SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 156 CATALOGUE OF WITH THEIR FORMULAS, ETC, PREPARED FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTTTUTION. BY T:. EGLESTON. WASHINGTON: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: JUNE, 1863. CONTENTS. Advertisement..... iii Introduction..,.. v Chemical symbols.. @ O.. * Vii Systems of crystallization..O ix Analytical table..... xi Catalogue of minerals. 1 Check list of mineral...... O e 33 Alphabetical index G e 39 (. ii ) A DVERTISE ME NT. THE following Catalogue of Mineral Species has been prepared by Mr. Egleston, at the request of the Institution, for the purpose of facilitating the arranging and labelling of collections, and the conducting of exchanges, as well as of presenting in a compact form an outline of the science of mineralogy as it exists at the present day. In labelling collections it is considered important to give the chemical composition as well as the names, and hence the formule have been added. Some doubt was at first entertained as to the system of classification which ought to be adopted; but after due consideration it was concluded to make use of that followed by Professor Dana, in the last edition of his Manual of Mineralogy. Whatever difference of opinion may exist as to the best classification, the one here employed is that which will be most generally adopted in this country, on account of the almost exclusive use of Professor Dana's excellent Manual. The Institution is under obligations to Prof. Dana, Prof. Brush, Dr. Genth, and other gentlemen, for their assistance in perfecting the work, and carrying it through the press. Copies of the Catalogue, printed on one side only, to be cut apart for labels, can be furnished on application. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, June, 1863. ( iii ) INTRODUCTION. To render the present Catalogue of Minerals more than a mere enumeration of names, the formulh expressing the chemicalcomposition of the mineral and the system in which it crystallizes, as far as at present understood, have been given. The classification adopted is Dana's, as published in the fourth edition of his Mineralogy. Some species that have proved not to be well founded have been omitted, and many since published have been added. Of,these latter species, some must be considered as having only a provisional place in the series, and it is probable that others will ultimately be dropped altogether. In making the additions and corrections, the Supplements to Dana's Mineralogy, which have appeared from time to time in Silliman's Journal, have always been consulted, and the most probable formule, as deduced by recent investigations, have been selected. In a few instances a change has been made in the place; of a species where a more thorough examination has thrown light upon the true nature of the mineral or where it has been found that the system of crystallization had previously been incorrectly given. Fatjyasite, p. 19, was formerly considered as dimetric, it has lately been proved to be monometric, and it has therefore been placed among the monometric zeolites. The formula for Euclase is the one given by Rose; Damour's analysis gave water, and the formula 2e Si-"- + 3;i'i4- + I. PRammelsberg has recently discovered the existence of protoxides in Staurotide, and proposes as a general formula (P, R2) + Sin. In the formula for Opal, water has not been written, ( v) vi INTRODUCTION. as it is found in very variable quantities, and is not considered as essential. For what is known of the species added to the list of organic compounds, see the 2d, 5th, 6th, and 7th Supplements to Dana's Mineralogy. For changes in the systems of crystallization, Des-Cloizeaux has generally been the authority. A table of the symbols used, with illustrations of the meaning of the formulae, are given on p. vii., and on p. ix. will be found a table relating to the systems of crystallization. In the first column are the simple forms from which all the others, of the same system, are derived; in the second the description of the axes of these simple forms, and in the others the nomenclature that has been adopted by the authors whose names stand at the head of the column. The axes of a crystal are imaginary lines drawn through its centre and about which it is symmetrical. It has been found most convenient to refer to the systems of crystallization by the numbers which have been placed on the left hand of the table. An asterisk following the name of a mineral, as Gold,* p. 1, denotes that it has been found in the United States. A dagger, as Danburite,t p. 14, denotes that it has been found in the United States only. The other minerals have not, so far as is known, been found in this country. T. EGLESTON. NEw YORE, May, 1863. CHEMICAL SYMBOLS, Ag. (Argentum) Silver. Mg. Magnesium. Al. Aluminium. Mn. Manganese. Aq. Water. Mo. Molybdenum. As. Arsenic. N. Nitrogen. Au. (Anirum) Gold. Na. (Natrum) Sodium. B. Boron. Ni. Nickel. Ba. Barium. 0. Oxygen. Be. (Beryllium) Glucinum. Os. Osmium. Bi. Bismuth. P. Phosphorus. Br. Bromine. Pb. (Plumbum) Lead. C. Carbon. Pd. Palladium. Ca. Calcium. Pt. Platinum. Cb. Columbium. Rd. Rhodium. Cd. Cadmium. Ruo Ruthenium. Ce. Cerium. S. Sulphur. C1. Chlorine. Sb. (Stibium) Antimony. Co. Cobalt. Se. Selenium. Cr. Chromium. Si. Silicium. Cu. (Cuprum) Copper. Sn. (Stannum) Tin. D. Didymium. Sr. Strontium. F. Fluorine. Ta. Tantalum. Fe. (Ferrum) Iron. Tb. Terbium. R. Hydrogen. Te. Tellurium. Hg. (iydrargyrum) Mercury. Th. Thorium. I. Iodine. U. Uranium. Ir. Iridium. V. Vanadium. K. (Kalium) Potassium. W. (Wolframium) Tungsten. La. Lanthanum. Y. Yttrium. Li. Lithium. Zn. Zinc. IM. Mellic Acidl. Zr. Zirconium. NOTE. —R is an indefinite symbol, and may refer to any one or more of the symbols in the table. In the formaul given in the Catalogue the dots over the symbols indicate atoms of oxygen-thus, Fe indicates one atom ( vii ) viil CHIEMICAL SYMBOLS. of Iron combined with one of Oxygen. A dashed letter indicates a double atom of the substance-thus, Fe means two atoms of Iron combined with three of Oxygen. A general formula has sometimes been given when one or more of the elements are replaced by others in variable proportions, or for species which include several important varieties, as Melilophane, p. 12, Allanite and others, p. 14, Pyroxene, p. 11, Amphibole and Peridot, p. 12. &c. In these formulae P represents all the bases composed of one atom of an element and one of Oxygen, and R all those composed of two atoms of an element and three of Oxygen. Thus the general formula for the family of the Chlorites, p. 17, is 5P i3 Si + 3R Si 1214, which means that the mineral contains five atoms of a compound made up of three atoms of proto-base combined with three-quarters of an atom of silicic acid, plus three atoms of a compound of one atom of sesqui-base combined with threequarters of an atom of silicic acid, plus 12 atoms of water. In Chlorite and Pennine the proto-bases are Magnesia and Iron, but in Clinochilore Magnesia only; in Chlorite and Clinochlore the sesqui-base is Alumina only, while in Pennine it is Alumina and Iron. It will thus be seen that a large figure written as a co-efficient refers to the whole of the member to which it is prefixed, while a small figure written as an exponent refers only to the symbol to which it is attached. Thus 5P3 Si~ means five atoms of S3 Sia, while RI means simply three atoms of AR. When the symbols are written together the substances are in chemical combination-thus As S which is the formula for Realgar, p. 2, characterizes that mineral as a sulphuret of Arsenic. When one element is combined with several these are placed in brackets and each symbol is followed by a comma-thus Srlaltine (Co, Fe, Ni) As2, p. 4, is an Arseniuret of Cobalt, Iron, and Nickel. In this case the proportions of Cobalt, Iron, and Nickel are not stated. In the formula of Eisennickelkies (.Ni 4 3 Fe) S, p. 3, a sulphuret of Nickel and Iron, the proportions are stated. The general formula in this case would be RS; one-third of R is Nickel, and the other two-thirds Iron. When more than one element is combined with several others, both members are written in brackets; thus Glaucodot (Co, Fe) (S, As)2, p. 4, is a Bi-sullpho-arseniuret of Cobalt and Iron. In some instances, as Bismuth Silver, p. 1, no formula has been given, but simply an enumeration of the elements of which the mineral is composed; in this case each symbol is followed by a comma. When the water of a mineral has not been determined, it has been written Aq. instead of f[. SYSTE1MS OF CRYSTALLIZATION. No. StMPLE FORMS. AXES. 1 Cube and octahedron. 3 axes rectangular and equal. 2 Right prism with square base. 3 axes rectangular, 2 equal. 3 Right prism with rectangular or 3 axes rectaugular and unequal. rhombic base. 4 Right rhomboidal and oblique 3 axes unequal, 2 rectangular. rhombic prisms. 5 Oblique dcisymetric rhomboidal 3 axes unequal, and unequally prism. inclined. 6 Rhombohedron and hexagonal 4 axes, 3 equal and equally inprism. clined, 1 at right angles to the other three. NAMES USED BY DIFFERENT AUTHORS. No. Naumann. Mohs. Weiss & Rose. Phillips. Delafosse. Dallia. 1 Tesseral. Tessular. Regular. Cubic. Cubic. M onolnetric. 2 Tetragonal. Pyramidal. 2 and 1 axial. I Pyram- Tetrago- Dimetric. idal. nal. 3 Rhombic. Orthotype. 1 and 1 axial. Pris- Ortho-. Trimetric. |matic. rhombic. | 4 Monoclino- Hemiortho- 2 and 1 mem- Oblique. Clillo- Monohedric. type. bered. rhombic. clinic. 5 Triclino- Anortho- 1 and 1 mem- Anorthic. Clino- Triclinic. hedric. type. bered. hedric. 6 Hexagonal. Rhombohe- 3 and 1 axial. Rhombo- Hexago- Hexagodral. hedral. nal. nal. ( i ) ANALYTICAL TABLE. PAGE A. NATIVE ELEMENTS.... o 1 1. Hydrogen Group...... 1 2. Arsenic Group..e 1 3. Carbon Group.... 2 B. SULPHURETS, ARSENIURETS, ETC. 2 I. BINARY COMPOUNDS.... o o. 2 1. Compounds of Elements of the Arsenic Group with one another.,... o. 2 2. Compounds of Elements of the Arsenic Group with those of the Hydrogen Group. 3 1. Discrasite Division... e 3 2. Galena Division. 3 3. Pyrites Division... 4 4. Skutterudite Division... 5 II. DOUBLE BINARY COMPOUNDS. o 5 1. The Persulphuret a Sulphuret of an Element of the Hydrogen Group, as of Iron, Cobalt, or Nickel e 5 2. The Persulphuret a Sulphuret of Elements of the Arsenic Group... 5 C. FLUORIDS, CHLORIDS, BROMIDS, IODIDS.. 6 1. Calomel Division..... 6 2. Rock Salt Division. o.o 7 D. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS.. 8 I. BINARY COMPOUNDS. * O..... 8 1. Oxides of the Elements of the Hydrogen Group.. 8 A. Anhydrous Oxides.... 8 1. Monometric... 8 2. Hexagonal. 8 (xi) Xii ANALYTICAL TABLE. PAGE D. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS.-(Continued). 3. Dimetric. 9 4. Trimetric..... 9 Appendix to Anhydrous Oxides... 9 5. Combinations of Oxides and Chlorides or Sulphurets 9 B. Hydrous Oxides.... 9 Appendix to Hydrous Oxides. 10 2. Oxides of Elements of the Arsenic Group. 10 1. Arsenic Division..... 10 2. Sulphur Division...... 10 3. Oxygen Compounds of Carbon, Boron and Silicon. 11 II. OXYGEN DOUBLE 131NARY COMPOUNDS... 11 1. Silicates...... 11 A. Anhydrous Silicates... 11 1. Edelforsite Section.... 11 2. Augite Section....11 3. Eulytine Section..... 12 4. Garnet Section.. 12 5. Mica Section....14 6. Feldspar Section..... 14 Appendix.. 15 7. Andalusite Section.. 15 B. Hydrous Silicates......16 I. Magnesian Hydrous Silicates.... 16 1. Talc Section..... 16 2. Serpentine Section... 16 Appendix.. 17 3. Chlorite Section...... 17 II. Non-Magnesian Hydrous Silicates... 18 1. Pyrophyllite Section...... 18 2. Pectolite Section..... 18 3. Calamine Section..... 18 4. Zeolite Section.. 19 5. Datholite Section.... 20 Appendix to Hydrous Silicates. 20 C. Unarranged Silicates containing Titanic Acid.. 20 Appendix.. 20 2. Titanates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Tantalates, Columbates, Chromates, Vanadates.. 21 3. Sulphates and Selenates..... 22 1. Anhydrous Sulphates... 22 ANALYTICAL TABLE. Xiii PAGM D. OXYGEN COMPOUNDS.-(Continued.) 1. Trimetric........ 22 2. Rhombohedral...... 22 3. Monoclinic......22 Appendix to Anhydrous Sulphates. 23 2. Hydrous Sulphates... 23 4. Borates. 25 5. Phosphates, Arsenates, Antimonates, Nitrates. 25 a. Anhydrous. 25 1. Hexagonal...... 25 2. Dimetric.... 25 3. Monoclinic..... 25 4. Trimetric... o 26 Appendix....26 b. Hydrous.. 26 Sulphato-Phosphates.. 27 Appendix.. 28 c. Nitrates... 28 6. Carbonates........28 1. Anhydrous Carbonates..... 28 2. Hydrous Carbonates. 28 3. Carbonates with a Chloride or Fluoride.. 29 7. Oxalates...... 29 E. RESINS AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS.. 30 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. A. NATIVE ELEIMENTS. 1. Hydrogen Group. 1. Gold * Au 1 2. Platinum * Pt 1 3. Platiniridium * Ir, Pt 1 4. Palladium Pa 1 5. Quicksilver * Hg 1 6. Amalgam Ag Hg2 and Ag Hg3 1 7. Arquerite Ag6 Hg 1 8. Gold Amalgam * (Au, Ag)2 Hg5 9. Silver * Ag 1 10. Bismuth Silver Fe, Bi, Pb, Ag 1? 11. Copper * Cu 1 12. Lead Pb 1 13. Iron* Fe 1 14. Tin Sn 2 15. Zinc Zn 6 2. Arsenic Group. 16. Iridosmine * Ir, Os, Rd 6 17. Tellurium Te 6 1 2 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 18. Bismuth * Bi 6 19. Tetradymite * Bi, Te 6 20. Antimony Sb 6 21. Arsenic * As 6 22. Arsenical Antimony * Sb, As 6 23. Sulphur * S 3 24. Selenium Se 4 25. Selensulphur Se, S 3. Carbon Group. 26. Diamond. * C 1 27. Mineral Coal C 27a. Anthracite * 27b. Bituminous Coal * 270. Jet * 27d. Lignite * 28. Graphite * C 6 B. SULPIHIURETS, ARSENIIURETS, ETC. I. BINARY COMPOUNDS. 1. Compounds of Elements of the Arsenic Group with one another. 29. Realgar As S 4 30. Orpiment * As2 S3 3 31. Dimorphine As4 S3 3 32. Bismuthine * Bi2 S3 3 33. Stibnite * Sb2 S3 3 CATALOGUE 0F MINERALS. 3 System of crystallization. 2. Compounds of Elements of the Arsenic Group with those of the Hydrogen Group. 1. Discrasite Division. 34. Discrasite Ag2 Sb 3 35. Domeykite * Cu3 As2 36. Algodonite * CuS As2 37. Whitneyite * Cu9 As2 2. Galena Division. 38. Silver Glance * Ag S 1 39. Erubescite * (Fe, Qu) S 1 40. Galena * Pb S 1 41. Steinmannite Pb, S, Sb 1 42. Cuproplumbite? 2Pb S + -u S 1 43. Aiisonite 3eu S + Pb S 44. Manganblende Mn S 1 45. Syepoorite Co S 46. Eisennickelkies (~Ni -+-'Fe) S 1 47. Clausthalite Pb Se 1 48. Naumannite Ag Se 1 49. Berzelianite Cu Se 50. Eucairite (Cu, Ag) Se 51. Hessite * Ag Te 1? 52. Altaite Pb Te 1 53. Gruiinauite (Bi, Ni, Co, Fe)' SI 1 54. Blende* Zn S 1 55. Copper Glance * GuS 3 2 4 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of ervystallization. 56. Akanthite Ag S 3 57. Stromeyerite (eu, Ag) S 3 58. Cinnabar * HgS 6 59. Millerite * Ni S 6 60. Pyrrhotine * Fe7 S8 6 61. Greenockite Cd S 6 62. VrWurtzite Zn S 6 63. Onofrite H{g6 6e5 64. Copper Nickel * Ni As 6 65. Breithauptite * Ni Sb 6 66. Kaneite Mn As 67. Schreibersite Fe, P, Ni 3. Pyrites Division. 68. Pyrites * Fe S2 I 69. Hauerite Mn S2 1 70. Smaltine * (Co, Fe, Ni) As2 1 71. Cobaltine Co (S, As)2 1 72. Gersdorffite * Ni (S, As)2 1 73. Uhlmannite Ni (S, As, Sb)2 1 74. MBarcasite * Fe S2 3 75. Rammelsbergite Ni As2 3 76. Leucopyrite * Fe As2 3 77. Mfispickel * Fe (As, S)2 3 78. Glaucodot (Co, Fe) (S, As)2 3 79. Sylvanite * (Ag, Au) TOe 3 80. Nagyagite (Pb, Au) (Te, S)2 2 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS..0 System of No. Name. ormula. crystllizion. crystallization. SI. Covelline Cu S2 6 82. Molybdenite * Mo S2 6 83. Riolite Ag Se2 6 4. Skutterudite Division. 84. Skutterudite Co As3 I II. DOUBLE BINARY COMPOUNDS. 1. The Persulphuret a Sulphuret of an Element of the Hydrogen Group, as of Iron, Cobalt, or Nickel. 85. Linnweite * Co S + Co2 S3 1 86. Cuban Cu S +- Fe2 S 1 87. Chalcopyrite * Lu S + Fe2 Ss 2 88. Barnhardite * 2Cu S + Fe2 S3 2 89. Tin Pyrites Cu S (Sn' S3, Fe2 SS) 2 90. Sternbergite Ag S + 2Fe2 S3? 3 2. The Persulpharet a Sulphuret of Elements of the Arsenic Group. 91. Wolfsbergite 3un S + Sb2 S3 3 92. Tannenite Cu S + Bi2 SS 3? 93. Berthierite Fe S - Sb2 S3 94. Zinkenite Pb S + Sb2 Ss 3 95. Miargyrite Ag S + Sb2 S 4 96. Plagionite Pb S + -Sb2 S3 4 97. Jamesonite Pb S --'Sb2 S3 98. Heteromorphite Pb S + ~Sb2 SS 99. Brongniardite (Pb, Ag) S + ~Sb2 S 1I 100. Chiviatite (gu, Pb) S + WBi2 S3 6 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of W(, ~Name. Formula. of crystallization. 101. Dufrenoysite Pb S +!As2 S3 1 102. Pyrargyrite Ag S + ~Sb2 S3 6 103". Proustite * Ag S +- As2S3 6 104. Freieslebenite * (Ag, Pb) S+ Sb2 S3 4 105. Bournonite (Cu, Pb) S -+.Sb2 S3 3 106. Kenngottite Ag, Pb, S, Sb 4 107. Boulangerite Pb S — +Sb2 S3 108. Aikinite (Cu, Pb) S +- Bi2 S3 3 1PI9. W61chite Pb, Cu, As, Sb, S 3 110. Clayite? (Cu, Pb) (S, As, Sb) 1 111. Kobellite? (Fe, Pb) S- + (Sb, Bi)2 S3 1? 112. Meneghinite Pb S +- 4Sb S3 113. Tetrahedrite * (C(u, Fe, Zn, Ag) S +- (Sb, As)2 SS 1 114. Tennantite * (-Cu, Fe) S -4- As2 SS 1 115. Geocronite * Pb S + I(Sb, As)' Ss 3 116. Polybasite (Ag, Cu) S - I(Sb, As)2 S3 6 117. Stephanite Ag S + ISb' S3 3 118. Enargite * (Cu, Fe, Zn) S - + (As, Sb)2 S5? 3 119. Xanthocone (3Ag S+As 2 S5)+2(3Ag S+AsS3) 6 120{. Fireblende Ag, S, Sb 4 121. Wittichite u, Bi,' S 3 C. FLUJORIDS, CIILORIDS, BRO1fIDS, IOBDIDS. 1. Calomel Division. 122. Calomel Hg2 Cl 2 CATALOGUE OF MINEIRALS. 7 System of No. Name. Formula. rystalfiz crystallization. 2. Rock Salt Division. 123. Sylvine K C1 1 124. Salt * Na C1 1 125. Sal Ammoniac NH4 C1 1 ]26. Kerargyrite * Ag C1 1 127. Embolite 3Ag C1 + 2Ag Br 1 128. Bromyrite Ag Br 1 129. Iodo-bromid! of Silver Ag, I, Br 130. Fluor * Ca 1 131. Yttrocerite * Ca F, YF, Ce F 132. Iodyrite Ag I 6 133. Coccinite Hg I 2? 134. Fluocerite Be, Y, HF 6 135. Pluocerine Ce2 F3 + 3 1e [ 1? 136. Cotunnite Pb Cl 3 137. Muriatic Acid H C1 138. Cryolite Na F -+ A12 F9 2 139. Chiolite Na F +!A12 F3 2 140. Fluellite A1,F 3 141. Carnallite K Cl + Mg C1 12ff 142. Tachhydrite Ca C1 -0- 2Mg Cl + 121f 8 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. IN o. Hame. Formula. System of crystallization. D. OXYGEN COMPOUNDllS. I. BINARY COMPOUNDS. 1. Oxides of the Elements of the Hydrogen Group. A. ANHYDROUS OXIDES. 1. Monometric. 143. Periclase Mg 1 144. Red Copper eu 1 145. Martite * e 1 146. Iserine Fe (Pe, Ti) 1 147. Irite? (Ir, Os, Fe) (Ir,, O,, Cr)2 03? 1 148. Spinel * * Mg Al 149. Magnetite * PFe e 1 150. Magnoferrite t g3a Ve4 1 151. Pranklinite * (j e, n)3 (Pe, gn) 1 152. Chromic Iron * (Pe, ig) (Al, Jr) 1 153. Pitchblende U:? 1 154. Melaconite * ~u 1? 155. Plumbic Ochre * Pb 2. Hexagonal. 156. Water * I{ 6 157. Zincite 2* n 6 158. Corundum;Al 6 159. Hematite * e 6 160. Ilmenite * i, Pe 6 161. Plattnerite Pb 6? 162. Tenorite Qu 6? * M1g may be replaced by NCa, Fe, Sin, or 2n, alone or in combination. t Rammelsberg gives the formula g/gm Pen, and gives 3 and 4 as the probable values of m and n. CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 9 No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 3. Dinmetric. 163. Braunitre * M{n in 2 164. Hausmannite * Mn n 2 165. Cassiterite Sn 2 166. rRutile * Ti 2 167. Anatase * Ti 2 4. Trirnmetric. 168. Chalcotrichite * u 3 169. Chrysoberyl * 3-e 13 3 170. Brookite * Ti 3 171. Pyrolusite * in 3 172. Polianite i1n Mn 3 Appendix to Anhydrous Oxides. 173. Minium* 3?b2 Pb 174. Crednerite CU3 Mn2 4 175. Heteroclin? Mn, i 4 176. Palladinite'? * Pa 5. Combinations of Oxides and Ch7lorides or Szdphurets. 177. Voltzite 4Zn S + Zn 178. Matlockite Pb Cl I- Pb 2 179. Mendipite Pb Cl - 2Pb 3 180. Percylite? (Pb Cl + Pb)+ (Cu Cl+-u)+Aq 1 181. Karelinite?'i + Bi S B. HYDROUS OXIDES. 182. Diaspore*'l1 3 183. G6Sthite * 3e I{ S 10 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of erystallizat ion. 174. Manganite in Hi 3 185. Limonite * f;e2 eIa 186. Brucite * kg t 6 187. Gibbsite * Al- 6 Appendix to Hydrous Oxides. 188. Vdlknerite* Mg6;1 + 16fI 6 189. Hydrotalcite Mg5 Al1 + 12f 190. Psilomelane * (MI n,Ia) nn2+ f2t 191. Newkirkite ~in, Fe, fI 192. Wad* * n + HT 193. Atacamite Cu C1 + 3Nu I 3 2. Oxides of Elements of the Arsenic Group. 1. Arsenic Division. 194. Arsenolite * s 1 195. Senarmontite 9b 1 196. Valentinite Sb 3 197. Bismuth Ochre* B'i 198. Kermesite 2Sb S3 + -b 4 199. Retzbanyite (3Bi S + 2Cu S, Pb S) + 2Pb' 200. Cervantite b + Sb 201. Volgerite'b - 5I 202. Ammiolite fItg, Sb, Fe, t 2. Sulphur Division. 203. Sulphurous Acid* g 204. Telluric Ochre Te? * R-= k, ]a, No, Sln. CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 11 No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 205. Sulphuric Acid * S II 206. Wolframine* W 1 207. Molybdine * ~Io 3 3. Oxygen Compounds of Carbon, Boron and Silicon. 208. Carbonic Acid * 209. Sassolin B I-I3 5 210. Quartz * Si 6 210a. Jasper * 210b. Agate * 2100. Chalcedony * 211. Opal * 211a. Precious opal 211b. Semi-opal * 211e. Hyalite * 211d. Geyserite II. OXYGEN DOUBLE BINARY COMPOUNDS. 1. Silicates. A. ANIHYDROUS SILICATES. 1. Edelforsite Section. 212. Edelforsite Ca'i 2. Augite Section. 213. Wollastonite * 0a3Si2 4 214. Pyroxene t3 -i2 4 214L. Diopside * (Ca, Mg)3'Si 214b. Hedenbergite * (Ca, Fe)'Siz 214c. Augite * (Ca, Mg, ]?e)" Si2 215. Pelicanite I1l Si3 + 2II 12 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of No. Name. Formula. ystaization. erystallization. 216. Spodumene * (Li, Na)3 Si2 + 4'1'Si 4 217. Prehnitoid (h-a, Ca) 3 iz +- 2-:1;i2 218. Amphibole R4'i3 4 21S%. Tremolite * (Ca +- 3fg) Si3 218b'. Actinolite * (Ca - 3(YMg, ie))'Si 218c. Hornblende * (Fe + 3Ig)'Si3 219. Acmite 3-a'Si - e Si2 4 220. Strakonitzite? Ca, M1g,'e, i1, Si, t: 4 221. Enstatite Mg3'Si 3 222. Anthophyllite* (Fe + 3Mg) P 3 223. Hypersthene * ('e, Mn)3 Fi2 3 224. VWichtyne (Na, Ca, MIg, ]e)S' i + Al1'i2 225. Babingtonite * (Ca, Fe)6 Si 5 226. Rhodonite * n3'Si2 5 227. Beryl * (~3e 1l) i 228. Eudialyte 2(Ca, Na, Fe)3 Si2 + Zr gji2 6 3. Eulytine Section. 229. Eulytine ji'Si3 1 230. Leucophane Cla,'i2 + Be Si + Na F 3 231. Melinophane * Ra3 ji2 +'Si - Na F 6? 4. Garnet Section. 232. Peridott3 RSi 3 232%. Forsterite * MJg3 Si 232b. Chrysolite * (Sg, Fe)3 Si 2320. Fayalite * Fes Si * a~ N=.a. --- -= l.Be CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 13 System of No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 233. Tephroite * MZn3 Si 2? 234. Knebelite (Fe, Mn) 3 gi 235. Chondrodite * * g4 3 336. Willemite * 2n3 si 6 237. Phenacite * Be Si 6 238. Garnet 23'i + i- i 1 238a. Pyrope * (Na, lg)3'i + (A1, Fe) 9i 238b. Grossular * CGa3 i + Al ~i 2380. Almandine * ies i +- 1 Al Si 238d. Spessartine * in'3 Si + Al Si 238e. Melanite * Ca3 Si + Fe Si 238f. Ouvarovite Ca3 i-i + (ir Al) 9i 239. HIelvin (MSn, le) S'i2+ Be Si + Mn S 1 240. Zircon * r Si 2 241. Auerbachite gr]'i- 2 242. Alvite? rh?,, Zr, e, Al, e, 1, e, S,: 2 243. Tachyaphaltite Th?, Al, Ve, Zr,'i, 1 2 244. Idocrase * (Ca, Mig, Fe)'3 i +;i1 Si 2 245. Sarcolite (Ca, ta)3'Si+- Al Si 2 246. Meionite Ca3 Si + 2l1 Si 2 247. Scapolite* Ca3'Si2+ 2A1-Si 2 248. Mellilite 2(Ca, Nla, SIg)3 i- (Al, Pe) Si 2 249. Dipyre 4(Ca, 1a)'i Si+3l1 Si 2 * Part of the oxygen is replaced by fluorine in varying proportions. 14 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula; System of crystallization. 250. Epidote ~3 Si + 2i Si 5 250.%. Pistacite * (Ca, ie)3Si + 2X1 Si 250b. Zoisite * Ca Si ~- 2X1 Si 2500. Piedmontite (a Si +- 2(X1, Mn) Si 251. Allanite* * P i+ -- i 4 252. Partschin (Fe, 1in)3'Si +-'l i 4 253. Zoisite Brookle as'i + 2X1 Si 4 254. Gadolinite t (R3, R)'it 4 255. Danburite t Ca3 gi + 3B Si 5 256. Axinite * n (R3, I, 1) Si 5 257. Iolite * (Mg, Pe)3 Si2+- 3X1 Ri 3 5. Mica Section. 258. Muscovite* ~ ( +1ft3 12}g) Si 3 259. Phlbgopite * 3(]K, fg)3'i + 2X1'i 3 260. Biotite * (k, Mg)3 Si + (A1, Fe) Si 3 261. Astrophyllite B1, Nia, Oa, Fe, MEn, fi, I1, Zr, Ve, Si 262. Lepidomelane (fk, _Fe)3 si +- 3(X1, Fe) Si 3? 263. Lepidolite * (ft, Li) Si + (X1, Fe)'i 3 6. Feldspar Section. 264. Sodalite * ias Si +- 3A1'Si + Na C1 1 265. Lapis Lazuli 1a, Ca, X1, Ve, Si, S 1 266. Hauyne:Na3 -Salii 31 i 2Ca g 1 267. Nosean Wa3'i + 3X1 Si +- 1a 3 1 268. Skolopsite II f3 *ai2 + 1 Si 4- ia S * = a.Oe.La.t i.e. g. =Xipe t R =Ca.. e. a e. e -P e. $ -l=Ca. IR='X1. l e.'Mn. ~ E Xil. ae. I 1%- a. ka. Ca. MIg. an. CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 15 No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 269. Leucite k3'i2 + 3'1 -'i2 1 270. Nepheline * (]Na, k)2'i + 2A1 gi 6 271. Cancrinite * NTa2'i + 2'1 Si -- (-Na, Ca) C+ 6 G 272. Anorthite (Na, kf Ca, kg) 5;i + 3X1 9i 5 273. Andesine * (Ca, Na)s3'i2 + 3Al'i2 5 274. Barsowite Ca3 Si2 3l1 Si 5? 275. Bytownite? Ca Si2 + — 3A1'Si 276. Labradorite * (Ca, Na) "i i1'Si 5 277. Oligoclase * (Ca, Nra)'i + 1'i2 5 278. Albite * 1Na Si - 1 Si3 5 279. Orthoclase * te'i ~- 1 Si5 4 280. Petalite* (Li, lNa)'Si4 + 41 Si4 5? ~Appendix. 281. Cyclopite (Ca, Na)3;i + 2(Xl, Fe);i 5 282. Weissigite? Na, K, Li, Al, Si 4 283. Pollux k, Ja,;1, e'i 284. Isopyre'a;i + (Al, Fe) Si 285. Silicate of Yttria? Y, Si 286. Polychroilite kg, Al, Pe, Si, fl 6? 7. Andalusite Section. 287. Gehlenite 3(Mg, Ca)3 $i + (Fe, Al) 9i 2 288. Andalusite* * 1A 3i2 3 289. Topaz* * Al i 3 290. Staurotide * t (Al,e);i 3 291. Carolathine 1l Si * And Al'i]. In Topaz part of the oxygen is replaced by fluorine. t And Al'i4. Rammelsberg writes the formula (P,,2) + 4'in. 16 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of h'o. Nam%. Formula. crystallization. 292. Lievrite * 3((Pe, Na)3 Si + Ie2 8i 3 293. Kyanite * x1 Ali- 5 294. Sillimanite * *; 3 295. Sapphirine /g, Fle, x1, Si 3? 296. Euclase (,']e - ~1) Sia 4 297. Sphene * (Ca, Ti) Si-i 4 298. Keilhauite (Y, (ba, Ti), A1, INe, I n,:r) Si2 4 299. Tourmaline * t (Rs3, i, ) Si 6 B. HYDROUS SILICATES. I. Magnesian Hydrous Silicates. 1. Talc Section. 300. Talc * Mg i5 21 3? 301. Meerschaum g'Si + H? 302. Neolite (Fe, ig) Si + -l? 303. Spadaite kg5 SP+ 4H 304. Chlorophaeite Fe Si + 6ff? 305. Crocidolite (Na, MIg, Fe)6 si5 +- 2If 4? 2. R'erpentine Section. 306. Picrophyll (kg, Fe)3;i2 -+ 2f 6? 307. Kerolite * Igs3 i2 + 41,f 308. Monradite (ilg, Fe)'3 Si2 _ ff 309. Aphrodite k1g' Si-2+ 24{f 310. Picrosmine kig'3 iz- + 14ff 3 311. Saponite * 21g3 gi- +1 S'i + 10ff * Andl Al RI4-e R =A Aeo lb O. a. 8o 2 -=X. Vea CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 17 No. Name. ormula. System of crystallization. 312. Serpentine * g9 -i4 - 6I 3? 313. Deweylite * 1ig2'i + 3f:f 314. 1;ydrophite 3 (MIg, Fe)2'i J- 3f? 315. Nickel Gymnite * (Ni, kg)2 i- 3ff lAppendix. 316. Ottrelite * (FAe, MIn)3 i2 +- 21 i +- 3Hf 4? 317. Groppite (1i, Ca, Mig)3'i' + 2MX1'i+ 3ff 318. Stilpnomelane _es ji2-t- _-i i2 7'ff 319. Chalcodite t 2(Fe, Mg) Si + (X1, TPe) Si -- 3fI 320. Eukamptite (Ig, Fie)3'i A- 1 *i + I 321. MIelanhydrite (Y[g,Fe,M-/n)3i - 2(4,~e) i- 12 3 3. Chlorite Section. 322. Hisingerite iFe3 i O + 2-e Si + 6ff 323. Thuringite * 2e3s vi ~- (A1, Ve)s Si - 6 fI 324. Euphyllite t (Na, K, Ca) 3i - 8X-li + 6fi 325. Pyrosclerite * 2gs'3i -4-'1'i + 6ff 6? 326. Pseudophite? 4(Mg, Fe)3 S'i A- l'i + 9ff1 327. Thermophyllite Mg3 Sii - (1,'e)'i - ~ 2 328. Chlorite 5 S'i -+ 3R'i14 +- 12ff 6 328a. Chlorite * 5 (lg, Fe)3 Si q- + 3X1'i- + 12f1 328b. Pennine 5(Mg, Pe)3 Si -+ 3('I1,e)'i- - 12ff 328~. Clinochlore * 5sMg i +- 31 i- 3-+ 12ff 329. Delessite (Mg, Pe)3 "' -(X1, re) i- + 3f 6? 330. Ripidolite G. Ross (Mg, 1e)3 Siq- ~1 Si3 ~ 3f1 6 331. Clintonite * Ca, Mg, Fe,'1, Si, 332. Chloritoaid (Fe, lIfg) i] +~ 2X Ii R; + 3f 18 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 333. Cronstedtite (MIg, Fe, SIn)3 Si I- e'i + 3t 6 334. Sideroschisolite Pe, eSi. + atI 6 335. Margarite * (JNa, Ca)3'i + 3KW12i + 31 3 336. Ephesite Na, ft, Ca, i1, Si, ft II. Non-Magnesian Hydrqus Silicates. 1. Pyrophyllite Section. 337. Pyrophyllite x iq1 Si3a - 1 3 338. Pholerite * ls Si' + 6f 339. Anthosiderite Pe Si3 + fI 2. Pectolite Section. 340. Apophyllite * (Ca, K)3 Si2 + 2 2 341. Pectolite* (Ca, Na) 4'i3+ ][ 4 342. Okenite Ca3 Si4 + 6f 3? 343. Laumontite *'(as3'i2 + 3A1 i 2+ 121f 4 344. Leonhardite * Ca3 i + 3i1'i2 + 9if 4 345. Catapleiite (3Na, Ca)"'ii+ 2Jr'Si2 + 6ft 6 346. Dioptase C 3Si2+ 3fI 6 347. Chrysocolla * Cu' i2 -i- + 6 348. Demidoffite Cu, S'i, 349. Pyrosmalite * 4(s Si -+ 213 Ri2+ 6It) + 3Fe C1 6 350. Portite kl'Si2 + 22I 3 3. Calamine Section. 351. Tritomite tf g i+ 2{? 1 352. Thorite Th3 Si + 3~f 2 353. Cerite (de, La, Di)3 Si + ft 6 * =F Pe,MAn. t = e. Ea. CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 19 No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 354. Calamine * Zn3 Si-+ -If 3 355. Prehnite * Ca2Si +- Al'i + H 3 356. Chlorastrolite t (Ca, ia)3 Si +- 2(All, Fe) ~i + 3h 357. Savite (Na, ig)! Si2 -;'1'i +- 2i 3 353. Schneiderite 3(Ca, Mg)3 3i8 + A13 Si2 +- 3h 359. Carpholit~ (Al, Fe, Yin) Si + 1) I[ 3 4. Zeolite Section. 360. Analcine * Nra3 Si2 +- 3A1 Si2 +- 6II 1 361. Ittnerite (~1a, Ca)3 Si +- 3A1 i 4+ 6Th 1 362. Faujasite (Na, Ca) Si +- Al i z2 + 9II 1 363. Chabazite * (Ca, Na, K) "Si2 - 3'1 3'i2 - 1l:811 6 364. Gmelinite (Ca, Na, K)3 Si'- + 3'1 Si2 -- 18IH 6 365. Levyne Ca Si + -Al i -- 4E 6 366. Gismondine (Ca, ()2'Si +- 2A1 i + 9Th 2 367. Edingtonite 3B3a Bi +4-41'i+ 12Th 2 368. Harmotome ]3a Si + 1 SRi2 + 5Eh 3 369. Phillipsite (Ca, if) Si - A1'i2 + 5Th 3 370. Thomsonite * (Oa, NTa)3 Si - 3A1 Si + 7h 3 371. Natrolite * Na Si +- Ali + 2H 3 372. Scolecite Ca Si - Al i +- 3TH 4 373. Ellagite Ca3 Si4 + 1 Ali 4+ 12Th 4? 374. Sloanite (Ca, Sig) i'+ 5 1'Si +- 9Th 3 375. Epistilbite (Ca, T3a) Si + Al Sil - 5Tfh 3 376. Heulandite * Ca Si +- AI i3 - 5h 4 377. Brewsterite (Sr, ]Ba) Si +- Al'i3 + 5Th 4 378. Stilbite * (a Si - Al i3 + 6Th 3 379. Caporcianite Ca3'i2 + 3A1 i2 +- 9II 4 3 20 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of No. Name. Formula. of crystallization. 5. Datholite Sectzon. 380. Datholite * 2Ca3 Si + Bs ij2 + 3f 4 381. Allophane *'13 i2 4- 15fI 382. Schrotterite * A14'i + 31f Appendix to Hydrous Silicates. 383. Chloropal e Si- + 3fI 384. Collyrite A13'i + 15 ft 385. Wolchonskoite * R Si + 2ft? 386. Chrome Ochre (Al, er) 37i4- 4fIt 387. Pimelite (NTi, Ig)3 *i + 2(al, Fe) Si + 9f 388. Montmorillonite Ca, I[, Al, Te,'Si, f 389. Delanovite? ln'il +4- 2A1 Si2 +- 452f 390. Erdmanite Ca, le, Mn, Y Ce, La, Al, Si, t1 391. Bavalite Ca, Mg, Al, ve, Si, ft C. UNARRANGED SILICATES CONTAINING TITANIC ACID. 392. Tscheffkinite ((Ca, Ti), e, La, A1) i 393. Schorlomite t t 23 i -- 3' i 1 394. Mosandrite R it'i ~ 21- i i 4- 4Ift 3 395. Wolherite 6 (a, Ca)3 Si -+ 3Zr Si + Cb 9i 3 Appendix. 396. Turnerite? Ca, g, xl, i? 4 * R= ir. Al. Fe. t -f=Ca. =-(Ca. Ti). Fe. R =Oa. R=~=&6a i)JeeB~j3Aa.a CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 21 System of No. - Name. Formula. crystllization. 2. Titanates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Tantalates, Columbates, Chromates, ~anadates. 397. Perofskite 4a Ti I 398. Pyrochlore * 4(Ca, Mg, Ce, La,, U) (Ti, Cb) 1 399. Pyrrhite Ce, Zr, Cb 1 400. Scheelite * Ca N 2 401. Scheeletine * Pb W 2 402. Tungstate of Copper? t Cu, Ca, W 403. Wulfenite * Pb Mo 2 404. Azorite Ca, Gb 2 405. Fergusonite (Y, e)6 Gb 2 406. Tyrite? e, % Fe, fJ 6I, Gb 2 407. Adelpholite Pe, Mmn Ta 2 408. Tantalite (Fe, Mn) Ta 3 409. Wolfram * 2FeW+3MnW and 4FeV+S- nW2 3 410. Columbite* (Pe, in) 3 411. Paracolumbite? t fe, OT, and a metallic acid. 412. Samarskite *, Ce, La, Pe, 1:i, Gb 3 413. Mengite Pe, 2r, Ti 3 414. Polymignyte * Y, Ti, Zr, Pe, Ne, 3 415. Polycrase fU, Ti, 2r, Fe, Ne, Gb 3 416..fschynite 2(0e, La, b, i fe) b +-e, TiP 3 417. Euxenite 0a, Mg, Y, Ce, La, Ui, Ti, Cb 3? 418. Yttro-Tantalite * Ra ('Ta, W, T) 3 419. Parathorite t e, Ti 3 420. Rutherfordite i e, Y, Ca, Ti 4 * In the yellow 1 = _. In the black R =, Ca, Pe. In the brown Rf -Y, Ca. 22 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of ito. Name. iForlmula. crystallization. 421. Crocoisite Pb Cr 4 422. Vauquelinite * (Cu, Pb)3 Cr2 4 4-23. Melanochroite Pbs3 r2 3? 424. Dechenite 2(Pb, 2n)3 V + (Pb, 2n)3 iXs 425. Descloizite Pb2B 3 4:26. Vanadinite Pb3 V + ~Pb C1 6 427. Volborthite (Cu, Ca)4 V + [f 6 428. Pateraite? Cu, Co, 3. Sulphates and Selenates. 1. ANHYDROUS SULPHATESo 1. Trimetric. 429. Glaserite K 3 430. Thenardite Na 3 431. Barytes* iBa 3 432. Celestine * Sr 3 433. Anhydrite * CJa S 3 434. Anglesite * Pb 3 435. Almagrerite Zn 3 436. Leadhillite * Pb S +-3Pb a 3 437 Caledonite Pb *, Pb 6, u d 3 2. Rhombohedral. 438. Dreelite Ca S + 31a S 6 439. Susannite Pb S + 3Pb C 6 3. Monoclinic. 440. Glauberite (~ITa ~+ Ca)' 4 41-1. Lanarkite Pb S + Pb C 4 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 23 System of crystallization. Append ix to Anhydrous Szlphates. 442. Reussin 1a g, Mg S, Ca C1 443. Selenate of Lead Ptb Se 17? 444. Connellite (Cu S, Cu C1? 6 445. Alumian A1 2 6? 2. HYDROUS SULPHATES. 446. Misenite K S ~1+ i S 447. Polyhalite (, Ca, ig)'+ - 3 448. Gypsum * GCa S — 21 4 449. Astrakanite NTa S -S- Mg S + 411 450. L6weite ia S + Sg 2211 451. Mascagnine NlIH4'S +- 3 452. Lecontite (Nia, NH4) 9 + 21i 3 453. Coquimbite -e _3~ 9f 6 454. Rcemerite (Fe, Zn) S -+ e'3 - 121I 4 455. Cyanosite * Cu S + 51: 456. Cyanochrome (K( + ~Cu) S + 3i 4 457. Picromerid (Mg, Cu) S + 3 4 458. Alunogen *'l S3 + 181 459. Alum R S -- [A1 S3 + 24{E 1 459a. Potash Alum * E S + " i 459b. Solfatarite Na + ~ "' 4590. Tschermigite INH4 S+ I " " 459d. Pickeringite Ig S +- " "' 459e. Halotrichite * Fe'S 6 " " 459f. Apjohnite * Mn S-' " 24 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. PNuo. NmameVormula. System of crystallization. 460. Voltaite PFe S -- Pe S3 + 24f1 1 461. Epsomite * Ig S7f 3 462. Tauriscite? Fe S - 7ft 3 463. Mangan Vitriol? SIn, S, f 464. Goslarite Zn S + 7f 465. Copperas* Ie S+7f - 4 466. Bieberite (Co, Mg) + 711 4 467. Pyromelinei,, 6 468.:Morenosite Ni,, ft 469. Johannite 2(U t3) S + (NCu ) + 4ft 4 470. Basic Sulphate of Uranium 2(JU ) 2 +'Ca, Cu) S + 10l 471. Glauber Salt * Na - + 10I 4 472. Botryogen Fe3'2 + 3e'f + 36t1 4 473. Copiapite Pe2 g ~ 18Hf 474. Apatelite 2Me2 83 +- 3ft 475. Alunite * S + 3A1 61ft 6 476. Jarosite }c S + 4Fe S +- 9fI 6 477. Websterite;1 S + 911 478. Loewigite RK S + 3?1 - + 9ft 479. Pissophane (Fe,;K1)5'-2 + 30ft 480. Linarite Pb S -C (u fI 4 481. Brochantite * Cu4'S + 3 3 482. Lettsomite (Cu6 S 3ft) + (;1l + 9fI) 483. Medjidite'S + Ca'S + 15ft 484. Uranochre 3 3, +~ 14I and 2I 3 +- Ca - + 28tI 485. Uranochalcite iT -+ 2Ca' + Cu g + 18fi CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 25 System of No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 4. Borates. 486. Boracite 2(-Ig3 I'4) + Mg C1 1 487. Rhodizite Cas 1'? 1 488. Hydroboracite ca3 _ }_+ j1g 34 4 18 f 439. Hayesine Ca'34+ 101 490. Boronatrocalcite ta'4t+ Na3 5a + 12Ef 491. Borax* i5a'2 + 10f 4 492. Lagonite Fe s3 + 31 493. Larderellite niH4'4 + 4f 494. Warwickite ft g, Pe, Pi,'! 4 5. Phosphates, Arsenates, Antimonates, Nitratcs. a. ANHYDROUS. 1. Hexagonal. 495. Apatite* Ca3 ~ Ca (CI,F) 6 496. Hydroapatite Ca3 + - Ca, F + i1 497. Cryptolite Ce3 P 6 498. Pyromorphite * PbS3 + — Pb Cl 6 499. Mimetene* (Pb, Ca)3 (Xs, P) + -JPb Cl 6 2. Dimetric. 500. Xenotime * (Y, Ce)3 j 2 3. Monoclinic. 501. Monazite * (Ce,a, Th)a3 4 502. Wagnerite Sg3 + ~ Mg F 4 503. Kiihnite (Ca, ig,S n)3 Xs 504. Lazulite* 2(Mg, Fe)3 P q- +15 P3 + 5ff 4 505. Turquois *'l2 _+ 5ff 506. Conarite? Ni,, I 4? 26 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. Syr'tem of No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 4. Trinetlr c. 507 Triphyline * (Fe, Mln, ti)3 i 3 508. Triplite (Min, Fe)4 i 3 509. Fischerite ail2 p -+8f[ 3 Appendzix. 510. Hopeite Zn, P, Aq 3 511. Amblygonite * (2((Li, N]a)3 P1+2t 1 Ij)-+ (A12 F3 + 1) 3 512. Herderite il, )a, 6, F 3 513. Carminite Pb3 As + 5?e's 3 514. Romeine Ca3, Sb, Sb 2 b. HYDROUS. 515. Thrombolite CU3 i2 + 61I? 516. Stercorite ( a,!NH4) - + 91 517. Struvite NIH /Ig2 g + 1221 518. Haidingerite Ca2 Xs +- 41 3 519. Pharmacolite a2 Xs + 6I1 4,520. Vivianite * Fe3 i + 81 4 521. Erythrine * Co3 X s + 8II 4 522. H6rnesite M/g3 XS + 811 4 523. Roesslerite Mg2 Xs + 1511 524. Annabergite * Nyi3 s + 8H 525. K6ttigite (2n, 0Co, ]li)s3 XS + 8sn 4 526. Symplesite 3PFe Xs2 + 8fI 4 527. Trichalcite Cu3 Xs + 51I 528. Scorodite * Pe Xs + 41I 3 529. Libethenite Cu4 fi + ff 3 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 27 System of No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 530. Olivenite CuA (As, Y:) - If 3 531. Conichalcite (eu, Ca)4 (~, XSs) + 1-,'I 532. Euchroite Cu4 As + 7ft 3 533. Arseniosiderite Ca6's A- 4Ve2 A s - 15I- 1 534. Pharmacosiderite Ae4 As3 + 1S 1 535. Wavellite * Pl3 4-2+ 12if 3 536. Cacoxene * ~e 2' + 12ff 537. Childrenite * ((Mg, 3e, ~In)3,'1)5 5j3 - 15H 3 538. Erinite Cu65'As + 2II 539. Cornwallite CU5'As + 5ff 540. Phosphochalcite * Cu5! + 2p-ff 3 541. Tagilite CU4 -i + 3Hf 542. Tyrolite Cu As -- 10 - + Ca C? 3 543. Delvauxene VeZ + 24~1 544. Dufrenite * Ve2 - + 21-f 3 545. Aphanesite Cu~'As + 3if 4 546. Chaloophyllite CuG Xs +- 12ff 6'547. Liroconite 5Cu5 Xs + A13 P +- 75f 4 548. Uranite * (Ca, -) P + 12fI 3 549. Chalcolite (Cu,:2) + + 8f 2 550. Carphosiderite Fe, P, H 551. Plumbo Resinite Pb -+- 6-~l IfI 552. Calcoferrite 6(Ca, Mig), 3( 4I,re), 4i1, 20ff Sulp hato-Plhosphates. 553. Pitticite Haus* eZS3 + 2Ve Xs + 24f 554. Diadochite Fe3 P2 -+ 2Ve'Z 3Gf6 28 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. System of No. Name. Formula. crystaliation. crystallization. Appendix. 555. Lindackerite? 20u3 s ii3 + 8 3 C. NITRATES. 556. Nitrammite * NH4 557. Nitre * 3 558. Nitratine aa 6 559. Nitrocalcite* Ca + L ~ 6. Carbonates. 1. Anhydrous Carbonates. 560. Calcite* ca C 6 561. Magnesite * Sig C 562. Dolomite * (Ca, Mg) 0 6 563. Breunnerite (ig, Fe, Mn) 0 564. Chalybite * Re a 6 565. Diallogite * Min 6 566. Smithsonite * Zn a( 6 567. Aragonite * Ca 0 3 568. Witherite ]~a a 3 569. Strontianite* Sr * 3 570. Bromlite 13a C - a d 3 571. Man-ganocalcite Min C, Fe C, Ca C, Sig 0 3? 572. Cerusite * Pb C 3 573. Barytocalcite a 0.+ Oa ( 4 2. Hydrous Carbonates. 574. Bicarbonate of Ammonia NiI4 (2+11 575. Trona * na2 3 + 41 4{ CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 29 No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. 576. Thermonatrite NTa a + H 3 577. Natron * a -+ 10o 4 578. Gay-Lussite Na C - Ca ( ~ 5f:f 4 579. Lanthanite * La C + 3f1 3 580. Hydromagnesite* M]g4 3 +.4 4 581. Hydrocalcite Oa a + 5f 6 582. Malachite * u2 a + -f 4 583. Azurite * 2u 0 +- Cu 4 584. Aurichalcite * 2(2n, Cu) C + 3(2n, Cu) fI 585. Zinc Bloom 4 n3 a + 3~f 5S6. Emerald Nickel* i i3 C+ 6fI 5 B7. Remingtonite t Co C + Aq? 588. Zippeite * P S2 + 12f-I and P _2 + CU + 12ff 589. Liebigite I C + Ca C + 20ff 590. Toglite 2U C + Ca - Cau3 c2 + 14ff 591. Bismutite * Bi4 C3 f4 3. Carbonates with a Chloride or Fluoride. 592. Parisite 8(CNe,ia,D)(J+- 2CaF+(,e, La,f))f22 6 593. Kischtimite 3La C + Ce2 (F1, 0)3 + f 594. Cerasine Pb C1+ Pb C 2 7. Oxalates. 595. Whewellite Ca j + ff 4 51t;. Oxalite 21Pe 8+ 3ff 597. Thierschite Ca, i 30 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. No. Name. Formula. System of crystallization. E. RESINS AIND ORGANIC COMIPdOUNDS. 598. Amber * C'~ H8 O 599. Copaline C40 H32 O 600. Middletonite C20 H'~+ f 601. Retinite * 602. Scleretinite CI'O 17 O 603. Guyaquillite C20 H13 05 604. Piauzite 605. Walchowite'12 H9 0 606. Bitumen * C6 H5 607. Idrialine C42 H4 0 608. Pyropissite 609. Brewstoline C? 610. Elaterite * C, H 611. Scheererite C 112 4 612. Konlite Ca H 613. Fichtelite Cd Hs 4 614. Kionleinite Css H's 615. H:artite C6 Hs 4 616. Hartine C20 H7 02 3 617. Ixolyte 618. Hatchettine C, H 619. Ozocerite C, H 620. Chrismatine 621. Dopplerite. Cs H506 CATALOGUE OF MINERALS. 31 No. Name. Formula. of crystallization. 622. Dinite 623. liroine 624. Jaulingite 625. Melanchyme 626. Anthracoxene 627. Baikerite 628. Krantzite 629. Mellite 1 MRs + 181 2 CHECK LIST OF MIINERALS. I. Gold * 30. Orpiment * 63. Onofrite 2. Platinum * 31. Dimorphine 64. Copper Nickel * 3. Platiniridium * 32. Bismuthine * 65. Breithauptite * 4. Palladium 33. Stibnite * 66. Xaneite 5. Quicksilver 34. Discrasite 67. Schreibersite 6. Amalgam 35. Domeykite * 68. Pyrites * 7. Arquerite 36. Aklgodonite * 69. Hauerite 8. Gold Amalgam * 37. Whitneyite * 70. Smnaltine * 9. Silver * 38. Silver Glance * 71. Cobaltine 10. Bismuth Silver 39. lBrubescite * 72. Gersdorffite* 11. Copper * 40. Galena * 73. Ullmranllte 12. Lead 41. Steinmannite 74. Marcasite * 13. Iron 42. Cuproplumbite? 75. Rammnelsbergite 14. Tin 43. Alisonite 76. Leucopyrite * 15. Zinc 44. Manganblende 77. lfispickel * 16. Iridosmine * 45. Syepoorite 78. Glaucodot 17. Tellurium 46. Eisennickelkies 79. Sylvanite * 18. Bismuth * 47. Clausthalite 80. Nagyagite 19. Tetradymite * 48. Naumannite 81. Covelline 20. Antimony 49. Berzelianite 82. 1MVolybdenite * 21. Arsenic * 50. Bucairite 83. lRiolite 22. Arsenical Anti- 51. Hessite * 84. Skutterudite 23. Sulphur * [mony* 52. Altaite 85. Linneeite * 24. Selenium 53. Griinauite 86. Cuban 25. Selensulphur 54. Blende* 87. Chalcopyrite * 26. Diamond * 55. Copper Glance * 88. Barnhardite * 27. Mineral Coal 56. Akanthite 89. Tin Pyrites 27,. Anthracite * 57. Stromeyerite 90. Sternbergite 27b. Bituminous 58. Cinnabar * 91. WT"olfsbergite 27c. Jet* [Coal * 59. Millerite 92. Tannenite 27d. Lignite * 60. Pyrrhotine * 93. Berthierite 28. Graphite * 6(1. Greenockite 94. Zinkenite 29. Realgar 62. Wurtzite 95. Miargyrite ( 33) 31 CHECK LIST OF MINERALS. 96. Plagionite 142. Tachhydrite 188. VBlknerite * 97. Jamesonite 143. Periclase 189. Hydrotalcite 98.:IReteromorphite 144. Red Copper * 190. Psilomelane * 99. Brongniardite 145. Martite * 191. Newkirkite 100. Chiviatite 146. Iserine 192. Wad * 101. Dufrenoysite 147. Irite? 193. Atacamite 102. Pyrargyrite 148. Spinel * 194. Arsenolite * 103. Proustite * 149. Magnetite* 195. Senarmontite 104. Freieslebenite * 150. Magnoferrite 196. Valentinite 105. Bournonite 151. P-Franklinite * 197. Bismuth Ochre* 106. Kenngottite 152. Chromic Iron * 198. Kermesite 107. Boulangerite 153. Pitchblende 199. Retzbanyite 108. Aikinite 154. Melaconite * 200. Cervantite 109. Wolchite 155. Plumbic Ochre* 201. Volgerite 110. Clayite? 156. Water * 202. Ammniolite 111. Kobellite? 157. Zincite * 203. Sulphurons Acid 112. NM-eneghinite 158. Corundum* 204. Telluric Ochre 113. Tetrahedrite* 159. Hematite * 205. Sulphuric Acid* 114. Tennantite* 160. Ilmenite * 206. Wolframine * 115. Geocronite * 161. Plattnerite 207. Molybdine * 116. Polybasite 162. Tenorite 208. Carbonic Acid* 117. Stephanite 163. Braunite* 209. Sassolin 118. Enargite * 164. Eausmannite * 210. Quartz * 119. Xanthocone 165. Cassiterite* 210a. Jasper * 120. Fireblende 166. Rutile * 210b. Agate * 121. Wittichite 167. Anatase * 210C. Chalcedony* 122. Calomel 168. Chalcotrichite * 211. Opal* 123. Sylvine 169. Chrysoberyl * 211a. Precious opal 124. Salt * 170. Brookite * 211b. Semi-opal* 125. Sal Ammoniac 171. Pyrolusite * 211C. Hyalite ]26. Kerargyrite 172. Polianite 211d. Geyserite 127. Embolite 173. Minium * 212. Edelforslte 128. Bromyrite 174. Crednerite 213. Wollastonite * 129. Iodo-bromid of 175. leteroclin 214. Pyroxene 130. Fluor * [Silver 176. Palladinite? * 214%. Diopside * 131. Yttrocerite * 177. Voltzite 214b. Hedenbergite* 132. Iodyrite 178. Matlockite 214c. Augite * 133. Coccinite 179. Mendipite 215. Pelicanite 134. Fluocerite 180. Percylite? 216. Spodumene * 135. Fluocerine 181. Karelinite? 217. Prehnitoid 136. Cotunnite 182. Diaspore * 218. Amphibole 137. Muriatic Acid 183. G6thite * 218a. Tremolite* 138. Cryolite 184. Manganite 218b. Actinolite * 139. Chiolite 185. Limonite * 2180. Hornblende* 140. Fluellite 186. Brucite * 219. Acmite 141. Carnallite 187. Gibbsite * 220. Strakonitzite? CHIECK LIST OF MINERALS. 35 221. Enstatite 255. Danburite t 301. Meerschaum 222. Anthophyllite* 256. Axinite * 302. Neolite 223. Hypersthene * 257. Iolite * 303. Spadaite 224. Wichtyne 258. AMuscovite * 304. Chloropheeite 225. Babingtonite * 259. Phlogopite * 305. Crocidolite 226. Rhodonite * 260. Biotite * 306. Picrophyll 227. Beryl* 261. Astrophyllite 307. Kerolite * 228. Eudialyte 262. Lepidomelane 308. Monradite 229. IEulytine 263. Lepidolite * 309. Aphrodite 230. Leucophane 264. Sodalite * 310. Picrosmine 231. Melinophane 265. Lapis Lazuli 311. Saponite * 232. Peridot 266. aiuyne 312. Serpentine * 232a. Forsterite * 267. Nosean 313. Dew eylite * 232b1. Chrysolite * 268. Skolopsite 314. Hydrophite * 2320. Fayalite * 269. Leucite 315. Nickel Gymnite* 233. Tephroite * 270. Nepheline * 316. Ottrelite * 234. Knebelite 271. Cancrinite * 317. Groppite 235. Chondrodite * 272. Anorthite 318. Stilpnomelane 336. Willemite * 273. Andesine * 319. Chalcodite t 237. Phenacite * 274. Barsowite 320. BEukamptite 238. Garnet 275. Bytownite? 321. Melanhydrite238a. Pyrope * 276. Labradorite* 322. Hisingerite 238b. Grossular* 277. Oligoclase * 323. Thuringite * 238c. Almandine* 278. Albite * 324. Buphyllite t 238d. Spessartine* 279. Orthoclase * 325. Pyrosclerite * 238e. Melanite * 2Q0. Petalite * 326. Pseudophite? 238f. Ouvarovite 281. Cyclopite 327. Thermophyllite? 239. Helvin 282. Weissigite? 328. Chlorite 240. Zircon * 283. Pollux 328'. Chlorite 241. Auerbachite 284. Isopyre 328b. Pennine 242. Alvite? 2"-5. Silicate of Yttria? 3280. Clinochlore 243. Tachyaphaltite 286. Polychroilite 329. Delessite 244. Idocrase * 287. Gehlenite 330. Ripidolite G. Ros, 245. Sarcolite 288. Andalusite* 331. Clintonite * 246. Meionite 289. Topaz * 332. Chloritoid * 247. Scapolite* 290. Staurotide * 333. Cronstedtite 248. Mellilite 291. Carolathine 334. Sideroschisolite 249. Dipyre 292. Lievrite * 335. Margarite * 250. Epidote 293. Kyanite * 336. Ephesite 2500. Pistacite* 294. Sillimanite* 337. Pyrophyllite * 250b. Zoisite * 295. Sapphirine 338. Pholerite -* 2500. Piedmontite 296. Euclase 339. Anthosiderite 251. Allanite * 297. Sphene* 340. Apophyllite * 252. Partschin 298. Keilhauite 341. Pectolite* 253. Zoisite Brooke 299. Tourmaline* 342. Okenite 254. Gadolinite 300. Talc * 343. Laumontite * 4 36 - CHECKI LIST OF i11NEitALS. 344. Leonhardite* 390. "Erdmanite 436. Leadh'ilite * 345. Catapleiite 391. Bavalite 437. Caledonite * 346. Dioptase 3' 2. Tscheffk-inite 438. Dreelite 347. Chrysocolla * 393. Schorloamite t 4:39. Susainnite 348. Demidoffite 394. Mosandrite 440, Glauberite 349. Pyrosmalite 395. W61herite 441. Lanarkite 350. Portite 396. Turnerite? 442. Reussin 351. Tritomite 397. PerofSkite 443. Selenate of Lead 352. Thorite 398. Pyrochlore * 444. Connellite 353. Cerite 399. Pyrrhite 445. Altumrian 354. Caiamine* 400. Scheelite X 446. MIVisenite 355. Prehnite* 401. Scheeletine 447. Polyhalite 356. Chlorastrolite? 402. Tungstate of Cop- 448. Gypsum * 357. Savite 403. Wulfenite * [per t 449. Aistrakanite 356. BSc-hneiderite 404. Azorite 450. L6oreite 359. Carpholite 405. Fergusonite 451. MlXascagnine 360. Analcime * 406. Tyrite? 452. Lecontite 361. Ittnerite 407. Adelpholite 453. Coqulimbite 362. Faujasite 408. Tantalite 454. Rcemerite 363. Chabazite * 409. Wolfram * 455. Cyanosite * 364. Gnmelinite 410. Columbite * 456. Cyanochrome 365. Levyne 411. Paracolumbite? t 457. Picromerid 366. Gisamondine 412. Samarskite * 458. Alunogen *'367. Edingtonite 413. Mengite 459. Ailum 368. YIarmotome 414. Polymignyte * 459t~. Potash Alum* 369. Phiillipsite 415. Polycrase 459b. Solfatarite 370. Thomsonite * 416. IT-schynite 459c. Tschernmigite 371. Natrolite * 417. Euxenite 459d. Pickeringite 372. Scolecite 418. Yttro-Tantalite 459e Hatlotriehite* 373. Ellagite. 419. Parathorite t 459f. Ap1johnite* 374. Sloanite 420. Rutherfordite t 460. Voltaite 375. Epistilbite 421. Crocoisite 461. Epsomite * 1376. Heulandite * 422. Vauquelinite * 462. Tauriscite?.377. Brewsterite 423. iMIelanochroite 463. lMangan Vitriol 378. Stilbite * 424. Dechenite 464. Goslarite 379. Caporcianite 425. Descloizite 465. Coppera s*:380. Datholite * 426. Vanadinite 466. Bieberite.381. Allophane * 427. Volborthite 467. Pyromeline * 382. Schr6tterite * 428. Pateraite? 468. M1Vorenosite 33:3. Chloropal 429. Glaserite 469. Johannite FUran. 384. Collyrite 430. Thenardite 470. Bas. Sulpli. of 385. VWolchonskoite 431. Barytes* 471. Glauber Salt*:386. Chromie Ochre 432. Celestine* 472. Botryogen 387. Pimelite 433. Anhydrite * 473. Copiapite 3"8. Mccntmorillonite 434. Anglesite* 474. Apatelite.389. Delanovite? 435. Almagrerite 475. Alunite * CHECK LIST OF MINERALS. 37 476. Jarosite 522. H6rnesite 536. Witherite 477. Websterite 523. lRoesslerite 569. Strontianite * 478. Loewigite 524. Annabergite * 570. Bromlite 479. Pissophane 525. Ib6ttigite 571. M.aanganocalcite 480. Linarite 526. Symplesite 572. Cerusite * 481. Brochantite 527. Trichalcite 573. Barytocalcite 432. Lettsomite 528. Scorodite * 574. Bicarbonate of 483. Medjidite 529. Libethenite 575. Trona * [Ammon 484. Uranochre 530. Olivenite 576. Thermonatrite 485. Uranochalcite 531. Conichalcite 577. Natron * 486. Boracite 532. Euchroite 578. GCay-Lussite 487. Rhodizite 533. Arseniosiderite 579. Lanthanite * 488. Hydroboracite 534. Pharmacosiderite 5!0. Hydromargnesite* 439. Eayesine 535. -Wavellite * 51. 1 ydrocalcite 490. Borocalcite 536. Cacoxene * 582. Malachite * 491. Borax 537. Childrenite * 5S3. Azurite * 492. Lagonite 538. Erinite 584. Aurichalcite * 493. Larderellite 539. Cornwallite 585. Zinc Bloom * 494. W7arwickite t 540. Phosphochalcite* 586. Emerald Nickel,' 495. Apatite * 541. Tagilite 58,7. Remingtonite t 496. Hydroapatite 542. Tyrolite 588. Zippeite * 497. Cryptolite 543. Delvauxene 589. Liebigite 498. Pyromorphite * 544. Dufrenite * 590. Voglite 499. Mimetene * 545. Aphanesite 591. Bismutite * 500. Xenotime * 546. Chalcophyllite 592. Parisite 501. Monazite * 547. Liroconite 593. Kischtimite 502. Wragnerite 548. Uranite * 594. Cerasine 503. Iuiihnite 549. Chalcolite 595. WVhewellite 504. Lazulite * 550. Carphosiderite 596. Oxalite 505. Turquois* 551. Plumbo Resinite 597. Thierschite 506. Conarite? 552. Calcoferrite 593. Amber * 507. Triphyline * 553. Pitticite Ilaus * 599. Copaline 508. Triplite 554. Diadochite 600. Middletonite 509. Fischerite 555. Lindackerite? 601. Retinite* 510.;Hopeite 556. Nitrammite * 602. Scleretinite 511. Amblygonite * 537. Nitre * 603. GuLyaquillite 512. Herderite 558. Nitratine 604. Pianuite 513. Carminiite 559. Nitrocalcite* 605. Walchowite 514. Romeine 560. Calcite * 606. Bitumen * 515. Thromnbolite 561. Magnesite * 607. Idrialine 516. Stercorite 562. Dolomite * 60'. Pyropissite 517. Struvite 563. Breunnerite 609. Brewstoline 518. Eaidingerite 564. Chalybite * 610. Elaterite * 519. Pharmacolite 565. Diallogite * 611. Scheererite 520. Vivianite* 566. Smithsonite * 612. K6nlite 521. Erythrine * 567. Aragonite * 613. Fichtelite 38 CHECK LIST OF MINERALS. 614. Konleinite 620. Chrismatine 625. MAelanchymle 615. Hartite 621. Dopplerite 623. Anthracoxene 616. Hartino 622. Dinite 627. Baikeriie 617. Ixolyte 623. Hircine 62k. KErantzite 61'. Hatchettine 624. Jaulingite 629. IWellite 619. Ozocerite ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Acmite, 12 Arseniosiderite, 27 Brookite, 9 Actinolite, 12 Arsenolite, 10 Brucite, 10 Adelpholite, 21 Astrakanite, 23 Bytownite, 15 AIschynite, 21 Astrophyllite, 14 Agate, 11 Atnic'smite, 10 Cacoxene, 27 Aikinite, 6 Auerbachite, 13 Calamine, 19 Akanthite, 4 Augil-e, 11 Calcite, 28 Albite, 15 Aurichalcite, 29 Calcoferrite, 27 Algodonite, 3 Axinite, 14 Caledonite, 22 Alisonite, 3 Azorite, 21 Calomel, 6 Allanite, 14 Azurite, 29 Cancrinite, 15 Allophane, 20 Caporcianite, 19 Almagrerite, 22 Babingtonite, 12 Carbonic acid, 11 Alla.ndine, 13 3Baikerite. 31 Carminite, 26 Altaite, 3 Barnhardite, 5 Carnallite, 7 Alum, 23 Barsowite, 15 Carolathine, 15 Alumian, 23 Barytes, 22 Carpholite, 19 Alunite, 24 Barytocaicite, 28 Carphosiderite, 27 Alunogen, 23 Bavalite, 20 Cassiterite, 9 Alvite, 13 Berthierite, 5 Catapleiite, 18 Amalgam, 1 Beryl, 12 Celestine, 22 Amber, 30 Berzelianite, 3 Cerasine, 29 Amblygonite, 26 Bicarbonate of ammonia, 28 Cerite, 18 Ammiolite, 10 Bieberite, 24 Cerusite, 28 Amphibole, 12 Biotite, 14 Cervantite. 10 Ana.lcime, 19 Bismuth, 2 Chabazite, 19 Anatase, 9 Bismuth ochre, 10 Chalcedony, 11 Andalusite, 15 Bismuth silver, 1 Chalcodite, 17 Andesine, 15 Bismuthine, 2 Chalcolite, 27 Anglesite, 22 Bismutite, 29 Chalcophyllite, 27 Anhydrite, 22 Bitumen, 30 Chalcopyrite, 5 Annabergite, 26 Bituminous coal, 2 Cha.lcotrichite, 9 Anorthite, 15 Blende, 3 Chalybite, 28 Anthophyllite, 12 Boracite, 25 Childrenite, 27 Anthosiderite, 18 Borax, 25 Chiolite, 7 Anthracite, 2 Boronatro'calcite,52 Chiviatite, 5 Anthracoxene, 31 Botryogen, 24 Chlorastrolite, 19 Antimony, 2 Boulangerite, 6 Clloirite, 17 Apatelite, 24 Bournonite, 6 Chloritoid, 17 Apatite, 25 Braunite, 9 Chloropal, 20 Aphanesite, 27 Breithauptite, 4 Chlorophbsite, 16 Aphrodite, 16 Breunnerite, 28 Chondrodite, 13 Apjohnite, 23 Brewsterite, 19 Chrismatine, 30 Apophyllite. 18 Brewstoline, 30 Chrome ochre, 20 Aragonite, 28 Broclhantite, 24 Chromic iron, 8 Arquerite, 1 Bromite, 28 Chlrysoberyl, 9 Arsenic, 2 Bromyrite, 7 Clhrysocolla., 18 Arsenical antimony, 2 Brongniardite, 5 Chrysolite, 12 (3 ) 40 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Cinnabar, 4 Elaterite, 30 Ilaidingerite, 26 C!Lnsthalite, 3 Ellagite, 19 Halotrichite, 23 Clzyite, 6 Embolite, 7 Hlarmotome, 19 Clnlochlore, 17 Emerald nickel, 29 Hartine, 30 Clintonite, 17 Enargite, 6 H-artite, 30 Cobaltine, 4 Enstatite, 12 Hatchettine, 30 Coccinite, 7 Ephesite, 18 Ilauerite, 4 Collyrite, 20 Epidote, 11 I-ausmannite, 9 Columbite, 21 Epistilbite, 19 Htiuyne, 14 Conarite, 25 Epsomite, 24 Hayesine, 25 Conichalcite, 27 Erdmanite, 20 Hedenbergite, 11 Connellite, 23 Erinite, 27 Helvrin, 13 Copaline, 30 Erubescite. 3 Hematite, 8 Copiapite, 24 Erythrine, 26 Herderite, 26 Copper, 1 Euvcairite, 3 Hessite, 3 Copperas, 24 Euchroite, 27 Ileteroclin, 9 Copper glance, 3 Euclase, 16 lleterosnorphite, 5 Copper nickel, 4 Endclialyte, 12 I-eulandite, 19 Coquimbite, 23 Eukamptite, 17 Hircine, 31 Cornwallite, 27 Eulytine, 12 IHisingerite, 17 Corundum, 8 E phyllite, 17 Hopeite, 26 Cotunnite, 7 Euxenite, 21 Hornblende, 12 Covelline,'5 Hiirnesite, 26 Crednerite, 9 Fanujasite, 19 Hyalite, 11 Crocidolite, 16 Fayalite, 12 Hydroapatite, 25 Crocoisite, 22 Fergusonite, 21 I-lydroboracite, 25 Cronstedtite, 18 Fichtelite, 30 Ilydrocalcite, 29 Cryolite, 7 Fireblende, 6 Hyd(romlagnesite, 29 Cryptolite, 25 Fischerite, 26 HIydrophite. 17 Cuban, 5 Fluellite, 7 Hydrotalcite, 10 Cuproplumbite, Fluocerine, 7 HIypersthene, 12 Cyanochrome, 23 Fluocerite, 7 Cyanosite, 23 PFluor, 7 dlocrase, 13 Cyclopite, 15 Forsterite, 12 Idrialine, 30 Franklinite, 8 Ilnenite, 8 Danburite, 14 Freieslebenite, 6 Iodo-bromid of silver, 7 Datholite, 20 Iod yite, 7 Dechenite, 22 Gadolinite, 14 Iolite, 14 Delanovite, 20 Galena, 3 Iridosmine, 1 Delessite, 17 Garnet, 13 Irite, 8 Delvauxene, 27 Gay-lussite, 29 Iron, 1 Demidoffite, 18 Gehlenite, 15 Iserine, 8 Descloizite, 22 Geocronite, 6 Isopyre, 15 Deweylite, 17 Gersdorfflite, 4 Ittnerite, 19 Diasdochite, 27 Geyserite, 11 Ixolite, 30 Diamond, 2 Gibbsite. 10 Diallogite, 28 Gismondine, 14 Jamesonite, 5 Diaspore, 9 Glaserite, 22. Jarosite, 24 Dimnorphine, 2 Glauberite, 22 Jasper, 11 Dinite, 31 Glauber salt, 24 Jaulingite, 31 Diopside, 11 Glaucodot, 4 Jet, 2 Dioptase, 18 Gmelinite, 19 Johannite, 24 Dipyre, 13 Gold, 1 Discrasite, 3 Gold amalgam, 1 Kaneite, 4 Dolomite, 28 Goslarite, 24 KIarelinite, 9 Domeykite, 3 G;thite, 9 Keilbhluite, 16 Dopplerite, 30 Graphite, 2 Keungottite, 6 Dreelite, 22 Greenockite, 4 Kerargyrite, 7 Dufrenite, 27 Groppite, 17 Kermesito. 10 Dufrenoysite, 6 Grossular, 13 Kerolite, 16 Gr;inauite, 3 Kischtimite, 29 Elelforsite, 11 Guyanquillite, 30 Knebelite, 13 Edi l ingtonite, 19 Gypsum, 23 K(obellite, 6 Elisennickelkies, 3 Kinleinite, 30 ALPHABETTA'IA INDEX. 41 Ki{nlite, 30 Miargyrite, 5 Pholerite, 10 Kilttigite, 26 Middletonite, 30 Phosphochalcite, 27 Krantzite, 31 Millerite, 4 Piasuzite, 30 Kuhnite, 25 Mimetene, 25 Pickeringite, 15 Kyanite, 16 Mineral coal, 2 Picromerid, 23 Minium, 9 Picrophyll, 16 Labradorite, 15 Misenite, 23 Picrosmine, 16 Lagonite, 25 Mispickel, 4 Piedmontite, 14 Lanorkite, 22 Molybdenite, 5 Pimelite, 20 Lanthanite, 29 Molybdine, 11 Pissophane, 24 Lapis lazuli, 14 Monazite, 25 Pistacite, 14 Lalrderellite, 25 Monradite, 16 Pitchblende, 8 L',umontite, 18 Montmorillonite, 20 Pitticite IIncus, 27 Lazulite. 25 Morenosite, 24 Plagionite, 5 Lead, 1 _Mosandrite, 20 Platiniridium, 1 Leadhillite, 22 Muriatic acid, 7 Platinum, 1 Lecontite, 23 Muscovite, 14 Plattnerite, 8 Leonhardite, 18 Plumbic ochre, 8 Lepidolite, 14 Nagyagite, 4 Plumbo resinite, 27 Lepidomelane, 14 Natrolite, 19 Polianite, 9 Lettsomite, 24 Natron, 29 Pollux, 15 Leucite, 15 Numarnnite, 3 Polybasite, 6 Leucophane, 12 Neolite, 16 Polychroilite, 15 Leucopyrite, 4 Nepheline, 15 Polycrase, 21 Levyne, 19 Newkirkite, 10 Polyhalite, 23 Libethenite, 26 Nickel gymnite, 17 Polymignyte, 21 Liebigite, 29 Nitrammite, 28 Portite, 1.8 Lievrite, 16 Nitratine, 28 Potash alum, 23 Lignite, 2 Nitre, 20 Precious opal, 11 Limonite, 10 Nitrocalcite, 28 Prehnite, 1.9 Linarite, 24 Nosean, 14 Prehnitoid, 12 Lindackerite, 28 Proustite, 6 Linnumite, 5 Okenite, 18 Pseudophite, 17 Liroconite, 27 Oligoclase, 15 Psilomelane, 10 Loewigite, 24 Olivenite, 27 Pyrargyrite, 6 Lbweite, 23 Onofrite, 4 Pyrites, 4 Opal, 11 Pyrochlore, 21 Magnesite, 28 Orpiment, 2 Pyrolusite, 9 MIagnetite, 8 Orthoclase, 15 Pyromeline, 24 Magnoferrite, 8 Ottrelite, 17 Pyromorphite, 25 Malachite, 29 Ouvarovite, 13 Pyrope, 13 Manganblende, 3 Oxalite, 29 Pyrophyllite, 18 Manganite, 10 Ozocerite, 30 Pyropissite, 30 Manganocalcite, 28 Pyrosclerite, 17 Mangan vitriol, 24 Palladinite, 9 Pyrosmalite, 18 MaI.rcasite, 4 Palladium, 1 Pyroxene, 11 Margarite, 18 Paracolumbite, 21 Pyrrhite, 21 Martite, 8 Parathorite, 21 Pyrrhotine, 4 Mascagnine, 23 Parisite, 29 Matlockite, 9 Partschin, 14 Quartz, 11 Medjidite, 24 Pateraite, 22 Quicksilver, 1 Meerschaum, 16 Pectolite, 18 Meionite, 13 Pelicanite, 11 Rammelsbergite, 4 Mlelaconite, 8 Pennine, 17 Realgar, 2 Melanchyme,.31 Percylite, 9 Red copper, 8 Melanhydrite, 17 Peridot, 12 Reming tonite, 29 Mlelanite, 13, 8 lRetinite, 30 Melanochroite, 22 Perofskite, 21 Retzbanyite, 10 Melinophane, 12 Petalite, 15 Reussin, 23 Mellilite, 13 Pharmacolite, 26 Rhodizite, 15 Mellite, 31 Pharmacosiderite, 27 Rhodonite, 12 Mendipite, 9 Phenacite, 13 Riolite, 5 Aleneghinite, 6 Phillipsite, 19 Ripidolite, G. Bose, 17 Mengite, 21 Phlogopite, 14 Rcemerite, 2:3 42 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Roesslerite, 26 Strakonitzite, 12 Uranite, 27 llRomeine, 26 Stromeyerite, 4 Uranochalcite, 24 Rutherfordite, 21 Strontianite, 28 Uranochre, 24 Rutile, 9 Struvite, 26 Sulphur, 2 Valentinite, 1 0 Sal ammoniac, 7 Sulphuric acid, 11 Vanadinite, 22 Salt, 7 Sulphurous acid, 10 Vauquelinite, 22 Samarskite, 21 Susannite, 22 Vivianite, 26 Saponite, 16 Syepoorite, 3 Voglite, 29 Sapphirine, 16 Sylva.nite, 4 Volborthite, 22 Sarcolite, 13 Sylvine, 7 Volgerite, 10 Sassolin, 11 Symplesite, 26 VYilknerite, 10 Savite, 19 Voltaite, 24 Scapolite, 13 Tachhydrite, 7 Voltzite, 9 Scheeletine, 21 Tachyaphaltite, 13 Scheelite, 21 Tagilite, 27 Wad, 1.0 Scheererite, 30 Talc, 16 Wagnerite, 25 Schneiderite, 19 Tannenite, 5 WTalchowite, 30 Schorlomite, 20 Tantalite, 21 Warwickite, 25 Schreibersite, 4 Tauriscite, 24 Water, 8 Schrotterite, 20 Telluric ochre, 10 Wavellite, 27 Scleretinite, 30 Tellurium, 1 Websterite, 24 Scolecite, 19 Tennantite, 6 Weissigite, 15 Scorodite, 26 Tenorite, 8 Whewellite, 29 Selenate of lead, 23 Tephroite, 13 Whitneyite, 3 Seleniumn, 2 Tetradymite, 2 Wichtyne, 12 Selensulphur, 2 Tetrahedrlite, 6 Willemite, 13 Semi-opal, 11 Thenardite, 22 Witherite, 28 Senarmlontite, 10 Thermona.trite, 29 Wittichite, 6 Serpentine, 1.7 Thermophyllite, 17 Wilchite, 6 Sideroschisolite, 18 Thierschite, 29 Wolchonskoite, 20 Silicate of yttria, 15 Thomsonite, 19 Wolfranm, 21 Silimanite, 16 Thorite. 18 TWolframine, 11 Silver, 1 Thrombolite. 26 Wolfsbergite, 5 Silver glance, 3 Thuringite, 17 Wilherite, 20 Skolopsite, 14 Tin, 1 Wollastonite, 11 Skutterudite, 5 Tin pyrites, 5 Wulfenite, 21 Sloanite, 19 Topaz, 15 Wurtzite, 4 Smaltine, 4 Tourmaline, 16 Smithsonite, 28 Tremolite, 12 Xanthocone, 6 Sodalite, 14 Trichalcite, 26 Xenotime, 25 Solfatarite, 23 Tryphyline, 26 Spadaite, 16 Triplite, 26 Yttrocerite, 7 Spessartine, 13 Tritomite, 18 Yttro-tantalite, 21 Sphene, 1.6 Trona, 28 Spinel, 8 Tscheffkinite, 20 Zinc, 1 Spodumene, 12 Tschermigite, 23 Zinc bloom, 29 Staurotide, 15 Tunogstate of copper, 21 Zincite, 8 Steinmannite, 3 Turnerite, 20 Zinkenite, 5 Stephanite, 6 Turquois, 25 Zippeite, 29 Stercorite, 26 Tyrite, 21 Zircon, 13 Sternbergite, 5 Tyrolite, 27 Zoisite, 14 Stibnite, 2 Zoisite Brooke, 14 Stilbite, 19 Ullmannite, 4 Stilpnomelane, 17