo. In Nob. 1 Sam. 21: 1-6. 36: 23. Finally at Gibeon. I Chr. 16: 39. 1 Chr. Twenty on north side. Exeo. 26: 20. Exo. 21: 29. 36: 25. Anointed and consecrated with oil. Exo. Six, and two corner boards for west side. 40: 9. Lev. 8: 10. Num. 7: 1. Exo. 26: 22-25. Exo. 36: 27-30. Sprinkled and purified with blood. Heb. 9:21. Supported by bars of shittim wood rest- Sanctified by the glory of the Lord. Exo. ing in rings of gold. Exo. 26: 26-29. 29:43. Exo. 40:34. Num. 9:15. Exo. 36: 31-33. The Lord appeared in, over the mercy-seat. With the bars, covered with gold. - Exo. Exo. 25: 22. Lev. 16: 2. Num. 7: 89. 26: 29. Exo. 36:34. The cloud of glory rested on, by night and The door of, a curtain of blue and purple day during its abode in the wilderness. suspended by gold rings from five pillars Exo. 40: 38. Nurn. 9: 15, 16. of shittim wood, &c. Exo. 26: 36, 37. The journeys of Israel regulated by the Exo. 36: 37, 38. cloud on. Exo. 40: 36, 37. COVERINGS OF, THE PRIESTS The first or inner, ten curtains of blue, Alone could enter. Num. 1IS: 3, 5. purple. &c. joined with loops and gold- Performed all services in. Num. 3: 10. en taches. Exo. 26: 1-6. Exo. 36: S-13. Num. 1S: 1, 2. Heb. 9: 6. The second, eleven curtains of goats' Were the ministers of. fIeb. 8: 2. hair, &c Exo. 26: 7-13. Exo. 36: 14-18. THE LF.YITES The third of rams' skins dyed red. Exo. Appointed over, and had charge of. Num. 26:14. Exo. 36: 19. 1: 50. Num. 8: 24 Num. IS: 2-4. The fourtlh or outward, of badgers' skins. Did the inferior service of Num. 3: 6-8. Exo 26:14. Exo. 36: 19. Took (own, and put up. Num. 1: 51. Divided by a vail of' blue, purple, &c. sus- Carried. Num. 4:15, 25, 31. pended from four pillars of shittim wood Pitched their tents around. Num. I: 53. by gold hooks. Exo. 26: 31-33. Exo. Num. 3: 23, 29, 35. 36: 35. 36. Exo. 40: 21. Free-will offerings n-ude at the first rearing DIVIDErD NTO ofi Num. 7: 1, 9. The holy place. Exo. 26:33. Heb. 9:2, 6. Free-will offerings made at the dedication The most holy place. Exo. 26: 34. Heb. of the altar of. Num. 7:10-87. 9: 2, 7. All offerings to be made at. Lev. 17: 4. Had a court round about. Exo. 40: 8. Deu. 12: 5, 6, 11, 13, 14. The table of shew-bread, the golden candle- Punishment for defiling. Lev. 15: 31. Num. stickl, and the altar of incense were placed 19: 13. in the holy place. Exo. 26: 35. Exo. A permanent house substituted for, when 40: 22, 24i, 26. Heb. 9:2. the kingdom was established. 2 Sam. 7: The ark and mercy-seat put in the most 5-13. holy place. Exo. 26: 33, 34. Exo. 40: ILLUSTRATIVE 20, 21. Heb. 9: 4. Of Christ. Isa. 4: 6. Jno. 1: 14. (Greek.) COURT OF, Heb. 9: 8, 9, 11. One hundred cubits long and fifty cubits Of the Church. Psa. 15: 1. Isa. 16: 5. wide. Exoo. 27: 18. Isa. 54: 2. Heb. S: 2. Rev. 21: 2, 3. Surrounded by curtains of fine linen sus- Of the body. 2 Cor. 5:1. 2 Pet. 1: 13. pended from pillars in sockets of brass. (The holy of holies,) of heaven. Heb. 6: Exo. 27: 9-15. Exo. 38: 9-16. 19, 20. Heb. 9:12, 24. Heb. 10: 19. The gate of, a hanging of blue, purple, (The veil,) of Christ's body. HIeb. 10:20. &c., twenty cubits wvide, suspended (The veil,) of the obscurity ofthe Mosaic from four pillars, &c. Exo. 27: 16. dispensation. Heb. 9: 8-10, with Rom. Exo. 38: 18. 16: 25, 26. Rev. 11:19. Contained the brazen altar and laverof No. 291. TEMPLE, THE FIRST. brass. Exo. 40: -29, 30. All the pillars of, filletted with silver, &c. Built on mount Moriah on the threshingExo. 27: 17. Exo. 38:17. floor of Ornan or Araunah. 1 Chr. 21: All the vessels of, made of brass. Exo. 2S-30, with I Clr. 22: 1. 2 Chr. 3: 1. 27X: 19. D.vI) First reared, on the first day of the second Anxious to build. 2 Sam. 7: 2. 1 Chr. year after the exodus. Exo. 40: 2, 17. 22: 7. 1 Chr. 29: 3. Psa. 132: 2-5. Was SET uP Being a man of war not permitted to By Moses at mount Sinai. Exo. 40: IS, 19, build. 2 Sam. 7: 5-9, with 1 Kin. 5: 3. with Num. 10: 11, 12. 1 Chr. 22: 8. TEM. 131 TEIM. Told by the prophet that Solomon should The floor and walls of, covered with cedar build. 2 Sam. 7: 12,13. 1 Chr. 17: 12. and fir wood. 1 Kin. 6:15. Made preparations for building. 1 Chr. Cedar of, carved with flowers, &c. I Kin. 22: 2-5, 14-16. 1 Chr. 29: 2-5. 6:18. Charged Solomon to build. 1 Chr. 2-2: 6, Ceiled with fir-wood and gilt. 2 Chr. 3: 5. 7, 11. The whole inside and outside covered with Prayed that Solomon might have wisdom -gold. 1 Kin. 6: 21, 22. 2 Chr. 3: 7. to build. 1 Chr. 29: 19. Garnished with precious stones. 2 Chr. 3:6. Charged his princes to assist in building. THEE PORCH OF, I Chr. 22:17-19. Twenty cubits long and ten broad. 1 Free-will offerings of the people for build- Kin. 6: 3. ing. 1 Chr. 29: 6-9. One hundred and twenty cubits high. 2 SOLOMrONs Chr. 3: 4. Determined to build. 2 Chr. 2: 1. Pillars of, with their chapiters described. Specially instructed for. 2 Chr. 3: 3. 1 Kin. 7: 15-22. 2 Chr. 3: 15-17. Employed all the strangers in preparing Its magnificence. 2 Chr. 2: 5, 9. for. 2 Chr. 2: 2, 17, 18, with 1 Kin. Was seven years in building. 1 Kin. 6: 38. 5:15. Was finished in the eighth month of the Applied to Hiram for a skilful workman eleventh year of Solomon. 1 Kin. 6: 38. to superintend, &c., the building of. WAs CALLED 2 Chr. 2: 7, 13, 14. The house of the Lord. 2 Chr. 23: 5, 12. Employed thirty thousand Israelites in The mountain of the Lord's house. Isa. the work. 1 Kill. 5:13, 14. 2: 2. Contracted with Hiram for wood, stone, House of the God of Jacob. Isa. 2: 3. and labour. 1 Kin. 5: 6-12. 2 Chr. 2: 8-10. Zion. Psa. 84: 1-7. Commenced second day of second month Mount Zion. Psa. 74:-2 of fourth year of Solomon. 1 Kin. 6: 1, 37. Appointed as a house of sacrifice. 2 Chr. 2 Chr. 3: 2. 7:12. Built without the noise of hammers, axe or Appointed as a house of prayer. Isa. 56: 7. any tool. 1 Kin. 6: 7. with Mat. 21: 13. DIVIDED INTO God promised to dwell in. I Kin. 6:1, 13. The sanctuary or greater house. 2 Chr. All dedicated things placed in. 2 Chr. 5: 1. 3:5. The ark of God brought into with great The oracle or most holy place. 1 Kin. solemnity. 1 Kin. 8:1-9. 2Chr. 5: 2-10. 6: 19. Filled with the cloud of glory. I Kin. 8: 10, The porch. 2 Chr. 3: 4. II. 2 Chr. 5:13. 2 Chr. 7: 2. Surrounded with three stories of chambers Solemnly dedicated to God by Solomon. 1 communicating with the interior on the Kin. 8: 12-66. 2 Chr. 6 ch. right side. I Kin. 6: 5, 6, 8, 10. Sacred fire sent down from heaven at its Surrounded with spacious courts. 1 Kin. dedication. 2 Chr. 7: 3. 6: 36. 2 Chr. 4: 9. Was but a temple built with hands. Acts Was three score cubits long, twenty broad, 7: 47, 48. and thirty high. I Kin. 6: 2. 2 Chr. 3: 3. Complete destruction of, predicted. Jer. Was lighted by narrow windows. 1 Kin. -26:18, with Mic. 3:12. 6: 4. H-IIsTORICAL NOTICES OF' Was roofed with cedar I Kin. 6: 9. Pillaged by Shishack king of Egypt. 1 THE GREATER OR OiJTER HOUSE Kin. 14: 25, 26. 2 Chr. 12: 9. Was forty cubits long. 2 Kin. 6:17. Repaired by Jehoash at the instigation Had folding doors of fir-wood carved and of Jehoiada..2 Kin. 12: 4-14. 2 Chr. gilded. 1 Kin. 6: 34, 3a. 24: 4-13. Had door posts of olive-wood carved and Treasures of, given by Jehoash to propigilded. 1 Kin. 6: 33. 2 Chr. 3: 7. tiate the Syrians. 2 Kin. 1-2: 17, 18. THE o01ACLE OR MOST HOLY PLACE Defiled and its treasures given by Ahaz Was twenty cubits every way. 1 Kin. 6: to the king of Assyria. 2 Kin. 16:14-18. 16, 20. 2 Chr. 28: 20, 21. Two cherubims of gilded olive-wood Purified and divine worship restored unmade within. 1 Kin. 6: 23-28. 2 Chr. der H-lezekiah. 2 Chr. 29: 3-35. 3:11-13. Its treasures, &c. given by Hezeliah to A partition of chains of gold between it the Assyrians to procure a treaty. 2 and outer house. 1 Kin. 6: 21. Kin. 18 13-16. The doors and posts of, of olive-wood Polluted by the idolatrous worship of Macarved and gilded. I Kin. 6: 31, 32. nasseh. 2 Kin. 21: 4-7. 2 Chr. 33: 4, Separated from the outer house by a vail. 5, 7. 2 Chr. 3: 14. Repaired by Josiah in the eighteenth year TEM. 132 TEN. of his reign. 2 Kin. 22: 3-7. 2 Chr. The decree of Cyrus found and confirmed 34: 8-13. by Darius. Ezra 6: 1, 2, 6.-12. Purified by Josiah. 2 Kin. 23: 4-7,11, 12. Finished the third of the twelfth month in Pillaged and burned by the Babylonians. the sixth year of Darius. Ezra 6: 15. 2 Kin. 25: 9, 13-17. 2 Chr. 36: 18, 19. Dedication of, celebrated with joy and ILLUSTRATIVE OF thankfulness. Ezra 6: 16-16. Christ. Jno. 2:19, 21. Repaired and beautified by Herod, which The spiritual church. 1 Cor. 3:16. 2 occupiedfortv-six years. Jno. 2:20. Cor. 6:16. Eph. 2: 20 —22. The magnificence of its building and ornaThe bodies of saints. 1 Cor. 6: 19. ments. Jno. 2: 20. Mar. 13: 1. Luke 21: 5. Beautiful gate of, mentioned. Acts 3 2. No. 292. T EMIWPLE, THE SECOND. Solomon's porch connected with. Jno. 10: Built on the site of the first temple. Ezra 23. Acts 3: 11. 2: 6, &C. CHRIST CYRUs To appear in. I-ag. 2: 7, with Mal. 3:1. His decree for building, predicted. Isa. Presented in. Luke 2: 22, 27. 44: 28. Miraculously transported to a pinnacle of. Gave a decree for building, in the first Mat. 4: 5. Luke 4: 9. year of his reign. Ezra 1: 1, 2. Ezra 6: 3. Frequently taught in. Mar. 14: 49. Gave permission to the Jews to go to Purified, at the commencement of his Jerusalem to build. Ezra 1: 3. ministry. Jno. 2:15-17. Furnished means for building. Ezra. 6: 4. Purified, at close of his ministry. Mat. Ordered those who remained in Babylon 21:12:13. to contribute to the building of. Ezra. Predicted its destruction. Mat. 24: 2. 1: 4. Mar. 11: 2. Luke 21: 6. Gave the vessels of the first temple for. The vail of, rent at our Lord's death. Mat. Ezra I: 7-11. Ezra 6: 5. 27: 61. Divine worship commenced before the Separation between the outer or Gentile foundation was laid. Ezra 3: 1-6. court and that of the Jews, alluded to. Materials for building, procured from Tyre Eph. 2: 13, 14. and Sidon. Ezra. 3: 7. No Gentile allowed to enter the inner Foundation of, laid the second month of courts of. Acts 21: 27-30. second year after the captivity. Ezra 3: S. THE JEWS Solemnities connected with laying the foun. Prayed without, while the priest offered dation of Ezra 3: 9-ll. incense within. Luke 1: 10. See Luke Its dimentions. Ezra 6: 3, 4. 18: 10, Grief of those who had seen the first tem. Considered it blasphemy to speak against. pie. Ezra3::12. Hag. 2: 3. Mat. 26: 61. Acts 6: 13. Acts 21: 2S. Joy of those who had not seen the first Designated by selling oxen, &c., in. Jno. temple. Ezra 3: 13. 2:14. THE SAM.AIRITANS, &C. Desecration of, foretold. Dan. 9: 27. Dan. Proposed to assist in building. Ezra 4:1,2. 11: 31. Their help refused by the Jews. Ezra 4: 3. Cleansed and re-dedicated by Judas MaccaWeakened the hands of the Jews in build- bmus after its dedication by Antioclhus ing. Ezra 4: 4, 6. Epiphanes. Jno. 10: 22. Wrote to Artaxerxes Smerdis to interrupt Desecrated by the Romans. Dan. 9: 27, the building. Ezra 4: 6 —16. with Mat. 24: 16. Procured its interruption for fifteen years. No. 293. TENTS. Ezra 4: 24. The Jews reproved for not building. Hag. Origin and antiquity of. Gen. 4: 20. 1: 1-5. CALLED The Jews punished for not persevering in Tabernacles. Num. 24: 5. Job 12: 6. building. Hag. 1: 6, 9 —11. Hag. 2: 15, Heb. 11: 9. 17. Zec. 8: 10. Curtains. Isa. 54: 2. Heb. 3:.7. The Jews encouraged to proceed in build- Were spread out. Isa. 40: 22. ing. Hag. 1: S. Hag. 2: 19. Zec. 8: 9. Fastened by cords to stakes or nails. Isa. Resumed by Zerubbabel and Jeshua. Ezra 64: 2. Jer. 10: 20, with Jud. 4: 21. 6: 2. Enlarged by lengthening the cords. Isa. Its completion by Zerubbabel foretold, to 54: 2. encourage the Jews. Zec. 4: 4 —10. WERE USED BY Future glory of, predicted. Hag. 2: 7 —9. Patriarchs. Gen. 13: 5. Gea 265: 27. Heb. Tanai the governor wrote to Darius to 11: 9. know if the building had his sanction. Israel in the desert. Exo. 33: S. Num. Ezra 6: 3 —17. 24: 2. THE. 133 THR. TIM. The people of Israel in all their wars. 1 The emblem of the divine presence appear.. Sam. 4: 3, 10. 1 Sam. 29: 1. 1 Kin. ed over the tabernacle during. Num. 9: 16:16. 15, 16. The Rechabites. Jer. 35: 7, 10. Guilt of Israel in rejecting. 1 Sam. 12: 17. The Arabs. Isa. 13: 20. Shepherds while tending their flocks. No. 295. THRESHING. Song of Sol. 1: 8. Isa. 38: 12. All eastern nations. Jud. 6 5 1 Sam. The removing or separating corn, &c.,, from All eastern nations. Jud. 6: 5. 1 Sam. s 17: 4. 2 Kin. 7: 7. 1 Chr. 5: 10 W PEFO r. 21: 20. Separate, for females of the family. Gen. WBS rEdFOR IED 24:687. By a rod or staff: Isa. 28:'27. Separate, for the servants. Gen. 31 *33. By cart wheels. Isa. 27: 27, 28. WERE P'I`CHESED By instruments with teeth. Isa. 41: 15. W Amos 1: 3. With order and regularity. Num. 1: 52. Amos 1 3. In the neighbourhood of wells, &c. Gen. By the feet of horses and oxen. Isa. 28:28. Hos. 10: 1. See2Sam.'24:22. 13:10,12. Gen. 26:17, 18. 1 Sam. 298: 1. Cattle employed in, not to be muzzled. Under trees. Gen. 18:1, 4. Jud. 4: 5. 9. 1 Ti. 5: 18. On te tops of oses. 2 Sam. 16: 22. Continued until the vintage in years of Sending persons to seek a convenient place abundance. Lev. 26: 5. for, alluded to. Deu. 1: 33. Ease and rapidity of their removal, alluded THE PLACE FOR, to. Isa. 38:~12. Called the floor. Jud. 6: 37. Isa. 21: 10. Of the Jews contrasted with those of the Called the threshing-floor Num. 18 27. Arabs. Num. 24: 5, with Song of Sol. 2 Sam. 24 18. ~~~1:5~~~. A.'Called the barn-floor. 2 Kin. 6: 27. Custom of sitting and standing at the door Called the corn-floor. Hos. 9: 1. of. Gen. 18: 1. Jud. 4:20. Was large and roomy. Gen. 50: 10. ILLUSTRATIVE Generally on high ground. 1 Chr. 21: (Spread out,) of the heavens. Isa. 40: 22. 18, with 2 Chr. 3: 1. (Enlarging of,) of ithe great extention of Sometimes beside the wine-press for concealment. Jud. 6: 11. the Church. Isa. 54:'2. Used also for winnowing the corn. Ruth No. 294. THEOCRACY, THE, OR IM- 3:2. Often robbed. 1 Sam. 23:1. MEDIATE GOVERNMENNT BY GOD. The Jews slept on, during the time of. Lasted from the deliverance out of Egypt Ruth 3: 7. until the appointment of kings. Exo. 19: Fulness of, promised as a blessing. Joel 4-6, with 1 Samn. 8:7. 2:24. WAS ESTABLISHED ON Scarcity in, a punishment. Hos. 9: 2. The right of redemption. Exo. 6: 6, 7. Followed by winnowing with a shovel or 2 Sam. 7:23. Isa. 43:3. fan. Isa. 30: 24. Isa. 41:16. Miat. 3:12. The right of covenant. Deu. 26:17-19. ILLUSTRATIVE CONSISTED IN HIS Of the judgments of God. Isa. 21: 10. Promulgating laws. Exo. 20 ch. to Exo. Jer 51:33. ab. 3:12. 23 ch. Den. a: 2, 213. 9, 10.Of thle labours of ministers. 1 Cor. 9: Directing the movements of the nation. 9 Exo. 40: 36, 37. Num. 9:17-23. Of the Church in her conquests. Isa. 41: Proclaiming war. Exo. 17: 14-16. Num. 15, 16. ic. 4:13. 31: 1,. Jos i:, 3. jos.:1. (Gathering the sheaves for,) of preparing Appointing civil oficrs. Exo. 3: 10. cthe enemies of the Church for judgAppointing civil offic ments. fic. 4:12. NuM. 27: 18, 20. Appointing ecclesiastical officers. Exo. (Dust made by,) of complete destruction. 28: 1. Exo. 40: 12-5. Kin.13:7. lsa. 41:15. (maesg.) Being tlhe supreme judge. Nun. 9: 8-11. (An instrument for, with teeth,) of the Nunl. lo: 3i, 3)i Lufm. 27: 5-11. cichurch overcoming opposition. Isa. Exercise of the prerogative of mercy. 41:15. Num. 14: 20. Deu. 9:18-20. No. 296. TIME. Distribution of conquered lands. Jos. 13: 1 —7. The duration of the world. Job 22: 16. Exacting tribute. Exo. 35: 4-29. Lev. Rev. 10: 6. 27: 30. Deu. 1:16. Deu.26:1-4. The measure of the continuance of any The tabernacle designed as a royal resi- thing. Jud. 18:31. dence for God during. Exo. 25: 8. Lev. An appointed season. Neh. 2: 6. Eco. 3: 26: 11, 12. 1, 17. TIT. 134 TOW. COMPUTED BY Considered a just return to God for his Years. Gen. 15:13. 2 Sam. 21: 1 Dan. blessings. Gen.28: 22. 9:2. Under the law belonging to God. Lev. NMlonths. Num. 10: 10. I Chr. 27: 1 Job 27: 30. 3: 6. CONSISTED OF A TENTH Weeks. Dan. 10:2. Luke S:18: 12. Of all the produce of the land. Lev. Days. G-enr 8: 3. Job 1: 4. Luke 11: 3. 27: 30. Hlours, after the captivity. Dan. 5: 5. Of all cattle. Lev. 27: 32. Jno. 11:9. Of holy things dedicated. 2 Chr. 31: 6. Molnents. Exo. 33: 5. Luke 4: 5. 1 Given by God to the Levites for their serCol'. 15: 52. vices. Num. 18: 21, 24. Neh. 10: 37. The heavenly bodies appointed as a means The tenth of, offered by the Levites as all for computing. Gen. 1: 14. heave-ofiering to God. Num. 18:'26, 27. The sun-dial early invented for pointing The tenth of, given by the Levites to the out. 2 Kis. 20: 9-11. priests as their portion. Num. 18: 26, 28. ERAS FROeI WHICH, COMIPUTED; Nell. 10: 38. Nativity of the patriarchs during the patri- Reasonableness of appointing, for the Learchal age. Cen. 7: 11. Gen. 8: 13. vites. Num.S 18: 0, 23, 24. Jos. 13: 33. Getn. 17: 1. When redeemed to have a fifth part of the The exodus from Egypt. Exo. 19: 1. value added. Lev. 27: 31. Exo. 40: 17. Num. 93: 1. Numn. 33: 38. Punishment for changing. Lev. 27: 33. 1 Kin. 6: 1. The Jews slow in giving. Neh. 13: 10. The jubilee. Lev. 25: 15. The Jews reproved for withholding. Mal. Accession of kings. 1 Kin. 6:1. 1 Kin. 3: 8. 15: 1. Isa. 36: I. Jer. 1:2. Luke 3: 1. The pious governors of Israel caused the Building of the temple. 1 Kin. 9: 10. 2 payment of. 2 Chr. 31: 5. Neh. 13: 11, 12. Chr. 8: 1. Rulers appointed over, for distributing. 2 The captivity. Eze. 1: 1. ]ze. 33: 21. Chr. 31: 12. Neh. 13: 13. Eze. 40: 1. The Pharisees scrupulous in paying. Luke Part of a period of, usually counted as the 11: 492. Luke 18:12. whole. 1 Sam. 13: 1. Est. 4: 16, with A SECOND, Est. 5: 1. Or its value yearly brought to the taber. In prophetic language, means a prophetic nacle and eaten before the Lord. Deu. year, or 365 natural years. Dan. 12:7. 12: 6, 7, 17-19. Deu. 14:25-27. Rev. 12: 14. To be consumed at home every third year Shortness of man's portion of. Psa. 89: 47. to promote hospitality and charity. Should be redeemed. Eph. 5: 16. Col. 4: 5. Deu. 14: 28, 29. Deu. 261: 12-15. Should be spent in the fear of God. 1 Pet. 1: 17. No. 298. TOWERS. PARTICULAR PERIODS OF, aIENTIONED); Origin and antiquity of. Gen. 11: 4. The ancient time. Isa. 45: 21. WERE BUILT The accepted time. Isa. 49:8. 2 Cor. In cities. Jud. 9: 51. 6: 2. On the walls of cities. 2 Chr. 14: 7. 2 The time of visitation. Jer. 46:21. Jer. Chr. 26:9. 50: 27. In the forests. 2 Chr. 27: 4. The time of refreshing. Acts 3: 19. In the deserts. 2 Chr. 261: 10. The time of restitution of all things. Acts In vineyards. Isa. 5: 2. Mat. 21: 33. 3: 21. Frequently very high. Isa. 2: 15. The time of reformation. Heb. 9:10. Frequently strong and well fortified. Jud. The time of healing. Jer. 14: 19. 9: 51, with 2 Chr. 26: 9. The timhe of need. Heb. 4: 16. Were used as armouries. Song of Sol. 4:4. The time of temptation. Luke 8: 13. Were used as citadels in times of war. Jud. The evil tine. Psa. 37:19. Ecc. 9 12. 9: 51. Eze. 27: 11. The time of trouble. Psa. 27: 5. Jer. Watchmen posted on, in times of danger. 14: 8. 2 Kin. 9:17. Hab. 2: 1. All events of, predetermined by God. Acts MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 17: 26. Babel. Gen. 11: 9. All God's purposes fulfilled in due time. Edar. Gen. 35: 21. Mar. 1: 15. Gal. 4: 4. Pennel. Jid. 8:17. No. 297. TITHE. Sheclem. Jud. 9: 46. Thebez. Jud. 9: 50, 51. The tenth of any thing. I Sam. 8: 15, 17. David. Song of Sol. 4: 4. Antiquity of the custom of giving, to God's Lebanon. Song of Sol. 7: 4. ministers. Gen. 14: 20. (-eb. 7: 6. Of the furnaces. Neh. 3: 11. TRA. 135 TILE. Meah. Neh. 12: 39. Often travelled on foot. Gen. 2S: 10, with Jezreel. 2 Kin. 9: 17. Gen. 32:10. Exo. 1'2: 37. Acts. 20: 13. Hananeel. Jer. 31: 38. Zec. 14: 10. On foot, how attired. Exo. 12: 11. Syene. Eze. 29: 10. Eze. 30: 6. After a long journey, described. Jos. 9: 4, Siloam. Luke 13:4. 5, 13. Of Jerusalem remarkable for number, OF DISTINCTION strength, and beauty. Psa. 48: 12. Rode on asses, camels, &c. Gen. 22: 3. Frequently thrown down in war. Jud. Gen. 24: 64. Num. 22: 21. 8:17. Jud. 9: 49. Eze. 26: 4. Rode in chariots. 2 Kin. 5: 9. Acts 8: Frequently left desolate. Isa. 32: 14. Zep. 3:6. 27, 28. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Generally attended by running footmen. God as the protector of his people. 2 Sam. I Sam. 25: 27. (marg.) 1 Kin. 18: 46. 2 22: 3, 51. Psa. 18: 2. Psa. 61: 3. Kin.4:24. Ecc. 10:7. The name of the Lord. Pro. 18: 10. Often preceded by heralds, &c., to have Ministers. Jer. 6: 27. the roads prepared. Isa. 40: 3, 4, with Mount Sion. Mic. 4: 8. Mar. 1: 2, 3. The grace and dignity of the church. Generally performed their journey in Song of Sol. 4: 4. Song of Sol. 7: 4. great state. 1 Kin. 10: 2. 2 Kin. 5: 5, Song of Sol. 8: 10. 9, &c. The proud and haughty. Isa. 2: 15. Isa. Frequently extorted provisions by the 30: 25. way. Jud. 8: 5, 8. 1 Sam. 25: 4-13. Before setting out gave employment, &c., No. 299. TRAVELLERS. to their servants. Mat. 25: 14. Called way-faring men. Jud. 19: 17. Isa. Strangers civil to. Gen. 18: 2. Gen. 24: 35:8. 18, 19. Preparations made by, alluded to. Eze. Generally treated with great hospitality. ~~12:~~3,~4. ~Gen. 18: 3-8. Gen. 19: 2. Gen. 24: 25, Often collected together and formed cara- 32,33. Exo. 2e: 20. Jud. 19: 20, 21. Job vans. Gen. 37: 25. Isa. 21: 13. Luke 31: 32. See Heb. 13: 2. 2 G 44e. The caravansera or public inn for, noticed. Often engaged persons acquainted with the Gen. 4: 27. Exo. 4:24. Luke 27. Luke country as guides. Num. 10: 31, 32. Job Were frequently asked whence tey came 29: 15. Were frequently asked whence they came FRIENDS OF, and whither they went. Jud. 19: 17. Often supplied them with provision. Gen. Protected by those who entertained them. 21: 14. Gen. 44:1. Jer. 40 5. Gen. 19: 6-8. Jud. 19: 23. Sometimes accompanied them a short For security often left the highways. Jud. way. 2 Sam. 19:31. Acts 20:39. Acts a:6. 21:.. Tessaree hospitales or pledges of hospitality alluded to. Rev. 2:17. Frequently commended them to protec- to.:17. tion of God. Gen. 43: 13, 14. Acts N ERRANDS REQUIRING DISPATCH *21:.5. Went with great speed. Est. 8: 10. Job Frequently took leave of them with sor- 9: 2.5. row. Acts 20: 37. Acts 21: 6. Saluted no man by the way. 2 Kin. 4: 29. Often sent them away with music. Gen. Luke 10: 4. 31:27. Estimated the length of their journey by the number of days which it occupied. Generally commenced their journey early te number of days wich it occupied. in the morning. Jud. 19: CoGen. 31: 23. Deu. I: 2. 2 Kin. 3: 9. Generally rested at noon. Gen. 18: 1, 3. The Jews prohibited from taking long jourJno 4: 6. neys on the Sabbath. Exo. 20V: 10, with Halted at even. Gen. 24:11. Acts 1: 12. Generally halted at wells orstreams. Gen. Ceasing of threatened as a calamity. Isa. 24:11. Gen. 32:21,23. Exo. 15:27. 1 33: 8. Sam. 30: 21. Jno. 4: 6. No. 300. TREES. CARRIED WITH THEMi Provisions for the way. Jos. 9: 11, 12. Originally created by God. Gen. 1:11, 12. Jud. 19: 19. Gen. 2:9. Provender for their beasts of burden. Made for the glory of God. Psa. 148: 9. Gen. 42: 27. Jud. 19: 19. DIFFERENT KINDS O'F, MENTIONED; Skins filled with water, wine, &c. Gen. Of the wood. Song of Sol. 2; 3 21: 14, 15. Jos. 9: 13. Of the forest. Isa. 10: 19. Presents for those who entertained them. Bearing fruit. Neh. 9: 25. Ecc. 2 5. Eze. Gen.43: 15. 1 Kin.10:2. 10:. Kin.5:5. 47: 1'2. Mat. 2: 11. Evergreen. Psa. 37: 35. Jer. 17: 2. TRE. 136 TRE. Deciduous or casting the leaves. Isa. 6: 13. Often executed criminals on. Den. 21: Of various sizes. Eze. 17: 24. 22, 23. Jos. 10: 26. Gal. 3: 13. See Given as food to the animal creation. Gen. Gen. 40: 19. 1: 29, 30. Deu. 20: 19. Considered trees on which criminals were Designed to beautify the earth. Gen. 2: 9. executed abominable. Isa. 14: 19. PARTS OF, MIENTIONED; MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE The roots. Jer. 17: S. Almond. Gen. 43:11. Ecc. 12: 5. Jer. The stem or trunk. Isa. 11: 1. Isa. 44: 19. 1: 11. The branches. Lev. 23: 40. Dan. 4:14. Almug or algum. I Kin. 10: 11, 12. 2 The tender shoots. Luke 21: 29, 30. Chr. 9: 10, 11. The leaves. Isa.6:13. Dan. 4: 12. Mat. Apple. Song of Sol. 2: 3. Song of Sol. 21: 19. 8:5. Joel 1: 12. The fruit or seeds. Lev. 27: 30. Eze. 36: 30. Ash. Isa. 44: 14. Each kind has its own seed for propagating Bay. Psa. a7: 35. its species. Gen. I: 11, 12. Box. Isa. 41: 19. Often propagated by birds who carte the Cedar. I Kin. 10: 27. seeds along with them. Eze. 17: 3, 5. Chesnut. Eze. 31: 8. Planted by man. Lev. 19: 23. Cyprus. Isa. 44: 14. Each kind of, known by its fruit. Mat. Fig. Deu. 8: 8. 12: 33. Fir. 1 Kin. 5: 10. 2 Kin. 19: 23. Psa. NOURISHED 104:17. By the earth. Gen. 1: 12. Gen. 2: 9. Juniper. 1 Kin. 19: 4, 5. By the rain from heaven. Isa. 44:14. Lign-aloes. Num. 24: 6. Through their own sap. Psa. 104: 16. Mulberry. 2 Sam. 5: 23, 24. Specially flourished beside the rivers and Myrtle. Isa. 41:19. Isa. 55:13. Zeo. 1:8. streams of water. oze. 47: 12. Mustard. Mat. 13:32. When cut down often sprouted from their Oak. Isa. 1: 30. roots again. Job 14: 7. Oil-tree. Isa. 41:19. Were sold with the land on which they Olive. Deu. 6: 11. grew. Gen. 23:17. Palm. Exo. 15: 27. OFTEN SUFFERED FROM Pine. Isa. 41: 19. Locusts. Exo. 10: 5, 15. Deu. 28: 4'2. Pomegranate. Deu. 8: 8. Joel 1:12. Hail and frost. Exo. 9: 25. Psa. 78: 47. Shittah or shittim. Exo. 36: 20. lsa, Fire. Joel 1:19. 41: 19. Desolating armies. 2 Kin. 19: 23. Isa. Sycamore. 1 Kin. 10: 27. Psa. 78: 47. 10: 34. Amos 7: 14. Luke 19: 4. Afford an agreeable shade in eastern coun- Tell. Isa, 6: 13. tries during the heat of the day. Gen. Vine. Num. 6: 4. Eze. 15: 2. 18: 4. Job 40: 21. Willow. lsa. 44: 4. Eze. 17: 5. WERE CUT DOWSN Solomon wrote the history of. 1 Kin. 4: 33. With axes. Deu. 19:5. Psa. 74:5. Mat. ILLUSTR.ITiVE 3::10. Of Christ. Rom. 11:24. Rev. 2:7. Rev. For building. 2 Kin. 6: 2. 2 Chr. 2:8,10. 22: 2, 14. By besieging armies for erecting forts. Of wisdom. Pro. 3:18. Deu. 20: 20. Jer. 6: 6. Of kings, &c. Isa. 10: 34. Eze. 17: 24. For making idols. Isa. 40: 20. Isa. 44:Eze. 31: 7-10. Dan. 4: 10-14. 14, 17. Of the life and conversation of the rightFor fuel. Isa. 44: 14-16. Mat. 3: 10. eous. Pro. 11: 30. Pro. 15: 4. God increases and multiplies the fruit of, for (Creen,) of the innocence of Christ. Luke his people. Lev. 26: 4. Eze. 34: 27. Joel 23: 31. 2: 22. (Good and fruitful.) of saints. Num. 24: God often renders, barren as a punishment. 6. Psa. I: 3. Isa. 61: 3. Jer. 17: 8. Lev. 26: 20. Mat. 7: 17, 18. Early custom of planting, in consecrated (Evergreen,) of saints. Psa. 1: 1-3. grounds. Gen. 21: 33. (msarg.) (Duration of,) of continued prosperity of THE JLEs saints. Isa. 65: 22. Prohibited from planting, in consecrated (Casting their leaves yet retaining their places. Deu. 16: 21. substance,) of the elect remnant in the Prohibited frogm cutting down fruit-bear- church. lsa. 6: 13. ing, for sieges. Deu. 20: 19. (Barren,) of the wicked. Hos. 9:16. Often pitched their tents under. Gen. (Shaking of the leaves of,) of the terror 18: 1, 4. Jud. 4:5. 1 Sam. 22:6. of the wicked. Isa. 7:2. Often buried under. Gen. 35: 8. 1 Sam. (Producing evil fruit,)of the wicked. Mat. 31:13. 7: 17-19. TRE. TRI. 137 TRI. (Dry,) of useless persons. Isa. 56: 3. Predictions respecting each of. Gen. 49 (Dry,) of the wicked ripe for judgments. 3-27. Deu. 33: 6-35. Luke 23: 31. EACH OF, Under a president or chief.. Num. 1: 4-16. No. 301. TRESPASS-OFFERING. Divided into families. Num. 1: 2. Num. 26:5-50. Jos. 7:14. Esteemed as a sin-offering, and frequently Usually furnished an equal number of so called. Lev. 5: 6, 9. men for war. Num. 31: 4. To BE OFFERED Each family of, had a chief or head. Num. For concealing knowledge of a crime. 36:1. 1 Chr. 4:38. Lev. 5: 1. Total strength of, on leaving Egypt. Exo. For involuntarilytouching unclean things. 12: 37. Num. 1 44-46. Num. 2: 32. Lev. 5: 2, 3. Divided into four divisions while in the For rash swearing. Lev. 5: 4. wilderness. Num. 10: 14-28. For sins of ignorance in holy things. Lev. Encamped in their divisions and by their 5:15. standards round the tabernacle. Num. For any sin of ignorance. Lev. 5:17. 2: 2-31. For breach of trust or fraud. Lev. 6: Canaan to be divided amongst, according to 2-5. tstheir numbers. Num. 33: 54. WTas a most holy offering. Lev. 14: 13. REUBEN, GAD, APD HALF IANASsK5sEH CONSI[STED OF Settled on east side of Jordan. Deu. 3: A she lamb or kid. Lev, 5: 6. 12-17. Jos. 13: 23-32. A ram without bilemish. Lev. 5: 15. Lev. Were required to assist in subduing Ca6: 6. naan. Num. 32: 6 —32. Deu. 3: 18-20. Two turtle doves by those unable to bring Total strength of, on entering the land of a lamb. Lev. 5: 7-10. Cannan. Num. 26: 51. A meat-offering by the very poor. Lev. Canaan divided amongst nine and a half of, 5:11-13. by lot. Jos. 14: 1-5. Being for minor offences was lessened for Situation of, and bounds of the inheritance the poor, not so the sin-ofiering. Lev. of each. Jos. 15 ch. to Jos. 17 ch. 5 ch, with Lev. 4 ch. All inheritances to remain in the tribe and Atonement made by. Lev. 5: 6, 10, 13,16, family to which allotted. Num. 36: 3-9. 18. Lev. 6:7. Lev. 19:22. Names of, engraven on the breast-plate of Accompanied by confession. Lev. 5:5. the high priest. Exo. 28: 21. Exo. 39: 14. Generally accompanied by restitution. Lev. Divided on mounts bal and Gerizim to 5: 16. Lev. 6: 5. hear the law. Deu. 27: 1, 13. To be slain where the sin-of'ering and Remained as one people until the reign of burnt-offering were slain. Lev. 14: 13. Rehoboam. i Kin. i2:16-20. Slze. 40: 39. Sometimes waved alive before the Lord. Po. 303. TRIBUTE. Lev. 14:12, with 13 v. SPECIAL OCCASIONS OF OFFERING; Sometimes exacted by kings from their Cleansing of a leper. Lev. 14: 2, 12-14, own subjects. 1 Sam. 8: 10-17. 21, 2-2. Exacted from all conquered nations. Jos. Purification of women. Lev. 12: 6-8. 16: 10. Jud. 1: 30, 33, 35. 2 Kin. 23: Purification of those with issues. Lev. 33, 35. 15: 14, 15. OFTEN EXACTED INPurification of Nazarites who had broken Labour. 1 Kin. 5: 13, 14. (marg.) 1 Kin. their vow. Num. 6: 12. 9:15, 21. For connexion with a betrothed bond- Produce of land, &c. 1 Sam. 8: 15. 1 Kin. maid. Lev. 19: 20-22. 4:7. Was the perquisite of the priest. Lev. 14: Gold and silver. 2 Kin. 23: 33, 35. 13. oze. 44: 129. The Jews required to pay half a shekel to Illhstrative of Christ. Isa. 53: 10. Eze. God as. Exo. 30:12-16. 46: 20. Christ to avoid offence wrought a miracle No. 302. TRIBES OF ISRAEL, THE. to pay, for himself and Peter. Mat. 17: 24-27. Were twelve in number. Gen. 49: 28. Acts KINGrs oF IsRnAEL 26: 12. Jas. 1: 1. Forbidden to levy unnecessary or oppresDescended from Jacobs sons. Gen, 35: sive. Deu. 17: 17. 22-26. Set officers over. 2 Sam. 20: 24. 1 Kin. Manasseh and Ephraim numbered among, 4: 6, 7. instead of Joseph and Levi. Gen. 48: 5. Often oppressed the people with. 1 Kin. Jos. 14: 3, 4. 12:4, 11. TRU. 138 TYR. When oppressive frequently led to rebel- The war-horse acquainted with the sound lion. I Kin. 12: 14 —i0. of. Job 39: 24, 25. Priests and Levites exempted from. Ezra. SOUNDING OF, ILLUSTRATIVE OF 7: 24. God's power to raise the dead. 1 Cor. ROmAN, 15: 52. 1 The. 4:16. Decree of Augustus for. Luke 2: 1. The proclamation of the gospel. Psa. 89:15. First levied in Judea when Cyrenius was The bold and faithful preaching of mingovernor. Luke 2: 2. isters. Isa. 55: 1. Hos. 8: 1. Joel 2: 1. Persons enrolled for, in the native place The latter day judgments. Rev. 8: 2, 13. of their tribe and family. Luke 2: 3-5. Collected by the publicans. Luke 3:12, No. 305. TYi1E. 13. Luke 5: 27. Antiquity of. Isa. 23: 7, with Jos. 19: 29. Was paid in Roman coin. Mat. 2'2: 19, 20. CALLED Was resisted by the Galileans under Judas The daughter of Zidon. Isa. 23: 12. of Galilee. Acts 5: 37, with Luke 13: 1. The daughter of Tarshish. Isa. 23: 10. Christ showed to the Pharisees and The joyous city. Isa. 23: 7. Herodians the propriety of paying. The crowning city. lsa. 23: 8. Mat. 22: 15-22. Mar. 12: 13-17. The renowned city. Eze. 26: 17. Our Lord falsely accused of forbidding to Insular position of. Eze. 26: 17. Eze. pay. Luke 23:2. 27: 4, 25. All saints exhorted to pay. Rom. 13: 6, 7. Strongly fortified. Jos. 19: 29. 2 Sam. No. 304. TRUMPET. 24:7. Eze. 26:17. Zec. 9:3. Governed by kings. 1 Kin. 5: 1. Jer. An instrument of music. 1 Chr. 13: 8. 25: 22. Called the trump. 1 Cor. 15: 52. CELEBRATED FOR MADE OF Its beauty. Eze. 27: 3, 4. Rams' horns. Jos. 6: 4. Its commerce. Isa. 2 2, 3. Eze. 27: 3, Silver. Num. 10: 2. 12-25. Required to give an intelligible and under- Its wealth. Eze. 27: 33. Eze. 28: 4, 5. stood sound. I Cor. 14: 8. Zec. 9: 3. USED FOR Strength and beauty of its ships. Eze. Regulating the journeys of the children 27: 5-7. of Israel. Num. 10: i, 5, 6. Soldiers of, supplied by Persia, &c. Eze. Calling assemblies. Num. 1.0: 2, 3, 7. 27: 10, 11. Blowing over the sacrifices on feast days. INHABITANTS OF, Num. 10: 10. Psa. 81: 3. Sea-faring men. Eze. 26:17. Blowing at all religious processions and Mercantile men. Isa. 23: 8. ceremonies. I Chr. 13: 8. 1 Chr. 15: Proud and haughty. lsa.23:9. Eze.28: 24, 28. 2 Chr. 5: 13. 2 Chr. 15: 14. 2, 17. Assembling the people to war. Jud. 3:27. Self-conceited. Eze. 28: 3-5. Sounding for a memorial when the peo- Superstitious. Jer. 27: 2, 3, 9. ple went into battle. Num. 10: 9. Num. Wicked. Exo. 28: 1S. 31: 6, 7. Often confederated against the Jews and Proclaiming kings. 2 Kin. 9:13.'2 Kin. rejoiced in their calamities. Psa. 83: 7. 11: 14. Eze. 26: 2. Amos 1: 9. Giving alarm in cases of danger. Eze. David and Solomon formed alliance with. 33: 2-6. 1 Kin. 5: 1. 2 Chr. 2:3. Moses commanded to make two, for the SUPPLIED tabernacle. Nuin. 10: 2. Seamen for Solomon's navy. 1 Kin. 9: 27. Solomon made a great many, for the service 2 Chr. S: 18. of the temple. 2 Cllr. 5: 12. A master-builder for the temple. 2 Chr. The priests to blow the sacred. Num. 10: 8. 2: 7, 13. 2 Chr. 5: 12. 2 Chr. 7: 6. Stones and timber for building the temThe feast of trumpets celebrated by blow. ple, &c. 1 Kin. 5: 6, 9. 2 Chr. 2: 8, 9, 16. ing, of. Lev. 23:24. Num. 29: 1. Timber for re-building the temple and The jubilee introduced by blowing of. Lev. city. Ezra. 3: 7. 25: 9. The Jews condemned for purchasing from MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH the people of, on the sabbath. Neh. Falling of the walls of Jericho. Jos. 13.16. 6: 20. CHRIST Heard at mount Sinai at giving of the Alluded to the depravity of Mat. 11: law. Exo. 19: 16. Exo. 20: 18. 21, 2.2. Confusion produced in the camp of the Visited the coast of. Mat. 15fi:21. Mar. Midianites by sound of. Jud. 7: 16, 22. 7: 24. INI. 139 USU. VAI. Was followed by many from. Mar. 3 8. No. 307. GRIM AND THUMMIM. Luke 6: 17. Saint Paul found disciples at. Acts 21: Placed in the breastplate of the high priest. 3, 4. Exo. 2S: 30.- Lev. S: S. Depended for provision upon Galilee. Acts God to be consulted by. Num. 27: 21. 12: 20. Instances of consultinff God by. Jud. 1: 1. Propitiated the favour of Herod. Acts Jud. 20:18, 28. 1 Sam. 23: 9-11. 1 Sam. 12:20. 30:7, 8. PROPHECIES RESPECTING Sometimes no answer by, in consequence Envy ag-ainst the Jews a cause of its of the sin of those consulting. 1 Sam. destruction. Eze. 26:2. 28: 6. Pride a cause of its destruction. Eze. 28: Were wanting in the second temple. Ezra 2-6. 2: 63. Nels. 7: 65. To be destroyed by the king of Babylon. illustrative of the light and perfection of Isa. 23:13, 14. Jer. 27: 3, 6. Eze. 26: Christ, the true high priest. Due. 33: 8. 7-13. See Jno. 1: 4, 9, 17. Col. 2: 3. Inhabitants of, to emigrate to other coun- No. 308. USURY OR INTEREST; tries, ko. Isa. 23: 6, 12. To be scraped as the top of a rock, and The lending of money or other property to be a place for spreading nets. Eze. for increase. Lev.25: 37. 26: 3-5, 14. Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed The king of Babylon to be rewarded with to enjoy their gain. Pro. 28: 8. the spoil of Egypt for his service The curse attending the giving or receiv against. Eze. 29: 18-20. ing of unlawful, alluded to. Jer. 15:10. To lie waste and be forgotten for seventy THE JEWS years. Isa. 23: 15. Forbidden to take, from brethren. Deu. Its restoration to commercial greatness 23: 19. after seventy years. Isa. 23:16, 17. Forbidden to take, from brethren speIts second destruction by the Macedoni- cially when poor. Exo. 22:25. Lev. ans. Eze. 27: 32. Eze. 28: 7, 8, IS. 25: 35-37. Zec. 9: 2-4. Often guilty of talcing. Neh.: 6, 7. The ruins of the first city to be employed Eze. 22:12. in making a causeway to effect the de- Required to restore. Neh. 5: 9-13. struction of insular'lyre, Eze. 26: 12. Allowed to tale, from strangers. Deu. Never to recover its greatness. Eze. 23:20. 26: 21. Trse and faithiful Israelites never took, Its inhabitants to be sold as slaves, as a from their brethren. Psa. 15: 5. Eze. recomnpense for their selling the Jews. 18: 8, 9. Joel 3: 4-8. Judgments denounced against those who All nations to be terrified at its destruc- exacted unlawful. Isa. 24: 1, 2. Eze. tion. Eze. 26:15-18. Eze. 27: 29-36. 18: 13. Zec. 9: 5. Illustrative of the improvement of talents To participate in the blessings of the gos. received from God. Mat. 25:27. Luke pel. Psa. 45:12. Isa. 23:18. 19: 23. No. 306. UNICORN, THE No. 309. VAIL OR VEIL. Generally had a single horn. Psa. 92:10. A covering for the head usually worn by Sometimes found with two horns. Deu. women. Gen. 38:14. 33: 17. Was won DESCRIBED AS As a token of modesty. Gen. 24:65. Intractable in disposition. Job 39:9, 10, 12. As- a token of subjection. 1 Cor. 11: 3, Of vast strength. Job 39: 11. 6, 7, 10. The young of, remarkable for agility. Psa. For concealment. Gen. 38: 14. 29: 6. The removing of, considered rude and inILLUSTRnATIVE solent. Son' of Sol. 5: 7. Of God as the strength of Israel. Num. Removing of; threatened as a punishment 23: 22. Num. 24: 8. to ungodly women. Isa. 3: 23. Of the wicked. Isa. 34:7. Moses put one on to conceal the glory of (lIorns of,) of the strength of the descend- his face. Exo. 34: 33, with 2 Cor. 3: 13. ants of Joseplh. Deu. 33: 17. ILLUSrRATIVE (horns of,) of the strength of powerful Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile enemies. Psa. 22: 21. nations. Isa. 2.: 7. (The position of its horns,) of the exalta- Ofthe spiritual blindness of the Jewish tation of saints. Psa. 92: 10. nation. 2 Cor. 3: 14-16. VAI. VAL. 140 VIN. No. 310. VAIL, THE SACRED. Ajalon. Jos. 10:12. Baca. Psa. 84: 6. Moses commanded to make. Exo. 26:31. Berachah. 2 Chr. 20:26. Made by Bezaleel for the tabernacle. EXO. Bochim. Jud. 2: 5. 36: 35. Charashim. 1 Chr. 4:14. Suspended from four pillars of shittim wood Elah. 1 Sam. 17: 2. 1 Sam. 21: 9. overlaid with gold. Exo. 26: 32. Eshcol. Num. 32: 9. Deu. I: 24. Hung between the holy and most holy Gad. 2 Sam. 24: 5. (marg.) place. Exo. 26: 33. Heb. 9: 3. Gerar. Gen. 26: 17. Designed to conceal the ark, mercy-seat, Gibeon. Isa. 28: 21. and the symbol of the divine presence. Hebron. Gen. 37: 14. Exo. 40: 3. Hinnom or Tophet. Jos. 18: 16. 2 Kin. THE HIGH PRIEST 23: 10. 2 Chr. 28:3. Jer. 7:32. Alone allowed to enter within. Heb. 9: Jehoshaphat or decision. Joel 3: a, 14. 6, 7. Jericho. Deu. 34: 3. Allowed to enter but once a year. Lev. Jezreel. Hos. 1: 5. 16: 2. Heb. 9: 7. Jiphthah-el. Jos. 19: 14, 27. Could not enter without blood. Lev. 16: Keziz. Jos. 1S: 21. 3, with Ileb. 9:7. Lebanon. Jos. 11: 17. Made by Solomon for the temple. 2 Chr. Megiddo. 2 Chr. 35: 22. Zec. 12:11. 3:14. MAoab where Moses was buried. Deu. Was rent at the death of our Lord. Mat. 34: 6. 27: 51. Mar. 15: 38. Luke 23: 45. Passengers or Hamon-gog. Eze. 39:11. ILIUSTRATIVE Rephaim or giants. Jos. 15: 8. Jos. 18: 16. Of the obscurity of the Mosaic dispensa- 2 Sam.'5:18. Isa. 17: 5. tion. Heb. 9: 8. Salt. 2 Sam. 8: 13. 2 Kin. 14:17. Of the flesh of Christ which concealed Shaveh or king's dale. Gen. 14: 17. 2 his divinity. Heb. 10: 20. See Isa. 53: 2. Sam. 18: 18. (Rending of,) of tie death of Christ which Shittim. Joel 3: 18. opened heaven to saints. Heb. 10:19, Siddim. Gen. 14: 3, 8. 20, with Heb. 9: 24. Sorek. Jud. 16: 4. No. 311. VALLEYS. Succoth. Psa. 60: 6. Zared. Num. 2: 12. Tracts of land between mountains. I Sam. Zeboim. I Sam. 13: 18. 17: 3. Zephathah. 2 Chr. 14: 10. C.ALLED TO be filled with hostile chariots, threat. Vales. Deu. 1: 7. Jos. 10: 40. ened as a punishment. Isa. 22:7. Dales. Gen. 14: 17. 2 Sam. 18. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; Fat valleys, when fruitful. Isa. 28:1, 4. The moon made to stand still over Ajalon. Rough valleys when uncultivated and Jos. 10: 12. barren. Deu. 21: 4. Ditches in, filled with water. 2 Kin. 3: Watered by mountain streams. Psa. 104: 16, 17. 8, 10. Water in, made to appear to the Moabites Canaan abounded in. Deu. 11:11. like blood. 2 Kin. 3: 22, 23. ABOUNDED WITH ILLUSTRATIVE Fountains and springs. Deu. 8: 7. Isa. Of the church of Christ. Song of Sol. 41: 18., 6: 11. Rocks and caves. Job 30: 6. Isa. 57: 5. (Fruitful and well watered,) of the tents Trees. 1 Kin. 10: 27. of Israel. Num. 24: 6. Lily of the valley. Song of Sol. 2: 1. (Dark,) of affliction and death. Psa. 23:4. Ravens. Pro. 30 - 17. (Filling up of,) of removing all obstrucDoves. Vze. 7: 16. tions to the gospel. Isa. 40: 4. Luke 3: 5. Of Israel well tilled and fruitful. 1 Sam. No. 312. VINE, THE. 6: 13. Psa. 65: 13. Often the scenes of idolatrous rites. Isa. Often found wild. 2 Kin. 4: 39. Hos. 9:10. 57: 5. CULTIVATED The heathen supposed that certain deities In vineyards from the time of Noah. Gen. presided over. I Kin. 20: 23, 2S. 9: 20. The Canaanites held possession of, against On the sides of hills. Jer. 31: 5. Judah. Jud. 1: 19. In the valleys. Song of Sol. 6: 11l. Often the scenes of great contests. Jud. By the walls of houses. Psa. 128: 3. 5:15. Jud. 7: 8, 22. 1 Sam. 17:19. Required to be dressed and pruned to MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE: increase its fruitfulness. Lev. 25: 3. 2 Achor. Jos. 7: 24. lsa. 65: 10. Hos. 2: 15. Chr. 26: 10. Isa. 18: 5. YIN. 141 VIN. Canaan abounded in. Deu. 6: 11. Deu. 8: 8. No. 313. VINEYARDS. PLACES CELEBRATED FOR; Origin and antiquity of. Gen. 9: 20. Eshcol. Num. 13: 23, 24. The design of planting. Psa. 107: 37. 1 Sibmah. Isa. 16: 8, 9. Cor. 9: 7. Lebanon. Hos. 14 7 8 Frequently walled or fenced with hedges. Egypt. Psa.78: 47. Psa. 80: 8.. Num. 22: 24. Pro. 24: 31. Isa. 5: 2, 5. The dwarf and spreading vine particularly Cottages built in, for the keepers. Isa. 1: 8. esteemed. Eze. 17; 6. Provided with the apparatus for making Of Sodom bad and unfit for use. Deu. wine. Isa.: 2. Mat. 21: 33. 32: 32. The stones carefully gathered out of. Isa. Often degenerated. Isa. 5: 2. Jer. 2: 21. 5: 2. Frequently injured by hail and frost. Psa. LAws RESPECTIN-G; 78: 47. Psa. 105: 32, 33. Not to be planted with different kinds of Foxes destructive to. Song of Sol. 2: 15. seed. Deu. 22: 9. The wild boar destructive to. Psa. 80: 13. Not to be cultivated during the sabbatical THE FRUIT OF, year. Exo. 23: ll. Lev. 25: 4. Called grapes. Gen. 40: 10. The spontaneous fruit of, not to be gathPeculiarly sour when unripe. Jer. 31: 30. ered the sabbatical or jubilee year. Eaten fresh from the tree. Deu. 23: 24. Lev. 25: 5, 11. Eaten dried. I Sam. 25: 18. 1 Sam. 30: 12. Compensation in kind to be made for inSold in the markets. Neh. 13:15. jury done to. Exo. 22: 5. Made into wine. Deu. 32: 14. Mat. Strangers entering allowed to eat- fruit 26: 29. of, but not to take any away. Deu. The wood of, fit only for burning. Eze. 23: 24. 15: 2 —5. The gleaning of, to be left for the poor. Young cattle fed on its leaves and tender Lev. 19:10. Deu. 24: 21. shoots. Gen. 49: 11. The fruit of new, not to be eaten for three Probably produced two crops of fruit in the years. Lev. 19: 23. year. Num. 13:'20. The fruit of new, to be holy to the Lord Perfumed the. air with the fragrance of its in the fourth year. Lev. 19: 24. flowers, &c. Song of Sol. 2:13. Hos. 14: 7. The fruit of new, to be eaten by the own(marg.) ers from the fifth year. Lev. 19: 25. God made, fruitful for his people when Planters of, not liable to military service obedient. Joel 2: 22. Zec. 8;1'2. till they had eaten of the fruit. Deu. Frequently made unfruitful as a punishment. 20: 6. Jer. S: 13. Hos. 2: 12. Joel 1: 7, 12. Frequently let out to husbandmen. Song Hag. 2:19. of Sol. 8: 11. Mat. 21: 33. Sometimes cast its fruit before it came to Rent of, frequently paid by part of the fruit. perfection. Job 15: 33. Mal. 3: 11. Mat. 21: 34. Nazarites prohibited eating any part of, &c. Were often mortgaged. Neh. 5: 3, 4. Num. 6: 3, 4. Estimated rent of. Song of Sol. 8: 11. Isa. ILLUSTRATIVE 7: 23. Of Christ. Jno. 15:1, 2. Estimated profit arising from, to the cultiOf Israel. Psa. 80: 8. Isa. 5: 2, 7. vators. Song of Sol. 8:12. (Its fruitful branches,) of saints. Jno. The poor engaged in the culture of. 2 Kin. 15:5. 25:12. Isa. 61: 5. (Its unfruitful branches,) of mere profes- Members of the family often wrought in. sores. Jno. 15: 2, 6. Song of Sol. 1: 6. Mat. 21t: 28-30. (Its quick growth,) of the growth of Mode of hiring and paying labourers for saints in grace. Hos. 14: 7. working in. Mat. 20: 1, 2. (Its rich clusters,) of the graces of the Of the kings of Israel superintended by offiChurch. Song of Sol. 7: S8. cers of state. 1 Chr. 27: 27. (Pruning of,) of God's purifying his peo- THE VINTAGE OR INGA.THERING OF, pie by afflictions. Jno. 15: 2. Was a time of great rejoicing. Isa. 16: 10. (Worthlessness of its wood,) of the un- Sometimes continued to the time of sowprofitableness, of the wicked. Eze. 15: ing seed. Lev. 26: 5. 6, 7. Failure in, occasioned great grief. fsa. (Unfruitful,) of the wicked. Hos. 10: 1. 16: 9, 10. (Sitting under one's own,) of peace and Of red grapes particularly esteemed. Isa. prosperity. 1 Kin. 4: 25. Mic. 4: 4. 27: 2. Zee. 3: 10. The produce of, was frequently destroyed Proverbial allusion to fathers eating the by enemies. Jer. 48: 32. unripe fruit of. Jer. 31: 29, 30. Eze. The whole produce of, often destroyed by 18: 2. insects, &c. Deu 28: 39. Amos4: 9. VIS. 142 VOw. WAL. In unfavourable seasons produced but little To John. Rev. 1: 12, &c. Rev. 4 ch. to wine. lsa. 5: 10. Hag. 1: 9, 11. Rev. 22 ch. The wicked judicially deprived of the en- Sometimes withheld for a long season. 1 joyment of. Amos 5:11. Zep. 1:13. Sam. 3: 1. The Rechabites forbidden to plant. Jer. The withholding of, a great calamity. Pro. 35: 7-9. 29:18. Lan. 2:9. Of the slothful man neglected and laid False prophets pretended to have seen. waste. Pro. 24: 30, 31. Jer. 14:14. Jer. 23:16. ILLUSTRA.TIvE The prophets of God skilled in interpreting. Of the Jewish church. Isa. 5: 7. Isa. 2 Chr. 26: 5. Dan. 1: 17. 27: 2. Jer. 12: 10. Mat. 21: 23. (Failure of,) of severe calamities. Isa. 32: 10. Solemn promises to God. Psa. 76: 11. (Gleaning grapes of,) of the elect. Isa. WERE MADE IN REFERENCE TO 24: 13. Devoting the person to God. Num. 6: 2. No. 314. VISIONS. Dedicating children to God. 1 Sam. 1:11. Devoting property to God. Gen. 28: 22. God often made known his will by. Psa. Offering sacrifice. Lev. 7: 16. Lev. 22: 89: 19. 18, 22. Num. 15: 3. God specially made himself known to pro- Afflicting the soul. Num. 30:13. phets by. Num. 12: 6. To be voluntary. Deu. 23: 21, 22. OFTEN ACCOMIPANIED BY To be performed faithfully. Num. 30: 2. A representation of the Divine person To be performed without delay. Deu. 23: and glory. Isa. 6: 1. 21, 23. An audible voice from heaven. Gen. 15: Danger of inconsiderately making. Pro.20:25. 1. 1 Sam. 3: 4, 5. Of children void without consent of parents. An appearance of angels. Luke 1: 22, Num. 30:3-5. with 11 v. Luke 24: 23. Acts 10: 3. Of married women void without consent of An appearance of human beings. Acts husbands. Num. 30: 6-8, 10-13. 9:12. Acts 16: 9. Of widows and women divorced from their Frequently difficult and perplexing to those husbands binding. Num. 30: 9. who received them. Dan. 7: 15. Dan. Of wives, could only be objected to at the 8:15. Acts 10: 17. time of making. Num. 30: 14, 15. OFTEN COBIsIUNrrICaTED -Might be redeemed by paying a suitable In the night season. Gen. 46: 2. Dan. 2:19. compensation. Lev. 27: 1-8, 11-23. In a trance. Nsm. 24:16. Acts 11: 5. Clean beasts the subjects of, not to be Often recorded for the benefit of the peo- redeemed. Lev. 27: 9, 10. ple. Hab. 2: 2. RECORDED IN SCRIPTURE; Often multiplied for the benefit of the peo- Of Jacob. Gen. 28:20-22. Gen. 31: 13. pie. Hos. 12::10. Of Israelites. Num. 21: 2. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE Of Jephthah. Jud. 11: 30, 31. To Abraham. Gen. 15:1. Of Hannah. 1 Sam. 1:11. To Jacob. Gen. 46: 2. Of Elkanah. 1 Sam. 1: 21. To Moses. Exo. 3: 2,3. Acts 7: 30-32. Of David. Psa. 130:2-5. To Samuel. I Sam. 3: 2-15. Of mariners who cast out Jonah. Jon. To Nathan. 2 Sam. 7: 4, 17. 1: 16. To Eliphaz. Job 4: 13-16. Of Jonah. Jon. 2: 9. To Isaiah. Isa. 6:1-S. Of Lemuel's mother. Pro. 31:1, 2. To Ezekiel. Eze. 1: 4-14. Eze. 8: 2-14. Of Paul. Acts 18: 18. Eze. 10 ch. Eze. 11: 24, 25. Eze. 37: Of certain Jews with Paul. Acts 21: 23, 1-10. Eze. 40 ch. to Eze. 48 oh. 24, 26. To Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 2:28. Dan. 4: 5. All things dedicated by, to be brought to To Daniel. Dan. 2: 19. Dan. 7 ch. Dan.1 the tabernacle. Deu. 16: 6, 11, 17, 18, 26. 8 ch. Dan. 10 ch. Of things corrupt or blemished an insult to To Amos. Amos 7: 1-9. Amos 8: 1-6. God. Lev. 22: 23. Mal. 1:14. Amos 9: 1. The hire of a prostitute or price of a dog To Zechariah. Zec. 1: 8. Zec. 3: 1. could not be the subject of Deu. 23:18. Zec.4:2. Zec.5:2. Zec.6:l.o. 316. WALLS. To Paul. Acts 9: 3, 6, 12. Acts 16: 9o. 316. WALLS. Acts IS: 9. Acts 22: 18. Acts 27: 23. Designed for separation. Eze. 43: 8. Eph. 2 Cor. 12: -4. 2:14. To Ananias. Acts 9: 10, 11. Designed for defence. 1 Sam.'25: 16. To Cornelius. Acts 10: 3. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTUInE To Peter. Acts 10: 9-17. Of cities. Num. 13: 28. WAL. 143 WAR. Of temples. 1 Chr. 29: 4. Isa. 56: 5. Of the protection of God. Zec. 2: 5. Of houses. 1 Sam. 18: 11. Of those who afford protection. 1 Sam. Of vineyards. Num. 22: 24. Pro. 24: 31, 25: 16. Isa. 2:15. Frequently made of stone and wood togeth- Of the church as a protection to the er. Ezra 5: 8. Hab. 2:11. nation. Song of Sol. S: 9, 10. Were probably often strengthened with Of ordinances as a protection to the plates of iron or brass. Jer. 15: 20. Eze. Church. Song of Sol. 2: 9. Isa. 5: 5. 4: 3. Of the w6alth of the rich in his own conOF CITIES ceit. Pro. 18: 11. Often very high. Deu. 1: 28. Deu. 3: 5. (Brazen,) of prophets in their testimony Strongly fortified. Isa. 2: 15. Isa. 25 12. against the wicked. Jer. 15: 20. Had towers built on them. 2 Chr. 26: 9. (Bowing or tottering,) of the wicked 2 Chr. 32:5. Psa. 48:12. SongofSol. under judgments. Psa. 62: 3. Isa. 30:13. 8: 10. (Of partition,) of separation of Jews and Houses often built on. Jos. 2: 15. Gentiles. Eph. 2:14. Were broad and places of public resort. (Daubed with untempered mortar,) of 2 Kin. 6: 26, 30. Psa. 55: 10. the teaching of false prophets. Eze. 13: Were strongly manned in war. 2 Kin. 10-15. 18: 26. (Whited,) of hypocrites. Acts 23: 3. Kept by watchmen night and day. Song No. 317. WAR. of Sol. 5:7. Isa.62: 6. Houses sometimes broken down to repair, Antiquity of Gen. 14: 2. and fortify. Isa.'22: 10. Originates in the lusts of men. Jas. 4: 1. Danger of approaching too near to, in A time for. Ecc. 3: 8. time of war. 2 Sam. 11: 20, 21. GOD Were battered by besieging armies. 2 Frequently ordered. Exo. 17:16. Num. Sam. 20: 15. Eze.4:2,3. 31:1,2. Deu.7:1,2. 1 Sam. 151-3. Adroitness of soldiers in scaling, alluded Taught his people the art of. 2 Sam. to. Joel 2: 7-9 22: 35. Sometimes burned. Jer. 49: 27. Amos Strengthens his people for. Lev. 26: 7, 8. 1:7. Gives the victory in. Num. 21: 3. Deu. Frequently laid in ruins. 2 Chr. 25::23. 2: 33. Deu. 3: 3. 2 Sam. 23:10. Pro *2 Chr. 36:19. Jer. 50: 15. 21: 31. (marg.) Destruction of, a punishment and cause Causes, to cease. Psa. 46: 9. of' grief. Deu. 28: 52. Neh. 1: 3. Neh. Scatters those who delight'in. Psa. 68: 30. 2: 12-17. Large armies frequently engaged in. 2 Chr. The falling of, sometimes occasioned 13: 3. 2 Chr. 14: 9. great destruction. 1 Kin. 20: 30. Weapons used in. Jos. l:14. Jud. 18: ll. The bodies of enemies sometimes fastened PRECEDED BY on, as a disgrace. 1 Sam. 31: 10. Consultation. Luke 14: 31, with Pro. Custom of dedicating. Neh. 12: 27. 24: 6. Idolatrous rites performed on. 2 Kin. 3: 27. Great preparation. Joel 3: 9. Instances of persons let down from. Jos. Rumours. Jer. 4:19. Mat. 24: 6. 2: 15. Acts 9: 24, 25. 2 Cor. 11: 33. Frequently long continued. 2 Sam. 3: 1. Small towns and villages were not sur- Frequently sore and bloody. 1 Sam. 14: 22. rounded by. Lev. 25:31. Deu. 3: 5. 1 Chr. 5:22. 2 Chr. 14: 13. 2 Chr. 28: 6. OF HOUSES OFTEN ATTENDED BY Usually plastered. Eze. 13: 10, with Famine. Isa. 51: 19. Jer. 14:15. Lam. 5:10. Dan. 5:5. Pestilence. Jer. 27:13. Jer. 28: 8. Had nails or pegs fastened into them Cruelty. Jer. 18: 21. Lam. 5: 11-14. when built. Ecc. 12: 11. Isa. 22: 23. Devastation. Isa. 1: 7. Liable to leprosy. Lev. 14:37. Records often kept of. Num. 21: 14. Often infested with serpents. Amos 5: 19. Often sent as punishment for sin. Jud. 5: S. Could be easily dug through. Gen. 49: 6. TuE JEWS Eze. 8: 7, S. Eze. 12: 5. Were expert in. 1 Chr. 12: 33, 35, 36. The seat next, was the place of distinction. Song of Sol. 3: 8. I Sam. 20: 25. Frequently engaged in. Jos. 6 ch. to Hyssop frequently grew on. I Kin. 4: 33. Jos. 11 ch. I Kin. 14: 30. 1 Kin. 15: MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; 7, 16. Falling of the walls of Jericho. Jos. 6: 20. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Handwriting on the wall of Belshazzar's Our contest with death. Ecc. 8:S. palace. Dan. 5: 5, 25-28. The contest of saints with the enemies of ILLUSTRATIVE their salvation. Rom. 7:23. 2 Cor. 10:3. Of salvation. Isa. 26:1. Isa. 60: 18. Eph. 6:12. 1 Tim. 1:18. WAT. 144 WAT. The contest between Antichrist and the Rises in vapour to the clouds. Eco. 1: 7, Church. Rev. 11: 7. Rev. 13: 4, 7. with Psa. 104: 8. The malignity of the wicked. Psa. 55: 21. Drops from the clouds in rain. Deu. 11: 11. 2 Sam. 21: 10. No.. 318. WATCHMEN. DESCRIBED as Soldiers generally acted as. Mat. 27: 65, 66. Fluid. Psa. 78: 16. Pro. 30: 4. Citizens sometimes acted as. Neh. 7: 3. Unstable. Gen. 49: 4 WERE s'rATIONEi) Penetrating. Psa. 109: 18. On watch towers. 2 Kin. 9: 17. Isa. 21:5. Reflecting images. Pro. 27: 19. On the wslls of cities. Isa. 62: 6. Wearing the hardest substances. Job In the streets of cities. Psa. 127: 1. 14: 19. Around the temple in Jerusalem on spe- Cleansing. Eze. 36: 25. Eph. 5: 26. cial occasions. 2 Kin. 11: 6. Refreshing. Job 22: 7. Pro. 25: 25. Paraded the streets at night to preserve Congealed by cold. Job 38: 29. Psa. 147: order. ~ Song of Sol. 3: 3. Song of Sol. 16, 17. 5: 7. WAs USED BY THE JEWS INr TIIME OF DANGEiS As their principal beverage. Gen. 24: 43. Increased in number. Jer. 51: 12. 1 Kin. 13: 19, 22. 1 Kin. 19: 4. Hos. Vigilant night and day. Neh. 4: 9. Isa. 2: 5. 21: 8. For culinary purposes. Exo. 12:9. Reported the approach of all strangers, For washing the person. Gen. 18: 4. &c. 2 Sam. 18: 24-27. 2 Kin. 9:18-20. Gen. 24: 32. Isa. 21: 6, 7, 9. For legal purification.:Exo. 29: 4. -leb. Sounded an alarm at the approach of ene- 9: 10, 19. rmies. Eze. 33: 2, 3. Kept for purification in large water-pots. Vigilance of, vain without God's protec- Jno. 2: 6. tion. Psa. 127: 1. Carried in vessels. Gen. 21:14. 1 Sam. Were relieved by turns. Neh. 7: 3. 26:11. Mar. 14:13. Danger of, sleeping on their post referred Artificial mode of conveying, into large to. Mat. 28: 13, 14. cities. V2 Kin. 20: 20. Neglecting to give warning punished with Frequently brackish and unfit for use. Exo. death. Eze. 33: 6. 15: 23. 2 Kin. 2:19. Often interrogated by passengers. Isa. 21:11. The want of, considered a great calamity. ILLUSTRATIIVE Exo. 17: 1-3. Num. 20: 2. 2 Kin. 3: 9, Of ministers. Isa. 52: S. lsa. 62: 6. Eze. 10. Isa. 3: 1. 3:17. Heb. 13: 17. In times of scarcity, sold at an enormous (Blind,) of careless ministers. Isa. 56:10. price. Lam. 5: 4. (Looking for thle morning,) of anxious Ml1aCLES CONerECTED WITH; waiting for God. Psa. 130: 5, 6. Turned into blood. Exo. 7: 17, 20. No. 319. WATER. Turned into wine. Jno. 2:7-9. Brought from the rock. Exo. 17: 6. Num. One of the elements of the world. Gen. 1:2. 20: 11. GOD ORIGINALLY Brought from the jaw-bone of an ass. Created the firmament to divide. Gen. Jud. 15:19. 1:6, 7. Consumed by fire from heaven. 1 Kin. Collected into one place. Gen. 1: 9. 18S: 38. Created fowls and fishes, &c. from. Gen. Divided and made to stand on heap. Exo. 1:20, 21. 14: 21, 22. Jos. 3: 16. Necessary to vegetation. Gen. 2: 5, 6. Job Trenches filled with. 2 Kin. 3:17-22. 14: 9. Isa. 1: 30. Iron made to swim in. 2 Kin. 6: 5, 6. Some plants particularly require. Job 8:11. Our Lord, &c., walking on. Mat. 14: Necessary to the comfort and happiness of 26-29. man. Isa. 41: 17, with Zec. 9: 11. Healing powers communicated to. 2 Kin. COLLECTED IN 5:14. Jno. 5: 4. Jno. 9: 7. Springs. Jos. 15: 19. The world and its inhabitants once destroy. Pools. 1 Kin. 22 38. Neh. 2: 14. ed by. Gen. 7: 20-23, with 2 Pet. 3: 6. Ponds. Exo.7:19. Isa. 19:10. The world not to be again destroyed by. Fountains. 1 Kin. 1S: 5. 2 Chr. 32: 3. Gen. 9: 8-15. 2 Pet. 3: 7. Wells. Gen. 21: 19. ILLUSTRs.TIVE Brooks. 2 Sam. 17: 20. 1 Kin. 18: 5. Of the support of God. Isa. 8: 6. Streams. Psa. 78: 16. Isa. 35: 6. Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Rivers. Isa. 8: 7. Jer. 2: 18. Isa. 41:17, 18. Isa. 44: 3. Eze. 36: 25. The sea. Gen. 1: 9, 10. lsa. 11: 9. Jno. 7: 38, 39. The clouds. Gen. 1: 7. Job 26: 8, 9. Of persecutors. Psa. 124: 4, 5. WAV. 145 WEI. WEL. Of persecutions. Psa.88: 17. No. 321. WEEKS. Of hostile armies. Isa 8: 7. Isa. 17:13, (Still,) of the ordinances of the gospel. A period of time consisting of seven days. Psa. 23:2. Lev. 23:15,16. Luke 18:12. (Deep,) of severe affliction. Psa. 66:12. A space of seven years sometimes so called. Psa.69:1. Isa. 30: 20. Isa. 39: 27, 28. Dan. 943: 24, 2, 27. (Deep,) of counsel in the heart. Pro. Origin of computing time by. Gen. 2: 2. 20: c. T. The feast of pentecost called the feast of (Deep,) of the words of the wise. Pro. weeks. Exo. 34: 22, with Acts 2:1. 18: 4. No. 322. WEIGHTS. (Poured out,) of the wrath of God. Hos. Generally regulated by the standard of the 95 e: 10. ofinsb eor Pa sanctuary. Exo. 30: 24. (Poured out,) of faintness by terror. Psa. Sometimes regulated by the king's standard. ~~~22 ~~~: 14. 2 Sam. 14: 26. (Pouring, out of buckets,) of a numerous Were frequently used in scales or balances. progeny. Num. 24: 7. Job 31: 6. Isa. 40:12. (Spilled on the ground,) of death. 2 Sam. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; ~~14 ~:14. ~Gerah. Exo. 30:13. Eze. 45: 12. (Its instability,) of a wavering disposi- Bekah or half a shekel. Gen. 24: 22. tion. Gen. 49: 4. Shekel. Exo. 30: 13. Eze. 45::12. (Its weakness,) of faintness and coward- Dram. Neh. 7: 70, 71. ice. Jos. 7: 9. Eze. 7:17. ice. Jos. 7:. Eze. 7:17. Maneh or pound. Nleh. 7: 71. Eze. 45: 12. (Difficulty of stopping,) of strife and con- Talent. 2o amr. e12: 30. Rev. 16: 21. tention. Pro. 17:14. tetion. Pro. 17 14. Value of money estimated according to. (Rapidly flowing away,) of the career of Gen. 23: 16. Gen. 43: 21. Ger. 32: 9. the wicked. Job 24: 18 Psa. 58: 7. All metals were given by. Exo. 37: 24. 1 (Many,) of different nations and people. Chr. 298: 14. Reva. 17: 1, 1. Jer. 2 1:13. Provisions were sold by, in times of scarcity. (Many,) ofa variety of afflictions. 2 Sam. Lev. 26: 26. Eze. 4:10, 16. 22:17. (Noise of many,) of the word of Christ. Forbidden to have divers. Deu.25: 13, 14. Rev. 1: 1$. - Forbidden to have unjudivers. De. Le.: 35, 36. (Covering the sea,) of the general diffu- Forequently used unjust. Mic. 619:, 3611. sion of the knowledge of God. Isa. ILFrequently used unjust. IMic 6:11. 11: 9. Hab. 2: 14. ILLSTRIV Of sins. Heb. 12: 1. No. 320. WAiVE-OFFERING. Of the restraints put on the elements. Job 28:25. Placed in the hand of the priest and waved (Heavy,) of the exceeding glory reserved before the Lord. Exo. 29: 24. Lev. 8: 27. for saints. 2 Cor. 4: 17. CONSISTED OFs The fat, right shoulder, &c., of the priest's No. 323. WELLS. consecration.ram. Exo. 29: 22, 23. Lev. First mention of. Gen. 16: 14. 8: 25, 26. FREQUENTLY MIADE The breast of the priest's consecration- Near encampments. Gen. 21: 30. Gen. ram. Exo. 29: 26. Lev. 8: 29. 26:18. The breast of all peace-offirings. Lev. Outside cities. Gen. 24:11. Jno. 4:6, 8. 7: 30. Lev. 9:18, 21. Num. 6: 17, 20. In the courts of houses. 2 Sam. 17: 18. Left shoulder, of Nazarites' peace-offer- In the desert. 2 Chr. 26:10. ing. Num. 6: 17, 19. Supplied by springs. Pro. 16: 22. The first fruits of barley harvest. Lev. 23: Suppled by the rain. Psa. 84: 6. 10, [1. Surrounded by trees. Gen. 49: 22 Exo. The first fruits of wheaten bread. Lev. 15: 27. 23: 20. Names often given to. Gen. 16:.7. Gen. The jealousy offering. Num. 5: 25. 21: 31. The leper's trespass offering. Lev. 14: Canaan abounded with. Deu. 6: 11. 12, 24. Many supplied from Lebanon. Song of'Sol. Of the fat, &c., of the consecration-ram 4: 15. burnt on the altar. Exo. 29: 25. Lev. MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; 8: 28. Beer-lahai-roi. Gen. 16:14. Was given to the priest as his due. Exo. Bethlehem. 2 Sam. 23: 15. 1 Chr. 11: 29: 26-28. Lev. 7: 31, 34. Lev. 8: 29. 17, 18. Lev. 10: 15. Lev. 23: 20. Num. 18: 11. Beer. (east of Jordan.) Num. 21:16-18. Was to be eaten in a holy place by the Beer-sheba. Gen. 21: 30, 31. priest's family. Lev. 10: 14. Elim. Exo. 15: 27. 13 WHI. 146 WID. WIN. Esek. Gen. 26: 20. Sudden destruction of the wicked. Psa. Hagar. Gen. 21: 19. b8: 9. Pro. 1: 27. Isa. 17:13. Isa. Haran. Gen. 29: 3, 4. 40: 24. Isa 41: 16. Jer. 30: 23. Jacob. Jno. 4: 6. Unavoidable fruit of a life of sin and Rehoboth. Gen. 26: 22. vanity. Hos. 8:7. Sitnah. Gen. 26: 21. Often deep and difficult to draw from. No. 325. WIDOWs. Jnio. 4:11. Were released from all obligation to forOften covered to prevent their being filled mer husbands. Rom. 7: 3. with sand. Gen. 29: 2, 3. Were clothed in mourning after the decease Had troughs placed near for watering cat- of husbands. Gen. 38: 14, 19. 2 Sam. tie. Gen.24:19,20. Exo. 2:16. 14: 2: 5. FREQUENTED BY Reproach connected with. Isa. 54: 4. Women who came to draw water. Gen. Increase of, threatened as a punishment. 24:13, 14. Jno. 4: 7. Exo. 22:24. Jer. 15: S. Jer. 18: 21. Travellers. Gen, 24: 11, 13, 42. Jno. 4: 6. LAws RESPECTING Strangers not to draw from, without per- Not to be oppressed. Exo. 22: 922. Deu. mission. Num. 20:17. 27: 19. Water of, frequently sold. Num. 20:19. Raiment of, not to be taken in pledge by Were a frequent cause of strife. Gen. 21:25. creditors. Deu. 24:17. Gens. 26: 21, 22. Exo. 2: 16, 17. Bound to perform their vows. Num. 30: 9. Were often stopped up by enemies. Gen. Not to intermarry with priests. Lev.,6: 15, 18. 2 Kin. 3: 19, 25. 21: 14. Often afibrded no water. Jer. 14: 3. Zec. To be allowed to glean in fields and vine9:11. yards. Deu. 24:19. ILLUSTRATIVE To have a share of the triennial tithe. Of the ordinances of the Church. Isa. Deu. 14: 28, 29. Deu. 26:12, 13. 12: 3. To share in public rejoicings. Deu. 16: Of the Holy Spirit in saints. Song of Sol. 11, 14. 4: 15, with Jno. 4: 14. When daughters of priests and childless, Of the mouth of the righteous. Pro. to partake of the holy things. Lev. 10:11. 22: 13. Of wisdom and understanding in man. When left without children, to be marPro. 16: 22. Pro. 18: 4. ried by their husband's nearest of kin. (Ai frutiful bough by,) of Joseph's numer- Deu. 25: 5, 6. Ruth 3: 10-13, with Ruth. ous posterity. Gen. 49: i2. 4: 4, 5. Mat. 22: 24-26. (Drinking from one's own,) of enjoyment Allowed to marry again. Rom. 7: 3. of' domestic happiness. Pro. 5:15. Intermarrying with, of kings considered (Without water,) of hypocrites. 2 Pet. treason. 1 Kin. 2:21-24. 2: 17. Not to be deplored by, considered a great No. 324. WHIRLWINDo calamity. Job27:15. Psa. 78: 64. Were under the special protection of God. Generally came from the south. Job 37. 9. Deu. 10: 18. Psa. 68: 5. lsa. 21: 1. Zec. 9: 14. Were frequently oppressed and persecuted. Sometimes came from the north. Eze. 1: 4. Job 24: 3. Eze. 22: 7. Called the whirlwind of the Lord. Jer. Specially taken care of by the primitive 23: 19. Jer. 30:23. Church; Acts 6:1. 1 Tim. 65:9. Arose up from the earth. Jer. 25:32. Often devoted themselves entirely to God's MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH! service. Luke 2: 37. 1 Tim. 5: 10. Elijah taken to heaven in. 2 Kin. 2:1, IL. Instances of great liberality in. 1 Kin. 17: God spake to Job from. Job 38: 1. Job 9-15. Mar. 12: 42, 43. 40: 6. ILLUSTRATIVE OF Frequently continued for a long time. Jer. A desolate condition. Isa. 47: 8, 9. 30: 23. Zion in captivity. Lam. 1: 1. Destructive nature of. Pro. 1: 27. No. 326. WIND. THE. ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE Speed with which God executes his pur- Variable nature of. Ecc. 1: 6. poses. Nah. 1: 3. GoD Velocity of Christ's second coming. Isa. Created. Amos 4: 13. 66:15. Restrains. Job 28: 25. Psa. 107: 29. Velocity of the chariots in hostile armies. Brings forth, out of his treasuries. Psa. Isa. 5:28. Jer. 4:13. 135:7. Jer. 10:13. Fury of God's judgments. Jer. 25: 32. Raises. Psa. 107: 25. Jon. 4: 8. Jer. 30: 23. Changes. Psa. 78; 26. WIN. 147 WIN. Assuages. Mat. 8: 26. Mat. 14: 32. Of false doctrines. Eph. 4: 14. Gathers, in his hand. Pro. 30: 4. (Chaff' or stubble before,) of the wicked. Accomplishes the purposes of God. Psa. Job 21: 18. Psa. 1: 4. 148: 8. (Without rain,) of one who boasts of a Theory of, above man's comprehension. false gift. Pro. 21: 14. Jno. 3: S. (When destructive,) of the judgments of MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE; God. Isa. 27: 8. Isa. 29:6. Isa. 41:16. North. Pro. 25: 23. SongofSol. 4:16. (Sowing,) of a course of sin. Hos. 8:7. South. Job 37: 17. Luke 12: 55. (Feeding upon,) of vain hopes. Hos. 12: 1. East. Job 27: 21. Eze. 17: 10. Hos. 13:15. (Bringing forth,) of disappointed expectaWest. Exo. 10: 19. tions. Isa. 26: 18. Euroclydon. Acts 27:14. The simoon or pestilentialwind. 2 Kin. No. 327. WINE. 19: 7, with 35 v. Jer. 4: 11. First mention of. Gen. 9: 20, 21. The whirlwind. Job 37: 9. WAS BIADE OF Drying nature of. Gen. 8:1. Isa. 11: 15. The juice of the grape. Gen. 49: 11. Purifyingnature of. Job 37: 21. Jer. 4:11. The juice of the pomegranate. Song of WHEN VIOLENT CALLED Sol. 8: 2. Tempest. Job 9: 17. Job 27: 20. Jon. First mode of making, noticed. Gen. 40:11. 1: 4. Generally made by treading the grapes in Storm. Job 21:18. Psa. 83:15. a press. Neh. 13:15. Isa. 63: 2, 3. Stormy wind. Psa. 148: 8. Eze. 13: Refining of, alluded to. Isa. 25: 6. 11, 13. Improved by age. Luke 5: 39. Windy storm. Psa. 55: 8. PLACES CELEBRATED FOR; Great and strong wind. 1 Kin. 19: 11. Canaanin general. Deu. 33: 28. Mighty wind. Acts 2: 2. Rev. 6:13. Possessions of Judah. Gen. 49: 8, 11, 12. Fierce wind. Jas. 3: 4. Lebanon. Hos. 14:17. Rough wind. Isa. 27: 8. Helbon. Eze. 27: 18. From the north drives away rain. Pro. Assyria. 2 Kin. 18: 32. Isa. 36: 17. 25: 23. Moab. Isa. 16: 8-10. Jer. 48: 32, 33. Frequently brings rain. 1 Kin. 18: 44, 45. Many kinds of. Neh. 5:18. See 2 Kin. 3:17. Sweet, esteemed for flavour and strength. Often blighting. Psa. 103:16. Isa. 40: 7. Isa. 49: 26. Amos 9: 13. Mic. 6:15. (Hebrew.) Red, most esteemed. Pro. 23: 31. Isa. 27: 2. Movement of the leaves of trees, &c. by, Often spiced to increase its strength, &c. noticed. Isa. 7: 2. Mat. 11:7. Rev. 6:13. Pro. 9: 2, 5. Pro. 23: 30. Song of Sol. 8: 2. TEowPESTUOUS, WAs USED Raises the sea in waves. Psa. 107: 25. As a beverage from the earliest age. Jno. 6: 18. Gen. 9: 21. Gen..27: 25. Drives about the largest ships. Mat. 14: At all feasts and entertainments. Est. 24. Acts27:18. Jas.3:4. 1:7. Est. 5:6. Isa. 5:12. Dan. 5:1-4. Destroys houses. Job. 1:19. Mat.7:27. Jno. 2: 3. MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH; For drink offerings in the worship of God. Locusts brought by. Exo. 10:13. Exo. 29: 40. Num. 15: 4-10. Locusts removed by. Exo. 10: 19. For drink offerings in idolatrous worship. Red sea divided by. Exo. 14: 21. Deu. 32: 37, 38. Quails brought by. Num. 11: 31. As a medicine. Luke 10: 34. 1 Tim. 5: 23. Rocks and mountains rent by. 1 Kin. First fruits of, to be offered to God. Deu. 19: 11. 18: 4. 2 Chr. 31: 5. Raised on account of Jonah. Jon. 1: 4. With corn and oil, denoted all temporal Calmed by casting out Jonah. Jon. 1: 15. blessings. Gen. 27: 28, 37. Psa. 4: 7. Calmed by Christ. Mat. 8: 26. Mat. Hos. 2: 8. Joel 2: 19. 14: 32. Given in abundance to the Jews when obeILLUSTRATIVE dient. Hos. 2: 22. Joel 2: 19, 24. Zee. Of the operations of the Holy Spirit. Eze. 9: 17. 37: 9. Jno. 3: 8. Acts 2: 2. The Jews frequently deprived of, as a punOf the life of man. Job 7: 7. ishment. Isa. 24: 7, 11. Hos. 2: 9. Joel Of the speeches of the desperate. Job 1:10. Hag. 1:11. Hag. 2:16. 6: 26. The Jews frequently drank, to excess. Isa. Of terrors which pursue the soul. Job 5: 11. Joel 3: 3. Amos 6: 6. 30: 15. In times of scarcity was mixed with water. Of molten images. Isa. 41: 29. Isa. 1: 22. Of iniquity which leads to destruction., Sometimes mixed with milk as a beverage. Isa. 64:6. Song oi Sol. 5: 1. WIN. 148 WOL. WOM. CHARACTERIZED AS No. 329. WOLF, THE. Cheering God and man. Jud. 9: 13. Zec. Rapacious nature of. Gen. 49: 27. 9:17. Particularly fierce in the evening when it Gladdening the heart. Psa. 104: 15. seeks its prey. Jer. t: 6. Hab. I: S. Strengthening. 2 Sam. 16:.2. Song of seeks its prey. Jer. 5: 6. Hab. 1: 8. Strengthening. 2 Sam. 16: 2. Song of Destructive to flocks of sheep. Jno. 10:12. Sol. 2: 0. Sol. 2: 5. ILLUSTRATIVE Making mirthful. Est. 1: 10. Ecc. 10: 19.at. 10: 16. Luke 10: 3. Custom of presenting, to travellers. Gen. f wicked rulers. Eze 22:27. ep 3: 3. Of wicked rulers. Eze. 22:27. Zep. 3: 3. 14: 18. 1 Sam. 25: 18. Of false teachers. Mat. 7: 15. Acts 20: 29. Custom of giving to persons in pain or su Of the devil. Jno. 10: 12. fering, mixed with drugs. Pro. 31: 6. Of the tribe of Benjamin. Gen. 49: 27. Mar. 15: 23 Of fierce enemies. Jer. 5: 6. Hab. 1: 8. Forbidden'to the priests while engaged in (Taming of,) of the change effected by the tabernacle. Lev. 10: 9. conversion. Isa. 11:6. Isa. 65: 25. Forbidden to Nazarites during their separa. tion. Num. 6: 3. No. 330. WOMAN. The Rechabites never drank. Jer. 35: 5, 6. Origin and cause of the name. Gen. 2: 23. IN EXCESS ORIGINALLY MADE Forbidden. Eph. 5:18. By God in his own image. Gen. 1:.27. Infuriates the temper. Pro. 20: 1. From one of Adam's ribs. Gen. 2:21, 22. Impairs the health. 1 Sam. 25: 37. IHos. For man. 1 Cor. 11: 9. 4:11. To be an help meet for man. Gen. 2: Impairs the judgment and memory. Pro. 18, 20. 31: 4, 5. Isa. 28: 7. Subordinate to man. I Cor. 11: 3. Inflames the passions. Isa. 5: 11. To be the glory of man. 1 Cor. 11: 7. Leads to sorrow and contention. Pro. 23: Deceived by Satan. Gen. 3: l-6. 2 Cor. 29, 30. 11: 3. 1 Tim. 2:14. Leads to remorse. Pro. 29: 32. Led mall to disobey God. Gen. 3: 6, 11, 12. An article of Extensive commerce. Eze. Curse pronounced on. Gen. 3:16. 27:1S. Salvation promised through the seed of. Was stored in cellars. 1 Chr. 27: 27. Gen. 3: 15. See Isa. 7: 14. Was kept in bottles. 1 Sam. 25: 18. Hab. Safety in childbirth promised to the faithful 2: 15. and holy. 1 Tim. 2: 15. Consequence of putting, (when new,) into CHARACTERIZED As old bottles. Mar. 2:22. Weaker than man. I Pet. 3: 7. The love of Christ to be preferred to. Song Timid. Isa. 19: 16. Jer. 00:37. Jer. 51:30. of Sol. 1: 2, 4. Nah. 3: 13. Water miraculously turned into. Jno. 2: 9. Loving and affectionate. 2 Sam. 1: 26. ILLUSTRATIVE Tender and constant to her offspring. Isa. Of the blood of Christ. Mat. 26: 27-29. 49: 15. Lam. 4: 10. Of the blessings of the gospel. Pro. 9: To wear her hair long as a covering. 1 Cor. 2, 5. Isa. 25: 6. Isa. 55: 1. 11: 15. Of the wrath and judgments of God. Psa. Good and virtuous, described. Pro, 31:10-28. 60: 3. Psa. 75: 8. Jer. 13: 12-14. Jer. Virtuous, held in high estimation. Ruth 25:15-18. 3: 11. Pro. 31:10, 30. Of the abominations of the apostacy. Rev. FREQUENTLY 17:2. Rev. 18: 3. Fond of self-indulgence. Isa. 32: 9-11. Of violence and rapine. Pro. 4: 17. Subtle and deceitful. Pro. 7: 10. Ecc. No. 328. WINTER. Silly and easily led into error. 2 Tim. 37 6. Silly and easily led into error. 2 Tim. 3: 6. God makes. Psa. 74: 17. Zealous in promoting superstition and Yearly return of, secured by covenant. Gen. idolary. Jer. 7: 18. Eze. 13: 17, 23. 8:22. Active in instigating to iniquity. Num. Coldness and inclemency of, noticed. Pro. 31:15,16. 1 Kin. 21: 5. Nelh. 13:26. 20: 4, with (msarg.) Jno. 10: 22. Generally wore a veil in the presence of UNSUITED FOR tile other sex. Gen. 24: 65. Travelling. Mat. 24: 20. 2 Tim. 4: 21. Generally lived in a separate apartment or Navigation. Acts 27: 9. tent. Gen. 18: 9. Gen. 24: 67. Est. 2: Ships were laid up in port during. Acts 9, 11. 27:12. Acts 28:11. Submissive and respectful to husbands. 1 The Jews frequently had special houses Pet. 3: 6, with Gen. 18:12. for. Jer. 36: 22. Amos 3: 5. OF DISTINCTION Illustrative of seasons of spiritual adversity. Fair and graceful. Gen. 12: 11. Gen. Song of Sol. 2: 11. 24: 16. Song of Sol. 1: 8. Amos 8:13. WOM. 149 YEA. ZEB. Haughty in their deportment. Isa. 3: 16. Punishment for injuring, when with child. Fond of dress and ornaments. Isa. 3: Exo. 21: 22-25. 17-23. To be governed by, considered a calamity Wore their hair plaited and adorned with by the Jews. Isa. 3:12. gold and pearls. isa. 3: 24, with 1 To be slain by, considered a great disgrace. Tim. 2: 9. Jud. 9: 54. Of the poorer classes swarthy from expo- Considered a valuable booty in war. Deu. sure to the sun. Song of Sol. 1: 5, 6. 20: 14. 1 Sam. 30: 2. YOUNG, Often treated with great cruelty in war. Called maids. Exo. 2: 8. Luke 8: 51, 52. 2 Kin. 8: 12. Lam. 5: 11. Eze. 9: 6. Hos. Called damsels. Gen. 24: 55. Mar. i: 39. 13:16. Called virgins. Gen. 24:16. Lam. 1: 4. ILLUSTRATIVE Gay and mirthsome. Jud. 11: 34. Jud. (Gloriously arrayed,) of the Church of 21: 21. Jer. 31:13. Zec. 9:17. Christ. Psa. 45:13. Gal. 4: 26, with Kind and courteous to strangers. Gen. Rev. 12:1. 24: 17. (Delicate,) of backsliding Israel. Jer. 6: 2. Fond of ornaments. Jer. 2: 32. (Chaste and holy,) of saints. Song of Sol. Required to learn from and imitate their 1: 3. 2 Cor. 11: 2. Rev. 14: 4. elders. Tit. 2: 4. (Lewd,) of the Roman apostacy. Rev. Inherited parents' property when there 17: 4, IS. was no male heir. Num. 27: 8. (Wise,) of saints. Mat. 25: 1, 2, 4. Could not marry without consent of pa- (Foolish,) of mere professors. Mat. 25:1-3. rents. Gen. 24: 3,4. Gen. 34: 6. Exo. (At ease and careless,) of a state of carnal 22: 17. security. Isa. 32: 9, 11. Not to be given in marriage considered a (Forsaken,) of the church of Israel in her calamity. Jud. 11: 37. Psa. 78: 63. captivity. Isa. 54: 6. Isa. 4: 1.o. 331. YEARS. Often taken captive. Lam. 1:18. Eze. 331. YEARS 30: 17, 18. The sun and moon appointed to mark out. Punishment for seducing when betroth- Gen. 1:14. ed. Deu. 22: 23-27. Early computation of time by. Gen. 5: 3. Punishment for seducing, when not be- DIVIDED INTO trothed. Exo. 22: 16, 17. Deu. 22: Seasons. Gen. 8: 22. 2S, 29. Months. Gen. 7: 11. 1 Chr. 27: 1. Often treated with great cruelty in war. Weeks. Dan. 9: 27. Luke 18: 12. Deu. 32: 25. Lam. 2: 21. Lam. 5: 11. Days. Gen. 25: 7. Est. 9: 27. Of distinction, dressed in robes of various Length of, during the patriarchal age. Gen. colours. 2 Sam. 13: 1S. Psa. 45: 14. 7: II, and Gen. 8: 13, with Gen. 7: 24, Were required to hear and obey the law. and Gen. 8: 3. Jos. 8: 35. Commencement of, changed after the exoHad a court of the tabernacle assigned to dus. Exo. 12: 2. them, Exo. 38: 8. 1 Sam. 2: 22. REMARKABLE; Allowed to join in the temple-music from Sabbatical. Lev. 25:4. the time of David. 1 Chr. 25: 5, 6. Ezra. Jubilee. Lev. 25: 11. 2: 65. Neh. 7: 67. In prophetic computation, days reckoned OFTEN ENGAGED IN as. Dan. 12:11, 12. Domestic employments. Gen. 18: 6. Pro. ILLUSTRATIVE 31: 15. (Coming to,) of manhood. Heb. 11: 24. Agrictulture. Ruth 2: 8. Song of Sol. 1: 6. (Well stricken in,) of old age. Luke 1: 7. Tending sheep. Gen. 29: 9. Exo. 2: 16. (Being full of,) of old age. Gen. 25: 8. Drawing and carrying water. Gen. 24: (Acceptable,) of the dispensation of the 11, 13, 15, 16. 1 Sam. 9: 11. Jno. 4: 7. gospel. lsa. 61: 2. Luke 4: 19. Grinding corn. Mat. 24: 41. Luke 17: 35. (Of the right hand of the Most High,) of Spinning. Pro. 31:13,19. prosperity. Psa. 77: 10. Embroidery. Pro. 31: 22. (Of the redeemed,) of redemption by Celebrating the victories of the nation. Christ. Isa. 63: 4. Exo. 15:20, 21. Jud. 11: 34. 1 Sam. (Of visitation,) of severe judgments. Jer. 18: 6, 7. 11:23. Jer. 23:12. Attending funerals as mourners. Jer. 9: (Of recompenses,) of judgments. Isa. 17, 20. 34:8. Vows of, when married not binding upon No. 332. ZEBULUN, THE TRIBE OF. the husband. Num. 30:6-8. Unfaithfulness of, when married found out Descended from Jacob's tenth son. Gen. by the waters of jealousy. Num. 5:14-28. 30: 19, 20. ZEB. 150 ZEB. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 13. Deu. Furnished scribes orwriters to Israel. Jud. 33:18, 19. a:14. PERSONS SElLECTED FROM, Bounds of their inheritance. Jos. 19: 10-16. To number the people. Num. 1: 9. Unable to drive out the Canaanites from To spy out the land. Num. 13: 10. their cities, but made them tributary. To divide the land. Num. 34: 25. Jud. 1: 30. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. I: Praised for assisting Deborah and Barak in 30, 31. opposing Sisera. Jud. 5: 14, 18, with Formed the rere of the first division of the Jud. 4: 10. army of Israel in its journeys. Num. 10: Aided Gideon against the army of the Midi14, 16. anites. Jud. 6: 35. Encamped under the standard of Judah, east Furnished a judge to Israel. Jud. 12:11, 12. of the tabernacle. Num. 2: 3, 7. Some of, at David's coronation. 1 Chr. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 12: 33. 24-29. Officer appointed over by David. 1 Chr. Families of. Num. 26: 26, 27. 27:19. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. Only some of, assisted in Hezekiah's refor26: 27. mation. 2 Chr. 30: 10,11, 18. On Ebal said amen to the curses. Deu. Country of, blessed with the presence and 27:13. instruction of Christ. Isa. 9: 1. Mat. 4: A naval and commercial people. Gen. 49:13. 13-15. THE END INDEX. PAGE P GE ADDER or Asp:: 12 Camel, The:: 23 Agriculture or Husbandry: 5 Canaan, see Holy Land 65: Altars::::: 6 Canaanites, The:: 23 Altar of Burnt-offering, The: 6 Candlestick::.: 23 Altar of Incense, The:: 7 Caves;: 23 Amalekites, The 7 Cedar, The: 24 Ammonites, The: 7 Censers:: 24 Amorites, The:8 Chariots:: 24 Anakim, The:8 Cherubim::: 25 Anniversary Feasts, The: 47 Children::: 25 Anointing::8 Church of Israel:: 26 Anointing, Sacred:9 Circumcision::: 26 Ark of the Covenant, The 9 Cities: 27 Armies:: Cities of Refuge: 28 Armies of Israel, The:: 10 Cloud of Glory: 28 Arms, Military 11 Clouds: 28 Arrows:: 11 Commerce:: 29 Arts of the::12 Copper, see Brass:: 19 Asher, The Tribe of:: 12 Courts of Justice:: 29 Asp or Adder: 12 Covenant, Ark of The 9 Ass, The Wild: 12 Covenants::: 30 Ass, The Domestic: Cow, see Ox:: 97 Assyria: 13 Creation:::: 31 Atonement under the Law: 14 Creditors:: 31 Atonement, The Day of:: 14 Daily Sacrifice, The Babylon:: 14 Dan, The Tribe of:: 32 Bear, The: 15 Darkness:::: 32 Beard, The:::: 15 Day: 33 Beasts:: 15 Day of Atonement, The: 14 Beds: 16 Dead, The: 33 Benjamin, The Tribe of: 16 Dedication::: 34 Birds:: 17 Dedication, Feast of the:: 49 Blood I S:: 18 Defilement::.: 34 Books::: 18 Deluge, The 3: 35 Bottles:19 Desert, Journey of Israel through the 35 Bow, The 19 Deserts:: 37 Brass or Copper:: 19 Diet of the Jews, The: 38 Bread: 20 Diseases:: 38 Breastplate: 20 Divination:: 39 Brooks: 20 Divorce:: 39 Bull, see Ox: 97 Dog, The:::: 39 Burial: 21 Dove, The::: 40 Burnt-offering: 21 Dragon, The:: 40 Burnt-offering, The Altar of: 5 Dreams::: 40 Calf, The: 22 Drink-offering:: 40 Calf of Gold, The: 22 Eagle, The:::: 41 Calves of Jeroboam:: 22 Ear, The:: 41 152 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Earth, The: 41 Harvest,The: 61 Earthquakes: 42 Head: 62 Edomites, The: 42. Heave-offering: 62 Egypt: 43 Hedges: 62 Embalming:: 45 Heifer, see Ox: 97 Entertainments: 45 Heifer, The Red,:110 Ephod, The: 45 Herbs, &c.:: 62 Ephraim, The Tribe of: 44 High-places:: 63 Euphrates, The: 46 High Priest, The:: 63 Evening, The:: 46 High-ways:: 64 Eye, The: 46 Hittites: 65 Hivites:: 65 Famine:::: 47 Hog, see Swine: 127 Feasts, The Anniversary: 47 Holy of Holies: 65 Feast of the Passover, The:: 47 Holy Land:: 65 Feast of Pentecost, The: 48 Homicide:: 66 Feast of Tabernacles, The: 48 Honey: 66 Feast of New-moon, The: 49 Horns::: 66 Feast of Trumpets, The: 49 Horse, The::: 67 Feast of Purim, or Lots, The: 49 Houses: 67 Feast of Dedication, The: 49 Husbandry, see Agriculture: 5 Feast of Sabbatical Year The: 49 Hyke or upper Garment: 68 Feast of Jubilee, The:: 49 Feet, The 89 ~~~~~Idolatry:::: 68 Feet, The Incense:: 69 Fig-tree, The 0 Incense, The Altar of: 7 Firse:on 5: Insects::: 70 The':.2 I sosr::13 First-bofruits, The: 5 Interest, see Usury:139 First-fruits, The: ~ Iro:702 Fishes ron:: 7 Flood, The, see Deluge, The: Ishmaelites, The:: 70 FlooTwers se:elgh 52 Israel, Journey of, through the Desert 35 Flowers::::52 Forests: Israel, Armies of, The: 10 ~~Fortreso~es:~ ~Israel, Kings of, see Kings:75 Forudation ess 53 Israel, Church of,: 26 Fountains and S3prings: Israel, Land of, see Holy Land 65 Foux, The: Spig 5 Issachar, The Tribe of 71 Fox, The::::54 Fruits::: 54 Jerusalem,:: 71 Fruits, First, The: 52 Jews, The:72 Jordan, The River: 74 Gad, The Tribe of: 54 Jubilee, Feast of: 49 Galilee: 55 Judah, The Tribe of: 74 Gardens::: 55 Judah, Kings of, see Kings:75 Garment, Hyke or upper 68 Judea, Modern 75 Garments:: 56 Judges, Extraordinary:: 75 Gates:: 56 Genealogies: 57 Keenites, The:: 75 Gentiles: 57 Kine, see Ox:: 97 Giants or Rephaim:110 Kings:: 75 Gibeonites:: 57 Girdles 8: 58 Lamb, The:: 77 Goat, The:: 58 Lamps: 77 Goat, The Scape: 116 Language:: 78 Gold: 58 Laver of Brass: 78 Golden Altar, see Altar of Incense: 7 Law of Moses, The: 78 Government by God, see Theocracy, Leaven: 79 The: 133 Lebanon:: 79 Government by Kings, see Kings: 75 Leopard:: 80 Grass: 59 Leprosy:: 80 Groves: 59 Leviathan: 81 Levites, The: 81 Hair, The:: 59 Light:: 82 Hands, The: 60 Lion, The: 82 Hart, The: 61 Locust, The: 83 INDEX. 153 PAGE PAGE Macedonian Empire, The: 8,3 Precious Stones::102 Man: 83 Presents..: 103 Manasseh, The Tribe of: 84 Priest, the High 63 Manna:: 85 Priests: 103 Marriage:::: 85 Prisons: 105 Measures::: 86 Prophets: 105 Meat-of:ering:: 86 Prophets, False:::107 Medo-Persian Kingdom.: 87 Proselytes 107 Mercy-seat:::: 87 Publicans, The:.:108 Metals: 87 Punishments::: 108 Midianites::8 Purifications or Baptisms: 108 Milli:: 88 Purim'r Lots, the Feast of: 49 Mills:: 88 Moabites:: 88 Rain:::: 09 Money:::: Raven, The:109 Months: 9 Reaping:::: 110 Moon, The: 6 IRechabites:110 Morning: 90 Red Heifer, The..:110 Moth, The.:: 90 Refuge, Cities of: 28 Mountains: 90 Rephaim, or Giants, The:: 110 Mule, The:: 91 Reptile::: 110 Murder:: 91 Reuben, The Tribe of::110 Music:: 92 Rings::: 111 Rivers':: 111 Naphtali, The Tribe of:: 92 Roads, see High-ways:: 64 Nazarites: 93 Rocks::: 112 Nethinim: 93 Roe, The:: 112 New Moon, Feast of the: 49 Roman Empire, The:: 112 Night::: 93 Nile, the River::: 94 Sabbatical Year, Feast of the: 49 Nineveh: 94 Sackcloth: 113 Sacrifices':: 113 Oak-tree, The::: 94 Sacrifice, The Daily:: 32 Oaths: 94 Sadducees::: 114 Ocean, see Sea, The:: 117 Salt:.::114 Offerings::: 95 Salutations::::115 Offbring, Burnt-:: 21 Samaria, Ancient: 115 Offering, Heave-::: 62 Samaria, Modern::: 116 Offering, Meat-: 86 Scape-goat: 116 Offlring, Peace-:: 9 Sciences: 116 Offering, Sin-: 125 Scorpion: 116 Offering, Trespass-:: 136 Scribes: 116 Offering. WTave-:::145 Sea, The: 117 Oil.:: 96 Seals: 117 Olive-tree, The::: 96 Seed:::: 118 Ostrich, The: 96 Serpents: 118 Owl, The: 97 Servants: 119 Ox, The:: 97 Sheep: 120 Shepherds: 120 Palaces:: 98 Shew-bread: 121 Palm-tree, The: 9S Shields: 121 Paschal Lamb, Typical nature of: 98 Ships:::: 121 Passover, Feast of the:: 47 Shoes: 122 Patriarchal Government: 99 S sidonians, The: 122 Peace-ofiering:: 99 Sieges: 123 Pentecost, Feast of::: 4S Silver:: 124 Pharisees, The:.:: 99 Simeon, Te Te Tribe of:;124 Philistines, The:: 100 Sin-offerins: 125 Pillars: 101 Slaves, see Servants:: 119 Plague or Pestilence, The::101 Spear, The:::: 125 Ploughing::: 102 Springs, see Fountains: 53 Pomegranate-tree, The: 102 Stars: 125 Pools and Ponds: 102 Stones, Precious: 102 154 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Strangers in Israel:: 126 Tribute.::137 Sunlmer: 126 Trumpet::: 138 Sun, The:::: 127 Trumpets, The Feast of:: 49 Swine::.:127 Tyre::: 138 Sword, The:: 127 Synagogues:.::128 Unicorn, The:: 139 Syria::: 128 Urim and Thummim:: 139 Usury or Interest::: 139 Tabernacle, The:: 129 Tabernacles, Feast of: 48 Vail or Veil:::: 139 Temple, The First:::130 Vail, The Sacred::140 Temlple, The Second:: 132 Valleys::: 140 Tents: 132 Vine, The::: 140 Theocracy, The, or immediate Gov- Vineyards:::: 141 ernment by God::: 133 Visions::: 142 Threshing: 1::133 Vows::: 142 Thummim, see Urim and Thummim 139 Time: 133 Walls:: 142 Tithe:: 134 War:: 143 Towers:: 134 Watchmen:::: 144 Travellers:: 135 Water:: 144 Trees:: 135 Wave-ofebring:: 145 Trespass-offering:136 Weeks: 114 Tribes of Israel, The:: 137 Weeks, Feast of, see Pentecost, Feast of 48 Tribe of Asher, The: 12 Weights: 145 Tribe of Benjamin, The: 16 Wells:: 145 Tribe of Dan, The: 32 Whirlwind:: 146 Tribe of Ephraim, The: 44 Widows: 146 Tribe of Gad, The: 54 Wind, The:: 146 Tribe of Issachar, The: 71 Wine:: 147 Tribe of Judah, The:: 74 Winter:: 148 Tribe of Manasseh, The:: 84 Wolf:: 148 Tribe of Naphtali, The: 92 Woman:: 148 Tribe of Reuben, The: 110 Year 149 Tribe of Simeon, The: 124 Tribe of Zebulun, The: 149 Zebulun, The Tribe of::149 S tereoty potd by Vincent L. Dill, 128'ulton st. Sun Building, N. Y.