A S Y S T E OF M- IN E R ALO G —. DES-CRIPTIVE MINERALOGY, COMPRISING THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES. BY JAMES DWIGHT DANA, SILLIMAN PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY IN YALE COLLEGE. AUTHOR OF A MANUAL OF GEOLOGY; OF REPORTS OF WILKES'S U. S. EXPLORING EXPEDITION ON GEOLOGY; ON ZOOPHYTES; AND ON CRUSTACEA, ETC. AIDED BY GEORGE JARVIS BRUSH, PROFESSOR OF MINERALOGY AND METALLURGYt IN TIIE SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF YALE COLLEGE. "Hlec stzGdia nobisclSm peregriIaIntz'.... rwsticaztur." FIFTH EDITION. REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED,' AND ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF SIX HUNDRED WOODCUTS. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SON, PUBLISHERS, NO. 2 CLINTON PLACE. 1868. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by JOHN WILEY & SON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. THE NEW YORKI PRINTI NG COMPANY, 8Ij 83, and 85 Centre Streeft NEW YORK. PREFACE. THE large size of this volume on Descriptive Mineralogy, exceeding by one-half the corresponding part of the preceding edition, is not without good reason. In the first place, the long interval of fourteen years has elapsed since the last edition was published, and during this period the science has made great progress. Chemical researches have been carried forward in connection with almost every species, and analyses have been largely multiplied; and it is the plan of the work to be complete in this department, so far as to include all analyses. Crystallographic investigations also have been numerous and important. Moreover, the number of species has been much enlarged, and every part of the science has had accessions of facts. In addition, a new feature has been given the work, in the systematic recognition and description of the varieties of species. The first edition of this Treatise, that of 1837, was written in the spirit of the school of MoHs. The multitudes of subdivisions into subspecies, varieties, and subvarieties, based largely on unimportant characters, which had encumbered the science through the earlier years of this century,. and were nearly smothering the species, were thrown almost out of sight by MoHs, in his philosophic purpose to give prominence and precision to the idea of the species. Much rubbish was cleared away, and the science elevated thereby; but much that was necessary to a full comprehension of minerals in their diversified states was lost sight of. In the present edition an endeavor is made to give varieties their true place; and to insure greater exactness with regard to them, the original locality of each is stated with the description. Further, the work has received another new feature in its historical synonymy. A list of synonyms has hitherto been mainly an index to works or papers on the species, and often without any regard to the original describer or description. 1IAUSMANN's admirable Handbuch (1847) is partly an exception. LEONHARD'S "Oryktognosie " (1821, 1826), following the method of REUss of the opening century, contains a full catalogue of references to publications on each species; but it fails of half its value because the references have no connection in any way with the synonymy. In most recent works, an author who has merely adopted a name is often quoted as if the original authority. The present work is no longer open to this criticism. As now issued, the first author and first place of publication of each species, and of each name it has borne, and of the names of all its varieties, are stated in chronological order, with the dates of all publications cited; and, besides, remarks are added in the text when the subject is one of special interest. The facts and conclusions have been derived in almost all cases from the study of the original works themselves; and this Treatise has become thereby, to some extent, an account of ancient as well as modern minerals. These historical researches added a third to the labor of preparing the edition for the press, thereby delaying the publication of the work about a year. But such studies are endless, especially when they relate to past centuries, and the work, however long continued, must be incomplete. As an example: the word schorl, which figured largely in the mineralogy of the last iv PREFACE. century and the earlier part of the present, is traced by some writers to the Swedish, and is cited from CRONSTEDT (1758). From Dr. NAUMANN, of Leipsic, I learned of the occurrence of the word in the Magnalia Dei of BRUCKMANN (1727). Afterward I found it in ERCKER'S Aula Subterranea (1595); and later in GESNER on Fossils (1565), and in the Sarepta of MATTHESIUS (1562), which contains a detailed description of it. In what earlier works the word occurs, and what was its origin, are among the questions unanswered. (See further p. 205.) The introduction of formulas on the basis of the new system of chemistry, with the necessary explanations, constitutes another addition. The formulas, it will be observed, while in principle those of the leaders of the system, have some peculiar features, serving to give them greater compactness on the page, and make them more easy of comparison, and bringing out well the unity and simplicity of type among inorganic compounds. In these and other ways the volume has unavoidably become enlarged. Not a page, and scarcely a paragraph, of the preceding edition remains unaltered, and fill five-sixths of the volume have been printed from manuscript copy. I may here add, that, notwithstanding the impaired state of my health, this manuscript-the paragraphs on the pyrognostic characters excepted —was almost solely in the handwriting of the author, or in that of a copyist from it. Neither the consultation of original authorities, the drawing of conclusions, nor the putting of the results on paper, has been delegated to another. And being now but half way between the fifties and sixties, it is my hope that the future will afford another opportunity for similar work. The optical qualities of minerals have been but briefly stated, and in general for those species alone which seemed to require this addition to their distinctive characters, as a full presentation of them would have added much more to the size of the volume. The best work on the subject, and one containing many original observations, is the excellent Mineralogy of IDESCLOIZEAUX, the first volume of which, on the Silicates, was published in 1862. The second, unfortunately for the science, has not yet appeared. Other works in t'his department are BRooXE & MILLER'S Mineralogy (1852); GRAILICH'S Vienna edition of MILLER'S Crystallography (1856), and his own Krystallographisch-optische Untersuchungen (1858). In classification, the general system remains unaltered. It is based on a comprehensive view of the characters of minerals as species in the inorganic kingdom of nature, the preeminence being given to chemical, the next place to crystallographic, the third to the different physical characters. The author believes (after having tried the so-called natural history system of MOHS for two editions) that light from no source should be shut out where the relations of species and groups in nature are to be determined. As in the preceding edition, the method avoids almost entirely the distinction, in most cases wrong, founded on the fact of the base in oxygen ternariies or salts being in the protoxyd state, or in the sesquioxyd, or in both combined, and proceeds on the ground that the basic elements in these and the other different states are mutually replaceable in certain proportions determined by their combining power with oxygen. But while the progress of chemistry and the kindred sciences requires no modification of the general plan of the classification, but gives it new support, it has rendered many minor changes necessary, and some that are of much importance. The historical inquiries above alluded to were prompted by a desire to place the nomenclature of mineralogy on a permanent basis. They were incident to a search after a reason for choosing one name rather than another from among the number that stand as claimants. Part of the existing diversity is due to national partiality, and much of it to indifference. It has become somewhat common for authors to select the name they like best without reference to authority, or to reject an old for PREFAC:E. a new one on no other ground than that of their preference. Increasing confusion in nomenclature has consequently attended the recent progress of the science; and in view of this fact the novel expedient has been tried of endeavoring to escape the confusion by adding one more to the number of names. The right method is manifestly that which has proved so successful in the other natural sciences, viz., the recognition, under proper restrictions, of the law of priority; and this method the author has aimed to carry out. Moreover, it has seemed best that the science should not only have a system of nomenclature, but should also stand by it; that, accordingly, the termination ine, which is prominently chemical, should be left to the chemists, and that other miscellaneous endings should, as far as possible, be set aside, or be made to conform to the system. With this in view, changes have been made in accordance with the principles explained in the course of the remarks beyond on Nomenclature. In the preparation of this volume, the author owes much to the cooperation of his friend, Prof. GEORGE J. BRUSH. Prof. BRUSN has had sole charge of the blowpipe department. The pyrognostic characters have been entirely rewritten by him; and while he has had the works of PLATTNER and voN KOBELL always at hand, he has, for much the larger part of the species, made personal trials of the reactions before writing them out; so that, although the facts stated are not generally new, they still are mostly from his own observations. His skill also in analytical chemistry, and his thorough knowledge of minerals, have enabled him to remove doubts, afford aid and advice, and furnish new facts, on various points throughout the progress of the work. Prof. BRUSH has also given the proofs, while the work was in the press, the benefit of his revision. I take pleasure also in acknowledging the assistance of Prof. GEORGE F. BARKER of this city, an excellent chemist in both the old and new systems, during the last six months before the book went to press; and later, that of SYDNEY EH. SMITHI, assistant in the zoological department of Yale College. The author is under obligations to many men of science for their kind response to his inquiries, and for much information in their letters; among whom be would mention, with gratitude, Dr. CARL F. NAUMANN of Leipzig, W. HAIDINGER of Vienna, Prof. VON KOBELL of Munich, FRIEDRICH HESSENBERG of Frankfort-on-the-Main, Dr. G. VOM RATH of Bonn, Dr. G. A. KENNGOTT of Zurich, Dr. HANNS BRUNO GEINITZ of Dresden, Dr. A. KUNTH of Berlin, Dr. A. KRANTZ of Bonn; Prof. FORCHHAMMER of Copenhagen, Dr. A. E. NORDENSRIO6LD of Stockholm, Prof. C. W. BLOMSTRAND of Lund, Sweden, Mr. L. J. IGELSTR6M Of Filipstad, Sweden, Prof. A. E. ARPPE of Christiania, Norway; Louis SmEMANN of Paris, whose letters were numerous and always valuable, and whose death, in 1866, was a misfortune to this work as well as to the sciences he cultivated; Prof. A. DESCLOIZEAUX of Paris, A. DAMOUR of Paris, F. PISANI of Paris, Mr. GUYERDET of Paris; DAVID FORBES, Esq., of London, N. S. MASKELYNE, Esq., of the British Museum; Dr. F. A. GENTH of Philadelphia, Prof. C. U. SHEPARD of Amherst, Prof. J. P. COOKE of Cambridge, Mass., Prof. C. M. WARREN of the Technological Institute, Boston, Prof. T. S. HUNT of Montreal, Prof. JAs. C. BOOTH of the U. S. Mint, Philadelphia, Prof. H. How of Windsor, Nova Scotia, Profs. SILLIMAN, O. C. MARSH, A. E. VERRILL, and W. H. BREWER, of New Haven, Ct., W. WV. JEFFERIS, Esq., of Westchester, Pa., and Prof. A. WINCHELL of Ann Arbor, Michigan. In addition, the book has received private contributions to the text of analyses and other information from P. COLLIER, B. S. BURTON, C. S. RODMAN, C. A. GOESSMANN, C. S. SHARPLES, G. F. BARKER, G. C. WHEELER, and E. W. ROOT. Among works consulted, the publications on chemical mineralogy of RAMMELSBERG of Berlin, and especially his Mineralchemie, have afforded great assistance. The very full and able Annual Reports (or Uebersichte) of Dr. KENNGOTT Of Zurich, on Vi PREFACE. the progress of mineralogy from 1844 to 1861, and those of the Giessen Jahresbe. richt, have been freely and constantly consulted. Much use has been made also of the mineralogical works of DESCLOIZEAUX, DUFR/NOY, HIIAUSMANN, BREITHXAUPT, NAUMANN, HAIDINGER, VON KOBELL, KOKSCHAROF, HESSENBERG, QUENSTEDT, BROORE & MILLER, GREG & LETTSOM, and SHEPARD; also the valuable History (Geschichte) of Mineralogy of VON KOBELL; the classical work on the Precious Stones and Gems of the Ancients by KING; and the various recent American Geological Reports. Among these Reports, the volume of the Canadian survey for the year 1863, containing extended mineralogical contributions by Prof. T. S. HUNT, deserves special mention. A full list of the works consulted in studying up the history of the species, and the later progress of the science, is to be found on pages xxxv to xlv of the Introduction. In Crystallography, the sources of recent information have been mainly KOKSCHAROF'S Mineralogie Russlands, and his Memoirs in the Bulletin of the St. Petersburg Academy; DESCLOIZEAUX'S Mineralogie, and various Memoirs; the Mineralogische Notizen of F. HESSENBERG, of which eight parts have appeared; NAUMANN'S and QUENSTEDT'S works on Mineralogy; the Memoirs of ZIPPE, VON ZEPHAROVICHI, GRAILICH, A. SCHRAUF, V. LANG, ZIRKEL, and KENNGOTT, in the Berichte and Denkschriften (mostly the former) of the Vienna Academy; of DAUBER, G. RosE, voM RATH, SCHRoDER, SCHABUS, in Poggendorff's Annalen; of WEBSKY and voM RATH, in the Zeitschrift of the German Geological Society at Berlin; of A. E. NORDENSKIOLD, in the (Efversigt of the Swedish Academy; of QUINTINO SELLA, in his Studii, and in the publications of the Turin Academy; of MILLER, V. LANG, MASKELYNE, and GREG, in the Philosophical Magazine; of Prof. J. P. COOKE, in the American Journal of Science. The Mineralogy of BROOKE & MILLER (1852) has been freely used again, as in the preparation of the preceding edition. This volume would probably be more acceptable to some chemists if the formulas on the old system were rejected altogether. But chemistry has not advanced so far on the new road, but that most mineralogical papers are still written as if there were no new system, and a large part of chemists would understand the constitution of the species better from the old formulas than from the new. Moreover, the great majority of the persons who consult a Mineralogy would find the new formulas and new terminology quite unintelligible. It has seemed reasonable therefore that both systems should be presented. The new formulas will be more easily understood or learned from their association with the old, and thus the book may help forward the views it only partially adopts. The past history of the work evinces no aversion to change where the progress of science requires it. This work has been posted up, as far as was possible, to the date of publication. The facts which have come to hand too late for their proper place in the volume, are inserted in a Supplement. And it is proposed to make this the first of a series of supplements to appear from time to time in the American Journal of Science. April 30, 1868. JAMES D. DANA. From the Preface to the First Edition (1837). * * * * * The classification of the mineral species, which is here adopted, is strictly a Natural Arrangement. The superiority of this method is exhibited in the body of the work, and in connection with the remarks on Chemical Classifications, in Appendix B. Although founded by MOHS on the external characters of minerals, it exhibits, in a considerable degree, the chemical relations of the species; and those who are accustomed to prefer a chemical arrangement will probably perceive that, in addition to such qualities as appear to recommend the chemical method, it possesses other advantages not less important. PREFAOCE. Vii The changes which have been made in the nomenclature of minerals appear to be demanded by the state of the Science. The present names, excepting those proposed by MoHs, are utterly devoid of system, unless we may consider such the addition of the syllable ite to words of various languages; and even this glimmering of system has been capriciously infringed by a French mineralogist of much celebrity; -they seldom designate any quality or character peculiar to the mineral; neither do they exhibit any of the general relations of the species, by which the mind may, at a glance, discover their natural associations, and be assisted in obtaining a comprehensive view of the science. On the contrary, they are wholly independent, and often worse than unmeaning, appellatives, and are only tolerable in a very unadvanced state of the Science. As a necessary consequence of this looseness of nomenclature, most.of the species are embarrassed with a large number of synonyms, a fertile source of confusion and difficulty. As a remedy for this undesirable state of things, a system of nomenclature, constructed on the plan so advantageously pursued in Botany and Zoology, was proposed by the author in the fourth volume of the Annals of the New York Lyceum. The necessity for, something of the kind is very apparent, and the author trusts that it will not be considered a needless innovation. * a * * * From the Preface to the Second Edition * (1844). The natural system adopted in this Treatise has received such modifications in the present edition as were demanded by the advanced state of the Science; and the systematic nomenclature has required some corresponding changes. Besides the natural classification, another, placing the minerals under the principal element in their composition, has been given in Part VII.; and various improvements on the usual chemical methods have been introduced, which may render it acceptable to those that prefer that mode of arrangement. * * * * From the Preface to the Third Edition (1850). This Treatise, in the present edition, has undergone so various and extensive alterations, that few of its original features will be recognized. The science of Mineralogy has made rapid progress in the past six years; chemistry has opened to us a better knowledge of the nature and relations of compounds; and philosophy has thrown new light on the principles of classification. To change is always seeming fickleness. But not to change with the advance of science, is worse; it is persistence in error; and, therefore, notwithstanding the former adoption of what has been called the Natural History System, and the pledge to its support given by the author in supplying it with a Latin nomenclature, the whole system, its classes,' orders, genera, and Latin names, have been rejected; and even the trace of it which the synonymy might perhaps rightly bear has been discarded. The system has subserved its purpose in giving precision to the science, and displaying many of the natural groupings which chemistry was slow to recognize. But there are errors in its very foundation, which make it false to nature in its most essential points; and, in view of the character of these errors, we are willing it should be considered a relic of the past. Yet Science is far from being ready with an acceptable substitute. Most chemical systems have been more artificial than the " natural" system; and doubts now hang * This edition, failing to find a publisher in New York, was printed at the expense of the author. Viii: REFACE. over some of the principles of chemistry that are widest in their influence on classification. In view of the difficulties on either side, it was a point long questioned, whether to venture upon a classification that might be deemed most accordant with truth among the many doubts that surround the subject; or to adopt one less strict to science, that might serve the convenience of the student for easy reference, and for the study of mineralogy in its economical bearings, while, at the same time, it should exhibit many natural relations, and inculcate no false affiliations or distinctions of species. The latter alternative has been adopted;-the classification is offered simply as a convenient arrangement, and not an exhibition of the true affinities of species in the highest sense of the term. Among the Silicates, however, it will be perceived that the groupings in the main are natural groupings; and, throughout the work, special care has been taken to inculcate, as far as possible, the true relations of species, both by remarks, and by an exhibition of them in tables.* * From the Preface to the Fourth Edition (1854). In the Preface to the last edition of this Treatise, the classification of minerals then adopted was announced as only a temporary expedient. The system of Mous, valuable in its day, had subserved its end; and in throwing off its shackles for the more consistent principles flowing from recent views in Chemistry, the many difficulties in the way of perfecting a new classification led the author to an arrangement which should "serve the convenience of the student without pretending to strict science." A classification on chemical principles was however proposed in the latter part of the volume, in which the Berzelian method was coupled with crystallography in a manner calculated to display the relations of species in composition as well as form, and prominently "'exhibit the various cases of isomorphism and pleomorphism among minerals." The progress of Science has afforded the means of giving greater precision and simplicity to this arrangement, until now it seems entitled to become the authorized method of a System of Mineralogy. Whether regarded from a physical or chemical point of view, the groupings appear in general to be a faithful exhibition of the true affinities of the species. The-mind uneducated in Science may revolt at seeing a metallic mineral, as galena, side by side with one of unmetallic lustre, as blende; and some systems, in accordance with this prejudice, place these species in separate orders. Like the jeweller, without as good reason, the same works have the diamond and sapphire in a common group. But it is one of the sublime lessons taught in the very portals of Chemistry, that nature rests no grand distinctions on lustre, hardness, or color, which are mere externals, and this truth should be acknowledged by the mineralogist rather than defied. Others, while recognizing the close relations of the carbonates of lime, iron, zinc, and manganese (calcite, spathic iron, smithsonite, and dialogite), or of the silicates of lime, iron, manganese (wollastonite, augite, rhodonite), are somewhat startled by finding silicate of zinc, or silicate of copper, among the silicates of the earths, or of other oxyds. But the distinction of " useful" and "useless," or of "ores" and "stones," although bearing on "economy," is not Science. * * * * * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction. Descriptive Mineralogy: General Subdivisions........................................ 1 I. NATIVE ELEMENTS.......................................................... 2 II. SULPHIM S, TELLURIDS, SELENIDS, AIRSENIDS, ANTIMONIDS, BISMUTHIDS......... 26 1. Simple Sulphids and Tellurids of Metals of the Sulphur and Arsenic Group s.... 26 2. Simple Sulphids, Tellurids, Selenids, Arsenids, Antimonids, Bismuthids, Phosphids of Metals of the Gold, Iron, and Tin Groups.............................. 33 3. Sulpharsenites, Sulphantimonites, Sulphobismuthites........................ 84 III. COMPoUNDS or CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE.................................. 110 IV. FLUORINE COMPouNDs..................................... 123 V. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS......................................................... 131 I. Oxyds, or Binary Oxygen Compounds........................... 131 I. Oxyds of Elements of Series I....................................... 131 A. Anhydrous Oxyds.............. 131 B. Hydrous Oxyds...................................... 167 II. Oxyds of Elements of the Arsenic and Sulphur Groups, Series II.. 183 III. Oxyds of Elements of the Carbon-Silicon Group, Series II............... 189 II. Ternary Oxygen Compounds............................................. 202 1. Silicates.................... 202 A. Anhydrous Silicates....................................... 202 I. Bisilicates............................................... 207 II. Unisilicates........................................... 250 III. Subsilicates..................... 362 D. Hydrous Silicates............................................. 393 I. General Section of Hydrous Silicates........................ 394 II. Zeolite Section......n....................... 421 III. Margarophyllite Section................................... 447 Appendix to Hydrous Silicates................................. 509 2. Tantalates, Columbates............................................. 512 3. Phosphates, Arsenates, Antimonates, Nitrates........................ 526 A. Phosphates, Arsenates, Antimonates............................. 526 I. Anhydrous............................................... 527 II. Hydrous................................................. 548 B. Nitrates................................... 591 X CONTENTS. 4. Borates.......................................598 5. Tungstates, Molybdates, Vauadates................................... 601 6. Sulphates, Chromates, Tellurates..................................... 612 I. Anhydrous.................................................. 613 II. Hydrous....................................... 632 7. Carbonates...................................................... 669 I. Anhydrous................................................... 669 II. Hydrous............ t........................ 704 8. Oxalates.......................................................... 18 VI. HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS................................................... 720 Species of uncertain place in the System............................................. 761 Catalogue of American Localities..................................................... 65 Supplement..................................................................... 93 Index.............................................. 807 INTRODUCTION. The object of this introduction is to supply such tables and information as will make the work convenient for use; and, toward this end, some explanations of an elementary character are included, with special reference to readers not familiar with chemistry and other collateral sciences. 1. GENERAL SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT IN THE DESCRIPTIONS. In the Descriptions of Species, the characteristics are mentioned in the following order: —I, Crystalline Form and Structure; 2, Hardness, Specific Gravity, Lustre, Color, Diaphaneity, etc.; 3, Varieties, Chemical Composition; 4, Pyrognostic and other Chemical characters; 5, under the head of Observations, Geological position, Localities, Mineral associates, etc.; 6, Altered forms; 7, Artificial and Furnace products. 2. CHEMISTRY. 1. A barred letter in a symbol of an element, in the table of atomic weights which follows, and also throughout the work (except in formulas after the new system, see p. xv), signifies two atoms of the element: e. g., Al=2 Al or A12. 2. Dots over a symbol stand each for an atom of oxygen in the compound referred to: e.g., A1=2 Al+ 3 O, or A12 03; and lBa=-BaO. 3. The atomic weight of a compound equals the sum of the atomic weights of its constituents: e. g., for Al, the atomic weight=2 x 13'75+3 x 8-51'5; for Ba, 68'5+8 —=765; for A1 Si, the atomic weight=51'5+30=81'5. 4. The atomic ratio for the constituents of a compound is the ratio between the number of atoms of the same: e. g., for the aluminum and oxygen in 1l, it is 2: 3; for the alumina and silica in A;l gi it is 1: 1, there being 1 of alumina to 1 of silica; for the aluminum, silicon, and oxygen in A1 Bi, it is 2: 1: 5, there being in the compound 2 of aluminum, 1 of silicon, and 5 of oxygen (5 dots). 5. The oxygen ratio for the constituents of an oxygen compound is the ratio between the number of atoms of oxygen in the different oxygen compounds present: e. g., the O, ratio for the alumina and silica in All Si is 3: 2, alumina containing 3 0 and silica 2 0; for the magnesia and silica in kg Si, the 0. ratio is 1: 2. 6. The percentage ratio (or number of parts in 100) for the constituents of a compound is deduced from the ratio between the atomic weight of the compound and that of each constituent: e. g., as 51'5 of alumina contain 24 of oxygen, so 100 will contain 4606; or, for the percentage of aluminum, 515: 27'5:: 100: 53'4; again, as 81'5 A1 ~i contain 30 of silica, hence 81'5: 30:: 100: the silica in the compound, etc.; or since H1 gi contain 27'5 AI+ 14 0 Si+ 40'0 0, making in all as before 81'5, hence 815: 27'5:: 100: the p. c. of aluminum; or 81'5: 40:" 100: the p. c. of oxygen; etc. Xii TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. ALuUMrNM, Al 13'75 Oxyd of Cobalt, (lo 37'5 (0 21-34) Alumina, i1 51 5 (O 46'6) COLUMBIUM, Ob (Niobium) 94 ANTIMONY (Stibium), Sb 122 Columbic acid, "Ob 134 (O 29'85) Antimonious acid Sb 146 COPPER (Cuprum), Cu 31' 7 Antimonic acid, Sb 162 Suboxyd of Copper, Pu 7114 (O 11'20) Sulph. Antim., Sb S9 170 (S 2824) Oxyd of Copper, Ou 39'7 (0 20'15) ARGENITUf, Ag (Silver) 108 DIDYMIUM, D 48 ARSENI, AS 715 ERBIUM, E 56'3 Arsenous acid, As 99 FERRUBI, Fe (Iron) 28 Arsenic acid, Xs 115 (O 34-78) Protoxyd of Iron, Fe 36 (O 22'22) Sulphid of A., As SI 123 (S 39'02) Sesquioxyd of Iron, Pe 80 (O 30) AURuM, Au (Gold) 196 FLUORINE, F 19 BARIUM, Ba 68-5 Hydrofluoric acid, HF 20 (F 95) Baryta, n]a 76'5 (0 10-45) GLUCINUM (Beryllium), Be 471 BERYLLIUM, Be (Glucinum) 4'7 Glucina, Be 12'7, (O 63) ne 12-7 (O 63) GOLD (Aurum), Au 196 BISM~UTH, Bi 210 HYDRARGYRUM, Hg (Mercury) 100 Oxyd of Bismuth,'i 234 (O 10'24) HYDROGEN, H 1 BORON, B 11 Water, 1[ 9 (O 88'89) Boric acid, B 35 (O 68'57) INDIUM, In 35'9 BROMINE, Br 80 IODINE, I 127 CADMIUM, Cd 56 IRDIUM, Ir 99 C xSIUM, Cs 133 IRON (Ferrum), Fe 28 CALCIUM, Ca 20 Protoxyd of Iron, Fe 36 (O 22'22) Lime, Ca 28 (O 28'57) Sesquioxyd of, Iron, Ve 80 (O 30) CARBON, 0 6 KALIUM, K (Potassium) 39 11 Carbonic acid, 0 22 Potassa, K, 47'11 (O 16'98) CERIUM, Co 46 LANTHANUM, La 46'4 Protoxyd of C., (e 54 (O 14'81) Protoxyd of L., ta 54'4 (0 14'7) CHLORINE, C1 35'46 LEAD (Plumbum), Pb 103'5 Hydrochlor. acid, H C1 36'46 Oxyd of Lead, Pb 111'5 (0 7-17) CHROMIUM, Cr 26'24 LIME, see CALCIUM. Oxyd of Chromium, ~ir 76'48 (O 31'38) LITHIUTm, Li 7 Chromic acid, Cr 50'24 (O 47'17) Lithia, Li 15 (0 53'33) COBALT, CO 29'5 MAGNESIJUM, Mg 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Xi 0'4660 0'9320 1-3980 1-8640 2'3301 2-7961 3'2621 3'7281 4'1941 Xs 0'3478 0'6956 1-0434: 1-3913 1-7391 2'0869 2-4347 2-7826 3'1304 Ba 0-1046 0'2091 0'3137 0'4183 0'5228 0'6274 017320 0'8366 0-9411 ne 0'63 1'26 1'89 2'52 S'15 3'78 4'41 5'04 5-67 Ca 0'2857 0-5714 0-8571 1'1428 1P4285 1-7142 1'9999 2'2857 2'5714 CD 0'7273 1-4546 2-1819 2'9092 3'6365 4'3638 5-0911 5-8184 6'5457 Vr 0'3138 0'6276 0-9414 1'2552 1-5690 1'8828 2'1967 2-5105 2'8243 Or 041777 0-9554 1'4331 1 9008 2'3885 2-8662 3-3339 3 8216 4'2993 0o 0'2133 0'4266 0'6400 0'8533 1'0667 1-2800 1-4933 1'7066 1-9200 -U 0'1120 0'2240 0'3360 0'4480 0'5600 0'6720 0'7840 0'8960 1'0080 Cu 0'2015 0'4030 0'6045 0'8060 1'0075 1-2090 1'4105 1'6120 1'8136 Fe 0'2222 0'4444 0'6666 0'8888 1P1110 1P3332 1'5554 1'7776 19998 TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. X11i Magnesia, Mg 20 (0 40) Soda, Na 31 (O 25'81) MANGANESE, Mn 27'5 STANNUM, Sn (Tin) 59 Protoxyd of M., Mn 35-5 (0 22'53) Oxyd of Tin, Sn 15 (O 21'22) Sesquioxyd of M., Mn 70 (O 30'38) STIBIUM, Sb (Antimony) 122 MERCURY (Hydrargyrum), Hg 100 Antimonious acid, Sb 146 MOLYBDENUM, MO 46 Antimonic acid, Sb 162 Molybdic acid, MRo'0 (O 34'28) Sulph. Antim., Sb S3 110 (S 28'24 NATRIUM, Na (Sodium) 23 STRONTIUMI, Sr 43'75 Soda, Na 31 (O 25'81) Strontia, Sr 51175 (O 15'46) NICKEL, Ni 29'5 SULPHUR, S 16 Protoxyd of Nickel, Ii 3715 (0 2133) Sulphuric acid, S 40 (O 60) NIOBIUM (Columbium), Cb 94 TANTALUM, Ta 182 Columbic acid, 6b 134 (O 29'85) Tantalic acid, Ta 222 (O 18'01) NITROGEN, N 14 TELLURIUM, Te 64'14 Nitric acid,.' 54 (O 17407) THALLIUM, T1 203 N H4O 26 T THORIUM, Th 119 OSMIUM, Os 99'5 Thoria, Th 135 (O 11-84) OXYGEN, 0 8 TIN (Stannum), Sn 59 PALLADIUM, Pd 53 Oxyd of Tin, Sn'75 (O 21-33) PHOSPHORUS, P 31 TITANIUM, Ti 25 Phosphoric acid,'P 71 (o 56'34) Titanic acid, Ti 41 (O 39'02) PLATINUM, Pt 98'94 TUNGSTEN (Wolframium), W 92 PLUMBUIM, Pb (Lead) 103-5 Tungstic acid, W 116 (O 20'69) Oxyd of Lead, Pb 111.5 (O 7-17) URANIUM, U 59'4 POTASSIUM (Kalium), K 39'11 Protoxyd of U., U 6714 (0 11'87) Potassa, I 47'11 (O 16'98) Sesquioxyd of U., U 142'8 (0 16'8) QUICKSILVER (Hydrargyrum) Hg 100 VANADIUM, V 68'5 RHIODIUM, Rh 52-16 WOLFRAMIUM, W (Tungsten) 92 RUBIDIUM, Rb 85'4 Tungstic acid, W 116 (O 20'69) RUTHENIUM, Ru 52'16 YTTRIUM, Y 32'18 SELENIUM, Se 39'5 Yttria, Y 40'18 (0 19'16) SILICIUM, Si 14 ZINC, Zn 32-53 Silica, Si 30 (O 53'33) Oxyd of Zinc, 2n 40'53 (O 19-'4),:ILVvER (Argentum), Ag 108 ZIRcoNIUM, Zr 4480 SODIUM (Natrium), Na 23 Zirconia, Zr 60'80 (O 26-31) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 At 0'8889 1-7778 2'6667 3'5556 4'4445 5.3334 6'2223 7'1112 8-0001 iK 0'1698 0'3396 0'5094 0'6792 0'8491 130189 11887 1'3585 1'5283 Li 0'5333 1'0666 1'5999 2'1332 2'6665 3-1998 317331 4'2664 4:7997 Mg 0'40 0'80 1'20 1-60 2'00 2'40 2'80 3-20 3'60, Mn 0-2253 0'4507 0'6760 0'9014 1-1267 1-3521 1'5714 1'8028 2-0281 Mn 0 3038 0'6076 0'9113 1-2151 1-5190 1'822I 2'1265 2'4304 2'7341 I~ 007401 1'4814 2'2221 2-9628 3'7035 4-4442 5-1849 5'9256 6-6663 Na 0'2581 0'5162 017743 1'0324 1'2905 1'5486 1'8067 2-0648 2-3229' 0'5634 1'1268 1'6902 2-2536 2-81'70 3'3804 3'9438 4'5072 5'0706 fPb 0'0717 0'1435 0'2152 0'2870 0-3587 0'4304 0'5022 065740 0'6457 Si 05333 1'0666 1-6000 2'1333 2-6666 3'2000 3'7333 4'2666 4-8000 Sr 0'1545 0'3091 0'4637 0'6183 017729 0'9275 1'0821 1'2367 1'3913 X1V INTRODUCTION. The percentage qf oxygen in each of the oxygen compounds enumerated in the preceding table of atomic weights is stated in parentheses after the atomic weight of the compound; and the percentage of sulphur, in the same manner, after the atomic weight of many of the sulphids. 7. The atomic ratio is calculated from the percentage ratio, by dividing each number by the atomic weight of the constituent: the percentage ratio of Al and O in alumina being 534: 46'6, 53-4 13'75 gives 3'93, and 46'9 8=5-85; whence the ratio 3'93: 5-85, which, by dividing the larger by the smaller, is found to equal 1: 1'5 or 2: 3, which is the atomic ratio of the aluminum to the oxygen. For the compound A1 9i, the percentage of silica and alumina is 36'8, 63'2; whence, dividing the former by 30 (at. w. of silica), and the latter by 51'5 (at. w. of alumina), the ratio obtained is I: 1, the compound consisting of I of each alumina and silica; or taking the percentage for the silicon, aluminum, and oxygen in the same, and dividing them, respectively, by 14A, 13'75, 8, the ratio deduced would be 1: 2:5. 8. The ratio of alumina and silica in a compound may also be obtained by comparing the amounts of oxygen in the percentages of the constituents. Take, e. g., a, silicate of alumina consisting of Si 36'8, Ml 632=-100. If 100 of silica contain 53'33 of oxygen (see table) then 36'8 will contain 36'8 X'5333 or 19'625 (since 100: 36'8:: 53'33:the required percentage); so if 100 of alumina contain 466 of oxygen, 63'2 will contain 466X 632 or 29'45; now 19-625: 29'45 (the ratio obtained)-2: 3; and since silica contains 2 of oxygen and alumina 3, it follows from the result of the calculation that the compound contains I of silica to 1 of:alumina, or has the formula;l Ri. This is the usual method of calculating the ratio of the constituents in the case of oxyds. It involves multiplications of the percent-:age of each of the constituents by the percentage of oxygen for that constituent;.and in order to facilitate these multiplications a table is given below the table of,atomic weights, containing multiples of these oxygen percentages for each of the,digits 1 to 9. 9. The letter R is used as a general symbol for any element; R, for protoxyds in general;'i, for sesquioxyds in general. 10. In the formula 3 2aa' i + Al'2 i3, the prefix 3 applies to the whole OCa2 i (or,'in general, to all before the first comma, or first + or- ); but the small' only to Ca, it signifying 2 Na; and, in the second part, the small 2 signifies that there are 2 Al, and the small 3, 3 Si. The oxygen ratio for the Ca and Si in the first part is 1: 1, there being 2 OCa to I Si, 2 Oa as well as 1 Si containing 2 0; and in the second part it is 1: 1, there being 2 Al to 3 Ri. The oxygen ratio for the whole Oa, il, Si in;the formula is 6: 6: 12-1: 1: 2; and for the Ca+ -Al, Si it is 1+1: 2 or 1: 1. In the formula (-2 a' +- Al)2 si3, the index' signifies 2 of all within the parenthesis. The oxygen ratio of the part in the parenthesis is 1: 1, there being ~ Oa';to XAl; the 0. ratio for Ca, X1, 9i, in the formula, is 1: 1: 2; and for Ca+ l, X i, it is 1: 1. Thus the two formulas here explained express identically the same consti-tution. There are many compounds allied to the above, for example: (1 l )Ig -~2 l)si.(F Fe3+- Al)' "i', ( Ig + _- Pe) 2 Sil, etc. The symbol R is used, in the manner above,explained, in writing a general formula for the group containing these and other related compounds; as (1 ik'+-1 )'2 i3'. So A 0 is a general symbol for any carbonate of a protoxyd-whether of lime, magnesia, oxyd of zinc, or any other base. 11. In the preceding table, and throughout this volume, except under the sulphur compounds, As, Sb, Bi, Ni, P, in formulas under the old system, would be more correctly written As2, Sb2, Bi2, Ni2, P2, or As, Sb, Bi, Ni, P. The atomic weights;of these elements in the table are double the value which is often given them in the,old system. INTRODUCTION. XV 12. Binary compounds are those consisting of elements of two kinds, those of one kind negative to the other: e. g., magnesia, Mg O, consisting of magnesium and oxygen; water, H 0; silicic acid, or silica, Si 02; pyrite, Fe S2. Ternary compounds (called also salts and double binaries) consist of elements of three kinds, (1) basic, (2) acidic, (3) acidific. Thus a silicate of lime and magnesia (or calcium and magnesium) contains (1) calcium and magnesium, (2) silicon, (3) oxygen; sulphate of lead contains (1) lead, (2) sulphur, (3) oxygen; the sulphantimonite, jamesnite, contains (1) lead and iron, (2) antimony, (3) sulphur. 13. Polymeres are distinct substances that are atomically multiples of a common type. Thus the compounds 2 e 12, 3 1 2, 4 e 112 (generally written eU2 4, H J3 16, 4 H8), are polymeres of e Wl. 14. The following principle is of great importance in connection with the chemical constitution of inorganic compounds, and although explained briefly elsewhere (pp. 1-3 and 202), deserves to be formally stated in this place: The replacing power of the elements is in proportion to their combining power, this combining power being reckoned in number of atoms of oxygen (or sulphur, or the acidific element, whatever it may be). The line A, below, contains the formulas of the different kinds of oxyds; B, the same, divided each by its number of atoms of oxygen (that is, severally, for the succe~sive members, by 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, 4), by which division they are reduced to the protoxyd form; C, the basic elements without the oxygen: A. RO R2 03 R02 2 05 R 03 R2 07 R 04 B. RO RIO 0 RI 0 RI O RI 0 RO 0 RI 0 C. R RI RI R5 RI Ri RI According to the above law, the R, R1, R2', etc., in the last line are mutually replaceable, I for 1, although in atomic weight there is a variation from 1 to 4. They represent different states in which elements may exist, and have, to a certain extent, independent element-like relations. In some cases, as in iron, four of these states are represented in a single element, the compounds (1) Fe O, Fe S, (2) Fe2 03, (3) Fe S2, (4) Fe 03, containing this metal in the four states Fe, Fe', Fey, Fe'. These different states of elements are best designated in the symbol by the letters of the Greek alphabet, as thus the confusion arising from the conflicting numbers for atomic weights and combining relations are avoided. The above lines A, B, C, thus written, will become: A. ORO 3BfRO 2 yRO 5dR0 3eRO 7?RO 4IRO B. aR O- OR yR O O ER R O R O C. aR /1R yR EL R R vR nR In each table the line B is like C, except in the addition of 0; and the line A is equivalent to B multiplied for the successive members by the number of atoms of oxygen in the oxyds, that is, severally, by 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, 4. Examples of the use of these symbols are unnecessary here, as they occur on the pages referred to, and throughout the volume. 15. In the statements of analyses throughout this volume, the use of brackets enclosing figures implies that the substance referred to was determined by the loss. New System of Chemistry. In the new system of Chemistry many of the elements have their atomic weights of double the value given in the preceding table, and their symbols are accordingly written with a barred letter, as follows: xvi INTRODUCTION. 16. Table of Atomic Weights according to the New System. Aluminum, Al 27'5 Glucinum, Be 94 Rhodium, Rh 104'32 Antimony, Sb 122 Gold, Au 196 Rubidium, Rb 170'8 Argentum, Ag 108 Hydrargyrum, Hg 200 Ruthenium, Ru 104'32 Arsenic, As 75 Hydrogen, Hl 1 Selenium, Se 79 Aurum, Au 196 Iodine, I 127 Silicon, Si 28 Barium, Ba 137 Iridium, Ir 198 Silver, Ag 108 Beryllium, Be 9'4 Iron, Fe 56 Sodium, Na 23 Bismuth, Bi 210 Lanthanum, La 92-8 Stan num, Sn 118 Boron, Bo 11'0 Lead, Ptb 207 Stibium, Sb 122 Bromine, Br 80 Lithium, Li 7 Strontium, Sr 8715 Cadmium, Od 112 Magnesium, Mg 24 Sulphur, S 32 Ceasium, Cs 133 Manganese, Mn 55 Tantalum, -Ta 182 Calcium, Oa 40 Mercury, {Hg 200 Tellurium, Te 128'28 Carbon, e 12 Molybdenum, Mo 92. Thallium, T1 203 Cerium, We 92 Nickel, -Wi 59 Tin, Sn 118 Chlorine, C1 35'40 Nitrogen, Ni 14 Titanium, Ti 50 Chromium, Or 52-48 Osmium, Os 199 Tungsten, W 184 Cobalt, 8o 59 Oxygen, 0 16 Uranium, U 118'8 Columbium,!01 188 Palladium, Pd 106 Vanadium, V 131 Copper, -u 63'4 Phosphorus, P 31 Yttrium, ~ 64'36 Erbium, Rb 112-6 Platinum, Pt 197'88 Zinc, Zn 65 Ferrum, Fe 56 Plumbum, Pb 207 Zirconium, Zr 89'6 Fluorine, F 19 Potassium, K 39'1 The elements in the preceding table whose atomic weights are not doubled (or which have not barred letters in the symbols), are hydrogen; gold, silver; the alkali metals, potassium, etc.; the arsenic group, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, nitrogen, phosphorus, with boron; the chlorine group, chlorine, bromine, iodine. 17. In the combinations between elements of the former series occur, hydrogen being taken as the unit, the ratios I: 1, 1: 3, 1: 5; and, with reference to the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, these elements are called perissads. While in the combinations between elements of the latter series occur, taking the same unit, the ratios 2: 2, 2: 4, 2: 6; and these, in view of the even numbers, are called artiads. The words efspi~6o'5 and iapros5 were the words for odd and even numbers in ancient arithmetic. 18. As oxygen is one of the doubled elements, a protoxyd of a perissad must contain 2 of the latter; and water, accordingly, has the formula H12, potash K20, soda NaO, etc. But the protoxyds of elements of the other series have simply the symbols Mgo for magnesia, OaO for lime, etc. 19. In the formulas of the salts, or ternaries, instead of dividing the oxygen between the acidific and basic elements (thus making the acid and base in the compound distinct, as in the old system), the symbol of each of the elements is placed separately. Thus, lg2Si becomes Si Mg2 04; or, in the method of writing adopted in this work, Silj4]]Mg2. 20. It is held that in some classes of compounds only part of the oxygen serves to unite the acidic element (Si) to the basic. For example, for NIg Si the formula is Si Oll02lIMg, only two of the three of oxygen being regarded as uniting oxygen. To explain: 20. As silicon combines with 20, and 20 are equivalent to 4 H; and magnesia, or any protoxyd, with 10, which equals 2 H1; the combining character of silicon is repre INTRODUCTION. XVii H HI sented by Si, and that of magnesium by H- Mg —H, silicon having four bonds of H H attraction (being therefore a tetrad), and magnesium two (it being a dyad). Combi H lElg \/ \ ning the two makes Si Mg. Substituting 4 for 2 H in the diagram, it becomes / ~ H H/ elSi Mg; in which only two e unite the Mg and Si, one & being combined alone with the Si. Hence the form of the above formula, Si 01132112Mg If the silica is combined with two of magnesia (using the language of the old system), the diagram becomes / \II/ \ kg Si ]oMg; and, substituting oxygen as before, 3g Si Mg. Here \H HH all the oxygen is uniting oxygen, and the formula is accordingly SillO41JMg2. 21. TLe number of atoms of uniting oxygen is equal to the number of bonds of attraction in the basic or acidic element, according as the forner or latter has the smaller number. If, in the case of a compound containing one of silica, the base is one of a protoxyd (on the old system), there are two bonds of attraction in the protoxyd, and therefore 92 is the uniting oxygen, one e remaining with the Si. If the base is two of a protoxyd there are four bonds of attraction in the basic element (as well as the acidic), and the uniting oxygen is 0,. If the base is three of a protoxyd, or one of a sesquioxyd, the silica then has the smaller number of bonds of attraction, namely but four, and the uniting oxygen will be 4,, the rest being united with the basic element and not the silicon; and it cannot exceed this, however much the amount of base be increased, it being determined by the greatest number of bonds of attraction common to the two, the basic and acidic elements. *With two of silica the bonds of attraction will be eight, and so on. 22. The rule above given may be also stated in terms of the oxygen of the base and acid in the old system: the number of atoms of uniting oxygen is double the number of atoms of oxygen of the base, unless the number of atoms of the base is greater than that of the acid; cand in this latter case it is double the number of atoms of oxygen in the acid. In the former case the formula should have the non-unitiiig O after the symbol of the acidic element (after Si in a silicate, S in a sulphate, etc.); in the latter, it is written after that of the basic element. In the former, the acidic element makes the left part of the formula; in the latter the formula is turned about, and it makes the right part. See for examples of the latter, p. 362. 23. For the sulphur, selenium, and tellurium compounds (that is, sulphids, etc.), the formulas are like those of the oxygen compounds, except that S, Se, or We is substituted for e. So also for ternaiy fluorids. In some oxygen compounds (topaz, etc.) 4 is replaced in part by F2 (or, as the symbol for fluorine may then be written, F); and in a few others, by C12. 24. In the new system the expressions on p. xv, UR, YR, 6R, sR, etc., become Rp, 7tI, Rt, ER; or, in the case of perissads, /R2, yR2, etc. As, ks, and B of the old system become As,2 3, and B2 e3 in the new, and As and B are not monads, these formulas are equivalent under the new' system to 3 pAs 0, 3 pB 1. 25. The classification in this work is based on the following classification of the elements, a partial exhibition of which is presented beyond on pages 1-3, and 202.. Xvii1 INTRODUCTION. Classijication of the Elements. Series I. Series II. Series III. A. Perissads. A. Perissads. A. Perissads. Potassium, Sodium, Cmesium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine. Rubidium, Lithium, Thallium, Antimony, Bismuth, ColumHydrogen, Silver, Gold. bium, Tantalum, in the OR state. Boron? B. Artiads. ]B. Artiads. B. Perissad (or AArtiad). 1. IRON-ALUTMINUM GROUP. 1. SULPHUR GRouP. Fluorine. a. IRON SUB-GROUP.-Platinum, etc., Copper, Lead, etc., Iron, Cobalt, Zinc, Cadmium, Nickel, Manganese, Chromium, Tungsten, etc., Cerium, Yttrium, etc., Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium; also H2, K2, Na2, etc. C. Artiad. b. ALUMINUM SUB-GROUP. —Alu- Sulphur (ES), Selenium, Telluri- Oxygen. minum (,8A1); also f/Fe, Mfn, rium, Molybdenum; also eFe, 6iCr, fiB, etc. efr, Mna, eV, IEW. 2. TIN GROUP. 2. CARBON-SILICON GROUP. Tin, Titanium, Zirconium, Tho- Carbon, Silicon; also >S, ySe, rium; also 7H2, yFe, yMn, yTe, etc. yfo, yPb, yeu, etc. This classification assumes that the metal iron, for example, when in the deutoxyd state, is of the same group with titanium or tin in the deutoxyd state; that chromium, molybdenum, etc., in the tritoxyd state, belong to the same group with sulphur, selenium, boron, etc., in the tritoxyd state; and further, that while silicon and the elements of the tin group are unquestionably allied, the latter are basic to the former in all combinations of the two. In the earlier part of the volume, the formulas on the new system are not given. Examples of the several kinds under each of the subdivisions are here presented, and from them the student will easily supply those here omitted. 26. Sulphids, Tellurids, Selenids, Arsenids, Antimonids, Bismuthids. The following are the formulas of species from the lists on pages 26, 34, 84, 85, each being indicated by its number instead of its name. The atomic weights of the sulphur and arsenic groups in the new system are relatively the same with those that are used in the sections beyond on the Sulphids, those of the arsenic series employed in these sections being half less than are given in the table on pages xii, xiii. 1. 26. As2 S2 27. As2 S3 34. Mo S2 2, I. 35. Ag, Sb 36. Agl2 Bi 37. eu2 As2 2, II. 40. Ag2 S 46. (Pb, eu) Se 56. Zn S 41. (Ag2, Pb) S 47. (Pb, Hg) Se 58. Ag2 We 44. PbS 48. PbhTe 61. PuS 45. Pb Se 49. (eu, Fe)S 62. (eu, Ag2)S INTRODUCTION. XiX 2, III. 75. Fe S,, oryFe252 86. Ni (S, As)2, or yNi2 (S, As)2 81. 2 Po S+-o S2, or (Po, y Co)2 S2 94. Fe (S, As)2, or yFe2 (S, As)2 83. (P-o, Fe, Ni) As2, or yR12 S2 98. (Ag2 Au2) Tes 85. Po (S, As)2, or y0o2 (S, As)2 100. Pu S 3 01. Sb2 S21le152iu 113. As2 SIis4I[ Pb2 125. (Pu, etc., SllSj6(Sb2, As2) 102. Bi2 S2(l[S2lEu 117. Sb2llS6jll(g2)3 121. (eu, Fe)4 SIISjHAs2 104. Sb2 S2tllIS2Fe 118. As2jj[S6j(Ag2)2 128. (Pb4 SiSo6[lSb2 105. As2 S2jllS.2Pb 119. Sb2Jj6llJ(eu, Pb)3 129. Pb, S2|Sf46I(Sb2, As2) 108. Sb2 S2IS2l1jAg2 121. Bi2lIS6ollus 130. (Ag2)5s S2IS6ljSb2 110. As2 Sl3s118.3uI 122. Sb2llSeI6Pb3 131. (Ag2,eu)l0 S,7ISo{I(Sb2 + As2) 111. Sb2 SlIS411(Pb, Ag2)2 123. (Bi2,Sb)llIS6lltb 132. As2 S2[SlsllGu 2'7. Cllorids, Bromlids, Iodids. For the Chlorids, Bromids, Iodids, p. 110, the following are examples of the new formulas: 136. Hg2 C12 142. AgBr 147. (K2, -Mg) C12+4 aq 137. K 1C1 143. Ag I 148. (-a, 3Mg) C12+4aq 138. Na C1 144 Hg2 I2 150. Pb (- 012+~- O) 139. N i4 C1 145. Pb Cl2 151. Pb (~ Cl2+J O) 140. Ag C1 146. Fe2 C16 28. Fluorids. Under the Fluorids, if fluorine is taken. as a perissad, among the formulas of p. 123, Ca Fz=in the new system, Ca F2; Ce F=-e F2; 3 Na F+A12 F3 -Na6 A12 F2; (Ca, Na)2 F+A12 F3=-(a, Na2)2 A12 F. 29. Oxyds. A. For the Anhydrous Oxyds, pp. 131, 132, examples of the formulas are: 1. 173. Mge0 175. H112 i176. Zn a 2. 179. A-12 13. or lsA13 03 181. (Fe, y8e, YTi)3 O3 180. Fe2 03, or 8Fe63 3 182. (Pa, yTi)3 &3 3. 1. 183. (~iMg+j- (fAl, fFe))4 4 187. ( Mg+VlFe)404 184. (I Fe+ 1l)4 04 188. (I (Zn, Fe, Mn) + (BFe, 3lMn))4 04 186. (i Fe + I /iFe)4 04 189. (t (Fe, Mg, er) + rtH)4 0 4 3, 2. 191. (Be- +ji3A1)4 o4 4. 192. Sn 12, or ySnu2 2 195. (~Mn+ yMln)2.102 193. Ti 12, or yTi2 02 197. (i Pb+~iyb)21 2 The general formula for the Spine] group is (1t R-+ / P )4 R 4. The spinel formula written, as ordinarily done under the new system, without the Greek symbol, would be (11+R2)O4. But this formula contains the fiction of 2 R in 12et,3; when, in fact, while there are 21t in atomic weight, there are actually 3 1R in replacing power, as already explained (p. xv).. Some additional sign is therefore required to make the formula tell the truth, and this is afforded either by adding other numbers to the barred letters, or by the use of the Greek letters as here adopted. 30. B. For the Hydrous Oxyds, p. 167, the formulas become, if the species are regarded as only oxyds: 202. (1 H2~+ fiFe)3 O3 204. (i H2+8 Fe)3 03 206. (~ 2+ 8Fe)2 1O 203. (I 2 +~ 3A1)3 03 205. (I H+2 I PMn)3 13 207. (5 H2~+- iFe)23 s B XX INTRODIUCTION. 208. (G H22+5 (,Fe, fJAl))3O 212. ( 1H2+~ Al)3 3 215. (I H2+~( flFe+j-Mg))3 209. H 2+- (HflU, fiFe))3 O3 218. (~ H3 +~ 1 fFe)3 O(3 O+3 aq 210. (~ H2 +~ Mg)3 3s 214. (~ H2+-~ ( +A1+ Mg))3 216. (~ Ha2+ (U:5, ftFe))3 03 211. (I H2+~ lMn), -3 03+2 aq But if ternaries (or salts), as generally admitted, the formulas are: 202. 8Fe3 21112Hll.2 207. flFe3 _10441I'H4 211. MnIlO2llH2 203. A13 O2112llH2.208. 3(A1, Fe)3 |1104I1E4 212. lA13l11eII6 204. /3Fe3 02llI2llH2 209. 3(U, Fe)3 l1141IH4 213. 3Fe3lle61111H6 205. lMon3, 211211III2 210. Mgll-O2l1H2 214. (A13, Mg)3ll16ll1i 206. PFe6o 3lle6lJH6 or Mg3110611H6 215. (fFe, Mg)3llO6llHo or feFe2 11e i21ieI or 3 (Mgile2llE2) 216. f(1, Fe)2lioitIIRo 31. C. For the Oxyds of Elements of the Arsenic Group, etc., p. 138, the formulas are 219. As2 03 222. Bi2 ~3 224. Mo03 (or, eMoa033) 220. Sb2 03 223. Bi2a3 +Q 226. Sb2 (0, 8)2 The hydrated species are properly ternaries; but there is still some doubt over their composition. 3. PHYSICAL AND BLrowPIPE CHARACTERS. 1. In the descriptions of the physical characters of minerals, H. stands for hardness, and G. for specific gravity. 2. The scale of hardness is as follows, crystallized varieties of the minerals mentioned being meant: 1, TALC; 2, GYPsuM; 3, CALCITEr; 4, FLUORITE; 5, APATITE; 6, ORTHOCLASE; 7, QUARTZ; 8, TOPAZ; 9, CORUNDUM; 10, DIAMOND. 3. In crystallized minerals of the Isometric system, the physical characters are the samie in the directions of the three axes, and in the directions of lines situated symmetrically with reference to these axes. In the Tetragonal and Hexagonal systems, these characters in a vertical direction differ from those in a horizontal or transverse. The optical axis has the direction of the vertical axis. 4. In crystals of the remaining systems there are two axes of polarization. A line bisecting the acute, or the obtuse, angle between these optical axes is called a bisectrix; that bisecting the acute angle is the acute bisectrix, or the bisectrix, as the term is employed in the descriptions beyond; that bisecting the obtuse angle (and which is at right angles to the acute) is the obtuse or conjugate bisectrix. 5. In the Orthorhombic system, the two bisectrices are parallel Lo the crystallographic axes; and, consequently, the plane of the optical axes (the optic-axial plane) is parallel to one of the diametric sections of the crystal, and is at right angles to the other two. By a diametric plane or section, as here used, is meant a plane passing through any two of the crystallographic axes; that is, one through each a and b, a and c, or b and c. 6. In mineral species, the position of the bisectrix is constant, or nearly so, while the optic-axial angle often varies widely. The angles mentioned in the descriptions are those taken in the air, unless it is otherwise stated. 7. Under Blowpipe characters, B.B. stands for before the blowpipe; O.F. for oxydizing flame; R.F. for reducing flame. A closed tube is a small glass tube closed at one end. INTRODUCTION. Xxi The following is the scale of fusibility adopted (that of von Kobell): 1, GRAY ANTIMONY; 2, NATROLITE; 3, ALMANDINE (var. of garnet); 4, GREEN ACTINOLITE 5, ORTHOCLASE; 6, BRONZITE. 4. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. 1. The systems of crystallization are as follows: 1. Hcavirng the axes equal. The ISOMETRIC system. 2. Hfaving only the lateral axes equal. The TETRAGONAL and HEXAGONAL. 3. Having the axes unequal. The ORTHORHOMBIC, MONOcLINIC, and TRIOLINIc. 1 2.22 1 1151 O1 2~ 2 24a25262' 28 The names Monometric, Dimetric, and Trimetric, used in former editions of this work, have been set aside for the above for two reasons: (1) the fact that the names want precision, the XXii INTRODUCTION. hexagonal system being as much dimetric as the tetragonal, and the monoclinic and triclinic as much trimnetric as the orthorhombic; (2) the desire to promote uniformity in the language of science. The names employed appear to be the best that have been proposed, and those most generally used; and hence those that have the best claim for universal adoption. A. Isometric Systemn. 2. Some of the simpler isometric forms are represented in figures 1 to 50. Fig. 1, a cube (with three equal axes); 2,;an octahedron (or regular octahedron); 3, a dodecahedron (or rhombic dodecahedron); 4, 5, combination of cube and dodecahedron; 6, 7, cubo-octahedron; 8, combination of octahedron and dodecahedron (by noting the lettering, like planes being lettered alike throughout, the several combinations are easily read off); 10, a trapezohedron (24-faced solid); 15, id., another variety; 31, a tetrahedron; 47, 48, the pentagonal dodecahedron in different positions. 3. The following are some of the angles among isometric forms; adjacent planes *are to be understood, unless it is stated otherwise: O A 0=90~, f. 1. 1 A 2-2=1600 32', f. 11. i-2 A i-2, A,-143~ 8', f. 17. O0A 1=125 16', f. 6, 7. 1 A -9-"151 25 i-2 A i-2, O,=143 8 0 A i=135, I. 4, 5. 1 A 3-3=150 30, f. 20. i-2 A i-2, ov. top,=126 52 O A- 1 A -z -169 49 i-2 A i-3-171 52 O s\ i-:4=143 8 1 A 2 —164.12, f. 24. i-2 A 2-2=155 54 O A i-4=140 11 1 A 3=158 i-3 A i-3, A,=154 9, f. 18. O A i-4 141 20 1 A 3 —=157 45 i-3 A i-3, C0=126 52 O A i-=14619 1 A 4-2=151 52 2 A 2, A,-152 44, f. 25. 0 A i-2 —153 26, f. 16, 17. 1A 5-r=151 25 2 A 2, B,=141 3j OA i-"=156 48 1 A 7-=7145 46 3 A 3, A,=142 8 OAi-2=158 12 1 A I-1 —-151 47 3, B,-153 28~ OAi-3-161 34 i A i=120, f. 3. 3. 3-, A,=158 13 O A i-4-165 58 i A i, ov. top,=90 3-3, B,149 OAi-5=168 41 iAz —=173 39 3-3, 0,-158 13 0 A i-40=178 34 i A i-43171 52 4-2, A,=162 15 O 1A -4 —133 19 i A i-:=167 42 4-2, B,=154 41~ OA r — =136 45 i A i-2-161 84, f. 21. 4-2, 0,- 144 3 O A 2-2144 44, f. 9, 10. i A i-5=156 48 2-3, A, 164 54dA -=150 30 i A i-3=153 26 2-3,:B,=136 24 A 3-3-154 46, f. 15. i A i-4-149 2 2-4,,,164 54~ 0 A -- 147 15 i A i-5:146 18 5.-, A,-152 20 O A ~, ov. 1,=115 14 i A 2-2-150 5-_, B,=160 32 0A 2, " =109 28,f. 23. iA 3-3=160 54 5-, C,=152 20 OA 3, " =103 16 iA 3-3 —148 31 17, A,=158 47 0 A 2-4=164 46 i A 4-43-166 6 1-, B,=165 2 O A 3-3=143 18, f. 26, 27. i A 5-L-162 58 7-7-, C,=136 47 0 A 4-2=150 48 A /2J-3 —-150 45 a - A,- 163 49 O A 5 —=147 41 2-2 A 2-2, B,=131 49, f. 10. 2 —, B,=157 3} A A -1=_155 42 2-2 A 2-2, 0,=146 27, C,138 48 OA \ 1, — =152 4 2-2 A 2-2, ov. top, 109 28 A,=166 57 1 A 1109 28, f. 2.. A ], B3,=135 48 L~_-ll, B,_152 7 1A1, top,=70 32 2 A 0, C=119 38 (l: I-=s C0,140 9 1 A 144 44, f. 8. 3-3A 3-3,B, 144 54, f. 15. 4-,3 A,=147 48 1 A i-n=144 15 3-3 A 3-3, C,-129 31 4-4, B,157 23 1 A?-,3143 66 i-a-Q A i-50 A -121 43 4-, C,=164 31 1 A —'-143 11 r-2lQA i-209, - _177 31 5-A, A,=152 20 i-2-140 16 f. 12. i- A' A, 127 34 5-5, B, 160 32 4' 4 z-, l A i-Z=138 58 i- A i-s, C,=167 19 5-5, C,-152 20 1 A i-3=136 54 i-is A i-4, A,=129 47 -3, A, 1712 51 1 A i-4=134 26 i-4 A i.,4 0,- 163 44 2L-3, B,=154 33 1 A i-5-_132 48 i-2A A\ i-, 1,-13 49 A-3, 0,- 128 16 A 3-=168 41 i-: A i-2 0, 157 23 The angles A, B, C, above, are those over the edges so lettered in the figure referred to, or over the corresponding edges in related forms. 4. Figures 29 to 49 represent hemihedral forms, or those having for some or all the INTRODUCTION. XXiil planes half the number which complete symmetry requires. In f. 29 the plane 1 occurs on only half the 8 solid angles, and 31, the tetrahedron, results from the extension of these planes; and so for the rest. Figures 29 to 40 are of inclined hemihedrons; and 41-49 of parallel hemihedrons. Some of the angles are as follows; many are the same as for the preceding forms. 29 30 31 31A 32 0 / 33 34 35 36 37 22 2 ~~~i6~~~~~~~~~ 88 40 41 2. [ _,42 43 44 1 A 1=70~ 32', f. 31, 31A. 3-3 A 3-3, 0=134~ 2' i-3 A i-3, C,=107~ 27~' A 3, A,-162 39J 3-3 A 3-, A=158 13, f. 3. 3 i-4Ai-4, A,-151 56 A, B, =82 10 3- A 3-3, B-,=110 55 i-4 A i-4, 0, 3103 36~ 2A2, A, —152 44 3-3A3-i,, —158 13 4-2A4-2 A,-128 15 2 A 2, B.-90, f. 37A. 4-2A4-2, A,=162 15 4-2 A/4-2, B,=154 47' 3 A 3 A,-=142 8 4-2 A4-2, B,=124 51 4-2 A 4-2, 0,=131 49 8 A 3, B, -99 5 4-2 A4-2,,-=144 3 3- A 3-3, A -115 23, f. 45A. -3A A l-2, B,=93 22 i- Ai-3, A,=112 37 3-I A 3-4, B,=149 2-l A -;-!, C-,=160 15 i-IA i-, C,=117 29 3-3 A 3-1, C,=141 47 2-2 A 2-2, B,=109 28, f. 34. i-2 A i-2, A,-126 52, f. 47, 48. 5-1 A 5-', A,=119 3~ 2-2 A 2-2, C,=146 26~ i-2Ai-2, C,-113 35 5- A 5-i, B,=160 32 3-3 A 3-3, B,=124 7 i-3 A i-3, A,=143 8 5-l A 5-', C,=131 5 In the forms i-l, i-2 (f. 47), i-3, i-4, A is the angle at the longer edge, and C that at either of the others. Xxiv INTRODUCTION. 50A Fig. 50 represents a common twin or compound crystal in the isometric system; and 50A illustrates that it corresponds to an octa1 \1..A hedron cut across the middle parallel to an octahedral face, with one fi~ > dhalf revolved 60 or 180 degrees..B. Tetragonal System. (Also called Quadratic, Pyramidal, Monodimetric, Dimetric, Zwei-und-einaxige.) 5. In the Tetragonal system the lateral axes (b) are equal, being the diameters or diagonals of a square, while the vertical (a) is either longer or shorter than the lateral. 6. Owing to the square form, the planes of a kind are in fours or eights. The like planes on the four solid angles make a 4-sided pyramid, and those of the two extremities combined a squa'e octahedron. For any species one such octahedron may be assumed to have the vertical axis la; and then the other octahedral planes on the same angles, with shorter or longer vertical axes, have the vertical axis a multiple or submultiple of a; as — a, a, etc., 2a, la, 3a, etc.; and the planes of such octahedrons are accordingly lettered 1, 2, 2,', 3, etc. 7. So again like planes on the four edges of each base make an octahedron, but of an intermediate series, called the diametric, the planes being parallel to a lateral axis or diagonal. The vertical axis varies by simple ratios, as in the other series; but in the lettering, as the planes are parallel to a lateral axis (and would therefore meet it only at an infinite distance), this parallelism is expressed by adding the letter if initial of infinity. Thus -i, 1-i, 2-i, 3-i, etc. 8. With the lengthening of the octahedron in each series, the numeral becomes larger and larger, until the octahedron is merged in a vertical square prism, its planes parallel to the vertical axis. This parallelism, expressed by the letter i again, as just explained, gives for the lettering of the square prlism of the first or fundamental series, i or I; and for that of the second or diametric, i-i. The figures on pages 277, 273, are examples of these forms, and also of the double 8-sided pyramids and 8-sided prisms which occur in this system. 9. The angles between the planes on the vertical edges and I, or i-i, are the same.as those having similar symbols in the isometric system, noting only this difference in the lettering, that 0 in the cube is i-i in the square prism; thus 0 A i-2 in the cube.or other isometric form is the same with i-i A i-2 in the tetragonal system; and so on. 10. The length of the vertical axis a is calculated from the supplement (S) of the langle 0 A 1-i. A line drawn vertically on the plane 1-i (f. 260, p. 277), that is, at right angles to the lower or upper side, is the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle, the basal side of which triangle is parallel to a lateral axis b, and the vertical parallel to the,vertical axis a. These sides have the ratios, therefore, of the two axes; and taking b-hunity, a-tan A (or angle of triangle at base, or opposite a). This angle A equals the supplement of O0A 1-i; and therefore, calling this supplement S, a-tan S..11. The value of the axis may also be obtained from the supplement (S') of the angle;O A 1, by the equation: a=tan S' see 45~; whence log a-log tan S' —10'1505150. C. Hexagonal System. 12. This system differs from the Tetragonal in having thlree equal lateral axes (b) instead of two; the vertical (a) is at right angles to the lateral (fig. A). 13. In the Hexagonal section of the system the symmetry of the crystals is by sixes and:twelves, as in figs. A to D; f. 440, p. 530; f. 527, p. 627. In f. -B, I corresponds to a hexagonal pyramid of the fundamental series, and 1-2, 4-2, 2-2, to similar pyramids of the intermediate series; I is the hexagonal prism of the former series, anld i-2 that of the intermediate prism. A I_=120~, IA i-2-150~, i-2 A i-2, ov. I,=120o. 14. In the Thombohedral section of the system, the planes 1, 2, 3, 2, etc., are INTRODUOTION. XXV planes of rhombohedrons, having for the vertical axis la, 2a, 3a, ~a, etc., la being the value of the axis in the fundamental rhombohedron, (R) (figs., p. 6). The angle of a rhombohedron mentioned is always that over a terminal edge, as that between the upper planes R of figure 141, p. 141. On gradually shortening the rhombohedron in fig. 141, it may become ~R, ~R, and so on, till the length becomes 0, A B D 22 1 1111 12 1 i2 I and the rhombohedron is reduced to a flat plane. Hence, starting from this plane (which corresponds to the basal plane of the rhombohedron or hexagonal prism), the rhombohedron as it elongates reaches the form of fig. 141; and continuing the elongation, the vertical axis doubles, trebles, and so on, till finally it becomes infinite, and the rhombohedron is then a six-sided prism. If a diminution in length now commences by planes inclined to the opposite extremities of the vertical axis, these planes correspond to another series of rhombohedrons which are distinguished by a minus (-). The planes 0......1..2...I (or ).... —2.. —1.. —4....O, lie in a single vertical zone. Figs. 550, 551, p. 679, represent the forms R, -~, -2, — I,2 4, 13. 15. The value of the vertical axis a is obtained from the supplement: Of OA 1-2- (S) by the equation a=-tan S. Of 0 AO (S') by the equation a=tan S' — sec 30~. The latter gives log a-=log tan St-10'0624694. D. Orthorhombic System. (Also called Rectangular, Prismatic, Trimetric, Ein und-einaxige.) 16. In the Orthorhombic system the three axes are unequal and inter sect at right angles; and the three diametric planes, or E those containing the axes, are consequently rectangular in intersection. The annexed figure represents a rectangular prism,,,, with replaced edges and angles. \/ i \ 17. a, b, c, are the axes, of which a is the vertical, b/' the shorter lateral or brachydiagoral, c the longer lateral 0. or macrodiagonal. 0 is the basal plane of the prism;..\ i-t the larger lateral plane, parallel to the longer lateral,... 1 axis; i-i the smaller lateral plane, parallel to the shorter lateral axis. 18. I are planes on the edges of the rectangular prism, which when extended would form a vertical rhombic i. I prism, having its axes b and c in the ratio of lb: lc. - It is therefore the unit or fundamental vertical prism. i 19. 1-i are planes parallel to the longer lateral axis,....... and having for the axes a, b, the ratio la: lb; extended', i upwards they form a dome (so named from domus, a....i house), which is called the macrodome. The planes 14 XXVi INTRODUCTION. in a similar manner form what is called a brachydome, they being parallel to the shorter lateral axis; its axes a, c, have the ratio la: lc, that is, the two diagonals of this horizontal prism have this ratio. These two domes -are therefore the eunit domes. Their summit angles are of course supplements of their basal angles (or those over the vertical planes i-i, i-i). 20. If the axis b1=l; half the obtuse angle of the prism I be called X; half the summit angle of the macrodome 1-, Y, and half the basal of the same Z; then we have for the values of the other axes a and c: a —-cot Y==tan Z. c —tan X. Further, X-i-J A I —-90; Y= -O r\ 1 —900; Z==i- A 1 —-90~. 20. The planes 1 on the eight angles are planes of an octahedron, having for the axes a, b, c, the ratio la: lb: Ic. It is therefore the unit or fundamental octahedron (1). Its pyramidal edges, if the octahedron were completed (as in f. 55, p. 20), would be of two kinds, two at each extremity opposite to the axis c, the longer lateral axis, and two opposite to b, the shorter lateral axis. The former is the macrodiagonal edge, the latter the brachydiagonal. 21. By doubling the length of the vertical axis, the lateral being fixed, we form the octahedron 2; by trebling it, the octahedron 3; by halving it, the octahedron ~; and so for the domes, doubling the vertical axis we have the dome 2-i or 2-4; by halving the same, the dome ~-4 or ~4, and so on. The letter i, as before explained, stands for infinity, and means that the plane is parallel to one of the axes; i, that it is parallel to the longer lateral axis; i, that it is parallel to the shorter lateral axis: i or I alone, or as the initial letter in a symbol, signifies that the plane is parallel to the vertical axis. A plane i-z is parallel both to the vertical and longer lateral; i-i, both to the vertical and shorter lateral. 22. The octahedrons alluded to above have for the axes b, c, the ratio lb: lc, and belong to what is called the fundamental series. But others may exist with different ratios for b and c, and any value for a. If the ratio for b, c, is lb: 2c, then, as c is the longer lateral axis, if the vertical axis is la, the octahedron is 1-2; or if the vertical axis is 3a, the plane is 3-2; or if at, it is I-2. So for the ratio 3b: lc; if the vertical axis is la, the octahedron is l-g; or if 2a, it is 2-9; and if the vertical axis is infinite, the plane is parallel to the vertical axis, and the symbol is i-z. The first figure or letter in these symbols always refers to the vertical axis, and the second to one of the lateral axes. 23. The planes may thus be viewed as lying in vertical zones, a different zone for every ratio of the lateral axes b: c. Each series, or zone, terminates above in the basal plane of the prism, for which a=O, and below in a vertical prism, for which a is infinite. By taking the planes i4, i-i, successively, for the basal plane O, there may be similar series of zones for each. The planes of a zone have their mutual intersections parallel to one another; and wherever a series of planes exists having such parallel intersections, the series is called a zone. The small tables inserted in connection with the crystalline forms of some of the species of this and other systems of crystallization (pp. 27, 35, 338) consist of the vertical zones of occurring planes. The planes of a vertical zone have mutual horizontal intersections in the crystal. Consequently in a crystal not oblique the inclination of the basal plane, 0, on any plane in a zone, subtracted from 270~, gives the inclination of the prismatic plane of the same zone on that plane, and the tangents of the supplemental angles of 0 on the planes of a zone vary as the coefficient of the vertical axis for each plane. Thus, suppose there are the planes 1l-, 2-4, 3-i, take the supplement of 0 A 14- (which, if 0 A 14- is 124~, equals 180 —124~-560); then the tangent of this angle, doubled, will be the tangent of the supplement of 0 A 2-, and trebled, of the supplement of the angle of 0 A 43-. The same for the INTRODUCTION. Xxvil planes 1, 2, 3, or 1-3, 2-2, 3-2, and so on; and if i.i be made the base, then in the same manner the angles may be calculated for similar zones of planes terminating in i.; or if i4 be made the base, for zones of planes terminating similarly in i i. So if the angles are given, the relations of the axes may be calculated by reversing the process. 24. Making the brachydiagonal b=unity: a=tan. suppl. O A 1-i; and calling the angle IA I, over i-i, X: c=tan ~X. E. Monoclinic System. (Also called IIemiprismatic, Clinorhombic, Monoclinohedral, Zwei-und-eingliederige.) 25. In this system two of the axial intersections are rectangular, and one is oblique. In other words, the lateral axes are at right angles to one another; but one is oblique to the vertical axis, and the other at right angles to it. 26. If figure E on page xxv be taken as representing a monoclinic form in its usual position, then a will be the vertical axis; b the inclined lateral, called the clinodiagonal; c the other lateral, called the orthodiagonal. The angle a A b, or the inclination of the vertical axis, is called the angle C. 27. The section of the crystal in which b, the clinodiagonal, and a lie is the clinodiagonal section; and that in which c and a lie is the orthodiagonal section. The vertical plane i-5, of f. E, is parallel to the orthodiagonal section, and is lettered simply i-i; and the plane i-i, of the same figure, is parallel to the clinodiagonal section, and is lettered i-. The angle 0 A i-i-C, or the inclination of the vertical axis; while O A i-i=90~, and i-i A i-i=90~. The clinodiagonal section is the plane of symmetry. 28. The domes havmng the planes parallel to the clinodiagonal are called clinodomes, and are lettered with an accent over the 2, thus, 1-i (1-i in f. E), 2-4. 29. The domes parallel to the orthodiagonal are hemidomes, the planes in front at top being unlike in inclination those in front below, each being a hemidome; one series is opposite the acute intersection of the axes, and is the plus series, lettered 1-i, 2-i, etc.; the other is opposite the obtuse, and is lettered -'1-i, -2-i, etc. 30. The octahedral planes are all hemioctahedral, and + and are used in the symbols in the same manner as in the symbols of the hemidomes. Thus in fig. E, if the angle between the upper 0 and the front plane i-i is obtuse, then the upper planes 1, 1, in front would be -1, -1, and. the corresponding planes below, + 1, + 1, written usually 1, 1. 31. If the clinodiagonal b-1; half the front angle of the prism I (over i-i) be called X, -half the summit angle of the clinodome 1-i, X'; the supplement of i-i A 1-i (0O A 1-i-C) be called a; and supplement of 0 A 1-i be v; and C be used as above explained; then, c-sin C tan X. a-c. sin C tan X'=sin v - sin — =sin ( C-P) - sin I. F. Triclinic System. (Also called Doubly Oblique, Tetartoprismatic, Anorthic, Einund-elngliederige.) 32. The three axes are unequal, and obliquely and unequally inclined. Angles of 90~ and 135~ are not met with in Triclinic crystals. Examples, figures on pp. 297, 338, 349. 33. The crystallographic symbols used in this work are essentially those of Naumann, the author of the system of crystallography which is followed. The only difference is that i, the initial of infinity, is substituted for the symbol A, and the P is dropped, it being in almost all cases unessential. Thus, P, 2P, 4P2, mcPc, cP, 03P2, 3P2, of Naumann, are P or 1, 2, 4-2, i-i, i (or I), i-2, 3-2, of this work. And in the rhombohedral section of the hexagonal system, for R, 2R, 3R, R', 2R1, of ]Naumann, are here written, R, 2, 3, 13, 2'. Moreover 0 or o is written for the basal plane. The distinction of capital or small letter in the symbols is mathematically of no importance. 34. In the orthorhombic system the shorter lateral axis is made the unit in this work. The axes are lettered a, b, c, in different systems, except in that of Miller (or XXViii INTRODUCTION. properly Whewell's), who uses the letters h, i, k, as " indices " referring to the axes, in the order here written: Vertical. Brachydiagonal. Macrodiagonal. In this work a b c In Naumann a c b In Weiss and Rose c a b In Miller k 1 h For the tetragonal system the axes are the same, except that b=c. In the inonoclinic: Vertical Clinodiagonal. Orthodiagonal. Naumann and this work a b c Weiss and Rose c a b Miller k 1 h The following are convenient simple rules for use in connection with crystallographic measurements and calculations: 35. If a plane, p, replaces the edge between any other two, s, t, making parallel intersections, the sum of the angles between p and the two planes s, t, equals 180 plus the inclination of s on t. If the planes s, t, meet at 90~, the sum of these angles equals 180~+*90~ 270~; and if the angles are equal, each is 1350; if the planes s, t, meet at 110~, the sum of the two angles equals 180~-1100-2900; and if one is 130~, the other will be 1 60~. 36. On p. xxvi, the relation between the symbols and the tangents of the inclinations of planes lying in zones between rectangular axes (which zones can be made to be vertical zones in one position or another of the crystal) is pointed out. The same method holds for all vertical zones in the tetragonal system, and for those that become vertical on putting the crystal on its plane i-i; also for all the zones which are made vertical by placing a monoclinic prism on its face i-i, that is the zone of clinodomes, the zone of vertical prisms, and all zones, then vertical, of hemioctahedrons; also for all the vertical zones of the hexagonal prism, and hence for the zone of rhombohedrons of any species, or vertical zones of scalenohedral planes. 37. For the transfer of h I k of Miller's system into the system of this work, take the reciprocals. Thus if symbol is 212, the reciprocals are ~, 1, 1, the last I referring to the vertical axis. As the relation of the lateral axes should be in whole numbers, double the whole and it gives 1: 2: 1; whence the plane is that which would be here designated 1-2. So 1: 1: 3 becomes 1: 1: ~, whence the symbo.; or 315 becomes 3, 1,,or 1, 3,; whence -3; and in the orthorhombic system the 3 in 5-3 would have the short nmark, or be written 3-9; while 1035 would give the symbol i-3. 38. In hexagonal forms the change is less simple, and the method for it is hardly intelligible to one not knowing something of both systems. The axes of Miller, instead of being those of fig. A, p. xxv, are lines drawn through the centre normal to (that is, at right angles to) the alternate faces of the pyramid; they are therefore three in number, and the planes are thus referred to axes parallel to the rhombohedral edge. The planes in fig. A, according to Naumann's system, are all of one kind in the hexagonal section of the hexagonal system, but of two kinds, R and -R (or 1 and -1) in the rhombohedral section. In Miller's system they are of two kinds in both sections, the distinction between the two sections not being entertained. The axes a, b, c, of any plane in the hexagonal system of Naumann, have the following values in terms of h k 1 of Miller: * Furnished the author for this place by Prof. J. P. Cooke, of Harvard. INTRODUCTION. XXiX h1 l V/l (1 -2 cosy) -I — h + k + 1 2eos b- 1-= k C= 1-h But in using these equations strict attention must be paid to the signs, as is illustrated in the examples below. The angle y is the angle between the axes in Miller's system, which equals the facial angle of the rhomb face at the vertex of the rhombohedron -R. The equations give the true ratios of Naumann's axes; but these ratios often have to be reduced to whole numbers, or otherwise modified, to obtain precisely the values used in Naunmann's symbol. The second member in the equation for a gives the length of the axis ma in any form; the first member in it is all that is required for the value of m in the symbol, while the second is the value of a. The following are some examples: In f. 564 (p. 672), plane R, which is 100 of Miller, gives, on substituting the values of h k 1, and working the equations, a: b: c= 1: i (infinity): -1. The parameters of the plane in Naumann's system for the vertical and three lateral axes are 1: 1: 1: i. The plane i, to the right, is 2T1 of Miller; whence a: b: c —i: i: -3, which, since a and b are each infinity, is equivalent to i: i: -1. The plane -2, to the right, is 1T1 of Miller; whence a: b: cl:-1: i=2: 1: i; the Naumann ratio for this plane is 2: 1: 1: i. Plane-L is 332 of Miller; whence a: b: c=:. - 1: - 4 1. The left upper plane 13 is 201 in Miller; whence a: b: c-l: -1 -i=3 -3: -1, giving the Naumann symbol 3-3, from which comes its equivalent scalenohedral symbol 13. The left upper plane ~3 is Miller's 31(0; whence a: b: c-: -1: -4-: -3: -1; giving the Naumann symbol S-3, and its equivalent ~3. The right upper of the two adjoining planes, 13 in f. 564, is 301 of Miller; whence a: b: ci: 1: —. This is apparently a different result from the last. But calculating the length of the fourth of Naumann's parameters, it gives h=n.-(n — 1)=.(-~ — )=l, from which it follows that the parameters of the plane are l: 1::l: -A; and on calculating the fourth parameter in the preceding, l would be obtained, proving that both are really the same plane. 5. NOMENCLATURE. 1. The termination ites or itis (the original of ite) was used, according to system, among the Greeks, and from them among the Romans, in the names of stones, it being one of the regular Greek suffixes. It was added (as ite in these recent times) to the word signifying a quality, constituent, use, or locality of the stone. Some of the examples are: Hccenmatites, from the red color of the powder Chloritis, from the green color; Steatites, from the greasy feel; Dendritis, from a resemblance to a tree or branch; Alabastritis, for the stone out of which a vase called an alabastron was made; YBasanites, from the word for touchstone; Sidcerites, from the word for iron; Argyritis, from the Greek for silver; Syenitis, from the locality, Syene in Egypt; Memphitis, for a marble from Memphis in Egypt. 2. The only modern kind of name not in vogue in Pliny's time is that after persons. Werner appears to have been the first to introduce personal names into mineralogy. The earliest example, as far as ascertained, was his naming what von Born had called Green Mica (Mica viridis), Torberite, after its investigator, the chemist Torber Bergmann (more correctly written Torbernite by some mineralogists of last century, as Bergmann wrote his name in Latin, the language of his scientific works, Torbernus Bergmann). The name encountered objections; and Werner, in view of Bergmann's announcement (after some incorrect trials) that the mineral was a copper ore, substituted in 1189 the name Chalcolite. HIe, however, immediately afterward (early in 1790) showed that he saw nothing bad in the style of name by designating other new species Prehnite and Wi/herite, the former after Col. Prehn, the discoverer, and the latter after Dr. Withering, the discoverer and analyst of the species. The same year Estner, a mineralogist of Vienna, issued a pamphlet against the Werner school, with the title " Freymiithige Gedanken XXX INTRODUCTION. iiber Herrn Inspector Werner's Verbesserungen in der Mineralogie," etc. (64 pp. 16mo, 1790), in which he makes light of Werner's labors in the science, and under the head of Pr'ehnite ridiculed this method of creating a paternity, and providing the childless with children to hand down their nanies to posterity (p. 25). Such names were, however, too easily made. too pleasant, as a general thing, to give and receive, and withal too free from real objection, to be thus stopped off, and they have since become numerous, even Vienna contributing her full share toward their multiplication. As a part of the history of mineralogical nomenclature, it may be here added that -Werner, when it was proved that his chalcolite was an ore of uranium with but little copper, instead of a true ore of copper, dropped the name entirely, and called the mineral simply Uranglimmer (Uranium mica); and Karsten, in his reply to Abbe Estner (Berlin, 1793, 80 pp. 12mo), makes out of the necessary rejection of chalcolite an argument against chemical names, and in favor of names after persons, as the latter could never turn out erroneous in signification. Werner, in an article written in defence of his introduction of this class of names (Bergm. J., i. 103, 1790), mentions the case of Obsidian (more properly Obsian) as a precedent from Pliny, Obsian being, as Pliny states, the reported discoverer of the substance in Ethiopia. But this is not strictly an example. For Pliny uses Obsian not as a substantive, but as an adjective; the mineral was not Obsian, but Obsian glass or Obsian stone; vitrumr obsianum, lapis obsianus, and obsiana [vitra], occurring in the course of the paragraph. The addition of the termination ite to Ohsian would, according to mineralogical method, make a name equivalent to Pliny's lapis obsianus. Names of persons ending in an (as Octavian, Tertullian) were common among the Romans; and this is so far reason for avoiding the termination in names of stones. Some critics question the existence of the reputed Obsius, and reject Pliny's explanation. 3. The ancient origin of this termination ite, its adoption for most of the names in modern mineralogy, its distinctive character and convenient application, make it evidently the true basis for uniformity in the nomenclature of the science. 4. If any other termination in addition is to be used, it should be so only under system; that is, it should be made characteristic of a particular natural group of species, and be invariably employed for the names in that group; and its use should not be a matter of choice or fancy with describers of species. As a matter of fact, several other terminations are in use, but wholly without reference to any such system. The most common of them is ine; but it has not been employed for any particular division of minerals, and it could not now be so restricted; it belongs by adoption and long usage to chemistry, and should be left to that science. 5. In order then that the acquired uniformity may be attained, changes should be made in existing names, when it can be done without great inconvenience. Names like Quartz, Garnet, Gypsum, Realgar, Orpiment, with the names of the metals and gems, which are part of general literature, must remain unaltered. Mica and Feldspar, equally old with Quartz, have become the names of groups of minerals, and are no longer applied to particular species. Fluor was written fluorite last century by Napione. Blende, although one of the number that might be allowed to stand among the exceptions, has already given place with some mineralogists to Sphalerite, a name proposed by Haidinger (because blende was applied also to other species) in 1845, and signifying deception, like Blende. Galena was written Galenite by von Kobell some years since. Orthoclase, Loxoclase, Oligoclase might be rightly lengthened to Orthoclasite, etc. But the termination clase (from the Greek for fracture) is peculiar to names of minerals, and the abbreviated form in use may be allowed to stand for species of the Feldspar group. It seems better that it be avoided elsewhere. Many other examples will be found by the reader in the pages of this volume. In the course of the last century, when the science of minerals was taking shape, and progress in chemistry was helping it forward, there was an effort on one side to introduce, under the influence of Linnmeus, the double names of Botany and Zoology; and on the other, under the influence of Cronstedt and Bergmann, names expressive of chemical composition, as far as it was ascertained; and the two methods have had their advocates till late in the present century. But, INTRODUCTION. XXXI at the same time, the necessity of single names was recognized by most of the early mineralo. gists; and in the spirit of the system which had made its appearance among the Greeks and Romans out of the genius of the Greek language, they almost uniformly adopted for the new names the termination ite. Thus we have from Werner the names Torberite, Chalcolite, Graphite, Prehnite, Witherite, Boracite, Augite, Pistacite, Pinite, Aragonite. Apatite, Leucite, Cyanite (Kyanite); and from other sources in the same century, Zeolite, Aetinolite, Tremolite, Coccolite, Arendalite, Baikalite, Melanite, Staurolite, Lepidolite, Cryolite, Chiastolite, Collyrite, Agalmatolite, Sommite, Moroxite, Pharmacolite, Strontianite, Delphinite, Titanite, Ceylanite, Gadolinite, Rubellite, Sahlite, Wernerite, Seapolite, Mellite, etc. The termination ine was also adopted for a few names, as Tourmaline, Olivine, Mascagnine, Serpentine; and an in Vesuvian; but the great bulk of the names were systematically terminated in ite. With the opening of the present century (in 1801), Haiiy came forward with his great work on Crystallography, and in it he brought out a variety of new names that defy all system, having nothing of the system of the earlier science, and no substitute of his own. Forgetting that the unity of law which he had found in nature should be a feature of scientific language, he gave to his names the following terminations: ane, in Cymophane; ase, in Euclase, Idocrase, Anatase, Dioptase; aste, in Pleonaste; age, in Diallage; ene, in Disthene, Sphene; gene, in Amphigene; ide, in Staurotide; ime, in Analeime; ole, in Amphibole; ome, in Aplome, Harmotome; ose, in Orthose; ote, in Actinote, Epidote; yre, in Dipyre; ype, in Mesotype. And the true mineralogical termination ite he admitted only in the few following: Axinite, Meionite, Pycnite, Stilbite, Grammatite. Haiiy had commanded so great and so general admiration by his brilliant discoveries in crystallography, and by the benefits which he had thus conferred on mineralogical science, that his names with their innovations were for the most part immediately accepted even beyond the limits of France, although a number of them were substitutes for those of other authors. Some of Werner's names were among the rejected; and a break was thus occasioned between German and French mineralogy, which will not be wholly removed until the rule of priority, properly restricted, shall be allowed to have sway. The substitutes among Haiiy's names. in the 1st edition of his Crystallography (1801) are the following: Amphibole, for Hornblende of last century and earlier. Orthose. for Feldspar. Pyroxene, for Avgite of Werner, and Volcanite of Delametherie. [Delametherie was a contemporary of Hatiy at Paris, the author in 1792 of an edition of Mongez's Mlanuel dzu lMi;nralogiste (after Bergmann's Sciagraphia); in 1797, of an ambitious speculative work entitled Theioie de la Terre, the first two volumes of which consisted of a Treatise on Mineralogy; in 1811, 1812, of Lefons de iiniralogie, in 2 vols., and for a number of years principal editor of the Journal de Physique. He gave offence to Haiiy by some of his early publications. Haiiy's mineral Eucl]ase is described in full by Delametherie in the Journal de Physique for 1792 (some years in advance of Haiiy's description of it), without crediting the name or anything else to Haiiy; but five years later, in his Thiorie de la Terre, he inserts the species with full credit to Haviy.] Cymophane, for Chrysoberyl of Werner. Idocrase, for Vesuvian of Werner. Pleonaste, for Ceylanite of Delametherie. Disthene, for Cyanite of Werner. Anatase, for Octahedrite of de Saussure, and Oisanite of Delametherie. Sphene, for Titanite of Klaproth. Nepheline, for Sommile of Delam6therie. Triphane, for Spodumene of d'Andrada. Amphigene, for Leucite of Werner. Actinote, for Actinolite of Kirwan, and Zillerthite of Delametherie. Epidote, for Thallite of Delamntherie, Delphinile of de Saussure, and Arendalite of Karsten. Axinite, for Yanolile of Delametherie. fIarmotome, for Andreolite of Delametherie. Grammatite, for Tremolite of Pini. Staurotide, for Staurolite of Delametherie, and Grenatite of de Saussure. And, later, Paranthine, for Scapolite of d'Andrada, and Rapidolite of Abildgaard. Part of the changes were made with good reason; but others were wholly unnecessary. Hlaiiy was opposed to names from localities, and hence several of the displacements. He objected also to names based on variable characters, and characters not confined to the species. Moreover, as his pupil, Lucas, observes (in giving reasons for rejecting the name Scapolite and substituting Paranthine), "' le vice du mot lite, qui s'applique a toutes les pierres, ne pouvoient plus convenir a cette substance du moment ot elle seroit reconnue pour un espbce." Haiiy's own names are Xxxi INTRODUCTION. remarkable, in general, for their indefiniteness of signification, which makes them etymologically nearly as good for one mineral as another, and very bad for almost none; as, for example, Dial. lage, which is from the Greek for difference; Analcnime, from weakness in Greek; Orthose, from straight in Greek; Epidote. from increase in Greek; Anatase, from erection in Greek, interpreted by him as equivalent to length; Idocrase, from Isee mixture in Greek, etc. His name Pyroxene, which he defines hote ou etranger dans le domnaine du feu, is an unfortunate exception, as often re'marked, the mineral beingo the most common and universal constituent of igneous rocks. Beudant succeeded Haiiy, and had the same want of system in his ideas of nomenclature. Finding occasion to name various mineral species which tillthen had only chemical names, he adopted Ha-iy's method of miscellaneous terminations, but indulged in it with less taste and judgment, and with little knowledge of the rules of etymology. In his work we find the termination ese, in Apherese, Aphanese, Neoctese, Acerdese, Mimetese; ise, in Leberkise, Sperkise, Harkise (only German words Gallicized); Melaconise, Zinconise, Crocoise, Stibiconise, Uraconise; ose, in Argyrose, Argyrythrose, Psaturose, Aphthalose, IlRhodalose, Siderose, Elasmose, Exanthalose, Cyanose, Melinose, Disomose; ase, in Neoptase, Discrase; inze, in Ypoleime; ele, in Exitele; while names ending in ine are greatly multiplied. In Germany, the tendency has always been to uniformitythrough'the adoption of the termination itce. Breithaupt has been somewhat lawless, giving the science his Plinian, Alumian, Sardinian, Asbolan, etc.; his Castor and Pollux; Glaucodot, Homichlin, Orthoclase, Xanthocon, etc.; still, far the larger part of his numerous names are rightly terminated. Haidinger's many names are always right and good. 6. In forming names from the Greek or Latin the termination ite is added to the genitive form after dropping the vowel or vowels of the last syllable, and any following letters. Thus, SiXacS makes JSFXavog (melanos) in the genitive, and gives the name melanite. The Greek language is the most approved source of names. 7. Iri compounding Greek words the same elision of the Greek genitive is made for the first word in the compound, provided the second word begins with a vowel; if not, the letter o is inserted. Thus, from JGp, genitive ~vupos (puros), and &pi5s (orthos), comes pyrorthite; and from the same and c'fvo0 (xenos) comes pyroxene. 8. The liberty is sometimes taken in the case of long compounds to drop a syllable, and when done with judgment it is not objectionable; thus melaconite has been accepted in place of mnelanoconite. But magnoferrite (as if from the Latin magnus, great, and ferrum, iron), for a compound of magnesia and iron, or calcimangite for one containing lime and manganese, are bad. 9. In the transfer of Greek words into Latin or English, the x (k) becomes c, and the u (u) becomes y. 10. In the formation of the names of minerals, the addition of the termination ite to proper names in modern languages (names of places, persons, etc.), or names of characteristic chemical constituents, is allowable; but making this:or any other syllable a suffix to common words in such languages is barbarous. 11. Names made half of Greek and half Latin are objectionable; but names that are half of Greek or Latin and half of a modern language are intolerable. 12. Law of Priority. The law of priority has the same claim to recognition in mineralogy as in the other natural sciences. Its purpose is primarily to secure the stability, purity, and perfection of science, and not to insure credit to authors. 13. Limitations of the Law of Priority. The following are cases in which a name having priority may properly be set aside: a. When the name is identical with the accepted name of another mineral of earlier date. b. When it is glaringly false in signification; as when a red mineral is declared in its name to be black; e. g., llelanochroite (p. 630); or when a honey-yellow mineral is made to be ashen; e. g.,.lelinophane (p. 263). c. When it is put forth without a description. d. When published with a description so incorrect that a recognition of the mineral by means of it is impossible; and in consequence, and because also of the rarity of specimens, the same species is described under another name without the INTRODUCTION. XXXiii describer's knowledge of the mineral bearing the former name. When, on the contrary, a badly described but well-known old mineral is redescribed correctly, there is no propriety in the new describer changing the old name. According to this canon it might seem right that the name ERmerylite should have been substituted for [argarite (p. 506). Yet margarite, though incorrectly described, was a species well known in cabinets, and Dr. Smith manifested his appreciation of the true interests of sciencethe end of all canons-in adopting the old name so soon as he had ascertained by further research the identity of his species with margarite. e. ~Wheb the name is based on an uncharacteristic variety of the species. Thus Sagenite was properly set aside for Rutile (p. 159). f. When the name is based upon a variety so important that the variety is best left to retain its original name; particularly where this and other varieties of the species, introduced originally as separate species, are afterwards shown by investigation to belong to a common species. Thus, the earlier name Augite is properly retained as the name of a variety, and Haiiyls later name Pyroxene accepted for the group, as explained on p. 214. g. When a name becomes the designation of a group of species: as Mica, Chlorite. h. When the name is badly formed, or the parts are badly put together: as when the terminal s of a Greek word is retained in the derivative; e. g., aphanese from doirevc; Mielaconise from the Greek for black and xolv:s; Rhodalose from the Greek for rose-colored and`x0os (halos), the genitive of &iNX, salt. The last word is bad not only in termination but in wanting an h before the a, and strictly an o after the d. Also Siderose (spathic iron), Argyrose (silver glance), Chalcosine (copper glance), from, respectively, idfrpos, xpyvupos, XacXxs. The ancient Greeks showed us how the derivatives from these words should terminate by writing them Sideritis, Argyritis, Chalcitis. Ignorance or carelessness should not be allowed to give perpetuity to its blunders under any law of priority. i. When a name is intolerable for the reasons mentioned in ~~ 10, 11, as Harkise, from the German Haarkies (hair pyrites)' Kupaphrite, from the German Kupferschaum; Bleinierite, from the German Blei-Niere. j. When a name has been lost sight of and has found no one to assert its claim for a period of more than fifty years; especially if the later name adopted for the species has become intimately incorporated with the structure of the science, or with the nomenclature of rocks. Thus, although Thallite and.Delphinite antedate E]pidote, it is not for the good of science that Epidote should be thrown aside. But where a name has not this importance, and is unexceptionable, the law of priority may be allowed to have its course. The right to recognition, under this canon, where the names are those of the original describer of the species, is strong. But with regard to names introduced for well-known old species to replace earlier chemical or provincial names, the claim is feebler.; and if the names are not strictly according to rule, or are unsatisfactory in mode of publication, they may be more freely modified, abbreviated if desirable, or rejected altogether. Prof. Chapman's " Practical Mineralogy," published in England in 1843, affords examples of the latter kind, and has occasioned some embarrassment. The work was by an author at that time unknown in the science (the preface says, an engineer, and " a very young man "); it was small, of limited circulation, and practical in its object, and therefore one in which new names for old species would not naturally be looked for. In 1845, IHaidinger, then already a veteran in the science, the author of several works on mineralogy and of numerous researches in its various departments, issued his "I Handbuch," in which also a number of old species were provided with mineralogical names. Through Chapman's publication, Haidinger's Breithauptite is anticipated two years by Chapman's Hartmannite; his Freieslebenite, by the latter's -Donacargyrite; his Chrornite, by the latter's Chromoferrite; his Cuprite, by Ruberite; and so on. Chapman's names have ever since remained unknown or forgotten; while IHaidinger's have had general acceptance among the mineralogists of Europe, and are now the current names. It has seemed that, after so long a period of oblivion, it would be doing no good to science to diso Xxxiv INTRODUCTION. place the latter, and a useless endeavor to attempt it. The later English Mineralogies of Nicoll (1849), Brooke & Miller (1852), and Greg & Lettsom (1858), contain none of Chapman's names. k. Where the adopted system of nomenclature in the science is not conformed to. In accordance with this last principle, the author, believing that the system demands that the names of species should have as far as possible, as above explained, the common termination ite, has changed, accordingly, a number of the names in the course of this volume. 14. It has appeared desirable that the names of rocks should have some difference of form from those of minerals. To secure this end, the author has written the final syllable ite of such names with a y; thus Diorite, Eurite, Tonalite, etc., are written Dioryte, Euryte, Tonalyte. The y is already in the name Trachyte. The author has allowed Granite and Syenite to remain as they are ordinarily written, since they are familiar names in common as well as in scientific literature. See further, on Nomenclature, the excellent Mineral-Namen of v. Kobell. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following catalogue contains the titles of the works which are referred to in the following pages, with their abbreviated titles. As the value of these references, and of the various historical conclusions deduced, depends on their having been derived from the original publications themselves, the abbreviated titles of the Journals and other works which the author has had by him for consultation are put in black letter; while the rest, that is of those he has not seen, are in small capitals.;Some titles also are added of works consulted, but not referred to. Many other titles might have been inserted, a considerable number from the author's library; but they would swell the list without increasing much its value. The abbreviations of the more important words in the abbreviated titles, and of the names of the States in the United States (some of which are in the titles and others!in the observations on minerals), are as follows: Abbreviated words.-Am., American; Can., Canada; Ch., Chemistry, Chemical, iChemie, Chimie; Fr., French; G., Geological, Geology, Geologie, Geologischen; Germ., German; J., Journal; _11., Mines; lfin., Mineralogy, Mineralogie, Mineralogical; pt., in part; Q., Quarterly; Sc., Sci., Science; Soc., Society; ZS., Zeitschrift. Abbreviated names of the Uznited States. —Ala., Alabama; Ark., Arkansas; Cal., California; Ct., Conn., Connecticut; Del., Delaware; Ga., Georgia; Ill., Illinois; nd., Indiana; Kan., Kansas; KTy., Kentucky; Me., Maine; Mass., Massachusetts; MId., Maryland; Mich., Michigan; Minn., Minnesota; Miss., Mississippi; lo., Missouri; N. Car., North Carolina; N. H., NT. Hamp., New Hampshire; N. J., New Jersey; N. Y., New York; O., Ohio; Penn., Pennsylvania; R. I., Rhode Island; S. Car., South Carolina; Tenn., Tennessee; Va., Virginia; Vt., Vermont. Other abbreviations are explained below. The catalogue is divided into three:parts: 1. Periodicals not issued by Scientific Societies; 2. Publications of Scientific Societies; 3. Independent works or publications. In giving abbreviations of the publications of Societies, the name of the place where the Society is established is in all cases stated, and, for the sake of uniformity, it is made the last word in the abbreviated title, a method which it were well if always.followed. For the prominent journals, and the serials of some societies, the time of publication of the successive volumes, or of the volumes of every successive five years, is stated.* * A very useful table, giving the date of publication of each volume of the journals here referred Xo, might easily be constructed from the facts stated. It may be made on paper ruled in squares, INTRODUCTION. XXXV 1. Periodicals not issued by Scientific Societies. Afh., or Afhandl. Afhandlingar i Fisik, Kemi och Mineralogie, etc., utgifne af Hisinger & Berzelius. Vol. 1, 1806; 2,'07; 3,'10; 4,'15; 5, 6,'18. Am. J. Sci. American Journal of Science and Arts. 1st series, 50 vols., 8vo; conducted by B. Silliman, 1818-1839; with B. Silliman, Jr., from 1840. Four numbers to vol. 1, and two to subsequent vols. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug., 1818; No. 2, Jan.,'19; No. 3, Mar.,'19; No. 4, June,'19; vol. 2, Ap., Nov.,'20; 3, Feb., May,'21; 4, Oct., Feb.,'21,'22; 5, June, Sept.,'22; 6, Jan., May,'23; 7, Nov., Feb.,'23,'24; 8, May, Aug.,'24; 9, Feb., June,'25; 10, Oct., Feb.,'25,'26; 11, June, Oct.,'26: 12, 13, Mar., June, Sept., Dec.,'27; afterward regularly on the first of April, July, Oct., Jan.; vols. 14, 15, in'28,'28-'29; 24, 25, in'33,'33-'34; 34, 35, in'38,'38-'39; then regularly, Jan., May, July, Oct., 36, 37, in'39; 38, 39, in'40; 48, 49, in'50; 50, Index volume. 2d ser., by the same and James D. Dana, until 1865, after which, by B. Silliman and James D. Dana; from 1851, aided by A. Gray and W. Gibbs;'53 to'66, by L. Agassiz; from'63, by G. J. Brush and S. W. Johnson; from'64, by H. A. Newton. 2 vols. ann. 1, 2, 1846; 11, 12,'51; 21, 22,'56; 81, 32,'61; 41, 42,'66; whence, 49, 50, 1870. An index to 10 vols. in each vols. 10, 20, 30, etc. Ann. Ch. Annales de Chemie. 8vo, Paris, vols. 1-3, 1789; 4-7.'90; 8-11,'91; 12-15,'92; 1618,'93; 19-24,'91; 25-27,'98.; 28-31,'99; then regularly 4 v. ann.; 32-35, 1800; 5255,'05; 72-75,'10; 92-95, 96,'15, an Index to vols. 31 to 60 inclusive. Continued in the 2Ann. Oh. Phys. (q. v.). Ann. Ch. Pharm. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie; by Wohler and Liebig; from vol. 77, by Wihler, Liebig, and Kopp, and called new series. 8vo, Leipzig and Heidelberg, 4 vols. ann. Vol. 1-4, 1832; 13-16,'35; 33-36,'40; 53-56,'45; 73-76,'50; 93-96,'55; 113116,'60; 133-136,'65; 153-156,'70. Supplementband, 1, 1861; 2,'62,'63; 37'64; 4,'65,'66. Ann. Ch. Phys. Annales de Chemie et de Physique; at first by Gay Lussac et Arago. 8vo, Paris; 3 vols. anu.; 1-3, 1816; 16-18,'21; 31-33,'26; 46-48,'31; 61-63,'36; 73-75,'40. Vols. 67-75 made 2d ser., and numbered 1-9. 3d ser., 1-3,'41; 16-18,'46; 3133,'51; 46-48,'56; 61-63,'61; 67-69,'63. 4th ser., 1-3, 1864; 16-18,'69. Ann. d. M. Annales des Mines. 8vo, Paris. Begun in 1816 as sequel to Journal des Mines; 1 vol. a year until 1825, and subsequently 2 vols. a year. Vol 1, 1.816; 6,'21; 10, 11,'25; 12, 13,'26. 2d ser., 1, 2,'27; 9, 10,'31. 3d ser., 1, 2,'32; 19, 20,'41. 4th ser., 1, 2,'42; 19, 20,'51. 5th ser., 1, 2,'52; 19, 20,'61. 6th ser., 1, 2,'62. ANN. MUS. D'HIST. NAT. Annales du Museum d'histoire naturelle par les Professeurs de cet 6tablissement, MM. Haiiy, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, Desfontaines, A. L. de Jussieu, Geoffroy, Lacepede, etc. 4to, Paris; vols. 1-20, 2 a year, 1803-1815. Ann. Phil. Annals of Philosophy. 2 vols. ann., 8vo, Edinburgh. 1st ser. by Thos. Thomson; vols. 1, 2, 1813; 11, 12,'18; 15, 16,'20. 2d ser., vols. 1, 2, 1821; 11, 12,'26. Then merged in Phil. Mag. (q. v.). B. E. Ztg. Berg- und hiittenm/innische Zeitung. 4to, Liepzig, 1 vol. ann. Begun by Hartmann, and sometimes called Hartmann's Zeitung. Now edited by B. Kerl and F. Wimmer. Vol. 1, 1842; 4,'45; 9,'50; 14,'55; 19,'60: 24,'65; 29, "'7. BAUMG. ZS. Zeitschrift f. Physik und Mathematik; edited by Baurngartner and Ettingshausen. 10 vols, 8vo, 1826-1832, Wien. Bergm. J. Bergmninnisches Journal; ed. by A. W. Khiler. 12mo, Freyberg, Sax. 1, 2, 1788; 1, 2,'89; so to'92; 1, 2,'93, by K6hler and Hoffmann. Afterward, Neues Bergm. J., of K. & H.; 1, 1795; 2,'98; 3, 1802; 4,'16. Contains papers by Werner, Hoffmann, Klaproth, and much on mineralogy. E3ibl. Univ. Bibliotheque Universelle de Genbve. Begun in 1816. In 1846, 4th series of 36 vols. commenced, and the scientific part of the Review takes the title, Archives des Sciences physiques et Naturelles. 5th series commenced in 1858. Bruce Am. Min. J. The American Mineralogical Journal; conducted by Archibald Bruce, M.D. Only 1 vol., 8vo. Begun Jan., 1810; No. 1, 62 pp., 1810, and 2, to p. 126,'10; 3, to p. 190,'11; 4, to end, p. 270,'13. Can. Nat. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. 8vo, Montreal. Vol. 1, 1856; 5,'61; 8,'63; 2d ser., vol. 1,'64; 2,'65; 3,'66. having the years in succession, beginning with 1770, at the top of the.columns of squares, the titles of the several journals to the left, and the number of the volume or volumes of each issued each year in the column for that year. $uch a table was constructed by the author, with reference to the preparation of this edition. It would be a vast benefit to science if a series of such tables, containing all journals of importance, and also the publications of societies, could be made out and engraved, and thus placed within the reach of students in science. xxxvi INTRODUCTION. Can. J. Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art. Toronto, Canada; 2d ser., vol. 1, 1856; 5,'60; 10,'65; 11,'66,'67. Ch. Gaz. Chemical Gazette, by W. Francis. 8vo, London; 1 vol. ann. after vol. 1, of 1842,'3. Ch. News. Chemical News; edited by W. Crookes. Sm. 4to, London, 2 v. ann; vols. 1, 2, 1860; 11, 12,'65; 21, 22,'70. Crell's Ann. Chemische Annalen; by L. Crell. 40 vols., 12mo, Helmstadt u. Liepzig; vols. numbered 1, 2, for each year, from 1784 to 1803 inclusive. Dingier J. Polytechnisches Journal; by J. G. & E. M. Dingier. 3 vols. ann., 8vo, Augsburg. Begun in 1820; vol. 187, in 1868. Dublin Q. J. Sci. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science; edited by Rev. S. Haughton. 6 vols, 8vo, 1861-'66, Dublin. Ed. J. Sci. Edinburgh Journal of Science; edited by D. Brewster (often called Brewster's J.). 8vo, Edinburgh, 2 vols. ann. 1st ser., vol. 1, 1824; 2, 3,'25; 6, 7,'27; 10,'29. 2d ser., vol. 1, 1829; 2, 3,'30; 4, 5,'31; 6,'32. Merged in Phil. Mag. Ed. Phil. J. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal; edited by Brewster and Jameson. 8vo, 2 vols. ann.; vol. 1, 1819; 2, 3,'20; 6, 7,'22; 10,'24; edited by Jameson alone, 11, 1824; 12, 13,'25; 14,'26. Becomes Ed. N. Phil. J. (q. v.). Ed. N. Phil. J. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal; edited by Prof. Jameson (often called Jameson's Journal). 8vo, 2 vols. ann. 1st ser., vol. 1, 1826; 2, 3,'27; 12, 13,'32; 22, 23,'37; 32, 33.'42; 42, 43,'47; 52, 53,'52; 56, 57,'54. 2d ser., vols. 1, 2, 1855; 11, 12,'60; 19, 20,'64. Here ends. ERM:AN'S ARCn. Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche Russland. Begun in 1841; 1 vol. ann. Vol. 1, 1841; 11,'51; 21,'61, etc. Gehlen's J. Neues allg. Journal der Chemie; by A. F. Gehlen. 6 vols., Berlin; 1, 1803; 2, 3,'04; 6,'06. 2d ser., under the title Journal fiir die Chemie und Physik und Mineralogie, 9 vols., Berlin; 1, 2, 1806; 5, 6,'08; 9,'10. Afterward, Schweigger's Journal (q. v.) began at Nuremberg. Gilb. Ann. Annalen der Physik; conducted by L. W. Gilbert. 8vo, Leipzig, 30 vols.; 1st series, 1799-1808; then 30 vols., 2d ser., 1809-'18; then Annalen d. Phys. und cler Physikalischen Chemie, 16 vols., 3d ser., 1819-'23. The vols. of the several series usually counted consecutively; 1, 2, 1799; afterward 3 vols. a year, 3-6, 1800; 13-15,'03; 2830,'08; 43-5,'13; 58-60,'18; 73-5,'23; 76,'24. Afterward continued as Poggendorff's Annalen (q. v.). J. D. M. Journal des Mines. 8vo, Paris. In monthly nos. 2 v. ann.; 1, 2, 1797; 11, 12, 1802; 21, 22,'07; 31, 32,'12; 37, 38,'15. Continued after in Annales des Mines (q. v.). J. de Phys. Journal de Physique. 4to, Paris, 2 vols. ann. Edited by Abbe Rozier (and hence called Rozier's J.), for vols. 1-43 (for a time with also Mongez, Jr.); by Delamethdrie for vols. 44-84; and afterward by Blainville. Two introductory vols., 1771, 1772; vols. 1, 2, 1773; 11, 12,'78; 22, 23,'83; 32, 33,'88; 42, 43,'93; 44, 45,'94 (French Revolution); 46, 47,'98; 55, 57, 1803; 66, 67,'08; 76, 77,'13; 86, 87,'18; 94, 95,'22; 96, 1823. J. pr. Ch. Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Svo, Leipzig, 3 vols. ann. Begun in 1834; first edited by Erdmann & Schweigger-Seidel (see Schweigger J.); from 1838 by E. & Marchand; from 1852, by E. & Werther. Vols. 1-3, 1834; 19-21,'40; 34-36,'45; 49-51,'50; 6466,'55; 79-81,'60; 94-96,'65; 109-111,'70. Preceded by J. f. pr. und iEkonomische Chemie, 18 vols. 8vo, 3 vols. ann., begun in 1828. Jahrb. Min. Jahrbuch fMir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie, und Petrefaktenkunde: edited by K. C. v. Leonhard & H. G. Bronn. 8vo, Heidelberg, 1 vol. ann. 1830-32, 4 Nos. a year; after'32, 6 Nos., and called Neues Jahrbuch etc. Vol. 1, 1830; 6,'35; 11,'40; 16,'45; 21,'50; 26,'55; 31,'60; 36,'65; 41,'70. Arsb. Arsberittelser om framstegen i Kemi och Mineralogi, af Jac. Berzelius. In German, Jahresb. Jahresbericht fber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Mineralogie. 8vo; usually designated by the year. Commenced with 1820. Vol. 1, 1820; 11,'30; 21,'40; 29, 1848; the last three vols. by Svanberg. Continued in the Giessen Jahresbericht, issued by Liebig & Kopp, from 1847 to'56; by F. Zamminer,'57; Kopp & Will, in'58; and Will alone from'63 on. The first vol. covers the years 1847,'48. Karst. Arch. Mlin. Archiv fiMr Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde. 26 vols. 8vo, 1829-1855, Berlin. Edited for vols. 1-10 by C. J. B. Karsten; later by Karsten & v. Dechen. KASTN. ARcH. NAT. Archiv. fiir die gesammte Naturlehre; edited by K. W. G. Kastner. 8vo, Nuremberg. 27 vols., 3 vols. ann., 1824-'35. Kell. & Tiedrm. Nordamerikanischer Monatsbericht fiir Natur- und Heilkunde; edited by Dr. W. Keller & Dr. H. Tiedemann. 4 vols., 8vo, Philadelphia. Vol. 1, 1850; 2, 3,'51; 4,'52. Lempe's Mag. Magazin fiir die Bergbaukunde, by J. F. Lempe. Dresden, vols., 8vo, 1, 1785; 2, 3,'86; 4,'87; then 1 vol. ann. till 11,'94; 12,'98; 13.'99. INTRODUCTION. XXXVii L'Institut. L'Institut, a weeklyjournal in small fol., Paris, I vol. ann.; begun in 1832. 36th year or vol. in 1868. MAG. NAT. HELVET. Magazin fiir die Naturkunde lIelvetiens; herausg. A. HEpfner, Zurich. Begun in 1787. Moll's Efem. Efemericlen der Berg- und Hiittenkunde; edited by C. E. von Moll. 5 vols.; 1, 1805, at Munchen; afterward at Niirnberg, 2,'06; 3,'01; 4,'08; 5,'09. Preceded by v. Moll's Jahrb. f. B. H., Salzburg, 5 vols., 1797-1801; and Annalen id., Salzburg, 3 vols., 1802-'04. Nicholson's J. Journal of Natural Philosophy, -Chemistry, and the Arts; by Wm. Nicholson. London, 1st ser., 5 vols., 4to, vol. 1, 1797; 5, 1801. 2d ser., 36 vols. 8vo, vol. 1, 1802; 36, 1813. NYT MAG. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne; by C. Langberg. 8vo, Christiania. Phil. Mag. Philosophical Magazine. 8vo, London. 1st ser. by Tilloch, 2 or 3 vols. a year; 1, 2, 1798; 3-5,'99; 6-8, 1800; 21-23,'05; 30-32,'08; 33, 34,'09 (thence 2 v. ann.); 3536,'10; 45, 46,'15; 55,.56,'20; 65, 66,'25; 67, 68,'26. 2d ser., or Philosophical Magazine and Annals of Philosophy, 2 v. ann.; 1, 2, 1827; 11,'32. 3d ser., London & Edinburgh Phil. Mag.; 1, 1832; 2, 3,'33; 12, 13,'38; 22, 23,'43; 32, 33,'48; 36, 37,'50. 4th ser., L., E. & Dublin Phil. Mag., 1, 2, 1851; 11, 12,'56; 21, 22,'61; 31, 32,'66. Pogg. or Pogg. Ann. Annalen der Physik und Chemie; edited by J. C. Poggendorff. 8vo, Leipzig, 3 vols. ann. Preceded by Gilbert's Annalen (q. v.). Vols. 1, 2, 1824; 3-5,'25; 18-20,'30; 27-29,'33; 30, Index vol.; 31-33,'34; 34-36,'35; 49-51,'40; 63-66,'45; 79-81,'50; 94-96,'55; 109-111,'60; 124-126,'65; 139-141,'70. Q. J. eci. Brandes' Quarterly Journal of Science. 8vo, 2 vols. ann. after 1819. Published by the Royal Institution. Vol. 1, 1816; 2, 3,'17,'17-'18; 4, 5,'18; 6. 7, 8,'19; 9, 10,'20; 19, 20,'25; 27, 28,'29. Rec. Gen. Sci. Records of General Science; by Thos. Thomson. 4 vols., 8vo, Edinburgh. Vols. i, 2, 1835; 3, 4,'36. Revista Minera. Revista Minera, Periodico cientifico 6 industrial redactado por una Sociedad de Ingenieros. 2 vols., 8vo, Madrid. Vol. 1, 1850; 2,'51. Scherer's J. Allgemeines Journal der Chemie; conducted by A. N. Scherer. 10 vols., Leipzig und Berlin; 1, 1198; 2, 3, 1799; 6, 7, 1801; 10,'03. Continued as Gehlen's Journa1 (q. v.). Schweigg. J. Journal fiir Chemie und Physik; conducted by J. S. C. Schweigger. Niirnberg, 8vo. Also under the title Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik. 3 vols. a year; 1-.3, 1811; 16-18,'16; 28-30,'20; afterward issued by Schweigger & Meinecke; then by J. S. C. Schweigger & Fr. W. Schweigger-Seidel; then by Fr. W. Schweigger-Seidel; 31-33, 1821; 46-48,'26; 61-63,'31; 61-69,'33. The next year began the J. pr. Ch. (q. v.), by Erdmann & Schweigger-Seidel. Tasch. Min. Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Mineralogie, von C. C. Leonhard. 18 vols., 12mo, Frankfurt a. N., 1 vol. ann. Vol. 1, 1807; 4,'10; 9,'15; 14,'20; 18,'24. 2. fTransactions, etc., of Scientific Societies. Abh. Ak. Berlin. Abhandlungen der k6niglichen Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 4to, Berlin. Vol. 1 (for 1804-1811) issued in 1815. ABHANDL. SENK. GES. FRANKFURT. Abhandlungen von d. Senkenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt. Begun in 1854. Vol. vii. in 1868. Ak. E. Stockholm. K. Vet.-Academinens Hlandlingar, Stockholm. Amer. Assoc. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. 8vo. Vol. 1, meeting at Philadelphia in 1848; 2, at Cambridge in'49; 3, at Charleston in'50; 4, at N. Haven,'50; 5, at Cincinnati,'51; 6, at Albany,'51; 7, at Cleveland,'53; 8, at Washington,'54; 9, at Providence,'55; 10, at Albany,'56; 11, at Montreal,'57; 12, at Baltimore,'58; 13, at Springfield,'59; 14, at Newport,'60; 15, at Buffalo,'66; 16, at Burlington,'67. Ann. Lye. N. Hist. N.Y. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Begun in 1824. Vol. 8 unfinished in 1868. Anzeig. Ak. Wien. Anzeiger der K. K. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. 8vo, Wien. Begun in 1864. 1 vol. ann. Ber. Ak. Mliinchen. Sitzungsberichte der K. bayerischen Akad. der Wiss. zu Miunchen (Munich). 8vo. Ber. Ak. Wien. Sitzungsberichte der K. K. Akad. der Wiss., Wien (Vienna). Commenced in 1848, 8vo. Ber. Ak. Berlin. Monatsberichte der. K. Preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 8vo. Begun in 1836. XXXV1ii INTRODUCTION. Ber. nied. Ges. Bonn. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft in Bonn. Issued with Verb. nat. Ver. Bonn. BER. SXCHS GES. LEiPSIC. Berichte der K. shichs. Gesellschaft der Wiss., Leipsic. Bull Ac. St. Pet. Bulletin Scientifique de l'Acad. Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersb. 4to, St. Petersburg. Vol. 1, 1858; 10, 1861. Preceded by the two Bulletins, B. physicomathematique, 11 vols., 4to, and B. historico-philologique, 16 vols., 4to; and these two preceded by the one Bull. Scientifique, 10 vols., 4to. Bull. Soc. Ch. Bulletin mensuel de la Societe Chemique de Paris. 8vo, 1 vol. ann. 2d ser. begun in 1860. Vol. 9 in 1868. Bull. Soc. G. Bulletin de ]a Societe Geologique de France. 8vo, Paris. 1st ser., vol. 1, 1830-'31; 2,'31-'32; 3,'32-'33; 4,'33-'34; 5,'34; 6,'34-'35; 7,'35-'36; 12,'40-'41; 14,'42-'43. 2d ser., vol. 1,'43-'44; 6,'48-'49; 11,'53-'54; 16,'58-'59; 21,'63-'64; 26,'68-'69. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. Bulletin de la Soc. Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 8vo. C. R. Comptes Rendus des S6ances de l'Academie des Sciences. 4to, 2 vols. ann.; vol. 1, 1835; 2, 3,'36; 12, 13,'41; 22, 23,'46; 32, 33,'51; 42, 43,'56; 52, 53,'61; 62, 63,'66. Denkschr. Ak. Wien. Denkschriften der Kais. Akademie d. Wiss. in Wien.; Math.-Naturwiss. Classe. 4to, Wien. Begun in 1850; vol. 25 in 1866. FPorh. Vid. Selsk. Christiania. Forhandlingar i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. 8vo. HRaid. Ber. Berichte fiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Wiss. in Wien; edited by W. laidinger. 8vo, I vols., 1846-'51. Gel. Anz. Munch. Gelehrte Anzeige der K. bayerischen Akad. der. Wiss. zu Miinchen. 4to. Vol. 1, 1835; 39,'54. J. Ac. Philad. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1st. ser., 8vo, 7 vols., 1817-'42. 2d ser., 4to, begun in 1847; vol. 6 finished in 1868. J. Nat. Eist. Bost. Boston Journal of Natural History. 8vo, 7 vols., 1834-'63. J. Ch. Soc. Journal of the Chemical Society. 1st ser., called Quarterly Journal, etc. 15 vols.; one vol. (of 4 Nos.) a year; vol. 1, 1848; 6,'53; 11,'58; 15,'62. 2d ser., monthly; vol. 1, 1863; 6,'68. Jahrb. G. Reichs. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-K6niglichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien. Begun in 1850, 1 vol. ann. JAHRESB. WETT. GES. HANAU. Jahresbericht der wetterau'schen Gesellschaft fiir die gesammte Naturkunde. 8vo, Hanau, 1850-'53. MAG. GES. NAT. FR. BERLIN. Magazin der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. 8 vols. 4to; 1, 1807; 2,'08; 3,'09; 4,'10; 5,'11; 6,'14; 7,'16; 8,'18. Afterward Verhandl. ib. Mem. Acc. Torino. Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 4to, Turin; 1st ser., 40 vols., 1864,-'38; 2d ser. begun in 1839, and vol. 22, in'65. Mem. Am. Ac. Bost. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to, Boston. MEM. Soc. NAT. Moscou. Begun in 1811. MCfv. Ak. Stockh. (Efversigt al' K. Vet-Akad. Fdrhandlingar, Stockholm. Commenced in 1844, 1 vol. ann., 8vo. Overs. Vid. Selsk. Copenh. Oversigt over det Kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlingar. Copenhagen, 8vo. Phil. Trans. Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. Vol. 1 contains transactions for 1665.'66. Proc. Ac. Philad. Proceedings of the Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. 8vo. Begun in 1841. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Proc. N. Hist. Soc. Bost. Proceedings of the Nat. Hist. Society of Boston. 8vo. Begun in 1841. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Proceedings of the R. Soc. of Edinburgh. 8vo. Phys. Arb. Fr. Wien. Physikalische Arbeiten der eintriichtigen Freunde in Wien; published in Quartals; 1 qu., 17183; 2 qu.,'84; 3, 4 qu.,'85; 2d vol., 1 qu.,'86; 2 qu.,'87; 3 qu,'88. Q. J. G. Soc. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 8vo, London. Begun in 1845; 1 vol. ann. Q. J. Ch. Soc. See J. Ch. Soc. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Reports of the British Association. Begun in 1831. SCHRIFT. GES. NAT. FR. BERLIN. Schriften der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde in Berlin. 11 vols. 8vo, the first 1 v. ann.; 1, 1180; 5,'84; 8,'86-7; 8,'88; 9,'89; 10,'92; 11,'94 (vols. 7-11, also as 1-5 of Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen, etc.). Next, Neue Schriften, etc., 4 vols., 4to; 1, 1795; 2,'99; 3, 1801; 4, 1803-4. Afterward Magazin, etc. (q. v.). Schriften Min. Ges. St. Pet. Schriften der russisch-kaiserlichen Gesellschaft fUir die gesammte Mineralogie. 1842. For continuation see Verh. Soc. ScI. FENN. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicxe, Christiania, Norway. Trans, Am. Phil. Soc. Philad. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 4to, Philadelphia. Trans. Soc. Roy.:Edinb. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 4to. INTRODUCTION. XXXix Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet. Verhandlungen d. russisch-kaiserlichen mineralogischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Verh. nat. Ges. Basel. Verhandlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Begun in 1854. Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereines der preuss. Rheinlande und Westphalens. Begun in 1844. ZS. G., or ZS. G. Ges. Zeitschrift der deutschen geol. Gesellschaft. 8vo, Berlin; a quarterly; 1 vol. ann.; vol. 1. 1849; 11,'59; 21,'69. ZS. Nat. Ver. Halle. Zeitschrift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenschaften, von dem nat. Verein f. Sachsen und Thiiringen in Halle. Begun in 1853. 3. Independent Works. Agric., Ort. Caus. Subt. Georgius Agricola, de Ortu et Causis subterraneorum; preface dated 1543. Agric., Foss. Id., de natura fossilium; pref. dated 1546; and De veteribus et novis metallis; pref., 1546. Agric., Berm. Bermannus, sive De re metallica Diallogus; pref., 1529. Agric., Interpr. Interpretatio Germanica vocum rei metallicae; pref., 1546. The edition of Agricola's works, cited beyond, including the four preceding parts, is one in folio, 1 vol., Basileo' (Basle), 1558. Agric., Metall. De re Metallica; by id. Preface dated 1550. Fol., Basileae, 1557. Aikin, lin. Manual of Mineralogy; by A. Aikin. 2d ed., 8vo, London, 1815. The 1st ed. appeared in 1814. Albert. Magnus, Min. Albertus Magnus, De Mineralibus. Written after 1262. Alger, Min. Treatise on Min. by Wm. Phillips; 5th ed. by R. Allan, with numerous additions; by F. Alger. 8vo, Boston, 1844. Allan Min. Manual of Mineralogy; by R. Allan. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1834. See also PHILLIPS. Allan, Min. Nomencl. Mineralogical Nomenclature; by T. Allan. 8vo, Edinburgh, 181.4. Argenville, Oryot. L'Histoire Naturelle, etc.: by D. d'Argenville. 4to, Paris, 1755. Arppe, Pinsk. Mii. Analyser af Finska Mineralier; by A. E. Arppe. Part I., 1855, from the Act. Soc. Fenn., iv. 561-578; II., 1857, ib., v. 467 (paged 1-51); III., 1859-1861, ib. vi. 580. Aristotle. Aristotle's works; particularly the MErEowpoXy1Ka, or " Meteorology," and IIEpit av/acituA dKKov.aTov,)o or " Wonderful Things Heard of." Works written about the middle of the 4th century B.c. A. born about 384 B.c. and d. 322 B.C. B. de Boot. Lap. Gemmarum et Lapidum IHIistoria. 4to, Jena, 1647; the 1st edit. published at Jena in 1609; the 2d, enlarged by A. Toll, Lugduni Bat., 8vo, 1636. Beck, Min. N. Y. See Rep. Min. N. Y., beyond. Beud., Tr., 1824, 1832. Trait6 elementaire de Min.; by F. S. Beudant. 8vo, Paris, 1824; 2d ed., 2 vols., 1832. Bergm., Opusc. Opuscula of Torbernus Bergmann. 1780. Bergm., Sciagr. Sciagraphia Regni Mineralis (in Latin); by T. Bergmann. 8vo, 1782; reprint in London, 1783. BERZ N. SYST. MIN. Neues System der Mineralogie; translated from the Swedish by Drs. Gmelin and Pfaff. Niirnberg, 1816. Berz. N. Syst. Min. Nouveau Systeme de Mineralogie; by J. J. Berzelius. 8vo, Paris, 1819; translated from the Swedish. Berz. Lothr. Die Anwendung des Lothrohrs, etc. Germ. Transl. by H. Rose. Niirnberg, 1821; 4th ed., 1844. American ed. by Whitney, 1845. BLUMENBAOC HANDB. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 8vo, 8th ed., Gittingen, 1807. Born, Brief. Walschl. Briefe aus Wdlschland (Italy); by I. v. Born. 8vo, Prague, 1773. Born, Lithoph. Lythophylacium Borniauum; Index Fossilium quoe colligit, etc., Ignatius S. R. I. Eques a Born. 2 parts, Prague; part 1, 1772; 2,'75. A descriptive catalogue, but without notes. Born, Cat. Foss. de Raab. Catalogue methodique et raisonne de la collection des Fossiles de Mlle. Eleonore de Raab; by id. 4 vols., 8vo, Vienna, 1790. BOURN. CAT. Catalogue de la Collection mindralogique particulidre du Roi; by Comte de Bournon. 8vo, mit Atlas in fol., Paris, 1817. Bourn. Min. Traite de Mineralogie; by Comte de Bournon. 3 vols., 4to, 1808. Breith., Char. 1820. Kurze Charakteristik des Mineral-Systems; by A. Breithaupt. 8vo, Freiberg, 1820. Breith., Char. 1823, 1832. Vollstindige Char., etc.; by id. 8vo, Dresden, 1823; 2d ed., 1832. xIl INTRODUICTION. Breith., Uib. 1830. Uibersicht des Mineral-System's; by A. Breithaupt. 8vo, Freiberg. 1830. Breith., Handb. Vollstindiges Handbuch der Mineralogie; by id. 8vo, Dresden and Leipzig; vol. 1, introduct., 1836; 2,'41; 3,'47. Brochant, Min. Traite de Minuralogie; by A. J. M. Brochant. Paris, 1808; an earlier editionin 1800. Bromell, Min. Herr Magni von Bromells Miineralogia. 2d ed., 16mo, Stockholm, 1739. 1st ed. pub'd in 1730. Brongn., Min. Traite dl6mentaire de Mlin6ralogie; by A. Brongniart. 2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1 807. Brongn., Tabl. Tableau des Especes Minerales; by id. 48 pp., 8vo, Paris, 1833. Brooke, Cryst. Familiar Introduction to Crystallography; by J. Brooke. 8vo, London, 1823. B. & M., Min. Introduction to Mineralogy, by the late Winm. Phillips; new edition, with extensive alterations and additions, by H. J. Brooke and W. H. Miller. 8vo, London, 1852. Prof. Miller is the author also of a Treatise on Crystallography, 8vo, Cambridge, 1839, giving the elements of the system adopted in the above work, a system first proposed by Whewell, in Phil. Trans. for 1825. Bruicklmann, Magnalia Dei in locis subterraneis. 2 parts, fol.; part 1, 1721; 2,'30. Cesius, Min. De Mineralibus; by Bernardius Cwesius. 656 pp., fol., Lugduni, 1636. CAPPELLER, CRIST. Prodromus Cristallographiee; Marc. Ant. Cappeller. 4to, Lucerne, 1723. Cat. de Dree. Catalogue des huit Collections qui composenlt le Musee mineralogique de Et. de Dree. 4to, Paris, 1811. Dufr6noy speaks of it as the work of M. Leman. Chapman, Min. Practical Mineralogy; by E. J. Chapman. 8vo, London, 1843. Chapman, Char. Min. Brief Description of the Characters of Minerals; by id. 12mo, London, 1844. Cleaveland, Min., 1816, 1822. Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 8vo, Boston, 1816; 2d ed., 2 vols., 8vo, Boston, 1822. Cronst., or Cronst. Min., 1758, 1781. Mineralogie, eller Mineral-Rikets Upstallnillng; by A. Cronstedt (but issued anonymously). 12mo, Stockholm, 1758; Briinnich's edit. in Danish, Copenhagen, 8vo, 1770; 2d Swedish ed., Stockholm, 1781; Magellan's edit. in English, 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1788. Dana, Min. Boston. Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and its vicinity; by J. Freeman & S. L. Dana. 8vo, Boston, 1818. Dana Min, This work. Editions of 1837, 1844, 1850, 1854. Supplements 1 to 10 to last edition in the Am. J. Sci., 1855-1862, the last three by G. J. Brush. Daubenton, Tabl. Tableaux methodique des Mineraux. Paris, 1784. Only a classified catalogue. Several subsequent editions were issued, the 6th in 1799.:Davila, Cab. Catalogue syst. et raisonn6 des Curiosites de la Nature et de l'Art qui composent le Cabinet de M. Davila. 3 vols., 8vo, Paris,'1767. Delamneth., Sciagr. New edition of Mongez's Sciagraphie (Fr. trl. of Bergimann's Sciagr., with additions); by J. C. Delametherie. 2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1792. Delameth., T. T. Theorie de la Terre; by id. 2d ed., 5 vols., Paris, 1797; vols. 1, 2, of this edition contain his Mineralogy. Delameth., Min. Legons de Min6ralogie; by id. 8vo, vol. 1, 1811; 2,'12, Paris. Dr LiSLE, CRIST., 1772. Essai de Cristallographie; by Rome de l'Isle. 8vo, Paris, 1772. De Lisle, Crist., 1783. Cristallographie, ou Description des formes propres a tons les corps du Regne mineral; by id. Called 2d edition of the preceding. 4 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1783. Demeste Lettres. Lettres sur la Mineralogie; by Dr. Demeste. 2 vols., 16mo, 1719. Descl., Min. Manuel de Mineralogie; by A. DesCloizeaux. 8vo, Paris, vol. 1, 1862. Descl. Quartz. Mimoire sur la Cristallisation et la Structure interieure du Quartz; by A. Descloizeaux. 212 pp., 4to, with 5 folded plates, Paris, 1858. Dioscor. Dioscorides 11pi Aln;s iarptlKls (Materia Medica), written about A.D. 50. In the mineral part treats especially of the medical virtues of minerals, but often gives also short descriptions. Not alluded to among the many references in Pliny, but evidently cited from. Domeyko, Min., 1845, 1860. Elementos de Mineralogia; by I. Domeyko. 8vo, Chili, Ist ed., Serena, 1845; 2d ed., Santiago, 1860. Domeyko, Tratado de Ensayes; by id. 2d ed., 8vo, Valparaiso, 1858. Dufr., Min., 1844, 1856-1860. Traite de Mindralogie; by A. Dufrenoy. 4vols., 8vo (the last of plates), Paris, 1844; 2d ed., 5 vols.; 1, 2, 3,'56; 4,'59; 5,'60. Emmerling, Min. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie; by L. A. Emmerling. 8vo, Giessen, 1st ed., 1793-'97; 2d ed.,'99, 1802. Ercker, Aula Subt. Aula Subterranea (on Ores, Mining, and Metallurgy); by L. Ercker, Written in 1574, published in 1595. Erdmann, 1Mmin. Lirobok i Mineralogien; by A. Erdmann. 8vo, Stockh., 1853. Erdmann, Dannemora Jernm. Dannemora Jernmalmsfilit, etc.; by A. Erdmann. 12mo, Stockholm, 1851. Also Uto Jernm., 1856. Estner, Min. Versuch einer Mineralogie. 3 vols. in 5 parts, 8vo, Wien, 1794-1804. INTRODUCTION. xli Estner, iiber Werner's Verbess. in Min. Freymiithige Gedanken iiber E-errn Inspector Werner's Verbesserungen in der Mineralogie, nebst einigen Bemerkungen fiber Herru Assessor Karstens Beschreibung des vom sel. Leske Mineralien-Cabinetts; by Abb8 Estner. 64 pp., 18mo, Wien, 1790. Fabricius, Met. De rebus metallicis ac nominibus observationes varie, etc., ex schedis Georgii Fabricii. Tiguri, 1566. Issued with an edition of Gesner's Foss. Faujas, Volc. Viv. Recherches sur les Volcans 6teints du Vivarais et du Velay; by Faujas de St. Fond. Fol., Grenoble et Paris, 17 78. By the same, Mineralogie des Volcans, 8vo, Paris, 1784. Fors., 3Min. Minerographia; by Sigfrid Avon Forsius. 16mo, Stockholm, 1643. Gallitzin, Dict. MIin. Recueil de noms par order alphab6tique apropries en Mineralogie; by D. de Gallitzin. Sm. 4to, Brunswick, 1801. Gesner, Foss. De omni rerum fossilium genere, Gemmis, Lapidibus, Metallis, etc.; opera Conradi Gesneri. Tiguri, 1565. Glocker, Handb., 1831, 1839. EHandbuch der Mineralogie; by E. F. Glocker. 8vo, Niirnberg, 1831; 2d edit., 1839. Glocker, Syn. Generum et Specierum Mineralium secundum Ordines Naturales digestorum Synopsis; by id. 8vo, Halle, 1847. GmELIN, Mis. Einleitung in die Mineralogie; by J. F. Gmelin. 8vo, Niirnberg, 1780. By the same, Grundriss einer Min. 8vo, GMttingen, 1790. Greg & Lettsom, Min. Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland; by R. P. Greg and W. G. Lettsom. 8vo, London, 1858. Gurlt, Ktunstl. Min. Uebersicht der pyrogenneten kiinstlichen Mineralien, namentlich der krystallisirtenu iiittenerzeugnisse; by Dr. A. Gurlt. 8vo, Freiberg, 1857. H., Tr., 1801, 1822. Traite de MinLeralogie; by C. Haiiy. A 4to ed. of 4 vols., with atlas in fol.; also an 8vo ed., Paris: 1801; 2d ed., 4 vols., 8vo, with fol. atlas, 1822. E., Crist. Haiiy Traite de Cristallographie; by id. 2 vols., 8vo, in 1822. H., TABL. Co0P. Tableau Comparatif des r6sultats de la Cristallographie et de l'analyse chimique relativement a la classification des Mineraux; by id. 8vo, Paris, 1809. Haid., Min. Mohs. Treatise on Mineralogy, by F. Mohs; trl., with considerable additions, by Win. Haidinger. 3 vols., 8vo, Edinburgh, 1825. Haid., Min. Anfangsgriinde d. Min.; by id. 8vo, Leipz., 1829. Haid., E-andb. Handbuch d. bestimmenden Mineralogie; by id. 8vo,'Wien, 1845. HIaid. Ueb. Uebersicht der Resultate Mineralogischer Forschungen im Jahre 1843; by id. Erlangen, 1845. Hausm., Versuch. Versuch eines Entwurfs zu eines Einleitung in die Oryktognosie; by J. F. L. Hausmann. 8vo, Braunschweig, 1805; Cassel,'09. Hausm., Handb., 1813, 1847. Handbuh-der Mineralogie; by id. 3 vols., 12mo, Gdttingen, 1813; 2d ed., 1st vol., introductory,'28; 2d, in two parts,'47. Henckel, Pyrit. Pyritologia, oder Kiess-tIistorie; by J. Fr. Henckel (of Saxony). 8vo, Leipzig, 1125. Hessenberg, Min. Not. Mineralogische Notizen; by Fr. Hessenberg. 4to, with plates, Nos. 1-8, 1854-'68. (From the Abhandl. d. senkenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M., vols. ii to vii.) No. 7 contains an index to the first seven. HIAERNaE, ANLEDN. Kort Anledning til askdllige Maim och Bergarters, Mineraliers, etc.; by Urban Hiaerne. Stockholm, 1694. His., Min. Geogr. Swed. Mineralogisk Geografi ofver Sverige; by W. af. Hisinger. 8vo, Stockholm, 1808. Also His. Min. Geogr. Wohler. Versuch einer mineralogischen Geographie von Schweden, iibersetzt von F. Wdhler. 8vo, Liepzig, 1826. His. Handbok. Handbok fdr Mineraloger under Resor i Sverige; by W. Hisinger. 8vo, Stockholm, 1843. Hill, Foss. Fossils arranged according to their obvious characters; by John Hill. 8vo, London, 1771. (De Lisle says it was not issued till 1772.) Hoff, Mag. Magazin fiir die gesammte Min., etc.; by K. E. A. v. Hoff. 1 vol., 8vo, Leipzig, 1801. Hofmann, Min. Handb. d. Mineralogie; by C. A. S. Hofmann. 4 vols., 8vo, Freiberg. Vol. 1, 1811; 2, part a,'12, b,'15; 3, parts a, b,'16; 4, part a,'17, b,'18. Work, after 2d vol., part a, issued by Breithaupt, Hofmann having died March, 1813. Vol. 4, part b, consists of notes and additions by Breithaupt, and includes also the Letztes Min. Syst. of Werner (1817). Huot, Min. Manuel de Mineralogie; by J. J. N. Huot. 2 vols., 16mo, Paris, 1841. Jameson, Min., 1804, 1816, 1820. A System of Mineralogy; by R. Jameson. 8vo, Edinburgh; ist ed., 2 vols., 1804; 2d, 3 vols.,'16; 3d, 3 vols., 1820. Published also a Manual of Min., 8vo, in 1831; and Mineralogy according to the Natural System (from Encycl. Brit.), in 1837. Also, in 1805, a Treatise on the External Characters of Minerals, Svo, Edinburgh. xlii INTRODUCTION. Jasche, Hl. Schrift. Kleine min. Schriften; by C. F. Jasche. 12mo, Sondershausen, 1817. John, Untersuch. Chemische Untersuchungen mineralischer, etc., Substanzen; by J. Fr. John. 8vo, Berlin, Fortsetzung d. chem. Laboratoriums, Berlin, which makes vol. 1 of series; vol. 2, 1810; 3, 1813; 4, 1816; 6, 1821. Karsten, MVLus. Lesk. Museum Leskeanumn, Regnum minerale; by D. L.. G. arsten. 2 vols, 8vo, Leipzig, 1789. Karst., Tab., 1791. Tabellarische Uebersicht der mineralogisch-einfachen Fossilien; by id. Fol., Berlin, 1791. Karst., Tab., 1800, 1808. Mineralogische Tabellen; by id. Fol., Berlin, 1800; 2d ed., fol., Berlin, 1708. Karst., Wern. Verbess. Min. Ueber Herrn Werners Verbesserungen in der Mineralogie auf Veranlassung der freimiithigen Gedanken, etc., des Herrn Abb6 Estner; by id. 80 pp., 12mo, Berlin, 1793. Henng., Ueb. Uebersichte der Resultate mineralogischer Forsclhungen; by G. Ad. Kenngott. For the years 1844-'49, Wien, 1852; for years 1850-'51, Wien, 1853; for'54, Wien, 1854; for'53, Liepzig, 1855; for'54, ib., 1856; for'55, ib., 1856; for'56,'57, ib., 1858; for'58, ib., 1860; for'59, ib., 1860; for'60, ib., 1862; for'61, ib., 1862; for'62-'65, ib., 1868. [The last was received just as this volume was leaving the press.] Kenng., Min., 1853. Das Mohs'sche MNineralsystem; by id. 8vo, Wien, 1853. Kirwan, Min. Elements of Mineralogy; by R. Kirwan. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 2d edition, 1794. 1st ed. was issued in 1784, 8vo. Klapr., Beitr. Beitr/ige zur chemischen Kenutniss d. Mineralkirpers; by M. H. Klaproth. 8vo, vol. 1, 1795; 2,'97; 3, 1802; 4,'07; 5,'10; 6,'15. Rob., Char. Charakteristik d. Mineralien; by Fr. von Kobell. 8vo, Niirnberg, Abth. 1, 1830; 2, 1831. Rob., Min. Grundziige d. Mineralogie; by id. 8vo, Niirnberg, 1838. Kob., Tal., 1853. Tafeln zurBestimmung d. Mineralien; by id. 5th ed., Miinchen, 1853. The 8th edit. appeared in 1864. Kob. Min.-Namen. Die Mineral Namen; by id. 8vo, Miinchen, 1853. Kob., Gesch. Min. Geschichte d. Min.; by id. 8vo, Miinchen, 1864. Koksch. Min. Russl. Materialen zur Mineralogie Russlands; by N. v. Kokscharof. 8vo, St. Petersburg, vol. 1, 1853,'54; 2,'54-'57; 3,'58; 4,'61-'66; 5, still incomplete. Also by same author, Vorlesungen iiber Mineralogie. Vol. 1, 4to, St. Petersburg, 1865. Eopp, Gesch. Ch. Geschichte d. Chemie; by H. Kopp. 4 parts, 8vo, Braunschweig, 1843-'47. KRONSTEDT. See Cronstedt. Lampadius, Samml. Sammlung practisch-chemischer Abhandlungen; by W. A. Lampadius. 3 vols., 8vo, Dresden; vol. 1, 1795; 2, 1971; 3, 1800. Lenz, Min. Versuch einer vollst/indigen Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Mineralien; by D. G. J. Lenz. 2 vols., 8vo, Leipzig, 1794. By the same, Tabellen, 1781; Handbuch, 1791; Grundriss, 1793; Mustertafeln, 1194; Tabellen, fol., 1806; System, 1800, 1809; Handbuch, 1822. Leonh., Syst.-Tab. Systematisch-tabellarische Uebersicht und Char. d. Mineralkdrper; by C. C. Leonhard, K. F. Merz. and J. H. Kopp. Fol., Frankfurt a. M., 1806. Leonh., Orykt. Handbuch der Oryktogonosie; by K. C. Leonhard. 8vo, Heidelberg, 1821. Also 2d ed., 8vo, Heidelberg, 1826. Leonh., topogr. Min. Handwdrterbuch d. topographischen Mineralogie; by G. Leonhard. Heidelberg, 1843. Levy's Heuland. Description d'une collection de Mineraux, formee par M. Henri Heuland, et appartenant a M. Ch. H. Turner, de Rooksnest, dans le comt6 de Surrey en Angleterre; by A. Levy. 3 vols., 8vo, with an atlas of 83 pl., London, 1837. Libavius, Alchem. Alchemia, A. Libavia. Frankfurt, 1597. LINN., SYST. NAT. Systema Naturae of Linnseus. 1st edit., 1735; 10th ed., T. 3, 1770. Lucas, Tabl. Tableau methodique des Especes Mineraux; by J. A. H. Lucas. Part 1, 8vo, 1806: 2, 1813, Paris. The first part contains brief descriptions taken from Haiiy's work, and also from his subsequent lectures and published announcements of his courses. The second includes in the main Haiiy's Tabl., with many additional notes. Ludwig's Min, or Ludwig's Wern. Handbuch d. Mineralogie nach A. G. Werner; by C. F. Ludwig. 2 vols., 8vo, Leipzig, 1803,'04. Marx, Crystallkunde. Geschichte der Crystallkunde; by Dr. C. M. Marx. 8vo, Carlsruhe and Baden, 1825. Matthesius, Sarepta. Berg Postilla, oder Sarepta; by J. Matthesius. Fol., Nfirnberg, 1562. Mohs, Null Kab. Des Herrn J. F. Null Mineralien-Kabinet, nach einem, durchaus auf hussere Kennzeichen gegriindeten Systeme geordnet; by F. Mohs. 3 Abthl., 8vo, Wien, 1804. Mohs, Char. Characteristic of the Natural History System of Mineralogy; by id. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1820. INTRODUCTION. xliii Mohs, Min., 1822. Grund-Riss der Mineralogie; by id. 8vo, vols. 1, 2, 1822,'24, Dresden. (Translated into English by W. Haidinger. See HAID.) Mohs, Mlin., 1839. Anfalgsgriinde der Naturgeschichte des Mineralreichs; by F. Mohs. Zweiter Theil bearbeitet von F. X. M. Xippe; 8vo, Wien, 1839 (Erster Theil, introductory, published in 1836). A first edition of this work in 1832. Mont. & Cov., IniM. Prodromrno della Mineralogia Vesuviana; vol. 1, Orittognosia. 8vo, Napoli, 1825. NAPIONE, MiIN. Elementi di Mineralogia; by Napione. 8vo, Turin, 1779. Naumann, Kryst. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie; by C. F. Naumann. 2 vols.. 8vo, with numerous figs., Leipzig, 1829. Naumann has since published the smaller works, Anfangsgriunde der Kryst., 8vo, 1854; Elemente der Theoretischen Kryst., 8vo, 1856. Naumann, Min. Elemente der Mineralogie. 8vo, Liepzig, 1st ed., 1846; 2d., 50; 3d ed.,'52; 4th,'55; 5th,'59; 6th,'64. Naumann published Lehrbuch der Min., 8vo, Berlin, 1828. NEOKER Mii. Le regne mineral ramen. aux mdthodes de l'histoire naturelle; by L. A. Necker. 2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1835. Nicol, Min. Manual of Mineralogy; by J. Nicol. 8vo, Edinb., 1849. Noggerath, Min. Stud. Geb. Nederrhein. Mineralogische Studien Uiber die Gebirge am Niederrhein; by J. J. Ndggerath. 8vo, Frankfurt a. M., 1808. A. E. Nordensk., Fini. Min. Beskrifning dfver de i Finland funna Mineralier; by A. E. Nordenskiold. 8vo, Helsingfors, 1855. Also 2d ed., ib., 1863. N. Nordensk., ~IFinl. Min. Bidrag till narmare Kainnedom af Finlands!Mineralier och Geognosie; byNils Nordenskiold. 8vo, Stockholm, 1820. N. NORDENSK VERZ. Verzeichn. d. in Finland gef. Min.; by id. Helsingfors, 1852. Piattner, Probirk. Die Probirkunst mit dem Lithrohr; by C. F. Plattner. Last ed. by T. Richter, 8vo, 1865. Plin. Historia Naturalis C. Plinii Secundi. First published A.D. 77. Latin ed. consulted, Sillig's, in 8 vols., 1851-'58; and English, that of Bostock & Riley, 5 vols., 12mo, London, 1855. Pliny's Natural History is divided into xxxvii Books; and these into short chapters. The numbering of the chapters differs somewhat in different editions; that stated in the references is from the English edition. The last five books are those that particularly treat of metals, ores, stones, bhnd gems. Phillips, Min., 1823, 1837. Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy. 8vo, 3d ed., London, 1823. 4th ed. by R. Allan, 8vo, 1837. The 1st ed. appeared in 1816; and this was republished in New York, in 181 8. For Alger's Phillips, see Alger. Quenstedt, Min. -Iandbuch der Mineralogie; by F. A. Quenstedt. 8vo, Tiibingen, 1853. Also 2d ed., ib., 1863. Ramm., Handw. Handwdrterbuch des chemischen Theils der Mineralogie; by C. F. Rammelsberg. 8vo, Berlin, 1841. Supplement 1,'43; 2,'45; 3,'47; 4,'49; 5,'53. Ramm,, Min. J. J. Berzelius's neues chemisches Mineralsystem; by id. 8vo, Niirnberg, 1847. Ramm., Min. COh. Handb. d. Mineralchemie; by id. 8vo, Leipzig, 1860. Rashleigh, Brit. Min. Specimens of British Minerals selected from the cabinet of Philip Rashleigh (descriptions and colored plates). 4to, London. Part 1, 1797; 2, 1802. Rep. G. Cal. Report on the Geology of California; by J. D. Whitney. Large 8vo, San Francisco, 1865. Rep. GC. Can. Annual Reports on the Progress of the Geological Survey of Canada; by Sir Wmn. E. Logan. Containing reports on mineralogy by T. S. Hunt. 8vo, 1845-'59. In 1863 a General Report for the years 1843-'63. Rep. G. Mass. Report on the Geology of Massachusetts; by E. Hitchcock. 1st Rep., 1833, 8vo; 2d ed., 1835. 2d Rep., 1841, 4to. Rep. G. N. Y. Reports on the Geological Survey of New York. Annual Reports in 8vo, 1837 -'41; final in 4to. Rep. Min. Y. Report on the Mineralogy of the State of New York; by L. C. Beck. 4to, 1842. Reuss, Min. Lehrbuch d. Mineralogie; by F. A. Reuss. 8vo, 1801-'05, Leipzig. Divided into parts, and the parts into vols. Pt. 1 and pt. 2, vol. 1, 1801; vol. 2,'02; vol. 3, 4,'03; 3d pt., vol. 1, 2,'05; 4th pt., including index,'06. Rio, Orykt. Elementos de Oryktognosia, 6 del Conocimiento de los F6ssiles, dispuestos segun los principios de A. G. W6rner; by A. M. del Rio. 4to, Mexico, 1195. RIo, MIN. Nuevo Sistema Minerale; by id. Me;ico, 1827. Rio, Tabl. Min. Tablas mineralogicas por D. L. G. Karsten; by A. M. del Rio. 4to, Mexico, 1804. Robinson, Cat. Catalogue of American Minerals, with their Localities; by S. Robinson. 8vo, Boston, 1825. Xliv INTRODUCTION. Rose, Reis. Ural. Reise nach dem Ural, dem Altai, und dem Kaspischen Meere; by Gustav Rose. 8vo, Berlin; vol. 1, 1837; 2,'42. Rose, Kryst.-Ch. Min. Das Krystallo-chemischen Mineral-System; by G. Rose. 8vo, Leipzig, 1852. Sage, Min. Elemens de Mineralogie docimastique; by B. G. Sage. 2d ed., 2 vols., 1777. 1st ed. appeared in 1772. SAUSSURE, VOY. ALPES. Voyages dans les Alpes, par H. B. Saussure. 4 vols., 4to. Vols. 1, 2, 1779,'80: 3, 4,'96. Scacchi, Mem. Min. e Geol. Memorie mineralogiche e geologiche; *by A. Scacchi. 8vo, Napoli, 1841. Scacchi, Crist. Quadri Cristallografici, e Distribuzione sistematica dei minerale; by id. 8vo, Napoli, 1842. Scacchi, Mem. Geol. Campania. Memorie geologiche sulia Campania; by id. 4to, Napoli, 1849. By the same, Memoria sulla Incendio Vesuviano, 1855. Napoli, 1855. Polisimmetria dei Cristalli. 4to, 1864. Schrauf. Atlas Kryst. Atlas der Krystall-Formen des Mineralreichs; by Dr. A. Schrauf. 4to, 1 Lief., Wien, 1865. Schumacher, Verz. Versuch eines Verzeichnisses der in den D5inisch-Nordischen Staaten sich findenden einfachen Mineralien. 4to, Copenhagen, 1801. Schutz, Nordamer. Foss. Beschreibung einiger Nordamerikanischen Fossilien; by A. G. Schiutz, of Freyberg. 16mo, Liepzig, 1791. Contains the first notice of celestine, a mineral named by Werner from Schiitz's American specimens. Sella, Min. Sarda. Studii sulla Mineralogia Sarda; by Quintino Sella. 4to, Turin, 1856. Shep., Miinl, 1832-1835, 1844, 1852, 1857. Treatise on Mineralogy; by C. U. Shepard. let part, 1 vol., 12mo, New Haven, 1832; 2d part, 2 vols., New Haven, 1835. Also, 2d ed. (with only the 1st part revised), New Haven, 1844. Also, 3d ed., 8vo, New Haven, No. 1, 1852; No. 2,'57. Shep., Min. Conn. Report on the Geological Survey of Connecticut; by id. 8vo, N. Haven, 1837. Steffens, Handb. Handb. d. Oryktognosie; by H. Steffens. 3 vols., 18ino, Halle; vol. 1, 1811; 2,'15; 3,'19. STROMEYER, UNT. Untersuchungen iiber die Mischung der Mineralkbrper, etc.; by Fr. Stromeyer. 8vo, Gbttingen, 1821. Theophr. Theophrastus IIEpi Xiwv (on Stones); written about 315 B.C. Only a portion of the whole work is extant, but sufficient to show that the author was precise in his knowledge of minerals and careful in the statement of facts. T. born about 371 B.., and d. 286 B.C. Thomson, Min., 1802, 1836. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis; by T. Thomson. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1836. A treatise on Mineralogy published also with preceding editions of his Chemistry, the earliest in 1802. Ullmann, Syst.-tab. Ueb. Systematisch-tabellarische Uebersicht der min.-einfachen Fossilien; by J. C. Ullmann. Small 4to, Cassel and Marburg, 1814. Volger, Studien, etc. Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Mineralien; by G. H. O. Volger. 8vo, Ziirich, 1854. Other works: Entwickl. derMin. d. Talk-Glimmer Familie, 1855; Arragonit und Kalcit, 1855; Monographie des Borazites, E[annover, 1855; Epidot Und Granat, Beobachtungen fiber das gegenseitige Verhdiltniss dieser Krystalle, Ziirich, 1855; Krystallographie, Stuttgart, 1854. Vogl's Joach. Giingverhdltnisse und Mineralreichthum Joachimsthals; by J. Fl. Vogl. 8vo, Teplitz, 1857. Wall., or Wall., Min. Mineralogia, eller Mineralriket; by J. G. Wallerius. 12mo, Stockholm, 17147. Wall., Fr. Trl. French edition of Wallerius's Min. of 1747. 2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1753. Published anonymously. Wall., Min., 1772,'75. Systema Mineralogicum. 8vo, Holmihe, vol. 1, 1772; 2,'75. Wall., Min., 1778. Syst. Min. 2 vols., 8vo, Vienna, 1778. Waltersh., Vulk. Gest. Ueber die vulkanischen Gesteine in Sicilien und Island (Iceland), und ihre submarine Umbildung; by W. Sartorius v. Waltershausen. 8vo, Gdttingen, 1853. Watts Dict. Oh. Dictionary of Chemistry; by H. Watts. 4 vols., 1863,'64,'65,'66; a fifth yet to be issued. Wern., Auss. Kennz. Foss. Von d. iusserlichen Kenazeichen d. Fossilien; by A. G. Werner. 8vo, Leipzig, 1714. Wern., Ueb. Cronst. Kronstedt's Versuch einer Min. iibersetzt und vermehrt von A. G. Werner. Vol. 1, part 1. Leipzig, 1180. Wern., Min.-Kab. Pabst. Verzeichniss des Mineralien Kabinets des Herrn K. E. Pabst von Ohain; by A. G. Werner. 2 vols., Freiberg, 1791,'93. INTRODUCTION. xlv Wern., Letzt. Min. Syst. Letztes Mineral-System. 8vo, Freiberg & Wien, 1817. A Catalogue with notes. Werner or his scholars issued, from time to time, a tabular synopsis of his Mineral system revised to the time of publication, on folio sheets, or published them in other works. The earliest after that of Werner's Cronstedt was issued by Hofmann in Bergm. J., 1789, vol. 1, p. 369. Emmerling's Min., i. 1799, contains the synopsis of 1798, and Ludwig's Min. contains that of 1800 and 1803. Leonhard's Tasch., iii. 261, that of 1809. Westrumb, HE. Phys.-Ch. Abh. Ileine physikalisch-chemische Abhandlungen; by J. F. Westrumb. 8vo, Leipzig, vol. 1, 1785; 2,'87; 3,'88; 4,'89; Hannover, 5, 6,'93; 7,'95; 8,'97. Withering, TrL Bergm. Sciagr. Outlines of Mineralogy, trl. from the original of Bergmann; by Wm. Withering. 8vo, 1783 (Reprinted in vol. 2 of Mem. and Tracts of the late Dr. Withering, London, 1822). Whitney, Lake Sup. Report on the Geology of the Lake Superior Land District; by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney. 8vo, Part 1, 1850; 2,'51. Whitney, Met. Wealth. The Metallic Wealth of the United States, described and compared with that of other countries; by J. D. Whitney. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1854. Whitney, Miss. Lead Region, Report of a Geological Survey of the Upper Mississippi Lead Region; by id. (Made by authority of the State of Wisconsin.) 8vo, 1862. Whitney, Rep. G. Cal. See Rep. G. Cal. Whitney, Berz. Blowpipe. Berzelius on the Blowpipe; translated by J. D. Whitney. 8vo, Boston, 1845. WOODWARD, Foss. Fossils of all kinds digested into a Method suitable to their mutual Relation and Affinity. 8vo, London, 1728. Zepharovich, Min. Lex. Mineralogisches Lexicon fir das Kaiserthum Oesterreich; by V. R. v. Zepharovich. 8vo, Wien, 1859. The works in the above catalogue which are most important for the study of the history of mineral species are the following, the order cited being that of time: Theophrastus; iDioscorides; Pliny's Natural History; Agricola's works; Linnaus's Systema Naturse, 1st ed., 1735; Wallerius's Mineralogy in the original Swedish, 1747 (the first systematic, descriptive work, following in its system of classification mainly the 1st edition of Linnseus, which the author alludes to in his preface, among other Swedish works by Forsius, Hiierne, Bromell, and Swedenborg); Cronstedt's Mineralogy, 1757 (a new chemical system); Linnseus's Systema Natur'e, lo0th ed., 1768; Rom6 de Lisle's Crystallographie, 1772, 1783 (the first systematic effort to apply the principles of crystallography to the science); Wallerius's Min. of 1772, 1778 (the system and facts are little changed from the earlier edition); Werner on the External Characters of Minerals, 1774, and his Cronstedt, 1780; Bergmann's Opuscula, 1780, and Sciagraphia, 1782; Hoifmann's exposition of Werner's system in the Bergm. J., 1789; Emmerling's Mineralogy, 1793-'97, and 1799-1802; Lenz's Mineralogy, 1794; Klaproth's Beitrdige, 1795 —1810; Karsten's Tabellen, 1800; Hafiy's Treatise on Mineralogy, 1801; Reuss's Mineralogy, 1801-1806; Ludwig's Werner, 1803, 1804; Mohs's Null Kab., 1804; Karsten's Tabellen, 1808; Lucas's Tableau, part 1, 1806 (giving views of llatiy of 1801 and 1801 to 1806); Brongniart's Mineralogy, 1807; EIaily's Tableau comparatif, 1809; Hausmann's Handbuch, 1813; Hoffmann's Mineralogie, 1811-1817; Ullmann's Uebersicht, 1814; Jameson's Mineralogy, 1816, 1820; Werner's Last Mineral System (Letztes, etc.), 1817; Cleaveland's Mineralogy, 1816, 1822; Berzelius's Nouv. Systeme, 1819; Leonhard's Handbuch, 1821, 1826; Mobs's Mineralogy, 1822; -laidinger's translation of Mohs, 1824; Breithaupt's Charakteristik, 1820, 1823, 1832; Beudant's Treatise, 1824, 1832; Phillips's Min., 1823, 1837; Glocker's Min., 1831, 1839; Shepard's Min., 1832-'35, and later editions; von Kobell's Grundziige, 1838; Mohs's Min., 1839; Breithaupt's Min., 1836-1847; Haidinger's Handbuch, 1845; Hausmann's Haandbuch, 1847; Dufrenoy's Min., 1844-1847 (also 1856-1859); Glocker's Synopsis, 1847; Brooke & Miller, 1852; von Kobell's Tafeln, 1853; Rammelsberg's Handwv rterbuch and Supplements, 1841-1853; Kenngott's Uebersicht, 1844-1865; DesCloizeaux's Mineralogy, 1862; von Kobell's Geschichte, 1864. xlvi INTRODUCTION. 7. ANNOTATED INDEX TO THE USEFUL METALS AND METALLIC ORES. COLD.-Native Gold (1).* Distinguished from all minerals it resembles by its flattening under a hammer; its cutting like lead, although considerably harder; its resisting the action of nitric acid, hot or cold; its high specific gravity. Gold also occurs in Gold Amalgam (11), Sylvanite (98), Nagyagite (99), Petzite (58A), and Calaverite (Supplement). Also sometimes in traces in Pyrite, Galenite, Chalcopyrite, Native Tellurium. PLATINUM.-IRIDIUM. —PALLADIUM. —ANative Platinum (3), the source of the platinum of commerce, is distinguished by the same tests as gold; and it is mainly on account of its malleability that it occurs in flattened grains or scales. Platiniridium (4) is another ore somewhat harder. Iridosmine (7) resembles platinum; but it scratches glass, and gives the reaction of osmium, besides being rather brittle. Native Palladium (5). SILVER.-The important Silver minerals are: Nlative Silver (2), sectile and malleable like gold, the only one that has a white color; Argentite or Sulphuret of Silver (40), blackish lead-gray, cutting (unlike the following) nearly like pure lead, cubic in crystallization; Pyrargyrite and Proustite or Ruby Silver ore (117, 118), ruby red to black, always giving a bright red powder; Freieslebenite or Gray Silver ore (114), steel-gray, rather brittle, and powder steel-gray; Stephanite or Brittle or Black Silver ore (130), iron-black, and giving an iron-black powder; Cerargyrite or Horn Silver (140), resembling a dark-colored gray or greenish wax, and cutting like wax; Embolite or Chloro-bromid of Silver (141), like the last, but more greenish. These ores yield silver easily, when heated on charcoal. Besides these, Tetrahedrite or Gray Copper (125) is often a valuable silver ore; Galenite (44), which, although seldom yielding over sevelnty-five ounces to the ton, affords a considerable part of the silver of commerce. For other rarer silver minerals, see 35, 36, 41, 42, 58-60, 62, 63, 98, 99, 108, 111, 115, 116, 120, 131, 133, 142, 143. COPPER.-The more valuable species are: Native Copper (12); Chalcopyrite or Copper pyrites (78), of a brass-yellow color, scratched easily with the point of a knife-blade, and giving a greenishblack powder; Barnhardtite (79) and Cubanite (77), which are similar to the last, but paler; Bornite or Purple Copper (49), pale yellowish, with a slight coppery tinge, but tarnishing externally to purple, blue, and reddish tints, easily scratched with a knife-blade, and powder grayish; Chalcocite or Vitreous Copper (61), of a dark lead-gray color, and powder similar, resembling some silver ores, but yielding copper and not silver when heated on charcoal; Tetrahedrite or Gray Copper (125), of a somewhat paler steel-gray color and powder; Red Copper (172); Black Copper (178); Malachite or Green Carbonate of Copper (751), of a bright green color, sometimes earthy in the fracture and sometimes silky; Azurite or Blue 2Ialachite (752), of a rich deep blue color, either earthy or vitreous in lustre. All the above are acted on by nitric acid, and the solution deposits a red coating of copper on a strip of polished iron; Chrysocolla (346), a silicate of copper, resembling the Green Carbonate, but paler green, and usually having a close texture (never fibrous), a smoother surface and somewhat waxy lustre, although occurring usually as an incrustation; Atacamite or Chlorid of Copper (153), of deeper green than Malachite; Sulphate of Copper (669). For rarer minerals containing copper, see 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 50, 51, 62, 80, 82, 100-103, 110, 119, 121, 124, 126, 154 (sulphids, arsenids, etc.); 218, 345 (silicates); 533-536, 538-548, 567, 583, 615, 622, 623, 636, 639, 644, 665, 670, 700, 705, 706, 708 (phosphates, arsenates, sulphates); 750, 755 (carbonates). QUICKSILVER.-The only valuable ore is Cinnabar (64) of a bright red to brownish-black color, with a red powder, and affording quicksilver when heated in an open tube. There are also Native Quicksilver (8); Amalgam (9); Selenid (65); Chlorid and Iodid (136, 144). Tetrahedrite (125) sometimes contains this metal. LEAD. —Galenite (44) is the only abundant lead ore; it is a lead-gray, brittle ore, yielding lead when heated with charcoal. The carbonate (cerussite, 729), phosphate (pyromorphite, 493), arsenate (mimetite, 494), and sulphate (anglesite, 633), are rarely worked as ores. For other lead minerals, see 41, 45, 46, 47, 99, 105-107, 111-114, 119, 122-124, 126, 128, 129 (sulphids, antimonids, etc.); 145, 150-152 (chlorids); 177, 197 (oxyds); 502, 539 (arsenates); 505 (antimonate); 556 (phosphate); 616 (tungstate); 617 (molybdate); 619-621, 623 (vanadates); 635, 636, 638, 641, 700 (sulphates); 642-645 (chromates); 712 (selenate); 715, 733 (carbonates). * The numbers refer to the number of the species. INTRODUCTION. xlvii ZINC.-The most important ores are: 1, Smithsonite or Carbonate of Zinc (723), and 2, Calamine or Silicate of Zinc (361); they are alike in a white, grayish-white, or greenish-white color, commonly a slight waxy lustre and smooth look (often stalactitic or mammillary), yet sometimes earthy; and a hardness such that the surface is scratched with a knife-blade with some little difficulty. They differ in their action with muriatic acid; when the surface is drusy, the silicate shows projections of minute rectangular prisms. Zincite or lRed Zinc Ore (176) is also important; it is bright red and very distinctly foliated. Blende or Sulphid of Zinc (56) is a common ore, having a yellow to black color and resinous lustre, and distinctly cleavable; the black varieties are sometimes a little metallic in lustre, but the powder is nearly or quite white. For other Zinc minerals, see 185, 188 (oxyds); 70 (sulphid); 57 (oxysulphid); 238, 241, 266, 270 (silicate); 634, 666 (sulphate); 500 (phosphate); 530, 537 (arsenate); 749, 750 (carbonate). COBALT, NICKEL.-The ores of cobalt: Smnaltite (83) and Cobaltite (85), both of nearly a tinwhite color, with the powder grayish-black, color sometimes verging slightly to gray. The Black Oxyd of Cobalt (218), a kind of bog ore and very impure, is sometimes sufficiently abundant to be valuable. The useful ores of nickel are Chloanthite or the niccoliferous smaltite (83), Gersdorffite or Nickel Glance (86), Niccolite or Copper Nickel (71), distinguished by a pale copper-red color, and Niccolferous Pyrrhotite (68), from which the larger portion of the nickel of commerce is extracted. For other ores of Cobalt, see 53, 81, 82, 84, 95, 97 (sulphids andarsenids); 618 (molybdate); 667 (sulphate); 526, 529, 530 (arsenate); 748 (carbonate); of Nickel, 54, 66 (sulphid); 74, 87, 88 (arsenical or antimonial); 416 (silicate); 668 (sulphate); 527, 529, 530 (arsenate); 747 (carbonate ). IMANGANESE.-Common, as Pyrolusite (199) and Psilomelane (217), both black or grayishblack ores, and having little lustre, and a blackish streak or powder, in which last particular they are distinct from the iron ore called Limonite, with which they are often associated, and also from Hematite or Specular Iron. Wad (218) is an earthy bog manganese, sometimes abundant and valuable. Manganite (205) is abundant in certain mines, but is of little value in the arts, because of its containing so little oxygen (one-third less than Pyrolusite), to which fact Beudant alludes in his name for the species, Acerdese; it differs from pyrclusite in its reddish-brown powder. For other manganese ores, see 52, 76 (sulphid); 73 (arsenid); 195, 196 (oxyds); 241, 262, 263 269, 491 (silicates); 498, 499, 531 (phosphates); 532 (arsenate); 663, 679, 680 (sulphates); 717, 721, 722, 725 (carbonates). CHROMIUM. - Chromic -iron (189), a grayish-black, little lustrous ore, occurring mostly in Serpentine, is the source of chrome in the arts. For different chromates, see p. 614. IRON.-The important iron ores are: Hematite or Specular ITron (the aQpartrlSr or bloodstone of Theophrastus) (180), characterized by its blood-red powder, and occurring either earthy and red, or metallic and dark steel-gray; in the latter condition very hard, a knife-point making no impression; Magnetite or magnetic iron ore (186), as hard as the preceding, but having a black powder, and being attractable by a magnet; Firanklinite, an allied species, containing zinc and manganese (188); Limonite, called also brown hematite (206), a softer hydrous ore, affording a brownishyellow powder, earthy or semi-metallic in appearance, and often in mammillary or stalactitic forms; nearly related to limonite are gothite (204), turgite (202), and limnite (213); Siderite or Spathic Iron (12 1), a sparry ore, of grayish, grayish-brown, and brown colors, very distinctly cleavable, turning brown to black on exposure. The common clayey iron ores are impure ores, either of Spathic Iron, Limonite, or Hematite; when the last they are red; when brown, reddish-brown, or yellowish-brown to black, they may be either of the two former. One of the most common iron minerals is Pyrite or sulphid of iron (75), a pale yellow, brass-like ore, hard enough to strike fire with steel, and thus unlike any copper ore, and all similar ores of other metals. It is frequently mined and utilized for the sulphur it contains. Marcasite (90) is similar, but is prismatic and often crested in its forms. Pyrrhotite or Mlagnetic Pyrites (68) is less hard and paler, or more grayish in color. Leucopyrite and Mlispickel (91, 93, 94) are white, metallic, arsenical ores, somewhat resembling ores of cobalt. JfIenaccanite or Titanic iron (181) resembles specular iron closely, but has not a red powder; it is abundant in some regions. For other iron minerals, see 260, 284, 334, 369, 435, 436, 467, 469 (silicates); 473-475 (columbates, tautalates); 498, 499, 524, 525, 553, 557, 558, 560, 567-570, 576 (phosphates, arsenates); 605 (borate); 610 (tungstate); 646, 662, 664, 665, 672, 675, 682-687, 692. 696 (sulphates); 717, 719, 7'20 (carbonates); 758 (oxalate). TIN.-The only valuable ore is the Oxyd of Tin or Cassiterite (192), a very hard and heavy mineral of a dark brown to black color, sometimes gray or grayish-brown, without any metallic appearance; the crystals usually have a very brilliant lustre. Tin also occurs as a sulphid (80), and is sparingly found in ores of tantalum and some other mineral species. xlviii INTRODIUCTION. TITANIUM.-The only ore of this metal of any value is Rutile (193). ARSENIC.-Native Arsenic (17) is one source of arsenic, but it is too rare to be of much avail; also Oripiment (27), a sulphur-yellow, foliaceous, and somewhat pearly mineral, and Realgar (26), bright red and vitreous. Arsenic is mostly derived for the arts from the arsenical ores of iron, cobalt, and nickel. ANTIMONY.-Stibnite or Gray Antimony (29) is the source of the antimony of commerce. It is a lead-gray ore, usually fibrous or in prismatic crystals, and distinguished from a similar ore of manganese by its perfect diagonal cleavage and its easy fusibility. Native antimony (18), senarmontite (220), valentinite (221), are sometimes found in sufficient abundance to be mined. Antimony occurs also in numerous ores of lead, silver, and nickel; also as oxysulphid (226). BISMUTH.-Native Bismuth (20), the source of the metal in the arts, is whitish, with a faint reddish tinge, has a perfect cleavage, and is very fusible. For other bismuth ores, see 30-33. 36, 102, 103, 121, 123, 124 (sulphids, tellurids); 222, 223 (oxyds); 336-338 (silicates); 753 (carbonate). 8. ABBREVIATIONS. For explanations of the abbreviations Var., Comp., Obs., Alt., Artif., as headings of sections in the descriptions of species. see p. xi; of chemical symbols, pp. xi-xviii; of H., G., B.B., O.F., R.F., p. xx; of other abbreviations, p. xxxiv. The fractional expression 2, before the statement of an analysis signifies a mean of two analyses; a mean of three; and so on. Q in a formula after the new system stands for an accessory ingredient in the compound, and the nature of this ingredient is to be learned from the formula after the old system in the same line. In the statements of the angles of crystals, abbreviations are used as follows:.pyr., angle over a pyramidal edge. bas., angle over a basal edge. mac., angle over a macrodiagonal edge. brach., angle over a brachydiagonal edge. top, angle between opposite planes over the summit. termn., angle over terminal edge in a rhombohedron adj., angle between adjacent planes. ov., over; brachyd., brachydiagonal; macrod., macrodiagonal. DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. The following are the general subdivisions in the classification of minerals adopted in this treatise: GENERAL SUBDIVISIONS. I. N XTIVE ELEMENTS. II. COMPOUNDS: THE MORE NEGATIVE ELEMENT AN ELEMENT OF SERIES IT. (See next page.) 1. Binary: SULPnIDS, TELLURIDS, OF METALS OF THE SULPHUR AND ARSENIC GRouPs (p. 26). 2. Binary: SULPHIDS, TELLURIDS, SELENIDS, ARSENIDS, ANTIMONIDS, BISMUTHIDS, IPHOSPHIDS, OF METALS OF THE GOLD, IRON, AND TIN GRoUPs (p. 33). 3. Ternary: SULPIARSENITES, SULPHXANTIMONITES, SULPIHOBISMUTHITES (p. 84). III. COMPOUNDS: THE MORE NEGATIVE ELEMENT AN ELEMENT OF SERIES III., GROUP I. (See page 3.) 1. CHLORIDS, BROMIDS, IODIDS (p. 110). IV. COMPOUNDS: THE MORE NEGATIVE ELEMENT AN ELEMENT OF SERIES III., GROUP II. 1. FLUORIDS (p. 123). V. COMPOUNDS': THE MORE NEGATIVE ELEMENT AN ELEMENT OF SERIES III., GROUP III. Oxygen Compounds. 1. Binary: OxYDs (p. 131). 2. Ternary; the basic element an element of Series I.; the acidic of Series II. (as silicon, columnbiunm, phosphorus, etc.); the acidific of Series III. (oxygen): 1, SILICATES (p. 202); 2, COLUMBATES, TANTALATES (p. 512); 3, PHOSPHATES, ARSENATES, ANTIMONATES, NITRATES (p. 526); 4, BORATES (p. 593); 5, TUNGSTATES, MOLYBDATES, VANADATES (p. 601); 6, SULPHATES, CHROMATES, TELLURATES (p. 612); 7, CARBONATES (p. 669); 8, OxALATES (P. 718). VI. HYDRO-CARBON COMPONDS: MINERALS OF'ORGANIC ORIGIN (p. 720). 2 DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. I. NATIVE ELEMENTS. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. Series I. Series II. I. GOLD GROUP. 1. ARSENIC GROUP. 1. GOLD. 2. SILVER. 17. ARSENIC. 19. ALLEMONTITE. 18. ANTIMONY. 20. BISMUTH,. 2. IRON GROUP. 2. SULPHUR GROUP. 3. PLATINUM. 9. AMALGAM. 21. TELLURIUM. 4. PLATINIRTDIUM. 10. ARQUERITE. 22. SULPHUR. 5. PALLADIUM. 11. GOLD-AMALGAM. 23. SELENSULPHUR. 6. ALLOPALLADIUM. 12. COPPER. Y. IRIDOSMINE. 13. IRON. (1). Newjarskite. 14. ZINC. (2). Sisserskite. 15. LEAD. 8. QUIoKSILYER. 3. TIN GROUP. 3. CARBON-SILICON GROUP. 16. TIN. 24. DIAMOND. 25. GRAPHITE. Two series of elements are here recognized; the first containing the more basic, and the second, one division of the more negative. These two series are parallel in their subdivisions, so that the arrangement is a natural one, whether read across, or up and down, the page. The first group of each contains elements whose compounds have an odd number of atoms of the negative element, as 1, 3, 5, or the perissads (p. xviii); the other two of each, an even number, as 2, 4, 6, or the artiads. (1). To the Gold group of elements belong also hydrogen, potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, ccesium, thallium; the atomic ratio for the oxyds is 1: 1, and the general formula of the same RO, or R2O, in the new system of chemistry. To'the Arsenic group belong the elements phosphorus, nitrogen, columbi~um, tantalunm, and probably boron. In all but boron, there are oxyds containing 3 and 5 atoms of oxygen; in boron, 3, but not 5. (2). To the Iron group of elements belong calcium, magnesium, aluminum, beryllium, copper, cobalt, nickel, zinc, chromium (in part), manganese (in part), lead (in part), etc. Among the oxyds, the atomic ratio 2: 2 occurs in the ordinary protoxyds, having the formula RO, as ordinarily written (and so written in this work), but BEO, in the new style of chemistry. The ratio 4: 6 is represented in the sesquioxyds, R203 (~R2I3 in the new system). To the Sulphur group of elements belong also selenium, vanadium, and probably molybdenum, in which the more prominent acid has the atomic ratio 2: 6. Here also may be included that state of the metal chromium which exists in chromic acid (CrO3, or GrO3), that of manganese in manganic acid, and that of molybdenum in molybdic acid. (3). To the Tin group belong also titanium, zirconium, thorium. The prominent oxyd has the atomic ratio 2: 4 (R02, or in the new system HO'). This group may contain also that state of lead which exists in the oxyd PbO2 (or PbOa2); and the same also of manganese existing in MuO2; of platinum and palladium in the deutoxyd state.* * The three states of a basic metal, corresponding to the protoxyd, sesquioxyd, and deutoxyd of the same (in which 1 part of metal balances, in its affinity, 1, 1~, and 2 parts of oxygen), may be GOLD. 3 The Carbon-Silicon Group contains Carbon and Silicon. They are related to one another in the atomic ratio of their prominent acids (Si02, C02), but they are very widely unlike in many respects, and very strikingly so in the mineral compounds of the two acids.* Series III. —Besides the above two series of elements, there is a third, consisting of the eminently negative elements (for the most part exclusively negative). The three groups of this Series III. are: (1). CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. (2). FLUORINE. (3). OXYGEN. The first of these groups (like the same in Series I. and II.) includes elements of the odd division; the third of the even; while fluorine is of either. 1. GOLD. Sol. Alchem. Gediegen Gold Germ. Or natif Fr. Isometric. Observed planes 0, I, 1, i-2, 3-3, 4-2. Figs. 1 to 8, 15, 17, and the following: the octahedron and dodecahedron (f. 2, 3), most common. Crystals sometimes acienlar through elongation of octahedral or other forms; also passing into filiform, retieulated, and arborescent shapes; and occasionally spongiform from an aggregation of filaments; edges 51 52 53 13 of crystals often salient (f. 51). Cleavage none. Twins: composition face octahedral, as in f. 50; and occurring also in trapezohedral and other forms. Also massive and in thin laminse. Often in flattened grains or scales, and rolled masses in sand or gravel. H.-25 —3. G.:156 -19'5; 19 30-19 34:, when quite pnre, G. Rose. Lustre metallic. Color and streak various shades of gold-yellow, sometimes inclining to silver-white. Very dnctile and malleable. Composition, Varieties.-Gold, but containing silver in different proportions, and sometimes also traces of copper, iron, palladium, rhodium. Var. 1. Ordinary. Containing 0'16 to 16 p. c. of silver; or, the atomic ratio of gold to silver varying from 150: 1 to 3:1. Color varying, accordingly, from deep gold-yellow to pale yellow; G.-19-1 5'5. Ratio for the gold and silver of 3: 1 corresponds to 15 1 p. c. of silver; 4: 1, 12 p. c.; 6: 1, 8 4 p. c.; 10: 1, 5'3 p. c. (a) In distinct crystals or groups of crystals; (b) arborescent or reticulated; (c) filiform; (d) spongy; (e) in laminie; (f) rolled masses; (g) scales or grains. 2. Argentiferous; Electram. (A7JOK65 yoC5g Herod.; "HXEKrpov Homer, Strabo; Electrum Plin. xxxiii. 23.) Color pale yellow to yellowish-white; G.=15'5-12-5. Ratio for the gold and silver designated respectively (using the letters of the Greek alphabet) the alpha, beta, and gamma states. While the iron or Fe in FeO is closely related to magnesium, calcium, etc., that in Fe201 is as closely related to aluminum; and that in FeS2, or Pb in PbO2, or Mn in MnOa, as closely related to tin and titanium, whose ordinary oxyd is R02. This relation is apparent in the crystallographic and chemical characters of the corresponding oxyds. See further on this subject a paper by the author in Am. Jour. Sci., II. xliv., 1867, and Introd., p. xv. * In strict system, the Silicates should come in classification next before the Carbonates, instead of where they are placed in this work. But as there are no analogies between the species of theso two groups, the separation is without serious objection. NATIVE ELEMENTS. of 1: 1 corresponds to 36 p. c. of silver (anal. 3, 4, 26, 27, 45); 11-: 1, to 26 p. c. (anal. 15, 41-44); 2 1, to 21 p. c. (anal. 54, 55); 2i,: 1, to 18 p. c. (anal. 40). Pliny says that when the proportion of silver in the gold is one-fifth (=20 p. c.) it is called electrum. The word in Greek means also amber; and its use for this alloy probably arose from the pale yellow color it has as compared with gold. An argentiferous gold from the Ophir Mine, Nevada, pale yellowish in color, gave Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 169) G.=13-25, 13-68. He observes that it contains more silver than gold, but gives no analysis. 3. Palladium-Gold, Porpezite Frobel, contains nearly 10 p. c. of palladium, besides some silver; color pale. From Porpez in Brazil. Another variety from Zacotinga and Condonga in Brazil contains 5 to 6 p. c. of palladium. 4. Rhodium-Gold. Contains, according to del Rio (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxix. 137), 34-43 p. c. of rhodium; G.=15'5-168; brittle. Requires reexamination. Analyses by Avdejef (Pogg, liii. 153); Boussingault (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxiv. 408); Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 129, and xxx. 142); T. H. Henry (Phil. Mag., III. xxxiv. 205); Hofmann (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxx. 255); T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can, and Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 448); Kerl (B. H. Ztg., 1853, No. 3); Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 1); A. Levol (Ann. Ch. Phys., II. xxvii. 310); Mallet (J. G. Seoc. Dublin, iv. 271); Marsh (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 190); Northcote (Phil. Mag., IV. vi. 390); Oswald (Pogg., lxxvii. 96); Pietzsch (Arch. Pharm., II. xcviii. 142); Rivot (Ann. d. M., IV. xiv. 67); G. Rose (Pogg., xxiii. 161); Terreil (C. R., lix. 1047); Teschemacher (Q. J. Ch. Soc., ii. 193); Thomas' (Phil. Mag., IV. i. 261); E. W. Ward, at Mint of Sydney, N. S. W. (W. B. Clarke's Researches in Southern Gold Fields, Sydney, 1860, p. 276): Sp. gr. Au Ag Fe Cu I Wicklow Co., Ireland 16-324 92.32 6'11 0'78 — = 99.27 Mallet. 2. Transylvania, Barbara 84-80 14'68 0-13 0'04= 99-65 Rose. 3. " [64-52] 35'48 --- 100 Bouss. 4. " Viirspatak 60'49 38174 - ---- 99.32 Rose 5. Schabrovski (K:ath.) 19-099 98'96 0'16 - = 99.12 Rose. 6. Katharinenburg 18-79 95'81 3'58 [0.61] = 100 Avd. 7. " 1877- 18-89 95-50 4'00 [0'50] = 100 Avd. 8. " 94-09 5-55 [0'36] = 100 Avd. 9. " 93175 6-01 [0-24] = 100 Avd. 10. " 93'34 6'28 0-32 0-06= 99-94 Rose. 11. " 92'80 7'02 0'08 -= 99-90 Rose. 12. " 18-11-18'40 92'23 6'17 [1'60] = 100 Avd. 13. " 17-74-18-35 91-21 8'03 [076] = 100 Avd. 14. " 16'03 79'69 1947 [0'84] = 100 Avd. 15. 15'627 10'86 28'30 [0.84] -100 Avd. 16. Czar. Nikolajevsk (Miask) 92-41 -2 = 99174 Rose. 17. " " 17'72 89-35 10-65 - = 100 Rose. 18. Perrov-Pavlovski (Kath.) 92-60 1708 0-06 0-02= 99-76 Rose. 19. Boruschka (N. Tagilsk) 18-66 94-41 5-23 0-04 0-39= 100 Rose. 20. " 11774 90-76 9-02 - -= 99-78 Rose. 21. " " 87131 12'12 - 008= 99-51 Rose. 22. " " 9 17106 83-85 16'15 — = 100 Rose. 23. Beresof 91'88 8-03 0[09= 100 Rose. 24. Alex. Andrejevsk (Miask) 17'54 81740 12 07 0'09= 99-56 Rose. 25. Petropavlovski 17-11 86-81 13'19 [0-30] = 100 Rose. 26. Sirinovski, Altai 14-55 60-98 38-38 - 0'33= 99-69 Rose. 27. Schlangenberg, Altai 64 36 - — = 100 Klaproth. 28. Malacca 90-89 8'98 tr. tr. = 99.87 Terreil. 29. Siam, Pachim 88-57 6-45 tr. 1-42 Si 333=97-77 Terreil 30. Africa, Senegal 94'00 5-85 -- Pt 0'15-100OLevol. 31. " 86-97 10'53 und. und.= 97150 Darcet. 32. " 86-80 11-80 - 090= 99-50 Levol. 33. " 84-50 15-30 0- 020= 100 Levol. 34. Brazil 94-00 5-85 - -= 99-85 Darcet. 35. Bolivia, Ancota 18'31 94-73 5-23 0'04 ---- 100 Forbes. 36. Romanplaya 18'672 94'19 5-81 -8 -= 100 Forbes. 37. " Gritada 117906 93'51 6-49 - = 100 Forbes. 38. " Tipuani 16-07 91-96 7-47 tr. -gangue 0'571=100 Forbes. 39. N. Grenada, Bogota 92'00 8-00 -— = 100 Bouss. 40.' Trinidad 82'40 11760 = 100 Bouss. 41. " Titiribi 17400 26-00 - -= 100 Bouss. GOLD. Sp. gr. Au Ag Fe Cu 42. N. Grenada, Titiribi 73'40 26'60 - — = 100 Bouss. 43. " Guamo 17368 26'32 - - = 100 Bouss. 44. " Marmato 12-666 73'45 26'48 - — = 99'93 Bouss. 45. " Santa Rosa 14'15 64'93 35'07 -.-= 100 Bouss. 46. " El Llano 88'54 11'42 --— = 9996 Bouss. 47. " Malpaso 14'70 88'24 11-76 -- 100 Bouss. 48. " Baia 88'15 11-85 - -- = 100 Bouss. 49. " Rio Lucio 14'69 87194 12-06 - -— = 100 Bouss. 50. " Ojas Anchas 84'50 15'50 -- -- - 100 Bouss. 51. " El Llano 82-10 17'90 - - 100 Bouss. 52. Peru, Carabaya 18'43 97146 2'54 - — = 100 Forbes. 53. " R. Chuquiaguillo 16'693 90'86 9'14 - -= 100 Forbes. 54. " Yungas 16-63 17989 20'11 - -= 100 Forbes. 55. " " 16-54 78'69 21-31 - -- = 100 Forbes. 56. N. Scotia, Tangier 18'95 98-13 1176 tr. 0'05= 99'94 Marsh. 57. " Lunenburg 18'37 92-04 1776 tr. 0'11= 99'91 Marsh. 58. California 96-42 3'58 -- - = 00 Thomas. 59. " 93-53 ~ 647 -— = 100 Thomas. 60. " 92 70 6-90 - 0'40= 100 Levol. 61. " 16'33 92-00 100 - -= 99 Teschemacher. 62. " 89'61 10'05 und. uznd. - 99'66 Hofmanu. 63. " 15'96 90-01 9-01 0'86 = 99-88 Henry. 64. " (17'48 fused) 14'60 90170 8'80 0'38 -= 99'88 Rivot. 65. " 17'40 90-96 9'04 - ----- 100 Oswald. 66. " 15-63-16'43 86'57 12-33 0'54 0'29= 99'73 Henry. 67. " 75'86 20-6T- - - quartz 2-44=98-97 Pietzsch. 68. Canada, Chaudi~re 16'57 89-24 10-76 - -= 100 Hunt. 69. " " 11760 8777 12-23 - — = 100 Hunt. 10. " " 86-73 132 -- — = 100 Hunt. 71. Australia 99-28 0'44 0-20 0'07 Bi 0'01 =100 Northcote. 72. " 95-48 3'59 -- - quartz 0'10= —9917 Ker. 13. " Bathurst 95-68 3'92 016 -— = 99'76 Henry. 74. Araluen 94'92 5'08 ---- 100 Ward 75. " Adelong 94-64 5'31 0'05 = 100 76. " " - 93617 6'23 11l0 = 100 177. it 93'17 6'56 0271 = 100 " 78. " Araluen 91'52 8'48 --- 100 " 79. " 89-59 10'51 ---- 100 80. " Mitta Mitta 89'57 10'43 -- — = 100 81. " Omeo 85-23 14-77 — ---- 100 " 82. Tasmania, Giandara 92-77 7-23 -- = 100 " 83. " " 92-58 1734 008 - 100 " 84. " " 93-35 6-56 009 - 100 " 85. " " 92-47 1'31 0-22 - 100 " 86. " " 92-62 727 011 - 100 87. " Bl'k Boy Flat 94-76 5'04 -- 99'80 88. " " 94,95 4-66 0'08 tr. = 99'69 " 89. Nook, Fingal 92'55'1-0 0'11 tr. = 99-82' 90. " Fingal 90 89 8'02 tr. Sn, Pb, Co 1'0 Ward. The average proportion of gold in the native gold of California, as derived from assays of several hundred millions of dollars worth, is 880 thousandths; while the range is mostly between 870 and 890 (Prof. J. C. Booth, of IU. S. Mint, in a letter to the author, of May, 1867). The range in the metal of Australia is mostly between 9(00 and 960, with an average of 925. The gold of the Chaudiere, Canada, contains usually 10 to 15 p. c. of silver; while that of Nova Scotia is very nearly pure. The Chilian gold afforded Domeyko 84 to 96 per cent. of gold and 15 to 3 per cent. of silver (Ann. d. Mines IV. vi.). Porpezite afforded Berzelius (Jahresb. 1835) Gold 85-98, palladium 9-85, silver 4,17. A mass of electrurn6, weighing 25 lbs., from Vdrhspatak, consisting of large crystals (~-~ in.), contained 25 p. c. of silver (Dingl. Polyt. J.,. clxvi. 396). Pyrognostic and other Chemical Characters. —B.B. fuses easily. Not acted on by fluxes. Insoluble in any single acid; soluble in nitro-muriatic acid (aqua-regia). 16 NATIVE ELEMENTS. Observations.-Native gold is found, when in silu, with comparatively small exceptions, in the quartz veins that intersect metamorphic rocks, and to some extent in the wall rock of these veins. The metamorphic rocks thus intersected are mostly chloritic, talcose, and argillaceous schist of dull green, dark gray, and other colors; also, much less commonly, mica and hornblendic schist, gneiss, diorite, porphyry; and still more rarely, granite. A laminated quartzite, called itacolumite, is common in many gold regions, as those of Brazil and North Carolina, and sometimes specular schists, or slaty rocks containing much foliated specular iron (hematite), or magnetite in grains. The gold occurs in the quartz in strings, scales, plates, and in masses which are sometimes an agglomeration of crystals; and the scales are often invisible to the naked eye, massive quartz that apparently contains no gold frequently yielding a considerable percentage to the assayer. It is always very irregularly distributed, and never in continuous pure bands of metal, like many metallic ores. It occurs both disseminated through the mass of the quartz, and in its cavities. The larger masses and the finer crystallizations are mainly in the latter; and Prof. Wurtz has suggested that these have been formed by a slow aggregation and crystallization carried on through the solvent power, as regards gold, of persulphate of iron-this salt of iron being derived from the decomposition of the pyrite present in the quartz veins. The associated minerals are: pyrite, which far exceeds in quantity all others, and is generally auriferous; next, chalcopyrite, galena, blende, mispickel, each frequently auriferous; often tetradymite and other tellurium ores, native bismuth, stibnite, magnetite, hematite; sometimes barytes, apatite, fiuor, siderite, chrysocolla. The quartz at the surface, or in the upper part of a vein, is usually cellular and rusted from the more or less complete disappearance of the pyrite and other sulphids by decomposition} but below, it is commonly solid. The enclosing schists are sometimes soft and easily removed in mining. In other cases, they are excessively tough, and the quartz, being a brittle mineral, yields the most easily to the drill. The gold of the world has been mostly gathered, not directly from the quartz veins, but from the gravel or sands of rivers or valleys in auriferous regions, or the slopes of mountains or hills, whose rocks contain in some part, and generally not far distant, auriferous veins; and such mines are often called alluvial wasthings; in California placer-diggings. Pliny speaks of the " bringing of rivers from the mountains, in many instances for a hundred miles, for the purpose of washing the debris," and this method of hydraulic mining is now carried on in California on a stupendous scale. (See Silliman, in Am. J. Sci., II. xl. 10.) The auriferous gravel and earth have been derived from the disintegration or wearing down of auriferous rocks. The auriferons gravel beds in California are of vast extent; those of the Yuba, an affluent of Feather River, varying from 8) to 250 feet in depth, and averaging probably 120 feet. Most of the gold of the Urals, Brazil, Australia, and all other gold regions, has, come from such alluvial washings. The alluvial gold is usually in flattened scales of different degrees of fineness, the size depending partly on the original condition in the quartz veins, and partly on the distance to which it has been transported. Transportation by running water is an asserting process; the coarser particles or largest pieces requiring rapid currents to transport them, and dropping first, and the finer being carried far away-sometimes scores of miles. A cavity in the rocky slopes or bottom of a valley, or a place where the waters may have eddied, generally proves in such a region to be a pockcel full of gold. In the auriferous sands, crystals of zircon are very common; also garnet and kyanite in grains; often also monazite, diamonds, topaz, corundum, iridlosmine, platinum. The zircons are sometimes mistaken for diamonds. Gold is widely distributed over the globe, and occurs in rocks of various ages, from the Azoic to the Cretaceous or Tertiary. The schists that contain the auriferous veins were once sedimentary beds of clay, sand, or mud, derived from the wear of pr6existing rocks. Through some process, in which heat was concerned, the latter were metamorphosed into the hard crystalline schists, and at the same time upturned and broken, and often opened between the layers: and then, all the fissures (cutting across the layers) and the openings (made between the layers, and therefore conforming with the lamination) became filled with the quartz veins containing gold. The quartz was brought into the intersecting fissures, and the interlaminated open spaces, from the rocks either side by means of the permeating' heated waters (such heated waters, at a temperature much above that of boiling water, having great decomposing and solvent power, and carrying into cavities whatever they can gather up fiom the rocks). Thus, the gold of the veins was derived from the rocks adjoining the openings, either directly adjoining, or above, or below it; and it must therefore have been widely distributed through these rocks before they were crystallized and the veins were made, although in so infinitesimal a quantity in a cubic foot, that the beds, without the metamorphism and the vein-making, would have been worthless miningground. As schists with auriferous quartz veins were made in Azoic time, so were they also in Paleozoic, especially at the great mountain-making epoch which closed the Paleozoic era; also later, in GOLD. 7 the Jurassic period, as in the Sierra Nevada; and still later in the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, as in the Coast Mountains of California. But whatever the age of the schists and veins, the original source of all the Paleozoic and later gold deposits must be the azoic or original rocks of the globe, as they are the great source of the material shales and sandstones of all subsequent ages, excepting such as may have been derived from aqueous solution or chemical deposition. Auriferous quartz veins are in no case igneous veins-that is, veins filled by injection of melted matter from below. Gold exists more or less abundantly over all the continents in most of the regions of crystalline rocks, especially those of the semi-crystalline schists; and also in some of the large islands of the world where such rocks exist. In Europe, it is most abundant in Hungary at Konigsberg, Schemnitz, and Felsobanya, and in Transylvania at Kapoik, Vordspatak, and Offenbanya; it occurs also in the sands of the Rhine, the Reuss, the Aar, the Rhone, and the Danube; on the southern slope of the Pennine Alps from the Simplon and Monte Rosa to the valley of Aosta; in Piedmont; in Spain, formerly worked in Asturias; in many of the streams of Cornwall; near Dolgoelly and other parts of North Wales; in Scotland, in considerable amount, near Leadhills, and hi G-len Coich and other parts of Perthshire; in the county of Wicklow, Ireland; in Sweden, at Edelfors. At the Transylvania mines of V~rbspatak, where one piece of 22 ozs. was found, the gold is obtained by mining, and the mines have been worked since the time of the Romans. The Rhine has been most productive between Basle and Malanheim; the sands, where richest, contain only about 56 parts of gold in a hundred millions; yet sands containing less than half this proportion are worked. The whole amount of gold in the auriferous sands of the Rhine has been estimated at $530,000,000; but it is mostly covered by soil under cultivation. In Asia, gold occurs along' the eastern flanks of the Urals for 500 miles, and is especially abundant at the Beresov mines near Katharinenburg (lat. 56~ 40' N.); also obtained at Petropavlovski (60~ N.); Nischne Tagilsk (59~ N.); Miask, near Slatoust and Mt. Ilmen (55~ N., where the largest Russian nugget was found), etc. Katharinenburg is the capital of the mining district. The Urals were within the territory of the ancient Scythians; and the vessels of gold reputed, according to Herodotus, to have fallen from the skies, were probably made from Uralian nuggets. But the mines were not opened until 1819; soon after this they became the most productive in the world, and remained so until the discoveries in California. They are principally alluvial washings, and these washings seldom yield less than 65 grains of gold for 4,000 lbs. of soil, and rarely more than 120 grains. At Beresov, there are workings in the parent rock. Siberian mines less extensive occur in the lesser Altai, in the Kolyvan mining region (about 1,500 miles east of Katharinenburg, near long. 100~ E., between the Obi and Irtisch, and 1,500 miles west of the other great Siberian mining region, that of Nertschinsk, which is between 135~ and 140~ E., east of L. [Baikal); among the localities are Schlangenberg and Sirinovski, noted for affording the electrum (anal. 26, 27). Asiatic mines occur also in the Cailas Mountains, in Little Thibet, Ceylon, and Malacca, China, Corea, Japan, Formosa, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Philippines, and other East India Islands. In Afiica, gold occurs at Kordofan, between Darfour and Abyssinia; also, south of the Sahara in Western Africa, from the Senegal to Cape Palmas; in the interior, on the Somat, a day's journey from Cassen; along the coast opposite Madagascar, between 22~ and 35' S., supposed by some to have been the 0O7hir of the time of Solomon. In South America, gold is found in Brazil (where formerly the larger part of the annual produce of the world was obtained) along the chain of mountains lying nearly parallel with the coast, especially near Villa Rica, and in the province of Minas Geraes; in New Grenada, at Antioquia, Choco, and Giron; Chili; in Bolivia, especially in the valley of the Rio de Tipuani, east of Sorata; sparingly in Peru. Also in Central America, in Honduras, San Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and near Panama; most abundant in Honduras, especially along the rivers Guyape and J6lan, in Olancho, while found also in the department of Yoro, and in Southern Honduras. In North America, there are numberless mines along the mountains of Western America, and others along the eastern range of the Appalachians from Alabama and Georgia to Labrador, besides some indications of gold in portions of the intermediate Azoic region about Lake Superior. They occur at many points along the higher regions of the Rocky Mountains, in Mexico, in New Mexico, near Santa Fe, Cerillos, Avo, etc.; in Arizona, in the San Francisco, Wauba, Yuma, and other districts; in Colorado, abundant, but the gold largely in auriferous pyrites; in Utah and Idaho. Also along ranges between the summit and the Sierra Nevada, in the Humboldt region and elsewhere. Also in the Sierra Nevada, mostly on its western slope (the mines of the eastern being principally silver mines). The auriferous belt may be said to begin in the Californian peninsula. Near the Tejon pass it enters California, and beyond for 180 miles it is sparingly auriferous, the slate rocks being of small breadth; but beyond this, northward, the slates increase in extent, and the mines in number and productiveness, and they continue thus for 200 miles or more. Gold occurs also in the Coast ranges in many localities, but mostly in too small quantities 8 DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY. to be profitably worked. The regions to the north in Oregon and Washington Territory, and the British Possessions farther north, are at many points auriferous, and productively so, though to a less extent than California. The mines of California were first made known in 1849. They were for some years solely alluvial washings, but since 1852 quartz mining has been on the increase. The quartz veins are often of great size. Some in the " Mariposa estate " average 12 feet, and in places expand to 40 feet in breadth. North of Mariposa county, the auriferous gravel, which has everywhere been a principal source of the gold thus far obtained, is very extensive. The thick deposits, often semiindurated, are now washed down by vast streams of water thrown by the pressure of a column of water of 150 feet, that do the work of running off the earth and gravel, and gathering the gold in an incredibly short time. Much of the auriferous gravel formation is under a covering of volcanic rock, either tufa or lavas, which has to be underworked, in one way or another, to get out the gold, making what is called table-mountain gniningy the fiat tops of hard volcanic material giving a table-like look to the heights. (See J. D. Whitney's Geol. California; review of same in Am. J. Sci., II. xli. 231, 351, and B. Silliman, ib., xl. 1.) In eastern North America, the mines of the Southern United States produced before the California discoveries about a million of dollars a year. They are mostly confined to the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia, or along a line from the Rappahannock to the Coosa in Alabama. But the region may be said to extend north to Canada; for gold has been found at Albion and Madrid in Maine; Canaan and Lisbon, N. H.; Bridgewater, Vermont; Dedham, Mass. Traces occur also in Franconia township, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania. In Virgiznia, the principal deposits are in Spotsylvania county, on the Rappahannock, at the United States mines, and at other places to the southwest; in Stafford county, at the Rtappahannock gold mines, ten miles from Falmouth, in the Culpepper county, at Culpepper mines, on Rapidan river; in Orange county, at the Orange Grove gold mine, and at the Greenwood gold mines; in Goochland county, at Moss and Busby's mines; in Louisa county, at Walton's gold mine; in Buckingham county, at Eldridge's mine. In North Carolina, the gold region is mostly confined to the counties of Montgomery, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, and Lincoln. The mines of Mecklenburg are principally vein deposits; those of Burke, Lincoln, McDowell, and Rutherford, are mostly in alluvial soil; the Davidson county silver mine has afforded gold. In Georgia, the Shelton gold mines in Habersham county have long been famous; and many other places have been opened in Raumn and Hall counties, Lumpkin county, at Dahlonega, etc.; and the Cherokee country. In South Carolina, the principal gold regions are the Fairforest in Union district, and the Lynch's creek and Catawba regions, chiefly in Lancaster and Chesterfield districts; also in Pickens county, adjoining Georgia. There is gold also in eastern Tennessee. In Canada, gold occurs to the south of the St. Lawrence, in the soil on the Chaudlire (where first found in 1835), and over a considerable region beyond, having been derived probably from the crystalline schists of the Notre Dame range (T. S. Hunt), which is properly a continuation of the mountains of New England and the Appalachians to the southwest. In Nova Scotia, mines are worked near Halifax and elsewhere. In Australia, which is fully equal to California in productiveness, and much superior in the purity of the metal, the principal gold mines occur along the streams in the mountains of N. S. Wales (S. E. Australia), and along' the continuation of the same range in Victoria (S. Australia). It was discovered in N. S. Wales, near Bathurst, in the spring of 1851; and in August of the same year, the far richer deposits of Victoria became known. Some gold has also been obtained in Queensland, N. Australia, in the vicinity of Moreton bay. Prof. Booth states (in a letter to the author) that one lot of Australian gold worth about $4,000, submitted to him in 1853, consisted of grains from the size of a very large pea to small sand, all of which were more or less perfect dodecahedrons. Gold also occurs in Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land). In New Zealand, it has been found at Coromandel harbor, near Auckland, on the Northern islandi, and on the Middle island near Cook's Straits. Found also in New Caledonia. Masses of gold of considerable size have been found in North Carolina. The largest was discovered in Cabarrus Co.; it weighed twenty-eight pounds avoirdupois (" steel-yard weight," equals 37 lbs. troy), and was 8 or 9 inches long by 4 or 5 broad, and about an inch thick. The largest mass yet reported from California Weighed 20 pounds. A mass consisting of a congeries of crystals, and weighing 201 ozs. (value $4,000) was found in 1865, in California, 7 miles from Georgetown, in El1 Dorado county. In Paraguay, pieces from 1 to 50 pounds weight were taken from a mass of rock which fell from one of the highest mountains. Several specimens weighing 16 pounds have been found in the Ural, and one of 27 pounds; and near Miask, in the valley of Taschku Targanka, in 1842, a mass was detached weighing 96 pounds troy. This mass is now in the Museum of Mlining Engineers at St. Petersburg. A mass found recently in Australia, called the " Blanch Barkley Nugget " had the enormous weight of 146 lbs., and only 6 ozs. of it, were gangue; and one still larger, from Ballarat, weighed 184 lbs. 8 ozs., and yielded ~8,376 10s. 6d. sterling of gold. The yield of gold mines has very much increased in amount since the discovery of the mines SILVER. 9 of California. The mines of South America and Mexico were estimated by Humboldt, over GO years since, to yield annually $11,500,000, which much exceeds the present proceeds. Brazil has furnished about 17,500 pounds troy per year. It is estimated that, between 1790 and 1830, Mexico produced $31,250,000 in gold, Chili $13,450,000, and Buenos Ayres $19,500,000, making an average annual yield of $16,050,000. The Russian mines in 1846 produced about $16,500,000; and in 1851, $15,000,000. The yield of California in 1849, the first year after the discovery of the gold, was $5,000,000. It rapidly increased from that year until 1853, when it was nearly $60,000,000. Since then it has diminished, and in 1866 the amount was but $27,000,000. Montana, Colorado, Idaho, and Nevada, raise the total from the United States for the year 1866 to $86,000,000, with $20,000,000 besides of silver. Australia produced $60,000,000 for a number of years; but for 1863, 1864, 1865, the average was not above $30,000,000, onefourth to one-third of which came from the auriferous quartz. The gold is obtained from the auriferous quartz by pulverizing, and then treating the finelypowdered quartz with mercury, a method well known to the ancients. This metal dissolves out the gold, producing an amalgam which, by straining and distillation, yields the gold. The auriferous pyrite is first powdered, and then roasted in an oven of' peculiar construction until the sulphur is driven off. The residue, according to one process, pronounced the best, is treated with chlorine gas, and the metals thus converted into chlorids, of which the chlorid of gold is soluble. This is removed and then treated with protosulphate of iron, when the gold is deposited. According to another process, the residue is fused with litharge, and the gold is thus combined with lead, and afterward obtained from the lead by cupellation. By a third process, the auriferous pyrite, especially when cupriferous, is concentrated into a copper matt by partial roasting and fusion; the matt is then roasted, and the oxyd of copper taken up by dilute sulphuric acid, leaving the gold and silver in the residue. 2. SILVER. Luna Alchem. Gediegen Silber Germ. Argent natif Fr. Isometric. Observed planes 0, 1, I, i-2, i-4, 3-3. Figs. 1, 2, 6, 7, 15, 17. Cleavage none. Twins: composition face octahedral, like f. 50; but occurring also in the trapezohedron 3-3, and other formls. Commonly coarse or fine filiform, reticulated, arborescent; in the latter, the branches pass off either (1) at right angles, and are crystals (usually octahedrons) elongated in the direction of a cubic axis, or else a succession of partly overlapping crystals; or (2) at angles of 60~, they being elongated in the direction of a dodecahedral axis. Crystals generally obliquely prolonged or shortened, and thus greatly distorted. Also massive, and in plates or superficial coatings. H.-2'5-3. G. =10l —11' l, when pure 10-5. Lustre metallic. Color and streaki silver-white; subject to tarnish, by which the color becomes grayish-black. Ductile. COomp., Var.-Silver, with some copper, gold, and sometimes platinum, antimony, bismuth, mercury. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) crystallized; (b) filiform, arborescent; (c) massive. 2. Autriferous; Kiislelite. (Giildisch-Silber HUausm., Handb. 104, 1813. Kiistelit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 169, 1866.) Contains 10 to 30 p. c. of silver; color white to pale brass-yellow. There is a gradual passage to argentiferous gold (see GOLD). The name KXstelite was given to an ore from Nevada, having the following characters:.= -2 — 21; G. —11'32 —13-10; color silver-white, somewhat darker than native silver on a fresh surface; Richter found in it silver, lead, and gold, the first much predominating. From the lode of the Ophir mine, Nevada, in bean-shaped grains. 3. Cupriferous. Contains sometimes 10 p. c of copper. 4. Antimonial. John found in silver from Johanngeorgenstadt (Chem. Unt., i. 285) 1 p. c. antimony, and traces of copper and arsenic. (See further under Discrasite.) The Kongsberg native silver contains 0'40 p. c. of merc~ury (D. Forbes), and the presence of this metal, Saemann suggests, may account for its fine crystallization. Fordyce (Phil. Trans., 1776, 523) found in silver from Kongsberg, Norway, silver 72, gold 28. Berthier (Ann. d. M., xi. 72) obtained 10 p. c. of copper from silver from Curcy, France. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses easily to a silver-white globule, which in O.F. gives a faint dark red coating of oxyd; crystallizes on cooling. Soluble in nitric acid, and deposited again by a plate of copper. 10 NATIVE ELEMENTS. Obs.-Native silver occurs in masses, or in arborescences and filiform shapes, in veins traversing gneiss, schist, porphyry, and other rocks. Also occurs disseminated, but usually invisibly, in native copper, galena, chalcocite, etc. The mines of Kongsberg in Norway, have afforded magnificent specimens of native silver. One among the splendid suite from this locality in the Royal collection at Copenhagen, weighs upwards of 5 cwt., and recently two masses have been obtained weighing severally 238 and 436 pounds. The principal Saxon localities are at Freiberg, Schneeberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt; the Bohemian, at Przibram, and Joachimsthal. A mass weighing 60 lbs. from the Himmelsfurst mine near Freiburg had G. —10S840. It also occurs in small quantities with other ores, at Andreasberg, in the Hartz; in Suabia; Hungary; at Allemont in Dauphiny; in the Ural near Beresof; in the Altai, at Zmeoff; and in some of the Cornish mines. Mexico and Peru have been the most productive countries in silver. In Mexico, it has been obtained mostly from its ores, while in Peru it occurs principally native. A Mexican specimen from Batopilas weighed when obtained 400 pounds; and one from Southern Peru (mines of Huantaya) weighed over 8 cwt. During the first eighteen years of the present century, more than 8,180,000 marks of silver were affoiaed by the mines of Guanaxuato alone. In Durango, Sinaloa, and Sonora, in Northern Mexico, are noted mines affording native silver. In the United States it is disseminated through much of the copper of Michigan, occasionally in spots of some size, and sometimes in cubes, skeleton octahedrons, etc., at various mines. It has been observed at a mine a mile south of Sing Sing prison, which was formerly worked for silver; at the Bridgewater copper mines, New Jersey; in interesting specimens at King's mine, Davidson Co., N. C.; at Prince's location, Lake Superior, Canada; rarely in filaments with barytes at Chleshire, Ct. In Idaho, at the " Poor Man's lode," large masses of native silver have been obtained. In Nevada, in the Comstock lode, it is rare, and mostly in filaments; at the Ophir mine rare, and disseminated or filamentous; in California, sparingly, in Silver Mountain district, Alpine Co.; in the Maris vein, in Los Angeles Co.; in the township of Ascot, Canrada. The yield of' the United States at the present time in silver is about $20,000,000. Alt.-Pseudomorphs, consisting of horn silver, red silver ore, and argentite. 3. PLATIN, UM. Platina (fr. Choco) U/loa, Relac. Hist. Viage Amer. Merid., lib. 6, c. 10, Madrid 11748. Platina (fr. Carthagena) W. Brozwnrigg (who received it in 1741 from C. Wood), Phil. Trans. 1750, 584. Platina del Pinto Scheffer, Ac. II. Stockh. 1752, 269. Polyxen HTausme., Ilandb., 97, 1813, 20, 1847. Isometric. Rarely in cubes or octahedrons (f. 1, 2). Usually in grains; occasionally in irregular lumps. Cleavage none. H.=4-4'5. G. 16-19, 1%'862, 17'759, two masses, G. Rose, 17'200, a smaller; 17'108, small grains, Breith.; 1'608, a mass, Breith.; 17'60, large mass firom Nischne Tagilsk, Sokoloff. Lustre metallic. Color and streak whitish steel-gray; shining. Opaque. Ductile. Fracture hackly. Occasionally magneti-polar. Comp.-Platinum combined with iron, iridium, osmium, and other metals. Analyses; 1-3, Berzelius (Ac. H. Stockholm 1828, 113); 4, 5, Osann (Pogg., viii. 505, xi. 411, xiii. 283, xiv. 329, xv. 158); 6, 7, Svanberg (Institut, ii. 294); 8 M. Bdcking (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcvi. 243); 9-20, H. St. C. Deville & Debray (Ann. Ch. Phys. III., lvi. 449); 21, XKromayer (Arch. Pharm. II., cx. 14, Jahresb., 1862, 707): Pt Au Fe Ir Rh Pd Cu I-O Sand Os 1. Goroblago't 86-50 - 832 -- 115 1'10 0'45 1'40 - 108 a=100 Berzelius. 2. N. Tagilsk 71894 -- 11'04 4'97 0'86 0'28 0'70 1'96 - 1'25 _=100 Berzelius. 3. 7358 -- 1312.98 2'35 1'15 0'30 5-20 2'30 214 a=100 Berzelius. 4. " 83-07 -10-79 1-91 0'59 0'26 1'30 1580 - =9972 Osann. 5. Ural 808 -- 10'92 006 4:44 1'30 2:30 0l1 - =100 Osann. 6. Choco, S. A. 86'16 -- 8'03 1'09 2'16 0'35 040 1-91 - 097 Mn 0-10=101'17 Sv. 7. Pinto? 84'34 -- 7152 2'52 3'13 1'66 tr. 1'56 0'19 " 031=101-23 Sv. 8. Borneo 82'60 0-20 10'67 0'66 -- - 0'13 3 80 -- -=98-36 Bcking. 9. Choco 86'20 1'00 7-80 0'85 1'40 0'50 0'60 0'95 0'95 =100'25 D. & D. PLATINIRIDIUM. 1 Pt Au Fe Ir Rh Pd Cu I-O Os Sand i0. Choco 80'00 150 1720 1'55 2'50 1]00 0'65 1'40 435=100'15 D: & D. 11.'" 16'82 1'22 7'43 1'18 1-22 1'14 0'88 7198 - 2'41=100'28. 12. California 85'50 0'80 6-15 1505 1-00 0'60 1'40 110 - 295=101'15. 13. " 79'85 0'55 4'45 4-20 0'65 1]95 0175 4'95 0'05a 2'60=100'00. 14. " 76-50 1"20 6-10 0'85 1-95 1'30 1'25 7-55 1'25a 1'50 Pb? 0'55= —100. 15. Oregon 51'45 0'85 4'30 0'40 0'65 0'15 2'15 37130 - 3'00=100'25. 16. Spain 45170 3'15 6'80 0'95 2'65 0'85 1'05 2'85 0'05 3595=-100'00. 17. Australia 59-80 2'40 4 30 2-20 1'50 ~1'50 1'10 25'00 0'80 1'20-=100'00. 18. " 61'40 1'20 4:55 1'10 1-85 1'80 1l10 26'00 - 1-20=100-20. 19. Russia 77'50 und. 9'60 1'45 2-80 0S85 2'15 2-35 2'30a 1'00=100'00. 20. " 76-40 0-10 11'70 4'30 0'30 1-40 4'10 050 140= —100'50. 21. California 63-30 0'30 6'40 0'70 1'80 0'10 4'25 [22'55] -- -Hg 060 =100 Kronm a the loss, with some osmium. Var. —(1) Svanberg makes the Platinum of Nos. 2, 7, 8-Fe Pts; Fe Pt4; (2) that of 3, 4, 5= Fe Pt!. The last is called Iron-Plc6inumn (Eisenplatin, Breilth.); -G. 146 —15-8, I. =6. Pyr., etc.-Infusible. Not affected by borax or salt of phosphorus, except in the state of fine dust, when reactions for iron and copper may be obtained. Soluble only in heated nitromuriatic acid. Acts slightly on the magnet; this property has been supposed to depend on the amount of iron it contains; but llokscharof states that platinum masses from Nischne Tagilsk are magneti-polar, and attract iron filings far more strongly than the ordinary magnet. Obs.-Platinum was first found in pebbles and small grains, associated with iridium, osmium, palladium, gold, copper, and chromite, in the alluvial deposits of the river Pinto, in the district of Choco, near Popayan, in South America, where it received its name platina, from plata, silver. In the province of Antioquia, in Brazil, it has been found in auriferous regions in syenite (Boussingault). In Russia, where it was first discovered in 1822, it occurs at Nischne Tagilsk, and Goroblagodat, in the Ural, in alluvial material; the gravel has been traced to a great extent up Mount La Martiane, which consists of crystalline rocks; in Nischne Tagilsk, it has been found with chro. mite in serpentine. Formerly used as coins by the Russians. Russia affords annually about 800 cwt. of platinum, which is nearly ten times the amount from Brazil, Columbia, St. Domingo, and Borneo. The amount coined from 1826 to 1844, equalled two and a half millions of dollars. Platinum is also found on Borneo, which furnishes 600 to 800 lbs. annually; in the sands of the Rhline; at St. Aray, val du Drac; county of Wicklow, Ireland; on the river Jocky, St. Domingo; according to report, in Choloteca and Gracias, in Honduras; in California, in the Klamath region, at Cape Blanco, etc., but not abundant; in traces with gold in Rutherford Co., North Carolina; at St. Fran9ois 3eauce, etc., Canada East. Although platinum generally occurs in quite small grains, masses are sometimes found of considerable magnitude. A mass weighing 1,088 grains was brought by Humboldt from South America, and deposited in the Berlin museum; specific gravity 18'94. In 1822, a mass from Condoto was deposited in the Madrid museum, measuring two inches and four lines in diameter, and weighing 11,641 grains. A specimen was found in the year 1827, in the Ural, not far from the Demidoff mines, which weighed 10-s9- Russian pounds, or 11-57 pounds troy, and similar masses are not uncommon; the largest yet seen weighed 21 pounds troy, and is in the Demidoff cabinet. The metal platinum was brought from Choco, S. A., by Ulloa, a Spanish traveller in America, in the year 1735, and from Carthagena, by Charles Wood, who procured it in Jamaica. Ulloa speaks of specula made by the people of the country, of a peculiar metal, which Brownrigg says was "platina," and the latter mentions a "pummel of a sword," and other articles of platinum, received by him from Carthagena. 4. PLATINIRIDIUM. Svanberg, Jahresb., xv. 205, 1834. Isometric. In small grains with Platinum; sometimes in cubes with truncated angles, (f. 6). H.-6-7; G.-22' 6 —23. Color white. Comp.-Platinum and iridium in different proportions. Analyses by Svanberg: Plat. Irid. Pallad. Rhod. Fe Cu Os 1. N. Tagilsk 19'64 76-80 089 -- - 178 - =99'11 2. Brazil 55-44 27'79 0'49 6-86 4-14 3'30 trace =98-02 Prinsep, in a specimen from Ava in India, found 60 of iridium and 20 of platinum. If platinum and iridium are isomorphous, it is probable that the proportions of these metals are indefinite. 12 NNATIVE ELEMENTS. Dr. Genth, after some trials, considers some grains occurring with the California gold to be Platimridium. Am. J. Sci. II., xv. 246. 5. PALLADIUM1. Wollaston, Phil. Trans. 1808. Isometric. In minute octahedrons, Haid. Mostly in grains, sometimes composed of diverging fibres. H. —'5-5. G.o11'3 —118, Wollaston; of hammered, 12'148, Lowry. Lustre metallic. Color whitish steel-gray. Opaque. Ductile and malleable. Comp.-Palladiumn, alloyed with a little platinum and iridium, but not yet analyzed. Pyr., etc. —The blowpipe reactions of native palladium are undescribed. As prepared by Deville, it is the most fusible of the platinum metals. Oxydizes at a lower temperature than silver, but is not blackened by sulphurous gases. Obs.-Palladium occurs with platinum, in Brazil, where quite large masses of the metal are sometimes met with; also reported from St. Domingo, and the Ural. Palladium has been employed for balances; also for the divided scales of delicate apparatus, for which it is adapted, because of its not blackening from sulphur gases, while at the same time it is nearly as white as silver. 6. ALLOPALLADIUM. Selenpalladium Zinken, Pogg., xvi. 496, 1829. Palladium pt. Hexagonal, Zinken. In small six-sided tables. Cleavage: basal perfect. Lustre bright. Color nearly silver-white to pale steel-gray. Comp.-Palladium, under the hexagonal system, the metal being dimorphous; the formula probably Pd3, instead of Pd. Obs.-From Tilkerode, in the Harz, in small hexagonal tables with gold. 7. IRIDOSMINE. Ore of Iridium, consisting of Iridium and Osmium, Wollaston, Phil. Trans., 1805, 316 (Metals Iridium and Osmium, first announced by Tennant, Phil. Trans., 1804, 411). Native Iridium Jameson. Osmiure d' Iridium Berz., Nouv. Syst. Min., 195, 1819. Osnmiumiridium Leonh., Handb., 1821. Iridosmium; Osmiridium. Newjanskit, Sisserskit, Rlaid. Handb., 558, 1845. Hexagonal. Rarely in hexagonal prisms with replaced basal edges; pyramidal angle, 12T~ 36', basal, 124~. Commonly in irregular flattened grains. H.I 6 —7. G.=19'3-21'12. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white, and light steel-gray. Opaque. Malleable with difficulty. Comp. Var.-Iridium and osmium in different proportions. Two varieties depending on these proportions have been named as species, but they are isomorphous, as are those of the metals (G. Rose). Some rhodium, platinum, ruthenium. and other metals are usually present. Var. 1. Newjans7ite, Haid.; H.=7; G.=18'8 —19'5. In flat scales; color tin-white. Over 40 p. c. of Iridium. Named from a Siberian locality. Analysis by Berzelius (Pogg., xxxii. 232, 1833): Ir 46'77, Os 49'34, Rd 3'15, Fe 0'74, giving the formula Ir Os=lridium 49-78, Osmium 50'22. G.=19'386-19'471. Claus obtained (Beitr. Platinum, Ddrpat, 1854) from six-sided tables from Nischne-Tagilsk: Ir 55-24 Os 27'32 P1 10-08 Rd 1-50 Pd Fe Cu tr,=100. Deville and Debray (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. lvi. 481) found: Ir Rd Pt Ru Os Cu Fe 1. N. Grenada 70'40 12'30 0-10 - [17'20] - --— =100 2. " 57'80 0-63 6-37 35'10 0'06 0-10=100'06 3. California 53'50 2-60 - 050 [43-40] -=100 4. Australia 58-13 3'04 5-22 [3346] 0-15 — =100 5. Borneo 58-27 2'64 0'15 [38594] - =100 6. Russia 77'20 0'50 1l10 0-20 [21-00] tr. =100 7. G. —18'9 43'28 5-73 0'62 8'49 [40'11] 0-78 0 99=100 MERCURY. 13 Ir Rd Pt Ru Os Cu Fe 8. Russia G.=-1 88 64'50 7-50 2'80 r22-90] 0'90 1-40=100 9. " G.=20'4 43-94 1'65 0-14 4-68 [4885] 0'11 0'63=100 10. " G.=20'5 70-36 4-72 0-41 [23'01] 0-21 1'29=100 Thomson found in a steel-gray variety from Brazil 72-9 p. c. of iridium, with 24-1 osmium and 2-6 iron=100. 2. Sisserskite Haid.' In flat scales, often six-sided, color grayish-white, steel-gray. G=2021'2. Not over 30 p. c. of iridium. One kind from Nischne Tagilsk afforded Berzelius (1. c.) Ir Os4=Iridium 19-9, osmium 80'1=100; G.-21'118. Anogher. corresponded to the formula Ir Os3=Iridium 24-8, osmium 1752-100, it affording Ir 25, Os>-< Named from a Siberian locality. Pyr., etc.-At a high temperature the Sisserskite gives out:osmium, but undergoes no further change. The Newjanskite is not decomposed and does not give an osmium odor. With nitre, the characteristic odor of osmium is soon perceived, and a mass obtained soluble in water, from which a greren precipitate is thrown down by nitric acid. Obs.-It occurs with platinum in the province of Choco in South America; near Kathhrinenburg, Statoust, and Kyschtimsk, in the Ural mountains; in Australia. It is rather abundant in the auriferous beach-sands of northern California, occurring in small bright lead-colored scales, sometimes six-sided. Also traces in the gold-washings on the-rivers du Loup and des Plantes, Canada. 8. MERCURY. Xvr6S alpyvpos Theophr.'XYpsipypos KaO' lxavrhv [native] Dioscor., E, cx. Argentum vivum, Hydrargyros, Plin. xxxiii. 32, 20, 41. Quicksilver. Mercurius Alchem. Gediegen Quecksilber Germ. Mercure natif Er. Isometric. Occurs in small fluid globules scattered througlh its gangue. G.-13-568. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white. Opaque. Comp.-Pure mercury (Hg); with sometimes a little silver. Pyr., etc.-B.B., entirely volatile, vaporizing at 662~ F. Becomes solid at -39~ F., and may be- crystallized in octahedrons. Dissolves readily in nitric acid. Obs.-Mercury in the metallic state is a rare mineral; the quicksilver of commerce is obtained mostly from cinnabar, one of its ores. The rocks affording the metal and its ores are mostly clay shales or schists of different geological ages. At Cividale, in Venetian Lombardy, it is found in a marl regarded as a part of the Eocene nummulitic beds. Mercury has been observed occasionally in drift; and near Eszbetek, in Transylvania, and also Newmarkt, in Galicia, springs, issuing from the Carpathian sandstone, sometimes bear along globules of mercury. Its most important mines are those of Idria, in Carniola, and Almaden in Spain. Aht Idria it occurs interspersed through a clay slate, from which it lm obtained by washing. It is found in small quantities at Wdlfstein and Mdrsfeld, in the Palatinate, in Carinthia, Hungary, Peru, and other countries; also at Peyrat le Chateau, in the department of the Haute Vienne, in a disintegrated granite, unaccompanied by cinnabar; in California, especially at the Pioneer: mine, in the Napa Valley, where some of the quartz geodes contain several pounds of mercury. 9. AMAL.GAM.: / Quicksilfwer amalgameradt med gediget Silfwer (fr. Sala) Cronst., 189, 1758. NaturliclAmalgam, Silberamalgam, Germ. Amalgam natif de Lisle, i. 420, 1783. Mercure argental;'1 Pella natural Del Rio. Isometric ibserved planes, as in f. 54, with 54 also plane Figure 3 common; also 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14. Cleavage: dodecabedral in traces. Also massive. IH. — 3-5..G.10-5 —14; 13'755, Haid. Color and streak silver-white. Opaque. Frac- 2 ture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle, and giving a \ grating noise when cut with a knife. Comp.-Both Ag Hg2 (=Silver 34-8, mercury, 65-2), and \22 Ag Hg3 (-Silver 26-25, and mercury, 73-75), are here included as afforded by the following analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 182); 2, Cordier (J. d. M., xii. 1, Phil. Mag., xix. 41); 3, Heyer (Crell's Ann., ii. 90): 14 NATIVE ELEMENTS. Silver. Mercury. 1. Ag Hg2, Moschellandsberg 36 64 =100 Klaproth. 2. Ag Hg, Allemont? 217-5 72'5=100 Cordier. 3. t Moschellandsberg 25'0 73'3= 98-3 Heyer. Pyr., etc.-B.B., on charcoal the mercury volatilizes and a globule of silver is left. In the closed tube the mercury sublimes and condenses on the cold part of the tube in minute globules. Dissolves in nitric acid. Rubbed on copper it gives a silvery lustre. Obs. —From the Palatinate at Moschellandsberg, in fine crystals, and said to occur where the veins of mercury and silver intersect one another. Also reported from Rosenau in Hungary, Sala in Sweden, Allemont in Dauphine, Almaden in Spain. Domeyko reports (Mmin., 187, Ann. d. M., VI. ii. 123, v. 453) other compounds from the mines of La Rosilla, province of Atacama; one of white color, with Hg 56 4, Ag 43 6; 2, white with (mean of 3 anal.) Hg 53'2, Ag 468=-Ag3 Hg4; 3, granular and dull, (mean of 3 anaL.) Hg 44'9, Ag 55-1=Ag Hg; 4, blackish and dull, (mean of 3 anal.) Hg 46-6, Ag 53-4; 5, blackish and dull metallic, sometimes in crystals, Hg 35'8, Ag 64'2=Ag5H3. Of the last there is a mass in the museum at Santiago, Chili, weighing 21t lbs. These may be only mixtures of a true chemical amalgam with silver. 10. ARIQUERITE. Arquerite Berth., de B., & Duf., C. R., xiv. 567, 1842, in Rep. on Art. by DomeykJo, pub. in Ann. d. M., III. xx. 268, 1841. Isometric. In regular octahedrons; also in grains, small masses, and dendrites. G.=10'8. In color, lustre, ductility like native silver, but softer. Comp.-According to Domeyko (1. c.) the crystallized contains Ago Hg=Silver 86'5, mercury 13'5=100. Obs. —From the mines of Arqueros, in Coquimbo, Chili, where it is the principal ore. In the first fifteen years of exploration these mines afforded 200,000 marcs of silver.' Occurs with barite, cobalt bloom, and little sulphuret and chlorid of silver. 11. GOLD AMALGAM. H. Schneider, J. pr. Ch., xliii. 317, 1848. In small white grains as large as a pea, easily crumbling (Columbia variety); also in yellowish-white, four-sided prisms (California variety). Comp.-(Au, Ag)2 Hg5, an analysis by Schneider of a specimen from Columbia (1. c.), affording, mercury 57'40, gold 38'39, silver 5'0. The California amalgam gave Sonnenschein (ZS. G., vi. 243), gold 39'02, mercury 60'98; also another, gold 41'63, mercury 58'37, in which Au: Hg=2: 3. Obs.-From the platinum region of Columbia, along with platinum; California, especially near Mariposa. 12. COPP3ER. Aes Cyprium Ptin. Venus Alc7zem. Gediegen Kupfer Germ. Cuivre natif Fr. Isometric. Observed forms 0, 1, i; i-2, i-, 3-3. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, and others. Cleavage none. Twins; composition-face octahedral, very common, and producing, in connection with distortion, complex forms; one a double six-sided pyramid, made of the six planes i-2 about one cubic angle of f. 17, and the six about the diagonally opposite, the rest wanting. Often filiform and arborescent; the latter with the branches passing off usually at 600, the supplement of the dodecahedral angle; the branches sometimes twin-dodecahedrons modified by planes 0, 1, and the composition-face longitudinal, but contained under only one dodecahedral plane along the upper side of the branch, and either side of this one octahedral and one cubic, with an oblique extremity made up of two cubic planes (Rose). Also massive. MRON. 15 ET.=2'5-3. G.=8'838, native, Whitney; 8'948 —8'958, electrotype copper, Dick. Lustre metallic. Color copper-red. Streak metallic shining. 1Dbuctile and malleable. Fracture hackly. Comp.-Pure copper, but often containing some silver, bismuth, etc, P. Collier obtained o-015 p. c. silver in native copper from the Miunesota mine. (Private communication.) Hautefeuille states that a Lake Superior specimen afforded him, Copper 69'280, silver 5'543, mercury 0'0119, gangue 25-248 (C. R;, xliii. 166); while F. A. Abel found in a specimen of same, which had a thick vein of native silver running through it (J. Ch. Soc., II. i. 89.), 0'002 p. c. of silver, with a trace of lead, and in another 0'56 of silver. Abel obtained for a Uralian, from the Kirghiz District, 0'034 silver, 0O11 bismuth, a trace of lead, and 1-28 of arsenic. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses readily; on cooling, becomes covered with a coating of black oxyd. Dissolves readily in nitric acid, giving off red nitrous fumes, and produces a deep azure-blue solution with ammonia. Obs.-Copper occurs in beds and veins accompanying its various ores, and is most abundant in the vicinity of dikes of igneous rocks. It is sometimes found in loose masses imbedded in the soil. In Siberia, and the island of Nalsoe, in Faroe, it is associated with mesotype, in amygdaloid, and though mostly disseminated in minute particles, sometimes branches through the rock with extreme beauty. At Turinsk, in the Urals, in fine crystals. Common in Cornwall, at many of the mines near Redruth; and also in considerable quantities at the Consolidated mines, Wheal Buller, and others. Brazil, Chili, Bolivia, and Peru afford native copper; a mass now in the museum at Lisbon, supposed to be from a valley near Bahia, weighs 2,616 pounds; north of Tres Puntos, desert of Atacama, a large vein was discovered in 1859. In Bolivia, at Corocoro, in sandstone, and called in commerce " Barilla de Cobre" (copper barilla). Also found at some localities in China and Japan. This metal has been found native throughout the red sandstone (Triassico-Jurassic) region of the eastern United States, in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and more abundantly in New Jersey, where it has been met with sometimes in fine crystalline masses, especially at New Brunswick, Somerville, Schuyler's mines, and Flemington. One mass from near Somerville, on the premises of J. C. Van Dyke, Esq., of N. Brunswick, weighed 78 pounds, and is said originally to have weighed 128. Near N. Brunswick a vein or sheet of copper, a line or so thick, has been traced for several rods. Near New Haven, Conn., a mass was formerly found weighing 90 pounds. No known locality exceeds in the abundance of native copper the Lake Superior copper region, near Kewenaw Point, where it exists in veins that intersect the trap and sandstone. The annual yield of native copper at the present time is about 8,000 tons. Masses of great size were observed in this district near the Ontanagon river, by Mlr. Schoolcraft, in 1821. The largest single mass yet found was discovered in February, 1857, in the Minnesota mine, in the belt of conglomerate, which forms the foot-wall of the vein. It was 45 feet in length, 22 feet at the greatest width, and the thickest part was more than 8 feet. It contained over 90 p. c. copper, and weighed about 420 tons. This copper contains silver, sometimes in visible grains, lumps, or strings, and occasionally a mass of copper, when polished, appears sprinkled with large silver spots, resembling, as Dr. Jackson observes, a porphyry with its feldspar crystals. The copper occurs in trap or sandstone, near the junction of these two rocks, and has probably been produced through the reduction of copper ores. It is associated with prehnite, datolite, analcite, laumontite, pectolite, epidote, chlorite, wollastonite, and sometimes coats amygdules of calcite, etc., in amygdaloid. Strings of copper often reticulate through crystals of analcite and prehnite. Pseudomorphs after scalenohedrons of calcite are sometimes met with. Besides this occurrence in the vicinity of trap, it is also in some parts of the Kewenaw region distributed widely in grains through the sandstone. Native copper occurs sparinggly in California; at the Union and Keystone, Napoleon and Lancha Plana mines in Calaveras Co.; in the Cosumnes mine, Amador Co.; in serpentine, in Sta. Barbara Co. Also on the Gila river in Arizona; in large drift masses in Russian America. 13. IRON. Mars Alchem. Gediegen Eisen Germz. Fer natif Fr. Isometric. Cleavage octahedral. H.- 4-5. G. =-73-7-8; 7'318 a partially oxydized fragment of a crystal of meteoric iron from Guilford Co., N. C. Lustre metallic. Color irongray. Streak shining. Fracture hackly. Ductile. Acts strongly on the magnet. 16 NATIVE ELEMENTS. Obs.-The occurrence of masses of native iron apart from that of meteoric origin is not placed beyond doubt. An iron so regarded, with some reason, occurs in the hill country above Bexley in Bassa Co., Liberia, Africa. An analysis afforded A. A. Hayes (Am. J. Sci., II. xxi. 153) iron 98-40, quartz grains, magnetite and a zeolite 1'60=100. The mass of iron, from Canaan, Ct., published as native, was artfiicial. A fragment of iron found near Knoxville, Tennm., but of uncertain exact locality and possibly meteoric, afforded Genth (ib., xxviii. 246) Iron 99-79, nickel 0'14, magnesium 0'022, calcium 0'121, silicium 0'075, cobalt tracee-lO0'148. Cramer describes a mass weighing four pounds, obtained in the mine of Hackenburg. It is said to have been observed in thin laminae in an ironstone conglomerate in Brazil, and in lava in Auvergne; also in the keuper in Thuringia, in an argillaceous sandstone, containing fossils; it afforded but a trace of nickel: G.= 5-24, (Pogg., lxxxviii. 1853, 145, where other localities are mentioned); also at Chotzen in Bohemia, in a limestone (the Planerkalk), affording on analysis Fe 98-83, graphite 0'74, As 0'32, Ni 0-61, and thought to be possibly an ancient meteorite (Jahrb. Gf. Reichs., viii. 354). The presence of metallic'iron in grains in basaltic rocks (from Giant's Causeway, etc.) has been announced by Dr. Andrews. After pulverizing the rock and separating by means of a magnet the grains that were attracted by it, he subjected the grains to the action of an acid solution of sulphate of copper in the field of a microscope, which salt, when there is a trace of pure iron present, gives a deposit of copper; and in his trials there were occasional deposits of copper in crystalline bunches. It has been noticed in other related rocks. Meteoric iron usually contains 1 to 20 per cent. of nickel, besides a small percentage of other metals, as cobalt, manganese, tin, copper, chromium; also phosphorus common as a phosphuret, sulphur in sulphurets, carbon in some instances, chlorine. For a review of papers on meteoric iron, see Rammelsberg's IHandbuch der Mineralchemie (Liepzig, 1860). The following are a few analyses: l, Berzelius (Ac. H. Stockh., 1834, Pogg., xxxiii. 123); 2, Bergemann (Pogg., lxxviii. 406); 3, IV. S. Clarke (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxxii. 367); 4, Berzelius (Ac. H. Stockh., 1832, Pogg., xxvii. 118); 5, J. L. Smith (Am J. Sci., II. xix. 153): 1 2 3 4 5 Siberia. Zatatecas, Mexico. Lenarto. Bohumilitz. Knoxville, Tern. Iron 88'042 85'09 90'153 93'77 83'02 Nickel 101732 9'89 6'553 3-81 14'62 Cobalt 0'455 0'67 0'502 0'21 0'50 Manganese 0'132 0'145 -- - Copper TinCoppe~r 0'066 0'03 0'080 - 0'06 Magnesium 0'050 0.19 0-082 Carbon 0'043 C, Fe 0'33 - -- Mg 0'24 Sulphur tr. 0'84 0'482 - 0'08 Fe, Ni, P 1'65 1'226 2'14 P 0'19 Chrome-iron 1'48 Si 0-04 Si 0'84 Gangue 0'480 - - C 0 03 C1 0'02 100'000 100'33 99-223 100'00 99'57 Reichenbach has named the alloy of iron and nickel, containing up to 23 p. c. of the latter, Chamasite; that approaching probably the formula Fe4 Ni3, Tcenite; and to that having the formula Fe Ni, Shepard has applied the name Oktibbehite. The phosphorus in the analyses is combined with iron as Schreiberrsite; the sulphur as Troilite; the magnesia, in anal. 5, with the silica probably as Enstatite. Among large iron meteorites, the Gibbs meteorite, in the Yale College cabinet, weighs 1,635 lbs.; length three feet four inches; breadth two feet four inches; height one foot four inches. It was Ibrought from Red River. The Tucson meteorite, now in the Smithsonian Institution, weighs'1,400 lbs.; it was originally from Sonora. It is ring-shaped, and is 49 inches in its greatest diameter. Still more remarkable masses exist in South America; one was discovered by Don Rubin de Celis in the district of Chaco-Gualamba, whose weight was estimated at 32,000 lbs.; and another was found at Bahia in Brazil, whose solid contents are at least twenty-eight cubic feet, and weight 14,000 lbs. The Siberian meteorite, discovered by Pallas, weighed originally 1,600 lbs. and contained imbedded crystals of chrysolite. Smaller masses are quite common. Meteoric iron is perfectly malleable, and may be readily worked in a forge, and put to the same uses as manufactured iron. Bahr has observed grains of native iron in a fragment of petrified wood. The iron was mixed with limonite and organic matter, and is supposed to have been produced by the deoxydation of a salt of iron by the organic matter of the wood. He calls the iron Sideroferrite. Von Dechen reports that an artificial iron has been observed by him, which has cubic cleavage. (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 1861.) ZINC. 17 14. ZINC. Hexagonal, Rose. Cleavage: basal perfect. II. = 2. G.- 7. Lustre metallic. Color and streak white, slightly grayish. Comp.-Zinc, with sometimes a trace of cadmium and other metals. Obs.-Reported by G. Ulrich as having been found in a geode in basalt, near Melbourne, Victoria Land, Australia; the piece weighed 4- ozs., and was incrusted with smithsonite and aragonite, and some cobalt bloom. Also said to occur in the gold sands of the Mittamitta river, north of Melbourne, along with topaz, corundum, etc.; a single piece, according to L. Becker, having been found which contained traces of cadmium and other metals. (L. Becker, in Trans. Phil. Inst., Victoria, 1856, and Jahrb. Min., 1857, 812, 698; G. Tlrich, in B. HI. Ztg., xviii. 63.) It should be stated that the zinc said to come from the Melbourne basalt was found by a quarryman and not by a scientific observer, and that therefore there may be an error with regard to its actually having been taken from the basalt. The existence of native zinc seems still to need confirmation. Stolba has recently obtained artificially hexagonal crystals of zinc, six-sided prisms with low pyramidal terminations (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 182). Zinc is supposed to occur also in isometric forms (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxi. 191). 15. LEAD. Plumbum nigrum Plin., xxxiv. 47. Saturnus Alchem. Gediegen Blei Germ. Plomb natif Fr. Isometric. Foundcl in thin plates and small globules. lH.=15. G.=11-445, when pure. Lustre metallic. Color lead-gray. Malleable and ductile. Comp. Pure lead. Pyr.-B.B. fuses easily, coating the charcoal with a yellow oxyd, which, treated in, R. F., volatilizes, giving an azure-blue tinge to the flame. Obs.-This species is reported as occurring in globules in galena at Alstonmoor; in lava in Madeira, Rathke; at the mines near Carthagena in Spain; in Carboniferous limestone near Bristol, and at Kenmare, Ireland; according to R. P. Greg, Jr., in thin sheets in red oxyd of lead near a basaltic dyke in Ireland; in an amygdaloid near Weissig; in basaltic tufa, at Rautenberg, in Moravia; with gold in an Altai gold region, seven miles from Mt. Alatau; the gold region of Velika, southern Slavonia; near Katherinenburg, in the Urals; in the district of Zomelahuacan, in the State of Vera Cruz, in a granular limestone, containing in some places species of ammonites, in laminse, in a foliated argentiferous galena; in the iron and manganese ore bed of Paisberg, Wermland, with hematite, magnetite, and hausmannite (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 21); also in white quartz north-west of Lake Superior, near the Dog lake of the Kaministiquia, in the form of a small string (Chapman, Can. J., 1865). 16. TIN. Plumbum candidum Plin., xxxiv. 47. Jupiter Aichem. Gediegen Zinn Germ. Etain natif Fr. Tetragonal. 1 A 1, over basal edge, 57~ 13', over pyramidal=1400 25', 1-i A 1-i, over basal edge,=42~ 11', over pyramidal-150~ 31'; a=0'38566. In grayish-white metallic grains. Comp.-Tin with some lead, Hermann, J. pr. Ch., xxxiii. 300. Obs.-The above angles are from artificial crystals galvanically deposited, measured by Miller. Reported as occurring with the Siberian gold; also in the Rio Tipuani valley, in Bolivia, but probably only an artificial product (D. Forbes, Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 133, xxx. 142.) 17. ARSENIC. Gediegen Arsenik Germ. Arsenic natif Fr. Rhombohedral. RAR 85~ 41', OAR= 1220 9', a=1-37'79. Observed forms I, — R, 0; — 2 — =1130 21'. Cleavage: basal, imperfect. Often granular massive; sometimes reticulated, reniform, and stalactitic. Structure rarely columnar. 2 18 NNATIVE ELEMENTS. H.-=35. G.- 5'93. Lustre nearly metallic. Color and streak tin-white, tarnishing soon to dark-gray. Fracture uneven and fine granular. Comp.-Arsenic, often with some antimony, and traces of iron, silver, gold, or bismuth. The arsenical bismuth of Werner (Arsenik Wismuth WFern., Letztes Min.-Syst., 23, 56, 1817, Breith., Char., 157, 1823, Arsenik-Glanz, Wismutischer Arsen-Glanz, Breith., Char., 273, 1832), from Marienberg, is arsenic containing 3 p. c. of bismuth. H.=2; 0G.5 —36-5'39. Pyr.-B.B., on charcoal volatilizes without fusing, coats the coal with white arsenous acid, and affords the odor of garlic; the coating treated in R. F. volatilizes, tinging the flame blue. Obs.-Native arsenic commonly occurs in veins in crystalline rocks and the older schists, and is often accompanied by ores of antimony, red silver ore, realgar, blende, and other metallic minerals. The silver mines of Freiberg, Annaberg, Marienberg, and Schneeberg, afford this metal in considerable quantities; also Joachimsthal in Bohemia, Andreasberg in the Harz, Kapnik in Transylvania, Oravicza in Hungary, Kongsberg in Norway, Zmeoff in Siberia, in large masses, and at St. Maria aux Mines in Alsace; abundantly, at the silver mines at Chanarqillo, and elsewhere in Chili. In the United States it has been observed by Jackson at Haverhill, N. H., on the estate of Mr. Francis Kimball, in thin layers in dark-blue mica slate, stained by plumbago, and contain ing also white and magnetic pyrites; also at Jackson, N. tH.; on the E. flank of Furlong Mtn., Greenwood, Me. The name arsenic is derived from the Greek dnpoEVLK6V or dCvooc6v, masculine, a term applied to orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic, on account of its potent properties. Alt.-Oxydizes on exposure, producing a black crust, which is a mixture of arsenic and arsenolite (As), and also pure arsenolite. 17A. ANTIxTONIAL AURSENI.-An antimonial arsenic, containing, according to Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 984), 7197 p. c. of antimony, occurs at the Palmbaum mine, near Marienberg in Sasony. A similar compound, consisting, according to Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 191), of arsenic 90'82 and antimony 9'18 (=17 As + 1 Sb), occurs at the Comstock "lead " of the Ophir mine, WVashoo Co., California, in finely crystalline. and somewhat radiated, reniform masses, between tin-white and iron-black on a fresh fracture, but grayish-black on tarnishing, associated with arsenolito, calcite, and quartz. 18. ANTIMONY. Gediget Spitsglas (fr. Sallberg) v. Swab., Ak. H. Stockh., x. 100, 1748, Cronst., Min., 201, 1758. Spiesglas, Gediegen Antimon, Germz. Antimoine natif Fr. Rhombohedral. R A R = 870 35'/ Rose, OAR = 1230 32'A a = -13068. Observed planes, R, O,, —, i-2; O A~ (cleavage plane)-=142~ 58', ~ A I117~ 7T, 2 A 2 A - 1440 24', OA 1-1590 26', O \A2 108 20'. Cleavage: basal, highly perfect; -2 distinct. Generallymassive, lamellar; sometimes botryoidal or reniform with a granular texture. H.= —3 —35 G.= -646-6 — 2,; 6-65-6-62, crystals, Kenngott. Lustre metallic. Color a-nd streak tin-white. Very brittle. Comp.-Antimony, containing sometimes silver, iron, or arsenic. Analysis by Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 139): from Andreasberg, Antimony 98, silver 1, iron 0 25 —9925. Pyr.-B.B., on charcoal fuses, gives a white coating in both 0. and R. F.; if the blowing be intermitted, the globule continues to glow, giving off white fumes, until it is finally crusted over with prismatic crystals of oxyd of antimony. The white coating tinges the R. F. bluish-green. Crystallizes readily from fusion. Occurs in lamellar concretions in limestone at Sahlberg, near Sahl, in Sweden; at Andreasberg in the Harz; in argentiferous veins in gneiss at Allemont in Dauphiny; at Przibra.m in Bohemia; in Mexico; Huasco, Chili; Sarawak in Borneo; in argillite at South IHam, Canada; at Warren, N. J.; at Prince William antimony mine, N. Brunswick, rare. ilt. —Oxydizes on exposure and forms Valentinite (Sb). 19. ALLEMONTmITE. Antimoine natif arsenifere IT, Tr. iv. 281, 1822. Arsenikspiessglanz Zippe, Verh. Ges. Mus. Biihmen, 1824, 102. Arsenik-Antimon Hatusm. Arseniure d' Antimoine _Fr. Antimon-Arsen NazunL Arsenical Antimony, Allemontit, RHaid., Handb., 557, 1845. Rhombohedral. In reniformn masses and amorphous; structure curved lamellar; also fine granular. TELLURlMl. 19 H. =35. G.=-6'13, Thomson; 6'203, Rammelsberg. Lustre metallic, occasionally splendent; sometimes dull. Color tin-white, or reddish-gray; often tarnished brownish-black. Comp.-SbAsS —Arsenic 65'22, antimony 34-78 Analysis by Rammelsberg of the Allemont ore (Ist Supp. 18): Arsenic 62'15, antimony 37'85-100, giving 1 Sb to 2'6 As. Pyr.-B.B. emits fumes of arsenic and antimony, and fuses to a metallic globule, which takes fire and burns away, leaving oxyd of antimony on the charcoal. Obs.-Occurs sparingly at Allemont; Przibram in Bohemia, associated with blende, antimony, spathic iron, etc.; Schladmig in Styria; Andreasberg in the Harz. 20. BISMUTH. Bisemutum, Plumbum cinereum, Agric., Foss., 439, Interpr. 467. Antimonium femininum, Tectumn Argenti, Alchem. Gediegen Wismuth Germ. Hexagonal. RA/-B=87~ 40', G. Rose; OA]R=123~ 36'; a=1'3035. Observed planes,,? -B, 0, 2, and -2; 2 A 2=69~ 28'. Cleavage: basal, perfect, 2, -2, less so. Also in reticulated and arborescent shapes; foliated and granular. H.-2- 25. G.-=9-727. Lustre metallic. Streak and color silverwbhite, with a reddish hue; siubject to tarnish. Opaque. Fracture not observable. Sectile. Brittle when cold, but when heated somewihat malleable. Comp. Var. —Pure bismuth, with occasional traces of arsenic, sulphur, tellurium.; (1) A specimen from a gold mine of the Peak of Sorata gave Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 247), Bi 99'914, Te 0-042, Fe tr=99-956; and (2) Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 3), Bi 94'46, Te 50()9, As 0'38, S 0-07, A-u tr=100. Forbes's mineral is much like tetradymite in foliation, and probably contains 12 to 15 p. c. of that species. (3) A fine scaly variety from Bispberg in Dalecarlia, analyzed by Clene and Feilitzen (CENfv. Ak. Stockh.,1861, 159), contains as mixture 3 to 7 p. c. of sulphid of iron. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses and entirely volatilizes, giving a coating orange-yellow while hot, and lemon-yellow on cooling. Fuses at 476~ F. Dissolves in nitric acid; subsequent dilution causes a white precipitate. Crystallizes readily from fusion. Obs.-Bismuth occurs in veins in gneiss and other crystalline rocks and clay slate, accompanying various ores of silver, cobalt, lead, and zinc. It is most abundant at the silver and cobalt mines of Saxony and Bohemia:, Schneeberg, Altenberg, Joachimsthal, Johanngeorgenstadt, etc. It has also been found at Modum and Gjellebik in Norway, and Fahlun in Sweden. At Schneeberg it forms arborescent delineations in brown jasper. _At Wheal Sparnon, near Redruth, and elsewhere in Cornwall, and at Carrack Fell in Cumberland, it is associated with ores of cobalt; formerly from near Alva in Stirlingshire; in a large and rich vein at the Atlas mine, Devonshire; at San Antonio, near Copiapo, Chili; Mt. Illampa (Sorata), in Bolivia. At Lane's mine in Monroe, Conn., it is associated in small quantities with wolfram, scheelite, galena, blende, etc., in quartz; occurs also at Brewer's mine, Chesterfield district, South Carolina. 21. TEILLURIUM. Aurum paradoxum vel problematicum MJilter v. Reichenstein, Phys. Arb. WVien, i. 1782. Sylvanite Kirwan, MImin., ii. 324, 1796. Gcdiegen-Tellur Keapr.; Beitr., iii. 2, 1802. Gediegen Sylvan Gerem. Tellure natif auro-ferrifhre H. Hexagonal. R A R= 860 57', G. Rose; O A R=l123 4', ca 1'3302. Observed planes,, R -B, I O; RA —, over base, =113~ 52'. In sixsided prisms, with basal edges replaced. Cleavage: lateral perfect, basal imperfect. Commonly massive and granular. H.=2-2' 5. G. =61- 6'3. Lustre metallic. Color and streak tinwhite. Brittle. 20 NATIVE ELEMENTS. Comp.-According to Klaproth (1. c.), Tellurium 92'55, iron 7'20, and gold 0'25. A specimen from Nagyag afforded Petz (Pogg., lvii. 447), Tellurium 97'215, and gold 2'785, with a trace of iron and sulphur. Pyr.-In the open tube fuses, giving a white sublimate of tellurous acid, which B. B. fuses to colorless transparent drops. On charcoal fuses, volatilizes almost entirely, tinges the flame green, and gives a white coating of tellurous acid. Obs.-Native tellurium occurs at the mine of Maria Loretto, near Zalathna, in Transylvania (whence the name Sylvan and Sylvanite), in sandstone, accompanying quartz, iron pyrites, and gold. About forty years since it was found in considerable abundance, and was melted to extract the small quantity of gold it contains. 22. NATIVE SULPHUR. Natiirlicher Schwefel Germ. Soufre Fr. Orthorhombic. IAI 101~ 46', 0 A 1- 113~ 6'; a b c29344: 1: 1'23. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-, i-, i-A, i-S; domes, 1-i, ~-%-, 4-i, 1-, 1-, ~-2.; octahedral, 1, ~,, 1- - g.-. OA ~-134~ 47' O A 1-9=1150 53' IAI, mac.,-106~ 25' 0A —123 30 OA 1-=117 41 1 A 1, brach.,- 85 07 OA1-=108 19 OA- 2-=128 12 1 A1, bas.,a 143 23 Cleavage: I, and 1, imperfect. s7. Twins, composition-face, I, sometimes producing cruciform crystals. Also massive, sometimes consisting!-_ -N /1 of concentric coats. \ 1/ 0~-22 b H.=:15 —2'5. G. 2=072, of crystals from Spain. Lustre resinous.'A 1 l Streak snlphur-yellow, sometimes reddish or greenish. Transparent-56. i ~ sj I I subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal, more or less perfect. Sectile... A....\...I~ I \J Comp, —Pure sulphur; but often contaminated with clay or bitumen. Pyr., etc.-Burns at a low temperature with a bluish flame, with the strong odor of sulphurous acid. Becomes resinously electrified by friction Insoluble in water, and not acted on by the acids. Obs. —Sulphur is dimorphous, the crystals being obtuse oblique rhombic prisms, of 90~ 32', and inclination of the vertical axis=95~ 46', when formed at a moderately high temperature (125" C., according to Frankenheim). The great repositories of sulphur are either beds of gypsum and the associate rocks, or the regions of active and extinct volcanoes. In the valley of Noto and Miazzaro, in Sicily; at Conil, near Cadiz, in Spain; Bex, in Switzerland; Cracow, in Poland, it occurs in the former situation; near Bologna, Italy, in fine crystals, imbedded in bitumen. Sicily and the neighboring volcanic isles; the Solfatara, near Naples; the volcanoes of the Pacific ocean, etc., are localities of the latter kind. The crystals from Sicily are sometimes two or three inches in diameter. It is also deposited from hot springs in Iceland; and in Savoy, Switzerland, Hanover, and other countries, it is met with in certain metallic veins; near Cracow and in Upper Egypt there are large deposits. A fibrous variety is found near Siena, in Tuscany. Abundant in the Chilian Andes. Sulphur is found near the sulphur springs of New York, Virginia, etc., sparingly; in many coal deposits and elsewhere, where sulphid of iron is undergoing decomposition; in microscopic crystals at some of the gold mines of Virginia and North Carolina; as a powder and in crystals in the Western lead regions, in cavities in the limestone; in minute crystals on cleavage surfaces of galena, Wheatley mine, Phenixville, Pa.; in small masses in limestone on the Potomac, twenty-five miles above Washington; in California, at the geysers of Napa valley, Sonoma Co.; in Santa Barbara in good crystals; near Clear lake, Lake Co., a large deposit, with a vein of cinnabar (now worked) cutting through it; in Nevada, in Humboldt Co., in large beds; Nye and Esmeralda Cos., 12 m. N. of Silver Peak; Washoe Co. DIAMOND. 21 The sulphur mines of Sicily, the crater of Vulcano, the Solfatara near Naples, and the beds of California, afford large quantities of sulphur for commerce. It is also obtained in roasting the sulphids of iron and copper. This species is homceomorphous with barytes and marcasite if t-i be taken as the unit macrodome. The above figure, 57, is by Scacchi of Naples. 23. SELENSULPHUR. Selenschwefel Stzomeyer, Schw. J., xliii. 453. Resembling sulphur, but of an orange or brownish color. B.B. no charcoal burns readily, yields fumes of selenium and sulphurous acid. From Vulcano, one of the Lipari islands, mixed with sulphur. Also observed by the author at Kilauea, Hawaii. 24. DIAMOND. Adamas, punctum lapidis, pretiosior auro, Manilius, Astron., iv. 1. 926 (the earliest distinct mention of true Diamond). Adamas, in part, Plin., xxxvii. 15. Demant Germ. Diamant Fr. Isometric. Observed planes, 1, 2, I, 0, 3-1, i-y, i-4; often tetra-hedral in planes 1, 2, and 3-3. Figs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 24, 25, 27; also i-43, similar to f. 16 and 17; also f. 40, all usually with curved faces, as in f. 58 (-27), 59 (-39), 60, the planes of which are 3-2; 60 is a distorted form of 58. Cleavage: octahedral, highly perfect.'wins; composition58. 60. 59. 61. 63. face, octahedral, as in fig. 50, but with curved faces; f. 61, which is an elliptic twin of 58, the middle portion between two opposite sets of six lanes being wanting; f. 63, in which composition is parallel to the oetahedral faces, but the form corresponds to two interpenetrating tetrahedrons, as illustrated in f. 62. Rarely massive. drons, as illustrated in f. 62. Rarely massive. 22 NATIVE ELEMENTS. HI.=10. G.=3'5295, Thomson; 3 55, Pelouze. Lustre brilliant adamantine. Color white or colorless: occasionally tinged yellow, red, orange, green, blue, brown, sometimes black. Transparent; translucent when dark colored. Fracture conchoidal. Index of refraction 2'439. Exhibits vitreous electricity when rubbed. Comp.-Pure carbon, isometric in crystallization. Var. —. Ordinary, or crystallized. The crystals often contain numerous microscopic cavities, as detected by Brewster, and some are rendered nearly black by their number; and around these cavities the diamond shows evidence, by polarized light, of compression, as if from pressure in the included gas when the diamond was crystallized. Sometimes crystals bear impressions of other crystals. The back planes of diamonds reflect all the light that strikes them at an angle exceeding 24~ 13', and hence comes the peculiar brilliancy of the gem. The refraction of light by the diamond is often irregular, probably arising from the cause which has produced the convex forms. In some plates from crystals, Descloiseaux has observed a fixed star of six symmetrical rays, and in others, allied in character, the rays were replaced by three large elliptical areas. Descloiseaux shows that the rays are symmetrical with reference to the faces of the octahedron. 2. Massive. In black pebbles or masses, called carbonado, occasionally 1,000 carats in weight. H.-=10; G. =3-012 —3416. Consist of pure carbon, excepting 0'27 to 2'07 p. c. 3. Anthracitic; Carbon diacantcaire, Count de Douhet, Les Mondes, Ap. 11, 1867. Like anthracite, but hard enough to scratch even the diamond. In globules or mammillary masses, consisting partly of concentric layers; fragile G.= —166; composition, Carbon 97, hydrogen 0'5, oxygen 1'5. Cut in facets and polished, it refracts and disperses light, with the white lustre peculiar to the diamond. Locality unknown, but supposed to come from Brazil. C. Mene has observed that an anthracite from Creuzot, consisting of C 98'2, 0 0'04, ash 0-12, long heated in pieces in a crucible, takes a metallic lustre, and will then cut glass like a diamond. As anthracite is derived from bituminous coal, by subjection to more or less heat under pressure, it is possible that the degree or condition of heating may produce an anthracite with its particles partly or wholly of the nature of the diamond, and still have the low specific gravity of anthracite. Pyr., etc.-Burns, and is wholly consumed at a temperature of 14~ Wedgewood, producing carbonic acid gas. It is not acted on by acids or alkalies. Obs.-The diamond appears generally to occur in regions that afford a laminated granular quartz rock, called itacolumite, which pertains to the talcose series, and which in thin slabs is more or less flexible. This rock is found at the mines of Brazil and the Urals; and also in Georgia and North Carolina, where a few diamonds have been found. It has also been detected in a species of conglomerate, composed of rounded siliceous pebbles, quartz, chalcedony, etc., cemented by a kind of ferruginous clay. Diamonds are usually, however, washed out from the soil. According to M. Denis (Ann. des M., III. xix. 602) the diamond in Minas Geraes, Brazil, is found in two different deposits; one called gwrgulho, consisting of broken quartz, and covered by a thin bed of sand or earth; the other, cascalho, of rolled quartz -pebbles, united by a ferruginous clay, resting usually on talcose clays, the whole the debris from talcose rocks. The first deposit affords the finest diamonds, and both contain also gold, platinum, magnetic iron, rutile, etc. The most celebrated mines are on the rivers Jequitinhonha and Pardo, north of Rio Janeiro, where the sands (the waters being turned off) are washed by slaves. It has lately been found in Bahia, on the river Cachoeira, at the mines of Surua and Sincora; and Damour has recognized in the sand of the locality, quartz, feldspar, rutile, brookite, anatase, zircon, diaspore, magnetic iron, gold in grains, anhydrous phosphate of alumina and lime, a silicate of yttria, and a hydro-phosphate of yttria. At Bogagem, Minas Geraes, an enormous diamond of 254- carats has been found; it was a dodecahedron, with beveled edges, in which there were impressions of other diamond crystals, showing that it was originally one of a cluster; it weighs, since cutting, 122 to 125 carats, and is called the " Star of the South." The Brazilian mines were first opened in 1727, and it is estimated that since then they have yielded two tons of diamonds. The Ural diamonds occur in the detritus along the Adolfskoi rivulet, where worked for gold, and also at other places. In India the diamond is met with at Purteal, between Hyderabad and Masulipatam, where the famous Kohinoor was found; but there are now only two places of exploration, and these are let to some of the natives for less than 25 francs a year; and if the hands find a stone worth four or five rupees ($2 to $2~) a month, they consider themselves fortunate. To such a state are the famous mines of Golconda now reduced. They are obtained also near Parma in Bundelcund, where some of the most magnificent specimens have been found; also on the Mahanuddy near Ellore. The locality on Borneo is at Pontiana, on the west side of the tatoos mountain. The river Gunil, in the province of Constantine in Africa, is reported to have afforded some diamonds. In the United States a few crystals have been met with in Rutherford Co., N. 0., and Hall Co., DIAMOND. 23 Ga. (Am. J. Sci. II. ii. 253, and xv. 373); they occur also at Portis mine, Franklin Co., N. C. (Genth); one handsome one, over ~ in. in diameter, in the village of Manchester, opposite Richmond, Va. In California, at Cherokee ravine, in Butte Co.; also in N. San Juan, Nevada Co.; in French Corral, one of 1~ carats; at Forest Hill, El Dorado Co., of 1L carats; Fiddletown, Amador Co.; near Placerville. Reported from Idaho. In Australia, in the valley of the Turon; in the bed of the Macquarie; mouth of Pyramul Creek; on Calcula Creek; and also in Victoria; also in WVest Australia, at Freeinautle. In Brazil the diamond has been found massive, in small black pebbles, called carbonado, having the specific gravity 3'012 —3416. They proved on trial to be pure carbon excepting 2-07 to 0-27 per cent. This compact diamond is sold in the region at 75 cents the carat of three and one-sixth grains troy, and the masses are sometimes 1,00() carats in weight. Brewster finds that diamonds contain generally numerous microscopic cavities, and some are rendered nearly black by their number; and around these cavities the diamond shows evidence of compression, as if from pressure in the included gas when the diamond was crystallizing. Diamonds have been observed having impressions of other crystals. The largest diamond of which we have any knowledge is mentioned by Tavernier as in possession of the Great Mogul. It weighed originally 900 carats, or 2769-3 grains, but was reduced by cutting to 861 grains. It has the form and size of half a hen's ego. It was found in 1550 in the mine of Colone. The Pitt or Regent diamond weighs but 136'25 carats, or 419k grains; but is of unblemished transparency and color. It is cut in the form of a brilliant, and is estimated at ~125,000. The Kohinoor measured, on its arrival in England, about lI inches in its greatest diameter, over 8- of an inch in thickness, and weighed'186-~ carats, and was cut with many facets. It has since been recut, and reduced to a diameter of 1-1a by 13 nearly, and thus diminished over one-third in weight. It is supposed by Mr. Tennant to have been originally a dodocahedron, and he suggests that the great Russian diamond and another large slab weighing 130 carats were actually cut from the original dodecahedron. Tavernier gives the original weight at 71817 carats. The Rajah of Mattan has in his possession a diamond from Borneo, weighing 367 carats. The mines of Brazil were not known to afford diamonds till the commencement of the 18th century. Colorless diamonds are in general most highly esteemed. When cut and polished, a diamond of the purest water in England, weighling one carat, is valued at ~12; and the value of others is calculated by multiplying the square of the weight in carats by 12, except for those exceeding 20 carats, the value of which increases at a much more rapid rate. This rule is scarely regarded in market, as the standard of purity and taste for different countries differs, and the slightest tinge of color affects greatly the commercial value. Blue is an exceedingly rare color; and one of this shade, the Hope diamond, weighing only 41- carats, but of peculiar beauty and brilliancy, is valued at ~25,000. A yellowish diamond of large size (value ~12,000) has been found by Fremy to take a rose-red color when heated, which color it retains for two or three days, and then resumes the original yellow. An emerald-green diamond in the Dresden Treasury weighs 31 carats. The ancient Romans had rings set with the diamond, and used the chippings for arming gravers' tools. Pliny speaks of the six-angled form of the crystals of the adagmas, and their resemblance to two pyramids or tops placed base to base, a description that would apply, perhaps, as well to a double hexagonal pyramid as to an octahedron; yet it is probable, from the other characters mentioned, the hardness, rarity, small size, use, and occurrence in gold regions, that the octahedral diamond was referred to. The adamas of the ancients included some corundum and other hard stones, and even hard metal. Theophrastus makes no mention of the true diamond. (See, on the adanmas of the ancients, King on Precious Stones and Gems, p. 19.) The method of polishing diamonds was discovered in 1456, by Louis Berquen, a citizen of Bruges, previous to which time the diamond was known in Europe only in its uncut state. It appears to have been practised long before in India, the faceting of the Kohinoor dating far back into uncertain time. (See King, pp 30, 31.) The diamond has probably proceeded, like mineral coal and oil, from the slow decomposition of vegetable material, or even from animal matters, either source affording the requisite carbon; but it has been formed under those conditions as to heat that has produced the metamorphism of argillaceous and arenaceous schists and their auriferous quartz veins; since it is found exclusively in gold regions, or in the sands derived from gold-bearing rocks. The schists that were altered at the time may have previously been shales impregnated with petroleum, or other carbonaceous substances (hydrocarburets) of organic origin. Chancourtois observes that the formation from a hydrocarburetted vapor or gas is analogous to that of sulphur from hydrosulphuretted emanations. In the oxydation of the latter by the humid process, the hydrogen becomes oxydized, and only a part of the sulphur changes to sulphurous acid, the rest remaining as sulphur. So in the humid oxydation of a carburetted hydrogen, the hydrogen is oxydized, part of the carbon becomes carbonic acid, and the rest remains as carbon and may form crystallized diamond. 24 NATIVE ELEMENTS. 25. GRAPHITE. Plumbago, Molybdena, Bly-Ertz, Bromell, Min., 58, 1739 [not Plumbago Agric., Gesner]. Blyertz pt., Mica pictoria nigra, Molybd ana pt., Wall., 131, 1147. Mica des Peintres, Crayon, Fr. Trl. Wall., 1753. Black Lead. Reissbley (=Drawing-lead) Germ. Molyb.dienum Linn., 1768. Plumbago Scheele (proving its carbon nature), Ak. H. Stockholm, 1779. Plombagine de Lisle, Crist., 1783. Graphit Wern., Bergm. J., 380, 1789, Karst., Mus. Lesk., ii 339, 1789. Carburet of Iron. Fer carbure Fr. Hexagonal. In flat six-sided tables. A R?= 85~ 29', Kenngott, by calculation from Ticonderoga crystals, which have the planes 2R, 2-2 and 2-2, with, approximately, OA3-2-137~, OA2=110~, and 0A2-122~. A plane, observed by Haidinger, is probably I R, or 1-2; the angle measured, 400 56', was the basal angle of the pyramid. The basal planes (0) are often striated parallel to the alternate edges. Cleavage: basal, perfect. Commonly in imbedded, foliated, or granular masses. Rarely in globular concretions radiated in structure. HIL.=1-2. G.-2-0891; of Ticonderoga, 2'229 Kenngott; 2'14 Wunsiedel, Fuchs. Lustre metallic. Streak black and shining. Color ironblack-dark steel-gray. Opaque. Sectile; soils paper, Thin laminsa flexible. Feel greasy. Var.-(a) Foliated; (b) colhmnar, and sometimes radiated; (c) scaly, massive, and slaty; (d) granular massive; (e) earthy, amorphous, without metallic lustre except in the streak; (f) in radiated concretions. Comp.-Pure carlbon, with often a little oxyd of iron mechanically mixed. Scheele (17719, 1. c.) and some later chemists made the iron essential, and the species a carburet of iron. Vanuxem in 1825 (J. Ac. Philad., v. 21) showed that the iron was an oxyd, and unessential. He obtained from the graphite of Bustletown, Pa., Carbon 94'4, ox. iron and manganese 1-4, silica 26, HII 0'699. Fuchs found (J. pr. Ch., vii. 253) only 0'33 p. c. of ash (or impurities) in that of Wunsiedel, a pure black, amorphous, unmetallic kind, metallic in streak, having, G.=2'14; Fiitzsche (B. H. Ztg., 323, 1854) 0'9 in that of Ceylon. The following are analyses of different graphites by C. Mene (C. R., lxiv. 1091, 1867): Comp. of 100 parts of ash. Alk. & G. Carbon Vol. Ash Si _1 Fe Mg,Ca loss. 1. Ural, Mlt. Alibert 2'1759 94:03 0'72 5'25 64'2 2417 10'0 058 0'3 2. Cumberland, Eugland 2-3455 91-55 1'10 7'35 52-5 28'3 12'0 6'0 1,2 3. Mugrau, Bohemia 2'1197 91-05 4'10 4'85 61'8 28'5 8'0 0'1 1'0 4. Zaptau, Lower Austria 2'2179 90'63 2'20 7'17 55'0 30'0 14:3 - 0'7 5. Swarbock, Bohemia 2'3438 88'05 1'05 10'90 62'0 28'5 6'3 1'5 1'7 6. Fagerita, Sweden 2'1092 87'65 1'55 10'80 58-6 31'5 7'2 0'5 2'2 7. Cumberland 2'5857 84'38 2'62, 13'00 62'0 25'0 10'0 2'6 0'4 8. Passau, Bavaria 2-3032 81'08 1'30 11'62 53'7 35'6 6'8 1'7 2'2 9. Buckingham, Canada 2'2863 78'48 1'82 19'70 65'0 25'1 6'2 0'5 1'2 10. Cumberland 2'4092 17810 6'10 15'80 58'5 30.5 7-5 3'5 11. Ceara, Brazil 2'3865 77-15 2'55 20'30 1790 11'7 7-8 1-5 - 12. Passau, Bavaria 2-3108 17365 4'20 22-15 69-5 21'1 5'5 2'0 1'9 13. Madagascar 2-4085 70'69 5'18 24'13 59'6 31'8 6'8 1'2 0'6 14. Ceylon 2-2659 68'30 5'20 26'50 50' 3 41'5 82 - - 15. Pissie, ilautes-Alpes 2-4572 59'67 3'20 37'13 68'7 20'8 8'1 1'5 0'9 Other analyses: 16-19, V. Reguault (Ann. Ch. Phys., II. i. 202); 20, 21, C. G. Wheeler (priv oontrib.): C H Ash 16. Canada (I.) 86-8 0'5 12'6=99'9 Regnault. 17. " (II) 76'35 0'70 23'40=100'45 Regnault. 18. " (III.) 98-56 1'34- 0'20-100'10 Regnault. 19. Siberia 89'51 0'60 10'40=100'51 Regnault. 20. Albert mine, Siberia 94-7 - 5'3=100 Wheeler. 21. " "' -— 1 2'83=100 Wheeler. GRAPHITE. 25 In the G. of Mariinskoi, v. Jevreinof found (Russ. B. J. 1849) C 94'77, ash 5-22 (=-Si 2'04, Pe 1'83, A1 0'88, Mg, Ca 0'17); v. Laskovsky found (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mos. 1856) in a plumose var. C 83'755, ash 15'111, water 0'888; v. Pusirevski found (Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet. 1851, 1858) C 8408, Si 10 98, I 3-77, with some Fe, Oa, RMn, and G.=2'26 —2'31. In G. of the Kirghis Steppe, Hermann found C 40-55, earthy matters 56-56, 1I 2-89=100. These results show that the variations arising from impurities are great. The material analyzed by Wheeler is that used by the firm of A. W. Faber. Tremenheerite, Piddington, appears to be impure graphite, or is between coal and graphite; it is scaly in structure, and highly metallic in lustre. It afforded Piddington Carbon 85'70, water and sulphur 4-00, sesquioxyd of iron 2'50, earthy impurities, chiefly silica, 5-50, water and loss 0-30= 100; the iron occurs as sulphuret. Tenasserim, Rev. F. Mason, Mlaulmain, 1852, p. 52. Pyr., etc.-At a high temperature it burns without flame or smoke, leaving usually some red oxyd of iron. B.B. infusible; fused with nitre in a platinum spoon, deflagrates, converting the reagent into carbonate of potash, which effervesces with acids. Unaltered by acids. Obs.-Graphite occurs in beds and imbedded masses, laminae, or scales, in granite, gneiss, mica schist, crystalline limestone. It is in some places a result of the alteration by heat of the coal of the coal formation. Sometimes met with in greenstone. It is a common furnace product. A fine variety of graphite occurs at Borrowdale in Cumberland, in nests in trap, which occurs in clay slate; in Glenstrathfarrar in Invernesshire, forms nests in gneiss; at Arendal in Norway, in quartz; at Pargas in Finland; in the Urals, Siberia, Finland; in various parts of Austria; Prussia; France; at Craigman in Ayrshire, it occurs in coal beds, which have been altered by contact with trap. In Irkutsk, in the Tunkinsk mts., at the very valuable Mariinskoi graphite mine, a large mass has been obtained, having the structure of the wood from which it was formed. Large quantities are brought from the East Indies. Forms beds in gneiss, at Sturbridge, Mass., where it presents a structure between scaly and fine granular, and an occasional approximation to distinct crystallizations; also at North Brookfield, Brifield, and Hinsdale, Mass.; extensively in Cornwall, near the Housatonic, and in Ashford, Conn.; also in Brandon, Vt.; at Grenville, C. E., associated with sphene and tabular spar in granular limestone. Foliated graphite occurs in large quantities at Ticonderoga, on Lake George; also upon Roger's Rock, associated with pyroxene and sphene. Near Amity, Orange Co., N. Y., it is met with in white limestone, accompanying spinel, chondrodite, hornblende, etc.; at Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., with iron ore, and in gneiss; in Franklin, N. J., in rounded ooncretions radiated within; in Wake, N. C.; on Tyger River, and at Spartenburgh near the Cowpens Furnace, S. C.; also in Bucks Co., Penn., three miles from Attleboro', associated with tabular spar, pyroxene, and scapolite; and one and a half miles from this locality, it occurs in abundance in syenite, at Mansell's black lead mine. There is a large deposit at St. John, New Brunswick. In the United States, the mines of Sturbridge, Mass., of Ticonderoga and Fishkill, N. Y., of Brandon, Vt., and of Wake, N. C., are worked; and that of Ashford, Conn., formerly afforded a large amount of graphite. The name black lead, applied to this species, is inappropriate, as it contains no lead. The name graphite, of Werner, is derived from yonow, I write. Nordenskidld makes the graphite of Ersby and Storgard monoclinic, with the inclination of the vertical axis 88~ 14', i-i (cleavage face) on faces of oblique prism-106~ 21', and angle of prism 1220 24' (Pogg., xcvi. 110). 26 SULPHIDS) TELLURIDS) ETC. II. SULPHIIDS, TELLURIDS, SELENIDS, ARSENIDS, ANTIMONIDS, BISMUTHIDS. THERE are three natural divisions of the species of this section: 1. SIMPLE SULPHIDS AND TELLURIDS OF METALS OF THE SULPHUR OR ARSENIC GROUP. 2. SIMPLE SULPHIDS, TELLURIDS, SELENIDS, ARSENIDS, ANTIMONIDS, B13ISMUTIHIDS, OF METALS OF THE GOLD, IRON, AND TIN GROUPS. Some of the species contain, along with sulphur, also arsenic, antimony, or bismuth; but the arsenic, antimony, or bismuth, in such cases, replaces sulphur as its isomorph. 3. DOUBLE SULPHIDS: OR SULPHARSENITES, SULPHANTIMONITES, SULPHOBISMUTHITES. In this section of Sulphids, etc., the atomic weights of arsenic, antimnony and bismuth are taken at half the value given in the table on page xvi, as it is in this state that they approximate to sulphur in the forms and relations of their compounds. The atomic weights thus halved are, for arsenic 37'5, antimony 61, bismuth 105; that of sulphur being 16. 1. SIMPLE SULPHIDS AND TELLURIDS OF METALS OF THE SULPHUR AND ARSENIC GROUPS. 1. RRALGAR GROUP. Composition AS. Crystallization Monoclinic. 26. REALGAR, AsS. 2. ORPIMENT GROUP. Composition R2S'. Crystallization Orthorhombic. 27. ORPIMENT, As2S3 29. STIBNITE, Sb2S3 28. DIMORPHITE,? AS4S' 30. BISMUTHINITE, Bi2,S3 3. TETRADYMITE GROUP. Containing Bi, Te. 31. TETRADYMITE, 33. WEnEHRLITE. 32. JOSEITE. 4. MOLYBDENITE GROUP. Containing Molybdenum. 34. MOLYBDENITE, MoS. 26. REIALGAR. ravJap(tiKn Theophr., 325 B.o. ravapaXn.Dioscor., 50 A.D. Sandaracha Plin., xxxv. 6, 77 A.D. Sandaraca Germ. Reuschgeel, Rosgeel, Agric., 444, etc., 1529, Interpr., 468, 1546. Rauschgelb pt., Arsenicum sulphure mixtum, Risigallumn pt., Realgar, Arsenicumrn rubrum, Wall., 224, 174'. Arsenic rouge Fr. Trl. Wall., 406, 1753. Realgar natif, Rubine d'Arsenic, SULPHIDS, ETC. 27 de Lisle, iii. 333, 17 83. Red Sulphuret of Arsenic. Rothes Rauschgelb, Operment, Germ. Arsenic sulfure rouge Fr. iMionoclinic. C= 66~', 5 A -=74~ 26', Xlarignac, Scacchi OA 1 —138~ 21'; a: b: c —0'6755: 1: 06943. O A 1=104~ 12' O A i-=-1130 55' i-IA 1-133~ 1' OA1-i-139 38 i-2 Ai-2-113 6 i-A1-2=115 I Cleavage: iz-, 0 rather perfect; I, i-i in traces. Also granular, coarse or fine; compact. 0 ---- 0 __0 -1-2 6 —i 64 Observed planes. I.-=1'-2. G.- 34-3'6. Lustre resinous. Color aui-ora-red or orange-yellow. Streak varying from orange-red to aurora-red. Transparent —translucent. Fracture conchoidal, nueven. Comp.-As S=Sulphur 29'9, arsenic 70'1-)100. A specimen from Pola de Lena in Asturia, Spain, gave Hugo Miller (J. Ch. Soc., xi. 242) S 3000, As 7025. Pyr., etc.In the closed tube Ch. elts, volatilizes 3000, gives a transparent red sublimate; in the open tube, sulphurous fumes, and a white crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal burns with a blue flame, emitting arsenical and sulphurous odors. Soluble in caustic alkalies. Obs.-Occurs with ores of silver and lead, at Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, at Kapnik and Nagyag in Transylvania, at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, at Schneeberg in Saxony, at Andreasberg in the Harz; at Tajowa in Hungary, in beds of clay; at Binnenthal, Switzerland, in dolomite; at Wiesloch in Baden, in the Muschelkalk; near Julamerk in Koordistan; in Vesuvian lavas, in minute crystals. Strabo speaks of a mine of sacdaraca (the ancient name of this species) at Pompeiopolis in Paphlagonia. For recent crystallographic observations see Hessenberg's Min. Notizen, Nos. 1 and 3. The name realgar is of Arabic origin. Alt.-Changes, on exposure, to orpiment (As2 S3) and arsenolite (As2 0'), 6 of As S becoming 2 As2 S3, and 2 As being set free which changes to As2 03 or arsenolite (Volger). A black crust sometimes forms on realgar, which is supposed by Volger to be a sulphid containing less sulphur than realgar. 27. ORPIMlENT.'A~PEvLK6v Theo7phr.'Aparvc-6v Dioscor. Auripigmentum, Arrhenicum, Plin., xxxiii. 22, xxxiv. 56. Auripigmentum, Germ. Operment, Agrzc., Interpr., 463, 1546. Orpiment. Rauschgelb pt., Risigallum pt., Arsenicurn fiavum, Wall., 224, 1747. Arsenic jaune Fr. trl. Wall., i. 406, 1153. Gelbes Rauschgelb Germ. Arsenic sulfur6 jaune Fr. Yellow sulphuret of Arsenic Orthorhombic. IA 1=100~ 40', 0 A\ 1-=126~ 30'; ac: b: c=-13511: 1: 1'2059. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. 28 SULPHIDS, ETC. O A 1-4=131~ 45' i-2 A i-2 ov. i-=117~ 49' 1- A 1-= 830 30' OA2 —=127 27 2- AA2-a adj.= 94 20 2-MA2-2 ov. 1-4=-131 36 Cleavage: i-T highly perfect, i-i in traces. i-Z longitudii nally striated. Also, massive, foliated, or columnar; sometimes reniform. 2 2 IH. - 1'5 - 2. G. - 3-48, Haidinger; 3'4, Breithaupt. Lustre pearly upon the faces of perfect cleavage; else* where resinous. Color several shades of lemon-yellow. It1 1IE 1' Ztl Streak yellow, commonly a little paler than the color. Subtransparent-subtranslucent. Sub-sectile. Thin laminue obtained by cleavage flexible but not elastic. Comp.-Asa S'3=Sulphur 39, arsenic 61=100. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube, fuses, volatilizes, and gives a dark yellow sublimate; other reactions the same as under realgar. Dissolves in nitromuriatic acid and caustic alkalies. Obs.-Orpiment in small crystals is imbedded in clay at Tajowa, near Neusohl in Upper Hungary. It is usually in foliated and fibrous masses, and in this form is found at Kapnik in Transylvania, at Moldawa in the Bannat, and at Felsobanya in Upper Hungary, where it exists in metalliferous veins, associated with realgar and native arsenic; at Hall in the Tyrol it is found in gypsum; at St. Gothard in dolomite; at the Solfatara near Naples, it is the result of volcanic sublimation; in Fohnsdorf, Styria, found in brown coal. Near Julamerk in Koordistan, there is a large Turkish mine. Occurs also at Acobambillo, Peru. Small traces are met with in Edenville. Orange Co., N. Y., on arsenical iron. The name orpiment is a corruption of its Latin name auripigmentum, " golden paint," which was given in allusion to the color, and also because the substance was supposed to contain gold. The crystalline form is made monoclinic by Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 194). He makes i-i the clinodiagonal plane, and i-i the front or orthodiagonal, with the planes i-i, above and below i-i, hemidomes, inclined at unequal angles on i-4, that below at an angle 2~ to 3~ the smaller. Also, he makes i-2 the plane I. No definite measurements are given. 28. DIMORPHITE. Dimorfina Scacchi, Moem. Geol. sulla Campania, Napoli, 116, 1849. Orthorhombic. Two types: (A), IA I 98~ 6', OA 1- = 127~ 50'; a: b c=1'2876: 1: 1'1526; (B) common form, IA I100~ 32', 0 A 1 —=127~ 166 6 a: b: c 13262: 1:' 1203. Observed planes as in the an-' 0 Enexed figures. 255In ~In A, OA = 1 200 23', 0 A1I-{ / R A44.5 \ =131~ 50, OA —i= 150~ 49, 1-[A 1-X over 0 830~ 40', lA1'- i \/ 4 ov. 1= 1110 10'. In B, OA 5 — 1210 6', OA 1-{ \ > 1 / \49 \:- 4 -- 151\~ 7', OA — 5 116~ 40', i-XA i-T=1120 45'. Cleavage none. Crystals minute. H.= 15. G.= 358. Lustre splendent adamantine. Color orange-yellow: powder saffron-yellow. Translucent and transparent. Fragile. Comp. —From imperfect trials by Scacchi, perhaps As4 S3=Sulphur 24'55, arsenic 75'45=100. Pyr., etc.-Heated in a porcelain crucible with a spirit lamp, affords odorous fumes and becomes red; with more heat becomes brown, gives off yellow fumes, and evaporates, leaving no residue; with soda a garlic odor. Completely soluble in nitric acid. Obs. —From a fumarole of the Solfatara, Phlegruean fields. Crystals not over half a millimeter in their longest direction. SULPHIDS, ETC. 29 29. STIBNITE. r7litr, 2ri&6L, HIIaTrvpOtiov, Dioscor. Stimmi, Stibi, Stibium, Plin., xxxiii. 33, 34. Stibi, Spiessglas, Basil Valentine (who proved it to contain sulphur), 1430. Lupus metallorum Alchem. Spiess-Glass-Erz Briickmann, Berkwerke, 1721. Spitsglasmalm, Minera Antimonii, Antimonium Sulphure mineralisatum, Wall., 237, 1747. Grauspiessglaserz, Grauspiessglauzerz, Antimonglanz, Germ. Antimoine sulfure Fr. Sulphuret of Antimony; Gray Antimony; Antimony Glance. Stibine Beud., Tr., ii. 421, 1832. Antimonit Haid., Handb., 568, 1845. Stibnite Dana, Min., 1854. Orthorhombic. IAP 90~ 54', OA1 —7=134~ 16'; a: b: c=1'0259: 1 1'0158. Observed planes: 0; vertical I, i-f, i-i, i-1, i-4, i-, i-, i-, i-4, t-5, i-, i-2, i-t; domes, -7, ~-,, 1-7, —, 1-t, ~ -, -, 3-3; octaheclrons,' 1 -, 1-$, 1,-v, X 1-, 13,~-,, -,8,.-3-, 2-2, 6-, 3-g, _-4, 4-4. 1enner. 0A 3 —1540 20'. O A 1- — 134~ 42'.1 OA1=1240 45'. O A1-124 45 i- Ai-2, mac.,=127 36 1 A1, brach.,-108 40 0 A2-2=113 49 1-i Al -, top, 89 24 1 A1, bas.,=110 30 Lateral planes deeply striated longitudinally. Cleavage: i-~ highly 68 69 Derfect. Often columnar, coarse or ine; also granular to impalpable. 1 \ H. 2. G.-4s516, taiiy; 4-62, iMohs. Lustre metallic. Color and / 4 streak lead-gray, inclining to steelgray: subject to blackish tarnish, I sometimes iridescent. Fracture small sub-conchoidal. Sectile. Thin laminse a little flexible. Comp.-Sb2 S3=Sulphur 28'2, antimony 1'l8=100. Bergmann, who made the first determination of the sulphur in the mineral (Opusc., ii. 167, 1782), obtained S 26, Sb 74=100. Eight analyses of stibnite from Arnsberg. Westphalia, gave Schneider a mean of Sb 71148, S 28-52, excluding 0 33 p. c. of quartz; the results of the analyses varied from 71-441 to 71-519 (Pogg., xcviii. 293). Schnabel obtained for the same Sb 72'02, S 27185, Fe 0'13 (Ramm. Min. Ch., 39). Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous and antimonous fumes, the latter condensing as a white sublimate which B.B. is non-volatile. On charcoal fuses, spreads out, gives sulphurous and antimonous fumes, coats the coal white with oxyd of antimony; this coating treated in R.F. tinges the flame greenish-blue. Fus.-=l. When pure perfectly soluble in muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs with spathic iron in beds, but generally in veins. Often associated with blende, heavy spar, and quartz. Met with in veins at Wolfsberg, in the Harz: at Briunsdorf, near Freiberg; at Przibram; Felsobanya, Schemnitz, and Kremunitz, in Hungary, where it often occurs in diverging prisms, several inches long, accompanied by crystals of heavy spar and other mineral species; at Pereta, in Tuscany, in crystals: in Katharinenberg, in the Urals; in Dumfriesshire, fibrous and laminated; in Cornwall, abundant near Padstow and Tintagel; also crystallized at Wheal Boys; at Hare Hill, in Scotland; in Perthshire. Also found at different Mexican mines. Also abundant in Borneo. In the United States, it occurs sparingly at Carmel, Penobscot Co., Me.; at Cornish and Lyme, N. H.; at " Soldier's Delight," Md.; abundant in the granitic range, south side of Tulare valley, near pass of San Amedio; ill the Humboldt mining region in Nevada, and usually argentiferous; also in the mines of Aurora, Esmeralda Co., Nevada. Also found in New Brunswick, 20 m. from Fredericton, S.W. side of St. John R. This ore affords nearly all the antimony of commerce. The crude antimony of the shops is obtained by simple fusion, which separates the accompanying rock. From this product most of the pharmaceutical preparations of antimony are made, and the pure metal extracted. This ore was employed by the ancients for coloring the hair, eyebrows, etc., to increase the apparent size of the eye; whence they called the ore 7rXarv6bOaAAov, from Xrarbs, broad, and'opOauly6, 30 SULPHIDS, ETC. eye. According to Dioscorides, it was prepared for this purpose by enclosing it in a lump of dough, and then burning it in the coals till reduced to a cinder. It was then extinguished with milk and wine, and again placed upon coals and blown till ignition; after which the heat was discontinued, lest, as Pliny says, " plumbum fiat," it become lead. It hence appears that the metal antimony was occasionally seen by the ancients, though not distinguished from lead. On cryst. see Krenner, Ber. Ak. Wien, li. 1864, 436. Alt. —Changes on exposure by partial oxydation to antimony blende (2 Sb2 S3+ Sb2 03), and by further oxydation to valentinite (S2 03). Antimony ochre (Sb2 03+ ~Sb2 0), and also Sb2 O)5+ 5H, are other results of alteration. 30. BISMUTHINITE. Visimutum Sulphure mineralisatum (fr. Riddarhyttan) Cronst., 193, 1758. Wismuthglanz Germ.; Bismuth sulfure FPr. Sulphuret of Bismuth. Bismuth Glance. Bismuthine Beud., Tr., ii. 418, 1832. Bismutholamprite Glock., Syn., 27, 1847. Orthorhombic. IAI - 91~ 30'. Observed planes i; i-T, i-i, i-9, Brooke. Cleavage: brachydiagonal perfect; macrodiagonal less so; basal perfect. In acicular crystals. Also massive, with a foliated or fibrous structure. H.-=2. G. —6'4 — 6459; 7'2: 2'16, Bolivia, Forbes. Lustre metallic. Streak and color lead-gray, inclining to tin-white, with a yellowish or iridescent tarnish. Opaque. Comp.-Bi2 S3=Sulphur 18-75, bismuth 81'25=100; isomorphous with stibnite. Analyses: 1, HI. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxxii. 192); 2, Wehrle (Baumg. Ztg., x. 385); 3, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 299); 4, Hubert (Haid. Ber., iii. 401); 5, Rammelsberg (5th Suppl., 261); 6, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiii. 415); 7, D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 4): S Bi 1. Riddarhyttan 18'72 80'98-99'70 Rose. 2. Retzbanya 18'28 80'96 —99'24 Wehrle. 3. Gjellebaik 19'12 79'77, Fe 0'15, Cu 0'14=99-18, Scheerer; G. 6-403. 4. Oravicza 19'46 74'55, Fe 0'40, Cu 3'13, Au 0'53, Pb 2'26=100-33 Hubert. 5. Cornwall 18542 78'00, Fe 1-04, Cu 2'42-99'88 Rammelsberg. 6. Riddarhyttan 18'19 77'33, Fe 0'31, Cu 0'39, Te 0'30, Se tr., Actinolite 2'93=99'45 Geuth. 7. Bolivia 19'61 80-93 —100'54 Forbes. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes, and a white sublimate which B.B. fuses into drops, brown while hot and opaque yellow on cooling. On charcoal at first gives sulphurous fumes, then fuses with spirting, and coats the coal with yellow oxyd of bismuth. Fus.=l1. Dissolves readily in hot nitric acid, and a white precipitate falls on diluting with water. Obs.-Accompanies molybdenite and apatite in quartz, at Brandy Gill, Carrock Fells, in Cumberland, having a foliated structure; occurs near Redruth; at Botallack near Land's End; at Herland Mine, Gwennap; with childrenite, near Callington; at Lanescott mine, near St. Austell; at Johanngeorgenstadt, Altenberg, Schneeberg, in limestone; with cerium ore at Riddarhyttan, Sweden; at the San Baldomero mine, near Sorata, Bolivia, foliated, massive, and acicular. Occurs with gold, pyrite, and chalcopyrite in Rowan Co., N. C., at the Barnhardt vein. Reported by Shepard to have been found with chrysoberyl at Haddam, Ct. G. Rose obtained from artificial crystals, IA 1=90~ 40', i-k Ai-2-53~ 40' and 126~ 20', IA i-= 135~ 20', i-4Ai-4=28~ 23', i-4Ai-4=152~ 14'. G.-7'10 —689, the variation depending on some bismuth present. Pogg., xci. 402. 31. TETRADYMIrTE. Ore of Tellurium (fr. Tellemark) Esmark, Trans. G. Soc., iii. 413, June 1, 1815. Tellurwismuth (fr. Riddarhyttan) Berz., Ac. HII. Stockh., 1823. Telluric Bismuth. Tetradymite (fr. Schubkau) flaid., Baumg. ZS., ix. 129, 1831. Bismuth tellur6, Tellure seleni6 bismuthif6re Fr. Bornine Beud., Tr., ii. 538, 1832. Bismuthotellurites pt. Glocker, Syn. 19, 1847. Tellurbismuth Bcalch, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv. 99, 1863. Hexagonal. OAR1180 38', RAR = 81~0 2'; a =- 15865. -2A-2660 40', OA —2=1050 16', Haid, from Schubkau crystals. Crystals often tabular. Cleavage: basal, very perfect. Also massive, foliated, or granular. H.=1-5-2. G.=-72 —'9, Lustremetallic, splendent. Color palesteelgray. Not very sectile. Laminse flexible. Soils paper. SULPHIDS) ETC. 31 Comp., Var.-Consists of bismuth and tellurium, with sometimes sulphur and selenium. If sulphur, when present, replaces part of the tellurium, the analyses for the most part afford the general formula Bi2 (Te, S)3. Var. 1.-Free frormsulphur. Bi2 Te-=Tellurium 48-1, bismuth 51-9; analyses 1-7. G=7'868, from Dahlonega, Jacksonl; 7642, id., Balch. 2. SUtphurous. Bi2 (. Te + ~S)3; analyses 8-11. G.=-7500, crystals from Schubkau, Wehrle; 7'514, id., Baumgartner; 17237, fr. Davidson Co., Genth. The name Bornine, after von Born, was given by Beudant in 1832, and Wehrle's analysis of the Schubkau ore was the only one cited. 3,, Seleniferous. The Tellemark ore, according to Berzelius, gives B.B. a strong odor of selenium. Analyses: 1-3, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 16); 4, 5, Genth (ib., xxxi. 368); 6, 7, D. M. Balch (ib., xxxv. 99); 8, Wehrle (Schw. J., lix. 482, 1830); 9, Berzelius (Jahresb., xii. 178, 1831); 10, Hruschauer (J. pr. Ch., xlv. 456); 11, C. T. Jackson (This Min., 712, 1850); 12, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 81): Te S Se Bi Fe 1. Fluvanna Co., Va. 48'19 -- tr. 53 07 =101'26 Genth. 2. " " 4707 - tr. 53'78 -- 100'85 Genth. 3. " i 4979 tr. 51'56 -- 101'35 Genth. 4. Dahlonega 48'22 tr. tr. [50'83] 017 Cu 0-06, Au, quartz, etc., 0'72=100 Genth. 5. " 47-25 tr. tr. 50'97 0 25 " 0'06,' " " 0'80=99'33 Genth. 6. "4 48-26 -- 51'46 -- = 99172 Balch. 7. " 48'73 -- 51'57 --- =100'30 Balchll. 8. Schubkau 34'6 4'8 tr. 60'0 = 99'4 Wehrle. 9. " 36'05 4'32 - 58'30 -- gangue 0'75=99'42 Berz. 10. " 35 8 4'6 - 592 -=996 HIruschauer. 11. Whitehall, Va. 35'05 3'65 -- 58-80 - Au, Fi, Si 2710-=100'20 Jackson. 12. DavidsonCo.,N.C. 33'84 5'21 tr. 61'35 - =100-46 Genth. Fisher obtained in an analysis of the Fluvanna mineral, 6-81 p. c. of selenium. But Dr. Genth finds in it no selenium or sulphur. C. T. Jackson obtained (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 366) the composition of jos6ite for the Dahlonega mineral; but the later results of Genth and Balch have shown this to be incorrect. Pyr.-In the open tube a white sublimate of tellurous acid, which B.B. fuses to colorless drops. On charcoal fuses, gives white fumes, and entirely volatilizes; tinges the R.F. bluish-green; coats the coal at first white (tellurous acid), and finally orange-yellow (oxyd of bismuth); some varieties give sulphurous and selenous odors; that from Fluvanna Co., Va., gave Fisher a red sublimate of selenium in the open tube. Obs.-Occurs at Schubkau near Schemnitz; at Retzbanya; at Tellemark in Norway; at Bastnaes mine, near Riddarhyttan, Sweden. In the United States, in Virginia, at the Whitehall gold mines, Spotsylvania Co., at Monroe mine, Stafford Co., and Tellurium mine, Fluvanna Co., with native gold; in North Carolina, Davidson Co., about 5 m. W. of Washington mine, in foliated scales and lamnellar masses along with gold, chalcopyrite, magnetite, epidote, limonite, etc.; it was partly altered to a combination of tellurous acid and oxyd of bismuth, with but little of carbonate of bismuth (Genth, 1. c.); in Georgia, Lumpkin Co., 4 m. E. of Dahlonega, and also in Cherokee and Polk counties. 32. JOSEITEI. Tellurure de Bismuth cDamour, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiii. 372, 1845. Bornine, Tellure bismuthifere du Bresil, Duf. [not Bornine Beaud.] Jos6it Kenng., Min., 121, 1853. Hexagonal, with perfect basal cleavage, like tetradymite. Soft. G.7'924 —7936. Lustre submetallic. Color grayish-black, steel-gray. Fragile. Comp.-From Damour's analyses, Bi3 Te2 (S, Se)-2=i3 (1 Te+ L(S, Se))4, or a tellurid of bismuth, in which half of the tellurium is replaced by sulphur and selenium. Analyses by Damour (L c.): Te S Se Bi 1. San Jose, Brazil 15-93 3'15 1-48 79-1.5 =99'71 2. " " 15-68 4'58 78'40 =98'66 Rammelsberg obtained from an allied mineral, from Cumberland, England (Min. Ch., 5): Tellurium 6-73, sulphur 6'43, bismuth 84'33=97'49; corresponding to Bi4, Te, S4, making the Te:S =1: 4. 32 SULPHIDS, ETC. An ore from Sorata, passing for native bismuth, and mentioned under that species, gave Forbes, as there cited, 5'09 p. c. of tellurium, with As 0'38, and S 0-07; while Genth found in another specimen only 0'042 Te. Forbes's specimen may have the formula Bid Te. It is foliated nearly like tetradymite. Pyr.-B.B. the Brazil ore acts nearly like tetradymite. In an open tube it gives off some sulphur, then white fumes of oxyd of tellurium, and then affords a decided odor of selenium; and in the upper part of the tube a white coating with some brick-red over it, due to the selenium; and a yellowish residue below due to the oxyd of bismuth. Obs. —Found in granular limestone at San Jos6, near Mariana, province of Minas Geraes, Brazil, and first brought to France by Mr. Claussen. 33. WERLIT3E. Argent molybdique de Born, Cat. de Raab., ii. 419, 1790. Wasserbleisilber, Molybdin-silber, Wern., Letztes Min. Syst., 18, 48, 1817. Molybdic silver. Wismuthglanz Klapr., Beitr., i. 254, 1795. Tellurwismuth Berz., Ak. H. Stockh., 1823. Wismuthspiegel Weiss. Spiegelglanz [-Mirror-glance] Breith. Tetradymite pt. many authors. Wrehrlite Heot, Min., i. 188, 1841. Pilsenit Kenng., Min., 121, 1853. Hexagonal. Like tetradymite in perfect basal cleavage. H.= -2. G.- 844, Wehrle. Lustre very bright. Color light steelgray. Thin folia a little elastic. Comp. —Bi (Te, S), with Te: S-3: 1, from an imperfect analysis by Wchrle (Baumg. Ztg., ix. 144): Deutsch-Pilsen Te 29'74 S 2'33 Bi 61'15 Ag 2'07 =95-29 Pyr,, etc.-Like tetradymite. Obs. —From Dcutsch Pilsen, in Hungary. First reported as an ore of silver and molybdenum. Distinguished from tetradymite by its high specific gravity. Breithaupt obtained G. = 800 with a specimen not wholly free from the gangue. 34. MOLYBDEINITE. Not Molybdsena [=product fr. partial reduct. and oxyd. of Galena] Dioscor., Plin., Agric. Blyertz, Molybdena pt. [rest graphite] Wall., 131, 1747, Linn., 1748, 1768. Sulphur ferro et stanno saturatum (fr. Bastnaes, etc.), Wasserbley pt., Molybdena pt., Cronst., 139, 1758. Molybdsena (with discov. of metal) Hielm, Ak. H. Stockh., 1782, 1788-1793. Wasserblei Weern. Molybdiinglanz Germ. Molybdena Kirw., Min., 1796 (calls the metal Molybdenite). Sulphuret of Molybdena. Molybd6nite Brongn., ii. 92, 1807, citing Kirwan as authority. Monoclinic? Hexagonal? In short or tabular hexagonal prisms. Twins: consisting of three combined crystals, sometimes indicated by strife on the base of the hexagonal prisms, at right angles to its sides, having occasionally replaced terminal edges. Cleavage: eminent, parallel to base of hexagonal prisms. Commonly foliated, massive, or in scales'; also fine granular. H. — 1 —, being easily impressed by the nail. G. = -44-4-8. Lustre metallic. Color pure lead-gray. Streak similar to color, slightly inclined to green. Opaque. Laminse very flexible, not elastic. Sectile, and almost malleable. Gray trace on paper. Comp.-Mo S2-Sulphur 41-0, molybdenum 59'0=100. Analyses: 1, Brandes (Sclhw. J., xxix. 325); 2, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., iv. 1822, 320); 3, 4, Svanberg & Struve (J. pr. Ch., xliv. 257); 5, Wetherill (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 443): Mo S 1. Altenberg' 59'6 40'4=100 Brandes. 2. Chester, Pa. G.=4-444 59'42 39'68=99'10 Seybert. 3. Smoaland 58'627 40'573, gangue 0'800 S & S. 4. Bohislanl 57-154 39-710, " 3'136 S & S. 5. Reading, Pa. 55-727 38-198, Pe 3-495, Si 2'283, H. 0'297 Wetherill SULPHIDS, ETC. 93 Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes. B.B. in the forceps infusible, imparts a yellowish-green color to the flame; on charcoal the pulverized mineral gives in O.F. a strong odor of sulphur, and coats the coal with crystals of molybdic acid, which appear yellow while hot, and white on cooling; near the assay the coating is copper-red, and if the white coating be touched with an intermittent R.F., it assumes a beautiful azure-blue color. Decomposed by nitric acid, leaving a white or grayish residue (molybdic acid). Obs.-Molybdenite generally occurs imbedded in, or disseminated through, granite, gneiss, zircon-syenite, granular limestorie, and other crystalline rocks. At Numedal in Sweden, Arendal, Solba, and Tellemarken in Norway, Nertschinsk in Russia, and Auerbach in Saxony, it has been observed in hexagonal prisms. Found also at Altenberg and Ehren-friedersdorf in Saxony; Schlackenwald and Zinnwald in Bohemia; Rathausberg in Austria; near Miask, Urals; Bastlaes, etc., Sweden; in Finland; Laurvig in Norway; Chessy in France; Peru; Brazil; Calbeck Fell, Carrock Fells, and near the source of the Caldew in Cumberland, associated with tungstate of lime and apatite; several of the Cornish mines; in Scotland at East Tulloch, south of Loch Tay; at Mount Coryby on Loch Creran, etc. In Mlaine, at Blue Hill Bay and Camdage farm, in large crystallizations; also at Brunswick, Bowdoinham, and Sanford, but less interesting. In Conn., at Haddam and the adjoining towns on the Connecticut river, in gneiss in crystals and large plates; also at Saybrook. In Vermont, at Newport, with crystals of white apatite. In N; Hcampshire, at Westmoreland, four miles south of the north village meeting-house, in a vein of mica slate, abundant; at Llandaff in regular tabular crystals; at Franconia. In Ilfass., at Shutesbury, east of Locke's pond; at Brimfield, with iolite. In NT York, two miles southeast of Warwick, in irregular plates associated with rutile, zircon, and pyrite. In Penn., in Chester, on Chester Creek, near Reading'; near Concord, C-abarrus Co., N. C., with pyrite in quartz. In California, at Excelsior gold mine, in Excelsior district. In Canada, at Balsam Lake, Terrace Cove, Lake Superior; north of Balsam Lake, on a small island in Big Turtle Lake, with scapolite, pyroxone, etc., in a vein of quartz intersecting crystalline limestone; at St. Jerome, C. E.; at Seabeach Bay, near Black River, N. W. of L. Superior (48~ 46' N., 8~~ 1 7' W.). Distinguished from plumbago by its lustre and streak, and also by its behavior before the blowpipe and with acids. 2. SIMPLE SULPHIDS, TEILURIDS, SELENIDS, ARSENIDS, ANTIMONIDS, BISMUTHIDS, PHOSPHIDS, OF METALS OF THE GOLD, IRON, AND TIN GROUPS. Three divisions of these S.7aphids, Arsenids, etc., are here recognized: (1) a bacsic division, in which the atomic ratio between the sulphur or arsenie metal and the others is 1 to more than one; (2) a proto division, with the ratio 1: 1; (3) a decdto division, with the ratio I: 2. In these ratios, and in stating the formulas beyond, the halved atomic weights of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth are in view, as stated on p. 26. In the third division, some species are included which appear to be combinations of deuto and proto compounds. The mineral chalcopyrite is sometimes referred to the double-binary snlphids, on the ground of its containing, along with a protosulphid, the sulphid Fe2 S3; but as the existence of a sesquisulphid Fe2 S is not established, while Fe S2 is the one of common occurrence, the more probable view of the sulphid is that it consists of two sulphids Fe S and Fe S2 in combination. This view is sustained by the near isomorphism of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The above remark applies also to bornite and pyrrhotite, in which Fe2 S3 has been supposed to be present. Fe2 S3, it should be noted, equals Fe S + Fe S2. Linneite and carrolite come into the same category. In an article in the American Journal of Spcience, vol. xliv. 1867, the author gives reasons for believing that the compounds crystallizing in hexagonal forms have the number of atoms of the negative element 3, or a multiple of 3, and in tetragonal forms, a multiple of 4; whence it follows, that while ordinary isometric blende, or sulphid of zinc, for example, may be Zn S, the hexagonal, 3 34: SULPHIDS, ETC. or wurtzite, is probably Zn3 S3. The principle, if real, has a very wide application among chemical and mineral species. I. BASIC OR DYSCRASITE DIVISION. 35. DYSCRASITE Ag2 Sb 31. DOMEYKITE CUS AS' (B) " Ag3 Sb 38. ALGODONITE 0U6 AS2 36. CHILENITE AgO Bi 39. WHITNEYITE eU9 AS' II. PROTO OR GALENA DIVISION. 1. GALENA GROUP.-Isometric, holohedral. 40. ARGENTITE Ag S 48. ALTAITE Pb Te 41. NAUMANNITE (Ag, Pb) Se 49. BORNITE (CU, Fe) S 42. EUCAIRITE (Cu, Ag) So " (Cu, Fe) S+n Fe S2 43. CROOKESITE (Cu, T1) Se 50. BERZELIAMITE CU Se 44. GALENITE Pb S 51. CASTILLITE (CU, Zn, R) S + I Fe S2 44 A. HuASCOLITE (Pb, Zn) S 52. ALABANDITE Mn S 45. OLAUSTHALITE Pb Se 53. SYEPOORITE Co S 46. ZORGITE?(Pb, Cu) Se 54. PENTLANDITE (Ni, Fe) S 47. LEHRBACHITE (Pb, Hg) Se 55. GRtiiNAUITE 2. BLENDE GROUP.-Isometric, tetrahedral. 56. SPHALERITE Zn S [PRZIBRAMITE] (Zn, Cd) S [MARMATITE (Zn, Fe) S 57. VOLTZITE Zn S-}~ Zn 0 3. CHALCOCITE GROUP.- Orthorhombic. 58. HESSITE Ag To 61. CHALCOTITE Cu S 59. DALEMINZITE Ag S 62. STROMEYERITE (CU, Ag) S 60. ACANTHITE Ag S 63. STERNBERGITE (Fe, Ag) S + Fe S2 4. PYRRHOTTTE GROUP.-Hexagonal. 64. CINNABAR Hg S 69. GREENOCKITE Cd S 65. TIEMANNITE Hg Se? 70. WURTZITE Zn S 66. MIILLERITE Ni S 71. NICCOLITE Ni AS 67. TROILITE Fe S 72. BREITHAUPTITE Ni Sb 68. PYRRHOTITE Fe S+' Fe S2 73. KANEITE Mn As 74. SoIREIBERSITE Fe, Ni, P III. DEUTO OR PYRITE DIVISION. 1. PYRITE GROUP.-Isometric. 75. PYRITE Fe S2 83. SMALTITE, (Co, Fe, Ni) As2 7'16. HAUERITE Mn S2 " R As +R As2 7T. CUBANITE [2(Fe,u)S + FeS2] + [2FeS2] 84. SKIUTTERUDITT CO AS3 78. CHALCOPYRITE 2 (Cu, Fe) S+ Fe S2 85. COBALTITE CO (S, As)2 79. BARNIIARDTITE [2(Cu,Fe)S+ Fe S2] + [Cu S] 86. GERSDORFFITE Ni (S, As)2 80. STANNITE 2 (CU, Fe, Zn) S + Sn S2 87. ULLMANNITE Ni (S, Sb, As)2 81. IJTNN2EITE 2 CO S+CO S2 88. CORYNITE Ni (S, As, Sb)2 82. CARROLLITE 2(CU, Co)S + Co S' + [2Co S2] 89. LAURITE Ru S2 [+ -2I- RU4 Os] 2. MARCA:SITE GROUP. -Orthorhombic. 90. MARCASITE Fe S2 94. ARSENOPYRITE Fe (S, As)2 91. LEUCOPYRITE Fe As2 95. GLATUCODOT (Co, Fe) (S, As)2 92. RAMMELSBERGITE Ni As2 96. PACITE Fe (- S+ As)2 93. MOESITE Fe As2+ Fe As 97. ALLTOCLASITE Co (S, As)2 + n Bi As L98. SYLVANITE (Ag, Au) Te' SULPHIDS, ETC. 35 3. NAGYAGITE GROUP.-Tetragonal. 99. NAGYAGITE 4. COVELLITE GROUP.-Hexagonal. 100. COVELLITE CU S, or eu S2 I. BASIC OR DYSCRASITE DIVISION. 35. DYSCRASITE. Argentum nativum antimonio adunatum Bergm., Sciagr., 159, 1782. Spiesglanz-Silber Selb, Lempe Mag., iii. 5, 1786. Silberspiessglanz, Spiesglas-Silber, AntimonSilber, Germ. Antimonial Silver. Argent Antimonial Fr. Discrase Beud., ii. 613, 1832. Discrasit Fribel,? Prodr. Stochiolith, 1837. Orthorhombic. IA -T=119 59'; O A 1-% 130~ 41'; a: b: c= — 1633: 1: 173 15. 0A ~=146~ 7' 0A1- = 1460 6' 1A 1,brach.,=920 O A 1=126 40 O0A2-4 = 126 39 i-2 A i —= 98 131 O A 1- -142 12 1 A 1, mac., 132 42 i-8 A i-6 120 1 Cleavage: basal distinct: 1-i also distinct; I imperfect. Twins: stellate forms and hexagonal o prisms. Also massive, granular; particles of various sizes, weakly coherent. I H.=3'5 —4. G. 9-44-982; 9'4406, Hatty. 1- 1 1- Lustre metallic. Color and streak silver-white, inclining to tin-white; sometimes tarnished yel- 2-i low or blackish. Opaque. Fracture nneven.,la I i-, 5 Comp.-(A) Ag2 Sb=Antimony 22, silver 78=100. Also Observed planes. (B) Ag' Sb=Antimony 15-66, silver 84-34. Also Ag3 Sb2=Silver 72'92, antimony 27,08. Analyses: 1, 2, 7, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 298, iii. 173); 3, Vauquelin (Haiiy's Min., iii. 392); 4,; Abich (Crell's Ann., 1798, ii. 3); 5, Plattner (Ramm. Min. Ch., 30); 6, 8, 9, Ramnmelsberg (ZS. G., xvi. 620): 1. Wolfach, coarse granular Antimony [24] Silver 78 Klaproth. 2. Andreasberg, foliated granular, G.=9'82 [23] 77 Klaproth: 3. " [22] 78 Vauquelin. 4. " [24-75] 75-25 Abich. 5. " 15'0 84'7 =99'7 Plattner. 6. " [27'08] 72-72 Ramm. 7. Wolfach, fine granular [16] 84 Klaproth. 8. " 15'81 83'85, As tr=99-66 Ramm. 9. " [17'81] 82-19 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses to a globule, coating the coal with white oxyd of antimony, and finally giving a globule of almost pure silver. Soluble in nitric acid, leaving oxyd of antimony. Obs.-Occurs in veins near Wolfach in Baden, Wittichen in Suabia, and at Andreasberg in the IHarz, associated with several ores of silver, native arsenic, and galena, and other species; also at Allemont in Dauphine, Casalla in Spain, and iu Bolivia, S. A. If less rare, this would be a valuable ore of silver. Named from i)Coaat, a bad alloy. Arsenic Silver (Arseniksilber), from Andreasberg, analyzed by Klaproth (Beitr., i. 183), and 36 SULPIIIDS, ETC. Dumenil (Schweig. J., xxxiv. 357), has been shown by Rammelsberg to be probably a mixture of arsenopyrite, arsenical iron, and dyscrasite (Pogg., lxxvii. 262, and Min. Ch., 28). 350. Domeyko found a mass of ore from Chailarcillo, Chili, which was mainly impure chlorobromid of silver externally, to contain within (Tr. de Ensayes, 238, 1858) 55'9 p. c. of chlorid of silver, 15-1 of an antimonid of silver, with 14'5 of carbonates and 14'2 ochreous clay; and this antimonid, he says, consists of Sb 36, Ag 64, and "appears to constitute a distinct species." The formula would be Ag Sb. This species is not mentioned in his Mineralogy of 1860. Domeyko states (Min. 190, 1860) that at Chafiarcillo a finely granular grayish-white silver ore, disseminated in grains, taking the lustre of silver when rubbed, afforded him 4 to 6 p. c. of antimony; that of the Descubridora mine 4-1 Ag; that of the Rosario mine 5'8 p. c. He also states that the filamentous silver of Bolivia contains Sb 3'7, As 2'3 p. c. 35D. CHANARCILLITE Dana.-He describes further (lb.) a silver-white, shining arsenio-antimonial ore from Chailarcillo, disseminated through calcite, which afforded him Sb 19'6-21'4, As 23'3-22-3, Ag 5356-53'3, Fe 3'0-3'0. Regarding the iron as arsenical iron, he deduces the formula Ag2 (As, Sb)3. Rammelsberg points out the isomorphism of dyscrasite and the antimonid of zinc, Zn2 Sb, described by Cooke (Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 229, xx. 222). 36. CHIILENITE. Aleacion de plata con bismuto Domeyko, Min., 187, 1845. Plata Bismutal id., ib. 185, 1860. Chilenite Dana. Amorphous; granular. Soft. Silver-white, but tarnishing easily to yellowish. Comp. —Ag6 Bi=Bismuth 13'8, silver 86'2. Domeyko obtained (Min., 185, 1860) Bi 10'1, Ag 60'1, Cu 6'8, As 2'8, gangue 19'0, corresponding to Bi 1414, silver 85'6. Also (Ann. d. M., IV. v. 456) Bi 15-3, Ag 84.7. For the last the material was separated from a mass containing 8 to 10 p. c. of it disseminated in small points. Obs.-From the mine of San Antonio in Copiapo. 36A. BISMUTI SILVER OF SCHAPBACF, SCHAPBACHITE. (Bismuthisches Silber Selb, Crell's Ann., 179:;, i. 10, Schapbachite Kenng., Min., 118, 1853). According to F. Sandberger, this bismuth-silver, analyzed by Klaproth, is a mixture of bismuthine in needles, argentite, and galena (Jahresb., 1863, 797, 1864). Klaproth obtained (Beitr., ii. 291) Bi 27, Ag 15, Pb 33, Fe 4-3, Cu 0'9, S 16-3. Sandberger gives an analysis by von Muth, who obtained Bi 8'22, Ag 4'05, Pb 45'30, Fe 0'07, S 9,72, quartz 32'33 —9969; which, after separating the iron as Fe S2, affords for the rest 1 Bi S3, 12 R S. D. Forbes remarks with regard to Kiaproth's analysis (Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 105) that the sulphur is sufficient to make sulphids of the metals, and suggests the same conclusion. 37. DOMEYKITE. Arsenikkupfer (fr. Copiapo) Zinken, Pogg., xli. 659, 1837. Arseniure de cuivre Domeyko, Ann. d. M., IV. iii. 3, 1843; Cobre Blanco id., Min. 138, 1845. Weisskupfer Hausm. Cuivre arsenical Fr. Arsenical Copper. Domeykite flaid., Handb., 662, 1845. Condurrite W; Phillips, Phil. Mag., ii. 286, 1827. Reniform and botryoidclal; also massive and disseminated. I. -3 —35. G.=- 7 — 50, Portage Lake, Genth. Lustre metallic, but dull on exposure. Color tin-white to steel-gray, with a yellowish to pinchbeck-brown, and, afterward, an iridescent tarnish. Fracture uneven. Comp,-eu3 As2= —Arsenic 28'3, copper 71-7=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., IV. iii. 5); 3, 4, F. Field (J. Ch. Soc., x. 289); 5, D. Forbes (2 J. G. Soc., xvii. 44); 6, 7, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., 11. xxxiii. 193); 8, 9, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxi. 305); 10, Blythe (J. Ch. Soc., i. 213): 1. Calabozo, Chili As 28-36 Cu 71-64=-100 Domeyko. 2. Copiapo " 23-29 10170, Fe 0'52, S 387 —98'38 Domeyko. 3. " " 28-44 71'56=100 Field. 4. Coquimbo, " 28-26 71-48-99-74 Field. 5. Coracoro, Bolivia 28z41 71-13, Ag 0-46-100 Forbes. 6. Portage Lake 29'25 70'68=96-93 Genth. 7. " " 2948 70'01=99'59 Genth. 8. Cornwall, Condurrite 18'70 70'51, Fe 0-66 Rammelsberg. 9. " " 17'84 70'02, gangue 1'07 Rammelsberg. 10. "- 19'51 60'21, Fe 0-25, S 2'33, H 2-41, C 1'62, H 0'44, N 0'06, 0 13171=100 Blythe. SULPHIDS, ETC. 37 (A) Condurrite is a result of the alteration of other ores. It is black and soft, soiling the fingers. It appears, sometimes, at least, to be a mixture of arsenite of copper with domeykite. and some sulphid of copper. Rammelsberg treated one specimen with muriatic acid, and analyzed the soluble and insoluble portions separately, obtaining 1. Insoluble As 13-89 Cu 12-81 S 2'20 gangue 0'70=29'60 2. Soluble Xs 3'70 Cu 62'29 E 5'83=71182. The insoluble portion contains, therefore, As 4-16, Cu 13'89, with 10'85 of sulphid of copper; corresponding, the last excluded, to arsenic 23'04, copper 17696=100. Von Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxxix. 204), with the same treatment of another specimen, found the composition of the soluble part, Xis 8'03, Cu 79'00, Fe 3941, H 950= —100, and the insoluble consisted of arsenic and some sulphid of copper in grains. Blythe concludes, as a mean of many analyses, that the arsenid of copper contained in condurrite consists of arsenic 28'85, copper 71-15, which corresponds with the domeykite; and Faraday's analysis (Phil. Mag., 1827, 286) leads to the same result, or arsenic 29'88, copper 70'11; but Rammelsberg's analysis gives a larger proportion of copper. Pyr., etc. —In the open tube fuses and gives a white crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal arsenical fumes and a malleable metallic globule, which, on treatment with soda, gives a globule of pure copper. Not dissolved in muriatic acid, but soluble in nitric acid. Obs,-From the Chilian mines of Algodones in Coquimbo, in Illapel, San Antonio in Copiapo, etc. In N. America, found on the Sheldon location, Portage Lake; and mixed with copper-nickel at Michipicoten Island, in L. Superior. Condurrite is from the Condurrow mine, near Helstone, and Wheal Druid mine at Carnbrae, near Redruth, Cornwall. 38. ALGODONITE. F Field, J. Ch. Soc., x. 289, 1857. In incrustations minutely crystalline. Commonly mlassive and distinctly granular. H. 4. G.=7'62, from Chili, Genth. Lustre metallic and bright, but becoming dull on exposure. Color steel-gray to silver-white, the latter on a polished surface. Opaque. Fracture sub-conchoidal, affording a granular surface. Comp, —Eu6 As2=-Gu3 As=As 16'50, Cu 83-50=100. Analyses: 1, F. Field (1. e.); 2-4, Genth (Am. J. Sci. II. xxxiii. 192): As Cu Ag 1. Chili (.) 16-23 83-30 0'31 =99'84 Field. 2. " (.3) 16'95 8242 tr. =99'31 Genth. 3. L. Superior 15-30 84-22 0'32 =99-84 Genth. 4. " 16172 82'35 0'30 Genth. In analysis 3, a little whitneyite was mixed with the ore, and hence the higher percentage of copper (Genth). Pyr,-The same as with domeykite, but less fusible. Obs.-In Chili, at the silver mine of Algodones, near Coquimbo, in the Cerro de los Seguas, Department of Rancagua; in the United States, in the Lake Superior region. A transported mass of mixed whitneyite and algodonite, weighing 95-100 lbs., was found on St. Louis R. The color is grayer, and the texture more granular and less malleable, than in whitneyite. 39. WEITNEYITE, Genth, Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 400, 1859, xxxiii. 191, 1862. Darwinite D. Forbes, Phil. Mag., IV. xx. 423, 1860. Massive. Crystalline; very fine granular. H.=3-5. G.-=8246 —8471, from Lake Superior, varying probal)ly on account of porosity, Genth; 8-64 from Chili, Forbes. Lustre dull and submetallic on surface of fresh fracture, but strong metallic where scratched or rubbed, but soon tarnishing. Color pale reddish to grayish-white, pale reddish-white on a rubbed surface; becoming yellowish-bronze, brown, and brownish-black on exposure. Sometimes iridescent. Opaque. Malleable. 38 SULPHIDS, ETC. Comp. —eu9 As2=Arsenic 11'64, copper 88'36=100. Analyses: 1-4-, F. A. Genth (1. c.); 5, id. (priv. contrib.); 6, D. Forbes (1. c.): As Cu Ag & insol. 1. Michigan (2) 11 61 88'13 0'40 =100-14 Genth. 2. " 12-28 87'48 0'04 = 99-80 Genth. 3.' 12'28 87'37 0'03 = 99-68 Genth. 4. " 10-92 (?) 87-64 0'19 - 98'75 Genth. 5. Sonora 11-46 88-54 tr. =100 Gerth. 6. Chili (4) 11-58 88'14 0-28 =100 Forbes. Pyr.-Less fusible than algodonite; otherwise as in domeykite. Obs.-In Houghton Co., Michigan, coated with red copper. A loose mass, weighing about 15 lbs., and consisting partly of algodonite, was found on the Pewabic location, 1 m. from Hancock village, Portage Lake; recently found in place on the Sheldon location, near Houghton, Mich.; stated to occur at the Albion location, about a mile from the Cliff mine, in a vein 4 inches wide; also at the Minnesota mine; also in Sonora (Genth), near La Lagoona, a ranch on the road to Libertad, Gulf of California, 35 m. fr. Saric. Named after J. D. Whitney. II. GALENA DIVISION. [For list of species see page 34.] 40. AIRGENTITE.13 Argentum rude plumbei coloris et Galenue simile, cultro diffinditur, dentibus compressum dilatatur, Agric., 438, 1529; Germa. Glaserz, Agric., Interpr., 463, 1546; Hlenckel, Min., 1734 (proving it a sulphur compound). Silfverglas, lMinera argenti vitrea, Argentum sulphure mineralisatum, Wall., 308, 1746; Sage, Ann. Ch., ii. 250, l176 (with earliest anal.) Glanzerz, Silberglas, Silberglanz, Schwefel-Silber, Weichgewachs, Germ. Vitreous Silver, Sulphuret of Silver, Silver Glance. Argent sulfure Fr. Argyrose Beud., Tr., ii. 392, 1832. Argentit Hacid., Handb., 565, 1845. Argyrit Glock., Syn., 23, 1847. Isometric. Observed planes 0, I, 1, 2, 2-2. Figs. 1 to 11, 23. Cleavage: dodecahedral in traces. Also reticulated, arborescent, and filiform; also amorphous. H.-2-2'5. G. =7'196 —'365. Lustre metallic. Streak and color blackish lead-gray; streak shining. Opaque. Fracture small sub-conchoidal, uneven. Perfectly sectile. Comp. —Ag S=Sulphur 12-9, silver 87-1=100, Analyses: 1, 2, Kllaproth (Beitr., i. 158); 3, Lindaker (Vogl's Min. Joach., 18): S Ag 1. Joachimsthal [15] 85 =100 Klaproth. 2. Himmelsfiirst [14-7] 853-=100 Klaproth. 3. Joachimsthal 14'46 17'58 Pb 3'68, Cu 1-53, Fe 2'02=99-27 Lind. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube gives off sulphurous acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses with intumescence in O.F., emitting sulphurous fumes, and yielding a globule of silver. Obs,-This important ore of silver is found at Freiberg, Annaberg, Joachimsthal of the Erzgebirge; at Schemnitz and Kremnitz in Hungary; in Norway near Kongsberg; in the Altai at the Smeinogorsk mine; in the Urals at the Blagodat mine; in Cornwall; in Bolivia; Peru; Chili; Mexico at Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Catorce, San Pedro del Potosi, etc. Occurs in Nevada, at the Comstock lode, at different mines, along with stephanite, native gold, etc.; in the vein at Gold Hill; common in the ores of Reese River; probably the chief ore cf silver in the Cortez district; in the Kearsarge district, Silver-Sprout vein. SULPHIDS) ETC. 39 A mass of sulphid of silver is stated by Troost to have been found in Sparta, Tennessee; occurs with native silver and copper in northern Michigan. [A silver ore not yet analyzed, occurs, according to Jackson, with gray antimony, at Cornish, N. 1.] Alt.-Native silver, at Joachimsthal. Also a mixture called silver-black (Silberschwwarze Germ.). 40A. ARGENTOPYRITE (Silberkies). This mineral from Joachimsthal, made a species by v. Waltershausen (Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 1866, No. 2), is shown by Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, liv. 342) to be a pseudomorph consisting of the minerals argentite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, pyrargyrite. It occurs in small hexagonal crystals, which were probably pyrrhotite originally. Von Waltershausen obtained in his analysis, Sulphur 34-2, iron 39'3, silver 26'5. 4oB. JALPAITE IBreithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xv. 85, 1858).-Jalpaite is a cupriferous silver-glance from Jalpa, Mexico. It is isometric in cleavage, and malleable like ordinary argentite; color blackish lead-gray; G.=6-877 —6890. Composition according to R. Richter (1. c.) S 14-36, Ag 71-51, Cu 13'12, Fe 0'79, affording the formula 3 Ag S+ ~fu S or (~ Ag + en-u) S. 41. NAUMIVANNITE. Selensilber G. Rose, Pogg., xiv. 471, 1828. Selensilberglanz. Sledniure d'argent Fr. Seleniuret of Silver. Naumannit Haid., Handb., 565, 1845. Isometric. In cubes. Cleavage: cubic, perfect. Also massive, granular, and in thin plates. HI.-2- 5. G.- 80. Lnstre metallic, splendent. Color and streak ironblack. Comp.-(Ag, Pb) Se. Pure, Ag Se=Selenium 26'8, silver 73'2. Analyses: 1, Rose (1. c.); 2, Rammelsberg (2d. Suppl., 127, and Min. Ch., 34): 1. Tilkerode Selenium [29'53] Silver 65'56 Lead 4-91-100 Rose. 2. " " 26'52 " 11-67 " 60'15=98'34 Ramm. In No. 1, Ag: Pb=13; 1, in 2, 1: 5. Pyr., etc. —B. 1. on charcoal it melt 3 easily in the outer flame; in the inner, with some intumescence. With soda and borax it yields a bead of silver. Obs,-Occurs at Tilkerode in the Harz. Named after the crystallographer Naumann. According to Del Rio, another selenid of silver occurs at Tasco in Mexico, crystallized in hexagonal tables. (Beud. Tr., ii. 535.) 42. ]EUCAIRITE. Eukairit Berz., Afh. vi. 42, 1818. Cuivre selenid argental HI. Seleniuret of silver and copper. Selenkupfersilber Germ. Massive and granular; also in black metallic films, staining the calcite in which it is contained. Soft; easily cut by the knife. Ltustre metallic. Color between silverwhite and lead-gray. Streak shining. Comp. — u Se + Ag Se=(Qu, Ag) Se=Selenium?31-6, copper 25'3, silver 43'1=100. Analyses: 1-3, Berzelius (1. c.); 4-6, Nordenski51d (Bull. Soc. Ch., II. vii. 411): 1. Skrikerum Selenium 28'54 Copper 25-30 Silver 42'73=96'57. 2.' " 26'00 " 23-05 " 42'73, gangue 8'90=96'88. 3. t " 28'63 " 25'39 " 42'86=96-88. 4 " " 32'01 " 23'83 " 44'21, thallium tr.=100-41 Nord. 5. " " [31'97] " 25-30 " 42'73, " "=-100 Nord. 6. [" " 32-22] " 24586 " 4257-=100 Nord. Pyr., etc. —B.B. gives copious fumes of selenium, and on charcoal fuses readily to a gray metallic globule, leaving a bead of selenid of silver. With borax a copper reaction. Dissolves in boiling nitric acid. Obs.-Occurs in small quantities in the Skrikerum copper mine in Smoaland, Sweden, in a kind of serpentine rock, imbedded in calcite; in Chili at Aguas Blancas, near Copiapo (this variety affording Domeyko (Min., 206) Se 32'2, Cu 28'0, Ag. 39'8), and at the mines of Flamenco, a few leagues north of Trespuntas, in the desert of Atacama. Also a similar ore (Ann. d. M., VI. v. 458, and C. R., lviii. 556) on the east side of the Andes of Chili, in the province of San Juan, where it occurs in a narrow vein (10-1 2 mm. broad), and has a lead-gray color, tarnishes easily, and is partly granular, and partly very imperfectly lamellar; at the Cacheuta mine, in the province of Mendoza, with other selenids. 40 SULPHIDS, ETC. Named by Berzelius from EV, Kaatp6, opportunely, because found by him soon after the discov ery of the metal selenium. 43. CROOHESITE. A. E. hNordenskiold, (Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1866, Bull. Soc. Ch., II. vii. 413. Massive, compact; no trace of crystallization. It.=-2' —3. G.- 690. Lustre metallic. Color lead-gray. Brittle. Comp.-(-(u, T1, Ag) Se=Selenium 33'28. copper 45'76, thallium 17'25, silver 3'71=100. Analyses: Nordenskidld (1. c.): Se Cu Ag Fe T1 1. [33-27] 46 11 1.44 0-63 18.55=100. 2. 30 86 46-55 5 04 0 36 16-27=-99'08. 3. 32'10 44'21 5'09 1-28 16'89=99'57. Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses very easily to a greenish-black shining enamel, coloring the flame strongly green. Insoluble in muriatic acid; completely soluble in nitric. Obs.-From the mine of Skrikerum in Norway. Formerly regarded as selenid of copper or berzelianite. Named after Wm. Crookes, the discoverer of the metal thallium. 44. GALENITE~. Galena Pliun., xxxiii. 31 [not Galena or Molybdmena (=litharge-like product from the ore), Plin., xxxiv. 47, 53]. Molybdmena pt., Plumbago pt., Galena, Pleiertz, Plei-Glanz, Agric., 1546. Plumbago pt., Blyglants, Galena, Plumbum sulphure et argento mineralisatum, Wall., 292, 1747, C'ronst., 167, 168, 1758. Sulphuret of Lead. Plomb sulfur4 Fr. Galenit-von Kob., Min., 201, 1858. Plumbago, Pleischweis? Agric., Interpr., 467, 1546. Bleischveif, Plumbago, Plumbum sulphure et arsenico mineralisatum, Wall., 294, 1746. Steinmannite Zijppe, Verh. Ges. Mus. Bilimen., 1833, 39. Targionite Bechi, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 60, 1852. Supersulphuretted Lead Johnston, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 572, 1833; Thomson, Min., i. 552, 1836; Johnstonite Greg & Lettsom, Mli., 448, 1858. Isometric. Observed planes: 0, 1, I; 2, 3; 3-3, 2-2, 3 -3. Figs. 1 to 8, 23 with planes 1, 70, 71, the last a distorted form. Cleavage, cubic, 7o 71 72 1 22 ~\ ~ol \\ /I Rossie, N. Y. perfect; octahedral in traces. Twins, like f. 50; the same kind of composition repeated, f. 72, and flattened parallel to 1. Also reticulated, tabular; coarse or fine granular; sometimes impalpable; occasionally fibrous. H.=2-5-2-75. G.. -- 25 -- -7. Lustre metallic. Color and streak pure lead-gray. Surface of crystals occasionally tarnished. Fracture flat subconchoidal, or even. Frangible. Comp., Var.-Pb S=Sulphur 13-4, lead 86-6=100. Contains silver, and occasionally selenium (ore fr. Fahlun, Berz.), zinc, cadmium, antimony, copper, as sulphids; besides, also, sometimes native silver and gold; and even platinum has been reported as occurring in a galenite from the Dept. of Charente, France. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) Well crystallized; (b) somewhat fibrous and plumose; (c) granular coarse or fine; (d) crypto-crystalline. SIULPHIDS ETC. 41 2. Argentiferous. All galenite is more or less argentiferous, and no external characters serve to distinguish the kinds that are much so from those that are not. 3. Containing arsenic, or antimony, or an ore of these metals, as impurity. Here belong the bleischweif, targionile, and steintmannite, which appear to be merely impure galenite. 4. Containing an excess of sulphur, through mixture. Supersulphuretled lead of Johnston and others (or Johnstonite) is here included. The excess of sulphur is owing to a decomposition of a portion of the mass, setting part of the sulphur free. Analyses: 1, Thomson (Ed. Phil. J., 1829, 256); 2, 3, Lerch (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlv. 325): 1. Durham S 13'02 biPb 85'13 Fe 0'50=98'65 Thomson. 2. Przibram G.=1-252 14-41-. 81-80 Zn 3'59-99-80 L. Pb S to Zn S as 6: 1 3. " G.-='324 14'18 83 61 2'18 —99'97 L. Pb S to Zn S as 12: 1 Schwartz found 6'02 p. c. of cadmium in a galena from Altenberg. The silver present is detected easily by cupellation. The galenite of the Harz affords'03 to ~05 p. c. of silver; the English'02 to'03; that of Leadhills, Scotland,'03 to'06; of Monroe, Ct., 3 p. c.; of Roxbury, Ct., assayed by P. Collier, 1'85 p. c. silver; Eaton, N. H., 0'1, C. T. Jackson; Shelburne, N. H., (0'15; of Missouri,'0012 to'0027, Litton; Arkansas, 0'03 to'05, Sillimanl, Jr.; Middletown, Ct., 0'15 to 0'20 p. c.; Pike's Peak, Colorado, 0'05 to 0-06 p. c. The following, from Tuscany, contain antimony and silver (E. Bechi, Am. J. Sci., IT. xiv. 60): S Pb Sb Fe Cu Zn Ag 1. Bottino 12'840 80'100 3'307 1-377 0'440 0-024 0'325= 99-013 2. " 15'245 78-238 4'431 1-828 tr. - 0-485=200'227 3. " 15'503 78'284 2'452 2'811 - - 0'560- 99'610 4. Argentiera 16'780 72'440 4'308 1'855 4'251 -- 0-65)=100'284 5. 15'62 72'90 577 1 117 1'11 1'33 072 = 99'220 No 5 is the targionite of Bechi, occurring in octahedrons with G.=6'932. The bleischweif from Clausthal in the Harz, G. —753-7-55, analyzed by Rammelsberg (Min. Chem., 49) afforded, Pb S 95-85, Zn S 3-34, Fe S2 0'54, Sb S3 0-30=100'03. Schwarz (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxv. 561) found in one specimen of steinmqannite, Pb S 76-48, with As2 S3 9-25, Sb2 S' 0-77, Zn S 11'38, Fe S 2'10=99'88; and in another, less lead, only a trace of zinc, very little arsenic, and much antimony; and he concluded that the sulphid of lead was the only constant constituent. The supersullphur'etted lead gave Johnston, Pb S 90-38, S 8-11. R. Hofmann found 8-7 p. c. of sulphur in a galenite from New-Sinka, Transylvania, along with 51-30 of sulphate of lead. Pyr.-In the open tube gives sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal fuses, emits sulphurous fumes, coats the coal yellow, and yields a globule of metallic lead. Soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-Occurs in beds and veins, both in crystalline and uncrystalline rocks. It is often associated with pyrite, marcasite, blende, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, etc., in a gangue of quartz, calcite, barite or fluor, etc.; also with cerussite, anglesite, and other salts of lead, which are frequent results of its alteration. It is also common with gold, and in veins of silver ores. E. J. Chapman remarks that galenite is seldom much argentiferous except when it is associated with mispickel or some other arsenical ore. At Freibero in Saxony it occupies veins in gneiss; in Spain, in granite at Linares, and also in Catalonia, Grenada, and elsewhere: at Clausthal and Neudorf in the Harz, and at Przibram in Bohemia, it forms veins in clay slate; in Styria it occurs in the same kind of rock in beds; at Sala in Sweden it forms veins in granular limestone; through the graywacke of Leadhills and the killas of Cornwall, in veins; in mountain limestone in Derbyshire, Cumberland, and the northern districts of England, and also in Bleiberg, and the neighboring localities of Carinthia. In the English mines it is associated with calcite, pearl spar, fluor, barite, witherite, calamine, and blende. Other localities are Joachimsthal, where it is worked principally for the silver; Przibram in Bohemia; in Nertschinsk, East Siberia; in Algeria; near Cape of Goodc Hope; in Australia; Chili; Bolivia, etc. Extensive deposits of this ore in the United States exist in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. The ore occurs in stratified limestone, of different periods of the Lower Silurian era, especially the Trenton, associated with blende, smithsonite (" dry-bone " of the miners), calcite, pyrite, and often an ore of copper and cobalt. The mines of Missouri were discovered in 1172( by Francis Renault and Mr. la Motte; they are situated in the counties of Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. Of the Upper Mississippi lead region, five-sixths, says Whitney (Rep. Up. Miss. region, 1862), belong to Wisconsin, and the richest portion is in that part of the State adjoining Illinois and Iowa. The productive lead district is bounded on the west, north, and east by the Mississippi, Wisconsin, and Rock rivers. The occurrence of calc spar in the soil, or sink holes in lines, are considered indications of lead. From a single spot, not exceeding fifty yards square, 1,500 tons of ore have been raised. Occurs also in Illinois, at Cave-in-Rock, associated with fluorite. In New York. at Rossie, St 42 SULPHIDS, ETC. Lawrence Co., in veins from one to three or four feet in width, the crystals often very large (like f. 70, without i), with calcite, iron and copper pyrites, and some blende and celestine; near Wurtzboro, Sullivan Co., in a large vein in millstone grit, with blende, iron and copper pyrites; at Ancram, Columbia Co.; in Ulster Co., where often in crystals with the planes 0, 1, 3-3, i-3, or like 70, except that the edges are bevelled. In Maine, veins of considerable extent exist at Lubec, where the ore is associated with chalcopyrite and blende; also less extensively at Blue Hill Bay, Bingham, and Parsonsville. In New Hamqpshire, at Eaton, with blende and chalcopyrite; and also at Haverhill, Bath, and Tamworth. In Vermzont, at Thetford. In Connecticut, at Middletown, in a vein in argillite, massive and crystalline. In iMassaclhusetts, at Southampton, Leverett, and Sterling. In;Pennsylvania, at Phenixville and elsewhere. In VTrginia, at Austin's mines in Wythe Co., Walton's gold mine in Louisa Co., and other places. In Tennessee, at Brown's Creek, and at Haysboro, near Nlashville, with blende and heavy spar. In Michigan, in the region of Chocolate river and elsewhere, and Lake Superior copper districts; on the N. shore of L. Superior, in Neebing on Thunder Bay, and around Black Bay. In California, at many of the gold mines. In Nevada, abundant on Walker's river, and at Steamboat Springs, Galena district. In Arizona, in the Castle Dome, Eureka, and other districts. In Colorado, at Pike's Peak, etc. Alt.-Minium, anglesite, cerussite, pyromorphite, wulfenite, tetrahedrite, chalcocite, diallogite, quartz, limonite, pyrite, pistomesite (pistopyrite Breith.), calamine, occur as pseudomorphs after galenite, partly from alteration, and partly through removal and substitution. A change to the carbonate (cerussite), with the setting free of sulphur, is the most common. The specimens regarded as pseudomorphs after pyromorphite, from Bernkastel on the Mosel, Breithaupt makes into a new species (B. H. Ztg., xxi. 99, 1862, xxii. 36, 18t;3), which he calls plumbeine, or one species of his Sexangulites, regarding this sulphid of lead as crystallized in hexagonal prisms, and not a pseudomorph. It has G.=6'729 —687, and hexagonal cleavage. He places with it the stalactitic galena of Cornwall, Freiberg, and Przibram. A galenite occurs in Lebanon Co., Pa., which has an easy octahedral cleavage, as first observed by Dr. John Torrey. It is regarded by some as proof of dimorphism of the sulphid of lead, and by others as a result of pseudomorphism after a mineral with octahedral cleavage. See Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv. 126. Dr. Torrey observes that on moderate heating the cleavage becomes cubic. In specific gravity it does not differ from ordinary galenite. Fornetzite of Ch. Me'ne (C. R., li. 463), supposed to be near tetrahedrite, is pronounced by Fournet (C. R., liv. 1096) a mixture of galenite with copper ore. A'rtif.-Galenite is sometimes a furnace product. It has been made in crystals by heating oxyd or silicate of lead with vapor of sulphur (Wurtz); also by suspending sulphate of lead in a bag in water saturated with carbonic acid, and in which putrid fermentation is kept up (as by an oyster in the water), there resulting an incrustation of galenite upon the shells (Gages, Brit. Assoc., 206. 1863). 44A. HUASCOLITE Dana. (Galena blendosa Domeyko, Min., 168, 1860. Sulphid of lead and zinc D. Forbes, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 110.) The characters are mostly those of galenite. It has a granular or saccharoidal texture, a lead-gray color rather paler than ordinary galenite, but little lustre, and is apparently homogeneous and without any mixture of blende. Domeyko obtained (1. c.) S 19'2, Pb 48-6, Zn 25'6, gangue 3 1; which corresponds nearly to Pb S+ Zn S. It comes from Ingahuas, in the province of Huasco, where it forms large aggregated masses or nodules in the lower part of the vein. 44B. CuPRoPLUMBITE Breith. (Kupferbleispath of the Germans, Galena cobriza Domeyko), from Chili, where it is not rare, appears to be, as Domeyko's name for it and his description implies (Min., 1860, 168), a mere mixture of galenite and chalcocite. The structure, color, and lustre vary froom those of galenite to those nearly of chalcocite and covellite: the color a little darker, and passing to iron-gray and indigo-blue; the lustre generally feeble and sometimes almost wanting, and looking, says Domeyko, "as if sulphuret of copper were distributed through it." The specimens contain disseminated ores of copper, and come from a mine in Catemo (Aconcagua). Analyses: 1, Plattner (Pogg., lxi. 671); 2, Field (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 387): 1. S [15-1] Pb 64-9 Cu 19'5 Ag 0-5 =100 Plattner. G.=6'4 —643 2. Algodones 17'00 28-25 53'63=98-88 Field. G.=6'10. Field has named the (variety analyzed by him Alisonite; it was from Mina Grande, near Coquimbo. According to G. Ulrich, a similar mineral occurs at M'Ivor in Victoria, Australia. Geunth suggests that this mineral may have resulted from the alteration of galenite, which is probably true in some cases. 45. CLAUSTHE ALITE. Selenblei Zinken, 1823, Pogg., ii. 415, 1824, iii. 271; H. Rose, ib., ii. 415, iii. 281. Seleniuret of Lead. Plomb seleniure Fr. Clausthalie Beud., Tr., ii. 531. Clausthalite. SULPHIDS, ETC. 43 Kobalt-Bleig]anz [=Cobaltic Galena] Uausm., Nordd. Beitr. B. H., iii. 120. 1Kobaltbleierz Hausm., Handb., 183, 1813; id. Sromn. c& rHacsmm., Giitt. gel. Amnz., 1825, 329. Selenkobaltblei H. Rose, Pogg., iii. 288, 290. Tilkerodite Haid., Handb., 566, 1845. Isometric. Occurs commonly in fine granular masses; some specimens foliated. Cleavage cubic. H.-2'5 —3. G. 7'6 — 88. Lustre metallic. Color lead-gray, somewhat bluish. Streak darker. Opaque. Fracture granular and shining. Comp., Var.-Pb Se=Selenium 27'6, lead 72-4=100. Besides (1) the pure selenid of lead, there are others, often arranged as distinct species, which contain cobalt, copper, or mercury, in place of part of the lead, and sometimes a little silver or iron. The proportions of these ingredients vary so much and so irregularly, that the true chemical constitution of the ores, as Rammelsberg states, is yet doubtful. (2) The cobaltic ore (anal. Y), Tilkerodite Haid., is here retained as a variety of clausthalite. It affords the formula 6 Pb Se + Co S2, according to Rose, who makes the loss mainly selenium; but taking the results as they stand, 6 Pb Se + Co Se. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (1. c.); 2, Stromeyer (Pogg., ii. 403); 3, H. Rose (Pogg., iii. 288): Se Pb Co Fe 1. Clakusthalite 27'59 71-81 -- =99-40 Rose. 2. " 28S11 70-98 0'83 -- =99'92 Strom. G.=-7697. 3. Tillcerodite 31'42 63-92 3'14 0'45 — 98-93 Rose. Pyr. —Decrepitates in the closed tube. In the open tube gives selenous fumes and a red sublimate. B.B. on charcoal a strong selenous odor; partially fuses. Coats the coal near the assay at first gray, with a reddish border (selenium), and later yellow (oxyd of lead),; when pure entirely volatile; with soda gives a globule of metallic lead. The tilkerodite yields a black residue, and gives a cobalt-blue bead with borax. Obs.-Much resembles a granular galenite; but the faint tinge of blue and the B.B. selenium fumes serve to distinguish it. Found with the following selenic ores: first by Zinken, near Harzgerode in the Harz with hematite, at Clausthal, Tilkerode, Zorge, and Lehrbach; at Reinsberg, near Freiberg, in Saxony; at the Rio Tinto mines near Seville, Spain; Cacheuta mine, Mendoza, S. A. 46. ZORGITE. Selenblei mit Selenkupfer H. Rose, Pogg., ii. 415, 1824. Selenkupferblei, Selenbleikupfer, Rose, ib., iii. 293, 294, 296. Seleniuret of Lead and Copper. Zorgite B. & AL~, 153, 1852. Raphanosmit v. Kob., Taf., 6, 1853. Massive, granular, like Clausthalite. H.-=25. G.- 7 —'5. Lustre metallic. Color dark or light lead-gray, sometimes inclining to reddish, and often with a brass-yellow or blue tarnish. Streak darker. Brittle. Comp. —Pb Se + Cu and Se in varying amounts; and perhaps only a mixture of clausthalite with the other ingredients. Analyses: 1, 2, H. Rose (Pogg., iii. 288); 3, 4, KIersten (ib., xlvi. 265): Se Pb Cu Ag 1. Tilkerode 34'26 47143 15-15 1"29 Tie Pb 2'08=100-51 Rose. 2. " 29'96 59.67 1'86 - Fe Pb 0'44 undec. 1'00=99'26 Rose. 3. Glasbach 30'00 53.74 8-02 0'05 Fe 2-00 S tr., quartz 4'5=98'31 Kerst. 4. " 29-35 63-82 4'00 0-07 Fe S tas., quartz 2-06=99'30 Kierst. (1) No. 1 is Rose's Selenbleikupfer-=- 4 Pb + 4 Cu+ 7 Se. or wanting ~ Se of Pb Se ( Cu Se; and (2) No. 2 his Selenkupferblei= —9 Pb + 4 Cu+ 12 Se, which is near 2 Pb Se+ Cu Se, the formula of No. 3; (3) No. 4=5 Pb Se + Cu Se. The deficiency of S3 in Nos. 1 and 2 may be a result of partial alteration. Pyr.-Like clausthalite, but yielding a black residue and a globule of copper, with usually, whea cupelled, a trace of silver. Obs,-Occurs under similar circumstances with clausthalite at Tilkerode and Zorge in the HIarz; at Glasbach near Gabel in Thuringia, in argillaceous schist with galenite, chalcopyrite, malachite, in a gangue of calcite, siderite, fluorite, and quartz. 44 SULPHIDS, ETC. 47, LE3.RBACHIITE. Selenblei mit Selenquecksilber H: Rose, ii. 418, 1824, iii. 297. Selen. Quecksilberblei Leonh., Handb., 592, 1826. Seleniuret of Lead and Mercury. Lehrbachite B. & M., Min., 153, 1852. 1MVassive, granular. G. =7804-7'8 76. Color lead-gray, steel-gray, iron-black. Brittle. Comp.-Pb Se with Hg Se. Analyses: 1, Rose (1. c.); 2, 3, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1011): 1. Tilkerode Se 24'97 Pb 55-84 Hg 16-94=97-75. 2. " 27'68 61'70 8'-3, S 0-8, e 0-64 —99'15 S.,.G.=7'089. 3. " 24'41 16'93 55-52, S 1'1-97'96 S., G.-=8104. Pyr.-In the closed tube gives a lustrous metallic gray sublimate of selenid of mercury; with soda, a sublimate consisting of globules of mercury. In the open tube gives reactions for selenium, and a sublimate of selenate of mercury condensing in drops. On charcoal like clausthalite. Obs.-From Tilkerode and Lehrbach, in the Harz, like clausthalite. 48. ALTAITE. Tellurblei G. Rose, Pogg., xviii.68, 1830. Tellurid of Lead. Elasmose Huot., Min., i. 1841; 0. d'Falloy, Introd. A la Geol., 1833 (not of Beud. Tr., 1832), etc. Altait Haid., Handb., 556, 1845. Isometric. Usually massive; rarely in cubes. Cleavage: cubic. II. 3 —35. G.-=8'159, G. Rose. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white, resembling that of native antimony, with a yellow tarnish. Sectile. Comp.-Pb Te=Tellurium 38-3, lead 61'7. Analysis by G. Rose (Pogg., xviii. 68) gave silver 1'28 p. c.; and from an imperfect approximative determination of the lead and tellurium Rose assumed them to have the same relation as in hessite, or Tellurium 38'37, lead 60-35. Pyr.-In the open tube fuses, gives fumes of tellurous acid, forming a white sublimate, which B.B. fuses into colorless drops. On charcoal in R.F. colors the flame bluish, fuses to a globule, coats the coal near the assay with a lustrous metallic ring of tellurid of lead, outside of which it is brownish-yellow, and in O.F. still more yellow. Entirely volatile, except a trace of silver. Obs.-From Savodinski near Siranovski, in the Altai, with hessite. Huot says that Beudant in his lectures changed his first use of the name Elaqsmose; and the later use Huot adopts in his Mineralogy, and Omalius d'Halloy in his Introduction to Geology. The confusion thus occasioned, and the unallowable form of the name, are reasons enough for setting it aside altogether, and adopting Altaite. 49. BORNITE. Kupferkies pt., Kupfer-Lazul Henzckel, Pyrit., 1725. Lefverslag, Brun Kopparmalm, Minera Cupri Hepatica, Cuprum sulfure et ferro mineralisatum, Wall., 283, 1747. Cuivre vitreuse violette Fr. Trl. Wall., 1753. Koppar-Lazur, Minera Cupri Lazurea, Cronst., 175, 1758. Buntkupfererz Wern. Purple Copper Ore Kirw. Variegated Copper Ore. Cuivre pyriteux hepatique, H. Phlillipsite Bend., ii., Tr., ii. 411, 1832. Pyrites erubescens Dana, Min., 408, 1837; Poikilopyrites Glock., Grundr., 328, 1839. Bornit Hraid., Handb., 562, 1845. Poikilit Breith. Erubescite Dana, Min., 510, 1850. Cobre abigarrado, Cobre panaceo, Domeyko. Isometric. Observed planes 0, I, 1, 2-2. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 11, 14. Cleavage: octahedral in traces. Twins: f. 50. Massive, structure granular or compact. H. 3. G. 44 —E -5. Lustre metallic. Color between copper-red and pinchbeck-brown; speedily tarnishes. Streak pale grayish-black, slightly shining. Fracture small conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var. —(Gu, Fe) S, the proportion of eu to Fe varying; and sometimes (there being an excess of sulphur above the ratio of unity) united to Fe S2 (pyrite), either as an impurity or a chemical compound; at times also mixed with chalcopyrite. As it is a result of the alteration of other ores, occurring only sparingly at great depths in veins, such compounds, or mixtures, are not improbable. SULPHIDS, ETC. 45 (1). In anal. 1, 5, 6, eu: Fe=4: 1 nearly, whence the special formula (4- Cu + $ Fe) S=Sulphur 22'11, copper 70-13, Fe 776=1]00. (2). In anal. 3, 4, 17, 18, eu: Fe=2: 1 nearly, and hence ( u fu+~ Fe) S=Sulphur 23'7, copper 62'5, Fe 13-8='100. (3). In the other analyses Fe S2 is apparently present. (a). Anal. 2, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 approximate more or less, in the ratio of sulphur to the metals, to 15: ] 3, whence the formula 11 (Cu, Fe) S + 2 Fe S2 (-=4 Cu S + Fe2 S3 Ramm.)-S 26'00, Cu 61'87, Fe 12'13. (b). Anal. 7 and 13 correspond to 6 (Cu, Fe) S + Fe S2 (-5 fu S + Fe2 S3 Ramm.). (c). Anal. 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, correspond to 5 (Cu, Fe) S + 2- Fe S2 (=3 Cu S + 2 Fe2 S3 Ramm.) —S 28-04, Cu 55'60, Fe 16-36100. (d). Anal. 24=10 (Cu, Fe) S + Fe S2 (=9 Cu S + Fe2 S3 Ramm.). Itammelsberg writes for No. 5, 10eu S + Fe2 S3=11 (ECu, Fe) S + Fe S2: and for No. 6, 8 Cu S + Fe2 S3=9 Cu S + Fe S2. In anal. 25, the proportion of copper is unusually small; Cu: Fe= 3: 2; formula 3 Cu S + Fe S + Fe S2 (=- — u + I Fe) S + - Fe S2. But MIne observes that the ore is not pure, and that after separating the impurity, or what is so regarded, it corresponds to eu S + Fe S2. The presence of the ordinary sulphid of iron Fe S2 appears to be far more probable than that of the uncertain Fe2 S3, as stated on page 33. Analyses: 1, 2, Bei-thier (Ann. d. M., III. iii. 48, vii. 540, 556); 3, Phillips (Ann. Phil., 1822, 297); 4, Brandes (Schw. J., xxii. 354); 5-9, Plattner (Pogg., xlvii. 351); 10, Varrentrapp (ib.); 11, Hisinger (Afh., iv. 362); 12, Chodnef (Pogg., lxi. 395); 13, Bodemann (Pogg., lv. 115); 14, Stauf (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1848, 66); 15-18, E. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 61); D. Forbes (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1. 278); 20, MBcking (Ann. Ch. Ph., xcvi. 244); 21, C. Bergemann (Jahrb. Min., 18571, 394); 22, Raammelsberg (ZS. G., xviii. 19); 23, Collier (private contrib.); 24, Rammelsberg (ihb., 20); 25, MIne (C. R., lxiii. 53): S Cu Fe 1. Montecastelli, Tuscany 21'4 67'2 6'8, gangue 40=-99'4 Berthier. 2. St. Pancrace 22'8 59-2 13'0, gangue 50=-100 Berthier. 3. Ross I., L. Killarney 23'75 61'07 14-0, quartz 0'5=99-32 Phillips. 4. Siberia 21'65 61'63 12-75, " 3'5=99-53 Brandos. 5. Sangerhausen, massive 22'58 71-00 6'41=99-99 Plattner. 6. Eisleben, massive 22-65 69'72 7-54=99'91 Plattner. 7. Woitzki, White Sea, mass. 25-06 63'03 11'56-99-65 Plattner. 8. Condurra M., Cornw., cryst. 28-24 56-76 14'84=99'84 Plattner. 9. Dalarne, massive 25-80 56'10 171367 Si 0-13-99-39 Plattner. 10. " 26'98 58-20 14'85-100'03 Varrentrapp. 11. Vestanforss, Westmanml'd 24-70 63-33 11'80=99'83 Hisinger. 12. Redruth crsyst. 26-84 57-89 14'94, gangue 0'04-99-71 Chodnef. 13. Bristol, Ct.,! massive 25-70 62-75 11'64, quartz 0'04=100'13 Bodemn. 14. Westmannland - 60-56 1024, gangue 4'09=99'11 Staaf. 15. Mt. Catini 24'93 55-88 18'03=98'84 Bechi. 16. " 23'36 59-41 13'87, gangue 0'75, Fe 1-50-98'95 B. 17. Miemo 23'98 60-16 15'09=99'23 Bechi. 18. Fericcio 24'70 60'01 15'89=100'60 Bechi. 19. Jemteland, Sweden 24'49 59171 11'12, Mln tr., Si 3'83 - 99'15 Forbes —G. = 4-432. 20. Coquimbo 25-46 60'80 13'67.=99'93 Bdcking. 21. Ramos, Mexico 23-46 62-17 11'79, Ag 2'58-=100 Berg. G.=-5 —5'47 6. 22. " G.=5'030 25-27 61'66 11-80, Pb 1-90, Ag tr.=100'63 Ramm. 23. Bristol, Ct. 25'83 61179 11'77, Ag tr. —99'39 Collier. 24. Lauterberg 23175 68173 1'63= —100'11 Ramm. 25. Corsica 26'3 50-0 15-4, insol. 8'1 —99-80 Mine. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives a fait'sublimate of sulphur. In the open tube yields sulphurous acid, but gives no sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses in R.F. to a brittle magnetic globule. The roasted mineral gives with the fluxes the reactions of iron and copper, and with soda a metallic globule. Soluble in nitric acid with separation of sulphur. Obs.-Occurs with other copper ores, and is a valuable ore of copper. Crystalline varieties are found in Cornwall, and mostly in the mines of Tincroft and Dolcoath near Redruth, where it is called by the miners " horse-flesh ore." Other foreign localities of massive varieties are at Ross Island in Killarney, in Ireland; at Mount Catini, Tuscany; in cupriferous shale in the Mansfeld district, Germany; and in Norway, Siberia, Silesia, and Hungary. It is the principal copper ore at some Chilian mines, especially those of Tamay4 and Sapos; also common in Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. At the copper mine in Bristol, Conn., if is abundant, and often in fine crystallizations (f. 1, 3, 4. and 14 with planes 0). At Cheshire. it is met with 46 SULPHIDS, ETC. in cubes, along with barite, malachite, and chalcocite. Found massive at Mahoopeny, near Wilkesbarre, Penn., and in other parts of the same State, in cupriferous shale, associated in small quantities with vitreous copper; also in granite at Chesterfield, Mass.; also in New Jersey. A common ore in Canada, at the Acton and other mines, along a belt of 15-20 m., between L. Memphremagog and Quebec. Named after von Born, a distinguished mineralogist of the last century. The name Phillipsite has a prior use for another species. 50. BERZELIANITE. Selenkupfer Berz., Afh., vi. 42, 1818. Selenid of copper; Seleniuret of Copper. Cuivre selinie Fr. Berzeline Beaud., Tr., ii. 534, 1832. Berzelianite Dana, Min., 509, 1850. In thin dendritic crusts. Soft. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white. Streak shining. Comp —fu Se=Selenium 38'4, copper 61'6=100. Analysis by Berzelius (I. c.): Selenium 40 Copper 64. Pyr.-In the open tube gives a red sublimate of selenium, with white crystals of selenous acid. B.B. on charcoal selenous fumes, and with soda yields a globule of copper. Obs.-Occurs at Skrikerum in Sweden, and also near Lehrbach in the Harz. Beudant gave the name Berzeline to this species, which, as it has another earlier application in the science, is given to another form above. 51. CASTILLITE. Castillit Ramm., ZS. G., xviii. 213. Massive. Distinctly foliated. H.=3. G.-=5186 —5241. Lustre metallic. Color and tarnish as in bornite. Comp.-41- (Eu, Zn, Pb, Ag) S+ Fe 2 with 6u: Zn: Pb: Ag=30: 7: 2~: 1). Analysis: Rammelsberg (1. c.): S Cu Zn Pb Ag Fe 25'65 41-11 12'09 10'04 4-64 6-49=100-02 Rammelsberg writes the formula (Cu Ag)2 S + 2 (Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) S. Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses rather difficultly, and changes to a slag colored red by copper. In nitric acid dissolves with the separation of sulphur and sulphate of lead, and gives a blue solution. Obs. —From Guanasevi in Mexico, where it was considered an argentiferous bornite. It is near bornite in constitution, as observed by Rammelsberg. 52. ALABANDITE. Schwarze Blende (fr. Transylvania) fuiller v. Reichzenstein, Phys. Arb. Fr. in Wien, i. 2nd Quart., 86, 1784; Bindheimn, Schrift. Ges. Fr., Berl. v. 452, 1784 (making it comp. of Mn, S, Fe, Ag). Schwarzerz Klapr., Beitr., iii. 35, 1802. Braunsteinkies Leonh., Tab., 70, 1806. Brunsteinblende [=Manganblende] Blumenbach, IIandb., i. 707, 1807. Manganglanz Karst., Tab., 72, 1808. Manganese sulfure, H., Tab., iii. 1809. Sulphuret of Manganese. Schwefel-Mangan Germ. Alabandine Beud., Tr., ii. 399, 1832. Blumenbachit Breith7., B. H. Ztg., xxii. 193, 1866. Isometric. In cubes and octahedrons. Cleavage: cubic perfect. Twins: simple, with composition-face octahedral; also cruciform, made of five conmbined octahedrons. Usually granularly massive. H. -35 —4. G. 3-95 — 404. 4'036, Mexico. Lustre submetallic. Color iron-black, tarnished brown on exposure. Streak green. Fracture uneven. Comp. —MnS= Sulphur 36'7, manganese 63-3=100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Ak. H. Stockh1822); 2, Bergemann (Jahrb. Min., 1857, 394): 1. Transylvania Sulphur 37 9 Manganese 62'1=100 Arfvedson. 2. Mexico " 36'81 " 6298= —99-79 Bergemann. SULPHIDS, ETC. 47 Earlier analyses by Klaproth, Vauquelin, and De] Rio give erroneous results, the first two finding it mainly Mn, with 11 to 15 S. Pyr.-Unchanged in the closed tube. In the open tube sulphurous fumes. Roasted on charcoal, the assay is converted into oxyd, which, with the fluxes, gives the reactions of manganese. Soluble in dilute nitric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs. —Manganblende occurs in veins in the gold mines of Nagyag, Kapnik, and Offenbanya, in Transylvania, associated with tellurium, carbonate of manganese, and quartz; at Gersdorf, near Freiberg, a variety containing a trace of arsenic; in Mexico, at the mine Preciosa in Buebla, with tetrahedrite. With regard to the cruciform twins of five octahedrons, Schrauf, who describes them, observes that 5 times the tetrahedral angle 704 is nearly 360~. 53. SYE]POORITE. Sulphuret of Cobalt Middleton, Phil. Mag., III. xvili. 352, 1846. Syepoorite J. Nicoll, Min., 458, 1849. Kobaltsulfuret pt., Schwefel Kobalt pt., Kobaltkies pt., Graukobalterz, Germ. Massive, disseminated in- grains or veins. G.- =545. Color steel-gray, inclining to yellow. Comp.-Co S-Sulphur 35-2, cobalt 64-8=100. Analysis by Middleton (. c.): Sulphur 35'36 Cobalt 64'64=100. Obs.-From Syepoor, near Rajpootanah in North-west India, where it occurs in ancient schists with pyrrhotite. It is employed by the Indian jewelers to give a rose color to gold. 54. PENTLANBTDITE. Eisen-Nickelkies Scheerer, Pogg., lviii. 316, 1843. Sulphuret of Iron and Nickel. Pentlandite D)lfr., Min., ii. 549, 1856. Nicopyrite Shep., Min., 301, 1857. Isometric. Cleavage octahedral. Massive, granular. H.=35 —4. G.=4'6. Color light bronze-yellow. Streak light bronzebrown. Not magnetic. Comp. —( Nig+ Fe) S = Sulphur 36'0, iron 41'9, nickel 22-1=100. Analysis: Scheerer (Pogg., lviii. 315): S Fe Ni Cu 1. 36-45 42170 18-35 1'16=98'66 2. 36'64 40'21 21'07 1-78=99-70 Excluding the copperas chalcopyrite, No. 1 gives S 37'02, Fe 431'3, Ni 19'25; No. 2, S 36'86, Fe 40'86, Ni 22'28. Rivet found (Dufr. Min., 1. c.), for the ore from Craigmuir in Argyleshire, S 35-8, Fe 54'8, Ni 7-6, quartz 1'4-99'6. Pyr.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes. The powdered mineral roasted B.B. on charcoal gives with the fluxes reactions for nickel and iron. Obs.-Occurs with chalcopyrite in a hornblende rock near Lillehammer in Southern Norway; slightly mixed with magnetite at Craigmuir, 9 m. from Inverary, in Argyleshire, Scotland, in gneiss; also 2 m. from Inverary, both extensively mined; at Wheal Jane in Kenwyn, Cornwall. The ore is valuable for the extraction of nickel. Named after Mr. Pentland. 55. GRUNAUITE. Nickelwismuthglanz v. Kob., J. pr. Ch., vi. 332, 1835. Bismuth Nickel. GrUnauite NTicol., Min. 458, 1849. Saynit v. Kob., Taf., 13, 1853. Isometric. Figs. 2, 6, 7. Cleavage octahedral. H.=4'5. C. =513. Lustre metallic. Color light steel-gray to silverwhite, often yellowish or grayish through tarnish. Streak dark gray. Brittle. Comp.-Analyses: 1, Kobell (1. c.). 2, 3, Schnabel (Ramm., 4th Suppl., 164): 48 SULPHIDS, ETC. S Bi Ni Fe Co Cu Pb 1. 38-16 14-11 40'65 3'48 0'28 1-68 1-58=100'24 KLobell. 2. 31-99 10'49 22',,3 5-55 11-24 11-59 711-=100 Schnabel. 3. 33-10 10'41 22'78 6'06 11713 11'56 4-36=100 Schnabel. The sulphur is to the metals present as 4~: 3. No probable formula has been deduced. Pyr., etc.-Fuses to a gray, brittle, magnetic globule, coloring the charcoal greenish-yellow Dissolves in nitric acid, excepting the sulphur. Obs.-Found at Grtinau, in Sayn Altenkirchen, with quartz and chalcopyrite. 56. SPHALEPRITE or BLENDE. Galena inanis, Germn. Blende, Agric., Interpr., 465, 1546 Blainde, Pseudo-galena, Zincum S, As, et Fe mineralisatum, Wall., lmlin., 248, 1747. Zincum, cum Fe, S mineralisatum Berg'?n., Sciagr., 1782. Sulphuret of zinc. Zinc sulfure Fr. Zinc. Blende. Sphalerit GClock., Syn., 17, 1847. Black-Jack Engl. Mtainers. Cleiophane Nuttal. Marmatite (fr. Marmato) Boussingault, Pogg., xvii. 399, 1829. Przibramite Huotl, Min., 298, 1841. Marasmolite Shzep., Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 210, 1851. Christophit Breith, B. H. Ztg., xxii. 27. Rahtite Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. xli. 209, 1866. Isometric: tetrahedral, Observed planes, 0; I; 1; 2; i-3, 4-2; 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5. Figs. 3, 29 to 33; also 73, 74. Cleavage: dodecahedral, highly perfect. Twins: composition-face 1, as in f. 75; also 76, of which 73 is the simple form. Also botryoidal, and other imitative shapes; sometimes fibrous and radiated; also massive, compact. 75 14 15 13 33 33 76 H.-3 5-4. G.-=39 — 42. 4'063, white, New Jersey. Lustre resinous to adamantine. Color brown, yellow, black, red, green; white or yellow v. when pure. Streak white —reddish-brown. Trans3 33 pparelnt-translucent. Fracture conchoidal. BritIH~~~ ~tle. Comp., Var.-Zn S=Sulphur 33, zinc 67=100. But often \ 33 /J having part of the zinc replaced by iron, and sometimes by cadmium. Var. 1. Ordinary. Containing little or no iron; colors white to yellowish-brown, sometimes black; G.=3'9 —41. The pure white blende of Franklin, N. J., is the cleiophane (anal. 5). 2. Ferriferous; affarmalite. Containing 10 p. c. or more of iron: dark-brown to black; G.=3-9 —42. The proportion of sulphid of iron to sulphid of zinc varies from 1: 5 to 1: 2, and the last ratio is that of the christophite of Breithaupt (1. c.), a brilliant-black blende from St. Christophe mine, at Breitenbruun, near Johanngeorgenstadt, having G.=-391 —3923 (1. c.). 3. Cadmiferous; Przibramite. The amount of cadmium present in any blende thus far analyzed is less than 5 per cent. Each of the above varieties may occur (a) in crystals; (b) firm, fibrous, or columnar, at times radiated or plumose; (c) cleavable, massive, or foliated; (d) granular, or compact massive. SULPHIDS, ETC. 49 The brass-ore (Messingerz Germ.). of early mineralogists is a mixture of blende and chalcopyrite. Shepard's marasmolite (1. c.) is a partially decomposed blende containing some free sulphur. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Ac. H. Stockh., 1822, 438, Pogg., i. 62); 2, Lowe (Pogg., xxxviii. 161); 3, Kersten (Pogg., lxiii. 132); 4, C. Kuhlemann (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, viii. 499); 5, T. H. Henry (Phil. Mag., IV. i. 23); 6, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 250); 7, 8, 9, Jackson (G. Rep. N. Hampshire, 208); 10, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 300); 11, 12, Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 61); 13, Scheerer (B. H. Ztg., xix., No. 15); 14, Heinichen (B. H. Ztg., xxii. 27); 15, Lecanu (J. de Pharm., ix. 457); 16, 17, 18, Berthier (Ann. d. M., ix. 419); 19, 20, Boussingault (Pogg., xvii. 399): S Zn Fe Cd 1. 33-66 66-34 - - =100 Arfvedson. 2. Przibram, fibrous 33'15 61'40 2'29 1'50=98'34 Lowe. 3. Carinthia, Raibel, rh. yw. 32'10 64'22 1-32 tr., Sb and Pb 0'72, H 0-80=99-16 Kersten. 4. Clausthal, black 33'04 65'39 1'18 0-79, Cu 0'13, Sb 0-63=101-06 Kuhlemann. 5. N. Jersey, white 32-22 67-46 - tr.-9968 Henry. 6. Phenixville, Pa. 33'82 64'39 - 098, Cu 0-32, Pb 0-78=100'29 Smith. 7. Eaton, N. H., ywh. bn. 33-22 63-62 3'10 0'6 including loss=100 Jackson. 8. Lyman, N. H. 33'4 55-6 8-4 2'3=99'7 Jackson. 9. Shelburne, N. H. 32'6 52'0 10-0 3'2, Mn 1-3=99-1 Jackson. 10. Christiania, fibrous 33-73 53-17 11-79 -, Mn 0-74, Cu tr.=99'43 Scheerer. 11. Tuscany, marmatite 32-12 50'90 11-44 1'23, Fe S2 0-75 —9644 Bechi. 12. " " 33'65 48'11 16'23 tr., Cu tr.=97'99 Bechi. 13. Titiribi, N. G., bkh. bn. 33'82 54'17 11'19 0 82, Mu 0-88=100'88 Scheerer. 14. Christophite, black 33-57 44-67 18-25 0-28, Mn 2'66, Sn tr.=99'43 Heinichen. ZnS FeS 15. Charente 82-76 13-'1=96'-4 Lecanu. 16. England, gray 91'8 6-4=98'2 Berthier. 17. Cagulin, brown 75'5 17-2=92-7 Berthier. 18. Luchon 94'4 5-4=99'8 Berthier. 19. Marmato, Marmatite 77-5 22'5=100 Boussingault. 20 " " 768 23'2=100 Boussingault. The marmatite of anal. 19 affords the formula 3 ZnS+ FeS —77 Zn S and 23 FeS; of anal. 12, 5 Zn S + 2 FeS; another, of brown color, from near Burbach in Siegen, afforded Schnabel (Pogg., cv. 144) 5 ZnS + FeS; Breithaupt's christophite=2 ZnS + FeS. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes, and generally changes color. B.B. on charcoal, in R.F., some varieties give at first a reddish-brown coating of oxyd of cadmium, and later a coating of oxyd of zinc, which is yellow while hot and white after cooling. With cobalt solution the zinc coating gives a green color when heated in O.F. Most varieties, after roasting, give with borax a reaction for iron. With soda on charcoal in R.F. a strong green zinc flame. Difficultly fusible. Dissolves in muriatic acid, during which sulphuretted hydrogen is disengaged. Some specimens phosphoresce when struck with a steel or by friction. Obs.-Occurs in both crystalline and sedimentary rocks, and is usually associated with galena; also with barite, chalcopyrite, fluorite, siderite, and frequently in silver mines. Derbyshire, Cumberland, and Cornwall, afford different varieties; also Transylvania; Hungary; the Harz; Sahla in Sweden; Ratieborzitz in Bohemia; many Saxon localities. Splendid crystals are found in Binnenthal. A variety having a divergent fibrous structure and presenting botryoidal forms is met with in Cornwall; at Raibel; and at Geroldseck in Baden. Abounds with the lead ore of Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois. In N. York, Sullivan Co., near Wurtzboro', it constitutes a large part of a lead vein in millstone grit, and is occasionally in octahedrons; in St. Lawrence Co., brown blende occurs at Cooper's falls, in a vein of carbonate of lime; at Mineral Point with galena, and in Fowler, on the farm of Mr. Belmont, in a vein with iron and copper pyrites traversing serpentine; at the Ancram lead mine in Columbia Co., of yellow and brown colors; in limestone at Lockport and other places, in honey and wax-yellow crystals often transparent; with galena on Flat Creek, two miles south-west of Spraker's Basin. In Mass., at Sterling of a cherry-red color, with galena; also yellowish-brown at the Southampton lead mines; at Hatfield, with galena. In N. Hamnp., at the Eaton lead mine; at Warren. a large vein of black blende, In Maine, at the Lubec lead mines; also at Bingham, Dexter, and Parsonsfield. In Conn., yellowish-green at Brookfield; at Berlin, of a yellow color; brownish-black at Roxbury, and yellowish-brown at Lane's mine, Monroe. In N. Jersey, a white variety (cleiophane of Nuttall) at Franklin. In Penn., at the Wheatley and Perkiomen lead mines, in handsome crystallizations; near Friedensville, Lehigh Co., a white waxy var. In Virginia, at Walton's gold mine, Louisa Co., and more abundantly at Austin's lead mines, Wythe Co., where it occurs 4 50 SULPHIDS, ETC. crystallized, or in radiated crystallizations. In Michigan, at Prince vein, Lake Superior, abundant. In Illinois, near Rosiclare, with galenite and calcite; at Marsden's diggings, near Galena, in stalactites, some 6 in. or more through, and covered with cryst. pyrite, and galenite. In Wisconsin, at Mineral Point, in fine crystals, and many of large size (3 in. through, or so), altered to smithsonite. In Tennessee, at Haysboro', near Nashville. Named blende because, while often resembling galena, it yielded no lead, the word in German meaning blind or deceiving. Sphalerite is from uaXi:pig, treacherous. Alt.-Blende by oxydation changes to zinc vitriol. Calamine (Zn3 Si+ 1- I), smithsonite (Zn 0i), and limonite occur as pseudomorphs. The sulphate is decomposed by bi-carbonate of lime, producing smithsonite; and the alkaline silicates in solution, acting on the sulphate or carbonate, afford silicate of zinc. Artif.-Blende may be made in crystals from a solution of sulphate containing some putrifying animal matter; in an experiment by Gages, using oysters for the animal matter, the shells were turned partly into carbonate of zinc and selenite, and some blende incrusted them. Also may be made by subjecting heated oxyd or silicate of zinc to vapors of sulphur. Rahtite of Shepard (1. c.) is a wholly uncrystalline blende, with G.=4'128, containing iron and copper, and probably a mere mixture of blende and other minerals. Shepard says that it occurs "' in the upper decomposed portion of the Ducktown copper lode, associated with melaconite and various mixtures of chalcopyrite, redruthite," etc. The specimen analyzed by Mr. Tyler for Prof. Shepard was iron-black, while Shepard says that the mineral is " dark lead-gray, with a tinge of blue, not unlike some of the ores of antimony." Tyler obtained (1. c.) for the composition of his specimen, S 33-36, Zn 47'86, Fe 6-18, Cu 14'00, giving approximately 10 S, 7 Zn, 1 Fe, 2 Cu, and equivalent to 7 Zn S + Fe S2 + fu S, or I of blende, with 1 pyrite and 1 chalcocite (redruthite). Since -u (not Cu) replaces Fe and the related metals in the sulphids, the formula cannot be (Zn, Fe, Cu) S, or that of a cupreous blende. 57. VOHTZITE. Voltzine Fournet, Ann. d. M., III. iii. 519, 1833. Oxysulphuret of Zinc. Leberblende Breith., J. pr. Oh., xv. 1838, B. H. Ztg., xxii. 26. Voltzit Ramnn., Handw., 260, 1841. In implanted spherical globules; structure thin curved lamellar. 4 4.=4-4-5. G.- 6-36 81. Lustre vitreous to greasy; or pearly on a cleavage surface. Color dirty rose-red, yellowish, brownish. Opaque or subtranslucent. Var.-G.=3'66 fr. Rosieres, Fournet; 3'691 fr. Geyer; 3'711 fr. Marienberg; 3'777 fr. Cornwall; 3-804 fr. Johanngeorgenstadt. Comp.-4 Zn S+Zn O=Sulphid of zinc 82-73, oxyd of zinc 1727=-100. Analyses: 1, Fournet (1. c.); 2, Lindaker (Vogl's Min. Joach., 175): 1. Rosiere-s Zn S 82'92 Zn 0 15'34 Fe 1'84 Resinous subst, tr.=100'10 Fournet. 2. Joachimsthal 82-75 17'25=100 Lindaker. Pyr., etc.-B.B. like blende. In muriatic acid affords fumes of sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-Occurs at Rosinres, near Pont Gibaud, in Puy de Dbme; Elias mine near Joachimsthal, with galenite, blende, native bismuth, etc.; near Marienberg (the leberblende); IHochmuth near Geyer; Cornwall, probably at Redruth; at Bernkastel on the Mosel, in pseudomorphs after quartz. Named after the French mining engineer, Voltz. The supposed artificial voltzite from the Freiberg smelting-works has been shown to be blende. 58. HESSITE. Tellursilber G. Rose, Pogg., xviii. 64, 1830. Savodinskite Huot, Min., i. 187, 1841. Telluric Silver. Hessit Frbel, Grundz. Syst. Kryst., 49, 1843. Orthorhombic, and resembling 6halcocite, Kenngott, Peters. Occurring planes O, I, i-i, i-i, n-t, i-n, and others. Cleavage indistinct. Massive; compact or fine-grained; rarely coarse-granular. lH.=2 —35. G.-=83 — 86. Lustre metallic. Color between lead-gray and steel-gray. Sectile. Fracture even. Comp.-Ag Te=Tellurium 37'2, silver 62'8=100. Silver sometimes replaced in part by gold. Analyses.: 1, 2, G. Rose (Pogg., xviii. 64); 3, Petz (ib., lvii. 647); 4, Rammelsberg (4th Suppl.,.220): SULPHIDS) ETC. 51 1. Savodinski, Altai Te 36'96 Ag 62'42 Fe 0'24=99'62 Rose. 2. " it G.=8'41-8'565 36'89 62'32 0'50=9971 Rose. 3. Nagyag G.-=8'31 —845 [37'76] 61-55, Au 0'69, Fe, Pb, S, tr.-100 Petz. 4. Retzbanya 27 96 54'67 Foreign substances 15'25=97'88 Ramm. Pyr.-In the open tube a faint white sublimate of tellurous acid, which B.B. fuses to colorless globules. On charcoal fuses to a black globule; this treated in R.F. presents on cooling white dendritic points of silver on its surface; with soda gives a globule of silver. Obs.-Occurs in the Savodinski mine, about 10 versts from the rich silver mine of Zirianovski in the Altai, in Siberia, in a talcose rock, with pyrite, black blende, and chalcopyrite. Specimens in the museum of Barnaul, on the Ob, are a cubic foot in size. Also found at Nagyag in Transylvania, and at Retzbanya in Hungary; Stanislaus mine, Calaveras Co., Cal. Kennigott examined crystals from Nagyag, and Peters, from Retzbanya. Hess made the Altai mineral rhombohedral, which Kokscharof does not sustain. 58A. PETZITE. (Tellursilber Petz, Pogg., lvii. 470; Tellurgoldsilber HIausm., Handb., 1847. Petzit Haid., Handb., 1845.) Differs from hessite in gold replacing much of the silver. H.=2'5. G.=8'72-8-83, Petz; 9 —94, Kiistel. Color between steel-gray and iron-black, sometimes with pavonine tarnish. Streak iron-black. Brittle. Composition Au Te+4- Ag Te, Petz Au Te +3 Ag Te, Genth. Analyses: 1, Petz (1. c.); 2-4, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 310); 5, Kistel (ib., B. H. Ztg., 1866, 128): 1. Nagyag Te [34098] Ag 46-76 Au 18-26, Fe, Pb, S tr.=100 Petz. 2. Stauislaus mine (-) [32'23] 42'14 25'63=100 Genth. 3. Golden Rule mine 32'68 41'86 25'60=100'14 Genth. 4. " " [34'16] 40'87 24'97=100 Genth. 5. Stanislaus mine 35'40? 40'60 2480= 100'80 Kiistel. Occurs at the localities stated, with other ores of tellurium. 59. DALEMINZITE. Daleminzit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxi. 98, 1862, xxii. 44, 1863. Orthorhombic, and isomorphous with chalcocite: J A 1=116~. Occurring planes 0, I, i-i, 2-2, 1-4. HI. 2-2'5. G. - 7-044-7-049. Physical characters like those of argentite. iomp.-Ag S, or same as for argentite, it being the same chemical compound under an orthorhombic form. Pyr.-Same as for argentite. Obs.-From the Himmelfahrt mine near Freiberg. Much resembles stephanite. Named from Dalminzien, the ancient name of Freiberg. Akanthite is also orthorhombic sulphid of silver, but of very different angles. 60. AaANTHITE. Akanthit Kenng., Pogg., xcv. 462, 1855. Orthorhombic. IA I=110~ 54'; 0 A 1- =124~ 42'; a: b: c=1-4442: 1: 1'4523. Observed planes: as in f. 77, with also vertical i-n, i-2; domes, -. 2-, 5-? -, 2z. 8-Z?; octahedral -, — o, -2; - 8 —'L~) 3-7? 5 - 5-5 2-; 8. -5; 4-; 20? -, -2, 1-2- 4-Z - 5 4a (Dauber). O A 1-i=1350 10'; 0 A 11190~ 42'; O A 2 - 140 40', i-b A 2-2=138~ 33', i-i A =-124~ 33', 1 A 1, over,4 1-,=R88 3' (obs.) 1 A 1-7=150~ 31' (obs.) 1 A I 140~ 18', 1-i A i- -1450 18', 1- A 1-, over i-= 110~ 1 36'. Twins: composition parallel to 1-. Crystals. usually slender-pointed prisms. Cleavage indistinct. H.=2'5 or under. G.=7'16-7'33; 7'16-7'236, 22 2 from Freiberg; 7'188-7-'326 from Joachimsthal. \ Lustre metallic. Color iron-black or like argentite. Fracture uneven, giving a shining surface. Sectile. Comp.-Ag S, or like argentite. P. Weselsky obtained (J. pr. Ch., lxxxi. 487) from a Freiberg specimen 86'71 silver, 12'70 sul- phur; from a Joachimsthal specimen, 87'4 silver. Pyr.-Same as for argentite. Freiberg. 52 SULPHIDS, ETC. Obs.-At Joachimsthal, with pyrite, argentite, and calcite, usually on quartz; also at the Himmelfiirst mine, near Freiberg in Saxony, along with argentite and stephanite. The crystals are parallel with those of stromeyerite when 1-i is made I; in that case IA I=110~ 36', and I-i A 14-i =89~ 40'; while in stromeyerite these angles are 119~ 35' and i-i A 1 —=91~ 44'; and twins are compounded parallel to I in each. On cryst., see H. Dauber, Ber. Ak. Wien, xxxix. 685. The prisms 1-i, and I, correspond nearly in angle to the twining form 4-i of chalcocite. The ore analyzed by W. C. Taylor, and referred by him to stromeyerite, may belong to acanthite, as suggested by Kenngott; but this can be made certain only by ascertaining its crystalline form. 61. CHALCOCITE. tEs rude plumbei coloris pt., Germ. Kupferglaserz, Agric., Interpr., 461, 1546. Koppar-Glas pt., Cuprum vitreum, Wall., 282, 1747. Cuivre vitreux Fr. Trl. Wall., i. 509, 1753. Kopparmalm, Cuprum sulphure mineralisatum pt., Cronst., 174, 1758. Vitreous Copper, Sulphuret of Copper. Cuivre sulfure Fr. Kupferglanz Germ. Copper Glance. Chalcosine Beud., Tr., ii. 408, 1832. Cyprit GClock., Syn., 1847. Redruthite Nicol, Min., 1849. Kuprein Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxii. 35, 1863. Digenit Breith., Pogg., lxi. 673, 1844. Carmenite H. Hahn, B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 86, 1865. Orthorhombic. IA 1=119~ 35', 0 A 1-1=120~ 57'; a: b: c=1-6676: 1: 17176. Observed planes: 0; vertical, l; i-i, i i, i-I, i-; domes, 2-4, -, 14, —, ~-; octahedral, -1, 1 4. 3 Y I X I I 0 35 V O A 1-147~ 16' 0 A ]-i-1470 6' O A 1 —=135~ 52' OA~1=136 21 0A 2-=117 16 i- A i —=120 25 O A 1-117 24: 0 A 4-=124: 30 1 A 1, mac.,=126 56~ 78 79 80 81 ~ 21 0 2iil 2 Bristol, Ct. Bristol, Ct. Bristol, Ct. Cleavage: I, indistinct. Twins: (1) composition-face I, producing hexagonal, or stellate forms (left half of f. 80); (2) composition-face 4-T, a cruciform twin (f. 80), crossing at angles of 111e and 69~; (3) (f. 81), a cruciform twin, having O and I of one crystal parallel respectively to i- and O of the other; (4) c.-face ~. Also massive, structure granular, or compact and impalpable. H.=2'5-3. G.=5'-5-58; 5'7022 Thomson. Lustre metallic. Color and streak blackish lead-gray; often tarnished blue or green; streak sometimes shining. Fracture conchoidal. Comp. —eu S=Sulphur 20-2, copper 79'8=100. Analyses: 1, Ullmann (Syst. tab. Uebers., 243); 2, 3, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 290); 4, Schnabel (Ramm. 4th Supp., 121); 5, C. Bechli (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 61); 6, 7, Wilczynsky (Ramm., 5th Suppl., 151, and Min. Ch., 997); 8, P. Collier (private contrib.): S Cu Fe 1. Siegen 19-00 79'50 0'75, Si 1-00=100'25 Ullmann 2. Tellemark, Norway, G.=5'795 20'43 77'76 0'91=99'10 Scheerer. SULPHIDS, ETC. 53 S Cu Fe 3. Tellemark, Norway, G.=5'521 20-36 79-12 0'28=99'76 Scheerer. 4. Siegen, massive 21-50 74'73 1'26, Si 2-00=99'49 Schnabel. 5. Mt. Catini 20-50 76'54!75=985'79 Bechi. 6. Chili 21'81 74'71 3'33=99-85 Wilczynsky. 7. Montagone, Tuscany 21'90 71'31 6'49=99'70 Rammelsberg.. 8. Bristol, Ct. 20'26 79'42 0 33, Ag 0'11-100-12 Collier. Pyr., etc.-Yields nothing volatile in the closed tube. In the open tube gives off sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal melts to a globule, which boils with spirting; with soda is reduced to metallic copper. soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-Corawall affords splendid crystals where it occurs in veins and beds with other ores of copper, and especially near St. Just. It occurs also at Fassnetburn in lIaddingtonshire, in Ayrshire, and in Fair Island, Scotland. The compact and massive varieties occur in Siberia, Hesse, Saxony, the Bannat, etc.; Mt. Catini mines in Tuscany; Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chili. Near Angina, Tuscany, a crystal has been obtained, weighing half a pound. In the United States, compact varieties occur in the red sandstone formation at Simsbury and Cheshire, Conn.; also at Schuyler's mines, N. J. Bristol, Conn., affords large and brilliant crystals, f.'9-81; fig. 80, a crystal, with its strime and irregularities, compounded by two different methods. Another crystal has a small octahedral plane situated obliquely upon the intersection of i, 1, and adjoining the brachydiagonal section, which is probably the plane 1-2. 2-i A 2-i in the Bristol crystals=125~ 43'. In Virginia, in the United States copper mine district, Blue Ridge, Orange Co. Between Newmarket and Taneytown, Maryland, east of the Monocacey, with chalcopyrite. In Arizona, near La Paz; in N. W. Sonora. In Nevada, in Washoe, Humboldt, Churchill and Nye Cos. The Argent en epis or Cuivre spiciforme of Haiiy, which is merely vegetable matter impregnated with this ore, occurs at Frankenberg in Hessia, and also Mahoopeny, Penn. Under the name Cupreine, Breithaupt separates the larger part of the specimens, referred to chalcocite, on the ground alleged that they are hezagonal instead of orthorhombic, and have a lower specific gravity. He gives for the angle between the base and a pyramidal face 117~ 53' approximately, and G. —55 —55586 of the mineral from 12 different localities. He cites Scheerer's two analyses above of the Tellemark mineral. Other localities mentioned are Kongsberg in Norway; near Freiberg, Sadisdorf, Deutsch-Neudorf, in Saxony; Schmiedeberg in Silesia; Hettstedt and Sangerhausen in Thuringia; near Siegen; Mt. Catini in Tuscany; Bosgolovsk in Siberia; Kargalinsk Steppes in Orenberg; Cornwall; Eleonora and Ulrique in Mexico; West Coast of Africa. Breithaupt is certainly in error with regard to the Cornwall mineral, as the measurements of Phillips and others, and recently of Maskelyne (in a letter to the author), conclusively prove; and probably in error throughout. Beudant's name, chalcosine, has priority. We change the termination ine, which ought to be out of the science, and substitute c for s. Chalcite (Xa)XKLTS in Greek), Aristotle's name for the common ore of Cyprus, cannot be employed in modern mineralogy, because it has the same pronunciation with calcite. But with the added syllable, used above, this objection does not hold. Moreover, the word thus altered does not imply an identity of the species with that of Cyprus, about which there is yet much doubt. Alt.-Occurs altered to chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, melaconite. Specimens are often penetrated with the covellite, or indigo-copper, resulting from the alteration. (A) Digenite of Breithaupt (1. c.) is probably a mineral of this kind. Plattner obtained B.B., 70'2 of copper and 0-24 of silver, whence the formula Mu S + 2 -u S2, making it a compound of 1 chalcocite + 2 covellite. Localities mentioned are Sangerhausen in Thuringia; Szaska in Transylvania; in the Government of Orenburg; Platten in Bohemia; Angola, W. Coast of Africa; Chili, with cuproplumbite. (B) Carmenite of Hahn (1. c.), from Carmen island, in the Gulf of California, approaches digenite. It is an impure chalcocite, containing visibly, as the author finds after personal examination, much covellite. Hahn analyzed. the mass by first separating into two parts, one soluble in muriatic acid, and the other not; and the former was then analyzed, and the composition obtained given as that of carmenite; it was S 26-22, Sb 0'97, Cu 71'30, Fe 1'37, Ag 0'05, gangue 0-77=100' 68, corresponding to 1 chalcocite + 1 covellite. (C) HAnRISITE of Shepard (Rep. on Canton Mine, cited in Am. J. Sci., II. xxii. 256 and Pratt Am. J. Sci. II. xxiii. 409), from Canton mine, Georgia, and later found at the Polk Co. copper mines in East Tennessee, is chalcocite with the cleavage of galena, and, as Genth has proved, is pseudomorphous after galena. Genth's many analyses of the Tennessee mineral (Am. J. Sci. II. xxxiii. 194) show a variation in composition from that of clialcocite to that of a mixture with 27 p. c. of galena. Unaltered galena has been observed within crystals of harrisite both at the Georgia and Tennessee localities. Its color is dark lead-gray and bluish-black. As Genth observes, it is related to the so-called c'aproplumbite (p. 42). 54 SSULPHIDS, ETC. Artif.-The double sulphate of copper and iron, in carbonated water containing putrescible animal matter, afforded Gages malachite, selenite, and some chalcocite. 62. STROMEYERITEI. Silberkupferglanz Hausmn. & Strom., Gel. Anz. GStt., ii. 1249, 1816 Argent et cuivre sulfure Bournon, Cat., 2 L2, 1817. Sulphuret of Silver and Copper. Argentiferous Sulphuret of Copper. Cuivre sulfur6 argentif6re Fr. Stromeyerine Beud., Tr., ii. 410, 1832. Stromeyerite Shep., ii. 211, 1835. Orthorhombic: isomorphous with chalcocite. IA I=119~ 35'. Observed planes O, i-i, -i,; OA =154~ 16', 0 A ~-i 155~ 7'. Also massive, compact. Hl.=2'5-3. G.=6'2 —6' 3. Lustre metallic. Color dark steel-gray. Streak shining. Fracture subconchoidal. Comp.-(Ag eu) S, or Ag S +e u S=Sulphurl5'8, silver 53'1, copper 311 = 100. Analyses: 1, W. J. Taylor (Proc. Ac. Philad., Nov., 1859); 2, Stromeyer (Schw. J., xix. 325); 3, Sander (Pogg., xl. 313); 4-7, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., IV. iii. 9); 8, 9, P. Collier (private contrib.): S Ag Cu Fe 1. Copiapo 16'35 69'59 11'12 2-86=99-92 Taylor. 2. Schlangenberg, Siberia 15'782 52'272 30'478 0'333=98'865 Stromeyer. 3. Rudelstadt, Silesia 15-92 52-71 30-95 0-24=99'82 Sander. 4. S. Pedro, Chili 17'83 28'79 53'38 - -100 Domeyko. 5. Catemo, " 19'93 24'04 53'94 2-09=100 Domeyko. 6. " 20'53 16'58 60'58 2-31=100 Domeyko.'. " " 21-41 12'08 63'98 2-53=100 Domeyko. 8. Arizona 19'44 14'05 64-02 0'48, Hg 1-30=99'29 Collier. 9. " 19'41 7'42 72-73 0-33=99-89 Collier. Domeyko's analyses indicate a large proportion of the copper sulphid, No. 4 containing, along with Ag S, as Rammelsberg shows (Min. Chem., 54), 9 Gu S; 5, 6 -u S; 6, 4 eu S; 7, 3 /u Zs Taylor's analysis corresponds to (Ag, eu, Fe) S. Pyr., etc.-Fuses, but gives no sublimate in the closed tube. In the open tube sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal in O.F. fuses to a semi-malleable globule, which, treated with the fluxes, reacts strongly for copper, and cupelled with lead gives a silver globule. Soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-Found associated with chalcopyrite at Schlangenberg, near Klolyvan in Siberia; at Rudelstadt, Silesia; also in Chili; at Combavalla in Peru; at Heintzelman mine in Arizona. Named after Stromeyer, by whom the mineral was first analyzed and established. 63. STERNBEB3RGITE. Haid., Trans. Roy. Soc., Ed., 1827, and Brewst. J., vii. 242. 82 Orthorhombic. IA -=1190 30', 0 A 1-=-124~ 49', 0- o B. & M.; a:b: c=14379: 1: 17145. 0 A 1 1210, O A 2=1060 43', 0 A 2 —1=20~ 48'. Striae of 0 macrodiagonal, of sides horizontal. Cleavage: basal highly eminent. Commonly in implanted crystals, forming rose-like or fan-like aggregations. Sometimes compound parallel to I. 1H.=1-1'5. G.-=4215. Lustre of O brightly metallic. Color pinchbeck-brown, occasionally a violet-blue tarnish on 1 and 2. Streak black. Opaque. Thin laminae flexible; may be smoothed down by the nail when bent, like tinll foil. Leaves traces on paper like plumbago. Comp.-Ag S + 3 Fe S+ Fe S2 =4 (2 Ag + Fe) S+ Fe S2=Sulphur 30'4, silver 34'2, iron 35'4 =100. Ratio of sulphur, iron, and silver more exactly 6: 4: 1. Analysis by Zippe (Pogg., xxvii. 690): Sulphur 30-0 Silver 33'2 Iron 36'0=99'2. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal gives off sulphur and fuses to a magnetic globule, the surface of which shows separated metallic silver. The washed min SULPHIDS, ETC. 55 eral, treated with the fluxes, gives reaction for iron; on charcoal yields a globule of metallic silver. Soluble in aqua-regia with separation of sulphur and chlorid of sliver. Obs.-Occurs with ores of silver, particularly pyrargyrite and stephanite, at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, and Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony. Named after Count Casper Sternberg of Prague. The Flexible silver ore (Argent suelfre flexible Bourn., Bieysamer Silberglanz) from Himmelsffirst mine, near Freiberg, is referred here. According to Brooke & Miller the figure by Phillips is a distorted figure of argentite. The angles of sterlbergite, above given, are from very perfect crystals in Mr. Brooke's collection, which were formerly in the possession of Count Bournon (B. & M., p. 180). The plane 24 is on the edge of 0 A i-i; and besides this, there is another 10-i, represented by these authors, with also the macrodome 6-i, and the pyramid 2-2. 64. CINNABAR. Kvv,6aptL (fr. Spain) Theophr. "Apptov 1Dioscor. Minium Vitruv., Plin. Minium nativum, Germ. Bergzinober, Agric., Interpr., 466, 1546. Cinnabar; Sulphuret of Mercury. Zinnober, Schwegfplquecksilber, Merkur-Blende, Germ. Rhombohedral. AXR=-92~ 36',RA 0-127~ 6'; a-=11448. Observed planes: rhombohedrons,,, 3, 2, 4 2, 3 4, 26 83 —, -4 -2 _ -R 29 -2 -1 pyramids, 22, 62; scalenohedron I3 9,, a,-,- -, y P,, a, 1, and also 0, I. Also granular, massive; sometimes forming superficial coatings. OA~ —1460 32/ 4 A 4 1010 58' 8 OA -138 36 2 A 2 —110 6.. O 2 0 A-4133 24 OA 90 2 24 0AJ90 3 11 OA2=110 43 IAI _r120 0A2=- 71 48 Cleavage: I; very perfect. Twins: composition- 2 I face O. I H.=2-2.5. G.-=8998, a cleavable variety from Neumarktel. Lustre adamantine, inclining to metallie when dark colored, and to dull in friable varieties. Color cochineal-red, often inclining to brownish-red and lead-gray. Streak scarlet, subtransparent, opaque. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Sectile. Polarization circular. Ordinary refraction 2-854, extraordinary 3'201, Descl. Var.-1. Ordinary: either (a) crystallized; (b) massive, granular, or compact; bright red to reddish-brown in color; (c) earthy and bright red. 2. Hejpatic (Quecksilberlebererz and. Quecksilberbranderz, Germ., Inflammable cinnabar), of a liver-brown color, with sometimes a brownish streak, occasionally slaty in structure, though commonly granular or compact. Cinnabar mix6d with an organic substance called idrialine (q. v.) occurs at Idria. The corallinerz of Idria is a curved lamellar variety of hepatic cinnabar. Comp.-H-g S (or Hg' S3)=Sulphur 13-8, quicksilver 8621 —100. Sometimes impure from clay, oxyd of iron, bitumen. Analyses: 1, 2, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 14); 3, John (John's Ch. Unt., i. 252); 4, 5, Schnabel (Ramm., 4th Suppl., 269); 6, A. Bealey (J. Ch. Soc., iv.); 7, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 24): S Hg 1. Neumarktel 14'25 85-00=,99'25 Klaproth. 2. Japan 14-75 84-50=99'25 Klaproth. 3. " 17'5 78'4, Fe 1'7, Al 0'7, Ca 1-3, -I~n 0-2=100 John. 4. Westphalia 13-67 86'79=100'46 Schnabel. 5. Wetzlar 18'78 84'55, gangue 1'02=99'35 Schnabel. 6. California 11-38 69-36, Fe 1-23, Ca 1-40, Al 0-61, Mg 0'49, Si 14:30 Bealey. 7. Idria, hepatic 13-75 81-80, Fe 0-2, 1A 0-55, Cu 0-02, Si 0-65, C 3-3=-99'27 Klaproth. Pyr.-In the closed tube a black sublimate. Carefully heated in the open tube gives sulphurous fumes and metallic mercury, condensing in minute globules on the cold walls of the tube. B.B. on charcoal wholly volatile if pure. Obs.-Cinnabar occurs in beds in slate rocks and shales, and rarely in granite or porphyry. It 56 SULPHDS, ETC, has been observed in veins, with ores of iron. The Idria mines are in the Carboniferous formation; those of New Almaden, California, in partially altered Cretaceous or Tertiary beds. Good crystals occur in the coal formations of Moschellandsberg and Wolfstein in the Palatinate; also in Japan, Mexico, and Brazil. The most important European beds of this ore are at Almaden in Spain, and at Idria in Carniola, where it is usually massive. It occurs at Reichenau in Upper Carinthia; in beds traversing gneiss at Dunbrawa in Transylvania; in graywacke at Windisch Kappel in Carinthia; at Neumarktel in Carniola; at Ripa in Tuscany; at Schemnitz in Hungary; in the Urals and Altai; in China abundantly, and in Japan; San Onofre and elsewhere in Mexico; at Huanca Velica in Southern Peru, abundant; in the Provinces of Coquimbo; Copiapo in Chili; forming extensive mines in California, in the coast ranges at different points from Clear lake in the north (near which there is a vein in a bed of sulphur) to San Luis Obispo in the south, the principal mines in which region are at New Almaden and the vicinity, in Santa Clara Co., about 60 m. S.S.E. of San Francisco. Also in Idaho, in limestone, abundant. This ore is the source of the mercury of commerce, from which it is obtained by sublimation. When pure it is identical with the manufactured vermilion of commerce. The above figure is from an elaborate paper by Schabus, Ber. Ak. Wien, vi. 63. The name Cinnabar is supposed to come from India, where it is applied to the red resin, dragon's blood. The native cinnabar of Theophrastus is true cinnabar; he speaks of its affording quicksilver. The Latin name of cinnabar, miniumrr, is now given to red lead, a substance which was early used for adulterating cinnabar, and so got at last the name. It has been said (King on Precious Stones) that the word mine (miniera, Ital.) and mineral come from the Latin for quicksilver mine, miniaria (Fodina miniaria). 65. TIEM1.ANNITE. Selenquecksilber Marxc, Schw. J. liv. 223, 1828. Selenid of Mercury. Selenmercur, Tiemannit, Naumann, Min., 425, 1855. Massive; compact granular. Cleavage none. I.-=2'5. G.- 71 — 737, Clausthal; 7'274, fr. Tilkerode. Lustre metallic. Color steel-gray to blackish lead-gray. Comp. —Selenid of mercury. Perhaps Hg Se=Selenium 28'4, mercury 7116=100; but the analyses correspond mostly to Hg6 Se —Selenium 24'8, mercury 75'2=100. Anal. 4 gives Hgo" Se~o. Analyses: 1, 2, Kerl (B. H. Ztg., 1852); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxviii. 39); 4, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1010): Se S Hg 1. Zorge 21'27 0-36 65-52, quartz 10-2=-99-57 Kerl. 2. " 24-05 0'12 12-26, " 2-86=99'74 Kerl. 3. " 25-5 -- 74'5=100 (quartz excluded) Ramm. 4. Tilkerode 23'61 0170 74'02=98'33 Schultz. Pyr.-Decrepitates in the closed tube, and, when pure, entirely sublimes, giving a black sublimate, with the upper edge reddish-brown; with soda a sublimate of metallic mercury. In the open tube emits the odor of selenium, and forms a black to reddish-brown sublimate, with a border of white selenate of mercury, the latter sometimes fusing into drops. On charcoal volatilizes, coloring the outer flame azure-blue, and giving a lustrous metallic coating. Obs.-Occurs with chalcopyrite near Zorge in the Harz; at Tilkerode; near Clausthal; in California, in the vicinity of Clear lake. Named after the discoverer, Tiemann. A. ONOFRITE of Haidinger (Selenschwefelquecksilber H. Rose, Merkurglanz Breith., Char., 1832), from San Onofre, Mexico, first made known by Del Rio, is either a compound or mixture of selenid and sulphid of copper. H. Rose obtained (Pogg., xlvi. 315, 1839) Se 6'49, S 10'30, Hg 81'6398-12, corresponding to Hg Se + 4 Hg S. It is a fine granular ore, of a dark lead-gray color, shining when rubbed. G.=5-56, Del Rio; powder soils. 66. MILLERITE. Haarkies (as a var. of Schwefelkies) Wern., Bergm. J., 383, 1189; (fr. Johanng.) Hoffmann, id., 175, 1791. Fer sulfure capillaire (as a var. of Pyrite) H., Tr., iv. 1801. Capillary Pyrites. Gediegen Nickel Klapr., Beitr., v. 231, 1810. Schwefelnickel Berz.; Arfvedson, Ac. H. Stockh., 1822, 427. Nickelkies Germ. Sulphuret of Nickel. Nickel sulfure4 F. HIarkise Beud., Tr., ii. 400, 1832. Capillose Chapman, Min., 135, 1843. Millerit Haid., Handb., 561, 1845. Trichopyrit Glock., Syn., 43, 1847. Rhombohedral. R A R 144~ 8', Miller. a=0-32955. Observed planes: rhombohedral R. 1, -1, -3; prismatic I, i-2, i- -; R A I= 1100 50', IA 3=138~ 47', A I-161~ 22', OAR =159 10'. SULPHIDS, ETC. 57 Cleavage: rhombohedral, perfect. Usual in capillary crystals. Rarely in columnar tufted coatings, partly semi-globular and radiated. HI. 3 —3'5. G. — 46 —5'65; 5'65 fr. Saalfeld, Ramm.; 4'601, fr. Joachimsthal, Kenngott. Lustre metallic. Color brass-yellow, inclining to bronze-yellow, with often a gray iridescent tarnish. Streak bright. Brittle. Comp.-Ni S=Sulphur 35'1, nickel 64'9=100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Ac. II. Stockh., 1822, 421); 2, Rammelsberg (1st Suppl., 67); 3, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 195): S Ni Co Fe Cu 1. 34'26 64'35 - — 98'61 Arfvedson. 2. Saalfeld 35179 6134 1173 1'14=100 Ramm. 3. Gap mine, Pa. 35'14 63808 0'58 0'40 0'87, gangue 0'28=100-35 G. A partly altered millerite afforded Genth (1. c.) S 33'60, Ni, Co.59'96, Fe 1'32, Cu 4'63, gangue 0'54 —100'05. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal fuses to a globule. When roasted, gives with borax and salt of phosphorus a violet bead in O.F., becoming gray in R.F. from reduced metallic nickel. On charcoal in R.F. the roasted mineral gives a coherent metallic mass, attractable by the magnet. Most varieties also show traces of copper, cobalt, and iron with the fluxes. Obs.-Occurs in capillary crystals, in the cavities and among crystals of other minerals. Found at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; Johaungeorgenstadt; Przibram; Riechelsdorf; Andreasburg; Himmelfahrt mine near Freiberg; Marienberg in Saxony; Cornwall, and other places. Near Merthyr Tydvil, at Dowlais, it is found in regular crystals, occupying cavities in nodules of spathic iron. Occurs at the Sterling mine, Antwerp, N. Y., in capillary crystals with spathic iron; the largest crystal yet observed was about a fifth of a line in diameter, and in some cases crystals of spathic iron are transfixed by the needles of millerite (Am. J. Sci. II. ix. 287); in Lancaster Co., Pa., at Gap mine, with pyrrhotite, where it occurs in coatings of a radiated fibrous structure, from a line to a third of an inch thick, often with a velvety surface of crystals, or tufts of radiated needles. The capillary pyrites (Haarkies) of Werner was true millerite, from Johanngeorgenstadt, according to Hoffman (Min., iv. 168, 1817). But capillary pyrite and marcasite have sometimes gone by the same name. 67. TROILITE. Pyrrhotite pt. Protosulphid of iron. Sulphid of iron of Meteorites. Troilit Haid., Ber. Ak. Wien, xlvii. 283, 1863. Resembles pyrrhotite. Observed only massive. H.=4'0. G.=4'75-4-82; 4'787, fr. Seelasgen, Ramm.; 4'817, fr. Sevier Co., Ramm.; 4'75, fr. Knoxville, Smith. Color tomback-brown. Streak black. Comp.-Fe S (or Fes S3)=Sulphur 36-36, iron 63'64=100. It thus differs from pyrrhotite in being a true protosulphid. Analyses: 1, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 156); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxiv. 62); 3, 4, id. (ib., cxxi. 3,65): S Fe Ni Cu 1. Knoxville, Tenn. 35-67 62'38 0-32 Pt., Si 0'56, Cu 0'08=98'91 Smith. 2. Seelasgen 37'16 62-84 - -— 100 Ramm. 3. Sevier Co., Tenn. 35'39 62'65 1'96b -=100 Ramm. 4 " " 36'64 61-80 1 56b -- 100 Ramm. a Excluding impurities. b With some cobalt. Pyr., etc.-Same as for pyrrhotite. Obs.-Almost all iron meteorites contain this sulphid of iron in nodules disseminated more or less sparingly through the mass. Named after Dominico Troili, who, in 1166, described a meteorite that fell that year at Albareto in Modena, and which contains this species. The meteorite resembles much that of Weston, Conn., in general appearance. 58 SULPHIDS) ETC. 68. PYRR.HOTITTE. Vattenkies, Pyrites fusca, Minera hepatica, pt., Wall., Min., 209, 212, 1747. Pyrites en prismes hexagonales Forst., Cat., 1772; Bourn. de Lisle's Crist., iii. 243, 1783. Magnetischer-Kies Wern., Bergm. J., 383, 1789. Magnetic Pyrites Kirwan, 1796. Magnetic Sulphuret of iron. Magnetkies Germ. Fer sulfure magnitique Fr. Leberkies pt. Gerz. Leberkies Leonh., Handb., 665, 1826. Leberkise Beud., Tr., ii. 404, 1832. Magnetopyrite Glocker, Grundr., 1839. Pyrrotin pt., Magnetischer Pyrrotin, Breith., J. pr. Ch., iv. 265, 1835. Hexagonal. O A 1-135~ 8'; a=0'862. Observed planes: 0, I-T, 1, 1-2, 2-2, i-2. O A 1-90~. O A 2-2=119~ 53'. 1 A 1-138~ 48/. O A 2 —116 28'. 2 A 2-126 52'. IA 1=120. Cleavage: 0, perfect; 1; less so. Commonly 84 massive and amorphous; structure granular. H.=35 —4'5. G.-=44-4:68. lustre metal- o lie. Color between bronze-yellow and copper- 1 red, and subject to speedy tarnish. Streak dark I grayish-black. Brittle.'Magnetic, being attract able in fine powder by a magnet, even when not affecting an ordinary needle. Var. —1. Ordinary. G. fr. Kongsberg, 4-584 Kenngott; fr. Bodenmais, 4'546 Schaffgotsch; fr. Harzburg, 4'580 Ramm.; fr. Xalastoc, Mexico, 4'564 Ramm.; fr. Trumbull, Ct., 4'640 Ramm. 2. Niccoliferous. G. of Klefva, 4-674 Berz.; of Hilsen, 4-577 Ramm; of Gap mine 4'543 Ramm. Comp.-(1) Mostly Fe7 Ss=6 Fe S+Fe S2=Sulphur 39'5, iron 60'5=-00; but varying to Fe' S9=71 Fe SFe S2, Fe9 S —8 Fe S -2Fe 5S, Fe" S"=:9 Fe S+Fe S2. The species is isomorphous with Cd S (greenockite), and Frankenheim wrote the formula Fe S; yet no native pyrrhotite, except that of meteorites (troilite), gives this composition. Berzelius found that on heating pyrite it was reduced to Fe7 S', and not to Fe S. Itammelsberg obtained in the same way Fe7 S8, and the other ratios of pyrrhotite. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Gilb. Ann., xviii. 183, 209); 2, 3, Plattner (Pogg., xlvii. 369); 4, 5, Berthier (Ann. d. M., III. xi. 499); 6, H. Rose (Pogg., xlvii.); 7, Schaffgotsch (Pogg., 1. 533); 8, Stromeyer (1. c.): 1. Harz 2. Brazil 3. Fahlun 4. Sitten 5. Sitten 6. Bodenm. 7. Bavaria 8. Bareges Iron 40-156 40 43 40'22 39'0 40'2 38718 [39'41] 43'63 Sulphur 59-85 59'63 59-72 61'0 59'8 60'52 60'59 56'37 100'00 St. 100'06 P. 99'94 P. 100'0 B. 100' 0 B. a R. 100 Sch. 100 St. a With 0.82 silca=100'12. Rammelsberg found (Pogg., cxxi. 337) in the P. of Harzburg, Fe 60-00-60-83, G.=4'58; of Trumbull, Ct., 61-03 (mean of 3 anal.), G.=4-64; Harz (Treseburg, same as anal. 1 above), Fe 59-21, G.=-4-513. For other analyses, see Middleton, Phil. Mag., III. xxviii. 352; Baumert, Verh. nat. Ver., Bonn, xiv. lxxxv.; N. de Leuchtenberg, Bull. Ac. St. Pet., vii. 403. Analyses of niccoliferous pyrrhotites: 1, Berzelius (Jahresb., xxi, 184); 2, Scheerer (Pogg., lviii. 318); 3, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 113); 4, 5, 6, id. (Pogg., cxxi. 361): S Fe Ni Co 1. Klefva 38-09 57-64 3'04 0'09, Mn 0'22, Cu 0'45=99'53 Berz. 2. Modum 40'46 56'03 2'80 -, Cu 0'40,=99'69 Scheerer. 3.? 39-95 58-90 2'60 -— =101'45 Ramm. 4. Horbach 40'03 55'96 3'86 =99-85 Ramm., G.= —about 4'7. 5. Hilsen [40'27] 56'57 3'16 -— 100 Ramm. 6. Gap Mine, Pa. [3859] 55-82 5'59 — 100 Ramm. Strecker found nickel in a hexagonal pyrrhotite from Snarum in Norway (B. IH. Ztg., xvii. 304k Pyr., etc.-Unchanged in the closed tube. In the open tube gives sulphurous acid. On charcoal in R.F. fuses to a black magnetic mass; in O.F. is converted into red oxyd, which with fluxes gives only an iron reaction when pure, but many varieties yield small amounts of nickel and cobalt. Decomposed by muriatic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. SULPHIDS, ETC. 59 Obs.-Occurs at Kiongsberg, Modum, Snarum Hilsen, in Norway; Klefva in Sweden; Andreasberg and Treseburg, Harz; Bodenmais in Bavaria; Breitenbrunn, Fahlun, Joachimsthal, N. Tagilsk; Minas Geraes in Spain, in large tabular crystals; the lavas of Vesuvius; Cornwall; Appin in Argyleshire. In N. America, in Vermont, at Stafford, Corinth, and Shrewsbury; in many parts of Massachusetts; in Connecticut, in Trumbull with topaz, in Monroe, and elsewhere; in N. York, 1~ m. N. of Port Henry, Essex Co.; near Natural Bridge in Diana, Lewis Co.; at O'Neil mine and elsewhere in Orange Co. In N. Jersey, Morris Co., at Hurdstown, cleavable massive. In Pennsyivania, at the Gap mine, Lancaster Co., niccoliferous. In Tennessee, at Ducktown mines, abundant. In Canada, in large veins at St. Jerome, etc. The niccoliferous pyrrhotite is the ore that affords the most of the nickel of commerce. At the Camden nickel works (N. Jersey) this ore (from the Gap mine) is the principal one used, but along with niccoliferous pyrite and some millerite. Prior to 1864, the whole amount of pure nickel made in the country was not over 100,000 lbs. Since then, up to May, 1867, the Camden works have turned out 105,000 lbs.; and now they produce at the rate of 150,000 lbs. a year (letter from J. Wharton, Esq.). Named from rvP66rrn,S reddish. Alt.-Occurs altered to pyrite (G. Rose, ZS. G., x. 98); also to limonite and siderite. (A) KRCEBERITE D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 9, 1865). Krceberite is a strongly magnetic pyrite, in copper-colored crystals, not yet analyzed, which Forbes says " appears to be principally a subsulphid of iron." The reasons for this opinion are not stated. Named after P. Krceber. It was from between La Paz and Yungas, on the eastern slope of the Andes. 69. GRIEENOCKITl. Greenockite Jameson, Ed. N. Phil. J., xxviii. 390, 1840. Sulphuret of Cadmium Connel, ib., 392. Cadmium-blende. Cadmium sulfure Fr. Hexagonal; hemnihedral, with the opposite extremes dissimilar. O A 1 -136~ 24'; a_=0-8247. Observed planes as in the annexed figure, with also 4 and i-2. 0 A 1=1540 32' IfA 1=133~ 36' 1 A 1, pyr.,=139~ 39' 0 A 2=117 42 IA 2=152 18 2-A 2," =127 26 Cleavage: I, distinct; 0, imperfect. 84A HI.3 — 3-5. G.-4-8, Brooke; 4'9 —4999, Breithaupt; 4'5, the artificial, Sichting. Lustre adamantine. Color honey-yellow; citron-yellow; orange- 2 yellow-veined parallel with the axis; bronze-yellow. Streak-powder between orange-yellow and brick-red. 1 } x Nearly transparent. Strong double refraction. Not thermoelectric, Breithaupt. Comp.-Cd S (or Cd3 S)=Sulphur 22'3, cadmium 7-7'. Analysis by Connel (loc. cit.): Sulphur 22 56, and cadmium 17'30=99'86. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube assumes a carmine-red color while hot. fading to the original yellow on cooling. In the open tube gives sulphurous acid. B.B. on charcoal, either alone or with soda, gives in R.F. a reddish-brown coating. Soluble in muriatic acid, affording sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-Occurs in short hexagonal crystals at Bishoptown, in Renfrewshire, Scotland, in a porphyritic trap and amygdaloid, associated with prehnite; also at Przibram in Bohemia, on blende; at the Ueberoth zinc mine, near Friedensville, Lehigh Co., Pa. This species is related in form to niccolite and breithauptite. It has been found as a furnace product (Ann. Ch. Pharm., ]xxxvii. 34, and Halle Zeitschr., i. 346, 1853). Named after Lord Greenock (later Earl Cathcart). The first crystal was found near 60 years since by Mr. Brown of Lanfyne, and was taken by him for blende. It was over half an inch across. 70. WURTZITE. C. Friedel, C. R., lii. 983, 1861. Spiauterit Breith.,.B. H. Ztg., xxi. 98, 1862, xxv. 193. Hexagonal. Isomorphous with greenockite. O A 1= 129 (approximately). Occurring form a quartzoid, with occasionally planes of the cor cO SULPHIDS) ETC. responding hexagonal prism; the latter planes horizontally striated. Cleavage: basal and prismatic. H. =35 —4. G.=3-98. Lustre vitreous. Color brownish-black. Streak brown. Comp.-Zn S, or perhaps more correctly Zn3 S2. Analysis by C. Friedel (1. c.): S Zn Fe Pb Sb Cu 32'6 55-6 8'0 2-7 0-2 tr.=99'1. The lead and antimony are from the gangue. Pyr.-Same as for sphalerite or blende. Obs. —From a silver-mine near Oruro in Bolivia. According to Breithaupt (1. c.) a radiated blende from Przibram (his spiauterite) is hexagonal; also that from Albergaria Velha in Portugal; from Quesbesita, Peru, in tabular crystals grouped and forming a crust, some of the crystals ~ inch across. Wurtzite and sphalerite are the same compound under distinct crystalline forms-a case of dimorphism. Named after the French chemist, Adolphe Wurtz. Artif.-May be made in crystals by a long and high heating of amorphous blende (C. R., lxii. 999); or better by subliming the blende in a current of sulphurous acid, long, transparent, colorless hexagonal prisms having been thus formed (ib., lxiii. 188). 71. NICCOLITE. Kupfernickel [=False Copper, it resembling but not yielding copper] Hiilrne, Anledn. Malm og Berg., 7 6, 1694. Cuprum Nicolai [mistaken trl. of Kupf.] J. Weoodward, Foss., 1728. Kupfernickel, Arsenicum sulphure et cupro mineralisatum, aeris modo rubente, Wall., 228, 1747. Niccolum ferro et cobalto arsenicatis et sulphuratis min. (fr. Saxony) Cronst. Ak. H. Stockh., 1751, 1754 (first discov. of metal); Min., 218, 1758. Cuprum min. arsen. fulvum Linn., 1768. Mine de cobalt arsenicale tenant cuivre Sage, Min., 58, 1772; de Lisle, Crist., iii. 135, 1783. Niccolum nativum Bergm., Opusc., ii. 440, 1180. Rothnickelkies, Arsenicnickel, Germ. Copper Nickel, Arsenical Nickel. Nickeline Beud., Tr., ii. 586, 1832. Arsenischer Pyrrotin Breith., J. pr. Ch., iv. 266, 1835. Niccolite Dana. Hexagonal; isomorphous with breithauptite. 0 A 1=136~ 35'; a: 0-81944. Observed planes, O and 1; 1 A 1, pyr.,=138~ 48'. Usually massive, structure nearly impalpable; also reniform with a columnar structure; also reticulated and arborescent. H.=5-5-5. G-.='T33-6'671. Lustre metallic. Color pale copperred, with a gray to blackish tarnish. -Streak pale brownish-black. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp.-Ni As (or Ni' As3)=Arsenic 5'9, nickel 44-1=100; sometimes part of the arsenic replaced by antimony. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Gel. Anz. Gott. 1817, 204); 2, Pfaff (Schw. J., xxii. 256); 3, Suckow (Verwitt. im Min., 58, Ramm. 4th Suppl., 122);. 4, Berthier (Ann. Ch. Phys., xiii. 52); 5, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 292); 6, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., IV. xi. 55); 7, Schnabel (Ramrm. 4th Suppl., 122); 8, Grunow (ZS. G., ix. 40): As Ni Fe Pb Co Sb S 1. Riechelsdorf 54'73 44-21 0-34 0'32 - 040=100 Strom. 2. "9 46-42 48-90 0-34 0-56 0'80 —97102 Pfaff. 3. " 53-69 45-76 2-70 - 015=102-30 Suckow. 4. Allemont 48-80 39-94 - 0-16 8-00 2'00=98'90 Berth. 5. Krageroe, G.=7-662 54'35 44'98 0'21 Cu 011 0'14=99'79 Scheer. 6. Ayer, G. —.=7'39 54-05 43-50 0-45 - 0-32 0'05 2'18, gangue 0'20=100'75 E. 7. Westphalia 52'71 45-31 - - - - 0-48, Cu 1'44-100 Schnabel. 8. Sangerhausen 54'89 43-21 0-54 - - - 135=99-99 Grunow. An ore from Balen in the Pyrenees afforded Berthier As 33-0, Sb 2178, Ni 33-0, Fe 1-4, S 2-8, quartz 2-0=100, in which a large part of the arsenic is replaced by antimony. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube a faint white crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid. In the open tube arsenous acid, with a trace of sulphurous acid, the assay becoming yellowish-green. On SULPHIDS, ETC. 61 charcoal gives arsenical fumes and fuses to a globule, which, treated with borax glass, affords, by successive oxydation, reactions for iron, cobalt, and nickel. Soluble in nitromuriatic acid. Obs.-Accompanies cobalt, silver, and copper in the Saxon mines of Annaberg, Schneeberg, etc.; also in Thuringia, Hesse, and Styria, and at Allemont in Dauphiny; occasionally in Cornwall, as at Pengelly and Wheal Chance; formerly at the Hilderstone Hills, Scotland; at Chanarcillo, near Copiapo, and at Huasco, Chili; abundant at Mina de la Rioja, Oriocha, in the Argentine Provinces. Found at Chatham, Conn., in gneiss, associated with smaltine. This is an important ore of nickel. Named from the contained metal. The name of the species should be formed from the Latin word for nickel, niccolum, proposed by Cronstedt, and hence should be written niccoline, or better niccolite, in place of Beudant's nickeline. Nickeline and nickeliferous are not more proper words than would be copperine and copperiferous. 72. BREITHAUPTITE. Antimonnickel Stromneyer & JHausm., Gel. Anz. G6tt., 2001, 1833. Antimonial Nickel; Antimoniet of Nickel. Hartmannite Chapman, Min., 1843. Breithauptit Haid., Handb., 559, 1845. Hexagonal. O A 1=13o~ 15'; a- 08585. Observed planes: O, -, 1. 0 A ~=153~ 38', 0 A - 123~ 55'. In thin hexagonal plates. Also arborescent and disseminated. HI. —55. G.=-7541 Breithaupt. Lustre metallic, splendent. Color in the fresh fracture light copper-red, inclining strongly to violet. Streak reddish-brown. Opaque. Fracture uneven-small subconchoidal. Brittle. Comp.-Ni Sb (or Ni3 SbS)=Antimony 67'4, nickel 32'6=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Stromeyer (Pogg., xxxi. 134): 1. Sb 63'734 Ni 28'946 Fe 0'866 Galena 6%437-99'983 2. 59-706 27'054 0'842 12'3577=99'959 Pyr.-In the open tube white antimonial fumes. On charcoal fuses in R.F., gives off antimonial vapors, and coats the coal white; if lead is present a yellow coating near the assay; treated with soda the odor of arsenic may be distinguished in most specimens. Obs. —Found in the Harz at Andreasberg, with calcite, galenite, and smaltine. Has been observed as a furnace product, crystallized. Named after the Saxon mineralogist, Breithaupt. 73. HANEITE.. Arseniuret of Manganese Kane, Q. J. Sci., II. vi. 382. KSaneit Haid., Handb. 559, 1845. In botryoidal masses, also amorphous; structure foliated or granular. H. above 5? stated as hard. G.-=555. Lustre metallic. Color grayish-white, with a black tarnish. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Analysis by Kane (1. c.): Manganese 45'5, arsenic 51'8, and a trace of iron=97-3, corresponding to Mn As=Manganese 42'4, arsenic 57'6=100. B.B. burns with a blue flame, and falls to powder; at a higher temperature the arsenic evaporates, and covers the charcoal with a white powder. Dissolves in aqua regia, without leaving any residue. It is supposed to be from Saxony, and was first observed by R. J. Kane, of Dublin, attached to a mass of galenite. 74. SCHREIBERSITE. Schreibersit Haid., Haid. Ber., iii. 69, 1847. In steel-gray folia and grains. Folia flexible. H.=6-5 G. — 01 —22. Magnetic. Comp.-Analyses: 1, Patera (Haid. Ber., 1. c., and Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 439); 2, Fisher (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 157); 3, 4, 5, J. L. Smith (lb., xix. 157): P Fe Ni C 1. Arva 7-26 87-20 4'24 undet.= —9870 Patera. 2. Braunau 1172 55'43 25'02 1'16, Cl 2-85, Si 0'98989816 Fisher. 3. E. Tennessee 13-92 51722 25582 Co 0'32, Cu tr., Zn tr., Cl 0'13, Si 1'62, l 1-63=100'66 S. 4. " undet. 56-04 26'43 " 0-41, Cu tr., Si, undet. Smith. 5. " 14'86 56'53 28'12 " 0'28, Cu tr.," " Smith. 62 SULPHIDSI ETC. Obs.-Found only in meteoric iron. The schreibersite of Shepard (Am. J. Sci., II. ii.), from a meteorite, is supposed to be a " sesquisulphuret of chromium." The name has been changed to shejpardite by Haidinger. It is not contained in Shepard's recent list of meteoric minerals, in ibid., xliii. 28. III. PYRITE DIVISION. [See for list of species, page 34]. 75. P:YRITE. Errrros Theophr. Ilvp~rs pt. Dioscor., E. cxlii. Pyrites pt. Plin., xxxvi., 30. Pyrites pt., Arab. Marchasita, Germ. Kis, Agric., 334, 431, 467, 1529, 1546. Pyrites pt., Marchasita (=cryst. Pyr.) Henckel, Pyrit., 1725. Kies pt., Svafelkies pt., Pyrites pt. (=mass. and nodular Pyr.), Marchasita (-cryst. Pyr.), Wall., 208, 211, 1747. Pyrites pt. (= —glob. var., etc.); Marcasite ( —cryst. Pyr.), Mundic (=massive var.) Hill, Foss., 324-332, 1771. Schwefelkies, Eisenkies, Germ. Iron Pyrites, Bisulphuret of iron. Per sulfure Fr. Xanthopyrites Glock., Handb., 314. 1839. Isometric; pyritohedral. Observed planes: i-2, i-3, -3, _i- l; 2-2, 3-3; 4-2, 3-, 5 -,5 - 2-4. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 41-49, 85-88. The cube (f. 1) most common; the pyritohedron, f. 47, and related forms, f. 41, 46, very 86 87 85 0 233 Rossie. Peru. Rossie. 88 89 90 0 o Middletown, Ct. Cornwall, Pa. Schoharie. common. Cubic faces often striated, with striations of adjoining faces at right angles, and due to oscillatory combination of the cube and pyritohedron, the strioe having the direction of the edges between 0 and 1-2 in f. 46. SULPHIDS, ETC. 63 Crystals sometimes acicular through elongation of cubic and other forms. Cleavage: cubic and octahedral, more or less distinct. Twins: 1, composition-face I; this composition either (a) single, or (b) repeated parallel to each i, producing thus forms like f. 90, consisting of combined pyritohedrons, also a cube, having striations on each face parallel to its sides and meeting at an angle in the diagonals. 2, C.-face 0, fig. 89. Also reniform, globular, stalactitic, with a crystalline surface; sometimes radiated subfibrous. Also amorphous. H.=6 —65. G. -483 —52; 5'185, polished crystals, Zepharovich. Lustre nietallic, splendent to glistening. Color a pale brass-yellow, nearly uniform. Streak greenish or brownish-black. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Strikes fire with steel. Comp., Var.-Fe S2=Sulphur 53'3, iron 46'7=100. Nickel, cobalt, and thallium, and also copper, sometimes replace a little of the iron, or else occur as mixtures; and gold is sometimes present, distributed invisibly through it. Thallium occurs in traces in much pyrite, it showing its presence often in the chimneys of furnaces where pyrite, or ores containing it, are roasted. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) In distinct crystals; (b) nodular, or concretionary, often radiated within; (c) stalactitic; (d) amorphous. 2. Niccoliferous. Schnabel found 0-168 of nickel in a kind from a silver mine near Eckerhagen. A pyrite from the Kearney ore-bed, Gouverneur, N. Y., is similar; it is pale bronze in color, and radiated botryoidal; H.=5'5; G.-=4863 (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 444). 3. Cobaltiferous. Specimens from Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa. (f. 88), afforded J. M. Blake 2 p. c. of cobalt. Fig. 88, by Mr. Blake, represents the planes about an angle of the cube, one of which, 2-43, has not been before observed in pyrite, though known in cobaltite (p. 71). The crystals are much distorted. 4. Cupriferous. A variety from Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa., gave J. C. Booth (Dana's Min., 1854, 55) 2':39 p. c. of copper, affording the formula (Fe, Cu) S2. The analysis gave S 53'37, Fe 44-41, Cu 2'39. It tarnishes readily, assuming the bluish tarnish of steel. 5. Stanniferous; Ballesterosite Schulz & Paillette (Bull. G. Fr., II. vii., 16). A kind in cubes, containing tin and zinc, occurring in argillite, 6 m. S. of Ribadeo, in Galicia. Named after Lopez Ballesteros. 6. Auriferous. Containing native gold. See under GOLD. The pyrite of most gold regions is auriferous. The fact is not apparent in any of the external characters. 1. Argentiferous. From Hungary. 8. Thalliferous. The pyrite of the Rammelsberg mine, near Goslar, Prussia, is especially rich in thallium; and also that of Saalfeld. Thallium occurs in the furnaces of the Bethlehem (Pa.) iron works, which W. T. Roepper attributes to the pyrite of the Pennsylvania coal used. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube a sublimate of sulphur and a magnetic residue. B.B. on charcoal gives off sulphur, burning with a blue flame, leaving a residue which reacts like pyrrhotite. Insoluble in muriatic acid, but decomposed by nitric acid. Obs.-Pyrite occurs abundantly in rocks of all ages, from the oldest crystalline to the most recent alluvial deposits. It usually occurs in small cubes, but often modified as above described; also in irregular spheroidal nodules and in veins, in clay slate, argillaceous sandstones, the coal formation, etc. Cubes of gigantic dimensions have been found in some of the Cornish mines; pentagonal dodecahedrons and other forms occur on the island of Elba, sometimes five to six inches in diameter. Large octahedral crystals are found at Persberg in Sweden. Magnificent crystals come from Peru; also from Traversella in Piedmont, twins of which locality are figured by Q. Sella, one of them a large pyritohedron (f. 47) with a small converse pyritohedron (f. 48) astride of each of the six cubic edges. Alston-Moor, Derbyshire, Fahlun in Sweden, Kongsberg in Norway, are well-known localities. The clay at Mfinden in Hanover, and the chalk at Lewes in Surrey, have afforded some remarkable compound crystals. It has also been met with in the Vesuvian lavas in small irregular crystals. In Maine, at Corinna, Peru, Waterville, and Farmington, in crystals; at Bingham (saw mills), Brooksville, and Jewell's Id., massive. In N. Hampshire, at Unity, massive. In Mass., at Heath, in cryst.; at Hawley and Hubbardston, massive. In Vermont, at Shoreham, in limestone, crystals abundant; Hartford, in cubes 2-4 in. In Conn., at Lane's mine, Monroe, in octahedrons; Orange and Milford, in cubes in chlorite slate; Middletown lead mine, sometimes acicular, and also scattered over quartz, like f. 89; at Stafford, in mica. slated; massive at Colchester, Ashford, Tolland, Stafford, and Union. In N: York, at Rossie, fine crystals (f. 85, 87) occur at the lead mine in green shale; at Schoharie, a mile west of the court-house, in single and compound crystals, often highly polished 64 SIULPHIDS, ETC. and abundant; in interesting crystals at Johnsburgh and Chester, Warren Co.; in gneiss near Yonkers; in Orange Co., at Warwick and Deerpark; in Jefferson Co., in Champion and near Oxbow on the banks of Vrooman's lake, in modified octahedrons (f. 7); massive in Franklin, Putnam, and Orange Cos., etc. In Pennsylvania, in crystals at Little Britain, Lancaster Co.; at Chester, Delaware Co.; in Carbon and York Cos.; at Knauertown, Chester Co.; in Cornwall, Lebanon Co., in lustrous cubo-octahedrons, and with an elegant steel tarnish, sometimes an inch through; at Pottstown. near French Creek, in large yellow octahedrons. In Wisconsin, near Mineral Point. In Illinois, near Galena, at Marsden's Diggings, in stalactites of great beauty with a surface of crystals. In N. Car., near Greensboro', Guilford Co., in crystals. Auriferous pyrite is common at the mines of Colorado, and many of those of California, as well as in Virginia and the States south. In Canada, 2 miles N. W. of Brockville, a cobaltiferous var., in the Laurentian; on the river Assumption, seignory of Daillebout, and at Escott, a niccoliferous var., containing also some cobalt. This species affords the greater part of the sulphate of iron and sulphuric acid of commerce, and also a considerable portion of the sulphur and alum. The auriferous variety is worked for gold in many gold regions. The name pyrite is derived from rop, fire, and alludes to the sparks from friction. Pliny meations several things as included under the name (xxxvi. 30): (1) a stone used for grindstones; (2) a kind which so readily fires punk or sulphur that he distinguishes it as pyrites vivus, and which may have been flint or a related variety of quartz, as has been supposed, but more probably was emery, since he describes it as the heaviest of all; (3) a kind resembling brass or copper; (4) a porous stone, perhaps a sandstone or buhrstone. The brassy kind was in all probability our pyrite. But with it were confounded copper pyrites (chalcopyrite), besides marcasite and pyrrhotite, although these three kinds of pyrites fail of the scintillations. In fact, Dioscorides calls pyrite an ore of copper, yet in the next sentence admits that some kinds contain no copper; and. moreover, he states that the mineral gives sparks. This confounding of iron and copper pyrites is apparent also in the descriptions of the vitriols (sulphates of iron and copper) by Pliny and other ancient writers, and equally so in the mineralogy of the world for more than fifteen centuries after Pliny, as is even now apparent in the principal languages of Europe. Kupjerwasser (copper-water) of the Germans being the copperas of the English and couperose of the French. It is quite probable that copperas and couperose are in fact corruptions of the German word, instead of derivatives from cuprosa or cujprirosa, as usually stated, for the Latin u would not have become ou in French. Under the name marcasite or marchasite, of Spanish or Arabic origin, the older mineralogists Henckel, Wallerius, Linnseus, etc., included distinctively crystallized pyrite, the cubic preeminently; the nodular and other varieties being called pyrites, and the less yellow or brownish and softer kinds, wasserkies, this last including our marcasite and pyrrhotite, and some true pyrite. Werner first made pyrrhotite a distinct species. Alt.-Pyrite readily changes to a sulphate of iron by oxydation, some sulphur being set free. Also to limonite on its surface, and afterward throughout, by the action of a solution of bicarbonate of lime carrying off the sulphuric acid as change proceeds, and from limonite to red oxyd of iron.' Green vitriol, limonite, g6thite, hematite, quartz, graphite, ochreous clay, occur as pseudomorphs after pyrite. Artif.-May be made by the slow reduction of sulphate of sesquioxyd of iron in presence of some carbonate. 76. HAU:ERITEE. Hauerit Raid., Nat. Abh. Wien, i. 101, 107, 4to, 1847. Isometric; pyritohedral, figs. 2, 7, 6, 8, 44 (0, 3-{), 41 (0, i-3); the octahedral form most common. Cleavage: cubic imperfect. Crystals sometimes globularly clustered. H. 4. G. 3-463, v. Hauer. Lustre metallic-adamantine. Color reddish-brown, brownish-black. Streak brownish-red. Comp. —Mn S-2=Sulphur 53'7, manganese 46'3=100. Analysis by Patera (1. c., Pogg., lxx. 148): S 53'64 Mn 42'97 Fe 1-30 Si 1'20=99-11. Pyr.-In the closed tube a sublimate of sulphur; in the open tube sulphurous acid, and becomes green. On charcoal gives sulphur; the roasted mineral reacts for manganese with the fluxes. Obs.-Fromn Kalinka, Hungary, in clay with gypsum and sulphur, in a region something like a solfatara, trachytic, and other eruptive rocks decomiposing and adding to the clay, and the sulphur given off at the same time making depositions of sulphur and sulphids. One crystal found measures 1I inches through. SULPHIDS, ETC. 65 77. CUBANITE. Cuban Breith., Pogg., lix. 325, 1843. Cubanite Chapman. Isometric. Massive. Cleavage cubic, and rather more distinct than in ordinary pyrites, Breith. Color between bronze and brass-yellow. Streak dark reddish-bronze, black. H.-4. G. 4'026 —4042 Br.; 4'169 Booth; 4-18 Smith. Comp.-2 Fe, 1 Cu, 4 S=4 Fe, 1 Ou, 8 S=euS+Fe S+3 Fe S2-=2 pyrite+ 1 chacopyrite. Cu S + Fe2 S3, Booth, which is the same with the preceding in its atomic proportions. Analyses: 1, Eastwick (communicated by J. C. Booth); 2, Magee (ib.); 3, Stevens (ib.); 4, Scheidauer (Pogg., lxiv. 280); 5, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 381): S Cu Fe Si 1. 39'01 19-80 38-01 2'30=99'12 Eastwick. 2. 39'35 21'05 38'80 1l90 —101'10 Magee. 3. 39'05 20'12 38'29 285- 100'31 Stevens. 4. 34'78 22-96 42-51 Pb tr. —100-25 Scheidauer. 5. 39-57 18'23 37'10 Si Fe 4-23=99'13 Smith. Breithaupt obtained in repeated trials 19 per cent. of copper. Smith in two other incomplete analyses found sulphur 39'20, 39'30, and copper 19'10, 19'00. Pyr.-In the closed tube a sulphur sublimate; in the open, sulphurous acid. B.B. on charcoal gives sulphur fumes and fuses to a magnetic globule. The roasted ore recats for copper and iron with the fluxes; with soda on charcoal gives a globule of metallic iron with copper. Obs.-From Barracanao. Cuba. 78. CHALCOPYRITE.? XaXKir-s (fr. Cyprus) Aristotle.? XaXiTrT, Hvptrns pt., Dioscor.,? Chalcitis pt., Pyrites pt., Plin. Pyrites -erosus pt., Pyrites aureo colore, Germ. Geelkis o. Kupferkis Agric., 212, Interpr., 461, 1546. Pyrites pt., Germ. Kupferkies, Gesner, Foss., 1565. Pyrites flavus, Chalcopyrites, Henckel, Pyrit., 1725. Gul Kopparmalm, Cuprum sulphure et ferro mineralisatum, Chalcopyrites, Wall., 284, 1747. Cuivre jaune, Pyrite cuivreuse, Fr. Trl. Wall., ii. 514, 1753. Copper Pyrites. Pyritous Copper. Cuivre pyriteux Fr. Towanite B. & M., Min., 182, 1852. Tetraconal; tetrahedral. O A 1-i-135~ 25'; a-0'98556. Observed planes: O; vertical, I, i-i, i-3; octahedral or tetrahedral, ~, 1, ~, i, 4, 2, 1-i, -i, 2-i; other planes, j-3, 5-5. 91 92 93 0O1- 0 Li.2i 2ij 1' 1 2 2/ OA4 =1450 8' 0\2-i= 1160 54' 2A2, pyr.,=96~ 33' OA 1=125 40 OA 3-=124 5 AA 4, pyr.- 100 44 OA2-109 44 1 A 1, pyr.,=- 109 53 1 A 1, f. 92,-71 20and 70 7 5 66 1SULPHIDS, ETC. Cleavage: 2-i sometimes distinct; 0, indistinct. Twins: compositionface (1) I-i, f. 93, 94; in 93 repeated parallel to 4 terminal edges of a pyramid; also similar to fig. 39, through combinations of sphenoids; (2) the plane 1, similar to f. 50, also similar to f. 62, p. 21, but with the interpenetrating tetrahedrons of the forms in fig. 92; also somewhat similar to fig. 119, under tetrahedrite. Often massive and impalpable. 3 / H.-35 —4. G.=4-1 —4'3. Lustre metallic. 2 / / / Color brass-yellow; subject to tarnish, and often iridescent. Streak greenish-black —a little shining. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Comp.-A sulphid of copper and iron, containing 2 of copper, 2 of iron, and 4 of sulphur=Sulphur 34'9, copper 34-6, iron 30'5=100. Formula Mu S +Fe S + Fe S2=2 (~ Mu + IFe) S + Fe S2, usually written eu S + Fe2 SI, the objection to which has already been mentioned (p. 33). Some analyses give other proportions; but probably from mixture with pyrite. These are indefinite mixtures of the two, and with the increase of the latter the color becomes paler. This species, although tetragonal, is very closely isomorphous with pyrite, the variation from the cubic form being slight, the vertical axis being 0-98556 instead of 1. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Gilb., lxxii. 185); 2, Hartwall (Leonh. Handb., 646); 3, 4, E. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 161); 5, D. Forbes (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1. 278); 6, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 249); 7, Joy (Lyc. N. H. N. York, viii. 125): 1. Sayn S 35-87 Cu 34'40 Fe 30'47 quartz 027= —100'01 Rose. 2. Finland 36'33 32'20 30'03 2'23=]00'79 Hartwall. 3. Val Castrucci 35'62 34'09 30'29 --— =100'00 Bechi. 4. Mt. Catini 36'16 32'79 29'75 0-86-99'56 Bechi. 5. Jemtel'd, Sweden 33'88 32'65 32'77 Mn tr., Si 0'32=99'62 Forbes. 6. Phenixville 36'10 32'85 29-93 Pb 0'35 —99'23 Smith. 7. Ellenville 36'65 32'43 31'25 -" 030, Si 0'20=100'83 Joy. Traces of selenium have been noticed by Kersten in an ore from Reinsberg near Freiberg; and that from Rammelsberg near Goslar must contain the same, it being one of the furnace products (Rammelsberg, Min. Chem., 120). Thallium is also present in some kinds, and more frequently present in this ore than in pyrite. Other analyses: Malaguti and Durocher (Ann. des M., IV. xvii. 229). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a sulphur sublimate; in other reactions like cubanite. Dissolves in nitric acid, excepting the sulphur, and forms a green solution; ammonia in excess changes the green color to a deep blue. Obs.-Chalcopyrite is the principal ore of copper at the Cornwall mines, and 10,000 to 12,000 tons of pure copper are smelted annually from 150,000 to 160,000 tons of ore. It is there associated with tin ore, galenite, bornite, chalcocite, tetrahedrite, and blende. The copper beds of Fahlun in Sweden, are composed principally of this ore, which occurs in large masses, surrounded by a coating of serpentine, and imbedded in gneiss. At Rammelsberg, near Goslar in the Harz it forms a bed in argillaceous schist, and is associated with pyrite, galenite, blende, and mi..ute portions of silver and gold. The Kurprinz mine at Freiberg affords well-defined crystals. It occurs also in the Bannat, Hungary, and Thuringia; in Scotland in Kirkcudbrightshire, Perthshire and elsewhere; in Tuscany (analyses 3, 4); in South Australia; in fine crystals at Cerro Blanco, near Copiapo, Chili. In Maine, at the Lubec lead mines; at Dexter. In N. ilamp., at Franconia, in gneiss; at Unity, on the estate of Jas. Neal; Warren, on Davis's farm; at Eaton, 2 m. N.E. of Atkins's tavern; Lyme, E. of E. Village; Haverhill, etc. In Vermont, at Stafford, Corinth, Waterbury, Shrewsbury. In Mass., at the Southampton lead mines; at Turner's falls on the Connecticut, near Deerfield, and at Hatfield and Sterling. In Connecticut, at Bristol and Middletown, sometimes in crystals. In New York, at the Ancram lead mine; five miles from Rossie, beyond De Long's mills at the Rossie lead mines, in crystals; in crystals and massive near Wurtzboro', Sullivan Co.: very large crystals and massive at Ellenville, Ulster Co. In Pennsylvania, at Phenixville; at Pottstown, Chester Co. (Elizabeth mine). In Maryland, in the Catoctin mts.; between New SULPHIDS, ETC. 67 market and Taneytown; near Finksbury, Carroll Co., abundant (Patapsco and other mines), with bornite, carrollite, and malachite. In Virginia, at the Phenix copper mines, Fauquier Co., and the Walton gold mine, Louisa Co. In N; Carolina, near Greensboro', abundant massive (Fenress or North Carolina, and Macculloch mines), along with spathic iron in a quartz gangue. In Tennessee,. 30 miles from Cleveland, in Polk Co. (Hiwassee mines), with black copper and pyrites. In Cal., in different mines along a belt between Mariposa Co. and Del Norte Co., on west side of, and parallel to, the chief gold belt; occurring massive in Calaveras Co., at Union, Keystone, Empire, Napoleon, Campo Seco, and Lancha Plana mines, and in crystals on Domingo Creek; in Mariposa Co., at the La Victoire and Haskell claims, and on the Chowchillas river; in Amador Co., at the Newton mine; in El Dorado Co., at the Cosumnes, Hope Valley, Bunker Hill, El Dorado, Excelsior mines; in Plumas Co., at the Genesee and Cosmopolitan mines. In Canada, in Perth and near Sherbrooke; extensively mined at Bruce mines, on Lake Huron. The Cornwall chalcopyrite is not a rich ore; what is picked for sale at Redruth rarely yielding 12, generally only 7 or 8, and occasionally but 3 or 4 per cent. of metal. Its richness may in general be judged of by the color; if of a fine yellow hue, and readily yielding to the hammer, it may be considered a good ore; but if hard, and pale-yellow, it is poor from admixture with pyrite. Readily distinguished from pyrite, which it somewhat resembles, by its inferior hardness; it may be cut by the knife, while pyrite will strike fire with steel. The effects of nitric acid are also different. Differs from gold in being brittle, on which account it cannot be cut off in slices, like the latter metal; and, moreover, gold is not attacked by nitric acid. Occurs as a furnace product near Goslar. Alt,-Changes on exposure with moisture, especially if heated, to a sulphate. Malachite, covellite, chrysocolla, black copper, chalcocite, and oxyd of iron, are other forms into which it is sometimes altered. Named from XaXK6s, brass, and pyrites, by Henckel, who observes in his Pyritology (1725) that chalcopyrite is a good distinctive name for the ore. Aristotle calls the copper ore of Cyprus chalcitis; and Dioscorides uses the same word; but what ore was intended is doubtful. There is no question that copper-pyrites was included by Greek and Latin authors under the name pyrites (q. v., p. 64). 79. BARNEARDTITE. Genth, Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 17, 1855, xxviii. 248. Compact massive. H.=-35. G.-=4521. Lustre metallic. Color bronze-yellow. Streak grayish-black, slightly shining. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Tarnishes easily, giving pavonine tints, or becoming pinchbeck-brown. Comp.-2 eu S+Fe S + Fe S2=1 chalcopyrite+l chalcocite=Sulphur 30'5, copper 48'2, iron 21-3. Analyses: 1-3, W. J. Taylor, F. A. Genth, and P. Keyser (1. c.); 4, Genth (priv. contrib.): S Fe Cu 1. Barnhardt's Land 29'40 22-23 47'61, Ag tr. Taylor. 2. Pioneer Mills 29'76 22-41 46-69 Genth. 3. " " 30'50 21'08 48'40 Keyser. 4. Bill Williams' Fork 28'96 20'44 50'41 Genth. In another ore from Barnhardt's land, Taylor found (1. c.) S 32'9, Fe 28'4, Cu 40'2, corresponding to 8 S+4 Fe + 2 Cu. Pyr., etc. —B.B. gives sulphurous fumes, and fuses easily to a magnetic globule. With borax reactions for copper and iron. Obs.-Occurs in N. Carolina with other copper ores, at Dan Barnhardt's land, Pioneer Mills, Phenix mine, and Vanderburg mine, in Cabarrus Co.; also near Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co.; at Bill Williams' Fork, in California, with chalcopyrite, etc. It may be a chalcopyrite, partly altered to copper-glance (chalcocite), as would be inferred from Dr. Genth's later observations. (A) HoOMICHLIN Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 385, 424, 1858, xviii. 65, 321) is closely related to the preceding, and may be chalcopyrite partly altered to bornite. Occurs in tetragonal octahedral crystals, but mostly massive; H.=4 —5; G.=4472 —4'480; color morebronze-like than in chalcopyrite; streak black. Analysis by Richter (1. c., xviii. 321): S 30'21, Fe 25-81, Cu 43-76=3 Cu S+2 Fe S+Fe2 Ss, or 3 u S + 3 Fe S+ Fe S2, corresponding to I of chalcopyrite, 2 of chalcocite, and 2 of pyrrhotite, or to 1 of chalcopyrite and 2 of bornite. Occurs. with malachite and other copper ores at Plauen in Voigtland; also'said to occur, by Breithaupt, in Bavaria, Duchies of Hesse and Nassau, Silesia, the Harz, at Rheinbreitenbach on the Rhine, in Algeria, in Chili at Remolinos and Tocopilla, and in Japan. 68 SULPHIDS, ETC. Ducktownite is a blackish copper ore from Ducktown, Tenn., named by Shepard, who found in it 30-76 iron, 26'04 copper, with 43;20 of u determined. G. J. Brush has shown that it is not homogeneous, and only a mixture, grains of pyrite being visible through the mass, and also a softer gray mineral, which is probably chalcocite. See Rep. on Mt. Pisgah Copper Mine, N. Haven, 1859, and Am. J. Sci., II. xxviii. 129, 1859. 80. STANNITE. Geschwefeltes Zinn (fr. Cornwall) Klapr., Schriften Nat. Fr. Berlin, vii. 169, 1787, Beitr., ii. 257, 1797, v. 228, 1810. Zinkies WVern., Bergm. J., 1789, 385, 397. Tin Pyrites Kirw., ii. 300, 1796. Sulphuret of Tin; Bell Metat Ore. Etain sulfure Fr. Stannine Beud., Tr., ii. 416, 1832. Prboabiy tetragonal, and hemihedral like chalcopyrite, Kenngott. Cleavage: parallel to the faces of the cube and dodecahedron indistinct. Commonly massive, granular, and disseminated. H. =4. G.=4-3 —4522; 4'506, fr. Zinnwald, Rammelsberg. Lustre metallic. Streak blackish. Color steel-gray to iron-black, the former when pure; sometimes a bluish tarnish; often yellowish from the presence of chalcopyrite. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp.-2 (Cu, Fe, Zn) S + Sn S2, which, the ratio of -u, Fe, Zn, being 2: 1: 1, corresponds to, Sulphur 29'6, tin 27'2, copper 29'3, iron 6'5, zinc 7'5=100. The ratio between the sulphur of the two terms is 1: 1, as in chalcopyrite. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Breitr., v. 228); 2, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxix. 146); 3, Johnston (Rep. G. Cornwall, etc., 1839); 4, Mallet (Am. J. Sci., II xvii. 33); 5, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxviii. 607): S Sn Cui Fe Zn 1. Wheal Rock 30'5 26-5 30'0 12-0 - =-990 Kilaproth. 2 " 29'64 25655 29-39 12'44 1'77, gangue 1'02=99'81 Kud. 3. St. Michael's Mt. 29'929 31-618 238549 4'791 10'11.3=100 Johnston. 4. " 29'46 26-85 29-18 6'73 7'26, gangue 0'16-99-64 Mal. 5. Zinnwald 29'05 25-65 29-38 6-24 -9'68=100 Rammelsberg. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a faint sublimate; in the open tube sulphurous acid, and a sublimate of oxyd of tin quite near the assay. B.B. on charcoal fuses to a globule, which in O.F. gives off sulphur, and coats the coal with white oxyd of tin; the roasted mineral treated with borax gives reactions for iron and copper. Decomposed by nitric acid, affording a blue solution, with separation of sulphur and oxyd of tin. Obs.-Formerly found at Wheal Rock, Cornwall, and at Cam Brea, where it constituted a considerable vein, and was accompanied by pyrite, blende, and other minerals; more recently in considerable quantity in granite at St. Michael's Mount, where it is sold as an ore of copper; also at Stenna Gwynn, St. Stevens, and at Wheal Primrose, Wheal Scorrier, and occasionally at Botallack mine, St. Just; also at the Cronebane mine, Co. Wicklow, in Ireland; Zinnwald, in the Erzgebirge, with blende and galenite. It frequently has the appearance of bronze or bell metal, and hence the name bell-metal ore. 81. LINNIEITE, Kobolt med Jern och Svafelsyra (fr. Bastnaes) G. Brandt, Ak. H. Stockh., 119, 1746. Kiobalt med fdrvswafladt Jarn, Cobaltum Ferro Sulphurato mineralisatum, Cronst., 213, 1758. Cobaltum pyriticosum Linn., 1768; de Born, Lithoph., i. 144, 1772. Mine de Cobalt sulfureuse de Lisle, iii. 134, 1783. Kobalt-Glanz pt. Wern., Kirwan, etc. Svafelbunden Kobolt Hisinger, Afh., iii. 316, 1810. Kobaltkies Hausm., Handb., 158, 1813. Schwefelkobalt. Sulphuret of Cobalt; Cobalt Pyrites. Cobalt sulfure Fr. Koboldine Beud., Tr., ii. 417, 1832. Linneit Haid., Handb., 560, 1845. Kiobaltnickelkies [not Kobaltkies] Ramm.; Siegenite (fr. Mi!sen) Dana, Min., 687, 1850. Isometric. Figs. 2, 6, 7. Cleavage: cubic, imperfect. Twins: composition-face octahedral. Also massive, granular to compact. H.=5-5. G.=48 —5. Lustre metallic. Color pale steel-gray, tarnishing copper-red. Streak blackish-gray. Fracture uneven or subconchoidal. SIULPHIDS, ETC. 69 Comp., Var.-2 Co S Co S2=Sulphur 42-0, cobalt 58'0=100; but having the cobalt replaced partly by nickel or copper. Var. 1. Cupriferous; LINNIEITE Haid. (1. c.). Ore from Bastnaes. The copper has been attributed to mixed chalcopyrite; but, in view of the composition of carrollite, this is probably not true of all of it. The name linnaeite, after Linneus, was given distinctively by Haidinger to the Bastnaes mineral (1. c.). 2. Niccolijerous; Nickcel-Linnceite SIEGENITE Dana (1. c.). Ore from Miisen, near Siegen and elsewhere. The specimens from Miisen afforded Rammelsberg, in his recent analysis (No. 5), 14-60 of nickel; and he shows that the earlier analyses are erroneous, owing to the fact that a method of separating nickel and cobalt completely was not known when the analyses were made. Analyses. 1, Hisinger (Afhandl., iii. 319); 2, Wernekink (Schw. J., xxxix. 306, and Leonh. ZS. f. Min., 1826); 3, Schnabel (Ramm., 4th Suppl., 117); 4, Ebbinghaus (ib.); 5, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 340); 6-8, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiii. 419): S Co Ni Fe Cu 1. Bastnaes 38-50 43-20 353 14'40, gangue 0)33=99'96 Hisinger. 2. Miisen 42-52 53'35 - 2'30 0-97 —98'87 Wernekink. 3. Sieg. 41-98 22'09 33'64 229 -— =100 Schnabel. G.=4-8. 4. " Sieg. 42'30 11-00 42'64 4'69 -=100-63 Ebb. G.-=50. 5. 43'04 40'77 ]4'60 049=98'90 Ramm. 6. Mineral Hill, Sieg. 39-70a 25-69 29-56 1-96 2-23, Insol. 045=-99'59 Genth. 7. I' Sieg. 41-15 [50'76] 3'20 3'63, Insol. 1'26=100 Genth. [Genth. 8. Missouri, Sieg. 41'54 21'34 30'53 3'37 -, Pb 0'39, Cu, Sb tr., Insol. 1'07=98-24 Pyr., etc.-The variety from Milsen gives, in the closed tube, a sulphur sublimate; in the open tube, sulphurous fumes, with a faint sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal gives arsenical and sulphurous odors, and fuses to a magnetic globule. The roasted mineral gives with the fluxes reactions for nickel, cobalt, and iron. Soluble in nitric acid, with separation of sulphur. Obs.-In gneiss, with chalcopyrite, at Bastnaes, near Riddarhyttan, Sweden; at Milsen, near Siegen, in Prussia, with heavy spar and spathic iron; at Siegen (siegenite), in octahedrons; at Mine la Motte, in Missouri, mostly massive, sometimes octahedral and cubo-octahedral crystals; and at Mineral Hill, in Maryland, in a vein in chlorite slate, with chalcopyrite,. bornite, blende, pyrite, etc. Alt.-Occurs altered to yellow earthy cobalt so-called (gelb Erdkobalt), which is a mixture of erythrite and pitticite. 82. CARROLLITE. Faber, Am. J. Sci., IT. xiii. 418, 1852. Isometric. Rarely in octahedrons. Massive. Fracture subconchoidal or uneven. H.=5 5. G.= 4 85, Smith and Brush. Lustre metallic. Color light steel-gray, with a faint reddish hue. Comp.-Cu S + Co2 S; or its equivalent Cu S + Co S + Co S2 (obtained by doubling the number of atoms), which may be written 2 (1 Cu + - Co) S + 3 Co S2: analogous to Cuban. Analyses: 1-3, Smith and Brush (Am. J. Sci., IL xvi. 367); 4, Genth (ib., xxiii. 418): S Co Ni Fe Cu As 1. Patapsco mine 41'93 37'25 1'54 1-26 17'48 tr.=99'46 S. & B. 2. " 40'94 38-21 1'54 1 55 ]7'79 tr.=100'03 S. & B. 3.' 40'99 37'65 1'54 1-40 19'18 tr. —100'76 S. & B. 4. " 41'71 38'70 1'70 0'46 17'55, quartz 0'07=1.0019 G. Faber obtained in an incorrect analysis (1. c.) S 27'04, Co 28-50, Ni 1-50, Fe 5'31, Cu 32'99, As 1'81, silica'2'15-99-30. Pyr.-Like siegenite, except that the roasted mineral reacts for copper with the fluxes. Obs.-In Carroll Co., Maryland, at Patapsco mine, near Finksburg; and also at Springfield mine, associated and mixed with chalcopyrite and chalcocite. This species may prove to be identical with the Bastnaes linnmite (or true linnmite), on a new analysis of the latter, both being cupriferous. 70 SULPHIDS) ETC. 83. SMALTITrlE.? Cobaltum cineraceum Agric., 459, 1529. K:oboltmalm, ]{oboltglants, Minera Cobalti cinerea, Cobaltum arsenico mineralisatum, pt. (Cobaltite here included), Wall., 231; 1747.? Cobaltum Ferro et Arsenico mineralisatum, Giants-Cobalt (fr. Schneeberg), Cronst., 212, 1758. Mine de Cobalt grise De Lisle, Crist., 333, 1772; Mine de Cobalt arsenicale De Lisle, iii. 123, 1783. Weisser Speisskobold, Grauer Speisskobold, Wern. Gray Cobalt ore Kirw., 1796. Tin-white cobalt. Speiskobalt Hausm., Handb., 155, 1813. Smaltine Beud., Tr., ii. 584, 1852. Isometric. Observed planes: 0, 1, 2-2, I, also an undetermined tetrahexahedron. Figures 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9. Cleavage: octahedral, distinct. Cubic, in traces. Also massive and in reticulated and other imitative shapes. H. —=55-6. G.-=64 to 7' 2. Lustre metallic. Color tin-white, inclining, when massive, to steel-gray, sometimes iridescent, or grayish from tarnish. Streak grayish-black. [Fracture granular and uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var. —For typical kind (Co. Fe, Ni) As2= (if Co. Fe, and Ni be present in equal parts) Arsenic 72'1, cobalt 9'4, nickel 9-5, iron 90=- 100. It is probable that nickel is never wholly absent, although not detected in some of the earlier analyses; and in some kinds it is the principal metal. The varieties based on the proportions of cobalt, nickel, and iron, are the following: Var. 1. Cobaltic; SMALTINE. Contains little nickel or iron. 2. Niccoliferous; CHLOANTHITE Breith. (B. H. Ztg., iv. 1845; Weissnickelkies pt., Weissnickelerz, -Arsenik-Nickel, Germ.; Wlite Nickel; Rammelsbergit Haid., Handb., 560, 1845; Chathamite Shep., Am. J. Sci., xlvii. 351, 1844). Contains much nickel, the cobalt simetimes nearlywiafting. 3. Ferrifezrous; SAFFLORITE Breith. (Grauer Speiskobold Wern.; Eisenkobalterz Hausm.; Eisen. kobaltkies v. Kob.). Contains over 10 p. c. of iron with cobalt, or with cobalt and nickel. But the atomic proportion of arsenic and other elements often varies much from the normal above stated, and without correspondence with the three groups just pointed out. These variations lead to the following groups, as distinguished by Rammelsberg, which, however, blend more or less with one another: A. Composition R As2, with R=Co, Fe, and some Ni. Includes some of Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above. B. R As2, with R=Ni, Fe, and some Co. Includes most chloanlhite, No. 2. Anal. 6 to 12. 0. R As +R As2. Anal. 13 to 15. Includes some of Nos. 2 and 3. D. R As~ + 2 R As3. Anal. 16 to 21. Includes some of 1 and 2. In this last the arsenic constitutes 73-76 p. c., and the mineral approximates to Skutterudite. Analyses: Series A. 1, Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlviii. 505); 2, Hofmann (Pogg., xxv. 485); 3, Kobell (Grundz. Min., 300); 4, Klauer (Ramm., 5th Suppl., 225); 5, Lange (Ramm., Min. Ch., 24).Series B. 6, Booth (Am. J. Sci., xxix. 241); 7, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., Iv. 486); 8, 9, id. (1st Suppl., 15); 10, F. Marian (Vogl's Min. Joach., 158); 11, C. U. Shepard (Am. J. Sci., xlvii. 351); 12, Genth (This Min., 512, 1854).-Series C. 13, Jdckel (Rose's iKryst. Ch., 53); 14, Rammelsberg. (5th Suppl., 225); 15, Salvetal & Wertheim (These, Paris, 1854, 79).-Series D. 16, Stromeyer (Gel. Anz. Gott., 1817, 72); 17, Sartorius (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 278); 18, 19, B. W. Bull (Rose's Kryst. Ch., 52); 20, Karstedt (Ramm., 5th Suppl., 225); 21, Marian (1. c.): A. As Co Ni Fe Cu 1. Tunaberg 69'46 23'44 - 4.95, S 0'90=9875 Varr. 2. Schneeberg 17037 13-95 1-79 11171 1-39, S 0'66, Bi 0-01=99'88 Hofm. 3. " 71108 944 - 18-48 tr. S tr., Bi 1-00=100 Kob. 4. Riechelsdorf 68173 16-37 12-15 2'30 0'45=100 Klauer. 5. Schneeberg 73'55 6'28 14-49 5-20 -, S 0271=99-79 Lange. B. G. of mineral of anal. 7, 6'411; 8 and 9, 6-735; 10, 6'28-6'89. 6. Riechelsdorf'7264 3'37 20'74 3'25 — =100 Booth. 1. Allemont 71-11 - 18-71 682, S 2-29=98'93 Ramm. 8. ]Kamsdorf 10'34 - 28-40'tr. -=-98'74 Ramm. 9. " 10'93 - 29-50 tr. - =100'43 Ramm. 10. Joachimsthal 71-47 3-62 21-18 2'83 0-29, S 0-58=_9997 Marian. 11. Chatham, Ct. 70'00 1-35 12-19.:17-10 -=101-21 Shepard. 12.' 70'11 3-82 9'44 11-85 —, S 4178=100 Genth. 0. G. of min. of anal. 13, 6-84; 14, 6'374. 13. Riechelsdorf 66'02 21'21 - -1160 1-90, S 0'49, Bi 0'04=101'26 JackeL 14.'" 60-42 10'80 25-87 0-80 -, S 2-11-100 Ramm. 15. Schneeberg 58'71 3-01 35'00 0-80 -, S 2'80=100'32 Salv. & W. SULPHIDS, ETC. 71 D. G. of min. of anal. 19, 6'537; 21, 6-807. As Co Ni Fe Cu 16., Riechelsdorf 74'21 20-31 - 342 0'16, S 0'88=98'98 Strom. 17. " 73'53 9'17 14-06 2'24 -, S 0'94=99'94 Sartorius. 18. " T76'09 4'56 12-25 6-82 =99172 Bull. 19. Schneeberg 75'85 3'32 12'04 6'52 0'94=;98'67 Bull. 20. " 7480 3'79 12-86 7'33 -—, S 0'85=99-63 Karst. 21. Joachimsthal 74'52 11'72 1-81 5-26 1-00, S 1-81=99-72 Marian. J. L. Smith found over 8 p. c. of copper in a smaltine from Atacama, his analysis affording (Gilliss's Exped., ii. 102) As 70'85, Co 24:13, Ni 1'23, Fe 4'05, Cu 8'41, S 0'08=100'75. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives a sublimate of metallic arsenic; in the open tube a white sublimate of arsenous acid, and sometimes traces of sulphurous acid. B.B. on charcoal gives an arsenical odor, and fuses to a globule, which, treated with successive portions of borax-glass, affords reactions for iron, cobalt, and nickel. Obs.-Usually occurs in veins, accompanying ores of cobalt or nickel, and ores of silver and copper; also, in some instances, with niccolite and arsenopyrite; often having a coating of annabergite. Occurs with silver and copper at Freiberg, Annaberg, and particularly Schneeberg in Saxony,.; at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, the reticulated varieties are frequently found imbedded in calc spar, (and also at Wheal Sparnon in Cornwall; at Riechelsdorf in Hesse, in veins in the copper schist; at Tunaberg in Sweden; Allemont in Dauphine; at the silver mines of Tres Puntas and others in Chili, but only in small quantities. Also in crystals at Mine La Motte, Missouri. See analyses above for the varieties at these localities. At Chatham, Conn., the chloanthite (chathamite) occurs in mica slate, associated generally with arsenopyrite and sometimes with niccolite. This species and the cobaltite were confounded by the mineralogists of last century; and although right chemical distinctions were early indicated by those of Sweden. doubts continued until the analyses by John and Stromeyer in 1811 and 1817. Rome de Lisle brought out and figured correctly the crystallographic distinctions in 1772 and 1783; but the value of his determinations were not generally appreciated. Alt.-Occurs altered to erythrite (arsenate of cobalt), a change due to the oxydation of the arsenic and cobalt on exposure to moisture. 84. S1UTTERUDITE. Tesseral-Kies, Hartkobaltkies, Breith., Pogg., ix. 115, 1827. Arsenikkobaltkies Scheerer, Pogg., xlii. 546, 1837. Hartkobalterz Heausm., Handb., 69, 1847. Skutterudit ITaid., Handb., 560, 1845. Modumite Nicol, Min., 457, 1849. Isometric. Observed planes O I,, 1, 2, -, 2-2, i-3, 2-3. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 10. Cleavage: cubic, distinct; I, in traces. Also massive granular. H.- 6. G.=6-'74 —6-84. Lustre bright metallic. Color between tinwhite and pale lead-gray, sometimes iridescent. OComp. —Co As=Arsenic 79'2, cobalt 20'8=100. Analyses: 1, Scheerer,?(L. c.); 2, 3, Wohler (Pogg., xliii. 591): 1. Skutterud As 77-84 Co 20-01 Fe 1-51 S 0-69=100-05 Scheerer. 2. " cruyst. 79-2 18-5 1'3=99'0 Wdhler. 3. " mass. 79'0 19'5 1'4=99-9 Wdhler. Pyr.-Reactions like those of smaltite, but gives a more copious sublimate of metallic arsenic in the closed tube. Obs.-From Skutterud, near Modum, in Norway, in a hornblendic gangue in gneiss, with sphene and cobaltite, and the crystals sometimes implanted on those of cobaltite.'85. COBALTITEI. Cobaltum cum ferro sulfurato et arsenicato mineralisatum, Glants-Kobolt pt. (fr. Tunaberg), Cronst., 213, 1758. Mine de Cobalt blanche de Lisle, Crist., 334, 1772. Mine de Cobalt arsenico-sulfureuse de Lisle, Crist., iii. 129, 178). Glanz-Kobold Wern. KobaltGlanz Germ. Cobalt gris pt. II. Glance Cobalt; Bright-White Cobalt. Glanzkobaltkies Glock., Grundr., 1831. Cobaltine Beeud., Tr. ii. 450, 1832. Isometric; pyritohedral. Observed planes, as in the annexed figure; 72 SULPHIDS, ETC. f. 46, 47. Cleavage: cubic, perfect. Planes 0 striated. Also massive, granular or compact. H.5 — 5. G.-6- 63. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white, inclined to red; also steel-gray, with a violet tinge, or grayish-black when containing /1 t-\ much iron. Streak grayish-black. Fracture un1' 1 A even and lamellar. Brittle. ~- 0 \ Comp., Var.-Co S2+ Co As2, or Co (S, As)2=Sulphur 19'3, arsenic 45-2, cobalt 35'5=100. The cobalt is sometimes largely replaced by iron, and sparingly by copper. &I -'1 // / Var. 1. Ordinary. Contains little iron. Anal. 1-6. 2. Ferriferous; FERROCOBALTITE (Stahlkobalt Ramm., 4th Suppl., 116, 5th Suppl., 148, 1853; Ferrocobaltine Dana, Min., 58, 1854). Contains much iron (anal. 7-9); from the Hamberg mine, Siegen. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Schw. J., xix. 336); 2, Schnabel (Ramm.,- 3d Suppl., 65); 3, Huberdt (Ramm., 4th Suppl, 116); 4, Patera (ib.); 5, Ebbinghaus (ib.); 6, 7, Schnabel (ib.); 8, Schnabel (ib., 5th Suppl., 149); 9, HIeidingsfeld (ib.): S As Co Fe 1. Skutterud 20'08 43-46 33-10 3'23=99'87 Stromeyer. 2. Siegen 19-10 44-75 29'77 6 38=100 Schnabel. 5. Skutterud 20-25 42'97 32-'0 3-42, quartz 1-63=100'34 Ebbinghaus. 6. Siegen, massive 19-35 45'31 33'71 1-63=99-99 Schnabel. 7. " lumose 19'98 42'53 8-67 25-98 Sb 2'84=100 Schnabel. 8. " " 20'86 42'94 8'92 2803=-100-75 Schnabel. 9. " " 19'08 43'14 9'62 24'99, Sb 1'04, Cu 2'36, gangue 0'52-=100-75 Heid. The analyses of supposed cobaltite by Patera and IHuberdt are given under ALLOCLASITE. Pyr., etc. —Unaltered in the closed tube. In the open tube, gives sulphurous fzmes, and a crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal gives off sulphur and arsenic, and fuses to a magnetic globule; with borax a cobalt-blue color. Soluble in warm nitric acid, separating arsenous acid and sulphur. Obs. —Occurs at Tunaberg, Riddarhyttan, and Hokansbd, in Sweden, in large, splendid, welldefined crystals; also at Skutterud in Norway. Other localities are at Querbach in Silesia, Siegen in Westphalia, and Botallack mine, near St. Just, in Cornwall. The most productive mines are those of Vena in Sweden, where it occurs in mica slate; these mines were first opened in 1809. This species and smaltite afford the greater part of the smalt of commerce. It is also employed in porcelain painting. 86. GCERSDORI:FFITJE. Niccolum Ferro et Cobalto Arsenicatis et Sulphuratis mineralisatum, K:upfernickel, pt. (white var. fr. Loos), Cr-onst., 218, 1758, Ak. HI. Stockh., 1751, 1754. [The species later taken for Kupfernickel and Cobalt ore, until 1818.] Nickelglanz, Weisses Nickelerz, ~Pfaj Schw. J., xxii. 260, 1818; Berz., Ak. H. Stockh., 1820. Sulfo-arseniure de nickel Beud., 1824. Nickelarsenikglanz, Nickelarsenikkies, Arseniknickelglanz, Germ. Nickel Glance. Disomose Beud., Tr., ii. 448, 1832. Tombazite pt. Breith., J. pr. Ch., xv. 330, 1838. Gersdorffit (fr. Schladming) pt. Liiwe, Pogg., Iv. 503, 1842. Amoibit pt. v. Kob., J. pr. Ch., xxxiii. 402, 1844. Isometric; pyritohedral. Observed planes O, 1, i-2. Figs. 2, 6, X, 46. Cleavage: cubic, rather perfect. Also lamellar and granular massive. I. =5'5. G-. -5'6 -69. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white-steelgray, often tarnished gray or grayish-black. Streak grayish-black. Fracture uneven. C(omp., Var.-Normal, Ni S2 + Ni As, or Ni (S, As)2=Arsenic 45 5, sulphur 19-4, nickel 35'1-1 100. But the composition varies in atomic proportions rather widely, and the species is not yet fully understood. Var. 1. Normal. Having the above composition. SULPHIDS, ETC. 73 2. Lowe's gersdorflte (No. 10) affords 1 [Ni S2+ Ni As2] +~ niccolite (p. 60), corresponding to At. ratio for As, S, Ni, 3: 2: 3. Lowe deduced 4: 3: 4, the formula from which would differ only in the last member being ~ niccolite. Anal. 9 falls in with this formula. 3. Von Kobell's amoibite (anal. 17) afforded him, 4 As + 3 S+4 4 Ni=Arsenic 47'4, sulphur 15'2, nickel 3714. 4 As + 3 S+ 4 Ni is nearer the analysis. The mineral occurs at Lichtenberg in the Fichtelgebirge in light steel-gray octahedrons, having H.-4. 4. II.=4. Pless's analyses (Nos. 12-14), and also Bogen's of the ore of Siegen (No. 15), correspond to 2 Ni S + Ni As2. This ore may be named plessite. 5. Dobsc7zauite. Anal. 18 corresponds to At. ratio for As, S, (Ni, Fe, Co), 2: 1: 2, giving the formula 1 [R S2 + R As2] + 2 niccolite. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (1. c.); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxviii. 511); 3, 4, Schnabel (Verh. Ver. Bonn, viii. 307, Ramm. Min.-Ch., 65); 5, Bergemann (J. pr. COh., lxxv. 244); 6, Dobereiner (Schw. J., xxvi. 270); 7, Rammelsberg (Handw., ii. 14); 8, leidingsfeld (Ramm., 5th Suppl., 174); 9-11, L6we (Ramm., 2d Suppl., 102, Pogg., lv. 503); 12-14, Pless (Ann. Ch. Pharm., li. 250); 15, Bogen (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 55); 16, Bergemann (J. pr. Ch., lxxix. 412); 17, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxxiii. 402); 18, Zerjdiu (Anz. Ak. Wien, 1866, 173): As S Ni Fe Co 1. Loos, Sweden 45'37 19 34 29'94 4-11 0.922, Si 0'9=100-58 Berzelius. 2. Hiarzgerode, G. 5'65 44:01 18'83 30'30 6-00 Sb 0-86=100 Ramm. 3. Miisen, cryst. 46-02 18'94 32'66 2'38 - -100 Schnabel. 4. Ems, massive 38'92 17'82 35'27 4'97 2'23, Cu 2'75=101'96 Schnabel. 5. cryst. 45-02 19'04 34'18 1'02 0-27, Sb 0'61=100'14 Bergemann. 6. Kamsdorf 48' 14' 27c 11' --— 100 D6bereiner. 7. Lobenstein 48'02 20'16 3182 - - = —-100 Rammelsberg. 8.'" 46'12 18'96 33'04 1'81 0'60, Cu 0'11, Sb 0'33=100'97 Heid. 9. Prakendorf 46'10 16'25 28-75 8-70 - =100 Lowe. 10. Schladming, Gersdorff. 49'83 14'13 26'14 9-55 -=99'65 Lowe. 11. " G. 67 —6'9 42'52 14:22 38'42 2'09 —, quartz 1'87 —99'12 Lowe. 12. " cryst., G. 6-64 39'04 16':)5 19'59 11'13 14'12=100'23 Pless. 13. "': 39'88 16'11 27'90 14'97 0'83 —99'69 Pless. 14. " " 39'40 16'91 28-62 12'19 2'88=100 Pless. 15. Siegen - 3752 11749 40'97 4'19 — =100'17 Bogen. 16. Ems, massive 33'25 21-51 22'79 16-64 1-64, Cu 4'01, Sb 0'62=100'46 B3. 17. Amoibite, G. 6-08 45'34b 14-00 37134 2'50 tr., Pb 0'82=100 Kobell. 18. Dobschau 49'73 9'41 25'83 5-20 7-46, Si 1-63=99-26 Zerjiu. a with some Cu. b by loss. c with some Co. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a yellowish-brown sublimate of sulphid of arsenic. In the open tube yields sulphurous fumes, and a white sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal gives sulphurous and garlic odors and fuses to a globule, which, with borax-glass gives at first an iron reaction, and, by treatment with fresh portions of the flux, cobalt and nickel are successively oxydized. Decomposed by nitric acid, forming a green solution, with separation of sulphur and arsenous acid. Obs.-Occurs at Loos in Helsingland, Sweden; in the Albertine mine, near Harzgerode in the Harz, with chalcopyrite, galenite, calcite, fluor-spar, and quartz; at Schladming in Styria.; Iamsdorf in Lower Thuringia; Haueisen, near Lobenstein, Voigtland; at the quicksilver mine (anal. 4) and at Pfingstweise (anal. 5), near Ems. Also found as an incrustation of cubes, with planes 1 and 2-2, on decomposed galenite and blende, at Phenixville, Pa. 87. ULLMANNITE. Nickelspiesglaserz (fr. Siegen) Ullmann (his discov. in 1803), Syst.-Tab., 166, 379, 1814. Nickelspiessglanzerz Hrausm., Handb., 192, 1813. Antimonnickelglanz, Nickelantimonglanz, Antimon-Arseniknickelglanz, Germ. Nickel Stibine; Nickeliferous Gray Antimony. Antimoine sulfure nickelifere H., 1822. Ullmannit Frdbel, 1843. Isometric. Observed planes, 0, 1, I; f. 5, 6, 7. Cleavage: cubic, perfect. Occurs also massive; structure granular. H. =5 —5-. G.= -2-6 2 -51; 6-352-6 506, Harzgerode, Ramm. Lustre metallic. Color steel-gray, inclining to silver-white. Brittle. Comp.-Ni S2+Ni (Sb, As)2, Ramm., or Ni (S, Sb, As)2=(arsenic excluded) Nickel 27-7, antimony 57-2, sulphur 15'1= 100. The arsenic is sometimes wanting, as in anal. 3, 4. Analyses 74A SULPHIDS, ETC. 1, Klaproth (Beitr., vi. 329); 2, Ullmann (Syst. tab. Uebers., 394); 3, 4, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 588); 5, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxiv. 189): As Sb S Ni 1. Freusberg 11'75 47-75 15'25 25'25=100 Klaproth. 2. Siegen 9'94 47'56 16'40 26'10=100 Ullmann. 3. " 55'76 15-98 27 36=99'10 E. Rose. 4. it 54'47 15'55 28'04-98'06 H. Rose. 5. Harzgerode 2'65 50'84 1738 29'43, Fe 1'83=102'13 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives a faint white sublimate. In the open tube sulphurous and antimonous fumes, the latter condensing on the walls of the tube as a white non-volatile sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses to a globule, boils, and emits antimonous vapors, which coat the coal white; treated with borax-glass reacts like gersdorffite. Some varieties contain arsenic. Decomposed by nitric acid, forming a green solution, with separation of sulphur and antimonous acid. Obs.-Occurs in the Duchy of Nassau, in the mines of Freusburg, with galenite and chalcopyrite; in Siegen, Prussia; at Harzgerode and Lobenstein. Rammelsberg calls an ore from the Harz boarnoni-nickselglcanz. It occurs in cubes; I.=4-5. G.-=5635 —5706. Analysis (Pogg., lxxvii. 254): As Sb S Ni Co Pb Cu Fe 28'00 19'53 16'86 27104 1'60 5'13 1'33 0'51=100 It comes from Wolfsberg in the Harz. 88. CORYNITE. Korynit v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, ii. 117, 1865. Isomnetric. In octahedrons, with convex faces. Also in globular groups. H.=45 —5. G.5 —994; 5'95 —6029, v. Z. Lustre metallic. Color silver-white, inclined to steel-gray on fresh fracture; streak black. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Comp.-Ni S2+Ni (As, Sb)', or like ullmannite, and differing in that the arsenic present exceeds in amount the antimony. Analysis: v. Payer (1. c.): As Sb S Ni Fe 37-83 13'45 17-19 28-86 1'98=99'31 Pyr., etc.-In the open tube affords sulphurous acid and a crystalline white sublimate. In the mattrass also finally a narrow yellowish-red and a broader yellow zone. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily at surface, yielding fumes of sulphurous acid and antimony. With borax-glass reactions of iron, cobalt, and finally nickel, with an arsenical odor. Obs. —From Olsa, in Carinthia, with bournonite; crystals about 21 mm. through. Named from Kopvrl,, a club. 89. LAURITE. Laurit WMhler, Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxxix. 116. Isometric. In small octahedrons, with faces of the cube, and 2-2, i-2. Cleavage: octahedral distinct. II. above 7. G.=6 99, v. Waltershausen. Lustre metallic, bright. Color dark iron-black; powder dark-gray. Brittle. Comp.-Sulphid of osmium and ruthenium. Perhaps 12 Ru S' + Os S4, or Ru S [ + o Ru4 Os] =Sulphur 32'12, Ru 62'88, Os 5'00=100. Analysis: Wdhler (1. c.): S 31'79 [Os 3'03] Ru 65'18=100 The osmium was determined.by the loss, and the ruthenium was not wholly pure from it, the amount used for analysis having been but 0'3145 grain. Pyr., etc.-Heated it decrepitates. B.B. infusible, giving first sulphurous and then osmic acid fumes. Not acted upon by aqua regia, or by heating with bisulphate of potash. Obs.-From the platinum washings of Borneo. Found among fine-grained platinum which had been brought from Borneo. SULPHIDS, ETC. 75 90. MARCASITE. Not Marchasite [=Cryst. Pyrite] Arab., Agric., 1546; Henc7kel, 1725; Wall., 1747; Cronst., 1758; Linn., 1768; de Lisle, 1783.? Pyrites argenteo colore, Germ. Wasserkies o. Weisserkies, Agric. Interpr., 477, 1546; Ferrum jecoris colore, Germ. Lebererz, pt., Agric., ib., 469. Vattenkies [=Wasserkies] pt., Pyrites fuscus pt., P. aquosus pt., Wall., 212, 1747. Swafwelkies pt. Cronst., 184, 1758. Pyrites lamellosus Born., Lithoph., ii. 106, 1772. P. aquosus? id., 107. Pyrites rhomboidales pt. de Lisle, Crist., 1772, iii. 242, 1783. Pyrites lamelleuse en cretes de coq [=Cockscomb Pyrites] Forst., Cat., 1772; de Lisle, Crist., iii. 252, 1783. Pyrites fuscus lamellosus Wall., ii. 134, 1778. Stralhlkies, Leberkies [=Radiated Pyrites, Hepatic Pyrites] pt., Wern., Bergm. J., 1789. Fer sulfure var. radi H., Tr., 1801, Brongn., Tr., 1807. Wasserkies (Dichter o. Leberkies, Strahlkies, Haarkies pt.) Hausm., Handb., 149, 1813. Fer sulfur6 blanc pt. H. White Pyrites Aikin, Min., 1814. Fer sulfure prismatique rhomboidale Bourn., Cat., 301, 1817. Prismatic Iron Pyrites James., iii. 297, 1820. Klammkies, Speerkies, Zellkies pt., Germ. Cockscomb, Spear, and Cellular Pyrites. Markasit Haid., Handb., 467, 561, 1845. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1060 5', 0 A 1 -=122~ 26', a: b: C=1-5737: I: 1'3287. O A 1-=1160 55' 1 A 1, mac.,= 1150 10' 1-z A 1-=-64: 52' 0 A ~ —=158 27 1 A, brach.,=89 6 1-4 A 1-4=80 20 0 A 1-4=130 10 1 A 1, bas.,-126 10 I A i-2=126 57 Cleavage: Irather perfect; 1-b in traces. Twins: plane of composition I, sometimes consisting of five individuals, united by the acute lateral angle (f. 97); also others with 4i composition parallel to 1-. Also globular, reniform, and other imitative shapes-structure straight columnar; often --- massive, columnar, or granular. -- H.-=6-65. G.-4'678 —4'847. Lustre metallic. Color 1-l 1 1pale bronze-yellow, sometimes inclined to green or gray. Streak grayish or brownish-black. Fracture uneven. 3Brit- I i-i tie. Observed planes. 96 o 3 Comp., Var. —Fe S2, like pyrite. The varieties that have been recognized depend mainly on state of crystallization. 1. Radiated (Strahlkies): Radiated; also the simple crystals. 2. Cockscomb P. (Kammlkies): Aggregations of flattened crystals into crest-like forms. 3. Spear P. (S0peerkies): Twin crystals, with reentering angles a little like the head of a spear Im form. 4. Capillary (iRaark7ies): In capillary crystallizations. 5. Hepatic P. (Leberkies and Pyrites fuscus pt.): The massive of dull colors, being named from n1,rP, liver; but including, among the older mineralogists especially, brown specimens of any pyrite, altered more or less to limonite. 6. Cellular P. (Zellkies): In cellular specimens, formed by the incrustation of the crystals of other minerals that have disappeared; partly pyrite. 7. Arsenical: Nearly white in color (in part kyrosite Breith., and weisskupfererz); contains a trace of arsenic. Analyses: 1, Hatchett (Phil. Trans., 325, 1804); 2, 3, Berzelius (Schw. J., xxvii. 67); 4, Scheidhauer (Pogg., 1xiv. 282); 5, Trapp (B. HT. Ztg., xxiii. 55): 76 SULPHIDS, ETC. Fe S 1. 46%4 53'6=100 Hatchett. 2. 45'66 54-34=100 Berzelius. 3. Spear P. 45I07 52'35, Mn 0'70, Si 0'80=99'92 Berzelius. 4. Kyrosite 45'60 53'05, Cu 1-41, As 093= —100'99 Scheidhauer. 5. Miinsterthal, Baden 46'93 51'95=98'88 Trapp. Pyr.-Like pyrite. Very liable to decomposition; more so than pyrite. The kyrosite Breith., called also weisskupofererz, Char., 1823, 111, 246, and arsenid of copper, is from the Mine Briccius, near Annaberg. A Chilian weisskcupfererz contains, according to Plattner (Breith., in Pogg, lviii. 281), 12'9 p. c. of copper, besides iron and sulphur, but no arsenic. Another so called, from Schneeberg, is, according to v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., lxxi. 159), impure marcasite. Weisskupfererz (also called weisskupfer and weisserz) occurs as the name of a species in all the mineralogical works of last century, from Henckel's Pyrotology, in 1725, where it is called a whitish copper ore, and placed near tetrahedrite; and the light color, from Ilenckel down, is attributed to the presence of arsenic. It has finally been run out as mostly impure marcasite; and the domeykite and related species (p. 36) are now the only true white copper. Obs.-The spear variety occurs abundantly in the plastic clay of the brown coal formation at Littmitz and Altsattell, near Carlsbad in Bohemia.. and is extensively mined for its sulphur and the manufacture of the sulphate of iron. The radiated variety occurs at the same place; also at Joachimsthal, and in several parts of Saxony. The cockscomb variety occurs with galenite and fluor-spar in Derbyshire; crystals near Castleton in Derbyshire; near Alston Moor in Cumberland; near Tavistock in Devonshire; and radiated at East Wheal Rose and elsewhere in Cornwall. At Warwick, N. Y., it occurs in simple and compound crystals, in granite, with zircon. Hustis's farm, in Phillipstown, N. Y., affords small crystals, referred by Beck to this species, occurring in magnesian limestone. Massive fibrous varieties abound throughout the mica slate of New England, particularly at Cummington, Mass., where it is associated with cummingtonite and garnet. Occurs at Lane's mine, in Monroe, Conn., and in the topaz and fluor vein in Trumbull; also in gneiss at East Haddam; at Haverhill, N. H., with common pyrite. In Canada in Neebing. a few miles east of the Kamanistiquia R. Marcasite is employed in the manufacture of sulphur, sulphuric acid, and sulphate of iron, though less frequently than pyrite. Its color is considerably paler than that of ordinary pyrite. The word marcasite, of Arabic or Moorish origin (and variously used by old writers), was the name of common crystallized pyrite among miners and mineralogists in later centuries, until near the close of the last. It was first given to this species by Haidinger in 1845. The species is probably recognized by Agricola under the name wasserkies and lebererz; and also under the same by Cronstedt; and it is Wasserkies of Hausmann in both editions of his great work. This name, wasserkies (pyrites aquosus, as Cronstedt translates it), is little applicable; yet may have arisen from the greater tendency of the mineral to become moist and alter to vitriol than pyrite-if it be not an early corruption, as Agricola seems to think (see above), of Weisserkies (white iron pyrites). It appears to have been used also for easily decomposable pyrite; and pyrrhotine was also included under its other name, pyrites fusczus. The rhombic crystallization is mentioned by de Lisle; but Hauy long afterward considered it only an irregularity of common iron pyrites. Marcasite is made by Breithaupt (J. pr. Ch., iv. 257, 1835) a generic name for the various species of pyrites. LONCHIDITE Breit. & Plattn., Pogg., lxxvii. 135 (Kausimkies, Br. Char., 254, 1832). This mineral appears to be a mixture of marcasite and mispickel. Breithaupt gives for it the angles 104~ 20' for IA I and 100~ 36' for the brachydome. H.-=65. G. —4925-5. Color tin-white, sometimes greenish or grayish; streak black. Analysis by Plattner (loc. cit.), S 49-61, As 4'40, Fe 44'23, Co 0G35, Cu 0'75, Pb 0'20-99'54, equivalent to 24 of marcasite (Fe S2) and 1 of Fe As2. From Freiberg, Schneeberg, and Cornwall. Alt.-Limonite and pyrite occur as pseudomorphs after marcasite. 91. LEUCI OPYlITTE. Prismatic Arsenical Pyrites (communic. by Mohs) pt. Jameson, iii. 272, 1820. Axotomer Arsenik-Kies pt. MoAhs, Grundr., 525, 1823. Arsenikalkies, Arsenikeisen, Arseneisen, pt., Germ. Leucopyrite pt. Shep., Min., ii. 9, 1835. Arsenosiderit pt. Glock., Grundr., 321, 1839. Mohsine pt. Cha pman, 1843. Llingit pt. Haid., Handb., 559, 1845. Sihtersbergit Kenng., Min., 111, 1853. Orthorhombic. Form like that of arsenopyrite, and probably the same in angles with that of 16lingite. Also massive. SULPHIDS, ETC. 77 H.=5 —5'5. G.=6'8-8'71; 6'80 from Andreasberg, Illing; 7'09, from Fossum, Scheerer; 7'28 from Breitenbrunn, Behncke; 867 —8T71 from Schladming, Weidenbusch. Lustre metallic. Color between silverwhite and steel-gray. Streak grayish-black. Fracture uneven. [Brittle. Comp, —Fe As2=Arsenic 72'8, iron 272 —100; or (Fe, Ni, Co) As2. Analyses; 1, 2, Scheerer (Pogg., xlix. 536, 1. 153); 3, Weidenbusch (Rose's Kryst. Ch., 54); 4, Behncke (Pogg., xcviii. 187); 5, Illing (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, 1854, 339): As S Fe 1. Fossum, Norway 70'09 1'33 27-39=98'81 Scheerer. 2. " " 70-22 - 128 28-14-99'64 Scheerer. 3. Schladming 72'18 0'70 26'48=99'36 Weld. 4. Breitenbrunn 69'85 1'10 27-41, Sb 1'05=99'41 Behncke. 5. Andreasberg 10'59 1'65 28-67=100'91 Illing. Pyr. —In the closed tube gives a sublimate of metallic arsenic; in the open tube a white sublimate of arsenous acid, with traces of sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal gives the odor of arsenic; in O.F. a white coating of arsenous acid, and in R.F. a magnetic globule. With the fluxes the roasted mineral reacts only for iron. Obs,-Occurs with copper nickel at Schladming; at Ehrenfriedersdorf, in Saxony; at Saitersberg, near Fossum, in Norway. A crystal of arsenical iron, weighing two or three ounces, was found in Bedford Co., Penn., but it is not known under what circumstances; and in Randolph Co., N. C., a mass of nearly two pounds weight. Whether these were leucopyrite or lolingite is uncertain. Also found at Paris, Maine. The name leucopyrite is derived from XeUK6g, white, and pyrites; it was given by Shepard in 1835. 92. RAMMELSBERGITE. Weissnickelkies Hoffm., Pogg., xv. 491, 1829. Rammelsbergite Dana, Min., 61, 1854. [Not Rammelsbergite (Syn. of Chloanthite) Haid., Handb., 1845.] Orthorhombic; IA I=-123~-124~? H.=5s 25 —'75. G.=7' 099 — 7188 Breith. Slightly ductile. Otherwise like the preceding. Comp.-Ni As', like chloanthite=Arsenic 71-7, nickel 28-3=100. Analysis: 1, Hoffmann (. c.): As Ni Bi Cu S Schneeberg 7 1'30 28-14 2'19 1'50 0'14=102'27 Pyr.-In the closed tube gives a sublimate of metallic arsenic; other reactions the same as with niccolite (p. 60). Obs.-Occurs at Schneeberg and at Riechelsdorf. It was first separated from the isometric white nickel by Breithaupt. 93. L6LINGIT]E. Syn. same as for LEUCOPYRITE (p. 76), with also Glanzarsenikkies Breith.,. J. pr. Ch., iv. 260, 261, 1835. Mohsine pt. Chapman, Pract. Min., 138, 1843. Ljlingit pt. fiaid., 1845. Geierite (fr. Geyer) Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 167, 1866. 97A Orthorhombic. Form like that of mispickel, 1-i A 1 —122~ Rose, 122~ 20' Breith. Cleavage: rather perfect in one direction. Also massive. -H.- 5- -55. G.-6'2-47'3; 6-246 from Geyer; 7)00Ir 17228 from Reichenstein. In other physical characters like leucopyrite. Comp.-Fe As+Fe As2=Arsenic 66'8, iron 33-2=100. Analyses: 1, Meyer (Pogg., 1. 154); 2, Karsten (Eisenhuitt., ii. 19); 3, Weidenbusch (Rose's Kryst. Chem., 54); 4, Behncke (Pogg., xcviii. 187); 5, Hofmann (Pogg., xv. 485): 78 SULPHIDS ETC. As S Fe 1. Reichenstein 63'14 1'63 30'24, gangue 3:55=98'56 Meyer. 2.:' 65'88 77 3235=100 Karsten. 3. 65'61 1'09 3151, gangue 1'04=99'25 Weid. 4. Geyer 58-94 6'07 32'92 Sb 1'37=99'30 B. 5. Reichenstein 65-99 1'94 28'06, gangue 2'17=98'16 Hofmann. The last analysis affords a composition intermediate between those of leucopyrite and Idlingite. The 4th is between this species and mispickel, and has been called geyerite. It is tin-white, with black streak. G.=6'321 —6'246 Behncke, 6'550 Breith. Pyr.-Same as for leucopyrite. Obs.-At Reichenstein in Silesia, in serpentine, with arsenopyrite; at Geyer in Saxony, in crystals, having distinctly the form of arsenopyrite, and massive, mixed with quartz; at Liling, near Huttenberg in Carinthia, in chalybite, along with bismuth and scorodite. Named by Chapman after Mohs, by whom the mineral was first described, and who mentions Liling as the first locality at which it was found; but as mohsite was previously given to a variety of menaccanite, Haidinger's name is here adopted. 94. ARSENOPYRITE, or MISPICKEL.?Lapis subrutilus atque non fere aliter ac argenti spuma splendens et friabilis, Germ. Mistpuckel, Agric., Interpr., 465, 1546. Pyrites candidus, Wasserkies pt., Gesner, Foss., 1565. Arsenikaliskkies, Mispickel, Henckel, Pyrit., 1725. Arsenikaliskkies, Hvit Kies (=Pyrites albus), Mfispickel, Arsenik-Sten, Wall., 227, 228, 1747. Mispickel, Pyrite blanche, Fr. trl. Wall., 1753. Arsenikkies Wern., 1789. Rauschgelbkies. Fer arsenical FZr. Arsenical Pyrites. Dalarnit, Giftkies, Glanzarsenikkies, Breith., J. pr. Ch., iv. 259, 261, 1835. Arsenopyrite Glock., Syn., 38, 1847. Dana-ite=Cobaltic Mispickel (fr. Franconia) Hayes, Am. J. Sci., xxiv. 386, 1833. Kobaltarsenikkies Germ.? Vermontit (fr. U. S.) Breith., 1. c. Akontit (fr. Sweden) Breith., 1. c. Thal. heimit, Giftkies, Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 167, 1866. Orthorhombic. I A I=111~ 53', 0 A 1-4=119~ 37'; a: b: c=17588: 1: 1'4793. 3But IrA Ivarying from 1110 to 112~ 30', and 1-i A 1-T from 119~ 30' to 1210 30'. Observed planes: see f. 98, 99, 100. 99 100 Franconia, N. H. Franconia, N.H., and Kent, N.Y. Danaite. O A 1-2=118~ 18' 0 A ~-4=158~ 23' 1-i A 1-i, bas.,-120~ 46' O A 1 — 115 12 0 A -i=149 16 1-i A 1-i, bas.,=-99 52 O A 3 -98 55 0 A 1-i=130 4 3-4 A 3-i, ib.,=148 40 0 A 3 —=99 37 0\ A3-= 105 40 -l \A I-, top,=118 32 Cleavage: I rather distinct; 0, faint traces. Twins: composition-face 1, and 14-. Also columnar, straight, and divergent; granular, or compact. SULPfIDS, ETC. 79 H.= 55 —6. G.-=60 —6'4; 6'269, Franconia, I(enngott. Lustre metal. lie. Color silver-white, inclining to steel-gray. Streak dark grayish-black. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var. —Fe SI+Fe s2=-Fe (As, S)2=-Arsenic 46'0, sulphur 19'6, iron 34'4=100. Part of the iron sometimes replaced by cobalt. Var. 1. Ordinary. Containing little or no cobalt. Breithaupt makes IA I=111 1' and 1-i A 1-i=120~ 52' for cryst. fr. Dalarne, Sweden (his dalarnite) and G.=5'66 —569; 11l~ 27' for id. fr. Freiberg, Chemnitz, Munzig, Villarica, Brazil, Riesengebirge, Zinnwald, Altenberg, with G.=5'839 —6'053; 112~ 4' and 120~ 30', for id. fr. Thalhelm near Stolberg in the Erzgebirge, Schlackenwald, Cornwall, with G.=6-155 —6221 (giftkies and thalheimnite, Breith.). For M. of Mt. Sorata, G.=6'255 D. Forbes. 2. Cobaltic:.Danaite. Containing 4 to 10 p. c. of cobalt, and giving the formula. (Co, Fe) (As, S)2. IAI in cryst. fr. Franconia, N. H., 112~ 1'-112~, 1-i A 1-i=121~ 30', 1-4 A 1.-= —100~ 15', Teschemacher; IA 1=112~ 33', 1-4 A 1-i=12L~ 20', 1- A 14-=99~ 54', Kenngott. In cryst. from Skutterud, IA 1=111~ 40'-112~ 2', 1-4 A 1-i=121~ 30', Scheerer. Vermontite and akontite are cobaltiferous (Breith.). The vermontite is supposed to be from Vermont [Franconia?]; it gave him IA -=111~ 38', and G.=6-207. The akontite is from Hokansbd and Vena, in Sweden, and gave IA 1I=110~ 29', with G.=6-008 and 6-059. For D. from Mt. Sorata, fibrous, G.=-694, granular 5-86, D. Forbes. The danaite was named after J. Freeman Dana, who first made known the Franconia locality. 3. Niccoliferous. Containing nickel. 4. Argentifbrous. Containing a little silver, and occurring in acicular crystals (Weisserz pt. Wern.; Fer arsenical argentif6re H. From BraUinsdorf, in Saxony. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Schw. J., x. 404); 2, Chevreul (Gill. Ann., xvii. 84); 8, Thomson (Ann. Lyc., N. York, iii. 85); 4, Baldo (Jahrb. Min., 1866, 594); 5, Weidenbusch (Rose's lKryst. Ch., 56); 6, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs, iv. 400); 7, Freitag (Ramm. Min. Chi., 58); 8-11, Behncke (Pogg., xcviii..184); 12, Potyka (Pogg., cvii. 304); 13, D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 6); 14, Krceber (ib., xxix. 8); 15 16, Winkler (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 167); 17, D. Forbes (1. c.); 18, Scheerer (Pogg., xlii. 546); 19, Wohler (Pogg., xliii. 591); 20, A. A. Hayes (Am. J. Sci., xxiv. 386); 21, J. L. Smith (Gillis's Exped., ii. 102); 22, D. Forbes (1. c.): As S Fe Co 1. Freiberg 42'88 21-08 36-04 — =100 Stromeyer. 2. " 43'418 20-132 34-938 =98'488 Chevreul. 3. " 45*74 19'60 33'98 — 99-32 Thomson. 4. Orawicza 43-85 20'60 3559. -=100'04 Baldo. 5. Reichenstein 45'92 19'26 33-08 -., gangue 1-97=100'23 Weid. 6. Muhlbach 45'00 21l36 33-52 -=99'88 Hauer. 7. Johannisberg 41'91 21'14 36'95 -=100 Freitag. 8. Sahla, Swed. 42-05 18-52 37-65 —, Sb 1'10=99'32 B. G.=5'82. 9. Altenberg, Sil. 43'78 20'25 34-35 -, Sb 1'05=99'43 B. G.=6-042. 10. Freiberg, Sax. 44-83 20-38 34'32 — =99'53 B. G.=6'046. 11. Landeshuth, Sil. 44'02 19-71 34'83 --—, Sb 0'92=9954 B. G.=6'067. 12. Sahla 43'26 19-13 34-78 —, Sb 1'29, Bi 0-14=98'60 Potyka. G.=6'095. 1:3. Inquisivi 46-95 18-12 34'93 tr.=100 D. Forbes. 14. Bolivia 43'68 16'76 34'93 0'09, Ni 4'74, Ag 0'09, Au 0-002, Sb tr.=100'202 Kroeber. 15. Thalheim 44'00 19-77 34-02 —, gangue 0'92=98'71 Winkler. 16. Ehrenfriedersdorf 44197 1.9'89 33-75 1-03, gangue 0'22=99'86 Winkler. 17. Mt. Sorata 45'46 19-53 34'47 0'44, Ni 0'03, Mn 0'14=100'07 Forbes. 18. Skutterud, Cobaltif. 46'76 17'34 26'36 9-01=100'47 Scheerer. 19. " " 47-45 17'48 30-91 475= —10059 W6iler. 20. Franconia, Danaite 41'44 17'84 32'94 6'45=98-67 Hayes. 21. Copiapo 44'30 20'25 30'21 5'84=100-60 Smith. 22. Mt. Sorata 42-83 18'27 29-22 3-11, Ni 0'81, Mn 5-12, Bi 0'64=100 Forbes. Jordan has analyzed arsenopyrite from near Andreasberg (J. pr. Chem., x. 436) and obtained As 55-000, S 8'344, Fe 36'437, Ag 0'011=99'792, giving nearly the formula 2 Fe S + 3 Fe As2=Arsenic 56'7, sulphur 8-0, iron 35'2=100. Jordan made out 3 As, S, 3 Fe, which requires arsenic 529, sulphur 7-5 iron 396= —100. Bsentsch obtained from an ore from the coal formation of Merseburg (ZS. Ver. Halle, vii. 372) As 38'23, S 21'70, Fe 35'97, Si 3-27, Mg, Ca trace=99-17; G.=5-36-5-66; giving the formula 80 SULPHIDS, ETC. 2 Fe As2+ 3 Fe S2. Analysis 11, by Behncke, corresponds to 7 Fe, 6 S, 6 As. The discrepancy in these cases may be owing to impurities. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube at first gives a red sublimate of sulphid of arsenic, then a black lustrous sublimate of metallic arsenic. In the open tube gives sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal reacts like leucopyrite. The varieties containing cobalt give a blue color with borax-glass when fused in O.F. with successive portions of flux until all the iron is oxydized. Gives fire with steel, emitting an alliaceous odor. Decomposed by nitric acid with separation of arsenous acid and sulphur. Obs.-Found principally in crystalline rocks, and its usual mineral associates are ores of silver, lead, and tin, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and blende. Occurs also in serpentine. Abundant at Freiberg and Munzig, where it occurs in veins; at Reichenstein in Silesia, in serpentine; in beds at Breitenbrunn and Raschau, Andreasberg, and Joachimsthal; at Tunaberg in Sweden; at Skutterud in Norway; at Wheal Mawdlin and Unanimity, Cornwall, and at other localities; in Devonshire at the Tamar mines. In New Hampshire, in fine crystallizations in gneiss, at Franconia (danaite) associated with chalcopyrite; also at Jackson, and at Haverhill. In Maine, at Blue Hill, Corinna; Newfield (Bond's mountain), and Thomaston (Owl's head). In Vermont, at Brookfield, Waterbury, and Stockbridge. In Mfass., at Worcester and Sterling. In Conn., at Chatham, with smaltite and niccolite; at Monroe with wolfram and pyrite; at Derby in an old mine, associated with quartz,; at Mine Hill, Roxbury, in fine crystals with siderite. In New Jersey, at Franklin. In N. York, massive, in Lewis, ten miles south of Keeseville, Essex Co., with hornblende; in crystals and massive, near Edenville, on HTopkins's farm, and elsewhere in Orange Co., with scorodite, iron sinter, and thin scales of gypsum; also in fine crystals at two localities a few rods apart, four or five miles north-west of Carmel, near Brown's serpentine quarry in Kent, Putnam Co. In California, Nevada Co., Grass valley, at the Betsey mine, and also at Meadow lake, with gold, the danaite in crystals sometimes penetrated by gold. In S. America, in the San Baldomero mine of Mt. Sorata in Bolivia, both the mispickel and danaite, the former having crystallized out of the latter and the most abundant ore; also both at Inquisivi in Bolivia; also, niccoliferous var., between La Paz and Yungas in Bolivia (anal. by Krceber). Alt.-Pseudomorphs consisting of pyrite. 94A. PLINIAN.-Plinian Breith., Pogg., lxix. 430, 1846, B. H. Ztg., xxv. 168, 1866. Var. of Mispickel G. Rose, Pogg., lxxvi. 84. Monoclinic, according to Breithaupt, who figures the planes, P (1-4), M (i-), 1; with h between P and I, ind o below i, in the same zone with P, h, I. IAI-61~ 302, P to vertical axis 51~ 36'=PAM, PA\h-146~ O', MAh=-134~ 20', o A h= -115 55', o A i-=117~ 33', oA 103~ 15', hAh=119~O', P on edge hh= —161~ 12', Mon edge hh= 114~ 1.2'. Cleavage: P and M distinct. Also massive. H.=55 —6. G.=6272 —6'292, fr. St. Gothard; 6'299 —6'307. fr. Ehrenfried. Lustremetallic. Color tin-white; streak black. Composition: Fe 82 + Fe As2, or Fe (S, As)2, like arsenopyrite. Analysis by Plattner (Pogg., lxix. 430): As 45-46, S 20'07, Fe 34-46-99-99. From Ehrenfriedersdorf in crystals, also from St. Gothard, according to Breithaupt. 95, GLAUCODOT. Glaucodot Breith. & Plattn., Pogg., lxvii. 127, 1849. Orthorhombic. IA I -112~ 36'; form like that of arsenopyrite. Cleavage: basal perfect; prismatic less so. Also massive. II.-5. G.-5-975 -6003. Lustre metallic. Color,,101 grayish tin-white. Streak black. Comp. —(Co, Fe) S2+ (Co, Fe) As2, with Co to Fe as 2: 1 (or Co, Fe) (S, As)2zSulphur 19-4, arsenic45'5, cobalt 23'8, iron 11'3=100. Anal-1/ 1 ysis: Plattner (1. c.): As S Coa Fe 1 H \t// Chili 43'20 20-21 24-77 11'90~ 100'08 Plattner. a With trace of nickel. Pyr.-In the closed tube gives a faint sublimate of arsenous acid. In the open tube sulphurous fumes and a sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal in R.F. gives off sulphur and arsenic, fusing to a feebly magnetic globule, which is black on the surface, but on the fracture has a light bronze color and a metallic lustre. Treated with borax in R.F. until the globule has a bright metallic surface, the flux shows a strong reaction for iron; if the remaining globule is treated with a fresh portion of borax in O.F., the flux becomes colored smalt-blue from oxydized cobalt. Obs.-Occurs in chlorite slate with cobaltite, in the province of Huasco, Chili. The supposed glaucodot of Orawicza is alloclasite (p. 81.) SULPHIDS, ETC. 96. PACITE. Rhombites Pacites, Pazit (fr. La Paz), Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 167, 1866. Orthorholibic. IA =I115O 24'. -T A 1-i, over 0, 119~ 56'. Occurring planes 0, I, 1-i. Mleasurements only approximative. Cleavage: I rather indistinct. Also massive. H.=4-4 5. G.-=6297- -6-303, Weisbach. Lustre metallic. Colortinwhite, inclining to steel-gray; streak black. Comp.-Fe S2+ 4 Fe As2=Arsenic 63'56, sulphur 6'78, iron 29'66= 100. Analysis by Winkler (1. c.): As 64-84 S 7'01 Fe 24-35 Co 0'13 Cu 0'11 Bi 0'10 Au, Ag 0'006 gangue 2-88=99'426. Obs.-From La Paz in Bolivia, in masses and thin plates in the gangue, with native gold and bismuth. Named from the locality, or its Latin signification, pax, peace. 97. ALLOCLASITE. Alloklas Tschermalk, Ber. Ak. Wien, liii. 220, 1866, Glaucodot pt. Breith. Orthorhombic. -A I-=106~; OA 1-7=118~; 1-T A 1-T-58. Cleavage: O and Iperfect. H. =45. G. —66. Color steel-gray. Streak nearly black. Comp.-2 Co S2+ Co As2+ 4 Bi As, or a compound related to glaucodot and cobaltite + 4 Bi As; or 3 Co S + 3 Co As + 2 As S3, Tschermak. Analyses: 1, Hein (I. c.); 2, 3, Hubert & Patera (Jahrb. Min., 1848, 325): S As Bi Au Fe Zn Co Ni 1. Orawicza 16'22 32-69 30-15 0'68 5-58 2'41 10'17 1'55-99'45 Hein. 2. " 16-60 37'20 18'40 tr. 4'85 -- 25'60 — =10265 Hubert. 3a.'~ 19'78 43'63 -- - 456 -- 32-02 -=99'99 Patera. a After subtracting gold, silica, and bismuth. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal gives arsenic fumes, and a bismuth coating. Fuses to a dull globule. Soluble in nitric acid, leaving a residue of gold. Obs.-Occurs at Orawicza, Hungary. Named from aXXos, KaSCo, because its cleavage differs from that of arsenopyrite and marcasite, which it resembles. 98. SYLVANITE.. Weissgolderz ffiiller v. Reichenstein, Ph. Arb. eintr. Fr. Wien, Qu. 3, 48. Or blanc d'Offenbanya, ou graphique, Aurum graphicum, v. Born, Cat. de Raab, ii. 467, 1790. Prismatisches weisses Golderz v. Fichtel, Min. Bemerk. Carpathen, ii. 108, 1791, Min., 124, 1794; Anurum bismuticum Schmeisser, Min., ii. 28, 1795. Schrifterz Esmarkc, N. Bergm. J., ii. 10, 1798, Wern., 1800. Sylvane graphique.Broc7., 1800. Tellure ferrifere et aurifere H., 1801. Schrift. Tellur Hausm., 1813. Graphic Tellurium Ailkin, 1814. Goldtellur. Tellure auro-argentifere H., 1822. Sylvane Beud., Tr., 1832. Sylvanit Necker, Min., 1835. Aurotellurite Dana, Min., 390, 1837. Or gris jaunatre v. Born, 1. c., 1790. Gelberz Karsten, Tab., 56, 1800. Sylvane blanc Broch., 1800. Tellure aurifere et plombif6re pt. H., 1801. Weiss-Sylvanerz Wern., 1800, Ludwig, i. 55, 1.803. Weisstellur Haztsm., 1813. Yellow Tellurium Aikin, 1814. Mfillerine Beud., Tr., ii. 541, 1832. Miillerite. Monoclinic, Rose, Koksch. C=55~ 21"-', IA I=94~ 26', O A1 —=1210 21'; a: b: c=1'7732: 1: 0' 889, Koksch. Observed planes: O; vertical, I,.-.. i-$ domes,', 1-6, I-; octahedral, 1-, 1-7. OA-i-=1240 391' -i A 1=1370 13' i-iA 1 —=128~ 24' O A -1-4-144: i — A i- =151 37 4- A i - -- 107 12 O A =132 261 i-i A =141 54 i-iAl -7= 99 444 6 82 SULPIIDS, ETC. Cleavage.: i- distinct. Twins: compositionface i-i, as in the figure. Also massive; imperfectly columnar to granular. H.= 15-2. G.-5'732; 8'28, Petz. Lustre ///Ili \ \\\ metallic. Streak and color pure steel-gray to silver-white, and sometimes nearly brass-yellow. Fracture uneven. Comp., Var.-(Ag, Au) Te-= (if Ag'Au=-:1) Tellurium 5558, gold 28-5, silver 15' 7-100. Antimony sometimes replaces part of the tellurium, and lead part of the other metals. Var. 1. Sylvanite. (Schrifterz Wern., etc., 1st par. Syn.) Con- ir I taiming little or no lead. G.=:75 —8'5. Anal. 1-7. The angles given above are of this variety, and are from Kokscharof. 2. Millerite. Gelberz Karsten, Weisstellur Wern., etc., 2d par. Syn.) Containing much lead. Anal. 8-1l). Haidinger gives the annexed figure and angles for 103. the weisstellur, making it different in dimensions from the preceding. 0 MA MM=105~ 30', OAa=l108~ 30', OAa=l143~ 5'. It is from Nag- a yag. G.-=7-99 -833. The yellow color does not distinguish the M two varieties, and the propriety a of separating them is doubtful. Much of the so-called gelberz (yellow ore) is not mullerite, as shown by Petz's analyses. Analyses: i, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 16); 2, Berzelius (Jahresb., xiii. 162, analysis imperfect); 3-9, Petz (Pogg., lvii. 472); 10, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 20): Te Sb Au Ag Pb 1. Offenbanya 60' - 30' 10 - = —-100 Klaproth. 2. " 52' tr. 24'0 11'3 1'5, Cu, Fe, S, As tr. B. 3. " G.-8'28 59-97 0'58 26'97 11-47 0-25, Cu 0-76 —100 P. 4. " 58'81 0-66 26'47 11'31 2-75=100 Petz. I. White cryst. G.=-827 55'39 2'50 24'89 14'68 2'54=100 Petz. 6. " G.=7-99 48'40 8'42 28'98 10-69 3-51=100 Petz. 7. Yellow cryst. G.=8'33 51'52 5'75 27'10 7'47 8'16=100 Petz. 8. " massive 44'54 8'54 25-31 10'40 1121]-=100 Petz. 9. "' " 49'96 3'82 29'62 2'78 13'82=-100 Petz. 10. Miillerite, Gelberz 44,75 - 26'75 8'50 19-50, S 0'5=100 }T. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube gives a white sublimate, which near the assay is gray; when treated with the blowpipe flame the sublimate fuses to clear transparent drops. B.B. on charcoal fuses to a dark-gray globule, covering the coal with a white coating, which treated in R.F. disappears, giving a bluish-green color to the flame; after long blowing a yellow, malleable metallic globule is obtained. Most varieties give a faint coating of oxyd of lead and antimony on charcoal. Obs.-With gold, at Offenbanya in Transylvania, in narrow veins, which traverse porphyry; also at Nagyag in the same country. In California, Calaveras Co., at the Melones and Stanislaus mines. Named from Transylvania, the country in which it occurs, and in allusion to sylvanium, one of the names at first proposed for the metal tellurium. Called graphic because of a resemblance in the arrangement of the crystals to writing characters. For Kokscharof's paper on cryst., see Bull. Ac. St. Pet., ix. 192. His b, c, a are c, a, m of Brooke and Miller. 99. NAGYAGIT3E. Aurum Galena, Ferro. et particulis volatilibus mineralisatum, Scopols, Ann. Hist. Nat., iii. 107; v. Born, Lithoph., i. 68, 1772. Nagiakererz Wern. Bergm. J., 1789. Or gris lamelleux v. Born, Cat. de Raab, 1790. Blittererz Karst., Tab., 56, 1800. Foliated Tellurium; Black Tellurium. Elasmose Beud., Tr., ii. 539, 1832. Elasmosine Kuot, Min., i 185, 1841. Nagyagite Haid., Handb., 566, 1845. SULPHIDS, ETC. 83 Tetragonal. 0 A 1-i= 127 37'; a=1'298. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. O A 1=118~ 37', 1 A 1=103~ 14', O A 2-i=111~ 4', 2-i A 2-i, bas., -137~ 52'. Cleavage: basal. Also 104 granularly massive, particles of various sizes; generally foliated. - H.=1 — 15. G.- 6-85 — 72. Lustre metallic, splendent. Streak and color blackish lead-gray. Opaque. Sectile. Flexible in thin laminae. Comp.-Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 32); 2, Brandes (Schw. J., xxxv. 409); 3, P. Schdnlein (J. pr. Ch., lx. 166); 4, 5, Folbert (Verh. Sieb. Ver. Nat. Hermannstadt, viii. 99, and Kenng. Ueb., 1856); 6, S. J. Kappel (Jahresb., 1859, 170): Te S Pb Au Ag Cu 1. 32'2 3'0 54'0 9'0 0 5 13=-100 Klaproth. 2. 31-96 3'07 55'49 8'44 tr. 1'14=100'10 Brandes. 3. 30'52 8'07 50-78 9'11 0'53 0'99=100 Schinlein. 4. 17'22 9-'76 60-83 5'84 - -- Sb 3'69, Se tr.-97-34 Folbert. 5. 18'04 9'68 60'27 5'98 Sb 3'86, Se tr.-97'83 Folbert. 6. 15-11 8-56 60'10 12-75 1'82 Se 1-66=100 Kappel. Schdnlein found in other trials, Pb 51-01, 51'06, Te 2667, S 9'62, 10'59; and Petz obtained (Pogg., lvii. 478), 8'54, 7'81, 6'48 per cent. of gold. Schdnlein's and Folbert's analyses (3-5) correspond to 2 (Pb, Au) + 3 (Te, Sb, S) Ramm. In SchSnlein's, Te: S=l 1: 3 nearly; in Folbert's Te + Sb: S=-1: 2. The formula for the latter may be written R Te + R S2. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube gives, near the assay, a grayish sublimate of antimonate and tellurate, with perhaps some sulphate of lead; farther up the tube the sublimate consists of antimonous acid, which volatilizes when treated with the flame, and tellurous acid, which at a high temperature fuses into colorless drops. B.B. on charcoal forms two coatings: one white and volatile, consisting of a mixture of antimonite, tellurite, and sulphate of lead; and the other yellow, less volatile, of oxyd of lead quite near the assay. If the mineral is treated for some time in O.F. a malleable globule of gold remains; this cupelled with a little assay lead assumes a pure gold color. Decomposed by nitro-muriatic acid. Obs.-At Nagyag and Offenbanya in Transylvania, in foliated masses and crystalline plates, accompanying, at the former place, rhodonite, blende, and gold; and at the latter, associated with antimonial ores. Folbert states that the Nagyag crystals examined by him were hexagonal and not of the tetragonal system, and had G.=6-680, or not exceeding this. Berthier has analyzed another ore very similar to the above in physical characters, consisting of Tellurium 13'0, sulphur 11-7, lead 63-1, gold 6'7, antimony 4'5, copper 10 —=100; corresponding to 21S, 6Te, 4Sb, lSPb, 2Au, but probably impure with sulphuret of antimony. It is called Blatterine by Huot, Min., i. 189, 1841. (A) SILBERPHYLLINGLANZ Breith. (Sc1hw. J., i. 178, 1828), occurring in gneiss at Deutsch-Pilsen, Hungary, appears to be related to nagyagite. Its color is blackish-gray; structure foliated massive, it having one perfect cleavage; H.=1l2; G.=58 —5'9. According to Plattner (Probirkunst, 3d edit., 421) the constituents are antimony, lead, tellurium, gold, silver, and sulphur —49 p. c. of gold, 0-3 of silver-the sulphur probably in combination with the antimony and lead. Only a trace of selenium was found, contrary to the earlier determinations of Harkort and Breithaupt. 100. COV:ELLITE. Freiesleben, Geogn. Arb., iii. 129 (fr. Sangerhausen); Kupferindig Breith., in Hoffm. Min., iv. 2, 178, 1817. Indigo-Copper; Blue Copper. Covelline, Sulfure de:cuivre du Vesuve, Beaud., ii. 409, 1832. Breithauptite Chapmn., Min., 125, 1843. Cantonite Pratt, Am. J. Sci., II. xxii. 449, xxiii. 409. Hexagonal. Observed planes: 0, _I; with faces of two hexagonal pyramids 1 and ~; basal edge of 1,155~ 24'; 1 A ~:150~ 24' Kenngott. Cleavage: basal, very perfect. Rarely in crystals. Commonly massive or spheroidal; surface, sometimes crystalline. H.-1'5 —2. G. of crystals=4-590, 4-636, Zepharovich. Lustre of crystals submetallic, inclining to resinous, a little pearly on cleavage-face; subre 84 SULPHARSENITES, ETC. sinous or dull when massive. Color indigo-blue or darker. Streak leadgray to black, shining. Opaque. Thin leaves, flexible. Comp. —eu S2=Cu S=Sulphur 33'5, copper 66'5=100. Analyses: 1, Walchner (Schw. J., xlix. 158); 2, Covelli (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxxv. 105); 3, C. v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 22): S Cu Fe 1. Badenweiler 32'64 641713 0'462, Pb 1'046=98'921 Walchner. 2. Vesuvius 32'0 66'0 — 98'0 Covelli. 3. Leogang 34'30 64'56 1'14=100 Hauer. A Dillenberg covellite afforded Grimm (Jahresb., 1850, 702) 66'82 bisulphid of copper, 3-96 pyrite, 18'63 quartz, and 10-57 Fe Mn AI. Analysis of ore of Algodon bay, Bolivia, by v. Bibra, in J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 202. Pyr.-In the closed tube gives a sublimate of sulphur; in the open tube sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal burns with a blue flame, emitting the odor of sulphur, and fuses to a globule, which reacts like chalcocite. Obs.-With other copper ores near Badenweiler at Leogang in Salzburg, where it is sometimes in small crystals of the form above described; at Kielce in Poland; Sangerhausen in Saxony; Mansfeld, Thuringia; Vesuvius, on lava; common in Chili; at Algodon bay in Bolivia. Named after Covelli, the discoverer of the Vesuvian covellite, by Beudant, and without reference to the ore as previously described. Covellite is a result of the alteration of other ores of copper, and is often mixed with chalcocite or copper-glance, from which it has been derived. (See Digenite and Carmenite, p. 53.) (A) CANTONITE is covellite from the Canton mine, Georgia, occurring in cubes, with a cubical cleavage. It is associated with harrisite (pseudomorphs of chalcocite after galenite, see p. 53), and is regarded by Genth as a pseudomorph of covellite after the harrisite. Genth obtained in his analysis (1. c., xxiii. 417), S 32176, Se trace, Ag 0'36, Cu 65-60, Pb 0'11, Fe 0'25, insoluble 0-16 =99-24. (B) ALISONITE Field. —Alisonite is an indigo-copper, containing a much larger proportion of lead than the cantonite; but it is probably, like that, a result of the alteration of galenite. The color is a deep indigo-blue, tarnishing on exposure; G.=6'10; H.-=25-3. Analyses by F. Field (1, Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 387; and 2, J. Ch. Sec., xiv. 160): S Cu Pb 1. 17-00 53'63 28'25=98-88 2. 117 69 53'28 28-81=99178 Corresponding to 3 eu S + Pb S=S 17'-78, Cu 53-34, Pb 28'88. It occurs at " Mina Grande" near Coquimbo, Chili, associated with cerussite, malachite, and vanadate of lead and copper. 3. SULPHARSENITES, SULPITANTIMONITES, SULPHIOBISMUTHITES.* The species here included are arranged according to the amount of the basic metal (lead, silver, copper, iron), beginning with those in which the proportion is the smallest. Several of the species require more investigation: I: S: A R: S+A F 101. CHALCOSTIBITE, III. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Cu S + Sb2S3 102. EMPLECTITE, III. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Cu S+Bi%2S 103. CTVIATITE, III.? 1: 5-: 3? (Cu, Pb) S~+ a Bi2Ss * In the table of species the system of crystallization is indicated by Roman numerals I. Isometric System. IV. Monoclinic System. II. Tetragonal System. V. Triclinic System. III. Orthorhombic System. VI. Hexagonal System. SULPHARSENITES ETC. 85 R: S: A R: S+A F 104. BERTHIERITE, III. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Fe S + Sb2S3 105. SARTORITE, III. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Pb S+ As2S3 106. ZINKENITE, III. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Pb S+ Sb2S3 107. JORDANITE, III. 108. MIARGYRITE, IV. 1: 4: 2 1: 6 Ag S + Sb2S3 109. PLAGIONITE, IV. 1: 7: 1: 5 Pb S + Sb2S3 + Pb S 110. BINITE, I.? 1: 3: 4 1 4: -eu S+As2S3 111. BRONGNIARDITE, 1. 1:: 1 1:31 2 (Pb, Ag) S+Sb2S3 112. JAMESONITE, III. 1:: 1 1: 3j 2 (Pb, Fe) S+Sb2S3 113. DUFRENOYSITE, III. 1:: 31 2 Pb S+ As2S3 114. FREIESLEBENITE, IV. 1: I:. 1:3 -i (Pb, Ag) S + Sb2S3 115. PYROSTILPNITE, IV. 116. RITTINGERITE, IV. 117. PYRARGYRITE, VI. 1: 2: 1: 2 3 Ag S + Sb2S3 118. PROUSTITE, VI. 1: 2: 2 1: 23 3 Ag S+ As2S 119. BOURNONITE, III. 1: 2 1 2 3 (AEu, Pb) S+ Sb2S3 120. STYLOTYPITE, III. 1: 2: 2 1 23 3 (CU, Ag, Fe) S+Sb2S3 121. WITTICHENITE, III. 1: 2: 2 1: 2: 3 eu S+Bi2S3 122. BOULANGERITE, III. 1 2: 2: 1: 2 3 Pb S+Sb2S3 123. K.OBELLITE, III. 1;: 2 S 1: 2 3 Pb S + (Bi, Sb)2S3 124. AIKNITE, III. 1: 2: 1: 2S 3 (*u, Pb) S+Bi2S3 125. TETRAIAEDRITE, I. 1:: 1: 2 4 (CU, Ag, Hg) S +(Sb, As)2S' 126. POLYTELITE 127. TENNANTITE, I. 1:: 1: 2 4 (Gu, Fe) S + 2S3 128. MENEGHINITE, IV. 1: 7: 2 1: 2+ 4 Pb S+Sb2S3 129. GEOCRONITE, III. 1::: 2 1: 2 5 Pb S+(Sb, As)2S3 130. STEPHANITE, III. 1:: 1: 2 5 Ag S + Sb2S3 131. POLYBASITE, III. 1:: - 1: 1b 10 (Ag, Eu) S+(Sb, As)2Sa 132. ENARGITE 1: 4:: 3 3 S + As2S5 133. XANTHOCONITE APPENDIX. —134. CLAYITE, I. Pb, Cu, S, As, Sb. 135. BOLIVIANITE, III. Ag, S, Sb. 101. CHALCOSTIBITE. Kupferantimonglanz Zinken, Pogg., xxxv. 357, 1835. Sulphuret of Copper and Antimony; Antimonial Copper. Rosite tfuot, Min. i. 197, 1841. Chalkostibit Gflock., Syn., 32, 1847. Wolfsbergite Nicoll, Min., 484, 1849. Orthorhombic. _IA 1=101~, i-2 A i-2=1380 12/, i-2 A i-=112~ 24'. In small aggregated tabular prisms presenting the planes O,. i-2, -i4. Cleavage: i-t very perfect; 0, less so. H.=3-4. G.=4-748, H. Rose; 5'015, Breith. Lustre metallic. Streak black. Color between lead-gray and iron-gray. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Comp. —-u S+Sb2 S3-Sulphur 25'7, antimony 48'9, copper 25'4=100. Analyses: 1, IH. Rose (1. c.); 2, T. Richter (B. H. Ztg., 1857, No. 27): S Sb Cu Fe Pb 1. Wolfsberg 26'34 46'81 24'46 1'39 0'56=99'56 Rose. 2. Guadiz 25'29 48'30 25'36 1'23 - =100'18 Richter. The iron is supposed to exist as pyrite, and the lead as feather ore. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates at first, and then fuses, giving a faint sublimate of sulphid of antimony, which on cooling is dark red; in the open tube gives sulphurous and antimonous fumes, the latter forming a white sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses to a globule, emitting antimonous fumes, coating the coal white; the globule treated with borax reacts for iron; with soda gives a globule of metallic copper. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur and oxyd of antimony. 86 SULPHAESENITES ETC. Obs.-From Wolfsberg in the Harz, in nests imbedded in quartz; and at Guadiz, Spain. It is usually covered with a coating of pyrite. Glocker's name antedates Nicoll's. Rosite has an earlier use. 102. EMPLECTITE. Wismuth-Kupfererz (fr. Tannenbaum) Selb, Tasch. Min., xi. 441, 451, 1817. Kupferwismuthglanz R. Schneider, Pogg., xc. 166, 1853. Emplektit Kenng., Min. Forsch., 125, 1853. Tannenite Dana, Min., 73, 1854. Hemichalcit v. Kob., Gesch. Min., 600, 1864. Orthorhombic. I A 1=92~ 20', O A 1-7=141~ 8'. In thin striated flattened prisms. Observed planes, I, i-i, i-,i i-z, i-T, 1-i, i-i. /-i A 1i=1280 52/, i- A -z i1040 55', i- A i- =147 23/, -i A i - 117~ 30', i-3 A i —=1140 46', - A - ov. i-i=55~ 1-i A 1-i, top,=102~ 16'. Lustre bright metallic. Color grayish to tin-white. Comp. —u S+Bi2 S'=Sulphur 19-1, bismuth 62-0, copper 18-9=100. Analyses: R. Schneider (Pogg., xc. 166): (2) Sulphur 18-83 Bismuth 62'16 Copper 18'72'99'71 " 22-4 " 52-7 " 20'6 Iron 4-1=99'8 Pyr., etc. —In the open tube gives sulphurons fumes. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, with frothing and spirting; treated with soda coats the coal dark-yellow from oxyd of bismuth, and gives a globule of copper. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur. Obs. -From the mines of Tannenbaum, near Schwarzenberg, Saxony; also from Cerro Blanco in Copiapo, Chili (Ann. d. M., IV. v. 459). On cryst., see Dauber, Pogg., xcii. 241; Weisbach, Pogg., cxxviii. 435. 103. CHIVIATITE. Chiviatit Ramm., Pogg., 1xxxviii. 320. Foliated massive; cleavable in three directions in one zone, one making an angle with the second of 153~, and with the third of 133~, Miller. G.-=6920. Lustre metallic. Color lead-gray, Comp. —(eu, Pb) S+~ Bi2 S3=Sulphur 17-76, bismuth 62-96, lead 16-72, copper 2'56=100 Analysis by Rammelsberg (1. c.): S Bi Pb Cu Fe Ag insol. 18-00 60'95 16'-3 2-42 1-02 ti'. 0-59=99 71 Pyr.-Same as for aikinite, Ramm. Obs.-From Chiviato, in Peru; along with pyrite and barite. Resembles bismuth-glance. 104. BERTHIERITE. Haidingerite Berthier, Ann. Ch. Phys.. xxxv. 351, 1827.:Berthierit Haid., Ed. J. Sci., vii. 353, 1827. In elongated prisms or massive; a longitudinal cleavage rather indistinct. Also fibrous massive, plumose; also granularo H.=2 —3. G.=4 —4-3. Lustre metallic, less splendent than stibnite. Color dark steel-gray, inclining to pinchbeck-brown; surface often covered with iridescent spots. Comp.-Fe S+Sb2 S3=Sulphur 29-9, antimony 57-0, iron 13-1=100. Analyses: 1, 2, 3, Berthier (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxxv. 51); 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xl. 153); 5, Pettko (Haid. Ber., i. 62); 6, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 635); 7, Sackur (Ramm., Min. Chem., 988); 8, Ramm. (ZS. G., xviii. 244): S Sb Fe Zn 1. Chazelles 30-3 52-0 16'0 0-30=98-6 Berthier. 2. Martouret 28-81 61-34 9-85 - -100 Berthier. 3. Anglar 29'18 58'65 12-17 — 100 Berthier. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 87 S Sb Fe Zn 4. Briiunsdorf 31'32 54710 11'43 0'74, Mn 2'54=100'73 Ramm. 5. Arany Idka 29'27 57-88 12'85 -=100 Pettko. G.=4'043. 6. Briunsdorf 30'53 59'31 10'16 - =100'73 Hauer. 7. " 28-71 56-91 10'55 Mn 3'73=99'96 Sackur. 8. S. Antonio, Cal. 29'12 56'61 10-09 - Mn 3'56=99'38 Ramm. Anal. 3-8 correspond to the above formula. No. 1 =3Fe S+ 2Sb2 S3=Sulphur 30'5, antimony 51'7, iron 17:8=100. No. 2=3Fe S + 4Sb2 S3=Sulphur 29-6, antimony 60,0, iron 10-4=100. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube fuses, and gives a faint sublimate of sulphur; with a strong heat yields a black sublimate of sulphid of antimony, which on cooling becomes brownish-red. In the open tube gives off fumes of sulphur and antimony, reacting like stibnite. B.B. on charcoal gives off sulphur and antimony fumes, coats the coal white, and the antimony is expelled, leaving a black magnetic slag, which with the fluxes reacts for iron. Dissolves readily in muriatic acid, giving out sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-At Chazelles and Martouret in Auvergne, associated with quartz, calcite, and pyrite; in the Vosges, Commune of Lalaye, containing about 32 of Sb to 18 of Fe; at Anglar in La Creuse; also at Briiuusdorf in Saxony, and at Padstow in Cornwall; at Arany Idka in Hungary; at Real San Antonio, Lower California, massive; near Fredericton, N. Brunswick. Yields antimony, but of inferior quality. 105. SARTORITE. Skleroklas+ Arsenomelan v. Waltershausen, Pogg., xciv. 115, 1855, c. 537. Skleroklas v. Rath, ib., cxxii. 380. Binnit C. Hetmsser, Pogg. xciv. 335, 1855, xcvii. 120, Dufrenoysite, pt., Duf., Tr., pl. 235, f. 66. Descl., Ann. d. M., V. viii. 389, 1855. Arsenomelan Petersen, Offenb. Ver., vii. 13, 1866. Sartorite -Dana. Orthorhombic. IAI= 123~ 21', O A 1-=1310 3'; a: b: c=1'1483: I: 1 8553. Observed planes: O (broad); in zone i-J (all narrow, the crystals elongated and channelled in this direction) -iT, ~- - a - 1- -,.-2, 1-2, ~-~z,?- s -s, 10-), T- i; in zone i-i, 1-~, 4-_, ~-_, 2-~, 4-~, i-; 1 (large planes), v. Rath. OA 1= 1270 281-', calc. 105 OA 1=126 40, meas. O A 1 —=130 15, meas. _ O A 2 — 128 56. 1 A 1, brach.,-91 22 1 1A1, macrod.,=135 46 2 1 A 1, bas.,=105 3 1 A 1 —-135 41 1A 1-i=15T 53 Crystals slender. Cleavage: O quite distinct. H. -3. G.-=5393. Lustre metallic. Color dark lead-gray; streak reddish-brown. Opaque. iBrittle. Comp.-Pb S+ As2 S3=Sulphur 26'39, arsenic 30'93, lead 42'68=100. Analyses: 1, Waltershausen (Pogg., xcvii. 124); 2, 3, Stockar-Escher (Kenug. Ueb., 56-57, 116): S As Pb Ag Fe 1. Binnen 25-91 28-56 44-56 0-42 0'45=99'90 Walt. 2. 25'30 26'33 46'83 162 -=100'08 S.-E. 3. " 25'77 26'82 47'39 - -=9998 S,-E. Von Waltershausen states that his analysis (No. 1) was made on striated crystals, which proves it to pertain to this species as defined by v. Rath (1. c.). The other two analyses by Stockar 88 SULPHARSENITESI ETC. Escher may have been made on material containing portions of the other prismatic species of the locality; yet in the sulphur and arsenic they agree with the other analysis, and diverge but little in the lead. Pyr., etc.-Nearly the same as for dufrenoysite, but differing in strong decrepitation. Obs.-From the Binnin valley with dufrenoysite and binnite. As the name Scleroclase is inapplicable, and the mineral was first announced by Sartorius v. Waltershausen, the species may be appropriately called Sar'torite. 106. ZINKENITE. Zinkenit G. Rose, Pogg., vii. 91, 1826. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1200 39', Rose; 120~ 34', Kenngott. Usual in twins, as hexagonal prisms, with a low hexagonal pyramid at summit; angle at pyramidal edge=165' 26'; I on face of pyramid-1040 42'. Lateral faces longitudinally striated. Sometimes columnar, fibrous, or massive. Cleavage not distinct. H. =3 —35. G.5. 30-5'35. Lustre metallic. Color and streak steelgray. Opaque. Fracture slightly uneven. Comp.-PbS Sb2 S3= Sulphur 22'1, antimony 42*6, lead 353 = 100. Analyses: 1, 2, IH. Rose Pogg., viii. 99); 3, Kerl (B. H. Ztg., 1853, No. 2): 1. Wolfsberg S 22'58 Sb 44'39 Pb 31'84 Cu 0'42=99'23 Rose. 2. u" undet. 44'11 31'97 undet. Rose. 3. " 21-22 43'98 30'84 Ag 0-12, Fe 1'45=97'61 K. Pyr., etc.-Decrepitates and fuses very easily; in the closed tube gives a faint sublimate of sulphur, and sulphid of antimony; in the open tube sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of oxyd of antimony. B.B. on charcoal is almost entirely volatilized, giving a coating which on the outer edge is white, and near the assay dark yellow; with soda in R.F. yields globules of lead. Soluble in hot muriatic acid with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and separation of chlorid of lead on cooling. Obs.-Occurs in the antimony mine of Wolfsberg in the Harz; the groups of columnar crystals occur on a massive variety in quartz; the crystals sometimes over half an inch long, and two or three lines broad, frequently extremely thin and forming fibrous masses. Has been reported from St. Trudpert in the Schwarzwald. Named in honor of Mr. Zinken, the director of the Anhalt mines, by G. Rose. Resembles stibnite and bournonite, but may be distinguished by its superior hardness and specific gravity. Kenngott makes the crystallization monoclinic, and the pyramidal planes oblique basal planes; but such twins with pyramids so formed are not known among monoclinic species. 107. JORDANITE. Jordanit v. Rath, Verh. Nat. Ver. Bonn, March, 1864, Pogg., cxxii. 387, 1864. Orthorhombic. IAI-=123~ 29'; OA 1-i=128~ 27'; a: b:,c=1'2595:1:1 8604. Observed planes: 0; in zone i-, -i, -i, -i, -i- -, 24, 3-4, 64; in zone 1,, Planes a narrow, except 0; crystals hexagonal in general form. OA2 —=126~ 27' OA1 —i=130~ 45' OA 3-=115~ 0' OA 3-=134 34 OA 1-i =124 58 OA-=144 261 Twins: composition-face I; forms hexagonal, arragonite-like. Cleavage: i-4 distinct. Streak pure black. CoMP.-Undetermined. PYR., ETrO.-Nearly as for sartorite. OBS.-From the Binnen valley, with sartorite (q. v.). Approaches closely sartorite in its planes and angles, but differs in occurring in twin crystals, and in its black streak. Named after Dr. Jordan of Saarbruck, who furnished vom Rath with his specimens. 108. MIARGYRITB. Hemiprismatische Rubin-Blende (fr. Br/iunsdorf).Mobs, Grundr., 606, 1824. Miargyrit H. Rose, Pogg., xv. 469, 1829. Hypargyrite, Hypargyron-Blende (fr. Clausthal), Breith., Char., 286, 333, 1832. Kenngottite (fr. Felsobanya) Haid., Ber. Ak. Wien, xxii. 236 1856. Monoclinic. C=48~ 14', IA 1-1060 31', O A 1-q —136~ 8'; a: b: 1'2883: 1: 0'9991, Naumann. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-, i-2, SULPHARSENTrrES, ETC. 89 i-a; domes,-i -,- 1-i, - 14, 3-; 106 octahedral 3 - 5-5, -, 9-, 3 -4; 4 -, 4- 1-3 3 3- 32 9- / O A-i=1310 46' OA -i=1390 58'/ OAI=122 16 OA1-i= 98 24 OA3r =109 16 i-i l-i=129 50 Observed angles by Weisbach, from iBraiinsdorf crystals: IA1=- 1 04~ 36' -105~ 50'; O A i-i-132~ 28', 134~ 15', 127~ i1', 131~ 35'; i-iA 1-=1290 17', 1290, 49'. Crystals thick tabular, or stout, or short prismatic, pyramidal. Lateral planes deeply striated. Cleavage: i-i, 1-i imperfect. I.- =2-25. G. =52 —54; mostly 5'22 -524. Lustre submetallic-adamantine. Color iron-black. Streak dark cherry-red. Opaqle, except in thin splinters, which, by transmitted light, are deep blood-red. Fracture subconchoidal. Comp. —Ag S+Sb2 SI3=Sulphur 21'8, antimony 41'5, silver 36'7=100. Analysis by H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 469): S 21'95 Sb 39.14 Ag 36'40 Cu 1'06 Fe 0'62=99'17. The kenngottite (1. c.) which Weisbach refers here (Pogg., cxxv. 457), has not been analyzed; von Hauer found in it (Pogg., xcviii. 165) about 30 p. c. of silver; G.=6-'06. Hfypargyrite is a massive variety; G.=-4779 —4-890, Breith.; it afforded Plattner (1. c.) 35 p. c. of silver. For Weisbach's measurements see Pogg., 1. c. )Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, fuses easily, and gives a sublimate of sulphid of antimony; in the open tube sulphurous and antimonous fumes, the latter as a white sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses quietly with emission of sulphur and antimony fumes to a gray bead, which after continued treatment in O.F. leaves a bright globule of silver. If the silver globule be treated with phosphorus salt in O.F., the green glass thus obtained shows traces of copper when fused with tin in R.F. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur and oxyd of antimony. Obs.-At Braiinsdorf, near Freiberg in Saxony, associated with tetrahedrite, pyrargyrite, etc.; Felsobanya (kenngottite) with pyrite, galenite, blende, barite; Przibram in Bohemia; Clausthal (hypargyrite); Guadalajara in Spain; at Parenos, and the mine Sta. M. de Catorce, near Potosi; also at Molinares, Mexico, with diallogite. Named from /Eiw,, less, apyuvpos-, silver, because it contains less silver than some kindred ores. 109. PLAGIONITE. Plagionit G. Rose, Pogg., xxviii. 421, 1833. Monoclinic. C=720 28' IAI= 850 25', OA 1- 107 1580 9', Rose; a: b: = 037015: I: 0'8802. Observed planes as in f. 107. OAR 1=154~ 20' OA i-i=107~ 32' OA/\ 2=-138 52 11 A 1-142 3 O A\-1=149 2 A 2=120 49 Crystals thick tabular; the plane O shining and 2 2 smooth; others striated. Cleavage: 2, perfect, but seldom affording smooth surfaces. Also massive, granular. H.-=2-5. G.=5'4. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-gray. Opaque. Brittle. 90 SULPHARSENITES ETC. Comp.-Pb S + Sb2 S3 + Pb S=Sulphur 21-3, antimony 38'2, lead 40'5. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., xxviii. 428); 2, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxvii. 588); 3, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Oh., 1006): 1. Wolfsberg S 21'53 Sb 37'94 Pb 40'52=99'99 Rose. 2. " 21-49 37-53 40'98 —100 Kudernatsch. 3. " 21'10 37'84 39'36, Cu 1-27-99-53 Schultz. Pyr.-Same as in zinkenite. Obs —At Wolfsberg in geodes and druses of crystals in massive plagionite, or crystallized on quartz, and was discovered by Zincken. Named, in allusion to its unusually oblique crystallization, from rXoylos, oblique. Taking the planes 2, 2, as the lateral faces of the fundamental prism, the lateral angle is nearly the same as in freieslebenite. 110. BINNITE. Dufrenoysite v. Waltershausen, Pogg., xciv. 119, 1855; C. eleusser, Pogg., xciv. 334, xcvii. 115. Binnito Descl., Ann. d. M., V. viii. 389, 1855. Isometric. Figures 3, 14, and others: observed planes: 0, I, 2-2, with 1, 3, and 6-6, on some crystals. Cleavage not distinct. H. -4-5. G.-4'477. Lustre metallic. Color on fiesh fracture black, sometimes brownish or greenish. Streak cherry-red. Brittle. Comp.-From anal. 1, -Cu S+ As2 S3=Sulphur 29-7, arsenic 31'1, copper 39'2=100. From anal. 2, Cu S + As2 S5, or like enargite. Analyses: 1, Uhrlaub (Pogg., xciv. 117); 2, StockarEscher (Kenng. Uebers., 1856-57, 174): S As Cu Pb Ag Fe 1. 27-55 30Q06 37.74 2-75 1-23, 0-82=100-15 Uhr. 2. 32'73 18'98 46-24 - 191 -— _99-86 S.-E. Pyr.-In the closed tube, gives a sublimate of sulphid of arsenic; in the open tube a crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid, with sulphurous fumes. B.B. on charcoal gives an arsenical odor and a faint white coating, fuses with intumescence to a dull iron-black, magnetic globule, which, according to Wiser, is surrounded by a coating of oxyd of zinc. The globule yields metallic copper with soda. Obs.-In dolomite, in the valley of Binnen, with realgar, orpiment, blende, pyrite, sartorite, and dufrenoysite. 111. BlRONGNIARDITE. Damour, Ann. d. M., IV. xvi. 227, 1849. Isometric. In octahedrons with truncated edges (1, I), Damour. Massive, without cleavage. H. above 3. G.= 5950. Lustre like that of bournonite. Color and streak grayish-black. Comp.-Pb S + Ag S + Sb2 S3, or 2 (Pb, Ag) S + Sb2 SS=Sulphur 19-4, antimony 29'5, silver 26'1, lead 25-0=100. Analyses: Damour (1. c.): S Sb Ag Pb Cu Fe Zn i. 19'38 29'95 25-03 24-74 0'54 0'30 0-40=100-34. 2. 19'21 29-60 24-46 25-05 0-61 0'26 0'32=99-51. 3. 19-14 29-75 24-81 24-94 0-70 0'22 0'37-99.93. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube a feeble orange sublimate with a white one above; in the open tube fuses, affords an odor of sulphur and a white sublimate of oxyd of antimony. B.B. on charcoal decrepitates, fuses easily, giving off an odor of sulphur and white vapors; after roasting, yields a globule of silver, with a yellow coating of oxyd of lead. Rapidly attacked by concentrated nitric acid. Obs.- From Mexico. 112. JAMESONITE. Grey antimony pt. Jam., Syst., iii. 390, 1820. Axotomous AntimonyGlance Jam., Man., 285. Axotomer Antimon-Glanz Mobs, Grundr., 586, 1824. Jamesonite Haid., TrL Mohs's Min., i. 451 (iii. 26), 1825. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 91 Bleischimmer Pfaff Schw. J., xxvii. 1. Pfaffite Iuot., i. 192, 1841. Antimonialisk Fidererz pt., Minera antimonii plumosa pt., Wall., 1747; Federerz Germ.; Mine d'antimoine au plumes Fr.; Feather ore, Plumose Antimonial Ore, pt. (rest mostly Stibnite), through last cent. Antimoine sulfurei capillaire pt. [or var. of Stibnite] H., Tr., 1801; Haarformiges Grauspiessglanzerz pt. Karst., Tab., 52, 1800; Haarf. Antimonglanz fMohs, 1824, Leonh., 1826. Federerz of Wolfsberg E. Rose, Pogg., xv. 471, 1829; Beud., Tr., ii. 425, 1832. Federerz, var. of Jamesonite, v. Kob., Char., ii. 175, 1831. Wolfsbergite Huot., Min., i. 193. Plumosit Haid., Handb., 569, 1845. Plumites Glock., Syn., 30, 1847. Heteromorphit Ranmm., Pogg., lxxvii. 240, 1849. Federerz, var. of Jamesonite, Rammre., Min. Ch., 71, 1860. Orthorhombic. I A I -101 20' and 78~ 40'. Observed planes I, 4-T. Cleavage basal, highly perfect; I and i-i less perfect. Usually in acicular crystals. Also fibrous massive, parallel or divergent; also in capillary forms; also amorphous massive. H.=2 —3. G.= 55-5- 8; 5B564, from Cornwall, IIaidinger; 5'616, from Estremadura, Schaffgotsch; 5'601, from Arany Idka, Lowe; 5-6788, massive, Ramm. VAn.-a, well crystallized; b, fibrous or columnar, sometimes diverging; c, capillary, or cobweblike; d, granular or compact. The capillary is feather ore (Federerz Germ.) regarded as a species by nearly all the Inineralogists of last century, but including capillary stibnite; made a variety of stibnite by v. Born, Karsten, Haiiy, Mohs, Leonhard, and other authors, until 1829; and a distinct species again by most authors after the analysis by Rose in 1829; but referred to jamesonite by v. Kobell in 1830, and Rammelsberg in 1860. An amorphous variety occurs with the feather ore at Wolfsberg (anal. 7), for which Rammelsberg gives the hardness 3-0, and G.=5-6788. Comp.-2 (Pb, Fe) S+Sb2S3=(if Fe: Pb=-1: 4) Sulphur 21'1, antimony 32'2, lead 43'7, iron 3'0=100. But excluding the iron as sulphid, Rose makes the formula' Pb S+ Sb2S3- Sulphur 20'7, antimony 34'8, lead 4-45=100. Von Zepharovich sustains the first formula (Sitz. Ak. Wien, 1867, 169). Analyses 5 to ]0 of feather ore agree well with the preceding, whence Rammelsberg's reference to jamesonite. Analyses: 1, 2, H. Rose (Pogg., viii. 101); 3, Schaffgotsch (Pogg., xxxviii. 403); 4, A. LSwe (Haid. Ber., i. 62); 5, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 471); 6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., Ann., lxxvii. 241; 7, Poselger (ib., Ramm., Min. Ch., 71); 8-10, C. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 60): S Sb Pb Fe Cu Zn 1. Cornwall 22'15 34'40 40(75 2'30 0'13 --— 9973 Rose. 2. " 22'53 34'90 38'71 2'65 0'19 0-74=99-72 Rose. 3. Estremadura 21'78 32'62 39'97 363 -- 0'42, Bi 1'06=99'48 Sch. 4. Arany Idka 18'59 33-10 40'82 2'99 1'78 0'35, Ag 1'48, Bi 0'22= —9933 Lwe. 5. Wolfsberg,feather ore 19-72 31'04 46'87 1'30 -- 008=99'01 Rose. 6. " " 20'23 [31-96] 44:32 2'93 0'56 --— =100 Ramm. 7. Wolfsberg, massive 20'52 [31'54] 44'0 2-91 1'03 --— =100 Poselger. 8. Tuscany, capil. 18'39 30'19 47'68 0'26 1'11 1 08=98'71 Bechi. 9. " acic. 19-25 29'24 49'31 -- 2'00 0'21-100'01 Bechi. 10. " capil. 20'53 32'16 43'38 0'94 1'25 1'74-100 Bechi. Pyr.-Same as for zinkenite. Obs.-Jamesonite occurs principally in Cornwall, associated with quartz and minute crystals of bournonite; occasionally also in Siberia, Hungary, at Valentia d'Alcantara in Spain, and Brazil. Its perfect cleavage at right angles with the vertical axis is sufficient to distinguish it from the species it resembles. Named after Prof. Jameson of Edinburgh. The feather ore occurs at Wdlfsberg in the Eastern Harz; also at Andreasberg and Clausthal; at Freiberg and Schemnitz; in the Anhalt at Pfaffenberg and Meiseberg; in Tuscany, near Bottino; at Chonta in Peru. Zundererz, or Bergzunderz [=Tinder Ore] of G. Lehmann (Mem. Ac. Berlin, 20, 1758), which is soft like tinder and dark dirty red in color, has been referred to kermesite, but proves to be jamesonite or feather ore mixed with red silver and arsenopyrite. Borntriager obtained in an analysis (J. pr. Ch., xxxvi. 40) S 19-57, As 12'60, Sb 16'88, Pb 45'06, Ag 2-56, Fe 4'52=96'19. From Andreasberg and Clausthal in the Harz. 92 SULPHARSENITES5 ETC. 113. DUPRENOYSITE. Dufrenoysite Damour, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiv. 379, 1845. Gotthardit Ramm., Berz. Ch. Min., 229, 256, 1847. Arsenomelan and Scleroclase pt. v. Wa1ersh. Pogg., xciv. 115, 1855. Dufrenoysite pt. Descl., Ann. d. M., V. viii. 389. Skleroklas Petersen, Offenb. Ver., vii. 13, Jahrb. Min., 1867, 0:3.' Orthorhombic. IA _=930 39', OA 1-i=1210 30', a:b: e=16318:1: 108 1'0658. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, 4-, 44; domes, ~-4, --, 1-~, ~, -, 2-, 1-4, 2-i; octahedral, 1, 2. OAt1-i'1. -123~ 9', OA -l- 1420 34', O A 2 — 2m ii B y 107~ 2', OA 1 =114~ 5', OA2= —1020 36', 1 A 1-X =1410 201-, 1 1-i=138~ 15', v. 2e Rath. Usual in thick rectangular IITg is 1'tables. Cleavage: O perfect. Also massive. H.=3. G.=5'549,Damour; 5-5616, Landolt; 5'569, v.Rath. Lustre metallic. Colorblackish lead-gray; streak reddish-brown. Opaque. Brittle. Comp.-2 Pb S+As2S3=Sulphur 22-10, arsenic 20-72, lead 57'18=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Damour (1. c.); 3, 4, Landolt & Berendies (Dissert. de Dufrenoysite, 1864, Pogg., cxxii. 374): S As Pb Ag Fe Cu 1. Binnen 22'49 20'69 55'40 0'21 0'44 0-31=99-54 Damour. 2. 22'30 20'87 566l 0'32 0'22=101-03 Damour. 3. " 23827 21'76 53'62 0'05 0'30 — =99'0 L. & B. 4. " 23-11 21'35 52'02 undet. L. & B. Analyses of dufrenoysite have been published by Uhrlaub and Nason (Pogg., c. 537), and by Stockar Escher (Kenng. Forsch.,'56,'57, 176); but as they were made without discriminating the species, and give intermediate results, they are not cited here in detail. Peterson has also published two analyses (1. c.), and gives the following as the mean of 17 anal. by the chemists just mentioned and himself: S As Pb Ag Fe Cu 1. 24'31 24-25 50'86 041 --? =99'83 Peterson in one analysis obtained S 23'22, As 25'83, Pb 50'74, Ag 0'21; and in the other S 25'00, As 23'93, Pb 51-32, Ag 0 2. He makes the formula [2 Pb S+As2S3]+[Pb S+As2 S3]=Pb S+ 3 As2 S3. Pyr., etc.-Easily fuses and gives a sublimate of sulphur and sulphuret of arsenic; in the open tube a smell of sulphur only, with a sublimate of sulphur in upper part of tube, and of arsenous acid below. On charcoal decrepitates, melts, yields fumes of arsenic and a globule of lead, which on cupellation yields silver. Obs.-From the valley of Binnen in the St. Gothard Alps, in crystalline dolomite, along with sartorite, jordanite, binnite, realgar, orpiment, blende, pyrite. The crystals are sometimes an inch across. Damour, who first studied the arsenio-sulphids of Binnen, analyzed the massive ore and named it dezfrenoysite. He inferred that the crystallization was monometric from some associated crystals, and so published it. This led von Waltershausen and Heusser to call the monometric mineral dufrenoysite. and the latter to name the trimetric binnite. Von Waltershausen, after studying the prismatic mineral, made out of the species arsenomelan and scleroclase, yet partly on hypothetical grounds. Recently it has been found that three orthorhombic minerals exist at the locality, as announced by vom Rath, who identifies one, by specific gravity and composition, with Damour's dinfreznoysite; another he makes scleroclase of von Waltershausen (sartorite, p. 87); and the other he names jordanite (p. 88). SULPIIAIRSENITES, ETC. 93 114. PREIESLEBIBENITE. Mine d'antimoine grise tenant argent (fr. IHimmelsfiirst) de Lisle, Descr. de Min., 35, 1773, Crist., iii. 54, 1783. Dunkles Weissgultigerz (id. loc., known since 1720) Klapr., Beitr., i. 173, 1795. Schilf-Glaserz Freiesleben, Geogn. Arb., vi. 97, 1817. Antimonial Sulphuret of Silver, Sulphuret of Silver and Antimony. Argent sulfure antimonifire et cuprif6re Levy, Descr. Min. Heuland, 1838. Donacargyrite Charm7n., Min., 128, 1843. Froieslebenit Haid., 569, 1845. Monoclinic. C=870 46', IA I= 1190 12', 0 A 1-= 137~ 10' (B. & M.); a: b: c-1'5802: 1: 1-7032. Observed planes: 0; vertical,; -.,' -, j-4, i-3, i-~, i-, i-2; domes, 1-i, 4- 14 S4,j 2-; octahedral, i, 1-4, 1-2, -3. 109 o A 1-i=1230 55' 1-2 A 1-2, front, 152~ 36' O A -==156 8 i- A i4 " 132 48 2/ 2 0 A 2-z=118 21 i-3 A i-3 " 157 54 1 A1, front,=128 2 1-; A 14-, top,=94 20 1-4 A 1-4 " =166 6 Prisms longitudinally striated. Cleavage: I perfect. i1 H.=2 —25. G.=6 —64; 6'194, Hausmann; 6'23, ft. Przibram, v. Payr. Lustre metallic. Color and streak light steel-gray, inclining to silver-white, also blackish lead-gray. Yields easily to the knife, and is rather brittle. Fracture subconchoidal —uneven. Comp.-5 (Pb, Ag) S+ 2 Sb2 S3 (fr. v. Payr's anal.)=, if Ag: Pb=3: 4, Sulphur 18-6, antimony 25-9, lead 31 2, silver 24'3-100. Analyses: 1, 2, W5hler (Pogg., xlvi. 146); 3, Escosura (Rev. Mnera, vi. 358, Ann. d. M., V. viii. 495); 4,'v. Payr (Jahrb. Min. 1860, 579): S Sb Pb Ag Fe Cu 1. 18-77 27'72 30'00 22'18 011 1 62-100 W. 2. 18'72 27'05 30-08 23-78 --— =9960 W. 3. Spain 17-60 26'83 31'90 22-45 -- 98'78 Escosura. 4. Przibram 18'41 27'11 30'77 23'08 0'63100 Payr. Pisani refers here the massive dark weissgiiltigerz analyzed by Klaproth, who obtained (1. c.) S 22'00, Sb 21'50, Pb 41-00, Ag 9'25, Fe 1'75, Ml 1'00, Si 0'75=-97'25, considering part of the silver as here replaced by lead. Pyr.-In the open tube gives sulphurous and antimonial fumes, the latter condensing as a white sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, giving a coating, on the outer edge white, from antimonous acid, and near the assay yellow, from oxyd of lead; continued blowing leaves a globule of silver. Obs.-With argentite, siderite, and galenite, in the Himmelsfiirst mine, at Freiberg in Saxony, and Kapnik in Transylvania; at Ratieborzitz, the ore of which locality contains bismuth, according to Zincken; at Przibram in crystals, often twins, and 2. to 6 lines long; at Felsobanya; at Hiendelencina in Spain, with argentite, red silver, siderite, galenite, etc. The crystals from Himmelsfiirst are triclinic, according to Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 189). Chapman took his name donacargyrqite from the British Museum, knowing nothing of its origin. Suuh a name ought not to displace.feieslebenite. 115. PYROSTILPNITE. Feuerblende Breith., Char., 285, 333, 1832. Fireblende Dana, Min., 5423, 1850. Pyrostilpnite, Dana. Monoclinic. In delicate crystals grouped like stilbite. Observed planes, x i4, 1-, 14, 24, B. & M. 94 SULPHARSENITES, ETC. IA 1=1390 12'. 2- A 2-4, top,- 74. i-4 A 1-A - 123~ 34'. 1- A 1-2, top, —112 52. i-4 A 2-2=148 42. 1- A 1-%, top,=62 36. Cleavage: i-%, and crystals flattened in this direction. Faces i-4 striated parallel to the clinodiagonal. Twins: plane of composition i-i (orthodiagonal). a. —a2. G.-=42 -425. Lustre pearly-adamantine. Color hyacinthred. Translncent. Sectile and somewhat flexible. Comp.-Contains 62'3 per cent. of silver, along with sulphur and antimony (Plattner, 1. c., 333). Pyr. —Like pyrargyrite. Obs.-From the Kurprinz mine near Freiberg; Andreasberg; Przibram. Named from rp, fire, and -rt1X7rvC, shining, in allusion to its fire-like color. 116. RITTINGERITE. Rittingerit Zippe, Ber. Ak. Wien, ix. 2, 345, 1852. Monoclinic; C=880 26'. In small rhombic tables with replaced basal edges. Observed planes: O, ~, I, ~6, ~1. Observed angles: O A 1 910 24', IA L=126~ 18', 0 A 1- 132~ 24', 0 A -1-1300 50', 1 A -1=960 20', 0 A -6-98~ 30', 0 A 1 =150, -1 A -1-140~ 1'. Cleavage: O imperfeet. H.=1'5-3. Lustre submetallic-adamantine. Plane 0 blackish-brown in the larger crystals, less dark in the more minute; other parts iron-black. Transluncent and dull honey-yellow to hyacinth-red in the direction of the axis. Streak orange-yellow. Brittle. Comp.-Probably a compound of sulphid of silver and antimony. Pyr.-B.B. same as with pyrargyrite; fuses very easily, gives an arsenical odor, and finally a globule of pure silver. Obs.-From Joachimsthal, in small crystals. 117. PYRARGYRITE. Argentum rude rubrum pt., Germ. Rothgolderz, Agric., 362, Interpr., 462, 1546. Argentum rubri coloris pt., Gemein Rothguldenerz, Gesner., Foss., 62, 1565. Rothgylden pt., Argentum arsenico pauco sulphure et ferro mineralisatum pt., Minera argenti rubra var. opaca, var. nigrescens, Wall., 310, 1747. Mine d'argent rouge Fr. Trl. Wall., 1753. Ruby Silver Ore pt., Red Silver Ore pt., Hill, Foss., 1771. Dunkles Rothgiiltigerz, Lichtes id. pt., Wern., 1789. Dark Red Silver Ore; Antimonial Red Silver. Argent antimoni6 sulfur6 pt. H., Tr., 1801. Argent rouge antimoniale Proust., J. de Phys., lix. 407, 1804. Erosit Selb, Denks. Nat. Schwab., i. 311, Tasch. Min., 401, 1817. Rubinblende pt. Mohs. Antimonsilberblende. Pyrargrit Glock., Handb., 388, 1831. Argyrythrose Beud., Tr., ii. 430, 1832. 11 Rhombohedral. Opposite extremities of crystals often unlike. R A R=1085 42', -110 B. & M., OAR=137 42'; a=0 788. -2 5M > - ~ 3;f Observed planes in this and the following species: basal and prismatic, 0,, i-2, i1i2 2 |1| i2 | i-f- -; rhoribohedral, i, T,1 12 -- P (or1 1 y4 14- 7 -2, -,1 - 2 2 -, --; pyramidal, 2-2, 4-2,; scaleno_ hedral8 5, -5 4 - 7 - 3 1 — -A — i8 A 5'3 21 14, 1;, 1, 216, 1 1 1 7'7 23, 229 23 n 3 510 5 _ 5 L2221 11 1_ 23 2, 2', 212, 2 7 P 43 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 6X L SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 95 O A -==155~ 32' ~A =137~ 58' R A 144~ 21' 0 A 13=112 33' i-2 AR 125 39 RA =164 5 O A 1-100 14 i-2 A 13 —155 4 i-2 A i-2 120. Cleavage: R rather imperfect. Twins: composition-face -I-, as in f. 113, which consists of four individuals; 0 or basal plane, as in f. 114; also I and.I Also massive, structure granular, sometimes impalpable. 112 i2,2 i2 i i2 IHI. 2-25. G. 57- - 5 9. Lustre metallic-adamantine. Colorblack, sometimes approaching cochineal-red. Streak cochineal-red. Translucent -opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Comp.-3 Ag S + Sb2 S3-Sulphur 17'7, antimony 22'5, silver 59'8=100. Analyses: 1, Bonsdorff (Ak. H. Stockh., 1821, 338); 2, Wohler (Ann. d. Pharm., xxvii. 157); 3, B6ttger (Ramm. LIandw., ii. 106); 4, F. Field (Q. J. Oh. Soc., xii. 12): S Sb Ag 1. Andreasberg 16'61 22'85 58'95, gangue 0-30=98'70 Bonsdorff. 2. Mexico 18'0 21'8 60'2=100 Wdhler. 3. Zacatecas, Mex. 17'76 24659 57'45=99'80 Bottger. 4. Chili 17-45 23'16 59'01=99'62 Field. Henckel found arsenic in ruby silver (Pyritol., 169, 1725), and both light and red silver ores were afterwards considered arsenical, until Klaproth's analysis, detecting antimony alone, in 1794 (Beitr., i. 141); after this both were supposed to be antimonial, until Proust, in 1804 (J. de Phys., lix. 403) showed that there were two species, an antimonial and an arsenical. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses and gives a reddish sublimate of sulphid of antimony; in the open tube sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of oxyd of antimony. B.B. on charcoal fuses with spirting to a globule, gives off sulphid of antimony, coats the coal white, and the assay is converted into sulphid of silver, which, treated in O.F., or with soda in R.F., gives a globule of fine silver. In case arsenic is present it may be detected by fusing the pulverized mineral with soda on charcoal in R.F. Decomposed by nitric acid with separation of sulphur and antimonous acid. Obs.-The dark-red silver ore occurs principally with calcite, native arsenic, and galenite, at Andreasberg in the Harz; also in Saxony, Hungary, Norway, at Gaudalcanal in Spain, and in Cornwall. In Mexico it is worked extensively as an ore of silver. In Chili it is found in crystals at mine Dolores and Chafiarcillo near Copiapo. In Nevada, at Washoe in Daney Mine; in Ophir mine, rare; abundant about Austin, Reese river, but no good crystals; at Poorman lode, Idaho, in masses sometimes of several hundred weight, along with cerargyrite. A light-red ore from Andreasberg, according to Zincken, contains no arsenic. A gray ore from the same locality, contains both arsenic and antimony, and may be miargyrite. On cryst. of pyrargyrite, see Q. Sella, Acad. Sci. Torino, 8vo, 1856. Alt.-Occurs like proustite, changed to argentite (Ag S); to pyrite; so-called argentopyrite; silver. 96 SULPHARSENITES, ETC, 118. PIROUSTIT:E. Argentum rude rubrum translucidum carbunculis simile, Germ. Durchsichtig Rodtguldenerz, Agric., 362, Interpr., 462, 1546. Argentum rubri coloris pellucidum, Schdn Rubin Rothguldenerz, Gesner, Foss., 62, 1565. Minera argenti rubra pellucida Wall., 311, 1747. Ruby Silver Ore pt. Hill. Argent rouge arsenicale Pr'oust, J. de Phys., lix. 404, 1804. Lichtes Rothgiiltigerz pt., Arsenikalisches id., Arseniksilberblende, Germ. Rubinblende pt. Arsenical Silver Ore; Light Red Silver Ore. Proustite Beud., Tr., ii. 445, 1832. Rhombohedral. RAR=107~ 48', OAR=137~ 9'; a=0'78506. Also granular massive. iH.=2 -25. G. =5422- 556. Lustre adamantine. Color cochiinealred. Streak cochineal-red, sometimes inclined to aurora-red. Subtransparent- subtralslucent. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Comp. —3 Ag S+As2 S —Sulphur 19'4, arsenic 15'2, silver 65'4 —100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 472); 2, F. Field (Q. J. Chem. Soc., xii. 12): 1. Joachimsthal S 19-51 As 15'09 Ag 64'67 Sb 0'69=99'96 Rose. 2. Chili 19-81 15'12 64-88=99-81 Field. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses easily, and gives a faint sublimate of sulphid of arsenic; in the open tube sulphurous fumes anld a white crystalline sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses and emits odors of sulphur and arsenic; by prolonged heating in O.F., or with soda in R.F., gives a globule of pure silver. Some varieties contain antimony. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur and arsenous acid. Obs. —Occurs at Freiberg, Johannugeorgenstadt, Marienberg, and Annaberg; at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; Wolfach in Baden; Markirchen in Alsace; Chalanches in Dauphine; Guadalcanal in Spain; in Mexico; Peru; Chili, near Copiapo, at Chanarqillo, some crystals 3 in. long (D. Forbes.) In Nevada, in the Daney mine, and in Comstock lode, but rare; in veins about Austin, Lander Co; in microscopic crystals in Cabarrus Co.. N. C., at the McMakin mine; in Idaho, at the Poorman lode, with pyrargyrite, native silver and gold, and cerargyrite. Named after the French chemist, J. L. Proust. Alt.-Occurs altered to pyrrhotite, Breith. 119. BOURNONITl:E. Ore of Antimony (fr. Endellion) P. Rashleigh, Spec. Brit. Min., i. 34, pL xix., 1797. Triple Sulphuret of Lead, Antimony, and Copper Bournon (with figs.), Phil. Trans., 30, 1804; Ch. Hatchett (anal.), ib., 63. Bournonite, Antimonial Lead Ore, Jameson, Syst., ii. 579, 1805, iii. 372, 1816. Spiessglanzblei Karst., in Klapr. Beitr., iv. 82, 1807, and Tab., 68, 1808. Plomb sulfure antimonifere H., Tabl., 1809. Endellione Bourn., Cat. Min., 409, 1813. Schwarz Spiesglanzerz Wern. Antimoine sulfure plumbo-cuprifere II., Tr., iv. 1822. Riidelerz [-=Wheel Ore] Kapnik miners. Endellionite Zippe, Char. Min., 213, 1859. Prismatischer Spiesglas-Glanz Mohs, Char., 1820; Prismatoidisclher Kupfer-Glanz Mfohs, Grundr., ii. 559, 1824. Antimonkupfer-Glanz Breith. W6lchit Raid., Handb., 564, 1845. Vl51chite. Orthorhombic. I A =930 40', 0 A 1-i=136~ 17 a': b: c=0'95618: 1: 1-0662. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-7, i-4, zi-, i-2, i-s,:-, i-2, —, f-; domes, 3-,, 4- -, 1-, $-; 4, -, ~ % - -, 1- i-, —,7 2-, 3-; octahedral, ~, ~, 2, 3, 2, 1- 2 —, 3-S, - - 1-, -2-, 1-2, 2-2. O A 1-i=1540 27'. 0 A -=146~ 45'. 1 A 1, mac.,-=114 6'. O A 2-i=147 29. O A 1-127 20. 1 A 1, brach,=109 6. 0 A 1-2 — 133 26. 0 A 3 —5 —144 29. i-2 A i-2, OV. i-i,=129 44. O A 2-2=-115 20. 0 A 1-i=138 6. i-2 A i-2, ov. i-,= 123 52. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 97 Cleavage: i-, imperfect; i-i and 0 less distinct. Twins: compositionface I; crystals often crueiform (f. 116), crossing at angles of 930 40' and 86~ 20'; }hence, also, cog-wheel shaped. Also massive: granular, compact. 116 115 Nagyag. H.=25- 3. G. -=57-5'9. Lustre metallic. Color and streak steelgray, inclining to blackish lead-gray or iron-black. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal or uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var.-3 (eu, Pb) S + Sb2 S3, or (3 Cu S + Sb2 Ss) + 2 (3 Pb S + Sb)2 5) Ramm.=-Sulphur 1i9', antimony 25'0, lead 42'4, copper 12'9=100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 573); 2, Sinding (Ramm. Handw., 123); 3-5, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxvii. 253); 6, C. Kuhlemann (ZS. Nat. Ver. Halle, viii. 500); 1, F. Field (Q. J. Ch. Soc., xiv. 158); 8, 9, Dufrenoy (Ann. d. M., III. x. 371): S Sb Pb Cu 1. Neudorf 20'31 26-28 40'81 12'65=100'08 Rose. 2. " 19'63 25'68 41-38 12'-68=99'37 Sinding. 3. Meiseberg 19'49 24-60' 40'42 13-06=97'57 Ramm. 4. i" 18'99 24'82 40'04 15'16=99'01 Ramm. 5. Wolfsberg 19'16 24'34 42'88 13'06=100'04 Ramm. 6. Clausthal () 18581 23179 40-24 12-99, Fe 2'29, Mn 0O17, Si 260=-100 K. 7. Cornwall 20'30 26'30 40'80 12'70=100'10 Field. 8. Alais 19'4 29-4 38'9 ]23-=100 Dufrenoy. 9. Mexico 17'8 28'3 40'2 13'3=99'6 Dufr6noy. 10. Huasco 20-45 262l1 40-76 12'52=99'94 Field. G.=-580. The Meiseberg mineral (No. 4) is light-gray, and occurs in tabular crystals, with an uneven conchoidal fracture, and submetallic lustre. G.=5-703, Zincken; 5-726 and 5'792, Bromeis; 5-779, Rammelsberg. Another variety (No. 3) is iron-black, with the faces of a rhombic octahedron largely developed. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre metallic. G-= —5822 and 5'847, Bromeis; 5-844, Zincken; 5'863, Rammelsberg. The Wolfsberg ore (No. 5) is iron-black. The crystals are rectangular prismatic. Fracture conchoidal. Lustre metallic. G.=5'726, Rammelsberg; 5-796, Zincken; 5-801 and 5'855, Bromeis. For Zirkel on cryst. and history, see Ber. Ak. Wien, xlv. 431, 1862. Zirkel makes the macrodiagonal of the crystal above the vertical axis; and in this we have not followed him, because the above is strictly the normal position for the vertical axis, or that which homology with the cube requires, since 0 A 1-i and 0 A 1-i are near 135~. The faces i-Z and i- are homologous with the cubic faces, and 1, I with the dodecahedral, the angle between which, either side of i-i, is near 90~. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a dark-red sublimate. In the open tube gives sulphurous acid, and a white sublimate of oxyd of antimony. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, and at first coats the coal white, from antimonous acid; continued blowing gives a yellow coating of oxyd of lead; the residue, treated with soda in R.F., gives a globule of copper. 7 98 SULPHARSENITES, ETC. Decomposed by nitric acid, affording a blue solution, and leaving a residue of sulphur, and a white powder containing antimony and lead. Obs.-Occurs in the mines of Neudorf in the lHarz (which include the Meiseberg localities), where the crystals occasionally exceed an inch in diameter; also at Wolfsberg, Clausthal, and Andreasberg in the lEarz; with quartz, tetrahedrite, and phosphorescent blende, at Kapnik in Transylvania, in flattened crystals; at Servoz in Piedmont, associated with pearl spar and quartz. Other localities are the parish of Briiunsdorf and Gersdorf in Saxony, Olsa in Carinthia, etc.; Endellion at Wheal Boys in Cornwall, where it was first found, and hence called endellione, by Count Bournon, after whom it was afterward named; in Mexico; at Huasco-Alto in Chili; at Machacamarca in Bolivia; in Peru. Alt.-Occurs altered to cerussite, malachite, azurite, and also (as Rammelsberg has shown) to the mineral called wdlchite, which occurs in similar crystals, with the same hardness and same sp. gr. (5-88 —5'94 Ramm.). It was originally from W61ch in Carinthia, but occurs also at Olsa, with true bournonite. Schirtter, in his analysis of wl]chite from W6lch, obtained (Baumgartn. ZS., viii. 284) S 28'60, Sb 16'65, As 6'04, Pb 29'90, Cu 17'35, Fe 1'40=99'94. Rammelsberg found, as the mean of 4 analyses (Min. Chaem., 80), S 16-81, Sb 24-41, Pb 15'59, Cu 42'83, Fe 0'36 —100, excluding the percentage of mixed carbonate, sulphate, and antimonial salts of lead and copper, and some water. 120. STYLOTYPITE. Stylotyp v. Kobell, Ber. Ak. MUinchen, 1865, i. 163, 1865. Cafiutillo Chilian miners. Orthorhombic. IA I about 92~~, near that of Bournonite. Twins: cruciformn, angle of intersection near 90~. Cleavage: none distinct. H. =3. G.=47T9. Lustre metallic. Color iron-black; streak black. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal, uneven. Comp.-3 (-u, Ag, Fe) S + Sb2 S3, the species being an iron-silver-copper bournonite (ratio Pu +Ag: Fe-2: 1, and Cu: Ag=6: 1)=Sulphur 24'9, antimony 31'6, copper 28'2, silver 8'0, iron 1-3=100. Analysis: v. Kobell (1. c.): S Sb Cu Fe Ag 24-30 30'53 28-00 7100 8'30, Pb, Zn tr.=98-13 Pyr., etc.-B.B. decrepitates, and fuses very easily. On charcoal a steel-gray globule, which is magnetic; fumes of antimony, and some lead coating the coal. Obs. —From Copiapo in Chili. NTamed from -rCoSg, column, and rmros, form, in allusion to the columnar form, in which it differs from tetrahedrite, although approaching it in composition. 121. WITTICHENITE. K]upferwismutherz Selb., Denks. d'Aerzte u. Nat. Schwab., i. 419; Klapr., Beitr., iv. 91, 1807. Bismuth sulfur6 cuprifire Fr. Cupreous Bismuth; Cupriferous Sulphuret of Bismuth. Wismuth-Kupfererz Leonh., 1826. Wittichit v. Kob., Taf., 13, 1853. Wittichenit Kenng., Uebers. 1853, 118, 1855. Orthorhombic. Observed planes 0, i-, i-i 1-, 1-i, 1, and isomorphous with bournonite, Breith.; prismatic angle of 110~ 50', Sandberger. Massive and disseminated; also coarse columnar, or an aggregate of imperfect prisms. Cleavage in one vertical direction. H.-=3'5. G.5; 4'3, fr. Gallenbach, Hilger. Color steel-gray, tinwhite, tarnishing pale lead-gray. Streak black. Comp.-3 Cu S + Bi2 S3 (from Schneider's analyses)=Sulphur 19'44, bismuth 42'11, copper 384 —=100; 3 (Cu, Fe) S+ Bi2 S3, from Hilger's. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (1. c.); 2, Schenck (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xci. 232); 3, Tobler (ib., xcvi. 207); 4-7, Schneider (Pogg., xciii. 305, 472, xcvii. 476, cxxvii. 302); 8, Hilger (ib., cxxv. 144): S Bi Cu Fe 1. Wittichen 12'58 47'24 34-66 — =94-48 Klaproth. 2.'" 17.19 48'13 31'14 2-54=99'60 Schenck. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 99 S Bi Cu Fe 3. Wittichen 17-26 49-65 31-56 2-91=101'38 Tobler. 4. "i 16-15 51'83 31'31 -— =99'29 Schneider. 5. " 15'87 50'62 33'19 -— =99'68 Schneider. 6. " (-) 17'10 47'44 34-09 0'20, Co 0'36=99-19 Schneider. 7. " (.~) 18'69 51-40 28-82 0O91=99-82 Schneider. 8. " 18'21 41 53 36'91 3'13=99'78 Hilger. Pyr.-In the open tube gives sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of sulphate of bismuth. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, at first throws out sparks, and coats the coal with oxyd of bismuth; the residue with soda in R.F. gives a globule of metallic copper. Soluble in muriatic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen; decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur. Obs. —From cobalt mines with barite, near Wittichen in Gallenbach, Baden; analyses 4-6 are of specimens from the Neu(gldck mine, and 7, 8, from the Daniel mine; also at Zell, near Wolfach; at Christophsaue near Freudenstadt. Alt.-Undergoes easy alteration, becoming yellowish-brown, then red and blue externally, forming apparently covellite; also changing to a greenish earthy mineral, which is a mixture of malachite, oxyd of bismuth, and hydrated oxyd of iron; also to an earthy yellow bismutite and bismuth-ochre. (Sandberger, Jahrb. Min., 1865, 274.) 122. BOULANGERITE. Plomb antimonie sulfure Boulanger, Ann. d. M., III. vii. 575, 1835. Schwefelantimonblei Germ. Sulphuret of Antimony and Lead. Boulangerit Thaulow, Pogg., xli. 216, 1837; Hausqn., ib., xlvi. 281. Embrithite, Plumbostib, Breith., J. pr. Ch., x. 442, 1837. In plumose masses, exhibiting in the fracture a crystallille structure; also granular and compact. H. —2'5-3. G.-5'75 —6.0. Lustre metallic. Color bluish lead-gray; often covered with yellow spots from oxydation. Comp.-3 Pb S+Sb2S3=Sulphur 18-2, antimony 23'1, lead 58= —100. Analyses: 1, Boulanger (Ann. d. M., III. vii. 575); 2, Thaulow (Pogg., xli. 216); 3, Bromeis (Pogg., xlvi. 281); 4, Brdiel (ib.); 5, Abendroth (Pogg., xlvii. 493); 6, Rammelsberg (3d Suppl., 28); 7, 8, E. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 60); 9, Genth (private contrib.): S Sb Pb 1. Molieres 18'5 25-5 53'9, Fe 1-2, Cu 0-9=100 Boulanger. 2. Nasafjeld, 18-86 24'60 5557-=99'03 Thaulow. 3. Nertschinsk 18'21 25-04 56'29=99'54 Bromeis. 4. " 19'11 23-66 53-87, Fe 1'78, Ag 0'05=98-47 Brdel. 5. Ober-Lahr 19-05 25-40 55-60=100'07 Abendroth. 6. Wolfsberg 18'91 25'94 55-15-100 Rammelsberg. G.=5'96. 7. Tuscany, mass. 17-99 26'08 53-15, Cu 1'24, Zn 1'41, Fe 0-35=100'23 Bechi. 8. " acic. 17'82 27-74 55'39 " 1-25 " 0'09 " 0'23=101'52 Bechi. 9. Union Co., Nev. 17'91 26'-5 54'82, Fe 0-42, Ag tr.=100 Genth. Pyr.-Same as for zinkenite. Obs.-Quite abundant at Molieres, department of Gard, in France; also found at Nasafjeld in Lapland; at Nertschinsk; Ober-Lahr in Sayn-Altenkirchon; Wolfsberg in the Harz; near Bottino in Tuscany, both massive, acicular, and fibrous. Enmbrithite is from the locality of boulangerite at Nertschinsk, and is probably the same species. It is granular in texture, of a lead-gray color, has G.=6-29 —6811; and contains, according to Plattner (1. c.), lead 53'3, copper 0'8, silver 0-04, along with antimony and copper. Named from gpfl,Oet, heavy. Plumbostib is also from Nertschinsk. It consists, according to Plattner, of antimony, arsenic, sulphur, a little iron, with 58-8 p. c. of lead; and appears to be boulangerite. Named from plum. bum and stibiurm. 123. 3OBELLITE. Kobellit Sdtterberg, Ak. I. Stockh., 188, 1839; Jahresb., xx. 215. Resembles gray antimony, but brighter in lustre; structure radiated. G.=-629 —632, S/tterberg; 6-145, Ramm. Soft. Color blackish lead gray to steel-gray. Streak black. Comp.-(3 Pb S + Bi2 S) + (3 Pb S + Sb2 S3) Ramm.=3 Pb S + (Bi, Sb)2 S3=Sulphur 16'8, bismuth 18-2, antimony 10'6, lead 54'4=100. 100 SULPHARSENITES, ETC. Analyses: 1, Siitterberg (loc. cit.); 2, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 340): S Sb Bi Pb Fe Cu 1. 17-86 9'24 27'05 40'12 2'96 0'80, gangue 1-45=99'48 S. 2. 17'47 10'43 20-52 48'78 1'55 -=9875 R. Rammelsberg's analysis represents the composition of pure kobellite after excluding 5-61 p. c. cobaltiferous pyrites, and 3-67 p. c. chalcopyrite, present as mechanical impurities in the specimen analyzed. Pyr., etc. —B.B. in the closed tube fuses and gives a faint sublimate of sulphur. In the open tube, sulphurous fumes and a sublimate of oxyd of antimony. On charcoal fuses and forms a coating, the outer edge of which is white from antimonous acid, etc., and near the assay dark yellow. Soluble in concentrated muriatic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-From the cobalt mine of Hvena in Sweden, associated with actinolite, chalcopyrite, and small reddish-white crystals of a cobaltiferous mispickel (Kobaltarsenikkies). Named after von Kobell. 1J.24. AIKINITE. Nadelerz Mohs, Null's Kab., iii. 726, 1804. Bismuth sulfure plumbo-cuprifire H., Tabl., 105, 1809. Needle Ore; Acicular Bismuth; Cupreous Bismuth. Aikinite Chapman, Min., 127, -1843. Patrinite Hcaid., Handb., 568, 1845. Belonit Glock., Syn., 27, 1847. Aciculite Nicol, Min., 487, 1849. Orthorhombic. IA l=110~ nearly, HSrnes. Crystals long, imbedded, acicular, longitudinally striated. Also massive. H. =2-2-5. G.-6-1-6' 8; 6' 157, Frick. Lustre, metallic. Color blackish lead-gray, with a pale.copper-red tarnish. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Conp. —(3 -u S+Bi2 S3)+ 2 (3 Pb S + Bi2 S3)=3 (Eu, Pb) S+Bi2 S3=Sulphur 16'7, bismuth 36'2, lead 36'1, copper 11l0=-100. Supposed to be isomorphous with bournonite. Analyses: 1, 2, Frick(Pogg., xxxi. 529); 3, Chapman (Phil. Mag., III. xxxi. 541); 4, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxv. 452): S Bi Pb Cu Ni 1. Beresof 16-05 34'62 35'69 11-79 — =98'15 Frick; G.-6-757. 2. " 16-61 36'45 36-05 10'59 ---— 99 70 Frick. 3. 8" ]8'78 27'93 40'10 12'53 -=99-64 Chapman; G.=6'1. 4. " 1650 34'87 36'31 10-97 0-36, Au 009=100 Herm. Pyr., etc.-In the open tube gives sulphurous fumes, and also a white sublimate, which may be fused into clear drops that are white on cooling; the assay becomes surrounded with a black fused oxyd, which on cooling is transparent and greenish-yellow. B.B. on charcoal fuses and gives a white coating, yellow on the edge nearest the assay; with the fluxes, reactions for copper, and after long blowing a globule of metallic copper. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur and sulphate of lead. Obs.-Occurs at Beresof near Katharinenburg, Urals, with gold, malachite, and galenite, in white quartz. In the United States, in the gold region of Georgia (?) in slender crystals, some of which have a centre of gold, and others are altered to bismuth-ochre or cupreous carbonate of bismuth (Genth, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 190); probably at Gold Hill, Rowan Co., N. Carolina. Alt.-Occurs, as just stated, altered to bismuth-ochre and native gold. RETZBANYITE Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxv. 450, 1859). A lead-gray ore of bismuth, occurring mixed with the product of its alteration, at Retzbanya in Hungary. It is without trace of crystallization; H.=2-5; G.=6-21. Afforded Hermann, S 11'93, 0 7'14, li 38'38, Pb 36'01, Ag 1'93, Cu 4-22=99-61. 125. TETRAH-EDRITE. Argentum arsenico cupro et ferro mineralisatum, Falerts, Grauerts, Minera argenti grisea, Wall., 313, 1747. Falerz, Argentum cupro et antimonio sulph. mineralisatum, Cronst., 157, 1758; Pyrites cupri griseus, Fahlkupfererz, Cronst., 175, 1758. Argentum cinereum crystallis pyramidatis trigonis v. Born, Lithoph., i. 82, 1772. Cuprum cinereum cryst. trigonis, etc., v..Born, ib., 108. Fahlerz, Kupferfahlerz, Schwarzerz pt., Antimonfahlerz, Germ. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 101 Mine do cuivre grise de Lisle, Crist., iii. 315 (with figs. cryst.), 1783. Cuivre gris Fr. Gray Copper Ore. Panabase Beud., Tr., ii. 438, 1832. Tetra6drit laid., lHandb., 563, 1845. Clino. 6drit pt., Fahlit, Breih.,. B. H. Ztg., xxv. 181. Argentif.: Argentum rude album pt. Agric., Foss., 362, 1546. Weisgylden, Minera argenti alba pt., Wall., 312, 1747; Cronstedt, 156, 1158. Weissgultigerz pt., Silberfahlerz, Graugiltigerz pt., Schwarzgiltigerz pt., Germ. Freibergit Kenng., Min., 117, 1853. Polytelit v. Kob., Taf., 10, 1853 [not of Glock., Syn., 31, 1847]. Mercurial: Schwarzerz pt. Wern. Quecksilberfahlerz. Graugiltigerz pt. zauzsm. Spaniolith v. Kob., Min. Namen, 98, 1853. Schwatzit Kenng., Min., 1. c., 1853. Hermesit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 182. Isometric; tetrahedral. Observed planes: those of f. 117, with also 4-4, 5-5 9, w-w, on one crystal from Kahl, 1, 2-2, -, 22,-,, - 4-4. — 5-5?, with O and i, Hessenberg. Twins, composition face octahedral, producing, when the composition is repeated, the form in f. 119, the simpler condition of which is shown in f. 118, a solid seemingly made of 117 119 /22 b 118 two interpenetrating tetrahedrons; also forms similar to f. 62, 63, p. 21, in which the tetrahedrons are united in a reversed position. Also massive; granular, coarse, or fine; compact or crypto-crystalline. lH.=3 —4-5. G.=4-5 —511. Lustre metallic. Color between light flint-gray and iron-black. Streak generally same as the color; sometimes inclined to brown and cherry-red. Opaque; sometimes subtranslucent in very thin splinters, transmitted color cherry-red. Fracture subconchoidal -uneven. Rather brittle. Comp., Var.-4 Cu S + Sb2 S3, with part of the copper often replaced by iron, zinc, silver, or quicksilver, and rarely cobalt, and part of the antimony by arsenic, and rarely bismuth; whence the general formula 4 (Eu, Fe, Zn, Ag, Hg) + (Sb, As, Bi)2 83. Ratio Ag + eu: Zn + Fe generally =2: 1. There are thus: A. An antimonial series; B. An arsenio-antimonial series; C. A bismuthic arsenio-antimonial;' besides an arsenical, in which arsenic replaces all the antimony, and which is made into a distinct species named tennantite. In the analyses below the largest amount of arsenic given is about 20 p. c. (anal. 20.) Var. 1. Ordinary. Containing little or no silver (Cupreous tetrahedrite; Kupferfahlerz, Lichtes Fahlerz, Graugiltigerz pt., Germ.). Color steel-gray to dark gray. G.=5 —58. 2. Argentiferous; Freibergite (Syn. above). Light steel-gray, sometimes iron-black. G.=4-8 — 5, or less. 3. Mercuriferous; Schwatzite (Syn. above). Color gray to iron-black. G.=5-5'6. Breithaupt designates the ore of Schwatz alone schwatzite, having G.=5-107; that of Kotterbach and others, 102 SULPItARSE NITES, ETC. having G.=5'2 —5'28, spaniolite; that of Moschellandsberg, having G.=5 5 —5566, hermesite (from the Greek for Mercurius), it, affording Hg 24'10, Ag 5'62. But another ore from Moschellandsberg contains Hg 17'32 p. c., and no silver, a fact which shows the filtility of attempts to divide up tetrahedrite into distinct groups or species. 4. Platiniferous. An ore from Guadalcanal, Spain, contains, according to Vauquelin, I-I 0p. c. of platinum. In distinguishing these varieties, color, as above seen, is a poor criterion, it depending largely on the amount of iron present. The argentiferous ores are commonly the lighter gray, but not always so. Analyses: Ordinary. 1. Kerl (B. H. Ztg., 1853, No. 2); 2, Bromeis (Pogg., Iv. 117); 3, Amelung (Ramm., 3d Suppl., 51); 4, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 61); 5, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 576); 6, C. fKuhlemann (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, viii. 500, Jahresb., 1856, 834); 7, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 67); 8, Sandmann (Ann. Oh. Pharm., lxxxix. 364); 9, H. Rose (1. c.); 10, Wandesleben (Jahrb. Pharm. ii. 105, Jahresb., 1854, 814); 11, A. Lwe (Rose's Reis. Ural, i. 197); 12, Wittstein (Viert. pr. Pharm., iv. 72); 13, Sandmann (]. c.); 14, Sandberger (Jahrb. Min., 1865, 584); 15, IH. Rose (1. c.); 16, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., IV. xi. 47); 17, H. Rose (1. c.); 18, Hilger (Jahrb. Min., 1865, 591); 19, 20, v. Bibra (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 204). Argentzferous. 21, Svanberg (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., iv. 85); 22, C. Kuhblemann (1, c.); 23, J. L. Smith (Gilliss's Exp., ii. 91); 24, H. Rose (1. c.); 25 J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 67); 26, Sander (Ramm., 1st Suppl., 52); 27-29, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxvii. 251); 30, Paykull (Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1866, 85, J. pr. Ch., c. 62); 31, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 83); 32, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 73); 33, 34, 1I. Rose (L. e.). ifercurial. 35-37, v. YHauer (Jahrb. g. Reichs., 1852, 98, J. pr. Ch., lx. 55); 38, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 65); 39, v. Hauer (. c.); 40, 41, I(ersten (Pogg., lix. 131, lxvTii. 428); 42, C. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 60); 43, Scheidhauer (Pogg., lviii. 161); 44, v. Hauer (1. c.); 45, H. Weidenbusch (Pogg., lxxvi. 86); 46, G. v. Rath (Pogg., xcvi. 322); 41, CEllacher (Jahrb. Min., 1865, 594): 1. Containing little or no Silver. S Sb As Cu Fe Zn Ag 1. Rammelsberg, mas. 25'82 28-78 - 37'95 224 2'52 067 —=9798 Kerl. 2. Durango 23176 25'97 -- 37'11 4'42 5-02 1'09, Pb 0'54, und. 0'47= 98'38 Bromeis. 3. Kamsdorf 23'73 28'87 tr. 38'78 5'03 3'59 -=100 Amelung. 4. ]Kapnik 28'00 22'00 - 37-75 3'25 5'00 0'25-96'25 Klaproth. 5. " 25177 23'94 2'88 37'98 0'86 7-29 0'62=99'34 Rose. 6. Andreasberg 25-22 27-36 0'67 31'18 3'94 5'00 1'58=100'97 Kuhlemann. 7. Arkansas 26'71 26'50 1'02 36'40 1'89 4-20 2'30=99'02 Smith. 8. Mornshausen (2) 24-61 25'65 1'65 38'17 1'59 6'28 0'62, Ni tr.=98'57 Sandm. 9. Dillenburg 25'03 25'27 2'26 38-42 1'52 6'85 0'83=10018 Rose. 10. Freiberg 27127 17140 2'40 42-02 8'41 1'89 0'06=99'45 Wandesleben. 11. Beresof 26'10 2i'47 2'42 40'57 2-92 5'07 [0'56]=99'11 Lwe. 12. Cornwall 25'64 23'66 4'40 39-18 6-99 -- --— =99'87 Wittstein. 13. Stahlberg (a) 25'52 19'71 4'98 38'41 2'29 6'50 0'69, Ni tr., Si 0'36 —9846 Sandmann. 14. Schwarzwald 26-40 14712 6'98 33'83 6%40 -- 1'37, Co 421, Ni tr., Bi4-55 =98'46 Sandberger 15. Gersdorf 26'33 16-52'721 38'63 4'89 2'16 237-1=98'71 Rose. 16. Algeria 27'25 14177 9'12 41'57 4'66 2'24 — =99'61 Ebelmen. 17. Elsace 26'83 12-46 10'19 40'60 4'66 3'69 0-60, quartz 0'41-99'44 R. 18. Kahl, in Zechstein 28-34 15'05 10'19 32-04 4-85 3-84 0-22, Co 2-95, Pb 04'3, Bi 183= —99'74 Hilger. 19. Algodon, Bolivia 19'66 18'00 19'30 36-35 4-29 - 0-58, Hg tr.=98'18 Bibra. 20. 21'14 11-64 20'05 38172 6'33 0-'45, Pb, Hg tr.-98'33B. 2. Containing Silver': Freibergite. 21. Aphthonite 30'05 24-77 tr. 32'91 1'31 6-40 309, Pb 0'04, Co 0'49, gangue 1'29=100'37- Svanberg. 22. Clausthal 25'54 27'64 -- 34'59 6'23 3'43 3'18=100'61 Kuhlemann. 23. Chili 26'83 23-21 3'05 36-02 2'36 4-52 3'41=99'40 Smith. 24. Clausthal 24'73 28'24 -- 34'48 2-27 5'55 4971=100-24 Rose. 25. Arkansas 25'32 27'01 0-61 33'20 0'82 6'10 4'97 —98'03 Smith. 26. Clausthal 24'10 26'80 -- 3570 450 -- 890, Pb 0'90=100'90 Sand. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 103 S Sb As Cu Fe Zn Ag 27. Meiseberg, massive 24-22 26'44 31'53 4-36 3'25 7'27=97'07 Ramm. 28. " " 24'69 25'74 -- 32-46 4-19 3'00 q'55-97'63 Ramm. 29.'" cryst. 24'80 26-56 - 30'47 352 3'39 10'48, Pb 0'78-100 Ramm 30. Longban 23'32 [28'76] 30'04 1'86 6-02 10'00=100 Paykull. 31. Cabarrus, N. C. 25'48 17'76 11-55 30 73 1.42 2'53 10-53=100 Genth. 32. Wolfach 25'50 27-00 -- 25'50 7'00 -- 13'25=98'25 Klaproth 33. 23'52 26'63 - 25'23 3-72 3'10 17 71 —99'91 Rose. 34. Freiberg 21]17 24'63 -- 14'81 5'98 0'99 31'29=98'87 Rose. 3. Containing Mercury: Spaniolite. Hg 35. Poratsch, Hungary 22'00 31'56 - 3904 7-38 - 012 0'52=100'62 H-auer 36. " " 19'38 U33'33 34'23 9'46 0'10 3'57 —100'07 Hauer 37. " " 24'89 30-18 -- 3280 5-85 - 007 5'57 —99'36 Hauer. 38. " 26'00 19'50 - 39'00 7 50 - - 625=98'25 Klap. 39. " " 24-37 25-48 tr. 30'58 1'46 -- 0'09 16'69=98'67 Hauer. 40. V. di Castello 2417 27-47 -- 35-80 1'89 6'05 0'33 2'70=98'41 Kersten 41. Angina, Tuscany 23'40 27'47 - 35'90 1'93 6'24 0'33 2-70=97-97 Kerstemi 42. " " 24'14 26'52 - 3772 1'64 6'23 0'45 3'03=99'73 Bechi. 43. Iglo, Hungary () 24'74 19-34 4-23 37'54 5'21 1'07 tr. 7*87=100 Scheidh. 44. Zavatka " 25'90 2ti,70 tr. 3659 7-11 - 011 307= —9048 Hauer. 45. Sclhwatz, Tyrol 22'96 21'35 34-57 2'24 1-34 - 15-57, gangue 080= 98'83 Weidenbusch. 46. Kotterbach (Q) 22'53 19-34 2'94 35'34 0'87 0'69 17-27, Pb 0-21, Bi 0-81 =100 Rath. 47. Moschellandsberg 21'90 23'45 0'31 32'19 1-41 0'10 0'10 17-32, Co 0 23, Bi 1.57, gangue 1-39=99'87 0. G. in anal. 12, 4'73; 13, 4'58; 21, 4'87; 27, 4'89-4'946; 28, 4-526; 29, 4'852; 35, 4-582; 36, 4'762; 37, 4-733; 39, 5'107; 41, 4-84; 44, 4'605; 45, 5'107; 46, 5-356. Cobalt occurs in the ore of Schwarzwald, Moschellandsberg, Schottenhofen near Zell, Clara near Schapbach, and others. Pyr., etc.-Differ in the different varieties. In the closed tube all fuse and give a dark-red sublimate of sulphid of antimony; when containing mercury, a faint dark-gray sublimate appears at a low red heat; and if much arsenic, a sublimate of sulphid of arsenic first forms. In the open tube fuses, gives sulphurous fumes and a white sublimate of antimony; if arsenic is present, a crystalline volatile sublimate condenses with the antimony; if the ore contains mercury it condenses in the tube in minute metallic globules. B.B. on charcoal fuses, gives a coating of antimonous acid and sometimes arsenous acid, oxyd of zinc, and oxyd of lead; the arsenic may be detected by the odor when the coating is treated in R.F.; the oxyd of zinc assumes a green color when heated with cobalt solution. The roasted mineral gives with the fluxes reactions for iron and copper; with soda yields a globule of metallic copper. To determine the presence of a trace of arsenic by the odor, it is best to fuse the mineral on charcoal with soda. The presence of mercury is best ascertained by fusing the pulverized ore in a closed tube with about three times its weight of dry soda, the metal subliming and condensing in minute globules. The silver is determined by cupellation. Decomposed by nitric acid, with separation of sulphur and antimonous and arsenous acids. Obs.-The Cornish mines, near St. Aust., have afforded large tetrahedral crystals, with rough and dull surfaces. More brilliant crystallizations occur at the Levant mine near St. Just, at Condurrow mine and other places in Cornwall; at Andreasberg and Clausthal in the Harz; Kremnitz in Hungary; Freiberg in Saxony' Przibram in Bohemia; Kahl in Spessart; Kapnik in Transylvania; Dillenburg in Nassau; and other localities mentioned above. The ore containing mercury occurs in Schmlunitz, Hungary; at Poratsch, Zavatka, and Kotterbach near Iglo; at Schwatz in the Tyrol; and in the valleys of Angina and Castello in Tuscany. Tetrahedrite is found in America; in Mexico, at Durango, etc.; at various mines in Chili; in Bolivia; at the Kellogg mines, 10 m. N. of Little Rock, Arkansas, with galenite. In California in Mariposa Co., in the Pine Tree gold vein and others; in Shasta Co., Chicago claim. In Nevada, abundant at the Sheba and De Soto mines, Humboldt Co., massive and rich in silver (the De Soto containing 16-4 p. c. of silver, Allen); near Austin in Lander Co.; in Arizona at the Heintzelman mine, containing 1~ p. c. of silver; at the Santa Rita mine. Alt.-Chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, amalgam, bournonite, erythrite, cinnabar, covellite, occur as pseudomorphs after tetrahedrite. Also a red pulverulent mineral, consisting of an acid of antimony, oxyd of copper or oxyd of mercury, etc. (See Amnmiolite.) Annivite of Brauns (Mitth. nat. Ges. Bern, 1854, Kenngott's Ueb., 1855), from the AnniveT 104 SUJLPHARSENITES, ETC. valley in the Valais, is probably, according to Kenngott, only tetrahedrite. Brauns obtained S 23175, Sb 8-80, As 10-96, Bi 4-94, Cu 35'57, Fe 3'85, Zn 2'01, quartz 9'40==100'28. Excluding the quartz, the composition corresponds nearly to 4 R S +(As2 S3, Sb2 S, Bi2 S3). It occurs only massive, and is mixed with chalcopyrite. Studerite of Fellenberg (Mitth. nat. Ges., Bern, 1864, 178) is a similar compound (Kenng.. Min. d. Schweiz, 402). It is from Ausserberg in the Upper Valais, Switzerland. Fellenberg obtained, S 24-70, Sb 15-43, As 11'38, Bi 0'57, Cu 37'89, Fe 2-'3, Zn 5'06, Pb 0'38, Ag 0'95, gangue 1'81. G.-=4-657. A. FIELDITE.-An ore from mine Altar, 30 leagues from Coquimbo, afforded F. Field (Q. J. Ch. Soc., iv. 332), S 30'35, As 3'91, Sb 20'28, Cu 36-72, Zn 1726, Fe 1'23, Ag 0'075, Au 0'003. It is soft, of greasy appearance, greenish-gray, slightly reddish, with powder bright-red. Domeyko considers it impure with blende, pyrite, and galenite. Ettling observes (lb., vi. 140) that the constitution is analogous rather to enargite than tetrahedrite, corresponding to the formula 4 (eu, Zn, Fe, Ag) S + (Sb, As2) S5. Kenngott has named it Fieldite. B. APHTHONITE (or Aftonite) Svanberg.-A steel-gray ore, resembling tetrahedrite, if not identical with it; H.-3; G.-4-81; and it contains, according to Svanberg (Berz. Jahresb., xxvii. 236), S 30-05, Sb (with tr. of As) 24-77, Cu 32'91, Ag 3'09, Zn 6'40, Fe 1'31, Co 0-49, Pb 0'04, gangue 1-29 =100-35. Ratio of sulphid of antimony to that of the other metals, 3: 6'4. From Wermland in Sweden. 126. POLYTELITE Glock., Syn., 31, 1847. (Weissgfiltigerz pt.) An ore consisting mainly of lead. silver, antimony, and sulphur. Glocker cites Rammelsberg's analysis (Pogg., lxviii. 515, Min. Ch., 99) of an ore from Hoffnung Gottes mine near Freiberg, a fine-granular ore, having G. =5'438 —5465, apparently homogeneous, but somewhat mixed with blende and pyrite. Klaproth analyzed a related weissgiiltigerz from the Himmelsftirst mine near Freiberg (Beitr. i. 166). S Sb Cu Fe Zn Pb Ag 1. Himmelsffirst, light 13'21 8'50 - 2'42 - 51'81 22'00=97-94 K. 2. " dark 22-39 21'88 -- 19 41-73 9'41- 97'20 IK. 3. Hoff. G. 22'53 22'39 0'32 3'83 6179 38'36 5'78=100 R. Rammelsberg makes the mineral, from his analysis, a silver-lead tetrahedrite, with the formula 4 (Pb, Ag, Fe, Zn) S + Sb2 S3, in which the ratio Fe: Zn: Pb + Ag=2: 3: 6, and Pb: Ag=7: 1. 127. TENNANTITE. Gray Sulphuret of Copper in dodecaledral crystals Sowerby, Brit. Min., 1817. Tennantite Wnm. & R. Phillips, Q. J. Sci., vii. 95, 100, 1819. Arsenikalfahlerz Germ. Kupferblende Breith., Char., 131, 251, 1823, Pogg., ix. 613, 1827. Sandbergerit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 187, 1866. Isometric; holohedral, Phillips. Observed planes 0, J, 1, 2-2, 3-3 Figs. 55, 57, 58, and 18 with planes of 55.5 Cleavage: dodecahedral imlperfect. Twins as in tetrahedrite. Massive forms unknown. H. =3-5-4. G.=437 — 4-53; 4'37-4'49, Cornwall; 4'53, Skutterud. Lustre metallic. Color blackish lead-gray to iron-black. Streak dark reddish-gray. Fracture uneven. Comp.-4 (eu, Fe) S + As2 S, agreeing in crystalline form and general formula with tetrahedrite. Analyses: 1, Phillips (1. c.); 2, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxviii. 397); 3, Wackernagel (Ramm, Min. Ch., 88); 4, Rammelsberg (Min. Oh., 88); 5, Fearnley (Scheerer in Pogg., lxv. 298); 6, Plattner (Pogg., lxvii. 422); 7, Merbaclh (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 187): S As Cu Fe Zn 1. Trevisane, Cornw. 30-25 12-46 47170 9175.-=100-16 Phillips. 2. " " 27'76 19'10 48'94 3-57 Ag tr., Si 008 —99'45 Kud. 3. " " 26'88 20'53 48'68 3'09 — =9918 Wack. 4. " " 26'61 19'03 51'62 1l95 - =99-21 Ramm. 5. Skutterud, G.=4'53 29'18 19'0la 42'60 9'21 - =100 Fearnley. 6. Kupferblende 28'11 18'88 41'07 2'22 8'89, Ag, Sb, ir., Pb 0'34=99'51 P1. 7. Sandbergerite 25'12 14'75 41-08 2'38 7119, Sb 7'19, Pb 2771=100'48 Merbach. The Kupferblende Breith. (or zincfahlerz), from near Freiberg (anal. 6), has part of the iron replaced by zinc. Its streak is brownish or dirty cherry-red; G.=4:2-4'4. The sandbergerite SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 105 (anal. 7), from L. lMorococha in Peru, is stated to have cubic cleavage, an iron-black color, and G. =4-369; it is in tetrahedral crystals, having also the planes i, 2-2. Pyr.-In the closed tube gives a sublimate of sulphid of arsenic. In the open tube gives sulphurous fumes, and a sublimate of arsenous acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses with intumescence and emission of arsenic and sulphur fumes to a dark-gray magnetic globule. The roasted mineral gives reactions for copper and iron with the fluxes; with soda on charcoal gives metallic copper, with iron. Obs.-Formerly found in the Cornish mines, particularly at Wheal Jewel in Gwennap, and Wheal Unity in Gwinear, usually in splendent crystals investing other copper ores; but latterly not met with unless at East Relistian mine. Also at Skutterud in Norway, and in Algeria. Named after the chemist, Smithson Tennant. 128. ME.NEGHINITE. Bechi, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 60, 1852. Monoclinic, v. Rath. Observed planes: vertical, i-, - I,, i-i, -i-, _ ii-i, i-~; hemidomes 1-i, 2-i, -1-i, -2-i; hemioctahedral, 2-2, and four others. I A 1=1400 16', i-2 A i-p, front, 1080 17', i-g A i-b, front, 850 23', i-i A -1-i -=10~ 0', i-i A -2-i 1240 30', i-i A 1-i=1070 54', i-i A 2-i -1240 29'. Crystals slender prismatic. Twins: composition-face i-i; 1-i A -1-i=177~ 54', the two faces 1-i, -1-i being nearly in the same plane. Also compact fibrous. H. =25. G.-=6339. Lustre metallic, very bright. Resembles boulangerite. Comp. —4 Pb S + Sb2 S. analogous to tetrahedrite. Analysis: 1, E. Bechi (1. c.); 2, v. Rath (Pogg., cxxxii. 1867): S Sb Pb Cu Fe 1. Bottino 17-52 19-28 59'21 3'54 0;35=99'90 Bechi. 2. " 16'97 18'37 61-47 0'39 0-23, undec. 0-82-98-25 Rath. Obs.-Occurs at Bottino, near Serravezza, in Tuscany, -along with galenite, boulangerite, jamesonite, etc., and also crystals of albite; also in the neighboring valley of Castello. First observed by Prof. Meneghini, of Pisa. The crystallization has been determined as above given, and crystals, both simple and compound, figured by v. Rath (1. c.). Q. Sella made it orthorhombic (Gazz. uffic. d'Ital., 1862). 129. GEOCR.ONITE. Geokronit Svanberg, Jahresb., xx. 203, 1839. Kilbrickenite Apjohn, Trans. R. Irish Ac., 1840. Schulzit Heausm., Handb., 166, 1847. Orthorhomnic. IA I- 1190 44', Kerndt. Observed planes: I, i-i, 1-2. 1-2 A 1-2, pyram., about 153~ and 64:~ 45', bas., 122~. Cleavage: I Usually massive. Also granular or earthy. H.=2 —3. G.=64 —6'6. Lustre metallic. Color and streak light lead-gray —grayish blue. Fracture uneven. Comp.-5 Pb S+(Sb, As)2 S3=Sulphur 16'5, antimony 16'7, lead 668-=100. Analyses: 1, Svanberg (Jahresb., xx. 203); 2, Sauvage (Ann. de M., III. xvii. 525); 3, Kerndt (Pogg., lxv. 302); 4, Apjohn (1. c.); 5, Svanberg (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1848, 64): S Sb As Pb Cu Fe 1. Sala, Sweden G.=6'54 16-26 9'58 4'69 65%45 1'51 0'42, Zn 011=9903 Sv. 2. Merido, Schulzite G. — 64.3 16-90 16'00 -- 64'89 1-60 --— =99'39 Sauvage. 3. Tuscany, Gl.=6-45 —647 17'32 9'69 4'72 66-55 1'15 1'73=100'95 Kerndt. 4. Kilbrickenite G.=6'407 16'36 14-39 - 68'87 - 0-38=100 Apjohn. 5. Fahlun G.=6-434 15-16 5'66 4'62 64'17 4'17 0-08, Ag 0'24, Zn 0'59, Cu 4'17, A1 1'9=98'35 Svanberg. Svanberg deduces for the last the formula 6 Pb S + (Sb, As)2 S3. Pyr.-Same as for zinkenite, 106 SULPHARSENITES ETC. Obs. —From the silver mines of Sala in Sweden; also from Gallicia, Merido in Spain, in nodules in galena; it crumbles easily and soils the fingers; the valley di Castello near Pietro Santo, in Tuscany. The kilbrickenite is from Kilbricken, Clare Co., Ireland. The name geocronite is derived from yui, earth, and Kpovog, Saturn, the alchemistie name for lead. A mineral found at Tinder's gold mine, Louisa Co., Va., may be this species. It contains, according to Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 9) S 1.6, Pb 60, Ag 0'25, with antimony and arsenic. An antimonial ore from between La Paz and Yungas, in Bolivia, is referred here by D. Forbea (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix, 9). 130. STEPHANITE. Argentum rude nigrum?, Gern. Schwarzerz, pt., Agric., Interpr., 462, 1456. Svartgylden, Schvartsertz, pt. Minera argenti nigra spongiosa (fr. Freiberg) Wall.. 313, 1747. Argenturn mineralisatum nigrum fragile (fr. Schemnitz, etc.), Rlschgewichs (of Hung. miners) Born., Lithoph., i. 81, 11772. Spr6dglaserz Wern., 1789. Spr6dglanzerz. Brittle Silver Ore. or Glance. Brittle Sulphuret of Silver. Argent noir pt. E., Tr., 1801. Argent sul. fure fragile Fr. Schwarzg'iltigerz Leonh., Handb., 638, 1826. Psaturose Bend., Tr., ii. 432, 1832. Stephanit Haid., Handb., 570, 1845. Orthorhombic. IA 1 —115~ 39', OA 1 —i132~ 321'; a: b: c-1t0897: 1: 1 5844. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-i, i-l, i-s, i-, i-3s; domes:, 14, 4, -, 14 8- 1; octahedral, 3, -I1, 2. -2l, 3-, ]-V, 1- -5- 15-on 8-Q - 1 -3 3, A_ 4 a, 12 3 55 - 6 —3 -- -3 3-3. 120 O A -147~ = 14'. 1-i \ 1-i, ov. i-T,-68~ 52'. OA 1-127 51. 2- A 22-X, ov. i-i-o 0'7 48. O A 2-111 14. 1 A, mac.,- 131 16. A 1 —i=145 34. 1 Al, brach.,=96 8. l 2 12zO 0A 2 —=126 6. Cleavage: 2-i and i-i imperfect. Twins: compositionface I; forms like those of aragonite frequent. Also massive, compact, and disseminated. H. 2 —2'5. G. 6'269, Przibram. Lustre metallic. Color and streak iron-black. Fracture uneven. Comp. —5 Ag S+Sb2S3=Sulphur 16-2, antimony 15'3, silver 68'5=100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., xv. 474); Kerl (B. H. Ztg., 1853, No. 2): S Sb Ag Fe Cu 1. Schemnitz 16-42 14:68 68'54 0'64=100-28 Rose. 2. Andreasberg 16'51 15'79 68'38 0-14 -— =100-82 Kerl. Considered an arsenical mineral until Klaproth's analysis in 1793 (Beitr., i. 162). Pyr.-In the closed tube decrepitates, fuses, and after long heating gives a faint sublimate of sulphid of antimony. In the open tube fuses, giving off antimonial fumes and sulphurous acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses with projection of small particles, coats the coal with antimonous acid, which after long blowing is colored red from oxydized silver, and a globule of metallic silver is obtained. Soluble in dilute heated nitric acid, sulphur and oxyd of antimony being deposited. Obs,-In Veins, with other silver ores, at Freiberg, Schneeberg, and Johanngeorgenstadt in Saxony; at Przibram and Ratieborzitz in Bohemia; at Schemnitz and Kremnitz in Hungary; at Andreasberg in the tHarz; at Zacatecas in Mexico; and in Peru. In Nevada, an abundant silver ore in the Comstock lode; at Ophir and Mexican mines in fine crystals; in the Reese river and Humboldt and other regions. In Idaho, at the silver mines Named after the Archduke Stephan, Mining Director of Austria. A valuable ore of silver. The species is homceomorphous with aragonite. See on cryst., F. H. Schroeder, Pogg., xcv. 257. Alt.-Crystals occur altered to silver, and also to argentopyrite (p. 39). SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 107 131. POLYBASITE. Spr6dglaserz pt. Wern. Polybasit H. Rose, Pogg., xv. 573, 1829. Eugenglanz Breith., Char., 266, 1832. Orthorhombic, Descl. IA I nearly 120~, O A 1-121~ 30'. Observed planes O, I, 1. 1 A 1, pyr., -129~ 32', 1 A 1, bas.,= 117~. Crystals usually short tabular prisms, with the bases triangularly striated parallel to alternate edges. Cleavage: basal imperfect. Also massive and disseminated. H.-2-3. G.= 6214. Lustre metallic. Color iron-black; in thin crystals cherry-red by transmitted light. Streak iron-black. Opaque except when quite thin. Fracture uneven. Comp.-9 (Ag, -u) S+(Sb, As)' SI=, if containing silver without copper or arsenic, Sulphur 14:8, antimony 9'7, silver 75-5=100. More probably 10 (Ag, eu) S+(Sb, As)2 S', in which the second member is half what it is in the preceding species, and the at. ratio (Ag, eu) and (S, Sb, As) is 2: 3. Analyses: 1-3, H. Rose (1. c.); 4, C. A. Joy (Inaug. Diss., 24); 5, Tonner (Lotos, 1859, 85, Jahrb. Min., 1860, 116): S Sb As Ag Cu Fe Zn 1. Durango, Mexico 17-04 5'09 3-74 64 29 9'93 006 --— 100-15 Rose. 2. Schemnitz 16'83 0'25 6'23 72'43 3-04 0'33 0'59=99-70 Rose. 3 Freiberg 16'35 8'39 1-17 69-99 4-11 0-29.-=100-30 Rose. 4. Cornwall 15'87 5'46 3%41 72'01 3'36 0'34..-=100'45 Joy. 5. Przibram, G. —6'03 15'55 11-53 - 68'55 3-36 0'14 -=99-13 Tonner. D. Forbes found in crystallized specimens from Tres Puntos, Chili, 61'47 and 66'94 p. c. of silver, and in a massive ore from Romero, S. of Copiapo, 66'14 p. c.. (Private communication.) Pyr., etc.-In the open tube fuses, gives sulphurous acid and antimonial fumes, the latter forming a white sublimate, sometimes mixed with crystalline arsenous acid. B.B. fuses with spirting to a globule, gives off sulphur (sometimes arsenic), and coats the coal with antimonous acid; with long-continued blowing some varieties give a faint yellowish-white coating of oxyd of zinc, and a metallic globule, which with salt of phosphorus reacts for copper, and cupelled with lead gives pure silver. Decomposed by nitric acid. Obs.-Occurs in the mines of Guanaxuato and Gaudalupe y Calvo in Mexico; also at Guarisamez in Durango, with chalcopyrite and calcite; at Tres Puntos, desert of Atacama, Chili: at Freiberg and Przibram. In Nevada, at the Reese mines; in Idaho, at the silver mines of the Owhyhee district. Named from rols, mnany, and arsC, base, in allusion to the many metallic bases present. _alt.-Stephanite and pyrite occur as pseudomorphs after polybasite. 132. ENARGITE. Enargit Breith., Pogg., lxxx. 383, 1850. Guayacanite Field, Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 52, 1859. Orthorhombic. I A I=970 53', 0 A 1-=-136~0 37', Dauber; a: b: 0'94510: 1: 1'1480. Observed 121 planes: 0; vertical, I; i-z, i-i; domes, ~-, 1-i, 2-i, 1-; octahedral, O A 2-i=1540 431 0 A 2-=117 53 0 A 1-{= 140 20 O A 1=128 35 i0 Cleavage: I perfect; i-i, i-i distinct; 0 indistinct. Also massive, granular or columnar. H.- 3. G. 4'43 —445; 4'362, IKenngott. Lustre metallic. Color Peru. grayish to iron-black; streak grayish-black, powder having a metallic lustre. Brittle. Fracture uneven. 108 SULPHARSENITES ETC. Comp.-At. ratio for Cu, As, S=3: 1: 4; whence 3 eu S + As2 S-=Sulphur 32'5, arsenic 19'1, copper 48'4=100. Analyses: 1, Plattner (Pogg., 1xxx. 383); 2, F. Field (1. c.); 3, v. Kobel (Ber. Ak. Munch., i. 161, 1865): 4, W. J. Taylor (Proc. Ac. Philad., 168, 1857); 5, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiii. 420); 6, 7, Luthe & Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xviii. 241); 8, B. S. Burton (private contrib.): S As Sb Cu Fe Ag 1. Peru 32-22 17'60 1'61 47120 0'57 0-02, Zn 0'23=99'45 Plattner. 2. Chili, Guay. 31-82 19-14 - 4850 tr. tr.=9946 Field. 3. Coquimbo 32'11 18'10 - 48'89 0-47 Te 0'05, Zn, Se tr.-99-62 tKobell. 4. N. Grenada 34'50 16'31 1'29 46'62 0'27 — 98-99 Taylor. 5. Chesterfield 33'78 15'63 50'59 - =100 Genth. 6. Cosihuirachi 31'86 17-17 50-08 0'09 - =99'20 Luthe. 7. " 32'45 1588 - 49'21 1-58 -=99'12 Ramm. 8. Colorado (2) 30'95 17'46 1'35 46'64 1'02 - insol. 1'98=99'40 Burton. Genth's analysis was made on "too small a quantity for a complete examination." Pyr.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives a sublimate of sulphur; at a higher temperature fuses, and gives a sublimate of sulphid of arsenic. In the open tube, heated gently, the powdered mineral gives off sulphurous and arsenous acids, the latter condensing to a sublimate containing some antimonous acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses, and gives a faint coating of arsenous acid, antimonous acid, and oxyd of zinc; the roasted mineral with the fluxes gives a globule of metallic copper. Soluble in nitro-muriatic acid. Obs.-From Morococha, Cordilleras of Peru, at a height of 15,000 feet, in large masses, occasionally with small druses of crystals, along with tennantite, imbedded in crystalline limestone (anal. 1); Cordilleras of Chili (guayacanite, anal. 2); same, mine of Hediondas, Prov. Coquimbo (anal. 3); mines of Santa Anna, N. Grenada, in cavities in quartz (anal. 4); at Cosihuirachi in Mexico; Brewster's gold mine, Chesterfield district, S. Carolina (anal. 5); in Colorado (anal. 8); at Willis's Gulch, near Black Hawk. For Dauber on cryst., see Pogg., xcii. 237. Breithaupt (ib., lxxx. 383) made IA/ =98~ 11', and Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xviii. 242) 98~ 10'. 133. XANTH-OCOONITE. Xanthokon Breith., J. pr. Ch., xx. 67, 1840. Rhombohedral; R A 2R=710 34'; O A R-1100 30', a-=23163. Observed planes R, -2, 0. 0 A 2-100~ 35'. Cleavage: R, and O. Usually in reniform masses, with the interior consisting of minute crystals. I. =2. G. 5G. 0 —52. Color dull-red to clove-brown; crystals orangeyellow on the edges by transmitted light. Streak-powder yellow. Brittle. Comp. —(3 Ag S+As2 S5)+2 (3 Ag S+As2 S3)=Sulphur 21'1, arsenic 14'9, silver 64'0=100. Analyses: Plattner (Pogg., lxiv. 215): S As Ag Fe 1. 21-36 [13'49] 64'18 0-97=100 2. 21-80 [14-32] 63-88 =100 Pyr.-In the closed tube, at a gentle heat, the yellow color is changed to dark-red, but on cooling it regains its original color; at a higher temperature fuses, and gives a faint sublimate of sulphid of arsenic. In the open tube, and on charcoal, behaves like proustite. Obs. —Occurs with stephanite at the Himmelsfiirst mine near Freiberg. Named in allusion to its yellow powder, from tavOog, yellow, and Kovs, powder. APPENDIX TO SULPHIDS, ETC. 134. CLAYITE W. J. Taylor, Proc. Ac. Philad., Nov. 1859. Isometric, tetrahedral. Occurring form the tetrahedron, with planes of the dodecahedron. Crystals small. Also massive, incrusting. H.=-2'5. Lustre metallic. Color and streak blackish lead-gray. Opaque. Sectile. SULPHARSENITES, ETC. 109 Analyses by W. J. Taylor (1. c.): S As Sb Pb Cu Ag 1. 8-22 9-78 6'54 68'51 7-67 trace. 2. 8-14 undet. undet. 67140 5-62 From Peru. Probably a result of alteration. Requires further investigation. 135. BOLIVIANITE. Bolivian Breith., B. HI. Ztg., xxv. 188. Orthorhombic. In acicular rhombic prisms, tufts, and fine columnar. Resembles stibnite. H.=21. G.-4-820 —4828. Cleavage: i-4 distinct. Lustre submetallic. Color lead-gray, a little darker than in stibnite. According to T. Richter, an antimonial sulphid of silver, containing 8-5 p. c. of silver. From Bolivia. 65B. SULPHOSELENID OF ZINC AND MERCURY. A. del Castillo, in priv. comm., dated Mexico, Feb. 21, 1865, to Prof. Henry, and from him to the author. In crystals (rhombohedrons?); cleavage not observed. H.=3. G.=6'67-1-165. Color dark lead-gray. Streak grayish-black. CoMP.-According to Castillo's trials, a compound of sulphur, selenium, zinc, and mercury, of undetermined proportions. PYR., ETC.-In the closed tube gives a grayish-black sublimate, and above this a ring of metallic mercury; in the open tube affords the odor of selenium, a blackish zone of selenium, and above this a grayish-red oxyd, and still higher a sublimate of mercury. B.B. the selenium and mercury are volatilized, leaving a residue of oxyd of zinc, yellow while hot and white on cooling. On charcoal burns with a bluish flame, giving first the odor of sulphur and then of selenium; the assay turns yellow, then red, and finally yields a yellow skeleton of oxyd of zinc. Insoluble in nitric acid; soluble in nitro-muriatic acid. OBs.-Occurs at the quicksilver mines of Guadalcazar, along with cinnabar, and in cavities in barite, fluorite, and gypsum. Appears to be near onofrite, No. 65A, p. 56. lC10 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BIROMINE, IODINE. III. COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. 1. ANHYDROUS CHLORIDS, ETC. 1. Composition R2 (C1, Br, I). 1. CALOMEL GROUP. Tetragonal. 136. CALOMEL, Hg2 C1. 2. Composition R (C1, Br, I). 1. HALITE GROUP. Isometric. 137. SYLVITE, K C1. 140. CERARGYRITE, Ag CI, 188. HALITE, Na C1. 141. EMBOLITE, Ag (C1, Br). 139. SAL AMMONIAC, NH4 C]. 142. BROMYRITE, Ag Br. 2. IODYRITE GROUP. Hexagonal. 143. IODYRITE, Ag I. 144. COCCINITE, Hg I. 3. COTUNNITE GROUP. Orthorhombic. 145 COTUNNITE, Pb C1. 3. Composition R2 C01S MOLYSITE GROUP. 146. MOLYSITE, Fe2 C1a. 2. HYDROUS CHLORIDS. 147. CARNALLITE, (K Mg) C1+4 fa. 149. KREMERSITE, 2 (K, Am) C1+ Fe2 C19+ 3. 148. TACHHYDRITE, (Ca, Mg) C1 + 4 H. 3. OXYCHLORIDS. 150. MATLOCKITE, Pb Cl+Pb 0. 153. ATACAMITE, 3 OU A + (CU C1) l 151. MENDIPITE, Pb C1 + 2 Pb O. 153A. TALLINGITE, 4 CU + (Cu C1) A + 3 aq. 152. SCHWARTZEMBERGITE, Pb I+2 Pb 0. 154. PERCYLITE. Appendix.-155. CHLORD OF MAGNESIIUM, 156. CHLoRr) oF MANGANS E. 157. IODID O ZINC. 158. BROMID OF ZINC. CHLORMS. 111 1. ANHYDROUS CHLORIDS, ETC. 136. CALOMEL. Horn Mercury (fr. Deux Ponts) WToulfe, Phil. Trans., 618, 1776. Mineede mercure cornee de Lisle, Crist., iii. 161, 1783. Quecksilber-lHornerz Wern., Bergm. J., 381, 1789. Horn Quicksilver; Dichlorid of Mercury. Kalomel, Chlorquecksilber, Chlormercur, Germ. Mercure chlorure Fr. Tetragonal. OA 1-i=1290 4'; a-1'232. Observed planes: vertical, I, i-i, i-4; octahedral, -, ~, 1; 2-i, 2-i; zirconoid, 2-2, 2-2, 4-2. 0 A 2-i=1120 5' OA 1 -119~ 51' 2-i 2-4, pyr.,- 980 8' 0 A 2-i 140 36 OA-1-149 51 1 A, pyr.,=104 20 Pyramid 2-i when alone gives a very acute termination to the prism. Cleavage: i; indistinct. Twins compounded so as to have the vertical axis in one line, but the edges of the pyramid of one in the same plane with the faces of the pyramid of the other. H.-1-2. G.- 6482, Haidinger. Lustre adamantine. Color white, yellowish-gray, or ash-gray, also grayish, and yellowish-white, brown. Streak pale yellowish-white. Translucent-subtrainslucent. Fracture conchoidal. Sectile. Comp.-Hg2 Cl —=Chlorine 15-1, mercury 84'9=100. Pyr., etc, —In the closed tube volatilizes without fusion, condensing in the cold part of the tube as a white sublimate; with soda gives a sublimate of metallic mercury. B.B. on charcoal volatilizes, coating the coal white. Insoluble in water, but dissolved by nitro-muriatic acid; blackens when treated with alkalies. Obs.-At Moschellandsberg in the Palatinate, coating the cavities of a ferruginous gangue, associated with cinnabar-crystals often large and well-defined; also at the quicksilver mines of Idria in Carniola; Almaden in Spain; Horzowitz in Bohemia. According to Iessenberg, crystals from Moschellandsberg afford OA 1-i=129~ 40', OA 2-i= 112~ -35'. Named from KaX6e, beautiful, and iA)Xi, honey, the taste being sweet, and the compound the Mercurius dulcis of early chemistry. 137. SYLVITE. Muriate of Potash (fr. Vesuvius) Smithson, Ann. Phil., II. vi. 258, 1823. Clhiorid of Potassium. Kali Salzsaures, Chlorkalium, Germ. Sylvine Beud., Tr., ii. 511, 1832. Hoevelit H. Girard, Jahrb. Min. 1863, 568. Leopoldit E. Reichardt, Jahrb. Min. 1866, 331. Schatzellit and HIIvellit (fr. Stassfurt), B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 276, Ann. Ch. Phys., IV. v. 318, 324. Isometric. Figs 1, 6, 2. Cleavage cubic. Also compact. iH. —2. G.=1'9-2. White or colorless. Vitreous. Soluble; taste like that of common salt. Comp.-K Cl=Potassium 52'5, chlorine 475=-100. That of Vesuvius, according to A. Miller (Verh. Ges. Basel, 1854, 113), is pure, affording no trace of lime, magnlesia, or alumina, and only a trace of soda. The sylvite of the Anhalt salt mine, Leopoldshall, afforded Reichardt (1. c.) K 52'4, C1 47-4. Pyr., etc.-B.B. in the platinum loop fuses, and gives a violet color to the outer flame. Added to a salt of phosphorus bead, which has been previously saturated with oxyd of copper, colors the O.F. deep azure. Water completely dissolves it, 100 parts taking up 34'5 at 18-75~ C. Heated with sulphuric acid gives off nmuriatic acid gas. Obs,-Occurs at Vesuvius, about the fumaroles of the volcano. Also at Stassfurt, in the carnallite beds of the salt formation; at Leopoldshall (leopoldite). The compound is the Sal digestivus Sylvii of early chemistry, whence Beudant's name for the species. There is no reason for changing it in the fact that the earlier known mineral was of volcanic origin. 112 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. 138. HALITE. COMMON SALT. Rock Salt, Muriate of Soda, Chlorid of Sodium. Kochsalz, Steinsalz, Bergsalz, Germ. Soude muriatee, Chlorure de sodium, Sal gemme, Fr. Salmare Beud., Tr., 1832. Halites Glock., Syn., 290, 1847. 122 Isometric. Observed planes, 0, 1, I, i-2. Figs. 1, 2, 6, 16, and 6 + 16; usually in cubes; rarely in octa-- ~ hedrons; faces of crystals sometimes cavernous, as in f. 122. Cleavage: cubic, perfect. Massive and granular, rarely columnar. H. 2'5. G.-2 1 —2'257; of pure crystals, 2'135, _ I_____ fullHunt. Lustre vitreous. Streak white. Color white, also sometimes yellowish, reddish, bluish, purplish; often colorless. Transparent-translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Rather brittle. Soluble; taste purely saline. Comp. —Na ClChlorine 60-7, sodium 39'3=100. Commonly mixed with some sulphate of lime, chlorid of calcium, and chlorid of magnesium, and sometimes sulphate of magnesia, which render it liable to deliquesce. Analyses: 1-8, Berthier (Ann. d. M., x. 259); 9, Fournet (lib., IV ix. 551); 10, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 1014); 11, 12, C. A. Goessmann (Rep. on Petit Anse Salt Mine, Bureau of Mines, New York, 1867, 17): NaCl MgCl CaNS aaS MgS 1. Vie, white 99'3 - 05 - Clay 02-=100 B. 2. " grayish 97 - 0'3 - 1'9=100 B. 3.' gray 903 - 50 2'0 -- 20 I 0-7=100 B. 4.' red 99'8 -. 02= —100 B. 5. Marennes, whitish 97'2 0'4 1'2 - 05 0'7 —100 B. 6. " yellow 96'70 0'23 1'21 - 066 1'20=100 B. 7. " red 96'78 0'68 1-09 - 0'60 0'85=100 B. 8. " green 96-27 0-27 1'09 - 0'80 1571=100 B. 9. Algiers 97.8 1'1 - Si 1'5, H 0'6=100 F. 10. Stassfurt 97135 - 101 0'43 0'23, Hi 0-30=99-32 Ramm. 11. Petit Anse, white 98588 tr. 0179 -- CaCI tr., Hi 0'33=100 Goessmann. 12. St. Domingo 98-33 0'04 1-48 0-06, II 007,insol. 0-01=99-99 Goessmann. Other analyses: Salt from Stassfurt, by Heintz, ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, xi. 345; from Algiers, by de Marigny and Simon, Ann. d. M., xii. 674; from Wieliczka, Berchtesgaden, Hall in the Tyrol, Hallstadt, Schwabisch-Hall, by G. Bischof, Geol., ii. 1669, 1675; from Erfurt and Cardona, by Sachting, ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, vii. 404; from Vesuvius, 1822, by Laugier, Pogg., iii. 79 from Vesuvius, 1850, by Bischof; from Vesuvius, 1850, by Scaccllhi, Ann. d. M., IV. xvii. 323; from Vesuvius, 1855, by Deville, Bull. G. Fr. II. xiii. 620. Dissolves in three parts of water. Some varieties attract moisture, but are unchanged in a dry atmosphere. The martinsite of Karsten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvi. 127) contains 9'02 per cent. of sulphate of magnesia, which is equivalent to 10 parts of common salt to 1 of sulphate of magnesia. It is from Stassfurt. In Rammelsberg's analysis the water was hygroscopic, and the specimen contained 0-48 of mixed karstenite. In a dirty reddish salt from Abingdon, Washington Co., Va., E. Stieren found (Jahresb., 162, 766) NaC1 90'55, gypsum 0'45, clay and carb. lime 9'00=100. The bluish and indigo-colored salt of Stassfurt, etc., possibly owes its color, according to Prof. S. W. Johnson. to the presence of subchlorid of sodium. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses, often with decrepitation; when fused on the platinum loop colors the flame deep yellow. Other reactions like those given under sylvite. Obs.-Common salt occurs in extensive but irregular beds in rocks of various ages, associated with gypsum, polyhalite, clay, sandstone, and calcite; also dissolved, and forming salt springs. In Europe and England it occurs in the Triassic, associated with red marl or sandstone, but it is not confined to these rocks. At Durham, Northumberland, and Leicestershire, England, salt springs rise from the Carboniferous series; in the Alps, some salt works are supplied from Oolitic rocks; the famous mines of Cardona and Wieliczka are referred, the former to the Green Sand formation, CHLORIDS. 113 and the latter to Tertiary rocks. Salt springs also occur in volcanic regions. In the United States the brines of New York come from Upper Silurian strata; those of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, mostly from Devonian and Subcarboniferous beds; those of Michigan, mainly from the Subcarboniferous and Carboniferous; while in Louisiana, at Petit Anse, there is a thick bed of pure salt in the Post-tertiary or more recent deposits of the coast; recent explorations there have proved that it underlies 144 acres, and it has been penetrated to a depth of 38 feet without showing any change in its structure or purity. Salt also occurs as efflorescences over the dry prairies and shallow ponds or lakes of the Rocky Mountains, California, Atacama; and in most desert or semi-desert regions there are numerous salt lakes. The principal mines of Europe are at Wieliczka, in Poland; at Hall, in the Tyrol; Stassfurt, in Prussian Saxony; and along the range through Reichenthal in Bavaria, Hallein in Salzburg, Hallstadt, Ischl, and Ebensee, in Upper Austria, and Aussee in Styria; in Hungary, at Marmoros and elsewhere; in Transylvania; Wallachia, Gallicia, and Upper Silesia; Vic and Dieuze in France; Valley of Cardona and elsewhere in Spain, forming hills 300 to 400 feet high; Bex in Switzerland; and Northwich in Cheshire, England. At Cheshire it occurs in a basin-shaped deposit, and is arranged in spheroidal masses, from 5 to 8 feet in diameter, which are composed of concentric coats, and present polygonal figures. It is but little contaminated with impurities, and is prepared for use by merely crushing it between iron rollers. At the Austrian mines, where it contains much clay, the salt is dissolved in large chambers, and the clay thus precipitated. After a time the water, fully saturated with the salt, is conveyed by aqueducts to evaporating houses, and the chambers, after being cleared out, are again filled; at Berchtesgaden, the water is saturated in a month, at IHall it-takes nearly a year. It also occurs, forming hills and covering extended plains, near Lake Oroomiah, the Caspian Lake, etc. In Algeria; in Abyssinia; in India in the province of Lahore, and in the valley of Cashmere; in China and Asiatic Russia; in South America, in Peru, and at Zipaquera and Nemocon, the former a large mine long explored in the Cordilleras of Granada. Occasionally formed at the eruptions of Vesuvius, as in 1855, when it was found in cubes, incrustations, and stalactites. In the United States, salt has been found forming beds with gypsum, in Virginia, Washington Co., 18 m. from Abingdon; in the Salmon River Mts. of Oregon; in Louisiana, as already mentioned. Brine springs are very numerous in the Middle and- Western States. These springs are worked at Salina and Syracuse, N. Y.; in the Kanawha Valley, Va.; Muskingum, Ohio; Mlichigan, at Saginaw and elsewhere; and in Kentucky. The salt water is obtained by boring, and raised by means of machinery, and thence conveyed by troughs to the boilers, where it is evaporated by artificial heat; or to basins for evaporation by exposure to the heat of the sun. The following table by Prof. Beck (Mineralogy of New York, p. 112), gives the amount of brine required for a bushel of salt at the principal salt springs in the United States: Galls. Galls. Boone's Lick, Missouri 450 Kanawha, Va. 75 Conemaugh, Penn. 300 Grand River, Ark. 80 Shawneetown, Ill. 280 Illinois River, Ark. 80 Jackson, Ohio 213 Montezuma, N. Y. 70 Lockhart's, Miss. 180 Grand Rapids, Mich. 50-60 St. Catherines, Upper Canada 120 Muskingum, Ohio 50 Zanesville, Ohio 95 Salina-Old wells 40-45 New wells 30-35 Sea water at Nantucket gives a bushel of salt for every 350 gallons. Composition of Syracuse brines, according to analyses by Dr. C. A. Goessmann (private communication): I. II. III. IV. Chlorid of sodium 16'7503 15'5317 18-2465 13'3767 Sulphate of lime 0-5673 0-5772 0'5117 0-5234 Chlorid of calcium 0'1594 0'1533 0'1984 0'1037 Chlorid of magnesium 0 1464 0 1444 0'1784 0'1336 Bromid of magnesium 0-0022 0-0024 0'0025. 00017 Chlorid of potassium 0'0110 0-0109 0-0119 0-0086 Carbonate of protoxyd of iron 0-0034 0'0044 0-0036 0-0015 Water 82-3600 83-5757 80-8470 85-8508 100 100 100 100 No. I. has G.=1l1300 at 16~ Baume, and 20~ C. No. II. has G.=1'1225 at 15~ Baume, and 21~ C. The Saginaw brines, Michigan, afford about 19'250 of salt. 8 114 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. Vast lakes of salt water exist in many parts of the world. Lake Timpanogos in the Rocky mountains, 4,200 feet above the level of the sea, now called the Great Salt Lake, is 2,000 square miles in area. L. Gale found in this water 20'196 per cent. of chlorid of sodium (Stansb. Exped. cited in Am. J. Sci., II. xvii. 129). The Dead and Caspian Seas are salt, and the waters of the former contain 20 to 26 parts of solid matter in 100 parts. Prof. Gmelin, who analyzed a portion of these waters of specific gravity 1'212, found them to contain chlorid of calcium 3'336, chlorid of magnesium 12-167, chlorid of sodium 7-039, sulphate of lime 0-052, bromid of magnesium 0'443, chlorid of potassium 1-086, chlorid of aluminum 0-144, chlorid of ammonium 0-007, chlorid of manganese 0'161-24-435, with 75'565 water —100000. This result is given as corrected by Marchand. Alt.-Anhydrite, gypsum, polyhalite, occur as pseudomorphs after this species; also celestine, dolomite, quartz, hematite, pyrite; the removal of the salt cubes by their solution, leaves a cavity which any mineral may then occupy. The hopper-shaped crystals often leave an impression of their form on clays. 139. SAL AMMONIAC. Naturliches Salmiak (fr. Bucharia) J. G. Model, Versuch fiber ein nat. Salmiak, Leipzig, 1758. Muriate of Ammonia; Chlorid of Ammonium. Salmiak Germ. Ammoniaque muriatee Fr. Salmiac Beud., Tr., 1832. Isometric. Observed planes, 0, 1, -, 2-2. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 14. Cleavage octahedral. Also stalactitic, and in globular masses; in crusts, or as an efflorescence. I.-=15-2. G.=1'528. Lustre vitreous. Color white; often yellowish or grayish. Streak white. Translucent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Soluble; taste saline and pungent; not deliquescent. Comp.-NH4Cl=Am Cl=Ammonium 33'7, chlorine 66'3=100. Klaproth obtained (Beitr., iii. 89): Vesuvius. Bucharia. Chlorid of ammonium 99-5 97 50 Sulphate of ammonia 0'5 2'50 B. Silliman, Jr., obtained (Dana's G. Rep. Expl. Exp., 202) for a specimen from Kilauea, Hawaii, Chlorid of ammonium 65'53, chlorid of iron 12-14, sesquioxyd of iron 8-10, chlorid of aluminum 13'00, insoluble matter and loss 1'23=100. For an analysis of an impure Stromboli specimen, see C. Schmidt, in ZS. G., ix. 403. Pyr., etc.-Sublimes in the closed tube without fusion. Pulverized with hydrate of lime, or heated with a solution of caustic alkali, gives off pungent ammoniacal vapors. Soluble in three times its weight of water. Obs.-Occurs about volcanoes, as at Etna, the island of Vulcano, Vesuvius, Stromboli, Sandwich Islands, and near Hecla after the eruption of 1845, as observed by Bunsen. Observed after the eruption of Vesuvius in 1855, in rhombic dodecahedrons with cavernous faces; and as usual it occurred where the lavas had spread over soil and vegetation. Also found in small quantities in the vicinity of ignited coal seams, as at St. Etienne in France, and also at Newcastle, and in Scotland; crystallized near Duttweiler in Prussia, where a coal seam has been burning for more than a hundred years. It occurs also in Bucharia; at Kilauea in Hawaii, a variety which contains largely of iron (see above), and becomes rusty yellow on exposure; in guano from the Chincha Islands. The al's ap5lvta6s, sal-ammoniac of Dioscorides, Celsius, and Pliny, is proved by Beckmann (Hist. of Inventions, iv. 360) to be common rock salt, dug in Egypt, near the oracle of Ammon. The name was afterward transferred to the muriate of ammonia, when subsequently manufactured in Egypt. Sal-ammoniac is supposed to have been included by the ancients, with one or two other species, under the name of nitrumn, which, according to Pliny, gave the test of ammonia when mingled with quicklime. 140. CERARGYRITE:. Argentum cornu pellucido simile (fr Marienberg), Germ. HornfarbsSilber, Gesner, Foss., 63, 1565. Argentum rude jecoris colore, lucem corneam habens (fr. Freiiberg, etc.) G. Fabricius, De Rebus Met., 1566. Glaserz, dursichtig wie ein Horn in einer Lantern, Matthesius, Sarept., 1585. Horn-Silfver, AMinera argenti cornea, A. sulphulre et arsenico,mineralisatum, Wall., 310, 1147. Argento acido salis mineralisatum, IIornerz, Cronst., 159, 1758. CHLORIDS, BROMIDS. 115 Silberhornerz, Silberkerat, Hornsilber, Chlor-Silber, Germ. Horn Silver; Corneous Silver. Argent muriat', Argent corne, Chlorure d'argent Fr. Buttermilcherz (first mentioned early in 17th century). Kerargyre Beud., Tr., ii. 501, 1832. Kerat fTlaid., Handb., 506, 1845. Argyroceratite Glock., Syn., 249, 1847. Plata cornea blanca Domeyko, Min., 200, 1845. Kerargyrite. Isometric. Observed forms, 0, I, 1, 2, 2-2; f. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7; also 5 with planes 1, 2, 2-2. Cleavage none. Twins: composition-face octahedral. Usually massive and looking like wax; sometimes columnar, or bent columnar; often in crusts. H. =1 —15. G. =5552; 5'31 —543, Domeyko. Lustre resinous, passing into adamantine. Color pearl-gray, grayish-green, whitish, rarely violet-blue, colorless sometimes when perfectly pure; brown or violetbrown on exposure. Streak shining. Transparent-feebly subtranslucent. Fracture somewhat conchoidal. Sectile. Comp.-Ag Cl=Chlorine 2417, silver 75'3=100. This constitution corresponds with Klaproth's analyses (Beitr., i. 134, and iv. 10); also F. Field's of a specimen from Chafiarcillo, Chili (Q. J. Ch. Soc., x. 239). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses without decomposition. B.B. on charcoal gives a globule of metallic silver. Added to a bead of salt of phosphorus, previously saturated with oxyd of copper, and heated in O.F., imparts an intense azure-blue to the flame. A fragment placed on a strip of zinc, and moistened with a drop of water, swells up, turns black, and finally is entirely reduced to metallic silver, which shows the metallic lustre on being pressed with the point of a knife. Insoluble in nitric acid, but soluble in ammonia. Obs.-Occurs in veins of clay slate, accompanying other ores of silver, and usually only in the higher parts of these veins. It has also been observed with ochreous varieties of brown iron ore; also with several copper ores, calcite, barite, etc. The largest masses, and particularly those of a green color, are brought from Peru, Chili, and Mexico, where it occurs with native silver. In Chili, at some mines, it is a much less common ore than the chlorobromid; often contains, intimately mixed with it, native silver in very minute grains; it occurs at Tres Puntos, Atacama, Chaiarcillo near Copiapo, and elsewhere in Chili. Also in Nicaragua near Ocotal; in Dept. of Gracias, Honduras. It was formerly obtained in the Saxon mining districts of Johanngeorgenstadt and Freiberg, but is now rare; a mass weighing six and three-quarter pounds, from this region, is in the Zwinger collection at Dresden. It also occurs in the Altai, at the mines of Smeinogorsk and Krukovskoi; at Konigsberg in Norway; in Alsace; rarely in Cornwall, and at Huelgoet in Brittany. In Nevada, about Austin, Lander Co., abundant; at mines of Comstock lode. In Arizona, in the Willow Springs dist., veins of El Dorado cafion, and San Francisco dist. In Idaho, at the Poorman mine, in crystals some half an inch across, mostly cubes and cubo-octahedrons, but occasionally with other planes, and in twins consisting of two interpenetrating cubes, the angles of one projecting from the faces of the other. At Andreasberg in the Harz, an earthy variety is met with, called by the Germans Buttermilk ore (Buttermilcherz, Thonige Hiornsilber), which,. according to Klaproth (Beitr., i. 137), contains silver 24-64, chlorine 8'28, alumina 67-08. Funckens describes it as " weiss und diinn wie eine Buttermilch " (Lenz Min., ii. 101, 1194). Named from aipaq, horn, and Qyvp,,s, silver- Ceratargyrite, the proper derivative, being contracted to Cerargyrite. The Greek k becomes c, as in other cases. 141. EMBOLITE. Chlorobromure d'argent Domeyko, Ann. d. M., IV. vi. 153, 1844; Berthier, ib., IV. ii. 540, 1842. Plata cornea verde Doomeyko, Min., 202, 1845. Embolit Breith., Pogg., lxxvii. 134, 1849. Chlorobromid of Silver. Chlorbromsilber. Megabromite, Microbromit, Breith., B. H. Ztg., xviii. 449, 1859. Isometric. Figs. 1, 4, 6, 7, 6 + 7, 11. Also massive; sometimes stalactitic or concretionary at surface. H.=1 —15. G.=-531- -543, Domeyko: 5'53, Yorke; 5'79 —581, Breith. Lustre resinous and somewhat adamantine. Color grayish-green and asparagus-green to pistachio or yellowish-green, and yellow, often dark; becoming darker externally on exposure. 116 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. Comp.-Ag (Cl, Br). the ratio of the chlorine to the bromine varying indefinitely, the yellowish varieties and those of deeper green colors containing the largest proportion of bromine. Analyses: 1, 2, Domeyko (Min., 1845, 203, and 1860, 212); 3, Muiller (B. EI. Ztg., xviii. 449); 4, 5, Domeyko (1. c.); 6, 7, F. Field (Q. J. Oh. Soc., x. 239); 8, Yorke (Q. J. Ch. Soc., iv. 149); 9, Plattner (Pogg., lxxvii. 134); 10, 11, Domeyko (1. c.); 12, Richter (B. H. Ztg., xviii. 449); 13, F. Field (1. c.); arranged in the order of the proportion of bromid to chlorid (mentioned in column Br: Ci), commenc. ing with those having the least of the bromid: Ag Br Ci Br: Cl 1. Chafiarcillo, pearly green 71194 7192 20'14 1: 5'67 Domeyko. 2.' " " 10'44 11'53 18-03 1: 3-5 3. Copiapo, microbromite 69'84 12'39 17'77 1: 3 Miller. 4. Quillota, pearly green 69'28 14'30 16'42 1: 2-75 Domeyko 5. Chafiarcillo " "9 69'14 14'63 16-23 1: 2'5 " 6. " light geeen 68'22 16'84 14'92 1: 2 Field. 7. " embolite 66'94 19'82 13'18 1: 1'5 8. Chili, Greenish yellow 66'95 19'90 13'15 1: 1'5 Yorke. 9. Chafiarcillo, embolite 66'86 20'08 13'05 Plattner. 10. " " 66'84 20.09 13'07 1: 15 Domeyko. 11. " yellow 66'53 2085 12'62 1: 1'33 " 12. Mzfegabromite 64-19 26'49 9'32 1: 0'8 Richter. 13. Chaniarcillo, dark green. 61-01 33-82 5-00 1: 0'33 Field. The megabromite and microbromite of Breithaupt are only varieties of embolite based on the proportion of bromid to chlorid, and are even indistinct as varieties, these extremes being connected by indefinite shadings. The above numbers for Domeyko's and Yorke's analyses are calculated from their statements of the proportion of chlorid and bromid, which they give as follows: 1 2 4 5 8 10 11 Chlorid of silver 81-4 72-9 66-4 65'6 53-2 52-8 51-0 Bromid of silver 18'6 D. 27'1 D. 33'6 D. 34'4 D. 46-8 Y. 47-2 D. 49'0 Obs. —Abundant in Chili, constituting the principal silver ore of the mines of Chaflarcillo, and found also at Agua-Amarga, Tres-Puntas, Rosilla, and at all the new openings in the province of Copiapo; found also at Eulalia in Chihuahua, Mexico; at the mine of Coloal in Gracias, Honduras. Named from p,'6xALov, an intermediate, because between the clorid and bromid of silver. 142. BROMYRITE.. Bromure d'Argent, Plata Verde Mex., (fr. Mexico and Huelgoet), Berth., Ann. d. M., III. xix. 734, 7142, 1841, IV. ii. 526. Bromid of Silver; Brom'c Silver. Bromsilber Germ. Bromit Haid., HIandb., 506, 1845. Bromyrite Dana, Min., 93, 1854. Bromargyrit Ramm., Min. Ch., 196, 1860. Plata cornea amarilla melada Domeyko, Min., 214, 1860. Isometric. Figs. 1, 2, 4, 6. Occurs usually in smallconcretions; rarely in crystals. H. =2-3. G.-=58-6. Lustre splendent. Color when pure brightyellow to amber-colored, slightly greenish; often grass-green or olive-green externally. Little altered in color on exposure. Sectile. Comp.-Ag Br=Bromine 42-6, silver 57'4=100. Analyses: 1, Berthier (Ann. d. M., IV. ii. 526); 2, F. Field (Q. J. Ch. Soc., x. 241): 1. Mexico Bromine 42-44 Silver 51-56-100 Berthier. 2. Chaiarcillo 42-57 57-43 —100 Field. In the Chilian ore Domeyko found 57-1 of silver. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube and with metallic zinc reacts like cerargyrite. B.B. on charcoal emits pungent bromine vapors and yields a globule of metallic silver. Fused with bi-sulphate of potash in a matrass gives off yellowish-brown vapors of bromine. Insoluble in nitric acid. Difficultly soluble in ammonia. Obs. —With other silver ores in the district of Plateros, Mexico, and at the mine of San Onofre. seventeen leagues from Zacatecas, associated with chlorid of silver and carbona-te of lead; also in crystals at Chailarcillo, Chili, with chlorid of silver, sometimes imbedded in calcite; also at Huel. goet in Brittany, with cerargyrite. CHLORIDS, IODIDS. 117 143. IODYRITE. Iodure d'Argent Vauquelin, Ann. Ch. Phys., xxix. 99, 1825; Domnyk-o, Ann. d. M., IV. vi. 158, 1844. Plata cornea amarilla Domeyko, Min., 205, 1845. Iodic Silver. Iodsilber Germ. Iodit Raid., Handb., 506, 1845. Iodyrite DIana, Min., 95, 1854. Iodargyrit Ramm., Min. Ch., 197, 1860. Hexagonal. OA 1=1380 46'; a=0'81438. Observed planes: 0, 1 4, 2, ~. Angles: O A 2=118~ O A =154 49' 1 A2, pyr., — 127~ 36' OA4=104 53' X A-, pyr.,-155 26 4A4 " -122 12 Cleavage: basal perfect. Also massive, and in thin plates with a lamellar structure. Soft. G.-55 —571; 5'707, Damour; 5'504, Domeyko; 5'64 —5'67, ]3reith. Lustre resinous to adamantine. Color citron and sulphur-yellow to yellowish-green, sometimes brownish. Streak yellow. Translucent. Plates flexible, sectile. Comp.-Ag I=Iodine 54, silver 46=100. Analyses: 1, Domeyko (1. c.); 5, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. iv. 329); 8, 4, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 374); 5, F. Field (J. Ch. Soc., x. 241): Ag I I. Algodones 46-25 [53 75] — 100 Domeyko. 2. " (2) 45172 54'03=99'75 Damour. 3. " 46'52 52'93=99'45a Smith. 4. Am 46'38 53-11=-99'49a Smith. 5. Chafiarcillo 45'98 54'02=100 Field. a With traces of chlorine and copper. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses and assumes a deep orange color, but resumes its yellow color on cooling. B.B. on charcoal gives fumes of iodine and a globule of metallic silver. With zinc reacts like cerargyrite and bromyrite. Fused with bisulphate of potash in a matrass, yields violet vapors of iodine. Obs.-Occurs in thin veins or seams in hornstone at Albarradon, near Mazapil; in Mexico; at Algodones, 12 leagues from Coquimbo; less abundantly at Delirio mines of Chafiarcillo, Chili, where the crystals are sometimes half an inch broad (Breith., B. H. Ztg., xviii. 450); also at Guadalajara in Spain. In Arizona at Cerro Colorado mine. Descloizeaux has pointed out its homceomorphism with greenockite (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xl.). 144. COCOINITE. Iodure de Mercure DelRio; Beud., Tr., ii. 515, 1832. Coccinit Haid., Handb., 572, 1845. Mercure iodure Fr. Iodquecksilber Germ. In particles of a reddish-brown color on selenid of mercury, adamantine in lustre, at Casas Viejas, Mexico; and supposed by Del Rio to be an iodid of mercury. But Castillo says (Colegio de Min. Mexico, 1865) that specimens labelled by Del Rio contain no iodine, and appear to be largely chlorine and mercury, yet are not calomel. Castillo describes it from Zimapan and Culebras, both massive and in acute, acicular, rhombic pyramids, 2-6 mm. long; color fine red to yellow, and sometimes yellowish-green, changing to greenish-gray and dark green on exposure; transparent to translucent. In a closed tube affords a sublimate, white when cold, of Hg2 Cl, and leaves a residuum which is dull red while hot, orange-yellow when cold, and which B.B. turns auroira-red, and is dissipated with an odor like that of selenium. 145. COTUNNITE. Cotunnia Mfont. & Cov., Prodr. Oritt. Vesuv. Cotunnite. Chlorid of Lead. Orthorhombic. IA =990 46', 0 A 1-=1490 14'; a: b: c=05953 1: 1-1868. Observed planes: I, -, i-i, i-n, 1-i. 0A 1=1420 6', 0A 1 —-=1530 22', 1 A 1, mac.,=1330 22', brach., 1230 58', i-2 A i-n, ov. i-z, 118~ 38'. In acicular crystals. 118 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. May be scratched by the nail. G. =-5238. Lustre adamantine; inclining to silky or pearly. Color white. Streak white. Comp.-Pb Cl=Chlorine 25'5, lead 74'5=100. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses readily, spreading out on the coal and volatilizing, gives a white coating, the inner edge of which is tinged yellow from oxyd of lead; the coating in R.F. disappears, tinging the flame azure; with soda gives metallic lead. Added to a salt of phosphorus bead, previously saturated with oxyd of copper, gives the reaction for chlorine (see cerargyrite). Soluble in about 22 parts of hot water. Obs. —Found by Monticelli and Covelli, in the crater of Vesuvius, after the eruption of 1 822, accompanied by chlorid of sodium, and chlorid and sulphate of copper; also by Scacchi and Guiscardi on the lava of 1855. Named after Dr. Cotugno of Naples. Angles very near those of haidingerite. 146. MOLYSITE. Eisenchlorid Hausm., 1819, HIandb., 1463, 1847. Chlorid of Iron. Molysite Dana. Incrusting. Color brownish-red, light or dark, and yellow. Comp. —Fe2 C13=Chlorine 65-5. iron 34'5=100. Obs. -Noticed by Hausmann at Vesuvius in 1819, forming a brownish-red incrustation on lavas; and by Scacchi in the same region, as a result of recent eruptions (Eruz. Vesuv., 1850-55), who attributes the yellow color of the lavas about the fumaroles or steam-holes partly to this species. The existence of a protochlorid of iron (Fe C1) at Vesuvius was announced by Monticelli and Covelli; but this is not confirmed by Scacchi. Named from p6XAvw, stain, in allusion to its staining the lavas. 2. HYDROUS CHLORIDS. 147. CARNALLITE. Carnallit HI Rose, Pogg., xcviii. 161, 1856. Massive, granular; flat planes developed by action of water, but no distinct traces of cleavage; lines of strise sometimes distinguished, which indicate twin-composition. Lustre shining, greasy. Color milk-white, but often reddish from mixture of oxvd of iron. Fracture conchoidal. Soluble. Strongly phosphorescent. Comp.-K 01+2 Mg C1+12 H=(~ Kt+2 Mg) 01+4 H=Chlorid of magnesium 34'20, chlorid of potassium 26'88, water 38'92=100. Under a more general formula (K, Mg) C1+4 HI. Analyses: 1, 2, Oesten (Pogg., xcviii., 161); 3, Siewert (Jahresb., 1858, 739); 4, A. Goebel (J.pr. Ch., xcvii. 6): Mg Cl K 01 Na Cl Ca Cl Ca' Fe RI 1. Stassfurt, reddish 31-46 24'27 5'10 2-62 0-84 0'14 [35'571=100 Oesten. 2. i" " A 30-51 [24-27] 4-55 3-01 1-26 [0-14] [36-26]=-100 Oesten. 3. " white 36'03 27-41 0'23 - 114 -, i 36'33-38'01 Siewert. 4. Maman, Persia 34'65 25-62 -- 39-67, gangue 0'06=100 Goebel. The impure carnallite of the mine contains Mg C1 29-53, K C1 21-80, Na C1 7-95, sulphate of potash 10'20, silicate of magnesia and alumina, sand, and boracic acid 1'20, water and loss 29-32. The brown and red color of much of the mineral is due partly to oxyd of iron, which is in hexagonal tables, and partly to organic matters (water-plants, infusoria, sponges, etc.). In anal. OXYCHLOItIDS. 119 4, there was some organic substance present with the water; and the carnelian to blood-red color is shown to be due to it. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses easily. Soluble in water, 100 parts of water at 18'75~C. taking up 64-5 parts. Obs.-Occurs at Stassfurt, where it forms beds in the upper part of the salt formation, alternating with thinner beds of common salt and kieserite, and also mixed with the common salt. Its beds consist of subordinate beds of different colors, reddish, bluish, brown, deep red, sometimes colorless. Sylvine occurs in the carnallite. Also found with salt at Maman in Persia. ItS richness in potassium makes it valuable for exploration. Named after von Carnall of the Prussian mines. Artif.-Occurs artificially formed in the salt pans at Halle. 148. TACHEYDRITE. Tachhydrit Ramm., Pogg., xcviii. 261, 1856. Massive; in roundish masses. Two distinct cleavages. Color yellowish. Transparent to translucent. Very deliquescent on exposure. Comp.-(Ca C01+2 Mg Cl)+12 1i=(~ Cad+ Mg) C01+4 [=Chlorine 41'17, calcium'716, magnesium 9'30, water 41'7 -=100; or under a more general formula, (Ca, Mg) C01+4. Analysis by Rammelsberg (1. c.): C140-34 Ca 7 46 Mg 9'51 HI [42-69]=100 Pyr., etc.-Fuses easily. Very soluble; 100 parts of water at 18'75~C. dissolving 160'3 of the salt. Obs.-From the salt mines of Stassfurt, in thin seams with carnallite and kieserite, in anhydrite. Named in allusion to its ready deliquescence, from raX5s, quick, and ulvwp, water. 149. HREMERSIT13. Eisenchlorid mit den Chloralkalien Kremers, Pogg., lxxxiv. 19, 1851. Kremersit Kenng., Min., 9, 1853. Isometric. In octahedrons. Color ruby-red. Easily soluble. Comp.-K Cl01Am Cl+-Fe 0C1-+3 A=2 (I K-+4 Am) Cl-+Fe2 C13+3 I-= Chlorine 55'86, potas sium 12'32, ammonium 5'67, iron 17.65, water 8'50=100. Analysis Iby Kremers (Pogg., lxxxiv. 79): 01 K Am Na Fe ft 55-15 12-0 - 6'17 0 16 16-89 [9'56]=100. It is identical with an artificial salt obtained by Fritzsche. Obs.-From fumaroles at Vesuvius, as a product of sublimation. 3. OXYCHLORIDS. 150. MATLOOKITE. R. P. Greg, Phil. Mag., IV. ii. 120, 1851. Tetragonal. 0 A 1 8~ 42'; a 12482. Ob- 123 served planes, O,'_, 1, 2-i. 0 A =-90, O A 2-,= 111~ 50', 0 A 1-119~ 34', 2- A 2-i, pyram.,=97~ 58', < S a basal,-136~ 19' 1 A, pyram., —1040 6', basal, 120~ 52'. Cleavage: basal imperfect. Crystals generally tabular. 120 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. H. = 2'5-3. G. = 7'21. Lustre adamantine, occasionally pearly. Color clear yellowish, sometimes a little greenish. Transparent to translucent. Comp.-Pb CI+Pb O=Chlorid of lead 55'5, oxyd of lead 44'5=100. Analysis by Dr. R. A. Smith (1. c.): Pb C1 55'18 Pb O 44830 Moisture 0'07=99'55. Rammelsberg found (Pogg. lxxxv. 141), Pb C1 52-45, Pb 0 46-42. Pyr., etc. —Reacts like mendipite. Obs. —From an old mine near Cromford in Derbyshire, with phosgenite. Crystals seldom large, but one measures two inches across; according to Kenngott (Min. Not., No. 11), 1 A 1, basal, = 121~ 2', and 2-iA2-i, basal edge=136~ 17'; also, as a sublimation product at Vesuvius after the eruption of 1858 (R. Cappa, J. pr Ch., lxxx. 381). 151. MEINDIPITE. Saltsyradt Bly (Salzsaures Blei) Berz., Ak. H. Stockh., 184, 1823; Ed. J. Sci., i. 379, 1824. New ore of lead from Mendip, Peritomous Lead-baryte, Hiaid., Mohs's Min., ii. 151, 1825. Muriate of Lead, Chlorid of Lead. Plomb chlorure, pt., Fr. Kerasine pt. [rest phosgenite] Beud. Tr., ii. 502, 1832. Chlor-Spath Breith., Char., 61, 1832. Berzelite Levy Min. Heul., ii. 448, 1837. Mendipit Glock., Grundr., 604, 1839. Orthorhombic; IA I 102~ 36'. Observed planes, 0, I -i, i-4. Occurs in fibrous or columnar masses, often radiated. Cleavage: I highly perfect; diagonal less perfect. -1.=2'5-3. G.=7-T-7. Lustre pearly and somewhat adamantine upon cleavage faces. Color white, with a tinge of yellow, red, or blue. Streak white. Feebly translucent-opaque. Comp.-Pb C+ 2 Pb O —=Chlorid of lead 38'4, oxyd of lead 61l6=100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Ak. H. Stockh., 1823, Pogg., i. 272, and Ramm. 1st Suppl., 24); 2, Schnabel (ib., 3d Suppl.. 78); 3, Rhodius (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxii. 373): 1. Mendip Hills Pb C1 39-82 Pb 0 6018=100 Berzelius. 2. Westphalia 38'70 61'25=99'95 Schnabel. 3. " 32'55 67'78=100'33 Rhodius. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates and becomes more yellow. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, and is reduced to metallic lead with elimination of acid vapors, giving the coal a white coating of chlorid of lead, the inner edge of which is yellow from oxyd of lead. With salt of phosphorus bead, previously saturated with oxyd of copper, colors the O.F. azure-blue. Soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-This rare mineral was formerly found at the Mendip Hills, in Somersetshire, in small radiated crystalline masses on earthy black manganese; it has been met with at Tarnowitz, Silesia, in clay in opaque prismatic crystals; at mine Kunibert near Brillon in Westphalia. 152. SCHWARTZEMBERGITE. Oxychloroiodure de plomb (fr. Atacama) Domey7o, Ann. d. M., VI. v. 453, 1864. Schwartzembergite Dana. Rhombohedral. In druses of small crystals.'Also in thin amorphous crusts, compact, passing into earthy. H.-2 —25. G.=5'7. Schwartzemb.; 6'2 —6'3, Liebe. Lustre adamantine. Color honey-yellow, when purest; also straw-yellow, inclining to lemonyellow, sometimes a little reddish. Streak straw-yellow. Brittle. Comp.-PbI + 2 Pb O, Liebe. More probably, as the analysis so gives, Pb (I, C1)+-2 Pb O, with I: C1-=3: 2. Analysis: KE. T. Liebe (Jahrb. Min., 1867, 159): Pb Cl Pb I Pb O PbS PbO Sb 11-40 30-89 48'92 5'51 1-88 0'91 =99'51 OXYCHLORIDS. 121 Liebe regards all the ingredients as impurities except the iodid and oxyd of lead. Domeyko in an imperfect analysis (1. c.) obtained Pb C1 22'8, Pb I 18'7, Pb 0 47-1, S 2-5, da 1-7, gangue 5-3 =98'1. Pyr., etc.-Very fusible, like cerargyrite; in fusing loses its color. On charcoal metallic globules. In a matrass abundant violet vapors of iodine. No effervescence with nitric acid, but loses color, becoming first brownish and then white, and, if some water be added, it dissolves completely on heating. Obs.-Forms crusts in galenite at a mine 10 leagues foam the port of Paposo in the desert of Atacama, where it was discovered by Mr. Schwartzemberg. 153. ATACAMITE. Sable vert cuivreux du Perou, Chaux cuivreuse unie a un peu d'acide muriatique et d'eau, Rochefoucauld, Baume & PFouzrcroy, lMem. Ac. Paris, 1786 (pub'd in 1788); Berthollet, ib., 474 (note added in 1788). Kupfersand, Salzsaures Kupfer, Karst., Tab., 46, 16, 1800. Cuivre muriate H. Tr., 1801. Muriate of Copper. Atacamit, Salzkupfererz, Bglunenbach, Hlandb. Nat., 1805. Kupferhornerz, Atacamit, Ludwig, Min., ii. 178, 1804. Smaragdochalcit Hazusm. I Handb., 1039, 1813. Halochalzit Breith., Handb., 165, 1841. Remolinite B. & X., Min., 618, 1852. Marcylite Shep., Marcy's Expl. Red River, 135, 800, Washington, 1854, Am. J. Sci., II, xxi. 206; Dana, ib., xxiv. 122. Botallackite A. H. Church, J. Ch. Soc., II. iii. 212, 1865. Orthorhombic. IA 1-=112~ 20', 0 A1 -=131~ 29'; a: b: c=1131: 1: 1'492. Observed planes: vertical,; i-, i-i, i-2, i-2; domes, 1-i, 1-i; octahedral, ~-A-~ ov. i-_=106~ 34~ i-lA i-1 ib.1=139~ 4', 1-\ 1-4, top-105~ 40', IA 1=- 143 42', 1 A1, mac.,-126~ 40'. Usual in modified rectangular prisms, andrectangular octahedrons. Twins: composition-face I; consisting of three individuals. Cleavage: i-i perfect, 1-4 imperfect. Occurs also massive lamellar. H.=3 —35. G. =4-43; 3'7, Breith. Lustre adamantine-vitreous. Color various shades of bright green, rather darker than emerald, sometimes blackish-green. Streak apple-green. Translucent-subtranslucent. Comp. —3 Ou fI+Cu C01 1=QI- u+ Cu 1l ) l-=Oxyd of copper 53-6, chlorid of copper 302, (chlorine 16-0, copper 14'3), water 16-2=100. The ore of Cobija (anal. 1) and botallacekite (anal. 8) contain half more of water, giving the formula 3 Cu H+Cu Cl H+2 aq.. Analyses: 1, Berthier (Ann. d. M., III. vii. 542); 2, 3, Bibra (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 203); 4, 5, F. Field (J. Ch. Soc., vii. 193); 6, Mallet (Ramm., 5th Suppl., 57); 7, 8, Church (J. Ch. Soc., II. iii. 81, 213): C1 Ou Cu TI[ 1. Bolivia, Cobija 14'92 50'00 1'33, 21'75=100 Berthier. 2. " Algodon 14-96 52-54 13'33 19'17=100 Bibra. 3. " " 15-07 52'40 14'00 18-53=100 Bibra. 4. Copiapo 14-94 - 56.46 17-79 Field. 5. " 15-01 56-24 18'00 Field. 6. Chili 16'33 55-94 14-54 12'96, quartz 0-08=99-85 Mallet. 7. Cornwall 15'20 54'32 13'57 16'91-100 Church. 8. Botallackite 14-51 66'25 - 22'60 —103-36 Church. Anal. 4 corresponds to Cu C1 28-22, Cu 53'99, 11 1 779; and 5 to Cu C1 28-35, Cu 53'62, ]a 18-00. For other analyses see Ulex, Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxix. 361. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off much water, and forms a gray sublimate. B.B. on charcoal fuses, coloring the O.F. azure-blue, with a green edge, and giving two coatings, one brownish and the other grayish-white; continued blowing yields a globule of metallic copper; the coatings touched with the R.F. volatilize, coloring the flame azure-blue. In acids easily soluble. Obs. This species was originally found in the state of sand in the Atacama province, northern part of Chili. It occurs in different parts of Chili, especially at Los Remolinos; also in veins in the district of Tarapaca, Bolivia; at Tocopilla, 16 leagues north of Cobija, an imporant locality, in Bolivia; with malachite in South Australia; at the extraordinary malachite locality in the Serra do Bembe, near Ambriz, on the west coast of Africa; at the Estrella mine in southern Spain; at St. Just in Cornwall, in crusts and stalactitic tubes. Botallackite occurs at the Botallack mine, Cornwall, in thin crusts of minute interlacing crystals, closely investing killas; Schwarzenberg in Saxony; also supposed to invest some of the lavas of Vesuvius, but questioned by Scacchi, the mineral so called being a basic sulphate (Mem. Incend. Vesuv., 1855). 122 COMPOUNDS OF CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE. It is sometimes ground up in Chili, and sold under the name of Arsenillo as sand for letters..Marcylite of Shepard, as originally described, was an impure atacamite of a black color; a trial afforded Shepard copper 54'30, 0 and Cl 39-20, H 9'50. G.=4 —41. From the south partof the Red River, near the Wachita Mts. (See further under Melaconite, p. 137.) 153A. TALLINGITE. A. H. Church, J. Ch. Soc., II. iii. 213, 1865. In thin crusts, consisting of irregular aggregations of minute globules, appearing botryoidal under the microscope. Suberystalline. H. 3. G.-3-5 (approximate). Color brioht-blue, inclining to green. Streak white. Subtranslucent. Fragile. Hygroscopic. Comp.-4 (u +~ Cu Cl1 -+3aq =Chlorid of copper 22'55, oxyd of copper 53'29, water 24'16= 100; or chlorine 11-91, oxyd of copper 66'60, water 24'16=102-67. Church (J. Ch. Soc, II. iii. 77) obtained Cu 66'24, C1 11'33, which corresponds to Cl 11'33 lCu 53'57 Cu 10'11 A 24'99=100. In another blue Cornwall mineral Church found (ib., 213) Oxyd of copper 67-25, chlorine 8-73, water 26-56=102'54; which gives the formula 6 Ou H( Cu Cu 1 11+5 aq=Oxyd of copper 67'25, chlorine 8'58, water 26'13 = 101'96. Church says the less hydrated copper sulphates and chlorids are green, the more hydrated blue. Pyr., etc. —In vacuo loses hygroscopic water, remaining blue. At 100~ C. rapidly becomes green, losing considerable water. Insoluble in water, but easily soluble in dilute acids and in ammonia. Obs. —Occurs at the Botallack mine, Cornwall. Named after R. Tailing, of Lostwithiel, by whom the mineral was collected. Artif.-A similar compound has been formed by Kane, and by Graham, by the action of water on N H3 Cu C1; its formula is 4 Ou fI+(Ju C14+aq. 154. PERCYLITE. H. J. Brooke, Phil. Mag., III. xxxvi. 131, 1850. Isometric. In minute cubes. Observed planes: 0, 1, 1, i-2. H. =2'5. Color sky-blue. Streak similar to the color. Comp.-According to Percy, contains, besides some water, lead, chlorine, copper, and probably oxygen, with Pb: Cl: Cu=2-66: 0-84: 0'77; whence Percy suggests the formula (Pb Cl+ Pb 0) +(Cu Cl + Cu O)+ aq. Pyr.-In the closed tube yields water and odorless fumes. B.B. tinges the flame green with blue on the edges. With borax reacts for copper. Obs. —Found with gold, and supposed to be from Sonora, Mexico. APPENDIX TO CHLORIDS, BROMIDS, AND IODIDS. 155. CHLORID OF MAGNESIUM. 156. CHLORID OF MANGANESE. Chlorid of magnesium and chlorid of manganese, according to Scacchi (Mem. Incend. Vesuv., 1855), probably occur in the saline incrustations formed at the eruption of Vesuvius in 1855. The supposed existence of the manganesian chlorid was ascertained by treating the crust with distilled water and testing with ferrocyanid of potassium, when a white precipitate was thrown down, which acquired after a while a pale rose tint; and also in other ways. 157, 158. IODID OF ZINc.-BROmID OF Znc. —Iodine and bromine are stated by Mentzelto occur along with a cadmiferous zinc in Silesia, and hence it is inferred that iodid and bromid of zinc exist in nature, though not yet distinguished. Besides the preceding species, the following also contain chlorine: Sodalite and Pyrosmalite, and some Nephelite, Nosite, and Mica among silicates; some Apatite among phosphates; Boracite among borates; Phosgenite among carbonates. FLUJORIDS. 123 IV. FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. 1. ANHYDROUS. 1. FLUORITE GROUP. 159. FLUORITE Ca F 161. FLUOCERITE Co F 160 YTTROCERITE (Ca, Ce, Y) F 162. FLUOCERINE 2. FLUELLITE GROUP. Contain Aluminum. 163. FLUELLITE 3. CRYOLITE GROUP. Contain Aluminum and Sodium or Calcium. 164. CRYOTITE 3 NA F + AP F 166. CHIOLITE 3 Na F + 2 A12 F3 165. ARKSUTITE (Ca, Na)2 F+A12 F3 167. CHODNEFFITE 2 Na F+A12F3 2. IIYDROUS. 168. PACHNOLITE 3 (Ca, Na) F+A12F3+2 II 170. GEARKSUTITE Ca2F+A12F3+4 4T 169. THOMSENOLITE 2 (Ca, Na) F + AP2 F + 2 +2I 1 1. PROSOPITE 159. FLUORITE or FLUOR. Fluores lapides gemmarum similes sed minus duri-qui ignis calore liquescunt [whence he derives the name]-Colores varii, jucundi, (1) rubri, (2) purpurei (vulgo amethysti), (3) candidi, (4) lutei, (5) cineracei, (6) subnigri, etc. [with mention also of its use as a flux in smelting], Agric., Berm., 458, 1529; Germ. Flusse id., Interpr., 464, 1546. Fluor mineralis Stolbergicus, Lithophosphorus Suhlensis, Woodward, Cat., 1128. Glas-Spat, Spatum vitreum, Wall., 64, 1747. Fluss, Flussspat, Glasspat, Cronst., 93, 1758. Flussaures Kalk Scheele, Ak. H. Stockh., 1771. Calx fluorata Bergm., Sciagr., 1782. Spath fusible, Spath vitreux, de Lisle, Crist., 1772, 1783. Fluorite Naapione, Min., 373, 1797. Fluor Spar, Fluate of Lime, Fluorid of Calcium; Vulg. Derbyshire Spar, Blue-john. Chaux fluate'e 1r. Fluorine Beud., Tr., ii. 517, 1832. Liparit Glock., Syn. 282, 1847. Var.-Chlorophane (fr. Nertschinsk) Th. DI)e Grotthaus; Delameth., J. de Phys., xlv. 398, 1794. Ratofkit Fischer, John Ch. Unters., vi. 232, 1812. Isometric. Observed planes: 0; I; I, 2, 3; i-2, i-3, i —, -i4; 2-2, 3-3, "-V'; 4-2-, 3 --- 7-3 2 - -. 2 Figs. 1 (common), 2 to 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, similar to 24 (planes 1, and 3-3), 26. Cleavage: octahedral, perfect. Twins: composition-face, 1, f. 50; also f. 129, in which the composition is parallel to each octahedral face. Massive. Rarely columnar; usually granular, coarse or fine. Crystals often having the surfaces made up of small cubes, or cavernous with rectangular cavities. 124 FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. H.-=4. G.=3'01-325; 341800 —31889, Kenngott, from 43 specimens. the mean 34183. Lustre vitreous; sometimes splendent; usually glimmer ing in the massive varieties. Color white, yellow, green, rose and crimson124 125 [ 128 129 V1L0LC 126 127 red violet-blue, sky-lue, and brown wine-yellow, greenish and violetred, violet-blue, sky-blue, and brown: wine-yellow, greenish and violetblue, most common; red, rare. Streak white. Transparent-subtranslucent. Brittle. Fracture of fine massive varieties flat-conchoidal and splintery. Sometimes presenting a bluish fluorescence. Phosphoresces when heated. Comp., Var.-Fluorid of calcium, Ca F=Fluorine 48'7, calcium 51-3=100. Berzelius found 0'5 of phosphate of lime in the spar of Derbyshire. The presence of chlorine (or muriatic acid in old chemistry) was detected early by Scheele. Kersten found it in fluor from Marienberg and Freiberg. The bright colors, as shown by lKenngott, are lost on heating the mineral; they are attributed mainly to different hydrocarbon compounds by Wyrouboff (Bull. Soc. Ch., II. v. 334, 1866), the crystallization having taken place from aqueous solution. Var. 1. Ordinary; (a) cleavable or crystallized, very various in colors; (b) coarse to fine granular; (c) earthy, dull, and sometimes very soft. A soft earthy variety from Ratofka, Russia, of a lavender-blue color, is the ratofkite. The finely-colored fluors have been called, according to their colors, false ruby, topaz, emerald, amethyst, etc. The colors of the phosphorescent light are various, and are independent of the actual color; and the kind affording a green color is (d) the chlorophane (fr. XXwpo6, green, and batvo, I appear) or pyro-emerald. Breithaupt obtained for fluor G.=3'017, fr. Alston Moor, Cumberland, white; 3'170, Euba, blue; 3'176, ib., white; 3'171, fr. Siberia, blue; 3'183, ib., white; 3-166, fr. near Marienberg, green; 3'172, ib., blue; 3'169, fr. Bbsenbrunn in Voigtland, green; 3'186, ib., blue; 3'188, ib., white; 3'185, fr. Cornwall, fluorescent; 3'188, fr. Switzerland, rose-red; 3'193, fr. near Freiberg, green; 3-255, fr. Mexico, emerald-green transparent oct.; 3'324 —3357, fr. Siberia, violet-blue. 2. Antozonite of Schbnbein. The dark violet-blue fluor of W61lsendorf, Bavaria, afforded Schr6tter 0'02 p. c. of ozone, which Sch6nbein (J. pr. Ch., 1xxxiii. 95, lxxxix. 7) showed to be antozone, whence his name for this variety. Its strong antozone odor is said often to produce headache and vomiting in the miners. Schafh/iutl states (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlvi. 344) that this fluor contains, Nitrogen 0'02073, hydrogen 0-00584, carbon 0'0365, chlorous acid 0'08692. But Wyrouboff discredits, in part, his results; he himself obtained Carbon 0-0170, hydrogen 0'0038, with'Il 0-0180, Fe 0-0032, Fe 0'0025, Cl 0'0071. Wyrouboff attributes the various colors to compounds of carbon and hydrogen, derived from a slight infusion of organic matters in the solvent waters; he found (Bull. Soc. Ch., II. v. 334, 1866) that the blue and violet colors changed to purple on heating, and supposes that two C H substances, a blue and a red, were present, the former more volatile, and therefore leaving the color reddish after partial heating. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates and phosphoresces. B.B. in the forceps and on charcoal fuses, coloring the flame red, to an enamel which reacts alkaline to test paper. With soda on platinum foil or charcoal fuses to a clear bead, becoming opaque on cooling; with an excess of soda on charcoal yields a residue of a difficultly fusible enamel, while most of the soda sinks into the coal; with gypsum fuses to a transparent bead, becoming opaque on cooling. Fused in an open tube with fused salt of phosphorus gives the reaction for fluorine. Treated with sulphuric acid gives fumes of hydrofluoric acid which etch glass. FLUORIDS. 125 Phosphorescence is obtained from the coarsely powdered spar below a red heat. At a high temperature it ceases, but is partially restored by an electric discharge. Obs.-Sometimes in beds, but generally in veins, in gneiss, mica slate, clay slate, and also in limestones, both crystalline and uncrystplline, and sandstones. Often occurs as the gangue of metallic ores. In the North of England, it is the gangue of the lead veins, which intersect the coal formation in Northumberland, Cumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire; the Cumberland fluor often contains drops of fluid within, especially the green variety (Greg and Lettsom). In Derbyshire it is abundant. and also in Cornwall, where the veins intersect metamorphic rocks. Common in the mining district of Saxony; fine near Kongsberg in Norway. In the dolomites of St. Gothard it occurs in pink octahedrons; at Miinsterthal in Baden in flesh-red hexoctahedrons. It has been detected in cannel coal by Prof: Rogers. In Maine, on Long Island, Blue Hill Bay, in veins. In N. Hcampshire, at N. village of Westmoreland, 2 m. S. of meeting-house, white, green, purple, constituting a vein in quartz; at the Notch in the White Mts., green oct. in quartz, rare. In Vermont, at Putney, in green cubes. In Massachusetts, at the Southampton lead mine. In Connecticut, at Trumbull, the chlorophane var., with topaz, in two veins, each 18 in. wide, in gneiss; at Plymouth, in octahedral and dodecahedral crystals; at Willimantic, purple, in a vein in gneiss, and also sparingly at the topaz vein; at the Middletown lead mine. In New York, in Jeffer'son Co., at Muscolonge lake, formerly abundant, in gigantic cubes, sometimes modified (fig. 128), of grass-green and pale-green shades, in granular limestone; in St. Lawrence Co., at Rossie and Johnsburgh, rarely in fine crystals; at Lockport, occasionally in cubes, with selenite and celestine in limestone; also similarly near Rochester and Manlius; Amity, in thin seams, with spinel and tourmaline. In New Jersey, near the Franklin Furnace. In Virginia, near Woodstock, in limestone; on the Potomac, at Shepardstown, in white limestone. In Illinois, Gallatin Co., for 30 m. along the Ohio, 10 to 15 m. below Shawneetown, and at other places, dark purple, often in large crystals, in carboniferous limestone, with galenite, and through the soil. In California, at AMt. Diablo, rare in white cubes. In Arizona, in Castle Dome dist., white, pink, green, purple. In Nova Scotia, at Mabon harbor, green. Near Lake Superior, a few miles from the N.E. corner of Thunder bay, in large violet cubes on amethyst, affording magnificent specimens. Alt.-Fluor spar is slightly soluble in waters containing bicarbonate of lime in solution. The alkaline carbonates decompose it, producing carbonate of lime or calcite, and a subsequent change of the calcite may produce other forms of pseudomorphs. Fluor spar occurs changed to quartz, by substitution, and also to limonite, hematite, lithomarge, psilomelane, calamine, smithsonite, cerusite, kaolinite. 160. YTTROOCERITE. Yttrocerit Gahn & Berzelius, Afh., iv. 1814. Yttrocererit Leonh., Handb., 513, 1826. Yttria fluatee Fr. Fluate of Cerium and Yttria. Ytterflussspath, Flussyttrocalcit, Germ. Yttrocalcit Glock., Syn., 283, 1847. Massive; crystalline-granular and earthy. Cleavage: in two directions inclined to one another 108~ 30'. H.=4-5. G.=3-447, iBerzelius. Lustre glistening; vitreous-pearly. Color violet-blue, inclining to gray and white, often white; sometimes reddish-brown. Fracture uneven. Comp.-Contains CaF, CeF, and YF, in different proportions. Analyses by Gahn, and Berzelius (Afhandl., iv. 151, and Schw. J., xvi, 241): Ca Ve Y FH 47'63 18-21 9'11 25'05 50'00 16'45 8'10 25-45 Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water. B.B. on charcoal alone infusible; with gypsum the yttrocerite of Finbo fuses to a bead, not transparent, and that of Broddbo is infusible. With the three fluxes the Finbo mineral behaves like fluor spar; the glass is, however, yellow in the oxydizing flame as long as hot, and becomes opaque sooner than the glass given by fluor spar. In a pulverized state it dissolves completely in heated muriatic acid, forming a yellow solution. Obs.-Occurs sparingly at Finbo and Broddbo, near Fahlun in Sweden, imbedded in quartz, and associated with albite and topaz. Also at Amity, Orange Co., N. Y.; in Mass., probably Worcester Co.; at Mt. Mica, in Paris, Maine. The Amity mineral has been examined by J. E. Teschemacher. The Massachusetts mineral afforded Dr. C. T. Jackson (Proc. Nat. H., Boest., 1844, 166) lime, yttria, oxyd of cerium, with some AlI, Be, and Si, and a loss of 19'4. The mineral is mixed with fluorite in the vein, and probably the specimen analyzed was not pure from it. 126 FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. Yttrocerite has been considered a fluor spar in which part of the lime is replaced by oxyds of cerium and yttrium. The angle of cleavage reported, 108~ 30', differs but a degree from the angle between faces of a regular octahedron. 161.:3LUOCERITE. Neutralt flussspatssyradt Cerium Berz., Afh., vi. 56, 1 818. Neutrales flusssaures Cerer, Flusscerium ceriumfluat, Germ. Neutral Fluate of Cerium. Cerium fluatde Fr. Flucerine Beud., Tr., ii. 519, 1832. Fluocerit RUaid., Handb., 500, 1845. Hexagonal. In hexagonal prisms and plates. Cleavage: basal most distinct. Also massive. H1.=4-5. G. —=47. Lustre weak. Color dark tile-red or almost yellow; deeper when the mineral is wet. Streak white, or slightly yellowish. Subtranslucent-opaque. Comp.-Ce F + Ce2 FS, Berzelius, who obtained in an analysis (1. c.) He 82'64, Yr 1'12. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water, and at a high temperature corrodes the glass; the water contains fluorine, and tingles Brazil-wood paper yellow; the assay changes from yellow to white by heat. B.B. on charcoal infusible, but darkens in color. With soda it is not dissolved, but divides and swells up; the soda is absorbed by the charcoal, and leaves a gray mass on the surface. Obs.-Occurs at Finbo and Broddbo near Fahlun, in Sweden, imbedded in quartz and albite, accompanying pyrophysalite and orthite. 162. FLUOCERINE.-(Basisk flussspatssyradt Cerium Berz., Afh. vi. 64. Basisches Fluorceriunl. Basic flucerine. Basicerine Beud. Fluocerine alausm., 1847.) Isometric? Supposed to show traces of the rhombic dodecahedron; usually massive. H.-=4'5-5. Lustre vitreous or resinous. Color a fine yellow, with some red, and when impure, brownish-yellow. Streak yellow, brownish. Subtranslucent to opaque. Formula, Ce2 F3+3 (C2 03+11)=Cerium 17'6, fluorine 10'9, sesquioxyd of cerium 66-4, water 51=-100. Berzelius obtained in his analysis (1. c.) -e 84-20, and E 4'95, and deduced as its composition Ce F + 3 Ce iI. B.B. on charcoal infusible, at a low red heat appears almost black; on cooling it becomes dark brown, clear red, and finally yellow. With the fluxes behaves like fluocerite. From Finbo, with fluocerite. A mineral from Bastn/is afforded IHisinger (Ak. H. Stockh., 1838, 189), Sesquioxyd of Ce (and La) 36'43, fluorid ibid. 50'15, water 13-41, which corresponds to the formula Ce2 F3 Ce2 03+4 H. Named Bastncesite by Huot, Min., i. 296, 1841. 163. FLUELLITIE. Fluellite Levy, Ann. Phil., II. viii. 242, 1824. Fluate of Alumine, Fluorid of Aluminum. Orthorhombic; in acute rhombic octahedrons with truncated apex. 1 A 1, pyram., 1090 6', 82~ 12', and, basal, 1440; IA I=1050 nearly. H.= 3. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent. Comp.-Fluorine and aluminum, according to Wollaston. Obs.-Fluellite is a rare mineral found at Stenna-gwyn, in Cornwall, in minute crystals on quartz, along with wavellite and uranite. 164. C~RYOLITE. Chryolith, Thonerde mit Flussiure Abildgaard, Scherer's J., ii. 502, 1799; d'Andrada, ib., iv. 37, 1800. Kryolith Karst., Tab., 28, 73, 1800; id. (with anal.) Klapr., J. de Phys., ii. 413, 1800, Beitr., iii. 207, 1802; Vauq., Ann. Ch., xxxvii. 89, 1801. Alumine fluatee alcaline H., Tr., ii. 1801. Cryolite. Eisstein Gernm. Orthorhombic? IAI=88~ 30' to 880, O A I-z=125~ 57'; a: b: c=13789: 1: 1'0265. Observed planes as in the figures. 0 A 1-=126~ 40', 0 A 1= FLUOReDS. 127 117: 30'. Prisms often a little tapering, and marked with strie parallel to the edges I/ 1-I, and sometimes also to edges I/ 1-z, and I/1, as indicated by dotted lines mno in fig. 130. 130 131 Twins: composition-face I, re6nter- ing angle IA I=-177~, f. 131; no re6ntering angle or apparent suture on. plane 0. Cleavage: basal perfect; diagonal less so. Massive, cleavable. I I HI.- 25. G.- 2'9- 3077, fr. Greenland; 295 - 296, fr. IMiask, i' D)urnef. Lustre vitreous; slightly \ pearly on 0. Color snow-white; /i... sometimes reddish or brownish to' brick-red and even black. Subtransparent - translucent. Immersion in water increases the transparency. Brittle. Comp. —3 Na F-A12 F3=Aluminum 18'0, sodium 32-8, fluorine 54'2=100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (1. c.); 2, Berzelius (Ak. H. Stockh., 315, 1823); 3, Chodnef (Verh. Ges. Min. St. Pet., 1845-46, 219); 4, Durnef (Pogg., lxxxiii., 588): F Al Ca Na 1. Greenland - 128 - 2685 KEaproth. 2. " [54071 13-00 -- 3293 Berzelius. 3. " [53-23] 13'23 32'71, n, Mg 0-83 Chodnef. 4. Miask [53'38] 13'41 0-35 32'31, Mn, Fe 0-55 Durnef. Pyr., etc.-Fusible in the flame of a candle. B.B. in the open tube heated so that the flame enters the tube, gives off hydrofluoric acid, etching the glass; the water which condenses at the upper end of the tube reacts for fluorine with Brazil-wood paper. In the forceps fuses very easily, coloring the flame yellow. On charcoal fuses easily to a clear bead, which on cooling becomes opaque; after long blowing, the assay spreads out, the fluorid of sodium is absorbed by the coal, a suffocating odor of flucrine is given off, and a crust of alumina remains, which, when heated with cobalt solution in O.F., gives a blue color. Soluble in sulphuric acid, with evolution of hydrofluoric acid. Obs.-Occurs in a bay in Arksut-fiord, in West Greenland, at Evigtok, about 12 m. from the Danish settlement of Arksut, where it constitutes a large bed or vein in gneiss, and contains galenite, sphalerite, siderite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, fluorite, columbite, cassiterite, all often in fine crystals. The exposure of the cryolite is about 300 feet in length. It is shipped in large quantities to Europe, and to the United States (Pennsylvania), where it is used for making soda, and soda and alumina salts; also of late, in Pennsylvania, for the manufacture of a white glass which is a very good imitation of porcelain. It has also been used for the manufacture of aluminum. The first specimens of cryolite came through Denmark from Greenland, and the earliest notice of it was by Schumacher in the Abh. Nat. Ges. Copenhagen, iv. 1795. The locality was described from personal observation by Giesecke in Ed. Encyc., x. 97, and Ed. Phil. J., vi. 141, 1822; and recently by J. W. Taylor in the Q. J. G. Soc., xii. 140. Taylor states that the cryolite is not white, except within 10 to 15 feet from the surface, and that below this it becomes dark-colored, and even black. He attributes the bleaching above to the heat of two trap-dykes; but as the dykes are not in contact with the cryolite, and the evidence is not clear that they ever overlaid it, this cause may be questioned. The contained ores and other minerals are most abundant near the junction with the gneiss. Dr. Hagemaun described the crystals (Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 268) as orthorhombic. The author obtained the above figures from specimens kindly furnished by Dr. H. They occur implanted on the massive cryolite. The twin, by the absence of a reentering angle on plane 0, appears to prove that the form is orthorhombic and not oblique. Yet Descloizeaux states that the optical characters, as observed by him, indicate a monoclinic form. Owing to the striations of the crystals and their minuteness, the measurements of the author were not.very satisfactory. 0 A 1-i, in front, gave 126~ 40' (5 measurements 126~ 30'-126~ 40', and three of them 126~ 40'), 0 A 1-i, back, 125~ 10'-125~ 37', OAI-i about 126~, 1-4A2-2 about 159~ 40, OA1 about 115~ 30', 1-i, front, A1-4, back,=71~ 25'. The angles obtained point to a monoclinic form, and but for 128 FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. the twin, would have been regarded as decisive. The angle IA I varied from 89~ 30' to 85~. The planes 2-M and 1 were not observed on the back of the crystal. Hagemann found 1-i4 l-=1-70~ 30'. 165. ARKSUTITE. Arksudite G. Kagemann, Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 94, 1866. Granular massive. Cleavage: one quite distinct. H.=2'5. G.-=3029 —3175. Lustre vitreous, somewhat pearly on a cleavage face. Color white. Translucent. Brittle. Comp. —(Ca. Na)2 F + A1 F, with Ca: Na-1: 3,=-Aluminum 18'6, sodium 23'3, calcium 6'8, fluorine 513=O100. Analysis: Hagemann (1. c.): F Al Ca Na t Insol. 51'03 17'87 7'01 23-00 0'57 0 74=100'22 Pyr., etc.-Fuses at a red heat, yielding no water. Obs.-From the cryolite vein of Iviktok, near Arksut-fiord, in South Greenland. The specific gravity 3'175, it is said, may have owed its excess above that of the other trials to the presence of a little pyrite. 166. COHIOLITE. Chiolith (fr. Miask) lHermann &d Auerbach, J. pr. Oh., xxxvii. 188, 1846. 131A Tetragon al. O A 1-= 1330 49~'; a=1'04184. Observed form f. 131A. 1 Al, pyr.,= 108~ 23'; 1 Al, basal,- 111~ 40'; 1 A 1, over summit, 680 20'. Cleavage indistinct. Twins: composition-face 1, as 1 // /~ X in f. 50. Occurs massive granular, resembling cryolite; structure crystalline. \. = 4. G.= 2172, Hermann; 2'842- 2898, IRamm. Color snow-white. Lustre somewhat resinous. Translucent. Ilmen Mts. Comp.-3 NaF + 2 A12 F=Fluorine 58-0, aluminum 18'6, sodium 23'4=100. Analyses: 1, Hermann (1. c.); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxiv. 315, 1848): Al Na F 1. Miask 18'69 23'78 [57153] Hermann. 2. " (i) 18'44 24-05 [57151] Ramm. Pyr.-Like cryolite. Obs.-From the Ilmen Mts., near Miask, where it occurs in granite, with topaz, fluorite, phena. cite, and cryolite. For Kokscharof on cryst., see Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 1850,'51, and Min. Russl., iv. 393. Kenngott makes crystals from the topaz mine of Mursinsk orthorhombic (Ber. Ak. Wien, xi. 980), with the prismatic angle 124~ 22', and having the acute edge of the prism truncated, and IA i-i=117~ 49'. 167. CEHODNEFFPITE. Chiolith (fr. Miask) v. Worth & Chodnef, Verh. Russ. Min. Ges., 1845-46, 208, 216, 1846. Chodnefite Dana, Min., 234, 1850; Cryolite, ib., 97, 1854. Nipho. lith lTaumr., Min.. 219, 1864. G.=2'62 — 2-77, v. Worth; 3'00, Ramm. Like chiolite in physical characters. Comp.-2 Na F+A12 F=-Fluorine 56'4, aluminum 16'3, sodium 21'3=100. Analyses: 1, A Chodnef (1. c.); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxiv. 314): FLUORITDS. 129 F Al Na 1. Miask z [56'82 16'48 26'70 Chodnef. 2. j" 3 [5657] 15'75 27'68 Ramm. Obs.-Rammelsberg by his analyses appears to show that besides cryolite there are two other related compounds at Miask, one of his analyses sustaining the chiolite of Hermann, and the other the chiolite of Wdrth and Chodnef; and on the basis of his results this species is made distinct from the others. 168. PACHNOLITE. Pachnolit Knop., Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxvii. 61, 1866. Monoclinic. IA I=980 34', ~ A — 108~ 15', IA — 1530 182 37', O A I-90~ 20', front edge of pyr. on front edge of prism 1460 45k, Descl. Twins: composition-face i-4 (f. 132); crys - tals always twins; ~ A { adjacent 940 13'. Cleavage: O and I, unequal. Lustre vitreous. Colorless to white. Transparent to subtransparent. Optic-axial plane and one bi- r sectrix normal to i-k; and inclined 10o 15~ to a normal to i-i, and 23~ 15/' —18 15' to a normal to the front edge of the pyramid. eomp.-3 (Ca, Na)'F+~Al F3+2 1, with Ca: Na=3 2=Fluorine 51'12, aluminum 12'29, calcium 16'14, sodium 12'38, water 8'07=100. Analyses: 1, Knop (I. c.); 2, G, HtIagemann (Am. J. Si., II. xli. 119): F Al Ca Na ft 50'79 13'14 17'25 12'16 9'60=102'94 Knop. 51'15 10'37 17'44 12'04 8'63=99'63 Hagemann. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube, heated gently, yields water which is neutral; at a higher heat, that which is acid. Heated rapidly it is decomposed with crackling, and the formation of a white cloud which condenses on the walls of the tube. Decomposed by sulphuric acid, giving out fluohydric acid. Obs. —incrusts the cryolite of Greenland, being a result of its alteration. The pyramidal planes sometimes have a stair-like appearance, from interrupted combination. 169. THOMSENOLITE. Dimetric Pachnolite G. Uagemann, Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 93, 1866. Thomsenolite Dana. Monoclinic. IA[I about 890; OA f approx. 920 and g80; 133 0 A 1=121 —1240, Dana. Prisms slender, a little tapering; I horizontally striated. Cleavage: basal very perfect. Also massive, opal, or chalcedony-like. iH.=2'5-4. G.=2- 74-22' 6, of crystals. Lustre vitreous, of a cleavage-face a little pearly, of massive waxy. Color white, or with a reddish tinge. Transparent to translucent. Comp.-2 (Ca, Na) F~+A12 F3+2 l:, with Ca: Na=7: 3=Fluorine 52'2, aluminum 15'0, calcium 15'4, sodium 7'6, water 9'8= 100. Analysis: Hagemann (1. c.): F Al Ca Na A ~i Crystals 50'08 14'27 14'51'15 9'70 2'0=97'71 The compact afforded Dr. Hagemann a similar result. Pyr., etc.-Fuses more easily than cryolite to a clear glass. The massive decrepitates remarkably in the flame of a candle. In powder easily decomposed by sulphuric acid. Obs.-Found with pachnolite on the cryolite of Greenland, and a result of the alteration of cryolite. The crystals often have an ochre-colored coating, especially the terminal portion; and on this account, and the striated tapering sides, the measurements ar- only approximations. The mineral 9 130 FLUORINE COMPOUNDS. was first noticed by Dr. Julius Thomsen of Copenhagen, the originator of the cryolite industry, after whom it is here named. It differs strikingly from pachnolite in its pearly basal cleavage and its nearly square prisms; and from cryolite in the horizontal strime of the same and the facility of' cleavage. The compact variety, first observed by Dr. Hagemann (to whom the author is indebted for his acquaintance with it), has much of the aspect of chalcedony; it incrusts cryolite or occupies seams or cavities in it, and is covered by the chalky gearksutite; the incrustations are sometimes half an inch or more thick. 169A. HAGEMANNITE. IHagemannite Shepard, Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 246, 1866. Closely resembles in aspect and condition the compact thomsenolite, but passes sometimes into a yellow, opaque, jaspery variety. It incrusts the Cryolite, and also constitutes seams J to E in. thick. It sometimes traverses a drusy ferruginous pachnolite. It is ochre-yellow to wax-yellow in color, rarely faint greenish, dull, or with only a faintly glimmering lustre, and looks like an iron flint, or the yellow chloropal of Alar, Bavaria. H.=3 —3'5. G.=2'59-2'60. Adheres but feebly to the tongue. lHagemann obtained in an analysis F 40'30, Al 12'06, Fe 5'96, Mg 2'30, Ca 11'18, Na 8'45, Si'179, H 10'44. Decrepitates surprisingly in the flame of a candle. The analysis corresponds to the atomic ratio for F, Si, (Al, Fe), (Mg, Ca, Na), 4: 1: 1:2. Taking 2 F for the Si, to make Si F2, it leaves only 2 F for the bases. No probable formula can be deduced. Excluding the Si, Mfg, Fe, the composition is that of thomsenolite. 170. CGEARKESUTITE. Earthy, kaolin-like in aspect. H.=2. Lustre dull. Color white, opaque. Comp. —C2 F + A12 F3+4 f, or essentially like that of arksutite, excepting the water and the presence of but little soda. Analysis: G. Hagemann (private contrib.): F 41'18 Al 15'52 Ca 19-25 Na 2'46 H1 20'22. Obs. —Occurs with the Greenland cryolite, and is one of the results of its alteration. The author is indebted for his knowledge of the mineral to Dr. Hagemann. The underlying material is compact thomsenolite. At the request of Dr. Hagemann, it is named by the author from y7, earth, and arksutite, alluding to its earthy aspect. 171. PROSOPITE. Prosopit Scheerer, Pogg., xc. 315, 1853, xcii., 612, ci. 361. 134 Monoclinic. IA I 11.5 14'; i-B A i — =760 15', -2 A -2= 1330 x. 2 30', 2-2 A 2-=-116~ 30',2-8 A 29-=120~ 56'. Only in imbedded -2 -2 crs t.=4'als 5. G.=2'890-2-898. Lustre weak. Colorless, white, or grayish. ii t Comp.-Analysis by Scheerer (Pogg., ci. 361, 385): Si F2 Al kin g Oa fi: A Altenberg 10'71 42'68 0-31 0'25 22.98 0.15 15.50=92558. 2~ 2 TThe loss of 7'42 p. c. is regarded by Scheerer as proving that 5'50 p. c. of the Altenberg. oxygen is replaced by fluorine; the mineral is thence regarded by him as consisting of I Si F2, 6 Al, 1 Ca, 5 Ca F, 12 H, or, differently arranged, 2 Si F2, 1 1 Fb, 5;1, 2 Ca F, 4 Oa, 12 H. Pyr., etc.-In the glass tube affords water and fluorid of silicon. Decomposable by sulphuric acid. Obs.-Occurs at the tin mines of Altenberg, in crystals, part of which are a kind of kaolin, and others, according to observations by G. J. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxv. 411), cleavable violet fluor, and others still fluor partly kaolinized. Also found at the Schlackenwald tin mines; but Scheerer infers, without an analysis, that the crystals from this place (Pogg., xcii. 612) are a, phosphate with fluorid, and he gives the hypothet. ical formula (t' I, R F) Al F + yl. The crystals are closely like datolite in form, as shown by the author in the last edition of this work (p. 502). Descloizeaux has stated that optically they are triclinic. It is yet doubtful whether unaltered prosopite has been described or seen. Named from rpouonsreov, a mask, in allusion to the deceptive character of the mineral. OXYDS. 131 V. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. The grand divisions of Oxygen Compounds among minerals are mentioned on page 1. I. OXYDS. General Arrangement. I. OxmDS OF ELEMENTS OF SERIES I. a. Anhydrous. b. Hydrous. 2. OXYDS OF ELEMENTS OF THE ARSENIC AtND SULPHUR GROUPS, SERIES II. 3. OXYDS OF ELEMENTS OF THE CARBON-SILICON GROUP, SERIES II. 1. OXYDS OF ELEMENTS OF SERIES I. A. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. The elements of Series I. whose oxyds are here included are those of the iron and tin groups, none of the gold group occurring native. The oxyds have, with few exceptions, the general formulas H O 1 O1 R' 08, R + 12 0', and R 0'. Isometric forms occur under the formulas Rt O; R 0; R O + R2 0. Hexagonal R; R2 0'. Tetragonal 02; 2R O + 02. Orthorhombic RO; RO+R1'0'; RO'. The following are the groups of Anhydrous Oxyds: 1. PROTOXYDS — 0, R O. 1. CUPRITE AND PERICLASITE GROUPS.-Isometric. 172. CUPRITE fU 174. BUNSENITE Ni 11 3. PERIcLASITm Mg 132 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 2. ZINCITE GROUP.-Hexagonal. 17 5. WATER 1: 17 6. ZINCITE Zn 3. MASSICOT GROUP. —Isometric and orthorhombic. 177. MASSICOT 1Pb 178. MELACONITE CU 2. SESQUIOXYDS-R2 03. 1. CORUNDUM GROUP. —Hexagonal. 179. CoRUNDuM Al 181. MENACCANITE (Fe, Ti)2 03 or (Fe, Ti)2 03 + n Fe 180. HEMATITE Fe 182. PEROFSKITE (Ca, Ti)2 03 3. COMPOUNDS OF PROTOXYDS AND SESQUIOXYDS-In the ratio 1: 1, or R 0 + R2 03. 1. SPINEL GROUP.-Isometric. 183. SPINEL Mg (Al, Fe) 187. MAGNESIOFERRITE M/g Fe 184. HEROYNITE Fe Al 188. FRANrKLINITE (2n, ie, Main) (Ie, Rn) 185. GAtNITE (Zn, Pe, Mg) (Al, Fe) 189. CEROMITE (Fe, Mg, Or) (Al, Ye, ~r) 186. MAGNETITE Fe Be 190. URANT'ITE? U i 2. CHRYSOBERYL GROUP.-Orthorhombic. 191. CHRYSOBERYL e8 Al1 4. DEUTOXYDS — 02. 1. RUTILE GROUP.-Tetragonal. 1.92. CASSITERITE Sn 195. HAUSMANNITE Mn2,'in 193. RUTILE Ti 196. BRAUNITE 2 MIn2 Mn+M n Si 194. OCTABEDRITE Ti 197.? MINIUM b2 lrb 2. BROOKITE GROUP.-Orthorhombic. 198. BROOKITE Ti 199. PYROLUSITE Mn 5. COMPOUNDS OF PROTOXYDS AND SESQUIOXYDS-In the ratio 3: n, or 3 RO + n R203. 200. CREDNERITE (Monoclinic) 0CU Mn2 ~A2ppendix. 201. PLATTNERITE. Some points in the above table require explanation. Admitting the principle stated on page 33, that in oxyds crystallizing in the hexagonal system the number of atoms of the negative element, oxygen, is 3, or a multiple of 3; and that in those crystallizing in the tetragonal system this number is 2 or 4, or a multiple of 4; and that the sesquioxyds Fe2 02, Al2 O are hexagonal species in accordance with this principle, and the deutoxyds Ti 02, Sn 02 are tetragonal in exemplification of it,* we have reasons for the following conclusions. In the Zincite group, since water (ice) and zincite are hexagonal, these species, when thus crystallized (whatever be true in other states), may have the formulas H3 3O and Zn3 O. In the Massicot group, since the two species mentioned occur both in isometric and orthorhombic forms; and since the orthorhombic form is in angle * The principle does not require that when the number of atoms of oxygen is 2 or 4, or a multiple of 4, that the forms should be necessarily tetragonal, but recognizes that tetragonal forms are then possible. The oxyd Ti 02 crystallizes not only in tetragonal forms, but also in orthorhombic. ANIHYDRO1S OxYDSs. 133 closely like that of orthorhombic Ti 02 (brookite), the angles IA:I and IA I being 99~0 39', 126~ 29' in cuprite, and 99~ 50, 126~ 15' in brookite, it would seem to be true that while the isometric kinds have the formulas. Pb 0 and Cu O, as ordinarily written, the orthorhombic have the formulas Pb2 02 and Cu2 02 (or eu 02); and that the latter ought to be arranged with the deutoxyds, in the same group with brookite, which also has 2 of oxygen. (This arrangement would have been adopted above, if distinct orthorhombic forms of the species had been observed in nature.) Again, under the Rutile group are arranged the species hausmannite and braunite, ores of manganese. The formula of hausmannite is commonly written Mn Mn, making it analogous to species of the Spinel group. But it accords better with its tetragonal crystallization and its relations to Ti 02, to write it Mn2 Mvan. Braunite has been shown by Rammelsberg to have a composition that may be represented by the formula (Mn Si)2 03, in which Mn and Si appear as replacing one another. The constituents, as deduced by analysts, are 3 Ifn + Mn + Si, which include 8 of Mn and Si to 12 of oxygen, in accordance with the above formula. But braunite has closely the crystallization of Ti 02 in rutile; and this relation is brought out in the formula 2 luna Min + Min Si, above given, which represents it as corresponding to 2 of hausmannite and 2 of a silicate analogous to zircon, with which silicate also it is isomorphous. The close relation and isomorphism of Mn and Si assumed in the formula (Mn, Si)2 0O is unsustained by facts. 1. PROTOXYDS. 172. CUPRITE. Aes caldarium rubro-fuscum, Germ. Lebererzkupfer, Agric., Foss.,.34, Interpr., 462, 1546. Minera cupri calciformis pura et indurata, colore rubro, vulgo Kupferglas, Kupfer Lebererz., Cronst., Min., 173, 1758. Cuprum tessulatum nudum Linn., Syst., 172, tab. viii., 1756; Cuprum cryst. octa6drum ib., 1768. Octahedral Copper Ore, Red Glassy Copper Ore, Hill, Foss., 1771. Mine rouge de cuivre Sage, Min., 1772. Mine de cuivre vitreuse rouge de Lisle, Crist., 1772, 1783. Rothkupfererz. Cuivre oxidule. Oxydulated copper. Zigueline Beud., Tr., ii. 713, 1832. Ruberite Chapm., Pract. Min., 63, 1843. Cuprit Haid., Handb., 548, 1845. Ziegelerz=Tile Ore; Kupferlebererz; Hepatinerz. Haarformiges Rothkupfererz; Cuivre oxidul6 capillaire, H.; Kupferbliithe Hausm.; Capillary Red Oxyd of Copper. Chalkotrichit Glock., Grundr., 369, 1839. 135 Isometric. Observed planes, O, 1, i, i-2 (e'), i-5, 2 (a"), 3, 2-2 (a'), 3- (o). Figs. 1 to 8, and A x,\ f. 135. Cleavage: octahedral. Sometimes cubes lengthened into capillary forms. Also //' 11- - 11 \\\ massive, granular; sometimes earthy. H.-=3-5 —4. G.=5'85 —615; 5'992,Haid2 S2 [ivr 2~ r 2 inger. Lustre adamantine or submetallic to earthy. Color red, of various shades, particn222>y 2/ rlarly cochineal-red; occasionally crimson-red by transmitted light. Streak several shades of brownish-red, shining. Subtransparentsubtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var. —Oxyd of copper, Pu=Oxygen 11'2, copper 88 8.100. Sometimes affords traces of selenium. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) Crystallized; commonly in octahedrons, dodecahedrons, cubes, and intermediate forms; the crystals often with a crust of malachite; (b) massive. 2. Capillary; Chalcotrichite. In capillary or acicular crystallizations, supposed formerly to be orthorhombic, but, according to Brooke and A. Knop, really cubes elongated in the direction of the octahedral axis (Knop, Jahrb. -Min., 521, 1861). 134 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 3. Earthy; Tile Ore (Ziegelerz Germ.). Brick-red or reddish-brown and earthy, often mixed with red oxyd of iron; sometimes nearly black. The hepatinerz, or liver-ore, of Breithaupt has a liver-brown color. Von Bibra found (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 203) the tile-ore of Algodon bay, Bolivia, to contain chlorine, and to be a mixture of atacamite, cuprite, hematite, and other earthy material; he obtained for one, atacamite 31'32, cuprite 10'85, sesquioxyd of iron 20'50, gangue 34'42, water, antimony, and loss 2'87. In two others, atacamite 28'40, 33-25, cuprite 12-17, 13'02, limonite 25'00, 19'07, gangue 30-81, 32-57, water, antimony and loss 3'02, 2-09. Pyr., etc.-Unaltered in the closed tube. B.B. in the forceps fuses and colors the flame emerald-green; if previously moistened with muriatic acid, the color imparted to the flame is momentarilv azure-blue from chlorid of copper. On charcoal first blackens, then fuses, and is reduced to metallic copper. With the fluxes gives reactions for oxyd of copper. Soluble in concentrated muriatic acid. Obs.' —Occurs at Camsdorf and Saalfield in Thuringia, at Les Capanne Vecchie in Tuscany; on Elba. in cubes; in Cornwall, in fine translucent crystals with native copper and quartz, at Wheal Gorland and other Cornish mines; in Devonshire near Tavistock; in isolated crystals, sometimes an inch in diameter, in lithomarge, at Chessy, near Lyons, which are generally coated with malachite; at Katherinenberg in Siberia; in South Australia; also abundant in Chili, Peru, Bolivia, the crystals in which regions, as far as examined by D. Forbes, are simple cubes (private communication); very fine crystals from Andacollo near Coquimbo. It has been observed at Schuyler's, Somerville, and Flemington copper mines, N. J., crystallized and massive, associated with chrysocolla and native copper; also near New Brunswick, N. J., in red shale; 2 m. from Ladenton, Rockland Co., N. Y., with green malachite in trap; at Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa.; in the Lake Superior region. When found in large quantities this species is valuable as an ore of copper. Named cuprite by Iaidinger from the Latin cuprum, copper. Chapman's name ruberite (from the Latin ruber, red) is prior in date (1. c.); but the laws of derivation would change it to rubrite; and instead of introducing this altered name, that next in priority, already long used, is here adopted. Alt,-A deoxydation of this oxyd of copper sometimes takes place, producing native copper. It also becomes carbonated and green, by means of carbonated waters, changing to malachite or azurite; or through a silicate in solution it is changed to chrysocolla; or by taking oxygen it becomes melaconite. Limonite occurs as a pseudomorph by substitution after cuprite. 173. PERIOLASITE. Periclasia Scacchi, Mem. Min., Naples, 1841. Periklas Germ. Isometric. Figs. 1, 2. Cleavage: cubic, perfect. Also in grains. H.= nearly 6. G. 3-674, iDamour. Color grayish to dark-green. Transparent to translucent. Comp. —g; or magnesia, with 1 part in 25 of protoxyd of iron. Analyses: l, Scacchi (1. c.); 2, 3, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. iii. 360, and Bull. Soc. G. Fr., 1849, 313): 1. Mig 89-04 Fe 8'56=97160 Scacchi. 2. 93-86 5-97=99-83 Damour. 3. 93-38 6-01-99'39 Damour. Pyr., etc.-B.B. unaltered and infusible. With cobalt solution after long blowing assumes a faint flesh-red color. The pulverized mineral shows an alkaline reaction when moistened, and dissolves in mineral acids without effervescence. Obs.-Occurs disseminated through ejected masses of a white limestone, and in spots of small clustered crystals, on Mt. Somma, sometimes with forsterite and earthy magnesite. Named from rept, about, and Xiut, cleavage. Artif.-Formed in crystals of a cubo-octahedral form by making lime to act at a high temperature on borate of magnesia (Ebelmen); by the action of chorhydric gas on magnesia (Deville); by the action of chlorid of magnesium on lime (Daubree). 174. BUNSENITE. Nickeloxydul C. Bergemann, J. pr. Ch., ixxv. 243, 1858. Protoxyd of Nickel. Bunsenite Dana. Isometric. In octahedrons, sometimes having truncated edges. H. =55. G.-6-398. Lustre vitreous. Color pistachio-green. Streak brownish-black. Translucent. [Characters of minute crystals half a line ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 135 in diameter.] Artificial crystals observed in slags have a metallic lustre, and brownish-black color. Comp.-Ni, or pure protoxyd of nickel. Obs.-Occurs in cavities with other nickel ores, and ores of uranium, at Johanngeorgenstadt (C. Bergemann, J. pr. Ch., lxxv. 239). Named after Prof. Bunsen, who observed long since artificial crystals of this oxyd of nickel. 175. WATER. Hexagonal. Usual in compound stellate forms, 136 one form of which is shown in f: 136. G.=0'918, Brunner; 0'9178 at 32~ F., L. Dufour. Colorless. Inodorous. Tasteless. Liquid above 320 F., and boils at 2120 F. A cubic inch of pure 27 1 water at 60~ F., and 30 inches of the barometer,o t weighs 252-458 grains. Comp.-HO=Oxygen 88'89, hydrogen 11 11=100. Obs.-The density of water is greatest at 39~1 F., according to Joule and Playfair. Despretz obtained 39~-176; Hallstrdm 39~'38; Blagden and Gilpin 390; Hope 39~.5; Muncke 38~'804. Below this temperature it expands as it approaches 32~, owing to incipient crystallization. Water as it occurs in nature is seldom pure. It ordinarily contains some atmospheric air, often pure oxygen and carbonic acid, besides various saline ingredients, as salts of magnesia, lime, iron, soda, potash, and sometimes traces of zinc, arsenic, lead, copper, antimony, and even tin, these ingredients being derived from the rocks or soil of the region. For citation of numerous recent analyses of waters, see Keungott's Uebersicht, 1844-1862; also the Jahresbericht f. Ch., etc. Obs.-See on the Crystallization of Ice, Leydolt, Ber. Ak. Wien., vii. 477. Also A. E. Nordenskiold, who states that it is dimorphous; one form probably orthorhomhic (J. pr. Ch., lxxxv. 431). 176. ZINCITE. Red Oxyd of Zinc A. Bruce, Bruce's Min. J., i., No. 2, 96, 1810. Zinkoxyd, Rothzinkerz, Germ. Zinc oxyde Fr. Red Zinc Ore. Zinkit Haid., Handb., 548, 1845. Spartalite B. & E., 218, 1852. Hexagonal. OA 1-1180 7'; a=16208. In quartzoids with truncated summits, and prismatic faces L. 1 A 1 =127 40' (to 43'), Rose; IA 11510 53'; 152~ 20', Levy. Cleavage: basal, eminent; prismatic. Sometimes distinct. Usual in foliated grains or coarse particles and masses; also granular. H. 4 —45. G.= 5 43-57. 5-684, orange-yellow crystals, W. P. Blake. Lustre subadamantine. Streak orange-yellow. Color deep red, also orange-yellow. Translucent-subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal. Brittle. Comp. —n=Oxygen 19-74, zinc 80'26=100; containing oxyd of manganese as an unessential ingredient. Analyses: 1, Bruce (1. c.); 2, Berthier (Ann. d. M., iv. 483); 3, 4, Whitney (Pogg., Lxxi. 169); 5, A. A. Hayes (Am. J. Sci., xlviii. 261); 6, W. P. Blake (Mining Mag., II. ii. 94, 1860): 2n In En Fe 1. Red 92 - 8 =100 Bruce. 2. " 88 12 =100 Berthier. 3. ".94'45 - tr. -, Frankl. 4'49, ign. 1'09=100'03 Whit. 4. " 96'19 - 3'70 -, undec. 0'10=99-99 Whitney. 5. " 9348 550 - 0-36, scales Fe 0'44-99'78 Hayes. 6. Yellow 99'47 068 -—, ign. 0'23-100'38 Blake. 136 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Thin scales magnified and viewed by transmitted light are deep yellow. The author finds by means of a high magnifying power that this ore is free from foreign scales of red oxyd of iron or other substances; and consequently the color is probably due, as held by G. Rose and J. D. Whitney, to the presence of Mn. The crystals analyzed by Blake (anal. 6), which contain less than 1 p. c. of Mn, were orange-yellow in color. Pyr., etc.-H-eated in the closed tube blackens, but on cooling resumes the original color. B.B. infusible; with the fluxes, on the platinum wire, gives reactions for manganese, and on charcoal in R.F. gives a coating of oxyd of zinc, yellow while hot, and white on cooling. The coating, moistened with cobalt solution and treated in R.F., assumes a green color. Soluble in acids without effervescence. On exposure to the air it suffers a partial decomposition at the surface, and becomes invested with a white coating, which is carbonate of zinc. Obs.-Occurs with Franklinite and also with calcite at Stirling Hill and Mine Hill, Sussex Co., N. J., sometimes in lamellar masses in pink calcite. It was first noticed, described, and analyzed, by Dr. Bruce. Reported as forming pseudomorphs after blende at Schneeberg. An oxyd of zinc, mixed with hydrate of iron, occurs on marmatite at Bottino in Tuscany, which afforded C. Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 62) Zun 31725, Fe 47-450, AI 20-825. Artif.-Mitscherlich has observed minute six-sided prisms in the iron furnaces of Kinigshiitte, in Silesia. Similar crystals have been met with in the zinc furnaces near Siegell; also in the furnaces and roast-heaps at the New Jersey zinc mines; surface drusy, color white to amberyellow (Am. J. Sci., II. xiii. 411); in hexagonal prisms in the zinc furnaces at Bethlehem, Pa., and Newark, N. J.; by L. Stadtmuller at the iron furnace of Van Deusenville, Mass.; also at other furnaces in Europe and America. 177. MASSICOT. Bleiglitte. Lead-ochre. Plumbic Ochre. Oxyd of Lead. Plomb oxide. Massicot Huot, Min., 346, 1841. Orthorhombic and isometric (artif.). AMassive; structure scaly crystalline, or earthy. H.=2. G.=8'0; 7'83-7'98, from Mexico, Pugh; 9-2 —936 when pure. Lustre dull. Color between sulphur and orpiment-yellow, sometimes reddish. Streak lighter than the color. Opaque. Does not soil. Comp.-Pb=Oxygen 7'17, lead 92'83=100; more or less impure. Analyses: 1, John (Schw. J., iv. 219, xxxii. 106); 2, 3, Pugh (Ann. Ch. Pharm.. c. 128): Pb 0 Fe, Oa Si 1. 89'10 3'84 0-48 2-40=95'82 John. 2. Mexico 92'91 1838 Fe 5-57 tr., S and loss 0'14 Pugh. 3. " 92'40 1'38 " 4'85 0'14, " 1-23 Pugh. The specimens analyzed by Pugh were from the mine of Guillermo, near Perote, in the district of Vera Cruz, where native lead also is reported to occur in galena. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses readily to a yellow glass, and on charcoal is easily reduced to metallic lead. Obs.-It is said to occur at Badenweiler in Baden, in quartz. Gerolt states that it has been ejected from the volcanoes of Popocatapetl and Jztaccituall, in Mexico. It is found in many places in the provinces of Chihuahua and Cohahuila in considerable quantities, having been collected along the streams between Ceralvo and Monterey, being supposed to come from the range of mountains running nearly north of Monterey. The specimens (often 2 or more cubic inches in size) are between orpiment and sulphur-yellow in color, and glisten like a granular mica of a nearly golden color. The natural surface is slightly crystalline and shining, and when broken it shows a scaly texture (Bailey in Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 420). Occurs also at Austin's mines, Wythe Co., Va. Artif. —Artificial crystals have been obtained among furnace products and by direct chemical methods, as well as from fusion, which were orthorhombic (rhombic octahedrons, etc.); and others that were isometric (cubes, dodecahedrons, etc.). 178. MELACONITE. KupferschwSirze Wern., Bergm. J., 1789. Black Oxyd of Copper; Black Copper. Melaconite Huot, Min., 326, 1841. Tenorite Semrnola, Opere Minori, 45, Napoli, 1841, Bull. G. Fr., xiii. 206, 1841-42. Melaconisa A. Scacchi, Distrib. Sist. Min., 40, Napoli4 1842. Melaconite Dana, Min., 518, 1850. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 13'( Isometric and -orthorhombic (artif.). Earthy; massive; pulverulent; also in shining flexible scales. Rarely in cubes with truncated angles (pseudomorphous?). l-.=3. G.=6-'25, massive, Whitney; 5'952, ib., Joy. Lustre metallic, and color steel or iron-gray when in thin scales; dull and earthy, with a black or grayish-black color, and ordinarily soiling the fingers when massive or pulverulent. Var.-1. Earthy-black, sometimes under the forms of crystals. 2. In scales, with a metallic lustre. Comp.-Cu O, or O-u 02 (the latter for the orthorhombic)=Oxygen 20'15, copper 79'85=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Joy (Pogg., 1xxx. 287); 3, id. (Ann. Lyc. N. Y., viii. 121): Cu He Ca Si 1. Copper Harbor 99'45 - -- =9945 Joy. 2. " Ad [95-20] 1-19 0'23 3'38=.100 Joy. 3. " " 93'06 1-07 0-22 3-08=97-43 Joy. Pyr., etc.-B.B. in O.F. infusible; other reactions as for cuprite (p. 134). Soluble in muriatic and nitric acids. Obs.-Found on lava at Vesuvius in scales from a twentieth to a third of an inch across, often hexagonal and sometimes triangular (Semmola); and also pulverulent (Sacchi, who uses the name melaconise for the mineral). Common in the earthy form about copper mines, as a result of the decomposition of chalcopyrite and other copper ores. Abundant thus at the Ducktown mines in Tennessee, and also formerly at Copper Harbor, Keweenaw Point, L. Superior. At the latter place a vein afforded, some years since, 40,000 lbs. of this ore. Imbedded in its mass there were numerous perfect crystals, having the form of cubes with truncated angles. These crystals have been regarded as pseudomorphs after cuprite by Teschemacher, Hayes, and others. J. D. Whitney has pronounced them (Rep. L. Sup., ii. 99) original crystals of the species, on the ground that the red copper now in the vein occurs only in octahedrons. Artif.-Becquerel obtained tetrahedral crystals by fusing oxyd of copper with potash (Ann. Ch. Phys., li. 102); and Jenzsch has described (Pogg., cvii. 647) orthorhombic crystals, found in the hearth of a calcining furnace at Freiberg, having fAI=99~ 39', IA~\=1260 29', IA 1 —=122~ 58', IA I — =113~ 58', approaching the angles of brookite, and showing a relation of this oxyd of copper to the deutoxyds; A I in brookite being 99~ 50', and IA = 126~ 15'. Marcylite Shepard (Marcy's Expl. Red River, 135, 1854, Shep. Min., 1857, 405) is an uncertain mixture from the Red River, near the Wachita Mts., Arkansas. Shepard made it (1. c.) a mixed hydrous chlorid and oxyd of copper, as if containing atacamite. Specimens put by him into the hands of S. W. Tyler for analysis were found to contain (Am. J. Sci., II. xli. 111) 63-42 p. c. of copper and 17 22 of sulphur, with a " supposed " amount of oxygen and water set down at 8 of oxygen and 9 of water, whence it is supposed to consist of oxyd of copper (Cu 0) 39-70, sulphid of copper (Cu S) 47-70, with 9 of water. It is evidently a result of the alteration of a sulphid of copper. 2. SESQUIOXYDS. 179. CORUNDUM. Corindon (=Sapphire, Corundum, and Emery united) H, Gilb. Ann., xx. 187, 1805, Lucas Tabl., i. 257, 1806. Rhombohedral. R A R=86~ 4', OA1(R)=122~ 26'; (1220 25', Kokscharof); a=1'363. Observed planes: rhombohedrons, 3 2 1(R), -2, -1; pyramids, 4-2 (f. 137, 139, 140, and plane r in f. 138), %4 —2, 2-2, 1-2, 38-2,-2, -i,-2, 8-2, 9-2; scalenohedrons, 23 3' 1 (- 5 -); also 102i- 8 0., o 138 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 137 138 OA 1 =152~ 19' XoW 140 OA -141 48 42 4A OA 2 =107 38 2 ~2 9 ~0 r~A2-2 =110 9 139 /-2A2-2,pyr.=128 2 9A4 — 2:118 49 /7' 1 \ 2-2OA 4-2 -100 24 -OAA 5 -121 58 ---- 139 ~~2\ A ~ -2A4-2, pyr.=128 2 2-2A29-2)1 124 i-2 AR — 136 58 R \n` i-2 A 4-2 =151 11 i2 12 2 = 2 A2 - 78 4a Cleavage: basal, sometimes perfect, but interrupted, commonly imperfect in the blue variety; also rhombohedral. Large crystals usually rough. Twins: composition-face R. Also massive granular or impalpable; often in layers friom composition parallel to?. H.=9. G.=-3909 —416. Lustre vitreous; sometimes pearly on the basal planes, and occasionally exhibiting a bright opalescent star of six rays in the direction of the axis. Color blue, red, yellow, brown, gray, and nearly white; streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Exceedingly tough when compact. Comp., Var, —Pure alumina;l=Oxygen 46-6, aluminum 534-:=100. There are three subdivisions of the species prominently recognized in the arts, and until early in this century regarded as distinct species; but which actually differ only in purity and state of crystallization or structure. Hiaiiy first (in 1805) formally united them under the name here accepted for the species, though the fact that adamantine spar and sapphire were alike in crystallization did not escape the early crystallographer Rome de Lisle, and led him to suggest their identity. VAR. 1. SAPPHIRE.-'~YiKI0os (bluish S.) Gr.; Hyacinthos (id.) Plin., xxxvii. 44; Asteria (the asteriated) id., xxxvii. 49. Jacut Arab. [fr. name in India, and thence Hyacinthus Vet. (?) King].. "Av0paf (red S., the Greek meaning burning coal) pt., Theophr. Carbunculus, Lychnis (red S.), pt., Plin., xxxvii. 25, 29. Saphir, Sapphirus, Wall., Min., 116; Orientalisk Rubin, id., 117, 1747. Telesie H., Tr., 1801. Corindon hyalin H.,1805. Includes the purer kinds of fine colors, transparent to translucent, useful as gems. Stones are named according to their colors; true Ruby, or Oriental Ruby, red; 0. lobpas, yellow; 0. Emerald, green; 0. Amethyst, purple. A variety having a stellate opalescence when viewed in the direction of the vertical axis of the crystal, is the Asteriated Sapphire (Asteria of Pliny). The ruby sapphire was probably included under the aAOpa5 of Theophrastus, and the Carbunculus and Lychnis of Pliny. 2. CORUNDuM.-Adamas Siderites Plin., xxxvii. 15. tKarund Hind. Corivindum, Corivendum (fr. India), Woodw., Cat. Foss., 1714, 1725. Adamantine Spar (fr. India) Black, 178-? according to Greville and Klaproth (v. seq.). Demantspath Klapr., Mem. Acad., Berlin, 17,86-87, Berlin, 1792; Beitr., i. 47, 1795; Wern., Bergm. J., i. 875, 390, 1789. Spath adamantin Delameth., J. de Phys., xxx. 12, 1787; Haily, ib., 193. Corundum Greville, Phil. Trans., 1798. Corindon H., Tr., 1801. Corindon harmophane H. Corindon adamantin Brongn., Min., i. 429, 1807. Korund Germ. Includes the kinds of dark or dull colors and not transparent, colors light blue to gray, brown, and black. The original adamantine spar from India has a dark grayish smoky-brown tint, but greenish or bluish by transmitted light, when translucent, and either in distinct crystals often large, or cleavable-massive. It is ground and used as a polishing material, and being purer, is superior in this respect to emery. It was thus employed in ancient timesi both in India and Europe. The "Armenian stone " below is supposed by King to have been corundum rather than emery. -. EMERY. —'AKdvlO i'Appef;uS [=Armenian Whetstone], Theophr. Epe Dioscor., v. 165. Nakium (fr. Naxos), Naxium ex Armenia, Plin., xxxvi 10. Pyrites vivus (?) Plin., xxxvi. 30. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 139 omyrls, Smiris, Agric., Foss., 1546. Smergel, Smiris ferrea, Wall., Min., 267, 1747. Smirgel, Schmirgel, Germ. Emeril H., Tr., 1801; Corindon granuleux H., 1805. Includes granular corundum, of black or grayish-black color, and contains magnetite or hematite intimately mixed. Feels and looks much like a black fine-grained iron ore, which it was long considered. There are gradations from the evenly fine-grained emery to kinds in which the corundum is in distinct crystals. This last is the case with part of that at Chester, Massachusetts, The following are analyses by J. Lawrence Smith, taken from elaborate papers in the Am. J. Sci., II. x. 354, xi. 53, xlii. 83. The column of hardness gives the effective abrasive power of the powdered mineral, that of sapphire being 100; Mag. stands for Magnetite: H. G. 1l Mag. Ca Si II 1. Sapphire, India 100 4'06 97151 1'89 - 0'80 =100' 20. 2. Ruby, India 90 97-32 1-09 - 1-21 =99'62. 3. Corundum, Asia Minor 17 3-88 92-39 1-67 1-12 2-05 1-60=98-83. 4. " Nicaria 65 3-92 87-52 7150. 0-82 2-01 0-68=99'53. 5. " Asia 60 3-60 86'62 8-21 0'70 3-85 1-16=101-04. 6.' India 58 3-89 93-12 0-91 1-02 0-96 2-86=98'87. 7. " 55 3-91 84-56 1706 1-20 4-00 3'10=99'92. re 8. Emery, Kiulah 57 4'28 63'50 33-25 0-92 1-61 1-90=101'18. 9. " Samos 56 3-98 70'10 22-21 0-62 4'00 2'10=99'03. 10.. Nicaria 50 3-75 71106 20'32 1-40 4-12 2-53=99'43. 11. " Kulah 53 4-02 63-00 30-12 0-50 2'36 3'36=98-34. 12. " Gumuch 47 3-82 77'82 8-62 1-80 8'13 3-11=99'48. 13. " Naxos 46 3-75 68'53 24-10 0-86 3-10 4-72=101-31. 14. " Nicaria 46 3174 75'12 13806 0'72 6-88 3-10=98-88. 15. " Gumuch 42 4-31 60-10 33'20 0-48 1-80 5-62=101'20. 16. " Kulah 40 3-89 61-05 27115 1-30 9-63 2 00=101'13. 17. " Chester 33 44'01 50-21 - 3-13 und. 18. " " 40 - 50'02 44-11 3'25 " 19. " " 39 51'92 42'25 - 46' 20. " 45 74-22 19-31 5 — 48 21. - - 8402 9-63 - 481 Dr. C. T. Jackson makes the formula of emery Fe XI, and puts the mineral in the spinel family. But neither microscopic nor chemical investigations appear to sustain this view. Pyr., etc. —B.B. unaltered; slowly dissolved in borax and salt of phosphorus to a clear glass, which is colorless when free from iron; not acted upon by soda. The finely pulverized mineral, after long heating with cobalt solution, gives a beautiful blue color. Not acted upon by acids, but converted into a soluble compound by fusion with bisulphate of potash or soda. Friction excites electricity, and in polished specimens the electrical attraction continues for a considerable length of time. Obs.-This species is associated with crystalline rocks, as granular limestone or dolomite, gneiss, granite, mica slate, chlorite slate. The fine sapphires are usually obtained from the beds of rivers, either in modified hexagonal prisms or in rolled masses, accompanied by grains of magnetic iron ore, and several species of gems. The emery of Asia Minor, according to Dr. Smith, occurs in granular limestone. The best ruby sapphires occur in the Capelan mountains, near Syrian, a city of Pegu, and in the kingdom of Ava; smaller individuals occur near Bilin and Merowitz in Bohemia, and in the sand of the Expailly river in Auvergne. Blue sapphires are brought from Ceylon; this variety was called Salamstein by Werner. Corundum occurs in the Carnatic on the Malabar coast, in the territories of Ava, and elsewhere in the East Indies; also near Canton, China. At St. Gothard, it occurs of a red or blue tinge in dolomite, and near Mozzo in Piedmont, in white compact feldspar. Adamantine spar is met with in large coarse hexagonal pyramids on the Malabar coast, and in Gellivara, Sweden. Emery is found in large boulders at Naxos, Nicaria, and Samos of the Grecian islands; also in Asia Minor, 12 m. E. of Ephesus, near Gumuch-dagh, where it was discovered in situ by Dr. J. Lawrence Smith, associated with margarite, chloritoid, pyrite, calcite, etc,; and also at Kulah, Adula, and Manser, the last 24 m. N. of Smyrna; also with the nacrite (?) of Cumberland, England. Other localities are in Bohemia near Petschau; in the Ural, near Katharinenburg; and in the Ilmen mountains, not far from Miask; Frederick Valley, Australia. In N. America, in Malhine, at Greenwood, in cryst. in mica schist, with beryl, zircon, lepidolite, rare. In Massachusetts, at Chester, corundum and emery in a large and valuable vein, consisting mainly of emery and magnetite, associated with diaspore, ripidolite, margarite, etc.; the corundum occasionally in blue bi-pyramidal crystals. In Connecticut, at W. Farms, near Litchfield, in pale blue crystals; at Norwich, with sillimanite, rare. In New York, at Warwick, bluish and pink, with spinel, and often in its cavities; Amity, white, blue, reddish crystals, with spinel and 140 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. rutile in gran. limestone. In New Jersey, at Newton, blue crystals in gran. limestone, with grass. green hornblende, mica, tourmaline, rare; at Vernon, near State line, red crystals, often several inches long. In Pennsylvania, in Delaware Co., in Aston, near Village Green, in large crystals; at Mineral Hill, in loose cryst.; in Chester Co., at Unionville, abundant in crystals, some masses weighing 4,000 lbs., and crystals occasionally 4 in. long, with tourmaline, margarite, and albite. In N: Carolina, in Buncombe Co., blue massive, cleavable, in a boulder; in Gaston Co., crystals and massive corundum. In Georgia, in Cherokee Co., red sapphire. In California, in Los Angeles Co., in the drift of San Francisqueto Pass. In Canada, at Burgess, red and blue crystals. A socalled emery from Arrowsic, Maine, ground and sold under this name, is nothing but massive garnet, much of it mixed with hornblende. Red sapphire is the most highly esteemed. A. crystal weighing four carats, perfect in transparency and color, has been valued at half the price of a diamond of the same size. They seldom exceed half an inch in length. Two splendid red crystals, however, having the form of the pyramidal dodecahedron, and "de la longueur du petit doigt," with a diameter of about an inch, are said to be in the possession of the king of Arracan. Transparent blue sapphires are sometimes over three inches long. The sa2pphire of the Greek (aarstpos) was the lapis lazuli, which agrees with the character given it by Theophrastus, Pliny, Isidorus, and others. Pliny remarks, "Sapphirus coeruleus est cum purpura, habens pulveres aureos sparsos," particles of pyrite which are frequently disseminated through lapis lazuli, looking like gold. The ancient names applied to the species have already been given in the synonymy. See further on this subject, King on Precious Stones. C. U. Shepard, after showing (Descr. of Em. of Chester, Mass., London, 1865) that the Chester emery is identical crystallographically with corundum, takes the precaution to propose the name emerite for emery, in case it should hereafter be established as a distinct species. But a name thus given has no claim to recognition. Alt.-Corundum under some circumstances absorbs water and changes to diaspore; and perhaps also to the mica-like mineral margarite. It is also replaced by silica, forming quartz pseudomorphs. Artif.-Formed in crystals by exposing to a high heat 4 pts. of borax and 1 of alumina (Ebelmen); by decomposing potash alum by charcoal (Gaudin); by subjecting in a carbon vessel fluorid of aluminum to the action of boric acid, the process yielding large rhombohedral plates (Deville & Caron); by addition to the last of fluorid of chromium, affording the red sapphire or ruby, or with less of the fluorid of chromium, blue sapphire, or with much of this chrome fluorid, a fine green kind; by action of chlorid of aluminum on lime (Daubree). 180. IHEMATITE.'AtIarrns [-=Blood-stone] pt. Theophr., 325 B.c.; Dioscor., v. 143, A.D. 40. Heimatites pt. Plin., xxxvi. 28, 38, A.D. 77. (1) Galenae genus tertium omnis metalii inanissimum, Germ. Eisenglanz, (2) Haematites pt.= Germ. Blutstein, Glaskopf, Agric., Interpr., 465, 468, 1546. (1) Speglande Jernmalm, Minera, ferri specularis, (2) Haematites ruber, (3) Ochra rubra, Wall., 259-266, 1747. Rotheisenstein. (1) Jirnmalm tritura rubra, Speglande Eisenglimmer, (2) HIematites ruber, (3) Ochra pt., Cronst., 178-185, 1758. Specular Iron; Red HIematite, Red Ochre. Fer speculaire, (2) Hematite rouge, Sanguine, Fr. (1) Eisenglanz, (2) Roth Eisenstein, Rother Glaskopf, Rother Eisenrahm, Wern., Bergm. J., 1789. Iron Glance, Red Iron Ore, Red Oxyd of Iron, Micaceous Iron Ore. (1) Fer oligiste, (2) Fer oxydd rouge, H., Tr., 1801. Hdimatit Hautsm., Haid. Handb., 552, 1845, Hausm. Handb., 232, 1847. Rhombohedral. R A R=86~ 10', 0 A R= 122~ 30'; a==-13591. Observed planes: rhombohedrons, 1 1 1(R) 4 -5, 2,- -, 4 _-1 -1 7 1; scalenohedrons1~'l,, 1 42 41,,- 3 1 -23; pyramids, -2, — 2, 43-2, 102, 4-2; prisms ] i-2, -3, i-; and the basal plane 0. O A 2=10~ 40' 2 A 2=68~ 47' R A 4-2-154~ 2' 0 A 2-2=137 49 5 A 5=61 34 RA 1-=143 55 O A 4-2=118 53 ~ A 1=143 7 R A i-2=136 55 OA 1-3=103 32 A\ ~=115 22 13 A\ i-2=162 41 Cleavage: parallel to X and 0; often indistinct. Twins: compositionface R; also 0 (f. 145A). Also columnar-granular, botryoidal, and stalac ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 141 titic shapes; also lamellar, laminae joined parallel to 0, and variously bent-thick or thin; also granular, friable or compact. H.=5'5-6-65. G.=4,5 —5'3; of some compact varieties, as low as 4'2. Lustre metallic and occasionally splendent; sometimes earthy. Color dark 141 141A 142 143 Vesuvius. 144 145 145A 42 3t 3 3 Elba. Elba. steel-gray or iron-black; in very thin particles blood-red by transmitted light; when earthy, red. Streak cherry-red or reddish-brown. Opaque, except when in very thin laminae, which are faintly translucent and bloodred. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Sometimes attractable by the magnet, and occasionally even magnetipolar. Comp., Var.-Sesquioxyd of iron, e-e=Oxygen 30, iron 170=100. Sometimes containing titanium and magnesium. In a tabular crystalline hematite from Vesuvius, Rammelsberg found (Pogg., cvii. 453) Fe 3-11 and Mg 0-74; it was magnetic, and G.=5-303; the hematite may have contained some magnetite as impurity. Some hematite contains titanium. Crystals from Kragerde afforded Rammelsberg (Pogg., civ. 528) Pe 93'63, Ti 3'55, Ie 3-26=100'44=Fe Ti+ 13 Fe, or (Fe Ti)2 03+13 Pe. The varieties depend on texture or state of aggregation, and in some cases the presence of impurities. Var. 1. Specular. Lustre metallic, and crystals often splendent, whence the name specular iron. (b) When the structure is foliated or micaceous, the ore is called micaceous hematite. 2. Compact columnar; or fibrous. The masses often long radiating; lustre submetallic to metallic; color brownish-red to iron-black. Sometimes called red hematite, the name hematite among the older mineralogists including the fibrous, stalactitic, and other solid massive varieties of this species, limonite, and turgite. 3. Red Ochreous. Red and earthy. Often specimens of the preceding are red ochreous on some parts. Reddle and red chalk are red ochre, mixed with more or less clay. 4. Clay Iron-stone; Argillaceous hematite. Hard, brownish-black to reddish-brown, heavy stone; often in part deep-red; of submetallic to unmetallic lustre; and affording, like all the preceding, a red streak. It consists of oxyd of iron with clay or sand, and sometimes other impurities. (b) When reddish in color and jasper-like in texture, often called jaspery clay iron-stone. (c) When oolitic in structure (consisting of minute flattened concretions), it is the lenticular iron ore. Itabiryte is a schist resembling mica-schist, but containing much specular ore in grains or scales, or in the micaceous form. Breithaupt states that some rhombohedrons of hematite have a magnetic axis crossing obliquely the vertical axis, passing between two opposite lateral angles (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 149); and further, that the three cleavages of the rhombohedron are not quite equal. Pyr., etc,-B.B. infusible; on charcoal in R.F. becomes magnetic; with borax in O.F. gives a bead, which is yellow while hot and colorless on cooling; if saturated, the bead appears-red while 142 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. hot and yellow on cooling; in R.F. gives a bottle-green color, and if treated on charcoal with metallic tin, assumes a vitriol-green color. With soda on charcoal in R.F. is reduced to a gray magnetic metallic powder. Soluble in concentrated muriatic acid. Obs.-This ore occurs in rocks of all ages, The specular variety is mostly confined to crystalline or metamorphic rocks, but is also a result of igneous action about some volcanoes, as at Vesuvius. Many of the geological formations contain the argillaceous variety or clay iron-stone, which. is mostly a marsh-formation, or a deposit over the bottom of shallow, stagnant water; but this kind of clay iron-stone (that giving a red powder) is less common than the corresponding variety of limonite or siderite. The beds that occur in metamorphic rocks are sometimes of very great thickness, and, like those of magnetite in the same situation, have resulted from the alteration of stratified beds of ore, originally of marsh origin, which were formed at the same time with the enclosing rocks, and underwent metamorphism, or a change to the crystalline condition, at the same time. Beautiful crystallizations of this species are brought from the island of Elba, which has afforded it from a very remote period, and is described by Ovid as " Insula inexhaustis chalybdum generosa metallis." The surfaces of the crystals often present an irised tarnish and brilliant lustre; the faces 0 and i are usually destitute of this tarnish and lustre, and maytherefore assist, when present, in determining the situation of other planes when the crystal is quite complex. St. Gothard affords beautiful specimens, composed of crystallized plates grouped in the form of rosettes (Eisenrose), and accompanying crystals of feldspar. Near Limoges, France, it occurs in large crystals. Fine crystals are the result of volcanic action at Etna and Vesuvius, and particularly in Fossa Cancharone, on Monte Somma, where it incrusts the ejected lavas; also formed in most recent eruptions about the fumeroles; in that of 1855, in fine crystallizations about the fumaroles some so thin as to be blood-red by transmitted light (Scacchi). Arendal in Norway, Longban in Sweden, Framont in Lorraine, Dauphiny, and Switzerland, also Cleator Moor in Cumberland, afford splendid specimens. Red hematite occurs in reniform masses of a fibrous concentric structure, near Ulverstone in Lancashire, in Saxony, Bohemia, and the Harz. In Westphalia it occurs as pseudomorphs of calcite. In Brazil it is associated with quartz. In Chili there are immense beds. In N. America, widely distributed, and sometimes in beds of vast thickness in rocks of the Azoic age, as in the Marquette region in northern Michigan; and in Missouri, at the Pilot Knob and the Iron Mtn.; the former 650 feet high, consisting mainly of an Azoic quartz rock, and having specular iron in the upper part, the iron ore in heavy beds interlaminated with quartz; the latter 200 feet high, and consisting at surface of massive hematite in loose blocks, many 10 to 20 tons in weight; in Arizona and New Mexico. Besides these regions of enormous beds, there are numerous others of workable value, either crystallized or argillaceous. Some of these localities, interesting for their specimens, are in northern New York, at Gouverneur, Antwerp, Hermon, Edwards, Fowler, Canton, etc.; Woodstock and Aroostook, Me.; at Hawley, Mass., a micaceous variety; at Piermont, N. H., id.; in New York, in Oneida, Herkimer, Madison, Wayne Cos., a lenticular argillaceous var., constituting one or two beds in the Upper Silurian; the same in Pennsylvania, and as far south as Alabama; and in Canada, and Wisconsin to the west; in North and South Carolina a micaceous variety in schistose rocks, constituting the so-called specular schist, or itabirite. This ore affords a considerable portion of the iron manufactured in different countries. The varieties, especially the specular, require a greater degree of heat to smelt than other ores, but the iron obtained is of good quality. Pulverized red hematite is employed in polishing metals, and also as a coloring material. This species is readily distinguished from magnetite by its red streak, and from turgite by its greater hardness and its not decrepitating before the blowpipe. Named hematite from at/ya, blood, it seeming, says Theophrastus, as if formed of concreted blood. This old Greek author speaks afterwards of a second kind of hematites ('AylraTir7s;avO), which was of a yellowish-white color, probably a yellow ochre, an impure form of limonite, the species long called brown hematite. Alt.-By deoxydation through organic matter forms magnetite or protoxyds; and from the latter comes spathic iron by combination with carbonic acid; or by further deoxydation through sulphuretted hydrogen forms pyrite. By combination with water forms limonite. Limonite, magnetite, and pyrite constitute occurring pseudomorphs after hematite. Artif.-Formed in crystals by the action of steam on chlorid of iron, regarded as the probable method of origin of the hematite of lavas; also by the action of perchlorid of iron on lime (Daubre'e); by the action of a stream of muriatic acid gas on Fe, the application being made very slowly, lest the Fe be all converted to chlorid. 180A. MARTITE. (Martit Breith., Char., 233, 1832). Martite is sesquioxyd of iron under an isometric form, occurring in octahedrons like magnetite (f. 2), and supposed to be pseudomorphous, mostly after magnetite. H.=6-7. G.=4'809 —4832, Brazil, Breith.; 4'65, Puy de Dome; 4-35, Frassem, Devalque; 5'15, Brazil, Ramm.; 5'33, Monroe, N. Y., Hunt. Lustre submetallic. Color iron-black, sometimes with a bronzed tarnish. Streak reddish-brown or purplishbrown. Fracture conchoidal. Not magnetic, or only feebly so. ANHYDROIS OxYDS. 143 The crystals are sometimes imbedded in the massive sesquioxyd. They are distinguished from magnetite by the red streak, and v6ry feeble, if any, action on the magnetic needle. Found at the localities mentioned; also in Vermont at Chittenden; in the Marquette iron region south of L. Superior, where crystals are common in the ore, as if all of it, or the greater part, were martite; Bass lake, Canada West; at Monroe, N. Y., in a rock containing quartz, feldspar, and hornblende, and imbedded in each of these minerals; in Moravia, near Schonberg, in granite. The martite of Monroe contains some Fe, Brush. The octahedral crystals from Chlittenden, Vt., according to D. Olmstead, are part true magnetite, with a black powder; part give a slightly reddish streak, with little Fe; and part give a red powder and contain no Fe. Whether the crystals of martite are original crystals or pseudomorphs is still questioned; but the latter seems to be the most probable view. Pseudomorphism after magnetite would imply that the Marquette ore bed was once all magnetite in composition, Fe3 04, and has been changed to the sesquioxyd, Fe2 03, by an addition of oxygen. Rammelsberg found 1'83- 2'30 p. c. of protoxyd of iron in the Brazil crystals. The octahedrons from the fumeroles of Vesuvius afforded Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 159) Pe 92'91, Fe 6-17, Mg 0-82 —99'90. The crystals from Frassem, France, contain 0'2 p. c. of sulphur, which suggests that these may be pseudomorphs after pyrite. 181. MENACCANITE:. Specular Iron pt., Eisensand pt., of last cent. Menachanite (fr. Cornwall) Wm. HMcGregor, J. de Phys., 72, 152, 1791, Crell's Ann., 1791, and Kirwan's Min., 1796 (making it to consist of iron and an oxyd of a probably new metal). Eisenhaltige Titanerze, Menakanit (fr. Cornw.) Klapr., Beitr., ii. 226; (fr. Aschaffenberg) ib., 232, 235, 1797. Titane oxyd6 ferrifere H., Tr., 1801. Miinaken Karst., Tab., 74, 1808. Titaneisenstein, Titaneisen, Germ. Titanic or Titaniferous Iron. Crichtonite (spelt Craitonite) Bourn., Cat., 430, 1813. Axotomes Eisenerz (fr. Gastein) Mobs, Grundr., ii. 462, 1824.=Kibdelophan v. Kob., Schweig. J., lxiv. 1832. Ilmenit (fr. L. Ilmen) A. T. Kunpfer, Kastn. Arch., x. 1, 1827. Mohsite (fr. Dauphine) Levy, Phil. Mag., i. 221, 1827. Hystatisches Eisenerz, ilystatite (fr. Arendal), Breith., Uib., 64, 1830, Char., 236, 1832. Basanomelan (fr. St. Gothard,=Eisenrose) v. Kob., Grundr., 318. 1838. Washingtonite (fr. Coun.) Shep., Am. J. Sci., xliii. 364, 1842. Titanioferrite Chapm., Min., 1843. Paracolumbite (fr. Taunton) Shep., ib., II. xii. 209, 1851. Rhombohedral; tetartohedral to the hexagonal type. / A R\ =85~ 40' -860 10', 860 5', Rose and Descloizeaux, 85~ 59', Mohs. Observed planes: rhombohedrons. a, l(R), -5, -2, -,; pyra14,6 mids, 2-2, 4-2, 1O-2, which are hemihedral; also. n i-2, O. Angles nearly as in hematite; O A R -k ~ \i2\ - 122~ 23', and R A -2 154~ 0' when _J A R= /-2' _42 R 860. Often a cleavage parallel with the terminal \ 3 plane, but properly due to planes of composition.''2 / 2 / Crystals usually tabular. Twins: compositionface 0; sometimes producing, when repeated, a form resembling f. 144. Often in thin plates or laminse; in loose grains as sand. HI. 5-6. G.=45- 5. Lustre submetallic. Color iron-black. Streak submetallic, powder black to brownish-red. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Influences slightly the magnetic needle. Comp., VTar. —(Ti, Fe)'OS (or hematite, with part of the iron replaced by titanium), the proportion of Ti to Fe varying. - Rammelsberg writes the formula Fe Ti + n Fe, which is equivalent to (J Fe + ~ Ti)2 03-+n Fe2 03, the Fe2 03 being in varying proportions. Sometimes also containing magnesia or manganese, whence the more general formula (Ti, Fe, Mn, Mg)2 03, The varieties recognized arise mainly from the proportions of iron to titanium. They have been named as follows, commencing with that containing the most titanium. NTo satisfactory external distinctions have yet been made out: 1. Kibdelojphane. About 30 p. c. titanium (anal. 1). In crystals, but usually massive, or in thin plates; R A R=850 59'; G.=4'661, fr. Gastein, Mohs; 4-723-4-735, ib., Breith. 2. Crichtonite. Composition essentially like that of the preceding (anal. 2 and 23). In acute 144 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. rhombohedrons, with basal cleavage; R A R=86~ 62-'; -5 A -5=61~ 27'; G.=4'79, from St. Cristophe (original); 4'689, same compound from Ingelsberg, Ramm. (anal. 23); lustre bright. 3. Ilmenite. 26-30 p. c. titanium, and near the preceding in composition, but containing more sesquioxyd of iron (anal. 3-6, 27). Crystallized and massive; R A R=85~ 43'; G. —4-895, fr. Ilmen Mts. (original), Breith.; 4-81 —4873, ib., Ramm. For same compound fr. Egersund, 4-744 -4'791, Ramm.; fr. Krageroe 4-701. 4..Menaccanite. About 25 p. c. of titanium, and with more sesquioxyd of iron than in the preceding (anal. 7-10, 28, 29). Massive, and in grains or as a sand (Eisensand). G.=-4-7 —4-8, fr. near Menaccan, Cornwall (orig.). Similar compound from Iserwiese, 4'676-4'752, Ramm. (Iserine?) 5. Hystatite. 15-20 p. c. titanium, and much Fe (anal. 11-14). R A R=86 10'; G.= —5, fr. Arendal (orig.). Washingtonite belongs here (anal. 13, 14. 30). Occurs in large tabular rather dull crystals; R A R=86~ approximately; G.=4'963, fr. Westerly, PR. I., and 5'016, fr. Litchfield, Ct. (orig.), Shepard; for latter, 4-986, Ramm. 6. Uddevallite D. About 10 p. c. titanium and 70 p. c. of Pe (anal 15). The Aschaffenberg titanic iron is near this. It occurs massive and in plates, and has G.=4'78. 7. Basanomelan (Eisenrose of the Alps). 6 to 8 p. c. Ti, and 75 to 83 of Fe (anal. 17). G.= 4'95 —521. It is properly a titaniferous hematite. 8. Krageroe hematite. Containing less than 3 p. c. of titanium (anal. 35). 9. Magnesian Menaccanite; Picrotanite D. Contains 10 to 15 p. c. of magnesia, anal. 24; formula (Fe, Mg) Ti; G.=4-293 —4313. Named from.t7Koa, bitter, in allusion to the magnesia. The Mobsite is of uncertain locality and composition. The occurring rhombohedron affords the angle 73~ 45' (Levy); crystals tabular; in twins; no cleavage observable. The loose Iron-sand of Iserwiese, called iserine, is in part, at least, in isometric octahedrons; and the trargpisches Eisenerz, Breith., is similar.. See ISERINE beyond. Paracolumbite is an iron-black mineral from 1 m. 6S.W. of Taunton, Mass., having H. about 5. Pisani has proved it to be of this species. He found G.=4-353, H. 4'5. Analyses: 1, v. Kobell (Schw. J., lxiv. 59, 245); 2, Marignac (Ann. Ch. Phys., iII. xiv. 50); 3, 4, Mosander (Ak. H. Stockh., 1829, 220, Pogg., xix. 211); 5, Delesse (These sur l'empl. de l'anal., etc., p. 46); 6, H, Rose (Pogg., iii. 163); 7, v. Kobell (1. c.); 8-12, Mosander (1. c.); 13, Kendall (This Min., 2d edit., 527); 14, Marignac (1. c.); 15, Plantamour (J. pr. Ch., xxiv. 302); 16-18, v. Kobell (1. c.); 19, T. S, Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1849, 1850, 105, and 1863, 501); 20, J. M'iller (Jahrb., 1859, 775); 21, 22, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., ii. 445); 23-35, Rammelsberg (Pogg., civ. 497, and Min. Ch., 406): Ti Fe'e Mnu Mg Ca 1. Gastein, Kibdel. 59'00 4'25 36-00 1-65 -=100 Kobell. 2. St. Christophe, Cricht. 52-27 1-20 46-53 -- - -=100 Marignac. * 3. Ilmen Mts., Ilmenite 46-92 10'74 37'86 2'73 1-14 — =99'39 Mosander. 4. " " 46'67 1.1-71 35-37 2-39 0-60 0-25, Cr 038, Si 2-80=100-17 M. 5. " " 45'4 40-7 14-1 - 05, Sn 05, Pbb 0-2=101-4 Del. 6. Egersund " 43'73 42'70 135157 - -- =100 Rose.'. " L.enacc. 43-24 28-66 27-91 — =99-81 Kobell. 8. " 42-57 23-21 2927 - 1-22 0'50,.r 0.33, Si 1-65=98i75 M. 9. " 41-08 25'93 29-04 - 1'94 0'49,Yt,Ce 0'58, Si0'07=99'13M. 10. " " 3904 29'16 27-23 0-21 2-30 0'90,.r 0'12, Si 0-31=99'13 M. 11. Arendal, ilystatite 24'19 53'01 19'91 -- 0'68 0'33, Si 1'17-9929 M. 12. " " 28'59 58'51 13'90 -- 110 0-86, r 0-44, Si 1-88=100-28 M. 13. Litchfield, " 25-28 51-84 22-86 -- — =99-98 Kendall. 14. " " 22'21 59'07 1872 — =100 Marignac. 15. Uddewalla, Titan. IL 16556 71125 11-32 F, Si, loss 1-87 Plantamour. 16. Aschaffenberg, " 14-16 75-00 10'04 0'80 — =100 Kobell. 17. Schweiz, Basanom. 12-67 82-49 4-84 -- =100 Kobell. 18. " Titanic. 10-0 88-5 1-5 tr:. = — -100 Kobell. 19. St. Paul's, Canada 48-60 10-42 31706 3-60 — =99-68 Hunt. 20. Maxhoven, Bav. 51 60 4179 -- - 0-30, Al, Si 2-47-100-16 Muller. 21. Antioquia, R. Chico 57'09 - 42'11 0'80 -- =100 Damour. 22. C" ienaga 48'14 50'17 1'69 -=100 Damour. Sp. gr. Ti e Fe n Mig Fe Ti: e 23. Ingelsberg 4-689 53'03 2'66 38830 4'30 1'65=99'94 1-: 0 24. Warwick, N. Y. 4'313, 4-293 57'71 -- 26-82 0'90 13'71=99'14 1: 0 25. Ilmen Mts. 4'81, 4'873 45'93 14'30 36'52 2172 0'59=100'06 6: 1 26. Egersund -4744, 4-791 51'30 8'87 39'83 tr. - 040=100'40 9:-1 ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 145 Ratio. Sp. gr. Ti Fe Pe Mn Ig Pe Ti: Pe 27. Kragerae 4'701 46-92 11-48 39'82 - 1-22=99'50 9: 1 28. Iserwiese 4-752 37'13 28'40 29'20 3'01 2'97=100'71 3: 1 29. " 4'676 42'20 23'36 30'57 1'74 1'57-99'44 3: 1 30. Litchfield, Ct. 4'986 23'72 53-71 22'39 0'25 0'50-100'57 1 1 31. Eisenach 5'060 16'20 69'91 12'60 0'77 0-55 —100'03 1: 2 32. Snfarum 4'943 10'02 77'17 8'52 - 133, A1 1-46=98-50 1: 4 33. Binnen Vat. 5'127, 5'150(a) 9-18 81'92 8'60 -- — 9970 1 4 34. St. Gothard 5'187, 5'209 9-10 83'41 7'63 0'44 tr. =100-58 1: 4 35. Kragerde 5'2406 3-55 93'63 2'26 -- — =10044 1: 13 With the analyses 23 to 35 the ratio of Fe Ti to Fe is.given in the last column, from Rammelsberg, who writes the formula for 23, 24, Fe Ti; for 25, 6 Fe Ti +pe; for 26, 9 Fe Ti+t-e, and so on. But calculating the ratio between the metals combined and the oxygen, for these same analyses, we have: Metals. Oxygen. Ratio. Metals. Oxygen. Ratio. Anal. 23. 21-77 32'11 1: 1-48 Anal. 30. 20'52 30'80 1: 1'50 i' 24. 22-71 34'64 1: 1-52 " 31. 20'29 30-62 1: 1'51 " 25. 20-67 31-55 1: 1-50 " 32. 20'14 30'29 1: 150 " 26. 20-09 32'11 1: 1-60' 33. 20'07 30'14 1: 1-50 " 27. 20-58 31'48 1: 1-53 " 34. 20'23 30'41 1: 1'50 " 28. 21'17 31'67 1: 1'50 " 35. 20'13 30'22 1 1'50 " 29. 20'62 31-64 1: 1-54 These ratios are, with two or three exceptions, almost exactly 2: 3, which shows still better that they correspond with the general formula R12 03. Analyses 1 to 22 afford this same ratio and formula. Rose made the formula min+ n ie, assuming that the Fe obtained in the analyses arose from the oxydation of a supposed titanic oxyd (Ti2 03) at the expense of the Pe. This view is not sustained, since it has been proved that the Fe exists as such in the ore. For other analyses: fr. Harzburg in Gabbro, Streng, B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 55; fr. Cape de Verd Isles, Silva, C. R., lxv. 1867; fr. Ldbauer Berg, E. Calberla,.Ber. Iris Dresd., 1866, 136. Paracolumbite afforded Pisani Ti 35'66, Pe 3-48, Fe 39'08, M g1-94, Ca 2-06, Si and insoluble matters 10-66, 1l 7'66 (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxvii. 359). It is so mixedwith the gangue that it is extremely difficult to obtain it pure. A menaccanite found at Rajamaki, Finland, contains some columbic acid replacing part of the titanic (Pogg., cxxii. 615). Pyr., etc. —B.B. infusible in O.F. although slightly rounded on the edges in R.F. With borax and salt of phosphorus reacts for iron in O.F., and with the latter flux assumes a more or less intense brownish-red color in R.F.; this treated with tin on charcoal changes to a violet-red color when the amount of titanium is not too small. The pulverized mineral, heated with muriatic acid, is slowly dissolved to a yellow solution, which, filtered from the undecomposed mineral and boiled with the addition of tin-foil, assumes a beautiful blue or violet color. Decomposed by fusion with bisulphate of soda or potash. Obs.-The principal European localities of this species have been enumerated above. One of the most remarkable is at KragerSe, Norway, where it occurs in veins or beds in diorite, which sometimes afford crystals weighing over 16 pounds. Fine crystals, sometimes an inch in diameter, occur in Warwick, Amity, and Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., imbedded in serpentine and white limestone, and associated with spinel, chondrodite, rutile, etc.; also 4 m. west of Edenville, and near Greenwood furnace with spinel and chondrodite; also at Chester and South Royalston, Mass. Vast deposits or beds of titanic ore occur at Bay St. Paul in Canada, in syenite; one bed, 90 feet thick, continues on in view for 300 feet, and probably far beyond; also in the Seignory of St. Francis, Beauce, mixed with magnetite as a bed 45 feet thick in serpentine; G.=4-56 —4'66; also with labradorite at Chateau Richer. Grains are found in the gold sand of California. 181A. ISERITE. (Titaneisenstein pt., Magnetischer Eisen-Sand pt., Wern. Iserin (fr. Iser) Wern., Letztes Min., 26, 52, 1817, Hoffim. Min., iv. 258, 1817. Okta6drieches Titaneisen-Oxyd Wern. Iserin tBreith., Char., 51, 1820. Hexaedrisches Eisen-Erz.Mobs, Min., 436, 1839.) Iserite is supposed to be isometric titanic iron, and, like martite, to be pseudomorphous. Forms like f. 2, 5, 6, 8. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 419); 2, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xix. 350); 3, Edwards (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1855); 4, Vogel and Rischauer (Jahresb., 1856, 840): Ti Pe Fe Mg 1. Iserwiese 57'19 15-67 26-00 1'94-100'60 Ramm. 2. Plattensee, Hung. 30'71 49-93 18-88 3'79=103'31 HIauer. 3. Mersey 13-20 42-08 31-10, A1 8-62, Si 4-02=99'02 Edwards. 4. Silberberg 18'53 63'00 17-79 — =99'32 V. & R. 1.0 146 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. The locality of Iserwiese gave the name to this mineral. The titanic iron-sand is partly in octahedral forms, and this portion, if not all, is the iserine. Yet it is still doubted whether the otahedrons are regular octahedrons, or whether they are acute rhombohedrons with truncated apices, and therefore true ilmenite. The Iserwiese crystals, as analyzed by Rammelsberg (anal. 1), give for the ratio between the metals and oxygen 2: 2-33, which is much more oxygen than the formula R2 03 requires, and is still further remote from that of magnetite. The ore from SioFok, on the Platensee, as analyzed by v. Hauer (anal. 2), affords the general formula (Fe, Ti)2 03 +Fe2 02, equivalent to Fe 0O Ti 02+ Fe203' (or Fe Ti~ +e). G. —4'817. The grains were in part octahedrons, and some with truncated angles. The sand on the Mersey comes from the shores nearly opposite Liverpool, and is mixed with magnetite. This is indicated in the analysis, which affords the formula 3 Fe O, Ti 02 (or 3 (Fe, Ti)2 03) + 5 Fe Pe (or 5 of magnetite). Minute octahedrons occur at Ballycrogan, Mull of Cantyre, Sand from Muggelsee, near Berlin, having G.=- 5075, afforded Rammelsberg a similar composition, but with only 5'20 p. c. Ti, it giving him the formula Fe O Ti 02+ 6 of magnetite. It is not stated that this sand is octahedral. The ore from Silberberg, near Bodenmais, in Bavaria, corresponds nearly to 41 (Fe, Ti)2 03+ 8 Fe2 03, and therefore comes under the general formula R2 03. Waltershausen has obtained from octahedral crystals of an iron-sand from Etna (Vulk. Gest. 121), having G.=-4'43, Ti 12'38 and Fe 92'18-104'56. The analysis needs repetition, A. Knop obtained for a titanic iron-sand a composition corresponding to magnetite in atomic ratio, giving the ratio 1: 1-25 between the metals and oxygen. See under MAGNETITE. Iserine is reported also from Bohemia, Saxony, Calabria, Puy-de-Dome in France. 182. PEROPSKITK E. Perowskit G. Rose, Pogg., xlviii. 558, 1839, Reis. Ural., ii. 128. Isometric, Rose (fr. Ural). (Rhombohedral?). Observed planes: 0, 1, 1, 2, i-, 4, i-, 2-2, 3-3 2-49 9. Habit cubic; f. 1, 5, 16; also 17, except that the planes are i-4. Rholnbohedral, Descl. (fr. Zermatt); with R A/ R nearly 90~. Perhaps dimorphous. Cleavage: parallel to the cubic, or rhombohedral; faces rather perfect. H.=5-5. G.=4-017, fr. Achmatovsk; 4-03 —4-039, fr. Zermatt, Damour; 4'02, fr. Schelingen, Seneca. Lustre metallic-adamantine; color pale yellow, honey-yellow, orange-yellow, reddish-brown, grayish-black to ironblack; streak colorless, grayish. Transparent to opaque. Cornp.-(Ca+ Ti) O0=R2 03-Titanic acid 59'4, lime 40'6=100. Analyses: 1, Jacobson (Pogg., ixii. 596); 2, Brooks (ib.); 3, 4, F. Seneca (Ann. Ch. Pharm., civ. 371); 5, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. vi. 512): Ti Ca Fe 1. Achmatovsk, black 58'96 39'20 2-06 Mg, Mn tr.=-10022 Jacobson. 2. " brown 59-00 36-76 4-79 " 011 —100-07 Brooks. 3. Schelingen, black 58'95 35'69 6'23=100'87 Seneca. 4.' " 59'30 35'94 5'99=101'23 Seneca. 5. Zermatt, yellow (.) 59'23 39'92 1'14=100'29 Damour. Pyr., etc.-In the forceps and on charcoal infusible. With salt of phosphorus in O.F. dissolves easily, giving a greenish bead while hot, which becomes colorless on cooling; in R.F. the bead changes to grayish-green, and on cooling assumes a violet-blue color. Entirely decomposed by boiling sulphuric acid. Obs.-Occurs in small crystals or druses of crystals, all of dark colors, associated with crystallizedc chlorite, and magnetic iron in chlorite slate, at Achmatovsk, near Slatoust in the Ural; at Schelingen in the Kaisersthal, in white or yellowish granular limestone, with mica, magnetite, and pyrochlore; in the valley of Zermatt, near the Findelen glacier, where crystalline masses occur, in talcose schist, as large as the fist, and the interior, if not the whole, is of a light yellow color (showing that the darker shades are due to alteration), along with garnet, idocrase, sphene, zircon, corundum, rutile, titanic iron, serpentine, etc.; at Wildkreuzjoch, between Pfitsch and Pfunders in the Tyrol, a crystal, probably of this species, having, according to Hessenberg, the planes O, i, i-i, 3-3, 2-4, -"4. Also in black cubo-octahedrons at MIagnet Cove, Arkansas (Shepard). Named after v. Perofski of St. Petersburg. On cryst., see G. Rose, 1. c.; Kokscharof; Min. Russl., i. 197; HIessenberg, Min. Not., iv. 20 Descloizeaux, Ann. d. M., V. xiv. 417. If the forms were all isometric, they would still be closely isomorphous with the rhombohedron of hematite. Artif.-Formed in crystals by making lime to act at a high temperature on silicate of titanium:(Ebelmen). ANHYDROIS OXYDS. 147 3. COMPOUNDS OF PROTOXYDS AND SESQUIOXYDS. 183. SPINEL. Isometric. Observed planes: 1, I, 0, 2, 3-3. Habit l4 octahedral; f. 2, 7, 8, 20. Faces of octahedron sometimes convex. Cleavage: octahedral. Twins: f. 50; composition-face 1. 1 H.=8. G.=35 —4'9; 3'523, Haidinger; 3'575, red spinel. Lustre vitreous; splendent-nearly dull. Color red of various shades, passing into blue, green, yellow, 1 brown and black; occasionally almost white. Streak white. Transparent-nearly opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Comp., Var.-Consists of alumina and magnesia, Mg A1, with more or less of the magnesia (Mg) usually replaced by protoxyd of iron (Fe), and sometimes also in part by lime (Ca), protoxyd of manganese (Mn); and the alumina in part by sesquioxyd of iron (Fe). There is thence a gradation into kinds containing little or no magnesia, which stand as distinct species, viz.: Hercynite and Gahnite. M3Ig AlAlumiua 72, magnesia 28=100. Var. 1. Ruby, or Magnesia Spinel. "AvOpas pt.,'AvOpxKa 7r-c MiXiTrov, Theophr. Carbunculus pt., Lychnis pt. [rest ruby sapphire], Plin., xxxvii. 25, 29. Spinella, Carbunculus pt., Rubinus pt., Carb. ruber parvus,z= Gernt. Spinel, Ballagius (a pallido colore videtur appellasse), = Germ. Ballas, Lychnis,= Gernm. Gelblichter Rubin, Agric., Foss., 293, Interpr., 463, 1546. Rubin orientales octaedrici, seu octo hedris comprehensi, qum mode triangula sunt, modo trapezia, aliquando hedrm oblongse angulos solidos occupant, etc., Cappeler, Prod. Crystallogr. Lucerne, 1723. Rubinus pt. (Spinell, Ballas, Rubicelle), WalZ., Min., 115, 1447. Rubis spinelle octaddre (Spinelle, Balais), de Lisle, Crist., ii. 224, 1783 [by de L. first made distinct in species from Ruby Sapphire]. -Clear red or reddish; transparent to translucent; sometimes subtranslucent. G. = 352-3'58. Composition ig X1, with little or no Fe, and sometimes oxyd of chrome as a source of the red color. Varieties are denominated as follows: (a) Spinel-Ruby, deep-red; (b) Balas-Ruby, rose-red; (c) Rubicelle, yellow or orange-red; (d) Almandine, violet. 2. Ceylonite, or Iron-Magnesia Spinel. Ceylanite (fr. the French spelling of Ceylon) Delameth., J. de Phys., xlii. 23, 1793. Zeylanit Karst., Tab., 28, 72, 1800. Pleonaste H., Tr., 1801. Ceylonit Ramm. Candite (fr. Candy, Ceylon) Bourn.-Color dark-green, brown to black, mostly opaque or nearly so; G.=3'5-3-6. Composition (lMg, Fe) A1 or (Mg, Fe) (X1, re). 3. ifagznesia-Lime Spinel? Color green. From analyses of specimens of green spinel from Franklin, N. J., and Amity, N. Y., by Thomson (Min. i. 214), about which it may be rig'ht to have doubts. 4. Ohlorospinel, or Magnesia-Iron Spinel. Chlorospinel (fr. Slatoust) G. Rose, Pogg., 1. 652, 1850. Gahnit B. de Marni, 1833.-Color grass-green, owing to the presence of copper; G.3'591 —3594. Composition Mg (A1, Fe), the iron being in the state of sesquioxyd. 5. Picotite Charpentier, J. d. M., xxxii. 1812, Gilb. Ann.,. xlvii., 205. Chrome-ceylonite. — Contains over 7 p. c. of oxyd of chrome, and has the formula (Mg, Fo) (A1, Fe, Fer). Color black; lustre brilliant; G. =4-08. The original was from a rock occurring about L. Lherz, called Lherzolite by Delametherie (T. T., ii. 281, 1797), and earlier described by Picot de la Peyrouse (Mem. Ac. Toulouse, iii. 410), after whom picotite is named, the constituents of which rock are stated by Descloizeaux (Min., i. 65) to be chrysolite, a brown infusible pyroxene-mineral related to hypersthene, a green fusible pyroxene, and disseminated grains (rarely octahedral crystals) of picotite. Analyses: 1, 2, Abich (Pogg., xxiii. 305); 3, Berzelius (Gehlen's J., vi. 304); 4, 5, Thomson (Min., i. 214); 6, C. Gmelin (Jahresb., iv. 156); 7-10, Abich (1. c.); 11, Abich (Ak. H., Stockh., 1842, 6); 12, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 294); 13, Erdmann (Ak. H., Stockh., 1848); 14, Pisani (C. R., lxiii.); 15, 16, IH. Rose (Pogg., 1, 652); 17, Damour (Bull. G. Soc., II. xix. 413); 18, Hilger (Jahrb. Min., 1866, 399): Al F i Pe Mig Ca S i 1. Ceylon, red 69'01 - 0171 26'21 - 202, Vlr 1-10=99'05 Ab. 2. Aker, blue 68'94; 3'49 25'72 - 225=-10047 Abich. 3. " 2' 72-25 4'26 14-63 - 548=96'62 B. and H. 148 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Alt e Fe l(.g a Si 4. Franklin, N. J., green 73'1 -) 13'63 7'42 5-62=99'98 Thomson. 5. Amity, N. Y. 61.79 - - 1787 1056 - CaC 280, 098=99-60 T 6. Ceylon, Ceylonite 57120 - 20'51 18'24 - 315=99'11 Gmelin. 7. Ural, Pleonaste 65-27 13'97 17'58 -- 250=99-32 Abich. 8. Monzoni, " 66'89 8'07 23'61 - 1'23=99'80 Abich. 9. Vesuvius,' 6746 -- 5'06 25'94 - 2'38=100'85 Abich. 10. Iserwiese, " 59'66 19'29 17'70 - 1-79=99-17 Abich. 11. Vesuvius, 62-84 6'15 3'87 24'87 --- 1'83 —9956 Abich. 12. Arendal, " 5517 - 1833 17'65 - 5'09, Mn 271 —9895 S. 13. Tunaberg, " 62'95 23-46 13'03 -- -- 99-44 Erdmann. 14. Auvergne," 59-06 10'72 13'60 17-20 -- - =100-58 Pisani. 15. Ural, chlorospine2 64'13 87'0 -- 2677 027 -- Cu 0-27=100-14 Rose. 16. " " 57-34 1477 -- 2749 -- Cu 0-62=100'22 Rose. 17. L. Lherz, Picotite 55-34 - 24'60 10-18 -- 198, ir 7-90=100 Damour. 18. Hofheim, " 53-93 11'40 3'85 23-59 - -- r 7'23=100 Hilger. Pyr., etc. —B.B. alone infusible; red variety changes to brown, and even black and opaque, as the temperature increases, and on cooling becomes first green, and then nearly colorless, and at last resumes the red color. Slowly soluble in borax, more readily in salt of phosphorus, with which it gives a reddish bead while hot, becoming faint chrome-green on cooling. The black varieties give reactions for iron with the fluxes. Soluble with difficulty in concentrated sulphuric acid. Decomposed by fusion with bisulphate of soda or potash. Obs.-Spinel occurs imbedded in granular limestone, and with calcite in serpentine, gneiss, and allied rocks. It also occupies the cavities of masses ejected from some volcanoes. In Ceylon, in Siam, and other eastern countries, it occurs of beautiful colors, as rolled pebbles in the channels of rivers. Pleonaste is found at Candy, in Ceylon. At Aker, in Sweden, is found a pale-blue and pearl-gray variety in limestone. Small black splendent crystals occur in the ancient ejected masses of Mount Somma, with mica and idocrase; also in compact gehlenite at Monzoni, in the Fassa valley. From Amity, N. Y., to Andover, N. J., a distance of about 30 miles, is a region of granular limestone and serpentine, in which localities of spinel abound. At Amity crystals are occasionally 16 in. in diameter; and one collected by Dr. Heron weighs 49 lbs.; it is in three pieces, and contains cavities studded with crystals of corundum; colors, green, black, brown, and less commonly red, along with chondrodite and other minerals. A mile S.W. of Amity, on J. Layton's farm, is a remarkable locality; also on W. Raynor's farm, a mile N.; another half mile N. affording grayishred octahedrons; and others to the south. Localities are numerous about Warwick, and also at Monroe and Cornwall, though less favorable for exploration than those at Amity (form 1, also 1, i, 3-3, f. 147). Franklin, N. J., affords crystals of various shades of black, blue, green, and red, which are sometimes transparent, and a bluish-green ceylonite variety here, has the lustre of polished steel; Newton, N. J., pearl-gray crystals, along with blue corundum, tourmaline, and rutile; at Byram, red, brown, green, and black colors, along with chondrodite; at Sterling, Sparta, Hamburgh, and Vernon, N. J., are other localities. Light-blue spinels occur sparingly in limestone in Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 2~ m. S. of Oxbow, and rose and reddish-brown in Gouverneur, 2 m. N. and I m. W. of Somerville, St. Lawrence Co.; green, blue, and occasionally red varieties occur in granular limestone at Bolton, Boxborough, Chelmsford, and Littleton, Mass. Soft octahedral crystals occur in Warwick, which are pseudomorphs, consisting partly of steatite or serpentine. Good black spinel is found in Burgess, Canada West; blue with clintonite at Daillebout, C. E. Alt.-Observed altered to steatite, serpentine, v51knerite, mica. Artif.-Formed in crystals by heating a mixture of alumina and magnesia with boracic acid, and also, for red spinel, some oxyd of chrome; for black, oxyd of iron (Ebelmen); by using fluorids of aluminum and magnesium and boracic acid, with heat (Deville & Caron); by action of chlorid of aluminum in vapor on magnesia (Daubr e). 184. HER(CYNITE. Hercynit F. X. Zippe, Min. BShm., 1839. Hercinite bad orthogr. IronSpinel. Isometric. Occurs massive, fine granular. H.=7-5-8. G.-3'91 —395. Lustre vitreous, externally dull. Color black. Streak dark grayish-green toleek-green. Opaque. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 149 Comp. —Fe Al=Alumina 58'9, oxyd of iron 41 1=100. Analysis by B. Quadrat (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lv. 351): K1 61'17 Mg 2'92 PFe 35617=99176. Pyr., etc. —B.B. infusible. The heated powder becomes brick-red, and gives iron reactions. With soda fuses only imperfectly to an olive-green mass. Obs.-From Ronsberg, at the eastern foot of the Bohmerwald Mts. Named from the Latin of the Bohemian Forest, Silva flercynia (Plin., iv. 25, 28). 185. GAHNIT3E. Zinc-Spinel. Automolite (fr. Fahlun) Ekeberg, Afh., i. 84, 1806. Gahnit v Moll, Efem., iii. 78, 1807. Spinelle Zincifere H., Tabl., 67, 99, 1809. Dysluite (fr. Sterling, N. J.J Keating, J. Ac. N. Sci., Philad., ii. 287, 1821; Shep., Min., i. 158, 1832, ii. 1 76, 1835; Thomson, Min., i. 220, 1836. Kreittonite v. Kob., J. pr. Ch., xliv., 99, 1848. Spinellus superiusBreith., Handb., 623, 1847. Isometric. In octahedrons, dodecahedrons, etc., like spinel. H. 75-8. G.=4 —4-6. Lustre vitreous, or somewhat greasy. Color dark green, grayish-green, deep leek-green, greenish-black, bluish, black, yellowish, or grayish-brown; streak grayish. Subtranslucent to opaqnle. Comp., Var —Zn 1, with little or no magnesia. The oxyd of zinc sometimes replaced in small part by protoxyd of manganese or of iron (Mn, Fe), and the alumina in part by sesquioxyd of iron (Fe). 2n Ml=Alumina 61'3, oxyd of zinc 38-7=100. Var. 1. Automolite, or Zinc Gahnite, Zn 51, with sometimes a little iron. G.=4'1 —4'6. Colors as above given. 2. Dysluite, or Zinc-Hlfanganese-Iron Gahnite. Composition (Zn, Pe, Mn) (X1. Fe). Color yellowish-brown or grayish-brown. G.=4 —46. Form the octahedron, or the same with truncated edges. 3. Kreittonnite, or Zinc-Iron Gahnite. Composition (Zn, Fe, [g) (A1, Fe). Occurs in crystals, and granular massive. H.=7 —8. G.=4'48-4:89. Color velvet to greenish-black; powder grayish-green. Opaque. Analyses: 1, Ekeberg (Gehlen's N. J., v. 418); 2, 3, Abich (Ak. H. Stockh., 1842, 6); 4, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 196); 5, Thomson (Min., i. 221); 6, v. Kobell (1. c.): I1 Pe e lIg Mn Zn Si 1. Fahlun, Automolite 60-00 9'25 -- tr. 24'25 4-15=98-25 E. 2. " " 55-14 5'85 - 5'25 tr. 30-02 3-84=100'10 A. 3. Franklin, N. J. " 57-09 - 4'55 2'22 tr. 34'80 1'22=99-38 A. 4. Canton mine " 53'37 6-68 3-01 3-22 0-20 30-27 2-37, Ou 1-23=100-35 G. 5. Sterling, N. J., D)ysl. 30'49 41'93 -- - 760 16'80 2-97, H 0-40 T. 6. Bodenmais, Kreitt. 44-66 16'33 - 305 24-00 -, Ca 1'30, insol. 10=99-64 K. Pyr., etc.-A coating of oxyd of zinc when treated with a mixture of borax and soda on charcoal. Otherwise like spinel. Q Obs.-Automolite is found at Fahlun, Sweden, in talcose schist; at Franklin, N. Jersey, with franklinite and willemite; at the Canton mine, Ga. (of the form 1, i); Dysluite at Sterling, N. J.; Kreittonite at Bodenmais in Bavaria. Named after the Swedish chemist Gahn. The name Automolite, of Ekeberg, is from avr6poios, a deserter, alluding to the fact of the zinc occurring in an unexpected place. Von Moll objected to such an idea in nature, and named the species the next year after Gahn, the discoverer. His name is here applied to the whole group of zinc spinels, and automolite retained for the special variety so named. 186. MAGNETITE.'Hpehieca XiOos (fr. ieraclea, in Lydia) Gr. [Ai0oo] iGnpov ayovca, Theophr. Not payvrrts XMoso [=Talc] Theophr. Mayvlrs M0, Dioscor., v. 147. Magnes, Sideritis, Heraclion, Plin., xxxvi. 25; Id., Germ. Siegelstein Agric., Foss., 243, 466. (1) Minera ferri nigricans, magneti amica, (2) Magnet, (3) Jern Sand, Wall., 256, 262, 1746.. Minera Ferri attractoria, Magnet, Cronst., 184, 1758. lMagnetischer Eisenstein (incl. Eisensand) Wern. Magneteisenstein, Magneteisenerz, Germ. Magnetic Iron Ore; Octahedral Iron Ore. Fer oxydule H. Oxydulated Iron. Magnetite Haid., Handlb., 551, 1845. 150 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Isometric. Observed planes, 0, 1, I, i-2, 2, 3-3, 10-10, 16-16, 3-i, 5-3, 2 —3. Figs. 2 and 3, common, also 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7+8, 19, 19+2; fig. 149 is a distorted dodecahedron. Cleavage: octahedral, perfect to imperfect. 14:7A 148 Achmatovsk. iB o allel to the longer diagonal (f. 149). Twins like f. 50; also in dendrites, branching at angles of 60~ (f. 150), indicating composition parallel to a dodecahedral face. lVIassive,,L~ v. 7 PD structure granular-partiles of various sizes, (E^~~/J A x-~v sometimes impalpable.,3 - H.'5 —6'5. G.=4'9 —5'2; 5 168-1 5d180, crystals, Kenngott, and 5~27 after 3 33long heating. Lustre metallic —submetallic. alolor iron-bl ack; streak black. Opaque; bt in verf y thin dendrites (f. 150) in nica, c~/ sometimes transparent or nearly so; and In mica, Pennsbury. varying from almost colorless to pale smokybrown and black. Fracture subconchoidal, shining. Brittle. Strongly magnetic, sometimes possessing polarity. Comp., Var. —Fe'e=Oxygen 27'6, iron 72'4=100; or sesquioxyd of iron 68-97, protoxyd 31'03-100. The iron sometimes replaced in small part by magnesia. Also sometimes titaniferous. E. Sochting obtained from the magnetite of Pfitsch valley (Pogg., cxxvii. 172) 30'94 Fe; and D. Finkler, from the same, 30'75 Fe. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) In crystals. (b) Granular, coarse or fine. (c) As loose sand. Kokscharof figures the above dodecahedral form modified by planes O, 1, 3-3, 5-.; and another with the same, and also 2-5-3, both from Achmatovsk, Urals. 2. Mfagnesian (Fe, Mg) Fe. (Talk-eisenerz Breith., Schw. J., lxviii. 287, 1833.) G.=4'41 —4'42; lustre submetallic; weak magnetic; from Sparta, N. J., in crystals, Breith. Prof. Andrews found in ore from the Mourne Mts., Ireland (Ch. Gaz., 379, 1852), Fe 71'41, Fe 21-59, Mg 6f45. An octahedron from Eisenach gave Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 158) Pe 69'88, Fe 27-88, Mg 1-20, Ti 0-10. 3. Titaniferous. Octahedrons from Meiches, in the Vogelsberg, afforded A. Knop (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxiii. 348) P~e 21i75, Fe 51'29, Ti 24'95, Mn 1'75, which corresponds to (Fe, Mn)+~ Fe Ti+ e-(Fe, Mn) +(Fe, Ti)' 03, and hence differing from iserine in coming under the general formula of magnetite instead of that of hematite. Magnetite from Ytterby afforded J. A. Michaelson (J. pr. Ch., xc. 107) Fe 68'54, Fe 30'18, Ti 2'03=100'75. 4. Ochreous. (Eisenmulm Germ.) Black and earthy. A kind from near Siegen afforded F. A. Genth, as a mean of 3 anal. (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 277), Fe 66-20, Fe 13'87, Mn 17-00, Cu 0'09, sand, etc., 175=98'591=(Fe, Mn) Fe. G.=3'76. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 151 5. From the normal proportion of Fe to e, 1: 1, there is occasionally a wide variation, and thus a gradual passage to the sesquioxyd (Fe); and this fact may be regarded as evidence that the octahedral Fe, martite, is only an altered magnetite. Schwalbe has found (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, xx. 198) in two magnetites from Landu, in Bengal, India: Pe Fe MTg Oa Si;i1 e Pe 1. 69'27 29'48 0'49 0'05 0-28 0'03=99'60 3: 1 nearly. 2. 86'90 11'97 0'17 0'38 0'18 0'22-99'82 31: 1 No. 1 was polar magnetic and columnar; 2, granular, and not polar-magnetic. Von Kobell has found in the cylindrical magnetite of Schwarzenstein, in the Zillerthal, the ratio 4: 3;. and the same in an ore from Arendal. G. Winkler found in a specimen from the Pfitsch valley, Fe 19-66, Pe 19-66, giving the ratio 2: 1; but this is not confirmed by the later analyses given above. Pyr., etc.-B.B. very difficultly fusible. In O.F. loses its influence on the magnet. With the fluxes reacts like hematite. Soluble in muriatic acid. Obs,-Magnetite is mostly confined to crystalline rocks, and is most abundant in metamorphic rocks, though found also in grains in eruptive rocks. In the Azoic rocks the beds are of immense extent, and occur under the same conditions as those of hematite (see p. 142). It is an ingredient in most of the massive variety of corundum called emery. The earthy magnetite is found in bogs like bog-iron ore. The beds of ore at Arendal, and nearly all the celebrated iron mines of Sweden, consist of massive magnetite; Dannemora and the Tdiberg in Smaoland are entirely formed of it. Still larger mountains of it exist at tKurunavara and Gelivara, in Lapland. Fahlun in Sweden, and Corsica, afford octahedral crystals (f. 2), imbedded in chlorite slate. Splendid dodecahedral crystals occur at Normark in Wermland. The most powerful native magnets are found in Siberia, and in the Harz; they are also obtained on the island of Elba. In N. America, it constitutes vast beds (some scores of feet thick) in the Azoic, in the Adirondack region, Warren, Essex, and Clinton Cos., in Northern N. York, while in St. Lawrence Co. the iron ore is mainly hematite; also similarly in Canada, in Hull, Grenville, Madoc, etc,; and at Cornwall in Pennsylvania, and at Magnet Cove, Arkansas. It occurs also in N. York, in Saratoga, Herkimer, Orange, and Putnam Cos.; at O'Neil mine, Orange Co., in crystals (f. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6). In Maine, Raymond, Davis's Hill, in an epidotic rock; at Marshall's island, masses strongly magnetic. In N. Hatam.shire, at Franconia, in epidote and quartz; at Swanzey near Keene, and Unity. In Vermont, at Marlboro', Rochester, Bethel, and Bridgewater, in crystals (f. 11) in chlorite slate. In Conn., at Haddam, in crystals (f. 4, 8, 149), etc. In N. Jersey, at Hamburg, near Franklin furnace. In Penn., at Goshen, Chester Co.; at Webb's mine, Columbia Co.; in dendritic delineations (f. 150) forming hexagonal figures, in mica at Pennsbury and New Providence. In Xaryland, at Deer Creek. In California, in Sierra Co., abundant, massive, and in crystals; in Plumas Co.; Mariposa Co., east of the Mariposa estate, on the trail to the Yosemite; Placer Co., Utt's ranch; Los Angeles Co., at Cafiada de las Uvas; El Dorado Co., near the Boston copper mine, in oct., and at the El Dorado Excelsior copper mine. In Canada, at Sutton, in crystals; Bromet, etc. In N Scotia, Digby Co, Nichol's Mt., in fine crystals. No ore of iron is more generally diffused than the magnetic, and none superior for the manufacture of iron. It is easily distinguished by its being attracted readily by the magnet, and also by means of the black color of its streak or powder, which is some shade of red or brown in hematite and lirmonite. The ore when pulverized may be separated from earthy impurities by means of a magnet, and machines for this purpose are in use. Named from the loc. Mfagnesia, bordering on Macedonia. But Pliny favors Nicander's derivation from Magnes, who first discovered it, as the fable runs, by finding, on taking his herds to pasture, that the nails of his shoes and the iron ferrule of his staff adhered to the ground. Alt. —By deoxydation through organic matter changed to protoxyd, which may become a carbonate or siderite. By oxydation becomes sesquioxyd of iron or hematite. Artif.-Formed in crystals by the action of chlorhydric acid on the sesquioxyd heated, producing a partial deoxydation (Deville); by decomposition of the sesquioxyd with boracic acid (Deville and Caron, Ann. Ch. Phys., IV. v. 108). 185A. Dimagnetite of Shepard (Am. J. Sci., II. xiii. 392) appears to be a magnetite pseudomorph. The slender rhombic prisms occur upon a surface which is covered with small cubo-octahedrons, dodecahedrons, and cubo-dodecahedrons of magnetite, and some small irregular cavities in the dimagnetite crystals contain similar crystals; moreover no difference of lustre is perceived in a fractured surface of the magnetite and dimagnetite. The species imitated in the pseudomorph is probably Lievrite. The angle of the prism varies between 110~ and 115~, according to the author's measurements (Shepard gives the angle 130~). One crystal gave approximately 110~ and 70~; another 114~ 20' and 65~ 40'; another 1 12~ and 68~, and the obtuse edge was bevelled in this last crystal by planes (i-2) inclined to the larger ones at an angle of about 160~~. The faces are even but not very bright. From Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. 152 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 187. MAGNESIOFPERRITE. Magnoferrit Ramm., Pogg., cvii. 451, 1859. Magneferrit Kenng., Ueb. J., 1859, 98, 1860. Isometric. In octahedrons, and octahedrons with truncated edges (f. 8). H.=6-6' 5. G.=4'568-4'654. Lustre, color, and streak as in magnetite. Strongly magnetic. Comp. —lg Fe=Magnesia 20, oxyd of iron 80=100; but the crystals usually intersected by hematite in innumerable very thin lamine, parallel to the octahedral faces. Analyses: 1-5, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cvii. 451, Min. C(hem., 160): Fe Mg Cu 1. Vesuvius, erupt. of'55 86'96 1258 -— =99'54 2. " " 85-00 13'69 0'60=99'29 3. " " 85-05 13-95 1-01=100-01 4. " older erupt. 84'20 16-00' —=100-20 5. "9 " 84'35 1565 -=100 Regarding a fourth of the sesquioxyd of iron as a mixture, the results give Ranmelsberg the above formula. For the purpose of analysis, the magnesioferrite was separated from the mixed hematite by means of a magnet. Pyr., etc.-B.B. like hematite. Difficultly soluble in muriatic acid. Obs. —Formed about the fumaroles of Vesuvius, and especially those of the eruption of 1855, as observed by Scacchi, who particularly described the crystals and their associations. The laminse of hematite intersecting the octahedrons have rhombohedral planes on their edges. Crystals of hematite occur at the same fumaroles. Rammelsberg first detected the magnesian nature of the crystals, and, in allusion to it, named the species magnoferrite. But magno has its own different signification in Latin; and the word should be magnesioferrite. Artif.-Formed in crystals by heating together Fe and Mg, and subjecting to the action of chlorhydric acid vapor (Deville). 188. FPRANKLINITE. Berthier, Ann. d. M., iv. 489, 1819. Isometric. Observed planes: 1, I, 0, 2, 2-2. Figs. 2, 7, 8, common. Cleavage: octahedral, indistinct. Also massive, coarse or fine granular to compact. H.=5' 5 —'5. G..=5-069, Thomson; 5'091, Haidinger. Lustre metallic. Color iron-black. Streak dark reddish-brown. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Acts slightly on the magnet. Comp. —(Fe, Zn, Mn), (Fe, Mn). Analyses: 1, Berthier (1. c.); 2, Thomson (Min., i. 438); 3, Abich (Pogg., xxiii. 342); 4, 5, G. J. Dickerson (0. T. Jackson's Rep. on N. J. zinc mines); 6, G. J. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxix. 371); 7, Steffens (B. H. Ztg., xix. 463); 8, J. A. Dahlgren (ib.); 9, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cvii. 312); 10, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xcviii. 129): Fe'n 2n 1. New Jersey 66 16 17 —99 Berthier. 2. " 66'10 14-96 17'43, Si 0-20, IH 0'56= 99'25 Thomson. 3.,i 68'88 18'17 10'81, " 040, A1 0'73=98'99 Abich. 4. " 66'0f 12'24 21'39, " 029=100 Dickerson. 5. " 66'12 11'99 21'77, " 013=100 Dickerson. 6. " 65'05 14-77 23'30, insol. 0'30=103'12 Brush. 7. " 66'08 12-24 21'40, Si 0'28=100 Steffens. 8.'" 66'11 11'99 21'77, 0'13=100 Dahl. 9. " 64'5.1 13'51 25'30= —103'52 Ramm. 10. " 66'20 12'42 21'00, 1 0'80=100'42 ]Kobell. Von Kobell states that the magnetic character of the mineral shows that the iron is partly protoxyd; and he deduces from his analysis (1. c.), for the most probable composition, Fe 58-36, Rn ANHYDROUS OxYDS. 153 7-75, Xl 0'80, Fe 7'06, Mn 348, Zn 21, with mixed Mn 0'79=99'24, corresponding to the formula 1Mn Mn+2 Fe Fe+ 5 Zn Fe=Sesquioxyd of iron 58-99, id. of manganese 8,32, protoxyd of iron 7-58, id. of manganese 3'74, oxyd of zinc 213=7 —100. Rammelsberg, in his most recent paper (Pogg., cxxx. 146, 1867) adopts essentially the same view. The evolution of chlorine in the treatment of the mineral is attributed byv. Kobell to the presence of a little Rn (0-80 p. c.) as mixture, which Rammelsberg observes may have come from the oxydation of some of the protoxyd of manganese. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. With borax in O.F. gives a reddish amethystinb bead (manganese), and in R.F. this becomes bottle-green (iron). With soda gives a bluish-green manganate, and on charcoal a faint coating of oxyd of zinc, which is much more marked when a mixture of borax and soda is used. Soluble in muriatic acid, with evolution of a small amount of chlorine. Obs.-Occurs in cubic crystals near Eibach in Nassau; in amorphous masses at Alteaberg, near Aix la Chapelle. Abundant at Hamburg, N. J., near the Franklin furnace (whence the name of the species), with red oxyd of zinc and garnet, in granular limestone; also at Stirling Hill, in the same region, where it is associated with willemite, in a large vein, in which cavities occasionally contain crystals from one to four inches in diameter. Artif.-Formed in crystals by action of perchlorid of iron and chlorid of zinc on lime, with heat (Daubree). 189. CHROMITIE. Per chromate alumin6 (fr. Var) Vauq., Bull. Soc. Philom. 1800, 55, 57. Eisenchrom (fr. Ural) Meder, Crell's Ann., 1798, i. 500; Karst., Tab., 56, 79, 1800, 74, 1808. Per chromat6 H., Tr., iv. 1801. Chromate of Iron, Chromic Iron, Chromiron. Chromsaures Eisen, Chromeisenstein, Germ. Eisenchrome Beud., 1832. Siderochrome _Huot, i. 287, 1841. Chromoferrite OCapvm., Min., 1843. Chromit lEiaid., Handb., 550, 1845. Isometric. In octahedrons (f. 2). Commonly massive; structure fine granular, or compact. H. —=5'5. G.-4-321, crystals, Thomson; 4A498, a variety from Styria; 4-568, Texas, Pa. Lustre submetallic. Streak brown. Color between iron-black and brownish-black. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Sometimes magnetic. Comp. —e'er, or (Fe, kIg, Or) (Xl, Pe, er). PIe'r=Oxyd of iron 32, oxyd of chromium 68 _100. Analyses: 1, 2, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., iv. 321); 3, 4, Abich (Pogg., xxiii. 335); 5, 6, Laugier (Ann. Mus. d'Hist. N., vi.); 7, 8, T. S. Hunt (Logan's Rep. G., Canada, 1849); 9, Moberg (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 119); 10, A. Rivot (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxx. 202); 11, 0. Bechi (Am. J. Sci. II. xiv. 62); 12, 13, Starr and Garrett (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 45): Fe kig Vr Al Si 1. Chester Co., Pa. 35-14 - 51-56 9-72 2-90=99-32 Seybert. 2. Baltimore 36-00 39-51 13-00 10-60=99'11 Seybert. 3. m" nassive 18-97 9-96 44-91 13'85 0-83=98'25 Abich. 4. " cryst. 20'13 7-45 60'04 11-85 - 99'45 Abich. 5. Siberia 24- - 53- 11' 1' MAn 1=100 Laugier. 6. Rbraas 25'66 5'36 54'08 9'02 4-83-98.95 Laugier 7. Bolton, Canada 35-68 15-03 45-90 3-20 --— =99'81 Hunt. 8. L. Memphramagog 21'28 18-13 49'75 11-30 — =100'46 Hunt. 9. Beresof 18-42 6-68 64-17 10-83 0-91=101'01 Moberg 10. Baltimore 30'04 - 6337 1-95 2'21 0a 2'02=99'60 Rivot, 11. Volterra, Tuscany 33-93 - 42-13 19-84 4-75=100'65 Bechi. 12. Chester, Pa. Pe 38-95 - 60-84 0-93 0-62, Ni 0'10 Starr. 13. Texas, Pa. "38-66 63-38 2'28 Garrett. a With some titanic acid? In Moberg's analysis the chromium is supposed to be partly protoxyd, giving the formula (Fe, Mg, Cr) ('ir, Al). Garrett's analysis of the Texas ore corresponds to Fe ir 93-16 + Fe Pe 0-59 + Ni Ve 7'15. In grains that were magnetic, Garrett found ir 41-55, Be 62-02, Si 1-25, correspond ing to Fe ir 61'-07 +Fe ~e 38-64+ Si 1-25=100'96 (loc. cit). 154 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pyr., etc. —B.B. in O.F. infusible; in R.F. slightly rounded on the edges, and becomes magnetic, With borax and salt of phosphorus gives beads. which, while hot, show only a reaction for iron, but on cooling become chrome-green; the green color is heightened by fusionon charcoal with metallic tin. Not acted upon by acids, but decomposed by fusion with bisulphate of potash or soda. Obs.-Occurs in serpentine, forming veins, or in imbedded masses. It assists in giving the variegated color to verde-antique marble. Occurs in the Gulsen mountains, near Kraubat in Syria; in crystals in the islands of Unst and Fetlar, in Shetland; in the province of Drontheim in Norway; in the Department du Var in France; in Silesia and Bohemia; abundant in Asia Minor (Am. J. Sci., II. vii. 285); in the Eastern and Western Urals; in New Caledonia, affording ore for commerce. At Baltimore, Md., in the Bare Hills, in large quantities in veins or masses in serpentine; also in Montgomery Co., 6 m. north of the Potomac; at Cooptown, Harford Co., and in the north part of Cecil Co., Md. In Pennsylvania, in W. Goshen (crystals), Nottingham, Mineral Hill, and else. where; Chester Co., near Unionville, abundant; at Wood's Mine, near Texas, Lancaster Co., very abundant. Massive and in crystals at Hoboken, N. J., in serpentine and dolomite; in the south-western part of the town of New Fane, and in Jay, Troy, and Westfield, Vt.; Chester and Blanford, Mass.; on I. a Vache, near San Domingo; at Bolton and Hiam, Canada East. In California, in Monterey Co.; also Santa Clara Co., near the N. Almaden mine. This ore affords the oxyd of chrome, used in painting, etc. The ore employed in England is obtained mostly from Baltimore, Drontheim, and the Shetland Isles; it amounts to about 2,000 tons annually. IRTTE flerm., J. pr. Ch., xxiii. 276, 1841, was described by Hermann as occurring in the Urals in black shining octahedrons, with G.=6'506, and as consisting of Iridium 56-04, osmium 9'53, iron 9'72, chromium 9'40, traces of manganese, with a loss of 15'25, which he reckoned as oxygen. But Claus has shown that the mineral is only a mixture of iridosmine, chromite, etc., and sustains this by a mechanical examination of the substance obtained by Hermann's method of separation (J. pr. Ch., lxxx. 285). 1.90. URANINITE. Schwarz Beck-Erz (fr. Joach.) Briicekm., Mvyagn. Dei, 204, 1727. BeckBlndcle=Pseudogalena picea pt. [rest (? all) pitch-like Zinc-bloende] W/Vall., 249, 1747. Swart Blende=Pechblende (fr. Saxony, etc.) pt. [id.] Cronst., 198, 1758. Pseudogalena nigra compacta, Pechblende (fr. Joach. and Joh.), -Ie Born, Lithoph., 133, 1772. Pechblende, Eisenpecherz [put under Iron Ores] WVcern., Bergm. J., 1789. Uranerz (fr. Joach.) Klapr., Mdm. Ac. Berl., 1786-87, 160, pub. in 1792, Beitr., ii. 197, 1797 (discov. of metal uranium). Pecherz Karst., Tab., 56, 1800. Urane oxydul HM., Tr., 1801. Uranpecherz, Pechuran, Germ. Pitchblende, Protoxyd of Uranium. Uranatemnite Chapm., Pract. Min., 148, 1853. Uranin Haid., Handb., 549, 1845. Schweruranerz (fr. Przibram) Breith., Handb., 903, 1847. Coracite (fr. L. Sup.) Le Conte, Am. J. Sci., II. iii. 117, 173, 1847. Kristallisirtes Uranpecherz (fr. Norway) Th. Scheerer, Pogg., lxxii. 570, 1847=Uranoniobit Herm., J. pr. Ch., lxxvi. 326, 1859. Isometric. Observed forms: f. 2, X, 8. Usually massive and botryoidal; also in grains: structure sometimes columnar, or curved lamellar. H. =5*5. G. = 64 -8. Lustre submetallic, to greasy or pitch-like, and dull. Color grayish, greenish, brownish, velvet-black. Streak brownishblack, grayish, olive-green, a little shining. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Comp., Var. —U, Ramm.=Protoxyd of uranium 32'1, sesquioxyd 67'9=100; but analyses vary much in their results through mixtures with other substances. Var. 1. Crystallized. Color pure black; G.=6-71. Occurs in Norway. It is Hermann's Uranoaniobite. 2. Ordinary massive. G.=6-4 —7'0. Breithaupt found in 11 trials of the ore from Johanngeorgenstadt and Schneeberg (the heaviest from the latter place) G.=6'44 —6934, with one at 5-625. A specimen from the former locality gave F. Marian 7-08-7-23; and one from Joachimsthal gave iermann (anal. 5) 6'97. The Przibram ore (Schweruranerz) gave Breithaupt, in 4 trials, G.= 7-968 —8025. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 155 3. Coracite. Coracite is probably pitchblende mixed with some gummite (the hydrous ore). It is pitch-black in color, and affords a grayish powder; G.=4'378, Le Conte. In Whitney's analysis (No. 8) he obtained 15'92 p. c. of carbonate of lime, which accounts for the low specific gravity. The lime was separated by Genth, as far as possible, before making his analysis (No. 9). Genth found the oxygen ratio for the U and &: nearly I to 4. Haidinger's name is retained for the species, with the addition of the terminal syllable ite. Chapman's has precedence; but it is badly made, its derivation requiring the form Uranatomnite; and moreover, until crystals are known and found to be without cleavage, or until crystals are proved to be an impossibility, it cannot be asserted that the species is uncleavable. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 197); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lix. 35, and Min. Ch., 175); 3, Theyer (Ramm. Min. Ch., 175); 4, Ebelmen (Ann. Ch. Phys., 1843, 498); 5, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., 1xxvi. 326); 6, Pfaff (Schw. J., xxxv. 326); 7, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1853, 197); 8, Whitney (Am. J. Sci., II. vii. 434); 9, Genth (ib., xxiii. 421); 10, Scheerer (Pogg., lxxii. 561): U V Pe 41a Mg Si 1. Joachimsthal 86'5 2-5 5'0, Pb S 60-=100 Klaproth. 2. " 79-15 3'90 2-81 0-46 5-30, Pb 6'20, As 1-12, Bi 0-65, HI 0-36=99-61R. 3. " 68'51 5'70 2'17 0-22 3-50, Pb 6'57, S 1'75, Cu. 395, Zn 0'70, Bi 0-52, As 4'36, C 2-14=100'39 Theyer. 4.; 75'94 3'10 5'24 2-07 3-48, Pb 4-22, S 0-60, Mn 0-82, ia 0-25, 0 3-32, 185= —100-89 Ebelmen. 5. " 81'21 Fe 1-88 5-78 0'41 2'45, Pb 0'74, Pb S 2'84, Al 0'33 Bi 1l23, Mn 0'14, 11 2'59 Hermann. 6. J-Georgenstadt 84'52 8'24 2-02, Pb S 4-20, Co 1'14=100-12 Pfaff. 7. Przibram 80'52 2'86 2'97 0'64 1'79, Pb 6'07, S 1S18, Sb 2-09, 0 0'89, 1 0-48= 99'49 H:auer. 8. Coracite 72'60 2174 5'99 - 533, Pb 6'56,:1 1-10, I 5-68=100 Whitney. 9. " 62-68 Fe 3'51 5-33 0-56 13-15, Pb 7-39, 1 0-52, C, 1i 6-14=9928 Genth. 10. Norway, Uranoni. 76'6 1Pb, 0b, Si 15'6, Min 1-0, H 4'1, insol. and loss 2'7 Scheerer. Scheerer, in anal. 5, obtained l:E 52-37, and U 28'84; and Genth, in anal. 9, V 46'21, and U 16'47. Pyr., etc. —B.B. infusible, or only slightly rounded on the edges, sometimes coloring the outer flame green (copper). With borax and salt of phosphorus gives a yellow bead in O.F., becoming green in R.F. (uranium). With soda on charcoal gives a coating of oxyd of lead, and frequently the odor of arsenic. Many specimens give reactions for sulphur and arsenic in the open tube. Soluble in nitric acid. Not attractable by the magnet. Obs.-Uraninite accompanies various ores of silver and lead at Johanngeorgenstadt, Marienberg, and Schneeberg in Saxony, at Joachimsthal and Przibram in Bohemia, and Retzbanya in Hungary. It is associated with torbernite at Tincroft and Tolcarn mines near Redruth in Cornwall; also near Adrianople, Turkey; at the Middletown feldspar quarry, in octahedrons with trunedges, according to Shepard. C'oracite is from about 90 m. above Sault St. Marie, on the north side of L. Superior. Very valuable in porcelain painting, affording an orange color in the enamelling fire, and a black color in that in which the porcelain is baked. A laboratory has been opened at Joachimsthal, where the ore is converted into uranate of soda for use. Alt.-The hydrous ore called gummite occurs as a result of the alteration of this species; also uranic ochre. 191. CHERYSOBERYL. [Not Chrysoberyl (=var. Beryl) of the Ancients.] Krisoberil Wern., Bergm. J., 373, 387, 1789; 84, 1790. Chrysoberyll Karsten, Lenz, etc. Cymophane H., J. de M., iv. 5, 1798. Alexandrite -Nordenski6ld, Schr. Min. Ges., St. Petersb., 1842. Alaunerde + Kieselerde Klap., Beitr., i. 97, 1795; Arfvedson, Ak. H. Stockh., 1822. Aluminate of Glucina, mainly, Seybert, Am. J. Sci., viii. 105, 1824; Bergemann, De Chrys., G0tt., 1826. Orthorhombic. IAI-=129~ 38'/ OA1i_ —129~ 1'; a:': c=1a2285: 1 2'1267. Observed planes: vertical, i-, i-zi, -, i-, i-A, i-; domes,'t.. -i, 1-i, 3-4 (only as a composition-face); octahedral, 1, 1-n, 2-2,? 6-6 (e, f. 152), 2-2. 156 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. i- Ai- = 1440 39k' i-\ A 1=1360 52' 1 A 1, ov. 1-,=7t3~ 3' i-iA.i-2 133 13~ i iA2-2=128 52 1 Al, front,-139 53 i-i A 2- =126 8 1- A 1:-, top,-119 46 i-i A 1-=90 i- A 1 —110 3 3-i A\ 3-i, ov. i-,-120 13 i-i A 1-i-=120 7 152 153 154 151 1Im~~~ 111 ~~..".i 1 1 Norway, Me. Alexandrite. Haddam. 155 155A Plane i-7 vertically striated; and sometimes also i-i, and other vertical -(~ l~~a eplanes. Cleavage: 1-i quite distinct; b-i imperfect; i-T more so. Twins: composition-face 3-i, as in f. 153, 1i55A, made up of 6 parts by the crossing of 3 crystals, united along the dotted line, as shown by the strife, the forms I 1 either stellate, or simply hexagonal adHaddam. ppyramids with truncated summits; HPIaddam. Eaddam. also (2) conjointly, 3-i and i-i, as in f. 154, 155, each made by the crossing of 3 pairs of twins, each sector a pair twinned by 3-i, and united to the next pair by i-i. H. = 8 5. G. - 3'-5-384. Lustre vitreous. Color asparagus-green, grass-green, emerald-green, greenish-white, and yellowish-green; sometimes raspberry or columbine-red by transmitted light. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Sometimes a bluish opalescence internally. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Var. 1. Ordinary.-Color pale green, being colored by iron. G.=3-597, Haddam; 37134, Brazil; 3-689, Ural, Rose; 3'835, Orenburg, Kokscharof. 2. Alexandrite.-Color emerald-green, but columbine-redby transmitted light. G.=3 644, mean of results, Kokscharof. Supposed to be colored by chrome. Crystals often very large, and in twins, like fig. 153, either six-sided or six-rayed. Comp. —]e Il=Alumina 80'2, glucina 19-8=100. Analyses: 1, 2, 3, Avdejef (Pogg., lvi. 118); 4, 5, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. vii. 173): Al 3]e Fe 1. Brazil 18'10 17'94 4'47=100'51 Avdejef; G.=3'7337. 2 " 78'71 18-06 3 47= —100'24 3. Ural 18'92 18'02 3-12, ir 0'36, Cu and Pb 0'29=100i71 Avdejef. 4. Haddam, Ct. 76-02 18-41 —, PFe 451, quartz 0'49=99'43 Damour. 5. " 15-43 17'93 -,' 406, 0'96=98'38 " Pyr., etc.-B.B. alone unaltered; with soda, the surface is merely rendered dull. With borax or salt of phosphorus fuses with great difficulty. With cobalt solution, the powdered mineral ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 157 gives a bluish color. G. hardly changed by heating; before 3'84, after 3-833. No action with acids. Obs.-In Brazil and also Ceylon, in rolled pebbles, in the alluvial deposits of rivers; at Marchendorf in Moravia; in the Ural, 85 versts from Katherinenburg, in mica slate with beryl and plenacite, the variety Alexandrite, of emerald-green color, columbine-red by transmitted light; in the Orenberg district, S. Ural, yellow; in the Mourne Mts., Ireland; at Haddam, Ct., in granite traversing gneiss, with tourmaline, garnet, beryl, automolite, and columbite; in the same rock at Greenfield near Saratoga, N. Y., with tourmaline, garnet, and apatite; Orange Summit, Vt., in granite at the deep cut of the northern railroad; Norway, Me., in granite with garnet (Verrill). When transparent, and of sufficient size, chrysoberyl is cut with facets, and forms a beautiful yellowish-green gem. If opalescent, it is usually cut en cabochon. Chrysoberyl is from %Xpeos, golden, /JepvXXos, beryl. Cymophane, from KvcPa, wave, and oalvw, appear, alludes to a peculiar opalescence the crystal sometimes exhibits. Alexandrite is after the Czar of Russia, Alexander I. On Cryst., see B. & M.; Kokscharof, Min. Russl., iv.; Hessenb., Min. Not., iv. Fig. 152 is natural size, from a crystal belonging to A. E. Verrill. Chrysoberyl has very distinct cleavage parallel to 1-4, which appears to show that 1-4 is the true vertical prism as made in the last edition of this work, although 3-i is the twinning-plane. But, for the sake of the simpler notation, the position given the crystals by other authors is here adopted. Artif.-Formed in crystals by exposing to a high heat a mixture of 6 of alumina, 1-62 glucina, and 5'0 boric acid (Ebelmen); by putting a mixture of fluorid of glucinum and fluorid of aluminum, in the proportions of their equivalents, in a carbon crucible, and at the centre of the fluorids a small carbon crucible with a little fused boric acid, and heating for some hours (Deville and Caron), the process yielding fine crystals easily. 4. DEUTOXYDS. 192. CASSITERIT:E. Ore of the Kacir-epos of the Greeks (lereod., etc.), and of the Plumbum album of Plin., xxxiv., 47, etc.; not of the Stannum [=a pewter-like alloy] of Plin. Zinnsten, Stannum ferro et arsenico min., Wall., Min., 303, 1747. Mine d'Etain, Fr. Trl. Wall., 1753. Tin Ore, Tin Stone. Zinnstein, Zinnerz, Germ. Stannum calciforme (Oxyd of Tin) Bergen., Opusc., ii. 436, 1780; Klapr., Beitr., ii. 245, 1797. Etain oxyde Fi. Cassiterite Bed., ii. 618, 1832. KIassiterit Germ. Tetragonal. O A 1-i=146~ 5'; ca=0'6724. Observed planes: vertical, I, _i-4, -3,'-2; octahedrons,, 1, 4; zirconoids, 3-, 1-3, 7-. 156 157 158 O A 1=1360 26' 0 A 3-3=112~ 25' IA 1=-1330 34' 0 A 5= 112 49 1 A 1, pyr.,=121 40 1-i A 1-4, pyr.,=133 31 O A 1-3=144 40 1 A 1, bas., 87 7 J A 3i-=168 42 1558 oxYGEN COMPOJUNDS. Cleavage: I and i-i hardly distinct. Twins: f. 158, composition-face 1-i; producing often complex forms through the many modifying planes; sometimes repeated parallel to all the eight planes 14-i; also.f. 159, a metagenic twin. Often in reniform shapes, structure fibrous divergent; also massive, granular or impalpable. H. 6 —7. G. 6'4 —7' 1. Lustre adamantine, and 159 crystals usually splendent. Color brown or black; some1~ f \i times red, gray, white, or yellow. Streak white, grayish, brownish. Nearly transparent-opaque. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle.;i-'. Z Var.-l. Ordinary, Tin-stone. In crystals and.massive. G. of ordinary 1 j. r ~cryst. 6-96; of colorless, from Tipuani R., Bolivia, 6-832, Forbes; of honeyyellow, from Oruro, 6'704, id.; of very pure crystals from Carabuco, 6'4, id.; a of black cryst. fr. Tipuani, 7-021, id. X. --.. concentric in structure, and radiated fibrous internally, although very compact, with the color brownish, of mixed shades, looking somewhat like dry wood in its colors. Toad's-eye tin is the same, on a smaller scale. G. of one variety 6-514. Excellent figs. in Rashleigh's Brit. Min., 1797. Stream tic is nothing but the ore in the state of sand, as it occurs along the beds of streams or in the gravel of the adjoining region. It has been derived from tin veins or rocks, through the wear and decomposition of the rocks and transportation by water. Comp. —Sn-Tin 78'67, oxygen 21'33=100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Afh., iv. 164); 2, Mfallet (J. G. Soc. Dubl., iv. 272); 3, Bergemann (Jahrb. Min., 1857, 395); 4, 5, D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxx. 140): Sn Ta Fe An Si F;1 1. Finbo 93-6 2'4 1'4 0'8 - — =98'2 Berzelius. 2. Wicklow, Ireland 95-26 - 2'41 - 0-84 - Mallet. G.=6'753. 3. Xeres, Mexico 89-43 - 6'63 - 2-21 1'20 Bergem. G.=6'862. 4. Tipuani, Bolivia, bnh. 91'81 - 1'02.648 0'73=100'04 Forbes. 5. " black 91-80 - 2'69 - 5-51 =100 Forbes. G.=7'021. Crystals from Carabuco, Bolivia, afforded Kroeber (Phil. Mag., IV. xxx. 141) 76'805 p. c. of tin (equivalent to 97'8 p. c. of oxyd), with iron 2-18, silver 0'015, tungstic acid 0'02, lead 0'25, and 1'74 of water. (The analysis is stated to have afforded 19'534 of oxygen, which is not enough for the tin alone found.) The Tenebra ore contains from 2 to 5 p. c. of columbic and tantalic acids. Vauquelin obtained 9 p. c. of sesquioxyd of iron from wood tin. Pyr., etc,-B.B. alone unaltered. On charcoal with soda reduced to metallic tin, and gives a white coating. With the fluxes sometimes gives reactions for iron and manganese, and more rarely for tantalic acid. Only slightly acted upon by acids. Obs.-Tin ore is met with in veins traversing granite, gneiss, mica schist, chlorite or clay schist, and porphyry. Occurs in remarkable crystals in Cornwall, associated with fluor, apatite, topaz, blende, wolfram, etc., and also the wood-tin and stream-tin; in Devonshire, near Tavistock and elsewhere: County of Wicklow, Ireland; in pseudomorphs after feldspar at Wheal Coates, near St. Agnes, Cornwall; singular compound crystals in Bohemia and Saxony, the twin forms from Zinnwald and Schlackenwald often weighing several pounds; at Limoges in splendid crystals; also in Gallicia; Greenland, with cryolite at Evigtok; Sweden, at Finbo; Finland, at Pitkaranta. In the E. Indies, on Mlalacca, Banca, Blitong near Borneo; in the Ovens district, and in some gullies of the Strathbogie ranges in Victoria, Australia. In Bolivia, S. A., in the gold region along the Tipuani R.; at Oruro tin mines; and at Carabuco, Bolivia; in Mexico, at Xeres and Durango. In the United States, in Maine, sparingly at Paris and Hebron: in Mass., at Chesterfield and Goshen, a few crystals, with albite and tourmaline; in;. Hamp., at Lyme, and somewhat more abundantly on the estate of Mr. Eastman, in the town of Jackson; in Virginia, sparingly in some gold mines, imbedded in a talco-micaceous slate; in California, in San Bernardino Co., in Temescal region; in Idaho, on Jordan creek, near Boonville. Stannite Breith. (llandb. 172, 1847), an amorphous, pale yellowish-white substance, from Cornwall, with H.-=6'5, G.=3'545, has been regarded as a pseudomorph after feldspar, con ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 159 taining much oxyd of tin as a mixture with the other ingredients. Bischof obtained (Chem. G., ii. 2026) Si 51'57, Sn 38'91, A1l 453, Fe 3'55, Ca 0'16, ign. 0.43-99-15. On cryst., HIessenberg, Min. Not., vi.; A. E. Nordenski6ld and Gadolin, Pogg., ci. 637. Nordenskiold makes the angle 1 A 1=121" 42', whence a=0 6720. According to Mr. Gadolin, Finland crystals afford also the planes 2, 7,' 17-1 7 7 42 6 1-3, i-, _i-1, i-,'- i- t-, i-6, i-, -"''I;3, ~'~, j_"~, 6", 4- ~,2 i-1, i-:3, 3i-; but there is doubt as to some at least of these planes, as these unusual ratios were determined from measured angles alone and not through zones. Artif.-Formed in crystals by the action of a stream of muriatic acid gas on Sn 02 (Deville); by action of steam on chlorid or fluorid of tin (Daubree). 192A. AINALITE A. E. Nordenski'ld (Finl. Min., 162, 1855, 26, 1863). A cassiterite containing nearly 9 p. c. of tantalic acid. Isomorphous with cassiterite, and presenting the planes 1, 1-i. H.=6-6'5; G.=6'6 —68. Lustre vitreous to adamantine; color black to grayish-black; streak light-brown; opaque. Analysis by Nordenskild: Sn 88-95 Ta 8'78 Fe 2-04 Cu 0'78=100-55 From Fennikoja in Somero, Finland, with tantalite and beryl in albite. 193. RUTILE. Schorl rouge de Lisle, Crist., ii. 421, 1783; v. Born. Cat. de Raab, i. 16S, 1790. Rother Schorl pt., Titankalk, Klapr., Beitr., i. 233, 1795 (discov. of metal Titanium). Red Schorl Kirw., Min., i. 271, 1794; Titanite, id., ii. 329, 1796 [not Titanite Klapr., 1794=Sphene]. Schorl rouge, Sagenite, Saussure, Alpes, iv. ~ 1894, 1796. Crispite (fr. Crispalt, St. Gothard) Delameth., T. T., ii. 333, 1797. Rutil Wern., 1800, Ludwig's Wern, i. 55, 1803. Titane oxyd6 H., Tr., 1801. Schwarzer Granat Lamypadius, Samml., ii. 119, 1797. Eisenhaltiges Titanerz (fr. Ohlapian) Kiapr., Beitr., ii., 235, 1797=Nigrin Karst., Tab., 56, 79, 1800. Ilmenorutile Kokscharof Min. Russl., ii. 352, 1854. Tetragonal. O A 1-i=147~ 12k', a —06442. Observed planes: vertical prisms, I, i-s, i-2, i-3, i-4, i-7, i-i; octahedrons, 1, 2,, 1-i, 3-i; zirconoids, 1-3, 1 —3, 3-,; base, 0, not common. 161 160 164 i3 i3 Graves Mtn., Ga. 162 163 4................. - K...... Gr~aves Mtn., Ga. O A 1 137~ 40' 1 A 1, bas.,- 84~ 40' ~A i-3-153~ 26' OA3-=113 18 A 1=132 20 i-i A i-2 —153 26 OA 1-3 145 49 IA i-3=168 42 i-b A 1-i 122 472 A1 I, pyr.,=123 71 IAi-2=161 34 i-iAl=118 26 160 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Cleavage: 1:and i-i, distinct; 1, in traces. Vertical planes usually striated. Crystals often acicular. Twins: 1, composition-face 1-i, either (1) having a geniculation at the centre of origin of the crystal (nearly like f. 50, or f. 158 under cassiterite); or (2) having commenced as a simple crystal, and afterward become geniculated, as in f. 161. (A) Usually the successive geniculations take place in a common plane, that is by those faces 1-i that lie in the direction of the same diagonal; and (ct) either the parts at the genicunlations, at the opposite extremities, resume alternately a like direction, as in f. 159, under cassiterite, p. 157; or the direction changes successively (f. 161), the extremities finally bending into one another, and producing at times when thus completed an inequilateral hexagonal prism (f. 162); but (B) occasionally the twinned commencement (as I, I!f t 163) is next oeniculated at either end parallel to the transverse plane 1-i, and a zig-zag?orm is produced, and this in successive alternations, thence resulting, if the twinning begins nearly at, or at, the commencement of the crystal, in the scalenohedral form in f. 164, which consists of 8 united sectors. [Fig. 163 is ideal (from G. Rose), being introduced to illustrate the form in —f. 164.] 2. Composition-face 3-i, making a wedge-shaped crystal consisting of two individuals. 3. Composition-faces 1-i and 3-i in the same crystal (fr. Magnet Cove, Hessenberg). Occasionally compact, massive. H. = 6 —65.. G.=4-18 4-25. Lustre metallic-adamantine. Color reddish-brown, passing into red; sometimes yellowish, bluish, violet, black; rarely grass-green. Streak pale brown. Subtransparent-opaque. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var. —Titanic acid, Ti=Oxygen 39, titanium 61=100. Sometimes a little iron is present. Var. 1.- Ordinary. Brownish-red and other shades, not black. G.-4-18 —4-22. Transparent quartz is sometimes penetrated thickly with acicular or capillary crystals, and this variety is the Sagenite (fr. cay7vn, a net), also named Crispite. Dark smoky quartz penetrated with the acicular rutile is apparently the Veneris crinis of Pliny (xxxvii. 69). 2. Ferriferous. (a) Nigrine. Color black, whence the name. Contains 2 to 3 p. c. of oxyd of iron. But as ordinary rutile has 1 to 2 p. c., the distinction is very small. G.=4 249, fr. Ohlaplan; 4-242 fr. Freiberg. (b) Ilmenorutile. A black variety from the Ilmen Mts, occurring in octahedrons, containing over 10 p. c. of oxyd of iron, and having G.=-5074-5'133. 3. Chromiferous (Titane oxyde chromifhre H.). A grass-green variety, containing oxyd of chrome, whick gives the color. Analyses: 1, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. x. 417); 2, H. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxiii. 67, Pogg., iii. 166); 3, Kersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii. 170); 4, 5, Demoly (Jahresb., 1849, 728): 1. St. Yrieix, reddish Ti 97-60 Fe 1'55-99-15 Damour. G.-4-209. 2. " "' 98471 1-53=100 H. Rose. 3. Freiberg, nigrine 96-75 2'40z- 99'15 Kersten. G.=4'242. 4. Loc. unknown 96-41 1'63, Mn 0-13, Si 1-83-100 Demoly. 5. " "' 96-45 1'62, " 0'14, " 0-'9-100 Demoly. a In part at least zagneetite, which may be separated by a magnet. The Ilmenorutile consists approximately, according to Hiermann (1. c.), of Ti 89'3, Fe 10-.: Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. With salt of phosphorus gives a colorless bead, which in R.F. assumes a violet color on cooling. Most varieties contain iron, and give a brownish-yellow or red bead in R.F., the violet only appearing after treatment of the bead with metallic tin on charcoal. Insoluble in acids; made soluble by fusion with an alkali or alkaline carbonate. The solution containing an excess of acid, with the addition of tin-foil, gives a beautiful violet-color when concentrated. Obs. —Rutile occurs in granite, gneiss, mica slate, and syenitic rocks, and sometimes in granular limestone and dolomite. It is generally found in imbedded crystals, often in masses of quartz or feldspar, and frequently in acicular crystals penetrating quartz. It has also been met with in hematite and ilmenite. It is common in grains or fragments in many auriferous sands. Occurs in Arendal and Krager6e in Norway; at llorrsj6berg, Finland, with lazulite and kyanite; Saualpe, Oarinthia; in the Urals; in the Tyrol; at St. Gothard; at Yrieix, in France; Krummhenners ANHIYDROFUS OXYDS. 161 dorf. near Freiberg; in Castile, in genicullated crystals, often large; at Ollapian in Transylvania, nigrine in pebbles; in large crystals in Perthshire, Scotland; at Crianlarick, at Craig Calleach near Killin, and on Benygloe; in Donegal Co., Ireland. A variety from Karingsbricka in Sweden contains according to Ekeberg (Ak. H., Stockh., 1803, 46), 3 p. c. of chrome, and is the titane oxiyde chromifre of lauyy; grass-green needles, supposed to be chromiferous, have been found in the Swiss Alps. The Ihmernorutile is from the phenacite and topaz mine of the Ilmen Mts., in the Urals. Rough octahedrons, reticulated within, from Brazil, are supposed to be pseudomorphs after anatase. In El~aine, at Warren, along with tremolite and chalcopyrite. In N. Han29m., sparingly at Lyme, with tourmaline; near Hanover, acicular crystals in quartz, only in loose masses. In Vermzont, at WVaterbury, Bristol, Dummerston, and Putney; also in loose boulders in middle and northern Vermont, acicular, some specimens of great beauty in transparent quartz. In Mass., at Barre, in gneiss, crystals occasionally an inch and a half in diameter; at Windisor, in feldspar veins intersectiug chlorite slate; at Shelburne, in fine crystals in mica slate; at Leyden, with scapolite; at Conway, with gray epidote. In Conn., at Lane's mine, Monroe, and in the adjoining town of Huntington. In N. Yorkt, in Orange Co., 1 m. E. of Edenville, with pargasite in limestone boulders; 2 m. E. of Warwick, in granite with zircon; 1 m. E. of Amity, in quartz with brown tourmaline, and 2 m. W., with spinel and corundum, and also 2 m. S.~W., with red spinel and chondrodite; near Warwick, in slender prisms penetrating quartz; in N. York Co., at Kingsbridge, in veins of quartz, feldspar, and mica traversing granular limestone; in the limestone of Essex Co. In Penn., in fine long crystals, at Sudsbury, Chester Co., and the adjoining district in Lancaster Co.; at Parksburg, Concord, West Bradford, and Newlin, Chester Co.; at the Poor House quarry, Chester Co., in delicate crystals, sometimes iridescent, on dolomite. In N. Jersey, at Newton, with spinel. In N. Car., at Crowder's Mountain. In Georgia, in Habersham Co.; in Lincoln Co., at Graves' Mountain, with lazulite in large and splendent crystals, some 3~ by 24 in. In Arkansas, at Magnet Cove. In Canada, small crystals, with specular iron at Sutton, C. E.; in the ilmenite of Bay St. Paul, C. E., orange translucent grains, pure Ti, and probably rutile or brookite. The oxyd of titanium is employed for a yellow color in painting porcelain, and also for giving the requisite tint to artificial teeth. Recent art. on cryst., Kokscharof Min. Russl., i. ii. iii. iv.; Pogg., xci. 154 (whence angles given); G. Rose, Pogg, cxv. 643; Hessenberg, Min. Not., I. II. V. Figs. 16'-164 by G. Rose. Artif.-Formed in crystals by heating together to redness titanic acid and protoxyd of tin, and then heating the mass with silica to a cherry red heat (Deville); by the action of steam on fluorid or chlorid of titanium (Daubree, Hautefeuille). Hautefeuille observes that in this process crystals of rutile are formed when the heat used is red heat; of brookite, when it is between that required for volatilizing cadmium and zinc; and of anatase, when the heat is a little below that required for the volat. of cadmium. Has been observed in crystals as a furnace product by Scheerer. 194. OCTAIEIED:RITE. Schorl bleu indigo (fr. Oisans) Boeurn., de Lisle's Crist., ii. 406, 1183; Schorl octaedre rectangulaire id., J. de Phys., xxx. 386, 11S7. Octaedrite Sauss., Alpes, ~ 1901, 1796. Oktaddrit Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Wern., ii. 218, 1804. Oisanite Delameth., T. T., ii. 269, 1797; I;, J. d. M., v. 273, 1799. Anatase H.., Tr., iii. 1801. Dauphinit. Tetragonal. O A 1-i=1190 22'; ca=1-77771. Commonly octahedral or tabular. Observed plaines: 0; prisms, i, i-i; octahedrons, 1, _~ I,, ~, a, 3-2, 4-~, 1-i art, 1-i; zirconocid, -9-5. O A =r 1530 19' 1 A 1, bas.,-136~ 36' O A 7-160 15 2-i A 2-i " 148 28 O A 1_111 42 1-i A 1 " z121- 16 O A 2-i=105 46 O A 1= 90. 1 A 1, pyr.,=97 51 IA 1=158 18 1 Cleavage: I and 0, perfect. I-I.=5-5 —4. G.-3-82 —3-95; sometimes 4-11-4-16 1' after heating. Lustre metallic-adamantine. Color va- rious shades of brown, passing into indigo-blue, and black; greenish-yellow by transmitted light. Streak uncolored. Fracture subcoclhoidal. Brittle. 11 162 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Comp.-Like rutile and brookite, pure titanic acid. Rose found in crystals from Brazil 1'25 per cent. sesquioxyd of iron (Pogg., lxi. 516); and Damour obtained in an analysis (Ann. Oh. Phys., III. x. 411), Ti 98-36, Fe 1-11, Sn 0'20=99-67. Pyr., etc.-Same as for rutile. Obs.-Most abundant at Bourg d'Oisans, in Dauphiny, with feldspar, axinite, and ilmenite. Found in mica slate in the Grisons; in Bavaria; near Hof in the Fichtelgebirge; Norway; the Urals; in chlorite in Devonshire, near Tavistock; with brookite at Tremadoc, in North Wales; in Cornwall, near Liskeard and at Tintagel Cliffs; in Brazil in quartz, and in detached crystals so splendent as to be sometimes mistaken for diamonds. In the U. States, at the Dexter lime rock, Smithfield, R. I., in dolomite. De Saussure's name octahedrite has the priority, and is particularly appropriate, the crystals being usually octahedrons. Haiiy's anatase is No. 3 in order of time, and was brought forward after he had once adopted for a while Delametherie's name oisanite; it is from avrl)Taot, erection, and was intended to signify, as Haiiy says, that the common octahedron was longer than that of other tetragonal species; but length is not in the meaning of the Greek word. Artif. —Formed in crystals by the action of steam on chlorid or fluorid of titanium (Daubree); by the action of a stream of muriatic acid gas on Ti 02 (Deville); by fusing titanic acid with salt of phosphorus B.B. in R.F., and then exposing the bead to the point of the blue flame, when minute transparent crystals of octahedrite separate (G. Rose). 195. HAUSMANNITE. Schwarz Braunsteinerz pt. Wern., Bergm. J., 386, 17189. Schwarz Manganerz pt. Karst., Tab. 72, 100, 1808. Black Manganese. Bliittricher Schwarz-Braunstein ilausm., Handb., 293, 1813. Manganese oxycld hydrate H., Tr., 1822. Pyramidal Manganese Ore Haid., Mobs, Min., ii 416, 1824. Hausmannite Haid., Trans. R. Soc. Ed., 1827. Glanz. braunstein Hausm., Handb., 405, 1847. Tetragonal. O A 1-i=130~ 25'; a= 1'1743. Observed planes: 1,, 1-i. Forms octahedral. 0 A 1-121~ 3' 3 A 1, pyr.,=139~0 57' 1 A 1, pyr.,=105 25 1-i A 1- " =114 52 O A — 151 2 1 A 1-i-142 42 Cleavage: basal, nearly perfect. Twins, parallel to 1-i; the same kind of composition sometimes between four individuals, nearly like 93, p. 65. Also granular massive, particles strongly coherent. IH. -5 —55. G. 4-'722. Lustre submetallic. Color brownish-black. Streak chestnut-brown. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Comp —Mn2 Mn=Manganese 72-1, oxygen 2179= —n 69, Mn 31=100. Formula usually written Mn'n. Analyses: 1, Turner (Trans. Roy. Soc. Ediub., xi.); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xiv. 222); 3, id. (ib., cxxiv. 523); 4, L. J. Igelstrdm (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1865, 606): Mn Mn O ea Si II 1. Ilefeld 98-902 0'215 0'111 0'337 0'435=100 Turner. 2. Ilmenau 92'487 -- 17004 1'150 - -— =99641 Ramm. 3. Filipstad 92'12 -- 6-95 0'13 -- 034, Ca 0-14, Mg 0-41=10009 Ramm. 4. Jakobsberg 28'8 7127 -- - - -=1) Igelstrdmn. Rammelsberg, in later examinations of the Ilmenau mineral (Pogg., cxxiv. 522), found Si 0-19, 0.91, 0'60, and lla 0'15, 0-60, 014, with ign. 0'5, and 0 7'10. Pyr., etc. —B.B. like manganite. Dissolves in heated muriatic acid, affording chlorine. Obs.-Occurs with porphyry, along with other manganese ores, in fine crystals, near Ilmenau in Thuringia; Ilefeld in the HIarz; Filipstad in Wermland. Reported also from Framont in Alsace. Observed at Lebanon, Penn. Dauber found for crystals from Ilmenau 1 A 1=105~ 30', and I A — 140~ 31' (Pogg., xciv. 406). The formula Mn2 Mn, which makes the two members each to contain two of oxygen, accords with the approximate isomorphism of the species with octahedrite and rutile, the angle O A 1 in it differing hardly 2~ from 0 A l-i in octahedrite, and about 21~ from 0 A 1 in rutile. Artif.-Formed in crystals by subjecting Min and Mg to heated muriatic acid gas (Deville). ANHYDRMOUS OXYDS. 163 196. BRAUNITE. Braunite, Brachytypous Manganese-Ore, Haid., Ed. J. Sci., iv. 48, 1826, Hartbraunstein Hausm, Handb., 222, 1847. Marceline Beud., ii. 188, 1832. ieteroklin Breith., Pogg., xlix. 204, 1840 (in art. by Evreinoff), Handb., 801, 1847. Tetragonal. 0A 1 —i135~ 26'; a=0'98525. Observed planes: 0, 1, 2, 2-2: O A 1=125~ 40' 2 A 2, pyr.,=96~ 33' OA 2=109 45 2 A 2, basal,=140 30 1 Al, pyr.,=109 53 2-2 A2-2, pyr. axial,=128 17 1 A 1, bas., =108 40 2-2 A 2-2, pyr. diag.,=144: 4 1 A=1-109~ 46' and 108~ 53', Descloizeaux. Twins: forms consisting of three crystals, (enlngott. Also massive. lI.=6 — 65. G.=4'75 —4' 82; 4-752, fr. Elgersberg, Ramm.; 4'818, ib., Haid.; 4'77, fr. St. Marcel, Damour. Lustre submletallic. Streak anld color dark brownish-black. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp. —2 1MIn2 inLid+n Si (see p. 133). Turner obtained no silica, and made the mineral simply in. Analyses: 1, Turner (Ediub. Trans., xi); 2-4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cxxiv. 515): MNn 0 Ia Si A 1. Elgersberg 86'95 9-85 2'25 tr. 0'95=100 Turner. 2. " cryst. (2) undet. 0'24 798 -- Ramm. 3. " massive (Q) " 0'54 8-32 -- Ramm. 4. " [80'94] 8-08 0'44 8'63 1 00, Ca 0'91=100 Ramm. The marceline (or heterocline) from St. Marcel in Piedmont, shown chemically by Damour, and crystallographically by Descloizeaux, to be impure braunite, was found by Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. i. 400) to consist of Mn 66'68, Fe 10-04, Mn 8'79, Fe 1'30, Oa 1'14,'Mg 0'26, Si 10-24=98'45 Analyses of impure ore from Elba, by Bechi, in Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 62; from Engadin, in serpentine, by Bukeisen, in Ber. Ak. Wien, xxiv. 2871. Pyr., etc. —B.B. infusible. With borax and salt of phosphorus gives an amethystine bead in O.F., becoming colorless in R.F. With soda gives a bluish-green bead. Treated with muriatic acid evolves chlorine. Marceline gelatinizes with acids. Obs. —Occurs both crystallized and massive, in veins traversing porphyry, at Oehrenstock, near Ilmenau; at Elgersberg in Thuringia; at Botnedalen, Upper Tellemark, in Norway; near Ilefeld in the Hlarz; at St. Marcel in Piedmont;, at Elba (Bechi, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 62); at Vizianagram in India. Named after Mr. Braun of Gotha. To exhibit the true relations between the forms of braunite and cassiterite or rutile, the plane 1-i above should be 1, OA 1 in cassiterite being 136~ 26'. Homologically this plane in all these related species is 1-i, the plane corresponding to that truncating an edge of a cube which inclines to O 135~. 197. MINIUM. Mennige Germ. Plomb oxide rouge H. Pulverulent, occasionally exhibiting, under the microscope, crystalline scales. H.=2-3 G.=4'6. Lustre faint greasy, or dclll. Color vivid red, mixed with yellow; streak orange-yellow. Opaque. Comp. —-Pb3 04=Pb+ 2 Pb=Oxygen 9.34, lead 90-66=100. Pyr.-In the reduction flame of the blowpipe globules of lead are obtained. Obs.-Usually associated with galenite, and also with calamine, and sometimes constituting pseudomorphs aftergalenite and cerussite. 164 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Occurs at Bleialf in the Eifel; in Badenweiler in Baden; Brillon in Westphalia; island of Anglesey; Grassington Moor and Weardale in Yorkshire; Leadhills in Scotland; Schlangenberg in Siberia. Found at Austin's mine, Wythe Co., Va., along with cerussite. 198. BROOKITE. Jurinite Soret, 1822. Brookite Levy, Ann. Phil., II. ix. 140, 1825. Arkan. site Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. ii. 250, 1846.? Eumanite Shep., ib., xii. 211, 1851. Orthorhombic. IA — 990 50' (-100~ 50'): O A1- 1310 42'; a: b: =1'1620: 1:1: 11883. Observed planes: O; vertical, I, i-i, i-i, i-., i-2, i-4:, i -~, q:~-~ q;-~ domes, - 2 -2 i-4, i- i-v,;-n; domes, F i-%, 2-i; octahedral, ~, 1, 2, 1-n, 2-2, _-3 5, 5-0, 2-8, 2-4. 166 6 167 168 12 4X2 2 Arkansas. Miask, Ural. 169 0 A — =1500 42' IA i-T=139~ 55' — ~ OA -- -147 14 i-iAi-2=157 11 2& -= OA1 -124 17 i-2Ai-, mac., -134 22 OA 1 =143 45 ~A1 " =135 14 OA2-4 — 111 34 1 A 1 115 43 OA 1-2= 132 119 1- — A-101 3 0 A 5-=101 38 1-2 A1 —, brach.,=135 37 I i2 f0 if I' OA 2-=:117 54 2- A 2-, top,-= 55 48 Cleavage: I, indistinct; 0, still more so. IH.-_-5'5 —6. G.=4'12 —423, brookite; 4'21'-4-23, trp. Ural cryst.; 4'03 —4085, arkansite, Ellenville, N. Y. Whitney and Damour, 3'86 —395, Rammelsberg, 3'81, a variety from the Ural, Hermann. IHair-brown, yellowish, or reddish, with metallic adamantine lustre, and translucent (brookite); also ironblack, opaque, and submetallic (arkansite). Streak uncolored-grayish, yellowish. Brittle. Comp.-Pure titanic acid, Ti, like rutile. Analyses: 1, Hermann (J. pr. Oh., xlvi. 404); 2, Romanovsky (B. H. Ztg., 1853, No. 26); 3, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. xv. 447): Ti Fe A1 ign. 1. Urals 94'09 4'50 tr. 1'40-=10000 Hermann. 2. " 94-31 3'28 - 131_ 98'90 IRomanovsky. 3. Arkansas 99136 1'36 0'73 — =101'45 Damour. ANHYDROUS OXYDS. 165 Rammelsberg obtained 94-23 p. c. of titanic acid from the arkansite, and a corresponding low specific gravity, while Whitney and Damour found little impurity and a higher specific gravity. Pyr., etc.-Same as for rutile. Obs. —Brookite occurs at Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiny; at St. Gothard, with albite and quartz; in the Urals, district of Slatoust, near Miask; near Makirch in the Vosges, in pseudomorphs after sphene; rarely at Val del Bove, Etna, with rutile; at Fronoleu near Tremadoc, Wales; in thick black crystals (arkansite, f. 166) at Magnet Cove, Ozark Mts., Arkansas, along with elkeolite, black garnet, and schorlamite; in small crystals from the gold washings of North Carolina; at the lead mine of Ellenville, Ulster Co., N. Y., on quartz (f. 169), with chalcopyrite and galenite; at Paris, Maine. IA lin arkansite=100~-100~ 30', 1-2 A 1 —=101~ 30', and 1350 15' to 135~ 50'. In brookite from the Urals, I A 1=990 50', Kokscharof (Min. Russl.). Named after the English crystallographer and mineralogist, H. J. Brooke. Artif.-Formed in crystals by the action of steam on chlorid or fluorid of titanium (Daubree). 198A. EUMANITE. Eumanite occurs in minute crystals at the Chesterfield albite vein with rubellite and pyrochlore. Its chemical identity with brookite has not been ascertained. The annexed are figures, by the author, of two of the crystals. 170 170A 24 24 14 3,4 33 3i Some of the observed angles are IA I=1000 to 1010, 4, A 4 —=77~ 49', i — A i —=140~-1400 15', i-i A.-t=128~ 20'-128~ 30', i-i A i-q=1080. Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 211, 397, xiii. 117. 199. PYROLUSITEI. Lapis manganensis pt. Ccesalp., Metall., 1596. Brunsten = Magnesia pt. Wall., 268, 1747; Manganese pt. Fr. Trl. Wall., i. 483, 1753. Manganaise grise pt. Forst., Cat., 1772. Grau Braunstein pt. Wern., Bergm. J., 386, 1789; id., Hausm., Handb., 288, 1813. Gray Oxyd of Manganese pt.; Anhydrous Binoxyd of Manganese. Mangan Hyperoxyd Leonh., Handb., 240, 1826. Pyrolusite, Prismatic Manganese-Ore, Iaid., Trans. R. Soc. Ed., 1827. Weichbraunstein, Weichmangan, Germn. Polianite (fr. Platten) Breilh., Pogg., lxi. 191, 1844=Lichtes Graumangan-Erz id., Char., 231, 1S32. Orthorhombic. IA f=930 40', 0 A 1 —-1420~1i' 171 a: b: c=0776: 1: 1-066. Observed planes as in the 1, figure. 0 A -z -=160~, I\A i-T-136~ 50' I/A i-i-1330 10', ~- A I-, top,=140~. Cleavage I and i-i. Also columnar, often divergent; also granular massive, and frequently in reniform coats. Often soils. H. -2-5 -5. G. 4-82, Turner; Lustre metallic. Color iron-black, dark steel-gray, sometimes bluish. Streak black or bluish-black, sometimes submetallic. Opaque. Rather brittle. Var. —. Ordinary. In (a) crystals and (b) massive. IH.=2-2-5; G.=4'819, Turner; 4-84, fr. Andalusia. Angles as above given. 166 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 2. Polianite. I.tabove 5. G.=4-838-4'880, fr. Platten, Breith. Color light steel-gray. Angles, IA I=92~ 52', 0 A 1-i=147" 43'. It is a very pure pyrolusite. Pisani states that "polianite" from Cornwall has G.-=4826. 3. VaTrvacite is impure pyrolusite. See under MANGANITE. Comp. —Mn=Manganese 63'3, oxygen 36-7 —100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Schw. J., xlii. 10); 2, 3, Turner (Edinb. Trans., 1828); 4, Scheffler (Arch. Pharm., xxxv. 260); 5, Plattner (Pogg., lxi. 192): Mn'n o Ba Si fi 1. Undenaes? 83-56 14-58 - 1'86=100 Arfvedson. 2. Elgersberg 84-05 11-78 0-53 0'51 1-12=100 Turner. 3. Ilefeld 85-62 11'60 0-66 0'55 1'57=100 Turner. 4. Ilmenau 87-0 11'6 1'2 0'8 5-8, Fe 1-3, Ca 0 3, A;10 3 S 5. Platten, Pol. 87-27 12-11 -- 013 0-32, Fe A 017=100 Platt. In another specimen Scheffier found 9'7 per cent. of baryta. Specimens from near Battenberg, Hesse, afforded Schwarzenberg and Engelhardt 96'45 to 100 per cent. of pure superoxyd of manganese (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxi. 262). V. Sevoz and J. Breuilhs find in crystallized ore from Huelva in Andalusia, iMn 9719, ~e 0'5, ft 1'1=99'5; and in a massive, Mn 96'9, Fe 1'0, I 0-5, Si 10-= 99'4 (Bull. Soc. de'Ind. Min., vi. 29, Rev. Geol. par Delesse, 1860, 57). Pyr., etc.-B.B. alone infusible; on charcoal loses oxygen. A manganese reaction with borax. Affords chlorine with muriatic acid. Obs. —This ore is extensively worked at Elgersberg near Ilmenau, and other places in Thuringia; at Vorderehrensdorf near Miihrish-Triibau, in Moravia, which place annually affords many hundred tons of the ore; at Platten in Bohemia, and elsewhere. Fine crystals occur near Johanngeorgenstadt, and at Hirschberg in Westphalia, and crystalline plates at Matzka, Transylvania; also found sparingly in Cornwall; in Timor; in Australia. Occurs in the United States with psilomelane, abundantly in Vermont, at Brandon, Irasburg, Bennington, Monkton, Chittenden, etc., both crystallized (f. 171) and massive; at Conway, Mass., in a vein of quartz; at Plainfield and West Stockbridge, Mass.; at Winchester, N. H.; at Salis. bury and Kent, Conn., forming velvet-like coatings on limonite. In California, on Red island, bay of San Francisco. In New Brunswick, 7 m. fr. Bathurst, in fine cryst.; in Shepody Mtn. and elsewhere; near Upham in King's Co. In Nova Scotia, at Teny cape, cryst. and massive; also at Walton, abundant; near Kentville; Pictou; Amherst; M3usquodobit. Pyrolusite and manganite are the most important of the ores of manganese. Pyrolusite parts with its oxygen at a red heat, and is extensively employed for discharging the brown and green tints of glass. It hence received its name from trop, fire, and Xvw, to wash; and for the same reason it is whimsically entitled by the French le savon de verriers. It is easily distinguished from psilomelane by its inferior hardness, and usually by being crystalline. 200. CREDNERI~TE. Kupferhaltiges Manganerz Credner, Jahrb. Min., 5, 1847. Mangankupferoxyd Hausm., Handb., 1582, 1847. Mangankupfererz, Crednerit, Ramm., Pogg., lxxii. 559. Mlonoclinic. Foliated crystalline. Cleavage: basal very perfect; less distinct in two other directions obliquely inclined to one another. H.=4'5. G.=4-9 —5'1. Lustre metallic. Color iron-black to steelgray. Streak black, brownish. Comp. —0u' Mn2=Oxyd of copper 42'9, oxyd of manganese 57'1=100; but often mixed with oxyd of manganese. Analyses: 1, Credner (Pogg., lxxiv. 555); 2-4, Rammelsberg (I. c., and Min. Ch., 178): Mn Mn 0u B]a Oa f: 0 1. Friederichsrode 22'96 31-25 42-13 0-52 0-63 0-25 —, gangue 0'63=98-37 Cred. 2. " 52-55 - 40-65 1-48 - - 5-78-100'46 Ramm. 3. " 56'29 ~ 8235 3-08 076 - 858=99-06 Ramm. I. " 64-24 23-73 2-01 - 883=98'81 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fusible only on thin edges. With borax in O.F. gives a dark violet color (manganese); with salt of phosphorus a green glass, which on cooling is blue, and in R.F. becomes red (copper). Soluble in muriatic acid with evolution of chlorine. Obs. —From Friederichsrode, with volborthite, malachite, and manganese ores. Rammelsberg observes that this ore is undoubtedly the source of the cupreous manganese, a secondary product. HYDROUS OXYDS. 167 201. PLATTNERITE. Schwerbleierz Breith., J. pr. Ch., x. 508, 1837. Plattnerit Haid., Handb., 504, 1845. Braunbleioxyd Hausm., H-andb., 202, 1847. In hexagonal prisms with replaced basal edges, planes O, 1; 1, but pseudomorphous after pyromorphite (Greg); cleavage indistinct. G.=9'39 —945. Lustre metallicadamantine. Color ironblack. Streak brown. Opaque. CoMP.-According to Plattner (J. pr. Ch., x. 508), Pb O2-Lead 86-6, oxygen 13-4=100. Probably from Leadhills, Scotland. A doubtful species. The specific gravity given is as high as that of the protoxyd of lead. 201A. VANADIO OCHRE.-(Vauadic acid T'eschemacher, Am. J. Sci., II. xi. 233, 1851.) A yellow pulverulent substance, encrusting masses of native copper, along with quartz, at the Cliff mine, Lake Superior, according to J. E. Teschemacher (I. c.). The color before the blowpipe changed to black; also the powder, boiled in nitric acid, afforded an apple-green solution, from which, on partial evaporation, after standing some weeks, red crystalline globules formed on the surface. which, as they enlarged, fell to the bottom; by means of these crystalline masses the vanadates of silver and lead were made. As no metal was found in the first solution, the yellow mineral was inferred to be probably vanadic acid (V 03). B. HYDROUS OXYDS. 1. Oxygen ratio for H, HI1: 1. 202. TURGITE Pe2 fI 2. 0. ratio for X, 11=l: 3. 203. DIASPORE A1 I 204. G6THITE Pe ]I 205. MANGANITE MBn Ai 3. 0. ratio for', 1=l. 206. LIMONITE e2 3 4. 0. ratio for s, H=1: 2. 207. XANTHOSIDERITE Pe I_2 208. BEAUXITE (Xl, He) ft2 209. ELIASITE (X:U, e) f2 5. 0. ratio for', H-1:1. 210. BRUCITE Mg ft (or MIg3 t3) 213. LIMNITE Pe tI3 211. PYROCHROITE Mn 1 (or Mn' II) 214. EYDROTALCITE (3 l + 2 Mg') 12 3 + 21 13 212. GIBBSITE A;l H9 215. PYROAURITE (I Pe+. Mg3) H1+ 2 i 216. GUMITE (U, Fe) ft Apqpendix.-21 7. PSILOMELANE. 218. WAD: A, BoG MANGANESE; B, ASBOLITE; C, LAMPADITE. 202. TURGITE. Hematite pt. Red Ochre pt. Turgit Herm., Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, i. 252, 1845. Hydrohbematit Breith., Handb., 846, 1847. Compact fibrous and divergent, to massive; often botryoidal and stalactitic like lirionite. Also earthy, as red ochre. H.= 5-6; 55, Brush. G.-=3B56 — 374, from Ural, Herm.; 4'29 —449, fr. Hof, Breith.; 4'681, fr. Horhausen,; Bergemann; 4'14, fr. Salisbury, Brush. Lustre submetallic and somewhat satin-like in the direction of the 168 OXYGEN COMPOUNDs. fibrous structure; also dull earthy. Color reddish-black, to dar]k red; bright-red when earthy; botryoidal surface often lustrous, like muclh limonite. Opaque. Comp.-Ve2 1-=Sesquioxyd of iron 9417, water 5'3=100. Analyses: 1, Hermann (1. c.); 2, F. W. Fritzsche (Breith. Handb., 1. c.); 3, 4, Bergemann and Pfeiffer (Ramm. iMin. Ch., 989); 5, Rodman (Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 219): I' e' {n 1 Insol. 1. Ural 8534 - 531 7'50, Cu, Pb 1-85=100 Herm. 2. Hof 93'49 4'61 1'91, S 0'09 —=10010 Fritzsche. 3. Horhausen 89'64 1-40 5'64 2-79-99-47 Bergemann. 4. " 92'93 - 5.31 0'93, Ca 110=100'27 Pfeiffer. 5. Salisbury 2 91'36 0'61 5-20, Si 2'06, 1l 0-75, P. S' Co tr.-99-98 Rodman. In other determinations for No. 5, 11 —5'02 and 5 09 p. c.; for specimens from Lehigh valley, Pa., 5'34 Rcepper. Pyr., etc.-Heated in a closed tube, flies to pieces in a remarkable manner, and in this distinct from hematite and limonite; yields water. Otherwise like hematite. Obs.-A very common ore of iron, often taken for limonite, with which it is frequently associated, and which it resembles, except in its superior hardness, streak, and decrepitation. It also looks very much like fibrous hematite. Hermann's mineral was from the Turginsk copper mine near Bosgolovsk, in the Ural, and from the Kolyvan district, in the Altai; that of Breithaupt, from near Hof in Bavaria, and Siegen in Prussia; found also with limonite at Dusseldorf in Prussia; at the Louisa mine, Horhausen. In the United States it occurs abundantly, and very large botryoidal massive, at the limonite ore bed of Salisbury, Ct., as detected by Prof. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 219), usually constituting the exterior layer of the limonite, sometimes an inch or more thick. The line of demarcation between it and the limonite is very clistinct, and separation alonog it is often easy. Artif —E. Davies has shown that the ordinary precipitate of hydrate of iron, on being boiled in water, may have its water reduced to 3-52 p. c. (J. Ch. Soc., II. iv. 69); and Rodman (1. c.) has, by the same method, reduced it to 2 p. c., showing that the water varies with the temperature of origin; and, as Davies observes, no great heat is needed to make thus anhydrous hematite. 203. DIASPORE. Diaspore fIaiiey, Tr., iv. 1801. Blittricher Hydrargillit HMcusm., HIandb., 442, 1813. Hydrate of alumine. Orthorhombic. IA- 93~ 42', 0 A 1 —147~ 12W-'; a: b: c-0-64425 1: 1-067. Observed planes: vertical,,-f, i-, -- i-, i-? -2, -2; domes, 1-, -i 9-; octahedral, 1, 2-2 1-2 9 —]-0 -9 1-, 4-!.A O A 1-4-148~ 52~J 1-2 A 1-S, basal,-700 52' i-2 A i-2129~ 47/ i-i A 1-4=121 7~ i-i A 1-2=104 14~1 i-3 A i-5=140 50~ 1-2 A 1-2, mac., 116 40 i-i A 1 116 54~ 1-i A 1-4, top,-ll7 45 1-5 A1 -2, brach.,-151 31 i-iA 1 —-120 33 i-i A i-2-115 6~ 113 Crystals usually thin, flattened parallel to 172 g i-; sometimes acicular; commonly implanted. Cleavage: i-i eminent; i-2 less periect. Occurs 1 ks 1 foliated massive and in thin scales; sometimes stalactitic..- If.=6'5 —'. G.-3'3 —3 5; 3' 4324, I-Iaiiy; 3.452, Dufrenoy; 3'30 —334, fr. Schemnitz. I ii2 i Lustre brilliant and pearly on cleavage-face; elsewhere vitreous. Color whitish, grayishwhite, greenish-gray, hair-brown, yellowish, to Schemnitz. colorless; sometimes vriolet-blue in one direction, reddish plumb-blue in another, and pale asparagus-green in a third. When thin, translucent - subtranslucent. Very brittle. YDROUS OXYDS. 169 Comnp. —l -1-85-1 alumina, 14'9 water —=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Dufrenoy (Ann. d. M., III. x. 577, 1837); 3, Hess (Poog'., xviii. 255); 4, Damour (C. R., xxi. 322); 5, Lwe (Pogg., lxi. 307); 6, 7, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xi. 58); 8, Damour (L'Institut, 1853, 78); 9, C. T. Jackson (Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 108); 10, S. B. Sharples (Priv. contrib.): A1 ilE 1Fe Si 1. Siberia 74-66 14'58 Ve 4-51 2'90,.a and Mg 1'64=98'29 Duf. 2. 78'93 15'13 " 052 1'39, Ca 1'98-97'95 Duf. 3. Miask 85-44 14-56 — =100 Hess. 4. Siberia 79'91 14'90. unattacked 5-80=100'61 Dam. 5. Schemnitz 85'13 15'00 - ---- 100'13 Lowe. G.-=3303. 6. Gumuch-dagh 83-12 14'28 0-66 0'82, Ca, Mg tr.=98-88 S. G.=3'45. 7. Naxos 82'94 14'81 1'06 0-26, Ca 0-35-99'42 S. 8. Bahia, S. A. 84-02 14-59 l'e 0-68 0'43-99'72 Damour. G. —=3464. 9. Chester, Mass. 83:0 14'8' 30 -— =1008 Jackson. G.=3'39. 10. Newlin, Pa. 80-95 14-84 " 312 1'53-100'44 Sharples. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube decrepitates strongly, separating into pearly white scales, and at a high temperature yields water. The variety from Schemnitz does not decrepitate. Infusible; with cobalt solution gives a deep blue color. Some varieties react for iron with the fluxes. Not attacked by acids, but after ignition becomes soluble in sulphuric acid. Obs.-Commonly found with corundum or emery in dolomite, chlorite schist, and other crystalline rocks, in nests, or as implanted crystals on corundum and other minerals. Occurs near Kossoibrod, district of Katharinenburg in the Ural, in granular limestone with emery; at Schemnitz in veins between dolomite and limestone; at Broddbo near Fahlun; with corundum in dolomite in Campo Longo, near Dazio Grande, in the Canton of Tessin in Switzerland; at Gumuchdagh and Manser, Asia Minor, and the Grecian islands Naxos, Samos, and Nicaria, with emery, as detected by J. L. Smith; with topaz and margarodite at Trumbull, Ct., but rare; with corundum and margarite at Newlin, Chester Co., Pa.; at the emery mines of Chester, Mass., in large plates and crystals. Exists also as an impurity in some zeolites (Scheerer, Pogg., cviii. 430). The above angles are from Kokscharof (Min. Russl., iii. 169). Marignac obtained by measurement l-iAl —=117~ 46', i-2Ai-2=130~, 1-2A1-2-151' 36' and 116~ 38'; Phillips, i-2 Ai-2=129~ 48'; iKenngott, i-2 A i-2 —=129~ 32'; Haidinger, i-2 A i-2 —129' 54', 1-2 A 1-2 —=151~ 54'. Diaspo2re was named by Haiiy from 6tarmnrpco, to scatter, alluding to the usual decrepitation before the blowpipe. Le Li6vre, as Hatly states, first made known the species, having found it at a mineral-dealer's in Paris, and given it to Vauquelin. for analysis. Its original locality is not known, but is supposed to have been the Urals. Vauquelin obtained alumina 80, oxyd of iron 3, water 16 to 18=100 (Hadiy, Tr., 1. c., and Ann. Ch., xlii. 113, 1802). 204. GOTHIT:E. Diilnschuppiger, linsenformiger, rubinrother, etc. Eisenglimmer (fir. Siegen), Becher, Min. Beschr. O.-Nass. Lande, 401, 1789. Kryst. fasriger Brauneisenstein M-fohs, Null. Min. Kab., iii. 403, 1804. Gothit (fr. Eiserfeld near Siegen) J. G. Lenaz, Tabell. ges. Mineralreich, 46, Jena, 1806, fol., Moll's Efem., iv. 505, 1808, Ullmann's Ueb., 304, 1814. Pyrrhosiderit [not Pyrosiderit] Ullmzann, HIausm. Handb., 268, 1813, Ullmann's Ueb., 144, 299, 304, 1814 [but given many years before to his class]. Schuppig-fasriger Brauneisenstein (fr. Hollerter Zug)-= Lepidokrokit Ullmancn, Hausm. ib., 269, 1813, Ullmann's Ueb., 148, 316, 1814. Haarf6rmiger.Brauneisenstein ilausm. ib., 270, 1813=Nadeleisenerz Breith., Char., 1823. Brown Iron-stone pt., Brown Iron-ore pt., Brown Hematite pt., of Jameson, Phillips, etc. Sammteisenerz, Sammetblende pt. =Przibramit in Glock. Handb., 549, 1831. Chileit Breith., J. pr. Ch., xix. 103, 1840. Onegit (fr. L. Onega) Andre (of Brinln), Tageblatt, No. 18, 1802, Moll's Efem., ii. 109, 112, 1806=Ore of Titanium various auth. for 25 years=G6thite later auth. Orthorholmbie. IA I=94~ 52', B.& MI.(95~ 14', Levy; 96~,Yorke); 0 A 1-i =146~ 33'; ca: b~ 066: 1: 1' 089. Observed planes: vertical, I; i-, g-2 i-2; domes, 1-i; octahedral, 1, 1-s, 3-3, 5-,. OA 3-3=1150 44' OA 1-=1480 48' 1-2 A 1-2, mac.,=-151~ 35' 0 A 1-2=143 55 0 A' —121 8 i-2 A — 130 40 OA 1 =138 6 1 Al, brach.,=121 4 i-Ai-,) ov. i-T,=122 52 170 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 174 In prisms longitudinally striated, and often flattened into scales or tables parallel to the shorter diagonal. Cleavage: l1 /1 brachydiagonal, very perfect. Also fibrous; foliated or in scales; massive; reniborm; stalactitic. a is in H.-5 —5'5. G.=4'0 —4'4; 4'37, crystals from Lostwithiel in Cornwall, Yorke. Lustre imperfect adamantine. Color yellowish, reddish, and blackish-brown. Often blood-red by transmitted light. Streak brownish-yellow-ochre-yellow. Var.-1. In thin scale-like or tabular crystals, usually attached by one edge. Such is the original Gdthite (Pyrrhosiderite or Rubinglimmer) of Siegen. 2. In acicular or capillary (not flexible) crystals, or slender prisms. often radiately grouped: the Needle-Ironstone (Nadeleisenstein). It passes into (b) a variety with a velvety surface: the Przibramite (Sammetblende) of Przibram is of this kind. (c) Onegite is acicular gdthite penetrating quartz, like rutile, fiom an island in L. Onega, Russia, where it was found in loose stones, in 1800, by Mr. Armstrong, an Englishman. It has also been called Fullonite, after Mr. Fullon, a brother-in-law of Mr. A., who also possessed specimens. 3. Columnar or fibrous. 4. Scaly-fibrous, or feathery columnar, the lines consisting of more or less distinct scales, somewhat like plumose mica; the Lepidocrocite (fr. Xgres, scale, and KPOKS, fiber). 5. According to Hausmann, compact massive, with a flat conchoidal fracture, liver-brown to blackish-brown and rust-brown color; and sometimes reniform or stalactitic. 6. Disseminated microscopic crystals of githite are one source of the frequent aventurine and opalescent character of specimens of different feldspars (see p. Comp. —e II=Sesquioxyd of iron 89-9, water 10'1 - 100. Analyses: 1-3, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., i. 181, 319); 4, Brandes (Ndogg. Geb. in Rheinl. Westph., i. 358); 5, 6, v. rKobell (1. c.); 7, Plattner (J. pr. Ch., xix. 103); 8, Yorke (Phil. Mag., III. xxvii. 264): Fe On II Si 1. Eiserfeld, Githite 86'35 0'51 11'38 0-85, Cu 0'90=99'99 Kobell. 2. H. Zug, Lepid. 90-53 - 941 — =100 Kobell. 3. 4" 85-65 2'50 11-50 0-35=100 Kobell. 4. " ".88'00 0'50 10'75 0'50=99'75 Brandes. 5. Amberg, mass. 86'24 - 10'68 2'00, Pb 1l08=100 Kobell. 6. Maryland, " 86'32 - 10-80 2'88=100 Kobell. 7. Chili, Chileite 83-5 10'3 4.3, Cu 1'9=100 Plattner. 8. Lostwithiel, cryst. 89'55 0'16 10'07 0'28=100'06 Yorke. Gdthite from near Marquette gave G. J. Brush 10-47 ft (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxvii. 271). The Amberg mineral (anal. 5) has been called stilpnosiderite; but Ullmann, who gave this name, found for his mineral the composition of limonite (q. v.) Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off water and is converted into red sesquioxyd of iron. With the fluxes like hematite; most varieties give a manganese reaction, and some, treated in the forceps in O.F., after moistening in sulphuric acid, impart a bluish-green color to the flame (phosphoric acid). Soluble in muriatic acid. Obs.-Found with the other oxyds of iron, especially hematite or limonite. Occurs at Eiserfeld near Siegen, in Nassau, in lamelliform and foliated crystallizations of a hyacinth-red color, with limonite; at Zwickau in Saxony; Oberkirchen in Westerwald, etc.; near Clifton in Gloucestershire, near Bristol, England; in Cornwall, near Botallack and Lostwithiel, some of the crystals 1~ -2 in. long and 3 in. across; in Somersetshire, at the Providence iron mines. In the U. States, at the Jackson Iron Mtn., near Marquette, L. Superior, in lamelliform crystals; in Penn., near Easton, the var. lepidocrocite with limonite; in California, at Burns Creek, Mariposa Co., in quartz; in Oregon, 16 m. from Portland. Named Gothite after the poet philosopher CGdthe; and Pyrrhosiderite from 7rvpoi, fire-red, and efl&por, iron. The name Onegite has priority, but it was given without a proper description, and for 25 years the nature of the mineral was unknown. 205. MANGANITE. Manganaise cristallise de Lisle, Crist., 330, 1772, iii. 101, 1783. Manganese oxyde metalloide H, Tr., iv. 1801 (with figs.). Grau-Braunsteinerz pt. Wern,, 1789; Karsten, Tab., 1800. Graumanganerz pt. Karsten, Tab., 1808. Grau-Braunstein pt. Hausm., HYDROUS OXYDS. 171 Handb., 288, 1813, 390, 1847. Gray Oxyd of Manganese pt. Prismatoidisches Mangan-Erz Mobhs, Grundr., 488, 1824. Manganite Laid., Trans. R. Soe. Edinb., 1827. Acerdese Beud., Tr., ii. 678, 1832. Newkirkite Thom., Min., i. 509, 1836. Orthorhombic. IA 1-=990 40', 0 A 1-=147~ 9k'; a: b: c=06455: 1: 1185. Hemihedral, in plane ~-2. Observed planes, O (uncommon); vertical, I, i-, i-, i-2, i —, i —, i-2; domes, 1-, 1-4, 2-4; octahedral, 1, 2, 1-2; 1-3, 2-2, ~-2. O A 2 —i=127~ 46' 1 A 1, mac., 1300 49' 175. O A 1-3-146 9 1 A 1, brach., 120 54 0 A 1-2=144 59 1-3 A 1-s, mac.,=162 39 13 3 0 A 1=139 49 i-2 A i-2, mac.,- 134 14 0 A 2-2=128 18 i-2 A i-2, br., 118 48 2z 0 A 1 —=151 25 i-9 A di-, br.,=136 54 Twins: composition-face 1-i. Cleavage: i-; very perfect, 1 perfect. Crystals longitudinally striated, and often grouped in bundles. Also columnar; seldom granular; stalactitic. H.-.=4. G.-4 = 2- 44. Lustre submetallic. Color dark steel-gray-iron-black. Streak reddish-brown, sometimes nearly black. Opaque; minute splinters, sometimes brown by transmitted light. Fracture uneven. Comp.-R-'n If=Sesquioxyd of manganese 89'8 (-Mn 62'5, O 27'3), water 10'2=100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Schw. J., xxvi. 262); 2, Gmelin (ib., xlii. 208); 3, 4, Turner (Edinb. Trans.. 1828); 5, How (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxi. 166): Mn O AE 1. West Gothland 89'92 1o008 Arfvedson. 2. Ilefeld 62-86 27-64 9'50 Gmelin. 3.' 62'68 27-22 [10 10] Turner. 4. " 62'77 27113 [10-10] Turner. 5. Cheverie 86-81 10'00, gangue 1'14, Fe, Ba, loss 2'05 How. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube yields water; otherwise like braunite. Obs.-Occurs in veins traversing porphyry, associated with calcite and barite, at Ilefeld in the Harz; Ilmenau and Oehrenstock in Thuringia; Undenaes in Sweden; Christiansand in Norway; Cornwall, at various places, occurring crystallized at Botallack mine, St. Just; Callington and at the Royal iron mines; also in Cumberland, Devonshire, Somerset; Aberdeenshire, Scotland; near Ross and elsewhere in Ireland. In Nova Scotia, at Cheverie, Hants Co., and Walton; also 10 m. W. of Walton, where it forms a bed of conglomerate, along with quartz pebbles. In New Brunswick, at Shepody mountain, Albert Co.; Tattagouche R., Gloucester Co.; Upham, King's Co.; and Dalhousie, Restigouche Co. Newkiirkite of Thomson, from Newkirchen in Alsace, according to Lettsom, is nothing, but manganite. Alt.-By loss of water changes to pyrolusite, hausmannite, or braunite. Varvacite of R. Phillips, from Warwickshire, is considered an altered manganite, consisting largely of pyrolusite. Breithaupt observed a crystal with nearly the angles of manganite, giving IA 1=800 24' and 990 36'. H.-=25-3. G._=4283-4'623. 172 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 206. LIMONITE. XLcrtas iOs (fr: Iberia) Diosc. Schistus, Hesmatites, Pliz., xxxvi. 37 38. Hmtmatites pt., Blodsten pt. [rest red hematite], WVall., 260, 1741, Cronst., 178, 1758. Hdmatite pt., Fr. Trl. Wall., 469, 1753. Braun-Eisenstein (incl. Eisenrahm, Brauner Glaskopf) Wern., Bergm. J., 383, 1]789. Brauneisenstein pt. [rest Gothite] Hausm., Handb., 268, 1813. ]Braun-Eisenstein, Stilpnosiderit, Ullmann, Ueb., 146, 305, 148, 313, 1814. Brown Iron Stone pt., Brown Hematite, Brown Ochre, Jameson, Min., 253, 261,1516. Limonite pt. [rest Gothite, Bog Ore] Beud., Tr., ii. 702, 1832 [not Limonit Hausm., 1813 (=Bog Ore only)]. [Q'xpa [yellow and brown] Theophr.? Sil Plin., xxxiii. 56. Ochra nativa, Germ. Berggeel, Agric., 466, 1546. 0. nativa, Sil, Berggelb, Ockergelb, Gesner, Foss., 8, 1565. Ochriger Brauneisenstein Wern., Karst. Brown Ochre pt., Yellow Ochre pt. Minera Ferri subaquosa, Min. F. lacustris, v. palustris, Sjoemalm, Myrmalm, Wall., 263, 1747. Mine de fer limoneuse Fr. Trl. Wall., 1753. Ferrum limosum, etc., Wall., ii. 256, 1775. Raseneisenstein (incl. Morasterz, Sumpferz, Wiesenerz) Wern., Bergm. J., 383, 1789. Marsh Ore, Bog Ore, Meadow Ore pt., Kirwan, Jameson, etc. Limonit (=Raseneisenstein or Bog Ore) Eausm., Handb., 283, 1813 [not Limonite of Beud., wh. incl. all hydrous ox. of iron]. Limnit Glock., Syn., 62, 1847. Usually in stalactitic and botryoidal or mammillary forms, having a fibrous or subfibrous structure; also concretionary, massive; and occasionally earthy. -I. -5 —5'5. G. -36 —4. Lustre silky, often submetallic; sometimes dull and earthy. Color of surface of fracture various shades of brown, commonly dark, and none bright; sometimes with a nearly black varnishlike exterior; when earthy, brownish-yellow, ochre-yellow. Streak yellowish-brown. Var. —(1) Compact. Submetallic to silky in lustre; often stalactitic, botryoidal, etc. (2) Ochreous or earthy, brownish-yellow to ochre-yellow, often impure from the presence of clay, sand, etc. (3) Bog ore. The ore from marshy places, generally loose or porous in texture, often petrifying leaves, wood, nuts, etc. (4) Brown clay-ironstone, in compact masses, often in concretionary nodules, having'a brownish-yellow streak, and thus distinguishable from the clay-ironstone of the species hematite and siderite; it is sometimes (a) pisolitic, or an aggregation of concretions of the size of small peas (Bohnerz Germ.); or (b) oolitic. Only part of stalactitic limonite, brown or yellow ochre, bog ore, and clay-ironstone belong here, the water present sometimes much exceeding that of limonite, so as to make them of the species zanthosiderite or limnite. But since in the determinations of the water analysts have not always separately estimated the organic ingredients, it is at present impossible to refer the analyses in all cases to their true places. Kaliphite of Ivanoff is a mixture of limonite, oxyd of manganese, silicate of zinc and lime, from Hungary. C0omp. - e2 H3=Sesquioxyd of iron 85-6, water 14-4=100. In the bog ores and ochres, sand, clay, phosphates, oxyds of manganese, and humic or other acids of organic origin are very common impurities. Analyses: 1, Ullmann (Ueb., 314, 1814); 2, 3, v. ]Kobell (J. pr. Ch., i. 181, 319); 4, Beck (Min. N. Y., 33); 5, Amelung (Ramm. Min. Ch., 149); 6, Schonberg (J. pr. Oh., xix., 107); 7, C. Bergemann (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn. xvi. 127); 8, Litton (Rep. G. Mo., 1855); 9, C. S. Rodman (priv. contrib.); 10-13, Schenck (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xc. 123): Fe'n I{ Si' 1. Westerwald, Stilyn. 80'50 tr. 16'00 2'25 --— =9875 Ullmann. 2. Perm, fibrous 83'38 - 15'01 161 --— =100 Kob. 3. Siegen, pitchy 82-87 tr. 13'46 0'67 3'00, Cu, Ca tr.=100 Kob. 4. Amenia, N. Y., stalact. lim. 82'90 tr. 13'50 3'60a --— 100 Beck. 5. Rubelund, Harz 86'77 -- 13'23 - -— 100 Amelung. 6. Horhausen 82'27 -- 13'26 4'50 -=100'03 Schonberg. 1. " G.-=3-908 82'63 2-35 12'33 2'27 -- =99*58 Bergemann. 8. [Buffalo, Mo. 84'80 -- 11-62 2'88 —, 10-64, S 0'12=100106 Litton. 9. Salisbury, Ct. 81'13 0'60 13'81 3'68 tr., 19'3, 9 o, Ca, S tr.=100-15 R. a With alumina. HYDROUS OXYDS. 173 Fe A~ Si'1 10. Dist. of Kandern, pisolitic 71'71 8 23 18300 6671, Ca 0'60=100'25 Schenck. l1. " " 75'51 12'99 5'80 6'86=101'16 Schenck. 12. " " 68'70 11'53 1180 747= —99'50 Schenck. 13. " " 70'46 11'12 13'04 5'88=100'50 Schenck. A concretionary ore from Staatswald Hardt, Wrurtemberg, afforded A. Miller (J. pr. Ch., lvii. 124) 0'05 p. c. of chromic acid, and 0'03 of vanadic; and traces of titanium, sulphur, and arsenic have been found in others. The organic acids sometimes amount to 12-15 p. c., as in the following: 1, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 513, 1863); 2, 3, Wiegmann (Preischr. Torfes, 75, 76, 1831): Fe kn Ii Si P Humic acid. 1. Pointe du Lac, Ochre 59-10 - 21'14 115 - 1501, sand3'60=100 Hunt. 2. Braunschweig, Bog ore Fe 66 - 13 - 7 14=100 Wiegmann. 3. " " L' " 68'5 1-5 10-5 -- 70 12-5=100 Wiegmann. The ochre analyzed by Hunt was from a bed in the soil having an extent of many acres; the color light brownish-yellow. It may be a mixture of limonite and a hydrous species containing oxyd of iron combined with organic acids. Hunt suggests that it should be made a distinct species; and when the exact nature of the organic acids is determined, this may properly be done. In other analyses of bog ores from Vaudreuil and other places in Canada, Hunt found 16'50 to 23'65 p. c. of water and organic acids, but the proportion of the two was not determined. For other so-called limonite, bog ores, and ochres, see XANTHOSIDERITE and LIAINITE. Pyr., etc.-Like ghthite. Some varieties give a skeleton of silica when fused with salt of phosphorus, and leave a siliceous residue when attacked by acids. Obs.-Limonite occurs in secondary or more recent deposits, in beds associated at times with barite, siderite, calcite, aragonite, and quartz; and often with ores of manganese; also as a modern marsh deposit. It is in all cases a result of the alteration of other ores, through exposure to moisture, air, and carbonic or organic acids; and is derived largely from the change of pyrite, siderit%, magnetite, and various mineral species (such as mica, augite, hornblende, etc.), which contain iron in the protoxyd state. It consequently occupies, as a bog ore, marshy places, over most countries of the globe, into which it has been borne by streamlets from the hills around; and in the more compact form it occurs in stalactites as well as in tuberose and other concretionary forms, frequently Imaking beds in the rocks which contain the minerals that have been altered into it. In moist places where a sluggish streamlet flows into a marsh or pool, a rust-yellow or brownish-yellow deposit often covers the bottom, and an iridescent film the surface of the water: the deposit is a growing bed of bog ore. The iron is transported in solution as a protoxyd carbonate in carbonated waters, a sulphate, or as a salt of an organic acid. The limonite beds of the Green Mountain region were shown by Percival (Rep. G. Conn., 132, Am. J. Sci., II. ii. 268) to be altered beds of pyritiferous micaceons and argillaceous schist; and the same is held by Lesley as true also of the other beds of the Atlantic border, from New England and New York, through Pennsylvania (Mt. Alto region and others), to Tennessee and Alabama (Proc. Am. Ac. Philad., 463, 1864, Am. J. Sci., II. xl. 119). Abundant in the United States. A few only of its localities are here mentioned; reference may be made to the various geological reports for complete lists. Extensive beds exist at Salisbury and Kent, Conn., also in the neighboring towns of Beekman, Fishkill, Dover, and Amenia, N. Y., and in a similar situation north; at Richmond and Lenox, Mass.; at Hinsdale as the cement in a conglomerate quartz rock; in Vermont, at Bannington, AMonkton, Pittsford, Putney, and Ripton. Limonite is one of the most important ores of iron. The pig iron, from the purer varieties, obtained by smelting with charcoal, is of superior quality. That yielded by bog ore is what is termed cold short, owing to the phosphorus present, and cannot therefore be employed in the manufacture of wire, or even of sheet iron, but is valuable for casting. The hard and compact nodular varieties are employed in polishing metallic buttons, etc. Named Limonite from M'~pco., meadow. Ullmann's name, Silpeosiderite, from artLrv6;, s7hining, has priority; but the ore is characteristically not a shining ore, although sometimes with a lustrous, varnish-like exterior. The name limonite was first appropriated especially to the bog ores by Hausmann in 1813. But most bog ores are of the above species, and Beudant, recognizing this, in 1832 used limonite for the bog as well as other limonite. Alt.-By deoxydation through organic matter, if carbonic acid is present, may form siderite (Fe C). By losing water becomes hematite (Fe). Hematite occurs as pseudomorphs after limonite. This species forms numerous pseudomorphs of other species. 174 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 207. XANTHEOSIDERITE. Gelbeisenstein (fr. Goslar) Hausm., Handb., 279, 1813. Xanthosiderit (fr. Ilmenau) E. E. Schmid, Pogg., lxxxiv. 495, 1851. Yellow Ochre pt. Bog Ore pt. In fine needles or fibres, stellate and concentric. Also as an ochre. IH. =25 when in needles. Lustre silky or greasy; also pitch-like; also earthy. Color in needles golden-yellowish, brown to brownish-red; as an ochre, yellow of different shades, more or less brown, sometimes reddish. Streak ochre-yellow. Comp. —e 1-2=Sesquioxyd of iron 81'6, water 184=-100. Analyses: 1, Hausmann (Gilb. Ann., v. 21, 1811); 2, 3, Schmid (1. c.); 4, TMurray (Ramm. Min. Ch., 150); 5, Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxii. 220): Fe i14]n;1 Si 1. Goslar, Harz 69'00 2'50 16'39 4'00, Fe S 8'05=99-84 Hausm. 2. Ilmenau, yellow a 74'96 1-82 1'32 15-67 2'51=96'28 Schmid. 3. " brown, 75 00 1-33 1'51 1410O 5'02=96-96 Schmid. 4. Hiittenrode, browe, n S141 - 1796 0'17, C( 046=100 Murray. 5. Kilbride, Ireland. 77-15 tr. 20'43 0'30, P 1'60=99'48 Haulghton. a Loss due to undetermined lime, magnesia, alkalies, antimony, lead, and bismuth, present as impurities. Haughton found no organic matter, protoxyd of iron, or sulphur in his analyses. Half the water in Hausmann's analysis must have belonged to the sulphate of iron, or else the mineral analyzed by him could not have corresponded to the formula given. Pyr., etc.-Like those of limonite. Obs.-Associated with manganese ores at Ilmenau, in silky needles, etc.; as an ochre near Goslar, Bruchberg, Elbingerode in the Harz; as a pitchy ore at Kilbride, Wicklow Co., Ireland, along with limonite and psilomelane. Several analyses of bog ore apparently accord with those of xanthosiderite. But the amount of water given actually includes whatever was driven off on ignition, and no examination was made for organic acids. See under LIMONITE. Artif.-The hydrate, Fe Et2, is formed when oxyd of iron is precipitated from hot solutions of its salts; and, according to Gmelin, also from cold solutions. 208. BEAUXITE. Alumine hydratee de Beaux Berthier, Ann. d. M., vi. 531, 1821. Beauxite Dufr.. Min. (ii. 347), iii. 799, 1847. Bauxite Deville, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. lsi. 309, 1861. Wocheinite A. Flechner, ZS. G., xviii. 181, 1866, Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1866. In round concretionary disseminated grains. Also massive odlitic; and earthy, clay-like. G.-2'551, fr. Wochein, v. Lill. Color whitish, grayish, to ochre-yellow, brown, and red. Var.-1. In concretionary grains, or oolitic; beauxite. 2. Clay-like, wocheinite; the purer kind grayish, clay-like, containing very little oxyd of iron; also red from the oxyd of iron present. Comp.-(Al, Pie) H2; with Al: Fe=3: 1, =-Alumina 50'4, sesquioxyd of iron 26'1, water 23'5 =100; without Pe,=-l 74'1, water 25'9-100. Berthier considered the iron an impurity. Analyses: 1, Berthier (1. c.); 2, Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. lxi. 309); 3, Berthier (1. c., v. 133, 1820); 4, v. Lill (Jahrb. G. Reichs., Verh. 1866, 11): Si Al I e I Ca Mg 1. Beaux - 52'0 27'6 204 -- - 100 Berthier. 2. " 55.4 44-6 - -= —-— 100 Deville. 3. Senegal 2'0 40'0 33'60 24'7 -, r tr.=1 —(0'3 Berthier. 4. Wochein 6'29 64'24 2'40 25'74 0'85 0-38, S 0-20, V 0'46, i, Na, Li tr.=100'56 Lill. In the last, which has been called wocheinite (although at first referred to beauxite), if the 6'29 Si is present in the condition of kaolinite, and this and the other ingredients be rejected as impurities, the remainder corresponds approximately to A;l 12. But if the Si is in the condition of allophane, it will require 13 p. c. of the water, and the wocheinite remaining would be essentially identical with dias'ore. A red variety from Wochein contained 8'8 Fe and 58'02 A1. HYDROUS OXYDS. 175 The following are analyses by Deville (1. c.) of what he regards as impure varieties of beauxite, all but one of which contain only water enough for a species of the diaspore group: Si l ge i- ai a 1. Beaux, white 21 58-1 3'0 [140] 3'2 tr.=100 2. Revest, bnh.-red 2-8 57-6 25'3 10'8 31 0'4=100 3. Allauch, oolitic 4'8 55'4 24'8 11'6 3-2 0'2=100 4. Beaux - 303 34-9 22'1 -- 127-=100 5. Calabria 2'0 33'2 [48'8] 8'6 1'6 —, corundum 5'8=100. Obs,-From Beaux (sometimes spelt Baux), near Aries, France, disseminated in grains in compact limestone, and also oolitic; also at Revest, near Toulon, brown to dark-red, and massive, regarded as an iron ore; at Allauch, Dept. of Var, France, massive, oolitic, with a base of like nature, cemented by some carbonate of lime, the most commoh variety; at Hiigel, in the Commune &: Beaux, a hard and firm variety; at Calabre, massive. The wocheinite occurs in Styria, between F.:istritz and Lake Wochein, in a deposit 12 feet thick, the junction of the Trias and Jurassic:.0rinations, part of it red from the presence of oxyd of iron. The purest beauxite is used for the:ra-lufacture of aluminum, and is called aluminumn ore. 209. ELIASITE. Uranisches Pittin-Erz, Pittinus inferior, Breith., Handb., 901, 1847. Eliasit Raid., Jahrb. G. Reichs., iii. No. 4, 124, 1852. Pittinit Herm., J. pr. Ch., lxsvi. 322, 1859. In amorphous masses, more or less resin-like in aspect, or like gum. H.=3-5-4'5. G.=4-0-S-50. Lustre greasy or resinous. Color dull; reddish-brown, with thin edges hyacinth-red; also black. Streak waxyellow to orange; of the black var., olive-green. Subtranslucent to op aque. Fracture somewhat uneven, slightly conchoidal. Var.-1. Eliasite. Somewhat resin-like in aspect; G.=4'087-4'237, v. Zepharovich. Color dull reddish-brown. 2. Piittinite. Color black; streak olive-green; lustre greasy submetallic; G.=4'8 —5 0, Breith.; 5 e16, Herm. _tomp. — Yl2, with opal silica and other impurities. 0 ratio for IR, A, Si, fI, as deduced by e.ormann, in eliasite, 2: 24: 5: 18; in piltinite, 2: 24: 5: 16. These numbers correspond very -rearly to the above formula, and make the species analogous to xanthosiderite. Analyses: 1, F. Ragsky (Pogg., 1V. Ergawnz., 348, 1853); 2, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxvi. 326)::U e Ca Mg Pb Si' ft Ria Eliasite 61-33 6'63 3'09 2'20 4'62 5'13 0'84 10-68, 1 ll17, Fe 1'09, a 2'52, As tr. =99'30 Ragsky. If; Pittinite 68'45 4'54 2'26 0'55 251 5'00 tI. 1006, Bi 2'67, insol. 3'20=99'24 H. The carbonic acid in anal. 1 may be combined with lime and part of the magnesia, making 5'7 p c. of impurity. Pyr., etc.-Nearly as for gummite. Eliasite is soluble in muriatic acid. Obs.-Eliasite is from the Elias mine, Joachimsthal, where it occurs with fluor, dolomite, pitchhlonde, etc; and pittinite, from Joachimsthal. This species may not be distinct from gummite. 210. BRUCITE. Native Magnesia (fr. N. Jersey) A. Bruce, Bruce's Min. J., i. 26, 1814 (with anal.). Hydrate of Magnesia A. Aikin, Min., 236, 1815, Cleaveland, Min., 429, 1822, F. Hall, Cat. Min., 28, 1824, S. Robinson, Cat. Amer. Min., 166, 1825. Brucite, ou Hydrate de magnesie, Beud., Tr., 838 (Index), 1824. Talk-Hydrat, Magnesia-Hydrat, Germ. Monoklinoddrisches Magnesiahydrat oder Texalith (fr. Texas, Pa.) Herm., J. pr. Ch., lxxxii. 368, 1861. Amianthus (fr. Hoboken) J. Pierce, Am. J. Sci., i. 54, 1818=Amianthoid Magnesite, Nemalite, T. Nuttall, ib., iv. 18, 1821-Brucite (Talk-hydrat, " hierher zu gehoren scheint "), Leonh., Handb., 245, 1826; Ji D. Whitney, J. Soc. N. H., Boston, 36, 1849 (with anal.). Rhonbohedral. XA\ R=82~ 22', 0 AR=119~ 391'; a= 152078, Hessenberg. Observed planes: O; R, 2R, -4R, — R, --, -- R. 176 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. O A 2 -=-105~ 53 0 A - = -149~ 392C 0 A 4 R-980 6', O A I R -120 8', Hessenberg. Crystals often broad tabular. Cleavage: basal, eminent, folia easily separable, nearly as in gypsum. Usually foliated massive. Also fibrous, fibres separable and elastic. 176 1 7:.................... 2 2"........ Low's mine, Texas. Wood's mine, Texas. H.:2'5. G. — 35, Haidinger; 2'40 —2'46 fr. Wermland, Igelstrnm; 2-376, fr. Orenburg, Beck; 2'44, nemalite, Nuttall. Lustre pearly on a cleavage-face, elsewhere between waxy and vitreous; the fibrous silky. Color white, inclining to gray, blue, or green. Streak white. Translucent -subtrallslucent. Sectile. Thin laminie flexible. Var.-. Foliated. 2. Fibrous; called nemzalite. Comp.-Mg II=Magnesia 68-97, water 31'03-100. Analyses: 1, Bruce (Bruce's J., i. 26); 2, Fyfe; 3, Stromeyer (Unters., 4s7); 4, Wurtz (This Min., 682, 1850): 5, Fyfe (Ed. N. Phil. J., viii. 352); 6, Thomson (Min., i. 151); 7, Stromeyer (. c.); 8, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxxii. 368); 9, Smith & Brush (A.m. J. Sci., ii. xv. 214); 10, Beck (Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1862, 87); 11, Igelstr6m (Ak. H. Stockh., 1858, 187); 12, J. D. Whitney (J. Soc. N. H., Bost., vi. 36, 1849); 13, Wurtz (1. c.); 14, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxx. 284): M9g Pe In Ca t 01 1. loboken 10 30 — 100 Bruce. 2. - 6'57. - - - 31-43 -— =100 Fyfe. 3. i' 68'35 0'12 0'64 3090 — =100 Stromeyer. 4. " 69-11 047 - - 30'42 - 00 lOOWurtz. 5. Swinaness 69'75 - 30-25 — =100 Fyfe. 6. " 67'98 1'57 30'96 - =100-51 Thomson. 7. " 66-67 1-18 1-57 0'19 30'39 — =100 Stromeyer. 8. Wood's mine, Texas, 68-87 - 0'80 30 33 -=I100 Hermann. 9. Low's mine " 66'30 0'50 tr. [31'93] 1'21=100 S & B. 10. Orenburg (2) 67'24 2'03 - - 30'29 0'62=99'98 Beck. 11. Wermland (a) 68'04 3'59 - 2866 — =190'29 Igelstrbm. 12. Hoboken, Nemalite 628S9 4-65 - - 28'36 410= —100 Whitney. 13. " " 66-05 5'63 -3013 - = —10181 Wurtz. 14. " " 64S86 4:05 - - 29'48, Si 0'27=98'65 Rammn. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off water, becoming opaque and friable, sometimes turning gray to brown. B.B. infusible, glows with a. bright light, and the ignited mineral reacts alkaline to test paper. With cobalt solution gives the violet-red color of magnesia. The pure mineral is soluble in acids without effervescence. Obs. —Brucite accompanies other magnesian minerals in serpentine, and has also been found in limestone. Occurs in considerable veins traversing serpentine, at Swinaness in Unst, one of the Shetland Isles, where it is sometimes found in regular crystals; at Pyschminsk in the Urals; at Goujot in France; near Filipstadt in Wermland, in Sweden, in roundish masses in limestone. It occurs at Hoboken, N. J., opposite the city of New York, in seams in serpentine; in Richmond Co., N. Y.; on the peninsula east of New Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y.; at Wood's mine, Texas, Pa., in large plates or masses, and often crystallizations several inches across; at Low's mine, with hydromagnesite. The angles and f. 177 given above are from Texas crystals, as measured by Hessenberg (Min. Not., iv. 42). G. Rose obtained from the same, OAR=120~, OA~R=149~ 40' —150~ 51', RA -- R=90~. The author gave the following measurements of a minute crystal from l.ow's mine (f. 116)inhislastedit.: OAR=119~-1-19 55", 0A 2R=105~ 30', RAR (by calc.)=820 15'. HYDROUS OXYDS. 177 The fibrous variety (nemalite) occurs at Hoboken, and Xettes in the Vosges. Named after A. Bruce, an early American mineralogist, who first described the species. Alt. —Becomes white, pulverulent, and carbonated on exposure, and also crystallized, constitut. ing then the mineral hydromagnesite; the latter is sometimes in pseudomorphous crystals after brucite. 211. PYROCHROITE. Pyrochroit L. J. Igelstrim, Pogg., cxxii. 181, 1864, (Efv. Ak. Stociih., 1864, 205, 1865. Foliated, like brucite. H. 2 -5. Lustre pearly. Color white; but changing on exposure to bronze, and then to black. In thin pieces transparent, and having a flesh-red color by transmitted candle-light. Comp. —Mn t, or (lMn, Mg) A. Mn H=Protoxyd of manganese 79'8, water 20'2 = 100. Analysis: Igelstrom (l. c.): Mn'1640 Mg 3'14 Ca 1.27 Fe 0o01 ft 15'35 a [3'834] Pyr., etc.-In a matrass a small piece becomes at surface verdigris-green, then dirty green, and finally brownish-black. Yields water. B.B. reactions of manganese. In muriatic acid forms easily a clear colorless solution. Obs. —Occurs in veins 1 to 2 lines broad in magnetite at Paisberg in Filipstadt, Sweden. Kenngott refers here (Jahrb. Min., 1.866, 440) a mineral which Wiser had announced as a hydrous carbonate of manganese (Wasserhaltiges Kohlensaures Mangan), and which Haidinger (Handb., 493, 1845) named Wise'rile. It is described as yellowish-white to gray in color, pearly to silky in lustre, fibrous in structure, and as coming from Gonzen near Sarganz, the Canton of St. Gall, in Switzerland, where it is found in seams in a granulitic hausmannite, with rhodoehrosite. Even if identical with pyrochroite in composition, it was so imperfectly and incorrectly described that Igelstrbm's name should stand for the species. 212. GIBBSITE. Wavellite (fr. Richmond) C. Dewey, Am. J. Sci., ii. 249, 1820; =Water and Alumina, id., ib., iii. 239, 1821. Gibbsite J. Torrey, N. Y. Med. Phys. J., i. No. 1, 68, April, 1822. Hydrargillite, Gibbsite of Torrey, Cleavel., 224, 782, 1822. Hydrargillite (fr. Ural) G. Rose, Pogg., xlviii. 564, 1839. Hexagonal, iKoksch.; monoclinic, Desel. In small hexagonal crystals with replaced lateral edges. O A =-92~ 28', 0 A R= 97~ 22', 0 A — 1 R 940 55', IKoksch. Planes vertically striate. Cleavage: basal or O eminent. Occasionally in lamnello-radiate spheroidal concretions. Usually stalactitic, or small mammillary and incrusting, with smooth surface, and often a faint fibrous structure within. HI. 2'5 —3'5. G-.=2'3-2-'4; 2'385, fr. Richmond, B. Silliman, Jr.; 2'287, Ural, Hermann. Color white, grayish, greenish, or reddish-white; also reddish-yellow when impure. Lustre of O pearly; of other faces vitreous; of surface of stalactites faint. Translucent; sometimes transparent in crystals. A strong argillaceous odor when breathed on. Tough. Var. —. In crystals; the original hydrargillite. 2. Stalactitic; gibbsite. Comp.-l fH3=Alumina 65'6, water 344= 100. Analyses: 1, Torrey (1. c.);- 2, B. Silliman, Jr. (Am. J. Sci., II. vii. 411); 3, 4, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 51, 1853); 5, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xl. 11); 6, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xli., and 1. 491); 7, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reiclhs., iv. 391):;il e Mg f1 i 9 1. Richmond, Gibbs. 64'8 - - 34-7 -=99'5 Torrey. 2. " " (3)64-19 - 030 34-2.3 0'59, insol. 1'16-100-27 Silliman. 3. " " 64'24 tr. 0'10 33-76 11' 3 0'57=100 S. & B. 4. " " 63'48 tr. 0'05 34-68 109 tr. =99'30 S. & B. 5. Ural, Hydrarg. 6403 - -- 3454 - 143 = 100 Hermann. 6. Villa Rica," 656 - - 344 - -=100 iKobell. 1. " " 64'35 35'65 --- tr. =100 iauer. 12 178 OXYoGEN COMPOUNDS. Dewey found (1. c.) 33-86 p. c. of water, with " little besides alumine left." Hermann states (J. pr. Ch., xl. 32, xlii. 1) that a " gibbsite " from Richmond, Mass., afforded him i 37162, 1 26'66, H 35'72=100. But the true gibbsite has since been analyzed anew by Silliman, Jr., and by Smith & Brush, without finding more than a trace of phosphoric acid, sustaining the original analysis of Torrey. This at least is certain, that gibbsite is a hydrate, and if a phosphate occurs also at Richmond, that phosphate is not gibbsite. Rose's hydrargillite (found crystallized in the Urals) is identical in composition with gibbsite. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube becomes white and opaque, and yields water. B.B. infusible, whitens, and does not impart a green color to the flame. With cobalt solution gives a deep-blue color. Soluble in concentrated sulphuric acid. Obs. —The crystallized gibbsite was discovered by Lissenko in the Schischimskian mountains near Slatoust in the Ural; it occurs, according to Kokscharof, in cavities in a talcose schist containing much magnetite. The larger crystals were 1 to 2 in. long. With corundum at Gumuchdagh, Asia Minor; also on corundum at Unionville, Pa.; in Brazil, resembling wavellite. The stalactitic occurs at Richmond, Mass., in a bed of limonite; also at Lenox, Mass.; at the Clove mine, Union Vale, Duchess Co., N. Y., on limonite; in Orange Co., N. Y. Named after Col. George Gibbs, the original owner (after extensive foreign travel) of the large Gibbs' cabinet of Yale College. Cleaveland calls the Richmond mineral hydrargillite on p. 224 of his mineralogy, but on p. 732 adopts Torrey's name gibbsite. Kokscharof states that the Ural crystals are optically uniaxial, and hence rhombohedral (Bull Ac. St. Pet., v. 372); Descloizeaux that they are optically monoclinic (C. R., lxii. 987). 213. LIMNITE. Limonite pt. Yellow Ochre pt. Bog Ore pt. Brown Iron Ore (Brauneisenstein) pt. Quellerz Herm., J. pr. Ch., xxvii. 53. Massive. In stalactites or tuberose, resembling limonite. Also as an earthy yellow ochre. 4.,- J., and other physical characters same nearly as for limonite. The darker colored kinds usually more yellowish-brown, the lighter rust-yellow. Var.-1. Submetallic or pitch-like in lustre, brownish-black in color. 2. Ochreous, yellow. Comp.- e ll3=-Oxyd of iron 74-8, water 25'2=100. Analyses:, 1, A. H. Church (J. Oh Soc., II. iii. 214); 2, 3, Hermann (1. c.); 4, Karsten (Karst. Arch., xv. 1): Pe m4n I P Humic acid 1. Cornwall, stalact. 73-73 -- 2440 - —, loss, etc., 1-87=100 Church. 2. Novgorod, bog ore a 62-08 1'90 24'64 6-64 4-74=100 Herm. 3. 4 b 61'14 3-10 27'-74 5'86 2'16-100 Herm. 4. New York " 66'33 0175 26'400 0'12 -, Fe 3-6, Si 2-80=100 Karst. a After excl. 47'50 sand. b After excl. 50'28 sand. C Including humic acid. As the amount of organic acids in lKarsten's analysis was not determined, its right to be included here is not certain. Obs.-The Cornwall mineral is from the Botallack mine, and was stalactitic and of a rust-yellow color; G.=2'69. That of Novgorod, Russia, was a bog ore. Named limnite from Xtvr,, marsh. Glocker proposed this name as a substitute for limonite, on the alleged ground that the word limonite was of French extraction. As his limonite, or limnite, was bog ore exclusively, the name is appropriately used here. Hermann's name Quellerz alludes to its water or marsh origin. 214. HEYDIROTALCITE. Hydrotalkit Hochstetter., J. pr. Oh., xxvii. 376, 1842. Vl1knerite Herm., J. pr. Ch., xl. 11, 1847, xlvi. 257, 1849. Hexagonal. Cleavage: basal, eminent; lateral, distinct. Also lamellar massive, or foliated, and somewhat fibrous. H. =-2. G.- =204. Color white. Lustre pearly, and feel greasy. Translucent, or in thin folia transparent. Comp.-iAl 8~+ 6 Mg A+~6 A t-( XIl+. MgsA) 1'+ 2 A=Alumina 16'8, magnesia 39-2, water 44'0=100. Corresnonds to 1 of gibbsite+6 of brucite, with 6 H in addition. HYDROUS OXYDS. 179 Analyses: 1, Hermann (1. c.); 2, Hochstetter (1. c.); 3-6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xcvii. 296): l Fe MIg A C 1. Schischimsk 16-95 -- 3707 46'87 -- =100 Hermann. 2. Snarum 12'00 6'90 36'30 32'06 10-54, insol. 1'20=99'60 Hochst. 3. " 19'25 -- 37'27 41-59 2-61=100'72 Ramm. 4. " 17'78 -- 38-18 [37-99] 6-05=100 Ramm. 5. " 1800 -- 37'30 [37138] 7-32= 100 Ramm. 6. " 18'87 - 3704 37-38 7'30=100'59 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields much water. B.B. infusible, but exfoliates somewhat, and gives out light. A weak rose-red with cobalt solution. With the fluxes intumesces and affords a clear colorless glass. The Snarum mineral reacts for iron. Obs.-Occurs at the mines of Schischimsk, district of Slatoust, 188 implanted on talc schist; at Snarum, Norway, in serpentine. Named hydrotalcite in allusion to its resembling talc, but containing much more water, and vdlknerite, after Captain Vdlkner. olughite of Shepard (Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 210), from near Oxbow, and near Somerville in Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., New York, is hydro- talcite, derived from the alteration of spinel. The color is white; lustre faint, pearly. lH.=2-5. G.=2'0 —2'1. The crystals are in all conditions, from the pure spinel to octahedrons with rounded / edges and pitted or irregular surfaces, and it also occurs in flattened nodules. The surfaces are sometimes soft and altered, when the edges or angles have the hardness of spinel. S. W. Johnson, who has redescribed the mineral, obtained in one analysis (Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 361), 1 19'743, Mg 36'292, 0 8-458, insoluble spinel, etc., 8'264, silica 3-020, water (by diff.) 24-223. The whole loss by ignition in one trial was 40'86 p. c.; which would give 33 to 34 p. c. of water. It is associated with dolomite, spinel, phlogopite, graphite, and serpentine. 215. PYROAURITE:. Pyroaurit IglestriSm, CEfv. Ak. Stockh., xxii. 608, 1865. Hexagonal. In six-sided tables. Color submetallic, gold-like. Subtranslucent. Comp.-3e ll + 6 Mg f~ + 6 t=-(: e + Mg~g) fijs + 2 ft=Sesquioxvd of iron 23-9, magnesia 35'8, water 40'3= 100. Corresponds to 1 of limnite + 6 of br'ucite, with 6 1H in addition, differing from hydrotalcite in the presence of iron in place of aluminum. Analysis: Igelstrdm (1. c.): Fe 23292 Mg 34'04 11 34'56 C 7-24. Pyr., etc.-Yields water. B.B. infusible. Perfectly soluble in muriatic acid. Obs.-From the Longban iron-mine in Wermland. 216. GUMMITE. Feste Uranokker pt. Wern., Min. Syst.. 26, 1817, Hoffm. Min., iv. a, 279. Lichtes Uranpecherz Freiesleben. Uranisches Gummi-Erz Breith., Uib., 60, 1830, Char., 218, 1832. Urangummi Breith., Handb., 903, 1847. Phosphor-Gummit LHerm., J. pr. Ch., lxxvi. 327, 1859. Amorphous. In rounded or flattened pieces, looking much like gum. H.-=25 —3. G.=3'9 —420, Breith. Lustre greasy. Color reddishyellow to hyacinth-red, reddish-brown. Streak yellow. Feebly translucent. Comp.-.(fV, Pe) H:3, with some opal silica, phosphate of lime, and other impurities. Hermann deduced the 0 ratio for AR, X, Si, H, 2: 24: 5: 26, or 1: 1 for oxyds and water. Hence analogous to limnite, and sustaining the supposed close relation of uranium and iron. Analysis: Kersten (Schw. J., lxvi. 18): V An Ca Si P t F, As 72'00 0'05 6'00 4'26 2'30 14'75 ir.=99'36. 180 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Some specimens contain traces of vanadic acid. Pyr., etc.-Yields much water and a bituminous odor. With salt of phosphorus in O.F. gives a yellow bead, becoming green in R.F. (due to uranium), leaving an undissolved skeleton of silica. Obs. —From Johanngeorgenstadt, with uraninite. 217. PSILOME.LANEI. Derb Brunsten pt. Wall., Min., 268, 1747. Magnesia indurata pt. Cronst., Min., 106, 1758. Schwarz Braunsteinerz pt. Wern., Bergm. J., 1789, 386. Verhairtetes Schwarz-Braunsteinerz pt. Emmerling, Min., iv. 532, Karsten, Tab., 54, 1800. Verh. Schwarz. Manganerz pt. Karst., Tab., 72, 1808. Schwarz-Eisenstein pt. Wern., v. Leenh., etc. Black Hematite, Black Iron Ore, Compact Black Manganese Ore. Hartmanganerz. Psilomelane Haid., Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 1827. Massive and botryoidal. Reniform. Stalactitic. H. =5- 6. G. =3'7 — 47. Lustre submetallic. Streak brownish-black, shining. Color iron-black, passing into dark steel-gray. Opaque. Comp.-(Ta, Sln) Mn+t n + n H Sin [ + aq]; or, for the anhydrous kinds, (ta, Mn) Mn + Mn. Each of these formulas is equivalent to simply R2 03. Rammelsberg writes for the mineral (Ba, Mn) Mnn2+ ii, with some Mn as mixture. For the Elgersburg ore (anal. 7) Schmid deduces the formula (lBa Mn) Mn4+-6 iH, which may be written (lBa, Mn) Mn+3 H Mn + 31, equivalentto R2 03 +3 I2 0 + 3 ll=R2 03 + a i As the mineral occurs only massive, the true nature of the species is doubtful. Analyses: 1, 2, Turner (Edinb. Trans., xi.); 3, Fuchs (Schw. J., lxii. 255); 4, Rammelsberg (Handw., ii. 73); 5, El. List (J. pr. Ch., lxxxiv. 60); 6, Scheffler (Arch. d. Pharm., xxxv. 260); 7-9, Schmid (Pogg., cxxvi. 151): MnMn i0 1na K A1. Schneeberg 69-80 7'36 16'36 - 622, Si 0-26=100 Turner. 2. Romaneche 70-97 7-26 16-69 -- 413, Si 0-95=100 Turner. 3. Baireuth 81-8 9-5 - 4-5 4'2=100 Fuchs. 4. Horhausen 81'36 9'18 - 304 3139, Si 0'53, Cu 0-96, Fe 1-43, Ca 0-38, Na, Mg 0-32=100-61 Ramm. 5. Olpe 85'17 4'49 1- 36 4'02, Cu 1'28, Co 0131, Ca 0-37, insol. 2-51 List. 6. Ilmenau 83'3 9'8 5'8 -- 43, Oa 1-8, 1l 2-1, Fe 03, Si 1-17 — 99'1 Scheffler. 7. Elgersburg (G.=4-307) 68-27 8-15 17-27 -- 484, Si 051, Fe 010, 1 0-31, Pb 011, Mg 0-02, Ca 0-16, Na 0-08=99'82 Schmid. 8. Oehrenstock (G.=4'134) 70-54 10'09 10'92 0'21 5'86, Si 0-32, r.e 0-17, A1 0'21, Cu 0-25. Mg 013, Ca 1'26, Na 0'25=100'21 Schmid. 9. Nadabula (G.=4'332) 82-46 9'87 0'01 3-05 3-21,Fe 0-30, 10-08, -o 0-29, Cu 002, Mg 0'03, Ca 0-20, Na 0-22=99-74 Schmid. Other varieties of the so-called psilomelane contain little or no water. Analyses: 1 0, Claus. bruch (Ramm. 1st Suppl., 121); 11, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., III. xix. 155); 12, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxviii. 72); 13, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1006): Mln O Ba R Mg f 10. Ilmenau 7-123 15'82 0`12 5.29 -- Ca 0'91, tu 0-40, Si 052= —10029 C. 11. Gy. Haute Saone 70-60 14-18 6.-55 4-05 1-05 1-67, F.e 0-77, Si 0-60-99'47 Ebelmen. 12. Heidelberg 70-17 15'16 8-08 2-62 0'21 [1-43], Ca 0-60, Cu 0'30, Oo 0-54, Si 0-90= 100 Ramm. 13. Schneeberg 80-27 1410 - 435 -- [0'23], ta 1'05=100 Schultz. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube most varieties yield water, and all lose oxygen on ignition; with the fluxes reacts for manganese. Soluble in muriatic acid, with evolution of chlorine. Obs.-This is a common ore of manganese. It is frequently in alternating layers with pyrolusite. It occurs in botryoidal and stalactitic shapes, in Devonshire and Cornwall; at Ilefeld in the Harz; also at Johanngeorgenstadt, Schneeberg, Ilmenau, Siegen, etc.; at Elgersburg and Oehrenstock, Thuringia, and Nadabula, Hungary. It forms mammillary masses at Chittenden, Irasburg. and Brandon, Vt. Named from q"16e, smooth or naked, and piXas, black. HYDROUS OXYDS. 181 218. WAD. (A) BOG MANGANESE. Magnesia friabilis terriformis Cronst., Min., 105, 1758. Earthy Ochre of Mang., Black Wad pt., Kirwan, Min., 1784, 1796. Schwarz Braunsteinerz. Manganschaum, Karst., Tab., 1808. Brauner Eisenrahm Wern. Bog Manganese. Ouatite Htuot., Min., 241, 1841. Groroilite Berth., Ann. Ch. Phys., li. 19, 1832, Reissacherit Heaid., Jahrb. G. Reichs., vii. 609, 1856. (B) ASBOLITE.? Cobaltum nigrum Agric., Bermann., 459, 1529. Svart Kobolt-Jord, Min Cob. terrea fuliginea, Wall., Min., 235, 1747. Kobalt-Mulm, Ochra Cob. nigra, Cronst., Min., 211, 1758. Kobolt-Erde, Schwarzer Erdkobalt, Russkobalt, Kobaltmanganerz, Germ. Earthy Cobalt, Black Cobalt Ochre. Cobalt oxyd4 noir H., Tr., iv. 1801. Kakochlor (fr. Lausitz) Breith., Char., 240, 1832, Handb., 896, 1847. Asbolan (fr. Kamsdorf, etc.) Breith., Handb., 332, 1847. (C) LAMPADITE. Kupfermangan Lamjpadius, Neue Erfahr. im Gebiete der Ch., etc., ii. 70. Kupfermanganerz Breith., in Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 201, 1818. Cupreous Manganese. Pelokonit G. F. Richter, Pogg., xxi. 591, 1831. Lampadite Huot., Min., 238, 1841. The manganese ores here included occur in amorphous and reniform masses, either earthy or compact, and sometimes incrusting or as stains. They are mixtures of different oxyds, and cannot be considered chemical compounds or distinct mineral species. H.=05 —6. G.=3 —4'26; often loosely aggregated, and feeling very light to the hands. Color dull black, bluish or brownish-black. Comp., Var. —Rammelsberg considers them related essentially to psilomelane under the formula.R Mn+I (or 2 1), but mixed with other ingredients. Varieties: (A) Manganesian; (B) Cobaltiferous; (C) Cupriferous. A. BOG MANGANESE. Consists mainly of oxyd of manganese and water, with some oxyd of iron, and often silica, alumina, baryta. The Derbyshire wad sometimes gives the angle of barite, 101~ 42', with which mineral it is in part impregnated. The wad of Leadhills is pseudomorphous after calcite. Groroilite occurs in roundish masses of a brownish-black color, and reddish-brown streak; with H. sometimes 6-6'5; it is from Groroi in Mayenne, Vicdessos, and Cautern, in France. Reissacherite is the ore analyzed by Hornig (anal. 14), which is remarkable for the amount of water. Huot's name ouatite is from the French spelling of wad. Wad is of English origin. The wad of the Cumberland miners is graphite, a wrong use of the word, says Mawe in his Mineralogy of Derbyshire. B. ASBOLITE, or Earthy Cobalt, is wad containing oxyd of cobalt, which sometimes amounts to 82 p. c. Named from d,6JXi, soot (or Asbolan from dac6;Xavw, to soil like soot). For anal. 15-17, Rammelsberg writes the formula (00, Cu) Mn2+4 1. Breithaupt's cacochlor includes the ore from Rengersdorf in Lausitz (anal. 15), having H.=-2-2-5, G.=3'15 —3'29. C. LAMPADITE, or Cupreous Manganese. A wad containing 4 to 18 p. c. of oxyd of copper, and often oxyd of cobalt also. It graduates into black copper (Melaconite or Kupferschwiirze). G.=3'1 —'2. Peloconite is a brownish-black variety, having a liver-brown streak; H. —3; G.= 2'509 —2567; from Remolinos in Chili. Special formulas have been written for several of the following analyses; but these bog minerals are not simple species. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 311); 2, 3, Turner (Edinb. J. Sci. N. S., ii. 213); 4, 5, Berthier (Ann. Ch. Phys., li. 19); 6, Wackenroder (Kastn. Archiv., xiii. 302, xiv. 257); 7, Scheffler (Arch. d. Pharm., xxxv. 260); 8, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxii. 157); 9, Igelstrdm (Jahresb., xxv. 342); 10, 11, Beck (Rep. Min. N. Y., 55); 12, Berthier; 13, Bahr (J. pr. Ch., liii. 308, fr. Oefv. Ak. Stockh., 240, 1850); 14, E. Hornig (Jahrb. G. Reichs., vii. 312); 15, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 308); 16, Dobereiner (Gilb. Ann., lxvii. 333); 17, Rammelsberg (Pogg., liv. 551); 18, Kersten (Schw. J., lxvi. 1); 19, Rammelsberg (Pogg., liv. 545); 20, B6ttger (ib.): I. Wad. Mn Nn 0 Fe Ba Ou fI 1. Clausthal 68 6-5 1-0 - 17-5, Si 8-0, C 1'0 Klaproth. 2. Devonshire 79-12 8-82 - 14 -- 10-66=100 Turner. 3. Derbyshire - 3859 52-34 5'4 - 10'29, insol. 2-74=109'36 T. 182 OXYGEN COMPOUINDS. Mn Rn 0 Fe fa Cu Af 4. Viedessos 69-8 - 117 - -- - 12-4, 17'0=100'9 Berthier. 5. Groroilite 624 -- 12'8 6'0 - - 15'8, clay 3'0=100 Berthier. 6. Baden - 32'73 - 9'33 - 40 3133, Pb 12'33, Pb 8'0, Be 0'33, Si 0'13 quartz 2'60 W 7. Ilmenau 66'5 -- 12-1 10 8'1 - 98, Si 2'5=100 Schefdfer. 8. Rilbeland 67-50 - 13'48 101 0'36 -- 10'30, Si 0'47, Ca4-22, K 3'66=100 R. 9. Westgothland - 82-51 -- 0-77 -- 5'58, Si 1'43, 1A 6-30, Ca 1-91, 1Mg 0'69=99'21 Iglst. 10. Hillsdale, N. Y. 68-50 - 1675 - - 1150, insol. 3'25=100 Beck. 11. Austerlitz, - 5850 -- 22'00 -- -- 1700, insol. 250 —= 100 Beck. 12. Siegen 58'5 - 10'4 5-7 -- -- 129 (with loss), Al 10'7, quartz 1'8 B. 13. Skidberg 66'16 -- 270 15'34C(o002 12'07, Si 0'92, Al; 075, Ca 0-59, Mg 0-28, K 0'28=99'11 Bahr. 14. Gastein - 3416 -- 14'16 -- - 16'90, Ca 0 7.59, sand 27-27 Hornig. II. Earthy Cobalt; Asbolite. Sin I n 0n O ae a to (u f 15. Lausitz -- 16'0 - - - 194 02 17'0, Si 24-8, A1 20-4=9:78 K1. 16. Kamsdorf 31'21 - 678 -- 3205 - 22D90=92'94 D. 17. " 40:05 - 947 4'56 0'50 19'45 4-35 21'24, 1K 037-99'94 Ramm. III. Cupreous Manganese; Lampadite; Kupferschwirze, or Black Copper, in part. Sin Mn 0 Fe ha No o u ft 18. Schlackenwald -- 74-10 - 0-12 -- 4'80 20'10, Si 0'3, gypsum 1-05= 100'47 Kersten. 19. Kamsdorf 49'99 -- 8'91 4'70 1'64 0'49b 14'67 14-46, Mg 0'69, K 0-52, Si 2'74, Ca 2'25=101'06 R. 20. " 53'22 -- 9'14 1'88 1-70 0.14b 16'85 1694, K 065, Ca 285= 103'44 B. & With oxyd of manganese. b With oxyd of nickel. Pyr., etc.- Wad reacts like psilomelane. Earthy cobalt gives a blue bead with salt of phosphorus, and when heated in R.F. on charcoal with tin, some specimens yield a red opaque bead (copper). Cupreous manganese gives similar reactions, and three varieties give a strong manganese reaction with soda, and evolve chlorine when treated with muriatic acid. Obs.-The above ores are results of the decomposition of other ores-partly of oxyds, and partly of manganesian carbonates. They occur at the localities above mentioned, and many other places. Wad or bog manganese is abundant in the counties of Columbia and Duchess, N. Y., at Austerlitz, Canaan Centre, and elsewhere, where it occurs as a marsh deposit, and, according to Mather, has proceeded from the alteration of brown spar; also in the south-west part of Martinsburg, Lewis Co., in a swamp. There are large deposits of bog manganese at Blue Hill Bay, Dover, and other places in Maine. Earthy cobalt occurs with cobalt pyrites at Riechelsdorf in Hesse; Saalfeld in Thuringia; at Nertschinsk in Siberia; at Alderly Edge in Cheshire. An earthy cobalt occurs at Mine la Motte, Missouri, which contains 10 or 11 p. c. of oxyd of nickel, besides oxyd of cobalt and copper, with iron, lead, and sulphur; also near Silver Bluff, South Carolina, affording 24 p. c. of oxyd of cobalt to 76 of oxyd of manganese. Cupreous manganese is found at Sclllackenwald, and at Kamsdorf near Saalfeld; at Lauterberg in the Harz. Peloconite is from Remolinos, Chili, where it occurs with chrysocolla, or malachite. VARVACITE. Varvacite, referred to on p. 171 as an altered manganite, approaches a wad in composition. Phillips obtained (Phil. Mag., vi. 281, vii. 284) Mn 63'3, 0 31-7, H 5-0; or Mn 81'7, 0 13'3, HI 5'0. A similar compound from Ilefeld in the Harz (in part pseudomorphous after calcite) afforded Turner ki[n 80'79, 0 14'23, f 4'98=100, and Duflos (Schw. J., lxiv. 81) Mn 81'40, 0 13-47, -i 5-13= 100. OXYDS OF ARSENIC, ANTIMONY, ETC. 183 II. OXYDS OF ELEMENTS OF THE ARSENIC AND SULPHUR GROUPS, SERIES II. 1. ARSENOLITE GROUP. Comp. R O. Isometric. 219. ARSENOLITE AS 0 220. SENARMONTITE Sb 03 2. VALENTINITE GROUP. Comp. R 0. Orthorhombic. 221. VALENTINITE Sb 03 224. MOLYBDITE Mo 03 222. (?) BISMITE Bi 03 225. TUNGSTITE W 03 223. (?) KARELINITE Bi 03+[jBi S] 3. KERMESITE GROUP. Comp. R 03, with S replacing part of O. Monoolinic. 226. KERMESITE Sb (0, S)S 4. CERVANTITE GROUP. Comp. R OS+R 05. 227. CERVANTITE Sb 03S + Sb 05. Ajppendix. —228. STIBICONITE Sb 04+aq. 229. VOLGERITE Sb 05 + aq. 219. ARSIE.NOLITE. Arsenicum nativum farinaceum, A. n. crystallinum, Wall., 224, 1747. A. calciforme Cronst., 207, 1758. A. cubicuLm, etc., Linn., 1768. White Arsenic Hill, 1771. Arsenic blanc natif Pi-. Naturlicher Arsenikkalk. Arsenikbliithe Karst., Tab., 79, 1800. Arsenic oxide H. Acide arsenieux Fr. Oxyd of Arsenic, irsenous acid. Arsenige Silure Germ. Arsenit Haid., Handb., 487, 1845. Arsenolite Dana, Min., 139, 1854. Isometric. In octahedrons (f. 2). Usually in minute capillary crystals, stellarly aggregated, or crusts investing other substances. Also botryoidal, stalactitic; earthy. H. =1-5. G.-=3698, Roget & Dumas. Lustrevitreous or silky. Color white, occasionally with a yellowish or reddish tinge. Streak white, pale yellowish. Transparent-opaque. Taste astringent, sweetish. Comp. —s=zOxygen 24'24, arsenic 75-76=100. Pyr., etc.-Sublimes in the closed tube, condensing above in minute octahedrons. B.B. on charcoal volatilizes in white fumes, giving a white coating and an alliaceous odor. Slightly soluble in hot water. Obs.-Accompanies ores of silver, lead, arsenical iron, cobalt, nickel, antimony, etc., as a result of the decomposition of arsenical ores. Occurs at Andreasberg in the Harz; at Wheal Sparnon in Cornwall; Joachimsthal in Bohemia; Kapnik in Hungary; the old mines of Biber in Hanau; the Ophir mine, Nevada; the Armagosa mine, Great Basin, Cal. Arsenolite has been observed as a furnace product in orthorhombic crystals, probably isomorphous with valentinite. is and Sb are known to be isodimorphous. The prismatic form is obtained from sublimation at a temperature above 200~ C.. and the isometric at one much lower. 184 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. As the name arsenite is used in chemistry for compounds of arsenous acid, the author in 1854 changed it to arsenolite. Alt.-Native arsenic is often covered by a, blackish crust or powder, which has been considered a suboxyd (As); but according to Suckow, it is a mixture of metallic arsenic and arsenous acid. 220. SENARiMVONTITE. Antimoine oxyde octaedrique H. de Senarmont, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxxi. 504, 1851. Senarmontite Dana, Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 209, 1851. Isometric; in octahedrons (f. 2). Cleavage: octahedral, in traces. Also granular massive; in crusts. H. -2 —25. G. =522 -53. Lustre resinous, inclining to subadamantine. Transparent-translucent. Colorless or grayish. Streak white. Comp. —'Sb (like valentinite)=-Oxygen 16'44, antimony 83-56=100, with sometimes 1 p. c. of lead and I to 3 p. c. of grayish clay, Rivot (1. c.). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube fuses and partially sublimes. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily, and gives a white coating; this treated in R.F. colors the outer flame greenish-blue. Soluble in muriatic acid. Obs. —A result of the decomposition of stibnite and other ores of antimony. First found in the district of Haraclas in Algeria; occurs also at Perneck near Malaczka in Hungary; Endellion in Cornwall; the antimony mine of S. Ham, C'anada. The octahedrons from Algeria are sometimes nearly J in. in diameter. Named after H. de Senarmont, who first described the species. 221. VALENTINITE. Chaux d'antimoine native (fr. Chalanches) ANongez, J. de Phys., xxiii. 66, 1783; (fr. Przibram) Rbssklr, Crell's Ann., 1787, i. 334. Antimonium spatosum album LRacquet, ib., 1788, i. 523. Weiss-Spiesglaserz Wern., Hoffm., Bergm. J., 385, 398, 1789. WeissSpiessglanzerz Klapr., Crell's Ann., 1789, i. 9; Beitr., iii. 183, 1802. Antimoine oxyd6 H., Tr., iv. 1801. White Antimonial Ore Kirwan, i. 251, 1796. White Antimony, Oxyd of Antimony. Antimonblthe v. Leonh., Handb., 160, 1821. Exitele Beud., Min., 615, 1832. Exitelite Chapr~man, Min., 39, 1843. Valentinit Haid., Handb., 506, 1845. 119 Orthorhombic. IA I=136~ 58'; OA1-i —1050 35/; a~: c=3-5868: 1: 2 5365. Observed planes: I i-, -, 1-i, st;it d 4-4,, 2-,. 14 - 1-~, adj., = 0~ 32' ~-A ~-= 129~ 32', 1 \ — = 111~ 31'. Often in rectangular plates with the lateral edges bevelled, and in acicular rhombic prisms. Cleavage: I, highly perfect, easily obtained, Twins: compositionplane, i-, producing an aggregation of thin plates. Also massive; structure lamellar, columnar, granular. H. = 2'5-3. G. = 5566, crystals from Braunsdorf. Lustre adamantine, i-~ often pearly; shining. Color snowwhite, occasionally peach-blossom —red, and ash-gray to brownish. Streak white. Translucent-subtransparent. Comp.-Sb=Oxygen 16-44, antimony 83'56=100. Analysis: 1, Vauquelin (Haiiy's Min., iv. 274); 2, Suckow (Jahresb., 1849, 733): 1. Allemont Oxyd of antimony 86 Ibid. with Fe 3 Silica 8-97. 2. Wollach " " 91'7 " Fe 1-2 " 058, Sb 6'3=100. Mongez, who makes the first mention of this mineral from a discovery of the acicular variety at Allemont, correctly regarded it as native oxyd of antimony, as afterward confirmed by Vauquelin, and by Ressler (I. c.) for the Bohemian variety. Prof. Hacquet and Klaproth annouunced in 1788, 1789, the probable presence in the latter of muriatic acid; but in 1802 Klaproth pronounced this also pure oxyd of antimony. Pyr., etc.-Same as for senarmontite. OXYDS OF ARSENIC) ANTIMEONY~ ETC. 185 Obs.-Occurs with other antimonial ores, and results from their alteration. Found at Przibram in Bohemia, in veins traversing metamorphic rocks; at Felsobanya in Hungary, with stibnito and arsenopyrite; Malaczka in Hungary; Briunsdorf near Freiberg in Saxony; Allemont in Dauphiny. Also at the antimony mine of South Ham, Canada East. Antimonophyllite of Breithaupt, of unknown locality, occurring in thin angular six-sided prisms, is probably valentinite. The prismatic form of Sb is obtained from solutions at a temperature above 100~C. Named after Basil Valentine, an alchemist of the 15th century, who discovered the properties of antimony. 222. BISMITE. Oxyd of Bismuth, Bismuth Ochre. Wismuthocker Germ. Bismuth oxyde Fr. Bismite Dana. Crystalline form not observed. Occurs massive and disseminated, pulverulent, earthy; also passing into foliated. G.=-43611, iBUsson. Lustre adamantine-dull, earthy. Color greenishyellow, straw-yellow, grayish-white. Fracture conchoidal-earthy. Comnp.-'zi=Oxygen 10'35, bismuth 89-65=100, along with some iron and other impurities. Analysis by Lampadius (Handb. ch. Anal., 286): Oxyd of bismuth 86'4, oxyd of iron 5-1, carbonic acid 4'1, water 3'4=99. Suckow obtained for another from Fichtelgebirge, derived from the decomposition of aikinite (Die Verwitt. im Min., 14), Bi 96'5, Ais 1-5, Pe2 H3 2'0=100. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube most specimens give off water. B.B. on charcoal fuses, and is easily reduced to metallic bismuth, which in O.F. gives a yellow coating of oxyd. Soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-Occurs pulverulent at Schneeberg in Saxony, at Joachimsthal in Bohemia; with native gold at Beresof in Siberia.; in Cornwall, in St. Roach, and near Lostwithiel. Dr. Jackson reports an oxyd of bismuth not carbonated, as occurring with the tetradymite of Virginia. See further, BISMUTITE, p 716. 223. KARELINITE. Karelinit Hermann, J. pr. Ch., lxxv. 448, 1858. Massive. Structure crystalline. Cleavage in one direction rather distinct. H.=2. G.=6'60, Herm. Lustre strongly metallic within. Color leadgray. Comp. —i with Bi S. Analysis: Hermann (1. c.): O [5'21] S 3'53 Bi 91-26=100 Pyr., etc.-In tube gives sulphurous acid but no sulphur, yielding a gray slag with globules of bismuth. Obs.-From the Savodinsk mine in the Altai along with hessite (telluric silver). The mineral is not homogeneous, containing along with the metallic substance a gray, earthy mass of bismutite. By treating the powdered mass with muriatic acid, a metallic powder remains, which, examined with a lens, and washed, proves to be entirely free from any native bismuth, and is the mineral karelinite. Named after Mr. Karelin, the discoverer. 224. MOLYBDITE. Molybdena or Molybdic Ochre, Molybdic Acid. Molybdanocker Germ. Molybdine Greg & Lettsom, This Min., 144, 1854, Brit. Min., 348, 1858. Molybdite Breith., B. H. Ztg., xviL 125, 1858. Orthorhombic. IA I=136~ 48', and isomorphous with valentinite, Breith. 186 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. (fr. artif. cryst.). In capillary crystallizations tufted and radiated; also subfibrous massive; and as an earthy powder or incrustation. H.=1-2. G. -449-4'50, Weisbach. Lustre of crystals silky to adamantine; earthy. Color straw-yellow, yellowish-white. Comp. —Mo=Oxygen 34'29, molybdenum 65'71=100. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses and coats the charcoal with minute yellowish crystals of molybdic acid near the assay, becoming white near the outer edge of the coating. This coating treated for an instant in R.F. assumes a deep blue color, which changes to dark red on continued heating. With borax gives in O.F. a yellow bead while hot, becoming colorless on cooling; in R.F. a saturated bead becomes brown or black and opaque. With salt of phosphorus gives a yellowish bead in O.F., becoming green when treated in R.F. and allowed to cool. Obs.-Occurs with molybdenite, from which it is probably derived, at the foreign localities of that species; at Adun Tschilon in Dauria, and at Pitkdranta on L. Ladoga, in silky tufts of cap. illary crystals. In N. Hamp., at'Westmoreland, earthy; in Penn., at Chester, Delaware Co.; Georgia, Heard Co., in silky fibrous tufts; in the gold region, a few miles north of Virginia City, Nevada, in subfibrous masses, and tufted crystallizations of a deep yellow color (called molybdate of iron by D. D. Owen, in Proc. Ac. Philad., vi. 108, but shown by Genth to be this species mixed with limonite). Artificial crystals of molybdite afforded A. E. Nordenskibld the planes O, i-i, i-, i-X -i,,-id, -i, and the following angles: 0 A 4-i=157' 7', 0 A 1-i{=148o 5', 0 A 2-i- 140~ 3', i-iAi-. —106- 12'; and gave a: b: c=0'4792: 1: 0'3872. Doubling the vertical axis, a: b: c —=09584: 1: 0-3872, which is very closely the relation in the corresponding acid of vanadium, which has a: b: c=0'9590: 1: 0'3832. The above dimensions correspond to IAI=137~ 40.' 225. TUNGSTIT3I. Tungstic Ochre B. Sillignan, Am. J. Sci., iv. 52, 1822. Wolframocker, Scheelsaure Germ. Wolframine Lettsom & Greg, This Min., 1854, Brit. Min., 349, 1853. Pulverulent and earthy. Color bright-yellow, or yellowish-green. Comp.-W-i, or pure tungstic acid=Oxygen 20-7, tungsten 79 3=100. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal becomes black in the inner flame, but infusible. With salt of phosphorus gives in O.F. a colorless or yellowish bead, which treated in R.F. gives a blue glass on cooling. Soluble in alkalies, but not in acids. Obs.-Occurs with wolfram in Cumberland, and Cornwall, England; at Lane's mine, Monroe, Ct., filling small cavities in other ores of tungsten, or coating them, and has resulted from their decomposition; in Cabarrus Co., N. C.; at St. Leonard, near Limoges, rarely in distinct cubes of a sulphur-yellow color on wolfram and quartz, a fine specimen of which is contained in the cabinet of Mr. Adam of Paris. Artificial crystals, according to A. E. Nordenski6ld (Pogg., cxiv., 223), are orthorhombic, with IAI —110~, and a: b: c=0A4026: 1: 0'6966; G.-=6302-6'384. These axes approximate to those of molybdite, if for c, xc is substituted, and then this axis is made the vertical; the axes becoming 0'4644: 1:0'4026. The name Wolframine is changed to Tungstite in order to get rid of the chemical termination ine. Wolframite has been used for another species. 226. KE3IRME. SITE.. RSd Spitsglasmalm, Antimonium Sul. et Ars. mineralisatum, Minera Ant. colorata, Wall., 239, 1747 (fr. Briunsdorf), Cronst., 203, 1758. Antimonium plumosum v. Born, Lithoph., i. 137, 1772. Mine d'antimoine en plumes, ib. granuleuse,=-Kermes mineral natif, Sage, Min., ii. 251, 1779, de Lisle, Crist., iii. 56, 60, 1783. Roth-Spiesglaserz Wern., 1789. Rothspiessglanzerz lmmerling, Min., 1793; Klapr., Beitr., iii. 132, 1802 (with anal., making it an oxysulphid). Antimoine oxyde sulfure H., Tabl., 1809. Red Antimony. Spiessglanzblende pt. EHausmn. Handb., 225, 1813. Antimony Blende Jameson, Min. iii. 421, 1820. Antimonblende Leonh., Handb., 157, 1821. Kermes Bead., Tr., ii. 617, 1832. Kermesite Chapman, Mmin., 61, 1843. Pyrostibit Glock., Syn., 16, 1847. Pyrantimonite Breith. Monoclinic. C-=77 51'; 0 A i-i=102~ 9', O A 1-i, plane on acute OXYDS OF ARSENIC, ANTIMONY, ETC. 187 edge, -115~ 36', 0 A ~-i —149~ 57'. Cleavage: basal. Usually in tufts of capillary crystals, consisting of elongated, slender, six-sided prisms. H.=1-1-5. G.=4'5 —46. Lustre adamantine, inclining to metallic. Color cherry-red. Streak brownish-red. Feebly translucent. Sectile. Thin leaves slightly flexible. Comp.-Sb 03+ 2 Sb S3=Antimony 75'3, sulphur 19'8, oxygen 4-9=100. Analyses: H. Rose (Pogg., iii. 453, the sulphur separately determined): 1. Briunsdorf Antimony 74'45 Oxygen 5'29 Sulphur 20'49 2. " 1" 75'66 " 427 " 20'49 Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube blackens, fuses, and at first gives a white sublimate of oxyd of antimony; with strong heat gives a black or dark-red sublimate. In the open tube and on charcoal reacts like stibnite. Obs. —Results from the change of gray antimony. Occurs in veins in quartz, accompanying stibnite and valentinite, at Malaczka near Posing in Hungary; at Briiunsdorf near Freiberg in Saxony; at Allemont in Dauphiny; at New Cumnock in Ayrshire, Scotland; at South Ham, Canada East. The tinder ore (Zundererz) has been shown to be wholly distinct from red antimony. Artif.-This species is the compound long known in chemistry under the name of kermes. 227. CERVANTITE, Spiesglanzokker pt. Karst., Mus. Lesak., i. 534, 1789, Tab., 54, 78, 1800. Antimony Ochre pt. Antimonocher pt. Germ. Gelbantimonerz (from Hungary) Breith., Char., 98, 1823, 224, 1832. Acide antimonieux Dufr., Min., ii. 654, 1845. Antimonous Acid, Antimonoso-antimonic Oxyd. Cervantite Dana, Min., 1854. Orthorhombic. In acicular crystallizations. Also massive; as a crust, or a powder. H. 4-5. G. =4'084. Lustre greasy or pearly, bright or earthy. Color isabella-yellow, sulphur-yellow, or nearly white, sometimes reddishwhite. Streak yellowish-white to white. Comp.-Sb 04, or Sb 03+Sb 05=Oxygen 20'8, antimony 79'2=100. Analyses: 1, Dufrenoy (1. c.); 2, Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 61); 3, Phipson (C. R., lii. 152): 0 Sb Oa 0 Fe 1. Cervantes 16'85 67-50 11'45 1'50, gangue 2'70=99'80 Dufrenoy. 2. Pereta, Tusc. 19-47 78'83 - 1-25, gangue 0'75=100'30 Bechi. 3. Borneo 65'00 -- Fe, Kl o10'00, Si, etc., 21'25, E 375= —100 Phipson. The compound Sb 0s+ Sb 0', free of water, is formed by different methods in chemistry, as by the roasting of stibnite, or of valentinite, etc.; and when pure it is white. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible and unaltered; on charcoal easily reduced. Soluble in muriatlec acid. Obs.-Occurs at various mines of stibnite, and results from the alteration of this and other antimonial ores. Found at Cervantes in Galicia, Spain; Chazelles in Auvergne; Felsobanya, Kremnitz, and elsewhere in Hungary; Pereta in Tuscany (anal. 2); near St. Minvers, at Wheal Lea, at Wheal Kine, and at Endellion, in Cornwall; in Ayrshire, Scotland, at Hare Hill; in Borneo, in rhombic prisms half an inch long, terminating in two planes, and also massive; at the Carmen mine at Zacualpan in Mexico; at South Ham, Canada East; in California, Tulare Co., at Pass of San Amedio, with stibuite. Phipson makes the Borneo mineral a hydrate, with the formula Sb 04+ f. But, as Brush observes (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiv. 207), the oxyd of iron and silicate of alumina present as impurities, in a pale yellowish or reddish-white mineral, would have had, in combination, at least 3 p. c. of the water, if in the states of limonite and kaolin. Moreover, the fact which Phipson states, that the mineral is unaltered when heated, is further evidence that it is not a lydrate. 188 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 228. STIBICONITE. Antimony Ochre pt. (Syn. under Cervantite). Stibiconise Beand., Tr., ii. 616, 1832. Stiblith Blum & Delffis, J. pr. Ch., x1. 318. Stibiconite Brush, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiv. 207, 1862. Massive, compact. Also as a powder and in crusts. H.=4 —55. G. —528, B. & D. Lustre pearly to earthy. Color pale yellow to yellowishwhite, reddish-white. Formula given, Sb 04+lI=O0xygen 19-6, antimony 7149, water 5'5=100. Analysis: Blum & Delffs (1. c.): 0 Sb As fi Goldkronach 19'54 75-83 tr. 4'63=100 B. & D. Beudant states that stibiconite yields water, and he makes it in his formula antimonious acid with xll. Blum & Delffs say that the water they obtained was probably mechanically mixed, but no reason for this conclusion is given. Volger states (Entw. Min., 12, 1854) that the stibiconite is a mixture of the following hydrous species with cervantite and valentinite. The compound Sb 04+ II has been formed artificially; but its existence in nature appears still to be doubtful. Beudant mentions no particular locality. Blum & Delffs enumerate others besides Goldkronach in Bavaria, but evidently aim to include all localities of antimony ochre. Partzite of A. Arents (Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 362). appears to be a hydrous oxyd of antimony mixed with various metallic oxyds, as pronounced by Blake (ib., xliv. 119). It varies in color from yellowish-green to blackish-green and black; has G.=3'8; H.=3-4; and an even conchoidal fracture. An analysis afforded Arents Sb 47-65, Mu 3'2-11, Ag 6-12, Pb 2-01, Fe 2-33, II 8-29=98'51. It occurs in the Blind Spring Mts., Mono Co., California, with argentiferous galenite, and antimonial ores of lead and silver, from whose decomposition it has probably proceeded. Stetefeldtite of E. Riotte (B. H. Ztg., xxvi. 253, July, 1866) appears to be very similar to the partzite. It occurs massive; blackish and brown in color; H.-=35 —45; G.=4-12 —4'24, with a shining streak. Stetefeldt found as a mean of two analyses: Sb 04 43'77, S 47, Ag 23'74, Cu 12-78, Fe 1-82, 1'-9; and thence deduces Sb 06 46'47, S 4-59, Ag 23-23, Cu 2-27, Fe 2-41, Cu 13-28, H 7-75=100. It comes from South-eastern Nevada, in the Empire district; also in the Philadelphia district. 229. VOLGERITE. Antimony Ochre pt. Hydrous Antimonic Acid. Massive, or as a powder. Color white. Comp.-Sb 05+5 t= —Oxygen 19-3, antimony 58'9, water 21'8=100, Volger (Entwickl. Min., 77). The analysis of Cumenge corresponds to Sb 05+4 H. Analysis; Cumenge (Ann. d. M., IV., xx. 80): 0 17 Sb 62 ft 15 Fe 1 gangue 3=98. Sb 05+ 5 ft is easily obtained artificially. It is tasteless, insoluble in water and acids, and has G.-6-6, Boullay. It gives off its water at a heat below redness, and oxygen at a red heat. There is also a compound Sb 0O+4 iI; but this is much less stable (Watt's Dict. Chem.). Obs.-The mineral analyzed by Cumenge was from the province of Constantine, Algeria. Vol ger remarks that this white antimony ochre is a common result of the alteration of stibuite. 230. TELLURITE. (Tellurige Sdiure Petz, Pogg., lvii. 478, 1842; Tellurite Nicol, Min., 429.) Small yellowish or whitish spherical masses, radiated in structure, and a yellowish, earthy incrustation, occurring with the native tellurium of Facebay and Zalathna; is said to afford the reactions of tellurous acid. 230A. TANTALIC OCHRE. A tantalic ochre occurs on crystals of tantalite at Pennikoja in Somero, Finland; color brownish, lustre vitreous. A. E. Nordenskiild, Finl. Min., 27, 1855. Q: ARTZ. 189 III. OXYDS OF THE CARBON-SILICON GROUP, SERIES II. 231. QUARTZ. Kp6oraWXos T7heophr., etc. Crystallus (with allusion to its hexagonal form and pyramidal terminations) Plin., xxxvii. 9, 10; Silex Plin., xxxvi. 371. Crystallus, Quartzum candidissimum [auriferous], Germ. Quertze, KIiselstein, Agric., 276, etc., 444, 459, 465, 1546, 1529. Quartz, Kisel, Wall., 102, 1747. Quartz, Kiesel, Germ. PRhombohedral, and for the most part hemihedral to the rhombohedron (or tetartohedral to the hexagonal prism). B A A=-940 15', O A R= 1280 13'; a=1'0999. Observed planes: (a) R, -B (or -1), i, most frequent, as in f. 180-182, R and -1 making up the ordinary pyramidal terminations, and the latter often distinguishable from R in being the smaller planes, and sometimes in having feebler lustre or less smoothness; the pyramid sometimes consisting of R alone (f. 183); (b) planes 2-2, very common, but only hemihedrally, as in f. 186, and thus corresponding to the faces of a double three-sided pyramid; (c) various rhombohedrons replacing the basal edges of the hexagonal pyramnid (as 4 in f. 185, -, 3, and -7, -1, in f. 191, others in f. 192), 3, 4, being the most common; also the rhombohedron -~ replacing the edges R/R (f. 191, 193, a rough plane, as usual); also, amnong other rhombohedrons, 2, 4 2, 6, 7, 10, and the same in the negative series, besides 50 others; (d) various trapezohedral forms, situated obliquely about the angles of the pyramids, like 6-6 in f. 190, and others in f. 192, 193, the planes gyroidal or placgihedral in position, and inclining upward toward the right or left, and thus being either right-handed as in f. 192, or lefthanded as in f. 190; and again occurring occasionally on each solid angle (as in f. 190), in which case they are hemihedral (12 out of the normal 24); or, as is generally the fact, only on the alternate solid angles (as in f. 192), when they are tetartohedral; or, more rarely, right-handed on one solid angle, and left-handed on the next, another kind of hemihedral form; among them, in the zone B: 2-2: i, or -1: 2-2: i, there are below 2-2 (f. 192) the forms 3 —3 4-4 (o' f. 192), 6 — (f. 190, and o"' f. 192) 12-12 etc., and many others; above 2-2, 2 —3 4-4, 6,8 8 - 8- (f. 193), etc.; (e) other trapezohedrons bevelling the obtuse edges of the rhombohedron B, as — 3, -3 -, 1-5, etc.; also (f) many trapezohedrons in other positions; the total number of different forms over 175. iAR-141~ 47' i A 6- -167~ 59' R A-7, ov. i,=103~ 34'. iA2-=154 43 iA 8- 171 8 A -1, adj., 133 44. A2 —=158 31 i A 13-1 -174 39 A i, ov. 2-2,=113 8. iA 3=165 18 iA 43-3, ov. 2-2,-125 28 R A 2-2= 151 6. i A2-2-142 2 iA9-9, ov. 2-2,-118 7 A\3=-155 59. i A 3 —=154: i A m=120 _R A 4 —152 55. A4-4 —161 31 iA i-6-171 33 RA 9 —9-=175 1. Cleavage: R, -1, and i very indistinct: sometimes effected by plunging a heated crystal in cold water. Crystals either very short, or very much 190 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 180 181 182 185 190 189 191 188ly sraehoioty191 a192!88 /93 2 elongated, sometimes fine acicular; usually implanted by one extremity of the prism; occasionally twisted or bent (f. 195). Prismatic faces i commonly striated horizontally (f. 189, 195, 196), and thus distinguishable, in distorted crystals, from the pyramidal. Crystals often grouped by juxtaposition, not proper twins. Frequently in radiated masses with a surface of pyramids, or in druses having a surface of pyramids or short crystals. Twins: 1. Composition-face, the basal plane 0; sometimes (a) revolution-twins, or such as correspond to a simple revolution of one-half (made by section parallel to the base), 60~ or 180~ to the right or left, bringing 2 above into the same vertical line with R below, and revolving other planes in a like manner (in f. 192 it would carry half the gyroidal planes to the next QUARTZ. 191 edge of the prism, and half the bevelled edge to the place of these planes). Very generally (b) penetration-twins, the forms not corresponding to a regular revolution, but to an irregular interpenetration of unlike parts of the crystal, making -1 to be distributed in irregular areas over R, and so also R over -1, with a similar irregular 196 distribution of other planes, as illustrated in f. 196, in which the unshaded parts of the pyramidal faces are R, and the shaded parts are -1; crystals of quartz not thus compounded in some part are of very rare occur- iX rence. Other twins, mostly geniculating, as in f. 187, and very rarely cruciform (represented cruciform in f. 197? — _ — in order to exhibit the divergence of the vertical axes [axes a] of the combined crystals, and other relative l characteristics): 2. C.-face R, or -1, f. 197B; divergence of axes a —=76~ 26' (because the angle between axis X2, and a or -1, is 38~ 13'); (a) simply geniculating, like either half of 197B; (b) a three-rayed twin, consisting of a central crystal twinned to three others by each X of one extremity, f. 198A, B. 3. Composition between R (or -1) and a face of the prism, i, f. 197A; divergence of axes a-330 13'. 4. C.-face 2R, f. 197c; divergence of axes 115~ 10' (angle between axis a and face of R being 57~ 35'; 197 198A. 198B observed only in simple twins. 5. C.-face 1-2, or plane truncating edge of pyramid between R and -1 (a mode of twinning that belongs rather to the true hexagonal system than to the rhomnbohedral, and showing that the rhombohedral character is often crystallogenically but feebly dominant in the species), illustrated in f. 187 and 197E; divergence of axes a 84~ 44/' (because the angle between axis a and the pyramidal edge is 42~ 17'); observed in geniculating or juxtaposition twins like f. 187, and either half of 195E; there are two kinds, one (a) in which faces X are correspondent in position in the two parts; (b) in which they are not so. 6. Composition between the plane truncating edge of pyramid (or 1-2) and that truncating edge of prism (or i-2), f. 197D; angle of divergence 42~ 17'. Massive; coarse or fine granular to flint-like or crypto-crystalline. Sometimes mammillary, stalactitic, and in concretionary forms. HII.=7. G.=25-2-8; 2'6413 —26541, Beudant; 2'663, Deville. Lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to resinous; splendent-nearly dull. Colorless when pure; often various shades of yellow, red, brown, green, blue, black. Streak white, of pure varieties; if impure, often the same as the 192 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. color, but much paler. Transparent-opaque. Fracture perfect conchoidal-subconchoidal. Tough-brittle-friable. Polarization circular, there being a colored centre instead of a central cross, and the rings of color around enlarging as the analyzer is turned to the right in right-handed crystals (f. 192), or left in left-handed (f. 190); and colored spirals are seen, which rotate to the right or left, when the incident light and emergent light are polarized, one circularly and the other plane. For observing the polarization, plates of the crystal are cut at right angles to the axis. In twins the component parts may be both right-handed or both left-handed (as in those of Dauphiny and the Swiss Alps); or one may be of one kind and the other of the other. Moreover, successive layers of deposition (made as the crystal went on enlarging, and often exceedingly thin) are sometimes alternately right and left-handed, showing a constant oscillation of polarity in the course of its formation; and, when this is the case, and the layers are regular, cross-sections, examined by polarized light, exhibit a division, more or less perfect, into sectors of 1I20, parallel to the plane R, or into sectors of 60~. If the layers are of unequal thickness, there are broad areas of colors without sectors. In f. 199 (by Descloizeaux, from a crystal from the Dept. of the Audce), half of each sector of 60~ is right-handed, and the other half left (as shown by the arrows), and the dark radii are neutral bands produced by the overlapping of layers of the two kinds. In f. 200, from a 199 200 11@-1 t-1 crystal of amethyst (also by Descloizeaux), the alternate white and black lines in each banded sector are due to alternate right and left-handed layers, parallel to R. The fact of a structure in layers is easily made manifest by means of fluoric acid, it corroding successive layers unequally. The asteriated internal structure is often apparent in an asteriated arrangement of shades of color or of degrees of transparency. Biaxial polarization is sometimes a consequence of the composite structure (as in crystals from Euba, near Schemnitz). In crystals, the planes R and -1, when not distinguishable by different degrees of lustre, smoothness, or striation, may be by etching with fluoric acid, this process going on unequally in the two directions and producing a difference of surface, besides often developing the layers that were superimposed in the growth of the crystal, alluded to above. For papers on cryst. of quartz, see Weiss, Mag. Ges. nat. Fr., Berlin, vii. 163; Haidinger, Brewster's J., i. 322, 1824; G. Rose, Ber. Ak. M'inchen, 1844, Pogg., ]xii. 325. Descloizeaux, Mem. Crist. Quartz, Ann. Ch. Phys., xlv. 129, 1855, and Mlem. Acad. Sci., xv. 404, 4to, 1858; Q. Sella, R. Acad. Sci Torino, 8vo, 1856, and Studii Min. Sarda, 4to, Torino, 1856; Websky, Pogg., xcix. 296, 1856, ZS. G., xvii. 348, 1865; Lang, Pogg., c. 351, 1857; Hessenberg, Min. Not., i. 11, ii. 3. Jenzsch, Pogg., cxxx. 597, from whom figs. 195A-F are taken. F. Leydolt on the structure of quartz crystals as developed by means of fluoric acid, Ber. Ak. Wien, xv. 59, 1855. Comp.-Pure silica, or Si=-Oxygen 53-33, silicon 46'67=100. In massive varieties. Often mixed with a little opal-silica. Impure varieties contain oxyd of iron, carbonate of lime, clay, sand and various minerals. Quartz-silica has been supposed to be insoluble in a hot solution of potash, and to be thus distinguishable from opal-silica. But since the investigations of Rammelsberg (Pogg., cxii. 177) it has been questioned whether in a very finely divided state, and especially such as constitutes the compact (cryptocrystalline) chalcedony or flint, it is not more or less soluble. Rammelsberg subjected a number of kinds of quartz to the action of a hot potash solution, and the following are part of his results; under ign. and S the total loss is given, and then, in brackets, the part from drying over sulphuric acid: QUARTZ. 193 Loss by ign. and S. Dissolved by potash. Vitreous massive quartz, Querbach 0'27 5 - 7'15 p. c Gray hornstone, Schneeberg 2'35 [0-45] 12'82-15 " Agate, Saxony, G. 2-661 0'39 [0'13] 243 " Chalcedony, Faroe, G. 2 624 0'59 [0-21] 7'2 -201 " I" Hungary, G. 2'503 2 60 [1'17] 22 -93'88 Chrysoprase, Silesia, G. 2'635 183 [0-59] 7'36-50-59 " Flint, 0G. 2-62, 2'63 1-40 [0'20] 202 — 73-4 " From the high specific gravity of kinds affording a large percentage of soluble silica, it appears that the soluble silica is not all amorphous or opal-silica. Jenzsch has announced (Pogg., cxxvi. 497) that there is a second modification of amorphous silica, distinct from opal, and hitherto unrecognized (see under OPAL), having G.=2-6, like quartz. This suggests an explanation of the above. But the hyalite variety of opal, having G.=2'185, gave Rammelsberg 9'6 to 19'9 p. c. of insoluble silica. To explain this fact by the same method still another modification of silica would be required-an insoluble kind, having the low specific gravity of opal. Pyr., etc.-B.B. alone unaltered. With soda dissolves with effervescence; unacted upon by salt of phosphorus. Soluble only in fluohyd.ric acid. Var. —. Crystallized (plenocrystalline), vitreous in lustre. 2. Flint-like massive, or cryptocrystalline. The first division includes all ordinary vitreous quartz, whether having crystalline faces or not. The varieties under the second are in general acted upon somewhat more by attrition, and by chemical agents, as fluoric acid, than those of the first. In all kinds made up of layers, as agate, successive layers are unequally eroded. A. PHENOCRYSTALLTNE OR VITREOUS VARIETIES. 1. Ordinary Crystallized; Rock Crystal. Colorless quartz, or nearly so, whether in distinct crystals or not. (a) Regular crystals, or limpid quartz; (b) right-handed crystals; (c) left-handed; (d) cavernous crystals, having deep cavities parallel to the faces —occasioned by the interference of impurities during their formation; (e) cap-quartz, made up of separable layers or caps, due to the deposit of a little clayey material at intervals in the progress of the crystal; (f) drusy quartz, a crust of small or minute quartz crystals; (g) radiated quartz, often separable into radiated parts having pyramidal terminations; (h) fibrous, rarely delicately so, as a kind from Orange river, near Cape of Good Hope. 2. Asteriated; Star-quartz (Stern-quartz Germ.). Containing within the crystal whitish or colored radiations along the diametral planes. Part if not all asteriated quartz is asteriated in polarization, as above described. 3. Anm-ethystine; Amethyst (ApgOV7-ov Theophr., etc.). Clear purple, or bluish-violet. The color is supposed to be due to manganese. But Heintz obtained in an analysis of a Brazilian specimen, besides silica, 0'0187 oxyd of iron, 0'6236 lime, 0'01.33 magnesia, and 0'0418 soda; and he considers the color owing to a compound of iron and soda. The structure is composite, as illustrated in f. 199, 200, and the shade of violet is usually deepest parallel to the planes R. 4. Rose. Rose-red or pink, but becoming paler on exposure- Common massive, and then usually much cracked. Lustre sometimes a little greasy. Fuchs States that the color is due to titanic acid; he found 1 to 1l p. c. in specimens from Rabenstein, near Bodenmais. It mav come in part from manganese. 5. Yellovw; False T'opaz. Yellow and pellucid, or nearly so; resembling somewhat yellow topaz, but very different in crystallization and in absence of cleavage. 6. Smoky, Cairngorvz Stone (Mormorion Plin., xxxvii. 63). Smoky-yellow to smoky-brown, and often transparent; but varying to brownish-black, and then nearly opaque in thick crystals. The color is probably due to titanic acid, as crystals containing rutile are usually smoky. Called cairngormns from the locality at Cairngorum, S.W. of Banff, in Scotland. 7. MiTky. Milk-white and nearly opaque. Lustre often greasy, and then called greasy quartz. 8. Siderite, or Sajpphire-quartz. Of indigo or Berlin-blue color; a variety occurring in an impure limestone at Golling in Saltzburg. 9. Sagenitic. Containing within acicular crystals of other minerals. These acicular crystals are most commonly (a) rutile, the mineral called from such specimens sagenite (fr. oayrlvi, a net) by de Saussure (see under RUTILE). They may also be (b) black tourmaline; (c) gdthite; (d) stibuite; (e) asbestus; (f) actinolite; (g) hornblende; (h) epidote. 10. Cat's Eye (Katzenauge Germ., (Eil de Chat Fr.). Exhibiting opalescence, but without prismatic colors, especially when cut en cabochon, an effect due to fibres of asbestus. 11. Aventurine. Spangled with scales of mica or other mineral. 12. Impure from the presence of distinct minerals distributed densely through the mass. The more common kinds are those in which the impurities are: (a) ferruginous, either red or yellow oxyd of iron; (b) chloritic, some kind of chlorite; (c) actinolitic; (d) micaceous; (e) arenaceous, of sand. 13 ~194 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Quartz crystals also occur penetrated by various minerals, as topaz, corundum, chrysoberyl, garnet, different species of the hornblende and pyroxene groups, kyanite, zeolites, calcite and other carbonates, rutile, stibnite, hematite, gbthite, magnetite, fluorite, gold, silver, anthracite, etc. As quartz has been crystallized through the aid of hot waters or of steam in all ages down to the present, and is the most common ingredient of rocks, there is good reason why it should be found thus the enveloper of other crystals. 13. Containing liquids in cavities. These liquids are seen to move with the change of position of the crystal, provided an air-bubble be present in the cavity; they may be detected also by the refraction of light. The liquid is either water (pure, or a mineral solution), or some petroleum-like or other compound. (See p. 761.) B. CRYPTOCRYSTALLINE VARIETIES. 1. Chalcedony (Murrhina Plin., xxxvii. 7. Iaurts pt. Theophr. Iaspis pt. Plin., xxxvii. 37 Murrhina, Germ. Chalcedonius, Agric., 466, 1546, Chalcedon, Achates vix pellucida, nebulosa, colore griseo mixta, Wall., 83, 1747. Calcedoine Fr.). Having the lustre nearly of wax, and either transparent or translucent. Color white, grayish, pale-brown to dark-brown, black; tendon-color common; sometimes delicate blue. Also of other shades, and then having other names. Often mammillary, botryoidal, stalactitic, and occurring lining or filling cavities in rocks. It is true quartz, with some disseminated opal-quartz. A gray chalcedony from Hungary afforded Redtenbacher (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1007) Si 98'87, Fe 0'53, Ca C 0'62=100'02. 2. Carnelian (lciphoP Theoophr. Sarda Plin., xxxvii. 23, id.= Germ. Carneol, Agric., 468, 1546. Carneol, Agates fere pellucida, colore rubescente, Wall., 82, 1747. Cornaline Fr.). A clear red chalcedony, pale to deep in shade; also brownish-red to brown, the latter kind (Sardoine Fr.) reddish-brown by transmitted light. Heintz found that the red color was due to oxyd of iron, obtaining in an analysis Fe 0'050 p. c., 1kl 0'081, Mg 0'028, IK 0'0043, Na 0'075. It has been supposed to be of organic origin. 3. C6hrysoprase. (not Chrysoprasus antiq.). An apple-green chalcedony, the color due to the presence of oxyd of nickel. Klaproth found in that of Silesia (Beitr., ii. 127) Si 96'16, 1. 0'08, Fe 0,08,Ni 10, Qa 083, HI 185-s100; and Rammelsberg, in the same (Pogg., cxii. 188), Si 970(0, F+e, Ni 0'41, Ca, Mig 0'51, H 2'08. 4. Prase. Translucent and dull leek-green; so named from rpaoov, a leek. Always regarded as a stone of little value. The name is also given to crystalline quartz of the same color. " Vilioris est turbae Prasius," says Pliny. 5. Plasma (Iaspis pt. Plin., xxxvii. 37). Rather bright-green to leek-green, and also sometimes nearly emerald-green, and subtranslucent or feebly translucent: sometimes dotted with white. Heliotrope, or Blood-stone, is the same stone essentially, with small spots of red jasper, looking like drops of blood. The Iaspis, or jasper of the ancients, was a semitransparent or translucent stone, and included in Pliny's time all bright-colored chalcedony excepting the carnelian (Sard). He gives special prominence to sky-blue and green, and mentions also a shade of purple (the color of the best, he says), a rose color, the color of the morning sky in autumn, sea-green, terebenthine color (yellow like turpentine, as interpreted by King), smoke-color (his capnias), etc.; but in general there is a tinge of blue, whatever the shade. The green kinds may have been chrysoprase or plasma; or perhaps a variety of jade, a stone known in Europe since the Stone age. The green, with a line running through it (Monogrammos), may have been plasma, or jade, with a narrow seam of white quartz. Pliny's Psrasius, spotted with red, was our heliotrope; his Heliotrope (xxxvii. 60) was a leekgreen stone (prase or plasma) veined with blood-red (jasper); and the jasper was so abundant a part as to give a general red reflection to the whole when it was put in water in the face of the sun, whence the name from 1XALo, sun, and TrprW, to turn. 6. Agate ('A.X6Trn [fr. Sicily] Theophr. Achates pt. Plin., xxxvii. 54. Onyx pt. Plin., ib., 24). A variegated chalcedony. The colors are either (a,) banded; or (3) in clouds; or (y) due to visible impurities. a. Banded. The bands are delicate parallel lines, of white, tendon-like, wax-like, pale and dark brown, and black colors, and sometimes bluish and other shades. They follow waving or zigzag courses, and are occasionally concentric circular, as in the eye-agate (Leucophthalsnus Plin., xxxvii. 62, and Trioplhthalmus ib., 71). The fine translucent agates graduated into coarse and opaque kinds. The bands are the edges of layers of deposition, the agate having been formed by a deposit of silica from solutions intermittently supplied, in irregular cavities in rocks, and deriving their concentric waving courses from the irregularities of the walls of the cavity. As the cavity cannot contain enough of the solution to fill it with silica, an open hole has been supposed to be retained on one side to permit the continued supply; but it is more probable that it passes through the outer QUARTZ. 195 layers by osmosis, the denser solution outside thus supplying silica as fast as it is deposited within. The colors are due to traces of organic matter, or of oxyds of' iron, manganese, or titanium, and largely to differences in rate of deposition. The layers differ in porosity, and therefore in the rate at which they are etched by fluoric acid; and consequently the etching process brings out the different layers, and makes engravings that will print exact pictures of the agate. Owing also to the unequal porosity, agates may be varied in color by artificial means. A brown banded agate afforded Redtenbacher (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1007) Si 98'91, Fe 0-72, Oa 0 0'31=99'94. fl. irregularly clouded. The colors various, as in banded agate. A whitish clouded var. (a) is probably the Leucachates Plin. (fr. XEv64S, white); (b) a wax-colored, his Cerachates (fr. cera, wax), a name that may have been applied also to ordinary wax-colored chalcedony, as the stone was one in little repute; (c) a reddish, his Sardachates, or carnelian-agate. The last probably included also banded kinds. Hemachatece (fr. w ta, blood) was probably a true light-colored agate, blotched with red jasper, "blushing with spots of blood," -as says Solinus (King, p. 207), of which there are very beautiful kinds, and not simple red jasper. laspachates must have been an agate in which bluish and greenish shades (Iaspis) predominated. These names are given by Pliny without accompanying descriptions. y. Colors dlle to visiblh irmpeurities. (a) Moss-agate, or Mocha-stone, filled with brown moss-like ordendritic forms distributed through the mass. (b) Dendritic Agate, containing brown or black dendritic markings. These two are the Dendrachates Plin. (fr. dipov, a tree). There is also 5.'Agatized wood: wood petrified with clouded agate. 7. Onyx ('0,vi;Xov Theophr. Onyx pt. [rest agate, stalagmite, q. v.] Plin., xxxvii. 24) Like agate in consisting of layers of different colors, but the layers are in even planes, and the banding therefore straight, and hence its use for cameos, the head being cut in one color, and another serving for the background. The colors of the best are perfectly well defined, and either white and black, or white, brown and black alternate. 8. Sardonyx (Plin., xxxvii. 23). Like onyx in structure, but includes layers of carnelian (sard) along with others of white or whitish, and brown, and sometimes black colors. 9. Agate-Jasper. An agate consisting of jasper with veinings and cloudings of chalcedony. 10. Silicious sinter. Irregularly cellular quartz, formed by deposition from waters containing silica or soluble silicates in solution. 11. Flint (Silex pt. Plin., Feuerstein Germ.). Somewhat allied to chalcedony, but more opaque, and of dull colors, usually gray, smoky-brown, and brownish-black. The exterior is often whitish, from mixture with lime or chalk, in which it is imbedded. Lustre barely glistening, subvitreous. Breaks with a deeply conchoidal fracture. and a sharp cutting edge. The flint of the chalk formation consists largely of the remains of infusoria (Diatoms), sponges, and other marine productions. The silica of flint, according to Fuchs, is partly soluble silica. See on this point p. 194. There is usually one per cent. or so of alumina and peroxyd of iron, with one or two of water. The coloring matter of the common kinds is mostly carbonaceous matter. 12. Hornstone (Silex pt., Plin., Hornstein Germ.). Resembles flint, but more brittle, the fracture more splintery. Chert is a term often applied to hornstone, and to any impure flin.ty rock,; including the jaspers. A grayish chalcedonic hornstone from Marienbad afforded Kersten Si 90'307 Al 3'10, Fe 1'73, Ig 1'28, Cu 0'94, Na and K 0 70, II 1-95 (Jahrb. Min., 1845, 656). 13. Basanite, Lydian Stone, or Tobuchstone (Lapis Lydius Plin., xxxiii. 4:3,? Basanites id., xxxvi. 11). A velvet-black siliceous stone or flinty jasper, used on account of its hardness and black color for trying the purity of the precious metals. The color left on the stone after rubbing the metal across it indicates to the experienced eye the amount of alloy. It is not splintery like hornstone. It passes into a compact, fissile, siliceous, or flinty rock, of grayish and other colors, called siliceous slate, and also Phthanyte; and then resembles ordinary jasper of grayish and other shades, especially the banded jaspers. 14. Jasper. Impure opaque colored quartz. (a) Red (Imsematitis Plin., xxxvii. c. 60, not his Hiematites), sesquioxyd of iron being the coloring matter. (b) Brownish, or ochre yellow, colored by hydrous sesquioxyd of iron, and becoming red when so heated as to drive off the water. (c) Dark green and brownish-green. (d) Grayish-blue. (e) Blackish or brownish-black. (f) Striped or riband jasper (Bandjaspis Germn.), having the colors in broad stripes. (g) Egyptian jasper, in nodules which are zoned in brown and yellowish colors. Porcelain jasper is nothing but baked clay, and differs from true jasper in being B.B. fusible on the edges. Red porphyry, or its base, resembles jasper, but is also fusible on the edges, being usually an impure feldspar. C. Besides the above there are also:1. Granular Quartz, or Quartz-rock. A rock consisting of quartz grains very firmly compacted; the grains often hardly distinct. 2. Quartzose Sandstone. 3. Quartz-conglomerate. A rock made of' pebbles of quartz with sand. The pebbles sometimes are jasper and chalcedony, and make a beautiful stone when polished. 4. Itacolumite, or Flexible Sandstone. A friable sand-rock, con 196 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. sisting mainly of quartz sand, but containing a little talc, and possessing a degree of flexibility when in thin lamine. 5. Buhrstone. A cellular, flinty rock, having the nature in part of coarse chalcedony. 6. Pseudorrorphous Quartz. Quartz appears also under the forms of many of the mineral species, which it has taken through either the alteration or replacement of crystals of those species. The most common quartz pseudomorphs are those of calcite, barite, fluorite, and siderite. (a) Tabular quartz consists of intersecting plates of quartz, and is probably a result of the quartz being deposited among intersecting plates of other minerals, as barite. (b) Haytorite of C. Tripe (Phil. Mag., i. 40, 1827) is a pseudomorph after datholite. (c) Beckite Duf. is a pseudomorph after coral, chalcedonic in character, from Devonshire, England; it contains some of the carbonate of lime of the original coral (Church, Phil. Mag., IV. xxiii. 95). (d) Babel-quartz is quartz which has impressions of cubes of fluor, arising from its having been deposited over the crystals. (e) Silicified shells are proper pseudomorphs in quartz; they occur through many rock strata, including limestones. (f) Silicified wood is quartz pseudomorph after wood. The texture of the original wood is usually well retained, it having been formed by the deposit of silica from its solution in the cells of the wood, and finally taking the place of the walls of the cells as the wood itself disappeared. Pyr., etc.-B.B. unaltered; with borax dissolves slowly to a clear glass; with soda dissolves with effervescence; unacted upon by salt of phosphorus. Insoluble in muriatic acid, and only slightly acted upon by solutions of fixed caustic alkalies. When fused and cooled it becomes opalsilica, having G-. —2'2. Obs. —Quartz occurs as one of the essential constituents of granite, syenite, gneiss, mica schist, and many related rocks; as the principal constituent of quartz-rock and many sandstones; as an unessential ingredient in some trachyte, porphyry, etc.; as the vein-stone in various rocks, and for a large part of mineral veins; as a foreign mineral in the cavities of trap; basalt, and related rocks, some limestones, etc., making geodes of crystals, or of chalcedony, agate, carnelian, etc.; as imbedded nodules or masses in various limestones, constituting the flint of the chalk formation, the hornstone of other limestones —these nodules sometimes becoming continuous layers; as masses of jasper occasionally in limestone. It is the principal material of the pebbles of gravel beds, and of the sands of the sea-shore and sand beds everywhere. It is reported by G. Rose as occurring in the meteorite of Xiquipulco (Pogg., cxiii. 184). Silica also occurs in solution (but mostly as a soluble alkaline silicate) in heated natural waters, as those of the Geysers of Iceland, New Zealand, and California, and very sparingly in many cold mineral waters. Switzerland, Dauphiny, Piedmont, the Carrara quarries, and numerous other foreign localities, afford fine specimens of rock crystal. The most beautiful amethysts are brought from India, Ceylon, and Persia, where they occur in geodes,.and as pebbles; inferior specimens occur in Transylvania, in large crystalline groups; in the vicinity of Cork, and on the island of May, Ireland. The false topaz is met with in Brazil. Rose quartz occurs in a vein of manganese, traversing the granite of Rabenstein, near Zwiesel in Bavaria. Prfase is found in the iron mines of Breitenbrunn, near Schwartzemberg in Saxony; and in Brittany, near Nantes and Rennes. The amygdaloids of Iceland and the Faroe Islands, afford magnificent specimens of chalcedony; also Hittenberg and Loben in Carinthia, etc. A smalt-blue variety, in cubical crystals (pseudomorphs of fluorite), occurs at Treszytan, in Transylvania. The finest carnelians and agates are found in Arabia, India, Brazil, Surinam, Oberstein, and Saxony. Scotland affords smaller but handsome specimens (Scotch pebbles). Chrysoprase, at Kosemfitz in Silesia. Aventurine quartz, at Cape de Gata in Spain. Cat's eye, in Ceylon, the coast of Malabar, and also in the Harz and Bavaria. Plasma, in India and China, whence it is usually brought in the form of beads. Heliotrope, in Bucharia, Tartary, Siberia, and the island of Rum in the Hebrides. Float stone, in the chalk formation of Menil Montant, near Paris, and in some of the Cornish mines. The banks of the Nile afford the Egyptian jasper; the striped jasper is met with in Siberia, Saxony, and Devonshire. A yellow jasper is found at Vourla, bay of Smyrna, in a low ridge of limestone, to the right of the watering-place, between the harbor and the high hills back; it is associated with opal, chrysoprase, and hornstone, and these minerals seem to occupy in the limestone the place of hornstone, which is found in various parts of the adjoining Country, and also at Napoli di Romania in Greece. The plains of Argos are strewn with pebbles of red jasper. A variety of sandstone occurs in thin layers at Villa Rica, Brazil, remarkable for its flexibility; a similar flexible sandstone occurs in-the North Carolina gold region. In New York, quai-tz crystals are abundant in Herkimer Co., at Middleville, Little Falls, Salisbury, andNewport, loose in cavities in the Calciferous sand-rock, or imbedded in loose earth, and sometimes, according to Beck, in powdered anthracite. Fine dodecahedral crystals, at the beds of specular iron in Fowler, Herman, and Edwards, St. Lawrence Co. In Gouverneur, crystals, with tou.rmaline, etc., in limestone, which have rounded angles as if they had been partially fused. On the banks of Laidlaw lake, Rossie, large implanted crystals. The Sterling ore bed, Antwerp, Jefferson Co., interesting dodecahedral crystals. 4 m. E. of Warwick, crystals presenting the rhombohedral form, in jasper. At Palatine, Montgomery Co., crystals, having one end terminated QUARTZ. 197 with the usual pyramid, while the other is rounded and smooth. Diamond Rock, near Lansingburgh, an old but poor locality. At Ellenville lead mine, Ulster Co., in elegant groups. At Diamond island and Diamond Point, Lake George, quartz crystals, as in Herkimer Co. In Mass., crystals with unusual modifications, sparingly at the Charlestown syenite quarry, one of which from the cabinet of Mr. J. E. Teschemacher is represented in f. 193. It has the adjacent planes 2-2 and 3-A uneven, and — i with a triangular furrow but sharp edges; the rest are lustrous; with the reflective goniometer, reflecting the sun's rays, R A ~-9 —175~. Pelham and Chesterfield, Mass., Paris and Perry, Me., Benton, N. H., Sharon, Vt., and Meadow Mount, Md., are other localities of quartz crystal. Near Quebec, fig. 191, and other crystals similar, but the inverse. At Chesterfield, Mass., small unpolished rhombohedrons, in granite. At Paris, Me.. handsome crystals of brown or smoky quartz. In large crystals, often perfect and weighing several pounds, at Minnesota mine, Lake Superior, occasionally enveloped in metallic copper, as if cast around the crystals. Drusy quartz, of brown, apple-green, and other tints, at Newfane, Vt. For other localities, see the catalogue of localities in the latter part of this volume. Rose quartz, at Albany, and Paris, Me., Acworth, N. H., Williamsburg, Mass., Southbury, Conn., and Port Henry, Essex Co., N. Y.; smoky quartz, at Goshen, Mass., Richmond Co., N. Y., etc.; amethyst, in trap, at Keweenaw Point, Pic bay, and Gargontwa, on Lake Superior; also in the same rock at Bristol, Rhode Island, and sparingly throughout the trap region of Massachusetts and Connecticut; in Surry, New Hampshire; in Pennsylvania, in East Bradford, Aston, Chester, and Providence (one fine crystal over 7 lbs. in weight), in Chester Co.; very handsome at the Prince vein, Lake Superior, but now hardly obtainable, as the mine is not worked; also very large fine crystals, near Greensboro, N. C. Crystallized green quartz, iii talc, at Providence, Delaware Co., Penn.; at Ellenville, N. Y., with chlorite. Chalcedony and agates of moderate beauty, in the same trap region; more abundantly about Lake Superior, the Mississippi, and the streams to the west; at Natural Bridge, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; about the Willamet, Columbia, and other rivers in Oregon; abundant and beautiful on N. W. shore of Lake Superior. Belmont's lead mine, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., has afforded good chalcedony and chrysoprase, associated with calcite. Red jasper is found on Sugar Loaf Mt., Maine; in pebbles on the banks of the Hudson at Troy; yellow, with chalcedony, at Chester, Mass.; red and yellow, near Murphy's, Calaveras Co., Cal. Heliotrope occupies veins in slate at Bloomingrove, Orange Co., N. Y. Smoky quartz in large crystals, some over 100 lbs., have been found on Paradise R., Nova Scotia. Quartz pseudomorphs, after hexagonal and scalenohedral crystals of calcite and cubes of fluorite, at Westhampton, Mass.; after barite, probably, in Rutherford Co., N. C., often filled with water. Quartz crystals occasionally occur of enormous size. A group in the museum of the university at Naples weighs nearly half a ton. A crystal belonging to Sig. Rafelli, of Milan, measures 31 ft. in length and 5i in circumference, and its weight is estimated at 870 lbs; another in Paris is 3 ft. in diameter and weighs 8 cwt. About a century since a drusy cavity was opened at Zinken, which afforded 1,000 cwt. of rock crystal, and at that early period brought $300,000. One crystal weighed 800 lbs. A group from Moose Mountain, New Hampshire, at Dartmouth Colleme, weighs 147.i lbs., and contains 48 crystals; four of them are from 5 to 51 inches in diameter, ten from 4 to 4i; inches. A crystal from Waterbury, Vt., 2 ft. long and 18 inches through, weighs 175 lbs. Several varieties of this species have long been employed in jewelry. The amethyst has always been esteemed for its beauty. Like most other stones, it is less brilliant by candle-light; it appears to best advantage when surrounded with pearls and set in gold. The color of the amethyst is often irregularly diffused, as is well described by Pliny, " ad viciniam crystalli descendet albicante purpurm defectu," purple, gradually fading into white. It was called amethyst, aclOvcro;, on account of its pretended preservative powers against intoxication, from a,~ no', and ItIIvg, to intoxicate. This is not, however, the only amethyst of the ancients. The violet-colored sapphire, the violet fluorite (scalpturis faciles, Plin., easily graven), and some other purple species, were designated by the same name; and it has been supposed that garnet was also included. Cameos are in general made of onyx, which is well fitted for this kind of miniature sculpture. The most noted of the ancient cameos, is the Mantuan vase at Brunswick. It was cut from a single stone, and has the form of a cream pot, about seven inches high and two and a half broad; on its outside, which is of a brown color, there are white and yellow groups of raised figures, representing Ceres and Triptolemus in search of Proserpine. The Museo Borbonico, at Naples, contains an onyx measuring eleven inches by nine, representing the apotheosis of Augustus, and another exhibiting the apotheosis of Ptolemy on one side and the head of Medusa on the other; both are splendid specimens of the art, and the former is supposed to be the largest in existence. The carnelian is often rich in color, but is too common to be much esteemed; when first obtained from the rock they are usually gray or grayish-red; they receive their fine colors from an exposure of several weeks to the sun's rays, and a subsequent heating in earthen pots. The colors of agate, when indistinct, may be brought out by boiling in oil, and afterward in sulphuric acid; the latter carbonizes the oil absorbed by the porous layers, and thus increases the contrast 1958 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. of the different colors. Agate is often made into mortars for chemical and pharmaceutical pre. parations, and, according to Pliny, it was employed for the same purpose by the physicians of his day. Pliny also mentions that " the best cautery for the human body is a ball of crystal acted on by the sun" (xxxvii. 10). He deplores the extravagance of his times, as exhibited in the crystal drinking cups and vases of the wealthy. Jasper admits of a brilliant polish, and is often formed into vases, boxes, knife-handles, etc. It is also extensively used in the manufacture of Florentine mosaics. Quartz is distinguished by its hardness-scratching glass with facility; infusibility-not fusing before the.blowpipe; insolubility-not attacked by water or the acids; uncleavability-one variety being tabular, but proper cleavage never being distinctly observed. To these characteristics the action of soda B.B. may be added. The word quartz is of German provincial origin. Agate is from the name of the river Achates, in Sicily, whence specimens were brought, as stated by Theophrastus. Alt.-Pseudomorphs of pyrite, tin ore, stannite, magnetite, hematite, and voltzite, after quartz, have been met with. 232. OPAL. Opalus, Prederos, Pulin., xxxvii. 21, 22. Quartz resinite H., Tr., ii. 1801. Massive, amorphous; sometimes small reniform, stalactitic, or large tuberose. Also earthy. H. 5 -5-6'5. G. =19 -2'3. Lustre vitreous, frequently subvitreous; often inclining to resinous, and sometimes to pearly. Color white, yellow, red, brown, green, gray, generally pale; dark colors arise from foreign admixtures; sometimes a rich play of colors, or different colors by reftlacted and reflected light. Streak white. Transparent to nearly opaque. Comp.-Si, as for quartz, silica being dimorphous, the opal condition being one of lower degrees of hardness and specific gravity, and, as generally believed, of incapability of crystallization. Water is usually present, but it is regarded as unessential. It varies in amount from 2'75 to 21 p. c.; or, mostly, from 3-9 p. c.-Si+- HI to i+ I HI (or 9 Si +fI to 3 Si+:H). Opal often contains more or less of quartz mixed with it,; and most of the analyses are unsatisfactory, because they leave the amount of the latter wholly unconsidered; and since solubility in a hot solution of caustic potash is not a decisive test of opal, as shown by Rammelsberg (Pogg., cxii. 1177), no method for its exact determination is known. (See p. 19.2, under QUARTZ.) RIammelsberg's percentage results are as follows; under.the heading ign. & S, the sum of the loss by both is given, and in brackets that by drying over sulphuric acid alone: G. G. after ign. Ign. & S. Insol. Semiopal, Grochau 2'101 1'818 6-55 7 21' Vallecas, broon 2'216 2'224 11-75 [8'26] 18-5-39-3 4" " I white 4:54 [1178] 19'2-53-5 Geyserite, Iceland 8 83 [3841] 48 (-=e) Hyalite. Walsch 2-185 3'-28 [0 9-7-19-9 " after ign. 1-501 21 — 45-9 Moreover, optical characters do not afford decisive distinctions; for Ehrenberg has found (Ber. Ak. Berlin, 65, 1849, Ramm., Pogg., cxii. 191) that liyacite, after ignition and before, and chrysoprase are alike doubly-refracting; chalcedony from Far6e and semiopal from Vallecas, doublyrefracting, with spots of singly-refracting; semiopal fr. Grochau and flint, singly-refracting, with spots of doubly-refracting. Var.-1. Precious Opal. Exhibits a play of delicate colors, or, as Pliny says, presents various refulgent tints in succession, reflecting now one hue and now another. Seldom larger than a hazel nut; a mass in the Vienna museum has the size of a man's fist and weighs 17 oz., but has numerous fissures, and is not wholly free from the matrix. 2. Fire-opal (Feueropal, fr. Mexico, Humboldt, Karsten, Klapr. Beitr., iv. 156, 1807). Hyacinthred to honey-yellow colors, with fire-like reflections, somewhat irised on turning. 3. Girasol. Bluish-white, translucent, with reddish reflections in a bright light. 4. Common Opal. In part translucent; (a) milk-white to greenish, yellowish, bluish; (b) Resin-o.pal (Wachsopal, Pechopal, Germ.), wax-, honey- to ochre-yellow, with a resinous lustre; (c) OPAL. 199 dull olive-green and mountain-green; (d) brick-red. Includes Semiopal (Halbopal VTern., Bergm. J., 375, 1789); also (e) Hydrophane, which is translucent, whitish, or light-colored, adheres to the tongue, and becomes more translucent or transparent in water (to which the name, from zdlwp, water, and patci, to make clear, alludes), a very common quality of opal. (f) Forcherite (Auhhorn, Wien. Ztg. Abendbl., Jul. 11, 1860); an orange-yellow opal, colored by orpiment; G.=2-17 Maly (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 501). It is from Reittelfeld, in Upper Styria. 5. Cacholong (Kaschtschilon of Kalmucks and Tartars [=beautiful stone], Kascholong Germ. Perlmutter-opal Karst., Tab., 1808). Opaque, bluish-white, porcelain-white, pale-yellowish or reddish; often adheres to the tongue, and contains a little alumina. 6. Opal-agate. Agate-like in structure, but consisting of opal of different shades of color. 7. ilenilite (Pechstein de Menil Montant Delarbre & Quinquet, J. de Phys., xxxi. 219, 1787; Menilite de Saussure, Delameth. T. T., ii. 169, 1797. Leberopal Karst., Tab., 24, 1800). In con. cretionary forms, tuberose, reniform, etc., opaque, dull grayish, grayish-brown, occurring imbedded in a shaly argillaceous deposit. 8. Jasp-opal (Karst. Tab., 26, 1808; Opal-jasper, Eisenopal, aTausm., HIandb., 428, 1813). Opal containing some yellow oxyd of iron'and other impurities, and having the color of yellow jasper, with the lustre of common opal. 9. Wood-opal (Holz-opal Germ.). Wood petrified by opal. 10. Htyalite (Mullerisches Glas [=Muller's Glass, after the discoverer]; HIyalit Wern., Hoffm. Min., ii. a, 134, 1812, Karst., Tab., 22, 1800; Gummistein Blumenb., Nat., 553; Glasopal Hausm., IHandb., 424, 1813). Clear as glass and:colorless, constituting globular concretions, and also crusts with a globular, reniform, botryoidal, or stalactitic surface; also passing into translucent, and whitish. 11. Fiorite,,Siliceous Sinter (Kieselsinter Germ.; Santi, Viaggio al Montomiata, Pisa, 1795, Crell's Ann., ii. 589, 1796; Thomson, J. de Phys., xxxix. 407, 1791, Breve Notizia di un Viaggiatore sulle Incrost. Sil. termali d'Italia, etc., 1795, Crell's Ann., i. 108, 1796, Bibl. Brittan, 185, 1796 (?name fiorite here given); Pfaff., Crell's Ann., ii. 589, 1796; Resinite termogino (Ital.). Includes translucent to opaque, grayish, whitish, or brownish incrustations, porous to firm in texture; sometimes fibrous-like or filamentous, and,. when so, pearly in lustre (then called Pearlsinter); formed from the decomposition of the siliceous minerals of volcanic rocks about fumaroles, or from the siliceous waters of hot springs. It graduates at times into hyalite. (a) The original fiorite (or pearl-sinter), as described by Thomson, occurs in tufa in the vicinity of Santa Fiora, Italy, and also on Ischia, and at the Solfatara near Naples, in globular, botryoida]l, and stalactitic concretions, pearly in lustre. Thomson also mentions (1791) a similar incrustation as formed from the hot waters of the Sasso lagoons. It was referred by Werner to hyalite in 1816 (Hoffmann). (b) The Michaelite (J. W. Webster, Am. J. Sci., iii. 391, 1821) is similar, from the island of St. Michaels, one of the Azores, where it occurs in. -snow-white incrustations, capillary or filiform in structure, pearly in lustre, with G. = 1866. (6) Geyserite (Kieseltuff (fr. Geysers) Klapr., Beitr., ii. 109, 1797; Geysirite Delameth., Min., 1812; Damour, Bull. G. Fr., 1848, 157) constitutes concretionary deposits about the Iceland geysers, presenting white or grayish, porous, stalactitic, filamentous, cauliflower-like forms; also compact-massive, and scaly-massive; H.-5; rarely transparent, usually opaque; sometimes falling to powder on drying in the air. 12. Float-stone (Quartz nectique, H., Tr.. ii. 1801; Schwimmstein Germ.). In light concretionary or tuberose masses, white or grayish, sometimes cavernous, rough in fracture. So light, o-, ing to its spongy texture, as to float on water. The concretions sometimes have a flint-like nucleus. 13. 7rirpolite (Trippel, Terra Tripolitana (fr. Tripoli, in part), Wall., 32, 1747. Infusorial earth; Bergmehl, Kieselmehl, Kieselguhr, Germ. Farina fossilis. Randanite Salvetat,. Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxiv. 348, 1848). Formed from the siliceous shells of Diatoms and other microscopic species, as first made known by Ehrenberg, and occurring in deposits, often -many miles in area, either uncompacted, or moderately hard. (a) Infusorial Earth, or Earthy Pripolite, a very fine-grained earth looking often like an earthy chalk, or a clay, but harsh to the feel, and scratching glass when rubbed on it. (b) Randanite, a kaolin-like variety from Ceyssat near Randan, in Dept. Puy de Dome, and from Algiers, containing 9 to 10 p. c. of water. A deposit at Santa Fiora in Tuscany was made known by G. Fabbroni in 1794 (Giorn. Fis.-med. di D. Brungnatelli, p. 154; Crell's Ann., ii. 199, 1794; Bergmehl v. Santa Flora Kla proth, Beitr., vi. 348). It consists of a grayishwhite, loose, mealy earth; Fabbroni states that he made bricks of it which would float like those which Pliny described as made in Spain from a sort of pumice-like earth (xxxv. 49), and supposes the material the same. Ehrenberg has shown it to be an infusorial earth. (c) Tripoli slate (Polishing slate, Polierschiefer, Tripelschiefer, Saugkiesel, Klebschiefer, Germ.), a slaty or thin laminated variety, fragile; G.=1-909- 208. Often much impure from mixture with clay, magnesia, oxyd of iron, etc. (d) Alumocalcite (fr. Eibenstock, Breith., Char., 97, 326, 1832) is a milk-white material, having a hardness of only 1 to 1~; G.- _2174; it may be a variety of tripolite, containing a little lime and alumina. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 151); 2, v. Kobell (Char., 252, 1830); 3-6, Damour (Bull. G. 200 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Fr., II. v. 162, 1848); 1, Klaproth (1. c., iv. 156); 8, id. (ib., ii., 157); 9, Forchhammer (Pogg., xxxv. 331); 10, G. J. Brush (This Min., 152, 1854); 11, Klaproth(1. c., v. 29); 12, id. (ib., ii. 154); 13, Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, xiii. 381); 14, Wrightson (Ann. Ch. Pharm, liv. 358); 15, Stucke (Nose Beschr. vulk., Foss., 13); 16, Forchhammer (1. c.); 17, 18, Damour (1. c.); 19, Klaproth (1. c., ii. 160); 20. 21, V. d. Mark (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, ix. 1852); 22, Wertheim (Ramm. Min. Ch., 133); 23, G. J. Brush (This Min., 691, 1850); 24, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., xv. 435); 25, Klaproth (1. c., ii. 165); 26, 27, R. Brandes (Nogg. Geb. Rh.-Westph., i. 338); 28, V. d. Mark (1. c.); 29, Klaproth (1. c., ii. 162); 30, Beudant (Tr., ii. 18). 31, Damour (1. c.); 32, Schaffgotsch (Pogg., lxviii. 147); 33, Damour (1. c.): 34, Bucholz (Gehl. J., i. 202, viii. 176); 36-38, Damour (1. c.); 39, Klaproth (1. c.); 40, Kersten (Schw. J., lxvi. 25); 41, Forchhammer (Pogg., xxxv. 331); 42, 43,.Bickell (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxx. 290); 44, Pattison (Phil. Mag., III. xxv. 495); 45, Mallet (ib., IV. v. 285). 46, Klaproth (1. c., vi. 348); 47, 48, Fournet & Salvetat (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxiv, 348); 49, Baumnann (Rammu. Min. Ch., 136); 50, R. Hoffmann (J. pr. Ch., xc. 461); 51, Hanstein & Schultz (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcv.-292); 52, Kuhlmann (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, viii. 418); 53, Klaproth (1. c., v. 112); 54, 55, Bucholz (Leonh. Tasch., vi. 5, 8); 56, Kersten (Freiesleb. Mag. Orykt., Heft 5): Si ft F'e Ca a K 1. Czerwenitza, precious opal 90 10 =- -- 100 K1laproth. 2. " [89-06] 10-94 -- -- -- -=100 Kobell. 3. " G.=2-029 [93-90] 6-10 -- - - - — =100 Damour. 4. Mexico, limpid, G.=2'029 [91-12] 8-88 - ~ ~~-=100 Damour. 5. " chatoyant, G.=22024 [89'90] 10-10 - -- - - - 100 Damour. 6. "' [9395] 6'05 - -- -— 100 Damour. 7. Zimapan, Fire-opal 92-00 75 -- 25 — -0i- -— =100 Klaproth. 8. Kosemiitz, milk-w. 98-75 [1'05] 0-10 0'10 -- — =100 Klaproth. 9. Far6e, Fire-opal 88713 1797 0'99 -- 0-49 0'34 Mg 1'48=100 F. 10. Georgia, " G.=2-07 91-89 5-84 1-40 - -Mg 0'92 — -— 10005 Brush. 11. Moravia, gray 85 8a 3 1'75.- -- - C1, Bit. 0-3399'08 Klaproth. 12. Hubertsburg, Hydrophane 93'13 5-25 1'62 - -=100 Klaproth. 13. Thebes, " 858 8' 4 - - g49- --— 100-1 Tsch. 14. Schiffenberg, Semi-opal 90'20 2'73 186 4-11 " 0-86 0-90 0-80S0 31=101'76W. 15. Hanau " 82-75 10'00 3'50 8O00 Ca 0'25- - 99'50 Stucke. 16. Farde, Cacholong 95-32 3'47 0'20 -- 0-06 0O06 0'07,Mg g04-=99'58F. 17. Iceland, Resinopal, G.-=2095 [92-03] 97 - -- - — =100 Damour. 18. Mexico, " [95-40] 4-60 - — =.100 Damour. 19. Telkebanya," 93'5 5'0 - 1'0 -— =100 Klaproth. 20. Rosenau, ywh.-brown 91-82 5-61 0'14 2-15Mg 0'18 — 0-10=100 Mark. 21. " w. ext. of last. 89-54 5-08 0-27 4'94 " 017 —- -=100 Mark. 22. Meronitz, gnh.-brown 83173 1146 - 358 Ca 157 —- - -,Iia0 67-101W. 23. Vourla, gyh.-green, G.=2'054 [94'9] 5-1 - - -— 100 Brush. 24. Harmanjick, Resinopal 92-0 4-15 -- S- g 3.0 -— =9915 Smith. 25. Menil-Montant, J~eniiite 85-5 ll'0b 1-0 0'5 0-5 -- — =985 Klaproth. 26. Oberkassel, Wood-opal 93'01 4-12 0-12 037 -- -— 99-62 Brandes. 27. Quegstein, Siebengeb. " 86'00 9'97 0-50 3'50 - --,S0-20=100-17B. 28. Stenzelberg, Jaslpopal 88'28 5-67 0-31 5'58MYg 0'16 — — =100 Mark. 29. Telkebanya, " 43'5 5 - 470 - - -— =980 Klaproth. "0. Jasztraba, Hung." 47181 13-17 0-93 38-09 - - — =100 Beudant. 2. Hyalite, Fiorite or Siliceous Sinter. 31. Waltsch, Bohem., Hiyalite [96-94] 3-06 - - - - -— =100 Damour. 32. " " " 95-5 3-0 -- 0'8 0-2 - --— 99'5 Schaffg. 33. Kaiserstulhl " [96-99] 3'01 - - - - — =100 Damour. 34. Frankfort, a. M. " 92-00 6-33. - - - -— =9833 Bucholz. 35. Azores, Michaelite 82-29 16-35 1-36 tr. - -- -=100 Webster. 36. Iceland, Geyserite 81767 10-40 0-71 0-40 0-82 tr. =100 Damour. 37. " " gray [92-59] 1-41 - -- - - — =100 Damour. 3S. " " white [91-23] 8-97 - - -- — =100 Damour. 39. " " 98-0 - 15 0'5 -- -- — =100 Klaproth. 40. " " 94'01 4'10 1-70 - ---— =99 81 Kerst. 41. " " 84-43 7-88 3-07 1'91 0-70. 0-92, Mg..T)6 Forchh. 42. " " 88-26 4-79 0-69 3-26 0'29 0'11 011, 8 2'49-100 B. OPAL. 201 Si A Xi Fe Oa Ha k 43. Iceland, Geyserite 91'56 5-76 1-04 0-18 0'33 0-16 0'19, S0'31, Mg 0047 =100 Bickell. 44. N. Zealand, " G.=1.968 77'35 7-66 9'70 3'72 1-74 -- — =10017 Pattis. 45. " " 94-20 3'06 1'58 017 tr. 0'85 — = —99-86 Mallet. 3. Tripolite, Ianfusorial Earth, Floatstone. 46. Santa Flora, Bergmehl 79 12 5 3 - - -— 99 Klaproth. 47. Ceyssat, Randanite 87-2 10-0 2-00 0'8 -- -— =100 Fournet. 48. Algiers, " 80'00 9'00 1'41 0-55 0-56 2-00 ins. S 6-48 —100 S. 49. Bilin, Tripolite, G.=1-862. 87-58 8-89 2'04 1-09 -- Mg 0-30=99,90 Bau. 50. " 4 " 80'80 10-90 5 40 0.44 tr. 0-30, Mg. 0 43f, Org. 1-30=99-08 Hoffmann. 51. Luneberg, Earth 87'86 8-43 0'13 0'73 0-75e — _Org. 2'28=100-18 H. 52. Ebstorf, " 90-86 9-01 0-29 0-23 0-16e --— Mg CO09=100'64K. 53. Mauritius, Kieselguhr 72-0 21'0 2'5 2'5 - -- — =980 Klaproth. 54. Paris, Q. nectique, lighter 94'0 5'0 0'5 - - -995 Bucholz. 55. " " heavier 91-0 6-0 0-25 MIg tr. —,Ca C 2'00=99-25 B. 56. Eibenstock, Alumocalcite 86'60 4'00 2-23 - Ca 6-25 -- — =99-08 Kersten. a Somewhat ammoniacal. b With some carbonaceous material. c Na C1. d With some magnesia. e Carbonate of lime. f Also ammonia 0'01. Randanite of Salvetat (anal. 48) corresponds to the formula Si3 HI (=Si 90'9, A 9 1) when dried at 16~ C., and SiHl (-Si 95-3, EI 4-7) when dried at 1000~. The precious opal of Hungary, analyzed by v. Kobell (anal. 2), lost 7-5 p. c. on drying at a low heat, and the rest of the water, or 3'44 p. c., on ignition. Pyr., etc.-Yields water. B.B. infusible, but becomes opaque. Some yellow varieties, containing oxyd of iron, turn red. Obs.-Occurs filling cavities and fissures or seams in igneous rocks, porphyry, and some metallic veins. Also imbedded, like flint, in limestone, and sometimes, like other quartz concretions, in argillaceous beds; also formed from the siliceous waters of some hot springs; also resulting from the mere accumulation, or accumulation and partial solution and solidification, of the siliceous shells of infusoria —wlLich consist essentially of opal-silica. The last mentioned is the probable source of the opal of limestones and argillaceous beds (as it is of flint in the same rocks), and of part of that in igneous rocks. It exists in most chalcedony and flint. Being like quartz in origin, it is natural that the two should be often mixed together. Common opal and hyalite are products of the decomposition of a Roman cement at the hot springs of Plomhbiires in France. Precious opal occurs in porphyry at Czerwenitza, near Kashau in Hungary, at Frankfort, and at Gracias a Dios in Honduras. Fire opal occurs at Zimapan in Mexico; Farde; near San Antonio, Honduras. Common opal is abundant at Telkebanya in: Hungary; near Pernstein, Luckau, and Smrezet in Moravia; in Bohemia; at Kosemiitz in Silesia; Hubertsburg in Saxony; Stanzelberg and Quegstein in Siebengebirge; Steinheim near Hanau; in Far6e, Iceland; the Giant's Causeway, and the Hebrides; also within ~ m. and to the S.W. of the watering-place at Vourla, the harbor of Smyrna, along with yellow jasper and hornstone, imbedded in a low ridge of yellowish compact limestone; of a wax-yellow and grayish-green color, occasionally white, at the Giant's Causeway. Hyalite occurs in amygdaloid at Schemnitz, Hungary; in clinkstone at Waltsch,;Bohemia. Wood opal forms large trees in the pumice conglomerates of Saiba, near Neusohl; Kremnitz, Hungary; Farde; near Hobart Town, Tasmania; and in many other regions of igneous rocks. The Luneberg earth contains many species of infusoria, and is 10 to 18 ft. thick. In U. S., hyalite occurs sparingly in N. York, at the Phillips ore bed, Putnam Co., in thin coatings on granite; rarely in N. C., Cabarrus Co., with the auriferous quartz; in Georgia, in Burke and Scriven Cos., lining cavities in a siliceous shell-rock; in Washington Co., good fire opal; at the Suanna spring, Florida, small quantities of siliceous sinter. The precious opal, when large, and exhibiting its peculiar play of colors in perfection, is a gem of high value. It is cut with a convex surface. 233. JEz;ZSCHITE.-A second modification of amorphous silica is mentioned above (p. 194) as announced by G. Jenzsch. The facts may receive other explanation. For the present the opals supposed to represent it may be included under the above name. The characteristic is a specific gravity of 2'6, like quartz-silica, while soluble in a hot solution of caustic potash. The kinds here referred to are a white cacholong from HUittenberg in Carinthia, G. = 2'591; from Hutberg, near Weissig, in amygdaloid, G.=-2-633-2-647; from the porphyry of Regensberg, G.=2 620; from Brazil, G.=2-596. They are generally associated with chalcedony, and Jenzsch regards them as a result of its alteration. 202 OXYGEN COMrPOTNDS. II. TERNARY OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 1. SILICATES. A. ANHYDROUS SILICATES. The following are the general subdivisions of the Anhydrous Silicates: I. BISILICATES. Oxygen ratio for the bases and Silica 1: 2. II. UNISILICATES. Oxygen ratio for the bases and Silica 1: 1. III. SUBSILICATES. Oxygen ratio for the bases and Silica 1: less than 1; mostly 1: 2; but also 1:, and 1:. These subdivisions are essentially the same that were brought forward in the last edition of this work. The section of Tersilicates has, however, disappeared, the species hitherto arranged under that head being proved to have no existence; and the few Sesquisilicates, and the Micas and Feldspars, are added to the Unisilicates. Constitution and Fornmulas of Silicates.-The bases in the Silicates comprise various elements of Series I. (see p. 2) in their different states of oxydation, protoxyd, sesquioxyd, or deutoxyd, and possibly tritoxyd; namely, K, Na, Li, Th, Cs, H, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, Ce, La, Di, Fe, Mn, Cr, Al, and rarely also Zn, Ni, Co, Ti; and in a few cases boron, of Series II., in the tritoxyd state. The element silicon is so strongly negative, that in its oxygen combinations all other elements present are relatively basic. The basic elements enumerated, when in the same state of oxydation, are mutually replaceable; and, as the analyses beyond illustrate, 8 or 10 often occur in the same compound, combined either in simple, or indeterminate, ratios. But while in general thus replacing one another, there are certain groups, as, for example, the Feldspar and Scapolite, in which _1 is not replaced by Fe, nor Ca, Na, K by Mg, or Fe, the presence of the latter ingredients being an irregularity, and proof of mixture or alteration. The basic elements are also mutually replaceable when in different states of oxydation, under the law that parts equal in power of combination with oxygen are equivalent or isomorphous; that is, the replacing power equals the combining power. Thus 3 R 0 (=3R' 03), RI2 0S R 02 (RI 0') - RI 0), R 05 are replaceable; and so also are R2 02 (= 2 R 0), and R 0'; for the basic metal is combined with an equal amount of oxygen, 3 atoms in the former group, and 2 in the latter. The basic metals of these different oxyds by themselves represent so many different states corresponding to the states of oxydation, and are therefore equivalents in combination. The above formulas. if divided by 3, become reduced to the protoxyd form R 0, RX O, RI O, RI O, R3 0, and the expressions for the different states of the basic metals, to RI, R I,, R, R3. The first three of these states have been denominated in a note to page 2, and in the Introduction, p. xv, the alpha, beta, and gamma states; the expressions are correspondingly written aR, iR, yR, drI, R. aR 0O equals R 0, or a protoxyd. So also BR 0 —~ (R2 03), or a third of a sesquioxyd; *yR O= I (R 02), or half of a deutoxyd; and eR 0 —~ (R 03), or one-third of a tritoxyd. aR, BR, yR, 6R, eR, are mutually replaceable, or equivalent in substitutions. The Bisilicates come under a single general formula, which may either have the form A, or that of B. The a is here dropped, it being unnecessary. A. (13k RI, Id, R) Si B. (R, I0 o, yR 0, ER O) Si SILICATES. 203 The Unisilicates have the corresponding formula: A. (As,, R,, )2 )i3 B. (R O, iR O, yR 0, ERi O)2 Si As deutoxyds and tritoxyds occur as bases only in a few minerals, these general formulas for the ordinary species are: Bisilicates A. (13, A) Si3 B. (R O, PR O) Si Unisilicates (3tI, R) Si3 (R O, f3R O) Si If the latter formulas (B) be multiplied by 3, after substituting the value of / R, they become the exact equivalent of the former; but they are not necessarily the better for this multiplication, because chemistry is not yet able to decide positively whether, in the different cases, the multiplier should not rather be 6, 9, or some other number. In the new systemrb of chemistry the formulas of the Bisilicates and Unisilicates, in their most general form, are written in the following manner, essentially, by writers on the subject, except that the letter R is here used with the Greek letters to express the metal in the different states of oxydation: * Bisilicates Si ( 2 Unisilicates Si R2, A, #t4 y1 t R2, R., PR, yet These formulas may be more conveniently written in a single line, as follows; and to facilitate a comparison, the formulas of the older system are here added: Old system. Old system modified. New system. Bisilicates (R3, ) Si3 (no, PR o) i Si e1ll1ell(R, X, AR) Unisilicates (R3 )2 Si3 (R1O, fR 0)2 Si Sil&4Jll(R2,1, /31)2 By means of fractions prefixed to the Rs or Rs, the ratios of the constituents may be expressed, as in the older formulas. The Subsilicates vary in formula according to the varying ratios, as presented beyond (p. 362). The only silicates having the basic metals in the sesquioxyd state alone occur among the Subsilicates. Besides the silicates that are obviously Bisilicates and Unisilicates, there are others which, while bisilicate or unisilicate in type, contain a surplus of silica in serial ratios. The Feldspar group is remarkable for its unity in crystallographic and all physical characters, evincing the profoundest isotypism; and yet the oxygen ratio for the bases and silica varies from 1: 1 to 1: 3. The fact that all the essential characters of a Feldspar appear in their perfection under the unisilicate ratio shows that the amount of silica of a UJnisilicate is all that is required to make a Feldspar, and hence that the type is strictly unisilicate; and further, that the excess of silica must exist in the species in some state consistent with conformity to the unisilicate type. The amount of silica in the species of the Feldspar group increases with the increasing proportion of alkali in the mineral, from anorthite, a Unisilicate without, usually, any alkali, to albite and orthoclase, literal Trisilicates, with the protoxyd bases solely alkaline. The Micas vary in the same way, being unisilicate strictly in the species containing the least alkali, and having a higher proportion as the alkali increases, and the highest in the lithia micas, in one of which the ratio is 1: 2. The NMeionite section of the Scapolite group is in meionite strictly unisilicate, without alkali, while mizzonite has much alkali and more silica in proportion than meionite, and marialite (which like mizzonite is hardly distinguishable from meionite in crystallographic or physical characters) is bisilicate, with the alkali constituting much the larger part of the protoxyd bases. The Scapolite section of the Scapolite group illustrates the same point. The special ratios for this and each of the preceding groups are stated in the general remarks preceding the section on the Unisilicates. Among Bisilicates, spodumnene is closely related to the Pyroxene group in crystallization and other characters, including the oxygen ratio for the bases and silica, although alumina and lithia are prominent constituents. Petalite has the same crystallization (as shown by Descloizeaux) and the same constituents as spodumene, and therefore is also pyroxene-like in its fundamental characteristics; and yet it contains twice the proportion of silica, the oxygen ratio for Rt, 11, Si in * R2 stands for 2 of a monad element, as potassium, sodium, lithium, thallium, csesium, rubidium, hydrogen, and 1 for other basic elements, as already explained. See also Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 252, 261, and Introd., p. xv. 204 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. spodumene being 1: 4: 10, and in petalite 1: 4: 20, a contrast of great interest in this connect on, as remarked by Descloizeaux. The amount of silica in spodumene shows what is essential to the type, and therefore proves that both are essentially Bisilicates. It differs from petalite in that the protoxyd bases include a little lime and protoxyd of iron (about one-twelfth of all the protoxyds, from the average of the best analyses, those of Rammelsberg, Hagen, and Smith & Brush), while in petalite they are purely alkaline.* The Feldspars, Micas, and the Mleionite and Scapolite groups are examples of a surplus of silica in species under the unisilicate type, and the Spodumene group under the bisilicate. In each the alkali present appears to be the determinative cause. The surplus silica above what the type requires may have one of the two following conditions: Either it may be (I) part basic (half of it under the unisilicate type, and one-third of it under the bisilicate type); or it may be (2) all accessory silica. The formula, of albite, under the unisilicate type, to which it is shown above to belong, would be as follows, according to these two methods: 1st method (~ Na3+ 1+4 Si2)2Si3, or Sil[4II(s Na2+B Ai+4ySi)2 2d method;a 3 ~ T lYj Si3+ 3 Si, or 4Si I411(11 Na2 + 3- fAl) + Si 0)2 For other examples see the formulas of the Unisilicates beyond (p. From the facts here explained it follows that the Mica and Feldspar groups should be annexed entire to the section of Unisilicates; and petalite to the section of Bisilicates. The intermediate silicates are thus mostly disposed of without the provision of other sections. lolite has the O ratio for bases and silica of muscovite (or 1: 1~), and its excess of silica above that of the Unisilicates may be of the same nature as in that species. The case of nephelite may be similar. The hydrous species of silicates are here separated from the anhydrous, as in other divisions in the classification, because the course seems most convenient in the present imperfect state of chemical science. There is no criterion yet furnished for deciding upon the state of the water present, whether part, or all, or none, is basic; and until chemists have some means of reaching safe conclusions on this point, the true relations of the hydrous and anhydrous species cannot to any great extent be positively made out. Moreover there is often doubt as to whether the water present is simply hygrometric and accidental; or whether it exists as a result of incipient or advanced alteration of the mineral; or whether it belonged to the species from its origin; and these doubts still further complicate the subject. In some silicates, as euclase for example, the water appears to be so plainly basic that the species have been arranged beyond with the anhydrous; and this is the beginning of a final disregard of the distinction which will probably before long be warranted. In the descriptions of the silicates beyond, the chemical formulas given are those of the old system, as these are equally intelligible to all chemists. But in the tables preceding the general divisions of the species, the new formulas are introduced as well as the old. Note on the History of the Silicates. In the work of the Swedish mineralogist Wallerius, of 17471, silicates as such are unrecognized, and the only species of those now so called which are described, are the gems that passed under the names of emerald, beryl, topaz, hyacinth, chrysolite, garnet; clays of various kinds and names; mica, talc, serpentine, amianthhus, asbestus, feldspar, and the convenient pocket for various undetermined heavy stones, named Cornezs-the Hornbirg of the Swedish mineralogist, and Roche de Corne of his French translator, and which embraced Skicril (Schdrl of the Germans) as a prominent part of it. Quartz (Kieselsten, or Silex) in its many varieties, with opal, made up a large part of the non-metallic division of the science, occupying 30 pages out of 200. Feldspar is placed in the genus Spatum, as Spatum pyrimnachum (or scintillating spar) along side of fluor, Iceland spar, and heavy spar; and sapphire and the other precious stones are in the group of Gems. All of these species excepting feldspar had special names in Pliny's time; and feldspar is distinctly referred to in Agricola as " Silex ex eo ictu ferri hfcile ignis elicitur, in cubis aliisque figuris intersectis constans " (p. 314, 1546). Cronstedt's work of 1758 includes with the preceding the species Zeolite, a recent discovery of his own (1756); but adds no others. He shows however his acumen in making his group of Kiesel-Arter (siliceous minerals) to include not only the varieties of quartz, but also feldspar and the gems above enumerated (and his adding to it the diamond is not surprising). Garnet and schorl are left outside, and make the two species of his Granat-Arter; Mica (Glimmer-Arter) and Asbestus (Asbest-Arter), with Ler-Arter (clay minerals), are the other independent groups. Transparent tourmalines from Ceylon were among the gems of the day, having been first introduced into Europe in 1707 or before, but they are not distinctly mentioned by Cronstedt or Wallerius. * See further on this subject a paper by the author in Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 398, 1861. SILICATES.. 205 The group of Sch6rl increased in its varieties for the next twenty-five years, and after that became prolific in species, and much of the history of mineralogy is involved in its various phases. The following observations make, therefore, an introduction to the synonymy of many minerals beyond. The Corneus, or Hornbairg, of Wallerius included a variety of hard, cheap or worthless stones, rather heavy, mostly of dark colors from black to dull green. The name alludes to a resemblance to horn in the aspect of some of the kinds. To Corneus solidus belonged the massive, compact, flinty rocks of black and lighter shades; also petrosilex (or iHdlleflinta of the Swedes, which means false flint) of different shades; and massive hornblende (" granulis compactis"), though the name hornblende was, by a mistake of its German use, given by Wallerius to a black zinc-blende alone. His Corneusfissilis embraced lamellar forms of hornblende and pyroxene, and some slaty rocks. White Corneus crystallisatus was his Skiirl, which comprised opaque tourmalines, and other prismatic minerals of black, brown, green, and reddish colors, as hornblende, actinolite, and perhaps pyroxene, and at the head of the list basalt, and basanite or Lydian stone. Cronstedt's SkOrl made up his genus Basaltes, and was nearly synonymous with the Corneons crystallizalus of Wallerius. Its varieties were better defined; and to massive, lamellar, and columnar hornblende, actinolite and pyroxene and crystallized opaque tourmaline were added; and in an appendix to the species, cruciform staurotide. The name Hornblende is applied only to the massive variety or rock which Cronstedt made a bole, and called Bolus induratis particulis squamosis; it probably covered other similar stones. J. Hill in his work on Fossils, published in London, and according to the title page in 1771 (though de Lisle says it was not issued until 1772), says of the "Shirls," that "as to size we see them from that of barley corn up to the Giant's Causeway," and the columns of the latter he calls "Irish Shirl," or "Basaltes Hibernicus." The group contains also macle or chiastolite from Andalusia, besides tourmaline, etc. In the editions of Wallerius of 1772 and 1778 there is a little advance beyond the first as regards the number and classification of the species. Cronstedt is followed in the position of feldspar, and in the name " Basaltes " for the schorls; and Corneus is restricted to massive, fibrous, and coarse columnar stones, among which stands "'hornblende" as Corneus spathosus, and "trapp " as Corneus trapezius. At this period de Lisle brought crystallography to bear on the subject. But while making known new distinctions, he did not appreciate their full value, or the precision required for thorough work. As a consequence, the group of Schdrls (or Schorls, as he writes the word) in his later treatise of 1783, reached its greatest extension, although in a partly divided state. He early pronounced basaltic columns no crystals, and dropped off this excrescence. He showed in 1772 that the gem tourmaline, his Transparent rhomboidal schorl, was identical in form with the common black schorl. But still he made the latter a distinct species, his Opaque rhomboidal schorl, and included in it, along with black or opaque tourmaline, crystals of hornblende, augite, octahedrite from Oisans, rutile (needles in quartz), and, as a white variety, thin twins of albite, whoserelation to feldspar he did not perceive; and even hexagonal nephelite from Vesuvius has a passing remark under this head. Axinite, then a novelty from Dauphiny, was made a short lenticular variety of Transparent rhomboidal schorl, or tourmaline, its rhomboidal planes proving to his eye the relationship. The massive mineral called IIornblende, or Roche de Corne, referred by Cronstedt to Bole, he annexes to Schorl as a massive or semicrystallized kind, but makes it a separate species, Schorl argileux, although apparently appreciating that it was little entitled to the distinction. Schorl cruciforme was his last species in the group, and to it were referred both andalusite and staurolite-the latter his Pierre de croix, with the prismatic angle of 130~ by his measurement; and the former, KMacleo basaltique, with an angle of 95~. The garnets and schorls were placed in a common division, as done by Cronstedt, and garnet was made the first species, with tourmaline the second, and "cruciform schorl" the fifth. Garnet included the "white garnet," as it was called, of Vesuvius (leucite), first observed by Ferber in 1772. Besides these Silicates, de Lisle's work has its several groups of Gems, Feldspar, Argillaceous Minerals (embracing micaj asbestus, talc, serpentine), Zeolite, and Quartz. Labradorite, from Labrador (first brought to Europe about 1770), stands as a variety of feldspar, to which it had been referred by Werner; idocrase, of which many figures are given by him (first described and figured by Cappeler in 1722), meionite (hyacintes blanches), from Somma, and harmotome from Andreasberg (his hyacinte blanche cruciforme, made calcareous spar by v. Born in 1775, who first mentions and figures it, but a hyacinth-like siliceous species by Bergmann in 1780), are placed with zircon as kinds of hyacinth. After de Lisle, as chemistry and crystallography made progress, the disintegration of the great Schorl group went rapidly forward, until the only thing left to it was common tourmaline; and now the name, once so important, has become a mere mineralogical relic. In Werner's system of 1789. as published by Hoffmann (Bergm. J., i. 369, 1789), Sch6rl includes only the species Tourmaline as it now stands. The Kieselarten, or Siliceous species (commencing with the diamond still), comprised the different gems; among which stands chrysoberyl (the modern), and, as distinct 206. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. species, axinite, prehnite, hornblende of various kinds, with feldspar, mica, chlorite, the clays, etc.; while under Talkarten, or Magnesian species, there are kyanite, actinolite, with asbestus, talc, serpentine, nephrite, etc. Silica was first proved to be a chemical constituent of many mineral species by Bergmann; and in his Opuscula (1780) and his Sciagraphia Regni Mineralis (1782)he distinguishes, after analyses by himself (made by fusion with potash, a method of his own), the following minerals as siliceolus compounds of alumina, with or without lime or magnesia, namely, topaz, emerald, garnet, sch6r] (black tourmaline), hornblende, mica, zeolite from Iceland, feldspar, and the clays; and as essentially magnesian silicates, containing lime and a little iron, and little or no alumina, actinolite, asbestus (mountain cork and mountain leather), amianthus, steatite. These were the investigations that commenced the disbanding of the schorls, and before Werner's system of 1789 was published, many other analyses, more or less imperfect, had already been made by Wiegleb, Klaproth, Achard, Heyer, Mayer, HIpfner, Pelletier, and other chemists of the day. The word Schdrl of the Germans has been supposed to be derived from the name of a locality of the mineral, Schorlau, (meaning Schbri-village) in Germany. But Prof. Naumann says (in a recent letter to the author) that it is more likely that the name is a miner's term of unknown origin, and that the village got its name from the occurrence there of the schdrl. Some German mineralogists have pronounced it of Swedish origin, and as first used by Cronstedt. But it occurs in Brfickmann's Magnalia Dei, published at Braunschweig in 1727, on page 175, where it is spelt schirl. It exists also still earlier, as the author has found, in Ercker's Aula Subterranea, first published in 1595, shurl and wolfram being spoken of as among the rejected material in auriferous washings; and again in the yet older work of Gesner, De Rerum Foss, etc., 1565, p. 87, where schurl (misspelt? schrul) is given as the German for " Lapilli nigri steriles" of a tin vein, which, "quando cum lapillis plumbi candidi [or tin] coquuntur plumbum consumunt," etc.; again, in Matthesius's Sarepta, 1562, in the 9th "Predigt," where "Schurl" is quite fully described, and also, in the next paragraph, "Wolffrumb." The name Schdrl (or Schurl) was at that time used quite indefinitely for the sterile (or metallurgically worthless) black little stones ("nigri lapilli ") accompanying tin ore and gold, especially the former; and, as they were among the refuse of the ore-washings, Adelung suggests that Schbrl may have come from the old German word Schor, meaning impurities, or refuse. General Pyrognostic Characters of the Silicates. In the systematic pyrognostic examination of silicates, the following points should be particularly noticed: 1. If in the closed tube the substance prove hydrous, the water given out should be tested as to whether it is acid or alkaline. If acid, this may be evidence that the mineral contains fluorine; and if alkaline, that possibly the substance is an altered mineral. In the former case, the water should be (a) tested with Brazil-wood paper; (b) the tube should be carefully observed, to ascertain whether it has been dimmed or etched by the action of the fluorine; and, further (c), the test for fluorine, by fusing in the open tube with salt of phosphorus, should be employed. 2. In the examination B.B. on charcoal it should be noted that silicates containing much iron become magnetic; and silicates of the oxyds of iron, copper, etc., yield metallic buttons on fusion with soda. 3. In examining the mineral in the platinum-pointed forceps, it should always be treated in O.F. to ascertain (a) whether it imparts a color to the flame; and (b) its fusibility, remembering that some silicates, infusible in O.F., become fusible by a reduction of their bases to a lower state of oxydation in R.F. It is to be noted that (c) only infusible and light-colored silicates can be tested for alumina B.B. with cobalt solution, since all fusible silicates, not containing metallic oxyds, give a cobalt-blue glass; (d) a small amount of soda in a silicate may, by the intense yellow color it imparts to the flame, mask a much larger percentage of potash or other alkali, as in the case of some varieties of potash-feldspar (orthoclase); (e) when silicates, like hornblende, pyroxene, or garnet, contain various isomorphous bases, the fusibility of the species has a wide range; in garnet, for example, it varying from the easy fusibility of almandine to the infusibility of ouvarovite; (f) a few silicates react alkaline after ignition or fusion. 4. In treatment with the fluxes, it is to be noted (a) that most silicates are dissolved in soda with effervescence. (b) If sulphur or sulphuric acid is present, the mineral gives in R.F. a sulphid which reacts for sulphur when moistened and placed on a surface of silver. (c) Borax dissolves silicates; and if they contain metallic oxyds, the nature of these oxyds may be determined by treatment in O.PF. and R.F. (d) Salt of phosphorus decomposes almost all silicates, dissolving the bases, and leaving a gelatinous skeleton of insoluble silica; and if metallic oxyds are present, they may also impart a characteristic color to the bead in O.F. and R.F. BISILICATES. 207 I. BISILICATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. I. AMPHIBOLE GROUP. Crystallization anisometric, either orthorhombic or clinohedral, and angle of prism not 120~. (1) PYROXENE SUBGROUP. IA I=86~ —88~. Composition A Si, or (R3, i) Si3; and when both' Rt and' are present, ratio of A:3 {_ =3: 1 to 1: 2. a. Crystallization orthorhombic. Optic-axial plane normal to a diagonal section; one bisectrix normal to the base. Contain little or no lime. 234. ENSTATITE Mg Si Si el0[[121Mg 235. HYPERSTHENE (S2g, ie) Si Si 011-02|1g, Fe 236. DIAcLASITE (Mg, Pe, Ia) Si Si lleO2llMg, Fe, Ga b. Crystallization monoclinic. Optic-axial plane normal to a diagonal section; bisectrix not normal to the base. a Bases mainly or wholly protoxyds; much lime; little or no alkali. 237. WOLLASTONITE Ca 9i Si oO92IEa 238. PYROXENE A. S ii 0Si102111R B. (Si ) (Si, flA12)&jI&2IRj,B Bases largely sesquioxyds; little or no lime; much alkali. 239. AYEGIRITE ( +~?e) Si3 Si ol[2ll(1( (Na2, H)+ ~Fe) 240. AclITE (13 iR3, 23e) Si2 Si 11I211( (Na2, R) + 23Fe) c. Crystallization triclinic. Optic-axial plane not normal to one of the diagonal sections, or to the base. 241. RHODONITE {n Si Si.Ofif2ill 242. BABlNGTONITE (Q R3+i e) Si' Si G1fO21l(' ~+*IFe) (2) SPODUMENTE SUBGROUP. IA 1=86~-88~. Composition (i3, 2) Si3; and Atl: =1: 4; 4R = Na, Li, with some Ca, Fe in Spodumene. 243. SPODUMENE (1 Al+ 6 1) Si3 j i||j02jj (R2, R)+W-) 244. PETALITE a. ( + f8 N-1) Sil —3 3i Si e*II-(R+ Ad1) +SL b. +i (, it+ R 1) Si+ 3 sielle2jJ ( R,~6if)+ 2 yS+i) (3) AMPaIBOLE SUBGROUP. IAAI=123~ —125~ (corresponding to i-2 of Pyroxene Subgroup). a. Crystallization orthorhombic. Optical characters as under a above. 245. ~KuPFFERITE Sig Si Si o11o,1qMg 246. ANTHOPHYLLITE (} Sg+ I FPe) Si Si eeo2(1Mg + F e) 208 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. b. Crystallization monoclinic. Optical characters as under b above. a Bases mainly or wholly protoxyds; little or no alkali. 247. AMPHIBOLE A. R Si Si O9211[R B. (R, 1) Si Si oljG211(H2,R) C. (Si, ) (Si, U2l8) |11O2114 j, Bases largely sesquioxyds; much alkali. 248. ARFVEDSONITE (5 R8+ - -e) Si Si 011211O(- (Na2, 1) + 2- fiFe) 249. CROCIDOLITE Appendix to Amphibole Group. 250. WICHTIsITE? (I S + ~ 2) Si8 si O1tO211( (Na2, 1) ~+ B(A, FE)) 251. GLAUCOPHANE (5 R~+ + ) Si2 Si O[O 6(5 +5 fIR) 252. SORDAWALITE? (~ (S2g, Fe)-+i M) Si3 Si eO2O(~ (Mg, Foe) + AIl) 253. TACHYLYTE T[. BERYL GROUP. Crystallization hexagonal; not micaceous. 254. BERYL (1 ( 3 e+ ~ i) Si8 Si elle2ll( e + 4 B3Al) 255. EUDIALYTE ( R3 +Zr) Sij Si 10ele211( (Na2, 1) + yZr) III. POLLUCITE GROUP. Crystallization isometric. 256. POLLUCITE'(Os", zl) s Si RO11021(Cs2, fA1) The fact of the ortlzor7lombic form of some species of the Amphibole group (those so character. ized above) was first ascertained by Descloizeaux through optical examination. Under PETALITE, the formulas a and b are those of the two methods explained on page 204. 234. ENSTATITE. Diallage mitalloide pt. H., Tr., 1801. Bronzit Karst., Klapr., Gehlen's J., iv. 151, 1807; Karst., Tab., 40, 91, 1808; Klapr., Beitr., v. 34, 1810. Blittriger Anthophyllit Wern., 1808, Hausm. Entw., 1809. Bronzite. Chladnite Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. ii. 381, 1846. Enstatit Kenng., Ber. Ak. Wien, xvi. 162, 1855. Protobastit A. Streng., ZS. G., xiii. 71, 1861. Orthorhomnbic. IA I- 87~ and 93~, Kenngott; 88~ and 92~, Descloizeaux. Observed planes:,i-, 4, -i. _IA i- 133~ 30', IAi-i 136~ 30'. Cleavage: I, easy; i-i, i-i, less so. Sometimes a fibrous appearance on the cleavagesurface. Also massive and lamellar. H. -5'5. G. =31 - 33; 3'19, Vosges, Diamour. Lustre a little pearly on cleavage-surfaces to vitreous; often metalloidal in the bronzite variety. Color grayish-white, yellowish-white, greenish-white, to olive-green and brown. Streak uncolored, grayish. Double refraction positive; optic-axial plane brachydiagonal; axes very divergent. Comp., Var.-k- g Si, or (MIg, Ie) Si; the Fe atomically not over one-fourth of the protoxyds. Mg Si=-Silica 60, magnesia 40=100. Var. 1. With little or no iron; Enstatite. Color white, yellowish, grayish, or greenish-white; lustre pearly-vitreous; G.=3-10 —313. Chladnite, which makes up 90 p. c. of the Bishopville meteorite, belongs here and is the purest kind. BISILICATES. 209 2. Ferriferozus; Bronzite. Color grayish-green to olive-green and brown; lustre of cleavagesurface adamantine-pearly to submetallic or bronze-like. Ratio of Mg to other protoxyds in anal. 3, 11i: 1; in4, 8: 1; in 5, 6: 1; in 6, 4t: 1; in 17, 5:; in9, 4: 1; inll (theso-called 1protobastite), 4-: 1. Analyses: I., 1, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xvi. 165); 2, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxviii. 225); II. 3, Pisani (Descl. Min., i. 537); 4, Damour (Descl. Min., i. 45); 5, 6, v. Kiohler (Pogg., xiii. 101); 7, 8. Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xiv., 147), 9, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxxvi., 303); 10, Garrett (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 333); 11, 12, A. Streng (ZS. G., xiii. 73, B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54): Si A1 Pe In Nig Ca ft I. 1. Aloysthal, Enst. 56'91 2'50 2'76 - 35'44 192=99-53 Hauer. 2. Chladcnite (-) 59'97 -— e 0'40 -- 39 37 - —, Na, IK,Li 0'14 100'48 S. II. 3. Leiperville 51-08 0-28 5'77 - 3559 0- 90=99'62 Pisani. 4. Vosges () 56170 0'60 7172 - 33'63 - 1'04=99'67 Damour. 5. Stempel 57-19 0'10 7'46 0'35 32-67 1-30 0'63=100-30 Kohler. 6. Ultenthal 56'81 2-07 8'46 0'62 29'68 2'19 0'22=100-05 Kohler. 7. " 55'84 1'09 10'78 - 30 37 1'80=99'88 Regnault. 8. Styria 56'41 - 656 3S30 31-50 - 238-10015 Regnault. 9. Greenland 58-00 13-3 10-14 1'00 29'66 - -- 100-13 Kobell. 10. Texas, Pa. 55%45 1'13 9'60 0'98 31-83 - =98-99 Garrett. 11. Harzburg 53'45 3171 8'54 0-16 30-86 2'19 087, er 0'89, Fe er 0-07 = 100-74 Streng. 12. " 54-15 3'04 12'17 - 28-37 2'37 0'49= 10134 Streng. G., anal. 5, fr. Stempel near Marbourg, 3'241; 6, fr. Seefeldalpe in the Ultenthal, Tyrol, 3,258; 6, ib., 3'241; 8, fr. serpentine of Gulsen. near Kraubat in Styria, 3'125; 11, from a rock at Baste, Harz, called melaphyre, 3-29. Pyr., etc.-B.B. almost infusible, being only slightly rounded on the thin edges; F.=6. Insoluble in muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs near Aloysthal in Moravia, in serpentine (the variety had been considered scapolite); at the W. base of Mt. Bresouars in the Vosges, olive-green, in serpentine; in Pennsylvania, at Leiperville and Texas; at Kupferberg in Bavaria; at Baste in the liarz (Protobastite); and at the other localities mentioned. The bronzite also of Lettowitz and Goldenstein in Moravia, of Alpstein near Sontra in Hesse, of Cape Lizard in Cornwall, may belong here according to Descloizeaux; but their chemical and optical characters are not yet ascertained. The brown pyroxene-like mineral which is a prominent constituent of the rock called Lherzolite, from the department of Arriege, France, is referred here by Deseloizeaux. The bronzite of Leiperville afforded Descloizeaux prisms of 87~ and 93~; and that of Texas, half a mile W. of the village, occurs in large foliated and fibrous masses; neither is submetallic in lustre. Descloizeaunx first defined the limits of this species, as here laid down. Named from'evar6rnr, an opponent, because so refractory. The name bronzite has priority, but a bronze lustre is not essential, and is far from universal. Shepard's chladnite was so imperfectly and incorrectly described that the name cannot claim precedence; he made it a tersilicate of magnesia (1. c.). Alt.-Bastite or Schiller spar, the original from Baste in the Harz, is regarded by Streng as altered protobastite or bronzite. G. Rose long since pronounced it a result of the alteration of some mineral of the pyroxene group. Phcestine Breith. is stated by Breithaupt to be altered bronzite or bronze-like pyroxene. Enstatite occurs altered to talc. See BASTITE, p. 469. 235. HYPE3RSTHENE.I13. Labradorische Hornblende (fir. I. St. Paul) Wern., Bergm. J., 376, 391, 1789. Diallage mitalloide pt. H., Tr., 1801. Hypersthene H., Ann. Mus., ii. 17, 1803. Labrador Hornblende; Metalloidal Diallage pt. Paulit Wern., 1812, lloffm. Min., ii. 2, 143, 1815. Orthorhombic. IA -= 86~ 30' and 93~ 30'. Cleavage: i-[ perfect, Iand i-i distinct but interrupted. Usually foliated massive. H. =5-6. G.=-3392. Lustre somewhat pearly on a cleavage-surface, anc sometimes a little metalloidal. Color dark brownish-green, grayishblack, greenish-black, pinchbeck-brown. Streak grayish, brownish-gray. 14 210 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Translucent to nearly opaque. Brittle. Optic-axial plane brachydiagonal; axes very divergent; bisectrix negative. Comp. —(1g, Fe) Si. PFe to ]g=1: 2 or above this; in anal. 1, 1: 1'8; in 2, 1: 14;=Silica 54'2, protoxyd of iron 21'7, magnesia 24 l=- 100. Analyses: 1, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. v. 157); 2, Muir (Thom. Min., i. 202); 3, 4, Hunt (this Min., 4th ed., and Rep. Geol. Can., 1863, 468; 5, Streng (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54); Si Xi Fe Mn Sig a At 1. Labrador 51-36 0'37 21-27 1'32 21-31 3'09 - =98-72 Damour. 2. Skye 51-35 33-92 - 11'09 1'84 0'50-98'70 Muir. 3. Chateau Richer 51'35 3710 20'56 - 22'59 1'68 0'10 (ign.)=99'93 Hunt. 4. t" "i 51'85 3'90 20'20 tr. 21-91 1'60 0-20 (ign.)=99-66 Hunt. 5. Harzburg 52'88 3'90 18'23 - 22'22 3'55 0'56=101'34 Streng. Breithaupt gives for IA Iin the bronzite of Fichtelgebirge 88~ and 92~. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses to a black enamel, and on charcoal yields a magnetic mass. Partially decomposed by muriatic acid. Obs,-Hypersthene occurs at Isle St. Paul, Labrador (anal. 1); at Chateau Richer and St. Adale, Mille Isles, Canada (anal. 3, 4), grayish-black and brown, with the laminae curved; at the Isle of Skye (anal. 2); in Greenland; at Farsund and elsewhere in Norway; and reported also from Penig in Saxony; Ronsberg in Bohemia; the Tyrol; Elfdalen in Sweden; Neurode in Silesia; in Thuringia; the Fichtelgebirge; Voigtland. It is often associated with labradorite, constituting a dark colored, granite.like rock, called Hyyperyte. Named from'wvep and 0Cvog, very strong, or tough. 236. DIACLASITE. Gelber Schillerspath Freiesleben, Schill. Foss. Baste, 13, 1794. Talkartiger Hornblende, fHausm., Nordd. Beitr. B. H., i. 15, 1806. Diaklas Breith., Char., 58, 1823. Diaklasit Hausm., Handb., 498, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA I- 93~ and 87~. Observed planes: I, i-Z, i-i, and 1, often in hexagonal plates. Cleavage: i-i perfect; i-i imperfect. Foliated massive. H.-=35 —4. G.=3'054, KZhler. Lustre pearly and metalloidal on a cleavage-face. Color brass-yellow, greenish-gray. Streak greenish-gray or nearly uncolored. Transparent in thin laminae, translucent. Feel somewhat greasy. Brittle. Optic-axial plane Ji-, axes very divergent; bisectrix negative. Comp.-(Mg, Fe, Oa) Si, Kdhler. Analyses: 1, Kdhler (Pogg., xiii. 101); 2, A. Streng(B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54): Si I1 Pe SIn Mig Oa ft 1. Baste 53'74 1-33 11'51 0'23 25'09 4-73 3'76=100'39 I[K6hler. 2. Harzburg 53 31 7-49 8'14 -- 25'37 3-56 1-55, alk. 0'58, *lr 0-29=101'73 Streng. Pyr., etc.-Same as for bronzite. Obs.-In crystals or foliated masses imbedded in serpentine rock at Baste near Harzburg, associated with euphotide; also from the gneiss mountains of Guadarrama, Spain. Resembles bronzite, but the plane of the optical axis is macrodiagonal instead of brachydiagonal. 237. WOLLASTONITE. Tafelspath (fr. Dognatzka) Stiitz, Neue Einr. Nat. samml. Wien, 144, 1793. Tabular Spar. Schaalstein Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Min Wern., ii. 212, 1804, Mohs Null. Kab., ii. 1, 1804. Wollastonite H.: Tr., 1822. Vilnite (fr. Vilna) Horodeki, Descl. Min., ii. 554. Monoclinic. C=69~ 48', IA 1=870 28', OA 2-= 137~ 48'; a: b: c-04338: 1: 0'89789. Observed planes, 0; vertical, i-i, i-3, i-, I, - i-; cdinodome, 2-i; hemidomes, -i, 1-, 3-, 5-i -- — 1-i, -3-i, -5-i; hemi BISILICATES. 211 octahedral, 2, 2-h, -2, — 2-. Fig. 201 in the pyroxene or normal position, but with the edge 0/i-i the obtuse edge; f. 202 in the position given the crystals by authors who make i-i the plane 0, and 2-1 the plane I. O A -1 —- 1600 30' i-i A-1-i= 129~ 42' i-i A 1=1110 48' OA -3-i-139 53 i-iA — 3-i=150 19 i-iA 1 -=77 56 O A -5i-130 42 i-i A -5-=159 30 i-i A -2 —=120 50 O A1-i — 154 25 -i A 3-i=-135 32 i-iA i —=145 8 0 A 3-=114 16 i-i A 1-=95 23 i-iAi-~=115 34 OA i-i=110 12 i-i A -2-132 54 i-i A I=133 44 i-iA2=93 52 201 202? 2o Vesuvius. Rarely in distinct tabular crystals. Cleavage: 0 most distinct; i-i less so; 1-i and -1-i in traces. Twins: composition-face i-i. Usually cleavable massive, with the surface appearing long fibrous, fibres parallel or reticulated, rather strongly coherent. H.-=45-5. G.=2'78 —29; 2'785-2'895, United States, Thomson; 2'805, HIaidinger. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon the faces of perfect cleavage. Color white, inclining to gray, yellow, red, or brown. Streak white. Subtransparent-translueent. Fracture uneven, sometimes very tough. Optic-axial plane i-i; divergence 70~ 40' for the red rays; bisectrix of the acute angle negative; inclined to a normal to i-i 57~ 48', and to a normal to O 12~, Desel. Comp. —ai=SiSilica 517, lime 48'3=100. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Untersuch., 1, 356); 2, H. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxxii. 70); 3, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxx. 469); 4, Weidling (CE. Ak. Stockh., 1844, 92); 5, Bonsdorff (Schw. J., xxxiii. 368); 6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxvii. 265); 7, Wiehage (Ramm. Min. Ch., 450); 8, M. F. Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 452); 9, W. I-Iampe (B. H. Ztg., xx, 267); 101 Vanuxem (J. Ac. Philad., ii. 182); 11, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., iv. 320); 12, Morton (Ann. Phil., 1827); 13, Beck (Min. N. Y, 271); 14, 15, J. D. Whitney (J. Soc. N. H. Boston, v. 486) 16, Bunce (This Min., 3d ed., 696): Si PFe Sg Oa A 1. Cziklowa 51-45 0'40 47'41 0'08, Mn 0'26= Strom. 2. Perhoniemi 51'60 -- -- 46%41 —, gangue l11l =9912 Rose. 3. C. di Bove 51-50 - 0'55 45'45 2'00-99 50 Kobell. 4. GSckum 50-72 0.85 0'88 43'80 —, MSn 0'33, Ca 0 2'73 Weidl. 5. Skraibbole 52'58 Pe 0-13 0'68 44-45 0'99=99'83 Bonsdorff. 6. Harzburg 53'01 - 1'04 44-91. 1'59=100'55 Ramm. 7. Vesuvius 51-90 Fe 0'96n 0'65 46'44 -=99'95 Wiehage. 8. Mourne Mts. 50'43 0'84 0'39 43-92 1-36, 0 237b= —9931 Heddle. a With Mn. b From mixed calcite. 212 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si Pe kIg Oa Hf 9. Auerbach 52'01 Pe 0'93 -- 46'74 —,;1 1'87=101-55 iHampe. 10. Willsborough 51'67 " 135 -- 47'00 — =100'02 Vanuxem. 11. " 51'0 " 13 -- 46'0 1'0=99'3 Seybert. 12. Bucks Co., Pa. 51'50 " 100 -- 44'10 ()75=97'35 Morton. 13. Diana 51-90 " 025 47'55 — =99'70 Beck. 14. Cliff mine 49'09 -- 0'14 4638 2-96, in 0'48,;1 0-23 Whitney. 15. " 49'06 -- 44-87 [2-96], " 0-93 " 1'28 Whitney. 16. Grenville,Can. 53'05 e 1-20 -- 4574 — =99'99 Bunce. Pyr., etc.-In the matrass no change. B.B. fuses easily on the edges; with some soda, a blebby glass, with more, swells up and infusible. With muriatic acid gelatinizes; most varieties effervesce slightly from the presence of calcite. Obs.-Wollastonite is found in regions of granite and granular limestone; also in basalt and lavas. Occurs in the copper mines of Cziklowa in Hungary; at Dognatzka and Nagyag; accompanying garnet, fluorite, and native silver, in limestone, at Pargas in Finland, and lKongsberg in Norway; occurs at Perhoniemi and Skrabbole, Finland; at GSckum in Sweden; at Vilna in Lithuania (vilnite); at Harzburg in the Harz; at Auerbach, in granular limestone; at Vesuvius, rarely in fine crystals; of a greenish-white color in lava at Capo di Bove, near Rome; in Ireland, at Dunmore Head, on the shores of the Mourne Mts. In the United States, in N. York, at Willsborough, forming the sides of a large vein of garnet, traversing gneiss; at Lewis, 10 m. south of Keeseville, with colophonite, abundant; 1 m. N. of Lewis Corners, with garnet and quartz; at Roger's Rock, near the line between Essex and Warren Cos., with garnet and feldspar; Diana, Lewis Co., about 1 m. from the Natural Bridge, in abundance, in large white crystals; at Booneville, Oneida Co., in boulders, with garnet and pyroxene. In Penn., Bucks Co., 3 m. W. of Attleboro', associated with scapolite, pyroxene, and sphene. In Mich., of a red color at the Cliff Mine, Kewenaw Point, Lake Superior, and on Isle Royale, a very tough variety, but now exhausted. In Canada, at Grenville, with sphene and green coccolite; at St. Jerome and Morin, C. E., with apatite, in large tabular masses of a fibrous structure. Scacchi obtained from Vesuvian crystals (f. 202) i.-i A 3-i —135~ 29', i-i A 1-i=95~ 26', i-i A ~-i -78~ 2', i-i A 1=111~ 46'. The form 2-i is usually made the vertical prism 1; with IA I=-95~ 36' (or 35'). But the crystals in the position above given exhibit the near isomorphism with pyroxene. Named after the English chemist, Wollaston; also called tabular slpar from its lamellar forms and structure. The soda-tabular spar of Thomson, from near Kilsyth, is pectolite. 237A. EDELFORSITE. (Kalksilikat fr..Edelfors, Kalktrisilikat, Hitsinger, Ac. H. Stockh., 1838. 191, 1839. Edelforsit v. Kob., Grundz., 202, 1838..Adelforsit Erdmaann.) Forchhammer has shown (Danske Ac. Forh., Ap. 1864) that Hisinger's mineral is an impure wollastonite, containing some quartz and feldspar, with often carbonate of lime and garnet. It occurs compact, part feathery fibrous, and part without any distinct crystalline structure. H. of portions 4; yet in other parts giving sparks with the steel, showing a hardness of 6-7. G.=2'584, Hisinger; 3'0, v. Kobell. Color white, grayish-white, or with a tinge of yellow. Hisinger and v. Kobell have analyzed the mineral, and made it a distinct species; yet their results are considerably discordant, like their determinations of the sp. gr. They obtained: 1, Hisinger (1. c.); 2, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xci. 344): Si il e e Sig 0a 1. 57'75 3'75 1'00 - 4-75 30-16, Rn 0'68=98'06 Hisinger. 2. 61'36 7'00 -- 2-70 8'63 20-00, Mln tr.=99-69 Kobell. Hisinger deduced the formula Ca2 Si3, and v. Kobell 9 I2 Si3+X12 Si3. The edelforsite of Gjelleb ik in Norway has also been shown by Forchhammer (1: c.) to be essentially. wollastonite. Hisinger obtained, as the mean of two analyses, Si 43-368, Ca 38'433, Mn 4'962, Fe 1-434, C 11'368. It has the aspect of tremolite. Forchhammer has found "okenite " of N. Greenland (Asbestagtig Okenit Dr. Rink) to be wollastonite. 238. PYROXIENE. Corneus pt. Wall., 138, 1847. Basaltes pt. Cronst., 68, 1758. Schorl noir de Lisle, Crist., 265, 1772; Schorl hoir en prisme a huit pans termine par une pyramide diedre, etc. (fr. vole. Vivarais) Faujas, Volc. Viv., 89, fig. D, 1778. Schorl oct. obliquangle tronque [made a distinct species] Deimeste, Lett,, i. 382, 1779. Schorl opaque rhomboidal pt., BISILICATES. 213 Schorl opaque qui paroissent deriver d'un octa~dre rhomboidal (fr. volc. Auvergne, Vesuv., Viv., Etna), de Lisle, Crist., ii. 396, 407, 415, figs. 12, 13, 14 (twin), 17, 18, pl. V., 1783. Augit (fr. volc.) Wern., Freiesleben in Bergm. J., 243, 1792. Volcanite Delameth., Sciagr., ii, 401, 1792. Pyroxene (fr. Etna, Arendal, etc.) H., J. d. M., v. 269, 1799; Tr., iii. 1801. Pentaklasit Hausm., Handb., 687, 1813. Monoclinie. C=-73 59', IA I-87~ 5', OA 2-4=131~ 17'; a:: c 0'5412:1: 091346. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i4, i-5, i-9, i-3, i-2, i-h, i-3; hemidomes, 1-i, 2-i, 3-i, -— i, -1-i, — 3-i, -5-; clinodomes, 1-4, 2-, 4-4; pyramidal,, -, 1, -2, 2- — 3)-2 - -3 -4; 1-3, ~-3 -2-3-4-2; 6-6, -5-5i, 2-) 3,-2-~, -4-,) 3 —, -3-, 5 —, 203 204 205 209 210 206 207 208 ii IL ii. i 211 213 214 212 Long Pond. O A I=100~ 57' 0 A 1-1=150~ 20' i-i AI=133~ 33' 0 A — 1 155 51 0 A i —-=90 i-i A 1 —-115 25 O A 1- 148 35 IA 1=121 14 i-i A - =107 35 O A 3 —=109 31 1 A 2=144 35 i-2 A i-2, ov. i-i,=124 30 O A i-i=106 I IA -1=134 48 i-2 A i-, ov. i-i,=50 50 O A -=168 13 IA -2=150 51 i- A — 3 —143 34 O A -1=146 9 2-4 A 2-4, ov. 0,- 82 34 1 A 1=120 32 O A -2=130 6 i-i A -1-i=130 10 2 A 2=95 30 O A 1 —137 49 i-i A 1-i=105 24 -1 A -1-=131 24 O A 2=114 28 i-i A i-2=152 15 -2 A -2=111 10 214 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Cleavage: Irather perfect, often interrupted; i-i sometimes nearly perfect; i-l imperfect; 0 sometimes easy. Crystals usually thick and stout. Twins: composition-face i-i (f. 214). Often coarse lamellar, in large masses, parallel to O or i-i. Also granular, particles coarse or fine; and fibrous, fibres often fine and long. H.=5-6. G.=3'23 —35, Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous; some pearly. Color green of various shades, verging on one side to white or grayish-white, and on the other to brown and black. Streak white to gray and grayish-green. Transparent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Brittle. In crystals from Fassa, optic-axial plane i-i; divergence 110~ to 1130; bisectrix of the acute angle positive, inclined 51~ 6' to a normal to i-i and 22~ 55' to a normal to 0, Descl. Comp., Var. —Bisilicate of different protoxyd bases, under, the general formula t Si; these bases (1%) being lime (Oa), magnesia (Mg), protoxyd of iron (Fe), protoxyd of manganese (Mn), and sometimes potash (K), soda (Na), and oxyd of zinc (2n). Usually two or more of these bases are present. The first three, lime, magnesia, and protoxyd of iron, are most common; but lime is the only one that is present always and in large percentage. Besides the substitutions of different protoxyd bases for one another, these same bases are at times replaced by sesquioxyd bases (i1l, Fe, Mn), though sparingly; and the silica occasionally by alumina. The species has therefore the general formula (W3, A) (Si,;1)", which may also be written (ft, ~) (Si, ATi). The varieties proceeding from these isomorphous substitutions are many and diverse; and there are still others depending on the state of crystallization. The foliated and fibrous kinds early received separate names, and for a while were regarded as distinct species. Fibrous or columnar forms are very much less common than in hornblende, and lamellar or foliated kinds more common. The crystals are rarely long and slender, or bladed, like those of that species. The name Pyroxene is from nrp, fire, and frvos, stranger, and records Haily's idea that the mineral was, as he expresses it, " a stranger in the domain of fire," whereas, in fact, it is, next to the feldspars, the most universal constituent of igneous rocks. This error, however, was more than counterbalanced by Haily's discovery of the true crystallographic distinction of the species, which led him to bring together, under this one name, what Werner and others had regarded as distinct species. The name, therefore, is properly the name of the species, while Augite is only entitled to be used for one of its varieties. The most prominent division of the species is into (A) the non-aluminous; (B) the aluminous. But the former of these groups shades imperceptibly into the latter. These two groups are generally subdivided according to the prevalence of the magnesia, lime, protoxyd of iron, or protoxyd of manganese, or of two or three together of these protoxyd bases. Yet here, also, the gradation from one series to another is in general by almost insensible shades as to composition and chemical characters, as well as all physical qualities. 1. CONTAINING LITTLE OR NO ALUMINA. 1. Lime-M.agnesia Pyroexene; MALACOLITE. (Basaltes spatosus, y hwit., pt., Cronstedt, 68, 1758. Malacolit Abildgaard (Ann. Ch., xxxii. 1800); Delameth., J. de Phys., li. 249, 1800. Alalite, Mussite, Bonvoisin, lb., 409, May, 180)6. Diopside (fr. Ala) I., J. d. M., xx. 65, 1806. White Coccolite. Traversellit Scheerer, Pogg., xciii. 109, 1854.) Color white, yellowish, grayish-white to pale green. In crystals: cleavable and granular massive. Sometimes transparent and colorless. G.-=32 —338. Contains lime and magnesia. with less than 4 p. c. of protoxyd' of iron. Formula, (Ca, lIg) Si. Anal. 1 corresponds to (I Oa+ g) Si; anal. 2-7 to (J Ca +~ Mg) Si= Silica 55'7, magnesia 18'5, lime 25'8. a. Malacolite, as originally used, included a bluish-gray, grayish-green, and whitish translucent variety from Sala, Sweden. b. Alalite occurs in broad right-angled prisms, colorless to faint greenish or clear green, usually striated longitudinally, and came originally from Mt. Ciarmetta, in the Mussa Alp. c. Traversellite, from Traversella, occurs in similar long glassy crystals, usually rectangular (planes i-i, i-i), much striated longitudinally, often clear green at one end and colorless at the other; cleavage parallel to 1; perfect. d. Mussite is white, grayish-white, and apple-green (according to Bonvoisin's original description), and occurs in prismatic implanted crystals, and also in masses made up of aggregated crystals, the obtuse prismatic edge rounded, and with cleavage parallel to the base. Named from the locality, the Mussa Alp (or elevated plane of the Mussa). BISILICATES. 21 5 The optical characters of malacolite are as stated near top of the preceding page. Descloizeaux found the axial divergence in a crystal from Ala for the red rays as observed in the air, 111~ 40'; for the yellow 111~ 20'; and Heusser obtained for the same 112~ 2?', 112Q 12'. e. White Coccolite is a granular variety. The original coccolite was green. Named Malacolite from?mXaKos, soft, because softer than feldspar, with which it was associated; and Diopside from its, twice or double, and bls, appearance. 2. Lime-AMagnesia-Iron Pyroxene; SAHLITE. (Mlalacolit pt. of authors. Diopside pt. H., 1. c. Sahlit (fr. Sala) d'Andrada, Scherer's J., iv. 31., 1800; J. de Phys., ii., 241, 1800. Baicalit (fr. L. Baikal) Renovanz, Crell's Ann., ii. 1793, 21; Baikalit Karst., Tab. 34, 74, 1800. Funkite, Duf. Min., iii. 761, 1847. Coccolit d'Andrada, Scherer's J., iv. 1800. Protheite (fr. Zillerthal) Ure. Asbestus pt.) Color grayish-green to deep green and black; sometimes grayish and yellowishwhite. In crystals; also cleavable and granular massive. G.=-325-3-4. Named from Sala in Sweden, one of its localities, where the mineral occurs in masses of a grayish-green color, having a perfect cleavage parallel to the basal plane (0). Formula (Ca, Mg, Fe) Si. In anal. 9, Oa: Mig: Fe=2: 1: 2; in 10, 11, this ratio=4: 3: 1, corresponding to Silica 53'7, magnesia 13'4, lime 24'9, prot. iron 8'0=100. b. Bailcalite is a dark dingy green variety, in crystals, cleavable like the preceding parallel to 0. Named from Lake Baikal, in Siberia, near which it occurs. c. Protheite is sombre-green, in crystals, and approaches fassaite; from Zillerthal in the Tyrol. d. znkite is dark olive-green coccolite from Boksditer in Gothland, having a larger percentage of Fe than Mg. It may be convenient to use this name for the pyroxene here included that contains 10 p. c. or more of protoxyd of iron. e. DIALLAGE. (Diallage pt. I., Tr., 89, 1801. lHypersthene pt. Bronzite pt.) Part of the so-called dialcage, or thin-foliated pyroxene, belongs here, and the rest under the corresponding division of the aluminous pyroxenes. Color grayish-green to bright grass-green, and deep green; lustre of cleavage surface pearly, sometimes metalloidal or brassy; H.=4; G.-=32 —335. Double refraction strong; bisectrix negative; inclined about 38~ to a normal to i-i, and showing therefore, when viewed through i-i, a single system of rings in the field of the polarizing instrument (Descl.); the angle 35~ to 40~, observed in the air (24 —26~ in oil) in the diallage of Kinockdallian in Scotland, of Zobtenberg and Baumgarten in Silesia; a grayish hypersthele-like mineral in large folia in the gabbro of the Ruben coal mine near Neurode; the vanadiferous bronzite of Genoa. But the green diallage of Neurode, analyzed by v. Rath (No. 4, p. 219), has this angle about 49~ 50'; and so also that of Bormio in Veltlin; diverging thus from ordinary diallage and diopside. With this variety belongs part also of what has been called hypersthene and bronzite-the part that is easily fusible. Common especially in serpentine rocks. Named from taAXyri, difference, in allusion to the dissimilar cleavages. The grass-green diallage-like mineral smaragdite, constituting, with saussurite, a rock, is in part, at least, amphibole (q. v). 3. Iron-Lime Pyroxene; HEDENBERGITE. (Hedenbergite (fr. Tunaberg) Berz., Nouv. Syst. Min., 206, 269, 1819; HIedenberg, Afh., ii. 169. Lotalite (fr. Lotala) Severgin, before 1814. Bolopherit Breith., IHandb., 582, 1847.) Color black. In crystals, and also lamellar massive; cleavage easy parallel to i-i. G.=3-5 —3'58. Contains lime and. protoxyd of iron, with little or no magnesia; formula (Ca,, -Fe) Si. Anal. correspond to (~ da+~- Fe) Si. Named after the Swedish chemist, Ludwig Hedenberg, who first analyzed and described the mineral. Lotalite, from Lotala in Finland, is in black lamellar masses. Beudant gives for the angles of hedenbergite 0 A 1=100~ 10' -12', IA 1=871 15'; and Breithaupt for the Taberg mineral (Pyroxenus diagonalis Breith.) IA I =87~ 28', C=73~ 51'. 4. Lime-MIagnesia-Manganese Pyroxene; SCHEFFERITE (Schefferit J. A. Michaelson, J. pr. Ch., xc. 170). Color reddish-brown. G.=3-39. Contains lime, magnesia, and protoxyd of manganese, and in the absence of zinc differs from jeffersonite. Formula (Ca, Mg, Mn) Si; from Longban. The Richterzte of Breith. (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 364, 1865) is near schefferite in composition. It occurs in acicular crystals, having IA — =133~ 38', which appears to be the angle IA i-i of pyroxene (= 133~ 33'), with G.=2'826; color isabella-yellow, rarely pale yellowish-brown, and is easily fusible. If the prismatic angle is IA i-i of pyroxene, the mineral belongs here. But Igelstrnm:finds a very similar mineral in aspect and composition at Paisberg, with I A 1=124~; and the analyses are given under amphibole (see p. ). 5. Lime-Iron-Manganese Pyroxene. A variety from L. Laach, analyzed by Bischof, is here included. 6. Lime-Iron-Manganese-Zinc Pyroxene; JEFFERSONrrE (Keating & Vanuxem, J. Ac. Philad., ii. 194, 1822). Color greenish-black. Crystals often very large (3-4 in. thick), with the angles generally rounded, and the faces uneven, as if corroded. G.=3'36. Contains lime, magnesia, protoxyd of 216 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. iron, and protoxyd of manganese, with oxyd of zinc; formula (Oa, Fe, I1g, SIn, Zn) Si. Named after Mr. Jefferson. II. ALUSINOUs. 7. Aluminous Lime-Mcagnesia Pyroxene; LETUCAUGITE (Dana). Color white or grayish. Contains alumina, with lime and magnesia, and little or no iron; formula (Ca, Mg) (Si, A11). Looks like diopside. H.=6'5; G. —319, Hunt. Named from XavKos, white. 8. Aluminous Lime-.Magnesia-Iron Pyroxene; FASSAITE, AUGITr. (For syn. of Augite, see p. 212. Also: Basaltische Hornblende pt. Wern., Bergm. J., 1792; Basaltine Kirw., Min., i. 219, 179t4. Fassait Wern., Hoffm. Min., iv. 2, 110, 1817. [Not Fassaite Dobomieu, which was a zeolite.] Maclureite Nuttal, Am. J. Sci., v. 246, 1822=Amphibole H. Seybert, J. Ac. Philad., ii. 139, 1821. Pyrgom Breith., Char., 140, 1832.) Color clear deep-green to greenish-black and black; in crystals, and also massive; subtranslucent to opaque; G.=3-25 —35. Optical characters as for malacolite. Contain protoxyd of iron, with lime and magnesia; general formula (Ca, Mg, Fe) (Si, bl). a. Fassaite (or Pyrgom). Includes the green kinds found in metamorphic rocks. Named from the locality at Fassa in Piedmont, which affords deep-green crystals, sometimes pistachio-green, like the epidote of the locality. Pyrgom was so named from 7nopyopa, a tower. b. Augite. Includes the greenish or brownish-black and black kinds, occurring mostly in eruptive rocks, but also in metamorphic. Named from dryS, lustre. The Augite of Werner (and Volcanite Delameth.) included only the black mineral of igneous rocks-the volcanic schorl of earlier authors. c. Aluminous Diallage. 9. Aluminous Iron-Lime Pyroxene; HUDSoNITE (Beck, Min. N. Y., 405, 1842). Lamellar or cleavable massive. Color black. Streak green. Often has a bronze tarnish. G.=3'5, Beck;.3'43 — 3-46, Brewer. Contains lime and protoxyd of iron. with but little magnesia; formula (Ca, Fe) (Si, Alt). Named from the Hudson river, in the vicinity of which it occurs, in Cornwall, Orange Co., N. Y. b. Polylite of Thomson (Min., i. 495, 1836) may be the same compound. It is described as cleavable massive; G.=3'231; H.-_6-6-5; color black; opaque; and is stated to come fiom a bed of magnetic iron ore at Hoboken, N. J., where no such bed of ore exists. Appendiz.-10. ASBESTUS. Asbestus is a finely fibrous variety, with the fibres easily separable and usually flexible. But most asbestus belongs to the species hornblende, which tends more to run into fibrous forms. It is difficult to distinguish the hornblende asbestus from the pyroxene, except by noting its association with known varieties of one or the other species; and this method is not free from doubt. See further under HORNBLENDE for description, analyses, and localities of asbestus. 11. Breislakite (Brocchi, Cat. di una raccolta di Rocce, 28, 60, 70, 192, 1817; Cyclopeite, in Descl. Min., 65, 1862). Occurs in wool-like forms at Vesuvius and Capo-di-Bove. Its crystallographic identity with pyroxene has been shown by Chapman (Phil. Mag., xxxvii. 444, 1850). The particular variety of pyroxene to which it belongs has not been ascertained, as no analysis of it has been made. Named after Breislak, an Italian geologist. Lavrofite (Lawrowit, Vanadin-Augit, Kokscharof, Bull. Ac. St. Pet., xi. 78, 1866) is an alumina pyroxene, colored green by vanadium, from the river Sludianka, beyond Lake Baikal, where it occurs coarse granular massive with quartz, and also in small imperfect crystals. Cleavage affords the prism 87~ 7'; and there is the usual lamination, from compound structure parallel to 0. The color is fine emerald-green. It contains besides silica some alumina, iron, lime, magnesia, and a trace of manganese and vanadium; but no analysis has been made, so that its exact place among the pyroxenes is not certain. I. CONTAINING LITTLE OR NO ALUMINA. 1. Lime-Magnesia Pyroxene; Malacolite. Analyses: 1, Nordenski5ld (Schw. J., xxxi. 457); 2, H. Rose (ib., xxxv. 86); 3, T. Wachtmeister (ib., xxx. 334); 4, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii. 190); 5, H. Rose (Schw. J. xxxv. 86,); 6, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 340); 1, F. J. Wiik (Arppe, in Act. Soc. Fenn., vi.); 8, Bonsdorff (Schw. J., xxxi. 158); 9, Kussin (Ramm., 4th Suppl., 12); 10, Wackenroder (Kastn. Arch., xiii. 84); 11, Brunner (Jahrb. Min., 186, 1855); 12, Range (Ramm. Min. Ch., 452); 13-15, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 467, 468); 16, Redner (ZS. G., xviii. 891): 17, Merz (N. Ges. Zurich, 48, 1861): Si Al Fe Ma Sig a A1. Pargas, bh.-gn. 55'40 - 2'50 2883 22'57 15-70 —, ]n 0'43=9943 N: 2. Longban, ywh. 55'32 -- e2'16 Mn 1-59 16'99 23'01 - =99-07 Rose. BISILICATES. 217 Si xi Fe Mn Mg Oa A 3. Norway, wh. 57'40 043 - - 1674 23-10 - =97'67 Wacht. 4. Achmato'sk, wh. 53'97 2'00 0-57 17-86 25'60 — =100 Herm. 5. Orrijdrvi, w. 54'64 - 108 2-00- 18-00 24'94 -= 100'66 Rose. 6. Gulsj6 55'11 054 -- 18-39 25'63 = —99'67 Ramm. 7. Lupikko (2) 52.40 1.84 229 - 1793 22.55, Na 120, K 037=9858 W. 8. Tammare, wh. 54-83 0-28 0'99 18'55 24'76 11 0'32=99'73 Bonsd. 9. Brazil 55-61 -- 1'20 -- 1782 25'11 --— 99'74 Kussin. 10. Zillerthal, wh. 54-16 0'20 2'51 M1n 018 18'22 24'74 — =100 Wack. 11. Sassgrat, w. 56'13 2'02 tr. 16 20 25'78 — =100-85 Brunner. 12. Retzbanya 56'03 - 138 -- 1736 25'05 — =99'82 Range. 13. Ottawa, C., wh. 5450 -- 1'98 -- 18-14 2587 0-40= —100'89 Hunt. 14. Calumet I., gnh. 54-90 -- -- 16'76 2767 0'80=100'13 Hunt. 15. HighFalls,C., gy. 54'20 -- 324 - 17'02 25'65 0'45=100'56 Hunt. 16. Grenville, C. 52'54 - 306 - 19'85 24'64 - =100 09 Redner. 17. Zermatt 5474 3-45 -- 17'82 22'90 0 58=99'49 Merz. a With some alumina; the specimen associated with Eozoon. No. 1, crystals, G.=3-267;. 2, fr. Longban in Wermland; 3, fr. Tjitten inNorway; 4, G.=3'28; 5, fr. Finland; 7, ib., G.=3-215; 8, ib.; 9, G.=3'37; 11, fr. the Alps; 13, fr. Canada, G.=3'263-27; 14, fr. Canada, with Eozoon; 15, ib., G.=3 273 -3275. 2. Lime-Magnesia-I.on Pyroxene; Sahlite; Funkite. 1, H. Rose (Schw. J., xxxv. 86); 2, Reuterskil51d (Jahresb., xxv. 362); 3, Hisinger (Afh., iii. 291); 4, Arppe (Anal. Finsk. Mlin., 22); 5, 6, A. Erdmann (Ak. IH. Stockh., 1848); 7, Winchenbach (Ranmm. Min. Ch., 452); 8, Rammelsberg (ib., 452); 9, G. T. Bowen (Am. J. Sci., v. 344); 10, Erdmann (1. c.); 11, Payr (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxv. 560); 12, 13, H. Rose (1. c.); 14, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 714); 15, Schultz (Act. Fenn., 1856); 16, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 351); 17, Funk (Jahresb., 1844, 362); 18, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., v. 116); 19, H. Rose (1. c.); 20, C. W. C. Fuchs (Jahresb. Min.,'62, 802): Si Xl 1e ITn ig Oa f 1. Sala, Sahlite 54'86 0-21 4-44 - 16'49 23-57 0-42=9999 Rose. 2. Longban, ywh. 53'56 0'25 4'48 1'87 16'27 23'86 --— =100'29 Reut. 3. " " 54'18 - 145 2-18 17-81 22'72 1'20=99-54 Hisinger. 4. Pargas, gyh.-gn. 52'67 0'54 4'54 1952 21'03 --— =9830 Arppe. 5. Tunaberg, gn. 54'13 0'90 3'69 0'30 15'01 25'15 0'63=99'81 Erdm. 6. " gn. 53'82 0'95 7'95 0'89 12-20 23'55 0'54=99'90 Erdm. 7. Meseritz, gn. 54-46 2'46 3'73 0'78 14'39 24'01 — =99-83 Winch. 8. Edenville, gnh.-b. 55'01 - 4'95 - 16'95 22-80 0'36=100'07 Ramm. 9. N.Hav'n,Ct.,Sah.53'12 1'06 6-01 0'60 14-50 23'62 0'47=99-38 Bowen. 10. Tunab., Cocc., gn. 53'50 0'76 9'74 1-90 13-59 20'42 0'27= -00-18 Erdm. 11. Oberrochlitz, wh. 55-03 4:84 3'1.6 15'71 20'72 — =9946 Payr. 12. Dalecarlia, gn. 54'55 0'14 8-14n0'-73 15-25 20'21 -=99-02 Rose. 13. " " 54'08 - 10'02 0'61 11-49 23'47 --— =99' 67 Rose. 14. Boksiter, Funk. 53-81 - 1001 - 800 27'50 0'29=99'61 Hauer. 15. Finland, gn. 52'00 0'85 12'45 0-80 10-15 22'50 — =-98'75 Schultz. 16. Kaiserst., dk. gn. 48-02 2-67 13'57 1'28 9'74 2534 --— =100'62 Ramm. 17. Nordmark 52'17 0-42 16-12 1'61 7-06 22-00 — 99'38 Funk. 18. L. Champl., gn. 50'33 1-53 20'40 tq. 6'83 19'33 0-67=99-09 Seybert. 19. Taberg, bk. 53-36 17-38 0'09 4-99 22-19 — =-98-01 Rose. 20. Radauthal, bk.(.) 51-78 2.48a 16'91 7- 03 21'00 0-04, Na 0-19, Ki 0-29-99'47 F. a Includes Fe2 03 1'20. No. 2, G.=3-27; 4, crystals; 5, G.=3'36; 8, cryst., G.=3-294; 9, cleavable massive, G. =3'127 —3294; 10, G.=3-30 —3'37; 11, G.-=3395; 12, 13, fr. Bjrrmyresweden; 14, fr. E. Gothland; 15, fr. I. Afvensor; 16, occurs mixed with scolopsite; 18, G.=3'377. 3. Iron-Lime Pyroxene; Hedenbergite. 1, H. Rose (Schw. J., 1. c.); 2, Wolff (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 236); 3, Sochting (ZS. Nat. Ver. Halle, vii. 57): Si iPEe MTg Ca 1. Tunaberg, Hed. 49-01 26-08 2'98 20-87=98-94 Rose. 2. Arendal, bk. 47-78 27-01 22'95=97-74 Wolff. 3. D. la Garde 52-23 27-47 7'46 12-84=100 Sochting. No. 2, G.=3'467; 3, fr. "Melaphyre." 218 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 4. Lime-Magnesia-Manganese Pyroxene; Schefferite. Analysis: Michaelson (1. c.): Si Fe -e Sn Mg aa E t 1. Longban 52'31 3'97 1'63 10-46 10'86 19'09 0'60=98'92 Michaelson. 5. Lime-Iron-Manganese Pyroxene. Analysis: Bischof (Lehrb., ii.): Si Ii FPe Mn Mgg Ca a K L Laach 50'83 2'16 13'50 7'56 3'42 21'73 0'38 0'98-100'56 Bischof. 6. Lime-Iron-Manganese-Zinc Pyroxene; Jeffersonite. Analysis: Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 13) Si;1 Fe Mn Zn 1g Ca Af 49-91 1-93 10'53 7 00 4-39 8'18 15'48 1-20-98'62 Hermann. II. ALUMINOUS PYROXENE.'7. Lime-Magnesia P.; Leucaugite. Analyses: T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1853, 1863) Si Xi Fe kg Oa i 1. Bathurst, C. 51'50 6'15 0'35 17-69 23-80 1'10=100'59 Hunt. 2. " 50-90 6-77 0-35 18-14 23-74 0'90=100-45 Hunt. 8. Lime-.Magnesia-Iron P.; Fassaite, Augite. Analyses: 1, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxvii. 577); 2, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. xii. 293); 3, Richter & Scheerer (Sichs. Ges. Leipsic, ci. 93, 1858); 4, Barthe (Ch. Centralbl., ii. 712); 5, Haughton (Dublin Q. J. Sci., v. 95); 6, Kudernatsch (1. c.); 7, Klaproth (Beitr., v.); 8, Kudernatsch (1. c.); 9, Wedding (ZS. G., x. 395); 10, Rammelsberg (ib., xi. 497); 11, Klaproth (1. c.); 12, KIudernatsch (1. c.); 13-15, v. Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 107110); 16, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 436); 17, Kudernatsch (1. c); 18-20, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxiii. 458, ciii. 437); 21, Waltershausen (1. c., p. 110); 22, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 468); 23, Tobler (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xci. 230): Si Xi e Mn Mg Oa ft 1. Fassathal 50-15 4-02 12-04 - 13'48 1957 -- 99-26 Kudernatsch. 2. Vosges 49-16 5'08 7'19 tr. 15-95 18-87 2'26=98-51 Delesse. 3. Traversella 517'9 4'03 7'57 17 40 18-98 — =99'77 R. & S. 4. Zillerthal, gn. 48'47 8'22 4'30 - 15-59 21'96 0'73=99-27 Barthe. 5. Skye 50-80 3-00 9-61 1-08 15-06 19-35 0-60, Na, K 0-66=100-16 H. 6. Rhone, bkh.-gn. (2) 50-42 6-58 7-40 16-32 18-78 -=99-50 BKud. 7. " it 52'00 5'75 11-02 0-25 12-75 14-00 0-25=96-02 Klapr. 8. Vesuvius 50'90 5-37 6-25 - 1443 22-96 --— 99'91 Kud. 9. " of 1631 48'86 8-63 4'54 tr. 14'01 20'62 -, Pe 2'73=99-39 Wedd. 10. " of 1858 49'61 4'42 9-08 - 14-22 22-83 -, 3Fe und.=100'16 Ramm. 11. Frascati 48-00 5-00 10-80 1-00 875 24-00 - =97'55 Kilaproth. 12. Etna 50'55 4-85 7'96 13'01 22-29 — =98-66 Kud. 13. " bk. I 47'63 6'74 11-39 0'21 12'90 20-87 0-28=100-02 Walt. 14. " gnh-bk. 51'70 4-38 4'24 - 21-11 18-02 0-49=99-94 Walt. 15. " Mascali 49-69 5-22 10-75 - 14-74 18'44 0-51=99-35 Walt. 16. " Mt. Rossi 47'38 5'52 7'89 0'10 15-29 19'10 0'43, Fe 3-85=99-53 Ramm. 17. Eiffel 49'39 6'00 7'39 - 13-93 22'46 --— =99,25 Kud. 18. Hartlingen 47'52 8-13 13-02 0-40 12-76 18-25 - =100-08 Ramm. 19. L. Laach 50-03 3 72 6-65 0-15 13-48 22-85 -, Pe 2-36=99-24 Ramm. 20. Schima, Boh. 51-12 3-38 5-45 2-63 1.2-82 23-54, Fe 0' 95=99-89 Ramm. 21. Iceland 49-87 6-05 5-92 - 16-16 22-00 - =100 Walt. 22. Montreal, bk. 49.40 6-70Pe7-83 - 13'06 21-88 0-50, Na 0-74, K tr.=100'11 H. 23. K:aiserstuhl, bn. 44-40 7-83 11-81 0'11 10-15 22-60 1-03,Na2-13, KO-65=100' 72T. Nos. 1-5, fr. metamorphic rocks; 6-23, fr. eruptive rocks. 2, fr. Ternuay, making with vosgite a so-called porphyry, G.-3-135; 3, var. pyrgom, G.-=3294; 4, G.=3'395; 5, the augite of a metamorphic dolerite on Loch Scavig in Skye; 6, G.=3'347; 12, G.=-3-40; 13, G.=2-886; 14, G.=3-204; 15, G.=3'228; 16, G.=3-376; 18, G-=3380; 19, G.:=3-348; 20, G.=3'361; 22, in dolerite,.=-3'341. 9. Iron-Lime P. (with little Magnesia). Analyses: 1, Deville (Et. Teneriffe, 1848); 2, Hochstetter (J. pr. Ch., xxvii. 375); 3, 4, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., IL xvi. 369); 5, Thomson (Min., i. 495): BISILICATES. 219 9i l FPe M n Mg Ca ft 1. Teneriffe 48'05 4'18 23'41 -- 940 14'96 -— =100 Deville. 2. Azores 50'40 2'99 22'00 - - 2 40 21'10 0.30=99'19 Hochst. 3. Hudsonite 39'30 9,78 30'40 0'67 2'98 10'39 1-95, Na 1.66, K 248=99-61 S. & B. 4. " 38'58 11'05 30'57 0'52 3'02 10'32 1-95, Na,K 4'16=100'17 S. & B. 5. Polylite 40'04 9-42 34'08 6'60 - 11-54 0-40=102'08 Thomson. Nos. 1, 2, fr. volcanic rocks; 3, 5, fr. metamorphic. 1, G.=3-179. III. DIALLAGE AND PSEUDO-HYPERSTHENE. 2 e. Containing little or no Alumina. Analyses: 1-5, v. Rath (Pogg., xcv. 533); 6, Hermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1854. 273). 8 c. Aluminous. Analyses: 7, v. Rath (ZS. G., ix. 246); 8, 9, Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xiii. 101); 10-12, Kihler (Pogg., xiii. 101); 13, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 464); 14, Kohler (1. c.); 15, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xx. 472); 16, A. Streng (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54); 17, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. xvi.); 18, SchafhaUtl (Ann. OCh. Pharm., ii. 254); 19, 20: A. Streng (1. c.); 21, Seybert (J. Ac. Philad., ii. 141): Si i Pe kn kMg Ca fr 1. Glatz, ywh.-gn. 50'34 --- 8'47 - 16'86 21-85 1'23=98-76 Rath. 2. " d'k gn. 50'00 0'42 8'54 -- 15-87 21'11 1-69=97-63 Rath. 3. " " 51'-78 112 10'97 -- 1558 20'04 0'22=99'71 Rath. 4. Neurode, bk. Hyp. 53'60 1'99 8'95 0'28 13'08 21'06 0'86=99'82 Rath. 5. Skye, " " 51-30 0'76 13-92 0-25 14'85 20'15 0'21=101-44 Rath. 6. Achmat'sk, 1Diall. 51'47 1-15 1'80 -- 15'63 27-81 2'39=100'25 Haerm. 7. Marmorera 49'12 3 04 11'45 15'33 18'54 1-46=98-94 Rath. 8. Piedmont, Diall. 50'05 2-58 11'98 -- 17'24 15'63 2'13=99'61 Regnault. 9. Ural, " 52'60 3'27 5-35 16'43 20'44 1-59=99-68 Regnault. 10. Florence, " 53'20 2-47 8-67 0-38 14-91 19-09 1'77=100'49 KOhler. 11. Harz, " 53'71 2'82 8'08 17'55 17-06 1-04=100'27 K6oiler. 12. Baste, gnh.-bn. 52'88 2'82 8-40 17-68 17'40 1'06=100'24 K6hler. 13. " " 52'00 3'10 9'36 18'51 16'29 1'10=10036 Ramm. 14. Salzburg, gn. 5134 4'39 8'23 15-69 18-28 2'11=100'04 Ktohler. 15. gy. 50'20 3'80 8'40 -- 16-40 20'26 --— 99'06 Kobell. 16. Harzburg, Diall. 52-84 4-56 9-41 -- 16'05 13'16 3-29, alk. 0'39, Fe 184, Fr 009, Ti 0'22=101'85 Streng. 17. Odern, " 4930 5'50 9'43 0'51 17-61 15'43 0'85, r 0'30=98'93 Delesse. 18. Genoa, met. Di. 49'50 5'55 3-28 -- 14'12 18'12 1-77, V 3-65, Na 3-75 Schafh. 19. Harzburg, Iiqjp. 52'34 3'05 8-84 - 15'58 19'18 0-66=99'65 Streng. 20. " 51'26 3'62 9'11 - 16-69 19'18 0'34, ie 1'03=101'23 Streng. 21. Wilmington," 52'17 4'00Fe1073 tr. 11-33 20'00 1'27-99'50 Seybert. No. 1, fr. gabbro, G.=3'249; 2, ib., G.=3'244; 3, ib., G.=3'245; 4, ib., G. —3336; 5, fr. hypersthene rock, G. —3343; 6, G. —3-21, HI.=45; 7, fr. gabbro of Graubiindten, G.=3'253; 8, met. diallage, G._=3-261; 9, met. diallage, fr. serpentine; 10, fr. gabbro, G.=3'256; 12, fr. gabbro, G.,=323; 13, fr. gabbro, G.=3-300; 14, G.=3-23; 15, G.=3'2; 16, fr. gabbro; 18, vanadiferous bronzite, G.=3'25; 19, 20, fr. gabbro, pseudo-hypersthene; 21, pseudo-hypersthene, assoc. with quartz, G.=3'25; B.B. fus. Pyr., etc.-Varying widely, owing to the wide variations in composition in the different varieties, and often by insensible gradations. Fusibility, from the almost infusible diallage to 3-75 in diopside; 3-5 in sahlite, baikalite, and omphacite; 3 in jeffersonite and augite; 2'5 in hedenbergite. Varieties rich in iron afford a magnetic globule when fused on charcoal, and in general their fusibility varies with the amount of iron. Jeffersonite gives with soda on charcoal a reaction for zinc and manganese; many others also give with the fluxes reactions for manganese. Most varieties are unacted upon by acids. Obs.-Pyroxene is a common mineral in crystalline limestone and dolomite, in serpentine, and in volcanic rocks; and occurs also, but less abundantly, in connection with granitic rocks and metamorphic schists. The pyroxene of limestone is mostly the white and light green, or gray varieties; that of most other metamorphic rocks, sometimes white or colorless, but usually green of different shades, from pale green to greenish-black, and occasionally black; that of serpentine is sometimes in fine crystals, but often of the foliated green kind called diallage; that of eruption rocks is the black to greenish-black augite. 220 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. In limestone the associates are often hornblende, scapolite, garnet, orthoclase, sphene, phlogopite, and sometimes brown tourmaline, chlorite, tale, zircon, spinel, rutile, etc.; and in other metamorphic rocks mostly the same. In eruptive rocks the crystals are imbedded, and often occur with similarly disseminated chrysolite, crystals of orthoclase, sanidin, labradorite, leucite, etc. Pyroxene is an essential constituent of many rocks. Pyr'oxenyte is a metamorphic rock consisting mainly of compact pyroxene of the Sahlite section. Lherzolyte, from the borders of Lake Lherz, in the department of Ariege in France (described by Charpentier and Dufr6noy as a variety of pyroxene), is a green pyroxenic rock. (For constitution, see under SPINEL.) Pyroxene along with labradorite constitutes the dark gray and green to black eruptive rock called dolerpte, which often contains also magnetic iron ore in grains; and with labradorite and chrysolite, the related rock basalt. Dolerilic and basaltic lavas have the same composition. With leucite it forms the leucitophyr, the common igneous rock of Vesuvius; and with nephelin, nephelinyte or ne2phelindoleryte, another Italian igneous rock. The pyroxene of these igneous rocks is the black variety augite; and it often occurs in distinct crystals of the forms in figs. 203-206. Many kinds of tufa, and the earthy basaltic rock called wacke (either a variety of tufa or a decomposed basalt or doleryte) often consist largely of crystals or grains of augite. Diallage occurs generally in serpentine or steatitic rocks. Many foreign localities of pyroxene have already been briefly indicated (pp. 214-219). The crystals of Ala in Piedmont are associated with garnets and talc in veins traversing serpentine; and the more transparent are sometimes cut and worn as gems. In N. America, it occurs in Maine, at Raymond and Rumford, diopside, sahlite, etc.; at Deer Isle, diallage in serpentine. In Vermont, at Thetford, black augite, with chrysolite, in boulders of basalt. In M~ass., in Berkshire, white crystals abundant; at the Bolton quarries, same, good; Westfield and Blanford, diallage in serp. In Conn., at Canaan, white cryst. 2-3 in. long by 1-2 in. broad, in dolomite; in Trumbull, large green cryst. in limestone; in Reading, on the turnpike near the line of Danbury, small transp. cryst., and granular; at Watertown, near the Naugatuck, white diopside. In N7; York, in N. Y. Co., white cryst. in dolomite; at Warwick, fine cryst. (descr. and fig. by v. Rath, Pogg., cxi. 263); in Westchester Co., white, at the Sing-Sing quarries; in Orange Co., in Monroe, at Two Ponds, cryst., often large, with scapolite, sphene, etc., in limestone; 3 m. S.E. of Greenwood furnace, sahlite with coccolite; ~ m. E. of same, in cryst. with mica in limestone, one 6 in. long and 10 in. in circ.; 1 m. W. of Coffee's Hotel in Monroe, black coccolite; 2~ m. N. of lEdenville, gray cryst.; 1 m. N.W. of Edemnille, black cryst. in limestone; in Cornwall, the var. hudsonite; near Amity and Fort Montgomery, good; in Forest-of-Dean, lamellar, green, and bronze-colored, with black coccolite; in Putnam Co., near Patterson, grayishwhite cryst., abundant; at Rogers' Rock, L. George, massive and granular (coccolite), gray, green, brown; near Oxbow, on Vrooman Lake; in Lewis Co., at Diana, white and black cryst.; in St. Lawrence Co., at Fine, in large cryst.; in Essex Co., near Long Pond, cryst. (f. 213), also beautiful green coccolite; at Willsboro', green coccolite with sphene and wollastonite. In N. Jersey, in Franklin, good cryst. In Penn., near Attleboro', cryst. and granular; in Pennsbury, at Burnett's quarry, diopside. In Maryland, Hartford Co., at Cooptown, diallage. In Delaware, at Wilmington, a hypersthene-like variety (anal. 21), Nuttal's Maclureite. In Canada, at Bytown, subtrp. white cryst., 1-1~ in., in limestone; at Calumet I., grayish-green cryst. in limestone with phlogopite, some appearing to be altered Eozoon; at the High Falls of the Madawaska, cryst. sometimes 1 ft. long and 4 in. wide, having cryst. of hornblende attached; in Kildau, as a rock; in Bathurst,- colorless or white cryst.; near Ottawa, in large subtrp. cryst., in limestone; at Grenville, dark green cryst., and granular; at Montreal, Rougemont and Montarvelli Mts., black in doleryte. Alt.-Pvyroxene undergoes alteration in different ways, as has been well explained by Bischof, and many species have been instituted on the material in different stages of change. In the simplest, there is only a taking up of water, producing a "hydrous augite." The water found in several of the analyses already cited may be from this source. In many cases a loss of silica appears to attend this hydration; and often, also, a loss of one or more of the bases (of which the lime and iron are the first to go), through the dissolving agency of waters holding carbonic acid, or carbonates, in solution. Thus may come the following substances: 13. HYDROUS AUGITE. Analyses 1, 2, 3 of an altered sahlite from Sala, Sweden, the three analyses made on different fragments of the same piece, by H. Rose. 14. PIOROPHYL, (Svanberg, Pogg., 1. 662, 1839). Also from Sala, where it occurs both massive, with the cleavage of pyroxene, and fibrous, of a greenish-gray color, with H.-=2-5 and G. —2'75. Analyses: 4, Svanberg (1. c.). Formula deduced R Si+-t H. Named from 7rKg,oS, bitter, and qvXovr, leaf. in allusion to the odor when moistened. 15. PYRALLOLITE (Nordenskiild, Schw. J., xxxi. 389, 1820). From Finland, where it occurs mostly in limestone, with pyroxene and scapolite. A pyrallolite from Sibbo in Finland has been named Vargasite, after Count Vargas, Huot Min., ii. 676, 1841; Wargasit Germ. Analyses: 5, Nordenskil1d (1. c.), of the original mineral from Storgord,.whitish or greenish-white, with H.=3'5-4, G. —=253 —273, for which the formula Mg Si+H has been written; 6-14, later, BISILICATES. 221 by Arppe, Furuhjelm, Runeberg, and Selin (Anal. Finsk. Min., 35), from different Finland localities-6, large whitish crystals from Storgard, G.=2-53; 7-10, from Kulla quarry in Kimito; 8. whitish, augitic in structure, H.=3-4; 9 and 10, whitish and earlhy; 11, green and columnar, G.=2'70, H.-3-4, from Takvedaholm; 12, similar, from Skraibb6le; 13, greenish and granular, with G.-2-61, from Haapakyla; 14, brownish or grayish-yellow and columnar, H.==3, G.-=2-66, from Frugard. The crystalline structure is that of pyroxene. Named from 7rp, fire, iAXoS, other. 16. SCHILLER SPAR in part (Schillerstein Tern., Bastile pt.). An impure serpentine, from Baste in the Harz, having often the cleavage and forms of pyroxene; H.=3'5 —4; G.=2' 52'76; lustre metallic-pearly to subvitreous; color dark-green to pinchbeck-brown. Analysis 15, by KBhler (Pogg., xi. 192); 16, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xlix. 387). See further SERPENTINE. 17. TRAVERSELLITE (Scheerer, Pogg., xciii. 109, 1854). A leek-green mineral, in crystals, having the form of pyroxene, from Traversella in Piedmont. Analysis: 17, R. Richter (1. c.). 18. PITKAARANDITE (Scheerer, Pogg., xciii. 100, 1854). Has a leek-green or dark-green color, and looks like unaltered pyroxene, having the crystal planes I, i-i, i-i, with cleavage parallel to i-i. It is from Pitkiranda in Finland. Analyses: 18, R. Richter (Pogg., xciii. 101); 19, Frankenhauser. Scheerer refers here part of pyrallolite (anal. 20). 19. STRAKONITZITE (V. Zepharovich, Jahrb. geol. Reichs., iv. 695, 1853). Approaches steatite. It occurs in greenish-yellow crystals, soft and greasy in feel, with G.=1-91. Analysis: 21, v. Hauer (1. c.). 20. MONRADITE (Erdmann, Ac. H. Stockh., 1842, p. 103). Probably a slightly altered pyroxene or hornblende. Described as occurring granular massive, with two unequal cleavages mutually inclined about 130~; with H. —6, G.=3'2673; color yellowish, honey-yellow, and lustre vitreous. Analysis: 22, Erdmann (1. c.). Formula deduced (Mg, Fe) Si + I H. From Bergen in Norway. Named after Dr. Monrad. Si l FPe Mn Mg Ca 11 1. Atd. auzgite 60-35 -- 4-16 0'78 25'07 4-94 4'52=99-82 Rose. 2. " 56-27 0-45 5'13 - 21'58 10'89 3'12=97-44 Rose. 3. " 56-48 010 4'11 0-66 23-46 9-58 3-12=97-51 Rose. 4. PicrophylV 49'80 1'11 6-86 -- 30'10 0'78 9'83-98-48 Svanb. 5. Pyrallolite, Storg. 56'62 3-38 0'89 0'99 23'38 5'58 3-58, bit. & loss 6'38 Nord. 6. " " 76-23 1-79 0'72 -- 11'65 2'56 7'10=100'05 Arppe. 7. " Kulla 56-9 1-4 0'6 -- [28-'] 3'9 8'5=100 Arppe. 8. " " 48-88 0-48 1'55 0'76 24172 10-69 12-33=99'41 Rlneberg. 9. " " 58-87 1'79 057 -- 18'39 11-72 878 —100-12 Selin. 10. "' " 66'18 0-87 1'83 - 18'77 5'53 6'48=99-66 Furuhjelm. 11. " Takv. 55-17 1'13 1'45 0'09 26-85 6'33 9'15=100'17 Arppe. 12. " Skrab. 55-92 1'55 1'86 1'68 26'12 6-34 1'56=101'03 Arppe. 13. " Haap. 57'49 111 1'26 0'69 30'05 2-90 1'30=100'80 Arppe. 14. Frug. 63'87 0'34 2'18 - 23'19 3174 7'32=100'64 Arppe. 15. Sch7iller spar 43-08 1-73 10'91 0'57 26'16 2'75 12'43, 4 r 237 Kohler. 16. " 41-48 6-49 16'61 - 27-24 - 10-13=101-95 Ramm. 17. Traversellite 52-39 1-21 20-46 - 14-41 7-93 3-69=100'09 Richter. 18. Pitkarandite 61'25 0'41 12-71 0'83 13-30 9'17 2'52=100'19 Richter. 19. " 54167 1-34 12-84 0-60 12-50 14'42 2'80=99'19 Frank. 20. (' Storg. 60-06 5-67 1-68 -- 27-13 - 4-62, Fe 0671=99-83 Sch. 21. Strakonitzite 53-42 7-00 15-41 -1 2-94 1-37 1986 —100 Hauer. 22. lMoradite 56117 -- 8-56 - 3163 -- 4-04=100-40 Erdm. T. S. Hunt has analyzed some altered pyroxenes (Logan's Rep., 1863, 490) from Canada, related closely in composition to his loganite (which is altered hornblende; see under HORNBLENDE); and also 21. HYDRous DIALLAGES (1. c., p. 469), that may be examples of other alterations of the species. The following are his analyses: No. 1, of a brittle cleavable-massive mineral, forming a bed in a deposit of apatite in North Elmsley, having the cleavages of pyroxene perfect; H.=3; G.=2'538 — 2-539; color greenish-gray; powder unctuous. No. 2, a similar material from N. Burgess, having the cleavage of pyroxece; a waxy lustre; H.=2 —3, and G.=2-32 —235; pale grayishgceen color; an unctuous feel. No. 3, a coarse, cleavable, bronze-colored diallage, forming a rock at Ham. No. 4, a rock from Orford, consisting of small masses of pearly, translucent, celandinegreen diallage, with H.=5-0, and G.=3'02 —3'03: Si P1 Fe Mg Oa A: 1. N. Elmsley, loganitic (.) 36-70 10-96 9'36 28'19 - 14-31-99-52 2. N. Burgess, " (~) 39-30 14-25 4-41 25'73 - 16'93=100-62 3. Ham, diallagic 50-00 - 1359 27'17 380 6'30=100-86 4. Orford, "' (2) 47-15 3'45 8-73 24-55 11-35 5'83=101-56 222 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. A complete removal of the lime and iron produces steatite or talc, a common material of pseudo morphs. Rensselaerite is a variety of steatite (see TALC), having sometimes the cleavage of pyroxene. Pyrallolite is also in part talc or steatite (anal. 5, 13, 14). Saponite and serpentine (q. v.) are other results of the same kind of alteration. they consisting, like talc, of silica, magnesia, and water. tHortonite is a steatitic pseudomorph of pyroxene, found in Orange Co., N. Y., with chondrodite. The following are other kinds of pseudomorphs: Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Palagonite (which see). In the pyroxenes containing much iron, especially the augitic varieties, the protoxyd of iron, when moisture and air are present, may pass to a higher state of oxydation, and the mineral take a red color (the color of anhydrous sesquioxyd of iron (hematite), or it may take up water as well as oxygen, and become of a brownish-yellow color, the color of the hydrous sesquioxyd, or limonite. Magqnetite is another result, and probably through the alteration of one of these oxyds as an intermediate state. Palagonite, as Bunsen has observed, is one of the products arising in part from the change of the iron to a sesquioxyd: it is the material of many tufas of volcanic regions, as those of Iceland and Etna, such tufas having been made from doleritic or basaltic lavas abounding in pyroxene. Bunsen remarks that palagonite may be made artificially by putting powdered basalt into a large excess of caustic potash in fusion and pouring on water; the product, after washing, is hydrated, pulverulent, and gelatinizes with weak acids, and its composition is like that of the purest palagonite of Iceland. For analyses, see p. 483. Epidote is another mineral resulting from the kind of change here mentioned. In one variety of the diallage from the gabbro of Harzburg (see analyses of others on.p. 219), A. Streng found (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54) Si 45'73, 1l 5-60, Fe 12'18, Fe 8'00, Mg 12-55, Ca 8-86, alkalies 0'55, H 4'68=98'15-a percentage of oxyd of iron and of water which indicates partial alteration. Cimolite. In the case of the aluminous pyroxene, when all the bases except the alumina are removed and water taken up, there may result cimolite (q. v.), a whitish clay-like earth, which has been observed constituting pseudomorphs of augite at Bilin in Bohemia. In the change to this aluminous silicate, alumina may possibly be added, to some extent, from an external source, as from feldspar decomposing in the same rock. Pisani gives the following composition of a greenish aluminous, although talc-like, pseudomorph having the'angles of pyroxene (C;. R., liv. 51): 5)9i Al Fe Mg Oa Na K A 56'52 20-49 2'67 5'94 0'93 3'32 3'88 740 - Glauconite. Mica. Under the action of alkaline waters, alkalies may be introduced. Thus the hydrous mineral glauconite (q. v.) or green earth may result as a constituent of some augite pseudomorphs; or the essentially anhydrous mineral mica, which has been observed by Kjerulf as a pseudomorph after augite, in the Eiffel. Kjerulf gives the following analyses (1) of an unaltered augite, and (2) the mica derived from it: Si x1 Fe Mg Oa 1'a 1 Ign. 1. Augite 50'21 6'94 7'59 13-66 19'85 - -- 0'33=98'58 2. Mica pseud. 43'10 15-05 23'25 10'32 0'81 0-82 4'62 1'50, with Ti 1-03 as impurity. Acnmite (q. v.) is considered by Bischof and Rose a pyroxene altered by the alkaline process. Q&uartz. Opal. Calcite. The removal of the mineral by the decomposing and dissolving agencies may be attended by the introduction of silica from the waters present, these waters having become siliceous as a consequence of the decompositions. IIence may come siliceous pseudomorphs, either anhydrous like quartz, or hydrous like opal. One such from Vesuvius is described by Rammelsberg, which still contained some part of the bases, affording him on analysis (Pogg., lixx. 387): Si 85-31, 1 1.58, Pe 1'67, Mg 1-70, Ca 2'66, 11 547= —98-42. In some cases the waters hold in solution carbonate of lime instead of silica, and this salt of lime consequently takes the place of the removed mineral, and so calcite pseudomorphs after pyroxene are produced. 22. URALITE. Augite also occurs altered to hornblende, and the product has been named uralite by Rose (Pogg., xx. 322, 1830, xxvii. 97, xxxi. 619). The crystals have the form of augite, but the cleavage of hornblende, IA 1= 124~; they appear to consist of an aggregation of minute hornblende prisms. They are subtransparent in very thin laminant, have a deep-green color, a greenish-white streak, with H.=5 or nearly, and G.=3-14 —315, Ural; 3'273, Silesia, v. Rath. Analyses: 1, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxvii. 586); 2, Rammelsberg (Min. Chem., 490); 3, G. v. Rath (Pogg., xcv. 557): BISILICATES. 223 Si al Pe SIDn kg /a 1. Ural 53-05 4-56 16-37 tr. 12-90 12471 -- -9935 Kuder. 2. It 50'75 5'65 16'48 0'79 12'28 11-59 1-80=99-34 Ramm. 3. Silesia 48-70 0-82 25-21 -- 12-01 11'25 1-01, alk. tr.-99 Rath. UJralite was obtained by Rose from a green porphyritic rock at Mostovaja, Lake Baltym, nea! Katharinenberg, and at Carminskoj, near Miask, in the Ural. It has since been reported from Arendal in Norway; Tavignolo, near Predazzo in the Tyrol; near Neurode in Silesia, in greenstone; Tunguragua in Quito; Mysore in India. Artif.-Diopside has been observed as a furnace product at the iron-works of Philipsburg, N. Jersey (G. J. Brush, Am. J. Sei., II. xxxix. 132); and dark-colored pyroxene at Gaspenberg; in an old furnace near Hacheburg; a copper furnace near Dillenburg; at Fahlun and Oldbury; a manganese-augite at M/gdesprung. Formed in crystals, as diopside, artificially by the action of chlorid of silicon on magnesia (Daubrte); also, a grayish-white var., by mixing the constituents and exposing to a high heat (Berthier). Augite in small yellow crystals has been found in old fumaroles at Eiterkopfe, near Andernach (v. Rath). 238A. OatPHACITE. (Omphazit [fr. Baireut] Wern., Hoff7m. Min., ii. 2, 302, 1812; Breith., ib., iv. 2, 125, 1817, Handb., 612, 1841, B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 365, 397, 1865.) Monoclinic. Cleavage: in two directions with the interangle 115~, one perfect, the other imperfect. Massive, granular, disseminated. H.=5-6. IG.=3'2-3'3; 3-178 —3231, Breith.; 3'263, fr. Ober-Pferdt, 3-210. fr. between Wustuben and Weppenreuth, 3-243, fr. Silberbach, 3-301, fr. Stambach, all in the Fichtelgebirge, Fikenscher. Lustre vitreous. Color grass- to leek-green. Comp.-Analyses by J. Fikenscher (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 397): Si Al e rg Oa 2a, k ign. 1. Ober-Pferdt 52'57 9'12 5'32 13'75 17 41 1'11 0'28 0'32=99'98 2. Wustuben 52385 9'69 4'08 12'85 18'05 1'73 0'32 0'62=99'69 3. Silberbach 52-77 9'19 4'81 13'60 1811 1'22 - 041=100-11 4. Stumbach 52'16 8'71 11-63 10-77 14-16 0'87 0-14 0-50=99-94 5. Pacher, Styria 50'29 6-67 3'26 15622 21'50 0'88 0-88 0-45, r2207=100-64 Anal. 1 gives for the 0 ratio of R, A, Sit 2-6:1:6 1; No. 2, 2'8: 1:6-4; No. 5, 13'3:3-75:26-13 (differing much from those adopted by Fikenscher). Although much care was taken to use the pure mineral, the results seem to indicate an intimate mixture with some alumina silicate; and possibly with lime-garnet or kyanite, which are its associates. If this be the. case, the mineral may still be pyroxene or hornblende, as has been supposed. After an examination of the mineral, we regard with doubt the cleavage angle given by Breithaupt. Omphacite occurs near Hof in Baireut, Bavaria, at the localities mentioned above, and also at Pacher in Styria. It is intimately mixed with a lime-garnet, and also usually with kyanite, making the tough greenish rock, spotted with pale garnet, called eclogyte. The rock contains often scales of a silvery mica. The name Omphacite is from d/l(pa(, an unripe grape, alluding to the color, it is among the names of green stones mentioned by Pliny. 238B. VIOLAN Breithaupt (J. pr. Ch., xv. 321, 1838). Occasionally in prismatic crystals, affording, according to Descloizeaux, the angles, and the planes I, i-i, i-i, and i-, of pyroxene, and cleavage in the direction of I. Usually lamellar massive, sometimes fibrous..-=6. G.=3'233. Lustre waxy. Color dark violet-blue.'Translucent, but in thin plates transparent. Damour obtained (Descloizeaux's Min., i. 66), in an unsatisfactory analysis of the lamellar mineral (unsatisfactory because this variety is penetrated by a fibrous mineral which appears to be tremolite), Si 56-11, A1 904, Fe 2'46, Mn 2-54 Mgl 10'40, Ca 13'62, Na 5'63,=99'80. Plattner had previously ascertained by his trials (J. pr. Ch., xv. 321) that it was a silicate of alumina, iron, manganese, lime, magnesia, and soda. It is unaltered in the closed tube. B.B. fuses easily to a clear glass, coloring the flame yellow (soda). With borax and soda gives reactions for manganese and iron. Occurs in small seams with white quartz, white fibrous tremolite spotted violet with manganese, greenovite and manganesian epidote, in the braunite of St. Marcel, in the valley of Aosta, Piedmont. Named from its color. 239. E.GIRITE..Egirin Esmark, Berzelius, Jahrb. Min., 1835, 184. Monoclinic, and isomorphous with pyroxene. Cleavage: i-i perfect; 1 less so; i-4 still less. Usual in striated or channelled prisms. 224 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. H. 55 —6. G.=3'45 —358; 3'578, fr. Skaad6e, Rammelsberg; 3-464, ft. Berkevig, Pisani. Lustre vitreous. Color greenish-black. Streak dark. green. Subtranslucent to opaque. Comp.-Ts + i3 e si3=-(~ t3 + ~ e) si3=, if l=- a + a+Fe, Silica 50 7, sesquioxyd of iron 22'6, protoxyd of iron 10-1, lime 7 9, soda 8-7 =100. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 286, 302); 2, Pisani (C. R., lvi. 846): Si Xl Fe P'e ln Mg Ca %a f1 1. Skaadde 50-52 1'22 22-07 8580 1-40 1-28 5-97 9-29 0'94=100'72 Ramm. 2. Berkevig 52-11 2-47 22'80 8-40 -- 0-41 2'60 12'10, H 0'30=-101-19 Pisani. For an imperfect anal. by Plantamour, see Bibl. Univ. Geneve, 1841. As Rammelsberg observes, negirine holds the same relation in composition to pyroxene that arfvedsonite does to hornblende; in each alkalies being present, and sesquioxyd of iron replacing to a large extent the protoxyd bases. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses easily, coloring the flame yellow (soda); gives a magnetic globule on charcoal. Not appreciably attacked by acids. Obs.-Occurs with leucophanite, cancrinite, elaeolite, in Norway, near Brevig, on the Isle of Skaadde, and at Berkevig. Von Hornberg obtained from a perfect crystal from Larme, IA I=87~ 21' —81 47', and 92~ 48' -92~ 20', the variation owing to a slight irregularity in the prism, the edges and faces being not quite parallel. Named after A3gir, the Scandinavian god of the sea. 240. ACMITE. Achmit Str6m, Ak. H. Stockh., 1821, 160, and Berz., ib., 163. Akmit Germ. Monoclinic. O- 74~ IA I-86.56'; a: b: c=-0'5400: 215 1: 0'9135. Occurring planes: -O; vertical,'i-i, i-i, I: dome, 2-; pyramidal, 4-2, -12-3, 12-6. 4-2 replaces the,/2z2\' edge between 2- and i-i. Cleavage: Idistinct; i-` less so. Plane i-i often longitudinally striated or channelled. Twins: 2916 t composition-face i-i; common. 5''i 5\ EH.-6. G.=-32 —353; 3'43, Rammelsberg, piece of a crystal; 353, same pulverized. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Streak pale yellowish-gray. Color brownish.' ~' 0or reddish-brown; in the fracture blackish-green. Opaque. ii ii\ Fracture uneven-earthy. Brittle. Plane of optical axis parallel to clinodiagonal section, Desel. \- /"I..'Comp.f —23 Sis+23e S~i=I(R+e)i3_=, if Na: Fe=3: 1, Silica 51'3, sesquioxyd of iron 30'4, protoxyd of iron 5'1, soda 13'2. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Ak. H. Stockh., 1821, 160); 2, Lehunt (Thomson's Min., i. 480); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 300): 1. Rundemr i Pe in Fe in Ca Na d 1. Rundemyr 55'25 31'25 1'08 - -- 072 1040, Ti tr-.=9870 B. 2. " 52'02 - -- 28'08 3 49 0'88 13'33, Mg 0'50, X1 0'68= 98'98 L. 3. " 51-66 28'28 -- 5'23 0'69 - 12'46, K 0'43, Ti 1'11, ign. 0-39=1(-0025 R. The protoxyd bases are mainly soda and protoxyd of iron. Rammelsberg makes the ratio of the former to the latter 3: 1. The ratio of the protoxyds to the sesquioxyds is 1: 2, while it is 1: 1 in aegirine, and 1:4 in spodumene. Anal. 1 gives the 0. ratio for bases and silica= 1: 2A. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 2 to a lustrous black magnetic globule, coloring the flame deep yellow, and with the fluxes reacts for iron and sometimes manganese. Slightly acted upon by acids. Obs.-Acmite occurs at Rundemyr, 4 m. S. of Dunserud, near Kongsberg in Norway, in slender crystals, sometimes nearly a foot long, imbedded in feldspar and quartz; the crystals are often macled and bent, and quite fragile. BISILICATES. 225 Named from'aKi, a oint, in allusion to the pointed extremities of the crystals. G. Rose has suggested that acmite, as hitherto observed, is probably in a somewhat altered condition, and that possibly the mgirine of Brevig is acmnite in an unchanged state (Kryst. Ch. Min., 76, 1852). 241. IRHODONIT3E. Rother Braunstein pt. Min. of last Cent.; fr. Kapnik, ulzprecht (with anal.), Phys. Arb. Wien, i. 55, 1182; Crell's Ann., i. 297. 1190. Rothbraunsteinerz pt. Wern. Dichtes Roth-Braunsteinerz (Kapnikker Feldspath) KaXrst., Tab., 54, 78, 1800 (favoring its being a distinct species, while others (Haily, Reuss, etc.) supposed it the carbonate mixed with quartz). Rothstein pt., KIieselmangan, Mangankiesel, Germ. Manganese Spar pt.; Red Manganese; Bisilicate of Manganese. Rhodonit Jasche, Germar, in Schw. J., xxvi. 112, 1819 Hydropit Germnar, ib., 115. Bustamite (fr. Mexico), Bisilicate de Manganese et de Chaux, A. Brongn., Ann. Sci. Nat., viii. 411, 1826. Fowlerite (fr. Hamburgh, N. J.) Shep., Min., 186, 1832, ii. 25, 1835. Kapnikite I.uot, i. 239, 1841. Paisbergit Igels4,rm, (Efv. Ak. Stockh., 143, 1851; J. pr. Ch., liv. 192, 1851. Mangan-Amphibol Herm., J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 7, 1849=-Hermannit Kenng., Min., 71, 1853=CGlmmingtonit Ramm., Min. Ch., 473, 1860. Triclinic, but approximately isomorphous with pyroxene. Angles, according to Greg and Dauber, and also those of pyroxene: 216 Greg. Dauber. In Pyroxene. IA I 870 20' 87~ 38' 87 5 2 OAI 93 50 93 28~ 100 57 2 OAf' /110 40 111 8~ 100 57 IA i- 136 20 136 8~ 133 3212 IA\ i- 138 20 138 11~ 136 27~ I i I\A 2 148 42 148 47 144 35 I A2' 142 30 142 39~ 144 35 IA 2' 86 35 85 24 Cleavage: Iperfect; 0 less perfect. Usually massive. H.=5-5 —65. G.=-34 —368; 3'612, Longban; 3-634, Siberia; 3-63, Stirling, Hermann. Lustre vitreous. Color light brownish-red, fleshred, sometimes greenish or yellowish, when impure; often black outside from exposure. Streak white. Transparent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Very tough when massive. Comp., Var. —Silicate of manganese, Mln Si-Silica 45.9, prot. manganese 54'1=100. Usually some Fe and Ca, and occasionally Zn, replaces part of the Mn. 1. O1rdinary. (a) Crystallized. Either in crystals or foliated. The ore in crystals from Paisberg, Sweden, was named Paisbergite under the idea that it was a distinct species. (b) Granular massive. 2. Calciferous; BUSTAMITE. Contains 9 to 15 p. c. of lime replacing part of the Mn. Often also impure from the presence of carbonate of lime, which suggests that part of the lime replacing the Mn may have come from partial alteration. Grayish-red. Named after Mr. Bustamente, the discoverer. 3. Zinciferous; FOWLERITE. In crystals and foliated, the latter lookingmuch like cleavable red feldspar; the crystals sometimes half an inch to an inch through. IA I=86~ 30', Torrey. G.= 3'34, Breith.; 3'44, Thomson. This mineral is mentioned by Fowler in Am. J. Sci., ix. 245, 1825 as Siliceous oxyd of manganese from Sterling, N. J., and as often containing dysluite (zinciferous spinel). It occurs under the same name in Robinson's Cat. Amer. Min., 298, 1825. It is Thomson's ferrosilicate of manganese, Ann. Lye., N. Y., iii. 28, 1828. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Afhandl., i. 110, iv. 382); 2, 3, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., IV. vii. 8); 4, fHermann (J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 6); 5, A. Schlieper (This Min., 463, 1850); 6, Igelstrdm (J. pr. Ch., liv. 190);, H. Hahn (B. Hahn (B.. Ztg., xx. 267); 8, Dumas (Ann. Sci. Nat., viii. 411); 9, Ebelmen (I. c.); 15 226 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 10, Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xviii. 34); 11, Pisani (C. R., lxii. 102); 12, Hermann (I. c.); 13, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 459): Si Fe Mn 2n Mg Ca i CaN A. 1. Longban 48'00 -- 4904 - 0'22 312 -- — =100-38 Berz. 2. Algiers 45%49 6'42 39'46 -- 2'60 4'66 -- — =98'63 Ebelmen. 3. St. Marcel 46317 - 4138 - - 558 — =99'23 Ebelmen. 4. Cummington 48'91 tr. 46'74 -- 2'00 2'35 - -— =100 Hermann. 5. " 51'21 4'34 42'65 - tr. 2'93 - =101'13 Schliep. 6. Paisbergite 46'46 3-31 41'88 -- 0'91 8'13 - -=100'69 Igelstr. 7. Elbingerode 44-86 1'52 42'98 -- 6'15 3'06 0'95 -—,710'74, Fe S2 0'40 =100'65 Hahn. B. 8. Mexico, Bust. 48'90 0-81 36-06 -- - 1457 -— =100'34 Dumas. 9. " " 44-45 1-15 26'96 -- 0'64 14'43 12271=99'90 Ebelmen. 10. " " 47 35 - 42'08 - - 9-60 0'72.- -99'75 Ramm. 11. Vicentine" 46'19 1-05 28170 - 2'17 13-23 3'06 6'95=101-35 Pisani. C. 12. Stirling, Fowl. 46'48 7'23 31'52 5'85 3'09 4'50 1'00 — =99'67 Hermann. 13. " 4" 46170 8-35 31'20 5'10 2'81 6'30 0-28 — =10074 IRamm. Schlieper found his specimen (one furnished by the author and seemingly unaltered) to consist partly of carbonate of manganese and other bases. By digestion in concentrated muriatic acid, it afforded 90'15 per cent. of silicate of manganese, and 9'85 soluble portion. The latter gave on analysis: Mln 0 50'52 Fe 0 860 Oa C 37'17 Mg C 2'44 l and loss 1'271=100. Ten p. c. of carbonates had been previously found in the Cummington mineral, by E. Hitchcock. Allowing that the ten p. c. of carbonates in Schlieper's specimen had been formed at the expense of the bases in the rhodonite, and also that there was some free silica in minute points or grains, as was obvious to the eye, the oxygen ratio cannot be taken as different from that of rhodonite. Hermann's Mangan-amjphibol (1. c.) was based on an analysis of this Cummington mineral. Ruprecht, who published his first analysis of the species in 1782, obtained Si 55'06, manganese 35'15, iron 7'04, 11-56, water 0'78=99'59. Huot based his species Kapnikite on this old analysis.'Brandes obtained for the lydropite, a rose-colored ore from Kapnik, having G.=2'8 (Schw. J., xxvi.) Si 53'50, Mn 41'93, Fe 1'00, Al 1'24, H 3'00; it has been considered a tersilicate, with the formula Mn2 Si3; but it was probably an impure rhodonite. Pyr., etc.-B.B. blackens and fuses with slight intumescence at 2'5; with the fluxes gives reactions for manganese; fowlerite gives with soda on charcoal a reaction for zinc. Slightly acted upon by acids. The calciferous varieties often effervesce fiom mechanical admixture with carbonate of lime. In powder, partly dissolves in muriatic acid, and the insoluble part becomes of a white color. Darkens on exposure to the air, and sometimes becomes nearly black. Obs.-Occurs at Longban, near Philipstadt in Sweden, in iron ore beds, in broad folia, and also granular massive, the Paisberg iron mine, where it occurs, being the origin of the name paisbergite; also at Elbingerode, in the Harz; in the district of Katherinenberg in the Ural; with tetrahedrite at Kapnik in Transylvania; in Cornwall, etc. Occurs in Cummington, Mass., and some of the neighboring towns, in boulders; also in Warwick, Mass.; in an extensive bed on Osgood's farm, Blue Hill Bay, Mfaine; in Irasburg and Coventry, Vt.; near Winchester and Hinsdale, N. H.; at Cumberlaud, R. I.; fowlerite at Hamburg and Stirling, New Jersey. Named from /p'dov, a rose, in allusion to the color. The name is attributed to Jasche by Germar (1819), but is not in the Kleine Min., Schriften of Jasche (1817). Alt.-There are two prominent methods of alteration, which may act separately or together. (1) Through the strong tendency of the protoxyd of manganese to pass to a higher state of oxydation; in which process the red color changes to brown or black, commencing with the exterior, which becomes a black crust to the mass. Indefinite mixtures thus result, which may be either partly silicate, or wholly one or more oxyds of manganese. (2) Through the tendency of' the protoxyd of manganese and other protoxyds present to unite with carbonic acid afforded by alkaline carbonated waters, this causing the silicate to be penetrated with carbonate of manganese, and often also with carbonate of lime or iron. The color of the result after this latter method is usually grayish-red to grayish-white, and sometimes brown. I. By Oxydation; not'Hydraled or Carbonated. A. MARCELINE Berthier (Ann. Ch. Pharm., ii. 79, 1832). Color grayish-black to iron-black; lustre suibmetallic; G.=3'8; H.-5'5-6. From St. Marcel in Piedmont. Reteroclin Breith. (Evreinoff, Pogg., xlix. 204, 1840) is from the same locality, and of the same nature, as recognized by Breithaupt. BISILICATES. 227 B. DYSSNITE V. Kobell (Grundz., 328, 1838) is Thomson's sesquisilicate of H., from Franklin, N. J (Ann. Lye. N. York, 1. c.), an iron-black ore, with G.=3'67; it is altered fowlerite. Von Kobeli cites Thomson's analysis (see below), and gives no description of his own. II. By Oxydation; Hydrated. STRATOPEITE, Wittingite, Neotokite, are names of results of this kind of alteration. They are found along with rhodonite. They contain about 35 p. c. of silica. See NEOTOCITE under HYDRnoUS SILICATES. Opsimose of Bendant and Klipsteinite of v. Kobell are names of a similar hydrous silicate containing about 25 p. c. of silica. III. Carbonated. A. ALLAGITE Jasche (Germar, Schw. J., xxvi. 112, 1819; Grunmanganerz Jasche., Kleine Min. Schriften, 10, 1817), from Schebenholze, near Elbingerode in the Harz, is either dull-green or reddish-brown, and affording du Menil (Gilb. Ann., lxi. 197) 715 p. c. carbonic acid. The name Allagite, like Rhodonite, is not in the Kleine Schriften of Jasche, but is attributed to Jasche by Germar. B. PHOTICITE (Germar, Schw. J., xxvi. 116; Photizit Brandes, ib., 138) is yellowish-white, isabella- and wax-yellow, greenish-gray, pearl-gray, to rose-red; G.-=28-3, from the same locality with the allagite. It afforded Brandes (ib., 136) 11 to 14 p. c. of carbonic acid, with some water. Corneous manganese (Horn-mangan of Jasche) is of similar nature, it containing 5 to 10 p. c. of carbonic acid; color brown to gray. And so also the Cummington rhodonite, which afforded Schlieper 10 p. c. or more of carbonates. Analyses: 1, Berthier (1. c.); 2, Berzelius (Schw. J., xxi. 254); 3, Evreinoff (Pogg., xlix. 204); 4, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV., J. pr. Ch., xxviii. 284); 5, Thomson (Lyc. Nat. Hist., N. Y., iii. 33); 6, 7, du Menil (1. c.); 8-10, Brandes (I. c.): Si Al mun Fe Ca Sig A C 1. ]Marceline 26'00 3-00 67'23 1'23 1-40 1-40 -=100'25 Berthier. 2. Heteroclin 15'17 2'80 75'80 4'14 - - - -=9771 Berzelius. 3. " 10-16 85-87 3-28 0'61 -, ] 0-44=100-36Evr. 4. " 10'24 -- 7632 11'49 1'14 0-26 - =99'45 Damour. 5. Dyssnite 38'39 - 51'67 9'44 - -=99-50 Thomson. 6. Allagite, green 1600 - - 7371 7 -- 50=9721 du Menil. 7. brown 16'00 - - 1500 tr. -- -50=98'50 du Menil. 8. Photicite, ywh. 39-00 0-25 0'50 46-13 300 11-00=99-88 Brandes. 9. " gyh. 36'00 6-00 0'50 37139 6-00 14-00-99-89 Brandes. 10. Horn-manganese 35'00 - 0'25 517'-16 - -- 2-'50 500=9991 Brandes. Bustamite altered to kaolin has been described by Ebelmen (Ann d. M., IV. vii. 1) and Damour (Bull. G. Soc., vii. 224). Berthier obtained for a Graubiindten (Grisons)ore (Ann. Ch. Phys., ii. 79) Si 15-3, Mn 80-9, Fe 10, 1 1 10=98'2; and Schweizer for the same (J. pr. Ch., xxiii. 278) Si 15-50, Rn 77134,?e 3-70, Ca 1710, II 1-76=100. The ores, as alteration continues, graduate into true oxyds of manganese. A kind from Pesillo (called Pesillite by Huot, Min., 1841) afforded Berthier Si 6-8,'4n 84-2, 0, f 6-7, Fe 2-8, Co 0'8; it had lost nearly all of the silica in the change. 242. BABINGTONITE. Levy, Ann. Phil., II. vii. 275, 1824. Triclinic, but, like rhodonite, approaching pyroxene in form. Observed planes as in the annexed figures. IA I=87~ 24', Dauber; 871 26', Levy. O A 1=920 32' IA -2=150~ 19' 219 O A 1'=112 12 A -2'= —89 13 218 " 0 A 1'-132 24 I'A i-i=132 34... I O A-2=122 22 I' A i-=-135 16 O A-2'=136 54 F A -2=98 37 0 i 2 -2 O A 2-117' A-2' 155 18. 1' IA i- =134 50 \ 1' adj., =115 240 -2 IA i-i=137 20 H. = 5-5-6. G. 3-35 - 3'37; 3-355, Thomson; 3-366, Rammelsberg. Lustre vitreous, splendent. Color 228 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. dark greenish-black; thin splinters green in the direction of 0, and brown transversely. Faintly translucent; large crystals opaque, or faintly subtranslucent. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. C(omp.-3 Ai3 Si3+ e Si3, Rammelsberg; =(I R's+ - e) Si3=, if 9 Rt=2 Fe+ 1-5 Mn+ 5'5 Ca, Silica 50'1, sesquioxyd of iron 11'1, protoxyd of iron 10-0, protoxyd of manganese 7-4, lime 21'4=100. Analyses: ], Arppe (Berz. Jahresb., xxii. 205); 2, R. D. Thomson (Phil. Mag., xxvii. 123); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 287, 304): Si Fe Mg Ca Pe Ml Al 1. -544 - 2'2 19'6 21-3 1'8 0'3, ign. 09-=100'5 Arppe. 2. 47'46 2'21 14-74 16'81 10'16 6'48, ign. 1'24=99'10 Thomson. 3. 51-22 11'00 0'77 19'32 10'26 17'91 —, ign. 0-44=100-92 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 2'7 to a black magnetic globule, and with the fluxes gives reactions for iron and manganese. Unacted upon by acids. Obs.-Babingtonite occurs in distinct crystals at Arendal, in Norway, associated with epidote and massive garnet, and in the Shetland Isles, imbedded in white quartz. It was named after Dr. Babington; it resembles some dark varieties of pyroxene. In the United States it is said to coat crystals of feldspar, at Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. On cryst., see Dauber, Pogg., xciv. 402. Small black polished crystals coating mica slate, or micaceous gneiss, at Athol, Mass., referred by Shepard to Babingtonite, may possibly belong here. 243. SPODUNMEINE. D'Andrada, Scherer's J., iv. 30, and J. de Phys., ii. 240, 1800. - Triphane H., Tr., iv. 1801. iMonoclinic. C=69~ 40' IA I=87~, O A 2-4=130~ 30/. 221 O A i-i= 69~ 40' i-i A 2=117~ 19' 0 A 1=134 12 i-i A 2-2=125 12 " 0 A 2=110 50 i-i A 1=101 6 2./, V. i-i A 1=133 30 i-1 A 2=134 19 i-i A i-8=107 33 IA 2=145 50 2-4 A 2-4, top,=80 IA 1=1.21 28 i-4 A 2-4 —139 30 1 A 1=116 19 i 7 I i-i A 24=102 541 2 A 2=91 24 Crystals large. Cleavage: -Gi very perfect; I also perfect; 1-4 in traces; in strie on i-4. Twins, corn\ /7z7/ position-face i-i. Also massive, with broad cleavage surface. / H.=65 — 7. G.=3-13 —319; 3'17, Haidinger; 3-188, Dublin Bay, Thomson; 3-133, UtV, Rammelsberg; 3'137, Sterzing, id.; 3'182, Sterling, Smith; 3'18, Norwich, ]Brush. Lustre pearly. Cross fracture vitreous. Color grayish-green, passing into greenish-white and grayish-white, rarely faint-reddish. Streak uncolored. Translucent-subtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Comp. —it3 Si3+ 4 1l SiS=(- it3+ ~ R-) Si3=if =tLi, Silica 64'2, alumina 29'4, lithiaG 64=100. Analyses: 1, R. Hagen (Pogg., xlviii. 361); 2, Thomson (lfuin., i. 302); 3, 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxv. 544); 5-8, Smith and Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 372): Si A1 Fe Ca Li Na R A 1. Ut5 66-14 27'02 0-32 -- 3-84 2'68 -- — 100 IHagen. 2. Killiney 63'81 28-51 Fe 0'81 0'73 5'60 - - 0'36=99'84 Thom. 3. Uto 65-02 29'14 Fe tr. 0'50 547 0'46 0'14 —, Mg 015 Ramm. 4. Tyrol 65'53 29'04 Fe 1%42 0'97 4'49 0'07 00 —, Mg 0'07 Ramm. 5. Norwich 64~04 27184 0'64 0-34 5'20 0-66 0'16 0'50=99'38 S. & B. BISILICATES. 229 Si M1 Fe Oa Li 1Na k Ft 6. Norwich 63'65 28'97 0'31 5'05 0.82 -- 0'50 S. & B. 7. *' 63'90 28-70 0-26 4'99 080 -- 0'60 S. & B. 8. Sterling 64'50 25'30 2'55 0'43 5'65 1'10 - 0'30, Mg 0'06=99'89 S. & B. a With some potash; in 5, 6, 7, magnesia, tr. In a specimen from Sterling, Mass., Hagen found Si 65'247, Xl, Fe 27'556, and in another from Tyrol, Si 66'027, 1l 26'451. G. J. Brush's earlier analyses (Am. J. Sci., II. x. 310) are rejected by him. Pyr., etc. —B.B. becomes white and opaque, swells up, imparts a purple-red color (lithia) to the flame, and fuses at 3.5 to a clear or white glass. The powdered mineral,'fused with a mixture of bisulphate of potash and fluor on platinum wire, gives a more intense lithia reaction. Not acted upon by acids. Obs.-Occurs on the island of Ut5 in Siidermanland. Sweden, with magnetic iron ore, quartz, tourmaline, and feldspar; also near Sterzing and Lisens in the Tyrol, and of a pale-green or yellowish color, imbedded in granite, at Killiney Bay, near Dublin, and at Peterhead in Scotland. Occurs in granite at Goshen, Mass., associated at one locality with blue tourmaline and beryl; also at Chesterfield, Chester, Norwich, and Sterling, Mass.; at Windham, Maine, near the bridge, along with garnet and staurotide; at Winchester, N. H.; at Brookfield, Ct., a few rods north of Tomlinson's tavern, in small grayish or greenish-white individuals looking like feldspar; near Ballground, Cherokee Co., Ga. At Norwich, Mass., it is associated with triphyline, mica, beryl, and albite; one crystal from this locality was 161 inches long, and 10 inches in girt. Fig. 221 is of a crystal from this locality, and is two-thirds the natural size. Well terminated crystals, having the terminal planes 2-i, 1, 0, have been observed by A. B. IKittredge at the Sterling locality. Crystals also occur at Goshen. Named from n7rd6s, ashes, because the mineral becomes ash-colored before the blowpipe. The following are the angles obtained by the author, with the common goniometer, from the Norwich crystals: 0 A i-i=69~ 40', i-i A I-133~ 30', i-i A i-3 —10~. 2-i A 2-i, top, =800, i-i A 2-i =139~ 45', i-i A 2-i=103~, i-iA 2=1160, i-i A 1=100~ 30', i-i A x —=140~, i-i A 2=134~, i-3 A 2= 142~, IA 2=144~, 1 A 1-llV~, 2 A 2=92~. 244. PEITALITE. Petalit dPAndrada, Scherer's J., iv. 36, 1800. Castor (fr. Elba) Breith., Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxix. 436, 1849. 222 Monoclinic. C= 67 34'- 0, below, on i-i; I A 1= 86~......... 20' (870-87~ ~ observed), 0 A 2 —-=126~ 2'; a: b' = 2 0'64511: 1: 0-8670. Observed planes: 0; vertical, j i-, i-i; clinodome, 2-4; hemidomes, -A-i, -2-1-, 4- -i (cleavage). O A I-1050 8' O A 4-i, adj.,=-90~ 23' O A I, back,- 74 52 0 A 9-i, adj.,=117 27 -2i O A -~-i-149 7 -2-i A ad —i, ov. i-i,=101 10 O A -2-i- 141 23 i-i A -2-i-151 3 O A -1-i-154 26 i-4 A 1=136 50\ / 0 A i-a=99 19 i- A i —=154 52 O A i-4=90 i-2 A i-, ov. 1,=50 15 Observed cleavage angles of petalite: O A -2-i=141~ 30', 0 A — i 117 -- 118o, -2-i A 9-i-100 0 — 1010. Cleavage: O perfect; -2-i easy.,-i quite difficult or imperfect. Also massive, cleavable.. —6 —6-5. G.-2-39-2-5. Lustre of O, or face of most perfect cleavage, pearly; elsewhere vitreous. Colorless, white, gray, occasionally reddish. or greenish-white. Streak uncolored. Translucent. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry and parallel very nearly to 0; bisectrix acute, positive; angle, in oil, for the red rays 86~ 27X', yellow 86~ 42'. 230 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Var. —. Castorite, in distinct transparent crystals, affording the above angles and figure, according to Descloizeaux. G.=2-38, Breith.; 2'397-2'405, Damour. 2. Ordinary petalite, cleavable massive; and G.=2-42, Arfvedson; 2'45, Dr. Clarke; 2'426, C. G. Gmelin; 2'412, 2'420, 2'465, 2'448, 2-553, Damour, the last two from different parts of the same Ut6 specimen, and indicating, according to Damour, that the mineral is mixed with more or less quartz and feldspar. The cleavage — i has been observed only in petalite. Comp. —O. ratio for R,, Si=l: 4: 20, Berz.; (I Al3+4 ) Si3+ 3 Si; or else with one-third of the excess of silica (3 Si) basic; =Silica 77'7, alumina 17'8, lithia 3.3, soda, 1'2= 100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Schw. J., xxii. 93); 2, Gmelin (Gilb. Ann., lxii. 399); 3, 4, R. Hagen (Pogg., xlviii. 361); 6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxv. 553); 6, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 296); 7, 8, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 373); 9, Plattner (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxix. 443): Si;l Li Na 1. Ut5 79'212 17'225 5-761 =-102'198 Arfvedson. 2. " 7417 17-41 5'16 Ca 0'32, ign. 217 =99-23 Gmelin. 3. "'77812 17-194 2-692 2'302=100 R. Hagen. 4. " 77-067 18-000 2'660 2'273=100 R. Hagen. 5. " 77' 79 18'58 3'30 1'19=100 Rammelsberg.'6. " reddish 76'74 18-66 2-69 —, e 0'08, Mn 1'0, Msg 1'0 I 0'97=99'95 W. 7. Bolton, Mass. 77-95 16-63 3'74 0'48, Fe 0-62, K, Ca, tr., Mg 0'21, ign. 0-60=100'23 Smith & Brush. 8. " 77'90 15'85 3'52 0'53,.e 0:51, iK, Ca, gr., Mg 0-26 ign 0'70 S. & B. 9. Elba, Castorite 78-01 18'86 2-76 (with tr. K, Na)=100'24 Plattner. G.=2'392. The protoxyds in castorite are less than in petalite in the analysis made. But its cleavages, according to Rose, are like those of petalite, and its optical characters, according to Descloizeaux. Breithaupt still urges that they are distinct (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 35), and mentions their difference in sp. gr. as a prominent distinction. Pyr., etc.-Gently heated emits a blue phosphorescent light. B.B. on charcoal becomes glassy, subtransparent. and white, and melts only on the edges; gives the reaction of lithia. With borax it forms a clear, colorless glass. Not acted on by acids. Obs.-Petalite occurs at the iron mine of Utd, accompanying lepidolite, tourmaline, spodumene, and quartz; on Elba (castorite) in attached crystals; at Bolton, Mass., with scapolite; according to Bigsby, in a boulder containing tremolite, at York, near Toronto, Canada. Lithia was first discovered in this mineral by Arfvedson. The name petalite is from rsrTaXov, a lecf. and alludes to the cleavage. On cryst. of castorite and petalite, see Descl., Ann. Ch. Phys., IV. iii. 264, 1864, and Pogg., cxxii. 648. Descloizeaux, who gives the above figure, points out the isomorphism with spodumene, and the fact that the 0. ratio differs by a multiple of 2 for the silica, it being 1: 4: 10 for spodumene and 1: 4: 20 for petalite. 245. HUPFFFERITE. Kupfferit (fr. the Tunkinsk Mts.) R. Hermann, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxv. 243, 1862. Anthophyllite pt. Antholith pt. Kenng. Monoclinic. IAI=124~ 15' —124~ 30'. Cleavage: I perfect. In aggregations of prisms, like actinolite.. —55. G.-3-308, fr. Ilmen Mts. Lustre vitreous. Color emeraldgreen; brownish on weathering. Translucent in thin splinters. Comp.-M-g Si, with but little Fe replacing the lIg, like enstatite, it being an enstatite hornblende colored by chrome. Analyses: 1, Hermann (1. c., and J. pr. Ch., lxxxviii. 195); 2, 3, Heintz (Pogg., lviii. 168); 4, Lappe (Pogg., xxxv. 486); 5, Sackur (Ramm. Min. Ch., 472); 6, Thomson (Rec. Gen. Sci., iii. 336): Si;1 Vr Fe Ni Mg Ca Alk. Ign. 1. Ilmen Mts. 57'46 - 121 6'c)5 0'65 30'88 2-94 tr. 0'81=100 Hermann. 2. Pinel, asbest. 59-23 0'19 - 8-27 -- 31-02 -- - 1'31=100 Heintz. 3. Tschussovaja 58'72 0'19 8'10 - 30'90 - - 1'58=99'49 Heintz. 4. Koruk 58'48 - - 9'22 - 31'38 0'04 - —, Mn 0'88=100 L. 5. Kupferberg, anth. 55'59 403 - 840 - 30'46 1'76 - — =100'24 Sackur. 6. Perth, Can., " 57'60 3'20 -- 2'10 - 2930 3-55 - 3'55=99'30 Thomson. Analyses 2-6 are referred here because of the approximation to kupfferite in composition. The Perth mineral (received thus labelled by Dr. Thomson from Dr. Holmes) is almost purely a BISILICATES. 231 magnesian silicate; it was a "congeries of imperfect crystals, and looked like anthophyllite;' G.=2-701. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube traces of water; otherwise unchanged. B.B. in the forceps becomes opaque white, but does not fuse. In borax dissolves, giving a chrome-green glass. Obs.-The original kupfferite, from a graphite mine in the Tunkinsk Mts., is a chromiferous amphibole. The analyses here given are from a mineral of similar kind from near Minask, in the Ilmen Mts. The former has not been analyzed. Kokscharof has also found it near the Sanarka river, Urals. Named after the Russian physicist Kupffer. 246. ANTHEOPHYPLLITE. Anthophyllit (fr. Norway) Schumacher, Verzeichn., 96, 1801. Antophyllit Karst., Tab., 32, 1808. Anthogrammit Breith., Char., 29, 1820. Antholith Breith., Uib., 38, 1830. Orthorhlombic. IA I= 125 to 125" 25'. Observed planes: 1, i-7, i-i. Cleavage: i-i perfect, less so, i-i difficult. Commonly lamellar, or fibrous massive; fibres often very slender. 1I.=5-5. G.-=31 —32. Lustre somewhat pearly upon a cleavage-surface. Color brownish-gray, yellowish-brown, brownish-green, sometimes submetallic. Streak uncolored or grayish. Translucent to subtranslucent. Brittle. Double refraction positive; optical axes in the brachydiagonal section. Comp. —e Si+3 lfg Si=(~ IFe+- Mg) Si=Silica 55-5, magnesia 27-8, protoxyd of iron 16-7 =100. Analyses: 1, L. Gmelin(Leonh. Orykt., 515, 1826); 2, Vopelius (Pogg., xxiii. 355); 3, Pisani (Descl. Min., i., 536): Si 3[1 Fe Mn Mg Ca ft 1. Kongsberg 56 3 13 4 23 2 — =101 Gmelin. 2. " 56-74 -- 13-94 2'38 24'35 ----- 167=9908 Vopelius. 3. i" 56-16 2-65 14'13 0-91 23'19 1'51 2'38-100'93 Pisani. GEDRITE of Dufrenoy (Ann. d. M., III. x. 582, 1836) has a different composition from that of anthophyllite; but it is still referred here by Descloizeaux on the ground of optical identity and similarity of cleavage. Analyses: 1, Dufrenoy (1. c.); 2, 3, Pisani (L'Institut, 1861, 190): -i 11 Pe Mig Ca ft 1. 38'81 9-31 45'83 4'13 0'67 2'30=101'05 Dufrenoy. 2. 42-86 16-52 18-82 15-51 1-90 4-50=100'11 Pisani. 3. 43-58 17'07 15-96 18'30 0-75 3-92=99-58 Pisani. Pisani's analyses afford the 0. ratio for iR,, Si, A, 11: 8: 23~: 3~. Pyr., etc. —i.B. fuses with great difficulty to a black magnetic enamel; with the fluxes gives reactions for iron; unacted upon by acids. Obs.-Occurs in mica schist with hornblende and mica in thin and long plates and fibres near Kongsberg in Norway, and with gray cobalt near Modum. This species, originally instituted upon the Norwegian mineral analyzed by Gmelin and Vopehus, and regarded as distinct by many later authors, including Mohs, but united to hornblende by others, has recently been proved to be an independent species by Descloizeaux (Min., i. 75), whose optical examinations have shown that the crystals are orthorhombic instead of monoclinic. Only the mineral of the Norwegian localities above mentioned is at present here included, the so-called anthophyllite from Fiskenaes in Greenland (occurring with sapphirine), from Bavaria, Finland, and other Norwegian localities, besides the cummingtonite, of Cummington, Mass., being true hornblende in optical characters. Descloizeaux has later announced (C. R., lxii., 987) that some anthophyllite is monoclinic. The gedrite is from the valley of HIIas, near Ggdres, France, and contains microscopic black spinels (picotite). Named from anthophyllum, the clove, in allusion to the clove-brown color, as Schumacher states. 232 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 246A. PIDDINGTONITE, Haidinger (Ber. Ak. Wien, xli., 251, 1860). -The ash-gray mass of the meteorite of Shalka, in Bancoorah, consisting in part of grains having two easy cleavages inclined to one another 100~, with H.-=6-5; G.=3-412, Haid., 3'66, Piddington; and fracture resinous, and containing small imbedded grains of chromite. Von Hauer obtained Si 57'66, Al tr., Fe 20'65, Mg 19'00, Ca 1-53=98-84, which is nearly the composition of anthophyllite. The meteorite was first described by H. Piddington in the J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, xx. 299, 1852. 247. AMPYHIBOLE. Skorl (=SchSrl)pt. Wall., 1747 (excluding Amiantus, Bergkork, etc. and Asbestus). Skirl pt., Strblskdrl (=Strailstein) Cronst., Min., 1158 (excl. Asbestus=Amianthus) and Bergkork, id. Hornblende Wern., Bergm. J., 1789 (excl. Strahlstein and Asbest). Hornblende Karst., Tab., 1791 (excl. Strahlstein, Tremolit, and Asbest). Id. (excl. also Smaragdit pt). Karst. Tab., 1800, 1808; id. Ullmann, 1814, and Jameson, 1817. Amphibole (incl. Actinote) H., Tr., 1801 (excl. Grammatite=Tremolite and Asbeste). Amphibole (incl. Actinote and Grammatite) H., Tabl., 1809 (excl. Asbeste). Heterotyp (incl. Asbestus, Bronzite, Hypersth., Anthoph. with other varieties) fiausm., Handb., 1813. Hornblende Jameson, Syst., 1820 (excl. Actinolite, Tremolite, Asbestus, Carinthine). Monoolinic. C'T75~ 2', IA ]=124~ 30', O A 1-4-164~ 10', c: b: c= 0'5527: 1:18825. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-3, iz-, i-3; clinodome, 2-4, 4-4; hernidome, 1-i, 2-i, -1-i; hemioctahedral planes in zone O ] 1, 2, -1; id. in zone 1; i4-, 3-3, 54-,-3-3. 223 224 -Oi/"~ 228 229 230 Hi f 21 230'~~~lglli-9 r.. -1 ll-i.i.. O A 1-i=155~ 33' O A 2-i —150~ 26' i-4A 3 — 1300~15' O A 1-i=149 O A i — 90 24- A 2 ov. 0, - 120 52 0 A 2-i=124 56 O A I=103 12 -1 A-1-154 26 O A i-i=104 58 i-/ A i-3-99 57 1 A 1-148 28 O A-1=152 36 i4- A i —147 39 2 A 2-13136 O A 1=145 35 i-s A i-A-115 18 -3-A A -3 -— 111 32 O A 2-121 29 i-4 A -3- =124 14 3-A A 3 —-99 30 Crystals sometimes stout, often long and bladed. Cleavage: I highly perfect; i-i, i-, sometimes distinct. Lateral planes often longitudinally striated. Twins: composition-face i-i, as in f. 226 (simple form f. 225), and 230. Imperfect crystallizations: fibrous or columnar, coarse or fine, fibres often like flax; sometimes lamellar; also granular massive, coarse or fine, and usually strongly doherent, but sometimes friable. BISILICATES. 233 -.=5 —6. G. =29-3 4. Lustre vitreous to pearly on cleavage-faces; fibrous varieties often silky. Color between black and white, through various shades of green, inclining to blackish-green. Streak uncolored, or paler than color. Sometimes nearly transparent; usually subtranslucent-opaque. Fracture subeonchoidal, uneven. ]Bisectrix, in most varieties, inclined about 60~ to a normal to O0 and 15~ to a normal to i-i; and double refraction negative. See exceptions, p. 235. Comp., Var. —R Si, and (R3 A) (Si, 1l3) as for pyroxene. Alumina is present in most amphibole, and when so it usually replaces silica. R may correspond to two or more of the bases Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Na, K, AI; and TI to Al, Fe, or Mn. Fe sometimes replaces silica, like Al. Rammelsberg made out the general conformity of amphibole to the pyroxene formula by discovering that the iron in both species was often partly sesquioxyd (Pogg., ciii. 284, and Min. Ch., 468). Yet the analyses do not all accord with this view, part giving the ratio 1: 21, unless the water is made basic. Much amphibole, especially the aluminous, contains some fluorine. The base lime is absent from some varieties, or nearly so. The name Amnphibole, proposed by Harly, has the precedence, because Hafiy first rightly appreciated the species, as he had done for pyroxene, and gave it, and not any of its varieties, the name. In his Traite, in 1801, he brought together hornblende and actinolite; and by 1809 he had added to the group the third prominent variety, tremolite; while in all other works not taking their views from him, these three minerals still stood as distinct species. Asbestus was annexed to the series by Hausmann in 1813, though kept separate long afterward by many other authors. The varieties of amphibole are as numerous as those of pyroxene, and for the same reasons; and they lead in general to similar subdivisions. I. CONTAINING LITTLE OR NO ALUMINA. 1. Magnesia-Lime Amphwibole; TREMOLITE. (Tremolit Pini, de Saussure, Voy. Alpes, iv. ~ 1923, 1796. Grammatite H., Tr., iii. 1801. Kalamit [fr. Normark, Sw.) Wern., Tasch. Min., x. 169, 1816. Calamite. Raphilite Thom., Min., i. 153, 1836. Sebesit [fr. Sebes, Transylvania] in Breith. Handb., 539, 1847. Nordenski5ldit, Kenng., Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 291, 1854.) Colors white to dark-gray. In distinct crystals, either long bladed or short and stout; long and thin columnar, or fibrous; also compact granular massive. IA — 124~ 30'. H.=50.-6'5. G. 29- -3 1. Sometimes transparent and colorless. Contains magnesia and lime with little or no iron; formula (Ca Mg) Si. Named Tremolite by Pini, from the locality at Tremola in Switzerland. Grammatite (from ypta/lr4, a line) alludes to a line in the direction of the longer diagonal seen by Haiiy on transverse sections of some crystals. It was substituted for tremolite by Haily, without reason, and is a very bad substitute. Nordenski6ldite, from Ruscula, near Lake Onega, is tremolite (Kenngott and v. Hauer, 1. c.). Raphilite, from Lanark in Canada, is tremolite in its grayish-white or but slightly greenish color, and its low specific gravity (G.=2'85, Thomson;. 2'845, Hunt). But both Hunt's and Thomson's analyses give over 5'30 p. c. of protoxyd of iron. In a letter to the author (dated Sept. 21, 1864) Hunt states that he obtained in one of his trials, from material which he had purified from mixed Oa C, only 3'15 of protoxyd of iron, with Ca 12-05 and Si 57-20; and he adds that he regards this as nearer the true composition of the mineral. 1 a. N PERITE pt. (Pietra di hijada [fr. Mexico or Peru] Span. Lapis nephriticus A. Clutius, Dissert., 1627; C. Bartholinus, Opusc., 1628; de Boot, Gemrm., 1609. Lapis Indicus Aldrovandus, Met., p. 706. Talcum nephriticum Linn., 1768. Jade, Pierre niphretique, d'Argenville, Oryct., 186, 1755; Sage, de Lisle, etc. Nephrit Wern., Ueb. Cronst., 185, 1180. Kidney Stone. Nierenstein, Beilstein, Germ.) Nephrite is in part a tough, compact, fine-grained tremolite, having a tinge of green or blue, and breaking with a splintery fracture and glistening lustre. H.=6-6'5. G. —296 —3'1. Named from a supposed efficacy in diseases of the kidney, from veCp6E, kidney. It iccurs usually associated with talcose or magnesian rocks. Nephrite or jade was brought in the form of carved ornaments from Mexico or Peru soon after the discovery of America. Del Rio, in his Mexican Mineralogy (1795), mentions no Mexican locality. A similar stone comes from China and New Zealand. A nephrite-like mineral, called bowenite, from Smithfield, R. I., having the hardness 5'5, is serpentine in composition. The jade of de Saussure is the sau-ssurite (see iunder ZOISITE) of the younger de Saussure, earlier named lemanite by Delametherie. Another aluminous jade has been called jadeite (q. v.) by Damour. The Easton mineral is a mixture, and has been named pseudonephrite (q. v.). 2. Magnesia-Lime-Iron Amphibole; ACTINOLITE (Stralsk5rl pt. Cronst., 1. c. Stralistein Germ. Actynolite Kirw., ]Mmin., i. 16T, 1794. Actinolite (correct orthogr.). Schorl vert du Zillerthal, 234 OXYGEN COMPOUINDS. Zillerthite, Delameth., T. T., ii. 357, 1797. Actinote H., Tr., iii. 1801). Color bright-gretn and grayish-green. In crystals, either short or long-bladed, as in tremolite; columnar or fibrous; granular massive. G.=3-3 2. Sometimes transparent. Contains magnesia and lime, with some protoxyd of iron, but seldom more than 6 p. c.; formula (Ca, Sg, Fe) Si. The variety in long bright-green crystals is called glassy actinolite; the crystals break easily across the prism. The fibrous and radiated kinds are often called asbestiform actinolite and radiated actinolite. Actinolite owes its green color to the iron present. Named actinclite from'aKTr, a ray, and Xi>og, stone, as translation of the German strahlstein or radiated stbne. Name changed to actinote by Hafiy, without reason. Tremolite graduates into actinolite through an increase in the proportion of iron, though generally easily distinguishable by its color. Asbestus has usually a grayish-white or greenish-white color, although actinolite in the proportion of iron; and the raphilite (see preceding page) appears to shade into actinolite in composition. Tremolite does not differ in color from the aluminous variety, edenite, from Edenville, N. Y. (p. 235). 3. Magnesia-Iron Amphibole; ANTHOLITE (Anthophyllite pt. (p. 231). Antholith pt. Kenng., Ueb. 1859, 68, 1860). Structure as in anthophyllite. Color gray to brown; G.-3'1 —32. Contains much magnesia, with some iron, and little or no lime. Formula (Mg, Fe) Si. Graduates into kupfferite, p. 230. 4. Magnesia-Lime-Manganese Amphibole; RiCUTERITE. A variety from Paisberg is here included (anal. 34), described by Igelstrim, and affording the formula (Mg, SMn, Ca, Ki, Na) Si, and containing 8 to 9 p. c. of alkali, which may possibly be a result of alteration. IA I-=124~; color pale-yellowish to brown. Igelstrim considers the richterite of Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 364, 1865) the same mineral, as it has the same general aspect and similar composition, excepting half less manganese; B1reithaupt describes it as occurring in acicular crystals, affording the prismatic angle 133~ 38' (which is within 5' of IA i-i of pyroxene); with G.=2-826; color isabella-yellow, rarely pale yellowish-brown; B.B. very fusible. It resembles the kokscharoffite from L. Baikal, though unlike it in composition (p. 242). 5. Iron-Magnesia Amlphibole; CUMMINGTONITE (Dewey, Am. J. Sci., viii. 59, 1824. Anthophyllite pt. Not Cummingtonite [-Rhodonite] Ramm.). Color gray to brown. Usually fibrous or fibro-lamellar, often radiated. G.-=3'1 —3'32. Contains much iron, with some magnesia, and little or no lime. Formula (Fe, Mg) Si. Named from the locality, Cummington, Mass. 6. Iron-Manganese Amphibole; DANNEMORITE (Jern-och-manganoxidulrik Hornblende A. Erdmann, Dannemora Jernm., 52, 1851. Dannemorit Kenng., Ueb. 1855, 61, 1856). Color yellowishbrown to greenish-gray. Columnar or fibrous,. like tremolite and asbestus. Contains iron and manganese; formula (Fe, Sln) Si. In thin pieces B.B. fuses to a dark slag. Asbeferrite of Igelstrmrn (B. H. Ztg., xxvi. 23, 1867) is similar; it is grayish-white to ash-gray, and like a gray asbestus; in acids not soluble (anal. 39). The proportion of Mn is not stated, and it may be cummingtonite. 7. Iron Amphibole; GlUNERITE (Pyroxene ferrugineux (fr. Collobrieres) Griiner, C. R., xxiv. 194; Grilnerit Kenng., Min., 69, 1853). Asbestiform, or lamellar-fibrous. Lustre silky; color brown; G. —=3713. Formula Fe Si. Optical properties those of amphibole, according to Descloizeaux (Min., i. 59). Appendix. 8. ASBESTUS ('A~pavros A0oos Dioscor., v. 155. [Not da6r-ros [=Quicklime] Dioscor., v. 133.] Asbestos, Linum vivum, Amiantus, Plin., xix. 4, xxxvi. 31. Lapis Carystius (fr. Carystum) Pausanias. Lana montana. Amiantus, Asbestus, Agric., Foss., 253, 1546; Wall., Min., 140, 143, 1747 (Caro montana or B'rgk6tt-Mountain leather, and Suber montanum or B]rgkoark —= ountain cork, being included.) Asbestus, Amianthus, Carystine (=Mtn. leather and cork), Hill, Foss., 166, 1771. Kymatin Breith., Uib. 1830, Char., 113, 1832. Byssolite (fr. Bourg d'Oisans) Saussure, Voy. Alpes, ~ 1696; Asbestiide (ib.) Vauq. & Macquart, Bull. Soc. Philom., No. 54, 1797; Amianthoide (ib.) Delameth., T. T., ii. 364, 1797). Tremolite, actinolite, and other varieties of amphibole, excepting those containing much alumina, pass into fibrous varieties, the fibres of which are sometimes very long, fine, flexible, and easily separable by the fingers, and look like flax. These kinds, like the corresponding of pyroxene, are called asbestus (fr. the Greek for incombustible.) Pliny supposed it a vegetable product, although good for making incombustible cloth, as he states. The amianthus of the Greeks and Latins was the same thing; the word meaning undefiled, and alluding to the ease of cleaning the cloth by throwing it into the fire. The colors vary from white to green and wood-brown. The name amianthus is now applied usually to the finer and more silky kinds. Much that is so called is chrysotile, or fibrous serpentine, it containing 12 to 14 p. e. of water. Mountain leather is a kind in thin flexible sheets, made of interlaced fibres; and mountain cork (bergkork) the same in thicker pieces; both are so light as to float on water, and they are often hydrous. Mountain wood (Bergholz, Holzasbest, Germ.) is compact fibrous, and gray to brown in color, looking a little like dry wood. Byssolite (Amianthoid, asbestoid) fr. Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiny, is of an olive-green color, BISILICATES. 235 coarse and stiff fibrous, and has G.=3-0; it is a fibrous variety of the iron-manganese amphibole, according to Vauquelin & Macquart (1. c.). It occurs associated with a black oxyd of manganese. II. ALUMINOuS. 9. Aluminous Magnesia-Lime Amphibole. (a) EDENITE. (Edenit Breith., Handb., 558, 1847). Color white to gray and pale-green, and also colorless; G.=30 —3'059, Ramm.; 2'9, Breith. Resembles anthophyllite and tremolite. Formula (Mg, 0a)(Si, El1f). Named from the locality at Edenville, N. Y. To this variety belong various pale-colored amphiboles, having less than five p. c. of oxyds of iron. Breithaupt makes the edenite triclinic in B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 428, and he says that this is confirmed by Dauber. On an examination of crystals, the author sees no reason for adopting this conclusion. (b) SMARAGDITE Saussure (Voy..Alpes, iv. ~ 1313, 1362, 1796. Diallage verte pt. H., 1801; Green Diallage pt. Diallagon Ullmann, Tab., 90, 1814). A thin-foliated variety, of a light grass-green color, resembling much common green diallage. According to Boulanger it is an aluminous magnesia-lime amphibole, containing less than 31 p. c. of protoxyd of iron, and is hence related to edenite and the light green Pargas mineral. Descloizeaux observes (Min., i. 90) that it has the cleavage, and apparently the optical characters, of amphibole. H.=5; G.-3, Vauq.; 3'10, Boulanger. It forms, along with whitish or greenish saussurrite, a rock. The original mineral is from Corsica, and the rock is the corsilyte of Pinkerton, and the verde di Corsica duro of the arts. A similar smaragdite from Bacher consists, according to Haidinger, of alternate laminm of amphibole and pyroxene in twin composition. The euphotide of the Alps resembles corsilyte in containing a smaragdite-like mineral (green diallage). But Hunt states that the mineral has the cleavage of pyroxenue, which our own examinations have not succeeded in confirming. 10. Aluminous Miagnesia-Lime-Iron Amphibole. (a) PARGASITE; (b) HORNBLENDE. (Corneus fissilis pt., Corneus solidus pt., C. crystallisatus pt., HornbUrg, Skidrl pt., Wall., Min., 138, 139, 1747. Skdrl pt., Basaltes pt., Bolus particulis squamosis pt., Cronst., 70, 82, 1758. Schorl opaque rhomboidal pt., Schorl argileux pt., de Lisle, Crist., ii. 389 (pl. iv., f. 97, 99), 424, 1783. Basaltische Hornblende Wern., Bergm. J., 1789 (incl. also augite). Basaltische H. (augite excl.) Iern., 1792, and later; Karst., Tab., 1800. Pargasit Steinheil, 1814, Tasch., Min. 1815, 301. Amphibolit Breith., Char., 1823, Uib., 34, 1830. Diastatit (fr. Wermland) Breith., Char., 134, 1832. Syntagmatit (fr. Vesuvius), Wallerian, Breilh., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 428, 1865. Colors bright, dark, green, and bluish-green to grayish-black and black. IA 1=1 24~ 1'-1- 24~ 25'; G.=3'05 —3'47. Pargasite is usually made to include green and bluish-green kinds, occurring in stout lustrous crystals, or granular; and hornblende the greenish-black and black kinds, whether in stout crystals or long bladed, columnar, fibrous, or massive granular. But no line can be drawn between them. Pargasite occurs at Pargas, Finland, in bluish-green and grayish-black crystals. Optical characters in general the same as for tremolite and actinolite (p. 233). But in one black crystal of hornblende (fr. Bilin?) Descloizeaux found one bisectrix to be parallel to the plane i-i, and the other normal to it. Again, in the bluish or black pargasite, from Pargas, the bisectrix is inclined 32. 58' to a normal to O, and 108~ to a normal to i-i; and double refraction is positive. Descloiseaux observes that these distinctions are not sufficient to warrant the separation of these minerals. (a) Diastatile is a black hornblende from Nordmark in Wermland, stated by Breithaupt to have IAI=120~ 20', and G.=3'08 —311. (b) Syntagmatite is the Vesuvius black hornblende, analyzed by Rammelsberg (No. 29), in which he found IA I= 124~ 8', G. -3' 2 2. (c) According to Breithaupt, IA Iin two hornblendes from Greenland is 123~ 59' and 124~ 0', with G.=3'462 and 3'383; two from Arendal in Norway, 124~ and 124~ 1~', with G.08 —301 and 3'229; one from Persberg in Sweden, 124~, with G.= —3818; two from Schmalzgrube, near Marienberg in Saxony, 124~ 5' and 124~ 11', with G. —3'333 and 3 290; one from Rhonsberg in Bohemia, 124~ 6', with G. =3352. The preceding are of Breithaupt's Amphibolus ferrosus. For a basaltic hornblende, from Wetterau or Bilin (A. basalticus Br.) analyzed by Bonsdorff and Struve (Anal. 17, 21), Breithaupt gives IA\I=1240 39' 38"', and G.=317 —325; for one from the zircon-syenite of Laurvig and Fredriksvmrn in Norway (A. saxosus Br.) IAI1124~ 7', and G.= —2 26 —229; for one of greenish-black color from Ersby near Pargas in Finland, analyzed by Hisinger and Bonsdorff, anal. 10, 11 (A., medius Br.), IAI=1240 15', and G.=3n14-3-17; for one of green to greenish-black color, from Saualpe in Carinthia, analyzed by Clausbruch, anal. 20 (A. Carinthinus Br., and Carinthine W.), IAI=124~ 22', and G.=3-08 —310; for one from Pargas, occurring in limestone with chondrodite, etc., analyzed by Bonsdorff and Gmelin (A.pargasites Br., or Pargasite), IA 1=124~ 10', and G. —306-3-08; for one of greenish-black to blackishgreen color, from Kongsberg in Norway, analyzed by Kudernatsch (A. macrodiagonalis Br.), I1=-124~ 26' and G.=3'06 —308 236 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Diastatite of Breithaupt (A. diastaticuzs), in its angle IAI —120~ 20', if this be not an accidental irregularity, -diverges widely from true hornblende. Breithaupt has called a velvet-black. hornblende from Nordmark in Wermland Hermiprismatischer AAmphibol (Char., 135, 1832; Handb., iii. -546); it is stated to have IAI=124~ 26', and to be triclinic, the angle between the macrodiagonal and the left face of a clinodome being 27~ 40', and that for the right face 27~ 54', and the cleavages parallel to the prismatic planes I, I', unequal. G.=3'16-3'18. The analyses by Bonsdorff and Hisinger, Nos. 11, 28, he refers here. He has recently named it Hemiprismatites Wallerianus or Wallerian,. Breithaupt also observes that his A. medius (see above) has unequal cleavages, and is probably related to the wallerianite. The grayish to colorless hornblende from Edenville, called by him Edenite (see p. 235), he also refers to his genus Hermiprismatites. 11. Aluminous Ilron-Lime Anphibole; NORALITE Dana. Color black. 12. Alumzinous I-ron-lManganese Amphibole; GAMSIGRADITE Breith. (B. H. Ztg.. xx. 51, 1861). Color velvet-black. G.=3 12. Named from the locality, Gamsigrad in Servia, where it forms with white feldspar a rock called timazyte. Mangan-amnphibol of Hermann (Cummingtonite Rammelsberg, and Hermannite Kenngott) is nothing but rhodonite of Cummington, Mass., erroneously analyzed. I. CONTAINING LITTLE OR NO ALUMINA. 1. Tremolile: Magnesia-Lime Amaphibole. Analyses: 1, 2, Bonsdorff (Schw. J., xxxi. 414, xxxv. 123); 3, Michaelson (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1863, 196); 4, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xvi.); 5, Richter (Pogg., lxxxiv. 353); 6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 295); 7, Lechartier (Bull. Soc. Ch., II. iii. 381); 8, 9, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 10, Beudant (Ann. d. M., II. v. 307); 11, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 12, id. (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 347). 2. Actinolite: Magnesia-Lime-Iron Amnphibole. 13, Bonsdorff (1. c.); 14, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., vi. 333); 15, Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xii, 213, Phil. Mag., IV. i. 322); 16, Furuhjelm (Arppe, Undersokn, p. 69, Ramm. Min. Ch., 471); 17, 18, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 19, Richter (1. c.); 20, Pipping (Berz. Jahresb., xxvii. 252); 21, v. Merz (Viert. Ges. Zurich, 1861, Kenng., 1860); 22, Schwalbe (ib., vii. 20, Kenng., 1861, 68; 23, Michaelson ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1863, ]99); 24, Murray(Ramm. 2d Suppl., 60); 25, Bonsdorff(l. c.); 26, Rammelsberg (1st Suppl., 73); 27, Meitzendorf (Pogg., lii 626); 28, Scheerer (Pogg., lxxxiv. 331); 29, Richter (ib.); 30, Scheerer-(l. c.). 3. Antholite: Magnesia-Iron Amphibole. 31, Thomson (Rec. Gen. Sci., xvii); 32, Beck (This Min., 1850, 692); 33, Lappe (Pogg., xxxv. 486). 4. Mflagnesia-Lime-Manganese Amphibole. 34, Igelstrom (Eyfv. Ak. Stockh. 1867, 12, B. H. Ztg., 1867, 21); 35, Michaelson (1. c.) 5. Cummingtonite: Iron-Magnesia Amphibole. 36, 37, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 48). 6. Dannemorite: Iron-Manganese Amphibole. 38, Erdmannl(Dannemora Jern-Upsala, Stockholm, 1851, 51); 39, Igelstr6m (B. H1. Ztg., xxvi. 23). 7. Grilnerite: Iron Amphibole. 40, Gruiner (C. R., xxiv. 794). 8. Nephrite. 41, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxii. 148); 42,. 43, Schafhiiutl (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlvi. 338); 44, 45, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xvi.); 46, 47, Scheerer (Pogg., lxxxiv. 379); 48, 49, L. R. v. Fellenberg (Nat.. Ges. Bern, 1865, 112): 1. TREMOLITE: Magnesia-Lime Amphibole. Si Fl Fe in Mg Ca A 1. Wermland, w. 59'75 tr. 050 -- 25-00 14-71 010, F 0'90=100'36B. 2. Fahlun, w. 60-10 0'42 1'00 0-47 24-31 12-73 0'15, F 0-78=9996 B3. 3. " ale green 57-32 1'09 1'18 0'85 24-70 13-61 0-20, F 0'35=99'30 Mich. 4. St. Gothard, w. 58-07 - 182 -- 24-46 12'99 — =97'34 Damour. 5. " w. 60-60 0-32 0-50 - 25'43 11'85 1'20 (& F)=99-90 Richter. 6. " w. (2) 58-55 - 26-63 13-90 0'34 (& F)=99'42 Ramm. 7. w4 W. (2) 59-02 0'35 2-81 24-07 12-53 1-62=100-40 Lechartier. 8. Sweden, ywh. 58-87 1'77 - 28'19 11'00 0-18 (& F)=100'01 Ramm. 9. Maneetsok, Gd., ywh. 54-71'2-41 -- 23'92 1506 3-33(&F)=99'43iRamm. 10. Cziklowa 59'5 1'4 - -- 268 12'3 — =100 Beudant. 11. Gouverneur, N. Y., w. 57-40 0-38 1'36 -- 24'69 13-89 0'40 (&F)=99'12 Ramm. 12. Gulsj6 57-62 -- 0'84 - 26'12 14-90 — =99'48 Rammam BISILICATES. 237 2. ACTINOLITE; Magnesia-Lime-Iron Amphibole. Si 1 Fe Mn kg - a fI 13. Taberg, glassy 59-75 395 0'31 21-10 14:25 -, F 1'16=100'52 B. 14. Concord, Pa. 56'33 1-67 4'30 - 24-00 10-67 1'03=98 Seybert. 15. Raphilite 55'30 0'40 6-30 tr. 22'50 13'36 0'30, Na 0-80, K 0'2599'21 Hunt, 16. Degero, Finl. 58'25 1-33 6'65 20'55 12'40 — =99'18 Furuhjelm. 17. Zillerthal, cryst. 55'50 -- 6'25 -- 2256 13-46 1'29=99'06 Ramm. 18. Arendal, gy.-gn. 56'77 0'97 5'88 - 2148 13-56 220=100-86 Ramm. 19. Reichenstein 58'89 0-67 3'79 23 37 9'57 3-60=99-89 Richter. 20. Helsingfors, gy.-gn. 57'20 0-20 11'75 1'15 9'49 21'20 =100-95 Pipping. 2]. Riffelberg 57'25 0'22 6'67 0'63 21'81 12'40, F 0'83=99'81 Merz. 22. Fleschhorn 58'18 3'17 1]'27 - 16i57 1159 -, F 029=101l07 Sch. 23. Orrijarfvi, dk.-gn. 55'01 1'69 3'46 0'51 23'85 13'60 1'02, Fe 0'56, Na 0'48, K 0'38=100'56 Michaelson. 24. Taberg, Asbest us 59'50 8'60 - 1930 12'65 — =100'05 Murray. 25. Tarentaise 58'20 0-14 3'08 0-21 22-10 15.55 0-14, F 0-6=99' 45 B. 26. Kymatin'; 57-98 0'58 632 -- 22'38 12'95 - -=100'21 Ramm. 27. Zillerthal " 55-87 4'31 1-12 20'33 17T76 -=99.39 Meitzendorf. 28. Tyrol " 57'50 - 388 -- 2309 1342 2'36=100'25 Scheerer. 29. Reichenstein' 55'85 0'56 5'22 --- 2399 11'66 2'15, Ou 040 Richter. 30. Zillerthal, Rock Cork 57'20 - 4- 37 - 22-85 13'39 2'43=100'24 Scheerer. 3. ANTHOLITE; Magnesia-Iron Amnphibole; Asbestiform. 31. Tyrol, Asbestus 5492 1'64 12'60 -- 26'08 --- 528=100'52 Thomson. 32. Staten Id., " 55'20 - 11'82 30'73 -- 2-25=100 Beck. 33. Koruk " 58'48 -- 9'22 0'88 3138 004 --— =100 Lappe. 4. RIOwTEnITE; Mlagnesia-Lime-Manganese Amphibole. 34. Paisberg 52-23 - 1'35 1137 21'03 6520 —, a, 882=100 I. 35. Longban, Finl. 54'15 0-52 1~77 5'09 20'18 6'06 0'12, Fe 2-80 Na 2'77, K 6'37 = 99'83 Michaelson. 5. CUMIINGTONITE; Iron-Magnesia Amphibole. 36. Cummington 51'09 0'95 32'07 1-50 10'29 tr. 3'04, Na 0T75, k tr.= 99'69 S. & B. 37. " 50'74 0-89 33'14 1-77 10-31 tr. 3'04, Na 0'54, K tr.100'43 S. & B. 6. DAEmORITEN; Iron-Manganese Amphibole. 38. Dannemora 48-89 1-46 38-21 8-46 2'92 0'73 -=100'67 Erdmann. 39. BrunsjS, Asbeferrite 46'25 -- 40'40 10'88 247=100 Igelstrdm. 7. GRUNERITE; Iron Amphibole. 40. Collobrieres 43'9 1'9 52'2 - 11 0'5 - =996 Griner. 8. NEPHRITE. 41. China 54'68 - 215 1-39 26'01 16-06 0'68=100-97 Ramm. 42. " 58'91 1'32 2'43 0'82 2242 12'28 0'25, K 0'80=99'23 S. 43. 58'88 1'56 2'53 0-80 22'39 12'15 027, 1 080=9974 S. 44. 58'46 1'15 -- 27'09 12-06 =-98-76 Damour. 45. " 58'02 -- 112 27-19 11-82 = —98-15 Damour. 46. " 57'28 0'68 1'37 25'91 12-39 2-55=100-18 Scheerer. 47. N. Zealand 57'10 0'72 3'39 -- 23'29 ]3'48 2'50=100-48 Scheerer. 48. Swiss Lake-hab. (3)5683 -- 6-70 0'58 20-35 1302 3'18=10066Fell. 49. " " 56614 0'48 4-66 1'13 22'68 11'12 3'72=99'93 Fell. In anal. 3, G. —299; anal. 6 and 8, G.=2'93; anal. 11, G.=3'0; anal. 12, G.=3-003; anal. 17, G.=3067; anal. 18,.-=3-026; anal. 19, G.=3-004; anal. 20, G.=3-166; anal. 23, G.=3'03; anal. 41, G.=2'96; anal. 44, 45, G.=2-97. 238 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. II. ALurmwOUS VARIETIES. 1. EDENITE; Magnesia-Lime Amjphibole. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 441); 2, Cajander (J. pr. Ch., xlii. 454); 3, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 4, C. Gmelin (Ak. H. Stockh. 1816); 5, Bousdorff (Schw. J., xxxi. 414, xxxv. 123); 6, 7, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 8, Bonsdorff (1. c.). 2. Pargasite and Hornblende. 9, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 466); 10, Bonsdorff (. c.); 11, 12, Hisinger (Schw. J., xxxi. 289); 13, Suckow (Die Verwitt., 143); 14, Delesse (Ann. d. M., xvi. 323, 1849); 15, Kudernatsch (Pogg., xxxvii. 585); 16, Kussin (Ramm., Min. Ch., 492); 17, Bonsdorff (. c.); 18, Henry (G. Rose, Reise Ural, i. 383); 19, Hisinger (1. c.); 20, Clausbruch (Ramm., 1st Suppl., 72); 21, Struve (Pogg., vii. 350); 22, Rammelsberg (ib., lxxxiii. 458); 23, 24, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 111); 25, Delesse (Mem. Soc. d'emul. du Doubs, 1847); 26, Sharples (Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 271); 27, Kudernatsch (1. c.); 28, Bonsdorff (1. c.); 29-35, Ram. melsberg (Pogg., ciii. 444); 36, Delesse (Ann. d. M., xvi. 323); 37-40, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 41, Puzyrevsky (Jahrb. Min., 1856, 352); 42, Moberg (J. pr. Ch., xlii. 454); 43, Waltershausen (1. c.); 44, Hisinger (1. c.); 45, Deville (Et. G. Teneriffe, 1843). 3. NORALITE; Aluminous Iron-Lime Amrphibole. 46, 47, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 150); 48, Ram melsberg (1. c., 447); 49, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 996). 4. GAMSIGRADITE; AluminoOUS Iron-Manganese Ampnhibole. 50, Miiller (B. H. Ztg., xx. 53). 5. SMARAGDITE. 51, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 348); 52, Boulanger (Ann. d. M., viii. 159): 1. EDENITE; Aluminous Magnesia-Lime Amphibole. Si;1l Fe Pe Sin Sig Oa fga 1 ft F 1. Edenville, gy. 51671 5'75 2'86 23'37 12'42 0175 0-84 0'46 — =9812 R. 2. Storgord, Finl. 39'37 15'37 - 2'39 - 2146 1761 - -- - — =9620 0. 3. Pargas, gn. 46'12 7'56 2- 27 2122 13-70 2'48 1'29 1'10 2'16=98-50 R. 4. " pale-gn. 51175 10'93 - 397 - 1897 1004 1-83 - -- -=9749 G. 5. " " 46'26 11'48 - 3-48 0'36 19-03 13-96 061 - -- 286, gangue 0'43 - 98-47 ]Bonsdorff. 6. Monroe, bh.-gy. 45'93 12'37 4-55 tr. 21-12 ]2'22 2-24 0-98 0'59 -— =10034 R. 7. Saualpe, bn. 49'33 12'72 1'72 4-63 -- 1714 9 91 2'25 0-63 0'29 0'21=99'13 R. 8. Aker, gy. 47'21 13'94 - 228 0'57 21-86 12-73 - - 044 09 =9993 B. 2. PARGASITE and HORNBLENDE; Aluminous Magizesia-Lime-Iron Amphibole. a. Containing not over 10 p. c. of oxyd of iron. 9. Madawaska R. 55605 4'50 - 585 - 2095 13'44 - 0'35 -=100-14H. 10. Pargas 45-69 12'18 -- 7'32 0'22 18179 1383 - - 1-42=99'45 B. 11. " 41'50 15'75 - 7'75' 0-25 19-40 14'09 - 0'50 -— =97124 H. 12. Lindbo 45'37 13'82 7- -74 1-50 16-34 13-92 - 022 -=98-91 H. 13. Fillefjeld, Norw. 45'37 14'81 8'74 1'50 14'33 14'91 - - -=99'66 S. 14. Thillot, gn. 50'04 8-95 - 9'59 0-20 18'02 11'48 0-81 0'08 0-59 —, Qr 0-24= 100 Delesse. 15. Kienrudgrube 49'07 9'24 - 9 77 20-29 10-33 -- - -=98170 K. b. Containing over 10 p. c. of oxyd of iron and under 20 p. c. 16. Zsidovacz 46'0l 10'49 - 10'03 3'46 15'09 13'80 - - -— =9888 K. 17. Wetterau 42'24 13'92 14'59 0"33 13-74 12-24 - - -=97'06 B. 18. Kaltajuva 45'18 11'34 16'16 - 1755 9'87 - - =-100 10H. 19. Slitmyran 47'62 7'38 - 15-78 0-32 14-81 12'69 - - - -=98-60 H. 20. Carinthia 46'03 8'37 - 1744 18-48 10-23 - - =100'55 C 21. Bilin, Bohem. 40'08 17'59 -- 12'32 - 1350 11'01 0-89 0-18 0 18 1-04=98-57 S. 22. Hiirtlingen 42'52'11'00 16'59 13-45 12-25 1-71 1'92 -- -, Ti 101= 100'45 Ramm. 23. Etna 3975 15'29 -— 14'40 1'06 13-01 12'99 -- - 102 — =9752 W. 24. " 40'91 13'68 -1749 tr. 13-19 13'44 - 085 — =99-56 W. 25. Servance 47'40 7'15 -15-40 15-27 10'83 2'95 1'00 =100 Del. 26. Birmingham, Pa. 47'77 7'69 - 15'41 0-26 15-28 13'16 - -- — =99-57 Sh. 27. La Prese (Bormio)45'31 11'88 -- 15'93 14-28 10'49 - - -- -, Ti 0'66= 98'55 Kudernatsch 28. Nordmark, Werm.48-83'748 -18'75 1'15 13'61 10-16 - -- 0'50 0 41100'89 B. BISILICATES. 239 Si Xi e Pe Mn kg Oa STa E f F 29. Vesuvius 39'92 14'10 6'00 11'03 0'30 10-72 12-62 0-55 3-37 0.37 — =98-78 R. 30. HEirtlingen 42'52 11-00 8'30 9'12 -- 13'45 12'25 1'71 1'92 —, Ti 1'01= 101-28 Ramm. 31. Cernosin 40'65 14'31 5'81 7'18 -- 1406 12'55 1'64 1'54 0'26 -, Ti 0809910 Ramm. 32. Honnef 41'01 1304 5'38 10'75 - 13-48 9'31 1-26 1179 079 -, Ti 1-53= 98'34 Ramm. 33. Stenzelberg 39-62 14'92 10'28 7'67 0'24 1132 12-65 1'12 2-18 0-48 —, Ti 019= 99-67 Ramm. 34. Bosgolovsk 44'24 8'85 5'13 1180 -- 13'46 10-82 2'08 0-24 0'39 0'25=98'27 R. 35. Pargas 41-26 11'92 4'83 9-92 tr. 13'49 11'95 1-44 2-70 0-52 1'70=99'73 R. c. Containing over 20 p. c. of oxyds of iron and manganese united. 36. Faymont 41-99 11'66 — 2222 -- 12-59 9'55 1'02 1-47 -— =100 D. 37. Arendal 43'18 10'01 6'97 14'48 0'29 9'48 11-20 2-16 1'30 0'37 -— =94'44 R. 38. Philipstadt 37'84 12'05 4'37 12-38 0-68 12-16 14401 0'75 2'63 0'80 — =97'67 R. 39. Fredericksviirn 40'00 8'00 1010 11-04 1'03 11'51 10'26 2-72 2-53 0-60 —, Ti 0'80= 98'59 R. 40. " 40'00 7/37 10-45 13-38 1'85'751 1128 5'25 0'54 —, Ti 1-07= 98'70 Ramm. 41. Norway 37'34 12'66 10'24 9.02 0'75 10-35 11'43 4-18 2-11 1-85 — =99'93 P. 42. ]Kimito, Finl. 43-23 11'73 -2681 1'61 7'04 9'72 - ---- 100-14 M. 43. Etna, V. di Bove 4384 927 -- 2179 -- 11170 1205 -- 084 — =99'49 W. 44. Garpenberg 53'50 4'40 - 2252 0'35 11-35 4'65 060 — =97'10 H. 45. Teneriffe 46-23 9'25 29'34 -- 5'06 9'37 -- — =99'25 D. 3. NORmLITE; Aluminous Iron-Lime Amyphibole. 46. Nora, Westm'nl'd 4200 12'00 -— 30'00 0'25 2-25 11l00 - tr. 0'75 — =9825 K. 47. Fulda, Hesse 47'00 2600 -- 15'00 -- 2'00 800 - - 05 -=98 00 K. 48. Brevig 42-27 6-31 6'62 21'72 1'13 3'62 9-68 3-14 2'65 0'48, Ti 1'01= 98'63 Ramm. 49. Huttenthal 46'13 14'96 2'95 21'37 - 1-79 10-04 0'87 0'18 1'12 — =99'41 S. 4. GAmSIGRADITE; Aluminous Iron-Manganese Amphibole. 50. Gamsigrad 46-58 13'63 — 12'29 6'00 8-44 8'83 3-17 10.0 - -— =9994. 5. SMARAGDITE. 51. Alps, pale gn. 54'30 454 -- 387 -- 19-01 13'72 2'80 - 0'30 —, Ni tr., Vr 061-=9915 Hunt. 52. Corsica 40'80 ]260 - 320 1'40 11-20 23'00 -- - 5'2 —,'r 2'00= 99'40 Boulanger. In anal. 1, G.=-3059; anal. 3, G.=3'104; anal. 6, G.=3'123; anal. 7, G.-=3'102, IA I=124~ 8' —124~ 12'; anal. 8, called grammatite; anal. 9, G.=-3'-54, High Falls of the Madawaska, Can.; anal. 14, G.-3'059; 15, from near Kongsberg; anal. 16, G.=3'136; anal. 21, in basalt; 22, in trachyte; anal. 26, G.-=3'114, in syenite; anal. 29, G.-=3282, in a block from $omma; anal. 30, G.=3'270, in basaltic tufa; anal. 31, G.-=3225, in basalticwacke; anal. 32, G.=3'277; anal. 33, G.=-3'266, in trachyte; anal. 34, G.=3-214; anal. 35, G.-=3'215; 36, in diorite; anal. 37, G.-= 3-276; anal. 38, G.=-3'378; anal. 39, 40, G.-3'287, IAI=124~ 7', in zircon-syenite; anal. 41, G.=3'28, in zircon-syenite; anal. 48, G. —3428, often called zEgirine; anal. 49, G.=3'25, with magnetite; anal. 51, from euphotide of Alps; anal. 52, from euphotide of Finmalto, Corsica, G.=3 10. In the Vesuvius aml)hibole (syntagmatite Breith.) Mitscherlich found Fe 9'96 and Fe 19'30; in the HiArtlingen, respectively, 6'63 and 6'45; in the Wolsberg 13'25 and 2'59; in the Arendal, 5'69 and 14'65. The smaragdite of Corsica afforded Vauquelin, in an imperfect analysis (Beud. Min., ii. 134), Si 500, Al1 21'0, Mg 6'0, Oa 13'0, oxyd of iron 5'5, Jr 7.5, Cu 1'5=104'5. 240 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. An actinolite rock from St. Francis, Canada, afforded T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 466) Si 52'30, A1 1'30, Mg 21-50, Ca 15-00, Fe 6'75, Ni tr., ign. 3-10-99-95. The Byssolite of Saussure, Datuphiny, as analyzed by Vauquelin and Macquart (J. Soc. Philom., No. 54), afforded Si 47, Fe 20, Mn 10'0, Mg 9'3, Ca 11'3-95-6. Occurs with a black oxyd of manganese. The analysis by Thomson (Ann. Lyc. N. H. N. York, iii. 50), referred by Shepard to boltonite, is shown by B. Silliman, Jr. (Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 391), to pertain probably to an actinolite from Bolton. The fluorine in many hornblendes is supposed to exist as fluorid of calcium, and this ingredient, according to Bonsdorff, may constitute 1 part in 5 of the mineral. Pyr., etc.-The observations under pyroxene apply also to this species, it being impossible to distinguish the varieties by blowpipe characters alone. Isomorphous and Dimorphous relations to Pyroxene. —The analogy in composition between pyroxene and hornblende has been abundantly illustrated. They have the same general formula; and under this formula there is but one difference of any importance, viz., that lime is a prominent ingredient in all the varieties of pyroxene, while it is wanting, or nearly so, in some of those of hornblende. The analogy between the two species in crystallization, or their essential isomorphism, was pointed out by G. Rose in 1831, who showed that the forms of both were referrible to one and the same fundamental form. The prism I of hornblende corresponds in angle to i-2 of pyroxene; that is, if the horizontal axes of the latter species be b: c, those of the former will be b: 2c. Calculating O from the angle IA fin pyroxene, 87~ 5', the angie of i-2 is precisely 124~ 30', or the angle IA I in hornblende. The annexed table exhibits the symbols of the planes in hornblende as they would be on -1-i -1-2 -1-t the augite type. But while thus isomorphous in axial relations or form, they are ] 33 also dimorphous. For (1) the cleavage in pyroxene is parallel to the _ [-'-1 prism of 87~ 5', and in hornblende to that of 124"~. (2) The occurring secondary planes of the latter are in general diverse from those of the former, so that the crystals differ strikingly in habit or system _ [ I ~I of modifications. Moreover, in pyroxene columnar and fine fibrous forms are uncommon; in hornblende, exceedingly common. (3) The several chemical compounds under pyroxene have one-tenth higher 2-i 2-2 specific gravity than the corresponding ones under hornblende; that 1- _ Len - is, a compound (as, for example, (1 Ca +~ Mg)' Si2) having G.-=3 28 1-i 1-2 1-i under the former, has approximately, G.=2'95 under the latter. Again, twins occur composed part of amphibole and part of pyroxene, a fact bearing on the isomorphism and dimorphism of the species. Obs.-Amphibole occurs in many crystalline limestones, and metamorphic granitic and schistose rocks, and sparingly in serpentine, and volcanic or igneous rocks. Tremolite, the magnesialime variety, is especially common in limestones, particularly magnesian or dolomitic; actinolite, the magnesia-lime-iron variety, in steatitic rocks; and brown, dark-green, and black hornblende, in chlorite schist, mica schist, gneiss, and in various other rocks of which it forms a constituent part. Asbestus is often found in connection with serpentine. Hornblende-rock, or amphibolyte, consists of massive hornblende of a dark greenish-black or black color, and has a granular texture. Occasionally the green hornblende, or actinolite, occurs in rock-masses, as at St. Francis, in Canada. Hornblende-schist has the same composition as amphibolyte, but is schistose or slaty in structure. It often contains a little feldspar. In some varieties of it the hornblende is in part in minute needles. Diabase is a fine-grained, compact hornblende-rock, tough and heavy. Aphanyte (or corneine) is like diabase, but is without distinct grains (whence the name, from dPavrt, unmanifest), and breaks with a smooth flint-like fracture. Syenite is a granite-like rock, containing hornblende along with quartz and orthoclase feldspar. )ioryte is a similar rock, grayish-white to nearly black in color, consisting of hornblende and albite. Hornblendic or syenitic gneiss has the same constitution as syenite, but differs in having a gneissoid or semischistose structure. Hornblendic granite contains hornblende in addition to the ordinary constituents of granite, quartz, feldspar, and mica. Gneiss and mica schist are often hornblendic in the same way. The hornblende in mica schist is usually in prisms, either stout or acicular, which sometimes are aggregated in sheaf-like tufts. The fasciculite of Hitchcock is merely this tufted hornblende. The dark-green antique porphyry contains hornblende in its compact, diabase-like mass, and is therefore called diabase-lporjphyry. G.-= 29-3-0. BISILICATES. 241 Flornblende is often disseminated in black prismatic crystals through trachyte, and also through other igneous rocks, especially the feldspathic kinds. Euphotide consists of a whitish or greenish compact base of varying constitution, with imbedded smaragdite. The euphotide of Corsica has been called corsilyte (p. 235). The saussuzrite, as shown by Hunt (Am. J. Sci., xxviii. 336), is either compact lime-epidote, as that of the Alps, compact meionite, as that of Mt. Genevre, or compact feldspcar; these different kinds being distinguishable by their specific gravity. The compact tremolite called nephrite is found in talcose rock or schist, and granular limestone. Aussig and Teplitz in Bohemia, Tunaberg in Sweden, and Pargas in Finland, afford fine specimens of the dark-colored hornblendes. Actinolite occurs at Saltzburg and Greiner in the Zillerthal; treezolite at St. Gothard, in granular limestone or dolomite, the Tyrol, the Bannat, Gulsjd in Sweden, etc. Calamite occurs at Normarken in Sweden, in prisms in serpentine. Asbestus is found in Savoy, Saltzburg, the Tyrol; also in the island of Corsica, where it is so abundant that Dolomien employed it in packing his minerals. Rock cork is obtained in Saxony, Portsoy, and Leadhills, where also mountain leather occurs. Oisans, in France, affords a variety of amianthus, composed of fibres having some degree of elasticity; it is the amianthoide of Iaiiy. In the United States, in Maine, black crystals occur at Thomaston, at Moultenboro in syenite; pargasite at Phipsburg and Parsonsfield; radiated or asbestiform actinolite at Unity; tremolite at Thomaston and Raymond. In N.: Htamp., black crystals at Franconia. In Vermont, glassy and radiated actinolite in the steatite quarries of Windham, Readsboro', and New Fane. In Mass., white crystals at Lee (1 m. S.W. of the meeting-house), and at Newberg; glassy and radiated actinolite at Middlefield and Blanford; radiated actinolite at Carlisle, Pelham, Windsor, Lee, and Great Barrington; black crystals at Chester; asbestus at Brighton, Sheffield, Pelham, Newbury, Dedham; cummingtonite at Cummington and Plainfield. In Conn., in large flattened white crystals and in bladed and fibrous forms (tremolite) in dolomnite, Canaan, between the Falls and the post-office, and also at other places in Litchfield C(o.; asbestus at West Farms, Winchester, and Wilton, and with mountain leather formerly at the Milford serpentine quarries. In N: York, in good black crystals at Willsboro', presenting interesting forms; also near the bridge at Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co.; near Greenwood Furnace, and in Warwick, Orange Co. (f. 229); dark green crystals near Two Ponds, and also 1 m. N., 21 m. N., and 1 m. S., of Edenville, together with gray or hair-brown crystals and tremolite, sphene, and chondrodite, in granular limestone; of various forms and colors, and often in large and perfect crystals, near Amity; in dark green crystals, with ilmenite, at the Stirling mines, Orange Co.; in short green crystals at Gouverneur, sometimes 2 or 3 in. in diameter, along with apatite; in Rossie, 2 im. N. of Oxbow, the variety pargasite in neat bright green crystals; glassy and radiated actinolite near a hamlet called Pecksville, in Fishkill; radiated at Brown's serpentine quarry, 3 m. N.W. of Carmel, Putnam Co.; in large white crystals at Diana, Lewis Co.; radiated and bladed tremolite at Dover, Kingsbridge, the Eastchester quarries, Hastings, and near Yonkers, in Westchester Co.; at Knapp's quarry, Patterson, in Putnam Co., and on the banks of Yellow lake and elsewhere in St. Lawrence Co.; asbestus, near Greenwood Furnace; Rogers's farm in Patterson; Colton rock and Hustis's farm in Phillipstown, Putnam Co.; near the Quarantine in Richmond Co., where the fibres are two to three feet long. In N. Jersey, tremolite or gray amphibole in good crystals at Bryam, and other varieties of the species at Franklin and Newton; radiated actinolite at Franklin; tremolite at Franklin; asbestus and mountain leather at Brunswick. In Penn., actinolite in Providence, at Mineral Hill, in Delaware Co.; at Unionville; at Klenneott, Chester Co., often in fine crystals; tremolite with asbestus at Chestnut Hill near the Wissahiccon, near Philadelphia, at London Grove, Chester Co.; nephrite at, Easton. In Maryland, actinolite and asbestus at the Bare Hills in serpentine; asbestus at Cooptown. In Virginia, actinolite at Willis's Mt., in Buckingham Co.; asbestus at Barnet's Mills, Fauquier Co. Alt.-The alterations of amphibole are similar to those of pyroxene (see page 220). The fibrous and diallage-like varieties are especially liable to take up water, owing to the finely or thinly divided state of the mineral. Talc, steatite, serpentine, chlorite, biotite, pinite, chabasite, limonite, magnetite, iron ochre, are among the reported results of alteration. At Ilmenau, a magnesia-mica, a chlorite, and also (as an after product from the chlorite) ironochre, occur as pseudomorphs after hornblende (v. Fritsch, ZS. Geol. Ges., xii. 104). Groppite, and perhaps rosite, as suggested to the author by L. Saemann (4th edit., p. 287), may be altered pargasite. Genth describes the asbestiform or fibrous serpentine of Texas and Providence, Pa., and the baltimorite as altered asbestus, and a chrysolite of Delaware Co., Pa., as altered actinolite (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 203). The following are analyses of altered amphiboles: 1, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 49); 2, Thomson (Min., i. 209); 3, C. A. Joy (Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y., viii. 123); 4, 5, Beck- (Min. N. Y., 307); 6, Suckow (Die Verwitt. Min., 14:3); 7, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. x. 317); 8, Wiehage (Ramm. Min. Ch., 499); 9, Madrell (Pogg., lxii. 142); 10, Schultz (Ramm. AMin. Ch., 499); 11, T S. Hunt (Phil. Mag., IV., ii. 65, and Rep. G. Can. 1863, 491): 16 242 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si Xi Pe SIn lig C a Sa A 1. iyd. ant hophyllite, N.Y. j 58'33 tr. 8'16 - 29'34 - 088 226, Ktr.9957S.&B. 2. " " 54-98 1-56 e e983 1'20 13-38 - -- 11.45, 680=9920 T. 3. " " 46-43 - 9-38 1-38 28-80 5-06 - 8'58=99'63 Joy. 4. Warwick 35'00 32'33 -- 20'70 10'80 - — =9S'83 Beck. 5. " 34'66 2533 - 25'22 5'09 - 9'09=99'39 Beck. 6. Fillefjeld, Nor. 40'32 17'49 Pe18'26 2-14 923 537 -- 800=100'81 Suckow. 7. Vosges 43'64 12'50 5-19 0'93 17'74 9'10 - 10'90=100 Delesse. 8. Siebengebirge 34'87 10'73Pe20-48 -- 4'90 4'78 3'63 20'24=1(0 Wiehage. 9. Wolfsberg 44-03 14-31 Pe 25-55 - 2'33 10'08 - 3'44=99714 Madrell. 10. Catangaro 46-08 11'81 14-10 - 10'72 814: 0'93 3-03, Fe 1l77=-98-88S. 11. Loganite 33'28 13-30 Pel192 - 35-50 - - 16-00=100 T. S. Hunt. Anal. 4, 5, crystals having the angles of hornblende, steatitic in feel and hardness; 6, clay-like; 7, from a micaceous porphyry at Traits-de-Roche, small prisms; 8. from trachyte at Margarettenkreuz; 9, large crystals, G.=2-94i from Wolfsberg, near Cernosin in Bohemia; 10, soft greenishbrown crystals; 11, associated with pale-green serpentine, phlogopite, and apatite, in Laurentian crystalline limestone, and having the form and cleavage of hornblende, though edges rounded; IA 1 about 124~. The hydrous anthophyllite of New York Island occurs in place near the corner of 59th street and 10th avenue, and also in many places in boulders. The variations in the analyses, as well as in the aspect of the material, show that it is a result of the alteration of an asbestiform tremolite. 247A. WALDHEIMITE. (Amphibol fhfnliches Min. von Waldheim A. Knop, Ann. Ch. Pharm., cx. 363, 1859; Waldheimit Ramm., Min. Ch., 780, 1860.) An amphibole-like mineral, which contains much soda, and is peculiar also in its excess of silica, both suggesting that it may be amphibole altered by the alkaline process. It occurs in veins an inch thick, and resembles actinolite. H.=5; G.-2-957; color leek-green; translucent. Composition, according to Knop and Hoffmann, the silica in each being a mean of two determinations (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cx. 363): Si xl Fe:tn Sg Ca vNa 58'71 1-52 5-65 0-25 10-01 11-53 1-2-38-100-05 Knop. 58'45 1'92 5'53 0'51 11'12 10'28 12-61-100-42 Hoffmann. 58'45 1'74 5'79 0'32 10'83 10-76 12'93=101'12 Hoffmann. It lost 0-5 p. c. by ignition. The oxygen ratio for iR,, Si is 11'84: 0-80: 31-24. From serpentine at Waldheim in Saxony. The large amount of soda present suggests a relation to arfvedsonite. It is to be observed that the excess of silica occurs along with an unusual proportion of alkali. 247B. KoSCHARoFrrFITE. (KIokscharowit N; Nordenskidld, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, xxx. 223, 1857.) Like tremolite in appearance. IA r=124~ —124: 5', Kokscharof. In aggregations of prisms, with acute edges replaced. Cleavage:;, two, equal, very distinct. I.=-5-5-5. G.= 2-97. Lustre subadamantine to vitreous. Colorless, dirty-white; brown to dark-brown from impurity. Subtranslucent. Fracture splintery. An analysis by Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxxviii. 197) afforded:. Si l1 Fe SIg 0a Na Ek ign. 45'99 18-20 2-40 16-45 12-78 1-53 1'06 0'60=99'01 Giving the O. ratio for Ai,, Si 11-19: 8-50: 24'52; or, for -Rt-, Si 19'69: 24'52=1: 1-25; for ~.: 8+ i 11-19: 33-02. It appears to be, like edenite, a magnesia-lime amphibole, but with a very large proportion of alumina; and, moreover, part of the alumina must be basic if it comes under-the usual amphibole formula. In a closed tube only traces of water. B.B. in the forceps fuses easily to a white translucent pearl, coloring the flame yellow; with borax a clear colorless glass. Qccurs associated with lapis-lazuli near L. Baikal, in Siberia. Named after the Russian mineralogist, Kokscharof. 24;7C. SCHEFFERITE Breith. (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 429). Breithaupt has referred to schefferite of Michaelson a mineral of the same locality-Longban, with rhodonite-which differs from it widely in composition, if the analyses may be trusted. Moreover, it occurs in crystals, while the true schefferite is known only massive. The following are its characters: Monoclinic; IA I=120~ 45'; basal plane (x) on i-i=147~ 30', or 321~ to the axis. The crystal has the planes 1; i-i, i-i, the basal plane referred to, and a hemidome on the acute angle in front. Cleavage': rather distinct in one direction, perhaps also parallel to x. Mostly massive, fine granular. H.=5 —55. G.=-3433-3'436. Lustre vitreous. Color chestnut to clove and reddish. brown. Streak pale yellowish-gray. TAtranslucent to opaque. BISILIGATES. 243 Composition according to Dr. Winkler 0. c.): Si _1 Fe An 9i ]Ig da 49'50 1'42 25'43 6'78 0-20 4-27 7-75 0'19 The iron was ascertained to be all sesquioxyd. The analysis afforded also 3'08 Pa 0, and 0'09 Sin 0. It requires further study. 248. ARFVEDSONITE. Brooke, Ann. Phil., v. 381, 1823. Arfwedsonit. Soda-hornblende. Probably monoclinic. IA I=123~ 55', Brooke; 123~ 50', v. Kobell; 1230 30', Breithaupt; about 1240 40', Brevig mineral, Descloizeaux. Cleavage: perfect parallel to I; imperfect to i-4. Also cleavable massive. H.=6. G.=3'44, Brooke; 3'329-3-340, Breithaupt; 3'589, Rarnmelsberg. Lustre vitreous. Color pure black; in thin scales, deep green, Greenland, or brown, Brevig. Streak grayish-green. Opaque except in very thin splinters. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Comp.-2 is i i3+ 3 Ve Sia, Ramm., =-(2 i3 + ] Fe) Si3, which, making iR= P'e + ~N a, =Silica 50.5, sesquioxyd of iron 26-9, protoxyd of iron 12-1, soda 10'5-=100. 3 3 Ri3 + 2 Ve Si' v. Kobell, =(a 8R + I g) Si. Analyses: 1, Thomson (Min., i. 483); 2, v. Kobell (J. pr. Oh., xiii. 3, and xci. 449); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., ciii. 292, 306); 4, Plantamour (J. pr. Oh., xxiv. 300): Si x1 Fe Fe Mn Mg Oa iTa K C1 ign. 1. Greenland 50:51 2-49 35-14 - 146 -- 1-56 -- - 0-96=9812 T. 2. " 49'27 2'00 14-58 23'00 0'62 0'42 1'50 8'00 tr. 0'24 — =981'1 K. 3. " 51'22 tr. 23-75 7'80 1'12 0'90 2'08 10'58 0-68 -- 0'16=98'29 R. 4. Brevig 46'57 3-41 - 24'38 2-07 5'88 5'91 7'79 2-96, Ti 202=100-99 P1. In the above analyses the degree of oxydation of the iron was determined only in those by Rammelsberg and v. Kobell. A. Mitscherlich has obtained (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 11) for the Greenland A., Ve 25'37, Fe 5-93. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 2 with intumescence to a black magnetic globule; colors the flame yellow (soda); with the fluxes gives reactions for iron and manganese. Not acted upon by acids. Obs.-Occurs in black hornblende-like crystals at Kangerdluarsuk in Greenland, with sodalite, eudialyte, and feldspar; also in zircon-syenite in Norway, at Brevig, and in beds of magnetite at Arendal. Reported also from lorberigberg, near Oberbergen, with ittnerite and ilmenite. The Brevig mineral, analyzed by Plantamour, has been referred to cegirine. The angle given determines its relation to the amphibole sub-group. 249. CROCIDOLITE. Blau-Eisenstein (fr. S. Africa) Klapr., Mag. Berl. Ges. N. Fr., v. 72, 1811, Beitr., vi. 237, 1]815. Krokydolith Hanusm., Gel. Anz. Gott., 1585, 1831. Blue Asbestus. Fibrous, asbestus-like; fibres long but delicate, and easily separable. Also massive or earthy. H.=4. G.=3-2 — 3-265. Lustre silky. Color and streak lavender-blue or leek-green. Opaque. Fibres somewhat elastic. Comp.-The analyses by Stromeyer afford nearly R S'i5 + 2 Ai; but the degree of oxydation of the iron is undetermined. Analyses: 1, 2, Stromeyer (Pogg., xxiii. 153); 3, Delesse (Ann. d. M., III. x. 317): Si Be na Mg Oa a a 1. Africa, fibrous 50-81 33-88 0'17 2'32 0'02 7'03 5-58=98-81 Stromeyer. 2. " earthy 51'64 38438 0'02 2'64 0'05 7'11 4'01=99'85 Stromeyer. 3. Vosges 53'02 25'62Mn0O50 10'14 1'10 5'69 2'52,7K 039,C10151, 0'17=99-66, Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields a small amount of alkaline water. B.B. fuses easily with intumescence to a black magnetic glass, coloring the flame yellow (soda). With the fluxes gives reactions for iron. Unacted upon by acids. 244 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Obs.-Occurs in South Africa, in the Grigna country, beyond the Great Orange river, 700 m. up from the Cape of Good Hope; in a micaceous porphyry at Wakembach in the Vosges (anal. 3); at Stavern, Norway, in zircon-syenite, along with arfvedsonite, to which it is closely related, and of which, as has been suggested, it may be a fibrous or asbestiform variety; at Golling in Salzburg, in gypsum with blue quartz; at Ruka, near Domaschow in Moravia, with a ferruginous dolomite; in Greenland, both fibrous and earthy. In the African, the fibres of the fibrous seams or masses make an angle of about 106~ with the opposite surfaces of the seam, according to Hausmann; and the same author states (Handb., 743, 1847) that a cylinder of it v~w of al inch in diameter, supported 91 Hanoverian pounds before breaking, while one of asbestus, T 7 of an inch in diameter, broke with a weight of 6 ounces. The Stavern mineral, referred here by Hlausmann, is the Faseriger Siderit Leonh., Gehl. J., iii. 101, and Fasriges Eisenblau Hausmn., Handb., 1076, 1813. Named from KPOKLS (or KPoKxs), woo; in allusion to its fibrous structure. 250. WICHTISITE. Wichtyne Laurent, Ann. Ch. Phys., lix. 107, 1835. Wichtisit Hausmann. Massive; cleavage parallel to the sides of a rhombic prism, nearly rectangular, according to Laurent. Scratches glass. G.=3'03. Color black. Lustre dull. Fracture angular, or flat conchoidal. Comp. —(I R3+~ ) Si3. Analyses: 1, Laurent (1. c.); 2, Stromborg (Arppe Finska Min., 17): Si Al e Fe Fe g Ca Na 56'3 13-3 4-0 13.0 3-0 6'0 3-5=99.1 Laurent. 54-24 1427 - 15'62 3-86 5'65 3'88, Mn 2170=100'22 Strimborg. B.B. fuses to a black enamel and becomes magnetic. Not attacked by acids. From Wichtis in Finland. Dufr6noy observes that a specimen examined by him had no cleavage. Gmelin has analyzed a mineral from a basaltic rock near Wetterau (Jahrb. Min., 1840, 549), having G.=2-705, and not acted upon by acids, which has essentially the composition of wichtisite, it affording Si 56-80,;1 15'32, Fe 12'06, in 3-72, Ca 4&85, Mg 5'05, K 0'34, Na 3-14, corresponding closely to (i R3 + J1) Si3. Rammelsberg includes the analysis among those of pyr. oxene, but speaks of the composition as anomalous; unlike the augites, the alumina does not replace any of the silica. 251. GLAUCOPHANE lausmanqz, Gel. Anz. Gott., 195, 1845. Orthorhombic or monoclinic. In indistinct long thin six-sided prisms, made up of the planes I and i-i, and longitudinally striated. Also granular massive. H.=5'5. G.=3'103 —3'113. Lustre vitreous to pearly. Color blue, lavender-blue, bluish-black, grayish. Streak-powder grayish-blue. Translucent to opaque. Brittle. Powder slightly magnetic. Comp.-(j RI+ + ) Si3. Analysis by Schnedermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 238): Si 56-49 1l 12-23 Fe 10-91 SMn 0'50 Sg' 91 Oa 2-25 Na with tr. K1 9'28=99'63 B.B. becomes yellowish-brown, and melts easily and quietly to an olive-green glass. An iron reaction with the fluxes. In acids partly soluble. Occurs at the island of Syra, one of the Cyclades, in mica slate, along with garnet, hornblende, and mica. The name is from ylavK6s, bluish-green, and aivco, Iaplear. 252. SORDAVALITE. Sordawalit N. NMordenskzild, Finl. Min., 86, 1820. Massive; no cleavage apparent. H. =25. G. — 253-2-58. Lustre vitreo-resinous, or like bitumen. Streak liver-brown. Color grayish or bluish-black. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Comp.-Analyses: 1, Nordenski5ld (1. c.); 2, Wandesleben (N. Jahrb. Pharm., i. 32): Si Al Fe. Mg P I 1. 49'40 13'80 18-17 10-67 2-68 4-38-99'10 Nordenski51d. 2. 47'70 16-65 Pe 21'32 10'21 2-26 --— =98'14 Wandesleben. BISILICATES. 245 Supposed by Berzelius to be a silicate mixed with some phosphate of magnesia, the silicate corresponding to (~ (kIg, Fie)S+ ~ l) Si3, which is essentially the formula of wichtisite; but the second analysis makes the iron sesquioxyd. B.B. alone, it is difficultly fusible to a blackish globule. With borax it forms a green glass. Partly soluble in muriatic acid. Becomes reddish on exposure to the atmosphere. Forms thin layers on trhp, near the town of Sordavala in Finland; at Bodenmais in Bavaria, it is associated with pyrrhotite. It resembles pit-coal in appearance. 253. TACHYLYTE. Tachylyt (fr. Sisebiihl) Breith., Kastn. Arch. Nat., vii. 112, 1826. Massive without cleavage, looking like obsidian or gadolinite. lH.=6-5. G. =2565-2'593. Lustre between vitreous and resinous. Color pitch-black, velvet-black to grayish-black. Brittle. In powder attractable by the magnet. Comp.-Analysis: Schnedermann (Studien d. G. B. B. Fr., v. 100): Si Al Fe in SIg Ca Ra K A1 55-74 12-40 13-06 0-19 5-92 7'28 3-88 0.60 2-73 Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses easily with intumescence to a brown slag or opaque glass. Obs.-Found at Sisebiihl, between Dransfeld and Gdttingen, in basalt and wacke. Named from ralx'X quick, and XvrTo6 dissolved, in allusion to the fusibility. 253A. HYALOMELAN Hausm., Handb., 545, 1847. Gmelin referred to tachylyte a mineral from a porous volcanic rock in the Vogelsgebirge, to which Hausmann has since applied the name hyalomelan. It is similar in aspect, structure, and hardness; G.=2-7144. Gmelin's analysis (Pogg., xlix. 234) afforded: 9i 1l Fe n g Sla Sa:K Ti & Am 50-22 17184 10-27 0'40 3-37 8-25 5-18 3-87 1'42 0-50=101-32 It affords approximately 3 R, Al, 4~ Si. But little reliance can be placed on results with such amorphous minerals. The species may be the same with tachylyte. Hausmann places near here the slaggy augite of Karsten, having G.=2'666, from a limestone bed near Guiliana, Sicily, from which Klaproth obtained (Beitr., iv. 190) Si 55'00, 1 16-50, Pe 13-75, Mn tr., MIg 1'75, Ca 10-00, II 1-50. A similar mineral in appearance is found on the north shore of Lake Superior; and also in a trap dike at Johnsburg, Warren Co., N.Y. 254. BERYL. ~Eipay7os pt. [rest Chrysocolla, Malachite, etc., and other green stones] Theophr. BiepvXos Gr. Smaragdus pt. [rest as above] +Beryllus (Chrysoberyllus, Chrysoprasius incl.) Plin., xxxvii. 16-20. Emerald; Beryl; Aquamarine. Smaragdus+Beryll Wall., Min., 117, 122, 1747. Smaragdus+Bloagrdn Topas (=Beryll, Aquamarin) Cronst., Min., 44, 1758. Emeraude (incl. Emerald and Beryl or " Aigue-marine," and Chrysolite du Bresil) de Lisle, Crist., 135, 1772, ii. 245, 1783; H., J. d. M., iv. 72, 1798, Tr., ii. 1801. Schmaragd+Beril Wern., the two as distinct sp. until 1811. A silicate of alumina with lime Achard, Edelst., 47, 1779; Bergm., Opusc., ii. 96, 1782; and others. A silicate of alumina and GLUCINA Vauq., J. d. M., iv., 1798, vii. 97, 1800; Klapr., Beitr., iii. 221, 1802. Davidsonite (fr. near Aberdeen) Thomson, Min., i. 247, 1836. Goshenite Shep., Min., i. 143, 1844. Hexagonal. 0 A 1= 150 3'; a=0-499. Occurring-planes: 0; vertical, I, i-2, i-3; hexag. pyramids, 1, 2, 2, A; 1-2, 2-2; dihexag. pyr., in zone, 2-2: I, 3-A, 4-4, 12-E-; id. in other zones, 2-3, 2-8, 6 —, 14-4. 246 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. o A -=139~ 10' 0 A 1-2-116~ 37' IA 2-2=127~ 43 O A 2=130 58 O A 2-2=135 4 1 A 3-3 142 11 O A 2 —=130 58 O A I=90 IA 4-4 =151 0 A 3-=-123 16 IA I=120 IA 8 —=-165 30 233 231 232 0 0r T' 1 II I I C < Haddam, Ct. Siberia. Monroe, Ct. Cleavage: basal imperfect; lateral indistinct. Occasionally coarse columnar and large granular. H.=7'5 —8. G.=2-63-2-76. Lustre vitreous, sometimes resinous. Color emerald-green, pale green, passing into light-blue, yellow, and white. Streak white. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Double refraction feeble; axis negative. Var.-This species is one of the few that occur only in crystals, and that have no essential variations in chemical composition. There are, however, two prominent groups dependent on color, the color varying as chrome or iron is present; but only the merest trace of either exists in any case. The crystals are usually oblong prisms. 1. Emerald. Color bright emerald-green, owing to the presence of chromium. G.=2-67, fr. Muso, Lewy; 2-63, fr. Pinzgau, Hofmeister; 2-710-2-759, fr. Ural, Kammerer. Hardness a little less than for beryl, according to the lapidaries. 2. Beryl. Colors those of the species, excepting emerald-green, and due mainly to iron. G.= 2'694-2'695, transparent, colorless, fr. Ural; 2-681-2-694, id., yellowish, id.; 2'702-2-'10, id., green, id.; 2'725, id., rose-red, id.; all by Kokscharof. On cryst., see Kokscharof, Min. Russl., i. 147, ii. 356, iii. 72, iv. 125; Hessenberg, Min. Not., v. 28. The varieties of beryl depending on color are of importance in the arts, when the crystals are transparent enough to be of value as gems. The principal kinds are: (a) colorless; (b) bluish-green, called aquamarine, a name suggested, though not used, by Pliny, where he says of it, " qui viriditatem purl maris imitantur;" (c) apple-green; (d) greenish-yellow to iron-yellow and honey-yellow (apparently chrysoberyilus of Pliny and ancient jewelry); (e) pale yellowish-green (probably the chrysoprasius Plin., and perhaps his chr'ysolithus in part, as also in more modern times); (f) clear sapphire-blue (hyacinthozontes of Plin.); (g) pale sky-blue (aeroides Plin.); (h) the pale violet or reddish (amethiste basaltine Sage, Min., 231); (i) the opaque brownish-yellow, of waxy or greasy lustre. The above names by Pliny are mentioned in his account of beryl. The oriental emerald of jewelry is emerald-colored sapphire. Davidsonite is nothing but greenish-yellow beryl from near Aberdeen; and goshenite is a colorless or white variety from Goshen, Mass. (anal. 16). Comp. —(J Be8+~ 1l) Si-=Silica 66-8, alumina 19'1, glucina 14-1=100. Analyses: 1, Du. menil (Schw. J., xxxix. 487); 2, Berzelius (Schw. J., xvi. 265, 277); 3, 4, Moberg (Act. Soc. Fenn., ii. 81); 5, Scheerer (Pogg., xlix. 533); 6, Borntrager (Jahrb. Min., 1851, 185); 7, W. Mayer (ib, 674); 8, 9, Muiller (J. pr. Ch., lviii. 180); 10, Hofmeister (lb., lxxxi. 1); 11, C. Gmelin (Pogg., 1. 180); 12, Mallet (Ramm. Min. Ch., 555, and 5th Suppl., 66); 13, Haughton (J. G. Soc., xviii. 417); 14, Heddle (Phil. Mag., xii. 386); 15, Schneider (Ramm. Min. Ch., 555); 16, Mallet (Am J. Sci., BISILICATES. 247 II. xvii. 180); 17, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 215); 18, Schlieper (Ramm. 2nd Suppl., 34); 19, Lewy (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. liii. 5); 20, e1ofmeister (1. c.): - Si li1 ]Be Fe 1. Ural Beryl 67'00 16-50 14-50 1'00, Ca 0'50=99'50 Dumenil. 2. Broddbo "68'35 17'60 13'13 0-72, Ta 0'72=100-52 Berzelius. 3. Tamela " 66'61 16'51 12'75 3'03, Ta 0'10=99'00 Moberg. 4. Somero "67-36 16'46 12'75 1'50=98'35 Moberg. 5. Fossum "67'00 19'64 12'56 0'53, Ca 0'18=99'91 Scheerer. 6. Heidelberg " 6690 18'15 12'20 2'95=100'20 Borntr/iger. 7. Zwiesel "66'56 17'82 12-66 2'43, MIn 0'11=99'58. Mayer. 8. Tirschenrath " 66'8 19'9 13'1 0'9 -=100o7 Muller. 9. Schwarzenbach " 67'4 20'0 12'0 0'3 =99'7 Muiller. 10. Rosenbach " 65-51 20'71 11-46 1'33, Ca 0'23, -Mg 0'12=99'36 Hofmeister. 11. Limoges " 6754 17'63 13'51 — 98'68 Gmelin. 12.' Killiney " 6613 17'87 13'09 1'62=99'51 Mallet. 13. Donegal, I. " 6552 17'22 13'74 1'53, Ca 0-43, Mg 0'13, f 0'90=99'47 Hn. 14. Davidsonite " 67-70 15'64 12'52 Fe 0'25, Mg 3-10, H 0'16-99'27 Heddle. 15. Australia " 67-6 188 12'3 0'9 =99'6 Schneider. 16. Goshen, Mass. " 66-97 17'22 12'92 2-03, Mn tr.= —9913 Mallet. 17. Muso, Emerald 68'50 15'75 12'50 1'00,.r 0'30, Ca 0-25-98'30 Klaproth. 18. " " 69,51 14,49 15-41 -, Mg, Ca 164-101'05 Schlieper. 19. d " "(.~)67-85 17'95 12-40, *r tr., Mg 0S90, Na 0'70=99'80 Lewy. 20. Heubachtll. 66-22 16-36 12'79 1-63, Ca 0'78, Mg 0'83=98'61 lofmeister. In anal. 10, G.=2-65; anal. 13, G.=2-686, from Sheskina-roan in Donegal Co. The union of emerald and beryl in one species, which Pliny says was suggested in his time, was first recognized on crystallographic grounds by De Lisle, and more satisfactorily through measurements of angles by Haihy; and chemically by Vauquelin. Pyr., etc.-B.B. alone unchanged or becomes clouded; at a high temperature the edges are rounded, and ultimately a vesicular scoria is formed. Fusibility —5'5 (Kobell). Glass with borax, clear and colorless for beryl, a fine green for emerald. Slowly soluble with salt of phosphorus without leaving a siliceous skeleton. A yellowish variety from Broddbo and Finbo yields with soda traces of tin. Unacted upon by acids. According to Lewy, the emerald of Muso becomes white at a red heat, and loses, as a mean result, 1'66 of water and 0'12 of organic matter, the latter consisting of 0'03 to 0'05 of hydrogen and 0'09 to 0'06 of carbon. Obs.-Emeralds occur in clay slate, in isolated crystals or in nests (not in veins), near Muso, etc., 75 m. N.N.E. of Bogota, N. Granada, a rock containing Cretaceous fossils in its limestone* concretions. A perfect hexagonal crystal from this locality, 2 in. long, is in the cabinet of the Duke of Devonshire; it measures across its three diameters 2 in., 2 in., 21 in., 17 in. and weighs 8 oz. 18 dwts.; owing to flaws, it is but partially fit for jewelry. Emeralds of less beauty, but much larger, occur in Siberia, on the river Tokowoia, N. of Katherinenberg, along with phenacite, chrysoberyl, apatite, rutile, etc., imbedded in mica schist. One specimen in the Royal collection measures 141 in. long and 12 broad, and weighs 163 lbs. troy; another is 7 in. long and 4 broad, and weighs 6 lbs. troy. Mount Zalora, in Upper Egypt, affords a less distinct variety, and was the only locality which was known to the ancients. Occurs about Heubachthal in Salzburg, in mica schist. Transparent beryls are found in Siberia, Hindostan, and Brazil. In Siberia they occur at the emerald mine mentioned, at Mursinka and Schaitanka, near Katherinenberg; near Miask with topaz; in the mountains of Adun-Tschilon with topaz, and elsewhere; in Hindostan at Canjargum; and in Brazil on Rio San Matteo. Some Siberian transparent crystals exceed a foot in length. The most splendid aquamarine of which we have any account belongs to Don Pedro, and is from Brazil; it approaches in size, and also form, the head of a calf, and exhibits a crystalline structure only on one side; the rest is water-worn; and it weighs 225 oz. troy, or more than 18* lbs.; the specimen is transparent and without a flaw. Beautiful crystals also occur at Elba; the tin mines of Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony, and of Schlackenwald in Bohemia. Other localites are, the Mourne Mts., Ireland, Co. of Down; also Killiney near Dublin; yellowish-green at Rubislaw, near Aberdeen, Scotland (davidsonite), and elsewhere in Aberdeenshire; in small bluish crystals at St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall; Limoges in France; Finbo and Broddbo in Sweden; Tamela * Lewy found the limestone to consist of Ca 0 47'8, lMg 0 16'7, MIn C 0'5, Si 24'4,;1 5'5, Se 0'5, Fe 2'6, pyrite 0'6, alkali 2'7=101'2. 248 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. and Somero in Finland; Fossum in Norway; Pfitscher-Joch, Tyrol; Bodenmais and Rabenstein in Bavaria; in Australia, and elsewhere. Beryls of gigantic dimensions have been found in the United States, in N. flamp., at Acworth and Grafton, and in Mass., at Royalston; but they are mostly poor in quality. One beryl from Grafton weighs 2,900 lbs.; it is 32 in. through in one direction and 22 in another transverse, and is 4 f. 3 in. long. Another crystal from this locality, according to Prof. Hubbard, measures 45 in. by 24 in its diameters, and a single foot in length by calculation weighs 1,076 lbs., making it in all nearly 2~ tons. At Royalston, one crystal exceeded a foot in length; the smaller crystals are often limpid, and a yellowish variety forms a gem resembling chrysolite; the colors are mostly aquamarine, grass-green, and yellowish-green; one locality is in the southeast part of Royalston, near the school-house, on the land of Mr. Clarke; the best crystals are imbedded in quartz;. a still better is situated 4 m. beyond the old one in South Royalston; some crystals of a sky-blue color in white quartz are beautiful. Other localities are in Maine, at Albany; at Norway; Bethel; Hebron; in Paris, large, with black tourmaline and mica; at Bowdoinham and Topham, pale green or yellowishwhite, in veins of graphic granite; at Georgetown, Parker's island, mouth of Kennebec. In N. Hamp., at Wilmot; at Compton, as good as at Royalston. In Mass., at Barre, excellent specimens; at Pearl Hill in Fitchburg, at Goshen (goshenite), and at Chesterfield. In Conn., at Haddam, in a feldspar vein in gneiss, on the east side of the'river, the crystals having the terminations for a twelfth of an inch transparent (fig. 231, the dotted line indicating the limit of the transparent portion!; also at the clhrysoberyl locality; the Middletown feldspar quarry; in Chatham, near the cobalt mine, in granite; at Monroe, in a granite vein, the crystals often consisting of displaced pieces separated by quartz (fig. 233); at Madison, in beautiful crystals. In Penn., at Leiperville and Chester, crystals sometimes 10 to 12 in. long and 1i in diameter, with black tourmaline; at Mineral Hill. Kokscharof obtained from Ural beryls for the angle OA I., 150~ 3' 24". The species diopt ase and pyrosmalite are homceomorphous with beryl, and have the same oxygen ratio between the bases and silica, if the water and chlorine be excluded. Alt.-Kaolin, mica, limonite, and quartz, occur as pseudomorphs after beryl, the last two by substitution, the others by alteration. The change to kaolin is the same essentially as in feldspar. An altered beryl, from Tirschenreuth afforded H. Miiller (J. pr. Ch., lviii. 182) Si 58-8, Al 24'7, Fe 2-6,..e 10'2, H 2-5. Another, from Vilate, near Chanteloube, gave Damour (Bull. G. Fr., II. vii. 224) Si 45-61, A1 38-86, ie 0'94, ]te 1l10, t 14.04=100'55, corresponding to the common kaolin formula l Si2+ 2 fH. 255. EUDIALYTE, Eudialyt Stromeyer, Gel. Anz. GDtt. 1819, 1998. Eudyalite imnproper orthography. Eukolit Scheerer, Pogg. lxxii. 561, 1847. Eucolite. Rhombohedral. RP A R=126~ 25', 0 A R (or 1)=148~ 38', a=0'52793. Observed planes: O; prisms, I i-2; rhombohedrons, 1 (or I), 2, 4, -8, -2, a; pyramid, -2; scalenohedrons, 4', 4. 234 235 0A2=129' 220 _.0....A............. OA 4 —112 18 /~-~-101 35 H-Aft.4 /. 0 i-2=90 3 0, nolt, ao8ur 3 iA r 90..-2 A 43-166 1 i-2 A 4=143 15 ~4- ~~~~4 A 4473 30 2 A 2-95 56 IAi-2=150 Cleavage: 0 very perfect, I imperfect; in eucolite i-2 perfect. Also massive reniform. H=5'5. G=2'9-3'01; 2'9036, Stromeyer; 2'898, Levy; 2'906, Damour; 3'007, Eucolite, Damour; 3'01, id., Scheerer. Lustre vitreous. Color BISILICATES. 249 rose-red, bluish-red, brownish-red. Streak uncolored. Translucent to subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal, splintery. Double refraction strong; axis in eudialyte positive; in eucolite negative. Comp.-(2 2+~ Z2r) Si2 —2 (R2) Si2 +Zr i2, Damour. Analyses: 1, Pfaff(Schw. J., xxix. 1); 2, 3, Stromeyer (Gilb. Ann., lxiii. 379); 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxiii. 142); 5, Damour (C. R. xliii., 197); 6, Scheerer (Pogg., lxxii. 561); 7, Damour (1. c.): Si Zr'Ta Fe ]n Ca Na La (e C1 At 1. Eudialyte 54'10 11-58 -- 7-86 2'93 10'80 11'40 030 1'66, Cu 0'92= 101'55 Pf. 2. " 53-33 1110 -- 6'75 2'06 9-78 13'82- - 100 1'80=99'68 Strom. 3. " 5248 10'90 — 686 2,57 10'14 13'92 -- 100 180=99'71 Strom. 4. " 49-92 16'88 --— e 6'97 Mnl-15 11'11 12-28 1'19 0'37, K 0'65= 100'52 Ramm. 5. " 50'38 15'60 0'35 "6'37 " 1'61 9'23 13'10 - - 148 125=99'37 Dam'r. 6. Eucolite 47'85 14-05 Pe 8'24 " 1'94 12'06 12-31 — 298 -- 0'94=100-37 Sch'r. 7. " 45'70 14'22 2'35 Fe 683 " 235 9,66 11'59 1'11 2'49 1'11 1'83=99'24Dam'r. Damour obtained for the oxygen ratio of R,, Si in both eudialyte and eucolite (the Ta being included with the Si, and the de with the Zr as sesquioxyd), 2: 1: 6, corresponding to the above formula. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube affords water. B.B. fRses at 2'5 to a light green opaque glass, coloring the flame yellow (soda). With the fluxes gives reactions for iron and manganese. With muriatic acid gelatinizes, and the dilute acid solution imparts a deep orange to turmeric paper even after the iron in solution has been reduced to colorless protochlorid by boiling with metallic tin (reaction for zirconia). Obs.-Eudialyte found at Kangerdluarsuk, in West Greenland, associated with arfvedsonite and sodalite, or imbedded in compact white feldspar; the crystals are usually small, but sometimes an inch or more in length. Eucolite is from islands of the Langesund fiord in Norway, where it occurs in hexagonal prisms and reniform masses. Eudialyte has been reported as occurring at Magnet Cove, in Arkansas, in imperfect rounded crystals, of a rich crimson to peach-blossom-red color, in feldspar, with elseolite (Shepard). On cryst. see B. & M.; also Lang., Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 436, from whose paper fig. 235 is copied. The name, from eC, easily, and &davcw, to dissolve, alludes to its easy solubility in acids. 256. POLLUCITE. Pollux Breith., Pogg., lxix. 439. Isometric. Cubic, with trapezohedral planes, like analcime. Cleavage: in traces. Massive. H. —6'5. G.-=2-901. Lustre vitreous and bright on surface of fracture, but sometimes dull and gum-like externally. Colorless. Transparent. Index of refraction for the red ravs 1'515, blue 1'527; no double refraction; Descl. Comp.-Probably (Al, i1l) Si -+ l, iu which ft=cmesium mainly, and ]3:;-1=1: 2-i. Analysis: Pisani (C. R., lviii., 714): Si x;l Fe O(a Cs Na,Li 44'03 15'97 0'68 0'68 34'07 3888 2'40=101'71 giving the oxygen ratio for A, R, Si, A, 3'16: 7-63: 23'48: 2-13. Plattner obtained (Pogg., lxix. 443), before the discovery of ceesium, Si 46'20, X116-39, Fe 0'86, K 16'51, Na (with a little Li), 10'43, ft 2'32=92175; and Brush shows (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxviii. 115) that if the coesium were mistaken for potash, it would give 35'69 Cs, and reduce the soda (if obtained by difference) to 1'72 p. c., and that thus the results are as close to Pisani's as could be expected, considering the 250 OXYGEN cOMPOUNDS. amount of material used. Plattner's analysis thus changed would read Si 4620, X1 16'39, Fe 0'86, Cs 35'69, Na 1'72, fI 2'32=103'18. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube becomes opaque and yields water. In the forceps whitens, fuses with difficulty, coloring the flame yellow. In muriatic acid slowly decomposes, with a separation of pulverulent silica; and the filtrate from the silica gives an abundant precipitate of the platin-chlorid of csesium when treated with bichlorid of platinum. Obs.-Occurs in the island of Elba, with petalite (castorite). Named from Pollux (the genitive of which is Pollucis), of heathen mythology. II. UNIS [LICATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. A. Unisilicates of elements mostly in the protoxyd (or alpha) state. 1. CHRYSOLITE GROUP. Orthorhombic; IAI=91~-95~: OA1-i=1240-129~. Ratio. 257. FORSTERITE 1:1 l4g2 S1 Si Oje4gMg2 258. MONTIcELLITE 1:1 (~ Oa+-g Mg)2Si Sieal| I(4ea+1Mg)2 259. CHRYSOLITE 1:1 (Sig, Ie)2 Si Si 1104ll (Mg, Fe)2 260. FAYALITE 1:1 Fe2 Si Si I14ll Fe2 261. EULYSITE 1:1 ( F'e+(l(Mn, Mgl)2 Si Si 11411 (" Fe +I ({Mn, Mg))2 262. TEPHROITE 1:1 Ma2 Si Si 11o411 Mn2 263. KNEBELITE 1:1 (M Mn+ f e)2Si Si 14ll1 (t Mn+ Fe)2 264. LEUcOPHANITE 1:12, i a ( a, Na) + I 3e)2 i + 3 Si Si 11o411 ((ea, Na2) + BOe)2 b (O (Ca, a)+3 e + 2 Si)2 Si Si[G4ll (a(a,Na2)+aBe +2ySi)2 265. WBHLERITE 1:1? (2gt2+ ~Zr)Si [+ I-,o(e,Sn)'b] Si l[l4I (3Rt+ y Zr)2 + 1o Q II. PHENACITE GROUP. Hexagonal; R A R=116~-117~ 266. WILLEMITE 1:1 Zn2Si Si 11[411 ZnO 267. PHENACITE 1:1 ]e2 Si Si 11i4l11 3e2 268. MELIPHANITE r=l:14? a (R3,i)2S;i+3+ Fi Sill (, F)41 (Na2,R,iR)2 + 4Si ~ b ( (AR, t)+- Si 3)2 ij3 Si Il(, F)411((Na2RR) + LYSi)2 III. HELVITE GROUP. Isometric; related to the Garnet Group. 269. HELVITE 1:1+ ( tA+~ e)2Si [+ (Fe, Mn) S Si 110411 (~ R+ Be)2 + ~ Q 270. DANALITE 1:1 + (i + B e)2i[ +ZnS] SiI [411 (~ +~Be)2 + + Q B. Unisilicates of elements in the protoxyd and other states combined; rarely of elements in the protoxyd or deutoxyd state alone. Contain magnesium and iron in the series of basic elements. Colors various. UNISILICATES. 251 IV. GARNET GROUP. Isometric. Ratio. 271. GARNET 1:1:2 (tR3 +~)' Si3 Si4ll(4(i t+~ R)2 A. GROSSULARITE ( Ca3 + lI)2? i3 Sille4ll(~~aj —a+~:l)2 B. PYROPE (J(Mg, Fe, iR)s + Al)2 Si3 Si ei4ll(4((Mg, Fe, HR) + jI:l)2 C. ALMANDITE (I e3+i A)2 S;3 SiFIe4U( Fe + 1 SA1)2 D. SPESSARTITE (j(Mn, ie)3+ IAl)2.i3 -SiI4 I(i (Mn, Fe) + fj1)2 E. ANDRADITE A. ( a + C (a e, Al)2 Si3 Si[ll4Ill(4 a+- i(Fe, Al))2 B. (4(0a, Mn)3 + 3 (Fe, Al))2 Sil SiJleG41 (G(a, Mn) + (Fe, A1))2 C. (J(da, Y)3+ Ije)2 gi3 SiI[411( (-a, Y) + Fe)2 F. BREDBERGITE (~( 0a+~iMg)s+g3e)2 Si Sill4IO4(j(-a + -Mg) +#,8Fe)2 G. OUVAROVITE. ( 0a'+~ir)2Sr Si ie411(3ja + 3,i3r)2 V. VESUVIANITE GROUP. Tetragonal. 272. ZIRcoN 1:1 Zr Si SillO4rZr2 273. VESUVIANITE 3:2:5 (6(Oa, Fe)3+A-1)2Si3 Sill&411(f(a, Fe) + Ri3A1)2 274. MELILITE 2:1:3 ((OCa, Mg,: a)+~ (Al, e))Si) Sille411( (Na2,) R+ f1(A., Fe))2 275.? SPHE1NOOLASE 2:1:4 VI. EPIDOTE GROUP. Anisometric; IA Inot 120~, nor approximately so. 276. EPIDOTE 1:2:3 (Ca3+ (A;1, Pe))2 Si3 Sil411( e(a+if/(A1, Fe))2 A. KOELBINGITE 277. PIEDMONTITE 1:2:3 ~ Ca + -(M~n, Fe, A1)2 g3 SilIO4II( -ea+i f (lMn, Fe, Al))2 278. ALLANITE 1:1:2 ~ (Ce, Fe, R)3+ (A1, Pe? i Si]i]411(~(Ce, Fe, R)+-fl(AlFe))2 279. MUROMONTITE oi, IY, Fe, DBe, Oe, La A. BODENITE Si, Y, Fe, de, La, Ca, Al, 1t B. MICHAELSONITE Si, Oa, Ce, Zr, ]e, Fe, Na, JE 280. ZOISITE 1:2:3 ( Ca3s + 1M)2 Si3 Si4ll({ ea + * fil)2 B. SAUSSURITE 1:2:3~? ((Ca, N(a)3 + l)2 i+3+ Si Sille4ll(* a, Na2) + Al)2 + ) Si 280A. JADEITE 1:2:6 ( /Na3 + 1)2 Si3+ 3 Si Sillf4l(j( Na2+a Al)2+Si 02 281. PARTSCEIITE 1:1:2 (~ (Mn, Fe)3+j A3l)2 Si SiIllOll(~ (Min, Fe) +3IAkl)2 282. GADOLINITE 1:1?7 i, YO, Fe, Ae 283. MOSANDRITE 1:2:3? Si, Ti, Ce, La, Di, Ca, [f] 284& ILVAITE A. 3:2:5 (R+ 5'Fe)2 i3 Si|&4( I( (-3a, Fe) +~tFe)2 B. 3:2:5+ ( R3+-e)2 gi3 [+ efe] Sill4( (4 a, Fe) + ~fl Fe)2[+ Q] VII. AXINITE GROUP. Triclinic. Contain Boron. 285. AxIITE 2:4:1:7 ( Caa+*(Fe, Al) +-3 3)2Bi3 SilIOe4j(7 a+4 8(Fe, Arl)+4+fB), 286. DANBURITE 1:3:4 (ICas + 4') Sia- SiIO4[[(qJaa+3B)2 VIII. IOLITE GROUP. Orthorhombic; IA 1=120~. 287. IOLITE 1:3:5: a (I(Ig, }e) + l)2 SiS +2 i SiIOG4!J(Mig,Fe) +il)2+~JSiG2 252 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. IX. MICA GROUP. Plane angle of base of prism 120~; the forms either hexagonal or orthorhombic. Ratio. 288. PHLOGOPITE A. 7:4:11 (-i-(1ig, f:)8+ -A1l)2 i3 g SiO4HM(-1(K2, g) +-:A 1)2 B. 2:1:3 (. ( ]ig; K)3+-Al1)2 i3 Si ille4II((K2, Mg) +~ i/l)2 289. BIOTITE 1:1:2 1(1[g, K) + (Xl, Ve)2SiS Sill0411f(i(K2, Mg)+ ~I(Al, Fe))2 290. LEPIDOMELANE 1:3:4 j(FPe, [g, K)3+t(;A1, e)2 Sil Sill411((IK2, Fe,Mg)+I(*Al,Fe))2 291. ANETE 1:2:3 i (-Fe, k)3 + I (M1, e)2 Si3 Sil4II(~(KI, Fe) + fl(Al1, Fe))2 292. ASTROPHYLLITE 10:3:4:17 (- RA3-t 3+ +-4 (Ti, Zr)t) Sis Sii[Oa( —(R2, r) + - 3tR + -%A y(Ti, Zr))2 293. M ST (A3, )2 Si3 + iSi Si~O4 (K2,Mg,Mfl(,Fe))2 + Isieo b (8( Si3 Sie4 ()(K2,Mg,, (A+l, Fe)) +9 ySi) 294. LEPIDOLITE r1:11 5 a (23, T)2 i3 + 3 Si SilIO4ll(K2,Li2, Mn, fAl)2 +~SiGe -( b (4 (3, )- - Si)2 Si3 S&ille04(4(R2, Mn, 81l)2 + k YSi)2 295. CRYOPHYLLITE r=1:2 5 a (R,)2Si3+ 3 Si Sie04|(K2, Li2, Fe, flA1)2+Sij2 (b (j((K, Li, Fe)2,l) + Si92)2 Si3 Sie40(2(K2,Li2,Fe,fAl) + I ySi)2 C. Unisilicates of elements in the protoxyd and other states combined. The series of basic elements including calcium, barium, sodium, and the other alkaline metals, and not iron or magnesium (these latter occurring, only in traces and abnormally). X. SCAPOLITE GROUP. Tetragonal. O. ratio for protoxyds and sesquioxyds 1: 1 to 1: 3, but mostly 1: 2. 296. SARCOLITE 1:1:2 (G(-I%- Oa+0Na)+ si3 -S ilI4 gl(J(-1'0 a + 1-LNa2) + iTfAl)2 297. MEIONITE 1:2:3 (i(1~ Ca+ + — Na)3+.X1)2Si3 SiHOG4|(illGa+ki Na2)+,lA1)2 298. PARANTHITE 1:3:4 (~ 0a3+ Xl1)2i3 iSi e4llj(ea+ t l)2 299. WERNERITE 1:2:4 a (i (Oa, Na)3 + l)2 il+ gi &iI[&4H((Na2, ea) +lfA1)2~+iSi r=1:1 L b (2 (Ca, Na)2+ 4X1++1 i) )SillOal(a(Na2,ea) + 4 rl+ 7 ySi)2 7~LiH a 7 (Ja)+~#~7 M ISi)2 300. EKEBERGITE 1:2:4j a (~J(Oa, Na)3+ T1)2 Si32 + 2 Si Si4((Na )+1)2+Si r= 1:l( b ({1 (Ca23, l) + ii) - Sijllj( +(Na2, aa, 3 A-) si t a a1 301. MIZZONITE 1:2:5 ra (i(0a, la)3+ i11)2 gSi+ 2i i sillo4llI(iea, Na2)+flAl)2+jSi r= 1:1i Lt (-i. ~ 8-((a,ISa)3+ 1+-a S + -i-2 Silln(tI(Ga, Na2, lA1)+~A9ySi)2 302. DIPYRE 1:2:6 a (i(0a, Na)3 +Xl)2 Si3+ 3 Si SillO41(i~(ea,Na2)+*/Al1)2+SiP2 r=1:2 bS (C (da, a), + S t l+ S Si3 i SiiO411(2(-ea,~Na2)+ 9)rA l+tySi)2 303. MARIALITE 1:2:6 a (i(ia, Ca)3+i 31)2 i + 3 Si -Si[[4jj(~(Na2,,a)+ d)2 +Si02 r=1:2 b (2((Na, 0a)3+4Xl+ 3 gi)Si Sill[O4l(((Na2,Gea)+S3Al+tySi)2 -TNISILICATES. 253 XI. NEPHELITE GROUP. Hexagonal. O. ratio for protoxyds and sesquioxyds 1: 3. Ratio. 304,. NEPHELITE 1:3:41 (N (a, k)9 + 1l)2 Si S Sil[l41[1( (Na2, K2) + fA1)2 + Si (-j41 (ga, K)3 —L 12-d+ 17Si-)2Si3 Si1&41(A7 (Na2, K2) + 3l 27 Al + rsi)2 XII. LEUOITE GROUP. Monometric. O. ratio for protoxyds and sesquioxyds 1: 3. 305. SODALITE 1:3:4+ ( ia' + 4 A1)2 i3 [ + i Na C1] Si&l O4(~ lNa2 + 1)+ a 01 306. LAPIS LAZULI 307. IAUYNITE 1:3:4 + (g Ia3+ - 1)2 Si3 [- COa ] SiJe4 OI( Na2 + IA)2 + ~ Q 308. NOSITE 1:3:4+ ( as +;i1)2 gis [ + ~Ia S] Sijle4llJ j(a2 + Prl)2 + Q. 309. LEUCITE 1:3:8 5 a (~.t2+~l)2 Si3+3 Si SiYl-4I(K2 +,Al)2 +si,2 r=1:2 | b (66 K3+ 1 2 Si )32 (Si i 2ll( 2 + 6i OM+ +Y+Si)2 XIII. FELDSPAR GROUP. Monoclinic or triclinic. 0. ratio for protoxyds and sesquioxyds 1: 3. 810. ANORTHITE 1:3:4 ( Ca3+ -Xl)2Si3 Sil[G4l(jeGa+A )2 311. LABRADORITE 1:3:6 a ((Ca2,)3 + i X)2 + 3 sis iI aa2) + t aA:1)2 + Si r-:~ [b (~J(Oa, Ta)3+' 1I Si)4 Si3 5Siu41[(5(Ca,Na2)+81 + IySi), 312. ANDESITE 1:3:8 t a ( (Ca, &a)+ l)2s + 3 Si SiI 4OIl(G(a,~a22)+ -Il)2 + sio2 r=1:2 |b (1(Ca, Na)S + 6 A + 2l Sji)2 i a Si{O4(1(a,Na2) + BAl + 2ySi)2 313. IYALOPHANE 1:3:8 a (1~(a,)3 + 1k1l)2 Si3+3 Si SiIIOl1(i(Ba,K2) + IAl)2 +Sio r=1:2 b (6 (a, k)3 + - + 2 3) Si 4ille4ll( (Ba,K2) + -1 + 2 ySi)2 a ( (Ca, ga)s + I Z1)2 Si + 31 Si sille4A(aa2) +ll)2 + 1 314. OLIGOOLASE 1:3:9 SiO2 r=1:2 i b(,3 (Ca, 1a)3"+- - l)+ -S)2i3 -Si4ll04(113 (ea,ga2,)+ 3-3A-l+ 6 aO 1.. ySi)2 315. ALBITE 1:3:12 a (gaS +l1)2Si3+ 6 Si slle~( Na2+ A1)2+ 2 SiO2 r=1:3 b (ia +XI+4 SiJ+)2Si3 SillOell(, Na+2 + A1+ ySi)2 316. ORTHOCLASE 1:3:12 5 a (i:+ I;1i)2 Si+ 6 9i SilOlK( K2 + BA1) + 2 SiO2 r=1:3 b(Y + 4 Z + 4 I ) i3 Si04D(j K2 + fA + I YSi)2 Appendix. 317. EULYTITE. 318. ATELESTITE. In the preceding table the column of ratios contains the oxygen ratios for the protoxyds and silica or the deutoxlyds and silica, where no sesquioxyd bases are present, as in the first, second, and third groups, and species 282; for the protoxyds, sesquioxyds, and silica, where the bases include elements in each of these three states, as in all the other groups. In species 285, the ratio is for the protoxyds, sesquioxyds, tritoxyds, and silica. The letter r (species 268, 287, 293, etc.) signifies oxygen ratio between the bases and silica. This ratio is stated only when the silica is in excess above that of the unisilicate type, and it exhibits the amount of that excess. Q is used in the second column of formulas for any accessory constituents not silica; its value in each case may be derived from the part of the corresponding 254 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. formula in the first column which is in brackets. In species 265 it stands for (Fe, Mn); ib in 284B, for Fell-; and so on. Examples of an excess of silica occur in many of the above groups; namely, the Chrysolite group, in leucophanite; Phenacite group, in meliphanite; the Epidote group, in jadeite and perhaps in saussurite; the Iolite group; the Mica group, in muscovite, lepidolite, and cryophyllite; Scapolite group, in wernerite, ekebergite, mizzonite, dipyre, marialite; Nephelite group; Leucite group, in leucite; Feldspar group, in all the species excepting anorthite. It has been shown that this excess of silica is often connected directly with the alkaline nature of the base, and increases with increased alkalinity, as if the former were determined by the latter. The following are the ratios between the non-alkaline and alkaline portions of the base in the above mentioned groups, as decided from the mean of the analyses, together with the ratios for the bases and silica: Bases Silica Non-alk. Alk. CHRYSOLITE GR. —Chrysolite, etc. 1: I all non-alk. Leucophanite 1: 1 4j: 1 PHENACITrrE GR.- Phenacite, etc. 1: 1 all non-alk. Meliphanite 1: 1+ 6: 1 EPIDOTE G-R.- Epidote 1: 1 all non-alk. Zoisite 1: 1 all non-alk. Saussurite 1: 1* 6: 1 Jadeite 1: 2 1: 2 MICA GR.- Astrophyllite 1: 1 6: 1 Phlogopite 1: 1 3: 1 Biotite 1: 1 3: 1 Lepidomelane 1: 1 2 —1: 1 Muscovite 1: 1: 2-6 Lepidolite 1: 1~ 1: 3-12 Cryophyllite 1: 2 1: 21 ScAPOLITE GR.- Sarcolite 1: 1 9: 1 Meionite 1: 1 10: 1 Paranthite 1: 1 all non-alk. Wernerite 1 1~ 4: 1 Ekebergite 1: 1~ 2:: 1 Mizzonite 1 1: Dipyre 1: 2 1: 1 Marialite 1: 2 (or 21) 1: 2 NEPHELITE GR.- Nephelite 1 IEUCITE (IR. — Sodalite 1: 1 all soda. Leucite 1: 2 all potash. FELDSPAR GR.- Anorthite 1: 1 all non-alk. Labradorite 1 1: 2: 1 Hyalophane 1: 2 1+: 1 Andesite 1: 2 1: 1 Oligoclase 1: 2: 1: 2 Albite I: 3 all alk. Orthoclase. 1: 3 all alk. In each of the groups in this table the increase in the proportion of silica is accompanied with an increase in the proportion of alkalies. Iolite is an exception, as it contains, according to the analyses hitherto made, no alkalies. Sphenoclase (No. 275) is another, but the mineral is uncrystallized, and it is too little known to be considered in this connection. The two formulas a and b, for the species containing this excess of silica, are those explained on page 204, the first making the excess accessory silica, the second making half of the excess basic. In connection with the descriptions of the species beyond, only the formulas of the first of the two kinds are given in full UNISILICATES. 255 257. FORSTE3RITE. Levy, Ann. Phil. II., vii. 59, 1824. Peridoto bianco Scacchi, Distrib Sist. Min., 63, Napoli, 1842. White Olivine. Boltonite Shep., Min., i. 78, 1835. Orthorhombic. Form and angles as in chrysolite. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-z, -[, - i-2I, i-2, i-t; domes 1-P, 1-, ~-~; octahedral, 1, 1-2 -. Cleavage: i-4 and O. In attached crystals. Also in imbedded imperfect crystals, grains, or masses. H. — 6-7. G. =321-3*33. Lustre vitreous. Transparent-translucent. Color white, yellowish-white, wax-yellow, grayish, bluish-gray, greenish; sometimes becoming yellowish on exposure when not in distinct crystals. Streak uncolored. Var.-1. Forsterite, white crystals from Vesuvius, H.=7; G.=3.243, Rammelsberg. 2. Boltonite, imbedded mineral of other tints, from Bolton, etc., Mass.;.=6-6'-5, G. =3.208 —3'328, Smith; 3'21, Breith. Comp.-Mg2 Si=Silica 42'86, magnesia 57114=100. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cix. 568); 2, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Si., II. xviii. 372); 3, G. J. Brush (ib., xxvii. 395): Si 31 Slg Ca P'e ign. 1. Forsterite 42-41 - 53'30 2'33 --- 9804 Ramm. 2. Boltonite (a)42'31 0'17 51'16 -- 2.78 1'90= 98'32 Smith. 3. " 42'82 tr. 54.44 0.85 1'47 0'76=100'34 Brush. Pyr., etc.-B.B. unaltered and infusible. Boltonite gives traces of moisture in the closed tube and becomes colorless. Decomposed by muriatic acid with separation of gelatinous silica in both forsterite and boltonite. Obs.-Forsterite occurs in implanted crystals, with spinel and augite at Vesuvius. Boltonite is disseminated through a whitish crystalline limestone, at Bolton, Mass.; also at Roxbury and Littleton, Mass.; its imbedded masses or crystals are often over an inch through, and rectangular in section. Part of the boltonite is altered, and thence softer and hydrous, with the composition of villarsite (p.-). On cryst., B. &. M., Min., 318; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. I., 22. Forsterite was named by Levy after Mr. Forster, a patron of mineralogy. Artif.-Artificial magnesia-chrysolite has been made by Ebelmen, by fusing together in a porcelain furnace a mixture of silica and magnesia, with carbonate of potash, or boric acid. TITANIFEROUS CHRYSOLITE. A massive, reddish-brown mineral from the talcose schist of Pfunders in the Tyrol, having some resemblance to boltonite, and G.=3'25. Contains, according to Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. viii. 90), 3'5 to 5-3 of titanic acid, with 6 p. c. of protoxyd of iron. For analyses see Nos. 1 and 2 on page 257. The condition of the titanium has not been satisfactorily ascertained. There is a deficiency of silica which it may supply. But if it exists in the mineral as titanic iron, the rest is a magnesian chrysolite, like boltonite, with but little -Fe replacing Mg. 258. MONTICELLITE. Brooke, Ann. Phil., 1831. Batrachit Breith., Char., 301, 1832. Orthorhombic, and isomorphous with chrysolite. Occurring planes, i-i, i-2, I, 1-4, 2-2. In crystals. Also massive, with two cleavages inclined to one another 115~, and another diagonal to this angle. I. =5 —55S. G.=3O03 —325. Lustre vitreous, slightly resinous in the massive variety. Colorless, yellowish-gray, pale greenish-gray, and whitish. Streak uncolored. Transparent to translucent. Fracture more or less conchoidal. Var. —(1) Monticellite, in colorless to yellowish-gray crystals, from Vesuvius; G.=3'119 256 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 3'245. (2) Batrachile, cleavable massive, of a pale greenish-gray color, or whitish; G.=3'033, Breith. Comp.-( Ca+ ~ ]Sg)2 gi=Silica 38'5, lime 35'9, magnesia 25'6=100. One-eighth of the Mg is replaced by Fe. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cix. 569); 2, id. (Pogg., li. 446): 9i Fe tg Ca ign. 1. lonticellite 37'89 5i61 22-04 34'92 -=100-46 Ramm. 2. Batrachite 37'69 2'99 21'79 35'45 1'27=99'19 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-B.B. rounded only on the edges. Soluble in dilute muriatic acid to a clear solution, which on heating gelatinizes. Obs.-Monticellite occurs in crystals imbedded in granular limestone with mica and augite, on Mt. Somma. Batrachite is found in small masses containing black spinel, at Mt. Rinzoni in the Tyrol. Monticellite was named after the Italian mineralogist, ~Monticelli; Batrachite from 6r-paxoc, frog, in allusion to the color. 259. C(HRYSOLIT]E. Smaragdus?, Beryllus?, pt. Vet. Topazos? pt. Plin. Not Chrysolithus [=Topaz] Plin., xxxvii. 42. Chrysolit, Gemma pellucidissima colore viridi subflavo in igne fugaci (description also says quadrangular, infusible, etc.), Wall., Min., 118, 1747. Peridot ordinaire [not the Oriental] d'Argenville, Orykt., 161, 1755. Gulgrin Topas-Chrysolit Cronst., Min., 43, 1758. Chrysolite ordinaire de Lisle, Crist., 230, 1772, ii. 271, 1783 [not Peridot de Ceylan=Tourmaline ib., ii. 346]. Krisolith Wern., Bergm. J., 373, 1789+Olivine (fr. basalt) [=-hrysolite des Volcans Faujas, Vivarais, 17178.] Wern., ib., 55, 1190. Peridot H., Tr., iii. 1801. HIyalosiderit Walchner, Schw. J., xxxix. 65, 1823. Glinkit Romanovski, Bergjournal Russ., Oct. 1847; ident. with Chrysolite, Beck, Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 244, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA I=94~ 2'; O A 1-i=128~ 28'; a: 6: c==12588: 1: 1-0729. o A 1-2=125~ 45'. 0 A 1-=:1300 26' i —3 A ii-3 ov. i —,=108~ 51' 0 A 1120 10 \ 1, mac.,=107 45 i-k A -2, ov. i-r,- 123 34 O A 23 —114 48 1 Al 1 br., =101 32 i- A1-2=13 21. 0 A - -i=149 36 i-2 A i-2 ov. i-,_-130 2 1-4 A ~-=119 12 236 237 0 ___ 0,a is (i21' 1-' ij 11 1-2 i14i Observed Planes. Cleavage: i-z rather distinct. Massive and compact, or granular; usually in imbedded grains. H. =6-7. G. 3-33-3-5. Lustre vitreous. Color green-commonly olive-green, sometimes brownish, grayish-redj grayish-green. Streak usually uncolored, rarely yellowish. Transparent-translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Double refraction positive; bisectrix normal to O. Comp., Var. —(Mlg, Fe)' Si, with traces at times of in, Oa,. i. The amount of Fe varies much. When there are 9 Fe to 50 Mg (anal. 5, 7), the ratio of Fe to Mg is 1: 10; when 16 Fe UNISILICATES. 257 to 44 MTg (anal. 22) nearly 1: 5; when 22~ Fe to 39 SiMg (anal. 26) nearly 1: 3;.when 28~ Fe to 32) Mg, as in hyulosidcerite, the ratio is 1:2, and the special formula ( Mg+~Fe)2Si, or 2Mg2 Si+Fe2 Si. This species is ordinarily divided into 1. Precious. Of a pale yellowish-green color, and transparent, so as to be fit for jewelry; G.= 83441, 3'3514. Occasionally seen in masses as large as " a turkey's egg," but usually much smaller. It has long been brought from the Levant for jewelry, but the exact locality is not known. Welldefined crystals of chrysolite an inch across are very uncommon. The proportion of iron to magnesia may be either small or large, as in the following. 2. Common; Olivine of Werner. Dark yellowish-green to olive- or bottle-glass-green; G.= 3'334, fr. Etna. Commonly disseminated in basalt and lavas, in grains, and also at times in large masses having a rectangular outline, showing that they are crystals, although made up apparently of grains; these masses sometimes weighing 30 lbs. Also constituting rocks. Glinkite is pale-green chrysolite from talcose schist; G.=-339 —3 43, Herm. Hyalosiderite is a very ferruginous kind (anal. 27); the specimen analyzed was partially decomposed, being iridescent and submetallic in lustre. Analyses: 1, 2, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. viii. 90); 3, Genth (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 20); 4, id. (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 199); 5, Manice (ib., xxxi. 359); 6, 7, Stromeyer (Gel. Anz. Gtt;., 1824, 208; Pogg., iv. 193); 8,.Walmstedt (Ak. 1H. Stockh., 1824, ii. 359, and Schw. J., xliv. 25); 9, iHauan (Verh. G. Reichs., 1867, 11); 10, Kjerulf (J. pr. Ch., lxv. 181); 11, Router (ZS. G., xvi. 342 ); 12, Madelung (ib.); 13, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 111); 14, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 438); 15, Walmstedt (1. c.); 16, Stromeyer (1. c.); 17, Ta.lle (Ramm. Mmin. Ch., 438); 18, Damour (Bull. G. Soc., II. xix. 414); 19, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 20, Walmstedt (1. c.); 21, Deville (Et. Geol. Canaries); 22, Lappe (Pogg., xliii. 669); 23, Schmid (Pogg., lxxxiv. 501); 24, W. v. Beck (Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1847); 25, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., IV. xiv. 187); 26, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xxix. 283); 27, Walchner (Schw. J., xxxix. 65): Si Fe Mn Mg 1. Pfunders, bnh.-rd. 36-30 6-00 0'60 49-65, Ti 5 30, II 1-75=9980 Damour. 2. "t " 36-87 6-21 0'60 50-14, Ti 3-51, H 1 71=99'04 Damour. 3. Hecla 434:4 6'93 -- 49'31,.l tr., Ni 0'32, 0o tr. —100 Genth. 4. Webster, N. C., gnh. (Q) 41-11 7.35 -- 4916, Ca 004, Ni 041, gangue 123, ign. 0-69 -10(1-05 Genth. 5. Thetford, Vt. 40175 9-36 - 50'28=100 36 Manice. 6. Vogelsberg 40-09 8-17kAin 0-20 50-49, M10'19, Ni 0'37=99'51 Stromeyer. 7. Oriental Chrysolite 39'73 9'19 " 0-09 50'13, Al 0-22, NTi 0-32 —9968 Stromeyer. 8. Iserwiese 41-54 8'66 0'25 50'04, Al 006 —6=100-55 Walnstedt. 9. Norway, a rock 37142 8-88 0'17 48-22, l1 0-10, o i 0O23 ign. 471= —99-7 3Hauan. 10. Eifel, wine-ywu. 42'21 8-91 -- 49-29,.A1 0 18,.'r 0-004, ign. 012=100l72 Kj'lf. 11. Dun Mtn., Dunyte 42-80 9-40 -- 47-38,. Ni, Co,.Na, tr. H 0-57=100'15 Reuter. 12. " " " 42-69 10'09 - 4690, Ni tr., H 049=100'17 Madelung. 13. Etna 41-01 1(1'06 -- 41 2, A1 064, Ni 0-20, H 1-04=100'z2 Walt. 14. Petschau 44'67 10-76 -- 4184, Al 023 Ca 2'35 —9985 Ramrm. 15. Pallas meteorite 40-83 11'53 0'29 4714, Al tr., Ca tr.=100-39 Walmstedt. 16. Olumba, S. A., meteoric 38-25 11-'5 0'11 49'68=99'79 Stromeyer. 17. Vesuvius 40'35 12-34 - 467 0=9939 Kalle. 18. Lake Lherz 40'59 13'37 1-60 43-13=99'05 Damour. 19. Carlsbad 39'34 14-85 -- 45-81=100 Rammelsberg. 20. Mt. Somma 40-08 15-26 0-48 44-22, iAl 018-100'24- Walmstedt. 21. C. Verdes, Fogo I. 40'19 15'27 2-27 35-70, A1l -80, Ca 5-12=99-35 Deville. 22. Greenland 40'00 16,21 0'55a 43-097 Al1 006 —99'91 Lappe. 23. Atacama, meteoric 36-92 17-21 1-81 43-16=99'10 Schbmid. 24. Glinkite (. ) 39-21 17-45 -- 44'o6= 10072 Beck. 25. Antuclo, Chili 40'70 1960 -- 39'0()=100 Domeyko. 2V. Near Montreal 37-17 22-54 -.- 39-68=99-30 Hunt. 27. Hyalosiderite 31-63 29'71 1{n 0'48 3240, Al1 2'21, K 2-69, Cr tr.=-9923 Walchner. a With some Ni. Berzelius detected oxyd of tin in the olivine of the Pallas meteorite; Rummler a trace of arsenous acid A. Erdmann found a trace of fluorine in that of Elfdalen, and of Tunaberg. Walchner obtained in anal. 26 0'330 grins. of Fe (out of 1'040 grms. under analysis), from which he deduced 30'9 grms. of Fe, or 29-71 p. c. Pyr., etc. —B.B. whitens, but is infusible; with the fluxes gives reactions for iron. Hyalosiderite and other varieties rich in iron fuse to a bl)ack magnetic globule. Some varieties give re 258 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. actions for titanic acid and manganese. Decomposed by muriatic and sulphuric acids with separation of gelatinous silica. G. before ignition, 3'389; after, 3'378. Obs. —A common constituent of some eruptive rocks; and also occurring in or among metamorphic rocks, with talcose schist, hypersthene rocks, and serpentine; or as a rock formation; also a constituent of many meteorites. The eruptive rocks, basalt and basaltic lava, consist of chrysolite (the variety olivine), along with labradorite or other feldspar, and augite. Though usually in grains, it is sometimes in rectangular masses several inches thick. A chrysolite rock occurring at L. Lherz, consisting largely of chrysolite, has been called Lherzolyte (See p. 147, under SPINEL). The dunyte of F. v. Hochstetter (ZS. G. Ges., xvi. 341) is the same rock, according to Sandberger. The latter has a grayish-green color, and greasy and vitreous'lustre, with G.-3-295, and occurs with serpentine rock in Dun Mtn., near Nelson in New Zealand. Another similar rock from Moravia, called picryte, consists half of chrysolite, along with feldspar, diallage, hornblende, and magnetite. Another from Norway (called Olivinfel.s in German, or olivine rock) has very nearly the composition of pure chrysolite (anal. 9); G.=3-24-3-32, Kjerulf (1. c.); granular in texture; of olive to bottle-green color; it contains some talc, tremolite, and bronzite. Occurs in eruptive rocks at Vesuvius, Sicily, Hecla, Sandwich Islands, and most volcanic islands or regions; at Expailly in Auvergne; at Unkel, on the Rhine, crystals several inches long; at Kapfenstein in Lower Styria, in spheroidal masses; at Sasbach and Ihringen in Kaiserstuhl, Switz.; near Freiburg, Baden, in dolerite, a variety containing much iron (hyalosiderite); in Thetford and Norwich, Vermont, in boulders of coarsely cryst. basalt, the crystals or masses several inches through; in dolerite or basalt in Canada, near Montreal, at Rougemont and Mounts Royal and Montarville (anal. 26). In talcose schist, found near Kyschtimsk, N. of Miask, and near Syssersk in the Ural, in greenish imbedded nodules (glinkite, anal. 24); id. at Webster, in Jackson Co., N. C. (G. — 328), along with serpentine, pyrosclerite, and chromnite; with chromite in Loudon Co., Va.; in Lancaster. Co., Pa., at Wood's mine, with serpentine and chromite (Genth); near Media, Delaware Co., Pa., with hornblende, magnetite, and chromite. In hypersthene rock at Elfdalen. Among the meteorites containing chrysolite, there are the Pallas from Siberia, others from Olumba, Atacama, Steinbach, etc. On cryst., Kokscharof, Bull. Ak. St. Pet., ix. 235. Gives 1-2 A 1-2, ov. 0,=711 30', whence OA 1-2-125~ 45', i-2 A i-2, ov. i-4,=49~ 55', whence ov. i-z-130~ 5'. Most of the crystals are fragile, and therefore unfit for use as gems. Named from Xvaos6q, gold, and AiOs. The hyalosiderite, from'aXos, glass, and latspos, iron. The Ohrysolithus of Pliny was probably our topaz; and his topaz our chrysolite. But Pliny's statement that " topazos " is the largest of all the precious stones, and that a statue 4 cubits high was made of it, shows that he confounded together different stones, since solid chrysolite crystals are never as large as some topaz crystals, and two inches is an extraordinary magnitude. The hardness mentioned, that it yields to the action of the file and wears with use, is right, and seems to prove that true chrysolite was included under the name of topazion. It came fiom an island in the Red Sea, and was very highly valued. It is stated by Diodorus Siculus to have resembled glass, but to have had a remarkable golden appearance, especially conspicuous at night (King). Alt.-Alteration of chrysolite often takes place through the oxydation of the iron; the mineral becomes brownish or reddish-brown and iridescent. It also splits into thin laminle as the change goes on, sometimes so as to resemble a mica. A basalt thus changed was once pointed out to the author as a mica slate, although no further change had taken place than that here mentioned. Chusite, Limbilite, and Sideroclepte of Saussure (J. de Phys., 341, 1794), all from Limburg in Brisgau, are chrysolite more or less altered. The process may end in leaving the cavity of the crystal filled with limonite or red oxyd of ironl. Under the action of carbonated waters, the iron is often carried off instead of being peroxydized, and also some of the magnesia is removed at the same time; and thus may come serpentine, picrosmine, which often retain the crystalline form of chrysolite. A further change may produce steatite and other magnesian species. For analyses of altered chrysolite see Walmstedt, in Ak. H Stockh., 1824, and Ramm. Min. Ch., 441; Rhodius in Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxiii. 116, and Ramm. Min. Ch., 441; Lewinstein in Jahresb., 1860, 757; A. Madelung, Jahrb. G. Reichs., xiv. 1, Jahrb. Min., 1864, 628; W. Jung, B. H. Ztg., xxii. 289. 260. FPAYALITE~. CG.C. Gmnelin, Pogg., li. 1839. Eisenperidot, Eisenglas Germn. Iron Chrysolite. Anhydrous Silicate of Iron. M1assive, crystalline. Cleavage in two directions at right angles to one another. UNISILICATES. 259 H.-=65. G.=4-4'14; 4-138, Fayal; 4'006, Ireland, Delesse. Lustre metalloid, somewhat resinous in the fracture. Color black, greenish, or brownish-black; sometimes iridescent. Opaque. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal. Attractable by the magnet. Comp. —Fe2 Si=Silica 29'5, protoxyd of iron 10-5=100. Analyses: 1, Gmelin (Pogg., i,. 160); 2, Fellenberg (ib.); 3, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 435); 4, Thomson (Min., i 461); 5, Delesse (Bull. G. Fr., II. x. 568): Si il Fe Su Sig Oa (u 1. Fayal 30-24 3'54 58-27 354 - 0-86, Fe S 233=98'78 Gmelin. 2. " 29'15 4'06 60'95 0'69 2-38 0'72 0-31, Pb 1'55=9981 Fell. 3. " 28'27 3-45 63'80 tr. 0'45 129 Fe S 3-35=100'61 Ramm. 4. Slavcarrach 29'60 68-73 1-78 - - - 10011 Thomson. 5. "' 29-50 tr. 63-54 5-07 0'30 -- -=98'41 Delesse. Pyr., etc.-Fuses readily to a black magnetic globule. Gelatinizes with acids. Obs.-From the Mourne Mts., Ireland, at Slavcarrach, near Bryansford, in pegmatite; forms nodules in volcanic rocks at Fayal, of the Azores. Obsidian or volcanic glass often approaches fayalite in composition. Artif.-Iron-chrysolite sometimes occurs in crystals as a furnace slag, as noticed by Hausmann in 1812, and later by Mitscherlich and others. The vulkanisches Eisenglas of Klaproth (Beitr., v. 222), which afforded the above composition, was a slag according to G. Rose. It is a common product of the puddling furnace. 261. IRON-MANGANESE CHRYSOLITE. (A. Erdmann, Ak. H. Stockh., 1848; var. olivine, his Min., 278, 1853.) Near fayalite, but contains, besides protoxyd of iron, some protoxyd of manganese and lime, with also a little magnesia, approaching thus hyalosiderite. One of three agreeing analyses afforded Erdmann (1. c.): Si 1- Pe Mn Mg Oa 29'16 1-56 55'87 8'47 3-23 2-29=100'58. It gives the formula, 6 Fe2 Si + 1 Mn2 Si+(Mg, Oa)2 Si, Rammelsberg. It occurs in a gneissoid rock called Eulysyte, consisting in part of augite and garnet, at Tunaberg in Sweden. A furnace-product, which is a lime-iron-manganese chrysolite, has been observed in clove-brown crystals at an iron-furnace in Easton, Pa. An analysis afforded Dr. C. T. Jackson (Am. J. Sci, II. xix. 358), Si 33-70, Ca 31'80, Fe 18'00, Mn, Mn 14'90, Xl 3-50=101-90. Taking the iron and manganese as protoxyd, as so regarded by Dr. Jackson, the formula is (Ca, Fe, Mn)2 Si. 262. TEPHROITE. Tephroit Breith., Char., 278, 1823, 212, 329, 1832. Orthorhombic. Crystalline-massive. Cleavage in three directions rectangular in intersection, one perfect, a second a little less so, the third imperfect, or rather indistinct. H. 55 —6. G. 4-4-12. Lustre somewhat adamantine. Color grayish flesh-red, reddish-brown, and rose-red, to ash-gray, smoky-gray. Streak pale gray. Darkens, on exposure, to brown and black. Translucent -subtranslucent. Optic-axial plane parallel to plane of perfect cleavage; divergence for red rays, 159~ 1'; in oil, 84~ 19'. Var.-1. Normal (anal. 1-5). 2. Aagnesian, or picrotephroite (anal. 6-9). G. of No. 6, a brown kind, 2'91; of No. 7, a red, 2-87. Resembles much a cleavable feldspar. Comp. —]MIn2 Si-Silica 29'8, protoxyd of manganese 70'2=100; or (Mn, Mg)2 Si. Analyses: 1, Thomson (Min., 1, 514); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxii. 145); 3, H. Deville (Descl. Min., i. 38); 4, G. J. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxvii. 66); 5, Igelstrbm ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1865, 228); 6, 7, P. Collier and A. Hague (see No. 4); 8, Damour (Ann. d. M., V1. ii. 339); 9, Igelstrbm (1. c.): Si Fe Mn Zn Mg Oa ign. 1. Franklin 29'64 0-82 66-60 - - - 2-10=99-76 Thomson. 2. Sparta 28-66 2-92 68-88 - - - — =100'46 Rammelsberg. 260 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 9i Fe Mn Zn W1g Pa ign. 3. Sparta 28'37 2'16 59-31 7-58 2'16 0'39 — =99'97 Deville. 4. " 30'19 1'09 65'59 0'27 1'38 1'04 0'37-99'93 Brush. 5. Paisberg, red 30'82 - 56'83 - 2'79 5'37 2'20=98'01 Igelstrim. 6. Sparta, brown 30'55 1'52 52'32 5'93 7'73 1-60 0-28=99'93 Collier. 7. " red 31-73 0'23 47'62 4'77 14-03 0'54 0-35=99-27 Hague. 8. Franklin 29-95 1-96 36'43 11'61 18'60 -- 1711=100-26 Damour. 9. Paisberg, brown 31'36 4-15 44'07 - 17-71 Ir. 0-87, Pbb, Xs, a tr.=98-16 Igelst. Analysis No. 4 was of a specimen received from Breithaupt, as the original tephroite; Nos. 6, 7, from specimens obtained by Brush at Stirling Hill, in Sparta. The zinc in anal. 3-7 was undoubtedly from mixed zincite, this mineral occurring as a thin scale or lamina in the direction of the cleavage, and hence often covering cleavage surfaces (Brush). Anal. 7 corresponds to (- mn -+ MIg) Si; anal. 8, to (J Mn+'- Mg) Si; and in anal. 9, Mn: Mg-=5: 4. Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses at 3'5 to a black scoria. Gelatinizes perfectly in muriatic acid without evolving chlorine. With the fluxes gives reactions for manganese and iron. The magnesian variety fuses at 4 (No. 6) to 6 (No. 7). Obs.-Found at Stirling Hill in Sparta, N. J., with zincite, willemite, and franklinite. in cleavable masses; also at Paisberg, in Wermland, Sweden, along with rhodonite and other manganesian minerals; at Sjbgrufvan, with hausmannite. The name tephroite is from trpp6s. ash-colored. Breithaupt's original specimen was from the collection of H. Heyer at Dresden. 262A. HYDROTEPHROITE. L. J. Igelstrdm has described ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1865, 605) a hydrous tephroite from Paisberg, which has a pale reddish color, a colorless streak, and H. =4; gelatinizes with acids and yields water. He obtained in an analysis Si 28406, Mn 0'49, Mn 53-44, Mg 11'89, Oa, Fe tr., fI 5'85=100'13, and corresponding to (Mn, jg)2 Si+ -. It may be an altered tephroite. A black silicate of manganese from Klapperud, Dalecarlia, having a submetallic lustre and yellowish-brown streak, afforded Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 137) Si 25'0, Mn 55-8, i 13 0-93-8=Mn2 Si + 2 II, agreeing with the tephroite, excepting the water. Klaproth obtained 60 p. c. of Mn, Mn, whence the above is deduced by Berzelius. 263. KNEBELITE. Knebelit Dlbereiner, Schw. J., xxi. 49, 1818. Crystalline massive. H.=6'5. G.=3'714, Ddbereiner; 4'122, Erdmann. Lustre glistening. Color gray, spotted dirty-white, red, brown, and green; also grayish-black to black. Opaque to translucent. Brittle; fracture subconchoidal. Comp. —( Fie +~ In)2 Si=Silica 29'6, protoxyd of iron 35'5, protoxyd of manganese 34'9= 100. Analyses: 1, Ddbereiner (Schw. J., xxi. 49); 2, A. Erdmann (Dannemora Jernmalmsfailt, p. 54): Si Pe an kg 1. Ilmenau 32'5 32' 35. -— 99'5 Ddbereiner. 2. Dannemora 30'26 34'30 34'47 0'25, 31 1'59=100-87 Erdmann. Pyr., etc.-According to Ddbereiner, unaltered B.B., but Erdmann's mineral fused easily to a lustreless magnetic bead, and gave with the fluxes reactions for iron and manganese. Decomposed readily by muriatic acid with separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-The mineral analyzed by Ddbereiner was from an unknown locality, but G. Suckow (Kenng. Ueb. Min., 1855, 93) states, on the authority of Knebel, that it was found in granite near Ilmenau. The Dannemora mineral is grayish-black to black in large masses, light gray on the thin edges, and is stated to cleave parallel to a prism of about 115~. Named after Major von Knebel. 264. LEUCOPHANITE. Leukophan Esmark, Ak. HI. Stockh., 1840, 191; Tamnan, Pogg., xlviii. 504. Leucophane. Leucofanite. Orthorhombic. IA I about 910 (90~ to 93~, Greg; 91~ 3', B. & M.); O A 1-i, calc.,=1450 52'. Approximate angles, O A 2-117 —118~ 30', o0 2-i=1260 25'. A plane rn-n on 0=140~ 30', on one plane I=126~ UNISILICATES. 261 30', on other 1=101~ 30', Greg. Crystals tabular and nearly rectangular. Cleavage: basal perfect; imperfect in another direction, inclined 126~ 25' to the base; and perhaps in a third, at right angles to O. Usually massive. H.= 35 —4. G.-=2-974. Lustre vitreous on a cleavage surface. Color pale dirty green to wine-yellow; thin fragments transparent and colorless. Powder white, and strongly phosphorescent, whether heated or struck. Electric when heated. Optically biaxial; bisectrix normal to the base, plane of axes the inacrodiagonal; Descl. Comp.-O. ratio for T, T!, Si=3: 3: 10; (~ (Oa, NTa)+i ~ e)2 Si+~ Si; or else with half the excess of silica basic. Part of the oxygen replaced by fluorine. Analyses: 1, Erdmann (Ak. H. Stockh., 1840); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xcviii. 257): Si A1 Be Mokn Ca isa k F 1. 47'82 -- 1151 1'01 25'00 10-20 0'31 6'17=102'02 Erdmann. 2. 47'03 1'03 10-70 tr. 23837 11 20 0'30 6-57-100'43 Ramm. 0. ratio, leaving out of view the fluorine, for Ca, Se, Si, from anal. 1, 3: 3: 10'6; from 2, 2: 2'8: 10'0. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube whitens and phosphoresces with a purple light. B.B. in the forceps phosphoresces and fuses with intumescence at 3 to a clear colorless glass, which becomes opaque-white on flaming; imparts an intense yellow color to the flame. Fused with salt of phosphorus in the open tube gives the reaction for fluorine. Obs.-Leucophane occurs in syenite with albite, elseolite, and yttrotantalite, on the small rocky islet Lambe, near the mouth of the Langesund fiord in Norway, where it was found by Esmark. It resembles somewhat a light-green variety of apatite. Named from XeVK65, white, and (avwo, I appear. On cryst., see Greg, Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 510; Dana, Am. J. Sci., II. xxi. 205; Descl. Min., i. 144. 265. W IiTLERITE. W6hlerit Scheerer, Pogg., lix. 327, 1843. Orthorhombic. IA 1=900 nearly, 0 A 1-7=144~ 37'; a: b: c=0'7162: 1: 1~ O A ~-i=160~ 27' 238 O A 3-T=133 11 0 A It= -117 07 O A 1 —=141 30 i-i A i-=-116 34 i-i Al =135 ~ i2 i-2 A i-2, ov. i-i,=126 52 i i-9 A i-s, ov. i4,=143 8 ~-4 A - ov. 0,=140 54 In tabular crystals and prisms. Cleavage: i-i distinct and easy. Also granular. H. 5.5. G.=3'41. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color lightyellow, wine-, honey-, resin-yellow, brownish, grayish. Streak-powder yellowish-white. Transparent -subtranslucent. Fracture more or less conchoidal-splintery. Comp.-O. ratio for (Oa, SIg, NMa), Zr, Si, (Pe, MIn), -b=9'78: 5'08: 15-89: 0'77: 3'57; from Scheerer's analysis (with which Hermann's agrees nearly), whence Scheerer deduces a formula making it a columbate of zirconia + 5 parts of a silicate of soda and lime. It corresponds well to the formula (}(Oa, DIg, Na)a+ i Zr) Si [ + — L (Fe, lun) Ob], the last member columbite. 262 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Analyses: 1, Scheerer (1. c.); 2, Hermanun (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, xxxviii. 467): ~i ~b Zr Fe Mn Oa Na f: 1. Brevig 30'62 14'47 15'17 2'12 1'55 26'19 7'78 0-24, Mg 0'4=98'14 Scheerer. 2. " 29'16 11'58 22'72Fe 128 1'52 24'98 7'63 1'33=99'61 Herm. Pyr., etc. —B.B. in a strong heat fuses to a yellowish glass. With the fluxes gives the reac, tion of manganese, iron, and silica. Dissolves easily when heated in strong muriatic acid, with a separation of the silica and columbic acid. Obs.-Occurs with elseolite in zircon-syenite, on several islands of the Langesund fiord, near Brevig in Norway. Some crystals are nearly an inch long. On cryst., Descl., in Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xl., and Ann. d M., V. xvi. 229; Dauber, Pogg., xcii. 242. Descloizeaux, in his later paper, makes i-i and i-i the vertical faces of the prism 1, with IA I=90~ 16', and he describes the crystals as hemihedral in many planes. 266. WILLE.MITE. Siliceous Oxyd of Zinc, Silicate of Zinc (fr. N. Jersey), ~anuxem & Keating, J. Ac. Philad., iv. 8, 1824. Willemite (fr. Moresnet) Levy, Ann. d. M., IV. iv. 513, 1843. Williamsite,Wilhelmite, Villemite, alt. orthogr. Anhydrous Silicate of Zinc. Hebetin (fr. Moresnet) Breith., Char., 130, 1832. Troostite (fr. N. J.) Shep., Min., 1st part, 154, 1832. Rhombohedral. B A R-=1160 1', O A R=142~ 17'; a-=067378. Observed planes: in crystals fr. N. Jersey, i-2,, —, 1V; fr. Moresnet O, I, 9 R A-1=148~ 1'. R A -150~ 5' 13 A i-2-151~ 55' 239 P'- 1 -RAi-2=1210 59'; 3A3 —1280 30'; Levy. Cleavage: i-2 easy in N. Jersey crystals; O easy in those of Mor(R XR esnet. Also massive and in disseminated grains. SomeI/'k - /&4 + times fibrous. <-R >< ~ H. =55. G=3'89 —418. Lustre vitreo-resinous, rather weak. Color whitish or greenish-yellow, when purest; apple-green, flesh-red, grayish-white, yellowishi2 2i:I brown; often dark-brown when impure. Streak uncolored. Transparent to opaque. Brittle. Fracture conchoidal. Double refraction strong; axis positive. Var. —The crystals of Moresnet and New Jersey differ in occurring forms as above described. The latter are often quite large, and pass under the name of troostite; they are commonly impure from the presence of manganese and iron. G. of crystals from New Jersey, 3'89-4, Vanuxem and Keating; 4'(2, Herm.; 4'154, Delesse; from Moresnet, 3'935, Thomson; 4'16 —418, Levy; from Stolberg, 4'18, Monheim. Comp. —Zn2 [i=Silica 27'1, oxyd of zinc 72'9=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Vanuxem and }Keating (1. c.); 3, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 11); 4, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. x. 213); 5, H. Wurtz (Rep. Am. Assoc., iv. 147); 6, Thomson (Min., i. 545); 7, Levy (Ann. d. M., IV. iv. 147); 8, Monheim (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn., 1848, 157); 9, Damour (Descl. Min., 554): Si Fe Mn:Pe MIn 2n ~Ig ft 1. Stirling 25'44 6'50 - -- 6806 -- - = —— 100 Van. & K. 2. 25'00 0'67 2'66 - -- 133 - — =9966 Van. & K. 3. " 2680 -- tr. 9-22 60-07 2'91 100-=l00 Herm. 4. " 27-40 -- - 0'87 2'90 68'83 -- --— =100 Delesse. 5. " 27191 5- - 35 3-73 59'93 1'66 —, da 160=100-18 Wurtz. 6. Moresnet 26'97 1'48 -- 0-78 68177 -- 125, il 1.'447=99'91 Thom. 7.'" 27'05 0'75 - -- - 6840 - 030= —9650 Levy. 8. Stolberg 26'90 - 035 - 7291 - -=100'16 Monheim. 9. Greenland 21'86 - - 037 7151 - =99'74 Damour. a With a trace of zinc and iron. First analyzed and described by Vanuxem and Keating. Pyr., etc.-B.B. in the forceps glows and fuses with difficulty to a white enamel; the varieties from New Jersey fuse from 3'5 to 4. The powdered mineral on charcoal in R.F. gives a UNISILICATES. 263 coating, yellow while hot and white on cooling, which, moistened with solution of cobalt, and treated in O.F., is colored bright green. With soda the coating is more readily obtained. Decomposed by muriatic acid with separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-From Vieille-Montagne near Moresuet, between Liege and Aix-la-Chapelle, in crystals and massive, the crystals but a few millimeters in length; also at Stolberg near Aix-la-Chapelle; at Raibel in Carinthia; at Klucsaina in Servia and in Greenland in compact quartz. In New Jersey at both Franklin and Stirling in such quantity as to constitute an important ore of zinc. It occurs intimately mixed with zincite and franklinite, and is found massive of a great variety of colors, from pale honey-yellow and light green to dark ash-gray and flesh-red; sometimes in crystals (troostite) six inches long and an inch or more thick, imbedded in franklinite and also in calcite. Named by Levy after William I., King of the Netherlands. 267. PHENACITE. Phenakit N. v. _Nhordenskibld, Ak. H. Stockh., 160, 1823, Pogg., xxxi. 57 Rhombohedral; often hemihedral. R A -?=1160 36', 0 A 1R-1420 38/, Kokscharof; a=0'661065. Observed planes: rhombohedrons, X, -2, -1, -; scalenohedrons, 12, 1 2, -2, 2 (bevelling terminal edge of ) ); pyramids, 2 —2, -2; prisms, I, i-2, i-23; hemihedral, i 23-3, 3,3-3, Koksch. Min. Russl., ii. 308, iii. 81. R A 1=1270 211'? A\-2 1600 35' 240 RA-2= —121 42 R A — =148 18 2-2 A — 2=156 44 A — 144 4 2 3-2 A R-159 56 2 A 2 87 12 Crystals sometimes oblong, as in fig. 240' but often the i2 i2 prism nearly or quite wanting, and the form that of a low obtuse rhombohedron, with replaced edges and lateral angles. Cleavage: i-2 distinct, R imperfectly so. Twins: composition-face i-2.'I.=7'5-8. G.-=296-3. Lustre vitreous. Colorless; also, bright wine-yellow, inclining to red; brown. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture like that of quaartz. Double refraction positive. Comp. —]e2 gi=Silica 54'2, glucina 45 8-100. Analyses: 1, Hartwall (Pogg., xxxi. 57); 2, Bischof (Pogg., xxxiv. 525): 1. Ural Si 55-14 ie 44-47 1 and tg tr.=99-61 Hartwall. 2. Framont 54'40 45-57 Ca and M0-g o'09=100-06 Bischof. Pyr., etc.-Alone remains unaltered; with borax fuses with extreme slowness, unless pulverized, to a transparent glass. With soda affords a white enamel; with more, intumesces and becomes infusible. Dull blue with cobalt solution. Obs.-Occurs in mica schist at the emerald and chrysoberyl mine of Takovaja, 85 versts E. of Katherinenberg, where the crystals are sometimes nearly 4 inches across, and one found weighs 1' lbs.; also in small crystals on the east side of the Ilmen Mts., 5 versts N. of Miask, along with topaz and green feldspar; also in highly modified crystals with quartz, in limonite, near Framont in Alsace; at Mt. Mercado, near Durango, Mexico, in limonite and magnetite, the crystals numerous, but not fresh, being below the true hardness; and in a valley on the summit of La Cruz, on the side of the rancho of Tinaja, it forms, according to G. Weidner, a rock, containing horn. blende and actinolite. Named from ivauf, a deceiver, in allusion to its having been mistaken for quartz. 268. MELIPHANITE. Melinophan Scheerer, J. pr. Ch., Iv. 449, 1852. Meliphane Dana, Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 405, 1867. Tetragonal or hexagonal. Massive, and consisting sometimes of plates 264 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. or lamelle, but not as a result of cleavage structure. Cleavage hexagonal (2), in traces. H.=5. G. -30, Richter; 3'018, Rammelsberg. Lustre vitreous. Color sulphur, citron, or honey-yellow. Transparent to translucent. Brittle. Double refraction strong, uniaxial; axis negative; Descl. Comp.-Formula perhaps as on p. 250. Analyses: 1, imperfect, by R. Richter (1. c.); 2, Ram. melsberg (Pogg., xcviii. 297): Si -i1 Rn Fe e oCa MIg Na F 44-8 12-4 1'4 1-1 2-2 31-5 0-2 2-6 2-3 6b, Zr, Je, Y 0'3=98'8 Richter. 43'66 1'57 11'74 26174 0'11 8'55 573, K 1-40, II 030=99'80 Ranmn. Rammelsberg's analysis, if the fluorine is taken as replacing part of the oxygen in the bases and acid, gives for the oxygen (including the fluorine) ratio for R, Ms, Si 3'7: 3: 8-3. The exact nature of the compound is still doubtful. Rammelsberg deduces the same formula as that for leucophane, taking as the common oxygen ratio 4: 3: 9. But Descloizeaux's optical examinations make the two distinct species. Pyr., etc.-B.B. in the forceps does not phosphoresce, fuses with intumescence to a white enamel; in other respects resembles leucophane. Obs.-From the zircon-syenite of Norway, near Fredericksvdrn, with elkeolite, mica, fluorite, and magnetic iron. An imperfect crystal in the cabinet of R. P. Greg, Esq., gave him for the angle between two prismatic faces 133~; the edge between these two faces was replaced by a rough plane, apparently not equally inclined. Named from rpE,, honey, and paiw, I aoppear, from the honey-yellow color. [Scheerer misswrote the word melinophane, which would come from txAtvos, ashen, or /e^Atvq, millet.] The dropping of the t of the genitive, as done above, has classical authority. 271. IHELVITE. Ein Fossil w. Aehnlichk. m. d. Granat hat, aber nicht Granat zu seyn scheint, Mlohs, Null. Kab., i. 92, 1804. Helvin Wern., 1816, Breith. in Hoffm. Min., iv. b. 112, 1817. Wern. Letztes Min. Syst., 2, 29, 1817; Tetrahedral Garnet Mohs, Char. Syst. Min., 71, 1820, Edinb. Tetra6drischer Granat id., Grundr., 412, 1824. Isometric: tetrahedral. Figs. 31, 32. Cleavage: octahedral, in traces..I-I=6 -65. G.=3-1 3- 3; 3'216, Breithaupt. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color honey-yellow, inclining to yellowish-brown, and siskin-green; streak uncolored. Subtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Comp.-O. ratio for R, Si=1: 2; for Min+Fe, Be=: ~ 1; formula ((lIn, Fe)+I [Be)2 gi+ Mn S, Ramm. Analyses: 1, 2, Gmelin (Pogg., iii. 53); 3, Rammelsberg's correction of Gmelin's anal. 1 (Min. Oh., 701); 4, Rammelsberg (ib.): Si nBe Mn Fe Mn S ign. 1. Schwarzenberg 33'26 12'03" 41'76 5'56 5'05 1'15=98'81 Gmelin. 2. " 35'27 8'03 42'12 8'00. -, l 1'44 Gmelin. 3. " 33-26 12'03 30'57 8-00 8-67 5-05 1'15-98'73 Gmelin. 4. Norway 33-13 11'46 36'50 4'00 9-77 51 ---— =100'57 Ramm. a With some alumina. Pyr., etc.-Fuses at 3 in R.F. with intumescence to a yellowish-brown opaque bead, becoming larker in R.F. With the fluxes gives the manganese reaction. Decomposed by muriatic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, and separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-Occurs in gneiss at Schwarzenberg in Saxony, associated with garnet, quartz, fluorite, and calcite; at Breitenbrunn, Saxony; at Hortekulle near Modum, and also at Brevig, in Norway, in zircon-syenite. Named by Werner, in allusion to its yellow color, from Xtosg, the sun. UNISILICATES. 265 270. DANALITE. J. P. Cooke, Am. J. Sci., II. xlii 13. Isometric. In octahedrons, with planes of the dodecahedron; the dode cahedral faces striated parallel to the longer diagonal. H. -55- 6. G.-=3'427. Lustre vitreo-resinous. Color flesh-red to gray. Streak similar, but lighter. Translucent. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Comp. —(~ R+~ ie)2 si+~ Zn S; in which —:e, Mn, n, n. Analyses: J. P. Cooke (1. c.): Si Fe Mn 2n 1e S 1. Rockport (f) 31'-3 27140 6'28 17'51 13'83 5*48-102'23. 2. Gloucester 29'88 28'13 5171 18-15 141-72a 4'82, Ca 0'83, Mg tr.=102-24. a With alumina. By subtracting from anal. 1 oxygen 2'74, equivalent to the sulphur, the sum is 99-49; and from anal. 2, 2'41 p. c. oxygen, the sum is 99-83. Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses readily on the edges to a black enamel. With soda on charcoal gives a slight coating of oxyd of zinc. Perfectly decomposed by muriatic acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-Occurs in the Rockport granite, Cape Ann, Mass., small grains being disseminated through this rock; also near Gloucester, Mass.; in both localities associated with a lithia mica, in the latter, with green feldspar and fluorite. Named after J. D. Dana. 269. GARNET. A,,OpaF pt. [rest Ruby Spinel and Sapphire] Theophr. Carbunculus pt. [rest id.] Plin., xxxvii. 25; Carchedonius, Garamanticus [:=-Carthaginian or Garamantic Carbuncle], Alabandicus [cut at Alabanda], Anthracitis, Plin., ib., 25-27. Granatus Albertus Magnus, 232, 1270. Carbunculus Carchedonius= Germ. Granat, C. Alabandicus and Troezenius= Germ. Almandin, Agric., Foss., 272, Interpr., 463, 1546. Granat Wall., Min., 120, 1147. Garnet. Grenat Fr. Isometric. Observed planes: 0 (very rare), I, 1; trapezohedral, 2-2, 4-; tetrahexahedral, i-2, -j1, i-20; trisoctahedral, 3; hexoctahedral, 3-2, 4 —t. Dodecahedron, fig. 3, and the trapezohedron 2-2, fig. 10, most common; also figs. 11, 13, 14, 21, 28; octahedral form very rare; figs. 241243 distorted dodecahedrons; f. 244, distorted trapezohedron; f. 246, combination of the dodecahedron and trapezohedron, but distorted, and having only four planes of the former. Cleavage: dodecahedral, sometimes quite distinct. Twins: compositionface octahedral. Also massive; granular, coarse, or fine, and sometimes friable; lamellar, lamellse thick and bent. Also very compact, cryptocrystalline like saussurite. H. =6-5 -7'5. G. =315-4' 3. Lustre vitreous-resinous. Color red, brown, yellow, white, apple-green, black; some red and green colors often bright. Streak white. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle, and sometimes friable when granular massive; very tough when compact cryptocrystalline. Comp., Var.-Garnet is a unisilidate, of resquioxyd and protoxyd bases, having the general formula (~ R3 +I)2 Si', or (2)2 gi3 + 2 Si3. The name is from the Latin granatus, meaning like a grain, and directly from pomegranate, the seeds of which fruit are small, numerous, and red, in allusion to the aspect of the crystals. There are three prominent groups, based on the nature of the predominating sesquioxyd. 1. ALUmIAGARNET, in which the sesquioxyd is mainly aluZmina (X). II. IRONGARNET, in which it is largely sesquzioxyd of iron (Fie), usually with some alumina. 266 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 241 242 243 244 246 ~~214~~~~~5 22 ~~247 245 -I2 X2 1 III. CHROMEGARNET, in which it is largely sesquioxyd of chromium (er). The protoxyd bases present, either singly or two or more together, are lime ((a), magnesia (Mg), protoxyd of iron (Fe), protoxyd of manganese (Mn), with rarely a few p. c. of protoxyd (?) of chromium, 2protoxyd of nickel, or yttria, or a trace of au alkali. Subdivisions of the above groups have been based on the predominance of one or another of these protoxyds; and on this ground there are the following varieties or subspecies: A. GROSSULARITE, or Lime-Aluminagarnet. B. PYROPE, or Magnesia-Aluvminagarnet. C. ALMANDITE, or Iron-Alusminagarnet. D. SPESSARTITE, or LManganese-Aluminagarnet. E. ANDRADITE, or Lime-Irongarnet, including A, ordinary; B, manganesian, or Rothoffite; C, yttriferous, or Yttergarnet. F. BREDBERGITE, or Lime-Magnesia-Irongarnet. G. OUVAROVITE, or Lime- Chromegarnet. Excepting the last, these subdivisions blend with one another more or less completely through varieties containing combinations of the protoxyd bases, and also of the sesquioxyd bases. The following are their characters. Most of the various names enumerated below under each division, making the synonymy, have stood for a time as names of supposed distinct species. A. Limne-Aluminagarnet; GROSSULARITE. (Kanelstein [=Cinnamon Stone] fr. Ceylon [sp., placed near Zircon] Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Wern., ii. 209, 1804; Essonite [sp.] H., Tr. Pierres prec., 1817; lHessomte Leonh., Handb., 433, 1821: Essonite [var. of Garnet] Beud., 170, 1824. Romanzovit [fr. Kimito] Nordenskidld, Sehw. J., xxxi. 380. Grossularite [fr. Wilui R., Sib.] Wern., 1808-9, Hofm. Min., i. 479, 1811; Granat Pallas, N. Nord. Beyt. St. Pet., 1793; Wiluit pt. [Viluit] Severgin. Grenat du chaux, ou Grossulaire, Beud., 337, 182.4.) A silicate mainly of alumina and lime; formula mostly ( C(a3+~;l)2 Si-3=Silica 40'1, alumina 22'7, lime 37-2=100. But some lime often replaced by protoxyd of iron, and thus graduating toward the Almandite group. Color (a) white; (b) pale green; (c) amber- and honey-yellow; (d) wine-yellow, brownish-yellow, cinnamon-brown; rarely (e) emerald-green from the presence of chromium. G. = —'4-3'75. The original grossularite (wiluite) included the pale green from Siberia, and was so named from the botanical name for the gooseberry; G. — 342 —372. Cinnamon-stone, or essonite, included a cinnamon-colored variety from Ceylon, there called hyacinth; but under this name the yellow kinds are usually included. Succinite is an amber-colored kind from Ala, Piedmont. Romanzovite is brown. UNISILICATES. 267 Pale green, yellowish, and yellow-brown garnets are not invariably grossularite; some (including topazolite) belong to the group of Irongarnet, or Andradite (p. 268). Analyses: 1, Croft (G. Rose, Reis. Ural, ii. 132); 2, T. Wachtmeister (Ak. HI. Stockh., 1823); 3, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1847, 447, and also 1863, 496); 4, N. v. Ivanoff (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 79); 5, Wachtmeister (L c.); 6, Karsten (Karst. Arch. Min., iv. 388); 7, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 319, v. 138); 8, Arfvedson (Ak. H. Stockh., 1822, 87); 9, C. Gmelin (Jahresb., v. 224); 10, Klaproth (1. c.); 11, Karsten (1. c.); 12, Nordenskiold (Schw. J., xxxi. 380); 13, Richter (Ber. Ges. Leipsic, 1858, 99); 14, Pisani (C. R., lv. 216): Si A1 Fe Fe Mn ilg Oa 1. Urals, white 36'86 24'19 -- -- -- 37-15=98'10 Croft. 2. Tellemark, wh. 39'60 2120 2- 00 3'15 - 32'30=9825 Wacht. 3. Orford, Can., white 38-60 2271 -1 1-60 0-49 34-83, Na 0-47, K tr., ign. 1'10=99'80 Hunt. 4. Sltidianka R., Gross. 40'99 14'90 10'94 - -- 0'98 32-94=10075 Ivanof. 5. Wilui " 40'55 20'10 5600 -- 0'48 -- 34'86=100'99 Wacht. 6. " " 38'25 19'35 7-33 -- 050 2-40 31-75=99'58 Klarsten. 7. " " 44'0 8-5 12'0 -- tr. - 33-5=98 Klaproth. 8. Malsjo, Cin. 41'87 20-57 3'93 -- 0'39 33'94=100'70 Arfved. 9. Ceylon, " 40-01 23-00 367 - - - 30'57, K 0-59, ign. 0'33= 98'17 Gmelin. 10. " 38-80 21'20 6-50 - - - 31-25=97-75 Klaproth. 11. St. Gothard, " 37-82 19'70 5'95 - 0-15 4'15 31-35=99'12 Karsten. 12. Romanzovite 41-21 24'08 7'02 -- 092 24'76, ign. &loss 1-98=100 N. 13. Traversella, dark red 39-99 17-98 6-45 - - 2'76 32-70-99-88 Richter. 14. Elba, octahed. 39'38 16'11 8'65 -- tr. 1'00 36-04, ign. 0'31=101'49 P. In anal. 3, G.=3'522 —3'536; anal 4, G.=3'427. B. Magnesia-Aluminagarnet; PYRnopE. (Carbunculi Carchedonii in Boemorum agris Agric., Foss., 272, 1546. Bohemian Garnet. Bohmischer Granat (as a distinct sp.) Wern., Bergm. J., 424, 1789; Klapr., i. 16, ii. 21. Pyrop Wern., 1800, Ludw. Wern., i. 48, 1803. Karfunkel Germ., Escarboucle pt. Fr.) A silicate of alumina, with various protoxyd bases, among which magnesia predominates much in atomic proportions, while in small proportion in other garnet, or absent. Formula (~ (Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn)2+~ A1)2 Si8. The original pyrope is the kind containing chrome. In the analysis of the Arendal magnesia-garnet, Mg: Ca: Fe+Mn=3: 1: 2; and the ratio of the magnesia to the other protoxyd bases is I: 1. In Moberg's analysis of the chromiferous pyrope, which is considered the best, Mg: Ca: Fe + Mln: Cr=3: 0-75: 1'33: 0'57; and Mg: Ca +Fe +Mn+r=-1: 0'87. G.=3'7-3-72, Breith.; 3-78, Mohs; 3-738 (anal. 18), Genth. Analyses: 15, Wachtmeister (1. c.); 16, Kobell (Kastn. Arch. Nat., v. 165, viii. 447, ix. 344); 17, Moberg (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 122); 18, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 196); 19, Zilliacus (Ramm. Min. Ch., 695): Si Al Pe 1'e Mn kg Oa 15. Arendal, black 42'45 22-47 -- 9-29 6-27 13-43 6-53=100-44 Wacht. G.=3-157. 16. Pyrope 42'08 20-00 1-51 9-09 Mn032 10-20 1'99, 4r 3'01=9820() Kobell. 17. " 41'35 22-35 - 9'94 2-59 15-00 5'29, Cr 4'17'100-69 Moberg. 18. Santa F, N.Mex. 42'11 19-35 -- 14'87 0-36 14-01 5'23, ir 2-62, ign. 0)45=99 Genth. 19. Miesmiki, Finl. 41'56 19'84 5-33 4-37 -- 22-00 4'25, fIr 0-35, ign. 1-58=99-28 Z. The name pyrope is from 7rvpwsrdS, fire-like. C. Iron-Aluminaga~rnet; ALMANTDITE. (Precious or Oriental Garnet. Orientalischer Granat, Sirianischer (fr. Siriam in Pegu) Granat Klapr., Beitr., ii. 22, 1798. Alamandin (Alabandicus Plin.) Karst., Tab., 20, 69, 1800. Common Garnet pt. Fahlungranat Berz., Lohthr.) A silicate mainly of alumina and protoxyd' of iron; formula (j Fe3+j A1)2 Si -_Silica 36-1, alumina 20-6, protoxyd of iron 43-3=100; or Mn may replace some of the Fe, and Pe part of the 1l. Color fine deep-red and transparent, and then called precious garnet; also brownish-red, and translucent or subtranslucent, common garnet; black, and then referred to var. melanite. Part of common garnet belongs to the Andradite group, or is irongarnet. The Alabandic carbuncles of Pliny were so called because cut and polished at Alabanda. Hence the name almandine, now in use. Pliny describes vessels of the capacity of a pint, formed from carbuncles, "non claros ac plerumque sordidos ac semper fulgoris horridi," devoid of lustre and beauty of color, which probably were large common garnets of the latter kind. Analyses: 20, Hisinger (Schw. J., xxi. 258); 21, 22, Kobell (lb.; lxiv. 283); 23-25, Karsten 268 OXYGEN COMPOTINDS. (1. c.); 26-28, Wachtmeister (1. c.); 29, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 22, v. 131); 30, W. Wachtmeisler (Jahresb., xxv. 364); 31, Bahr (ib.); 32, Besnard (Jahresb., 1849, 745); 33, 34, Mallet (J. G. Sci. Dub]., Ramm. 5th Suppl., 125); 35, W. J. Taylor (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 20); 36, C. A. Kurlbaum (ib.); 31, Kjerulf (J. pr. Ch., lxv. 192); 38, 59, T. Wachtmeister (1. c.); 40, Moberg (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 122); 41, Piitzer (Ramm. Min. Ch., 695): Si Z1 Fe Fe Sin Mg Nt 20. Fablun, Almand. 39'66 19'66 - 39'68 1'80 -- -=100-80 Hising. 21. Zillerthal, bn. 39'12 21'08 6"00 27128 0'80 - 576=100-04 Kobell. 22. Hungary, prec. 40-56 20-61 5'00 32-70 147 - — =100'34 Kobell. 23. Zillerthal, " 39'62 19'30 34'05 0'85 2-00 3'28=99'10 Karsten. 24. Ohlapian 37'15 18'08 31130 0'30 10-15 0'36-97'34 Karsten. 25. Greenland 39'85 20'60 24'85 0'46 9'93 351= —9920 Karsten. 26. Engse, dull red 40'60 19'95 33'93 6'69 -- — =101'17 Wacht. 27. N. York 42-51 19'15 33-57 5'49 -- 107 —101'79 Wacht. 28. Norway 52'11 1804 ----- 2354 174 - 5'78=101'20 Wacht. 29. Oriental 35'75 21725 -- 3233 0-25 - -=9558 Klapr. 30. Garpenberg 39'42 2027 - 2482 7'51 3-69 2'63=98'34 Wacht. 31. Brena, Westm. 31716 19'30 - 3765 319 2'03 0'90=100'23 Bahr. 32. Albernreit, bnh.-r. 38176 21'00 - 3205 6'43 3-95 -— =102'19 Besn. 33. Wicklow, black 351-7 19'85 - 3807 504 - — =98173 Mallet. ~34. Killiney, brown 37'80 21'13 - 3483 -- 446 1'53 —99'75 Mallet. 35. Yonkers, N. Y., trp. 38'32 2149 - 3023 2'46 6'29 1'38=100'17 Taylor. 36. Delaware Co., Pa., trp. 40'15 20'77 26'66 1'85 8'08 1'83=99'34 Kurlbaum. 37. Oravitza 37152 20-01 36'02 1'29 2-51 0'89=98'23 Kjerulf. 38. Halla-ndsaos, dull red 41'00 20'10 28'81 2-88 6-04 150=100'33 Wachtm. 39. " " 42-00 2100 - 25-18 2'37 4'32 4'98=99'85 Wachtmeist. 40. Abo, rdh.-bn. 40'19 20'17 3527 0()99 4-98 0'50=102'10 Moberg. 41. Brazil, massive 37-23 15'22 6'73 26'76 3-40 3-14 4'31=96'79 Piitzer. In anal. 26, G.=4'236; anal. 21, 3'90; anal. 33, 4'196; anal. 38, 4'188; anal. 39, 4'043; anal. 40, 3'86. D. M.anganese-Aluminagarnet; SPESSARTITE. (Granatfdrmiges Braunsteinerz (fr. Spessart) Klapr., Beitr., ii. 239, 1797 —=Braunsteinkiescl (near Garnet) Karst., Tab., 20, 69, 1800. Manganesian Garnet (fr. Haddam) Seybert, Am. J. Sci., vi. 155, 1823. Mangangranat Germ. Broddbogranat Berz. Spessartine Beud., 52, 1832.) Color dark hyacinth-red (fr. Spessart), sometimes with a shade of violet, to brownish-red. G.=3' —4'4; fr. Spessart 3'6, Klapr.; fr. Haddam 4-128, Seybert; fr. Broddbo 4'575, d'Ohsson; fr. Miask 4-38, Lissenko. Analyses: 42, H. Seybert (Am. J. Sci., vi. 155, 1823); 43, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lv. 487); 44, d'Ohsson (Schw. J., xxx. 346); 45, Lissenko (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 230); 46, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 244): Si _;1 Fe in kg Oa 42. Haddam, Ct. 35-83 18'06 14'93 30-96 -- — =99'78 Seybert. 43. " 36-16 19716 11'10 32'18 0'22 0'58=100 Ramm. 44. Broddbo 39'00 14330 1544 21790 - -- n 1'00=97'64 D'Ohsson. 45. Miask 36'30 17'48 14'32 30'60 - 051= —9921 Lissenko. 46. Spessart 35'00 14'25 14'00 3500 - -=9825 Klaproth. In anal. 42, G.=4'128; anal. 43, 4'275; anal. 45, 438. E. Lime-I'ongarnet; ANTDRADITE. (Common Garnet, pt. Allochroite (from Drammen and Feiringen, Norway) d'Andrada, J. de Phys., li. 243, 1800, Scherer's J., iv. 32. Black Garnet; Melanit (fr. Frascati) Wern., 1800, Ludw. Wern., i. 48, 64, 1803. Aplome H., Tr., iv. 289, 1801. Kolophonit d'Andrada; Simon, Gehll. J., iv. 405, 1807. Grenat resinite=Colophonite H., Cours 1804, Lucas, Tabl., 265, 1806; Pech-Granat Karst., Tab., 32, 89, 1808. Topazolite (fr. Ala) Bonvoisin, J. de Phys., lxii. 1806. Pyreneit (fr. Pyrenees) Wern., 1811-12, Hoffm. Min., ii. 373, 1815. Kalkgranat Berz., Lothr. Granat v. Longban Rothoff, Afh., iii. 329,1810; Rothoffite Berz., N. Syst. Min., 218, 1819. Polyadelphite (fr. Franklin, N. J.) Thom., Min. i, 154, 1836. Jelletite (fr. Mt. Rosa) Apjohn, J. G. Soc., Dublin, v. 119, 1853. Yttergranat (fr. Norway) Bergemann, Sitz. Ges. Bonn., July, 1854.) Colors various, including wine-, topaz-, and greenish-yellow (topazolite), apple-green; brownish-red, brownish-yellow; grayish-green, dark green; brown; grayish-black, black. G. =3-64-4. Named Andradite by the author after the Portuguese mineralogist, d'Andrada, who described and named the first of the included subvarieties, Allochroite. The included kinds vary so widely in color and other respects that no one of the names in use will serve for the group. UNISILICATES. 269 Chemically there are the following subvarieties: 1. Simple Lime Irongarnet. in which the protoxyds are wholly or almost wholly lime. Includes: (a) Topazolite, having the color and transparency of topaz, and also sometimes green; although resembling essonite, Damour has shown that it belongs here. (b) Colophonite, a coarse granular kind, brownish-yellow to dark reddishbrown in color, resinous in lustre, and usually with iridescent hues; named after the resin colophony. (c) Melanite (named from tpet, black), black, either dull or lustrous; but all black garnet is not here included. Pyreneite is grayish-black melanite; the original afforded Vauquelin 4 p. c. of water, and was iridescent, indicating incipient alteration. (d) Dark green garnet, not distinguishable from some allochroite, except by cheniical trials. Jelletite is green garnet, light or dark, and yellowish-green, from the moraine of the Findel glacier near Zermatt, Mt. Rosa; named after Jellet, one of the describers of it. Calderite, a mineral from Nepaul, India, is said to be nothing but massive garnet; but whether belonging to this group or not is not stated. 2. 3flanganesian Lime-Irongarnet. (a) Rothoffite. The original allochroite was a manganesian irongarnet of brown or reddish-brown color, and of fine-grained massive structure. The Rothofite, from Longban, first analyzed by Rothoff, is similar, with the color yellowish-brown to liver-brown. Other common kinds of manganesian irongarnet are light and dark, dusky green and black, and often in crystals. Thomson's Polyadelphite was a massive brownish-yellow kind, from Franklim, N. J. (anal. 66, 67). The same locality affords another in dark green crystals, containing still more manganese. (b) Aplome has its dodecahedral faces striated parallel to the shorter diagonal, whence Haiiy inferred that the fundamental form was the cube; and as this form is simpler than the dodecahedron, he gave it a name derived from'arldoo simple. Color of the original aplome (of unknown locality) dark brown; also found yellowish-green and brownish-green at Schwarzenberg in Saxony, and on the Lena in Siberia. 3. Ytriferous Lime-Irongarnet; Yttergarnet. Contains several p. c. of yttria (anal. 75); G.=3'88, Bergemann; B.B. infusible. Analyses: 47, Hisinger (Jahresb., ii. 101); 48, Seybert (Am. J. Sci, v. 118); 49, Karsten (1. c.); 50, Bredberg (Ak. E1. Stockh., 1822, i. 63); 51, Bucholz (Scherer's N. J., iv. 172); 52-57, Wachtmeister (1. c.); 58, Thomson (Ann. Lye. N. Y., iii. 9, 1829); 59, Vauquelin (J. de Phys., 1. 94); 60, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 168); 61, Karsten (1. c.); 62, Damour (L'Institut, No. 1198, Dec. 1856); 63, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., IV. vii. 19); 64, WI. Fisher (Am. J. Sci., II. ix. 84); 65, Bahr (J. pr. Ch., liii. 312); 66, Weber (Ramm. 5th Suppl., 193); 67, Baumann (ib.); 68, D. Forbes (Edinb. N. Ph. J., II. iii.); 69, 70, N. v. Ivanof (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 79); 71, Tschermak (Jahresb., 1860, 766); 72, E. K. Granqvist (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 32); 73, A. Stromeyer (Jahresb. Hanover, xiii. 2:3, 1864); 74, Rose (Karst. Tab., 33); 75, Bergemann (Sitz. Ges. Bonn, July, 1854); 76, Wright (J. G. Soc., Dublin, v. 119, Ann. d. M., V. iii. 707); 77, Damour (1. c.); 78, v. Merz (Nat. Ges. Zurich, vi.); 79, Karavaief (Koksch. Mill. Russl., iii. 34): Si l Fe Fe Sin ig a 47. Westmanland 37'55 31'35 - 4'70 -- 26'74=100-34 Hisinger. 48. Willsboro', Coloph. 38'00 600 2806 -- -- - 29'00, Ii: 033=101'39 Seyb. 49. Schwarzenberg, gn. 36'85 4'05 25'35 -- 0'95 - 32'32=99'52 Karsten. 50. Sala 36'62 7'53 22'18 -- -- 195 31'80=100'08 Bredberg. 51. Thuringia, brown 34-00 2'00 27-84 -- 3'15 - 30'75, H, Cu 4'25 Bucholz. 52. Longban, yw. 35'10 - 2910 - 708 -- 26'91, K 0'98=99'17 Wacht. 53. Altenau, Aplome 35'64 - 30'00 -- 3'02 -- 2921, IK 235 Wacht. 54. Hesselkulla, bn. 3799 2-71 2853 -- 162 80- 74=10059 Wacht. 55. t gn. 38-13 7'32 19'42 -- 330 - 31'65=99'82 Wacht. 56. Arendal, bnh.-bk. 40'20 6'95 20'50 -- 4'00 -- 29'48=101'13 Wacht. 57. Vesuvius, bn. 39'93 13'45 10-95 3'35 1-40 -- 31-66=100-94 Wacht. 58. Franklin, N. J., bn. 33'72 7.97 17'64a, -- 16'70 - 25-88, I 0-08=101-99 T. 59. Frascati, black, Mel. 34-0 6'4 25'5 - - 33'0=98-9 Vauquelin. 60. " " 35-5 6' 0 260 -- - - 32'5, Mn 04=100'4 Klapr. 61. a it 34-60 4-55 28-15 - - 0'65 31'80-=99'75 Karsten. 6A.' " 35-84 6-24 23 12 - -- 104 32'72, Ti 1'04=100 Damour. 63. Beaujeu " 36'45 2-06 29-48 -- 028 0-06 30'76, ign. 0-96 Ebelmen. 64. Franconia, N. H., bk. 38-85 - 28-15 - -- 32'00-99 Fisher. i65. Gustafsberg, G.=3'6 37'80 11'18 15'66 4'97 0'13 tr. 30-28=100'02 Bahr. 66. Polyadelphite 34-83 1-12 28'73 - 8:82 1'42 24-05=98-97 Weber. 67. it 35-47 3'10 28'55 - 5'41 2'13 26-74=101'40 Baumann. 68. Stokde, green (2) 34-40 9-46 20-43 - 2'40 tr. 31-38, Na & loss 1-93=100 F a Determined as protoxyd. 270 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si il Pe Fie Sin Sig a, 69. Schischimsk Mts. 35'21 tr. 34'11 - tr. -- 30'96=100'28 Ivanof. 70. Achmatovsk 37-22 6-04 24-81 -- tr. 049 31'07=99'63 Ivanof. 71. Dobschau, green 38 3 28 -- -- 2 30'=101 Tschermak. 72. Pitk/ranta, bnh.-gn. 37'79 12-39 21'45 - 0'83 - 3078=]10324 Granqvist.'73. Arkansas 31'25 - 31'80 - -- 0'46 33'30, Ti319 —100 Strom. 74. Drammen, Allochr. 37-00 5 00 18-50 -- 6-25 -- 30-00=967,5 Rose. 75. Norway, bk., yttrif. 34'94 tr. 30-01 -- 1'09 0'50 26-04, Y 6'66-99-24 Berge. 76. fMt. Rosa, Jelletite, gn. 38-09 - 33'41 - -- - 2861=10011 Wright. 77. Zermatt, "bottle-gn. 36'03 1.24 30'05 -- -- 054 32-14=100 Damour. 78. " lightgn. 36'24 0'56 30'53 -- - 035 32'38=100'06 Merz. 79. Bosgolovsk, ywh.-bn. 35-37 0'53 3149 -- 0'29 0'54 32'50=100'72 Karavaief. In anal. 52, G.=3-965; anal. 53, G.=3 871; anal. 56, G.-3-665; anal. 68, G.=3-64, from the Brevigfiord with brevicite; anal. 69, G.=3-798; anal. 71, G.=3-72, in serpentine; anal. 73 was made on a mineral erroneously called schorlamite; anal. 75, G.=3-88, H.=5; anal. 77, G.=83'85. F. Lime-Magnesia Irongarnet; BREDBERGITE. A variety from Sala, Sweden, is here included. Formula (~ 0a3-~+- 1 ig')2 Si3+Fe2 Si3 —Silica 37'2, peroxyd of iron 33-1, magnesia 12-4, lime 17'3 =100. It corresponds under Irongarnet nearly to aplome under Aluminagarnet. Analysis by Bredberg (Ak. H. Stockh., i. 63, 1822): Si A1 re Mig a 80. Sala 36'73 2-78 25'83 12-44 21-79=99-57 G. Lime Chromegarnet; OUVAROVITE. (Uwarowit Hess., Pogg., xxiv. 388, 1832.) A silicate of lime and sesquioxyd of chromium. Formula (~ Ca3 -&+'r)2 Si3=(Ca3)2 Si3q-+r2 Si3 In the Ural variety, a fourth of the oxyd of chromium is replaced by alumina; that is, A1:'r -1: 3 nearly. Color emerald-green. H.=7-5. G.=3-41 —3'52. B.B. infusible; with borax a clear chrome-green glass. Named after the Russian minister, Uvarof. Analyses: 81, Komonen (Verh. min. Ges. St. Pet., 1841, 55); 82, Erdmann (Jahresb., xxiii. 291, Ramm. Min. Ch., 697); 83, Damour (L'Institut, 1856, No. 1198); 84, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 497): Si Al PFe ir P'e Mg Pa 81. Bissersk 37'11 5-88 - 22541 2'44 1l10 30'34, II 1-01=100'42 ]K. 82. " 36'93 5-68 1'96 21'84 -- 154 31'63, Cu tr.=99'58 E. 83. " 35'57 6-26 - 23-45a -- - 33 32-98'50 Damour. 84. Orford, Can. 36'65 17'50 -- 6'20 4'97 0'81 33-20, I 0-30=99-63 H. a Includes some Fe2 O. Garnet usually contains no water, or only a trace of it, and thus differs from the related idocrase. The grossularite from Wilui afforded G. Magnus only 0-12 p. c.; the cinnamon-stone of Ala, 0-25 —034; the almandine of Slatoust, none (Pogg., xcvi. 347). In jewelry, the lighter clear garnets are often called hyacinth. The yellowish is the Jacinta la bella; a yellowish crimson, the Guarnaccino; and another very similar, Vermteille, or HyacinthGarnet; the red, with a violet tinge, Rubino-di-rocca, and also Grenat Syrian (from Syriam in Pegu), and probably the Amethystizontes of Pliny. The deep and clear red, like Burgundy wine in shade, is the true precious garnet, which is either pyrope or almandite. The ancient name aeOpi,, meaning a burning coal, alludes to the internal fire-like color and reflection, and was applied also to some ruby. The Latin name carbunculus, from carbo, coal, has the same signification. Pyr., etc.-Most varieties fuse easily to a light-brown or black glass; F.-3 in almandite, spessartite, grossularite, and allochroite; 3-5 in pyrope; but ouvarovite, the chrome-garnet from Canada (No. 84 included), is almost infusible, F.=6. Allochroite and almandite fuse to a magnetic globule. Reactions with the fluxes vary with the bases. Almost all kinds react for iron; strong manganese reaction in spessartite, and less marked in other varieties; a chromium reaction in ouvarovite, and in most pyrope. Some varieties are partially decomposed by acids; all except ouvarovite are after ignition decomposed by muriatic acid, and generally with separation of gelatinous silica. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. A brownish-red Arendal garnet, having G.=4'058, was reduced by heating to G.=4'046, and by fusion to 3-596-3-204, Church; and a Ceylon essonite, having G.-=3-666, had G.=3'682 after heating to Incipient fusion, Church. Obs.-Garnet crystals are very common in mica schist, gneiss, syenitic gneiss and hornblende, UNISILICATES. 271 and chlorite schist; they occur often, also, in granite, syenite, crystalline limestone, sometimes in serpentine, and occasionally in trap and volcanic tufa and lava. Garnet is sometimes found in the massive form as a prominent constituent of a rock. A white variety (lime-aluminagarnet) occurs, forming, with a little serpentine, a whitish garnet rock at Orford in Canada, having G.-=352-3'53. A similar garnet-felsite exists in Bayreuth in Bavaria. At St. Frangois in Canada there is a yellowish-white and greenish-white garnet rock, consisting of the same garnet along with pyroxene. in the proportion, according to T. S. Hunt, of 57'72 of the former to 4071. of the latter, having G.=3'33, and affording on analysis, Si 44-85,'Al 10-76, Fe 3-20, lMg 5-24, Ca 34'38, ign. 1'10-99-53 (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 496). Eclogyte is a garnet-eubphotide, consisting of a massive reddish garnet and grass-green smaragdite or omphacite. These garnet rocks are all very tough as well as heavy rocks. Many foreign localities of garnet have been mentioned in the preceding pages, under the head of composition and varieties. The best cinnamon-stone comes from Ceylon, in gneiss; Malsjd in Wermland, in crystalline limestone; on the Mussa-Alp in Piedmont, with clinochlore and diopside, where the crystals present the planes 1; 2-2, i-2, 2, 3-11, 0, 1; at Mittaghorn, in Switzerland, with the same minerals, reddish-brown in color, and having sometimes the planes i-2 and 2 with I and 2-2; pale isabella-yellow at Auerbach, with the planes 2-2, I, 3-, i-2, i-1; a brownish variety (romanzovile) at Kimito in Finland. A honey-yellow garnet in octahedrons occurs in Elba. Grossularite of pale greenish color, comes from the banks of the Wilui in Siberia, in serpentine with idocrase, and from Cziklowa, in the Bannat; in white or colorless crystals in Tellemark, in Norway, and the Schischimskaja Gora, in the Ural; also whitish in a resinopal pseudomorph after coral in Van Diemen's Land. Emerald-green crystals are found at Dobschau in Hungary. Altnandite or precious garnet comes in fine crystals from Ceylon, Pegu, Brazil, and Greenland. Common garnet is found in dodecahedrons 3 to 4 inches through at Fahlun in Sweden, Arendal and Kongsberg in Norway, and the Zillerthal. Allochroite, an apple-green and yellowish variety, of different shades, occurs at Zermatt in Valais, in geodes of crystals in chlorite schist; brilliant black crystals (mzelanite) and also brown, at Vesuvius on Somma; and in a volcanic tufa at Frascati near Rome; peak Espada and that of Ereslids near Bareges in the Hautes-Pyrenees (Pyreneite). Aplome occurs in yellowish and brownish-green crystals at Schwarzenberg in Saxony, and on the borders of the Lena in Siberia. Slpessartite at Spessart near Aschaffenburg in Bavaria; in the white feldspar of the granite of Elba, at St. Marcel, Piedmont, in pegmatite at Vilate near Chanteloube, Haute-Vienne; at Broddbo, near Fahlun, in Sweden; in a porphyritic trap, near Ilefeld in the Harz. Pyrope occurs in trap, tufa, and in the sands of the region, near Meronitz, Trziblitz, and Podsedlitz, in Bohemia, where alone the variety used as a gem is obtained; also at Zoblitz in Saxony, and the valley of Krems in Bohemia, in a serpentine rock. Ouvarovite is found at Saranovskaja near Bissersk, in the vicinity of Kyschtimsk, Urals, lining cavities or fissures in chromic iron; at Haule, in Rupshu, on chromite. Near Cauterets, the. Hautes-Pyrdnees, large crystals of brown garnet have a nucleus, easily separable, of dull green crystallized idocrase; the containing rock is a compact gray limestone. In N. America, in Maine, beautiful yellow crystals or cinnamon-stone (with idocrase) at Parsonsfield, Phippsburg, and Rumford; manganesian garnet at Phippsburg, as well as the finest yellow garnet in Maine; in mica slate near the bridge at Windham, with staurotide; in granite veins at Streaked Mountain, along with beryl; in large reddish-brown crystals at Buckfield, on the estates of Mr. Waterman and Mr. Lowe; handsome red garnets at Brunswick. In N. Hamp., at Hanover, small clear crystals in syenitic gneiss; blood-red dodecalhedrons at Franconia, in geodes in massive garnet, with calcite and magnetic iron; at Haverhill, in chlorite, some 1l in.; at Warren, beautiful cinnamon garnets with green pyroxene; at Unity, on the estate of J. Neal, with actinolite and magnetite, and at Lisbon, near Mink Pond, in mica slate with staurolite; at Grafton, f to 1 in. in diameter. In Ver'mont, at New Fane, large crystals in chlorite slate; also at Cabot and Cavendish. In Mass., at Carlisle, geodes of transparent cinnamon-brown crystals similar to figure 14, with scapolite in limestone; at Boxborough, similar but less remarkable specimens; also in gneiss at Brookfield and Brimfield; massive with epidote at Newbury, and in crystals at Bedford, Chesterfield, with the Cummington kyanite, and at the beryl locality of Barre. In Conn., trapezohedrons, -1 in., in mica slate, at Reading and Monroe; at Haddam, ib. of manganesian garnet, often 2 in. through, with. chrysoberyl; at Middletown feldspar quarry, with octahedral faces (Shepard); at Lyme, large blackish-brown crystals in limestone. In N. York, in mica slate, in Dover, Duchess Co., small; at Roger's Rock, crystallized and massive, and colophonite of yellow, brown, and red colors, abundant; brown crystals at Crown Point, Essex Co.; colophonite as a large vein in gneiss at Willsboro, Essex Co., with wollastonite and green coccolite, and also at Lewis, 10 m. south of K}eeseville; in Middletown, Delaware Co., large brown cryst.; a cinnamon variety, crystallized and massive, at Amity; on the Croton aqueduct, near Yonkers, in small rounded crystals, and a beautiful massive variety-the latter, when polished, forms a beautiful gem. In N; Jersey, at Franklin, black, brown, yellow, red, and green dodecahedral garnets; also near the Franklin furnace. In Penn., in Chester Co., at Pennsbury, fine dark brown crystals with polished faces, in granite; near Knauertown, at Keims' mine, in handsome lustrous crystals; at Chester, brown; 272 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. in Concord, on Green's Creek, resembling pyrope; in Leiperville, red; at Mineral Hill, fine-brown; at Warren. black. In -Delaware, cinnamon-stone in trapezohedrons, at Dickson's quarry, 7 m. from Wilmington. Also at Knife rapids on the Mississippi. In California, green with copper ore, Hope Valley, El Dorado Co., on Rogers' claim; also with copper ore in Los Angeles Co., in Mt. Meadows; ouvarovite, in crystals on chromite. at New Idria; in Alaska, in large trapezohedrons, near Stickeen river; pyrope, near Santa F6, New Mexico. In Canada, at Marmora, dark-red; at Grenville, a cinnamon-stone; an emerald-green chromegarnet, containing 6 to 7 p. c. of oxyd of chrome, in Orford, Canada, in granular masses and druses of minute transparent dodecahedral crystals, with millerite and calcite (anal. 82); and in the same vicinity large cinnamon-red and yellowish crystals of garnet along with pyroxene. The cinnamon-stone from Ceylon (called hyacinth) and the precious garnet are used as gems when large, finely colored, and transparent. The stone is cut quite thin, on account of the depth of color, with a pavilion cut below, and a broad table above bordered with small facets. An octagonal garnet measuring 8, lines by 61 has sold for near $700. Pulverized garnet is sometimes employed as a substitute for emery. Alt.-Garnets containing protoxyd of iron often become rusty and disintegrated through the oxydation of the iron, and sometimes are altered, more or less completely, to limonite, magnetite, or hematite. The action of waters containing traces of carbonic acid and carbonates and silicates in solution, results in the same changes nearly as with pyroxene, producing at different times a loss, or alteration, of bases, or by a further change and the addition of water, steatite, serpentine, chlorite. The lime in the lime garnets may be taken up by the carbonic acid of the waters; and if magnesia is combined with the carbonic acid (forming a bicarbonate), it may take the place of the lime, and thus give rise to a serpentine or steatite pseudomorph, or to a chlorile, if the iron partly remains. Alkaline carbonates seldom produce the changes, for alkaline pseudomorphs are rare. An excess of silica is to be expected in analyses, according to Bischof, since part of the bases are often lost through incipient change. Quartz also occurs with the form of garnet. Troll6 Wachtmeister found in a crystallized, reddish-brown garnet, having G.=3-851, from Klemetsaune in Norway, which was partly penetrated by a whitish mineral, Si 52'11, 1l 1803, Fe 23-54,,Mu 1-74, Ca 5'77 =101-19, in which there is a deficiency of bases, or what is equivalent, an excess of silica, the oxygen ratio of bases and silica being 1:1'7, instead of 1: I. Schill found in a melanite from Kaiserstuhl, Si 45-80, Al 11-00, Pe 12'33, Ca 22-10, Mg 2-00, Fe 7'16, Mn 0'70 =101'09, giving for the oxygen ratio of bases and silica 1: 1'34. Sthamer obtained for a massive garnet, of a dark grayish-green color, from Miask, having a serpentine-like nucleus, Si 46'11, AI 12'09, Fe 13'19, Ca 20-33, Mg 7'36-99-08, giving for the oxygen ratio of bases and silica 1: 1'3. Pyropo occurs altered to talc at its several localities. A serpentine. pseudomorph after garnet, from Schwarzenberg in Saxony, afforded Kersten Si 34-24, Mg 33'28, Fe 3'38, Mn 0-41, Na 0-35, I: with some bitumen 10-62, magnetic iron 17-'5099-78=82'28 serpentine and 17-50 magnetic iron. Some garnets effervesce with acids, from the presence of carbonate of lime, which they have received probably through the action of waters holding carbonic acid or bicarbonates in solution. as, for example, a black garnet from Arendal, Norway, which contains both calcite and epidote; and crystals from Tvedestrand, which are wholly calcite within, there being but a thin crust of garnet. Artif.-Melanite garnets have been obtained in a porous glass proceeding from the fusion of idocrase (Klaproth), and also of a melanite from Frascati (v. EKobell). Miller mentions the occurrence of garnet in crystals as a furnace product. Daubrde and Studer state that crystals of garnet may be made by fusing together the constituents. Mitscherlich has also obtained garnets artificially (Ann. Ch. Phys., lxii. 219). TRITOMITE of Weibye, a hydrous species, is probably related in composition, as it is in form, to garnet and helvin; it appears to give, although a sesquioxyd silicate, the garnet oxygen ratio 1: 1. See description under HYlDRous SILICATES. 272. ZIRCON. AvyzKptov (=Lyncurium)? Theophr. [Pliny knew of no stone of the name Lyncuriumrn, xxxvi. 13.] Chrysolithos? pt., Plin., xxxvii. 42; Melichrysos? ib., 45; Crateritis? ib., 56. Not Chrysolithos (Gemmarii hodie etiam Hyacinthum vocant). Germ. Jacinth, Agric., Foss., 295, Interpr., 464, 1546. Not Hyacinthus Wall., 121, 1747. Jargon (in note acknowledging ignorance of it) Cronst., 42, 1758. Jargon, Topazius pt. (clarus hyalinus, var.f), Wall., 240, 1772. Grenat a prisme quadrilatere, etc., Hyacinte (fr. Expailly) Faujas, Viv., 187, and Errata, 1772. Hyacinte pt. (var. 1; angles and figs. given) [rest Idocrase, Meionite, Harmotome] de UNISILICATES. 273 Lisle, Crist., 1772, ii. 1783; Diamant brut, ou Jargon de Ceylan, ib., ii. 229, 1783. Zircon (fr. Ceylon) Wern., 1783; Karsten, Lempe Mag., iv. 99, 1787. Zircon (a Silicate of ZIRCONIA) Klapr., Schrift. Nat. Fr. Berl., ix. 1789, Beitr., i. 203. Zirconite. Ostranit Breith., Uib., 1830, Char., 1832. Calyptolite Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 210, 1851. Engelhardit E. v. Hofmann, IKoksch. Min. Russl., iii. 150, 1858. Tetragonal. OA 1-=1470 22'; a=0'640373. Observed planes: O very rare; prisms I, i-i; octahedral 1, 2, 3, 1-i; zirconoid, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5. IA 1-132~ 10' i-A1=1180 20' 1 Al 1, pyr.,=123~ 19-' IA2=151 53 i-i Al-i=122 38 1A1, bas., 84 193 IA 3=-159 48 i-i A 3-3-=148 16. 1-A 1-, pyr.,-135 10 IA 1-i=112 25 i-i A4-4=155 8 1 A 1-i — 151 391 Faces of pyramids sometimes convex. Cleavage: Iimperfect, 1 less distinct. Also in irregular forms and grains. 252 253 248 249 \ 1 33 33 33 25() 251 McDowell Co., N. C. 256 254 255.................. V Gov. of Tomsk. Ural. Saualpe. H. —75. G.- =405 —4'75. Lustre adamantine. Colorless, pale yellowish, grayish, yellowish-green, brownish-yellow, reddish-brown. Streak uncolored. Transparent to subtranslucent and opaque. Fracture conchoidal, brilliant. Double refraction strong, positive. Var.-The colorless and yellowish or smoky zircons of Ceylon have there been long calledjjargons 18 274 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. in jewelry, in allusion to the fact that while resembling the diamond in lustre, they were comparatively worthless; and thence came the name zircon. The brownish, orange, and reddish kinds were called distinctively hyacinths-a name applied also in jewelry 257 to some topaz and light colored garnet. Crystals like fig. 254 are the engelhardite of Russia. The crystals from Fredericksv/irn, analyzed by Berlin (anal. 5), were by mistake called Erdmnannite. / 1 \ 1 Minute dark brown and greenish-brown crystals from the chrysoberyl locality at Haddam, Ct., are the calyptoiite of Shepard, probably an altered variety, like ostranite, malacone, etc. (see beyond). Fig. 257 represents, of actual form, a crystal from Warren Co., N. Y., it I ~ I h which is chesnut-brown about some of the angles (as marked by dotted lines), and the rest grayish-white; others from the region have stripes of color parallel to the edges of 3-3; the planes 3-3 and 3 are in i"'a' 1 I part wanting. For crystals from Stockholm G.-=4'072 —4222, Svanberg; fr. Ilmen Mts., 4'599, 4'610, id.; fr. Ceylon, 4'681, id.; 4'721, Cowry; Johnsburo' N. Y fr. Fredericksvdrn, 4'2, Berlin; from Duncombe Co., N. C., 4-607, Chandler; fr. Litchfield, Me., 4-7, Gibbs; fr.-? 4'615-4'71, Henneberg; fr. Grenville, Canada, 4-625 —4-602, T. S. Hunt; fr. Reading, Pa., 4-595, Wetherill. The crystals have but slight variations in angle. Kokscharof deduced (Min. Russl., iii. 139, 193) for the Ural crystals 1 A 1=123~ 19' 34" and 84~ 19' 46"; which agree very closely with his measurements (123~ 20' 21") and those for the mineral by Kupffer (Preisschrift, etc.), who obtained 123~ 20' 8". For the engelhardite Kokscharof obtained 84~ 21' 45". H. Dauber found for crystals from Miask 123~ 20' 18" (Pogg., cvii. 275, 1859); from five from Pfitschthal, 123~ 20' 46"; from three crystals fr. Fredericksvdrn, 123~ 20' 33"; from a Ceylon crystal, 123~ 19' 50". Comp.-Zr Si=Silica 33, zirconia 67=100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 126); 2, Vauquelin (Haily's Min., 1801); 3, Berzelits (Ak. H. Stockh., 1824); 4, Wackernagel (Ramm. Min. Ch., 890); 5, Berlin (Pogg., lxxxviii. 162); 6, Henneberg (J. pr. Ch., xxxviii. 508); 7, Vanuxem (J. Ac. Philad., iii. 59); 8, C. F. Chandler (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiv. 131); 9, W. Gibbs (Pogg., lxxi. 559); 10, Wetherill (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., x. 346, Am. J. Sci., xv. 443); 11, T. S. HIunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 214): Si Zr Pe Oa A 1. Ceylon 32'5 64'5 1'5 - -— =985 Klaproth. 2. y" Hyacinth 32'0 64-5 2'0 -- -=985 Vauquelin. 3. Expailly 33'48 67116 -- — 100'64 Berzelius. 4. Fredericksvdrn 34'56 6676 tr. -- --- 0132 Wackernagel. 5. " 33'43 6591 0()70 - -— =100-10 Berlin. 6.? 33'85 64'81 1'55 0'88 — =-101'09 Henneberg. 7. N. Carolina 32'08 67'07 -- - — = —99'15 Vanuxem. 8. Buncombe Co., N. C. 33'70 65'30 0'67 -- 041= —100'08 Chandler. 9. Litchfield, Me. 35'26 63'33 0'79 —, undec. 0'36-99174 Gibbs. 10. Reading, Pa. 34-07 63-50 2'02 -- 050=)100'09 Wetherill. 11. Grenville, brown 33-7 67'3 _ — =101'0 Hunt. Klaproth discovered the earth zirconia in this species in 1789 (Beitr., i. 203). Pvyr., etc.-Infusible; the colorless varieties are unaltered, the red become colorless, while dark-colored varieties are made white; some varieties glow and increase in density by ignition. Not perceptibly acted upon by salt of phosphorus. In powder is decomposed when fused with soda on the platinum wire, and if the product is dissolved in dilute muriatic acid it gives the orange color characteristic of zirconia when tested with turmeric paper. Not acted upon by acids except in fine powder with concentrated sulphuric acid. Decomposed by fusion with alkaline carbonates and bisulphates. G. before heating of a Ceylon zircon, 4'183, after heating to redness, 4'534, Damour; but for some zircons no change, according to Church; trials, before and after, of the Henderson Co, 4-5715, 4'540; another, ib., 4'665, 4-665; the Expailly, 4'863, 4-861; the Fredericksviirn, 4'489, 4-633. A phosphoric glow after heating, and the greatest density after this glow, Church. Obs.-Occurs in crystalline rocks, especially granular limestone, chloritic and other schists; gneiss, syenite; also in granite; sometimes in iron-ore beds. Zircon-syenite is a coarse syenitic rock, containing crystals of zircon, with oligoclase, esgirine, elbaolite, epidote. Crystals are common in most auriferous sands (p. 6). Sometimes found in volcanic rocks. Found in alluvial sands in Ceylon; in the gold regions of the Ural, near Miask, Beresovsk, Newjansk, etc.; at Laurvig and Hakedal in Norway; at Arendal in Norway, in the iron-mines; at Fredericksvdrn, in zircon-syenite; at Ohlapian in Transylvania; at Bilin in Bohemia; Sebnitz UNISILICATES. 275 in-Saxony; Pfitschthal in the Tyrol; at Expailly, near Le Puy in France; in Auvergne, in volcanic tufa; at Vesuvius, with ryacolite; in Scotland, at Scalpay, Isle of Harris; at Strontian in Argyleshire; in the auriferous sands of the Croghan Kinshela Mtn., Ireland; in Greenland; at Santa Rosa in Antioquia, N. Grenada; in the gold regions of Australia. In N. America, in Maine, at Litchfield; at Mt. Mica in Paris; Greenwood: Hebron. In Vermont, atMiddlebury. In Conn., at Norwich, with sillimanite, rare; at Haddam (calyptolite) in minute crystals. In N. York, at Hall's mine in Moriah, Essex Co., cinnamon-red, in a vein of quartz; near the outlet of Two Ponds, Orange Co., with scapolite, pyroxene, and sphene, in crystals sometimes 1 in. in length; on Deer Hill, 1 m. S.E. of Canterbury, in the same. Co., crystals abundant of a deep brownish-red or black color, and occasionally 1- in. in length; in Warwick, at the southern base of Mount Eve, chocolate-brown crystals in limestone and scapolite; near Amity, and also in Monroe and Cornwall, at several localities, of white, reddish-brown, clovebrown, and black colors; at Diana in Lewis Co., in large brown crystals sometimes. 2 in. long, with sphene and scapolite, but rare: in St. Lawrence Co., with apatite, at Robinson's in the town of Hammond, near de Long's Mills, some of the crystals 1~ in. long and ~ in. wide, and occasionally containing a nucleus of carbonate of lime; also at Rossie (form I, 1, 3); at Johnsburg, in Warren Co. In N; Jersey, at Franklin; at Trenton in gneiss. In Penn., near Reading, in large crystals in magnetic iron ore; at Easton, in talcose slate. In N. Car., in Buncombe Co., on the road from the Saluda Gap to Asheville, upon the first elevation after passing Green river, crystals found loose in the soil, and imbedded in feldspar; in the sands of the gold washings of McDowell Co. (f. 253). In California, in the auriferous gravel of the north fork of the American river, and elsewhere. In Ccanada, at Grenville; St. Jerome; Mille Isles. The name LHyacinth was applied by the ancients to a bluish-violet stone, regarded as our sapphire, and was derived from a flower (lily) so-called of this color. [In modern mineralogy a hyacinthcolor is reddish-orange with a tinge of brown.] Intagli of zircon are common among ancient gems, and the fact that the lyncurium of Theophrastus-was, as he says, used for engraved signets, while at the same time electric on friction, and often amber-colored, are the principal evidence that it was our zircon. Alt.-Zirbon is one of the least alterable of minerals, as it contains no protoxyds, and only the most insoluble of peroxyds. It however passes to a hydrous state, and is attended ultimately with a loss of silica and the addition of oxyd of iron and other impurities derived from infiltrating waters. Auerbachite, malacon, erstedite, tachyaphaltite, calyptolite, cyrtolite, are probably altered zircon. The following tetragonal zircon-like minerals are probably altered zircon. They afford B.B. more or less water: 272A. MALACON. (Malakon Scheerer, Pogg., lxii. 436, 1845.) 1 A 1=124~ 40' to 124~ 57', and 83~ 30'. H.=6'5. G.-=3'9 —4047. Lustre vitreous to subvitreous. Color brown, powder reddish-brown or uncolored. From Hitterde in Norway; and Chanteloube, Haute Vienne, occurring in thin plates, over 3 to 4 mm. thick, and occasionally with crystals on their surface. Named from IpaXaKos, soft. 2712B. CYRTOLITE. (Malacone, Altered Zircon, J. P. Cooke, Am. J. Sci., xliii. 228; Cyrtolite WT J. Knowlton, ib., xliv. 224.) Form as in f. 258, with the pyramidal planes convex. H.=5 —55; after ignition 7-7-5, Cooke. 258 G.=3-98-404, Cooke; 3'85, 3'97, Knowlton. Lustre somewhat adamantine. Color brownish-red; powderthe same. From Rockport, Mass., in granite, with danalite and cryophyllite. Named from Kepros, bent. Fig. 258 from Cooke. I A mineral found with columbite at Rosendal, near Bjdrkboda, Finland, has been referred to adelpholite of Nordenskidld (p. 525), but an analysis by A. E. Nordenskild (anal. 7) shows that it is I, I an altered zircon, near malacon or cyrtolite ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1863, 452, Pogg., cxxii. 615, 1864). 272C. TACHYAPHALTITE. (Tachyaphaltit Weibye, Pogg., lxxxviii. 160, 1853.) Crystals like those of zircon, with planes I; i-i, and two octahedrons, one of 110~ and the other of 50~. H.=5-5. G. =3'6. Lustre submetallic to vitreous. Color dark reddish-brown. Streak dirty yellow. Subtranslucent. From granite veins in gneiss near KragerSe in Norway, with sphene. Named from TaXve, quick, and aaX7rog, the mineral flying readily from the gangue when struck. Berlin puts a? after thoria in his analysis (No. 8). 272D. CERSTEDITE. ((Erstedit Forchhammer, Pogg., xxxv. 630, 1835.) 1 A 1=12.3 16{'. H.= 5'5. G. —=3629. Lustre splendent adamantine. Color reddish-brown. From Arendal in Nor. way, and commonly on crystals of pyroxene. Named after (Ersted. 276 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 272E. AuERBACHirE. (Auerbachit Eermann, J. pr. Ch., Ixxiii. 209, 1858.) 1 A 1=122' 43' and 85~ 21', Kokscharof; 86~ 30', Herm.; 87~, Auerbach. H.=6'5. G.=4'06. Lustre greasy to vitreous, weak. Color brownish-gray. From a siliceous schist in the Circle of Mariupol, District of Alexandrovsk, Russia. Named after Dr. Auerbach, by whom the crystals were first studied. 272F. BRAGITE (Forbes & D)ahll, Nyt. Mag. Nat., xiii. 1855). Occurs in imperfect crystals, probably tetragonal, in orthoclase, near Helle, NarestSi, Alve, and AskerS, Norway. H. —6 —65; G.=5 —53 —535; lustre submetallic; color brown; streak yellowish-brown; thin splinters translucent. Heated in glass tube decrepitates strongly and loses water. B B. in the platinum forceps infusible, but becomes yellow; with borax, a glass which is brownish-yellow while hot, but green and finally greenish-yellow on cooling. In salt of phosphorus a skeleton of silica. No analysis has yet been made, and the true relations of the species are doubtful. Analyses: 1, Scheerer (1. c.); 2, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxiv.); 3, Hermann ( J. pr. Chem., liii. 32); 4, J. P. Cooke (1. c.); 5, 6, Knowlton (1. c.); 7, A. E. Nordenskidld (1. c.); 8, Berlin (Pogg., lxxxviii. 160); 9, Forchhammer (1. c.); 10, Hermann (1. c.): Si Zr Fe $ Fe Y g Et 1..Malacon, Hitterbe 31'31 63'40 0'41 - - 034 011 3-03=98-99 Scheerer. 2. " Chanteloube 30-87 61'17 3-67 -- - 3'09, Mn 014=99'02 D. 3. " Ilmen Mts. 31'87 59-82 3 — - 311 400, Sn 1-20=100 H. 4. Cyrtolite, Rockport 27'90 66-93 2'57 — - 2-19=99'59 Cooke. 5. " () 2638 6078 - 1'59 3'63 Ce 2-07 tr. 4'56, Sn 047-=99'48 Kn. 6.' " 26-18 64.60a - 140 Ce 1'40 tq-., Sn 041 —9897 K. 7. Adelpholite? Finland 24'33 57'42 3.47 - - a 3-93 - 953, Sn 0-61=99'29 N. 8. Tachyaphalt., Norway 34'58 38'96 3'72 - — Th12-32 - 849, 1 1 85=99'92 B. 9. (Erstedite, Arendal 19'71 68.96b - - 1'14 2'05 5'53, Ca 2'61=100 F. 10. Auerbachite, Russia 42-91 65518 0'93 0'95=99'97 Herm. a With some Fe 0. b With some Ti 02. c With trace of manganese. In Auerbachite, the only anhydrous kind among the above, the oxygen ratio for the silica and zirconia is 1: 1, instead of 1: 1. Artif.-Formed in crystals by action of chlorid of silicon on zirconia (Daubree)-; by action of fluorid of silicon on zirconia, or of fluorid of zirconium on quartz, beautiful transparent octahedrons resulting (Deville and Caron). 273. VESUVIANITE. Hyacinthus dictus octodecahedricus Cappeler, Prodr. Crist., 30, pl. 3 (fig. 261 below), 1723. Hyacinte pt., Hyacinte du Vesuve, de Lisle, Crist., 234, 1772, pl. iv.; ii. 291, pl. iv. 1783. Hyacinte volcanique Demeste, Lettr., i. 413. Hyacinth-Krystalle (fr. Wilui R.) Pallas, N. Nord., Beytr., St. Pet., v. 282, 1793; Wiluite pt. Vulkanischer Schorl Widenmann, Handb., 290, 1794. Hyacinthine Delamneth., Sciagr., i, 268, 1792, T. T., ii. 323, 1796. Vesuvian Wern.; in Klapr. Beitr., i. 34, 1795, ib. (fr. Vesuv. and Siberia), ii. 27, 33, 1797. Idocrase H., J. d. M., v. 260, 1799; Tr., ii. 1801. Gahnit (fr. Gokum) v. Lobo, Afh., iii. 276, 1810, anal. by ]Murray, Afh., ii. 173, 1807; Loboit Berz. Frugardit N. Nordenskciiild, Bidrag, i. 80, 1820; Frugardite. Egeran (fr. Eger, Bohemia) Weaqn., Min. Syst., 3, 34, 1817. Cyprine (fr. Tellemark) Berz., Lbthr., 1821. Xanthite Thomson, Ann. Lye. N. Hist. N. Y., iii, 44, 1828. Gdkumite (fr. Gokum) Thorns., ib., 61, 1828. Hetero. merit (fr. Slatoust) Haerm., Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 1845-46, 205. Jewreinowit N. Nordensk., Verz. Finl. Min., 1852; K}okscharof Min. Russl., i. 116, 1853. Tetragonal. OA 1-i=1510 45'; ca-=0537199. Observed planes: 0; vertical, _/, -ii i-2, i-3i, z I; I, 1.... 1, 2, 3; ~-i, 1 -i 3- 2-i, 3-i; zirconoids in the zone j-j: 1, 2-2, -_s, 3-3, e 1-6 4-4, 5-5, 5 7-7; in other zones, 1-2,'-2, 4-2;,3 3, 3-3 2- 3 1-3 3-3 T)7 OA1=142~ 461' OAI 900 i-i Ai-2-1530 26' OA2=123 21 - JA 1-i 118 15' i-i Ai-3=-161 34 0 A 2-2-129 46' i-i A 2-2-133 25~ 1 A 1, ov. 1-i,=129 21 O0 4-4=114 18 i-i \ 3-3 144 51~ 1 A1, ov. 1,-74 27 OA 3-3=139 391 i-iA 4-4=152 9 1-i A1-ipyr.,=140 54 SNILICATES. 277 Cleavage: I not very distinct, 0 still less so. Columnar structure rare, straight and divergent, or irregular. Sometimes granular massive. Prisms usually terminating in the basal plane 0; rarely in a pyramid or zirconoid; sometimes the prism nearly wanting, and the form short pyramidal with truncated summit and edges. 259 260 263 264 0. L1 43 22 261 262 2,T~ Vt; Sandford, Me. uviu H.=6'5. G.-3'349-3'45. Lustre vitreous: often inclining to resinous. Color brown to green, and the latter frequently bright and clear; occasionally sulphur-yellow, and also pale blue; sometimes green along the axis, and pistachio-green transversely. Streak white. Subtransparent —faintly subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal-uneven. Double refraction feeble, axis negative. Comp., Var. —( iR3+2 R)2 Sis the oxygen ratio for the protoxyds, sesquioxyds, and silica being 3: 2: 5, according to Rammelsberg, after a determination of the state of oxydation of the iron. The variations from the ratio 3: 2: 5 appear to be variations about this as the normal ratio. In all cases the oxygen ratio for -+R, Si is 1: 1. The bases are mainly alumina for the sesquioxyd, and lime for the protoxyd portion, as in the formula ( Oa3 + 2 Al)2 Si3. But more or less sesquioxyd of iron replaces part of the alumina, and magnesia part of the lime, while Mn, K, Na may be present in traces. The species is sometimes divided into (1) non-magnesian, containing little or no magnesia; and (2) magnesian, the magnesia 4 to 13 p. c. of the mineral. But, as the analyses show, there is no corresponding line of division. Even the crystals from Vesuvius vary in the proportion of magnesia from 0 to 7'11 p. c. Var. 1. Ordinary. The mineral from G6kum in Finland, called Gahnite, Loboite, G6kumite, and that from Frugard, Frugardite, have been denominated magnesian. The last is in brown and green crystals, with G.=3'349, v. Nord. Jevreinoffte, which also is from Frugard, in the parish of Maintz/ilii, is but little magnesian or not at all so; it occurs in pale-brown to colorless crystals; G.,=3'39. lleteromerite occurs in small oil-green prisms, having the planes 1, i-i, 1, 3, 3-3, in the district of Slatoust, Ural. Egeran is a subcolumnar brown variety, from Eger in Bohemia, and found also at Eger in Norway. Xanthite is a yellowish-brown vesuvianite, from near Amity, N. Y., the crystals not differing from those of the common variety; it contains 2-80 p. c. of protoxyd of manganese. A manganesian variety, from St. Marcel, Piedmont (where ores of manganese occur), has a sulphur to honey-yellow color. 2. Cyprine. Pale sky-blue or greenish-blue; owing its color to a trace of copper, whence the name; from Tellemark, Norway. Analyses: 1, Magnus (Pogg., xxi..50); 2, Karsten (Karst. Arch. Min., iv. 391); 3, Scheerer (P'ogg., xcv. 520); 4, Karsten (I. c); 5, v. Kobell (Kastn. Arch. Nat., vii. 399); 6, Scheerer (1. c.); 7, 8, Karsten (1. c.); 9, v. Merz (Nat. Ges. Zurich, vi. Heft 4); 10, v. Kobell (1. c.); 11, Magnus (1 c.); 12, Scheerer (1. c.); 13, Maglnus (1. c.); 14, Richardson (Thomson Min., i. 262); 15, Norden 278 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. skidld (Schw. J., xxxi. 436); 16, Heikel (Arppe's Finl. Min., Act. Soc. Fenn., IV.); 17, Ivanof (Koksch. Min. Russl., i. 116); 18, Malmgren (Arppe, 1. c.); 19, Magnus (1. c.); 20, Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlvi. 343); 21, Ivanof (Pogg., xlvi. 341); 22, 23, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xliv. 193); 24, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1853, 155'); 25, Hermann (1. c.); 26, Thomson (Min., i. 143); 27-37, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xciv. 92): 9i -k1 Fe Pe Mn Mg Ca H 1. Vesuvius, brown 37'36 23'53 - 3'99 5-21 29'68 -— =99117 Magnus. 2. 37'50 18'50 - 6'25 0'10 3'10 33-71 — =99'16 Karsten. 3. " 31'80 12'11 9'36 - tr. 7'11 32'11 167 —100-16 Scheerer 4. Piedmont, gn. 39'25 18-10 - 4'30 0'75 2'70 33'95 — =99'05 Karsten. 5. Ala " 3485 20-71 -- 5'40 - -- 35-61 -=96'57 Kobell. 6. " " 37'35 11'85 9'23 - tr. 603 32'70 2'73, H C10'015= 99'90 Scheerer. 7. Eger, Bohem., Egeran 39'70 18-95 - 2'90 0'96 -- 34-88 —, a 2-1=99-49 K. 8. Saas Valley, brown 38'40 18-05 - 3'10 0'65 1'50 36-72 -,Na 09=99'32 K. 9. Zermatt, " 37'04 17-67 - 4'97 0-42 2'43 35'79 1'79, Na 0-6=-100-87 Merz. ~10. Monzoni 31765 15'42 -- 6-42 - -- 38'24 - -=9712 Kobell. 11. Cziklowa, green 38'52 20-06 -- 3'42 0'02 2'99 82'41 — =97'42 Magnus. 12. Eger, Norway, bnh.-gn. 37113 13'49 5 95 0'95 0'47 1'98 37-49 1'89=99'95 Scheerer. 13. Christiansand 37'66 17'69 -- 6'49 0'50 4'54 31'90 — =98-77 Magnus. 14. Tellemark, cyprine 38'80 20'40 -- 8'35 -- - 32'00 — =99'55 Rich'dson. 15. Frugard, Finl., Frug. 38-53 17-40 - 3'90 0'33 10'60 27-70 — =98-46Nord. 16. Lupikko, " 36'43 16-84 7'23 - - 4'32 35'00 0-86, ~n 1l06=101174: Heikel. 17. Jevreinoffite 37'41 20-00 460 - -- 34'20 —, K 1'16, Na 1'70 =99'07 Ivanof. 18. " 35'22 26'10 2173 -- -- 202 34-18 —, B 101, Na 0-47 Pb 0'01=101'74 Malmgren. 19. Slatoust, Ural 37'18 18'11 - 4-67 1'49 0177 35179 — =98-01 Magnus. 20. " " 31-55 17-88 -- 6-34 -- 2-62 35'56 — =99'95 Varrentr. 21. " " 31-08 14-16 16'02 - 1'86 30'88 — =100 Ivanof. 22. " green 3;'19 14-34 5-26 0'61 2'10 6'20 32'69 -=99'39 Herm. 23. " green 39'20 16-56 12() 0'30 - 4'00 34713 —, K, Na 2'0, 0 1-50 =99'49 Herm. 24. H" eteromerite 36'59 22'25 5'07 - - tr. 34'81 0'55=99'27 v. Hauer. 25. Achmatovsk 37'62 13'25 1712 0-60 0'50 3'79 36-43 —, CO 0'7-=]0001 lH. 26. Amity,N.Y.,Xanthite 35'09 17-43 6'37 -- 2'80 2-00 33-08 1'68-98'43 Thom. 27. Vesuvius, ywh.-bn. 37175 17-23 4'43 -- - 3'79 37'35 — =101-55 Ramm. 28. dull bn. a 31783 10'98 9'03 -- 4-37 35'69 -— =-9790 Ramm. 29. Monzoni, ywh. 2 38'25 15'49 2-16 -- - 4-31 3670 —, K 04=9738 Ramm. 30. " brown 37'56 11-61 7'29. — - 533 36'45 -=98'24 Ramm. 31. Dognazka 37'15 15'52 4-85 -- - 542 36'77 -- K 0'35=100-06 Ramm. 32. Haslau (Eger, Boh.) 39-52 13-31 8-04 -- -- 154 35'02 —, K 132 —98'75 Ramm. 33. Egg ~ 37120 13'30 8-42 -- 4'22 34-48 - 0'31, Ti 151= 99'44 Ramm. 34. Eger, Norway 1 37188 14'48 7145 0'45 -- 4'30 34-28 — =98'89 Ramm. 356. Sanford, Me. ~ 37'64 15-64 607 - - 2'06 35-86 —, Ti 2-40=99-67 Ramm. 36. Wilui 38'40 10'51 715.- -- 770 35'96 - -=99'72 Ramm. 37. Ala 3'15 13'44 647 -- -- 287 37141 -, 0'93=98'27 Ramm. In analysis 2, 0G.-342; anal 4, G.=3'399; anal. 14, G.=3-228; anal. 16, G.=3'374; anal. 122. G.=3'42; anal. 23, G.=3'35; anal. 25, G.=3'4; anal. 26, G. —'221; anal. 27, G.=3382; anal. 28, G.=3'428 —3'429; anal. 29, G.=-3344; anal. 30, G.=3'385; anal. 31, G.=3'378; anal. 32, G.=-3411; anal. 33, G.=3-436; anal. 34, G.=3'384; anal. 35, G.=3'434; anal. 36, G.=3'415; anal. 37, G.=3'407. Analyses 27-37 were made by Rammelsberg, with special reference to the state of oxydation of the iron. The oxygen ratios thus deduced by him are as follows: (27) 1'3: 1: 2'1; (28) 1'5: 1: 2'5; UNISILICATES. 279 (29) 1'5: 1:2'5; (30)1'6:1:2'5; (31) 1'5:1:2'2, (32) 13: 1:2'4; (33)1'4:1:2'4; (34) 13:1: 22; (35) 1'3: 1:2'3; (36) 1'9: 1: 2'8; (37) 1'5: 1: 23. Idocrase often contains some water, amounting occasionally to 3 p. c., the presence of which is probably due to alteration, and hence it is not to be included as part of the protoxyd bases. G. Magnus found (Pogg., xcvi. 347) in crystals from Slatoust, 2-44 H; from Ala, 2'98 E; green, from Vesuvius, 0'29; in another, 2'03; brown, id., 1-79. Magnus also obtained a little carbonic acid: 0-15 p. c. from the Slatoust idocrase, and 0-06 from the brown of Vesuvius. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 3 with intumescence to a greenish or brownish glass. Magnus states that the density after fusion is 2-93 —2'945. With the fluxes gives reactions for iron, and a variety from St. Marcel gives a strong manganese reaction. Cyprine gives a reaction for copper with salt of phosphorus. Partially decomposed by muriatic acid, and completely when the mineral has been previously ignited. Obs.-Idocrase was first found among the ancient ejections of Vesuvius and the dolomitic blocks of Somma. It has since been met with most abundantly in granular limestone; also in serpentine, chlorite schist, gneiss, and related rocks. It is often associated with lime-garnet and pyroxene. It has been observed imbedded in opal. At Vesuvius it is hair-brown to olive-green, and occurs with garnet, mica, nephelite, glassy feldspar, etc.; at Ala, in Piedmont, it is in transparent green or brown brilliant crystals, in chlorite schist, with diopside, ripidolite, etc. Found also at Monzoni in the Fassa Valley; at Egg, near Christiansand, Norway; on the Wilui river, near L. Baikal (sometimes called wimite, like the garnet of the same region); Cziklowa in Hungary; in the Urals and elsewhere at localities above mentioned. In N. America, in iaine at Phippsburg and Rumford, just below the falls, in crystals and massive with yellow garnet, pyroxene, etc., in limestone; at Parsonsfield, with the same materials, abundant; at Poland and Sandford (fig. 263). In MfIass., near Worcester, in a quartz rock, with garnet, but exhausted. In N; York, 4 m. S. of Amity, grayish and yellowish-brown crystals, sometimes an inch in diameter, in granular limestone; also at the village, and a mile east of the village, of yellow, greenish-yellow, and yellowish-brown colors. In N. Jersey, yellowish-brown in crystals at Newton, with corundum and spinel. In Canada, at Calumnet Falls, in large brownishyellow crystals in limestone with brown tourmaline; at Grenville in calcite, in wax-yellow crystals. For recent articles on cryst., see v. Kokscharof's Min. Russl., i. 92, ii. 192; v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wiien, xlix. 6, 1864, both with new measurements and figures, and the latter a complete monograph. Mohs found 0 A 1=142~ 53'; v. Kokscharof, for crystals from the Urals and Piedmont, 142~ 46' 10", and from Vesuvius, 142~ 46' 32"; v. Zepharovich, for crystals from Findel Glacier at Zermatt, Pfitsch, and Vesuvius, 142~ 47' 26"; for brown var. from Mussa, and cryst. from Rymfischweng at Zermatt, 142~ 46' 18"; for green var. from Mussa, 142~ 45' 29", and this last he takes as the normal angle of the species. It gives a=0'537541. Named Vesuvian by Werner, from the first known locality. Werner supposed the mineral to be exclusively volcanic; but as this idea is not expressed, the name is no more objectionable than all others derived from the names of localities. The earlier name, Hyacinthine, is bad, as the mineral is not the hyacinth of either ancient or modern time. Haiiy's later name, Idocrase (subjective, like many others of his) is from emd', I see, and KP6as,, mrixtzure in allusion to a resemblance between the crystalline forms and those of other species. Nothing in its signification, or in anything else, makes it right to substitute this for Werner's name. In English, the word vesuvian has the objection of being an adjective in form and use; but this is avoided by giving it the mineralogical termination above employed. Alt.-Alterations nearly as in garnet, with a far greater tendency to becoming hydrated. Crystals from Maine often have the exterior, though still brilliant and glassy, cleavable easily from the part below, and equally so, parallel to all the smaller as well as larger faces, so that a pealed crystal has as brilliant and even planes as before. Pseudomorphs include steatite, mica, clinochlore, diopside, and garnet. An egeran, analyzed by Ficinus (Schrift. Dresd. Min. Ges., i. 235), gave Silica 43-00, alumina 14'70, sesquioxyd of iron 2-40, ib. of manganese 4-00, lime 30-00, soda 5-33=99'43. It is probably in an altered state, as Rammelsberg infers from the description of Ficinus. The carbonic acid detected by Hermann in idocrase from Slatoust (anal. 23) is evidence of alteration, and this acid and alkaline or earthy carbonates or bicarbonates in solution, are agents by which change is often produced. Artif.-Mitscherlich has obtained idocrase by artificial methods (Ann. Ch. Phys., lvii. 219); Studer, from a fusion together of the constituents; also Daubree, by the action of chlorid of silicon in vapor on the required bases (0. R., 1854, July, p. 135). 280 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 274. ME:LILITE. MWliite Delameth., T. T., ii. 273, 1796; Fl. Bellevue (its discov. in 1790) J. de Phys., ii. 456, 1800, HIumboldtilite Mont. & Cov., Prodr., 375, 1822. Somervillite Br-ooke, Ed. J. Sci., i. 185, 1824. Zurlite Ramondini, Breislak Inst. Geol., iii. 210, 1818. Mellilite. Tetragonal; 0 A 1 i-147~ 15'; a=0'6432. Observed planes, 0, I, i-i 265 1-;, i-2. 1- A 1-i over i-i 65~ 30', 1-i A 1-z, over terminal edge,- 134~ 48'. Fig. 265; also others with planes i-2 in place of i-i. Cleavage: O distinct, I in\ii iar - i1? distinct. H. —=5. G.=2'9 — 3104. Lustre vitreous, inclining I 2I zI i to resinous on a surface of fracture. Color white or pale yellow, honey-yellow, greenish-yellow, reddish-brown, / brown. Translucent, and in thin lamrinae transparent; also opaque. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Double refraction weak, axis negative. Comp. —( A3+t~ _)2 Si3. Analyses: 1, v. Kobell (Schw. J., lxiv. 293); 2-4, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. x. 59); 5, v. Kobell (Klastn. Arch., iv. 313): Si x1 Fe SiMg Ca Na K: i. Humznb., Somma 43'96 11-20 - 610 81'96 4'28 0'38, PIe 2-32=100-20 Kobell. 2. "'; 40'60 10'88 4-43 4'54 31'81 4'43 0'36=98'35 Damour; G. 2'9. 3..el., C. di Bove 39-27 6-42 10'17 6'44 32'47 1'95 1-46-98'18 Damour; G. 2'95. 4. " " 38'34 8'61 10'02 6-'1 32'05 2-12 1'51=99-36 Damour. 5. faMssive Gehlenite 39'80 12'80 2-57 4-64 31764 - 0'30, HI 200=99'75 Kobell. No. 3, yellow crystals; No. 4, brown do. The massive gehlenite of v. Kobell comes under the formula of melilite. Melilite was first analyzed (but incorrectly) by Carpi in 1820 (Tasch. Min., xiv. 219). Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 3 to a yellowish or greenish glass. With the fluxes the reaction for iron. Decomposed by muriatic acid with gelatinization. Obs.-Hwumboldtilite occurs in cavernous blocks of Somma with greenish mica, the crystals often rather large, and covered with a calcareous coating; less common in transparent lustrous crystals with nephelite, sarcolite, and pyroxene, lining cavities in the rock. Melilite (fr. psXi, honey), of yellow and brownish colors, is found at Capo di Bove, near Rome, in leucitophyre with nephelite, phillipsite, gismondite, magnetite, and small black crystals of augite and hornblende; 0 A 1-i-147~ 9', v. Rath (ZS. G., xviii. 544). Somervillite, which Descloizeaux has shown to have the angles of this species, is found at Vesuvius in dull yellow crystals. Zurlite occurs in opaque square or octagonal prisms in calcareous blocks of Somma with humboldtilite; color whitish or asparagus-green; H. about 6; 0G.=3'27; B.B. infusible; soluble in nitric acid. It is impure humboldtilite (Scacchi, Jahrb. Min.. 1853, 261). Named after Sign. Zurlo. Named from pEXt, honey, in allusion to the color. Artif.-Common as a furnace slag, having been observed in square prisms at Russel's Hall, Tipton, Dowles, Wicks, etc., in England and Wales, near St. Etienne in France, near Charlevoi in Belgium, K6nigshiitte in Upper Silesia, Miigdesprung in the Harz, and Easton, Pa. The following are analyses: 1, 2, Percy (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1846, Am. J. Sci., II. v. 127); 3, Karsten (Eisenhiitt, iii. 679): 9i X1 Pe Mn MIg Ca fk CaS 1. Dudley 38-76 14'48 1-18 0'23 6'84 35'68 1'11 0'98=99'26 Percy. 2. Charlevoi 38791 13'01 0'93 2'79 7'24 31'43 2'60 3'65=99'56 Percy. 3. Kdnigsberg 39'60 12'60 tr. 4'30 -- 42'85 -- S065=100 Karsten. 275. SPHENOCLASE. Sphenoklas v. Kob., J. pr. Ch., xci. 348, 1864. Massive, with faint indications of a foliated structure. H.=5'5-6. G.=3'2. Lustre feeble. Color pale grayish-yellow. Subtranslucent. Fracture splintery. ComP. —According to an analysis by v. Kobell (. c.): Si 46'08 X1 13X04 Pie 4'77 Mn 3-23 Ig 6'25 Oa 26-50-99'87. Giving the 0. ratio for Rt, i, Si, 11'81: 6-10: 24'57, or 2: 1: 4, v. lKobell. UNISILICATES. 281 PYR.. ET. —In the closed tube yields no water. B.B. fuses easily (at 3) and quietly to a shining greenish glass. Slightly attacked by muriatic and sulphuric acids; but after heating. easily decomposed with gelatinization by muriatic acid. OBS. —From Gjellebdck in Norway, with wollastonite and the so-called edelforsite, forming thin layers of varying thickness in a bluish granular limestone. Named from aopiv, a wedge, and KX)W, I break, it breaking into wedge-shaped pieces. EPIDOTE GROUP. The species of the Epidote Group, enumerated with the formulas on p. 251, are characterized by specific gravity above 3, and therefore high; hardness above 5; fusibility B.B. below 4; anisometric crystallization, and therefore biaxial polarization; the dominant prismatic angle 112~ to 117~; fibrous forms, when they occur, always brittle; colors white, gray, brown, yellowish-green, and deep green to black, and sometimes reddish. The prismatic angle in zoisite and other orthorhombic species is IA I; but in epidote it is the angle over a horizontal edge between the planes 0 and i-i, the orthodiagonal of epidote corresponding to the vertical axis of zoisite, as explained under the latter species. T. S. Hunt has observed (0. R., 1863, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxvi. 426, xliii. 205) that the high specific gravity and hardness of the Epidote group, as compared with the Scapolite, is to be ascribed to a more elevated or higher multiple equivalent, or, in other words, to a more condensed molecule. But the numerical value of the multiple, or of the relation between the species, has not yet been ascertained. 276. EPIDOTE. Schorl vert du Dauphine de Lisle, Crist., ii. 401, 1783. Strahlstein pt. Wern., 1788-1800. Thallite (fr. Dauphiny) Delamet7z., Sciagr., ii. 401, 1792, T. T., ii. 319, 1796; H., J. d. M., v. 270, 1199. Delphinite (ib.) Sausszure, Voy. Alpes, ~1918, 1796 (=Oisanite pt.). Akanticone (fr. Arendal) d'Andrada, J. d. Phys., ii. 240, 1800, Scherer's J., iv. 1800;=Arendalite Karst. (and Lectures of Blumenbach, earlier), Tab., 34, 74, 1800. Skorza Wallachitan Mir., Karst., Tab., 28, 72, 1800, Klapr., Beitr., iii. 282, 1802. Epidote H., Tr., iii. 1801. Pistazit Wern., 1803, Ludw. Min., Wern., ii. 209, 1804. Withamite (fr. Glenco) Brewst., Ed. J. Sci., ii. 218, 1825. Puschkinit Wagner, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat., Moscow, 1841. Achmatit Herm., Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1845-46, 202. Escherit (fr. St. Gothard) Scheerer, Pogg., xcv. 507, 1855. Beustit Breith., B. HT. Ztg., xxiv. 364, 1865. Mionoclinic. C=89~ 27'; i-2 A i-2=630 8', O A 1- =1220 23'; a: b: =0-48436: 1: 030719. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-i, i-2, i-4, i-6; clinodomnes, ~, 1-, 1-; hemidomes, -i -i, -i, 2-i, 3-i, 5-i, 11-i; -1- -2-i, -3-i, -5-, -7-i; hemipyramids, A, ~, X, I, -1 -; 2-43, -24; 3 1, 3-3, -3-; 1-2, -1-2; 9-; 5-5 —; 3-3, -3-3; 3 3 - 2)2 2 T32 2 2-4; 5-5, -5-5; 7-7, -7-7; 4-8; 2-h, -2-h; -4-4; 5-, -5-a; -6-u. 267 268 266 22 O A i-i=90~ 33' i-i A 3-i= 1450 18' 1-i A 3-i —1500 6' OA 1-i=154 3 i-i A 5-i157 29 i- A l1=145 O A -l-i==154 15 i-i A-1 =104 48 1- A-2-i,ov. 0=110 13 OA I-"-141 41 i-i A 1-104 15 1 Al, front, 70 1-A 1, oV. O,=64 38 i-iA -3-3=128 5 1 A1 ov.i-[ 109 59 1 q, 4) q1)~~~~~~~~~rv v 282 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. i-i A-1-i=116 18 i-i A 3-3-127 40 -1 A-1, front,=-TO 25 i-i A 1-i=115 24 i-i A -2=121 31 -1 A-,ov.-,=109 35 i-i A 2-i=133 49 -1-i A l-i,ov.O,=128 18 3-3 A 3-3, front,=96 12 i-i A -2-i=134 23 -1-i A 1-i, ov. /-i,=51 42 -3-3 A -3-3,front,=96 41 i-i A-3-i=145 39 -1-iA-1 125 13 i-2 A 1-i-102 57 1-iA 3-i-150 6 Crystals usually lengthened in the direction of the orthodiagonal, or parallel to i-i; sometimes long acicular. Cleavage: i-i perfect; 1-i less so. Twins: composition-plane 1-i; also i-i. Also fibrous, divergent, or parallel; also granular, particles of various sizes, sometimes fine granular, and forming rock-masses. H.=6 —7. G. 3'25E-35. Lustre vitreous, on i-i inclining to pearly or resinous. Color pistachio-green or yellowish-green to brownish-green, greenish-black, and black; sometimes clear red and yellow; also gray and grayish-white. Pleochroism often distinct, the crystals being usually least yellow in a direction through 1-i. Streak uncolored, grayish. Subtransparent-opaque: generally subtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Double refraction strong: optic-axial plane g-. Var.-Epidote has ordinarily a peculiar yellowish-green (pistachio) color, seldom found in other minerals. But this color passes into dark and light shades-black on one side, and brown on the other. Most of the brown and nearly all the gray epidote belongs to the species Zoisite; and the reddish-brown or reddish-black, containing much oxyd of manganese, to the species Piedmontite, or Manganepidote; while the black is mainly of the species Allanite, or Cerium-epidote. Var. 1. Ordinary. Color green of some shade, as described. (a) In crystals. (b) Fibrous. (c) Granular massive. (d) Scorza is epidote sand, of the usual green color, from the banks of the Arangos, near Muska in Transylvania. The Arendal epidote (Arendalite) is mostly in dark green crystals; that of Dauphiny (Thallite, Delphinite, Oisanite) in yellowish-green crystals, sometimes transparent, and found near Bourg d'Oisans, in the Piedmontese Alps. Puschlkinite includes pleochroic crystals from the auriferous sands of Katharinenburg, Urals; G. =3-066; color emerald-green, when viewed by transmitted light through l-i, yellow transverse to this; named after Puschkin, a Russian senator. Achmatite is ordinary epidote, in crystals, from Achmatovsk, Ural. Escherite is a brownish-yellow, somewhat greenish epidote, from St. Gothard (anal. 28). 2. The so-called Bucklandite from Achmatovsk, described by Hermann (anal. 41, 42), is black with a tinge of green, and differs from ordinary epidote in having the crystals nearly symmetrical, and not, like other epidote, lengthened in the direction of the orthodiagonal. G.-=351. IIermann's Bagrationite, from Achmatovsk, appears to be essentially the same mineral, it agreeing with it in angles, according to Hermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, xxxv. 248, 1862), and having G.=-346, while the original bagrationite of Kokscharof is a variety of' allanite (q. v.). It differs from the bucklandite in containing a little cerium (anal. 43). 3. Withamite. Carmine-red to straw-yellow; strongly pleochroic; the color as seen through in one direction, deep crimson, in another transverse, straw-yellow; H.=6-6-5; G.=3-137; in small radiated groups, i-i A -l-i=116, -1-iA 1-i-=128 20'. From trap, at Glencoe, in Argyle. shire, Scotland. Named after Dr. Witham. 4. Beustite. Grayish-white to ash-gray; G.=2-859 —2877, Breith. Breithauptgivesthe angle TA P= 154~ 20', XMA P=110~ 30', which are very near 0 A 1-i, and -2-i A 1-i. From near Predazzo in the Tyrol. Comp.-O. ratio for Ri,, Si=l: 2: 3; (~Oa3+te-(,e,;1))2Si3; being lime-iron-.epidote, the mineral having for its protoxyd portion almost solely lime (Ca), but containing sesquioxyd of iron (Pe) in place of part of the alumina (Ail). The results of the larger part of the analyses conform nearly to the above ratio, showing apparently that it is the normal ratio. Several appear to afford, accordinog to Hermann, less II and Si in proportion to the iR, giving different ratios between 1:2: 3 and 1: 13: 21; but with the sum of the oxygen of the protoxyds and sesquioxyds always equal to that of the silica. The exact condition of the iron, whether part is protoxyd or not, has not in all cases been ascertained, and, therefore, some of the results obtained are not free from doubt. Rammelsberg observes that when this point is cleared up the ratio 1: 2: 3 will probably be found to be common to all. The Achmatovsk "bucklandite " (anal. 41, 42) gives nearly the ratio 2: 3: 5; but if the iron be all sesquioxyd, 1: 2-1: 2'9. Rammelsberg says the crystals may contain some magnetite. UNISILICATES. 283 The ratio of Fe to 1l in most epidote is approximately 1: 2, as in analyses I to 18, 20, 22-31, 33, 39; but other ratios occur between 1: 2 and 1: 6; and rarely the amount of Fe is so large as to give nearly the ratio 3: 5. Ratio 1: 2. is afforded by analysis 19; 1: 3 by 32; 1:4 by 24-26, 28-30; 1: 5 by 27; 1: 6 by 23. In analysis 40, the silica is much below the usual proportion, and the O. ratio for 1t, i7, Si is nearly 3: 4: 6. Analyses: 1, Geffken (Pogg., xvi. 483); 2, Kuihn (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lix. 373); 3, Rammelsberg (2d Suppl., 48); 4, id. (Min. Ch., 752); 5, 6, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxviii. 295); 7, Scheerer(Pogg., xci. 378, xcv. 501); 8, Richter (ib.); 9, v. Rath (Pogg., xc. 307); 10, Kiihn (1. c.); ll, Her. mann (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 35, 81); 12, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxiv. 453); 13, Baer (J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 461); 14, Stockar-Escher (see Scheerer); 15, Scheerer (1. c.); 16, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxviii. 295); 17, Scheerer (1. c.); 18, 19, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 20, 21, Kiihn (1. c.); 22, Hermann (1. c.); 23, v. Rath (ZS. G. xiv. 428); 24, 26-30, Stockar-Escher (Pogg., xcv. 501); 25, Scheerer (1. c.); 31, 32, Hermaun (1. c.); 33, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 754); 34-37, 39, Hermann (1. c.); 38, Osersky (Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1842, 66); 40, Igelstrom ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1867, 11); 41, Hermann (I. c.); 42, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 43, Hermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, xxxv. 248): Si Al Fe k n SMg Ca A1 1. Arendal 36-14 22'24 14'29 2'12 2'38 22'86 ---— =10003 Geffken. 2. " 36'68 21172 16172 -- 0'53 23'07 — =98-72 Kiuhn. 3. "' 37'98a 20'78 17124 -- 111 23-74 - =10085 Ramm. 4. " 38-76 20'36 16'35 044 2, 71. 2'00=101'62 Ramm. 5. " gn. 37-32 22-85 11-56 Fe 1-86 0-77 22-03 2-93=99-32 Hermann. 6. " gnh.-bk. 36-79 21.24 12'96' 5-20 -- 21-27 2'86=100-32Hermann. 7.' slrp. 37'59 20'73 16'57 - 0'41 22'64 2'11=100'05 Scheerer. 8. p" seud. 38'84 25'45 10'88 - 22'62 2'41=100'20 Richter. 9. " pseud. 37'92 19'21 15'55 - 025 22'68 2'51, Na 0'39, K 0'23 =98'74 v. Rath. 10. B. d'Oisans, gn. 39-85 21'61 16,61 0'30 22'15 — =102-52 Kuihn. 11. " olive-gn. 37160 18'57 13'37 Fe 5-55 1'40 21'19 1'68=99'36 Hermann. 12. " 38'37 21'13 1685 - 017 2358 -- =100-22 Ramm. 13. " (1)37'78 21.-25 15-97 -- 0'60 2346 — =, Na 0'41=99'47 Br. 14. " (~)37-35 22-02 15-6 - -- 22-54 2-35=99-93 S.-Escher. 15. " 37-56 20-78 16'49 - 029 22170 2'09 —99'91 Scheerer. 16. " 38800 20'87 15'06 Fe 1'90 -- 21'93 2-08 Mntr.=99'64 Herm'n. 17. Traversella, daqk 57-65 20-64 16'50 Mn 0'49 0'46 22-32 2'06,HC1001=100'13Schr. 18. " " 37-51 21-76 12-52 Fe 3-59 0-60 21-26 2'68=99-92 Ramm. 19. IC yellow 38'34 20'61 9'23 " 2-21 0'43 25'01 2'82=98'65 Ramm. 20. Penig, Saxony 38'64 21'98 17142 -- 0-27 21-98 -— 100'26 Kiuhn. 21. Geier, Erzgeb. 40'57 1447 13'44 - 296 30'00 — =101-24 Kuihn. 22. Traversella 40-08 16'91 15'93 " 1'44 4'97 19'11 1'20=99'64 Hermann. 23. Val. Maigels, gy. 39'07 28'90 7143 - 010 24'30 0'63=100'43 Rath. 24. Gutanen, bnh.-gn. (~)38'05 26'39 9173 - - 2354 202=99173 S.-Escher. 25. " 38'99 25-'6 9'99 --- 061 22-76 205= —100'16 Scheerer. 26. Sustenhorn, gnh.-bn. 38-43 26-40 875 -- -- 2390 246=9994 S.-Escher. 27. Lole, gnh.-bn. 38'39 28'48 756 - 22'64 2'30=99-37 S.-Escher. 28. St. Gothard, Escherite 38-08 27174 8'26 -- 23'53 2'04=99-65 S.-Escher. 29. " bnh.-gn 38'28 27'53 8'66 - - 22'87 2'41=99'75 S.-Escher. 30. Kaverdiras, bnh.-gn. 37-66 21'30 8'90 - -- 23'90 2-33=100'15 S.-Escher. 31. Ural, Schumnaja, gn. 37'47 24-09 10'60 Fe 2'81 - 22-19 1-24=99-40 Hermann. 32. Achmatovsk, gn. 35-45 24-92 9'54 " 3'25 - 22'45 3-50=100'11 Hermann 33. gn. 37'75 21-05 11'41 " 3-59 1'15 22'38 267-=100 Ramm. 34. " 37162 18'45 1232 " 2'20 0'39 24-76 2'20, Na 091=98885 H erm. 35. " 40-27 2008 14'22" 2-39 0'53 21-61 0'16, MIn tr.=99'26 Herm. 36. Burowa 36'87 18-13 14-20 " 4-60 0'40 21-45 1-56=97-29 Hermann. 37. Puzschkinite 37-47 18-64 14-15 "' 2,56 -- 22-06 1-44, Na, Li 278=98-60H. 38. " 38'88 18-85 16'34 - 6'1 16'00 —, Mnn 9'26, Na 1-67, Li 0'46=98-56 Osersky. 39. SillbShle 39'67 18-55 14-31 3'25 1'62 20'53 1-23, Na 0-52, -Mn tr. =99-68 Hermann. 40. Jakobsberg, Swed. (-) 33'81 18-58 12'57 4'85 3'04 26:46 0'94=100'25 Igelstrom. 41. Achmatovsk, "Buckl." 36-97 21-84 10'19 Fe 9'19 -- 21'14 0-68, 0 0-32=100'33 Herm. 42. " 38'27 21'25 9'09 " 5'57 1-07 22-75 2-00=100 Ramm. 43. " "Bagrat."' 38'88 20-19 9'82 " 3'82 1-98 11737 1-60 La, Oe, Di 3'60 =97'26 Hermann. aAnal. on material after its ignition; some Ti 02 with the Si 02 284 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. In anal. 5, G.-337; anal. 6, G. —349; anal. 8 has the form of pyroxene; anal. 9, G.= 3'223, has the form of scapolite; anal. 11, G.=3'38; anal. 12, G=3'463, material analyzed aftel its ignition; anal. 16, G.=3'42; anal. 23, G.=3'361-3-316, in the Grisons; 24, 3'373; 26, G.= 3'326; 27, 3'359, Borderrheinthal: 3'384, from Maggiathal; 29, 3'378, from Formazzathal; 30, 3'369, Vorderrheinthal; 31, 3'43; 32, 3'33-3'34; 33, 3'485; 34, 3'39; 35, 3'41; 36, 3'35; 37, G.=3'43, fr. Werchneivinsk; 39, 3'45, near Helsingfors; 40, 3'51; 42, 3'46. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube gives in most cases water. B.B. fuses with intumescence at 3-3'5 to a dark brown or black mass which is generally magnetic. Reacts for iron and sometimes for manganese with the fluxes. Partially decomposed by muriatic acid, but when previously ignited, gelatinizes with acid. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. G. of Arendal epidote changes on ignition, from 3'409 to 2'984. Obs.-Epidote is common in many crystalline rocks, as syenite, gneiss, mica schist, hornblendic schist, serpentine, and especially those that contain the ferriferous mineral hornblende. It often accompanies beds of magnetite or hematite in such rocks. It is sometimes found in geodes in trap; and also in sandstone adjoining trap dikes, where it has been formed by metamorphism through the heat of the trap at the time of its ejection. It also occurs at times in nodules in different quartz-rocks or altered sandstones. It is associated often with quartz, pyroxene, feldspar, axinite, chlorite, etc., in the Piedmontese Alps. It sometimes forms with quartz an epidote rock, called epidosyte. Such a rock, from Grand Matanne River, Canada, having a hardness of 7 0, and G. =304, gave T. S. HIunt, on analysis (Logan's Rep., 1863, 491), Si 62-60, _k1l 12'30, Fe 9-40, Mg 0'72, Ca 14-10, Nia 0-43, ign. 0'19= 99-71, which corresponds to 61-33 epidote and 38-22 quartz. A similar rock exists at Melbourne in Canada. Beautiful crystallizations come from Bourg d'Oisans, Ala, and Traversella, in Piedmont; Zermatt in the Valais; near Gutanen in the Haslithal; at Kaverdiras and Baduz in the valley of Tavetsch (the latter sometimes referred to zoisite, but optically epidote according to Descloizeaux); Monzoni in the Fassa valley; Zillerthal in the Tyrol, sometimes in rose-red and greenish crystals of small size, resembling thulite; the Sau-Alpe in Carinthia; and the other localities mentioned above. In N. America, occurs in N. Hamp. at Franconia, crystallized and granular, with magnetite; Warren, with quartz and pyrite. In Mass., at Hadlyme and Chester, in crystals in gneiss; at Athol, in syenitic gneiss, in fine crystals, 2 m. S.W. of the centre of the town; Newbury, in limestone; at Rome, in hornblende schist; at Nahant, poor, in trap. In Rhode Island, at Cumberland, in a kind of trap. In Conn., at Haddam, in large splendid crystals. In NA York, 2. m. S.E. of Amity, in quartz; 2 m. S. of Carmel, Putnam Co., with hornblende and garnet; 2 m. S. of Coffee's Monroe, Orange Co.; 6 m. W. of Warwick, pale yellowish-green, with sphene and pyroxene; at Harlem, in gneiss, on the banks of East river, near 38th St. In N; Jersey, at Franklin, massive; at Roseville in Byram township, Sussex Co., in good crystals. In Penn., at E. Bradford. In Michigan, in the Lake Superior region, at many of the mines; at the Norwich mine, beautifully radiated with quartz and native copper. In Canada, at St. Joseph, in a concretionary argillaceous rock of the Quebec group. For recent papers on cryst. see Kokscharof Min. Russl., iii. 268, iv. 106; v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, xxxiv. 480, xlv. 381; Descl. Min., i. 1862; Hessenberg, Min. Not., III.; v. Rath, Pogg., cxv. 472. Epidote is one of Haily's crystallographic names, derived from the Greek Artcoout, increase, and translated by him, "qui a recu un accroissement," the base of the prism (rhomboidal prism) having one side longer than the other. In its introduction Haiiy set aside three older names. Thallite (from ouWXds, color of young twigs, alluding to the green color) was rejected because it was based on a varying character, color; Delphinite and Arendzaite, because derived from localities. But the name /pidote is now so involved in geological as well as mineralogical literature that the law of priority cannot well do the justice demanded of it. Werner's name Pistacite from,rili(KL,, the pistachio-nut (referring to the color) was not proposed as early as thallite or epidote. Alt.-Epidote is less liable to alteration than most of the silicates, partly because the iron it contains is mostly, when not wholly, in the state of sesquioxyd. The analyses afford generally one or two per cent. of water, which is probably foreign to the species; and in a green mineral from Isle Royale, having the composition of epidote, J. D. Whitney found 5 per cent. of water (Rep. Geol. L. Sup., 1851, 97). Artff.-Epidote has not been found among the crystallizations of furnace slags, or formed in the laboratory of the chemist. It has been a frequent result of the action of heat and steam on'erruginous sandstones accompanying the ejection of doleryte and other eruptive rocks; and this fact suggests the method by which it may be artificially formed. 276A. EXELBINGITE. (Kdlbingit Breith., B.H. Ztg., xxiv. 398. Ainigmatit Breith., ib.) Monoclinic. IAI=-66~ 31', OA i-i=59. Cleavage: Iperfect; i-i imperfect; i-i in traces. H.=5'5-6. G.=3'599, 3'609, 3'613. Lustre vitreous. Color greenish to velvet-black. Streak pistachio-green. Subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. UNISILICATES. 285 Comp.-Consists, according to R. Miller (1. c.), largely of the silicates of protoxyd of iron and lime. Obs.-Occurs at Eangerdluarsuk, Greenland, with megirite, eudialyte, etc.. and resembles much a black hornblende. Unlike hornblende and the related species, the crystal is oblique from an acute edge (as in epidote), and the angles of the prism are very different. Arfvedsonite differs in having a celandine-green streak; and tegerite a mountain-green. It may be epidote. LEnigmatite has the form and angles of kcelbingite; but H.=5 —55; G.=3'833 —3'863; the iron in the compound is sesquioxyd; and the streak is reddish-brown. Probably altered kCelbingite. 277. PIIEIDMONTITE. Rod Magnesia (fr. Piedmont) Gronst., Min., 106, 1758. Manganese rouge (id.) NapTione, Mem. Ac. Turin, iv., 1790. Manganese oxyde violet silicifire (id.) E., Tr., iv., 180)1. Epidote mangan6sif6re (id.) L. Cordier, J. d. M., xiii. 135, 1803; H., Tabl., 1809. Piemontischer Braunstein Wern., Hoffm. Min., iv. a, 152, 1817. Manganepidot Gern. Piemontit Kenng., Min., 15, 1853. Mionoelinic; like epidote in form, and nearly so in angles. i-i A -1-i= 11 50 20', -1-i A 5-i980 50', i-i A 5-i=1450 37'. Cleavage i-i perfect, -1-i less so. Also massive. H. 6-5. G. 3 404, ]Breithaupt. Lustre vitreous, especially bright on i-i; slightly pearly on other faces. Color reddish-brown and reddish-black; in very thin splinters columbine-red. Streak reddish. Opaque to subtranslucent. Fragile. Comp.-O. ratio for R, ~, Si=1 2:3; (~ a+a3 - (Mn, Fe, M1))2 Si3; or epidote in which a large part of the alumina is replaced by sesquioxyd of manganese. The protoxyds may also include some protoxyd of manganese as well as magnesia. Analyses: 1, Sobrero (Arsb., 1840, 218); 2, Hartwall (Ak. H. Stockh., 1828, 171); 3, Geffken (Pogg., xvi. 483); 4, H. St. C. Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys., xliii. 13): Si 1l Fe' n M{g Oa I. St. Marcel 37186 16'30 8-23 18'96 - 13'42, Mn 4'82, Sn, Cu 0-4=100-66 S. 2 " 3847 17'65 6-60 14'08 1'82 21'65-100'27 Hartwall. 3.'4 36'87 11176 10'34 18-25 22'78=100 Geffken. 4. " 3a73 15'9 4-8 19'0 0'2 22'8 =100 Deville. The last three analyses correspond nearly with the epidote 0. ratio, 1: 2: 3. The mineral was first analyzed by Napione (1. c.), and next by Cordier (I. c.). Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses with intumescence at 3 to a black lustrous glass. Gives strong reactions for manganese with the fluxes, and also for iron. Not decomposed by acids, but when previously ignited gelatinizes -with muriatic acid. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. Obs.-Occurs at St. Marcel, in the valley of Aosta, in Piedmont, in braunite with quartz, greenovite, violan, and tremolite. Crystals rather long subrhomboidal prisms, very fragile, and having most of the surfaces dull. 278. ALLANITE. Crystallized Gadolinite? (fr. Greenland) T. Allan, Tr. R. Soc. Edinb., vi. 345 (read Nov. 1808)=Allanite Thomson, ib., 371 (read Nov. 1810); Phil. Mag., xxxvi. 278, 1811. Cerin (fr. Riddarhyttan) IHisinger, Afh., iv. 321, 1815. Orthit (fr. Finbo) Berz., Afh., v. 32, 1818. Pyrorthit (fr. /Kararfvet) Berz., Afh., v. 52, 1818. Bucklandit (fr. Arendal), Levy, Ann. Phil., II. vii. 134, 1824. Tautolit (fr. L. Laach) Breith., Schw. J., 1. 321, 1826. Uralorthite tierme., J. pr. Ch., xxiii. 273, 1841. Bagrationit (fr. Achmatovsk) Koksch., Russiches Berg. J., i. 434, 1847; Pogg., lxxiii. 182, 1848 [not Bagrationite Herm.,=Epidote]. Xanthorthit (fr. Erikberg) Therm., J. pr. Ch., xliii. 112, 1848. Erdmannit (fr. St6k6) Berlin, Pogg., lxxxviii. 162, 1853. Monoclinic, isomorphous with epidote. C=89~ 1'; 0 A 1-=:122~ 50k', i-2 A i-2=630 58'; a: c= 04837355: I: 0'312187. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-2, i-4; clinodome, 1-1; hemidomes, 1-i, -i, -1-i, -2-i, -3-i,-5-i; hemipyramids, 1, -1, 1-2, 3-3, -3-3, 2-4, 5-5. 286 OXYGFEN COMPOUNDS. 0 A i-i=900 59' i-i A 1=1040 11k 1-i A 1-2=144~ 54' O A 1 —-154 0 i-i A 3-3=127 52 1-i A 1=125 26 0 A -1-i=154 23 -i A -3-3-128 32 -1-i A-1=125 50 4-i A 1-4=115 1 g-i A 1-2=121 59 1 A 1=70 52 4-i A -1-i116 36 -1-i A 1-i 128 23 -1 A -1, front,= 71 38 i-i A -1-= —105 12 3-3 A 3-3 -" 96 54 269 270,.- - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - 1 ii -[ ---- - -- - -- - - - - - ---- ---- -... -2i Y~ 52 Crystals either short, flat tabular, or long and slender, sometimes acicular. Twins like those of epidote. Cleavage: -zi in traces. Also massive, and in angular or rounded grains. H.=-55-6. G.-=30 —42. Lustre submetallic, pitchy, or resinous — occasionally vitreous. Color pitch-brown to black, either brownish, greenish, grayish, or yellowish. Streak gray, sometimes slightly greenish or brownish. Subtranslucent-opaque. Fracture uneven or subconchoidal. Brittle. Double refraction either distinct, or wanting. Comp., Var.-This species, while closely like epidote in crystallization, varies much in the resuits of analyses, and also in external appearance. The more prominent ways of variation are the following: (1) The crystals are sometimes broad tabular, and sometimes very long acicular. (2) The crystals, when well-formed, often manifest no double refraction, as Descloizeaux has observed. (3) The amount of water present varies from none to 17 p. c., and the hardness and specific gravity correspondingly, the kinds containing the most water being lowest; and, in some, G. not exceeding 2-53. (4) There is also much diversity in pyrognostic and other chemical characters, as explained beyond. The varieties that have been distinguished are as follows: 1. Allanite. In tabular crystals or plates, the crystals sometimes 8 to 10 in. long, 5 to 6 wide, and an inch or so thick. Color black or brownish-black. G. —=350 —395; 3'53 —354, from JotunFjeld; 3'79, from Snarum, Norway; 3'53, from E. Bradford, Pa., and 3-935, from Bethlehem, Pa., Brush; 3'84, from Franklin, N. J., Hunt. Named after T. Allan, the discoverer of the mineral, and found among specimens from East Greenland, brought to Scotland by 0. Giesecke. Cerine is the same thing, named by Hisinger, having H. —6; G.=3'77 —3' 8; lustre weak, greasy; and being subtranslucent in thin splinters. Bucklandite is anhydrous allanite in small black crystals from a mine of magnetite near Arendal, Norway. Although not yet analyzed, it is referred here by v. Rath on the ground of the angles and physical characters (Pogg., cxiii. 281). That of L. Laaclh is also shown to have the angles of allanite by v. Rath (1. c.); the angles are those cited above as the angles of the species. Tcautolite Breith., is also from the trachyte of L. Laach, and is probably the same species. Angles: i-2 A i-2 -70~ 48' and 109~ 12', i-Al-iA=114~ 30', 1-iAl125~ 30', -1-iAl-i=128~ 37' and 51~ 20', Descl.; i-2Ai-2=-70 14', -1-iA1-i —51 52', Breith. H. —=65-7. G.=3-86. 2. Uralorthite is allanite in large prismatic crystals from the Ilmen Mts., near Miask. H.=6; G.-3'41 —360, Herm.; 3'647, Ramm. It is pitch-black, gives a gray powder, and is nearly anhydrous. 2. Bagrationite. Occurs, according to Kokscharof, in black crystals, which are nearly symmetrical like the bucklandite of Achmatovsk, and not lengthened, like uralorthite, in the direction of the orthodiagonal. Angles the same with those of uralorthite, after many measurements by Kokscharof. H.-=65. G.= —84, Koksch. Streak dark brown. B.B. intumesces and forms a black, shining, magnetic pearl. In powder not attacked'by hot muriatic acid or by boiling nitric acid. Not analyzed. Named after the discoverer, P. R. Bagration. From Achmatovsk, Ural. UNISILICATES. 287 Hermann has described and analyzed what he calls bagrationite, from Achmatovsk, which he states has the angles of the bucklandite of Achmatovsk, and which, therefore, is true epidote (q. v.). The analyses by Hermann sustain this reference. 3. Orthite included, in its original use, the slender or acicular prismatic crystals, often a foot long, containing some water. But these graduate into massive forms, and some orthites are anhydrous, or as nearly so as much of the allanite. The name is from 6d06o, straight. The tendency to alteration and hydration may be due to the slenderness of the crystals, and the consequent great exposure to the action of moisture and the atmosphere. H. —5-6. G.=2'80 —375; 3'63-3'65, from Fille-fjeld; 3'546, from Hitterie, Ramm.; 3-373, Scheerer; 3'69-3'71, from Swampscot, Mass., Balch; 2'86 —293, from Naes mine, 10 m. E. of Arendal, a hydrous variety containing 12 p. c. of water. Lustre vitreous to greasy. 4. Xanthorthite, of Hermann, is yellowish and contains much water, and is apparently an altered variety; G.-2'78 —2'9. Named from (,vlos, yellow, and orthite. 5. Pyrorthite of Berzelius is an impure orthite-like mineral, in long prisms of rather loose texture, containing as its principal impurity some carbonaceous material (over 30 p. c.), and showing this in its burning before the blowpipe. Named from rvp, fire, and orthite. From Kararfvet, near Fahlun. 6. Erdinannite, of Berlin, from Stikb, near Brevig, is near orthite in composition. It occurs in imbedded grains and plates, with G.=3'1, lustre vitreous, color dark brown, and is translucent in thin splinters. Named after Prof. Erdmann. Contains 4 to 5 p. c. of water. Allanite is a cerium-epidote. But, besides a large percentage of cerium, it contains generally the related metals, lanthanum and didymium, with also, sometimes, a little yttrium, and rarely traces of glucinum. The condition of oxydation of the iron has not been exactly determined in most of the analyses, and consequently the results are discordant. The best determinations, according to Rammelsberg, afford approximately, the garnet-ratio 1:: 2, instead of the epidote ratio 1: 2: 3, whence the formula (G R 3+ R) Si3. In this formula R=Ca, Ce, La, Di, Fe, with sometimes Mg, YV, Mn; and R=-l, Fe. Analyses 9-11 gave this oxygen ratio to Genth. Analyses: I. ALLANITE; 1, Stromeyer (Pogg., xxxii. 288); 2, Credner (Pogg., lxxix. 414); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxx. 285); 4, Bergemann (Pogg., lxxxiv. 485); 5, Zschau (Jahrb. Min., 1852, 652); 6, 7, Scheerer (Pogg., li. 407, 465, lvi. 479, lxi. 636); 8, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxiii. 273, xliii. 35, 99); 9, 10, 11, P. Keyser (Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 20); 12, T S. Hunt (Proc. N. H. Soc. Boston. viii. 57). II. Cerine; 13, Hisinger (Afh. i. Fys., iv. 327); 14, Scheerer (l. c.); 15, P. T. Cleve (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., xix. 425, 1862, J. pr. Ch., xci. 223); 16, v. Rath (Pogg., cxix. 273); 17, 18, D. M. Balch (Am. J. Sci, II. xxxiii. 348). III. Uralorthite; 19, 20, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 102, 105); 21, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 746). IV. Orthite; 22, 23, Berzelius (iisinger's Min. Schwed.); 24, 25, Berlin (Jahresb., xvii. 221); 26, 27, 28, Scheerer (1. c.); 29, C. W. Blomstrand ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1854, 296, J. pr. COh., lxvi. 156); 30, F. Stifft (Jahrb. Min., 1856, 395); 31, D. Forbes (Edinb. N. Ph. J., II. vi. 112); 32, Strecker (Christiania Univ. Programme, 1854, Ed. N. Ph. J., II. vi. 112); 33, Zittel ('Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxii. 85). V. Xanthorthite; 34, 35, Bahr and Berlin (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1845, 86). VI. Erdmannite; 36, Berlin (Pogg., lxxxviii. 162). Si Xi Fe Fe Mn Ce La 1i Y Oa Mg f 1. Allanite 33'02 15'23 - 15'10 040 2160 11-08 -- 3'0=99'40 S. 2. " 37'55 15'99 - 16'83 0'23 3'19 9'30 0'56 13-60 0'22 1'80-99'27 C. 3. " 31'86 16'87 3'58 12'26 -- 21'27 2'40 - 1015 1-67 1'11=101'17 R. I. " 33'83 13'61 3'33 127'2 0-82 20'90 -- 9'36 1'40 2'95=99'02 B. 5.' 33%41 10-90 20-88 20'73 - -- 069 10-52 -- 3'12=100'25 Z. 6. " (2) 3492 15'90 - 1498 1'27 13'34 580 -- 11'96 093 051= —9961 S. 7. " ()34'88 15-95 - 1535 -- 13 73 7'80 -- 11'50 0-66 — =9987 S. 8. " 3746 18'09 - 1384 -- 6'77 97'6 1'50 13'18 1-02 3'40=99'27 H. 9. " (,) 32-19 12'00 6'34 10-55 0'51 15-37 8-84 -- 9'14 0'84 1'19, Na 1'00, K 0'18=98'15 K. 10. " ()32-89 12'49 7'33 9'02 0'25 15'68 10'10 -- 71.2 1'77 2-49, Na 0'09, I 0'14=99'37 K. 11. " () 3331 14'34 1083 7-20 -- 13-42 2-70 - 1128 1'23 3'01, Na 0'41, 1'33=99'06 K. 12. " 30'20 13'05 18'25 -- tr. 16'60 6'90 11-76 1'70 1P30 Hunt. 13. Cerite 30'17 11'31 -- 20'72 - 28'19 -- 912 - -, Cu 087= 100'38 IL 288 OXYGEN COIPO&UNDS. Si;1 Fe Pe ~kn de La Di N Y a Ig k f 14. Cerite 32-06 6'49 25'26 - 23-83 2'45 - 8'08 1-16 0'60=99'90 S. 15.' 3099 9-10 8-71 12'69 - 11-35 16'08 - 908 1'36 0-33-99-69 C. 16. " 31-83 13'66 10'28 8-69 0'40 20-89 - 11'46 2'70 -=99-91 R. 17.': 33'31 14.73 - 15-82 21'94 - 1'32 7-85 1-25 1'49, Na undet. =97'71 B. 18. iassive 32'94 33'60 - - 20-71 132 7'87 147 1'49, Na uqndet. =99'40 B. 19. Uralorth. 35'49 18-21 13-03 Rn2-37 10-85 6-54 9-25 2'06 2'00=99'80 H. 20. 34-47 14'36 8-24 7'67 14-79 7'66 10'20 1'08 1]56=100'03 > ——.-~ —-— J iHermann. 21. " 34'08 16-86 7-35 7'90 - 21'38 - 9-28 0'95 1'32, u0'13= 99'25 R. 22. Or'thite 36'25 14-00 -- 11'42 1'36 17-39 - - 3'80 4-87 -- 8'70=97'79 B. 23. 32'00 14'80 - 12'44 3'40 19'44 - 344 7'84 -- 5'36 -98'72 B. 24. " 36'24 8-18 -- 906 - 498 -- -- 29-8 5-48 0-61 4'59, K, Na 061-=99'96 B. 25. " 33'60 12'58 -- 1348 - 456 -- — 2083 9'59 1'60 3-344,, Na 062= 100 B. 26. " 34'93 14'26 - 14'90 0-85 21 43 1-91 10'42 0'86, 0'52=100'08 S. 27.' 33'81 13-04 15'65 20'50 145 9'42 038 3'38, K 0-67= 98'30 S. 28. " 32-77 14-32 14'76 1'12 17'70 2-31 0'35 11 18 0'50 2'51, K 0'26= 98-28 S. 29. " 33'25 14-74 14'30 1'08 14'51 - 0'69 12'04 0'74 8'22 (loss incl.)'_ -_.-.'_._. Na 0'14, ( 0'29= —100 B. 30. " 32'79 14-67 14-71 22'31 2'42 9'68 1'20 2-67, Na 0'34. K 0.41=101.20 S. 31. " 31-03 9-29 20'68 0'07 6-74 435 - 102 6'68 206'12'24, Na 0'56, IK 0'90, ne 3-71=99-13 F. 32. " 31-85 10-28 1927 - 1276 - - 912 1,8613'37 ( imncl.) Cu 0'54-99'05 S. 33. " 32'70 17'44 16-26 -- 0'34 3'92 15-41 -- 11'24 0-90 2'47, a 0'28.' —~' Na 0'24, K 0'51 101-71 Z. 34. Xanthorth.32 93 15-54 - 421 0'39 20'01 0-59 6'76 2'1511755 (incl. C) =100'13 B. & B. 35. " 27-59 16-14 16'01 1'55 11-75 2-12 2'28 4'9411-46, 0 6-71= 100'55 B. & B. 36.Erdnann. 31 85 1171 -- 852 0-86 34-89 1-43 6-46 - 428=-100 Ber. Analysis 1, from Iglorsoit; 2, G.=3'79, from Krux, Thuringia; 3, 0. ratio 1: 1: 2, from Chester Co., Pa.; 4, from West Point, N. Y.; 5, G.=3'4917, near Dresden; 6, near Jotunfjeld; 7, Snarum; 8, G.-=348 —366, from Werchoturie, Ural, the so-called bucklandite; 9, G.=3-782, H.=5'5, pitch-black, no cleavage, from Orange Co., N. Y.; 10, G.=3'831, H.=6, pitch-black, from near Eckhardt's furnace, Berks Co., Pa.; 11, G.=3'491, H.=5, bnh.-bk., Bethlehem, Northampton Co., Pa.; 12, G. =3-84, Franklin, N. J., in magnetic iron. 1.3, G.=3-77-3'80, Bastnaes; 14, Riddarhyttan; 15, G.=4-108-4'103, O. ratio 4: 3: 7; 16, G.-3'983, from L. Laach; 17, 18, G.=3'69-3-71, jet-black, massive, from Swampscot, Mass. 19, 20, G.=3'41-3'647, from Miask, in the Ural; 21, G.=3-647, Miask. 22, G.=3'288, Fahlun; 23, Finbo; 24, 25, G.=S-5, Ytterby; 26, G.=3'63-3-65, Fillefjeld; 27, 28, G.=3'373, Hitteroe; 29, Wexio, Sw.; 3(o, G.=344 —3'47, pitch-bk. to bnh.-bk., in syenite near Weinheim; 31, 32, G.=2'86 —2'93, gnh.-bk., Naes mine, Norway, in a granite containing both orthoclase and oligoclase; 33, Naes mine, near Arendal; 34, G.=2'78, yellow, Eriksberg; 35, G.-=2.88, black, Kullberg; 36, StokS, in the Langesund fiord, near Brevig, G.-=31. Rammelsberg found, on examination, that the Hitterde orthite contained Pe 8-16 and Fe 8'30, and thus deduced for the mineral the 0. ratio 1: 1: 2. The cerine of Bastnaes contained, according to Damour, 1'74 p. c. of water. The pyroqthite afforded Berzelius (1. c.) Si 10-43, A1 3-59, Fe 6-08, In 1-39, Oe 13'92, ir 4-87, O1a 1-81, H 26'50, carbon (by loss) 31'41. Pyr., etc.-Some varieties give water in the closed tube. B.B. fuses easily and swells up (F.-=2-5) to a dark, blebby, magnetic glass. With the fluxes reacts for iron. Most varieties gelatinize with muriatic acid, but if previously ignited are not decomposed by acid. Obs.-Occurs in albitic and common feldspathic granite, syenite, zircon-syenite, porphyry, white limestone, and often in mines of magnetic iron. Allanite occurs in Greenland, in granite; at INISILICATES. 289 Criffel, in Scotland, in small crystals; at Jotun Fjeld in Norway, in a kind of porphyry, and at Snarum, in albite, along with rutile and apatite; at Plauensche Grfind, near Dresden; in granite near Suhl in the Thiiringerwald. Cerine occurs at Bastnis in Sweden with hornblende and chalcopyrite. Orthite occurs in acicular crystals sometimes a foot long at Finbo near Fahlun, and at Ytterby in Sweden; at Skeppsholm near Stockholm, in black vitreous masses disseminated through gneiss; also at Rrager6e, Hitterde, and Fille Fjeld in Norway; at Miask in the Ural. Ura/orthite occurs with small crystals of zircon in flesh-red feldspar at Miask in the Ural. In Mass., at the Bolton quarry; at St. Royalston, in boulders; in Athol, on the road to Westminster, in gneiss; at Swampscot, near Mlarblehead. In Conn., at Allen's vein, at the gneiss quarries, Haddam. In N. York, near W. Point, in tabular cryst.; Moriah, Essex Co., with magnetite and apatite, some cryst. 8-10 in. long, 6-8 broad, and 1-2 thick; at Monroe, Orange Co. In N. Jersey, at Franklin with feldspar and magnetite. In Penn., at S. Mountain, near Bethlehem, inlarge crystals; at E. Bradford in Chester Co. (called orthite, G(.=3-5, anal. 3); at Easton, Northampton Co.; near Eckhardt's furnace, Berk's Co., abundant. In Canada, at St. Paul's, C. W.; Bay St. Paul, C. E.; at Hollow lake, head-waters of the S. Muskoka (G.=3-255-3'288, Chapman). On cryst., see Kokscharof, Min. Russl., iii. 344, iv. 37; v. Rath, Pogg., cxiii. 281, ZS. G., xvi. 25;. Alt.-The hydrous varieties of allanite or orthite are properly altered forms of the species. They often contain carbonic acid. It is probable that the carbonates of lanthanum and of cerium proceed at times from the alteration of allanite. At Sillbohle, in Finland, there are crystals of allanite having an epidote nucleus, and crystals of epidote having a nucleus of allanite, apparently indicating that a change had taken place from one to the other. 279. MUROMONTITE. Kerndt, J. pr. Ch., xliii. 228, 1848. Amorphous; without any trace of crystallization. In grains. H. —7. G.=4263. Lustre vitreous or slightly greasy. Color black or greenish-black. Comp.-Apparently related to allanite, but containing much yttrium, and little aluminum or cerium. Analysis: Kerndt (1. c.): Si 31 B e ne l e La Oa kl g sa 1 ft& loss. 31'09 2-24 5-52 11'23 0-91 5-54 3-54 37-14 0-71 0'42 0'65 0-17 0'85 Obs.-From Mauersberg, near Marienberg, in the Saxon Erzgebirge. Named from a Latin rendering of Mauersberg. 279A. BODENITE Breith., Pogg., lxii. 273, 1844, Kersten, ib., lxiii. 135, Kerndt, J. pr. Ch., xliii. 219. Related to muromontite in composition, and in containing more yttrium than cerium, but has a larger percentage of alumina and lime, and no glucina, and is hydrous. Composition according to Kerndt (I. c.): Si x1 afe an Oe La r COa fg 2a K ft 26-12 10-34 12-05 1'62 10'46 7-57 17'43 6'32 2'34 0'84 1-21 3-82-100. From Boden, near Marienberg, with muromontite. 279B. MICHAELSONITE Dana. An orthite-like mineral occurring near Brevig with melipllanite, containing, like muromontite, little alumina and some glucina, afforded Michaelson and Nobel ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1862, 505): Si -1 Pe 2r nBe e La, Ii 1Y g Oa iNa ft 1. 29-21 2-81 6'42 5'44 4'27 9'79 15-60 1-63 0'45 14-93 2'45 5-50=984A1 Mich. 2 28-80 17-51 11-47 14-12.149 tr. 16'06 -- -Nobel. In anal. 2, Nobel obtained also 0-83 p. c. of a precipitate by means of S H. 11.=4-5; G.=3-44; in thin splnters transparent to translucent; lustre vitreous; amorphous. It differs from muro. montite in containing but little yttria. 19 290 OXYGEN COMPOUJNDS. 280. ZOISITE. Saualpit (fr. the Sau-Alpe in Carinthia) v. Zois, and Carinthian Mlineralogists, before 1806, Klapr., Beitr., iv. 119, 1807. Zoisite (fr. Carinthia) Wern., 1805. Var. of Epidote H., J. d. M., xix. 365, 1806, Bernhardi, Moll's Efem., iii. 24, 1807. Illuderit Leonh, Syst. Tab., p. iv. 1806. Lime-Epidote. Zoisite, sp. distinct from Epidote, Brooke, Ann. Phil., II. v. 382, 1823. Thulite Brooke, Cryst., 494, 1823. Unionite Silliman, Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 384. Jade (fr. near L. Geneva) E. B. de Saussure, Voy. Alpes, i. ~ 112, 1780. Bitterstein, Schweizerische Jade, Hpfner, Mag. Helvet., i. 291, Bergm. J., 448, 1788. Nephrite pt. Wern. Lehmanite Delameth., T. T., ii. 354. Jade tenace, Jade de Saussure, H., Tr., iv. 1801. Saussurite T. de Saussure, J. d. M., xix. 205, 1806. Var. of Zoisite T. S. Tunt, Am. J. Sci., II. xxv. 437, 1858, xxvii. 336, 1859. Orthorhombic. IA =116040', A 14=131~01~'; ac:b c -11493 1 1'62125. Observed planes: vertical, i-ty, i-a i-2 i-,, i —, 1-4; domes, 14-1, ~; octahedral, }~ 2-1; 3-6. 271 I\A i-_ —121~ 40', meas. ~~~R 272 ITA i-2z165 29 11 I: i- A i-9 —151 37,~: ~~r~~~i-i A i-2=162 51 2j3' i.2 A i-2-145 42 i-s A i-/, front, 56 46.I,.. ^.I -. i-9 A i-S, side, 123 14:I 221 i 1- A -14, top,=109 20 14-i A 1-, top,-80 3 i-i A 1-Y,-125 20, meas..1z \ A — i=120 14 I A 1=144 57, )Descl. Tennessee. Tennessee. Figure 272, observed form, the right J and i-2, and i-S wanting, and planes on left side of summit nearly obsolete; 271, the normal form as deduced from 272. Crystals, lengthened in the direction of the vertical axis, and vertically deeply striated or furrowed. Cleavage: i-i very perfect. Commonly in crystalline masses longitudinally furrowed. Also compact massive. H.=6 —65. G.=-311 —338. Lustre pearly on i-; vitreous on surface of fracture. Color grayish-white, gray, yellowish, brown, greenish-gray, apple-green; also peach-blossom-red to rose-red. Streak uncolored. Transparent to subtranslucent. Double refraction feeble; optic-axial plane i-i; bisectrix positive, normal to i-4; Desel. Var.-A. LIME-ZoISITE. 1. Ordinary. Colors gray to white and brown. IA in Z. of Saualpe 1160 48', Breith.; of Moravia, 117~ 5', A. Weisbach, the crystal the rhombic prism I with the planes i-2 and i-i, and basal cleavage at right angles to I distinct. For Z. of Rauris, G.-3'226, Breith.; of Saualpe, 3'345, id.; of Moravia, 3'336, id.; of Faltigl, 3-381, id.; of Titiribi, N. Gre. nada, 3'381, id. Unionite is a very pure zoisite. 2. Rose-red, or Thulite. G.-=3124; fragile; dichroism strong, especially in the direction of the vertical axis; in this direction reddish, transversely colorless. B. LrIME-SODA ZOISITE; SAUSSURITE (in part). The original saussurite, from the vicinity of Lake Geneva, is a fine-grained compact zoisite, as shown by Hunt, both by the specific gravity and the composition. G._3-261, fr. the vicinity of Lake Geneva, de Saussure; 3-365-3'385, Hunt; 3-227, Fikenscher; H.=6-5 —7; color pale bluish-green, greenish-gray, to white ornearly so; very tough. Hiitlin and Pfaffius have described a sautssurite which occurs with serpentine UNISILICATES. 291 in the Schwarzwald (anal. 28). It was partly altered, and had the low hardness 3'5, with G.= 3'16. Comp.-A- lime-epidote, with little or no iron, and thus differing from epidote. Formula (~ Ca3 +~Xl)2Sii:Silica 39'9, alumina 22'8, lime 373= —100. The amount of sesquioxyd of iron varies from 0 to 6'33 p. c.; if much more is present, amounting to a sixth atomically of the protoxyd bases, the compound appears to take the monoclinic form of epidote, instead of the orthorhombic of zoisite. Saussurite, according to the analyses, has the 0. ratio for R,, Si-=l: 2: 3, instead of 1 2: 3, and it appears as if this was another case in which an increase of silica accompanies the increase of alkali in the bases. Both Hunt and Fikenscher's analyses give the 0. ratio 2: 3- for the sesquioxyds and silica. Hunt's, however, has an excess of protoxyds. In a second analysis by Hunt (see below), the specimen contained mixed talc, amounting to 10 or 12 p. c.; and if the magnesia in the first, and in Fikenscher's, is due in part to talc, this would subtract from the silica; and but a small reduction in this way would make the ratio 1: 2: 3. Analyses: 1, 2, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 179, v. 41); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., c. 133); 4, Bucholz (Gehl. J., i. 200); 5, Geffken (Epid. Anal. Dissert. Jenae, 1824); 6, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 7, Geffken (1. c.); 8, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 35); 9, Stromeyer (Unters., 378); 10, Rammelsberg (l. c.); 11, Richter (Haid. Ber., iii. 114); 12, Rengert (Ramm. Min. Ch., 1020); 13, 14, Rammelsberg (1. c., 751); 15, Bernard (J. pr. Ch., v. 212); 16, Kluhn (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lix. 373); 17, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 18, Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvi 69); 19, Thomson (Min., i. 271); 20, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 197); 21, Trippel (ib.); 22, C. Gmelin (J. pr. Oh., xliii.); 23, Berlin (Pogg., xlix. 539); 24, Pisani (C. R., lxii. 100); 25, Boulanger (Ann. d. M., III. viii. 159); 26, T. S Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvii. 345); 27, Fikenscher (J. pr. Ch., lxxxix. 456); 28, Hiitlin and A. v. Pfaffius (Kenng., Ueb., 1861; 16): Si Zl ge Mg Ca A 1. Saualpe, gnh.-gy. 45 29 3 -- 21 — =98 Klaproth. 2. " rdh.-white 44 32 2'5 - 20 -=98-5 Klaproth. 3. " 40-64 28-39 3'89 0'51 24'26 2-09=99'84 Ramm. 4. Fichtelgebirge 40'25 30-25 4'50 -- 22'50 2'00=99'50 Bucholz. 5. " 40'03 29'83 4'24 - 18'85 -- Mn 7'55=10050 Geffk. 6. It 40'32 29'77 2'77 0'24 24'35 2'08-99-53 Ramm. 7. Faltigl, Tyrol 40174 28-94 5'19 4'75 2052 —, Mn 1'78=101-92 Geffk. 8. " 40'95 30'34 5-51 - 21'56 1'69-100'05 Hermann. 9. Sterzing, Tyrol, white 39-91 31'97 2-44 0'89& 23'85 0'95, Mn 0171=100'18 Str. 10. " 40'00 30'34, 2-06 0'23 24-15 2'04=98-82 Ramm. 11. Passeyrthal, Tyrol 40'57 32'67 5'11 - 20'82 1'22=101'39 Richter. 12. " gyh.-white 39'56 27-64 3800 1'11 25-00 2-87=99'18 Rengert. 13. Thal Fusch, ywh.-gy. 41'92 27'09 2-94 1'21 22'73 3671=99-56 Ramm. 14. Mt. Rosa, gnh. 42-35 28-30 3-08 0'56 21'60 3-18, K 0'91=99'98 Ramm. 15. Grossarlthal, Salzburg 40'00 26'46 6'33 3'60 20416 —, K1-50=98-55 Besnard. 16. Zwiesel, Bav. 40'62 29'18 6-19 0'73 22'67 0'42=99'81 KUihn. 17. Goshen, Mass. 40-06 30'67 2-45 0'49 23-91 2'25=99'83 Ramm. 18. Unionville, Pa., Znionite 40'61 33'44 0 49 tr. 24'13 2'22=100'89 Brush. 19. Williamsburg, Mass. 40'21 25'59 8'55 - 23-28 1-71l99'34 Thomson. 20. Polk Co., Tenn., gy., gnh. 40'04 30'63 2-28 tr. 25-11 0171, Mn 0'19, Cu 0-24= 99-20 Genth. 21. " " 43'20 29'60 2-88 0'56 22'72 0'26=99'22 Trippel. 22. Tellemark, Thulite 42'81 31'14 2-29 -- 18'73 0'64, Na 1-89, Mn 1-63= 99-1. Gmelin. 23. Arendal, " 40-28 31'84 1-54 0-66 21-42 1-32,'n 1'05b,'V 0-22= 98-53 Berlin. 24. Traversella, " 41719 31-00 e 195 2'43 19-68 3'70=100'55 Pisani. 25. Orezza, Saussurite 43'6 32'0 - 2'4 21'0 —, K 16-100'6 Boulang. 26. L. Geneva, 43'59 27-72 2-61 2'98 19'71 0'35, Na 3-08=100-04 Hunt. 27. " 45-34 30'28 Fe 137 388 13-87 0-71, Na 4-23-99-68 Fik. 28. Schwarzwald, " 42-64 31'-0Fe 240 5-73 8-21 3-83, Na, K 3'83 Huitlin. a Soda and potash. b Made Mn2 03 by Berlin. In anal. 3, G.= —353; anal. 6, G.=3361; anal. 10, G.=3'352; anal 13, G.=3-251; 14, G.= 3'280; 17, G.=3'341; 18, G.=3-299; 20, G.=3344, some specimens pinkish; 23, G.=3'34; 24, G.-=302, H.=6'5; 26, G.=3 — 3'4, H.=7, the mineral from the valley of the Rhone in Switzerland, or the region of L. Geneva; 27, G.=3-227, same loc.; 28, G.=3'16. 292 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Anal. 20 is of the same mineral that was analyzed by Mallet under the name idocrase (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 85). In anal 28, 1'13 of the silica was separated as soluble silica. Hunt obtained for another specimen of saussurite containing much talc (which was so disseminated through it that separation was impossible) Si 48-10, Al 25-34, Fe 3'30, Ca 12-60, Mg 6-76, 1Na 3'55, ign. 0-66= 100-31. If all but 3 p. c. of the magnesia (the amount in anal. 26). belonged to the talc, the amount of talc present would be 11 p. c. Pyr, etc.-B.B. swells up and fuses at 3 —35 to a white blebby mass. Not decomposed by acid; when previously ignited gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-This species was instituted by Werner in 1805, first united to epidote by Haiiy and Bernhardi independently in 1806, and separated again from epidote on crystallographic grounds by Brooke, in 1823. Descloizeaux has confirmed Brooke's conclusion by optical examinations, and further has shown that the crystallization is orthometric, instead of clinometric. Thulite is referred to the species by Descloizeaux, together with the lime-epidote from most of the localities mentioned in connection with the analyses. The angle i2 A i-i in thulite is near 152~. Brooke remarks upon the isomorphism of the species with euclase. Zoisite was so named after Baron von Zois, from whom Werner received his first specimens; and Thulite, after Thule, an ancient name of Norway. The original zoisite is that of the Saualpe in Carinthia. Other localities are as mentioned. The gray mineral of Fichtelgebirge in Baireut, was referred here by Bernhardi (1. c., 1806), and both to epidote. Thulite occurs at Souland in Tellemark, in Norway, with bluish idocrase (cyprine), yellowish-white garnet, epidote, and fluorite; also at the iron mine of KIlodeberg near Arendal; and at Traversella in Piedmont, forming small veins with talc and actinolite in granite. Saussurite forms with smaragdite the euphotide of the Alps. a rock which, as' a result of glacier action, is widely distributed in boulders over the valley of the Rhone, and the country about Lake Geneva; the boulders, as ascertained by Prof. Guyot, were derived from the chain of the Sassgrat, through the valley of the Sass, and are distributed to a distance of 150 m. from this place of origin. Found also in serpentine, in the Schwarzwald, but more or less altered (anal. 28). Hunt showed that both the very high specific gravity and composition identified the mineral with zoisite. (For other minerals that have passed under the name of saussurite, see Garnet, Meionite, Labradorite.) In the United States, found in Vermont, at Willsboro, in columnar masses; at Montpelier, bluishgray along with calcite, in mica schist. In Miass., at Chester, in mica schist; at Goshen, Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Heath, Leyden, Williamsburg, Windsor. In Conn., at Milford. In Penn., in W. Bradford and W. Goshen, Chester Co.; in Kennet township and E. Marlboro; at Unionville, white (Unionite) with corundum and euphyllite. In Tenn., at Ducktown copper mines. Neither zoisite nor epidote has yet been found among furnace or laboratory products. On cryst., B. & M., p. 306; Descl., Min., i. 238. The crystal figured above by the author (and from the cabinet of Prof. Brush) is J in. long, but was attached by one side to a large imperfect crystal, and hence its planes were irregularly developed. The left 1-i and 2-4 were minute and somewhat rounded. The angle IA i-i by Descloizeaux's measurement, is 12 to 40', as given above; Descloizeaux obtained also for i-i Ai-2=162~ 20', -i A -1i, top, =120~ nearly; for i-iA i-2=107~ 13', whence i-2 A i-2=145~ 34', and Miller found 107~ 12', whence 145~ 36'. Zoisite is closely isornorphous with epidote. If the figure 266 under epidote (p. 28) is placed with the longer planes vertical, it then represents very nearly the form of zoisite; -the angle of this prism i-iA 1-i is. l.15 24', and -1 A-1=109~ 35'; and correspondingly, the prismatic angle of zoisite is 116~ 40', and the brachydome 14i has the summit angle 109~ 20'. The position given the crystals of epildote by Haily has therefore a crystallogenic interest, and the name he applied to the species peculiar significance. 280A. JADEITE. Nephrite or Jade pt. Jadeite Damour, C. R., lvi. 861. Massive, with traces of a foliated columnar structure on a surface of fracture. Hl.=65 — 7. G.= 333-3-335, fr. China, Dainour; 3'32, fr. Yunnan, China, Brush; 3-32, fr. ornaments in ancient Swiss lake-dwellings, Fellenberg. Lustre subvitreous, pearly on surfaces of cleavage. Color applegreen to nearly emerald-green, bluish-green, leek-green, greenish-white, and nearly white. Streak uncolored. Translucent to subtranslucent. Fracture splintery. Comp.-O. ratio for R8, R, Si-1: 2: 6, with the protoxyds mainly soda; (i (- Na+~R)'+ tIP1)2 Si3+3 Si; or, with half the excess of silica basic;;=, if — =Ca, Silica 58-4, alumina 22-2, lime 6'0, soda 13'4=100. It has the 0. ratio and constituents of dipyre, while like zoisite in U-NISILICATES. 293 its very high specific gravity, as remarked by T. S. Hunt, who refers the species to the epidote group (C. R., June, 1863), and gives the species the same position in that group as dipyre in the scapolite group. Analyses: 1, Damour (1. c.); 2, Fellenberg (Nat. Ges. Bern, 1865, 112): Si 1 Fe Sg COa Ia K f 1. China 59'17 22-58 1'56 1'15 2-68 12'93 tr. — =100'07 Damour. 2. Swiss Lake-hab. 58-89 22-40 1-66 1'28 3'12 12'86 0'49 0'20, Zn 0'73=101-03 Fell. In an imperfect analysis of a specimen from the province of Yunnan, China, obtained by R. Pumpelly, Winm. Cook found (priv. contrib.) Si 59'35,;i1 24-07, Mg tr., Ca 0 77, Na 13 01, K 0-18, HI 0'30=9-760. The analysis shows that Mr. Pumpelly rightly indentifies this stone, the Feitsui of the Chinese. with jadeite (Geol. China, etc., 117, 118, 1866, Smithson. Contrib., No. 202). Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses readily to a transparent blebby glass. Not attacked by acids after fusion, and thus differing from saussurite. Obs.-Jadeite is one of the kinds of pale green stones used in China for making ornaments, and passing under the general name of jade or nephrite. Mr. Pumpelly remarks that the feitszui is perhaps the most prized of all stones among the Chinese. I-e also observes that the c7alchihuitl of the ancient Mexicans, of which he had seen many specimens, is probably the same mineral. But W. P. Blake identifies this name with the turquois from the vicinity of Santa Fe (Am. J. Sci., II. xxv. 227). 281. PARTSCHINITE. Partschin Haid., Ber., iii. 440, 1847, Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 480. Monoclinic. I A =91~ 52' C-520 16', 0 A i-i 1270 44', 0 A 1-[= 148~, 0 A 1=116~ 5', 1-$ A 14- ov. 0 116 0 A 1=126~ 51'. H. 6'5 —7. G.=4'006, v. Hauer. Lustre a little greasy, feeble. Color yellowish, reddish. Subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal. Oomp.-O. ratio for R X, Si, 1 1: 2, as in garnet, and near spessartine. Von HIauer obtained (1. c., 2) Si 35-63, X1 18'99, Fe 14'17, iln 29-23, Ca 2'77, Ii 0'38. Obs.-In very small dull crystals and rounded fragments. in the auriferous sands of Ohlapian, Transylvania. 282. GADOLINITE. Schwarzer Zeolith (fr. Ytterby) Geyer, Crell's Ann., 1788. Ytterbit (Silicate of Alumina, Ox. -Iron, and a new earth) Gadolin, Ak. H. Stockh., 1794; Ekeberg, ib., 1797 (naming the earth YTTnra). Gadolinit Klapr. (Ak. Berlin, 1800), Beitr., iii. 52, 1802. Orthorhombic. IA I=116~, O A 1-7=1140 24'; a': b: c= 22054': 1 1'6003, Nordenskidld, or near zoisite, if a be made ~- a. Observed planes: 273. 274.:................. Ytterby. Ytterby. O; vertical,, -, 1-2, i-2-; brachydomes, - 1-, 24-; macrodomes, C-7, i-X; octahedral, 1, a, 1-2, 2-, [ 2-. Cleavage none. i- ) 2) 2 - 294 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. O A1-4=125~ 58' OA 1-111~ 2' IA i-=1220 O A 2-4=109 57 2-4 A 2-4, top,=39 54 IA i-= =160 40' 0OA\-i=146 26 -1 \iA 1-, top,=110 52 IA\ 1=158 58 O A =90 1-X A 1-!, top,=71 56 S-2 A l-Z, ov. i-, —122 40 H. —65-7-. G.-4 —4'5; of Ytterby 4'097-4'226, but after heating 4'286 —4456) H. Rose; 4'35, from Hitterie, Scheerer. Lustre vitreous. Color black, greenish-black; in thin splinters nearly transparent, and grass-green to olive-green. Streak greenish-gray. Double refriaction in Hitterde crystals, sometimes distinct, with optical axes very divergent, in others often wanting. In the mass subtranslucent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Comp., Var.-Gadolinite varies widely in its crystals, and physical and chemical characters, even in specimens from the same locality, and much more so in those of different. The crystals are usually rough and irregular, and sometimes oblique in different directions. Haiiy (Min., 1822), Phillips (Min., 1823), Levy (Min. Heuland, ii. 46), Kupffer, Scheerer (Gwea Norvegica, 313), and Waage (Forh. Selsk. Christiania, 1864, and Jahrb. Min, 1867, 696) have made it monoclinic; and Brooke and Miller (Min., 322, using the same cryst. examined by Phillips), Scheerer (Jahrb. Min., 1861, 134), A. E. Nordenskidld ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1859, 287), and Maskelyne and v. Lang (Phil. Mag., IV. xxviii. 145) have made it orthorhombic: Phillips, Scheerer, Waage, fr. Kararfvet. evy. fr. Hitter6e. fr. Hitterde. 0 Ai-i 98~ 96~ 30' 900 36' 9A I-' 150 149 49 146 38 OA- 1-250 45' 127 12 IAI 115 115 116 116 B. & M. Nordenski6ld7 Scheerer, Lang fr.B ararfve. fr. Kararfv. & Scheerer, Lang, fr. KIararfv. & fr. Kararfvet. Broddbo. fr. Ytterby. fr. Ytterby. A i-i 90 900 900 900~ OA 1-A -- 144 2' 144 30' 145 32' OA /-} -- 124 34 125 58 IAr 119 30' 116 116 30 Maskelyne and v. Lang state that the crystals from Ytterby are sometimes oblique in the direction of one diagonal, and sometimes in that of the other; they adopt Nordenskifld's calculated results. Waage, who makes the form monoclinic, enumerates the planes 0, 1; i-i, i-h, 1, -1, ~, -}, 1-2, ~-i, 1-i. His measurements were made with the reflective goniometer, and agree well with his calculated results; which, in addition to the above, are, O A I=89 31', 0 A 1= 111~ 29, 0 A -1= 1120 21', OA 1-i=1360 7', 1 A-1=1360 10'7 IA 1-=158~ 8', IA-11580 2'. Waage points out a relation in angles to epidote, observing that the prismatic angle, 1160, which is nearly that of zoisite, corresponds to — i A — i in epidote (=115~ 32'). The Ytterby crystals examined by v. Lang were partly altered. Descloizeaux found crystals from this locality part a mixture of double and singly refracting material, and part without any action on polarized light. Amid the diversity of results it is impossible to decide which is the correct form. The variations in composition are also considerable. The Ytterby, Finbo, and Broddbo gadolinite afford approximately the formula R2 Si; that of Hitterde, RI Sin, the 0. ratio between the bases and silica being approximately 4: 3, as in euclase. That analyzed by Bahr and Bunsen has the O. ratio 3: 2. Analyses: 1, 2, Berzelius (Afhandl., iv. 148, 389); 3-6, Berlin (Dissert. Gadol. Upsal., 1844, and CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1845, 86); 7, Berzelius (1. c.); 8, Richardson (Thom. Min., i. 410)' 9, 10, Scheerer (De Foss. Allanit, etc., Berolini, 1840, and Pogg., lvi. 479); 11, Kdnig (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxxvii. 33): Si Be ir e P'e Ca 1. Finbo 25-80 - 45'00 16-69 10'26 -, ign. 0'60=98'35 Berzelius. 2. Broddbo 24'16 - 45'93 16-90 11'34 -, ign. 0'60=98'93 Berzelius. UINISILICATES. 295 8i:e i He Pe Ca 3. Ytterby 25'62 - 50'00.'90 14'44 1'30, Mg 0-54, A1 0-48,: 0-19, Na 018= 100'65 Berlin. 4. " 25-26 -- 45'53 6'08 20'28 0'50, Mg 0'11, A1 0-28, K: 0-21, Na 0'20= 98'45 Berlin. 5. " 24'65 2'13 49'60 7'64a 15'03 0-46, Mg, Mn tr.=99'51 Berlin. 6. " 24-85 4'80 51'46 5'244 13'01 0'50, Mn, Mg 111=100-97 Berlin. 7. Kararfvet 29'18 2'00 47130 3'40 Fe 8-00 3'15, Mn 1-30, If 5'20=99'53 Berzelius. 8. " 24'65 11'05 45'20 4'60 Fe 1455 -, t 0'50=100-55 Richardson. 9. Hitterde 25-78 9.57 45'67 1'81 11'68 0'34, a 4-75=100-71 Scheerer. 10. " 25'59 10'18 44-96 12'13 0'23, IEa 6'33=99'42 Scheerer. 11.? 22-61 6'96 34'64 17'38b 9'76 0'83, Be 4-73, Mg 0'15, Na 0-38, H 1'93= 99'37 YK(nig. a With oxyd of Lanthanum. b E 2-93, Ce 2-86, ID 838, La 3821. Of Berlin's analyses, the first two were of the glassy gadolinite. The oxygen ratio between the bases and silica in anal. 1 is 1: 1'02; in 2, 1: 1; in 3, 1: 0'94; in 4, 1: 0'94; in 5, 1: 0'85; in 6, 1: 0'92; in 9, 10, 1: 0-72. Connell obtained, for a specimen labelled Fahlun, Si 27'00, lie 6'00, Pe 14-50, Y 36'50, Fe 14-33, Ca 0'50-98'83 (Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1836, June); which, taking the iron as protoxyd, gives the oxygen ratio for T+B]e, Si, 1:0'92. Pyr., etc. —The glassy variety is unchanged in the closed tube, but if heated B.B. the assay gives for a moment a bright light, as if it had taken fire, swells up, cracks open, and becomes grayish-green in color without fusing. The splintery variety swells into cauliflower-like ramifications and becomes white, rarely glowing. With borax gives an iron reaction. Only slightly acted upon by salt of phosphorus. Decomposed by muriatic acid with gelatinization. Obs.-Gadolinite occurs principally in the quarries of Kararfvet, Broddbo, and Finbo, near Fahlun in Sweden; also at Ytterby, near Stockholm; at each place indistinctly crystallized, and in rounded masses, which are often encircled with a yellow crust, and imbedded in coarse-grained granite. At Kararfvet crystals have been obtained 4 in. long. It has also been met with at Disko in Greenland; in trap near Galway, Ireland; imbedded in granite in Ceylon; at Brevig and Hitter6e in the southern part of Norway, crystals sometimes 4 in. across and twins at this last locality. Named after the Russian chemist, Prof. Gadolin. 283. MOSANDRITE. Erdmann, Jahresb., xxi. 178, 1841. Orthorhombic I IA Iabout 117~ 16', IA i-4=1210 10' to 1200 40', i-T A i-2 =139~ 40' to 1410, _Ai —-1600 to 1610,i- A i- 1510 20, Descl. Cleavage: i-i perfect. Crystals long prisms, usually flattened parallel to i-i, and longitudinally striated. Also massive and fibrous. H.=4. G.= 293 —303. Lustre of cleavage-face between vitreous and greasy, of other surfaces resinous. Color reddish-brown, but altering to dull greenish or yellowish-brown. Streak-powder pale yellow or grayish-brown. Thin splinters translucent, bright red by transmitted light. Double refraction feeble; optic-axial plane vertical, and normal to i-i; acute bisectrix negative, and apparently at right angles to i-i, Descl. Comp.-Analysis by Berlin (Pogg., 156, 1853): Si Ti Ge, La, D e Mg Ona fia E ii 29'93 9'90 26'56 1'83 0175 19'07 2'87 0'52 8'90=100'33 There is some'Mn with the Fe. Reckoning the Ti with the bases, as forming part of a sesquioxyd, as in sphene and keilhauite, the oxygen ratio of the protoxyds, sesquioxyds, and silica, is nearly 1: 2 3, or of bases and silica 1: 1 (precisely 16-57: 15'86), affording the formula (0 R3+ 2T )2 Si3+1 IT. This, excluding the water, is the formula of epidote, to which the species may be related. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water. B.B. fuses with intumescence at 3 to a brown glass. With salt of phosphorus in R.F. gives a violet bead (titanic acid) and with borax in O.F. 296 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. gives an amethystine bead (manganese). Decomposed by muriatic acid, with separation of silica and formation of a dark red solution, which, on heating, gives off chlorine and becomnes yellow. Obs.-Occurs at Brevig, in syenite, with leucophanite, eucolite, elheolite, mgirite, black mica on the island of Lammanskiret near Brevig, Norway. Readily undergoes alteration. Deseloizeaux observes that mosandrite may be regarded approximately as isomorphous with zoisite, in which i-I Ai-6=151~ 48', IAI=116~ 16' (Min., i. 533). 284. ILVAITE. Yenite (fr. Elba) Lelievre, J. d. M., xxi. 65, 1807. Ilvait Stefens, Orykt., i. 356, 1811. Lievrit Wern., Ioffm. Min., ii. a, 376, 1812. Wehrlit v. Kob., Grundz., 313, 1838. Orthorhombic. IA =-112~ 38', O A 1-=1460 24';.a:: c-=0' 66608: 1: 1'5004. Observed planes: 0; vertical, - i-i, i-i, i-2, i —2, i-, i-, i-4 -; domes, 1-i, 3-4, i-, 2-i; pyramids, 1; in zone i-i: 1, 2-2, 3-s, 4-; in zone i-' 1, 2-2 3-S. 215 0 A 3-= —1160 39' 1 A 1, brach., -117 27' 0 A 2 —=138 29 i-2 A i-2=143 8 0 A 1- 141 24 1-i A 11 —i112 49 O A -= — 167 31 i-2 A i-4, brach.,=106 15 O A 2-=-138 29 IA i- =160 34 1 A 1, mac.,=139 32 IA i-2=-164 45 Lateral faces usually striated longitudinally. Cleavage: parallel to the longer diagonal, indistinct. Also columnar or compact massive. H.=5'5-6. G.=3'7 —'4f2; 3'994, fr. Elba, Hlaidinger; 3'9796, ib., Stromeyer; 3'825 -4061, ib., Lelievre; 3-711, fr. Nassau, Tobler. Lustre submetallic. Color iron-black, or clark grayishblack. Streak black, inclining to green or brown. Opaque. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp.-O. ratio, from Tobler's anal. (No. 7), for f1, R, Si=3: 2: 5, whence (.R'3i )2' Si -Silica 32'8, sesquioxyd of iron 2384, prot. id. 31'5, lime 12'3=100; and, as the specimens were partly in crystals (having the planes i-2, 14-, I_, 1), this may be the normal composition of the species. This variety is of low specific gravity, and contains much manganese. The other analyses show a deficiency of silica for a unisilicate. In Rammelsberg's (No. 3) the 0. ratio for R, S, i, IH=11-08: 6'76: 15'90: 1'42; or forR+R, Si, H=9: 8: 0'75. In anal. 2, the last ratio is 7: 6: 04, and in No. 5, 6: 5: 0. Stiideler found water a constant ingredient, and, as it was not expelled below ignition, regards it as basic. His closel,-agreeing analyses give for 1i+R, Si, H thle 0. ratio 9: 8: 1, and for Ca, Pie, Fe, 2: 4 1. If H be basic, the 0. ratio of bases and silica is 5 4, which is expressed in the formula (H3, Rk, )G Si6. But in view of the variation in ratio in the analyses of the Elba mineral, and its opacity, we may reasonably infer that impurities are present (as staurotide exemplifies, p.....), and that these impurities are mainly hydrated oxyd of iron, of the species gothite, which mineral loses its water at a high temperature. Allowing for this admixture, all ilvaite may come under the general formula (P8, ) Si3'i+m Veil; with the O. ratio for bases and silica 7: 6, m would equal -,. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Unters., 372); 2, same with v. Kobell's estimation of the iron (Schw. J., lxii. 166); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., 1. 157, 340, MIin. Ch., 740); 4, 5, Wackernagel and Franke (Min. Ch., ib.); 6, Stildeler (J. pr. Ch., xcix. 70); 7, Tobler (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 122): Si /1i Fe Pe: n' n Oa ia 1. Elba 29'28 0'61 -- 52'54 1-59 - 1378 1-27=99-07 Stromeyer. 2. " 29'28 0-61 23'00 31'90 1'59 -- 13178 1'21=101'43, Str., Kob. 3. " 29-83 - 22'55 32'40 -- 1'50 12-44 1'60=100'32 Ramm. 4. " 29'45 -- 25179 28'60 -- 0'94 15'49 — =100'27 Wackernagel. 5. C" 29'61 - 2109 32'71 1-55 14-41 -=99-43 Franke. 6. " a-29.34 - 20'84 34'13 -- 101 12'78 2'43=100'53 Stltdeler. 7. Nassau 33'30 - 22-57 24:02 - 6-78 11.68. 112-99'47 Tobler. UNISILICATES. 297 Werner placed lievrite in his system next to epidote. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses quietly at 2-5 to a black magnetic bead. With the fluxes reacts for iron. Some varieties give also a reaction for manganese. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-First found on the Rio la Marina, and at Cape Calamita, on Elba, by M. Lelievre, in 1802, where it occurs in large solitary crystals, and aggregated crystallizations in dolomite with pyroex ene, etc. Also found at Fossum in Norway; in Siberia; near Andreasberg in the Harz; at the mine of Temperino in Tuscany, granular, in limestone with actinolite; near Predazzo, Tyrol, in granite; at Schneeberg in Saxony; at Skeen in Norway; at Hebrun in Nassau; at Kangerdluarsuk in Greenland. Reported as formerly found at Cumberland, R. I., in slender black or brownish-black crystals, traversing quartz along with magnetite and hornblende; also at Milk Row quarry, Somerville, Mass. On cryst., Descloizeaux, Ann. d. M., V. viii. 402, and his Mineralogie, 1862, from whom the above angles are taken; his calculations were made from 1 A 1 and 1-i A 1-i. The observed angle IA I was about 111~. Also Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. III. 1. Named Ilvaite from the Latin name of the island (Elba) on which it was found; Lievrite after its discoverer; Yenite (should have been Jenite) in commemoration of the battle of Jena, in 1806. The Germans, and later the French, have rightly rejected the name yenite, on the ground that commemorations of political hostility or triumph are opposed to the spirit of science. Descloizeaux adopts Ilvaite. A boulder from near Bytown, Canada, analyzed by T. S. Hunt, gave (Logan's Rep., 1853, 1863) Si 27-80-28-20, Fe 10'80, Fe 56'52, Mg 2-59, Ca 0-64, ign. 1-20-99-55; and is referred by him to lievrite. It is black, submetallic, and magnetic, with two oblique cleavages; H. —55; G.= 4'15 —4'16; and in powder it gelatinizes with acids. The composition is essentially that of fayalite; and the substance, although stated to contain some black mica and red granular garnet, has been supposed to be a furnace slag. Wehrlite is probably lievrite, as suggested by Zipser. It is massive granular. H.=6 —65. G.=3'90. Analysis by Wehrle, Si 34-60, Pe 42'38, in 0'28,;1 0-12, Fe 15'78, Ca 5'84, 1i 1-00 =100. B.B. fuses with difficulty on the edges. Imperfectly soluble in muriatic acid. From Szurraskd, Hungary. If i-} be taken as I in lievrite, the form becomes very nearly tetragonal, affording IA Iwithin half a minute of 90~, 0 A 1-i=146~ 24', 1-i A 1-i=112~ 49'. 285. AXINITE. Espece de Schorl (fr. Oisans) Schreiber, 1781, de Lisle's Crist., ii. 353, 1783. Schorl violet, Schorl transparent lenticulaire (fr. Oisans), de Lisle, ib., and J. de. Phys., xxvi. 66, 1785. Thumerstein (fr. Thum) Wern., Bergm. J., 54, 261, 1788. Glasschbrl Blumenb., Nat., 1791. Schorl violet, Yanolite, Delamreth., Sciagr., i. 287, 1792. Axinite H., J. d. M., v. 264, 1799, Tr., iii. 1801. Thumite. Triclinic. Crystals usually broad, and acute-edged. 276 277 278 U S Dauphiny. Dauphiny. Cornwall. Makinig n= O, P='I, u=J, a (brachyd.): b (macrod.): c=0'49266 1: 0'A5112. Observed planes, v. Rath: 298 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. In zone P m, P; r='1, z-'2, qm-O, e=-1 " P, P.,; h=i-; i-i-T, =A-l,- -', % =bI', v=i4, w=i-'1 Pc A. S. P; -'3- =1, y=2' -3- -5" P, 2; d=4-'2, X 3-'. A m (), y, 9; g,f=- y=/ 2-', =, =b 2-'1 P m (0), o, vn; o0=-3-S, e-3-, W i-'1, = 6-',a n= 3-'9, =3 -' (1'), d, w, y; d=4-'4, t=V-'-, w -'i,y 2-4' With also AS-2 —'. Interfacial angles: P A r=134~ 45' P/ A q-135~ 31' bA \-v-147~ 31' PA z=116 24 PA s 146 42 AZ 1=164 26 P A m (0)-90 4 P A y, ov. s,-100 48 rA 8s —143 35 P A 1=151 5 P A w, adj.. 119 31 rPA -139 13 PA e, adj.,=134 40 u6 A 8- 152 3 r A u-=115 38 Cleavage: i-2 (v) quite distinct; in other directions indistinct. Also massive, lamellar, lamells often curved; sometimes granular. iH.=6'5-7. G.=3'271, laidinger; a Cornish specimen. Lustre highly glassy. Color clove-brown, plum-blue, and pearl-gray; exhibits trichroism, different colors, as cinnamon-brown, violet-blue, olive-green, being seen in different directions. Streak uncolored. Transparent to subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal. iBrittle. Pyroelectric, with two axes, the analogue (L) and antilogue (T) poles being situated as indicated in figure 276 (G. Rose). Double refraction strong. Comp.-O. ratio for A, 1,'i, SI: 1:8: 0'5: 3'6; whence for R+T'+B, Si, 33: 3'6. or l: 1; whence (R3)2 Si + 2 2 S Si+'if Si? —(R3, R,, B)2 Si3. According to Rose, R2(Si, B])'2+2 ('Si,' B). Analyses: 1, Hisinger (Min. Schwed., 170); 2, Wiegmaun (Schw. J., xxxii. 462); 3-6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., 1, 363): Si B Al Fe Mn Oa:lg:1 1. Wermland 41-50 -- 13-56 7'36 10'00 25-84 - -, ign. 0'30=98-56 Hisinger. 2. Treseburg 45-00 2'00 19'00 12'25 9'00 12'50 0'25 -=100 Wiegmann. 3. Dauphiny 43-68 5'61 15'63 9'45 3'05 20'67 1'70 0'64=100'43 Ramm. 4. "' 43-46 und. 16'30 10-25 2-74 19'90 1'55 bund. Ramm. 5. Treseburg 43'74 - 15'66 11'94 1'37 18-90 1'77,B, K and loss 662 Ramm. 6. Ural 43-72 - 16'92 10'21 1-16 19'97 2'21 -—,, K and loss 5'81 Ramm. Rammelsberg states that, in the last two analyses, 4'5 of the last entry in each is not too large an estimate for the boric acid. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses readily with intumescence, imparts a pale green color to the O.F., and fuses at 2 to a dark green to black glass; with borax in O.F. gives an amethystine bead (manganese), which in R.F. becomes yellow (iron). Fused with a mixture of bisulphate of potash and fluor on the platinum loop colors the flame green (boric acid). Not decomposed by acids, but when previously ignited, gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Axinite occurs in implanted glassy clove-brown crystals, at St. Cristophe, near Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiny, with albite, prehnite, and quartz; at Santa Maria, Switzerland; at the silver mines of Kongsberg, in smaller crystals; with hornblende or magnetic iron in Normark in Sweden; in Cornwall, of a dark color, at the Botallack mine, where it also occurs massive, forming a peculiar kind of rock with garnet and tourmaline; at Trewellard, at Carnm Silver near Lamorran creek, and at Boscawen Cliffs in St. Burien; in Devonshire, at Brent Tor, 4 m. north of Tavistock; at Thum near Ehrenfriedersdorf in Saxony. It occurs with gray cobalt near Coquimbo, Chili, at the mine La Buitre; at Phipsburg, Maine, with yellow garnet and idocrase; at Wales, Maine; at Cold Spring, N. Y. For recent articles on cryst., Descl. Min., i. 515; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. V. p. 27, f. 23; v. Rath, Pogg., cxxviii. 20, 227. Figs. 2, 3, and the above list of planes and angles, are from v. Rath. Fig. 1 is from Rose and Riess on the Pyroelectricity of Axinite, Schrift. Ak. Berlin, lix. 375. Axinite admits of a high polish, but is deficient in delicacy of color. UNISILICATES. 299 Well named from atvrl, an axe, in allusion to the form of the crystals. The name yanolite is of earlier date; but it means violet-stone, and violet is not a characteristic color of the mineral. Alt. —Crystals altered to chlorite occur on Dartmoor in Devonshire, England. 286. DANBURITE. Danburite Shepard, Am. J. Sci., xxxv. 137, 1839. Triclinic. Approximate angles, P A M=110~ and T0~, MA T=54~, and 126~, P A \T 93~ nearly, PA e=135~. Cleavage: distinct, parallel to M and P, less so parallel to T. Crystals imbedded, and often an inch broad. Also disseminated massive, with- 219 out regular form. lH.-7. G.=2'95, Sillimlan, Jr.; 2'957, 2'958, Brush. Color pale yellow, whitish. Lustre vitreous, but usually rather weak. Translucent to subtranslucent. TM Yery brittle.. Comp.-O ratio for R, B, i=1: 3: 4; Ca2 Si+~B2 Si=( COas+~1)2........... Si3-Silica 48-9, boric acid 28-4, lime 22'7-100. Analyses: 1, 2, Smith and Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 365): Si gB d1 Fe'Mn Ca Mg ign. 1. 48'10 27'73 0'30 0'56 22%41 0'40 0-50=100. 2. 48'20 27-15 1'02 22'33 undet. 0'50=99'20. Erni was the first to detect the boric acid, but as he admits (Erni's Mineralogy simplified, p. 147), his analysis was incorrect-the mineral not containing the 10 p. c. of alkalies announced by him, as directly proved by Smith and Brush. Shepard stated (1. c.) that the mineral had 8 p. c. of water without boric acid; and yet it is certain that the mineral was the same that was investigated by Smith and Brush. Pyr., etc.-Yields no water in the closed tube. B.B. fuses at 3'5 to a colorless glass, and imparts a green color to the O.F.; this is heightened by moistening the assay with sulphuric acid before heating. Not decomposed by muriatic acid, but sufficiently attacked for the solution to give the reaction of boric acid with turmeric paper. When previously ignited gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs with orthoclase and oligoclase in dolomite at Danbury, Connecticut. It has some resemblance to chondrodite in color, lustre, and brittleness, but is distinctly cleavable, although the planes of cleavage are often irregular; it may be readily recognized by its pyrognostic characters. 287. IOLITE. Spanischer Lazulith v. Schlottheim, Hoff. Mag. Min., i. 169, 1801. Iolith (fr. Spain) Wern.; Karst. (with descr.), Tab., 46, 92, 1808. Iolithe H., Tabl., 61, 221, 1809. Dichroit Cordier, J. d. M., xxv. 129, 1809, J. de Phys., lxviii. 298, 1809. Steinheilite Gadolin, Mem. Ac. St. Pet., vi. 565. Peliom (fr. Bodenmais) Wern., Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 117, 1817. Cordierite Lucas, Tabl., ii. 219, 1813; H., Tr., iii. 5, 1822. Hard Fahlunit. Luchssaphir, Wassersaphir in Germ., Saphir d'eau in Fr., of Ceylon Jewelry. Orthorhombic. In stout prisms often hexagonal. IA I=119~ 10' and 600 50', 0 A 1 —-150~ 49'. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I,?i-i, i-i, i-S; domes, -, 1-, 2-; pyramids,,, 3-i. 280 0 A 1=1320 12', 0 A 1 150~ 7', I A i- =150~, A- A i-3 -150" 25', i-3 A i- =120 50'. Cleavage: i-i distinct; i-i and 0 indistinct. Crystals often transversely divided or foliated parallel with O. Twins: composition-face li3 a g i3 I i. Also massive, compact. H. =7 —75. G.=2-56-2. 67; 2'5969, Greenland, Stromeyer; 2'65-2-6643, Haddam,. Thomson; Ostgothland 2'64, Sudermanland 2'61, Schiitz; 2-605, Mursinka, Kokscharof. Lustre vitreous. Color various shades of blue, light or dark, smoky-blue; 300 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. pleochroic, being often deep blue along the vertical axis, and brownishyellow or yellowish-gray perpendicular to it. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Fracture subconchoidal. Double refraction feeble; bisectrix negative, normal to O. Comp.-O. ratio for bases and silica 4.: 5 or 1: 1:. The state of oxydation of the iron is still unascertained, and hence there is uncertainty as to the proportion between the protoxyds and sesquioxyds. The ratio usually deduced for.I, R, Si is 1: 3: 5. The formula 2 R Si+R2 S3, which corresponds to this ratio,=, if Mg: Fe=2: 1, Silica 49-4, alumina 33'9, magnesia 8'8, protoxyd of iron, 7'9=100. Analyses: 1-3, Stromeyer (Unters., 329, 431); 4, 5, Schlitz (Pogg., liv. 565); 6, Scheerer (Pogg., lxviii. 319); 7, Hermann (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 257); 8, Stromeyer (Untersuch., 329, 431); 9, Bonsdorff (Sehw. J., xxxiv. 369); 10, Schiitz (Pogg., liv. 565); 11, Thomson (Min., i. 278); 12, C. T. Jackson (This Min., 1844, 406, G. Rep. N. Hamp., 184): Si il FPe Mn Mg COa 1. Bodenmais 48'35 31-71 8'32 0'33 10'16 -- 0'59=99'46 Stromeyer. 2. Greenland 49'17 33'11 4'34: 0'04 11'45 120=99321 Stromeyer. 3. Fahlun 50'25 32'42 4'01 -- 10-85 -- 166, Mn 0'68=99'87 Stromeyer. 4. Ostgothland 4856 30'5 10'7 0'1 8'2 -- 1'5, undec. 0'2=100'3 Schlitz. 5. Siidermanland 49'7 32'0 60 0.1l 9'5 0-6 2-1, undec. 0-6=100'6 Schlitz. 6. Krageroe (-)50 44 32'95 - - 12'76 1'12 1'02, Fe 1'07=99'36 Scheerer. 7. Mursinka 50-65 30'26 4'10 0'60 11'09 -- 2'66, Li 064= —100 Hermann. 8. Finland 48'54 3I'73 5'69'n070 1130 -- 1' 69=99-65 Stromeyer. 9. " 49'95 32'88 5'00 0'03 20'45 - 1-75=100'06 Bonsdorff. 10. " 48'9 30'9 6'3 0'3 11]2 - 19, undec. 1l6=101'1 Schlitz. 11. Haddam, Ct. 49'62 28'72 1158 1-51 8'64 0'23 -=100'30 Thomson. 12. Unity, Me. 48'11 32'50 7'92 0'28 10'14 -- 0'50=99149 Jackson. Pyr., etc.-B.B. loses transparency and fuses at 5 -5'5. Only partially decomposed by acids. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. Obs.-Iolite occurs in granite, gneiss, hornblendic, chlorite and talcose schist, and allied rocks, with quartz, orthoclase or albite, tourmaline, hornblende, andalusite, and sometimes beryl. Also rarely in volcanic rocks. At Bodenmais, Bavaria, it is met with in granite, in crystals, along with pyrrhotine, blende, chalcopyrite; the variety is the peliom of Werner, named from irXtos in allusion to its smoky blue color. It occurs in quartz at Ujordlersoak in Greenland; in granite at Cape de Gata, in Spain; at KIrager6e in Norway; Orijerfvi, in Finland (steinheilite); Tunaberg, in Sweden; Finspaong in Ostgothland; Brunhult in Sudermanland; Fahlun (hard fahlunite); Lake Laach, with sanidin; at Campiglia Maritima, Tuscany, in a trachytic rock, containing also mica, quartz, and sanidin. Ceylon affords a transparent variety, in small rolled masses of an intense blue color, the sapphire d'eat of jewellers. At Haddam, Conn., associated with tourmaline in a granitic vein in gneiss; sparingly at the chrysoberyl locality, in an altered or fahlunite condition; abundant in quartz with garnet and yellowish-green feldspar, near the Norwich and Worcester Railway, between the Shetucket and Quinnebaug, where the gneiss has been quarried for the road. At Brimfield, Mass., on the road leading to Warren, near Sam Patrick's with adularia, in gneiss; also good at Richmond, N. H., in talcose rock, along with anthophyllite. Iolite is occasionally employed as an ornamental stone, and when cut exhibits different colors in different directions. Named lolite from'ov, violet, and XUos, stone; Dichroite, from its diclroism; Cordierite, after Cordier, the geologist, who first studied the crystal of the species; Steinheilite by Gadolin after Mr. Steinheil. Lucas and Haily, who adopt cordierite, rejected the earlier names iolite and dichroite because the former is not always applicable, and the latter is equally applicable to various other stones. Epidote, pyroxene, and a multitude of other names, if judged by the same code, would be found to have no better claim to recognition. Alt.-The alteration of iolite takes place so readily by ordinary exposure, that the mineral is most commonly found in an altered state, or enclosed in the altered iolite. This change may be a sim e ple hydration (fahulnite, etc.); or a removal of part of the protoxyd bases by carbonic acid; or the introduction of oxyd of iron; or of alkalies, forming pinite and mica. The first step in the change consists in a division of the prisms of iolite into plates parallel to the base, and a pearly foliation of the surfaces of these plates; with a change of color to grayish-green and greenishgray, and sometimes brownish-gray. As the alteration proceeds, the foliation becomes more com UNISILICATES. 301 plete;. afterward it may be lost. The mineral in this altered condition has many names: as hydrous tolite, pinite, cataspilite, fahlunite, bonsdorffte, esmarckite, chlorophyllite, gigantolite, praseolite, aspasiolite. Pinite, as far as it is altered iolite, includes properly the alkaline kinds. Fahlunite and the following, excepting the last, correspond to iolite +aq. In most cases if the water of the altered iolite be included with the bases, the oxygen ratio between the bases and silica becomes 1: 1; it seems, therefore, quite probable that the strong tendency of iolite to take up water is owing to the fact that its silica (whose amount of oxygen exceeds that of the bases by one-fourth) is not saturated with bases. Regarding the water of the altered mineral as basic, esmarkite, chlorophyllite, gigantolite, and praseolite will have the formula (R3, R) Si; and fahlunite and bonsdorffile, containing twice as much water as. the preceding, would have the formula (R3,'1) Si + II. If 1: 3: 5: 0 be the oxygen ratio for i, t, Si, I in iolite, 1: 3: 5: 1 will be the ratio for esmarkite, etc., and l: 3: 5: 2, for fahlunite, etc. Weissite, iberite, huronite are names of other minerals supposed to be altered iolite. For the distinguishing characters and analyses of the different kinds of altered iolite, see PINITE, FAHLUNITE, and CATASPILITE, under HYDnoUS SILICATES. MICA GROUP. The minerals of the Mica group are alike in having (1) the prismatic angle 120~; (2) eminently perfect basal cleavage, affording readily very thin, tough, lamino; (3) potash almost invariably among the protoxyd bases and alumina among the sesquioxyd; (4) the crystallization either hexagonal or orthorhombic, and therefore the optic axis, or optic-axial plane, at right angles to the cleavage surface. Soda is sparingly present in some micas, and is characteristic of the hydrous species paragonite (p. ). Lithia, rubidia, and csesia occur in lepidolite. Fluorine is often present, probably replacing oxygen. Titanium is found sparingly in several kinds, and is a prominent ingredient of one species, astrophyllite. It is usually regarded as in the state of titanic acid replacing silica; but, for reasons elsewhere given, it is here made basic. 1. 0. ratio for bases and silica 1: 1. 288. PHLOGOPITE. (1) Contains magnesia, with little or no iron, and much alumina. (2) 0. ratio for A, R between 2: 1 and 5: 3. (3) Optic-axial angle 3~-20~. (4) Folia tough, and, if not altered, elastic. 289. BIOTITE. (1) Contains magnesia and iron, with much alumina. (2) 0. ratio for Rt, i about I: 1 (rarely 1: 14 or 1: 2.) (3) Optically uniaxial, but often slightly biaxial through irregularity. (4) Folia tough and elastic. 290. LEPIDOMELANE. (1) Contains much iron and little magnesia, with much of the alumina replaced by sesquioxyd of iron. (2) 0. ratio for R1, ii about 1: 3. (3) Optically like biotite. (4) Folia brittle, hardly at all elastic. 291. ANNITE; lepidomelane having the 0. ratio for P,, i=-1: 2. 292. ASTROPHYLLITE. (1) Contains much titanium, zirconium, etc., with little alumina. (2) 0. ratio for AI, IR between 2: 1 and 5: 3, nearly as in phlogopite. (3) Optic-axial angle exceeding 90~. (4) Folia brittle, but slightly elastic. 2. 0. ratio for bases and silica 1: 11 to 1: 2. 293. MuscovITE. (1) Contains potash almost alone among protoxyds, with no magnesia, or rarely a little; and alumina as the principal sesquioxyd. (2) 0. ratio for ]R, 1 1: 6 to 1: 12, and for R+R, Si mostly 1: l. (3) Optic-axial angle 400 -75~. (4) Folia tough, elastic, except in some hydrous or altered kinds. 294. LEPIDOLITE. (1) Contains lithia, rubidia, and caesia, with potash as the principal protoxyd, and with alumina as the principal sesquioxyd. (2) 0. ratio for R+ R, Si mostly 1: 1~. (3) Opticaxial divergence 70 —78~. 295. CRYOPHYLLITE. (1) Same constituents as lepidolite. (2) 0. ratio for R-R, Si=l: 2. (3) Optic-axial angle 50 —60~. (4) Folia tough, elastic. The species of the Mica group graduate into the hydrous micas of the Margarodite group (p. ); and through these they also approach the foliated species of the Talc and Chlorite groups, especially the latter. The micas were regarded as of one species until 1792, when lepidolite was made distinct. The earlier synonymy therefore may be conveniently given here. 302 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pliny probably included the mineral mica with the Lapis specularis (xxxvi. 45) or Selenite; and the shavings or scales of Lapis specularis strown over the "Circus Maximus, " to produce an agreeable whiteness, were probably those of a soft silvery mica schist. His Ilammochrysos also (xxxvii. 73, named from aptos, sand, Xpwt6o, gold) was probably sand from a yellowish mica schist, which abounds by the road-side in many mica-schist regions. Agricola speaks of the deceptive character of this silvery and golden dust, as cited below. This silvery and golden mica in scales is the Cat-silver and Cat-gold of medimval Europe. The following is the synonymy of the mineral since the time of Pliny: Mica, Ammochrysos, colore argento ita simile sit, ut pueros et rerum metallicarum imperitos decipere possit, Germ. Glimmer, Katzen-Silber, Agric., Foss., 254, 447, Interpr., 466, 1546. Specularis lapis adulterinus flexilis sexangulorum Capeller, Prodr. Cryst., 26, 1723. Mica [Talc not included], Vitrum Muscoviticum, V. Rutheniticum, Skimmer, VAR. alba (Kattsilver), fiava (Kattgull), rubra, viridis [Chlorite fr. Sahlberg], nigra, squamosa, radians, fluctuans, hemispherica) Wall., Min., 129, 131, 1747. Mica pt. [rest Talc, Chlorite], Verre de Moscovie, etc., Fr. Trl. Wall., i. 241, 1753. Mica, Glimmer, Vitrum Muscoviticum (in plates), Mica squamosa (in scales) Cronst., Min., 88, 1158. Isinglass (in large plates), Glimmer or Mica (in small scales) pt. (rest Talc, Chlorite) Hill, Foss., 10, 13, 1771. Glimmer [Chlorite and Talc excluded] Wern., Bergm. J., 37, 1789. The word mica has been said to come from the Latin mica, a crumb or grain, as it was formerly applied especially to the mineral in scales. It is usually derived, however, from the Latin micare, signifying (like the German name Glimmer) to shine. 288. PHILOGOPITE'. Magnesia-Mica pt. Rhombic Mica. Rhombenglimmer pt. Phlogopit (fr. Antwerp, N. Y.) Breith., Handb., 398, 1841. Orthorhombic. IA I=-1200 and habit hexagonal. Prisms -usually oblong six-sided prisms, more or 281 282 less tapering, with irregular sides; rarely, when small, with polished lateral planes. Cleavage basal, highly eminent. Not known in =_3-_:~ compact massive forms. - F —-! IWH.= 2-5-3. G. 2-78 -285. < — E Lustre pearly, often submetallic, on X _ X- cleavage surface. Color yellowishgw t X brown to brownish-red, with often ENE,~ ~ ==~~ A something of a copper-like reflec~~~ ~~ii tion; also pale brownish-yellow, green, white, colorless. Transparent to translucent in thin folia. Antwerp. Thin laminen tough and elastic. Optical-axial divergence 3o~200, rarely less than 50; in fig. 282, which represents the optical character of the mica of Natural Bridge, 15~. Comp.-Mostly (-sq — 3R+L M)2 Si3; the bases include magnesia and little or no iron. Possibly for all ( 3S+ I R)2 gi3, as in anal. by Rammelsberg. Phlygopite is a true IMagnesia mica. Analyses: 1, Meitzendorff (Pogg., lviii. 157); 2-4, Cra'We (Am. J. Sci., II. X. 396); 5, Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xiv. 758); 6, Svanberg (Ak. H. Stockh., 1839, 176); 7, Delesse (Bull. G. Fr., II. ix. 121); 8, id. (Ann. d. M., V. x. 519); 9, C. Bromeis (Pogg., Iv. 112): i- 1 Pe Mg aa 5Ta If ft F 1. Jefferson Co., N. Y. (.3) 41'30 15'35 1'77 28'79 - 0'05- 9170 0-28 3a30 Meitzend. 2. Edwards, N. Y. 40'15 17-36 28'10 -- 0'63 10'56 -- 4'20=1010rawe. a With some lithia. rUNISILICATES. 303 Si 1 e MuMg aa ia Z A F 3. Edwards, N. Y. 40'36 16-45 -- 29-55 -- 494 723 0'95 — =9948 Crawe. 4. " 40-36 16'08 - - 3025 -- 4-39 607 - 265=99-80 Crawe. 5. Gouverneur 41'96 13'47 2-12 0'55 27'12 0'34 tr. 9'37 0'60 2'93=98'96 Raamm. 6. Sala 42-46 12'86 7'11 1'06 25'39 - -- 60.3 3'17 062, Mg0'36, Ca0'10 -99'16 Svanberg. 7. Vosges 37-54 19'80 1'61 0'10 30-32 0'70 1'00 7'17 1'51 0'22=99-97 Delesse. 8. " bn., gnh. 41-20 12-37 9-51a1l50b 19'03 1l63 1'28 7'94 2'90 1'06, Li 0'22=98'64 Delesse. 9. Herrchenberg, br. 42'89 6'09 ele1059 - 24'33 0'76 0-36 13'15 2'30 — =100'47 Brom.a Includes 5'03 of Fe2 03. b Reckoned as 1-67 Mn2 03 The Sala mica of No. 6 has not been examined optically; yet, as it agrees nearly in atomic proportions with phlogopite, it appears to belong here. It was dark green in color, and inelastic, and is called chlorite by Svanberg; the analysis is here cited from the original paper by Svanberg. Crawe's analyses afford the 0. ratio 1'77: 1: 2'69=7: 4: 11, and Meitzendorff's nearly the same. The silico-fluorids in the former are about 214, and in the latter:20. G. of No. 5, 2'81, Rammelsberg. Analysis 7, by Delesse, affords the 0. ratio 3: 2: 5; and 8, about 4~: 3: 9. The latter mica is a brown or greenish kind from the rock called by Delesse, Minette, occurring at Servance in the Vosges; the ratio may become that of biotite when the state of oxydation of the iron is ascertained; G.=2-842. No. 9 gives the ratio 12~: 6: 223; it is from near L. Laach. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives a little water. Some varieties give the reaction for fluorine in the open tube, while most give little or no reaction for iron with the fluxes. B.B. whitens and fuses on the thin edges. Completely decomposed by sulphuric acid, leaving the silica in thin scales. Obs. —Phlogopite. is especially characteristic of serpentine, and crystalline limestone or dolomite. Occurs in limestone in the Vosges (anal. 7, 8). Includes probably the mica found in limestone at Alt-Kemnitz, near Hirschberg; that of Baritti, Brazil, of a golden-yellow color, having the optical angle 5~ 30' and parallel to the shorter diagonal (Grailich); and a brown mica from lime. stone of Upper Hungary, affording Grailich the angle 4 —5~. Occurs at the following localities in the U. States; specimens from which afforded the optical angles annexed, all measured by B. Silliman, Jr. (Am. J. Sci., II. x. 372), excepting one by Blake (ib., xii. 6): 1. Pope's Mills, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., glassy transparent 70-7~ 30' B. S. 2. Edwards, N. Y., rich reddish brown 10? 3. St. Lawrence Co.,? N. Y., yellowish 10? 4. Vrooman's Lake, N. Y., in long crystals of a yellow color 10 30-10 50 " 5. Edwards, N. Y., rich yellowish-brown color 11 " 6. Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., in limestone, yellowish 11? 7. Falls of the Grand Calumet,. Canada, yellowish-green crystals many inches long 13-13 12 " 8. Pope's Mills, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., large crystals, fine yellowishbrown 13 30 " 9. Edwards, N. Y.; 2d specimen, yellowish-brown 13 30'~ 10. Church's Mills, Rossie, N. Y., resembles the Pope's Mills 13 30-14 " 11. Near Skinner's Bridge, Rossie, N. Y., silvery-yellow mica 14 12. Carlisle, Mass., rich yellowish-brown - 14 " 13. Rossie, N. Y., near Mrs. Story's, light yellowish 15 " 14. Pope's Mills, St. Lawrence Co., brownish-yellow hexagonal crystal 15 " 15. Natural Bridge, Jefferson Co., N. Y., rich yellow; associated with serpentine; same as analyzed by Meitzendorff 15 15. bis., ib., ib., another specimen, 16 16. Edwards, N. Y., white silvery, curvedi crystals 15 30-16 30 17. Vicinity of Rossie, N. Y., rich yellow-brown; probably the same as Gouverneur 16 7-16 15 " 18. Essex, N. Y., in limestone, deep rich brown color 16 30 19. Upper Ottawa, Canada, reddish-yellow, transparent 17 30-18 " 20. Morialh, Essex Co., N. Y., very dark smoky red Est'd 16-17 21. Somerville, N. Y., faint brownish 5-7 22. Burgess, Canada West, bronzy, almost metallic, semi-transparent if thin; opaque in plates a line thick; slightly elastic only; found with apatite in sandstone Angle very small" 304 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 23. Franklin, N. J., bronzy-yellow About 14~ B. S. 24. Burgess, Canada West, whitish-yellow About 10 " 25. Fine, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., very dark olive-brown Est'd 10-12 " 26. Amity, N. Y., opaque silvery white 10-12 " 27. Warwick, Pa., brownish olive-green About 10 Blake. Phlogopite occurs also at Gouverneur, N. Y., of a brownish copper-red; at Sterling Mine, Morris Co., N. J., rich yellowish-brown, inclining to red, in limestone; at Suckasunny mine, N. J., deep olive-brown, inclining to yellow, in limestone; Newton, N. J., yellow, in limestone; Lockwood, Sussex Co., N. J., deep olive-brown, like the mica of Fine, N. Y., in limestone; at St. Jerome, Canada, reddish-coppery. The crystals at Clarke's Hill, St. Lawrence Co., are very large, sometimes nearly two feet long; fig. 281 represents one in the cabinet of W. W. Jefferis, which is 20 in. long, 4 in. thick at top, at top, and 8 in. at centre, and weighs 57~ pounds. Senarmont found one deep bottle-green mica of unknown locality having the angle 15~. Named from oXoymr6s, fire-like, in allusion to the color. Alt.-The phlogopites are quite liable to change, losing their elasticity, becoming pearly in lustre, with often brownish spots, as if from the hydration of the oxyd of iron. In some cases an alteration to steatite and serpentine has been observed. A serpentine pseudomorph after phlogopite from Somerville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., afforded Lewinstein (ZS. Ch. Pharm., 1860, 15) Si 47'24, A1 2-32, Mg 33'23, Fe 1'10, Na 0'67, K 0'57, H 14'87=100. 289. BIOTITE. Magnesia-Mica pt., Hexagonal Mica, Uniaxial Mica. Astrites meroxenus (fr. Vesuv.) Breith., Handb., 382, 1841. Rubellan=Astrites trappicus, Breith., ib. 379. Biotit Hausm., Handb., 671, 1847. Rhombenglimmer (fr. Greenwood Furnace) Kenngott, Pogg., 1xxiii. 661. Hexagonal.? A =62~ 57', crystals fr. Vesuvius, Hessenberg; ac 4-911126. Habit oftenmonoclinic. Observed planes: 0; rhombohedrons, R, X-, 4-; prism, i-2; pyramids, 3-2, -2, 2-2 1-2, 4-2, 2-2, 4-2, 8-2, 4-2; *-R the form fr. Greenwood Furnace, the rest fr. Vesuvian crystals. 283 O A R=100~ 0 A 4-2 98~ 41' - OA -2=121 25' 0 2-2-95 49 O/ A -2=106 59 4-2-=92 55 o > A 1-2-101 301 OA =113 47 Prisms commonly tabular. Cleavage: basal.~ ~ / g highly eminent. Often in disseminated scales,.k- -'~ty sometimes in massive aggregations of cleavable scales. H.=2-5-3. G.-=2-7-3-1. Lustre splendent, and more or less pearly on a cleavage surface, and sometimes submetallic when black; lateral surfaces vitreous when smooth and shining. Colors usually green to black, often deep black in thick crystals, and sometimes even in thin laminse, unless the laminse are very thin; such thin lamninae green, blood-red, or brown by transmitted light; rarely white. Streak uncolored. Transparent to opaque. Optically uniaxial. Sometimes biaxial with slight axial divergence, from exceptional irregularities, but the angle not exceeding 5~ and seldom 1~. Comp., Var.-Biotite is a magnesia-iron mica, part of the alumina being replaced by sesquloxyd of iron, and protoxyd of iron and magnesia existing among the protoxyd bases. Black is the prevailing color, but brown to white also occur. The results of analyses vary much, and for the reason already stated-the non-determination, in most cases, of the degree of oxydation of the iron; and the exact atomic ratio for the species and its limits of variation are therefore not precisely understood. The 0. ratio, which appears to be dominant, is 1: 1: 2, giving the formula ( R23+f) Si3, which is the formula of garnet. In some cases the ratio is apparently near UINISILICATES. 305 1 1-: 2- and 1 2: 3; and through species containing much iron it passes to micas of the species annite and lepidomelane. The analyses below are arranged in two divisions; (A) having the 0. ratio approximately ]: 1: 2; (B) having other various ratios. Analyses: A. 1, v. Kobell (Kastn. Arch. Nat., xii. 29); 2, 3, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 45); 4, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 485); 5, Smith & Brush (1. c.); 6, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 91); 7, v. Kobell (1. c.); 8, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxxvi. 309); 9, Bromeis (Pogg., Iv. 112); 10, Chodnef (Pogg., lxi. 381); 11, Chodnef, with oxyd of iron by Mitscherlich (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 1); 12, Kjerulf (J. pr. Oh., lxv. 187); 13, H. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxxl. 13); 14, C. Bromeis (Bischof's.Lehrb. Geol., ii. 1418); 15, Bukeisen (Kenng. Ueb., 1856-57, 86); 16, Scheerer (ZS. G., xiv. 60); 17, Kiebel (ib.); 18, A. Streng (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 54); 19, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 78); 20, H. Rose (Pogg., i. 75); 21, v. Kobell (Kastn. Arch. Nat., xii. 29). B. 22, 23, Scheerer and RLbe (ZS. G., xiv. 56); 24, Varrentrapp (Pogg., lxi. 381);'25, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxv. 14); 26, Svanberg (Ak. H. Stockholm, 1839, 172); 27, Kjerulf (1. c.); 28, Svanberg (1. c., 177); 29, Haughton (Q. J. G. Soc., xviii. 413); 30, H. Rose (No. 20 above), 31, v.Kobell (No. 21 above), with Mitscherlich's determination of the iron. A. O. ratio approximately 1: 1: 2. Si 2k1 e Pe'n Mg Ca Na K AI F 1. Monroe 40-00 16'16 7150 - -- 21'54 10'83 3'00 050, Ti 0' 299'76 K. 2. " 39'88 14'99 7168 - 23'69 -- 1'12 9-11 1-30 0'95, C 1044 — 99'16 S. & B. 3. " 3951 15'11 7199 - -- 23-40 - 10'20 1-35 0'95 Cl 0.44= 98-95 S. & B. 4. " 40-21 19'99 7-96. -- 21-15 1'55 0'90 5'22 2-89 — =98-97 H. 5. Putnam Co.39'62 17'35 5'40 23'85 -- 11l 8-95 1-41 1'20C10 271= 99-06 S. & B. 6. Chester,Ms.39'08 15'38 7'12 - 0'31 23'58 - 263 7.50 2'24 0-16=98,60. S. 7. Greenland 41'00 16'88 4'50 5-05 -- 18'86 --- 8-76 4'30 tr.=99-35 K. 8. Bodenmais 40'86 15'13 13'00 - 2200 8'83 0'44 -— =10026 K. 9. Vesuvius 39-75 15'99 8'29 - - 2449 0'87 - 8'78 075 - gangue 0'1 -98-62 B. 10. " (.) 40-91 1779 11'02 -- - 19-04 0'30 — 996 -- -=9902 C. 1i. " 40-91 17179 3'00 7103 -- 19-04 0'30 - 9'96 — =98'03 C. 12. " 44-63 19'04 4'92 - -- 20'89 - 205 6'97 017 -=98'97K. 13. L. Baikal 42'01 16'05 493 - 25'97 -- 7'55 -- 0 65=97'16 R. 14. L. Laach 43'02 16'85 11'63 -- - 184() 0'71 1'15 8'60 -- --— 100'36aB 15. Tyrol 38'43 15'71 14'49c tir. 17'28 tr. -- 11-42 2'76 --— 100'09B. 16. Brand 37-18 17-53 6'20 15'35MSn0'31 9'05 0'79 2-93 514 3-62 — Ti 247-= 100'57 S. 17. " 37'06 16-78 6'07 15'37 tr. 9'02 0'57 2'86 5'96 377 --— Ti.3-64b= 101'10 K. 18. Harzburg 36'17 18'09 8'70 13'72 -- 1116 0'52 tr. 7'59 2'28 0'36=98'59 S. 19. Siberia 42'50 11'50 2200 - -20 900 - - 1000 1'00 -=98 K. 20. Miask 40'00 1261 19'03 - 063 15-70 - - 5- 561 - 200 Ti, e 163. =97-27 I. 21. " 42'12 12-83 20-78 - -- 1615 8- - 58 1017 - =10153 K. B. 0..ratio a2pproxinactey 1: 2: 3, 1: 14: 21, etc. 22. Freiberg 37150 17'87 12-93 9'95 0-20 10'15 0'45 3'00 0-83 3'48 — Ti 3'06= 99'42 S, 23. " 36'89 15-00 16-29 6'95 -- 9'65 1175 -- 6'06 4'40 -Ti 316= 100i15 R 24. Zillerthal 39'85 16'07 1321 -- -- 15'60 0-42 [13'68, loss incl.], Varr. 25. Alps,ldk.gn. 41'22 13'92 26'90 -- 109 4'70 2'58 1'40 6'05 090 1'58=100-34 D a Much ammoniacal water given off on ignition, and anal. made on the mineral after thus drying. b Containing Fe and Al. c Aspublished, protoxyd. 20 306 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si F1 e Pe gn Mg Ca ~ra Rt f F 26. Pargas 42'58 21'68 1039 0- 05 10-27 1-04 -- 8-45 3-35 0-51=-9902 S. 27. Eifel,br.-bn.43'10 15'05 25'89 -- -- 10-82 081 082 4-62 150 — Ti 1-03= 103-59 K 28. Rosendahl44'41 16-86 -- 2071 045 1126 1-50 -- 405 1'13 041-=10168 S, 29. Gar.Wood 44'40 21'52 10'72 3'96 1'28 6'14 2'70 0'14 6'18 1'20 -— 98-84 H. 30. Miask 40'00 12-67 1-97 15-39 0-63 15-70 tr. - 561 - 210 Ti 1-63= 95170 R. 31. " 42-12 12-83 2'53 15-32 - 16-15 - 8'58 1'07 --— =98'60 K. In anal. 5, G.=2-80, the mica talc-like, pale ywh.-gn. by transmitted light, inelastic, waxy, probably somewhat altered; 6, chlorite-like, with emery, etc.; 8, G.-=27; 16, 17, from the Erzgebirge; 18, from gabbro, opt. char. not given; 22, 23, bronze-brown to black, in gneiss; 25, out of protogine of Alps; 29, from granite, Ireland. In the Vesuvian biotite, anal. 12, O. ratio for R,, Si=1005: 10'36: 23-17; anal 10, 9'37 12-33: 21-24-1: 1j: 24-; anal. 11 (10 as modified by Mitscherlich), 9'25: 9-93:21-24. Anal. 16, as it stands, gives the ratio 1-: 1: 2-; 18, 1: 1: 11; 22 to 29, nearly: 2: 3, but some deficiency of protoxyds in 27, 28, making the ratio nearer 1: 2': 4. The last two, 30, 31, are the analyses by Rose and v. Kobell, Nos. 20, 21, with the Fe and Fe as recently determined by A. Mitscherlich. Mitscherlich's results change the ratio from 1: 1: 2 to nearly 5: 3: 10, or the ratio approximately of phlogopite; and if his determination should be sustained, the Siberian mica analyzed would appear to be phlogopite. A chrome magnesia zmica (Chromvglimmer) of a green color, from Schwarzenstein, in Zillerthal, afforded Schafhautl (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlvi. 325) over 5 p. c. of oxyd of chromium, and the 0. ratio for the whole 64: 96: 9 24-75=2: 3: 8. He obtained Si 47-68, A1 15'15, -r 5'90, Fe 572, MnIu 1-05, Mg 11-58, Na 1-1', K 7'27, ft 2-86=98-38. Pyr., etc.-Same as phlogopite, except that with the fluxes it gives strong reactions for iron. Obs.-Biotite was first shown to be optically uniaxial by Biot, after whom it is named; and, later, to be hexagonal in crystallization by Marignac (Bibl. Univ., 1847, Suppl. vi. 300); Brooke and Miller (Min., 387); Kokscharof (Min. Russl., ii. 291); and quite recently, and after careful measurements, by Hessenberg (Min. Not., No. vii. 15, 1866). But still the crystals are often slightly biaxial, as first remarked by Silliman (Am. J. Sci., II. x. 372, 1850), and W. P. Blake (ib., xii. 6, 1851); and later by Dove (Ber. Ak. Berlin, 1853), Senarmont (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxxiii. 391, xxxiv. 171), Grailich (Lehrb. d. Kryst., 1856), and others. On the ground of the biaxial character observed, Descloizeaux, in his Min., i. 88, 1862, made the species orthorhombic. Blake examined specimens from Greenwood Furnace; a silvery-white var. fr. Easton, Pa.; a crimson from Topsham, Me.; a fiery-red, by transmitted light, from Moriah, Essex Co., N. Y.; a dark bottle-green from Moor's Slide, Ottawa, Canada; and seven different varieties from Vesuvius. But the divergence, which was in all very small, was not measured. One of the uniaxial micas examined by Biot is stated by him to have come from Topsham, Me. Kokscharof found some crystals from Vesuvius true uniaxial. The following are the results of measurements by Senarmont and Grailich (two or three of the micas perhaps phlogopites): 1. Axial plane parallel to the longer diagonal. 1. Greenwood Furnace 0~-i~ Grailich. 2. Pellegrino, Tyrol; hexagonal; in limestone 0 -1 3. Karosulik, Greenland; sea-green 1-2 Grailich. 4. Lake Baikal; dark brown 1 -2 5. Adun-Tschilon, Siberia;.reddish-brown, in dolomite (phlogopite?) 1 -2 " 6. Ceylon; clear green, transparent 1 — 2 Senarmont. 1. Philadelphia; clear olive-green (phlogopite?) 3 -4 " 2. Axial plane _parallel to the shorter diagonal. 1. Vesuvius; so-called meroxene 0~-1~ Grailich. 2. Vesuvius; dull green to colorless 1 " 3. Vesuvius; brownish-green 2 " 4. Vesuvius; bluish 3 " 5. Vesuvius; greenish-black in pumice 4 " 6. L. Baikal; deep brown, transparent, hexagonal 1. Senarmont. JNISILICATES. 307 7. Easton, Pa.; silvery white 1 —2' Grailich. 8. Fassa, Tyrol; resembling meroxene 1 -3 9. Easton, Pa.; green 3 —4 " Grailich found the angle 0~, or zero, in mica from Zillerthal; Norway, dark green; Kariat, dark olive-green; Retzbanya, greenish to colorless; Goshen, pistachio-green; Leonfelden, black; Magura, dark red; Altenberg, dark bluish; Horn, black; Besztercze, dark; Anaksirksarklich, liver-brown. The Vesuvian biotite found on Mt. Somma (Meroxene of Breith.) occurs in brilliant crystals with numerous polished facets. Other foreign localities are named in connection with the analyses. The mica from Greenwood Furnace, Monroe, N. Y., analyzed by von Kobell (anal. 1), occurs in large and very regular rhombic prisms (sometimes 5 or 6 in. across) oblique from an acute edge; and also in tetrahedral pyramids; the faces of the pyramids incline to the cleavage plane at 1130 to 114~; v. Kobell gives for the angle R A R (faces of the pyramid) 71~ to 72~. This is the same mica with that analyzed by Smith and Brush (anal. 2, 3), as Prof. Brush has assured himself by an examination of von Kobell's specimens at Munich. Alt. —Rubellan is considered an altered biotite; it occurs in small hexagonal forms, of a red color, in a kind of wacke. Steatite is also a result of the alteration of this species, as in granite at Brunn and Thierscheim. Among the above analyses, several indicate incipient change by the water and chlorine present. Mica, altered to magnetite, has been observed in the Tyrol. The Eukamptite of' Kenngott (Ueb., 1853, 58, 1855, and described under the name Chlorit ahnliches _Mineral in Ber. Ak. Wien, xi. 609, 1853) is a hydrous biotite, probably a result of alteration, from Presburg, HIungary. It is between mica and chlorite in its characters. Color nearly black, but in very thin folia brown to hyacinth-red or reddish-yellow; H.=2 —25; G.-2'73. Composition, according to an analysis by v. Hauer (1. c.), Si 38'13, 1 2160, Fe 1992, Mn 2 61, Mg, by loss, 13176, H 3'98=100, giving the oxygen ratio for Ri, R, Si, H=1: 1: 2: W. The Voigtite of Schmid may also be a hydrated biotite. See under HYDROUS SILICATES, P. 393. 290. LEPIDOMELANE.. Hausmann, Gel. Anz. GStt., 945, 1840. Hexagonal. In small six-sided tables, or an aggregate of minute scales. Cleavage basal, eminent, as in other micas. I-I.=3. G.- 30. Lustre adamlantine, inclining to vitreous, pearly. Color black, with occasionally a leek-green reflection. Streak grayish-green. Opaque, or translucent in very thin laminse. Somewhat brittle, or but little elastic. Optically unaxial; or biaxial with a very small axial angle. Comp.-An iron-potash mica. 0. ratio for bases and silica 1: 1; for AR, X, mostly I: 3, but varying to 1 to more than 3; of doubtful limits, on account of the doubts as to the state of the iron in most of the analyses. 1: 3 for the ratio of R., R gives (I R3+~tz)2.i3 Differs from biotite in the smaller proportion of protoxyds and little alumina and magnesia, but appears to agree with it in optical characters. Analyses: 1, Soltmann (Pogg., 1. 664); 2, Svanberg (Ak. H. Stockh., 178, 1839); 3-7, Haughton (J. GC. Soc., xv. 129, xviii. 413, Phil. Mag., IV. xviii. 259); 8, Illing (Gieb. u. Heintz, ZS. Nat., 1854, 339): 1854, 339): i e e lrn lIg Ca na Ki -I 1. Wermland 37-40 11-60 27-66 1243- 0'26 920 0'60=99-49 Soltm. 2. Abborforss 39'45 9'27 35'78 1-45 2-54 3'29 031- 5-06 1'83, Ca 0'32, F 029= 99*58 Svanb. 3. Jonesed, Sw. 39'70 12'25 23-55 0-96 1-00 1725 4-48 0'47 7'30 1l00=99-76 Haughton. 4. Carlow Co. 35-55 17-08 23-70 3-55 1-95 3'07 0'61 0'35 9'45 4-30=99-61 Haughton. 5. Ballygihen 36-20 15'95 27119 0'64 1'50 5-00 0'50 0'16 8-65 3'90=99'69 Haughton. 6. Glenveagh 36-16 19'40 26-31 0'62 0'40 4'29 0'58 0-48 9'00 2-40=99-64 Haughton. 1. Canton 35-50 20'80 19-70 7-7.4 1'70 4'46 0-56 0-10 9'00 0-25=99-81 Haughton. 8. Haindorf, Silesia 36-98 20'25 23-14 - - 6'16 2-96 5'44 8 52 -=103'45 Illing. The original lepidomelane, anal. 1, affords the 0. ratio 1: 3: 4. The Irish variety (anal. 4, 5, 6, 7) affords as a mean result, 1: 3'3. 4'1; No. 4 is from Ballyellin, and 5, 6, from Donegal Co. The Abborforss mica affords 1: 4-6: 6-2; but if the water be made basic, 1: 3-1: 4-3; and anal. 8 corresponds to 1: 32: 3-8; both near 1: 3: 4. The mineral of the last has G.=3'96, and is very fusible. Pyr., etc.-B.B. at a red heat becomes brown and fuses to a black magnetic globule. Easily decomposed by muriatic aoid, depositing silica in scales. 308 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Obs.-A scaly-massive mineral at Persberg in Wermland, Sweden, containing imbedded prisms of hornblende, the scales half a line or so across; mica-like at Abborforss in Finland; in granite in Ireland, at Ballyellin in Carlow Co., Leinster, at Ballygihen in Donegal Co., and at Canton, mostly in largish crystals or plates (i inch across and larger). The Donegal and Leinster Co. mica is optically uniaxial, according to HI-aughton. The granite contains also a white muscovite (see anal. 8-11, under MUSCOVITE); and in some cases the black and white form parts of the same crystal; and, where so, the optic-axial divergence of the muscovite was diminished, according to some trials, 20~. Named from vrkir, scale, and EtXaa, black. Alt.-Haughton gives the following as the composition of an altered form of the black mica of Donegal Co., Ireland (Nos. 5, 6, above); it was from Castlecaldwell: Si 31'60, Al 19-68, Fe 23-35, Fe 4-04, Mn 1-20, AMg 7-03, Ca 0-45, Na 0'74, K 3-90, I 8685=100'67. It approaches a chlori te. PTEROLITE of Breithaupt (B. I-I. Ztg., xxiv. 336) appears to be an altered lepidomelane, of a pearly lustre, and a color between olive-green and liver-brown; scaly massive in texture. In the analysis by R. Mfiller he found part of the mineral soluble in heated muriatic acid and part not; and inl analyses of the whole and the parts separately, the following results: ASi e PFe Mg Na Na K Ii 1. The whole 39-38 6'65 19'89 16-43 056 5-47 2-81 7'86 1-39 2. Sol. part 36-08 4'99 25'98 14-28 -- 5 43 3'68'196 1,31 3. Insol. part 50-14.12'03 23-43 - 688 -- -52 -- The O. ratio for the soluble part is 2: 3: 5; for the insoluble, 3: 2: 10. It occurs at Brevig, Norway, with astrophyllite, wohlerite, scgirite, etc. A Brevig mica afforded A. Dufrance (ZS. G., xiv. 100) Si 35'93, P110 98, e 9'82, Fe 269.3, IMn 0172, Mg 5-13, Oa 1'04, Na 5'18, K 0'24, H 4'30, Ti 0-99=101'26. It is probably an altered mica, as shown by the amount of soda present. BASTONITE is a mica in large plicated plates, of a greenish-brown color, greasy lustre, very small optical angle, easily fusible into a black enamel, discovered by Dumont in a quartzite from Bastoigne, Duchy of Luxembourg (Descl. Min., 498, 1862). A brownish-black mica. from Renchthal, in the Schwarzwald, with slight optic-axial angle and pearly. metalloidal lustre, afforded Nessler (Jahresb., 1863, 820) Si 38-34, Al133 80, Fe 13'73, Fe 1740, Mg 0-36, Nla 056, K 4'22, i 1'36, F tr., Ti 0'60=100'31. 291. ANNITE Dana. The lepidomelane of Cape Ann, described and analyzed by J. P. Cooke (Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 222), differs, according to the analyses, in having the 0. ratio 1: 2: 3, instead of 1: 3: 4. In optical and other physical characters it is like lepidomelane. It occurs in plates and disseminated scales; H.=3; G. —3'169; color black; streak. dark green; opaque, except in very thin folia. Cooke obtained:. Si Al Pe']n Fe kIg Li K Na, ib -i Si F2 A. (3) 39-55 16-73 12'01 0-60 17-48 0-62 0-59 10-66 tr. 1'50 0'62=100-42. B. 37'39 16'66 13'74 0'64 19'03 0-59 10'20 - 1'75 - -=100. Anal. B is deduced from A on the supposition that the mineral was mixed intimately (as a result of contemporaneous crystallization) with cryophyllite, an associated species at the locality, and that the amount of lithia indicated the proportion of cryophyllite. 0. ratio deduced for the latter for R, Si, i-=6-2: 121: 19-9: 1'6. It maybe found that the biotites having the O. ratio for R, t=-1: 2 should be here placed. Occurs in the Cape Ann granite, with cryophyllite, orthoclase, albite, and zircon (cyrtolite). 292. ASTROPHYLLIT3E. Astrophyllit Scheerer, B. H. Ztg., xiii. 240, 1854. Orthorhombic; habit monoclinic. IA I=- 120~. Usually in tabular prisms; often lengthened into strips with parallel sides in the direction of the shorter diagonal. Observed form a narrow tabular crystal, terminating in front in two planes of an octahedron, and below these one of a macrodome; the front angle of the former 160~, and the edge between the planes inclined to O 125~; O on the macrodome 130~. Cleavage: basal eminent. Sometimes in stellate groups. I. =3. G.=3-324, Pisani. Lustre submetallic, pearly. Color bronzeyellow to gold-yellow. Powder resembling that of mosaic gold. Translu. rNISILICATEs. 309 cent in thin leaves. Lamin-fe only slightly elastic. Optic-axial divergence 118~ 124~; bisectrix normal to the cleavage-surface; Descl. Comp.-Perhaps (R3,)2 Si3, the titanium oxyd being included with the bases. The protoxyds include prot. of iron and manganese, with potash, soda, etc.; the sesquioxyds those of' iron and aluminum; the deutoxyds that of titanium, and perhaps that of zirconium. Analyses: 1, Pisani (C. R., lvi. 846); 2, 3, 4, Scheerer, Meinecke, and Sieveking (Pogg., cxxii. 113): Si Ti Zr _1 Fe'e ln g Ca Li Na K ign. 1. 33-23 7'09 4:97 4'00 3'75 23-58 9'90 1-27 1'13 tr. 2-51 5582 1-86=99-11P. 2. 32 21 8'24 3'02 7'97 21'40 12'63 1-64 2'11 2-24 3-18 4'41-99'05 S. 3. 32-35 8'84 3-46 8-05 18-06 12-68 2'72 1'86 - 4-02 2-94 4'53-99'51 M. 4. 33-71 8'76 3'47 8'51 25'21 10'59 0'05 0'95 - 369 065 485= —100'44 S. Pisani's analysis gives for the 0. ratio of iR,, R, Si, 1, 9'78: 407: 299: 17'72: 165-approximately (water excluded) 10: 4: 3: 17; or for bases and silica 1: 1; and Sieveking's analysis affords 9-28: 4-17: 3'42: 1797: 4 31=(water excluded) 1: 1 for bases and silica. Pyr., etc.-B.B. swells up and fuses easily to a black magnetic enamel. With soda or borax, a strong manganese reaction. Decomposed by muriatic acid with a separation of silica in scales. Obs.-Occurs at Brevig, Norway, in zircon-syenite, imbedded in lamellar feldspar, and associated with catapleiite, and large prisms of black mica. 293. MUSCOVITE. Common Mica; Potash Mica; Biaxial Mica; Oblique Mica. Glimmer, Zweiaxiger Glimmer, Germ. Muscovite.Dana, Min., 356, 1850. Phengit v. Kob., Taf., 62, 1853. Nacrite (fr. Maine) Thom., Rec. Gen. Sci., 332, 1836. Fuchsite, Chromglimmer pt., Schaf hdutl, Ann. Ch. Pharm., xliv. 40, 1842. Talcite (fr. Wicklow) Thomson; Rec. Gen. Sci., iii. 332, 1836 [not Talcite Kirwan=massive scaly talc]. Adamsite Shep., Hitchcock's Rep. G. Vt., i. 484, 1857. Orthorhombic. IA ] —120~ Habit monoclinic. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, li-, i-T, i-s; domes, 6-, 4-, 2-, 12 i, 1-~, -—; octahedral (or hemioctahedral) 4, 3, -, 2, 24 -),, 1,,, 2- 6, 3-3. O A 4-940 20' 0 A -121~ 16' 0 A 1-i=1060~ 53 0 A 2-98 38 0 A 1 —-125 2 0 A 2-=98 38 OA 4 —102 50 0 A 2-4-114 29 0 A 4-=94 20 OA1 =106 53 - O A 6-t 92 54 0A 6-3=92 31 285 286 0 O 2 2 63 Miask, Ural. Binnen Valley. Cleavage: basal eminent; occasionally also separating in fibres parallel to a diagonal. Twins: often observable by internal markings, or by polarized light; composition parallel to I consisting of six individuals thus united; sometimes a union of I to i-i. Folia often aggregated in stellate, plumose, or globular forms; or in scales, and scaly massive. H.=2 -25. G.=-2'75-3-1. Lustre more or less pearly. Color white; gray, brown, hair-brown, pale-green, and violet, yellow, dark olive-green, 310 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. rarely rose-red; often different for transmitted and reflected light, and different also in vertical and transverse directions. Streak uncolored. Transparent to translucent. Thin laininoe flexible and elastic, very tough. Double refraction strong; optic-axial angle 44 —18~. Comp.-o. ratio for d-R, si 1: 14; rarely 1: 1~, and for R, {i either, approximately, 1: 6, 1: 9, or 1: 12; R=potash (K) almost solely. These ratios may hereafter prove to be different after a correct determination in each case of the degree of oxydation of the iron. Fluorine is present, but not over 1 p. c. has in any case been detected. Water is often present, especially where the latter ratio is 1: 6 or 1: 9; and it sometimes amounts to 5 p. c.; and the kinds containing 3 to 5 p. c. of water have been referred to the species IMargarodite; making the water basic in such kinds, the 0. ratio for bases and silica becomes 1: 1, as in other unisilicates. The hydrous kinds so graduate into the anhydrous that the analyses are here brought all together, although the species rnargarodite is introduced on page 487. The ratio 1: 1- may indicate that muscovite is a combination of 3 parts of a unisilicate and 2 of a bisilicate, as in the formula 3 (Rl, R)2 Si3 + 2 (1', a) Si3. But if the mineral is a true unisilicate, as its relation to biotite and phlogopite would indicate, but with an excess of silica, the formula may be (Ks, )2 Si3+1~ Si; or else with half the excess of silica basic. With the 0. ratio 1: 6 for R and 1, the bases correspond to Ik3+~ i; with 1: 9, to -9% K3+ % I; with 1: 12, to 3 K3+_t H. The analyses are here arranged in groups; first, according as the oxygen ratio between the bases (-+{R) and silica (Si) is 1: 1, or 1: 1-; and subordinately, into those in which the oxygen ratio between the protoxyds (R) and sesquioxyds (R) is either 1: 6 approximately, or 1: 9, or 1: 12. It is to be remarked that the incipient alteration of a mica, attended with the introduction of a little magnesia, lime, or soda (Mg, Ca, or Na), with a removal or not of some potash (K), might increase the proportion of protoxyds and thus change the latter ratio from 1: 12 to 1: 6, or produce the intermediate gradations. Analyses: A. 1. O. ratio of lR, R, 1: 6; 1, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. xvi. 202); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxi. 38); 3, Schafhdiutl; 4-6, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 46, 47, xv. 21 0); 7, 8, Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 272); 9, Sullivan (J. G. Soc. Dublin, iv. 155); 10-13, Haughton (1. c., and Q. J. G. Soc., xviii. 414, xx. 280). 2. 0. ratio of R, R, 1: 9; 14, Kussin (Ramm., 4th Suppl., 75, and Min. Ch., 657); 15, Roth (ZS. G., vii. 15); 16, SchafhaLutl (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xliv. 40); 17, 18, Fuchs (Jahrb. Min., 1862, 795); 19, Apjohn (Q. J. Sci. Dublin, i. 119); 20, E. Boricky (Ber. Ak. Wien, liv. 287). 3. 0. ratio of R,, 1: 12; 21, 22, H. Rose (Schw. J. xxix. 282, Gilb. Ann., lxxi. 13, Pogg., i. 75); 23, Svanberg (Ak. H. Stockh., 1839, 155); 24-26, H. Rose (1. c.); 27, J. D. Darrack (This Mmin., 1850, 357); 28, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xlvii. 216). B. 29, v. Rath (Pogg., xcviii. 285); 30, Kjerulf (Ramm. Min. Ch., 658); 31, v. Rath (Pogg., xc. 288): A. Oxygen ratio of tl+R to i 1: 1, or nearly. In 1, 1:1'25; 2, 1: 1-24; 3, 1: 1'26; 4, 5, 1: 1'25; 6, 1: 1-2; 7, 1:1'2; 8, 1:1'24; 9, 1: 122; 10, 1:1'28; 12, 1: 1-26; 13, 1: 1'25; 14, 1: 1'23; 15, 1: 1'12; 16, 1:125; 17, 1:135; 18, 1:1'21; 19, 1:12; 20, 1: 126; 21, 1:1'23. 1. 0. ratio of R, R, 1: 6. (MARGARODITE in part.) Si iM1 Fe Ikig Ca Na RK T F i. St..Etienne 46-23 33'08 3-48 2'10 -- 1-45 8-87 4-12 tr., AIn tr.=99-28 Delesse. 2.? 47-84 32'66 3'06 1'28 0'29 1-55 10'25 2'43 -— =99'06 Ramm. 3. Zillerthal 47105 34'90 1'50 1'95 - 407 7'96 1'45 -=98'88 Schafh. 4. Monroe, Ct. 46'50 33-91 2'69 0'90 -- 2'70 7-32 4 63 0'82, Cl 0-31=99-78 S. & B. 5. " " 45'70 33'76 3'11 1'15 -- 2'85 7-49 4'90 0-82, Ci 0'31=10009 S. & B. 6. Litchfield, Ct. 44'60 36-23 1'34 0'37 0-50 4'10 6'20 5'26 tr. — 10060 S. & B. 7. Dublin Co. 43'47 31'42' 4'79 1'13 1'38 1-44 10-71 5'43 — =99177 Haughton. 8. Glendalough, 4471 31'13 4'69 0'90 1-09 1'27 9'91 622 -— =99'92 Haughton. 9. Glenmalure 47-41 36-21 3'11 1-57 1'29 2'51 5'51 2'37 086= —100'84 Sullivan. 10. Mt. Leinster 44-64 30-18 6'35 0-72 - tr. 12'40 5'32 --— =99'61 Haughton. 11. Donegal, white 44-80 29-76 8'80 0171 0'45 0'32 12'44 2-00 -, Mn 0-48-99 76 Ilaught. 12. 45-24 35'64 2'24 0'71 0-51 0-54 10-44 4'00 —,Fe 070, Mn 0O24 —100'26 Haughton. 13. Ytterby, " 44-64 35'36 3'52 0'36 0'90 1'44 10-68 2-80 -—,Fe03, Mn0-2=-10020lH. 2. 0. ratio of R, R 1: 9 approximately (MARGARODITE or DAMOURITE in part) (in 13, 1: 10'5; in 14, 1: 9-1; in 15, 1: 715). 14. Zsidovacs 48-07 38-41 tr. - - 10'10 3'42 —, kln tr.=100 Kussin. TUNISILICATES. 311 Si 1 Fe Sig Oa Na It ft F 15. Lisens, Tyrol 44'71 35'29 4-12 0'39 0'98 8'82 5'69 --— 100 Roth. 16. Zillerth., Fuchsite 47'95 34'45 1'80 0-71 0'59 0'37 10'75 - 0'35, -r 3'95=100'92 Schafh. 17. Harz, black 45'02 35-00 6'67 3-08 0'13 1'04 3'89 3311 1'16, Mn 1'75-101l05 Fuchs. 18. " " 44'55 34'63 6'60 3'04 0'13 1'03 3'85 3-28 1'16, Mn 1-73 —100 Fuchs. 19. Ross Hill, I. 46'42 37'92 0'46 0'17 0'67 1'54 9'63 4'40 — =101-21 Apjohn. 20. Dobrowa 48-74 37'96 - 2'41 2'63 -- 3'07 5'45 --— 100-26 Boricky. 3. 0. ratio of lt,11:12 (in 15, 1:12'4; in 21, 1:12'5; 22, 1: 9'5; 23, 1:13'3; 24,1:11'9; 25, 1: 12'4; 26, 1: 11'2). 21. Ut6 47'50 37'20 3'20 - 9'60 2'63 0'53, Mln 0'81=101-47 Rose. 22. Broddbo. 46'10 31-60 8'65. -- 839 1'00 1'06, Mn 1'26 -98-06 Rose. 23. " 47197 32'35 5'37 - 8'31 3'32 0'72, Mn 1'50-99'54 Sv. 24. Fahlun 46-22 34'52 6'04 2'11 -- 8-22 0'98 1'03=99'12 Rose. 25. Kimito 46'36 36'80 4'53 -- 9'22 1-84 067 —99'42 Rose. 26. Ochotsh 47'19 33'80 4'47 2'58'0'13 -- 8-35 4'07 0-28=100-87 Rose. 27. Unionville 46'75 39'20 tr. 1'02 0'39 -- 6-56 4'90 -=98'82 Darrack. 28. Rio Janeiro, bnh. 47160 35'70 4'31 0'59 0'43 - 6'07 4'04 — =98'74 Hauer.'Mn O included. B. Oxygen ratio of AR +-X to Si 1: 1-, or nearly. 29. Hirschberg 49'04 29-01 5-56 0'75 0'17 0'50 11'19 4-65 --— 100'87 Rath. 30. " 51-73 28-75 5-37 0'62 -- 2'14 8-28 -- 0'83-99'72 KIjerulf. 31. Pargas 50'10 28'05 5'46 0'40 2'41 1-26 7'56 387 -— 99'11 Rath. In anal. 1, G. —=2817, grayish-white, in graphic granite; 2, G.=2-831, silver-white, with black tourmaline; 4, 5, with topaz and fluorite; 6, G.=2'76, colorless, pearly, with cyanite; 8, G. —2'793, gray, silvery, trp.; 10, gray, silvery, trp.; 14, G. —=2817, white; 15, white, pseud. after andalusite; 16, 18, G.=3-123, in hexag. scales, from granite, opt. char. not given; 19, G. —2-802, in coarsely grouped masses of intersecting lamine; 20, G.=-2-85; 28, G.-=286; 29, G.=2-867, green, pseud. after orthoclase; 80, pseud. after orthoclase; 31, G.=2-833, silvery white, 11'11, Ca 0 removed, pseud. after scapolite. The rose-colored micas of Goshen, Mass., afforded Mallet (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiii. 180) K 9'08, 1Na 0'99, Li 0-64. A greenish-black mica, constituting a micaceous schist or rock in Derby, Vt.-the so-called Adarnzsite of Shepard-consists, according to G. J. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiv. 216), Si 47'76, Al and Fe 36-29, Ca 0'24, MIg 1'85, alkalies (by loss) 8'77, ign. 5'09, and has all the ordinary characters of common mica. Thomson gives for the composition of a mica reported to come from Orange Co., N. Y. (Min., i. 360) Si 49'38, A1 23'67, Pe 7-31, K 15'29, Ca 6'13, Li 0-06 —101-89. Little reliance can be placed on the analysis. A schist, formerly called talcose schist, from Zillerthal in Tyrol, and named didymite by Schafhiutl (Ann. Ch. Pharm., 1843, J. pr. Ch., lxxvi. 136, not didrimite, as sometimes written) is near muscovite in its composition. It is feeble pearly, and grayish-white in color; H.=1-5 —2; G.= 2-75. Schafhhutl obtained Si 40-69, Al 1815, Fe 5'25, Na 1-23 K 11-16, H 060, Ca C 22-7499'82. It has also been called arnphilogite. Probably only a mica schist. A variety of muscovite (1) composed of scales arranged in plumose forms is called plumose mica; and another (2) having a diagonal cleavage, cleaving sometimes into thread-like pieces, prismatic mica. An emerald-green variety (3) is the fuchsite or chrome-mica, containing sometimes nearly 4 p. c. of oxyd of chrome. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water, which with brazil-wood often reacts for fluorine. B.B. whitens and fuses on the thin edges (F.= —-7, v. Kobell) to a gray or yellow glass. With fluxes gives reactions for iron and sometimes manganese, rarely chromium. Not decomposed by acids. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. Obs.-Muscovite is the most common of the micas. It is one of the constituents of granite, gneiss, mica schist, and other related rocks, and is occasionally met with in granular limestone, trachyte, basalt, lava; and occurs also disseminated sparingly in many fragmental rocks. Coarse lamellar aggregations often form the matrix of topaz, tourmaline, and other mineral species in granitic veins. Siberia affords lamine of mica sometimes exceeding a yard in diameter; and other remarkable foreign localities are at Finbo in Sweden, and Skutterud in Norway. See above for other localities. Fuchsite or chrome mica occurs at Greiner in the Zillerthal, at Passeyr in Tyrol, and on the Dorfner Alp, as well as at Schwarzenstein. 312 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. In N. ilamlp., at Acworth, Grafton, and Alstead, in granite, the plates at times a yard across and perfectly transparent. In Mfaine, at Paris; at Buckfield, in fine crystals; at Unity, of a green color, on the estate of James Nea] (Thomson's nacrite, wrongly referred to Brunswick). In Mlass., at Chesterfield. with tourmaline and albite; at Barre and South Royalston, in two localities, with beryl; at Mendon and Brimfield; at Chester, Hampden Co., faint greenish; at Goshen, rose. red (sometimes misnamed lepidolite); prismatic mica, at Russell. In Conn., at Monroe, of a dusky-brown color, having internal hexagonal bands of a darker shade; at Trumbull, at the topaz vein in coarse radiated aggregations (called margarodite); at Litchfield, with, cyanite, colorless and pearly (margarodite), G.=2'76; in brown hexagonal crystal at the Middletown feldspar quarry; at Haddam, pale brownish, with columbite, and also similar at another locality with garnets. In N. York, 6 m. S.E. of Warwick, crystals and plates sometimes a foot in diameter, in a vein of feldspar; a mile N.W. of Edenville, in six-sided and rhombic prisms; silvery, near Edenville; in St. Lawrence Co., 8 m. from Potsdam, on the road to Pierrepont, in plates 7 in. across; town of Edwards, in large prisms, six-sided or rhombic; Greenfield, near Saratoga, in reddishbrown crystals with chrysoberyl; on the Croton aqueduct, near Yonkers, in rhombic prisms with a transverse cleavage. In Penn., in fine hexagonal crystals of a dark brown color at Pennsbury, near Pennsville, Chester Co; at Unionville, whitish; Delaware Co., at Middletown, smoky brown with hexagonal internal bands, which are due to magnetite (see p. 150); at Chesnut Hill, near the Wissahiccon, a green variety; at Leiperville, Delaware Co., faint greenish. In N. Jersey, in crystals at Newton and Franklin. In Maryland, at Jones's Falls, a mile and three-quarters from Baltimore; the plates show by transmitted light a series of concentric hexagons, the sides of which are parallel with the sides of a hexagonal prism. Marignac obtained 0A4=94~ 50', and 0A2=-98~ 30' (fig. 286); OA 1=107 5', from a Vesuvian crystal. Kokscharof OA1=106~ 53' 30", Vesuvian crystal; Zepharovich 107~ 3' for the same angle, and 116~ 13' for 0 A -4 (Ber. Ak. Wien, liv. 286). The following table contains the optic-axial angle, as measured in the air, for various muscovites: 1. Amnerican; as measured by B. Silliman in 1850 (1. c.). Apparent Angle. 1. New York Island, 4 m. from city, violet-gray 56~ 20' —56 40' 2. Royalston, Mass., dark brown, fine crystal 57 30 3. l b. lb. ib. another 58-59 4. Pennsbury, Penn., smoky brown, striated 59 5. Philadelphia, greenish-gray, banded 60 30-61 6. ib., near Fairmount, smoky brown, resembles No. 4 60 —62 30 7. Oxford, Maine, light brown 62 42-63 8. Monroe, Conn., brown with patches 64 30-65 30 9. Royalston, Mass., violet-brown, in thick plates 65 10. Local.?; greenish-gray; in crystals 65 30-66 11. Falls road, 2~ m. from Baltimore, transparent brown 65 30-65 40 12. Near Ellicott's Mills, Md., ib. lb. 66 30 13. "Jones Falls," near Baltimore, blackish-green; symmetrically banded 66 15-66 30 14. Greenfield, Conn., greenish-yellow 66 30-67 15. Haddam, Conn. (Quarry Hill), clear brownish-green 67 16. Grafton, New Hampshire, light brown, transparent 67 30 17. Unionville, Penn., white, corundum locality 67-67 28 18. Acworth, N. H., greenish-gray, in granite. 67 15-67 30 19. Grafton, N. H., another specimen, light brown, with quartz and tourmaline 68 5-68 20 20. Templeton, Mass., transparent brown 69 30-69 40 21. Orange, Mass., il. ib., beautiful crystals 69 30-69 40 22. Willimantic Falls, Conn., brownish-green, transparent 69 30-69 50 23. Pennsbury, Penn., brown crystals; another locality 69 27-70 24. Royalston, Mass., dark brown; 2d locality 69 40-70 25. Grafton, N. H., light brown; 3d specimen 69-69 30 26. Middletown, Conn., brownish, feldspar quarry 70-70 30 27. Chester, Hampden Co., Mass., greenish-white l'o —70 30 28. Norwich, Mass., greenish-yellow; spodumene locality 70 30 29. Pennsbury, Penn. (3d local.), brownish-green 70 —70 30 30. Goshen, Mass., greenish-yellow, with spodumene 70-70 30 31. Greenfield, N. Y., brownish; chrysoberyl locality 70 45- 71 32. Haddam, Coln., brownish; in large plates 70 UNISILICATES. 313 Apparent Angle. 33. Gouverneur, N. Y., brownish-white, in boulder 70~ 34. Templeton, Mass. (2d spec.), transparent brown 70 15' 35. Leiperville, Del. Co., Pa., faint greenish, plicated 70 30-71 36. Jefferson Co., N. Y., greenish; in a boulder 71-71 30 37. Hebron, Maine, light brown, transparent 71 40-71 50 38. Norwich, Mass., yellowish-green, transparent t1 45 39. Haddam, Conn., ib.; columbite locality 71 30-71 45 40. E. Chester, Westchester Co., N. Y., yellowish-green boulder'71 30-72 41. Paris, Maine, ib. T2 15-72 30 42. ib., ib. ib. 72 30 43. Brunswick, Maine, whitish-brown, silvery 72 37-72 50 44. Gouverneur, N. Y.?, rose color; no lithia 73-73 5 45. Orange, N. H., gray, with flattened tourmaline, quartz, and feldspar 73 —74 46. Pounal, Maine, nearly colorless; lithia? mica 74 50-75 47. Goshen, Mass., yellowish-green, with indicolite 75 48. ib. ib. ib. b. ib. 5 30-76 49. Lenox, Mass., rose-colored, with albite 75-75 30 2. Muscovites, measured by Senarmont, Grailich, etc. (1) Optical axes situated in the plane of the longer diagonal. Appar. Angle. 1. Philadelphia; transparent; clear olive-green 57-58 Sen. 2. Siberia, in white quartz; silvery, imperf. transparent 57-58 " 3. Arendal, greenish-brown 58 Grailich. 4. Zillerthal, in albite; silvery, imperf. transparent 58-59 Sen. 5. Arendal, in a feldspathic rock; transparent; pale 58-59 " 6. Loc.?; transparent; clear brown 58-59 7. Warwick; yellowish-brown 59 Grailich. 8. Couzeran?; silvery, greenish-gray, with concave surface of cleavage 60 Sen. 9. St. Gothard, in quartzose gneiss; hexag.; silvery; clear gray 60 "10. Schwarzenbach, Austria, pale green 61 12 Grailich. 11. Miask; transparent; clear olive-green 62-63 Sen. 12. Katherinenburg; transparent; clear pale rose 63 —64 " 13. Nertschinsk 65 Grailich. 14. Rothenkopf, Tyrol; green 66 " 15. Gloria, near Rio Janeiro, Brazil; colorless 66 36 " 16. Schaitansk; imperfectly transparent; rose-colored 67 Sen. 17. Brittany; transparent, rhombic octahedrons; blonde 68 " 18. Kimito, Finland; rhombic octahedrons; transparent; clear blonde 67-68 19. Finland; crystals silvery; grayish-green 67-68 20. Aberdeen; transparent; blonde- 68 21. Josephs-Alpe, Austria; G.=2-713 69 10 Grailich. 22. Cape Gozaz, Brazil; pinchbeck-brown 69 25 " 23. Middletown, Ct.; colorless; G.=2 852 70 " 24. Klatherinenburg; rhombic prisms in feldspar; transparent; nearly blonde 69-70 Sen. a central region 70 " 25. Loc. -?; colorless; but affords a cenutral region 10 an outer region 60 26. Nulluk, Greenland 70 36 Grailich. 27. Presburg, Hungary 70 40 "4 28. Kassigiengoyt, Greenland; green 71 1 29. Kakunda, Brazil; pinchbeck-brown 71 25 30. Cam, Bohemia; blonde 71 40 31. Minas Geraes, Brazil; pale green 71 50 " 32. ib. ib.; pale brown 72 20 33. H5rlberg, Bavaria; pinchbeck-brown 72 25 " 34. Chesterfield, Mass.; G.=2'827; greenish-yellow 72 30-73 30 " 35. Serra de Conceigao, Brazil 14 36. Galmeikirchen, Upper Austria; gray 74 36 37. Miask, Ural; pinchbeck-brown 15 25 " 38. Siberia; gray or colorless; G.=2'802 75-176 " 314 OXYGEN COIPOUNDS. Appar. Angle. 39. Chesterfield, Mass., rose 5~0 Grailich 40. Goshen?, Mass., rose-colored 76 1.0-76 40 " 41. Presburg, Hungary'76 12 " 42. Alenqon; hexag.; transparent; grayish-blonde 76-77 Sen. (2) Optical axes in the diametral plane of the shorter diagonal. 43. Saxony; hexag.; silvery, clear gray; transp., macled 44 Sen. 44. Kollin, Prussia; gray, in granite 50 12 Grailich. 45. Zinnwald and Schlaggenwald; in granite. Lepidolite? 51 50 " 46. Tyrol; in granite, gray 52 12 " 47. Siberia; colorless 60 30 Sen. 48. Piedmont; rhombic; silvery reflection; grayish-green by trp. 63 i 49. St. St Frole, near Brive; transparent; olive-green 65 " 50. Milan; hexag.; greenish-white; silvery; unctuous, not elastic 65 " 51. Fossum, Norway; hexag.; clear olive-green 66 52. Scotland; brown; in large thick crystals 68' 53. Tarascon (Ariege); rhombic; transparent; colorless 69 " 54. Ural, in graphic granite; silvery lustre; color blonde 72 55. Ut5; rhombs; lustre silvery; yellowish-blonde 72-73 " Haughton found for the mica of Dublin Co., Ireland, 53~ 8'; of Glenmalure 67~ 11'; of Glendalough valley, 70~ 4'; of Mt. Leinster, 72~ 18'; of Lough Dan, 70~. On examining different micas pressed between two plates of glass, and subjecting them to changes of temperature, Senarmont found no perceptible change in the optical axes. Grailich shows that, with slight exceptions, the angle increases with the specific gravity in the mica of a given locality. Thus seven micas from Presburg, Hungary, gave the following: Specific gravity 2-714 2-735 2-755 2'782 2-790 2-793 2 796 Angle 69-7 70'0 70'5 71'2 72'3 72'4 72-0 Muscovite was so named by the author in 1850, from Vitrum ul~scoviticum or lfuscovy-glass, formerly a popular name of the mineral. Fuchsite was named after the chemist, Fuchs. Talcite of Thomson (1. c.), from Wicklow, Ireland. is nothing but margarodite, according to Greg and Lettsom (Min., 203), who say that it invests crystals of andalusite. Thomson, as his description implies, considered the andalusite prisms and investing mica all one mineral-the talcite; and in view of this, the analyses need not here be cited. Thomson's nacrite, from " Brunswick, Me.," is the green mica of Unity, Me. Alt.-Mica at times becomes hydrated, losing its elasticity and transparency, and often some portion of the potash; and at the same time it may take up magnesia, lime, or soda. The occurrence of water, magnesia, lime, and soda in some micas, especially the margarodites, has been attributed to incipient alteration. See analyses under A, 1, and A, 2. These changes may be promoted by waters containing carbonates of these bases. R. Blum (Jahrb. Min., 1865, 269) gives the following analysis by Dr. Wolkenhaar of an altered mica (biotite?) from the dioryte of Schemnitz, which had lost nearly all its alumina and consisted largely of carbonates: Zi 33'34, K1 3'53, Fe 16-01, In 0'89, Mg 2-06, Ca 21'73, Na 2-26, K 0-56, C 20-06-100-44. The carbonic acid would require the Ca 21-73, and Mg 2-06, with Fe 1-22, making 45 p. c. of carbonates. Mica occurs altered to steatite and serpentine, and Tschermak mentions cases of alteration to amphibole and stilpnosiderite. 294. LEPIDOLITE. Violetfarbigen Zeolith (fr. Rozena) v. Born, Crell's Ann., ii. 196, 1791. Lilalith (ib.) v. Born. Schuppenstein Germ. Lepidolith Klapr., Schrift. Ges. Berl., xi. 59, 1794, Bergm. J., ii. 80, 1792, Beitr., i. 21, 279, 1795, ii. 191. Lepidolite Kirw., i. 208, 1794. Lithionglimmer C. Gmelin, Gilb. Ann., lxiv. 371, 1820. Lithia Mica. Lithionit v. Kob., Taf., 54, 1853. Rabenglimmer, Siderischer Fels-Glimmer (fr. Altenberg), Breith., Char., 1823, 1832, Handb., 404, 1841. Zinnwaldit Haid., Handb., 521, 1845. Orthorhombic. IA =-120~. Forms like those of muscovite. Cleavage: basal, highly eminent. Also massive scaly-granular, coarse or fine. II.=2-5 —4. G. =284 —3. Lustre pearly. Color rose-red, violet-gray UNISILICATES. 315 or lilac, yellowish, grayish-white, white. Translucent. Optic-axial angle 70~ —78; sometimes 45~-60~. Comp.-O. ratio for bases and silica mostly 1: 1~; for 1t, A, between 1: 3 and 1: 4{. The protoxyds (R) include, besides potash, lithia, rubidia, and caesia; and in the Zinnwald mica, thallium has been detected. Fluorine is present, and the ratio to oxygen mostly 1: 12, as in the Rozena, as analyzed by Rammelsberg; other ratios obtained are: in the Ural, Chursdorf, Uto, and Rozena micas, 1: 20; in the Altenberg (Stein), 1: 60; in the Zinnwald, I: 14, 1: 11, 1: 12; in the Juschakova, 1: 8; in Turner's Altenberg, 1: 25. But there is much uncertainty connected with all the determinations of the fluorine. The O. ratio for the bases and silica 1: 11 corresponds to a combination of 1 unisilicate to 2 of bisilicate, or the formula (R"', tR2 S3+ 2 (It, 1X) Si3; and also to simply a unisilicate with accessory silica (R3, R3)2 Si3+ 2 Si. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., i., ii., v.); 2, Gmelin (1. c.); 3, Kralovanski (Schw. J., liv. 230); 4, Rammelsberg (5th Suppl., 120); 5, Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xiii. 151); 6, 7, Gmelin; 8, Turner (Edinb. J. Sci., iii., vi. 61); 9, Klaproth; 10, Lohmeyer (Pogg., lxi. 377); 11, Stein (Ramm. 5th Suppl., 119); 12, IRammelsberg (ib.); 13-16, Turner (1. c.); 17, 18, Rosales (Pogg., lviii. 154); 19, Turner (1. c.); 20, Stein (J. pr. Ch., xxviii. 295): i e In kg n ja Li kA t Cl F 1. Rozena 54'40 38'25 075 -- - 4-00 [2'50] -- - 100 K1. 2. " 49'06 33'61 -- 140 041 -- 3-59 4'181[424]0'1] 3'40=100 G. 3. " 49'08 34'01 -- 1'08 0'41 -- 3-58 419 [4'15] 3'50 -100 Kr. 4. Cornwall 51170 26'76 - 1]29 0'24 1'15 1-27 10"29 -- - 712, Ca 0'40, P 0'16 =100'38 R. 5. " 52'40 26'80 M- 150 -- 485 9'14 - - 418=98-87 R. 6. Chursdorf 52'25 28'35 -- I 366 - 4179 6'90 tr. - 4-81=100'76 G. 7. Zinnwald 46-23 14'14 17197 M 457 -- -- 421 490 0'83 8-10=100'94 G, 8. 44'28 24-53fe11-33 M 1'66 - 409 9'47 -- 488 —100'24 T. 9. " 47100 2000OFe15-50 1'75 -- -- 14'50 - -- — =98'75 K1. 10. " 42'97 20'59 14'18 0'83 -- 1'41 1'60 10'02 [022]0'21 6'35=98'38 L. 11. " 48-65 17-67Ve14'57 M 1'24 0'53 0'71 2-41 8-60 8 16=102'54 S. [1R. 12. 46'52 21'81Fe21'48M 196 0'44 0'39 1'27 9'09 - 747, P 0113=100'66 13. Ut6 50-91 28'17 - 1-08 - -- 5-67 9-50 -- - 3'90-99'23 T. 14.' " 50'35 28'30 - lI 1'23 -- -- 549 9'04 - -- 494=99'35 T. 15. Cornwall 50582 21'33 Fe 9 08 -- 4'05 9 -86 - 4'56=99'70 T. 16. " 40-06 22'90 27'06 M 179 -- - 200 4-30 -- 2'16=100'27 T. 17. Juschakova48'92 19'03 - 559 -- 223 277 10'96 - 131 1044, Ca 014 It. 18. "' 46'62 21'05 - 412 u-und. und. - 101 10'01, (Ca 0-12, rest und. R. 19. Altenberg 40-19 22'49Fe19-78 MV 202 306 7'49 - -- 3-80=9883 T. 20. Juschakova47'01 20'35 14-34 i 1'53 - -- 433 9'62 1'53 0'40 1-43-100'54 S. a 6-80 Fe O included. In a recent analysis of the Rozena lepidolite, made since the discovery of the metals rubidium and cacsium, Cooper obtained (Pogg., cxiii. 343): Si I Pe Mg Ca Rlb Os Li LiF NaF KF A: 50'32 28-54 0'73 0'51 1'01 0-24 tr. 0'70 0'99 177 12'06 3'12=99'99 The proportion of fluorine was determined by the loss. Reckoning the fluorine as oxygen, the 0. ratio for it, 11, Si is 1: 425: 8-43. 0. D. Allen (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiv. 369) found in the Hebron lepidolite cesium 0'3, and rubidium 0'14; and later (p. 373) 0'3 of rubidium nearly. Rammelsberg's analysis of the Zinnwald lepidolite (anal. 12) gave him the 0. ratio 1'15: 3: 62, or nearly 1: 3: 6; and that of the Rozena (anal. 4) 1: 4*4: 9'13, or approximately 1: 4i: 9, but for which he proposes 1: 41: 7~, since the specimen he analyzed contained free quartz in visible grains, and his silica might consequently have been too high [the ratio 1: 1 between the bases and silica would require 1: 41: 81]. From Rosales's analysis of the Juschakova (anal. 17), he deduces the ratio 1: 2-8: 6'4, or approximately, as he observes, 1: 3: 6. Anal. 11 is cited by Breithaupt for his rabenglimmer; G.=3-146-3-190; color greenish-black to dark green. The Zinnwald mica has been called zinnwaldite. 316 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. More chemical investigations are required before the species lepidolite can be correctly subdivided or comprehended. Physically it is hardly distinct from muscovite. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water and reaction for fluorine. B.B. fuses with intumescence at 2 —25 to a white or grayish glass, sometimes magnetic, coloring the flame purplish-red at the moment of fusion (lithia). With the fluxes some varieties give reactions for iron and manganese. Attacked but not completely decomposed by acids. After fusion, gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs in granite and gneiss, especially in granitic veins, and is associated sometimes with cassiterite, red, green, or black tourmaline, amblygonite, etc. Found near Ut6 in Sweden; grayish-white at Zinnwald in Bohemia; at Altenherg, Chursdorf, and Penig in Saxony; Juschakova in the Ural; lilac or reddish-violet at Rozena in Moravia; near Chanteloube, Dept. Haute Vienne, France; at Campo on Elba; brown at St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall; Argyll in Scotland; Tyrone in Ireland. In the United States, a granular and a broad foliated variety at Paris, and also at Hebron, Me., with red tourmaline and amblygonite; granular near Middletown, Conn. The rose mica of Goshen, Mass., is muscovite. The optical axes lie in the plane of the longer diagonal in the following lepidolites; the angles of divergence observed are as follows: Paris, Me.; whitish-green; with green tourmaline 74~-74~ 30' Silliman. "' rose-colored 74 Grailich. Siberia 75 40 Rozena, Moravia 76 Penig, Saxony 76 30 " A "lepidolite" from Bournon's collection gave Senarmont 55~; and a Zinnwald mica, silvery or greenish-blonde, 46~-47~. Grailich made the angle of mica from Zinnwald and Schlaggenwald 51~ 10'. Each of these varieties, giving comparatively small angles, have the plane of the axes brachydiagonal; and the small angle may arise from an interlamination of a brachydiagonal kind with a macrodiagonal. Named lepidolite from Xer t, scale, after the earlier German name Schuppee).stein, alluding to the scaly structure of the massive variety of Rozena. 295A. SNARUMITE Breith. (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 364, 18 65). A mica-like cleavage in one direction, and another transverse imperfect. Occurs massive and in tufts columnar in structure, with H.=4-5-5, the least on cleavage-surface; G.=2'826; lustre on cleavage-face pearly, elsewhere vitreous; color mostly reddish-white, colorless, grayish-white. It is, according to Richter (I. c.), a silicate of alumina, lithia, soda, and potash. Comes from the shore of the Snarum-Elf, near n'uarum, in Norway. 295. CRYOPHYLLITE. J. P. Cooke, Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 217, 1867. Orthorhombic. IA I- 120~. In six-sided prisms. Cleavage: basal highly eminent, as in the iMlica group. Twins: composition-face i-i. Also massive, an aggregate of scales. H.=2- -25. (G.=2-909. Lustre of cleavage-face bright pearly inclining to resinous. Color by transmitted light dull emerald-green, transverse to axis brownish-red. Streak grayish, slightly greenish. Thin folia tough and elastic. Optic-axial angle 55~ to 60~; plane of axes brachydiagonal; Cooke. Comp.-O. ratio for R, X, i=-3: 4: 14; for ll+R-, gi, 1: 2; whence the formula (l3 R + ) Si3, in which R=protoxyd of iron, potash, and lithia, with a trace of soda, rubidia, and caesia. But if the micas are unisilicate in type, the formula may be (27 I + 4 )2 Si8i+3 Si; or else, with half the excess of silica basic. Analysis: Cooke (1. c.): Si;1 F e']n Pe SIg kl Li Na. Rb SiF2 (5) 51-49 16-77 1-97 0'34 7-98 0-76 13'15 4-06 tg-. 3-42=99-94. Pyr., etc.-In the flame of a candle fuses easily; and B.B., with some intumescence to a grayish enamel (F.=1'5 —2), giving the flame a lithia reaction. In fine powder decomposed by the dilute mineral acids, the silica separating as a powder. The fluorine is not expelled even at a red heat. Obs.-Occurs in the granite of Cape Ann, with danalite and lepidomelane (annite). UNISIICATES. 317 SCAPOLITE GROUP. A list of the species of the Scapolite group, with their oxygen ratios and formulas, and the ratios of the non-alkaline to the alkaline protoxyd bases, is given on page 252. Although the oxygen ratios vary from 1:1: 2, 1: 2: 3, 1: 3:4, to 1: 2: 4 and 1: 2: 6, the species are closely alike in the squlare-prismatic forms of their crystals, in the small number and the kinds of occurring planes, and in the angles. The variation in the basal angle of the fundamental octahedron (1:1) for the species of the group is less than 40', the extremes being 64~ 13' (sarcolite) and 63~ 40' (meionite). The species are white or grayish-white in color, except when impure, and then rarely of dark color; the hardness 5-6 5; G. 2'5 —28 (2'932? in sarcolite). The alkali present, when any, is soda, with only traces of potash. Meionite was the first species of the Scapolite group distinctly recognized. It is, however, probable that scapolite was included with lamellar pyroxene under the name of White SchdrlSpar (Skdrlspat) by Cronstedt, who mentions Pargas, in Finland, as one of its localities. The names WIernerite and Scapolte were both introduced by d'Andrada (of Portugal) in the same article (Scherer's J., iv. 35, 38, 1800), and applied to specimens from the same region in Norway. Wernerite is the first of the two in the article. Haily used the names Wernerite and Scapolite (supposing the species distinct) in his Traite of 1801. But in his Mineralogical Course for 1801 or 1805 arbitrarily set aside the latter for Paranthine. Monteiro, a friend of d'Andrada, and speaking in his behalf, protested in 1809 (J. de Phys., lxviii. 177) against the change, and after arguing that wernerite and scapolite were identical, both on chemical and crystallographic grounds, urged the adoption of the name lWernerite for the species. In the following pages the name Scapolite is retained for the group, so that the minerals may all be called scapolites, as those of the feldspar group are called feldspars, and those of the mica and chlorite groups, respectively micas and chlorites; and the name Wernerite is applied to the most prominent division of the old species. This course meets satisfactorily the question of priority, and also the convenience of the science. 296. SARCOLITE. Sarcolite Dr. Th/ompson (of Naples), 1801. [Not Sarcolite du Vicentin(= Gmelinite) Faujas, Vauq., Ann. d. Mus., ix. 249, 1807, xi. 42.] Analcime carnea Jfont. & Cov., Min. Vesuv., 1825. Tetragonal; O A 1-i-=156~ 5'; a-0'4435. O1- 287 served planes as in the annexed figure; hemilhedral in the planes 2-3, only the alternate occurring. O A 2 3/ 2 =1280 33', 2 A 2, pyr., 132~ 52, 0 A 2=157V 19', 2L 2 IA2-1410 2I7'; IA 6=1040 52-'; 1 A 1 (not oc- 6 curring planes), bas., 640 13'. Crystals small. H. =6. G.=-2545, Brooke; 2'932, Rammels- i 2 S 12 a berg. Lustre vitreous. Color flesh-red to rose-red, reddish-white. Transparent to subtransparent. Ex- 6 tremely brittle. \ Comp.-O. ratio for A,'i, gi=1: 1: 2; ( O(, a a + Ia Na)S3+Xl1)2 Sis —Silica 3917, alumina 22'8, lime 33'4, soda 41=-100. Analyses: 1, Scacchi (Quadri Crystallographici, Naples, 66, 1842); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cix. 570): 318 OOxYGEN COMPOUNDS. 1. Si 42-11 Al 24.50 Ca 32-43 Na 2'93-= 101-97 Scacchi. 2. (}) 40-51 21-54 32'36 3830, I 120=98'91 Ramm. corresponding nearly to the composition of idocrase. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses to a white enamel. With acids gelatinizes. Obs.-Of rare occurrence at Mt. Somma. Named from opf, flesh, and Xhaos, stone, in allusion to the color. The crystallization was first correctly ascertained by Brooke (Ed. J. Sci., i. 189, 1824). Haiuy had pronounced it cubic (Tr., iii. 1822). Kokscharof found 0 A 2-=128~ 38', and 0 A 2-; —138~ 30' (Min. Russl., ii. 110). Rammelsberg gives (I. c.) OA 2-128~ 45', and OA2-i=138~ 27'. The above figure is from Hessenberg (Min. Not., No. I.). The plane usually made 1 is here made 2, in order that the lettering of the crystals may correspond with that of the crystals of other species of the Scapolite group. 297 MlEIONITE. Hyacinte blanche de la Somma de Lisle, Crist., ii. 289, 290, P1. iv. f. 118, 1783. Meionite H;, Tr., ii. 1801. 288 Tetragonal: O A 1-i = 156~ 18'; a=0'439. Observed planes: O; vertical, I, i-i, i-3, i-2; pyramids, 1, 1-i; zirconolds, 1-3 3-3; sometimes hemihedral in the planes 3-3, the alternate being wanting. O A 1 148~ 10', 1 A 1, pyr.,=136~ 11', basal 63~ 40'. Cleavage: i-i and I rather perfect, but 12.. often interrupted. U2 ii tH.- -5-6. G.=2'6 —274; 2-734-2-737, fr. Somma,v. Rath. Lustre vitreous. Colorless to white. Transparent to translucent; often much cracked within. Comp.-O. ratio for Ri,, Si=l: 2' 3; (i (,- a~a+ IIsta)8+~-1)2 Si3=Silica 41'6, alumina 31-7, lime 24'1, soda 2'6=100. Analyses: 1, L. Gmelin (Schw. J., xxv. 36, xxxv. 848); 2, Stromeyer (Unters., 378); 3, Wolff (DI) Comp. Ekeberg., etc., Ramm., 2d Suppl., 133); 4, v. Rath (De Comp. Wern., Pogg., xc. 87); 5, Damour (L'Institut, 1862, 21): Si Al Pe Sig Oa Na K 1. Somma 40'8 30'6 1'0 22-1 2-4 —, and ign. 3'1-100 Gmelin. 2. " 40,53 32373 24'24 1'81 Fe 018 —99'50 Stromeyer. 3. " 4207 31'71 -- 22'43 0'45 0'31, ign. 0'31=97129 Wolff. 4.'" 42-55 30'89 0'41 0'83 21'41 1-25 0'93, " 019-9846 Rath. 5. " 41-80 30'40 - 0'46 19-00 2'51 0'86, " 317, gangue 0'46=98'66 Dam. An opaque melonite examined by Gmelin having G.= 2'65, lost 1'6 by ignition, and afforded some carbonic acid, it containing carbonate of lime. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses with intumescence at 3 to a white blebby glass. Decomposed by acid without gelatinizing (v. Rath). Gmelin states it to be fusible with difficulty on the edges, and both Gmelin and v. Kobell state that it gelatinizes with muriatic acid. An examination of a specimen received from Scacchi fully confirms vom Rath's conclusions. Obs.-Occurs in small crystals in geodes, usually in limestone blocks, on Monte Somma, near Naples. Rammelsberg obtained (Pogg., xciv. 484) for 1 A 1, basal, 63~ 48'; over summit, 116~ 12'; 1 A 1, pyr.,-136~ 12'; the former gives 0A1=148~ 6', and 1A1, pyr., 136~ 8'. Kokscharof found 1 A 1, pyr.,-136~ 10'-136~ 11~' (Min. Russl., ii. 105); Scacchi, 136~ 11' (1. c.); vom Rath, for crystals from L. Laach, 135~ 58~ (Pogg., cxix. 262), giving a=0'442. Named by Haiiy from ciwv, ess, the pyramid being less acute than in idocrase. 298. PARANT3HITE. Paranthine pt. Skapolit, Scapolit, pt. Wernerit pt. Skapolit (fr. Storgord in Pargas) N. Nordenski6ld, Schw. J., xxxi. 417, 1821; id. (fr. Tunaberg) Walmsted4 His. Min. Geog. ueb. WShler, 98, 1826. VNISILICATES. 319 Tetragonal. Forms like those of wernerite; difference in angle, if any, undetermined. Observed planes: prismatic, I, i-i; octahedral, 1, 1-%; zirconoid, 3-3, Nord. Fig. 288, excepting the planes i-2 wanting (form observed at Ersby). Cleavage lateral. Also massive. IT. =55. G.=2'736, Pargas, Norclenski6ld; 2'849, Tunaberg, Walmstedt. Lustre between pearly and vitreous; outer surface sometimes a little waxy. Color white, grayish-white, gray, pale grayish-green, seagreen, approaching celandine-green. Translucent. Comp.-O. ratio for ft, {, Si=l 3 4; (I &a3+~ 1)2 i3-=Siica 43'0, alumina 36'9, lime 20'1=100. Analyses: 1-3, N. Nordenskidld (1. c.); 4, Walmstedt (1. c.); 5, Wolff (Comp. Ekeberg. Diss. Berolini, 1843): Si M1 Fe _Mg Oa Na K f 1. Ersby, trl. cryst. 43-83 35'43 - - 1896 -- - 103=99'25 Nord. 2. " cryst. 43'00 34-48 - - 18-44 - - 1-60=97-52 Nord. 3. Storgard 41'25 33'58 -- 0'54 20-36 - -- 3'32=99'05 Nord. 4. Tunaberg, cryst. 43-83 35'28 0'68 -- 19-37 —.-=99'06Walmst. 5. Pargas, Ersby? wh.orgnh. 45-10 32'76 -- 0-68 17'84 0'76 -- 104=98'18 Wolff. 6. Pargas, gnh. cryst. 45-46 30'96 -- - 17'22 2'29 1-31 1'29-98'53 Rath. Anal. 1, G.=2-36; 3, G.=2-'49; 4,'G.= —2849; 5, G.=2'712; 6, G.=2-654. Anal. 1, 2, 4, correspond to the O. ratio 1: 3:.4 (more nearly I: 31: 4'3); anal 3, to 1: 26: 3-6; anal. 4, to 1: 3: 4'3; anal. 5, to 1: 3::4-6; each corresponding very nearly to the 0. ratio for bases and silica 1: 1. An Ersby specimen afforded Hartwall and Hedberg (Jahresb., iv. 155) Si 48-77, M1 31'05, Ca 15-94, Na 3'25, ign. 0'61-99-62; which gives the 0. ratio 11: 3: 5'3, or a considerable excess of silica, with some soda. It is probably the same mineral with that of anal 5, altered. Pyr., etc.-The Tunaberg crystals B.B. fise easily with intumescence to a globule. Obs.-Occurs in greenish 4-and 8-sided prisms, some of them terminated, at Tunaberg in Sweden; also at Ersby and Storgard in the parish of Pargas, Finland. An analysis by Laugier of " Paranthine " from Arendal afforded him (J. de Phys., lxviii. 36, 180, 1809) Si 45'0, K1 33'0, Fe, Mg 1-0, Ca 17'6, Na 1-5, IK 0'5, which agrees closely with the last analysis by Wolff. The name paranthine, substituted for scapolite (and for Arendal specimens) by iadiy, was consequently connected in France, almost as soon as introduced, with the above composition, and continued so to be for nearly 20 years afterward, Berzelius giving the formula Ca' Si + 3 M1 Si (and also the name 1paranthine) in his N. Syst. Min., 1819, 216. Although Laugier's analysis of the Arendal scapolites is not confirmed by later analysts, the name paranthite may well be retained for this section of the Scapolite group. 299. WERNERITE. Wernerite (fr. Norway) d'Andrada, J. de Phys., ii. 244, 1800, Sclherer's J., iv. 35, 1800. Scapolite (fr. Norway) d'Andrada, lb., 246, and ib. 38, 1800. Rapidolith Abildgaard, Ann. Ch., xxxii. 195, 1800. Wernerite, Scapolite, Hi, Tr., iii. iv. 1801. Skapolith, Arcticit [=Wernerite] Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Wern., ii. 210, 1804. Paranthine [=Scapolite of Arendal] H., Lucas Tabl., 205, 1806; H. Comp. Tabl., 45, 1809. Fuscit (fr. Arendal) Schumnacher, Verzeichn., 104, 1801. Chelmsfordite J. F. & S. L. Dana, Outl. Min. G. Boston, 44, 1818. Nuttallite (fr. Bolton) Broo7e, Ann. Phil., II. vii. 316, 1824. Glaukolith (fr. L. Baikal) v. Fischer, Sokoloff's Bergwerks J.; John. Chem. Unters., ii. 82, 1810; Glaucolite. Tetragonal: O A 1-i = 156~ 14k'; a=0-4398. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-2, i-3; pyramids, 1, 3; zirconoid, 3-3. _ 3-3 and i-2 often hemihedral, right or left, half of the eight planes being 320 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. either wanting, or (as in f. 291, a top view) much smaller than the other half. 289 290 0 A 1-= 480 6' I1:' I~ fA 1=121 54 ~\1~1 ~ 1r~ J~~Ai-2=161 34 n33 ~/I i-3=153 26,. --- I.: i-i A i-3=-161 34 i- A i-2=-153 26 1 A 1, pyr.,= —136 7 ~~. I i. i1 A 1, bas., 63 48 1-i A 1-i, pyr.,-=146 53 291 r " Cleavage: i-2 and I rather i/2 /.. distinct, but interrupted. Also ~i 33t' 1 I 1 i. massive, granular, or with a R. Sliidianka. faint fibrous appearance; some 1 33' ii times columnar. i2 HI. -- 5-6. G.2 —63-2-8. Lustre vitreous to pearly'externally, inclining to resinous; cleavage and cross-fracture surface vitreous. Color -white, IHirwensalo, Finland. gray, bluish, greenish, and reddish, usually light; streak uncolored. Transparent —faintly subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal. Brittle. Var. —1. Ordinary. In crystals, white to gray, grayish-green, brownish, and rarely, from impurity, nearly black. Kokscharof gives for the angles those of meionite, namely, 1 A 1, pyr.,_ 136~ 11', bas.,-63~ 42', 1-i A 1-i, pyr.,-146' 57~', bas.,= —47 26', i-i A 1-i-113' 43', IA 1-121' 51' (Min. Russl., ii. 82). The prisms are sometimes several inches thick. Nultalile (named after T. Nuttal) is white to smoky brown scapolite from Bolton, Mass. Chemists have found wide variations in composition, and have shown that it is sometimes much alterecl. The crystals and massive variety of Chelmsford, Mass., of gray, greenish, and reddish shades of color, has been called Chelmsfordite. 2. Iassive. Glaucolite is of pale violet-blue, bluish, indigo-blue, to greenish-gray colors, sometimes resembling cancrinite, but having the cleavage of scapolite. It is from near R. Sliclianka, beyond L. Baikal, Siberia, where it occurs in veins in granite. The pink scapolite of Bolton is similar. Named from yAavrKo, greenish-gray or sea-green. Comp. —O. ratio for AI,? Si=1: 2: 4; or for bases and silica 1: 1I,. Formula (~(Ca, Na)3 + A'1)2Si3-+Si; or else with half the excess of silica (Si) basic; =, if Ca: Na=4: 1, Silica 48'4, alumina 28-5, lime 18'1, soda 5'0=100. The above is the mean ratio; but the analyses show variations from it, as seen below, due, in part at least, to impurities, alteration, or incorrect determinations. Analyses: 1, 2, G. v. Rath (Pogg., xc. 82, 288); 3, Thomson (Min., i. 273); 4, Wolff (Inaug. Diss. Berlin. 1843, Ramrm. Min. Cb., 719); 5, Wurtz (Am. J. Sci., II. x. 325); 6-8, G. v. Rath (1. c.); 9, Berg (Jahresb., xxv. 356); 10, v. Rath (1. c.); 11, Wolff (1. c.): Si Al Fe k1g Oa:ga k 1f 1. Bolton, bkh.-gn. 44'40 25'52 3'79 1'01 20'18 2-09 0'51 1-24=98-74 Rath. 2. " " 45'57 23'65 3'38 1-23 20'81 2 46 0'63 0'78=98'51 Rath. 3. " 46'30 26'48 -- -- 1862 3'64 - 504=10008 Thom. 4. " rdh., mass. 48-79 28'16 0-32 1-29 15-02 4-52 0'54 0-74=9936 Wolff. 5. " bluish, " 47'67 25-75 2-26 - 17'31 7-76 - -= —100-'7 Wurtz. 6. Arendal, ywh.-gn. " 45 05 25-31 2-02 0'30 17130 6-45 1'55 1-24=99'22 Rath. 7. Arendal, ywh., cryst. 46-82 26-12 1'39 0'26 17123 6'88 0'97 0'33z-100 Rath. 8. Malsjb, bluish, mass. 41724 24-69 -- 2-18 16'84 3'55 0'85 1-75=97'06 Rath. 9. Drothems, violet, C" 46'82 26'60 0'32 0-55 17-17 4-76 0'32 1-60=98-14 Berg. 10. L. Baikal, Glaucolite 47149 27 57 1'54 0'47 17116 4'71 0-58 0-48=100 Rath. 11. Laurinkari, Finl. 48'15 25'38 1-48 0'84 16-63 4-91 0-12 0-85=98-45 Wolff. UNISILICATES. 321 Anal. 1, G. —2788, blackish-green crystals, the interior in part opaque; 2, 2'748, and like the preceding in color; 3, 2'709; 4, G.=2'718; 5, G.=2'704; 6, G.=2'751; 7, G.=-26971; 8, G.= 2-763; 9, G.=2-34?, from the parish of Drothems in E. Gothland; 10, G.-=2666; 11, G.=2'733, color blackish-green and greenish-gray. The oxygen ratios for R, 3', Si, corresponding to the analyses are: 1. 1: 2: 3'6 5. 1: 1'8: 3;7 8. 1: 1-7:4-0 2. 1'2:'2: 4'1 6. 1: 1-7:3'4 9. 1'1: 20:4'0 3. 1: 2: 4 7. 1: 1'8:3'6 10. 1: 2'1: 4'0 4. 1: 2'2:4'3 11. 1 1:2: 40 The first two analyses by v. Rath of specimens named nuttallite, and attributed to Bolton, are evidently of altered crystals, as the presence of over 3 p. c. of oxyd of iron indicates. The coloi stated, " blackish-green," is further evidence on this point. Moreover it is a very unusual color at the locality, as nuttallite is ordinarily white, grayish-white, and pale smoky brown, the darker color occurring sometimes in crystals that are partly whitish. V. Rath states that the mineral was very difficultly fusible. Thomson's analysis (No. 3) was also made on an altered specimen, as it gave 5 p. c. of water. Muir, in an analysis of nuttallite published by Thomson (Min., 383) obtained Si 37-81, A1 25-10,'Pe 7'89, Ca 18'34, K 7-30, H 1-50=91-94. The potash and the low silica, as well as the iron, indicate an altered specimen, if the analysis may be so far trusted as to draw a conclusion: from it. The color of the mineral (white, to yellowish, bluish, or greenish) and the associated minerals on the specimen (sphene and green pyroxene) show that Muir probably had true nuttallite for investigation. Wurtz's analysis of the pink scapolite of Bolton gives more soda than the rest. In a recent trial (priv. contrib.) B. S. Burton found about 3 p. c. of alkalies, sustaining Wolff's results. The bluish-gray massive variety from Malsji has been analyzed also by Suckow (Verwitt. Min., 138), but as he found no alkalies, his results are questionable, either on the ground of the specimen or the analysis. He obtained Si 48-17, Al 28'27, Fe 2'38, (a 19-04, H 2-00.=99-86. Suckow analyzed also a kaolin from Malsjb, a result of alteration of the scapolite (see p. 323). Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses easily with intumescence to a white blebby glass. Imperfectly deconmposed by muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs in metamorphic rocks, and most abundantly in granular limestone near its junction with the associated granitic or allied rock; sometimes in beds of magnetite accompanying limestone. It is often associated with light-colored pyroxene, amphibole, garnet, and also with apatite, sphene, zircon; amphibole is a less common associate than pyroxene. The scapolite of Pargas, Finland, is in limestone; that of Arendal in Norway, and Malsjd in Wermland, occurs with magnetite in limestone. Some foreign localities of the mineral are above indicated. In the following those of wernerite and ekebergite are not yet distinguished. In Vermont, at Marlboro', massive. In Mass., at Bolton and Boxborough, in crystals, sometimes large; at Chelmsford; Littleton; Chester; Carlisle; Westfield, massive; at Parsonsfield and Raymond, near Dr. Swett's house, crystals, with yellow garnet. In Conn., at Monroe, white and nearly fibrous; a stone quarry at Paugatuck, Stonington, massive. In V.. York, at Two Ponds in Orange Co., reddish-white crystals with pyroxene, sphene, and zircon, one crystal 10 in. long and 5 in diameter; at Fall Hill, Monroe, of white and bluish colors, massive, with lamellar pyroxene; in Warwick of the same county, near Amity, milk-white crystals with pyroexene, sphene, and graphite; 5 m. S. of Warwick, and 2 ni. N. of Edenville, near Greenwood Furnace (planes I, I, i-2, i-i), are other good localities; in Essex Co., perfect crystals and massive, nearly fibrous, white and greenish-white, abundant near Kirby's graphite mine, 4 m. N. E. of Alexandria, in Ticonderoga, associated with pyroxene; at Crown Point; in Lewis Co., in fine crystals, white, bluish, and dark gray, presenting the play of light not unusual with this variety; edges of the crystals often rounded. In N: Jersey, at Franklin and Newton, and 3 m. W. of Attleboro', crystallized,, in limestone. In Canada, at G. Calumet Id., massive lilac-colored; at Hunterstown, in large crystals, with sphene; at Grenville, with pyroxene. Pisani has analyzed a scapolite from Brakke, Norway, which gives a composition between that of paranthite and wernerite. He obtained (C. R., lv. 450): Si 48'78 A1 32-65 Fe 0-87 Slg 1-15 Oa 13-32 Na 2'59 KE 0-63 I[ 1-30=101-29. It had been called Esmarkite. One of the minerals called saussurite by Boulanger, stated to come from Mt. Gendvre, gave him G.=2-65, and the composition Si 44-6, 1l 30'4, Mg 2-5, Ca 15-5, Na 7-5 (Ann. d. M., IIL viii. 159). It is stated to be greenish-white and compact, and to occur associated with a greenish21 322 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. brown smaragdite. In low specific gravity it is near scapolite. But we may suspect that there is some mistake about the specific gravity, in which case it may be zoisite (see p. 290) like other saussurite of the Alps. It agrees rather nearly with the latter in composition. Canaanite, a grayish-white or bluish white rock occurring with dolomite in Canaan, Conn., and referred to massive scapolite by some authors, is massive whitish pyroxene, a mineral common in crystals in the dolomite of the region. A -so-called glaucolite from the L. Baikal region, analyzed by Bergemann (Pogg., ix. 261) and Givartovski (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, 1848, 548) differs from the true glaucolite in being difficultly fusible (as much so as orthoclase), and also in composition, these analysts obtaining: Si xi1 Fe Mn Ig Ca Nfa R fA 1. 50'58 27-60 0-10 0-85 3'-3 10'26 2'96 1'26 1'73=99-07 Bergemann. 2. 50'49 28'12 0'44 0'59 2'68 11'31 3-10 1'00 1'78=99-51 Givartovski. It was massive, of a greenish-blue color, with G.=2-721, Berg.; 2'65, Giv. It has been supposed to be a feldspar. Alt.-As the altered scapolites that have been derived from ekebergite or paranthite have not been distinguished from those derived from wernerite, the following observations are made to include all: In the alteration of the scapolites, one or more of the following changes occur, as illustrated in the following analyses of different kinds: 1. The hydration of the mineral. 2. The loss of part or all of the protoxyd bases, often effected largely through the action of carbonated waters carrying off the lime as carbonate. 3. The substitution of potash for the soda or lime, due to the action of the carbonates in solution in percolating waters. 4. The increase in the amount of soda, probably by the action of carbonate of soda or chlorid of sodium in solution. 5. The introduction of oxyd of iron, through salts of lime (organic, bicarbonate, etc.) in solution. 6. The substitution of magnesia for other protoxyd bases. 7. The loss of silica as well as protoxyd bases. By the substitution of potash, the mineral passes either to the state of pinite (anal. 8 to 15), or to that of a potash mica (anal. 15, 16). By the acquisition of iron (anal. 17, 18) it passes in some cases to epidote (anal. 19). By the introduction of magnesia, it may pass to steatite; or of magnesia and potash, to a magnesia mica (anal. 20). By a loss of bases, the proportion of silica left increases (anal. 4, 5, 6, 21, 22, 23); and by a loss of silica also (which may become opal in its separation), the mineral passes to a kaolin-like compound, a common result of its alteration (anal. 24). Moreover, silica may remain, and the altered crystal become by additions a siliceous pseudomorph, as occurs at Pargas. Analyses: I. Hydrous. 1, Weibye and Berlin (Pogg., lxxix. 302). II. Containing carbonate of lime. 2-6, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 177); 7, Brewer (This Min., 1850, 680); 7a, same, with the C removed. III. Potassic and often also carbonated. 8, v. Rath (Pogg., xc. 288); 8a, same, with the C'removed; 9, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1852-53, 168, 1863, 474); 10, Stadtmiiller (Am. J. Sci., II viii. 394); 11, T. S. Hunt (ib., 103); 12, Crossley (This Min., 1850, 680); 13, J. D. Whitney (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 207); 14, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1853, 1863); 15, Bischof (Ch. Geol., ii. 1433); 16-19, v. Rath (1. c.); 20, Bischof (l. c.); 21, John (Beud. Min., ii. 94, 1832); 22, Berzelius (Afh. i. Fys., ii. 202); 23, Hartwall & Hedberg (Jahresb., iv. 155); 24, Suckow (Verwitt. Min., 138, 1848): Si A1 F Pe ie In SIg Ca,a f(a I I. 1. Arendal, Ather. 38-00 24'10 - 4'82 0'78 2-80 22'64 -- - 6'95=10009 B. II. 2. S'dianka, Strog. 43-35 3052 095 - - - 21'59 3-74 -- — =10015 H. 3. Diana, gray 47'94 30'02 2'60 - 0'26 -- 14-41 2-20 0'73 0'31=98-47 H. 4. Bolton, white cr. 56-04 23'92 1'14 - 0'14 0'20 9'28 8'66 1'27 -=100'65 H. 5. " rdh. mass. 51'68 29-30 1-16 - 015 0-78 13'51 1'46 0'94 0-82-99-80 H. 6. GulsjS, w. mass. 53'75 28'06 0'34 - 0'26 - 9'24 7100 0'55 067= —99-87 H.:7. Franklin, gnh. (1)47I35 28-'7 - 1-72 -- 2-02 12'00 - tr. 1'80, C 4'72= 98-38 B. a. 49-71 30-21 --- 1'81 -- 212 12-20 --- - 189=9834 B. II. 8. Bolton, yellow 49'99 23-00 1'64 - -- 173 3.35 0'35 7'09 4'23, Ca a 7-80= 99'19 R.:8a. " 52-20 24'03 171 - 1- 80 8'06 0'37 7'40 4'43-10099 R. UNISILICATES. 323 Si Al Fe Mg Oa fa k il 9. Perth 46-30 26-20 -- 3863 12'88 2'88 4'30 2-80=98'99 Hunt. 10. Diana 45-79 30'11 1'86 -- 17'40 - 3-48 1-63 —100-27 Stadtm. 11. Algerite 49-82 24-91 1'85 1'15 - tr. 10-21 7'57, Oa C 3'94=99'45 H. 12. " 49-96 24'41 1'48 5'18 - - 9-97 5-06, Ca a 4'21=100'27 C. 13. " 52'09 18'63a -- und. - und. und. 6'68, CaC 441, Ca3P 8-22 W 14. Wilsonile (2) 47-60 31'20 - 4-19 1'45 0'88 9'30 5'43=99'55 Hunt. 15. Arendal, Mica [65'82]b27'37 -- 0'42 -0'42 5'77 0-20=100 Bisch. IV. 16. " " 44'49 24-91 4'84 0'36 2-14 1-11 6-71 3'44, OaC 11'11=99'11 R. 17. " brick-red 59'74 16-20 7'90 4-02 2'15 4-31 4'42 1-83-100'57 Rath. 18. " black 29-52 15'77 19'14 8-50 9'02 0'58 0'37 10-89, O(a C 4-62. —98'45 R. 19. " oEpidote 37'92 19-21 15-55 0-25 22-68 0'39 0'23 2-51=98'74 Rath. V. 20. Pargas, Mica 46'75 26-15 -- 15'78 - 0-82 5-64 0-63=95-77 Bischof. 21. Gabbronite 54-00 24-00 - 1'50 - 1725 - 2'00=100 John. VI. 22. Sjdsa, brick-red 61-50 25-35 1'50 0-75 3-00 5-00 Mn 1-50=99 Berz. 23. Petteby, Parg. 51-34 32-27 1-91 - 9'33 5'12 -- 1'00=100-97 H. & H. VII. 24. Malsjo, Kaolin 53'32 44-65 - - 1-17 - -— =99'11 Suckow. a With a little Fe2 03. b Probably too high. The following are the characters of different altered scapolites, including those of which analyses are above given: ATHERIASTITE Weibye (Pogg., lxxix. 302, 1850). Anal. 1. Like scapolite in form; color greenish; opaque. From Arendal, with black garnet and keilhauite. STROGANOVITE Eerm. (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 178, 1845) (Anal. 2). Has the form of scapolite (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 95). Color yellowish to light oil-green; lustre greasy; translucent; H.=5 5, G.= 2-79. B.B. fuses easily with intumescence. From the Slidianka in Dauria. The analysis afforded 6-4 p. c. of carbonic acid, which is above removed; this corresponds to 11'4 p. c. of Ca C. Anal. 3. Large gray crystals, containing 9'23 p. c. of Ca C; G.=2-74. In the anal. as above given, 4-06 of C is removed. Occurs at Diana, N. Y., with sphene in calcite. Anal. 4. White crystals with calcite, from Bolton; G.-2'66. In the anal. as above given, 2'5 p. c. of 0 is removed. Anal. 5, reddish massive, from Bolton; G. —=270. Anal. 8, massive, yellowish; H.=4-5; G.=2-787. Contains 7-80 p. c. of Ca ID. From Bolton. Anal. 6. Whitish massive, from Gulsjd; contains 3-41 Ca 0; G.=2-69. In the anal. above, 1'5 p. c. of a removed. Anal. 7. Greenish or yellowish-green, cleavable, and partly in crystals, from Franklin, N. J., having H.-=3'5, G.-= 278, with subresinous lustre; B.B. very fusible. Contains 10-7 2 p. c. of Ca CJ. Anal. 9. Greenish-gray, waxy in lustre to pearly, subtranslucent, with H.=5-5, G.=2-640 — 2-667; from Perth in Canada. Contains considerable magnesia as well as potash. Anal. 10. In grayish crystals, from Diana, associated with sphene. (Not from Bolton, as announced; the specimen shows by its character and the associated minerals that it is unquestionably from Diana.) ALGERITE Huent (Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 103, 1849) (anal. 11-13) occurs in slender square prisms, sometimes 2 or 3 in. long, imbedded in calcite. Yellowish to gray and usually dull. Brittle. H. =3-3-5; some crystals more altered, 2-5. G.=2'697-2'712, Hunt; 2-78, Crossley. From Franklin, Sussex Co., N. J. The varying results of analyses, and the presence of carbonate of lime, of magnesia, and the relations to known examples of altered scapolite, confirm the view derived from the form and appearances, that algerite is an altered scapolite, and related to pinite. WILSONITE Hunt (Logan's Rep. Can., 1853 and 1863, Am. J. Sci., II. xix. 428) (anal. 14) is a massive mineral from Bathurst, Canada, affording square prisms by cleavage, and having H. =3'5, G.=2-765 —2'776, lustre vitreous, a little pearly on cleavage surfaces; color reddish-white, rose-red, and peach-blossom red. According to Chapman (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 269), its crystallization and other characters are essentially those of scapolite. It is associated with apatite, calcite, and pyroxene. The oblique basal cleavage, mentioned by Hunt, is, as stated in the last edition of this work, p. 503, only a fracture. Hunt in Rep. G. Can. 1863 makes it a variety of gieseckite. Occurs also in northern N. York. See further under PINITE, p. 479. Terenite of Emmons (Rep. G. N. Y., 1837, 152) has the form of scapolite, with H.=2; G.-=2-53; lustre a little pearly; color yellowish-white or greenish; and is from a small vein in limestone at Antwerp, N. Y. It has not been analyzed, but is probably near algerite or wilsonite. The Pinitartigen (pinite-like) Scapolit of Schumacher (Verz., 98, 1801), from Arendal, is probably simi' 324: OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. lar to the algerite and other pinite pseudomorphs. It is described as occurring in crystals and massive, of a white, greenish, and other shades, and as B.B. fusing easily. His Talkartiger Scapolit, from Arendal, appears to have been a steatitic pseudomorph, it being B.B. infusible. Mica from Arendal, Norway (Xicarelle of Abildgaard). Anal. 15, 16. The mica occurs imbedded in quartz, and has, according to v. Rath (1. c.), the form of 8-sided crystals of scapolite, 6 in. long. The crystals are covered with mica externally, and within consist throughout of an aggregation of the same mica. The mica is greenish-white, translucent. H.-2-3. G.=2-833. Oxygen ratio (from v. Rath) 1: 5'6: 10'5; perhaps 1: 6: 101, giving 1: 1~ for the oxygen of the bases and silica. The change from scapolite has consisted in the removal of lime, addition of Fe, and substitution of potash for soda. Mica from Pargas, anal. 20, is a magnesia mica. The red scapolite of Arendal (anal. 17) has H.= 5; G.=-2-852. Brownish or brick-red. Difficultly fusible. Oxygen ratio 1: 2 4: 7'5. In the change, Fe, magnesia, and potash have been introduced. The black scapolite of Arendal (anal. 18) is altered by a large addition of magnesia and iron. Color grayish-black; streak grayish-white. Rather soft. G.=2-837. No cleavage. B.B. edges rounded with difficulty. 0. ratio 1: 2'1: 2-5: 1'6, unless part of the iron is.sesquioxyd. The epidote pseudomorph of the same locality (anal. 19) gives the oxygen ratio of epidote 1: 2: 3. The crystals occur imbedded in uralite. Forchhammer has described other epidote pseudomorphs after scapolite from Arendal, which are albite externally and epidote within. GABBRONITE Of Schumacher (Verzeichn., 1801) is referred here by Ssemann, who observes that there are, in the Ecole des Mines at Paris, crystals of it of the form of scapolite (This Min., 506, 1854). Schumacher describes it as bluish-gray, inclining to leek-green; also grayish mountaingreen; lustre feeble; fracture smooth like that of flint; G.=2-947; having some resemblance to gabbro. The bluish-gray variety from the Kenlig mine near Arendal, with black hornblende and calcite, and the other from Fredericksvirn, Norway, in syenite. The kaolin from Malsj6, anal. 24, is a reddish-yellow clay-like mass, retaining something of the crystalline form of scapolite; G.= 2-1. The composition corresponds to 1 of alumina to 2 of silica. For another kaolin see under EKEBERGITE (Passauite). Steatitic pseudomorphs occur at Newton, N. J., and Arendal in Norway. A siliceous scapolite of Pargas, of a gray color, in limestone, contains 92'71 p. c. of silica. Albite is announced by Tschermak as occurring pseudomorphous after scapolite. Pseudo-Scapolite of N. Nordenskidld (Bidrag Finl. Min., 66, 1820) is wernerite altered to pyroxene. The crystals are large and contain crystals of pyroxene, which are most abundant toward the exterior; from Simonsby, near Pargas. 300. EHEBERGITE. Scapolite (fr. Arendal) pt. Wernerite (fr. Arendal) pt. [Syn. under WERNERITE.] Sodait (fr. Hesselkulla) Ekeberg, Afh., ii. 153, 1807. Natrolite of Hesselkulla Wollaston. Ekebergite Berz., Arsb., 1824, 168. Ekebergit, Porzellanspath (fr. Passau) J. N. Fuchs, Denkschr. Ak. Munchen, vii. 65, 1818, Tasch. Min., xvii. 94, 1823. Porzellanit v. Kob., Taf., 52, 1853. Passauit Naumann, Min., 305, 1855. Tetragonal. Like wernerite in form and cleavage. Also compact, or finely columnar massive. H. =5-5 —6. G.=2'74. Lustre vitreous, somewhat pearly or greasy. Color white, gray, greenish-white, bluish, reddish. Transparent to subtranslucelnt. Comp.-O. ratio for ft, S,. i-l: 2: 45; formula (1 (Ca, ila) + 2 -l)2 Si3 + 3 Si; or else with half the excess of silica (or 1 Si) basic; -, if Ca: a=3: 1, Silica 51'7, alumina 26'3, lime 16 1, soda 5-9=100; if Ca: Na-2: 1, Silica 51'7, alumina 26-3, lime 14-2, soda 7-9=100. Analyses:. 1, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 177); 2, Wolff (Inaug. Diss., Berlin, 1843, Ramm. Min. Ch., 719); 3, Hartwall (Berz. Jahresb., iv. 155); 4, Wolff (1. c.); 5, v. Rath (Pogg., xc. 82, 288); 6, Wolff (I. c.); 71, Damour (L'Institut., 1862, 21); 8, v. Rath (1. c.); 9, Fuchs (1. c.); 10, v Kobell (J. pr. Ch., i. 89);: 11, Schafhiiutl (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlvi. 340): Si M1 Pe eig Oa iJa k f: 1. Hessellkulla 51'02 26'86 2173 0Q87 13'29 4-64 0-82 —, Min 0'26=100 H. 2. " gyh.-gn. 49-26 26-40 0'54 - 14-44 6'14 0'65 0'69=98'12 Wolff. UNISILICATES. 325 Si i1l Fe SIg Ca /Ia k fA 3. Pargas 49'42 25-41 1-40 0'68 15-59 6'05 - 1'45 —100 Hartwall. 4. Malsj6, pink, mass. 49-88 27'02 0'21 0-85 12-71 7'59 0-87 0771=99'90 Wolff. 5. " white 50'04 25-68 -- 1,06 12-64 5'89 1-54 2-50=99-35 Rath. 6. Arendal, ywh.-w. 50'91 25'81 0'75 0'58 13-34 7'09 0'85 0'41=99'74 Wolff. 7. " 50'30 25'08 - - 14'08 5-98 1'01 3-25=99'70 Damour. 8. Gouverneur 52'25 2397 -- 0178 9'86 8'70 1'73 1-20=98'49 Rath. 9. Passau, Passacuite 49'30 27-90 -- - 14'42 5-46 - 0'90=97-98 Fuchs. 10. " " 50-29 2737 -- - 13-53 592 017 — =97'30 Kobell. 11. " " 49'20 27'30 - -- 15-48 4'53 1-23 1-20, C1 0-92=99-65 S. 1-385 p. c. of carbonate of lime removed. Anal. 1, G.=2'80; 2, G.=2-735; 4, G.=2-623; 5, G.=2'658; 6, G.=2-712; 8, G.=2'633; 9, G. =2-64. The passauite (Porcellanspath) has the 0. ratio, in anal 1, 1: 2'4: 4'8; in 2, 1: 2'4: 4'9; in 3, 1: 2-2: 4-6. But a slight change in the bases would make the last 1: 2: 4'5; and it is probable that the mineral is an altered ekebergite. Fuchs made the prisms probably about 92~, and so also did Schafhiiutl. But Descloizeaux has found that it has but one optical axis-a negative one-and this decides it to be tetragonal in crystallization. Its colors are white to yellowish, bluish, and grayish-white. The crystals are coarse, and irregularly grouped or single. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yield a small amount of water. B.B. whitens and fuses with intumescence to a blebby gla's. Imperfectly decomposed by muriatic acid. Obs.-From Hessellkulla and Malsjd in Sweden; Arendal in Norway; Pargas in Finland, in limestone; Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., in limestone, with apatite and sphene, in short thick crystals sometimes several inches in diameter. The passauite is from Appenzell, near Passau, in Bavaria. Alt.-The passauite is the source, by its alteration, of a large bed of porcelain earth or kaolin. Part of the kaolin has the prismatic form of the passauite. Fuchs found in one of his analyses Si 45-06, Al 32-00, Fe 0'90, Ca 0-74, II 18'00, undecomposed mineral 2'96=99'66; in another Si 43'65, Al 35'93, Fe 1-00, Ca 0'83, H 18'50=99-91. Opal occurs in the kaolin as one result of the alteration. PARALOGITE N. Nordensk. (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow, xxx. 221, 1857). Has the form and angles of scapolite (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 187), and is probably altered ekebergite. Colors white, bluish, reddish-blue; G.=22665. The crystals, after action of acids, are full of worm-like holes, owing to.the separation of the carbonate of lime present. Analysis afforded Si 44-95, Al 26-89 Mn tr., Mg 1-01, Ca 14.44 [.Na 10-86], ign. 1'85=100. No potash was found. B.B. easily fusible. The O. ratio for R, X, Si is 1: 3: 6; but supposing a loss of part of the bases, it may have been originally a true ekebergite. From the lazulite locality near Bucharei in Siberia, in the L. Baikal region. 301. MIZZONITE. Scacchi, Pogg., Ergainz., iii. 478, 1852. Tetragonal. Closely resembles meionite in its crystals. Observed planes: 0,, i-i i-2 1. 0 A 1-i 1560 6'; a 04430; 1 A 1=135~ 56' and 640 8', Scacchi; 1350 58', Kokscharof. Cleavage as in meionite. Crystals quite small. Unknown massive. H.=55 —6. G.=2-623, v. Rath. Lustre vitreous. Colorless to white. Transparent to translucent. Comp. —O. ratio for H, ~, Si=l:2: 25; or, for bases and silica,=l: 1l; formula, ((Ca, ~Na)2 +tMl)2Si3+21Si; or else with half the excess of silica basic; =, if Ca: Na=1: 1, Silica 55-2, alumina 24-0, lime 9'9, soda 10-9=100. The analyses agree about as well with the 0. ratio 1:2: 5~. Analysis: v. Rath (Pogg., cix. 254): Si 54-70 A1 23'80 ]Ig 0-22 Ca 8-77 Na 9-83 KZ 2'14, ign. 0'13=9959. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses easily, but with less intumescence than meionite. Not acted upon by muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs on Somma, like the meionite, but is associated with feldspar instead of calcite. Named from Ei~uov, greater, the axis of the prism being a little longer than in meionite. 326 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 302. DIPYRE. Schorl blanchatre de Mauleon (Pyrenees) (discov'd by Gillet-Laumont in 1 86), Leucolite, Delameth., Sciagr., i. 289, ii. 401, 1792. Dipyre HL, Tr., iii. 1801. Schmelzstein Wern., Steff. Orykt., i. 411, 1811. Couseranite Charpentier, Ann. Ch. Phys., xxxix. 280, 1828. Cou zeranite. Prehnitoid Blomstrand, (Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1854, 297. Tetragonal. Form and cleavage same as for wernerite and meionite. Crystals small or large, single or grouped. Sometimes columnar. I. =5 —5'5. G. -2'646. Lustre vitreous to somewhat pearly. Colorless, whitish, yellowish, greenish, and sometimes reddish; opaque white. Transparent to subtranslucent. Dipyre occurs in rather coarse crystals, often large or stout, and rarely columnar, in metamorphic rocks, while marialite is found only in very small colorless or white crystals, in igneous rocks, and contains more alkali. Prehnitoid is similar to dipyre. Comp.-O. ratio for it, Si-il: 2: 6; formula (~(~ Ca+~Na)?+- l)2 Si3+6 i=, if Ca: NTa =1: 1, Silica 58'3, alumina 22'6, lime 9'1, soda 10'0. Analyses: 1, Vauquelin (Haily's Tr., iii. 1801); 2, Delesse (C. R., xviii. 994, 1844); 3, Damour (L'Institut, 16, 1862); 4, Pisani (Descl. Min., i. 227); 5, Blomstrand (CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1854): Si Al Mrn Sig Oa'a f [: t. Dipyre 60 24 - - 10 4 2=100 Vauq. 2. " Libarens 55-5 248 --------- 90 9'4 07 --—'3994 Delesse. 3. " Pouzac 56-22 2305 -- 9-44 768 0'90 2-41=99-70Damour. 4. " Libarens 56-69 22'68 0'39 0'49 6-85 8'65 0'78 4'55=101'08 Pisani. 5. Prehnitoid 56-00 22-45 0-18 0'36 7-79 10-07 0-46 1'04, Fe 1-01=99'36 BL. Pyr., etc. —B.B. fuses with intumescence to a white blebby glass. Some specimens are phosphorescent when heated. Imperfectly decomposed by acids. Obs.-From the region of the Hautes-Pyrenees, in granular limestone: at Pouzac, near Bagneres-de-Bigorre, with a white uniaxial mica,; near Libarens, about a mile and a half from AMauleon, with mica or talc; at the baths of Aulus in the Dept. of Ariege; in a black schist on the right bank of the Ls, near Luzenac, Ariege; in the vicinity of Loutrin, near Angoumer, in blocks of granular limestone, with pyrite, sphene. The prehnitoid is from a locality between Kongsberg and Solberg in Sweden, with coarsely crystallized hornblende; its hardness is stated by Blomstrand to be 7, and G.=2-50. The name dipyre, from ts, twice, and 7rep, fire, alludes to the two effects of heat, fusion andphosphorescence. Prehnitoid refers to a resemblance to prehnite. Alt.-Dipyre undergoes very easy alteration, much easier than wernerite, and this it probably owes to the large percentage of soda. At all the localities the mineral occurs to a large extent in a crumbling state. Some of it appears to be changed to a kind of greenish leuchtenbergite. Couseranite appears to be the same mineral in an altered form. It occurs in the same region, and the dipyre may be seen passing into couseranite. Its square prisms are usually rough or rounded exteriorly, and bluish-black or grayish-black to deep black in color, but sometimes whitish and blackish on the same specimen. It is often soft and fragile. Charpentier's mineral came from the department of Ariege (formerly Couserans). Analyses: 1, Dufrenoy (Ann. d. M., II. iv. 327); 2, Pisani (Descl. Min., i. 234): Si A1 Pe Mg Oa Ta fk fIf 1. 52-37 24'02 - 140 11'85 3-96 5-52 — =98-55 Dufr. 2. 58-33 20'20 1'90 V/20 0'99 0-76 8'82 2'35=100'55 Pisani. Pisani's analysis was made on large square prisms from Pouzac. It has the composition of agalmatolite. Both of the analyses indicate the alteration by the amount of potash present. Other localities are near I3agndres-de-Bigorre; at Sentenac near Seix, Ariege, in hard limestone. An orthoclase of the region has sometimes been mistaken for couseranite. 303. MARIALITE. v. Rath, ZS. G., xviii. 635, 1866. [Not Marialite of Ryllo.] Tetragonal. Closely resembles meionite in its crystals. Form like f. UNISILICATES. 327 288, except that O is present, and 3-3 are wanting. 1 A 1=1360 0', nearly. H.=5-5-6. G.=2'626; but, allowing for impurity, 2'530. Lustre vitreous. Colorless, or white. Transparent to translucent. Comp.-O. ratio for R, R, Si=1: 2: 6, like dipyre; but having the alkalies and lime in the ratio 2: 1 instead of 1: 1. Formula (3 (1 Si~+ Na+)3'+ l1)2 SiS+3 Si=Silica 58'3, alumina 22'3, lime 6-0, soda 13'4=100. Or perhaps ratio 1: 2: 6~, which gives silica 62-1, alumina 20'2, lime 5.5, soda 12-2, agreeing better with the analysis. Analysis: v. Rath (1. c.); la is the analysis with Fe removed as mixed magnetite: Si AL1 $e Mg Ca Na K: 1. 59'50 20-70 4-45 0-29 4'39 8590 1-09=99-32. la. 62172 21-82 031 4-63 9317 1'15=100. Pyr., etc.-Like those of mizzonite. Obs. —From a volcanic rock called piperno, occurring at Pianura, near Naples. 304. NEPHElELITE. Sechsseitige weisse durchsichtige Sch6rls/iuler mit oder ohne Pyramide an der Spitze, etc. (fr. Vesuvius (Somma)), J. J. Ferber, Briefe aus Wilschland, 166, 1773;= Basaltes crystallisatus albus crystallis prismaticis v. Born, Lithoph., ii. 73, 1775;=Sommitoe Delameth., T. T., ii. 271, 1797;=-Nepheline H., Tr., iii. 1801. Pseudo-sommite, Pseudo-nepheline (fr. C. di Bove), Fl. Bellevue, J. de Phys., li. 458, 1800; id., var. of Sommite, Delameth., 1. c. Nefelina, Cavolinite, Davina, IMont. & Covelli, Min. Vesuv., 1825. Fettstein Wern., 1808, Klapr. Beitr., v. 176, 1810, Steffen's Orykt., i. 472, 1811. Eleolith (fr. Norway) Klapr., Mag. Ges. Fr. Berl., iii. 43, 1809, Beitr., v. 176, 1810. Pierre grasse H., Tabl., 65, 228, 1809. Phonite (fr. Norway) Descl. Min., i. 289, 1863. Hexagonal. O A 1=135~ 55'; a-=0839. Observed planes: 0; prisms, I, i-2, j- 3; pyramids, -, 1, 2 1 2, 4, 6; 2-2, 4-2. Usual forms six-sided and twelve-sided prisms with plane or modified summits. Fig. 292, summit planes of a crystal. 292 0 A 2=117~ 18' IA 1=134 5: O A — =147 9 IA 2=-152 42 0 A ~ -154~ 9' 1 A 1, pyr.,=139 17 2 22 0 A4 104 28 1 A 1, bas.,=-88 11 2 2 IA i-2= 150 22 ~tf~ 0 ~X 22 Cleavage: Idistinct, 0 imperfect. Also massive, \ 2 compact; also thin columnar. l 22 22 H. 55 —6. G.=2-5- 265. Lustre vitreous greasy; a little opalescent in some varieties. I Colorless, white, or yellowish; also when massive, Vesuvius. dark green, greenish or bluish-gray, brownish and brick-red. Transparent-opaque. Fracture subconchoidal. Double refraction feeble; axis negative. Var.-1. Glassy, or Sommite. Usually in small crystals or grains, with vitreous lustre, first found on Mt. Somma, in the region of Vesuvius; G.=2'56, fr. Vesuvius, Scheerer; 2'637, ib., Breith.. Davyne is nephelite from Vesuvius, with feeble lustre, containing, according to Rammelsberg, 12-14 p. c. of carbonate of lime, which he attributes to partial alteration; and Cavolinite is of the same locality; it has a silky lustre owing to longitudinal rifts within. 328 OXYG:EN COMPOUNDS. Kokscharof found the angle 1 A 1=1396 1'7'; whence IA 1=1340 5' 22", and a=0,838926 (Min. Russl., ii. 160). Breithaupt made IA 1 —134~ 5'; Haidinger 134~ 3'; Scacchi 133~ 57G'. 2. Elceolite. In large coarse crystals, or massive, with a greasy lustre. G.-=2597, fr. Miask, Breith.; 2-65, fr. Arkansas, Smith & Brush. Comp.-O. ratio for R,,, i= 1: 3: 41. Formula perhaps (&Na3, K)2 Si3+3 V12 Si3+3 Si(i Ra+f 1)2 Si3+- Si. Possibly 7 (i +23+~ P1)2 Si3+ 2 (I R3+~ 1) Pi, making it a combination of a unisilicate and a bisilicate. The percentage corresponding to either, is, if Na: K=5:1, silica 44'2, alumina 33'7, soda 16-9, potash 5-2=100. Analyses: 1, Arfvedson (Jahresb., ii. 97); 2, 3, 4, Scheerer (Pogg., xlvi. 291, xlix. 359); 5, Gmelin (Neph. im Dolerit, etc., Heidelberg, 1822); 6, Heidepriem (J. pr. Ch., 1. 500); 7, Monticelli & Covelli (Prod. Min. Vesuv., 375, and Pogg., xi. 470); 8, 9, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cix. 579, and Min. Ch., 652); 10, 11, 12, Scheerer (Pogg., xlvi. 291, xlix. 359); 13, 14, Bromeis (Pogg., xlviii. 577); 15, P. v. Pusirevsky (Koksch. Min. Russl., iii. 78); Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 371); 17, J. P. Kimball (Am. J. Sci., II. xxix. 65); 18, D. M. Balch (Proc. Essex Inst., iv. 5)' 1. Nephelite. Si Xl Fe Ca Ta a I 1. Vesuvius 44'11 33-73 - 20'46 - 0'62=9892 Arfved. 2. " 44'03 33'28 0'65a 1'77 15-44 4'94 0'21=100'32 Scheerer. 3. " 44'29 33'04 0.39a 1'82 14'93 4-72 0'21 —99'40 Scheerer. 4. Odenwald 43'70 32'31 1'07 0'84 15-83 5'60 1'39=100'74 Scheerer. 5. " 4:3'36 33'49 1'50 0'90 13'36 7113 1'39=101'13 Gmelin. 6. Ld.bau 43'50 32'33 1-42 3-55 14.13 5'03 0'32, Mg 0'11=100-39 Ieid. 7. Davyne 42'91 33-28 1'25 2'02 - 7-43 — 96'89 M]. & C. 8. " 38'76 28-10 - 9-32 15'72 1'10 1196, Clr., 5'63=9959 Ramm. 9. " 36'81 28'66 - 10'33 15'85 1'21 1'96, Cl tr., 6'01 —100'83 R. I. Elceolite. 10. Fredericksv'n, gn. 45'31 32'63 0'45 0'33 15'95 5'45 0'60=100'12 Scheerer. 11. Brevig, bn. 44'59 32'14 0'86 0'28 15-67 5'10 2'05=100'69 Scheerer. 12. Miask, white 44-30 33'25 0'82 0'32 16'02 5'82 —, M 007-100'60 Scheerer 13. "' 42'51 33'73 0'20 14'01 6'91, Mg 0'77=98'13 Brown. 14. " " 42'33 34'39 - 047 16-26 5'95 0'92, Mg 0'45=100'77 Brown. 15. Marienskaja 44-94 30'29 0'72 1'15 21l80 1-48 -, Mg 0'15-100'53 Pusir. 16. Magnet Cove, Ark. 4'446 30'97 2-09 0'66 15'61 5'91 0'95-100'65 S. & B. 17. Salem, Mass. 44-31 32'80 tr. 0'40 16-43 5'50 147-=100'91 Kimball. 18. " " 44'32 32'69 0'59 17'02 5'09 -=99'71 Balch. a With Mn2 Os In the last analysis, the mineral, previous to analysis, had been dried at 150~ C.; when dried at 100 C., it afforded 1-31 p. c. of water. Traces of muriatic acid, and also of sulphuric, were detected by Scheerer and Bromeis; and in one nepheline from Mt. Somma they found 0:22 of the former and 0-10 of the latter. Other analyses: of E. fr. Norway, Scheerer, Pogg., cxix., 145; N. fr. Meiches in the Vogelsgeb., A. Knop, Jahrb. Min., 1865, 686. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses quietly at 3-5 to a colorless glass. Gelatinizes with acids. Obs.-Nephelite occurs both in ancient and modern volcanic rocks, and also metamorphic rocks allied to granite and gneiss, the former mostly in glassy crystals or grains (sommite), the latter massive or in stout crystals (elaeolite). A doleryte containing much disseminated nepheline, such as occurs at KIatzenbuckel, near Heidelberg, has been called nephelinophyre and nephelindoleryte. A granite-like rock found near Miask, in which elheolite replaces quartz, has been named miascyle, from its locality. A rock composed of orthoclase, elaeolite, and sodalite, from Ditro in Transylvania, is the ditriyte of Tschermak. The zircon-syenite of Norway contains much elneolite. Nephelite occurs in crystals in the older lavas of Somma, with mica, idocrase, etc.; at Capo di Bove, near Rome (the locality of the pseudo-nepheline); in the clinkstone of Katzenbuckel, near -Heidelberg; at Hamberg in Hessia; Aussig in Bohemia; LSbau in Saxony. Eleolite is found at Brevig, Stavern, and Fredericksvarn, Norway, imbedded in zircon-syenite; in the lmen Mts., Urals, along with white feldspar, brown hexagonal mica, zircon, pyrochlore, etc.; at Marienskaja in the Tunkinsk Mts., Siberia, with graphite, caucrinite, zircon. The crystal measured by Scacchi was of the variety sommite, or davyne, occurring at Somma in a geode in limestone with sodalite (Pogg. Erganz., iii. 478, 1858). Elaolite occurs massive and crystallized at Litchfield, Me.. with cancrinite; in the Ozark Mts., Arkansas, with brookite and schorlomite; in a boulder, with sodalite, at Salem, Mass. Named nepheline by Haiiy (1801), from vspsXm, a cloud, in allusion to its becoming cloudy when immersed in strong acid; elceolite (by Klaproth), from A'?aiov, oil, in allusion to its greasy lustre, the variety having been made a distinct species earlier by Werner (1808), under the German name of Fettstein. The name somnmile, derived from the Vesuvian locality, given in 1797 by Delametherie, has the priority. But Werner early adopted Iaily's name, and later authors have all taken the same course. UNISILICATES. 329 A mineral from Norway, of a yellowish-brown color, called phonite, is very much like elkeolite, according to Descloizeaux. Alt.-Nephelite or elmolite is liable to ready alteration, and usually produces a zeolite, as thomsonite. The Ozarkite of Shepard, according to Smith and Brush, is thomsonite (q. v.), and its situation in cavities in eleolite shows that it is a product of alteration. The large amount of soda in nephelite compared with the silica fits it especially for generating zeolites. Blum attributes bergmannite to the alteration of elaeolite (Pogg., lxxxvii. 315, and cv. 133). Gieseckite is shown by Blum to be a pseudomorph after this species. It differs mainly in con taining several per cent. of water. It occurs in six-sided greenish-gray prisms of greasy lustre, in Greenland, having 0 A 1=135~ nearly; and also at Diana, in Lewis Co., N. Y., with the same angles, for the most part, although the results of measurement vary between 131~ and 139~. The crystals of Diana are hexagonal in cleavage; yet the planes of cleavage are often separated by layers of a waxy appearance, without lustre or cleavage. According to Descloizeaux, the material of the crystals acts on polarized light like a gum or colloid, and is evidently a result of alteration. Liebenerite, from the valley of Fleims, in the Tyrol, is considered by Blum a similar pseudomorph, and Descloizeaux sustains this conclusion. See further PINITE, under HYDROUS SILICATES. Elkeolite has been observed altered also to mica and opal. Davyne is regarded as altered nephelite, due to the introduction of carbonic acid, as stated above; and cancrinite is supposed to have had the same origin. 304A. CANCRINITE. G. Rose, Pogg., xlvii. 719, 1839. Hexagonal, and in six and twelve-sided prisms, sometimes with basal edges replaced; 0 A ~-= 154~ 7', - =A - =115C 53', ~ A = —154~ 47'; also thin columnar and massive. H.-=5-6. G.= 2'42-2 5. Color white, gray, yellow, green, blue, reddish; streak uncolored. Lustre subvitreous, or a little pearly or greasy. Transparent to translucent. CoaP.-Formula the same as for nepheline, with some R i and n f, t of the silicate to that of the carbonate being mostly as 3: 1. Rose found no water. Analyses: 1, 2, G. Rose (Pogg., xlvii. 779); 3, Pusirevsky (Kloksch. Min. Russl., iii. 76); 4, 5, J. D. Whitney (Pogg., lxx. 431); 6, v. Struve (Pogg., xc. 615); 7, Pusirevsky (1. c.); 8, G. Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, xliv. 134); 9, Pisani (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. Ixvii.): Si A1 Ca Na KZ a A 1. Ilmen Mts. 40-59 28'29 7'06 17-38 0-57 6'38 — =100'27 G. Rose. 2. " 40'26 28-34 6'34 17-66 0'82 6-38 -— 99-70 G. Rose. 3. " ()35'96 29'57 5-68 18'53 -- 5'55 3'70, Fe,Mn 019, S 032=99'50 P. 4. Litchfield, yellow 37'42 27-70 3-91 20'98 0-67 5-95 2'82, Mn, Fe 0'86=10031 Wh. 5. " greenish 37120 27159 5'26 20'46 5'50 5'92 3-28, -n, Fe 0271 Whitney. 6. Tunkinsk Mts. 38-33 28-55 4'24 20-37 -- (C & A) 8-51=100 Struve. 7. " 37'72 27'75 3-11 21-60 -- 561 4071=99'86 Pusirevsky. 8. Ditro 37'2 30'3 5-1 17'4 - 5-2.40=992 Tschermak. 9. Barkevig 41'52 28-09 4'11 17'15 -- 3'60 6-60=101'07 Pisani. G.= 2448, yellow, fr. Litchfield, Me., Whitney; 2-461, green, ib.; 2'489, rose-red (anal. 3), fr. Ilmen Mts., Pusirevsky; 2'454, yellow (anal. 7), fr. Tunkinsk Mts., id.; 2'42, fr. Ditro (anal.. 8), Tschermak; 2'404, fr. Barkevig, Pisani (anal. 9). Cancrinite is closely like nephelite in crystalline form, and it is probably identical with it in atomic ratio, excepting the carbonate and water, which may be due, as stated, to alteration. Davyne is intermediate in composition, and differs only in that it has the carbonic acid combined with lime alone. Whitney found a trace of chlorine in his analyses. The red color of the Miask cancrinite is due to disseminated grains of hematite, according to Kenugott, who also found calcite in microscopic grains, and suggests that this may be the source of the carbonic acid of cancrinite. PY., BTC.-In the closed tube gives water. B.B. loses color, and fuses (F.=2) with intumescence to a white blebby glass, the very easy fusibility distinguishing it readily from nephelite. Effervesces with muriatic acid, and forms a jelly on heating, but not before. OBs.-Found at Miask in the Urals; of citron-yellow color at the Marienskoy graphite mine in the Tunkinsk Mts., 400 versts west of Irkutsk, in a coarse granite, with zircon, calcite, and magnetite; at Barkevig, in the Langesund-fiord, Norway. whitish and pale yellowish, with blue sodalite and "h bergmannite; " at Ditro in Transylvania, pale flesh-red, in the rock called ditroyte, consisting of orthoclase, eleolite, and sodalite (anal. 8). In crystals and massive, with blue sodalite, at Litchfield, Me. 330 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Alt.-Occurs altered to natrolite (bergmannite); the cancrinite, as SMemann and Pisani observe, first losing its translucence and then passing to the fibrous condition and nature of the zeolite. 305. SODALITE. Sodalite (fr. Greenland) Thomson, R. Soc. Ed. Tr., v. 387, read Nov. 1810. Phil. Mag., xxxvi. 303, 1810. Isometric. In dodecahedrons, f. 3; also 4, 5, 10, 11, 14. Cleavage: dodecahedral, more or less distinct. Twins: hexagonal prisms, terminating in 12 planes forming 6 prominent triangular ridges of 120~, radiating from the centre, and arising from a combination of dodecahedrons. Also massive. H.=5'5-6. G.=2'136-2-26, Vesuvius; 2'401, fr. Scarrupata, v. Rath; 2'289, Ural; 2'37, Greenland; 2'294 —2314, Salem, Kimball. Lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to greasy. Color gray, greenish, yellowish, white; sometimes blue, lavender-blue, light red. Subtransparent-translucent. Streak uncolored. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Comp.-(i Na~+ 1)2 Si3+~ Na Ol-=(iaS)2 SiS+3 12 Sis+ 2Na Cl=Silica 37-1, alumina 31'7, soda 19-2, sodium 4'7, chlorine 7'3=100. The name alludes to the soda. J. D. Whitney suggests that the blue color may be owing to ferric acid present. Analyses: 1, Ekeberg (Thomson's Ann. Phil., i. 104); 2. Thomson (1. c.); 3, Arfvedson (Jahresb., ii. 97); 4, 5, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 702); 6, v. Rath (ZS. G., xviii. 621); 7, Hofmann (Pogg., xlvii. 377); 8, v. Bore (Pogg., lxxviii. 413); 9, 10, Whitney (Pogg., lxx. 431); 11, J. P. Kimball (Am. J. Sci., II. xxix. 67); 12, D. M. Balch (Proc. Essex Inst., Salem, iv. 4): Si Ml Fe Ca &a C1 1. Greenland 36'00 32'00 0'15 -- 25'00 6'75=99'90 Ekeberg. 2.'" 38'52 27'48 1'00 2'7 23'50 3'00, ign. 2'1=98'30 T. 3. Vesuvius 35'99 32'59 - - 56'55a 5'30 —100'43 Arfvedson. 4. " 38'12 31'68 - -- 24'37 6'69=100'86 Ramm., G.=2-136. 5. " gn. 38'76 34'62 - -- 23'43 2'55=99'36 Ramm. 6. Scarrupata 37'30 27-07 4'03 0'43 16'43 6'96, ig 073, K 1'19, Na 4-51, ign. 3'12= 101l77 Rath. 7. Ilmen Mts. 38'40 32'04 -- 0'32 24'47a 7'10=102'33 Hofmann. 8. Lamo, Norway 38'86 30'82 -- 1'21 22'03 und.b, K 0'51, Mg 0' 44=93'87 Bore. 9. Litchfield, Me. 37-30 32'88C - -- 23'86 697, 9K 0-59=-101-60 Whitney. 10. " " 37'63 30'93 1'08 -- 25'48 -, rest undet., Whitney. 11. Salem, Mass. 38733 32'70 tr. -- 24'31 6'99=101-33 Kimball. 12. " " 37'54 32'15 -- 0'35 18'94 645, Na 4'18=99'61 Balch, G.=2'30. a With some potash. b Traces of Sn, Mn, W, and Mo. C With some Fe2 0 Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube the blue varieties become white and opaque. B.B. fuses with intumescence, at 3'5-4, to a colorless glass. Decomposed by muriatic and nitric acids, with sep. aration of gelatinous silica. Obs.-Occurs in mica slate, granite, syenite, trap, basalt. and volcanic rocks, and is often associated with nephelite (or elaeolite) and eudialyte. With sanidine it forms a sodalite-trachyte at Scarrupata in Ischia, in which also occur augite, titanite, and magnetite in crystals. Found in West Greenland in mica slate, along with feldspar, arfvedsonite, and eudialyte; at Vesuvius, on Monte Somma, in white, translucent, dodecahedral crystals, with pyroxene, mica, and rarely in green dodecahedrons, with cubic planes, in limestone along with idocrase and nepheline; massive and of a gray color imbedded in trap at the Kaiserstuhl in Brisgau; also near Lake Laach; in Sicily, Val di Noto, with nephelite and analcite; at Miask, in the Ural, blue in the granite-like rock called miascyte, with eleolite and feldspar; Sedlowatoi, in the White Sea, with eudialyte; in nodular masses at Lamoe near Brevig, Norway, of a lavender-blue color, with elkeolite, wdhlerite, and rarely eudialyte. A blue variety occurs at Litchfield, Me., massive, with distinct cleavage, associated with eleo. lite, zircon, and cancrinite; a lavender-blue, in a vein in syenite, at Salem, Mass., violet to azureblue, with elkeolite, orthoclase, biotite, and zircon. UNISILICATES. 331 Bergemann obtained for a greenish mineral having.G.=2'502, occurring with ela3olite at Brevig in Norway (Pogg., lxxxiv. 492), Si 46'03, A1 23'97, Na 2148, 01 7'43, P 0'86, Ca,.e tr.=99'77; it gives the formula of anorthite (oxygen ratio 1: 3: 6) with an addition of some chlorid of sodium; but it may be only an impure sodalite. Named in allusion to its containing soda. Alt.-Sodalite occurs altered to kaolin, like the feldspars, and also in conditions of partial change. An altered sodalite from Greenland afforded Rammelsberg Si 43-20, A1 32'54, Ona 300, Na 11'42, C1 tr., H (by loss) 9-84, giving for R, -1, Si,:[, the oxygen ratio 1: 4: 6: 2; but it is not regarded by this chemist as a distinct chemical compound. Trolle-Wachtmeister found a Vesuvian sodalite to contain (Pogg., ii. 14) Si 50'98,;1 27'64, Na 20'96, C1 1'26=100'84, which must have been either very impure or altered. 306. LAPIS-LAZULI. CEdq,~pos Theophr. Sapphiros Plin., xxxvii. 39. Sapphirus Agric., Foss., 288, 1546. Cyaneus, Lapis Lazuli (Lapis Azul Arab., unde nomen Asuri, aut Lazuli), B. de Boot, Lap., 273, 1636. Lapis-Lazuli, Lazur-Sten, Jaspis colore cceruleo cuprifer, Wall., Min., 97, 1747. Lapis-Lazuli, ou Pierre d'Azur, Fr. TrlI. Wall., i. 186, 1753. Zeolites Bloa (=Blue Zeolite], Lapis Lazuli, Cronst., 100, 1758. Zeolithus ceruleus v. Born., Lithoph., i. 46, 1772. Lasurstein Germ. Native Ultramarine. Outremer Fr. Isometric. In dodecahedrons, f. 3, 4. Cleavage: dodecahedral, imperfect. Commonly massive, compact. H. =5-5-5. G.=2'38 -245. Lustre vitreous. Color rich Berlin or azure-blue, violet-blue, red, green; also colorless. Translucent-opaque. Fracture uneven. Comp.-A silicate of soda, lime, and alumina, with a sulphid probably of iron and sodium. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 189); 2, Gmelin (Schw. J., xiv. 329); 3, Kohler (Ramm. Min. Ch., 710); 4, Schultz (ib.); 5, Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlix. 515); 6, v. Hauer (Verh. G. Reichs., 1860, 86); 7, F. Field (Q. J. Ch. Soo., iv. 331); 8, Schultz (1. c.): Si A1 Fe Ca S;a A 1. Orient 46'0 14-5 30 17'5 - 20 4'0,. 0 10'0=97'0 Kdlaproth. 2. " 49 11 4 16 8 tr. 2, Mg 2=92 Gmelin. 3. " 45'33 12-33 2-12 23-56 11-45 0'35 3'22, C1 0'42, 8?=98'78 K6hler. 4. " 43-26 20-22 4'20 14'73 8'76 - 5'76, S 3'16=100 Schultz. 5. Bucharei 45'50 31'76 tr. 3'52 9'09 0'12 5'89, Fe 0'86, C1 0'42, S 0'95=98'11 Varrentr. 6. Ditro 40'54 43'00 0'86 1'14 [12'54] 1-92 -=100 iHauer. 7. Andes 66'9 20-0 0'1 - 10'1 - -, S 2'9 Field. 8. " 45'70 25-34 1'30 "748 10-55 -- 4-32, S 3'96, K 1'35=100 Schultz. Pyr., etc. —Heated in the closed tube gives off some moisture; the variety from Chili glows with a beetle-green light, but the color of the mineral remains blue on cooling. Fuses easily (3) with intumescence to a white glass. Decomposed by muriatic acid, with separation of gelatinous silica and evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-It is usually found in syenite or crystalline limestones, associated often with pyrite and mica in scales. Occurs of a deep blue color in Siberia, at Bucharei, in limestone, with pyrite, apatite, and glaucolite; near the river Talaja, and also the Bystraja, in the Lake Baikal region, in a crystalline limestone containing mica, in syenite; also on the Slfidianka in the same region; at Ditro in Transylvania, in a hornblendic vein in syenite; in Persia; China; Thibet; at Bardakschan in Tartary; in the Andes of Ovalle, near the sources of the Cazadero and Vias, tributaries of tho Rio Grande, in a granitic rock. On the banks of the Indus it is disseminated in grayish limestone. The richly colored varieties of lapis lazuli are highly esteemed for costly vases and ornamental furniture; also employed in the manufacture of mosaics; and when powdered constitutes the rich and durable paint called ultramarine. B. de Boot gives, in his work above referred to, the method employed for making artificial ultramarine. An ultramarine, chemically prepared, equal to that from native lapis lazuli in color and permanency, and now extensively used in the arts, contains, according to Varrentrapp, Si 45-604, S 3-830, -1 23-304, Ca 0'021, 1Ja 21-476, K 1'752, S 1'685, Fe 1'063, Cl tr.=98-785. 332 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 307. HAUYNITE. Latialite (fr. the Campagna, ancient Latium) Gismondi, in Mern. read ir 1803, before the Akad de Lincei at Rome, but unpublished. Haiiyne Bruun-Neergard, Schw. J., iv. 417, 1807, J. d. M., xxi. 365, 1807. Auina Ital. Berzeline L. A. Necker, Bibl. Univ., xlvi 52, 1831, Regne Min. Paris, 1835; v. Rcath. ZS. G., xviii. 546, 1866=Marialite Ryllo=Gis. mondina ottaedrica Jed. Slpada. Isometric. In dodecahedrons, octahedrons, etc., f. 3-7; also with planes 3, 3-3. Cleavage: dodecahedral distinct. Twins: composition293 face octahedral, as in f. 293, parallel to all the planes 1; and 294 f. 294, parallel to one plane, with faces of the dodecahedron. Commonly in rounded t 111 \ s a /i grains often looking like crystals with a fused surface. H.=5'5-6. G.=2' —2'5; 1e.\ 1,i;P < (\t Lustre vitreous, to somewhat greasy. Color bright blue, skyblue, greenish-blue; asparaAlbano. gus-green. Streak slightly Albano. bluish to colorless. Subtransparent to translucent. Fracture flat conchoidal to uneven. Var.-For the mineral fr. Marino, G.-=2833, Gmelin; fr. Vesuvius, G.=2'464, Ramm.; fr. Melfi, G.=2'466, Scacchi; fr. L. Laach, 2'481, v. Rath. The white variety from near Albano is Berzeline of Necker, according to v. Rath (1. c.), from whom figs. 293, 294, representing twins of it, are taken. Vom Rath remarks.that the mineral analyzed by Gmelin (Obs. de Hauyna, etc.), which has been referred to berzeline, was a mixture. Comp. —(4 Nas + il'ai a S-(Na3)2 Si3+ 3 ~12 Si3 + 4 Ca S-Silica 32'0, alumina 27-4, lime 9'9, soda 16'5, sulphuric acid 14-2=100. Analyses: 1, Gmelin (Obs. de H., Heidlb., 1814, Schw. J., xiv. 325, xv. 1); 2, Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlix. 515); 3-5, J. D. Whitney (Pogg., 1xx. 431); 6, RIammelsberg (Pogg., cix. 577); 7, id. (ZS. G., xii. 273); 8, v. Rath (ib., xvi. 84); 9, v. Rath (ib., xviii. 547): Si 1 $e Mkg Ca Nsa K H S' 1. Marino 35'48 28'87 116 - 12'00 15-55 [3'45]4 12'39 Gmelin. 2. Niederm'g 35-01 27'41 - -- 12-55 912 -- 6'2 12-60, Fe 0'17, C1 0'58, S 0-24=98'34V. 3.' 33'90 2S'07 -- 7'50 19'28 - -- 12'01=100 73Whitney. 4. " 34'83 28'51 0'31 7- -23 18'57 --- - 12-13=101'58 Whitney. 5. Mt. Albano 32'44 27'75 - 9'96 14'24 2'40 - 12'98=99'77 Whitney. 6. Vesuvius (2) 34'06 27'64 tr. - 10'60 1.1'79 4'96 -- 1125=1(i)030 Ramm. 7. Melfi 34'88 2934 0'70 5'54 14'47 376 -- 11'08, Cl tr.=99'77 IR. 8. L. Laach (y) 33-11 27'35 1'05 0-22 11'70 15'39 1'12 0-20 12'54, C10'33=103'01 R. 9. Berzeline 32'70 28'17 - 10'85 11'13 4'64 0'48 12'15, C1 0'66, Na 0'43 =101'21 R. a fi, S, and loss. The hailynite from Niedermendig, according to Whitney, corresponds in composition to 2 haiiynite+1 nosite. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube retains its, color. B.B. in the forceps fuses at 4'5 to a white glass. Fused with soda on charcoal affords a sulphid, which blackens silver. Decomposed by muriatic acid with separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-Occurs in the Vesuvian lavas, on Somma; at Melfi, on Mt. Vultur, Naples, in a kind of lava called Haiiynophyr, a black to brown rock containing the haiiynite disseminated through it, of black, green, blue, red, and brown colors, and also white, and sometimes red inside and blue outside; in the lavas of the Campagna, Rome, and also in the peperino of Marino and Lariccia near Albano, of sky-blue, bluish-green, and sometimes opaline, also white (berzeline); in basalt at Niedermendig and Mayen, L. Laach, in a trachytic rock; at Mt. Dor in Puy de Dome: at St. Michael's, Azores. UNISILICATES. 333 Named after the crystallographer and mineralogist Iaiuy. Alt.-The variations in the analyses as to water present show a tendency to hydration and to other changes in the mineral. ITTNERITE Gmelin (Schw. J., xxxvi. 74, 1822); SKOLOPSITE v. Kobell (Gel. Anzeig., xxviii. 638, 1849). Rammelsberg has shown (Ber. Ak. Berlin, 1862, 1864) that ittnerite and skolopsite are probably altered haiiynite or nosite. Ittnerite contains 10 to 12 p. c. of water, and scolopsite varies in the water from none to 10 p. c. Ittuerite occurs in translucent dodecahedrons or granular massive, with H.=5'5; G.=2'371-240; color dark bluish or ash-gray to smoky gray; lustre resinous, and comes from Kaiserstuhl near Freiberg, in Brisgau, Sasbach, and Endingen. Scolopsite occurs granular massive; H.=5; G.=2-53, color grayish-white, to pale reddishgray, and is from Kaiserstuhl, and occurs in the same rock with ittnerite (Fischer, Ber. Ges. Freiburg, 1862). Analyses: 1, Gmelin (1. c.); 2, J. D. Whitney (Pogg., lxx. 442); 3, Rammelsberg (Ber. Ak. Berlin, 1864, 171); 4, v. Kobell (1. c.); 5, Rammelsberg (1. c., ii. 1862, 245); 6, id. (ib., 1864, 172): Si A1 Fe MIg Oa a B:' S 0C1 1. Ittnerite 34,02 28540 0-62 -- 7-27 12-15 1-56 10-762 2-86 0-13=98'36 Gmelin. 2. " 35-69 29-14 - - 5-64 12'57 1-20 [9-83] 4-62 1-25=100 Whitney. 3. " 37'97,0'50b -- 0-76 3'42 7-89 1-72 12'04 4-01 0-62=98-93 Ramm. 4. Scolopsite 44-06 17-86 2-49 2-23 16-34 12-04 1-30 - 4-09 0'56=100-97 Kobell. 5.'" 34-19 21-00 2,70 2-67 15-10 11-95 2'80 3'29 4-39 1'36=100'05 Ramm. 6. " 38-60 19-29 1-80 12'21 10'84 2-18 [10'25] 3-56 1-27=100 I1amm. a With H S. b With a little Fe2 03. Scolopsite was named from UKoXo~q, a splinter, from its splintery fracture. 308. NOSITE. In ripis (L. Laach) lapillos elegantiores et sapphiros reperire est, Freherus, Orig. Palatinarum, ii. 36, 1612. Spinellan Nose, Noggerath's Min. Stud. Geb. Niedderrhein, 109, J. de-Phys., lxix. 160, 1809. Spinellan, Nosian, Klapr., Breitr., vi. 371, 1815. Hiauyne pt. Nosean, Nosin, some authors. Isometric, like haiiynite. In dodecahedrons. Often granular massive.. =5-5. G. 2-25-2-4. Color grayish, bluish, brownish; sometimes black. Translucent to nearly opaque. Comp.-(Q TNa+3 11)2 si3 +~ gIa'=(Na3)2 gi'+3 1Al2 is + 2 a' S:=Silica 36-1, sulphuric acid 8'0, alumina 31-0, soda 24-9=100. A little chlorid of sodium is also present; ratio of chlorid to sulphate about 1: 10. Analyses: 1, 2, Bergmann (Bull. Sci., 1823, iii. 406); 3, Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlix. 515); 4, 5, J. D. Whitney (Pogg., 1xx. 431); 6-9, v. Rath (ZS. G., xvi. 86): Si Al Fe Ca Ka R C1 S 1. L. Laach 38'50 29-25 167 1-14 16-56 - 8-16,'n 100=99'11 Bergm. 2. " 37-00 27'50 1-28 8'14 12-24 11'56, Mn 0-50=99'59 Bergm. 3. " 35'99 3257- 0'06 1-12 17-84 1'85 0'65 9-17=99-22 Varrentrapp. 4. " 36'52 29'54 0-44 1'09 2312 1.7 0.61 66=10034 Whitney. 5. 36-53 29'42 1-62 22-97' 7'13=1.00'99 Whitney. 6. " dk. bn. 36172 29'08 0'75 1-20 23-33 0-83 0'71 7'52, K 0-34=100-48 Rath, G.= 2-281. 7. bh.-gy. 36-69 28'45 0'47 0'63 23'90 2'15 1'05 7'30=100'64 Rath, G.=2-299 8. " gnh. 36'46 29-61 091. 2'37 20'60 2'02 0'70 7134=100 Rath, G.-2'336. 9. " clear 36'87 26-60 0'28 4'05 20'75 0-37 1-08 10'00=100 Rath, G.-2-399. Klaproth, in his analysis (Beitr., vi. 375), obtained Si 43'0, A1 29-5, Fe 2'0, Ca 1'5, Na 19-0, S 10, IH 2'5=98-5. Pyr., etc.-B.B. like hailynite. Gelatinizes in acids, yielding no sulphuretted hydrogen. Obs.-From near Andernach on the Rhine, at Lake Laach, in loose blocks consisting largely of a glassy feldspar, with mica, magnetite, and occasionally zircon, occupying cavities in the feldspar, in small grains or crystals; also found at Rieden and Volkersfeld in a leucite rock. Named after K. W. Nose of Brunswick. 334 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 309. LEUCEITE. Weisse Granaten, Weisse granat-fdrmige Schirl-Crystallen (fr. Vesuvius), J. J. Ferber, Briefe aus Wiilschland, 165, 176, etc., 1773. Basaltes albus polyedrus granati. formis, etc., v. Born, Lithoph., ii. 73, 1775. Schorl blanc Fr. Trl. of Ferber. Grenats blancs calcin6s (fr. Vesuvius, where called Occhio di Pernice, Rome, etc.) de Saussure, J. de Phys., vii. 21, 1776. (Eil de Perdrix, Grenats blancs, altdres par une vapeur acide qui ayant dissout lo fer a laisse les grenats dans un 6tat de blancheur, Sage, Min., i. 317, 1177; de Lisle, ii. 330, 1783. Weisse Granaten Hoffrm., Bergm. J., 454, 474, 1789. White Garnet. Leucit Wern., Bergm. J., i. 489, 1791, Hotpfner's Mag. N. Helvet., iv. 241. Leucite H., J. d. AM., v. 260, 1799. Amphigene H., Tr., ii. 1801. 295 Isometric. Usual form the trapezohedron (f. 295). Cleavage: dodecahedral, very imperfect. Surfaces of crystals A-h,/ (\ even, but seldom shining. Often disseminated in grains; (422 rarely massive granular. H.=5'5- 6. G.=2'44 -256. Lustre vitreous. Color white, ash-gray or smoke-gray. Streak uncolored. Translucent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Comp.-O. ratio 1: 3: 8; K Si+ ~l Si3=Silica 55'0, alumina 23-5, potash 21'5=100. Analyses: 1-4, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 39); 5, Arfvedson (Afhandl. i Fys., vi. 139); 6, Avdejef (Pogg., Iv. 107); 7-9, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xcviii. 142); 10, 11, Bischof (Lehrb., ii.); 12, Rammelsberg (Min. Oh., 999); 13-15, Bischof (1. c.); 16, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xcviii. 150); 17-20, Bischof (1. c.); 21, A. Knop (Jahrb. Min., 1865, 685): Si;Kl Oa a Ta IZ A 1. Vesuvius 53'750 24'625 - -- 21'350 -=99'725 Klaproth. 2. " 53'50 24'25 -- - 20'09 -— =97'84 Klaproth. 3. Pompeii 54'50 23'50 -- -- 1950 -— =97'50 Klaproth. 4. Albano 54' 23 -- - 22' -— 99 Klaproth. 5. Vesuvius 56'10 23'10 - -- 2115 —, Fe 0'95=10130 Arfvedson. 6. " 56-05 23-03 tr. 1'02 20-40 --— 100'50 Avdejef. 7. " 56'10 23'22 -- 0'57 20'59 --— =100'48 Rammelsberg. 8. " 56'25 23'26 0'32 0'43 20'04 --— 100'40 Rammelsberg. 9. " (Q) 56'48 23'14 - 0.50 19-78 0'52=100'42 Rammelsberg. 10. " 57'84 22'85 0'20 6'04 12'45 0'59, Fe 0'14=100'11 Bischof. 11. " 56'49 22'99 0'04 3'77 15'21 1'48=99'98 Bischof. 12. " 57'24 22-96 0'91 0'93 18'61 — =100-65 Rammelsberg. 13. " 55'81 24-23 -- 8-83 10-40 -=99'27 Bischof. G._=2519. 14. L. Laach 54-36 24-23 -- 3'90 16'52 0-64=99-65 Bischof. 15. " 56'22 23'07 0'23 6'40 13 26 -=99'66 Bischof. 16. RoccaMonfina (2)56'36 23'15 0'25 0'25 19'31 0'74, C10'03=100'09 Ramm. G.=2'444 17. " 57'28 22'44 -- 1175 1712 1 41 =1 00 Bischof. 18. " 58'10 22-76 -- 1'78 11736 Bischof. 19. " 56'45 24-35 -- ]'98 17-43 Bischof. 20. " 56'32 23'99 - 2'15 17-54 Bischof. 21. Vogelsberg (~) 56-61 22-92 1-68 2'95 13-65, Fe 2-33=100'14 Knop. Potash, regarded long as an alkali exclusively of the vegetable kingdom, was first found among minerals in this species by Klaproth, whose earliest analysis was made in 1796. Rammelsberg does not find the large proportion of soda announced for some kinds by Bischof. According to Deville, the leucite of the modern Vcsuvian lavas contain more soda than that of the ancient of Somma, the ratio of soda to potash in that of the lava of 1855 being 1: 2'09; in the 1847, 1: 1-67; and in the Somma, 1: 8'21. Specimen for anal. 7 is from lava of 1811, colorless, transparent, G.=2-480; for 8, id., in grains; for 9, 10, pure crystals from the Vesuvian eruption of Ap. 22, 1845;, for 11, id. of Feb. 10, 1847; for 12, id. of January, 1857; for 13, date of eruption not stated; for 14, 15, small crystals, externally somewhat altered; 16, large, fragile, yellow crystals, of feeble lustre and little hardness; 17, the same; 18-20, of different parts of same crystals, 18 the exterior, 20 the interior, and 19 an intermediate portion. By spectral examination, Richter has detected lithia in the Vesuvian leucite. UNISILICATES. 335 Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible; with cobalt solution gives a blue color (alumina). Decomposed by muriatic acid without gelatinization. Obs.-Leucite is confined to volcanic rocks, and to those of certain parts of Europe. At Vesuvius and some other parts of Italy it is thickly disseminated through the lava in grains, and the name levucitophyr and also am9phigenyte has been given to such lavas. It is a constituent in the nephelin-doleryte of Merches in the Vogelsberg (anal. 21); abundant in trachyte between Lake Laach and Andernach, on the Rhine. Vesuvius presents the finest and largest crystallizations. Near Rome, at Borghetta to the north, and Albano and Frascati to the south, some of the older lavas appear to be almost entirely composed of it. The leucitic lava of the neighborhood of Rome has been used for the last two thousand years, at least, in the formation of mill-stones. Mill-stones of this rock have been discovered in the excavations at Pompeii. Named by Werner from XVK6ds, white, in allusion to its color. Eafiy's name, Amphigene, is of later date, and is from aplt, both, and yevvac, to make, in allusion to the existence of cleavage in two directions (which is not a fact), and to his inference therefrom of two "primitive forms" (which is only a notion of his); and it has therefore the best of claims for rejection. Alt.-Feldspar, nephelite, and kaolin occur with the form of leucite, as a result of its alteration. The glassy feldspar pseudomorphs were first announced by Scacehi, and since by Blum. The following are analyses of altered leucite: 1, 2, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 647); 3, C. Stamm (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 287); 4, 5, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 647); 6, Bergemann (J. pr. Ch., lxxx. 418): Si i1 Oa Na K ign. 1. Rocca Monfina 53'32 26'25 0-66 8,76 1'98 9-03=100 Rammelsberg. 2. " 53'39 25-07 0-28 11'94 0'64 9-26=100'58 Rammelsberg. 3. Kaiserstuhl 54-02 22-54 2-90 10'13 0-71 8'93, kg 0'57, Fe 1'35=101'15 Stamm. 4. Vesuvius (22) 57'37 24-25 1'28 5-72 11-09, Mg 0-27-99-98 Rammelsberg. 4A. " decoem. 18-39 12'11 0-56 5'50 4'10, Mg 0-17=40'83 99 Rammelsberg. 4B. " undec. 39'91 11-69 0-40 0'30 6'84 —59'14 5. " 57'62 24-72 0'55 6'32 10'93=100'14 Rammelsberg. 5A. " decoem. 24-00 12'47 0'71 5'25 2-86=45-29 ) 5B. " undec. 34'78 11-58 - tr. 8'64=55-00 - 100'29 Rammelsberg. 6. Oberwiesenthal 60'46 22'11 -- 0-52 13-53, Mg 1-22, Fe 1'98=99'82 Bergemaun. The mineral of 1 and 2 is white and kaolin-like; 3, occurs in trachyte; 4, 5, are Somma crystals, and A, under each, part of same decomposable by muriatic acid; B, part undecomposable; 6, crystal, having H.= —5'5, G.= —2'-5616. No. 3 has nearly the composition of analcite, and was published as of that species. But Rose (Pogg., ciii. 521) and others make it an altered leucite, with the composition of analcite. 1 and 2 are nearly the same in constitution with 3, as Rammelsberg states. 4, 5, correspond, according to Rammelsberg, to a mixture of nephelite (A part) with glassy feldspar (B part); and yet has the composition of a potash-soda- leucite. 6 has the composition and reactions nearly of oligoclase (oxygen ratio, 1: 31: 9'4); it lost.by ignition 1-22 p. c.; 5'97 p. c. were soluble in muriatic acid, and consisted of Si 3'o0,:1 1-60, Fe 0'05, Mg 0'04, Na tr., IK 0'47, Ca, Mn tr. FELDSPAR GROUP. The feldspars are characterized by specific gravity below 2-85; hardness 6 to 7; fusibility 3 to 5; oblique or clinohedral crystallization; prismatic angle near 120~; two easy cleavages, one basal, the other brachydiagonal, inclined together either 90~, or very near 90~; cleavage a prominent feature of many massive kinds, and distinct in the grains of granular varieties, giving them angular forms; close isomorphismn, and a general resemblance in the systems of occurring crystalline forms; twinning parallel to the clinodiagonal section and 0, and sometimes 2-4 (or the corresponding triclinic planes); transition from granular varieties to compact, hornstone-like kinds, called felsites, which sometimes occur as rocks; often opalescent, or having a 336 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. play of colors as seen in a direction a little oblique to i-4; often aventurine, from the dissemination of microscopic crystals of foreign substances parallel for the most part to the planes 0 and I. The protoxyd bases are lime, soda, potash, and in one species baryta; the sesquioxyd only alumina; the oxygen ratio of the protoxyds and sesquioxyds is constant, 1: 3; while that of the silica and bases varies from 1: 1 to 3: 1, the amount of silica increasing with the increase of alkali, and becoming greatest when alkalies are the only protoxyds. The included species are as follows: Crystallization. O. ratio R, i, Si. ANORTHITE Lime feldspar Triclinic 1:3:4 LABRADORITE Lime-soda feldspar 1:3: 6 HYALOPHANE Baryta-potash feldspar Monoclinic 1: 3: 8 AmTDESITE Soda-lime feldspar Triclinic 1: 3: 8 OLIGOCLASE " " " " 1: 3: 9 ALBITE Soda feldspar 1": 3: 12 ORTHOOLASE Potash feldspar Monoclinic 1: 3: 12 The species appear in the analyses beyond to shade into one another by gradual transitions; but whether this is the actual fact, or whether the seeming transitions (when not from bad analyses) are due to mixtures of different kinds through contemporaneous crystallization, is not positively ascertained. The latter is the most reasonable view. It has been shown by Breithaupt and others that orthoclase and albite (or the potash and soda feldspars) occur together in infinitesimal interlaminations of the two species, and that the soda-potash variety called perthite (p. 356) is one of those thus constituted. This structure is apparent under a magnifying power, and also when specimens are examined by means of polarized light. Moreover, these and other feldspars very commonly occur side by side or intercrystallized when not interlaminated; as oligoclase and orthoclase in the granite of Orange Summit, N. Hampshire, and Danbury, Conn.; in obsidian in Mexico; in trachytes of other regions. Such facts show that the idea of indefinite shadings between the species is probably a false one, since the two keep themselves distinct, and, in the perthite and similar cases, even to microscopic perfection. They also make manifest that contemporaneous crystallization is a true cause in many cases. Intermediate varieties may also come through alteration under the agency of infiltrating waters. Water filtrated through powdered feldspar of any kind soon becomes alkaline by taking up part of the bases. Moreover there is a strong tendency to alteration, and the final production of kaolin, a change involving the loss of all the protoxyd bases, and also much of the silica, the oxygen ratio of the silica and alumina being thus reduced to 1: 1: from 3: 1 in orthoclase or albite, and from 2: 1 in labradorite. The species andesite is still a doubtful one. The play of colors, especially remarkable in much labradorite, and occurring also in some adularia, albite, and oligoclase, indicates, according to Reusch (Pogg., cxvi. 392, cxviii. 256, cxx. 95), the existence of a cleavage structure of extreme delicacy transverse to the median or brachydiagonal section. In adularia the plane of this cleavage is perpendicular to this section (or that of the clinodiagonal); in labradorite it is in general more or less inclined, and differently in different specimens. The play of color, Reusch observes, appears therefore to be that of thin plates; yet the linings of what he regards as a cleavage system appear to be of indistinguishable minuteness; and although the existence of thin plates can hardly be established by means of the microscope, it is proved by their effects in the play of colors, nebulous images within, and the phenomena of inflexion or diffraction which result from their regular grouping. There appears to be no connection between the inclination of the plane in labradorite and the colors observed. The play of colors is best seen on a plate polished parallel to the brachydiagonal section (i4), when, as Descloizeaux states, it is turned to the right or left on an axis slightly oblique to the face, which extends toward the obtuse angle between the edges 0/i-i and'/i-i, and makes an angle of about 70~ with the edge 0/i-i; and the maximum effect is produced in two positions situated 45~ to 50~ from one another, which are unequally inclined to the face i-i. The play of colors is independent of the disseminated microscopic crystals of foreign substances which occasion the aventurine effect. The feldspars are intimately related to the isometric species of the Leucite group. Leucite has the oxygen ratio 1: 3: 8, one of the feldspar ratios; so that isometric leucite, monoclinic hyalophane, and triclinic andesite (if this species is sustained), form a trimorphous group. But UNISILICATES. 337 while the form of leucite appears at first sight to be very unlike that of the true feldspars, there is actually approximate isomorphism. For the monoclinic and triclinic forms are strictly oblique or clinohedrized dodecahedrons.* If a dodecahedron be so placed that an octahedral axis, that is, the line between the apices of two of the trihedral solid angles, is vertical, it is then a six-sided prism with trihedral summits. If now this axis be inclined 8~ 6' in one of the 296 diametral planes of the six-sided prism, it will have the inclination of the axis of orthoclase; and this 8~ 6' is the greatest amount of divergence from the dodecahedral angles that occurs in the species. The planes / 3 1, i-i incline to one another at angles near 120~, and correspond to the D o tI 6 vertical planes of the dodecahedron (as above placed). The basal 2 plane 0 is also dodecahedric, for 0 A I= 122~ 16', and O A i-i (dodecahe- 2i\ 2 dric)-90~. The four planes I are also dodecahedric, as shown by their position and inclinations. Thus all the twelve faces of the dode- I cahedron occur in the above figure; they are lettered D. Again, the planes i-8 and 1-i, which replace the edges between the dodecahedric planes I, i-i and 1, 1, with angles near 1500, correspond T D to planes of the trapezohedron 2-2 (that truncating the dodecahedron, D T f. 14), and consequently the figure contains six trapezohedric planes; they are lettered T. Again, the planes 2-/ are cubic; for they make with the dodecahledric plane 0 the angle 135~ 3', varying but 3' from the isometric angle. 2-i is another cubic face; it is inclined to I, a dodecahedric plane, 134~ 19'. There are present, therefore, all six faces of the cube; they are lettered HI. Finally the plane z-i, at the top of the figure (and the only remaining one), lettered O, is octahedric, as shown by its intersections with the cubic, dodecahedric, and trapezohedric faces; and also by its inclination to the cubic face 2-i=124~ 51', and to the dodecahedric face I=145~ 47', these angles in isometric forms being 125~ 16' and 144~ 44'. It follows then that the above figure contains the dodecahedric planes I, 1 i-i, 0, 1, 1, with their opposites, or the whole twelve; the trapezohedric i-3, i-3, 1-i, with their opposites, or six; the octahedric, i-i, with its opposite, or two; and the cubic 2-i, 2-i, 2-i, or all six; and no others. The angles of the oblique cube are 2-i A 2-, over 0,=90~ 6', 2-i A 2-i=96~ 48'. Moreover, the normal apex of the clinohedrized dodecahedron is that part of the crystal occupied by the octahedric plane f-i; in other words, ]-i is normally the basal plane, and not 0; and the true inclination of the vertical axis is 8~ 6' (the angle j-i A i-i being 98~ 6'). Accordingly the two cleavages in orthoclase, parallel to 0 and i-i, are both dodecahedric. Moreover, the directions of twinning are either dodecahedric (parallel to i-i, which is the most common, and 0), or cubic (parallel to 2-i). These relations hold true also for the triclinic feldspars, the only peculiarity in which is that the principal section has slight lateral obliquity, so that the two cleavage planes (dodecahedric) incline to one another 93~ 15' to 94~ 15' instead of 90~. G. Rose, in an article on albite (Pogg., cxxv. 457), alludes to the remarkable fact that the planes 2-i (see p. 349), either side of 0, make with one another in this species very nearly a right angle (90~ 35', Neumann, and 90~ 4', Descloizeaux). The fact is not so surprising when it is observed that the planes 2-i are cubic faces. They correspond to 2-i in orthoclase. 310. ANOIRTHITE:. INDIANITE. Matrix of Corundum (fr. the (Carnatic, India) Bouzrn., Phil. Trans., 1802. Indianite Bourn., Cat., 60, 1817; Phillips, Min., 44, 1823. Anorthit (fr. Vesuv.) G. Rose, Gilb. Ann., lxxiii. 197, 1823. Cristianite (Christianite), Biotina (fr. Vesuv.), Mont. & Cov., Min. Vesuv., 1825. Tankit (fr. Norway) Breith., Schweigg. J., Iv. 246, 1829. Thiorsauit (fr. Iceland) Genth, Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 18, 1848; Thiorsanit bad orthogr. Latrobite (fr. Labrador) Brooke, Ann. Phil., v. 383, 1823; Children, ib., viii. 38, 1824=Diploit Breith., C. G. Gmelin's Chem. Unters. Dipl., Thibingen, 1825. Amphodelit (fr. Finland) _ir:_h Nordensk., Pogg., xxvi. 488, 1832;=Lepolit v. Jossa, Breith. llandb., 531, 1.847. Triclinic. a: b (brach.): c (macrod.)=O086663: 1:1-57548. * See a paper by the author, Am. J. Sci., II. xliv. 406. The following comparisons will. be better appreciated if the reader has before him a dodecahedral crystal (as of garnet), or a model of the form, so placed that a trihedral solid angle shall be at top, and one of the faces of the trihedral summit shall be inclined to the left. The vertical edge to the left will then correspond to the left vertical line of the figure of orthoclase, that is, to the edge I/1; 22 338 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. IA 1'=1200 31' 0 A 2-=137o 22' i- _ A I=117~ 33k' O A i-i, ov. 2-', =85 50 00 A 2-i, ov. 1 —i98 46 i-; A i-i= 116 3 0 A i4, ov. 2-I,=94 10 0 A 1 122 8 J' A i-s'=148 32 O A I'=114 61 0 A 1'=125 43 a=88 48~OAI=110 40 OAi-T, ov. 1-,=87 6 /P=64 4} A 2-i'=-133 14 i-i A 1=121 56 y=86 460 297 [. 29-I -I -I -1'?r o 2-i - -2-i - 2-i' 6-i 6-.' -24 - -2s- - -o -Ii~T 6-1 - 1'6 298 4-i' 4'4-2 4-~ 2-i' 2 2-i 2 2-2 Observed Planes. Cleavage: O, i-i perfect, the latter least so. Twins similar to those of albite. Also massive. Structure granular, or coarse lamellar. HI.=6-7. G.=2-66-2'78; 2-70-2-'75, Iceland, Urals, Corsica; 2'762, massive, Rose; 2-763, amphodelite; 2-668, indianite, Silliman. Lustre of cleavage planes inclining to pearly; of other faces vitreous. Color white, grayish, reddish. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Optic-axial angle large; one bisectrix positive and nearly normal to i-i, the other negative and sensibly oblique to i-i. Var. —. Anorthite was described from the glassy crystals of Somma; and christianite and biotine are the same mineral. Thiorsauite is the same from Iceland. 2. Indianite is a white, grayish, or reddish granular anorthite from India, first described in 1802 by Count Bournon. 3. Anmphodelite is a reddish-gray or dingy peach-blossom-red variety, partly in rather large crystals, from Finland and Sweden; the angle between the two cleavage surfaces (or 0 A i-i) is 94~ 20', and 0 -on edge I/'= 116~. Lepolite of Breithaupt (or, as he says, of von Jossa, who sent it to him) comes from the same region, and is the same variety; some of the crystals are 2 inches long. TJNISILICATES. 339 Latrobite, from Labrador, is pale rose-red, and closely resembles amphodelite. It has three cleavages, affording, according to Brooke, the mutual inclinations 98~ 30', 93~ 30', and 91~, or, according to Miller, 101~ 45', 93~ 30' (= 0 A i-i), and 109~ (- 0 A I'). Named after Rev. 0. J. Latrobe. Walmstedt's "Scapolite from Tunaberg" is anorthite, according to G. Rose (Kryst. Oh. Min., 83). Comp.-O. ratio 1: 3: 4; (a =3] +81)2 SiP=Silica 43'1, alumina 36'9, lime 20'0=100. Analyses: 1, Chenevix (Phil. Trans., 1802, 333); 2, G. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxxiii. 173); 3, 4. Abich (Pogg., ii. 519); 5, Reinwardt (Pogg., 1. 351); 6, Forchhammer (Jahresb., xx. xxiii. 284); 7, Damour (Bull. G. Fr., II. vii. 83); 8, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 22); 9, Erdmann ((Efv. Ak. Stockh., 67, 1848); 10, Nordenskiold (Jahresb., xii. 174); 11, Svauberg (Jahresb., xx. 238); 12, 13, Laugier (Mem. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., vii. 341); 14, G. J. Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. viii.. 391, with corrections priv. contrib.); 15, 16, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xlvi. 387); 17, 18, 0. 0Gmelin (Pogg., iii. 68); 19-21, A. Streng (Jahrb. Min., 1864, 259, B. II. Ztg., xxiii. 54); 22, Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys., II1. xl. 286); 23, R. H. Scott (Phil. Mag., IV. xv. 518); 24, Potyka (Pogg., cviii. 110); 25, Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. xix. 13); 26, A. Streng (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 536); 27, Rammelsberg (MiI. Ch., 590): Si;1 Fe Mg Oa Na K ft 1. Carnatic 42'5 37'5 3'0 -- 15-0 — =98'0 Chenevix. 2. Mt. Somma 44'49 34'46 0'74 5'26 15-68 -- — =10063 G-. Rose. 3. " 44-12 35'12 0'70 0-56 19-02 0'27 0-25 — =100-04 Abich. 4. " 43'79 35-49 0'57 0'34 18'93 0'68 0'54 — =100'34 Abich. 5. Java 46'0 37'0 - -- 14-5 06 -- --— =981 Reinwardt. 6. Iceland, ThiorsA. 47-63 32'52 2'01 1'30 17-05 1'09 0'29 -— =101-89 Forchh. G.=2-70. 7. " " 45'97 33-28 1'12 - 17-21 1'85 -- -, augite 0-69 D. G.=2-75. 8. " Hecla 45-14 32'10 2'03 - 18-32 1'06 0-22 0-31, Mn 0'78a=99-96 Waltersh. 9. Anorthite 43-34 35.37 - 0-35 17'41 0-89 0-52 0'39, Fe 1'35, undec. 0'57=100'19 Erdmann 10. Amphod., Finl. 45-80 35-45 -- 5'05 10-15 - -- 185, Fe 1-70 Nordenskidld. 11. " Tunaberg 44-55 35'91 0'07 4'08 15'02 -- - 060=100-23 Svanberg. 12. Indianite, red 42'00 34'00 3'20 -- 15'00 3'35 - 1'00=98-55 Laugier. 13. " white 43 0 34'5 1'0 - 15-6 2'6 - 1'0=97-7 Laugier. 14. " " 42-09 38-89 - 15'78 4'08 -— =100-84 Brush. 15. Lojo, Lepol. 42-80 35'12 1'50 2-27 14-94 - 1'50 1'56=99-69 Hermann. 16. Orrijirvi " 42-50 33-11 4'00 5-87 10-87 - 1-69 1'50=99'54 Hermann. 17. Latrobite 44-65 36-81 -- 0'63 8-28 - 6-58 2-04,'Mn 3-16=102'16 Gmelin. 18. " 41'78 32'83 -- 5'77b 9'79 - 6-58 2-04=98'78 Gmelin. 19. Neurode 45-05 30'00 1-97 1-29 16-71 1'86 0-48 3'13=100'49 Streng. G.=2'76. 20. Harzburg, cryst. 45-37 34-81 0'59 0-83 16'52 1'45 0-40 0'87-=100-84 Streng. 21. -' massive 42'01 28'63 2'23 tr. 19'11 0'76 1'12 5'03=98-89 Streng. 22. St. Eustache 45-8 35'0 -- 0'9 177 1-0 - — =100-4 Deville. 2:3. Bogoslovsk, Ural 46-79 33-17 3'04 tr. 15-97 1'28 0'55 — =100-31 Scott. G.=2-72. 21. Konchekovskoi, " 45-31 34-53 0'71 0'11 16-85 2'59 0'91 -=10101 Potyka. G.=-273. 25. Carlingford, Irel. 45-87 34-73 - 1-55 17-10 -- - -=99'25 Haughton. 26. Hyffh/iuser Mts. 44-67 34-22 0-88 0'29 11-92 1'57 2-33 4'13=100'01 Streng. 27. Meteoric 44-38 33'73 3-29 0-36 18-07 1-03 0-33 — =101-19 Rammelsberg. a With Ca O and Ni O. b With Mn2 Os. Anal. 23, granular, in dioryte; 24, with hornblende forming a rock; 26, in dioryte, G.=2-77; 27, from meteorite of Juvenas. Genth obtained in an analysis of his Thiorsauite, which is regarded as the same mineral as that of anal. 6, Si 48'36, i1 30-59, Fe 1-37, Mn tr., Mg 0-97, Ca 17-16, Na 1-13, K 0-62=100-20. The Neurode feldspar (anal. 19), from a serpentine rock, gives the 0. ratio 1: 21: 4, and is hydrous, and had probably lost part of its alumina. For an analysis of the same by v. Rath, see Pogg., xcv. 553. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 5 to a colorless glass. Anorthite from Mt. Somma, and indianite from the Carnatic, are decomposed by muriatic acid, with separation of gelatinous silica. Obs.-Occurs in some granites; occasionally in connection with gabbro and serpentine rocks; in some cases along with corundum; in many volcanic rocks. Anorthite (christianite and biotine) occurs at Mount Vesuvius in isolated blocks among the old lavas in the ravines of Monte Somma, associated with sanidin, augite, mica, and idocrase; on the island of Procida near the entrance to the bay of Naples; in the Faroe islands, and on Java; on Iceland, on the plain of Thiorsa, Hecla, and elsewhere (G.=2-69-2-75); near Bogoslovsk in the 340 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Ural (G.=2'72 —273, anal. 23, 24); at Carlingford in Ireland; in the meteoric stone of Juvenas (anal. 27). Amphodelite occurs in Lojo, Finland, in a limestone quarry, and at Tunaberg, Sweden; lepolite, at Lojo and Orrijiirfvi; linseite is probablythe same partly altered (Breith., J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 236), containing a few p. c. of water. Latrobite is from Amitok island, on the coast of Labrador. Indianite is the gangue of corundum in the Carnatic, with garnet, cyanite, and hornblende; the specimen analyzed by G. J. Brush was originally from the hands of Count Bournon, and came from the Indian locality. -Anorthite was named in 1823 by Rose from dvopOeq, oblique, the crystallization being triclinic. Bournon's name, Indianite, derived from the locality in India, was first published in his Catalogue of the Royal Mineralogical Collection, in the year 1817. The species had been described by him as early as 1802 (. c.), and his description is remarkably complete for the time, it including, besides physical characters, a chemical analysis by Chenevix (anal. 1 above) agreeing nearly in essential points with the later by Rose, and quite as well as his, with the true or normal composition of the mineral. Bournon supposed that the grains might be rhombohedral in crystallization; but Brooke, in Phillips' Mineralogy (3d ed.), published in 1823, the year of Rose's publication, announced that there were two cleavages, inclined to one another 84~ 45' and 95~ 15', differing not widely from the same angle (0 A i-i) as ascertained by Rose. Justice seems to require that Bournon's name should be restored to the species. Beudant, in the first edition of his mineralogy, published in 1824, describes indianite in full and called it lime-feldspar, mentioning anorthite only in his index. (hristiainite was named by Monticelli and Covelli after the prince Christian ZFriedrick of Denmark, who explored Vesuvius with them; Amphodelite from alpt, double, and a eAoe, spear, the crystals being often twinned parallel to i-i; Latrobite, after C. F. Latrobe, the discoverer of the variety. For recent observations on cryst., see Descl. Min., i. 294; Hesseub. Min. Not., No. i. 6; Websky, ZS. G., xvi. 530; Kokscharof, Bull. Ac. St. Pet., vii. 326. The angles given are from Kokscharof, whose measurements agree closely with those of Marignac. Alt. —Linseite N. Nordenski5ld, Komonen, Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 1843, 112. Considered altered lepolite, which is from the same mine in Orrijiirvi, Finland. Occurs in large crystals, H.=3'5; G.=2'796 — 2'83; color black externally. The name is sometimes written lindsayite. Sundvikite A. E. Nordenski5ld, Beskrifn. Finl. Min., 113, 1855, and Jahrb. Min., 1858. Feldspar-like in form; G.=2170; from Nordsundvik, Finland. It is regarded as altered anorthite. Rosite and polyargite are pinite-like pseudomorphs; see PINITE. The following are analyses of these minerals: 1, Komonen (1. c.); 2, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xlvi. 393, xlviii. 254); 3, Bonsdorff & Ursin (Ramm. Min. Ch., 593): Si Al Fe Fe Sig Ca;a k Ai 1. Linseite 47'50 35-29 - 7'03 3-56 - - - 6- 62=100 Komonen. 2. " 42'22 27'55 6-98 2-00 8'85 -- 2'53 3'00 7-00=100'13 Hermann. 3. S'undvikite 44-82 30170 - 3'69 1-48 6'81 6'78 -- 3-38, Mn 1'21=9921B. & U. The presence of little lime and of much water is a peculiarity of each of these minerals. 310A. CYCLOPITE von Waltershausen, Vulk. Gest., 292, 1853. Cyclopite occurs in white transparent glassy crystals, with H.=6. According to v. Waltershausen, in crystallization it is triclinic, like anorthite and labradorite. Analysis afforded him (1. c.) Si 41'45, Al 29-83, Ve 2-20, Ca 20'83, Mg 0'66, Na 2'32, K 1-72, H 1'91=100'92. It coats geodes in the doleryte of the Cyclopean islands near Catania. 310B. BARSOWITE G. Rose, Pogg., xlviii. 567, 1839. Massive, of a granular texture, with a nearly perfect cleavage in one direction. H=5-5 —6. G.=2'74-2'752. Lustre more or less pearly. Color snow-white, subtranslucent. Fracture granular or splintery. Optically biaxial (Descl.). Mean of three analyses by Varrentrapp (Pogg., xlviii. 568): Si 4871, A1 33'90, ]/g- 1-54, Ca 15-29=99-44. The analysis corresponds to the oxygen ratio 1: 318: 524. B.B. alone, fuses only on the edges to a vesicular glass. Gelatinizes easily on heating with muriatic acid. The mineral is probably identical with anorthite. Optical characters separate it from scapolite. Occurs in boulders in the auriferous sand of Barsovskoi, as the gangue of the blue corundum, as indianite is the gangue of the corundum of the Carnatic. 3100. BYTOWNITE Thomson, Min., i. 372, 1836. Bytown;ite is a greenish-white, feldspar-like mineral, occurring in boulders at Bytown, Canada, havino G.=2-801: Thomson, 3-733, Hunt. It has'been referred to anorthite, although the analyses give the oxygen ratio nearly 1: 3: 5, as in barsowite. The following are analyses with others of related substances: 1, Thomson (l. c.); 2, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 213, Phil. Mag., IV. i. 322); 3, Tennant (Rec. Gen. Sci., iii. 339); 4, 5, T. S. Hunt (Logan's Rep., 1863, 179); 6, T. Thomson (Min., i. 384, 1836): UNISILICATES. 341 Si A1 Fe Mg Ca a T 1. Bytownite () 47'57 29-65 3'57 0'40 9'06 1'60 1'98=99-83 Thomson. 2. " 47'40 30'45 Fe 0-80 0'87 14-24 2-82 2'00, K 0-38=98-96 Hunt. 3. Bytown 45'80 26-15 Fe 4-70 2-95 16-25 -- 2-00=97'85 Tennant. 4. Yamaska 46'90 31-10 1'35 0'65 16'07 1'77 1-00, K 0'58=99-42 Hunt. 5. Hunterstown 49'10 26'80 0'80 tr. 14'67 und. 1-30-98-96 Hunt. 6..uronite 45-80 33,92 Fe 4-32 1-72 8-04 - 4-16=97196 Thomson. The specimen for anal. 2 was a greenish-white feldspathic rock from a boulder near Ottawa, having G.-=2-73 —" a portion of the specimen upon which Dr. Thomson based the species bytoqvnite." That of 3 was from the same region,but is not called bytownite by Tennant. That of 4 was a feldspar from the intrusive dioryte of Yamaska mountain, having the cleavage surface finely striated; and associated with hornblende and a little sphene; G.=27156 —2163. That of 5 is a pale sea-green feldspar from a boulder; G.=2'695-2-703. Thomson's huronite, anal. 6 (1. c.), is an impure anorthite-like feldspar, related to the above, according to T. S. Hunt (priv. contrib.); excluding the 4-16 p. c. of water, the Si would be 47 p. c. of the remainder. Thomson states that it is infusible. He also says that his bytownite is infusible, which Prof. Brush finds is not a fact. 311. LABRA]DORITE. Labradorstein (under Feldspat) Wern.. Ueb. Cronst., 149, 11 80, Bergm. J.,3715, 1789. Pierre de Labrador Forst., Cat., 82, 1780; de Lisle, Crist., ii. 497, 1783. Labrador Feldspar. Labrador G. Rose, Gilb. Ann., lxxiii. 173, 1823; Breith., Char., 1823. Lime Feldspar. Mornite Thom., Ed. N. Phil. J., xiii. 1832. Silicite Thorm., Phil. Mag., III. xxii. 190, 1843. Saussurite pt. Radauit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv. 87. Triclinic. Observed planes: 0; i-i; 1, I; 2-4; 1, I'. IA /=1210 3 O A'-113~ 311 34 i A 11170 30' 0 A i-T, ov. 24-',-93 20 0 A 24 —98 58 i- A I'-=120 53 O A i-i, ov. 2 —,=86 40 0 A 1=125 28 i-i, left, A 2 —=90 20 O A 1=110 50 0 A 1'=122 42 IA,intwin, 125 Angles from IVlarignac. Rensch gives, as a mean of many measurements, 0 A i-i 86~ 20', O A 1'= 1140 4', i- A I'= 1200 43'. Twins: (1) composition-face i-i; often lamellar from repeated composition of this kind; (2) 0, with the orthodiagonal as the axis of revolution. Cleavage: 0 easy; i-Z less so; I traces. Also massive granular, and grains cleavable; sometimes cryptocrystalline or hornstone-like. -.=6. G.-=2-6-2 -76. Lustre of O pearly, passing into vitreous; elsewhere vitreous or subresinous. Color gray, brown, or greenish; sometimes colorless and glassy; rarely porcelain-white; usually a change of colors in cleavable varieties. Streak uncolored. Translucent-subtranslucent. Comp., Var.-O. ratio 1: 3:6; R tgi +ilSi; or (i3+ +1)2Si + Si;=, if 1 1= 0a + a, Silica 52-9, alumina 30'3, lime 12-3, soda 4-5=100. Var. 1. Cleavable. (a) Well crystallized to (b) massive. Play of colors either wanting, as in some colorless crystals; or pale; or deep; blue and green are the predominant colors; but yellow, fire-red, and pearl-gray also occur. By cutting very thin slices parallel to i-I from the original labradorite, they are seen under the microscope to contain, besides strike, great numbers of minute scales, like the aventurine oligoclase, which are probably gdthite or hematite. The chatoyant colors may be heightened in their effect by these scales, but are not due to them (p. 336). 2. Compact massive, or cryptocrystalline; Labradorite-Felsite. The color sometimes gray to brownish-red; but sometimes porcelain-white. Some of the so-called saussurite is here included. A variety from the gabbro of Baste in the Radau valley, Harz, is called Radauite by Breithaupt. Breithaupt refers to anal. 20; HI.=5; G.=2'766 —2'840; color white to gray; intercleavage 342 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. angle 931~. He also refers here, with a query, a feldspar from Rizzoni in the Tyrol; G. of a specimen not fresh 2'811. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., vi. 250, 1815); 2, S. v. Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 24, 1853); 3, 4, Lehunt (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1832, July, 86); 5, Haughton (Q. J. Sci. Dublin, v. 94); 6, Thomson (Phil. Meag., III. 1843, 190); 7, Svanberg (Jahresb., xxiii. 285); 8, Forchhammer (J. pr. Ch., xxx. 385); 9, Damour (Bull. G. Soc., vii. 88); 10, 11, Kersten (Pogg., 1xiii. 123); 12, Waage (Forh. Vid. Christiania, 1861, 177); 13, Blomstrand (CEfv. Ak. Stockholm, 296, 1854, J. pr. Ch., lxvi. 158); 14, 15, G. v. Rath (Pogg., xcv. 538); 16, Streng (Jahrb. Min. 1864, 267); 17, v. Rath (Pogg., xcv 555); 18, C. F. Chandler (Inaug. Diss., G6tt., 1856); 19, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. xii. 251, 258), 20, Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xi. 101, Min. Ch., 597); 21-23, Streng (B. H. Ztg., xx. 265, xxiii. 53), 24, Segeth (J. pr. Ch., xx. 253); 25, Delesse (1. c.); 26, Abich (Ann. Ch. Phys., lx. 332); 27, 28, Waltershausen (1. c.); 29-33, T. S. Hunt (Phil. Mag., IV. i. 322, ix. 354, and Rep. G. Can., 1851, and 1863, 419); 34, Deville (Et. Geol., 1848); 35, A. Schlieper (Am. J. Sci., II. xi. 121); 36-40, v. Hauer (Verh. G. Reichs., 1867, 12, 14, 58, 59, 60): i Al Fe Mg Ca Na K HI 1. Labrador 55'75 26-50 1-25 -- 11'00 4'00 - 0'5=99'00 Klaproth. 2. " 53175 27'06 0'99 0'47 9658 1-25 7'53 0'62 —101'25 Waltersh. 3. Campsie 54-67 27-89 0'31 0-18 10-60 5'05 0'49 -=9919 Lehunt. 4. Glasgow 52-34 29'97 0'87 -- 12'10 3'97 0'30 — = 99'95 Lehunt. 5. Scavig, Irel. 53-60 29-88 FeO' 20 0o01 11-02 4-92 0-80 0O48=100'97 Haughton. 6. Antrim, Silicite 54'80 28440 -- - — 1240 060, Fe4-0=100-20 Th. 7. Dalarne 52-15 26'82 1-29 1-02 9'14 4'64 1'79 1'75=98'60 Svanberg. 8. Faroe 52'52 30'03 1'72 0-19 12'58 4-51 -- - -=101'55 Forchh. 9. Berufiord, Icel. 52'17 29'22 1'90 -- 13'11 3'40 -- -=99'80 Damour. 10. Egersund, Norw. 52'30 29'00 1'95 0-15 11'69 4-01 0'50 -=99'60 Kersten. 11. " " 52'45 29-85 1'00 0'16 11'70 3'90 0'60 - =99'66 Kersten. 12. Hitteroe 51'39 29'42 2'90 0'37 9'44 5-63 1'10 0-71=100'96 Waage. 13. Sweden 53'82 26-96 1'43 0-20 11'20 5'00 1-34 -=99'95 Blomstrand. 14. Neurode, Sil. 52'55 28-32 2'44 0'48 11'61 4-52 0'64 0-62=101'18 Rath. 15. " 50'31 21731 1'71 0-78 10'57 4-81 1'55 2-20=99-24 Rath. 16.'" 48-54 29-74 0'94 0-68 15-14 2-95 1-37 1-02=100-38 Streng. 17. " Sauss. 50'84 26'00 2173 0-22 14'95 4'68 0'61 1-21=101'24 Rath. 18. Zobten, " 51 76 26-82 1'77 0'35 12-96 4-61 0'62 0'68=99'57 Chandler. 19. Tyrol 52'23 2'773 1-50 0'93 8'28 7-38 0'95=100 Delesse. 20. Baste, Harz, Rad. 51'00 29'51 tr. 0-28 11'29 3-14 2'09 2'48=99-79 Ramm. 21. Ilfeld " 53-11 27-27 Fe2'53 0-91 7-47 5-09 1-08 2-38=99-84 Streng. 22. Harzburg, cryst. 50'60 29'62 2'13 0'53 13'86 2-65 1-21 1'22=101-82 Streng. 23. " Radauite 50'65 27155 0'15 0'30 13-06 2-53 2'19 297= —9940 Streng. 24. Kiew, Russia 55'49 26'83 1'60 0-15 10'93 3-96 0'36 0'51=99'83 Segeth. 25. Greece 53'20 27'31 1-03 1-01 8-02 3-52 3'40 2'51=100-63 Delesse. 26. Etna 53-48 26'46 1-60 1174 9'49 4'10 0'22 0-42, Mn 0'89=98-40 A. 27. " cryst. 63'56 25'82 3'41 0'52 11'69 4'00 0'54 0-95=100-48 Waltersh. 28. " " 55-83 25'31 3-64 0'74 10-49 3-52 0'83 — 100-35 Waltersh. 29. Drummond, Can. 54'70 29-80 0'36 tr. 11'42 2-44 0'23 0'40=99'35 Hunt. 30. Morin, " 5420 29-10 1'10 0'15 11'25 undet. 0-40=96-20 Hunt. 31. Rawdon, " 54-45 28-05 0'45 -- 9'68 6'25 1'06 0-55=100-49 Hunt. 32. Chateau Richer, 55'80 26'90 1-53 0'27 9'01 4-77 0'86 0'45=99-59 Hunt. 33. Montarville, " 53'10 26'80 1-35 0'72 11-48 4'24 0'71 0-60=99'00 Hunt. 34. Guadeloupe, W. I. 54-25 29'89 - 0'70 11'12 3'63 0-33 -=99-92 Deville. 35. Maui, Pacific 53'98 27-56 1-14 1'35 8'65 6'06 0'47 -.=99-21 Schlieper. 36. Illowa 54.53 2737 tr. 9'62 5'98 1-81 1-21=100'52 Hauer. 37. Reesk 55'63 26-74 tr. 9178 5'08 1P61 1'07=99'91 Hauer. 38. Deva 53'74 28172 - tr. 10-69 4'95 1-02 136-=100-48 Hauer. 39. Cziffar 51-72 25'72 4'51 tr. 9-66 3'95 1P02 2'26=98'84 tHauer. 40. Pereu, Vitz. 54'72 27'39 -- -- 7'76 6-66 2-01 0'55=99'09 Hauer. In anal. 2, G.=2'646; anal. 5, from doleryte, of meteoric origin; anal. 6, G.=2'666; 8, G.= 2'68; 9, G.=2'709, trap, ywh.; 10, G.=2'71, brown, massive; 11, G.=2'72, with blue opalescence; 12, G.=2'72; 13, G.=2'68, between Lund and Christianstadt; 14, G.=2'715, hypersthene rock, bh.-gy.; 15, G.=2-707, gabbro, bh.-gy.; 16, O. ratio 1: 2~: 44 or 1~: 3~: 6, gabbro; 17, G.=2'998, color porcelain-white; 18, snow-white, gnh.-w., littlelustre, strp. with uralite; 19, in "melaphyre," between Botzen and Collman, pale gyh.-gn.; 20, G.=2-817, gabbro; 21, G.=2'6, in porphyryte; 22, from gabbro; 23, ib., massive; 25, G.=2-883, in "porphyry," Southern Morea; 27, G.=2'618; 28, G.=2'633; 29, G.=2'697, lavender-blue cleavable feldspar, from a boulder, UNISILICATES. 343 30, G. —2'684-2'695, bluish opalescent, cleavable; 31, G.=2'67, bh.-white, in trap rock; 32, G.= 2'68, pale bh.- or gnh.-gy., lustre of cleavage surfaces vitreous, elsewhere waxy; 33, G.=2-'32-74, from basalt; 34, in trachytic doleryte, central peak; 35, glassy colorless crystals; 36-40 fr. Hungary, in trachyte; 36, G.=2'636; 38, G.=2'598; 39, G.=2'678: 40, G.=2-637. Anal. 36-39 give the 0. ratio 1: 3: 7, intermediate between labradorite and andesite. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 3 to a colorless glass. Decomposed with difficulty by muriatic acid, generally leaving a portion of undecomposed mineral. Obs. —Labradorite is a constituent of some rocks. (]) The cleavable mineral, along with hornblende, composes a granite-like variety of diabase, or a rock resembling dioryte, but having labradorite as the feldspar. (2) If the hornblendic constituent is a dark lamellar variety of either hornblende or pyroxene, or the species hypersthene, the rock is called hyperyte (or hypersthenyte). (3) If the hornblendic mineral is a light lamellar pyroxene (diallage), the rock is called gabbro. (4) If the hornblende and labradorite constitute a homogeneous fine-grained compact mass, the rock is called amphibolyte or diabase; and (5) if the diabase contains distinct crystals of porphyry, it is a diabase porphyry, the green porphyry or oriental verd-antique of Greece (anal. 25) being of this nature. (6) The crypto-crystalline, or felsite variety of labradorite, occurring occasionally in connection with some of these rocks, has been called incorrectly saussurite and jade or nephrite. The above are labradoric metamorphic rocks. There are also the following labradoric intrusive rocks. (7) Doleryte, consisting of labradorite and pyroxene, with generally some magnetite-a rock which, on the one hand, may be light-colored crystalline or granitoid, and on the other, dark-colored compact massive, either porphyrite or not, sometimes crypto-crystalline, and also a cellular lava; it includes much of the so-called trap, greenstone, and amygdaloid. (8) Basalt, similar to doleryte in structure, colors, and varieties, but containing, in addition to labradorite and pyroxene, chrysolite in disseminated grains. Dolerytic and basaltic lavas are the most common of volcanic rocks. (9) Labradorite also occurs in other kinds of lava, and is sometimes found in them in glassy crystals, as in those of Etna and Vesuvius. The labradoric metamorphic rocks are most common among the formations of the Azoic or preSilurian era. Such are part of those of British America, northern NewYork, Pennsylvania, Arkansas; those of Greenland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and probably of the Vosges. Being a feldspar containing comparatively little silica, it occurs mainly in rocks which include little or no quartz (free silica). Many foreign localities are mentioned above. On the coast of Labrador, labradorite is associated with hornblende, hypersthene, and magnetite. It is met with in place at Mille Isles, Chateau Richer, Rawdon, Morin, Abercrombie, and elsewhere, in Canada East; and in boulders at Drummond and elsewhere, Canada West. It occurs abundantly at Essex Co., N. Y.; large boulders are met with in the towns of Moriah, Newcomb, M'Intyre, Westport, and Lewis, N. Y.; also occasionally in Orange, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Warren, Scoharie, and Green Cos. In Pennsylvania, at Mineral Hill, Chester Co., and opposite New Hope, Bucks Co.; in the Witchita Mts., Arkansas. Silicite and mornite are from Antrim, Ireland. Labradorite was first brought from the Isle of Paul, on the coast of Labrador, by Mr. Wolfe, a Moravian missionary, about the year 1770, and was called by the early mineralogists Labrador stone (Labradorslein), and also chatoyant, opaline, or Labrador feldspar. Klaproth's analysis above (No. 1) was the first one made (in 1815). Labradorite receives a fine polish, and owing to the chatoyant reflections, the specimens are often highly beautiful. It is sometimes used in jewelry. Alt.-Labradorite, like anorthite, appears to undergo alteration with considerable facility, it losing lime through infiltrating carbonated or alkaline waters, and receiving water. In some cases, also, it has received considerable iron. The following analyses appear to be of specimens of this altered labradorite. The results are remarkable for either the small proportion of lime or large proportion of iron, or the same of potash or of water, each of which may be regarded as an indication of alteration. Analyses: 1-4, Delesse (1, Ann. d. M., IV. xii. 200; 2, ib., xvi. 342; 3, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xl. 271; 4, Ann. d. M., IV. xvi. 324); 5, Metzger (Jahrb. Min., 1850, 683); 6, v. Rath (ZS. G., ix. 246); 7, Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. 512); 8, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 479): Si A Fe Mg Oa a K II 1. Belfahy, Vosges 52-89 27-39 1-24 -- 5-89 5-29 4-58 2-28, Mn 0'30=99-86 Delesse. 2. P. Jean, 53-05 28-66 1-00 1'51 6'37 4-12 2-80 2-40=99'91 Delesse. 3. Vosgite " 49'32 30'07 0'70 1'96 4-25 4-85 4-45 3-15, Mn 0'60=99-35 Deless. 4. Odern 55-23 24'24 111 1'48 6-86 4'83 3'03 3'05-99-83 Delesse. 5. Clausthal 54'44 25'50 5'33 - 8-05 2'11 0'12 3'65=99-20 Metzger. 6. Graubuindten 53'92 21-51 4-16 1'26 9-41 5'57 1-59 2-76=100'18 Rath. 7. Oberstein 53-89 27-66 0-97 -- 8-28 4-92 1-28 3'00-100 Delesse. 8. Mt. Royal, Can. 53-60 25'40 4'60 0-86 3-62 undet. 0'80 Hunt. 344 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. No. 1 is from a porphyritic rock, G.=2'719; 2, from dioryte; 3, the vosgite, from a porphyry, G.=2-771, color whitish, sometimes slightly greenish or bluish, lustre greasy or pearly; 4, from the euphotide of Odern in Elsace; 5, from an altered diabase-porphyry; 6, from a gabbro, and remarkable for its high specific gravity, G.=2'840; 7, from a porphyritic amygdaloid, a colorless and translucent variety, with G.=2'642; 8, from a basalt (or chrysolitic doleryte), "with a small admixture of augite." Labradorite also occurs changed to calcite (Tschermak). Artif. —Hausmann (Beitr. Eisenhochofenschlacken, 31) has referred to labradorite crystals distributed through the mass of the slag of a furnace at Veckeshagen, which were an inch long, but not well formed; had two cleavages at right angles to one another, with I.=6, G.=2 35; was fusible B.B., but insoluble in muriatic acid; and afforded Si 66-2, A1 10-4, Ca 21-0, Fe 1'9, Mn 0'1 —99'6. Globules of the Variolyte of Durance. These concretionary globules are often half an inch or more in diameter, grayish-green in color, compact in texture, with G.-2'923. A specimen from a locality south of Mt. Genevre, near Briangon, afforded Delesse (Ann. d. M., IV. xvii. 116): Si A1 Fe Vr ] n k1g Ca a K3 ign. 56'12 17'40 7179 0'51 tr. 3-41 8-74 3-72 0-24 1-93=99-86 Carnatite. A feldspar, described by Beudant, occurring at the localities of corundum and indianite in the Carnatic, India, is pronounced by Breithaupt and von KIobell to be labradorite. 312. ANDE.SITE. Andesin Abich, Jahresb., xxi. 167, 1841. Pseudoalbit. Saccharit Glocker, J. pr. Oh., xxxiv. 494, 1845. Triclinic. Approximate angles from Esterrel crystals (Descl.): OA i-, left, 870-88~, 0 A I=1110-1120, 0 AI'=115~, IA i —=1190-120~, I'A i-i= 120, 0 A 2-=1010-102~. Twins: (1) composition-face i-i; (2) double twins, made up of two twins of the kind in (1), one of them reversed, so that there are 4 planes I in front, and at each end there are the planes O and 2-i; (3) double twins, like the last, but one of the parts turned around, so that there are reentering angles between two faces 0 and two i-i, and four planes [in front. Cleavage more uneven than in albite. Also granular massive. II.=5 — 6. G. =261-274; from theAndes, 2-61-2'74; of saccharite, 2-66 —269; from the Vosges, 2-65-2-68; 2'668, Canada, Hunt. Color white, gray, greenish, yellowish, flesh-red. Lustre subvitreous, inclining to pearly. Comp.-o. ratio 1: 3: 8, but varying to 1: 3: 7. Perhaps only a mixture of labradorite with a soda-feldspar. Formula (& (a, Ia)'+a A1)2 Si'33 Si; or with half the excess of silica basic. Analyses: 1, Abich (Pogg., li. 523); 2, 3, Rammelsberg (5th Suppl., 48); 4, Jacobson (Ramm. Min. Ch., 607); 5, Deville (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xl. 283); 6-9, Delesse (Mem. Soc. d'Em. du Doubs, Ann. d. M., V. iii. 374); 10, Varrentrapp (Pogg., lii. 473); 11, Schmidt (Pogg., lxi. 385); 12, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 24); 13, Laspeyres (ZS. G., xviii. 329); 14, 15, v. Rath (ZS. G., xvi. 249); 16-19, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 478); 20, Franke (Ramm. Min. Ch., 609); 21, 22, T. S. Hunt (1. c.); 23, 24, v. Hauer (Verh. G. Reichs., 1867, 13, 81); 25, 26, Sommaruga (Jahrb. G. Reichs., xvi. 397, 1866); 27, A. Streng (Jahrb. Min. 18617, 537): Si Al Fe Mlg Ca Na EK i 1. Marmato 59'60 24'18 1-58 1'08 5'77 6'53 1'08 — =99'92 Abich. 2. " 60'26 25'01 tr. 0'14 6'87 7'74 0'84 -=100'86 Ramm. 3, " 5832 26'52 tr. 0-11 8'18 5'27 2'36 0 60=101-36 Ramm. 4. " 60'14 25'39 0-87 0'53 7'93 7-99 166 — =104-51 Jacobson. 5. " 63-85 24-05 - 0-38 5-04 5-04 0'88 0'76=100 Deville. 6. Vosges, white 58-92 25-05 - 0-41 5-64 7-20 2-06 1-27=9955 Delesse. 7. " red 58-91 24-59 0-99 0'39 4-01 7-59 2-54 0-98=100 Delesse. 8. Chagey 59'95 24'13 1-05 0'74 5-65 5 39 0-81 2'28=100 Delesse. 9. La Bresse 58'55 25'26 0-30 1'30 5-03 6'44 1'50 0'91=99-29 Delesse. 10. Silesia 58-41 25-23 - 0'41 6-54 9'39 -- -— =99-98 Varrentrapp, 11. Saccharite 58'93 23-50 1-27 0'56 5-67 7142 0-05 2'21, Ni 0 39=100 Schmidt. UNISILICATES. 345 Si tl Fe Mg Oa fa k fI 12. Iceland, crust. 60'29 23'75 3'21 0'64 6'29 5'70 0'87 -— =100-75 Waltershausen 13. Niedermendig 57'29 26'78 tr. 0'28 8'01 6'84 -- -=99'20 Laspeyres. 14. St. Valentino 56'79 28'48 -- - 856 6'10 0134 0-24=100'51 Rath. 15. " 58'15' 26-55 - 0-06 8-66 [6'28] 0'30=100 Rath. 16. Chateau Richer 59'80 25'39 0'60 0'11 778 5'14 1'00 -— =99'82 Hunt. 17. " 5955 25-62 0,75 tr. 7'73 5'09 0'96 0'45=100-15 Hunt. 18. " 57-20 26'40 0'40 -- 8'34 5'83 0'84 0'20=99'66 Hunt. i9. 58'50 25'80 1'00 0'20 8'06 5'45 1'16 0'40= 100.57 Hunt. 20. " 58'38 23'86 1'18 0'10 7-83 6'05 1-68 1'03=100'11 Franke. 21. St. Joachim 57'15 27'10 - 87'3 5-38 0'79 0'20=99'75 Hunt. 22. Lachute 58'15 26'09 0'50 0'16 7'78 5'55 1'21 0'45=-99'89 Hunt. 23. Nagy-Sebes 57-20 25-12 - tr. 6'96 7'28 1-87 1'68=100'11 Hauer. 24. Cziffr 60'10 17-62 7'03 1-85 2'24 4'01 3'82 2-11=98'78 Hauer. 25. RKussahora, bk. 57'70 20-79 8'35 1'71 5'45 tr. 3'99 3'84=101'83 Sommaruga. 26. " bk. 58'21 22'22 7'30 0'73 5'18 tr. 3'96 2-75=-100'35 Sommaruga. 27. KyffhuiuserMts. 59'16 25'97 1'04 0'03 9'23 3'91 0'47 0-68, ]Ba, Sr tr.=100'49 Str. a Probably some mixed quartz. In anal. 1, G.-2'733; 2, G.=2-674; 3, G.=2-68 —2688; 4, G.=2-679; 5, G.=2-61; 6, from Ser. vance, G.=2'683; 7, fr. Coravillers, G.=3-651; 8, G.=2 —236; 12, G.= —265; 14, "tonalyte," fr. Tyrol, G.=2-695; 15, G.=2-676; 16, G.=2-688; 18, lavender-blue, subtransp., cleavable, curved surfaces; 19, gnh. base of preceding, granular; 21, in a boulder; 22, G.=2-687; 23, G.=2'585; 25, G.=2'853; 26, G.-=2'607; 27, in dioryte, G.=2-69. Other analyses: v. Rath, ZS. G., ix. 259. Of these analyses all but No. 5, by Deville, afford rather closely the oxygen ratio 1: 3: 8. No. 5 gives 0-80: 3: 8-91. Nos. 24 to 26 have part of the alumina replaced by iron, and probably in consequence of alteration, as the black color, little soda, and much potash would indicate. Pyr., etc.-Andesite fuses in thin splinters before the blowpipe. Saccharite melts only on thin edges; with borax forms a clear glass. Imperfectly soluble in acids. Obs.-Occurs in the Andes, at Marmato, as an ingredient of the syenite-like rock called andesyte; in the porphyry of l'Esterel, Dept. of Var, France; in the syenite of Alsace in the Vosges; white at Servance, red at Coravillers; in the porphyry near Chagey, Haute Saone; at Vapnefiord, Iceland, in honey-yellow transparent crystals (anal. 12); at Baumgarten in Silesia (anal. 10); in the Tyrol, south of Tonale, in Mt. Adamello, in a granite-like rock called tonalyte, consisting of this feldspar, according to v. Rath, with much quartz, some orthoclase, biotite, and hornblende. Saccharite is granular massive, with traces of cleavage in one direction, occurring in veins in serpentine at the chrysoprase mines near Frankenstein, in Silesia. In North America, found at (Chdteau Richer, Canada (anal. 16-20), forming with hypersthene and ilmenite a wide-spread rock; color flesh-red. Alt.-The following are analyses of altered andesite in addition to 24 to 26 above: 1, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 608); 2-4, Deville (Bull. Geol. Fr., II. vi. 410); 5, Francis (Pogg., lii. 471). No. 2 is of the mass of a crystal, 2A of the interior, 2B of the exterior portion: Si Al Pe Mg Ca Na K HA 1. Esterrel Mts. 58'32 26-52 -- 011 8-18 5-27 2-86 060= —10136 Ramm. 2. " 5907 26-67 - 058 7-96 4'95 tr. 077= —100 Deville. 2A. " 57-01 28-05 0'39 7'53 5'47 0'12 1-43=100 Deville. 2B. " 52-42 24:78 - 051 15'02 5-10 0'14 2-05=100 Deville 3. Hungary 53'92 26-69 1-20 1-68 6'98 4-02 1-20 1-40, Ca 2-93=100-02 Deville. 4. Marmato 58'11 28-16 -- 1-52 5'35 5-17 0'44 1'25=100 Deville, G.=2'62. 5. Popayan 56-72 26-52 0-70 - 9'38 6-19 0-80 -— =101-31, Francis; G.=2-64. The oxygen ratio for 1 is 1: 3: 75; 2, 09:3: 7-5; 2A, 0'84:3::70; 2B, 15:3: 7'3; 3, 0-9: 3: 6-9; 4, 0-8: 3: ~72; 5, 1: 3: 7-2. The mineral of the Esterrel Mts., near Frejus in southern France, occurs in a rock called porphyry. Deville's analyses leave no doubt as to the alteration. The analysis by v. Rath (No. 14, above) also gives nearly the ratio 1: 3: 7; and the next, 1: 3: 7. No. 4, from Marmato, contains 1-4 p. c. of carbonate of lime. Deville takes the ground, as a result of his analyses, that all andesito is altered oligoclase, the oxygen ratio of which is 1: 3: 9; and the same result was earlier suggested by G. Rose and Bischof. Deville's analyses of the Marmato andesite gave him nearly the oligoclase ratio. Andesite changes also to kaolin. That of La Bresse, studied- by Delesse, is in part in this condition, being soft and crumbling; and in part less changed and of a reddish color. 346 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 313. HYALOPHANE. Hyalophan v. Waltershausen, Pogg., xciv. 134, 1855, c. 548. Monoclinic, like orthoclase, and angles nearly the same. Observed planes: 0; vertical planes, I, i-i, i-a; hemidomes, 1-i, *-i; clinodome, 2-T. C (by calc.) 64~ 16' IA I=118~ 41', IA i- =120o 36, 0 A 1-i=1300 55}', IA 1-i=1110 55'. Cleavage: O perfect, i-4 somewhat less so. In small crystals, single, or in groups of two or three. H.=6 —6'5. G. 2' 80, transparent; 2'905, translucent. Lustre vitreous, or like that of adularia. Color white, or colorless; also flesh-red. Trans parent to translucent. Comp.-O. ratio for R, R, Si=l: 3: 8; formula (n (Sa, K)"+~ _1)2 Si3+ 3 Si, or like andesite and leucite, except that the protoxyds are mainly baryta and potash. Analyses: 1, Uhrlaub (Pogg., c. 548); 2, same, the impurity, sulphuric acid and part of baryta as sulphate, being removed; 3, Stockar-Escher (Kenng. Uebers. 1856-57, 101); 4, Petersen (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 102); Igelstr6m ((Efv. Ak. Stockh. 1867, J. pr. Ch., ci. 434): Si Al Mg Ca Ba Iia f y S 1. Binnen 45-65 19-14 0'73 0'77 2133 0'49 8'23 0'54 4'12 =1061 Uhrlaub. 2. " 51-30 21'50 0-84 0'87 15'11 0'55 9,25 0'58 --— 100 Uhrlaub. 3.' 52-67 21-12 0'04 0-46 15'05 2'14 7'82 0-58 — 99'88 St.-E. 4. " 51'84 22'08 0'10 0'65 14'82 10'03 0'48 -— 100 Petersen. 5. Jakobsberg, Swed. 51-14 22-86 3-10 4-28 9'56 [9'06] -- -=100 Igelstr'm. Anal. 2 gives the 0. ratio 1: 2'6: 7, and 3, 1: 2'8:7'8; and 4 agrees well with No. 3. No. 6 contains less baryta and more lime. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses with difficulty to a blebby glass. Unacted upon by acids. Obs.-Occurs in a granular dolomite, along with white barite, greenish tourmaline, mica, realgar, dufrenoysite, and sphalerite, near Imfield, in the valley of Binnen in the Valais, in crystals 2 or three lines long, and rarely larger; also at the manganese mine of Jakobsberg in Sweden, in limestone with a manganiferous epidote (p. 283), looking much like common flesh-red orthoclase. A massive variety accompanies it, containing according to Igelstr6m (1. c.) Si 50'90,:A1 h1'09, Oa 13'30, 13a 3'50, alkalies, Mg and Mn, 11'21 undetermined. 314. OLIGOOOLASE. Natron-spodumen Berz., Arsb., 160, 1824=Soda-spodumene. Oligoklaii Breith., Pogg., viii.'9, 1826. Hafnefjordit, Kalkoligoklas, Forchhammer, Skand. Nat. samm i Stockholm, July, 1842. Aventurine Feldspar-Sunstone pt. Triclinic. Observed planes (see, for position, the table under anorthite or albite) O; 2-4, i-i, 2-~; i-9; d-3; -2, I, 2 1; 2-4, 4-4, 1-4; -2', IP, 2, 12/; 299 IA1' =120o 42' OA 1=1230 51' O A i-I, ov. 2-', =93 50 O A 1'= 121 15 O A i-i, ov. 2-i, -86 10 0 A 1 —=127 6 O A 1=110 55 0 A 2-i, ov. 1-T,=97 22 ~ \ O A' 114 40 d-Y A 1- 120 24 0 A 2-'=136 23 i-iA 1=118 54 0 A 2-i= 132 40 1' A i-'-=150 30 x2 3 jI IpZA i-5=14T 30 1 2i Cleavage: O, i-1, perfect, the latter least so. 1it Twins: similar to those of albite. Also massive. H.=6 —7. G.=2'56 2' 72; mostly 2'65-2-69. Lustre vitreo-pearly or waxy, to vitreous. Color usually whitish, with a faint tinge of grayish-green, grayish-white, reddish-white, greenish, reddish; UNISILICATES. 347 sometimes aventurine. Transparent, subtranslucent. Fracture conehoidal to uneven. Comp., Var.-O. ratio 1: 3: 9; ( (&a, C4a)3+1 A1)2 gi3+3t gi; or else with half the excess of silica basic;=, taking R as soda alone, Silica 62'1, alumina 23-7, soda 14'2=100. Part of the soda is replaced by lime. Var. 1. Cleavable; in crystals or massive. 2. Compact massive; oligoclase-felsite; includes part, at least, of the so-called compact feldspar or felsite, these consisting of the feldspar in a compact, either fine granular or flint-like state, containing free silica disseminated through the mass. In those here included, the feldspar is a soda-feldspar, and it is often difficult to distinguish them from albite-felsite. See under ALBITE for analyses. 3. Aventurine oligoclase, or sunstone. Color grayish-white to reddish-gray, usually the latter, with internal yellowish or reddish fire-like reflections proceeding from disseminated crystals of probably either hematite or g6thite. Much oligoclase has a faint greenish tinge and pearly lustre, in which it somewhat resembles spodumene, whence the name soda-spodumene. Only the oligoclase of lavas or trachytic rocks has G. below 2-6. Hafnefiordite (anal. 36) contains the protoxyds of an andesite or labradorite, and may not belong here. 4. Moonstone pt. A whitish opalescence. Analyses: 1, 2, Berzelius (Jahresb., iv. 147, xix. 302); 3, L. Svanberg ((Efv. Ak. Stockholm, iii. 111); 4, R. Hagen (Pogg., xliv. 329); 5, Rosales (Pogg., iv. 109); 6, Francis (Pogg., lii. 410); 7, Bodemann (Pogg., Iv. 110); 8, Jevreinof (B. HI. Ztg., 1853, No. 12); 9, Chodnef (Pogg., lxi. 390); 10, Jevreinof (1. c.); 11, Scheerer (Pogg., lxiv. 153); 12, 13, Kersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii 173, Jahrb. Min. 1845, 653); 14, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 830); 15, Delesse (Ann d. M., IV. xix. 149); 16, Kerndt (J. pr. Ch., xliii. 218); 17, Wolff (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 234); 18, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lvi. 611); 19, v. Rath (ZS. G., ix. 226); 20, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxiv.); 21, Seneca (G. Beschr. Baden, 1861-62); 22, Delesse (Bull. G. Soc., II. vii. 310); 23, Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys., lix. 108); 24, Damour (Ramm. 5th Suppl., 178); 25-27, Haughton (Rep. Br. Assoc., 1863, 56); 28-30, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 211, xvi. 44); 31, C. T. Jackson (Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 107); 32-35, Deville (C. R., xix. 46, Et. Geol. Teneriffe, 1848); 36, Forchhammer (Skand. Nat. S. Stockholm, 1842); 37, Fouque (Ramm. Min. Ch., 614); v. Ilauer (Verh. G. Reichs., 1861, 60); 39, 40, A. Streng (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 537): Si x1 Fe MIg Ca fwa R I 1. Danviks-Zoll 63-70 23-95 0-50 0-65 2-05 8'11 1-20 --— =100'16 Berzelius. 2. Ytterby, " 61-55 23'80 - 080 3-18 9-67 0'38 --— =99-38 Berzelius. 3. Sala, " 59'66 23'28 1'18 0-'36 5-17 5'61 1'75 1'02, und. 0'82=98'85 S. 4. Arendal, " 63'51 23-09 - 077 2-44 9-37 2'19 — =101'37 Hagen. 5. " ywh. 62-70 23-80Fe 0-62 0-02 4-60 8-00 1-05 -— =100-79 Rosales. 6. Ajatzkaja, Ural 61'06 19'68 4'11 1'05 2'16 7'55 3-91 -=99'52 Francis. 1. Schaitansk, " 64'25 22-24 0'54 1'14 2'57 1'98 1'06 -— =99'6 Bodemann. 8. Emerald mine," 60'63 26-35 0-40 0-25 4'15 5'60 1'17 -— =98-55 Jevreinof. 9. Kimito, Finl., red 63-80 21'31 - - 0'47 12'04 1'98 -— =99'60 Chodnef. 10. Pitkiranta " 60'97 26-40 - 0-39 6-36 6-38 0'66 --— 100'16 Jevreinof. 11. Tvedestr'd, Sunst. 61'30 23'77 0'36 - 4'78 8'50 1-29 — =100 Scheerer. 12. Near Freiberg 62-97 23'48 0-51 0-24 2-83 7'24 2'42 — 99'69 Karsten. 13. Marienbad, Boh. 63-20 23-50 0'31 0-25 2-42 7'42 2-22 — =99-32 Kersten. 14. Zrnin, " 63-16 23-16 - - 3'00 9-72 0-17 0-'9=100-00 Hauer. 15. Visembach 63'88 22'27 0-51 tr. 3-45 6-66 1-21 1-70=98-68 Delesse. 16. Boden 61-96 22'66 0-35 0-10 2-02 9'43 3-08 —, n 0-40=100 K. 17. Flensburg, Sil. 64-30 22-34 - -- 4-12 9'01 -- -=97'77 Wolff. 18. Warmbrunn, " [6394] 23-11 tr. tr. 2-52 7'66 2-17 -=100 Ramm. 19. Albula, Grisons 62'01 21-16 2-54 0-78 3-53 5'94 4'33 -=-100-29 Rath. 20. Mer-de-Glace 63-25 23-92 tr. 0-32 3-23 6-88 2-31 -,'n tr.=99'91 D. 21. Goggenau 63-63 22'52 - 0'44 3-85 8-39 2'29 -=101-12 Seneca. 22. Quenast, Belg. 63'70 22-64 0-53 1-20 1-44 6'15 2-81 1-22=99-69 Delesse. 23. Ariege 62-60 24'60 0-01 0-20 3'00 8-90 - -=99-40 Laurent. 24. Elba 62-30 22-00 0 44 - 4-86 8-20 0-94 -— =98-74 Damour. 25. Garvary Wood, 1. 60-56 24-40 0'40 0'04 5'96 6-46 1-76 -— =99-58 Haughton. 26.?' 59-28 22-96 1-94 0-21 4-65 6-48 2-38 -, Mn 0'32=98'32 IE 27. Knader, " 62-40 23-60 - 0'08 5-62 7-04 1-66 -— =100-40 Haughton. 28. Unionville, Pa. (-) 64-27 21-21 tr. 0'58 0-81 10-94 1'36 1-08=100-25 S. & B. 29. Danbury, Ct. () 63176 22'56 tr. tr. 3'09 9172 0'55 0-26=99-94 S. & B. 30. Haddam, " (2) 64-26 21-90 - tr. 215 9-99 0'50 0'29=99'09 S. & B. 31. Chester, Mass. 62-00 24-40 - 0'70 3650 8'07 - 1-00=99-67 Jackson. 348 OXYGEN COMPOUND-S. Si X1 e Mg Oa Na Ek A 32. Teneriffe 62-97 22-29 054 2-06 8'45 3'69 -= 00 Devilie. 33. " 63'81 21-98 ---- 066 1'10 9'46 2'99 -=100 Deville. 34. " 62'54 22'49 - 0'41 2'18'784 4'54 — =100 Deville. 36. " 61'55 22'03 - 047 2'81 7'74 3'44 -— 98-04 Deville. 36. HEafnefordite 61'22 23-32 2'40 0-36 8'82 2'56 tr. -— 98'68 Forchh. 37. L. Laach 63'5 22-1 - 1-8 0'3 8'9 3'4 -— =100 Fouque. 38. Schemnitz 59'49 23-88 - -- 620 4'36 4'09 0-99=99'01 Hauer. 39. Kyffhliuser Mts. 60-94 24'22 1-66 t-. 3'94 7'65 0'95 079, Sr tr.-100-15 S. 40. " " 60'01 21-66 1'54 0'68 5'15 7'08 1'37 2'59, Ba, Sr, Li, tr.= 100'08 Streng. A brownish feldspar from Borodin, Finland, afforded S. v. ~Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 26) Si 63'20, Xl 18-41, Fe 0-20, Mg 0'87, Ca 011, Na 0'52, K 14'41, II 057 =9829. It may be an orthoclase. G.-=2583. No. 9 may be mainly albite, judging from the amount of soda. In anal. 3, G.=2-69; 8, G.=2'656; 9, G.=2'63; 11,G.=2'656; 12, G.=2'65; 13,.= —2631; 16, G. —266-2-68, in mica schist; 17, G.=2-651; 19, G.=2-72, ign.=-105; 24, G.=-2662; 28,.-=2-61; 31, G.=2'586, H.=7=15, granular with emery; 33, G.=2'594; 34, G.=2-58 —259, in trachyte; 35, G.-=2592, in trachyte; 37, G.=2-56, in lava; 38, G.=2'635; 39, 40, in dioryte, G.= — 263- 264; Nos. 1 to 31, in metamorphic rocks, granite, gneiss, porphyry, syenite, and dioryte; 32-31 in lavas or volcanic rocks. Some of the analyses vary from the oxygen ratio 1: 3: 9 toward 1: 3: 12, and Scheerer in the Handw. Chem. of Liebig, Poggendori; etc., makes intermediate varieties, shading into both albite and orthoclase, one called by him oligoclase-albite, the other oligoclase-orthoclase-see under orthoclase and albite. But as explained elsewhere, these probably arise from mixture. Other analyses: from Ytterby, Haughton, Q. 0G. J., xviii. 412; from Dockweiler, in the Eifel, A. Streng, B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 53; from granite of the Ockerthal and of Meineckeburg, Fuchs, ib. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 3'5 to a clear or enamel-like glass. Not materially acted upon by acids. Obs.-Occurs m porphyry, granite, syenite, serpentine, and also in different eruptive rocks. It is sometimes associated with orthoclase in granite, or other granite-like rock. Among its localities are Danviks-Zoll near Stockholm; Kimito in Finland, forming with quartz and mica the granite containing columbite; Pargas in Finland; Ari6ge and Arendal, with calcite, epidote, etc., crystals sometimes 2 or 3 in. long; Schaitansk, Ural, greenish, in a gangue of quartz and mica and yellowish-white feldspar; in gneiss of the Schwarzwald of Goggenau, north-east of Baden; in syenite of the Vosges; in a micaceous dioryte (called kersantlyte) at Visembach in the Vosges; in protogine of the Mer-de-Glace, in the Alps; in euphotide at Lavaldens, Department of Isere; at Albula in the Grisons; in a dark green porphyry at Quenast in Belgium; in mica schist at the Emerald Mine of the Urals, and at Boden near Marienberg; in the amphibolyte of Marienbad, Bohemia; in a green porphyry (oligoclase-porphyry of Rose), near Elbingerode in the Harz; in diabase of the Harz; the Fichtelgebirge; Chalanches in Allemont and Bourg d'Oisans; as sunstone at Tvedestrand in the Christiana-fiord, Norway; at Hitterie, Lake Baikal; at the North Cape, near Hammerfest; in Donigal, Ireland, in granite, with orthoclase, etc.; in Iceland, colorless, at Hafnefjord (hafnefiordite). The oligoclase-porphyry is called oligophyre by Coquand; near St. Raphael in the Dept. of Var, in France, a rock of this kind has a beautiful turquois-blue color, is very hard, and encloses crystals of oligoclase; G.-=261. In lavas and trachyte (oligoclase-trachyte) at Teneriffe, and in the Euganean Mts. near Padua; in the domyte (trachyte) of Puy de Dome; in doleryte at L. Laach; in pumice at Arequipa in Peru; in obsidian, with sanidin, at Zimapan in Mexico. In the United States, at Unionville, Pa., with euphyllite and corundum, G.=2-61; also at Danbury, Ct., with orthoclase and danburite; Haddam, Ct., often transparent, with iolite and black tourmaline; Mineral Hill, Delaware Co., Pa., called moonstone; at Orange summit, N. Hamp., slightly greenish, and pearly; at the emery mine, Chester, Mass., granular, with H.-=-5, G.=2'586; at Dixon's quarry, Del. Named in 1826 by Breithaupt from 6iy7og, little, and KXic, to cleave. Berzelius had previously (in 1824) recognized it. as a new mineral from specimens from Danviks-Zoll; and he afterward named it natron-spodumene (soda-spodumene). Alt.-Occurs altered to kaolin and natrolite. The change to kaolin takes place more easily than in orthoclase, as shown by the longer resistance of the latter when both occur in the same rock (Laspeyres, ZS. G., xvi. 387). 315. ALBITE. Feltspat hvit pt. Wall., 65, 1747. Feldspath pt., Schorl blanc pt., de Lisle, Crist., ii. 409, PI. v., f. 15, 16, 1783. Krummblitteriger Feldspath lledenberg, Afh., i. 118, 1806. Albit Gahn & Berz., Afh., iv. 180, 1815. Tetartin Breith., Char., 1823. Soda Feldspar. VAR. introd. as species. Cleavelandite (fr. Chesterfield) Brooke, Ann. Phil., II. v. 381, 1823. UNISILICATES. 349 Periklin Breith., Char., 1823; Pericline. HIyposklerit (fr. Arendal) Breith., Schw. J., iii. 316, 1830. Peristerite (fr. Perth, Can.)Thom., Phil. Mag., III. xxii. 189, 1843. Olafit Breith., B. H Ztg., xxv. 88=Oligoklas.AlbitScheerer, Pogg., lxxxix. 17. Felsite, Petrosilex, or Lelleflinta pt., Swed. Adinole (fr. Sala) Beud., Tr., ii. 126, 1832. Triclinic. IA I1= 1200 47' 0 A 2-i, ov. 1-i,= 970 54: i~ - A i-5 1490 351 O A i-i, ov. 2 —',=93 36 O A -=150 3 i-q A i-g'=149 38 O A i-,i ov. 2-~, =86 24 i-i A 1'-113 41 1 A 1-'=123 6 O A I'=114 42 - A 1=120 11 IA 1 —=125 3 O A 1=110 50 i-i A 1=117 53 2-4 A 2-'= — 90 4 O A 2-' —136 50 i-i A 1=119 40 I' A 2 —- 138 34 O A 2-= 133 14 300 301 304 305 ~0 I |i i-9' i | I lr'1 %9/l~r rd _12-_ __2-i 2' 1_ 2- 302 303 3... 1 24 i I o I/ li~lii ~ i~v 1 s f~~IZ 1' I___ _ ObservedPlanes. Add 6'. Pericline. Middletown, Ct. 307 306 308 2 2 /z, Roc-tourne, Savoy. Roc-tourne, Savoy. Cleavage: O, i-q perfect, the first most so; 1-i sometimes distinct. Twins: 1. Composition-face i-i, axis of revolution normal to i-i, the most common, 350 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. f. 301. 2. C.-face and revolution the same, but (f. 307) the two halves by mutual penetration crossing along a medial vertical line, so that the right quarter in front is continued in the left quarter behind, and the left in front in the right behind, the upper and undei- planes 0 meeting in a reentering angle, and the 2-i on either side in a salient angle-making an intersecting twin, having the aspect of a double twin of four crystals in which the two diagonally opposite are alike in position. 3. C.-face the same, but axis of revolutionparallel to i-i, and vertical, producing the form in f. 304, the planes 0 and 1 above (or below) being very nearly in the same zone (the plane angle of i-i, which the edges of I and 0 make, being 116' 26', and that which the edges of I and 1 make being 1150 55', differing only 31'); also exemplified in the double twin, f. 308, the two halves of which are twins like f. 307; may be right or left-handed, according to which half is revolved; also in other similar double twins (fr. Middletown, Ct.), in 3which the two halves are like f. 305. 4. C.-face parallel to O., and revolution on a /O 0 horizontal axis normal to the shorter diago/ p - nal of O, as in f. 309; the twin right or leftI \- Zv,> Lihanded, according as the part revolved is the upper or lower. 5. The last kind (4), combined with the first (1), making double twins. Also massive, either lamellar or granular; Pericline. the laminte sometimes divergent; granular varieties occasionally quite fine to impalpable..=-6 —7. G.=2-59 —2'65; 2-612, Finbo, Eggertz; 2'619, Broddbo. Lustre pearly upon a cleavage face; vitreous in other directions. Color white; also occasionally bluish, gray, reddish, greenish, and green; sometimes having a bluish opalescence or play of colors on O. Streak uncolored. Transparent —subtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var.-O. ratio 1: 3: 12; (1 7!Ta3+- t1)2 Sis + 6 5i, or with half the excess of silica basic, -Silica 68'6, alumina 19'6, soda 11'8=100. A small part of the soda is replaced usually, if not always, by potash, and also by lime. But these differences are not externally apparent. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) In crystals or cleavable massive. The angles vary somewhat, especially for plane I'; IA I'=122~ 15', G. Rose; 121~ 45', Marignac and Descloizeaux, as mean of many measurements of St. Gothard crystals; 0 A I'= 11 5~ 5', Rose; 114~ 52', M. and D. (b) Aventurine; similar to aventurine oligoclase and orthoclase. (c) Moonstone; similar to moonstone under oligoclase and orthoclase. Peristerite is a whitish adularia-like albite, slightly iridescent, having G.= 2'626; named from 7repoarepa, pigeon, the colors resembling somewhat those of the neck of a pigeon. (d) Pericline is in large, opaque, white crystals, short and broad, of the forms in fig. 308, 309. G.-2'641; IA I'-= 120~ 317', Breith.; from the chloritic schists of the Alps. (e) Hyposclerite is blackish-green, from Arendal; H.=5-5; G.=2-63 —2'66; it contains, according to Rammelsberg, 5 p. c. of pyroxene. lHermann figures (J. pr. Ch., xlvi. 396) a crystal having the planes and nearly the form of f. 302. Named from'vr6, under, K,,176s, hard, with reference to the inferior hardness. (f) Lamellar; cleavelandite; a white kind found at Chesterfield, Mass., and named after Dr. P. Cleaveland, the mineralogist. 2. Compact; albiticfelsite; smooth on surface of fracture, whitish, grayish, or reddish-gray in color, and very tough. H.=6'5 — 5; G.=2'6 —2'65. See also under OLIGOCLASE. Analyses; 1, G. Rose (Gilb. Ann., lxxiii. 173); 2, Tengstrdm (Ann. Phil., 1824); 3, Stromeyer (Untersuch., 300); 4, Laurent (Ann. Ch. Phys., Ix.); 5, Thaulow (Pogg., xlii. 571); 6, Brooks (Pogg., lxi. 392); 7, Abich (B. H. Ztg., i.); 8, Erdmann (Jahresb., xxi. 192); 9, Abich (Pogg., 1i. 526); 10, C. G. Gmelin (Pogg., vii. 19); 11, Kersten (Jahrb. Min. 1845, 648); 12, Diday (Cryst. from melaphyre of Agay, Ann. d. M., V. ii. 184, 193); 13, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxix. 305); 14, Lohmeyer (Pogg., lxi. 390); 15, Desclabissac (ZS. G., x. 207); 16, Scheidtauer (Pogg., 1xi. 393); 17, Richter (Pogg., lxxxix. 17); 18, Rube (ZS. G., xiv. 49); 19, Redtenbacher (Pogg., lii. 48) 20, UNISILICATES. 351 21, Brush and Weld (Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 390); 22, T. S. Hunt (Phil. Mag., IV. i. 222, Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 212); 23, F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxviii. 249); 24, E. H. Twining (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxi. 357); 25, 26, Boye & Booth (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., ii. 190): Si I Fe Sig Oa Na K 1. Arendal 68-46 19'30 0'28 - 0'68[1127] -=100 G. Rose. 2. Finland 67'99 19-61 0'70 -- 0'66 11'12 — =100'08 Tengstrdm. 3. Chesterfield 70'68 19'80 0'11 - 023 9'06 — =99'88 Stromeyer. 4. " 68-4 20-8 0'1 -- 02 10'5 — =100 Laurent. 5. St. Gothard, cryst. 69'00 19'43 - -- 020 11'47 — =100'10 Thaulow. 6. St. Gothard, wohite 67-39 19-24 - 0'61 0-31 6'23 677=-100-55 Brooks. 7. Miask, cryst. [68'45] 18'71 0'27 0'18 0-50 11-24 0'65, Mn tr.=100 Abich. 8. Brevig 69'11 19'34 0'62 tr. tr. 10'98 0'65, in tr.=100'10 Erdmann. 9. Pantellaria 68'23 18'30 1'01 0'51 1'26 7'99 2'53-99-83 Abich. 10. Zdblitz 67-94 18-93 0-48 - 0.15 9'99 2'41, ign. 0'36=100'26 Gmelin. 11. Marienbad 68'70 17'92 0'72 - 0'24 11'01 1'18-99'77 Kersten. 12. Albite, cryst. 67'0 19'2 0'3 1-8 1'2 7'2 2'2=98'9 Diday. 13. Hyposclerite 67-62 16'59 2'30 1'46 0'85 10'24 0'51=98-8 Rammelsberg. 14. Schreibershau, w. (.~) 68-75 18-79 0'54 0'09 0'51 10'90 1'21=100'79 Lohmeyer. 15. Oberhalbstein 68'50 18-11 - 0'66 0-56[12-17] =100 Desclabissac. 16. Snarum 66'11 18-96 0'34 0'16 3'72 9'24 0'57-99-10 Scheidtauer. 17. " Olafite 66-83 19'90 0'39 0'39 1-56 1013 —, Mn 020, 1 0-25=99-65 R. 18. Drehfeld, w. 66-99 18'40 0'76a 0'21 0'90 12'10 0'74=100-10 Rube. 19. Pennsylvania () 67'20 19-64 - 031 144 9'91 1'57=100-07 Redtenbacher. 20. Unionville, Pa. 66'65 20'79 -- 0'52 205 9'36 — =99-42 Brush. 21. " 66-86 21-89 - 048 179 878, 0-48=100-27 Weld. 22. Peristerite 66'80 21-80 0'30 0'20 2'52 7'00 0'58, ign. 0-6=99-80 Hunt. 23. Calaveras Co. 68-39 19'65 0'41 - 0-47 10-97 tr., ign. 0'21=100'10 Genth. 24. Moriah, N. Y., gnh. 6701 19'42 0'95 tr. 0'39 11'47 0'25, ign. 0'24=99'73 Twining. 25. Wilmington, Pa. 67-72 20-54 -- 0'34 0'78 10-65 016 —100'19 B. & B. 26. " 65'46 20'74 0'54 0'74 0'71 9'98 1'80=99'97 B. & B. a As impurity, or mainly so. In anal. ], G.=2'61; 7, G.=2-624; 9, G.-2-595; 11, G.=2'612; 12, G.-2'478; 13, G.= 2'63; 14, G.=2'624; 18, G.=2'61; 20, G.=2'619; 24, G.=2-633 Brush. The hyposclerite (anal. 13) afforded Hermann (1. c.) Si 56-43, Al 21'70, Pe 0-75, Mn 0'39, (e, La 2'00, Ca 4-83, Mg 3'39, 13: 2-65, Na 5'79=99-80, giving the abnormal and improbable O. ratio 1 2: 6, which Rammelsberg's later analysis appears to show to be incorrect, or the composition of an altered form of it. Its inferior hardness would indicate alteration. The albite from Pennsylvania, analyzed by Redtenbacher (anal. 19), is called oligoclase-aibite by Scheerer; it gives the 0. ratio 1'1: 3: 11-7. He applies the same name to the Snarum feldspar analyzed by Richter, which he says has the external form of scapolite, and G.=2'59; oxygen ratio 1: 3: 11'3. It is the olafite. That of Snarum, analyzed by Scheidtauer, was in snow-white crystals. and gave 1-2: 3: 11'8; it holds an excess of protoxyds, owing to the lime present, which may be a result of alteration. Felsite or compact feldspar has usually some free silica disseminated through it. The following are analyses of some kinds, either albite-felsite or oligoclase-felsite. The presence of lime is in favor of the latter. Adinole is probably albitic; it is reddish, from Sala, Sweden. Amausite Gerhard has been considered as oligoclase in base; the name was given to a granulite (Weissstein) of Namiest in Moravia. The analysis here cited of the North Carolina mineral, by Genth, is in the Am. J. Sci., II. xxviii. 249: 9i Al Fe Mig Oa Sa 1t 1. Sala, Adinole 79'5 12'2 0'5 1'1 -- 6'0 — =99'3 Berthier. 2. Lehrbach 71'60 14-75 1'41 tr. 1'06 10'06 0-32 —99-20 Schnedermann. 3. N. Carolina, gray 60-29 19'66 4-63 0'23 1'83 9'90 1'71, Mn tr., ign. 1-20=99'45 G. 4. Pehrberg 77'93 13-19 0,59 0'22 1'22 5.93 0'08, H 0'26 Svanberg. 5. " 74'95 11'73 1-60 1'32 0'50 6-49 0-35, H 0-21 Svanberg. 6. Amausite 75'83 11'37 - 0'91 1,30 5-20 0'16, I 112. See under ORTHOCLASE for other felsites. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 4 to a colorless or white glass, imparting an intense yellow to the flame. Not acted upon by acids. Obs.-Albite is a constituent of several rocks. With hornblende it constitutes dioryte or 352 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. greenstone. It occurs with orthoclase in some granite, as in that of Pompey's Pillar, and in such cases is usually distinguishable by its greater whiteness. It is common also in gneiss, and sometimes in the crystalline schists. Veins of albitic granite are often repositories of the rarer granite minerals and of fine crystallizations of gems, including beryl, tourmaline, allanite, colurnbite, etc. It occurs also in some trachyte, as that of Montagna, Island of Pantellaria; in phonolite, at Langafjall, Iceland; in granular limestone in disseminated crystals, as near Modane in Savoy. In the compact condition, felsite, it constitutes the base of albite porphyry, a rock sometimes red (as at Agay) with scattered whitish crystals of albite; also the same of some spilyte, as at Fr6jus, a compact grayish rock, containing globules of carbonate of lime, the base of which, according to Diday, is 70 p. c. albite; also of some granulyle or weissstein (white stone). Many localities of albite are mentioned above. It occurs with epidote and garnet at Arendal; with eudialyte and hornblende in Greenland. In the United States, in Maine, at Paris, with red and blue tourmalines. In Mass., at Chesterfield, with the same minerals, in lamellar masses (cleavelandite), slightly bluish, also fine granular, and rarely in small crystals; at Goshen. In New HIamp., at Acworth and Alstead. In Conn., at Haddam, with chrysoberyl, beryl, columbite, and black tourmaline; at the Middletown feldspar quarry, in fine transparent or translucent crystals (fig. 305); at Monroe, a fine granular variety containing beryl. In N. York, at Granville, Washington Co., white transparent crystals; at Moriah, Essex Co., of a greenish color, with smoky quartz, and resembling green dlallage. In Penn., at Unionville, Delaware Co., a granular variety is the matrix of the corundum (see anals. 20 and 21), having the hardness of quartz (7 —725). It had been taken for indianite. A similar variety, equally hard. is found with idocrase at Sanford, Maine. In California, Calaveras Co., with native gold and auriferous pyrites. In Canada, in fine crystals, at the Suffield silver mine, near L. Massawippi, N.E. of L. Memphremagog. The name Albite is derived from albus, white, in allusion to its color, and was given the species by Gahn and Berzelius in 1814. For recent observations on cryst., Descl. Min., i. 317; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. i., ii., v.; (I. Rose, Pogg., cxxv. 457, cxxix. 1. Figs. 307-309, are from Rose's papers. The twin form of fig. 304 occurs at Middletown, Ct. For Al tered forms and Artificial albite, see under ORTHOCLASE..ZYGADITE Breith. (Pogg., lxix. 441). Zygadite, according to Descloizeaux (Min. i. 326), is probably albite. Occurs in thin tables, which are twins, appearing like the twin crystals of Boalhomme and Modane. Translucent or milky. In lustre and hardness like albite. Color yellowish-white, to reddish. G.=2-511 —2-512, Breith. Plattner obtained in his trials indications of silica, alumina, and lithia, and no water. Found with milky quartz, stilbite, and blende, in fissures in argillyte, at Andreasberg in the Harz. It was named from Svyair7, in p9airs, or twinned. 316. ORTHOCLASE. Silex ex eo ictu ferri facile ignis elicitur-ex cubis aliisque figuris intersectis constans, Agric., Foss., 314, 1546. Felt-Spat, Spatum pyrimachum (VA-R album, cinereum, rubrum), Wall., Min., 65, 1747. F/iltspat, Spatum scintillans, Cronst., 60, 1758. Feldspath Germ., Fr. Feldspar Engl. Felspar bad orthogr. Feldstein Hausm., Handb., 528, 1813, Orthose H., Tr., iv. 1801, in Index alone, p. 394, 4to edition. Adular Breith., Char., 35, 1820. [In the preceding, the whole group of feldspars is included in the one species.] Feldspath (Albite excluded) Berz., 1815, N. Syst. Min., 1819. Feldspath (Albite, Labradorite, and Anorthite excl.) G. Rose, Gilb. Ann., lxxiii. 173, 1823. Orthoklas (id. excl.) Breith., Char., 1823; (id. + Oligoklas excl.) Breith., Pogg., viii. 79, 1826. Potash-feldspar. Kalifeldspath Germ. VAR. introd. as sp. Adulaire Pini, Mem. Feldsp., Milan, 1783; Adular Germ.; Adularia Engl.; Feldspath nacrde E; Mondstein var. Feldspath, Wern., Ueb. Cronst., 1780; id.-Adularia Wern., Bergm. J., 375, 1189; Moonstone. Sanidin Nose, Noggerath Min. Stud. Geb. Niederrhein, 1808; Glasiger Feldspath Klapr., Beitr., i. 15, 1795, and others. Necronite Hayd'n, Am. J. Sci., i. 306, 1819. Pegmatolith Breith., Char., 1823, 1832. Murchisonite W: Phillips, Phil. Mag., II. i. 448, 1827. Ryakolith G. Rose, Pogg., xv. 193, 1829, xxviii. 143, 1833; Rhyacolite. Valencianit, Mikroklin Breith., Schw. J., lx. 322, 324, 1830. Erythrite, Perthite, Thom., Phil. Mag., xxii. 188, 189, 1843. Loxoklas Breith., Pogg., lxvii. 419; Loxoclase. Chesterlite Seal, This Min., 678, 1850. Felsit von Marienberg Breith., Pogg., 1xvii. 421, Handb., 527, UNISILICATES. 353 184'=ParadoxitBreith., B. It. Ztg., xxv. 35, 1866. Felsit von Mulda id., HIandb., 528=-Muldan id., ib., 39, Cottait id., ib. Weissigit Jenzsch, Jahrb. Min., 1853, 396. Lasur-Feldspath N: Nordensk., Bull. Nat. Moscow, xxx. 225, 1857. Hiilleffinta, Petrosilex, Lapis Corneus, pt., Cronst., Min., 57, 1758. Felsite. Leelite (fr. Westmannland) Clarke, Ann. Phil., 1818. Monoclinic. C=U 63~ 53', IA I=1180 48', 0 A 1-=153~0 28'; a b: c 0'844: 1: 1'5183. Observedplanes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-3, i-i; clinodomes, 2 n 24-~, 6-4; hemidomes, -i, -, i-i, t-i, 4-i, -i, 2-i, -2-i; hemioctahedral, ~, 1, 2 -1, -2; 3-3, 4-h, -4-h; -6-8. 310 311 314 316 318 319 312 313 315 0.]~~ ~ ~-~~~y...~~~~~~Loxoclase. 320 321 322 212" o0 2 i-145 47' 0 A -1-=1460 30' i-2 A i-3-1500 35' 0 A 1-i=-129 41 0 A 2 =98 4 i4- A 4-= 142 25 0 A 4-i-116 33 0 A i-=-77 31 i-4 A 4-4=130 50 O A 2-i-99 38 O A -=161 36 i-/ A 3-3=146 40 O A\-2-i=139 0 A 24-=135 3 1A 2-i=134 19 0 Ai-i=116 7 O A i —=90 IA 1-i=110 40 OA =1 —150 52 O A I=67 441 1 A 1-126 14 0 A 1=124 42 i-I A i-i=90 -1 A -1=142 40 Cleavage: O perfect; i-I less distinct; i-i faint; also imperfect in the direction of one of the faces I. Twins: 1. Composition-face i4, axis 23 354 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. of revolution normal to i-4, the forms not showing the composition externally, except sometimes by sutures. 2. C.-face i-i, axis of revolution vertical, producing, with the form in f. 310, the twins f. 314, 315, which are right- or left-handed, according as one or the other of the parts is the one revolved; with the form in f. 311, the planes 1-i and 0 nearly coincide in the twin. 3. C.-face 2-i, as in f. 321, in which the prism is made up of two adjoining planes 0 and two i-4, and is nearly square, because O A t4 90~, and O A 2-= —135~ 3'; IA 1=-169 28'; also the same in a twin of 4 crystals, f. 317, each side of the prism then an O; same in a twin of 3 crystals, one of the four being absent, and that side of the prism made up of the planes i-4, i-I; again the twin of 4 crystals takes, by cross-interpenetration of each, the form in f. 322, consisting apparently of 8 crystals, or four twins of the kind in f. 321; IA I=169~ 28', as above. 4. C.-face O, f. 316. Often massive, granular; sometimes lamellar. Also compact crypto-crystalline, and sometimes flint-like or jasper-like. H. 6 —65. G.= 244-2-62, mostly 25 —2'6. Lustre vitreous; on cleavage-surface sometimes pearly. Color white, gray, flesh-red, common; greenish-white, bright green. Streak uncolored. Transparent to translucent. Fracture conchoidal to uneven. Optic-axial plane sometimes in the orthodiagonal section and sometimes in the clinodiagonal; acute bisectrix always negative, normal to the orthodiagonal; inclined at 18~ C., in adularia, according to Angstr6m, 40 6' to the clinodiagonal, and 112~ 1' to edge I/I; and according to Deseloizeaux, at 22~ C. these angles are 50 18' and 110~ 49' for the red rays; angle of divergence in adularia of St. Gothard 112~ to 123~; in transparent from Wehr in the Eifel, only 18~ to 21~, with other optical peculiarities. Comp., Var.-O. ratio 1: 3: 12; *(i s + 1)2 Sis + 6 Si; or else with half the excess of silica basic;=Silica 64-6, alumina 18'5, potash 169=-100; with soda sometimes replacing part of the potash. The orthoclase of Carlsbad contains rubidium. The varieties depend mainly on structure, variations in angles, the presence of soda, and the presence of impurities. The amount of soda detected by analyses varies greatly, the ratio to the potash being from 1: 100 to 1: B. But recent chemical investigations have shown, what Breithaupt indicated from ocular examination in 1861, that some of the sodiferous varieties owe the soda to a crystalline combination of the orthoclase with albite. The perthite (see beyond) has thus been found to consist of thin alternate layers of these two feldspars. How far this explanation extends to other sodiferous kinds remains to be ascertained. The variations in angles are large, and they occur sometimes even in specimens of the same locality. In crystals of the kind called chesterlite, which are to all appearance regular and undistorted, the angle I' (right prismatic plane) A I(left id.) varies from 121~ to 127~, according to the author's measurements; and other angles make the form triclinic, 0 A I and 0 A I' sometimes differing 5~, one being 110~ and the other 115~; while twins compounded parallel to the clinodiagonal section, which are common, prove, by the absence of any reentering angle on the base, that the form is not triclinic (although so made by Breithaupt, who refers the species (B. I-I. Ztg., xvii. 1) to albite). The crystallization is normally monoclinic, and the variations are simply irregularities. There are also large optical variations in orthoclase, on which see Descl. Min., i.:129. The variations in amount of soda and in angles have led Breithaupt to make several species euat:of the species orthoclase. But until it is proved that crystals of certain specific angles have uniformly the same specific chemical composition, and further, that kinds having the same specific chemical composition wherever occurring, always, when crystallized, present the same angles, such species cannot properly be recognized as distinct. The varieties that have been named are the following: Var. 1. Ordinary. In crystals, or cleavable massive. (a) Adulcaria. Transparent, cleavable, usually with pearly opalescent reflections, and sometimes with a play of colors like labradorite, though paler in shade. Moonstone (Hecatolite Delameth., T. T., ii. 201, fr.'EKLarT, the moon) belongs in UNISILICATES. 355 part here, the rest being albite and oligoclase. Valencianite, from the silver mine of Valenciana, Mexico, is adularia. Breithaupt finds for ordinary orthoclase (which he calls pegmatolite) G. — 2'539 —2'578 (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 38). Kokscharof obtained (Min. Russl., v. 115) from crystals from the Grisons, Switzerland, for I/A 1=1180 48' 20"; 0 A 1, acute,=67~ 45' 50" —47'; 0 A I, obtuse, =112~ 12' 20"-14' 10"; 0 A 1-i=1290 32'. For crystals from Zillerthal, IA I-118~ 45' —50' (mean, 118~ 47' 21"); 0 A I, acute,=67~ 47' 20"-50' (mean, 67~ 47' 38"); O A I, obtuse,= 112~ 10' 20!'-13' (mean, 112~ 12' 57"); O A 1-i=1290 43' 10"-50' (mean, 1290 42' 38"). He gives as the calculated results for adularia, IA I=118~ 47' and 61~ 1:3'; 0 A 1=67~ 47' 20" and 1120 12' 40"; O A 1-i —1290 43' 26"; O A 2-i=1350 3' 39"; C (O A i-i)=630 56' 46". (b) Sunstone, or aventurine feldspar (Heliolite Delameth., T. T., ii. 200). In part orthoclase; rest albite or oligoclase (q. v.). (c) Necronite. A cleavable feldspar, fetid in odor when struck. The original was found by Hayden near the York and Lancaster road, 21 m. from Baltimore, in granular limestone, and was whitish or bluish in color. Named from vSKpoc, a corpse. (d) Amazonstone. Bright verdigris-green, and cleavablae (e) Erythrite. Flesh-red, from amygdaloid, near Kilpatrick. Made out by Thomson to contain 3 p. c. of magnesia. Named from puvOp6~, red. (f) Sanidin of Nose, or glassy feldspar, including much of the Ice-spar, part of which is anorthite. Occurs in transparent glassy crystals, mostly tabular (whence the name from,ivs, a board) in lava, pumice, trachyte, phonolite, etc. Proportion of soda to potash varies from 1: 20 to 2: 1. A. Mitscherlich finds in some kinds 0'79-2-33 p. c. of baryta. Rhyacolite is the same; the name was applied to glassy crystals from Mt. Somma (Eisspath Wern.). Rose has since observed (Kryst. Ch. Min., 88) that the specimen he analyzed (Pogg., xxviii. 143) probably contained some mixed nephelite, and that the mineral is orthoclase. Named from Pwva, stream (lava stream), and XtOos, stone. (g) Czesterlite. In white crystals, smooth, but feebly lustrous, implanted on dolomite in Chester Co., Penn., and having the variations in its angles above stated. It contains but little soda. Twins occur with composition parallel to O, and also parallel to both 0 and i-i, the latter apparent by the meeting of strime along the middle of an O, and the former by the same on an i-i. Crystals vary from a line in breadth to 1 in. G.= 2'531 Silliman. Erni's analysis (This Min., 3d edit., 1850, 678) is erroneous, and therefore not cited here. (h) Microclin. Usually in cleavable masses, whitish, grayish, or reddish, and opalescent. The original was from the zircon-syenite of Fredericksviirn and Laurvig and Brevig, Norway. Breithaupt made the angle between the two cleavage planes 90~ 22'-90~ 23', instead of 90~; and hence derived the name, from'Kpop6s, little, and KXi,, I incline. The analysis (No. 55) gives for the ratio of Na to KI 3: 2. But Breithaupt has since referred to microclin the feldspar of Arendal, which afforded him the same angle, but yet contains but a trace of soda (No. 22). He also refers here a feldspar from Kangerdluarsuk, Greenland (anal. 54), which is near the first-mentioned in composition, and gave the angles 0 A i-i-900 22', 0 A I=1120 9', 0 A'=1130 10', O A 1-i1290 34', i-i A 1'=119~ 13' IA 1'=1190 4', IA i-i-1210 43'; also the feldspar of the micaceous rock (called Miascyte) of Miask (Urals), which has Na: K-= 1: 1, with an excess of silica, according to an unsatisfactory analysis; also a Bodenmais feldspar of gray and greenish colors, with G. =2'575-2'594, but he suggests that Kerndt's analysis (No. 56) was probably made on a mixture of microclin and oligoclase, the two occurring together; while Potyka found that the green variety (anal. 25) contained little soda. Potyka also states that the actual form was triclinic, and that the cleavage face had the usual strise of triclinic feldspars; but IKenngott observes (Ueb., 1861, 73) that he did not find the strim on a Bodenmais specimen, and H. Fischer none on the feldspar of the zircon-syenite. Other 1ec. reported by him are: Lewis Co., N. Y., with black pyroxene; Baveno in Italy; Lomnitz and Fischbach in Silesia, of red color; Scholtzenberg and Kunersdorf, Silesia; Olbern-hau in Silesia, grayish-white, C.= —2593; Sforzella in Predazzo, white, GC.=2-596; syenite of the Plauen-Grund, near Dresden-an extension of its distribution which must make it easy to test the value of its distinctive characters. Notwithstanding the measurements of Breithaupt, microclin is probably monoclinic. Descloizeaux, after optical investigations (Min., i. 341), refers it to orthoclase. It is to be observed that these angles were obtained from kinds having little soda as well as others having much. Moreover, loxoclase, in which the amount of soda is still larger, is monoclinic. (i) Loxoclase. In grayish-white or yellowish crystals, a little pearly or greasy in lustre, often large, feebly shining, lengthened usually in the direction of the clinodiagonal. 0 A I=112~ 30', O A I'=1120 50', I A 1'=1200 20', O A i-i (cleavage angle)=90~, Breith. G.=2-6 —2'62, Plattner. The analyses find much more soda than potash, the ratio being about 3: 1, but how far this is due to mixture with albite has not been ascertained. From Hammond, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Named from XoS6s, transverse, and KX,)J, I cleave, under the idea that the crystals are peculiar in having cleavage parallel to the orthodiagonal section. (j) Breithaupt has added still other names. His Paradoxite, from tin mines near Marienberg, etc., has (1. c.) IAI'=119~ 0'; IAi —=1200 40', IA-i2-120~ 20'; H.=5J-6; G.=2'440 —2455; color flesh-red. Contains potash as the alkali, with little or no soda. (kI) His Cottaite is the 356 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. grayish-white orthoclase in twins from granite in Carlsbad, Bohemia, circle of Elbogen; by his trials it has G.=2-6091 —2'6098, H.=6 —6, and IAI' about 120~; and by Rcessler's analysis (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 39) it contains 8 p. c. of soda to 5 of potash. But Redner and Bulk have found (anal. 14, 15) that it is an ordinary potash-feldspar with over 14 p. c. of potash, and has G. —=255 -2'573. (1) His Muldan is from Mulda near Freiberg; it is stated to have I' Ai —117~, I' Ai=116~, OAI —116~-116~ ~, OAT=117~; G.=-254 —256. Moll's analysis (No. 12) shows that it is common orthoclase, although irregular in its angles. (n) Lcazurfeldspar (Lasurfeldspath), a feldspar having HE.=6, and G. =2597, and the cleavage of orthoclase, found near Lake Baikal with lapis lazuli. (n) Perthite. A flesh-red aventurine feldspar, consisting of interlaminated albite and orthoclase, as shown beyond. From Perth, Canada East. (o) Miurchisonite is similar flesh-red feldspar to perthite, with gold-yellow reflections in one direction, like sunstone; and stated to have also an unusual cleavage direction besides the two observed. From Dawlish and Exeter, England. Named after its discoverer, Murchison the geologist. Weissigite, of Jenzsch, is in small whitish or reddish-white twin crystals, and is from the cavities of amygdaloid at Weissig near Dresden; G.=2-538-2-546. I. Lea has named (Proc. Ac. Philad., May, 1866) a greenish orthoclase from Lenni, Delaware Co., Pa., "almost without cleavage," lennilite; other specimens of the same locality, pearly and distinctly cleavable, delawarite; and a dull bluish-green subtransparent kind, of an aventurine character, containing minute parti. cles bright and hexagonal (hematite?) from Blue Hill, 2 m. N. of Media, Pa., cassinite. These are announced only as varieties of orthoclase; but their distinctive characters are not such as to entitle them to special names. There is no place in the science of Mineralogy for names so given. 2. COMPACT ORTHOCLASE or ORTHOCLASE-FELSTTE. This crypto-crystalline variety is common and occurs of various colors, from white and brown to deep red. There are two kinds (a) the jasper-like, with a subvitreous lustre; and (b) the ceratoid or wax-like, with a waxy lustre. Some red kinds look closely like red jasper, but are easily distinguished by the fusibility. The orthoclase differs from the albite felsite in containing much more potash than soda. Leelite, named after J. F. Lee, is a deep, flesh-red variety, of waxy lustre, from Gryphyttan, Sweden. The Swedish name Hiilleflinta means false flint. A. Proportion of soda much less than that of potash; from -,~ and less to:. Analyses: 1, Val. Rose (Scheerer's J., viii. 244); 3, Diirre (Ramm. Min. Ch., 623); 3, S. D. Hayes (Pogg., cxiii. 468); 4, Abich (Pogg., li. 528, B. H. Ztg., Jahrg., 19); 5, Schwalbe (Kenng. Ueb., 1861, 13); 6, 7, Abich (1. c.); 8, Plattner (Pogg., xlvi. 299); 9, Brolegniart & Malaguti (Ann. d. M., IV. ii. 465); 10, Krdner (Pogg., lxvii. 421); 11, KEersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii.172); 12, Moll (Ramm. Min. Ch., 624); 13, Jenzsch (Pogg., xcv. 304); 14, 15, Redner and Bulk (ZS. G. xviii. 394); 16, A. Streng (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 541); 17, v. Hauer (Kenng. Ueb., 1856-7, 106); 18, 19, Delesse (Bull. G. Soc., II. x. 568); 20, C. Bischof (Bischof, Lehrb. GeoL, II. 2171, 2187); 21, H. Risse (Geol. Beschr. Baden, 1861); 22, Jevreinof (Pogg., xlvii. 196); 23, Schultz (Ramm. Min. Ch., 628); 24, Jenzsch (Jahrb. Min. 1855, 800); 25, J. Potyka (Pogg., cviii. 363); 26-30, Richter (ZS. G., xiv. 49, 53); 31, Haughton (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1863, 55, Q. J. G., xx. 269); 32, Id. (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxii. 221); 33-35, C. W. C. Fuchs (Jahrb. Miu. 1862, 787, 788); 36, 37, Lasch (v. Dechen, G. Beschr. Siebengeb., Verh. pr. Rheinl. Jahrg., 9, 289); 38-39, Lewinstein (J. pr. Ch., lxviii. 98); 40, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 1003); 41, F. A. Genth (Keller & Tied., iii. 486); 42, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 42); 43, 44, J. D. Whitney (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 440, xxviii. 16); 45, 46, Boye & Booth (Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., ii. 53, Jahrb. Min., 1845); 47. T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 474); 48 Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 44); 49, G. F. Barker ib. xxvi. 70). B. Proportion of soda to potash between I: 1 and 2: 1. 50, 51, G. Gmelin (Pogg., lxxxi. 313); 52, 53, Scheerer (Pogg., cviii. 426); 54, 55, Utenddrfer (Breith. B. H. Ztg., 1858, No. 6, xvii. 11); 56, Kerndt. (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 11); 57, Rube (ZS. G., xiv. 53); 58, T. S. Hunt (Phil. Mag., IV. i. 322, Am. J. Sci., II. xii. 212); 59, C. W. C. Fuchs (Jahrb. Min., 1862, 789); 60, Heffter & Joy (Ramm. Min. Ch., 626); 61, G. Bischof (Lehrb. Geol., 1. c.); 62, Abich (1. c.); 63, G. Rose (Pogg., xxviii. 143); 64, 65, Lewinstein (1. c.); 66, Schnabel (Ramm. Min. Ch., 626); 67, 68, G. Bischof (1. c.); 69, v. Rath (ZS. G., xii. 44); 70-73, T. S. Hunt (Rep. G. Can., 1863, 476). C. Proportion of soda to potash over 2: 1. 74, 75, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 43); 16, Plattner (Pogg., lxvii. 419); 77, F. Sand. berger (Geol, Beschr. Baden, Carlsruhe, 1861, 48); 78, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxv): A. Proportion of soda much less than that of potash; from I20 and less to i. Si A1 Fe Mg O a a K ign. 1. Lomnitz, Silesia 66-75 17-50 1175 - 1'25 -- 12'00 — =98-25 Rose. 2. " " 67101 18'60 0'85 0'19 0'56 2-01 11'41 — =100'63 Diirre. 3. " " rdh. 65-10 20'12 - -- 2'42 12'80 -=100-44 Hayes. UNISILICATES. 357 Si;1 Fe Ig Ca Na k ign. 4. St. Gothard, Adul. 65-69 17-97 -- 1-34 1-01 138-99 -— =100 Abich. 6. " Fibia 64'62 18-50 0-21 0-70 1-55 15'58 —, a 017=101'38 S. 6. Baveno, green 65'72 1857 -- 0-10 0-34 1'25 14'02 -— 100 Abich. 7. Siberia, Amaz. 65-382 17'89 0-30 0-09 0-10 2'81 13-05 —,n 0-19, Ca tr.9971 Ab. 8. Mexico, Valenc. 66-82 17-58 0-09 -- 14-80 — =9929 Plattner. 9. Ceylon. MIoonstone 64'00 19'43 -- 0'20 0'42 - 14-81 [1-14]=100 B. & M. ]0. Marienberg, rdh. 66'43 17'03 0'49 -- 103 0-91 13-96 -=99-85 Kroner. 11. Fiirstenstollen, Sax. 65-52 17'61 0'80 -- 0'94 1'70 12'98 -— 9 99 55 Kersten. 12. Mulda. Sax., bh.-w. 65-75 17-72 -- -- 082 3-66 12-05 — =100 Moll. 13. Radeberg, Sax., wh. 65-24 20-40 -- 0'84 -- 0'27 12-35 0-52, Li 0'71=100'33 J. 14. Carlsbad, twins 63'02 18'28 -- 0-14 -- 2'41 15'67 —, ]la 0-48=100 Redner. 15. " 65-23 18-26 0-27 - tr. 1'45 14-66 -— 99'87 Bulk. 16. Kyffhiuser Mts. 62'75 17'71 2'87 tr. 1-50 2'03 12-24 1'64-100'4 Streng. 17. Brazil 63-84 19,24 - 0'41 2-48 12-86 0'35=98'98 Hauer. 18. Chamouni, woh. 66'48 19'06 -- -- 063 2-30 10'52 -=98-99 Delesse. 19. Vosges, rdh. 64-26 19-27 0'50 0'77 0'70 2-88 10-58 0-40=99-36 Delesse. 20. Schemnitz 64-00 18-00 0-53 0-31 0 78 0'79 15'43 0-54, Pb & Ca 0-32=1OO07C Bischof 21. Baden, rdh. 65-32 19-52 - - 0-15 3-12 11-66 — =99'77 Risse. 22. Arendal, Microclin 65-76 18'31 -- - 1'20 tr. 1406 — =99-32 Jevreinof. 23. "' " 65-55 1.7'99 - -- 1-50 1-54 13-74 -=100-32 Schultz. 24. Weissigite 65-00 19-54 1-61 0-19 - 12-69 0-35, Li 0-56=99-94 J. 25. Bodenmais, gn., Mir. 63-12 19-78 Fel-51 0-13 0-66 2-11 12-57 -— =99-87 Potyka. 26. Himmelfahrt, w. () 65-71 18-75 tr. 0'25 0-85 1-05 12-79 0-17=99' 87 Richter. 27. Glashutte, red 64-53 17-96 1-31 a tr. 0'72 tr. 14'90 0'45-99-57 Richter. 28. Eppendorf, wh. 65-00 18-76 0-82 0-10 0-32 0-66 13-99 0-22=99'87 Richter. 29. Churprinz, rdh. 65'10 17-41 1-03 0-15 0-52 2-23 13-21 0-39=-]0004 Richter. 30. Emanuel Erbst., rdh,. 66-21 18-01 1-37 0-13 0-98 3'87 8'99 0'19=99'75 Richter. 31. Donegal. Irel. (4) 63-20 18-64 0-68 0O1l 2-75 0-78 14-92 — =101'08 Haughton. 32. Greenland 64-40 18-96 1-04 0-14 0-45 2-35 13-07 -— =100-41 Haughton. 33. Ockerthal, w., (2) 66-92 18-50 2-78 -- 1-31 2-56 7'83 0-34=100-24 Fuchs. 34. Rehberg, gnh. () 65-53 20-62 Fel-90 0-13 0-46 3-25 7'95 0'09=99-93 Fuchs. 35. Meineckeb., rdh. (4) 66-80 17-97 Fe2-91 tr. 0-52 3-67 7-58 0-30=99-74 Fuchs. 36. Sutterbach, Sanidin 65-62 17-16 1-67 -- 2-44 0-44 12-67 -=100 Lasch. 37. Scharfenberg, " 67-42 15'88 2'83 0'15 2-77 0'43 10'55 — =100 Lasch. 38. Perlenhardt, " 65-26 17-62 0'91 0-35 1-05 2-49 11-79 — =99'47 Lewinstein. 39. Drachenfels, " 65-59 16-45 1'58 0-93 0-97 2-04 12-84 — =100-40 Lewinstein. 40.'6 " 65-87 18-53 -- 0-39 0-95 3-42 10-32 0-44=99-92 Rammelsberg. 41. Davidson Co., N. C. 65'30 20-20 tr. tr. 0-05 0-79 14'35 -=- 100-69 Genth. 42. Chesterlite (.) 64-97 17'65 0-50 0'27 0-61 1-69 14-02 0-65=100-36 S. & B. 43. L. Superior, rdh. 66'70 18'68 -- 0-30 3-58 9'57 0-70=99-53 Whitney. 44.' red 65'45 18-26 0-57 -- - 0'65 15-21 -— 100'14 Whitney. 45. Tucker's Qu., Del., w. 65'24 19'02 tr. 0'13 0'33 3'06 11-94 -— 99'72 B. & B. 46. Wilmington, Del., g. 66-51 17-67 1'33 0'30 1'24 3'03 9'81 — =99'89 B. & B. 47. Argenteuil, Can., w. 65-75 19-40 -- -- 0-45 0-69 13-60 0-25=100'14 Hunt. 48. Danbury, Ct., w. () 63-88 18'97 - 0-20 0-10 3-78 11-19 0-40=99'12 S. & B. 49. " 64-25 18-80 - 1-20 2-40 12-44 0-30=99-39 Barker. a Impurity, or mostly so. B. Proportion of soda to potash between J: 1 and 2: 1. 50. Fredericksv'n, Micr. 65-18 19-99 0-63 - 0'48'708 7'03 0'38-100-77 Gmelin. 51. Laurvig, " 65-90 19-46 0-44 - 0-27 6-14 6-55 0'12=98-88 Gmelin. 52. Zircon-Syenite, " 66-03 19-17 0-31 --- 0-20 6-83 6-96 0'21-99-71 Scheerer. 53. " " 65-68 19-53 0-52 -- 0'22 7-11 6-93 0-11=100-10 Scheerer. 54. Kangerdluarsak, " 66-9 17-8 0'5 0-6 6-5 8-3 — =1006 Utenddrffer, 55. Miask, 68'16 20-50 - -- 4-72 662 -— 100 Utenddrffer. 56. Bodenmais, 63'66 17-27 FeO045 2-28 0-39 5-13 10-66 -, Mn 0-15 ]Kerndt. 57. Hartha, Erzg., rdh. 66-69 18-44 1'28 0-34 0-85 4-28 7-48 — 99-36 Rube. 58. Perthite, 66-44 18'35 1'00 0-24 0-67 5-56 6-37 0-40=99-03 Hunt. 59. Radauthal, trp. (2) 66-05 20-52 tr. tr. 0-72 5-41 6-96 0'19=99-85 Fuchs. 60. Kostenblatt, San. 65'36 19'41 0'43 0-87 0'55 4-06 9-32 -- 100 H. & J. 61. Ischia, " 67-09 18-88 1-25 0'03 0'35 4-59 7-58 -=99-77 Bischof. 358 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si ]1 Fe kg Ca Sa 1 ign. 62. Epomeo, Ischia, San. 66-73 17'56 0'81 1'20 1'23 4'10 82'7 — =9990 Abich. 63. Eifel, bnh., " 66'30 18-81 tr. 0-75 150 461 7'89 -— 99-86 Rose. 64. " cryst. " 66'50 16'69 1'36 1'43 0'35 4-93 8'44 ---— 99' 70 Lewinstein. 65. Pappelsberg, " 66'03 17'87 0'52 0-19 0'47 608 8'86 -— =100'02 Lewinstein. 66. Langenberg, 66'33 19'02 0-52 - 0-76 1'32 6'02 -— =9997 Schnabel. 67. " " 68-18 18'33 0'71 0'16 0'51 4'66 7'15 -— =99'70 Bischof. 68. Rosenau, " 67-90 19-25 1-42 0'64 - 4-93 5'35 — = —9949 Bischof. 69. Lowenberg " 69'0 19'7 -- tr. 1'4 5'0 5'3 0'4=100'8 v. Rath. 70. Chambly, Can., San. 66'15 19'75 -- 095 5'19 7'53 0'55=100'12 Hunt. 71. BroomeMtn.,' " 65'70 2080 -- 0'84 6'43 6'52 0'50=10079 Hunt. 72. Shefford Mtn., " 65'15 20-55 - 0'73 6-39 6'67 0'50=99'99 Hunt. 73. Mt. Royal, " 63'25 22'12 -- - 056 5'92 6'29 0'93=99'07 Hunt. C. Proportion of soda to potash over 2: 1. 74. Loxoclase 65'40 19-48 1-25 0'20 2-26 7'23 2-76 0'76=99'34 S. & B. 75. " 66'31 18'23 0-67 0-30 1'09 7'81 4'35 0-20 —98'96 S. & B. 76. 63-50 20'29 0'67 - 3'22 8'76 3'03 - -,Si, F, H 1'23=100'7 P. -77. Lochwald, w. 66'37 19'95 ir. 0'40 -- 9'64 3-42 -=99'77 Sandberger. 78. Dransfeld, glassy 64-86 21-46 tr. -- tr. 10-52 2'62 — =98'99 Delesse. In anal. 5, G.-2'5685, colorless, trl.; 6, G.=2,555; 10, G.=2-44?, gangue of tinstone; 13, G.=2-548; 16, G.=2'56, in dioryte; 23, G. —2575; 24, in amygdaloid, altered laumontite; 2630, from the Erzgebirge; 33, G =2'592, O. ratio 1: 29: 119, in granite with oligoclase and quartz, Harz; 34, G.-2'58, 0. ratio 1: 34: 12'4, Harz; 35, G.=26573, 0. ratio ]: 2-8: 11'7, Harz; 36, G.-=260; 39, G.=2,547; 45, G.=2-585; 46, G.=2'603, 3 m. from Wilmington; 49, G.=2'58; 50 G.-=258; 54, G.=2-584 —2598, from Greenland, green; 55, G.=2587-2'590, Breith.; 58, G. =2-57 -258; 59, G.=2-595, O. ratio 1: 3'4: 125, Harz, in granite-like gangue from the Gabbro, with oligoclase; 60, in phonolite, Bohemia; 61, lava between Lecco and Forio; 63, 64,.=2-'576, from volcanic sand of Rockeskill; 66, 67, trachyte conglomerate of Langenberg in the Siebengebirge; 68, trachyte conglomerate of " Kleinen Rosenau " in the Siebengebirge; 69, from doleryte in the Siebengebirge, G.=2'567; 70, from porphyritic trachyte; 71, from granitoid trachyte; 73, compact white trachyte; 77, in a fine-grained granite. Phillips, in an imperfect analysis of mnurchisonite (Phil. Mag. & Ann., i. 448), obtained Si 68-6, 1h 16'6, K 14'8. The mineral came from Dawlish, and is evidently orthoclase. The perthite afforded Gerhard (ZS. G., xiv. 151) the same composition as obtained by Hunt,,viz.: Si 65-83, A1 18-45, Fe 17'2, Ca tr., Na 5-06, K 8'54, ign. 0-32=99-92. But he found, further, that it was divisible into thin reddish and whitish layers, which were respectively orthoclase and albite. These layers afforded him (1. c.): 9Si Al Fe Oa ia fK 1. Redlayers, Orthoclase 65-36 18'27 1'90 tr. 2'25 12-16=99-94 2. White layers, Albite 67-23 18'52 1-47 tr. 8-50 334= —99'06 Thus proving that the supposed soda-orthoclase is really an ilntercrystallization of two homceomorphous species; and suggesting that other similar anomalies among the feldspars may have an analogous origin. The O. ratio in No. 1 is 0'94: 3: 12'49; in No. 2, 0'96: 3: 12-09. An orthoclase, monoclinic in crystals and cleavage, fr. the nephelin-doleryte of Vogelsgebirge. afforded A. Knop (Jahrb. Min. 1865,.687) Si 59-69, A1 21-04, Fe 2-27, Mn tr., Mg Ir., Ca 0-95, Na 6-55, K 8'61, Ba 2-27, Sr 0-36, Ti tr.=10174. The mineral is remarkable for the small amount of silica, large of alumina, and the presence of baryta. The peculiar constitution may be a result of partial alteration, or of crystallinic mixture; which is true is not ascertained. It is intermediate between orthoclase and hyalophane. The following are analyses of different felsites, additional to those under ALBITE on page 351: Si Al e Stg Ca 1Na K H 1. Leelite 81-91 6'55 6-42 - - - 888 - Thomson. 2. Dannemora, Hellf. 81-24 9-78 0-64 0'21 0-78 3-34 3'10 -- Erdmann. 3. Saxony, gyh.-red 68-0 19'0 4'5 1'1 -- - 5-6 4. Nantes, gnh.-gy. 75-2 15'0 -- 2'4 1'2 - 3-4 1-5 Berthier. 5. Brittany, gnh.-gy. 75'4 15-5 1'20 1-4 -- - 38 - Durocher. 6. Pentland Hills 71'17 13-60 1'40 0'1 0'40 - 3819 3-5 7. Harz 73-29 16'61 176 3'01 2-33 3-49 - Missokadis. 8. Jungfrug -76-15 13-46 1-90 1-52 0-45 2-84 3-51 9. Saxa-knut,Sweden 79'55 11-31 0-42 0-10 2-52 3-68 2'-38 0-69 UNISILICATES. 359 Other analyses of felsites: C. W. 0. Fuchs, Jahrb. Min., 1862, 803. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 5; varieties containing much soda are more fusible. Loxoclase fuses at 4. Not acted upon by acids. Obs.-Orthoclase is an essential constituent of many rocks. 1. Granular crystalline. Granite and gneiss, which consist of orthoclase, quartz, and mica. Mica schist, the same with less orthoclase and more mica. Syenite and syenitic gneiss, like the preceding, but containing hornblende in place of mica. Granulyte, a mixture of granular orthoclase and more or less quartz. Albitic granite, a granite containing albite as well as orthoclase. A similar rock contains oligoclase in place of albite. Pyroxenyte, a rock consisting of orthoclase and pyroxene. Miascyte, a granular slaty rock consisting of orthoclase and eleolite, from Miask in the Ural. These rocks contain the orthoclase in cleavable grains, and sometimes also in distinct disseminated crystals; when the latter is the case the rock is said to be porphyritic. The finest and largest crystals of orthoclase occur in granitic or feldspathic veins. 2. Compact cryptocrystalline. Orthoclase-felsite, or leelite, already described. It sometimes contains quartz in disseminated grains; and Diirocher has observed cases in which a felsite graduated into a granite or granulyte. As the rock was originally a clayey rock (derived from the wear (not the decomposition) of the minerals of granitic rocks) it is natural that there should be the transition here mentioned. The feldspar in some of the analyses below may be partly of oligoclase or albite. The hdilleflinta of Sweden is for the most part here included. As the granular orthoclase rocks, granite, gneiss, and the like, graduate into others containing hornblende, such as syenite, syenitic gneiss, etc., so the compact orthoclase-felsites may graduate into others that are hornbleudic, though not visibly so;-and these last will indicate their horablendic composition, not merely by their composition as ascertained by chemical analysis, but also by their high specific gravity. The spherules of variolyte of a white, grayish, or greenish-white color, are mostly a compact feldspar or felsite of some kind. Porphyry, in part, consisting of a felsite base with disseminated opaque crystals of orthoclase; but this felsite base is seldom pure orthoclase. In the green antique porphyry, it is an intimate mixture of orthoclase and hornblende. [The feldspar is oligoclase or albite in some porphyry.] Phonolyte (or clinkstone), a compact grayish rock, often containing crystals of glassy feldspar, and having a zeolite in the base along with orthoclase. [In some phonolite the feldspar is oligoclase.] Trachyte, a grayish igneous rock of rough fracture, intermediate between phonolite and a granular crystalline rock, it owing its roughness of surface largely to the grains of glassy feldspar which mainly constitute it. Argillyte and talcose schi8t generally contain more or less of orthoclase in a cryptocrystalline or undistinguishable state. Often, however, as analyses show, the alkalies are mostly wanting; and when so, the amount of feldspar is small; and it may be wholly absent. 3. Amorphous. Obsidian or volcanic glass is sometimes an impure orthoclase in a glassy state; and in other cases it is a mixture of orthoclase or labradorite and augite with chrysolite and much iron, the materials varying with the lavas of a volcano; for any lava will become glassy, and thus make obsidian, by rapid cooling. G.=2-25-2'8. Pitchstone has the lustre of pitch rather than glass; pearlstone has a pearly lustre, and is sometimes in spherules (spherulite), or consists of spheroidal"bcreti6ns. G.= 23 - 2-4. The spherules of pyromeride, porphyry, etc., are quite similar, though usually having an excess of silica from mixed quartz. Pitchstone and pearlstone are sometimes in composition albite or oligoclase rocks rather than orthoclase, that is, contain soda, or soda and lime, instead of potash. See analyses below. Fuchs has suggested that these rocks derive their glassy portion from solidified water-glass and not from the fusion of a feldspar. Erablite Forchhammer, or Baulite, appears to be a siliceous feldspathic mineral related to these concretions. It forms the basis of the trachyte, obsidian, and pitchstone of Iceland. According to von Walterhausen, it occurs also in triclinic crystals; and he deduces the oxygen ratio 1: 3: 24=(R+ Al1) Si"'. B.B. fuses only in thin splinters; in acids insoluble. H.=6. G.=2'656, Forch., 2'572, Walt.* * The following are analyses of pumice, obsidian, spherulite, krablite, etc.: 1, Berthier (Ann. d. M., 11i. v. 543); 2, Vauquelin (Gehl. N. allg. J., v. 230); 3, 4, Erdmann (J. f. techn. Ch., xv. 82); 5, Thomson; 6, Trommsdorf (N. J. d. Pharm., iii. 301); 1, Erdmann (1. c.); 8, Ficinus (Schw. J., xxix. 136); 9, Erdmann (1. c.); 10, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 62, iii. 262); 11, Berthier (Ann. d. M., vii.); 12, 13, B. Silliman, Jr. (Dana's G. Rep., 200); 14, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 211); 15, Delesse (Bull. G. Fr., II. ix. 115); 16, Forchhammer (Skand. Nat. Samm. i. Stockh.); 17, Genth (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 271): 9i A1 Fe na fg 1a a f 1. Obsidian, Pasco 69.46 2-60 2'60 7'54 2,60 5'08'1,12, H 3800=100 Berth. 2. " Mexico 78 10 2 1 -- - —, Mn 16=986 Vauq. 360 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Many localities have been enumerated above. Fine crystals are found at Carlsbad and Elbogeu in Bohemia (twins, f. 314, 315); Katherinenburg in Siberia; Arendal in Norway; Baveno in Piedmont; Lomnitz in Silesia; Land's End and St. Agnes in Cornwall; Albaschka near Mursinsk, and near Schaitansk in the Urals; the Mourne mountains, Ireland, with beryl and topaz; at Rubieslaw in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, etc.; in great abundance in the trachyte of the Drachenfels on the Rhine; also in the lavas which devastated the island of Ischia, near Naples, in 1302; at Vesuvius, where it may be obtained in profusion in the valley called Fossa Grande. In' the U. States, orthoclase in crystals occurs in Maine, on the island Mt. Desert, fine green; at the tourmaline locality, Paris. In N. Hamp)., at the Acworth beryl locality. In Mass., at South Royalston and Barre, often large crystals; at Three Rivers, in Palmer. In Conn., at the gneiss quarries of Haddam and the feldspar quarries of Middletown, crystals a foot long, and 6 or 8 in. thick; near Bradleysville, in the western part of Litchfield, crystals 2-3 in. long, abundant. In N; York, in St. Lawrence Co., at Rossie, 2 m. N. of Oxbow; the crystals are white or bluish-white, and sometimes an inch across; also 8 m. from Potsdam, on the road to Pierremont, where crystals a foot through are said to have been found; and near DeLong's mills in the town of HIammond, with apatite and zircon, where the loxoclase is obtained; in Lewis Co., orthoclase occurs both crystallized and massive in white limestone near Natural Bridge, with scapolite and sphene; in Orange Co., crystals near West Point; more abundant and interesting forms are found at Rocky Hill, in Warwick, with tourmaline and zircon; and at Amity and Edenville; in Saratoga Co., at the Greenfield chrysoberyl locality, white translucent crystals, usually coated with silvery mica. In Penn., in crystals at Leiperville, Mineral Hill, Delaware Co., and W. Bradford, at Poor House quarry, Chester Co. (chesterlite); sunstone in Kennett Township. In N. Car., at Washington Mine, Davidson Co., in white and yellowish crystals (anal. 41). Massive orthoclase is abundant at the above-mentioned localities, besides many others. Green at Mt. Desert, Me., near S. W. Harbor; at Rockport, Mass. An aventurine variety, with bright coppery reflections in spots, at Leiperville, Pennsylvania. Adularia, at the Falls of the Yantic, near Norwich, Conn., at Brimfield, Mass., with iolite, and at Parsonfield, Me.; and sunstone at Lyme, Conn. (Some of these may be oligoclase.) Kaolin, at Andover, Mass., and abundantly in New Milford, Kent, and Cornwall, Conn., and in the counties of Essex and Warren, New York; also in New Garden, Chester Co., Pa., abundant. Necronite, at Roger's Rock, Essex Co., and at Thomson's quarry, near 196th street, New York. For recent observations on cryst., see Desel. Min., i.; Iessenberg's Min. Notizen, Nos. I., II.. IV., V.; Websky, ZS. G., xv. 677; Kokscharof, Min. Russl., v. 115; F. Scharff., Abh. d. Senck. Ges., vi. Alt.-Feldspar may be altered through infiltrating waters carrying more or less carbonic acid in solution (Forchhammer, Fournet, Bischof); also through the action of waters rendered acid by the decomposition of sulphids (Mitscherlich); also by ordinary waters holding traces of alkaline and other ingredients in solution (Bischof). The presence of a sulphid of iron, or a mineral containing protoxyd of iron, as some mica, garnet, etc., is often the first occasion of the change. The decomposition of the mineral with the attendant oxydation of the iron distributes ferruginous waters through the rock (or sulphate of iron from the altered sulphid), and thus, by a disaggregating or decomposing action, prepares the way for other agencies. Si d1 Fe Oa kIg fa K 3. Obsidian, Telkban.74'80 12'40 2'03 1-96 0'90 - 640, Mn 1-31=99'80 Erdm. 4. Pitchstone, Meis. 75'60 11'60 1'20 1'35 6'69 2'77:I 4-73=103'95 Erdm. 5. " Arran 63-50 12-74Fe3'80 4-46 -- 6-22 —, ign. 8'0=98-71 Th. 6. " bk. Dresden 74'00 17-00e 2-75 1-50 -- --, Li 3'00=98-25 Tr. 7. Pearlstone, Hun. 72'87 12'05 1'75 1-30 1-10 6-13 1:[ 3'0=98'20 Erdm. 8. " 7" 9'12 12'00 2'45 - 1'10 3'58 1H 1-76-100'01 F. 9. Spherulite, " 77'20 12'47 2'27 3'34 0'73 4-27 =100'28 Erdmann. 10. Pumice, Lipari 77'50 17-50 1-75 -- - 3'00 =99'75 Klaproth. 11. "' 70'00 16'00 0'50 2-50 - -- 650, It 3'00=98-50 Berth. 12. P8le's Hair, I 51'19 -- 18-16 - —, Fe 30-26=99'61 S. Hawaii, volc. glass 39'74 10-55 - 2-74 2-40 21-62 -, Fe 22-29, H 0-33=99'67 S. 14. Sideromelane 49'25 15'18 20'23 9'61 2,10 2-51 1-12=100 Waltersh. 15. Spher. inpyrom. 88'09 6-03 0-58 0-28 1'65 2'53 H: 0'84=100 Delesse. 16. Krablite, Iceland 74'83 13'49 4'40 1'98 0'17 5'56 tr. =10043, F. G.=2-389. 17. 4' " 80'23 12-08 - 0-95 -- 2'26 4-92=100'44 Genth. Other analyses of obsidian, Deville (Bull. G. Soc. Fr., II. viii. 427); of pumice, lb.; also Schoffer (J. pr. Ch., liv. 16). IJNISILICATES. 361 When the infiltrating waters contain traces of carbonic acid, the feldspar acted on first loses its lime, if a lime feldspar, by a combination of the lime with this acid; next, its alkalies are carried off as carbonates, if the supply of carbonic acid continues, or otherwise as silicates in solution. The change thus going on ends in forming kaolin or some other hydrous silicate. The carbonate of soda or potash, or the silicate of these bases, set free, may go to the formation of other minerals -the production of pseudomorphic or metamorphic changes-and the supplying fresh and marine waters with their saline ingredients. Kaolin is generally a simple hydrous silicate of alumina (see KIAOLNITE), expressed by the formula;1 Si2 + 2 21=Silica 46'3, alumina 39-8, water 13'9. Orthoclase in changing to it loses I K + Si. Part of the silica set free may go off with more or less of the potash, or may form opal, quartz, siliceous sinter. The alumina also is often in part removed. The same explanation is readily applied to the change in albite or other feldspars. When the change is not carried on to the exclusion of the protoxyd bases, certain zeolites may result, especially, as Bischof states, when labradorite is the feldspar undergoing alteration, which species he describes as giving origin to the species mesolite. Massive nepheline or el eolite is a still more common source of zeolites. Anal. 52, by Scheerer, is of orthoclase enveloping the zeolite bergmannite, and 53, of the same enclosed in bergmannite, this zeolite having apparently been formed out of other portions of the orthoclase. When the waters contain traces of a magnesian salt-a bicarbonate or silicate-the magnesia may replace the lime or soda, and so lead to a steatitic change, or to a talc when the alumina is excluded; and when augite or hornblende is present, it may give origin to chlorite. The action of sulphurous acid from volcanic fumaroles produces often a complete destruction of the feldspar and other minerals present, giving rise to deposits or incrustations of silica, in some of its various forms, and also halloysite, kaolin, etc. Steatite, talc, chlorite, kaolin, lithomarge, mica, laumontite, occur as pseudomorphs after orthoclase or albite; and tin ore and calcite often replace these feldspars by some process of solution and substitution. Labradorite more rarely forms kaolin. Orthoclase is also described as occurring altered to albite. This has been mentioned as an example of paramnorphism, the two species being dimorphous. But as these feldspars occur together in the same rock, and must have been formed under very similar circumstances, we can hardly suppose that either is liable to a change like that of a dimorphous compound to the form of the other. Artif.-Artificial feldspar has been observed in crystals in furnace scoria at Mansfeld, Sangerhausen, near Laimbach, and near Stolberg. Analyses: 1, 2, Heine; 3, Abich; 4, Rammlelsberg: Si l Fe Mg Oa Ta K 1. Sangerhausen 64.53 19'20 1'20 - 133 -, Cu 0'27 Heine. 2. " 65-95 18-50 0'68 -- 4-28 10-47, Cu 0'13 Heine. 3. " 65-03 16-84 0'88 0-34 0-34 0'65 15'26, Cu 0-30 Abich. 4. Laimbach 63-96 20'04 0'54 0'43 0065 15-26=98'21 Ramm. The oxygen ratio afforded is 1: 3: 12. But the last is an iron-ort7zoclase, the alumina being replaced by sesquioxyd of iron. ERSBYITE. (Wasserfreier Scolezit [fr. Pargas] N: Nordensk., Schw. J., xxxi. 417, 1821. Anhydrous Scolecite. Scolexerose Bead., Tr., ii. 55, 1832. Var. of Labrador Frankenheim, Syst. d. Kryst., 136, 1842. Ersbvit A. E. Nordensk., Finl. Min., 129, 1853. Kalk-Labrador Ramm., Min. Ch., 595, 1860.) Monoclinic, with the angles nearly of orthoclase; IA\I=118~ 44', OAi-i=115~ 12' and 64~ 48', IAi-3=149~ 55', i-i A i-3=150~ 16', IA 2-i=134~ 49', OA 2-i=990 48' (angles by Nord., with the common goniometer). Observed planes: 0; vertical, 1, i-i, i-3; clinodome, 1-i; hemidome, 2-i. Cleavage: O perfect; i-i less perfect. H.-6; lustre vitreous, pearly on surface of cleavage;.color white or grayish-white. N. Nordenski6ld obtained in an analysis (1. c.) Si 54-13, ~1 29'23, Ca 15-46, I 1-07-=99-87, which affords the 0. ratio 1: 3: 6, or that of labradorite, to which species it has been referred by Frankenheim and Rammelsberg. A labradorite without alkali and with the angles of orthoclase is so much of an anomaly as to be at least of very improbable existence. It may well be altered orthoclase and thereby pseudomorphous. Nordenskidld. while making the form monoclinic in the text, states that he obtained the angle 90~ 22' between the two cleavages with a reflective goniometer, and suggests that the form may possibly be triclinic. Still the other angles are so closely those of orthoclase that this view appears quite improbable, as he also must regard it, since he does not adopt it in the text. It was called anhydrous scolecite by N. Nordenski6ld, because the O. ratio was that of scolecite minus the water. 362 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. III. SUBSILICATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. A. Oxygen ratio of bases and silica 4: 3. I. CHONDRODITE GROUP. 319. CHONDRODITE:tg8 Si 31gs2O1(S, F)i2jIS II. TOURMALINE GROUP. Rhombohedral. Containing boric acid as a base. 320. TOURMALINE (13, 7,'B)8 Si9 (R2, H, flL, flB)8 0211(O), P)2lSis B. Oxygen ratio of bases and silica 3: 2. 1. Containing no titanic acid. I. GEHLENITE GROUP. Tetragonal; isomorphous with the scapolite group. 321. GEHLENITE (~ A" +~2I) Si (~tea+~l)3 elte4lsi II. ANDALUSITE GROUP. Anisometric. CGontaining only sesquioxyds. 322. ANDALUSITE xl Si flA:3 0Jf[41[Si 323. FIBROLITE A1Si flA131 eO4IISi 324. KYANITE i] Si A13a eIO411Si 325. TOPAZ xlSi, with F repl. one-fifth the 0 flAst F1O4Si III. EUCLASE GROUP. Monoclinic. Containing other bases besides sesquioxyds. 326. EUCLASE ( +-a ]+ Be3+;iI) Si (1H2 + 2 Be~+36 l)l)3 H1I411f 327. DATOLITE ( 1E3 + 2 Ca +' B) Si (I H2 + 2 Ca + 6 fB)3 ellO41lSi 2. Containing titanic acid. T. GUARINITE GROUP. Tetragonal. 328. GUABRTE (0a + Ti) gi, or (~Ca3 + ~ Ti2) Si ( ea + ~ yYEi)3 Ol[O411Si II. TITANITE GROUP. Anisometric. 329. TITANITE (~ Oa +- Ti2) Si ( a+n yTi)3 H11O411Si 330. GnOTMTE (R2, i, Ti) Sa + 1 fPFe + 4 yTi)30oll 4lSi 331. KEILAUITE (3,, Ti) i (ArR+ -+ AlR+ 1% yTi)s HlO4llSi 332. TSOHEFFKINIT TE, Ti (8 i + 8 yTi) HllO941 S' SUBSILICATES. 363 C. Oxygen ratio of bases and silica 2: 1. I. STAUROLITE GROUP. Containing no titanic acid. 333. STAUROLITE (, S., RM), i (- (H2, R) + - iR)402d411jSi II. SCHORLOMITE GROUP. Containing titanic acid as a base. 334. SCHORLOMITE (R", R, Ti)4' Si3 (R + A OR+ 4 rR5)4+lH4ll Si Appendix.-335. SAPPHRINE, Si, _:1, Mg. In the Andalusite group, the species andalusite and topaz are approximately isomorphous; for if i- A i-2 in the latter is made the fundamental prism, then IA I=93~ 11', while it is 90~ 44' in andalusite. Euclase, datolite, and the species of the Titanite group are also isomorphous; the angle of Ibeing, severally, 115~, 115~ 3', and 113~ 31'; and 0 on a clinodome=161~ 51', 162~ 27', 159~ 39'. 319. CEHONDRODITE. Chondrodit [= Silicate of Magnesia and Iron] d'Ohsson, Ak. H. Stockh., 206, 1817. Condrodite I. Maclureite, Fluosilicate of Magnesia (fr. Sparta, N. J.), Seybert, Am. J. Sci., v. 336, 1822. Brucite (fr. N. J. and N. Y.) Gibbs, Cleaveland's Min., 295, 1822, Nuttall in Am. J. Sci., v. 245, 1822. Humite Bourn., Cat., 52, 1817. Orthorhombic. Often hemihedral in octahedral planes, producing forms monoclinic in character. IA -=94~ 26' and 83~ 34'. Crystals of three types, as in the following figures. 323 324 325 326 Type I., a:: c -14678: 1: 1'0805; II., 1577: 1: 0805; III, 1'4: 1 080 Observed planes in esuvian crystals as in figs. 323 to 326, with also in type II.; the two unlettered planes on figs.3 326, 4-, 1-.1. Humite: Type fig. um327, wite:h also Oumie: TypeIII. -Hum, Fig. e:26 left-handhemihedral. TypeL, a: b1: =1-4678: 1: 1-080; IL, 15127: 1: 1-080; III. 1 4154: dite as in fig. 32O, with also, i-n i 2- crystl as in Fiig. 3263 left-handed hemihedral, 327 right-handed hemihedral. Angles in the different types of humiite: 364 OXYGEN COMiPOUNDS. 827 O A 3-i=1020 48' III. 0 A 1-T=1250 14k' O A 3-~=103 47 0 A 2-i 109 27 O A 1-2 —121 44 0 A 4-97 23 1- A 1-, bas., 111 28 0 A 4 —:119 47 O | O A 3-2=112 24 0 A 4- 100 48 i — A i-23 front-71 32 O A -2=140 15 2 2) 5-71 32 0 A8 —2=119 17 II. 0 A 1-i=122 27 O A 8-2= —94 35 1 _ O A 2=103 8 O A A-11115 0 A 2 —-=135 52' 1-i A 1-=-109 31 Chondrodite. 3 O A 4-2=98 13 1-i A 4=134 23 1. 0 A 1-i-1240 16' 0 A 2-4=108 58 43 A A-2 ov.-,=126 52 O A 1 116 34 1-4 A 1-4, oV. i-i, 115 6 Observed angles with the common goniometer in chondrodite of N. Jersey (Dana): 1-i A 1-i=112~ (for mean of humnite types 112~ 2'); 14- A 4136~; 1-i A 8-2-157~, 4 A -2, ov. 1-127~,IA I, adj.,-85~, 4-i on edge above it 168~; of Pargas (Nordenskiold) 1-T A 1-T=114~ 37' (in type II. above 115~ 6' ), 0 A 2 —-136~ 1', 0 A 2- =1090 3'. Twins': composition-face A-4 in type I.; -— i and 6 — in II.; 4-i in III.; the last sometimes producing stellate forms of six crystals, each hemihedral. Cleavage indistinct. Usually in imbedded grains or masses of a somewhat granular texture. H.=6- 6'5. G. =3118 —3'24. Lustre vitreous-resinous. Color white, yellow, pale yellow or brown; sometimes red, apple-green, black, gray. Streak white, or slightly yellowish, or grayish. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture subconchoidal-uneven. Var. —. Ordinary chondrodite. In imbedded crystals, masses, or grains, subtranslucent or opaque, more or less resinous in lustre, and surfaces hardly polished; the crystals sometimes 2 inches or more broad, Colors the above, excepting white. G.=3'118, from N. Jersey, Thomson; 3-24, fr. Eden, N. Y., id.; 3'199, fr. Finland, Haidinger. 2. Humite. In small implanted, transparent to translucent, polished glassy crystals, from Vesuvius; (a) type I.; (b) type II.; (c) type III., the most common. Colorless to citron-yellow, honeyyellow, and brownish. G.=3-234, white, type I.; 3-177, yellow, type II.; 3-199, brown, type III.; 3-186, yellowish, type III.; Scacchi. Comp.-Mg8 Si3, with part of the oxygen replaced by fluorine; I2 in chondrodite; 1w in humite, type I., s in type II., j1 in type III., Ramm. Analyses: 1, Dr. W. Langstaff (Am. J. Sci., vi. 172, analysis made in 1811); 2, Seybert (Am. J. Sci., v. 336); 3, Rammelsberg (Pogg., liii. 130, and 1st Suppl., 38); 4, W. Fisher (Am. J. Sci., II. ix. 85); 5, Thomson (Ann. Lye. N. York, iii. 54); 6-10, Rammelsberg (Pogg., liii. 130, lxxxvi. 413): gi F e Ig F 1. New Jersey 32' 6' 51' 8'55, 11 and loss 2=99-55 Langstaff. 2. " 32-67 2'33 54'00 3.89, f 1'0, K 2'11=96'00 Seybert. 3. " yellow 33'06 3'65 55'46 7'60 —99'77 Ramm. 4., " red 33'35 5'50 53'05 7'60=99'50 W. Fisher. 5. 36'00 Pe 3.97 54'64 3.77, _I 162=99'98 Thomson. 6. Pargas, yellow 33'10 2'35 56'61 8'69=100'75 Ramm. 7. it gray 33'19 6'75 54'50 9'69=104'13 Ramm. 8. Humite, type I. 34'80 2'40 60'08 3'47-=10075 Ramm. 9. " " II. 33'26 2'30 57 92 5'04, Ca 074, 11'06=100'32 Ramm. 10. " " III. 36'67 1'67 56683 2'61=97'78 Ramm. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible; some varieties blacken and then burn white. Fused with salt of SUBSILICATES. 365 phosphorus in the open tube gives a reaction for fluorine. With the fluxes a reaction for iron. Gelatinizes with acids. Heated with sulphuric acid gives off fluorid of silicon. Obs.-Chondrodite occurs mostly in granular limestone. It is found near AbS, in the parish of Pargas in Finland, and at Aker and Gulsjd in Sweden; at Taberg in Wermland; at Boden in Saxony; on Loch Ness in Scotland; at Achmatovsk in the Ural, along with perofskite; and in the mines of Schischimsk with red apatite. Humite occurs at Somma, in ejected masses of a kind of granitic rock, along with forsterite, biotite, pyroxene, magnetite, etc. Abundant in the counties of Sussex, N. J., and Orange, N. Y., where it is associated with spinel, and occasionally with pyroxene and corundum. In N. Jersey, at Bryam, orange and strawcolored chondrodite, and also a variety nearly black, occurs with spinel; at Sparta, a fine locality of honey-yellow chondrodite; a mile to the north of Sparta the best locality of this mineral in N. J.; at Vernon, Lockwood, and Franklin. In N; York, in Orange Co., in Warwick, Monroe, Cornwall, near Greenwood Furnace, and at Two Ponds, and elsewhere; near Edenville in fine specimens on the land of Mr. Houston; also sparingly in Rossie, on the bank of Laidlaw Lake. In 2fiass., at Chelmsford, with scapolite. In Penn., near Chaddsford, in Harvy's quarry, of yellow and orange colors, abundant. In Canada, in limestone at St. Crosby, St. Jerome, St. Adele, Grenville, etc., abundant. The name chondrodite is from X6,ooo;, a grain, alluding to the granular structure. Brucite was given by Col. Gibbs after Dr. Bruce, editor of the American Mineralogical Journal; Maclureite by Seybert, after Wm. Maclure. The mineral was first discovered in New Jersey by Dr. Bruce. Fluorine was first detected in it in 1811, by Dr. Langstaff of New York, whose analysis (No. 1) gives very nearly the correct constitution of the species. Cleaveland, in the first edition of his mineralogy (issued in 1816), at p. 185, in a brief mention of the undescribed species, speaks of it as a fluate, calling it fluate of mragnesia, he evidently having had an imperfect report of Dr. Langstaff's examination, the results of which had not then been published. Dr. Torrey obtained similar results to those of Dr. Langstaff in 1818. See on these points Am. J. Sci., vi. 171, 1823. D'Ohsson analyzed the mineral in 1817 without finding the fluorine, he obtaining (l.c.) Si 38'00, Mg 54:00,'e 5-10, it1 1-50, tK 0-86 Mn tIr., a result very wide from the true composition. Humite was shown to be identical with chondrodite in composition by Rammelsberg. On cryst. see Scacchi, Pogg., 1851, Erg/inz., ii. 161, who identified and described the three types of humite; also Hessenberg, Min. Not., ii. 15; Nordenskidld on chondrodite of Pargas, Pbgg., xcvi. 118. The author adopts a modified view of Scacchi's types, first brought out in Am. J. Sci., lI. xiv. 115. Alt. —Chondrodite altered to serpentine has been observed at Sparta, N. J., with spinel and mica. 320. TOURMA.INET. Early syn. of precious T. Turamali, Turmalin (fr. Ceylon), Ceylon name, Garmann, Curiosms Speculationes, etc., von einem Liebhaber, der Immer Gern Speculirt, Chemnitz, 1707. Pierre de Ceylan; un petit aiman; M. Lemery la fit voir, etc., Hist. Ac. Sci., Paris, 1717, p. 8. Aschentrecker Holl.; Aschenzieher Germ.; Ash-drawer Engl. [alluding to electrical property]. Zeolithus vitreus electricus, Tourmalin, Rinmann, Ak. H. Stockh., 1766; v. Born, Lithoph., i. 47, 17172. Borax electricus Linn., Syst., 96, 1768. Tourmaline Garnet Hill, Foss., 148, 1771. Tourmaline Kirw., Min., i. 271, 1.794. Early syn. of opaque T. Schurl pt. Erker, 1595; Schirl pt. Brickomann, 1727 [see p. 206]. Skiorl pt., Corneus crystallisatus pt., Wall., 139, 1747. Basaltes cryst. pt., Skdrl-Crystall pt., Cronst., 70, 1758. Schdrl, Stangenschhrl, Germ.; Shorl, Shirl, Cockle, Engl. Borax Basaltes Linn., Syst., 95, 1768. Basaltes crystallisatus v. Born, Lithoph., i. 34, 1772, ii. 95, 1775. Shorl Kirw., Min., i. 265, 1794. S'yn. from union of T. and S. in one species. Tourmaline ou Basalte transparent=Schorl, de Lisle, Crist., 266, with fig. cryst. (and proofs of ident. of T. & S.), 1772. Schorl transparent rhomboidal dit Tourmaline et Peridot=Schorl, de Lisle, Crist., ii. 344, with figs., 1783. Schbrl, Stangenschbrl'(incl. var. (1) Schwarzer S., (3) Elektrischer S. =Turmalin), Wern., Cronst., 169, 1780; Bergm. J., i. 374, 1789; Jameson, Min., 1816. Tourmaline H., Tr., iii. 1801. Var. introd. as Sp. Rubellite (fr. Siberia) Kirw., Min., i. 288, 1794=Daourite:Delameth., T. T., ii. 303, 1797=Siberite l'Hermina, J. de l'Ecole Polytechn., i. 439=Tourmaline apyre H., iv. 1801=-Apyrit Hausm., Handb., 642, 1813. Indicolite and Aphrizite (fr. Norway) d'Andrada, J. de Phys., li. 243, 1800, Scherer's J., iv. 19, 1800. Taltalite.Domeyko, Min., 139, 1860=Cobre negro estrellado de Tantal (Atacama). Var. introd. as Subsp. Achroit (fr. Elba) Herm., J. pr. Ch., xxxv. 232, 1845. 366 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Rhombohedral. RA =103~, O A R=1340 3'; a=0'89526, Observed planes: rhomnbohedrons, 1, (R), ), -, 6, 5, 1- -2, -i, -,- -I; scale333 328 229 332 ~~~~z~~~2 j I ~~~~~~~-2,i f Ji2 St. Lawrence Co., N.Y. 336 334 335 22 i2 1 i2 2 4 2 2 41 1 2 R 2 I Unionville, Pa. Canada. Hunterstown, C. E. 337 338. Analogue Pole. 339. Antilogue Pole. 1 i2 i2 i2 i$dis ~i2 42 19 4-2 Gouverneur, N. Y. hedrons~,2,, 1~-, 12 13, (the last replacing angle between -,, and 9); prisms, I, i-2, -I -. sually hemihedral, being often unlike at the opposite extremities, or hemimorphic, and the prisms often triangular. Cleavage: R, -4, and i-2, difficult. Sometimes massive compact; also columnar, coarse or fine, parallel or divergent. SUBSILICATES. 367 O A -=1650 31' - A ~=154~ 59' i-2 A ~2 130O 55' O A - -152 40 1 A —133 8 i-2 A 13. — 36 41 OA -- 129 21 i-2 A ~-113 26 i-2 A 12 147 51 0 A 2-115 49 i-2 A R=128 30 i-2 Ai- -160 54 0O A 5=-111 9 - -2 A 15-155 14 i-2 A i-}-166 6 OA — 2-99 58 i-2 A 18=142 26 i-2 A 1-150. H. 7-7-5. G. -294 —33. Lustre vitreous. Color black, brownishblack, bluish-black, most common; blue, green, red, and sometimes of rich shades; rarely white or colorless; some specimens red internally and green externally; and others red at one extremnity, and green, blue, or black at the other. Dichroic; some, yellowish-brown axially, asparagus-green transversely; dark brownish-violet axially, greenish-blue transversely; purple axially, bluish transversely; etc. Streak uncolored. Transparent-opaque; greater transparency across the prism than in the line of the axis. Fracture subconchoidal —uneven. Brittle. Pyroelectric. Var.-1. Ordinary. In crystals. (a) Rubellite; the red sometimes transparent; the Siberian is mostly violet-red, the Brazilian rose-red; that of Chesterfield and Goshen, Mass., pale rose-red and opaque; that of Paris, Me., fine ruby-red and transparent. (b) Indicolite; the blue, either pale or bluish-black; named from the indigo-blue color. (c) Brazilian Sapphire (in jewelry); Berlin-blue and transparent; (d) Brazilian Emerald, Chrysolite (or Peridot) of Brazil; green and transparent. (e) Peridot of Ceylon; honey-yellow. (f) Achroite; colorless tourmaline, from Elba. (g) Aphrizite; black tourmaline, from Krageroe, Norway. (h) Columnar and black; coarse columnar. Resembles somewhat hornblende, but has a more resinous fracture, and is without distinct cleavage or anything like a fibrous appearance in the texture. Kupffer found the angle 4 A~ in the green tourmaline of St. Gothard 133~ 8'; in the black of Siberia, 133~ 13'; in the red of Siberia, 133~ 2'; giving 134~ 6', 134~ 3', and 133~ 56' for 0 A. Brooke found for the angle 0 A; in a white crystal, 134 71'; green, 134~ 2' 24"; clear brown, 133~ 56'; red, 133~ 48'; black, 133~ 47' 12". The varieties in composition and the subdivisions suggested thereby are given below. Comp.-O. ratio for bases (the boric acid here included) and silica 4: 3 (Ramam.); whence (i2, A, ]B)sSi9. The O. ratio for the protoxyds, sesquioxyds, and boric acid (1, A, B) varies greatly; group I. (see beyond) affording mostly 4: 12: 4; II., 4: 15: 5; III., 4: 21: 6, 4: 24:: 7, etc.; IV., 4: 40: 12, 4: 36: 11, etc.; V., 4: 48: 13, 4: 56: 12, etc. The special formula for group I. would consequently be (R3)8 Si9+3 R8 Si9+B giS or..( R3 + 3 + B)8 Si9; for analysis 23 in group V. (RW) Si9+ 14` S-i9t+3B Si9 or(l83+1 L48+- L ]38B) Si9, and these (excluding analysis 26) are the extreme variations. A. Mitscherlich, by a new method of analysis (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 1), obtained the iron as protoxyd in several trials, finding 16'06 and 16-30 in that of Bovey Tracey (No. 13, beyond); 5-69 and 5'66 in that of St. Gothard (No. 9); 17-14 and 17129 in that of Sonnenberg (No. 15); 754, 7'-65, and 7'57 in that of Sarapulsk near Mursinsk (No. 17); and 6-14 in that of Brazil (No. 21). But Scheerer takes the ground that Mitscherlich's method of analysis is less satisfactory than others, and the subject is still in doubt. Mitscherlich's determinations, introduced into Rammelsberg's analyses as done by himself, afforded, in the 14 cases which he investigated, the following for the oxygen of R++'+B, that of the Si being 3: I., Iron-magnesia tourmaline-3'90 (No. 7); 41()0 (No. 8); 409 (No. 9); 4-07 (fr. Havredal); 4-15 (fr. Ramfosse); 4-11 (No. 10, Haddam); 4'12 (No. 11, Iaddam); 4-21 (No. 12, Unity, Me.); II., Iron toaurmaline —4-09 (No. 13); 4-32 (No. 14); 4-09 (No. 15); 4'23 (fr. Saar); 4-12 (fr. Langenbielau); 3-99 (No. 16). The results leave little question as to the normal ratio for the species being 4: 3. Analyses: 1-26, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxx. 409, lxxxi. 1) arranged as follows: I. Magnesia tourmnaline, G.=3 —3'7, mean 3'05. I[. Iron-magnesia tourmaline, G.=3805-3'2, mean 3'11. III. Iron tourmaline, G.=3'13-3'25. IV. Iron-manganese-lithia tourmaline, G.= 2 -94 —3'11, mean 3'083. V. Lithia tourmaline, G.=3 —3'1, mean 3'041. Anal. 27-29, Gmelin (Schw. J., 299, xxxviii. 514, Pogg., ix. 172); 30, Ulex (J. pr. Ch., xcvi 37); 31, C. W. 0. Fuchs (Jahrb. Min. 1862, 800); 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, Gmelin (1. c.): 33, 36, 39, 40, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxv. 232): G Si B ~1 ~n Fe 1% ~g (% ~a'K Li ~ F ign. L 1..Brown, Gouverneur 3'049 38'85 8'25 31'32 --- 1-27 --- 14'89 1'60 1'28 0'26 --- --- 2'28 —100. 3'19 oo' 2. " W. ]~appel 3'035 38'08 9'39 34'21 --- 1-43 --- 11'22 0'61 2'37 0'47 --- 0'12 2'10=100. 2'93 3. Greenish, Eibenstock 3'034 37'83 8'88 30'86 --- 4-85 ~ 11'62 0'88 2'27 0'30 -- --- 2'51 —100. 3'50 4. Brown, Orford, lg. H. 3'068 38'33 9'86 33'15 ---- 3'07 0'12 10'89 0'77 1'52 -- 0'24 2'50=100'45. 3'49 5. " Wonroe, Ct. 3'068 39'01 9'04 31'18 --- 3'44 0'98 9'90 1'81 1'82 0'44 -- --- 2'38 —100. 3'32 6. J~lack, Zillerthal 3'054 37'94 8'58 33-64 --- 2'79 0'37 10'46 0'98 2'13 0'37 -- 0'24 2'50=100. 3'54: IT. 7..Black, Greenland 3'072 37'70 7'36 34'53 ---- 4'63 0'25 9'51 1'25 2'00 0'43 --- 0'11 2'23 —100. 3'11 8. " Texas, Pa. 3'043 38'45 8'48 34'561~n0'09 3'31 -- 9'11 0'71 2'00 0'73 ---- 0'20 2'36=100. 3'30 9. B~ownish-black, St. Gothard 3'055 38'00 8'99 32'28 --- 6'36 1'51 7'27 1'31 1'43 0'28 --- 0'24: 2'33 —100. 3'25 10. Black,/{addam, Gneiss q'ries 3'136 37'50 7'94 30'87 --- 8'31 1'06 8'60 1'61 ]'60 0'73 -- ~. 1'78=]00. 2'49 11. " " Chrysob. loc. 3'132 36'55 4'87 32'46 --- 11'08 0'50 8'51 1'80 2'28 -- ~ 1'95 —100. 2'72 12. " LTntty, Me. 5'192 36'29 6'94 30'44 --- 13'08 2'38 6'32 1'02 1'94 --- -- 1'59=100. 2'22 III. 13..Black, }]ovey Tracey 3'205 37'00 7'66 33'09 --- 9'33 6'19 2'58 0'50 1'39 0'65 -- 0'12 1'49=100. 2'09 ~ 14. " Alabaschka, Ural 3'227 37'54 8'00 34'40 ---- 7'61 8'60 1'76 0'86 1'02 0'47 -- ~ 1'54=100. 2'15 15. " Sonnenberg, I-Iarz 3'243 36'51 7'62 32'92~n0'11 8'13 9'51 0'78 0,72 1'36 0'58 ~ 0'12 1'64=100. 2'31 Q 16. " tirummau, Bohemia 3'135 38'43 8'06 34'25 ---- 9'98 1'44: 3'84: 0'44 1'36 0'30 -- ~ 1'90 —100. 2'66 IV. 17..Bluish-black, Sarapulsk, Ural 3'162 38'30 6'.~2 36'17 3'71 6'35 3'84: 0'53 0'27 2'37 0'33 -- 0'96 1'75 —100. 3'28 18. j~lack, Elba 2'942 36'71 6'49 36-00 6'14 7'14 2'30 0'80 2'04 0'38 2'00 —100. c~......O 19. Green, " 3'112 38'19 q'10 39'16 4'74 3'14 1'00 0'84 2'40 0'34 0'74 --- 2'35 —100. 2'44 20. " Paris, ]Ke. 3'069 38'47 7'51 40'93 1'78 3'08 -- 1'21 0'88 2,36 0'36 1'47 --- 2'00=100. --- 21. " ]3razil 3'107 38'55 7'21 38'40 0'81 5'13 2'00 0'73 1'14 2'37 0'37 1'20 -- 2'09 —100. 2'92 c~ 22. " Chesterfield, Mass. 3'108 40'26 7'79 28'00 0'90 2'61 3'80 0'80 0'81 2'09 0'64 0'20 ---- 2'10=100. 2'94: ~r. 23. Red, Elba 3'022 39'27 7'87 44'41 0'64 ---- --- 0'78 --- 2'00 1-30 1'22 0'10 2'41=100. ~ 3'37 24. " Paris, Me. 3'019 38'33 9'00 43'15 1'12 ~- -- 1'02 -- 2'60 0'68 1'17 0-27 2'58=99'92. 3'61 25. " Schaitansk 3'082 38'38 7'41 43'97 2'60 --- ~ 1'60 0'62 1'97 0'21 0'48 0'27 2'47 —100. 3'45 26. " Rozena 2'998 4:1'16 8'56 41'83 0'97 --- ---- 0'61 -- 1'37 2'17 0'41 0'22 2'70=100. 3'76 ign. IT. 27..Brown, St. Gothard 37'81 4'18 31'61 1'11 "/'77 5'99 098 --- 1'20 ---- ~- 0'24 —90'89 G. 28..B/ack, Greenland 38'79 3'63 37'19 ~r. 5 81 5'86 --- 3'13 0'22 ---- -- 1'86 —96'48 Gmelin. 29. " ]~aringbricka 37'65 3'83 33-46 ~ 9'38 10'98 0'25 2'53.... 0'03=98'11 Gmelin. 30. Taltalite 39'6 7'5 35'5 --- 7'2 ~- 4'3 2'2 1 6 0-3.... ~ —-98'2 Ulex. Ill. 31..Black~ Rosstrappo (~) 37-25 545 34:'64: -- 4'66 9'73 0'65 0'38 2'47 2'71 --- 1'79 1'03 —100 Fuchs. 32, " Bovey 35'20 4'11 35'50 0'43 17'86 0'70 0'55 209...... —96'44 Gmelin. 33..Brown, ]k[ursinsk 37'80 9'90 30'56 ~/f2-50 0'50 12'07 1-42 -- 2'09 --- 0'50 ~ -—, 0 1'66 —100 H, 34. Green, Brazil 39'16 4'59 40'00 ~ 2']4 5 96...... 3'59 ---- -- 1'58=97'02 Gmelin. 35. " Chesterfield 38'80 3'88 39'61 "2'88 ~'43 -- -- 4'95.... 0'78 —98'33 Gmelin. ~r. 36. " Totsch' Gora 40'54 11'78 31'77 ~0'90 -- 3'65 6'44.... 2'09 ~r 1'17 -—, C 1-66 —100 H. SUBSILICATES. 369 i B Al Mn kg 2a Kf Li ignl. 37. Red, Rozena 42-13 5'74 36'43 6 32 aal20 - 2'41 2'04 1'31=97158 Gmelin. 38. " Perm 39'37 4'18 44'00 5'02 - - 129 2'52 1'58=97 56 Gmelin. 39. Achroite, Elba 42'89 5'34 44 09 Mi 0'27 0'45 3'12 -- 2'19 —, C 1'66 —100 H. 40. Red, Sarapulsk 39-70 6 65 40-29 " 2-30 0'16 7-88 - 3'02 — =100 Hermann. Pisani has examined a specimen of true taltalite (Am. J. Sci., II. xliii. 407), and shown that it is tourmaline with oxyd of copper and other impurities. Domeyko made it a silicate of copper (1. c., and Forbes, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 111). Ulex's specimen (anal. 30) was procured from a cargo of copper ores landed at Hamburg, and identified as taltalite by its characters. Pyr., etc.-I., fuse rather easily to a white blebby glass or slag; II., fuse with a strong heat to a blebby slag or enamel, either white, greenish, or brownish; III., fise with difficulty, or, in some, only on the edges, to a brownish, brownish-red, gray, or black slag; IV., fuse on the edges, and often with great difficulty, to a yellowish, grayish, bluish, or whitish slag or enamel, and some are infusible; V., infusible, but becoming white or paler, sometimes, as the Paris (Me.) rubellite, affording a fine enamel on the edges (Ramm.). With the fluxes many varieties give reactions for iron and manganese. Fused with a mixture of bisulphate of potash and fiuor-spar gives a strong reaction for boric acid. By heat alone tourmaline loses weight from the evolution of fluorid of silicon and perhaps also fluorid of boron; and only after previous ignition is the mineral completely decomposed by fluohydric acid. Not decomposed by acids (Ramm.). After fusion perfectly decomposed by sulphuric acid (v. Kobell). Obs.-Tourmaline is usually found in granite, gneiss, syenite, mica, chloritic or talcose schist, dolomite, granular limestone, and sometimes in sandstone near dykes of igneous rocks. The variety in granular limestone or dolomite is commonly brown. Foreign localities are mentioned above. Small brilliant black crystals in decomposed feldspar, at Sonnenberg in the Harz, are called aphrizite. Rubellite and green tourmaline occur near Katherinenburg in Siberia; pink crystals are found at Elba. Pale yellowish-brown crystals in talc at Windisch Kappell in Carinthia; green at Airolo, Switzerland; white specimens (achroite) come from tt. Gothard, Siberia, and Elba. A specimen, formerly in the Grand Duke's collection at Florence, measuring 11 inches square, contains 4 erect green tourmalines and 1 prostrate, 2, 4, and 2.+ inches long, and i to 1 inch thick. In Great Britain, fine black crystals have been obtained near Bovey Tracey in Devon; also found in Cornwall at different localities; green near Dartmoor in Devon; black near Aberdeen in Scotland, and elsewhere; dark brown at Dalkey in Co. Dublin, Ireland; green near Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal; green and red at Ox mountain, near Sligo. In the U. States, in Maine at Paris and Hebron, magnificent red and green tourmalines with lepidolite, etc., some crystals over an inch in diameter, transparent, ruby-red within, surrounded by green, or red at one extremity and green at the other; also blue and pink varieties; at Albany, green and black; at Streaked Mtn., black. In Mass., at Chesterfield, red, green, and blue, in a granite vein with albite, uranite, and microlite, the crystals small and curved, nearly opaque, and fragile, the green crystals often with distinct prisms of red color inside, especially when in smoky quartz; at Goshen, similar, the blue in greater perfection; at Norwich, New Baintree, and Carlisle, good black crystals. In N. Hamp., Alstead, Grafton, Sullivan, Acworth, and Saddleback Mt; at Orford, large brownish-black crystals abundant in steatite. In Vermont, at Brattleboro, black. In Conn., at Monroe, perfect dark brown crystals in mica-slate near Lane's mine, sometimes two inches in length and breadth; at Haddam, interesting black crystals in mica slate with anthophyllite, also in granite with iolite, and also at the gneiss quarries, on the east side of the river. In N. York, near Gouverneur, light and dark brown crystals, often highly modiSed, with apatite and scapolite in granular limestone (f. 3'.8, 339); at Canton; in simple prisms in the same rock near Port Henry, Essex Co.; at Schroon, with chondrodite: and: scapolite; at Crown Point, one mile south of village, fine brown crystals; at the chrysoberyl locality near Saratoga, N. Y., black; at Alexandria, Jefferson Co.; at Kingsbridge, brown, yellowish or reddish-brown crystals in dolomite; near Edenville, gray or bluish-gray and green in threesided prisms occur; short black crystals in the same vicinity, and at Rocky Hill, sometimes 5 inches in diameter; a mile southwest of Amity, yellow and cinnamon-colored crystals with spinel in calcite; also near the same village a clove-brown variety with hornblende and rutile in granular limestone. In N. Jersey, at Franklin, Hamburg, and Newton, black and brown crystals in limestone, with spinel. In Penn., at Newlin, Chester Co.; at London Grove and near Unionville, of a light yellow or brownish-yellow (f. 458), in limestone, and rarely white; at Parksburg, Chester Co; in Delaware Co., at Aston; at Chester, fine black; Middletown, black; Marple, of a green color in talc; opposite New Hope, Buck's Co.; in New Garden township, Chester Co., in limestone, light brown to yellow and sometimes transparent; near New Hope on the Delaware, large black crystals, in which the prismatic faces are sometimes almost obsolete. In S. Car., in Cheowee valley. In Georgia, Habersham Co. In California, black crystals, 6-8 in. in diameter, in 24 370 OXYGEN COMPOUNIDS. feldspar veins, in the mountains between San Diego and the Colorado desert, bordering the ele. vated valley of San Felipe. In Canada, superb greenish-yellow crystals, 1 inch through, in limestone at G. Calumet Id.: amber-colored at Fitzroy, C. W.; transparent-brown (f. 336) at Hunterstown, C. E., with idocrase and garnet; black at Bathurst and Elmsley, C. W., and St. Jerome, C. E. The name turmalin, from Turamali in Cingalese, was introduced into Holland in 1703, with a lot of gems from Ceylon. The property of attracting the ashes of burnt peat, after friction, led to its being very soon named in Holland Aschentrecker, or ash-drawer. In 1717, Lemery, in his Memoir in the Hist. de l'Acad. des Sci., France, referred the attraction to magnetism; and in 1756 to 1762, appeared the several Memoirs of ZEpinus (published in the Memn. Acad. Berlin, vol. xii., and at St. Petersburg) on the electrical properties of' tourmaline. The name tousrmaline was slow of introduction into mineralogical treatises. The first specimens from Ceylon were cut gems, so that the common characteristics of tourmaline and schorl were not apparent. Linnasus, in his Syst. Nat., 1768, suggests the relation between them, but de Lisle was the first to describe Ceylon crystals, and bring the two minerals into one species. On the name schorl, see pages 204 to 206. Long after the union of tourmaline and schorl, the species continued to bear the latter of these names; and even in 1816, Jameson, in his System of Mineralogy, retains schorl as the name of the species, with coLmmon schorl and tourmaline or precious schorl as two subspecies. Alt.-Tourmaline occurs altered to mica, chlorite, cookeite, steatite. The mica is lepidolite, a species which is related in composition to some tourmaline, and is a frequent associate of the red and green varieties. It appears to take place through the addition of alkalies. Some rubellites and green tourmalines at Chesterfield are hollow, evidently from decomposition and removal of the interior; and in the cavities are occasionally observed small crystals of yellow uranite (Teschemacher). ZEUXITE, Thomson (Ann. Phil., iv. 299, 1814) was found in 1814 in acicular interwoven crystals at Huel Unity, Cornwall; color brown, slightly greenish in some lights; G. =3'051, H.=4'25;. prisms stated to be flat rectangular. Thomson's analysis afforded Si 33-48, X1 31-85, Fe 26'01, Ca 2'46, I 5-28=99-07. B.B. becomes scoriaceous at the edges. Loses over 5 p. c. when heated in a glass tube. Greg supposes that this loss may have been of boric acid instead of water, and that the mineral is a ferriferous tourmaline (Phil. Mag., IV. x. 118). 321. GEHLENITE. Gehlenit Fuchs, Schw. J., xv. 377, 1815. Stylobat Breith., Leonh. Taschenb., x. 600: 1816, Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 109, 1817. Tetragonal; near meionite in form (p. 318). O A 1-i= 1580 12'; a0-400. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-3; octahedral, 1, 8, 2, a-i, Descl. O A 1=1500 30', O A 2-1310 28' OA — 1470 7, O A 7-i=1360 58' (135 —136~ obs.). Crystals usually short square prisms, sometimnes tabular. Cleavage: O imperfect; i-i in traces. H.' 5-5-6. G.=2-9-3-067. Lustre resinous, inclining to vitreous. Color different shades of grayish-green to liver-brown; none bright. Faintly subtranslucent-opaque. Fracture uneven-splintery. Streak white grayish-white. Double refraction feeble; axis negative. Comp.-O. ratio for Rt 1, Si=l- 1: I:, or 3: 2 between bases and silica, as in andalusite. Formula ( it3 + ) Sti=, if Al to Pe=5: 1, Silica 29 9, alumina 21 5, sesquioxyd of iron 6-6, lime 42'0 = 100. Analyses: 1, Fuchs (Schw., xv. 377); 2, Thomson (Min., i. 281); 3, v. Kobell (Kastn. Arch., iv. 313); 4, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys.,III. x. 66); 5, 6, Kuhn (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lix. 311); 7, Ram-.melsberg (3d Suppl., 47): Si -xl e Pe Sig a H 1. Fassa 29'64 24'80 656 -- 35'30 3'30=99'60 Fuchs. 2. " 29'13 2505 5 - -- 37138 4'54=100'45 Thomson. 3. " 31'0 21-4 -- 4'4 3-4 37'4 20 —99'6 Kobell. 4. " 31'60 19'80 5'97 - 2'20 38'11 1-53, Na 0'33=99'54 Damour. 5. " 30'47 17'79 7 30 -- 2'99 36 97 3-62=99'14 Khhn. 6. " 29'53 19-00 -- 1725 141 36'55 5'55=99'28 Kiihn. 7. " 29-78 22-02 3'22 1-73 3-88 3790, ft and loss 1'28, Mn 0'19 Ramm. Rammelsberg has cleared up in part the discrepancies in the analyses by discovering that the mineral contains both sesquioxgd and protoxyd of iron. The oxygen ratio from his analyses is'34:.3:4'1, for which he substitutes 3: 3: 4=1: 1: I. SUBSILICATES. 371 Pyr., etc.-B.B. thin splinters fuse with difficulty (F.=5'7, v. Kobell) to a gray glass. With borax fuses slowly to a glass colored by iron. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid, yielding a solution containing both protoxyd and sesquioxyd of iron. Obs.-Gehlenite is found only at Mount Monzoni, in the Fassa valley, in isolated or aggregated crystals, invested by calcite. Named by Fuchs after his colleague, Gehlen. Alt.-Gehlenite occurs altered to steatite. A partially altered specimen afforded G. Bischof Si 31'62, A1 23-79, Fe 9.43, Mg 2'84, Ca 31'13, ign. 128= 100'09, with some mixed carbonate of lime. Artif.-Not unfrequent among furnace scoria, in thin square tables, or 8-sided prisms, with cleavage parallel to the lateral planes of a square prism. Has been observed at Dawes' furnace, Oldbury in England, and at Holzhausen in Hessia. Analyses: 1, Percy (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1846, Am. J. Sci., II. v. 128); 2, Bunsen:, Si Ul Pe Mn Mg Ca Na } 0a'SCa S 1. Dawes', Oldbury 28'32 24-24 0-27 0'07 2'79 40'12 - 0'64 0-26 338= —100-09 Percy. 2. Holzhausen 32-22 27'81 - 2'67 5'57 17'35 11'30 3-05 - — =99-97 Bunsen. 322. ANDALUSITE. Spath adamantin d'un rouge violet (fr. Forez) Bourn., J. de Phys., xxxiv. 453, 1789. Feldspath du Forez Guytonz, Ann. Ch., 1. 190, 1789. Andalousite (fr. Spain and Forez) Delameth., J. de Phys., xlvi. 386, 1798. Andalusite. Feldspath apyre H., Tr., iv. 1801. Micaphilit, Micafilit (fr. Lahmerwinkel), Brunner, Moll's Ann. B. H., iii. 294, 1804, Efem., i. 51, 1805; Micaphyllit, bad orthogr. Stanzait (fr. Bavaria at Stanzen near Bodenmais, and Herzogau) Flurl, Gebirgs-Form. Churpfalzbaierischen Staaten, 5, 1806. Hartspat Wern. Made hyaline Cordier. Silex niger cum cruce candida: Darinn ein weiss Kreutz, Gesner, Foss., 45, 1565. Lapis crucifer (fr. Compostella) quem Hispani vocat cruciatum, Mercati, Metallotheca Vaticana, 237, 1617. Pierres de Macles (fr. id.) Robien, N. idees sur la Format. d. Foss., 108, 1751 (with fig.). Spanish Shirl, Cross-Stone, Hill, Foss., 152, 1771. Pierre de Croix, Macle basaltique, Schorl en prismes-dont les angles obtus solt de 95~, de Lisle, Crist., 1772, ii. 440, 1783. Crucite Delameth., T. T., ii. 292, 1797. Chiastolith Karst., Tab., 28, 73, 1800. Chiastolite. Macle H., Tr., iii. 1801. Hohlspath Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Wern., 210, 1804. Chiast. ident. with Andal. Bernhardi, Moll's Efem., iii. 32, 1807, Beud., Tr., 863, 1824. Orthorhombic. IA l=90~ 48', OA 1 —144~32'; a: b: c0'71241:1: 1-01405. Observed planes: 0; 340 341 vertical, J i-i, i-i, i-2, i-n; domes, 1-, 1-1; octahedral, 1, 2-1. 0A t -90~, 0 A 1-i=1440 55', i-2 \A i-2 =127~ 30', 1- A 1-i-1090 4'/ 1-4A 1-4=1090 50'. Cleavage: I perfect in crystals from Brazil; i- I less perfect; i-i in traces. Mas- ~ I sive, imperfectly columnar, sometimes radiated, and granular. IH. 7-5; in some opaque kinds 3- 6. G.=3-05 —335, mostly 3-1 —32. Lustre vitreous; often weak. Color whitish, rose-red, fleshred, violet, pearl-gray, reddish-brown, olive-green. Streak uncolored. Transparent to opaque, usually substranslucent. Fracture uneven, subconchoidal. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane i-i; angle very large, over 800; bisectrix negative, normal to O. Var.-1. Ordinary. H.=-75 on the basal face, if not elsewhere. For sp. gr., see below. 2. Chiastolite (macle). Stout crystals having the axis and angles of a different color from the rest, owing to a regular arrangement of impurities through the interior, and hence exhibiting a colored 372 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. cross, or a tesselated appearance in a transverse section. H.=3 —'5, varying much with the degree of impurity. The following figures show sections of some crystals. Fig. 342, by C. T. Jackson in J. Soc. N. Hist., Bost., i. 55; figs. a and b are from opposite extremities of the same crystals; so also c and d; e and f; h appears to be a twinl crystal. 342 a -w b c. o d e. -w.~ f g h Fig. 343 shows the successive parts of a single crystal, as dissected by B. Horsford of Springfield, Mass.; 344, one of the four white portions; and 345, the central black portion. The forms 343 344 345 of the white and black portions vary much. Bernhardi showed in 1807 (1. c.) that the central column sometimes widened from the middle toward each end. The name macie is from the Latin macula, a spot, and, as Robien observes, it alludes to the use of the " mascle " in heraldry, in which the word signifies a voided lozenge, or a rhomb with open centre (1. c., 1751, in de Lisle, Crist.). Chiastolite is from chi, the Greek name for the letter X. Comp.-O. ratio for X, Si=3: 2; AlSi=Silica 36'8, alumina 63'2=100, with little, if any, sesquioxyd of iron replacing the alumina. Analyses: 1, Bucholz (Moll's Efem., iv. 190); 2, Thomson (Min., i. 232); 3, Bunsen (Pogg., xlvii. 186); 4, A. Erdmann (Jahresb., xxiv. 311); 5, Roth (ZS. G., vii. 15); 6-8, Hubert (Jahrb. G. Reichs., i. 350, 358); 9, Kersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii. 162); 10-12, Pfingsten & E. E. Schmid (Pogg., xcvii. 113); 13, Svanberg (Jahresb., xxiii. 279); 14, 15, Jeremejef (Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 1863, 140, 145); 16, Arppe(Act. Soc. Fenn., v. 1857); 17, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. iv. 53); 18, Bunsen (1. c.); 19, Jackson (J. N. Hist. Boston, i. 55); 20, Renou (Expl. Sci. de l'Algerie, 1848, 58); 21, Jerofejef (Verh. Min. Ges. St. Pet., 1863, 147): Si Al Be En fCr Oa STa f 1. Herzogau 36'5 60'5 40 - -- -- - - - =1010 Bucholz. 2. Tyrol 35'30 60'2'0 Fel-32 - 1'00 --- 2'03=99 86 ThomsoL 3. " Lisens 40'17 58'62 - 051 - 028 - - =99-58 Bunsen. 4. " " 39'99 58'60 0'72 0'83 - -- — 10014 Erdmann. [5. " " Pseud. 36'74 59-65 2'80 -- - 049 - - -=99'68 Roth.. 6. " LangtaufV. 39-24 59'49 063 -- 025 051 - - =100-12 Hubert. 7. " Pseud. 36'66 60'00 1-33 - - 0'93 -- =99'92 Hubert..! K8. rumbach, Pseud. 37-63 59-14 0'86 -- 0'50 2-01 - - =100-14Hubert(:.2 9. Munzig 37151 60'01 1'49 -- 0'46 048 - --- =9995 Kersten. 10. Kmatharinenburg 35-74 56'98 5'1 - 020 015 - -— 9878 Pfingsten. 11. Robschiitz 36'84 55'82 3'22 -- 114 109 - - ---— =9811 Pfingsten. 12. Br/iunsdorf 37'57 59'88 1'33 — 017 0'61 - - - =99'56 Pfingsten. 13. Fahlun, Sw. 37165 59'87 1'8 - 038 0-58 -=100'35 Svanberg. 14. Mankova, Chiast. 35-33 62-20 0 30 tr. -- 0'50 0'10 1'50 0'25=100-18 Jerem. 15. Schaitansk, Andal. 36'73 61'70 0'20 -- t. 0'90 tr. 0'30 0'56=100'39 Jerem. 16. Kalvola, Finl. 37'41 61'26 1'86 - - - -=100'53 Arppe. 17. Brazil (1) 37'08 61'45 1'17 tr. - -- - — =9965 Damour. 18. Lancaster, Chiast. 39:09 58,56 - 0'53 - 0'21 0'99=99'38 Bunsen. 19. " " 33'0 61-0 Fe 4'0 - -- 1-5=995 Jackson. 20. Algeria,'" 360 61'9 - -- - =985 Renou. 21. Ruskiala, Finl., " 3842 50-96 3'20 - tr. 4'12 tr. 0-50 2-60=99'80 Jerof. SUBSILICATES. 373 Anal No. 4, G.=3'154; 5, cyanite pseudomorphous after andalusite, G.=3'401; 6, G.=3'103;', pseudomorphous cyanite, forming the exterior of 6, G.=3'327; 8, pseudomorphous cyanite after andalusite, from the Koralp in Styria, G.=3'648; 9. G. =3'152; 10, G.=3'12; 11, G.=3'11; 12, G.=3 07; 15, G.=3 14; 17, G.=-3160; 20, G.-=31, IA IT=93'~. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. With cobalt solution gives a blue color. Not decomposed by acids. Decomposed on fusion with caustic alkalies and alkaline carbonates. Obs.-Most common in argillaceous schist, or other schists imperfectly crystalline; also in gneiss, mica schist, and related rocks; rarely in connection with serpentine. Found in Spain, in Andalusia (first loc. discovered), and thence the name of the species; in the Tyrol, Lisens valley, in large cryst. with cyanite; in Saxony, at BrAiunsdorf, Robschuitz, Munzig, Penig; in Moravia, at Goldenstein; Bavaria, at Lahmerwinkel, Rabenstein, Hogenau, Tillenburg, etc.; Austria, at Felling, near Krems, in serpentine; France, Dept. of Var, near Hyeres; Bareges in the Pyrenees; Finland;. Russia, at Schaitansk in the Ural; Makova, etc., in Nertschinsk. In Ireland at Killiney Bay, in mica schist; near Balahulish in Argyleshire: Cumberland, England. In Brazil, province of Minas Geraes, in fine crystals and as rolled pebbles. In N. America, in -Maine at Mt. Abraham, Bangor, Searsmont, Camden, S. Berwick. N. Hamp., at White Mtn. Notch; Boar's Head, near Rye; at Charleston. Vermont, near Bellows Falls. Hass., at Westford, abundant in cryst., sometimes rose-colored; Lancaster, both varieties; Sterling, chiastolite. Conn., at Litchfield and Washington., good cryst. Penn., in Delaware Co., near Leiperville, large cryst.; at Marple, Upper Providence, and Springfield, good cryst.; one weighing 7. lbs., and a group of crystals, free from the gangue, of about 60 lbs. Calif., along the Churchillas rivers, San Joaquin val., at crossing of road to Ft. Miller. In Canada, at L. St. Francis, in reddish trl. cryst., in mica schist, both var. In N. Scotia, at Cape Canseau. Alt.-Andalusite occurs altered to kaolin; sometimes to mica; also to cyanite (anal. 5, 7, 8); crystals being found consisting of cyanite, or mica, as a result of the alteration. A partially altered andalusite from the Tutchaltui Mtn., Nertschinsk, afforded Jeremejef (1. c.) Si 53-6, l1 43'1, Fe 1-01, SMg tr., Ca 0-96, Na tr., K 0'8, ign. 087-=100-34; G.=-2'944. The crystals were distinctly altered to a depth of 2 lines, and this part was B.B. fusible. IA 1=93j~, the surfaces not smooth. Artif.-Formed in crystals by the action of a current of gaseous fluorid of silicon on calcined alumina, the angle IA Iof the crystal 91~, and composition Si 29'5, Al 70'2=99'7-=-14SiP; also by the action of fluorid of aluminum on silica (Deville & Caron). MYELIN Breith., Handb., ii. 358, 1841; Talksteinmark Freiesleben, Mag. Orykt. Sachs., v. 131, has, as Hausmann observes, the composition of cyanite or andalusite. It is soft, having a hardness of about 2, yellowish or reddish-wlhite to whitish color, with colorless streak. G.=22-452'53; a somewhat greasy feel. 1, Kersten (Schw. J., lxvi. 16); 2, Kussin (Ramm. Min. Ch., 581): Si 1 n Mg 1. 37-62 60-50 0-63 0'82=99'57. 2. 36'01 63'72 -— 9973. Breithaupt says that it contains 5 p. c. of water; but neither of the analyses made sustain this. 323. FPIBROLITE. Faserkiesel (fr. Bohemia) Lindacker, Mayer's Samml. phys. Aufs., ii. 277, 92, Bergmrn. J., ii. 65, 1792. Fibrolite (fr. the Carnatic) Bournon, Phil. Trans., 1802, 289, 335; =BBcurnonite Lucas, Tabl., ii. 216, 1813. Bucholzit (fr. Tyrol) Brandes, Schw. J., xxv. 125, 18i9. Si~limanite (fr. Coln.) Bowen, Am. J. Sci., viii. 113, 1824. Wbrthite Hess, Pogg., xxi. 73, 1830. Xenolit Nordensk., Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn., i. 372, Pogg., lvi. 643, 1842. Bamlit Erdmann, Ak. H. S. kh., 1842, 19. Monrolite (fr. Monroe, N. Y.) Silliman, Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 385, 1849. Monoclinic. IA 1=96~ to 98~ in the smoothest crystals; usually larger, the faces I striated, and passing into i-2. Cleavage: i-z very perfect, brilliant. Crystals commonly long and slender. Also fibrous or columnar massive, sometimes radiating. H. 6-7. G.= 3-2 — 33. Lustrevitreous, approaching subadamantine. Color hair-brown, grayish-brown, grayish-white, grayish-green, pale olivegreen. Streak uncolored. Transparent to translucent. Double refraction very strong; optic-axial plane i-i; angle about 44~ for the red ray; bisectrix positive, normal to 0; Descl. 374 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Var. —l. Sillimanite. In long, slender crystals, passing into fibrous, with the fibres separable, G.=3-238, fr. Norwich, Ct., Dana; 3-232, fr. id., Brush; 3'239, fr. Yorktown, Norton. 2. Fibrolite. Fibrous or fine columnar, firm and compact, sometimes radiated; grayish-white to pale brown, and pale olive-green or greenish-gray. Bucholzite and monrolite are here included; the latter is radiated columnar, and of the greenish color mentioned. G.=3-24, fibrolite, Bournon; 3-19 —3'21, id., Damour; 3'239, bucholzite, fr. Chester, Pa., Erdmann; 3'04 —31, monrolite, B. Silliman; 3'075, id., Brush. Bamlite, from Bamle, Norway, resembles the monrolite, being columnar subplumose, silky; G. =2'984, and color greenish-white or bluish-green. The analysis of Erdmann (see below) gave a large excess of silica; but L. Semann observes that there are minute prisms of quartz among the fibres of bamlite. Xenolite also resembles fibrolite closely, excepting in the high specific gravity, 3'58, which suggests an identity rather with cyanite. But the prisms are stated to have the angle 91', which is the angle of andalusite; and Descloizeaux says that it is optically like fibrolite, and not like cyanite. From Petershoff, Finland, and near St. Petersburg. Wdrthite is hydrous, and appears to be a somewhat altered form. H.='725; color white; translucent. Optically like the above. From near St. Petersburg. Comp.-A-l i, as for andalusite=Silica 36-8, alumina 63-2=100, as in Damour's analysis of fibrolite, and Connell's, Staaf's, and Silliman's of sillimanite. Damour obtained in his analysis of sillimanite 39 p. c. of silica, and others still more, showing apparently that the mineral is not always pure. Analyses of fibrolite, etc.: 1, Chenevix (J. d. Mines, xiv. 86); 2, B. Silliman, Jr. (Am. J. Sci., II. viii. 388); 3, 4, Damour (C. R., lxi. 319); 5, Brandes (J. de Pharm., xci. 237); 6, Thomson (Ann. Lye. N. York, iii. and Min., i. 235); 7, A. Erdmann (Ak. H. Stockholm, 1842, 19); 8, 9, B. Silliman, Jr. (1. c.); 10, Bowen (Am. J. Sci., viii. 113); 11, Hayes (Alger's Min., 601); 12, Connell (Jameson's J., xxxi. 232); 13, Staaf (Jahresb., xxv. 348); 14, Silliman, Jr. (1. c.); 15, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. xvi. 219); 16, Norton (This Min., 2d ed., 378, 1844); 17, 18, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 49); 19, Klomonen (1. c.); 20, Hess (Pogg., xxi. 73): 9i Al he Sig Ar 1. Carnatic, Fibrolite 38'00 58'25 0'75 - — =97'00 Chenevix. 2. " " 36'31 62'41 070 — =9942 Silliman.* 3. Brioude, " 37-18 61'17 - 1-06=100'11 Damour. 4. Morbihan, " 37'10 61-03 071 -- 1-20=100'04 Damour. 5. Tyrol, Bucholzite 46'00 50-00 2-50 - -, 15 —5=100 Brandes. 6. Chester, Pa." 46'40 52'92 tr. — =99-32 Thomson. 7. " " 40-05 58'88 0'74 0'40=100'07 Erdmann=[Al8 Si9. 8. " " 35-96 64-43 -- 0'52 — =100'91 Silliman. 9. Brandywine Sp., fibrous 36'16 6352 -- -- — =99-68 Silliman. 10. Chester, Ct., Sillimanite 42'66 54-11 2'00 -- 0-51=99'28 Bowen. 11. " " 42-60 54-90 1'10 0'40 —, Oa 0'31=99:81 Hayes. 12. " " 36-75 58-94 0'90 - — =96'68 Connell. 13. " " 37-36 58'62 2'17 0'40 0 43=98-98 Staaf. 14. " " 37-65 62'41 -— =100-06 Silliman. 15. " " 39-06 59-53 Fe 1-42 ---,:in 0'28=100'28 Damour. 16. Fairfield, N. Y. " 37-10 62-75 2-29 -— 102-74 Norton.+ 17. Monrolite 37'20 59'02 2'08 - 103=99-33 Smith & Brush. 18. " 37-03 61-90 -- 085=99'78 Smith & Brush. 19. Xenolite 47-44 52-54 --—. =99-98 Komonen. 20. Wdrthite 40'58 53-50 1-00 463-=991' 1 Hess. Au analysis of bamlite afforded Erdmann (L. c.) Si 56690, Al 40'73, Ve 1'04, Oa 1'04, F tr.= 99171. Pyr., etc.-Same as given under andalusite. Obs.-Occurs in gneiss, mica schist, and related metamorphic rocks. Observed near Moldan and Schuttenhdfen in Bohemia (faserkiesel); at Fassa in the Tyrol (bucholzite); in the Carnatic with corundum (fibrolite); at Bodenmais in Bavaria; near Eger in Bohemia; Marschendorf in Moravia; in France, in the vicinity of Issoire in boulders, and also in * One of Bournon's own specimens, received by Col. Gibbs (from whom the original part of the Yale Cabinet was obtained) from Count Bournon himself. f Prof. Norton states that in his analysis the excess of alumina was probably owing to the presence of aluminate of potassa, which remained with the alumina after separating the oxyd of iron by caustic potassa; subtracting this excess, the analysis corresponds to those by Sillinlan. STBSILICATES. 375 the canton of Paulhaguet, and in the vicinity of Chavagnac and Ourouze with cyanite and corundum, and between St. Eble and Crespignac. In the United States, in Massachusetts, at Worcester. In Connecticut, at the falls of the Yantic, near Norwich, with zircon, monazite, and corundum; and at Chester, near Saybrook (sillimanite); at Humphreysville. In N. York, at Yorktown, Westchester Co., 10 m. N.E. of Sing Sing; near the road leading from Pine's Bridge to Yorktown P. Office, in distinct crystals, with monazite, tremolite, and magnetite, the crystals often running through the magnetite; in Monroe, Orange Co. (monrolite), with mica, garnet, magnetite, etc. In Penn., at Chester on the Delaware, near Queensbury forge; in Delaware Co., in Birmingham, Middletown, Concord, Aston, Darby. In Delaware, at Brandywine Springs. Fibrolite was much used for stone implements in western Europe in the 346 "Stone age." (Anal. 3, 4.) m The crystallization of sillimanite, fibrolite, bucholzite, and also of bamlite; and xenolite, was first shown to be orthorhombic by Descloizeaux, on optical grounds. The terminal planes in the crystal figured by the writer (annexed figure) were rough, and, as stated in the last edition, of too doubtful import to be relied on for their angles or their indications as to the symmetry of I the crystals. Afforded OA\-=105~; OA in-=133~ 30', sn AJ',back,-.120~ 30'. The species approximates closely to andalusite, but appears to differ in its cleavage, that parallel to i-i being very perfect, with none parallel to I; and in its positive bisectrix and much smaller optic-axial angle. Named fibrolite from the fibrous massive variety; bucholzite, after the chemist Bucholz; sillimanite, after Prof. Silliman. 324. CYANITE. Talc bleu Sage, Descr. Cab. de l'Ecole des Mines, 154, 1784. Sappare Saussure fils, J. de Phys., xxxiv. 213, 1789. Beril feuille6t Sage, J. de Phys., xxxi. 39, 1789. Cyanit (fr. Greiner) Wern., Hoffm., Bergrm. J., 377, 393, 1789; Wern., ib., 164, 1790; Kyanite. Disthene H., Tr., iii. 101. Rhaetizit (fr. Pfitschthal, or ancient Rhsetia) Wern., Hoffin. Min.. ii. b, 318, 1815, iv. b, 128, 1817. Triclinic. In flattened prisms, having the planes i-7, i-i, J I', i-2, as in the annexed transverse section (fig. 347); O rarely observed. Crystals oblong, usually very long and blade-like. O A i —=930 15' I\A 1'=97~ 4' 0 A i-i=100 50 i-i A 1=140 35 347 O A' —96 42 i-/ A I-145 41 A O A 1=98 58 i-i A 1'-131 23 IA i-i=122 21 i-i A i-2-159 15 i-i A i-i-106 16 IA i-2-166 26 Cleavage: i-i perfect; i-i less so; 0 imperfect. Twins: composition-face i-, the two., planes 0 and i-4 making angles with one another; either right-handed or left-handed, analogous to right- and lefthanded twins of orthoclase (f. 314, 315, p. 353); also a kind having the two crystals crossing at 60~. Also coarsely bladed columnar to subfibrous. H.=5 —725, the least on the lateral planes. G.-=345-3'7; 3'559, white cyanite; 3-675, blue transparent; 3-661, Tyrol, Erdmann. Lustre vitreous-pearly. Color blue, white, blue along the centre of the blades or crystals with white margins: also gray, green, black. Streak uncolored. Translucent-transparent. Optic-axial plane inclined about 30~ to edge i-i/i-i, and 60~ 15' to edge i-i/ 0; bisectrix negative, very nearly normal to i-i. Var.-The white cyanite is sometimes called Rhcetizite. Comp. —:l Si=Sillica 36'8, alumina 63-2=100. Analyses: 1-3, Arfvedson (Ak. H. Stockholm, 1821, i. 148, and Schw. J., xxxiv. 203); 4, Rosales (Pogg., lviii 160); 5, Marignac (Ann. Ch. Phys., xiv. 49); 6, 7, A. Erdmann (Jahresb., xxiv. 311); 376 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 8, Jacobson (Pogg., lxviii. 416); 9, KShler (Ramm. Min. Ch., 557); 10, Modeen (Arppe Undersbkn., 141); 11, Igelstr6m (J. pr. Ch., lxiv. 61); 12, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 371): 1. RSraas, Norway 36-4 63-8 -=100'2 Arfvedson. 2. St. Gothard 34-33 64-89 -— 99'22 " 3. " later an. 36'9 64-7 -=101'6 " 4. "' 36-67 63-11 1'19= —10097 Rosales. 5. " 36'60 62'66 0'84=100-60 Marignac. G.=3-6. 6. Rdraas 37'40 61'86 0'52, Cu 0'19, H 0'61=100'58 Erdmann. G.=3'6237. 7. Tyrol 37-36 62'09 0'71=100-16 Erdmann. G.= —661. 8. Greiner, Tyrol 37'30 62-60 1-08=100'98 Jacobson. G.-=3678. 9. Saualpe, Car. 37-92 v 61-60 1-04, Ca 0'42=100'98 K6hler. 10. Herdijoki, Finl. 42-12 55'33 0'46, Ca 2-21, HI 2-66=102'78 Mod. Mixed with quartz. 11. Wermland 40'02 58-46 2'04=100'52 Igelstrdm. G. —3'48. 12. Lincoln Co., N. C. 37'60 60'40 1'60=99'60 Smith & Brush. Pyr., etc.-Same as for andalusite. Obs.-Occurs principally in gneiss and mica slate. Found in transparent crystals at St. Gothard in Switzerland; at Greiner and Pfitsch (rhcetizite, or white variety) in the Tyrol; also in Styria; Carinthia; Bohemia; Norway; Finland; at Pontivy, France; Villa Rica, South America; in Scotland, at Botriphinie in Banffshire, at Banchory in Aberdeenshire, and near Glen Tilt; in the Shetlands at Hilswickness Point; in Ireland, at Donegal and Mayo. In N. Hain., at Jaffrey, on the iMonadnock Mtn. In Mass., at Chesterfield, with garnet in mica schist; at Worthington and Blanford in good specimens; at Westfield and Lancaster. In Conn., at Litchfield and Washington in large rolled masses, with corundum and massive apatite; at Oxford, near Humphreysville, in mica schist. In Vermont, at Thetford and Salisbury; at Bellows Falls in short disseminated crystals. In Penn., in fine specimens near Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill road near the Darby bridge; near the Schuylkill, on the Ridge road, back of Robin Hood tavern; at East and West Branford, Chester Co.; at Darby and Haverford, Delaware Co. In Maryland, eighteen miles north of Baltimore, at Scott's mill; in Delaware near Wilmington. In Virginia at Willis's Mt., Buckiugham Co., and two miles north of Chancellorville, Spotsylvania Co. In N. Carolina, on the road to Cooper's gap in Lihcoln Co., near Crowder's 1Mt., with lazulite. A black variety, associated with rutile, occurs in North Carolina. Cyanite, when blue and transparent, and in sufficiently large pieces, is employed as a gem, and somewhat resembles sapphire. Named from Kvav6S, blue. The name sappare arose from a mistake by Saussure, Jr., in reading a label of this mineral on which it was called sapphire; a copy of this label is given in J. de Phys., xxxiv. 213; the specimen thus labelled was from Botriphinie in Scotland, and was sent by the Duke of Gordon to Saussure the father. D)isthene is from is, twice, or of two kinds, and vlivol, strong, alluding to the unequal hardness and electric properties in two different directions. Von Kobell has shown (Ber. Ak. Mtinchen, 1867) that the right and left-handed twins may be easily distinguished by means of polarized light; they give, with the stauroscope, a cross somewhat oblique in position; but the principal optical section does not revolve with the revolution of the crystal; while the colors change in different order with the revolution, according as the twin is right-handed or left-handed. Alt.-Cyanite occurs altered to talc and steatite. 325. TOPAZ. Not ToniSos;, Topazius, Gr., Plin., or Agric. [=Chrysolite pt.]. Chrysolithos pt. Plin., xxxvii. 42. Topasius vulgaris-=Chrysolithus veterum de Boot, Gemm., 1636. Chrysolithus de Laet, De Gemm. et Lap., 1647. Topazius vera Saxonia (fr. Schneckenstein) Henckel, Act. Ac. N. Cur., iv. 316. Topas iVall., 117, 1747. Topas pt. [rest Beryl, etc.] Cronst., 43, 1758. Chrysolithus (fr. Saxony) Linn., Syst., 1768. Topaze du Bresil, T. de Saxe, de Lisle, Crist., 1772, 1783, with figs. Si, Xl, Ca, IFe, Bergm., Opusc., 1780. Si, Xl, and Fluorine Klapr., Mem. read before Ac. Wiss. Berlin, 1804, Beitr., iv. 160, 1807; Vauq., J. d. M., xvi. 469, 1804 (with ref. to anal. by Klapr.). Pyrophysalite (fr. Finbo) His. & Berz., Afh., i. 111, 1806, Gehl. J., iii. 124, 1807=Physalith Wern., Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 114, 1817. ]; PYCNTE. Weisser Stangenschdrl Germ.; Wern., Ueb. Cronst., 169, 1780. Schorl blanc en prismes strides (fr. Altenberg) Sage, Min., i. 204, 1777; de Lisle, Crist., ii. 420, 1783. Schdrlartiger Beril [var. of Beryl] Wern., Bergm. J., i. 374, 388, 1789. Stangenstein [species] Karst., Mus. Lesk., 1789; Tab., 20, 69, 1800. Schorl blanchatre Delameth., Sciagr., i. 289; Leucolite pt. id., SUBSILICATES. 377 T. T., ii. 27.5, 1797. Schorlite Klapr., Crell's Ann., i. 395, 1788. Shorlite Kirwan, Min., i. 286, 1794. Pycnite H., Tr., iii. 1801. Si+l+F B2ucholz, Schw. J., i. 385, 1803. Pycnite=Topaze = Silice fluatde alumineuse H., Tabl., 1809. Orthorhombic. IA I=124~ 17', O A 1-i=1380 3'; a: b: c=0'90243:1: 1'8920. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i —, -, i-, i-, i-i, i-g; domes, - -2_, 1 —,; 1- 4-4, 2-14,z, 3-, 4-, 84; octahedral, 1, 2 1-2, 4-2 I; 14-_-; 2-1; 1-23 4-2) 3-2n 2-2? 2-21 4; ) 8; 3 O A — 2_ 148~ 58' O A 4- — 147~ 33' 2- A 2, mac., -149~ 31' 3 3 3 A2-i=118 59 OA 2-t 136 21 1 A, " =1410 O O A 1=152 56 O A 4-t=117 40 1 A 1, ov. 0,=88 491 O A =145 47 IA i —- 169 27 2 \ 2-i=127 260 A 1-134 25 IA i-2-161 16 2- A 2-i, ov. 0,=92 42 O A 2=116 6 IA i —-150 6 2 A 2, mac.,=130 22O A L-2 138 48 i-2 A -2, oV. o -v, 93 11 i-3 A i-b, ov. i-i,=115 311 O A 6 -= 145 55 i-i A t-2=136 35 - i4 A \i-, ov. i-i,=129 22 OA 1 —- 150 35 i-i A / —- 141 46 Crystals usually hemihedral, the extremities being unlike. Cleavage: basal, highly perfect. Also firm columnar; also granular, coarse or fine. 348 349 352 353 0 350 351 2.t2 I r i2 I~~i~~~ ~~Schueckenstein. Trumbull, Ct. 11.=8. G. 3-4-3'65. Lustre vitreous. Color straw-yellow, wineyellow, white, grayish, greenish, bluish, reddish; pale. Streak uncolored. Transparent-subtransluncent. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Pyroelectric. Optic-axial plane i-i; divergence very variable, sometimes differing much in different parts of the same crystal; bisectrix positive, normal to O. Var.-1. Orainary. Usually in crystals; common form prismatic. The basal cleavage is an easily observed character. Crystals from La Paz, Mexico, gave Hessenberg IA 1=124~ 26'. Physalite, or pyrophysalite, is a coarse nearly opaque variety, in yellowish-white large crystals from Finbo; it intumesces when heated, and hence its name from qvuwd, to blow, and lrvp, fire. 2. Ptycsite. Structure columnar, but very compact. Has been considered a distinct species on the ground of composition (see anal.) and crystallization (made monoclinic by Forchhammer). But Rose has made out that the cleavage is the same, and the form probably the same; and Descloizeaux has shown that the optical characters are those of topaz. Finally, Rammelsberg's recent analysis gives the same composition. Named from 7rvrtv6g, thick. Comp. —XIl Si, with one-fifth of the oxygen of the silica replaced by fluorine; or, specially, A;1 (~ Si 02+i Si F2)=Silicon 16517, aluminum 29'58, oxygen 3467, fluorine 20'58-100; or, Silica 378 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 16-2, silicic fluorid 28'1, alumina 55.-1=100. The formula agrees with Stideler's results, who shows (J. pr. Ch., xcix. 65) that the fluorine present amounts to about 20'68 p. c. (see below). Analyses: 1-3, Berzelius (Schweig J., xvi. 423, Afhandl., iv. 236); 4, 5, Forchhammer (J. pr. Ch., xxix. 195, xxx. 400); 6-10, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 7); 11, Bucholz (Sclhw. J., L 385); 12, Berzelius (1. c.); 13, Forchhammer (1. c.); 14, Rammelsberg (1. c.): Si M1 F 1. Auerhach, Saxony 34'24 57-45 14-99 Berzelius. 2. Brazil, yellow 34-01 58-38 15'06 Berzelius. 3. Finbo, pyqophysalite 34'36 57-74 15-02 Berzelius. 4. Finbo, " 35'66 55'16 1-779 Forchhammer. 5. Trumbull, Ct. 35'39 55-96 17-35 Forchhammer. 6. Schneckenstein (2)33'53 56'54 18'62 Ramm. 7. Schlackenwald (.)33'37 56'76 18-54 Ramm. G.=3'520. 8. Adun-Tschilon 33'56 56'28 18-30 Ramm. G.=3-563. 9. Brazil () 33'73 57'39 16-12 Ramm. G.=3'561. 10. Trumbull 32 38 55 32 16-12 Ramm. G.-= 3514. 11. Altenberg, Pycnite 35'0 48-0 16'5 Bucholz. 12. " " 38-43 51 00 17-09 Berzelius. 13. " " 39'04 51-25 18'48 Forchhammer. 14. " a 33-28 55-32 16'12 Ramm. G.=3'514. No. 10 gave 0'66 ign. Deville (C. R., lii. 782) obtained for topaz: Si Ail Si F 1. Saxony 22'3 54'3 6'5 17'3=100-4. 2. Brazil 25-1 53'8 5'8 15'7=100'4. Klaproth, in 1795 (Beitr., i. 10), found that pycnite lost 25 p. c. in a porcelain oven; and Forchhammer (J. pr. Ch., xxix. 194, xxx. 400) obtained for the loss, at the fusing-point of iron, of the topaz of Trumbull, Ct., 23'535 p. c.; of Brazil, 23'03; of Finbo, 24'80. H. St. Claire Deville states (C. R., xxxviii. 317) that topaz loses its fluorine as fluorid of silicon; 23 p. c. of this fluorid, in his trials, passed off. In recent experiments made under Rammelsberg's direction, the Finbo mineral lost in a porcelain oven 22-98 p. c.; Schneckenstein 20'73; Schlackenwald 17'73-16-23; Trumbull 16'T27-19'55; Brazil 15'40-14'29; Altenberg pycnite 1998. The topaz was not fused in the heating, yet somewhat blistered at surface. The Brazil topaz afforded Rammelsberg after the heating in which 15-4 p. c. were lost, Si 30-22, A1 71'34, F 1-56=103'12; and after that in which the loss was 14-29 p. c., Si 30'10, 1l 70'38, F 2'47-=102-95, showing that the part lost was not strictly fiuorid of silicon, but may have included some fluorid of aluminum. G. Stideler (1. c.) has shown that part of the fluorine escapes as fiuohydric acid, and makes 89-9 p. c. of the loss to be fluorine. This gives for the Trumbull topaz (anal. 5), 21'16 F; the Brazil, 20-71 F; the Finbo, 22'29, from Forchhammer's results, and 20 66 from Rammelsberg's; for the Saxon, 18-64 from Rammelsberg's trials, and 20'68 from Deville's; the mean of the whole 20-68. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. Some varieties take a wine-yellow or pink tinge when heated. Fused in the open tube with salt of phosphorus gives the reaction for fluorine. With cobalt solution the pulverized mineral gives a fine blue on heating. Only partially attacked by sulphuric acid. G. before ignition 93539, after, 3-533, Church. Obs.-Topaz occurs in gneiss or granite, with tourmaline, mica, and beryl, occasionally with apatite, fluor spar, and tin ore; also in talcose rock, as in Brazil, with euclase, etc., or in mica slate. With quartz, tourmaline, and lithomarge, it forms the topaz rock of Werner (topazoseme of Haiiy). Specimens of quartz crystal from Brazil, penetrated by topaz, are not uncommon. Minute crystals of three or four different kinds, and two or three kinds of liquids, have been detected by Sir David Brewster in crystals of topaz. (Edinb. Trans., x., and Am. J. Sci., xii. 214; and later, Edinb. new Phil. J., II. xvi. 130, Proc. R. Soc. Edinb., iv. 548, v. 95.) See under ORGANIC COMPOUNDS. Fine topazes come from the TJrals, near Katharinenburg, and Miask; in Nertschinsk, beyond L. Baikal, in the Adun-Tschilon Mts., etc., one crystal from near the river Urulga, now in the imperial cabinet at St. Petersburg, being 113 in. long, 6~ in. broad, weighing 22~ lbs. av., and magnificent also in its perfect transparency and wine-yellow color. Found also in Kamschatka, of yellow, green, and blue colors; Villa Rica in Brazil, of deep yellow color, either in veins or nests in lithomarge, or in loose crystals or pebbles; sky-blue crystals in Cairngorm, Aberdeenshire; Jameson mentions one which weighed 19 oz.; at the tin mines of Schlackenwald, Zinnwald, and Ehrenfriedersdorf, and smaller crystals at Schneckenstein and Altenberg; the Mourne mountains, small limpid crystals with beryl, albite, and mica, in drusy cavities in granite. Physalite occurs in SUBSILICATES. 379 crystals of great size, at Fossum, Norway; Finbo, Sweden, in a granite quarry, and at Broddbo in a boulder; one crystal from this last locality, at Stockholm, weighed eighty pounds. Topaz occurs also in the Mercado Mtn., in Durango, Mexico, along with tin ore and magnetite; at La Paz, province of Guanaxuato. Pycnite is from the tin mine of Altenberg in Saxony; also those of Schlackenwald, Zinnwald in Bohemia, and Kongsberg in Norway. In the United States, in Conn., at Trumbull, with fluor and diaspore; at Middletown rare; at Willimantic, with columbite. In N. Car., at Crowder's Mountain. In Utah, near 39~ 40' N. and 1130~ W., W. of S. of Salt Lake, in Thomas's Mts., on Capt. Simson's return trail. At Trumbull the crystals are abundant, but are seldom transparent, except those of small size; these are usually white, or with a tinge of. green or yellow. The large coarse crystals are sometimes six or seven inches in diameter. A variety of topaz from Brazil, when heated, assumes a pink or red hue, resembling the Balas ruby. The finest crystals are brought from Minas Novas in Brazil. From their peculiar limpidity, topaz pebbles are sometimes denominated gouttes d'eau. The coarse varieties of topaz may be employed as a substitute for emery. On the cryst. of topaz, see Kokscharof, Min. Russl., ii. 198, 344, iii. 195, 318; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. vii. 38. The name topaz is from ror6,oq0, an island in the Red Sea, as stated by Pliny. But the topaz of Pliny was not the true topaz, as it "yielded to the file." Topas was included by Pliny and earlier writers, as well as by many later, under the name chrysolite. Alt.-Topaz is found altered both to steatite, and kaolin or lithomarge. 326. EUCLASE. Haiiy; Delameth., J. de Phys., xli. 155, 1792 (without credit to Haiiy); T. T., ii. 254, 1797 (with credit to Haily); Haiiy, J. d. Mines, v. 258, 1199, Tr., ii. 1801. Euklas Germ. Monoclinic. C=T79~ 44'=0 A i-i, IA I=115~ 0', 0 A 1-4=1460 45'; a: b: c=1'02943: 1: 15446-1: 0'97135: 150043. Observed planes: vertical, (s), i-i (a), i —2 0), i - (z), i-2 (,-), i-t M, i- 2, 2 () i-3 (6), i-8 (s), -18, i-32; i- 3; clinodomes, L'(), I(), 2-,-; hemidomes, -i, i-i, 1-i; hemioctahedral, 1, -1 (u); 1-2 (d), -1-2 (r), -2 (a); 2-43 () -t~ (q) 6W1yn6-236?; -13 (I; t (~); 1-~ b), -2-~ F); 14 (); J-O(e), _19' 1 0 (m), 6(y, 6- ));'13 1 3~ (k); 7 -- (p), - - (w); 2-4 (x). 354 i4 A 1=1220 30' - 354 i-1 A i-2 10o 40 i4- A i-i=90 2 2 i- A y —=127 5 iJ4 A -2-%-130 17 i A -1=112 50 | i|' i-4 A -1-2-101 53 i i2 i 2 b a i4 A 14=123 151 4A 1-2 —=104 5 _3 A3 3_3105 49- r -1-2 A -1-2=156 14 1-2 A 1-2 —151 43 -1 A -1, front,_134 20 2-~4 A 2-4-=130 16 1-4 A 1-, top,= 1130 29' O A -z=161' 51' - 14m)0 A -V_ —i123 22 =-22 A 2i, top,=143 42 Cleavage: i4 very perfect and brilliant; O, i-i much less distinct. Found only in crystals. lH.=7'5. G.=3'098, iHaid.; 3'097, blue, from Brazil, Descl.; 3'096 380 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 34103, fr. Urals, Koksch. Lustre vitreous, somewhat pearly on the cleavageface. Colorless, pale mountain-green, passing into blue and white. Streak uncolored. Transparent; occasionally subtransparent. Fracture conchoidal. Very brittle. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane i-,; bisectrix acute, positive. Comp. —O. ratio for ]le, l, Si, 11=2 3: 4: 1, from Damour's analysis, who first found water to be a constituent; whence (1 fj+ I e3 + 1 A1) Si= Silica 41'1, alumina 35'3, glucina 17-4, water 6-2=100. Fluorine replaces a little of the oxygen. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Schw. J., xxvii. 73); 2, Mallet (Phil. Mag., IV. v. 127); 3, Damour (C. R., xl. 942): i Al e Fe P e Ca Sn 11 F 1. 43'22 30'56 222 -- 21-78 -- 070 - -=98-48 Berzelius. 2. 44-18 31'87 1'31 -- 21-43 - 0'35 -- — =9914 Mallett. 3. (4) 4163 34'07 - 1'03 16'97 0'14 0'34 6'04 0'38=100'60 Damour Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube, when strongly ignited, B.B. gives off water (Damour). B.B. in the forceps cracks and whitens, throws out points, and fuses at 5-5 to a white enamel. Becomes electric by friction, and, when once excited, retains this property for several hours. Not acted on by acids. Obs.-Occurs in Brazil, in the mining district of Villa Rica, with topaz in chloritic schist; in the auriferous sands of the Orenburg district, southern Ural, near the river Sanarka, with topaz, corundum, cyanite, etc. One Ural crystal measures 3 in. by I in. The crystallization of this species is elaborately detailed by Schabus in the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Vienna, vol. vi., and by Kokscharof in Pogg., ciii. 348, and his Russian Mineralogy. Euclase receives a high polish, but is useless as an ornamental stone on account of its brittleness. Named by Haiiy from Ec, easily, and KXiC, to break. Haily states that his name, Euclase, was published by Daubenton in an early issue of his Tableau meth. de Mineraux; but the particular edition of the Tableau (of which several were issued) the author has not been able to learn. Delametherie, after publishing, in 1192, the name and description, without crediting either to Haiiy, in his Theorie de la Terre. in 1797, gives Haiy full credit. First brought to Europe from S. America by Dombey, in 1785. 827. DATOLITE. Datolith (fr. Arendal) Esmark (undescr.); Karsten & Klapr., Gehien's J., vi. 1806, Klapr. Beitr., iv. 354, 1807; Karst., Tab., 52, 1808. Datholit Wern., 1808. Datholite Brongn., Min., ii. 397, 1807. Chaux boratee siliceuse H., Tabl., 17, 1809. Esmarkit Hausm., Handb., 862, 1813. Datolite Aikin, Min., 1815; Jameson, ii. 257, 1816. Borate of lime; Borosilicate of lime. Humboldtite Levy, Ann. Phil., II. v. 130, 1823. Botriolit Hausm., v. Moll's Efem., iv. 393, 1808. Botryolith Karst., Tab., 52, 1808. Chaux boratee siliceuse var. concretionnee-mammelonnee a;, Tabl., 17, 145, 1809. Faser-datolith Leonh., Handb., 590, 1821. Botryolite. Monoclinic. C=89~ 54' O (below) A i-, IA I=115~ 3', OA 1 —= 162~ 27'; a: b: c=049695: 1: 1-5712. Observed planes: O (a); vertical, I (d, i-i (), (b, rare), i-2 (o), i- (r); clinodomnes, 1- (a), 3- (t) 24 (), 4- (m); hemidomes, 2-4 (7), -1-, (~0) -4-* (v), -2-i (x), -3- (f), -4-i (q), -6-i (s), -8-i (; hemipyramids, I (k), 1 (1), 4 (1 of Schroder), 2 (e), 4 (/3), -4 (n), -6 (), -8 (d of S.); -3-3, -6-3 (p); -4-2 (8); -5- ( -3-3 (W); 12-, (p); 2-2 (A), -4- (z), -3- (i)) -8- (q); 3 —? (t of f. 358). O A -2-i-1350 13' 0 A 4-=154~ 52' 0 A 6-3=108~ 13' 0 A-1-i 153 35 0 A 4-=141 49 0 A4 —=121 58 0 A -6-i 108 37 0 A 2=130 23 0 A 8-~=107 20 0 \ 1=149 33 0 \ -4 —113 4 0 AI=90 5 SUBSILICATES. 381 A i-= 900 4' i-i A 1=147~ 32' i-2 A i-a, ov. i-i,-76~ 18' O A 2-4=147 41 i-i A i —=128 9 4-4 A 4-4, ov. 0, 76 38 O A 4-4=128 19 i-i A 2-4=90 5 1-2 A 2, adj.,=131 38 IA 2=139 32 i-i A 4-4=90 4 -2-i A -4=145 34 IA -4=157 1 IA I, front,=115 3 -2-iA \i-i=134 53 i-i A 1-=111 2-4 A 2-4, ov. O,=115 21 4 A 4, adj.,= 141 14 Cleavage: O distinct. Also botryoidal and globular, having a columnar structure; also divergent and radiating; also massive, granular to compact. 355 357 -22i 4 -4 -463 4 R. Brook. 2Y2 2 2 359 Roaring Brook. - -2P Isle Royale Ii~/~j ~360 -V 2~ 2 2 Seisser Alp. 63 361 -4 L 12 I r2 Isle Royale. l-.5-5'5. G.-2' 8-3; 2'989, Arendal, Haidinger. Lustre vitreous, rarely subresinous on a surface of fracture; color white; sometimes grayish, pale green, yellow, red, or amethystinbe rarely dirty olive-green or honey-yellow. Streak white. Translucent; rarely opaque white. Fracture uneven, subconchoidal. Brittle. Plane of optical axis i4; angle of divergence very obtuse; bisectrix nearly normal to i-i. Var. —1. Ordinary. In crystals, glassy in aspect Usual forms as in figures. Crystals from Bergen Hill, examined by Hessenberg (Min. Not., No. iv.), similar to fig. 355, but wanting 0, -64, 6-3, and having 4, 2-/, i-~. Those of Andreasberg have the planes 0, i-.i, I,' i- (these three 382 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. quite small); -1-i, -2-i, -4-i, i-i, 2-i; 2-i, 4-i, -4,-6, -8, 2, A, 4, -4-2, -8-, —, -2-M, 1-i. (Schr6eder, Pogg., xcviii. 34, and Dauber, ib., ciii. 116). Those of Toggiana, as in fig. 360, with also i-i, i-, -8-i, 1-, 4, 4, -6-3, -5-5. One ot Glen Farg, figured by Greg & Lettsom, has the planes of the rhombic prism I (d) very large, i-i (P) narrow linear, the clinodomes 2-i, 4-i narrow, and the octahedral planes -4 (small), 4 (large), 1, 2. The plane i-i is usually made 0, and 0, i-i, and 4-i, I; but in that case the form is not so simply presented as in the above figures. The angles of the vertical prisms;, i-a are very nearly identical with those of the clinodomes 2-i, 4-i. The small letters added to the crystallographic symbols in the list of observed planes above, are the lettering of Brooke & Miller (Min., 408) and of Dauber. The plane t, of fig. 358, makes parallel intersections with 4 and 4-i, but not with 2 and 2-i. OA t= 1400 -142~,i-i A t= about 1093~ by measurement. 2. Compact massive. White opaque, breaking with the surface of porcelain or Wedgewood ware. G.=2'911, Hayes; 2'983, Chandler. From the L. Superior region (anal. 8). 3. Botryoidal; Botryolite. Radiated columnar, having a botryoidal surface, and containing more water than the crystals. The original locality of both the crystallized and botryoidal was Arendal, Norway. Comp.-O. ratio for Ai,,S, =2 3: 4: 1; (Oa, As,,B)Si, in which I a3: Oa3 B=1: 2: 3=-Silica 37'5, boric acid 21'9, lime 35'0, water 5-6=2o)0. For botryolite, the ratio 2: 3: 4: 2. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Pogg., xii. 157); 2, Du Menil (Schw. J., lit. 364); 3, 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xlvii. 175); 5, Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 65); 6, Tschermak (Kenng. Uebers., 1860, 57); 7, Whitney (Am. J. Sci., III. xv. 435); 8, C. F. Chandler (ib., xxxviii. 13); 9, A. A. Hayes (J. N. H. S., Boston, viii. 62); 10, Rammelsberg (1. c.): Si B Ca T 1. Datolite, Andreasberg 37'36 21'26 35-67 5'71=100 Stromeyer. 2. " " 38-51 21-34 35-59 4-60=100'14 Du Menil. 3. " " 38'48 20-31 35'64 55 7=100 Rammelsberg. 4. " Arendal 37'65 21'24 35-41 5'70=100 Rammelsberg. 5. Mt. Caporciano 37'50 22-03 35-34 1'56,;1 0-85, Mg 2'12=99'41 Bechi. 6. Toggiana 38-2 [21-2] 34-9 5=7-100 Tschermak. 7. I. Royale, Datolite 31-64 [21-88] 34'68 5-80, Rn tr.=100 Whitney. 8. L. Superior, white 37'41 [21-40] 35-11 5-73, 1l, Fe 0'35=100 Chandler. 9. -" " (2) 38'12 22-40 33-23 8-97,,1 0, Cu 0'04, q'tz 1-94=99-72 H. 10. Arendal, Botryolite 36-08 19'34 35'22 8-63=99'27 Rammelsberg. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off much water. B.B. fuses at 2 with intumescence to a clear glass, coloring the flame bright green. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Datolite is found in trappean rocks; also in gneiss, dioryte, and serpentine; in metallic veins; sometimes also in beds of iron ore. Found in Scotland, in trap, at Kilpatrick Hills, Glen Farg in Perthshire, and in Salisbury Craigs; in a bed of magnetite at Arendal in Norway, and in Uto in Sweden; at Andreasberg, in veins of silver ores, in argillaceous schist, with apophyllite, etc.; at Niederkirchen and Sonthofen in Bavaria (the humboldlite); in granite at Baveuo near Lago Maggiore, one crystal from which place measured 4~ x 3] x l~ inches; at the Seisser Alp, Tyrol, and also at Theiss, near Claussen; at Mt. Catini, Tuscany, in gabbro; at Toggiana in Modena, in serpentine; in dioryte, on the Rosskopf, near Freiburg. in Brisgau. Datolite occurs crystallized and massive at the Rocky HIill quarry, Hartford. Conn., in the north-east part of Southington, near Mr. Hamlen's, in amygdaloid, both in crystals, fibrous, and massive; also in Berlin, near Kensington; in the north-west part of Meriden and at Middlefield Falls, Conn; in better specimens at Roaring Brook, 14 miles from New Haven, where the crystals (f. 355-356) are sometimes half an inch long, and nearly pellucid; the author obtained from a transparent crystal of this locality IA I= 115~ 12', giving by calculation for i-2 A i- 16~ 28'; the plane s is not quite even, and is often unpolished; in N. Jersey, at Bergen Hill, in splendid crystals; in trappean rocks, both crystals and the opaque white compact variety (anal. 8), in the Lake Superior region, at the Minnesota, Quincy, Marquette, Ash-bed, and other mines; at the Superior mine near Ontonagon, and on Isle Royale. Named from autiopat, to divide, alluding to the granular structure of a massive variety. Werner introduced an h after the first t without reason, and most subsequent authors have followed him in this; but not Karsten, nor Leonhard who pronounced it wrong, nor Haidinger, Aikin, Jameson, and others. Levy gave the name humboldtite to crystals which he found to be monoclinic, datolite having been made orthorhombic by Hauy. Wollaston proved their identity with datolite. Alt.-Haytorite is datolite altered to chalcedony. SUBSILICATES. 383 328. GUARINITE. GCuiscardi, ZS. G., x. 14, 1858. Tetragonal. 0 A l-i=159~ 38'; a=-03712. 362 Observed planes as in the figure. O A 2-i= ii i, 1430 33', i-i A 1-i 1100 22', i-i A 2-i=126~ 27', 2 i-i A i-2=1530 26', i-i A i-3-1610 27'. In thin 12 tables; fig. 362 a top view; planes i-i sometimes wanting; 1-i and 2-i observed in only one of the two zones. Cleavage parallel to i-i, rather ii o 2ii | imperfect. H. -6. G.-=3487. Lustre of cleavage-face somewhat adamantine. Color sulphur-yellow, / i honey-yellow, pale or dark. Streak uncolored, or whitish-gray. Transparent to translucent. ii Comp. —(a+Ti) Si, same as for titanite. Analysis by Guiscardi (1. c.): Si 33-64, Ti 33'92, Oa 28-01, Fe, Mn tr. The compound is consequently dimorphous. Pyr., etc.-The same as in titanite. Obs.-Found in small cavities in a grayish trachyte, on Monte Somma, along with glassy feldspar and nephelite. The mass of the trachyte is rich in glassy feldspar, hornblende, and melanite. In one case in the common rock of Somma, consisting of feldspar and nephelite, and here along with sphene. As titanic acid itself is trimorphous, it is not strange that a compound containing it should be dimor.phous. 329. TITANITE. Nouv. substance minerale (fr. Chamouni) Pictet, J. de Phys., xxxi. 368, 1187;=Pictite Delameth., T. T., ii. 282, 1797. Titanit (fr. Passan) Klapr., Beitr., i. 245, 1795; =Titane siliceo-calcaire Daubenton, Tabl., 1799, H., Tr., iv. 1801;=Braun Midnakerz Wern., Min. Syst., 1808, Leonh. Tasch., iii. 311, 1809. Schorl rayonnante en gouttiere [or channelled Actinolite, the cryst. being twins with a reent. angle] Saussure, Voy. Alpes, iv. 103, 1796;=Sphene H., Tr., iii. 1801;=Gelb Menakerz Wern., 1808, 1. c. Semeline (fr. Marone, Dauphiny) Fl. de Bellevue, J. de Phys., li. 443, 1800. Spinthere IH., Tr., iv. 1801. Ligurite (fr. Stura, Apennines (Liguria)) Viviani, Mem. Acc. Sci. Genova, iii., J. de Phys., lxxvii. 236, 1813. Greenovite(fr. St. Marcel) Duf., Ann. d. M., III. xvii. 529, 1840. Lederite $Shep., Am. J. Sci., xxxix. 351, 1840. Aspidelite Weibye. Monoclinic. C=-600 17'- 0 A i-i; IA I=113 31', 0 A 1- 159~ 39'; a: b: c-=056586: 1: 13251. Observed planes: O; vertical, i-i,, I, i-3; clinodomes, 2-4, 4-4, 1. —i; hemidomes, -i (or i-), -2-i - 4-i' -i 1-i, 2-i; hemioctahedral $, -, 1, -1, 2, -2, 4, -4; 1-2, 2-2, -4-2; -3-3; ~ —; 3 —.; 1-3,-3-3, 6-1, c -, 1. 0(y) A i-i(P)=1190 63' 2(n) A -2(1), ov., =108~ 39' 0(y) A 1-i(w)=159 2(n) A I(r)= 152 46 O(y) A 4-4(s)=123 59 2(n) A i-i(P)=144 56 0(y) A I(r) 114 30 2(n) A 2(n)= 136 12 O(y) A 1(z)=154 19 -1(l) A-1(1)=133 52 0(y) A 2(n)= 141 44 -2(t) A -2(t)=110 52 O(y) A -1(l)=139 26 -4 A -4=106 2 O(y) \ -2(t)=109 37 2-2(e) A 2-2(e)=157 16 l(z) A 1(z)=149 43 1-2(w) A 1-2(w)=164 36 384 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 6-3('a) A i-4(b)=140~ 21' 4-t(s) A 4-i(s), ov. 0, =6T 58' -3-Q(m) A-3-A(m)=76 7 I(r) A i-i(P)=146 45 -3-8(m) A i-I (b)=141 27 1-i(x) A i-i(P)=140 43 i-i(P) A i-3(o)=167 41 i-i(P) A i-z(b)=90 363 367 368 364 1 2 33 Semeline. 365 366 /6) X hSpinthere. -2 ~~i Y ~~~~3'70 Greenovite. O 369 ~~0,~~~~~~. Lederite. Cleavage: Isometimes nearly perfect; i-i and -1 much less so; rarely (in greenovite) 2 easy,-2 less so; sometimes hemimorphic (f. 372). n Twins: composition-face -, and twinned either (a) by revolution on an axis normal to i-i, or (b) on a vertical axis; the former very common, and usually producing thin tables with a reentering angle along one side; sometimes elongateo -, as in f. 373; occasionally in double tins, ohe former verurs, as would be represented by two f. 373 united back to back. Sometimes massive, compact; rarely lamellar. H. =5-5'5. G.- 3-4- 356. Lustre adamantine-resinous. Color brown, gray, yellow, green, and black. Streak white, slightly reddish in greenovite. Transparent-opaque. 13rittle. Optic-axial plane i4-; bisectrix positive, very closely normal to 1-i (x); double refraction strong; axial divergence 530-56~ for the red rays, 460-45~ for the blue; Descl. Comp., Var. —(6a+Ti) Si, which is equivalent to R Si (since R O+R 02=R'20); it being a 3: 2 silicate, like andalusite, but one in which titanium forms part of the base. Var. 1. Ordinary. (a) Titanite; brown to black, the original being thus colored, also opaque or SUBSILICATES. 385 subtranslucent. (b) Sphene (named from oaniv, a wedge); of light shades, as yellow, greenish, etc., and often translucent; the original was yellow. Ligurite was an apple-green sphene; Spinthere (or Semeline) a greenish; named spinthere 372 373 371 Pictite. Rothenkopf. Schwarzenstein. from its lustre, and semeineZ from semen lini, flax-seed, alluding to a common form. Eederite, brown, opaque, or subtranslucent, of the form in f. 369. 2. Manganesian; Gheenovite. Red or rose-colored, owing to the presence of a little manganese. 3. In the crystals there is a great diversity of form, arising from an elongation or not into a prism, and from the occurrence of the elongation in the direction of different diameters of the fundamental form. (a) Long prismatic in the direction of the prism I, f. 367 of spinthere, from Dauphiny; short prismatic, in the same direction, f. 369, lederite, from northern New York; (c) oblong prismatic in the direction of the edge 2 / 2, very common, f. 363-365; (d) in the direction of the edge -1 / -1, f. 368 (from Naumann); e in the direction of the prism 4-i, f. 371, pictite, and f. 373 twin from Schwarzenstein; (f) not elongated, of which f. 366 is one example among many widely different. Besides these there are (g) hemrrimor phic forms, as in f. 372, the planes of the opposite extremities of the crystal oeing unlike. Analyses: I, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 245); 2, 3, Rosales and Brooks (Pogg., lxii. 253); 4, Fuchs, (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xlvi. 319); 5, H. Rose (Pogg., lxii. 253); 6, Marignac (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiv. 47); 7, Delesse (Ann. d. Mines, IV. vi. 325); 8, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 442); 9, Arppe (Anal. Finske Min.. 34): Si Ti Ca 1. Passau, bn. 35 33 33 =101 Klaproth. 2. " 30'63 42'56 25'00, PF.e 3'93=102'12 Brooks. 3. Arendal, bn. 31-20 40-92 22-25, Fe 5'06-99'43 Rosales. 4. Schwarzenstein, yw. 32'52 43'21 24'18=99'91 Fuchs; G —344. 5. Zillerthal, ywh. gn. 32-29 41'58 26-61, Fe 0'96=101'44 Rose;.= —3535. 6. Piedmont, Greenovite 32'26 38'57 27'65, Fe 0'76, Mn 0-76=100 Marignac. 7.'; " 30-4 42'0 24'3, Mn 3'6=100'3 Delesse. 8. Grenville, Lederite 31'83 40'00 28'31, ign. 0'40=100'54 Hunt; G.=3'5. 9. Frugard, Finl., bn. 31'03 43'57 21'76, Fe 0'75, MIg 0-08,A11'05, ign. 0'38=98'62 A. Pyr., etc.-B.B. some varieties change color, becoming yellow, and fuse at 3 with intumescence, to a yellow, brown, or black glass. With borax they afford a clear yellowishgreen glass. Imperfectly soluble in heated muriatic acid; and if the solution be concentrated along with tin, it becomes of a fine violet color. With salt of phosphorus in R.F. gives a violet bead; varieties containing much iron require to be treated with the flux on charcoal with metallic tin. Completely decomposed by sulphuric and fluohydric acids. Obs.-Titanite occurs in imbedded crystals, in granite, gneiss, mica schist, syenite, chlorite schist, and granular limestone; also in beds of iron ore, and volcanic rocks, and often associated with pyroxene, hornblende, chlorite, scapolite, zircon, etc. Found in complicated compound 25 386 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. crystals of a pale green color and transparent, in the Grisons, Switzerland, associated with feldspar and chlorite; in mica slate at St. Gothard; also at Mont Blanc, and elsewhere, in the Alps; on crystals of calcite at Chalanches and Maromme, in Dauphiny (the spinthere I.); in small reddish crystals in the protogine of Pormenaz and Chamouni (pictite Saus.); in large, broad, yellowish or reddish-green crystals, with colorless apatite, in a talcose schist at Ala, Piedmont (ligurite); in pale yellowish-green transparent or translucent crystals, laceolate in form, lining fissures in titanic iron at Arendal, in Norway (aspidelite Weibye); at Achmatovsk, Urals; at St. Marcel, in Piedmont, with manganesian epidote and romeine (greenovite Duf., anal. 6, 7); at Val. Maggia, Piedmont; at Schwarzenstein, Tyrol; at Felberthal in Pinzgau; at Frugard, in Finland, of a brownish-black color (anal. 9). Small crystals occur in syenite at Strontian in Argyleshire, near Criffel in Galloway; at Craig Cailleach in Perthshire; in Inverness; near Tavistock: near Tremadoc, in North Wales, with brookite; at Crow Hill, near Newry, Ireland. Occasionally it is found among volcanic rocks, as at Lake Laach (semeline of F. de Bellevue), and at Andernach on the Rhine. Occurs in Canada at Grenville, Elmsley, Burgess, and Grand Calumet Island, in amber-colored crystals; in the trachytes of Yamaska, Shefford, and Brome Mts. In flMaine, in fine crystals at Sanford, also at Thurston. In Mass., good crystals in gneiss, in the east part of Lee; at Bolton with pyroxene and scapolite in limestone; at Pelham. In Conn., at Trumbull. In N. York, at Roger's Rock on Lake George, abundant in small brown crystals, along with graphite and pyroxene; at Gouverneur, in black crystals in granular limestone with scapolite; in Diana near Natural Bridge, Lewis Co., in dark brown crystals, among which is the variety lederite (f. 369), in which cleavage is distinct parallel to I; the crystals are sometimes nearly three inches square; at Rossie, St. Lawrence Co., in pale red and brown crystals with apatite, pargasite, and feldspar; in Macomb near Pleasant Lake; in Orange Co., in large crystals abundant in limestone, near Duck-cedar pond, in the town of Monroe; near Edenville, in light brown crystals, sometimes nearly two inches across, in limestone; five miles south of Warwick, in large grayish-brown crystals, with zircon, hornblende, and iron ore; also in small crystals a mile south of Amity; in Westchester Co., near Peekskill, in an aggregate of feldspar, quartz, and hornblende; also near West Farms, in small reddish-brown prisms. In N. Jersey, at Franklin, of a honey-yellow color. In Penn., Bucks Co., three miles west of Attleboro', associated with tabular spar and graphite. The crystallization was first clearly made out by G. Rose in 1821. For recent observations see R. & M. Min.; Desel. Min.; Hessenberg Min. Not., Nos. i. to vii; v. Rath., Pogg., cxv. 466. Breithaupt states that much sphene is triclinic (Handb., ii. 144, B. H. Ztg., xxv. 107). Fig. 370 above is ideal, being intended to exhibit the relative positions of the planes on the fundamental prism, and the letters used on the planes by authors, as well as the symbols. Fig. 368 is from Nanumann, drawn after his view of the fundamental form; and fig. 373 (from Hessenberg) is similar in this respect, but a side view. Alt.-Sphene occurs of little hardness, dull in lustre, and hydrated from alteration. Crystals of this kind, found in a decomposing feldspar, with zircon at Green River, Henderson Co., N. C., have been named by C. U. Shepard (Am. J. Sci., xxii. 96, 1856) Xanthitane. Color pale yellowishwhite; H.=3-5; G._=2'7-3-0, and stated to contain 12'5 p. c. of water. Also occurs altered to steatite. Artif.-Formed in crystals by heating together 3 Si, 4 Ti, and chlorid of calcium, the composition of them (.) Si 30'5, Ti 4171, Ca 2178=100; and the manganesian (greenovite) by adding chlorid of manganese (Hautefeuille). 330. GROTHITE Dana. (Titanite P. Groth, Jahrb. Min., 1866, 44.) P. Groth has shown that the titanite-like mineral, from the syenite of Plauen Grund near Dresden, differs in composition and cleavage from ordinary sphene. The form is monoclinic in habit, being somewhat like f. 363 and 367; but there is distinct cleavage parallel to one 2, and little distinct parallel to the other. The angles are 2 A 2=136~; 2 on 1-i=155~ 19' to 156~ 20'; 1-i on i-i about 162~. H.=6'5. G.= 3'52-3'60. Lustre vitreous to greasy. Color clove to blackish-brown; in thin splinters reddishbrown and translucent. The altered mineral is isabella-yellow to pale yellowish-brown. Composition according to Groth (1. c.): (2) Si 30-51, Ti 31'16, Be 5'83, li, Y 2'44, Mn 102, Ca 31'34=102'30. It gives the 0. ratio for Ri, H, Ti, Si, 8-95: 3'23: 12'16: 16'15, or for bases (Ti included) to silica, 24'34: 16'15=3. 2. The general formula is therefore (1~3,'i', 1) Si. The analysis corresponds very nearly to 8 Si, 6 Ti, 1 R, 9 (Ca Mn). It is therefore a titanite in which one-half of the bases consists of 3 Ca2+ 1 (#e, lM). If not a result of alteration, and the character of the cleavage is a constant one, it should rank as a distinct species. CASTELLITE. Castellit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxv 11, 1866. Monoclinic. In very small and exceedingly thin 8-sided tables, having for the angles of the rhombic prism 118~ and 62~. Cleavage: prismatic? H.=5'5 —6. G.=3-150. Lustre vitreous, somewhat adamantine. Color wine-yellow to wax-yellow; streak colorless. Fragile. According to Plattner it acts B.B. like titauite, giving evidence of the presence of titanic acid, SUBSILICATES. 387 lime, and silica, but with less of the first and more of the last than in sphene. Occurs in the phonolite of Holenkluk Mtn., near Proboscht, and in that of Sollodiz-a rock containing also sanidin, hornblende, augite, ilmenite, and apatite. 331. IEILHAUITE. Keilhauit A. Erdmamn, Ak. H. Stockh., 355, 1844. Yttrotitanit Scheerer, Pogg., lxiii. 459, 1844. Monoclinic, and near sphene in angles. C= 0 A i-i=122~, IA I-=114~ (calc. from IA i-i) (fig. 374); A i-i74 3 147~, OA2=1430 30', A2 =1530 30', 3 -2 A —1- 149~-i A i2- 1250, from mea-. surements with the common goniometer by D. Forbes; 0 A I=1140 26', and 2 O A -1=140~ 42', from calculations by Iiansteen; faces of the crystals rather rough. Twins very common: plane -2 of composition i-i (fig. 375). Cleavage quite distinct, parallel to 2. H.=6'5. G.=3'519 to 3'72, D. Forbes; 3'69, Scheerer; 3'716 -3733, Rammelsberg. Lustre vitreous to resinous. Brownish-black; in splinters brownish-red and translucent; also dull brown and pale grayishbrown. Streak-powder grayish-brown to pale dirty yellow. Comp.-(Rs, R2, A) Si, having, like sphene, titanium among the basic metals; but containing the sesquioxyd alumina, and traces of glucina, and, besides lime, the protoxyds, yttria, protoxyd of iron, etc. Analyses: 1, 2, Erdmann (1. c.); 3, D. Forbes (Edinb. N. Phil. J., II., i. 62, and iii.); 4, 5, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cvi. 296): i Ti A1 Fe An ie ne Ca Y 1. 30'00 29-01 6'09 6'35 0'67 0-32 -- 18'92 9-62-100'98 Erdmann. 2. 29'45 28'14 5'90 6'48 0'86 0'63 -- 18-68 9-74=99'88 Erdmann. S. 31'33 28'04 8'03 Fe687 Mn 0-28 - 0'52 19'56 4178=99'41 D. Forbes. 4. Massive 29'48 26'67 5'45 6'75 to. -- -- 20'29 8'16, Mg 0'94, K 0'60, ign. 0'54=98'88 Ramrm. 5. Cryst. 28-50 27-04 6-24 5 90 tr. - -- 17-15 12-08, Mg Ir., ign. 3'59= 100'50 Ramm. Rammelsberg's analyses afford for the oxygen ratio between silica and the other ingredients, anal. 4, 1572: 22'94=-2 3, and anal. 5, 15-20: 2271=2: 3; conforming to the other analyses in the fundamental ratio of the species. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses with intumescence easily to a black shining glass. Yields an iron-colored glass with borax, which in the inner flame becomes blood-red. With salt of phosphorus gives an iron color and a silica skeleton, and in the inner flame a violet bead. Reaction of manganese with soda. Decomposed by muriatic acid. Obs. —Occurs near Arendal, Norway; at BuSe, Arkerde, Alve, and Narrestde, in a feldspathic rock, both in crystals and massive. Crystals weighing 2~ lbs., and masses of 15 to 20 lbs., are mentioned by Forbes. A dull brown massive kind from Alve gave G.-3'72; and a pale grayish-brown 3'603; a specimen from near Narrestbe, G.=3-519. The Alve keilhauite has two cleavages inclined to one another 138~ (Forbes & Dahl, Nyt. Mag. f. Nat., xiii.). Also from Snarum, Norway. Named after Prof. Keilhau of Norway. 332. TSCHEFF:IKINITE.? Mineral de Coromandel Beud., Tr., ii. 652, 1832. Tschewkinit G. Rose, Reis. Ural, ii. 1839. Massive, amorphous. HI. =-5 5. G. =4508 —4'549, G. Rose; 4'5296, H. Rose; after heating, in powder, 4615; after fusion, 4T17. Lustre vitreous. Color velvet-black. Streak dark brown. Subtranslucent to opaque. 388 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Comp.-Essentially (R 3,, ) Si, for the Ural tscheffkinite, as in keilhauite. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., lxii. 591); 2, Hlermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxix. 57); 3, Beudant (Tr., 1. c.); 4, A. Damour (Bull. G. Fr., xix. 550, 1862): Si Ti Th U Fe ]in kY e,La,Di Mg 03a X,Na f 1. Ural ()2104 20-17 - 1121 0'53 - 45'09 0-22 3-50 0-12 -=10188 R. 2. " 20'68 16'07 20'91 2'50 9117 0'15 3'45 22-80 -- 3'25 -- 0'42=100 Herm. 3. Africa 190 8'0 - -- -- 190 M1'2 - 36-0 -- 8'0 - 11'0=102'2 Beud. 4. " 19-03 20'86'196 0-38 -- 38-38 0'27 440 -- 1'30=100-30 D. Hermann showed that the mineral contained thoria, and that Rose had included it in his titanic acid and oxyd of cerium; his 0. ratio for R (including the thoria), Ti, Si is 10'44: 6'38: 10'92= 15: 9: 16, and hence for R + I, Si, 3: 2, whence the above formula. Rose's analysis corresponds to the same general formula. a. The Coromandel mineral, referred here by Damour, affords, according to him, the 0. ratio for R+f +iR, Si=-2: 1; and for iR,, i=2: 1: 2; whence the formula (6 t3~ ~+' td)4 i3. The alumina is left out of consideration as an impurity. But including it, the 0. ratio for bases and silica is 20-65 to 10-14, sustaining still better the ratio 2: 1. Damour has made a new examination of the mineral, and directly ascertained the absence of thorium (letter to the author of April 24, 1867); he further observes that a little Di and La are probably present with the Ce. Descloizeaux states that the mineral is not homogeneous, it consisting of a brown material not acting on polarized light, and small colorless grains which are strongly doubly refracting. The mineral has H.=55-5-6; G.=4-26; lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous; color brownish-black; subtranslucent. Pyr., etc.-B.B. glows, then intumesces strongly, becomes brown, and fuses to a black glass. Gives with the fluxes reactions for iron, manganese, and titanic acid. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. The Coromandel mineral in a closed tube yields a little water. B.B. fuses with intumescence to a black scoria, feebly magnetic. With salt of phosphorus it gives in R.F. a pale brown glass, opaline, which becomes milky in the O.F. With borax it affords a hyacinth-brown glass, transparent in the R.F. and pale brown and opaque in the O.F. Attacked readily by nitric acid, especially if heated, depositing gelatinous silica mixed with titanic acid and black grains of titanic iron. Obs.-From the Ilmen Mountains in the Urals; only a few specimens have been found. The tscheffkinite in collections is mostly urralorthite, which it much resembles. Also from the coast of Coromandel, whence it was long since brought by Leschenault. *Named after the Russian general, Tschevkin. 333. STAUROLITE. Pierres de croix de Robien, N. idles sur la format. d. Foss., 109, 1751 (with figs.). Basaltes crystallisatus pt. Cronst. (the specimen a cross of two brown 6-sided crystals, worn as an amulet at baptisms in Basel, and called Lapis crucifer, and Basler Taufstein), Min., 70, 1758. Schorl cruciforme pt., Pierres de croix, de Lisle, Crist., 1772, 1783 (with figs.). Staurolite Delameth., Sciagr., i. 298, 1792. Grenatite (fr. St. Gothard), Saussure, Voy. Alpes, ~ 1900, 1796. Granatite. Staurolith Karst., Tab., 22, 1800. Staurotide H., Tr., iii 1801. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1290 20', O A 1-i=1240 46'; a: b: c=1'4406: 1: 2-11233. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-;i dome, 1-i. 316 377 378 0 A 1 —124~ 46' 0 A i=90 _IA i/-=115 17 OA 3 O'~ -19 0 A 0 omp.-face,-134 21 II i (~ / 232 a =119 23 IA nmeas., 128 30-129 30 Cleavage: i4- distinct, but interrupted; I in traces. Twins cruciform: 1, composition-ace t- (f. 377); 2, composition-face (-I 7p_ SUBSILICATES. 389 (f. 378). [Making 8-i and ~-2 the planes 1 - and 1, on the ground that twinning usuallv takes place parallel to the fundamental or diagonal planes of crystals, then I' above is i —, and'-the true 1 A 1=109~ 14/, whence a' b': c'1-4406: 1: 14082 (2- e).] Crystals often with rough surfaces. Massive forms unobserved. H.=7- 75. G.=3-4-3-8. Subvitreous, inclining to resinous. Color dark reddish-brown to brownish-black, and yellowish-brown. Streak uncolored to grayish. Translucent —nearly or quite opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Optic-axial plane i-i; bisectrix positive, normal to O. Comp., Var.-O. ratio for (+~ 1), X, Si= i: ~4: 21; for bases and silica 2: 1; whence (- R' +I K1)4 Sis= (if 3 = - 3 + M2 -g+ 7 Fe) Silica 28 3, alumina 51'"7, protoxyd of iron 15-8, magnesia 2-5, water 1'7=100. Excluding the water, the formula may be (Fe3, A1)4Si3+ +R2Si. equivalent to a 2: 1 silicate containing a little (Mg, Fe)2 Si (chrysolite); or (Ie', A1)4 Si3 + - (R3, A1) Si, that is, the same 2: 1 silicate with a little gehlenite. The early analysts made the iron all sesquioxyd. Mitscherlich has pronounced it (J. pr. Ch., lxxxvi. 1) alt protoxyd in the staurolite of St. Gothard, Airolo, and Brittany. Rammelsberg found a variety of ratios in his analyses of the mineral from other localities, the silica varying from 27 to over 50 per cent. But G. Lechartier has ascertained that staurolite contains, uniformly, some water, separable only at a high heat; and that the variations are due to impurities, the powder under the microscope being distinctly a mixture of two or more minerals, and the action of fluohydric acid on some crystals making them cellular, or even spongy and fragile. After purifying the staurolite, the proportion of silica was nearly constant, and the specific gravity was 3'10 —316. (See below.) Var. 1. Ordinary. 2. Zinc-Staurolite (anal. 27); found at Canton, Ga.,'in slender crystals, ~ in. long and a line or less thick, having a yellowish-brown to cinnamon-brown color; G.=3'792. The crystals have the planes 1, 0- i-i. 3. Manganese-Staurolite, Nordmarkite (anal. 28); from dolomite in Nordmark, Sweden, of chocolate-brown color, with H.=-65, OG.=3 54, and presenting the usual crystalline form. Its easy fusibility is reason for here giving this variety the distinctive name Nordmarkite. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 80); 2, Lohmeyer (Pogg., lxii. 419); 3, Marignac (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiv. 49); 4-7, Jacobson (Pogg., lxii. 419); 8, 9, 12, Rammelsberg (ib., cxiii. 599); 10, 11, Wislicenus (J. pr. Ch., xciii. 260); 13, 14, Jacobson (Pogg., lxviii. 414); 15, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 16, Vauquelin (J. d. M., viii. 354); 17, 18, Jacobson (1. c.); 19, 20, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 21, 22, Jacobson (1. c.); 23-26, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 27, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxiii. 198); 28, Paykull ((Efv. Ak. H. Stockh., 1866): i A;1 Pe Mn Fe SIg ign. 1. St. Gothard, red 27-00 52-25 18-50 0-25 - - =9800 Klaproth. 2. "' dark r. 2-'02 49-96 20-07 0-28 ---- -=97'33 Lohmeyer. 3. " 28-47 53-34 17141 0'31 - 02 -=100'25 Marignac. 4. " 30-31 46-80 18-08 2- - 16, Oa 0'13=97-48 Jacobson. 5. " 30-91 48-68 15-31 Si 119 - 1-33 -=99-48 Jacobson. 6. " 29'72 54-72 15'69 185 - =101-98 Jacobson. 7. " 29-13 52-01[17-58] -. - 1-28 - =100 Jacobson. 8. " brown 29-60 48-53 4'25 M 0'96 11'50 3'12 0-76=98'72 Ramm. 9 It 35-05 44'18 5-21;" tr. 11'48 2-86 0'95=99'73 Ramm. 10. " 27195 54-26 4-58 - 9-91 2-80 - =99-50 Wislicenus. 11. "' 21'90 54-42 4-90 - 996 2'97 - =100-15 Wislicenus. 12. Massachusetts, bi. 28-86 49-19 3'20 1M 128 13-32 2-24 0'43=98'52 Ramm. 13. Airolo, black 33-45 47'-23 16-51 - 1'99 - =9918 Jacobson. 14. "- 32-99 47192 16-65 -- 1-66 — =99'22 Jacobson. 15. " 43-26 40-45 2-40 -- 10-92 2-09 0'45 —99-57 Ramm. 16. Brittany 33-00 44'00 13-00 1-00 -- - —, a 3-84=9484 Vauq. 17. " 39'19 44'87 15'09 0-17 -- 032 -— =99-64Jacobson. 18. " 40-35 44-22 15-77 0-10 -- - =10044 Jacobson. 19. " 50-75 34-86 2-86 tr. 10-45 1'80 0'38=101'10 Ramm. 20. Pitkaranta 51-32 34'30 - M 042 11-01 2-32 0'59=99-96 Ramm. 21. Polevskoi, Ural 38'68 47'43 15'06 - 2-44 — =103'61 Jacobson. 22. " 38-33 45'97 14-60 - - 241 — =101-37 Jacobson. 23. Goldenstein, bn. 35'15 44'02 0X88 N 1'41 12'16 3-06 1-27=97-95 Ramm. 390 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 9i A1 Fe MIn Pe Mg ign. 24. Franconia, bn. 35-36 48-67 2-27 tr. 13'05 2'19 0-27=101-80 Ramm. 25. Litchfield, Ct., bk. 36'92 42-92 1'85 0'70 12'80 2-93 1-00=98-82 Ramm. 26. Lisbon, N. H. 49'10 37'70 t- r. 10-69 1'64 0-68=99'81 Ramm. 27. Canton, Ga. (3) 28'82 49'21 9-51 015 - 322 1-47, Zn /'13, Ti 0'84, Cu, Ag tr.=100'35 Genth. 28. Nordmark, Sweden 36-05 35'18 13'73M11'61 - 2-51=99-08 Paykull. In No. 2, G.=3-737 —3'744; 4-7, G.=3'797 in pieces, 3-744 in powder; 12, G.=3'772; 13, 14, G.=3-66 —73; 17, 18, G.=3'528; 20, G.=3'265; 21, 22, G.=3'549, 3'588; 23, G.=3'66; 24, G.=3'764; 25, G.=83622; 26, G.-=3413; 27, zinc-staurolite, G.=3'792. Lechartier obtained (Bull. Soc. Ch., II. iii. 375) the following results after purification: 1, 2. St. Gothard. 3, 4. Brittany. 5. Quimper. 6. Bolivia. Silica 28'21 28-48 28'16 28'98 29-15 290'7 Ign. 1'50; 150 1'55 1-43 1'49 1'30 Sp. Gr. 3'75 3-74 3'75 3'70 3'76 Before purification the silica obtained by him was for 2, 36-30; 3, 46-21-54'15; 4, 49'39; 5, 41'36 p. c. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 were large opaque crystals. He observes that all staurolite contains titanic acid, and that some magnesia is present. P1yr., etc.-B.B. infusible, excepting the manganesian variety (anal. 28), which fuses easily to a black magnetic glass. With the fluxes gives reactions for iron, and sometimes for manganese. Imperfectly decomposed by sulphuric acid. Obs.-Usually found in mica schist, argillaceous schist, and gneiss; often associated with garnet, cyanite, and tourmaline. Occurs with cyanite ill paragonite schist, at Mt. Canpione, Switzerland, in polished, brown, translucent crystals; at the Greiner mountain, Tyrol, in simple crystals associated with cyanite, and sometimes appearing as a continuation of its crystals, parallel with them; near Lake Como; in the Tyrol; at Goldenstein in Moravia, brown and translucent; in large twin crystals in Brittany; at Tornduff and near Killiney in Ireland; at Oporto, St. Jago de Compostella, and at other localities mentioned above. Abundant throughout the mica slate of New England. In Maine, at Windham, near the bridge, the mica slate is filled with large crystals; also at Mt. Abraham, Hartwell, and Winthrop. In N. Ham p., brown and large cryst. at Franconia; at Lisbon, abundant in mica slate; on the shores of Mink Pond, loose in the soil; at Grantham, 2 m. from Meriden, of a gray color. In Vermont, at Cabot. In Mass., at Chesterfield, in fine crystals. In Conn., at Bolton, Vernon, Litchfield, Stafford, and Tolland. In New York, small crystals at the Foss ore 379 bed in Dover, Duchess Co.; also three and a half miles from New York city, on the Hudson. In Penn., reddish-brown cryst. abundant on the Wissahiccon, 8 m. from Philadelphia. In Georgia, at the lead mine, Canton, in quartzose mica schist, the gangue of the lead ore. Dr. C. T. Jackson has described a variety of staurolite in tesselated crystals like chiastolite, from Charlestown, N. H., as represented in the accompanying figure. He states that the staurolite macles pass by insensible shades into andalusite macles, where the mica slate passes into argillaceous slate. Named from oravp6;, a cross. Haily's change of staurolite to staurotide was neither necessary nor reasonable. Alt.-Occurs altered to steatite. 334. SC(HORLOMITE. Shepard, Am. J. Sci., II. ii. 251, 1846. Ferrotitanite Whitney, J. Nat. Hist., Boston, vi. 46, 1849.? Iwaarit Kutorga, 1851, N. Nord., Verz. Finl. Min. 1852. Massive, without cleavage. H.=7 —7'5. G.=3-862, Shepard; 3'807, Whitney; 3-783, in coarse powder, Rammelsberg; 3'745, fr. IKaiserstuhl, Claus. Color black, sometimes tarnished blue, and with pavonine tints; streak grayish-black. Lustre vitreous. Fracture conchoidal. Comp.-O. ratio for AR+T3+' (bases), and silica=2: 1 nearly, and for, t, R=4: 4: 3; whence (al Oa-+ A e+ I1i)1 4 A i, and approaching'closely the Coromandel tscheffkinite, but ST3SILICATES. 391 containing no cerium, and sesquioxyd of iron in place of alumina. Whitney deduced Oa3 Sit Fe Si+(Ca Ti2=Silica 24'9, oxyd of iron, 21-9, lime 30-7, titanic acid 225= 100. In Rammelsberg's second analysis, the silica was determined only by the loss, and in two of the other analyses there was titanic acid remaining with the silica. Analyses: 1, 2, Whitney (1. c.); 3, 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxvii. 1xxxv., and Min. Ch., 886, former analysis revised); 5, Crossley (This Min., 3d edit., 692); 6, Claus (Ann. Oh. Pharm., cxxix. 213): Si Ti Fe Mg Ca 1. Arkansas 25'66 22-10 21'58 29-78=99-12 Whitney. 2. " 21-89L 20'43 21'90 30'05=100'27 Whitney. 3. - " 26'09 17'36 25'36a 1'55 31'12=101'48 iRamm. 4. " [26'24] 21-34 20-11 1'36 29-38, Fe 151= —100 Ramm. 5. " 26'36- 21-56 22'00 1'25 30'72, In tr.=101-89 Crossley. 6. Kaiserstuhl 29-55 21'18 18'08 1'22 25-13, K, Na 4-22=99'38 Claus. a With some titanic acid. The mineral was first correctly described and analyzed by Whitney. Shepard made it a hydrous silicate of sesquioxyd of iron, yttria, and perhaps thoria. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses quietly at 3 to a black glass. Reactions for iron with the fluxes. Fused with salt of phosphorus on charcoal, with tin, in the inner flame, gives a violet bead. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid, the solution becoming violet when boiled with metallic tin. Obs.-In small masses with elseolite and brookite in the Ozark Mts., Magnet Cove, Arkansas. The dodecahedral crystals reported by Shepard are black garnets, which occur with it. Found also in the Kaiserstuhl, in the vicinity of Oberschaffhausen, in phonolite. Named from a resemblance to schorl (black tourmaline). IvAARITE. As described by Nordenski6ld (Beskr. Finl. Min., 1855, 101), it has the characters of schorlomite, and like it is found with elstolite. It occurs, he states, both massive and in garnet-like crystals, is lustrous black and opaque, with the lustre adamantine; has H.= 6'0, and G.=3'67-3-69. The mineral is stated to consist of 6 Si, 3 Ti, 2 Fe, 6 Ca, which corresponds to the O. ratio for bases and silica 3: 2, instead of 2: 1, the schorlomite ratio. B.B. fuses to a black glass. From Ivaara, Finland. 335. SAPPHIRINE. Sapphirin (fr. Greenland) Giesecke, Stromeyer's Unters., i. 391. Sapphirine. Sapphirin pt. [rest blue Spinel] Hausnm., Handb., 427, 1847. Orthorhombic a In disseminated grains, or aggregations of grains. H.=7 —8. G.-=342-3'48; 3'473, Damour. Lustre vitreous. Color pale blue or green. Translucent. Optically biaxial; and dichroic. Comp.-O. ratio for i =,, i=1: 4: 1; for bases and silica=5-: 1; constituents, 3 Mg + 4 1 + 1i Si-Silica 14'5, alumina 66'2, magnesia 19-3= 100. The biaxial polarization shows that it is not impure corundum or spinel. Perhaps (~ Mg + 1 1)4' i3'+ 6 X1, or a staurolite with corundum as an accessory. Possibly a 5: 1 subsilicate. Analyses: 1 Stromeyer (Unters., i. 391); 2, 3, Damour (Bull. G. Soc., II. vi. 317, 1849): Si A3 ] Mg Ca'e 1. 14'51 63'11 16'85 0-38 3'92, in 0'53, ign. 0'49=99-78 Stromeyer. 2. 14-88 63'31 19-06 -- 2-09=99-34 Damour. 3. 14'84 63-20 19'50 - 190=99-44 Damour. Pyr., etc.-B.B. alone and with borax infusible, unaltered. Obs.-Associated with mica and anthophyllite at Fiskenaes in Greenland. The name alludes to the sapphire color. APPENDIX TO ANHYDROUS SILICATES. 336. EULYTITE. Arsenik-Wismuth Wern., Breith., Letzt. Min. Syst., 23, 62, Hoffm. Min., IV. a, 65, 1817. Wismutblende, Eulytin, Breith., Pogg., ix. 275, 1827; Handb., 303. Wismutisches Blende-Erz Breith., Uib., 66, 1830, Char., 239, 1832. Kieselwismuth Kersten, Pogg., xxvii. 81, 1833. Silicate of Bismuth. 392 OXYGEN COMPOJNDS. Isometric: tetrahedral. Usually in minute crystals, and edges often rounded, figs. 34, 35. Observed planes: 1, 0, 2-2. Cleavage: dodecahedral, very imperfect. Twins: plane of composition parallel to a dodecahedral face. Crystals often in groups. Sometimes globular, and columnar, lamellar, or granular. lH.-4S5. G. —5912 -6006. Lustre resinous or adamantine. Color dark hair-brown, yellowish-gray, grayish-white, and straw-yellow. Streak yellowish-gray or uncolored. Subtransparent-opaque. Fracture uneven. Rather brittle. Comp. —Probably'i4 Si9, with some phosphate and fluorid of iron, Frankenheim. Analysis by Kersten (Pogg., xxvii. 81): Si 22-23 Bi 69-38 i 3'31 Fe 2'40'Mn 0'30 HF, H, and loss 2'38=100. Pyr., etc.-In a matrass decrepitates and affords a trace of water. B.B. fuses to a dark-yellow mass, and gives out inodorous fumes. Fuses and froths on charcoal, staining it yellowish-brown, sometimes with a tinge of green. Fuses readily with soda to a button, at first greenish-yellow and then reddish-yellow, and finally affords metallic bismuth. With salt of phosphorus it fuses to a yellow globule, with a silica skeleton, which becomes colorless on cooling. Obs.-Found with native bismuth near Schneeberg, Saxony, in quartz, and at Braiunsdorf, near Freiberg. Named from et'Xurog, easily dissolved, or fusible. 337. ATELESTITE. Breith., Char., 306, 1832. Occurs in small monoclinic crystals, at Schneeberg, with eulytite; they have a sulphur-yellow color, adamantine lustre, H. about 5, and are transparent to translucent. Descloizeaux observes that some of the crystals, having the form of a rhombic octahedron, polarize light strongly. Contains bismuth, but exact composition not ascertained. 338. HYPOCHLORITE. Sogenannter Griineisenerde von Schneeberg, Hypochlorit, Schiiler, Schw. J., 1xvi 41, 1832, Dissert. de Ferro ochr., etc., Jence, 1832. Minute crystalline; also earthy. H.=6. G.=29 —3'04. Lustrevitreous, feeble. Colorgreen. Streak light green. Brittle; fracture even to flat conchoidal. ComP.-Analysis by Schdiler (1. c.): Si 50'24 1 14-65 Bi 13-03 Fe 10'54 i 9-62 Mn tr. Perhaps a mixture of a silicate of bismuth and iron, and a phosphate of alumina. B.B. grows dark, but infusible; a yellow deposit on the coal. Insoluble in acids. In minute crystals and grains, or massive and earthy, with native bismuth and cobalt ores, at Schneeberg, Johanngeorgenstadt, and Briiunsdorf, in Saxony. Also reported from Ullersreuth, Voigtland, in a bed of limonite. Named from 7rdXXwpo5, on account of its green chlorite-like color. 338A. ISOPYRE. Turner, Ed. New Phil. J., iii. 263, 1827. In compact masses, with cleavage. H.=6 —65. G.=2-9-3. Lustre vitreous. Streak light greenish-gray. Color grayish or velvet-black, occasionally spotted red, like heliotrope. Opaque-subtranslucent. Fracture flat conchoidal. Brittle. Acts slightly on the magnetic needle. Com. —O. ratio for iR, RI, Si, 1: 3: 6, as in labradorite. Analysis by Turner (1. c.): Si 47.09 l 13-91 Fe 20'07 Ca 15'43 Cu 1-94=98'44. Part of the iron is supposed to be protoxyd, judging from the color of the mineral. B.B. fuses easily to a magnetic bead, and colors the flame green. A silica skeleton with salt of phosphorus. With the acids decomposed with difficulty and imperfectly. HYDROUS SILICATES.?93 From St. Just, near Penzance, in a quartzose granite wlth tourmaline and tin ore,,i pigestviinches in diameter. Also in breccia on the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, with limonite...... B. HYDROUS SILICATES. Arrangement of the Species. 1. THE GENERAL SECTION OF HYDROUS SILICATES. Includes all Hydrous Silicates, excepting the Zeolites and the Margarophyllites. 1. Bisilicates. 2. Unisilicates. 3. Subsilicates. II. ZEOLITE SECTION. Feldspar-like in constituents and oxygen ratio; the bases being alumina, and the alkalies and alkaline earths (K, Na,. Ca, Ba, Sr), to the almost total exclusion of magnesia and iron; and the oxygen ratio between the protoxyd and sesquioxyd bases being 1': 3. III. MARGAROPHYLLITE SECTION. Mlicaceous or thin foliated when crystallized; and plane angle of base of prism 120~. On account of the uncertainties with respect to the relations of the water in hydrous silicates, the basis for a true classification of them is to a large extent wanting. From the dominance among anhydrous silicates of the grand subdivisions of Bisilicates, Unisilicates, and Subsilicates, the same groups might be reasonably looked for among the hydrous. But the formulas of very many of the species may be written according to either of these types, by making more, or less, or none, of the water basic; and consequently all attempts to define the limits of the groups must be at present unsatisfactory. Crystallographic and other relations to anhydrous species give help, but not always sure guidance. The following examples elucidate some of the reasons for referring species to the section of Bisilicates rather than that of Unisilicates, or the reverse: Lacumontite (No. 342, beyond) has a close approximation in crystalline form to pyroxene, and this suggests a relation to the Bisilicates; moreover, its formula is wholly pyroxene-like, if the water is not basic. It is to be noted that part of the water escapes on heating to 100~ C. There is the same relation in form between pectolite and pyroxene, as long since shown by Frankenheim; and the same formula also, if the water, here a more stable constituent, as basic. Okenite is very near hornblende, or another anhydrous bisilicate, in its crystallization; and it is also like it in formula, if half the water is basic. In each of these cases crystallography appears to show whether any of the water, and how much, is basic. Again, dioptase has the angles nearly, and the bisilicate ratio, of beryl, if the water be not basic. Prehnite has an affinity in its crystallization to chrysolite; and, if the water is all basic, the oxygen ratio for the bases and silica is 1: 1, or that of a Unisilicate, as in chrysolite. Calamine is approximately isomorphous with prehnite, and, moreover, both are pyroelectric; and the oxygen ratio is 1: 1, if the water is not basic. Fahlunite, a result of the alteration of iolite, is equivalent to iolite plus water. Iolite is a h silicate, there being a deficiency of base for a true unisilicate; but the added water just fills up the deficiency, so that, if the water is basic, the species is strictly a Unisilicate, the 0. ratio for R, Ri, Si, H being 1: 3: 5: 1, or for the bases + R+ ] [+i and silica, 5: 5= 1: 1. There seems to be no reason for questioning this basic relation of the water; it is probable that the deficiency of base may lead to the easy absorption of water so characteristic of lolite. In other alterations of iolite still more water is taken up, so that the 0. ratio is 1: 3: 5: 2; the compound is apparently the same, but with twice the proportion of water, only one-half of it in this case being basic. The same remarks are applicable to margarodite and other hydrous micas in their relations to muscovite and the anhydrous micas. 394 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. jpophyllite crystallizes in tetragonal forms-forms that are common among anhydrous Unisilicates, and are unknown among Bisilicates. The species is therefore arranged beyond as a Unisilicate, but as a representative of the Scapolite group of anhydrous silicates. Tritomite and Thorite are isometric species, and related to helvite and garnet; and they are Unisilicates, like garnet, if the water be not basic. From these examples it is apparent that the facts give only probable conclusions. It is to be hoped that chemistry will soon furnish principles that are encumbered with less of doubt. The group of Zeolites includes species that are feldspar-like in having among them the oxygen ratios for the protoxyds, alumina, and'silica 1: 3: 4, 1 3: 6, 1: 3: 8, 1: 3: 9, 1: 3: 12, with the only difference that water is present in addition. They are therefore sometimes spoken of as representatives among hydrous silicates of the anhydrous feldspars. But this inference, though apparently sustained by the oxygen ratios, is far from right. It assumes that the water is not basic. If it be basic, then the species may be ordinary Bisilicates or Unisilicates, quite remote from the feldspars. Looking to the crystallization, it is found that there is, in fact, nothing whatever to sustain the relation to the feldspars. The species of the Feldspar group are almost identical in angles and physical characters; while the zeolites are exceedingly diverse in both respects, and none have the feldspar form or angles. Nearly all the systems of crystallization are represented among them, and with a very wide range in angles. The feldspars have the prismatic angle near 120~; while the zeolites that approach the feldspars most nearly-that is, the Stilbite group, in which the oxygen ratio is 1: 3: 12, and the crystallization is in part oblique-have the prismatic angle near 90~ in one species, and from 130~ to 136~ in others. The hexagonal species, chabazite, levynite, and gmelinite, usually made a subgroup among the zeolites, have widely different rhombohedral angles. While, then, there is seeming unity in the group of zeolites, there is actually the widest diversity; and, when fully understood, they will probably have their places among the Unisilicates and Bisilicates of the first section. Analcite, which is included among the zeolites, is related in form to the feldspars, and in both form and formula (the water being excluded) to the anhydrous silicate, leucite. The Margarop2hyllites appear to constitute a strictly natural group, although under a very various chemical constitution. They are foliated in structure like the micas, and, like them, have the plane angle of the base of the prism 120~, the crystallization being either hexagonal or prismatic, with the angles of base 120~ and 60~. They include talc and pyrophyllite, margarodite and other hydrous micas, chlorite, margarite, etc.; with also kaolinite and serpentine, which have the same crystallization; and to these are added some species not yet known in the crystallized state, which appear to be chemically allied to the margarophyllites. The true margarophyllites are below 5 in hardness; greasy to the feel, at least when finely powdered; and not sparry in appearance when massive, unless through pseudomorphism, in which case this sparry character is that of the original mineral altered to make them. I. GENERAL SECTION OF HYDROUS SILICATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. The oxygen ratios of the species are given after the tables of formulas; the 1st column, the O. ratio for R., A, Si, i; 2d column for R+~ (or bases), Si, R. After the I1 in the latter column, a fraction is added, giving the proportion of the water that is required to be added to the bases to make the ratio that of the formula. In pectolite, for example, all the water is to be added to the bases; this making the ratio of bases to silica 5 + 1: 12=1: 2. I. BISILICATES. 1. PECTOLITE OR PYROXENOID GROUP. Monoclinic, and isomorphous with the Amphibole group (p. 207). 339. PECTOLITE (}(Oa, Na)+ IT)Si i i ell IIll(2 H2+t(a2,ea)) 340. XONALTITE Oa Si+If[ Si ell2lea+L aq HYDROUS SILICATES. 395 341. OEENITE (-Oa+ IA) )i+. A si oIIoee1(i H2+i a)+ aq 342. GYROLITE ( Oat ) Si +i1 Si 9||o2lI(A H2 + J ea) + aq 343. LAUMONTITE ( + a3 Al) Si2+3 11 Si e|O211(i ea+j flAl)+aq 343A. LEONHAR)ITE II. DIOPTASE (OR BERYLLOID) GROUP. Hexagonal. 344. CATAPLEIITE (* (N(a, Ca)2 + Zr);g + 1 Ii Si 2 II( (Na2, a) + l yZr) + aq 345. DIOPTASE Cu gi+T Si&O2,l11 eu 346. CHIRYSOCOLLA Cu Si+ 2 1: Si e11e211eu + 2 aq 347. ALIPITE' (~(i, g)+i:)Si Siel2|( H2 + (Ni Mg)) 348. CONARITE III. PICROSMINE GROUP. 349. PIOROSMINE Mg Si+ illellg+ aq 350. SPADAITE (9 Mg- ift1) Si~IY SiO]I-2IL( 112 + Mg) +aq Appendix.-351- 356, PYRALLOLITE, PIOROPHYLL, TRAVERSELLITE, P1TKARANDITE, STRAKONITZITE, MONRADITE; 357, NEOLITE, 9 Mg, Al, 9 Si, 44 H; 358, PALIGORSSITE, 6 Mg, 5 1, 24 Si, 18 AI; 359, XYLOTILE, Mg, IFe, Fe, Si; 360, ANTHOSIDERITE, Fe, Si, iH. A R g Si Ei PR Si A~r 11 R A A Si A1 Pectolite 5 12 1 5 12 1 (9-) Catapleiite 1 2 6 2 1 2 2Xonaltite 4 8 1 4 8 1 Dioptase 1 2 1 1 2 1 Okenite 1 4 2 1 4 2 (2) Chrysocolla 1 2 2 1 2 2 Laumontite 1 3 8 4 1 2 1 Picrosmine 1 2 I 1 2 Leonhardite (?) Spadaite 5 12 4 5 12 4 (~) II. UNISILICATES. I. CALAMINE (OR CHRYSOLITHOID) GROUP. Orthorhombic. Approximately isomorphous with chrysolite. 361. CALAMINE Zn2 Si+ft Si94[[(Zn2 + aq 362. VILLARSITE (MJg,' e)2 i+ f Si]J41A(Mg, Fe)2 +~ aq 363. PREHNITE (6 t + 6 Oa3 + l)2 Si3 5ill04II( 112 + 6 a + B fAl)a 364. CHLORASTROLITE (~(Oa, Na) + S (Al,3e))2 Si3+ 2 A Si4&411(K (Na2, ea) + S f(A1,Fe))2 + aq II. THORITE (OR HELVITOID) GROUP. Isometric. 365. TRITOMITE Si, de, La, i, Aetc. 366. THORITE Th Si+ lH Si[[[411 h h2+1aq 367. CERITE (Ce, La, ii)2 Si+]: Sile4II(ee, -Ea, ]i)2+aq 368. ERDMANNITE III. PYROSMALITE GROUP. Hexagonal. 369. PYROSMALITH (~ f +t(Fe, SIn, FeCl))2 i SiM(O, 012)4|(i~ H,2+ (Fe, Mn))2 396 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. IV. APOPHYLLITE GROUP. Tetragonal, with perfect basal cleavage. 310. APOPHYLLITE (T, Ca, K)2 Si +f i i Sille4II( H2,+(K2,9a))2 + H29Si e V. GISMONDITE GROUP. Tetragonal and hemihedral, or orthorhombic; lateral cleavage; in short and small crystals. 371. EDINGTONITE? ( AT+ 7 Ba)2 Si + 4[ SiAO47 7i( 7I2- +ra)2+ aq 372. GISMONDITE ( Oa + I k) +X1, 2~ Si, 4; 11 VI. CARPHOLITE GROUP. 313. CARPHOLITE (31, Mn, ~0e)2 Si3+ 3 sille4Oll(Al, Mn, Fe)2+ aq A ~R A i GSiT R 9i tI TR Si I Calamine 1 1 1 1 Pyrosmalite 2 3 1 2 3 1 (1) Villarsite 1 1 I 1 1 4 Apophyllite 1 4 2 Prehnite 2 3 6 1 5,6 1(})?Edingtouite 1 4 7 4 5 7 4 (~)? Chlorastrolite 1 2 3 1 1 1 ~ Gismondite 1 3 4- 4 - 4 42 4i Thorite 1 1 1 Carpholite 1 1 1 1?Cerite 1 1 1 1 III. SUBSILICATES. 374. ALLOPHANE 1~ Si+ 6 I (or 5A ) PAl3Olol Si+n aq 375. COLLYRITE [12 Si;+ 9 H =1 Allophane+ 1 Gibbsite 376. SCHR6TTERITE 1ls Sil + 30 i =3 Allophane + 5 Gibbsite The O. ratio for I, Si, } in Allophane is 3: 2: 6; in Collyrite 6: 2: 9; in Schrotterite 4: 1: 5. The species Euclase (p. 379) and Datolite (p. 380) are true thydrous Subsilicates. The reason for placing them with the anhydrous species is stated on page 204. I. BISILICATES. 339. PECTOLITE. Pektolith v. Kobell, Kastner's Arch., xiii. 385, 1828, xiv. 341. Photolith Breith., Char., 131, 1832. Wollastonite, Stellite, Thomson, Mmin., i. 130, 313. Ratholite some collectors. Osmelith Breith., Pogg., ix. 133, 1827. Monoclinic, isomrorphous with wollastonite. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, i-, i-i, i-4; hemidomes, 1-i, -5-i; hemioctahedral, -2. Angles measured by Greg: 380 i-i A 1-i=95~ 23' i-i A i-1 =125~ 55' V i-i, back, A 1-i-84 37 i-i A i-4 =102 30 i-i A i- 4=139 30 i-i A-2 -132 54 i&Cleavage: i-i (orthod.) perfect. Twins: coimposition-face i-i. In close aggregations of acicular crystals. Fibrous massive, radiated to stellate. 5I. 5. G. =268-2'78. Lustre of the surface of fracture silky or subvitreous. Color whitish or Ratho. Subtranslucent to opaque. Tough. For HYDROUS SILICATES. 397 Bergen mineral optic-axial plane parallel to orthodiagonal, and very nearly normal to i-i; acute bisectrix positive, parallel to orthodiagonal, and obtuse bisectrix nearly normal to cleavage-plane or i-i; axial angle in oil, through cleavage plates, 143~ —145~; Desel. Var.-Almost always columnar or fibrous, and divergent, the fibres often 2 or 3 inches long, and sometimes, as in Ayrshire, Scotland, a yard. Resembles in aspect fibrous varieties of natrolite, okenite, thomsonite, tremolite, and wollastonite. Osmelite, from Niederkirchen, near Wolfstein, Bavaria, is columnar and radiated; G. =2-799- 2833, Breith.; color grayish-white, yellowish, gray. Oomp.-O. ratio for R Si, itI_-5: 12: 1; whence, if the water is basic, (46 a+ Na1a+-Il ) Si =Silica 54'2, lime 33-8, soda 9'3, water 2'7=100. Analyses: 1. v. Kobell (Kastner's Arch. Nat., xiii. 385); 2, 3, J. D. Whitney (Jour. Soc. N. H. Best., 1849, p. 36, and Am. J. Sci., II. vii. 434); 4, J. S. Kendall (ib.); 5, G. J. Dickinson (ib.); 6, J. D. Whitney (Am. J. Sci., II. xxix. 205); 7, A. J. Scott (Ed. N. Phil. J., liii. 277); 8, Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 248); 9, Thomson (Min., i. 131); 10, Walker (Heddle, 1. c.); 11, Kennedy (ib.); 12-16, Heddle (1. c.); 17, Adams (Millon, etc., Ann. d. Oh., 1848, 166); 18, v. Kobell (Ber. Ak. Miinchen 1866, i. 296, J. pr. Ch., xcvii. 493); 19, Igelstrom (J. pr. Ch., lxxxi. 396): -;i Al Fe Mg Oa -a k: t 1. M. Baldo 51-30 0'90 - 33'77 8'26 1'57 3-89=99'69 Kobell. 2. I. Royale 53 45 4.94 - - 31-21 7-37 tr. 2'72=99'69 Whitney. 3. " 65566 145 -- - 32-86 731 - 2'12=100 Whitney. 4. Bergen Hill 54'00 1'90 -- - 3210 8'89 tr. 2'96=99'85 Kendall. 5. " " 55'00 1'10 - - 3253 9'72 - 2-75=101'10 Dickinson. 6. (3) 54'62.Fele1 - 32'94 8'96 [2'37]=100 Whitney. 7. Talisker, Skye 52'01 1-82 -- 0'39 32-85 1'67 - 506=9980 Scott. 8.' " 53-82 2'73 29'88 9'55 - 316=99'74 Heddle. 9. Kilsyth, Wollast. 52-74 0-67 1'20b 1'52 31'68 9'60 - 2-00=99'42 Thomson. 10. Costorphine Hill 54-00 - - 259 30-79 5'55 - 5-43=9836 Walker. 11. Castle Rock, Well. 51-5 10 -- -- 32'0 8-5 -- 5'0=98'0 Kennedy. 12. " " " 53'06 0-75 -- 3348 9.98 -- 3'13=100-40 Heddle. 13. Ratho, fibrous 52-53 0-88 -- - 32'79 9-75c -- 304=98'99 Heddle. 14. "' crystalline 52-58 1-46 - - 3:3-75 926 -- 2'80=98'84 Heddle. 15. Knockdolian Hill 53'24 1'00 - -- 32'22 9'57 3'60 —99'63 Heddle. 16. Girvan 53-48 0-41 - -- 34.39 9'88 - 3 26=-101 42 Heddle. 17. Bavaria, Osmelite 52-91 0-86 - - 3296 6'10 2'79 4'01-9963 Adam. 18. " " 52-63 -- 0'37b - 34-47 8.28a tr. 2'94, Mn 1-75=100'44K. 19. Wermland 52-24 -- 1-75C._ 33'83 [8'48] 3'70=100 Igelstrdm. a With some Mn O. b The iron protoxyd. c With some K 0. Berzelius obtained a fluorine reaction with the Monzoni mineral. The analysis by Adam (No. 17) makes the osmelite identical with pectolite. Riegel obtained a very different result (Jahrb. f. pr. Pharm., xiii. 1); but v. Kobell has confirmed Adam's result, and shown that Riegel must have had in hand another mineral. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water. B.B. fuses at 2 to a white enamel. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Often gives out light when broken in the dark. Obs. —Occurs mostly in trap and related rocks, in cavities or seams; occasionally in metamorphic rocks. Found in Scotland at Ratho Quarry, and Castle Rock, near Edinburgh; at Kilsyth, Costorphine Hill, Loch End, Girvan, and Knockdolian Hill, in Ayrshire; and at Taliver, etc., I. Skye. Also at Mt. Baldo and Mt. Monzoni in the Tyrol, where first obtained; at an iron mine in Wermland, associated with chlorite and calcite. Occurs also at Bergen Hill, N. J., in large and beautiful radiations; compact at Isle Royale, L. Superior. Descloizeaux obtained from Bergen crystals, i-i A 1-i=950 30' and 84~ 30'. Wollastonite gives i-i A 1-i=950 23', i-i A -5-i=1590 32', i-i A i-=-140~ 5' i-i A -2-930 52'. 340. XONALTITE. Xonaltit Rammelsberg, ZS. G., xviii. 33, 1866. Massive. Very hard. G.=2'71, white; 2-718, gray. Color white to bluish-gray. Tough. Fracture splintery. 398 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. O. ratio for Oa, Si, 1t=4: 8: 1; whence 4 Oa Si+H=Silica 49'80, lime 46-47, water 3'73= 100. Analyses: 1, 2, Rammelsberg (1. c.): Si FPe Mn SEg Ca' I 1. While 49'58 1'31 l'79 - 4356 3'70=99'94 Rammelsberg. 2. Gray 50'25 2'28 0'19 43'92 407-=100'71 Rammelsberg. Yields water. Infusible [?]. Decomposed by muriatic acid (Ramm.). Occurs at Tetela de Xonalta, Mexico, in concentric layers: with apophyllite and bustamite. 341. OKENITE. Okenit v. Kobell, Kastner's Arch., xiv. 333, 1828. Dysclasite Connel, Ed. Phil. J., xvi. 198, 1834. Bordite Adam, Dufr. Min., iv. 697, 1859. Orthorhombic a. IA 1=1220 19', Breith. Composed of a congeries of minute acicular crystals; commonly fibrous; also compact. H.=45 —5. G.=228 —2'37; 2-362 of dysclasite, Connel; 2-28 of okenite, v. Kobell. Lustre subpearly. Color white, with a shade of yellow or blue; often yellow by reflected light, and blue by transmitted. Frequently opalescent. Subtransparent-subtranslucent. Very tough. Var.-Bordite, from Bord6e, one of the FarSe islands, is only a very fine fibrous milk.white okenite, firm in texture and very tough, and having HI.-=3'5, G. =2'33. Comp.-O. ratio for R, Si, 1= 1: 4: 2; whence, if half of the water is basic, 2: 4: 1; and the formula ( 1-H+ (Ca) Si+ = —Silica 56-6, lime 26'4, water 17'0=100. It has the prismatic angle nearly of amphibole, to which it is related in composition. Analyses: 1, 2, v. Kobell (1. c.); 3, Connel (1. c.); 4, Wtirth (Pogg., lv. 113); 5, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1854, 190); 6, Schmid (Pogg., cxxvi. 143); 7, Adam (1. c.): Si Ca R: 1. Greenland 55'64 26'59 17'00, ~1 and ~e 0'53, K tr.=99 76 Kobell. 2. " 56'99 26'35 1665-=99-99 Kobell. 3. FarSe 57-69 26-83 14-71, Mgn 0-22,'e 0'32, K 0-23, Na 0'44=100-44 Connel. 4. Disko 54-88 26-15 17'94,.l 0-46, Na 1-02-100-45 Wiirth. 5. " (2) 54-81 21723 18'04, Mg tr.=100'08 Hauer. 6. Strom6e 57-85 26'09 13'97, Mg 1-58, Na 0'23=99'72 Schmid. G.=2'324. 7. Bordite 56-92 25-14 14-19, 1 0'67, Na 1-04=97-94 Adam. Pyr., etc.-In a matrass yields water. B.B. alone becomes opaque and white, and fuses to a glass. Effervesces with soda, and fuses to a subtransparent glass, which is milk-white on cooling; with borax forms a transparent colorless glass. Gelatinizes readily in muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs in trap or related eruptive rocks. Found at the Far6e Islands; in Iceland; on the island of Disko, Greenland. 342. GYROELITI'. Gurolite Anderson, Phil. Mag., IV. i. 101, 1851. Gyrolite. In concretions, lamellar-radiate in structure. H.=3 —4. Lustre vitreous to pearly. Color white. Translucent, becoming opaque. Comp. —(] Ca+~ fI) i + [. Analyses: 1, Anderson (1. c.); 2, How (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxii. 13): 9i -1i Mg Ca K H 1. Skye 50'70 1'48 0'18 33-24 - 14-18=9985. 2. N. Scotia 51'90 1'27 0'08 29'95 1-60 15'05 —99-78. Pyr., etc.-In a closed tube yields water, intumesces, and separates into thin scales. B.B. swells up and fuses with difficulty to an opaque enamel. Obs.-From the Isle of Skye, with stilbite, laumontite, etc.; also N. Scotia, 25 m. S.W. of C. Blomidon, between Margaretville and Port George, on apophyllite. Reported also from FarSe and Greenland. ~HYDROUS SILICATES. 399 343. LAUMONTITE. Zeolithe efflorescente Hi., Tr., iv. 1801. Laumonite H., Tabl. Comp.. 1808. Lomonit Wern., Karst. Tab., 1808. Schneiderite Heneghini, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 64. Monoclinic. C=68~ 40', I/A 1=860 16', O A 1 —=1510 9'; a b c 0516: 1: 08727. Observed planes as in the annexed figures. Prism I, with the very oblique terminal plane 2-i, the most common form. Cleavage: i-z and I perfect; i-i imperfect. O A I=1040 20'.A -i= 101 20 381 382 O A 2-i, adj.,=122 59 O A-1=148 22 O A 1=138 3 2i i- A-1=113 16 i-I~-A 1 =120 14 -1 A -1, front,=-133 28 - I 1 A 1, front,-119 32 I i-i A 2-i=125 41 IA -1=135 58) IfA 1=117 37 IA 2-/=113 30 I Huelgoet. IA i-i=133 8 I A i — 136 52 Twins: composition-face i-i. Also columnar, radiating or divergent. 11.=3'5 —4. G.-=225 —236. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly upon the faces of cleavage. Color white, passing into yellow or gray, sometimes red. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent; becoming opaque and usually pulverulent on exposure. Fracture scarcely observable, uneven. Not very brittle. Double refraction weak; optic-axial plane i-i; divergence 52~ 24' for the red rays; bisectrix negative, making an angle of 20~ to 250 with a normal to i-i; -Descl. Var.-Laumontite of }Huelgoet has G.=2-29; of Sarnthal, Tyrol, 2'28 (Gericke); of Plauenscher Grund (Gericke) and Helsingfors (Arppe) 2'31; of the red, from I. Skye, 2'252 (J. W. Mallet). Caporcianite occurs in pearly monoclinic crystals, of a flesh-red color, having G.-=2 47, and H.=3-5. Comp.-O. ratio for R, ASi, 1-=1: 3: 8: 4; and for +R, Si, S =-1: 2: 1; whence the formula (I 0a2+t 1) Si+3 H=Silica 50'9, alumina 21'9, lime 11'9, water 15'3=100. Both in formula and crystallization it is related to pyroxene. Analyses: 1, 2, Dufrenoy (Ann. d. Mines, III. viii. 503); 3, Connel (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1829, 282); 4, 5, Babo and Delffs (Pogg., lix. 339); 6, Malaguti and Durocher (Ann. d. Mines, IV. ix. 325); 7, Sjogren (Pogg., lxxviii. 415); 8, Scott (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1852, liii. 284); 9, 10, Gericke (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 110); 11, Arppe (An. Finsk. Min., 22); i2, J. W. Mallett (Am. J. Sci., II. xxii. 179); 13, How (ib., xxvi. 30): Si ai Oa if 1. Phipsburg, Me. 51'98 21'12 11'71 15'05=99'86 Dufrenoy. 2. Cormayeur 50'38 21'43 11'14 16'15=99-10 Dufrenoy. 3. Skye 65204 21'14 10'62 14'92=-98572 Connel. 4. --? 52'30 22,30 12'00 14-2=100'8 Babo. 5. -? 51'17 21'23 12'43 15'17 (loss)=100 Delffs. 6. Huelgoet 52'47 22'56 9'41 15'56=100 M. & D. 7. Upsala, red 51'61 19'06 12'53 14-02, Fe 2-96=100'18 Sjdgren. 8. I. Storr 53 05 22'94 9'67 14-64=100-30 Scott. 400 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si xi Ca H 9. Sarnthal (3) 51'58 20'63 11'50 15'10, Fe 0'26, Na 157=-100'64 Gericke. 10. Plauen Grund 51'33 2198 901 1493, 0e'014,.Na 3'20-100-59 Gericke. 11. Helsingfors, red 50-44 18-90 9-60 14'51, F.e 2:88, Na, K.2'06, Mg 1-04=99-43 A 12. Skye, red 53'95 20-13 12'86 12'42, K, Na 0 87, Mg tr._100'23 Mallet. 13. Port George, N. S. 51'43 21'64 12'07 15'26=100'44 How. An impure Swiss lauamontite has been analyzed by Fellenberg (Mitth. Berne, 54, 1865). The AJEdelforsite of Retzius, or the Red Zeolite of Adelfors, is referred here by N. J. Berlin, who considers it impure from mixed silica (quartz), and related to the red zeolite of Upsala analyzed by him. It afforded Retzius Si 60'28, Al 15%42, Ca 8'18, Fe 4-16, Mg and Mn 0'42, H 11'07=99'53. A similar mineral from Fahlun yielded Hisinger 9i 60'00, Al 15-6, Ee 1'8, Ca 8-0, HI 11-6-=970; while he obtained for the AEdelfors zeolite Si 53-76, AXl 18-47, Fe 4'02, Oa 10-90, H 11'23=98'-8, which is near the composition of laumontite. Bischof has analyzed a pseudomorph of lauamontite after orthoclase (see ORTHOcLASE). Pyr., etc.-In a vacuum, Huelgoet laumontite crystals, according to Malaguti & Durocher, lose in weight 2'26 p. c., and, over sulphuric acid, 3'85 p. c.; and regain the same in water or moist air. Heated up to 100~ C., they lose 3'17 p. c.; to 200~, 6'08 p. c.; to 300~, 7'28; and the remainder of the water only at a red heat. B.B. swells up and fuses at 2'7-3 to a white enamel. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Laumontite occurs in the cavities of trap or amygdaloid; also in porphyry and syenite, and occasionally in veins traversing clay slate with calcite. It was first observed in 1785, in the lead mines of Huelgoet in Brittany, by Gillet Laumont, after whom it is named. Its principal localities are at the FarSe Islands; Disko in Greenland; in Bohemia, at Eule in clay slate; St. Gothard in Switzerland; the Fassathal, in large masses exhibiting a radiated structure; Sarnthal, near Botzen, Tyrol; Plauenscher Grund, near Dresden; Hartfield Moss in Renfrewshire, accompanying analcite; the amygdaloidal rocks in the Kilpatrick hills, near Glasgow; and in several trap rocks of the Hebrides, and the north of Ireland. Peter's Point, Nova Scotia, affords fine specimens of this species. It is there associated with apophyllite, thomsonite, and other species of this family; also at Port George, N. S., in veins sometimes 3 in. thick, and at Margaretville, colored green by copper;' also at Digby Neck and Long Point. Also found in good specimens at Phipsburg, Maine; also sparingly at Bradleysville, Litchfield Co., Conn., near a paper-mill, in narrow seams in gneiss; and at Southbury, Conn., a little east of the village, on the land of Mr. Stiles. Abundant in many places in the copper veins of Lake Superior in trap, and on I. Royale; on north shore of Lake Superior, between Pigeon Bay and Fond du Lac. Found also at Bergen Hill, N. J., in greenstone, with datolite, apophyllite, etc.; sparingly at Phillipstown, N. Y., in feldspar with stilbite, and at Columbia bridge, near Philadelphia. _Ait.-Most varieties become opaque and crumble at the touch after exposure to the ordinary atmosphere, losing 1 to 2 p. c. of water. Specimens in cabinets can be best preserved from alteration by keeping them in moist air. Schneiderite (1. c.) is laumontite from the serpentine of Monte Catini, Italy, which has undergone alteration through the action of magnesian solutions. It is described by Meneghini as laminateradiate in structure, with H.=3. Fig. 381 represents a crystal from Mt. Catini (one received by Prof. G. J. Brush from Prof. Bechi); it gave the author the approximate angles IA =1-85~86~ 30', i-i A 2-i —126~, -2-i A i-i=148~ 15', IA -1=135~, -1 A -1, front,=133~, 2-i A 6-i=144~. The planes had little lustre, and that strongly pearly. Bechi obtained in an analysis (1. c.): Si 47'79 A1 1938 Mg 11-03 Ca 16'77 Na, fK 1-63 t 3-41=100. It fuses B.B. with intumescence, and gelatinizes in cold acids. Occurs with sloanite in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany. Named after Sign. Schneider, director of the mine of Mount Catini. CAPORCIANITE Savi (Mem. cost. fis. Toscana, ii. 53). Has been referred to laumontite. It is described by Meneghini as resembling heulandite and near it in its angles, affording (see f. 410, p. 444) 2-i A -2-i-131~, 2-i A I-150~, with cleavage parallel to i-i very easy, and also parallel to 2-i; easy parallel to -2-i; faces 2-i minutely striated; also in twins; also imperfectly radiated foliaceous. H.=-2'5 G.=2-470; color flesh-red; lustre pearly. CoMp.-Ca3 Si3+3 Al1 Si3+ 9 H, Ramm., and near laumontite=Silica 53'0, alumina 22-7, lime 12'4, water 11'9=100. Analyses: 1, Anderson (Ed. Phil. J., 1842, 21); 2, Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 62): 9i A1 Fe ca Sig Sa E{ ft 1. 52'8 21-7 0'1 11-3 0-4 0'2 1'1 13-1=100'7 Anderson. 2. 52'02 22'83 - 968 1-11 0'25 1-11 13171=100'17 Bechi. HYDROUS SILICATES. 401 B.B. fuses to a white enamel without intumescence. Dissolves easily in acids, and forms a jelly even in the cold. Occurs in geodes with calcite in the gabbro rosso of Monte de Caporciano, at l'Impruneta, and other places in Tuscany. It is sometimes accompanied by native copper. 348A. LEONHARDITE Blum (Pogg., lix. 336, 1843). Near laumonltite, and probably that species. Monoclinic. IA 1=83~ 30', and 96~ 30; 0 A I=114~. Cleavage parallel with I very perfect, basal imperfect. Also columnar and granular. H.=3-3-5. G.=2'25. Lustre of cleavage-face pearly, elsewhere vitreous. White, sometimes yellowish, seldom brownish. Subtranslucent. Usually whitens on exposure like laumontite. Analyses: 1, Delffs (Pogg., lix. 336, 339); 2, Babo (ib.); 3, 4, G. O. Barnes (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 440): Ai (~1 a fr 1. Schemnitz 56-128 22'980 9-251 11'641=100 Delffs. 2. " 55'00 24'36 10'50 12-30=102'16 Babo. 3. Copper Falls 55'96 21'04 10'49 1193= —99'42 Barnes. 4. " " 55'04 22-34 10'64 11'93=99'95 Barnes. These results afford the following O. ratios for iR,, Si, f: (1) 1: 4: 11: 4~; (2) 1: 4: 10: 3,; (3, 4) 1: 3: 10: 33. Delffs' analysis was made after drying the mineral at 100~ C.; dried at the ordinary temperature it gave 13-547 —13-807 water, which corresponds to the above formula. B.B. exfoliates, froths, and easily melts to an enamel. Dissolves in acids. From a trachytic rock at Schemnitz in Hungary; at Pfitsch in an earthy chlorite, and near Predazzo in the Fleims Valley, Tyrol, in a melaphyre. Also at Copper Falls, Lake Superior region, a variety which alters but little on exposure. Lewinstein has analyzed two altered specimens from the copper mines of Lake Superior (ZS. Ch. u. Pharm. 1860, 11), one (A) containing 76 p. c. of the mineral, the other (B) 81'61 p. c., the rest impurity; A, of a brownish-red color, and B, greenish, afforded, impurity excluded: -Si Al Fe NMg Oa Na 3: H A. 5.7-92 10'19 1'19 1-13 4-59 1-14 2'58 21-26=100. B. 55-21 22'58 2-55 1'31 0-98 3 45 3-41 10'51=100. A gives nearly the 0. ratiol: 2: 12: 8; andB, 1: 5: 13: 4'3. 344. CATAPLEIITE. Katapleiit Weibye & Sjdgren, Pogg., lxxix. 299, 1850. Hexagonal. In thin tabular hexagonal prisms, with the basal edges replaced by the planes 1, 2,4; 0 A 1 —142~ 4', 0 A 2=122~ 40', 0 A 4=1070 47'. Cleavage: lateral (I) perfect; 2, distinct. Also massive. I-I. near 6. G. —2-8. Lustre nearly dull, weak vitreous on surface of fracture. Color light yellowish-brown. Streak isabella-yellow. Opaque. Comp.-. ratio for At,, gi, f=1: 2: 6: 2; for Rt+~, Si, ft=1: 2: ]; whence the for mula (3 R2+2 Zr) gi2+ I H. Anialyses by Sjdgren (1. c.): Si 2r AXl Na Oa Fe f 1. 46-83 29-81 0-45 10-83 3-61 0-63 8-66=101-02. 2. 46-52 29-33 1-40 10-06 4-66 0-49 9'05=101-51. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water. B.B. in the platinum forceps fuses at 3 to a; white enamel; with borax a clear colorless glass. Easily soluble in muriatic acid without gelatinizing; the dilute acid solution colors turmeric paper orange-yellow (reaction for zirconia). Obs.-From the island Lam6e near Brevig, Norway, along with zircon, leucophanite, mosandrite, and tritomite. On the crystallization see H. Dauber, Pogg., xcii. 239. 345. DIOPTASE. Achirit B. F. J. Hermann, 1788, N. Act. Petrop., xiii.. 339t 1802.. Eme. raudine Delameth., T. T., ii. 230, 1797. Kupfer-Schmaragd Wern., 1800, Ludwig, i..53, 233, 1803. Dioptase H., Tr., iii. 1801. Emerald-Copper Jameson. Smaragdo-Chalcit Mohs., G-undr~, 1824. 26 402 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Rhombohedral. R A R=126~ 24'; 0 A R=1480 38'; a-0'5281. Observed planes: rhomnbohedral, 1 (R), 384 2, -2; heini-scalenohedral on three al383 ternate edges, as in the figure, with also 2 2; also 12; prismatic, i-2, i-j ~ i-A i-8, ~ X 2 2~ the last three hemihedral. 0 A 2 —=129 21' i-4 A i-2 —1650 44' 1i2 g i,2 | i2 Ij i 2 i2 i2 i-2 A i-2=120 i-l A i-2 —169 6 2 A2 2- 9554 13A i-2-146 36 2 A i-2=132 3 -2 A R=137 57 22 A i-2=151 i-2 A R=126 48 a02 \-2 / Cleavage: R perfect. Twins: composition-face R. Also massive. H.- =5. G. =3278-3-348. Lustre vitreous. Color emerald-green. Streak green. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Double refraction strong, positive. Comp. —O. ratio for bu, Si, fI=1: 2: 1; Obui+A[=Silica 3882, oxyd of copper 50'4, water 11'4=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Hess (Pogg., xvi. 360); 3, 4, Damour (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. x. 485); gi Ou 1[ 1. 36-60 48'89 12-29, Fe 2-00=99'78 Hess. 2. 36-85 45-10 11'52, K1 2-36, ~(a 3'38, Mg 0-22=99'43 Hess. 3. 36-47 50'10 11'40, Ve 0'42, Ca C 0-35=98174 Damour. 4. 38'93 49'51 11271=99 11 Damour. Pyr., etc.-Like chrysocolla, but gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Dioptase occurs disposed in well defined crystals and amorphous on quartz, occupying seams in a compact limestone west of the hill of Altyn-Tiibeh in the Kirghese Steppes. Also reported as found in the Duchy of' Nassau, between Oberlahnstein and Braubach. Breithaupt found for the angle R A R 125~ 55'; and Kokscharof, after careful measurement, adopts this value (Bull. Ac. St. Pet., ix. 240). Named by:aiiy dioptase, from &6, through, and 67rropat, to see, because the cleavage directions were distinguishable on looking through the crystal. Named Achirite after Achir Mahmdd, a Bucharian merchant, living at the fortress of Semipalatna on the Irtish, who had procured it in the region where it occurred, and who furnished the specimens that were taken in 1785 by Mr. Bogdanof to St. Petersburg. Although first named by Hermann, his description was not given to the St. Petersburg Academy before 1800, and the volume containing it was not published until 1802, a year after the appearance of adiiy's work. 346. CHRYSOCOLLA. Chrysocolla pt. Theophr., Diosc., Plin. Chrysocolla pt., Coeruleum pt., Germ. Berggruin, Agric., Foss., 1546. QCeruleum montanum pt. Wall., Min., 280, 1747; C. montanum, Viride montanum pt., Cronst., Min., 172, 1758. Mountain Blue and Mountain Green pt. Bleu de Montagne, Vert de Montagne, Bleu do Cuivre, Vert de Cuivre, Fr. Kup. fergriin Wern., Bergm. J., 382, 1789; Karst., Tab., 46, 1800, 62, 1808. Cuivre carbonat6 verto:pulverulent, H., Tr., 1801; Tabl., 1809. K{ieselkupfer Klapr., Beitr., iv. 36, 1807. Vert de Cuivre, Chrysocolle, Brochant, Min., ii. 203, 1808. ]Kieselmalachit Hausm., Handb., 1813. Kieselkupfer Leonh., Handb., 1821. 0. hydrosiliceux Hi. Cuivre hydrate silicifdre, Hydrophane cuivreux, Fr. Somervillite (fr. N. J.) Dufr., Min., iii. 147, 1841. Dillenburgite. Kupferpeoherz pt. floffm. Min., iii b, 103, 1816; Hepatinerz Breith., Char., 224, 1832; Pechkupfer Jlausmn., Handb., 372, 1847. Llanca Chilian Miners. Demidovit N; Nordensk., Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxix. 128, 1856. Asperolite Herm., ib., xxxix. 68, 1866. HYDRO US SILICATES. 403 Cryptocrystalline; often opal-like or enamel-like in texture; earthy. Incrusting, or filling seams. Sometimes botryoidal. H.=2-4. G. =2 —2'238. Lustre vitreous, shining, earthy. Color mountain-green, bluish-green, passing into sky-blue and turquois-blue; brown to black when impure. Streak, when pure, white. Translucentopaque. Fracture conchoidal. Rather sectile; translucent varieties brittle. Comp.-Composition varies much through impurities, as with other amorphous substances, resulting from the alteration. As the silica has been derived from the decomposition of other silicates, it is natural that an excess should appear in many analyses. True chrysocolla appears to correspond to the 0. ratio for Cu, Si, II, 1: 2: 2=Cu Si+ 2 RI =Silica 34'2, oxyd of copper 45-3, water 20'5=100, the water being double that of dioptase. But some analyses afford: 2: 3=Cu Si+3 IH (anal. 13), and 1: 2: 4=COu i+H (anal. 11). Impure chrysocolla may contain, besides free silica, black oxyd of copper, oxyd of iron (or limonite), and oxyd of manganese; and consequently vary in color from bluish-green to brown and black, the last especially when oxyd of manganese or of copper is present. Other kinds are impure with carbonate or sulphate of copper; and others with oxyds of lead, antimony, arsenic, etc. Analyses: 1, v. Kobell (Pogg, xviii. 254); 2-4, Berthier (1. c.); 5, Bowen (Am. J. Sci., viii. 18); 6, Beck (Am. J. Sci., xxxvi. 111); 7, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 289); 8, C. T. Jackson (This Min., 520, 1850); 9, Joy (Ann. Lyc. N. Y., viii. 120); 10, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lv. 488, Pogg., lxxxv. 300); 11, Nordenskiold (Ramm. Min. Ch., 552); 12, J. L. Smith (Gilliss's Exped., ii. 92); 13, F. Field (Phil. Mag., IV. xxii. 361); 14, Kittredge (Pogg., lxxxv. 300); 15, Domeyko (Min., 145, 1845): Si Cu H Fe 1. Bogoslovsk 36'54 40'00 20-20 1-00, gangue 2-10=99-84 Kobell. 2. " 35'0 39-9 21-0 30, " 1'1=100 Berthier. 3. Canaveilles, Pyr. 26'0 41'8 23-5 2-5, " 2-5, C 3-7=100 Berthier. 4. Somerville, N. J. 85'4 35'1 28'5 —. 10=100 Berthier 5. "' 37-25 45'17 17-00 -=99-42 Bowen. 6. Franklin, N. J. 40'00 42-60 16-00a 1'40=100 Beck. 7. Arendal, Norway 35'14 43-07 20-36 —, Fe, 1l, Ca, K 1-09=99-66 Scheerer. 8. Copper Harbor 37'85 27'97 20-00 8-90, 1Al 48 —99-55 C. T. Jackson. 9. " " 32-00 32'75 26-50 7-75b=99'00 Joy. 10. Lake Superior 32'55 42'32 20'68 1.63b, Ca 1-16, Mg 1-06=100 Ramm. 11. Nischne Tagilsk 31-45 37'31 31'18 0-40=100'34 Nordenskidld. 12. Chili 31'35 42-51 21'62 1-97, Xl 2-83=100'28 Smith. 13. Coquimbo 28521 39-50 24'52 280, A1 4-97=-100 Field. 14. Chili 40-09 27191 24-73F4-94, Ca 1-49, Mig 0-18=100 Kittredge. 15. " bh.-gn. 52'2 29'5 16'7 12=-99'6 Domeyko. a Loss included. b With some A12 03. The mineral from Somerville, N. J., as described byBerthier (Ann. Ch. Phys., ii. 395), is of -three varieties: (1) a thin, green, transparent incrustration; (2) a bluish-green earthy mineral, very tender and light, becoming transparent, like hydrophane, in water; and (3) a pale greenish-blue massive material, hard enough to scratch glass, and to be polished for jewelry; and he observes that the chrysocolla is nearly pure in the first, but is mixed with opal-silica in much of the second kind, and with opal-silica and ordinary silica in the last. Berthier's analysis (No. 4 above) was made on a specimen of the second kind, and according to him probably contained 8 p. c. of opal-silica in a state of mixture. Berthier, allowing for 8 p. c. of free silica in this analysis, suggests that the composition may be Cu Si+4 H, while Bowen's earlier analysis (5) gives Cu Si+ 2 H. Berthier's mineral has been named (without sufficient reason) Somervillite, and the analysis has generally been taken as expressing directly his view of the composition. Berthier gives an analysis also of the hard chrysocolla of Somerville (third kind) to show that there is in these ores free silica. He obtained (1. c.) Silica 28'9, oxyd of copper 6-1, water 6'7, oxyd of iron 0'4, silica soluble in the alkalies 57-9=100. The specimen for No. 13 had a fine turquois-blue color, and was from Tambillos near Coquimbo. Demidoffite occurs at Tagilsk, Urals, in mammillated crusts of a sky-blue color, and afforded N. Nordenskidld (1. c.) Si 31-55, Xl 0-53, Cu 33-14, Mg 3-15, A 23-03, P [10-22]-=00. Hermann has given (1. c.) the name Aspe-olite to an amorphous mineral from Tagilsk, Russia. It occurs in reniform masses of the size of the fist, of a bluish-green color, conchoidal fracture, smooth and lustrous. Brittle. H.=2'5; G.=2'306. Analysis afforded him Si 3194, Cu 40)81, H 27-25=100. 0. ratio for R. Si, I1=1: 2: 3. He considers it one of a series of;silicates of copper, consisting of dioptase, chrysocolla, asperolite, and a mineral described by Nordenski1ld, containing respectively 1, 2, 3, and 4 eq. H. Named asperolite on account of its great brittleness. 404 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. The following are analyses of other impure varieties; 1, Ullmann (Syst. tab. Uebers., 275); 2, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 34); 3, Thomson (Min., i. 1836); 4, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxxix. 209); 5, Damour (Ann. d. M., III. xii.); 6, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 552); 7, Berthier (Ann. d. M., III. xix. 698); 8, Domeyko (Min., 1860, 139); 9, F. Field (Phil. Mag., IV. xxii. 361); 10, 11, Domeyko (1. c.): Si Cu A Fe 1. Dillenburg 40 40 12 -, C 8=100 Ullmann. 2. Turjinsk, green 26 50 17 -, C 7=100 Klaproth. 3.? 25'31 54'46 5-25 -, C 1498=100 Thomson. 4. Turjinsk, brown 9-66 13'00 18'00 59'00=99'66 Kobell. 5. " " 17-95 12'12 20'55 50'85= —10147 Damour. 6. Mexico 27-74 36'07 16'70 17-46, Ca, Mg 0-40=98-37 Rammelsberg. 7. Chili e71 46-8 15'0 1'5, S 10'1. gangue 18-5=99 Berthier. 8. " black 15'00 26'33 15'02 3'05, Mn 39'80=99'20 Domeyko. 9. " " 18'90 24'71 15-52 0-23,']n 40-28=99'64 Field. 10. " " 18-3 61'2 17'1 2'9=99'5 Domeyko. 11. " " 10'33' 75'55 12'13 1'26, Ca 0'40, Mg 0'33=100 Domeyko. Nos. 1 to 3 contain some carbonate of copper; and 1 has been named Dillenburgite. Nos. 4 tc 6 are Kutpferpecherz (or Hepatinerz), a brown variety containing much limonite as impurity; No. 7 contains 25 p. c. of sulphate of copper; Nos. 8, 9 contain oxyd of manganese, and are black in color; Nos. 10, 11 include black oxyd of copper. Nos. 7 to 11 are all from the vicinity of Coquimbo. The cupreous variety abounds especially at the Higuera mines; and 10 is from the Cortadero mine; 11 from the Brillador. The chrysocolla of Rochlitz, in the Riesengebirge, afforded Herter & Porth (Jahrb. G. Reichs., x. 10) Si 42993-43.43, Cu 16-11-2937, Pb 1-13-5 05, an 7'43-0.50, Ca 2'00-1-54, Mg 4-460'33, M1 5-56 —98.5, Fe 10-07 —2-08, Ei 9-23 —861, and 32 p. c. of antimonic and arsenic acids. Delesse finds some recent stalactitic formations of a bluish-white color, occurring in the galleries of a copper mine in Tuscany (Ann. d. M., IV. ix. 593), to consist of Silica 21'08, alumina 17-83, oxyd of copper 28'37, water 32'72=100. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube blackens and yields water. B.B. decrepitates, colors the flame emerald-green, but is infusible. With the fluxes gives the reactions for copper. With soda and charcoal a globule of metallic copper. Decomposed by acids without gelatinization. Obs.-Accompanies other copper ores, occurring especially in the upper part of veins. Bischof observes (Lehrb., ii. 1885) that silicate of copper may be formed through the action of an alkaline-, line-, or magnesia-silicate on sulphate or nitrate of copper in solution. He also shows that this silicate is decomposed by carbonated waters, producing carbonate of copper. The alkaline silicates are furnished by the decomposing granite, and the sulphate of copper by altered pyritous copper. But L. Ssemann communicates to the author that he has seen specimens of chryso. colla from Chili, which have in the interior the fibrous structure and composition of pure malachite, showing that the whole was once malachite. The chrysocolla analyzed by Scheerer (anal. 7) occurs with feldspar, and is supposed to have resulted from the action of sulphate of copper on the feldspar. Some specimens of the chrysocolla are translucent and brittle on one part, and earthy, like decomposed feldspar, on the opposite. Found in most copper mines in Cornwall; at Libethen in Hungary; at Falkenstein and Schwatz in the Tyrol; in Siberia; the Bannat; Thuringia; Schneeberg, Saxony; Kupferberg, Bavaria; South Australia; Chili, etc. In Somerville and Schuyler's mines, New Jersey, at Morgantown, Pa., and at Wolcottville, Conn., chrysocolla occurs associated with red copper ore, native copper, and green malachite; in Pennsylvania, near Morgantown, Berks Co.; at Perkiomen; at Cornwall, Lebanon Co.; also with similar associated minerals, and with brown iron ore, in Nova Scotia, at the Basin of Mines; also in Wisconsin and Michigan, mixed with carbonate of copper. Chrysocolla is from xpva65, gold, and K6OAa, glue, and was the name of a material used in soldering gold. The name is often applied now to borax, which is so employed. But much of the ancient chrysocolla was a green stone containing copper as the coloring ingredient,. and the best, as Dioscorides says, was that which was K(TrauK6og 1reaiSnovra, or of a fine leek-green or prase color; and the island of Cyprus, which was named from its copper mines, was a prominent locality. Pliny says the mineral was named after the real chrysocolla, because it looked like it. It may have included carbonate of copper, as was true to some extent of the chrysocolla and mountain-green of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The ccerulezem montanum of Wallerius included both chrysocolla and an earthy variety of the carbonate. 347. ALIPITE. Pimelit Schmidt, Pogg., lxi. 388, 1844. Alipit Glock., 1845. Massive; earthy. HYDROUS SILICATES. 405 I.=2-5. G.=1'44- -146, Schmidt. Color apple-green. Not unctuous. Adheres to the tongue. Comp.-O. ratio for R, Si, H, 1:3:, nearly; whence (~l+j (i, 1Ig)) Si, if the water be basic; according to Schmidt (1. c.), Si 54-63,;A1 0'30, Ni 32'66, Fe 1'13, Mg 5-89, Ca 0'16, H 5'23 =100. From Silesia. Named from the Greek ax,,rnsv not greasy. 348. CONARITE. Konarit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xviii. 1, 1859. Monoclinic? In small grains and crystals, with perfect brachydiagonal cleavage, and supposed to be like vivianite in crystallization. H.-2-5-3. G.=2'459 —2619. Color yellowish, pistachio-and siskingreen, olive-green. Streak siskin-green. In thin lamella translucent. Fragile. Comp.-O. ratio for Ni, S, 1: 3: 1~, nearly; whence ( J+AJNi) Si+{ f, if a third of the water be basic. Analysis by Winkler (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 335): Si il Fe Ni Co IA P As S 43'6 4'6 0-8 35'8 0'6 11'1 2'7 08 tr.=100. Obs.-Occurs at the Hanns George mine, at Rdttis, in Saxon Voigtland, with rottisite. Named from Ko6vapos, evergreen. 349. PIC(ROSMINE. Pikrosmin Haid., Min. Mohs., iii. 157, 1825. Orthorhombic. Cleavable massive. Also columnar or fibrous. Cleavage: in traces, parallel to a prism of 117~ 49'; perfect parallel to i-i, less so parallel to i-i. lH.-=25 —3. G.- 266, cleavable massive; 2-596, columnar. Lustre of cleavage-face pearly, elsewhere vitreous. Color greenish-white; also dark green, gray. Streak white. Subtranslucent-opaque. Odor bitter argillaceous when moistened. Double refraction strong; optical axes in the columnar variety in a longitudinal plane; bisectrix negative, normal to the sides of the columns. Comp. —O. ratio for Ri, i, I-=1: 2: ~; MgSi+Jt=Silica 6551, magnesia 367-, water 8'2= 100. Analysis by Magnus (Pogg., vi. 53): Si 5489 i 10-79 Fe 1-40 in 0'42 Mg 3435 t 7-30=98-15. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube some ammonia given off with the water; the assay blackens and has a burnt smell. B.B. on charcoal whitens without fusing. With borax slowly dissolves to a transparent glass; affords a glass with little soda, and an infusible slag if the soda be increased. A pale and indistinct red with cobalt solutiou.. Obs.-Associated with magnetic iron ore at the iron mine of Engelsberg, near Pressnitz in Bohemia. The fibrous variety resembles asbestus. Named from -rXKp6s, bitter, and'opt;i, odor. Haidinger instituted the species on the physical characters and cleavage of the massive and fibrous mineral, without a knowledge of the chemical composition; and he suggests that much of common asbestus may belong to it. The talcose or chloritic schist of Greiner in Tyrol, and the limestone of the vicinity of Waldheim, Saxony, are reported as other localities. Descloizeaux obtained the above optical characters from the Pressnitz mineral, and also from another from Zermatt. 350. SPADAITE. V. Kobell, Gel. Anz., Mtinchen, xvii. 945, 1843, J. pr. Ch., xx. 467. Massive, amorphous. 406 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. H.= 2-'. Lustre a little pearly or greasy. Translucent. Color reddish, approaching flesh-red. Fracture imperfect conchoidal and splintery. Comp.-O. ratio for 1, Si, St=5: 12: 4; whence, if a fourth of the water is basic, (t-Si[g+I) Si+-ill. Analysis by v. Kobell: Si 56'00 -1 0'66 Fe 0'66 Mg 30-67:1 11'34=99-33. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields much water and becomes gray. B.B. melts to a glassy enamel. Dissolves in concentrated muriatic acid, the silica easily gelatinizing. Obs. —From Capo di Bove, near Rome, filling the spaces among crystals of wollastonite, in leucitic lava. Named after Sign. Medici Spada. QuINCITE.-The quincite of Berthier is in light carmine-red particles disseminated through a limestone deposit. Comp.-Silica 54, magnesia 19, protoxyd of iron 8, water 17=98. From near the village of Quincy, France. Strong concentrated acids dissolve the magnesia and iron, and leave the silica in a gelatinous state. The color is attributed to organic matter. 351. PYRALLOLITE Pt. 352. PICROPHYLL. 353. TRAVERSELLITE. 354. PITKARANDITE. 355. STRAKONITZITE. 356. MONRADITE. These are names of pyroxene in different stages of alteration, between true pyroxene and either serpentine or steatite. For analyses and descriptions, see under that species (p. 221). 357. NEOLITE. Neolit Scheerer, Pogg., lxxi. 285, 1847. In silky fibres stellately grouped; also massive. H.= —1-2. G. =277. after drying. Color green. Lustre silky or earthy. Comp.-O. ratio for R. X, IT, St about 3: 1: 6: 1; whence the formula Mg Si + g i [ + I al H3]. Perhaps (Ai3, 1, As) Pi3. As the mineral is formed through the agency of infiltrating waters through rocks containing magnesia, it is not safe to assume that there are no impurities present. Analyses: 1-3, Scheerer (Pogg., 1xxxiv. 373); 4, Richter (ib.): Si Al Fe MJn Sig Ca f 1. Arendal 52'28 7-33 3'79 0'89 31'24 0-28 4'04=99'85. 2. " 47'35 10'27 7'92 2'64 24-73 -- 6'28=99'19. 3. Eisenach 51'35 9-02 079 - 30'19 1'93 6'50=99-78. 4. " 5144 879 e088 ---- 31'11 2-00 6'50=100'72 Obs.-Occurs in the iron mines of Arendal, and in cavities in basalt near Eisenach. Also compact massive and earthy in fissures at Rochlitz in the Riesengebirge, Bohemia, of a pistachio-green color, or brownish; G.-2'625 to 25837. Herter & Porth (Jahrb. G. Reicls, x. 19) observe that this variety contains oxyd of zinc, oxyd of iron, lime, alumina, and copper, as impurities. Named from vios, new, and X0eg, stone. 358. PALIGORSKITE. Paligorskit T. v. Ssaftschenkof, Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1862, 102. Fibrous. Soft, but tough, and hence with great difficulty pulverized. G.=2-217. Color white. CoMP. —O. ratio for A, Si, i, H after excluding 8i p. c. of what is called hygroscopic water, 1: 25: 8:3. Analysis by Ssaftschenkof (l. c.): Si 52-18, 1l 18-32, SIg 8-19, Oa 0'59, ] 12'04, hygrosc. water 8'46=99'84. B.B. infusible. Not acted on by the acids. From the Permian mining district of the Ural, "in der Paligorischen Distanz " of the second mine on the river Popovka. Probably an altered asbestus. 359. XYLOTILE Glocker. Synopsis, 97, 1847 (Bergholz, of Sterzing, and, Holzasbest), approaches the above in constitution, but is probably only an altered asbestus. It occurs delicately fibrous; glimmering in lustre; wood-brown, light or dark, and also green in color; with G.=2'4 —2'45 for HIYDIROJS SILICATES. 407 the brown, and 2'56 for the greenish, Kenngott. Thaulow obtained (Pogg., xli. 635) Si 55-58, -l 0'04, Fe 19'44, Mg 15'50, Ca 0'10, H 1027 —79'93. Von Hauer finds (Sitz. Wien. Akad., xi. 388): Si Fe Fe Mg Ca - 1. 44:31 17'74 3'73 8-90 2'27 21l57 2. 45-53 18'03 3'36 11'08 tr. 22'01 3. 47.96 16'05 1'87 12-37 tr. 2164 Of the water in the analyses, 9'20, 7'90, and 8'13 p. c. passed off at 100~ C.; and, excluding the mean of these determinations, reduces the mean of the above results to Si 50'43, 3Fe 18-97, Fe 3-28, ~/Mg 11-82, Ca 0'85, 1E 14'63=99'98. Kenngott considers it as probably altered chrysotile. Xylite of Hermann is also probably only a hydrous asbestus. It has a brown color and asbesti-'orm structure. Hermann obtained (J. pr. Ch., xxxiv. 180, 1845), Si 44'06, Fe 37'84, Oa 6'58, Mg 5'42, Cu 1'36, A 4'70=99'96. H.1=3. G.-=2'935. 360. ANTHOSIDERITlE. fHausm., Gel. Anz. Gott., 281, 1841. In tufts of a fibrous structure, and sometimes collected into feathery flowers.'Resembles cacoxene. H. =-65. G.=3. Lustre silky, a little chatoyant on a fresh fracture. Color ochre-yellow and yellowish-brown, somewhat grayish, rarely white. Powder brown to colorless. Opaque or slightly subtranslucent. Gives sparks with a steel. Tough. Comp. —e2 Si9 + 2 =Silica 60'3, sesquioxyd of iron 35-7, water 4'0=100. Analysis by Schnedermann (1. c., and Pogg., lii. 292) of the yellow variety (mean of two results): Si 60-08, Fe 34'99,: 3'59=98'66. If the water is basic, the O. ratio is 1: 21. Pyr., etc.-B.B. becomes reddish-brown, then black, and fuses with difficulty to a black magnetic slag. Decomposed by muriatic acid. Obs.-From Antonio Pereira, in the province Minas Geraes, Brazil, where it is intimately associated with magnetic iron. Named from 6I'0os, flower, and aiiepos, iron. II. UNISILICATES. 361. CALAMINE. Cadmia pt. Plin., xxxiv. 2; Agric. Foss., 255, 1546. Lapis calaminaris, Germ. GaJmei pt. Agric., Interpr., 1546. Gallmeja pt., Lapis calaminaris pt., Cadmia officin. pt., Wall., Min., 247, 1747; Zincum naturale calciforme pt., Galmeja, Lapis calaminaris pt., Cronst., 197, 1758. Calamine pt. Fr. TIl. Wall., i. 447, 1753. Zincum spatosum cinereum compactum electricum, ib. flavescens drusicum (fr. Carinthia), v. Born, Lithoph., i. 132, 1772. Calamine pt., Mine de Zinc vitriforme (with figs.) de Lisle, Crist., 329, 1772, iii. 81, 1783; Kieselerde, Zinkoxyd (fr. Derbyshire), Klapr., Crell's Ann., i. 391, 1788. Galmei pt. Karst., Tab., 24, 1791. Zinc oxyde pt. H[., Tr., iv. 1801. Electric Calamine, Silicate of Zinc, Smithson, Phil. Trans., 1803. Zinc Calamine Brongn,., Min., ii. 136, 1807. Zinkglaserz Karst., Tab., 70, 100, 1808. Zinkkieselerz, Kieselzinkerz, Kieselzinkspath, Kieselgalmey, Germ. Siliceous Oxyd of Zinc. Zinc oxyde silicifere H. Calamine Beud., Min., ii, 190, 1832. Smithsonite B. & Ml, Min., 1852 [not Smithsonite Beud.]. Hemimorphit Kenng., Min., 67, 1853. Wagit Radoszkomvski, C. R., liii. 107, 1862. Orthorhombic; hemimorphic-hemihedral. IA -= 104~ 13', 0 A 1-i= 148~ 31'; a: b: c=0-6124: 1: 1' 2850. Observed planes: O; vertical, 1, i2-, 3-i; ot r4; domes,, -, -, -, -, -; does,, -, 3 -,,; -,,, 12-i, 3-; octahedral,,; 3- 2-2, 4-g, -3 -4 2-6 2-7, -7; 2-2, 3-) 4A-. 408 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 384 0 A 2 —-129~ 14/ 0 A 1-1420 11' O A 3-T=118 34 i-i A 2-2=129 7 O A ~-=162 59 i-2 A i-n, ov. q-i,- 114 50 0 A ~-i 166 36 IA i- — 127 54 O A 1-=-154 31 i-4 A i —=14t 17 O A 3-i- 124 58 i- A 156 49 I I.r I.~i I Twins. Cleavage: I, perfect; O, in traces. Also stalactitic, mammillated, botryoidal, and fibrous forms; also massive and granular. IH. 4'5 —5, the latter when crystallized. G.=3'16 —39, 3'43 —349, from Altenberg. Lustre vitreous, O subpearly, sometimes adamantine. Color white; sometimes with a delicate bluish or greenish shade; also yellowish to brown. Streak white. Transparent - translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Pyroelectric. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane i-i; divergence 81, 82y for the red rays; bisectrix positive, normal to O. Var.-i. Ordinary. (a) In crystals. Measured angles: I/Ai-i=128~ 4', Schrauf, giving IA\I1030 52'; IAi-3=1510 12', Schrauf; i-2 A i-i=147t 25', Hessenberg; O A 1-i-148~ 31', Dauber, 148~ 39', Schr.; 0A 3-i=118~ 39', Dauber, 118~ 40' Schr.; 0 A 1.=1540 31, Daub., 154~ 27', Schr. (b) Mammillary or stalactitic. (c) Massive; often cellular. Wagite is a concretionary light-blue to green calamine from Nijni Jagurt in the Ural; G.=2'-07. 2. Carbonated. Sullivan has described (Dublin Q. J. Sci., 1862, ii. 150) a variety of calamine from the Dolores mine in the province of Santander, Spain, occurring in concentric pisolitic masses, frequently containing a semitranslucent, opal-like nucleus. This mineral, produced from the hydrous carbonate by the action of silicated waters, contains from 12 to 20 per cent. of carbonate of zinc; G.=-288-3-69. Sullivan's paper is one of much interest. 3. Argillaceous. Another calamine from Spain, analyzed by Schdnichen (B. H. Ztg., xxii. 163), contains 20 to 26 p. c. of alumina, with 31-5 p. c. of silica, 21 to 28'5 p. c. of oxyd of zinc, and 18 to 20 of water; and is apparently calamine mixed with clay. It occurs massive; color at first white, changing in the air to violet, brown, and finally black; transparent on the edges; feel soapy. Comp.-O. ratio for R, Si, — =I: 1:; Zn2Sii+ A=Silica 25-0, oxyd of zinc 67'5, water 7'5 — 100. Perhaps in some, or all cases, one-third more water, or Zn2 Si + 1~ H=-Silica 24'4, oxyd of zinc 65'9, water 9-7=100. Analyses: 1, Smithson (Nicholson's Journ., vi. 78); 2, 3, Monheim (J. pr. Ch., xlix. 319); 4, Berzelius (Ak. H. Stockh., 1819, 141); 5, Berthier (J. d. M., xxviii. 341); 6, Thomson (Phil. Mag., 1840); 7, 8, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxiii. 98); 9, E. Schmidt (J. pr. Ch., li. 257); 10, C, Schnabel (Pogg., cv. 144); 11, Radoszkovski (1. c.): Si AZn 1. Retzbanya 25-0 68'3 4'4=9717 Smithson. 2. " 25-34 67-02 7.58, Fe 0-68, C 0-35=100-97 M onheim. 3. Altenberg (2) 2485 66 40 7.49, ie 0'22, C 0'31=9921 Monheim. 4. Limburg 26'23 66'37 7'40=100 Berzelius. 5. Brisgau 25'5 64'5 10'0 =100 Berthier. 6. Leadhills; G.=3'164 23' 2 66'8 108 =1008 Thomson. 7. Nertschinsk; G. —3'871 25-38 62-85 9'07, Pb 2'70-100 Hermann. 8. " G.-=3435 25'96 65 66 8'38=100 Hermann. 9. Moresnet 24'41 66-48 7'02 P'e 0'72, C 1'02=99'68 Schmidt. 10. Santander; G.=-342 23-74 66'25 8'34, l1, F'e 1-08, i tr.=99-41 Schnabel. 11. Ural, Wagite 26'00 66'90 4170, Ca 1'55, Cu, Fe tr.=99-15 Radosz. The wagite gives the 0. ratio 1: 1: I, Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, whitens, and gives off water. B.B. almost infusible (F.=6); moistened with cobalt solution gives a green color when, heated. On charcoal with soda gives a coating which is yellow while hot, and white on cooling. Moistened with cobalt solution, and heated in O.F., this coating assumes a bright green color. Gelatinizes with acids even when previously ignited. Decomposed by acetic acid with gelatinization. Soluble in a strong solution of caustic potash. HYDROUS SILICATES. 409 Obs.-Calamine and smithsonite are usually found associated in veins or beds in stratified calcareous rocks accompanying ores of blende, iron, and lead, as at Aix la Chapelle; Raibel and Bleiberg, in Carinthia, in the upper Triassic; Moresnet in Belgium, Fribourg in Brisgau, Iserlohn, Tarnowitz, Olkucz, Miedzanagora, Retzbanya, Schemnitz. At Roughten Gill, in Cumberland, in acicular crystals and mammillary crusts, sky-blue and fine green; at Alston Moor, white; at the Rutland mine, near Mattock, in Derbyshire, in brilliant crystals, and grayish-white, and yellow, and mammillated; at Castleton, in crystals; on the Mendip Hills, mostly brownish-yellow, and in part stalactiticti; in Flintshire, etc., Wales; Leadhills, Scotland. Large crystals have been found at Nertschinsk. In the United States occurs with smithsonite in Jefferson county, Missouri. In Pennsylvania, at the Perkiomen and Phenixville lead mines; in a lower Silurian rock two miles from Bethlehem, at Friedensville, in Saucon valley, abundant and extensively worked; on the Susquehanna, opposite Selimsgrove. Abundant in Virginia, at Austin's mines in Wythe Co. A pale yellow, fusible zinciferous clay occurs in considerable abundance with calamine at the Ueberroble mine, Friedensville. Analysis of this by John M. Blake gave Si 41-36, 1 8-04, Fe 9'55, Zn 32'24, Mg 1-02, iK tr., H 7'7 6. Other specimens examined by W. T. Roepper gave a variable amount of zinc, showing that the substance is not homogeneous (priv. contrib.). On cryst. see G. Rose, Pogg., lix.; Dauber, Pogg., xcii. 245 (whose measurements are above adopted); Hesseuberg, Senk. Nat. Ges. Frankfurt a M., ii. 260;. Schrauf, Ber. Ak. Wien, xxxviii. 189; Descl. Min., i. 117. The name Calamine (with Galmei of the Germans) is commonly supposed to be a corruption of Cadmia. Agricol]a says it is from calamus, a reed, in allusion to the slender forms (stalactitic) common in the cadmia fornacurm. The cadmia of Pliny and of other ancient authors included both the native silicate and carbonaite, and the oxyd from the chimneys of furnaces (cadmia fornacum). The two native ores continued to be confounded under the name lapis calaminaris, calamine or galmei, until investigated chemically by Smithson in 1803. Earlier analyses had made out chemicaldifferences, and some authors, before 1790, had rightly suggested a division of the species. Bergmann having found 28 p. c. carbonic acid in a Holywell specimen (J. de Phys., xvi. 17, 1180); and Pelletier, in a kind from Fribourg in Brisgau, which had been called Zeolite of Brisgau because it gelatinized with acids, 52 p. c. silica, with 36 oxyd of zinc, and 12 water (J. de Phys., xx. 420, 1782); and Klaproth, in another, similarly gelatinizing, 66 oxyd of zinc and 33 silica. But Smithson was the first to make known the true composition, and clear away all doubts. De Lisle noticed the crystalline forms of the two species, describing one kind as prismatic with dihedral summits, and the other as scalenohedral like dogtooth spar, yet did not fully appreciate the importance of the observation; while Haily, 14 years later, in his Iraite', describes only the crystals of the silicate, and takes the ground that the zinc carbonat'e was only an impure calcareous "zinc oxyd&." In 1807 Brongniart called the silicate calamine, leaving for the other ore the chemical name zinc carbonat&e. In 1832, Beudant followed Brongniart in the former name, and designated the latter Smzithsonite, after SMITHSON, who had analyzed in 1803 the carbonate as well as silicate. Thus the two species were at last, not only distinguished, but mineralogically named. Unfortunately, Brooke & Miller, in 1852, reversed Beudant's use of these names, with no good reason; and in 1853, Kenngott, on account of the confusion of names, as he says, introduced for the silicate the new name Hemimnorphite, and so added to the confusion. These innovations should have no favor. 362A. MORESNETITE.Risse (Verh. nat Ver. Bonn, 1865, Ber. 98). A mineral from Altenberg, near Aachen, occurring with calamine. Two varieties are found, one dark to leek-green and opaque; the other light emerald-green, transparent. The latter is the purest; it has H.-2'5, conchoidal fracture, streak white. It afforded on analysis 9i 30-31, A1 13-68, Fe 0'27, i 1-14, Zn 43-41, iMg tr., Oa tr., H 11-37 =100'18. B.B. on charcoal gives with cobalt solution a pale green mass. Difficultly soluble in acids. 362. VILLARSITE. Dufrenoy, C. R., 1842, Ann. d. M., IV. i. 387, 1842. Serpentin aus d. Malenkerthal Fellenberg, J. pr. Ch., ci. 38, 1867. Orthorhombic. I A I- 120~ 8', Descl. Observed planes: 0, 1-4, 1; crystals all compound, consisting of three intersecting individuals; composition-face i-S. 0 A 1-i=1400 36', 0 A 1=136~ 32'. (Crystallization perhaps pseudomorphic.) Mostly in rounded grains. Also massive. H.=4-5. G. =2978, from Traversella; 2-99, fi'. Malenkerthal. Color 410 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. yellowish-green to olive-green; also dark green to blackish. Streak uncolored. Translucent; transparent in thin plates. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane, i-T; bisectrix normal to 0, positive; Descl. Comp.-O. ratio for R, St, f-=1: 1:; ( lg+-i1- g~' Fe)2 Si+-!1=Silica 38'9, magnesia 47-5, protoxyd of iron 7'8, water 5'8=100. Appears to be a hydrous forsterite or boltonite in composition, and to resemble much the latter. G. Rose pointed out the approximation in angle to chrysolite, and regarded it as an altered variety. Its occurrence in twins of three intersecting crystals, as made known by Descloizeaux (Min., 95, 1862), is an important characteristic not thus far observed in forsterite, or any other species of the chrysolite group. The crystals have the planes shining, but not quite even. Analyses: 1, 2, Dufrenoy (I. c., and Dufr. Min., 2d. ed., iv. 343); 3, Fellenberg (1. c.): Si P'e kn Ig Oa ]k f 1. Traversella 39-61 3'59 2'42 47'37 0'53 0'46 5'80=99'78 Dufrenoy. 2. Forez 40-52 6-25 - 43-75 1'70 0-72 6'21=99'15 Dufrenoy. 3. Malenkerthal (t)41'72 7'97 - 42-15 - -- 5'55, Cr, Ni 0'75, 1 3-19-101-33 F. Anal. 1 is of the original villarsite; 2, of grains from the granite of Forez and Morvan, France. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. With borax a green enamel. Attacked by concentrated acids. Obs.-At Traversella it is associated with mica, quartz, and dodecahedral magnetite. Mluch boltonite is hydrous, and in composition belongs here. Grains in the interior of the serpentine pseudomorphs of Snarum have sometimes a similar composition. The mineral from Pirlo in Malenkerthal, of the Grisons, constitutes the base of a serpentine-like rock, which is slightly crystalline in texture, somewhat slaty, feeble lustre, and between blackish-gray and darzk green in color. Supposing the alumina present as a mixed silicate, the formula is that of the Traversella mineral. The rock looks like a mixture of several minerals. 363. PREINITE. Chrysolite Sage, Min., i. 232, 1777. Chrysolite du Cap (a kind of Schorl) de Lisle, ii. 275, 1783. Zeolithe verdAtre v. Born, Cat. de Raab, i. 203, 1790. Prehnit Wern., Bergm. J., 1790, i. 110; anal. by Klajpr., Schrift. Ges. nat. Berlin, viii. 217, 1188. Koupholite (fr. Barnges), Picot la Peyrouse,.Delameth., T. T., ii. 547, 1797. _Edelite (Edelite) Walmstedt, Jahresb., v. 217, 1825. Jacksonite Whitney, J. Nat. H. Soc. Boston, v. 487, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA I=99~ 56', 0 A 1-i=1460 11'; a:: c=0'66963: 1: 119035. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-7; domes, 3-d, a-, 6-4; octahedral, 2, 6. 0 A F-i-153~ 20', 0 A 3-X-134~ 52-', 0 A 2 119, 45', 0 A 6=100~ 47' 0 A 64 —106~ 30', IA i-i 1300 2'. Cleavage: basal, distinct. Tabular crystals often united by 0, making broken 385 forms, often barrel-shaped. Reniform, globular, and stalacE== =0 title with a crystalline surface. Structure imperfectly columnar or lamellar, strongly coherent; also compact granular or impalpable. H.-6- 65. G.- 2-8 —2953. Lustre vitreous; 0 weak pearly. Color light green, oil-green, passing into white and I gray; often fading on exposure. Subtransparent-translucent; streak uncolored. Fracture uneven. Somewhat brittle. Pyroelectric, with polarity central, the analogue poles at the centre of the base and the antilogue at the extremities of the brachydiagonal, iRiess & Rose. Double refraction strong; optic-axial plane usually i-i; bisectrix positive, normal to O; axial angle 122 —130~, for crystals from Dauphiny and Pyrenees, but in others much less; divergence very slightly diminished by heating; Desel. Var.-Usual in firm and hard incrusting masses, externally globular or mammillary, the surface made up often of grouped crystals more or less imperfect, but sometimes smooth. HYDROUS SILICATES. 411 Coupholite is in cavernous masses, made of small, thin, fragile laminse or scales; the original was from the peak of Ereslids, near Bareges, in the Pyrenees; also reported from the Col du Bonhomme, at the foot of Mt. Blanc. Named from KovpoS, tender. Edelite (or Jidelite) is nothing but prehnite from.Zdelfors, Sweden. Jacksonite (or anhydrous prehnite) of Whitney is ordinary prehnite, from Keweenaw Pt. and Isle Royale. Crystals from Farmington, Ct., have for the optic-axial plane i-i; and the divergence for the red rays in the outer parts of a plate of a crystal, 48~-50~; in an interior wedge-shaped part of the same plate, 17 ~, Descl. The dispersion is very strong in these crystals, while in those of Dauphiny it is hardly perceptible. Oomp. —O. ratio for R, X, Si, =2: 3: 6: 1, whence, if the water is basic, for bases and silica, 1: 1; and formula (1 HU + t Ca+- 1)2 Si3-Silica 43'6, alumina 24'9, lime 27'1, water 4'4= 100. Analyses: 1, 2, Gehlen (Schw. J., iii. 171); 3-5, Walmstedt (Jahresb., v. 217); 6, 7, Thomson & Lehunt (Min., i. 275); 8, Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xiv. 154); 9, Amelung (Ramm. 2d Suppl., 118, Pogg., lxviii. 312); 10, 11, Leonhard (Pogg., liv. 579); 12, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., IV. ix. 3); 13, P. Kiitzing (B. H. Ztg., xx. 267); 14, C. W. Paykull ((Efv. Ak. Stock., 1866, 85): Si 1i Fe Ca A 1. Tyrol 43'00 23-25 2'00 26'00 4:00, Mn 0'25=98-50 Gehlen. 2. Tyrol, Fassa 42-88 21-50 3-00 26-50 4-62, Mn 0'25=98'75 Gehlen. 3 Mt. Blanc, Cou ph. 44:71 23-99 -- 25'41 4P45, 1n 0'19, Fe 1'25 —100 Walmstedt. 4. Dumbarton 44'10 24-26 -- 26-43 4-18, Fe 0-74=99'71 Walmstedt. 5. /Edelfors, Edelite 43-03 19-30 6-81 26'28 4-43,'Mn 0-15-=10020 Walmstedt. 6. Glasgow, green 43-60 23'00 2'00 22-33 6'40=97'33 Thomson. 7. w" hite 43-05 23-84 0'66 26'16 4-60, Mn 0-42, K, Na 1-03 Lehunt. 8. Bourg d'0Oisans 44'50 23'44 4'61 23'47 4-44=100-46 Regnault. 9. Radauthal, Harz 44'74 18'06 7'38 27 06 4-13, Na 1-03=102'40 Amelung. 10. Niederkirchen, 42-50 30'50 0'04 22'57 5'00, K[ 0-02=100'63 Leonhard. 11. pseudomorphs 44'00 28'50 0'04 22'29 6'00, ]K 0'01=100-84 Leonhard. 12. Chili 43'6 21' 6 4'6 25'0 5'3=100'1 Domeyko. 13. Tyrol 44'42 24'09 0'92 26'41 4-26=100'10 Kiitzing. 14. Upsala 44'11 22'99 3'22 25'83 4-26-100'41 Paykull. No. 10 is a pseudomorph after analcite, and 11 after leonhardite. The jacksonite, or anhydrous prehnite, of Whitney (1. c.), contains, according to Jackson and Brush, 4'7, 4-15 (J.), and 4'85 (B.) p. c. of water. The specimen analyzed by Whitney may possibly have been calcined, as in some localities on Lake Superior it is customary to burn the copper ore to free it from adhering rock. He obtained (1. c.) Si 46'12, 1 25'91. Ca 27-03, Na 0-85=99-91. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water. B.B. fuses at 2 with intumescence to a blebby enamel-like glass. Decomposed by muriatic acid without gelatinizing. Coujpholite, which often contains dust or vegetable matter, blackens and emits a burnt odor. i,.Obs. —Occurs in granite, gneiss, syenite, dioryte, and trappean rocks, especially the last.'At St. Christophe and l'Armentidres, near Bourg d'Oisans in Isere, associated with axinite and epidote; at Ratschinges, Fassa valley, and near Campitello, Tyrol; in Salzburg; Ala in Piedmont; the Sau-Alp in Carinthia; Joachimsthal in Bohemia; in Nassau, at Oberscheld and Uckersdorf; near Freiburg in Brisgau on the Rosskopf; in the Harz, near Andreasberg, with datolite; Arendal, Norway;.AEdelfors in Sweden (edelite); Upsala, Sweden, in rifts in hornblendic granite, the decomposition of the hornblende having afforded the lime, and of the mica, the alumina (Paykull); at Friskie Hall and Campsie in Dumbartonshire, and at Hartfield Moss; in Renfrewshire, in veins traversing trap, associated with analcite and thomsonite; also at Corstorphine Hill, the Castle and Salisbury Crag, near Edinburgh; Mourne Mts., Ireland. In the United States, finely crystallized at Farmington, Woodbury, and Middletown, Conn., and West Springfield, Mass., and Patterson and Bergen Hill, N. J.; in small quantities in gneiss, at Bellows Falls, Vt.; in syenite, at Charlestown, Mass; Milk Row quarry, often in minute tabular crystals, with cl-lhabazite; also at Palmer (Three Rivers) and Turner's Falls, Mass., on the Connecticut, in trap, and at Perry, above Loring's Cove, Maine; at Westport, Essex Co., N. Y. (chiltonite Emmons), ou a quartzose rock; on north shore of Lake Superior, between Pigeon Bay and Fond du Lac; in large veins in the Lake Superior copper region, often occurring as the veinstone of the native copper, sometimes including strings or leaves of copper; and at times in radiated nodules disseminated through the copper. Handsome polished slabs of this mineral have been cut from masses from China. The formula (I 13 +1 1)2 Si3 is analogous to that of chrysolite in the ratio 1: 1, and the two species appear to be homceomorphous, 2-i A 2-i in chrysolite=99~ 7'. Alt.-Prehnite occurs altered to green earth and feldspar. Named by Werner in 1790 after Col. Prehn, who first found the mineral at the Cape of Good 412 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Hope. Sage had called it (1777) chrysolite; and Rome de Lisle had referred it (1783) to the group of schorl. 363A. UIGITE Heddle (Ed. N. Phil. J., II. iv. 162, 1856). In radiated sheafy clusters of plates, il nests in the amygdaloid of Uig, Isle of Skye, along with analcite and faroelite. I. =5'5; G.=2'284; lustre pearly; color white, slightly yellowish. Composition, according to Heddle (loc. cit.), Si 45-98, 1l 21-93, Ca 16-15, Na 4-7, H 11-25. The O. ratio for R, R, Si corresponding is near 1: 2: 4. B.B. fuses readily and quietly to an opaque enamel, which is not frothy; gives a strong soda reaction. It appears to be near prehnite in structure, and needs further investigation. 364. CHLORASTROLITE. C. T Jackson; J. D. Whitney, J. Nat. Hist. Best., v. 488. Massive. Finely radiated or stellate in structure. H. -5'-6. G.-=3180. Lustre pearly. Color light bluish-green. Slightly chatoyant on the rounded sides. Oomp.-O. ratio 1: 2: 3: 1; (Ca3, Na3)2 si3+ 2 (1, Fe)2'Si + 6 l=( s+ i)2 Si3 + 21 =Silica 37-6, alumina 24'6, sesquioxyd of iron 6'4, lime 18'7, soda 5'2, water 7'5=100. Analyses by Whit. ney (Rep. G. Lake Sup., 1851; ii. 97): Si Al1 Fe, little Fe Oa N a K 1. 36'99 25'49 6'48 19-90 3'70 0 40 7'22=100'18. 2. 37-41 24-25 6'26 21'68 4-88 5-77=100'25. Rammelsberg observes that it has some relation in composition to a hydrous epidote. It also approaches carpholite. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water and becomes white. B.B. fuses easily with intumescence to a grayish blebby glass. Forms a transparent glass readily with borax, tinged with iron. Soluble in muriatic acid, the silica separating as a flocky precipitate (Whitney). Obs.-Occurs on the shores of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, in small rounded pebbles, which have come from the trap, and are waterworn; it receives a fine polish. Named from oaXwp6s, green, arspov, star, XiOos, stone. 365. TRITOMITE. Tritomit Weibye & Berlin, Pogg., lxxix. 299, 1850. Isometric; tetrahedral, f. 31. Cleavage indistinct. H.- -55. G. —39 —4'66; 3'908, Forbes; 4'16 —4'66, W. & B.; 4"26, Mdller. Lustre submetallic, vitreous. Color dull brown. Streak dirty yellowish-gray. Subtranslucent. Comp. -(AR', Ri )2 Si'+4 1? Analyses: 1, approximate, N. J. Berlin (1. c.); 2, D. Forbes (Ed. N. Phil. J., II. iii. 1856): Si W Al he La Fe An Y Mg Ca fNa f 1. 20'13 4.62a 2'24 40'36 15'11 1'83 - 0'46 0'22 5'15 1-46 7'86=99'44 Berlin. 2. 21'16 3'95b 2'86 37'64 12'41 2'68 1'10 4'64 0'09 4'04 0'33 8'68=99'58 Forbes. a With Mn O, Cu O, Sn 02. b With Sn 02 F. P. Mller has obtained a very different composition in, apparently. a careful analysis, in which the state of oxydation of the bases was ascertained (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxx. 241): Si Sn TaZr? Ne XI Pe 1 e n 1(e Laa,ii Y Mg Oa ta Sr Na K ft 15'38 0'74 3-63 4-48 1-61 2'27 0'49 10-66 44'05 0-42 0-16 6-41 0'19 0'71 0'56 2-10 5'63=99-49 From Berlin and Forbes, the formula.2 Si3~+4. has been deduced. M51ler obtains the O. ratio for AR, i, ti, H 4: 1: 4: 2. But if the Sn, Ta, Zr are added to the bases instead of the silica, the oxygen ratio for all the bases to the silica and water is very nearly 2: 1:i. Forbes questions whether the crystals observed are not thorite. Pyr., etc.-Yields water and gives a weak fluorine reaction; with borax a reddish-yellow HYDROUS SILICATES. 413 glass, which is colorles~ on cooling. With muriatic acid in powder yields chlorine, and gelat. inizes. Obs. —From the island LamS, near Brevig, Norway, with leucophanite and mosandrite in a coarse syenite. Named from rpit, three-fold, and ripvco, to cut, alluding to the trihedral cavities which the crystals leave in the gangue. 365. THIORITE. Thorit Berz., Ak. IH. Stockh., 1829. Orangit Bergernann, Pogg., lxxxii. 561, 1851. Isometric and tetrahedral. In dodecahedral crystals, with octahedral planes tetrahedrally developed, the larger set dull and even, the smaller bright and rounded, and with the three edges about the latter replaced. Also massive and compact. H.=4' 5-5. G.=4'3 —5'4; of purest, 5 —54. Lustreof surface of fresh fracture vitreous to resinous. Color orange-yellow, brownish-yellow; also black, inclining to brown. Streak light orange to dark brown. Transparent in thin splinters to nearly opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Easily frangible. Optically uniaxial. Var.-The brownish-black and black variety, from Ldv6, Norway, was the mineral from which Berzelius obtained the metal thorium, and which received the name thorite. The yellowish variety is the orangite (so called from the color), from Langesund fiord, which Bergemann, when he so named it, supposed to contain a new metal, called by him donariurm. The latter has since been found with an exterior of the former. The mineral occurs as pseudomorphs after orthoclase and zircon, and crystals of the latter kind have afforded Zschau (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvi. 359) the angles JA 1=132~~, 1 A 1=123~', the corresponding angles of zircon being 132~ 10' and 123~ 19'. Zschau regards the mineral thorite as tetragonal, and isomorphous with zircon, not considering his crystals as pseudomorphous. The mineral varies much in specific gravity, orangite affording 5'397, Bergemann; 5'4, Krantz; 5'19, Damour; 4'888 —5'205, Chydenius; and thorite, 4-630, Berz.; 4'686, Bergemann; 4'3444'397, Chydenius. Comp. —Essentially ThSi+l111=Silica 17'0, thoria "6'2, water 6'8=100; for the black thorite (anal. 1) Th Si+2 =Silica 16-4, thoria 13'8, water 9-8=100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (1, c.) 2, Damour (Ann. d. M., V. i. 587); 3, Bergemann (1. e.); 4, Chydenius (Pogg., cxix. 43): Si Th Sn Al Fe Mn: Pb ig Ca Sa K fl 1. 18'98 57'91 0'01 0'06 3%40 2'39 1'61 0'80 0-36 2'58 0-10 0-14 950, undis. 1'70=99-51 Berz. 2. 11752 71165 -- 017 0'31 0'28 1-13 0'88 tr. 1'59 0'83 0'14 6'14=100'14 Damour. 3. 11770 71125 -- - 031 0-21 -- - 4:04 - 030 6'90, Ca C 4'04=100'74 B. 4. 17i76 73-80 - - -- -- 1'18 tr. 1'08 -- - 6'45 =100271 Chydenius. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water; the orange variety becomes dull-brown, and, on cooling, orange again. B.B. on charcoal infusible, the edges only being slightly glazed; with borax a yellowish pearl, becoming colorless on cooling; with salt of phosphorus a colorless glass, which becomes milky and greenish on cooling; with borax an orange glass when hot, which becomes grayish on cooling. A little nitre being added, the orange color remains after cooling. With muriatic acid easily forms a jelly before, but not after, calcination. The black thorite be. comes pale brownish-red when heated; and on charcoal forms a yellowish-brown slag. Obs.-Found in syenite by Esmark at L6v6, near Brevig, in Norway; also at Langesund fiord, near Brevig (orangite, anal. 2-4). Masses of orangite weighing several ounces have been obtained. The black thorite appears to be partially altered. 367. CEIRITE. Ferrum calciforme terra quadam incognita intime mixtum, Tungsten von Bastnas, Cronstedt, Ak. IH. Stockholm., 1151, Min., 183, 1158. Cerit His. & Berz., Cerium en ny Metal, etc., 1804, Gehlen's J., ii. 397, 1804, Afh., i. 58, 1806. Ochroit, Klapr., Gehlen's J., ii. 303, 1804. Cererit Klajpr., Beitr., iv: 140, 1807; Karst., Tab., 74, 1808. Cerium oxyde siliceux H., Tabl., 1809. Cerin-Stein Wern., Hoffm. Min., iv. a, 286, 1817. Kieselcerit Germ. Silicate of Cerium Lanthanocerit Hermann, J. pr. Ch., lxxxii. 406, 1861. Hexagonal? Isometric? In short six-sided prisms, Haid. Commonly massive; granular. 414 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. H.=- -5i. G.- 4912, Haidinger. Lustre dull adamantine or resinous. Color between clove-brown and cherry-red, passing into gray. Streak grayish-white. Slightly subtranslucent. Brittle; fracture splintery. Comp.-O. ratio for Ri, Si, =1: 1: i; (0e, La, bi)i Si+-=Silica 20-4, ceria 73'5, water 6'1=100. Analyses: 1, Hisinger (Afh., iii. 287); 2, Hiermann (J. pr. Chem., xxx. 193, and lxxxii. 407); 3, Kjerulf (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xxxvii. 12); 4, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cvii. 632, and Min. Ch., 547); 5, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxxii. 406): Si Pe Ce La Di Oa f 1. Bastnis 18'00 1'80 68'59 1'25 9'60=99'24 Hisinger. 2. " 16-06 3-17 26-55 16-33' 18.05 3.56 8-10, X1 1-68, Mrn 0.27, Mg 1-25, C 4-62 H. 3. " 21-30 4-98 58'50 8'47 1'23 5'52=100 Kjerulf. 4. "(3) 19-18 1'54 64'55 7'28 1-31 571= —99'57 Rammelsberg. 5. " 21'35 1'46 60'99 3'51 3'90 1'65 6-31, 0 0'83=100 Hermann. From analysis 3, 3'27 of molybdenite, and 0-18 bismuth glance, are removed as impurities. Analyses 1 and 2 give near 10 p. c. of water, with much lanthanum and didymium, and little cerium, according to Hermann; he accordingly applies to this kind the distinctive name lanthanocerite, and to the rest that of cerite. Klaproth, who published the first analysis (Beitr., iv. 140), and gave the mineral the name ochroite, obtained Si 34-5, Ce 54.5, Fe'35, Ca 1-25, H 5-0=98-75; with his silica he included all the material not decomposed in his method of analysis. Hermann has supposed the substance analyzed a distinct species. Pyr., etc.-In a matrass yields water. B.B. infusible alone; with borax in the outer flame forms a yellow globule, which becomes almost colorless on cooling; in the inner flame a weak iron reaction. With soda not dissolved, but fuses to a dark yellow slaggy mass. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs at Bastnas, near Riddarhyttan, in Westmannland, Sweden, forming a bed in gneiss, and associated with mica, hornblende, copper pyrites, cerine, etc. It bears considerable resemblance to the red granular variety of corundum, but is readily distinguished by its hardness. EIisinger and Berzelius, in 1803-4, detected in this mineral a new metal which they named cerium, after the planet Ceres, then recently announced; and the mineral they called cerite. Klaproth made the same discovery about the same time, and gave the name ochroite to the mineral, and ochroite earth to the new earth (alluding to its color, from Jypos, brownish-yellow). In his Beitrage, 1807, Klaproth accepted the names of Hisinger and Berzelius, yet added a syllable (lest they should appear to come from Kpay, vax), making them cererium and cererite-a change not accepted. In 1839 Mosander proved that the oxyd of cerium contained the new metal lanthanum, and in 1842 another new metal, didymium. 368. ERDMANNITE. Berlin, Pogg., lxxxviii. 162. In imbedded grains and folia; with no traces of crystallization. G. =3'1. Lustre vitreous. Color dark brown. In thin splinters. Translucent. Comp.-Analysis by Blomstrand, of half a gramme (1. c.): Si x1 Ox. Ce &La Fe SIn T COa f and loss 31-85 1171 34'89 8-52 0'86 1'43 6'46 4'28 Obs.-From the island Stok5 in the Langesund fiord, near Brevig. Named after Erdmann. 369. PYROSMALITE. Pirodmalit Hausm., Moll's Efem., iv. 390, 1808. WesentlicherBes. tandtheil Salzsaires Eisenoxyd, id., ib. (fr. blowpipe trials of Gahn, its discoverer). Pyrosmalit Karst., Tab., 103, 1808; Hausmo., Handb., 1068, 1813. Fer muriate H., 1812, Lucas Tabl., ii. 418, 1813. Hexagonal. O A 1-148~ 30'; a-=05307. Observed planes: 0, I, 1, 2. 0 A 2=1290 13', IA 1=120~. In prisms or tables. Cleavage: basal, perfect; I imperfect. Also massive. Double refraction strong, uniaxial. Axis negative. HYDROUS SILICATES. 415 I.-=4-4.5. G.=3 —32; 3'081, Hisinger; 3'168 —3174, Lang. Lustre of 0 pearly; of other planes, less so. Color blackish-green to pale liver-brown, passing into gray and pistachio-green; usually brown externally, and light greenish-yellow internally. Streak paler than color. Fracture uneven, rather splintery. Somewhat brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for i, i -I=2: 3 ~ 1; and ratio of chlorine to oxygen about 1: 42. Making the water and chlorid of iron basic, the ratio for R -+i, Si=: 1, and the formula ( I A1+ [ (R, Fe 01))2 Si=, if Fe ol: fin:: Fe (+Oa)=l1: 5: 8, Silica 34 7, Fe 31-7, Mn 19 6, chlorid of iron 7 0, water 7' 0=100. Analyses: 1, Hisinger (Afh., iv. 317); 2, same, making the iron and manganese protoxyd, and part of the iron a chlorid, and reckoning the loss as water (Ramm. Min. Oh., 875); 3, J. Lang (J. pr. Oh., lxxxiii. 424): Si Fe n Fe SMn 0a { C1 Fe 1. 35-85 35'48 24'26 - - 1-21 undet. 3'77 - Hisinger. 2. 35,85 ---- 28-07 21-81 1-21 [6-29] 3-77 3-00 " 3. 3543 - -- 30'72 20'51 0'74 7'75 3'79 -, X1 0-24 Lang. In an earlier trial, Hisinger obtained Si 35'40, Fe 32-60,'n.2310, -1 0-60, the rest undetermined. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water, which reacts acid. B.B. fuses at 2 —2-5 to a black magnetic glass. With the fluxes gives reactions for iron and manganese. A bead of salt of phosphorus, previously saturated with oxyd of copper, when fused with the pulverized mineral imparts a beautiful azure color to the flame (chlorine). Decomposed by muriatic acid, with separation of silica. Obs.-Pyrosmalite occurs at Nya Kopparberg in Westmannland, and at Bjelkegruvan, one of the iron mines of Nordmark in Wermland, Sweden, where it is associated with cale spar, pyroxene, apophyllite, and magnetic iron. A hexagonal prism, in the museum at Stockholm, is nearly an inch in diameter and one and a quarter inches long, and weighs five and a half ounces. Named from xp, fire, and'offi, odor, in allusion to the odor when heated. 370. APOPHYLLITE. Zeolith von Hellesta C. Rinman, Ak. H. Stockh., 82, 1784. Zeolithus lamellaris major Miiller, De Zeolithis Suecicis, 32, 1791. Ichthyophthalmite (fr. Ut6) d'Andrada, Scherer's J., iv. 32, 1800, J. de Phys., li. 242, 180. Mesotype epointee (fr. Iceland) H., Tr., iii. 1801. Apophyllite H., Notes pour servir au Cours de Min. de 1' an XIII. (1805), Lucas Tabl., i. 266, 1806. Fischaugenstein Wern., 1808. Ichthyophthalmit, Albin, Wern., Letztes Min. Syst., 1817. Tesselite (fr. Farde) Brewster, Ed. Phil. J., i. 5, 1819. Oxhaverite (fr. Iceland) Brewster, Ed. J. Sci., vii. 115, 1827. Xylochlor (fr. Sicily) v. Walt., Vulk. Gest., 1853. Leucocyclite Herschell, Descl. Min., i. 126, 1862. Tetragonal. 0 A 1-= 128~ 38'; a=1-2515. Observed planes: 0, i-i, i-2' i-3 1 ~, -1, i-. 0 A 1=119~ 30' 0 A -i —147~ 58', 1 A 1, pyr.,= 104~ 2', bas., - 121~9 388 399 i-A i-3 1610 34', i-i A 386 i-2 153~ 26.' Crystals sometimes nearly cylin- 1 / I drical or barrel-shape. I 2 Cleavage: O highlv I perfect; I less so. Also massive and lamellar. H.=4-5 -5. G. 387 / 1 2-3-2-4; 2-335, Haid- o inger, a variety from Iceland; 2-359, Thom- V son. Lustre of O pearly; of the other faces vitreous. Color white, or grayish; occasionally with a greenish, yellowish, or rose-red tint, flesh-red. Streak uncolored. 416 OXYG(EN COMPOUNDS. Transparent; rarely opaque. Brittle. Double refraction feeble; either positive or negative; sometimes a tesselated structure made apparent by polarized light. Var.-1. Ordinary. Usually in crystals, which are remarkable for their pearly basal cleavage. Form sometimes nearly cubic. Haily's Mesotype pointge was an Iceland variety; Fuchs and Gehlen in 1816 ascertained its identity with apophyllite. In tabular crystals from the Seisser-Alp Dauber found 1 A 1 121~ 7i'; in red from Andreasberg 120~ 29' 18"; in crystals from Poonah 119~ 43'. 1. The name Oxhaverite was applied to a pale green crystal found in petrified wood at the Oxhaver Springs, near Husavick in Iceland. Albin of Werner (named from albus, white) is in small nearly cubic crystals, opaque white in color, from Aussig, Bohemia, partly decomposed. Xylochlore, from Sicily, is olive-green, and has G.=2'2904; it owes its color to the presence of a little iron. 2. Tesselite, from Far6e, is a cubical variety, exhibiting a tesselated structure in polarized light. 3. Leucocyclite, when plates parallel to the base are examined by means of polarized light, shows a black cross with rings that are alternately white and violet black, with compensation positive (whence the name, from XevK6g, white, and KaKXos, circle), instead of the ordinary colored rings-a peculiarity observed in crystals from the Seisser-Alp, Andreasberg (part of those of this locality), Skye, Farde, Iceland, Uto, and Poonah in India. Some crystals from Ut5 and Cziklowa, similarly examined, exhibit a black cross on a deep violet ground, with compensation negative. These different optical phenomena may be presented by contiguous plates of the same crystal; Descl. Comp.-A silicate of lime and potash containing some fluorine. O. ratio for R, Si, -I mostly 1: 3'75; 2; for the analysis by Berzelius, 1: 4; 2; and for Ca, K, 8: 1. Ratio usually taken at 1: 4:2; which corresponds to R1+ 2 Si- 2 H.; and if 1 HI be basic, the formula may be R2 Si +11: Si, or more specially (~+ 1(9 (K+ Ca))2 Si+H- Si=Silica 55-5, lime 23-0, potash 4'8, water 16'-=100. This makes it a Unisilicate, like other tetragonal silicates, with an opal-like (uncrystallizable?) silicate as accessory. The ratio of the fluorine to the oxygen has not been ascertained. Analyses: 1, 2, Berzelius (Afh., vi. 181); 3, Rammelsberg (2d Suppl., 16); 4, Stiilting (B. H. Ztg., xx. 267); 5, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 505); 6, C. T. Jackson (This Mlin., 1850, 249); 7, E. L. Reakirt (Am. J. Sci, II. xvi. 84); 8, J. L. Smith (This Min., 304, 1854); 9, W. Beck (Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1862, 92); 10, Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxii. 223): Si Ca K I Ft 1. UtS 52'13 24'71 5'27 16-20 1654-99-85 Berzelius. 2. Farde, Tesselite 52'38 24-98 5'37 16-20 1'12=100-05 Berzelius. 3. Andreasberg 51-33 25-86 4-90 und. 1'18 Ramm. 4. rdh. 51173 25-02 5'10 15173? —97-58 Stolting. 5. Radauthal, G.=1-961 52'69 25'52 4'75 16'73 0'46 Ramm. 6. Michigan, G.=2-305 51-89 25-60 507 16-00 0'91=99'47 Jackson. 7. Nova Scotia 52'60 24'88 5'14 16-67 1-71=101 Reakirt. 8. L. Superior, G.=2-37 52'08 25'30 4'93 15'92 0'96=99'19 Smith. 9. Pyterlax, Finl. (.) 52,12 24'99 5'75 16'47 0'84=100'17 W. Beck. 10. Bombay 51'60 25'08 5'04 16'20 0'97, A 1024, Mg 0'08, NaO-63=99'84 H. Xylochlore afforded v. Waltershausen, as a mean of two analyses (1. c.), Si 52-07, Ca 20-57, oe 3-40, Mg 0'33, Na 0'55, K 377, Al1 1-54, IH and C 17'14=99'37. The red color of the Andreasberg crystals is attributed by Suckow to fluorid of cobalt. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube exfoliates, whitens, and yields water, which reacts acid. In the open tube, when fused with salt of phosphorus, gives a fluorine reaction. t1.B. exfoliates, colors the flame violet (potash), and fuses to a white vesicular enamel. =F.= 1-5 (v. KIobell). Decomposed by muriatic acid, with separation of slimy silica. Obs, —Occurs commonly in amygdaloid and related rocks, with various zeolites; also occasionally in cavities in granite, gneiss, etc. Greenland, Iceland, the Far6e Islands, Poonah and Ahmednuggar in Hindostan, afford fine specimens of apophyllite in amygdaloid. At Andreasberg, in silver veins, traversing gray-wacke slate; at Orawicza, Cziklowa, and Szaszka in Transylvania, associated with wollastonite; in Fifeshire, with magnetic iron; at Ut6 in Sweden; at Puy de la Piquette in Auvergne, in a tertiary limestone, near intruded basaltic rocks; at Finbo, Ut6, and Hallesta, Sweden; in the, Tyrol, near Frombach; near Nertschinsk, Siberia; in Australia; the Valencian Mines, Mexico. In America it has been found at Peter's Point and Partridge Island, in the Basin of Mines, Nova Scotia, both massive and crystallized, presenting white, reddish, and greenish colors, and associated with laumontite, thomsonite, and other minerals of trap rocks; also at Chute's cove, Cape HYDROUS SILICATES. 417 d'Or, Isle Haute, Swan's Creek, and Cape Blomidon. Large crystals occur at Bergen Hill, N. J., associated with analcite, pectolite, stilbite, datolite, etc., some of them 3 inches across. It is also found at Gin Cove, near Perry,. Maine, with prehnite and analcite in amygdaloid; at the Cliff mine, Lake Superior region (f. 399), Apophyllite was so named by Hadiy in allusion to its tendency to exfoliate under the blowpipe, from d7r6 and pGsXov, a leaf. Its whitish pearly aspect, resembling the eye of a fish after boiling, gave rise to the name Ichthyophthalmile, from ixt0s, fish, and c0aAp6s, eye. The name ichlhyophthalmite (or ichthyophthatme), given in 1800 by d'Andrada, has priority. But d'Andrada's description (I. c.) is bad in all respects, answering much better for pearly feldspar or adularia, even the specific gravity (2'491) being far out of the way; it affords some evidence that he may have drawn it from another mineral. It was therefore hardly a violation of the strictest rile of priority that Haiiy, who had studied carefully the crystallization of the mineral before it was known to d'Andrada, should have named it anew. Neither justice to d'Andrada, nor the good of science, requires that the name apophyllite should now yield place to the earlier one. The earliest analyses were made in 1805 by V. Rose (Gehlen's J., v.), and Fourcroy & Vauquelin (Ann. du Mus., v.). Alt.-Occurs altered to pectolite near Tiexno on Monte Baldo, along with unchanged crystals. Artif.-Crystals have been obtained by Wdhler from heated waters, and he inferred that a temperature of 180~ F. was necessary to the result. He stated that when heated in water to this temperature under a pressure of 10 to 12 atmospheres, it forms a solution which crystallizes on cooling. Pearly radiated crystals were formed by Becquerel through the action of a solution of silicate of potash on plates of sulphate of lime (gypsum). Daubrie has detected crystals of apophyllite in the Roman works at the hot springs of Plombieres; they were covered in part with incrusting and stalactitic hyalite. 371. EDINGTONITE. Haid., Brewster's Ed. J. Sci., iii. 316, 1825. Antiedrit Breith., Char., 164, 1832. Tetragonal; hemihedral. O A1-i=145~ 59'; 390 a= 067473. Observed planes as in the annexed figure, together with another dome in the zone i, having the summit angle 144~. O A 1= 136~ 20~1, IA 1=1330~ 2 I3 A1 2 115~ 26 1 A 1, over summit-, 920 41', J A ~, ib., =129~ 8'. Cleavage: Iperfect. Also massive. H.=4 —4x 5. G.-=271, Haid.; 2'694, Heddle. Lustre vitreous. White, grayish-white, pink. Streak uncolored. Translucent-opaque. Brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for A1, A, Si, = — 1: 4: 7: 4; whence, if half the water is basic, for bases, silica and water 1: 1: 2-1: 1: and the formula (" (H I+1a)3+ 7 1)2 1. A new determination of the composition is needed. Analysis: F. Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 179): Si 36-98 Al 22-63 Ifa 26'84 Caa tr. a t. 12'46=98'91. Turner obtained, in an imperfect and incorrect analysis (Brewst. Ed. J. Sci., iii. 318), Si 35'09, Al 21769, ~a 12-68, H 13-82, loss 11'22 supposed to be some alkali. Pyr., etc.-Yields water, and becomes white and opaque. B.B. at a high heat fuses to a colorless mass. Affords a jelly with muriatic acid. Obs.-Edingtonite occurs in the Kilpatrick Hills, near Glasgow, Scotland, associated with harmotome, another baryta mineral, and also analcite, calcite, etc. One specimen obtained by Mr. Heddle weighed 21 oz. Glottalite of Thomson (Min., i. 328), from Port Glasgow, on the Clyde, Scotland, is described as occurring in white crystals that " seem to be regular octahedrons; at least 4-sided pyramids; the faces of which appear to be equilateral triangles, are visible; other crystals appear to be cubic." H.=3'5; G.=2'18; lustre vitreous. Thomson obtained (1. c.) Si 37'01, Al 16-31, Fe 0'50, 0a 23'93, H 21-25-99'00. Heddle states (Phil. Mag., IV. ix. 181) that it is probably edingtonite mixed with harmotome, mentioning that Thomson's mineral came from the same locality with the edingtonite, and from the same dealer that furnished him with the edingtonite for his analysis. 27 418 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 372. GISMONDITE. Zeagonite Gismondi, Osserv. Min. di Roma, 1816, Tasech. Min., xi. 164, 1811. Gismondii Leonh., ib., 168. Gismondine. Abrazite Breislak, Instit. Geol., iii. 198. Aricite. Orthorhombic. IA I=930 41', 0 A 1-i=1340 35'; a: Ib c-1'0664: 1 1'0146. 1- A 1-, top, 89~ 10' 1 A 1-i-1240 42', v. Lang. Forms resembling square octahedrons, but made up of the planes I and 1-i; often clustered into mammillated forms with a drusy surface. Cleavage: 1, rather perfect. H.-=45. G.- 2-265. Colorless or white, bluish-white, grayish, reddish. Lustre splendent. Transparent to translucent. Optically biaxial; opticaxial plane parallel to axis a, and angle very large, v. Lang; but usually only confused appearances in polarized light, Descl. Comp.-O. ratio for R, R Si, 1=1:: 3: 4: 4A. Formula perhaps that of ekebergite plus the water. Analysis by Marignac (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiv. 41):.i 35-38 A1 21-23 Ca 13-12 k- 285 1 21-10=100-18. Pyr., etc. —At 1000 C. yields one-third of its water, and becomes opaque. B.B. whitens, intumesces much, and melts to a milky glass. Easily dissolves in acids and gelatinizes. Obs.-Occurs in the leucitophyr, a leucitic lava, of the region of Mt. Albano, south-east of Rome, at Capo di Bove, and elsewhere, associated with pyroxene, magnetite, mellilite, phillipsite, wollastonite, etc.; also, according to Kenngott, on the Gorner glacier, near Zermatt, in cavities in a coarse, granular, reddish-brown garnet-rock, with epidote, calcite, chlorite, and genthite; also in the Val di Noto, Sicily, according to Scacchi, in white mammillary concretions, fibrous within. The name Zeagonite is from oJw, to cook, and ayovos, barren, and was the first name of the species. Leonhard substituted the describer's name, which it has since held. Von Kobell and Marignac have analyzed crystals from the locality at Capo di Bove with a result very different from the above; and it is supposed that the crystals taken for the analyses were a mixture of gismondite and phillipsite. The crystals were, however, received from the Italian mineralogist Medici-Spada. Credner examined a part of the same lot of crystals, and has described and figured them in the Jahrb. Min. 1847, p. 559; and the figures have the twin forms (cruciform to octahedral) and strime of phillipsite. He describes others that are rounded octahedral, with rough edges without the strime-the true gismondite, according to most authors-but adds that even-faced octahedrons graduate imperceptibly into the rough, and that all appear to be one species. He consequently makes all the crystals orthorhombic, and closely related to phillipsite. But v. Lang has shown that the crystals are not twins, and have the above angles (Phil. Mag., IV. xxviii. 505). Von Kobell (in the Gel. Anz. Miinchen, 1839) described the crystals as tetragonal. mentioned the twins, and published the following analysis. He also places the species very near phillipsite, and in his Geschichte der Min. (p. 487) he even queries the identity of the two. Marignac also made the crystals tetragonal octahedrons, with the angles of basal edges 92~ 30', and of pyramidal 118~ 31'. Analyses: 1, v. Kobell (1. c., and J. pr. Ch., xviii. 105); 2, Marignac (Ann. Ch., Phys., III. xiv. 41, 1845): 1. 42-60 25'50 7'50 6-80 17'66=100-06 Kobell. 2. 43 64 24'39 6'92 10'35 15 05=100'35 Marignac. The O. ratio for the first is near 1: 4: 7~: 5; for the second 1: 3: 6: 3~. These analyses are sometimes placed under the name zeagonite, as if a third mineral existed at Capo di Bove distinct from the phillipsite and gismondite. But v. Kobell holds that his results give the true composition of gismondite. L. Gmelin, more than 40 years ago, made a chemical examination that led him to refer gismondite to phillipsite. Marignac regarded the mineral analyzed by him (anal. 2) as true phillipsite. -Certain pale bluish octahedral crystals from Vesuvius, affording, according to Phillips, the terminal angle 122~ 58', have been called zeagonite, which Hausmann refers to zircon (Handb., ii. 1 91). HYDROUS SILICATES. 419 373. COARPHOLITE. Karpholith Wern., Letztes Min. Syst., 10, 43, 1817. Orthorhombic. In radiated and stellated tufts, and groups of acicular crystals. Rhombic prisms of 1110 27', and 68~ 33', Kenngott, with lateral edges truncated. H. = —-5' 5. G. —2935, Breithaupt; 2'9365, Stromeyer. Lustre silky, glistening. Color pure straw-yellow to wax-yellow. Opaque. Very brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for l, Si fi=1: 1:, if the bases are all sesquioxyd, as made by v. Hauer; giving the formula (1l, M'n, Pe)2 Si3+3 H. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Untersuch., 410); 2, Steinmann (Schw. J., xxv. 413); 3, v. Hauer: Si xi1 Mn Pe ]e Ca Al HF 1. 36'15 28'67 19-16 - 2'29 0'27 10'78 1-47=98'79 Stromeyer. 2. 37-53 26'47 18'33 627 - - 11'36 - =99'96 Steinmann. 3. 36'15 19'74 20-76 9'87 -- 183 10-19 F 174=-100'28 Hauer. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water, which reacts acid and attacks the glass (fluorine). B.B. swells up and fuses at 3'5 to a brown glass. With the fluxes gives reactions for manganese and iron. Not decomposed by muriatic acid. Decomposed on fusion with alkaline carbonates. Obs.-Occurs in minute divergent tufts, disposed on granite, along with fluor and quartz, in the tin mines of Schlackenwald. It was named by Werner in allusion to its color, from Kafpos, straw. Von Kobell suggests that the mineral is altered marceline (Geschichte Min., 677). III. SUBSILICATES. 374. ALLOPHANE. Allophan Stromeyer, Gel. Anz. G6tt., 1251, 1816. Riemannit Breith., Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 182, 1817. Elhuyarit Sack, Schw. J., 1xv. 110, 1832 (announced, not named), Jahrb. Min., 28, 1834 (mentioned, not described). Amorphous. In incrustations, usually thin, with a mammillary surface, and hyalite-like; sometimes stalactitic. Occasionally almost pulverulent. H.=3. G.=1'85 -189. Lustre vitreous to subresinous; bright and waxy internally. Color pale sky-blue, sometimes greenish to deep green, brown, yellow, or colorless. Streak uncolored. Translucent. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal and shining, to earthy. Very brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for il, i, H, mostly=3: 2: 6 (or 5); -1 Si+6I or 1 gi+ 5 A. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Unters., 308); 2, Walchner (Schw. J., xlix. 154); 3, Guillemin (Ann. Oh. Phys., xlii. 260); 4, Bunsen (Pogg., xxxi. 53); 5, Berthier (Ann. d. M., III. ix. 498); 6-9, A. B. Northcote (Phil. Mag., IV. xiii. 338); 10, Silliman, Jr. (Am. J. Sci., II. vii. 417); 11, C. T, Jackson (ib., xix. 119): 1. Grafenthal 21'92 32-20 0'73 41'30,Cu,C3 06, gyps. 0.52,3e2II30'27=99'88S. 2. Gersbach 24-11 38'76 - 35'75, Cu 2'33=100'95 Walchner. 3. Firmy, France 23'76 39'68 -- 3574, 0 9599-83 Guillemin. 4. Friesdorf, Elhuy. 21'05 30'37 - 40'23, ie 2'74, Oa 0 2'39, Mg 0 2'06 Bun. 5. Beauvais 21'90 29'20 44'20, clay 4 7 —100 Berthier. 6. N. Charlton, ywh. 20'50 31'34 1-92 42'91, lFe 0-31, C 2-73=99'71 Northcote. 7. " subopaque 19'58 37'30 1'36 39-19,.Fe 011, C 2'44=99'98 Northcote. 8. " " 17'00 39'09 1'50 40'92, Fe Ir. C 1'49=100 Northcote; 9. " ruby-red 17'05 32'88 1-34 40'31, Pe 6 59, C 1'82=99'99 Northeote. 10. Richmond, Mass. 22'65 38'77 -- 3524,.Mg 2-83=99'49 Silliman. 11. Tennessee 19'8 41'0 0'5 37-7, Mg 0-2=99'2 C. T. Jackson. 420 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. The coloring matter of the blue variety is due to traces of chrysocolla, the green to malachite, and that of the yellowish and brown to iron. Allophane occurs at Richmond, Mass., mixed intimately with part of the gibbsite of that locality (Silliman). Pyr., etc.-Yields much water in the closed tube. B.B. crumbles, but is infusible. Gives a blue color with cobalt solution. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Allophane is regarded as a result of the decomposition of some aluminous silicate (feldspar, etc.); and it often occurs incrusting fissures or cavities in mines, especially those of copper and limonite, and even in beds of coal. It lines cavities in a kind of marl at GriSfenthal, near Saalfeld in Thuringia, where it was first observed, in 1809, by Riemann, and hence has been called riemannite. Found also at Schneeberg in Saxony; at Gersbach in the Schwarzwald; Petrow in Moravia, in a bed of limonite; Chotina in Bohemia, at a copper mine in alum slate; at Friesdorf, near Bonn, in lignite (the elhuyarite, of a brownish or honey-yellow color, with G.= 1'6); Vise in Belgium, in the carboniferous limestone; at the Chessy copper mine, near Lyons, France; in the chalk of Beauvais, France, presenting a honey-yellow color; at New Charlton, near Woolwich, in Kent, England, in old chalk-pits, of amber-yellow, ruby-red, and nearly opaque white colors. In the United States it occurs in a mine of limonite, with gibbsite, at Richmond, Mass., forming a hyaline crust, scaly or compact in structure, and brittle; at the Bristol Copper Mine, Ct.; at Morgantown, Berks Co., Pa.; at the Friedensville zinc mines, Pa.; in the copper mine of Polk Co., Tenn. Named from iXos, other, and 0atvco, to ajppear, in allusion to its change of appearance under the blowpipe. A yellowish-white earthy mineral from Kornwestheim, between Stuttgart and Lndwidsburg, with G.=1-794 and 2-098, consists of allophane and aluminite in combination, and has been called Kiesel-aluminite (Siliceous aluminite) by Groningen and Oppel. In one of their analyses they obtained (Jahresb. 1852, 892, from Wdirtemb. Nat. Jahreshefte, 1851, 189) Si 13-06, S 5'04, 31l 42'59, ign. 39'32=100'01. A. CAROLATHINE F. L. Sonnenschein (ZS. G. Ges., v. 223, and J. pr. Ch., Ix. 268, 1853). Amorphous, mith a mammillary surface, and approaching allophane in the ratio of Si to 1I, but contains less water. H.=2'5; G.-=1515; color honey- to wine-yellow; subtranslucent. Analysis by Sonnenschein gave: Si 29'62 A1 47'25 A[ 15'10 C 1'33 H 0'74 0 5'96=100. Heated it affords water, which is neutral in its reactions; at a higher temperature decrepitates, the color darkens, and a black shining mass is obtained. B.B. ignites without flame, owing to the organic ingredients present. From the coal-bed of the Kdnigin-Louisa Mine, at Zabrze, in Upper Silesia. 375. COLLYRITE. Das man dort Salpeter nannte (fr. Schemnitz) Freiesleben, Lempe's Mag., x. 99, 1793. Naturliche Alaunerde (fr. Schemnitz) v. Fichtel, Min., 170, 1794; KlapTr, Beitr., i. 257, 1195. Kollyrit Karst., Tab., 30, 73, 1800. A clay-like mineral, white, with a glimmering lustre, greasy feel, and adhering to the tongue. G. — 2-215. H.- -2. Comp.- l2 Si+9 IY; or 1 of Allophane+ 1 of Gibbsite=[:l Si+6 -]+[1 S]- =Silica 14'14, alumina 48'02b water 37-84. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 257); 2, Berthier (Ann. d. M., ii. 476); 3, Kersten (Schw. J., lxi. 24); 4, J. H. and G. Gladstone (Phil. Mag., IV. xxiii. 461, 1862): 1. Schemnitz 14'0 45'0 42-0=101 Klaproth. 2. Ezquerra 15'0 44-5 40-5=100 Berthier. 3. Saxony 23'3 42'8 34-7 —=100-8 Kersten. 4. Hove 14'49 47-44 36'39, Ca 0'89, C 0179=100 Gladstone. In other specimens Gladstone (1. c.) obtained from 8 to 3 p. c. of silica, indicating a varying proportion of hydrate of alumina. Pyr., etc.-Yields water. B.B. infusible. Gives a blue color when heated with cobalt solu. tion. Gelatinizes with nitric acid. Does not fall to pieces in water, or increase in weight. Obs.-From Ezquerra in the Pyrenees; near Schemnitz, Hungary; near Wessenfels, Saxony; at Hove, near Brighton, England, in fissures in the upper chalk, of a pure white color and very soft. The name collyrium (KOXXWpLoV) was applied by the Greeks to the "Samian earth;" Karsten adopted it because the description of this earth by Dioscorides answers well for the above mineral HYDROUS SILICATESI ZEOLITE SECTION. 421 375A. DILLNITE Haid. (Pogg., lxxviii. 577, 1849) is a related substance. Earthy, with H.=1 8 -2; G.=2574 —2-835.. Analyses: Hutzelmann and Karafiat (Pogg., lxxviii. 576): Si Xl Mg Oa A: 1. 22'40 56'40 0'44 tr. 21'13, Fe, Mn, alk. tr.=-100-37 Hutzelmann. 2. 23'53 53'00 1-76 0'88 20'05=99-22 Karafiat. The analyses correspond to the formula 14 Si3-+9 I=-Silica 24-39, alumina 5423, 11 21-38. The dillnite is the gangue of the diaspore of Schemnitz, at a place called Dilln. Dr. J. L. Smith obtained a very different result for a similar material from the same Schernnitz locality, as given under PHOLERITE (q. v.); and it is probable that dillnite is a mixture of diaspore and kaolinite or pholerite. 376. SCHROTTERIT3E. Opalin-Allophan Schr6tter, Baumg. Ztg., iv. 145, 1837. Schrbtterit Glocker, Grundr., 536, 1839. Opal Allophane. Resembles allophane; sometimes like gum in appearance. H.=3 —3'5. G.=-195- - 205. Color pale emerald- to leek-green, greenish-white, yellowish, or at times spotted with brown. Translucent to nearly transparent. Comp.-O. ratio for A, Si, 11=4: 1: 5; ls Sis + 30 1; equivalent to 3 [X1 Si + 5 I] +5 [lA AS], or 3 of allophane and 5 of gibbsite. Analyses: 1, 2, Schrdtter (J. pr. Ch., xi. 380); 3, J. W. Mallet (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvi. 19): Si xil e A1 Ona Cn f 1. Styria 11'95 46'30 2-95 36'20 1'30 0'25 0-18=99-73 Schrdtter. 2. " 11'93 46-28 2'66 85'50 1 03 0'25 0-48=98-14 Schrdtter. 3. Alabama (2) 10'53 46'48 -- 41'09, Zn 0'77, Fe, Mg tr., S 0'80=99-67 Mallet. Pyr., etc.-B.B. acts like allophane, but burns white. Decomposed by acids. Obs.-From Dollinger mountain, near Freienstein, in Styria, in nests between clay-slate and granular limestone; in Cornwall; at the Falls of Little River, on the Sand Mtn., Cherokee Co., Alabama, as an incrustation over half an inch thick and partly stalactitic, resembling gum arabic when broken, having H.=3'5, and G.=1'974. 376A. SCARBROITE Vernon (Phil. Mag., II. v. 178, 1829) is a white clayey substance, allied to schritterite in composition. It is without lustre, highly adhesive to moist surfaces, and may be polished by the nail; H. =2'0; G.=1'485? Composition, according to an imperfect analysis by Vernon (1. c.), Si 10-50, 1I 42-50, Pe 0-25, H 46175. In a second, equally imperfect, he obtained Si 7'90, X1 42-75, ft 48'55, Pe 0'80=100. Does not fall to pieces in water, but increases in weight. It fills the veinings of a sandstone, which is much marked with oxyd of iron, or of its septaria, on the coast of Scarborough, Yorkshire, England. II. ZEOLITE SECTION. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. I. MESOTYPE GROUP. Anisometric; angle IA Inear 90~; cleavage parallel to I. Crystallizations often acicular, or long fibrous and radiating; thomsonite sometimes in short nearly rectangular forms, with fiat summits, and sometimes foliated, but with a less pearly and more glassy surface than in stilbite. 7 R X.i T 1rg 4i AEE 377. TiHOMSONITE 1 3 4 2- 1 1 i (Ia+I a),;1, 2 2i, 2i1fA 378. NATROLITE 1 3 6 2 1 1 i (116)a, l, 3Si, 2 S 422 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. A R 9i A Alli gi A 379. SCOLECITE 1 3 6 3 1 1+ I (9) Ca, 1i, 3Si, 31A 380. ELLAGITE 1 3 6 3 1 13 8 () (ICa++Fe),;l, 3Si, 3]f 381. MESOLITE 1 3 6 3 1 1~ I () (lCa+~Na),XIl, 3i, 31T II. LEVYNITE GROUP. Hexagonal. RAR=106~, nearly. 382. LEVYNITE 1 3 6 4 1 1j 1 (~) (ca, NTa, k), X1, 3 9i, 41:A TIII. ANALCITE GROUP. Isometric, or else orthorhombic with IAI=120~. O. ratio for R, i, Si=l:3::8 or 1: 3: 9. Never fibrous or acicular. 383. ANALCITE 1 3 8 2 1 2 Na, 1l, 4 Si, 2 11 884. EUDNOPHITE 1 3 8 2 1 2 ~ Na, l, 4 Si, 2 385. FAUJASITE 1 3 9 9 1 2 2+ (I ta+i a), -l, 4~ Si, 9 A IV. CHABAZITE GROUP. Hexagonal, or else orthorhombic with IA I=120~. O. ratio for R, t, Si=l: 3: 8, or 1: 3: 9. Never fibrous or acicular. Not pearly foliated. 386. CHAXAZITE 1 3 8 6 1 2 1l (4 a+I (a,K)), l, 4 Si, 611 387. GMELINITE 1 3 8 6 1 2 1 (+ ~a+ j(Na, K)), 1, 4 Si, 6 1 388. HERSCHELITE 1 3 8 5 1 2 1+ (8I aa+ JR), X1, 4 Si, 5 11 V. PHILLIPSITE GROUP. Orthorhombic; IA I near 90~. Often in cruciform twins; never fibrous or acicular. Not pearly foliated. 389. PHILLIPSITE 1 3 8 5 1 2 1 (I Ca+ ]k), X1, 4 Si, 5 I VI. HARMOTOME GROUP. Orthorhombic; IAI=124~-125~. Often in cruciform twins; never fibrous or acicular. Lustre vitreous. 390. HARMOTOME 1 3 10 5 1 2+ 1+ (*) ira, i1,5 Si, 5 1H VII. HYPOSTILBITE GROUP. Like the mesotypes in acicular and fibrous crystallizations and absence of pearly cleavage. 0. ratio for R, I,,i=l: 3: 9. 391. HYPOSTILBITE 1 3 9 6 1 2+ 1+ (-) (QJa+ XNa),A1,4~i+~61A VIII. STILBITE GROUP. Orthorhombic or monoclinic, with an easy pearly diagonal or basal cleavage. 0. ratio for ZR,, Si=l:3:12. 392. STILBITE 1 3 12 6 1 3 1~(3) Ca, l, 6Si, 6 393. EPISTILBITE 1 3 12 5 1 3 1+ (2) (g4(a+1Na),l, 6Si, 5] A 394. HEULANDITE 1 3 12 5 1 3 1+ (s) 0a,.1, 6 Si, 5 A 395. BREWSTERITE 1 3 12 5 1 3 1 (2) (S r+~+]a), Xl, 6 Si, 5 ] 396. MORDENITE 1 3 18 6 1 44 1+ (I Oa+~ Na), X1, 9 Si, 6:11.Appendix.-397. SLOANITE. 398. SASPACHITE. HYDROUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 423 In the preceding table the constituents of the species are stated without the arrangement of them into formulas. The resemblance to the Feldspar group in oxygen ratio seems, at first thought, to imply resemblance at least in scheme of composition. But it has been observed (p. 394) that instead of unity of crystalline form and physical characters, as in the Feldspar group, there is the utmost diversity. A relation between the proportion of silica and alkali holds through the feldspars; but none exists, or could be rightly looked for, among the varied groups here brought together under the name of zeolites. The water present has produced the wide divergence from the feldspars; and it is therefore probable that this water is in part, at least, basic. This being so, they may pertain to the two divisions of Unisilicates and Bisilicates. In the following table they are arranged under these heads, and formulas added to correspond with this reference of them. The species of the Mesotype and Levynite groups are made Unisilicates, because they have not silica enough for the bisilicate type. Thomsonite has the 0. ratio for the bases and silica=l1+ 3: 4=1: 1, or that of a true Unisilica.te; and natrolite, if the water be basic, is also unisilicate. Further, the close isomorphism of the several species of the Mesotype group renders it probable that they are similar chemically, and therefore all unisilicate. The species of the remaining groups have silica enough for Bisilicates, and are so arranged in the following table. Yet those of the groups 3 to 5 have water enough for Unisilicates, if this water be mainly basic. Thus chabazite and gmelinite have a unisilicate ratio, if two-thirds of the water is basic; and herschelite and phillipsite, if four-fifths. But the facility with which part of the water in these species escapes is evidence that a considerable part of it, at least, is not basic. Chabazite loses over 7 p. c. of water, or more than a third, by simple exposure to dry air. For other similar facts, see under the species beyond. It is, therefore, not at all probable that enough water is basic to make the species unisilicate. In the preceding table, the fraction written after the column of EI indicates the proportion of water which is made basic in the formulas which here follow: 1. UNISILICATE. i. Thomsonite (4 (j0a+4Na)2+42 l)2 Si3+3i11 Si 1 04 11 (I ( Oa+ 4Na2)+ji3A1)2+1jaq Natrolite ( ( +11I+ Na)3 + I1)2 Si3 Si 11 04 11 ( ( IH2 + i Na2) + i A1l)2 Scolecite (2 (i ( + 3 Ca)3 + I1)2 Si3 + H Si I1e4 H2+ i a+) + 1)A1)2 ++ aq Mesolite ( ( II + Ca + I Na)3 + i 1)2 SiV+~H Si 11 4 1 ( ( H2 + 4 (ea, Na2))+ lAl)2 + aq Ellagite 4( ( +29a+ SilF ii ) +4 S 1 ( ( H2+R )+f A1)2+ 1 aq 2. Levynite (~ ( it+ (Oa, Na, K))+ l)2 Si3 + 2 Si ll e4 1(4 ( ~ (2+I (R2, I ~)) +4 elAl)2 + t aq 2. BISILICATE. 3. Analcite (I Na3+4l1) 913+11I Si 110 ~2 II (i Na2 + flA1) +~ aq Eudnophite (:Nal3+- il) Si?3+ 1 At SiO 0211 (i Na2+ I RtAl)~+ aq Faujasite ( lX+i( (0a, Na))3+ AI1) Si2+n sn Sil10211 (I H2+ (a, Na2)) + rA1)+naq 4. Chabazite (4 (4 Oaf+ 1a)3+i Al) Si3+ 4 if Si e 10 e2 II ( (a, Na2)+l flA1)+ 14 aq Gmelinite (4 (C aa+i Na)3 + Ail) Si+4~ fT Si O11 2 12 (4 (1 4ea+ Na2)+ 13Al) + 14 aq Herschelite (4 (i Na+-i ])K- -+ Al) SiS+ 32 3 Si [11 02 (4 (i Na2+ 4K2)+4 LAl)+ 1l aq 5. Phillipsite (i(Ia+33)+l1)?i3+3ft[ Si e O 2 n ( (a+a K2)+ }Al)+ Il f 6. Harmiotome (~ (~IA+ -a)S+3 A~l) i+2 if Si lle 11 2 11 (( 2 + ~Ba)+l3 3A)+1 aq 7. Hypostilbite (~L(~ t+i(Oa, Na))3-+ 31l) gi3 + 3s / Si Si1102 11 (4(4 E2+4(Ga, Na2))+~ Al)+ 1- aq 8. Stilbite (I (+i a+' a) + ~i l) i3 + 2 t Si e0n 2 (4 ( H2 H+~ Ca)~+ 4 l)~+ aq 424 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Epistilbite (~ (It-I+il(a, Ia))+ ~1) Si3+ 1 Si O I e 02 (I (f- H2+3 T, R2)+i fil) +j aq Heulandite (( + I a)' + a + 1) Si3 + 1 11 Si 0 11 2 I ( (I- H2+~ ea)+i/:A1)+ aq Brewsterite (~( t+~ 2 (1a, Sr))3+~ 1l) i++~1 Sii 1102 II (a(a 2+k (Ba, Sr))+ lfA1)+ ~ aq 9. Mordenite (r(;l+1 ( a, ~ia)?+~ 1) Si3 + It SiO 112 (II l(( 2+ (ea, Na2))+i 13Al)+; aq The term zeolite was first used by Cronstedt in 1756 (Transactions of the Swedish Academy, vol. xviii.), for certain minerals that fused with much intumescence; the word being derived from ~oi, to boil, and Mxioo, stone. Before the close of the century five subdivisions had been recognized by Werner and the mineralogists of his school: (1) Mehlzeolith (mealy zeolite); (2) Fasriger zeolith or Fdserzeolith (fibrous zeolite); these two corresponding to the more modern mesotype (or natrolite. scolecite, mesolite, and thomsonite); (3) Strahliger zeolith or Strahlzeolith (radiated zeolite), now stilbite; (4) Blattriger zeolith or Bl2tterzeolith (foliated zeolite), now heulandite and apophyllite; (5) Wriifselzeolith (cubic zeolite), now chabazite and analcite. Moreover, Kreuzstein, later called harmotome, and Preshnite were regarded as distinct species; and so also Layis Lazuli, which had been ranked with the zeolites by Wallerius. In 1801 Haiiy gave the name of Mesotype, or Zeolite proper, to the varieties included under the first two of the above subdivisions, together with apophyllite; and took a second backward step, which he never retraced, in uniting those of the third and fourth in one species under the name of Stilbite. At the same time he rightly removed Analcime from the old Cubic zeolite. In 1803 natrolite was separated from mesotype by Klaproth, and hence his name should stand for the species so designated. In 1813 Scolecite, and in 1816 Mesolite, were separated by Fuchs and Gehlen; and in 1820 Thomsonite by Brooke. Haiiy's name mesotype is at present restricted, or should be, to a generic use to include the group of zeolites, viz., natrolite, scolecite, mesolite, and the related species. 377.'TOMSONITE. Mesotype pt. H., Tr., 1801. Thomsonite (fr. Scotland) Brooke, Ann. Phil., xvi. 193, 1820. Comptonite (fr. Somma) Brewster, Ed. Phil. J., iv. 131, 1821. Mesole Berz., Ed. Phil. J., vii. 6, 1822. Triploklas Breith., Char., 1832. Chalilite T. Thonison, Min., i. 324, 1836. Scoulerite R. D. Thomson, Phil. Mag., III. xvii. 408, 1840. Ozarkite (fr. Arkansas) Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. ii. 251, 1846. Karphostilbit v. Walt., Vulk. Gest., 272, 1853. Far6elite (=Mesole) Heddle, Phil. Mag., IV. xiii. 50, 1857, xv. 28, 1858. Orthorhombic. IA I-90~ 40';.0 A 1 —-144:~ 9': a;b: e- 07225 1: 1'0117. Observed planes, as in the annexed figure, with also a very low macrodome, nearly coincident with 0, having the 391 summit angle 1'7~ 35, Naumann. O A 2-4=125~, i-i A I lI= = 1 -- 134~ 40'. Cleavage: i-Z easily obtained; i-i less so; \2s/ 0 in traces. Twins: cruciform, having the vertical axis in common, and i-i of one part coincident with I. I, ti-s of the other; one of the pair of prismatic planes in each broader than the other. Also columnar, structure radiated; in radiated spherical concretions; also amor/ 21 \ phous and compact. I. =5-5-5. G.= 2-3-24; 2-35 —2'38, fr. Seeberg, Zippe; 2'35 7, fir. Hauenstein, Ramm. Vitreous, more or less pearly. Snow-white; impure varieties brown. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Pyroelectric. Double refraction weak; optic-axial plane parallel to O; bisectrix positive, normal ton i; divergence 82 -O 82~o for red rays, from Dumbarton; Descl. HYDROUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 425 Var. —1. Ordinary. (a) In regular crystals, usually more or less rectangular in outline. (b) In slender prisms, often vesicular to radiated. (c) Radiated fibrous. (d) Spherical concretions, consisting of radiated fibres or slender crystals. (e) Massive, granular to impalpable, and white to reddish-brown. 2. Mesole (Far'6elite of Heddle), the original from Farde, occurs in spherical concretions, consisting of lamellar radiated individuals, pearly in cleavage. The component crystals gave Heddle, for a vertical prism, 127~ 20', which is within 8' of the corresponding angle in thomsonite; and Descloizeaux regards the two as optically identical. It occurs with mesolito and apophyllite, and probably owes its slight excess of silica to mixture with the former of these minerals, or else with free silica. Mesole was long since referred to thomsonite by iHaidinger. Scoulerite R. D. Thomson, from Port Rush, Antrim, is mesole in structure. It has, Dr. Thomson observes, " the same composition as thomsonite, with only (according to an analysis by R. D. Thomson) rather less alumina, and 6~ p. c. of soda. The analysis has not been published. 3. Chalilite Thomson, is a compact variety, of a reddish-brown color, from the Donegore Mts., Antrim. Thomson described it in his Mineralogy (i. 324) as haviug G. =2-252, and as containing 9 p. c. of sesquioxyd of iron (most improbable with so low sp. gr.). In the Phil. Mag. for 1840 (xvii. 408), he describes apparently the same brown "uncrystallized" mineral as having G.=2-29, with "the same constitution as the Kilpatrick thomsonite, according to an analysis by R. D. Thomson " —an analysis not published. He gives the locality, Ballimony, Antrim. Von Hauer analyzed the chalilite, and found considerable magnesia with only a trace of iron. Greg.; Lettsom observe (Min., 160) that the scouzlerite graduates into the compact chalilite. In view of the facts, it can hardly be doubted that it is impure thomsonite. Ozearkite is a massive thomsonite, as shown by Smith and Brush, either granular or compact, and of a white color, with G.-2-24. Comp.-O. ratio for'1, Si, H=i: 3: 4: 2~; corresponding to 2 Si, Al, (Q Oa+ -Na), 2 A= Silica 36'9, alumina 31-6, lime 12'9, soda 4'8, water 13'8=100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Jahresb., ii. 96); 2, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lix. 349); 3, Retzius (Jahresb., iv. 154); 4, Zippe (Verh. Ges. Mus. B6hm., v. 39. 1836); 5, 6, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xlvi. 288); 7, Melly (Bib. Univ., N. S., xv. 193); 8, Rammelsberg (J. pr. Ch., lix. 348); 9, 10, Smith & Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 50); 11, 12, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 272, 277): Si Al1 ("a 1&a k: I. Kilpatrick 38-30 30'70 13'54 4'53 -- 13'10=100-17 Berzelius. 2. Dumbarton 38'09 31-62 12'60 4'62 - 13'40=100-20 Rammelsberg. 3. FarSe 39-20 30'05 10-58 8-11 13-401 Fe 05=-101'84 Retzius 4. Seeberg, Compt. 38'25 32-00 11'96.6'53 -- 11'50-100'24 Zippe. 5. " " 38'73 30'84 13'43 3'85 0'54 13'10=100'49 Rammelsberg. 6. " " 38'77 31-92 11'96 4-54 12'81=100 Ramm. G.=2'37. 7. Elbogen 37'00 31'07 12'60 6'25 -- 12-24=99'16 Melly. 8. Hauenstein 39'63 31'25 7-27 8'03 -- 1330=9948 Ramm. G.-=2357. 9. Ozarkite 36-85 29'42 13'95 3'91 - 13-80, Fe 1'55=99'48 S. & B. 10. " 37'08 31.13a 13'97 3'72 -- 1380=99'70 Smith & Brush. 11. Carphostilbite 39'28 29'50 12'38 4'09 0-38 13-23, Mg0'13, Fe 1'49=100'48 W. 12. Cyclopean I. 39'86 31'45 13'33 5'30 1'00 11-39-102'33 Waltershausen. a With some Fe2 0S. The following are analyses of Mesole: 1, Berzelius (Jahresb., iii. 147); 2, 3, Hlisinger (ib., v. 217, xx. 214); 4, Thomson (Ed. N. Phil. J.. xvii. 186); 5-7, Heddle (1. c.); 8, v. Klobell (J. pr. Ch., xcviii. 135); 9, How (Ed. N. Phil. J., II. viii. 207, 1858); 10, 0. C. Marsh (priv. contrib.): 9i A1 Ca ia ft 1. Far6e 42'60 28'00 11'43 5'63 12'70=100-36 Berzelius. 2. Annaklef 42-17 27'00 9'00 10'19 11'79=100'15 Hisinger. 3. " 41'52 26'80 8-07 10'80 11'79=98'99 Hisinger. 4. Bombay 42'70 27'50 7-'61 7'00 14'71=99'52 Thomson. 5. Storr 41'32 28'44 11-54 5-77 13 26=100-33 Heddle. 6. Portree 41'20 30'00 11-40 4'38 13-20-100'18 Heddle. 7. Uig 43'17 29'30 9'82 5'33 12-40=100'02 Heddle. 8. Iceland 41'00 31'66 10'73 4'50 12'11=1-0'00 Kobell. G.=2'17. 9. B. of Fundy 41'26 29'60 11'71 5'29 12'73=100'59 How. 10. 0. Blomidon 41'64 30-52 92'1 4'95 13-11, K 0-44=99-87 Marsh. 0. ratio, according to Berzelius, 1: 3: 5: 8. 1: 3: 44-: 2 corresponds better with ana.. 8, 5, 6, 8, and this varies but little from the composition of thomsonite. 426 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Dr. Thomson found for his chalilite (1. c.), Si 36'56, 1l 26-20, Pe 9 28 Ca 10'28, Na 2-72, H 16'66=101'70. Von Hauer obtained (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1853) Si 38'56, i 2771, Fe tr., Mg 6'85, Ca 12'01, H 14'32. The Hauenstein mineral (formerly called mesolite of Hauenstein) occurs mixed with natrolite, and this accounts for the results of Freissmuth's analysis (Schw. J., xxv. 425), which differ widely from Rammelsberg's later results (anal. 8). Pyr., etc.-The Mittelgebirge mineral changes but slightly in moist or dry air, according to Damour; after two hours at 280~ C. it loses 6'1 p. c., and very slowly regains the water lost in the open air, the loss being reduced to 1-5 p. c. after forty hours. At a red heat the loss is 13-3'p. c., and the mineral becomes fused to a white enamel. B.B. fuses with intumescence at 2 to a white enamel. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Found in cavities in lava and other igneous rocks; and also in some metamorphic rocks, with eleolite. Thomsonite occurs near Kilpatrick, and at Kilmalcolm and Port Glasgow, Scotland, in amygdaloid; in the lavas of Somma (comptonite); in basalt at the Pflasterkaute in Saxe Weimar; at Seeberg and elsewhere in Bohemia, in the cavities of clinkstone; in the Cyclopean islands, Sicily, with analcite and phillipsite; in Farde; in phonolite at Hauenstein; in Hungary, near Schemnitz; the Tyrol, at Theiss; at Monzoni, Fassa; in straw-yellow needles (carsphostilbite) at the Berufiord, Iceland, G.-2'362. Long, slender, prismatic crystallizations, of a grayish-white color, are obtained at Peter's Point, Nova Scotia, where it is associated with apophyllite, mesotype, laumontite, and other trap minerals; fibrous radiated and amorphous (ozarkite) at Magnet Cove, in the Ozark Mts., Arkansas, in cavities in elaeolite (from the alteration of which it has apparently resulted), with slender prisms of apatite. Mesole is from the cave of Nalsoe, island of Farde; Disco I., Greenland; Annaklef, Sweden; a few miles west of C. Blomidon, Bay of Fundy, near the small village of Ft. George. On twin crystals, see H. Guthe, 14th Jahresb. Ges. Hannover, Jahrb. Min. 1865, 479. PICROTIIOMSONITE Meneghini & Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 63, 1852). Like thomsonite in form, and near it in composition. The soda is replaced by magnesia, and possibly as a result of alteration. Occurs in radiated masses, laminated in structure, and cleaving with equal ease parallel to two sides of a rectangular prism;, H.-5; G.-=2'278; lustre pearly; white; transparent in small fragments; very fragile. CoMP. —(a, SMg)3 Sit+2 Al Si+44 fl, Bechi. Analysis: Si 40'36, A1 31-25, Mg 6'26, Ca 10-99, Na, K 0'29, H 10-79=99-94. B.B. fuses to a white enamel, with intumescence. Dissolves in cold acids and gelatinizes. Occurs with caporcianite in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany. The name, from rlKp4s, bitter, and thomsonite, alludes to the magnesia present. 378. NATROLITE. Zeolit pt., Zeolites crystallisatus, prismaticus, capillaris (fr. Gustafsberg), Cronst., Min., 102, 1758; Z. albus fibrosus, eapillaris, etc. (fr. Iceland and Gustafsb.), v. Born, Lithoph., 46, 1772; de Lisle, Crist., 1772, 1783. Mehl-Zeolith, Fasriger-Z., Wern., Ueb. Cronst., 243, 1780; Faserzeolith, Nadelzeolith, Wern. Mealy Zeolite, Fibrous Zeolite, Needle Zeolite. Zeolite, Mesotype, pt., H., Tr., iii. 1801. Natrolith (fr. HTgau) Klalpr., N. Schrift Nat. Ges. Fr. Berlin, iv. 243, 1803, Beitr., v. 44, 1810. Hogauit Selb., Schrift, ib., 395. Natrolite H., Cours de Min., 1804, Lucas Tabl., i. 338, 1806. Natron-Mesotype. Soda-Mesotype. Krokalith (Crocalite) (fr. Felvatza) Estner, Min., ii., pt. 2, 559, 1797. Bergmannit (fr. Friedericksv/irn) Schumacher, Verz. dan. Foss., 46, 1801. Spreustein Wern., 1811, Hoffm. Min., ii. b, 303, 1812. Radiolith Esmark, Hunefeld, Schw. J., lii. 361, 1828. Brevicit (fr. Brevig) P. Strom, Jahresb., xiv. 1834. Lehuntite Thomson, Min., i. 338, 1836. Eisen-Natrolith C. Bergemann, Pogg., lxxxiv. 491, 1851; Iron-Natrolite. Savite Meneghini, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 64, 1852. Galaktit Haid., Kenng. Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 290, 1854, xvi. 157, 1855. Fargite Ieddle, Phil. Mag., IV. xiii. 50, 1857. Paleeo-Natrolith Scheerer, Pogg., cviii. 416, 1859. Orthorhomnbic. IA 1- 91~, 0 A 1 — =144~ 23'; a: b: c=0-35825: 1: 1-0176. Observed planes: prismatic, I, i-.; octahedral, 1, 1- (x), 3-5 (between 1 and i-i). IA i-i- 134~ 30', 1 A 1, ov. x, 1430 20', adj. 1420 40', IA 1-1160 40', x A x-1460 28', 1 A 3-3=153~ 30'. Crystals usually slender, often acicular; frequently interlacing, divergent, or stellate. Also fibrous, radiating, massive, granular, or compact. HYDROUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 427 il. =5- -55. G.=2'17-2' 25; 2'249, Bergen Hill, 392 Brush. Lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to pearly, especially in fibrous varieties. Color white, or colorless; d'"'" also grayish, yellowish, reddish to red. Streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Double refraction weak; optic-axial plane i-4; bisectrix positive, parallel to edge I/I; axial divergence 94 —96~, red rays, for Auvergne,i crystals; 95~ 12' for brevicite; Descl. Comp.-O. ratio for R, X, Si, 1=1: 3: 6: 2; corresponding to 3 Si, Xi, Na, 2 A=-Silica 41-2, alumina 27'0, soda 16-3, water 9'5=-100. Var. —1l. Ordinary. Commonly either (a) in groups of slender colorless prisms, often acicular, with IA I=91~, Ha-id., 91~ 35', G. Rose, and 1A 1= 143~ 20', Haid, 144~ 40', G. R., 143~ 33', Phillips; or (b) in fibrous divergent or radiated masses, vitreous in lustre, or but slightly pearly (these radiated forms often resemble those of thomsonite and pectolite); often also (c) solid amygdules, usually radiated fibrous, and somewhat silky in lustre within; and (d) rarely compact massive. Galactite is ordinary natrolite, occurring in colorless acicular crystallizations in southern Scotland, instituted as a species on an erroneous analysis. Fargite is a red natrolite from Glen Farg (anal. 24), containing, like galactite, about 4 p. c. of lime. Bergrmcnnite (= spreustein, brevicite, radiolite, palceo-natrolite) is natrolite from the zircon-syenite of southern Norway, near Brevig, on the Langesundfiord, occurring fibrous, massive, and in long prismatic crystallizations, and from white to red in color. IA I=91~, G. Rose; 90~ 54', Kenngott; and 1 A 1=142~ 55', G. Rose, 143~ 26', Kenngott; and 1 A 1, side, — =142 49', KCenng. The reddish varieties are impure from mixture with disseminated diaspore, as shown by Scheerer, and hence the variations from natrolite in composition. The radiolite is in radiated masses, and compact fibrous nodules, of a grayish color, from Eckefiord, having G.=2-275-2-286. These minerals result from the alteration of elheolite, cancrinite, and oligoclase, according to Blum and Snmann & Pisani. The planes 3-I occur on brevicite (C. Rose). Crocalite, from the Ural, is a red zeolite, identical with the bergmannite of Laurvig; occurs in small amygdules, and is fibrous or compact. Savite, according to Sella's crystallographic and other observations (N. Cimento, 1858), is nothing but natrolite, occurring in slender colorless prisms of the same angles. Sella found I A _= 91C, IA -=116~ 35', ~ A ~, macr.,=143~ 10'. It comes from a serpentine rock at. Mt. Caporciano, Italy, and specimens are ordinarily not pure from serpentine. Meneghini states that H.= 3'5 and G.=2'45. See for composition below. 2. Iron-natrolite (Eisennatrolith Bergm.) is a dark green opaque variety, either crystalline or amorphous, in which a fourth of the alumina is replaced by sesquioxyd of iron (anal. 30); it has H..=5; G.=2'353. Occurs with the Brevig brevicite. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 44); 2, Fuchs (Schw. J., viii. 353, xviii. 8); 3, Riegel (Jhrb. Pharm., xiii.); 4, 5, Fuchs (1. c.); 6, Thomson (Min., i. 317); 7, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xiii. 7); 8, C. G. Gmelin (Pogg., lxxxi. 311); 9, 10, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 276); 11, Sieveking, 12, Scheerer (Pogg., cviii. 433); 13, Scheerer (Pogg., lxv. 276); 14, Souden (Pogg., xxxiii. 112); 15, 16, KSrte (-G. Rose's Min. Syst., 1852, 96); 17, Michaelson (CEfv. Ak. Stockholm, 1862, 505); 18, Hlasiwetz (Kenng. Uebers., 1858, 72); 19, Vatonne (Ann. d. M., V. xii. 684); 20, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 290); 21-27, Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. xi. 272); 28, Brush (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxi. 365); 29, C. A. Joy (Ann. Lye. N. Y., viii. 122); 30, C. Bergemann (1. c.); 31, R. D. Thomson (Thomson's Min., i. 338); 32-34, 0. 0. Marsh (priv. contrib.): Si X1 Be F (a Na K: HI 1. Hogau 48'00 24-25 1-75 -- 16-50 -- 9'00=99'50 Klaproth. 2. " 41721 25-60 135 - 16'12 -- 888=99-16 Fuchs. 3. "' 48'05 25'80 2-10 - 15'756 900=100'70 Riegel. 4. Auvergne, cryst. 47-76 25'88 -- - 1.621 -- 931=-99'16 Fuchs. 5. Tyrol, fibrous 48563 24-82 0-21 --- 15'69 -- 9'60=98'95 Fuchs. 6. Antrim, cryst. 47156 26'42 0'58 1'40 14'93 - 10'44=101'33 Thomson. 1. Greenland, massive 46'94 27-00 -- 1-80 14'70 -- 9-60=100-04 KIobell. 8. Laurvig, Natrolite 48'68 26-37 -- - 16-00 0'35 9-55=100'95 Gmelin. 9. Bergmannite, red 47'97 26-66 0'73 0-68 1407 tr. 977= —99'88 Scheerer. 10. " white 48'12 26-96 0-22 0'69 14'23 tr. 10'48=100-7 Scheerer. 11. Brevig, Bergm., white 47116 26'13 0'53 0'53 15'60 -- 9'47=9942 Sieveking. 12. " " red 44'50 30'05 0 98 0'83 13'52 -- 9'93=99'81 Scheerer. 428 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Si A1 He Ca Na K H 13. Radiolite 48'38 26'42 0'24 0'44 13'87 1-54 9'42 = 100 31Scheerer. 14. Brevig, Brevicite 43'88 28'39 --- 6'88 10-32 -- 9'63, fIg 0'21=99'31 S. 15. " " 48 32 2624 --- tr. 1597 -- 9 47=100'00 K6rte. 16. " " 48'50 26'05 -- tr. 1649 - 929=100'33 Korte. 17. " " 47'73 26'04 0 53 2'22 13'37 0'40 10'24=100'55 Michaelson 18. Fassa, tl'. 48-34 27'43 -- 360 9'00 -- 10'30, Mg 0'40, hygr. H 0'90 —99'97 Hlasiwetz. 19. Algeria 46'50 26'30 -- 0'73 15'20 -- 11'00=99'73 Vatonne. 20. Bishopt., Galactite 46'99 26-84 -- 4'36 9'68 0'45 10'56, H (100~) 0'4999'37 Hauer. 21. " " w. 47'60 26'60 - 0'16 15'86 - 9'56=99'78 Heddle. 22. " " rdh. 47'76 27-20 - 093 14'28 - 9'56=99712 Heddle. 23. Glenfarg, " 48'24 27'00 -- 082 14'82 -- 9'24=100-12 Heddle. 24. " red 47'84 27-11 -- 4'31 1130 --- 10'24=10081 Heddle. 25. Campsie H.," 47'32 27'36 -- 263 13'"35 -- 10'39-101-05 Heddle. 26. Kilpatrick, " 48-03 25'26 0'86 2'31 13'98 9'72, Ig0'40-100'56H. 27. Dumbarton, " 46'96 26'91 -- 3'76 12-83 -- 9'50=99'96 Heddle. 28. Bergen Hill 47-31 26-77 - 0'41 15'44 0'35 9'84=100'12 Brush. 29. New York 47'04 26'76 - -- 14'56 -- 10'99=9935 Joy. 30. Iron-Natrolite 46-54 18-94 7'49 - 1404 -- 9'37, Fe 2'40, Mn 0-55 -99'33 Bergemann. 31. Lehuntite 47'33 24'00 -- 1-52 13'20 -- 13'60=99'65 Thomson. 32. Two Islands, N. S. 46'84 2719 -- 024 14-89 1-50- 9'79=100'45 Marsh. 33. C. Blomidon, N. S. 45'74 28'38 -- 027 1423 1'16 10'11=99'89 Marsh. 34. Bergen Hill 48'43 26'96 -- 049 13-09 1'06 9-71-99'74 Marsh. a With a little potash. Scheerer has shown (Pogg., cviii. 416) that the bergmannite and brevicite, when of a red or reddish color, contain 4 to 7 p. c. of diaspore (a kind containing some iron). The specimen for anal. 12 contained 6j p. c.; and, allowing for this, the analysis becomes Si 47-47, Al 26-83, Fe 0-60, C(a 0-88, Na 14'42, H 9-61=99'81. This fact explains the discrepancies in other analyses. Savite afforded Bechi (1. c.) Si 49-17, l1 19'66, iMg 13'50, Na 10-52, K 1'23, 1 6-57=100-67. Sella suggests that the magnesia may come from the associated serpentine. Pyr., etc.-The Auvergne natrolite undergoes, according to Damour, no loss in dried air. At 240~ C. it loses nearly all its water and becomes milky and opaque; and if afterward exposed to the free air, it regains all it had lost, excepting its transparency and firm texture; if again heated, it loses its water at about 90~ C. In the closed tube whitens and becomes opaque. B.B. fuses quietly at 2 to a colorless glass. Fusible in the flame of an ordinary stearine or wax candle. Gelatinizes with acids. Obs.-Occurs in cavities in amygdaloidal trap, basalt, and other igneous rocks; and sometimes in seams in granite, gneiss, and syenite. It is found in the graustein of Aussig and Teplitz in Bohemia; in fine crystals at Puy de Marman and Puy de la Piquette in Auvergne; at Alpstein, near Sontra in Hesse; Monte Baldo, Tyrol; Fassathal, Tyrol; Kapnik in Hungary; Dellys in Algeria; Higau in Wiirtemberg (the Faserzeolith W;.), in yellowish radiated masses; etc. In red amygdules (crocalite) in amygdaloid of Ireland, Scotland, and the Tyrol; the amygdaloid of Bishoptown (galactite), acicular crystals, several inches long; at Glen Farg in Fifeshire; in Dumbartonshire; in Renfrewshire; at Glenarm in the county of Antrim; at Port Rush; and at Magee Island, near Larne, Ireland. In North America, natrolite occurs in the trap of Nova Scotia, at Gates' mountain, Cape d'Or, Swan's Creek, Cape Blomidon, Two Islands; at Bergen Hill, N. J.; sparingly at Chester, Ct.; at Copper Falls, Lake Superior, in crystals, sometimes on native copper; also on New York Island. Named Mesotype by Haiiy, from pEoog, middle, and TVo0, type, because the form of the crystalin his view a square prism-was intermediate between the forms of stilbite and analcite. Natrolite, of Klaproth, is from natron, soda; it alludes to the presence of soda, whence also the name soda-mesotylpe, in contrast with scolecite, or lime-mesotype. Schumacher's name bergmannite, after Bergmann, dates from the same year (1801) with Haiiy's mesotype. Alt. —Occurs altered to prehnite. Iron-natrolite is probably an altered variety. 379. SCOLECITE. Skolezit Gehlen & Fuchs, Schw. J., viii. 361, 1813. Mesotype pt. Fibrous Zeolite pt. Lime-Mesotype. Poonahlite Brooke, Phil. Mag., x. 110, 1831. Punahlit Germ. HYDROUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 429 Monoclinic. C=89~ 6', IA I=91~ 36', 0 A 1-'=161~ 161'; -a: b: c 0'3485:1:1 10282. Observed planes: 0; prismatic, I, -i4, i-i (only as composition-face), i-2; hemidome, 1-i; hemioctahedral, 1, -1, 3. 1 A 1-144~ 40',-1 A -1-144~ 20', IA 1-116~ 27', IA -1=143~ 28', i-I A 1 1070 40, i-$ A -1-107~ 56'. Crystals long or short prismns, or acicular, rarely well terminated, and always compound. Twins: composition-face i-i (orthod.); striae on i-i meeting along a vertical line in an angle of 24~ to 26~, the I lines converging downward on the implanted crystals. Cleavage: I nearly perfect. Also in nodules or massive; fibrous and radiated. H.5 —5'5. G.=2'16 — 24. Lustre vitreous, or silky when fibrous. Transparent to subtranslucent. Pyroelectric, the free end of the crystals the antilogue pole. Double refraction weak; optic-axial plane normal to i-i; divergence 53~ 41', for the red rays; bisectrix negative, parallel to i-"; plane of the axis of the red rays and their bisectrix inclined about 17~ 8' to i-i, and 93~ 3' to 1-i. Var.-a. In acicular crystals. b. Fibrous, radiated. c. Massive. IA I=91~ 22', Phillips and Descl.; 91~ 35', G. Rose. IA 1=116~ 34', Descl.; 117~ 10', Phillips. 1 A 1=144~ 40', Rose and Descl.; 144~ 15', Rose. Poonahlite of Brooke, from Poonah, Hindostan, has the angle IA 1=91~ 49', Kenngott. Comp.-O. ratio for A;, 1, Sti, -I- 1: 3: 6: 3; corresponding to 3 Si, Al, (a, 3 i1-Silica 45'8, alumina 26'2, lime 14-3, water 13'7=100. Analyses: 1-3, Fuchs & Gehlen (Schw. J., xviii. 13); 4, Guillemin (Ann. d. M., xii. 8); 5, Riegel (J. pr. Chem., xl. 317); 6, Gibbs (Pogg., lxxi. 565); 7, Giilich (Pogg., lix. 373); 8, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., IV. ix. 3); 9, Scott (Ed. Phil. J., liii. 277); 10, JT. W. Taylor (Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 410); 11, P. Collier (priv. contrib.); 12, Gmelin (Pogg., xlix. 538): Si Xl Ca iTa A 1. Iceland 48-93 25'99 10-44 - 13'90=99'26 Fuchs & Gehlen. 2. Farde, cryst. 46-19 25-88 13'86 0'48 13-62=100-03 Fuchs & Gehlen. 3. Staffa, fibrous 46-75 24'82 1420 0'39 13'64=98'80 Fuchs & Gehlen. 4. Auvergne 49'0 26'5 15'3 -- 9'0 -99-8 Guillemin. 5. Niederkirchen 48'16 23'50 14'50 0'30.13-50=99-96 RiegeL 6. Iceland 46172 25-90 1371 - 13-67-100 Gibbs. 7. " 46'76 26'22 13'68 -- 13-94-100'6 Giulich. 8. Chili 46-3 26'9 13'4 -- 14'0=100'6 Domeyko. 9. Mull, Scotland 46-21 27100 13'45 -- 13'78=100'44 Scott. 10. E. Indies 46-87 25'32 13'80 0'45 13'46, K 0'13=100'03 Taylor. 11. Ghauts 45-80 25'55 13'97 0-17 14-28, K 0'30=1000'7 Collier. G.-2.28. 12. Poonahlite 45-12 30'44 10'20 0'66 13'39, 1K tr.=99'81 Gmelin. Pyr., etc.-According to Damour, Iceland columnar masses lost nothing in dried air; nothing until the heat applied exceeded 100~ C.; at 300~ it had lost 5 p. c., which it regained in-moist air; at a dull red heat the loss was 12 p. c., and it was no longer hygroscopic; at a bright red it lost 13'9 p. c., and became after intumescence a white enamel. B.B. sometimes curls up like a worm (whence the name from aXX,7t, a worm, which gives scolecite, and not scolesite or scolezite); other varieties intumesce but slightly, and all fuse at 2 —22 to a white blebby enamel. Gelatinizes with acids like natrolite. Obs.-Occurs in the Berufiord, Iceland, where the crystals often exceed two inches in length, and are occasionally a quarter of an inch thick. It has also been met with in amygdaloid at Staffa; in the Isle of Mull; in Skye, at Talisker; near Eisenach in Saxony; near the Vietsch Glacier, Valais; near Poonah, in the Vendayah mountains, Hindostan; in Greenland; at Pargas, Finland; in Auvergne; the valley of Cachapual, in Chili. R, Hermann states (J. pr. Ch., 1xxii. 26) that he took a white amorphous plastic mass from a crevice in the columnar basalt of Stolpen, Saxony, and put it away in a box; and that after a long time, on opening the box, he found there, not the amorphous mass, but a group of white acicular crystals, which had all the aspect of scolecite. 430 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 380. ELLAGITE A. Nordenski'ld (Beskrifn., etc., 155, 1855). Regarded by Rammelsberg as a ferriferous natrolite. Occurs in yellow, brownish, or reddish-yellow crystalline masses; crystals cleavable in two directions with the intersections near 90~; opaque to subtranslucent; pearly on a cleavage surface. Igelstrdm obtained (Ramm. Min. Ch., 860) Si 47-13, A1 25-20, Fe 6'57, Ca 8-72, H 12-81=101-03, which, taking the iron as protoxyd, as the excess suggests, gives the 0. ratio 1: 3-1: 6-5: 3, or 1: 3: 6: 3, and the general constitution, therefore, of natrolite. B.B. forms a white enamel. 381. MESOLITE. Fuchs & Gehlen, Schw. J., viii. 353, xviii. 16, 1816. Mesotype pt. Fibrous Zeolitept. Mehl-Zeolith pt. Lime-and-Soda Mesotype. Antrimolite Thom., Min., i. 326, 1836. Harringtonite Thornm., Ed. N. Phil. J., xvii. 186, 1834. Triclinic? Descl.; but nearly isomorphous with scolecite, and similar in acicular crystallizations. IA 11=88~ to 880 15', and 910 41' to 92~; terminal angles of pyramid 142~ —143~, and 146~ —1460 10', the latter between faces of the two united halves. Cleavage: I and I' perfect. Crystals always twins; plane of composition one or both vertical diagonal planes. In more or less divergent groups or tufts, often very delicate; lateral planes commonly vertically striated. Also massive; nodules or masses usually silky fibrous or columnar; often bristled with capillary crystals; sometimes consisting of interlaced fibres; rarely stalactitic, radiated fibrous within; occasionally cryptocrystalline, porcelain-like. H.-=5. G.=2-2-2 2; 2-39, Iceland. Lustre of crystals vitreous; of fibrous massive more or less silky. Color white or colorless, grayish, yellowish. Fragile. Transparent-translucent; opaque, when amorphous. Brittle, but tough when cryptocrystalline. Optical characters different from those of scolecite, and compatible only with a triclinic form, Descl. Var. —Besides (a) the ordinary acicular and capillary crystallizations, divergent tufts (less delicate commonly than those of natrolite, but sometimes downy), and fibrous nodules or masses, mesolite occurs (b) in fibrous stalactites, with the fibres radiating from the centre-the variety called Antrimolite by Thomson, from Antrim, Ireland, having H.=3-5-4, G.=2'096; also (c) amorphous, chalk-white, like an almond in lustre, opaque and tough, with H.-5-5-'5, and G. — 221, the variety named Harringtonite by Thomson, also from Antrim; G.=2'174, Haughton. According to Kenngott, the prismatic fibres of the antrimolite have IA 1=92~ 13', and two vertical edges are bevelled by a prism of 150~ 30'. Comp.-O. ratio for X, X, Si, 1H=-1: 3: 6: 3; corresponding to 3 Si, 1,( ( Na+i-Na), 3 -= Silica 45-6, alumina 26-0, lime 9'5, soda 5-2, water 13-7 = 100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Jahresb., iii. 147); 2-5, Fuchs & Gehlen (Schw. J., xviii. 1); 6, Reigel (J. pr. Ch., xl. 317); 7, Thomson (Phil. Mag., 1840); 8, Breidenstein (Ramm. 5th Suppl., 168); 9, v. Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 267); 10, Thomson (Min., i. 326); 10-15, Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. xiii. 50, 148); 16, 17, H. How (Am. J. Sci., II. xxvi. 32); 18, 19, Thomson (1. c.); 20, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, 1854); 21, Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxii. 225); 22, 23, 0. 0. Marsh (priv. contrib.): Si Al Ona iTa A 1. Farae 46-80 26-50 9-87 5-40 12'30=100'87 Berzelius. 2. " cr'yst. 47100 26'13 9'35 5-47 12-25=100'20 Fuchs & Gehlen. 3. Iceland, fibrous 46-78 25'66 10-06 4179 12'31=99'60 Fuchs & Gehlen. 4. " 47-46 25-35 10-04 4'87 12-41=100'13 Fuchs & Gehlen. 5. Tyrol 46'04 27-00 9'61 5-20 12-86=10021 Fuchs & Gehlen. 6. Niederkirchen 46-65 27-40 9'26 4-91 12'00=100'22 Riegel. 7. Giant's Causeway 48-88 26'36 1-64 4-20 12'32, Mg 2'46=101'86 Thomson. 8. Iceland 45178 27153 9'00 5-03 12-38, K 0'31=100' 03 Breidenstein. 9. Berufiord, Iceland 46-41 26-24 9-68 4'46 13-76, K 0'41, MIg 0-01'100'97 Waltersh. 10. Antrimolite 43-47 30-26 7-50 - 15-32, i 4-10, Fe 0-19, C1 0-10=100-84 T. 11. " 45-98 26-18 10-78 4-54 13-00-100-45 Heddle. 12. Talisker, Syke 46'71 26-62 9-08 5'39 12-83=100'63 Heddle. 13. Storr, " 46-'2 26-70 8-90 5-40 12-92 —10064 Heddle. 14. Kilmore, " 46-26 26-48 10-00 4-98 13-04=100-76 Heddle. 15. Naalsde, Farce 46-80 26-46 9'08 5-14 12-28=99-76 Heddle. HYDROVUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 431 Si;l Oa fTa AI 16. Nova Scotia (2) 46-66 26'48 9-63 4'83 12'25=9990 How. 17. " 46-71 26'68 9'55 5-68 11'42=100'04 How. 18. Harringtonite 44'96 26'85 11'01 5-56 10-28, Fe 088-=99'54 Thomson. 19. " 44'84 28-48 10-68 5'56 10-28-99'85 Thomson. 20. " 45-71 26-58 11'48 3'80 13'11=100'68 Hauer. 21. " Bombay 45'60 27-30 12-12 2'76 12-99,M.gtr., K063-101l40H. G.=2'174. 22. C. Blomidon, N. S. 45-89 27-55 9'13 5'09 12-79, K: 0-48=100-93 Marsh. 23. Sandy Cove, N. S. 45'39 28-09 7'55 5'28 12'71, K 049= —9951 Marsh. Pyr., etc.-Yields water in the closed tube. 13.B. becomes opaque, swells up into vermicular forms, but not in so marked a manner as scolecite, fusing easily to a blebby enamel. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid (Fuchs). Obs.-Occurs in amygdaloid and related rocks. The fibrous kinds, especially the coarser, are usually a little less smoothly or neatly fibrous than those of natrolite. On Skye, in delicate interlacing crystals called cotton-stone, and in feathery tufts, and in solid masses consisting of radiating crystals; in downy tufts and other forms at Naalsde on Farie; also with chabazite in Eigg; near Edinburgh and Kinross, and at Hartfield Moss, in Scotland; in Antrim, at the Giant's Causeway, in acicular crystallizations; also at Ballintoy in Antrim, stalactitic (antrimolite), investing yellow calcite, or chabazite; in Antrim, in veins of amorphous mesolite (harringtonite), at Portrush and at the Skerries; and at Magee Island, and Agnew's Hill, 5 m. W. of Lame; also at other localities, as stated above. In the North Mountain of King's County, and Gates' Mountain, of Annapolis Co., N. Scotia, with fardelite, in masses, sometimes large..one reported as large as a man's head), usually within fine fibrous, radiated, and somewhat plumose; also at Cape Blomidon. 382. LEVYNIT:E. Levyne Brewster, Ed. J. Sci., ii. 332, 1825. Mesolin Berz., Ed, Phil. J., vii. 6, 1822. Rhombohedral. R A R- 106~ 3; 0 A R=136~ 1'; a=0-83583. Observed planes, as in the annexed figure, with also -3; -2 A-2, term. edge, =79~ 29', -2 A 2-=125 3 14', O\3 3-09~ 3', 0 A 2=117~ 23'. Cleavage: -2, indistinct. Twins: composition-face 0, as in chabazite. Crystals often striated; often in druses, Double refraction strong; axis negative. H. — 4-4 5. G.=209 —216. Lustre vitreous. Colorless, white, grayish, greenish, reddish, yellowish. Transparent to translucent. Var.-Levynite occurs in crystals, usually tabular, and presenting the plane O, a plane not known in crystals of chabazite. It differs from chabazite also in cleavage. The original crystals were from Dalsnypen, Faroe. Mesolin is a white granular material from Farde, which may be chabazite; it fills small cavities in amygdaloid. Comp.-O. ratio for iR, Si,, = 11: 3: 6: 4 from Damour's analyses; corresponding to 3 Si, iZ, (Ca, Na, 1K), 4 1. Berzelius's analyses, which are suspected to have been made on a mixture of chabazite and levynite (see Greg & Lettsom, 179), give the ratio of chabazite, 1: 3: 8: 5. Analyses: 1, 2, Berzelius (Jahresb., iii. 146, v. 216); 3, Connel (Phil. Mag., v. 50); 4, 5, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. ix. 333): Bi 3l Oa NTa K{ IY 1. Farde, Levynite 48'00 20'00 8'35 2'86 0-41 19-30, k/Ig 0 4=99'32 Berzelius. 2. " Mesolin 47-60 21-40 7'90 4'80 -- 18-19-99'79 Berzelius. 3. Skye, Levynite 46'30 22'47 9'72 1'55 1-26 19-51, Fe, lMn 0-96=102'07 Connel. 4. Iceland, " 45'04 21-04 9'72 1'42 1'63 17'49=99'34 Damour. 5. " " 45'76 23'56 10'57 1'36 1'64 17-33=100'22 Damour. Pyr., etc.-Iceland crystals, according to Damour, lose 4 p. c. in dried air, and regain all again soon in the free air. When heated, begin to lose water at 70~ C.; at 225~ the loss is 12 to 13 p. c.; remain hygroscopic up to 360~. The loss is completed at a white heat, when the min. eral is a white blebby glass. B.B. intumesces and fuses to a white blebby glass, nearly opaque. Gelatinizes with muriatic and nitric acids. 432 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Obs.-Lines cavities in amygdaloid, and is, with a rare exception, the "sole tenant of its druses, even though these druses be within a quarter of an inch of others containing chabazite associated with half a dozen other zeolites " (Heddle); it shows thus its distinctiveness from chabazite Found at Glenarm and at Island Magee, Antrim; near Dungiven, Magilligan, and elsewhere in Londonderry; Hartfield Moss, near Glasgow; at Dalsnypen, Faroe, and on the Island Waagde; at Godhavn, Disco Island, Greenland; at Onundarfiord, Dyrefiord, and elsewhere in Iceland. Named after the mineralogist and crystallographer, A. Levy 383. ANALCITE. Zeolite dure (fr. Etna) Dolomieu, F. de St Fond Min. des Volcans, 198, 1784. Wiirfelzeolith pt. [rest Chabazite] Emmerling, Min., 205, 1793; Lenz, i. 241, 1794. [Form, f. 9, described.] Zeolite cubique, Z. leucitique, Delarneth., T. T., ii. 307, 308, 1797. Analcime H., Tr., iii. 1801. Analcite Galitzin, Dict. Min., 12, 1801. Kubizit Wern., 1803, Ludwig's Min., ii. 210, 1804. Analzim Wern., Letzt. Min. Syst., 6. Kuboit Breith., Char., 153, 1832 (Analzim, p. 127). Isometric. In trapezohedrons, f. 10, also f. 9, and another form similar, excepting a very low pyramid, m, m, in place of each O. Cleavage: cubic, in traces. Also massive granular. iH. =5-5-5'. G.- 222 —2-29; 22T78, Thomson. Lustre vitreous. Colorless; white; occasionally grayish, greenish, yellowish, or reddish-white. Streak white. Transparent-nearly opaque. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for 1, i, Si, f-=1: 3: 8: 2, corresponding to 4 Si, Xl, Na, 2-=Silica 54:4, alumina 23-3, soda 14-1, water 8-2=100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Gilb. Ann.. lxxii. 181); 2, Henry (Pogg., xlvi. 264); 3, Leschner (Breith. Min., 1847, 410); 4, Connel (Ed. J. Sci., 1829, 262); 5, Thomson (Min., i. 438); 6, Avdejef (Pogg., lv. 107); 7, 8, Riegel (J. pr. Ch., xl. 317); 9, Weltzien (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 287); 10, Rammelsberg (Pogg., cv. 317, Min. Ch., 804); 11, Waltershausen (Vulk. Gest., 266); 12, 13, Rammelsberg (1. c.): Si Al Oa IJa iR t 1. Fassathal 55'12 22'99 - 13'53 -- 827= —99'91 Rose. 2. Blagodat, Cuboite 57'34 22'58 0'35 11'86 0'55 9-00=101'68 Henry. 3. " " 51-00 24'13 0-75 11-75 - 9'75, e 1-50=98-88 Leschner. 4. Kilpatrick 55-07 22'23 - 13'17 -- 8-22=99-23 Connel 5. Giant's Causeway 55'60 23'00 -- 14'65 -- 790=101'15 Thomson. 6. Brevig 55'16 23'55 tr. 14'23 tr. 8'26=101'20 Avdejef. 7. Niederkirchen 57'50 23'15 5-63 6-45 -- 800, Fe 0'10=100'83 Riegel. 8. i" 56'12 24-00 5-82 6'45 - 800, Fe 0-15=100'54 Riegel. 9. Kaiserstuhl 54'02 22-54 2-91 10'14 0'71 8'93, Mg0'57,Vel-35,'tr.=-101l17W. 10. Wessela 5622 22'22 0'27 12-10 1-45 833=100-59 Rammelsberg. 11. Cycl. I'ds, G.=2'236 53-72 24-03 1-23 7'92 4-46 8'50, Mg 0'05=99 91 Waltersh. 12. it 55-22 23'14 0'25 12-19 1-52 7'68= —100 Rammelsberg. 13. " 54-34 23-61 0'21 12'95 0'66 8'11, Fe 0'12=100 Rammelsberg. Pyr., etc.-Yields water in the closed tube. B.B. fuses at 2'5 to a colorless glass. C -lati. nizes with muriatic acid. Breithaupt has found (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 337) the sp. gr. of the opaque analcite from Lake Superior =-209, and for the nearly transparent =2'1-2'11. But a microscope shows, as Brush has observed, that the crystals are full of air cavities. Obs. —The Cyclopean Islands, near Catania, Sicily, afford pellucid crystals (f. 9); also the Tyrol; Scotland, in the Elilpatrick Hills; Bowling, pseudomorphs after laumontite; Glen Farg; near Edinburgh; at lilmalcolm; the Campsie Hills, etc.; at Antrim, etc., in Ireland; the Farbe Islands; Iceland; the Vincentine, with prehnite, chabazite, apophyllite, etc.; Wessela, near Aussig, Bohemia; at Arendal, in Norway, in beds of iron ore; at Andreasberg, in the Harz, in silver mines. Nova Scotia affords fine specimens at Martial's Cove, Five Islands, Cape d'Or, Swan's Creek, and Cape Blomidon; crystals like f. 9, 10, occur at Bergen Hill, New Jersey; in gneiss, near Yonkers, Westchester Co., N. Y. (f. 10); at Perry, Maine, with apophyllite, in greenstone; abundant in fine crystals, with prehnite, datolite, and calcite, in the Lake Superior region; in the HYDROUS SILICATES, ZEOLITE SECTION. 433 gangue of the copper, at Copper Falls and north-western mines, and at Michipicoton Island (form 2-2), and also at other mines not now worked. i The name Analcinme is from diX,\Kt, weak, and alludes to its weak electric power when heated or rubbed. The correct derivative is analcite, as here adopted for the species. Alt.-Picranalcime of Meneghini and Bechi (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 62) is probably analcite altered by the magnesian process. It occurs in geodes in the gabbro rosso of Tuscany, and also in the steatitic paste of a metalliferous dyke; forms f. 9, 10, with distinct cubic cleavage. H._-5. G. -=-225. Color flesh-red to colophonite-red. Lustre vitreous. Composition, according to mean of two analyses by E. Bechi (1. c.), Si 59-11, A1 22-08, Mg 10-12, Na 0'45, K 0-02, H 7167=99-45. Formula Mg3 i3' + 3 Al Si3 + 6 H, Bechi. Associated with calcite, caporcianite, and picrothomsonite. A somewhat similar compound, a pseudomorph after analcite, has been observed by Guthe (Jahrb. Min., 1863, 590) in the clay-iron ore of Duingen. An analysis by Stromeyer (1. c.) afforded Si 5671, 1 21-2, Fe 2-8, Na 9'1, Ei 9-8-99-6. The Cluthalite of Thomson (Min., i. 3,9, 1836) occurs in flesh-red vitreous crystals in amygdaloid at the Kilpatrick Hills. H.=3-5. G.=2'166. Opaque or subtranslucent. Fragile. Analy0 sis afforded Si 51'266, A1 23'560, Fe 7'306, Na 5.130, Mg 1-233, H 10'553=99-048. It may be altered analcite. Analcite altered to a mixture of calcite and hydrous silicate of alumina has been observed by Tschermak. Also occurs altered to prehnite. 384. EUDNOPHEITE. Eunophit Weibye, Pogg., lxxix. 303, 1850. Orthorhombic. IA — 120~, IA 1-=-130~, 1-T A 1-, over 0,=840 9'. Form a six-sided prism (JI i-i) with the dome 1-4. Cleavage: 0 perfect; i-; and i-i, less so. Commonly massive, cleavable. H. =-5'5. G. = 227. Lustre weak, a little pearly on the cleavage-faces. Color white, grayish, brownish. Streak white. Translucent; in thin lainine transparent. Optically biaxial; double refraction strong; Descl. Comp.-O. ratio for,', Si, t=-1: 3: 83: 2, or the same as for analcite. Analyses by von Borck and Berlin (1. c.): Si li NWa ft 1. 54'93 25'59 14'06 8'29=102'87 Borck. 2. 55'06 23'12 14'06 8-16=100-40 Berlin. Pyr., etc. —Fuses to a colorless glass. Gelatinizes with muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs in a coarse syenite on the island Lamde, near Brevig, Norway, with catapleiite, leucophanite, mosandrite, etc. Named from Eibvobos, obscurity, in allusion to the cloudiness of the mineral. 385. FAUJASITE. Damour, Ann. d. M., IV. i. 395, 1842. Isometric. In octahedrons. Twins: composition-face the octahedral. H. =5. G.-1'923. Lustre vitreous; sometimes adamantine. Colorless-white; brown externally. Fragile; fracture vitreous and uneven. No action on polarized light. Comp.-O. ratio for Ift, A, Si, 1t=-1 3: 9: 9; corresponding to 41 Si, Al, (I (1a+~ a), 9,t= Silica 45'5, alumina 1714, lime 4'7, soda 5'2, water 2712=100. Analyses: 1, Damour (1. c.); 2, id. (ib., xiv. 67): Si A1 (Ca Ta ft 1. Kaiserstuhl 49-36 16'77 5'00 4-34 22-49=97 96. 2 " 46-12 16'81 4'19 5'09 27'02=99'83. Pyr., etc.-According to Damour, loses 15 p. c. of water when exposed for one month to dry 28 434 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. air, but regains almost all of it in ordinary air in 24 hours. Heated at 50~-55~ C. for one hour loses 15'2 p. c.; at 600-65~, 10'4 p. c.; at 0-715~', 19'5 p. c., which is almost entirely regained by exposure to air for a few weeks. B.B. fuses with intumescence to a white blebby enamel. Decomposed by muriatic acid without gelatinization. Obs.-Occurs with augite in the amygdaloid of Kaiserstuhl, Baden. The adamantine lustre sometimes existing is attributed to a thin bituminous coating. Named by Damour after Faujas de Saint Fond. 386. CHABAZITE. Zeolithus albus cubicus Islandim v. Born, Lithoph. i. 46, 1772. Zeolite en cubes Faujas, Volc. Viv., 126, 1718; de Lisle, Crist., ii. 40, 1783. Chabazie (fr. Oberstein) Bosc d'Antic, J. d'Hist. N., ii. 181, 1180. Wiirfelzeolith pt. (rest analcite) Wern., Emmerling Min., i. 205, 1793. Chabasie (rhombohedral form recognized)H., Tr., iii. 1801. Chabasin Karst., Tab., 30, 1808. Schabasit Wern., Hoffmn. Kuboizit Weiss, Hoffm. Min., iv. b, 41, 1818, Mag. Ges. N. Fr., Berlin, vii. 181, 1816. Phakolit Breith.; Tamnnau, Jahrb. Min., 653, 657, 1836. Haydenite Cleaveland, Min., 478, 1822. Acadialite Alger & Jackson (without publication)=" No Chabasie" E. HoffmBann, Am. J. Sci., xxx. 366, 1836;=Acadiolite Thomson, Phil. Mag., xxii. 192, 1843; Hayes, Am. J. Sci., II. i. 122, 1846. Rhombohedral.? A R=94~ 46', 0 A R-1290 15'; a=1-06. Observed planes: prismatic, i-2; rhombohedral, R, -, -2; pyramidal, ]-2 (t); scalenohedral, 13 (o, bevelling terminal edge of?, or replacing edge between RI and -~ R); 14 (1), always striated parallel to edge X (f. 396). 395 396 397 Haydenite, 398 R A -=137~ 23' -2 A -2, term.,= —72 53' R A -_, ov. -2, 83 31 -_~ A 3 _155 18 R A -2, vert., 119 42 X in 1=103 28 R /~R| R)L\ RB A -2, across, 126 261 Yin 1=174 5 -2 - A-2, term., -125 13 Xin 3 ov. - 1 —130 36 i2 zz tAt, term.,=145 54 Yin -3=155 53 \U? i-\2 /; U Twins: composition-face 0, very common, and usuHf\,/ R ally in compound twins, as in f. 397, 398; 2, c.-face R, rare. Cleavage rhombohedral, rather distinct. lH.=4-5. G. —208 —219. Lustre vitreous. Color Faroe. white, flesh-red; streak uncolored. Transparenttranslucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Double refraction weak; in polarized light, images rather confused; axis in some crystals (Bohemia) negative, in others (from Andreasberg) positive; Descl. HYDROUS SILICATESJ ZEOLITE SECTION. 435 Var.-1. Ordinary. The most common form is the fundamental rhombohedron, in which the angle is so near 90~ that the crystals were at first mistaken for cubes. R A R-94~ 46', Phillips, Haid.; 940 36', fr. Kilmalcolm, Tamnau; 940 58', fr. Riibenddrfel, id.; 95~ 2', fr. Fassa, id.; 940 24', fr Oberstein, Breith. Acadialite, from Nova Scotia (Acadia of the French of last century), is only a reddish chabazite; sometimes nearly colorless. In some specimens the:coloring matter is arranged in a tesselated manner, or in layers, with the angles almost colorless. 2. Phacolite is a colorless variety occurring in twins of mostly a-hexagonal form (f. 397), and often much modified so as to be lenticular in shape (whence the name, from oaKo6, a bean); the original was from Leipa in Bohemia; R A/ R=94~ 24', fr Oberstein, Breith. 3. Haydenite is a yellowish variety in small crystals of the form in fig. 396, from Jones'sFalls, near Baltimore, Md.; the crystals are often twinned parallel to R. Chabazite crystals discovered by Ulrich in the Oklerthal, Harz, in cavities in the granite, have G.=-2'189, and their edges scratch glass (v. Rath, Pogg., cxxii. 404). Comp. —For most chabazite 0. ratio for Sf, X, i, t= -1: 3: 8: 6; corresponding to 4 Si, Kl, -;: (Na, K)), 6 II; some, 1: 3: 9: 6, the same in constituents except 4~ Si. For the phacolite,' Rammelsberg, 1: 3: 7: 5.::;:.t.fi...':-?.'Hofmann (Pogg., xxv. 495); 4, Berzelius (Afh., vi. 190); 5, Rammelsberg "-omson (Min., i. 334); 7, Connell(Edinb. J., 1829, 262)-; 8, Durocher (Ann. d. 1;., q -:,-u 8- nth (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxvi. 274, 1848); L0, Engelhardt (Ann. Ch. Pharm., iax:..'oberg (2d SuppL., p. 34); 12, 13, A. A. Hayes (Am. J. Sci., II. i. 122); 14, _ x!:!::,..... lxii. 149); 15, Anderson (Ed. N. Phil. J., 1843, 23); 16, Schr6der (Jahrb. Mm.,:!:;; Si 4 Na i: K [ 1. Parsboro, N. S. 51'46 17-65 C: J9 0l17 19'66, Ve 0'85-=99'79 Hofmann. 2. Fassathal 48'63 19'52 10'2z'J'56 0'28 20.70=-99'91 Hofmann. - " -48'18 i9'27 9 65 154 0-21 21 10=99:95 Hofmann. i.:;:-: B - o 1-70 19-90=99'52 Berzelius. a::-':'i;'':: 0-25 2 -56 [20'47]=100 Rammelsberg. - i - 155 21'72-99'93 Thomson. -.- i r:1 -:'~ 2-58 20'83=99'50.Connell. 8. Farce 47" t zuL'o u ai 2'34 1'65 21'30-99-63 Durocher. -. i1V1*-' - g71 10-63 0,65 0-33 22-29, 3e 0'15=100'7'Genth:, j: 47 11'01 - 1'17 19-65, Mg 0'26 Engelharat.. 9-14'-84 0'71 0'98 19'19=-00 Rammelsberg.,....'' 7.88 4-24 4'07 3'03 18'30=99-54 Hayes.:u z 1827 6-58 2-12 20'52=99'69 Hayes. -':;:~. _'t +: /:.. -; 33^ 21'87 10'40 0'95 1'29 [19-16]=100 Rammelsberg. -~:. 63 19'48 13-30 1'68 1831 17-98, Mg 0'14, Fe 0'43-99'95 Anderson. 19 17'45 7'13 2'12 0-62 22-09, ]a 0-48, Sr 0'32=100'40 Schro der. The baryta ana strontia of the Oberstein crystals were first detected by spectral analysis; and by the same method the absence of these earths from the Iceland was ascertained. T'.,se ohta.ined in an analysis of haydenite, made on too small an amount of material to be... (::-:i Si 49'5, li, Fe 23,5, Ca 2'70, lMg tr., 1 2'50, H 21'0=99-2. Silli-:..: ~-:: -; - 4.: t. ~d.) is wholly erroneous.. -:= ^ 4=173 49 1-2 A 1-2, adj.,=141 48 i-2 A 1-2=143 61 i-i A \i- =118 33.-i A ~=123 45 i-4 A i-, top,=113 48. -A — =135 4 -- A 3-Z, top,=54 4 is 4 i \ A, adj.,= 126 1-iYA -Zt, top,=167 38 Twins: composition-face i-i, common. Also massive. H.=6 — 6-5. G.=7 —8. Lustre nearly pure metallic, somewhat adamantine. Color iron-black. Streak reddish-brown to black. Opaque. Brittle. Comp., Var.-(Pe, In) Ta, with sometimes stannic acid (9n) replacing part of the tantalic. A tantalate either (1) of iron (anal. 1-11, 13-15, 19, 20), or (2) of iron and manganese (anal. 12), or *(3) a stanno-tantalate of these two bases, part of the tantalic acid being replaced by oxyd of tin (anal. 16-18, 21-23). Number 1 is the Ferrotantalite of Thomson; 1 and 2, the Siderotantalite of Hausmann; 3, the Cassiterotantalite and Ixiolite. The kinds shade into one another. The last has the lowest specific gravity, G.=7-7'3. The mineral varies in the state of oxydation of the bases, owing, as Rose has shown, to alteration of the protoxyds to sesquioxyds; with the increase.of the latter the streak loses its black color. It varies also in O. ratio for bases and acid between 1: 4 and 1: 5. The latter corresponds to Tantalic acid 86'05, protoxyd of iron 13'95, and the former to 83'1 and 16-9. Rose finds that prolonged washing of the powdered mineral carries off the iron. Analyses: 1, Nordenskibld (Jahresb., xii. 190); 2, Jacobson (Pogg., lxiii. 317); 3, Brooks (lb.); 4, Weber (Pogg., civ. 85); 5, 6, Arppe (Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn., vi.; Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1862, 155); 7, Biornstrand (Mem. Univ. Lund., 1865, J. pr. Ch., xcix. 43); 8, Damour (Ann. d. M., IV. xiii. 337); 9, 10, Jenzsch (Pogg., xcvii. 104-the 2d anal. of a specimen altered by exposure); 11, Chandler;(Inaug. Dissert.); 12, 13, Berzelius (Schw. J., xvi. 259, 447, xxxi. 387); 14, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., ]xx. 205); 15, A. Nordenskidld (Pogg., ei. 630); 16, Wornum (Pogg., lxiii. 317); 17, 18, Weber }(Pogg., civ. 85); 19, A. Nordenskiold (Pogg., cvii. 374); 20, Blomstrand (I. c.); 21-23, Berzelius.(Afh., iv. 172, 205, 207).: TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. 515 Ta Sn Fe Mn 1u Ca 1. Tammela 83,44 tr. 13'75 1'12 tr. -=98'31 Nordenski51d; G.=7'264 2. " 84'15 0-32 14'68 0'90 1'81 0'07=101'93 Jacobson; G.=7'197. 3. " 84'70 0'50 14-29 1-78 0'04 — =100'81 Brooks. 4.': 83'90 0'66 13-81 0'74 0'11 -.=99-22 Weber; G.=7-414. 5. " 83'66 0'80 15'54 - - =100 Arppe; G.=7-36. 6. " 82-71 0'83 15 99 -- - - =9953 Arppe. 7. " 84-05 0'81 14'47 027 - - Mg 0-08=99-68 Blomstrand. 8. Chanteloube 82'98 1'21 14'62 tr. Si 0-42 — =99'23 Damour; G.=7-65. 9. " 83'55 1'02 14'48 tr. Zr 1-54 — =100-59 Jenzsch; G.-=7'703. 10. l' 78'98 2'36 13'62 tr. " 5-72 -=100'68 Jenzsch; G.=7-04. 11. " 79'89 151 14:14 1'82 " 1'32 — =9867 Chandler; G.=7-53. 12. Kimito 83-2 0'6 T72 7-4 — =98-4 Berz. 13. " 85-85 0-80 12'94 1-60 Si 0-72 0'56=102'47 Berz.; G.=7-936. 14. " 84'09 0'70 3-33 1-32 Pe10'08 — 9970 IHerm. 15. " 84-44 1'26 13-41 0-96 Ou 0-14 0'15=100'36 Nord.; G.=7785. 16. " 77'83 6'81 8-47 4'88 " 024 0'50=98'73 Wornum; G.=7'155. 17. " 7571 9'67 980 4,32 -- -=9950 Weber. 18. " 76-81 9-14 9'49 4 27 0'07 0'41=100'19 Weber; G.=7-277. 19. Bjdrkboda 83'79 1-78 13'42 1'63 =- 100 62 Nord. 20. "' 81-46 1-99 13'03 2-29 0 35, r 027, Zr 0-26, Mg 0'19=99'84 Blomstrand. 21. Broddbo 68'22 8'26 Fe 9'58 ]n' 715 W 6-19 1'19=100'59 Berz. 22. " 66'35 8-40 "11'07 " 6'60 " 6'12 1'50=100'04 Berz. 23. Finbo 66'99 16'75 " 7'67 "' 7-98 2'40=101'79 Berz. Tantalic and columbic acids were formerly supposed to contain either 3 or 2 of oxygen, and a hypotantalic and a hypocolumbic were recognized. The recent results of Marignac, confirmed by those of Blomstrand, have led to the conclusion that there is but one acid, and that this one contains 5 of oxygen, as represented in the symbol above used. Klaproth obtained from the Kimitotantalite (Beitr., v. 5) Ta 88, Fe 10, Mn 2=100; Vau.quelin (Haiiy Tabl., 308"Ta 83, Pe 12, Mn 8=103; and Wollaston (Phil. Trans., 1809) Ta 85, Fe 10, Min 4=99. Pyr., eto.-B.B. unaltered. With borax slowly dissolved, yielding an iron glass, which, at a certain point of saturation, gives, when treated in R.F. and subsequently flamed, a grayish-white bead; if completely saturated becomes of itself cloudy on cooling. With salt of phosphorus dissolves slowly, giving an iron glass, which in R.F., if free from tungstic acid, is pale yellow on cooling; treated with tin on charcoal it becomes green. If tungstic acid is present the bead is dark red, and is unchanged in color when treated with tin on charcoal. With soda and nitre gives a greenish-blue manganese reaction. On charcoal, with soda and sufficient borax to dissolve the oxyd of iron, gives in R.F. metallic tin. Decomposed on fusion with bisulphate of potash in the platinum spoon, and gives on treatment with dilute muriatic acid a yellow solution and a heavy white powder, which, on addition of metallic zinc, assumes a smalt-blue color; on dilution with water the blue color soon disappears (v. Kobell). Obs.-Tantalite is confined mostly to albite or oligoclase granite, and is usually associated with beryl. Near Hiirkiisaari, tantalite is associated with rose quartz and gigantolite, in albitic granite. At Katiala it is associated with lepidolite, black tourmaline, and colorless beryl. Occurs in Finland, in Tammela, at Hirkasaari near Torro, associated with gigantolite and rose quartz; in Kimito at Skogb6le, in Somero at Kaidasuo, and in Kuortane at Katiala, with lepidolite, tourmaline, and beryl; in Sweden, in Fahlun, at Broddbo and Finbo; in France, at Chanteloube near Limoges, in pegmatite. Ixiolite, from Kimito, was instituted on a supposed (not real) difference of crystalline form. Ildefonsite is from Ildefonso, Spain, and has G.=7'416, H.=6-7. Named Tantalite by Ekeberg, from the mythic Tantalus, in playful allusion to the difficulties (tantalizing) he encountered in his attempts to make a solution of the Finland mineral in acids. The name was afterward extended to the American mineral columbite, and to the same from other localities; while the name columbite, the metal columbium having been discovered a little prior to tantalum, received a similar extension, so as to include all tantalite. The subsequent discovery that tantalum and columbium were distinct metals, and that the two compounds differed also in the atomic proportions of the constituents, finally established them as independent species. 474. COLUMBITE. Ore of Columbium (fr. Conn.) altchelt, Phil. Tr., 1802. Columbite Jameson, Min., ii. 582, 1805. Columbate of Iron. Columbeiseu Germ. Baierine (fr. Bavaria) Beud., Tr., ii. 655, 1832. Torrelite Thom., Rec. Gen. Sci., iv. 408, 1836. Niobite Haid., Handb., 549, 516 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 1845. Greenlandite Breith., B. H. Ztg., xvii. 61, 1858. Dianite v. Kob., Ber. Ak. Miinchen, Mar. 10, 1860. Orthorhombic. IA I=101~ 26'; 0 A 1-i=1340 53k'; a: b': c=10038: 1:1'2225. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-T, i-i, I, i —, i-2, i-s; domes, W -iT -Z 2; 1-4, 2-i; octahedral, ~1, 1; -2 2-2; 1-i, 2-i; 2-; 1-, 2-, 9-s; 2-6, 4-12. Of these planes, zone 1-i: i-i contains 1-4, 1-s, 1-, 1, 2-2; zone 2-': i- contains 2-i, 2-b, 2-S, 2-2, 2-i; zone — i: -t contains ~, 1-S 2-, 4-i'2; zone — Z: Zi- contains 2-i, -2, 1-., 2-s. 428 429 430 -f Haddam. Middletown, Conn. Bodenmais. 431 0 A ~ i=1610 30' i-i A 1=10~ 43' A 2 —=146 13 -~ A I —= 129 17 OA0 A1- =140 36 i-i A i —-157 50 0A 2-I=121 20 i-i A 1-5=127 55 <22 23 ttttttO 0 A 1=127 38 i-t A 2-4=148 40 it 0 A 1 —= 138 26 1-5 A 1-s, adj.,=-151 l ~i~ ii &al O 0 2-=-119 25 i- A i-s, ov. i-i 135 40,-i A 1=127 48 i-2 A i-2 ov. - =-135 30 2i-i A 1=120 6 i-9 A i-s=121 34 1-j A 1 —= 104 30 i-9 A 2-9=150 35 Greenland. i-i A i-2=157 45 Twins: composition-face 2-i. Cleavage: i-i and i-i, the former most distinct. Occurs also rarely massive. H.=6. G.=-54- 6'5. Lustre submetallic; a little shining. Color iron-black, brownish-black, grayish-black; often iridescent. Streak dark red to black. Opaque. Fracture subconchoidal, uneven. Brittle. Compp.,Var. —Columbate and tantalate of iron and manganese, of the general formula (Fe, Mn) (Cb, Ta), with at least twice as much atomically of columbic as of tantalic acid, and with the specific gravity increasing as the proportion of tantalic acid increases (Blomstrand, 1865; Marignac, 1866). The following are some of the ratios from Marignac's determinations: (1) From Greenland, Ta 3'3 p. c.; db: Ta=35: 1. (2) Acworth, N. H., La Vilate, near Limoges, and the dianite of Bodenmais, Ta 1568-13-4; Ib: Ta=7 or 8: 1. (8) Another fr. Bodenmais, Ta 27'1; Co: T'a=3: 1. (4) A third fr. Bodenmais, Ta 35-4; Cb: Ta=about 2: 1. (5) From iladdam, Ta 30'4, and another 31-5; 6b: T'1a=2 5: 1. (6) In another from Haddam he found only 10 p. c. of tantalic acid, but queries the result. Blomstrand obtained for a Haddam specimen (anal. TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. 511 8) Nb:'Ta=3: 1, with G.=6-151; for one fr. Bodenmais (anal. 16), Cb: Ta=4: 1, with G= 5'75; another fr. B. (anal. 17),'Ub: T'a=25: 1, with G.=6'26; for one fr. Greenland, no Ta, with G.=5-395. His results all give for the O. ratio of bases and acids 1: 5. No. 3. above, gives the formula 3 (Fe, Mn) Cb+(Fe, Mn) Ta; and No. 4, 2 (Fe, Mn) Ob+(Fe, Mn) Ta; while 1 gives 35 ('e, ]n) "(b+(Fe, Mn) Ta. Fe ~b corresponds to columbic acid 78-83, protoxyd of iron 21l17-=100. The following are the G. of the specimens employed for the analyses below: Connecticut, anal. 2, 6-469-5'495; 3, 51708; 4, 5'8; 5, 5'58 —5'59; 6, 6-028-6'048; 7, 5'85. Bavaria, anal. 9, 6'39; 11, 5'7; 12, 6'02-6-06; 13, 5'976; 14, 5'971; 15, 5-698. Ilmen Mts., anal. 19, 5'49 —5'73; 20, 5%461; 21, 5'447. Greenland, anal. 22, 23, 5-375; 24, 5-40 —542. Chan. teloube, anal. 27, 5-60 —5727. Other G. are as follows: 0. fr. Northfield, Mass., 6'5, Shepard; fr. Monte Video, S. A., 5'660, Maskelyne; fr. Haddam, 5'967, Schrauf; fr. Middletown, 5-590 and 5-645, id.; fr. Greenland, 5'395, id.; fr. Bodenmais, 6'115, id. The Bodenmais specimens, having the highest G., give a black powder; and others, of less, a dark reddish-brown, but as a result of partial alteration, Rose. The angles of the crystals vary considerably. The angles above given are those calculated by Schrauf after a study of the crystals of various localities, adopting for the basis i-i A 1-8=1040 30' (obs. on Greenland crystals), and i-i A i/-=1120 10' (1120 20', obs. on Gr. cryst.). The author obtained somewhat different results from a Middletown crystal, f. 429 (this Min., edit. of 1837, et seq., Am. J. Sci., xxxii. 150, 1837): i-i A 1-5= —104~ 52'; i-i A 1=140~ 40', whence IA 1=100~ 40'; i-I A i-9-158~ 6' whence /i- A i-=111~ 54'; 0 A -— =1600 34', whence i-i A ~-Z=1090 26'; o A 1-6=1360 36'; 0 A 2-.=1190 40'; 1-. A 1-., adj.,=150~ 17'. The angles IA 1=1000 40', O A ~-i=1600 34', correspond to the dimensions a: b: c= —10584: 1: 1'2059. Schrauf's measurements gave him for i-i A = 1400 30'. fr. Greenland and Bodenmais; i-i A ~-i=108~, fr. B. The crystals from Bavaria, Miask, Connecticut, Chesterfield, Mass., and Monte Video, have the general form shown in f. 429, 430, though sometimes with the basal plane wanting; while those of Greenland have the habit generally of f. 431 (fr. Schrauf's paper). Occasionally the octahedral planes are very much elongated, producing crystals with long pyramidal summits, as a kind from Acworth, N. H. (Shep., Am. J. Sci., xvii. 358, 1830). Analyses: 1, Wollaston (Phil. Trans., 1809, 246); 2, Schlieper (Pogg., lxiii. 317); 3, H. Rose (ib.); 4, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xliv. 207); 5, C. F. Chandler (Inaug. Dissert.); 6, Oesten (Pogg., xcix. 617); 7, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 340); 8, Blomstrand (Mem. Univ. Lund., 1865, J, pr. Ch., xcix. 44); 9-11, H. Rose (1. c.); 12, Avdejef (Pogg., lxiii. 317); 13, Jacobson (ib.); 14, Chandler (1. c.); 15, Warren (Pogg., lxxxv. 438); 16, 17, Blomstrand (1. c.); 18, H. MUller (J. pr. Ch., lviii. 183, lxxix, 27); 19, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxviii. 121); 20, Bromeis (Pogg., lxxi. 157); 21-23, Oesten (1. a); 24, Hermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxix. 67, 1866); 25, MUller (1. c.); 26, Blomstrand (1. c.); 27, Damour (C. R., xxviii. 353); 28, A. Nordenskidld (Beskrifn. Finl. Min., 1855, 40): (ib Ta Sn W' Fe Mn O(u Oa 1. Connecticut 80 - -- 15 5 -=100 Wollaston. 2. Middletown 78'83 0-29 - 16'66 4-71 0'07 0'45, Mg 0-22=101'23 Schlieper. 3. i" 79'62 047 - 16-37 4-44 0'06 tr.-1(0096 Rose. 4. " 78'22 0'4 0-26 14-06 5-63 - -, Mg 0'49=99'06 Hermann. 5. " 76'79 0'60 - 18'23 314 -- 048=99-24 Chandler. 6. " 79-80 0'56 -- 15'00 4'50 -- — =99'86 Oesten. 7. Haddam 80'60 tr. 15-57 3'25 050 — =99'92 Hunt. 8. " 51'53 28-55 0'34 0-76 13-54 4'55 -- -,Zr 034, MIg 0'42, H 0-16= 100-19 B. 9. Bodenmais 81'07 0-45 -- 14-30 3-85 0'13 tr.=98'80 Rose. 10. " 81'34 0-19 - 13-89 377 0'10 tr.=99-29 Rose. 11. 7 q9-68 012 -- 15-10 4'65 0'12 tr.-99'67 Rose. 12. " 80-64 0'10 - 15-33 4'65 -- 0'21=100'93 Avdejef. 13. " 79'73 0-10 - 14'77 4-77 1'51 -=100'89 Jacobson. 14. " 7502 0'47 0'39 17-22 3*59 - 022=9691 Chandler. 15. " 78'51 0'03 1'47 15'77 2'31 - 030, Mg 1-57=99-96 Warren. 16. " 56'43 22'79 0'58 1'07 15'82 2-39 - -, Zr 028, Mg 0'40, H 0'35= 100'11 B. 17. " 48'87 30'58 0-91 15-70 2'95 - -, Mg 0-14, ft 0'40=99'55 B1. 18. Tirschenreuth 78-6 017 - 15'1 5-2 --- — =99'07 Muller. 19. Ilmen Mts. 80-47 -- 8'50 6'09 Mg2'44 -, Y 2-0, U 050 =100 Herm. 20. " 78'60 - - 12-76 4-48 Mg3'01 0-75, U. 0-56=100-17 Bromeis. 21. " 7666 0-42 -- 1429 [7-55] - 054, U 0'54=100 Oesten. 22. Greenland 76-04 0-39 - 16'91 4'34 - 0'54=98'22 Oesten. 23. " 77q80 0-17 16'52 4.95 - 039=99'83 Oesten. 518 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Tb Ma Sn W Pe Mn Mu Ca 24. Greenland 52'16 25'64 - - - 1641 4'50 -- -, Mg 0G60=99'91 Hermann. 25. " Evigtok 78'74 0'16 - 16-40 512 -- -— =10042 Miiller. 26. " 7' 97 0'13 0'13 17'33 3'28 - Ir., Zr 013, Mg 028, Pb 0'12= 99-92 B. 27. Chanteloube 78'-4 - - 14'50 717 - — =100'41 Damour. 28. Bjbrkskair, Fin]. 82'5 1'0 - 13'2 55 -- -— =102'2 Nordenskidld. a Ilmenic acid of Hermann. Wollaston's analysis was made on four grains of the original specimen in the British Museum, sent out from Connecticut by Governor Winthrop to Sir Hans Sloane. Pyr., etc.-Like tantalite. VYo Kobell states that when decomposed by fusion with caustic potash, and treated with muriatic and sulphuric acids, it gives, on the addition of zinc, a blue color much more lasting than with tantalite; and the variety dianite, when similarly treated, gives, on boiling with tin-foil, and dilution with its volume of water, a sapphire-blue fluid, while, with tantalite and ordinary columbite, the metallic acid remains undissolved. The variety from Haddam, Ct., is partially decomposed when the powdered mineral is evaporated to dryness with concentrated sulphuric acid, its color is changed to white, light gray, or yellow, and when boiled with muriatic acid and metallic zinc it gives a beautiful blue. The remarkably pure and unaltered columbite from Arksut-flord in Greenland is also partially decomposed by sulphuric acid, and the product gives the reaction test with zinc, as above. Obs.-Occurs at Rabenstein, Bavaria, near Zwiesel, not far from Bodenmais, in granite, with iolite and magnetite; at Tirschenreuth, Bavaria; at Tammela, in Finland; at Chanteloube, near Limoges, in pegmatite with tantalite; near Miask, in the Ilmen Mts., with samarskite; at Hermanskiir, near Bj6rskar, in Finland; in Greenland, in cryolite, at Evigtok, in brilliant crystals; disseminated through or among the wolfram of Auvergne, and detected by acting with aqua-regia, which dissolves the wolfram and leaves untouched the columbite (Phipson, Chem. News, 1867, 160); at Monte Video, S. A. In the United States, at Haddam, 2 m. from the village, in a granite vein, some of the crystals several pounds in weight; also at the chrysoberyl locality, but not now accessible; also at the iolite locality, Haddam; near Middletown, in the " feldspar " or " china-stone quarry," with albite, abundant in fine crystals some very large; figure 429 represents one m in. long; another, described by Professor Johnston (Am. J. Sci., xxx. 387), weighed, before it was broken, 14 pounds; and the part figured about 6 in. in length and breadth, weighed 6 lbs. 12 oz.; it exhibits the faces i-i, i-i, i-2, I; i-f, I-i, and another imperfect plane, which appears to be 1-5. At Chesterfield, Mass., some fine crystals, associated with blue and green tourmalines and beryl, in a vein of albitic granite; Acworth, N. H.; also Beverly, Mass.; Northfield, Mass., with beryl; Plymouth, N. H., with beryl; Greenfield, N. Y., with chrysoberyl. The Connecticut crystals are usually rather fragile from partial change; while those of Greenland are very firm and hard. The occurrence of columbite in America was first made known by Mr. Hatchett's examination of a specimen sent by Governor Winthrop to Sir Hans Sloane, then President of the Royal Society, which was labelled as found at Neatneague. Dr. S. L. Mitchill stated (Med. Repos., vol. viii.) that it was taken at a spring at New London, Conn. No locality has since been detected at that place. But the rediscovery of it at Haddam, first published by Dr. Torrey (Am. J. Sci., iv. 52), and since near Middletown, about 7 m. distant, has led to the belief that the original locality was at one of these places, which are about 30 m. W. of New London. For recent papers on cryst. see Descl., Ann. d. M., V. viii. 395.; Schrauf, Ber. Ak. Wien, xliv. 445, 1861; Maskelyne, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 41. The crystallographic identity of the American mineral with the Bavarian was first shown by Dr. J. Torrey (Ann. Lye. N. Y., i. 89, 1824). The metal of columbite was named columbium by Hatchett in 1802, from Columbia, a name of America, whence his specimen was received, and thus came the name columbite given by Jameson and Thomson (see further under tantalite). Rose, after investigating the metal and its compounds, named it anew, calling it niobium, and this gave rise to the name niobite. Baierite is from the German name of Bavaria. Torrelite Thomson, named after Dr. J. Torrey, is the ordinary Middletown columbite; and Greenlandite Breith., is that from Greenland; both names originated partly in erroneous views of the crystals of the minerals. Dianite is the Bodenmais columbite, in which v. Kobell supposed he had discovered the acid of a new metal, which he called dianium. No good reason has been given for substituting niobium for columbium; and yet most English chemists, as well as European, have thus far followed Rose in rejecting the name given by the English discoverer. The rule of priority demands recognition. 475. TAPIOLITE. Tapiolit A. E. Nordenski6ld, (Efv. Ak. Stockh., 443, 1863. Tantalite (fr Sukula) Arippe, Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn., vi. 590, 1861. TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. 519 Tetragonal. 0 A 1-i= 147~ 7; a=0'6464. 1 A 1 in same pyramid 123~ 1', over base 84: 52'; 0 A 1-137~ 34'; 1 A 1-i= 151 30'. Cleavage indistinct. H. =-6. G.=7' 35-T- 37, Nord.; 7'17- -736, Arppe. Lustre strong adamantine, approaching metallic. Color pure black. Comp. —e5 " Ta=Tantalic acid 83-1, protoxyd of iron 16'9=100. Analyses: 1, Arppe (1. c.); 2, Nordenskiold (1. c.): Ta Sn Fe 1. Sukula (2) 83'18 0'82 15-77-99'71 Arppe. 2. " (2) 83'06 1'07 15178=99'91 Nordenskibld. Tr. of T with San Pyr., etc.-B.B. behaves like tantalite, but gives no reaction for manganese. Obs.-Occurs near the Kulmala farm, in the village of Sukula, in the parish of Tammela, Finland, in white pegmatyte granite, with beryl, tourmaline, and arsenopyrite. Named from an ancient Finnish divinity. 476. HIELMITE. Hjelmit A. E. Nordenskcild, Pogg., cxi. 286, 1860. Crystallization indistinct. Massive, without apparent cleavage. H. =5. G.=5E82. Lustre metallic. Color pure black. Streak grayishblack. Fracture granular. Comp.-A stanno-tantalate of iron, uranium, and yttria. Analysis: Nordenskild (L. c.): Ta 9n, W Ou U Fe Mn de Y Mg Oa 1: 62'42 6'56 0'10 4-87 8-06 332 1'07 5-19 0'26 4'2ri 3'26=99'37. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates and yields water. B.B. infusible, but turns brown in O.F. With salt of phosphorus easily dissolved to a bluish-green glass. With borax dissolves to a clear glass, which remains unchanged on flaming. With soda on charcoal gives metallic spangles (Nordenskiold). Obs. —From the Kararfvet mine, near Fahlun, Sweden, along with garnet, pyrophysalite, gadolinite, asphaltum, in a pegmatyte granite. 477. YTTROTANTALITE. Yttrotantal Ekeberg, Ak. H. Stockh., xxiii. 80, 1802. Tantale oxide yttrifere H., Tr., 1822. Yttroilmenit Herm., J. pr. Ch., xxxviii. 119, 1846. Orthorhombic. IA I=123~ 10'; O A 2-= 1030 26'; a: b c-2'0934 1: 1'8482. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-?, I i-2, i-2, 432 i-5; domes, 1-, 2-i. O A 1-=-131~ 26', i- A 1-= —138~ 34', i-i A I=118" 25', i-iA i — 1370 16', i-iA i -2= 1050 9', i-k A i-k, ov. i-,=940 32', i-2 A i-2, adj.,- 1490 42', i-i A i-5=1590 43'. Crystals often tabular parallel to i-i. Also massive; amorphous. H. =5-5'5. G.- 5'4 —59. Lustre submetallic to vitreous and greasy. Color black, brown, brownish-yellow, straw-yellow. Streak gray to colorless. Opaque to subtranslucent. Fracture small conchoidal to granular. Ytterby. Var. —1. The black yttrotantalite, of Ytterby, is iron-black, submetallic in lustre, and has G.= 5'395, Berz.; 5-67, Peretz; after ignition 6'40, Peretz; 7'09, Nordenskiold. Often in crystals. 2. The yellow of Ytterby is amorphous or indistinctly crystallized, and has G.=5-882, Ekeberg; 5-458, Chandler; after ignition, 6'40, Peretz; 5'845, Chandler. 3. The yellow from Kararfvet has G.=5'640, Chydenius. This variety contains much uranium. 520 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Hermann calls the mineral of anal. 5, 6, 7, yttrotantalite, and that of his own analysis yttroilmenite, giving G. =4'88. Oomp. —Tantalate of yttria and lime, or yttria, lime, and iron, with some protoxyd of uranium; (1Y, Fe, (la, JU)" Ta3=, if: a: PFe: U-=6: 2: 1: 1, Tantalic acid 62'5, yttria 22'6, lime 5'2, protoxyd of iron 3'4, prot. uranium 6'3=100. Analyses: 1-4, Berzelius (Afhandl., iv. 268, 272, Schw. J., xvi. 451); 5, Peretz (Pogg., lxxii. 155); 5A, same, with 4:86 H, the mean loss by ignition (Ramm. Min. Ch., 400); 6, Chandler (Inaug. Dissert.); 7, Potyka (Inaug. Dissert.); 8, Nordenskiold (Pogg., cxi. 280); 9, J. J. Chydenius (ib., 284); 10-12, Hermann (Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc., xxxviii. 358): Ta W Sn U Y e Mg (a u ti 1. Ytterby, yellow 60-12 1-04 ~- I 6-62 29'78 Pe 1'16 - 0'50 -- — =9922 Berz. 2. " " 59-50 1'25 " 3'23 29-90 " 2-72 - 3'29 -- -=99'89 Berz. 3. " black 57100 8-25 " 0'50 20'25 " 3'50 - 6'25 -- =95'75 Berz. 4. " bnh.-bk. 51-82 2'59 " 111 38-52 " 055 - 3'26 --— =97'85 Berz. 5. " black 58-65 0'60 "3'94 21'25 6'29 1'40 1755 0'40 -— 10008 Per. 5A. " " 5580 057 3-75 20'22 5-96 1'-3, 7-18 0'40 4'86=100'07 Per. 6. " yellow 57'27 1-85 0'10 510 18-64 4'82 0'75 4'78 0'69 6'00=100 Chandl. 1. " " 55-60 0'49 0'10 1700 25'52 0'77 0'19 3'60 0'43 4'11=99 67 Pot. 8. " black 56'56 387 -- 0-82 19-56 8'90 4'271 tr. 6'68=100'66 N. 9. Kararfvet, brown 5644 —-- Zn0-42 1'19 30-43 3-27 - 2-21 0-21 4-83=99-12 Chyd. Ta-a bb Ti Th U YT ((Ce, La, bi) Fe Mu Mg Pa fI 10. Ytterby 61'33 1'50 - 5.64 19'74 tr. 8-06 1'00 - 208 1'66=101'01 H. 11. " 51781 5'00 - 1-87 18'30 2'27 13'61 0'33 -- 050 -=10059 H. 12. " 31'29 23'80 3'00 2'83 3'01 21'03 2'48 11i07 0-26 0'80 - -— 99-57 H. a Hermann's ilmenic acid. b Niobous acid of Hermann. Blomstrand has found 16 p. c. of columbic acid in the yellow yttrotantalite; he regards Hermann's ilmenic acid as having no existence. Marignac confirms this statement, and has shown ilmenic acid (G. 3'8) to be columbic acid mixed with titanic acid, while his " niobic " acid (G.=5) contained tantalic acid. In anal. 1, 2, 4'64 p. c. of H were found, and in 3, 5.43. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water, the black varieties turn yellow. On intense ignition both varieties become white and give off traces of fluorine. B.B. infusible. With salt of phosphorus dissolves with at first a separation of a white skeleton of tantalic acid, which with a strong heat is also dissolved; the black variety from Ytterby gives a glass faintly tinted rose-red from the presence of tungstic acid; the dark and yellow varieties give a faint green bead on cooling, due to the presence of uranium. The mineral from Finbo and Kararfvet gives an iron glass. With soda reacts for manganese. With soda and borax on charcoal gives traces of metallic tin (Berzelius). Not decomposed by acids. Decomposed on fusion with bisulphate of potash, and when the product is boiled with muriatic acid metallic zinc gives a pale blue color to the solution which soon fades. Obs. —Occurs in Sweden at Ytterby, near Vaxholm, in red feldspar; at the Kararfvet mine, and at Finbo and Broddbo, near Fahlun, imbedded in quartz and albite, associated with garnet, mica, and pyrophysalite. On cryst. see A. E. Nordenski6ld, C(Efv. Ak. Stockh., 1860, 28, cited in Pogg., cxi. 280, and J. pr. Ch., lxxxi. 193. The name yttrotantalite alludes to the composition. Yttroilmenite was given to a variety by Hermann upon the discovery in it of his supposed new metal ilmenium. 478. SAMARSHITE. Uranotantal H. Rose, Pogg., xlviii. 555, 1839. Samarsakit H. Rose, Pogg., lxxi. 157, 1847. Uranoniobit H. Rose, Pogg., lxxi. 166, 1847. Yttroilmenit Herm., xlii. 129, 1847, J. pr. Ch., xliv. 216, 1848. Orthorhombic. Angle of prism i-2, 135~ to 1360 (whence I A 1=1000 40' to 1010 40', near that of columbite). Usually in flattened grains. H. =55 —6. G.=5'614-5'75;. 545 -569, North Carolina. Lustre of;surface of fracture shining and submetallic. Color velvet-black. Streak Adark reddish-brown. Opaque. Fracthre subconchoidal. Comp.-Analyses: 1, 2, 3, Peretz, under the direction of Rose (Pogg., lxxi. 157); 4, Chandler (Inaug. Dissert.); 5, Hermnann (J. pr. Ch., 1. 178); 6, T. S. Hunt (Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 341): TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. 521 ib W U(G?) l'e Y Mg Ca, Mn 1. Miask 56'38 14'16 15'43 9'15 0'80 0 92=96'84 Peretz. 2. " 56'00 16-70 15'90 11'04 0'75 1-02=101'41 Peretz. 3. " 55'91 16'77 15-94 8-36 0'75 1-88=99'61 Peretz. 4. " 55'10 0-48 19'22 15-05 4'91 0'26 1'00, Sn 0'26, Cu 0.07=96'85 Chandler. 5. " 56-36 316'63 8'87 13'29 0'50, (e, La 2'85, Mn 1'20, ign. 0'33=100'03 LH. 6. N. Carolina 54'81 "17-03 14'07 11-11, Ce, La 3'95, ign. 0-24=101'21 Hunt. Later Finkener and Stephans have obtained from the Miask mineral (H. Rose in Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1863, 13): Nb W V Zr Sn Th Poe Mn Mu e kY g Ca H 47'41 1-36 11'60 4'35 0'5 6-05 11'02 0'96 0'25 3'31 12'61 0'14 0'73 0'45=100'55. 50'17 11'08 4'25 0'63 5'55 10'55 1 60 - 15-90 0'04 0'64 0'40=100'82. Giving for the 0. ratio between the 6b [+W] and the other ingredients 9'49: 9'65=1: 1, whence the general formula (i3, X, Rt)5 C'.b Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, glows like gadolinite, cracks open, and turns black, and is of diminished density. B.B. fuses on the edges to a black glass. With borax in O.F. gives a yellowrish-green to red bead, in R.F. a yellow to greenish-black, which on flaming becomes opaque and yellowish-brown. With salt of phosphorus in both flames an emeraldgreen bead. With soda yields a manganese reaction. Decomposed on fusion with bisulphate of potash, yielding a yellow mass which on treatment with dilute muriatic acid separates white tantalic acid, and on boiling with metallic zinc gives a fine blue color. Samarskite in powder is also sufficiently decomposed on boiling with concentrated sulphuric acid to give the blue reduction test when the acid fluid is treated with metallic zinc or tin. Obs.-Uranotantalite occurs in reddish-brown feldspar, with crystallized meschynite, in the Ilmen mountains, near Miask in the Ural. The largest pieces met with were of the size of hazel-nuts, If the occurring prism of Samarskite is i-S instead of i-2 (as in mengite), then IA Ibecomes 100~ 57' to 102~ 20'. Named after the Russian, v. Samarski. 479. E:UXENITE. Euxenit Scheerer, Pogg., L 149, 1840, lxxii. 566. Orthorhombic. Form a rectangular prism (i-7, i-i) with lateral edges replaced by I, and a pyramid at summit, also with a macrodome mn-i. IA 1=1260, i-4 A n-i4=1540 30', i-q A pyramid=107~, Dahl; IA 1=1200., i-i A m-i4_=1530, i-i A m —-=1240, i-i A pyr.=1360, Greg; prism of 1410, macrodome of 59~ 15', Breith. Cleavage none. Commonly massive. H.=6-5. G.=4'60, Jdlster, Scheerer; 4'73 —476, Tvedenstrand, id.; 4'94 —499, ib., Breith.; 4'89-4:99, Alve, Forbes; 4'96, Chydenius. Lustre brilliant, metallic-vitreous, or somewhat greasy. Color brownishblack; in thin splinters a reddish-brown translucence lighter than the streak. Streak-powder yellowish to reddish-brown. Fracture subconchoidal. Co.mp.-A columbo-tantalate, containing titanic acid, yttrium, and uranium. 0. ratio for 1G, Ti, b+'Ta= (from mean of anal. 3, 4) 8: 6: 7; and if the titanic is basic, the ratio for the bases and Gb + Ta is 2: 1, which would give the formula (R2, Ti)5 (t9b, Ta). If Ti is acid, the ratio is 8: 13.'Hermann makes it isomorphous and similar in formula with veschynite. Analyses: 1, 2, Scheerer 1l. c.); 3, Forbes & Dahl (Ed. N. Phil. J., II. i. 62); 4, Strecker (J. pr. Ch., lxiv. 384); 5, Chydenius (Bull. Soc. Ch., vi. 434, 1866): Cb,Ta Ti A1 f F'e Me La V Mg Oa A 1. J6lster 49-66 7'94 -- 6'34 -- 2-18 0'96 25-09 0'29 2'47 3'97 Scheerer. 2. Tvedenstrand 53-64 - -58 2'60 2-91 2897 - - 4'04=99'74 Scheerer. 3. Alve 38'58 14'36 3'12 5'22 1'98 3'31 - 29-36 0-19 1-37 2'88=100-37 F. & D. 4. Tromoen 37116 16-26 8'45 3'03 26-46 -- 525 2-68=100'39 Strecker. 5. Arendal 54-28 -- - Th 6-28 34'58 - - 260=97-74 Chydenius. 522 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. The J6lster euxenite contains the most titanic acid; yet Scheerer does not doubt the identity of the two minerals. Chydenius has shown that the mineral contains thoria, and only traces of oxyd of cerium. Marignac (Bib. Univ., xxv. 29, 1866) found 52'23 of metallic acid, consisting of about 32'5 p. c. of Cb and 2917 of titanic, the ratio of the two being stated at 268: 243. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible. Dissolves in borax and salt of phosphorus, giving a yellow bead while hot; with salt of phosphorus shows a yellowish-green (uranium reaction) on cooling, if sufficiently saturated (Scheerer). When decomposed by fusion with caustic potash, and subsequently treated with water, and this solution neutralized with muriatic acid, it gives a precipitate, which, boiled with concentrated muriatic acid and tin-foil, gives a clear sapphire-blue fluid, which changes to an olive-green, and finally bleaches. If the residue of the fusion after leaching is treated with muriatic acid and boiled with tin-foil, it yields on dilution a pale rose-red color (v. Kobell). The mineral is sufficiently attacked, on evaporation with sulphuric acid, to give a whitish residue, which, treated with metallic zinc or tin, affords the characteristic blue reduction test. Obs.-Occurs at J6lster in Norway, imbedded in feldspar and sometimes in scaly mica, the largest crystals 2 in. long and ~ in. wide, but usually much smaller; also near Tvedenstrand; at Alve, island of Tromoen, near Arendal; at Mdretjiir, near Naskilen. Named by Scheerer from EvG'VOE, a stranger, in allusion to the rarity of its occurrence. 480. IESCHYNITE. JEschynit Berz., Jahresb., ix. 195, 1828. Orthorhombic. I A I=91~ 341', O A 1-=-145~ 18', Kokscharof; a: b: c =0-69244: 1: 10279. Observed planes: 0 (not common); vertical, i-2, I, 443; brachydome, 2-; octahedral, 1-2. Crystals usually long prismatic and striated. Cleavage: i-i in traces, or none; none observable according to iKokscharof. e z i$i-2 A i-2 128~ 6' 2-4 A i-/ =1430 25'-2 A i-i=115 57 1-2 A 1-2, adj.,-136 56~ IA i-=-134 131 i-2 A 1-2=146 60, i2 i s -, rI.i2-i A 2-i, top,=73 10 2-i A 1-=-128 16 tH.=5-6. G.=4-9 —514; 5'118, Miask, Kokscharof. Lustre submetallic- resinous, nearly dull. Color nearly black, inclining to birownish-yellow when translucent. Streak gray, or yellowish-brown, almost black. Subtranslucent-opaque. Fracture small subconchoidal. Comp.-Doubtful. The mineral described by Berzelius and analyzed by I Hartwall differs much in the pyrognostic and other characters given from that from the same locality investigated by Hermann, and the identity of the two is not yet certain. Scheerer found no zirconia. Analyses: 1, Hartwall (Pogg., xvii. 483, Jahresb., ix. 195); 2-4, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., xxxi. 89, xxxvii. 11.6, 1.170, lxviii. 97); 5, id. (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxviii. 472, J. pr. Ch., xcix. 288); 6, id. (Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxix. 55, 1866): Ta, 6b Ti Zr Sn Th Fe ie Ce La t Pa I 1. - 56-0 20-0 0'5 -- -- 150 -- - - 38 -, Fe 2-6=9719 H. 2. 33-39 194? 17-52 -- -- 17-65 -- 2-48 476 935 2-40 1'56=101'05 Herm. 3. 35'05 10'56? 1758 -- 4'32 -15'59 11-13 4-62 - 1'66=100'51 Herm. 4. 33'20 25-90 -- - 545 22'20 5-12 6'22 1-28 - 120=100-57 Herm. 5. 32'30a 15'05 - - 2291 6-00 15'96c 5'30 1-50 1'70-100'72 Herm. 6. 33-59b 16-12 - - 22-57 5-58 14-360 4-30 2-16 1'50=100-18 Herm. a Made 29'00 ilmenic acid (or, later, 12-28 ilmenic, and 16-72 ilmenous acid) plus 38-0 niobous acid. b Made 80-16 ilmenic acid plus 8-43 niobous acid. c Ce O, La O, Di O. Hermann's analyses afford for the 0. ratio of bases, Ti, Cb+T'a -9: 60: 8-2, as deduced bv him, or 13-9: 8-2 for bases + Ti, and Ob + Ta. His ilmenic acid is made tantalic and columbic. Pyr, etc.-In the open tube yields water and traces of fluorine. B.B. in the forceps swells up and changes its color from black to a rusty brown. In borax dissolves easily in O.F., giving TANTALATES, COLUMBATES. 523 a yellow bead while hot, and on cooling becomes colorless; in R.F. with tin gives a blood-red bead. More difficultly soluble in salt of phosphorus; with a small amount of the assay gives a colorless bead, while with a larger quantity there separates a white substance which clouds the bead; in R.F., with tin on charcoal, yields an amethystine glass (Berzelius). Decomposed on fusion with potash; yields reactions similar to those mentioned under euxenite (v. Kobell). It is also sufficiently decomposed by sulphuric acid to show the reduction test with zinc. Obs. —From Miask in the Ilmen Mts., in feldspar with mica and zircon; also with euclase in the gold sands of "Kaufmann's Bakakin," in the Orenburg District, Southern Ural. Named from atiaxvwi, shame, by Berzelius, in allusion to the inability of chemical science, at the time of its discovery, to separate the two unlike substances, titanic acid and zirconia. On cryst. see Brooke, Phil. Mag., x. 188; Rose, Reis. Ural., ii. 70; Descloizeaux, Ann. d. M. IV. ii. 349; -Kokscharof, Min. Russl., iii. 384, iv. 53, 100. Rose made i-2 / i-2=127~ 19', and 2-4 A 2-4=73~ 44', which he says are approximations only, the faces being rough. Fig. 433 is by Rose. 481. POLYCRASE. Polykras Scheerer, Pogg., lxii. 430, 1844. Orthorhombic. IA f=95~, 0 A 1 —=1340 15'; a b: 434 c=1'02655: 1: 1-0913. Observed planes as in the figure. O A 2-4=1180 0' 1 A 1 mnac., 1120 32' 0 A 1=125 411 1 A 1, brach.,=106 24 2\ 0 A 1-9=139 59 i-9 A i-t, ov. z-=,-140 1-3 A 1-s, mac.,=96 40 i-i A i- 160 1-s A 1-S, brach., 152 2-i A i-i=152 Crystals thin linear. Cleavage none. H.-=55. G. =509 —512. Lustrebright. Color black; in splinters brownish. Streak grayish-brown. Fracture conchoidal. Comp.-According to Scheerer, contains columbic acid, oxyd of uranium, titanic acid, zirconia, oxyd of iron, yttria, and protoxyd of cerium, with a little alumina, and traces of lime and magnesia. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, and gives traces of water. B.B. in the forceps glows, and turns to a light grayish-brown color, but is infusible. Soluble in borax, giving in O.F. a clear yellow bead, which in R.F. with tin turns brown. In salt of phosphorus gives a clear yellow glass, which on cooling is greenish; in R.F. the color becomes darker. With soda no reaction for manganese, and on charcoal no metallic particles. Decomposed by evaporation with concentrated sulphuric acid; the product, treated with muriatic acid, gives on boiling with metallic zinc or tin a deep azure-blue solution, which does not fade. The dilute solution gives a deep orange to turmeric paper (zirconia). Obs.-From HitterSe, Norway, in granite with gadolinite and orthite; crystals 4 to 1~ in. long; also near Dresden. Named from,rolse, many, and Kp.i(, mixture. N. B. Moller makes the so-called polycrase of Brevig certainly, and that of iitterde probably, identical with polymignite (J. pr. Ch., lxix. 318). Scheerer mentions a prism of 93~ 32' (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 22), and Breithaupt one of 59~ and 121~. 482. POLYMIGNITE. Berzelius, Ak. H. Stockh., 338, 1824. Orthorhoinbic. IA I=910 44', 0 A 1-i=1440 435 3'; fa:: c =07252: 1: 1-0308. Observed planes: 0; 1 -, 2, 4 —, i-i; 2-2. M O A 1-i=1440 53' 2-2 A 2-2 mac., =1360 28' /2 2 2 0 A 2-i=125 15 2-2 A 2-2, brach.,=99 14 O A 2-2=121 49 2-2 A 2-2, bas.,=116 22 i- A 4-4=160 26 1-i A 1-, ov. 0,=109 46 a: i- A 2-2-=111 46 i-i \ -I= 125 T 524 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Cleavage: ai- and 0 in traces. Crystals generally slender and thin, and striated longitudinally. H.=6'5. G.-=4'7-4485. Lustre submetallic but brilliant. Color black. Streak dark brown. Opaque. Fracture perfect conchoidal, presenting, like the surface, a brilliancy almost metallic. Comp.-According to an analysis by Berzelius (Ak. H. Stockh., ii. 339, 1824), imperfect because of the difficult separation of the titanic acid and zirconia: Ti 46'30 Zr 14-14 Fe 12'20 Oa 4-20 ]n 2-70 Be 5'00 N 11,50=96-04, with a trace of potash, magnesia, silica, and oxyd of tin. The blowpipe reactions indicate the probable presence also of columbic or tantalic acid as an essential constituent (Brush). Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible, and unchanged in color. With borax dissolves readily, giving an iron bead; with more of the assay becomes brownish-yellow on flaming, and opaque on cooling; with tin in R.F. turns reddish-yellow. With salt of phosphorus not easily acted upon, gives a reddish tinge in R.F., which is unchanged by-tin. With soda shows traces of manganese (Berzelius). The powdered Fredericksvwirn mineral, heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, gives a whitish residue, which, treated with muriatic acid and tin-foil, gives a beautiful azure-blue color, indicating, as under polycrase, the presence of some other metallic acid in addition to titanic, which of itself gives only a violet color. The dilute acid solution gives with turmeric paper the orange color characteristic of zirconia. Obs.-Occurs at Fredericksv/irn in Norway, imbedded in feldspar and zircon-syenite. Its crystals sometimes exceed an inch in length. Reported by Shepard as occurring at Beverly, Mass. 483. FERGUSONITE. Haidinger; Ed. Phil. Trans., x. 274, 1826. 436. Tetragonal, hemihedral. O A 1-i=124~ 20; a_ 0 1'464. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. 0 A 1-1150 46', 1 A 1=100~ 54', and 128~ 28', 3-3 A 1/ 0 OA'14-=127 18 i-A I=129 10 O A i-i or i-4=90 i- A i- 148 27 Crystals usually tabular, as in figures; sometimes ANHYDROUS SULPHATES, CHIROMATES. 617 prismatic in the direction of the vertical axis (f. 507). Cleavage: basal rather perfect; I somewhat less so; i-~ imperfect. Twins: plane of composition i-i, the compound character being apparent in the striwe of the plane O. Also in globular forms, fibrous or lamellar, crested; coarsely laminated, lamiane convergent and often curved; also granular; colors sometimes banded as in stalagmite. 507 506 Cheshire. Virginia. H. -2-5-3-5. G.-4-3-4'72; 4-4864, G. Rose, a pure colorless crystal. Lustreo vitreous, inclining to resinous; sometimes pearly. Streak white. Color white; also inclining to yellow, gray, blue, red, or brown, dark brown. Transparent to translucent -opaque. Sometimes fetid, when rubbed. Optic-axial plane brachydiagonal. Var.-1. Ordinary. (a) Crystals usually broad or stout; sometimes very large, weighing 100 lbs.; sometimes in slender needles. Dauber, after careful measurements, made IA I=l 01~ 40', and O A -i — 141~ 6', varying but two minutes in the latter from former measurements (Pogg., cviii. 440). (b) Crested; massive aggregations of tabular crystals, the crystals projecting at surface into crest-like forms. (c) Columnar; the columns often coarse (Stangenspath) and loosely aggregated, and either radiated (strahlbaryt) or parallel; rarely fine fibrous. Werner's stangenspath was from Freiberg. (d) In globular or nodular concretions, subfibrous or columnar within. Bologna Stone is here included, being radiated, globular, often reddish-gray in color. It is from a bed of clay ill Mt. Paterno, near Bologna, and was early a source of wonder because of the phosphorescence it exhibited after heating with charcoal. " Bologna phosphorus" was made from it in the form of sticks, by powdering the mineral and uniting it again with gum. (e) Lamellar, either (a) straight or (8) curved; the latter sometimes as aggregations of curved scale-like plates (the krumschaliger Schwerspath of Werner). (f) Granular. (g) Compact or cryptocrystalline. (h) Earthy. (i) Stalactitic and stalagmitic; similar in structure and origin to calcareous stalactites and stalagmites. 2. Fetid; so called from the odor given off when struck, which odor is due to carbonaceous matters present. (Anal. 6-8.) 3. Allomorphite Breith.; a kind having the form and cleavage of anhydrite, and found at Unterwirbach, near Rudolstadt, in Schwarzenburg; G. =4'36-4'48. Probably pseudomorphous; Breithaupt regards it as a case of dimorphism. 4. Calcareoba~rite Thomson (Min., i. 105) is a white barite from Strontian in Argyleshire, containing, probably as mixture, 6'6 p. c. of lime, and some silica and alumina. He found S 35'23, ]Ba 48-95, Sr 0-79, Ca 6-60, Fe 0'45, Si 4-14, A1 3-46, moisture 0'57=100-19; G.-=41907. A part of the krumschaliger Schwerspath of Werner-specimens from Freiberg-is referred here by Breithaupt, who gives for IA I1 01~ 53', and G.=4'02-4'29. 5. Celestobarite; the spar containing much sulphate of strontian, as that of Binnen valley, Switzerland (anal. 2), to which von Waltershausen applied the name baryto-celestine, and also that of anal. 3, 4. The angles of the Binnen spar; according to iHugard, are intermediate between those of barite and celestite. 6. Calstronbarite, from Schoharie, N. Y., has the aspect of a mere mixture. Shepard made it a compound (1. c.) of carbonates of strontia (22.30) and lime (12'15), with 65655 p. c. of sulphate of baryta, and says it is partly soluble in muriatic acid with effervescence. Von Hauer found a specimen from Schoharie labelled calstronbarite to consist of sulphates alone. Cawk is the ordinary barite of the Derbyshire lead mines. Withering, who first analyzed it (Phil. Trans., lxxiv. 293, 1784), describes it as occurring in roundish forms, consisting of rhomboidal laminee confusedly aggregated and white or reddish in color, with G.4 —-330; and a second 618 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. variety as radiated fibrous, somewhat silky in lustre, and at times concentric in structure, yellowish-white, and opaque, with G.=4'00. Greg & Lettsom (1858) confine the term to an opaque earthy variety of the Derbyshire lead mines. The barite of Muszar, Hungary, and of Betler, near Rosenau, was early called Wolnyn. It is common barite, in crystals, usually oblong in the direction of the vertical axis, and generally with i-i and 0 large, and also i-2 large. A. Schrauf mentions the following as other occurring planes: 0, 4-i, 1-, -, -, ~-, 8-i, 2-i, 1-i, 1, 2, 1-2, 2-2, 3-s, 4-4 (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxxix. 286). Leonhard says that at Muszar it occurs in the cavities of alumstone. Comp. —na S=Sulphuric acid 34-3, baryta 65'7. Sulphate of strontian and silica are often present, and sometimes sulphate of lime, clay, bituminous or carbonaceous substances. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Unters., 222); 2, Waltershausen (Pogg., xciv. 133); 3, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 259); 4, Jordan (Schw. J., lvii. 358); 5, Heidingsfeld (Ramm. 5th Suppl., 207); 6, 7, John (Unters., ii. 73, 69); 8, Klaproth (Beitr., v. 121): Da S Sr'S aS Fe Si,Al O,Bit. [ 1. Nutfield, cryst. 99'37 - -- 0-12 - -- — =9949 Stromeyer. 2. Binneu, " 87-79 9'07 - - 2'83 -- -— =9815 Waltershausen. 3. Gorzig, " bnh. 83'48 15'12 -- 0'25 0-89 -- 99'74 Rammelsberg. 4. Clausthal, fol. 86'00 675 - -- 5'75 - 037-=98-87 Jordan. 5. Calstronbaryte? 83'10'-10 6-12 1-83 - -=99'74 Heidingsfeld. 6. Kongsberg, Helpatiite 93'55 3-58 0'87 2-00 John. 7. Andrarum, " 92-75 -- 2-00 1-50 -- 2'00 1-25 John. 8. " " 85-25 - 6-00 5-00 X11-00 0'50 2-25 (loss incl.) Klaproth. G. of anal. 2=3-977; 4, 4'4888. In pure colorless crystals from Silbach, of G.=4'4864 (Rose), Rammelsberg found no impurities except a trace of strontian (Min. Ch., 259). Freiesleben found 8 p. c. of silica in a variety from Nassau. Allomor~phite, according to Gerngross, contains 1-9 p. c. of sulphate of lime as impurity, but von Hauer found none (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1853, 152). Pyr., etc.-B.B. decrepitates and fuses at 3, coloring the flame yellowish-green; the fused mass reacts alkaline with test paper. On charcoal reduced to a sulphid. With soda gives at first a clear pearl, but on continued blowing yields a hepatic mass, which spreads out and soaks into the coal. If a portion of this mass be removed, placed on a clean silver surface, and moistened, it gives a black spot of sulphid of silver. Should the barite contain sulphate of lime, this will not be absorbed by the coal when treated in powder with soda. Insoluble in acids. Obs.-Occurs commonly in connection with beds or veins of metallic ores, as part of the gangue of the ore. It is met with in secondary limestones. sometimes forming distinct veins, and often in crystals along with calcite and celestite. At Dufton, in Westmoreland, England, large transparent crystals occur, sometimes of gigantic dimensions; some were found lying in the mud at the bottom of a cavern, and one weighed 100 lbs. Other English localities exist in Cornwall, near Liskeard, etc., in Cumberland and Lancashire, in Derbyshire, Staffordshire, etc.; fine stalactitic at Newhaven in Derbyshire; in Scotland, in Argyleshire, at Strontian; in Perthshire, of a bright yellow color at Ballindean; at the Cumberland lead mine; in Ireland, in thick veins in old red sandstone, at Ballynascreen in Londonderry. The septaria of Durham, England, which are cut and polished for tables, etc., have the veinings lined with brown heavy spar, adding much to their beauty. Some of the most important European localities are at Felsdbanya and Kremnitz, at Freiberg, Marienberg, Clausthal, Przibram, and at Roya and Roure in Auvergne. In the United States, in N. Hamp., at Piermont. In Mass., at Hatfield and Leverett. In Con0., at Cheshire, large crystals, sometimes transparent (f. 506, and simpler forms), intersecting in veins red sandstone with vitreous copper and green malachite at Berlin, Farmington, and Southington. In N. York, at Pillar Point, opposite Sackett's Harbor, massive. 2-3 ft. thick, in compact limestone, affording large slabs, beautiful when polished; at Scoharie, a fibrous variety with calcite, the two often mechanically mingled; in St. Lawrence Co., fine tabular crystals in De Kalb, at Fowler with specular iron, at the Parish ore bed, and on the farm of J. Morse, in Gouverneur, with calcite and hematite, and on the banks of Laidlaw lake in Rossie; the crested variety at Hammond, with crystals of pyrite; at Wolcott, Wayne Co., near the stratum of lenticular iron ore, and on the S. side of the Mohawk, opposite Little Falls. In Penn., in crystals at Perkiomen lead mine. In Virginia, at Eldridge's gold mine in Buckingham Co. (fig. 507); 3 m. S.W. from Lexington, in Rockbridge Co.; a beautiful white variety on the plantation of J. Hord, Esq., Fauquier Co. In Kentucky, near Paris, in a large vein. In Tenn., on Brown's Creek; at Haysboro', near Nashville; in large veins in sandstone on the W. end of I. Royale, L. Superior, and on Spar Id., N. shore, one vein (containing also calcite) 14 ft. wide, sometimes in crystals; in trap of N. ANHYDROUS. SULPHATES, CHROMATES. 619 shore, veins numerous. In Canada, a vein 21 in. wide at Landsdown, affording fine crystals. In fine crystals near Fort Wallace, New Mexico. The white varieties of barite are ground up and employed as a white paint, either alone or mixed with white lead. For recent papers on cryst., see Dauber, 1. c.; Pfaff, Pogg., cii. 464; Hessenberg, Min. Not., iii. and iv. Above, the cleavage prism is made the vertical I, as done by Phillips. Brooke and Miller, and many other authors, this position giving the simplest symbols. Naumann makes this prism the dome 1-7, and i-i the basal plane 0, while 0 above is his i-i. The planes following the order on page 616, are, in Naumann's position, as follows: i-i; "vertical," 1- i, i, 0, 3-i i 2-i, 4-i, ji%, -i, i-i; "macrodomes," i-8, i-6, i-5, i-4, i-3, i-2, I, i-3; "brachydomes," 8-i, 24-, -Z, 1-Z; "octahedrons," 8-8, 6-6, 5-5, 4-4, 3-3, 2-2, -, 1; 2, 3-2; 2-4, 1-2, t-2. Named from fidPos, weight, or fapuv, heavy. Alt.-Heavy Spar occurs altered to calcite, spathic iron, cerussite, quartz, limonite, red iron ore, pyrite, psilomelane, gdthite. 631. C:ELESTITE. Fasriger Schwerspath [=Fibrous Heavy Spar] (fr. Frankstown, Pa.) Schiitz, Beschr. Nordamer. Foss., 12, Leipz., 1791. Schwefelsaurer Strontianit aus Pennsylvanien Klapr., Beitr., ii. 92, 1797. Strontiane sulfatee (fr. Sicily) (after Vauquelin's anal.) Dolomieu, J. de Phys,, xlvi. 203, 1798 (disc. by D. in S. in 1181). Ccelestin Wern., Min. Syst., 1198; Lenz, Min., 233, 1800; Karst., Tab., 54, 95, 1808. Sicilianite Lenz, Min., 233, 1800. Schiitzit Gerhard, G. Karst., Tab., 36, 75, 1800. Zblestin other Germ. Orthogr. Barytosulphate of Strontian Thozn., Min., i. 111, 1836. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1040~ 2' (103~ 30'-104~ 30'), O A 1-i121~ 19~'; a: b: c=1'6432: 1 1:'2807. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i4, I, i-i, -2 i-,,; domes,,; -,, 1-, a-4, -,-4, I 1-4, -V 24; octahedral, 3 1; in the zone 1: 14, 1-, 1-s, 14, 1-6, 1-i; in the zone I: 1-,, - 4I -, 24;4 - in the same horizontal zone with -4, 2-,16 }-,: -; also 4 —9 6- _-r 3-, 2-4. o A 4 —-157~ 38' O A 1-i=1270 56' 1 A 1, brach., =89 26' 0 A v-~=140 35 0 A 1-2=123 17 1 IA 1, basal,=128 44 O A T-$-129 3 0 A 1-S 125 38 i- A i-==114 44 0 A- — 152 29 0 A 1-4=126 35 -s A i s-, top,=101 11 O A 1=115 38 1 Al, mac.,112 35 1- A 1-, top,-75 52. 508 509 ii -L. Erie. Cleavage: 0 perfect; I/distinct; i-4 less distinct. Also fibrous and radiated; sometimes globular; occasionally granular. H.=3-3' 5. G.-3 92 —3975; 3'9593, crystals, Beudant; 3'973, fr. Tharand, Breith.; 3-96, fr. Kingston, Hunt. Lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to pearly. Streak white. Color white, often faint bluish, and sometimes reddish. Transparent -subtranslucent. Fracture imperfectly conchoidal —uneven. Very brittle. Trichroism sometimes very distinct. 620 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Var. —1. Ordinary. (a) In crystals. The angle I A I varies much, and probably in part in consequence of the presence of some baryta or lime. It was made by Haiiy 104~ 48', but with the common goniometer; by Kupffer, 104~ 20'; by Phillips, 104~; by Mohs, 103~ 58'; by Websky, in an elaborate paper on crystals from Pschow in Upper Silesia (ZS. G., ix. 303), 103~ 32', and he suggests,therefore that this mineral may contain lime or baryta; by Dauber, in very exact measurements of Sicily crystals (Pogg., cviii. 447), 104~ 4' 24" to 1040 7' 14", with the deduced mean 104~ 6' 34"; and for the dome 1-i, 75~ 45' 43"; by Kokscharof (Min. Russl., v. 8) from Sicily crystals, 104~ 3' 46", 0 A ~-i=140~ 36', his calculated results being 104~ 3' 50" and 140~ 35'. (b) Fibrous, either parallel or radiated. (c) Lamellar; of rare occurrence. (d) Granular. (e) Concretionary. (f) Earthy; impure usually with carbonate of lime or clay. 2. Calciocelestite. Containing much lime. 3. Barytocelestite, or Baryto-sulphate of strontia of Thomson, from Drummond I., L. Erie, contains much baryta. Hugard gives for IA I in this Drummond I. variety 103~~, an angle intermediate between that of barite and celestite (see below). Comp.-Sr S-Sulphuric acid 43'6, strontia 56'4=-100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (1. c.); 2, Vauquelin (1. c.); 3, 4, 6, 7, Stromeyer (Unters., 203); 5, Maddrell (Ramm. Min. Ch., 260); 8, R. Brandes (Schw. J., xxi. 177); 9, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 397); 10, Schmid (Pogg., cxx. 637): S Sr ]ha Ca Fe 1. Frankstown, Pa. 42 58 -- - -=100Klaproth. 2. Sicily 46 54 _-100 Vauquelin. 3. " 43-07 56'35 - 0 03, Ca 0-09, H 0-18=99-72 Stromeyer. 4. Dornburg 42'95 56'26 --- 003, A1 005, da 0' 10, H, Bit. 0'10=99-49 S. 5. " 43'75 54'73 - 1'41 — =99'90 Maddrell. 6. Siintel, Hanover 42'74 55'18 0-86 0'31 0'04, CaC 002, H 0'05=99'20 Stromeyer. 7. Dehrself, " 42'94 55'01 0'64 -- 0'65, Si 0-11, H 0:25=99'58 Stromeyer. 8. Fassa 40'85 51'93 1-23 0 — 50, Si 1'00, Oa, S, 0 1'83=97'34 Brandes. 9. Ischl 43'82 55-96 —, H, T 0'41=100'19 Hauer. 10. Erfurt 43'68 53.39 0-51 1:26 0-28=99'12 Schmid. Wicke found in celestite from a stratum of clay near Wassel-the calciocelestine (Arch. d. Pharm., clii. 32)-Sr 5 91-464, Ca S 8'313, Fe 0 003 —99 780; G.-=4020. It may be only a mixture. Thomson gives for the composition of the Drummond I. celestite —barytocelestite (1. c.) —S 40'20, Sr 35'72, Ba 23-06, Fe 0'59, Hi 0i72=100' 29, and G.=-3921. But his analysis needs confirmation. The celestite of Kingston, C. W., which Thomson ranks with that of Drummond I., is pure celestite according to T. S. Hunt; it has G.=3-96. In the radiated mineral from Ndrten, Hanover, Turner found (Ed. Phil. J., ii. 329) SrS 78-21, BaS 20'41=98'62; and Griiner (Gilb. Ann., ix. 72) Sr S 73 00, Ba S 26 17, who analyzed crystals of a bluish milk-white color, having G.3'9506. Wittstein finds that the blue color of the celestite of Jena is due to a trace of a phosphate of iron. Pyr., etc. —B.B. frequently decrepitates, fuses at 3 to a white pearl, coloring the flame strontia-red; the fused mass reacts alkaline. On charcoal fuses, and in R.F. is converted into a difficultly fusible hepatic mass; this treated with muriatic acid and alcohol gives an intensely red flame. With soda on charcoal reacts like barite. Insoluble in acids. Obs.-Celestite is usually associated with limestone, or sandstone of Silurian, Devonian, Jurassic, and other geological formations. Occurs also in beds of gypsum, rock salt, and clay; and with sulphur in some volcanic regions. Sicily, at Girgenti and elsewhere, affords splendid groups of crystals along with sulphur and gypsum. Fine specimens are met with at Bex in Switzerland, and Conil in Spain; at Dornburg, near Jena, fibrous and bluish; in the department of the Garonne, France; in the Tyrol; Retzbanya, Hungary; at N6rten, in Hanover; in rock salt, at Ischl, Austria. Also found at Aust Ferry, near Bristol; in trap rocks near Tantallan, in East Lothian; at the Calton Hill, Edinburgh; near Knaresborough, in Yorkshire; at Popayan, New Grenada.'Specimens, finely crystallized, of a bluish tint, are found in the Trenton limestone about Lake Huron, particularly on Strontian Island, and at Kingston in Canada; Chaumont Bay, Schoharie, and Lockport, N. Y., have afforded good specimens; also the Rossie lead mine; Depauville and Stark (farm of James Coill), N. Y. A blue fibrous celestite occurs near Frankstown, Logan's Valley, Huntington Co., Penn., associated with pearl spar and anhydrite, and this was the celestite taken to Europe by Schiitz, and named by Werner after an analysis by Klaproth. The dark blue fibrous celestite of Jena is peculiarly trichroic; and its color also varies with the angle between the principal cleavage and the direction of the fibres; the color with the angle 86~, dark blue; 67~, sky blue; 46~, pale blue (Schmid, Pogg., cxx. 637). Named from coelestis, celestial, in allusion to the faint shade of blue often presented by the mineral. ANHYDROUS SULPHATES, CHROMATES. 621 Artif.-Obtained in crystals at a temperature of 300~ C. from solution in water (Dr. Sullivan); in lamellar crystals by fusing a mixture of gypsum and common salt, and treating with water; A. Gages. 632. ANEPYDRITE. Muriazit, Salzsaurer Kalk (fr. Hall, Tyrol), Abbe Poda, Fichtel's Min. Aufsaitze, Wien, 1194, 228. Wiirfelspath Wern., 1800, Ludwig's Min., i. 51, 166, 1803=Cube Spar. Soude muriat6e gypsifbre (of Hall) (from Klapr. anal. in Beitr., i. 307, 1795) H., Tr., ii. 1801. Chaux sulfatee anhydre (fr. Bex) Vauq., H., Tr., iv. 1801. Anhydrit Wern., 1803,, Ludw., ii. 212, 1804. Wiirfelgyps Ludwig, ii. 169. Anhydrous Sulphate of Lime, Anhydrous Gypsum. Karstenit lzausm., lHandb., 880, 1813. Gekrosstein (fr. Bochnia and Wieliczka) Wern.; Tripe Stone Engl.; Pierre de tripes Fr.;= Anhydrit Klapr., Beitr., iv. 231, 1807. Pierre de Vulpino; Marmor Bardiglio di Bergamo; Bardiglione; Chaux sulfatee quartzifere Vauq., H., Tr., iv. 251, 1801; Siliceous Anhydrous Gypsum. Kieselgyps, Vulpinit, Ludwig, ii 170, 1804. Orthorhombic. IA I=100~ 30't 0 A 1-=-127~ 19'; a: b: c=1-3122:: 1'2024. Observed planes: 0; vertical, 1, i-4, i4, i-, i —, -i-; domes, 1-4, {r-,; octahedral, O, n,f. 510 0 A 14=-132~ 30'....1 511 O A -4=l110 8 A O 1-,i A 14, top,=85 I - A 6-, top,=40 16 2- 2A ~!ov. i-? S=122 ff.i- A i-=143 12 i-2' A i-j, ov. i-,= 102 34 2ussee. s A i-?i= 135 35 Stassfurt. s A i-4 135 35 i- Af —153 50 i-4 A n=1430 37' i-4 A 0=1240 10' Fig. 511 view of front side of a thick, rectangular, somewhat tabular crystal, having a zone of planes between i-8 and each 1-4, or the corresponding edge. Cleavage: 4-2 very perfect; i4- also perfect; O somewhat less so. Also fibrous, lamellar, granular, and sometimes impalpable. The lamellar and columnar varieties often curved or contorted. H. = 3 - 3'5. G. = 2899-2-985; 29563, Aussee; 2'985, Stassfurt. Lustre: i-4 and i-~ somewhat pearly; 0 vitreous; in massive varieties, vitreous inclining to pearly. Color white, sometimes a grayish, bluish, or reddish tinge; also brick-red. Streak grayish-white. Fracture uneven; of finely lamellar and fibrous varieties, splintery. Optic-axial plane parallel to i-i, or plane of most perfect cleavage; bisectrix normal to O; Grailich. Var.-1. Ordinary. (a) Crystallized; cleavable in its three rectangular directions. (b) Fibrous; either parallel, or radiated or plumose. (c) Fine granular. (d) Scaly granular. VTulpinite is a scaly granular kind from Vulpino in Lombardy; it is cut and polished for ornamental purposes. It does not ordinarily contain more silica than common anhydrite. A kind in contorted concretionary forms is the tripestone (Gekrdsstein). 2. Pseudomor.hous; in cubes after rock salt. Comp.-Ca S=Lime 41-2, sulphuric acid 58-8=100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 224); 2-4, Stromeyer (Schw. J., xiv. 375); 5, C. W. C. Fuchs (B. H. Ztg., xxi. 198): S Si a Fe Ca f Bit. 1. Sulz, cryst. 59-78 0'25 - 0-10 43'06 - -=103'19 Klaproth. 2. Himmelsberg, cryst. 55-80 0'23 0-09 0-25 40'68 2'91 0'04=100 Stromeyer. 622 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. S 9i Fe Ca 1: 3. Vulpinite, coarse 56'77 0'26 0'03 41'40 0'94=99'40 Stromeyer. 4.' fine 58'01 0'09 - 41-70 0'07=99'86 Stromeyer. 5. Stassfurt, cryst. 58'86 - - 40-21 0'65=99'72 Fuchs. Vauquelin made the vulpinite to contain 8 p. c. of silica (and hence the name siliceous anhydrite), which the later analyses do not sustain. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 3, coloring the flame reddish-yellow, and yielding an enamel-like bead which reacts alkaline. On charcoal in R.F. reduced to a sulphid; with soda does not fuse to a clear globule, and is not absorbed by the coal like barite; is, however, decomposed, and yields a mass which blackens silver; with fluorite fuses to a clear pearl, which is enamel-white on cooling, and by long blowing swells up and becomes infusible. Soluble in muriatic acid. One hundred parts of water, at 18'75~ C., dissolve 0'2 part of anhydrite. Obs.-Occurs iii rocks of various ages, especially in limestone strata, and often the same that contain ordinary gypsum, and also very commonly in beds of rock salt. It was first discovered at the salt mine near Hall in Tyrol, by Abb6 Poda; and next that of Bex, Switzerland. Other localities are at Aussee, both crystallized and massive, the former sometimes in splendid geodes (f. 511), the latter brick-red; at Sulz on the Neckar, in Wiirtemberg; Himmelsberg, near Ilfeld; Bleiberg in Carinthia; Liineburg, Hanover; Lauterberg in the Harz; Kapnik in Hungary; Ischl in Upper Austria; Aussee in Styria; Berchtesgaden in Bavaria; at Rienthal and elsewhere in the Alps, crystals, or their cavities, within quartz crystals; Stassfurt, in fine crystals. In the U. States, at Lockport, N. Y., fine blue, in geodes of black limestone, accompanied with crystals of calcite and gypsum. In Nova Scotia it forms extensive beds at the estuary of the Avon and the St. Croix rivers, also near the Five Islands and elsewhere, associated with gypsum, in the-Carboniferous formation. A crystal from Hall, figured by Haiiy, was a stout rectangular prism, with planes I on the lateral edges, giving i-i A 1=140~ 4', whence IA 1=100~ 8'. The Stassfurt crystals (f. 510), Blum, Jahrb. Min. 1865, 601) have nearly the ordinary forms of barite, and approximate to them in angles. Schrauf makes the anfgle over i-i of an occurring vertical prism (Pogg., cxvii. 650, 186 2) 1200, and v. Rath (Ber. nied. Ges. Bonn. 201, 1862) 121~ 24'. Blum states that the prism I is the most common; it is vertically striated, and these striations are formed of planes of the other vertical prisms measured by him; measurements only approximations. Schrauf and Blum make the angle 1-i A 1-4=85~; Fuchs (B. H. Ztg., xxi. 198), 84~"; and v. Rath, 840 34'. In fig. 511 the plane o is in the same vertical zone with s; and if o is made the plane 1 (as done by Brooke and Miller), n is 2-2, andf 3-3. B. and M. obtained in their measurements for i-i on f, n, o, 153~ 14', 1430 41', and 123~ 31' (Phil. Mag., III. 19, 178); and Grailich and Lang, for the same (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxvii. 25), 153~ 50', 1430 37', 1240 10'. The latter give for their calculated results, 153~ 18i', 1420 591', 1230 32j'. The prism i-z, which has the angle 102~ 34', may be that homo. logous with I of barite; in this case the brachydiagonal above would be the macrodiagonal. Alt.-Absorbs moisture and changes to gypsum. Extensive beds are sometimes thus altered in part or throughout, as at Bex, in Switzerland, where, by digging down 60 to 100 ft., the unaltered anhydrite may be found. Sometimes specimens of anhydrite are altered between the folia or over the exterior. Also altered to quartz and siderite. 633. ANGLESITE. Vitriol de Plomb Monnet, Syst. Min., 371, 1779. Plumbum acido vitriolico mineralisatum Bergm., Sciagr., 116, 1782. Lead mineralized by vitriolic acid Withering, Trl. Bergm. Sciagr., 1783. Lead mineralized by vitriolic acid and iron (on I. Anglesea "in immense quantities") Withering, ib. Vitriol de Plomb (fr. Andalusia) Proust, J. de Phys., xxx. 394, 1787. Bleiglas (fr. the Harz) Lasius, Beob. Harzgeb., ii. 355, 1789. Nat. Bleivitriol Karsten, Tab., 24, 1791. Lead Vitriol, Sulphate of Lead. Vitriolbleierz Germ. Plomb sulfate Fr. Anglesite Beud., Tr., ii. 459, 1832. Sardinian Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 320, 1865, xxv. 194, 1866. Orthorhombic. IA 1=103~ 43k'; 0 A 1-=121~ 20k', Kokscharof; a: b: c= 164223: 1: 1273634. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i4/, i-, i-2, i-, ia, -, i-, i -,; domes, a4, ~4; ~-, 4, 1-, 3-4Z; octahedral, a, a, j,,, 1, 2; -, 1-; 2-i,; ~-,-, -, 2-,I 1- 14, 2-4. O A 14=1400 37' 0 A ~ -=1470 11' 0 A 1-115~ 35~' 0 A 1-i=127 48 0 A 3- =104 30 0 A =13346 ANHYDROUS SULPHIATES, CHROMATES. 623 0 A 2=1030 28' IA i-=-141~ 8' 1 A ~ —-1470 25' i-i A 1=141 52 1 A 1=154 241 1-4 A 1-~, top,=75 351 4- A i-2_158 34 Z A 2-166 32 1-4 A 1-, o r. g-X,-104 24} i- A ~-= 139 23 1-4 A 1 —=153 17 be A I —, top,= 101 14 i-Z A 1=138 8 1-X A 2 —=156 44 i-2 A i-2, front, =13 8 IA i-2=163 18 1 A 1-2=151 32 i-2 A i-2, ov. i-I,=115 1 IA i-4=160 38 1 A 3-=-168 37 i-9 A i-, ov. i-i,- 134 0 513 514 512 1 2. PheI i. Siege n. Siegen. 515; Phenix illea Phenixville. 12 516 adamantine in some specimens in others inclining to resinous and vitreous.2 2 1.2 Anglesea. Siegen. Siegen. Crystals sometimes tabular; often oblead. Analyses:, 2, proand in the direction of either of the axes; as the vertical axis in f. 515; the macrodiagonal in f. 512 516; the brachydiagonal in f. 513; also tic and short, as in f. 514;4): also sometimes in octahedral forms, more or less modified, made principally of planes 1-n, as in f. 517; or of planes 1; or 1-s, or 1-i. Cleavage: I, 0, but interrupted. The planes I and i-i often vertically striated, and W — horizontally. Also nassive, granular, or hardly so. Sometimes stalactitic. l.=2-75-3. G.=6412-6-39; 6-35,Phenixville, Smith. Lustrehighly adamantine in some specimens, in others inclining to resinous and vitreous. Color white, tinged yellow,, gray, green, and sometimes blue. Streak uncolored. Transparent-opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Very brittle. Comp.-1Pbg =Sulphuric acid 26-4, oxyd of lead 13-6=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 162); 3, Stromeyer (Unters., 226); 4, Thomson (Min., i. 559); 5, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., IL xx. 244): 624 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. S Pb Ve: 1. Wanlockhead 25-75 7050 - 2'25=9850 Klaproth. 2. Anglesea 24'8 71' 0 10 2'0=98'8 Klaproth. 3. Zellerfeld 26'09 71247 Fe S 0'09 0'51, Mn 00()=99'23 Strom. 4. Leadhills 25'65 74-05 03 0=100 Thomson. 5. Phenixville (-) 26'69 73-26 --, Si 020=99'95 Smith. Pyr., etc.-B.B. decrepitates, fuses in the flame of a candle (F.=1-5). On charcoal in O.F. fuses to a clear pearl, which on cooling becomes milk-white; in R.F. is reduced with effervescence to metallic lead. With soda on charcoal in R.F. gives metallic lead, and the soda is absorbed by the coal: when the surface of the coal is removed and placed on bright silver and moistened with water it tarnishes the metal black. Difficultly soluble in nitric acid. Soluble in citrate of ammonia (J. L Smith). Soluble in 22,816 parts of water of 11~ C (Fresenius). Soluble 1 part in 30,062 of water (Rodwell). Obs.-This ore of lead was first observed by Monnet as a result of the decomposition of galenite, and it is often found in its cavities. At Leadhills it occurred, occupying the cubical cavities of galenite, -or disposed on the surface of the ore; and this locality, and also that of Wanlockhead, formerly afforded large and beautiful crystals, some transparent and several inches in diameter. First found in England at Parys mine in Anglesea. Occurs also at Melanoweth in Cornwall; in Derbyshire and in Cumberland in crystals; Clausthal, Zellerfeld, and Giepenbach, in the Harz; near Siegen in Prussia; Schapbach in the Black Forest, Badenweiler in Breisgau; and in Sardinia in small but perfect transparent crystals; Fondon in Granada; massive in Siberia, Andalusia, Alston Moor in Cumberland; in Australia, whence it is exported by the ton to England. In the United States it occurs in large crystals at Wheatley's mine, Phenixville, Pa. (f. 512, 513, 514); less well crystallized in Missouri lead mines; at the lead mine of Southampton, Mass.; at Rossie, N. Y.; with galenite at the Walton gold mine, Louisia Co., Va. Named from the locality, Anglesea, where it was first found by Dr. Withering. For recent papers on cryst., Kokscharof, Min. Russl., i. 34, ii. 167, iii. 243, elaborate; v. Lang, Ber. Ak. Wien, very elaborate; Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, v. i. 369. Sardinian is distorted anglesite from Monteponi in Sardinia, with which Richter found it to agree in composition; G.=6'380-6'392; H.=3 —3'5; white and like anglesite in lustre. Breithaupt makes it hemidomatic (monoclinic or hemihedral); and found for the fundamental prism the angle 101~ 52'; and says that the bisectrix of the optical angle is normal to a plane truncating an edge of the fundamental prism, and not to the base as in anglesite. The optical fact stated shows that the prism is normally orthometric; and if the plane referred to be made the base (or plane 0) then the mineral agrees with anglesite, both crystallographically and optically. The so-called fundamental prism is prism — i4 of anglesite, which has the angle, as above given, 101~ 14'. The form approaches fig. 5 L6 above. Alt.-Anglesite occurs altered to cerussite (Pb I); also to a hydrous anglesite, according to Breith. 634. ZINKOSITE. Zinkosit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xi. 100, 1852. Anhydrous Sulphate of Zinc. According to Breithaupt, this sulphate occurs at the mine of Barranco Jaroso in the Sierra, Almagrera, Spain, in crystals isomorphous with anglesite and barite. Doubtful. G.=4'331. 535. LEADHILLIT3E. Plomb carbonat6 rhomboidal Bourn., Cat., p. 343, 1817. Sulphatotricarbonate of Lead Brooke, Ed. Phil. J., iii. 117, 1820. Leadhillite Beud., Tr., ii. 366, 1832. 3Bleisulphotricarbonat, Terniirbleierz, Weiss. Psimythit Glocker, Syn., 256, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1030 16', O A 1-i=120~ 10'; a: 6: c=1' 7205: 1: 1-2632. Observed planes as in f. 518, with also i-2 replacing edge between I and i-4. Hemihedral in I and some other planes; hence monoclinic in aspect, or rhombohedral when in compound crystals. 0 A — 1=150~ 10' i- A 4-= 1560 27' i-4 A 1=1280 22' O A =126 11 i4 A.-k=128 14 i4- A i-2=111 36 i- A -t4=119 50 i-4r A W=111 30 i-4 A i4=90 ANHYDROUS SULPHATES, CHROBMATES. 625 518 519 520 2 522 Cleavage' -~, very perfect; i-i traces. Twins, f. 520, 521 (drawn with Vi-b as top plane), consisting of 3 U/.-~-~, crystals; composition-faci7 1-5 (see f. 522)2; also parallel with - ti.= —5. G.= —626-6-'44. Lustre of i-l' pearly, A 14 4i0 o —r r p enous, 2~~~~~~~~~~~ white,-passing into yellow, green, or gray. StreakB 372~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'' S ~~~ 31 3 -- ~~,i2 z"j~ 522 nCleavoe: - very perfect; i- translucesnt. CoTwins, f.520choidal all ture scarcely observable. Rather se tile. ll.=2~5. G.==626 —6A4. Lustre of i-3J pearly, C A il other parts resinous, somewhat adamautine. Color ~!B white, passirnginto yellow, geen, or gray. Streak uncolored. Tasparent - translucent. Conchoidal fractnre scarcel~y observable. Rathler sectile. Comp.-Pb'S+3 Pb 0=Sulphate of lead 27'45, carbonate of lead 12'55=100. Analyses: 1, Berzelius (Jahresb., iii. 134); 2, Stromeyer (Gel. Anz. G6tt., 113, 1825): 1. Leadhills Pb S 28'7 Pb C 71'0=99'7 Berzelius. 2. " 283 72'7=100 Stromeyer. Pyr,, etc.-B.B. intumesces, fuses at 1-5, and turns yellow; but white on cooling. Easily reduced on charcoal. With soda affords the reaction for sulphuric acid. Effervesces briskly in nitric acid, and leaves white sulphate of lead undissolved. Obs.-This ore has been found at Leadhills, with other ores of lead; also in crystals at Red Gill, Cumberland, and near Taunton in Somersetshire. Grenada is also stated to be a locality of it, and the island of Serpho, Grecian Archipelago. The crystals seldom exceed an inch in length,. and are commonly smaller. Reported by C. U. Shepard (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 446) from Newberg District, S. C., but there is some doubt as to the locality; also from the Morgan silver mine, Spar — tanburg District, S. C. Brooke and Miller, who show that the form of leadhillite is orthorhombic, make the prism -1i (of 120~ 20') the fundamental vertical prism, and appear to regard the species as related to aragonite.. The fact that the twins are not formed parallel to the faces of this prism (as they should be if the prism ~-i were homologous with the aragonite prism), and the close approximation in angle to anglesite, shown above, besides other reasons, have led the author to adopt the position of the crystals here given, which exhibits the anglesite relation. Susannite (rhombohedral) and leadhillite (orthorhombic) are mutually dimorphs, and so also are dreelite and anglesite. Now susannite and dreelite are nearly identical in angle; and therefore leadhillite and anglesite must be equally related. Since in susaunite the sulphuric acid dominates over the carbonic acid, and impresses on the lead salt its character (or the form of the sulphate), the same should be the case with its correlate leadhillite-this species being the very same chemical compound.. (See on this subject, Am. J. Sci., II. xviii.). The hemihedrism of the species gives origin to the peculiar rhombohedral aspect of the twins. The angles of these twins are near those of susannite. Fig. 1 is partly from Mohs, with other occurring planes, and is introduced to show the relations of the planes in the position of the crystal adopted. On crystallization, iaidinger, Ed. Phil. Trans., x. 217; B. & M., Min., 563. 636. CALEDONITE. lupreous Sulphato-Carbonate of Lead Brooke, Ed. Phil. J., iii. 117, 1820. Caleddonite Beud., Tr., ii, 361, 1832. 40 626 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Orthorhombic. IA 1=950, O A 1 —=1230 9'; a: b: c=1'5314: 1: 10913. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. 2 3 0 /0 A 1-4=125~ 29', 0 A 2-= 108~ 5' O A = 125~ 50', 0 A 1=1150 43', IA i-A4=1320 30', 1 A 1, pyr.,=105~ and 96~ 45'. Cleavage: I and O indistinct, i-z more obvious. Crystals sometimes large; usually minute; occasionally in divergent groups. 1 ll\. =2'5-3. G.=6'd4. Lustre resinous. 2 2 Color deep verdigris- or bluish-green; inclinr ing to mountain-green if the crystals are delicate. Streak greenish-white. Translucent. Fracture uneven. Rather brittle. Comp. —Sulphate of lead combined with carbonate of copper and lead. Analysis by Brooke (L c.): (b bS 55'8 Pb 0 32-8 ju i 11'4=100 Brooke, corresponding nearly to 3 Pb S + 2 Pb 0t+u 0, or 11 Ou O. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal easily reduced. Partially soluble, with a slight effervescence, in nitric acid, leaving a residue of sulphate of lead (Brooke). Obs.-Occurs at Leadhills, Scotland, accompanying other ores of lead, in crystals with linarite; at Red Gill in Cumberland; also at Retzbanya in Hungary; Tanne in the Harz. Said to occur at Mine la Motte, Missouri. The above figure is by Brooke of a Leadhills crystal. i637. DREELITE. Dreelite.Dufrinoy, Ann. Ch. Phys., lx. 102, 1835. Dreeit Glocker, Syn., 261, 1847. Rhombohedral. R A R —93~ or' 940. Cleavage: rhombohedral, in traces. H. =3'5. G.=3'2 —34. Lustre pearly;1 splendent on a surface of fracture. Streak and color white. Comp. —Ca'S + 3 Ba S. Analysis by Dufrenoy (. c.): aS 061-73 a'S 14'275 OaC 8-05 Si 9-71;1 2405 Ca 1'52 I 2181=100. Obs.-In small unmodified crystals, disseminated on the surface and in the cavities of a,quartzose rock, at Beaujeu, France, Dept. of the Rhone; also at Badenweiler (Baden). Named by Dufrenoy after Mr. de Dree, a liberal patron of science. Thomson has analyzed another compound of the sulphates of baryta and lime (Min., i. 106),,eonsisting of 71'9 of the former to 28'1 of the latter; it was from Harrowgate in Yorkshire.,638. SUSANNITE. Sulphato-tricarbonate of Lead pt. (fr. Susanna mine, Leadhills) Brooke, Ed. N. Phil. J., iii. 117, 138, 1827. Suzannit Haid., Handb., 505, 1845. 525 Rhombohedral. R A R=940 0 A R-1280 3'; a524 A a=1'1062. Observed planes: -2, 0, i, 2, 4,-1-4. 0 A 2=1110 13', 0 A 4=1010 30', 2 A 2-72~ 30'. A- I'\ Cleavage: O easily obtained. IH. =25. G. =65 —6'55. Lustre resinousi /i adamantine. Color white, green, yellow, brownish-black. Streak uncolored. Comp.-Same as for leadhillite. Analysis by Brooke (1. c.): Sulphate of lead 275, carbonate of lead 72 5. Crystals from Nertschinsk, analyzed by Kotschubey, having G. ANHYDROXUS SLPHATESN CHROMATES. 627 =6'526-6-55, and therefore probably susannite rather than leadhillite, afforded him (Koksch. Min. Russl.,'16, 1858) PbS 2 —05, Pb 0 74-26=101-31; and Pb S 26-91, Pb 7287=99-78. Obs.-In attached crystals at the Susanna mine, Leadhills in Scotland; at Moldawa in Hungary; Nertschinsk in Siberia. Formerly referred to leadhillite, the compound crystals of which it resembles. The rhombohedron R of susaunite, as it is assumed by Haidinger, equals very nearly -2 of dreelite, which it is here made. 639. CONNELLITE. Copper Ore of an azure-blue color, composed of needle crystals (fr. Wheal Providence) Rashleigh, Brit. Min., ii. 13, pL. 12, f. 1, 6, 1802. Sulphato-chloride of Copper Connel, Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1847. ConnSllite Dana, Min., 523, 1850. Hexagonal. 0 A 1=1260 50'; a-=11562. Observed planes 527 as in the annexed figure. From the measurements of cMaskelyne, w=3-1. Crystals slender, or acicular;'like f. 526; and also hexagonal prisms (i-2), with the pyramid 1. 1 /\ 1, ov. summite 73 40' w A w"=137' 10' 1 I =143 10 wA i-2-=156 2 1 AI, adj., 132 50 wA I=166 54 - IAi-2=133 53 WAl=152 37 WA w'-163.50 IA i-2=150 Lustre vitreous. Color fine blue. Translucent. Wheal Unity? Comp. —From trials by Connell, contains oxyd of copper, sulphuric acid, and chlorid of copper, and supposed to be a compound of a sulphate and chlorid of copper. Easily soluble in nitric or muriatic acid. Obs.-In Cornwall, at Wheal Unity and Wheal Damsel, in slender crystals, not over v in. in diameter and-I in. thick; Maskelyne, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 39, whence the above figure. 640. GLAUBERITE. Glauberite Brongniart, J. d. M., xxiii. 5, 1808. Brongniartin v. Leonh. Handb., 270, 1826. Monoclinic. C=680 16', IA 1=830 20', O A 1-=136' 528 30'; a: b: c=0-8454: 1: 0-8267. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i; hemidomes, 2-i, -; hemioctahedral, i, j, H.=2 — 3. G. —264 2 —85. Lustre vitreous. Color pale yellow or gray; sometimes brick-red. Streak white. Fracture conchoidal; brittle. Taste slightly saline. Var.-The above angles are from Brooke & Miller. Senarmont found (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xx 0vi. 157) I I=82~ 86'-830 15', 0 A 11370 37', 0 A 31 89 6', 0A h =104~ 52'105, 1?', -1 A -1=1160 18'-116~ 52', 3-3 A 3-3=135- 20'. 628 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Comp. —(I ga+ 0a) S=Sulphate of soda 51'1, sulphate of lime 48-9=100; or, Sulphuric acid 57'5, lime 201, soda 22'4. Analyses: 1, Brongniart (1. c.); 2, v. Kobell (Gel. Anz. Miinchen, Jahrb. Min. 1846, 840); 3, v. Hauer (Ber. Ac. Wien); 4, Hayes (J. Nat. H. Soc. Bost., iv. 498); 5, Ulex (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxx. 51); 6, Pisani (C. R., ii. 731): 9S Oa Sa Cl Pe 1. Villa Rubia 56-5 20'2 23'3 - -=100 Brongniart. 2. Berchtesgaden 57-29 21'04 2127 - -- =99'60 Kobell. 3. Ischl 57-52 20-37 21'87 0'31 --— =100-07 Hauer. 4. Tarapaca 57'22 20-68 21-32 - 0-14=-9936 Hayes. 5. " 55'0 19'6 21'9 B 35=100 Ulex. 6. Varengeville Na g 50a50 a S 48-78 clay 0'40=99'68 Pisani. No. 5 was mixed with some ulexite; No. 6 was brick-red, friable, and resin-like. Pyr., etc.-B.B. decrepitates, turns white, and fuses at 1'5 to a white enamel, coloring the flame intensely yellow. On charcoal fuses in O.F. to a clear bead; in R.F. a portion is absorbed by the charcoal, leaving an infusible hepatic residue. With soda on charcoal gives the reaction for sulphuric acid. Soluble in muriatic acid. In water it loses its transparency, is partially dissolved, leaving a residue of sulphate of lime, and in a large excess this is completely dissolved. On long exposure absorbs moisture and falls to pieces. Obs.-In crystals in rock salt at Villa Rubia, near Ocana, in New Castile; also at Aussee, in Upper Austria; in Bavaria; at the salt mines of Vic, in France (0 A 1=104 11', Dufr.); at Varengeville, near Nancy, a red variety in salt with polyhalite and anhydrite; and at Borax Lake, California, in blue clay, at a depth of 40 ft., having been obtained in an Artesian boring. Province of Tarapaca, Peru (affording the above figure and Senarmont's angles)i with ulexite. Artif.-On the artificial preparation of glauberite, J. Fritzsche, J. pr. Ch., lxxii. 291. On cryst., Senarmont, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xxxvi. 157. 641. LANARRITE. Sulphato-Carbonate of Lead Brooke, Ed. Phil. J., iii. 117, 1820. Lanarkite Beud., Tr., ii. 366, 1832. Dioxylith Breith., Char., 1832. Kohlenvitriolbleispath, Halbvitriolblei, Germ. IMonoclinic. IA I=85~ 48'; i-3 A i-a, front,-49~ 50', Greg; 0 A -1-i =1200 45'. Plane i-, usually rounded, and the 529 crystals aggregated lengthwise, and seldom distinct. Cleavage: 0 perfect; -1-i less perfect. {I\ -li />> Laminse flexible as in gypsum. 1 it~ - i) / H.=2 —2'5. G.-=63 —7; 6'3 —64, Thom0/ 0 \ / son. Lustre of the cleavage-face pearly; other parts adamantine, inclining to resinous. Streak white. Color greenish-white, pale yellow, or gray. Transparent-translucent. Comp.-Pb S + Pb 0=Sulphate of lead 53-15, carbonate of lead 46'85. Analyses: 1, Brooke (1. c.); 2, Thomson (Phil. Mag., III. xv. 402): 1. Carbonate of lead 46'9 Sulphate of lead 53'1=100. 2.'; " 46'04 " " 43'96=100; G.=6-3197. Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal easily reduced. Partially dissolved in nitric acid with effervescence, leaving a residue of sulphate of lead (Brooke). Obs.-At Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland, with caledonite and susannite; of very rare occurrence. Massive in Siberia, and at Tanne, in the Harz; at Biberweier, Tyrol. 642. CROCOITE. Nova minera Plumbi J. G. Lehman, Acad. Petrop., 1766; Pallas, Voyages, 1770, ii. 235. Minera Plumbi rubra Wall., Min., 1778. Rothes-Bleierz Wern., Auss. Kennz., 296, 11774. Plomb rouge Macquart, J. de Phys., xxxiv. 1789; Vaeuquelin, Bull. Soc. Philomath., and J. de Phys., xlv. 393, 1794, xlvi. 152, 311, 1798. Plomb chromate., Tr., iii. 1801. Chro ANHYDROUS SULPHATES, CHROMATES. 629 mate of Lead. Chromsaures Blei, Bleichromat, Chrombleispath, Germ. Rallochrom Hausm., Handb., 1086, 1813. Crocoise Beud., Tr., ii. 669, 1832. Crocoisit v. Kob., Grundz., 282, 1838. Krokoit Breith., HIandb., ii. 262, 1841. Monoclinic. C=77~ 27', I\A 1=930 42', 0 A 1:=138~ 10'; a: b: c: 0'95507 1::10414, Dauber. Observed planes: 0, not common; 530 531 vertical, I (common), i-i, i-? (not 532 common), i-3, i-2, i-, —, /- i-g,? i-; clinodomes, -2, 1-,.? -, 24; - hemidomes 6-i, 5-i 4-i, -iZ, 3 i,.a 3-8 1%-8-i,-6-i, a-54-, -4-i, -{- i, -14-; orthodiagonal henupyra- 1 mids,;z,, 1, -16,- -A, -, -,-2 -3, -4; I -11-ll. 48. 7 -F -q-3 -~'- - 8-5.13 4 4 3 3 4- - 3 6 5 2 3 22\224i 3. a-; 2-2, -8-2, — 2, 3- 1 —.3-2); 3-,; 5-, Y —;,-3, }-3, 3-3, 9-3, 6-3, 9-3, -12-3; -4- ras Urls. ='a 433)/ 3n-1 113-1 3 Urals. Urals Brazil.? 2-4, 4-4, -2-4; -, 18-; — 5, 5-5; 3-6;'?-7, — 7; -8-8; 9-9, -9-9; -11-11; 1-1; 17-34; clinodiagonal hemipyramids, 3-,,, -- 37 T23 3 - - -;? -20o. I -A i-4=1330 9' 0 A 2-4=118~ 1 -1 A-1=119~ 12' 0 A i-i=102 33 i-4 A i-a=56 10 1 A 1=107 38 Cleavage: I tolerably distinct; O and i-i less so. Surface I streaked longitudinally; the faces mostly smooth and shining. Also imperfectly columnar and granular. H. =25 —3. G. =59 —6'1. Lustre adamantine-vitreous. Color various shades of bright hyacinth-red. Streak orange-yellow. Translucent. Sectile. Var.-Dauber gives the following observed angles for a large number of crystals from Brazil, Urals, and the Philippines (Ber. Ak. Wien, xlii. 17, 1860): Brazil. Urals. Philippines. 1(m) A I(m) 93~ 17'-93~ 43' 930 22'-930 45' 930 30'-930 57' In(m) A-1 (t) 146 36-145 46 146 4-145 51 146 27-145 40 -1 (t) A-1(t) 119 29-118 53 119 20-118 56 119 20-118 52 O(c) A 1-i(z) 138 14-138 9 O(c) A 3-i(x) 97 44 —97 35 0(c) A I(m) 99 11-99 From his numerous exact measurements he deduces for the angle C, or the inclination of the axis, in the Brazilian, 77~ 14' 23"; the Uralian, 77~ 31' 20"; the Philippine, 77~ 23' 27". Kupffer made this angle 78~ 1'; Brooke & Miller, 77" 55'; Haidinger obtained from one crystal 77~ 10'; and by deductions from other measurements of 4 crystals 77" 29'-7'7~ 57'. Dauber gives figures of fifty-four different crystals. The Brazilian have usually the plane 4-i, and an extreme variety of this form is shown in f. 532. One form from the Philippines is the fundamental octahedron 1, -1; another 1; -1, or 1 -1, i-8, in slender prisms; while others approach the Uralian in form. Comp.-Pb &ir=Oxyd of lead 68'9, chromic acid 31'1=100. Analyses: 1, Pfaff (Schw. J., xviii. 72); 2, Berzelius (ib., xxii. 54): 1. Cr 31'735 Pb 617912=99'647 Pfaff. 2. 31 50 68'50=100 Berzelius. 630 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Vauquelin discovered the metal chromium in this mineral in 1794 (1. c., 1794, 1798, and J. d, M., ii. 737). Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube decrepitates, blackens, but recovers its original color on cooling. B.B. fuses at 1-5, and on charcoal is reduced to metallic lead with deflagration, leaving a residue of chrome-oxyd, and giving a lead coating. With salt of phosphorus gives an emerald-green bead in both flames. Fused with bisulphate of potash in the platinum spoon forms a dark violet mass, which on solidifying becomes reddish, and when cold greenish-white, thus differing from vanadinite, which on similar treatment gives a yellow mass (Plattner). Obs.-First found at Beresof in Siberia, in crystals in quartz veins, or intersecting gneiss or granite; also occurs at Mursinsk and near Nischne Tagilsk in the Ural, in narrow veins, traversing decomposed gneiss, and associated with gold, pyrite, galenite, quartz, and vauquelinite; in Brazil, at Congonhas do Campo, in fine crystals,in decomposed granite; at Retzbanya in Hungary, at the mine of St. Anthony; Moldawa in Hungary; on Luzon, one of the Philippines. whence crystals were received by the author in 1842, from El Senor Roxas of Manila, and understood to be from the northern peninsula of Luzon; according to Dr. Hochstetter, at the mines of Labo, in the Province of North Camarines, on the southeastern peninsula of Luzon (Dauber). This species was first noticed by Lehman (1. c.). The name Crocoite is from Kp6Kog, saffron. Berthier, in 1832, gave the word the bad form Crocoise, which von Kobell altered (to make it conformable to ordinary mineralogical nomenclature) in 1838, to Crocoisite, and Breithaupt, in 1841, to Crocoite (Krokoit), and v. Kobell also to this last mentioned form in his later works. Hausmann's Callochrome has the priority; but as the name is a poorer one, not mineralogical in form, and the species was not one instituted by Hausmann, we allow Crocoite to stand. 643. PH(ENICOCHROITE. Melanochroit Hermann, Pogg., xxviii. 162, 1833. Phceniko. chroit Glocker, Grundr., 612, 1839. Subsesquichromate of Lead Thom. Phcenicit Haid., Handb., 504, 1845.'Orthorhombic? Crystals usually tabular, and reticularly interwoven. Cleavage in one direction perfect. Also massive. H. =3 —3'5. G. =575. Lustre resinous or adamantine, glimmering. Color between cochineal- and hyacinth-red; becomes lemon-yellow on exposure. Streak brick-red. Subtranslucent-opaque. Comp. —Pb3 Oir2=Chromic acid 23'1, protoxydof lead 76-9-100. Analysis: Hermann (Pogg., xxviii. 162): Chromic acid 23-31 Protoxyd of lead'6-69=100. The same result was obtained by G. Rose (Jahrb. Min. 1839, 575). Pyr., etc.-B.B. on charcoal fuses readily to a dark mass, which is crystalline when cold. In R.F. -on charcoal gives a coating of oxyd of lead, with globules of lead and a residue of chromeoxyd. Gives the reaction of chrome with fluxes. Obs.-Occurs in limestone at Beresof in the Ural, with crocoite, vauquelinite, pyromorphite, and galenite. Named ffelanochroite by Hermann, from plag;, black, and Xp6a, color. But, as the color is red, and not black, and the name is therefore false to the species, Glocker changed it to Phenicochroite, from qoitvlKOS, deep red, and Xp6a; and in this he is followed by IHausmann. The abbreviated form phoenicite is bad, because it is too much like the name of another mineral, phenacite. 644. VAUQU!ELINITF3. Vauqueline Berz., Afh., vi. 100, 1818. Vauquelinite Berz., N. Syst. Min. Paris, 202, 1819. Chromate of Lead and Copper. Monoclinic. Crystals usually minute, irregularly aggregated. Twins: annexed figure; composition-face a plane on the acute solid angle: 0 A O (of the two individuals) =1340 30'; 0 A i-=149~ nearly. Alsoreniform Fia- or botryoidal, and granular; amorphous. H.=2-5-3. G. =55-5'78. Lustre- adamantine to resinous, often faint. Color green to brown, apple-green, siskin-green, olive-green, ochre-brown, ANHYDROUS SULPHATES) CHROMATES. 631 liver-brown; sometimes nearly black. Streak greenish or brownish. Faintly translucent-opaque. Fracture uneven. Rather brittle. Comp.-Cu3 Or2+2 Pb3 Or2=(Ou, Pb)s' r2=0xyd of lead 61'4, oxyd of copper 10'9, chromic acid 271-=100. Analysis by Berzelius (1. c.): Cr 28-33 Pb 60'87 Ou 10o80=100. Pyr., etc. —B.B. on charcoal slightly intumesces and fuses to a gray submetallic globule, yielding at the same time small globules of metal. With borax or salt of phosphorus affords a green transparent glass in the outer flame, which in the inner after cooling is red to black, according to the amount of mineral in the assay; the red color is more distinct with tin. Partly soluble in nitric acid. Obs.-Occurs with crocoite at Beresof in Siberia, generally in mammillated or amorphous masses, or thin crusts; also at Pont Gibaud in the Puy de Dome; and with the crocoite of Brazil. At the lead mine near Sing Sing it has been found by Dr. Torrey in green and brownish-green mammillary concretions, and also nearly pulverulent; and at the Pequa lead mine in Lancaster Co., Pa., in minute crystals and radiated aggregations on quartz and galenite, of siskin- to applegreen color, with cerussite. Named after Vauquelin, the discoverer of the metal chromium, and also the first one to notice the crystals of this species (J. d. M., No. VI. i. 760). John describes a greenish or brownish chromo-phosphate of lead and copper (chromphosphorkupferbleispath) from Beresof, Siberia, as occurring in small crystalline concretions, having the surface covered with capillary prisms; H.=2-3; opaque to subtranslucent; fracture uneven; powder dull greenish. Analysis afforded (Jahrb. Min. 1845, 67) Pb Cir 45'0, Pb 19'0, Cu 11'20, i 4'10, Or 7-50, manganese tr., H 1,18, impurities 11-42. To a large extent soluble in nitric or muriatic acid. It is probably only an impure vauquelinite. 645. JOSSAITE Breith. (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 54; 1858). From Beresof, occurring in small orangeyellow crystals with vauquelinite. Described as orthorhombic, with I A I= 1-10~-118~, and traces of prismatic cleavage; the lustre between vitreous and waxy; streak dull yellowish-white; H.= 3'0; G.=5'2. According to Plattner, it gives the reactions of chromic acid and oxyds of lead and zinc. 646. PETTEOITE. Pettkoit A. Paulinyi, Jahrb. Min. 1867, 457. Isometric. Common form the cube; also f. 6, and f. 6 with planes of the dodecahedron. Cleavage: none distinct. 1I.-=25. Lustre bright. Color pure black. Streak dirty greenish. Fracture uneven. Taste sweetish. Comp.-An acid sulphate of iron; 0. ratio for e: e:::f=1'5:135: 27: 1'5. Allowing for some hydrated oxyd of iron as impurity (about 10-5 p. c., as 1'51 of water would require 9'1 of Fe for limonite), the formula may be (Fe', Ge) S2, with Pe': Fe=l:7. Analysis: A. Paulinyi (1. c.): S 45'32 He 44'92 Pe 6-66 i 1'51=98'41. Pyr., etc.-In a closed tube yields water. B.B. on charcoal yields a magnetic mass; with soda gives the sulphuric acid reaction. Wholly soluble in hot water, with a deposit of a flocculent reddish-brown precipitate. Soluble in dilute muriatic acid. Obs.-From Kremnitz, in a breccia, along with iron-vitriol (melanterite), in crystals from the size of peas to millets, and in grains. Named after Bergrath v. Pettko. 647. ALUMIAN. Breith., B. H. Ztg., xvii. 53, 1858. Rhombohedral? Crystals microscopic. Cleavage, traces. Also massive. H.=2-3. G. 2'702-2'781. Lustre of small crystals vitreous; of masses weak. Color white. Subtranslucent. 632 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Comp.-M-l s2 (?)=Sulphuric acid 60'9, alumina 39'1. According to Utend6rffer's determina. tions (1. c.), contains 37-38 p. c. of alumina, with sulphuric acid, and no water. Pyr., etc.-B.B. unaltered; only hygroscopic water given off, but at a high temperature sulphuric acid, which may be detected by litmus paper. With cobalt solution a fine blue. Obs.-From mines in the Sierra Almagrera, southern Spain. HYDROUS SULPIATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. I. Oxygen ratio for bases and acid 1: 3; the species coming under the general formula i' S+n aq, 9'3+n aq, or (]RI R) S'+n aq. A. Sullphates of Elements in the Protoxyd state. 1. Contain ammonium. Orthorhombic, with I\ I=100~-108~. 650. MASCAGNITE N H4 0 S+ft S0211O2R(N H4)2+aq 651. BOUSSINcGAULTITE (?) N H4 O, Mg, S, 2 652. LECONTITE (Ra, ], N H4 0) S + 2 ft S 21e2la(Na, K, N H4)2 + 2 aq 2. Contain sodium, without magnesium, calcium, or iron. 653. MrABILITE Sra S+10o Sf 8211Na2 + 10 aq 3. Contain calcium or magnesium, with or without the alkaline metals; less than 4 of At to 1 of S. Monoclinic or orthorhombic. 654. GYPSUM 0 Ia S + 2 f -: S 2,ll-Ca + 2 aq 655. KIESERITE Mg S+: S G2402JMg+aq 656. POLYHALITE (~ Oa+I MTg+ + 1) S + ft sAe2o12 I(aK,2 +,Tga+~ Mg)+~aq 657. MAMANITE (6 Ca + 2g- g f) S f t + i 82jj02|(j j2+ +eaj a Mgj+i aq 658. PICROMERITE (~ Mg+~K) )+ + 3t S 02l1021(~ K2 +~ Mg) + 3 aq 659. BLCEDITE (j Mg+j Na) + 2 ft s21 1o2[!(i Na,+ t Mg)+ 2 aq 4. Bases and water as in section 3. Crystals tetragonal. 660. LCEWEITE (I- gMg+ ITa)'S+ 1:I SD} 8,2D-(~ Na,2+ Mg) + 1 aq 5. EPSOMITE GROUP. Contain magnesium, iron, manganese, etc.; 4-7 of tI to 1 of 3. Orthorhombic; IA I=90o-93~. 661. EPSOMITE Mg'S+ -1 S -O[eO2O2AMg + 7 aq 662. TAURISCITE e'S+7 f Se,llO2l2|Fe+7 aq 663. FAUSERITE (j n +j Mg) S + 5 f S e02(,ll(1 Mg + i Mn) + 5 aq HYDROUS SULPHATES. 633 6. COPPERAS GROUP. Basic elements and water as in section 5. Monoclinic, with IA I= 82~-92~; or triclinic. 664. MELASTERITE Fe'S+7 t S e2leO2IFe + 7 aq 665. PISANITE (Fe, 6u) S + A7 ft 2S 0l2l2(Fe, eu)-+ 7 aq 666. GOSLARITE 2n S + 7 Af SO2,lizn+7 7 aq 667. BIFBERITE o S+7 1 S 2lle02lleo+7 aq 668. MORENOSITE SiS +7- A Sf21[0O2l[~Ni+7 aq 669. CHALCANTHITE OU S+5 A-I 8.2||2~(u+5 aq 7. CYANOCHROITE GROUP. Contain copper and potassium. 670. CYANOOHROoTE. ( -+-j u) S + 3 A S02[02ll(( K, +~ u)+3 aq B. Sunphates of. Elements in the Sesquioxyd state, or Sesquioxyd and Protoxyd. 8. ALUNOGEN GROUP. O. ratio for, Si, f-= 1: 3: 9 to 1: 3: 18. 671. ALUNOGEqN AlS —s 18: se 6 |2lP2ItAl+6 aq 672. CoQUnIBITHE e'S3+9 f SO2HlOlFe+3 aq 9. ALUM GROUP. O. ratio for R, i,, ft=1: 3: 12: 24; for bases, acid, and water, 1: 3: 6. Crystals isometric. 673. TSCHERIGITE (N H4 0)' +t: l)' 3 + 18 ft S Oe2jI(~ (N H4)2 + 3IAIl) + 6 aq 674. KALNriTE ( 3+I X1) SS+18 s el[,i I(a K+ i A)+6 aq 10. VOLTAITE GROUP. O. ratio for R, 1 not 1: 3; for bases, acid, and water, 1: 3: 4. Crystals isometric. 675. VOLTAITE (oPes, e) S'+ 12 f S e2,ll(i2(e, /Fe)++4aq 676. BLAKEITEr 11. HALOTRICHITE GROUP. O. ratio for R1, 9,'S, t=1: 3: 12:.22; for bases, acid, and water, 1:3: 5j. Crystallization orthorhombic or monoclinic, usually fine fibrous or acicular. This group is related in ratio to the Alum group, it differing only in 22 instead of 24 of water. But the real difference may be much greater, and this is rather to be inferred from the unusual ratio for the water. If 2 of the 22 of water are basic, the 0. ratio for bases and acid is then 1: 2, and for bases, acid, and water, 1: 2: 3*. The formulas of the species below, based on this ratio, would have the general form (-(IG, ft)3 + 1) S2+ 10 ]H; or, in the new system, S Of4&O (I (H2, -R) +j fB A1)+3j aq. 677. MENDOZITE (I a-as +: I1) S9+ 161 611S &,J,2|(j Na2 +~ il) + 5~ aq 678. PicHRNnrEn (I kg" +; X1)'9 + 16~ ft S,211j2(~ Mg+ RAI) + 5~ aq 679. APJoHITE (~ Mn9 +'I X1) S3+ 16~ A S 02||ft(~ Mn+t fl1) + 53 aq 680. BosEmmANNnrr (~ (M(n3, SMg) +; 1l) S' + 16j t S 2211" 1(1Mnn, Mg)) 4+-lB)+ 5~aq 681. HALOTRIMOTT (J Fee+*;X1)'S+ 16i ft S- eOUe2( Fe+t IRAl)+ 5~ aq 634 OXYGEN COMPOUNDs. 12. REMERITE GROUP. 682. R(EMERITE (~ Pe'9+ FPe) S+ 12 I: S O2H [2I(~ Fe+fiPFe)+3 aq II. Sulphates, with oxygen ratio of bases and acid 1 to less than 3; not containing Copper or Uranium. The copper and uranium hydrous sulphates are of uncertain formulas, and are therefore placed by themselves. There is also much uncertainty with regard to the true formulas of the species here included, on account of the doubtful relations of the water. 1. O. ratio for bases (no water included) and acid 2: 5, 2: 3, 3: 5. 683. COPiLPITE Fe2 S5+ 12 AI (or 18 AI) S e91Oi2IIllFe6 + 12 aq 684. RAIMONDITE Fe2 S + j i S 0e114 11[Fe2 + 21 aq 685. FIBROERRITE es3 S5 + 27 A S5 Oe61O1811fPe9g + 27 aq 686. APATELITE e' S2 + 2 S5 6O118113 Feg +2 aq 2. 0. ratio for bases (no water included) and acid 1: 2. 687. BOTRYOGEN (a Fe'+g 3e) S2+9 f11 2 0S4Oe3le(Fe, fFe)3+9 aq 3. 0. ratio of bases (water excluded) and acid 1: 1j to 1: 1; but if some water be made basic, 1: 1 for all, as in the formulas below. 688. ALUMNITE A1 S + 91 ~ S[6AoII3[l+9 aq 689. ALUNITE ( (i, ) + S6( (2,, H,2)' + Al), + aq 690. LOWIGITE (i (K, A)~+ + l t) A + E SfllO S6I((K2,H,)+3Ad1)3 + 1 aq 691. JAROSITE (' (I', Aa, -i)6+ 1 e)'S+ 1? ] S|oI((R2,H2)+-}BI)3+Iaq 692. CARPHOSIDERITE (1- f'+A'e)'+2 f So6(O H2~+ft IFe)3 + 2 aq The species Copiajpite, Raimondite, Fibroferrite, Botryogen, may be here included, if part of the water is basic. 4. 0. ratio of bases and acid I to less than 1. 693. PARALUMEwTE 12' +15 ft fiA16 [ 0[361S+ 15 aq 694. PISSOPHNIATE? (Al, Ve)2 S+15f ((Al, Fe)6 O3eO6S+ 15 aq 695. FELSOBANYITE l' 1i0 ft l O[ 3Ole, |S+-10 aq 696. GLOCKERITE e'S-+6A: Pe 3je,0O119S+6 aq 697. LAMPROPHAMITE III. Sulphates, with oxygen ratio of bases and acid 1 to less than 3. Containing Copper, Lead, or Uranium. By making part of the bases accessory hydrates, instead of basic to the acid, the formulas may be varied ad libitum. Only one of the possible forms is here given. 1. Containing lead or copper. 700. LINARITE P]b S + Ou f 701. BROCEANTII Nu' S + 2 u ]u 702. 0LANGITE Ou S + 3 Ou I + f t 703. CYANOTRICHTE Ou + (Ou', Al) ftl+12 A HYDROUS SULPHATES. 635 2. Sulphates of Uranium. 1. Unisulhates. 705. JOHANNITE (o (PU, )+i Onu)'+1 ft S -U1111( U + 8 (U, U))3 +1I aq 706. URANOCHAIIaITE (- (10, V) + O0aS') S + 0u S + 9 f sile61(~ ea + (U, fl:))3 + Q + 9 aq 707. MEDJIDITE (?) (~ j + da')'+ 7j f S[ O6Cll(~ ia+~ Bf)3 + 74 aq 2. Subsulphates. 708. ZIPPEITE (UY eU3)' S'+ 8 A (or 6 A) (eu,,U)9 &,,li2US12+8 (or 6) aq 709. VOGLIANITE (C,' S + 2 ({ 3, +)2 e leo 1 S+ 2 aq 710. URACOITE, *S+4t4t 6U9 i 611e - ils + 4f aq IV. TELLURATES. 7 11. MONTANITE Bi'Te + 2 1 TelO63Bi3 + 2 aq Appendix.-SELENATES? 712. KERSTENITE 650. MASCAGNITE. Mascagni, Dei Lagoni, etc., in Siena, 1779. Sel ammoniac vitriolique, Sel ammoniac secret de Glauber (fr. Solfatara near Naples), Sage, Min., i. 62, 1777. Ammoniaque sulfatee Fl. Sulphate of Ammonia. Maskagnin Karst., Tab., 40, 75, 1800. Orthorhombic. IA 1=107~ 40', O A 1-==122~ 56', a: b: c=15437: 1: 1'3680. Cleavage: i-& perfect; O imperfect. O A -4= 150~ 34:' - A j-., bas.,=580 52' i-q A i-~=111~ 15' O A -l-=125 34 A 3 —=118 52 ~ A ~, over A - =87 26 Usually in mealy crusts and stalactitic forms. H.=2 —2'5. G.=1'72-1-73. Lustre when crystallized, vitreous. Color yellowish-gray, lemon-yellow. Translucent. Taste pungent and bitter. Comp. —N H4 0 S+I[=Sulphuric acid 53'3, ammonia 34-7, water 12'0=100. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube yields water and is sublimed; with lime gives off ammonia vapors. Dissolves readily in water, and gives with baryta salts a precipitate insoluble in acids. Obs. —Occurs about volcanoes, in the fissures of the lava, as at Etna, Vesuvius, and the Lipari Isles, and is also one of the products of the combustion of mineral coal. Named after Professor Mascagni. 651. BOUSSINGAULTITE. E. Bechi, C. R., lviii. 583, 1864. A sulphate of ammonia with part of this alkali replaced by magnesia. Crystals resemble those of mascagnine, but isomorphism with that species has not yet been established. Occurs about the boric acid fumaroles of Tuscany. 652. LECONTITE. W. J. Taylor, Am. J. Sci., II. xxvi. 273, 1858. Orthorhombic. In prismatic crystals, long or short. IA I(calc. from 636 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. i-9 A i-)=103~ 12', O A 1-i=117 T7'; IA i-:=1600, i-A A i-4=115~, - A T-4 =1270 30' —128~, or over i-, 52~-52~ 30', Dana. H.=2 —25. Lustre vitreous. Colorless, when pure, and transparent. Taste saline and rather bitter. Permanent in the air. Comp. —t S+2 A or ((a, ), N H4 0) S+2 1t. Analysis by Taylor (1. c.): NH4O Ma ] if 44'97 12'94 1'156 2 67 19'45 With 2'30 organic residue, 0'11 inorganic id., and i trace. Pyr., etc.-Only partially sublimed in the closed tube, but otherwise reacts like mascagnite. Obs.-From the cave of Las Piedras, near Comayagua, Central America, imbedded in a black mass made up of the excrement of bats. The crystals often have a coating of organic matter. The cave is worked for the nitre, which the earth of the floor near its mouth affords by lixiviation. Named after Dr. John L. Le Conte. An artificial salt of similar general formula, but having ammonia and potash as its bases, is well known (Gmelin's Ch., iii. 119). 653. MIRABILITE. Glauber Salt. Sal mirabile Glauber (the artificial salt at the time of its first formation). Naturliches Wundersalz, Glaubersalz, Germ. Glauber Salt. Sulphate of Soda. Soude sulfatee Fr. Mirabilite Haid., Handb., 488, 1845. Gediegen Glaubersalz (fr. Saidschitz and Sedlitz) Reuss, Crell's Ann., 1791, ii. 18;=Natur. liches Bittersalz pt. Lenz, Min., i. 489, 1794;=Reussin Karst., Tab., 40, 1800. Monoclinic. G=72~ 15', I-A 1=860 31, 0 A 1-4 34 1300 19';: b: c=-11089: 1: 0'8962. Ob-'i z —'-'"'served planes as in the annexed figure. // /0 A i-i=1070 45' 1 A l, front =933 12' 0 A 1i-=-147 34 -1 A -1, front, 110 42 i;: I OiJ 0 A 1-i=122 5 i-i A 1-i:-130 10./ O A 4-/: 155 41 i-i A 1-1-104 41 "x..' ]~_~ O A 2-4=113 0 o Cleavage: i-i perfect. Usually in efflorescent crusts. II.=15 —2. G. =1481. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent -opaque. Taste cool, then feebly saline and bitter. Comp. — a S + 10 -=Soda 19'3, sulphuric acid 24-8, water 559= 100. Analyses: 1, Rivot (Ann. d. M., V. vi. 558); 2, Moissenet (ib., xvii. 16); 3, How (Ed. N. Phil. J., II. vL 54): 1. Guipuzcoa, Spain S 24'8 fNa 19'5 Sig 0'5 Oa 0'3 f 54'5 Rivot. 2. St. Rambert, France 26'0 20'0 0~ 7 H C1 tr. 533 Moissenet. 3. Windsor, N. Scotia 44'54 - - 55-46 How. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube much water; gives an intense yellow to the flame. Very soluble in water; the solution gives with baryta salts the reaction for sulphuric acid. Falls to powder on exposure to the air, and becomes anhydrous. Obs.-Occurs at Ischl and Hallstadt in Austria; also in Hungary, Switzerland, Italy; at Guipuzcoa in Spain, etc.; abundantly at the hot springs at Carlsbad; at Kailua, on Hawaii, Sandwich Islands, abundant in a cavern, and forming from the action of volcanic heat and gases on salt water. Effloresces with other salts on the limestone below the Genesee Falls, Rochester, N. Y.; at Windsor, Nova Scotia; also near the Sweetwater River, Rocky Mountains. The artificial salt was discovered by Glauber, a German chemist, about the middle of the HYDROUS SULPHATES. 637 seventeenth century, while he was operating with sulphuric acid and common salt; and the name sal mirabile was his own expression of surprise at its formation. Taking the plane 1-4 as 2-i, the axes are nearly those of pyroxene, becoming a: b: c=0'55445: 1: 0'8962. The so-called Reussin is impure glauber salt, as pronounced by Reuss in 1791, after his early study of it. It occurred as a deposit of crystals and efflorescent crusts in or about the mineral springs of Saidschitz and Sedlitz, and according to Reuss was most abundant near the end of the spring. The crystals (some of which were ~ to 2 in. long) had the form of stout 6-sided prisms, with two sides smaller than the others, terminating in two rhomboidal planes-the form of glauber salt. It is stated to have become a white powder on the expulsion by heat of the crystallization-water. The analysis was made first on a solution of the salt, and afterward on the effloresced salt, which contained as a result of efflorescence (the usual result) no water; and hence the amount of water was not ascertained. Crystals reproduced from the solution lost more than half their weight when heated to redness; corresponding with the fact that both glauber salt and epsomite contain more than 50 p. c. of water. The analysis afforded Reuss Na S 66'04, M-gI S 31-55, Mg C1 2-19, Ca S 0-42; which, adding the water and excluding the Mg C1, corresponds to 68'0 of glauber salt, 3117 of epsomite, and 0-3 of gypsum= 100. EXANTH.ALOSE Beud. (Tr., ii. 475, 1832) is a white efflorescence, such as results from the exposure to the air of glauber salt. Beudant obtained the composition Na' + 2 it from the analyses: 1. Vesuvius S 44-8 Nla 35'0 A1 20'2 2. Hildesheim 42-'5 334 18'8 The Vesuvian mineral was from the lavas of 1813, according to Beudant. It was named from!i~viow, to effloresce, and Oas, salt. 654. GYPSUM. Prvpos [=mostly burnt Gypsum] Berodotus, Plato, Theophrastus. EbXnfr-nq,'AcepowciAvov, Dioscorides, v. 152, 159. Lapis specularis (principal part), Gypsum (=burnt gypsum only), Plin. Lapis specularis, Gypsum, oelXnirTn, Germ. Gips and Fraueneis, Ital. Lumen de Scaiola [Scagliola], Agricola, Foss., 251, Interpr., 465, 1546. Glacies Mariza, Marienglas [=Selenite], Gips, Gypsum, Alabastrum (fine grained G.), Selenites (cryst. G.), Wall., Min., 50, 1747. Marmor fugax Linn., Syst., 1736. Gypsum, Terra calcarea acido vitrioli saturata, Alabaster, Selenites, Cronst., Min., 18, 1758. Gips, Gyps, Fraueneis, Wern. Gesso Ital. Yeso Span. Sulphate of Lime, Alabaster, Plaster Stone. Chaux sulfatge, AlbAtre, SF. Satin Spar. Montmartrite Delameth., Legons, ii. 380, 1812. Perhaps in part'AXaIBarrp~irr, Theophr., Plin. Monoclinic. C=660 14', if the vertical prism I (see f. 537) correspond to the cleavage prism (second cleavage), and the basal plane O to the direc535 538 536 537 2101/.. i' tion of the third cleavage. IA 1=1380 28', 1-4 A 1-4=1280 31'; a: c =0-9: I: 2-4135. Observed planes: 0 (truncates the edge 2-4/24) (a); 638 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. vertical, 4 (), -i ( (, ), I i-n (X), i-8 (s); clinodomes, 24 (m, or f), 3-, -4, 4-4 (h), -4, 5-2, 64 (k), 7-4, 8-2, 9-4; hemidomes, 1-i (d), 2-i, 3-i (e), -?->; octahedral, 1 (1), 2 (v), 3 (u), 3-3 (w), 3-d (y, or k). 0 A i-i=660 14' 0 A 3-i=88~ 8' 1 A 1=1220 17' 0 A 1-i=127 44 0 A 24 —145 41 1-i A i-i=113 30 O A 3-i —87 58 0 A 44- 126 12 i- A 1=110 46 O A 1=125 35 1 A 1=143 42 t- A 1=108 9 0 A 1=67 52 2-4 A 24=111 42 i- A 2-4=124 19 0 A 2=98 46 Cleavage: (1) i4-, or clinodiagonal, eminent, affording easily smooth polished folia; (2) I, imperfect, fibrous, and often apparent in internal rifts or linings, making with 0 (or the edge 2- /2-4) the angles 660 14' and 113~ 46', corresponding to the obliquity of the fundamental prism; (3) 0, or the base, imperfect, but affording a nearly smooth surface. Twins: 1. Composition-face O (f. 538), occurring (A) in the form repre539 sented in f. 535, having then the reentering angle 104~ 32', and the cross-lining of the second cleavage (or \\i. that parallel to I) in the directions cv, vg, meeting in the angle cvg=132~ 28', or twice 66~ 14'; also \. Ad occurring (B) in a form made up of planes 2-4 and I (instead of 2-z, 1), and having a reentering angle of 132~ 28', at the opposite end of the crystal, the cleav-: age lines being parallel to the sides of the reentering o angle. 2. Composition-face 1-i, or edge 1/1 (=1/1), reentering angle made between edge I/I (=n /n) of 8o each part,= 1230, or double the supplement of 1-i on edge I/I(which equals 61~ 30'); twins of this second kind often lenticular; also like f. 539 (compare with f. 537) the re6ntering edges made of the planes I (n), and the outer convex edges either of planes 1 (1) and 3-i (e) blended together, and meeting at extremity in an angle of 25}~, or of planes 1 and 2-i, and having the angle at extremity 55~; the interior cleavage lines parallel to 1, having the directions cv, vg, meeting the axis at 610~, or one another in the angle 123~. Simple crystals often with warped as well as curved surfaces. Also foliated massive; lamellar-stellate; often granular massive; and sometimes nearly impalpable. H.=1-5-2. G.=2-314 —2328, when pure crystals. Lustre of i-4 pearly and shining, other faces subvitreous. Massive varieties often glistening, sometimes dull earthy. Color usually white; sometimes gray, flesh-red, honey-yellow, ochre-yellow, blue; impure varieties often black, brown, red, or reddish-brown. Streak white. Transparent —opaque. Var.-1. Crystallized, or Selenite; either in distinct crystals, or in broad folia, the folia sometimes a yard across and transparent throughout. (b) An arenaceous variety occurs in Sussex, N. Brunswick, the crystals containing much sand, which is often regularly arranged within them (0. C. Marsh). 2. Fibrous; coarse or fine. (a) Satin spar, when fine-fibrous a variety which has the pearly opalescence of moonstone; (b) plumose, when radiately arranged. 3. Mlassive; Alabaster, a fine-grained variety, either white or delicately shaded:; scaly-granu. lar; earthy or rock-gypsum, a dull-colored rock, often impure with clay.or carbonate of lime, and sometimes with anhydrite. The Montmartre gypsum contains carbonate of lime, and Delame. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 639 therie called it Aontmartrite. A variety from Bovenden, near GIttingen, contains anhydrite (Jahrb. Min. 1856, 664). Comp. —a S+2 Hf=Sulphuric acid 46'5, lime 32'6, water 20'9=100. Analyses: 1, Bucholz (Gehlen's J., v. 159);. 2, v. Rose (Karst. Min. Tab., 53, 1808); 3, De la Trobe (Ramm. 4th Suppl., 89); 4, 5, Jiingst (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, viii. 482); 6, 7, W. Hampe (B. H. Ztg., xx. 267): S Ca AI Si Al Fe 1. Cryst. 44'8 33'0 21'0 - - — =98-8 Bucholz. 2. G:anular 44'16 33'88 21-00 - - -=9904 Rose. 3. Albay, fibrous 44'19 29'41 20'18 6'43 0-64 =100'85 Trobe. 4. Wienrode, compact 45076 31.87 19'90 2'80 0'60 =100'93 Jiingst. 5. Osterode, " 45-95 32-62 20'70 0'42 0-50 =100'19 Jiingst. 6. " white 46'61 32'44 20'74 0'15 -- -=99'94 Hampe. 7. " red 46'50 31'99 21'56 - 0'45 =100'80 Hampe. The siliceous variety from Albay, Luzon (Philippine islands), was of volcanic origin.. The gypsum of East River, Pictou, Nova Scotia, according to Prof. W. R. Johnson, and that of Southern Virginia, according to Prof. W. B. Rogers (Am. J. Sci., II v. 113, 1848), contain 1 atom of water to 2 of sulphate of lime (2 Ca S+HI), the former affording S 54'7, lime 39'4, H 5'90. The passage of anhydrite into gypsum is exemplified on a large scale in many places, as at the Canaria valley and at Bex in Switzerland (Blum. Pseud., p. 24; Am. J. Sci., xlviii. 69). and the compound here described may have been formed in the course of the transition; or, more probably, it is a mixture of gypsum and anhydrite. This compound is formed artificially only at a high temperature, or above 120~ C. The incrustations in steam-boilers on the ocean consist largely of it, as shown by J. P. W. Johnston, and later by R. W. Johnson, who gave for the composition of one (Am. J. Sci., II. v. 112, 1848), having G.=2-69, and a fibrous structure, Sulphuric acid 54'25, lime 39'67. water 6-07, equivalent to 2 of Ca S to I of H. T. L. Phipson found in one (Inventor's Institute, Dec., 1867) Sulphate of lime 65-0, magnesia 19-0, water 13'5, Fe, A1 0'85, Na Cl 0'70, sand 0'45=99'50; corresponding to 1 of da S+1H and 1 of Mg fH (brucite). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off water and becomes opaque. Fuses at 2'5-3, coloring the flame reddish-yellow. For other reactions, see ANHYDRITE, p. 621. Ignited at a temperature not exceeding 260~ C., it again combines with water when moistened, and becomes firmly solid. Soluble in muriatic acid, and also in 400 to 500 parts of water. Obs.-Gypsum often forms extensive beds in connection with various stratified rocks, especially limestones, and marlytes or clay beds. It occurs occasionally in crystalline rocks. It is also a product of volcanoes, occurring about fumaroles, or where sulphur gases are escaping, being formed from the sulphuric acid generated, and the lime afforded by the decomposing lavas-lime being contained in augite and labradorite. It is also produced by the decomposition of pyrite when lime is present; and often about sulphur springs where sulphuretted hydrogen is emitted, this gas changing, through reaction with vegetable matter, into sulphuric acid. Gypsum is also deposited on the evaporation of sea-water and brines, in which it exists in solution. Crystals may be seen to form on evaporating a drop of sea-water in the field of a microscope. Fine specimens are found in the salt mines of Bex in Switzerland; at Hall in the Tyrol; in the sulphur mines of Sicily; in the gypsum formation near Oqana in Spain; in the clay of Shotover Hill, near Oxford; and large lenticular crystals have been met with at Montmartre, near Paris. A noted locality of alabaster occurs at Castelino, 35 m. from Leghorn, whence it is taken to Florence for the manufacture of vases, figures, etc. This species occurs in extensive beds in several of the United States, and more particularly N. York, Ohio, Illinois, Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas, and is usually associated with salt springs. Also in Nova Scotia, Peru, etc. Handsome selenite and snowy gypsum occur in N. York, near Lockport (occasionally f. 532) in limestone along with pearl spar and anhydrite; also near Camillus, Onondaga Co.; occasionally crystals are met with in the vicinity of Manlius. In Maryland, large grouped crystals on the St. Mary's, in clay; also near the mouth of the Patuxent. In Virginia, large beds of gypsum with rock salt, in Washington Co., 18 m. from Abingdon; also near Lynchburg. In Ohio, large transparent crystals have been found at Poland and Canfield, Trumbull Co. In Tenn., selenite and alabaster in Davidson Co. In Kentucky, in Mammoth Cave, it has the forms of rosettes, or flowers, vines, and shrubbery. Abundant also W. of the Mississippi in many places, and in California. In N. Scotia, in Sussex, King's Co., on Capt. McCready's farm, large single and grouped crystals, which mostly contain much symmetrically disseminated sand. Plaster of Paris (or gypsum which has been heated and ground up) is used for making moulds, taking casts of statues, medals, etc.; for producing a hard finish on walls; also in the manufacture of artificial marble, as the scagliola tables of Leghorn, and in the glazing of porcelain. The fibrous variety, when cut en cabochon and polished, resembles cat's-eye. 640 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Gypsum is related in form to heulandite, a fact brought out in the view above taken of the crystallization (Am. J. Sci., II. xvii. 85). To the table of observed planes the lettering of Brooke and Miller for the planes is added. Plane I of f. 537 would be situated on f. 536, between 2-i and 3-i below, or the back 2-i and 3-i above. Kenngott obtained from an English crystal 2-i A 2-i= 111~ 14' (Ber. Ak. Wien, xi.). Recent articles on cryst., B. & M.. Min., 536; Quenstedt, Min., 1855, 1863; Dufrenoy, Min., 1856; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. ii. iv. There seems to be good reason for accepting as the true fundamental form that above adopted, since the planes of the fundamental prism I, and O, correspond in this case to directions of cleavage. Most authors make 2-4 the prism I, and 2-i (of rare occurrence) the plane O. The symbols, on this basis, with the lettering of Miller, are as follows, following the above order (Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. iv.): i-i (a); i-i (b), 1-i (t), 1 (n), 2-2 (x), 3-3 (s).; I(m, or f of Neumann), i-}, i-J, i-2 (h), i-' i-I, i-3 (k), i-, i-4, i-9; -1-i (d), 0 (q of Quenstedt), ~-i (e), — i (f of Hessenberg); -1 (1), 1-s (v), 1-3 (u), J (w); -3-3 (y, or k of Neumann); -6 (d of Hessenberg). Named from yitpos, the Greek for the mineral, but more especially for the calcined mineral. The derivation ordinarily suggested, from y,, earth, and iyiw, to cook, corresponds with this, the most common use of the word among the Greeks. Theophrastus, after mentioning localities, speaks of the making of gypsum by burning the proper stones (among which alabaster is included); of making plaster or cement from it by " powdering it, pouring on water, and stirring it with wooden instruments, there being too much heat for the hand; " of the necessity of preparing it " immediately before the use of it, because it soon dries and becomes hard; " of its value for whitening the walls of houses, and of its being an excellent material for making images and ornaments. The word yoyosg in Plato and Herodotus has been sometimes translated chalk, but not so in the latest and best Lexicon-the recent edition of Stephanus. The sentences in Herodotus containing it, and the verb yvq6ud derived from it meaning to cover or whiten with gypsum, are most intelligible if calcined gypsum, or preparations from it, are understood. Powdered chalk is not likely to have been used for a whitewash; and a wash is implied instead of dry chalking. Moreover, true chalk was probably unknown to the Greeks, it being a production of more western countries; and, according to Pliny, even the Romans included under their term Creta (Latin for chalk) principally clays, and prominently the " Cimolian earth " (Cimolite, p. 457), true chalk being what Pliny calls " the inferior kind." Theophrastus speaks of a Tymphcean gypsum (so called by the people of Tympheea) which was a fuller's earth of some kind. The word yinpos is, therefore, much more likely to have been applied at times to white clays than to true chalk. The ancients were acquainted with lime from the burning of limestone, and could not have called this yipogs. Plato's expression, TYo dJ dnz XEuVK Y-PGov A Xt vSo AEVtKrEpav, " Whiter than gypsum or snow," is not improved by supposing it chalk; for there is nothing whiter than calcined gypsum, or the ceilings or ornaments made from it. Selenites (=moon-stone) of Dioscorides, which he says was also called aophroselenon (moon-froth), "because it was found at night while the moon was on the increase," was probably crystallized gypsum or modern selenite. His description XEVK6S, Lt,4VSs, KO00S (=white, transparent, light), is good as far as it goes; and the uses of the stone which he mentions also agree better with this view than with that of its being either the modern moonstone or cat's-eye, to which it has been referred. The name is from uEXvI moon, and alludes probably to the peculiar moon-like white reflections. Some aggregated crystallized masses might well have suggested the name aphroselenon. It is doubtful what Pliny had in view under the name selenitis (xxxvii. 67); it is probable, from his brevity on the subject, that he did not know the mineral. Lapis specularis (Specular-stone) of Pliny was mostly crystallized gypsum (the rest being mica); he speaks of it (xxxvi. 59) as affording by burning the best of gypsum.'AXa/aiarp-Trng (or alabaster-stone, meaning the stone out of which ointment vases of the kind called alabastra were made) was with Theophrastus and Pliny mainly if not wholly stalagmite, which is now often called oriental alabaster (see under CALCITE); and Thebes in Egypt was a famous locality. Such vases were made of other materials, and it is possible that gypsum-alabaster was one; for when polished it often resembles some clouded stalagmites. This opinion is favoredthough not placed beyond question —by the statement in Theophrastus, which Pliny reiterates,* that the gypsum-stone is " very similar to," " not unlike" (meaning in the rough state, of course) alabastrites, which resemblance is not obvious if stalagmite is the only alabastrites. The alabastritis of Pliny, from Syria, said to be white spotted with various tints, may be of this kind, as Syria was noted for its gypsum-stone, according to Theophrastus and Pliny. * It is not clear that Pliny is here independent authority. He appears to be citing from Theophrastus in the most of what he says about gypsum; and in one or two cases he cites blunderingly. He says, for instance, that plaster after hardening may by pounding be powdered [for use again]; whereas Theophrastus states more correctly that "by burning it may again and again be made fit for use." HYDROUS SULPHATES. 641'AX6i3arpov (alabastron) occurs as the name of alabaster-stone in the writings of the historian Herodianus about two centuries after Christ, but without description. The alabastrum of Pliny, something white and froth-like, called also, as he says, stimmi, stibi, and larbasis, and coming from silver mines, cannot be alabaster. There is here probably some mistake on the part of Pliny. Burnt gypsum is called Plaster-of-Paris, because the Montmartre gypsum quarries, near Paris, are, and have long been, famous for affording it. Alt.-Gypsum occurs altered to calcite. malachite, quartz. 655. KIE.SERITE. Kieserit Reichardt, Salzbergwerk Stassfurt, 1860; B. H. Ztg., xx. 39, 1861. Martinsite Kenngott, Ueb., 1856-57, 22; Ramm., Pogg., xcviii. 262, 1856 (not Martinsite Karsten, 1845). Orthorhombic. Massive; fine granular or compact. H.=2-5. G. =2-517, Bischof. Color white, grayish-white, to yellowish. Translucent to opaque. Friable to firm. Little soluble. Comp.-Mg'S+{-=Sulphuric acid 58'0, magnesia 29-0, water 13'0=100. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xcviii. 262); 2-4, Siewert & Leopold (Jahresb., 1860, 788); 6, Reichardt (Jahrb. Min. 1866, 343): - W Mg A 1. Stassfurt 57'7 26-8 [15-5]=100 Ramm. 2. " 58'98 28'51 13'47=100'96 Siewert. 3. " 58-90 28'61 [12.49]=100 Siewert. 4. " 57'78 28'78 14'13 —100'69 Leopold. 5. " 54-16 28-11 14-30, C1 2-18, insol. 0-39=99-14 Reichardt. Reichardt in his earliest analyses obtained (I. c.) S 43-05, Mg 21-66, 1: 34-56, which corresponds to Mg S+3 H. Anal. 2, 3, are of an opalescent, translucent, and friable variety, and 4 of a darker yellow, opaque, and much harder kind. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water. B.B. fuses easily, and with soda on charcoal gives the sulphuric acid reaction. But little altered at 1000 C. Dissolves in nitric acid, leaving a small residue of impurities. Soluble slowly in water, but completely, 100 of water taking up 40'9 parts; a residue is deposited of microscopic crystals of anhydrite, or of stassfurtite. Obs. —From the salt mine of Stassfurt, often mixed with carnallite and gypsum. F. Bischof divides the Stassfurt salt beds vertically (Ann. Ch. Phys., IV. v. 305, and B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 1865) into 4 regions, corresponding, he observes, to the natural order of origin from an evaporating saline: 1, or lower, the anhydrite region; 2, the polyhalite; 3, the kieserite; and 4, the carnallite. The kieserite is in beds, 9 to 12 in. thick, alternating with common salt. The whole deposit is about 190 feet thick, and has the following as its mean percentage composition: Common salt 65, kieserite 17, carnallite 13, chlorid of magnesium (hydrated) 3, anhydrite 2-100. Named after Mr. Kieser, President of the Academy of Jena. For the mnartinsite of Karsten, see under HALITE, P. 112. 656. POLYEALITE. Polyhalites Strom., Comment. Soc. R. GJtting., iv. 139. Polyhalit Strom., Unters., i. 444, 1821. Orthorhombic? Clinohedral? Descl. A prism of 115~, with acute edges truncated. TJsually in compact fibrous masses. Hl.=2-5-3. G.=2-7689. Lustre resinous or slightly pearly. Streak red. Color flesh- or brick-red, sometimes yellowish. Translucent —opaque. Taste bitter and astringent, but very weak. Comp. —RiS+f, in which 1G=k, MIg, Ca in the ratio 1: 1: 2=Sulphate of lime 45-2, sul. magnesia 19-9, sul. potash 28-9, water 6-0=100. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Unters., i. 144); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxviii. 512); 3, Dexter (Pogg., xciii. 1); 4, Behnke (ib.); 5, C. A. Joy (Inaug. Dissert., 49, Pogg., xciii. 1); 6, 7, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xi. 385); 8, G. Jenzsch (Pogg.,. xcvii. 175); 9, Dexter (1. c.); 10, Bischof (Ann. Ch. Phys., IV. v. 312); 1, Reichardt (Jahrb. Min. 1866, 345): 41 642 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. OaS MA Sg Na KRS NaCl e Aft 1. Ischl 44'74 20'03 2'l70 0'19 0'34 5'95=98'94 Stroraw 2. Aussee 45'43 20'59 - 2810 0O11 0'33 5'24=99-80 Ramm. 3. " 45-62 18'97 0'61 28'39 0'31 0'24 6-02, Si0'32, S:g 0-49=100'97 Dexter, 4. Hallein, red 42'29 18'27 2'60 27'09 1'38 - 610, Si 0'27, Fe S 1'35=99'35 Behnke. 5. Gmunden 42'78 19'05 0'75 28'11 175 Fe'S0'36 6'41=9921 Joy. 6. Hallstatt 56-41 11'04 14'81 12'16 5- 58=100 v. Hauer. 7. Ebensee 61'18 13.53 - 19'12 0'23 0'41 6'05-100-52 v. Hauer. 8. Vic, red 44-11 19'78 1'69 25-87 0'24 1'01 6'16, Si 0'11, 1l 0'39, Mg 0-02= 99'38 Jenzsch. 9. " gray 44'72 19'08 27'77 0'44 0'59 7'40=100 Dexter. 10. Stassfurt 42-64 19'76 -- 2790 3'49 5'75=99'54 Bischof. 11. " 43'44 20'56 26'22 - -- 47, Mg CI 0'58=98-27 Reichardt. From analysis 9, 6'23 p. c. of clay have been removed, and part of the 7'40 p. c. of water belongs with it. Berthier's analyses of the Vic polyhalite (Ann. d. M., x. 260) were incorrect. The loc. Gmunden (anal. 5) should be either Ischl or Aussee, according to Rammelsberg, who says the mineral does not occur near Gmunden (Min. Ch., 283, 1862). Joy says in a letter to the author dated Oct., 1865, that it was brought to G. Rose's laboratory so labelled. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives water. B.B. fuses at 1-5, colors the flame yellow. On,charcoal fuses to a reddish globule, which in R.F. becomes white, and on cooling has a saline hepatic taste; with soda like glauberite. With fluor does not give a clear bead. Partially soluble in water, leaving a residue of sulphate of lime, which dissolves in a large amount of water. Obs.-Occurs at the mines of Ischl, Ebensee, Aussee, Hallstatt, and Hallein in Austria, with,common salt, gypsum, and anhydrite; at Berchtesgaden in Bavaria; at Vic in Lorraine. The name Polyhalite is derived from roAvs, many, and asX, salt, in allusion to the number of salts -in the constitution of the mineral. For remarks on the position of the polyhalite at Stassfurt see KIESERITE, p. 641. 657. MAMANITE A. Goebel (Bull Ac. St. Petersb., ix. 16, 1865). Like polyhalite in aspect and ~characters, but has the K, Mg, Ca in the ratio 1: 2: 3. Color white; lustre silky; structure foliated fibrous. In nodules as large as the fist, at the salt mine of Maman in Persia, with carnallite, and also investing or intersecting nodules of carnallite.,658. PIOROMERITE. Picromeride Scacchi, Mem. Incend. Vesuv. 1855, 191. Pikromerit Ramm., Min. Ch., 281, 1860. Kainit Zinciken, B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 79, 1865. Schdnit E. Reicharde, Jahrb. Min. 1865, 602, 1866, 340. Monoclinic. C=75~ 12', IA 1=1090 50', O A 1-i=1540 39', 0 A 2-i116~ 41'. In crystals and crystalline crusts. H.-=25. Color white. Comp.-KS+ Mg S +6 A, or (i 1x++ Mg) S+3 f=Sulphuric acid 39-8, magnesia 9'9, potash.23'5, water 26'8=100. Analyses: H. Reichardt (1. c.): iS Sg 1 Af C1 1. Stassfurt 38-52 11'56 22'82 [26-29] 0'81=100. 2. " 39-74 10-40 23'28 26'87 0'28=100'57. Reichardt's analyses were made on his schinite, a salt obtained by him by separating the chlorid,of magnesium in what is called kainite by means of alcohol. Pyr., etc.-Loses 11 p. c. water at 1000~., and all the rest by heating to 133~ C., Reichardt. According to Graham, the'artificial salt loses its water wholly at 132~. Obs.-Found at Vesuvius among the salts produced at the eruption in 1855, in crystals along with crystals of cyanochroite, an isomorphous species in which copper replaces the magnesia. Also occurs at the Stassfurt salt mine, along with kieserite and carnallite. It is often mixed,.at Stassfurt, with chlorids and other salts. Alcohol dissolves out chlorid of magnesium. Kainite of Zincken, from the same locality at Stassfurt, is nothing but the impure picromerite just alluded to, as shown by Reichardt. It has been analyzed by Graf (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 288); E. and H. Reichardt, Hosmus, and Theile (Jahrb. Min. 1866, 337); Philip (ZS. G., xvii. 649);.and the chlorine in the results varies from 14'5 to 36'7 p. c. Nearly all the chlorine is removed HYDROUS SULPHATES. 643 as chlorid of magnesium on treating the mineral with alcohol. Forms granular masses which vary in color from colorless to grayish, yellowish, and reddish, and has G.-=2131 —2141, but varying to 2'184. It sometimes contains also common salt. Named picromerite in allusion to the magnesia present; and Kainite (properly C(enite) from KaLv6r, recent. 659. BLCEDITE. Bloedit John, Unters., 1811. Astrakanit G. Rose, Reis. Ural, ii. 2/0, 271, 1842. In imperfect crystals. Also massive. Color whitish, orange, reddish. Translucent. Very soluble. Var.-The original bicedite from Ischl, analyzed by John, was massive, somewhat fibrous, fleshred to brick-red in color, and splintery in fracture. The astrakanite, from near Astrakan, was in whitish crystals-. Comp. —R S +-2 2, with fG= MIg+~ a=Sulphate of soda 42-6, sulphate. of magnesia 35'9, water 21'5=100. Analyses: 1, John (1. c.);' 2, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 605, 1856); 3, Gobel (Rose's Reis. Ural, 1. c.); 4, Hayes (Proc. N. H. Bost., v. 391): aS MgS' NaCl MgCl At 1. Ischl, rdh. 83-34 36-66 0.33 - 2200, Mn S 0233, Fe'9 0'34=93'00 John. 2. " orange 41-02 36-36 0,50 - 21'50-99'38 Hauer. 3. Astrakan 41-73 35'81 - 0'34 21'95=99'83a Gobel. 4. Mendoza 45'74 33-31 116 - 19-60, sand, etc. 0'19=100 Hayes. 5. " 45'82 33'19 1'79 - 18'84, sand, etc. 0,36=100 Hayes. a 175 clay and sand removed. Another sample afforded Hayes Na'S 48'00, MgS 34'20, NaC1 1-21, It 16'42, Si, etc. 0'17= 100. Dried at 90~ F. the water was reduced to 15'20 p. c. The less amount of water in Hayes's analyses than in the others may have been due to the degree of drying. Pyr., etc.-Heated loses water rapidly; at a red heat fuses quietly to a transparent globule, which is white on cooling. Somewhat deliquescent in a moderately moist atmosphere. Obs.-From the salt mines of Ischl; the salt lakes near Astrakan, east of the mouth of the Volga (anal. 3); the soil of the country near Mendoza, between San Luis de la Punta and the foot of the Andes, especially east of San Juan, occurring in imperfect crystals at the junction of two layers of common salt, one to two feet below the surface. Named after the chemist and mineralogist Blode. 660. LCEWEITE. Ldweit- faid., Abh. Ges. Wiss. Prag, V. iv. 1846; Iaid., Ber. Fr. Nat., ii. 266, 1847. Tetragonal. Massive. Cleavage octahedrons have approximately the angles 111~ 44' and 1050 2', giving for the vertical axis the value 1-304. Cleavage: basal, distinct; I, imperfect; 1, or the octahedral, in traces. H.-=2'5 —30. G.=2'376. Lustre vitreous. Color yellowish-white to honey-yellow, also reddish. Fracture conchoidal, with the aspect somewhat of fire-opal. Taste weak. Optically uniaxial; refraction positive, for the ordinary ray 1-491, extraord. 1'494. Compx-R S+1~ f, with A=~ l(1g + Nma=Sulphate of soda 46'3, sulphate of magnesia 39'1, water 14ql. Analyses: 1, Karafiat (1. c.); 2, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1856, 605): S Mg 1a ft 1. 52-35 12-78 18'97 14:45, Pe,;1l 0'66=99-21 ]Karafiat. 2. 52'53 14'31 18-58 14'80=100'22 Hauer. Obs.-In pure crystalline masses an inch thick, involved with foliated anhydrite, at the Ischl salt mine, Austria. 661. EPSOMITE. Epsom Salt. Sal nativum catharticum A. Hermann, De Sale nativo cathartico in fodinis Hungarim recens invento, Posonii, 1721. Sal neutrum acidulare, Sal 644 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Anglicanum, Wall., Min., 184, 1747. Id., Sel d'Epsom Fr. Tl. Wall., i. 339, 1753. Halotrichum Scopoli, De Hydrarg. Idriense Tent., Venet., 1761 (lIap. Beitr., iii. 104), Princip. Min., 1772. Magnesia vitriolata (Sal Anglicus, Epsomensis, Seidlizensis, Seydschiitensis, amarus, etc.) Bergm., Sciagr., 1782. Bittersalz Wern. Haarsalz pt. Epsomite Beud., Tr., 445, 1824. Orthorhombic, and generally hemihedral in the octahedral modifications. IA 1=900 34/', 0 A l-=-150 2'; a: b: c=0'5766: 1: 101. 1-I A 1-, basal,-=59 27', A A 1-, basal,=590 56'. Cleavage: brachydiagonal, perfect. Also in botryoidal masses and delicately fibrous crusts. H.=2'25. G. 1'751; 1'685, artificial salt, Schiff. Lustre vitreousearthy. Streak and color white. Transparent-translucent. Taste bitter and saline. Comp. —lMg+S+ 7:, when pure=Magnesia 16-3, sulphuric acid 32-5, water 51'2=100. Analyses: 1-4, Stromeyer (Gel. Anz. Gbtt., 1833, Pogg., xxxi. 137, Schw. J., lxix. 255); 5, Bouis (Rev. Sci. Industr., xiv. 300); 6, Dufr6noy (Tr., ii. 323): S kg Fe kn IA 1. S. Africa 32-26 14-58 - 3'61 49-24=99-69 Stromeyer. 2. Idria, "iHaarsalz" 32-30 16-39 0'23 - 50'93=99'85 Stromeyer. 3. Catalonia 31'90 16-49 - -- 51-20=99'59 Stromeyer. 4. Neusohl, rose-red 31'37 15'31 0'09 0'34 51'70, Nu 038, to 0:69=99'88 Stromeyer. 5. Fitou, France 34'37 17-31 - - 48'32=100 Bouis. 6. " " 34'07 16-20 - - 47'20, Ca 2-10=99'57 Dufrenoy. Pyr., etc.-Liquifies in its water of crystallization. Gives much water in the closed tube at a high temperature; the water is acid. B.B. on charcoal fuses at first, and finally yields an infusible alkaline mass, which, with cobalt solution, gives a pink color on ignition. Very soluble in water, and has a very bitter taste. Obs.-Common in mineral waters, and as a delicate fibrous or capillary efflorescence on rocks, in the galleries of mines, and elsewhere. In the former state it exists at Epsom, England, and at Sedlitz and Saidschutz in Bohemia. At Idria in Carniola it occurs in silky fibres, and is hence called hairsalt by the workmen. Also obtained at the gypsum quarries of Montmartre, near Paris; in Fitou, Dept. of the Aude, France; in Aragon and Catalonia in Spain; in the Cordillera of St. Juan in Chili; and in a grotto in Southern Africa, where it forms a layer 1 in. thick. Also found at Vesuvius, at the eruptions of 1850 and 1855. The floors of the limestone caves of Ky., Tenn., and Ind., are in many instances covered with epsomite, in minute crystals, mingled with the earth. In the Mammoth Cave, Ky., it adheres to the roof in loose masses like snowballs. At the Alum Cave, in Sevier, Tenn., on the headwaters of the West Fork of Little Pigeon River, masses of nearly pure epsomite, almost a cubic foot in volume, have been obtained (Safford's Rep., 119). It effloresces from the calcareous sandstone, 10 m. from Coeymans, on the east face of the HIelderberg, N. Y. Said to occur also over the California plains, east of San Diego (Am. J. Sci., II. vi. 389). Also effloresces from a pyritiferous serpentine in Marmora, Canada West; and on dolomites of the Clinton formation (Silurian)'in sheltered places between Niagara Falls and Lake Huron, as at Dundas, where layers occur 1 in. thick. Sulphate of magnesia is dimorphous. According to Haidinger and Mitscherlich, the above described form is produced when crystallization takes place below 15' C. (60' F.), but a monoclinic form between 25' C. and 30' C. 662. TAURISCITE. Tauriszit G. H. O. Folger, Jahrb. Min. 1855, 152. Orthorhombic. Angles those of epsomite. Occurring planes: I, i-i, i-i, i-k; 14- 1-{; 1, 2-2, 2-2. Crystals acicular. Lustre and other physical characters those of copperas. Comp.-Stated to be that of copperas. Obs.-From Windgiflle in the Canton Uri (Pagus Tauriscorum of the Romans), Switzerland, associated with copperas and alum. The crystal is a rhombic prism with pyramidal terminations. 662A. TECTICITE Breith. (Graulit Glocker, Syn., 1847). A clove-brown mineral, easily soluble in HYDROUS SULPHATES. 645 water and attracting moisture readily, occurring in small pyramidal and acicular crystals supposed to be orthorhombic, and also massive. Probably a hydrous sulphate of sesquioxyd of iron; but composition not ascertained. H. = 1'5- 2. From Graul, near Schwarzenberg, in Saxony, and Briiunsdorf in the Erzgebirge. Named from T7rlKO6, in allusion to the deliquescence; but changed to graulite by Glocker, because the Greek signifies liquifying actively, and not passively as in deliquescence. 663. FAUSERITE. Fauserit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 301, 1865. Orthorhombic. IA I=91~ 18'. Cleavage: i-& distinct; I in traces or none; O rather distinct. Crystals grouped in stalactitic forms. H.=2 —2k. G.-=1888. Lustre vitreous. Color reddish- and yellowishwhite to colorless. Translucent to transparent. Taste astringent, bitter. Comp. —Mg'S+2 ln S+ 15 f= —( Mg+- M1n)'S+5 F[=Sulphuric acid 34'7, protox. manganese 20'5, magnesia 5'8, water 39'0=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Mollnar (1. c.): S Mn a Mg 34'49 19'61 5.15 42'66, X1, Fe trace 33-78 20'05 5'63 40'54. Obs.-From Herrengrund in Hungary. Named after Mr. Fauser. COPPERAS GROUP. The species here included are the ordinary vitriols. They are identical in general formula with the species of the Epsomite group, and are regarded as the same compound essentially under oblique crystallization. The copper sulphate diverges from the others in crystallization, and contains but 5 of water; but species containing copper in many other groups exhibit a like divergence from the rest in crystalline form. SYNONYMY BEFORE 1750. XaNKavOov, XaXKrtg, MeXavTnpia, ECtpv, Miav, Dioscor., v. 114-118. [Chalcanthum (from XaNK6O, brass, and avos, flower) is vitriol of any kind; Spain is given as a locality; Chalcitis, a disintegrating pyrites, iron or copper, impregnated with the same, as a result of its alteration; Melanteria (fr. peXav, ink), a salt-like chalcanthus, or earth containing it; Soru, a black earth or stone impregnated with some vitriol; Aisu, a yellowish vitriolic stone, perhaps partly copiapite, and partly yellow ochre impregnated with vitriol of some kind.*] Atramentum sutorium-Chalcanthum. Chalcites, Sory, Misy, Plin., xxxiv. 29-32; evidently in part from Dioscorides. [The description of Chalcanthum gives prominence to blue vitriol, while its use as shoemaker's ink (which Atr. sutorium signifies) implies the presence of green (or iron) vitriol, the material still used for blackening leather; Chalcites and sory are the same as above; Misy is yellow and pulverulent, like the mineral now called copiapite.] Atramentum sutorium=Melanteria=Chalcanthum, Chalcites, Sory, Misy, Agric., Foss., 212214, 1546; Kupferwasser id., Interpr., 463, 1546. [The first three of these names are synonyms for any vitriol or all; and include (as partly also in Dioscorides) capillary or wool-like, plumose, stalactitic, and salt-like kinds, besides Lapis atramenti; Agricola mentions the varieties Atramenturm suorium candidum (=XEvKOIOv Gr.), which is white or zinc vitriol; A. s. viride, which is green * In interpreting these ancient names it has to be borne in mind that there are three sources of obscurity, besides that of imperfect description: 1. That the earthy or stony mass containing the essential ingrediant comes into the description. 2. That Pyrites (including pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotine) is brassy enough to be confounded with chalcopyrite, the ore of copper or brass (yaXK6s); and, in fact, Dioscorides says that, pyrites yields XaXk5S, although in the next line asserting that it strikes fire with a steel, a characteristic distinguishing it from copper pyrites. Moreover, Agricola describes all the. vitriols under his Atramenta sutoria, and makes Kupferwasser of the Germans (meaning copper-water) a common synonym for them; as has been true of Copperas in English and Couperose in French. 3. That iron and copper pyrites often occur together, and the vitriolic results of their alteration are consequently variously mixed in nature. 646 OXYGEN COMIPOUNDS. vitriol; A. s. coeruleum; which is blue vitriol; Sory, a gray or blackish stone, often nodular (glebaw rotunda), impregnated with any vitriol; Misy, a yellow efflorescent or mealy vitriol (Copiapiie), Goslar in the Harz is the principal locality cited by Agricola. Chalcites is said to be between sory and misy in texture, and rubra et aeris colore; perhaps a red ochre (a frequent result of the alteration of pyrites) containing copperas and some unaltered pyrites. Atramentum viride, a quibusdam Vitreolum vocatur, Albertus Magnus, De Min., Libr. v., c. 3, 1270. Vitriolum Agric., ib., 213. [So named from vitrium, glass, in allusion to the glassy appearance of the crystals of vitriols; Agricola speaks in connection with his explanation of the word, of "A. candidum translucidum instar Crystalli."] Atramentum Gesner, Foss., 13, 1565; divided into A. album durum Goslarianum [or Zinc vitriol], A. viride [or Iron vitriol], A. cceruleum Cyprium pulcherrimum [or Blue vitriol], etc. Melanteria, Sory, Misy, Gesner, ib., 15, 16. Vitriolum Wallerius, Min., 155, 1747, and Cronstedt, Min., 113, 1158; a genus including the species V. Cupri (=V. Cypri, V. Veneris); 2, V. viride (=V. ferri, V. martis); 3, V. album, vel Zinci (from Goslar); besides 4, V. mixtum (a mere mixture); 5, 6, Terra vitriolica and Lapis atramentarius (earth or stone impregnated with vitriol of some kind), and including Lapis atramentarius flavus, or 3Misy. 664. MELANTERITE. MEXavrqlpia, XaXKcvOov, etc., Dioscor. Chalcanthum, Atramentum sutorium, etc., Plin. Melanteria, Atramentum sutorium viride, Agric. Vitriolum pt. Albertus Magnus. Atramentum viride Gesner. Vitriolum viride, V. ferri, V. martis, Wallerius. Green Vitriol. Copperas. Sulphate of Iron. Fer sulfate Fr. Melanterie Beud., Tr., ii. 482, 1832. 540 Monoclinic. C=75~ 40'; 1 A 1=820 21', O A 1-i= 1230 44'; a b: b =1'310: I: 0'8474. /0 i-i = 1040 20' 0 A -1-i=136 18 _ — - / - \ \ 1 A I=80 37 0 A 1-i-=123 44 0 A -~-i=159 6 -1 A -1=A-101 32 Cleavage: O perfect, I less so. Often in capillary, a, ~; ~ fibrous, stalactitic, and concretionary forms. Generally massive and pulverulent. 1, H. =2. G.-=1I832. Lustre vitreous. Color, various shades of green, passing into white; becoming yellowish on exposure. Streak uncolored. Subtransparent -translucent. Taste sweetish, astringent, and metallic. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Comp. —e S + 7 l=Sulphuric acid 28'8, protoxyd of iron 25'9, water 453= —100. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water, and after a time sulphurous and sulphuric acids. On charcoal turns at first brown, then red, and finally black, becoming magnetic. With the fluxes reacts for iron. Soluble in twice its weight of water, and the solution is blackened by a tincture of nut galls. Exposed to the air becomes covered with a yellow powder, which is the sulphate of the sesquioxyd of iron. Obs.-This salt usually proceeds from the decomposition of pyrite or marcasite, which readily afford it, if occasionally moistened while exposed to the atmosphere. Occurs near Goslar in the Harz; Bodenmais in Bavaria; Fahlun, Sweden; at Hurlet, near Paisley; and in many mines in Europe and on the other continents. Usually accompanies pyrite in the U. States, occurring as an efflorescence; at Copperas Mt., a few miles E. of Bainbridge, Ohio, it is associated with alum and pyrite. It is employed in dyeing and tanning, and in the manufacture of ink and Prussian blue. 665. PISANITE. F P isani, 0. R., xlviii. 807. Pisanit Kenng., Ueb. 1859, 10, 1860. In concretionary and stalactitic forms. Lustre vitreous. Color bright blue. - Becomes ochreous externally. Comp.-('Pe, 0u)' + +IA; or a copperas with three-fifths of the iron replaced by copper Analysis by Pisani (I. c.): HYDROUS SULPHATES. 647 S 29'90 Fe 10'98 Cu 15'56 f 43'56 Pyr., etc. —B.B. gives with the fluxes reactions for copper. Otherwise like melanterite. Obs.-Occurs with chalcopyrite at a copper mine in the interior of Turkey. The interior of the mineral has sometimes druses of minute crystals. 666. GOSLARITE. Atramentum sutorium, candidum, potissimum reperitur Goselariae, translucidum, crystalli instar, Agric., Foss., 213, 1546. A. album fossile durum Goslarianum Gesner, Foss., 13, 1665. Vitriolum Zinci album nativum, Galizensten, Ilvit Viktril, Wall., 157, 1747. Zinc Vitriol, White Vitriol, White Copperas, Sulphate of Zinc. Zinc sulfatie, Couperose blanche, Fr. Gallizinite Bend., Tr., 446, 1824. Goslarit Haid., Handb., 490, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA I=90~ 42'; 0 A 1 —=150~ 10'; a: b: c=0'5735: 1: 1'0123. Observed planes: I, i-i,, i-i, i-, 1-4, 1-, 1, 2-1. 1- A 1-z, top, =120~ 20', 1-4 A 1-I, top,=1200 3', OA 1=140 57', 1 A 1, mac.,=127~ 27', 1 A 1, brach.,=126~ 45'. Cleavage: i-{ perfect. H.=2 —25. G.=2-036; 1-9 —21; 1'953, artificial crystals, Schill. Lustre vitreous. Color white, reddish, bluish. Transparent translucent. Brittle. Taste astringent, metallic, and nauseous. Comp.-Zn S-It=Sulphuric acid 2?79, oxyd of zinc 28'2, water 43'9=100. Beudant obtained for a specimen from Schemnitz (Tr., ii. 481) S 29'8, 2n 28-5, n 0'7, Pe 0'4, ft 40'8= 100'2, which corresponds to 6 H. Klaproth obtained (Beitr., v. 193) S 22-0, Zn 2715, Mn 0'5, i 50'0=100. Pyr., etc.-Yields water. On charcoal with soda gives a zinc coating, and a sulphid which tarnishes silver. Easily soluble in water. Obs.-This salt is formed by the decomposition of blende, and is found in the passages of mines. It occurs at the Rammelsberg mine near Goslar, in the Harz; at Schemnitz in Hungary; at Fahlun in Sweden; and at Holywell in Wales. It is not of common occurrence. It is manufactured for the arts, and is very extensively employed in medicine and dyeing. White vitriol, as the term is used in the arts, is the sulphate of zinc in a granular state, like loaf sugar, produced by melting and agitation while cooling. The name Gallitzenite, which has priority, was given the mineral by Beudant from a popular German name Galitzenstein. But although so called in Germany, zinc vitriol is not a stone from Galicia (Poland), as the word implies, while it is eminently a product of the mines of Goslar in the Harz. Haidinger's name Goslarite is therefore adopted for the species. 667. BIEBERITE. Cobalt Vitriol Sage, J. de Phys., xxxix. 53, 1791. Kobaltvitriol Kopp, Gehlen's J., II. vi. 157, 1808. Red Vitriol. Sulphate of Cobalt. Rhodhalose Beud., Tr., ii 481, 1832. Bieberit Haid., Handb, 489, 1845. Monoclinic. Usually in stalactites and crusts, investing other minerals. G.=1'924, artificial crystals, Schill. Lustre vitreous. Color flesh- and rose-red. Subtransparent-translucent. Friable. Taste astringent. Comp.-Co S+7 —S=Sulphuric acid 28'4,'oxyd of cobalt 25'5, water 46'1=100. Analyses: 1, J. H. Kopp (Gehlen's J., II. vi. 151); 2, Winkelblech (Ann. d. Pharm., xiii. 265); 3, Beudant (1. c.); 4, 5, Schnabel (Ramm. 4th Suppl., 118):..0. Co ft 1. Bieber 19-74 38'71 41'55=100 Kopp. 2. 29'05 19-91 46-83, Mg 3'86=99'65 Winkelblech. 3. " 80'2 28'7 41'2, Pe 0:9 Beudant. 4. Siegen 28'81 23'30 45'22, Ca 0,43, Mg 0'88, C1 0'09, insol. 1'14=100-12 Schn. 5. "' 2084 16M50 38'13, Ca, Mg tr., C1 0'05 insol. 24'04=100 Schn. Kopp's analysis corresponds to to2 S + 8 A; but the existence of such a compound is very doubtful The artificially prepared cobalt vitriol has the composition above given. 648 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pyr., etc.-In a matrass yields water, and when strongly heated, sulphurous acid. Communicates a blue color to glass of borax. Obs.-In the rubbish of old mines at Bieber, near Hanau; at Leogang in Saltzburg; at Tres Puntos, near Copiapo, Chili. Beudant's name Rhodhalose is not an admissible derivative from'po3det1, rose-colored, and a5s, salt, and is unmineralogical in its termination; it should have been Rhodohalite. Instead of making it right (in which case it would be no longer Beudant's name), it appears better to adopt the name applied by Haidinger, derived from the longest known locality. 668. MORENOSITE. Nickel-Viktril, Vitriolum ferrum & niccolum continens (" of a deep green color, with Kupfernickel, in Cobalt mines ") Cronst. (the discov. of the metal Nickel), Min., 114, 1758. Niccolum vitriolatum (interdum e mineris sulphuratis fatiscentibus genitum) Bergm., Sciagr., 50, 1782. Sulfato de niquel (fr. Galicia) D. A. Casares, 1849, A. M. Alcibar, in Revista Minera, Madrid, 305, 1850. Sulfato de nickel, Morenosita, Casares, ib., 176, March, 1851. Nickel Vitriol T. S. Hunt, this Min., 679, 1850, Logan's G. Rep. Can., 1863. Pyromeline v. Kob., Gel. Anz. Muinch., xxxv. 215, 1852, J. pr. Ch., lviii. 44. In acicular crystals and thin prisms. Also fibrous; and as an efflorescence. H.=2 —2'25. G.-2'004, Fulda. Lustre vitreous. Color apple-green to greenish-white. Streak white, faintly greenish. Soluble; taste metallic astringent. Comp.-ITi S+7 I=-Sulphuric acid 28-5, oxyd of nickel 26'7, water 44-8=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Fulda and Kdrner (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxxi. 217): *S &i ft 1. Riechelsdorf 28'54 26'76 44'43 0-27=100 Fulda. 2. " 28.42 26'59 44'83 0'24=100'08 K6rner. In the mineral from Galicia, on which the species was instituted, the nickel vitriol, according to Casares (1. c.), was mixed with a little sulphate of copper and iron; while that of Canada, according to Hunt, appeared to be pure nickel vitriol. Pyr., etc. —B.B. in tube gives water, strongly acid, swells up, and hardens, becoming yellow and opaque. On charcoal glows strongly and evolves sulphurous acid. With borax and phosphorus salt gives a distinct nickel reaction. The Riechelsdorf mineral colors the outer flame blue, from the presence of arsenic. Obs. —A result of the alteration of nickel ores. Occurs near Cape Hlortegal, in Galicia, Spain, on magnetite, with which some millerite is mixed; at Riechelsdorf, in Hesse; as an earthy crust, mountain-green in color, with native bismuth and arsenical nickel, at the Friedens mine near Lichtenberg in Bayreuth (pyromeline). Also in acicular crystals and crusts at Wallace mine. Lake Huron, upon a sulphuret of nickel and iron; at the Gap nickel mine, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania. Named by Casares after Mr. Moreno, of Spain. A. M. Alcibar states that Prof. Casares sent a communication on this mineral to the Societ6 de Pharmacie of Paris in 1849, which was not published. 669. CEHALCANTHIITE. XAXxiv0or, Chalcanthum pt., Dioscor., Plin., Atramentum cceruleum Agric., Gesner. Vitriolum Cupri=V. Cypri=V. Veneris, Wall., Cronst. Sulphate of Copper, Blue Vitriol, Copper Vitriol. Kupfervitriol Germ. Couperose bleue, Cuivre sulfate, Fr. Vitriolo di Rame Ital. Cyanose Beud., Tr., ii. 486, 1832. Chalkanthit v. Kobell, Tafeln, 31, 1853. Triclinic. 0 A I=109~ 32', 0 A 1 —127~ 40', IA 1'=123 10, 0 A 11250 38', IA 1=1260 10', 0 A i- 120~ 50', O A i-i4=1030 27' and 760 33'. Cleavage: I imperfect, I' very imperfect. Occurs also amorphous, stalactitic, reniform. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 649 H.=2'5. G.=2-213. Lustre vitreous. Color 641 Berlin-blue to sky-blue, of different shades; sometimes a little greenish. Streak uncolored. o Subtransparent —translucent. Taste metallic and nauseous. Somewhat brittle. I ir Comp. —u S + 5 lI=Sulphuric acid 32'1, oxyd of copper 31'8, water 36'1=100. Often mixed with melanterite. Bluish crystals from mud at the Cronebane copper mine of Wicklow 1 contain, according to Mr. Mallet, 34'2 of sulphate of iron to 65'7 of sulphate of copper. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water, and at a higher temperature sulphuric acid. B.B. with soda on charcoal yields metallic copper. With the fluxes reacts for copper. Soluble in water; a drop of the solution placed on a surface of iron coats it with metallic copper. Obs.-Blue vitriol is found in waters issuing from mines, and in connection with rocks containing chalcopyrite, by the alteration of which it is formed. Some of its foreign localities are the Rammelsberg mine near Goslar in the Harz; Fahlun in Sweden; at Parys mine, Anglesey; at various mines in Co. of Wicklow; formerly in crystals an inch long at Ting Tang mine in Gwennap; also Rio Tinto mine, Spain. The waters of the Rio Tinto mine have yielded annually 1,800 cwt. of copper, consuming 2,400 cwt. of iron. At Wicklow about 500 tons of iron were laid in the pits at one time, and in about 12 months the bars were dissolved, and each ton of iron yielded 1~ to 2 tons of a reddish mud which was cement copper, containing for every ton 16 cwt. of pure copper. It has been observed at Vesuvius among the products of the eruption of 1855. Found at the Hiwassee copper mine, also in large quantities at the Isabella and other mines, in Polk Co., Tennessee, 30 m. from Cleveland; at the Canton mine, Georgia; at Copiapo, Chili, with stypticite. When purified it is employed in dyeing operations, and in the printing of cotton and linen, and for various other purposes in the arts. It is manufactured mostly from old sheathing, copper trimmings, and refinery scales. On the ancient chalcanthumn see p. 645. Beudant's name cyanose (with cyanosite derived from it, from KvavoS) is rejected like other names in which the terminal s of the Greek is retained. Moreover chalcanthite, meaning fvowers of copper, is old and good. 670. CYANOCHIROITE. Cianocroma Scacchi, Mem. Vesuv., 191, 1855. Monoclinic. C=750 30'= O A i-i, IA 1=1080 12', O A 1-2=1530 56', O A 1-i=1410 47', O A 2-i=1160 49'; also plane 2-h. Occurs as a crust, and crystals obtained by solution and evaporation. Color clear blue. Comp.-According to Scacchi, a hydrous sulphate of potash and copper; (~ Mu + ~ k) S + 3 1. Obs.-From the saline crusts formed on the lavas during the eruption of Vesuvius in 1855. Named in allusion to the color from Kvrvos, blue, and Xp6a, color. Scacchi's name has been changed to the above, in order to secure the termination ite and avoid ambiguity (the mineral containing no chrome). 671. ALUNOGEN. Hydro-trisulfate d'alumine Beud., Tr., 449, 1824. Davite (?) Mill., Quart. J., 1828. Alunogene Beud., Tr., ii. 488, 1832. Solfatarite pt. Shep., Min., 188, 1835. Keramohalit Glocker. Grundr., 689, 1839. Saldanite Huot, Min., ii. 451, 1841. Stypterit Glocker, Syn., 297, 1847. Halotrichit pt. Hausmz., Handb., ii. 1174, 1847 (not Halotrichit Glocker). Schwefelsaure Thonerde. Sulphate of Alumina. Monoclinic, Jurasky. In six-sided tables with two angles of 92~ and four of 1340. Usually in delicate fibrous masses or crusts; also massive. H.==1'5-2. G.=1'6 —18. Lustre vitreous-silky. Color white, or tinged with yellow or red. Subtranslucent-subtransparent. Taste like that of common alum. 650 OXYGEN COMPOUNDs. Comp. —l1iS~3+18 t- Alumina 15'4, sulphuric acid 36-0, water 48'6=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Boussingault (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxx. 109); 3, Herapath (Ch. Gaz., 1846); 4, Hartwall (Jahresb., x. 178); 5, H. Rose (Pogg., xxvii. 317); 6-9, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xliii. 130, 399); 10, J. Jurasky (Ast. B1. f. Lit., 1847); 11, L. Barth (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxiv. 289): S;kl At Ve Mg (a 9i 1. Rio Saldana 36'40 16'00 46-60 0'004 0'004 0'002 — =99'01 Bouss. 2. Pasto 35'68 14-98 49'34 — =100 00 Bouss. 3. Adelaide 35'63 17-09 46'70 --.u 0'04, insol. 050 Herapath. 4. Milo 40'31 14-98 40'94 - 0'85 1-13, Na -13, K 026, HC11040= 100 Hart. 5. Copiapo 36'97 14.63 44'64 2'58 0'14 - 1'37=100-33 Rose. 6. tKolosoruk 35-82 15-57 48-61 - - =100 Ramm. 7. Friesdorf 37'38 14'87 45'16 - 0'15 —, 022, Fe 2-46=100'24 R. 8. Potschappel 35-71 12'78 47.02 0-27 0'64 -, 0'32, Fe 0'67,'n 1-02 R. 9. Freienwalde 35'64 11'23 48.84a - 1'91 0'45 0'43, Fe 072, K 0'47, Mn 0'31= 100 Ramm. 10. KEinigsberg 36'75 14-30 44'60 2'15 - - -, insol. 2'01=99'81 Jurasky. 11. PusterV.,Tyrol36'0 15'8 48'4 -- — =100'2 Barth. a And loss. Beudaut obtained in his analysis of a specimen from Guadaloupe, the first made of the species (Tr., 449, 1832), S 39'94, 71 16'76, f 36-44, potash alum 4'58, green vitriol 1'94, which gives 12 H instead of 18 H. The other analyses agree well in the latter, and the difference is probably an error. Davite N. Mill (Brandes Q. J., xxv. 382, 1828) from a hot spring at Chiwachi, a day's journey from Bogota, afforded him S 28'8, 1l 15'0, f 51'8, Pe 1-2, with earthy matters 32= 100. Requires investigation. Anal. 10 is of the keramohalite of Jurasky, from near Kdnigsberg. Pyr., etc.-Yields water, and at a higher temperature sulphuric acid, in the closed tube. Gives a fine blue with cobalt solution. Soluble in water. Obs.-This species, a hydrous sulphate of alumina, results both from volcanic action, and the decomposition of pyrites in coal districts and alum shales, and occurs at the localities above mentioned, besides many others. The Pasto mineral was from the crater of a volcano. It has been observed by Scacchi at Vesuvius; at K6nigsberg, Hungary, it occurs in thick druses with iron vitriol. It is found as an efflorescence in numerous places in the United States. A white fibrous alunogeu (?) occurs abundantly at Smoky Mtn., Jackson Co., N. C., where, it is said, tons may be obtained. This species was made known by Beudant, and by him first named Alunogen. The word is a cross between French and Greek, and therefore objectionable; but not worse than some others of minerals that are accepted. Should davite turn out to be the same thing, this name would have the precedence in time; but still it could not claim recognition on the basis of an analysis proved to be so greatly in error. 672. COQUInVIBITE. Neutrales schwefelsaures Eisenoxyd G. Rose, Pogg., xxvii. 309, 1833. White Copperas. Coquimbit Breith., Handb., 100, 1841. Hexagonal. Prisms usually with the terminal edges deeply replaced. o A 151 151~19, 1 A 1=128~ 8'. Cleavage: I, imperfect. Also in fine granular masses. H.=2 —25. G.-2 —2-1. Color white, yellowish, brownish, sometimes with a pale violet tint. Taste astringent. Comp. —e'S+9 t=Sulphuric acid 42-7, sesquioxyd of iron 28'5, water 28'8=100. Analyses: 1, 2, H. Rose (1. c.): S Pe l Oa Mg 9i ft 1. Crystalline 43'55 24'11 0-92 0'73 0'32 0-31 30'10=10004 Rose. 2. Granular 43-55 25'21 0'78 0'14 0'21 0'37 29'98=100'24 Rose. Pyr., etc.-B.B. resembles melanterite. Wholly soluble in cold water; if the solution be heated, sesquioxyd of iron is copiously precipitated. Dilute muriatic acid dissolves all except the silica. HYDROUS - SULPHATES. 651 Obs.-Forms a bed in a feldspathic or trachytic rock, in the province of Coquimbo, about half a day's journey from Copiapo. The bed of salt is on the increase, and is probably derived from decomposing sulphids. Pits 20 ft. deep have been formed in it by the people of the country. Occurs also in Bolivia near Calama, constituting the greater part of a large hill. Observed by Scacchi about fumaroles after the eruption of Vesuvius in 1855, partly in a brownish friable crust, which, by solution and evaporation, afforded yellow hexagonal crystals; also as a yellowish crust, in many parts tinged green, compact in texture, with the lustre of a surface of fracture very bright. Grailich states (Ber. Ak. Wien, xxviii. 272, 1858) that a specimen of coquimbite from Copiapo in the museum at Vienna has the optical characters of his rcemerite, and therefore cannot be hexagonal, and he suggests that the two minerals may be identical. A related ochre-yellow mineral from Algodonbai in Bolivia, afforded v. Bibra (J. pr. Ch., xcvi. 206) S.30-23, Pe 43-89, Ca 4-21, I 21-20, Cut tr.=99-53; which, if the lime be separated as gypsum (10'21 p. c.), becomes S 50-34, Fe 27180, 11 21'86=100. It is partly soluble in water, but the solution contains no iron. ALUM AND HALOTRICHITE GROUPS. Groups of Tersulphates having the ratio of base and acid, and also of R, R, 1.: 3; all very soluble, and having more or less the astringent taste of common alum. H.=2 —25. G.=1-56-2. TheAlumnshave 24H to 4 S, and are isometric; the Halotrichites have 22 H1 instead of 24 H, and are not isometric, being either orthorhombic or monoclinic. The species here included are not easily distinguishable by the taste or external characters, and hence early authors on minerals include all under one or two names. The old synonymy and the history of the species are therefore more conveniently given here than under the several subdivisions of the group. vrT7rrlpia Gr. Alumen Plin. [embracing vitriols as well as the alums].,tsari ar u7rrepia Dioscor. [embracing the fibrous or feathery kinds, EXtT7' being from aX,(r, I cut, and alluding to the easy subdivision into fibres]. TpXl:7 l Dioscor. [fr. Opt,, hair, it embracing capillary kinds]. Alumen fossile, Germ. Alaun, Gesner, Foss., 1565 [vitriols being excl., and comprising the var. A. candidum Neapolitanum (fr. Naples), A. capillare, lb., A. Placodes (latas crustas habens), ib., etc.]. Alun, Alumen [including var. a solidum, B crystallisatum, y plumosum, or Fj/ider-Alun], Wall., Min., 161, 1747. Alun, Argilla acido vitrioli imbuta, Cronst.,-115, 1758. Argilla vitriolata [Sulphate of Alumine] Bergm., Sciagr., 1782. Alaun, Haarsalz, Federalaun [all as one species, or if two, without right distinctions], Wern., and other Min. before 1800.. Alumine sulfat6e alkaline H., Tr., ii. 278, 1801 [citing Vauquelin's anal. of potash-alum, but including all alums]. In 1795 Klaproth proved (Beitr., i. 311), and in 1792 Breislak (Essais Min. sur la Solfatara, etc.), that some alum (that of Miseno and the Solfatara, near Naples) was potash-alum. In 1802 Klaproth showed (Beitr., iii. 102) that the Federalaunn of Freyenwald was iron-alum. Beudant ascertained that there was a native alum-like mineral which had the constitution attributed last century to true alum-that is, was a simple sulphate of alumina, without an alkali or other protoxyd (Tr., 449, 1824). Grtiner, in 1821 (Gilb. Ann., lxix. 218), made known a native ammoniaalum; Thomson, in 1828 (Ann. Lyc. N. Y.,:iii. 19, 1828), a native soda-alum; A. A. Hayes, in 1845 (Am. J. Sci., xlvii. 360), a magnesia-alum. 673. TSCHERMIGITE. Ammonia Alum. Ammoniakalaun, Ammonalaun, Germ. Ammonalun Beud., ii. 4971, 1832. Tschermigit v. Kobell, Tafeln Bestimm., 1853. In octahedrons and fibrous. H.=1 —2. G.= 150. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent to translucent. Comp. —N H 40S +1' 3- ~24 I-=(+ (NH4 0)3-+~ A1)'S'+18 f-=Sulphate of ammonia 14'6, sulphate of alumina 37'8, water 47 6=100. Analyses: 1, Pfaff (Handb. An. Ch., ii. 47); 2, Lampadius (Gilb. Ann., lxx. 182, lxxiv. 183); 3 Stromeyer (Pogg., xxxi. 137): 652 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. S l N H 4 o } fg 1. Tschermig 36'00 12'14 6'58 45'00 0'28=100 Pfaff. 2. " 38'58 12'34 4'12 44'96 — =100 Lampadius. 3. " 36'065 11'602 3'721 48'390 0'115=99'893 Stromeyer. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water and sulphate of ammonia; B.B. sublimes; on char coal gives a coating of sulphate of ammonia, and leaves a residue which gives a fine blue with cobalt solution; with soda gives ammonia fumes, and the reaction for sulphuric acid. Obs.-From Tschermig, Bohemia. This salt is manufactured from the waste of gas works, and used extensively in place of potash alum. 674. IALINITE. Potash Alum. Native Alum. Kalialaun, Kalinischer Alum, Kalinischer Alumsulphat, Germ. Kalinite Dana. Isometric. Usually fibrous or massive, or in mealy or solid crusts. H.=2-2'5. G.-=175. Lustre vitreous. Color white. Transparent to translucent. Comp. —]'+:1'3+ 24 -A=( 3 + i:1)'3+ 18 A=Sulphate of potash 18-4, sulphate of alumina 36-2, water 45'5=100. Pyr., etc.-,B.B. fuses in its water of crystallization, and froths, forming a spongy mass; with cobalt solution an intense blue; on charcoal gives a hepatic mass. Soluble in from 16 to 20 times its weight of cold water, and in little more than its weight of boiling water. Obs.-Effloresces on argillaceous minerals, and more particularly alum slate. Whitby in Yorkshire is a noted locality, also Hurlet and Campsie near Glasgow. Also obtained at the volcanoes of the Lipari isles and Sicily. Cape Sable, Maryland, affords large quantities of alum annually. In the caves of the Unaka Mts., Eastern Tennessee, especially at Sevier, masses a cubic foot in size may be obtained; also in the "Black Slate " of Middle Tennessee; and in caves along the valleys and gorges of the streams in De Kalb, Coffee, and Franklin Cos., Tenn. (Safford). 675. VOLTAITE. Voltaite A. Scacchi, Ac. Sci. Nap., 1840. Isometric. In octahedrons, cubes, dodecahedrons, and combinations of these forms. Lustre resinous. Color dull oil-green, greenish-black, brown, or black. Streak grayish-green. Opaque. Comp.-Fe'S+e'S+ 24 I, Scacchi,=Fe S 15'4, He'S 40'6, f 44'0=100; but not from a complete analysis. Dufrenoy's analysis (Ann. d. M., III. ix. 165) is not correct according to Scacchi (Mem. G. Camp. Napoli, 89, 1849). Abich has obtained an artificial salt of similar characters, which has the formula (3 (Fe, ]B)9+ i'e) S+~4 H, and the composition: t 48-32 Al 2.20 Fe 17'65 Fe 11-60 Na 6-25 K 04 15-94 a little of the iron being replaced by aluminum. It is supposed that voltaite corresponds to it essentially in composition. Paulinyi has found crystals of a similar compound at Kremnitz. They afford the formula (Tschermak, Anz. Ak. Wien, 1867, 218) (r (Fe, K)9+ 3 e) S3+411, with Fe: K=4: 1, and a little aluminum replacing iron. Pyr., etc.-Soluble in water with difficulty, and at the same time decomposes. Obs.-This species was first observed at the Solfatara near Naples, by Breislak (1792). It has been found by F. Ulrich at the Rammelsberg mine near Goslar. The last contains protoxyd of manganese, as well as of iron. 67/6. BLAKEITE Dana, Min., 1850. J. H. Blake has described an iron-sulphate from Coquimbo, which he refers to coquimbite; but it occurs in regular octahedrons, and assumed the same form on solution and recrystallization. He obtained in an analysis S 41'37, Pe 26-79, 1A 1'05, Mg 0'30, Si 0'82, H 29'40=99'68. Requires further investigation. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 653 677. MENDOZITE. Soda Alum. Natronalaun, Natrumalaun, Germ. Natronalun Hluot, ii. 448, 1841. Solfatarite pt. Shep., Min., ii. 187, 1835 (not in Min. of 1857). Mendozite Dana. In white fibrous masses. ll.=3, and G. —188, Thomson. Externally white or pulverulent. Some resemblance to fibrous gypsum, but harder. Comp. —a'S+AlS'+22 H=Sulphate of soda 16'1, sulphate of alumina 39'0, water 44'9= 100; or, Sulphuric acid 36'3, alumina 11-7, soda 7'1, water 44-9=100. Analysis by Thomson (Ann. Lyc. N. Y., 1828): St. Juan near Mendoza S 37'70 1l 12'00 Na 7'96 A1 41'96=99'62. Pyr., etc. —Resembles ordinary alum. Obs.-Occurs near Mendoza, east of the Andes. Thomson found for the composition of a soda alum from Southern Peru which he called Subsesquisulphate of Alumina (Phil. Mag., III. xxii. 188), S 32'95, Al 22'55, Na and S 6'50, H 39'20 =101'20. G.=1'584. Shepard states in Am. J. Sci., xvi. 203, 1829, that the alum of the island of Milo is a soda alum related to Thomson's; but in vol. xxii. 387, ib., he admits a doubt, on the ground of Hartwall's analysis of a Milo alum, which makes it Alunogen (q. v.). Shepard's name solfatarite (which he has since rejected) was based upon its occurring in solfataras, and not in the Naples solfatara, to which no allusion is made in his edition of 1835; and under it he gave three analyses of alunogen, with the one of soda-alum by Thomson. The Mendoza mineral is not from a solfatara. 678. PICOKERINGITE. Hayes, Am. J. Sci., xlvi. 360, 1844. Magnesia Alum ib. Magnesi. alaun, Talkerde-Alaun, Germ. Monoclinic? In fine acicular crystals; long fibrous masses; and in efflorescences. H.=1. Lustre silky. Color white, yellowish. Becomes pulverulent and white on exposure. Taste bitter-astringent. Comp.-Mg'S+- l'SS+22 =-=Sulphuric acid 37'3, alumina 12-0, magnesia 4'6, water 46'1. Analyses: 1, A. A. Hayes (1. c.); 2, How (J. Ch. Soc., II. i. 200): S Al Pe, Sin Ig Oa it A 1. Iquique 36'32 12-13 0'43 4'68 0-13 - 45'45, H(110160=99-74 Hayes. 2. Newport, N. S. 36-33 10'64 0'58 4.79 - 0'23 4506, Co 006, Ni i 014, slate 0-'2=99-51 H. In two other trials How found for S 36'36, 36'59, and for 1i 46'16, 46-07. Pyr., etc.-In the matrass yields water, and acts like other alums. Tastes like ordinary alum. Obs.-From near Iquique, in Peru; also from N. Scotia, in Newport, on the bank of the Meander, as an efflorescence on the slate or shale (Silurian) of a sheltered cliff, where it results from the action on the shale of decomposing pyrite-and probably a kind containing traces of cobalt and nickel. How observes that the fibres in this mineral are oblique in crystallization, and that it contains only 22 H; and that it is therefore not a true alum. 679. APJOHNITE]. Manganese Alum Apjohn, Phil. Mag., xii. 103, 1838. Manganalaun. Apjohnit Glocker, Syn., 298, 1847. In fibrous or asbestiform masses, white, and with a silky lustre. Comp. —inS +;i S+ 2441=Sulphate of manganese 16'3, sulphate of potash 3870, water 46'7 = 100. How suggests the formula M-n S+A1 S+ 22 H, which would correspond to 4454 p. c. of water and 35'96 S, supposing some loss of the sulphuric acid in the heating to determine the water. Analysis: Apjohn (Phil. Mag., 1. c.): S 32'79 Al 10'65 An 7'33 (=M-n 6'60) f: 48'15 Mg'S I08=100. 654 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pyr.-Nearly the same as for ordinary alum, but gives with fluxes a reaction for manganese. Obs.-From Lagoa Bay in South Africa.. 680. BOSJEMANITE. Manganese Alum pt., Mangano-magnesian Alum. Bosjemanite Dana. Mlonoclinic. In silky acicular or capillary crystallizations; and as crusts and efflorescences. Taste like that of ordinary alum, but less strong. Comp. —(Mn, Mg) S+ S1'+ 22 [ (How)=if Mn: ~Mg=l: 2, Sulphuric acid 36-82, alumina 11'83, protoxyd of manganese 2'73, magnesia 3'06, water 45'56=100. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Pogg., xxxi. 137); 2, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 379); 3, E. Schweizer (Kenng. Uebers., 1859, 12): 1. Bosjeman R., Afr. 36-77 11-52 - 2-17 3'69 - - 45 74, KIC 0-20=100 S. 2. Utah 35-85 10-40 0-15 2'12 5-94 -- 020 46'00=100'66 Smith. 3. Maderan Vail. 35-96 10'55 1'06 2'51 3-74 0-27 0-58 44'26, Cu 0'22, insol. 112=100. In the last there was some ammonia- with the water. Pyr., etc.-As under apjohnite. Obs.-It covers the floor of a cave near Bosjeman river in Southern Africa, to a depth of six inches; the roof is a reddish quartzose conglomerate, containing magnesia and pyrites; it rests on a bed of epsomite, l1 inches thick; also found in Maderan valley in Canton Uri, Switzerland (called keramohalite by Schweizer); and at Alum Point near Salt Lake, in Utah. This Utah mineral was made a manganesian alum by Dr. Gale (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 434, 1853). 681. HALOTRIOHITE. Federalaun von FreyenwaIde (with anal. showing it to be an iron alum) Klalpr., Beitr., iii. 102, 1802. Eisenaulaun Gferm. Iron Alum. Halotrichit Glocker, Grundr., 691, 1839. Hversalt Forchhammer, Jahresb., xxiii. 263, 1843. Halotrichine Scacchi, Mem. Geol. Camp. Nap., 84, 1849, Silky fibrous. Yellowish-white. Taste inky-astringent. Becomes dull and pulverulent on exposure. Comp.-I-e S+-Ki1S+22 I=Sulphuric acid 35'9, alumina 11.5, protoxyd of iron 8'1, water 44'5-100. In the Hversalt of Forchhammer (1. c.) a small part of the alumina is replaced by sesquioxyd of iron, and of the protoxyd of iron by magnesia. Scacchi's Halotrichine (1. c.) may belong here; he writes for the formula Fe'S+ I1' S3+ 18 AI. If part of the iron is sesquioxyd it is like the hversalt. Analyses: 1, Berthier (Ann. d. Mines, v. 257); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., xliii. 399); 3, B. Silliman, Jr. (this Min., 226, 1850); 4, Arppe (An. Finske Min., 1857); 5, Phillips (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxiii. 322); 6, Forchhammer (1. c.); 7, Scacchi (1. c.): X1 Fe Mg ft 1.? 34'4 8'8 12-0 0'8 44'0=100 Berth. 2. M6rsfeld 36-03 10-91 9'37 0-23 43803, K 0-43=100 Ramm. 3. Oroomiah 33'81 10'62 9'15 - 4161, Si 3'34, Pe 1'05=99'58 S. 4. Finland 34'71 13'83 6'23 44-20=98'47 Arppe. 5. Hurlet 30'9 5'2 20' - 43'2=100 Phillips. 6. Hversalt 35-16 11-22 4'57 2'19 45'63, Pe 1-23=100 Forchhammer. 7. tHalotrichine 34-12 9'76 10'20 45'92- 100 Scacchi. Klaproth obtained for the "Feather alum" of Freyenwalde, Sulphuric acid and water 77, alumina 15-25,: protoxyd of iron 7'50, potash 0-25=100. Pyr., etc.-Fuses in its own crystallization-water, cracks open, and if strongly heated gives off sulphurous acid, leaving a brown residue; with the fluxes reacts for iron, and with soda on charcoal gives an hepatic mass. Obs.-Occurs at Bodenmais and at M6rsfeld in Rhenish Bavaria. Also at Oroomiali, Persia, where the inhabitants use it for making ink of a fine quality; at Hurlet and Campsie near Glas. gow; at Bjorkbackagard in Finland (anal. 4). Probably at Rossville, Richmond Co., N.:Y. (Beck). HYDROUS S1JLPHIATES. 655 The Rversalt of Forchhammer is an allied alum from Iceland. Halotrichine is a silky alum from the Solfatara near Naples. The name Halotrichite is from aXs, salt, and 0pt4. hair. Berg-butter (Beurre de Montagne) is an impure alum or copperas efflorescence, of a butter-like consistence, oozing from some alum slates. A yellowish kind from Wetzelstein, near Saalfeld, afforded R. Brandes (Schw. J., xxxix. 417) S 34'82,;l 7'00, Fe 9'97, Mg 0'80, 1Na 0'72, ammonia 175, H 43'50=99'00. Another, from the original locality at Irtisch in the Altai, gave Klaproth (Beitr., vi. 344) S 31 0, 1l 2'5, Fe 6'0, Mn 0'25, Mg 6-25, da 456, Na 025, ft 49'25. 682. RCEIMERITE. Roemerit Grailich, Ber. Ak. Wien, xxviii. 212, 1858. Monoclinic. C=780 59', IA I, front,=101~ 24', O A 1=98~ 30' and 81~ 30', 0 A i-i=101~ 1', O A i-=-900, IA i —=1290 18', Grailich. Cleavage: clinodiagonal perfect. Coarse granular, the grains partly crystallized. H. =2-75. G. =2-15- 218; mean of results 2-174. Lustre between greasy and vitreous. Color rust-brown to yellow. Translucent. Taste saline, astringent, vitriolic. Comp.-O. ratio for iR, SJ, A, fi=nearly 1 3:12: 12; Rt S+Ve'S+ 12 ft. Mean of two analyses by Tschermak (I. c.): 3Fe Pe Zn Stn Oa Mg 1f insol. (z) 41-54 20'63 6'26 197 tr. 0'58 tr. 28500 0'50=99'48. Pyr., etc.-Probably the same as for copiapite. Reactions of iron and zinc. Obs. —From the Rammelsberg mine near Goslar, along with copiapite. 683. COPIAPITE. Mmv Diosc. Misy (fr. Cyprus, etc.) Plin., xxxiv. 31. Misy, Germ. Gelb Atrament (fr. Harz, etc.), Agric., Nat. Foss., 213, 457, Interpr., 466, 1546. Misy, Gul Atrament Sten, Lapis atramentarius flavus, Wall., Min., 159, 1747. Misy (fr. Harz) Haisrn., Handb., 1061, 1813, 1203, 1847. Gelbeisenerz Breith., Char., 97, 238, 1823, 223, 1832. Yellow Copperas. Copiapite (fr. Copiapo), Basisches Schwefelsaures Eisenoxyd, H. Rose, Pogg., xxvii. 309, 314, 1833. Xanthosiderit pt. Glocker, Syn., 65, 1847. Hexagonal? Loose aggregation of crystalline scales, or granular massive, the scales rhombic or hexagonal tables. Cleavage: basal, perfect. Incrusting. H.=-15. G.-=2'14, Borcher. Lustre pearly. Color sulphur-yellow, citron-yellow. Translucent. Comp.-3 e2 S6 + 18 It, Rose; e2 9'S+ 12 t, Ramm.=Sulphuric acid 42 7, sesquioxyd of iron 34,2, water 23-1=-100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (Pogg., xxvii. 309); 1A, same, excluding 18'45 epsomite, 0-19 gypsum, and the silica, as impurities (Ramm. Min. Ch., 275); 2-4, Borcher, and Ahrend & Ullrich (B. H. Ztg., 1854); 5, 6, List (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxiv. 239): P e I1 Ig Na f 1. Copiapo 83960 2611 1'95 2'64 0'06 29'67, Si 1'37=101'40 Rose. 1A. " —' - 41'59 33'59 -- - 24-82 Rose. 2. Goslar, cryst. 38.-00 24'24 Zn 5s80 -- - 38006=9810 Borcher. 3. " " 3944 28-00 " 200 - i- 30'64=100-08 A. & U. 4. " earthy 38'07 26-03 " 2-30 Mn 1-26 - 30'50=98'22 A. & U. 5. " cryst. 42'92 30-07 " 249 2-81 K 0-32 21'39=100 List. 6. " " 43,21 30'37.- - und. List. 656 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pyr., etc. —Yields water, and at a higher temperature sulphuric acid. On charcoal becomes magnetic, and with soda affords the reaction for sulphuric acid. With the fluxes reactions for iron. In water insoluble. Obs.-Common as a result of the decomposition of pyrite at the Rammelsberg mine, near Goslar in the Harz, and elsewhere. This species is the yellow copperas long called misy, and it might well bear now the name Misylite. The description of Dioscorides is unsatisfactory. But that of Pliny, not over 25 years later, is good, and is as likely to represent the true /pav of the Greeks; and that of Agricola is excellent, and was taken from Goslar specimens. 684. RAIMONDITE. Raimondit Breith., B. IH. Ztg., xxv. 149, 1866. Hexagonal. In thin six-sided tables with removed basal edges, scale-like. Cleavage: basal, perfect. H.=3 —3'25. G.=3-190 —3'222. Lustre pearly. Color between honeyand ochre-yellow. Streak ochre-yellow. Opaque. Comp.-O. ratio X S, S t=6: 9:'; 3e2'3+ 7 lf=Sulphuric acid 35'0, sesquioxyd of iron 46'6, water 18'4=100. Analysis: 1, Rube (1. c.): S e t 1. Ehrenfriedersdorf 36-08 46652 17-40=100. Pyr., etc.-Probably the same as for copiapite. In water insoluble. Obs.-From the tin mines of Ehrenfriedersdorf, in scales on cassiterite. 684A. PASTREITE Norman (Bergemann, Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 1866, 17), may be of the above species, if part of the iron is present as limonite. According to Bergemann, it occurs amorphous or reniform, of a yellow color, at Paillieres, near Alais, Dept. of Gard, with cerussite, limonite. calcite, gypsum, fibroferrite; B.B. infusible; in muriatic acid easily soluble. The analyses gave'S Si As Fe Pb A 1. Yellow 30'47 2-40 1-86 46-50 1-25 16'04, A1, Mn, Ca 0'89=9941. 2. Yellowish-brown 30'55 - 2'05 52580 - 13'95, Al, Ca, sand 0'63=99-98. Received by Dr. Bergemann from Dr. Normann, of Marseilles, who named it after President Pastr6, of that city. It approaches jarosite (p. 660), except in the absence of alkalies. 685. FPIBROFERRITE. H. Rose, Pogg., xxvii. 309, 1833. Fibroferrite Prideaux, Phil. Mag., III. 391, 1841. Stypticit Hacusm., landb., ii. 1202, 1847. Copiapite J. L. Smith, Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 375. Delicately fibrous. H. =15-2. G.=1'84, Smith. Lustre silky, pearly. Color pale yellow, or nearly white. Translucent. Clomp.-V-e3 S5+27 f, Ramm.=Sulphuric acid 29'30, sesq. iron 35'15, water 35i55=100. Analyses: 1, H. Rose (1. c.); 2, 3, J. L. Smith (1. c.); 4, E. Tobler (Ann. Oh. Pharm., xcvi. 383); 5, Prideaux (1. c.); 6, F. Field (Q. J. -Ch. Soc., xiv. 156); 7, Pisani (C. R., lix. 94): S e.Mg Oa A 1. Copiapo, fib. 31.73 28.11 0.59 1.91 36566, 9i 143=100.53 Rose. 2. " " 30'25 31'75 -- - 38'20, insol. 0'54=100'75 Smith. 3. " " 30'42 30'98 - -- undet. Smith. 4. " " 31'49 31'69 - - 36'82=100 Tobler. 5. " I 2859 34'4 - - 36-7=100 Prideaux. 6. Chili, " 81'94 31'89 - - 35'90=99'73 Field. 7. Paillieres 29912 3340 - tr. 36'88-100 Pisani. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 657 Pyr., etc.-Same as for copiapite. Obs.-From Copiapo, Chili, in delicately fibrous masses, associated with coquimbite; also from the mines of Paillieres, in Gard, France. The name alludes to the fibrous structure. There is no reason to doubt the identity of Prideaux's fibroferrite of 1841 with the mineral analyzed by Rose, Smith, and others, and which Hausmann named stypticite in 1847. 686. APATELITE. Meillet, Ann. d. M., IV. iii. 808, 1841. In small friable nodules or balls. Color clear yellow. Resembles copiapite. Comp.-_e3e 6+ 2 f. Analysis by Meillet (1. c.): S 42'90 Fe 53'30 t 3'96=100'16. Occurs at Meudon and Auteuil, disseminated in an argillaceous bed connected with the plastic clay. 687. BOTRYOGEN. Rother Eisen-Vitriol Berz., Afh., iv. 307, 1815. Red Iron Vitriol. Fer sulfate rouge Fr. Botryogen Haid., Pogg., xii. 491, 1828. Neoplase pt. Bead., Tr., ii. 483, 1832. Botryt Glock., Syn., 300, 1847. Monoclinic. C=62~ 26', IA 1=1190 56', 0 A 14=- 1520 II'; a' b' c 0'9188:1: 15334. Observed planes as in the figure, with also 1-i (on acute solid angle of base), 1 (on acute 542 edge of base), and i-4. O A f=1130 37', O A 1-i125~ 31', O A 1-121~ 4', IA i-8=1600 54', i-8 A i-2 =98~ 16', 2- A 2 -=141~, O A 2-=1600 30'; 1 and / / i-a vertically striated. Cleavage parallel to 1. Crystals usually small. Often in reniformn and botryoidal shapes, consisting of globules with a crystalline sur- i2 face. H. -2 25. G.=2'039. Lustre vitreous. Color deep hyacinth-red; massive varieties sometimes ochreyellow; streak ochre-yellow, a little shining. Translucent. Taste slightly astringent. Comp.-? Fe' S2+ 3 Pe S2+36 ft, Berz., =(I FeS+~t e) S2+9 It=Sulphate of protoxyd of iron 19'0, id. of sesquioxyd 48.3, water 32'7=100. Analyses: Gahn & Berzelius (1. c.):'S Fe Mg Ca ft 1. 36'53 26'50 5'69 2-76 2. 37'87 24'77 8'95 0'91 3. 25'45 6'92 30'90 from which he deduces, without having determined directly the protoxyd of iron: Pe' Pe ge 9 kg' a f t and loss. 1. 6'77 35'85 26'88 2-22 28'28=100. 2. 6'85 39'92 17'1.0 6'71 31'42=100. 3. 48-3 20'8 -- 30'9= 100. "he sulphates of magnesia and lime are rejected as impurity, but with how much propriety is, i, wacrtain. ityr., etc.-B.B. intumesces and gives off water, producing a reddish-yellow earth. On char-;toafl becomes magnetic; with soda gives a hepatic mass. Remains unaltered if kept dry, but in', m:oist atmosphere it becomes covered with a dirty yellowish powder. Partly soluble in boiling - — er, leaving an ochreous residue. —,bs.-Occurs at the copper mine of Fahlun, in Sweden, coating gypsum or pyrite. 42 658 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Named from Pf6rps, a bunch of grapes, and yevvico, I make. This last part of the name is bad, and is well thrown aside by Glocker, who makes it botryte; botryite would be more correct. 688. ALUMINITE. Reine Thonerde (fr. Halle) Wern., Ueb. Cronstedt, 176, 1q80. Native Argill Kirwan, Min., i. 175. Aluminit C. C. Haberle, Der Mineralreich, etc., 1807; Kart., Tab., 48,1808. Hallite Delameth., Min., ii. 1812. Websterite Levy, in Brooke, 1823. Hydrosulphate d'alumine, Websterite, Beud., Tr., 449, 1824. Reniform, massive; impalpable. H.-=1-2. G.=1'66. Lustre dull, earthy. Color white. Opaque. Fracture earthy. Adheres to the tongue; meagre to the touch. Oomp. — lS+9 s =Alumina 29'8, sulphuric acid 23'2, water 47'0=100. Analyses: 1, Stro. meyer (Unters., 99); 2, Schmid (J. pr. Ch., xxxii. 495); 3, 4, Stromeyer (1. c.); 5, Dufre'noy (Min., ii. 1845, 366); 6, Dumas (ib.): S xi A 1. Halle 23'365 29'263 46'372=100 Stromeyer. 2. " 23'25 29'23 46'34, Ca 1'18=100 Schmid. 3. Morl, near Halle 23'68 30'98 45'34=100 Stromeyer. 4. Newhaven 23'37 29-87 46'76=100 Stromeyer. 5.: Lunel Vieil 23'45 29'12 46'80=99'97 Dufrenoy. 6. Auteuil 23 30 47=100 Dumas. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube gives much water, which, at a high temperature, becomes acid:from the evolution of sulphurous and sulphuric acids. B.B. infusible. With cobalt solution a fine blue color. With soda on charcoal a hepatic mass. Soluble in acids. Obs.-Occurs in connection with beds of clay in the Tertiary and Post-tertiary formations. First found in 1730 in the Garden of the Paedagogium at Halle; afterward suspected to be an artificial product, from a manufactory near by; subsequently found elsewhere in the plastic clay -of the region, and proved to be native. Since discovered by Mr. Webster at Newhaven, Sussex, in reniform and botryoidal concretions, imbedded in ferruginous clay, which rests on the chalk strata; also under similar circumstances at Epernay, in Lunel Vieil, and Auteuil, in France.,689. ALUNITE. Alumen de Tolpha, quod primum fossum est in Italia, Pii 2di Pontificis temporibus (Piccolomini, 1458-1464), Gesner, Foss., 13, 1565. Romersk Alunsten Wall., Min., 163, 1747. Alaunstein (fr. Tolfa) Wern., Bergm. J., 376, 1789. Alumstone. Aluminilite Delameth., T. T., ii. 113, 1797. Alun de Rome pt. H., Tr., 1801. Pierre alumineuse de la Tolfa F. Alunite Beud., 449, 1824. Alaun-Spath Breith., Char., 1823. iRhombohedral. R A R1 89~ 10', O A R=124~ 40', Breith.; a=1'2523. Observed planes: R, 0, and the rhombohedrons 8543 *-,:~, -s-, and -2, Breith::: -2 \ 7 1-2\. 0 A 2=109~ 4'.-',:0 A - 1780 42' _ o0 "0A -= 119 57, J A J-82 26 0 A {=128; 55:2 A 2=70 8 Cleavage: basal nearly perfect; R indistinct. Also massive, having a fibrous; granular, or impalpable texture. H.=3 5-4. G._=258 -2'752. Lustre of Rvitreous, basal plane somewhat pearly. Color white, sometimes grayish or reddish. Streak white.'Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture fiat conchoidal; uneven; of mas-:sive varieties splintery; and sometimes earthy. Brittle. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 659 Comp., Var. —(a) Crystallized. (b) Fibrous, concretionary. (c) Massive, and moderately tender. (d) Hard, mainly from disseminated silica, which impurity sometimes amounts to 60 p. c. (e) Cavernous. O. ratio for R,,S, f=1: 9: 12: 6. Formula, as usually written, k S+ 3 S + 6; or, making one-third of the water basic, (K, )9' S + 3 1'S+4 H=Sulphuric acid 38'53, alumina 31713, potash 11'34, water 13'00=100. But A. Mitscherlich, in view of the results of its decomposition after heating (J. pr. Ch., lxxxiii. 465), it affording alum, which water will remove, and hydrated alumina, holds that the formula should be K S + Al S' + 2 A1 ", making it a compound of anhydrous alum and gibbsite. Analyses: 1, Cordier (Ann. d. M., v. 203); 2, Mitscherlich (J. pr. Ch., lxxxiii. 464); 3, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 4, Mitscherlich (1. c., and ZS. G., xiv. 254); 5, Berthier (1. c.); 6, C. Descotils (Ann. d. M,, i. 319); 7, Sauvage (ib., IV. x. 85); 8, Cordier (ib., iv. 205); 9, Fridau (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxvi. 106): XS 1 Ca fa R A 1. Tolfa, cryst. 35'50 39-65 - - 10'02 [14'83]=100 Cordier. 2. " " 38-63 36'83 0'70 1'84 8'99 12'68, ]a 0-29=99'96 Mitsch. 3. Muzsai, Hung. (,2)39-54 37'13 -- -- 10'67 12'66=100Ramm. 4. " " 36'93 39'01 0'49 - 10-67 [12-11],:a 0'19 Mitsch. 5. Bereghszasz, Hung. 39-42 37-95 - - 10'66 11971=100 Berthier. 6. Tuscany 35-6 40'0 - - 13-8 10'6=100 Descotils. 7. Milo 38'27 37'04 -. - 11'60 13'09=100 Sauvage. 8. Mt. Dore 39-1 46'5 -- - 85 5'9=100 Cordier. 9. Styria 35'3 408 - -- 85 15'4=l00 Fridau. From analysis 3, Si 26-88 is excluded as impurity; from 5, Si 26-5, Pe 4'0, are excluded; from?, Si 19'0; from 8, Si 28'40, Pe 1-44. No. 11, by Fridau, as published in full, is Si 50171, S 16'50, Al 19'06, 7e 1'13, K 3'97, H 1723, Ca 0'56, Mg 0-41, K, Si 0-31, Mg S 0'09, Mg C1 0'03= 100. For analysis of impure A. from Pic de Saucy, by J. Gautier-Lacroze, see C. R., lvii. 362. Pyr., etc.-B.B. decrepitates, and is infusible. In the closed tube yields water, sometimes also sulphate of ammonia, and at a higher temperature sulphurous and sulphuric acids. Heated with cobalt solution affords a fine blue color. With soda and charcoal infusible, but yields a hepatic mass. Soluble in sulphuric acid. Obs.-Forms seams in trachytic and allied rocks, where it has been formed as a result of the alteration of the rock by means of sulphurous vapors. Met with at Tolfa, near Civita Vecchia, in the neighborhood of Rome, in crystals; at Montioni in Tuscany; at Muzsai and Bereghszasz in Hungary; on Milo, Argentiera, and Nevis, Grecian Archipelago; and at Mt. Dore, France. The compact varieties from Hungary are so hard as to admit of being used for millstones. Alum is obtained from it by repeatedly roasting and lixiviating, and finally crystallizing by evaporation. This species was first observed at Tolfa, near Rome, in the 15th century, by J. de Castro, a Genoese, who had been engaged in the manufacture of alum, from an alum-stone or "Rockalum " found near Edessa in Syria. It was named Aluminilite by Delametherie in 1797, a long name well changed to Alunite by Beudant in 1824. 690. LOWIGITE. Alaunstein Romer, ZS. G., viii. 246, 1856. Ldwigit A. Mitscherlich, J. pr. Ch., lxxxiii. 474, 1861. In rounded masses, similar to compact alunite. 1H.=3-4. G.=2'58. Lustre feeble. Color pale straw-yellow. Slightly subtranslucent. Fracture perfectly conchoidal. oomp.-O. ratio 1: 9 12: 9-= S+3 Al S+9 t=Sulphuric acid 36'2, alumina 34-8, potash 10'7, water 18'3=100; or alunite with 9 t in place of 6 HI. Analyses: 1, Ldwig (ZS. G., viii. 247); 2, 3, A. Mitscherlich (1. c.); 4, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 289); 5, Berthier (Ann. d. M., IV. ii. 459): S A1 Pe Ig Ca Sa R t 1. Silesia 34-84 3331 - - -- -- 10'10 r18'321, org., Si 337=100 L6wig. 2. " 34'81 34.95 0'68 0655 0'28 0'39 9'30 f11788J Ba 0'44, org., Si 0'73=100 X 660 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 3. Tolfa 37'86 36-01 9-63 16'50=100a Mitscherlich. 4. " cryst. 36-94 34-02 10'38 16'72, Si 1'94=100 Rammelsberg. 5. " " 37'67 34'69 10-58 17-06=100 Berthier. a 0'07 organic substance, 3-21 silica, and 23'59 earthy matters removed. Pyr., etc.-B.B. nearly like alunite. The water is expelled at a lower temperature than in alanite; and the compound resulting after heating, instead of containing a mixture affording alum and insoluble hydrated alumina, affords to water sulphate of potash and subsulphate of alumina. Mitscherlich hence writes for it the above formula, instead of one like his for alunite. Partially soluble in muriatic acid, while alunite is not at all so. Obs.-Found in a coal bed at Tabrze in Upper Silesia, in compact lumps, having the lustre, color, and texture of the Solenhofen lithographic stone, but blackish externally from a coaly crust; also with alunite at Tolfa. According to Rammelsberg's analysis, part at least of the crystallized alunite has the composition of lwigite. 691. JAROSITE. Gelbeisenerz Rarmm., Pogg., xliii. 132, 1838. Misy Haid., Handb., 512, 1845. Vitriolgelb, Gelbeisenerz, Hausm., Handb., 1205, 1847 [not Gelbeisenerz fr. Harz Breith., Char., 1832]. Jarosit Breith., B. H. Ztg., 1852. Moronolite Shep., Suppl. Append. Min., p. iv. 1857. Rhonmbohedral. R A R=88~ 58'; 0 A R-124~ 32'; a —1'2584. Cleavage: basal. Also fibrous, and granular massive. Also in nodules, or as an incrustation with a tuberose or coralloidal surface. - H.=2'5 —35. G. of crystallized 3'24 —326; of nodular 2'6-2-9. Lustre a little shining to dull. Color ochre-yellow; streak yellow, shining. Opaque. Var., Comp.-(1) Crystallized; Jarosite, which occurs also fibrous and granular; G. =3-256, fr. Spain; 3-244, fr. Maryland, Breith. (2) Concretionary, the ordinary form of the Norway and Bohemian mineral, and the moronolite of Orange Co., N. Y.; G.=2-62 (moronolite) —2'79. O. ratio for IP, X, S, — =1: 12: 15: 9, Ramm.; (K, Na) S+4 Fe S+91, Ramm. Forjarosite, Ferber deduces 1: 15: 18: 10, differing mainly in a little less of alkali. Richter's analysis of it was imperfect. It is isomorphous with alunite, which would suggest the ratio 1: 9: 12: 6, which also differs mainly in the proportion of protoxyd. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (1. c.); 2, Scheerer (Pogg., xlv. 188); 3,- J. H. Ferber (B. H. Ztg., xxiii. 10); 4, Tyler (Am. J. Sci., II. xli. 212): Be ~a K 1. Kolosoruk, Gelbeis. 32'11 46'73 --'88 13856, Oa 0-64=100-92 Rammelsberg. 2. Modum, " 32'45 49'63 5'20 - 13'11=100'39 Scheerer. 3. Spain, Jarosite 31'76 49'24 0'80 5'90 1135, a1 1'25=100'33 Ferber. 4.a Monroe, N. Y., Moron. 34-17 46-89 3'81 13'18, Al 0-83, Ca 1'10=99'98 Tyler. a Result after subtracting 1-53 "hygr. water " and 11 17 insol. Pyr., etc. —Nearly as for coquimbite. Obs.-The original of this species was from Luschitz, between Kolosoruk and Bilin, Bohemia, in brown coal; and later from Modum, Norway, in alum slate. The jarosite was from Barranco Jaroso, in the Sierra Almagrera, Spain, on limonite; also, according to Breithaupt (B. H. Ztg., xxv. 149), from Maryland, of granular form, with quartz and a magnetite altered to hematite; Mexico; Saxony, Thekla mine, near Hauptmanngriin in Voigtland, in small crystals on turgite (hydrohematite) and limonite; Erzgebirge, near Schwarzenberg, at the Frisch Gliick mine. It is isomorphous with beudantite. Moronolite is from Monroe, N. Y., where it occurs on gneiss. It. contains less alkali than is required for the formula. Named moronolite from pcopov, mulberry, alluding to a resemblance to the mulberry calculus. Erxusibite Shepard (Rep. Mt. Pisgah Copper Mine, N. Haven, 1859; Am. J. Sci., II. xxviii. 129, 1859) is a "rusty insoluble ferric sulphate" of undetermined nature. His copperasine (ib.) is announced as. a "hydrous cuprous and ferric sulphate," from the same place. His leucanterita (ib.) is an efflorescence on the copperasine. These are names without descriptions. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 661 692. CARPHOSIDERITE. Karphosiderit Breith., Schw. J., 1. 314, 1827. In reniform masses, and incrustations. H-.=4 —45. G.=2-49-2-5, Breith.; 2'728, Pisani. Lustre resinous. Color pale and deep straw-yellow. Streak yellowish. Feel greasy. Comp.-O. ratio for, X, S =1i: 128: 1.08; if a fourth of the water is basic (, 5e+~ fP) S + 2 ll=Sulphuric acid 31'4, sesquioxyd of iron 50'2, water 18'4=100. Analyses: 1, Pisani (0. R., lviii. 242, J. pr. Oh., xcii. 376); 2, same, after removing impurities:'S Fe An At Sand Gypsum 1. 25'52 40'00 tr. 10-67 14-78 9'03=100. 2. 31]82 49-88 - 1830 --- --- 100. Supposed by Harkort (1. c.), after blowpipe trials, to be a hydrous phosphate; but shown by Pisani's analysis of an original specimen to be a sulphate. Pyr., etc. —B.B. nearly like copiapite. Insoluble in water. Obs.-Occurs in fissures in mica slate, and was first distinguished by Breithaupt among some specimens which he says were from Labrador. Pisani's specimens were from the K5lburg collection in Paris, and were labelled Greenland, most probably the true locality. The name alludes to the color, and is from Kaers5, straw, aisrpog, iron. 693. PARALUMINITE. Paraluminit Steinberg, J. pr. Ch., xxxii. 495, 1844. Massive, and like aluniinite. White to pale yellow. Comp.-A-12 S+15 AI=Sulphuric acid 14'4, alumina 3170, water 48'6=100. Analyses: 1-6, Schmid, Martens, Marchand, Wolff, Backs (J. pr. Ch., xxxii xxxiii.); 7, Dieck (ZS. nat. Ver. Halle, xiii. 265); 8, Berthier (Mem., 1839, 288): 1. South of Halle 14'54 36'17 49'03=99'74 Schmid. 2. " " 14'04 35'96 50'00-100 Martens. 3. " 17'0 36'0 47'2=100'2 Marchand. 4. " " 12'44 38'81 47101, a 0 1'68=100 Wolff. 5. " " 12-22 37.11 49'18, Na O 1'00-100-11 Backs. 6. " " 11'45 39'50 48'80=99'75 Marchand. 7. " " 15'56 36'54 46-89=98'99 Dieck. 8. Huelgoet 13'37 43'00 43'63-=100 Berthier. Another analysis of the mineral from Presslers mountain, near Halle, afforded Geist (ZS. Nat. Ver. Halle, xiii. 268) S 22-18, Al 39'86, E 34'91 by loss, Si 1'92, Fe 0-40, Ca 0'50, Mg 0'03. For a similar mineral from Bernon, near Epernay, France, Lassaigne obtained (Ann. Ch. Phys., xxix. 98) S 20'06, Al 39'70, It 39.94, gypsum 0'30=100. Pyr., etc.-Nearly as for aluminite. Obs.-Similar in its modes of occurrence to aluminite. Found in Presslers mountain (anal. 7) and elsewhere, near Halle, and Huelgoet in Brittany. 694. PISSOPHANITE. Pissophan Breith., Char., 101, 1832. Garnsdorfite. Amorphous, or stalactitic, somewhat pitch-like in appearance. H.=1'5. G.-=1'93-1'98. Lustre vitreous. Color pistachio-, asparagus-, or olive-green. Transparent. Very fragile. Fracture conchoidal. 662 OXYGEN COMOUNDS. Comp. —Erdmann (Schw. J., lxii. 104) obtained:;Il Fe tA 1. Green 12'70 35'15 9'74 41'69, gangue and loss 0-72=100. 2. " 12'49 35'30 9'80 41-70 " 0'71=100. 3. Yellow 11690 680- 40-06 40'13 "- 1-11-100. Probably not a simple mineral. Perhaps Nos. 1 and 2, Rs S+15 ft, and No. 3, R2 S + 15 A. The relation in the former is more exactly I5 S2 + 30 A. Pyr., etc.-For the most part insoluble in water. Easily soluble in muriatic acid. B.B becomes black. In a glass tube gives alkaline water. Obs.-Occurs at Garnsdorf, near Saalfeld, and at Reichenbach, Saxony, on alum slate. Named from riaca, pitch, and tav6g, appearance. 695. FELSOBANYITE. Felsi5banyt Raid., Ber. Ak. Wien, 1852, xii. 183, 1854. Orthorhombic. Massive, and in concretions, grouped or single, consisting of scales, which are hexagonal, and have two angles of 11t2. Cleavage perfect. Optically biaxial. lH.=15. G.=2'33. Lustre of cleavage-face pearly. Color snow-white, surface often yellowish. Translucent to subtransparent. Comp. —l12S + 10 At=Sulphuric acid 17-2, alumina 44'1, water 387 =100. Analysis: v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 188): (2)S 16-47 A1 45'53 ft 37'27=99'27 Hauer. Pyr., etc.-Nearly as for aluminite. Obs.-From Kapnik near Felsdbanya in Hungary, the concretions sometimes grouped on barite. 696. GLOCKERITE. Vitriolocker Berz., Afh., v. 157, 1816. Fer sous-sulfate terreux Berz., N. Min. Syst., 1819. Vitriol Ochre. Pittizite Beud., Tr., 447, 1824. Glockerit Naaum., Min., 254, 1855. Massive, sparry or earthy. Stalactitic. Lustre resinous or earthy. Color brown to ochre-yellow, also brownishblack to pitch-black; dull green. Streak ochre-yellow to brown. Opaque to subtranslucent. Fracture shining to earthy. Comp., Var.-e2'S+6 f, Berzelius, for a brown to ochre-yellow variety, occurring with botryogen at Fahlun, containing according to him, Sulphuric acid 1569, sesquioxyd of iron 62'4, water 21-7=100. The same for a stalactitic variety from Obergrund, near Zuckmantel, the stalactites of which are sometimes 2 feet long, brown to pitch-black, yellowish-brown, and dark green in color, with yellowish-brown to ochre-yellow streak, shining lustre to earthy, and insoluble in water. It is the Glockerite of Naumaun, who cites Hochstetter's analysis, S 15-19, Fe 64'34, H 20-7, agreeing closely with that by Berzelius. Jordan obtained for a compact and earthy vitriol ochre from Rammelsberg mine near Goslar (J. pr. Ch., ix. 95), and Scheerer for another from Modum, Norway (Pogg., xlv. 188): S Fe ft 1. Goslar, compact 13'59 63'85 18-46, Zn 1'23, (u 0'87, gangue 2'00=100 Jordan. 2. " earthy 9-80 68'75 15'52, Zn 1'29 Cu 0'50, gangue 4'14=100 Jordan. 3. Modum,lbrown 6'00 80-73 1357=-100 Scheerer. Pyr., etc.-Nearly as for copiapite. Obs.-A result of the alteration of pyrite or marcasite. Glockerite was named after the mineralogist E. F. Glocker. Pitticite is the name of pitchy iron ore, q. v. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 663 697. LAMPROPHANITE. Lamprophan Igelstrim, CEfv. Ak. Stockh., 1866, 93. In thin cleavable folia. H.=3. G.=3'07. Lustre pearly. Color and streak white. Comp.-An analysis afforded Igelstrbm (1. c.): S Pb Mn Mg Ca Ra, t 11'17 28-00 q'90 5'26 24'65 14X02 8'35=99'35. Pyr., etc.-Yields water. With soda on charcoal yields metallic lead and a hepatic mass. Not wholly soluble in acids. Obs.-From Longban in Wermland, Sweden. Named in allusion to the lustre from ~aprp6g, shinring. 700. LINARITE. Linarite Brooke, Ann. Phil., II. iv. 117, 1822. Cupreous Sulphate of Lead, Cupreous Anglesite. Bleilasur, Kupferbleispath, Germ. Monoclinic. C=77~ 27'; IA I, over i-i,=61~ 36', 0 A 1-4=1410 5', a: b: c=0'48134: 1: 05819. Observed planes: 0; vertical, i-i, I, i-, i-2; hemidomes, Hi, - i 1-1, 3~ ~2- 9s 7-; -1-; clinodomes, 1-, -; hemipyramids, 2, 2-2, ~-4, — 8. Fig. 544. Plane i-z often wanting. O A i-i=1020 33' 0 A i4-=900 0 A 1-i=152 19 0 A\ -=158 1 544 O A -1-i=156 578 i-i A 1-i=105 8 2 O A — i=161 231 i-i A-1-i=125 350 A\ 2-i= 130 5 i-i A 2-i=127 22 O A -i= 176 36 i-2 A i-2, ov. i-i,=100 1 OA -i-=156 48 IA 2-2=137 1 OA. =96 23 1A 2=159 9 Twins: composition-face i-i common; 0 A O'-=154 54'. Cleavage: i-i very perfect; O less so. H. =2'5. G. = 53 - 545. Lustre vitreous or adamantine. Color deep azure-blue. Streak pale blue. Translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Brittle. Comp.-O. ratio for (u, Pb,'S =1: 1: 3: 1, whence Pb'S+~ut; or, if if be basic, for base and acid 1: 1=(j Mu+-j Pb+J A)9 S. It seems to be an objection to the first formula that there is no near isomorphism with any sulphate of lead, while there is with cyanosite or sulphate of copper. Analyses: 1, Brooke (. c.); 2, Thomson (Phil. Mag., III. xvii. 402); 3, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., lxxxiii. 454): b 1. Wanlockhead 75.4 18'0 4'7=98'1 Brooke. 2. " 74'8 19-7 5'5=100 Thomson; G.=5'2137. 3. Kadainski 76'41 17'43 6-16, Cl tr.=100 Kobell. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water and loses its blue color. B.B. on charcoal fuses easily to a pearl, and in R.F. is reduced to a metallic globule which by continued treatment coats the coal with oxyd of lead, and if fused boric acid is added yields a pure globule of copper. With soda gives the reaction for sulphuric acid. Decomposed with nitric acid, leaving a white residue of sulphate of lead. Obs.-Formerly found at Leadhills. Occurs at Roughten Gill, Red Gill, and near Keswick, in Cumberland, in crystals sometimes an inch long; near Schneeberg, rare;: in Dillenburg, at the mines Aurora and Thomas; Nassau on the Lahn; at Retzbanya; at the Kadainski mine in 664 OXYGEN COMPOUINDS. Nertschinsk; and in the vicinity of Beresof in the Ural; and supposed formerly to be found at Linares in Spain, whence the name. Alt.-Linarite occurs altered to cerussite, a change like that of anglesite to cerussite. For recent obs. on cryst., B. & M., Min.; Greg & Lettsom, Min., 395, 1858; Kokscharof, Min. Russl., iv. 139, v. 106; Hessenberg, Min. Not., No. vii., from whom the above angles are taken; ML Peters, Ber. Ak. Wien, xliv. 168. 701. BROCHANTITEt. Brochantite (fr. Katharinenb.) Levb, Ann. Phil., II. viii. 241, 1824. Konigine (fr. Russia) Levy, ib., xi. 194, 1826. Brongnartine (fr. Mexico) Huot, Min., i. 331, 1841. Krisuvigit (fr. Iceland) Forchhammer, Skand. Nat. Stockh., 1842, Arsb. 1843, 192. Warringtonite (fr. Cornwall) AMaskelyne, Ch. fNews, x. 263, 1864, Phil Mag., IV. xxix. 475. Orthorhombic. IA J=1040 32', O A 2 —=147~ 49'; a:b:c ~=0'31471: 1: 1-2923. Observed planes: vertical, I, i4-, i-z; domes, 1-i, 2-4. Fig. 545; also prisms made of I and i-2, and dome 14- without i-i, the form resembling f. 542, p. 657, excepting the absence of O, this plane not having been observed. 545 i-' A i-n, ov. i-4,=114~ 16' 1-4 A 1-b=152 37 2-4 A 2-, ov. 0-,=115 38 \i- A i-= —147 8 \ I\ "" \I \4 A 2 — 127 44 Vt >i,-4, A 14-=103 41 Also in groups of acicular crystals and drusy crusts. Cleavage: i-4 very perfect; I in traces. Also massive; reniform with a columnar structure. H.-=3-5 —4. G.=3'78-3-87, Magnus; 3'9069, G. Rose. Lustre vitreous; a little pearly on the cleavage-face i-4. Color emerald-green, blackish-green. Streak paler green. Transparent-translucent. Var. —1. Ordinary Brochantite. The analyses vary considerably, as shown below. The crystals are vertically striated. 2. Warringtonite. Essentially brochantite in composition. but occurring in non-striated crystals in form like a doubly curving wedge, of paler green color than ordinary brochantite, with G. = 3'39-3 47, and H.=3-3'5. Comp.-O. ratio for Cu, S, 1=-7: 6: 5; C(u S + 2. Ou R; or perhaps 2 OuS~' + bu T+4 it; =Sulphuric acid 19'9, protoxyd of copper 69'0, water 11'1=100. Some analyses correspond tc the 0. ratio 4: 3: 3; and Field's to 4: 3: 4, the ratio of langite. Analyses: 1, 2, Magnus (Pogg., xiv. 141); 3, Forchhammer (J. pr. Ch., xxx. 396); 4, Berthier (Ann. Ch. Phys., 1. 360); 5, H. Risse (Pogg., cv. 614); 6, Pisani (C. R., lix. 912); 7, Warrington (J. Ch. Soc., II. iii. 85); 8, Maskelyne (Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 475); 9, Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, ii. 131); 10, Field (Phil. Mag., IV. xxiv. 123); 11, v. Kobell (Ber. Ak. Miinchen, 1865, ii. 70); 12, Domeyko (Ann. d. M., VI. v. 460): S Ou 2n Pb A 1. Retzbanya 17-132 62'626 8'181 0'030 11'887=99'856 Magnus. 2. " 17'426 66'935 3'145 1'048 11'917=100'471 Magnus. 3. Krisuvigite 18'88 67'75 - 12'81=99'44 Forchhammer. 4. Mexico 16'6 66-2 --- -- 17'2100 Berthier. 5. Nassau 190 678 - 13-2, C1 tr.=100 Risse. 6. Cornwall 17'2 68C8 1'0a - 13'2, 0a 0'8=101 Pisani. 7. " Warr. 18'93 68'27 - 12'22b, insol. 0'58=100 Warrington. 8. " " 16'73 68'24 - - 1464=9961 Maskelyne. 9. N. S. Wales 19-4 69-1 - 11l5=100 Tschermak. 10. Chili 16-59 66-94 - - 1647=100 Field; G.= —381. 11. " 19-71 6887 - - [11'42]=100 Kobell. 12. " 15'8 68'5 - - 13'5, gangue 2'4=100-2 Domeyko a With Fe2 03. b 1'04 per cent. water lost below 2600 C. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 665 The -Mexican corresponds to IuO4 S + 4 -I, and is the Brongnartine of Huot. Rivot found in crystals of brochantite of a fine green color, which afforded a slight effervescence with acids, S 19'4, Cu 62'9, H 13-5, with C 1'2, ft 1'2=98'2. The mineral had undergone partial alteration, as shown by the 6'2 p. c. of carbonate of copper present (Ann. d. M., V. iii. 740). Pyr., etc.-Yields water, and at a higher temperature sulphuric acid, in the closed tube, and becomes black. ]B.B. fuses, and on charcoal affords metallic copper. With soda gives the reaction for sulphuric acid. Obs.-Occurs in small but well defined crystals, with malachite and native copper, at Gumeschevsk and Nischne-Tagilsk in the Ural; the Konigine (or K6nigite) was from Gumeschevsk; in small brilliant crystals with malachite in a quartzose rock near Roughten Gill, in Cumberland; in Cornwall (in part warringtonite), and sometimes with crystals of brochantite on the so-called warringtonite; at Retzbanya; in Nassau, with chalcopyrite; in small beds at Krisuvig in Iceland (krisuvigite); in Mexico (brongnartine); in Chili, at Andacollo (anal. 10); in Australia (brought from Sidney, N.S.W., anal. 9). Named after Brochant de Villiers. On cryst., G. Rose, Reis. Ural, i. 261; Kokscharof, Min. Russl., iii. 260. The above angles are from Kokscharof. G. Rose found IA 1=104~ 10', and 1-i A 1-=151~ 52'. Fig. 545 is from Levy. Kokscharof's figures have not the plane 2-i, and several are without i-i. Artif.-Formed in a bright green powder by Field (Phil. Mag., IV. xxiv. 123) by adding to a strong solution of sulphate of copper a small quantity of caustic potash, boiling, filtering, and washing till all the sulphate of copper is removed; analysis after drying at 100~ C. afforded S 16'98, Cu 67'51, H [15'51]=100, giving the 0. ratio 4: 3: 4. See further under LANGITE. 702. LANGITE. A new British mineral N. S. Maskelyne, Phil. Mag., IV. xxvii. 306, 1864. Langite Maskelyne, Pisani, C. R., lix. 633, 1864, Maskelyne, Phil. Mag., IV. xxix. 473, 1865. Devilline Pisani, C. R., 813, 1864=Lyellite Maskelyne, Ch. News, x. 263, 1864. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1230 44'; O A 1-{=147~ 36'; a: b: c=-06346: 1: 18702. I/A i-=-1180 8', O A 2-=-128~ 14'. Cleavage: apparently O and i-4. Crystals small and short; simple forms not observed. Twins: composition-face I, and forms like those of aragonite. Also in fibro-lamellar and concretionary crusts, with earthy surface. H.-=25- 3. G.=3'48 —3'50, Maskelyne. Lustre of crystals vitreous; of crusts' somewhat silky. Color fine blue to greenish-blue; through i-4 blue; through i-{ greenish-blue; through O paler greenish-blue. Translucent. Comp.-O. ratio for R, S, It=4: 3: 4, Pisani; 4: 3: 5, Maskelyne. The former gives the formula (nu S+3 (Ou ft1+i=Sulphuric acid 17-0, oxyd of copper 67-7, water 15'3=100. The latter corresponds to Sulphuric acid 16'4, oxyd of copper 65'1, water 18'5=100. The ratio 4: 3: 4 gives also the formula CuS S+Cu 1+ 3 H. Analyses: 1, Maskelyne (L c.); 2, Pisani(l. c.); 3-5, A. H. Church and R. Warrington (J. Ch. Soc., II. iii. 87); 6, Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, li. i. 127):' ( Cu Oa ft 1. Cornwall.16-42 65'82 18'32=100'56 Maskelyne. 2. " 16-77 65'92 0 83 16-19, Mg 0'29= 100 PisanL 3. " 16'79 67'48 15'73=100 Church. 4. " 16'72 67'31 16-25=100-28 Warrington. 5. " 16'88 67'88 15-53=100'29 Warrington. 6. " 16-2 68'1 0-5 [15'2]=100 Tschermak. The devilline (or lyellile), which includes the incrusting variety, is, as Tschermak has shown (1. c.), langite mixed with gypsum, which is apparent in scales. His analysis above was made on the devilline after separating 18 p. c. of gypsum; and he stated that Pisani's analysis of the same (I. c.) indicates the presence of 24 p. c. For an analysis of the lyellite by Church see J. Oh. Soc., II. iii. 83. Pyr., etc. —B.B. on charcoal yields water, acid fumes, and metallic copper. Heated it passes through (1) a bright green color, losing 1 equivalent of water, and then having the O. ratio (4: 3: 4) of some brochantite; (2) various tints of olive-green; and (3) becomes black. It has finally a strongly acid reaction. 666 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Obs.-Found in argillaceous schist (killas) in Cornwall, in minute twinned crystals; also as a blue crust, partly earthy. It is associated sometimes with connellite. Named langite after Dr. V. v. Lang, formerly of the British Museum. The analyses of so-called brochantite by Berthier of a Mexican specimen, and Field of a Chilian, as well as of the artificial mineral, have the same composition assigned by Pisani and Church to the langite; and there is yet some uncertainty as to the true limits between the two species. The specimens had the green color of brochantite. 703. CYANOTRICHITE. Kupfersammeterz, Kupfersammterz, Wern., Karsten's Tab., 62, 1808. Velvet Copper Ore Jameson, Min., iii. 153, 1816. Sammeterz Breith., Char., 168, 1823, 320, 1832. Cuivre veloute Fr. Cyanotrichit Glocker, Grundr., 587, 1839. Lettsomite Percy, Phil. Mag., xxxvi. 103, 1850. Occurs in druses of short capillary crystals, and having an appearance like velvet; sometimes in spherical globules. Color clear smalt-blue, sometimes passing into sky-blue. Lustre pearly. Comp.-O. ratio for (u, A, S, f, from mean of analyses, 9'03: 5-48: 8-85: 20'50. Taking it at 9: 6': 9: 21, the formula may be 3 lug'S~+2 A1Is3+15 A; or 3 (uS-+2 ( u3I3+2 ~Al-S+9 H-= 3 Cu S+4 (j CuS + j 1) AS + 9 I. Needs further investigation. Analyses: J. Percy (1. c.): S Al Fe Ou A 15'39 11-70 43'16 23'06=98'30. 14'12 11-06 1'18 46'59 23-06, insol. 2'35=98'36. Obs.-Occurs sparingly at Moldawa in the Bannat, coating the cavities of an earthy hydrated oxyd of iron, along with a white amorphous sulphate of alumina. Named Cyanotrichite from KavoO, blue, and Opit, hair; and Lettsomite after the English mineralogist, W. G. Lettsom.'04. WOODWARDITE Church, Ch. News, xiii. 85, 113, 1866, J. Chem. Soc., II. iv. 130. Probably an impure uncrystallized variety of the above, mixed with hydrate of alumina. Occurs in Cornwall, in minute botryoidal concretions, of a rich turquois-blue to greenish-blue color, translucent to almost transparent; G.=2'38. Analyses: 1-3, Church and Warrington (1. c.); 4, Pisani (C. R., lxv. 1142): S A1 Cu II 1. Cornwall 13-95 17-97 48'34 18-48=98'74 Church. 2. " 13'04 18'64 48'67 [19'651=100 Warrington. 3. " 12-54 17-93 46-80 r22-73 =100 Warrington. 4. " 1171 13-4 46-8 [26'9], Si 1-2=100 Pisani. Church and Warrington also found traces of silica, lime, magnesia, and phosphoric acid, which were undetermined. The mean of the first 3 analyses affords the O. ratio for Cu, M1, S, 1=11: 9-6: 9: 23; equivalent to 3 CuS 8, 2 Cu H. 3 Al, 1 2 1; or 3 Cu S, 8 Cu I, 3 X11 1, 6 11. No. 4, by Pisani, gives about 12: 9 for the Cu and H, the ratio in langite, and he makes the mineral impure langite. He analyzed (1. c.) another similar material from Cornwall (received from Mr. Tailing), of a clear green color, and obtained S 4'1, A133-8, Cu 17-4, II 38'7, Si 67-=i1005; showing a mixture of the copper sulphate with a hydrous silicate of alumina as well as hydrate; and this he considers as proving that woodwardite is only a mixture. The mineral is soluble with scarcely any residue in diluted acids. Named after Dr. S. P. Woodward. 705. JOHANNITE. Uranvitriol John, Ch. Unters., V. 254, 1821. Johannit Haid., Abhandl., bdhm. Ges. Prag, 1830. Sulphate of Uranium. Sulfate vert d'urane Beud. Monoclinic. C= 85~ 40', IA 1=69~. Crystals flattened, and from one to three lines in: length; arranged in concentric druses or reniform masses. I-I.= — 2'5. G.=3-19. Lustre vitreous. Color beautiful emeraldgreen, sometimes passing into apple-green. Streak paler. Transparent HYDROUS SULPHATES. 667 translucent; sometimes opaque. Soluble in water. Taste bitter, rather than astringent. Comp.-O. ratio for bases and acid 1 1, whence the formula (USj, t)'S+ lu' S+l~, or (](U,3 f) +I tus) S+1+ 1=, if the uranium be all sesquioxyd, Sulphuric acid 20-8, oxyd of uranium 66'1, oxyd of copper 6'9, water 6'2=100. Analysis by Lindacker (mean of two trials, Yogl's Min. Joach., 1857): 20.02 U, t: 61.72 Cu 599 Fe 020 H 5-59=9952. Pyr., etc.-In a glass tube at a low heat does not change; highly heated gives off water and sulphurous acid, and becomes brown and finally black. B.B. on charcoal gives sulphur fumes and a scoria of black color and dull green streak. With salt of phosphorus reacts for copper and uranium. Somewhat soluble in water. Solution precipitated chestnut-brown by prussiate of potash, yellowish-green by alkalies, and in brown flocks by an infusion of nutgalls. Obs.-Discovered by John near Joachimsthal in Bohemia, after whom the species is named. Found also at Johanngeorgenstadt. Reported from the Middletown feldspar quarry by Shepard. 706. URANOCHALCITE. Urangriin Hartmann. Uranochalzit Breith., Handb., 173, 1841. In small nodular crusts and velvety druses, consisting of acicular crystals. _H.=2-221. Color fine grass-green to apple-green; streak apple-green. Comp.-(] (10, A)+I 0a3)'S +~ 0u S + 9 A=, if the uranium be taken as all sesquioxyd, Sulphuric acid 211, oxyd of uranium 33'5, oxyd of copper 7'0, lime 9'8, water 28'5=100. Analysis: Lindacker (Vogl's Min. Joach., 1857): S U F Be Ou Oa: () 20-03 36'14 0'14 6'55 10'10 27'16=100'12. Obs.-From Joachimsthal in Bohemia. 707. MEDJIDITE. J. L. Smith, Am. J. Sci., II. v. 337, 1848. Sulphate of Uranium & Lime. Massive, with an imperfectly crystalline structure. H. =2-5. Lustre vitreous in the fracture. Color dark amber. Transparent. Comp.-Perhaps GS+0a'S+15 1, according to some qualitative trials by Smith; but as probably:' S + (Ca3 S + 15 H=(~ X + Ca')'S+ 7~ A, and thus approaching uranochalcite. Pyr., etc.-In a matrass easily yields water. At redness blackens, being converted into oxyd of uranium and sulphate of lime. With salt of phosphorus a green bead. Dissolves readily in dilute muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs near Adrianople, Turkey, on pitchblende, associated with liebigite, in some places with crystals of sulphate of lime; also at Joachimsthal, with liebigite on uranium ore. Externally often dull from loss of water. It was named after the Turkish sultan Abdul Medjid. 708. ZIPPEITE. Basisches schwefelsaures Uranoxyd (verwitterter Uran-Vitriol) J. F. John, Unters., v. 1821, Jahrb. Min. 1845, 299. Uranbliithe Zippe, Verh. Ges. Bohm. Prag, 1824. Zippeit Haid., Handb., 510, 1845. In delicate needles; acicular rosettes; warty crusts. H. =3. Color fine sulphur-yellow, lemon-yellow, orange-yellow. 668 OXYGEN COMPOUNDs. Comp.-Hydrous sulphate of sesquioxyd of uranium, with or without oxyd of copper, and lemon- to orange-yellow when without. Analyses by Lindacker (Vogl's Min. Joach.):'9S X6 e Cu Ca f 1. With no Copper 13'06 67'86 017 - 061 17-69=9939. 2. Copper var. 17'36 62'04 - 5-21 -- 15-23=99-84. Formula of the former'3 S2+ 12 I1, Vogl; of the latter, 3' S2 + 6,1 with 16 p. c. copper vitriol as impurity, Ramm.; or (ju3, )3'S2+8 It, in which O. ratio of Cu, -I-1: 12. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube water, and at a higher temperature sulphuric acid. With salt of phosphorus gives a yellowish-green glass in O.F., becoming emerald-green in R.F. Obs.-From Joachimsthal. Named after the mineralogist Prof. Zippe. John's basic sulphate is a yellow mineral, and may be either the preceding, or what Vogl calls Uranochre.'709. VOGLIANITE.1 Basic Sulphate of Uranium Vogl, Min. Joach., 1857. Voglianite Dana. In soft globular, and nodular, earthy coatings. Color pistachio- to verdigris-green; streak pale green or apple-green. Comp. —4(Ju3, )2S +(Ca, Ou) S+101 f, or, regarding the sulphate of copper and llme as impurity, (U3,j )2 S+2 ft. Analyses by Lindacker (Min. Joach.): S Yu ~ PIe Cu Ca ft 1. Lime var. 12'34 79'50 0'12 - 1[66 5'49=99-11. 2. Coppervar. 12-13 79'69 0'36 2'24 0'05 5'25=99'72. Obs.-From Joachimsthal in Bohemia. 710. URACONITE. Uranochre Vogl, Min. Joach.? Uraconise Beud., Tr., ii 672, 1832. Uraconite Dana. Amorphous, earthy, or scaly, and of a fine lemon-yellow color, or orange. Comp.-Analyses by Lindacker (. c.)::6 Pe Cu Ca ft 1. Yellow 7'12 70'94 0-41 0-24 - 20-88-99'58. 2. Orange 10-16 66-05 0'86 - 2-62 20'06=99-76. Formula deduced by Vogl for i,:t S +14 A; for 2, Oa a'S+3'Sl+ 14 A. Obs.-From Joachimsthal, with other uranium ores. Uraconise of Beudant was described as a yellow pulverulent ore; its composition is unknown. 711. MONTANITE. F. A. Genth, Private contribution, Jan. 19, 1868. Incrusting; without distinct crystalline structure. Soft and earthy. Lustre dull to waxy. Color yellowish to white. Opaque. Comp. —Bi e+2 ft=Telluric acid 26'1, oxyd of bismuth 68'6, water 5'3=100. Analysis: Genth (1. c.): Montana ite 26'83'Bi 66'78 Pe 0'56 Pb 0'39 fit 594= 100. Pyr., etc.-Yields water in a tube when heated. B.B. gives the reactions of bismuth and tellurium. Soluble in dilute muriatic acid. Obs.-Incrusts tetradymite, from whose alteration it had been formed, at Highland, in Montana. The waxy lustre is observed when the incrustation has separated from the scales of tetradymite. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 669'712. KERSTENITE. Selenbieispath Kersten, Pogg., xlvi. 277, 1839. Selenigsaures Bleioxyd Germ. Selenite of Lead. Selenate of Lead. Kerstenite Dana. In small spheres and botryoidal masses. Cleavage distinct in one direction. H.=3-4. Lus. tre greasy-vitreous. Color sulphur-yellow. Streak uncolored. Brittle. Fracture fibrous. According to Kersten, it consists of selenous acid and oxyd of lead, with a small proportion of copper. On coal it fuses readily to a black slag, giving off a strong selenium odor, and is finally reduced to a metallic globule. With borax it fuses and forms a yellowish-green pearl, which is of the same color on cooling. With soda on charcoal metallic lead is obtained. Occurs with selenid of antimony and lead, malachite, etc., at the Friederichsgliick mine, near Hilburghausen, and at Eisfeld. May it be a 8elenate, or is it only a mixture? 7. CARBONATES. The carbonates have a hardness not exceeding 5, and consequently will not, when pure, strike fire with a steel. The anhydrous come under the common general formula, RO, CO2, but present three types of crystallization, a rhombohedral, with R A R near 105~; an orthorhombic, with IA Inear 120~; and a monoclinic, with IA I near 105~. They constitute therefore a case of pleomorphism, while all, still, are approximately isomorphous. These anhydrous species have a vitreous to subpearly lustre, and are typically spars. The hydrous carbonates vary much in crystallization, and in some cases have a strongly pearly lustre. All effervesce in hot acids, and part of them in cold. I. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. I. CALCITE GROUP. Rhombohedral; R A R=105~-108~. 715. CALITrrE Oa 0 C elO2le0a 716. DOLOMITE (4 Cau+ Ig) 0 e [lle2ll(~ Ea + i3 Mfg) 717. ANKEERTE (~ 0a+ (Ig, Fe, Mn)) I0 oello(211(a+4(Mg, Fe, Mn)) 718. MAGNESITE g ( e JJOl|nMg 719. MESITITE (a Mg~+ Fe) C0 e 2 (j Mg + i Fe)'720. PISTOMESITE (3 Mg+- Foe) 0 Oe H(2~(( Mg+ — Fe) 721. SIDERITE Pe 0 ee3OI1eFe 722. RHODOOHROSITE ln 0 e qeOO2Mn 723. SMITHSONITE Zn 0 bel ol2Zn II. ARAGONITE GROUP. Orthorhombic. IA I=115~-119~. 724. ARAGONITE a C e eO21D1ea 725. MANGANOCALCITE (a Sin+1 (Oa, 1ifg ) e e| 12( AMn+j (pa, Mig))'26. WITHERITE Ba C e(e3llO a 670 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 727. BROMLITE (~ Ba+- Oa) 0 eelo2II(i Ba+j a- ) 728. STRONTUATE Sr 0 6 01121dSr 729. CERUSSITE Pb a0 eeII2tPb III. BARYTOCALCITE GROUP. Monoclinic. IA I=106~- 107~. 730. BARYTOCALCITN (+ ta+j Ca) e i 11c211i(E Ba + -ea) IV. PARISITE GROUP. Carbonate containing fluorine. 731. PARISITE (0e, La, bi) C0+~ (Ca, Ce) F 732. KISCHTIMrrE 6 La d + Ce2 03 - Ce2 FS + 2 ] V. PHOSGENITE GROUP. Carbonate containing chlorine. 733. PHOSGEETE Pb 0 + Pb C1'715. CALCITE. Marmor (Marble) pt. Plin. Lapis calcarius. Saxum calcis (Calx in Latin meaning burnt lime), Kalchstein Agric., De Nat. Foss., 320, Interpr., 468, 1546. Kalksten Wall., Min., 1747. Spatig Kalksten, Kalkspat, Cronst., Min., 13, 1758. Kalk, Kalkspath, Kalkstein, Germ. Calx aerata Bergm., 1774, and Opusc., i. 24 1780. Calcareous Spar; Limestone; Carbonate of Lime. Chaux carbonatee Fr. Calcit Haid., Handb., 498, 1845. Rhombohedral. R A R (f. 550A, over a terminal edge)= 105~ 5', O A R =1350 23'; a —=08543. Cleavage: R? highly perfect. 550 551 552 553 554 3 D Observed forms: 1. Rhomlohedrons; forms whose planes are in the same vertical zone with R (one of which, 4, is shown in f. 559, 550E, and three of the minzs series, in -2, -, -, in f. 564, 550o, D, B); the plus rhombohedrons ranging from aR (the vertical axis of which is jth that of ] relatively to the lateral *axes) to 28R, the planes of the former nearly coincident with the basal plane o, and of the latter as nearly with those of the vertical prism; the minus rhombohedrons ranging from - to -14; the fundamental rhombohedron?. (f. 550A) uncommon, except in combination with other planes, or as a cleavage form; -4 (f. 550B, often called nail-head spar) corresponding to a truncation of the terminal edge of R, very common, and especially in combination (f. 552c, 553A B, 564, ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 671 565); -2R (f. 550c), called the inverse by Haiiy, because the angle over the lateral edges is near that over the terminal of R, common; — R (f. 550D), 555 557 558 556 e:' ~ Rossie. 559 560 561 42 42 Rossie. Rossie. or the cuboid of Haiiy, its angles being rather near those of a cube, and the acute 562 form 4R (f. 550E), also common; 13R 27 (f. 551) of not unfrequent occurrence; /, 16R (f. 553D). / 2. Scalenohedrons. (a) Planes bevelling the lateral edges of R, f. 562, / which, when more extended, take the form in the dotted lines of the same figure, or the complete scalenohedron; the series having the general symbol 1", and including all the forms in the table beyond from 1l to 1" (the 1 signifying that they are thus related to the rhombohedron 1R, and the annexed number i indicating the length of the vertical axis as compared with- that of 1R; also a mniuns series, -ln, having the same relation to -1R; three of the wminus series are combined in the illustrative figure, f. 563, and two of the/plus in 672 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. f. 559); scalenohedron 13 (f. 552A, dog-tooth spar) very common, both simple and in combination (the latter in f. 555 to 559, 564, 565; f. 556 a distorted form of f. 555). (b) Planes bevelling the lateral edges of -2R (f. 553c), and having the general symbol -2". (c) Planes having the same relation to other rhombohedrons, but if referred to the fundamental rhombohedron, R, replacing its lateral or terminal angles, or terminal edges (f. 561, 564). (d) The last mentioned bevelling the terminal edges of R (as ~- in f. 564), having the general symbol nm, withal 3 nn — m= 1 when the scalenohedron isplus like the R, but 3- nn+- n= — when min-us. (e) Bevelmenits of terminal edges of other rhombohedrons, mn'R, having the same general symbol rn, but with A mnn n- n', when of like signs with rn', and - nmn+ mmn', when of unlike signs. 564 565 566 -23 13 3 18 5 569 4. Prsm.Pa hergua ss-iedpis, ey o1mmon, eis 4 -I 13 I' Derbyshire. 568 569 Alston-Moor. 3. Begular six-sideldpyramids; general symbol m-2, as 4-2, f. 561. 4. Prisms. (a) The regular six-sided prism i, very common, either short or long (f. 552c, 553A, B, 554, 570). (b) Prism i-2, only in combination and not common. (e) Twelve-sided prisms i-J, i-4. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 673 571 570 57 572 0~ \,' 5. Basal, plane 0, as in 552D, 553A, c, 570, far less frequent as a termination of crystals than rhombohedral and scalenohedral planes. ANGLES OF RHOMBOHEDRONS. R is a face of the fundamental rhombohedron 1R; R' the particular rhombohedron below in each line; o the basal plane: Term. Edge. o AR R A R' Term. Edge. o \ R R R' 1560 2' 166~ 9' 149~14' -5 63~ 51' 101028' 1230 9' 13i) 152 35 161 48 153 35 -. 64 42 102 42 121 55 -6 142 55 158 28 156 55 -4 65 50 104 17 120 20 134 57 153 45 161 48 -2 67 26 106 9 118 28 1S (?) 116 52 152 48 163 35 - 71 18 110 14 114 23 7A 129 40 150 35 164 48 13 15 112 5 112 32 1R 105 5 135 23 180 _1 74 9 112 56 111 41 4 82 56 120 5 164 42 -1 76 9 116 16 110 21 73 15 112 5 156 42 -2 78 51 11652 107 45 3 69 24 108 40 153 7 -18 85 26 121.58 102 39 14t 68 25 107 20 151. 57 _1- 86 36 122 49 101 58 4 65 50 104 17 14850 -6 88 18 124 6 100 2 14t 65 6 103 24 148 1 -% 90 55 125 58 98 39 21 64 42 102 42 147 19 - 95 28 129 2 95 35 6 62 43 99 35 144 12 - 97 10 130 11 94 48 7 62 1 98 14 142 51 -~ 99 14 131 35 93 2 9 61 14 96 25 141 3 - 111 13 139 12 85 25 13 60 36 94 27 139 4 -~ 115 7 141 43 82 54 16 60 20 93 38 138 15 - 123 10 146 40 77 57 18 60 19 93 13 137 50 ~ - 127 39 149 23'5 14 28 60 8 92 4 136 41 - 134 57 153 45 70 52 -14 60 31 94 8 138 45 4 156 2 166 9 58 38 -11 60 50 95 19 129 18 -~ 160 42 168 50 55 47 -8 61 33 97 48 127 25 -6 170 14 174 22 51 15 ANGLES OF SCALENOHEDRONS. Long E. Short E. Mid. E. Long E. Short E. Mid. E. 1Lo7 154037' 145055' 61036' 3 (f. 577) 159024' 138~ 5' 64~54' ~'~ 130 16 121 14 131 19 ~6 146 10 128 15 93 20 43 674 OXYGEN COMPOINDS. Long E. Short E. Mid. E. Long E. Short E. Mid. E. 3,) S. 1615 68' 1330 53' 660 31' 2 1? 157~ 14' 830 55' 140~ 40' ~28, S. 116 53 110 48 164 43 101? 134 3 66 44 125 4 52 164 1 130 37 67 41 I27? 166 10 71 36 132 37 69 152 40 123.35 90 20 -84 169 39 71 18 129 3 166 57 125 53 69 16 -57 164 59 76 54 132 1 74A- 169 5 122 37 69 45 -44, Rh. 158 30 83 34 137 34 6, Hg. 136 48~ 112 59 133 53 -33 159 4 87 37 130 45 8s 170 29 120 14 71 5 -2 163 11 86 6 122 32 i4 S. 174 26 118 23'1 36 -2'i 159 20 88 18 127 29 j-Lvo 172 30 116 59 72 1 -2' 153 16 92 9 135 19 4,t, Hg. 147 4 105 13~ 125 53i -21? 146 53 96 22 143 34 119 111 43 102 55 88 16 -23 142 30 99 58 149 21 1i 168 1 102 21 94 1 -24 139 36 106 25 163 24 1I 165 33 102 6 971 5 -421? 172 40 84 45 112 20 1i, Hg. 169 56 102 36 91 13 -315?Da.a 174 44 85 32 102 31 13f 161 53 101 55 103 52 -A? 141 31 98 32 131 33 II 160 13 101 56 106 34 -? 150 15 96 22 135 6.1 159 17 101 57 108 7 -_72 Da.b 164 8 92 46 111 46 l2 155 50 102 11 113 45 _-717, S. 161 32 83 15 114 25 1~ 151 7 102 52 121 34 -4T? 151 6 99 6 127 40 13 144 24 104 38 132 58 -4 167 6 95 15 103 40 -1a?33 136 47 107 48 146 28 -;58 8 96 51 117 8 15 134 28 109 1 150 44 -74, Wr. 167 23 98 2 103 48 113 g. 133 53 109 34 152 30 155 7 99 26 119 6 1Vz 132 41 110 3 154 5 -1? 169 56 102 36 91 13 1-, Rh. 131 31 110 36 156 42 -1' 161 53 101 55 103 52 17 130 10 111 39 158 53 -1I, 13, l,153, same as +17,l3,l, 1, 19 127 50 113 21 163 30 -43 145 15 107 38 124 39 1i1 126 26 114 24 166 28 3- 154 7 111 54 103 4 112 125 47 114 50 167 35 41 157 5 120 26 88 9 113 125 30 115 12 168 32 43 149 43 117 23 102 25 Al9t 165 59 9527 105 24 -_4 142 32 115 17 117 50 z6 7170 0 91 34 103 21 -%3? 140 44 114 57 121 39 56 142 53 100 55 145 28 -4 138 23 114 34 128 30 24,H11g. 144 30 98 25~ 146 42 49 129 10 115 5 150 0 29 142 30 99 58 149 21 -4"', Hg 128 7 115 21 152 53 %172 153 2 91 12 137 48 _13 126 1 116 4 158 59 152 54 90 46 139 12 110 16 140 18 50 12 329~ 143 50 97 28 151 51 -7 144 6 124 56 100 47 42 162 23 80 10 133:19 — 9 162 35 144 45 54 6 42 152 29 88 57 144 29 -_7 141 41 128 7 99 58 43 141 51 98 40 155 39 -'8 158 19 147 13 56 6'The long E., above, is edge Y (f. 562); short E., edge X; mid. E., edge Z. ANGLES OF PYRAMIDS. Pyram. Basal. Pyram. Basal. f.-2 151~ 21' 59~ 20' 2-2 1280 52' 119~ 20' 10-2 139 44 87 1 -2 125 301 132 36:3-2 135 51~ 97 261 4-2 122 39 147 23 ANIYDROUS CARBONATES. 675 Pyram. Basal. Pyram. Basal. %1.2 1210 59' 1510 50' 6-2 1210 13' 1570 54' 3-62 121 301 149 22 8-2 120 42 163 0 Twins: (1) Composition-face basal (or parallel to o), as f. 566 in the form f. 565, f. 567 in that of f. 553B, f. 568 in one similar to f. 552A. (2) C.face R, f. 570, the vertical axes of the two forms nearly at right angles (90~ 46'), since o A R=135~ 23'; producing complex forms when highly modified. (3) C.-face -2R, as f. 569, in the scalenohedron 1V, f. 552A. (4) C.-face — R (f. 571), the vertical axes of the two forms inclined to one another 127~ 34'; composition often repeated, producing an alternation of thin lamellae; and often occurring as lameelle intersecting different forms, or cleavage rhombohedrons; common in the grains of granular limestone (Oschotz, ZS. G., vii. 5). (5) C.-face prismatic plane i-2. (6) C.-face plane i (f. 572). Also fibrous, both coarse and fine; sometimes lamellar; often granular; from coarse to impalpable, and compact to earthy. Also stalactitic, tuberose, nodular, and other imitative forms. H.=2'5 —3'5; some earthy kinds (chalk, etc.) 1. G.=2'508-21'78; pure crystals, 2'7213 —27234, Beud.; fibrous, lamellar, and stalactitic, 2'70- 272, but when pulverized, 2'729 —27233. Lustre vitreous-subvitreous-earthy. Color white or colorless; also various pale shades of gray, red,-green, blue, violet, yellow; also brown and black when impure. Streak white or grayish. Transparent-opaque. Fracture usually conchoidal, but obtained with difficulty when the specimen is crystallized. Double refraction strong. The following are some of the irregular forms or conditions in the crystallization of calcite: (1) With curved surfaces. The rhombohedron JR, top part of f. 574, and the hexagonal prism f. 574A, and prism of f. 516. (2) Spirally group, f. 573, in which the spires consist of 573 small crystals of the form in f. 552a. (3) Grouped in curving columns: one case is mentioned by Kenngott in which the column was a pile of rhombohedrons (form in f. 553B) in a single series, the breadth %-,s in. (4) Made zup of a succession of unlike forms: in f. 576 a prism is surmounted by the form in f. 553B, the crystal, after forming as a hexa- Phenixville. gonal prism with a rounded summit through indistinct scalenohedral planes, having been completed by a form wholly different; in f. 575 a prism with a rhombohedral termination contains inside a scalenohedron (13), showing that it reached nearly its actual height as a scalenohedron, and, moreover, before the new form commenced, the scalenohedron was tipped by a cube of fluorite; f. 579, in which the sunken plane o has arisen from additions to the other faces, in the process of completion of the crystal, with none to o, the conditions producing that modification having ceased. (5) Irregular changes in the development of the same form: in f. 574, the form called nail-head spar has the unusual accompaniment of the shank of the nail, made up of very small but similar rhombohedrons; lateral development having been prevented for a while (perhaps by an accompanying deposition of sediment), and the form consequently elongating upward by successive additions of small crystals, but finally, when the obstruction is no longer acting, a single crystal taking a broad expansion and topping the column. (6) Symrmetrical arrangement of impwurities: in f. 577, 578, showing the tops of a prism, like f. 552c, the impurities being crystals of pyrite. The planes in the tables above, with the calculated angles, when not otherwise accredited, are from Zippe, Kryst. rhomb. Kalkhaloides, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, iii. 1854. For the others, Hg. stands for Hessenberg, Min. Not., iii., iv., v., vii.; Wr., Wimmer, Jahresb. 1854, 865; Rh., v 676 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Rath, Pogg., cxxxii. 381; S., Quintino Sella, Studii Min. Sarda, and Quadro crist. Argento Rosso, del Quarzo, e del Calcare; Da., Dana, a, from a Rossie crystal (f. 560, o), b, from a Bergen Hill 575 676 574 i = Przibram. I / Phenix ville. Pheninville. crystal, f. 552B. Sella also enumerates in his table (but not from his own special observations) the forms 133-%, —.,2 See also on the crystallography of calcite, F. Hochstetter, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, vi. 89, 1854. Figures 573, 575, 577, 578 are from a paper by J. L. Smith, in Am. J. Sci., xx. 251, the figures drawn by the author; and f. 574 is from Przibram crystals in-the cabinet of Prof. Brush. Fig. 561 is from Hessenberg. To the enumerated scalenohedrons add (fr. v. Rath, 1. c.) *'-, having Y=15"1 23', X=140Q 40', Z=124' 45'. Comp., Var.-Calcite is carbonate of lime, Ola d0=0arbonic acid 44, lime 56=100. Magnesia, protoxyd of iron, or protoxyd of manganese frequently, 579 and strontia, baryvtes, oxyd of zinc, or oxyd of lead occasionally, replace part of the lime. The varieties are very numerous, and diverse in appearance. They depend mainly on the following points: (1) differences in crystallization; (2) in structural condition, the extremes being perfect crystals and earthy massive forms; (3) in color, diaphaneity, odor on friction, due to impurities; (4) in modes of origin. The following are the most common impurities and their effects: Red oxyd of iron (he) produces different shades of red, Rossie. from flesh-red or paler to opaque blood-red and brownishred, according to the proportions present; the latter Hausmann names HTcematoconite (from a&lia, blood, and Kovtg, powder, Handb., 1304, 1847), as in the marble Rosso antico of Italy. The hydrated oxyd (Fe' H23) causes yellowish to opaque ochre-yellow and yellowish-brown; the deeper, Sideroconite of Hausmann (ib., 1306). Protoxyd of iron, oxyd of chrome, silicate of iron, cause shades of green. ANH'YDROUS CARBONATES. 677 Carbonaceous matters, or carbon, give a clear yellowish tint to some crystallized calcite, and various dull colors, from pale drab and buff through gray and bluish-gray to deep black, to compact calcite or limestone; the carbonaceous matters having been derived from the animals of the shells, corals, etc., out of which the limestones were originally made, or from the plants of the same seas, just as soils and mud are now colored from the same cause; and when these carbonaceous matters are allied to petroleum or bitumen, the rock has a fetid or bituminous odor when struck with a hammer. The fact that the dark colors mentioned are due to carbonaceous substances and not to metallic oxyds is proved by the rocks affording, when burnt, white quicklime. The black marbles thus colored are named Anthraconite (from dvopaf, coal) by v. Moll (Ephemer., ii. 305, 1806), Lucullan by John (Ch. Unters., 219), and Lucullile by Jameson (Min., ii. 180, 1816); they include the Mcarmor Luculleum Plin. (xxxvi. 6). The Nero Antico of the Italians belongs here. The bituminous or fetid limestones are also called anthraconite when black; and also, from the odor, Swinestone (syn. Stinkstone; Stinkstein, Saustein, Stinkkalk, Germ.), some being light gray in color. Dolomite, or carbonate of lime and magnesia, often constitutes the veins and shells of a compact limestone, as shown by Hunt; and the magnesia found by analysts in such rocks may be generally present as a mixture of dolomite with calcite, rather than as a chemical substitution of magnesia for lime. (See under DOLOMITE.) Sand, chlorite, and other minerals are sometimes taken up mechanically by crystallizing calcite. Mica, talc, chlorite, serpentine are often disseminated in crystalline limestones, having been formed in them at the time of their crystallization, and are among the materials which produce the cloudings or variegated colors of such limestones. The varieties that have been named are as follows: A. Well crystallized. 1. Ordinary. Crystals and crystallized masses afford easily cleavage rhombohedrons; and when transparent they are what is called Iceland Spar, and also Doubly-refracting Spar (Doppel-spath Germ.). The crystals vary in proportions from broad tabular to moderately slender acicular, and take a great diversity of forms. But the extreme kinds so pass into one another through those that are intermediate that no satisfactory classification is possible. Many are stout or short in shape because normally so. But other forms that are long tapering in their full development occur short and stout because abbreviated by an abrupt termination in a broad o, or an obtuse rhombohedron (as -i or R), or a low scalenohedron (as I3), or a combination of thpse forms; and thus the crystals having essentially the same combinations of planes vary greatly in shape. The following groups may answer some purpose in the arrangement of the crystals in a cabinet. They are here characterized by stating the form or forms that are dominant, or most largely developed; and the term abbreviated is used as above explained. Intermediate forms may be assigned to the group with which they have the most in common. (b) o group, or flat tabular (f. 553A); the edges of the tables may be made of prismatic planes, or of rhombohedral, etc. (c) Low rhombohedral or nail-head, -~R, -+R, etc. (d) R group, the fundamental rhombohedron dominant (f. 550). (e) -R, or cuboid group. (f) 2R group. (g) 2R abbreviated. (h) 4R group. (i) 4R abbreviated. (j) Long rhombohedron group, including the longer rhombohedrons, of which 11, 13, -14, are rather common (f. 551). (k) Long rhombohedron abbreviated, producing sometimes forms that look much like 3- or 6-sided prisms (f. 558D). (1) Low scalenohedron group, as 1', ", etc. (m) Ordinary scalenohedron or dog-tooth group, that of 13, one of the most common of forms (f. 552A, 555-559). (n) Same abbreviated (f. 564, 565). (o) Long scalenohedron group, or that of 17, 1, etc. (p) Same abbreviated. (q) Prism-scalenohedron group, the scalenohedral planes being combined with an oblong prism i (f. 554). (r) Prismatic group, the prism i being elongated and dominant; and variously terminated. Preunnerite Esmark, from amygdaloid in FarSe, is calcite in cuboid crystals and massive, smaltblue to violet in color, brownish-yellow by transmitted light, subtransparent to translucent, and chalcedonic in aspect. 2. Twin-crystals. Groups a-f corresponding to the different kinds described on p. 675. 3. Crystals with internal impurities, etc. (a) Having interior planes or other evidence of changes in the progress of their formation (f. 575, 576, 579). (b) Containing impurities symmetrically arranged. 4. Spiral or curved aggregations of crystals. (a) Spirally arranged crystals. (b) Bent or curved crystallizations. 5. Pseudomorphous calcite. Natrocalcite includes pseudomorphs of calcite after celestite from Sangerhausen, named under the mistaken idea that the material contained soda. 6. Reichite (Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 311) is a pure calcite from Alston-Moor in Cumberland, white in color, with an angle of 105~ 20', according to Breithaupt's measurements, and G.-=26662'677. 678 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. B. Varieties, crystallized as well as uncrystallized, based on the presence of other carbonates, and of different impurities. 7. -Dolomitic calcite. Containing carbonate of magnesia and lime, or dolomite-a fact ascertainable only by chemical methodS, unless the amount of magnesia be considerable, when it is apparent in crystals in the angle R A R. 8. Ferrocalcite. Containing carbonate of iron, and turning brown on exposure. 9. Manganocalcite. Containing carbonate of manganese, and becoming brownish-black on exposure. 10. Plumbocalcite Johnston (Ed. Phil. J., vi. 79, 1829), white to yellowish and reddish-brown, and having R A R=105~ 5k', Breith.; 105~ 5', Dufr.; 105~, Kenng. G.-2'772, v. Hauer; 2'746 -2-748, Descl. Contains some carbonate of lead. 11. Neotype Breith. (Handb., 313, 1841). Grayish-white, and occurring in rhombohedrons 2R; RA R=105~ 3', Breith. G.-2-819 —2'840. Contains some carbonate of barytes. From Cumberland, England. 12. Spartaite Breith. (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 53, 1858). White, grayish-white, becoming brownishblack on exposure; R A R=104~ 57A', Breith.; G.-=2808 —2'818. Occurs with franklinite and zincite at Sparta, Sterling Hill, Hamburg, N. J., and contains some carbonate of manganese. Shepard proposed the name calcimangite for the mineral from Sterling (anal. 6). 13. Strontianocalcite Genth (Proc. Ac. Sci. Philad., vi. 114, 1852); in opaque white crystals, occurring in globules which have a surface consisting of the terminations of acute rhombohedrons, and H. —=35. Contains some strontia, and hence gives a decided red flame before the blowpipe. 14. Fontainebleau limestone (Lassonne, Mem. Ac. Paris, 1775, Chaux carbonat~e quartzifkre H., 1801); crystals of the form in fig. 550c, from Fontainebleau and Nemours, France, which contain a large amount of sand, some 50 to 63 p. c. according to Delesse, with G.-=253 —284, the latter from one containing 57 p. c. of' sand. 15. Hislopite Haughton (Phil. Mag., IV. xvii. 16, 1859) is a grass-green cleavable calcite from Central India, containing about 14 p. c. of a siliceous material like glauconite (q. v.), to which the color is owing. C. Varieties based on fibrous or lamnellar structure. 16. Satin Spar; fine fibrous, with a silky lustre. Resembles fibrous gypsum, which is also called satin spar, but is much harder and effervesces with acids. 17. Argentine Kirwan (Min., i. 104, 1794; Schieferspath Hofmann, Bergm. J., 188, 1789; Slate Spar). A pearly lamellar calcite, the lamellve more or less undulating; color white, grayish, yellowish, or reddish. 18. Aphrite, in its harder and more sparry variety (Schaumspath Freiesleben), is a foliated white pearly calcite, near argentine; in its softer kinds (Schaumerde W., Silvery Chalk Kirwan, Ecunme de Terre H.) it approaches chalk, though lighter, pearly in lustre, silvery-white or yellowish in color, soft and greasy to the touch, and more or less scaly in structure. D. Granular massive to cryptocrystalline; Limestone, Marble, Chalk. 19. Granular limestone (Saccharoidal limestone, so named because like loaf sugar in fracture). The texture varies from quite coarse to very fine granular, and the latter passes by imperceptible shades into compact limestone. The colors are various, as white, yellow, reddish, green, and usually they are clouded and give a handsome effect when the material is polished. When such limestones are fit for polishing, or for architectural or ornamental use, they are called marbles. (a) Statuary marbele is pure white, fine grained, and firm in texture. The Parian marble from the island of Paros (the Lychnites of the ancients), Pentelican from the quarries near Athens, Luni marbles of the coast of Tuscany, and the Carrara, of Modena, Italy, are among the best of statuary marbles. Architectural marble includes both white and colored. (b) The Cipolin of Italy is white, with pale greenish shadings from green talc; it does not stand the weather well. (c) Giallo antico of Italy is ochre-yellow to cream-yellow, with some whitish spots. (d) The Sienna, or Brocatello de Sienna, is yellow, veined or clouded with bluish-red, having sometimes a tinge of purple. (e) The Mandelato is a light red with yellowish-white spots. A red kind from Tiree in Scotland has different shades of red, as rose-red, flesh-red, reddish-white; one from Tennessee is clouded with brownish- and purplish-red. (f) The Bardiglio is gray with crowded dark well-defined cloudings, consisting partly of serpentine, from Corsica. (g) Turquois-blue marble, from the quarries of Seravezza near Carrara, has a fine grayish-blue color, veined with white. (h) Verd-Antique is clouded green, the color, owing to the presence of serpentine (see p. 465), yellowish-green to bluish-green. 20. Hard compact limestone. Varies from nearly pure white, through grayish, drab, buff, yellowish, and reddish shades, to bluish-gray, dark browish-gray, and black, and sometimes ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 6T79 variously veined. The colors dull, excepting ochre-yellow and ochre-red varieties. Many kinds make beautiful marble when polished. (a) Black, (b) yellow, (c) red, and (d) fetid kinds have been mentioned (pp. 676, 617). The Portor (d), called sometimes Egyptian marble, is of black color, handsomely veined with yellow dolomite, and comes from Porto-Venere. near Spezia; the rock is of the lower Lias. (e) Panno-di-Morte (Death's Robe) of Italy is black, with some white fossil shells. (f) Marble of Languedoc is fine deep red or brownish-red, with some white and gray due to fossils, and is from St. Beaume in France. (g) Griotte, from the Dept. of Herault, France, has a reddish-brown base, with somewhat regularly arranged spots of clear red, and some whitish round spots due to goniatites. (h) Sarencolin marble, from the Pyrenees, is deep red mixed with gray and yellow. (i) Bird's-eye marble is gray, with whitish crystalline points, and is from central New York. (k) Shell-marble includes kinds consisting largely of fossil shells; (1) Madreporic marble, those containing corals; (m) Encrinal, those containing encrinal (crinoidal) remains. (n) Lumachelle is a dark brown shell-marble, with brilliant fire-like or chatoyant internal reflections proceeding from the shells, and from Bleiberg in Carinthia; and another kind, with the shells yellow, comes from Astrachan. (o) Ruin-marble is a kind of compact calcareous marl, showing, when polished, pictures of fortifications, temples, etc., in ruins, due to infiltration of oxyd of iron. (p) Lithographic stone is a very even-grained compact limestone, usually of buff or drab color; as that of Solenhofen. (q) Breccia marble is made of fragments of limestone cemented together, and is often very beautiful when the fragments are of different colors, or are imbedded in a base that contrasts well. The colors are very various. (r) Pudding-stone marble consists of pebbles or rounded stones cemented. It is often called improperly breccia marble. (s) Hydraulic limestone is an impure limestone. The French varieties contain 2 or 3 p. c. of magnesia, and 10 to 20 of silica and alumina (or clay). The varieties in the United States contain 20 to 40 p. c. of magnesia, and 12 to 30 p. c. of silica and alumina. A variety worked extensively at Rondout, N. Y., afforded Professor Beck (Min. N. Y., 18) Carbonic acid 34'20, lime 25-50, magnesia 12'35, silica 15'37, alumina 9'13, sesquioxyd of iron 2-25. Oxyd of iron is rather prejudicial to it than otherwise. Vicat observes that in the best French there are 20 to 30 p. c. of clay, and in that only moderately good 10 to 12 p. c. Au impure limestone of France, which needs no sand for making the cement, it containing calcite 54 p. c., clay 31, oxyd of iron 15 =100, is called plastercement (Dufr. Min., ii.). 21. sofi compact limestone. (a) Chalk is white, grayish-white, or yellowish, and soft enough to leave a trace on a board. The consolidation into a rock of such softness may be owing to the fact that the material is largely the hollow shells of rhizopods. The creta of the Romans (usually translated chalk) was mostly a white clay, true chalk being little known to the ancients. The kind described by Pliny as the most inferior kind of cretaceous earth, and as used for marking the feet of slaves, was probably true chalk. (b) Calcareous marl (Mergelkalk Germ.) is a soft earthy deposit, often hardly at all consolidated, with or without distinct fragments of shells; it generally contains much clay, and graduates into a calcareous clay. 22. Concretionary massive. (a) Oolite (Rogenstein Germ.) is a granular limestone, but its grains are minute rounded concretions, looking somewhat like the roe of fish, the name coming from C'oov egg. It occurs among all the geological formations, from the Lower Silurian to the most recent, and it is now forming about the coral reefs of Florida. (b) Pisolite (Erbsenstein W.) consists of concretions as large often as a small pea, or even larger, the concretions having usually a distinct concentric structure. It is formed in large masses in the vicinity of the Hot Springs at Carlsbad in Bohemia. 23. -Deposited from calcareous springs, streams, or in caverns, etc. (a) Stalactites are the calcareous cylinders or cones that hang from the roofs of limestone caverns, and which are formed from the waters that drip through the roof; these waters hold some bicarbonate of lime in solution, and leave carbonate of lime to form the stalactite when evaporation takes place. Stalactites vary from transparent to nearly opaque; from a granular crystalline structure to a radiating fibrous; from a white color and colorless to yellowish-gray and brown. (b) Stalagmite is the same material covering the floors of caverns, it being made from the waters that drop from the roofs, or from sources over the bottom or sides; cones of it sometimes. rise from the floor to meet the stalactites above. It consists of layers; but these are very irregularly curved, or bent, owing to the knobs and conelets that are made over the floor; and, polished specimens generally owe much of their beauty to the agate-like or onyx-like bandings.. Stalagmite is the Alabastrites (alabaster-stone) in part (if not wholly) of Theophrastus, Pliny, and other ancient writers; that is, the stone of which ointment vases, of a certain form called alabasters, were made. (See GYPSUJI, p. 640.) A locality near Thebes, now well known, was 680 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. largely explored by the ancients, and the material has often been hence called Egyptian alabaster. It was also formerly called onyx and onychites; Horace, in the 3d book of his Odes, speaks of au ointment vase of onyx. Pliny mentions columns of "onyx," or "alabastrites," that were 32 ft. in height, and mentions Damascus as affording a kind whiter than that of Thebes. In the arts it is often now called Oriental Alabaster; and sometimes also Gibraltar-stone, from the occurrence of the material in a cavern at Gibraltar. (c) Calc-sinter, Travertine, Calc Tufa. Travertine (Confetto di Tivoli) is of essentially the same origin with stalagmite, but is distinctively a deposit from springs or rivers, especially where in large deposits, as along the river Anio, at Tivoli, near Rome, where the deposit is scores of feet in thickness. It has a very cavernous and irregularly banded structure, owing to its mode of formation. It is the Lapis Tiburtinus of Vitruvius, ii. c. 7, and Pliny, xxxvi. 48, etc.; the word travertirne being a corruption of tiburtine. It includes also, especially under the name of cale tufa, cellular depositions from the waters of small springs or sources, which often contain fossil leaves, twigs, moss, nuts or seed, etc. The Osteocollus (Beinwelle, Beinbruch) Gesner (p. 31, 1565), " qui ossa fracta intra corpus sumptus," as was thought at the time (osteocolla of later authors), is, as long since shown, a cellular calc tufa, consisting of incrustings of fragments of reeds or other marsh plants. It means bone-glue. Inolite, Gallitzin, is also calc-sinter. (d) Agaric mineral; Rock-milk (Bergmilch, Montmiich, Germ.) is a very soft, white material, breaking easily in the fingers, deposited sometimes in caverns, or about sources holding lime in solution. (e) Rock-meal (Berg-mehl Germ., Farina fossilis Bruckm., etc.) is white and light, like cotton, becoming a powder on the slightest pressure. It is an efflorescence, and is common near Paris, especially at the quarries of Nanterre. Analyses: 1, 2, Stromeyer (Gilb. Ann., xlv. 225, Unters., 52); 3, Schnabel (Ramm. 3d Suppl., 62); 4, Ahrend (Hausm. Min., 1324); 5, Stromeyer (1. c.); 6, Jenzsch (Pogg., xcvi. 147); 7, Richter (Rammr. Min. Ch., 209); 8, Tyler (Am. J. Sci., II. xxxix. 174); 9, Gibbs (Ramm. 3d. Suppl., 62); 10, 11. Monheim (ib.); 12, T. S. Hunt (this Min., 1854, 438); 13, Johnston (Edinb. N. J. Sci., vi. 79).; 14, Delesse (Rev. Sci. et Ind., xii. 118); 15, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 701); 16, Kmppel (J. pr. Ch., lvii. 324): C Fe Mn 2n I1g Ca 1. Iceland, trp. 43'70 0'15 - -- 56'15=100 Strom. 2. Andreasberg 43'56 0'36 - - 5598, I 010=100 Strom. 3. Brilon, Westphalia 43'52 -- 0'13 55-30, 1-07-100-02 S. 4. H5llengrunde, gnh. 43'92 2'19 0'50 - 0-18 53'79=100'58 Ahrend. 5. Schwarzenberg, Schieffersp. 41-66 -- 2-70 -- -- 5500-9936 Strom. 6. Sparta, Spartait.e 4077 038 683 038 0'92 4875, I 032=9835 J. 7. " " 44-04 713 - 121 47-92=100-30 Richter. 8. Stirling, N. J., " G.-=2815 42-01 - 13'79 -- - 43-65=99'45 Tyler. 9. Zinc m. ofOlkuck 43-81 0'51 - 4-0 0-85 50-76=-100 Gibbs. 10. " Altenberg 43'28 5-78 1-06 - 50-10=100'22 Monheim. 11. " " 4305 5-11 0'42 0'65 - 50'26, Si 0'18=99G67 M. NaO Fe 0 g 0 Pb d 12. Loc.?, Ferrocalcite 93'90 4'64 1'59 — =100-13 Hunt. G.=2'715. 13. Wanlockhead, Plumbocalc. [92'2] -- -88=100 Johnston. 14. Leadhills, " 97161 - 2'34=9995 Delesse. 15. " " 92-43 --- -- -4=100'17 Hauer. G.=2'772. 16. Carrara Marble 98'765 - 0'900 —, Si 0'006, Fe, Mn, A1 0-083, sand 0'156. Pi and loss 0-090=100 Kseppel. Natrocalcite afforded Marchand (J. pr. Ch., xlvi. 95) Ca 0 94'37, Al, Pe 1-15, (a S 2-02, II 1-34, gangue 1-10=99-98. Iodine has been found in certain fossiliferous limestones, as at Gouzon, by Lembert (J. d. Pharm., III. xix. 240). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube sometimes decrepitates, and, if containing metallic oxyds, may change its color. B.B. infusible, but becomes caustic, glows, and colors the flame red; after ignition the assay reacts alkaline; moistened with muriatic acid imparts the characteristic lime color, to the flame. In borax dissolves with effervescence, and if saturated yields on cooling an opaque, milk-white, crystalline bead. Varieties containing metallic oxyds color the borax and salt of phosphorus beads accordingly. With soda on platinum foil fuses to a clear mass; on charcoal it at first fuses, but later the soda is absorbed by the coal, leaving an infusible and strongly luminous residue of lime. In the solid mass effervesces when moistened with muriatic acid, and fragments dissolve with brisk effervescence even in cold acid. Obs.-Andreasberg in the Harz is one of the best European localities of crystallized calcite; ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 681 there are other localities in the Tyrol, Styria, Carinthia, Hungary, Saxony, Hesse Darmstadt (at Auerbach), Hesse Cassel, Norway, France, and in England in Derbyshire, Cumberland, Cornwall, Scotland; in Iceland. In Iceland a single rhombohedron (R) over 6 yds. long and 3 high has been observed. In the U. States, in N. York, in St. Lawrence and Jefferson Cos., especially at the Rossie lead mine; crystals highly modified (f. 560, 561), and often transparent even when large; one nearly transparent, in the cabinet of Yale College, weighing 165 pounds; often covered in part by crystals of galenite; at the Natural Dam, 2 m. from Gouverneur, in the same vicinity, good crystals; also at the Wilson vein in Gouverneur, and the Jepson vein in Rossie; at the Parish ore bed in Gouverneur, fine geodes, in specular iron; in Jefferson Co., near Oxbow, on the land of Mr. Benton, from a decomposing limestone, large crystals sometimes as clear as Iceland spar; rose and purple varieties very beautiful; some large crystals of a hundred lbs. and upward; 4. m. S. of Oxbow, in Antwerp, a vein of calcite and lead, which affords beautiful cleavage masses of white, purple, and brownish shades; also interesting crystals; in Essex Co., town of Moriah, on Mill Brook, near Port Henry, crystals of calcite in white limestone; dog-tooth spar (f. 552A, 13 and also 13, -2), in Niagara Co., near Lockport, with pearl spar, celestite, selenite, and anhydrite; in Onondaga Co., near Camillus, along the railroad; good crystals in Herkimer Co., 1 m. S. of Little Falls, in the bed of a small stream; in Lewis Co.,, at Leyden and Lowville, and at the Martinsburg lead mine; on the western bank of Dry Sugar River, near Boonville, Oneida Co. (f. 552c); at Anthony's Nose on the Hudson, formerly groups of large tabular crystals (f. 553A); at Watertown,;:garicmineral, covering the sides of a cave; at Schoharie, fine stalactites in many caverns, of which:: Ball's cave is the most famous; at Camillus and Schoharie (near the barite locality), fibrous, in considerable abundance, and at De Long's Mill, St Lawrence Co., of a fine satin lustre. In faine, at Thomaston, lenticular and prismatic crystals, common. In N. Hamp., at the iron mines, Franconia, argentine. In Mass., at Williamsburg and Southampton, argentine. In Conn., at the lead mine, Middletown, in crystals (i-2, -~, I, short or long, and 13, R). In N; Jersey, at Bergen, fine crystallizations of yellow calcite, with datolite, etc., in trap (f 552B); at Franklin, a pink variety, and good cleavage specimens. In Penn., in York Co., Iceland spar. In Virginia, at the celebrated Wier's cave, stalactites of great beauty; also in the large caves of Kentuccky. At the Lake Superior copper mines, splendid crystals often containing scales of native copper. At Warsaw, illinois, in great variety of form, lining geodes and implanted on quartz crystals; at Quincy, Ill. In Nova Scotia, at Partridge I., a wine-colored calcite, and other interesting varieties. Corals, of which large reefs are formed in tropical regions, consist mainly of carbonate of lime. B. Silliman, Jr., obtained for a recent species of Madrepora (Dana's Report on Zoophytes, and also Am. J. Sci., II. i. 189) Carbonate of lime 94'807, phosphates, fluorids, etc., 01745, organic matter 4-448. And the deposit of phosphates and fluorids afforded the percentage-Si 12'5, Ca 175, Mg 42, Mg F 26'62, Ca F 26'34, Mg P 8'00, Xl and Be 14-84. Other analyses gave similar results. The material of the common marbles is either granular or compact limestone. These rocks when burnt form quicklime.* Alt.-Calcite occurs under the forms of dolomite, calamine, spathic iron, malachite, azurite, gypsum, smithsonite, barite, fluorite, limonite, gbthite, red iron ore, minium, meerschaum, chlorite, quartz, chalcedony, garnet, feldspar, mica, pyrolusite, hausmannite, manganite, marcasite, galenite, blende, native copper. The change to dolomite, as Bischof explains, may take place through bicarbonate of magnesia in solution; to spathic iron (Fe C) through sulphate of iron in solution, forming sulphate of lime and carbonate of iron; or by carbonated waters containing bicarbonate of iron, which slowly dissolve calcite, while the carbonate of iron takes its place, forming a pseudomorph by substitution; to smithsonite (Zn0) through sulphate of zinc in solution; to calamine (Zn8 Si+ 1- H) probably by a change first to 2nC and then to the silicate, through alkaline silicates in solution; to malachite through a solution of sulphate of copper, which forms carbonate of copper and sulphate of lime; to gypsum or anhydrite through the action of sulphuric acid, which acid is produced by the oxydation of sulphuretted hydrogen or otherwise, thus forming sulphate of lime; to quartz by waters containing alkaline silicates, which afford free silica; to fluorite, limonite, and other species, by the removal of the Ca 0 by waters which hold carbonic acid or alkaline silicates, and at the same time contain the ingredients forming the replacing mineral. Limonite or red iron ore might result from the decomposition of pyrite in the vicinity. Hollow scalenohedrons from the province of Arnsberg were found by Nhggerath (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 1863, 137) to consist of an exterior coating of azurite, and an interior layer of malachite. 716. DOLOMITE. Pierres calcaires tres-peu effervescentes avecles acides D..Dolomieu, J. de Phys., xxxix. 1, 1791. Dolomie Saussure, Voy. Alpes, ~ 1929, 1796. Dolomite Kirwan, Min., * For various analyses of limestones, see Rammelsberg's Handw. der Min., and Supplements, Kenngott's Uebers. for 1844-1862; the Jahresbericht of Berzelius, and its continuation. 682 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. i. 111, 1194. Bitterspath, Rhomboidalspath, Kohlensauerter Kalkerde, Bittersalzerde (with anal.), Klapr., Schrift. Nat. Fr. Berl., v. 51, 1784, Beitr., i. 300, 11795; also Beitr., iii. 297, iv. 204, 236, v. 103, vi. 323. Spath magnesien Delameth., Sciagr., i. 207, 1792. Miemit Klapt., Beitr., iii. 292, 1802 (discov. at Miemo by D. Thomson in 1791, and sent by him to K1. labelled Magnesian spar). Rautenspath pt. Wern., 1800. Ludwig's Werner, i. 51, 154, 1803. Chaux carbonate magllesifere pt., C. c. aluminifere (fr. Saussure's anal.), H., Tr., 1801. Bitterkalk pt. Hausm., Handb., 960, 1813; Perlspath pt., Rauhkalk, Kalktalkspath, Germ. Pearl Spar pt., Brown Spar pt., RIhomb Spar pt., Magnesian Limestone. Spath perle Fr. Conites. Flintkalk, Retzius, Min., 1795. Conite Schumacher, Verzeichniss, etc., 20, 1801. Konit Germ. Gurhofian Karst., Mag. Nat. Fr. Berl., i. 4, 257, 1807, and Tabell., 50, 1808. Tharandit Freiesleben, Geogn. Arbeit., v. 212, 1820. Brossit Hirzel, ZS. f. Pharm., 24, 1850. Rhombohedral. R A 1R=106~ 15', 0 A R=136~ 81', a=0'8322. Observed planes: 0, i-2, R, 4, -2,? 13, 1 (hemihedral). 80 i-2=90, 0 A 4=1040 35,0 A 2=11.7~ 29', OA 154~ 20',. A\ =1350 57', 2 A 2=790 36'. R A\ A varies between 106~ 10' and 106~ 20'. An increase of 1000 C. diminishes the angle 4'. Cleavage: R perfect. Faces PR often curved, and secondary planes usually with horizontal strite. Twins: similar to f. 572, page 673. Also in imitative shapes; also amorphous, granular, coarse or fine, and grains often slightly coherent. H.-35 —4. G.=2-8-29, true e dolomite. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly in some varieties. Color white, reddish, or greenish-white; also rose-red, green, brown, gray, and black. Subtransparent to translucent. Brittle. Comp., Var.-Normal or true dolomite has the formula Ca 0 + Mg C=Carbonate of lime 54835, carbonate of magnesia 45'65. Some kinds included under the name have the two carbonates in other proportions; but this may arise from their being mixtures of dolomite with calcite or magnesite. Protoxyd of iron replaces part of the magnesia in some dolomite; so also protoxyd of manganese; and more rarely oxyd of cobalt or zinc. The varieties are the following: (1) Crystallized. Pearl spar includes rhombohedral crystallizations with curved faces. (2) Columnar or fibrous. Miemite, from IMiemo, Tuscany, is either in crystals, columnar, or granular, and pale asparagusgreen in color. (3) Granular, or saccharoid, constitutes many of the kinds of white statuary marble, and white and colored architectural marbles, names of some of which have been mentioned under calcite. (4) Compact massive, like ordinary limestone. Many of the limestone strata of the globe are here included, and much hydraulic limestone, noticed under calcite. (5) Compact porcellanous, Gurhofian; snow-white and subtranslucent, with a conchoidal frace ture, sometimes a little opal-like; from Gurhof, in lower Austria. (6) Ferriferous; Brown spar, in part. Contains carbonate of iron, and as the proportion increases it graduates into ankerite (q. v.). The color is white to brown, and becomes brownish on exposure through the oxydation of the iron. A columnar kind, containing 10 p. c. of carbonate of iron, has been called Brossite (anal. 19); G. —2 915. Tharandite, from Tharand, near Dresden, is crystallized, and contains 4 p. c. of Fe. (7) Manganiferous. Colorless to flesh-red. R A R=106~ 23' (anal. 20, by Ettling); 106~ 16' (anal. 21, by Ott). (8) Cobaltiferous. Colored reddish (anal. 23); G.=2-921, Gibbs. (9) The varieties based on variations in the proportions of the carbonates are the following: (a) N'ormal dolomite, ratio of Ca C to M{g C=1: 1 (anal. 1-24); (b) ratio 14: 1=3: 2 (anal 25-30); (c) ratio=2: 1 (anal. 31-33), includes gurhofian or gurhofite; (d) ratio 3: 1 (anal. 34) (e) ratio=5: 1 (anal. 35); (f) ratio 1: 3 (anaL 36, 37), or conite. The last (f) may be dolomitic magnesite; and the others, from b to e, dolomitic calcite, or calcite+ dolomite. The manner in which dolomite is often mixed with calcite, forming its veins and its fossil shells (see below), shows that this is not improbable. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 683 Analyses: Ratio 1: 1. 1, Suckow (J. pr. Ch., viii 408); 2, Lavizzari (Jahrb. Min. 1845, 302, 1846, 580); 3, Abich (G. Beob., p. iv.); 4, J. Roth (J. pr. Ch., lviii. 82); 5, Waltershausen (Pogg., xciv. 115); 6, Hirzel (ZS. Pharm., 1850, 24); 7, Rammelsberg (2d Suppl., 25); 8, Gobel (Pogg., xx. 536); 9, Scheerer (Pogg., 1xv. 283); 10, Laugier (Mem. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., xix. 142); 11, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 213); 12, Alsop (Ann. Lyc. N. Y., viii. 124). Containing over 3 p. c. of carbonate of iron. 13, Meitzendorff (ib., 213); 14, Kiihn (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lix. 363); 15, Pelletier (Ann. Ch. Phys., xiv. 192); 16, T. S. Hunt (this Min., 1854, 442); 17, Grrimm (Jahrb. G. Reichs., vi. 98); 18, Fiedler (ib.); 19, Roth (J. pr. Ch., lviii. 82); 20, Hirzel (1. c.). Containing manganese, zinc, or cobalt. 21, Ettling (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 204); 22, Ott (Haid. Ber., ii. 403); 23, Monheim (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, v. 41); 24, W. Gibbs (Pogg., lxxi. 564). Ratio 3: 2, 2: 1, 3: 1, 5: 1, 1: 3. 25, Beck (Min. N. Y., 254); 26, Rammelsberg (Handw., i. 95); 27, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 300, and iii. 297); 28, Wackenroder (Schw. J., lxv. 41); 29, Abich (1. c.); 30, Kiihn (1. c.); 31-33, Klaproth (Beitr., iv., v., vi.); 34, 35, KUiih (1. c.); 36, John (Schw. J., v. (vi.?) 13); 37, Hirzel (I. c.): Ratio 1: 1. Oa 0 lg 0 ie C0 Mn 0 1. Jena, cryst., uncol. 55-2 44'7 -- -=999 Suckow. 2. St. Gothard, cryst., gyh.-w. 55'77 43'59 - — =99'36 Lavizzari. 3. V. di Sambuco, gran. 56'57 43'43 - -— =100 Abich. 4. Monte Somma 57'25 42'75 -- — =100 Roth. G.-=272. 5. Binnen, gran. 55'06 44-55 - — =99'61 Waltersh. G.=2'845. 6. Tinz, near Gera 54'02 45'28 0'79 -=100'09 Hirzel. 7. Ilfeld, Rauhkalkc 55'62 42A40 0'56 -=98'58 Rammelsberg. 8. Scheidama, gran. 55'01 42'67 1'54 — =99'22 G6bel. 9. Gulbrandsdal," 55.88 40'47 2'81 -— 99'16 Scheerer. 10. Spezzia,'" 55'36 41'30 2-00 — =98'66 Laugier. 11. Miemo,.Jfiemite 57'91 38'97 1'74 0-57=99'19 Rammelsberg. 12. Westchester Co., N. Y. 64'91 43'63 1-23 —, insol. 1'30=100'07 Alsop. 13. Zillerthal, cryst. 56-66 38-60 3'30 1-70=100'26 Meitzendorff. 14. Tharand, Thnarandite 54-'6 42-10 4'19 -— =101-05 Kiihn. 15. Traversella 51'0() 44-32 4'68 -— =100 Pelletier. G.=2'629. 16. Roxbury, Vt., massive 53'90 44'04 3'05 -- 100'99 Hunt. G.=2-856. 17. Wermsdorf 63-25 38-84 5-33 —, H 1'01=98'43 Grimm. 18. Lettonitz 54'21 39 55 6-13 — =99'89 Fiedler. 19. La Valenciana, Mcx. 53-18 34-35 10-46 I 1-22, Fe 0'22=994:3 Roth. 20. Traversella, Brosite 5271 33'46 11'13 2-84=100'14 Hirzel. Ratio 1: 1, containing manganese, zinc, or cobalt. 21. Freiberg, flesh-red 53'20 40-15 2'14 5'23=100-71 Ettling. G.=2'830. 22. Kapnik, uncol. 52'46 41'16 1'09 5'41=100'12 Ott. G.=2-89. 23. Altenberg, zincif. 54'31 43'26 0-99 0'56, Zn 0 138=100-50 Monheim. 24. Przibram, cobaltif. 66-77 35-70 2'03 —, Co C 7'42-=203 Gibbs. Ratio 3: 2=Ca 0 64'1, Mg C 35.9. 25. Lockport, Pearl spar 59'00 39'50 1-50 — =100 Beck. 26. Kolosoruk, cryst. 61'00 36'53 2'73 -=100-26 Rammelsberg. 27. Glucksbrunn, fib. 6000 36'50 4-00 -=10050 K:laproth. 28. Liebenstein 63-88 33'24 0-91 0'07=98-10 Wackenroder. 29. Sorrento, Italy 65-21 34'79 -- -=100 Abich. 30. Bohemia 61'30 32'20 6'27 -99-77 Kuihn. Ratio 2': 1=Oa 0 70'4, TMRg 0 29'6. 31. Gurhof, Gurhofian 70'50 29-50 - -=100 Klaproth. 32. Hall, cryst. 68'0 25'5 10 —, I 2'0, clay 2-0=98'50 Klaprotlu 33. Taberg," 73'0 25'0 - -, e 2-25=100-25 Klaproth. Ratio 3: 1 to 5: 1. 34. Bohemia 77'63 18-77 3-67 — =100'07 Kiihn. 35. Kolosoruk, cryst. 85'84 10-39 5'53 -=101-76 Kihn. 684 OXYGEN COMPOUINDS. Ratio 1: 3. 36. Meissner, Conite 28-0 67'4 356=98'9 John. 37. " " 2153 67'97 5'05=100'55 Hirzel. The following are analyses of some uncrystalline stratified limestones. 1, Litton, of Lower Magnesian limestone, Calciferous age (Swallow's G. Rep. Missouri, 1855); 2-5, J. D. Whitney, of Trenton, Galena, and Niagara limestones (Rep. G. Iowa, 1858): Gac MgC BeC 1. Warsaw, Mo., L. Magn. 47'01 38'86 —, Al, Pe 0'52, Si 13'27=99'66 Litton. 2. New Galena, " 52'47 4213 1'78, insol. 2'75, Na, K, etc. 0-87=100 Whitney. 3. Clayton Co., Iowa,Trent. L. 44'90 34'23 1'69, insol. 18-36=99-18 Whitney. 4. " " Gal. L. 52'01 42'25 0'93, insol. 4-43, Na, K1 C 0-38=100 Whitney. 5. Jackson Co., Iowa, Niag. L. 52'18 42'64 tr., insol. 3'88, Al, Pe 0'63, Na, I1, C 0'35=99'68 W. Very many of the limestone strata of the globe are thus partly or wholly dolomitic, though usually not as pure as in the above analyses. T. S. Hunt says that dolomites make up the chief part of the Calciferous, Clinton, Trenton, Guelph, Niagara, and Onondaga limestones of Canada (Logan's Rep., 1863, 456). In 1857 (Logan's Rep., 1857, 200) he announced that the veins and shells of some ordinary limestones were magnesian. In the Portor marble (p. 679) the body of the rock contains only 1'0 p. c. of carbonate of magnesia, and the veins 35'5 p. c. A limestone from Dudswell, Canada, contains Ca 0 92'5, Mg C 1'3, sand 6'2; and the fossils are of similar composition; but a yellowish material enveloping the fossils and filling veins consists of Ca 0 56'60, Mg C 1176, Pe 0 3'23, with 26'72 insoluble=98'31. This being a mixture of dolomite and calcite, the latter was removed by acetic acid, and the residue, 52 p. c., then afforded Ca 0 5175, Mg C 35'73, Fe C 1252=100. In the Trenton limestone of Ottawa, the fossil corals, shells, and crustaceans are changed to whitish dolomite; and a fragment of an Orthoceras gave Oa 0 56-00, Mg C 37 80, Fe 0 5'95=99'75. Pyr., etc.-B.B. acts like calcite, but does not give a clear mass when fused with soda on platinum foil. Fragments thrown into cold acid are very slowly acted upon, while in powder in warm acid the mineral is readily dissolved with effervescence. The ferriferous dolomites become brown on exposure. Obs.-Massive dolomite constitutes extensive strata, called limestone strata, in various regions. Crystalline and compact varieties are often associated with serpentine and other magnesian rocks, and with ordinary limestones. Some of the prominent localities are at Salzburg, the Tyrol, Schemnitz in Hungary, Kapnik in Transylvania, Freiberg in Saxony, the lead mines at Alston in Derbyshire, etc. In the U. States, in Vermont, at Roxbury, large, yellow, transparent crystals of the rhomb-spar variety, in talc. In Rhode Island, at Smithfield, a coarse cleavable variety, occasionally presenting perfect crystals, with white talc in calcite. In N. Jersey, at Hoboken, white hexagonal crystals (f. 580), and in rhombohedrons. In NV York, at Lockport, Niagara Falls, and Rochester, with calcite, celestite, and gypsum; also at Glenn's Falls; in Richmond Co., at the quarantine, crystallized dolomite, in rhombohedrons, and at the Parish ore bed, St. Lawrence Co.; on Hustis's farm in Phillipstown, a variety resembling Gurhofite, with a semi-opaline appearance and a fracture nearly like porcelain. Dolomite is generally supposed to be injurious as a manure for soils, on account of its magnesia; but this is not so, unless used after calcination, before it is fully air-slaked. The lime it affords when burnt makes a more durable cement than common limestone. Named after Dolomieu, who announced some of the marked characteristics of the rock in 1791 -its not effervescing with acids, while burning like limestone, and soluble after heating in acids. He observes in his paper that, as early as 1786, he had found the white marble of many of the ancient statues and monuments of Italy to consist of this peculiar rock; and eighteen months before the date of his paper he discovered "immense quantities of similar limestones " in the Tyrol. Woulfe, in the Phil. Trans. for 1779 (at p. 29), describes a ferriferous dolomite or ankerite, with some analytical determinations, which was in pearly rhombohedrons, resembling somewhat those of spathic iron, and came from Joachimsthal. i' In its natural state " it effervesced strongly with " rectified " muriatic acid, which would indicate the presence of more iron than he obtained (6 or 6 p. c. of Fe O, C 02). It may have been ankerite. Alt.-Dolomite occurs altered to spathic iron, calamine, steatite. limohite, red iron ore, gbthite. pyrolusite, and quartz, and by processes similar to those explained under calcite. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 685 717. ANKERITE. Dolomite pt. Brown Spar and Pearl Spar pt. Paratomes Kalk-Haloid Mohs, Grundr., i. 536, 1822, ii. 116, 1824. Rohwand, Wandstein, Styrian Miners. Ankerit ARaid., Mohs's Min., i. 100, 1825. Tautoklin Breith., Char., 70, 1832, Uib., 20, 1830. Rhombohedral. R A R= 106~ 12', Styria, Mohs; 106~ 6', Belnhausen (anal. 6), Ettling. Also crystalline massive, coarse or fine granular, and compact. H.=35 -4. G.=2-95-3-1. Lustre vitreous to pearly. Color white, gray, reddish. Translucent to subtranslucent. Comp. —a 0 + (kIIg, Fe, Mn) C, or a dolomite in which the magnesia is more or less completely replaced by protoxyd of iron, or of iron and manganese. By the increase in the proportion of the magnesian carbonate to the iron and manganesian, the mineral graduates into true dolomite. The kinds with 10 p. c. or less of carbonate of iron are placed under dolomite, and those with more, having G. above 2'95, under ankerite. The ratios of Mg C to (Fe, Mn) C in the analyses below are as follows: 1. 1: 2 6. 1'7: 1 11. 27: 1 2. 1: 2~. 1'5:1 12. 3: 1 3. 1: 111 S. 2: 1 13. 2'8:1 4. 13: 1 9. 2: 1 14. 31: 1 5. 1: 1 10. 21 1 15. 4: 1 Tautoclin Breith., is a grayish-white variety, containing about 15 p. c. of carbonate of iron, and having G.-2 961, Ettling; from Beschertgliick, near Freiberg in Saxony (anal. 11). Analyses: 1, Fridau (Haid. Ber., v. 1); 2, Schrotter (Baumg. ZS., viii. 1); 3, Luboldt (Pogg., cii. 455); 4, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 827); 5, Schmidt (Ramm. Min. Ch., 217); 6, Ettling (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 204); 7, Berthier (Ann. d. M., vii. 316, II. iii.); 8, v. Hauer (I. c.); 9, C. T. Jackson (Proc. Soc. N. H., Bost., v. 246); 10, Berthier (1. c.); 11, Schmidt (Ramm. Min. Oh., 217); 12, Schnabel (ib.); 13, 14, Berthier (1. c.); 15, Kuihn (Ann. Oh. Pharm., lix. 363); 16, Schweizer (J. pr. Oh., xxiii. 281): 1. Admont, Styria 47159 13'73 34174 2-13, insol. 0'15=98'34 Fridau. 2. Styria 50'11 11-85 35'31 3'08=100'35 Schrotter. 3. Lobenstein 51'61 18-94 27'11 2'24=99 90 Luboldt. G.-=301. 4. Pinzgau 49'40 24'31 26'29 -=100 IHauer. 5. Freiberg 56'45 18'89 15'94 10'09=10137 Schmidt. 6. Belnhausen 51-24 27-32 21'75 - =100'31 Ettling. G.=3-008. 7. Golrath, Styria 51'1 25-7 20'0 3'0=99'8 Berthier. 8.' " 49'2 30'0 20-8 -=100 Hauer. 9. Nova Scotia 49'2 30'2 20'3 =99'70 Jackson. 10. Corniglion 50'9 29-0 18'7 0'5=99'1 Berthier. 11. izautoclin 49-07 33-28 14'89 2'09=99'33 Ettling. 12. Siegen 50'00 34'03 13-26 2571, II 015=100'01 Schnabel. 13. Schams, Grisons 51'6 31'2 14'8 0'4=98'0 Berthier. 14. Miihlen, " 52'8 32'-2 14-0 0'4=99'4 Berthier. 15. Schneeberg 52'64 36'-35 12'40 0'34=101'73 Kiuhn. 16. Tinzen, Grisons 46'40 26'95 25'40 -, insol. 0175=99-50 Schweizer. In the last analysis the ratio of (Fe, Mn, MlIg) c to Ca 0 is 1 to less than 1; but the specimen may have been a, mixture. Pyr., etc.-B.B. like dolomite, but darkens in color, and on charcoal becomes black and magnetic; with the fluxes reacts for iron and manganese. Soluble with effervescence in the acids. Obs.-Occurs with spathic iron at the Styrian mines, and at the localities above mentioned. Named after Prof. Anker of Styria. 718. MAGNESITE. Kohlensaurer Talkerde Mitchell & Lampadius (first anal.) Samml. pr. Ch. Abh., iii. 241. Reine Talkerde, Talcum carbonatum, Wern., Ludwig, ii. 154, 1803. Magnesite pt. Brongn., Min., i. 489, 1807. Magnesit Karst., Tabell., 48, 92, 1808. Carbonate of Magnesia. 686 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Magnesie carbonatee Fr. Kohlensaurer Talk, Talkspath, Germ. Baudisserite Delameth., Min., ii. 1812. Giobertite Beud., Tr., 410, 1824. Breunnerite Haid., Mohs's Min. trl., i. 411, 1825. Walmstedtite Leonh., Handb., 297,1826. Brown Spar pt. Rhombohedral. R A R 107~ 29', O A R=136~ 56'; a-0'8095. Cleavage: rhombohedral, perfect. Also massive; granular to very compact. I.=3E —4'5. G.=3 —308, cryst.; 2'8, earthy; 3 —32, when ferriferous. Lustre vitreous; fibrous varieties sometimes silky. Color white, yellowish or grayish-white, brown. Transparent-opaque. Fracture fiat conchoidal. Var.-1. Ordinary. (a) Crystallized. In distinct rhombohedral crystals; RA R=107' 28', fr. Snarum, Breith.; 107~ 16', fr. Tragbssthal (anal. 4), Fcetterle. (b) Lanellar; cleavable. (c) Compact, fine, granular; (d) Compact, and like unglazed porcelain in fracture. (e) Eiarthy; being mixed with hydrated silicate of magnesia or sepiolite (meerschaum); including the Baudisserite, from Baudissero, near Turin, which has some resemblance to chalk, and adheres to the tongue. Even the purer varieties of compact magnesite usually contain more or less of the silicate. 2. Ferriferous, Breunerite; containing several p. c. of protoxyd of iron; G.-3 —3'2; white,.yellowish, brownish, rarely black and bituminous; often becoming brown on exposure, and hlence called Brown Spar. R A 1 in mineral fr. Salzburg (anal. 16) 107~ 32', Dufr.; fr. Pfitsch (anal. 21) 107~ 22~', Mitscherlich; fr. Tyrol (anal. 19) 107~ 25', Brooke, 107~ 25~' Breith. The name.Breunerite was originally given by Haidinger (after M. Breuner) to the variety analyzed by 8tromeyer containing 5 to 10 p. c. of protoxyd of iron (or 8 to 17 p. c. of carbonate); and Walm. stedtite to an included kind from the Harz, analyzed by Walmstedt (anal. 18), differing only in containing a little more protoxyd of manganese than usual (2 p. c.). Comp.-Carbonate of magnesia, M1g C=Carbonic acid 52-4; magnesia 476-=100; but protoxyd of iron often replacing some magnesia. The ferriferous part may be present as mesitine mixed with true magnesite. Analyses: 1, 2, Marchand & Scheerer (J. pr. Ch., 1. 395); 3, Muiinster (Pogg., lxv. 292); 4, v. Hauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs, 1855, 68); 5, Sommer (Jahrb. Min. 1866, 456); 6, Lampadius (1. c.); 7, 8, Stromeyer (Kastn. Arch., iv. 432, Unt.); 9, Rammelsberg (Handw., 397); 10, Marchand & Scheerer (1. c.); 11, Cornwall (Ann. Lye. N. Y., viii. 123); 12, 13, W. Beck (Verh. Min. St. Pet., 1862, 89): A. Crystallized. C:Fe Mn Mg O(a 1 1. Snarum,Vyw. 51'45 0'79 - 47'29 - 047=100Scheerer; G.-=3017 2. " w. 51'57 1'41 47102 -=100 Scheerer. 3. " " 50'79 2'26 - 45-36 - 0'26, Al 1'12=99'79 Miinster; G.=3'065. 4. Tragossthal, w. 52'24 0'43 -- 47-25 - - =9992 Hauer; G.=-3033. 5. Salzburg 49'67 Pe 3'62 0-28 44-53 0'65 -, insol. 0'58=99'33 Sommer. B. Compact. 6. rlrubschtitz 510 - 410 1- 1 6=99'6 Lampadius. 7. Salem, India 5183 - - 47'89 0-28 -— =100 Strom. 8. Frankenstein 50'22 - 021 48-36 1'39=100-18 Strom. 9. " 52-10 47'90 - =- -100 Ra-mm. 10. " 52'34 - 47'66 - -=100 Scheerer. 11. Hoboken, N. J., white 50'00 0'56 - 46171 tr. 0'30, Si 0'23=97'80 Cornwall. 12. Orenberg, " () 5180 0%41 - 4613 1-20 0-63, Si 0-12=100-29 Beck. 13. L. Urgun, Russia, " (2) 52'90 0'04 - 45'25 1'15 0'50, Si 0'20=100'04 Beck. C. Ferriferous Magnesite; Breunerite, Walmstedtite. 14, v. tEauer (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iii. 154, 1852); 15, Stromeyer (Schw. J., li.); 16, Dufre'noy (Min., ii.); 17, Stromeyer (1. c.); 18, Walmstedt (Schw. J., xxxv. 398, 1822); 19, Brooke (Ann. Phil., II. v. 382); 20, Stromeyer (1. c.); 21, Magnus (Pogg., x. 145); 22, Stromeyer (1. c); 23, Joy (Ramm, 5th Suppl., 161): ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 687 C Fe Ma kg Ca II 14. Semmering, white 50'45 3'19 - 4249 2'18 -, 0( 1'29=9960 eauer. 15. Hall, black 50-92 5'00 1'51 42'71 -, C 0'11=100'25 Strom. 16. Salzburg, " 50-60 5'20 - 43'10, C undet.=98'90 Duf. 17. St. Gothard, yellow 50'32 6'54 0'56 41'80 — =99'22 Strom. 18. Harz 49'22 6'22 1'98 40-15 - 051, C 162, Si0'30=-100Walm. 19. Tyrol, yw. cryst. 50'07 8-16 - 4098 - — =9921 Brooke. 20. Zillerthal, yw. 49-92 8'58 0'42 40'38 - -=99'30 Strom. 21. Potschthal, rbdn. 50'07 9'63 0'73 39'48 -— =99'96 Magnus. 22. Fassa, yw.-bn. 50'16 10'53 0'48 3447 -- — =100'64 Strom. 23. Zillerth., cryst. 49'17 16'09 - 3160 1-97 1'17=100 Joy. Ratio of Mg C to Pe C in the preceding analyses: 14. 25: 1 18. 9:1 21. 7: 1 15. 12: 1 19. 9:1 22. 6: 1 16. 12: 1 20. 8:1 23. 4: 1 17. 11:1 T. S. Hunt (Logan's Rep., 1863, 457, 611) found the magnesite rock of Canada to contain 8 tc 10o p. c. of carbonate of iron, with 8 to 40 p. c. of insoluble matters, mostly mixed quartz. That of Sutton afforded Mg C 83'35, Fe 0 9'02, mixed silica 8'03=100'40. The white portions of the verd-antique of Roxbury, Mass., are magnesite with about 4 p. c. of carbonate of iron, as shown by Jackson, Hayes, and Hunt. In the baudisserite, Berthier found C 41'80, Mg 39'00, meerschaum 19'20= 100 (Ann. d. M., 1822, 316). A variety of the same was early analyzed by Giobert (J. d. M., xx. 291, 401, 1803), and another, from Castellamonte, by Guyton (Ann. d. Ch., xlvii. 85, 1803). A magnesite from Sasbach, Kaiserstuhl, contains hydromagnesite. P. Meyer found (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxv. 129), after separating the impurities, C 45'27, Mg 47-69, Ca 2-47, 1 4-57, equivalent to Mg C 82-88, Ca C 4'41, Mg 8-14, H 4'57. Pyr., etc.-B.B. resembles calcite and dolomite. and like the latter is but slightly acted upon by cold acids; in powder is readily dissolved with effervescence in warm muriatic acid. Obs. —Found in talcose schist, serpentine, and other magnesian rocks; as veins in serpentine, or mixed with it so as to form a variety of verd-antique marble (magnesitic ophiolite of Hunt); also, in Canada, as a rock, more or less pure, associated with steatite, serpentine, and dolomite. The breunerite variety has been found in a meteorite from Orgueil (Descl.). Occurs at Hrubschitz in Moravia, where it was first discovered by Mitchell; at K}raubat and Tragdssthal, Styria; at Frankenstein in Silesia; Snarum, Norway; Baudissero and Castellamonte in Piedmont; at other localities above mentioned. In America, at Bolton, Mass., in indistinctly fibrous masses, traversing white limestone; at Lynnfield, Cavendish, and Roxbury, Mass., mixed with or veining serpentine; at Barehills, near Baltimore, Md.; in Penn., in crystals at West Goshen, Chester Co.; near Texas, Lancaster Co..; as a rock, in Sutton and Bolton, Canada East; in Canton Upata, Venezuela, near Mission Pastora, looking like porcelain in the fracture, as observed by N. S. Manross: in Tulare, Alameda, Mariposa, and Tuolumne Cos., California. Delamethdrie, in his Theorie de la Terre, ii. 93, 1795, uses the name magnesite for the carbonate of magnesia, sulphate, nitrate, and muriate, and the carbonate is placed first in the series. Brongniart, in his Mineralogy, ii. 489, 1807, applies the name to a group, including (I) the carbonate called Mitchell's magnesite, (2) meerschaum, (3) the Piedmont magnesite, and (4) other siliceous varieties. As both Brongniart and Delametherie gave the first place to the carbonate, the name magnesite would rightly fall to it in case of the division of the group. Karsten, in his Tabellen, 1808, recognized this division of the species, and formally gave to the carbonate the name mag. nesite. The German mineralogists have followed Karsten, as should have been done by all. But in France, Beudant, in 1824, gave the name giobertite to the carbonate, leaving magnesite for the silicate, and most of the French mineralogists have followed Beudant. Giobert analyzed only the siliceous variety from Baudissero, the true composition of the mineral having been ascertained by Lampadius, somewhat earlier, from specimens brought by Mitchell from Moravia. 719. MESITITE. Mesitinspath pt. Breith., Pogg., xi. 170, 1827. Mesitin Breith., Pogg., lxx. 148, 1847. Rhombohedral. R A R-= 107 14'. Cleavage rhombohedral, perfect. H.=4-4'5. G.-=3'33 —336. Lustre vitreous, or a little pearly. Color 688 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. yellowish-white, yellowish-gray, yellowish-brown. Streak nearly white, or colorless. Transparent to subtranslucent. Comp.-2 Mg C + Fe C(=Carbonate of magnesia 59'2, carbonate of iron 480= 100. Analyses; 1, Gibbs (Pogg., lxxi. 566); 2, Fritzsche (Pogg., lxx. 146); 3, Patera (Haid. Ber., ii. 296): R Fe Mg Ca 1. Traversella 45'76 24-18 28'12 1'30=99-36 Fritzsche. G.-=335. 2.'" 46-05 26-61 27'12 0'22=100 Gibbs. 3. Werfen, ywh.-bn. 45'84 27-37 26'76 — =97'97 Patera. G.-=3'33. Pyr., etc.-B.B. blackens and becomes magnetic. But slightly acted upon in mass by cold acids; readily dissolved with effervescence when in powder by hot muriatic acid. Obs.-From Traversella, Piedmont; Werfen, with lazulite. Named from peaiTeS, a go-.between, it being intermediate between magnesite and siderite. The species as first described included pistomesite. 720. PISTOMESITE. Mesitin pt. Breith., Pogg., xi. 170, 1827. Pistomesit Breith., Pogg., lxx. 146, 1847. iRhombohedral. R A R=107~ 18'. Cleavage rhombohedral. Coarse granular. H. -35 —4. G.=3'412 —3417, Thurnberg, Breith.; 3'427, Ettling. Lustre vitreous, or somewhat pearly. Color yellowish-white to yellowishgray. Streak uncolored. Comp.-Mg C+FeO=Carbonate of magnesia 42, carbonate of iron 58=100. Analyses: 1, Stromeyer (Breith., Pogg., xi. 170); 2, Fritzsche (Pogg., 1xx. 146); 3, Ettling (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcix. 204): C Fe Mg ea 1. Traversella 44'09 35-53 20'34 — =99'96 Stromeyer. 2. Thurnberg, Pistom. 43'62 33-92 21-72 — =99'26 Fritzsche. G.=3'41. 3. "' 44'57 33'15 22'29 -— =100'01 Ettling. G.=3'427. Pyr., etc.-Closely resembling mesitite. Obs.-Occurs at Thurnberg, near Flachau in Salzburg; also at Traversella in Piedmont. Named by Breithaupt from 7roT6s and psairne, after he had already used Mesitine (q. v.), and because pistomesite is nearer the middle between chalybite and magnesite than mesitine. 721. SIDERITE.? Vena ferri jecoris colore optima, Germ. Stahelreich Eisen, Gesner, Foss., 90, 1565. Spatformig Jernmalm, Minera ferri alba spathiformis, Wall., 256, 1747. Jiirn med Kalkjord f6renadt, Germ. Stabllstein, Cronst., 29, 1758. Ferrum cum magnesio et terra calcarea acido aereo mineralisatum Bergem., Opusc., ii. 184, 1780. Spathiger Eisen, Spatheisenstein, Germ. Fer spathique de Lisle, iii. 281, 1783. Calcareous or SparryIron Ore Kirwan. Spathic Iron, Spathose Iron. Brown Spar pt. Steel Ore. Carbonate of Iron. Fer carbonate, Mine d'acier, Fr. Kohlensaures Eisen, Eisenkalk, Germ. Eisenspath Hausmn., Handb., 951, 952, 1813. Spherosiderit Hausm., ib., 1070, 1813, 1847, 1353. Siderose Beud., ii. 346, 1832. Junckerite ]Dufr., Ann. Ch. Phys., lvi. 198, 1834. Siderit Haid., Handb., 499, 1845. Chalybit Glock., Syn., 241, 1847. Oligonspath Breith., Handb., ii. 235, 1841=Oligonit Hausm., landb., 1362, 1847. Thomait Meyer, Jahrb. Min. 1845, 200. Siderodot Breith., Haid. Ber., i. 6, 1847. Sideroplesit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xvii. 54, 1858. Thoneisenstein=Clay Iron Ore pt. Rhombohedral. 1? A R=107~, 0 A R1 1360 37'; a=0'81715. Observed planes: rhombohedral, 1, 4, -5, -2, -; scalenohedral, 1V; pyramidal, 4-2; prismatic, i-2; and basal, 0. The faces often curved, as below. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 689 O A 2=117o 53' g A A=136 34:' 4 A 4=66~0 18' 0 A4 -2-132 30 i A R=133 23 i-2 A 1=155 45 Cleavage: rhombohedral, perfect. Twins: plane of composition-1. Also in botryoidal and globular forms, subfibrous within, occasionally silky fibrous. Often cleavable massive, with cleavage planes undulating. Coarse or fine granular. 581 582 li.=3_5 —4'5. G.=3'7 —39. Lustre vitreous, more or less pearly. Streak white. Color ash-gray, yellowish-gray, greenish-gray, also brown and brownish-red, rarely green; and sometimes white. Translucentsubtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp., Var.-Carbonate of iron, ie 0=Carbonic acid 37'9, protoxyd of iron 62'1. But part of the protoxyd of iron (Fe) usually replaced by manganese, and often by magnesia or lime. The principal varieties are the following: (1) Ordinary. (a) Crystallized. (b) Concretioia-ry=Spherosiderite; in globular concretions, either solid or concentric scaly, with usually a fibrous structure. (c) Granular to compact massive. (d) Oolitic, like oolitic limestone in structure. (e) Earthy, or stony, impure from mixture with clay or sand, constituting a large part of the clay iron-stone of the Coal formation and other stratified deposits; H.=3 to 7, the last from the silica present; G.=3-0 —3'8, or mostly 3'153-65. (2) Through differences in the bases replacing part of the iron, there are the following kinds: A. Containing little or no manganese (Mn-), magnesia (fg),. or lime (.a). G.= B. Containing 5 to 12 p. c. of Mu, with little Mg or C(a-= 7 Fe Ci+-Mn C to 4 Fe ( + lSn 0. C. Containing 17 to 18 p. c. of Mn=2. Fe C+M Cn 0. D. Containing 25 p. c. of Mln= 1~ Fe 0t+Mn C; the oligonspar of Breithaupt, or oligonite, having R A R-107~ 4'; G.=3-714-3'745; color yellowish to between flesh- and iron-red; streak yellowish-white; remarkably phosphorescent when heated. E. Containing little manganese and much magnesia, 4 Fe C+M(fg 0. F. Ditto, 2 Fe C+M-Ig 0, the sideroplesite, Breith., from P6hl, having R A R=107~ 6', Breith.; G.=3-616 —3'660. Also from other localities. Von Zepharovich obtained from a cleavage rhombohedron from Salzburg (anal. 21) R A R=-107~ 5' 16", and G.=3'699. G. Containing 20 p. c. of carbonate of lime, and looking like some calamine, the color green; from Altenberg; formula 8 Fe 0 + 2 MaIn C+3 Ca C. H, I. Other miscellaneous kinds. The siderodot of Breithaupt is a calciferous spathic iron from Radstadt in Salzburg, having G. =3'41. Analyses: Division A. 1, 2, Karsten (Karst. Archiv., ix. 220); 3, Thomson (Min., i. 445); 4. Stromeyer (Unters.); 5, Bischof (Rammelsb. Min. Chemie, 222); 6, Berthier (Ann. d. M., viii. 887); 7, Glassor. (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxii. 89). B. 8-il, Karsten (l. c.); 12, Stromeyer (1. c.); 13, Schnabel (Raram. Min. Ch., 223). 0. 14, Schnabel (Ramm. 3d Suppl., 112). D. 15, Magnus (Pogg., x. 145). E. 16, Khuen (Ramm. Min. Ch., 224). F. 17, Fritzsche (B. H. Ztg., xvii. 54); 18-20, Bet;hier (Ann. d. M., viii. 887); 21, Sommer (Jahrb. Min. 1866, 455). G. 22, Monheim (J.. pr.. oIh., xlix. 318). H. 23, Peischel (Ramm. 1st Suppl., 139); 24, Sander (Ramm. Mmin. Ch., 217),. L. 25, T. G. Clemson (Am. J. Sci., xxiv. 170): 44 690 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 0 Fe e n kMg Ca A. —1. Babkovsky, black 36'61 57-91 1'51 tr. 0'59, gangue 0'60=97'22 Karsten. 2. Erzberg, Styria 38-35 55-64 2'80 1'77 0'92=99'48a Karsten. 3. Durham, Engl. 35'90 54-57 1'15 -- 3'18, I 2'63=97-4:S Thomson. 4. Hanau, Spherosid. 38-04 59'63 1-89 -- 0 =20-99'91 Stromeyer. 5. L. Laach, " 38'16 60-00 -- - 184=100 Bischof. 6. Pierre Rousse, Ishre 38'0 53-8 1-7 3-7 1'0=98-2 Berthier. 7. Bieber, white 38-41 53'06 4-20 2'26 1-12, gangue 0'48 —100'01 Glasson B. —8. Hackenburg, white 38'64 50'41 7'51 2'35 -, gangue 0-32=99'23 Karsten. 9. Siegen, ywh. 38'90 50'72 7'64 1-48 0'40, " 0'48=99-62 Karsten. 10. " " 38'85 47-20 8-34 3-78 0'63, " 0'95=99'72 Karsten. 11. MiUsen, white 39'19 47'96 9'50 3'12 -=99'77 Karsten. 12. Stolberg 38-22 48-20 7'07 1'84 0-67, f 0:25=96'24 Stromeyer. 13. Stahlberg 88'50 47 16 10-61 3'23 0-50=100 Schnabel. C.-14. Siegen, S2pherosid. 38-22 43-59 17'87 0'24 0'08=100 Schnabel. D.-15. Ehrenfriedersdorf, Olig. 38-35 36'81 25'31 - — =100,47 Magnus. E. —16. Mitterberg, Tyrol 39'51 51'15 1'62'772 -= —-100 Khuen. G.-3-735. F. —17. PShl, Voigtland (-)41-93 45'06 - 12'16 -=99'15 Fritzsche. G-.=3-616. 18. Allevard, Isere 41-8 42'8 -- 15'4 — =100 Berthier. 19. Autun 40'4 45'2 0'6 12'2 — =98'4 Berthier. 20. Vizelle, Isere 42'6 43-6 1'0 128 -=100 Berthier. 21. Salzburg 40'31 43-86 2'57 10'46 0'40, Pe 4-07=101'76 Sommer. G.-22. Altenberg 64'04 16'56 - 20-12, Si 1'10 Monheim. H.-23. Neudorf 79'34 9'69 7'60 5-43=101'06 Peischel. 24. Erzberg, Styria 79'87 0-16 10-88 11'91=100'82 Sander. 1.-25. Plymouth, Vt. 74-28 6'56 16'40 P —, e 0'30, insol. 1'40=98'94 C. a 9.73 gangue removed. Schnabel has analyzed many ores from different mines in Siegen, referable to division B (see. ce.). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, evolves carbonic oxyd and carbonic acid, blackens and becomes magnetic. B.B. blackens and fuses at 4'5. With the fluxes reacts for iron, and with soda and nitre on platinum foil generally gives a manganese reaction. Only slowly acted upon by cold acid, but dissolves with brisk effervescence in hot muriatic acid. Exposure to the atmosphere darkens its color, rendering it often of a blackish-brown or brownish-red color. Obs.-Siderite occurs in many of the rock strata, in gneiss, mica slate, clay slate, and as clay ironistone in connection with the Coal formation and many other stratified deposits. It is often associated with metallic ores. At Freiberg it occurs in silver mines. In Cornwall it accompanies tin. It is also found accompanying copper and iron pyrites, galenite, vitreous copper, etc. In New York, according to Beck, it is almost always associated with specular iron. Occasionally it is to be met with in trap rocks as spherosiderite. In the region in and about Styria and Carinthia this ore forms extensive tracts in gneiss, which,extend along the chain of the Alps, on one side into Austria, and on the other into Salzburg. At Harzgerode in the Harz, it occurs in fine crystals in gray-wacke; also in Cornwall, Alston-Moor, and Devonshire. The Spherosiderite occurs in greenstone at Hanau, Steinheim, and Dransberg, and many other places. Clay iron-stone, which is a siliceous or argillaceous carbonate of iron, occlr. i-m4 s, coal beds near Glasgow; also at Mouillar, Magescote, etc., in France, etc. In the United States, in Vermont, at Plymouth. In Mass., at Sterling. In'ob':n/..,s C`{oxh b, ry, an extensive vein in quartz, traversing gneiss; at Monroe, Lane's mine, in smaiil q;. i-o: nitjitl Tu N. York, at the Sterling ore bed in Antwerp, Jefferson Co., in rhombohedral cryst;ai2.; iat he,:ic. wie iron mines, St. Lawrence Co. In N; Carolina, at Fentress and Harlem mines., h'r.! i.Za-.ceous carbonate, in nodules and beds (clay iron-stone), is abundant in the coal regions o. Peimt;-lko -Ohio, and many parts of the country. In a clay-bed under the Tertiary along the wes; i sie f iChesapeake Bay for 50 m. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 691 Named Spherosiderite by Hausmann in 1813, from the concretionary variety, and retained by him for the whole. Haidinger reduced the name to Siderite, the prefix sphero being applicable only to an unimportant variety. Beudant's name Siderose has an unallowable termination. Chalybite, Gl1cker, should yield to Haidinger's eailier name siderite, as recognized by v. Kobell and Kenngott. Alt.-Spathic iron becomes brown or brownish-black on exposure, owing to a peroxydation of the iron and its passing to limonite (Fe2H3); and by a subsequent loss of water, it may pass to red iron ore or specular iron (Pe), or to magnetite (Fe Fe), the last at times a result of deoxydation of Pe by organic substances. It also changes by substitution, or through the action of alkaline silicates, to quartz. 722. RHODOCEIROSITE. Magnesium acido aereo mineralisatum Bergm., Sciagr., 1782 (without descr. or loc.). Rother Braunsteinerz [=Red Manganese Ore], Rothspath, Magnesium ochraceum rubrum, Oxide de manganese couleur de rose, pt., of later part of 18th cent. (it being confounded with the silicate analyzed by Ruprecht in 1782, and Bergmann's announcement being doubted). Luftsaures Braunsteinerz (or Carbonate, after Bergm.) pt. Lenz, Min., ii. 1794 (with mention of druses of small crystals in " Rhomben," others in "Pyramiden," but with cit. of Ruprecht's anal.). Manganese oxyd6 carbonate (after Bergm.) H., Tabl. comp., 111, 1809. Dichter Rothstein pt. H'ausm., Handb., 302, 1813. Rhodochrosit,?iKohlensaures Magnesium oxydul (fr. Lampadius's anal. of a Kapnik sp'n, in his Pr. Ch. Abh., iii. 239,1800), Hausm., ib., 1081, 1813. Carbonate of Manganese. Manganspath Wern. Dialogite Jasche, Germar, Schw. J., xxvi. 11ll9=Blttrige Rothmanganerz Jasche, KI. Min. Schrift., 4, 1817. Diallogite (wrong Orthogr.). Rosenspath, Himbeerspath, Breith., Handb., 228, 229, 1841 (Char., 67, 68, 1832). Rhombohedral. RA R= 106~ 51', O AR=136 312'; a=0'8211. Observed planes: 0; rhombohedrons, R, -1, -2; scalenohedrons, 13, 3; prism, i-2. Cleavage': R, perfect. Also globular and botryoidal,:having a columnar structure, sometimes indistinct. Also granular'Tassive; occasionally impalpable; incrusting. HI.=3-5-4'5. G.=3-4 —37; 3'592, Kapnik. Lustre vitreous inclining to pearly. Color shades of rose-red; yellowish-gray, fawn-colored, dark red, brown. Streak white. Translucent-subtranslucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp. —Mn 0=Carbonic acid 38'6, protoxyd of manganese 61-4; but part of the kn usually replaced by lime (Ca), and often, also, by magnesia (Mg), or iron (Fe); and sometimes by cobalt (Co), when the color is of a deeper red, and G.=-36608, Bergemann (anal. 11). Analyses: 1, Griiner (Ann. d. M., III. xviii. 61); 2, Berthier (Ann. d. M., vi. 595); 3-5, Stromeyer (G. Anz. Gott., 1081, 1843); 6, Kersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxvii. 163); 7, 8, R. Kane (Phil. Mag., Jan., 1848); 9, Hildebrand (Verh. nat. Nassau, xiv. 434); 10, Birnbacher (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xcviii. 144); 11, Bergemann (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 111, 1857): Mg O FI'ee C1a Igd 1. 97'1 0'7 1'0 08, n 0'1=99'7 Griiner. 2. Freiberg 89-2 7 3 8-9 1 6 = 00 Berthier. 3. " 73'70 5075 13-08 7-26, I 0-05=99-84 Stromeyer. 4. Kapnik 89'91 - -605 3'30, 0-44=99-70 Stromeyer. 5. Nagyag 8664 - 10-58 2'43, I 0-31=99-96 Stromeyer. 6. Voigtsberg 81'42 3'10 10'31 4-28, -I 0'83=99'44 Kersten. G.=3-553. 7. Ireland 74'55 15-01 tr. -, clay 0'33, org. matters & loss 10'11 Kane. 8. " 79-94 11-04 2'43 —, clay 0'37, org. matters & loss 6-22 Kane. 9. Oberneisen, cryst. 89'55 0'99 5'18 4-28=100 Hildebrand. 10. " 91-31 3-06 5*71 -— =99-79 Birnbacher. 11. Rheinbreitbach 90-88 - 207 109, Co 3'71, Si 1'36=99'11 Bergemann. Pyr., etc.-B.B. changes to gray, brown, and black, and decrepitates strongly, but is infusible. With salt of phosphorus and borax in O.F. gives an amethystine-colored bead, in R.F. becomes 692 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. colorless. With soda on platinum foil a bluish-green manganate. Dissolves with effervescence in warm muriatic acid. On exposure to the air changes to brown, and some bright rose-red varieties become paler. Obs.-Occurs commonly in veins along with ores of silver, lead, and copper, and with other ores of manganese. Found at Schemnitz and Kapnik in Hungary; Nagyag in Transylvania; near Elbingerode in the Harz; at Freiberg in Saxony; at Glendree in the County of Clare, Ireland, where it forms a layer 2 in. thick below a bog, and has a yellowish-gray color (anal. 7, 8); botryoidal at Hartshill in Warwickshire. It has been observed in a pulverulent form, coating triplite, at Washington, Conn., on the land of Joel Camp; in New Jersey, with franklinite at Mine Hill, Franklin Furnace. Abundant at the silver mines of Austin, Nevada; at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, in slates, fawn-colored and brown, containing 84'6 Mn C, with 14'4 silica. Named rhodochrosite from (6lov, a rose, and XPoL5s, color; and dialogite, from,aX)oy4, doubt. The latter name is attributed to Jasche by Germar (1. c.). Alt.-Quartz pseudomorphs occur near Klein-Voigtsberg. 723. SMITHSONITE. Calamine pt. Galmei pt. Zincum acido adro mineralisatum Bergm., Sciagr., 144, 11782, Opusc., ii. 209, 1780 (from his own anal.). Zinkspath, Kohlengalmei, Germ. Carbonate of Zinc. Smithsonite Beud., Tr., ii. 354, 1832. Zinkspath, Kapnit (or Capnit), Breith., Handb., 241, 236, 1841. Herrerite Del Rio is Smithsonite F. A. Genth, Proc. Ac. Sci. Philad., vii. 232. Dry-bone Miners. Rhombohedral. R R=107~ 40', OAR=137~0 3; a=0-8062. Observed planes: 0; rhombohedrons,-R, 4, -, -2, -4 -5; scalenohedron 13; prism i-2. I A ~=137 7', 2 A 2=800 33', X A =68~ 14', 5 A 5=64~ 17', 0 A ~ =1550 2'. R generally curved and rough. Cleavage: R perfect. Also reniform, botryoidal, or stalactitic, and in crystalline incrustations; also granular, and sometimes impalpable, occasionally earthy and friable. H.=5. G.=4-4 -45; 445, Levy; 4'42, Haidinger. Lustre vitreous, inclining to pearly. Streak white. Color white, often grayish, greenish, brownish-white, sometimes green and brown. Subtransparent-translucent. Fracture uneven-imperfectly conchoidal. Brittle. Comp., Var.-Zn C=Carbonic acid 35'2, oxyd of zinc 64-8=100: but part of the protoxyd of zinc often replaced by that of iron or manganese, and by traces of lime, magnesia; sometimes by oxyd of cadmium (anal. 9). Varieties.-(1) OrdinZary. (a) Crystallized; (b) botryoidal and stalactitic, common; (c) granular to compact massive; (d) earthy, impure, in nodular and cavernous masses, varying from grayishwhite to dark gray, brown, brownish-red, brownish-black, and often with drusy surfaces in the cavities; " dry-bone " of American miners. VAR. depending on Composition. (1) Containing less than 5 p. c. of any other carbonate, and without copper; anal. 1-10. (2) -Ferriferous (Zinkeisenspath), containing over 20 p. c. of carbonate of iron; capnite Breith., having R A R=101~ 7', Breith.; anal. 11-20. (3) Aianganiferous, containing over 5 p. c. of carbonate of manganese; G.=3'95 —42; anal. 21-24. (4) Cupriferous, Herrerite of Del Rio, apple-green, with rhombohedral cleavage; anal. 25. There are no lines of strong demarcation between these varieties based on composition. Analyses: 1, 2, Smithson (Nicholson's J., vi. 76); 3, Heidingsfeld (Ramm. 5th Suppl.); 4, Schmidt (J. pr. Ch., li. 257); 5, Elderhorst (G-. Rep. Arkansas, 153, 1858); 6, 7, H. Risse (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 86, 1865); 8, v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., xxviii. 480); 9, Long (Jahrb. Min. 1858, 289); 10, Marigny (Ann. d. M., V. xi. 612); 11-15, Monheim (Ramm. 3d Suppl., 131, J. pr. Ch., xlix. 382); 16-20, H. Risse (1. c.); 21, Karsten (Syst. d. Metall., iv. 425); 22-24, Monheim (1. c.); 25, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 119): 0 Zn Fe Pb A.-1. Somersetshire 35-2 648 - -=100 Smithson. G.=4.339. 2. Derbyshire 34'8 65-2 - -=100 Smithson. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 693 0 Za Pe Pb 3. Altenberg 35'13 64'56 - 0-16, Si 0'15=100 Heidingsfeld. 4. Moresnet,Belgium 33178 63"06 0'34 -, Si 1-58, ii 1-28=100-04 Schmidt. 5. Marion Co., Ark. [31'45] 65-97 r. —, Ca 1-07, quartz 1'51=100 Elderhorst. ZnC FeO lnO0 Mgg OaCO 6. Altenberg, w. cryst. 98'24 0-52 0'15 0'23 0'20, insol. 0'07=99-41 Risse. 7. it bnh. " 9792 2'26 0'10 -- tr.=100'28 Risse. 8. Nertschinsk 96-00 203 - - - Pb 112=99'15 Kobell. 9. Wiesloch, ywh. 89971 0'57 - 0-32 2'43, Cal C 3-36, Zn I 194, Zn S 0'47, sand 0'45 Long. 10. Algiers 90-10 - -- 174 2-30, Pb C 0-44, iks 3-30, ie 1'50, sand 0'30=99'68 Marigny. B.-11. Altenberg, gn. 60'35 32-21 4-02 0'14 1'90,calamine 2'49=10111M. G.=4'15. 12. "' 55-89 36'46 3-47 -- 227, calamine0'41=98'50M. G.=4'04. 13. " 58'52 35'41 324 -- 367, calamine0'48=101'32 Monheim. 14. " 71'08 23'98 2-58 -- 254=10018 Monheim. 15. " 40'43 53'24 2'18 -- 509=100'94: Monheim. 16.': w. cryst. 88-72 1030 tr. 010 1'02, insol. 0'18-100'32 Risse. 17. " leek-gn. 84-92 13'46 0-43 0-37 1'03, insol. tr.=100'21 Risse. 18. " ywh.-gn. 78'32 15'66 5-23 tr. 1'20, insol. ir.=100'41 Risse. 19. " ywh. 77-31 15-43 1'16 4'04 1-66, insol. 1'071100-67 Risse. 20. " 67'89 29-88 1'30 tr. 117, insol. tr.-100'24 Risse. C.-21. Nertschinsk 89'14 - 10'71 - — =99-85 Karsten. 22. ll:errenberg, gn. 85-78 2'24 7'62 4'44 0'98, Si009, tr.=101' 15M. G.=4'03. 23. " palegn. 74'42 3-20 14'98 3'88 1-68, Si 0'20, 0-56=9892 M. G.-=398. 24. Altenberg, ywh.-w. 84'92 1'58 6'80 2'84 1-58, calamine 185=99'57 M. G.=4-20. D.-25. Albarradon, Mex. 93'74 1- 50 0-29 1'48, Cu C 3 42-100'43 Genth. But a part of the 24 analyses of Altenberg smithsonite by H. Risse are given above. He writes the formula nZn C+m(Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca) C. The ratio of the 1st to the 2d member in anal. 16 (above) is 7: 1; in 17, 5: 1; in 19, 3: 1; in 20, 2: 1. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube loses carbonic acid, and, if pure, is yellow while hot and colorless on cooling. B.B. infusible; moistened with cobalt solution and heated in O.F. gives a green color on cooling. With soda on charcoal gives zinc vapors, and coats the coal yellow while hot, becoming white on cooling; this coating, moistened with cobalt solution, gives a green color after heating in O.F. Cadmiferous varieties, when treated with soda, give at first a deep yellow or brown coating before the zinc coating appears. With the fluxes some varieties react for iron, copper, and manganese. Soluble in muriatic acid with effervescence. Obs.-Smithsonite is found both in veins and beds, especially in company with galenite and blende; also with copper and iron ores. It usually occurs in calcareous rocks, and is generally associated with calamine, and sometimes with limonite. It is often produced by the action of sulphate of zinc upon carbonate of lime or magnesia. Found at Nertschinsk in Siberia, one variety of a dark brown color, containing cadmium, another of a beautiful bright green; at Dognatzka in Hungary; Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia; Wiesloch in Baden, in Triassic limestone; Moresnet in Belgium; Altenberg, near Aix la Chapelle (Aachen), in concentric botryoidal groups. In the province of Santander, Spain, between the Bay of Biscay and the continuation of the Pyrenees range, at Puente Viesgo, the mountains being only four leagues from the coast; the smithsonite here occurs in mountain limestone; in other places it is found in dolomite, probably muschelkalk; it is in vertical lodes. found frequently in scalenohedrons as a pseudomorph after calcite. At Ciguenza, 5 miles E. of Santander, the lode varies in width from 1 to 2 meters to 1 inch; the mineral is drusy, cavernous; blende is abundant, and changes into pure white smithsonite; the latter also occurs like chalcedony, in reniform and botryoidal masses; it sometimes contains galena and cerussite. In England, at Roughten Gill, Alston Moor, near Matlock, in the Mendip Hills, and elsewhere; in Scotland, at Leadhills; in Ireland, at Donegal. In the U. States, in Conn., at Brookfield in very small quantities. In N. Jersey, at Mine Hill, near the Franklin furnace, only pulverulent from decomposition of zincite. In Penn., at Lancaster abundant, and often in fine druses of crystals, also sometimes pseudomorphous after dolomite; at the Perkiomen lead mine; at the Ueberroth mine, near Bethlehem, in scalenohedrons, also an earthy variety abundant as an ore. In Wisconsin, at Mineral Point, Shullsburg, etc., constituting pseudomorphs after blende and calcite. In iMinnesota, at Ewing's diggings, N.W. of 694 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Dubuque, etc. In Missouri and Arkansas, along with the lead ores in Lower Silurian limestone. Alt.-Smithsonite changes through the action of alkaline silicates to calamine (211n Si+- A); or becomes incrusted with silica and forms quartz pseudomorphs. It is also sometimes replaced by limonite or gothite. The concretionary variety from Spain has a nucleus of calamine. 724. ARAGONITE. Spath calcaire crist. en prismes hexagones dont les deuxbouts sont stries du centre a la circonference, id. dont les deux bouts sont lisses (fr. Spain), Davila, Cat. Cab., ii. 50, 52, 1167. Arragonischer Apatit Wern., Bergm. J., i. 95, 17188; Klapr., ib., i. 299, Crell's Ann., i. 387, 1788 (making it carbonate of lime). Arragonischer Kalkspath Wern., Bergm. J., ii. 74, 1790 (after Klapr. anal.). Arragon Spar (var. of Calc Spar) Kirwan, Min., i. 87, 1194. Arragonit Wern., Estner's Min., ii. 1039, 1796. Excentrischer Kalkstein Karsten, Tabell., 34, 14, 1800. Arragonite (first made distinct from Calc Spar through cryst.) Haiiy, Tr., ii. 1801, and Broch. Min., i. 576, 1800. Iglit (fr. Iglo, Transylvania) Esmark, Bergm. J., iii. 99, 1798; Igloit. Nadelstein Lenz. Erbsenstein pt., Faserkalk pt., Schallenkalk pt., Sprudelstein, Germ. Chimborazite E. D. Clarke, Ann. Phil., II. ii. 57, 147, 1821. Tarnovizit Breith., Handb., 252, 1841; Tarnovicit YHaid., Handb., 1845. Mossottite Luca, Cimento, vii. 453, 1858. Oserskit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xvii. 54, 1858. Stalactites Flos Ferri, Marmoreus ramulosus, Linn., Syst., 183, 1768. Stalagmites coralloides Wall., ii. 388, 1178. Coralloidal Aragonite. Chaux carbonate coralloides H., Tr., ii 1801. Eisenbliithe pt. Wern. Orthorhombic. IA -=1160 10', O A 1-i=1300 50'; a: c=: G1'157: 1: 1'6055. Observed planes: 0; vertical, 1, i-4, i-; domes, ~-, 14, 4, 2-, 3-, 5-, 6-(, 9-4; 1-T; octahedral, 1, 6, 9, 1-n, 2-n, 6 —. O A 1 —i130~ 50' O A 2-i=118~ 25' 2-4 A 24, top,=69~ 30' O A 1126 15 0 A ~-=-160 11 1-4 A 1-, top,=108 26 0 A 1-~=137 15 O A 1-1=144 13 1A J -i=121 55 683 largely and normally developed, f. 5884 the latter a section; prsm atic angles 116~ 10- ( —_n A I) and 121~ p5r (- iA-e) with the r eenteri ng angle, and also the opposite salient, 116~ 10'; (b) g-~ undeveloped on one side and the form consequently a six-sided prism, f. 585, and a section in f. 588A, and having three angles of 116~ 10' (namely, A I1, I' A I'/, and ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 695 i-i A i-'/), two of 121~ 55' (/IA i-4), and one of 127~ 40' (IA I'); the simple form of f. 585 is shown in f. 583; (c) similar to f. 584, but penetration twins, the two parts penetrating and crossing one another at middle, as in f. 586, a transverse section of which is shown in f. 587 (it may also be regarded as consisting of 4 individuals, arranged as represented by the 4 nucleal rhombs at the centre of f. 587, but two by intersection may produce the same result). (2) Consisting of more than two individuals; (a) com581 586 588A:1' 588D 588E 588F 5883 5880 in jin IN bined about the acute angle, as the form consisting of three individuals, in f. 588B, a view of base, or section, the dotted lines showing the relations of the constituent parts; by extension of the combined crystals the form may be a hexagonal prism, either of simple juxtaposition or of penetration; also consisting of more than three individuals, 588c; (b) combined about the obtuse angle, as in f. 588D, which, by the extension of the parts, may become a hexagonal prism with or without reentering angles; also in f. 588E, in which the three individuals extend across the middle, making a penetration twin, as illustrated by the numbering of the parts. The penetration or crossing twins often have the different parts very unequally developed (one or two of the three individuals extending across and not the other) and also of very unequal dimensions. Figures 588n to E are views of base of prism, showing the usual strive parallel to the shorter diagonal; angle m=rf-116' 10', -n 127~ 40', s=168' 30'. (3) Twinning often many times repeated in the same crystal, producing successive reversed layers, the alternate of which may be exceedingly thin, a structure illustrated in f. 588F; often so delicate as to produce by the succession a fine striation of the faces of a prism or of a cleavage plane. Also globular, reniform, and coralloidal shapes; sometimes columnar, composed of straight or divergent fibres; also stalactitic; incrusting. ll.=3'5-4. G. —2931, Hlaidinger; 2'927, Biot; 2'945-2'947, small crystals, and others when pulverized, Beudant; 2'932, fr. Kammsdorf, Schmid. Lustre vitreous, sometimes inclining to resinous on surfaces of 696 OXYGEN COMPOINDS. fracture. Color white; also gray, yellow, green, and violet; streak uncolored. Transparent-translucent. Fracture subconchoidal. Brittle. Var.-1. Ordinary. (a) Crystallized in simple or compound crystals, the latter much the most common; often in radiating groups of acicular crystals. (b) Columnar; a fine fibrous variety with silky lustre is called Satin spar. (c) Massive. 2. Scaly massive; snow-white (Schaeumkalk); G.=2-984; from Wiederstadt, a pseudomorph after gypsum. 3. Stalactitic or stalagmitic (either compact or fibrous in structure); as with calcite; S prudelstein is stalactitic from Carlsbad. 4. Coralloidal; in groupings of delicate interlacing and coalescing stems. of a snow-white color, and looking a little like coral. 5. Tarnovicite; a kind containing carbonate of lead, from Tarnowitz in Silesia; it has IA I= 1160 13', and 0 A 1-1=144~ 15', Websky..Mossottite is a light green, columnar, radiated variety, from the Lias of Gerfalco, in Tuscany, containing nearly 7 p. c. of carbonate of strontian and a trace of copper; G.= 2884. Oserscite is only columnar aragonite from Nertschinsk, Silesia; G.=2-854-2'855. Slender crystals from Gross-Kammsdorf, near Saalfeld, owe their tapering form to the planes 9-1, 6, and 9 (Schmid, Pogg., cxxvi. 147). Figs. 583, 585, 588 are from Naumann. Comp.-Ca C, like calcite,=Carbonic acid 44, lime 56=100. Analyses: 1-4, Stromeyer (De Arag.; also Schw. J.. xiii. 362, 490, Gilb. Ann., xliii. xlv. xlvii. xlix. li. liv. lxiii) ); 5, 6, Nendtwich (Versamml. ung. Naturf. Neusohl, 1846); 7, Bottger (Pogg., xlvii. 497); 8, Stieren (Arch. Pharm., II. 1xii. 31); 9, Winkler (B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 319): Oa 0 Sr a Pb 0 NO H e2f[3 1. Brisgau 97-0963 2'4609 -- 0-4102 ---— =999674 Stromeyer. 2. Nertschinsk 97'9834 1-0933 - 0'2578 -=99'3345 Stromeyer. 3. Eschwege 96'1841 2'2390 - 03077 0'2207=98'9515 Stromeyer. 4. Aussig 98'00 1-0145 0'2139 0'1449=99'3733 Stromeyer. 5. Herrengrund 98'62 0'99 - 0'17 Fe 0'11=99'89 Nendtwich. 6. Retzbanya 99'31 0'06 - 0'33 CuC 019=99'89 Nendtwich. 7. Tarnowitzite 95'940 - 3859 0'157 --— 99'956 Bittger. 8. Papenberg 97139 2'22 -- — = 0'39=100 Stieren. 9. Alston-Moor 97'35 M~, Mg CD 249, Ca F tr.=99'84 W. Delesse finds in the aragonite of Herrengrund, near Neusohl, Hungary, no strontia, and 0'13 p. c. of water. A Thurnberg variety afforded E. Riegel (Jahrb. pr. Pharm., xxiii. 348), 2'2 p. c. of carbonate of strontian. A fibrous variety from Dufton in Cumberland afforded 4'25 p. c. of Mn C. Kersten detected 2'19 p. c. of carbonate of lead in one specimen. The Sprudelstein of Carlsbad contains 0'69 p. c. of fluorid of calcium and 0'21 of arsenic. Jenzsch reports most aragonites as containing fluorine, and finds in one of unknown locality Ca F 3'27, Ca3i 1'24 p. c.; G.=2'830. Luca gives for the Mossottite (1. c.) 0 41-43, Ca 50-08, Sr 4'69, Ou 0-95, Fe 0-82, F tr., H 1'36= 99'33. Plattner found only carbonate of lime in the oserskite. Aragonite and calcite were the first case of dimorphism observed. Kirwan suggested in 1794 that the prismatic form was due to the presence of strontia, which Stromeyer disproved in 1813. Pyr., etc.-B.B. whitens and falls to pieces, and sometimes, when containing strontia, imparts a more intensely red color to the flame than lime; otherwise reacts like calcite. Obs.-The most common repositories of aragonite are beds of gypsum, beds of iron ore (where it occurs in coralloidal forms, and is denominated flos-ferri, "flower of iron"), basalt, and trap rock; occasionally it occurs in lavas. It is often associated with copper and iron pyrites, galenite, and malachite. It is forming at an old mine in Monte Vasa, Italy, at a temperature below the boiling point of water. It constitutes the pearly layer of shells. Minute pointed crystals occur in drusy cavities in the sinter of the thermal springs of Baden. First discovered in Aragon, Spain (whence its name, the word in Spain having but one r), at Molina and Valencia, near Migranilla, in six-sided prisms, with gypsum, imbedded in a ferruginous clay. Since found at Bilin in Bohemia, in a vein traversing basalt in fine prisms; at Breisgau in Baden; at Baumgarten and Tarnowitz in Silesia; at Leogang in Salzburg, Austria; in Waltsch, Bohemia, and many other places. The flos-ferri variety is found in great perfection in the Styrian mines, coating cavities and even caves of considerable extent, and associated with spathic iron. At Dufton, a silky, fibrous variety, called satin spar, occurs traversing shale in thin veins, generally associated with pyrite. In Buckinghamshire, Devonshire, etc., it occurs in stalactitic forms in caverns, and of snowy whiteness at Leadhills in Lanarkshire. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 697 Aragonite in fibrous crusts and other forms occurs in serpentine at Hoboken, N. J. (it has been called magnesite). Coralloidal aragonite occurs sparingly at Lockport, N. Y., coating gypsum in geodes; at Edenville, N. Y., lining cavities of arsenopyrite and cube ore; at the Parish ore bed, Rossie, N. Y.; at Haddam, Conn., in thin seams between layers of gneiss; at New Garden, in Chester Co., Penn.; at Wood's Mine, Lancaster Co., Penn.; at Warsaw, Ill., lining geodes; on the north boundary of the Creek nation, 16 m. from the crossing of the Arkansas, in hexagonal crystals nearly J in. through. Alt.-Aragonite may undergo similar changes with calcite. It also passes to calcite, through paramorphism. Pseudomorphs of copper after aragonite are reported from Bolivia, and also from Corocoro, Peru. 725. MANGANOCALCITE. Manganocalcit Breith., Pogg., lxix. 429, 1846. Fasriger Braunspath Wern. In rhombic prisms like aragonite, and closely related to that species. Cleavage lateral, also brachydiagonal. Radiated fibrous or columnar. I. =4-5. G.=3'037. Lustre vitreous. Flesh-red to dull reddishwhite. Streak colorless. Translucent. Comp.-2 Mn C0 - (Oa, Mg) (0, with a little of the manganese replaced by iron; or of the general formula R C. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxviii. 511); 2, Missoudakis (Jahrb. Min. 1846, 614): 1. Mi{n 0 67'48 Pe 0 3-22 Mg 0 9'97 Oa 0 18'81=99'48 Ramm. 2. 77'98 3.31 - 18-71=100 Missoudakis. Pyr., etc.-Same as for rhodochrosite. Obs.-From Schemnitz in Hungary, with quartz, blende, galenite, etc. THOMAITE Mayer (Jahrb. Min. 1845, 200). A carbonate of iron, occurring in pyramidal crystallizations which are said to be orthorhombic; also massive. G.-=310. Lustre pearly. An analysis by Meyer afforded 0 33'39, Fe 53-72, Mn 0'65, Mg 0'43, OCa 1'52, X 14-25, Si 6'04=100. From Bleis-Bach, in Siebengebirge. Named after Prof. Thomi of Wiesbaden. Junckerite of Dufrenoy was described as having the same characters, but proved to be only common spathic iron; and the same fate may befall thomaite. 726. WITHERITSE. Terra ponderosa, aerata Withering, Trl. Bergm. Sciagr., 29, 1783, Phil. Trans., 293, 1784. Witherit Wern., Bergm. J., 1790, ii. 225. Aerated Barytes Watt, Mem. Manchester Soc., iii. 599, 1790. Barolite.Kirwan, Min., i. 134, 1794. ]Kohlensaurer Baryt Germ. Baryte carbonat~e Fr. Orthorhombic. IA 1=1180 30', O A 1-T=128~ 45'; a:: c=1'246: 589 590 594 595 J1 1 1311: 1'6808. Observed planes,,, 1, 2. 0 A 1=124~ 35k', IA 1= 1450 241', A1 2=160~ 58~', IA 3=155o 18~', IA -=125~ 571', J A = 698 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 109~ 55~', 1 A 1, mac.,=1300 13', brach., 890 57', bas., 110~ 49'. Twins: all the annexed figures, composition parallel to I; reentering angles sometimes observed. Cleavage: I distinct; also in globular, tuberose, and botryoidal forms; structure either columnar or granular; also amorphous. H.=3 —3'75. G.=4:29 -435. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous, on surfaces of fracture. Color white, often yellowish, or grayish. Streak white. Subtransparent-translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle. Comp.-Ila C=Carbonic acid 22'3, baryta 7771=100. Analyses of the Anglezarke mineral: Klaproth (Beitr., i. 260, ii. 84) obtained C 22, Ba 18; Withering (1. c.), C 21-4, Ba 78-6. Thomson's Sulphato-carbonate of Baryta (Rec. Gen. Sci., i. 375, 1835, and Min., i. 106) is witherite incrusted by barite, as shown by Heddle (Phil. Mag., IV. xiii. 537), who analyzed specimens from Hexham in Northumberland, and Dufton Fells in Westmoreland. Pyr., etc.-B.B. fuses at 2 to a bead, coloring the flame yellowish-green; after fusion reacts alkaline. B.B. on charcoal with soda fuses easily, and is absorbed by the coal. Soluble in dilute muriatic acid; this solution, even when very much diluted, gives with sulphuric acid a white precipitate which is insoluble in acids. Obs.-Occurs at Alston-Moor in Cumberland, associated with galenite, in veins traversing the coal formation; at Fallowfield near Hexham in Northumberland, in splendid crystals, sometimes transparent, and occasionally 6 in. long; at Anglezarke in Lancashire, a fibrous variety; at Arkendale in Yorkshire; near St. Asaph in Flintshire; Tarnowitz in Silesia; Szlana, Hungary; Leogang in Salzburg; Peggau in Styria; Zmeoff in the Altai; some places in Sicily; the mine of Arqueros, near Coquimbo, Chili; L. Etang Island; near Lexington, Ky., with barite. Witherite is extensively mined at Fallowfield, and is used in chemical works in the manufacture of plate-glass, and in France in making beet-sugar. Alt. —Witherite is altered to barite (Ba S) through the action of sulphate of lime in solution at the ordinary temperature, or by the action of other sulphates in solution, or of water containing sulphuric acid. 727. BROMLITE. Barytocalcite J. F. W. Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. vi. 1, 1835, x. 313, 1837. Bicalcareo-carbonate of Barytes (from a wrong anal.) Thomson, Rec. Gen. Sei., i. 373, 1835. Bromlite Thoms., Phil. Mag., xi. 45, 48, 1837. Alstonite Breith., Handb., ii. 255, 1841. Orthorhombic. IA 1=118~ 50', Descl., 0 A 1-:1280 39'; a: b' - 1-2504: 1: 1-6920. Observed planes: 0; prism, I; octahedrons, 1, 2; domes, 1-4, 2-4. 0 A 14 —143~ 32k', 14 A 14, bas.,=72~ 55', 2- A 2-i, bas., =111~ 50', 1 A 1, mac.,=130~ 27', 1 A 1, brach.,=89~ 40'. Twins: double six-sided pyramids, with angles 122~ 30', and 142~; reentering angle 178~ 51'. Cleavage: I and O rather indistinct. H. =4 —45. G.=3'718, Thomson; 3'706, Johnston. Lustre vitreous. Colorless, snow-white, grayish, pale cream-color, pink. Translucent. Fracture granular and uneven. Comp.-I-a 0 + Oa 0, like barytocalcite=Carb. baryta 66-3, carb. lime 33-7=100. Analyses: 1, Johnston (1. c.); 2, Thomson (Phil. Mag., xi. 45); 3, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xiii. 425); 4, v. Hauer (Ber. Ak. Wien, iv. 832, 1853): tBaC COa Sr 0 n 0 1. Bromley 62'16 30'29 6'64 -=99'9 Johnston. 2. Fallowfield 60-63 30'19 -- 918=100 Thomson. 3. " 65-31 32'90 1'10 -—, i 0-20, Mn 0-16=99'67 Delesse. 4. " 65'71 34'29 - -- Sitr.100 Hauer. Pyr., etc.-Same as in barytocalcite. Obs.-Found at the lead mine of Fallowfield, near Hexham in Northumberland, with witherite; and at Bromley Hill near Alston in Cumberland, in veins with galenite, whence the name Bromlite, given by Thomson. Most English mineralogical authors have set aside Thomson's name. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 699 although the earliest and of British origin, for Breilthaupt's. There appears to be no sufficient reason for this. 728. STRONTIANITEJ. Strontianit Sulzer, Lichtenberg's Mag., vii. 3, 68, Bergm. J., 1791, i 5, 433. Strontian Wern. Strontianit, Kohlensaure Strontianerde, Klapr., Crell's Ann., 1793, ii. 189; 1794, i. 99; Beitr., i. 268. Mineral from Strontian, Strontian Spar (not Strontites= Strontia), Hope, Edinb. Trans., iv. 3, 1798 (Art. read Nov., 1793). Carbonate of,:Strontian. Strontiane carbonatee Fr. Emmonite, Calcareo-carbonate of Strontian, Thomson, Rec. Gen. Sci., iii. 415, 1836. Barystrontianite, Stromnite, S. Traill, Ed. Phil. J., i. 380, 1819. Orthorhombic. IA 1=117~ 19', 0 A 1-=1300 5'; a:: c=11883 1: 1'6421. Observed planes: octahedrons,,, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 8; domes, 4, 1-~: As, 2-4 ax4, 6-s, 8-4, 12-X. O A\ — i=1490 17 O A I-I=-1440 6' 1 A 1, mac.,=130~ 1' O A ~=145 11 14- A 1-i, bas.,=71 48 1 A 1, brach.,=92 11 O A 1=125 43 2-i A 2-i, bas., =110 44 1 A 1, bas.,=108 35 Cleavage: 1 nearly perfect, i-4 in traces. Crystals often acicular and in divergent groups. Twins: like those of aragonite. 0 usually striated parallel to the shorter diagonal. Also in columnar globular forms; fibrous and granular. 596 H._=35 -4. G.=3-605 -3713. Lustre vit- 0 reous; inclining to resinous on uneven faces of > fracture. Color pale asparagus-green, apple- Y(i green; also white, gray, yellow, and yellowish- I I brown. Streak white. Transparent-translucent. Fracture uneven. Brittle.' Comp.-Carbonate of Strontia, Sr 0=Carbonic acid 29'8, strontia 70-2; but a small part of the strontia often replaced by lime. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., i. 270, ii. 84); 2, Stromeyer (Unters., i. 193); 3, Thomson (Min., i. 108); 4, Stromeyer (I. c.); 5, Jordan (Schw. J., lvii. 344); 6, Redicker (Pogg., 1. 191); 7, Schnabel (Ramm. 5th Suppl.); 8, Von der Mark (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, vi., Jahrg., 272): 0 Sr Oa Pe'Fn A 1. Strontian. 30'0 69'5 - - 0'5=100 Ilapr. 2. " 30'31 65'60 3'47 0'07 0'07=99-52 Strom. 3. " 30'66 65'53 3-52 0'01 - — =99'72 Thomson. 4. Briiunsdorf, Sax. 29-94 67-52 1'28 0'09 0'07=98'90 Strom. 5. Clausthal, white 30 59 65'14 3'64 - - 0'25=99-62 Jordan. 6. Hamm, Westph. 30.80 65'30 3-82 -- -- 0-08=100 Redicker. 7. " " 30-86 64'32 4-42 ~ =99'60 Schnabel. 8. " " 30'84 63'57 4580 - =99-21 Mark. Thomson obtained in his emmonite (1. c.) Sr 0 82'69, Oa 0 12'50, Fe 1'00, zeolite 3'79=99'98;:. Traill's stromnile afforded him Sr 0 68'6, n]a S (barite) 27-5, Ca C 2'6, oxyd of iron 0'1; color. grayish-white; G.=3'703. It is pronounced a mixture by Greg and Lettsom. It is from near Stromness, on Pomona, one of the Orkneys. Pyr., etc.-B.B. swells up, throws out minute sprouts, fuses only on the thin edges, and colors the flame strontia-red; the assay reacts alkaline after ignition. Moistened with muriatic acid and treated either B.B. or in the naked lamp gives an intense red color. With soda on charcoal the pure mineral fuses to a clear glass, and is entirely absorbed by the coal; if lime or iron be present they are separated and remain on the surface of the coal. Soluble in muriatic acid; the dilute solution when treated with sulphuric acid gives a white precipitate. Obs.-Occurs at Strontian in Argyleshire, in veins traversing gneiss, along with galenite and barite, in acicular diverging and fibrous groups, rarely in perfect crystals; in Yorkshire, England; Giant's Causeway, Ireland; Clausthal in the Harz; Braunsdorf, Saxony; Leogang in Saltzburg. 700 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. In the U. States it occurs at Schoharie, N. Y., in granular and columnar masses, and also in crystals, forming nests or geodes, often large, in the hydraulic limestone, associated with barite, pyrite, and calcite. At Muscalonge Lake a massive and fibrous variety, of a white or greenishwhite color, is sometimes the matrix of fluorite. Chaumont Bay and Theresa, in Jefferson Co.. N. Y., are other localities. Alt.-Strontianite is altered to celestite in the same way as witherite to barite. 729. CER:USSITE. Tl/I0tOP Theophr., etc., CerussaPlin., etc., Agric., but only the artificial. Cerussa nativa ex agro Vicentino Gesner, Foss., 85, 1565. Blyspath (-Bleispath Germ.), Minera Plumbi spathacea, Wall., Min., 295, 1747. Plomb spathique Fr. Trl. Wall. Min., i. 536, 1753. Bly-Spat, Spatum Plumbi (the hard); Bly-Ochra, Cerussa nativa (the pulverulent), Cronst., Min., 1758. Plumbum acido aereo mineralisatum Bergm., Opusc., ii. 426, 1780. Weissbleierz Wern.; Plombe blanche Fr.; White Lead Ore. Kohlensaures Blei Germ.; Carbonate of Lead; Plomb carbonate Fr. Ceruse Beud., Tr., ii. 363, 1832. Cerussit Haid., Handb., 503, 1845. Ig16siasite (Zinc-Bleispath Kersten) Huot, Min., 618, 1841. Orthorhombic. I A - 117~ 13', 0 A 1-i=130~ 9k'; a: b: c=1'1852: 1: 16388. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-{, -g, 1-i; domes, ~-, ~-~, 1-i, 2-i; ~-4, ~i, 1-i, 2-4, 34, 4-4; octahedral,., ~, 1; 2-2, 2-2, 1-2, 1-3. 597 599 598 21 600 O A 1=125~ 46' 2-4 A 2-4, bas.. =110~ 40' O. A 0 -4=149 21 14-A 14, bas.,=71 44:.~ii~ O A 14-=144 8 j-b A ~-%, bas.,=39 45 $~xr0 A \ 2-4=124 40 i-9 A i-s, ov. i-4,=122 43 IA i-l=121 24 1 A 1 mac.,=130 \U SVV~Y f i-4 A 2-4=145 20 1 A 1, brach.,=92 19 1z>30S M'i4 A 4-,=109 53 1 A I, bas.,= 108 28 -.i[ Cleavage: I often imperfect; 24 hardly less so. Crystals usually thin, broad, and brittle; sometimes stout. Twins: very common; composition face 1, producing usually cruciform or stellate forms. 1. Consisting of two individuals; (a) similar to f. 584 under aragonite, p. 694, or to f. 600 if the left of the three rays were wanting; (b) cruciform, similar in mode of intersection to f. 586, 587, p. 695. 2. Consisting of more than two individuals; (a) three-rayed, f. 600, a view of a section, showing at centre the position of the three combined crystals; (b) six-rayed, f. 599, which may consist, like the last, of three combined crystals, if the crystals cross at centre so as to make a penetration-twin; the forms sometimes thin, as in f. 599, but often consisting ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 701 of stout crystals similar in form to f. 597, the planes I in this form having the same position as I, Iin f. 599. Rarely fibrous, often granular massive and compact. Sometimes stalactitic. IH.=3 -3'5. G.= 6'465 —6480; some earthy varieties as low as 5'4. Lustre adamantine, inclining to vitreous or resinous; sometimes pearly; sometimes submetallic, if the colors are dark, or from a superficial change. Color white, gray, grayish-black, sometimes tinged blue or green by some of the salts of copper; streak uncolored. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fracture conchoidal. Very brittle. Comp. —Pb a=Carbonic acid 16'5, oxyd of lead 83'5=100. Analyses: 1, Westrumb (1 c.); 2, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 167); 3, J. A. Phillips (Q. J. Oh. Seoc., iv. 1175); 4, Bergemann (Chem. Unters. Bleib., 167, 175); 5, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 245): Pb 1. Zellerfeld 16'00 81-20, Fe 0'50, (a 0'90=98-60 Westrumb. 2. Leadhills 16 82=98 Klaproth. 3. Durham 16'05 83'56=99'61 Phillips. 4. Eifel 16'49 83'51=100 Bergemann. 5. Phenixville, Pa. 16'38 83'76=100'14 Smith. Stalactites from Brigham's diggings, Wis., afforded J. D. Whitney (Upp. Miss. Rep., 291, 1862) Carbonate of lead 93-84, of lime 0'18, of magnesia tr., sesquioxyd of iron, etc., 1.42, clay and sand 3'48 = 9927. Kersten obtained for the iglesiasite (Schw. J., lxv. 365) Pb 0 92 10, ZnC 1702= 99.12=6 Pb a + Zn 0. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates, loses carbonic acid, turnis first yellow, and at a higher temperature dark red, but becomes again yellow on cooling. B.B. on charcoal fuses very easily, and in R.F. yields metallic lead. Soluble in dilute nitric acid with effervescence. Obs.-Occurs in connection with other lead minerals, and is formed from galenite (sulphid of lead), which, as it passes to a sulphate, may be changed to carbonate by means of solutions of bicarbonate of lime. It is found at Johanngeorgenstadt in beautiful crystals; at Nertschinsk and Beresof in Siberia; near Bonn on the Rhine; at Clausthal in the Harz; at:Bleiberg in Carinthia; at Mies and Przibram in Bohemia; at Retzbanya, Hungary; in England, in Cornwall, in the mine of St. Minvers; delicate crystals 10 in. long were formerly found near St. Austell and elsewhere; at E. Tamar mine, Devonshire; near Matlock and Wirksworth, Derbyshire; in Cardiganshire, Wales; at Leadhills and Wanlockhead. Scotland, formerly in fine crystals; in Wicklow, Ireland, magnificent, sometimes in heart-shaped macles. In pseudomorphs, imitating anglesite and leadhillite, at Leadhills. Found in Mass., sparingly at the Southampton lead mine. In Penn., at Phenixville, in fine crystals, often large; also good at Perkiomen. In N; York, at the Rossie lead mine, but rare. In TVirginia, good crystals at Austin's mines, Wythe Co. In N. Carolina, at King's mine, Davidson Co., good. At Valle's diggings, Mo., but seldom crystallized; in Wisconsin and other lead mines of the northwestern States, rarely in crystals; near the Blue Mounds, Wis., at Brigham's diggings, in stalactites. Alt.-Cerussite occurs altered to pyromorphite, or phosphate of lead; probably through the action of waters holding phosphate of lime in solution; also to galenite (Pb S) through the action of sulphuretted hydrogen, and minium by oxydation; also to breunerite, malachite, and chrysocolla. 730. BARYTOCALCITE. Brooke, Ann. Phil., II. viii. 114, 1824. Monoclinic. C=730 52', IA 1=1060 54k, O A 1-=1490; a:6: c= 0'81035: 1: 129583. O A 1-i=147~ 34', O A i-i=1060 8', i-i A 1-i=1380 34', i- A i-i=124~, 2-8 A 2-%, over 6-6,=95~ 8', 6-6 A 6-6, adj.,=146~ 6'. Cleavage: I, perfect; 0, less perfect; also massive. 702 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 603 H.=4. G.=3'6363-3,66. Lustre vitreous, inclining to resinous. Color white, 604 grayish, greenish, or yellowish. Streak white. Transparent-translucent. Fracture uneven. Comp. —la 0+ Oa O=(~ Ba+ COa) O=Carbonate of 22@ 66,' baryta 66-3, carbonate of lime 33-7=100. Analyses: 1, Children (Ann. Phil., viii. 115); 2, Delesse (Ann. Ch. Pharm., III. xiii. 425): /Ba C(a 0 Si 1. 65-9 33-6 =99'5 Children. 2. 66-20 31-89 027 =9836 -Delesse. O Pyr., etc.-B.B. colors the flame yellowish-green, and at a high temperature fuses on the thin edges and assumes a pale green color (manganate of baryta, Plattner); the assay reacts alkaline after ignition. With the fluxes reacts for manganese. With soda on charcoal the lime is separated as an infusible mass, while the remainder is absorbed by the coal. Soluble in dilute muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs at Alston-Moor in Cumberland, in attached crystals and massive, in the Subcarboniferous or mountain limestone. Fig. 604 is from Brooke and Miller. Crystals 2 in. long have been obtained. 731. PARISITE. Musite edci-aa, 1835. Pariedici- 1835. Par dici-Spada, Bunsen, Ann. Ch. Pharm., liii. 147, 1845. Hexagonal. In elongated double six-sided pyramids, with truncated' apex; basal angle 164~ 58', pyramidal 1200 34'. Cleavage: basal, very perfect. H.=4'5. G. -4'35, Bunsen; 4'317, Dufr. Vitreous; cleavage-face pearly or resinous. Color brownish-yellow; streak yellowish-white. Comp.-(Oe, La, i) 0+ (Ca, Ce) F; whence, making Oe: La: I5i=4: 1: 1, as in Damour & Deville's anal., the percentage is, carbonic acid 24-5, protoxyd of cerium 40-3, protoxyd of lanthanum 10'2, protoxyd of didymium 10-4, fluorid of calcium 14-6=100. These chemists show that the water found by Bunsen is accidental. Analyses: 1, 2, Bunsen (I. c.); 3, Damour & Deville (C. R., lix. 271): 0 0e La Ii Ca Ait Ca F 1. 28'51 59-44 8317 2-38 11-51 2. 23,64 60'26 3-15 2-42 10-53 3. 23'48 42'52 8-26 9-58 285 -- 10'10, Ce F 2-16, SMn tr.=98'95 D. & D. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields no water, but gives off carbonic acid and becomes lighter in color. B.B. glows and is infusible. With fused salt of phosphorus in the open tube gives B.B. the reaction for fluorine. With borax and salt of phosphorus in the platinum loop gives a glass, yellow while hot and colorless on cooling. Dissolves slowly in muriatic acid with effervescence. Obs.-From the emerald mines of the Muso valley, New Granada, where it was discovered by J. J. Paris, the proprietor of the mine. and from which place it was sent in 1835 to Medici-Spada, of Rome, by Col. Acosta. Named after J. J. Paris. The earlier name Musite (sometimes written HMussite, the name of the valley being written both Muso and Musso, as well as Muzo) is objectionable, because of the use of the name Mussite for a variety of amphibole. ANHYDROUS CARBONATES. 703'732. EISCOHTIMITE. Kischtim-Parisit T. Korovaeff, Bull. Ac. St. Pet., iv. 401, 1861, J. pr. Ch., lxxxv. 442, 1862. Kischtimite G. J. Brush, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv. 427, 1863. Amorphous. G. =4784. Lustre between greasy andvitreous. Color dark brownishyellow. Streak much lighter than color. In small pieces translucent. Friable. Comp.-6 La C+~Ce2 O'+ Ce F' + 2 Af, or 3 La C + Ce2 (F, 0)s + A, Korovaeff, =Carbonic acid 17'6, lanthana 37'7, cerium 25-2, fluorine 7'5, oxygen 9'6, water 2'4=100. The water is probably unessential, as in parisite. Analysis: Korovaeff (1. c.): 0 La Ce F 0 11 (])17'19 36-56 27-81 6'35 [9'89] 2'20 Pyr., etc.-B.B. at a moderate temperature becomes dull, opaque, and opaline yellow; at a high heat glows, and on cooling has a high lustre and is brick-red. With borax in the outer flame a yellow glass, in the inner faint yellow, which becomes colorless on cooling. The powder moistened with sulphuric acid gives off fluohydric acid. Dissolves in muriatic acid, evolving carbonic acid and chlorine. Obs.-From the gold washings of the Borsovka river, in the district of Kischtim, Urals. 733. PHOSGENITE. Hornblei Karst., Tab., 78. 1800. Salzsaures Bleierze Klapr., Beitr., iii. 141, 1802. Corneous Lead. Bleihornerz, Ch]lorbleispath, Germ. Plomb carbonat6e muriatifkre, Plomb chloro-carbonate, Plomb corne, Fr. Phosgen-spath Breith., Char., 61, 1832. Kerasine Beud., Tr., ii. 502, 1832. Phosgenit Breith., Handb., ii. 183, 1841. Galenoceratite, Bleikerat, Glocker, Syn., 248, 1847. Cromfordite Greg & Lettsom, Min., 421, 1858. Tetragonal. O A 1-i=132~ 37'; a=10871. Ob- 605 served planes, as in the annexed figure. 0 O A 1=123 2' 1 A=146~ 58' O A 2-2=112 21 1 A 1, pyr.,=107 17T O A _J=90 _A i-i= 1351 i2 0 A 2-i=114 42 Cleavage: I and i-i bright; also basal. H.= —275 3. G.- 6-6-31. Lustre adamantine. Color white, gray, and yellow. Streak white. Transparent-translucent. Rather sectile. Sardinia. Comp. —Pb C+Pb CI=Carbonate of lead 49, chlorid of lead 51=100, or oxyd of lead 81-9, carbonic acid 8'1, chlorine 13-0=102'9. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 141, modernized); 2, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxxv. 141); 3, R. A. Smith (Phil. Mag., IV. ii. 121); 4, Krug v. Nidda (ZS. G., ii. 126): Pb e Pb Cl 1. Oromford 48-4 53'5=101-9 Klaproth. 2. " 48-45 50'93-99'38 Ramm. G.=6'305. 3. " 48-22 51'78=100 Smith. 4. Tarnowitz 49944 50'45=99-89 K. v. Nidda. Pyr., etc.-B.B. melts readily to a yellow globule, which on cooling becomes white and crystalline. On charcoal in R.F. gives metallic lead, with a white coating of chlorid of lead. With a salt of phosphorus bead previously saturated with oxyd of copper gives the chlorine reaction. Dissolves with effervescence in nitric acid. 704 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Obs.-At Crawford near Matlock in Derbyshire, where some of the crystals were 2 or 3 in. long; very rare, in Cornwall; in minute crystals at a lead mine near Elgin in Scotland; some crystals recently obtained at Crawford sold for 15 to 20 pounds sterling each; in large crystals at Gibbas (f. 605) and Monteponi in Sardinia; near Bobrek in Upper Silesia. Recent paper on cryst., Kokscharof, Bull. Ac. St. Pet., ix. 231, 1865, from which the above figure and angles are taken. II. IHYDROUS CARBONATES. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES. I. Containing ammonia or soda.'735. TESCEMMACHERITE (N H4 O+,HO 0)0 011O021(i Am2 + 11H2) 736. NATRON Na C + 10 A e 0110211 Na2+ 10 aq 737. THERIMONATRITE sa 0 +A - e 01102Na2+aq 738. TRoNA ( Na+* ft)+ft e02ll11(I Na2+ 1 H2)+ aq 739. GAYLUSSITE (a a a) C+21A 0 0 I H(i Na2+~J ea)+2 aq II. Cb'ontaining lime or magnesia. 740. HYDROMAGNESITE Mgo C M MgH+H e,e|002Mg+~MgH202+aq 741. HYDRODOLOMNTE (Ca, Mg) 5 + 3 1 A G002n(ea, Mg)+ aq 742. PREDAZZITE Ca C + glMg 0 e oo21| -ea + I Mg H2o2 743. PENOATITE 144. HOVITE (I Oa+~ A) 0+aq e OllO2ll( ea+JH2)+aq III. Containing oxyd of cerium, lanthanum, or yttrium. 745. LANTHANITE La C+ 3 f e 011e211 Ea+3 aq 746. TENGERITE 0, -T, n ft IV. Containing zinc, cobalt, nickel, copper. 147. ZARATITE Ni C + 2 NJi A + 3 A 60 eO~211 Ni+ 2 Ni H2O2~+ 3 aq 748. REMINGTONITE 0o, 0, ft 149. HYDROZINCITE 2n 0+2 ZnA fOn2[ll IZn+ 2 Zn H202 150. AURICHALCITE Zn 0+3 (Cu, Zn) f t0I11f2|Zn+ 3t (eu, Zn) HE202 751. MALACHITE C0+0 u elll211 eu + u 11202 7 5 2. AzmRITE Cu C +i Ou f f 01102 | u+i u 11202 V. Containing bismuth or uranium. 763. BISMUTITE Bi4, 03, 4 154. LIEBIGITE? aO+ Ca + 20 A 155. VOGLITE U, Ca, Ou 0, At HYDROUS CARBONATES. 705 735. TESCHEMACHERITE. Bicarbonate of Ammonia E. F. Teschemacher, Phil. Mag., xxviii. 548, 1846. Teschemacherite Dana. In crystals having two brilliant cleavages meeting at 112~. G.=1-45. H. = 15. Yellowish to white. Comp. —(ON H4 O+0 H 0) -=Ammonia 32'9, carbonic acid 55'7, water 11'4=100. Analysis: Phipson (J. Oh. Soc., II. i. 74): 0 NH4O A Oa Chincha Islands 51-53 29-76 11'00 6'02, P 0'60,;lg, S, C1 tr., alk. anduric acid 109=100 Phips. The material analyzed by Phipson was white, compact, crystalline, and fragile, and had a strong odor of ammonia, from which he infers the presence either of free ammonia or of sesquicarbonate. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube for the. most part volatilized, giving the odor of ammonia, a white sublimate of carbonate of ammonia, while an abundance of water condenses on the tube. Soluble in water, and heated with a fixed alkali gives a strong odor of ammonia. Effervesces with acids. Reacts alkaline to test paper. Obs.-From guano deposits on the coast of Africa and Patagonia, and the Chincha Islands. Forms a bed several inches thick in the lowest parts of the guano deposits of Patagonia, as announced by Teschemacher; and similarly at the Chincha Islands, according to Phipson. Bicarbonate of potash has been announced by Pisani (C. R., ix. 918, 1865) as found under a dead tree at Chypis in Valais, as a result of recent decomposition, and has been called by him Kalicine; he regarding it as a mineral as much as struvite. (Struvite has better claims, however, as it occurs in guano deposits, some of which date from the Post-tertiary at least.) He obtained for its composition Carbonic acid 42-20, potash 42'60, water 1776, Ca C 2'50, Mg 0 1-34, sand, etc. 3'60=100. 736. NATRON. NTrpov, Nitrum, of the Ancients. Carbonate of Soda. Soude carbonatie. Monoclinic: C=58~ 52', IA =-76~ 28', O A 1-X=140~ 9k'. Cleavage: O distinct; i-4 imperfect; I in traces. H.=1 —15. G.=1'423. Vitreous to earthy. White, sometimes gray or yellow, owing to impurities. Taste alkaline. Comp. —Ta 0 + 10 I1t=Carbonic acid 26'7, soda 18'8, water 54-5. Effervesces strongly withi nitric acid. Obs. —Occurs in nature only in solution, or mixed with the other carbonates of soda. See* under Trona and Thermonatrite. 737. THERMONATRITE. NLTpov and Nitrum pt. Vet. Natron, Alkali orientale impurumi terrestre, Jordblandadt Alkaliskt-salt, Wall., Min., 114, 1747. Naturliches mineralisches Alkali Wern.; Thermonatrit.Haid., Handb., 487, 1845. Thermonitrit HEausm., Handb., 1411, 1847. Soude carbonatde prismatique. Orthorhombic. Observed planes: I, i-n, i-i, 1-z,. IA i-i=1380 5', i-A A i-4, front, 58~ 14', lat.,=121~ 46', 1- A 1-i, top,=107~ 50', i- A 1-i =126~ 5', i4 A 1=109~ 6', IA ~=116~ 5'j IA r=96~ 10'. In rectangular tables flattened parallel to i-it with sides bevelled by I and 1-4. Usual as, an efflorescence. HI.=1-15. G.=1-5 —16. Lustre vitreous. White, grayish, yellowish. Comp. —Sa 0+1t=Carbonic acid 35'5, soda 50'0, water 14'5=100. Analyses: 1, 2, Bea-a dant (Tr., ii. 310); 3, Pfeiffer (Ann. Ch. Pharm., 1xxxix. 219): 45 706 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. aC10 Ra' Na Cl, etc. ft 1. Debreczin 13'6 10'4 2'2 138-=100 Beudant. 2. Egypt 74-7 7' 3 3'1 13'5, earthy matter 4'1=100 Beudant. 3. E. Indies 52'89 11-44 0'77 28'25, K C 6'65=100 Pfeiffer. Obs. —Crystals may be obtained from a solution at a temperature between 25~ and 37~ C. It occurs in various lakes, and as an efflorescence over the soil in many dry regions of the globe; also about some mines and volcanoes. There appears to be also an anhydrous carbonate of soda in nature. K.ayser obtained for a specimen from the Neue Margarethe mine, near Clausthal, Na C 92017, Mg C 3'32, Ca 0 1'81, Fe C 0 19, 9 1-85. And Wackenroder gives for the composition of a substance from Debreczin, Hungary, Na 0 92'30, Na S 1'67, K S 0'03, STa 1-47, Na C1l 4:46=99-93; but it is said that the latter may be from an artificial product. Crystals of the simple carbonate of soda (natron) become thermonatrite in efflorescing. 738. TRONA. -Trona Bagge, Ac. H. Stockh., xxxv. 1773. Natrum von Tripole, Stralige Natrum, Klalproth, Beitr., iii. 83, 1802. Sesquicarbonate of Soda. Urao Boussingault, Ann. d. M., xii. 278. Monoclinic. 0 A i-i=103~ 15'. Cleavage: i-i perfect. Often fibrous or columnar massive. H.= 2'5-3. G.=2'11. Lustre vitreous, glistening. Color gray or yellowish-white. Translucent. Taste alkaline. Not altered by exposure to a dry atmosphere. Comp. — a2 C3+4 fI S(a~l-i ) +-0+t-Carbonic acid 40'2, soda 37-8, water 22-0. Analysis by Klaproth of the African (Beitr., iii. 83): Carbonic acid 38, soda 37, water 22'5, sulphate of soda 2-5=100; by Boussingault of the urao (1. c.): C 39'00, Na 41'22, IH 18'80=99-02. The African is often mixed with the simple carbonate of soda, thermonatrite, and common salt. A -specimen of trona from an extensive bed in Churchill County, Nevad..a, gave on analysis by C. S. Rodman (priv. contrib.), 0 38-70, Na 39'97, H 19'42, Na C1 1-88, Na S 0'39, Si 0'13=100'49. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water and carbonic acid.'B.B. imparts an intensely yellow color to the flame. Soluble in water, and effervesces with acids. Reacts alkaline with:moistened test paper. Obs.-The specimen analyzed by Klaproth came from the province of Suckenna, two days' journey from Fezzan, Africa. It is found at the foot of a mountain, forming a crust varying!from the thickness of an inch to that of the back of a knife-blade. To this species belongs the urao found at the bottom of a lake in Maracaibo, S. A., a day's journey from Merida. Efflores-.cences of trona occur near the Sweetwater river, Rbcky Mountains, mixed with sulphate of soda.and common salt. 739. GAY-LUSSITE. Boussingault, Ann. Ch. Phys., xxxi. 270, 1826. iMionoclinic. C=-78~ 27', IA 1=68~ 50' and 1110 10', O A 1-4=125~ 15'; a: b: o=0'96945: 1: 0'67137. Observed planes: 0; vertical,; i-i,,i4; dome, 1-i, 1-; hemioctahedral, i. Angles from Phillips. 606 601 0 A 1-i=130~ 21' 2 60'7A O A i-i=101 33 0 A — =136 39 0CX Ir~ OA I=96 30 1A 1-4=137 45 A 1-, ov. 0,=70 30 14 A 1 -, adj.,=109 30 iA = 110 30 Maracaibo. Nevada. IsA i-i=124 25 Crystals often lengthened, and prismatic in the direction of 14; also in HYDROUS CARBONATES. 707 that of ~; also (fr. Nevada) not elongate, but thin in the direction of the orthodiagonal, O being very narrow or wanting; surfaces usually uneven, being formed of minute subordinate planes. Cleavage: I perfect; O less so, but giving a reflected image in a strong light. H.=2- 3. G.=1'92 —199. Lustre vitreous. Color white, yellowishwhite. Streak uncolored to grayish. Translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Extremely brittle. Not phosphorescent by friction or heat. Comp. —]a 0+ 0a 0 + 5 =-(a+I Ca) 0C+2 — =Carbonate of soda 35.9, carbonate of lime 33-8, water 30'3=100. Analysis by J. B. Boussingault (Ann. (h. Phys., III. vii. 488, 1843): 2a, 0 34-5 (Ca 0 33-6 A 30'4 Clay 1'5=100. Pyr., etc.-Heated in a matrass the crystals decrepitate and become opaque. B.B. fuses easily to a white enamel, and colors the flame intensely yellow. With the fluxes it behaves like carbonate of lime. Dissolves in acids with a brisk effervescence; partly soluble in water, and reddens turmeric. Obs.-Abundant at Lagunilla, near Merida, in Maracaibo, where its crystals are disseminated at the bottom of a small lake, in a bed of clay, covering urao; the natives call it clavos or nails, in allusion to its crystalline form. Also abundant on a small island in Little Salt Lake, near Ragtown, Nevada, about 1~ m. S. of the main emigrant road to Humboldt. The lake is in a crater-shaped basin, and its waters are dense and strongly saline. The Nevada crystals gave J. M. Blake (Am. J. Sci., II. xlil. 221), from whom f. 607, 607A, are taken, the following approximate angles, the planes, owing to the unevenness, not affording results nearer than a degree: IA 1=110~ 35' to 112~ 30', 69~ 5'; 1-i A 1 —-=110~ 30', 110~ 10'; O A 1 —=126~ 10', 1250 30'; 0 A i-iz790; 0 A 1=96~ 10'; IA =-127~ 10', 127~ 55'. Named after Gay Lussac. Artif.-J. Fritzsche has produced artificial gay-lussite by mixing eight parts by volume of a saturated solution of carbonate of soda with one of a solution of chlorid of calcium of 1'1301'150 specific gravity (J. pr. Ch., xciii. 339). 740. HYDROMAGNESITE. T. Wachtmeister, Ak. H. Stockh., 1827, 18. Hydromagnesit v. Kobell, J. pr. Oh., iv. 80, 1835. Hydrocarbonate of Magnesia. Lancasterite pt. SillimcZn, Jr., Am. J. Sci., II. ix. 226, 1850. Magnesia alba Pharm. Monoclinic. C=82 —830, IA I=870 52' to 880, 608 O A 24 —1370; a: b: c-(nearly) 0'455:: 10973. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. 2-2 A -2-, adj.,-143~~ to 1450, i-i A 2-e=113~o to 1120, i-i A -2-X =10o~. Cullinant angle between edges y, y (or 2-4 A 2-)= 94~, edge t on edge y (or i-I A 24)-=133~. Crystals small, usually acicular or bladed, and tufted. Also amor- t i phous; as chalky or mealy crusts. H. of crystals 3'5. G.-=2145 —2'18, Smith & Brush. Lustre vitreous to silky or subpearly; also earthy. Color and streak white. Brittle. Comp.-3 (Mg C+I[)+ fg I-f Magnesia 43'9, carbonic acid 36'3, water 19 8=100. Analyses: 1, Wachtmeister (l. c.); 2, v. lKobell (J. pr. (h., iv. 80); 3, 4, Smith & Brush, of crystalline varieties (Am. J. Sci., II. xv. 214): C Mg A 8i 1. Hoboken 36'82 42%41 18'53 0-57, Ve 0-27, earthy matter 1'39=99'99 W. 2. Negroponte 36'00 43'96 19'68 0'36=100 Kobell. 3. Texas, Pa., Wood's Mine 36'69 43'20 19'43 -, Fe and Mn tr.=99'12 Smith & Brush. 4. " Low's Mine 36-74 42-30 20'10 -, Fe and Mn tr.=99'14 Smith& Brush. 708 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube gives off water and carbonic acid. B.B. infusible, but whitens, and the assay reacts alkaline to turmeric paper. Soluble in acids; the crystalline compact varieties are but slowly acted upon by cold acid, but dissolve with effervescence in hot acid. Obs.-Occurs at Hrubschitz, in Moravia, in serpentine; in Negroponte, near Kumi; at Kaiserstuhl, in Baden, impure. In the U. States, crystallized, with serpentine and brucite, near Texas, Lancaster Co., Penn., at Woo'd's and Low's mines; also in a similar way at Hoboken, N. J., in acicular crystals like natrolite; at the latter place in earthy crusts. The brucite of Hoboken sometimes changes on exposure to an earthy hydromagnesite. The above angles and figure were taken by the author from a Hoboken crystal -o- in. broad, in which the summit planes were smooth and brilliant, the prismatic striated. The rhombic prism in one crystal gave the angles 95~ 20' and 84~ 50'; but other crystals gave different results, and no constant value was obtained. The species is isomorphous with wollastonite (p. 156). The Lancasterite of Silliman (1. c.) is shown by Smith and Brush to be a mixture of brucite and hydromagnesite. Found pseudomorphous of brucite at Wood's mine. 741. HYDRODOLOMITE. Hydromagnesit v. Kobell, J. pr. Ch., xxxvi. 304, 1845. Kalkmagnesit Hausm., Handb., 1404, 1847. Hydromanganocalcit Hartmann, Nachr., 299. Hydromagnocalcit pt. Hydrodolomit Ramm. Hiydronickelmagnesite Shep., Am. J. Sci., II. vi. 250, 1848. Pennite Herm., J. pr. Ch., xlvii. 13, 1849. Massive. In stalactitic and stalagmitic forms, and globular concretions and crusts. G.=2'495, Ramm. Color yellowish-white, grayish, greenish. Var.-(1) Hydrodolomite of Vesuvius is stalactitic or sinter-like; G.=2'495. (2) Pennite of Hermann, from Texas, Pa., is in apple-green to whitish crusts, having a surface of minute spherules; the color is due to nickel; G.=2'86. Comp.-(Ca, Mg) 0 + 11, Ramm., from his anal. of specimen received from Scacchi, of Naples; Hermann's analysis affords (I Ca+fMg) C+-T H; von Kobell's, R4 0CS411. Analyses: 1, v. Kobell (l. c.); 2, Rammelsberg (Min. Ch., 234); 3, Hermann (1. c.): 0 Ca Mg Ri Fe in A: 1. Vesuvius 33-10 25'22 24'28 - - 17-40 Kobell. 2. " 43'40 26'90 23'23 - - - 6'47 Rammelsberg. 3. Pennite 44-54 20'10 27'02 1'25 0'70 0'40 5-84,; 10-15=100 Hermann. Pyr., etc.-Like dolomite, but yields water in the closed tube. Obs.-The Vesuvian mineral is found on Mt. Somma. Pennite occurs on serpentine and chromic iron, with zaratite, at Texas, Pa., and seems to graduate into zaratite; also at Swinaness and Haroldswick, in Unst, Shetlands. 742. PREDAZZITE. Petzholdt pt., Beitr. Geogn. Tyrol, 194, 1843. Massive, granular, as a fine-grained dolomite-like rock. H.=3'5. G.=2-634. Lustre vitreous. White to grayish-white. Comp.-2 0a C + Mg fI=Carbonic acid 34'1, lime 43'4, magnesia 15'5, water 7'0=100. Anal. yses by Roth (J. pr. Ch., lii. 346): k lg (a ft 1. Predazzo 33-51 14-61 44-89 6'99=100. 2. " 34-25 14'16 4291 7-'06=98'44. In the analyses some Si and Xl were obtained. Pyr., etc.-Like hydrodolomite. Obs.-From Canzacoli, near Predazzo, in the southern Tyrol, where it occurs as a marble-like rock. The rock in some places contains brucite. May it be a mixture? 743. PENCATITE. Roth, ZS. G. Ges., iii. 140, 143. Similar to the predazzite, and from the same region; G.=2'613, Roth; HYDROUS CARBONATES. 709 2'57, Damour. Also as a bluish-gray limestone, somewhat yellowish, from Vesuvius; H.=3; G.-=2 524, Roth; 2'534, in powder. Comp. —0a O+Mg=C-Oarbonic acid 2179, lime 35'4, magnesia 25-3, water 11'4=100. Anal yses: 1, 2, Damour (Bull. Soc. G. Fr., II. iv. 1052, 1847); 3-5, Roth (J. pr. Oh., lii. 350, ZS. G., iii. 140): C9 Mg 8a f 1. Predazzo 25'00 24'32 35-42 10-89, Fe 0'45, Si 060=96'68 Damour. 2. " 26'40 24'64 35417 10'50, " 0-50, " 0'55=98'06 Damour. 3. " 29-23 24-78 35'70 10 92=100'63 Roth. 4. " 28'10 24-47 35'97 1097= —9751 Roth. 5. Vesuvius 29'66 23'68 35%45 [10'59], Al, Fe 0-62=100 Roth. In two determinations Roth obtained for the last 11175 if, 10-18 f. The Vesuvian mineral is the same that Klaproth analyzed (Beitr., v. 91) without finding the magnesia. Roth observes that, as the water is retained even to 360~ and 400~ C., the mineral must be regarded as a chemical compound. Damour observed pure hydromagnesite in clefts in the Predazzo rock. Named after Marzari Pencati, of the Tyrol.'744. HOVIT3. Hovite, Native Carbonate of Alumina and Lime, J. I. & G. Gladstone, Phil. Mag., IV. xxiii. 462, 1862. Soft, white, and friable; earthy in fracture. Comp. —( Ca+jft) 0+aq=Carbonic acid 44'4, carbonate of lime 28'3, water 27'3=100. The compound ordinarily called bicarbonate of lime. The mineral is known only as a mixture in collyrite, a hydrous silicate of alumina. J. H. & G. Gladstone state (1. c.) that there is carbonic acid enough in the collyrite to form a bicarbonate with the lime present; but this view of the composition is set aside because of the solubility of the so-called bicarbonate, and its being unknown in the solid state; and hence they suggest that the excess of carbonic acid may be combined in the mineral with alumina, making a hydrous carbonate of alumina and lime, or perhaps replaces part of the silica in the aluminasilicate. But although the bicarbonate referred to is known only in solution, the most likely condition for finding it in the mineral kingdom is in one of the hydrous silicates of alumina, like collyrite, in which there is present much water, loosely held; the mineral, therefore, is most probably a carbonate of the formula above given; especially since a carbonate in which 1l or Fe enters is, as the authors admit, yet unknown to chemistry. Analyses of the collyrite containing the carbonate, by J. H. & G. Gladstone (1. c.): i Al0 Z Oa t 1. 6'22 10'91 41'04 7137 33'16=98'70. 2. 5'81 14177 39'58 11-22 [28'56] 3. 5'41 18'15 36-32 11-62 [29'16] 4. 5'30 14-14 40'51 9'18 [30'87] The excess of 0 over that neutralizing the lime is in 1, 5'12 p. c.; in 2, 5'96; 3, 9'02; 4, 6'94 p. c. Obs.-From Hove, near Brighton, in an old quarry in the upper chalk, in fissures that cut through layers of flint, along with collyrite. 745. LANTHANITE. Kohlensaures Cereroxydul Berz., ZS. f. Min., ii. 209, 1825; Kohl. Ceroxydul Hisinger, Afh. Min. Geog. Schwed., 144, 1826. Carbonate of Cerium. Carbocerine Beud., Tr., ii. 354, 1832. Lanthanit Haid., Handb., 500, 1845. Hydrolanthanit Glocker, Synops., 248, 1847. Orthorhombic. IA f=930 30' —94~, Blake, 920 46', v. Lang; IA 11420 36'; a: b: = 0-99898: 1: 1'0496, v. Lang. In thin four-sided plates or minute tables, with bevelled edges, as in the annexed figures. Cleavage micaceous. Also fine granular or earthy. 710 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. H.=2'i —3. G.=2-666, (?) Blake; 2-605, Genth. Lustre pearly or dull. Color grayish-white, delicate pink, or yellowish. 609 610 Saucon Valley, Pa. Saucon Valley, Pa. Comp.-La 0+3 l$=Lanthana 52'6, carbonic acid 21'3, water 26.1=100. Analyses: 1, 2, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 230, xviii. 378); 3, F. A. Genth (ib., xxiii. 425): X 0 e La 1. Saucon valley 22'58 54'90 24'09 Smith. 2. " " 21-95 55'03 24'21 Smith. 3. " " 21'08 54'95 [23'97] Genth. There is some oxyd of didymium with the lanthana, according to Smith. Blake obtained La 54-27, 54'93, 54'64, 0 19'13, 0+1- (by ign.) 45'07, 45-36. Hisinger found in a Swedish specimen, probably impure, La 75'7, 0 10-8, H 13'5, whence the formula La3 0B+3 11I. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water. B.B. infusible; but whitens and becomes opaque, silvery, and brownish; with borax, a glass, slightly bluish, reddish, or amethystine, on cooling; with salt of phosphorus a glass, bluish amethystine while hot, red cold, the bead becoming opaque when but slightly heated, and retaining a pink color. Effervesces in the acids. Obs.-Found coating cerite at Bastnds, Sweden; also in Silurian limestone with the zinc ores of the Saucon valley, Lehigh Co., Pa., in masses consisting of aggregated minute tables; at the Sandford iron-ore bed, Moriah, Essex Co., N. Y., in delicate scales, and a thin scaly crust, in fissures in the ore, and on crystals of allanite. Reported by Shepard as occurring at the Canton mine, Ga., in pink-colored crystals, lining cavities of botryoidal white pyrite. On cryst., W. P. Blake, Am. J. Sci., II. xvi. 228, 1853, and this Min., 1854, with the above figs.; v. Lang, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 43, 1863; both on Pennsylvania crystals. 746. TENGERITE. Kolsyrad Ytterjord A. F. Svanberg and G. Tenger, Arsb., xviii. 206, 1838. Ytterspath Germ. Tengerite Dana. Pulverulent. In thin'coatings. Sometimes an appearance of radiated crystallization. Lustre dull, or like that of chalk. Color white. Comp.-A carbonate of yttria, according to Svanberg and Tenger, but no analysis has been published. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields a considerable amount of water (Brush). Effervesces with acids. Obs.-Occurs as a thin coating on gadolinite at Ytterby, and is evidently a result of its alteration. 747. ZARATITE. Hydrate of Nickel (fr. Texas, Pa.) Silliman, Jr., Am. J. Sci., II. iii. 407, 1847; Emerald Nickel id., lb., vi. 248, 1848. Nickel Smaragd Germ.; Texasit Kenng., Min., 1853. Carbonato hidratado de Niquel (fr. Spain) A. Casares, A. M. Alcibar in Min. Revista of Madrid, 304, 1850; Zaratita Casares, ib., 176, March, 1851. Zamtit wrong orthogr. Incrusting; often small stalactitic or minute mammillary; sometimes appearing prismatic with rounded summits. Also massive, compact. HYDROUS CARBONATES. 711 H. =3 — 325. G. =257-2'693. Lustre vitreous. Color emerald-green. Streak paler. Transparent —translucent. -Brittle. Comp. —i i0+2 NilA+4 I=Carbonic acid 11-7, oxyd of nickel 59 4, water 28 9=100. Magnesia seems to replace at times part of the oxyd of nickel, and, correspondingly, the color becomes paler; the mineral at Texas thus graduates toward pennite, which has the same concretionary aspect as much of the zaratite. Analyses: 1, B. Silliman, Jr. (1. c.); 2, Smith and Brush (ib., xvi. 52): 1. Texas, Pa. 11'69 58-81 29'50=100 Silliman. 2. " 11'63 56'82 29-87, Mg 1'68=100 S & B. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water and carbonic acid, and leaves a grayish-black magnetic residue. B.B. infusible. With borax in O.F. gives a bead violet while hot and reddish-brown on cooling; in R.F. the bead becomes gray and opaque from reduced nickel. Dissolves easily with effervescence in heated dilute muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs on chromic iron at Texas, Lancaster Co., Pa., associated with serpentine; also at Swinaness in Unst, Shetland. Also in Spain, near Cape Hortegal in Galicia, where it occurs as an incrustation on a magnetite in which there is some sulphid of nickel; it is in clear emerald-green, vitreous crusts, sometimes transparent, and also in stalactites. It proved to be a hydrated carbonate of nickel with a little carbonate of magnesia. Named after Sen. Zarate of Spain. Casares's name antedates that of Kenngott. 748. REtMINGTONITE. J. C. Booth, Am. J. Sci., II. xiv. 48, 1852. A rose-colored incrustation, softy and earthy; opaque. Streak pale rosecolored. Comp.-A hydrous carbonate of cobalt, but precise composition not ascertained. Dissolves in muriatic acid with a slight effervescence, making a green solution, the color due to iron. Cobalt reaction with borax. Obs.-Occurs as a coating on thin veins of serpentine, which traverse hornblende and epidote, at a copper mine near Finksburg, Carroll Co., Maryland. 749. HYDROZINCITE. Calamine Smithson, Phil. Trans., 12, 1803. Zinkbliithe Karst., Tabell., 70, 99, 1808. Hydro-carbonate of Zinc. Earthy Calamine. Zinconise Beud., Tr., ii. 357, 1832. Zinc-Bloom. Hydrozinkit Kenng., Min., 1853. Marionite Elderhorst, G. Rep. Arkansas, 153, 1858. Massive, earthy or compact. As incrustations, the crusts sometimes concentric and agate-like. At times reniform, pisolitic, stalactitic. H.=2 —2S. G.=3'58-3-8. Lustre dull. Color pure white, grayish or yellowish. Streak shining. Usually earthy or chalk-like. Comp. —In part Zn0+2 Zn-f=Carbonic acid 13'6, oxyd of zinc 75-3, water 11-1=100. Smithson's analysis gives 1 fi additional. For anal. 9, 10, 11, the O. ratio for Zn, O, R-=13: 5: 9; whence 5 Zn 0-+8Zn +11, Goebel=Carbonic acid 15-3, oxyd of zinc 73-4, water 11'3=100. The analyses of Sullivan (Nos. 11, 12, 13) give the formula 3 Zn 0+5n Zn =Carbonic acid 15-2. oxyd of zinc 74'5, water 10'3=100, which agrees very well with several of the other analyses. Analyses: 1, Smithson (1. c., the specimen a white chalky incrustation); 2, 3, Karsten (Syst. d. Met., iv. 429); 4, Reichert (Ramm. Min. Ch., 239); 5, Schnabel (Pogg., cv. 144); 6-8, Braun, Petersen, and Voit (Ann, Ch. Pharm., cviii. 48); 9, Koch (Ramm. Min. Ch., 239); 10, Terreil (C. R., xlix. 553); 11-13, Sullivan (Dublin Q. J. Sci., ii. 135); 14, Bonnet (B. H. Ztg., xxii. 164); 15, A. Goebel (Bull. Ac. St. Pet., v. 407); 16, Elderhorst (1. c.): 0 Zn At 1. Bleiberg 13'5 71-4 15-1=100 Smithson. 2. " 14'79 12'75 12'25=99'79 Karsten. 712 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. C Zn 1n 3. Raibel 14174 72'84 12-30=99-88 Karsten. 4. Hollanthol 16'25 71-69. 11'90=99'74 Reichert. 5. Ramsbeck 12-30 64-04 15'61, Ca 0-52, Cu 0-62, _1, Fe, and insol. 6-36=99'45 S. 6. Santander 14-32 13-83 11'87=100-02 Braun; G.=3'252. 7. " 15'1'131 11'8=100 P. & V. 8. " 13-82 74173 11-45=100 P. & V. 9. " 13-50 74'46 12'04=100 Koch. 10. " 14-05 72'12 13'23=100 Terreil. 11. " 15'07 74'76 10-17=100 Sullivan. 12. " 15'02 74'87 11 11 —=100 Sullivan. 13. " 15'13 74-34 10-53=100 Sullivan. 14. Guipuzcoa 15-01 73-88 1111= 100 Bonnet. 15. Taft, Persia (1) 15,17 73-35 11'13=99-65 Goebel. 16. Arkansas 15-01 73'26 11'81=100-08 Elderhorst. The compact mineral loses 2-04 p. c. of water and carbonic acid on heating to 130~ C., and 14-42 p. c. more on heating for 6 h. to 150~ to 180~ C. (Sullivan). Schdnichen describes (B. H. Ztg., xxii. 164) a snow-white, massive, subtranslucent material from near La Nestosa in Guipuzcoa, Spain, which contained Si 31-50, _1 26-43-20-27, 2n 21-36 -28-45, ft 18-32-19'65. It is probably a mixture of hydrozincite and kaolinite. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube yields water; in other respects resembles smithsonite. Obs.-Occurs at most mines of zinc, and is a result of the alteration of the other ores of this metal. Found in great quantities at the Dolores mine, Udias valley, province of Santander, in Spain, along with calamine, smithsonite, and blende, covering the floor of an extensive cavern to a depth of a yard and a half, and hanging in dazzling white branching stalactites from the roof; part is concretionary, pisolitic, nodular; it is intimately mixed with silicate of zinc, and is pseudomorphous after it; and opal-like masses of silicate and hydrous carbonate are common, formed by the falling of drops of water holding the silicate in solution. Also occurs in the neighboring province of Guipuzcoa, Spain, near La Nestosa, at the mines of Las Nieves and La Augustina; at Bleiberg and Raibel in Carinthia; near Reimsbeck, in Westphalia; in HIollenthal, on the Zugspitze in Bavaria; at Taft in the province of Jesd in Persia. In the U States, at Friedensville, Pa.; at Linden, in Wisconsin, as a concretionary fibrous white crust on smithsonite; in Marion Co., Arkansas (marionite), in concentric and contorted lamina and botryoidal crusts. Beudant's name zinconise, from zinc and Kd6vS, powder, has priority, but is too badly formed to be retained. Artif.-Deposited when hot solutions of zinc salts in water are decomposed by carbonates of the alkalies. The white substance formed on zinc, when moistened and exposed to the air, is a related compound, containing, according to.Bonsdorff, C 14-19, 2n 71'25, H 14'56=100, agreeing with Smithson's analysis above. 750. AURICHALCITE. Calamine verdAtre (containing "une bonne quantite de cuivre"), Mine de Laiton [=Brass-ore], Patrin, Aperqu d. Mines en Siberie, in J. de Phys., xxxiii. 81, 1788. Mine de Laiton de Pise en Toscane, Aurichalcum of the ancients?, Sage, J. de Phys., xxxviii. 155, 1791. Messingbliithe Germ. Aurichalcit Bottger, Pogg., xlviii. 495, 1839. Buratite Delesse, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. xviii. 478; 1846. Orichalcit Glocker, Syn., 230, 1847. In acicular crystals forming drusy incrustations; also columnar, divergent; plumose; granular; also laminated.. =2. Lustre pearly. Color pale green, verdigris-green; sometimes sky-blue. Streak pale greenish or bluish. Translucent. Comp., Var.-A cuprous hydrozincite. For the original aurichalcite, 0. ratio for Ou, Zn, 0, = 2: 3: 4: 3. 2 u 0 C+3 Zn A, Bdttger; or 2 Zn 0 + 3 (Ou, Zn) -= Carbonic acid 16'2, oxyd of copper 29'2, oxyd of zinc 44-7, water 9'9-100. For buratite, or the so-called lime-aurichalcite, according to Delesse, P. 0- +t f, in which i= Cu, 2n, Oa, in the ratio 10: 14: 1 in the Chessy mineral, and 7: 8: 3 in the Altai. But the lime is probably from mixed calcite, as suggested by Berzelius; and, this removed, the formula is that above given, as shown by Risse. A Santander variety, analyzed by Risse, containing much less copper (anal. 6, 7), affords the HYDROUS CARBONATES. 713 formula (0u, Zn) 0+2 Zn 1, with Cu to Zn in the first member as 3: 1, the O. ratio for Cu, Zn, 0, H being 3: 9: 8: 8. Analyses: 1, 2, Bottger (1. c.); 3, Connel (Ed. N. Phil. J., xlv. 36); 4, 5, Delesse (1. c.); 6, 7, H. Risse (Verh. nat. Ver. Bonn, 95, 1865): C A i Cu Zn Oa 1. Altai, Aulrichaic. 16'06 9'95 28'19 45'84 — =100'06 B6ttger. 2.'" "' 16-08 9'93 28'36 45-62 -=99'99 Bdttger. 3. Matlock, " 21-5 32'5 42'5 tr.=102'5 Connel. 4. Altai, Buratite 21-45 - 29-46 32-02 8'62=100 Delesse. 5. Chessy, " 19-88 - 29-00 41-19 216=99'85 Delesse. 6. Santander 14-08 10-80 18'41 55'29 —, gangue 1'86=100-44 Risse. 7. " 24'69 16'03 56'82 —,gangue 1'69= 9923 Risse. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube blackens, and yields water. B.B. infusible; colors the flame deep green. With soda on charcoal gives a coating of oxyd of zinc, yellow while hot and white on cooling; moistened with cobalt solution and heated in O.F. the coating becomes green; the fused mass removed from the coal and triturated in a mortar affords minute globules of copper. With the fluxes reacts for copper. Soluble in acids with effervescence. Obs.-Aurichalcite occurs at Loktefskoi, at a copper mine of the, Altai, where it is associated with calcite and limonite, sometimes forming a drusy covering upon these minerals; at Matlock, in Derbyshire, of a pale green color, laminated structure, and pearly lustre; at Roughten-Gill, in Cumberland; Leadhills, Scotland; zinc mines of the province of Santander, Spain. In the U. States, at Lancaster, Pa. (Taylor, Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 412). The buratite comes from Loktefskoi; Chessy, near Lyons; Framont, Tyrol; Retzbanya, in Hungary, in microscopic rhombic or rhombohedral tables, and also oblong rectangular forms (a mineral lately proved to be calciferous); Campiglia in Tuscany. The mineral aurichalcite was first described as a greenish variety of calamine by Patrin, in 1788 (1. c.), and called Brass ore (Mine de Laiton), "because," as he says, "the compound of copper and zinc is here made by nature." Among the brass or copper ores of the ancients, aurichalcum was reputed the best (Pliny, xxxiii. 2); and Sage was thence led to suggest (1. c., 1791) that the cupriferous calamine (which afforded, as he showed by experiment, the best of brass, without the addition of either copper or zinc) might be the ancient aurichalcum. As the ore is a scarce one, this is not at all probable. But the idea explains the use of the word for the species. In addition, it is to be said that brass (or an alloy related to it) was called aurichalcum by Virgil and Horace, and also in the middle ages. The Latin word aurichalcum is regarded by some good authorities as derived from'apiEXaXKos (=mountain brass); and, in fact, the Latin poets just mentioned wrote it orichalcum. But others regard it as a hybrid word (from the Latin aurum, gold, and XaXKos, brass or bronze), and the o of the poets as an example of the admissible change in Latin of au to o. Glocker, in view of the first of these derivations, changes aurichalcite to orichalcite; but, whatever the derivation, as the use of aurichalcum dates from before Pliny's time, we moderns may as well let it stand without correction. 750A. ZINEAZURITE BReith., B. H. Ztg., 1852, 101. A blue mineral in small crystals, having G.=3'49, from the Sierra Almagrera in Spain. Heated, it affords a little water, with the reactions of copper and zinc. According to Plattner, it consists of sulphate of zinc, carbonate of copper, and some water. 751. MALACHITE. XpoVOK6XXa pt. Theophr., Dioscor., etc. PevegO raopayzo [False Emerald of Copper Mines] pt., Theophr. Chrysocolla, Molochites, pt., Plin., Agric. Berggriin, Germ. Molochit, Agric., Interpr., 1546. LErugo nativa, Viride montanum pt., Koppargrdn, Biirggront pt., Malachit, Wall., Min., 278, 279, 1747. Cuivre carbonat6 vert L'Abbe'Fontana, J. de Phys., ii. 509, 1778, proving the existence of a green carbonate. Green Carbonate of Copper; Green Malachite; Mountain Green pt. Berggriin pt. Germ. Atlaserz [fib. var.] Germ. Monoclinic. C=880 32'; IA I=104i 28', i-i A -1-i=1180 15', Zepharovich; a: b: o=0'51155' 1: 12903. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, 4; hemidomes, — i,2 — i, -&i, -i, ~-i; hemioctahedral, ~, ~-2, i-3. O A i-i= 910 28', A i-i=1420~ 14'; JA 1= 107~, A \ -i=1680, 1-2 A 1-2= 1570 30'156~ 38' (obs. by Lang.), -1-i A -1i, reentering angle in twin, f. 611,= 123 714 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. 22', Zeph. obs.; d-i A -i, rebnt. in twin, 1630 20'-36', Lang obs. Common form, f. 611; also same with other terminal planes; also with i-i wanting; also with i-i, i-t very large, making a rectangular prism; also with the vertical prism very short, as in f.: 612. Crystals rarely simple. Twins: composition-face i-i, f. 611; the reentering angle varying with the terminating planes; often penetration twins, as in f. 612, in which the upper and lower halves in front are continued respectively in the lower and upper halves behind, as illustrated in f. 612A, a clinodiagonal vertical section of 612; also under the terminal planes of 611 in 613. Cleavage: basal, highly 611 612 613 0 2 612A 2 1 perfect; clinodiagonal less distinct. Usually massive or incrusting, with surface tuberose, botryoidal, or stalactitic, and structure divergent; often delicately compact fibrous, and banded in color; frequently granular or earthy. H. =3'5-4. G.= 37 —4' 01. Lustre of crystals adamantine, inclining to vitreous; of fibrous varieties more or less silky; often dull and earthy. Color bright green. Streak paler green. Translucent-subtranslucentopaque. Yracture subconchoidal, uneven. Comp. —u2 C0+t=OU C +' Cu AIf=Carbonic acid 19'9, protoxyd of copper'71'9, water 8'2= 100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., ii. 287, 1797); 2, Vauquelin (Ann. du Mus., xx. 1); 3, Phillips (J. Royal Inst., iv. 276); 4, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 249): 0 ou A 1. Turjinsk, Ural 18'0'705 11'5=100 Klaproth. 2. Chessy 21'25 70-10 8'75=100'10 Vauquelin. 3. " 18'5 72'2 9-3=100 Phillips. 4. Phenixville 19'09 71'46 9-02, F'e 0'12=99'69 Smith. Fontana, the first analyst of the species, obtained (1. c.) 0 19'4, II 5'6, leaving 75 p. c. for the copper. Other analyses: ores from the Urals and Finland, by A. E. Nordenskidld (Act. Soc. Sci. Fenn., iv. 607); Ural, by Struve (Verh. Ges. St. Petersb., 1850-51, 103). Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube blackens and yields water. B.B. fuses at 2, coloring the flame emerald-green; on charcoal is reduced to metallic copper; with the fluxes reacts like melaconite. Soluble in acids with effervescence. Obs.-Green malachite accompanies other ores of copper. Perfect crystals are quite rare. Occurs abundantly in the Urals; at Chessy in France, in the old mine at Sandlodge, in Shetland; at Schwatz in the Tyrol; in Cornwall and in Cumberland, England; Sandlodge copper mine, Scotland; Limerick, Waterford, and elsewhere, Ireland; at Grimberg, near Siegen,; in Germany. At the copper mines of Nischne Tagilsk, belonging to M. Demidoff, a bed of malachite was opened which yielded many tons of malachite; one mass measured at top 9 by 18 ft.; and the portion uncovered contained at least half a million pounds of pure malachite. Also in handsome masses at Bembe, on the west coast of Africa; with the copper ores of Cuba; Chili; Australia. HYDROUS CARBONATES. 715 Occurs in Conn., at Cheshire. In N: Jersey, at Schuyler's mines, and still better at New Brunswick. In Pennsylvania, in the Blue Ridge, near Nicholson's Gap; near Morgantown, Berks County; at Cornwall, Lebanon Co., in good specimens; at the Perkiomen and Phenixville lead mines. In Maryland, between Taneytown and Newmarket, E. of the Monocacy; in the Catoctin Mts. In Wisconsin, at the copper mines of Mineral Point, and elsewhere. In California, at Hughes's mine, in Calaveras Co. Green malachite admits of a high polish, and when in large masses is cut into tables, snuff. boxes, vases, etc. Named from paXaX7, mallowzs, in allusion to the green color. Recent papers on cryst., v. Lang, Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 432, xxviii. 502; v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, li. 112; Hessenberg Min. Not., Nos. iii. vi. vii. 751A. MYsoRIN. Massive. G.=2'62. Soft. Color blackish-brown, when pure; usually green or red, from mixture with malachite and red oxyd of iron. Fracture conchoidal. Comp.-According to Thomson (Min., i. 601, 1836), Carbonic acid 16'70, oxyd of copper 60'75, sesquioxyd of iron (mechanically mixed) 19'50, silica 2-10, loss 0'95. Gives no water in a glass tube. Occurs at Mysore, in Hindostan. Although stated to be anhydrous, it may be an impure malachite. 151B. LIrE-MALACnITE (Kalk-malachit Zincken, B. H. Ztg., i. 1842). Massive, reniform, botryoidal; structure fibrous and foliated. H.-=25. Lustre silky. Color verdigris-green. From Zincken's trials it is a hydrous carbonate of copper, with some carbonate and sulphate of lime and iron. From Lauterberg in the Harz. 752. AZURITE. Cmeruleum, Lapis armenius pt., Plin., xxxiii. 57. Cseruleum, Germ. Lasur, Berglasur pt., Agric., 217, etc. Koppar-Lazur, Cuprum lazureum, Caeruleum montanum, Wall., Min., 280, 1747. Bleu de montagne, Cuivre azuree, Fr. Trl. Wall., i. 506, 1753. Kupferlasur Wern. Bergblau Germ. Abbe Fontana, J. de Phys., ii. 1118 (with anal. making it a carbonate). Blue Carbonate of Copper, Blue malachite. Chessy Copper. Azure Copper Ore. Cuivre carbonate bleu Fr. Azurite Beud., Tr., 417, 1824. Lasur ilaid., Handb., 508, 1845. Chessylite B. & XM, Min., 594, 1852. Lasurit v. Kobell, Tafeln, 32, 1853. Monoclinic. C=87~ 39'; IA 1=99~ 32'. O A 14-=1380 41'; a: b c 1'039: 1: 1'181. Observed planes: 0; vertical, I, i-i, i-, i-2, i-t; i-j; clinodomes, X-% a, - 2 - a,%' -1 -) 2-,3; hemidomes, 13 2-i,', -1-i, -2-i; hemioctahedral, a, 1, 2, -1, -2; 2-2, 4-4; -, -, —, 4-, -2-h, -X-2; -3. O usually striated parallel with the clinodiagonal. A I=910 48' 1 i-i A -=1150 351 614 O A i-i=92 21 - 1-4 A 1-i, bas.,=82 38 O A 1-i=132 43 2-4 A 2-4," =120 46 O A1125 8 i-2 A i-2-134 8 1 O A 2=108 35 i-A A i-=-121 10 O A -1=127 28 i-) A i-2= 118 50 0 1 A 1, front,=116 7 i-i A 2-i=153 51 - A-1, " =-118 16 i-i A 1=139 46 i-i A 1-i=134 56 Cleavage: 2-i rather perfect; i-i less distinct; I in traces. Also massive, and presenting imitative shapes, having a columnar composition; also dull and earthy. H. =35 —4'25. G.=3F5 —3' 831. Lustre vitreous, almost adamantine. Color various shades of azure-blue, passing into berlin-blue. Streak blue, lighter than the color. Transparent-subtranslucent. Fractureconchoidal. Brittle. Comp.-2 Ou +Ou [=Carbonic acid 25'6, oxyd of copper 69'2, water 5'2=100. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iv. 31, 1807); 2, Phillips (J. Roy. Institution, iv. 276); 3, Vauquelin (Ann. du Mus., xx. 1); 4, J. L. Smith (Am. J. Sci., II. xx. 250): 716 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. Onu A 1. Turjinsk 24 70 6=100 Klaproth. 2. Chessy 25'46 69'08 5'46=100 Phillips. 3. " 25'0 68'5 6'5 Vauquelin. 4. Phenixville 24-98 69'41 5'84=100'23 Smith. Abbe Fontana obtained (1. c.) 0 31'42, Ou 68573, -with only 1-007 of water. Pyr., etc.-Same as in malachite. Obs.-Occurs in splendid crystallizations at Chessy., near Lyons, whence it derived the name Chessy Copper. Also in fine crystals in Siberia; at Moldawa in the Bannat; at Wheal Buller, near Redruth in Cornwall; also in Devonshire and Derbyshire, England; in small quantities at Alston-Moor and Wanlockhead, etc.; at Porto Cabello, S. a. Occurs in Penn., at the Perkiomen lead mine, in indifferent specimens, associated with galenite, blende, and cerussite; at Phenixville, in crystals; at Cornwall, in crystals on red shale; near Nicholson's Gap, in the Blue Ridge. In N. York, near Sing Sing. In N. Jersey, near New Brunswick. In Wisconsin, at the old copper diggings near Mineral Point, in good crystals; also at the Bracken mine, in small but fine crystals. In California, Calaveras Co., at Hughes's mine, in crystals. When abundant, azurite is a valuable ore of copper. When ground to an impalpable powder, it forms a blue paint of a bright tint; but it is of little value as a pigment, on account of its liability to turn green. Alt.-Azurite occurs altered to malachite through the addition of carbonic acid. 752A. ATLAsITE JBreith., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 310, 1865. A carbonate of copper from Challarcillo in Chili, containing chlorine. It much resembles atacamite. It is coarse or fine columnar, with H.=3 —4; G.=3-839 —3869; lustre vitreous to silky; color between celandine and emeraldgreen, nearer the first; streak verdigris-green. T. Erhard obtained for it (1. c.): 0 16-48 Ou 70-18 f 9'30 C1 4'14 gangue 0-70=100'80, whence he derives the formula 7 (Ou2 I! +lA)+Cu Cl+ 3 ft, equivalent to 7 of malachite, 1 of a hydrous chlorid of copper. According to this formula the mineral consists of 14 Ou, 10 }l, 1 Cu 01. If now the Cu C1 is from mixed atacamite, it is combined with 3 Cu Hl. The remainder. 11 Cu,? C, 7 I, corresponds, excepting an excess of water, very nearly to the composition of azurite; 11 Cu, 7~ C, 3{ H, would be precisely azurite. Atlasite may, therefore, be a mixture of about 3~ parts of azurite with 1 part of atacamite.'753. BISMUTITE. Bismutit Breith., Pogg., liii. 627, 1841. Kohlensaures Wismuthoxyd, Wismuthspath, Germ. Bismuthite. Carbonate of Bismuth. In implanted acicular crystallizations (pseudomorphous); also incrusting or amorphous; pulverulent. H.=4-4'5E; 3'5, specimens that have lost their lustre; earthy, 1-5. G.- 686 —6909, Breith.; 7-67, from South Carolina, Rammelsberg. Lustre vitreous when pure; sometimes dull. Color white, mountain-green, and dirty siskin-green; occasionally straw-yellow and yellowish-gray. Streak greenish-gray to colorless. Subtranslucent-opaque. Brittle. Comp.-According to Plattner's examinations (Pogg.. liii. 727), it is a carbonate of bismuth, containing some iron and copper (perhaps a carbonate of each), and also sulphuric acid. Rammelsberg examined specimens from South Carolina, probably of this species, and obtained the formula 3 (Bi 0C+I) + Bi'ni (=Bii4 0 3 4)=Oxyd of bismuth 90'1, carbonic acid 6'4, water 3'5=100. Analyses: 1, Rammelsberg (Pogg., lxxvi. 564, 1849); 2, 3, Genth (Am. J. Sci., II, xxiii. 427): 1. Chesterfield Dist. 6,56 90'00 3-44=100 Ramm. 2. " " 7 04 89-05 3'91=100 Genth. 3. " " 7'30 87'67 5'03=100 Genth. Pyr., etc.-In the closed tube decrepitates and gives off water. B.B. fuses readily, and on charooal is reduced to bismuth, and coats the coal with yellow oxyd of bismuth. Dissolves in HYDROUS CARBONATES. 717 nitric acid, with slight effervescence. Dissolves in muriatic acid, affording a deep yellow solution. Obs. —Bismutite occurs at Schneeberg and Johanngeorgenstadt, with native bismuth, and near Hirschberg in Russian Voigtland, with brown iron ore, native bismuth, and bismuthinite; at Joachimsthal; near Baden; also in the gold district of Chesterfield, S. C., at Brewer's mine, in porous yellowish masses, sometimes reddish from oxyd of iron; surface of fracture white and vitreous, resembling somewhat calamine; in Gaston Co., N. C., in yellowish-white concretions. 753A. With the bismutite of Joachimsthal occurs another bismuth carbonate, in thin longish crystals, vitreous, siskin-green to clove-brown, translucent. It contains, according to Lindacker (Vogl's Min. Joach., 168), oxyd of bismuth, carbonic acid, water, silica; effervesces with acids, and B.B. gives bismuth reactions. 754. LIEBIGITE. J. L. Smith, Am. J. Sci., II. v. 336, 1848, and xi. 259. Uran-Kalk-Carbonat Vogl, Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 221, 1853. In mammillary concretions, or thin coatings; cleavage apparent in one direction. H.=2 —25. Lustre of fracture vitreous. Color beautiful apple-green. Transparent. Comp. —i 0+a 0+20 — t=Carbonic acid 11'1, oxyd of uranium 36'2, lime 7-1, water 45'6; or -2 Ca a +X2 0 +36 [, Ramm.,=0 9-02,:i 39-12, Ca 7X67, 1 44'19=100. Analysis by J. L. Smith (l. c.): 0 10.2 38.0 Ca 8s9 f 45.2 Pyr., etc.-Tn a matrass yields much water and becomes yellowish-gray. At redness it blackens, without fusing, and on cooling returns to an orange-red color. At a higher heat it blackens, and remains so on cooling. With borax it gives a yellow glass in the outer flame, and a green glass in the inner. Dissolves readily in dilute acids with effervescence, and affords a yellow solution, with the reaction of uranium and lime Obs.-Occurs with medjidite on pitchblende, near Adrianople, Turkey; also at Johanngeorgenstadt and Joachimsthal. Dr. Smith states that both the lime and uranium of this salt are derived from the pitchblende. A related mineral from Elias mine, near Joachimsthal, has been examined by Vogl and J. Lindacker (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 221, 1853). It occurs in scaly aggregations on pitchblende, has a siskin-green color, and a pearly lustre on a cleavage-face; subtransparent to translucent; H.= 2-5-3. B.B. on charcoal infusible; with borax and salt of phosphorus the reaction of uranium. Dissolves with effervescence in sulphuric acid, a white deposit being thrown down; solution in sulphuric and muriatic acids green, in nitric acid yellow. Composition, according to J. Lindacker (1. c.), U 0+Ca 0+5 AI1- 24-18, t 37-03, Ca 15-55, A[ 23'34=100. Mean of three analyses: 0 23-86 U 37-11 Ca 15.56 fI 23-34=99.87. These carbonates are produced by the action of carbonated waters on the sulphates. 755. VOGLITE. Uran-Kalk-Kupfer-Carbonat Vogl, Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 222, 1853. Voglit Haid., ib., 223. In aggregations of crystalline scales. Scales rhomboidal somewhat like gypsum, with angles of 100~ and 80~, Haid. Lustre pearly. Color emerald-green to bright grass-green. Dichroic. Comp.-2 U 0~+2 Oa 0 +OuS 02+14 At, Lindacker, from his analysis (Jahrb. G. Reichs., iv. 222): 0 26.41 U 37.00 Oa' 14.09 Ou 8.40 t 13i90=100. Pyr., etc. —In the closed tube blackens and yields water. B.B. in the platinum forceps infu 718 OXYGEN COMPOUNDS. sible, colors the flame deep green; if moistened with muriatic acid the flame is momentarily blue, With soda on charcoal yields metallic copper. With borax in O.F. the bead is yellow while hot and reddish-broovn on cooling; ill R.F. green while hot and clouded when cold. Soluble in acids with effervescence. Obs.-From the Elias mine, near Joachimsthal, implanted on pitchblende. 8. OXALATES.'156. WHEWELLITE. Oxalate of Lime HT. T. Brooke, Phil. Mag., III. xvi. 449, 1840. Oxa. calcite Shepard, Min., 111, 1844. Whewellite B. & M., Min., 623, 1852. 61Monoclinic. C=72~ 41', IA 1=1000 36', O A 14 — 127~ 25'; a: b': c=1'5745: 1: 11499. Observed planes as in the annexed figure. O A -=103~ 14', O A 1-i= If \\0\ 109~ 28', 0 A — 1410 6', IA i4-1290 42'. Cleavage'~~ X' -parallel with O; less perfect parallel with I, and the longer. \- \ diagonal. All the planes bright except I and -, which if are vertically striated. Twins: composition-face 1-i. \a tI S ~-. —2'5' 725. Lustre like that of sulphate of lead. Very brittle. Fracture conchoidal. \] /~.r lThis species, an oxalate of lime, was observed by Brooke in crystals from a tenth to a fourth of an inch broad on cale spar; the locality of the spar is not known. The name oxacalcite proposed by Shepard is badly formed, and should yield to Brooke & Miller's, after Prof. Whewell of Cambridge. 757. THIERSCHITE Liebig, Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxxvi. 113, 1853. An oxalate of lime, occurring as a grayish, warty, and somewhat opaline incrustation, about a line thick, on the marble of the Parthenon, Athens. A complete analysis has not yet been made. Its origin is attributed to the action of some kind of vegetation on the marble. It is probably identical with whewellite. Named after F. v. Thiersch, the discoverer. 758. HUMBOLDTINE. Faser Resin (Honigsteinsaurer Eisen?) Breith., Char., 75, 1820. Humboldtine, Oxalsaures Eisen, H. de Rivero, Ann. Ch. Phys., xviii. 207, 1821. Eisen-Resin Breith., Gilb. Ann., lxx. 426, 1822. Oxalit Breith., Char., 1823. Humboldtit Leonh., Handb., 789, 1826. In capillary forms; also botryoidal and in plates, or earthy; structure fibrous or compact. H.-=2. G.- =213 —2489. Dull or slightly resinous. Color yellow. Fracture uneven, earthy. Acquires negative electricity by friction, when insulated. ComP.-2 e i+ 3 I-=Oxalic acid 42'1, protoxyd of iron 42X1,- water 15'8=100. Analysis by Rammelsberg (Pogg., xlvi. 283):'e 41'13 Oxalic acid 42'40 (loss) 1637= —100. Mariano de Rivero obtained (1. c.) Oxalic acid 46'14, and protoxyd of iron 53'86, with no water. OXALATES. 71 9 Rammelsberg (Pogg.. liii. 631, 1841) has confirmed his former analysis, and shown that the iron is all protoxyd. PYR., ETC. —In the closed tube yields water, turns black, and becomes magnetic. B.B. on charcoal is colored at first black, but later red, and with the fluxes reacts for oxyd of iron. OBS.-Occurs in brown coal at Koloseruk, near Bilin, Bohemia; at Gross-Almerode, in Hessia; and according to T. S. Hunt, at Kettle Point, in Bosanquet, Canada, as an incrustation on black shales, soft, earthy, sulphur-yellow (Logan's Report, 1850, 1863). 720 HYDROCARBON COMPOuNDS. VI. HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES., I. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 1. MARSH-GAS SERIES.- General formula inH2n + 2. 1. NAPHTHA GROUP. —Liquids. 761. TETRYLIC HYDRID f4 Hlto 764. HEPTYLIC HYIDRD,7 1H16 762. PENTYLIC HYDRID e6 H12 765. OCTYLIO HyD[ERD 08 H,8 763. HEXYLIC HYDRID 6 H14 766. NONYLIO HYDRID,9 H20 There are also in nature the gaseous members of the series, 0 H4, or MARSH-GAS (Methylic Hydrid); 02 H6, or ETuYLIC HYDRID; 03 H,, or TRITYLIc HYDRID. 2. BETA-NAPHTHA GROUP.-Probably polymeres of the species of the Naphtha group by a common multiple; boiling point 7~-8~ higher than for corresponding species of the Naphtha group. 767. n4H Ho 769. n0 6H14 771. es His8 768. n 65 H12 770. n 07 H16 3. SCHEERERITE GROUP.-Solid, or butter-like, and tasteless. 77 2. ScHEERERITE n H,4 7 7 3. CHRISMATITE nO 2 H6 2. ETHYLENE SERIES OR OLEFmIES.- General form7ula enH2n. 4. PITTOLIUM GROUP.-Liquids. 774. DECATYLENE eo H2o 776. DODECATYLENE,121 ]24 775. ENDECATYLENE llH22, 777. DECATRITYLENE s13 H2 5. PARAFFINE GROUP.-.Solids, wax-like; tasteless. 7 78. URPETHITE 780. OZOCERITE 779. HATCHETTITE 781. ZIETRISIKITE Alpendi. -782. ELATERITE 783. SETTLING STONES RESIN 3. CAMPHENE SERIES. —General formulta enH2n- 4. 6. FICHTELITE GROUP.-Solid; without taste or smell; easily crystallizable. 784. FICHITELITE n fl H11 786. DINITE 785. HARTITE ne12 H20 787. IXOLYTE OXYGENATED HYDROCARBON COMnPOUNDS. 721 4. BENZOLE SERES.- General Formula I2,,-6. 7. BENZOLE GROUP.-Liquids. 7'88. BENZOLE es H6 791. CUMoLE 89 H12 789. TOLUOLE. 07 H8 792. CYMOLE 810 H14 790. XYLOLE -8 H10 8. KONLITE GROUP.-Solid. 793. KONLITE n (6 11 5. NAPHTHALIN SERIES.- General formula H2a12. 794. NAPHTHALIN lqo H8 Appendix.-7 95. IDRIALITS. II. OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 1. GEOCERITE GROUP.-Ratio of, HI=1: 2. Wax-like. 796. GEOCERITE ~28 H16 02 797. GEOMYRICITE 3S4 H68 a2 2. SUCCINITE GROUP.-Ratio of 8, 11=5: 8 to 5: 81. Insoluble in alcohol and ether. [Below, the ratio of -E, H, is given for the species, and for better comparison the car. bon is made 40, without writing out a formula.] 798. COPALITE 40: 64: 1 802. AMBRITE 40: 66: 5,99. SUCCIITE 40: 64: 4 803. BATHVILLITE 40: 68: 4 800. WALCHOWITE 40: 64: 3j? 804. TORBANITE? 40: 68: 2 801.? BUCARAMANGITE 40: 66: 2 3. RETINITE GROUP.-Ratio of 8, 1=5: 8 to 5: 8~. Largely soluble in ether, and some species in alcohol. 805. XYLORETINITE 40: 64: 4 806. LEUCOPETRITE 40: 671: 2 807. EUOSMITE 40: 68: 2* 4. SCLERETINITE GROUP.-Ratio of f, 11=5: 7. Insoluble in alcohol and ether. 808. SCLERETINITE 40: 56: 4 5. PYRORETINITE GROUP. —Ratio of Q, H=5: 7 to 5: 6~. Soluble in alcohol or ether. 809. JAULINGITE (p. 800) 40?: 60: 4- 811. RO0HLEDERITE 40: 56: 6 810. PYRORETINITE 40: 56: 4 812. SOHLANITE 40: 52: 3j 810A. REUSSINITE 40: 56: 3 813. GUYAQUILLITE 40: 52: 6 6. Ratio of e, H=5 to 5j or less. Insoluble in alcohol or ether. 814. MIDDLETONITE 40: 44: 2 815. STAEKITE?40: 44: 6 816. ANTERACOXENITE 40: 38: 7~ 46 722 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS.'1. DYSODILE GROUP.-Containing sulphur in place of part of the oxygen. 817. TASMANITE 40: 64: 3 818. DYSoDILE Appendix.-819. HIRCITE. 820. BAI=ERINITE. III. ACID OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 821. BUTYRELLITE 032 H64 04 822. GEOCERELLITE (Geoceric acid) e828 H5604 823. BRCOKNERELLITE (Georetinic acid) 024 H44 08 824. SUCCIINELLITE (Succinic acid) 04 H6 04 825. RETINELLITE 21 1 12 803 826. DOPPLERITE? 10 H12 08 827. MELANELLITE 012 Hlo 04 IV. SALTS OF ORGANIC ACIDS. 828. MELLITE 1 3+18 C 04 0202JlA+d-6 aq 829. PIGOTITE 829A. Organic salts of iron Undetermined. V: NITROGENOUS HYDROCARBONS. Species undetermined. APPENDIX TO HYDROCARBONS. 830. ASPHALTUM 831. MINERAL COAL The formulas above are all written on the new system. If the number connected with H is halved in each case, and the barred capitals are replaced by common capitals, they will then conform to the old system. The native hydrocarbons are very imperfectly known. Most of the kinds hitherto recognized in mineralogy are more analogous to rocks than minerals. Amber, for example, instead of being.a species, is a mixture of four or more species, as Berzelius long since pointed out, and only two of the number have thus far been investigated. The presence of succinic acid, one of these two, is spoken of as an essential constituent and distinguishing feature of amber; and this it is; but only in the way that feldspar is a constituent of granite. Petroleum, Asphaltum, and the various.kinds of mineral resins and wax are similar mixtures, in the light of chemistry, as has been;shown by many investigators. But still the true line of investigation is so little appreciated that mnew resins or asphalts are from time to time brought forward as species in mineralogy upon characters that only prove them to be mixtures. And chemistry, while working toward a better;state of this department of mineralogy, often fails in its researches to distinguish educts (native:ingredients) from products. The facts in the case, and the true idea of the science, sustain the course of the author in here -removing amber from mineralogical species, and calling, not amber, but the insoluble resin which'constitutes four-fifths of its mass, succinite; and in endeavoring to apply the same method throughout the hydrocarbon section. Much more investigation is demanded before satisfactory iresults can in all cases be attained. But by pursuing the subject in the way here recognized,.the section will ultimately become an exhibition of the actual species of hydrocarbons in nature,;and thus be elevated to the same level with other parts of the science. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 723 I. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. NAPHTHA AND BETA-NAPHTHA GROUPS. SYN. OF NAPHTHA AND PETROLEUM. N~~Oa Strabo, xvi. i. ~ 15, Dioscor., i. 101. Naphtha, Bitumen liquidum candidum, Plin., ii. 109, xxxv. 51. Niphtha flos bituminis Agric. Ort. Caus. Subt., 45, 1544. Liquidum bitumen, nunc vocatur Petroleum, Agric., Nat. Foss., 222, 1546. Erdil, Bergil, Stein5l, Germ. Mineral OiL Kerosene. Bitume liquide Fr. The liquids or oils of the Naphtha and Beta-naphtha groups occur as constituents of the lighter kinds of petroleumr. The other native constituents, and the most abundant, are the oils of the Ethylene series and the paraffins; and the proportion of ethylenes increases with the increase of density or viscidity. (See PITTOLIUM GROUP, and PARAFFIN.) The general formula is en H12n+2, or that of the Marsh-gas series. The specific gravities, boiling points. and vapor densities increase with the increase in the atomic number, or the value of n in the above formula, as shown in the following table, which contains also the percentage composition: NAPHTJHA GROUP. C H Boiling T. G. Vapor Density found. 761. TETRYLIC HYDRID 64 Ho=82'80 17 20 000 0'600 2'110 762. PENTYLIC HYDRID -e6 H12=83-33 16'67 30'2 0'640 2'538 763. HEXYmC HYDRID (6 H14=83'72 16'28 61'3 0'676 8'053 764. HEPTYLIC HYDRID T H,16,84'0 16'0 90'4 0'718 3'547 765L OCTtLIC HYDRID -8sH,8=84'21 15'79 119'5 0'737 3-992 766. NONYLIC HYDRID C9 Ho,=84-38 15-62 150'8 0'756 4'460 BETA-NAPHTHA GROUP. Boiling T. G. Vapor Density. 767. 341 Ho, 8-9~ 0'611 768., 6 H12 37'0 0-645 2'514 769. 6, H14 68-5 0'689 38038 770. *H7 H16 98'1 07'30 3'551'771. e8 His8 127'6 0'752 3'990 The names Amylic Hydrid, Caproylic, 7Enanthylic, Caprylic, Pelargonyic, are often used for the above 762 to 766. Those in the table are derived from the Greek for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and were proposed by Gerhardt. The constitution of petroleum has been investigated by various chemists, among whom the most prominent are Pelouze and Cahours (C. R., liv. 124, lvi. 505, lvii. 62), and C. M. Warren (Mem. Am. Ac. Boston, II. ix. x., Am. J. Sci., II. xl. xlv. xlvi.). Pelouze and Cahours continue the naphtha series to -15 H32, and state evidence of the existence of still higher members. But Warren arrived at the conclusion that the naphtha or marsh-gas series terminates with 3,s IH,,, and that the oils of higher density and atomic numbers belong to the ethylene series (,. H2,n). Moreover,Warren brought out the fact that there was a second naphtha group, differing from the other in its higher boiling points-the Beta-naphtha group above. This chemist also determined with great exactness the boiling points of the two groups, and found that in both there was the ?724 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. common difference of about 30~C. for successive terms in the series (or for a difference of e H2); but that the boiling points in the second series were about 8~ higher correlatively than those of the st series, as the tables show. The specific gravities and vapor densities for 761 are from Ronalds. Those of the others, 762 to'772, are from Warren, excepting the vapor densities of 762, 763. The vapor density of 767 has not yet been determined., Warren's specific gravities were taken at 0~ C. Ronalds has observed that the gaseous compounds of the marsh-gas series -2 HI6 and o3 Esi (2d and 3d terms in the marsh-gas series) also exist in connection with petroleum. Mdarsh-gas itself, the first term in the series C H4, is a very common gas of coal beds and bituminous deposits, as well as of modern marshes. Petroleum passes by insensible gradations into piltasphalt or maltha (viscid bitumen); and the latter as insensibly into asphalt or solid bitumen. Petroleum occurs in rocks or deposits of nearly all geological ages, from the Lower Silurian to the present epoch. It is associated most abundantly with argillaceous shales and sandstones, but is found also permeating limestones, giving them a bituminous odor, and rendering them sometimes a considerable source of oil. From these oleiferous shales and limestones the oil often exudes, and appears floating on the streams or lakes of the region, or rises in oil springs. It also exists collected in subterranean cavities in certain rocks, whence it issues in jets or fountains whenever an outlet is made by boring. These cavities are situated mostly along the course of gentle anticlinals in the rocks of the region; and it is therefore probable, as has been suggested, that they originated for the most part in the displacements of the strata caused by the slight uplift. The oil which fills the cavities has ordinarily been derived from the subjacent rocks; for the strata, in which the cavities exist, are frequently barren sandstones. The conditions required for the production of such subterranean accumulations would be therefore (as others have explained) a bituminous oil-bearing, or else oil-producing, stratum at a greater or less depth below; cavities to receive the oil; an overlying stratum of close-grained shale or limestone, not allowing of the easy escape of the naphtha vapors. If the oil exists ready formed in the rocks, only a slight heat above that common to the rocks would be needed to expel the oil slowly from below. And, without heat, as Hunt states, the oil might be expelled through the pressure of superincumbent waters from the oil-bearing shales or clays, and would rise and occupy the cavities because so light as to float on the waters. But if the oil-producing bed contained not the oil ready made, but only hydrocarbonaceous matters that may afford it on destructive distillation, the oil would have required considerable heat for its production. In the Caspian and Rangoon naphtha regions the oleiferous clayey deposits are nearly or quite superficial, and the oil, a viscid kind, exudes readily into pits made for collecting it. In the United States liquid oil occurs in the Lower Silurian, in the "Bird's-eye " limestone of Riviere a la Rose (Montmorenci), Canada, and of Watertown, N. Y., in drops in fossil coral; and in the Trenton limestone at Pakenham, Canada, the cavities of large Orthocerata sometimes hold several ounces (T. S. Hunt, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv. 166, 1863); on Grand Manitoulin Id., where a spring affording it arises from the Utica shale, the source possibly the subjacent limestones; at Guilderland, near Albany, from the Hudson River group, as observed in a spring by Beck; quite freely in limestone and shale near Chicago; far more so in Kentucky, in the Cumberland oil region, the wells, "from which tens of thousands of barrels of oil have flowed" (Newberry), descend 200 ft. into the Blue Limestone, in which there are bituminous shaly strata overlaid by sheets of thin-bedded compact limestone; these features prevail from Lincoln and Casey Cos., through Adair and Russell, Cumberland and Clinton Cos., Ky., and Overton and Jackson Cos., Tenn. In the Upper Silurian traces have been observed in the Niagara limestone and the Medina red shales; at Gaspe, Canada, in a Lower Helderberg limestone, on Silver Brook, etc.; near Chicago, so abundant in a limestone as to ooze out, and the rock may be made to burn, owing to its presence. In the Lower Devonian, the Corniferous limestone is regarded by Hunt as the source of the oil of Enniskillen, Canada, where there are large areas covered by the half-inspissated bitumen. Hunt states (1. c) that at Rainham, Canada, on L. Erie, shells of Pentamerus aratus are sometimes filled with petroleum; and that in other places in the region imbedded corals, Ileliophyllum and Favosites, have, in certain of the layers, their cells full of oil (while in other layers it is absent from the corals), and in quarrying, the oil flows out and collects on the water of the quarry; and at Gaspe, Lower Devonian sandstones afford oil springs and give rise to beds of thickened petroleum, and the chalcedonic geodes of a trap dyke, intersecting the sandstone, sometimes contain petroleum. In the Middle Devonian, the Black shale, or Genesee slate, is supposed by many geologists to be the principal source of the oil of Pennsylvania, the Kenawha valley, and other parts of eastern Virginia, and of Ohio and Michigan; but J. P. Lesley attributes much of the oil of western Pennsylvania to the Subearboniferous. Near Fredonia, Chatauque Co., and at Rockville, Alleghany Co., oil is found in connection with Chemung rocks, or the Upper Devonian (Hall). A little oil has been observed in connection with Triassic shales at Southbury, Conn. The oil SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 725 of southern California proceeds from Tertiary shales. On Trinidad a thick oil, with asphalt, occurs in connection with lignite and other vegetable remains in the shales constituting the upper part of the Tertiary; and specimens of the vegetable material, partly changed to oil and penetrated by it, and having its cells looking as if they had been corroded, as a result of the change, are described by Wall (Q. J. G. Soc., xvi. 460). Noted foreign localities are 3 m. from Ye-nan-gyoung (Fetid-water-rivulet), Burmah (and exported from Rangoon), where there are about 100 wells, from 180 to 306 feet deep, each lined with horizontal timber, but not all now worked (Oldham); the peninsula of Apcheron on the western shore of the Caspian, at Bakee, where naphtha exudes from argillaceous and calcareous beds, especially the former, of the Middle Tertiary (Abich), and where it has long been used for burning in lamps and for cooking; near the centre of the region the light and pure naphtha oil is obtained, while along its borders the oil is a thicker petroleum, or passes into an asphalt, and solid masses of this asphalt are often seen floating in the Caspian; on the island of Tscheleken, near the eastern coast of the Caspian, in Balkan Bay; on the banks of the Kuban, promontory of Taman, east side of isthmus between the Azof and Black Sea; near the river Betchora, in the government of Archangel, Russia; near the village of Amiano, in Parma, Italy, whence enough was formerly obtained to light the streets of Genoa; at Zante, one of the Ionian islands (ancient Zacynthus), which has furnished oil for more than 2,000 years, its petroleum spring having been mentioned by Herodotus. Pliny mentions the oil of a spring at Agrigentum, Sicily, and states that it was collected and used for burning in lamps, as a substitute for oil. He distinguishes this oil from naphtha, which he says was too light and inflammable for such a use. Of naphtha, he mentions a locality in " Parthia " (about the sources of the Indus). Oil is found also near the city of Mexico, and on the river Lagun. The oil spring of Cuba, Alleghany Co., N. Y., called the Seneca Oil Spring, long known, was described by Prof. Silliman in 1833 (Am. J. Sci., xxiii. 97) as a dirty pool, about 18 ft. across, covered with a film of oil, which was skimmed off from time to time for medicinal purposes. The so-called "Seneca oil," sold at the time in the shops (and from which he often distilled naphtha for preserving potassium), he observes was not from this spring (around which the Seneca Indians then had a reserve of a square mile), but, as he was told, from Oil Creek, Venango Co., Pa., about 100 m. from Pittsburg. Seneca Lake has oil on its surface in some parts, and it is said to have given the name to the oil; but whether this is the true source, or whether it came from its being collected and sold by the Seneca Indians, is not clear. Hildreth in 1833 (ib., xxiv. 63), and later in 1836 (ib., xxix. 86, 121, 129), gave an account of the salt wells of the Little Kenawha valley, which then afforded, he says, 50 to 100 gallons a year. He also speaks, in 1833, of a well 475 ft. deep, 30 m. N. of Marietta, Ohio, which, when first opened, discharged at intervals of 2 to 4 days, for 3 to 6 hours each time, throwing out 30 to 60 gallons of oil at each "eruption," but was then yielding only a barrel a week. In 1840 a spouting well of oil, at Burksville, Kentucky, was described (ib., xxxix. 195); the well was bored for salt, and 200 ft. down a "fountain of pure oil was struck, which was thrown up more than 12 ft. above the surface of the earth," emitting, according to the estimate, 75 gallons a minute; it "continued to flow for several days successively," but then failed; and efforts to bring it into action again, or find another, were not successful. The petroleum of Enniskillen, Canada, was mentioned in 1844 by Mr. Murray, in the Canada Geological Report for 1846; and in 1857 wells were sunk for the collection of it. In 1859. on Oil Creek, Venango Co., Pa., a boring for salt, but 75 feet deep, let out the first fountain of oil of that now famous oil-region. For many weeks it discharged 1,000 gallons per day. The origin of petroleum, including the lighter as well as heavier kinds, has been attributed by some to the decomposition of vegetable substances alone (Bischof, etc.); but it is now generally admitted that it has come from animal as well as vegetable, as urged by Dufr4noy (Min., iv. 602, 1859), J. S. Newberry (Ohio A.gric. Rep., 1859), and T. S. Hunt (Can. Nat., vi. 241, 1861, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv., Ch. News, 1863). The conditions favorable to the formation of naphtha, as shown by the characteristics of the deposits in which it is found native, are the following: (1) the diffusion of organic material through a fine mud or clay; (2) the material in a very finely divided state; and (3), as a consequence of the preceding, the atmosphere excluded as far as possible from the material undergoing decomposition. There is reason to believe that no more heat was required than what was afforded by the natural climate or temperature of the region and the process of fermentation. Shales, the most common oil-bearing rocks, were originally the fine mud of deep or shallow seas; and the limestones were the same, only the mud was calcareous in nature, like the coral mud of many a coral lagoon, as the author has elsewhere described after personal examination. These shales ordinarily contain few fossils of any kind, and very rarely distinct vegetable remains. It may be questioned whether tough fucoids (sea-weeds), or the branches and leaves of ordinary plants imbedded in such clays, would ever become so subdivided or disorganized as to make the requisite emulsion with the mud free from any vegetable forms; and it is more probable that the vegetable material present was either delicate water-plants, or was derived from abundant infusorial or microscopic vegetable life. The limestones, on the contrary, are sometimes full of 726 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. fossils, but these are animal; and, as the solid parts which make the fossils are to a large extent ground up to make the mud that becomes the limestone, the organic material these hard parts contain, as well as that of the fleshy parts and oils, would be diffused through the mud or earth in the very condition demanded. The light native oils do not occur in coal beds, which were made from thick beds of vegetable debris. In the above-mentioned circumstances, with the deposits under pressure from superincumbent beds, the atmospheric air almost totally excluded, the organic material might undergo decomposition through the reactions of its own elements alone. (See on this subject, and the reactions mentioned below, Bischof, Chem. G., ii. 1853, T. S. Hunt, Can. Nat. and Ch. News, 1. c.) The average composition of dry wood (the ash and nitrogen excluded) is represented by -, 11H9,= — Carbon 49'66, hydrogen 6'21, oxygen 44'13 —100. Taking two parts, we have 712 H11 8 -I. If now the oxygen combines with carbon to form carbonic acid, 4 032 will thus be removed, leaving -e8 H8,s, which is the composition of one of the species of the naphtha group, the fifth, on p. 720. But 8 H1118, or 32 H172, its multiple by 4, corresponds also to 3 (e6 H1,4)+-es lIl8 + - (01,2H24), the first two members light naphtha oils, and the last an ethylene, a composition much like that of Pennsylvania petroleum. The decomposition might not be as simple as here taken, as i to 1 p. c. of nitrogen is also present, and there would also be some animal material. But the illustration is still satisfactory. That no water (H2 0) would be formed from the elements of the organic material is apparently indicated by the fact that this would make an excess of carbon or a deficiency of hydrogen. From Chevandier's numerous analyses (Ann. Ch. Phys., III. x. 129), the average composition of dry wood is carbon 51-21, hydrogen 6'24, oxygen 41'45, nitrogen 1'10, corresponding, if the nitrogen is not counted, to 112 1,7., (37.5; from which the resulting oils might be nearly the same as above. Were there less confinement by superincumbent beds or earthy material, part of the hydrogen might be lost by combining with the carbon and escape as marsh gas (1 H4), and thus determine the formation of the thicker oils; or else of the solid insoluble hydrocarbons, more or less oxygenated, which make many shales a rich source of oil on distillation. With the air not well excluded, as in the case of all thick beds of vegetable debris, such as have formed peat and the various kinds of coal, the decompositions would be more complex; outside oxygen carrying off, it may be, part of the hydrogen' (as water), and of the carbon (as carbonic acid). Thus 0e12 H118 8 (composition of wood) may change to 12 H114.5 05, the average compo-.sition ofpeat; or to 012 H-12 03.5=Carbon 67192, hydrogen 5-66, oxygen 26'42=100, a medium brown coal (or lignite); or 12 H119.75 O0.87=Carbon 85'88, hydrogen 5-82, oxygen 8'30=100, Wigan cannel coal, etc. Marsh-gas ( 114) is a common gas of marshy places and of Artesian wells, and so also, though less abundantly, carbonic acid (Bischof). The distillation of wood will afford the solid hydrocarbons of the paraffin group; Reichenbach, in his discovery of paraffin, obtaining it from the wood of the Fagus sylvatica. Dr. J. S. Newberry states (priv. contrib.) that off the shores of Lake Superior, at Marquette, he observed bubbles of gas coming from the bottom to the surface, which proved to be carburetted hydrogen; and also. now and then, drops of oil slowly rising, and finally spreading over the surface, which oil proved on examination to be a kind of petroleum. Although the vegetable origin of the oil was not certain, it seemed to be altogether probable. On the island of Trinidad the oil-producing beds are clayey beds in the Tertiary, containing remains of plants, and Wall states (Q. J. G. Soc., xvi. 460) that there is full evidence that the liquid and solid bitumen was produced at the ordinary temperature and condition of climate in the occurrence of numerous specimens of the vegetable matter in process of transformation, which have, as a consequence, the organic structure more or less obliterated.. In the change of animal matters to oil, there is more nitrogen present to give complexity to the mutual reactions. But when the material is animal oils, there are only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as in the case of vegetation. In such oils there are nearly the proportions 18 1 H34 02In the case of such a compound (oleic acid), the forming of carbonic acid from the oxygen would separate 0 O2, and leave -17 H34, of the ethylene ratio; in that of 017 H114 02 (margaric acid) the same would leave 016 1134, or a combination of marsh-gas oils. Warren and Storer have obtained (Mem. Am. Ac. Boston, ix. 177, Am. J. Sci., IT. xlii. 250) from the destructive distillation of a fish-oil, after its saponification by lime, all the compounds above enumerated of the Naphtha group, besides others of the ethylene and benzole series. Dr. Newberry has observed that cannel coal sometimes shows by its animal fossils that part of its oily products may be of animal origin (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiii. 212, 1857), instancing a case in Ohio in which the coal contained fossil fishes. He also remarks on the disagreeable smell of some limestone oil, and attributes it to its animal origin. Dufr6noy, in his Mineralogy (iv. 602, 1859), gives prominence to the fact that remains of fishes are common in oil-producing shales, and to the view that they are the source of the oil, mentioning as examples the black shales in the Coal formation at Saarbruck in Prussia, and Ygornay near Autun in France; the Peruvian (Zechstein) at Mansfeld; grayish limestone, in the Lias, at Doubs; and grayish shale, in the SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 727 Middle Tertiary, at Menat, 30 m. from Clermont, France; all of which abound in the remains of fishes. The shales adjoining the Albertite of Nova Scotia have been mentioned as another example of this kind. The black semibituminous or coaly shales of the Triassic of the Connecticut valley contain numerous fossil fishes, and these are the only fossils. Lesquereux derives petroleum (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., xiii. 313) mainly from the decomposition of fucoids and other marine plants, arguing for it on the ground of its occurrence so largely in rocks of marine origin. S. F. Peckham, in a recent communication to the author, sustains the idea that the light naphtha oils are solely of animal origin. It is to be noted that wherever marsh or water plants have grown in past time there must have been also a profusion of minute animal life to afford nitrogen and sulphur to the accumulating debris; and, conversely, vegetable life of microscopic, if not also of larger kinds, is present wherever there is animal life. The word naphtha is from the Persian nafata, signifying to exude; and petroleum from Ertpos, rock, and oleum, oil (the latter from the Greek l'XaLov, oil), dating only from the middle ages (see SYN.). Alt.-Petroleum undergoes alteration of condition in two ways: 1. The evaporation of its lighter oils. When exposed to the air the petroleum is free from pressure, except the ordinary atmospheric, and open to the heat and winds of the region. As a consequence the lighter naphtha oils pass off, leaving only the heavier, and the substance becomes gradually viscid, or even a solid consisting largely of solid hydrocarbons; and the so-called asphalts, which may thus result, will be ordinary bituminous of one kind or another, or largely paraffin, according as paraffin is present or not in the native oil. In most oil regions, when the oil occurs at the surface open to the air, more or less of solid bitumen is to be found. Hunt speaks of the large " gum-beds' of half-dried bitumen in the oil region of Enniskillen; and Winchell says that in the neighboring but less productive district in Michigan, masses of inspissated oil are common, and some are as hard as asphalt. At the naphtha island of Tschelekan there are large quantities of Neft-gil, as it is there called, which is nearly pure paraffin. The hot climate of the Caspian is favorable for such a result. 2. The oxydation of some or all of the ingredients constituting thepetroleum. In the process of oxydation there is first a loss of some of the hydrogen by its union with oxygen to form water, which escapes. Thus the oils of the Marsh-gas series (e,H2., + 2) may pass to the less stable ethylenes (, 2,.); or, by further loss of hydrogen, to species of the Benzole series (,. H2_6), or of the Naphthalin series (., H2,-12). The last two appear to occur sparingly in nature. Secondly, there is oxygenation; that is an absorption of, and union with, oxygen. These oxygenated substances have been yet but little investigated (see ASPHALTUM). They are probably all solid at the ordinary temperature. Hard bitumen or asphalt may hence consist either (1) of unoxygenated, or (2) partly of unoxy. genated and partly oxygenated, the usual fact; or (3) solely of oxygenated hydrocarbons (very rarely, if ever, true in nature). The state of solidity is not proof that any part of the bitumen is oxygenated. SCHEERERITE GROUP. Wax-like, or butter-like. General formula that of the Marsh-gas series, or E, H2n+2. The two species here included are, according to the analyses (which need verification), polymeres of the first two species of the Marshgas series, 0 H4, and 0 H. The Paraffins belong here if members of the Marsh-gas series. See p. 730. 772. SCHEERE.RITE. Scheererit Stromeyer, Kastn. Arch., x. 113, 1827; Naphthaline r6sineuse prismatique K6nlein, Bibl. Univ., xxxvi. 316, 1827; Macaire-Prinsep, Bibl. Univ., xL 68, 1829, Ann. Phys. Ch., xv. 294. Monoclinic. Crystals mostly thin tabular, rhomboidal or six-sided, often flattened parallel to i-l, with also the planes I,-1, 1-i; edge I/Ion -1/-1 =12349, edge -1/-1 on 1-i=1350, edge I/I on 1-i=1014?, Kenngott. Also acicular. Also in loosely aggregated crystalline grains and folia. Soft. G.=1-1-2. Lustre pearly or resinous; feebly shining. Color whitish, gray, yellow, green, pale reddish. More or less translucent to 728 HYDROCIARBON CODMPOUNDS. transparent. Easily frangible. Tasteless. Inodorous. Feel not greasy. Soluble easily in alcohol, and also in ether. Melts at 44~ C., and then resembles a fatty oil, and like it penetrates paper; these spots, however, may be removed by heat. On cooling, the mineral crystallizes in acicular crystals. May be distilled without decomposition; boiling point near 100~ C. (92~, Prinsep). Comp., etc.-According to an imperfect analysis by Prinsep (Pogg., xv. 294), consists of Carbon 73, hydrogen 24=97, which corresponds nearly to the ratio for e, 11H= 4:, or the composition of marsh-gas=Carbon 75, hydrogen 25=100; whence, if the results may be trusted, it is a polymere of marsh-gas. Soluble in sulphuric or nitric acid, and not in alkalies. Takes fire easily and burns without residue, giving out much smoke and a feeble aromatic odor. Found by Capt. Scheerer, in the year 1822, in the coal of a bed of brown coal in the Tertiary, at Uznach, near St. Gallen, in Switzerland. The bed of coal is two to three feet thick, and the pine stems in it are almost unchanged. Among the species of pine there is the P. sylvestris; and the birches and firs are those of modern species. The age is the same with that of the peat beds of Redwitz. Besides scheererite it affords also fichtelite and kdnlite. On cryst., Kenng., 3er. Ak. Wien, xiv. 272, and Min. der Schweiz, 418, Leipzig, 1866. 773. CHRISIMATITE. Chrismatin (fr. Wattin) Germar, ZS. G., i. 40, 1849. Ozokerit (fr. ib.) Breslau, Karst. u. Dech. Arch., xxiii. 749, 1850. Hatchettin (fr. ib.) Wagner, Jahrb. Min. 1864, 687; I. Fleck, Steinkohlen Deutschl., i. 37, 4to, Miinchen, 1865. Butter-like, or of semifluid consistence. Soft at 55~ to 600 C. G. below 1. Lustre greasy to silky. Color greenish to wax-yellow. Slightly translucent. Tasteless. Melts at a very low temperature to an oil, which is dark red by transmitted light, and apple-green by reflected. Comp.-I. Fleck obtained (I. c.), 34 p. c. of ash being removed: Carbon 78-512 Hydrogen 19'191 Oxygen 2-297=100. Excluding the oxygen as water, as done by Fleck, it leaves 0 80-51, H 19 49=100, correspondumg to e2 H6-=Carbon 80, H 20; making it thus a polymere of e2 H6, or the second member of the Marsh-gas series. Fleck adopts the formula C1s H,8. If the oxygen is an essential constituent, either view of the constitution is wholly at fault. Burns with a flame. without smell. Obs.-Occurs in cavities of calcite and quartz crystals in an argillaceous sandstone of the Carboniferous formation at Wettin, Saxony. Named from Xpiaa, ointment. PITTOLIUM GROUP. SYN. OF PITTASPHALT. HITraaoS6Xros Dioscor., i. 100. Pissasphaltus Plin., xxiv. 25, xxxv. 51. Maltha Plin., ii. 108.:Bergtheer Germ. Bitume visqueux, Bitume glutineux, Poix minerale, Mineral graisse, Fr. Petroleum pt. Mineral Tar. The species of this group are liquids like the naphtha oils, but are of higher specific gravity and atomic weight. They enter into the constitution of all free-flowing petroleum, but are especially characteristic of the denser kinds, and viscid bitumens, and exist largely also in many asphalts. They belong to the Ethylene series, and therefore have the general formula 9,H2n- (alike for all) Carbon 85'71, hydrogen 14:29. G.=0'75 —0'84. The species ascertained to be native by C. M. Warren (Mem. Am. Ac. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 729 Boston, ix., Am. J. Sci., II. xl.), and occurring in the Pennsylvania petrolenin, Rangoon tar, etc., and the boiling temperatures, as ascertained by Warren, are the following: Formula. Boiling T. 174. DECATYLENE (Rutylene) o H120 174-9~ 775. ENDEOATYLENE (Margarylene) 11 H22 195-8 776. DODECATYLENE (Laurylene) e12 H24 216'2'77. DECATRITYLENE (Cocinylene) 81, EH26 235 The average increase in the boiling point for the successive members in the series (or the addition of e H,), as follows from Warren's results, is 20~ 6', or only two-thirds of the average in the Naphtha group. Other higher natitve species of the above series have not yet been clearly defined. These compounds are made members of the Marsh-gas or Naphtha series by Pelouze and Cahours, who write the formulas as follows, and give the annexed specific gravities, vapor densities, and boiling points: G. Vapor Density. Boiling Temp. 10Ho H22 0'757 5'040 1600-1620 C1l IE24 0-766 5-458 180 -184 12 ttH26 0'-76 5 972 196 -200'l9 H2s8 0'792 6'569 216 -218 They also add the compounds 614 H3o, 1,5 H32. Warren, by his superior methods, proves that the species obtained by them were not pure (1. c.). Each of the four ethylene compounds above mentionel have been obtained from Rangoon tar, besides some species of the Naphtha group (at least 7, HI6 and 8s HI8), traces of some of the Benzole series, and also naphthalin. The name pittolium is from'irora, pitch, and oleurm, oil, analogous to petroleum; and pittasphal turn, from the Greek for pitch and asphalt. The word maltha is from the Greek paXOv, soft wax; it was also used sometimes for a mixture of wax and pitch, employed for making the surface of writing-tablets, and for some kinds of cements. But Pliny (ii. 108) describes under this name an inflammable mud flowing from a pool at Samosata in North Syria on the Euphrates, which he says (ii. 109) was similar in nature to naphtha; and this use of the word has led to its later application to viscid bitumens. Petroleum in cavities in crystals. Davy, in his examinations of the fluids' in crystals (Phil. Trans., 1822, 367, and postscript), found only water, except in the case of quartz from Dauphiny. The liquid in this case was about as viscid as linseed oil; brownish in color; became solid and opaque at 13~ C. (56~ F.); had a smell resembling naphtha; acted like a fixed oil when heated, the temperature of ebullition being high; and burned with flame, producing a white smoke. The cavity was * in. across, but only a sixth of it was occupied by the fluid. Davy made his investigations of the fluids in crystals by having the crystals bored through to the cavity by a lapidary, and was the first to use this method. PETROLENE. Boussingault obtained from the viscid bitumen and asphalt of Bechelbronn an oil which he called Petrolene, and announced it as the liquid ingredient of all asphalt, the solid one being named by him Asphaltene (see ASPHALTUM). It was separated by heating in an oil bath to a temperature of 300~ 0. None of it passed over at a temperature below 100~ C. He obtained for its composition (Ann. Ch. Phys., lxi. 141, lxxiii. 442): Carbon 87'36 86'78 87'45 86'98 (.-) 88'4. Hydrogen 11'90 12'20 12-30 12'70 12'5. He writes for it the formula -10 H6i, making it of the camphene series, -, H2n-4. It boiled at 280~ 0. The vapor density is stated at 9'415, or "double that of oil of turpentine." There can be no doubt that the petrolene was a mixture of oils. Warren states (priv. contrib.) that from Boussingault's data, as given in his article, the vapor density should have been 8-49 instead of 9'415; and also that his own researches on various hydrocarbon oils, including the products from the destructive distillation of albertite, lead him to believe that petrolene probably 730 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS consists mainly of oils of the Ethylene series; that G1,6 H32 would have for its boiling point 295~ C., and vapor density "1'45; but that the liquid is made up of oils of both less and greater density. The Bechelbronn tar and that similar from Lobsann (both in the Dept. of Bas-Rhin, France) are called also Mineral Graisse and Graisse de Strasbourg. V61ckel has subjected a viscid bitumen from Travers, near Neufchatel, to distillation in iron cylinders (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxxvii. 143, 1862), and obtained the following as his successive results: 0 H Temp. of vaporization. G. 1. 8756 12'34= 99'90 90~- 120o C. 0'784 at 15~ 0. 2. 87-59 12'30= 99'89 120 -150 0'190 3. 87'31 12'59= 99'99 150 -180 03802 4. 87'34 12'69-100'03 180 -200 0'817 5. 87-48 12'60-100'08 200 -220 0'845 6. 87'40 12'40= 99'80 220 -250 0'867 The analyses afford for all of the compounds the ratio for -0, H, 6: 10. and V5lckel regards them as polymeres of 2,, Ho,2 and hence of the camphene series and similar to petrolene. But (as Warren observes) with such a mode of distillation artificial products were likely to have been obtained, and among them benzole or naphthalin; and the presence of either of these compounds would account for the divergence from the ethylene series. The composition is compared by VXlckel to that of oil of amber (an admitted product of distillation, and not native to amber). Ddpping obtained for the oil of amber passing over at 200~ (., C 87'48, 87-32, H 12'06, 11'98-99-54, 99'30. The ratio for 6, H, is 5: 8, which is also that for amber itself; and the formula is C-o H10, or that arrived at by Boussingault for his petrolene. SOLID PETROLENE. The asphalt of Peklenicza (Murakdz), Austria, affords a solid portion, solu. ble in ether and hardly at all so in alcohol (in this respect like the asphaltene of Boussingault), which, according to Nendtvich (Haid. Ber., iii. 211, Jahrb. G. Reichs., vii. 143), has the same composition with petrolene. The observations thus far made seem to point to a Oamphene series of Hydrocarbons as char. acteristic of many viscid bitumens, and of some, if not many, asphalts. But the investigations have not been sufficiently exact to sustain satisfactorily the conclusion. PARAFFIN GROUP. Wax-like in consistence; white and translucent. Sparingly soluble in alcohol, rather easily in ether, and crystallizing more or less perfectly from the solutions. G. about 0-85 —098. Melting point for the following species, 330-990~ General formula en H1n, or that of the ethylene series, according to many authors, - Carbon 85'71, hydrogen 2429= 100; On Hlnl+, according to others. The peculiar inertness of the paraffins with regard to chemicali combination is urged by Watts and Frankland as favoring the latter formula. Whichever the series, they are regarded as species of high atomic weight, nt not being less than 28. The different species, varying in the value of n, vary also in boiling point, and other characters. Those here recognized have not been studied with that care which is demanded for full confidence in their stated composition, or in their purity as simple species. Paraffins occur in the Pennsylvania petroleum, a freezing mixture reducing the temperature being sufficient to separate it in crystals. Also in the naphtha of the Caspian, in Rangoon tar, and many other liquid bitumens. It is a result of the destructive distillation of peat, bituminous coal, lignite, coaly or bituminous shales, most viscid bitumens, wood-tar (from which it was first obtained by Reichenbach), and many other substances. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 731 The name is from the Latin p~arum, little, and affinis, alluding to the feeble affinity for other substances, or, in other words, its chemical indifference. 778. URPETHITE. Part of Ozocerite (fr. Urpeth Colliery) J. F. W. Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xii. 389, 1838. Urpethite Dana. Consistence of soft tallow. G.=0'885, Johnston. Color yellowishbrown to brown. Adheres to the fingers, and stains paper. Melting point 39~ C. Soluble readily in cold ether. Comp.-Analysis: Johnston (1. c.): Carbon 85'83 Hydrogen 1417-=100. Ethereal solution brown by transmitted light, but with a greenish opalescence by reflected; deposits the wax in brown flocks. Melts at 39~ C. to a yellow-brown liquid. Obs.-Constitutes about four-fifths of the Urpeth Colliery ozocerite, and is separated from the latter through its solubility in cold ether. The crude wax, as found, was soft enough to be kneaded in the fingers; had a greasy feel, and gave a greasy stain to paper; was subtransparent; of a brownish-yellow color by transmitted light, but yellowish-green and opalescent by reflected; and had an odor slightly fatty, which was stronger when melted. It occurred in cavities near a fault in the coal measures, and part in the solid sandstone. Laurent obtained a variety of paraffin by the dry distillation of the bituminous shale of Autun, which melted at 33~ C., was very soluble in ether and insoluble in alcohol, and which consisted of Carbon 85'745, hydrogen 14-200=99'945. It may be identical with the above. It is quite probable that the urpethite obtained by Johnston was not free from mixture with the second paraffin separated by him from the Urpeth mineral by means of boiling ether, which is here referred to ozocerite (p. 732); and such a mixture might account for the divergence of the melting point from that of Laurent's paraffin. Taking 33~ C. as the true melting point, the several paraffins here described, urpethite, hatchettite, ozocerite, Johnston's third from the Urpeth wax, and zietrisikite, have nearly a common difference in melting points of 13~-17~, the temperatures being respectively 330, 46~, 600, 73~ 90~. The mean difference is about 14~; this would make the melting points 33~, 47~, 61~, 15~, 89~. 779. HATCHETTITE. Hatchetine (fr. Merthyr-Tydvil) Conybeare, Ann. Phil., i. 136, 1822. Mineral Adipocire, Mountain Tallow (fr. Loch Fyne), Brande, Ed. Phil. J., xi. 1824. Hatchetine (fr. Glamorganshire) J. F. W. Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xii. 338. In thin plates, or massive. Reported as sometimes occurring as large crystals in fresh specimens. H. like that of soft wax. G.=0'916, Johnston; 0'983, fr. Loch Fyne, after melting and excluding air bubbles, Brande; 0-608, same before melting, id. Lustre slightly glistening and pearly. Color yellowish-white, waxyellow, greenish-yellow; blackens on exposure. Subtransparent to translucent; but opaque on exposure. Feel greasy. Without odor. Melting point 46~ C., fr. Merthyr-Tydvil, Johnston; 47~ C., fr. Loch Fyne, Brande. Polarizes light in patches, Brewster. Comp., etc.-Ratio of C, H=nearly 1: 1, from Johnston's analysis,=Carbon 85-55, hydrogen 14-45=100. Analysis: Johnston (1. c.): Glamorganshire Carbon 85'91 Hydrogen 14'62=100-53. Very sparingly soluble in boiling alcohol, and precipitated from the solution on cooling. Also soluble sparingly in cold ether, and more largely in boiling; and from the latter deposited in a mass of minute fibres or prisms. After repeated boiling with ether there remains only a minute 732 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. portion undissolved, mixed with particles of charcoal derived from the blackened surface of the specimen. Charred and decomposed by concentrated and boiling sulphuric acid. No apparent change in boiling nitric acid. Conybeare (1. c., 1822) stated that the Merthyr-Tydvil hatchettite " melts in warm water under 170~ F., whereas true bitumen does not in boiling water; " and this loose remark is the only ground for the statement that 76'6~ C. is the melting point of one variety of thle mineral. Obs.-From the crevices of iron-stone septaria, and often in geodes containing also quartz crystals, in the coal-measures near Merthyr-Tydvil in Glamorganshire (and, Johnston adds, in some of the midland counties of England); also in a bog on the borders of Loch Fyne in Argyleshire, Scotland. The latter has not yet been analyzed. Also reported from Rossitz in Moravia (Jahrb. G. Reichs., 1854, 898), in the Segen Gottes mine, with spherosiderite, as a thin coating on calcite, having H.=-1, G.=0'892, Patera. This species (or at least the bog variety from Loch Fyne) is probably identical with the kind of paraffin that fuses at 45 —47~ C.; and which has been obtained by the destructive distillation of Boghead coal and peat, and from other sources. Anderson obtained in his analyses of this paraffin: C H Melting T. 1. From Boghead coal, cryst. 85.1 151 —15'3 45'5~'2. "' " " granulasr 85-0-85'3 15'4 52 3. From peat (2) 85'09 15'10 46-7 The Boghead coal (from Boghead and Torbane Hill, near Bathgate in Linlithgowshire) affords on destructive distillation a very large amount of different oils and paraffin, 70 p. c. of the dried mass being volatile. See BATHVILLITE beyond (p. 742). Named after C. Hatchett. 780. OZOCERITE. Part of Native Paraffin. Ozokerit (brought by v. Meyer fr. Slanik, Moldavia) Glocker, Schw. J., lxix. 215, 1833;.Magnus, Ann. Ch. Phys., iv. 217, 1834. Cire fossile Fr. Erdwachs Germ. Like wax or spermaceti in appearance and consistency. G.=0'85 —0'90. Colorless to white when pure; often leek-green, yellowish, brownish-yellow, brown; and when brown sometimes greenish by transmitted light. Often having a greenish opalescence. Translucent. Greasy to the touch. Fusing point 56~ to 630 C. Comp., etc.-The original ozocerite, from Slanik in Moldavia, as described by Glocker (1. c., and Arsb., 1834, 208), was wholly soluble in ether, and gave a yellow solution; also soluble in oil of turpentine and naphtha; and a little soluble in boiling alcohol. G. of the mass 0'955, Glocker; 0'953, Schrotter. Melting point 62~ C., Schrotter. The mineral wax of Urpeth Colliery, after the separation of what was soluble in cold ether (see URPETHITE, p. 731), afforded Johnston (1. c.) another portion through its solubilityin boiling ether; and this is apparently identical with true ozocerite. While soluble in boiling ether it is sparingly so in boiling alcohol. As obtained from the ether solution it was yellow, and had the consistence of soft wax. A kind from Boryslaw in Galicia, examined by Hofstiidter (Ann. Ch. Pharm., xci. 326, 1854), resembled the preceding in its appearance, but was darker colored, being blackish-brown; in thin pieces reddish-brown to leek-green by transmitted light; G.=0-944; melting point 60~. By fractional crystallization it was separated into parts varying in fusibility from 60~ to 65~ 5' C. That from Truscawitz, Galicia, examined by Walter (J. pr. Ch., xxii. 181) appears to be similar. Analyses: 1, Schrbtter (Baumg. ZS., iv. 2, 1836, Bibl. Univ. de Geneve, iii. 184, 1836); 2, Johnston (1. c.); 3, Walter (1. c.); 4, 5, Hofstiidter (1. c.): C IH Melting T. Boiling T. G. 1. Slanik 84-43 13-69=98-12 620-630 C. 2100 0'953 Schrbtter. 2. Turpeth C. 86'80 14-06=100'86 58? Johnston. 3. Truscawitz, crude 84-62 14-29=98'91 59 ov. 300 Walter. 4. Boryslaw, A. 84'94 14'8]=99'81 61 0'944 Hofstiidter. 5. " B. 85-78 14'29=100'07 65-5 Hofstaidter. The A of Hofst/idter was the portion separated by fractional crystallization which had 61~ C. as the melting point, and the B that which had for this point 655 ~. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 733 The above results agree closely, and probably the ozocerite in the specimens examined was but little impure from mixture with other paraffins. Hermann has described a wax-like mixture from seams in a rock in the vicinity of Lake Baikal which he calls Baikerite (J. pr. Ch., lxxiii. 230). About 60'18 p. c. of it was soluble in boiling alcohol, 100 parts dissolving 1; and this portion appears to be ozocerite. It was tasteless and inodorous; melting point 59~ C.; G.=0'9o. The rest (29'82 p. c.) of the baikerite consisted as follows: -02 wax-like substance insoluble in alcohol; 32'41 viscid resin; 0'39 earthy impurities. The same compound has been obtained from mineral coal, peat, and petroleum, mineral tar, etc., by destructive distillation. The following are examples: 1, Anderson (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1856, J. pr. Ch., lxxii. 379); 2, Hofstddter (1. c.): C H Melting Point. 1. Rangoon Tar 85'15 15-29=100'44 610 Anderson. 2. From Bitum. shale, Bonn. 86-16 14'36=100'52 610 Hofstdidter. Ozocerite occurs at each of the localities mentioned, in beds of coal, or associated bituminous deposits; that of Slanik, Moldavia, beneath a bed of bituminous clay shale; in masses of sometimes 80 to 100 lbs., at the foot of the Carpathians, not far from beds of coal and salt; that of Boryslaw in a bituminous clay associated with calciferous beds in the formation of the Carpathians, in masses. Reported also from near Gaming in Austria; in Transylvania, near Moldavia, in the Carpathian sandstone; at Uphall in Linlithgowshire. Named from wto, I smell, and KIZO6O, wax, in allusion to the odor. 781. ZIETRISIKITE. Cire fossile de Moldavie Magnus, Ann. Ch. Phys., lv. 21,7, 1833. Ozockerite (fr. Zietrisika) YMalaguti, C. R., iv. 410, 1837, Ann. Ch. Phys., lxiii. 390, Pogg., xliii. 147. Zietrisikite Dana. Like ozocerite in nearly all physical characters. Hardness like that of beeswax, or harder. G. 0-9; 0'946, Malaguti. Color brown. Melting point 90~ C.; 82 —84~ in the crude or impure mineral. Insoluble in ether. Comp., Var., etc. —The almost complete insolubility of this fossil wax in ether distinguishes it decisively from ozocerite. 1. Magnus, who made the first examination of the fossil wax brought by v. Meyer from Slanik. Moldavia, appears to have had a different substance in hand from that examined by Glocker (by whom ozocerite was named) and by Schrdtter, as he states that only a very little of it was dissolved by alcohol or ether, and the rest, after the action of these solvents, was eroded with holes, show. ing the presence of insoluble and soluble constituents. The insoluble was soluble in oil of turpentine, and of this part the melting point was 82~, and the composition as given below. 2. The wax from Zietrisika, Moldavia, examined by Malaguti, is regarded by him as identical with that of Magnus. It was foliated, conchoidal in fracture, pearly in lustre, deep red-brown in color with a greenish reflection, but in very thin pieces brown, and a little harder than beeswax. It was very slightly soluble in alcohol or boiling ether, and very soluble in oil of turpentine and naphtha, with no action from alkalies or cold sulphuric acid. It melts at 84~ C., and boils at above 800~. On subjecting it to boiling alcohol, a small portion was dissolved, whose melting point was 75~; by a second treatment another portion was obtained, having for the melting point 78~; and at the fourth, the portion dissolved was found to have the same melting point as that of the undissolved mass, which was 90~. This then, which he calls brown ozocerite, appears to be the point of fusion of the true zietrisikite, and this alone was analyzed; as the rest, his yellow ozocerite, he says, " est un melange, j'ai jug6 inutile d'en faire l'analyse." Analyses: 1, Magnus (1. c.); 2, 3, Malaguti (1. c.): C H Melting T. Boiling T. 1. Moldavia 84'61 15'30=99'91 820 C. Magnus. 2. Zietrisika, Mold. 84-53 14-'2298'75 90 Above 3000 C. Malaguti. 3. " " 84-78 14'37=99'15 90 " Malaguti. The wax from Zietrisika, in Moldavia, occurs in large masses, and under similar circumstances with that of Slanik. 781A. Johnston, in his examination of the Urpeth Colliery wax (gsee URPETHITE and OZOOERITE), after separating by ether (first cold, and then boiling) about fivesixths of the mass, obtained for the 734 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. remaining sixth a third portion, almost insoluble in ether, having G.=0'955; color dark brown; consistence like that of wax; melting point 73~., and boiling point above 260~ C. It may be identical with the above, but its melting point would imply that it was distinct. He obtained for its composition C 83'81, H 13'65-97'46. 781B. NEFT-GIL (Naphtdachil, Nephatil, Jahrb. Min. 1846, 84. Naphthadil Kenng., Ueb. 1844-'49, 254. Neftdegil HBerm., J. pr. Ch., lxxiii. 220. Neft-gil Fritzsche, ib., 321). A very abundant material in the naphtha region on Tscheleken I., in the Caspian. It is a mixture of paraffins and a resin, but appears to be most nearly related to zietrisikite. G.=0 956; color chocolate-brown; melting point 75~ 0. Hermann found 66 p. c. of a wax-like substance insoluble in alcohol, and 18 p. c. of another soluble in alcohol, besides 13'33 p. c. of a resin. In ether a large part was insoluble; and this portion may be identical with the zietrisikite, or the insoluble paraffin from the Urpeth wax (p. 731). 781C. PYROPISSITE Kenng., Ueb. 1850-'51, 148. Kenngott has thus named an earthy, friable, coaly substance, of grayish-brown color, and without lustre, and having G.=0-493 —0522, which forms a layer 6 to 9 in. thick in brown coal at Weissenfels, near Halle. It is a mixture of species instead of a mineral, and has not yet been properly investigated. A small part is soluble in alcohol, especially in boiling, and this, precipitated by adding water, is a wax-like substance, paraffin-like in aspect. But whether true paraffin, or whether an oxygenated wax, related to geocerite (a species derived from a similar earthy brown coal from Gersterwitz, near Weissenfels), has not been ascertained. It melts easily to a pitch-like mass, and hence the name, from 7rip, fire, and riaca, opitch. It affords 62 p. c. of paraffin on dry distillation. On the composition of the related Gersterwitz earthy coal, see pp. 157, 758; also, C. Karsten, ZS. G., ii. 71. And for other papers on a similar material from Helbra, between Mansfeld and Eisleben, see Voigt, Brennbarer Fossil fr. Helbra, Vers. Gesch. Steinkohle, etc., 188, 1802, J. d. M., xv. 77, 1804; G. Heine, id., Jahrb. Min. 1845, 149. Such coals are sometimes called Paraffin coal, and in German Wachslcohle. Kenngott refers here also an earthy brown substance from Mettenheim, which melts similarly to an asphalt-like substance; no other evidence of identity is stated. It occurs incrusting massive limestone. 782. ELATERITE. Subterranean Fungus (fr. Derbyshire) Lister, Phil. Trans., 1673. Elastic Bitumen. Mineral Caoutchouc. Bitume elastique Delameth., J. de Phys., xxxi. 31, 1787. Elastic Bitumen Hatchett, Linn. Trans., iv. 146, 1797. Elastiches Erdpech Klapr., Beitr., iii. 107, 1802. Elastisches Erdharz Germ. Elaterit, Fossiles Erdharz, Hamsn., Handb., i. 87, 1813. Massive, amorphous. G.=0-905 — 1-233, fr. Derbyshire. Soft, elastic, sometimes adhering to the fingers (a); also moderately soft and elastic; much like india-rubber (b); and occasionally hard and brittle (c), imbedded in the softer kinds. Color brown, usually dark brown. Subtranslucent; sometimes dark orange-red by transmitted light. Comp., etc.-Johnston analyzed the three kinds, a, b, c, separately. He mentions the action of ether only on the b, from which it separated but 18 p. c. of the mass; and the two analyses given are those of the undissolved material. Analyses: C H 1 (a) 85'474 13'283=98'757. 2 (b) 84-385 12'576=96'961. 3 (b) 83'671 12-535=96'206. 4 (c) 85'958 12'342=98'300. 5 (c) 86'177 12-423=98-600. He states that the loss in a and c may be partly or wholly oxygen, and that in the case of c, or the insoluble residue, 3-3-8 p. c. is oxygen. He thus leaves the constitution of elaterite in doubt. It appears to be partly a carbohydrogen near ozocerite, and partly an oxygenated insoluble material. Mr. Henry, Jr., found 36 to 40 p. c. of oxygen (J. de Oh. M6dicale, i. 18); but his results, as Johnston observes, are evidently untrustworthy. It is found at Castleton in Derbyshire, in the lead mine of Odin, along with lead ore and calcite, in compact reniform or fungoid masses, and is abundant. Also reported from St. Bernard's Well, SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS. 735 near Edinburgh; Chapel quarries in Fifeshire; a coal mine at Montrelais, at the depth of 230 feet; and, according to Hausmann (Handbuch, iii. 273), at Neufchatel, and on the island of Zante. A similar material in external characters has been met with at Woodbury, Ct. 783. SETTLING STONES RESIN (New Mineral Resin (fr. Settling Stones) J. F. W. Johnston, Edinb. J. Sci.. II. iv. 122, 1831, Phil. Mag., III. xiv. 88, 1839. Elaterite?) In the form of drops, more or less rounded, or flattened, as if once fluid or soft, and found incrusting the rocky walls of a vein at an old lead mine in Northumberland, known by the name of Settling Stones, resting on and occasionally covered by calcite and pearl spar; the rock is the Mountain limestone (Subearboniferous). It is hard, brittle under the hammer, but difficult to reduce to powder; G =1-16-1'54; color from pale yellow to deep red; a pale green opalescence; does not melt at 205~ C. Burns in the flame of a candle. Very slightly acted upon by alcohol. CoMP., ETC.-O. ratio for -0, H=nearly 2: 3 (?); an analysis affording Johnston (1. c.): Carbon 85'133 Hydrogen 10'853 Ash 3'256=99'242. But Johnston adds: "It is therefore doubtful whether this resinoid substance contains oxygen or not. It may be only an impure carbo-hydrogen." It is very slightly acted upon by alcohol. Gives empyreumatic products when fused in a closed tube. It has close relations to elaterite. FICHTELITE GROUP. The Fichtelite group, according to the analyses, belongs to the Camphene series of hydrocarbons, the general formula for which is -H2i n-4. Petrolene, or more correctly the petrolene group of oils, has been referred to the Camphene series; and should constitute a group preceding the Fichtelite group, if the analyses were made on pure species, and are to be credited. See p. 729. 784. FICHTELITE. Tekoretin Forchh., Vid. Selsk. Afh. Copenh., 1840, J. pr. Ch., 459, 1840 Fichtelit Bromeis, Ann. Ch. Pharm., xxxvii. 304, 1841; T. E. Clark, Ann. Ch. Pharm., ciii. 236, 1857, Am. J. Sci., II. xxv. 164. Monoclinic. C=53~, IA 1=830 and 97~; IA i-i 616 131~ 30', O A i-i =1270, O A 1-i=1050, i-i A 1-J 1280, Clark. Crystals lengthened in the direction.... of the orthodiagonal. H.=1. Lustre somewhat greasy. Color white. i1 Translucent. Brittle. Without taste or smell. Distils over without decomposition. Solidifying o temperature 360 C. Easily soluble in ether; less so 1 in alcohol. Comp., Var., etc. —Ratio of, H=5: 8=Carbon 88535, hydrogen 11'65. Analyses: 1, Bromeis (1. c.); 2, Clark (1. c.); 3, Forchhammer (I. c.): C BH Melting T. Boiling T. 1. Redwitz 87/95 10'70=98'65 46~ Bromeis. 2. " () 87-1 12886=99'99 46 above 320~ Clark. 3. Tecoretin 85'89 12581=98570 45 360 Forchh. Decomposed by anhydrous sulphuric acid; also by heated fuming nitric acid; soluble in cold nitric. Clark, after a revision of the investigations on fichtelite and the related resins, concludes that there is no doubt of the identity of the substance analyzed by him with Bromeis's fichtelite, and deduces the empirical formula t& HIs. 736 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. The mineral occurs in the form of shining scales, flat crystals, and thin layers between the rings of growth and throughout the texture of pine wood (identical in species with the modern Pinus sylvestris) from peat beds in the vicinity of Redwitz, in the Fichtelgebirge, North Bavaria. The crystals described by Clark (f. 616) were obtained artificially by means of ether and alcohol. An oily substance was extracted by Schrotter by means of ether from wood of the same peat bed which afforded the fichtelite; and this solution yielded two substances, one of which was an oil, regarded by him as identical with fichtelite in ratio; it gave on analysis, Carbon 88-58, hydrogen 11'34=99'42. The other substance was crystallized and contained oxygen. Tecoretin was obtained from pine trees of the same species in marshes near Ioltegard in Denmark. The resin from the wood, first observed by Steenstrup, was found by Forchhammer, after dissolving it in boiling alcohol. to contain two substances crystallizing from the solution at differ. ent temperatures. The tecoretin was the least soluble of the two, or that which crystallized out first (the other was his phylloretin, see p. 737); its crystallization was monoclinic, and its fusing point 45~. From the analysis Clark writes the empirical formula e HI2; but states that the mineral resembles fichtelite in every other respect. 785. HARTITE. Hartit rHaid., Pogg., liv. 261, 1841. Branchite Savi, Cimento, i. 342, Jahrhb Min. 1842, 459. Monoclinic. Resembling fichtelite in crystalline form, lustre, color, translucency, and the reactions with alcohol, ether, and the acids. But melts at 74~-75~ C. Boiling temperature very high. Comp., etc.-Ratio of A, H=12: 20=Carbon 87'8, hydrogen 12-2. Analyses: 1, Schritter (Pogg., lix. 37); 2, Piria (Cimento, i. 346, Jahresb. 1855, 984): 0 II 1. Hartite 87-47 12'04=99'51 Schrdtter. 2. Branchite 87'0 13'4=100'4 Piria. Piria's analysis corresponds nearly with the ratio 9: 16. Obs.-Hartite is found in a kind of pine, like fichtelite, but of a different species, the Peuce acerosa Unger, belonging to an earlier geological epoch. It is from the brown coal beds of Oberhart, near Gloggnitz, not far from Vienna. Reported also from Rosenthal near Kdflach in Styria, and Pr/ivali in Carinthia. It occurs among the layers or tissues of the wood, and also in clefts in the coal or lignite. Branchite is colorless and translucent, with G.=1 0442, and comes from the brown coal of Mt. Vaso in Tuscany. It is soluble in alcohol, like hartite. 786. DINITE Ml~eneghini (Gaz. Med. Italiana, Firenze, Toscana, July, 1852). Occurs as an aggregation or druse of crystals; cleavage none; with the appearance of ice, but with a yellow tinge due to a foreign substance. Inodorous; tasteless; fragile, and easily reduced to powder. Insoluble in water; little soluble in alcohol, very soluble in ether and in sulphuret of carbon. The ethereal solution on standing deposits large crystals of the dinite. Fuses with the warmth of the hand; heated in a close vessel distils over without undergoing any sensible decomposition. When melted it looks like a yellowish oil; crystallizes in large transparent crystals on cooling. From a lignite deposit at Lunigiana, Tuscany, where it was found by Prof. Dini. 787. IXOLYTE (Ixolyt Haid., Pogg., lvi. 345, 1842). Amorphous. H. = 1. G.=1'008. Lustre greasy. Color hyacinth-red. Pulverized in the fingers, it becomes ochre-yellow and yellowish-brown. Thin fragments subtranslucent. Fracture imperfect conchoidal in the purer varieties. Softens at 76~ C., but is still tenacious at 100~ C., whence the name, from tods, gluey, like birdlime, and XAw, to dissolve. This species is said to resemble hartite, though differing in the temperature of fusion and other characters. It occurs in a coal bed at Oberhart, near Gloggnitz; pieces sometimes half an inch thick, associated with hartite. SIMPLE HYDROCARBONS.'737 BENZOLE GROUP. Oily fluids at the ordinary temperature. General formula an H-2]n-.6. Soluble in alcohol and ether. The species observed in nature, which include all those known of the Benzole series, are the following: (: I G. Boiling T. 788. BENZOLE e6 H6 =92-31 "'69=100 0'85 at 15'5~ C. 82~ C. 789. TOLUOLE e1 Hs =91-30 8170=100 0'88 at 5 111 790. XYLOLE -e, Hlo=9057T 9'43=_100 0'86 at 19 139 791. CUMOLE, H12= —90'00 10'00=100 0'87 148 792. CYMOLE 1-loeH14=89-55 10'45=100 0'86 at 14 175 W. de la Rue and H. Miller detected in 1856, in Rangoon tar, the first three of the above species, with another designated pseudocumole (isocumole). In 1860 Bussenius and Eisenstuck (Ann. Oh. Pharm., cxiii. 151) announced xylole as present in the petroleum of Sehnde in Hanover; and the same year (ib., cxv. 19) Pebal and Freund detected all the above five species of the series in the naphtha of Boroslaw in Galicia. Warren and Storer also (Mem. Am. Ac. Boston, ix. 216) have detected xylole and " isocumole " in the Rangoon tar. None of the series were detected by Pelouze and Cahours in the Pennsylvania petroleum. These oils are produced in the destructive distillation, at high temperatures, of bituminous coals, fatty substances, etc.'793. KONLJT.E. (Fr. Uznach) Kraus, Pogg., xliii. 141, 1838. KInlit (fr. ib.) Sc7rb'tter, ib., lix. 37, 1843; (fr. Redwitz) v. Trommsdorff, Ann. d. Pharm., xxi. 126. Kionleinit Hausm., Handb., 1487, 1847; Kenngott, Ber. Ak. Wien, xiv. 272, Min. d. Schweiz, 419, Leipzig, 1866. In folia and grains; amorphous; stalactitic. Soft. G. =088, Trommsdorff. Color reddish-brown to yellow. Melting point 114~ C., IKraus; 107~, Tromrnsdorff. Distils at 2000 undergoing decomposition at the same time, and leaving a brown residue. Very slightly soluble in cold and hot alcohol; much more soluble in ether; the latter solution affording wax-like folia. Comp.-Ratio of 0, H=1I: 1; n(e6 H,) or a polymere of benzole. Fritzsche makes the formula 1, sHs=3 (e6 HI). (Bull. Ac. St. Pet., iii. 88, 1860.) Analyses: 1, Kraus (L. c.); 2, v. Trommsdorff (. c.): C H 1. Uznach, Switz. 92'429 7-571=100 Kraus. 2. Redwitz, Bavaria 90'90 "/58=98'48 Trommsdorff. The Redwitz mineral may be a different species. Kinlite, unlike scheererite, is changed by distillation, yielding a substance which melts by the warrmth of the hand. For this product Krauss proposed the name pyroscheererite. In brown coal at Uznach, at the same locality with scheererite; near Redwitz, Bavaria, in the Fichtelgebirge, with fichtelite; reported by Kenngott from the brown coal of Fossa in the Eger valley (Ueb., 1850-'51, 147). Named after ]Kbnlein, formerly superintendent of the coal works at Uznach. PHYLLORETIN of Forchhammer (J. pr. Ch., xx. 459, 1840) is near the above, and is made identical with it by Fritzsche. It was obtained from an alcoholic solution of a resin from the marshes near Holtegard in Denmark; the more soluble of the two resins obtained (see p. 736) being the phylloretin. Fusing point 860-87~. Dissolves easily in alcohol. Forchhammer obtained Carbon 90'22, 90'12, hydrogen 9'22, 9'26; and deduces for the ratio of -e, H, 8: 10. 47 738 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 794. NAPHTHALIN. Orthorhombic. Commonly, as artificially prepared, in rhombic tables of 122~ and 780 with the acute angles truncated, or hexagonal tables. Lustre brilliant. Color white. G.=1-153 at 18~ C.; 0'9778, at 79'2~ C., Kopp.; at which temperature it melts. Boiling point 218~ C. Dissolves readily in alcohol, ether, oil of turpentine, fatty oils, etc. Comp., etc. —X, Hf8=Carbon 93'*5, hydrogen 6'25=100. The first of the Naphthalin series, the general formula for which is,, H2n-12. Burns with a dense smoking flame. Obs. —Found sparingly in Rangoon tar, by De la Rue and Miiller, and by Warren and Storer. Artif.-Formed easily from petroleum, coal-naphtha, essential oils, on passing them through red-hot tubes. 795. IDRIALITE. Quecksilberbranderz pt. Idrialine (fr. Idria) Dumas, Ann. Ch. Phys., 1. 360, 1832. Idrialite Schr6tter, Baumg. ZS., iii. 245, iv. 5. In the pure state crystalline in structure. Color white. In nature found only impure, being mixed with cinnabar, clay, and some pyrite and gypsum in a brownish-black earthy material, called, from its combustibility and the presence of mercury, infJammn able cinnabar (Quecksilberbranderz). Comp., etc. —Dumas separated the idrialite by treatment with oil of turpentine. Analyses: 1, Dumas (1. c.); 2, 3, Schrdtter (1. c.): Carbon 94'9 94'50 94'80 Hydrogen 5-1 D. 5.19 Schr. 5'49 Schr. Corresponding to the ratio for C, H about 3: 2=Carbon 94'74, hydrogen 5'26=100. Insoluble in water, and little so in alcohol or ether. Fuses at 205' C. Schrdtter found in one specimen ~of the crude mineral 77-32 idrialite, 17'85 cinnabar, and 2-75 of other impurities. Bdecker (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lii. 100, 1844) obtained for the composition of a substance he derived from the crude material, (4) Carbon 91'83, hydrogen 5-30, oxygen 2'87=100, corresponding to C42 H1'4 (or an oxydized idrialite). He derived it from the ore by sublimation in an atmosphere of carbonic acid. Bddecker states that a black material obtained from the condensationchambers at Idria afforded a substance which has the composition of Dumas's idrialite; and this Ihe calls Idryl, supposing it to be the radical of his own idrialite. II. OXYGENATED IHYDROCARBONS. 796. GEOCERITE. Geocerain L. Briickner, J. pr. Ch., lvii. 14, 1852. Wax-like. Color white. Not observed to crystallize from its solution in alcohol. Melting point near 80~ C.; after fusion solidifies as a yel-.lowish wax, hard but not very brittle. Soluble in alcohol of 80 p. c. Not acted upon by a hot solution of potash. Comp. —328 H1,1 02, Briickner=Carbon 79-24, hydrogen 13-21, oxygen 7'55=100. Analyses: Briickner (1. c.): (C H 0 79.06 13,13 [1.81]=100. 79'16 13'01 [7'83]=100.,Obs. —From the same dark-brown brown coal of Gesterwitz that afforded the geomyricite (p. OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 739 739), and from the same solution. The solution, after yielding the geomyricite, and next, on adding a hot solution of acetate of lead, a precipitate of a salt of lead and "geocerinsiiure," finally afforded, on filtering the hot solution, the geocerite in the state of a jelly, which on drying became a white foliated mass. The distillation product obtained from the same dark-brown brown coal, tallow-like in consistence (but in pearly crystals from a subsequent alcoholic solution) afforded Carbon 83-82, hydrogen 14'01, oxygen [2-17], corresponding to the formula e65 H-Ioe 0, as if derived, as follows, ae Bruckner states, from the above: 2 (0e2s H6 02) -(a e2 + H2 0)=-e5 H110 0. It is identical with the distillation product from the yellowish-brown brown coal of the same locality. Named from y7, earth, and eupos, wax. 797. GEOMYRICITE. Geomyricin L. Briickner, J. pr. Ch., lvii. 10, 1852. Wax-like. Obtained in a pulverulent form from a solution, the grains consisting (as apparent under a microscope) of acicular crystals. Color white. Melting point 80~ —83~ C. After fusion has the aspect of a yellowish brittle wax. No action in a solution of potash. Soluble easily in hot absolute alcohol and ether, but slightly in alcohol of 80 p. c. Comp., etc. —C4 H68 02, Briickner,=Carbon 80-59, hydrogen 13-42, O 5'99=100. Analyses: C H O 1. G.=83~ 80'33 13'50 6']7 2. G.-83 79-97 12-85 7'18] 3. G.=80 80-21 13'24 6'55] Burns with a bright flame. Briickner observes that the composition is very near that of the Chinese wax, Palm wax (from the S. A. palm, Ceroxylon andicola), Carnauba wax (from the S. A. palm, Corypha cerifera), for which Lewy obtained C36 H72 0-=Carbon 80'59, hydrogen 13'42, oxygen 5'99=100. Obs.-Occurs at the Gesterwitz brown coal deposit, in a dark brown layer, similar in most respects to the yellowish-brown which afforded the leucopetrite. Its very slight insolubility in alcohol of 80 p. c. enabled Briickner to separate resins and other soluble ingredients present in the mass. L. Lesquereux states (priv. contrib.) that the brown coal beds of the basin in which Gesterwitz lies has afforded the palms Flabellaria latania and Phcenicites Giebelianus, and perhaps others, though none has yet been reported from the particular bed at Gesterwitz. 798. COPALITE. Fossil Copal, Highgate Resin, Aikin, Min., 64, 1815. Retinite pt. Glock., Min., 372, 1831, Haid., Handb., 574, 1845. Fossil Copal J. F. W. Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xiv. 87, 1839. Copaline Hausm., Handb., 1500, 1847. Like the resin copal in hardness, color, lustre, transparency, and difficult solubility in alcohol. Color clear pale yellow to dirty gray and dirty brown. Emits a resinous aromatic odor when broken. G.=-1010, Johnston; 1-05, Bastock; 1'053, fr. E. Indies, Kenngott. Comp.-Ratio for A, H, 0=40: 64: l=Carbon 85'7, hydrogen 11-4, oxygen 2-9=100. Analvses: 1, 2, Johnston (1. c.); 3, Duffos (Min. Unters., ii. 183): C H 0 Ash 1. Yellow trp. 85677 11'476 2847 -=100 Johnston. 2. -Gray 85'408 11-787 2'669 0'136=100 Johnston. 3. E. Indies 85'73 11'50 2-77 -=100 Duflos. Volatilizes in the air by a gentle heat. Burns easily with a yellow flame and much smoke, and hardly any perceptible ash. Slightly acted upon by alcohol. Kenngott's mineral closely resembles the Highgate copalite in its honey-yellow color, and its action with heat and alcohol. Obs. —From the blue clay (London clay) of Highgate Hill, near London, from whence it is called Highgate resin. It occurs in irregular pieces of a pale honey-yellow color. 740 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 799. SUCCINITE.'HXsK-rpov Homer, etc.? AvyzKptov Theophr., Demostr. Avyyoipov Diosc., etc. Succinum, Electrum, Lyncurium, Plin., xxxvii. 11, 12, 13. Amber. Succin, Ambre, Fr. Bernstein Germ. Succinite pt. Breith., Char., 75, 1820, 140, 1823. In irregular masses, without cleavage. H.=2 —25. G.=1'065-1'081. Lustre resinous. Color yellow, sometimes reddish, brownish, and whitish, often clouded. Streak white. Transparent-translucent. Tasteless. Electric on friction. Fuses at 287~ C., but without becoming a flowing liquid. Comp.-Ratio for X, H, 0=40: 64: 4=Carbon 78-94, hydrogen 10'53, oxygen 10'53=100. Analysis: Schrdtter (Pogg., lix. 64): C 785824 1I 10'228 0 10'9=100. But amber is not a simple resin. According to Berzelius (Lehrb., viii. 431, Pogg., xii. 419), it consists mainly (85 to 90 p. c.) of a resin which resists all solvents (properly the species succinite), along with two other resins soluble in alcohol and ether, an oil, and 2~ to 6 p. c. of succinic acid. Schrbtter and Forchhammer state that after removing these soluble ingredients, true succinite has the ratio 40: 32: 4, which is the ratio deduced from the analyses of the whole mass, and which indicates that the mixed resins are polymerous with succinite. Their nature has not been investigated. Amber is hardly acted on by alcohol. Burns readily with a yellow flame, emitting an agreeable odor, and leaves a black, shining, carbonaceous residue. Obs.-Amber occurs abundantly on the Prussian coast of the Baltic; occurring from Dantzig to Memel, especially between Pillau and Dorfe Gross-Hubnicken. It occurs also on the coast of Denmark and Sweden; in Galicia, near Lemberg, and at Miszau; in Poland; in Moravia, at Boskowitz, etc.; in the Urals, Russia; near Christiania, Norway; in Switzerland, near iBAle; in France, near Paris, in clay, in the department of the Lower Alps, with bituminous coal, also in the department of l'Aisne, de la Loire, du Gard, du Bas-Rhin. In England, near London, and on the coast of Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk. It also occurs in various parts of Asia. Also near Catania, on the Sicilian coast, sometimes of a peculiar blue tinge. It has been found in various parts of the Green sand formation of the United States, either loosely imbedded in the soil, or engaged in marl or lignite, as at Gay Head or Martha's Vineyard, near Trenton and also at Camden in New Jersey, and at Cape Sable, near Magothy river in Maryland. In the royal museum at Berlin there is a mass weighing 18 lbs. Another in the kingdom of Ava, India, is nearly as large as a child's head, and weighs 2~ lbs.; it is intersected by veins of carbonate of lime, from the thickness of paper to one-twentieth of an inch. It is now fully ascertained that amber is a vegetable resin altered by fossilization. This is inferred both from its native situation with coal, or fossil wood, and from the occurrence of insects incased in it. Of these insects, some appear evidently to have struggled after being entangled in the then viscous fluid: and occasionally a leg or wing is found some distance from the body, which had been detached in the effort to escape. Gdppert has shown (Ber. Ak. Berlin, 1853, 450, Q. J. G. Soc., x., Am. J. Sci., II. xviii. 287) that at least 8 species of plants besides the Pinites succinifer have afforded this fossilized resin, and he enumerates 163 species as represented by remains in amber. Besides pines, species of the family Abietinece and Cupressinece have prob ably contributed to it. Amber was early known to the ancients, and called lXEKTrpo, electrum, whence, on account ot its electrical susceptibilities, we have derived the word electricity. It was named by some lyncurium, though this name was applied by Theophrastus also to a stone, probably to zircon or tourmaline, both minerals of remarkable electrical properties. Pliny mentions, as one proposed derivation of electrum, the fable, as he regards it, that the sisters of Pha6thon, changed into poplars, shed their tears on the banks of the Eridanus (or Padus), and that these tears were called electrumn, from the fact that the sun was usually called elector; as another, that it comes from Electrides, the name of certain islands in the Adriatic; or another electrides, the name of certain stones in Britannia, from which it exudes. He gives it as his opinion that "amber is an exudation from trees of the pine family, like gum frorn the cherry, and resin from the ordinary pine;" and, as proof that it was once liquid, alludes to the gnats, etc., in it. He observes that it had been long called succinum, because of this origin, " quod arboris succum prisci nostri credidere." He says that in his time it was " in request among women only." But "it had been so highly valued as an object of luxury that a very diminutive OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 741 human effigy, made of amber, had been known to sell at a higher price than living men, even in stout and vigorous health." 199A. KRANTZITE (Fossiles Harz (fr. Nienburg), Krantzit, C. Bergemann, J. pr. Ch., lxxvi. 65). Essentially succinite. Occurs in small grains and masses of a light yellow or greenish-yellow color, but reddish or brownish externally. G.=0'968. Rather tender. Sectile and somewhat elastic. The exterior has G. — 1002. Comp.-Analysis by Landolt (1. c.) afforded: Carbon 79-25 Hydrogen 10'41 Oxygen 10'34=100. Corresponding nearly to the formula X40 1 H4 E4. Only 4 p. c. soluble in alcohol, and 6 p. c. in ether; and only softens in turpentine. In sulphuric acid gives a brown solution. Fuses at 2250 C., and becomes perfectly fluid at 2880; and at a higher temperature yields gas and products of distillation. The ether solution affords a brownish amorphous substance, which is elastic like caoutchouc at 12~, and fuses at 150~. 800. WALCHOWITE. Bergpech pt. (fr. Walchow) Estner, Min., iii., Ite Abth., 114, 1800. Retinit von Walchow Schr6itter, lix. 37, 1843. Walchowit Htaid., Ueb., 1843, 99, Handb., 574, 1845. In yellow translucent masses, often striped with brown. Lustre resinous. Fracture conchoidal. Translucent to opaque. H.=15 —2. G.=1'0-1'069; an opaque variety 1-035. Comp.-Ratio for C, H, 0=40: 64: 3~, Schrdtter (Pogg., lix. 61)=80'41 0, 10'66 H, 8'93 0. E-uses to a yellow oil at 250~ C., and burns readily; becomes transparent and elastic at 140~ C. But it is a mixture, as alcohol takes up 1'5 p. c., and ether 7-5 p. c.; the insoluble part may be identical with the preceding. Forms a dark brown solution in sulphuric acid. Obs.-Occurs in brown coal at Walchow, in Moravia, and formerly called Retinite. Estner also mentions a honey-yellow resin from Uttigshof in Moravia (called Bernstein in the Abh. bdhm. Ges., iii. 8), and another of a similar color, but a little greenish, from Litezko in Moravia. 801. BUCARAMANGITE. Resine de Bucaramanga Boussingault, Ann. Ch. Phys., III. vi. 507, 1842. Resembles amber in its pale yellow color. G. above 1. Comp.-Ratio for -, H,:=42: 66: 2 —Carbon 82'-, hydrogen 10'8, oxygen 6'5=100. Insoluble in alcohol. In ether softens and becomes opaque. Fuses easily, and burns with a little smoky flame, leaving no residue. Yields no succinic acid. 802. AMBRITE. Ambrit (fr. N. Zealand) Hochstetter, v. Hauer, Verh. G. Reichs., Wien, 1861, 4. Amorphous. In large masses. HI.=2. G.-1'034. Lustre greasy. Color yellowish-gray. Subtransparent. Strong electric on friction. Fracture conchoidal. Comp., etc.-Ratio deduced for X, H, 0=40: 66: 5=Carbon 76'88, hydrogen 10-54, oxygen 12-77. Von Hauer makes the ratio 32: 26: 4, which is not nearer the analysis than the above. Analysis: R. Maly (I. c.): C H 0 Ash (3) 76'53 10'58 12-70 0'19 Wholly insoluble in alcohol, ether, oil of turpentine, benzole, chloroform, and dilute acid. Burns with yellow smoking flame. The ash contains iron, lime, and soda. Obs.-Occurs in masses as large as the head in the province of Auckland, N. Zealand. It much resembles the resin of the Dammara Australis, which abounds on the island, and is often exported with it. 742 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 803. BATHVILLITE. Bathvillite C. Gr. Williams, Ch. News, vii. 133, 1863. Torbanite pt Amorphous. Dull, and of a fawn-brown color, looking somewhat like wood in the last stage of decay. Opaque. G., after removing air of pores by air-pump, about 1'01. Very friable, but this characteristic may not be essential to the species. Insoluble in benzole. Torbanite has H.=2'25; G.=1'18, Heddle; color clove-brown; powder yellowish; tough. Comp.-Ratio for X, HE, 0, from the analyses, 40: 68: 4, or near that of succinite,= -arbon 78,43, hydrogen 11'11, oxygen 10'46=100. The ratio 40: 66: 4 is less near, giving the percentage C 78-7, H 10-5, 0 10-8=100. Analyses: 1, Williams (1. c.); 1A, same with ash excluded; 2, Miller; 2A, same with ash excluded: 0 H 0 Ash 1. Bathvillite 58,89 8-56 7'23 25'32=100. 1A. " 71886 11'46 9'68 - -=100. 2. Torbanite 63'10 8'91 8-21 19-78=100. 2A. " 78'67 11-11 10-22 - 100. Williams refers here the torbanite analyzed by Miller. Other analyses of torbanite give less oxygen. The oxygen includes a'little nitrogen and sulphur. Williams makes the formula 3o, 1150 -- =Carbon 78'60, hydrogen 10'92, oxygen 10'48, agreeing hardly as well with the analyses as the above. Does not melt when heated. In a platinum crucible affords a fatty odor, and burns with a dense smoky flame. No action with moderately dilute nitric acid; completely carbonized by concentrated sulphuric acid. Obs.-Bathvillite occurs in the torbanite or Boghead coal (of the Carboniferous formation!, adjoining the lands of Torbanehill, in the grounds of Bathville, Scotland. It forms lumps which fill cavities in the torbanite. Other cavities are occupied by calcite, pyrite, etc. It may be an altered lump of resin; or else material which has filtrated into the cavity from the surrounding torbanite. The analysis of Miller shows that some of the torbanite has the same composition. As proof of the absolute purity of the substances analyzed could not be had, the results are open to some doubt, as Williams observes. Yet the mode of occurrence of the bathvillite, and the nearness in composition of this insoluble substance to the equally insoluble succinite, favors the view that it is essentially a good species, and that its composition is not far from that above given. 804. TORBAMTE. Torbanite, although related to cannel coal, has a very nearly uniform composition, according to all analyses thus far made, excepting that of Miller, and this composition is like that of bathvillite, excepting less oxygen. It corresponds very nearly with the formula 040 H8 02.25.=Carbon 82-19, hydrogen 11-64, oxygen 6-17. The mean of five analyses (see p. 757) is, Carbon 81-15, hydrogen 11'48, with oxygen about 6'0, nitrogen 137-=100; excluding the nitrogen, C 82-28, H 11-54, O 6-08=100. Taking the oxygen at 5'4.0 instead of 6'0 (see anal., 1. c.), the formula would become 040 HI-6, 02. The nitrogen is without doubt in combination with portions of the other ingredients. But, allowing for this, the close relation to the amber group still holds, both as regards composition and insolubility. Less than 1~ p. c. of torbanite is soluble in naphtha (Fyfe). Although the above formula cannot be taken as the formula of the species at the basis torbanite, it is probably not far from it. Torbanite may contain bathvillite as mixture. 805. XYLORETINITE. Xyloretin Forchhammer, J. pr. Ch., xx. 459, 1840. Hartin Schrdtter, Pogg., liv. 45, 1843. Psathyrit Glocker, Syn., 8, 1847. Massive, but crystallizes from a naphtha solution in needles of the orthorhombic system. G.=1'115, hartine. Color white. Pulverizes in the fingers. Without taste or smell. Soluble in ether. Comp., etc.-Ratio for A0, H, = —40: 64: 4=Carbon 78'51, hydrogen 90O5, oxygen 12,44. OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 7:43 C20 H17 04, deduced by Schritter, corresponds better with the analyses. Analyses: 1-3, Schriitter (. c.); 4, 5, Forchhammer (1. c.): C H 0 Fusing T. 1. Hartine 78-26 10'92 10-82=100. 2100 C. 2. " 78-46 11'00 10'54=100. 3. ". 833 10-85 10'82=100. 4. Xyloretinite 71909 10.93 9'98=100. 165~ C. 5. "' 78-57 10-81 10-62=100. The hartine is a white resin separated by ether from a resin obtained from the brown coal of Oberhart. No. 1 is hartine as separated in an amorphous condition by means of naphtha; and 2, 3, crystallized from an ether solution. (Besides the hartine, two amorphous brown resins were also obtained from the solution.) Xyloretinite was derived by Forchhammer through the action of alcohol on fossil pine-wood from the marshes of Holtegaard in Denmark. 806. LE.UCOPETRITE. Leucopetrin L. Briickner, J. pr. Ch., 1vii. 1, 1852, in art. entitled Ueber einige eigenthUimliche wachshaltige Braunkohlen. Between a resin and wax in characters. Crystallizable in needles from solution. Color of crystals white. Melting point above 100~ C.; and after fusion brown and partly decomposed, and hence the exact melting point not easily determinable. Soluble in ether; also 1 part in 268 of boiling absolute alcohol; but not at all in alcohol of 80 p. c. Comp. —e50 1-84 03, Briickner,=Carbon 81'97, hydrogen 11447, oxygen 6'56=100; very nearly 40o HI7 02.4. Not at all acted upon by a hot solution of potash, or cold nitric acid. Obs. —From a layer 1-2 ft. thick, in an earthy yellowish-brown brown coal, at Gesterwitz, near Weissenfels. The material of the layer is of loam-like aspect, but gives a shining wax-like streak, has G.=-1297, Wackenroder, and loses 22 p. c. of water at 100~ 0. The dried mass is nearly half sand and other earthy materials. The leucopetrite is associated in the coalylayer, according to Bruckner, with other organic compounds, soluble in alcohol of 80 p. c., including two resins, two wax-like substances (p. 738), and an acid which Bruckner calls Georetinic acid (p. 148). By a distillation of the mass of the brown coal, 28 p. c. of the whole passes over as a butter-like mass, which is related to the paraffins, but, according to Briickner, contains 2 p. c. of oxygen. It afforded (,) Carbon 84-04, hydrogen 14-10, oxygen [1-86], and he writes the formula 55 EHllo 0. It is soluble easily in hot absolute alcohol and ether, and very sparingly in alcohol of 80 p. c.; crystals in pearly hexagonal plates from the alcoholic solution; melts at 50~ 0. Named after the locality, Weissenfels (=white rock), from XeUK6g, white, and rcrpog, rock. 807. EUOSMIT.E. Erdharz, Kampferharz, Euosmit, C. W. Gumbel, Jahrb. Min. 1864, 10. Amorphous, in masses of a brownish-yellow color, or like that of cherry gum, and looking like common pitch. lH.=1'5. G.=1-2 —1'5. Brittle. In thin pieces transparent. Fracture conchoidal. Strongly electric on friction. Has an odor between that of rosin and camphor. Dissolves easily in cold alcohol or ether, and hot oil of turpentine. Comp., etc.-Ratio of 0, H, 0=34: 29: 2=40: 68: 2I=50: 85: 2.=+ —Carbon 81-89, hydrogen 11'73, oxygen 6'38=100. Afforded 0-84 of ash. The ratio is almost identical with that of leucopetrite. Melts at 771 C., and burns with a bright flame and very aromatic odor. Solutions of the alkalies dissolve only a little of it, after long action. Obs.-From clefts in brown coal, at Baiershof, near Thumsenreuth, in the Fichtelgebirge, and derived probably from a kind of Conifer, and one resembling the Cuzpressinoxylon sucequale Goppert. 744 HYD)ROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 808. SOLIERETINITE. J. W. Mallet, Phil. Mag., IV. 4, 261, 1852. In small drops or tears, from the size of a pea to that of a hazel-nut. H.=3. G.=1-136. Translucent in thin splinters. Color black, but by transmitted light reddish-brown; streak cinnamon-brown. Lustre between vitreous and resinous, rather brilliant. Brittle; fracture conchoidal. Insoluble in alcohol, ether, alkalies, and dilute acids. Comp.-Analyses by J. W. Mallet (1. c.): 0 H 0 Ash 1. 76-74 8'86 10'72 3'68 2. 7'-15 9'05 10'12 3-68 Affords the ratio for e, H, 0=40: 56: 4=Carbon /7'05, hydrogen 8,99, oxygen 10'28, ash 3'68. Heated.on platinum foil it swells up, burns like pitch, with a disagreeable empyreumatic smell, and a smoky flame, leaving a coal rather difficult to burn, and finally a little gray ash. In a glass tube yields a yellowish-brown oily product of a nauseous empyreumatic odor. Even strong nitric acid acts slowly upon it. From the coal measures of Wigan, England. 809. PYRORETINITE. Part of Pyroretin of A. E. Reuss, Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 551, 1854, J. pr. Ch., 1xiii. 155; J. Stanek, ib. Pyroretinite Dana. Resin-like. Deposited in powder from a hot alcoholic solution of pyroretin as it cools. Comp.-Ratio of X, H, t =40: 56: 4=Carbon 80'00, hydrogen 9'33, oxygen 10'67=100. Analysis: Stanek (1. c.): C 80-02 H 9'42 0 [10.56]=100. Approaches, as Stanek states, the beta-resin of the resin of Pinus abies (Johnston)W=40 1Hs8 O6, and also copaivic acid (fr. copaiba balsam) 140 H60 04, and other related compounds, showing that it is probably from coniferous trees. Obs.-Pyroretin of Reuss, the resin which affords the above, occurs in the brown coal, between Salesl and Proboscht, near Aussig in Bohemia. It occurs in masses from the size of a nut to that of a man's head, and also in plates an inch thick. It is brittle; of brownish-black color; greasy-resinous lustre; wood-brown powder; H.=2-5; G.=1'05-1'18; and resembles much brown coal. It burns with a reddish-yellow flame, and a strong odor like that of burning amber,. and leaves a black coal. It melts easily, decomposing and giving off white fumes, and leaves an asphalt-like mass. Reuss states evidence showing that it has probably been formed by the action of the heat of a basaltic dike on a bed of brown coal. 810. REussIrnTE. Part of Pyroretin of A. E. 1Reuss. Resin-like. Color fine reddish-brown. Soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether, and not deposited from the alcoholic solution on its cooling. Stanek (1. c.) found for the composition of the resin thus obtained, C 81'09, H 9'47, 0 9'44=100; corresponding to 140 H56 38.5; and he regards the substance as a mixture of the above pyrorefinite, 140 Ho6 04, with another resin (here designated reussinite) of the formula -40 H56 ES. 811. ROCHLEDERITE. Part of Substanz Bituminose Rochlede;r, Ber. Ak. Wien, vi. 53, 1851; =Melanchym Haid., Lotos, i. 85, 216, vi. 86, viii., Heft 3; Kenng., Ueb. 1850, 147, 1853, 134. Rochlederite Dana. Resin-like. Color reddish-brown. Transparent or translucent. Melting point 100~ C. Soluble in alcohol. Comp. —Ratio of 13, H, 0=40: 56: 6. Analysis: Rochleder (1. c.): OXYGENATED HYDROCARBONS. 745 C 76'79 H 9'06 0 14'15-100. Burns with a yellow smoking flame, something like amber. Obs. —The part soluble in alcohol of a bituminous substance called melanchyme by Haidinger, and found in masses as large as the head in the brown coal of Zweifelsreuth, near Neukirchen in Eger, Bohemla. A similar substance, of somewhat lighter color, occurs at Cehnitz, near Strakonitz, in Bohemia. The rest of the substance insoluble in alcohol is the species melanellite, p. q50. 812. SCHLANITE. Part of Anthracoxen of Reuss (see p. 146). Schlanite Dana. A dark or light brown powder, obtained through solution by ether from anthracoxene. Comp. —Ratio for 0, H, 0=40: 52: 3~=Carbon 81-63, hydrogen 8'85, oxygen 9'52=100. Analysis: Laurenz (I. c., p. 746): (C) C 81.47 H 8-71 0 9.82=100. This resin oxydizes slowly when wet and exposed to the air. Obs.-For locality and description of the material affording the schlanite, see p. 146. 813. GUYAQUILLITE. Johnston, Phil. Mag., xiii. 329, 1838. Amorphous. In large masses or layers. Yields easily to the knife, and may be rubbed to powder. G.=1'092. Color pale yellow. Lustre not resinous, or imperfectly so. Slightly soluble in water, and largely in alcohol, forming a yellow solution, which is intensely bitter. Comp., etc. —Ratio for, H, 0=40: 52: 6=Carbon 76-665, hydrogen 8'174, oxygen 15'161 =100, Johnston. Begins to melt at 69j~ C., but does not flow easily till near 100~ C. As it cools becomes viscid, and may be drawn into fine tenacious threads. Soluble in cold sulphuric acid, forming a dark reddish-brown solution. A few drops of ammonia put into the alcoholic solution darken the color, and finally change it to a dark brownish-red. It is said to form an extensive deposit near Guyaquil in South America. Evidently a mixture. 814. MIDDLETONITE. J. F. W. Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xii. 261, 1838. In rounded masses, seldom larger than a pea, or in layers a sixteenth of an inch or less in thickness, between layers of coal. Brittle. G.-=16. Lustre resinous. Color reddish-brown by reflected light, and deep red by transmitted; powder light brown. Transparent in small fragments. No taste or smell. Blackens on exposure. Only a trace dissolved by boiling alcohol, ether, or oil of turpentine. Not altered at 210~ C. Comp., etc.-Ratio for 0, H, 0=40: 44: 2, Johnston, =Carbon 86'33, hydrogen 7'92, oxygen 5-75=100. Johnston obtained (f) Carbon 86'21, hydrogen 8'03, oxygen 5'76=100. On a red cinder burns like resin. Softens and melts in boiling nitric acid, with the emission of red fumes; a brown flocky precipitate falls on cooling. Soluble in cold concentrated sulphuric acid. Obs.-Occurs between layers of coal about the middle of the Main coal or Haigh Moor seam, at the Middleton collieries. near Leeds, in thin layers and masses, rarely thicker than -ad in., and little rounded masses seldom larger than a pea; also at Newcastle. 815. STANEKEITE. Part of Pyroretin of A. E. Reuss, Ber. Ak. Wien, xii. 551, 1854, J. pr. Oh., Ixiii. 155; J. Stanek, ib. Stanekite Dana. Resin-like. Not soluble in any fluid without decomposition, and not at 746 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. all in a solution of potash. Separated from the pyroretin of Reuss by boiling alcohol, which leaves it behind. Comp.-Ratio of,,, e=39: 44: 6, Stanek, =Carbon 76'97, hydrogen 7'24, oxygen 15'79 =100. Perhaps, H, H-e=40: 44: 6=Carbon 77'42, hydrogen p709, oxygen 15'48=100. Analysis: Stanek (1. c): ((2) 0 76-11 IH 730 0 15'99=100. When heated gives off the odor of succinic acid. Obs. —For locality and characters of the pyroretin of Reuss, affording the above, see p. 744. 816. ANTHIRACOXENITE. Part of Anthracoxen (fir. Brandeisl) Reuss, T. Laurenm, Ber. Ak. Wien, xxi. 271, 1856, J. pr. Ch., lxix. 428, 1856. Anthracoxenite Dana. Obtained as a black powder from a resin, by separating the remainder by means of ether, the anthracoxenite being insoluble in ether. Comp.-Ratio of 0, H, He=40: 38: II. Analysis: Laurenz (1. c.): (.) C 75-274 H 6-187 0 18'539. 11 p. c. of ash were separated. Not soluble in menstrua without decomposition. Obs. —From a resin-like material, constituting layers 21 in. thick between layers of coal, in the coal beds of Brandeisl, near Schlan in Bohemia; the mass is amorphous, and has H. = 2-5; G.=1'1818; lustre externally weak adamantine; color brownish-black, hyacinth-red in thin splinters by transmitted light; streak dull, yellowish-brown; fracture small-conchoidal; easily rubbed to a fine powder; fuses easily; burns with a yellow smoking flame, and an odor not disagreeable. This substance was named anthracoxene by Reuss. The name is here appropriated to the part insoluble in ether. The soluble part is named schlanite (p. 745). 817. TASMANITE. Resiniferous Shale (fr. Tasmania), Catal. Internat. Exhib., 1862. Tasmanite A. H. Church, Phil. Mag., IV. xxviii. 465, 1864. In disks or scales thickly disseminated through a laminated shale; averaze diameter of scales about -03 in. =.-2. G. =-118. Lustre resinous. Color reddish-brown. Translucent. Fracture conchoidal. Not dissolved at all by alcohol, ether, benzole, turpentine, or bisulphid of carbon, even when heated. Comp., etc.-No action with muriatic acid. Slowly oxydized by nitric. Readily carbonized by sulphuric acid, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. Alkalies in solution without action. Burns readily with a smoky flame and offensive odor; fuses partially, yielding oily and solid products, having a disagreeable smell. Ratio of e, H, e, S=40: 62: 2: 1 —=Carbon 79-21, hydrogen 10'23, sulphur 5'28, oxygen 5-28=100, corresponding nearly to succinite, in which part of the oxygen is replaced by sulphur. Analysis: Church (1. c.), after rejecting 8-14 p. c. of ash: 0 79'34 H 10-41 S 5'32 0 4-93 Obs. —From the river Mersey, north side of Tasmania. The rock is called combustible shale. A caking bituminous coal from New Zealand, analyzed by C. Tookey in the laboratory of Prof. Percy (see anal. 18, p. 751), contained 2-37 p. c. of sulphur and no iron, the ash being peculiarly white; and Percy remarks (Met., 101, 102) that the sulphur may have been present in a state similar to that in fibrine. The existence of a sulphur-bearing resin like the above from Tasmania renders it probable that the New Zealand coal is impregnated with a similar insoluble resin; 2-37 p. c. of sulphur would correspond to the presence of about 44 p. c. of such a resin. 818. DYSODILE. (fr. Melili, Sicily) Paulo Boccone, Recherches et Obs. Nouv., etc., Amsterd., 1674. Dysodile Cordier, J. d. M., xxiii. 275, 1808. Merda di Diavolo Ital. Stinkkohle Germ. Houille papyracee, Tourbe papyracee, Fr. ACID HYDROCARBONS. 74 In very thin leaves or folia, flexible, slightly elastic. G.-=114 — 125. Color yellow or greenish-gray. Streak shining. Comp., etc.-Very inflammable, burning with a bright flame and an odor like that of asafcetida, leaving an ash in the form of laminie, consisting largely, as shown by Ehrenberg, of the siliceous shells of infusoria, especially of Navicula. Delesse found (These anal. Chim., 1, 1843) a variety from Glimbach, near Giessen, to afford water and volatile matters 49-1, carbon 5'5, ash 45-4; of the last, 17-4 were soluble silica, 110 sesquioxyd of iron, and 10-0 clay. Very probably near tasmanite, as Church suggests. Obs.-Originally from Melili, Sicily, forming a coaly deposit, made up of very thin paper-like leaves, which had evidently been derived from the joint decomposition and alteration of vegetable and animal matter. Reported also from the lignite deposits of Westerwald near Rolt; of Siegberg to the north of Sept Montagnes; of Saint Armand in Auvergue; Glimbach near Giessen; but the real nature of none of these substances has been investigated. 819. HIRCITE. Hircine Piddington, Arch. Pharm., lxxiv. 318, Kenng. Ueb., 1853, 134. Amorphous. G. =110. Color exteriorly brown, within yellowish-brown. Subtranslucent to opaque. Fracture conchoidal. Softens in boiling water, and then has the odor of a resin. In cold alcohol a little soluble; in boiling about one-half, and the solution, which is gold-yellow, affords white flocks on cooling. Pyr., etc.-In the flame of a candle fuses and burns with a yellowish flame, like a bituminous coal, and leaves a tough coaly globule of a peculiarly strong animal odor (whence the name, from hircus, a goat). After complete combustion, leaves an ash. In sulphuric acid soluble, and color of solution blood-red. 820. BAIKERINITE. Part of Baikerit, Dickflussiges Harz, Hermann (see p. 733). A thick tarlike fluid at 15~ C., and a crystalline granular deposit in a viscid honey-like mass at 10~ C. Color brown. Translucent. Odor balsamic. Taste like that of wood-tar. Easily and perfectly soluble in alcohol and ether. The alcoholic solution becomes milky when diluted with water. Constitutes 32'61 p. c. of the baikerite. No analysis yet made. 820A. DOPPLERITE of J. C. Deicke, B. H. Ztg., xvii. 383. (Not Dopplerite according to Kenng., Ueb. 1858, 141.) Grayish, earthy, plastic in the fingers when fresh; becoming dark reddishbrown to black on drying. Yields after drying, combustible substance 83'25, water 12-5, ash 4-25. Burns with a bright flame and intense heat, and differs from dopplerite in this respect, and also in containing much less water. From a peat bed at Finkenbach in the Canton of St. Gall, Switzerland. III. ACID HYDROCARBONS. 821. BUTYRELLITE. Bog Butter Williamson, Ann. Ch. Pharm., liv. 125, 1845. Butyrit Glocker, Syn., 9, 1847. Butyro-limnodic Acid Brazier, Chem. Gaz., 1852, 375. Butyrellite Dana. Crystallizable in needles. Butter-like in consistence. Color white. Melting point of impure native material 47~, Brazier; but of material after solution in alcohol 51~, Luck; 52 —52'7~, Brazier. Easily soluble in alcohol or ether. Comp. —es2 H64 e4, Brazier=Carbon 1750, hydrogen 12'5, oxygen 12-5=100, and like palmitic 748 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. acid in ratio. Williamson gives the less probable formula 89, H6 O4. The following are Williamson's analyses (1. c.): Nos. 1, 2, were the uncrystallized butyrite; 3, that obtained by combination with potash (with which it forms a kind of soap) and a separation afterward by acid: C H O 1. UTncrystallized 13'78 12-50 13'72=100. 2. It'3'89 12'37 13'74=100. 3. From potash solution'7505 12'56 12-39=100. Obs.-From the peat-bogs of Ireland. The name butyrite being used in chemistry for another substance, it is here changed to the form above. 822. GEOCERELLITE. Geocerinsiiure Briickner, J. pr. Ch., lvii. 10, 1852. Geoceric Acid. Geocerellite Dana. Color white. Brittle, and easily pulverized. No crystallization observed. Soluble freely in hot alcohol, and deposited from the solution as a jelly on cooling, with nothing crystalline under the microscope. Melting point 82~ C. Comp. —G2s H56 4, Briickner;=Carbon 79'24, hydrogen 13'21, oxygen 7-55=100. Analysis: Briickner (1. c.): ({) Carbon 78-61 Hydrogen 12'70 Oxygen 18'69=100. The acid was separated by combination with lead by action with a hot solution of acetate of lead. Obs.-Separated from the dark brown brown coal of Gesterwitz. See GEOOERITE, p. 738. 823. BRUICKNERELLITIE. Georetinstiure Briuckner, J. pr. Ch., lvii. 5, 1852. Georetinic Acid. Briicknerellite Dana. Crystallizable in white needles from an alcoholic solution. Dissolves easily in boiling alcohol; and, if the solution is a concentrated one, crystallizes out more or less completely on cooling. Comp. —24 11H448, Briickner, =Carbon 62-61, hydrogen 9'56, oxygen 27-83=100. The lead salt afforded Carbon 43'36, hydrogen 6'59, oxyd of lead 34'58, oxygen [15'4'7]=100. Obs. —Separated from the yellowish-brown brown coal of Gesterwitz. See LEUCOPETRITE, p.'43. 824. SUCCINELLITE. [Succinum] vertitur [by distillation] partim in oleum sui coloris, partim denique in candidusn quiddam et tenue quod similitudinem quandam gerit speciemque salis, Agric., Nat. Foss., 233, 1546. Flos Succini Libav., Alchem. Tract., 399, 1597. Succinic Acid. Succinellite:Dana. Orthorhombic. IA -1 1200 18', 0 A 1=129~ 45'; a: b: c=1-0425: 1: 1-7425, Ramm. 1: 1, bas.,=1000 30', macr., 1350, brach., 96~ 22'. H. — 1. G.=1 —-155. Lustre vitreous. Colorless or white. An aromatic odor. Soluble in water. Comp. —4 H116 4=Carbon 4097, hydrogen 5'1, oxygen 54-2=100. Evaporates at a low temperature, and on cooling condenses in crystals. Obs.-Exists in amber, constituting 2~ to 6 p. c. of the mass, and easily obtained from it by distillation. Its presence ready formed in this resin is shown by the fact that it may be separated either by water, ether, or alkalies, the amber being left after the treatment without its succinic acid. 825. RETINELLITE. Part of Bright Yellow Loam (fr. Bovey) so saturated with petroleum that it burns like sealing-wax, J. Milles, Phil. Trans., li. 536, 1760; Bitumen from Bovey, Retin asphaltum, Hatchett, ib., 1804, 402; Retinite. Resin of Retin Asphalt, Retinic Acid, J. F. W: Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xiL 560, 1838. Retinellite Dana. ACID HYDROCARBONS. 749 Resin-like. Light brown. Begins to melt at 1210 C., is perfectly fluid at 1600, and gives off a resin-like odor at 100~ C. Soluble in alcohol, still more freely in ether. Comp.-O. ratio for t, HI, O=21: 28: 3. Analysis: Johnston (1. c.): 0 76686 H 8'75 0 14-39=100. Johnston describes salts of retinic acid with silver, lead, and lime. Obs.-The retinasphalt of Hatchett, from the Tertiary coal of Bovey in Devonshire, from which alcohol separates the above species, occurs in roundish masses, having H.=1 —2'5; G.=1'135, Hatchett; lustre slightly resinous in the fracture, often earthy externally; color light yellowish-brown, sometimes green, yellow, reddish, or striped; and is subtransparent to opaque; often flexible and elastic when first dug up, though brittle on drying. Johnston, after drying the retinasphalt at 300~ C., obtained (I. c.) 53'92 p. c. of resin soluble in alcohol, 27-45 of insoluble organic matter, and 13'23 of ash=100. The insoluble portion has not been investigated. Hatchett found (1. c.) vegetable resin 55, bitumen 41 (the insoluble part, which he regarded as asphalt, and alludes to in the name retinasphalt), and earthy matter 3-=99. A retinitefrom Halle afforded Bucholz (Schweig. J., i. 290, 1811) 91 parts soluble in absolute alcohol, and 9 parts insoluble. The former gives a yellowish-brown deposit on dilution, and is more soluble in boiling dilute alcohol than in cold; and it is insoluble-in pure ether and turpentine. The latter is also insoluble in ether. Both are soluble in alkalies, which would seem to indicate that they are acid in their relations. The resin fuses with more difficulty than most resins. blackens in the heat, and gives out a strong aromatic odor. By distillation yields a brown thick oil, some water containing a little acetic acid, besides carbonic acid and carburetted hydrogen. 826. D)OPPLERITE. Dopplerit Haid., Ber. Ak. Wien, ii. 287, 1849, lii. 281. Amorphous. In elastic or partly jelly-like masses. When fresh, brownish-black, with a dull brown streak and greasy subvitreous lustre; and when in thin plates reddish-brown by transmitted light. H.=0-5. G.=1-089, Fcetterle. After drying,.-=2 —25, G.=1-466, and lustre somewhat adamantine. Becomes elastic on drying from exposure to the air. Tasteless. Insoluble in alcohol or ether. Comp., etc.-:Ratio for -0, It, P, nearly 10: 12: 5, from analyses 2, 3. An acid substance, or mixture of different acids, related to humic acid. Analyses: 1, Schrdtter (Ber. Ak. Wien, ii. 287, 1849); 2, 3, F. Miihlberg (Jahrb. G. Reichs., xv. 283, 1865): 0 H 0 N 1. Aussee 51'09 5'29 42'59 1'03=100 Schrdtter. 2. " 55'94 5-20 38-86 =100 Miihlberg. 3. Obbiirg (~) 56-63 5'58 37'79 =100 Miihlberg. From No. 1, 5'86 of ash are excluded; from No. 2, 5'18; from 3, 5 to 14'2 p. c. All were dried. Schrdtter found the loss of water 7185 p. c.; and Miihlberg, at 110~ C., for No. 2, 20'04 p. c. for an air-dried specimen; for 3, 81-8 p. c. for a jelly-like specimen, and 19'7 for an air-dried. In caustic potash soluble, with a residue of earthy matters. Obs.-Found in peat-beds, near Aussee in Styria; and in Gontin in Appenzell, and Obbiirg, near Stausstad in Unterwalden, Switzerland. Named after Bergrath Doppler, who was the first to bring the substance to notice. C. W. Giimbel has referred here (Jahrb. Min. 1858, 278) a substance from a peat-bed near Berchtesgaden. It is soft, plastic, elastic, black, of waxy lustre, tasteless; on drying in the air it resembles compact coal, is brittle and velvet-black, and has H.=2-5, G. = 1-439, lustre vitreous, with powder brownish-black. The air-dried material loses, at 80~ C., 12 p. c. of water. Unlike dopplerite, it burns with a bright yellow flame, is partially soluble in alcohol, and the alcoholic solution affords a resin (Kenng. Ueb., 1858, 142). A pitch-black coal-like substance from the peat-beds at Kolbenmoor, near Berchtesgaden, the same that are described by Giimbel, related to dopplerite in composition, and in not burning with a flame when inserted in fragments in the flame of a candle, has been analyzed by C. Gilbert Wheeler (priv. contrib., dated Nuremberg, Jan. 23, 1866). It afforded him: 750 HYDROCARIBON COMPOUNDS. C 50-98 H 5-36 N 3'74 0 36'14 ash 3'78=100. It appears to be the same substance that is here partially described by Giimbel. Mr. Wheeler observes that it is found imbedded in, and entirely surrounded by, the peat; and specimens show well the transition from peat to the coal-like substance. 827. MELANELLITE. Part of Melanchym of Hiaid. (see p. 744). Melanellite -Dana. Black and gelatinous, as obtained by Rochleder. Separated from rochlederite, or the resinous ingredient of melanchyme, by dissolving the latter out by means of alcohol. Comp., etc.-The jelly-like mass gave on analysis, Carbon 67'14, hydrogen 4'79, oxygen 28'07=100, corresponding to the ratio 48: 40: 15=-Carbon 67'3, hydrogen 4'7, oxygen 28'0= 100. The ratio 48: 40: 16=-12: 10: 4 affords the percentage C 66-1, H 4'6, 0 293= 100. The substance is regarded by Rochleder as an acid related to ulmic acid. But, as it was not combined with a base before analysis, there is no proof of its purity. On the locality and material affording this acid, see RoOCHEDERITE, p. 744. IV. SALTS OF ORGANIC ACIDS. 828. MELLITE. Honigstein (fr. Thuringia) Wern., Bergm. J., 1789, i. 380, 395. Honigstein Karst., Mus. Lesk., ii. P. 1, 335, 1789. Succin transparent en cristaux octaedres, Pierre de miel, v. Born, Cat. de Raab, ii. 90, 1790. Mellites Gmelivn, Linn. Syst., iii. 282, 1793. Mellilite Kitwan, Min., ii. 68, 1796. Mellite H., iii. 1801. Honigstein, Melilithus,=-Honigsteinsaiure (Acidum melilithicum)+Alaunerde+Wasser, Klapr., Ak. Berlin, 1799, Beitr., iii. 114, 1801. Tetragonal. 0 A 1=330 29'; a=0'745445, Kokscharof. Occurs in octahedrons, with often the planes i-i truncating the basal angles, and sometimes the terminal angle and basal edges truncated, the occurring planes being 0, 1, i-i, 1. 1 A 1, pyr.,=118~ 16'. basal,=93~ 1k'; 1 A i-i= 1210 52'. Cleavage: octahedral, very indistinct. Also in massive nodules, granular in structure. H. =2 —2-. G.=1'55 -165; 1-636 — 1642, Kenngott. Lustreresinous, inclining to vitreous. Color honey-yellow) often reddish or brownish; rarely white. Streak white. Transparent-transluce nt. Fracture conchoidal. Sectile. Comp. —l M~+ 18 Af=Mellitic acid 405,53 alumina 14-32, water 45'15. Analyses: 1, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 114); 2, Wbhler (Pogg., vii. 325); 3, J. v. Iljenkof (Koksch., iii. 217): Mellitic acid 46 41'4 42-36 Alumina 1 6 14'5 14'20 Water 38=100 ]K. 44'1=100 W. 44-16 I. Pyr., etc.-Whitens in the flame of a candle, but does not take fire. Dissolves in nitric acid; decomposed by boiling water. In a matrass yields water. Obs.-Occurs in brown coal at Arten in Thuringia; at Luschitz near Bilin in Bohemia; near Walchow in Moravia; in the Govt. of Tula, Russia in Europe; Nertschinsk, beyond Lake Baikal. 829. PIGOTITE Johnston (Phil. Mag., III. xvii. 382). A salt of alumina and an organic acid called mudescous acid by Johnston. Composition 4 Xlt-+6H1o44 (the acid)+ 27 fl. Formed on granite, in Cornwall, from the action of wet vegetation. Reported also from Wicklow (Ch. Gaz., 1852, 378). 829A. ORGANIC SALTS OF IRON. Native compounds of iron and organic acids have been indicated by Berzelius and other chemists as common in marshes. But none of them has yet been properly investigated, the kinds of acids, as well as the proportions of acid to bases, being undetermined. ASPHALTUM. 751 APPENDIX TO HYDROCARBONS. 830. ASPHALTUM. "Ao'aXros Aristot., Strabo, Diosc., etc. Bitumen Plin., xxxv. 51. Asphalt, Mineral Pitch. Asphalt, Bergpech, Erdpech, Germ. Asphalte, Bitume, Fr. [For syn. of Pittasphalt or Mineral Tar (Bergtheer Germ.), see p. 728.] Asphaltum, or mineral pitch, is a mixture of different hydrocarbons, part of which are oxygenated. Its ordinary characters are as follows: Amorphous. G. 1 —1'8; sometimes higher from impurities. Lustre like that of black pitch. Color brownish-black and black. Odor bituminous. Melts ordinarily at 90~ to 1000 C., and burns with a bright flame. Soluble mostly or wholly in oil of turpentine, and partly or wholly in ether; commonly partly in alcohol. The more solid kinds graduate into the pittasphalts or mineral tar (p. 728), and through these there is a gradation to petroleum. The fluid kinds change into the solid by the loss of a vaporizable portion on exposure, and also by a process of oxydation, which consists first in a loss of hydrogen, and finally in the oxygenation of a portion of the mass. Comp.-The action of heat, alcohol, ether, naphtha, and oil of turpentine, as well as direct analyses, show that the so-called asphaltum from different localities is very various in composition. Yet the true composition is not known of any one of them. It has been shown only that the following are the classes of ingredients present: A. Oils vaporizable at about 100~ C., or below; sparingly present, if at all. B. Heavy oils, probably of the Pittolium or Petrolene groups (pp. 728, 129); vaporizable between 100~ and 250~ C.; constituting sometimes 85 p. c. of the mass. C. Resins soluble in alcohol. D. Solid asphalt-like substance or substances soluble in ether and not in alcohol; black, pitch-like, lustrous in fracture; 15 to 85 p. c. E. Black or brownish-black substance or substances not soluble either in alcohol or ether; similar to D in color and appearance, Kersten; brown and ulmin-like, Vdlckel; 1 to 75 p. c. F. Nitrogenous substances; often as much as corresponds to 1 or 2 p. c. of nitrogen. Boussingault attempted an investigation of the composition in 1837 (Ann. Ch. Phys., lxxiv. 141), and arrived at the conclusion that there were two principles present; one petroline, an oil, the other asphaltfne, a solid, and concluded that all asphalts were mixtures of these two in different proportions. But his petrolene, as already observed, is beyond question a mixture of oils; and his ao2h'~alenc needs much more investigation. His special examinations on this point were made only on the asphalt of Bechelbronn. He found in it (1) no light oil (or A), as nothing was given off at 100~.; (2) 85'4 p. c. of heavier oil, or his petrolene, vaporized between 100~ and 230~ C. (B); and (3) 14-6 p. c. of a black, lustrous, asphalt-like solid, his aosphaltene, soluble in ether, oil of turpentine, and fatty oils, but not in alcohol (D). Asphaltene was the solid substance after subjecting the asphaltum to a temperature of 250~ C. in a hot oil-bath. (Boussingault has been quoted by Berzelius, Kersten, Rammelsberg, and others, as making the asphaltene not soluble in ether, but he expressly mentions its solubility. He also states earlier that the mnass of the asphalt was wholly soluble in ether; and, also, that he used ether to separate it from the impurities present, after which kind of purification it burnt without residue.) Boussingault's analysis of asphaltene afforded: Carbon 75'0 Hydrogen 9-9 Oxygen 14'8=99'7; giving the ratio for A, H, 0=40: 64: 6. He closes the paper with his analysis of an asphalt (the mass) from Caxitambo, as follows: 0 75'0 H 9'5 0 15'5=100; and remarks on the near approach of this alphalt in composition to asphaltene. But in 1840 (1. c., lxxiii. 444) he gives two new analyses of the Caxitambo asphalt, in which he obtained only 1-65 of oxygen and nitrogen (see anal. 7, below); and adds that "his earlier analysis was made 752 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. by the method ordinarily followed at that time, by which method he was never able to obtain more than 76 p. c. of carbon." The remark virtually concedes the inaccuracy of the analysis also of asphaltene, or at least gives sufficient occasion for a very large doubt. No special mention is made in this second paper of the asphalt of Bechelbronn, but analyses are given of petrolene from the locality. Nendtvich, in an investigation of an asphalt from Peklenicza, Austria, found it to consist almost solely of asphaltene, that is, it was soluble in ether and not in alcohol; and in 1843 (Jahrb. G. Reichs., vii. 743) obtained for it nearly the composition of asphaltene (or C 72'45, H 11-07, O 16'48); but in 1847 (Haid. Ber., iii. 271) he rejects his earlier results, and states that the mineral contained no oxygen, and was essentially identical in composition with petrolene, as stated on p. 730. Other analysts have not afforded more satisfactory results. Part have been contented with analyses of the undivided mass; while others have ascertained the portions soluble in different menstrua, without ascertaining the constituents of the substances obtained. The following table contains the proportions of the ingredients A, B, C, D, E, above, m a few asphalts. The letters E and A, in connection with the statement of the solubility, stand for ether and alcohol. 1, Boussingault (1. c.); 2, Kersten (J. pr. Ch., xxxv. 271); 3, 4, V61ckel (Ann. Ch. Pharm., lxxxvii. 139); 5, Klaproth (Beitr., iii. 315); 6, Meyrac (J. d. Phys.. xcix. 118); 7, Hermann (J. pr. Ch., lxxiii. 232); 8, Nendtvich (Haid. Ber., 1. c.): A. Light B. Heavier C. D. Sol. in E. E. Insol. oils. oils. Resin. Insol. in A. in E & A. 1. Bechelbronn 0 85'4? 14'6 0 =100 Boussingault. 2. Brazza, Dalmatia 5'0 1'0 20'0 74-0=100 Kersten. 3. Dax very little about half about half V61ckel. 4. Travers, near Neufchatel " " " Vilckel. 5. Albania 0 0 0 all 0 Klaproth. 6. Bastennes two thirds a third Meyrac. 7. Tschetschna, Caucasus 11-2 0 88'8 0 =100 Hermann. 8. Peklenicza trace all 0 Nendtvich. Klaproth found the asphalt of Avlona, Albania, to give nothing to alcohol, and to dissolve completely in ether, like that of Peklenicza. It is probable that the material insoluble in both alcohol and ether (column E, above) is not always of the same kind. That from the Brazza asphalt (anal. 2) was black and lustrous, asphalt-like; while that of Dax (anal. 3) was brown, and ulmin-like. Ultimate analyses of different asphalts have afforded the following results: 1-3, Ebelmen (Ann. d. M., xv. 523); 4, 5, Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xii. 161); 6, Wetherill (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., 1852, 353); 7, Boussingault (1. c., lxxxiii. 444): C H O N Ash 1. Bastennes 78'50 8'80 [2'601 1'65 845=100 Ebelmen. 2. Pont du Chateau 76-13 9'41 [10-34] 2'32 1.80=100 Ebelmen.'3. Auvergne 77-64 7-86 [8'35] 1'02 5'13=100 Ebelmen. 4. Abruzzi, Italy 67'43 7-22 [2398] 137 -= —100 Regnault. 5. Cuba 81'46 9'57 [8'97] — =100 Regnault. 6. " 82-34 9'10 [6'25] 1'91 0'40=100 Wetherill. 7. Caxitambo (2) 88'66 9'69 [1'65] -=100 Boussingault. The most of these analyses need revision. Obs.-Asphaltum belongs to rocks of no particular age. The most abundant deposits are superficial. But these are generally, if not always, connected with rock deposits containing sonic kind of bituminous material or vegetable remains (see p. 725). Some of the noted localities of asphaltum are the region of the Dead Sea, or Lake Asphaltites, whence the most of the asphaltum of ancient writers; a lake on Trinidad, 1- m. in circuit, which is hot at the centre, but is solid and cold toward the shores, and has its borders over a breadth of I m. covered with the hardened pitch with trees flourishing over it; and about Point La Braye, the masses of pitch look like black rocks among the foliage; at various places in S. America, similar lakes, as at Caxitambo (not Coxitambo), Peru, which is used at Payta, on the coast (under the equator), for pitching boats, etc.; at Berengela, Peru, not far from Arica (S.), where it is put to the same use; in California, near the coast of St. Barbara, an area of some acres; in a large bed, near Avlona in Albania (G.=-1205). Also in smaller quantities, sometimes disseminated through shale and sandstone rocks, and occasionally limestones, or collected in cavities or seams in these rocks; near Matlock, Derbyshire, in stalactitic masses; Poldice mine MINERAL COAL. 7 53 in Cornwall; Haughmond Hill in Shropshire; at Bastennes and Dax, Dept. of Landes, constituting; p. c. of a sandy deposit; Val de Travers, Neuchatel, impregnating a bed in the Cretaceous formation, and serving as a cement to the rock, which is used for buildings; impregnating dolomite on the island of Brazza in Dalmatia; in the Caucasus; in gneiss and mica schist in Sweden. The following substances are closely related to asphaltum, and, like it, are mixtures of undetermined carbohydrogens. 830A. GRAITAMITE Wurtz. (Coal or Asphalt Lesley, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., ix. 183, 1863; Grahamite Wurtz, Rep. Min. Format. in W. Virginia, 1865, Am. J. Sci., II. xlii. 420, 1866.) Resembles the preceding in its pitch-black, lustrous appearance; H.=2: G. —1'145. Soluble mostly in oil of turpentine; partly in ether, naphtha, or benzole; not at all in alcohol; wholly in chloroform and sulphid of carbon. No action with alkalies or hot nitric or muriatic acid. Melts only imperfectly, and with a decomposition of the surface; but in this state the interior may be drawn into long threads. Occurs in W. Virginia, about 20 m. in an air line S. of Parkersburg, filling a fissure (shrinkage fissure) in a sandstone of the Carboniferous formation; and supposed to be, like the albertite, an inspissated and oxygenated petroleum. There is yet no reliable analysis of it, not even an ultimate analysis. The material is partly columnar from a fracturing as a result of contraction in the material, the structure being vertical to the sides of the vein. 830B. ALBERTITE Robb. (Melan-Asphalt Wetherill, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Philad., 1852, 353.) Differs from ordinary asphaltum in being only partially soluble in oil of turpentine, and in its very imperfect fusion when heated. It has H. —=1-2 G. —1097; lustre brilliant, pitch-like; color jet-black. Softens a little in boiling water; in the flame of a candle shows incipient fusion. According to imperfect determinations, only a trace soluble in alcohol; 4 p. c. in ether; 30 in oil of turpentine. Wetherill obtained in an ultimate analysis (1. c.) Carbon 86'04, hydrogen 8'96, oxygen 1-97, nitrogen 2'93, S tr., ash 0'10-100. By destructive distillation, oils of the Naphtha, Betanaphtha, and Ethylene series have been obtained by Warren. Occurs filling an irregular fissure in rocks of the Subcarboniferous age (or Lower Carboniferous) in Nova Scotia, and is regarded as an inspissated and oxygenated petroleum. For an article on its mode of occurrence, see Hitchcock, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxix. 267. 830C. PIAUZITE (Retinit von Piauze, Piauzit, Haid., Pogg., lxii. 275, 1844). An asphalt-like substance, remarkable for its high melting-point, 315~ C. It occurs slaty massive; color brownishor greenish-black; thin splinters colophonite-brown by transmitted light; streak light brown, amber-brown; H.-=15; G. —=1220; 1'186, Kenngott. After melting, it burns with an aromatic odor and much smoke, leaving 5-96 per cent. of ash. Soluble in ether and caustic potash, also largely in absolute alcohol. Heated in a glass tube a. yellowish oily fluid is distilled, having an acid reaction. It comes from a bed of brown coal at Piauze, near Neustadt in Carniola; on lMt. Chum, near Tiiffer in Styria, where thousands of pounds have been obtained. It much resembles a black lamellar coal (Kenngott, Jahrb. C. Reichs., 91, 1856). 830D. BERENGELITE Johnston, Phil. Mag., III. xiii. 329, 1838. Asphaltum-like. Color dark brown, with a tinge of green. Powder yellow. Lustre of surface of fracture resinous. Analysis: Johnston (1. c.): C 72-47, H 9'20, O 18-33 —100, corresponding to the ratio fore, I, O, 40: 62: 8. Forms a solution with cold alcohol, which is bitter to the taste. On evaporation the resin obtained has a clear red color, and remains soft and viscid at the ordinary temperature. Nearly insoluble in caustic potash. Odor resinous, disagreeable; but after fusion for some time at 100~ C., this odor is succeeded by an agreeable one; on cooling it regains the original odor. It is said to form a lake like that of Trinidad, in the province of St. Juan de Berengela, about 100 m. from Arica, Peru, and is used at Arica for paying boats and vessels. 831. MINEIRAL COAL.'APOpaKEvr&T Z'a d ri TrOcTL7,V Y7S o7rEO E'XeL' KaUTPOK [=Coal-like substances which have in them more of earth than of smoke or fire] Aristot., Mereapoloy., iv. 9. Ev o (river Pontus in Thrace) rvas Xi0ovs o; Kaiovrat [=Certain stones which burn] Aristot., Hfei Oavp.'AKovcrOI., c. 115. O0v J KaXovotv EVO5s a"OpaKag ruwv Ovw'roEuvcov (? doprropynWV) Dta rlvY XpEiag eica ye~E&,, etc. [=Those (of minerals) dug for use, which are called simply coals, are earthy, but will kindle and burn like charcoal] (fr. Liguria), Theophr., xvi. (in Schneider's edit.), 315 B.C.'EVlOL s r7I5v OpavarSr6 dvOpaKoiwvrat rqi Kaaetr Kai lapbyovt Arh(iw Xp6vov [=Some brittle stones become by burning like glowing coals, and remain so a long tune] (fr. Benau,in Thracia,.andthe 48 754 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. promontory of Erineas) Theophr., xii. OpaKiags itos Aristot. rayy7~r5 tXios Strabo rayirs;owu, OpaKias Xf0oo, Diosc., v. 145, 146. Thracius lapis, Gemma Sammothracia, Plin., xxxiii. 30, xxxvii. 67. Gagates Plin., xxxvi. 34. Steinkohle Germ. Houille, Charbon fossile, Fr. Mineral coal is made up of different kinds of hydrocarbons, with perhaps in some cases free carbon; but the species have not yet been investigated. The distinguishing characters of mineral coal are as follows: Compact massive, without crystalline structure or cleavage; sometimes breaking with a degree of regularity, but from a jointed rather than a cleavage structure. Sometimes laminated; often faintly and delicately banded, successive layers differing slightly in lustre. ll.- =05-25. G.=1-1-180. Lustre dull to brilliant, and either earthy, resinous, or submetallic. Color black, grayish-black, brownish-black, and occasionally iridescent; also sometimes dark brown. Opaque. Fracture conchoidal-uneven. Brittle; rarely somewhat sectile. Without taste, except from impurities present. Insoluble in alcohol, ether, naphtha, and benzole, excepting at the most 2 or 3 p. c. (rarely 10.); usually less than 1 p. c. Insoluble in a solution of potash. Infusible to subfusible; but often becoming a soft, pliant, or paste-like mass when heated. On distillation most kinds afford more or less of oily and tarry substances, which are:mixtures of hydrocarbons and paraffin. Var.-The variations depend partly (1) on the amount of the volatile ingredients afforded on -destructive distillation; or (2) on the nature of these volatile compounds, for ingredients of similar (composition may differ widely in volatility, etc.; (3) on structure, lustre, and other physical,characters. 1. ANTHRACITE (Anthracit Karst., Tab., 58, 96, 1808. Glanzkohle Germ.). H.=2 —25. G.=.1'32-1'7, Pennsylvania; 1'81, Rhode Island; 1'26-1'36, South Wales. Lustre bright, often.submetallic, iron-black, and frequently iridescent. Fracture conchoidal. Volatile matter after,drying 3 to 6 p. c. Burns with a feeble flame of a pale color. The anthracites of Pennsylvania contain ordinarily 85 to 93 per cent. of carbon; those of:South'Wales, 88 to 95; of France, 80 to 83; of Saxony, 81; of southern Russia, sometimes 94 -per cent. Anthracite graduates into bituminous coal, becoming less hard and containing more volatile:matter; and an intermediate variety is called free-burning anthracite. 2. Native Coke. More compact than artificial coke, and some varieties afford considerable bitumen. From the Edgehill mines, near Richmond, Va., according to Genth, who attributes its origin to the action of a trap eruption on bituminous coal. BITUMINOUS COALS (Schwarzkohle Hausm., Handb., 73, 1813. Steinkohle pt. Germ.). Under the head of Bituminous Coals, a number of kinds are included which differ strikingly in the action,of heat, and which therefore are of unlike constitution. They have the common characteristic of burning in the fire with a yellow, smoky flame, and giving out on distillation hydrocarbon oils or tar, and hence the name bituminous. The ordinary bituminous coals contain from 5 to 15 Tp. c. (rarely 16 or 17) of oxygen (ash excluded); while the so-called brown coal or lignite contains from 20 to 36 p. c., after the expulsion, at 100~ C., of 15 to 36 p. c. of water. The amount.of hydrogen in each is from 4 to 7 p. c. Both have usually a bright, pitchy, greasy lustre,(whence often called Pechkohle in German), a firm compact texture, are rather fragile compared with anthracite, and have G.=1-14-1-40. The brown coals have often a brownish-black color, whence the name, and more oxygen, but in these respects and others they shade into ordinary,bituminous coals.,The.ordinary bituminous coal of Pennsylvania has G.=1'26-1'37; of Newcastle, England. 1'27;.of Scotland, 1'27 —132; of France, 1'2 —133; of Belgium, 1-27 —13. The most prominent kinds.are the following: 3. CAKING COAL. A bituminous coal which softens and becomes pasty or semi-viscid in the fire. This softening takes place at the temperature of incipient decomposition, and is attended with the,escape of bubbles of gas. On increasing the heat, the volatile products which result from the ultimate decomposition of the softened mass are driven off, and a coherent, grayish-black, cellular,,or fritted mass (coke) is left. Amount of coke left (or part not volatile) varies from 50 to 85 p. c..A eaking coal will lose its caking quality if kept heated for 2 or 3 hours at 300~ C., and sometimes Lon' mere exposure for a time to the air. MINERAL COAL. p755 4. NON-CAKINGc COAL. Like the preceding in all externalcharacters, and often in ultimate composition; but burning freely without softening or any appearance of incipient fusion. Percentage of volatile matter same as for caking coal, but the coke is not a proper coke, being in powder, or of the form of the original coal. There are all gradations between caking and non-caking bituminous coals. In external characters the two kinds are alike. They often break into layers: and there is besides a horizontal banding arising from a succession of very thin non-separable layers, slightly differing in lustre or shade of color. Cherry coal or soft coal (of England) is a non-caking coal igniting well and burning rapidly, while splint or hard coal ignites less readily, burns less rapidly, owing to the smaller amount of volatile matter. Coals which do not cake on burning are called free-burning coals, while the caking are called binding coals. 5. CANNEL COAL (Parrot Coal). A variety of bituminous coal, and often caking; but differing from the preceding in texture, and to some extent in composition, as shown by its products on distillation. It is compact, with little or no lustre, and without ally appearance of a banded structure; and it breaks with a conchoidal fracture and smooth surfaces; color dull black or grayish-black. On distillation it affords, after drying, 40 to 66 of volatile matter, and the material volatilized includes a large proportion of burning and lubricating oils, much larger than the above kinds of bituminous coal; whence it is extensively used for the manufacture of such oils. It graduates into oil-producing coaly shales, the more compact of which it much resembles. The original Parrot coal is a cannel from near Edinburgh, which burns with a crackling noise, whence the name (Percy); and Horn coal, a kind from South Wales, which emits when burning something of the odor of burning horn. 6. TORBANITE. A variety of cannel coal of a dark brown color, yellowish streak, without lustre, having a subconchoidal fracture; H.=2-25; G.=1 17-1.2. Yields over 60 p. c. of volatile matter, and is used for the production of burning and lubricating oils, paraffin, illuminating gas. Named from the locality at Torbane Hill, near Bathgate in Linlithgowshire, Scotland. Also called Boghead Cannel (see p. 742). 7. BROWN COAL (Braunkohle Germ., Pechkohle pt. Gersn., Lignite). The prominent characteristics of brown coal have already been mentioned. They are non-caking, but afford a large proportion of volatile matter. They are sometimes pitch-black (whence Pechkohle pt. Germ.), but often rather dull and brownish-black. G.=1'15 —1'3; sometimes higher from impurities. It is occasionally somewhat lamellar in structure. Brown coal is often called lignite. But this term is sometimes restricted to masses of coal which still retain the form of the original wood. Jet is a black variety of brown coal, compact in texture, and taking a good polish, whence its use in jewelry. 8. EARYTY BROWN COAL (Erdige Braunkohle) is a brown friable material, sometimes forming layers in beds of brown coal. But it is in general not a true coal, a considerable part of it being soluble in ether and benzole, and often even in alcohol; besides affording largely of oils and paraffin on distillation. For a notice of "coal" of this kind see under LEUcOPETRITE, p. 743. Such a coal is sometimes called wax coal and paraffin coal (Wachskohle, Paraffinkohle, Germ.). See also BATHVILLITE, P. 742. 9. MINERAL CHARCOAL. Fibrous charcoal-like substance often found covering the surfaces between layers of coal, and observed in coal of all ages. It is soft, and soils the fingers like charcoal. One variety of it is a dry powder. Comp. —Most mineral coal consists mainly, as the best chemists now hold, of oxygenated hydrocarbons. On page 742 it is shown that the kind of cannel coal called torbanite and the substance bathvillite are closely related in composition, as well as insolubility, to the species of the Succinite group; and it is probable that other cannel coals contain this or some related compound; and that oil-producing (not oil-bearing) shales include a similar kind of hydrocarbon. The ordinary bituminous coals often have 10 to 15 p. c. of oxygen, and maybe of analogous composition, though differing much in the precise constitution of these hydrocarbons, some containing such as produce a pasty fusion or incipient decomposition when heated (caking), and others such as undergo no semi-fusion (non-caking). The brown coals, in which there are 20 to 35 p. c. of oxygen, must include other kinds of oxygenated hydrocarbons, of the insoluble kinds. But microscopic examinations appear to show that woody fibre is present in it in various stages of alteration. Besides oxygenated hydrocarbons, there may also be present simple hydrocarbons (that is, containing no oxygen). This would seem to follow from the small percentage of oxygen (2-3 p.c. ) in the Tyneside cannel, while the hydrogen is as large in amount as in any cannel or bituminous coals. And there are various bituminous coals, low in oxygen, that suggest the same conclusion. At present, however, chemistry knows of no simple hydrocarbons that are insoluble in naphtha and benzole. The presence of free carbon is naturally inferred from the composition of coals like the anthracites, which afford very little volatile matter. But even these coals contain ordinarily 1'5 to 2-5 p. c. of each oxygen and hydrogen; and Berthelot holds that they are hydrocarbon compounds like other coals. It is remarkable that in one of the analyses of anthracite from Piesberg, Hanover (anal. 4), no oxygen whatever was found, while there were 2-23 p. c. of hydrogen. 756 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. The portion of coal soluble in naphtha or benzole, although small in amount, indicates the plesence of other hydrocarbons-simple or oxygenated-oils or resins. Their nature remains to be ascertained. Fyfe obtained by means of naphtha, from the Torbane mineral, 1'2 and 1'4 p. c.; from cannel coal, 2-4 p. c.; and from Newcastle caking, in — three experiments, 4'2, 5'8, 9'8 p. c. of soluble material. These results do not accord with the ordinary statements with regard to the insolubility of coal, and the subject needs far more extended study. Under microscopic examination, when in thin slices, many bituminous coals (including most cannel coals, the gas coals of Nova Scotia, Pelton, etc.) are seen to consist of three kinds of material, as first observed by Hutton (Geol. Soc. London, 1832-33), and further more particularly by Dr. Aitken of Glasgow (Roualds & Richardson, Chem. Techn., i. 778). (1) An opaque black substance, which is insoluble in acids as well as other menstrua, and, as suggested, may be free carbon (?). It is stated to be the main constituent of anthracite. (2) A yellow or reddish resin-like substance, which is translucent or transparent, volatile by heat, and insoluble in naphtha, muriatic and nitric acids. (3) Earthy matter, which is more or less soluble in water, and is earthy impurity. The resin-like material, No. 2, may well be a species of the Succinite group (see above). In many pitchy bituminous coals it is impossible to make out the structure here described, on account of their opacity. Some Nova Scotia coal contains yellow matter, which is soluble in ether, and slightly so in turpentine and nitric acid; and the same is true of that of the' Pelton coal. Many brown coals, as the Bovey, show the structure above described. Coals often contain resins disseminated in visible points through the mass, which may or may not be of soluble kinds. Sulphur is present in nearly all coals. It is supposed to be usually combined with iron, and when the coal affords a red ash on burning, there is reason for believing this true. But Percy mentions a coal from New Zealand (anal. 18) which gave a peculiarly white ash, although containing 2 to 3 p. c. of sulphur, a fact showing that it is present not as a sulphid of iron, but as a constituent of an organic compound. The discovery by Church of a resin containing sulphur (see TASMANITE, p. 746), gives reason for inferring that it may exist in this coal in that state, although its presence as a constituent of other organic compounds is quite possible. The presence of nitrogen, sometimes 2 p. c., proves the presence of nitrogenous hydrocarbons; but of what nature is unknown. The above review of the composition of coal shows that as yet very little is known as to its actual constituents; and that no analyses to determine them can be satisfactory which are not carried forward by the aid of the microscope, and by the preparatory separation of the coal into parts, as far as possible, by different menstrua, and the separate analyses of these parts. The impurities present, which constitute the ash of the coal, consist of silica or quartz, oxyd of iron, clay, and other aluminous silicates, or such ingredients as make up the mud and clay of fine soil or alluvium; also some silica, potash, and soda, derived from the original vegetation. The ash in the purest mineral coal amounts to but 0'25 to 1 p. c.; but in that which passes for the best there are ordinarily 5 to 8 p. c.; and in most that is used for fuel there are 8 to 15 p. c. Analyses: Anthracite. 1, Regnault (Ann. d. M., III. xii.); 2-4, Hilkenkamp & Kempner (Steink. Deutschl., ii. 284, 1865); 5, Regnault (1. c.); 6, 7, J. Percy (Proc. G. Soc., i. 202, Metal'gy, 105, 1861). Caking coal. 8-10, Stein (Steink. Sachs., 1857); 11, Regnault'(1. c.); 12, 13, Dick (Percy's Met., 99); 14, C. Tookey (ib.); 15-17, Noad (ib.): 18, C. Tookey (ib.); 19-21, Regnault (1. c.); 22, 23, Marsilly (C. R, xlvi. 891). NVon-caking. 24, Regnault (l. c.); 25, Nendtvich (Ber. Ak. Wien, 1851); 26, 27, A. Dick (Percy's Met., 102); 28, 29, Rowney (Edinb. N. Phil. J., ii. 141, 1855); 30, Stein (1. c.); 31-34, Marsilly (1. c.); 35, E. Riley (Percy's Met., 102). Whether caking or not, not stated. 36-39, Fleck (Steink. Deutschl., ii. 272, 1865). Cannel coal. 40, Regnault (1. c.); 41, Vaux (J. Ch. Soc., i. 320); 42, Taylor (Edinb. N. Phil. J., 1. 145, 1851). Torbanite. 43, Anderson (Greg & Lettsom, Min., 17); 44, Hofmann (ib.); 45, Stenhouse (ib.); 46, Fife (ib.); 47, Metter (J. pr. (h., lxxvii. 38). Brown coal. 48-51, Regnault (L. c.); 52, F. Vaux (J. Ch. Soc., v. 1, 318, 1849); 53, Nendtvich (. c.); 54, Griger (Jahresb. 1848, 261); 55, Schrbtter (Jahresb. 1849, 708); 56, Baer (Jahresb. 1852, 733); 57, F. Bischof (B. H. Ztg. 1850, 69); 58, Wagner (Polyt. Centralbl. 1847, 1496); 59, F. Bischof (1. c.); 60, Liebig (Kenngott, 1852, 257); 61, Woskressensky (ib.). Mineral charcoal. 62-65, Dr. Rowney (1. c.). Anthracite. P. c., ash excluded. C H 0 N Ash ( H O 1. S. Wales, Anthr. 92'56 3-33 2'53 -- 1'58 94'05 3-38 2'57 Regnault. 2. Piesberg, Hanover 90'40 1'90 1 73 6'04 96'14 2-02 1'84n H. & K. MINERAL COAL. 757 C H 0 N S Ash 0C O N' Coke 3. Piesberg, Hanover 87'96 1'97 0'61 - 931 97'15 2-17 0'65n - -H. &K. 4. " " 91'14 2'08 -- - 6'81 97-77 2'23 - - -H. &K. 5. Pennsylvania 90'45 2'43 2'45 -- -- 4'67 94'89 2-55 2-56 - - Rt. 6. " 92'59 2'63 1-61 0'92 - 225 94'72 2'69 2-58n -- - P. 7. i" 84'98 2'45 1'15 1'22 -- 10'20 94'64 2'73 264 - P. Caking Coals. 8. Zwickau 76'59 4'12 12'87 0'33 0'81 6'00 81'47 4'38 13'71 0'35 54'64 St. 9. " 72-27 4-1.6 10'73 0'34 0'88 12'50 82'59 4'76 12'26 0'39 77'29 St. 10. Planitz 81'23 4'43 9'86 0'21 0'55 4-25 84'84 4'63 10174 0'23 63'89 St. 11. Epinac 81'12 5'10 1125 253 83'22 5-23 11'55 -- 63'6 Rt. 12. Northumberland 78'65 4'65 14'21 -- 055 2'49 80-54 4'76 14.70n --- Dk. 13. " 82-42 4-82 11'97 - 0'86 0'79 8373 490 11'37 - - Dk. 14. " 78'69 6'00 10'07 2'37 1'51 1'36 81'01 6-17 10-38 2'44 T. 15. Blaina, S. W. 82-56 5'36 8'22 1'65 0'75 1'46 84'42 5-48 8'40 170 - Nd. 16. " 83'44 5'71 5-93 1'66 0'81 2'45 86'25 5'90 6'13 1-12 Nd. 17. " 83-00 6'18 4-58 1'49 0'75 4'00 87-14 6,49 4'81 1'56 - Nd. 18. N. Zealand 79'00 5-35 7'71 0'89 2-50 3'50 84'90 5'75 8-29 0'96 64-32 T. 19. Rive-de-Gier 82'04 5-27 912 -- -- 357 8508 5-46 9-46n -- 72'0 Rt. 20. " 87'45 5-14 393 170 -- 178 89-04 5'23 5-73n -- 68'0 Rt. 21. Alais 89-27 4-85 447 - - 1-41 90-55 4'92 4-53n -- 78'0 Rt. 22. Valenciennes 84'84 5-53 6-83 280 87'28 5'69 7.03n -- 67-75 M. 23. Pas-de-Calais 8678 4'98 5'84 - - 240 88'91 5'10 5'991 - 77'05 M. Non-Caking Coals. 24. Bianzy, France 76-48 5'23 16-01 -- - 2'28 78'26 5'35 1639n - 57'0 R. 25. Hungary 074 155 78'37 3'92 17'7011 -- 7060 Nh. 26. S. Staffordshire 76'40 4'62 17-431 - 0'55 1'55 77'68 4'69 17162n1 Dk. 27. It 72'13 4-32 171111n -- 054 6-44 77-32 4'67 17'99 -- Dk. 28. Scotland 76-08 5'31 13':;3 2'09 1'23 1'96 78-59 5'49 13-77 2'15 - Ry. 29. " 80'93 5'21 10'91 1-57 0'63 6'75 82'06 5-29 11'06 1'59 - Ry. 30. Zwickau 80-25 4'01 10-98 0'49 2'99 1'57 83'82 4-19 11'47 0'51 69'59 St. 31. Mons, France 82-95 5'42 10'93 070 83'53 5'46 11'01 -- 63'58 M. 32. " " 82'91 5'22 10'13 1'74 84'38 5'31 10'31 -66-96 M. 33. Pas-de-Calais 82'68 4'18 4-54 - 8-60 9046 4'57 497 -- 87'62 M. 34. Valenciennes 90-54 3'66 2'70 -- -- 310 93'44 3-78 2'78 93-17 M. 35. Dowlais, S. Wales 89-33 4-43 3'25 1-24 0'55 1'20 90'93 4.51 3'30 1-26 - R. 36. Zwickau 80'47 5'54 12'55 - 144 81-65 5'62 1273n - - Fk. 37. " 75'59 2'90 1444 -- 7'06 81'34 3'18 15'48 - - Fk. 38. Lugau 76'75 4'85 13'48 -- 4'92 80'72 5-10 14-72 - Fk. 39. Littitz, Bohemia 75'69 4-89 16-33 - 3:08 78'09 5'05 1686 - -— Fk. Cannel Coal. 40. Wigan 840'7 5'71 7'82 -- - 2'40 85'81 5-85 8'34 - 59'0 Rt. 41. " 80'07 5'53 8'10 2'12 1'50 2'70 82'29 56-68 8'31 - - Vx. 42. Tyneside 78'06 5'80 3'12 1'85 2'22 8'94 87'86 6'53 2'53 2'09 - Tr. Torbanite. 43. Torbane Hill 64'02 8'90 5'66 0'55 0'50 20'32 80-39 11'17 7'12 1-32 - And. 44. "' " 65'66 8'90 6'34 - 19'10 81.17 11'01 7'82 -- Hn. 45. " " 65'5 9'0 6'0 19'5 81-35 11'18 7'45 -- St. 46. " " 60'25 8'80 3'60 1'50 0'13 25'6 81-12 11'85 4'84 2'19 -— Fife 47. " " 80'56 12'17 5'82 1-45 M. Brown Coal. 48. Dax. France 70'49 5'59 18'93 - 4'99 74'19 5'88 20'13n -- 49'1 Rt 49. Bouches-du-Rhone 63'88 4'58 18'11 - 13'43 73-79 5'29 20.92 - 41'1 Rt. 75 8 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. 0( H O N S Ash C H 0 Coke 50. Hesse Cassel 71'71 4-85 2167 -- 17 73'00 4'93 42'07n 48'5 Regnault, 51. Basses Alpes 70-02 5-20 21-77 -- 3-01 72'19 5-36 22'45n 49'5 Regnault. 52. Bovey 66-31 5'63 22'86 0'57 2'36 2'27 67-85 5'75 23-39 30'79 Vaux. 53. Oedenburg, Hung. - 0-91 2'39 70'84 4'71 24-44n -- Nendtv. 54. Meissen, Sax. 58-90 5-36 21-63 -- 661 7'50 68'58 6'24 25'18n -- Grdger. 55. Gloggnitz, Austr. 57-71 4'49 22-14 -- 312 12'54 68'42 5'33 26-25n — Schrbtter. 56. Wittenberg 64'07 5'03 27'55 -- - 3'35 6629 5'20 28'51n - Baer. 57. Teuditz, Prussia 54'02 5-28 27 90 -- - 12'80 61'95 6'06 31-99" -- Bischof. 58. " " 49-91 5-20 32'42 - - 12'47 57-02 5'94 37-04n -- Wagner. 59. Ldderburg, " 55'30 4'90 31'95 -- 7.85 60'01 5'31 3468 --— Bischof. 60. Laubach, H.Darmst. 57128 6-03 36'10 -- 0'59 57-62 6'07 36-31 -- Liebig. 61. Irkutsk 47'46 4-56 33'02 - -- 1495 55-81 536 3883 — W — oskr. Mineral Charcoal. 62. Glasgow, fibrous 82-97 3-34 6-84 0-75 -- 6'08 88'36 3'56 7/28, N 0'80 Rowney. 63. Stonelaws, granular 72-74 2-34 5-83 -- 19'08 89'89 2'89 7'21n Rowney. 64. Ayrshire, fibrous q3-42 2-94 8'25 -- 15'39 86-78 3'47 9-75n Rowney. 65. Fifeshire,'" 74-71 2-74 7-67 14'86 87'78 3-21 9'011 Rowney. Specific gravity of No. 8, 1'298; No. 9, 1'275; No. 10, 1'280; No. 19, 1-288; No. 20, 1'298; No. 21, 1'322; No. 24, 1'362; No. 25, 1-366; No. 30, 1'300; No. 40, 1'317; No. 41, 1'276; No. 42, 1-316; No. 52, 1'129; No. 53, 1'280; No. 55, 1'364; No. 57, 1'263; No. 59, 1'219. The brown coals contain a large percentage of water; No. 52 gave 34'66 p. c.; No. 53, 18'60; No. 55, 25'15; No. 56, 17'26; No. 57, 48'60; No. 59, 49'50. Much the larger part of the above analyses are cited from Percy's excellent chapter on coal in his Metallurgy (1861). The index n signifies that the nitrogen is included with the oxygen. Professor W. R. Johnson obtained the following results in his examinations of some American coals (Rep. on Coals to Congress, 1844): Vol. Combust. Fixed Ash and G. Matter. Carbon. Clinkers. 1. Pennsylvania, Anthracite 1'590 —1-610 3-84 87 45 7 37 2. Maryland free-burning bitum. coal 1-3 -1'414 15'80 73'01 9'74 3. Pennsylvania " " 1-3 -1'407 17-01 68'82 13'35 4. Virginia "' " 1-29 — 1'45 36'63 50'99 10'74 5. Pittsburg, bitum. 1'252 36'76 54'93 7'07 6. Cannelton, Ind.,' 1-273 33-99 58'44 4-97 7. Pictou, Nova Scotia 1'318 27'83 56-98 13-39 8. " " 1'325 25'97 60'74 12'51 Coal occurs in beds, interstratified with shales, sandstones, and conglomerates, and sometimes limestones, forming distinct layers, which vary from a fraction of an inch to 30 feet or more in thickness. In the United States, the anthracites occur east of the Alleghany range, in rocks that have undergone great contortions and fracturings, while the bituminous are found farther west, in rocks that have been less disturbed; and this fact and other observations have led some geologists to the view that the anthracites have lost their bitumen by the action of heat. For observations on the geological relations of coal beds, reference may be made to geological treatises. The origin of coal is mainly vegetable, though animal life has contributed somewhat to the result. The beds were once beds of vegetation, analogous, in most respects, in mode of formation to the peat beds of modern times, yet in mode of burial often of a very different character. This vegetable origin is proved not only by the occurrence of the leaves, stems, and logs of plants in the coal, but also by the presence throughout its texture, in many cases, of the forms of the original fibres; also by the direct observation that peat is a transition state between unaltered vegetable debris and brown coal, being sometimes found passing completely into true brown coal. Peat differs from true coal in want of homogeneity, it visibly containing vegetable fibres only partially altered; and wherever changed to a fine-textured homogeneous material, even though hardly consolidated, it may be true brown coal. The derivation of coal from woody fibre has been explained in a general way on page 754. From the statements there made it is obvious that the vegetable material, in changing to ordinary mineral coal, has not passed necessarily through the stage of brown coal. When the material MINERAL COAL. 759 was long steeped in water, and buried under fine mud so as to exclude almost entirely atmospheric air, the decomposition in progress may have carried off most of the oxygen by its combination with the carbon of the plants, to form carbonic acid. Thus it happened probably with the cannel coals, as explained by Newberry, and also, though in general less perfectly, with most of the best bituminous coals. But when the bed had as free access to the air as occurs in the case of peat beds, there would have been a loss of carbon and hydrogen as marsh-gas, and also, probably, through combination with external oxygen, forming carbonic acid and water, while a large part of the oxygen would remain. Between these extremes, of excluded air and very imperfectly excluded, and of pressure from heavy superincumbent earthy beds and little or no pressure, lie the conditions which attended the origin of the various kinds of coal, and determined, in connection with the nature of the vegetation itself, the transformations in progress. Extensive beds of mineral coal occur in Great Britain, covering about a-, the whole area, or 11,859 square miles; in France about T, or 1719 sq. m.; in Spain about -I-, or 3408 sq. m.; in Belgiam r1j, or 518 sq. m.; in Netherlands, Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, northern Italy, Silesia, Spain, Russia on the south near the Azof, and also in the Altai. It is found in Asia, abundantly in China, in Persia in the Cabul territory, and in the Khorassan or northern Persia, in Hindostan, north of the Gulf of Cutch, in the province of Bengal (the Burdwan coal field) and Upper Assam, in Borneo, Labuan, Sumatra, several of the Philippines, Formosa, Japan, New South Wales and other parts of Australia, New Zealand, Kerguelen's Land; in America, besides the United States, in Chili, at the Straits of Magellan, northwest America on Vancouver's Island near the harbor of Camosack, at Bellingham Bay in Puget's Sound, at Melville Island in the Arctic seas, and in the British Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. In the United States there are four separate coal areas. One of these areas, the Appalachian coal field, commences on the north, in Pennsylvania and southeastern Ohio, and sweeping south over western Virginia and eastern Kentucky and Tennessee to the west of the Appalachians, or partly involved in their ridges, it continues to Alabama near Tuscaloosa, where a bed of coal has been opened. It has been estimated to cover 60,000 sq. m. It embraces severalisolated patches in the eastern half of Pennsylvania. The whole surface in Pennsylvania has been estimated at 15,437 sq. m., or ~ the whole area of the State. A second coal area (the Illinois) lies adjoining the Mississippi, and covers the larger part of Illinois, though much broken into patches, and a small northwest part of Kentucky; it is continued westward over a portion of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and northern Texas west of the Mississippi. The latter area is divided along the Mississippi by a narrow belt of Silurian rock; the whole area is about the same with that of the Appalachian coal field. A third covers the central portion of Michigan, not far from 5000 sq. m. in area. Besides these, there is a smaller coal region (a fourth) in Rhode Island, which crops out across the north end of the island of' Rhode Island, and appears to the northward as far as Mansfield, Massachusetts. The total area of coal measures in the United States is about 125,000 sq. m. Out of the borders of the United States, on the northeast, commences a fifth coal area, that of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, which covers, in connection with that of Newfoundland, 18,000 sq. m., or the whole area of these provinces. The mines of western Pennsylvania commencing with those of the Blossburg basin, Tioga Co., those of the States west, and those of Cumberland or Frostburg, Maryland, Richmond or Chesterfield, Va., and other mines south, are bituminous. Those of eastern Pennsylvania constituting several detached areas-one, the Schuylkill coal field, on the south, worked principally at Mauch Chunk on the Lehigh, and at Pottsville on the Schuylkill-another, the Wyoming coal field, worked at Carbondale, in the Lackawanna region, and near Wyoming, besides others intermediate-those of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and some patches in Virginia, are anthracites. Cannel coal is found near Greensburg, Beaver Co., Pa., in Kenawha Co., Va., at Peytona, etc.; also in Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana; but part of the so-called cannel is a coaly shale. In England, the principal coal fields are the Manchester of Lancashire and Cheshire; the Great Central of South Yorkshire, Nottingham, and Derby; that of South Wales, Glamorganshire, etc.; the Newcastle field of northern England. In Scotland, a range of beds extends across from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde; whole area 1650 sq. m. In Ireland, the three are the Limerick fields about the mouth of the Shannon, the Kilkenny fields to the eastward, and that of Ulster on the north. Cannel coal occurs in Great Britain at Lesmahago in: Lanarkshire, about 20 m. from Glasgow; also near Wigan in Lancashire, and West Wemyss in, Fyfe. Mineral coal occurs in France, in small basins, 88 in number, and covering in all, according to Taylor, T ~7T of the whole surface. The most important are the basin of the Loire, between the Loire and the Rhone, and that of Valenciennes on the north, adjoining Belgium. In Belgium, it occupies a western and eastern division, the western in the provinces of Namur and Rainault, and the eastern extending over Liege. 760 HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS. Brown coal comes from coal beds more recent than those of the Carboniferous age. But much of this more recent coal is not distinguishable from other bituminous coals. The coal of Richmond, Virginia, is supposed to be of the Liassic or Triassic era; the coal of Brora, in Sutherland, and of Bovey, Yorkshire, is Olitic in age. Tertiary coal occurs on the Cowlitz, in Oregon (anal. 14), and in many places over the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, where a " Lignitic formation " is very widely distributed; but it is rarely in beds of economical importance. The coal known to the Greeks and Romans was probably brown coal. The first sentence, in the synonymy, from Aristotle evidently alludes to mineral coal of some kind; and the first of the two cited from Theophrastus (a favorite pupil of Aristotle) refers to a similar substance, and perhaps the same specimens. The locality of the latter, Liguria (or northwestern Italy along the Mediterranean), where, he'adds, there also is amber, may be taken with some freedom, as articles brought by vessels trading with Ligurian ports, even though coming from French ports beyond, might be referred to Liguria. Elis, on the way to Olympias, is given as another locality. The sentence ends with the statement that "these coals are used by the smiths," showing that the value of the substance as fuel was well understood at the time (4th century B.c.). Theophrastus says further, that it will continue to burn as long as any one blows it, but on stopping it deadens, but may be made to burn again; and that it burns with a strong disagreeable odor. The second citation from each, Aristotle and Theophrastus, relates to a similar coal. The locality, in Thrace, identities it with the Thracian stone of Dioscorides and Pliny, the locality of which, according to the former (from Aristotle), was at Sintia, on the river Pontus (on the Macedonian border of Thracia, to the west of the present Constantinople). According to Dioscorides and Pliny (quoting further in part from Aristotle's "Wonderful Things heard of "), water would make the Thracian stone to burn, and oil extinguish it; which is either altogether a fable, or a partial truth based on somebody's observation that masses or piles of impure pyritiferous coal will become hot, and sometimes ignited, in consequence of being wet. Aristotle mentions its bituminous odor when burning. The Gagates (whence our word jet) occurred, according to Dioscorides and Pliny, at Gagas or Gages, a place in Lycia (Asia Minor). The former describes it as black, smooth, and combustible, to which Pliny adds, that it was light, and looked much like wood, and that it emitted a disagreeable odor when rubbed, and burned with the smell of sulphur. It was, in part at least, true lignite. Lignite is common in Syria, in the rocks of Mt. Lebanon, as near Beirut; and beds of coal have been recently opened in Asia Minor. Some of the works or memoirs on coal economically considered are the following: Report to Congress on Coals, by W. R. Johnson, 1844; Statistics of Coal, by R. C. Taylor, 8vo, 2d. ed., Philadelphia, 1855; Report to the British Government on Coals, by De la Beche & Playfair, 1851; Ronalds & Richardson's Chemical Technology, Vol. I. on Fuel and its Applications, London, 1855; Percy's Metallurgy, London, 1861; Chem. Unters. d. Steinkohlen Sachsen's, by W. Stein, Leipzig, 1857; Die Steinkohlen Deutschland's und anderer Lander Europa's, etc., by Geinitz, Fleck & iHartig, 3 vols., 4to, Miinchen, 1865. UINCLASSIFIED SPECIES. 761 SPECIES OF UNCERTAIN PLACE IN THE SYSTEM. 832. AZORITE. New mineral from the Azores J. E. Teschemacher, Am. J. Sci., II. iii. 32, 184= Azorite Dana, this Min., 396, 681, 1850. Tetragonal. In minute octahedrons, with the basal edges replaced; angle of pyramid (by reflective goniometer) 123~ 15', M A e=1330 40'. Cleavage none. H. =4 —4 5. Translucent to opaque. White, with a faint greenish-yellow tinge, or colorless. Vitreous in fracture. Comp.-According to A. A. Hayes, columbate of lime. B.B. infusible; smaller crystals become opaque white; larger in outer flame reddish, and light yellow in inner. With borax, on platinum wire, dissolves with extreme slowness and difficulty to a transparent globule, sometimes faint greenish; with more borax opaque on flaming. With salt of phosphorus slowly dissolved, producing a faint green color. Obs. —From the Azores, in an albitic rock, along with black tourmaline and pyrrhite. First distinguished and described by J. E. Teschemacher. The largest crystal seen was but 1~ lines in diameter. There is some resemblance in form to cryptolite (p. 529), but a re-examination of the species by Mr. Hayes corroborates his first announcement that the mineral contains neither cerium nor phosphoric acid. The angle 123~ 15' is near that of zircon, and it is possible that it is that species. But Teschemacher says of its hardness, that "it just scratches fluor spar." 833. BREWSTERLINITE. A new fluid in the cavities of minerals D. Brewster, Ed. Phil. J., ix. 1823; Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., x. 1, 407, 1826; Am. J. Sci., vii. 186, 1824, xii. 214 (with a plate), 1827; Phil. Mag., IV. xxv. 174, 1863. Brewsterline Dana, Min., 559, 1850; Brewstoline, ib., 471, 1854. In a vacuum (or as it occurs in the cavities of crystals) a colorless transparent fluid, adhering but slightly to the enclosing mineral, and hence very voluble; expanding about one-fourth with an increase of 162-~ C. (30~ F.), or between 10~ and 27~ C. (50~ and 80~ F.), 21 times more expansible than water; index of refraction 1'2106, for the fluid from an amethyst from Siberia; 1'1311 for a kind from a topaz; boiling point in a vacuum from 230 to 290 C. (740 to 840 F.), the fluid filling the cavities with the warmth of the hand or mouth. On exposure to the air undergoes rapid movements, spreading over the surface and contracting again, and then dries to separate particles or grains, which are lustrous and appear to be opaque, but are transparent by transmitted light; by the approach of moisture, even the moisture of the hand, even after being dry for some days, becomes liquid again, and renews its rapid movements. Soluble without effervescence in sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids. Volatilized by heat. Comp. —Unknown. The effect of moisture on the dry grains shows that the substance is not one of the hydrocarbon oils, or a resin. Obs.-Occurs in cavities of topaz crystals from Brazil, Scotland and Australia, of chrysoberyl, of quartz crystals from Quebec, amethyst from Siberia, and first described by Sir David Brewster. 762 UNCLASSIFIED SPECIES. The cavities are mostly microscopic, but occasionally ~ in. across, or even larger. They are gen. erally arranged in layers, and are sometimes counted by thousands in a single crystal. Brewster counted 30,000 in a chrysoberyl } in. square. The strata run irregularly with reference to the symmetry of the crystal, often intersect one another, and are sometimes curved; it is rare that 3 or 4 strata are parallel. The very low refracting power, less than that of water, is a remarkable character of the fluid (the refraction index of water being 1 336; of alcohol 1'361; of ether 1'358). The fluid from a quartz crystal from Quebec, which exploded with much force when heated, had a disagreeable taste. In his original memoir Brewster states that the fluid was 32 times more expansible than water, but in the later reference to it in 1863 (Phil. Mag., i. c.) makes it 21 times, The lower index of refraction, 1'1311, obtained for the fluid of a topaz, is so much below the other, 1'2106, that it may indicate a distinct species. 834. CRYPTOLINITE. A new fluid, etc., Brewster (see for ref., BREWSTERLIUTE). Cryptoline Dana, Min., 559, 1850. A colorless transparent fluid, as observed in the cavities of crystals, like brewsterlinite, but more dense; adhering like water to the enclosing surfaces; expansibility about that of water; index of refraction 1'2946. Not soluble in, or a solvent of, brewsterlinite, the two, when occurring together, not being miscible. On exposure to the air hardens speedily to a resin-like substance; brilliant in lustre; yellowish; transparent; absorbent of moisture, but much less so than brewsterlinite; insoluble in water and alcohol; rapidly dissolved with effervescence by sulphuric acid, and soluble also in nitric and muriatic acids; not volatilized by heat. Comp.-Nothing is known. Obs.-Occurs in the same crystals, and generally the same cavities, with brewsterlinite. This denser of the two fluids, according to Brewster, occupies the angles of the cavities, or the necks or narrow passages which unite two or more large cavities, while the other rarer fluid floats on it, and fills the rest of the cavity, excepting a circular vacuity, occupied only by this fluid in the gaseous state, if at all. 835. -HESSE:INBERGITE. Hessenbergit Kenng., Ber. Ak. Miinchen, 1863, ii. 230. Sideroxen Hessenb., Min. Not., No. 7, 1866. IMonoclinic. C=89~ 53'=O A i-i; IA fA=590 27', 0 A -=152~ 20k'; a: b': c=059843: 1: 0570967. Observed planes: 0; vertical, l i-i, i-4, i-3, i-9; clinodome, ~-; hemidomes, I-, F-i, 34, -1-i; hemioctahedral, 3. o A 1=900 3X' i-3 A i-3=119~ 27' i-i A i-i, calc.,= 126 43' 0 A i-3=90 6 i-i A 3-i=150 51 i-i A -,, obs.,=127 35 O A 1-i=149 O A\-1- =149 8 IAi-q 150 161 Simple crystals unknown. Twins: composition-face -1-i; IA =-1500 39}', i-i A i-il =118 2', O A O0,61~ 44'. H.=7-7-5. Lustre adamantine. Colorless, bluish. Transparent. Comp.-A silicate of undetermined constituents. Pyr., etc.-In a closed tube yields no water, and is unchanged. In the platinum forceps whitens, but does not fuse. In borax melts without intumescence. Heated with cobalt solution becomes gray. No action from muriatic acid. Obs.-Occurs implanted on crystals of hematite (Eisenrose)at Mt. Fibia, west of the Hospice of St. Gothard. The habit a little after that of euclase. UNCLASSIFIED SPECIES. 763 Named after F. Hessenberg, the crystallographer, of Frankfort on the Main. 836. PARATHORITE. Thorite Shep., Proc. Am. Assoc., ii. 321, 1850. Parathorite Shep., Min., 287, 1851; Dana, Brush, Am. J. Sci., xxiv. 124, 1851. Orthorhombic. In minute rectangular and rhombic prisms, with the planes I, i-, i4-; IA I-128 ~,IA i-4=116~. H. -5- -55. Lustre subresinous. Color garnet-red to pitch-black; thin edges of black crystals with a ruby translucence, a little like rutile. Translucent to opaque. Comp., Pyr., etc.-In the matrass decrepitates slightly, but does not appear to contain water. B.B. in the platinum forceps glows, fuses with difficulty on the edges, and becomes paler. In borax dissolves to a bead, which is yellow, from iron, while hot, and becomes colorless on cooling. With salt of phosphorus gives in the outer flame a bead, yellow while hot and colorless on cooling. In the inner flame the bead assumes a delicate violet color (due to titanic acid?), Brush. Obs.-Occurs imbedded in danburite and orthoclase, and only in very minute crystals, at Danbury, Ct. Shepard made the crystallization erroneously tetragonal. There are also other discrepancies in his description, which might lead to the supposition that the mineral here described is a different mineral from Shepard's; but the evidence to the contrary is complete. 837. PYRRHIITE.. G.ose, Pogg., xlviii. 562, 1840. Isometric; in octahedrons. Cleavage not observed. I-I.=6. Lustre vitreous. Color orange-yellow. Subtranslucent. Pyr., etc.-B.B. infusible, but blackens, and colors the flame deep yellow. In fragments difficultly soluble in salt of phosphorus, but in fine powder it is readily taken up by this salt, as well as by borax, forming a clear glass when cold if only a small portion is used, while if saturated it is yellowish-green, becoming somewhat more intense in R.F. Fused with soda on charcoal, it spreads out and is absorbed by the coal, giving a slight white coating, somewhat resembling oxyd of zinc; it yields no metallic spangles when the surface of the coal is removed and rubbed in the mortar. Insoluble in muriatic acid (G. Rose). Obs. —Pyrrhite was found by von Perovski of St. Petersburg at Alabaschka, near Mursinsk in the Ural, where it occurs in drusy feldspar cavities, containing also lepidolite, albite, and topaz. The largest crystal was but three lines long. Named from 7rvpi6;, yellowish-red or fire-like. With this species J. E. Teschemacher identifies small orange-red, monometric octahedrons, found with albite at the Azores (J. Nat. H. Bost., iv. 499, 1844; Proc. id., ii. 108, 1846). along with tetragonal octahedrons of azorite (p. 761). The crystals are a half to two lines long, and those of minute size are transparent. According to chemical and blowpipe trials by A. A. Hayes (Am. J. Sci., II. ix. 423) on specimens furnished him by Mr. Teschemacher, these crystals consist of columbate of zirconia, colored apparently by oxyds of iron, uranium, and manganese. B.B. in the forceps, on the first impulse of the heat, becomes darker, and the fine orange color returns on cooling, even if the heat has been high; at the melting point of cast iron, in the reduction flame, the flame becomes permanently darker and brown. With borax (6 parts to 1 of assay) it dissolves, and affords a clear colorless glass, which becomes instantly opaline or opaque on flaming; transferred to the oxydating flame becomes opaque. With salt of phosphorus (in the same proportion) in the inner flame gives a clear glass, and when reduced the glass is green; but in the outer becomes yellow. With a little more of assay the glass remains clear. With soda (12 parts to 1 of assay) dissolves; some clear portions are seen in the globule while hot, but on cooling opacity precedes the crystallization of the globule; finally a gray-brown slag remains, which, cooled from the outer flame, has a green color, indicating oxyd of manganese. Decomposed by much soda, and the resulting mass, heated with nitric acid, gives a heavy, white, insoluble powder, which with boiling water takes a white flocculent form; the powder exhibited all the characters of columbic acid (?). The acid solution, when mixed with carbonate of ammonia, remains clear; heated, some oxyd of iron falls, and the fluid is light 764 UNCLASSIFIED SPECIES. yellow; with oxalic acid, a white earth separates, which, heated with sulphuric acid to destroy the oxalic acid, dissolves, and the fluid forms with potash, before complete neutralization, a white double salt, which has the characters of that from zirconia, but may also contain oxyd of cerium. The oxalate, when first formed, did not afford, when heated, the cinnamon-brown color characteristic of deutoxyd of cerium. The extremely small amount of the mineral under examination forbids the expression of certainty respecting the base. Although inclining to the opinion of the existence of cerium in the mineral, from the red color of the crystals, Mr. Hayes observes that he obtained no positive proof on this point. 834. ALURGITE. Alurgit Breith., B. H. Ztg., xxiv. 336. Massive, consisting of scales, rarely having an hexagonal outline. Cleavage: basal eminent, as in mica. H.=2-25-3. G.=2-984-3. Lustre pearly to vitreous. Color purple to cochineal-red; ir. thinnest plates rose-red; streak rose-red. Transparent to translucent. Optically uniaxial. Contains much manganese. Occurs with manganese ores at St. Marcel in Piedmont. Named from dXovpyds, purple. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 765 CATALOGUE OF AMERICAN LOCALITIES OF MINERALS. The following catalogue may aid the mineralogical tourist in selecting his routes and arranging the plan of his journeys. Only important localities, affording cabinet specimens, are in general included; and the names of those minerals which are obtainable in good specimens are distinguished by italics. When a name is not italicized the mineral occurs only sparingly or of poor quality. When the specimens to be procured are remarkably good, an exclamation mark (I) is added, or two of these marks (I I) when the specimens are quite unique. The more exact position of localities may in most instances be ascertained by reference to the descriptions of the species in the preceding part of the Treatise. For the facts included the country is especially indebted to the various Geological Reports of the several States, the American Journal of Science, and the Journals or Transactions of the different Scientific Societies or Academies. The author is under special obligations, in the preparation of the Catalogue for this edition of the Mineralogy, to W. W. JEFFERIS, Esq., of Westchester, Pa., Prof. 0. U. SHEPARD, Prof. A. E. VERRILL, Dr. J. S. NEWBERPY, Prof. WM. P. BLAKE, Prof. WM. H. BR-EWER, Dr. F. A. GENTH, Prof. B. SILLIMAN, Prof: O. C. MARSH, Prof. A. WINCHELL, Dr. GEORGE SMITH, of Upper Darby, Pa., Dr. T. R. RAmD, of Philadelphia. MAINE. ALBANY.-LBeryl I green and black tourmaline, feldspar, rose quartz, rutile. AROOSTOOK.-Red hematite. BATH.-Idocrase, garnet, magnetite, graphite. BETHEL.- Cinnamon garnet, calcite, sphene, beryl, pyroxene. hornblende, epidote, graphite, talc, pyrite, mispickel, magnetite, wad. BINcGHAM.-Massive pyrite, galenite, b]ende, andalusite. BLUE HIzL BAY.-Arsenical iron, molybdenite! galenite, apatite! fluorite! black tourmaline (Long Cove), black oxyd of manganese (Osgood's farm), rhodonite, bog manganese, wolframite. BowDOIN.-Rose Quartz. BOWDOINHAMI.-Beryl, molybdenite. BRurSWIcK.-Green mica, garnetl black tourmaline! molybdenite, epidote, calcite, muscovite, feldspar, beryl. BuciFIELD.- Garnet (estates of Waterman and Lowe), iron ore, muscovite I magnetite. CAMDAGE FARM.-(Near the tide mills), molybdenite, wolframite. CAMDEN.-A- acle, galenite, epidote, black tourmaline, pyrite, talc, magnetite. CARMEn (Penobscot Co.).-Stibnite, pyrite, macle. CoRINNA.-Pyrite, arsenical pyrites. DEER ISLE.-Serpentine, verd-antique, asbestus, diallage, magnetite. DExTER.-G.alenite, pyrite, blende, chalcopyrite, green talc. DIxEIELD.-Native copperas, graphite. FARMINGTON.-(Norton's ledge), pyrite, graphite, bog ore, garnet, staurolite. FREEPORT.-Rose quartz, garnet, feldspar, scapolite, graphite, muscovite. FRYEBURG.- Garnet, beryl. GEORGETOWN.-(Parker's island), beryl! black tourmaline. GREENWoo D.-Graphite, black manganese, beryl mispickel, cassiterite, mica, rose quartz, garnet, corundum, albite, zircon, molybdenite, magnetite, copperas. HEBRON. — Cassiterite, mispickel, idocrase, lepidolite, amblygonite, rubellite! indicolite, green tourmaline, mica, beryl, apatite, albite, childrenite, cookeite. JEWELL'S ISLAND.-Pyrite. KATAHDIN IRON WORKS -Bog iron ore, pyrite, magnetite, quartz. LETTER E, Oxford Co.-Staurolite, macle, copperas. LINNXEUS. —Hematite, limonite, pyrite, bog-iron ore. LITCHFIELD. —Sodalite, cancrinite, elcolite, zircon, spodumene, muscovite, pyrrhotite. 766 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. LUBEC LEAD MINES. — Galenite, chalcopyrite, blende. MAoCHIASPORT.-Jasper, epidote, laumontite. MADAWASKA SETTLEMENTS.- Vivianite. MIINOT. — Beryl, smoky quartz. MONMOUTH.-Actinolite, apatite, elceolite, zircon, staurolite, plumose mica, beryl, rutile. MT. ABRAHAM. —Andalusite, staurolite. NORWAY.- Chrysoberyl! molybdenite, beryl, rose quartz, orthoclase, cinnamon garnet. ORR'S ISLAND.-Steatite, garnet, andalusite. OXFORD. —Garnet, beryl, apatite, wad, zircon, muscovite. PARIS. —Green! red! black, and blue tourmaline! mica! lepidolite! feldspar, albite, quartz crys. tals! rose quartz, cassiterite, amblygonite, zircon, brookite, beryl, smoky quartz, spodumene, cookeite, leucopyrite. PARSONsFIELD.-Idocrase! yellow garnet, pargasite, adularia, scapolite, galenite, blende, chalcopyrite. PERU.- Crystallized pyrite. PHIPSBURG. — Yellow garnet! manganesian garnet, idocrase, pargasite, axinite, laumontite! chabazite, an ore of cerium? POLAND.-Idocrase, smoky quartz, cinnamon garnet. POrTLAND.-Prehnite, actinolite, garnet, epidote, anethyst, calcite. POWNAL.-Black tourmaline, feldspar, scapolite, pyrite, actinolite, apatite, rose quartz. RAYMOND.-Magnetite, scapolite, pyroxene, lepidolite, tremolite, hornblende, epidote, orthoclase, yellow garnet, pyrite, idocrase. ROCKLAND.-Hiematite, tremolite, quartz, wad, talc. RUMFOrD.- Yellow garnet, idocrase, pyroxene, apatite, scapolite, graphite. RUTLAND.-Allanite. SANDY RIVER.-Auriferous sand. SANFORD, York Co.-Idocrase! albite, calcite, molybdenite, epidote, black tourmaline. SEARSMONT. —Andalusite, tourmaline. SOUTH BERWICK.-Macle. STREAKED MOUNTAIN.-Beryl! black tourmaline, mica, garnet. THOMASTON.-Calcite, tremolite, hornblende, sphene, arsenical iron (Owl's head), black manganese (Dodge's mountain), thomsonite, talc, blende, pyrite, galenite. TOPSHAM.- Quartz, galenite, blende, tungstite? beryl, apatite, molybdenite. UNION.-Magnetite, bog-iron ore. WALES.-Axinite in boulder, alum, copperas. Ws TERVILLE.- Crystallized pyrite. WINDHAM (near the bridge).-Staurolite, spodumene, garnet, beryl, amethyst, c'yanite, tourmaline. WINTHROP. —Staurolite, pyrite, hornblende, garnet, copperas. WOODSTOCK. —Graphite, specular iron, prehnite, epidote, calcite. YoRE.-Beryl, vivianite, oxyd of manganese. NEW HAMPSHIRE. AcwORTH.-Beryl;! mica I tourmaline, feldspar, albite, rose quartz, columbite I ALSTEAD.-Mica!! albite, black tourmaline. AMHERST.-I-docrase I yellow garnet, pargasite, calc spar. BARTLETT. —Magnetite, specular iron, brown iron ore in large veins near Jackson (on "Bald face mountain "), quartz crystals, smoky quartz. BATH.-Galenite, chalcopyrite. BELLOWS FALLS.-Cyanite. BENTON.- Quartz crystals. C(AMPTON.-Beryl! CANAAN. —Gold in pyrites. CHARLESTOWN.-Staurolite macle, andalusite made, bog-iron ore. CORNISH.-Stibnite, tetrahedrite, rutile in quartz! (rare). CROYDEN.-Iolite I EATON (3 m. S. of). —Galenite, blende! chalcopyrite, limonite (Six Mile Pond). FRANCESTON.-Soapstone, arsenical pyrites. FRANCONIA.-Hornblende, staurolite I epidote! zoisite, specular iron, magnetite, black and red manganesian garnets, mispickel! (danaite), chalcopyrite, molybdenite, prehnite. GILFORD (Gunstock Mt.).-Magnetic iron ore, native " lodestone." GOSHEN. — Graphite, black tourmaline. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 76 GRAFTON.-Mica! (extensively quarried at Glass Hill, 2 m. S. of Orange Summit), a'bile! blue, green, and yellow beryls! (1 m. S. of O. Summit), tourmaline, garnets. GRANTHAM.- Gray staurolite! HANOVER.-Garnet, a boulder of quartz containing rutile! black tournmaline, quartz. HAVERHILL.- Garnet! arsenical pyrites, native arsenic, blende, iron and copper pyrites, magnetic and white iron pyrites. HILLSBOno' (Campbell's mountain).- Graphite. HILLSDALE.-Rhodonite, black oxyd of manganese. JxcKsoN.-Drusy quartz, tin ore, arsenopyrite, native arsenic, fluorite, apatite, magnetite, inolyb. denite, wolfram, chalcopyrite, arsenate of iron. JAFFREY (Monadnock Mt.).- Cyanite. KEENE.- Graphite, soapstone, milky quartz. LANDAFF.-3lfolybdenite, lead and iron ores. LEBANON.-Bog-iron ore. LIssoN.-Staurolite, black and red garnets, granular magnetite, hornblende, epidote, zoisite, specular iron. LYE.- -Cyanite (N.W. part), black tourmaline, rutile, pyrite, chalcopyrite (E. of E. village), stibnite. MERRIMACK.-Rlutile! (in gneiss nodules in granite vein). MOULTONBOROUCGH (Red Hill).-llornblende, bog ore, pyrite, tourmaline. NEwPoRT.-bMolybdenite. ORANGE. —Blue beryls! Orange Summit, chrysoberyl, mica (W. side of mountain). ORFORD.-Brown tourmaline (now obtained with difficulty), steatite, rutile, cyanite, brown iron ore, native copper, malachite, galenite. PELHAM.-Steatite. PIERMONT.-MIicaceous iron, barite, green, white, and brown mica, apatite. PLY3IOUTH.-Columbite, beryl. RICHMOND.-Iolite! rutile, steatite, pyrite. RYE. —Macle. SADDLEBACK MT.-Black tourmaline, garnet, spinel. SHELBURNE.- Galenite, black blende, chalcopyrite, pyrite, manganese. SPRINGFIELD.-Beryls (very large, eight inches diameter), manganesian garnets I in mica slate, albite, mica. SULLIVAN.-Tourmalines (black), in quartz, beryl? SURREY.-Amethyst, calcite. SWANZEY (near Keene).-Magnetic iron (in masses in granite). TAXWORTH (near White Pond).-Galenite. UNITY (estate of James Neal). —Copper and iron pyrites, chlorophyllite, green mica, radiated actinolite, garnet, titaniferous iron ore, magnetite. WALPOLE (near Bellows Falls). —Macle. WARREN.- Chalcopyrite, blende, epidote, quartz, pyrite, tremolite, galenite, rutile, talc, molybdenite, cinnamon stone! poyroxene. WESTMORELAND (south part).-Molybdenite! apatite! blue feldspar, bog manganese (north village), quartz, fluorite, chalcopyrite, oxyd of molybdenum and uranium. WRITE MTS. (notch behind " old Crawford's house ").-Green octahedral fluor, quartz crystals, blac1 tourmaline, chiastolite. WILMOT.-Beryl. WINCHESTER.-Pyrolusite, rhodochrosite, psilomelane, magnetite, granular quartz. VERMONT. ADDISON.-Iron sand, pyrite. ALBURGH. —Quartz crystals on calcite, pyrite. ATHENS.-Steatite, rhomb spar, actinolite, garnet. BALTIMeoRue.-Serpentine, pyrites! BARNET.-Graphite. BELvIDERE.-Steatite, chlorite. BENNINGTON.-Pyrolusite, brown iron ore, pipe clay, yellow ochre. BERKSHIRE.-Epidote, hematite, magnetite. BETHEL. -Actinolite! talc, chlorite, octahedral iron, rutile, brown spar in steatite. BRANDON.-Braunite, pyrolusite, psilomelane, limonite, lignite, white clay, statuary marble; fossil fruits in the lignite, graphite, chalcopyrite. 768 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. BRATTLEBOROUGH.-Black tourmaline in quartz, mica, zoisite, rutile, actinolite, scapolite, spodumene, roofing slate. BRIDGEWATER.-Talc, dolomite, magnetite, steatite, chlorite, gold, native copper, blende, galenite, blue spinel, chalcopyrite. BRISTOL. —Rutile, brown hematite, manganese ores, magnetite. BROOFIELD. -Miispickel, pyrite. CABOT.-Garnet, staurolite, hornblende, albite. CASTLETON.-JRooflng slate, jasper, manganese ores, chlorite. CAVENDISH.-Garnet, serpentine, talc, steatite, tourmaline, asbestus, tremolite. CHESTER.-Asbestus, feldspar, chlorite, quartz. CHITTENDEN.-Psilomelane, pyrolusite, brown iron ore, specular and magnetic iron, galenite, iolite. COLCHESTER.-Brown iron ore, iron sand, jasper, alum. CORINTH.- Copper pyrites (has been mined), pyrrhotite, pyrite, rutile, quartz. COVENTRY.-RIhodonite. CRAFTSBURY.-Mica in concentric balls, calcite, rutile. DERBY.-Mica (adamsite). DUnMMERSTON.-Rutile, roofing slate. FAIRHAVEN.-Roofing slate, pyrite. FLETCHER.-Pyrite, octahedral iron, acicular tourmaline. GRAFTON.-The steatite quarry referred to Grafton is properly in Athens; quartz, actinolite. GUILFORD.-Scapolite, rutile, roofing slate. HARTFORD.-Calcite, pyrite! cyanite in mica slate, quartz, tourmaline. IRASBURGH.-Rhodonite, psilomelane. JAY.-Chromic iron, serpentine, amianthus, dolomite. LOWELL.-Picrosmine, amianthus, serpentine, cerolite, talc, chlorite. MARLBoRo'.-Rhomb spar, steatite, garnet, magnetite, chlorite. MENDoN.-Octahedral iron ore. MIDDLEBURY.-Zircon. MIDDLESEX. -Rutile I (exhausted). MoRKToN. —Pyrolusite, brown iron ore, pipe clay, feldspar. MORETOWN.-Smoky quartz! steatite, talc, wad, rutile, serpentine. MoIr'RISTON. —Galenite. MOUNT HOLLY. —Asbestus, chlorite. NEW FANE.-Glassy and asbestiform actinolite, steatite, green quartz (called chrysoprase at the locality), chalcedony, drusy quartz, garnet, chromnic and titanic iron, rhomb spar, serpentine, rutile. NORWICH.-Actinolite, feldspar, brown spar in talc, cyanite, zoisite, chalcopyrite, pyrite. PITTSFORD.-Brown iron ore, manganese ores. PLYMOUTH.-Spathic iron, magnetic and specular iron, both in octahedral crystals, gold, galenite. PLYMPTON.-Massive hornblende. PUTNEY.-Fluorite, brown iron ore, rutile, and zoisite, in boulders, staurolite. READING.- Glassy actinolite in talc. READSBORO'.- Glassy actinolite, steatite, hematite. RIPTo. —Brown iron ore, augite in boulders, octahedral pyrite. ROCHESTER.-Rutile, specular iron cryst., magnetite in chlorite slate. RoceuNGxAM (Bellows Falls).-Cyanite, indicolite, feldspar, tourmaline, fluorite, calcite, prehnite, staurolite. ROXBURY.-D-olomite, talc, serpentine, asbestus, quartz. RUTLAND.-Miagnesite, white marble, hematite, serpentine, pipe clay. SALISBURY. Brown iron ore. SHARON. — Quartz crystals, cyanite. SHOREHAM.-Pyrite, black marble, calcite. SHREWSBURY.-Magnetite and chalcopyrite. STARKSBORO'. -Brown iron ore. STIRLING.-Chalcopyrite, talc, serpentine. STOCKBRIDGE.-Mispickel, magnetic iron ore. STRAFFORD.-Magnetite and chalcopyrite (has been worked), native copper, hornblende, copperas. THETFORD.-Blende, galenite, cyanite; chrysolite in basalt, pyrrhotite, feldspar, roofing slate, steatite, garnet. TowNsaEND -Actinolite, black mica, talc, steatite, feldspar. TROY. —Magnetite, talc, serpentine, picrosmine, amianthus, steatite, one mile southeast of village of South Troy, on the farm of Mr. Pierce, east side of Missisco, chromic iron, zaratite. VERSHIRE.-Pyrite, chalcopyrite, tourmaline, mispickel, quartz. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 769 WARDSBORO'.-Zoisite, tourmaline, tremolite, hematite. WARREN.-Actinolite, magnetite, wad, serpentine. WATERBURY.-Mispickel, chalcopyrite, rutile, quartz, serpentine. WATERVILLE.-Steatite, actinolite, talc. WEATHERSFIELD.-Steatite, specular iron, pyrite, tremolite. WELLS' RIvER.-Graphite. WESTFILD.t-Steatite, chromic iron, serpentine. WESTMINSTER.-Zoisite in boulders. WINDHAM.-Glassy actinolite, steatite, garnet, serpentine. WooDBunY.-Massive pyrite. WOODSTOCK.-Quartz crystals, garnet, zoisite. MASSACHUSETTS. ALFORD. —Galenite, pyrite. ATHOL.-Allanite, fibrolite, (?) epidote! babingtonite? A UBURN. —Masonite. BARRE.-Rutile! mica, pyrite, beryl, feldspar, garnet. GREAT BARRINGTON.-Tremolite. BEDFORD.- Garnet. BELOHERTOWN.-Allanite. BERNARDSTON.-Magnetite. BEvERLY. — Columbite, green feldspar, cassiterite. BLANFORD.-Serpentine, anthophyllite, actinolite! chromite, cyanite, rose quartz in boulders. BOLToN.-Scapolitel petalite, sphene, pyroxene, nuttalite, diopside, boltonite, apatite, magnesite, rhomb spar, allanite, yttrocerite? cerium ochre? (on the scapolite), spinel. BOXBOROUGH.-Scapolite, spinel, garnet, augite, actinolite, apatite. B3RIGHTON.-Asbestus. BRIMFIELD (road leading to Warren).-Iolite, adularia, molybdenite, mica, garnet. CATRLISLE. —Tormaline, garnet l scapolite, actinolite. CHARLESTOWN.-Prehnite, laumontite, stilbite, chabazite, quartz crystals, melanolite. CHELMSFORD.-Scapolite (chelmsfordite), chondrodite, blue spinel, amianthus I rose quartz. CHESTER.-uliornblende, scapolite, zoisite, spodumene, indicolite, apatite, magnetite, chromite, stilbite, heulandite, analcite and chabazite; at the Emery Mine, Chester Factories. — Corundum, mnargarite, diaspore, epidote, corundophilite, chloritoid, tourmaline, menaccanitel rutile, biotite, indianite? andesite? cyanite. CHESTERFIELD. -Blue, green, and red tourmaline, cleavelandite (albite), lithia mica, smoky quartz, microlite, spodumene, cyanite, apatite, rose beryl, garnet, quartz crystals, staurolite, cassiterite, columrn bite, zoisite, uranite, brookite (eumanite), scheelite, anthophyllite, bornite. CONWaY.-Pyrolusite, fluorite, zoisite, rutile! i native alum, galenite. CuMMINGTO. —Rhodonite cummingtonite (hornblende), marcasite, garnet. DEDHAM.-Asbestus, galenite. DEERFIELD.-Chabazite, heulandite, stilbite, amethyst, carnelian, chalcedony, agate. FITCHBURG (Pearl Hfil).-Beryl, staurolite! garnets, molybdenite. FOXBOROUGH.-Pyrite, anthracite. FRANKLIN.-Amethyst. GOSHEN.-Mica, albite, spodumene I blue and green tourmaline, beryl, zoisite, smoky quartz, columo bite, tin ore, galenite, beryl (goshenite), pihlite (cymatolite). GREENFIELD (in sandstone quarry, half mile east of village).-Allophane, white and greenish. HATFIELD.-Barite, yellow quartz crystals, galenite, blende, chalcopyrite. HItAWLEY.-fZicaceous iron, massive pyrite, magnetite, zoisite. HEATH.-Pyrite, zoisite. IHINSDALE.-Brown iron ore, apatite, zoisite. HUBBARDSTON. —Massive pyrite. LANCASTER.- Cyanite, chiastolite! apatite, staurolite, pinite, andalusite. LEE. —Tremolite! sphene I (east part). LENOx. —Brown hematite, gibbsite (?). LEYERETT.-Barite, galenite, blende, chalcopyrite. LEYDEN. —Zoisite, rutile. LITTLETON. —Spinel, scapolite, apatite. LYNNFIELD.-Magnesite on serpentine. MARTHA'S VINEYARD.-Brown iron ore, amber, selenite, radiated pyrite. MENDON..-Mica chlorite. 49 770 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. MIDDLEFIELD. — Glassy actinolite, rhomb spar, steatite, serpentine, feldspar, drusy quartz, apatite, zoisite, nacrite, chalcedony, talc deweylite. MILBURY.- Vermiculite. MONTAGUE.-Specular iron. NEwBURR.-Serpentine, chrysotile, epidote, massive garnet, siderite. NEWBURYPORT.-Serpentine, nemalite, uranite. NEW BRAINTREE.-Black tourmaline. NoRwICH.-Apatite black tourmaline, beryl, spodumene! triphyline (altered), blende, quartz - crystals, cassiterite. NORTHFIELD. —Columbite, fibrolite, cyanite. PALMER (Three Rivers).-Felcdspar, prehnite, calc spar. PELHAM.-Asbestus, serpentine, quartz crystals, beryl, molybdenite, green hornstone, epidote, amethyst. PLAINFIELD. — CGmmingtonite, pyrolusite, rhodonite. RICHMOND.-Brown iron ore, gibbsite! allophane. ROcKPORT.-Danalite, cryophyllite, annite, cyrtolite (altered zircon), green and white orthoclase. RowE.- Epidote, talc. SOUTH ROYALSTON.-Beryl!! (now obtained with great difficulty), mica!! feldspar allanite. Four miles beyond old loc., on farm of Solomon Heywood, mica I beryl! feldspar! menaccanite. RuSSEL. —Schiller spar (diallage?), mica, serpentine, beryl, galenite, chalcopyrite. SALEM.-In a boulder, cancrinite, sodalite, elaeolite. SAUGUS.-Porphyry, jasper. SHEFFIELD.-Asbestus, pyrite, native alum, pyrolusite. SHELBURNE.- utile. SHUTESBURY (east of Locke's Pond). —Molybdenite. SOUTHAMPTON. —Galenite, cerussite, anglesite, wulfenite, fluorite, barite, copper and iron pyrites,.blende, corneous lead, pyromorphite, stolzite, chrysocolla. STERLING.-Spodumene, chiastolite, spathic iron, mispickel, blende, galenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite. STONEHAM. —Nephrite. STURBRZDGE.-Graphite, garnet, apatite, bog ore. SWAMPSCOT.- Orthite, feldspar. TAUNTON (one mile south).-Paracolumbite (titanic iron). TURNER'S FALLS (Conn. River).-Chalcopyrite, prehnite, chlorite, chlorophceite, spathic iron, mala-,chite, magnetic iron sand, anthracite. TYRINGHAM.-Pyroxene, scapolite. UXBRIDGE.-Galenite. WARWICK. —Massive garnet, radiated black tourmaline, magnetite, beryl, epidote. WA SHINGTON.- Graphite. WESTFIELD.-Schiller spar (diallage), serpentine, steatite, cyanite, scapolite, actinolite. WESTFORD. —Andalusite! WEST HAMPTON.-Galenite, argentine, pseudomorphous quartz. WEST SPRINGFIELD.-Prehnite, ankerite, satin spar, celestite, bituminous coal. WEST STOCKBRID)GE.-Hematite, fibrous pyrolusite, spathic iron. WHATELY.-Native copper, galenite. WILLIAMSBURG.-Zoisite, pseudomorphous quartz, apatite, rose and smoky quartz, galenite, pyrolusite, chalcopyrite. WILLIanMSTOWN.- Cryst. quartz. WINDSOR.-Zoisite, actinolite, rutile VWORCESTER.-Mispickel, idocrase, pyroxene, garnet, amianthus, bucholzite, spathic iron, galeuite. WORTHINGTON.- Cyanite. ZoAR.-Bitter spar, talc. RHODE ISLAND. BRISTOL.-Amethyst. CRANSTON.-Actinolite in talc. CUMBERLAND.-Manganese, epidote, actinolite, garnet, titaniferous iron, magnetite, red hematite, ichalcopyrite. FOSTER.- Cyanite. GLOUCESTER.-Magnetite in chlorite slate. JoHNsON.-Talc, brown spar. NATI. — See WARWICK.:NEWPORTs.-Sepentine. PORTSMOUTH.-Anthracite, graphite, asbestus, pyrite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 771 SmITrlELn. —Dolomite, calcite, bitter spar, nacrite, serpentine (bowenite), tremolite, asbestus, quartz, magnetic iron in chlorite slate, talc I anatase. WARWICK (Natic village). —Masonite, garnet, graphite. WESTERLY.-Ilmenite. CONNECTICUT. BER.IN.-Barite, datolite, blende, quartz crystals. BOLTON. —Staurolite, chalcopyrite. BRADLEYVILLE (Litchfield). —Laumontite. BRISTOL.- Chalcocitel chalcopyrite, barite, bornite, talc, allophane, pyromorphite, calcite, malachite, galenite, quartz. BROOKrFIELD.-Galenite, calamine, blende, spodumene, pyrrhotite. CANAAN.-Tremolite and white augite I in dolomite, canaanite (massive pyroxene). CRATrHAM.-Mispickel, smaltite, chloanthite (chathamite), scorodite, niccolite, beryl, erythrite. CHESHIRE.-Barite, chalcocite, bornite cryst., malachite, kaolin, natrolite, prehnite, chabazite, datolite. CHESTER.-Sillimanite! zircon, epidote. CORNWALL.- Graphite, pyroxene, actinolite, sphene, scapolite. DANBURa.-Danburite, oligoclase, moonstone, brown tourmaline, orthoclase, pyroxene, parathorite. FARMINGTON.-Prehnite, chabazite, agate, native copper. GRANBY.-Green malachite. GREENWICH.- Black tourmaline. HADDAM.- Chrysoberyl I beryl I epidote! tourmaline feldspar, garnet I iolite I oligoclase, chlorophyllite I automolite, acolumbite! zircon (calyptolite), mica, pyrite, marcasite, molybdenite, allanite, bismuth, bismuth ochre, bismutite. HADLYME. —Chabazite and stilbitc in gneiss, with epidote and garnet. HARTFORD. —Datolite (Rocky Hill quarry). KENT.-Brown iron ore, pyrolusite, ochrey iron ore. LITCHFIELD.- Cyanite with corundum, apatite, and andalusite, menaccanite (washingtonite), chalcopyrite, diaspore, niccoliferous pyrrhotite, margarodite. LYME.-Garnet, sunstone. MERImEN.-Datolite. MIDDLEFIELD FALLS.-Datolite, chlorite, etc., in amygdaloid. MIDDLETOWN. —Mica, lepidolite with green and red tourmaline, albite, feldspar, columbite! prehnite, garnet (sometimes octahedral), beryl, topaz, uranite, apatite, pitchblende; at lead mine, galenite, chalcopyrite, blende, quartz, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, sometimes capillary. MILFORD. — Sahlite, pyroxene, asbestus, zoisite, verd-antique marble, pyrite. NEw HAvEN.-Serpentine, asbestus, chromic iron, sahlite, stilbite, prehnite. NoRwIcH.-Sillimanite, monazite! zircon, iolite, corundum, feldspar. OXORaD, near Humphreysville.-Cyanite, chalcopyrite. PLvaYMOU'rH.-Galenite, heulandite, fluorite, chlorophyllite! garnet. ROARING BROOK (Cheshire).-Datolite! calcite, prehnite, saponite. READING (near the line of Danbury).-Pyroxene, garnet. RoxunvY. —Spathic iron, blende, pyrite!! galenite, quartz, chalcopyrite. SALISBURY.-Brown iron ore, ochrey iron, pyrolusite, triplite, turgite. SAYBROOK.-A1olybdenite, stilbite, plumbago. SIMssURY.-Copper gylance, green malachite. SouTHBURY.-Rose quartz, laumontite, prehnite, cale spar, heavy spar. SOUTHINGTON.-HIeavy spar, datolite, asteriated quartz crystals. STAFFORD.-Massive pyrites, alum, copperas. STONINGTON.-Stilbite and chabazite on gneiss. THATCHERSVILLE (near Bridgeport).-Stilbite on gneiss, babbingtonite? ToLLAND.-Staurolite, massive pyrites. TRUMBULL and MONROE.- Chlorophane, topaz, beryl, diaspore, pyrrhotite, pyrite, scheelite, wolf. ramite (pseudomorph of scheelite), rutile, native bismuth, tungstic acid, spathic iron, mispickel, argentiferous galenite, blende, scapolite, tourmaline, garnet, albite, augite, graphic tellurium, (?) margarodite. WASHINGTON.- Triplite, me naccanite! (washingtonite of Shepard), rhodochrosite, natrolite, andalusite (New Preston), cyanite. WATERTOWN, near the Naugatuck -White sahlite, monazite. WEST FARMsS.-Asbestus. 772 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. WILLIMANTIC.-Topaz, monazite, riopidolite. WINCHESTER and WLmTON.-Asbestus, garnet. NEW YORK. ALBANY CO.-BETHLEHEM.-Calcite, stalactite, stalagmite, calcareous sinter, snowy gypsum. C(OEYMAN'S LANDING.-Gypsum, epsom salt, quartz crystals at Crystal Hill, three miles south of Albany. GUILDERLAND.-Petroleum,, anthracite, and calcite, on the banks of the Norman's Kill, two miles south of Albany. WATERVLIET.-Quartz crystals, yellow drusy quartz. ALLEGHANY CO.-CuBA.-Calcareous tufa, petroleum, 3~ miles from the village. CATTARAUGUS CO.-FREEDOM.-Petroleuzm. CAYUGA CO.-AuB3uRN.-Celestite, calcite, fluor spar, epsomite. CAYUGA LAKE.-Sulphur. LUDLOWVILLE. —Epsomite. UNION SPRINGS. —Selenite, gypsum. SPRINGPORT.-At Thompson's plaster beds, sulphur I selenite. SPRINGVILLE. —Nitrogen springs. CLINTON CO.-ARNOLD IRON MINE. —Magnetite,' epidote, molybdenite. FINCH ORE BED.- Calcite, green and purple fluor. CHATAUQUE CO.-FREDONIA.-Petroleum, carburetted hydrogen. LAONA.-Petroleum. ~,HEtIDAN.-Alum. COLUMBIA CO.-AUSTERLITZ.-Earthy manganese, wulfenite, chalcocite; Livingston lead mine, vitreous silver? CHATHAM.-Quartz, pyrite in cubic crystals in slate (Hillsdale). CANAAN.-Chalcocite, chalcopyrite. HUDSoN. — Epidote, selenite! NEW LEBANON. —N itrogen springs, graphite, anthracite; at the Ancram lead mine, galenite, barite, blende, wulflnite (rare), chalcopyrite, calcareous tufa; near the city of Hudson, epsom salt, brown spar, wad. DUTCHESS CO.-AmENIA.-Dolomite, limonite, turgite. BECOKMAN. -Dolomite. DOVER.-Dolomite, tremolite, garnet (Foss ore bed), staurolite, limonile. FISHaILL.-Dolomite; near Peckville, talc, asbestus, graphite, hornblende, augite, actinolite, hydrous anthophyllite, limonilte. NORTH EAST.-Chalcocite, chalcopyrite, galenite, blende. PAWLING.-Dolomite. RHINEBEUCK.-Calcite, green feldspar, epidote, tourmaline. UNION VALE.-At the Clove mine, gibbsite, limonite. ESSEX CO.-ALEXANDRIA.-Kirby's graphite mine, graphite, pyroxene, scapolite, sphene. CROWN POINT.-Apatite (eupyrchroite of Emrmons), brown tourmaline! in the apatite, chlorite, quartz crystals, pink and blue calcite, pyrite; a short distance south of J. C. Hammond's house, garnet, scapolite, chalcopyrite, aventurine feldspar, zircon, magnetic iron (Peru), epidote, mica. KEENE.-Scapolite. LEwIs. —Tabular spar, colophonite, garnet, labradorite, hornblende, actinolite; ten miles south of the village of Keeseville, mispickel. LONG POND.-Apatite, garnet, pyroxene, idocrase, coccolite!! scapolite, magnetite, blue calcite. MCINTYRE.-Labradorite, garnet, magnetite. o10RIAH, at Sandford Ore Bed.-Magnetite, apatite, allanite! lanthanite, actinolite, and feldspar; at Fisher Ore Bed, magnetic iron, feldspar, quartz; at Hall Ore Bed, or "New Ore Bed," magnetite, zircons; on Mill brook, calcite, pyroxene, hornblende, albite; in the town of Moriah, magnetite, black mica. AMERICAN LOCALITIES 773 NEWcoMB.-Labradorite, feldspar, magnetic iron, hypersthene. PORT HENRY.-Brown tourmaline, mica, rose quartz, serpentine, green and black pyroxene, hornblende, cryst. pyrite, graphite, tabular spar, pyrrhotine, adularia; phlogopite! at Cheever Ore Bed, with magnetite and serpentine. ROGER'S ROCK. —Graphite, tabular spar, garnet,. colophonite, feldspar, adularia, pyroxene, sphene, coccolite. SCHROON. — alcite, pyroxene, chondrodite. TICONDEROGA.-Graphite! pyroxene, sahlite, sphene, black tourmaline, cacoxene? (Mt. Defiance). WESTPORT.-Labradorite, prehnite, magnetite. WILLSBORO'.-Tabular spar, colophonite, garnet, green coccolite, hornblende. ERIE CO.-ELLICOTT'S MILLS.- Calcareous tufas. FRANKLIN CO.-CHATEAUCGAY.-Nitrogen springs, calcareous tufas. MALONE. —Massive pyrite, magnetic iron ore. GENESEE CO.-Acid springs containing sulphuric acid. GREENE CO.-CATSKILL. Calcite. DIAMOND HXILL.-Quartz crystals. HERKIMER CO.-FAIRFIELD. —Quartz crystals, fetid barite. LITTLE FALLS. — Quartz crystals! barite, calcite, anthracite, pearl spar, smoky quartz; one mile south of Little Falls, calcite, brown spar, feldspar. MIDDLEVILLE.- Quartz crystals /! calcite, brown and pearl spar, anthracite. NEwPORT. — Quartz crystals. SALISBURY.- Quartz crystals! blende, galenite, iron and copper pyrites. STARK.-Fibrous celestite, gypsum. HAMILTON CO.-LONG LArE.-Blue calcite. JEFFERSON CO. —ADAMS.-Fluor, calc tufa, barite. ALEXANDRIA.-On the S.E. bank of Muscolonge Lake, fluorite, phlogopite, chalcopyrite; on High Island, in the St. Lawrence River, feldspar, tourmaline, hornblende, orthoclase, celestite. ANTWERs.-Stirling iron mine, specular iron, chalcodite, spathic iron, millerite, red hematite, crystallized quartz, yellow aragonite, niccoliferous iron pyrites, quartz crystals, pyrite; at Oxbow, calcite! porous coralloidal heavy spar; near Vrooman's lake, calcite! idocrase, phlogopite! pyroxene, sphene, fluorite, pyrite, chalcopyrite; also feldspar, bog-iron ore, scapolite (farm of David Eggleson), serpentine, tourmaline (yellow, rare). BROWNSVILLE.-Celestite in slender crystals, calcite (four miles from Watertown). NATURAL BRIDGE.-Feldspar, gieseckite! steatite, pseudomorphous after pyroxene. NEW CONNECTICUT.-Sphene, brown phlogopite. OMAR.-Beryl, feldspar, specular iron. PHILADELPHIA.- Garnets on Indian river, in the village. PAMELIA.-Agaric mineral, calc tufa. PILLAR POINT. —Massive heavy spar (exhausted). THERESA.-Fluor, calcite, specular iron ore, hornblende, quartz crystals, serpentine (associated with the specular iron), celestite, strontianite; the Muscolonge Lake locality of fluor is exhausted. WATERTOWN.- Tremolite, agaric mineral, calc tufa, celestite. WILNA.-One mile north of Natural Bridge, calcite. LEWIS CO.-DIANA (localities mostly near junction of crystalline and sedimentary rocks, and within two miles of Natural Bridge).-Scapolitel tabular spar, green coccolite, feldspar, tremolite, pyroxene! sphene! I mica, quartz crystals, drusy quartz, cryst. pyrite, pyrrhotite, blue calcite, serpentine, rensselaerite, zircon, graphite, chlorite, specular iron, bog-iron ore, iron sand, apatite. GREIG. — agnetite, pyrite. LowvILLE.- Calcite, fluorite, pyrite, galenite, blende, calc tufa. MARTINs BURGH.-Wad, galenite, etc., but mine not now opened, calcite. WATSON, BREMEN. —Bog-iron ore. MONROE CO.-Roc-lESTER.-Pearl spar, cale spar, snowy gypsum, fluor, celestite, galenite, blende, barite, hornstone. 774 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. MONTGOMERY CO.-CANAJOHARIE.-Anthracite. PALATINE. —Quartz crystals, drusy quartz, anthracite, hornstone, agate, garnet. RooT.-Pearl spar, drusy quartz, blende, barite, stalactite, stalagmite, galenite, pyrite. NEW YORK CO.-CORLEAR'S HooK.-Apatite, brown and yellow feldspar, sphene. KINGSBRIDGE.-Tremolite, pyroxene, mica, tourmaline, pyrites, rutile, dolomite. HARLEM.-Epidote, apophyllite, stilbite, tourmaline, vivianite, lamellar feldspar, mica. NEW YoRK.-Serpentine, amianthus, actinolite, pyroxene, hydrous anthophyllite, garnet, staurolite, molybdenite, graphite, chlorite, jasper, necronite, feldspar. NIAGARA CO.-IrEWIsTON.-Epsomite. LOCKPORT.-Celestite, calcite, selenite, anhydrite, fluorite, dolomite, blende. NIAGARA FALLS. —Calcite, fluorite, blende, dolomite. ONEIDA CO.-BOONVILLE. — Calcite, tabular spar, coccolite. CLINTON.-Blende, lenticular argillaceous iron ore; in rocks of the Clinton Group, strontianite, celestite, the former covering the latter. ONONDAGA CO.-CAMILLUS.-Selenite and fibrous gypsum. COLD SPRING.-Axinite. MANLIUS. —Gypsum and fluor. SYRACUSE.-Serpentine, celestite, selenite, barite. ORANGE CO.-CORNWALL.-Zircon, chondrodite, hornblende, spinel, massive feldspar, fibrous epidote, hudsonite, menaccanite, serpentine, coccolite. DEER PARK. —Cryst. pyrite, galenite. MONROE. —Mica! sphene! garnet, colophonite, epidote, chondrodite, allanite, bucholzite, brown spar, spinel, hornblende, talc, menaccanite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chromic iron, graphite, rastolyte, moronolite. At WILKS and O'NEIL Mine in Monroe.-Aragonite, magnetite, dimagnetite (pseud.?), jenkinsite, asbestus, serpentine, mica. At Two PONDS in Monroe.-Pyroxene! chondrodite, hornblende, scapolite! zircon, sphene, apatite. At GREENWOOD FURNACE in Monroe. —Chondrodite, pyroxene! mica, hornblende, spinel, scapo-. lite, biotite! menaccanite. At FOREST OF DEAN. —Pyroxene, spinel, zircon, scapolite, hornblende. Town of WARWICK, WARWICK VILLAGE.-Spinel! zircon, serpentine! brown spar, pyroxene! hornblende! pseudomorphous steatite, feldspar! (Rock Hill), menaccanite, clintonite, tourmaline (R. H.), rutile, sphene, molybdenite, mispickel, marcasite, pyrite, yellow iron sinter, quartz, jasper, mica, coccolite. AMITY. —Spinel! garnet, scapolite, hornblende, idocrase, epidote! clintonite! magnetite, tounrmaline, warwickite, apatite, chondrodite, talc! pyroxene! rutile, menaccanite, zircon, corundum, feldspar, sphene, calc spar, serpentine, schiller spar (?), silvery mica. EDENVILLE.-.Apatite, chondrodite! hair-brown hornblende tremolite, spinel, tourmaline, warwick. ite, pyroxene, sphene, mica, feldspar, mispickel, orpiment, rutile, menaccanite, scorodite, copper pyrites. WEST POINT.-Feldspar, mica, scapolite, sphene, hornblende, allanite. PUTNAM CO.-CARMEL (Brown's quarry).-Anthophyllite, schiller spar (?), orpiment, mispickel, epidote. COLD SPRING.-Chabazite, mica, sphene, epidote. PATTERSON.- White pyroxene I calc spar, asbestus, tremolite, dolomite, massive pyrite. PHILLIPSTOWN.-Tremolite, amianthusj serpentine, sphene, diopside, green coccolite, hornblende, scapolite, stilbite, mica, laumontite, gurhofite, calc spar, magnetic iron, chromite. PHILLIPS Ore Bed.-Hyalite, actinolite, massive pyrite. RENSSELAER CO.-HoosIC.-Nitrogen springs. LANSINGBURGH.-Epsomite, quartz crystals, pyrite. TROY.- Quartz crystals, pyrite, selenite. RICHMOND CO.-RoSSVILLE.-Lignite, cryst. pyrite. QuARANTINE.-Asbestus, amianthus, aragonite, dolomite, gurhofite, brucite, serpentine, talc, magnesite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 775 ROCKLAND CO.-CALDWELL.- Calcite GRASSY PoINT.-Serpentine, actinolite. HAVERSTRAW.-Hornblende, barite. LADENTOWN.-Zircon, malachite, cuprite. PIERMONT.-Datolite, stilbite, apophyllite, stellite, prehnite, thomsonite, calcite, chabazite. STONY POINT.-Cerolite, lamellar hornblende, asbestus. ST. LAWRENCE CO.-CANTON. —M assive pyrite, calcite, brown tourmaline, sphene, serpentine, talc, rensselaerite, pyroxene, specular iron, chalcopyrite. DEXALB. —Hornblende, barite, fluorite, tremolite, tourmaline, blende, graphite, pyroxene, quartz (spongy), serpentine. EDWARDS.-Brown and silvery mica! scapolite, apatite, quartz crystals, actinolite, tremolite, specular iron, serpentine, magnetite. FINE.-BlacLk mica, hornblende. FOWLER.-Barite, quartz crystals! specular iron, blende, galenite, tremolite, chalcedony, bog ore, satin spar (assoc. with serpentine), iron and copper pyrites, actinolite, rensselaerite (near Somerville). GOUVERNEUR.- Calcite! serpentine I hornblende! scapolite I orthoclase, tourmaline idocrase (one mile south of G.), pyroxene, apatite, rensselaerite, serpentine, sphene, fluorite, barite (farm of Judge Dodge), black mica, phlogopite, tremolite! asbestus, specular iron, graphite, idocrase; (near Somerville in serpentine) spinel, houghite, scapolite, phlogopite, dolomite; three-quarters of a mile west of Somerville, chondrodite, spinel; two miles north of Somerville, apatite, pyrite, brown tour. maline!! HIAMMoND.-Apatite! zircon! (farm of Mr. Hardy), orthoclase (loxolase), pargasite, barite, pyrite, purple fluorite, dolomite. HERMON. —Quartz crystals, specular iron, spathic iron, pargasite, pyroxene, serpentine, tourmaline, bog-iron ore. MAoMBa.-Blende, mica, galenite (on land of James Averil), sphene. MINERAL POINT, Morristown.-Fluorite, blende, galenite, phlogopite (Pope's Mills), barite. OGDENSBURG.-Labradorite. PITcAIRN.-Satin spar, associated with serpentine. POTSDAM. —Hornblende!-eight miles from Potsdam on road to Pierrepont, feldspar, tourmaline, black mica, hornblende. RossiE (Iron Mines).-Barite, specular iron, coralloidal aragonite in mines near Somerville, limonite, quartz (sometimes stalactitic at Parish iron mine), pyrite, pearl spar. RosSIE Lead Mine. — Calcite! galenite! pyrite, celestite, chalcopyrite, spathic iron! cerussite, anglesite, octahedralfluor, black phlogopite. Elsewhere in RoSSIE.- Calcite, barite, quartz crystals, chondrodite (near Yellow Lake), feldspar! pargasite! apatite, pyroxene, hornblende, sphene, zircon, mica, fluorite, serpentine, automolite, pearl spar, graphite. RuSSEL. —Pargasite, specular iron, quartz (dodec.), calcite, serpentine, rensselaerite, magnetite. SARATOGA CO.-GREENFIELD. —Chrysoberyl! garnet! tourmaline I mica, feldspar, apatite, graphite, aragonite (in iron mines). SCHOHARIE CO.-BALL'S CAVE, and others.-Calcite, stalactites. CARLISLE.-Fibrous sulphate of baryta, cryst. and fib. carbonate of lime. MnDDLEBURY.-Anthracite, calcite. SHARON.-Calcareous tufa. SCHoHARIzE. Fibrous celestite, strontianite! cryst. pyrites! SENECA CO.-CANoGA.-Nitrogen springs. SULLIVAN CO. —WURTZBORO'. —Galenite, blende, pyrite, chalcopyrite. TOMPKINS CO.-ITEAcA.-Calcareous tufa. ULSTER CO.-ELLENVILLE. — Galenite, blende, ohalcopyritc! quartz, brookite. MARBLETOWN.-Pyrite. WARREN CO.-CALDWELL.-ffassive feldspar. 776 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. CUESTER.-Pyrite, tourmaline, rutile, chalcopyrite. DIAMOND ISLE (Lake George). —Calcite, quartz crystals. GLENN'S FALLS.-Rhomb spar. JOHNSBURG. —Fluorite! zircon!! graphite, serpentine, pyrite. WASHINGTON CO.-FORT ANN. —Graphite, serpentine. GRANVILLE.-Lamellar pyroxene, massive feldspar, epidote. WAYNE CO.-WOLCOTT.-Barite. WESTCHESTER CO. —ANTHONY'S NoSE.-Apatite, pyrite, calcite! in very large tabular crystals, grouped, and sometimes incrusted with drusy quartz. DAVENPORT'S NECK.-Serpentine, garnet, sphene. EASTCHESTER.-Blende, copper and iron pyrites, dolomite. HASTINGS.-Tremolite, white pyroxene. NEw ROCHELLE.-,Serpentine, brucite, quartz, mica, tremolite, garnet, magnesite. PEEKSKILL. —Mica, feldspar, hornblende, stilbite, sphene. RYE.-Serpentine, chlorite, black tourmaline, tremolite. SINGSING.-Pyroxene, tremolite, pyrite, beryl, azurite, green malachite, white lead ore, pyromorphite, anglesite, vauquelinite, galenite, native silver, chalcopyrite. WEST FARMS.-Apatite, tremolite, garnet, stilbite, heulandite, chabazite, epidote, sphene. YONKERS. — Tremolite, apatite, calcite, analcite, pyrite, tourmaline. YoRETowN.-BSillimanite, monazite, magnetite. NEW JERSEY. ANDOVER IRON MINE (Sussex Co.). —Willemite, brown garnet. ALLENTOWN (Monmouth Co.). —Vivianite, dufrenite. BELVILLE.-Copper mines. BERGEN.-Calcite! datolite pectolite (called stellite) I analcite, apophyllite! prehnite, sphene, stilbite, natrolite, heulandite, laumontite, chabazite, pyrite, pseudomorphous steatite imitative of apophyllite. BRUNSWIcK.-Copper mines; native copper. malachite, mountain leather. BRYAM.-Chondrodite, spinel, at Roseville, epidote. CANTWELL'S BRIDGE (Newcastle Co.), three miles west. —Vivianite. DANVILLE (Jemmy Jump Ridge).-G-raphite, chondrodite, augite, mica. FLEMINGTON.- Copper mines. FRANKFORT.-Serpentine. FRANKLTN and STERLING.-Spinel! garnet! rhodonite! willemite! franklinite! red zinc ore dysluite! hornblende, tremolite, chondrodite, white scapolite, black tourmalne, epidote, pink calcite, mica, actinolite, augite, sahlite, coccolite, asbestus, jeffersonite (augite), calamine, graphite, fluorite, beryl, galenite, serpentine, honey-colored sphene, quartz, chalcedony, amethyst, zircon, molybdenite, vivianite, tephroite, rhodochrosite, aragonite. Also algerite in gran. limestone. FRANKLIN and WARWICK MTS. —yrite. GREENBROOK.-Copper mines. GRIGGSTOWN.-Copper mines. HAMBURGH.-One mile north, spinel! tourmaline, phlogopite, hornblende, limonite, specular iron. HOBOKEN.-Serpentine (marmolite), brucite, nemalite (or fibrous brucite), aragonite, dolomite. HURDSTOWN.-Apatite, magnetic pyrites, magnetite. IMLEYTOWN.-Vivianite. LOCKWOoD.- Graphite, chondrodite, talc, augite, quartz, green spinel. MONTVILLE (Morris Co.).-Serpentine, chrysotile. MULLICA HILL (Gloucester Co.). —Vivianite lining belemnites and other fossils. NEwToN.-Spinel, blue, pink, and white corundum, mica, idocrase, hornblende, tourmaline, scapolite, rutile, pyrite, talc, calcite, barite, pseudomorphous steatite. PATTERSON.- Datolite. PENNSYLVANIA. BERKS CO.-MORGANTOWN. —At Jones's mines, one mile east of Morgantown, green malachite, AMERIC LOCALITIES. 77 chrysocolla, magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, aragonite, talc; two miles N.E. from Jones's mine, graphite, sphene; at Steele's mine, one mile N.W. from St. Mary's, Chester Co., magnetite, micaceous iron, coccolite, brown garnet. READING.-Smoky quartz crystals, zircon, stilbite, iron ore; at Eckhardt's Furnace, allanite with zircon. BUCKS CO. —BUCKINGHAM Township.-Crystallized quartz. SOUTHAMPTON.-Near the village of Feasterville, in the quarry of Geo. Van Arsdale, graphite, pyroxene, sahlite, coccolite, sphene, green mica, calcite, wollastonite, glassy feldspar sometimes opalescent, phlogopite, blue quartz, garnet, molybdenite, zircon, pyrite, moroxite. CARBON CO. —SUMIT HILL, in coal mines.-Kaolinite. CHESTER CO.-BIRMINGHAM ToWNSzIP.-Amethyst, smoky quartz, serpentine; in Ab'm Darlington's lime quarry, calcite. EAST BRADFORD.-Near Buffington's bridge on the Brandywine, green, blue, and gray cyanite, the gray cyanite is found loose in the soil in crystals; on the farms of Dr. Elwyn, Mrs. Foulke, Wm. Gibbons, and Saml. Entrikin, amethyst. At Strode's mill, asbestus, magnesite, anthophyllite, oligoclase, drusy quartz, collyrite? on Osborne's Hill, wad, manganesian garnet (massive), sphene, schorl; at Caleb Cope's lime quarry, fetid dolomite, necronite, garnets, blue cyanite, yellow actinolite in talc; near the Black Horse Inn, indurated talc, rutile; on Amor Davis' farm, orthite! massive, from a grain to lumps of one pound weight; near the paper-mill on the Brandywine, zircon, associated with titaniferous iron in blue quartz. WEST BRADFoRD.-Near the village of Marshalton, green cyanite, rutile, scapolite, pyrite, staurolite; at the Chester County Poor-house limestone quarry, chesterlite! in crystals implanted on dolomite, rutile! in brilliant acicular crystals, which are finely terminated, calcite in scalenohedrons, zoisite, damourite? in radiated groups of crystals on dolomite, quartz crystals. CHARLESTOWN. —Pyromorphite, cerussite, galenite, quartz. SOUTH COVENTRY.-In Chrisman's limestone quarry, near Coventry village, augite, sphene, graphite, zircon in iron ore (about half a mile from the village). EAST FALLowFIELD.-Soapstone. EAST GOSHEN.-Serpentine, asbestus. WEST GOSHEN. —On the Barrens, one mile north of West Chester, amianthus, serpentine, cellular quartz, jasper, chalcedony, drusy quartz, chlorite, marmolite, indurated talc, magnesite in radiated crystals on serpentine, hematite, asbestus; near R. Taylor's mnill, chromite in octahedral crystals, deweylite, radiated magnesite, aragonite, staurolite, garnet, asbestus, epidote; zoisite on hornblende at West Chester water-works (not accessible at present). NEW GARDEN.-At Nivin's limestone quarry, brown tourmaline, necronite, scapolite, apatite, brown and green mica, rutile, aragonite, fibrolite, kaolinite. KENNETT.-Actinolite, brown tourmaline, brown mica, epidote, tremolite, scapolite, aragonite; on Wm. Cloud's farm, sunstone!! sphene. At Pearce's old mill, zoisite, epidote, sunstone; sunstone occurs in good specimens at various places in the range of hornblende rocks running through this township from N.E. to S.W. LOWER OxFORD.-Garnets, pyrite in cubic crystals. LONDON GROVE.-Rutile, jasper, chalcedony (botryoidal); in Wm. Jackson's limestone quarry, yellow tourmaline, tremolite; at Pusey's quarry, rutile, tremolite. EAST MARLBOROUGHI.-On the farm of Baily & Brothers, one mile south of Unionville, bright yellow and nearly white tourmaline, chesterlite, albite; near Marlborough meeting-house, epidote, serpentine, acicular black tourmaline in white quartz; zircon in small perfect crystals loose in the soil at Pusey's saw-mill, two miles S.W., of Unionville. WEST MARLBOROUGH. —Near Logan's quarry, staurolite, cyanite, yellow tourmaline, rutile, garnets; near Doe Run village, hematite, scapolite, tremolite; in R. Baily's limestone quarry, two and a half miles S.W. of Unionville, fibrous tremolite, cyanite, scapolite. NEWLIN.-On the serpentine barrens, one and a half miles N.E. of Unionville, corundum! massive and crystallized, also in crystals in albite, often in loose crystals covered with a thin coating of steatite, talc, picrolite, brucite, green tourmaline, with flat pyramidal terminations in albite, unionite (rare), euphyllite, mica in hexagonal crystals, feldspar, beryl I in hexagonal crystals, one of which weighs 51 lbs., chromic iron, drusy quartz, green quartz, actinolite, emerylite, chlorotoid, diallage, oligoclase; on Johnson Patterson's farm, massive corundum, titaniferous iron, clinochlore, emerylite, sometimes colored green by chrome, albite, orthoclase, halloysite, margarite, garnets, beryl; on J. Lesley's farm, corundum, crystallized and in massive lumps, one of which weighed 5200 lbs., diaspore!! emerylite! eu2phyllite crystallized! green tourmaline, transparent crystals in the euphyllite, orthoclase; two miles N. of Unionville, magnetite in octahedral crystals; one mile E. of Unionville, hematite; in Edwards's old limestone quarry, purple fluor, rutile. 778 AMNERICAN LOCALITIES. EAST NOTTINGHAI.-Sand chrome, asbestus, chromic iron in octahedral crystals. WEST NOTTINGHAM. —At Scott's chrome mine, chromic iron, foliated talc, marmolite, serpentine, chalcedony, rhodochrome; at the magnesia quarry, deweylite, marmolite, magnesite, leelite, serpentine, sand chrome. EAST PIKELAND.-Iron ore. WEST PIKELAND.-In the iron mines near Chester Springs, gibbsite, zircon, hydro-hematite, hematite (stalactitical and in geodes). PENN.-Garnets, agalmatolite. PENNSBURY.-On John Craig's farm, brown garnets, mica; on J. Dilworth's farm, near Fairville, muscovite! in hexagonal prisms from one quarter to seven inches in diameter; in the village of Fairville, sunstone; near Brinton's ford on the Brandywine, chondrodite, sphene, diopside, augite, coccolite; at Mendenhall's old limestone quarry, fetid quartz, sunstone. POCOPSON.- On the farms of John Entrikin and Jos. B. Darlington, amethyst. SADSBURY.-Rutile I! splendid geniculated crystals are found loose in the soil for seven miles along the valley, and particularly near the village of Parkesburg, where they sometimes occur weighing one pound, doubly geniculated and of a deep red color; near Sadsbury village, amethyst, tourmaline, epidote, milk quartz. SCHUYLKILL.-In the railroad tunnel at PHCENIXVILLE, dolomite! sometimes coated with pyrite, quartz crystals, yellow blende, brookite, calcite in hexagonal crystals enclosing pyrite; at the WHEATLEY, BROOKDALE, and CHESTER COUNTY LEAD MINES, one and a half miles S. of Phoenixville, pyromorphite! cerussite! galenite, anglesite!! quartz crystals, chalcopyrite, barite, fluorite (white), stolzite, wulfenite! calamine, vanadinite, blende! mimetene! native copper, malachite, azurite, limonite, calcite, sulphur, pyrite, indigo copper, black oxide of copper, phosphochalcite, gersdorffite. THORNBURY.-On Jos. H. Brinton's farm, muscovite containing acicular crystals of tourmaline, rutile, titaniferous iron. TREDYFFRIN.-Pyrite in cubic crystals loose in the soil, UWcHLAN.-Massive blue quartz, graphite. WARREN.-Afelanite, feldspar. WILLISTOWN.-Magnetite, chromite, actinolite, asbestus. WEST-ToWN.-On the serpentine rocks 3 miles S. of West Chester, 6linochlore! jeferisite! mica, asbestus, actinolite, magnesite, talc, titaniferous iron. EAST WHITELAND.-Pyrite, in very perfect cubic crystals, is found on nearly every farm in this township, quartz crystals found loose in the soil. WEST WHITELAND.-At Gen. Trimble's iron mine, stalactitical hematite! wavellite! in radiated stalactites. WAnRWIG.-At the Elizabeth mine, and Keim's old iron mine adjoining, one mile N. of Knauertown, aplome garnet! in brilliant dodecahedrons, flosferri, pyroxene, micaceous iron, pyrite in bright octahedral crystals in calcite, chalcopyrite massive and in single tetrahedral crystals, magnetite, fascicular hornblende! bornite, malachite, brown garnet, calcite, byssolite! serpentine: near the village of St. Mary's, magnetite in dodecahedral crystals, melanite, garnet, actinolite in small radiated nodules; at the Hopewell iron mine, one mile N.W. of St. Mary's, magnetite in octahedral crystals. COLUMBIA CO.-At Webb's mine, yellow blende in calcite; near Bloomburg, cryst. magnetite. DAUPHIN CO.-NEAR HUXIMERSTOWN.-Green garnets, cryst. smoky quartz, feldspar. DELAWARE CO. —ASTON ToWNSHIP. —Amethyst, corundum, emerylite, staurolite, fibrolite, black tourmaline, pearl mica, sunstone, asbestus, anthophyllite, steatite; near Tyson's mill, garnet, staurolite; at Peter's mill-dam in the creek, pyrope garnet. BIRMINGuAMr.-Fibrolite, kaolin (abundant), crystals of rutile, amethyst; at Bullock's old quarry, zircon, bucholzite, nacrite, yellow crystallized quartz, feldspar. BLUE HILL. —Green quartz crystals. CHESTER.-Amethyst, black tourmaline, beryl, crystals of feldspar, garnet, cryst. pyrite, molybdenite, molybdic ochre, chalcopyrite, kaolin. CHICHESTER.-Near Trainer's mill-dam, beryl, tourmaline, crystals of feldspar, kaolin; on Winm. Eyre's farm, tourmaline. CONcORD.-Crystals of mica, crystals of feldspar, kaolin abundant, drusy quartz of a blue and green color, meerschaum, stellated tremolite, some of the rays 6- in. diameter, anthophyllite, fibrolite, acicular crystals of rutile, pyrope in quartz, amethyst, actinolite, manganesian garnet, beryl; in Green's creek, pyrope garnet. DARBY~.-Blue and gray cyanite, garnet, staurolite, zoisite, quartz, beryl, chlorite, mica, limonite. EDGEMONT.-Amethyst, oxide of manganese, crystals of feldspar; one mile east of Edgemont lIall, rutile in quartz. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 7T9 GREEN'S CREEK.- Garnet (so-called pyrope). MARPLE.-Tourmaline, andalusite, amethyst, actinolite, anthophyllite, talc, radiated actinolite in talc, chromite, drusy quartz, beryl, cryst. pyrite, titanic iron in quartz, chlorite. MIDDLETOWN.-Amethyst, beryl, black mica, mica with reticulated magnetite between the plates, manganesian garnets! large trapezohedral crystals, some 3 in. in diameter, indurated talc, hexagonal crystals of rutile, crystals of mica, green quartz! anthophyllite, radiated tourmaline, staurolite, titanic iron, fibrolite, serpentine; at Lenni, chlorite, green and bronze vermiculite! green feldspar; at Mineral Hill, fine crystals of corundum, one of which weighs 1 lbs., actinolite in great variety, bronzite, green feldspar, moonstone, sunstone, graphic granite, magnesite, octahedral crystals of chromite in great quantity, beryl, chalcedony, asbestus, fibrous hornblende, rutile, staurolite. NEwTOWN.-Serpentine, hematite. UPPER PROVIDENCE.-Anthophyllite, tremrolite, radiated asbestus, radiated actinolite, tourmaline, beryl, green feldspar, amethyst (one found on Morgan Hunter's farm weighing over 7 lbs.), andalusite (one terminated crystal found on the farm of Jas. Worrall weighs 71 lbs.); at Blue Hill, very fine crystals of blue quartz in chlorite, amianthus in serpentine. LOWER PROVIDENCE.-AiZethyst, green mica, garnet, large crystals of feldspar! (some over 100 lbs. in weight). RADNOR.- Garnet, marmolite, deweylite, chromite, asbestus, magnesite, talc, blue quartz, picrolite, limonite, magnetite. SPRINaGFELD.-Andalusite, tourmaline, beryl, titanic iron, garnet; on Fell's Laurel Hill, beryl, garnet; near Beattie's mill, staurolite, apatite; near Lewis's paper-mill, tourmaline, mica. THoRN BURY.-Amethyst. HUNTINGDON CO.-NEAR FRANKSTOWN. —n the bed of a stream and on the side of a hill, fibrous celestite (abundant), quartz crystals. LANCASTER CO. —DRuMORE TowNSrIP.-Quartz crystals. FULTON.-At Wood's chrome mine, near the village of Texas, brucite!! zaratite (emerald nickel), pennite! ripidolite! kammererite! baltimnorite, chromic iron, williamsite, chrysolite! marmolite, picrolite, hydromagnesite, dolomite, magnesite, aragonite, calcite, serpentine, hematite, menaccanite, genthite, chrome-garnet, bronzite; at Low's mine, hydromagnesite, brucite (lancasterite), picrolite, magnesite, williamsite, chromic iron, talc, zaratite, baltimorite, serpentine, hematite; on M. Boice's farm, one mile N.W. of the village, pyrite, in cubes and various modifications, anthophyllite; near Rock Springs, chalcedony, carnelian, moss agate, green tourmaline in talc, titanic iron, octahedral magnetite in chlorite; at Reynold's old mine, calcite, talc, picrolite, chromite. GAP MINES.-Chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite (niccoliferous), millerite in botryoidal radiations, vivianite! (rare), actinolite, pyroxene crystals, siderite. PEQUEA VALLEY.-Eight miles south of Lancaster, argentiferous galenite (said to contain 250 to 300 oz. of silver to the ton?), vauquelinite at Pequea mine; four miles N.W. of Lancaster, on the Lancaster and Harrisburg Railroad, calamine, galenite, blende; pyrite in cubic crystals is found in great abundance near the city of Lancaster; at the Lancaster zinc mines, calanrine, blende, tennant. ite? smithsonite (pseud. of dolomite), aurichalcite. LEBANON CO. —CoRNWALL.-Magnetite, pyrite (cobaltiferous), chalcopyrite, native copper, azwrite, malachite, chrysocolla, cuprite, allophane, brochantite, serpentine, quartz pseudomorphs; galenite (with octahedral cleavage), fluorite. LEHIGH CO.-FRIEDENSVILLE.-At the zinc mines, calamine, smithsonite, hydrozincite, massive blende, sulphid of cadmium, quartz, allophane, zinciferous clay; near Allentown, magnetite, pipeiron ore; near Bethlehem, on S. Mountain, allanite, with zircon and altered sphene in syenite, magnetite, black spinel, tourmaline. MONROE CO.-In CHERRY VALLEY.- Calcite, chalcedony, quartz; in Poconac Valley, near Judge Mervine's, cryst. quartz. MONTGOMERY CO. —CONSHOHOCKEN.-Fibrous tourmaline, titanic iron, aventurine quartz, phyllite; in the quarry of Geo. Bullock, calcite in hexagonal prisms, aragonite. LOWER PROVIDENCE.-At the Perkiomen lead and copper mines, near the village of Shannonville, azurite, blende, galenite, pyromorphite, cerussite, wulfenite, anglesite, barite, calamine, chalcopyrite, malachite, chrysocolla, brown spar. WHITE MARSH.-At D. O. Hitner's iron mine, five and a half miles from Spring Mills, limonite in geodes and stalactites, gdthite, pyrolusite, wad, lepidocrocite; at Edge Hill Street, North Pennsylvania Railroad, titanic iron; one mile S.W. of Hitner's iron mine, limonite, velvety, stalactitic, and 780 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. fibrous, fibres three inches long, githite, pyrolusite, velvet manganese, wad; near Marble Hall, at HIitner's marble quarry, white marble, granular barite, resembling marble; at Spring Mills, limon. ite; at Flat Rock Tunnel, opposite Manayunk, stilbite, heulandite, chabasite, beryl, feldspar, mica. NORTHUMBERLAND CO.-Opposite SELIM'S GRovE.-Calamine. NORTHAMPTON CO. —Near EASTON —Zircon! (exhausted), nephrite, coccolite, tremolite, pyroxene, sahlite, limonite, magnetite, purple calcite. PHILADELPHIA CO.-FRANKFORD.-On the Philadelphia, Trenton and Connecting Railroad, basinite; at the quarries on Frankford Creek, stilbite, molybdenite, hornblende; on the Connecting Railroad, wad, earthy cobalt, FAIRMOUNT WATER WORKS.-In the quarries opposite Fairmount, lime uranite I copper uranite, crystals of feldspar, beryl, pseudomorphs after beryl, tourmaline, albite, wad, menaccanite. GORGAS' and CREASE'S Lane.-Tourmaline, cyanite, staurolite, hornstone. HIESTONVILLE.-Alunogen, iron alum. HEFT'S MILL.-Alunogen, tourmaline, cyanite, titanic iron. MANAYUNI.-At the soapstone quarries above Manayunk, talc, steatite, chlorite, vermiculite, anthophyllite, staurolite, dolomite, apatite, asbestus, brown spar, epsomite. MAGARGE'S Paper-mill.-Staurolite, titanic iron, hyalite, apatite, green mica, iron garnets in great abundance. MCKINNEY'S Quarry, on Rittenhouse Lane.-Feldspar, apatite, stilbite, natrolite, heulandite, epidote, hornblende, erubescite, malachite. SCHUYLKILL CO.-TAMAQUA, near POTTSVILLE, in coal mines.-Kaolinite. DELAWARE. NEWCASTLE CO. —BRANDYWINE SPRINGS.-Bucholzite, fibrolite abundant, sahlite, pyroxene; Brandywine Hundred, muscovite, enclosing reticulated magnetite. DIXON'S FELDSPAR QUARRIES, six miles N.W. of Wilmington (these quarries have been worked for the manufacture of porcelain).-Adularia, albite, oligoclase, beryl, apatite, cinnamon-stone!! (both granular like that from Ceylon, and crystallized, rare), magnesite, serpentine, asbestus, black tourmnaline! (rare), indicolite! (rare), sphene in pyroxene, cyanite. DUPONT'S POWDER MILLS.-"- Hypersthene." EASTBURN'S LIMESTONE QUARRIES, near the Pennsylvania line. — Tremolite, bronzite. QUARRYVILLE.-Garnet, spodumene, fibrolite, sillimanite. Near NEWARK, on the railroad.-Sphaerosiderite on drusy quartz, jasper (ferruginous opal), cryst. spathic iron in the cavities of cellular quartz. WAY'S QUARRY, two miles south of Centreville.-Feldspar in fine cleavage masses, aatite, mica, deweylite, granular quartz. WILMINGTON.-In Christiana quarries. metalloidal diallage. KENNETT TURNPIKE, near Centreville.-Cyanite and garnet. HARFORD CO.-Cerolite. KENT CO.-Near MIDDLETOWN, in Win. Polk's marl pits. — Vivianite I On CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL.-Retinasphalt, pyrite, amber. SUSSEX CO.-Near CAPE HEINLOPEN.-Vivianite. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE (Jones's Falls, 11 miles from B.).-Chabazite (haydenite), heulandite (beaumontite of Levy), pyrite, lenticular carbonate of iron, mica, stilbite. Sixteen miles from Baltimore, on the Gunpowder. —Graphite. Twenty-three miles from B., on the Gunpowder.-Talc. Twenty-five miles from B., on the Gunpowder.-;Magnctite, sphene, pycnite, Thirty miles from B., in Montgomery Co., on. farm of S. Eliot.-Gold in quartz. AMrERIcAN LOCALITIES. 781 Eight to twenty miles north of B., in limestone.-Tremolite, augite, pyrite, brown and yellow tourmaline. Fifteen miles north of B.-Sky-blue chalcedony in granular limestone. Eighteen miles north of B., at Scott's mills.-Magnetite, cyanite. BARE HILLS.- Chromite, asbestus, tremolite, talc, hornblende, serpentine, chalcedony, meerschaum, baltimorite, chalcopyrite, magnetite. CAPE SABLE, near Magothy R.-Amber, pyrite, alum slate. CARROLL Co.-Near Sykesville, Liberty Mines, gold, magnetite, pyrite (octahed/rons), chalcopyrite, linnaeite (carrollite); at Patapsco Mines, near Finksburg, bornite, malachite, siegenite, linnceite, remingtonite, magnetite, chalcopyrite; at Mineral Hill mine, bornite, chalcopyrite, ore of nickel (see above), gold, magnetite. CECIL CO., north part.- Chromite in serpentine. COOPTOWN, Harford Co.-Olive-colored touermaline, diallage, talc of green, blue, and rose colors, ligniformn asbestus, chromite, serpentine. DEER CREER. —Magnetite! in chlorite slate. FREDERICK Co.-Old Liberty mine, near Liberty Town, black copper, malachite, chalcocite, specular iron; at Dollyhyde mine, bornite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, argentiferous galenite in dolomite. MONTGOMERY Co.- Oxyd of manganese. SOMERSET and WORCESTER Cos., north part.-Bog-iron ore, vivianite. ST. MARY'S RIVER.-Gypsumn! in clay. VIRGINIA AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. ALBEMIARLE CO., a little west of the Green Mts.-Steatite, graphite, galena. A.HERST CO., along the west base of Buffalo ridge.-Copper ores, etc. AUGUSTA Co.-At Weyer's (or Weir's) cave, sixteen miles northeast of Staunton, and eighty-one miles northwest of Richmond, calcite, stalactites. BUClKINGHAM CO.- Gold at Garnett and Moseley mines, also pyrite, pyrrhotite, calcite, garnet; at Eldridge mine (now London and Virginia mines) near by, and the Buckingham mines near Maysville, gold, auriferous pyrite, chalcopyrite, tennantite, barite; cyanite, touzrmaline, actinolite. CHESTERFIELD Co.-Near this and Richmond Co., bituminous coal, native coke. CULPEPPER CO., on Rapidan river.-Gold, pyrite. FRiANKLIN Co.-Grayish steatite. FAUQUIER Co., Barnet's mills.-Asbestus; gold mines, barite, calcite. FLUVANNA Co.-Gold at Stockton's mine; also tetradymite at "Tellurium mine." PHENIX Copper mines. —Chalcopyrite, etc. GEORGETOWN, D. C.-Rutile. GoOCRLAND Co.-Gold mines (Moss and Busby's). HARPER'S FERRY, on both sides of the Potomac.-Thuringite (owenite) with quartz. JEFFERSON CO., at Shepherdstown. —Fluor. KENAWRA CO.-At Kenawha, petroleum, brine springs, cannel coal. LOUDON Co.-Tabular quartz, prase, pyrite, talc, chlorite, soapstone, asbestus, chromite, actinolite, quartz crystals; micaceous iron, bornite, malachite, epidote, near Leesburg (Potomac mine). LOUISA Co.-Walton gold mine, gold, pyrite, chalcopyrite, argentiferous galenite, siderite, blende, anglesite; boulangerite. blende (at Tinder's mine). NELSON Co.-Galenite, chalcopyrite, malachite. ORANGE Co.-Western part, Blue Ridge, specular iron; gold at the Orange Grove and Vaucluse gold mines, worked by the " Freehold " and " Liberty " Mining Companies. ROOKBRIDGE Co., three miles southwest of Lexington. —Barite. SHENANDOAH CO., near Woodstock.-Fluorite. MT. ALTO, Blue Ridge.-Argillaceous iron ore. SPOTSYLVANIA CO., two miles northeast of Chancellorville.- Cyanite; gold mines at the junction of the Rappahannock and Rapidan; on the Rappahannock (Marshall mine); Whitehall mine, affording also tetradymite. STAFFORD CO., eight or ten miles from Falmouth.-Micaceous iron, gold, tetradymite, silver, galenite, vivianite. WASHINGTON Co., eighteen miles from Abingdon.-Rock salt with gypsum. WYTHE CO. (Austin's mines).- Cerussite, minium, plumbic ochre, blende, calamine, galenite. On the Potomac, twenty-five miles north of Washington city.-Native sulphur in gray compact limestone. NORTH CAROLINA. AsmE CO.-Malachite, chalcopyrite. 782 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. BUNCOMBE CO.-Corundum (from a boulder), margarite, corundophilite, garnet, chromite, barite, fluorite, rutile, iron ores, oxyd of manganese, zircon. BURKE Co.-Gold, monazite, zircon, beryl, corundum, garnet, sphene, graphite, iron ores. CABARRUS Co.-Phenix Mine, gold, barite, chalcopyrite, aurif'erous pyrite, quartz pseudomorph after barite, tetradymite; Pioneer mines, gold, limonite, pyrolusite, barnhardtite, wolfram, scheelite, tungstate of copper, tungstite, diamond, chrysocolla, chalcocite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, ypyrite; White mine, needle ore, chalcopyrite, barite;'Long and Muse's mine, argentiferous galenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, limonite; Boger mine, tetradymite; Fink mine, valuable copper ores; Mt. Makins, tetrahedrite, magnetite, talc, blende, pyrites, proustite, galenite; Bangle mine, scheelite. CALDWELL Co.-Chromite. CHATHAM Co.-Mineral coal, pyrite. CHEROKEE Co.-Iron ores, gold, galenite, corundum, rutile. DAVIDSON Co. —King's, now Washington mine, native silver, cerussite, anglesite, scheelite, pyromorphite, galenite, blende, malachite, black copper, wavellite, garnet, stilbite; five miles from Washington mine, on Faust's farm, gold, tetradymite, oxyd of bismuth and tellurium, chalcopyrite, limonite, spathic iron, epidote; near Squire Ward's, gold in crystals, electrum. FRANKLIN CO.-At Partis mine, diamonds. GASTON Co.-Iron ores, corundum, margarite; near Crowder's Mountain (in what was formerly Lincoln Co.), lazulite, cyanite, garnet, graphite; also twenty miles northeast, near south end of Clubb's Mtn., lazulite, cyanite, talc, rutile, topaz, pyrophyllite. GUILFORD Co.-McCulloch copper and gold mine, twelve miles from Greensboro', gold, pyrite, chalcopyrite (worked for copper), quartz, spathic iron. The North Carolina Copper Co. are working the copper ore at the old Fentress mine: at Deep River, compact pyrophyrlite (worked for slate-pencils). HENDERSON Co.-Zircon, sphene (xanthitane). JAcxsoN Co.-Alunogen e at Smoky Mt.; at Webster, serpentine, chromite, genthite, chrysolite, talc. LINCOLN Co.-Diamond; at.Randleman's, amethyst! rose quartz. MACON Co.-Chromite. McDowELL Co.-Brookite, monazite, corundum in small crystals red and white, zircons, garnet, beryl, sphene, xenotime, rutile, elastic sandstone, iron ores, pyromelane. MECKLENBURG Co.-Near Charlotte (Rhea and Cathay mines) and elsewhere, chalcoplyrite, gold; chalcotrichite at McGinn's mine; harnhardtite near Charlotte; pyrophyllite in Cotton Stone Mountain, diamond; Flowe mine, scheelite, wolframite; Todd's Branch, monazite. MONTGOMERY Co.-Steele's mine, ripidolite, albite. MOORE Co.-Carbonton, compact pyrophyllite. ROWAN Co.-Gold Hill mines, thirty-eight miles northeast of Charlotte, and fourteen from Salisbury, gold, auriferous pyrite; ten miles from Salisbury, feldspar in crystals, bismuthine. RUTHERFORD CO.- Gold, graphite, bismuthic gold, diamond, euclase, pseudomor7hous quartz, chalcedony, corundum in small crystals, epidote, pyrope, brookite, zircon, monazite, rutherfordite, samarskite, quartz crystals, itacolumite; on the road to Cooper's Gap, cyanite. STOKES AND SURREY COS.-Iron ores, graphite. UNION Co.-Lemmond gold mine, eighteen miles from Concord (at Stewart's and Moore's mine), gold, quartz, blende, argentiferous galenite (containing 29'4 oz. of gold and 86-5 oz. of silver to the ton, Genth), pyrite, some chalcopyrite. YANCEY Co.-Iron ores, amianthus, chromite. SOUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE DIST.-Oakland Grove, gold (Dorn mine), galenite, pyromorphite, amethyst, garnet. ANDERSON DIST.-At Pendleton, actinolite, galenite, kaolin, tourmaline. CHARLESTON.-Selenite. CHEOWEE VALLEY.-Galenite, tourmaline, gold. CHESTERFIELD DIST.-Gold (Brewer's mine), talc, chlorite, pyrophyllite, pyrite, native bismuth, carbonate of bismuth, red and yellow ochre, whetstone, enargite. DARLINGTON.-Kaolin. -EDGEFIELD DIST.-Psilomelane. GREENVILLE DIST.-Galenite, phosphate of lead, kaolin, chalcedony in buhrstone, beryl, plumbago, epidote, tourmaline. KERSHAW DIST.-Rutile. LANCASTER DIST. —Gold (Hale's mine), talc, chlorite, cyanite, elastic sandstone, pyrite; gold also at Blackman's mine, Massey's mine, Ezell's mine. NEWBERRY DIST.-Leadhillite (?). PICKENS DIST.-Gold, manganese ores, kaolin. RICHLAND DIST.-Chiastolite, novaculite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 783 SPARTANBUrRG DIST. —ftagnetite, chalcedony, hematite; at the Cowpens, limonite, graphite, limestone, copperas; Morgan mine, leadhillite, pyromorphite, cerussite. SUMTER DIST.-Agate. UNION DIST.-Fairforest gold mines, pyrite, chalcopyrite. YORK DIST.-Limestones, whetstones, witherite, barite. GEORGIA. BURKE AND SCITVEN COs.-Hyalite. CHEROKEE Co.-At Canton Mine, chalcopyrite, galenite, clausthalite, plumbogummite, hitchcockitc, mispicikel, lanthanite, harrisite, cantonite, pyromorphite, automolite, zinc, staurolite, cyanite; at Ball-Ground, spodumene. CLARK CO., near Clarksville.-Gold, xenotime, zircon, rutile, cyanite, specular iron, garnet, quartz. DADE Co. —Halloysite, near Rising Fawn. FANNIN Co.-Staurolite, chalcopyrite. HABERSHAM CO. —Gold, iron and copper pyrites, galenite, hornblende, garnet, quartz, kaolinite, soapstone, chlorite, rutile, iron ores, tourmaline, staurolite, zircon. HALL Co.-Gold, quartz, kaolin, diamond. HANcocK Co.-Agate, chalcedony. HEARD Co. —Molybdite, quartz. LINCOLN Co.-Lazulite!! rutile!! hematite, cyanite, menaccanite, pyrophyllite, gold, itacolumite rock. LUMPKIN Co.-At Field's gold mine near Dahlonega, gold, tetradymite, pyrrhotite, chlorite, menaccanite, allanite, apatite. RABUN Co. —Gold, chalcopyrite. WASHINGTON CO., near Saundersville.- Wavellite, fire opal. ALABAMA. BIBB Co., Centreville.-Iron ores, marble, bacrite, coal, cobalt. TUSCALOOSA Co. —Coal, galenite, pyrite, vivianite, limonite, calcite, dolomite, cyanite, steatite, quartz crystals, manganese ores. BENTON Co.-Antimonial lead ore (boulangerite?). FLORIDA. NEAR TAMPA BAY.-Limestone, sulphur springs, chalcedony, carnelian, agate, silicified shells and corals. KENTUCKY. ANDERSON Co.-Galenite, barite. CLINTON Co.-Geodes of quartz. CRITTENDEN Co.-Galenite, fluorite, calcite. CUMBERLAND CO.-At Mammoth Cave, gypsum rosettes I calcite, stalactites, nitre, epsomite. FAYETTE CO.-Six miles N.E. of Lexington, galenite, barite, witherite, blende. LIVINGSTONE Co., near the line of Union Co.-Galenite, chalcopyrite. MERCER Co.-At McAfee, fluorite, pyrite, calcite, barite, celestite. OWEN Co.-Galenite, barite. TENNESSEE. BROWN'S CREEKE.-Galenite, blende, barite, celestite. CARTER'S CO., foot of Roan Mt.-Sahlite, magnetite. CLAIBORNE Co.- Calamine, galenite, smithsonite, chlorite, steatite, magnetite. COCKE CO., near Brush Creek.-Cacoxene? kraurite, iron sinter, stilpnosiderite, brown hematite. DAVIDSON Co.-Selenite, with granular and snowy gypsum, or alabaster, crystallized and compact anhydrite, fluorite in crystals? calcite in crystals. Near Nashville, blue celestite (crystallized, fibrous, and radiated), with barite in limestone. Haysboro', galenite, blende, with barite as the gangue of the ore. DICKSON Co.-Manganite. 784 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. JEFFERSON Co.- Calamine, galenite, fetid barite. KNox Co.-Maognesian limestone, native iron, variegated marbles! MAURY CO.-Wavellite in limestone. MORGAN CO.-Epsom salt, nitrate of lime. POLK CO., Ducktown mines, southeast corner of State.-Black copper! chalcopyrite, pyrite, native copper, bornite, rutile, zoisite, galenite, harrisite, alisonite, blende, pyroxene, tremolite, sulphates of copper and iron in stalactites, allophane, rahtite, chalcocite (ducktownite), chalcotrichite, azurite, malachite, pyrrhotite, limonite. ROAN Co., eastern declivity of Cumberland Mts.-Wavellite in limestone. SEVIER CO., in caverns.-Epsom salt, soda alum, saltpetre, nitrate of lime, breccia marble. SMITH Co.-Fluorite. SMOKY MT., on declivity.-Hornblende, garnet, staurolite. WHITE Co.-Nitre. OHIO. BAINBRIDGE (Copperas Mt., a few miles east of B.).-Calcite, barite, pyrite, copperas, alum. CANFIELD. —Gyopsum! DUCK CREEK, Monroe Co.-Petroleum. LAKE ERIE.-Strontian Island, celestite! Put-in Bay Island, celestite! sulphur! calcite. LIVERPOOL.-Petroleum. MARIETTA.-Argillaceous iron ore; iron ore abundant also in Scioto and Lawrence Cos. OTTAWA Co.-Gypsum. POLAND. — Gypsum! MICHIGAN. BREST (Monroe Co.).-Calcite, amethystine quartz, apatite, celestite. GRAND RAPIDS.-Selenite, fib. and granular gypsum, calcite, dolomite, anhydrite. LAKE SUPERIOR MINING REGION.-The four principal regions are Keweenaw Point, Isle Royale, the Ontonagon, and Portage Lake. The mines of Keweenaw Point are along two ranges of elevation, one known as the Greenstone Range, and the other as the Southern or Bohemian Range (Whitney). The copper occurs in the trap or amygdaloid, and in the associated conglomerate. Native copper! native silver! chalcopyrite, horn silver, gray copper, manganese ores, epidote, prehnite, laumontite, datolite, henlandite, orthoclase, analcite, chabazite, compact datolite, chrysocolla, mesotype (Copper Falls mine), leonhardite (ib.), analcite (ib.), apophyllite (at Cliff mine), wollastonite (ib.), calc spar! quartz (in crystals at Minnesota mine), compact datolite, orthoclase (Superior mine), saponite, black oxyd of copper (near Copper Harbor, but exhausted), chrysocolla; on Chocolate River, galenite and sulphid of copper; chalcopyrite and native copper at Presq' Isle; at Albion mine, domeykite; at Prince Vein, barite, calcite, amethyst; at Michipicoten Ids., copper nickel, stilbite, analcite; at Albany and Boston mine, Portage Lake, prehnite, analcite, orthoclase, cuprite; at Sheldon location, domeykite, whitneyite, algodonite; Isle Royale mine, Portage Lake, compact datolite; Quincy mine, calcite, compact datolite. MARQuETTE. —Manganite, galenite; twelve miles west at Jackson Mt., and other mines, hematite, limnonite, g6thite! magnetite, jasper. MoNROE.-Aragonite, apatite. POINT AUX PEAUX (Monroe Co.).-Amethystine quartz, apatite, celestite, calcite. SAGINAW BAY.-At Alabaster, gypsum. STONY POINT (Monroe Co.).-Apatite, amethystine quartz, celestite, calcite. ILLINOIS. GALLATIN CO., on a branch of Grand Pierre Creek, sixteen to thirty miles from Shawneetown, down the Ohio, and from half to eight miles from this river.- Violet fluorite I in carboniferous limestone, barite, galenite, blende, brown iron ore. HANCOcK Co.-At Warsaw, quar'tz geodes! containing calcite! chalcedony, dolomite, blende! brown spar, pyrite, aragonite, gypsum, bitumen. HARDIN Co.-Near Rosiclare, calcite, galenite, blende; five miles back from Elizabethtown, bog iron; one mile north of the river, between Elizabethtown and Rosiclare, nitre. Jo DAVIES Co.-At Galena, galenite, calcite, pyrite, blende; at Marsden's diggings, galenitel blende, cerussite, pyrite! in stalactitic forms. JOLIET. —Marble. QUINCY. — Calcite! pyrite. SCALES MOUND.-Barite, pyrite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 785 INDIANA. LIMESTONE CAVERNS; Corydon Caves, etc. —Epsom salt. In most of the southwest counties, pyrite, sulphate of iron, and feather alum; on Sugar Creek, pyrite and sulphate of iron; n- sandstone of Lloyd Co., near the Ohio, gypswm; at the top of the blue limestone formation, brown spar, calcite. MINNESOTA. NORTH SHORE OF L. SUPERIOR (range of hills running nearly northeast and southwest, extending from Fond du Lac Superieure to the Kamanistiqueia River in Upper Canada).-Scolecite, apophyllite, prehnite, stilbite, laurmontite, heulandite, harmotome, thomsonite, fluorite, barite, tourmaline, epidote, hornblende, calcite, quartz crystals, pyrite, magnetite, steatite, blende, black oxyd of copper, malachite, native copper, chalcopyrite, amethystine quartz, ferruginous quartz, chalcedony, carnelian, agate, drusy quartz, hyalite? fibrous quartz, jasper, prase (in the debris of the lake shore), dogtooth spar, augite, native silver, spodumene? arsenate of cobalt? chlorite; between Pigeon Point and Fond du Lac, near Baptism River, saponite (thalite) in amygdaloid. KETTLE RIVER TRAP RANGE.-Epidote, nail-head calcite, amethystine quartz, calcite, undetermined zeolites, saponite. STILLWATER.-Blende. FALLS OF THE ST. CROrx.-Green carbonate of copper, native copper, epidote, nail-head spar. RAINY LAKE.-Actinolite, tremolite, fibrous hornblende, garnet, pyrite, magnetite, steatite. WISCONSIN. BIG BULL FALLS (near). —Bog iron. BLUE MOUNDS.-Cerussite. LAc DU FLAMBEAU R.-Garnet, cyanite. LEFT HAND R. (near small tributary).-Malachite, chalcocite, native copper, red copper ore, earthy malachite, epidote, chlorite? quartz crystals. LINDEN.- Galenite, smithsonite, hy drozincite. MINERAL POINT and vicinity. —Copper and lead ores, chrysocolla, azurite! chalcopyrite, malachite, galenite, cerussite, anglesite, blende, pyrite, barite, calcite, marcasite, smithsonite I (so-called dry-bone). MONTREAL RIVER PORTAGE.-Galenite in gneissoid granite. SANK Co. —Specular iron! malachite, chalcopyrite. SEULLSBURG. — Galenite I blende, pyrite; at Emett's diggings, galenite and pyrite. IOWA. DU BUQUE LEAD MINES, and elsewhere. —Galenite! calcite, blende, black oxyd of manganese; at Ewing's and Sherard's diggings, smithsonite, calamine; at Des Moines, quartz crystals, selenite; Makoqueta R., brown iron ore; near Durango, galenite. CEDAR RIVER, a branch of the Des Moines.-Selenite in crystals, in the bituminous shale of the coal measures; also elsewhere on the Des Moines, gypsum abundant; argillaceous iron ore, spathic iron; copperas in crystals on the Des Moines, above the mouth of Saap and elsewhere, pyrite, blende. FORT DODGE.-Celestite. MAKOQUETA.- ematite. NEW GALENA.-Octahedral galenite, anglesite. MISSOURI. BIRMINGHAM.-Limonite. JEFFERSON CO., at Valle's diggings.-Galenite, cerussite, anglesite, calamine, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, witherite. MINE A BURTON.-Galenite, cerussite, anglesite, barite, calcite. DEEP DIGGINGS.-Carbonate of copper, cerussite in crystals, and manganese ore. MADISON Co.-Wolframite. MINE LA MOTTE. — Galenite I malachite, earthy cobalt and nickel, bog manganese, sulphuret of iron and nickel, cerussite, caledonite, plumbogummite, wolframite, siegenite, smaltite. ST. FRANCIS RIVER.-Wolframite. PERRY'S DIGGINGS, and elsewhere.-Galenite, etc. Forty miles west of the Mississippi and ninety south of St. Louis, the iron mountains, speculari iron, limonite; 10 m. east of Ironton, wolframite, tungstite. 50 786 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. ARKANSAS. BATESVILLE. —In bed of White R., some miles above Batesville, gold. GREEN Co.-Near Gainesville, lignite. HOT SPRINGS Co. —At Hot Springs, thuringite; Magnet Cove, brookite schorlomite, eleolite, magnetite, quartz, green coccolite, garnet, apatite, perowskite, rutile, ripidolite, thomsonite (ozarkite). INDEPENDENCE Co.-Lafferay Creek, psilomelane. LAWRENCE Co.-Hoppe, Bath, and Koch mines, smithsonite, dolomite, galenite; nitre. MARION Co. —Wood's mine, smithsonite, hydrozincite (marionite), galenite; Poke bayou, braunite OUACrITA SPRINGS.-Quartz! whetstones. PULASKI Co.-Kellogg mine, 10 m. north of Little Rock, tetrahedrite, tennantite, nacrite, galenite, blende, quartz. CALIFORNIA. The principal gold mines of California are in Tulare, Fresno, Mariposa, Tuolumne, Calaveras, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada, Yuba, Sierra, Butte, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Del Norte counties, although gold is found in almost every county of the State. The gold occurs in quartz, associated with sulphids of iron, copper, zinc, and lead; in Calaveras and Tuolomne counties, at the Mellones, Stanislaus, Golden Rule, and Rawhide mines, associated with tellurids of gold and silver; it is also largely obtained from placer diggings, and further it is found in beach washings in Del Norte and Klamath counties. The copper mines are principally at or near Copperopolis, in Calaveras county; near Genesee Valley, in Plumas county; near Low Divide, in Del Norte county; on the north fork of Smith's River; at Soledad, in Los Angeles county. The mercury mnines are at or near New Almaden and North Almaden, in Santa Clara county; at.New Idria and San Carlos, Monterey county; in San Luis Obispo county; at Pioneer mine and other localities in Lake county; in Santa Barbara county. ALPINE Co. —Morning Star mine, enargite, stephanite, polybasite, barite, quartz, pyrite. AMADOR Co.-At Volcano, chalcedony, hyalite. ALAMEDA Co.-Diabolo Range, magnesite. BUTTE Co.-Cherokee Flat, diamond. CALAVERAS CO. —Copperopolis, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, serpentine, picrolite, native copper, near Murphy's, jasper, opal; albite, with gold and pyrite; Mellones mine, calaverite, petzite. CoNTRA-CASTA Co.-San Antonio, chalcedony. DEL NORTE Co.-Crescent City, agate, carnelian; Low Divide, chalcopyrite, bornite, malachite; on the coast, iridosmine, platinum. EL DORADO Co.-Pilot Hill, chalcopyrite; near Georgetown, hessite, from placer diggings; Roger's Claim, Hope Valley, grossular garnet, in copper ore; Coloma, chromite; Spanish Dry Dig-,gings, gold. FRESNO Co.-Chowchillas, andalusite. INGO Co.-Ingo district, galenite, cerussite, dolomite, barite, atacamite, calcite, grossular garnet! LAKE Co.-Borax Lake, borax! boric acid, glauberite; Pioneer mine, cinnabar, native mercury, Iselenid of mercury; near the Geysers, sulphur, hyalite. Los ANGELES Co.-Near Santa Anna River, anhydrite; William's Pass, chalcedony; Soledad:mines, chalcopyrite, garnet, gypsum; Mountain Meadows, garnet, in copper ore. MARIPOSA Co.-Chalcopyrite; Centreville, cinnabar; Pine Tree mine, tetrahedrite; Burns Creek, limonite; Geyer Gulch, pyrophyllite; La Victoria mine, azurite! near Coulterville, cinnabar, gold. MONO Co.-Partzite. MONTEREY Co.-Alisal Mine, arsenic; near Paneches, chalcedony; New Idria mine, cinnabar; mear New Idria, chromite, zaratite, chrome garnet; near Pachecos Pass, stibnite. NEVADA Co.-Grass Valley, gold! in quartz veins, with pyrite, chalcopyrite, blende, mispickel,:galenite, quartz, biotite; near Truckee Pass, gypsum; Excelsior Mine, molybdenite, with molybdite and gold; Sweet Land, pyrolusite. PLACER Co.-Miners' Ravine, epidote! with quartz, gold. PLUMAS Co.-Genesee Valley, chalcopyrite; Hope mines, bornite, sulphur. SANTA BARBARA CO.-San Amedio Cafion, stibnite, asphaltum, bitumen, maltha, petroleum, cinnabar, iodid of mercury; Santa Clara River, sulphur. SAN DINGO Co.-Carisso Creek, gypsum; San Isabel, tourmaline, orthoclase, garnet. SAN FRANcISCO Co.-Red Island, pyrolusite and manganese ores. SANTA CLARA Co.-New Almaden, cinnabar, calcite, aragonite, serpentine, chrysolite, quartz; North Almaden, chromite; Mt. Diabolo Range, magnesite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 787 SAN Luis OBISPO Co.-Asphaltum, cinnabar. SAN BERNARDINO Co.-Colorado River, agate, trona; Temescal, cassiterite; Russ District, galenite, cerussite; Francis mine, cerargyrite. SHASTA Co.-Near Shasta City, hematite, in large masses. SISKIYou Co.-Surprise Valley, selenite, in large slabs. SONOMA Co.-Actinolite, garnets. TULARE Co.-Near Visalia, magnesite, asphaltum. TUOLUMNE Co. —Tourmaline, tremolite; Sonora., graphite; York Tent, chromite; Golden Rule mine, petzite, calaverite, altaite, hessite, magnesite, tetrahedrite, gold; Whiskey Hill, gold! TRINITY Co.-Cassiterite, a single specimen found. LOWER CALIFORNIA. LA Paz.-Cuproscheelite..LoRETTO.-Natrolite, siderite, selenite. NEVADA. CARSON VALLEY.-Chrysolite. CHURCHILL Co.-Near Ragtown, gay-lussite, trona, common salt. COMSTOCK LODE.-Gold, native silver, argentite, stephanite, polybasite, pyrargyrite, proustite, tetrahedrite, cerargyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galenite, blende, pyromorphite, arsenical antimony, arsenolite, quartz, calcite, gypsum, cerussite, cuprite, wulfenite, amethyst, kiistelite. ESMERALDA Co.-Alum, 12 m. north of Silver Creek; at Aurora, fluorite, stibnite; near Mono Lake, native copper and cuprite, obsidian; Columbus district, borate of lime; Walker Lake, gypsum, hematite; Silver Peak, salt, saltpetre, sulphur, silver ores.'HUMBOLDT DISTRICT.-Sheba mine, native silver, jamesonite, stibnite, tetrahedrite, proustite, blende, cerussite, calcite, bournonite, pyrite, galenite, malachite, xanthocone (?). MAMMOTH DISTRICT. —Orthoclase, turquois, hiibnerite, scheelite. REESE RIVER DISTRICT.-Native silver, proulstite, pyrargyrite, stephanite, blende, polybasite, rhodochrosite, embolite, tetrahedrite! cerargyrite, embolite. SAN ANTONIA.-Belmont mine, stetefeldtite. SIx MILE CARON.-Selenite. ORMSBY Co.-W. of Carson, epidote. STOREY Co.-Alum, natrolite, scolezite. ARIZONA. On and near the Colorado, gold, silver, and copper mines; at Bill Williams's Fork, chrysocolla, malachite, atacamite, brochantite; Dayton Lode, gold, fluorite, cerargyrite; Skinner Lode, octahedral fluorite; at various places in the southern part of the territory, silver and copper mines; Heiutzelmann mine, stromeyerite, chalcocite, tetrahedrite, atacamite. OREGON. Gold is obtained from beach washings on the southern coast; quartz mines and placer mines in the Josephine district; also on the Powder. Burnt, and John Day's rivers, and other places in eastern Oregon; platinum, iridosmine, on the Rogue River, at Port Orford, and Cape Blanco. IDAHO. In the Owyhee, Boise, and Flint districts, gold, also extensive silver mines; Poorman Lode, cerargyrite! proustite, pyrargyrite! native silver, gold, pyromorphite, quartz, malachite; polybasite; on Jordan Creek, stream tin; Rising Star mine, stephanite, argentite, pyrargyrite. COLORADO. The principal gold mines of Colorado are in Boulder, Gilpin, Clear Creek, and Jefferson Cos., on a line of country a few miles W. of Denver, extending from Long's Peak to Pike's Peak. A large 788 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. portion of the gold is associated with veins of pyrite and chalcopyrite; silver and lead mines are at and near Georgetown, Clear Creek Co., and to the westward in Summit Co., on Snake and Swan rivers; Willis Gulch, near Black Hawk, enargite with pyrite, fluorite, scorodite? CANADA. CANADA EAST. ABEREROMBIE.-Labradorite. BAY ST. PAUL.-Menaccanite! apatite, allanite, rutile (or brookite?). AUBERT.-Gold, iridosmine, platinum. BOLTON.- Chromite, magnesite, serpentine, picrolite, steatite, bitter spar, wad. BOUOCERVILLE. —Augite in trap. BROME. —Magnetite, chalcopyrite, sphene, menaccanite, phyllite, sodalite, cancrinite, galenite, chloritoid. CrrAMBLY.-Analcime, chabazite and calcite in trachyte, menaccanite. CHATEAU RIC:ER.-Labradorite, hypersthene, andesite. DAILLEBOUT.-Blue spinel with clintonite. GRENVILLE.-Tabular spar, sphenze, idocrase, calcite, pyroxene, steatite (rensselaerite), garnet (cinnamon-stone), zircon, graphite, scapolite. HAM.-Chromite in serpentine, diallage, antimony! senarmontite I kermesite, valentinite, stibnite. INVERNESS.- Variegated copper. LAKE ST. FRANCIS.-Andalusite in mica slate. LANDSDOWNE.-Barite. LEEDS.-Dolomite, chalcopyrite, gold, chloritoid. MILLE IsLES.-Labradorite! menaccanite, hypersthene, andesite, zircon. MONTREAL.- Calcite, augite, sphene in trap, chrysolite, natrolite. MORIN.-Sphene, apatite, labradorite. O)RFORD.-White garnet, chrome gaGrnet, millerite, serpentine. OTTAWA.-Pyroxene. POLTON. —Chromite, steatite, serpentine, amianthus. ROUGEMONT MTS.-Augite in trap. SHERBROOKE.-At Suffield mine, albite! native silver, argentite, chalcopyrite, blende. ST. ARMAND. —Micaceous iron ore with quartz, epidote. ST. FRANqoIS BEAUCE.-Gold, platinum, iridosmine, ilmenite, magnetite, serpentine, chromite, soapstone, barite. ST. JERaOE. —Sphene, apatite, chondrodite, phlogopite, tourmaline, zircon, molybdenite, magnetic pyrites. ST. NORERT. —Amethyst in greenstone. STUKELEY.-Serpentine, verd-antique I schiller spar. SUTTON.-Magnetite in fine crystals, specular iron, rutile, dolomite, magnesite, chromiferous talc, bitter spar, steatite. UPToN.-Chalcopyrite, malachite, calcite. VAUDREUIL.-Limonite, vivianitd. YAMASKA.-Sphene in trap. CANADA WEST. BALSAM LAKE.-Molybdenite, scapolite,. quartz, pyroxene, pyrite. BRANTFORDI.-Sulphuric acid spring (4-2 parts of pure sulphuric acid in 1000). BATHURST.-Barite, black tourmaline, perthite (orthoclase), peristerite (albite), bytownite, pyroxene, wilsonite. BRoME.-Magnetite. BRUCE MINES.- Calcite, dolomite, quartz, chalcopyrite. BURGESS.-Pyroxene, albite, mica, sapphire, sphene, chalcopyrite, apatite, black spinel I spodumene (in a boulder), serpentine. BYTowN. —Calcite, bytownite, chondrodite, spinel. CAPE IPPERWASH, Lake Huron.-Oxalite in shales. CLARENDON. —Idocrase. DALHOUSIE.-IHornblende, dolomite. DRUMMOND.-Labradorite. ELMSLEY.-Pyroxene, sphene, feldspar, tourmaline, apatite. FITzRoY.-Amber, brown tourmaline, in quartz. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 789 GCFTINEAU RIVER, Blasdell's Mills.-Calcite, apatite, tourmaline, hornblende, pyroxene. GRAND CALUMET ISLAND. —Apatite, phlogopite! pyroxene! sphene, idocrase! serpentine, tremo. lite, scapolite, brown and black tourmaline! pyrite, loganite. HIGH FALLS OF THE MADAWASKA.-Pyroxene! hornblende. HULL. —Magnetite, garnet, graphite. HUNTERSTOWN. —Scapolite, sphene, idocrase, garnet, brown tourmaline! HUNTINGDON.- Calcite! INNISKILLEN.-Petroleum. KINGSTON.- Celestite. LAO DES CHATS. Island Portage.-Brown tourmaline! pyrite, calcite, quartz. LANARK.-Raphilite (hornblende), serpentine, asbestus. LANI)SDOWN.-Barite I vein 27 in. wide, and fine crystals. MADoc.-Magnetite. MARMORA.-Magnetite, chalcolite, garnet, epsomite, specular iron. MAIMANSE.-Pitchblende (coracite). McNAB.-Specular iron, barite. MICHIPICOTEN ISLAND, Lake Superior.-Domeykite, niccolite, genthite. NEWBOROUGH.- Chondrodite, graphite. SOUTH CROSBY.-Chondrodite in limestone, magnetite. ST. ADELE.-Chondrodite in limestone. ST. IGNACE ISLANDI.-CCalcite, native copper. SYDENHAM.-Celestite. TERRACE COVE, Lake Superior.-Molybdenite. WALLACE MINE, Lake Huron.-Specular iron, nickel ore, nickel vitriol. NEW BRUNSWICK.* ALBERT CO. —Hopewell, gypsum; Albert mines, coal (albertite); Shepody Mountain, alunite in clay, calcite, iron pyrites, manganite, psilomelane, pyrolusite. CAPRLETON Co. —Woodstock, chalcopyrite, hematite, limonite, wad. CHARLOTTE Co.-Campobello, at Welchpool, blende, chalcopyrite, bornite, galenite, pyrite; at head of Harbor de Lute, galenite; Deer Island, on west side, calcite, magnetite, quartz crystals; Digdignash River, on west side of entrance, calcite! (in conglomerate), chalcedony; at Rolling Dam, graphite; Grandmanan, between Northern Head and Dark Harbor, agate, amethyst, apophyllite, calcite, hematite, heulandite, jasper, magnetite, natrolite, stilbite; at Whale Cove, calcite! heulandite, laumontite, stilbite, semi-opal! Wagaguadavic River, at entrance, azurite, chalcopyrite in veins, malachite. GLOUCESTER Co.-Tete-a-Gouche River, eight miles from Bathurst, chalcopyrite (mined), oxyd of manganese I! formerly mined. KINGS Co. —Sussex, near Cloat's mills, on road to Belleisle, argentiferous galenite; one mile north of Baxter's Inn, specular iron in crystals, limonite; on Capt. McCready's farm, selenite!! RESTIGOUCHE Co. —Bolledune Point, calcite! serpentine, verd-antique; Dalhousie, agate, carnelian. SAINT JOHN Co. —Black River, on coast, calcite, chlorite, chalcopyrite, hematite! Brandy Brook, epidote, hornblende, quartz crystals; Carleton, near Falls. calcite; Chance Harbor, calcite in quartz veins, chlorite in argillaceous and talcose slate; Little Dipper Harbor, on west side, in greenstone, amethyst, barite, quartz crystals; Moosepath, feldspar, hornblende, muscovite, black tourmaline; Musquash, on east side harbor, copperas, graphite, pyrite; at Shannon's, chrysolite, serpentine; east side of Musquash, quartz crystals!; Portland, at the Falls, graphite; at Fort Howe Hill, calcite, graphite; Crow's Nest, asbestus, chrysolite, magnetite, serpentine, steatite; Lily Lake, white augite? chrysolite, graphite, serpentine, steatite, talc; How's Road, two miles out, epidote (in syenite), steatite in limestone, tremolite; Drury's Cove, graphite, pyrite, pyrallolite? indurated talc; Quaco, at Lighthouse Point, large bed oxyd of manganese; Sheldon's Point, actinolite, asbestus, calcite, epidote, malachite, specular iron; Cape Spencer, asbestus, calcite, chlorite, specular iron (in crystals); Westbeach, at east end, on Evans' farm, chlorite, talc, quartz crystals; half a mile west, chlorite, chalcopyrite, magnesite (vein), magnetite; Point Wolf and Salmon River, asbestus, chlorite, chrysocolla, chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite. VICTORIA Co. —Tabique River, agate, carnelian, jasper; at mouth, south side, galenite; at mouth of Wapskanegan, gypsum, salt spring; three miles above, stalactites (abundant); Quisabis River, blue phosphate of iron, in clay. * For a more complete list of localities in New Brunswick. Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland, see catalogue by O. C. Marsh, Am. J. Sci., II. xxxv. 210, 1863. 790 AMERICAN LOCALITIES. WESTMORELAND Co.-Bellevue, pyrite; Dorcester, on Taylor's farm, cannel coal; clay iron. stone; on Ayres's farm, asphaltum, petroleum spring; Grandlance, apatite, selenite (in large crystals); Memramcook, coal (albertite); Shediac, four miles up Scadoue River, coal. YORK Co.-Near Fredericton, stibnite, jamesonite, berthierite; Pokiock River, stibnite, tin pyrite? in granite (rare). NOVA SCOTIA. ANNAPOLIS Co.-Chute's Cove, apophyllite, natrolite; Gates's Mountain, analcite, magnetite, mesolite! natrolite, stilbite; Martial's Cove, analcite! chabazite, heulandite; Moose River, beds of magnetite; Nictau River, at the Falls, bed of hematite; Paradise River, black tourmaline, smoky quartz!!; Port George, farielite, laumontite, mesolite, stilbite; east of Port George, on coast, apophyllite containing gyrolite; Peter's Point, west side of Stonock's Brook, apophyllite! calcite, heulandite, laumontite! (abundant), native copper, stilbite; St. Croix Cove, chabazite, heulandite. COLCHESTER Co.-Five Islands, East River, barite! calcite, dolomite (ankerite), hematite, chalcopyrite; Indian Point, malachite, magnetite, red copper, tetrahedrite; Pinnacle Islands, analcite, calcite, chabazite! natrolite, siliceous sinter; Londonderry, on branch of Great Village River, barite, ankerite, hematite, limonite, magnetite; Cook's Brook, ankerite, hematite; Martin's Brook, hematite, limonite; at Folly River, below Falls, ankerite, pyrite; on high land, east of river, ankerite, hematite, limonite; on Archibald's land, ankerite, barite, hematite; Salmon River, south branch of, chalcopyrite, hematite; Shubenacadie River, anhydrite, calcite, barite, hematite, oxyd of manganese; at the Canal, pyrite; Stewiacke River, barite (in limestone). CUMBERBLAND Co. - Cape Chiegnecto, barite; Cape D'Or, analcite, apophyllite! chabazite, fardelite, laumontite, mesolite, malachite, natrolite, native copper, obsidian, red copper (rare), vivianite (rare); Horse-shoe Cove, east side of Cape D'Or, analcite, calcite, stilbite; Isle Haute, south side, analcite, apophyllite! calcite, heulandite! natrolite, mesolite, stilbite! Joggins, coal, hematite, limonite; malachite and tetrahedrite at Seaman's Brook; Partridge Island, analcite, apophyllite! (rare), amethyst! agate, apatite (rare), calcite! chabazite (acadiolite), chalcedony, cat's-eye (rare), gypsum, hematite, heulandite! magnetite, stilbite!!; Swan's Creek, west side, near the Point, calcite, gypsum, heulandite, pyrite; east side, at Wassoa's Bluff and vicinity, analcite!! apo2phyllite! (rare), calcite, chabazite!! (acadiolite), gypsum, heulandite! I natrolite! siliceous sinter; Two Islands, moss agate, analcite, calcite, chabazite, heulandite; McKay's Head, analcite, calcite, heulandite, siliceous sinter! DIGBY Co.-Brier Island, native copper, in trap; Digby Neck, Sandy Cove and vicinity, agate, amethyst, calcite, chabazite, hemnatite! laumontite (abundant), magnetite, stilbite, quartz crystals; Gulliver's Hole, magnetite, stilbite!; Mink Cove, amethyst, chabazite! quartz crystals; Nichol's Mountain, south side, amethyst, magnetite!; William's Brook, near source, chabazite (green), heulandite, stilbite, quartz crystals. GUYSBORO' Co.-Cape Canseau, andalusite. HALIFAX Co.-Gay's river, galenite in limestone; southwest of Halifax, garnet, staurolite, tourmaline; Tangier, gold! in quartz veins in clay slate, associated with auriferous pyrites, galenite, hematite, mispickel, and magnetite; gold has also been found in the same formation, at Country Harbor, Fort Clarence, Isaac's Harbor, Indian Harbor, Laidlow's farm, Lawrencetown, Sherbrooke, Salmon River, Wine Cove, and other places. HANTS Co.-Cheverie, oxyd of manganese (in limestone); Petite River, gypsum, oxyd of manganese; Windsor, calcite, cryptomorphite (boronatrocalcite), howlite, glauber salt. The last three minerals are found in beds of gypsum. KINGS Co.-Black Rock, centrallassite, cerinite, cyanolite; a few miles east of Black Rock, prehnite? stilbite!; Cape Blomidon, on the coast between the cape and Cape Split, the following minerals occur in many places (some of the best localities are nearly opposite Cape Sharp): analcite!! agate, amethyst! apophyllite! calcite, chalcedony, chabazite, gmelinite (ledererite), hematite, heulandite! laumontite, magnetite, malachite, mesolite, native copper (rare), natrolite! psilomelane, stilbite! thomsonite, faritelite, quartz; North Mountains, amethyst, bloodstone (rare), ferruginous quartz, mesolite (in soil); Long Point, five miles west of Black Rock, heulandite, laumontite!! stilbite!!; Morden, apa7phyllite, mordenite; Scot's Bay, agate, amethyst, chalcedony, mesolite, natrolite; Woodworth's Cove, a few miles west of Scot's Bay, agate I chalcedony! jasper. LUNENBURG Co -Chester, Gold River, gold in quartz, pyrite, mispickel; Cape la Have, pyrite; The " Ovens," gold, pyrite, mispickel i Petite River, gold in slate. PICTOU Co. —Pictou, jet, oxyd of manganese, limonite; at Roder's Hill, six miles west of Picton, barite; on Carribou River, gray copper and malachite in lignite; at Albion mines, coal, hmonite; East River, limonite. QUEENS Co.-Westfield, gold in quartz, pyrite, mispickel; Five Rivers, near Big Fall, gold in quartz, pyrite, mispickel, limonite. AMERICAN LOCALITIES. 791 RIcHMOND Co.-West of Plaister Cove, barite and calcite in sandstone; nearer the Cove, calcite, fluorite (blue), siderite. SHELBURNE Co.-Shelburne, near mouth of harbor, garnets (in gneiss); near the town, rose quartz; at Jordan and Sable River, staurolite (abundant), schiller spar. SYDNEY Co.-Hills east of Lochaber Lake, pyrite, chalcopyrite, siderite, hematite; Morristown, epidote in trap, gypsum. YARMOUTH Co.-Cream Pot, above Cranberry Hill, gold in quartz, pyrite; Cat Rock, Fouchu Point, asbestus, calcite. NEWFOUNDLAND. ANTONY'S ISLAND.-Pyrite. CATALINA HARBOR. —On the shore, pyrite! CHALKY HELL.-Feldspar. COPPER ISLAND, one of the Wadham group.- Chalcopyrite. CONCEPTION BAY.-0On the shore south of Brigus, bornite and gray copper in trap. BA-Y or ISLANDS. —-Southern shore, pyrite in slate. LAWN. — Galenite, cerargyrite, proustite, argentite. PLACENTIA BAY.-At La Manche, two miles eastward of Little Southern Harbor, galenite/; on the opposite side of the isthmus from Placentia Bay, barite, in a large vein, occasionally accompanied by chalcopyrite. SHOAL BAY.-South of St. John's, chalcopyrite. TRINITY BAY.-Western extremity, barite. HARBOR GREAT ST. LAWRENCE.-West side, fluorite, galenite. FOREIGNi LOCALITIES. With reference to foreign localities, consult for EUROPE generally, Leonhard's Topogr. Min. GREAT BRITAIN, Greg & Lettsom's Min.; Brooke & Miller's Min. FRANCE, Dufrenoy's Min.; Descloizeaux's Min. SWITZERLAND, Kenngott's Min. der Schweiz. GERMANY, Hausmann's Min.; Quenstedt's Min. AUSTRIA, Zepharovich's Min. Lex. SWEDEN, Hisinger's Min. Schwed. FINLAND, A. E. Nordenskidld's Finl. Min. RUssIA, Kokscharof's Min. Russl. For the full titles of the works here referred to, see pp. xxxix-xlv. SUPPLEMENT. 793 SUPPLEMENT. T=ns supplement contains descriptions of some species imperfectly known, and notices of new or described species which came to hand too late to be inserted in the preceding part of this work. The numbers affixed to the species indicate their places in the system. _OSClYNITE (480, p. 522). Mean of four closely agreeing analyses by Marignac (Bib. Univ. Geneve, Aug. 25, 1867, p. 286): 6b, Ti Sn Th Ce La, Di Y Pe Oa ign. 51-45 0-18 15-75 18'49 5-60 1'12 3'17 2'75 1'07=99'58. 0G.-=523. The amount of metallic acids varied between 51'15 and 51-75. Analyses of the metallic acid gave the relation, Ob 29.31, Ti 22'14, differing materially from Hermann's results. Marignac, having previously examined the acids of euxenite (see p. 522), concludes that the relation between the metallic acids is the same as in oeschynite, and that these two minerals differ mainly in the character of the bases they contain; and that both may be represented by the general formula 5 R Ti + 2 12 Ob. AGNESITE. Carbonate of Bismuth W:. Macgregor, Sowerby's English Min., Beud., Tr., ii. 375, 1832; Agnesite B. & il;. Min., 591, 1852. An earthy steatite-like mineral from St. Agnes in Cornwall, having G.=4-31, made by Macgregor to consist of a 51-3, Bi 28'8, Fe 2-1, Al 7'5, Si 67, ft 3 6=100; which result is pronounced by Beudant as probably " quelque grande erreur," and so proved by Thomson (Min., ii. 594), who states, after personal trials, that it did " not effervesce with acids, and contained only a trace of bismuth"; and also by Greg and Lettsom, who examined a specimen in the late Mr. Allan's collection, from Mr. Macgregor, with the same result as to effervescence, and say that it may be an impure bismuth ochre. Allan appears to have thought it unworthy of a place in his edition of Phillips' Mineralogy (1837), and does not even allude to it under bismuth ochre. ALTAITE (48, p. 44). This rare species has been identified at the Stanislaus mine, Cal., and F. A. Genth has also observed it in minute quantities associated with petzite at the Golden Rule mine, Cal. (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 311). The mineral from the former locality is tin-white, with a yellowish tinge, tarnishing to bronze-yellow; streak gray; with H.=3, and has a distinctly cubic cleavage. Composition, after deducting in 1, 1'03 p. c., and in 2, 1-96 of quartz: 1. Te 37-31 Pb 60'71 Ag 117 Au 0'26=99'45. 2. [37'00] 47'84 11'30 3'86=100-00. No. 1 is the first complete analysis of this species, and confirms the assumption of Rose that it is a compound analogous to hessite. Dr. Genth calculates No. 1 to contain 99'25 p. c. of altaite and 2-20 of hessite; and No. 2, 7'742 altaite, and 23'11 p. c. hessite. An earlier result on another specimen obtained by Genth, after separating carbonates and excluding 8 p. c. free gold, and 3-45 quartz, gave Te (37'14), Ag44'49, Pb 18-37=100'00. This may represent 70'85 hessite, and 29'26 altaite. The material appeared to be pure, but Genth states that further investigation is needed to ascertain whether there is a tellurid of silver, or tellurid of silver and lead, which has a white color and cubic cleavage. AmP'IBOLE (247, p. 232). Compact asbestus from Bolton, Mass., afforded T. Petersen (Jahresb. for 1866, 924, 1868): Si 58-80 Al tr.:e 3'05 Mg 22-23 (a 16-47 ft tr.=10055. G.=3'007. '794 SUPPLEMENT'. The formulas on the new system for aluminous pyroxene and amphibole, pp. 207, 208, become, if the Greek-lettered symbol be used also for the silica, (ySi2, 13A12) O11[0211. ANDALUSITE (322, p. 371). The chiastolite of Lancaster, Mass., afforded T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 921): Si 41'95 1 48'60 Fe 9130 Pa 0'41=100'26. G.=2'923. ANORTHITE (310, p. 337). Tankite is referred to anorthite on p. 337, on the authority of Descloizeaux, who has found them to have the same forms of crystals and angles (Mem. Soc. Min. St. Pet., II. ii. 1867). Deseloizeaux also publishes (1. c.) the following analyses of tankiteby Pisani: Si 42-49, Al 34-70,'e 0-74, M g 0-30, Ca 15'82, Na, Li 1-60, /K 0'63, H, F 4'80=101-08; whence the oxygen ratio, 1R, I, Si, 1: 3: 4. The mineral is from the iron mines of Arendal, Norway, where it was originally obtained by Mr. Tank. Anorthite crystals from the Juvenas meteorite have been measured by v. Lang (Pogg., cxxxiii. 188). ARSENOPYRITE (94, p. 78). Von Zepharovich has measured crystals of this species, with the following results (Ber. Ak. Wien, lvi. i. 21, 1867): From (Eblarn, Styria IA I=111~ 10' 38" 1-i A 1-4, top,=80~ 16' 25" Freiberg, Sax. " 111 27 Breitenbrunn, Sax. " 111 29 ~-4 A4-i, top,=151 36 Reichenstein, Silesia " 111 30 Eisenerz, Styria " 111 40 Joachimsthal " 111 10 ~ -4 A i-i, top,=136 30 ATACAMITE (153, p. 121). The following are additional observations on this species: Artif. —Field has shown (Phil. Mag., IV. xxiv. 123) that when an alkaline hypochlorite is added to a boiling solution of the sulphate, nitrate, or chlorid of copper, the latter being in excess, the precipitate produced has the formula 3 u H+I Cu C1lI. The same is formed when potash is added to an excess of chlorid of copper. If, in the first case given above, the time of ebullition is too short, the precipitate has the composition 3 Cu l + Cu Cl i + 2 aq. Field's analysis gave Ou 49-85, Cu Cl 28'02, H 22'13, agreeing very closely, as he observed, with that of Berthier (anal. 1) from Cobija, Bolivia. The formula requires Ou 49'56, CuCl 28-01, H 22-43=100. This is also the composition of botallackite. Field states also that atacamite is formed in Chili at a seashore locality by the action of salt in the soil on chalcopyrite. Debray finds that crystals may be obtained by heating to 200~ C., Cu3 I& with a concentrated solution of common salt; or to 100~ C.. ammoniacal sulphate of copper with the same. BABINGTONITE (242, p. 227). The small, black, brilliant crystals from Athol referred to babingtonite by Shepard (p. 228), do not afford very nearly the angles of that species. They are usually implanted on green epidote, and, although black, they appear, 61'7 under a glass, to pass so gradually into the underlying mineral that the first impression is naturally that they are only a black v.........o variety of epidote. Yet they differ also from this species in angle. The author has attempted to make new measurements, but the crystals for the purpose were so minute (-IL of an inch in I.......... length) that they require further study for satisfactory results. The author's figure and " approximate measurements " from the last edition of this work are consequently here added without modification, or even the change in the lettering that is required to bring the figure into parallelism with the figures of babingtonite. 0 A I=90'-91~, 0 A I'= 85~, 0 A'-=153~ 20', IA I'=110 30' and 69~ 30', IA i-=-129~, I' A i —=120 30', 0 A -1= 135~ 40', 0 A 1=135~ 30', 0 A i-3=95~ 30', IA -=95~ 30'. BARNMARDITE (79, p. 67). A specimen of this mineral from Bill Williams Fork, Arizona, found with metallic copper, cuprite, chalcocite, pyrite, chrysocolla, malachite, ~and brochantite, gave N. S. Higgins, according to Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 319), S 28'96, Cu 50%41, Fe 20'44=99'81; showing a slight admixture with chalcocite. BERYL (254, p. 245). The green beryl of Royalston, Mass., yielded on analysis by T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 925) Si 67-52, Al 17-42, Be 14'35, Fe, Ca tr.=99'29. G.=2'65. SUPPLEMENT. 795 BERZELIANITE (50, p. 46). According to A. E. Nordenskidld ((Efv. Ak. Stockholm, 1866, 361, J. pr. Ch., cii. 456) berzelianite occurs at Skrikerum as a black to blackish-blue powder, disseminated through a coarse crystalline calcite, showing no traces of crystalline structure, but sometimes forming dendritic crusts. When in sufficient masses to be observed, it has a metallic lustre and silver-white fracture, the surface of which soon tarnishes. G.=6-71. Se Cu Ag Fe T1 1. 39'85 53'14 4'73 0'54 0-38=98'64. 2. 38'74 52'15 8'50 0'54 tr.=99-74. Nordenskibld remarks that the varying percentage of the silver is possibly due to an admixture of eucairite, and that the amount of thallium in the analyses is probably too low. BISMUTHAURITE or BISMUTHIC GOLD Shejp., Min., 304, 1857. A furnace product (Am. J. Sci., II. xxiv. 112, 1867). BOBIERRITE. Phosphate de Magnesie tribasique et hydrate Bobierre, Les Mondes, April 1868, 691; Bobierrite Dana (523A).-Monoclinic; in six-sided prismatic forms. Crystals minute, and forming crystalline agglomerations, imbedded in guano, looking like white spots in the guano. Crystals colorless. Composition, according to Bobierre (1. c.), flgS' with water. It is insoluble in water, but easily soluble in acids without effervescence. Contains not a trace of lime. From the guano of Mexillones, on the Peruvian Coast. BOULANGERITE (122, p. 99). Found, according to v. Zepharovich, at Przibram inBohemia, with jamesonite (Ber. Ak. Wien, lvi. 1867). He gives the following analyses: S Sb Pb Fe 1. Eusebi vein, fib. 18'77 26'81 54'42 tr.=100 E. Boricky. 2. " " comp. 19'77 24'46 54'32 tr.=98-55 E. Boricky. 3. Adelberti" " 18'89 21-87 5769 0'84, Ag 0'25, Zn 0'47=100'01 Helmhacker. 4. " " " 18'64 24'31 55'06 1'46=99'47 Boricky. 5. "' fib. 18'47 24-17 55'96 Fe, Mn 0'08, Cu 0'22, Ag 0'84=99'74 Helmh. 6. " " " 17'60 22'81 58'13 0 57=99'11 Boricky. 7. " cap il. 17'95 22'91 57'28 1'35, Ag 0'06, Zn 0'34=99'89 Helmhacker. 8. " " " 17'74 25'11 57'42 tr.=100'27 Boricky. 9. " " needles 20-49 27-72 48'38 3'471=100'06 Boricky. 1, fine fibrous, G.=5'75; 2, subfibrous, G.=5 91; 3, compact, with subconchoidal fracture, CG. =5'877, associated with zinc-blende; 4, associated with a coarse granular to fibrous galenite, G. -=5809; 5, found in nests in galenite, G.=5 69; 6, G.=6-08; 7, in short, felt-like, capillary crystals, with quartz and calcite; 9, associated with quartz, G.=5'52. F. A. Genth obtained for boulangerite from Echo District, Union Co., Nevada (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 320, 1868), S 17-91, Sb 26-85, Pb 54'82, Ag 0-42=100. Occurs in indistinct acicular striated crystals, in white quartz. BROCHANTITE (701, p. 664). F. A. Genth has found this mineral in minute crystals, showing the planes i; i —i, and 1 —, with the copper ores at Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. For analyses of specimen, mixed with atacamite, chrysocolla, etc., see Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 321, 1868. CALAVERITE F. A. Genth, Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 314, 1868. (98A.) A new tellurid of gold, from the Stanislaus mine, Calaveras Co., Cal. It occurs massive, without crystalline structure; color bronze-yellow; streak yellowish-gray; brittle; fracture uneven, inclining to subconchoidal. Composition.-Au Te4=Te 55'53, Au 44-47. Analyses 1, 2, from 2 1'45 p. c. quartz deducted: 1. Te 55'89 Au 40'70 Ag 3'52=100-11. 2. [56-00] 40-92 3'08=100. B.B. on charcoal burns with a bluish-green flame, yielding globules of very yellow gold. Dissolves in nitro-muriatic acid, with separation of chlorid of silver. Calaverite is frequently associated with petzite, to which a portion of the silver in the analyses is attributed. In a comparison of the results of analyses of sylvanite from Transylvania, Dr. Genth makes the suggestion that the so-called "gelberz" (see anal. 8, 9, p. 82) is nothing else than impure calaverite. CALCITE (715, p. 670). Vom Rath, in his elaborate papers on calcite (Pogg., cxxxii.), mentions, 796 SUPPLEMENT. besides the planes given from him on pp. 673, 6'14, 676, the scalenohedron -a2 which has for the angle over its longer edge, 1550 43', shorter edge 1010 35', middle edge, 1140 54'; and the rhombohedron -9, having R A R=142~ 56', and 0 A R=158~ 28'. CASSITERITE (192, p. 157). T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 920, 1868) found in the tin-stone of Zinnwald, (2) Sn 88-04, Fe 4'49, Mn 2'78, Ca 0 4'30=99'61. CATLINITE. C. T. Jackson (Am. J. Sci., xxxv. 388) thus named the red clay from the Coteau de Prairies, in the Upper Missouri region, where it forms a bed of considerable extent, referred by Hayden to the Cretaceous formation. Analyses: Si Xi Fe Mn fg Oa NaK ftB 56'11 17-31 6-96 -- 0-20 2'16 12'48 4-59 Thomson. 48-2 28-2 5'0 0'6 6'0 2-6 - 84 Jackson. It is a rock and not a definite mineral species. CENTRALLASSITE How, Ed. N. Phil. J., x. 84, 1859. (341A.) Radiated massive, the fibres or columnns lamellar and separable; H.-=3'5; G. -245 —2'46; lustre pearly; color white or yellowish-white; thin laminme transparent; graduating into an opaque white variety, subresinous in lustre; brittle. The mineral was found in a nodule from amygdaloid, near Black Rock, Bay of Fundy, and constituted the portion between a thin outer layer (named by How cerinite) and an inner bluish mass, called by him cyanolite. How obtained, as a mean of two analyses (I. c.): Si 58'86 ~ 1 1114 Mg 0'16 Ca 27192 K 059 t 11'42. B.B. fuses easily, with spirting, to an opaque glass; a clear bead with the fluxes. It is near okenite in composition. The excess of silica may be owing to free silica. CHAMOISITE (469, p. 511). An odlitic mineral, near chamoisite, described by Pouillon Boblaye (Mem. Mus., xv.), has been called Bavalite. It has H. about 4; G.=3 99, Delesse; color greenishblack, bluish, or grayish; powder greenish-gray or black, to reddish-brown; and B.B. fusible with difficulty to a black magnetic scoria. Analyses: 1, Berthier; 2, Delesse: Si 1 Jr Fe Fe O0a ft C Clay 1. Quintin 11'0 13'3 0'3 48-8 234 -- - - 3'2=100 Berthier. 2. " 650 7 50 0'50 65'45 13'25 0-45 485 1-30 0-20 — 100Delesse. Forms beds in old schistose rocks in different parts of Brittany, especially in the forest of Lorges, a locality that supplies furnaces at, Pas near Quintin, in the vicinity of St. Brieuc, Dept. of Cotes-du-Nord; also at the Chapel St. Oudon, near Segr6, Dept. of Maine-et-Loire; and elsewhere. Huot and others derive the name bavalite from Bavalon, a locality of it; but Descloizeaux says no such place exists in Brittany; but that a depression in the region where it is explored is called the bas vallon-an absurd origin for a name. CHRYSOBERYL (191, p. 155). Frischman on twin crystals of chrysoberyl, Ber. Ak. iMiinchen, 1867, i. 429. CERYSOLITE (259, p. 256). A partially decomposed olivine, from Neurode in Silesia, afforded Rammelsberg (ZS. G., xix. 285) Si 34-97, Fe 18'55, iMg 36'00, Ca 0'44, 1 0-75, f 6, magnetite 3-21=99'92. CLAUDETITE. Prismatic Arsenious Acid F. Claudet, Proc. Ch. Soc., 1868, Ch. News, xvii. 128, 1868; Claudetite Dana. (221A.) Orthorhombic, and isomorphous with valentinite, while dimorphous with arsenolite. Observed in thin plates, resembling selenite. H.=2-5. G.=-385. Lustre strongly pearly. Composition As 0s, as for arsenolite, being essentially pure arsenous acid. Claudet obtained in an analysis about 47 p. c. of this acid with other metallic substances as impurities. Occurs in seams in an ore of arsenical pyrites, at the San Domingo mines, Portugal. It heads the Valentinite group, p. 184.. CLAUSTHALITE (45, p. 42). For analysis of this mineral from Cacheuta, see under EUCARITE, p. 798. SUPPLEMENT. 797 COLUMBITE (474, p. 515). Hermann, in the J. pr. Ch., ciii. 127, sustains anew his views on ilmenic acid, and gives the following results of recent investigations: fb Ta i1 Sn W Fe Mn Mg 1. Haddam 41117 10'77 25174 0'40 0'26 14'0O 5'63 0-49=98'52. 2. Bodenmais 35'49 28-12 16'38 0-36 - 14'11 4'13 1217, (u 0'13=99'99. 3. Greenland 38'27 0'56 39'73 tr. 16'54 5'00 0'06=100'16. Hermann is here copied in making the metallic acids to contain 3 of oxygen. Analysis 1 is a revision of anal. 4, p. 517. Hermann makes three varieties of columbite: (1) Tantalum-columbite, with density above 5'90. (2) Columbium-columbite, with G-.=5.51)-5'90. (3) Ilmenium-columbite, with G. below 5'50. He thus claims that the Greenland mineral is ilrzenium-columbite (G.= 5-40), while, according to the recent careful researches of Blomstrand (anal. 25, p. 518), it contains only columbic and tantalic acids. COSALITE F. A. Genth, Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 319. (112A.) Indistinctly crystalline, with longitudinal striations, apparently rhombic. Soft and brittle. Lustre metallic. Color lead-gray. Fracture uneven. Composition 2 Pb S+Bi S3=Sulphur 16'10, Bi42'25, Pb 41-65=100. Analyses: 1 (after deducting 2'09 p. c. quartz); 2 (after deducting 26-83 p. c. quartz): S As Pb Ag Bi Co 1. 15'59 3'07 31'72 2-48 39'06 2-41=100-33. 2. 15'64 5'37 33'99 2'81 37'48 4'22=99'51. As cobaltite was associated with the mineral, Genth regards the Co and As as due to this species, and deducts them, making in anal. 1, 6'79 p. c. cobaltite, and in 2, 11-88 p. c., giving for l, S 15'27, Bi 41'76, Pb 40-32, Ag 2'65; and for 2, S 15'23, Bi 42'77, Pb 38'79, Ag 3'21; corresponding with the formula 2 (Pb, Ag) S+-i2 S3, making the mineral a jamesonite in which the antimony is replaced by bismuth. B.B. cosalite reacts for sulphur, lead, and bismuth, and with soda on charcoal yields a minute globule of silver. Found associated with quartz and cobaltite in a silver mine at Cosala, Province of Sinaloa, Mexico. CRYOLITE (164, p. 127). Crystals of cryolite have been described and figured by Websky (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 810). His measurements make the form triclinic. The general form of the crystals and the planes are as in f. 130. The following are his measured angles, using the lettering in that figure: IA I=88~ 3' and 91~ 57', 0 A 1-, left,=124~ 35', OA 1-i. front, 125~ 54'125~ 57', 0 A 1-, back,-125~ 28'-125~ 33', 0 A I, right,=90~ 24', 0 A 1, left, 90~ 1'-90~ 10', and 89~ 58', 1, right, A 1-i, front,=124~ 30', 1; left, A 1-i, front,=124~ 14'; 1; right, A 1-i, back,= 126 20''. Two kinds of twins are described: 1, composition-face i-i; and 2, c.-face 0. Websky also describes the optical characters of the crystals. CYANOLITrE How, Ed. N. Phil. J., x. 84, 18,59. (341B.) Amorphous, of a bluish-gray color, little lustre, and nearly opaque; H.=4'5; G.=2'495; B.B. fuses only on the thin edges; gives clear beads with the fluxes. Two analyses by How afforded: gi Al kg Oa: A 71415 0 84 tr. 17-52 0'53 7 39=100-43. 72'52 1'24 tr. 18'19 0'61 6'91=99'47. Probably the same mineral with centrallassite (p. 796), impure with much more silica; or it is chalcedony, impure with centrallassite. The name alludes to the color. DOMEYKITE (37, p. 36). Occurs in the mountain of Paracatas, between Cuatzamala and Tlachapa. ENARGITE (132, p. 107). Occurs, according to E. W. Root (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv.), at the Morning Star mine, Alpine Co., Cal., both massive and in small, brilliant, black crystals, associated with pyrite, quartz, and menaccanite. H.-=4;.G.-=434. Mean of two analyses, S 31'66, As 13 70, Sb 6'03, Fe. with trace Ti, 0172, Cu 45-95, Si 1-08=99'14. ERLANITE. Erlan Breith. Handb., 606. Supposed to be a rock. EUCAIRITE (42, p. 39). According-to A. E. Nordeuski6lcd (CEfv. Ak. Stockholm, 1866, 361, in 798 SUPPLEMENT. J. pr. Ch., cii. 456), this species occurs in opaque silver-white to lead-gray grains in part disSeminated in serpentine, sometimes with indications of cubic or octahedral planes. HI.=2 5; G.='748 —'51. Analyses: Se Cu Ag Fe T1 1. - 24'86 42'57 0'35 tr. 2. 32'01 25 83 44'21 0'36 tr. agreeing with the formula (mu, Ag) Se or Mu Se + Ag Se. Domeyko has examined the selenids from Cacheuta in the province of Mendoza, Chili (C. R., lxiii. 1064), and considers them to consist of mixtures or combinations of three selenids: (A) A compound analogous to eucairite; (B) a selenid of cobalt and iron; and (C) a selenid of lead. Analyses: Se Ag Cu Fe Co Pb Pb 0 Gangue 1. 30'00 21-00 1'80 2-20 0'70 43'50 - - =99-2. 2. 22'40 20'85 12-91 3-10 1-26 6-80 38268 =100. 3. 30'80 9-80 10'20 1-20 2'80 3'710 6'5 =98'4. 4. - 373 13-80 3.35 1'97 21'30 15'25 7140 —-. 5. 23-60 - 080 ~ 57-80 10'90 3'50=98'6. No. 1 had a bright bluish-gray color and metallic lustre, was somewhat porous, and occurred with silicate of copper and carbonate of lead, which last was separated before analysis. G. = 6-8. No. 2 was similar. In 3 and 4 the silver is partly replaced by copper. No. 5 is almost pure selenid of lead. G.=7 6. GANOMATITE Breith., Char., 106, 1832. (Ginsekithigerz Germ., Goose-dung Ore, Chenocoprolite, Dana, Min., 1st ed., 216, 1837.) The material thus named is in part an impure iron-sinter, containing some oxyd of cobalt, etc. That of Joachimsthal is a yellowish incrustation, occurring with smaltine. That of Andreasberg is a mixture of oxyds of antimony, arsenic, and iron, with a little arsenous acid (Ramm. Min. Ch., 993). GERSDORFFITE (86, p. 72). Analyses of gersdorffite, having G.=5'49 —565, from Craigmuir mine, Loch Fyne, Scotland, by D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxv. 181, 1868): S As Ni Co Fe Mn Cu Mg Insol. 20-01 34-45 21'59 6'32 13'12 0'33 tr. 0'66 2'71=99'19. 19.75 35'84 23'16 6-64 11'02 0'33 tr. 0'66 2'60=100. GEOMYRICITE (797, P. 139). The author learns further from L. Lesquereux (March 4, 1868) that, as existing species of the families Poplulus, Myrica, and Lauzus are wax-bearing, wax may have been afforded to the Gesterwitz beds by the species, now fossil in that basin, Cinnamomumn Rossmnassleri Heer, Gautiera lignitum Web., Laurus prinmigenia and L. Lalages Heer, and species of Sassafras; and, as Ceratopetalumn myricinum of de la Harpe is probably a Myrica, this also may have been one of the wax-yielding species of the era. And although no Populus has yet been identified from the basin, species are common in the Tertiary of other parts of Europe and of America, and plants of'the genus probably contributed largely towards these lignitic beds. GILBERTITE Thom., Min., 1, 236. Perhaps an impure kaolinite. Whitish and silky; H. -275: G.=2-65. Lehunt obtained (I. c.) Si 45'15,'1 40-11, Fe 2-43, Mg 1'90, Ca 4'17, lI 4'25. From the lode of Stonagwyn, near St. Austle, Cornwall. GISmONDITE (372, p. 418). Vom Rath mentions Frauenberg. near Fulda, as a new locality of this rare mineral. He speaks of the form as a tetragonal octahedron, and obtained for the angle between two planes over a basal angle 61~ 3~', 61~ 4', which gives for the terminal edge 118~ 566', 118~ 56'. The crystals are in druses in basalt with phillipsite. GLAUCODOT (95, p. 80). Occurs, according to Tschermak (Ber. Ak. Wien, xv. 1867) and v. Kobell (J. pr. Ch., cii. 409), at Hakansbh in Sweden. The crystals have the new plane 2-4. [Basal cleavage less perfect than in the Chilian variety. G.=5'973, Tsch.; 5-96, v. K. Analyses As S Co Ni Fe Si 1. 44'03 19-80 16'06 19'34 -=99'23 E. Ludwig. 2. 44'30 19'85 15'00 0'80 19'07 0'98=100 v. Kobell. SUPPLEMENT. 799 GOLD (1, p. 3). Gold occurs in copper pyrites in the region of Black Bay, on the north shore of Lake Superior, between Neepigon and Thunder Bay, as observed by Chapman, and silver in the galenite of the same veins. The rocks, Chapman remarks, are not Laurentian or Azoic, although metamorphic, but altered Silurian, or "identical in general age with the gold-bearing rocks of eastern Canada and Nova Scotia." D. Forbes has published analyses of Welsh gold (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxiv. 340): Au Ag Fe Quartz. 1. Clogan 90'16 9-26 tr. 032, Cu tr.=99'74. 2. " 89'83 9'24 tr. 0'74=99'81. 3. Mawddach R. 84'89 13'99 0'34 0'43, Cu tr.=99'65. Nos. 1 and 2 were from a quartz vein, associated with tetradymite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galenite, chlorite, calcite, dolomite, ankerite? siderite, and barite. G. of 1= 17 26. No. 3 was stream gold associated with menaccanite. G. =15'79. Gold from the Stanislaus mine, Cal., gave Genth Au 88'63, Ag 11'37 (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 31). HARMOTOMiE (390, p. 439). Descloizeaux has subjected crystals of the morvenite variety to a new examination (L'Institut, 1868, 35), and finds that they are optically monoclinic instead of orthorhombic; and observes, consequently, that they are not hemihedral as suggested by Gadolin, and as stated on p. 440. HEEMATITE (180, p. 140). New forms of crystals of hematite from Keswick, Cumberland, and from Elba, have been described by Hessenberg (Min. Not., No. 8), adding the new planes', -i, from the former, and -a- and -~ from the latter. HESSITE (58, p. 50). Analyses of hessite from the Stanislaus mine by F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 311, 1868): Te Au Ag Pb Ni 1. 44 45 3'28 46-34 1'65 471 —100'43. 2. [39.64] 3.22 55.60 - 1.54=100. In No. 1, 1'21 p. c. of impurity are excluded, of which 4-22 was free gold and the balance quartz; and in No. 2, 28-60 p. c., including 6 p. c. free gold. Genth concludes that the mineral is a mixture of hessite with altaite and his new species melonite (Ni2 Tea); anal. 1 giving 18'11 hessite, 2'67 altaite, and 20'03 melonite, while 2 has 92'82 hessite and 6'55 melonite. HYDROBUCHOLZITr of Thomson. Thomson obtained (Mi., i. 237) gi 41'35, X1 49-55, fI 4'85, gypsum 3'12=98'87. Probably from Sardinia. HUYSSENITE. Eisenstassfurtit IHuyssen, Berggeist, x. 67, 1865, Jahrb. Min. 1865, 329: Stassfurtit Bischof, ib.; Huyssenite Dana. (597A.) This borate, briefly alluded to on page 596, appears to be a distinct species, and has the following characters: Massive, and in nodular concretionary forms. G. =-2'78; but after removal of mixed chlorids, 3'09. Lustre feeble. Color greenish-gray, becoming yellow on exposure, from the iron present. Composition according to Bischof: Mg3 B4 40'36, Fele B4 50'05, Mg C1 9'59 100, corresponding to the formula (I Mg + ~ Fe)s B4. Occurs at the salt mine of Stassfurt, with stassfurtite, which it much resembles; its nodules contain usually a nucleus of common salt, while those of stassfurtite have one of red carnallite. HYALOPHANE (313, p. 346). An analysis of this mineral from Binnenthal gave T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 928) Si 51'84, 1l 22'08, Mg 0'10, Ca0'65, ia 14-82, K, Na [10-03], 1 0-48-100. HYDlROSTICITE v. Walt., Vulk. Gest., 305. (349A.) An amorphous substance or crust from Palagonia and Aci Castello, Sicily, which afforded v. Waltershausen Si 44'90, Mg 4160, Ca 33'32, Na 2'11, K 1-86, I 13'21=100; and another variety, Si 43:31,.1 3'14, Mg 8'66, Ca 28'70, NaK 1-70, 14'48=100. Corresponds nearly to the formula RSi+H. HYDROTALCITr (214, p. 179). E. W. Root has obtained (priv. contrib.) for houghite fronm Somerville, N. Y.: &1 l[g f L Insol. 1. 21-90 31 07 30'65 6-91 8-89=99 42. 2. 21'61 31'52 30'55 6'88 9'15=99'71. Mean 21-75 31'24 30'60 6-89 9'02=99'50. 800 SUPPLEMENT. The insoluble in No. 2 consisted of 4'43 Si and 4-36 undecomposed mica, etc. The results accord closely with those of Johnson. HYPOXANTHITE Rowney, Ed. N. Phil. J., II. ii. 308, 1855; Sienna Earth. A brownishyellow ferruginous clay or ochre, pyobably only clayey yellow ochre. G.=3'46. Analysis obtained Si 11'14, A1l 9-47, 3e 65-35, Ca 0'53, Mg 0'03, H 13'00=99'52. JAMESONITE (112, p. 90). Jamesonite from Eusebi vein, Przibram, Bohemia (v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, lvi. June, 1867), afforded R. Helmhacker S 20'21, Sb 30'81, As tr., Pb 47'15, Fe 1'35=99 54. Occurs in fine fibrous plates and lenticular masses in granular galenite. 809. JAULINGITE. Pt. of Jaulingite v. Zepharovich, Ber. Ak. Wien, xvi. 366, 1855. Amorphous, resin-like. Brownish-yellow. Brittle. At 50oC. softens, 70~C. liquid. Easily soluble in alcohol and ether. Aromatic odor when heated. Ratio for A, HE, 6=39: 60: 4-=e26-H40o 3, Ragsky, who obtained (,) C 77-97, H 10'14, 0 11'89=100. Not soluble in a carbonated alkali, and scarcely at all in a potash solution. The above was dissolved out of a resin (called Jaulingite by v. Z., because occurring at the Jauling, near St. Viet, in Lower Austria) by means of sulphid of carbon. The resin somewhat resembles amber, is hyacinth-red, translucent in thin splinters, may be rubbed to a yellow powder between the fingers, and has H.=2'5, G.-1'098 —1111. 813A. A Beta-jaulingite was obtained from the residue, after the treatment with sulphid of carbon, by the action of ether. Color brownish-yellow. Softens at 135~ C., and becomes liquid at 160~. Dissolves easily in alcohol and ether, but not in carbonated alkali or sulphid of carbon. Ratio fore, H, 0=40: 53.: 8-; or 18: 24: 4, Ragsky, who obtained () C) 70-90, H 7'93, 0 21-17 =100. It contains double the oxygen of the preceding, with less, proportionally, of hydrogen. The ratio is nearest to that of guyaquillite (No. 813). KIRWANITE Thom., Min., i. 378, 1836. A fibrous, green, chlorite-like mineral from the basalt of the N.E. coast of Ireland. R. D. Thomson found in it (1. c.) Si 40'5, Al 11-41, Be 23-91, Ca 19'78, II 4.35=99'95. LEEDSITE Thom. A mixture of Ca S 71-9, ]a S 2-8'1, from near Leeds. LESLEYITE I. Lea, Proc. Ac. Philad., 1867, 44. A soft fibrous mineral found near Unionville, Pa., on corundum, yet undescribed, and not proved to be a new species. MAGNETITE (186, p. 140). A niccoliferous magnetite occurs, according to Petersen (Jahrb. Mlin. 1867, 836), north of Pregratten in the eastern Alps. He obtained for one specimen, on analysis,'e 68'92, Fe 29-32, Ni 1'76,'n, ir, Ti tr.=100. MaRCassITE (90, p. 75). C. Mene has observed that the pyrites of unaltered sedimentary beds is mostly marcasite, while that of metamorphic rocks is pyrite (C. R., lxiv. 867). The following analyses are by him: G. S Fe ~i 1 f: Organ. 1. Champagne 4'1759 () 46'4 40-9 8-4 1'7 2-1 -=99-5. 2. Ain 4'1822 (j) 48-2 42'0 5'8 1-4 1-4 0'3, Ca 0'7=99-8. 3. Bauregard, etc. 4-2066 (~-) 50'7 44'0 3-2 0-6 0-9 0'1, Ca 0-2=99-7. 4. Creusot 4-1809 (2) 49'1 32'5 5'9 0'9 0'9 0'3=99'6. 5. St. Etienne 4'1803 (]) 48-5 42'3 6-6 1-0 0-7 0-3=99'4. 6. Oise and Aisne 4'17"0 () 449 38-9 11'3 2'4 1'7 0'3=99'5. Anal. 1 of nodules; 2, from the oolite ore beds of Villebois and Serrieres; 3, from ammonites, from Bauregard, Mazenay, and Laverpilliere; 4, 5, from the coal-beds; 6, bituminous pyrites. MELANTERITE (664, p. 646). An impure sulphate of iron, apparently a mixture of melanterite and a sulphate of the sesquioxyd (as remarked by Kenngott, Ueb. 1865), from Bourboule, in the Dept. of Puy de Dome, France, has been named Bourboulite by Lefort (C. R., 1862, Iv. 949, Jahrb. Min. 1863, 588). Derived apparently from the alteration of marcasite. Lefort's analyses obtained: 38'04 5'08 16-08 40'80=100. 37'55 8-71 13-83 39'91=100. 35-22 8-25 12-99 43 54-100. It is a friable greenish substance, partly soluble in water and partly in acids. SUPPLEMENT. 801 MELONITE. A. Genith, Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 313, 1868. (100A, Appendix to Sulphids, etc.) A new tellurium mineral from among the ores of the Stanislaus mine. Form hexagonal, with eminent basal cleavage. Generally in indistinct granular and foliated particles. Lustre metallic; color reddish-white, rarely tarnished brown; streak dark gray. Composition Ni2 Te2=Te 76'49, Ni 23-51=100. An analysis afforded Te 73-43, Ag 4'08, Pb 0'72, Ni 20'98=99'21; the nickel contained a minute trace of cobalt. B.B. in the open tube gives a sublimate fusing to colorless drops, leaving a gray mass; on charcoal burns with a bluish flame, giving a white volatile coating, and a greenish-gray residue; in R.F. with soda a gray powder of magnetic metallic nickel. Soluble in nitric acid, giving a green color, and on evaporation yielding a white crystalline powder of tellurous acid. Genth considers the analysis to correspond to 6'60 p. c. hessite, 1-17 altaite. 2'29 native tellurium, and 89'25 melonite, which he assumes to have the composition Ni2 Te3, although he observes that the hexagonal form would better agree with the formula Ni Te. But the latter view would require that over one-third of the mixture should be native tellurium, which he thinks scarcely probable, as the material for analysis, when examined by a strong magnifier, showed a small quantity of dark-colored hessite, but every other particle had a reddish hue, without the slightest admixture apparently of any grayish-white mineral. MENACeANITE (181, p. 143). A variety of this species, from the basalt of Turner's Hill quarry, Stafforjtshire, gave D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxiv. 347), after excluding silicates and insoluble, Ti 34-28, Fe 65'72; G.-=469. MICA GROUP. A micaceous mineral has been named Helvetan by R. T. Simmler (his Petria, 9, Kenug. Ueb. 1865, 135, 1868), but without a determination of its composition or exact relations to other species. It forms part of a schist and quartzite in the gneiss formation (Alpinyte) of the Alps. H.=3-3'5; G.=2-77 —3'03; lustre pearly or waxy; color gray to whitish, reddish, greenish, violet, and copper-red; streak grayish-white to reddish. In the closed tube yields little or no water. B.B. fuses with difficulty on the edges; the borax pearl is colorless when cold. Not attacked by hot acids. Stated to consist probably of silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, and protoxyd of iron. A micaceous mineral from Chester Co., Pa., has been named Pattersonite by I. Lea (Proc. Ac. Philad., 1867, 45), but without the mention of its distinctive characters. MONTANITE (711, p. 668). Dr. Genth has detected this tellurate with the tetradymite of Davidson Co., N. C. (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 319), two analyses affording: Te Bi A: I Cu Se 1. 25'45 68-78 [3'47] 1'04 1'26=100. 2. 23-90 71-90 [2-80] 1'08 0'32=100. Genth remarks that it is still doubtful whether the mineral contains 1 or 2 atoms of water. MUSCOVITE (294, p. 309). New analyses of this species, with an extended discussion of the chemical composition of the different kinds of mica, have been published by Rammelsberg in ZS. G., xix. 400: Si l Fe Fe Mn Mg STa R F 1. Uton, Sweden 45'75 35'48 1-86 -- 0'52 0'42 1'58 10'36 1'32 2'50=99'79. 2. Easton, Pa. 46-74 35'10 4'00 1'53 -- 0,80 -- 9'63 1'05 3-36=102-21. 3. Goshen, Mass. 47'02 36-83 0'51 -- 1'05 0'26 0'30a 9'80 0'52 3'90=100'19. 4. Aschaffenburg 47'69 33'07 3-07 2'02 - 1'73b -- 9-70 019 3-66=101'13. 5. Bengal 47 39 35'56 2 19 - 053 0-96 0-83 9'53 0'46 4-11=102-16. a With lithia. b With manganese. c With lime. No. 1, G.=2'836, optic-axial angle 72~-733, Senarmont; 2, G.=2 904, optic-axial angle 64-8~, Quincke; 3, G.=2'859, optic-axial angle 75 —76~, Descl.; 4, G.=2-911, optic-axial angle 67-9~, Quincke; Bengal, G. -2'827, optic-axial angle 66'1~. The mineral from Easton is evidently not the silvery mica referred on p. 307 to biotite, the optical angle of which, according to both Grailich and Blake, is less than 2~. Mica from Royalston, Mass., afforded T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 928, 1868) Si 46-03, 1l 32'10,. Fe 6-85, -Mn 2-48, Mg 0'23, Ca 0'90, K 11'20=99179; G.=2-947. NEPHRITE. Kastner has analyzed an aluminous jade or nephrite from China (Gehlen's J., ii. 51 802 SUPPLEMENT. 459), differing from those of pp. 237, 290, 292; and. Melchior and Meyer (Ber. Ak. Wien, xlix 4175) a kind from New Zealand. Both are infusible, or nearly so. They obtained: Si Al Pe [g Ca Rt ft 1. China 50'50 10'00 5'50 31'00 - -- 2-75, Cr 0'05 Kastner. 2. N. Zealand 53'01 10'83 7'18 14'50 12-40 0'97 1'11=100'00 M. & M. 3. It 55-01 13'66 3'52 21'62 1'42 5-04 —100-27 M. & M. For 2. 0. ratio for R,, Pi, 95: 7'2: 27'5; for 3, 8'9: 714: 28-6. Nos. 2 and 3, as described by iochstetter (1. c.), are somewhat slaty, and are hardest on the transverse surfaces of fracture. In No. 2, H.=-5 —55; in another, 3'5-5. G.-2-61. Itis called tangiwai bythe NewZealanders. B.B. thinnest splinters infusible, but becomes white and opaque. In No. 3, H.=-55 —6 5; on a polished cross face, 7. G.-=302. B.B. fuses with great difficulty, becomes discolored and opaque. This variety contains much water. These minerals are probably mere mixtures, as may well be true of such massive substances. For non-aluminous jade or nephrite, see p. 237. ORTHocLASE (316, p. 352). The twin crystals of orthoclase from Carlsbad, Bohemia, afforded Rammelsberg and Bulk (ZS. G., xviii. 393): Si A1 Pe k1g Ca:a SNa K 1. White G.=2 573 63'02 18'28 - 0-14 -- 0-48 2-41 15'67=100 Ramm. 2. Reddish G.=2'55 65-23 18'26 0'27 -- tr. - 1-45 14-66=99-87 C. Bulk. White feldspar from Royalston, Mass., gave T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 927, 1868) Si 65179, 1A 17146, Fe tr., Mg tr., Ca 0'59, Na 5-21, K 14'26, H' 037=100-98. G.=2-631. PALAGONITE (425, p. 483). Von Wartha found in the palagonite of the basaltic tufa of Battina,:in Baranyer Com.itat (Hungary) (Verh. G. Reichs. 1867, 210), Si 26-99, A 11109, Fe 8'43, Ca 12'69, Mg 2'29, Sr 1-03, Na 0-63, K 107, ft 11'09, C 1770, phosphate of lime 0'97, insoluble residue 16-81=99'89. Excluding the residue. phosphate of lime and carbonic acid, with its equivalent of lime, the results become Si 41-78,'Al 17-17, ie 13'05, Ca 4'47. IMg 355, Sr 019, K 1'66, Na 0'97, 1i 17116=100'00, corresponding very well with the composition of palagonite from -other localities. PLAGIOCLASE. Breithaupt's name for the group of triclinic feldspars, the two prominent cleavage directions in which are oblique to one another, rX6aytos signifying oblique. PLOMBIERITE Dacubrete,,C. R., xlvi. 1088, 1858, Ann. d. M., V. xiii. 24-1. (340A.) A gelatinous substance which hardens in the open air, formed from the thermal waters of Plombidres. It becomes, on hardening, opaque snow-white. It afforded, after drying at 100~0., Si 40-6, Al 1'3, -Ca 34-1, tH 23'2=99'2, corresponding to Ca Si+2 1, a hydrated silicate of lime. Chabazite and apophyllite in fine crystals are other results of the action of the waters of Plom-',bieres on the brick and mortar of an old Roman aqueduct, besides hyalite, aragonite, and perhaps scolecite and harmotome. PYRITE (75, p. 62). The pyrite associated with the niccoliferous pyrrhotite of Inverary, Scotland, gave D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxv. 178) S 49'32, Fe 45'73, Ni 1'99, Co 1'24, Cu 1'18,,insoluble 0'06=99-52; G.=4'93. Forbes says that, in the examination of several hundred!specimens of pyrite and pyrrhotite from different localities, nickel is rarely found in pyrite, while:bften present in pyrrhotite; on the contrary, cobalt is rather common in pyrite, and, compared,with nickel, in quite small quantity in pyrrhotite. Analyses of pyrite from different French localities by C. MBne (C. R., lxiv. 870): G. S Fe Si Al ft 1. Chessy and St. Bel 4-6205 (~4)46-5 39'3 10'0 3'8 0'2=99'8. 2. Lavoulte 417712 () 48'7 42'9 710 0'8 01, Ca 0'3=99-8.:3. Allevard 47500 48'5 42'1 6'5 2-0 0'4=99'5. 4. Aude 417428 49-1 43'5 6-0 1'0 0'2=99'8.:5. Elba 4-8008 52'2 43'5 4'0 0'1 — =99'8. 6. Conflens 4'8102 52'4 43'1 385 0 7 0'2=99 9. 7. Allier 4'8033 52-7 44'2 2 5 - 0'2=99'6.,8. Gard 4-7318 (22)48'5 40'5 817 1'7 0'3=9971. SUPPLEMENT. 803 Meine observes that the pyrites of unaltered sedimentary rocks is mostly marcasite. PYROMELANE C. U. Shepard, Am. J. Sci., II. xxii. 96, 1856, Min., 253, 1857. In angular grains from the gold-washings of McDowell Co., N. C. H.-=65; G.=3'87; lustre resinous; color reddish to yellowish-brown and black; subtranslucent. B.B. infusible, but becomes black and opaque (whence the name); soluble in the fluxes, giving reactions of titanic acid and iron. Stated to be "essentially a titanate of alumina and iron with traces of lime and glucina," and "may contain zirconia also "; but the evidence of such a composition is not given. Perhaps a variety of titanite. PYROXENE (238, p. 212). An analysis of malacolite from Gefrees (Fichtelgebirge) afforded K. Haushofer (J. pr. Ch., cii. 35) 9i 54'00,;1l 0-62, Fe 3'78, Ma 0-27, Mg 15-31, Ca 25'46=99'65. G. =3285. For an article on the constitution of aluminous pyroxene and amphibole, by Rammelsberg, see ZS. G. Ges., xix. 496; and a word on the formula7 by the author, p. 794. Canaanite is a whitish pyroxene rock, as stated on page 322. It was called scapolite rock by Hitchcock (G. Rep. Mass., 315, 1835, 369, 1841), and later named Canaacnite in Alger's Min., 1844, after an analysis (see below) by S. L. Dana. It is a whitish and grayish-white rock, subcrystalline in fracture, with H.=6'5 and G.=3 07, and constitutes ridges in the vicinity of Canaan, Ct. It is overlaid by a dolomite, abounding in some layers in crystals of whitish pyroxene, and at the junction is much mixed with the dolomite. Dr. Dana obtained in his analysis (Hitchcock's Rep., 569, 1841): Si 53'37 Al 10-38 Pe 4'50 Mg 1'62 Oa 25'80 0 4'00=99'67. A specimen has been recently analyzed by B. S. Burton (priv. contrib.), with the following results, showing that the alumina of the preceding was an error: Si 51'30 Fe 1'60 Mg 16-47 Oa 2.5'21 C 5-91 A 0'39=100'88. The 5-91 carbonic acid corresponds to 13-41 of carbonate of lime present as impurity, Whether the carbonate is a result of alteration or not is yet unascertained. PYRRHOTITE (68, p. 58). Analyses of niccoliferous pyrrhotite from Inverary and from the Craigmuir mine, Scotland, by D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxv. 174); S Fe Ni Co Cu Insol. 1. Inverary 37'50 49'97 11-17 tr. tr. 0'24, Mg 0'96=99'84. 2. Craigmuir 37'99 50-87 10'01 1'02 tr. 0'38, As 0'04=100'31. G. of 1=4'50; 2=4'602. Forbes suggests that there may be two definite compounds under niccoliferous pyrrhotite; one with the formula 5 (Fe7 S) + Ni S, with 10'93 of nickel, and one 15 (Fe7 Sj) + Ni S with 4-10 nickel, corresponding, according to him, with many analyses of pyrrhotite from a wide range of localities. QUARTZ (231, p. 189). See TRIDYMITE and VESTAN beyond. REFDANSKITE Hermann, J. pr. Ch., cii. 405. (412A.) An earthy mineral occurring in masses which fall to powder under slight pressure. Adheres to the tongue. Color dirty grayish-green. G.=2-77. Analysis: Si 32-10 l1 3'25 Fe 12'15 Ni 1833 Mg 11'50 II 950 Mn,:i tr. Sand 13'00=9983. Or, excluding the sand, 9i 36-92, X1 3'73, Fe 13'97, Ni 21-07, M.g 13'22, A 10'92=99'83. 0. ratio for 1G, Si, H, 3: 4: 2, the same as in serpentine, of which this species may be considered a niccoliferous variety (see p. 464). RICIMONDITE. HYPOTHETICAL PHOSPHATE. The substance labelled gibbsite from Richmond, Mass., in which Hermann states he found 37 p. c. of phosphoric acid (see his analysis under Gibbsite, p. 178) has been named Richmondite by Kenngott (Vierteljahrschr. nat. Ges. Zurich, xi. 225). SCHEELITE (614, p. 605). Rammelsberg has measured crystals from the Riesengebirge (ZS. G., xix. 493), and deduced the same dimensions as those of Dauber given on p. 605 (Pogg., cvii. 272). The crystals are unusually fine, some of them being an inch in length. They are found at Kies 804 SUPPLEMENT. berg between Gross-Aupa and the Riesenbaude, as described by Roemer (ZS. G., xv. 607), who also gives some measurements of the crystals, besides a particular account of the geological character of the region. SELBITE. Luftsaures Silber (from anal. by Selb) Widenmann, Min., 689, 1794, Lenz, Min., 95, 1794; Grausilber; Carbonate of Silver; Selb, Tasch. Min., xi. 394, 1817; Selbit Haid., Handb., 506, 1845. A grayish ore, made a carbonate by Selb, its discoverer, in 1788, at the mine Wenzel near Wolfach, with the composition (Widenmann, 1. c., here cited from Lenz, 1. c.), Carbonic acid 12, oxyd of silver 72'5, antimony 15-2, with carbonic acid and oxyd of copper. According to Walchner (Mag. f. Pharm., xxv. 1) it is only a mixture; and, according to Sandberger (Jahrb. Min. 1864, 221), one of Selb's original specimens, under the lens, proved to contain within earthy argentite, besides dolomite and silver, and all parts afforded a sulphur reaction. Del Rio described a carbonate of silver from Real Catorce, Mexico, where it is called Plata Azul (Gilb. Ann., lxxi. 11), which also is regarded as a mixture. SERPENTINE (411, p. 464). An analysis of the dark green noble serpentine of Newburyport, Mass., gave T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 931, 1868) Si 41'76, A1 Ir., Fe 4'06, Mg 41-40, H 13-40 =)100'62. G.=2-804. SILICATE OF YTTRIA Damour, L'Institut, 1853, 78. IIH.= —5-6; scratches glass. G.=4-391. Color brown. Probably a silicate of yttria. B.B. whitens, but infusible. Not soluble in salt of phosphorus. Sulphuric acid heated to 300~C. decomposes it, leaving a siliceous residue. From the diamond sands of Bahia, Brazil. TENORITE (Melaconite, 1 18, p. 1.36). The tenorite, or oxyd of copper (Ou 0) in small delicate folia, occurring at Vesuvius, possesses, according to Maskelyne (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1865, 33), double refraction, and moreover is optically biaxial. This author also states that there are two equal cleavages inclined to one another 72~. As the names tenorite and melaconite were given the same year, and tenorite was made non-isometric (hexagonal) by its describer, it appears to be right that tenorite should be sustained for the above mineral, and melaconite be left for the isometric kind, if any such proves to be a native species. That there is an isometric form of this Cu 0 has been announced by Becquerel, as stated on p. 137. Tenorite may have the form and dimensions found by Jenzsch in crystals of Cu 0 from the hearth of a furnace (1. c.), or those approximately of brookite; and this would place it near brookite in the system, under the chemical formula eu 02 (analogous to that of brookite). Having this place in the arrangement it would be numbered 198B. Melaconite crystals from Cornwall, collected by Mr. Tailing, have been described by Maskelyne (1. c.) as monoclinic, with the planes 0, i-i, I, 1, -1, 6-i, 6-s, and 0 A i-i=80~ 28'. No measured angles are given, but only the deduced dimensions. They have basal cleavage easy. The crystals are often twins. and the composition-face in some of them is i-i. H. a little above 4; G.=5-82527. Church has ascertained that the crystals are essentially pure Cu 0. It would appear, according to these observations, that this oxyd of copper is trimorphous; and there exists a doubt whether tenorite may not have this oblique form. TETRADYMITE (31, p. 30). F. A. Genth has analyzed tetradymite from Highland, Montana Territory, and from the Phoenix mine, Cabarras Co.,'N. C., as follows (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 317): Te Bi S Fe Cu Quartz. 1. Montana 47'60 50'43 - 0'90 -- 0'78=100'01. 2. Phcenix mine 36'28 5? 70 5'01 Fe 0'54 0'41 --— 99 94. No. 1 gives the ratio of Bi and Te 2: 3, like the tetradymite from Fluvanna Co., Va., and Field's mine, Ga. No. 2 contains a small amount of pyrite, leaving 4'40 p. c. sulphur combined with the bismuth, and giving the ratio of S, Te, Bi=1: 203: 2=Bi2 S'+2 Bi2 Te3. TETRAHEDRITE (125, p. 100). The following are new analyses: 1. Mineral from the Goodwin mine near Prescott, Arizona, by F. A. Genth (Am. J. Sci., II. xlv. 32(l). 2. An argentiferous variety (freibergite) from the Foxdale mine, Isle of Man, by D. Forbes (Phil. Mag., IV. xxxiv. 350), who calls it polytelite, though not the true polytelite of Glocker (p. 104), by whom this name was introduced; G. =4'97. Forbes mentions a similar variety from the Tyddynglwadis mine in N. Wales. 3. Freibergite from the De Soto mine, Star City, Nevada, by B. S. Burton (Am. J. Sci, II. xlv 320); G. —5. SUPPLEMENT. 800 S Sb As Cu Fe Zn Ag Pb 1. Arizona 26'97 24'67 tr. 38'16 1'05 6'23 3'21 - 100'29 Genth. 2. Isle of Man 27'48 24-85 - 22'62 4-80 4'65 13'57 1'43, quartz 0'34=9974 Forbes 3. Nevada 24'35 27'35 - 27'40 4'27 2'31 1459 -,insol. 035=100'62 Burton. From No. 1, 4'22 p. c. of quartz have been deducted. TIEMANNITE (65, p. 56). Analysis of this species from Charlotte mine, at Clausthal in the Hlarz, gave T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 919), after excluding oxyd of iron and gangue, Se 24'88, S 0'20, Hg 75'15, Pb 012=-100'35. G.=7-15. TITANITE (329, p. 383). Hessenberg, in No. 8 of his Min. Not. (1868), describes and figures crystals of sphene from Zillerthal, Greiseralp, St. Marcel (greenovite), Santorin. In the lettering on the figures, pp. 383, 384, and in the accompanying text, the minvus symbols should properly (according to the principle on p. xxvii) be plus, and the reverse. TRICHITE, BELONITE. The name Trichite (from 0pi5, hair) is applied by Zirkel (ZS. G., xix. 744, 1867) to microscopic capillary forms, often curved, bent, or zigzag, sometimes stellately aggregated, opaque and black or reddish-brown, of undetermined nature, which he detected in some kinds of glassy or semi-glassy volcanic rocks; and Belonile (ib., 738) to microscopic acicular crystals (whence the name, from /eX6ev, a needle), colorless and transparent. The trichite, he states, is not pyroxene or hornblende; the belonite may be a feldspar. TRIDMYITE Vom Rath, Vorgetr. Ch. Ges. Bonn, March 7, 1866, pub. in 1868 (copy rec'd from v. R., May 8, 1868). (231A.) Besides the two well-known forms of silica, quartz and opal, and the two problematical forms described by Jenzsch (pp. 201, and below), another is announced by v. Rath under the above name. Tridymite occurs in small hexagonal tables, colorless and transparent, which are usually compound, and mostly of three individuals. It has G.-2'2-2-3, or the low specific gravity of opal, instead of that of ordinary quartz. Vom Rath alludes to the possibility of its being a pseudomorph of some unknown mineral, but observes that it has the double refraction of a substance optically uniaxial. It occurs in druses in a volcanic porphyry, from Cerro St. Cristoval, near Pachucha, Mexico, along with crystals of hematite and needles of a gold-lustred hornblende. Named in allusion to its compound forms of three individuals, or trins, from rpidvos5. URANOPHANE Websicy, ZS. G., v. 427, 1853, xi. 384. (376B?) Orthorhombie, IA 1=146' from IA i-i=107U; a macrodome of about 90'. Crystals microscopic acicular six-sided prisms in druses, containing also sometimes crystals of torbernite. Color of isolated crystals honey-yellow, of masses leek-green, sometimes blackish-green from mixture with uraninite. Optically orthorhombic. H. below 3. G.=2-6-2'8; 2'78 of a specimen not wholly pure. Lustre of face i-ti pearly, elsewhere vitreous. Analyses by Grundmann (ZS. G., xi. 390): Si i1: kIg Oa K'T Dt Bi Sb Te Fe Pb Cu Ag S 1. 15-81 5'65 49'84 1'35 4'69 1-71 0-12 14-11 1-73 1-46 0'43 0-57 0-29 0-21 0-11 1-66= 99.74. 2. 11'19 2'80 54'23 1'19 3'58 0'80 0-05 12-19 1-77 1-86 0'22 0-89 0-38 5'24? 3-96= 100'34. Separating the sulphids as impurities from No. 1, Websky deduces the O. ratio for X, i, Si, f=1: 5: 4: 6, making it hence, if the water be taken as accessory, a -subsilicate; whence the formula (l )13+ ~R)Si+- 3 H. The specimen for the second analysis contained some uraninite. Found in granite, at Kupferberg in Silesia. VALAITE. VWlait W. Helmhacker, Jahrb. G. Reichs, xvii. 210, 1867. Crystallized. Partly in small hexagonal tables, but forms not distinct. Also massive. H. below 1'5. Lustre shining. Color pitch-black. Streak black. Odor aromatic when rubbed between the fingers. Fracture uneven. Belongs among the resins, but composition undetermined. B.B. swells to more than 10 times its former bulk, and becomes a light, porous mass, which in a higher heat is reduced to a grayish ash. Occurs in thin crusts on dolomite and calcite, or in druses of small crystals, in the Rossitz-Oslawaner Coal formation, Moravia. It is associated with hatchettite, and the same bed affords some mineral oil. 806 SUPPLEMENT. VESTAN Jenzsch, Pogg., cv. 320, 1858. Quartz under a triclinic form, according to Jenzsch's observations. The angles are stated to be only approximative. Two of them, 95j~ and 133~, are very near R A R and R A -R in ordinary quartz; G.-=2 65 —2'66, as in quartz. The observations need confirmation. The crystals here referred occur mostly in m'elaphyre, and the localities mentioned are mainly in Saxony and the Thuringer Wald. VOLGERITE (229, p. 188). The name Volgerite was given by the author (Min., 142, 1854) to Volger's mineral, for which Volger wrote the formula adopted as that of the species on p. 188. The African mineral analyzed by Cumenge, which is referred on the same page to Volgerite, although of somewhat doubtful composition, is the Cumengite of Kenngott (Min., 29, 1853). WASITE J. F. Bahr, Pogg., cxix. 512, 1863. A mineral resembling allanite, of a brownish-black color, but yellowish-brown in thin splinters and powder, with traces of cleavage in one direction. According to a qualitative examination by Bahr, it contains silica, alumina, yttria, sesquioxyd of iron, cerium, didymium, calcium, manganese, lime, alkali, a trace of uranium,Pwithout glucina, together with the oxyd of a new metal he named wasiurn (after the royal family of Wasa, Sweden). In a later paper (Ann. Ch. Pharm., cxxxii. 127), Bahr makes this oxyd thoria. Nickles had suggested previously that it might be impure cerium. From Rlnsholm, an island near Stockholm. The relations of the mineral remain doubtful. WERNERITE (299, p. 320). The pink scapolite of Bolton, Mass., yielded T. Petersen (Jahresb. 1866, 928, 1868) Si 48'34, A1 29'09, Ca 15'40, Na, with a little K [6'55], AH 0'62=100. G.= 21719. The analysis agrees very closely with that by Wolff (p. 320). WRHLERITE (265, p. 261). According to new optical investigations by Descloizeaux (L'Institut, 1868, 35), wdhlerite crystals are monoclinic instead of orthorhombic. ZOISITE (280, p. 290). Damour (C.R., ]xiii. 1038) found on analysis of an ancient stone implement from Neuchatel a composition corresponding to that of saussurite, Si 50-69,;i 25-65, Fe 2-50, Mg 5'76, Oa 10'61, Na 4'64, ign. 0'30=100'15. G.=3'20-3'43. A zoisite from Pinzgau has part of the alumina replaced by oxyd of chrome, according to F. Sandberger (Jahrb. Min. 1867, 834). A chrome zoisite has also been mentioned by Breithaupt as occurring in Salzburg. GENERAL INDEX. Abichite, 570. Alexandrite, 155. Alvite, 511. Abrazite, 418. Algerite, 323. Amalgam, Native, 13. Acadialite, 434. Algodonite, 37. Gold, 14. Acanthite, 51. Alipite, 404. Amausite, 351. Acerdese, 171. Alisonite, 84. Arazonstone, 855. Achates, 194. Alizite, v. Alipite, 404. Amber, 740. Achirite, 401. Allagite, 227. Amblygonite, 545. Achmatite, 281. Allanite, 285. Ambrite, 741. Achmit, 224. Allemontite, 18. Amethyst, 193. Achroite, 365. Allochroite, 268. Oriental, 138. Achtaragdite, 478. Alloclasite, 81. Amiant, 234, 465. Acicular Bismuth, 100. Allogonite, 546. Amianthoide, 234. Aciculite, 100. Allomorphite, 616. Amianthoide magnesite, 175. Acmite, 224. Allopalladium, 12. Amianthus, 234, 465. Actinolite, Actinote, 232. Allophane, 419. Ammiolite, 547. Adamantine spar, 138. Alluaudite, 542. Ammonalun, 651. Adamas, 21, 138. Almandin, Almandite, 267. Ammonia alum, 651. Adamine, Adamite, 565. Alstonite, 698. Ammonia, Bicarbonate, 705. Adamsite, 309. Altaite, 44, 793. Muriate, 114. Adelpholite, 525; 275. Alum, Native, 651, 652. Phosphate, 551. Adinole, 349. Ammonia, 651. Sulphate, 635. Adularia, 352. Feather, 654. Ammonia and Soda, Phosphate.iEdelforsite, 212, 400. Iron, 654. 551. 1Edelite, 410. Magnesia, Manganese, So- Amoibite, 72..f'girine, 2Egyrite, 223. da, 653. Amphibole, 232, 793. AEnigmatite, 285. Alumian, 631. Amphibolite, 235, 343. 2Erosite, 94. Alumina, 137. Amphigene, 334. Aes cyprium, 14. Fluate, 126. Amphigenyte, 335. 2Eschynite, 522, 793. Fluosilicate, 376. Amphilogite, 311. Aftonite, 104. Hydrate, 168. Amphithalite, 587. Agalmatolite, 480; 452, 454, 483. Hydro-Sulphate, 658. Amphodelite, 337. Agaphite, 580. Mellate, 750. Anagenite, v. Chrome ochre. Agaric mineral, 680. Phosphates, 575, 587. Analcite, Analcime, 432. Agate, 194. Sulphate, 631, 649, 658, Analcime carnea, 317. Agnesite, 793. 662. Analzim, 432. Agustite, 530. Alumina and Lime Phosphate, Anatase, 161. Aigue-marine, 245. 587. Anauxite, 458. Aikinite, 100. Carbonate, 709. Andalusite, 371, 794. Ainalite, 159. Alumine fluatde alcaline, 126. Andesine, Andesite, 344. Akanthit, 51. phosphat6e, 575, 587. Andesyte, 345. Akanticone, 281. sulfat6e, 631, 649, 658, Andradite, 268. Akmit, 224. 662. Andreasbergolite, 439. Akontit, 78. Aluminilite, 658. Andreolite, 439. Alabandin, Alabandite, 46. Aluminite, 658. Anglarite, 556. Alabaster, 637. Aluminum, Fluorid, 126. Anglesite, 622. Alalite, 214. Alumocalcite, 199. Anglesite, Cupreous, 663. Alaun, 651. Alumstone, 658. Anhydrite, 621. Alaunstein, 658, 659. Alun, 651. Ankerite, 685. Albertite, 753. Alunite. 658. Annabergite, 560. Albin, 415. Alunogen, 649. Annite, 308. Albite, 348; 324. Alurgite, 764. Annivite, 103. 808 GENERAL INDEX. Anorthite, 331, 794. Aphroselenon, 640. Arsenikbleispath, v. Mlimetite Antholite, 234; 230, 231. Aphrosiderite, 502. Arsenikbliithe, 183, 554. Anthophyllite, 231; 208. Aphthalose, Aphthitalite, 615. Arsenikeisen, 76. Hydrous, 242. Aphthonite, 104. Arsenikalfahlerz, 104. Antjhosiderite, 407. Apjohnite, 653. Arsenikglanz, 18. Anthracite, 154. Aplome, 268. Arsenilkkalk, 183. Anthraconite, 677. Apophyllite, 415. Arsenikkies, 76, 78. Anthracoxen, 745, 746. Apyrite, 365. Arsenikkobaltkies, 71. Anthracoxenite, 746. Aquamarine, 245: 530. Arsenikkupfer, 36. Anthrax, 138, 147. Armoxene, 609. Arsenikmangan, 61. Antiedrite, 417. Aragonite, 694. Arseniknickel, 60, T0. Antigorite, 465. Aragonspath, 694. Arsennickelglan z, 72. Antimoine natif, 18. Arcanite, 615. Arseniksaures, 564. oxide, 184. Arcticite, 319. Arseniksilber, 35. oxid6 sulfure, 186. Arendalite, 281. Arseniksilberblende, 96. sulfur6, 29. Arfvedsonite, 243. Arsenik-sinter, 574. sulfur6 nickelif6re, 73, Argent antimonial, 35. Arsenikspiessglanz, 18. sulfure plombo-cuprifere, antimoni6 sulfure, 94; 93. Arsenikwismuth, 18, 391. 96. bromure, 115. Arseniosiderite, 584. Antimon, Gediegen, 18. corn6, 115. Arsenite, 183. Antimon-arsen, 18. fragile, 106. Arsenocrocite, 584. Antimonate of Lead, 591. gris antimonial, 93. Arsenomelan, 87, 92. Antimonbleispath, 591. iodur6, 117. Arsenolite, 183. Antimonblende, 186. molybdique, 32. Arsenopyrite, 78, 394. Antimonbliithe, 184. muriate, 115. Arsenosiderite, 76. Antimonfahlerz, 100. natif, 9. Arsenous acid, 183. Antimonglanz, 90. noir, 106. Asbeferrite, 2:34. Antimonite of quicksilver, 547. s1nniure, 39. Asbestus, 234; 216. Antimonial arsenic, 18. sulfure, 38. Blue, 243. copper, 85. sulfur6 flexible, 55. Asbolan, Asbolite, 181. copper glance, 96. sulfure fragile, 106. Asparagus-stone, 530. nickel, 61. sulfur6 antimonif6re et cu- Aspasiolite, 485; 301. ochre, 187, 188. prif6re, 93. Asperolite, 402. silver, 35. Argentine, 678. Asphaltene, 729, 751. Antimonite, 29. Argentite, 38. Asphaltum, 751. Antimonkupferglanz, 96. Argentopyrite, 39. Aspidelite, 383. Antimonnickel, 61. Argillyte, 359. Asteria, 138. Antimononickelglanz,:7 3. Argyrit, 38. Astrakanite, 643. Antimonocher, 187. Argyroceratite, 115. Astrophyllite, 308. Antimonophyllite, 185. Argyrose, 38. Atacamite, 121, 794. Antimonoxyd, 184. Argyrythrose, 94. Atelesite, 392. Antimonsaures bleioxyd, 591. Aricite, 418. Atlaserz, 113. Antimonsilber, 35. Arkansite, 164. Atlasite, 716. Antimonsilberblende, 94. Arksutite, 128. Atheriastite, 323. Antimony, Native, 18. Armenian whetstone, 138. Atramenstein, 645. Arsenical, 18. Arquerite, 14. Atramentum, 645. Gray, 29; 90. Arragonite, 694. Attacolite, 580. Oxyd, 184. Arsenate of lime, 554. Auerbachite, 275. Plumose ore of, 91. Arseneisen, 76, 77. Augerlite, 580. Red, 186. Arseneisensinter, 589. Augite, 216. Sulphid, Sulphuret, 29. Arsenglanz, 18. Auina, 332. White, 184. Arsenic, Antimonial, 18. Auralit, 485. Antimony blende, 184, Native, 17. Aurichalcite, 712. bloom, 184. jaune, 27. Auriferous pyrites, 6. glance, 29. oxyd6, 183. Auripigmentum, 27. ochre, 187, 188. rouge, 26. Aurotellurite, 81. Antozonite, 124. sulfur6, 27. Aurum graphicum, 81. Antrimolite, 430. Sulphid, 26, 27. paradoxum, 19. Apatelite, 657. mrhite, 183. Automolite, 149. Apatite, 530. Arsenical antimony, 18. Autunite, 586. Aphanese, Aphanesite, 570. bismuth, 18. Aventurine, quartz, 193. Aphanyte, 240. Arsenicite, 554. feldspar, 335, 346, 355. Aph6r6se, 563. Arsenigesaure, 183. Axinite, 297. Aphrite, Aphrizite, 365, 678. Arsenikalkies, 76. Azorite, 761. Aphrodite, 457. Arsenikantimon, 18. Azure spar, or stone, 572. GENERAL iEDEX. 809 Azulrite, 715; 512. Bergpech, 741, 751. Black jack, 48. Berggriin, 713. Blakeite, 652. Babingtonite, 227, 794. Bergsalz, 112. Bl3ttererz, 82. Bagrationite, 285. Bergseife, 476. Blitterkies, v. Marcasite. Baierine, 515. Bergtheer, 751. Blattertellur, 82. Baikalite, 215. Berlinite, 571. Blitterzeolith, 444. Baikerinite. 747. Bernstein, 740, 741. Blaubleierz, 40. Baikerite, 733. Bery], 245, 794. Blaueisenerz, 556. Balas ruby, 147. Berthierine, 511. Blaueisenstein, 243. Ballesterosite, 63. Berthierite, 86. Blauspath, 572. Baltimorite, 503; 465. Berzelianite, 46, 795. Blei-aluminat, 577. Bamlite, 373. Berzeliite, 544. Blei, Gediegen, 17. Bardiglione, 621. Berzeline, 46; 362. Bleichromat, 629. Barilla de cobre, 15. Berzelite, 120. Bleifahlerz, v. Bournonite. Barnhardtite, 67, 794. Beudantite, 589. Bleigelb, v. Wulfenite. Baralite, v. Bavalite. Beurre de Montagne, 655. Bleiglanz, 40. Barite, 616. Beustite, 281. Bleiglas, 622. Barolite, 697. Bieberite, 647. Bleiglitte, 136. Baroselenite, 616. Biharite, 483. Bleigummi, 577. Barrandite, 574:; 584. Bildstein, 480. Bleilasur, 663. Barsowite, 340. Bimsstein, v. Pumice, 359. Bleihornerz, 703. Barytoc6lestin, 616. Bindheimite, 591. Bleimolybdat, 6017. Barystrontianite, 699. Binnite, 90; 87. Bleiniere, 591. Baryta, Carbonate, 697. Biotine, 337. Bleinierite, 591. Carb. of lime and, 698. Biotite, 304. Bleioxyd, 136. Sulphate, 616. Bismite, 185. Bleischeelat, 606. Sulphato-carb., 698. Bismuth, 19. Bleischimmer, 91. Baryt, Barytes, 616. Acicular, 100. Bleisulphotricarbonat, 624. Barytite, Barytine, 616, Carbonate, 716. Bleischweif, 40. Baryt-Elarmotome, 439. Cupreous, 86, 98, 100. Bleivitriol, 622. Barytocalcite, 701; 698. Native, 19. Blende, 48. Barytocelestite, 620; 617. Oxyd,,185. Bl1dite, 643. Barytophyllit, 504. Silicate, 391. Bloodstone, 194. Basalt, 343. sulfure plombo-argentifere, Blue asbestus, 243. Basaltine, 216. 36. feldspar, 572. Basanite, 195. sulfure plombo-cuprifire, iron earth, 556. B3asanomelan, 143. 100. john, 123. Basicerine, 126. Sulphuret, 30. malachite, 715. Bastite, 469; 209. Telluric, 30, 31. spar, 572. Bastonite, 308. Bismuth-glance, 30. vitriol, 648. Bathvillite, 742. blende, 391. Blumenbachite, 46. Batrachite, 255. nickel, 47. Blumite, 604. Baudisserite, 686. ochre, 185. Blutstein, 140. Baulite, 359. silver, 36. Bobierrite, 795. Bauxite, 174. Bismuthaurite, 795. Bodenite, 289. Bavalite, 796. Bismuthine, 30. Bohnerz, 172. Bayldonite, 565. Bismuthinite, 30. Bog-butter, 747. Beaumontite, 444. Bismutholamprite, 30. Bog-iron ore, 172, 178. Beauxite, 174. Bismutite, 716. manganese, 181. Bechilite, 597. Bitterkalk, 682. Bole, Bolus, 476. Beckite, 196. Bittersalz, 644. Bolivianite, 109. Beiistein, 233. Bitter spar, 682. Bolognian spar, 616. Beinbrech, v. Tufa. Bitterspath, 682. Bolopherit, 215. Bell-metal ore, 68. Bitterstein, 290. Boltonite. 255. Belonit, 100, 805. Bitume liquide, 723. Bonsdorffite, 485; 301. Benzole, 737. glutineux, 728. Boracic acid, 594. teraunite, 558. Bitumen, 751. Boracite, 595.,Berengelite, 753. Elastic, 734. Borax, 597. Berg-butter, 655. Bituminoses holz, 755. Borazit, 595. Berg-crystal, v. Quartz. Bituminous coal, 754. Bordite, 398. Bergholz, 406. Black copper, 136; 181. Borickite, 588. Bergmannite, 426. hematite, 180. Boricacid, 594. Bergmehl, 680. manganese, 162. Bornine, 30. Bergmilch, 680. silver, 106. Bornite, 44. Berg6l, 723. lead, 24. Brnstein, v. Bernstein. 810 I GENERAL INDEX. Borocalcite, 599. Bunsenite, 134. Carminspath: 545. Boronatrocalcit, 598. Buntbleierz, 535. Carnallite, 118. Borosilicate of lime, 380. Buntkupfererz, 44. Carnat, 474. Bosjemanite, 654. Buratite, 712. Carnatite, 344. Botallackite, 121. Bustamite, 225. Carnelian, 194. Botryogen, 657. Buttermilcherz, 115. Carolathine, 420. Botryolite, 380. Butyrellite, 747. Carpholite, 419. Botryt, 657. Butyrite, 747. Carphosiderite, 661. Boulangerite, 99, 795. Byssolite, 234. Carphostilbite, 424. Bourboulite, 800. Bytownite, 340. Carrara Marble, 680. Bournonite, 96; 373. Carrollite, 69. Bournonit-nickelglanz, 74. Cabocle, see Hydr. Phosphate Cassinite, 356. B3oussingaultite, 635. of Alumina and Lime, 587. Cassiterite, 157, 796. Bowenite, 465. Cabrerite, 561. Cassiterotantalite, 514. Bragite, 525; 276. Cacholong, 199. Castelnaudite, 528. Branchite, 736. Cacoxenite, Cacoxene, 584. Castellite, 386. Branderz, v. Idrialite. Cadmia, 407. Castillite, 46. Brandisite, 508. Cadmium, Sulphuret of, 59. Castor, 229. Braunbleierz, 535; 610. Cadmium-blende, 59. Catapleiite, 401. Braunbleioxyd, 161. Cairnoorm stone, 193. Cataspilite, 483; 301. Brauneisenstein, 172. Calaite. 580. Catilinite, 796. Braunite, 163. Calamine, 407; 692, 711. Cat's-eye, 193; 640. Braunkohle, 755. Electric, 407. Cavolinite, 327. Braunspath, 682. Green, 712. Cawk, 616. Braunstein, 162. Calamite, 233. Celadonite, 463. Piemontischer, 285. Calaverite, 795. Celestite, Celestine, 619; 677. Grauer, 165. Calcareobarite, 617. Celestobarite, 617. Schwarzer, 162. Calcareous spar, 670. Centrallassite, 796. Braunsteinkies, 46. tufa, 680. Cerargyrite, 114. Braunsteinkiesel, 268. Calcedoine, 194. Cerasine, Cerasite, 120, 703. Bredhergite, 270. Calcimangite, 678. Cerine, 285. Breislaklite, 216. Calcinitre, 593. Cerinite, 445, 796. Breithauptite, 61; 83. Calciocelestite, 620. Cerinstein, 413. Breunnerite, 686. Calcioferrite, 578. Cerite, 413. Brevicite, 426. Calcite, 670, 795. Cerium, Carbonate, 709. Brewsterite, 445. Calc-sinter, 680. Fluorid, 126. Brewstoline, 761. Calcouranite, 586. Silicate, 413. B3rewsterlinite, 761. Calderite, 269. Cerolite, 470. Brittle silver ore, 106. Caledonite, 625. Ceroxydulkohlensaures, 709. Brocatello, 678. Calk, 616. Cerussite, Ceruse, 700. Brochantite, 664, 795. Callainite, 572. Cervantite, 187. Bromargyrite, 116. Callais, 580.- Ceylanite, Ceylonite, 147. Bromic silver, 116. Calomel, 11 1. Chabazite, Chabasie, 484. Bromite, 116. Calstronbarite, 616. Chalcanthite, 648; 646. Bromlite, 698. Calyptolite, 273. Chalcanthum, 645. Bromsilber, 116. Campylite, 537. Chalcedony, 194. Bromyrite, 116. Canaanite, 220, 322, 803. Chalchihuitl. 293. Brogniardite, 90. Cancrinite, 329. Chalcites, 645. Brogniartin, 627. Candite, 147. Chalcocite, 52. Brongnartine, 664. Canehlstein, 266. Chalcoldite, 460. Bronzite, 208; 215, 508. Cannel Coal, 7'55. Chalcolite, 585; 586. Brookite, 164. Cantonite, 83, 84. Chalcophacite, 567. Brosite, Brossite, 682. Caoutchouc, MIineral, 34. Chalcophyllite, 571. Brown coal, 755. Capillary pyrites, 56. Chalcopyrite, 65. iron ore, 169. Capillose, 56. Chalcosine, 52. heniatite, 169. Capnite, 692.. Chalcostibite, 85. ochre, 169. Caporcianite, 399. Chalcotrichite, 133. spar, 682; 685, 686. Carbocerine, 709. Chalilite, 424. Briicknerellite, 748.: Carbonado, 22. Chalk, 6.79. Brucite, 175; 363. Carbon diamantaire, 22. Chalkosiderit, 583. Brushite, 552. Carbuncuius, 138, 147, 265. Chalkosin, 52. Bucaramangite, 741. Carchedonius, 265. Chalybite, 688. Bucholzite, 373. Carinthine, 235. Chamasite, 16. Bucklandite, 285. Carmenite, 52. Chamoisite, 511. PBuhrstone, 196. Carminite, 545. Chanarcillite, 36. GENERAL INDEX. 811 Chathamite, 70. Chrysolite, Titaniferous, 255. Conichalcite, 565. Chaux arseniat6e, 544. White, 255. Conite, 682. boratee siliceuse, 380. Iron, 258. Connellite, 627. carbonatde, 670, 682. Iron-manganese, 259. Cookeite, 489. fluatee, 123. Chrysophane, 508. Copal, Fossil, 739. phosphat6e, 530. Chrysoprase, 194, 246. Copaline, Copalite, 739. sulfatee 621; 637. Chrysoprase earth, 510. Copiapite, 655; 656. Chelmsfordite, 319. Chrysotile, 465. Copper, 14. Chenevixite, 583. Churchite, 555. Antimonial, 85. Chenocoprolite, 798. Chusite, 258. Arsenate, 562, 564, 567. Cherokine, 535. Cimolite, 457. Arsenical, 36, 37. Chert, 195. Cinnabar, 55. Black, 136. Chesterlite, 352. Cinnamon-stone, 266. Blue, 65, 715. Chessy copper, 715. Cipolino, 678. Carbonate, 713, 715. Cbessylite, 715. Cirrolite, 579. Chlorid, 121, 122. Chiastolite, 371. Claudetite, 796. Chromate, 630. Childrenite, 579. Clausthalite, 42, 796. Emerald, 4.01. Chileite, 612; 169. Clay, 473, etc. Gray, 101. Chilenite, 36. Clayite, 108. Indigo, 83. Chiltonite, v. Prehnite. Cleavelandite, 348. Muriate, 121. Chimborazite, 694. Cleiophane, 48. Oxychlorid, 121, 122. Chiolite, 128. Clingmanite, 606. Oxyd, 133, 136. Chiviatite, 86. Clinkstone, 359. Phosphate, 563, 568. Chladclnite, 208. Clinoclase, Clinoclasite, 570. Purple, 44. Chloauthite, 70. Clinochlore, 497; 504. Pyritous, 65. Chlor-apatite, 531. Clino6drit, 101. Red, 133. Chlorastrolite, 412. Clintonite, 508. Selenid, 46. Chlorite, 497. Cluthalite, 433. Silicate, 401, 402. - ferrugineuse, 497. Coal, Mineral, 753. Sulphate, 648. Chloritoid, 504. Boghead, 742, 755. Sulphato-chlorid, 627. Chloritspath, 504. Brown, 755. Sulphuret, 52; 44, 65, 83. Chlorkalium, 111. Cannel, 755. Vanadate, 611. Chlormerkur, 111. Cobalt, Arsenate of, 558. Variegated, 44. Chloromelan, 503. Arsenical, 68, 70. Vitreous, 52. Chloropal, 461. Black, 181. Copper and lead, Selenid of, 43 (Chlorophbeite, 510. Carbonate, 711. Copper froth, v. Tyrolite. Chlorophane, 123. Earthy, 181. Copper glance, 52. Chlorophanerit, 462. Glance, 71. Copper green, 402. Chlorophyllite, 301, 485. Gray, 70. Copper mica, 571. Chlorospinel, 147. gris, 70. Copper nickel, 60. Chlorquecksilber, 111. ochre, 558. Copper ore, 136. Chlorsilber, 115. oxid8 noir, 181. Blue, 715. Chlorspath, 120. Red, 558. Emerald, 401. Chodneffite, 128. Sulphate, 647. Green, 713. Chondrarsenite, 562. Sulphuret, 47, 68. Octahedra], 133. Chondrodite, 363. White, 70, 71. Velvet, 666. Chonicrite, 494. Cobalt bloom, 558. Yellow, 65. Chrismatine, Chrismatite, 728. Cobalt glance, 7]. Copper pyrites, 65. Christianite, 337, 438. Cobaltine, Cobaltite, 71. Copper-uranite, 585. Christophite, 48. Cobalt-mica, 558. Copper-vitriol, 648. Chrombleispath, 629. Cobalt pyrites, 68. Copperas, 645. Chromchlorit, 495. Cobalt vitriol, 647. Soda, v. Jarosite. Chromeisenstein, 153. Coccinite, 117. Potash, v. Jarosite. Chrome ochre, 510. Coccolite, 214. White, 650. Chromglimmer, 309. Coke, 754. Yellow, 655. Chromic iron, 153. Colestin, 619. Copperasine, 660. Chromite, 153. Collyrite, 420; 476. Coprolites, 534. Chromoferrite, 153. Collyrium, 473. Coquimbite, 650. Chromphosphorkupferbleispath Colophonite, 268. Coracite, 154. 631. Columbite, 515. Corallinerz, 55. Chryolith, 126. Comptonite, 424. Cordierite, 299. Chrysoberyl, 155, 796. Conarite, 405. Corindon, 137. Chrysocolla, 402; 597, 713. Condrodite, 863. Cornaline, 194. Chrysolite, 256; 272, 367, 376, Condurrite, 36, 797. Corneine, 240. 530, 796. Confolensite, 459. Corneous lead, 703. 812 GENERAL -INDEX. Cornubianite, v. Felsite. Cyanochroite, 649. Dihydrite, 568. Cornwallite, 569. Cyanolite, 797. Dillenburgite, 402. Corsilyte, 235. Cyanosite, Cyanose, 648.- Dillnite, 421. Corundellite, 506. Cyanotrichite, 666. Dimagnetite, 151. Corundophilite, 504., Cyclopeite, 216. Dimorphite, Dimorphine, 28. Corundum, 137. Cyclopite, 340. Dinite, 736. Corynite, 74. Cymatolite, 455. Diopside, 214. Cosalite, 797. Cymophane, 155. Dioptase, 248, 401. Cottaite, 353. Cyprine, 276. Dioryte, 240; 351. Cotunnite, 117. Cyprite, 52. Dioxylite, 628. Couzeranite, 326. C(yrtolite, 275. Diphanite, 507. Covelline, Covellite, 83. Diploite, 337. Craie de Biangon, 45. Dalarnite, 78. Dipyre, 326. Crednerite, 166. Daleminzite, 51. Discrasite, 35. Crichtonite, 143. Damourite, 487. Disomose, 72. Criptomorphite, 599. Danaite, 78. Disterrite, 508. Crispite, 159. Danalite, 265. Disthene, 375. Cristianite, 337. Danburite, 299. Ditroyte, 328. Crocalite, 426. Dannemorlte, 234. Dog-Tooth Spar, 672. Crocidolite, 243. Daourite, 365. Doleryte, 343. Crocoite, Crocoisite, 628. Darwinite, 37. Dolomite, 681; 685. Cronstedtite, 503. Datholite, Datolite, 380. Dolomite sinter, 708. Cross-Stone, 371. Datolith, 380. Domeykite, 36, 797. Crucite, 371. Davidsonite, 245. Donacargyrite, 93. Cryolite, 126, 797. Davite, 649. Dopplespath, 677. Cryophyllite, 816. Davyne, Davina, 327. Dopplerite, 749; 747. Cryptolite, 529. Dechenite, 609. Doranite, 436. Cryptoline, Cryptolinite, 762. Degeroite, 489. Dreeite, 626. Crystallus, 189. Delanovite, 459. Dreelite, 626. Cuban, Cubanite, 65. Delawarite, 356. Dry-bone, 692. Cube ore, 578. Delessite, 497. Ducktownite, 68. Cube spar, 621. Delphinite, 181. Dufrenite, 583. Cubizit, 432. Delvauxite, Delvauxene, 583; Dufrenoysite, 92; 87, 90. Cuboite, 432. 588. Dumasite, 503. Cuivre arseniate, 564, 571. Demidoffite, 402. Dunyte, 258. arsenical, 36. Demant, 21. Dyoxylite, 628. carbonate, 713, 715. Demantspath, 138. Dysclasite, 398. gris, 101. Dendrachates, 195. Dyscrasite, 35. hydrosiliceux, 402. Derbyshire spar, 123. Dyskolite, v. Saussurite. jaune, 65. Dermatin, 471. Dysluite, 149. muriate, 121. Descloizite, 609. Dysodile, 746. natif, 14. Desmin, 441, 442. Dyssnite, 227. oxide rouge, 133. Devilline, 665. Dyssyntribite, 479. phosphate, 563, 568. Devonite, 575. pyriteux, 65. Deweylite, 469. Earthy calamine, 711. pyriteux hepatique, 44. Diabase, 240; 343. cobalt, 181. selenie, 39, 46. Diabase Porphyry, 343. manganese, 181. spicifbrme, 52. Diaclasite, 210. Edelforsite, 212. sulfate, 648. Diadochite, 588. Edelith, 410. sulfur6, 52. Diagonite, 445. Edenite, 235. sulfure argentif~re, 54. Diallage, Green, 215, 235. Edingtonite, 417. vanadatd, 611. Hydrous, 221. Edwardsite, 539. veloute, 666. Metalloidal, 208, 209. Egeran, 276. vitreux, 52. Talkartiger, 210. Ehlite, 568. Cumengite, - Diallogite, 691. Ehrenbergite, 458. Cummingtonite, 234; 225. Diamant, 21. Eisen, Gediegen, 15. Cupreine, 53. Diamond, 21. Eisenapatit, 543. Cupreous anglesite, 663. Dianite, 516. Eisenalaun, 654. manganese, 181. Diaphorite, v. Allagite. Eisenblau, 556, 572. Cuprite, 133. Diaspore, 168. Eisenbltithe, 694. Cuproplumbite, 42. Diastatite, 235. Eisenchlorid, 118. Cuproseheelite, 606. Dichroite, 299. Eisenchlorit, 497. Cuprouranitte, 585. Didrimite, 311. Eisenchrom, 153. Cyanite, 37 5. Didymite, 311. Eisenerde, Blaue, 572. Cyaneus, 351.. Digenite, 52. Griine, 392. GENERAL INDEX. 813 Eisenerz, Trappisches, 143. Epistilbite, 443. Federalaun, 654. Eisenerz, Hystatisches, 143. Epsom salt, Epsomite, 643. Federerz, 91. Eisenglanz, 140. Erbsenstein, 679. Feitsui, 293. Eisenglimmer, 140, 556. Ercinite, 439. Feldspar Group, 335. Eisengymnite, 470. Erdkobalt, 181. Feldspar, Blue, 572. Eisenkies, 62. Erdharz, 734. Common, 352. Rhombischer, 75. Erdmannite, 285, 414. Labrador, 341. Eisenkiesel, v. Ferruginous Erdl51, 723. Potash, 352. Quartz, 193. Erdpech, 751. Soda, 348. Eisenkobalterz, 70. Erdwachs, 732. Lime, 341. Eisenmulm, 150. Eremite, 539. Glassy, 352. Eisennatrolith, 426. Erinite, 569; 459. Feldstein, 352. Eisennickelkies, 47. Erlan, Erlanite, 797. Felsite, 349, 352. Eisenopal, v. Semiopal. Ersbyite, 361. Felsobanyite, 662. Eisenoxyd, 140. Erubescite, 44. Feldspath, 352. Eisenoxydhydrat, 167, 169, 172. Erusibite, 660. apyre, 371. Eisenoxyd, Sclhwefelsaures, 655, Erythrine, 558. tenace, v. Saussurite. 657, 660. Erythrite, 558; 352. nacre, 352. Eisenpecherz, 54, 543. Escherite, 281. Fer azure, 556. Eisenperidot, 258. Esmarkite, 301, 380, 485. arseniate, 578. Eisenplatin, 11. Essonite, 266. arsenical, 76, 77, 18. Eisenphyllit, 556. Etain, natif, 17. carbonate, 688. Eisenrahm, 172. oxyde, 157. chromate, 153. Eisenresin, 718. sulfur', 68. hydro-oxid6, 169. Eisenurose, 143. Eucairite, 39, 797. natif, 15. Eisenrutil, 169. Euchroite, 566. oligiste, 140. Eisensinter, 589. Euchysiderite, v. Pyroxene. oxidcle, 140. Eisenspath, 688. Euclase, 379. oxidule, 149. Eisenstassfurtit, 596. Eucolite, 248. magnetique, 149. Eisensteinmark, 474. Eudialyte, Eudyalite, 248. muriat6, 118. Eisentitan, 143. Eu-dnophite,.433. phosphat6, 556. Eisenvitriol, 657. Eugenesite, v. Selenpalladite. speculaire, 140. Eisspath, 355. Eugenglanz, 107. suifate, 6517; 646. Eissteiu, 126. Eukairite, 39. sulfure, 57, 62. Ekebergite, 324. Eukamptite, 307, 487. sulfur6 magnetique, 58. Ekmannite, 490. Euklas, 3179. Ferberite, 604. Elseolite, 327. Eukolite, 249. Fergusonite, 524. Elasmose, 44, 82. Eulysyte, 259. Ferrocalcite, 678. Elasmosine, 82. Eulytine, Eulytite, 391. Ferrocobaltite, 72. Elaterite, 734. Eumanite, 165. Ferrotantalite, 514. Electrum, 3, 740. Euosmite, 743. Ferrotitanite, 390. Elhuyarit, 419. Euphyllite, 488. Fettbol, 461. Eliasite, 175. Eupyrchroite, 530. Fettstein, 327. Ellagite, 430. Eusynchit, 609. Feuerblende, 93. Embolite, 115. Euxenite, 521. Feuerstein, 195. Embrithite, 99. Euzeolith, 443, 444. Fibroferrite, 656. Emerald, 245. Evansite, 585. Fibrolite, 373. Emerald nickel, 110. Exanthalose, 637. Fichtelite, 735. Emeraude, 245. Exitele, Exitelite, 184. Ficinite, 590. Emeril, 139. Fieldite, 104. Emiery, 138. Fadererz, 91. Figure-stone, 480; 483, 452z Emerylite, 506. Fahlerz, Fahlite, 100. Fiorite, 199. Emmonite, 699. Fahlunite, 484; 301. Fireblende, 93. Emplectite, 86. Hard, 299. Fischaugenstein, 415. Enargite, 107, 797. Fargite, 426. Fischerite, 582. Enceladite, 600. Fardelite, 424. Flexible silver ore, 55. Endellionite, 96. Fasciculite, 240. Fliegenstein, v. Arsenic. Engelhardite, 273.. Faserkiesel, 373. Flint, 195. Enstatite, 208. Fidserzeolith, 426. Flintkalk, 682. Ephesite, 507. Fassaite, 216. Float-stone, 199. Epichlorite, 493. Faujasite, 433. Flockenerz, v. Mimetite. Epidosyte, 284. Fauserite, 645. Flos ferri, 694. Epidote Group, 281; 290. Fayalite, 258. Flos succini, 748. Epiglaubite, 554.: Feather alum, 654. Flucerine, 126. Epiphosphorite, 535. Feather ore, 91. Fluellite, 126. 814 GENERAL INDEX. Fluccerine, 126. Geocronite, 105. Graukupfererz, v. Tennantite. Fluocerite, 126. Georetinic Acid, 748. Graulite, 644. Fluochlore, 512. Gersdorffite, 72, 798. Graumanganerz, 165, 170. Fluor-apatite, 531. Geyserite, 199. Grausilber, v. Selbite. Fluor, Fluorite, 123. Gibbsite, 177. Grauspiessglanzerz, 29. Fluor Spar, 123. Gibraltar Stone, 680. Grauspiessglaserz, 29. Flussspath, 123. Gieseckite, 479; 329. Gray antimony, 29. Foliated tellurium, 82. Giftkies, 78. copper, 100. Fontainebleau' limestone, 678. Gigantolite, 480; 301, 486. Green diallage, 215, 235. Forbesite, 560. Gilbertite, 798. earth, 462, 463. Forsterite, 255. Gillingite, 492. iron ore, 583. Fournetite, 42. Giobertite, 686. lead ore, 535. Fowlerite, 225. Girasol, 198. malachite, 713. Francolite, 530. Gismondine, Gismondite, 418, vitriol, 646. Franklinite, 152. 198. Greenlandite, 516. Frauenglas, v. Mica. Glagerite, 476. Greenockite, 59. Freibergite, 101. Glance copper, 52. Greenovite, 383. Freieslebenite, 93. Glanzarsenikkies, 77. Grenat, 265. Fritzscheite, 587. Glanzbraunstein, 162. Grenatite, 388. Frugardite, 276. Glanzkobalt, 71. Grengesite, 501. Fuchsite, 309. Glaserite, 615. Groppite, 486. Fuller's Earth, 458, 473. Glaserz, Glanzerz, 38. Groroilite, 181. Fullonite, v. Onegite. Glaskopf, 140. Grossularite, 266. Funkite, 215. Glasspat, 123. Grothite, 386. Fuscite, 319. Glaubapatite, 535; 554. Grtinauite, 47. Glauber salt, 636. Griinbleierz, 535, 537. Gabronite, 324. Glauberite, 627. Griineisenerde, 583. Gadolin, Gadolinite, 293; 285. Glaucodot, 80; 81, 798. Griineisenstein, 583. Gagates, 760. Glaucolite, 319. Griinerde, 462, 463. Gahnite, 149; 147, 276. Glauconite, 462. Grtinerite, 234. Galactite, 426. Glaucophane, 244. Guanite, 551. Galapektit, 473, 475. Glaukosiderit, 556. Guano, 535. Galena, Galenite, 40. Glimmer, 302, 309. Guarinite, 383. Galenoceratite, 703. Glinkite, 256. Guayacanite, 107. Gallicinite, 647. Globosite, 584. Gummierz, 179. Gallitzenstein, 647. Glockerite, 662. Gummispath, 577. Galmey, 407. Glossecollite, 475. Gummite, 179, 475. Gamsigradite, 236. Glottalite, 417. Gurhofian, Gurhofite, 682. Ganomatite, 798. Gmelinite, 436; 437. Gurolite, 398. Gdnsekothig-erz, 798. Gneiss, 359. Guyaquillite, 745. Garamanticus, 265. Gdkumite, 276. Gymnite, 469. Garnet, 265. Gold, 3, 799. Gyps, 637. Bohemian, 267. Gold amalgam, 14. Gypsum, 637. Oriental, 267. Goldtellur, 81. Gyrolite, 398. Tetrahedral, 264. Gongylite, 480. White, 334. Goshenite, 245. Haarkies, 56; 75. Garnsdorffite, 661. Goslarite, 647. Haarsalz, 644. Gay-Lussite, 706. Gothite, 169. Haemachates, 195. Gearksutite, 130. Gotthardite, 92. HIematoconite, 676. Gedrite, 231. Grahamite, 753. Hai-matite, 140. Gehlenite, 370. Gramenite, 461. Hafnefjordit, 346. Geierite, 77. Grammatite, 233. Haidingerite, 552; 86. Gekrdsstein, 621. Grammite, v. Wollastonite. Hair-salt, 644. Gelbantimonerz, 187. Granat, 265. Halbazurblei, v. Caledonite. Gelbbleierz, 607. Granatite, 388. Halbvitriolblei, 628. Gelbeisenerz, 655, 660. Granite, 359. Halite, 112. Gelbeisenstein, 174. Granulyte, 352. Hallite, 658. Gelberde, 172. Graphic gold, 81. Halloylite, 475. Gelberz, 81. tellurium, 81. HIalloysite, 475. Gelferz, v. Chalcopyrite. Graphite, 24. Halochalzit, 121. Genthite, 471. Grastite, 500. Halotrichine, 654. Geocerellite, 748. Graubr/iunsteinerz, 165, 170. Halotrichite, 654; 649. Geoceric Acid, 748. Grauerz, v Galena. HIammochrysos, 302. Geocerite, 738. Graukobalterz, 47. Hampshirite, 457. Geomyricite, 139, 198. Graugiltigerz, 101. Harmotome, 439, 799. GENERAL INDEX. 815 Harringtonite, 430. Homichlin, 67. IEyposclerite, 349. Harrisite, 53. Honey-stone, Honigstein, 750). Hypostilbite, 441. Hartbraunstein, 163. Hopeite, 544. Hypoxanthite, 800. Hartin, 742. Hornblei, 703. Hystatite, 143. Hartite, 736. Hornblende, 232. Hartkobalterz, 71. Hornerz, 114. Iaspachates, 195. Hartmanganerz, 180. Hornfels, 195. Iaspis, 194. Hartmannite, 61. H:ornmangan, 227. Iberite, 481; 301. Hartspat, 3171. Horn quicksilver, 111. Ice, 135. Hatchettite, Hatchettine, 731; Horn silver, 114. Ice spar, 355. 728. Hornstone, 195. Iceland spar, 677. Hauerite, 64. Horse-flesh ore, 44. Ichthyophthalhnite, 415. Hausmannite, 162. Hortonite, 222. Idocrase, 276. Haiiyne, Haiiynite, 332; 333. Houghite, 179. Idrialine, Idrialite, 738. Haydenite, 434. Houille, 754. Iglesiasite, 700. Hayesine, 599; 597. Houille papyracee, 746. Iglite, Igloite, 694. Haytorite, 196; 382. Hovite, 709. Ildefonsite, 515. Heavy spar, 616. Howlite, 598. Illuderite, 290. Hebetine, 262. Huascolite, 42. Ilmenite, 143; 525. Hecatolite, 354. Hiibnerite, 603. Ilmenorutile, 159. Hedenbergite, 215. Hudsonite, 216. Ilvaite, 296. Hedyphane, 537. Humboldtine, 718. Indianite, 337. Heliolite, 355. Humboldtilite, 280. Indicolite, 365. Heliotrope, 194. Humboldtite, 380. Indigo copper, 83. HIelleflinta, 349, 353. Humite, 363. Inolite, 680. Helminth, 502. Hunterite, 457. Iodic silver, 117. Helvetan, 801. Hureaulite, 56]1. quicksilver, 117. Helvin, Helvite, 264. Huronite, 341; 301, 485. Iodite, 117. Hematite, 140; 167, 799. Huyssenite, 799. Iodquecksilber, 117. Black, 180. Hverlera, 478. Iodsilber, 117. Brown, 172. Hversalt, 654. Iodyrite, 117. Hemichalcit, 86. Hyacinth, 138, 266, 274, 276. Iolite, 299. Hemimorphite, 407. IIyalite, 199. Hydrous, 301, 484. HIepatinerz, 133, 402. HIyalomelan, 245. Iridium, Native, 12. Hepatite, 616. Hyalophane, 346, 199. Iridosmine, 12. Heraclion, 149. Hyalosiderite, 256. Irite, 154. Hercynite, 148. Hyblite, 484. Iron, 15. Herderite, 546. Hydrargillite, 177, 580. Arsenate, 578. Hermannite, 225. Hydraulic limestone, 575, 679. Antimonial sulphuret, v Hermesite, 101. Hydroapatite, 535. Berthierite. Herrerite, 692. Hydroborocalcit, 599. Arsenical, 76, 17. Herschelite, 437. Hydrobucholzite, 799. Borate, 600. Hessenbergite, 762. Hydroboracite, 595. Carbonate, 688. Hessite, 50. Hydrochlore, 512. Carburet of, 24. Heteroclin, 163, 226. HIydrodolomite, 708. Chlorid of, 118. Heteromerite, 276. Hydrolanthanit, 709. Chromic, 153. Heteromorphite, 91. Hydrohermnatitc, 167. Columbate, 514, 515. HIeterosite, 542. Hydrolite, 436. Cupreous arsenate, 574. Heulandite, 444; 443. Hydromagnesite, 707. Diarsenate, 589. Hielmite, 519. Hydromagnocalcit, 708. Hydrous oxyds, 169. Highgate resin, 739. Hydronickelmagnesite, 707. Magnetic, 149. Himbeerspath, 691. Hydrophane, 199. Meteoric, 15. }Hircine, Hircite, 747. Hydrophite, 470. Native, 15. Hfisingerite, 489. Hydropit, 22.5. Oligist, 140. Hislopite, 463, 678. Hydrosilicite, 199. Oxalate, 718. Hitchcockite, 577. Hydrous anthophyllite, 175. Oxyd, 140. Hoarnesite, 556. Hydrosteatite, 453. Oxydulated, 149. Hoevelit, H6vellit, 111. Hydrotalc, 495. Phosphates, 583, 584, 556. Hogauite, 426. Hydrotalcite, 178, 799. Silicates, 258, 511. Hohlspath, 371. Hydrotephroite, 260. Sulphate, 646, etc. Holmesite, v. Seybetite. Hydrozincite, 711. Sulphid, Sulphuret, 57, 58 Holmite, 508. Hypargyrite, 88. 62. Holz, Bituminoses, 755. Hypersthene, 209; 215. Tantalate, 514. Holzkupfererz, 564. Hypochlorite, 392. Titaniferous, 143. Holzopal, v. Wood Opal. Hyperyte, 343. Tungstate, 601. $1 6 GENERAL INDEX. Iron and Manganese Tungstate, Jollyte, 492. Kermes, Kermesite, 186. 601, Jordanite, 88. Kermesome, 186. Iron alum, 654.. Joseite, 31. Kerolith, 470. Iron earth, Blue, 556. Jossaite, 631. KIersantyte, 348. Iron natrolite, 426. Junckerite, 688, 697. Kibdelophan, 143. Iron ore, Argillaceous, 141, 172. Jurinite, 164. Kiesel, 1.89. Arsenicated, 578. N.B.-Many names spelt with Kieselcerit, 413. Axotomous, 143. an initial K in German, begin Kieselgalmey, 407. Bog, 169, 172, 174,178. with C in English. lKieselgyps, 621. Brown, 172; 169. Kieselkupfer, 402. Calcareous, 688. Kainit, 642. Kieselmalachit, 402. Clay, 141, 172, 688. Kakochlor, 181. KIieselmangan, 225. Green,. 583. Kakoxene, 584. Kieselspath, v. Albite. Jaspery, 141. Kalait, 580. Kieselwismuth, 391. Lenticular, 141. Kalamit, 233. Kieselzinkerz, 407 Magnetic, 149. Kalchstein, 670. Kieserite, 641. Micaceous, 140. Kalialaun, 652. Klilbrickenite, 105. Ochreous, 140, 169. Kalifeldspath, 352. Killinite, 48). Octahedral, 149. Kalinite. 652. Kirwanite, 800. Pitchy, 589. Kaliphite, 172. Klschtimite, 703. Red, 140. Kalisalpeter, 592. Klaprothine, 572. Sparry, 688. Kalisalzsaures, 111. Klaprothite, 572. Specular, 140. Kalisulphat, 615. Klipsteinite, 511. Titaniferous, 143. Kalkgranat, 268. Kilinoclas, 570. Iron pyrites, 62. Kal]k-Harmotome, 438. Klinochlor, 497. Magnetic, 58; 57. Kalk-Malachit, 715. Knauffite, 611. White, 75. Kalkoligoklas, 346. Knebelite, 260. Iron rutile, 169. Kalksalpeter, 593. Knistersalz, v. Halite. Iron sand, 143, 149. Kalkspath, 670. Kobaltarsenikkies, 78. Iron sinter, 575. Kallait, 580. K~obaltbeschlag, 558. Ironstone, Clay, 141, 169, 688. Kallochrom. 629. Kobaltbleiglanz, 43. ]Blue, 556. Kalomel, 111. Kobaltbliithe, 558. Brown, 172. Kalzedon, 194. Kobaltglanz, 71; 68. Iserine, Iserite, 144, 145. Kammererit, 495. Kobaltlkies, 68. Isophane, v. Franklinite. Kammkies, 75. Kobaltmanganerz, 181. Isopyre, 392. Kampylite, 537. Kobaltnickelkies, 68. Itabiryte, 141. Kanelstein, 266. Kobalt-Scorodit, 574. Itacolumyte, 22, 195. Kaneite, 61. Kobaltsulfuret. 47. Ittnerite, 333. Kaolin, 4173; 324, 345, 361. Kobaltvitriol, 647. Ivaarite, 391. Kiaolinite, 473. Kobellite, 99. Ixiolite, 514. Kapnikite, 225. Koboldine, 68. Ixolyte, 736. Kapnicite, 576. Kochsalz, 112. Kapnite, 692. ZKoelbingit, 284. Jacksonite, 410. Karelinite, 185. Kohle, 753. Jade, Common, 233; 290, 292. Karneol, 194. Kohlensaurer Kalk, 686. Jade tenace, 290. Karpholite, 419. YKohlenvitriolbleispath, 628. Jadeite, 292. Karphosiderit, 661. Kokkolit, 214, 21.5. Jalpaite, 39. Karphostilbite, 424. Kokscharoffite, 242. Jamesonite, 90, 800. Karstenite, 621. Kollyrit, 420. Jargon, 272. Kassiterit, 157. Kolophonit, 268. Jarosite, 660. Kastor, 229. Konarit, 405. Jasper, 195. Katapleiit, 401. Kkondroarsenit, 562. Jaulingite, 800. Kataspilit, 483. Konichalcit, 565. Jayet, v. Jet. Katzenauge, 193. Konigine, 664. Jefferisite, 494. Katzen-Silber, 302, 454. KSnleinite, 737. Jeffersonite, 215. -Kausimkies, 76. KBdnlite, 737. Jelletite, 268. Keffekilite, 478 Korite, 484. Jefreinoffite, 276. Keilhauite, 387. Korynit, 74. Jenkinsite, 470. Kenngottite, 88. KBttigite, 561. Jenzschite, 201. Kkeramohalite, 649. Korund, 137. Jet, 760. Keraphyllite, v. Carinthine. Kotschubeit, 497. Jewreinowite, 276. Kerargyrite, 114. Koupholite, 410. Johannite, 666. Kerasine, 120, 703. Krablite, 359. Johnite, 580. Kerasite, 120, 703. Krantzite, 741. Johnstonite, 40. Kerate, 114. Klraurite, 583. GENERAL INDEX. 817 lKreittonite, 149. Langite, 665. Lead ore, Yellow, 607. Kremersite, 119. Lanthanite, 709. Lead vitriol, 622. Kreutzkristalle, 439. Lanthanocerite, 413. Leadhillite, 624. Kreuzstein, 439. - Lapis-lazuli, 331. Leberblende, 50. Krisoberil, 155. Lapis Ollaris, 451. Leberkies, 75; 58. Krisolith, 256. Larderellite, 600. Leberstein, 616. Krisuvigite, 664. Lardite, v. Pagodite. Lecoutite, 635. Krceberite, 59. Lasionite, 575. Ledererite, 436. Krokalith, 426. Lasurfeldspath, 353. Lederite, 383. Krokidolite, 243. Lasurite, 715. Leedsite, v. BKrokoit, 629. Lasurstein, 331. Leelite, 353. Kryolite, 126. Latialite, 332. Lehmanite, 290. Kryptolith, 529. Latrobite, 337. Lehrbachite, 44..Kubizit, 432. Laumonite, Laumontite, 399. Lehuntite, 426. Kuboit, 432. Laurite, 74. Lemnian Earth, 457. Kiihnite, 544. Lavendulan, 560. Lennilite, 356. Kuboizit, 434. Lavroffite, Lawrowit, 216. Lenzinite, 476. Kupaphrite, 570. Lazulite, 572. Leonhardite, 401. Kupfer, Gediegen, 14. Lazur-Apatit, 530. Leopoldite, 111. Salzsaures, 121. Lead, 17. Lepidokrokite, 169. ]Kupferantimonglanz, 85. Aluminate, 517. Lepidolite, 314. Kupferbleiglanz, 42. Antimonial sulphuret, 96, Lepidomelane, 307. Kupferbleispath, 663; 42. 99. Lepolite, 337. Kupferblende, 104. Antimonate, 591. Lesleyite, 800. Kupfcrbliithe, 133. Argentiferous, 41. Lettsomite, 666. Kupferdiaspore, 568. Arsenate, 537. Leucanterite, 660. EKupferfahlerz, 100. BlacK, 24. Leucaugite, 216. Kupferglanz, Kupferglas, 52. Carbonate, 700. Leuchtenbergite, 500. Kupferglimmer, 571. Chlorid, 117. Leucite, 334. Kupfergrbin, 402. Chloro-carbonate, 703. Leucitophyr, 335. Kupferhornerz, 121. Chromate, 628, 630. Leucolite, 326, 376. Kupferindig, 83. Corneous, 703. Leucocyclite, 415. Kupferkies, 65. Cupreous sulphate, 663. Leucopetyite, 743. Kupferlasur, 715. Cupreous sulphato-carbon- Leucophanite, 260. iIupferlebererz, 133. ate, 625. Leucopyrite, 76. Kupfermanganerz, 181. Hydro-aluminous, 577. Leuzit, 334. Kupfernickel, 60. Molybdate, 607. Levyne, Levynite, 431. Kupferpecherz, 402. Lurio-carbonate, 703. Lherzolyte, 147. Kupferphyllit, 571. Native, 17. Libethenite, 563. Kupfersammterz, 666. Oxychlorid, 119, 120. Liebenerite, 479; 329, 563. Kupferschaum, 570. Oxyds, 136, 163. Liebigite, 717. Kupferschwirze, 136. Phosphate, 535. Lievrite, 296. Kupfferite, 230. Selenate, 669. Lignite, 755. Kupfer-smaragd, 401. Selenids, 42, 44. Ligurite, 383. Kupfer-uranit, 585. Subsesquichromate, 630. Lilalite, 314. Kupfer-vitriol, 648. Sulphate, 622. Lillite, 493. K1upferwasser, 645. Sulphato-carbonate, 625, Limbilite, 258.:Kupferwismutherz, 86, 98. 628. Lime, Arsenate, 554. Kupferwismuthglanz, 86. Sulphato-chlorid, 627. Borate, 380, 597. Kuprein, 52. Sulphato-tricarbonate, 624, Borosilicate, 380. Kiistelite, 9. 626. Carbonate, 670. Kyanite, 375. Supersulphuretted, 41. Fluate, 123. Kymatine, 234. Sulphid, Sulphuret, 40. Nitrate, 593. Kypholite, v. Serpentine. Tellurid, 44. Oxalate, 718. Kyrosite, 76. Tungstate, 606. Phosphate. 530. Vanadate, 610. Silicate, 210. Labradorite, 341. White, 700. Sulphate, 621, 631. Labrador feldspar, 341. Lead and Copper. Titanate, 146. Labrador hornblende, 209. Chromate, 630. Tungstate, 605. Lagonite, 600. Chromo-phosphate, 631. Lime-Malachite, 715. Lagunite, 600. Lead glance. 40. Limestone, 678. Lampadite, 181. Lead ochre, 136. Hydraulic, 679. Lamprophanite, 663. Lead ore, Green, 535, 537. Magnesian, 681. Lanarkite, 628. Red, 628. Limnite, 178; 172. Lancasterite, 707. White, 700. Limonite, 172. 52 818 GENERAL INDEX. Linarite, 663. Magnetopyrite, 58. Marmolite, 465. Lincolnite, 444. Magnoferrite, 152. Martinsite, 112, 641. Lindackerite, 590. Malachite, Blue, 715. Martite, 142. Lindsayite, 340. Green, 713. Mascagnine, Mascagnite, 635. Liunneite, 68. Lime, 715. Maskelyne, 665. Linseite, 340. Malacolite, 214. Masonite, 504. Linsenerz, 567. Malacon, Malakon, 275. Massicot, 136. Linsenkupfer, 567. Maltha, 728. Matlockite, 119. Liparite, 123. Malthacite, 458. Mauilite, v. LabradoriLe. Liroconite, 567. Mamanite, 642. Medjidite, 667. Litheosphorus, 616. Mandelato, 678. Meerschaum, 456. Lithionglimmer, 314. Manganalaun, 653. Megabasite, 604. Lithionite, 314. Mangan, Kohlensaures, 691. Megabromite, 115. Lithographic Stone, 679. Manganamphibole, 225. Mehl-Zeolith, 426, 430. Lithomarge, 460, 473, 475, 480. Mangaublende, 46. Meionite, 318. Loboit, 276. Manganepidote, 285. Melaconite, 136. Loganite, 242, 496. Manganerz, Grauer, 165, 170. Melanasphalt, 753. Lolingite, 77; 76..Kupferhaltiges, 166. Melanchlor, 543. Lomonite, 399. Prismatoidisches, 171. Melanchym, 744, 750. Lonchidite, 76. Schwarzer, 162. Melanellite, 750. Lophoite, 501. Manganese, Oxyd, 162, 163, Melanglanz, v. Stephanite. Lotalite, 215. 165, 166. Melanhydrit, 483. Lbweite, Laveite, 643. HEydrous oxyds, 162, 170: Melanite, 267. Lowigite, 659. 180. Melanochroite, 630. Loxoclase, 352. Arseniuret, 61. Melanolite, 490. Lucullite, Lucullan, 671. Black, 162. Melanteria, 645. Lumachalle, 679. Bog, 181. Melanterite, 646, 800. Lunnite, 568. Carbonate, 691. Melilite, Mellilite, 280; 750. Lupus metallorum, 29. Chlorid, 122. Melinite, 417. Lychnis, 138, 147. Cupreous, 181. Melinophane, 263. Lydian stone, 195. Earthy, 181. Meliphanite, 263. Lyellite, 665. Gray, 165. Mellate of alumine, 750. Lyncurium, 272, 740. Phosphate, 541, 543. Mellite, 750. Lythrodes, 479. t.ed, 225. Melinose, 607. Silicates, 225, 260. Melonite, 801. Macle, 371. Sulphid, 46, 64. Melopsite, 478. Maclureite, 216, 363. Manganese-Ore, Brachytypous, Menaccanite, 143. Magneferrite, 152. 163. Menakerz, 383. Magnesia, Pure, 685. Prismatic, 165. Mendipite, 120. Borate, 595. Pyramidal, 162. Mendozite, 653. Carbonate, 685. Manganese alum, 653. Meneghinite, 105. Chlorid, 118, 119, 122. Manganese spar, 225. Mengite, 525; 539. Fluophosphate, 538. Manganglanz, 46. Menilite, 199. Fluosilicate, 363. Mangangranat, 268. Mennige, 163. EHydrate, 175. Manganite, 170. Mercure argental, 13. Hydro-carbonate, 107. Mangankiesel, 225. sulfur6, 55. Native, 175. Mangankupfererz, 166. iodure, 117. Nitrate, 593. Mangankupferoxyd, 166. Mercury, Antimonite, 547. Sulphate, 643. Manganocalcite, 697; 678. Amalgam, 13.' Magnesia alum, 653. Manganopal, v. Opal. Chlorid, 111. Magnesian limestone, 682. Manganschaum, 181. Horn, 111. pharmacolite, 544. Manganspath, 691. Iodid, 117. Magn6sie hydrat6e, 175. Marasmolite, 48. Native, 13. carbonat6e, 686. Marble, 670. Selenid, 56. nitrat6e, 593. Verd-antique, 678. Sulphid, 55. phosphatee, 538. Marcasite, 75; 62, 800. Merda di Diavolo, 746. Magnesinitre, 593. Marceline, 163, 226. Merkurblende, 55. Magnesioferrite, 152. Marcylite, 137; 121. Merkurglanz, 56. Magnesite, 685; 456. Marekanite, v. Pearlstone. Meroxene, 307. Magneteisenstein, 149. Margarite, 506; 489. Mesitine, Mesitite, 687; 688. Magnetis, 451. Margarodite, 487; 310. Mesitinspath, 687. Magnetic iron ore, 149. Marialite, 326; 332. Mesole, 424. Magnetic pyrites, 58. Marionite, 7 11. Mesolin, 431. Magnetite, 149, 800. Marl, 679. Mesolite, 430. Magnetkies, 58. Marmatite, 48. Mesotype, 424, 426, 430. GENERAL INDEX. 819 Mesotype epointee, 415. Molysite, 118. Needle spar, v. Aragonite. Messingbliithe, 712. Monazite, 539. Needlestone, 426. Metabrushite, 553. Monazitoid, 539. Nefelina, 327. Metachlorite, 503. Mondstein, v. Moonstone. Neft-gil, 734. Metaxite, 465. Monheimite, v. Kapnite. Nemalite, 175. Metaxoite, 494. Monimolite, 546. Neoctese, 574. Miascyte, 328, 359. Monophan, 443. Neolite, 406. Miargyrite, 88. Monradite, 221, 406. Neoplase, 657. Mica Group, 301. Monrolite, 373. Neotokite, 491. Mica, Hexagonal, 304. Montanite, 668, 801. Neotype, 678. Lithia, 314. Monticellite, 255. Nepheline, 327. Oblique, 309. Montmartite, 637. Nephelite, 327. Rhombic, 302. - Montmorillonite, 459. Nephrite, 233; 237, 290, 292, Mica des peintres, 24. Moonstone, 347, 350, 352, 640. 801. Mica pictoria, 24. Morasterz, 172, 174, 178. Nephelindoleryte, 328. Mica schist, 359. Mordenite, 446. Nertschinskite, 476. Mica philit, 371. Morenosite, 648. Neurolite, 482. Micarelle, 324. Moresnetite, 409. Newjanskite, 12. Michaelite, 199. Mornite, 341. Newkirkite, 171. Michaelsonite, 289. Moronolite, 660. Niccolite, 60. Microbromite, 115. Moroxite, 530. Nickel, Antimonial, 61. Microclin, 355. Morvenite, 439. Arsenate, 561; 548. Microcosmic salt, 551. Mosandrite, 295. Arsenical, 60, 72. Microlite, 513. Mossottite, 694. Bismuth, 47. Middletonite, 745. Mountain green, 713. Carbonate, 710. Miemite, 682. cork, 234. Copper, 60. Miesite, 535. leather, 234. Emerald, 710. Mikroklin, 355. Muldan, 353. Hydrate, 710. Millerite, 56. Muller's glass, 199. Oxyd, 134. Miloschin, Miloschite, 510. Mullerine, Mullerite, 8.. Silicate, 404, 471, 510. Mimetene,. Mimetite, 537. Mullicite, 556. Sulphate, 648. Mimetese, Mimetesite, 537. Mundic, 62. Sulphid, Sulphuret, 56. Mineral caoutchouc, 734. Murchisonite, 352. White, 77. coal, 753. Muriacite. 621. Nickel glance, 72. charcoal, 755. Muromontite, 289. green, 560. oil, 723, 728, 737. Murrhina, 194. ochre, 560. pitch, 728, 751. Muscovite, 309, 801. stibine, 73. resin, 739-747. Muscovy glass, 309. vitriol, 648. tallow, 731. Miisenite, v. Siegenite. Nickel & cobalt, Arsenate of, tar, 728. Mussite, 214, 702. 560. wax, 727, 730. Myelin, 373. Nickel & iron, Sulphuret or Minium, 163; 55. Mysorin, 715. Sulphid of, 47. Mirabilite, 636. Nickelantimonglanz, 73. Misenite, 615. Nacrite, 309; 455, 473. Nickelarsenikglanz, 72. Mispickel, 78. Nadeleisenerz, 169. Nickelarsenikkies, 72. Misy, 655; 645, 660. Nadelerz, 100. Nickelblithe, 560. Mizzonite, 325. Nadelstein, 694. Nickelglanz, 72. Mocha Stone, 195. Nadelzeolith, 426. Nickel-Gymnite, 471. Modumite, 71. Nagyagererz, 82. Nickeliferous gray antimony, 73. Mohsine, 76, 77. Nagyagite, 82. Nickeline, 60. Mohsite, 143. Naphtha, 723. Nickelkies, 56. Mollit, 572. Naphthadil, 734. Nickelocker, 560. Molochites, 713. Naphthaline, 727, 738. Nickeloxydul, 134. Molybdainbleispath, 607. Nasturan, v. Pitchblende. Nickelspiessglanzerz, 73. Molybdinglanz, 32. Natrocalcite, 677. Nickelwismuthglanz, 47. Molybdiinochre, 185. Natrolite, 426; 324. Nicopyrite, 47. Molybdinsilber, 32. Natrolite, Iron, 426. Nierenstein, 233. Molybdate of lead, 607. Natron, 705. Nigrine, 159. Molybdate of iron, 186. alaun, 653. Niobite, 515. Molybdena, sulphid of, 32. salpeter, 592. Nipholite, 128. Molybdene sulfure, 32. Natroborocalcite, 598. Nitratine, 592. Molybdenite, 32. Natronspodumen, 346. Nitre, 592. Molybdic ochre, 185. Naumannite, 39. Nitrocalcite, 593. silver, 32. Necronite, 352.. itromagnesite, 593. Molybdine, Molybdite, 185. Needle ore, 100. Nontronite, 461. 820 GENERAL INDEX. Noralite, 236. Orpiment, 27. Peganite, 582. Nordenskioldite, 233. Orthite, 285. Pegmatolite, 352. Nordmarkite, 389. Orthoclase, 352, 802. Pektolith, 396. Nosean, Nosin, Nosite, 333. Orthose, 352. Pe16's Hair, 360. Notite, 484. Oserskite, 694. Peliom, 299. Nussierite, 535. Osmelite, 396. Pelicanite, 457. Nuttallite, 319. Osmiridium, 12. Pelokonite, 181. Osteocolla, 680. Pencatite, 708. Obsidian, 359. Osteolite, 530. Pennine, Penninite, 495. Ochran, 477. Ostranite, 273. Pennite, 708. Ochre, Antimony, 187, 188. Ottrelite, 506. Pentaklasit, 213. Bismuth, 185. Ouvarovite, 270. Pentlandite, 47. Brown, 172. Owenite, 507. Peplolit, 485. Chrome, 510. Oxacalcite, 718. Percylite, 122. Iron, 140. Oxalite, 718. Periclase, Periclasite, 134. Molybdic, 185. Oxhaverite, 415. Peridot, 256, 367. Plumbic, 136. Ozarkite, 424; 329. Peridoto bianco, 255. Red, 140, 167. Ozocerite, Ozokerit, 732; 728, Periklas, 101. Tantalic, 188. 731, 733. Periklin, 349. Telluric, 188. Peristerite, 349. Tungstic, 186. Pachnolite, 129. Perlglimmer, 506. Uranic 668. Pacite, 81. Perlit, 359. Yellow, 172. Paederos, 198. Perlstein, 359. Vitriol, 662. Pagodite, 480; 454. Perthite, 356. Ochroito, 413. Paisbergite, 225. Perofskite, 146. Ockergelb, 172. Palmo-Natrolith, 426. Perowskine, 541. Octahedrite, 161. Palagonite, 483; 222, 802. Perowskit, 146. Odontolite, 580. Paligorskite, 406. Petalite, 229. (Ellacherite, 489. Palladium, Native, 12. Petrified wood, 196. CErstedite. 27 5. Palladium gold, 4. Petrolene, 729, 751. Ogcoite, 502. Panabase, 100. Petroleum, 723. Oil, Genesee or Seneca, 725. Paracolumbite, 143. Petrosilex, 349, 353. Oisanite, 161, 281. Paradoxite, 353. Pettkoite, 631. Okenite, 398. Paraffin, 730. Petuntze, 475. Oktibehite, 16. Paragonite, 487. Petzite, 51. Olafit, 349. Paralogite, 325. Pfaffite, 91. Oligist iron, 140. Paraluminite, 661. Pfeifenstein, v. Catlinite. Oligoclase, 346. Paranthine, Paranthite, 318; Phacolite, 434. Oligoklasalbit, 349. 319. Phwestine, 469. Oligon spar, 688. Parasite, 595. Pharmacolite, 554; 544. Oligophyre, 348. Parastilbite, 444. Pharmakochalcit, 564. Olivenchalcit, 563. Parathorite, 763. Pharmacosiderite, 578. Olivenerz, 563, 578. Pargasite, 255. Phenacite, Phenakit, 263. Olivenite, 564. Parisite, 702. Phengite, 309. Olivine, 257. Parophite, 479. Phillipsite, 438. Omphacit, 223. Partschin, Partschinite, 293. Phlogopite, 302. Onegite, 169. Partzite, 188. Phcenicite, 630. Oncosin, 480. Passauite, 324. Phcenikochroite, 630. Onofrite, 56, 802. Pastreite, 656. Phoestine, 209. Onyx, 195; 680. Pateraite, 608. Pholerite, 472, 473; 421. Oolite, 679. Patrinite, 100. Phonite, 327. O0site, 480. Pattersonite, 801. Phonolyte, 359. Opal, 198. Paulit, 209. Phosgenite, 703. Opal-allophane, 421. Pazit, 81. Phosphid of iron and nickel, 61 Operment, 27. Pearl-mica, 506. Phosphocerite, 529. Ophiolite, 465. Pearl sinter, 199. Phosphochalcite, 568. Ophite, 464; 468. Pearl-spar, 682; 685. Phosphorblei, v. Pyromorphite. Opsimose, 511. Pearlstone, 359. Phosphoreisensinter, 588. Or natif, 3. Peastone, v. Pisolite. Phosphorgummite, 179. graphique, 81. Pechblende, Pecherz, 154. Phosphorite, 530. Orangite, 413. Pechkohle, 755. Phosphorkupfererz, 563, 568. Oravitzite, 477. Pechopal, 198. Phosphorsaures, 568, 572. Orichalcite, 712. Pechstein, 359. Photicite, 227. Ornithite, 553. Pechuran, 154. Photizit, 227. Oropion, 476. Pectolite, 396. Photolite, 396. GENERAL INDEX. 821 Phrenitoid, 326. Plinian, 80. Potstone, 451. Phthanyte, 195. Plinthite, 477. Pounxa, v. Borax. Phyllite, 506. Plomb antimoni6 sulfur6, 96, 99. Prase, 194. Phylloretin, 737; 736 arseniat6, 537. Prasin, 568. Physalite, 376. carbonate, 700. Praseolite, 485; 301. Piauzite, 753. chloro-carbonat6, 703. Prasilite, 503. Pickeringite, 653. chlorure, 117, 119, 120. Predazzite, 708. Picotite, 147. chromate, 628, 630. Pregattit, 487. Picranalcime, 433. hydro-alumineux, 577. Prehnite, 410. Picrofluite, 512. molybdate, 607. Prehnitoid, 326. Picrolite, Pikrolit, 465. natif, 17. Preunnerite, 677. Picromerite, 642. oxychloriodure, 120. Prochlorite, 501. Picropharmacolite, 554. oxide, 136, 163. Prosopite, 130. Picrophyll, Pikrophyll, 220, 406. seleniur6, 42, 44. Protheite, 215. Picrosmine, Pikrosmin, 405. sulfate, 622. Protobastite, 208. Picrotanite, 144. sulfurd, 40. Proustite, 96. Picrotephroite, 259. Plombgomme, 577. Prussian blue. Native, 558. Picrothomsonite, 426. Plombierite, 802. Przibramite, 169; 48. Picryte, 258. Plumbeine, 42. Psathyrit, 742. Pictite, 383. Plumbago, 24. Psaturose, 106. Piddingtonite, 232. Plumbic ochre, 136. Pseudoalbite, 344. Piedmontite, 285. Plumbocalcite, 678. Pseudoapatite, 531. Pierre grasse, 327. Plumbogummite, 577. Pseudogalena, 48. Pigotite, 750. Plumboresinite, 577. Pseudomalachit, 568. Pihlite, 455. Plumbostib, 99. Pseudonepheline, 327. Pilsenite, 32. Plumbum candidum, 17. Pseudolibethenit, 563. Pimelite, 510. nigrum, 17. Pseudophite, 496. Pinguite, 461. Plumites, 91. Pseudosommite, 327. Pinite, 479; 301. Plumose ore, 91. Pseudotriplite, 542. Pinitoid, 480. Plumosit, 91.. Psilomelane, 180. Piotine, 472. Poikilit, 44. Psimythite, 624. Pipestone, v. Catlinite. Poikilopyrite, 44. Pterolite, 308. Pirenait, 269. Poix minerale, 728. Puflerite, 441. Pirop, 267. Polianite, 165. Pumice, 359. Pisanite, 646. Pollucite, Pollux, 249. Purple copper, 44. Pisolite, 679. Polyadelphite, 268. Puschkinite, 281. Pissophane, Pissophanite, 661. Polyargite, 480; 340. Pycnite, 376. Pistacite, Pistazit, 281. Polybasite, 107. Pyrallolite, 220, 406, 451. Pistomesite, 688. Polycrase, 523. Pyrantimonite, 186. Pitch, Mineral, 128, 751. Polychroilite, 485. Pyrargillite, 485. Pitchblende, 154; 179. Polychrom, 535. Pyrargyrite, 94. Pitchstone, 359. Polyhalite, 641. Pyrauxite, 454. Pitchy iron ore, 589. Polyhydrite, 493. Pyreneite, 268. Pitkarandite, 221, 406, 452. Polykras, 523. Pyrgom, 216. Pittasphalt, 751. Polylite, 216. Pyrite, 62, 802. Pitticite, Pittizit, 589. Polymignyte, 523. Pyrites, Arsenical, 78; 76. Pittinerz, 175. Polysphaerite, 535. Auriferous, 62. Pittinite, 175. Polytelite, 104; 101, 804. Capillary, 56. Pittolium, 728. Polyxen, 10. Cellular, 75. Plagioclase, 802. Poonahlite, 428. Cockscomb, 75. Plagionite, 89. Porcelain clay, 473. Copper, 65. Planerite, 576. Porcelain spar, 324. Erubescent, 44. Plasma, 194. Porcellophite, 464. Hepatic, 75. Plaster of Paris, 637. Porphyry, 359. Hydrous, 7 5. Plata azul, 804. Porpezite, 4. Iron, 62. bismutal, 36. Porricin, v, Pyroxene. Magnetic, 58; 57. cornea, 115. Portite, 458. Prismatic Iron, 75, 16. verde, 115, 116. Porzellanerde, 473. Radiated, 75. Platinum, Native, 10. Porzelanit, 324. Spear, 75. Platiniridium, 11. Portor, 679. Tin, 68. Plattnerite, 167. Potash alum, 652. Variegated, 44. Platyophthalmon, 29. Potash, Muriate, 111; 118. White iron, 15. Pleonaste, 147. Nitrate, 592. Pyraurite, 179. Plessite, 73. Sulphate, 614, 615. Pyrochlore, 512; 513. Pleuroclase, 538. Potassium, chlorid, 111, 118. Pyrochroite, 177. 822 GENERAL INDEX. Pyroclasite, 535. iRaltschgelb, 26, 27. Rcesslerite, 556. Pyroguanite, 535. Rautenspath, 682. Rohwand, 685. Pyrolusite, 165. Razoumoffskin, 460. Rogenstein, 679. Pyromelane, 803. Realgar, 26. Romanzovit, 266. Pyromeline, 648. Red antimony, 186. Romeine, Romeite, 547. Pyromorphite, 535; 537. chalk, 141. Rischgewachs, 106. Pyrope, 267. copper ore, 133. Rose quartz, 193. Pyrophyllite, 454. hematite, 140. Roselite, 560. Pyrophysalite, 376. iron ore, 140. Rosellan, v. Rosite. Pyropissite, 734. iron vitriol, 657. Rosite, 340; 85, 480. Pyroretin, 744, 745. lead ore, 628. Rothbleierz, 628. Pyroretinite, 744. manganese, 691. Rothbraunstein, 225. Pyrorthite, 285. ochre, 141, 167. Rotheisenerz, 140. Pyroscheererite, 737. silver ore, 94, 96. Rother vitriol, 647. Pyrosclerite, 493. vitriol, 647. Rothgultigerz, 94, 96. Pyrosiderite, 169. zinc ore, 135. Rothkupfererz, 133. Pyrosmalite, 414. Reddle, 141. Rothnickelkies, 60. Pyrostibite, 186. Redruthite, 52. Rothoffit, 268. Pyrostilpnite, 93. Reichite, 677. Rothspiessglanzerz, 186. Pyrotechnite, 615. Reissacherite, 181. Rothspiesglaserz, 186. Pyroxene, 212, 803. IReissbley, 24. Rothzinkerz, 135. Pyroxenyte, 220, 359. - Refdanskite, 803. Rottisite, 471. Pyrrhite, 763. Remingtonite, 711. Rubellan, 304. Pyrrholite, 480. Remolinite, 121. Rubellite, 365. Pyrrhosiderite, 169. Rensselaerite, 451. Ruberite, 133. Pyrrhotine, 57. Resigallum, 26, 27. Rubicelle, 147. Pyrrhotite, 58; 57, 803. Resin, Mineral, etc., 739-747. Rubin, 138. Highgate, 739. Rubinblende, 94. Quartz, 189, 803. Retinasphalt, 748. Rubinglimmer, 170. Ferruginous, 193. Retinalite, 464. Ruby, Spinel, Balas, Almandine, Granular, 195. Retinellite, 748. 147. nectique, 199. Retinic Acid, 748. Oriental, 138. resinite, 198. Retinite, 739; 753. Ruby-blende, 94. Quecksilberfahlerz, 101. Retzbanyite, 100. Ruby silver, 94, 96. Queeksilberbranderz, 738; 55. Retzite, v. 2Edelforsite. Ruby sulphur, v. Realgar. Quecksilberhornerz, 111. Reussin, 637. Ruthenium, Sulphuret, 74. Quecksilberlebererz, 55. Reussinite, 744. Rutherfordite, 526. Quellerz, 178. Rhaetizite, 375. Rutile, 159. Quicksilver, Native, 13. Rhodalose, 647. Ryacolite, 352. Antimonite, 547. Rhodalite, 459. Chlorid, 111. Rhodium gold, 41. Sacclharite, 344. Horn, 111. Rhodizite, 596. Safflorite, 70. Iodid, 117. Rhodochrome, 495. Sagenite, 159, 193. Sulphuret, 55. Rhodochrosite, 691. Sahlite, 215. Selenid, 56. Rhodoial, 558. Sal ammoniac, 114. Quincite, 406. Rhodonite, 225. gemme, 112. Rhodophyllite, 495. Salamstein, v. Sapphire. Rabenglimmer, 314. Rhombenglimmer, 302, 304. Saldanite, 649. Radauite, 341. Rhomb-spar, 682. Salmare, 112. Radelerz, 96.. Rhyacolite, 352. Salmiak, 114. Radiated pyrites, t5. Richmondite, 803. Salt, Common, 112. Radiolite, 426. Richterite, 234; 215. Saltpeter, 592. Rahtite, 48. Riemannite, 419. Salts of Iron, 750. Raimondite, 656. Ripidolite, 497; 501. Salzkupererz, 121. Rammelsbergite, 77; 70. Risigallum, 26. Samarskite, 520. Randanite, 199. Rittingerite, 94. Samian Earth, 473. Raphanosmite, 43. Rock cork, v. Hornblende. Sammetblende, 169. Rapidolite, 319. crystal, 193. Sammeterz, 666. Raphilite, 233. meal, 680. Samoite, 478. Raseneisenstein, 172, 174,178. milk, 680. Samteisenerz, 169. Rastolyte, 486.' salt, 112. Sandaraca, 26. Ratholite, 396. soap, 476. Sandbergerite, 104. Ratof kit, 123. Rochlandite, v. Serpentine. Sandstone, 195. Rauhkalk, 682. Rochlederite, 744. Sanidin, 352. Raumit, 485. Rcemerite, 655. Saponite, 472; 459. GENERAL INDEX. 823 Sappare, 375. Schwatzite, 101. Sideroclepte, 258. Sapphire, 138. Schwefel, Natiirlicher, 20. Sideroconite, 676. d'eau, 299. Schwefelantimonblei, 99. Siderodot, 688. Sapphirine, 391. Schwefelkies, 62. Sideroferrite, 16. Sapphirus, 331. Schwefelkobalt, 47. Sideromelane, 360. Sarcolite, 317, 436. Schwefelnickel, 56. Sideroplesite, 688. Sard, 194. Schwefelquecksilber, 55.'Sideroschisolite, 504. Sardachates, 195. Schwefelsaure, 614. Siderosilicite, 484. Sardinian, 622. Schwefelsilber, 38, 51. Siderose, 688. Sardonyx, 195. Schwerbleierz, 167. Siderotantal, 514. Sartorite, 87. Schwerspath, 616, 619. Sideroxene, 762. Saspachite, 447. Schwerstein, 605. Siegelerde, 458. Sassolite, Sassolin, 594. Schweruranerz, 154. Siegelstein, 149. Satin spar, 637, 678. Schwimmkiesel, 199. Siegenite, 68, 69. Sitersbergite, 76. Scleretinite, 744. Sienite, 240, 359. Saualpit, 290. Scleroclase, 87, 92. Silber, Gediegen, 9. Saussurite, 290; 321, 341. Scolecite, 428. Silberamalgam, 13. Saustein, 677. Anhydrous, 361. Silberfahlerz, 101. Savite, 426. Scolexerose, 361. Silberglanz, 38. Saynite, 47. Scorodite, 574. Biegsamer, 55. Scarbroite, 421. Scorza, 281. Silberglas, 38. Scapolite Group, 317. Scotiolite, 489. Silberhornerz, 114. Schaalstein, 210. Scoulerite, 424. Silberkupferglanz, 54. Schabasit, 434. Sebesite, 233. Silberphyllinglanz, 83. Schapbachite, 36. Seeerz, v. Limonite. Silberspiessglanz, 35. Sch'tzellit, 111. Seifenstein, 472. Silberwismuthglanz, 36. Schaumspath, 678. Seladonite, 463. Silex, 189. Scheelbleispath, 606. Selbite, 804. Silice gelatineuse, v. Hyalite. Scheelin calcaire, 605. Selenblei, 42. Silicified wood, 196. ferrugind, 601. Selenbleikupfer, 43. Siliceous sinter, 195. Scheelite, 605, 803. Selenbleispath, 669. Silicite, 341. Scheelitine. 606. Selenite, 637. Silicoborocalcite, 598. Scheelsaure, 186. Selenkobaltblei, 43. Sillimanite, 373. Scheelsaures blei, 606. Selenkupfer, 46. Silvanite, 81; 19. Scheelspath, 605. Selenkupferblei. 43. Silver, Antimonial, 35. Scheererite, 727. Selenkupfbrsilber, 39. Antim. sulphuret, 93, 94. Schefferite, 215, 242. Selenmercur, 56. Arsenical, 35. Schieferspath, 678. Selenpalladium, 12. Bismuthic, 36. Schilfglaserz, 93. Selenquecksilber, 56. Black, 106. Schiller-spar, 469; 209, 210, Selenquecksilberblei, 44. Brittle sulphuret, 106. 221. Selenschwefelquecksilber, 56. Bromic, 116. Schillerstein, 221. Selensilber, 39. Carbonate, 804 Schlanite, 745. Selensulphur, 21. Chlorid, 114. Schmelzstein, 326. Selwynite, 509. Clllorobromid, 115. Schmirgel, 139. Sem6line, 383. Cupreous sulphuret, 54. Schneiderite, 399. Semi-opal, 199. Flexible sulphuret, 55. Schnit, 642. Senarmontite, 184. Gray (Freieslebenite), 93. Schdrl, 205, 365. Seneca oil, 725. Horn, 114. Schorl rouge, 159. Sepiolite, 456. Iodic, 117. Schorlartiger beril, 376. Serbian, 510. lMuriate, 114. Schorlite, 377. Sericite, 487. Native, 9. Schorlomite, 390. Sericolite, v. Satin spar. Red, or Ruby, 94, 96. Schorza, 281. Serpentine, 464, 804. Selenic, 39. Schreibersite, 61. Severite, 476; 460. Sulphuret, 38, 51. Schrifterz, Sclrift-tellur, 81. Seybertite, 508. Sulphuret of Copper and, Schrotterite, 421. Sexangulites, 42. 54. Schulzit, 105. Shepardite, 62. Telluric, 50. Schuppenstein, 316. Siberite, 365. Vitreous, 38. Schutzit, 619. Sicilianite, 619. Silver glance, 38. Schwarzbraunstein, 162. Sideretine, 589. Silver ore, Brittle, 106. Schwartzembergite, 120. Siderite, 688; 193, 572. Flexible, 55. Schwarzerz, 46, 100, 106. Sideritis, 149. Red,. or Ruby, 94, 96. Schwarzgiltigerz, 101, 106. Sideroborine, 600. Sinopite, 477. Schwarzmanganerz, 162. Siderochalcit, 570. Sinter, Siliceous, 195, 199. Schwarzspiessglaserz, 96. Siderochrome, 153.. Sismondine, 504. 824 GENERAL INDEX. Sisserskite, 12. Spiauterit, 59. Stinkkohle, 746. Skapolith, 318. Spiegelglanz, 32. Stimmi, 29. Skleroklas, 87, 92. Spiesglanzsilber, 35. Stinkstone, 677. Skogb6lit, 514. Spiessglanz, Gediegen, 18. Stolpenite, 459. Skolezit, 428. Spiessglanzocher, 187. Stolzite, 606. Skolopsite, 333. Spiesglanzweiss, 184. Strahlbaryt, 616. Skorodit, 574. Spiessglanzblei, 96. Strahlenkupfer, 570. Skutterudite, 71. Spiessglanzblende, 186. Strahlerz, 570. Slate-spar, 678. Spiesglas, 18. Strahlkies, 75. Sloanite, 446. Spiessglaserz, 29. Strahlstein, 233, 281, 583. Smaltine, Smaltite, 70. Spiesglassilber. 35. Strahlzeolith, 442. Smaragdus, 245, 581. Spilyte, 352. Strakonitzite, 221, 406. Smaragdite, 215, 235. Spinel, 147. Stratopeite, 491; 227. Smaragdochalcit, 121, 401i Spinel ruby, 147. Striegisan, 5715, 582. Smectite, 458; 475. Spinellan, 333. Stroganovite, 323. Smelite, v. Kaolin. Spinelle zincifere, 149. Stromeyrite, 54. Smirgel, 138. Spinthere, 383. Stromit, v. Rhodochrosite. Smithsonite, 692; 407. Spodumene, 228. Stromnite, 699. Smyris, 139. Soda, 346. Strontia, Carbonate, 699. Snarumite, 316. Spreustein, 426. Sulphate, 619. Soapstone, 451, 472. Sprodglanzerz, 106. Strontianite, 699. Soda, Borate of, 597. Sprodglaserz, 106; 107 Strontianocalcite, 678. Carbonate of, 705; 706. Sprudelstein, 696. Struvite, 551. Muriate of, 112. Staffelite, 534. Stiibelite, 492. Nitrate of, 592. Stahlkobalt, 72. Studerite, 104. Sulphate, 615; 636. Stahlstein, 688. Stylobat, 370. Soda alum, 653. Stalactite, 679. Stylotyp, Styloptypite, 98. Soda copperas, v. Jarosite. Stalagmite, 679. Stypterite, 649. Soda nitre, 592. Stanekite, 745. Stypticite, 656. Soda spodumene, 346. Stangenschoirl, Weisser, 376. Succinellite, 748. Sodaite, 324. Stangenspath, 616. Succinite, 740; 266. ~Sodalite, 330. Stangenstein, 376. Succinic acid, 748. ~Sodium, Chlorid, 112. Stannine, Stannite, 68. Sulphatite, 614. Soimonite, v. Corundum. Stannite, 159. Sulphur, Native, 20. Solfatarite, 649, 653. Stanzait, 371. Selenic, 21. Sombrerite, 535. Stassfurtit, 595. Sulphuric acid, 614. Somervillite, 280, 402. Staurolite, 388; 439. Sumpferz, 172, 174, 178. Sommite, 327. Staurotide, 388. Sundvikite, 340. Sonnenstein, v. Sunstone. Steargillite, 459. Sunstone, 346, 355. Soude, v. Soda. Steatite, 451, 472. Susannite, 626. Sordawalite, 244. Steel ore, 688. Svanbergite, 590. Sory, 645. Steinheilite, 299. Swinestone, 677. Soufre, 20. Steinkohle, 754. Syenite, 240, 359. Spadaite, 405. Steinmannite, 41. Syepoorite, 47. Spaniolite, 101. Steinmark, 474, 475. Syhedrite, 442. Spargelstein, 530. Steindl, 723. Sylvan, Gediegen, 19. Sp/irkies, v. Speerkies. Steinsalz, 112. Sylvane graphique, 81. Sparry or Spathic iron, 688. Stellite, 396. Sylvanite, 81; 19. Spartaite, 678. Stephanite, 106. Sylvine, Sylvite, 111, Spartalite, 135. Stercorite, 551. Symplesite, 558. Spatheisenstem, 688. Sternbergite, 54. Syntagmatite, 235. Spear Pyrites, 75. Stetefeldtite, 188. Szaibelyite, 594. Speckstein, 451. Stibi, 29. Specular Iron, 140. Stibiconite, 188. Speerkies, 75. Stibine, 29. Tabergite, 493, 495, 497. Spessartite, 268. Stibiogalenite, 591. Tabular spar, 210. Speiskobalt, Weisser, 70. Stibium, 29. Tachhydrite, 119. Spheerite, 587. Stiblite, Stiblith, 188. Tachylyte, 245. Sphserosiderite, 690. Stibnite, 29. Tachyaphaltite, 275. Spheerostilbite, 442. Stilbite, 442; 444. Taenite, 16. Sphaerulite, 359. Stilbit anamorphique, 444. Tafelspatlh, 210. Sphalerite, 48. Blattriger, 444. Tagilite, 566. Sphene, 383. Stillolite, v. Opal. Talc, 451. Sphenoclase, 280. Stilpnomelawe, 460. Talc-apatite, 535.,Sphragidite, Sphragid, 458. Stilpnosiderite, 172. Talc phosphorsaurer, 538. GENERAL INDEX. 825 Talc zographique, v, Celadonite. Tetradymite, 30; 31, 32, 804. Tremenheerite, 25. Talc chlorite, 500. Tetrahedrite, 100, 804. Tremolite, 233. Talcite, 309. Tetraphyline, 541. Trichalcite, 562. Talcoid, 454. Texalith, 175. Trichite, 805. Talkeisenerz, 150. Texasite, 710. Trichopyrit, 56. Talkerde-Alaun, 653. Thalheimit, 78. Triclasite, 484. Talkspath, 680. Thalite, 472. Tridymite, 805. Talkhydrat, 175. Thallite, 281. Trinacrite, 484. Talksteinmark, 373. Tharandite, 682. Tripestone, 621. Tallingite, 122. Thenardite, 615. Triphane, 228. Tallow, Mineral, 731. Thermonatrite, 705. Triphylite, Triphyline, 541. Taltalite, 365. Thermophyllite, 465. Triplite, 543. Tamarite, 571. Thierschite, 718. Triploklas, 424. Tannenite, 86. Thiorsauite, 337. Tripolite, 199. Tantalic ochre, 188. Thomaite, 697. Tritomite, 412; 272. Tankite, 337. Thomsenolite, 129. Troilite, 57. Tantale oxyde yttrifere, 519. Thomsonite, 424; 329. Trolleite, 577. Tantalite, 514; 518. Thoneisenstein, 688. Trombolite, 562. Tapiolite, 518. Thonerde Schwefelsaure, 631, Trona, 706. Targionite, 40. 649, 658. Troostite, 262. Tarnowitzite, 694. Thonerdephosphat, 575. Tscheffkinite, 387. Tasmanite, 746. Thorite, 413; 763. Tschermigite, 651. Tauriscite, 644. Thraulite, 492. Tuesite, 474. Tautoklin, 685. Thrombolite, 562. Tufa, Calcareous, 680. Tautolite, 285. Thulite, 290. Tungstate of iron, 601. Tavistockite, 582. Thumite, Thummerstein, 297. of lead, 606. Taylorite, 614. Thuringite, 507. of lime, 605. Tecticite, 644. Tiemannite, 56, 805. Tungsten, 605. Tekoretin, 735. Tile ore, 133. Tungstic acid or ochre, 186. TdlSsie, 138. Tikerodite, 43. Tungstite, 186. Tellur, Gediegen, 19. Tin, Native, 17. Turgite, 167. Tellurbismuth, 30. Oxyd, 157. Tiirkis, 580. Tellurblei, 44. Sulphuret, 68. Turmalin, 365. Tellure auro-argentifdre, 81. Tin ore, 157. Turnerite, 540. auro-plombifere, 81. Tin pyrites, 68. Turquois, 580; 572. natif auro-ferrifere, 19. Tinder ore, 91. Tyrite, 524. Tellurgoldsilber, 51. Tinkal, 597. Tyrolite, 570. Telluric bismuth, 30. Tinkalzit, 598. Telluric ochre, 188. Tirolite, 570. Uddevallite, 144. Telluric silver, 50. Titaneisen, 143. Uigite, 412. Tellurige saure, 188. Titane anatase, 161. Ulexite, 598. Tellurite, 188. oxyd6, 159, 161, 164. Ullmannite, 73. Tellurium, Bismuthic, 30, 31, 32. silico-calcaire, 383. Ultramarine, 331. Black, 82. Titanic acid,.159, 161, 164. Unghwarite, 461. Foliated, 82. iron, 143. Unionite, 290. Graphic, 81. Titanite, 383, 805. Uraconise, Uraconite 668. Native, 19. Tiza, v. Ulexite. Uralite, 222. White, Yellow, 81. Tombazite, 72. Uralorthite, 285. Tellurium glance, v. Nagyagite. Topaz, 376. Uranatemnite, 154. Tellurous acid, 188. False, 193. Uranbliithe, 667. Tellursilber, 50. Oriental, 138. Urane oxydule, 154. Tellursilberblei, v. Sylvanite. Topazolite, 268. Uranglimmer, 585; 586. Tellurwismuth, 30, 31, 32. Topazoseme, 378. Urangreen, 667. Tengerite, 710. Topfstein, v. Potstone, 451. Urangriin, 667. Tennantite, 104. Torbanite, 742. Urangummi, 179. Tenorite, 136, 804. Torbernite, Torberite, 585. Uranin, Uraninite, 154. Tephroite, 259. Torrelite, 515. Uranisches Pittin-Erz, 175. Teratolite, 473. Touchstone, 195. Uranisches Gummi-Erz, 179. Terenite, 323. Tourbe papyracee, 746. UJranite, 585; 586. Terniirbleierz, 624. Tourmaline, 365. Uranium, Carbonate, 717. Terre verte, 462, 463. Towanite, 65. Oxyd, 154. Teschomacherite, 105. Trachyte, 359. Phosphate, 585, 586. Tesselite, 415. Traubenblei, 535. Sulphate, 666, 667, 668. Tesseralkies, 71. Traversellite, 214, 221, 406. Urankalk-Carbonat, 717. Tetartine, 348. Travertine, 680. Uraumica, 585. 826 GENERAL INDEX. Uranochalcite, 667. Vosgite, 343. Wismuth-Kupfererz, 86, 98. Uranochre, 668. Vulpinite, 621. Wismuthochre, 185. Uranoniobit, 520; 154. Wismuthoxyd, Kolens., 716. Uranophane, 805. Wad, 181. Wismuthsilber, 36. Uranotantal, 520. Wagit, 407. Wismuthspath, 716. Uranoxyd, 154. Wagnerite, 538. Withamite, 281. IUranpecherz, 154, 175, 179. Walchowite, 741. Witherite, 697. Uranphyllit, 585. Waldheimite, 242. Wittichenite. Wittichite, 98. Uranvitriol, 666. Walkthon, Walkerde, 458. Wittingite, 491. Urao, 706. Wallerian, 236. Wocheinite, 174. Urdite, 539. Walmstedtite, 686. Wodankies, v. Gersdorffite. Urpethite, 731. Wandstein, 685. Wohlerite, 261, 806. Uwarowit, 270. Warringtonite, 664. W6lchite, 96. Warwickite, 600. Wolchonskoite, 509. Valaite, 805. Washingtonite, 143. Wolfram, 601. Valencianite, 352. Wasite, 806. Wolframite, Wolframine, 601; Valentinite, 184. Wasserblei, 32. 186. Vanadite, 610. Wasserbleisilber, 32. Wolframbleierz, 606. Vanadic ochre, 167. Wasserkies, 75. Wolframochre, 186. Vanadinbleierz, 610. Water, 135. Wolfsbergite, 85; 91. Vanadinite, 610. Wavellite, 515. Wollastonite, 210; 396. Vargasite, 220. Websterite, 658. Wolnyn, 618. Variegated copper, 44. Wehrlite, 32, 296. Wood, petrified, 196. Variolyte, 344, 359. Weichbraunstein, 165. Wood-opal, 199. Variscite, 582. Weicheisenkies, v. Wasserkies. Woodwardite, 666. Varvacito, 166, 171, 182. Weichmangan, 165. Worthite, 373. Vauqueline, Vauquelinite, 630. Weissbleierz, 700. Wulfenite, 607. Velvet copper ore, 666. Weisserkies, 75. Wundererde, v. Teratolite. Verd-antique, 465, 618. Weisserz, 76. Wiirfelerz, 578. Vermiculite, 493. Weissgolderz, 81. Wiirfelgyps, 621. Vermilion, 56. Weissgiiltigerz, 101, 104. Wiirfelspath, 621. Vermontite, 78. Weissian, v. Scolecite. Wiirfelzeolith, 432, 434. Vestan, 806. Weissigite, 353. Wurtzite, 59. Vesuvianite, 276. Weissite, 301, 485. Vesuvian salt, 615. Weissk-upfer, 36. Xanthitan, v. Titanite. Vierzonite, 477. Weisskupfererz, 75. Xanthite, 276. Villarsite, 409. Weissnickelkies, 70, 17. Xanthoconite. 108. Villemite, 262. Weisspiessglanzerz, 184. Xanthokon, 108. Vilnite, 210.,reissstein, 352. Xanthophyllite, 508. Violan, 223. Weiss-Sylvanerz, 81. Xanthopyrites, 62. Vitreous copper, 52. Weisstellur, 81. Xanthorthit, 285. silver, 38. Wernerite, 319; 318, 324, 806. Xanthosiderite, 174; 655. Vitriol, Blue, 648 Wheel-ore, 96. Xenolite, 373. Green, 646. Whewellite, 718. Xenotime, 528. Lead, 622. White antimony, 184. Xonaltite, 397. Nickel, 648. arsenic, 183. Xylite, Xylotile, 406. Red, or Cobalt, 647. copperas, 647, 650. Xylochlore, 415. Red Iron, 657. iron pyrites, 15. Xylokryptit, v. Scheererite? White, or Zinc, 647. lead ore, 700. Xyloretinite, 742. Vitriolgelb, 660. nickel, 77. Vitriol ochre, 662. tellurium, 81. Yanolite, 297. Vitriolbleierz, 622. vitriol, 647. Yellow copperas, 655. Vivianite, 556. Whitneyite, 37. copper ore, 65. Voglianite, 668. Wichtine, Wichtisite, 244. lead ore, 607. Voglite, 717. Wiesenerz, 172, 174, 178. tellurium, 81. Voigtite, 307, 486. Wilhelmite, 262. Yenite, 296. V1lknerite, 178. Willemite, 262. Ypoleime, 568. Volborthite, 611. Williamsite, 262, 465. Ytterbite, 293. Volcanic glass, 213. Wilsonite, 480; 323. Yttererde, Phosph., 528. Volcanite, 359. Wiluite, 266, 276. Yttergranat, 268. Volgerite, 188, 806. Wiserin, 528. Ytterfiussspath, 125. Voltaite, 652. W~ ismuth, Gediegen, 19. Ytterspath, 528, 710. Voltzite, Voltzine, 50. Wismuthblende, 391. Yttria, Fluate, 125. Voraulite, 572. Wismuthbleierz, 36. Phosphate, 528. Vorhauserite, 464. Wismuthglanz, 30. Tantalate, 519. GENERAL INDEX. 827 Yttria, Silicate, 804. Ziegelerz, 133. Zinkbliithe, 111. Yttrocalcit, 125. Zietrisikite, 733. Zinkenite, 88. Yttrocerite, 125. Zigueline, 133. Zinkglas, 407. Yttrocolumbite, v. Yttrotantal- Zillerthite, 234. Zinkit, 135. ite. Zinc, Arsenate, 561. Zinkkieselerz, 407. Yttroilmenite, 519, 520. Carbonate, 692, 711. Zinkosite, 624. Yttrotantalite, 519. hydrate cuprif6re, 570. Zinkoxyd, 135. Yttrotitanite, 387. Iodid and Bromid, 122. Zinkphyllit, 544. Native, 17. Zinkspath, 692. Zala, v. Borax. oxidd. 135. Zinkvitriol, 647. Zamtite, 710. oxide silicif6re, 262. Zinn, Gediegen, 17. Zaratite, 710. Oxysulphuret, 50. Geswefeltes, 68. Zeagonite, 418. Phosphate, 544. Zinnerz, 157. Zeasite, v. Opal. Red Oxyd, 135. Zinnkies, 68, Zeilanite, 147. Silicate, 262, 406. Zinnober, 55. Zellkies, 75. Siliceous Oxyd, 407. Zinnstein, 157. Zeolite Section, 421. Sulphate, 624, 647. Zinnwaldite, 314. Zeolite, Feather, 426. Sulphid, Sulphuret, 48. Zippeite, 667. Foliated, 442, 444. Zinc blende, 48. Zircon, 272. Efflorescing, 399. Zinc bloom, 711. Zirconite, 273. Needle, 426. Zincfahlerz, 104. Zoisite, 290, 806. Pyramidal, 415. Zinc vitriol, 647. Zolestein, 619. Cubic, 432, 434. Zinc ore, Red, 135. Zorgite, 43. Zeugite, 553. Zincite, 135. Zundererz, 91. Zeuxite, 370. Zinconise, 711. Zurlite, 280. Zeylanite, 147. Zinkarseniat, 561. Zwieselite, 543. Zianite, v. Kyanite. Zinkazurite, 713. Zygadite, 352. JO. H — I WTIE' SOA0, 535 Broadway, New York, PITJBLISIH A&ND OFilPFEI~ FOR SA.ILE: Free by mail wahen paid for int advance. Agriculture, etc. - A R I U L T U R A L Blowpipe Analysis, - A TREATISE ON CHEMISTRY. By Justus Liebig. 1 vol., 12mo, THlE. By Prof. C. J. Brush. (In preparation). cloth,..$l1 00 A GRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. Principles of. Bookkeeping and Acconntantship. ELEMENTARY AND PRACTICAL. In two With special reference to late researches in En- ELE wENt aRY A PrCTCLr. 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