CATALOGUE OF A CAMEOS IN RELIEF, AND OTHER ENGRAVED STONES, AMBERS, ANTIQUE PASTES, RINGS, ETC., COLLECTED IN EUROPE, ASIA, AND AFRICA, BY MAXWELL SOMMERVILLE, OF PHILADELPHIA. un 0iei it tte aleutnmiat Ioan (f xlpitiflo, 218 gst Nittellltase AqiUar, filabelltat, April 14 to May 14, 1875. PHILADELPHIA: SHERMAN & CO., PRINTERS. 1875. al i- 4 py red accrdg to Act of C rs, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, BY MAXWELL SOMMERVILLE, In the Office of th3 Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. THE Cabinet of Gems embraced in this Catalogue, exhibited under the auspices and for the benefit of the WIOMEN'S CENTENNIAL COMMITTEES, Has been collected during years of travel in many countries. No pretence is made of comparison with the museums of Europe; it is esteemed by the possessor as a private Glyptic collection, with examples of Egyptian, Assyrian, Etruscan, Greek, Roman, Mediaeval, Renaissance, and Modern Art; engraved on AGATE, CARNELIAN, JASPER, RUBY, AMAZON, CHALCEDONY, LAPIS LAZULI, SAPPHIRE, AMBER, EMERALD, MALACHITE, SARDONYX, AMETHYST, GARNET, OBSIDIAN, TOPAZ, AQUA MARINE (Beryl), HELIOTROPE, ONYX, TURQUOISE, etc. JACINTH, ROCK CRYSTAL, I would acknowledge the services of Mr. Luigi Depoletti, Archeologist of Rome; and valuable assistance in defining the substances on which the gems are engraved, from my friend Prof. Joseph Leidy, of the University of Pennsylvania. MAXWELL SOMMERVILLE. PHILADELPHIA, April 12, I875. tntrrRenial lo0an.R htlbltlon 218 WEST RITTENHOUSE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA. committee on Oerns: JAMES L. CLAGHORN, Chairman. MRS. E. D. GILLESPIE, MRS. THOMAS A. SCOTT, MISS AGNES IR WIN, MRS. THEODORE CUYLER. MRS. HENRY COHEN, Secretary, 1828 SOUTH RITTENHOUSE SQUARE. PHILADELPHIA, April 12, 1875. CABINET OF GEJMS-CASE A. 580. 684. 604. 120. 500. POSTHUMUS, MrEDUSA. XLVIIth Emp. Rom. SCENIC MASK. Antique fragment of the first century. PHILIP, (Cinque cento.) PHIIP,(Ciquecen. Having no cameo of Posthumus, this GALBA, XXXVIth Emp. Rom., coin issued by him is substituted. VTh R VIth Eip Rm and his wife, OTACILIA. [ White Chalcedony.] _____{ [Pale Sardonyx.] 261. 664. 806. 43. 94. YOUNG AUGUSTUS, GERMANICTTUS, CUPID IN BIGA, A FINE HEAD, HERCULES. lid Emp. Rom. Nephew of TIBERIUS. drawnbyagoatandlion. Incognito. [Jasper Onyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] 605. 53 110. ^ 513. CICERO. ________________[Maculated Agate.] CICERO. Oriental Chalcedony.] ~DIADUMENIA~NUS, /^ ^\ ~~~~~Like some cameos of 1 MDIDUENINS, ark Antony, he is cari- 29. 730. XXVIIth Emp. Rom. catured with a faun's. ear. MELEAGEe, INCOGNITO. MARCIANA, Son of A GLADIATOR. Sister of TRAJAN. oNE noPTo E s.. [Red Jasper.] [Oriental Chalcedony.] NEOPTOLEMUS. ~^^^ [Sard.] [Pale Sardonyx.] 2. MEDUSA. 79 6. [Chalcedonyx.] [Onyx] FRAGMENT, SATYR, 41 8. 6 2 4.y llr. With head of a Goat. 674. 416. The Cymbal Player. MAECENAS, [Chalcedonyx.] [Chalcedonyx.1 VOLVSIANUS, BEARDED SCENIC Friend of AUGUSTUS. JOVE SERAPIDES. XLIId Emp. Rom. MASK. 191. 419. [Coral.] [Pale Onyx.] [Purple Calcite.] DOUBLE CAMEO. [Sardonyx.}1 [Corl.] SEPTIMIUS DOMITIA,wife of DoMi581. SEVERUS, TIAN, XIth Emp. Rom.; XXIIId Emp. Rom. and on under side, y PSYCHE, wife of AMOR. [Sardonyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Agate Onyx.] 705. 122. 816. 29. 711. CARACALLA, YOUNGCARACALA YOUNG HERCULES. INCOGNITO. SCENIC MASK, Y UN A DEVOTEE, mGERMANICUS, XXIVth Emp. Rom. Fine cameo. Sonof Nero Claudius Avery fine cameo. Note IDrusus, B.C. 15. open mouth and teeth. P A L L A S. The baths of Caracalla were built during _ [Chalcedonyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Carnelian Onyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] (Minerva.) his reign. Hie assassinated his brother GETA that he might reign alone. GETA 779. 833. 780. took refuge in the arms of his mother, JULIA PIA, hut in vain. CUPID DISARMED BY7VENUS. PHOEBUS IN BIGA, VENUS AND CUPID. [C6halcedonyx.j F~aurquoise.1 [Agate Onpx.-l [Turgquoise.- [Oriental Sardonyx. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE B. 9. 782. 258. 781. 532. PSYCHE AND JUNO'S PEACOCK. JOVE SERAPIDES. VENUS AND THE WOUNDED An antique Greek cameo. ADONIS. TREBONIANUS GALLUS, VESPASIAN, XLIst Emp. Rom. IXth Emp. Rom. _________[Turquoise.] [ Turquoise.] 164. 376. 880. 420. 6. INCOGNITO. A LION. FULL MOON. CUPID IN BIGA, STHENO, (Cinque cento.) Drawn by a lion. Sister Of MEDUSA. (Cinqu cento. donyx.](Cinque cento.) |[Chalcedonyx.] |[Chalcedony x.] [Labradorite.] [Chalcedonyx.1 [Orientalpale Sard.] 598. 119. 391. _____ [Sardonyx.] PLOTINA, JULIA. _____, [Jer On |~~_ __Y ]____ |_ _ - n oWife of TRAJAN, ~ 865. 149. XIIIth Emp. Rom. 202. 151. DONNA. INCOGNITO.ERANICUS, THIAD, [OrientalSardonyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] (Nephew of TIBKRIUS,) One of Dionysus's (Cinquecento.) \ and his wife, ABPPINA suite, with the mask 432. 885. of MEDUSA. [Chalcedonyx.-] [Pale Agate Onyx.] FEMALE HEAD, A FAUN. A Sardonyx. 49 with turreted JEWISH KING. 194. 17. 6~49. 6^ 690. 8crown, signifying JUPITER, MARK ANTONY a city.AUSTINA, ERCULES FAUSTINA, HERCULES. In a mantle called One of the Triumvi- [Alabaster.] [Red Feldspar.] Wife of and LEPIDUS. 2 47. 2 73. [-Red Jasper.] [Chalcedonyx.] PUPIENUS. APOLLO [Oriental Sardonyx.] [OrientalSardesyx.] [Oriental [Oriental 37'9. 11. 199. 441. 488. INCOGNITO. ARISTIDES. NUMA POMPILIUS. CLEOPATRA WITH THE MEDUSA. PROTOGENIS rATT |- A~rGreek philosopher. ASP. (Cinque cento.) A comedian of the lid century. CAIUS GRACCHUS. [Palemaculated Sar- donyx.] [Rich red Jasper.] [Oriental Onyx.] [Yellow Jasper Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] (A plaster impression of antique Intaglio 653. 7 7 7;. 803. worn by the collector.) PART OF AN ANTIQUE APOLLO IN HIS BIGA, OR EURYALE, BETROTHAL AMULET. CHARIOT. Sister of MEDUSA. Mani in fede; or, Hand-in-hand. [Maculated Agate.}] [Chalcedony.} F 0ITurqCoi0se.] Chalcedony. Red Jasper CABINET OF GEMS-CASE C. 373. 627. 862. 507. 390. AQUILIA SEVERA, TRAJAN DECIUS, DIANA IN A BIGA. The Vestal Virgin whom the Emperor XXXVIIIth Emp. Rom., and his wife. HELIOGABALUS made his second wife. AUGUSTUS, secod wife. PALLAS Ist Emp. Rom., and LIVIA, his wife. ~~~~~~~~~and LIVIA, his wife. ____[Turquoise.] [{Chalcedonyx.] [Malachite.] 211. 891. 860. 893. 227. EMILIANUS, INTAGLIO. INTAGLINTAGLIO. GETA, XLIIId Emp. Rom. Group of six children. Brother of CARACALLA XXIVth Emp. Rom. [ Chalcedonyx.] [ Carnelian.] [Smoky Chalcedony.]I [Carnelian.] [Sardonyx.] 628. 4 631. [Sd ] CLODIUS ALBINUSTHE PALLAS OF TROY AGLAIATOR. r[ardonYZ]> x~l~ldE~np Ponl 7 | TEE PALLAS OP TROY., XXIIld Emp. Rom., 656. 148. born at Adrumetum,in 275. 648. Africa. OTHO, OLIVIA. [Sardonyx.] LYSIMACHS, ALEXANDER k[ardonyx.\ VIIth Emp. Rom., a General under of Macedonia. grandson of OTHO ALEXANDER of SALVIus, an Etruria. 6 4 0. 2 1 2. Macedonia-after- (CuthySANTARELLI.) wards King of Thrace. [Lapis Lazuli.] [Sardonyx.] LYSIMACHUS, PTOLEMAEUS. [Pale Agate Onyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] without the horn of 440. 141. Jupiter Ammon. [Sardonyx.] 140. 63. INCOGNITO. MARS AND IOLE, HERCULES. MINERVA, [Chalcedonyx.] [Onyx.] Daughter of EURYTUS Fragment. 7 2. of Occhalia, and be192. 7 0(. loved by HEIRCULES. [Carnelian Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] MATIIA [Egyptian Jasper] [haledoy ~ ~~~~~~~MATIDIA, ^~ ~FEMALE HEAD. 389. Niece of TRAJAN. MEDUSA. (Cinquecento.) 568. [Sardonyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. Turuoise] Jasper Onyx.] 215. 60. 678. 204. 32.. T A 7LTLUCIUS JUNIUS BRUTUS AJAX, AUGUSTUS, APOLLO. ANTIQUE HEAD, ROMAN MASK. GALBA, and The Greek AJAX, one of the League who | Ist Emp. Roum. In rock crystal. VIth Emp. Rom. MARCUS BRUTUS. made war on the Trojans. [Agate Onyx.]. [Pale Sardonyx.] [Jasper.] [Sardonyx.] Lucius Junius has a heard. -~~^' ~ ~ Marcus is without beard. 892. 776. 890. INTAGLIO. THE DEATH OF CLEOPATRA. INTAGLIO. FAgate Onyx.! [Oriental Heliotrope. I [Turquoise.] [Carnelian. [Agate Onyx.} CABINET OF GEJMS-CASE D. 143. 89. 707. 175. 525. A PHILOSOPHER. LENA. ONE OF THE DAUGHTERS OF Bacchante, with a goat's head on her GAEA, shoulder. The personification of the Earth. CLAUDIUS, BACCHANALIAN. IVth Emp. Rom. [Sardonyx.] [Agate Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] (This cameo was cut in the first century, 6 in the epoch of CLAUnIUS.) 08. 644. 801. 4. 01. HERCULES, HEAD OF CHRIST. VENUS IN BIGA, CALIGULA, INCOGNITO. with the lion's skin. (Cinque cento.) drawn by a lion and leopard. Illd Emp. ornom. A curious stone. (Cinque cento.) [Sardonyx.]. [Agate Onyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Agate Onyx.] [Agate Onyx.] 196. 516. 48. [Oriental Sardonyx.] GALLIENUS, SILENUS, [Sardenyx.] XLVth Emp. Rom. A RUDE CHRISTIAN CARVING. Son of HERIMEs, 230. 129. A MADONNA, CHILD, AND TWO SAINTS. and constant co- 174. 1 0. paniou of DIoNYMINERVA. AUGUSTUS, sus (Bacchus). APOLLO. INCOGNITO. 1st Emp. Rom. [4gate Onyx.] [Sard.] 207. 665. [Pale Sardonyx.] [Sardonyx.] PSYCHE, NERO, [Onyx.] {Chnlcedonyx.] 73. 154. with the butterfly wing. [Heliotrope.] Vth Emp. Rom. 695.8 [Onyx.] [Onyx.] ELIUS CESAR, WOMAN OF ~ ANTIQUE ROMAN INCOGNITO. Adopted by the Em- NUBIA. 1 1 817. SCENIC MASK. peror HADRIAN, who 79 8. allowed him to take A ROMAN AFRICAN HERCULES. the title of C2ESAR. OFFERING A LIBATION. [Sardonyx.] [Burnt Chalcedony.] of Carthage. INGALIAIN [Yellow Chalcedony.\ Agate. Onyx.] (Cinque cento.) 75 K fThe part of his costume (n c* 46. 17' 5 0.visible is the Abolla, 6' worn by the soldiers. ~ [Chalcedonyx.] [Sardonyx.]' SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Carnelian.] MINERVA. 576. 185. 71. 186. 256. AJAIX, A caprice. ANTINOUS RUDE CARVING, DIANA, RUDE CARVING, INCOGNITO. Son of TELAMoN-second only to ACHILLES adorned as BACCHUS. of the ninth century. The Goddess of Light. of the ninth century. in bravery. Helmet, head, and breast, ornamented HADRIAN so decorated with masks, him when he died in (In a contest for the armor of ACHILES, Egypt. ULYSSES conquered him, and this caused [Agate Onyx.] [Green Iceland Jasper.] [0nyx.] [Agate.] [C'alcedony.] his death.) 611. 3917. 18. JUNO, DIANA, AGRIPPINA, Queen of Heaven. In her chariot. Daughter of GERMANICUS and JULIA AGRIPPINA. As such she was worshipped at he templ onshe avewrtine at om.(She was daughter, sister, wife, and her temple on the Aventine at Rome. m o a mother of an emperor.) [Onyx.] [TUeqruese.I] [OChalcedenyx.] [Agate Onyx.]l [Sadnyx CABINET OF &GEMS- CASE E. 425. 59. 650. 620. 370. A BACCHANTE. MAXIMINUS PIUS. FIGURE REPRESENTING A XXXIst Emp. Rom. CONQUERED CITY, Also People in Bondage. DOUBLE CAMEO. ESCULAPIUS, Obverse, a rude head. In relief. The "blameless physician," son of APOLLO Obverse, a rude head. In relief. Reverse, Venus. Intaglio. __[Agate Onyx.] [Amazon.] [Chalcedony.] andCoRONS;alsotheGodoftheMedica ~~~ ~' ~' ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ A rt. 888. 804. 848. 96. 127. INTAGLIO. INCOGNITO. GROTESQUE JAPAN- DONNA, INTAGLIO. ESE AMULET, Of 15th century. An Egyptian divinity, found atEsneh,in Egypt [Carnelian.l [AAgate Onyx.1] Amethyst.] [Chalcedonyx.]. [Sfard.] 505. 458. 5. [Green Iceland Jasper.] THREE HEADS. HAND PINCHING [Sardenyx. A Mitre and Two BUST OF A FAUN, AN EAR. 5 88. 9 1. Turbans. With tiger skin. "Don't forget me." 607. 2 0. SCENIC MASK. CICERO, |- [Onyx.] PLATO, SCENIC MASK. An amulet, from a The Roman Orator. 1 8 7. 4 \ 4 7 The comic Athenian Ethiopian features. necklace. B. C. 106. poet. B. C. 428-389. From a necklace. A GREEK PHILOSO- AFRICAN WOMAN. [Obsidian.] [Pale Sardonyx.] PHER. [Sardonyx.] [Obsidian.1 22> e ~1. 82t~1. ~ (Fragment.) 6 4 7 2 21. 82 J1. Through DEPOLETTI. 6 5 4. 4 I6. AN ETHIOPIAN | NERVA, I From a Tuscan collec- [Srdnyx.] SAPPO, IOLE, WOMAN. XlIth Emp. Rom. | [Onyx.] [Onyx.] The Greek poetess; Daughter of EuRYTUS AD. 96-98. one of the two great married to HYLLUS. 7 7 3. 6 5 5. 5 83. leaders of the AEoli- son of HERCULES. [Burnt Chalcedony.] [Onyx.] an schooln [Burnt Chalcedony.] _______ [_Onyx.-] ATTALUS, A SCORPION. HADRIAN. Sardonyx.] Agate Onyx. 5 85. | llKing of Pergamus. Intaglio. XIVth Emp. Rom. 2 3 2 B.C. 241-197. He was the first Roman A patron of literature ) Emperor who wore a and the arts, beard. He let it grow [Sapphire.] to hide the marks from small-pox. [Agate Onyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Chalcedonyx.] ANTONINUS PIUS. 887. 6 01. 634. 55. 49. A BASSARID. XVth Emp. Rom., in Pontifical habit. INTAGLIO. GETA, VESPASIANUS, INCOGNITO. INTAGLIO. (Cut in the 2d century.) XXVth Emp. Rom. IXth Emp. Rom. Bought of Mirza Petros Khan, R Persiancommissionertothe Brother of CARACALLA. A.D. 70-79. Vienna Exhibition. [Heliotrope.] i [ Onyx. ] [ Sapphire. ] [ Onyx.-] [ Carnelian. ] 743. 387. 395. SOCRATES, DOUBLE CAMEO. HEAD OF JOVE. The Athenian Philosopher, B.C. 469. Obverse, an Empress. In relief. Reverse, Virgin and Child. Intaglio. r Chalcedonyx.1] rA gate Onyx.] I [Chalcedony.] [Agate Ony x.] [Chalacedonyx.] CABINET OF GEMSS-CASE F. 240. 213. 847. 277. 138. SAPPHO, GROTESQUE JAPANESE AMULET. INCOGNITO. The Greek Poetess. A native of Mytilene. INCOGNITO. HERCULES, with the lion's skin. [Chalcedonyx.] [Jade.] [Agate.] (The setting and the diamond sparks are medieval and rude. 813. 35. 33. 117. 698, MECENAS, HELIOGABALUS, A GREEK POETESS. ONE OF THE SCENIC MASK. Friend of AUGUSTUS. XXVIIIth Emp. Rom. MEDICIS FAMILY. Had a palace where now th century.) stands Santa Maria In sacerdotal costume. century.) Maggiore. [Agate Onyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Chalcedony. ] [Onyx.] [Lapis Lazuli.] 7 03. 710. __________ _ ___{~[Sardonyx.] 231. ________________ [__[Sardonyx.] OTHO, YOUNG AUGUSTUS. 4 3 4. 10 7. VIIth Emp. Rom. 2\ 7. 22 5. DONNA, INCOGNITO. ARISTIDES. INCOGNITO. of the Greek Philosopher. MEDICIS family. | _ [Sardonyx.] [Pale Amethyst.] (Cinque cento.) [{Chaleedony.] [Chalcedonyx.] 2 6 9. 1 2 5. [Sardonyx.] [Sardonyx.] 52 3. 253. LIVIA, SULLA, CICERO. 219. 751. |PFIGURE OF A PYRRHUSS, |Wife of AUGUSTUS. The Dictator.-B. C. 138. Roman orator. SOCRATES. INCOGNITO. SHEPHERD. King of Epirus. Greek Philosopher. [Sardonyx.] [Agate Onyx.] _ _ [Jasper.] I [Chalcedonyx.] 6 6 7. [Chalcedony Onyx.] 4 _ 1. [Agate Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] 614. CARACALLA, FLORA. 69 4. (In youth.) [Pale Onyx.] SOMMERVIL-LE COLLECTION. [Malachite.] | ESOP, | 4 9. 1 89. 54 O. 2 01. 587. FAUSTI Senior. The Fabulist. PRIAM, THYIAD. CHIMERA, GETA, SCENIC MASK, King of Troy. (A Bacchante.) with two heads. (BrotherofCARACALLA) (of the earliest Roman XXVth Emp. Rom. period.) [Agate.] [Pale Onyx.] [Carnelian.] [Amethyst.] 252. 169. 453. CLODONE. SOCRATES. AN ASSYRIAN KING. (A Bacchante.) (Cut in the third century.) [Sardonyx.] [ Agate Onyx.] [Agate Onyx.]. [Chalcedony. _[ Agate Onyx.] CABINET OF GEIS-CASE C. 396. 450. 571. 265. 702. INCOGNITO. I N COG N ITO. HERCULES, (Two heads.) With the Thespian lion's skin. PHILAMMON, HEAD OF CHRIST, (Greek mythical poet.) [Jasper.] [Sardonyx.] Crowned with thorns. 223. 635. 610. 106. 210. LUCILLA, PIUS VII. HOMER. MARCUS AURELIUS, ANTINOUS, Daughter of MARCUS XYVth Emp. Rom. Favorite of HADRIAN. AURELIUS, and wife of Lucius VERUS. [Sardonyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Jasper.] [Onyx.] [Onyx.] 660. 663. 575. [Agate Onyx.] VIRGILUPE OBVERSE, female head. _________________[ilelirope.] ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JUJPITER, 52. 5 9 2. Latin poet. Surnamed MAXIMUS. REVERSE, head of a 118. 445. (From the collection of VANNUTELLI, a celebrated Roman Pope. AN AMAZON, QUINTIUS avctwohdafnchie.JULIA PAULA, AFUY With Phrygian HOSTILIANUS, [Chalcedenyx.] advocate, who had a fine cabinet. We beretto. XLth Emp. Rom. [Serd~nyx.] HELIOGABALUS. X~th Em. Rom. 1 0 S.AALS ^^~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / 82. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Pale Onyx.-] A VESTAL NOVICE. {[\_{Pale Sardonyx.-]{MaculatedJ CHIMERA, 846. 746. With four heads. 244. 668. MECENAS, A BACCHANAL, QUINTUS SCENIC MASK, [Agate Onyx.] HERENNIUS, (the d century.) 3 6. [ednx] Son of S 7. TRAJAN DECIUS. CLASPED HANDS. 4 7. [Aquamarine, [Pale Onyx.] [Agate.] or Beryl.] [Obsidian.] ZENO, (Such cameos served for wedding rings.) INCOGNITO. Founder of the Stoic 176. 79 4. philosophy. [{ialcedony Onyx.] [Sard.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Pale Sard.] 214. 591. 760. 812. 6. TRANQUILLINA, PARIS. LYSIMACHUS, PTOLEMY, CICERO. GETA, Wife of GORDIANUS Pius. (Laureated.) General of ALEXANDER, King of Egypt. (Resembles.) and King of Thrace. [CialcedlyOnyx, stained.}] [{Chalcedony Onyx.}] Jacinth.] {Chalcedony Onyx.] [Agate Onyx.] 245. 506. 251. IOLE, AN UNFINISHED FEMALE HEAD. INCOGNITO. Beloved of HERCULES. _Sardonyx.]} [Agate Onyx. [Pale Onyx.]} [Agate.-] Chatcedeny Onyx.] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE H. 8. 1. 429. 534. 145. PALLAS. A CHRISTIAN AMULET. HERCULES. ISIS, A GREEK PHILOSOPHER. The Egyptian Divinity. [___________________[Sardonyx.] [Coral.] [Agate Onyx.] (TESiESTLiF.) 616. 90. 676. 410. 639. ARCHYTAS, INCOGNITO. MANNIKIN. INCOGNITO. SOCRATES. of Tarentum. (Cinque cento.) Philosopher and mathematician. 400 B. C. [Sardonyx.] [Agate.] [Chalcedony.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] 2 6 S. 856. [Onyx. HELIOGABALUS. INCOGNITO, XXVIIIth Emp. Bom. EMPEROR TIBERIUS. Fine stone. 193. 600. 281. 772. ALEXANDER TRAJAN, [Onyx.] {Agate.] INCOGNITO. AUGUSTUS AND SEVERUS, XlIlth Emp. Born. ~ ~''~eLIVIA. XXIXthEmp. Rom. 6 1 9. 827. The Esp. caricatured as ~" \/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a faurs. Notice the ear [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] APOLLO. MEDUSA. Agate. r 5. 6 1.~. A valuable fragment of an antique cameo, cut in his epoch. 5 0*.133 6 5. 6 1 5. Finished in plaster, and gilded by the collector. 5 0 3. VENUS. GORDIANUS [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Face of Chalcedony.] [Anethyst.] TWO CHILDREN. JULIUS CUSAR. AFRICANUS, Senior, 706. 400. 734. XXXIst Emp. Rom. ARISTIDPS S MASK. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Oriental Jasper.] ARIIDE. MASK. SCENIC MASK. [Agate.] [Onyx.] 0 ~~~~~~~~Roman. 234. 238. [Red Agate.] [Chalcedony.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Yellow Chalcedony.] 278. 206. 606. 489. 774. A BASSARID, INCOGNITO. One of the companions of DioNysus. ANLA INONITO VALERIANUS, MEDUSA. ASATYR. SCANTILLA, Jnnior, (Cinque cento.) Fragment. Wife of XLVIth Emp. Born. DIDIUS JULIANUS. [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] 470. 180. 188. PLAUTIUS HYPSEUS DECIANUS, LEANDER. CUPID. Consul and colleague of Cut by SANTARELLI. Antique fragment, dug up in the JEMILIUS MAMERCINUS.-B. C. 475. Campagna. [ Red Alabaster.], [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Onyx.] [('ale. Tufa.] [I{yptian Jasper.] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE 1. 687. 669. 759. 764. 647. 762. A CRUCIFIXION. BACCHANTE, INFANT BACCHUS, FAUN. Mediaeval, about the Pale green on red. On a goat. 7th century. -[Antique Peae.] [Antique Paste.] MASK,, 747. A DOLPHIN. Lion's Head. [Antique Peate.] LIVIA, [Antique Paste.] A Christian emblem belonging to 75 8. Wife of Augustus. Remarkable colors. 7 6 3 fishermen. [Antique Paste.-] IOLE. CUPID & PSYCHE. 766. 75 Two figures. CUPID, FAUN, Opalescent. On a goat. Caressing a goat. [Antique Paste.] ________ _ [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] 89 4. [Antique Pasle.] 7'53 HEAD OF MEDUSA, 752. _______________[Antique Paste.] S 1 9. 5 4. A GREEK ANTIQUE. ~~~~~~~A fragment, in an tique paste; very PIOOHR 81 9. 754. A GREEK ANTIQUE. indistinot from age foundaPHILOSOPHER. 876. 721. Fullfac. YllowGrond. Finished in plaster' and tinted by ADUL AK A NALO WARRIOR ON TWO MASKS, F face. Yellow Ground.ltr A DOUBLE MASKc H Obverse and reverse. Antique fragment. [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] {Antiqe Paste.] 590. 756. / 755. 717. AN INTAGLIO. SCENIC MASK. ~- SCENIC MASK. SILENUS AND [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] BACCHUS. S 20. [Asslique Paste.] [Antique Paste.] FRAGMENT.-Fine color. [Antique Paste.] [\AntiqnePaste.] 670. Q 688. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Antique Paste.] 770. 818. 765. 386. A DOLPHIN. A SPHINX, A GOAT. HEAD OF THE DEAD Representing the Emperor CHRT. SCENIC MASK. AUGUSTUS. [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste.]] (Cinque cento.) SCENiC A. 589. [Antique Paste.] FIBULA [Antique Paste.] 1 5 8. Containing an intaglio of ROMULUS and REMUS, and the She Wolf. 4 5 5. CARACALLA, [Antique Paste.] LIVIA, XXIVth Emp. Rom. 7 67. 6 8 3. Wife of Augustus. INTAGLIO. INTAGLIO. Fine color. [Antique Paste.] [Antique Paste. ]..___ JAntique Paste.] ____ [Antique Paste.] __ [J6Chalcedony.]i [Antique Paste.] CABINET OF GEhIMS-CASE J. 21. 51. 62. 74. IOLE. BRONZE COIN, ARISTIDES. The son of PHILIP the Arabian. A NUIBIAN. (In the absence of a cameo of this Emperor, this coin, issued by PALLAS. [Carnelian.] him, is substituted.) [Pale Sard.] 786. 788. CUPID IN BIGA, PREPARING TO POUIR A LIBATION D Trwbs7itons. adON AN ALTAR. \ Turquoise.] [Turquoise.] 529. 461. ______ ____ [Burnt chalcedony.}] Pale Onyx. 7. 263. 264. 54. HERCULES, AN ETHIOPIAN. A ETHIOPIAN HEAD 0P CHRIST JUPITER SERAPIS. FOUND IN THE TIBER, AN ETHIOPIAN. EAD OF CRIST. (Too worn for recognition. Once the property of MARSHAL BLiUCmIER. [Siberian Jasper.] [Agate.] [Agate.] [ lieliotrope. 5 8. 1 1 6. [Coral.]l [Alabaster.] 393. 195. CHLORIS, MATIDIA, JUPITER. A BACCHANTE. Wife of ZEPnIYRus, Niece of TRAJAN, and goddess of flowers. mother of SAMINA. [Sardonyx.] [A gale.] [' gate.] [Onyx.] 530. 531. SOMArMERVILLE COLLECTION. 739. 528. 787. VENUS DANCING BACCHANALIANS. CUPID RUDE CARVIN Offering a sacrifice. On a dolphin. RUDECARVING Characteristic of the ninth century. Characteristic of the ninth century. [Turquoise.] [Turquoise.] 905. 904. INTAGLIO. INTAGLIO. [Agate.] [Carnelian.] [Onyx.] [Carnelian. ________ _______ _ Agate. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE K. f451. 279. 5;17. 380. 761. CUPID. BUST OF THE EMPRESS MARIA THERESA. A FAUN, PALLAS. CALLIMACHUS, [O____. {nyx.]. [Pale Onyx.] Inventor of the Corinthian Capital. 41. 81. WISDOM. JUGURTHA. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Agate.] [Sardonyx.] | L___e_______________, [Carnelian. ] 661. [Jasper.] 166. 556. A PRINCE UNJUSTLY ACCUSED. 9 03. 29. (Similar incident in Genesis, Chapter XXXIX.) PLATO. MINERVA. FAUSTINA, LUCILLA, Greek Philosopher. Junior. Daughter of MARCUS AURELIUS, and wife of LucIus VERUS. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [{Chalcedonyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] 27 1. 7 04. [Sardonyx.] 623. 272. MINERVA. JULIA PIA, 9 RAFPPAELLE. MINERVA, and her son Geta. 2 0 8. INCOGNITO. [Agate.] [Chalcedony Onyx.]\ QOnyx.] [Agate] 5 70. [Carnelian Onyx.] 1 5 0. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. 738. 658. 783. LEDA, PERSONIFICATION OF THE CONQUERED PROVINCE CUPID DIDIUS JULIANUS. and JUPITER as a swan. OF DACIA. offering a libation to LUCIUS JUNIUS BRUTUS. XXth Emp. Rom. VENUS. [] [Turquoise.] 630. INTAGLIO. IPlaster impress of Group of SILENUS, a 6 3 0. Bacchante, and a candidate for admission to the Bacchic mysteries. [F Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Carnelian.] [Agate. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE L. 526. 229. 241. 889. 233. SOCRATES. INTAGLIO. HERCULES. HERCULES. HERCULES [Agate.] [Sard. 784. 8S5. A NAIAD CUPID, Offering a libation to And the Car of JUNO. the god TERMINUS. [Turquoise.] [Onyx. [Turquoise.] [_Chalcedony Onyx.] 46 2. __________ Agate 7 40. 622. A CURIOUS ANTIQUE TURQUOISE. 6 2. 228. TIBERIUS, CARACALLA, A FAUN. INCOGNITO. IId Emp. Rom. XXIVth Emp. Rom. [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] [Agate.] 171. 593. 67. 126. DIONYSUS, BALBINUS, 4 0 2. MEDUSA. HEAD OF CERES, (BACCHUS,) XXXIVth Emp.Rom. SCENIC MASK. (Cinque cento.) Goddess of the Earth. In his youth. [_\Sardnnyx.] [Sardonyx.l] [ __ Chalcedony.] [ Chalcedony.[Jasper Agate.] 8 S 1. SOMMERVILLE Aate.] 1. 5 0. 492. 643. INCOGNITO. A FAUN. RUDE CAMEO. (Cinque cento.) RUDE CAMEO (Stag reposing.) A BUST. (Bear out of cover.) Cut by JEAN GOUJON. [Pale Onyx.] LapL Cut by JEAN GOUJON. Another in Musee de Cluny, Paris. 6. 8 1. GERMANICUS, INTAGLIO. (Nephew of TIBERIUS.) Very rude. F Chalcedony.] [ Ony x.] [Alabaster.], [Sard.}] [ Chalcedon?/. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE M. 618. 442. 686. 45. 248. WILD BOARS, MEDUSA, DOG REPOSING. Set in a bronze brooch of second century, A. D. |LYSIMACHTUS. ~~- [Onyx.]| _ _______ - - [Agate.] _[[Onyx.]. DIOMED,] [Ony. 66. 864. 4 86. 7 9 5. 789. 98. 39. Favored by MINERVA, and the rival of ASPASIA INTAGLIO. DEIANIRA, AN EAGLE. CUPID. MASK OF A A PRIESTESS AcHILIeS. and Daughter of SATYR, in sacerdotal PERICLES. ALTH iA, and robes. Wife of HERCULES. [Pale Sardonyx.] [ Chalcedony.] [Turquoise.] [Sardonyx.] [ Turquoise.] [Black Agate.] [Onyx.] 69 9. 399. SENECA, JOVE. Roman philoso- THE ARK OF NOAH. ____ _______________ {_ [Chalcedony Onyx.] pher.ny Setting of Emeralds and Pearls, of the sixteenth century. [C_________ — [Chalcedony Onyx.] 255. 726. 259. 679. 602. 693. PALLAS. DOMIITIA, LIVIA, LYSIMACHUS. Wife oif DOMITIA. I GNITO Wife of AUGUSTUS. Daughter of TITUS. [_Onyx.1 [Jasper.] [Chalcedo _nyx [Sard.]| [.] [nx [SardA] [ Onyx.] [ Onyx.] 594. 254. 7. [Onyx.] 823. 569. 636. CALIGULA, PESCENNIUS PLAUTILLA MERCURY, CHIMERA. FLUTE-PLAYER. Son of GERMANICUS, NIGER, Wife of 4 03. spots. Woman with a mask 1 P(d XXIstEmp. Rom. CACXXIst om. So.behind. A tyrant. ARACALLA.LNGOASTE. Sardonyx. |[Jasper.] [Cacd. [ Turquoise.] L A N GO A S T E. [ardoy.] behid. [ _ ____ Jasper.-] __ [Chalcedony.] (A shell-fish.) 1 1 2. [Agate.] [Onyx.] 641. ANTONINUS 243. APOLLO. kJ PIUS, [ ~~~[Sard.] ~XVth Emp. [Sard.] Rom. [Sardonyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Chalcedony.] A COCK. 680. 374. 382. 662. 209. 431. 666. CLAUDIUS, Symbol of vigilance, as it announced the MEDUSA (?) ANUBIAN. INCOGNIT. PALLASMOOR. ORIENTAL GETA. IVth coming day. KING, Crown surmounting turban. [Chalcedony [Chalcedonyx.] [Onyx.]l [Sard.]l [Onyx.] [Agate.] [Lapis Lazuli.] Onyx.] 72. 749. 93. LIVIA AND AUGUSTUS. A TRUE PORTRAIT OF THE CRISPINA, HOLY SUDARIUM. HOLY SUDARIUM. Wife of COMMODUS. [_Pale Sardonyx.] F Chalcedony Onyx.]I [Chalcedony.] [ Onyx.] Sard. ] CABINET OF GEMS~ —CASE N. 184. 853. 385. 805. 132. LION'S HEAD, TWO DOMESTIC CATS. HORSE'S HEAD. with a red tongue. HERCULES. [Alabaster.] [Onyx.] [Carnelian.] A PHILOSOPHER. 161. 124. 790. 111. 378. 802. 560. A VESTAL. INCOGNITO. CUPID, DOG. CUPID, ANGEL'S PSYCHE. astride a lion. and a cock. HEAD. (Cinque cento.) [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Agate.] [Turquoise.] [Onyx.] [Turquoise.] [Chalcedony.] [Agate.] 811. 561. 31. NERO, A MOOR. ______gate.] Vth Emp. Rom. GERMANICUS, Sardy. [Chalcedony Nephew of TIBERIUS. 262. 691. nyx.] Nephew of TI. [Onyx.] 633. 280. JULIA, GORDIANUS PIUS 123. \ 220. VALERIAN, PROERPINE, Daughter of TITUS. III. Senior. Daughter of CERES. XXXVth Emp. Rom. AN AMAZON, LIVIA, [Agate.] [Sardonyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Lapis Lazuli.] [Agate.] [_Onyx.] 34. 613. 131. 651. [Onyx.] 15ANTIQU9. 40. LIVIA. ANTIQUE VENUS. PERTINAX, BEARDED WOMAN, PLATO. XIXth Emp. Rom. 4 80. MASK. With a Phrygian cap. [Onyx.] INTAGLIO. [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Onyx.] 25. Bought of Mirza Petros Khan, 1 9. [Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] Persian Commissioner to Vienna Exhibition. ___ THYONE, CHIMERA. 14 7. Mother of Dio- 14 6. NYSUS. (Bacchus.) [Agate.] [Sardonyx. ] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Onyx.] |APOLLO. 577. 621. 563. 559. 553. 645. 381. HANNIBAL, PIUS VII. MEDUSA. OSTRICH. PINE ANTIQUE EAGLE. RAPPFFAELLE. INCOGNITO. The Carthaginian General. CAMEO OF AN Rom. Emnp. ANIMAL. [Pale Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [ White Agate.] [Sard.]l [Onyx.] [Onyx.] 822. 44. 394. LION. HORSE. DOG, [Onyx.-] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedony Ony{.] [Onyx.] _[Aaate.] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE 0. 235. 86. 652. 266. 24. MERCURY. MEDUSA, LIVIA. Daughter of PHORCYS and CETO. | SEMELE5, |[Malachite.] [Sardonyx.] [Pale Onyx.] A MIMALLONE, afterwards called One of the Bacchantes who accompanied THYONE. 584. 101. 906. 413. 3 8. 421. 3 7. DioNYsus in his expeditions. Mother of DIONYSUS (Bacchus)" SCIPIO NUMA INCOGNITO. A CHILD'S DRUSUS, A PORTRAIT AFRICANUS. POMPILIUS FACE. Brother of FRAGMENT. of one of the (Probably.) TIBERIUS.r (Cinque cento.) Medicis. Of the lowest (Cinque cento.) order of carv-( ing. [Chalcedony [Chalcedony [Pale Sardonyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] [Chalcedonyx.] [Malachite.] [Agate.] Onyx.] Onyx.] 808.^ N842. 102. [Chalcedony Onyx.] ZENO. INCOGNITO A NUBIAN. _____Onyx:.] | 26. 71. [{Chalcedony Onyx.] [Onyx.] 170. 250. AUGUSTUS, VIRGIL. ERCULES, A BASSARID. |.iu~ n s~ us | VIR GIL. | 2 1 8-|. 1 0 4. with the lion's skin. CRISPINA, HOMER. Wife of FAgate.] _ [Onyx.] COMMODUS. [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] | 190. 637. Veri [Sard.]ne. [ Chalcedony.] 1 2 7. 190. 637. GORDIANUS A FAUN. 582. [Onyx.] 309. A DIVINITY. PETRARCH'S AFRICANUS, (Cinque cento.) CALIGULA. A Antique fragment, of LAURA. Junior. BACCHANTE. first century. XXXIId Emp. Rom. O 4 8 7. [_______Amethyst.] [Agate Onyx.] [Onyx.]____ __ Onyx.] 173. 217. O) 815. 242. JOVE. VIRGIL. SCENIC MASK [Turquoise.] (Bearded.) [Sard.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. I [ Garnet.] 157. 1 77. 597. 287. 807. 617. 23. A YOUNG ROMAN INCOGNITO. MATIDIA, L. VERUS, A PARTHIAN SEMIRAMIS. DANTE. GETA. PLAUTILLA Niece of XVIIth Emp. SLAVE. consulting the God Terminus. TRWife of CARACALLA, and daughter of the African PLAUTIANUS FUL~IUS. I [Chalcedony [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Black Agate.]I Onyx.] [Onyx.] [Onyx.] 466. 778. 467. RUDE CARVING. SILENUS AND BACCHUS. RUDE CARVING. [ Onyx 1 [Agate ] [Turquoise.] [Agate.] [Sardonyx.} CABINET OF GEMS-CASE P. 599. 452. 457. 469. 490. RUDE CARVING OF BEARDED DOUBLE HEAD. RUDE CARVING. HEAD. Rude carving, characteristic of the 9th century. DRUSUS, PORTRAIT, Brother of TIBERIUS, and father of ____gate.] ___ Agate.] _Agate.] With Ermine Fur Cape GERMANICUS. 22. 6 81. 3. 1 03. 9. 41; 7. LIVIA. WOMAN, INCOGNITO. A GORGON MASK INCOGNITO. CHIMERA. GREEE PHIWith Phrygian LOSOPHER. Berretto. [Chalcedony [Sardonyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.]- [Onyx.] [Red Calcite.] [Pale Onyx.] [Onyx.] Onyx.] 205. 1 63. 2 8 4. CURIOUS BACCHANTE. RUDE PRIAM RVIG [(lialcedany.] m________________ {o[Chalcedony Onyx.] (WilefChalcedony. Asking ACHILLES for the body of HECTOR. (Cinque cento.) 2S. 45 4. ~_ [nj-] 723. 95 MANLIA INCOGNITO. 19 8. 1 \ 00. (Cinque cento.) PARIS SCANTILLA. A PRIEST. CHIMERA, Of Troy. [Chalcedeny Four heads. [ Chalcedony \ / [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.].Onyx.] Onyx. [Agate.] [PaleSardonyx.] 626. 246. 105. [Pale Onyx.] 30. 152. 226. PARIS, JUNO. INCOGNITO. PSYCHE. ONE OP CERES' INCOGNITO. of Troy. SUITE. [Chalcedony.] 8 1 _ [Agate.] [Onyx.] [Onyx.]} 12 1. A FAUN. 6 1. [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] TELLUS, | AMAZON, 7 9. The Divinity of With Phrygian 6 9. the Earth. [Ganet.] Berretto. [Onyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Onyx.] 42. |216. 113. 712. 203. 632. 642. ANTONINUS PIUS, LIVIA. INCOGNITO. VENUS. TWO HYACINTHUS, HADRIN & DIANA. PLAUTILLA COMBATANTS. H U ABDIANA. D Son of AMYCLAS. XVth Emp. Rom. An intaglio. [Chalcedony [Chalcedony (Wife ofCARACAL.) [Agate.] [Sardonyx.1 [Agate.1 [Agate.] _ {Pale Onyx}. _ n _0 }Y.]I Onyx}. ] -50s1. 866. 609. TRANQUILLINA, AUGUSTUS, MARK ANTONY, CUPID. Wife of GORDiANrUS Pius. AND LEPIDUS. ________________[Sarcld jony __ _ ___ [Agate.] f _ Yellow Chalcedony.]_ __[Onyx.}_], _ ___________{Sroy. L = A>'}O{WID IIXte, ~ lllEC~llU(ICIDY: F >rD__ 91[Sardnyx CABINET OF GEMS-CASE Q. 689. 7 8. 179. 12. 828. MINERVA. B I GA, ESCULAPIUS. Guided by CUPID. CINCINNATUS, LI VIA, Preparing to take the field. Widow of AUGUSTUS. [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Sard.] 515. ______________________ [Carnelian.] __________________ [O 172. 161. 134. 27 A PERSIAN SHAH. [Alabaster.] A BACCHANTE, CICERO. VESPASIAN, AN ASIATIC Crownedwith amask. IXth Emp. Rom., HEA(with a gold wreath.) (A Greek cameo.) [Sardonyx.]( [Sardonyx.] [Green Jasper.]-[Onyx.] 446. 84 SCIPIO AFRICANUS. A FEMAL with hand. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. (Rare.) (Cinque cento.) 3. 460. 76. ANTINOUS, C H IM ERA. HERCULES. The favorite of HADRIAN. Very fine. [A mottled Jasper2_ [Sardonx2 [Onyx.] [Aqate.] [Chalcedony. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE R. 438. 718. 224. 433. 236. HELIOGABALUS, A CRETAN NYMPH, INCOGNITO. XXVIIIth Emp. Rom. Leading the goat AMALTHEA to the Very fine. Signed, WILGOT. altar of JUPITER. HEAD, JUPITER. In sacerdotal costume.. -.[Onyx.] [Malachite.] [Agate.] 855. ___________________________{[Green Jasper.] _________________ [Sardonyx.] 239. 137. 181.15 THE BIRTH OF VENUS. Excavated near Genoa. Certified by DE MICHELAS, Turin. [Agate.] HERCULES, TIBERIUS, CLAUDIUS, PA9LAS. lid Emp. Rom. lVth Emp. Rom. Very fine. [Sard.], [Onyx.] [Sard.] [Red Jasper.] 7 20. 80. MERCURY, SEMIRAMIS. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. 565. 638. 4. TRAJAN DECIUS, STAG. IOLE. XXXVIIIth Emp. Rom. (Cinque cento.) [Agate.] [Sardonyx.] [Agate.i ['Chaleedony Onyx.] Sardonyx.} CABINET OF G EMS-CASE S. 444. 810. 5579. 671. 514. TIBERIUS. CINCINNATUS, MARCUS JUNIUS BRUTUS. Called to the Dictatorship. PALLAS. ST. JOHN PREACHING IN THE WILDERNESS. [Onyx.] [ Onyx] [ Onyx.] 496. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~_____~~__ ____________________________________~~~~ ___________________[A Rhone Pebble.800. CH793RIST. 791. 99, An intaglio in rock crystal-Rare. CUPID CUPID CUPID A SACRIPICE. On a dolphin. Pouring a libation At an altar. (Cinque cento.) (Cinque cento.) on an altar. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Turquoise.] [Turquoise.] [Chalcedony Onyx.' 518. _ 69. A PERSIAN HEAD. VITELLIUS, VIIIth Emp. Rom. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. 732. 384. 733. GERMANICUS. A PARTHIAN SLAVE, DOMITIA. [A Rhone Pebble.1 [|Chalcedony Onyx.1] FAgate.1] [Chalcedony Onyx.]| FAlabaster.] __,____,,,,, ~,..... CABINET OF GEMS-CASE T. 285. 67'3. 728. 724. 435. CONSTANTINE. JUPITER SERAPIS. JULIUS CESAR. APOLLO. A WARRIOR, With dolphin helmet..._Sardonyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Alabaster and Agate.] [A Rhone Pebble. 401. 586. 659. 744. PRIAPUS. [Siberian Jasper, red and green.] BEARDED MASK. NERVA. CUPID, HEAD. XlIth Emp. Rom. With a tibia. With Olympian cap. [Onyx.] [I Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Sardonyx. 448. 443. INCOGNITO. SENECA. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. 572. 725. 57 8. MARK ANTONY, FIGURE OF VICTORY, ALEXANDER SEVERUS, Caricatured as a Satyr. Guiding a Biga. XXIXth Emp. Rom., and his mother, JULIA MAMEA. _Alabaster Gypsum. [Agate Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] [Onyx.] [Alabaster on Verd Antique.] ~~~~~u.[AaeOy.].] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE U. 871. 9 870. INTAGLIO, A house, bridge, etc [Amber.] GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRINA, GRAND DUKE PAUL, 477. Of Mecklenburg. GROTESQUE HEAD Of Mecklenburg. [Amber.] 475. VINTAGE. [Amber.] [Amber.] Bringing in the grapes. 471. 472. FIRE, AIR, An allegorical cameo. An allegorical cameo. [Amber.] [Amber.] [Amber.] 8713. 874. PRINCESS MARIANNE, PRINCE FREDERICK 0F THE SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION.. NETHERLANDS Wife of PRINCE FREDERICK, of the Netherlands. | 2 2. A PAGAN PRIEST, [Amber.] 714. 478. A SMALL HEAD. A RUDE HEAD. [Amber.l [Amber.] [Amber.] [Amber.] CABINET OF GEMS —CASE V. 867. 875. 868. WINE. An allegorical cameo. ELIZABETH OF PRUSSIA. FREDERICK WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA. As Crown Princess. [Amber.] As Crown Prince. 886. CUPID DISARMED BY VENUS. [Amber.] [Amber] ] [Amber. 47 3. 474. EARTH. WATER. An allegorical cameo. An allegorical cameo. 844. 843. [Amber.] [Amber.] 869. 8 72. CHILD'S HEAD. CHILD'S HEAD. [Amber.] [Amber.] THE EMPRESS CHARLOTTE PRINCE WILLIAM OP PRUSSIA. OF RUSSIA. SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. 508. NUMA POMPILIUS. [Amber.} F[Am ber.l FAmber.] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE W. 260. 377. 550. 519. 547. 87. 70. A PHILOSOPHER. A WOMAN. ORIENTAL BEARDED PHILIP IV. BEARDED HEAD. DIOGENES. A MOOR. (Cinque cento.) H Greek Philosopher. [Gray Alabaster.] * * [A Rhone Pebble.] [Yellow Calcite.] * 408. 543. 436. 544. 412. SCENIC MASK. JULIUS CESAR, JULIA MAMEA, BEARDED MASK. Mother of THE HALL OF JUDGES. ALEXANDER SEVERUS. A rude Christian carving. ________* _____________ [Alabaster.] [Alabaster.] * [Alabaster.] 845. 3 75. 83. 82. MASK, A BACCHANAL. VENUS. VITELLIUS, Vlllth Emp. orom. 7 ___ * |_ ___ [Mottled Calcite.] [Red Calcite.] [A Rhone Pebble. 548. 541. 542. 551. BEARDED HEAD. ACHILLES, JULIUS CESAR. BEARDED HEAD. I ____ * _ _ [Alabaster.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. ___ ________ [Alabaster. * 830. 713. 144. 155. 692. 552. 415. OBVERSE-a Gorgon Mask. COSTUME CAMEO. TWO HEADS, A CHINESE FIGURE. ZENOBIA AND ODENATUS. SOCRATES. DIOGENES. REVERSE-Mask of a Satyr. In helmet and turban. Rude carving. F Yellow Calcite.1 * [Almagatolite.] _ * * These specimens are Tenera (shell and other tender calcareous substances.) CABINET OF GEMS-CASE X. 562. 13. 156. 85. 406. 549. 546. COSTUME CAMEO. A PHILOSOPHER. HERCULES, HEAD OF AGRIPPA. EPICURUS. BEARDED HEAD. WARRIOR. Strangling the lion, ____________________* I* I * __________________________*___________________{[Red Calcite.] [Gray Calcite.] * * 545. 372. 437. 839. 731. MINERVA. OBVERSE-A Persian King. A PHILOSOPHER. WARRIOR, REVERSE-A Tiara. With shield. A CHRISTIAN CARVING. The entombment. [Alabaster.] * [Serpentine.] [Alabaster. 484. 84. 88. 536. A GREEK A BACCHANAL, BACCHUS. NAPOLEON I. PHILOSOPHER. ___ * [ [Yellow Calcite.] [Red Calcite.] [Red Cal.] 424. 45. 459. 409. AN EGYPTIAN TERRA COTTA. [Alabaster.] A PHILOSOPHER. PRIESTESS. (Roman.) Three remarkably dissimilar heads, cut on the strata of one piece of Conchiglia. [Red Calcite.] * SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. * [Serpentine.] 485. 427. 902. 527. 493. 383. 564. A CAMEO, ROMULUS, REMUS, A BIGA. INCOGNITO. WILD BOAR HUNT. BEARDED HEAD. INCOGNITO. On a common pebble. AND THE WOLF. A specimen of carving in Pearl. l _ _______________ * I_______________________* I______* I [A Rhone iPebble.]| * *, [ [Alabaster.] * These specimens are Tenera (shell, and other tender calcareous substances). CABINET OF GEMS-CASE Y. 697. 130. 463. 388. 136. VENUS. A BACCHANAL. LENA. (Bacchante.) ANTISTHENES, DIONYSUS, A disciple of Socrates. (BACCHUS.) [Sardonyx.] _ [Green Jasper.] [ Chrysoprase.] (Cameo with a hand.) 4 8. 5 12. NERO, 491. Vth Emp. Rom., And POPPEA, his wife. [______Red Jasper.] A NEGRO, [Amethyst.] WOMAN. --- 4 14. (Cinque cento.) 4 4. JULIA, [Alabaster.] OBVERSE-St. Michael and the Dragon. Daughter of TITUS. [Agate.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] REVERSE-The Resurrection. 52 4. 6 2 5. (Cinque cento.) A KING. ARISTIDES. [Coral.] [Cr. SCENIC MASK. 1 6. An antique of the first century. 8 2 6. [Sard.] COMMODUS, [Ja.Sper.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Sard.] PETRARCH'S LAURA. XVIIIth Emp. Rom. 852. 439. 168. MARCUS AURELIUS. LYSIMACHUS. HYGEIA, XVIth Emp. Rom. Goddess of Health. [ Onyx.] [Sardonyx. j [Alabaster.] [Agate. __ _ Sardonyx.] CABINET OF GEMS-CASE Z. 142. 696. 657. 182. 139. MASANIELLO. CLEOPATRA, HERCULES. On a cuneiform stone. PRIAM, MINERVA. King of Troy. [Sardonyx.] [Green Jasper.] [Sard] 20. 879. 14. JUNO, A MENAD. LUCIUS VERUS, [Agate.]\ XV^ t E{C[halcedony Onyx."' ~'~^'-~^~~~[gae. XVIIth Emp. Rorn., ~~ 7 42. And LUCILLA, his wife. 7 7 5. A DIVINITY, CUPID, With devotees imploring his protection. [Chalcedony Onyx.] On horseback, with a goat's skin. {Sard.-] 2. 595. [Agate.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sard.] VENUS. ARISTIDES. 77. 10. COMMODUS, JULIUS CESAR. XVIIIth Emp. Rom. [Net hard.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. [Not hard.\ 178. 497. 267. JUPITER. WARRIOR, PALLAS. With shield and lance. [Agate.] [Onyx.-] [Agate Onyx.] [Agate Onyx.] [Ohalcedony Onyx] CABINET OF GEMS-G OLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE AA. 456. 327. 322. 316. PYRRHUS. ARIOSTO, HERTHA, FAUSTINA, King of Epirus. Italian poet. Goddess of the Earth. Wife of M. AUELIUS. [Sardonyx.] [ Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Agate Ony 555. A SLAVE OF ALEPPO. An Oriental gem. 0 325. 337. [Sard.] 301. 331. HOMER. HYACINTHUS. LUCIUS VERUS. VESTA, Goddess of the Hearth. 0 0 0 495. [Onyx.] 0 [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] MAXIMIU PI [Ony.] MAXIMINUS PIUS, XXXth Emp. Rom. Greek cameo. Signed. ~~502. 360. 52 1. OBVERSE-Maximinus Pius-In relief. 5 0 4 3 PTOLEMY. A WARRIOR IN A BIGA, REVERSE-a figure of Victory-Intaglio. HORATIUS, MICENAS. | ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~PTOLEM]E~Y. A WARRIORIN0 I 13rir ] Defending the bridge. Drawn by two camels, Victory [ about to crown him. 0 0 0 03 [OOny.] [Onyx.] [Agate.] 511. 851. A CHILD'S HEAD. A CAMEO. In Relief and in Intaglio. 0 The outer serpent is cameo. In relief. The cock, etc., in the centre. Intaglio. 2 9 8. |8 3 6. 3 1 2. [-Ruby.] The outer serpent is a Bisa swallowing his own V I R G I L. MARCUS AURELIUS, PETRARCH. tail,-Eternity. XVIth Emp. Rom. Centre, a Cock-Vigilance; and a Bazelisco,-the serpent hatched by a hen. 0 0 [Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-GOLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE BB. 349. 288. 832. 737. PSYCHE. DEIANIRA, A CHIMERA A WARRIOR. Wife of HERCULES Three masks Roman Intaglio. Q Q0 318. 0 AUGUSTUS, [Onyx.] [Agate.] IId Emp. Rom. [Sardonyx.] [Pale Onyx.] A Greek cameo, Signed L' rHISAAI. 0 [ White Topaz.] 291. 573. 596. 426. BACCHANTE. MEDUSA. MEDUSA. TITUS, (Cinque cento.) Set with diamond sparks. Xth Emp. Rom. o'(Cinque cento.) 0 0 [Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] 3 3 2. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] JUGURTHA, King of Numidia. 0 49 4. 854. [Chalcedony Onyx.] 465. 3 45. JUPITER SERAPIS. ETRUSCAN SCARABEUS. A SLEEPING DOG, JUPITER SERAPIS. 0 0 00 [Pale Onyx.] [Emerald.] [Emerald.] [Pale Onyx.] 324. A KALMUCK. 320. 369. ( 365. 361. NERO, A MEDICIS. [Agate.] A MEDICIS. JOVE. Vth Emp. Rom (Cinque cento.) (Cinque cento.) Fine cameo. 0 (D 0 [Pale Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-GOLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE CC. 321. 303. 307. 346. DOMITIAN, CHLORIS, JUPITER. INCOGNITO. XIth Emp. Rom. A floral divinity. 840. 0 PTOLEMJEUS AULETES, [Onyx.] [Agate.] [Sardonyx.] The flute-player, son of PTOLEMEUS LATHYRUS. [Sardonyx.] 0 [Agate.] 336. 483. 736. 834. A BULL. HOMER. MARCUS AGRIPPA, ANTIQUE GREEK INTAGLIO. Son-in-law of AUGUSTUS, and Grand With inscription. Admiral of the Roman fleet. oI~~~ 0o 11~~~~~ [Pale Sard.] [Pale Onyx.] 3 4 0. [Onyx.] DOMITIAN, Xlth Emp. Rom. 0 |305. 504. [Carnelian.] 350. 342. MARCUS AURELIUS, MARIA THERESA. TITUS, PTOLEMY, XVIth Emp. Rom. Xth Emp. Rom. King of Egypt. [Sard.] [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedony.] 709. DIANA IN BIGA. 0 359. 333. 330. 335. TIBERIUS, INCOGNITO. [Onyx.] AUSTINA. GROTESQUE HEAD. lid Emp. Rom. [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Sardonyz.] [Onyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-GOLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE DD. 352. 297. 294. 356. OCTAVIA, INCOGNITO. BACCHANTE. NUMA POMPILIUS, Daughter of CLAUDIUS, IVth Emp. Rom. lid King of Rome. In sacerdotal costume. 0 0 46. 0 A FAUN, {[Red Jasper.] [Chalcedony Onyx.]' [Onyx.] [Sard.] [Onyx.] 557. 858. 323. 363. PARIS OF TROY. GROTESQUE HEAD. TREBONIANUS GALLUS, GORDIANUS PIUS III, XLIst Emp. Rom. XXXVth Emp. Rom. 831. [Carnrelian.] [Onyx.] MELPO{ENE, [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] One of the nine Muses, who presided over Tragedy. [Sardonyx.] 295. 358. 539. 364. INCOGNITO. MARCUS AURELIUS. BEARDED MASK. A WARRIOR, In youth. With shield. (D XVIth Emp. Rom. 0) (D [Pale Onyx.] [Agate] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Onyx.] [Ayete.] 86 3. JUPITER TONANS. 290. 313. 338. 368. HADRIAN, JUPITER. [Onyx.] ZENON, OLYMPIA. XIVth Emp. Rom. Greek Philosopher. Remarkable color. [Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Carnelian Onyx.] SOMMTERVTLLE COLLTCTTON. / CABINET OF GEJMS-G OLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE EE. 343. 344. 422. 362. MAGDALEN, TURBANED ETHIOPIAN HERCULES AND IOLE. PHRYGIAN AMAZON. o 0 00 [Pale Onyx.] [Onyx.] 49 9. [Sardonyx.] [Agate.] LION DEVOURING A HORSE. 0 [Jasper Onyx.] 311. 859. 537. 289. RHEMETALCES, INCOGNITO. MEDUSA. DOMITIAN, King of Thrace. XIth Emp. Rom. 0 0 00 [Pale Sardonyx.] [Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] [Pale Sardonyx.] 83 5. WARRIOR, WITH MEDUSA ON HIS SHIELD. 0 566. 857. 884. 482. A SATYR. INTAGLIO. [Onyx.] INTAGLIO. DIOGENES. Priapus. 00 0 392. [Sard.] [Agate.] GORGON MASK. [Sardonyx.] [Agate.] 0 [Chalcedony Onyx.] 315. 299. 538. 308. 341. A FIGURE OF VICTORY AS HISTORY. ARISTIDES. ROMAN MA S K. MESSALINA, COMMODUS, (Cinque cento.) Third wife of Nero. XVIIIth Emp. Rom. [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Chalcedony.] [Onyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Agate Onyx.] LSOMMRVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-GOLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE FF. 351. 328. 558. 357. INCOGNITO. MELEAGER. CLAUDIUS, BASSARA IVth Emp. Rom. (Bacchante.) o00 0 0 829. [Siberian Jasper.] [Sard.] UPTRSEAISIND[Agate.] [Onx. ^rian^^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~JUPITER, SERAPIS, ISISLAND ^ HORUS. 0 [Cameo in Gold.] 326. 339. 293. 554. CUPID. ALEXANDER. COMMODUS, CARLO BORROMEO, XVII1th Emp. Rom. Of the Medicis family. 0 0 0 0 [Onyx.] [Onyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] [Pale Sardonyx.] 31 7. MEDUSA. 0 353. 464. 329. 292. PSYCHE. INCOGNITO. AN AFRICAN. HYACINTHUS. Emp. Rom. 00 00 [Onyx.] [Sard.] [Jasper.] [Sardonyx.] 447. THE CRUCIFIXION. (Early Christian.) 302. 300. 334. 533. OTHO, CLEOPATRA. [Jasper.] A PHILOSOPHER. CASSANDER, VYIth Emp. Rom. King of Macedonia. 07) 00(Without the lion's skin.) [Chalcedony.] [Aga'e.] [Gray Alabaster.] [Onyx.] SOMMRRVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-GOLD, SILVER, AND BRONZE RINGS-CASE CC. 306. 498. 314. 348. jESCULAPIUS. MASK OF A SATYR. LENA (Bacchante). MAC(INUS, XXVIth Emp. Romn. 0 0.0 0 [Sardonyx.] [Sardonyx.] 42 \_[Onyx.] [Pal Onyx.] AN OWL'S HEAD. 0 [Pale Sardonyx.] 310. 520. 347. 354. LYSIMACHUS. FIGURE OF MINERVA. SEMELE, HESIODUS, A Breviary ring of PHILIP II, of Spain, Poet of the Beotian school. o 0 with knobs or points, to count prayers. 0 [Chalcedony.] [Onyx.] [ [Chalcedony Onyx.] 5 10.0 SOCRATES, [Pale Sardonyx.] And his mask. 0 67 5. 296. [Sardonyx.] 36 7. 6 BRONZE RING OF 1st CENTURY, ROMAN INTAGLIO. A NEGRO. BRONZE RING OF 1st CENTURY, With Intaglio. In antique paste. With Intaglio. In antique paste. 0Q o [Carnelian.] [Onyx.] 7~22. A WOUNDED GLADIATOR. 0 428. 366. [Sardonyx.] 355. 319. CLEOPATRA. OLIVIA, M. AGRIPFA, SOCRATES. A Priestess. Grand Admiral under AUGUSTUS. 0 0 0. 0 [Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] [Chalcedony Onyx.] [Sardonyx.] SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION. CABINET OF GEMS-CASE I1. 882. 768. 719. 481. 883. LARGE BROWN A CHALCEDONY SEAL, CURIOUS ETRUSCAN SCARAB1EUS. A SARD SEAL, LARGE GREEN EGYPTIAN SoARABnEUS. [Agate.] From Ninevah, with rude Intaglio of a Phce- EGYPTIAN SCARABEUS. From Ninevah, with rude intaglio of a winged nican horse boughtf ERZA PATRO rahn hull. An Assyrian symbol. i~i<^ uu^^, nician horse, bought of MERZA PATROS, Kahn bull. An Assyrian symbol. Persian Commissioner to the Vienna Exhibition. + + + EGYPTIAN IDOL. + 2<6,...... 8........,,..-.. |~ 2 <\\6. \ \I EGYPTIAN / / SCARABUS.' EGYPTIAN 1 //'. A COWRY, \\ -- - RAB S. - I nscription, - - SCARAB U~'?. -. //;...;...-,..-.,....' -~.-.....,~ Sun and Moon.',....,,-. —----—'.' —- ------- EGYPTIAN IDOL. With Cameo. —-EGPINDO 900. 899.' EGYPTIAN A A SICILIAN AND EGYPTIAN NECKLACE., EGYPTIAN i SCARABIUS.,.' SCARABEUS. \' //-l,'-' 897'. AN EGYPTIAN' ji7 898' $9. i-.. \\.' |- — / / |' \.EGYPTIAN.! —1 —-T SCARABEUS, L J EGYPTIAN \. [C.] -SCR- --—.SGARAB RnSg'Without inscript'n..' [ar3. —-n.-. —------— n e.'' — -— ~'~~'~'~'~' ~There are two similar in the' --—' museum at Boloana, and four in the Louvre, Paris. PLASTER:~ 65. 849. IMPRESSION ___ ETRUSCAN 850. _:_) iSCARABEUS. ASSYRIAN CYLINDER. OF ASSYRIAN LINDER 685. 895. ASSYRIAN CYLINDER. 1 68v.'AN EGYPTIAN, 283.~ ~ +' AMULET, [Obsidian.] 83., With a Cartouch O1i +:' on each side. 4-5 + GREEN EGYPTIAN \ ETRUSCAN SCARABEUS. SCARABEiUS. Chalcedony. 825.' ~~\ 128., AN ETRUSCAN 896 AN EGYPTIAN + SCARABEUS. N SCARABEUS. EGYPTIAN [Carnelian.]' IDOL. EGYPTIAN IDOL. EGYPTIAN IDOL. ~+~~0 [Egyptian Jasper.]: ~^.-'^_^ Necklace fbund by the collector in an Egyptian tomb, Feb., -~ SOMMERVILLE COLLECTION.