BUHR C X,. l1 i tl l,, lo ul,l l., a C C n 62 2 b ~~is~'.9aA 9rs~ l~~ III III I Lili III II Im III I IIII uml MR111111111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~ fti F~~~~~~~~~~~~~P rR fluuw J 11"I 9111I it IMI M ml nl i M min co r I If, F I 1~S II b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I I. M ICROLEPI DOPTERA By LORD WALSINGHAM FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS OR THE ZOOLOGY OF THE SANDWICH (HAWAIIAN) ISLES: Being Results of the Explorations instituted by the Joint Committee appointed by THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON FOR PROMOTING NATURAL KNOWLEDGE AND THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE And carried on with the assistance of those Bodies and of the Trustees of THE BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP MUSEUM AT HONOLULU. EDITED BY DAVID SHARP, M.B., M.A., F.R.S. SECRETARY OF THE COMMITTEE. VOLUME 1. PART V. MICROLEPID OP TERA By THE RIGHT HON. LORD WALSINGHAM, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. Pages 469-759; Plates X-XX V, coloured. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1907 [All Rightis reserved.] December I, 1907. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, C. F. CLAY, MANAGER. Itontbon: FETTER LANE, E.C. iEla0gob: 5o, WELLINGTON STREET. teipLig: F. A. BROCKHAUS. Bejn Ptark: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. 3Boamba anb Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS VOL. 1. PART V. MICR OLE PID OPTERA LORD WALSINGHAM Price Eighty SkhilDings. To Subscribers Florty Shillings. The Fauna Hawaiiensis is being published in parts at irregular intervals, and will it is hoped be completed in three Volumes. Contributions have been made or promised by the following, viz. XV. H. ASHMEAD.......... Hymenopftera Parasitica. G. H. CARPENTER............ Coll//ebola. Prof. FILIPPO SILVESTRI......... Tzysanura and Myriopoda. F. E. BEDDARD, F.R.S.......... Eartlhworms. M. A. DOLLFUS............ Isood Crustacea. Prof AUGUSTE FOREL......... Formicidae. P. H. GRIMSHAW, F.E.S....... Dipera. G. W. KIRKALDY, F.E.S........ Hemiitera. E. MEYRICK, F.Z.S.......... 3MacroleCidoitera. iVlertebrata, Hymenoptera A4culeata, Ft. C. L. iP ERKINS, D.Sc....... Orlhovftera, Neuroftera, and part of Colcoptera. HUGH SCOTT, B.A......... a Part of Coleoptera. I). SHARP, F.R.S.............. Part of Coleoptera. A. E. SHIPLEY, M.A........ Parasitic Worms. M. EUG. SIMON............ rachnida. The Rev. T. R. R. STEIBING, F.R l.S.... AmiZhiZod Crustacea. E. R. SYKES, F.Z.S.......... Mollusca. The Lord WALSINGHAM, F.R.iS.... Microlepfidoptera. N.B. The parts of the three Volumes are being published concurrently in order to expedite the completion of the work. The price of each part will vary according to its extent and the number of Plates. Subscribers to the whole work will be charged half-price for each part. The parts will be sent, as published, to each subscriber who has paid for the preceding part. Orders should be sent to Mr C. F. CLAY, Manager, Cambridge Warehouse, Fetter Lane, London, E.C., either direct or through any bookseller. Payments for each part should also be made to Mr C. F. CLAY. 469 MICROLEPIDOPTERA. By the Right Hon. Lord Walsingham, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. I. PYRALID INA. I. Far. PYRAUSTIDAE. 1. LINEODES Gn. Type Lineodes hieroglyphalis Gn. (Hmsn.). LINEODES Gn., Sp. Lp. viII. (Delt. Pyr.) 234 (1854); Wkr., Cat. Lp. BM. XVII. 409 (1859); Fern., Mass. Agr. Coll. Ann. Rp. xxxv. 90 [=sep. 8] (1898); Wlsm., Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxIv. 191 (1898); Hmsn., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1898, 592, 603, No. i60: 1899, 283-4, No. i60, fig. 160. =SCOPTONOMA Z., Verh. ZB. Ges. Wien. xxIII. (1873), Abh. 327-8 (I873); Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i886, 2. 1. (I) Lineodes ochrea, sp. nov. (P1. X. fig. I). Antennae pale yellowish cinereous. Palpi ochreous, sprinkled with greyish fuscous externally. Head and Thorax greyish fuscous, mixed with ochreous and pale cinereous scales. Forewings pale brownish ochreous, sprinkled with greyish fuscous scales on a short basal patch, produced along the dorsum, where the dark sprinkling becomes thicker and is dilated outward and upward nearly to the middle, forming, with a thinner sprinkling on the costa before the middle, an ill-defined broad band interrupted by a narrow pale cinereous space along the cell; this is extended outward, gradually widened towards the apex, which it does not reach, and is interrupted by an irregular broad greyish fuscous band, obliquely placed, crossing the end of the cell, but not reaching to the costa or dorsum; its upper and lower margins are produced respectively in narrow greyish fuscous lines which meet and enclose the outer end of the pale cinereous space which obviously represents the upper fold of the wing; above it are three or four * I retained the genus Lineodes, of which I possessed a fairly representative collection, owing to its having been originally included in the Plerophorina; for this reasonMr Meyrick did not deal with Lineodes in treating of the Pyraustidae to which family it belongs. WLSM. F. H. I. 61 1.,) 4.),k. 0, t 4 1 1. I'll~:'" 470 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS greyish fuscous costal spots; a greyish fuscous terminal band precedes the pale cinereous cilia through which runs along their middle a somewhat broken greyish fuscous line. Exp. al. 22-26 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale cinereous, with some slightly darker mottlings beyond the cell and along the dorsum. Abdomen brownish ochreous, much sprinkled with greyish fuscous. Legs pale cinereous, the posterior ends of the tibiae sprinkled with greyish fuscous. Type? (26723) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: 3000-4000 ft., iv. I894; Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895.HAWAII: Kona, 4 ft.,. 892; Olaa,. 895;000 ft.,. 00 ft., i. 1895. Ten specimens. This species resembles Lineodes interrupta, Z., especially in the central and outer shades being separated at the costa, but it differs in its ochreous colouring and in the pattern of the outer markings. 2. (2) Lineodes subextincla, sp. nov. (P1. X. fig. 2). Antennae cinereous. Palpi projecting more than the length of the head beyond it; greyish fuscous. Head greyish fuscous, with a small whitish spot on either side behind the base of the antennae. Thorax greyish fuscous, mixed with cinereous and fawnbrown scales; tegulae with long hair-like scales at their extremities. Forewings cinereous, thickly dusted with greyish fuscous, especially along the dorsal half, with a slight admixture of fawn-brown on the costal half before the middle and in a pale subterminal band; the only markings that are traceable are a greyish fuscous shade before the middle, crossing the upper fold obliquely backward from the costa and reaching the dorsum at about one-third of the wing-length (in some specimens this is almost entirely lost in the greyish fuscous suffusion); a broad irregular somewhat triangular patch embracing the outer extremity of the cell extends to the costa a little before the apex, but its lower angle does not reach the dorsum, the basal portion of this triangle is somewhat darker through the more thickly packed greyish fuscous scales than its outer portion, except a narrow marginal line running parallel with the termen; four dark costal spots precede the apex and a narrow reduplicated greyish fuscous band follows the termen from apex to tornus embracing the basal half of the pale cinereous cilia, which are also tipped with greyish fuscous, except on the lower third of the margin. Exp. al. 21-25 mm. Hindwings pale cinereous, with a broad mottled band following the outer margin; cilia pale cinereous. Abdomen greyish fuscous, sprinkled with cinereous, with two whitish lateral spots at the extreme base. Hind Legs pale cinereous, the tibiae slightly clouded. Type $ (26060) Molokai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., x. 1895.MOLOKAI: 3000 ft., 17 VI. I893.-HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., 8 IX. 1892. Four specimens. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 471 I I. PTEROPHORINA. 2. TRICHOPTILUS Wism. Type Trichofiilus fygm7aeus Wlsm. (WIsm. 1880). TRICHOPTILUS Wlsm., Pter. Cal.-Or. 62-3 (1880); Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i886, 7: 1890, 484-5; Tutt, Br. Nat. I. 252-3 [refprint 77-8] (1891); Meyr., HB. Br. Lp. 430-1 (1895); 0. Hfm., Ber. NW. Ver. Regensb. v. 45, 49, 145-6, 206 (I896); Fern., Mass. Agr. Coll. Ann. Rp. xxxv. 95-6 [sep. 13-14] (I898). 3. (i) TricLhoftilus oxydactylus Wkr. (P1. X. fig. 3). n. synn. =ahawaiiensis Btl., =centetes Meyr. Pterojphorus oxydactylus Wkr., Cat. Lp. Ins. BM. xxx. 944 (I864)1. Aciptilia hawaiiensis Btl., Ann. and Mag. NH. (5.s.) VII. 408 (i88I)2. Aciptilia oxydactyla Wlsm., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1885, 885 (i886)'. Trichopti/us centetes Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i886, i6 —17: 1887, 2665. Pterophorus oxydaclylus Moore, Lp. Ceyl. inI. 528-9, P1. 209, I6 (i887)6. Trichioptilus hawaiensis Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. I888, 2397. Pterophorus oxydactylus Swinh. and Cotes, Cat. Moths Ind. 669, No. 4549 (1889)8. Trichoptiius centetes Wlsm., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. I891, 494-5, 542 (I892)9. Trichoptilus oxydaclylzis Wlsm., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1896, 277'~. Trichopftils centetes Wlsm., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1897, 56, No. i": Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxIV. 192 (I898)2.'"' "Antennae ochreous-whitish, with a dark fuscous line on back. Palpi brownishochreous mixed with whitish, second joint reaching middle of face. Head and thorax ochreous. Forewings cleft from middle, segments linear; veins 2 and io present; brownish-ochreous, first segment more or less suffused with fuscous; an obscure dark fuscous dot in disc at one-third, and another on first segment at base; some white scales indicating very obscure bands on both segments before middle and towards apex; cilia ochreous-brown, on costa spotted with white on bands, on lower margin of first segment with two or three white scales on bands and a white subapical spot followed by a small black scale-tooth, on upper margin of second segment with a small white spot before apex, on lower margin of second segment with white bars opposite bands, interspaces greyer, and with a small black almost apical scale-tooth. [Exp. al.] 14 -16 mm. Hindwings cleft firstly from one-fourth, secondly from base, segments linear; rather dark fuscous; cilia light ochreous-fuscous, third segment with a small well-defined black scale-tooth on inner margin at three-fifths, and a fringe of white hair-scales between this and base. Abdomen ochreous mixed with ochreous-whitish, apex in male * The small numerals refer to the localities given in the paragraphs on this subject at the end of the description. 61-2 472 2FA UNAA HA U7rAILIENS/S with a single moderate obliquely ascending hair-pencil. Legs white, longitudinally striped with blackish, posterior tibiae banded in middle and at apex with dark ochreousfuscous. g~ Six specimens. Closely allied to T. centefes and its group." Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i888, 239. Types gS oxydactylus Wkr., Mus. Br.; kawaliensis BMd., Mus. Br.; g cen/eles Meyr., Mus. Meyr. HAB. [?UNITED STATES-ARIZZONA"',? MtXICO'] WEST INDIES-ST CROIX, IV-V."; ST THOMAS, III.; ST VINCENT"' ". ARABIA-Aden10, Lahez'o. INDIA-Poona"", ix., xii., Bombay. CEYLON 8. NEW GUINEA-Port Moresby, xi. t QUEENSLAND'. HAWAIIA7. OAHU: Waianae, Iv. 1892 (only on the plains, Perkins).-MoLoKAI, V. 1893 (sea-level, Perkins).-MAUI: Uoluolu (common on the sea-shore, Blackburn)2; Wailuku, 1894 (Perkins). Seven specimens. 3. PLATYPTILIA Hb. PLATYPTILIA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 429 (1826) =AJYZBLYP TZLIA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 430 (1826) 1'LATYPTZLUS Z., Is. 1841, 764; HS.; Wlgrn. =~ CNAEMZDOPHOA'US Wlgrn., Vet. Ak. Hndl. III. (7) io (1859) =AAZBLYI'17YLULS Wlgrn., Vet. Ak. Hndl. III. (7) 13 (1859) = U'CiNEMZDO PHOlReUS Wlgrn., Ent. Tdsk. II. 96 (i88i). 4. (i) P/a/yb/i/iaJuscicorntzis Z. (P1. X. fig. 4). n. syn.= *cosrnodac/y/a Btl., Meyr. (nec Hb.). P/atypti/iafuscicornizis Z., Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. xIII. 460-2 (i877)'. Amblyf liza cosmodaclyla (Hb.), var. BMd., Ann. and Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 407 (1881)2. Platypili/ *cosmnodac/y/a Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i888, 240'. "Antennis unicoloribus fuscis, fronte subconica; scutello atro, postice niveomarginato; alis ant. cinereis, brunneo-conspersis, triangulo costali ante fissuram nigro, striga laciniarum albida, macula ante eam costali rufo-fusca; striola ciliorum digiti tertii nigra ante apicem. g. Sehr tihnlich der ebenso grossen Acan/Iwdaclyla, aber ohne Schuppenzahn am Innenrande der VorderflUigel und mit blossem schwarzen Schuppenstreifen statt eines Zahnes in den Fransen der dritten Feder, ausserdem sogleich durch die einfarbig braunen, nicht hell geringelten Etihler zu erkennen. Kopf hellbraungrau; Stirn ganz kurz kegelftirmig. Taster um A Kopfltinge hervorstehend, langlich dreieckig, auswirts braun, am Ende des 2ten Gliedes bandfibrmig grau; Endglied kurz, grau. Fiihler unbehaart, gegen das Ende mit verlangerten und deutlich abgesetzten Gliedern, einfarbig braunlich, ausser am ersten Drittel der MICROLEPID OP TERA4 473 Unterseite, das wie die Unterseite des Wurzelgliedes weisslich ist. Riicken braungrau; die Gegend des Schildchens ist bis zu den Schulterdecken tief schwarzbraun, hinten breit schneeweiss eingefasst. Hinterleib schmachtig, grau mit chokolatfarbenen Flecken; Bauch chokolatbraun, weisslich bestaubt und an den Seiten mit undeutlichen weissen Streifen; Analklappen ziemlich lang und schmal. Beine dunn. Die vordern an den Schenkeln braun mit weissen Fleckchen; Schienen auswirts ebenso, innen weiss und am Ende braun; Fusse weiss, an den Enden der zwei ersten Glieder braungrau, die Endglieder braun. An den Mittelbeinen: Schenkel weissgrau mit breitem, braunem Mittel- und Endband; Schienen weiss, am schwach verdickten Ende breit braun; Fiisse weiss, an den 3 ersten Gliedern mit braunlicher Spitze, das Endglied braun. Hinterbeine an Schenkeln und Schienen innen schmutzig weissgrau, die erstern auswirts braungrau, die letztern heller und hinter der Mitte, an der Wurzel der Mitteldornen und am Ende fleckartig braun; der Metatarsus braunlich mit schmutzig weisslichem Basalviertel, die andern Glieder reinweiss, an den Enden braungrau. Alle Dornen sind klein, weiss, an Wurzel und Ende braun. Vorderfligel 4-"' lang, ziemlich schmal, hinten erweitert mit fein gespitzter, etwas verlangerter Flugelspitze, hell schiefergrau, lings des Innenrandes braunlich gefleckt, so dass die Grundfarbe in dunnen Querlinien die Flecke trennt. Vor der Spalte liegt ein dreieckiger, schwarzer Costalfleck, dessen ausgezogene Spitze bis unter die Spalte reicht; vor ihm ist der Vorderrand als schmale Linie schwarz und durch graue Piinktchen unterbrochen; hinter ihm ist eine kurze, schneeweisse. Costallinie, auf welche eine oben schwarze, unten gelblichrothe, fleckartige Stelle folgt, die unterwarts einen dicken schwarzen Langsstrich ftihrt; sie wird durch die weissliche Querlinie begrenzt, welche ein schwarzes Costalfleckchen hinter sich hat und sich durch den etwas braunlichen Hinterzipfel verlingert. Fransen weisslich; am reinsten sind die des Innenrandes vor dem Innenwinkel; diese tragen dem Costaldreieck gegeniiber drei starke, tiefschwarze Schragstriche. Die Hinterrandfransen sind an ihrer Wurzel mit einer tiefschwarzen, am Vorderzipfel einmal, am Hinterzipfel zweimal unterbrochnen Linie durchzogen. Am Ende der Spalte sind die Fransen schwarz. Hinterfliigel dunkelgrau. Die Fransen um die Spitze der Federn sind an ihrer Wurzel als Linie braun. Die Innenrandfransen der dritten Feder sind von der Basis aus mit einer Reihe schwarzer Schuppen bestreut; vor der Spitze der Feder sind sie weisslich mit einem schwarzen, etwas schrigen Schuppenstrich und an der Spitze der Feder mit einem solchen Fleckchen. Unterseite der Vorderfliigel dunkel braungrau, auf dem unlgeschlagenen Costaltheil weissbestaubt, hinter dem Anfang der Spalte mit einem weissen, vorn und hinten schwarz begrenzten Costalfleckchen. Die Zipfel mit einigen weissen Staubchen, der vordere mit vollstandiger, weisser Querlinie. Fransen weisser als oben, aber eben so scltarf schwarz gezeichnet.-Die erste und dritte Feder der Hinterfliigel sind verdunkelt, die erste am meisten vor der Spitze, so dass sich keine weisse Ouerlinie ausbildet. Die 474 FAUNA AHA WAIIENSIS Schuppen der Innenrandfransen der dritten Feder sind reichlicher, und der schwarze Streifen etwas langer als oben. Ein schon erhaltenes g am 23 Februar bei Bogota gefangen in Gesellschaft der P/atyd. pyrrhitna." [Z. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. xiH. 460-2 (1877).] Type g Mus. Wlsm. HAt. COLOMBIA: Bogota, II. HAWAIIA KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. I895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., V.-vi. 1894 (Perkins).-OAHU: Waianae Mts., 600o ft. and upwards, excl. IV. 1892 (Perkins).-MoLoIAI: 4000 ft., vI. 1893 (Perkins).-LANAI ~ 2000 ft., II. I894 (Perkins).-MAUI: Wailuku, iv. 1894 (Perkins); Haleakala, 2000 ft. (Blackburn)2. Twenty-one specimens. Exp. al. I5-i8 mm. "The larva was green or grey and hairy, the pupae were light or dark" (Perkins). Bred at Oahu, but the food-plant was not identified. 5. (2) Platyptilia brachymorpha Meyr. (P1. X. fig. 5). Pla/typilia brachymorpha Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1888, 240 ---I. "Antennae fuscous. Palpi moderate (two), ochreous-brown, base and a median ring of second joint white, terminal joint mixed with white. Head and thorax light brown, thorax posteriorly ochreous-whitish. Forewings cleft from two-thirds, segments moderate, parallel-sided; light ochreous-brown, irrorated with white; costa rather dark fuscous, dotted with white; a rather large dark fuscous dot in disc before one-third, and another beneath costa before middle; a triangular dark fuscous blotch on costa about two-thirds, reaching half across wing, terminating in two transversely placed black dots before cleft, followed by an obscure whitish suffusion; a white line crossing both segments near hind margin, preceded in first segment by a large elongate black dot, in second by a small one, on costal margin of both segments by a dark fuscous suffusion, hind-marginal area beyond this fuscous; cilia of both segments on hind margin rather dark fuscous, slightly mixed with white, with a small scale-tooth at lower angle, on inner margin fuscous-whitish with a few scattered very small black scales. [Exp. al.] 14 mm. Hindwings cleft firstly from middle, secondly from before three-fourths; first segment moderately dilated, spatulate, second slightly dilated, its apex very long-pointed, its hind margin very oblique and concave; rather dark fuscous; cilia fuscous, third segment with a row of black scales on inner margin from base to middle, and one or two at four-fifths. (Abdomen broken.) Legs rather dark fuscous above, white beneath, tibiae not incrassated. S (?). One specimen.' Meyr. 1. c. Type Mus. Meyr. HAI1. HAWAIIA'. OAIIU: Waialua, beach, II. 1892.-HAWAII: Kona, above 4000 ft., 12, VIii. 1892; Kaawaloa, above 2000 ft., IX. I892 (Perkins). Six specimens. 1MICROLEPIDOPTERA 475 6. (3) Platlptilia rhyntchtohora i\Meyr. (PI. X. fig. 6). = repletalis Btl. (nec Wkr.)'. P/atyptilia '^rep/etalis Btl., Ann. and Mag. NH. (5. s.) vIT. 407 (188)1'. P/at ptilia rhynchop/ora Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1888, 239-40'. "Antennae dark fuscous. Palpi very long (four), rather dark fuscous, sprinkled with whitish above. Head and thorax rather dark fuscous, finely sprinkled with ochreouswhitish; frontal cone short. Forewings cleft from two-thirds, segments moderate, parallel-sided; fuscous, towards middle of disc and on costal and dorsal edges irrorated with blackish; an obscure cloudy dark fuscous dot in disc at one-fourth, and a second below costa at one-third; a cloudy blackish dot immediately before cleft, indistinctly extended to costa, where it is followed by some whitish scales; an indistinct dark fuscous bar extending across middle of both segments parallel to hind margin, anteriorly suffused, posteriorly margined by an obscure whitish line; cilia fuscous, slightly mixed with whitish, on hind margin with an obscure darker fuscous line, on inner margin with a few scattered black scales. [Exp. al.] 17-18 mm. Hindwings cleft firstly from middle, secondly from three-fourths, first and second segments moderately dilated; rather dark fuscous; cilia fuscous; third segment with a row of black scales on inner margin from base to middle, and one or two at three-fourths. Abdomen fuscous. Legs fuscous, beneath whitish, banded with dark fuscous, tibiae not incrassated. i?. Three specimens. Immediately recognisable by the unusually long palpi." Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1888, 239-40. Type g$ Mus. Meyr. (Paratype *repleta/is Btl., Mus. Br.). HAB. HAWAIIA2. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. 1895 (Perkins). — OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., iv. 1892 (Perkins).-MOLOKAI: about 3000-4000 ft., 5-13, VI. I893 (Perkins).-MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., 11-Iv. 1894, v. I896; 6000 ft., inI. 1894, V. 1896; 7000 ft., IV. 1894; 9000 ft., iv. 1894; crater x. i896 (Perkins).- HAWAII: Mauna Loa, 4000 ft. (Blackburn)'. Twenty-three specimens. 7. (4) Platyptlida in sularis, sp. nov. (PI. X. fig. 7). Antennae brownish fuscous, dusted with whitish cinereous. Palpi extending more than the length of the head beyond it; brownish fuscous, sprinkled with whitish cinereous. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous, profusely dusted with whitish cinereous. Forewings pale chestnut-brown, sprinkled with dark chestnut-brown and transversely mottled with whitish cinereous; the costa, narrowly shaded with dark chestnut-brown as far as the base of the fissure, is evenly speckled with whitish cinereous, a broad shade extending downward to the base of the fissure before which it forms a dark patch; a triangular dark chestnut-brown costal patch on the middle of the upper lobe extends nearly to the fissure, its outer edge very obliquely and narrowly margined with white, a similar but 476 FA U/NA HA WAZEIENSIS smaller patch occurring before the middle of the lower lobe but not reaching the dorsum, these patches are both preceded by thickly sprinkled whitish scales; cilia of the upper lobe whitish, with a dark line along their base; cilia of the lower lobe greyish brown, with a dark line along their base; a few dark spatulate scales lie in the cilia along the dorsum and there is some indication of a dark plical spot followed by another on the disc before the middle. Underside with a white costal spot above the base of the fissure succeeded by a slight sprinkling of whitish scales upon the upper lobe, the remainder of the wings being unsprinkled. Exp. al. i8-20 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish brown, the dorsum of the posterior lobe thickly bestrewn with fuscous spatulate scales, not extending to its apex and forming no tooth-like projection. Underside sprinkled with a few white scales near the apex of the anterior lobe. Abdomen brownish fuscous, sprinkled with whitish cinereous, with a small whitish streak on either side near the base. Hind legs brownish fuscous., with diffused whitish bands round the terminal joints of the tarsi. Type ' (26142) Mus. WIsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft. iv. 1892.-MOLOKAI: above 30o0 ft., 9-I3, vi. 1893. Five specimens. 8. (5) Platyptilia littoralis Btl. (P1. X. figs. 8-9). Plaf/yptilus liftoralis Btl., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1882, 44-51. Platypilia littoralis Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1882, 241. Antennae cinereous. Palpi projecting more than the length of the head beyond it; dark fawn-brown. Forewings fawn-brownish, with a slight tawny tinge, traversed transversely by numerous whitish cinereous strigulae, of which those near the base are somewhat diffused; a large trapezoidal brownish fuscous costal spot extending to the fissure is followed by a whitish costal spot (in some varieties this reaches almost to the whitish subterminal line, in other varieties the ground colour of the wing almost obliterates the dark trapezoidal and whitish costal spots, the latter becoming a small whitish or pale tawny spot); an oblique whitish cinereous line, parallel with the termen, crosses both lobes, preceded on the tornal lobe by a broad brownish fuscous spot contiguous to it, and on the apical lobe by a smaller spot of the same colour below the middle of the lobe; the space between this line and the termen is brownish fuscous, traversed by minute lines of whitish cinereous scales; the costa is narrowly darker-shaded throughout, especially before the apex; cilia pale cinereous, shaded to their middle with brownish fuscous, forming a somewhat abrupt median line; within the fissure the cilia are cinereous, with the exception of two opposite dark spots at its outer extremity, the dorsal cilia are also pale cinereous, studded with blackish scales. Exp. al. 22 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny, the posterior lobe thickly studded with blackish scales on its dorsum, these not reaching to the apex. Abdomen dark fawn-brown, with a black M7ICROLEPIDOP TERA 477 spot surrounded by whitish on each side at the base. Legs dark fawn-brownish, with broad whitish bands around the middle of the spurs and on the three last tarsal joints; anterior tarsi whitish. Type $ Mus. Br. (Caenotypes $ (25194); s (25308) Mus. Wlsm.) HAB. OAHU: nr. Honolulu (on shores of a small mountain lake. Blackburn)'.HAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft. IX. 1892; 4000ft., 17-2 I, VII. I2, VIII. i-8, ix. 892 (Perkins). Six specimens. This species is somewhat variable, the markings tending to be obliterated by suffusion of the ground-colour. In well-marked forms it is at once recognisable by the dark trapezoidal (instead of triangular) costal spot. I I I. ORNEODINA. 4. ORNEODES Ltr. ORNEODES Ltr. [Prec. Gen. Ins. 148 (1796) MN], Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins. IIn. 418 (1802): XIV. 258 (I805). = RIPHIDO'PHORA Hb., Tent. 2 (I806). = EUCHICA4DIA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 431 (1826). =*ALUCITA (L) Z. Is. 1841 (t865-7), t867-9: Lin. Ent. vI. 405 (1852) &c. 9. (i) Orneodes ang-ustes/rizta, sp. nov. (P1. X. fig. Io). Antennae (broken). Palpi slightly recurved, terminal joint about as long as the median; ochreous, the median joint fuscous externally. Head and Thorax (denuded). Forewings dark brownish fuscous, the costal lobe with five transverse pale cinereous strigulae which are traceable throughout the other lobes, the outer three being bent outward on the costal edge of the third lobe; in the spaces before and behind the middle streak (which are wider than the other intervening spaces) the dark brown colour is slightly peppered with pale cinereous; cilia corresponding to the adjacent colour of the lobe. Exp. al. ii mm. Hindwings with the pale strigulae more minute and more inclined to coalesce, leaving a moderately distinct dark band at two-thirds the winglength, and a narrower one at one-third; cilia corresponding to the adjacent colour of the lobe. Abdomen (broken). Hind Legs whitish cinereous with four transverse fuscous tarsal bands above. Type S (26730) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. 1894. One specimen. 10. (2) Orneodes ojVurga/tlaa, sp. nov. (P1. X. fig II). Antennae slightly serrate toward the apex; pale cinereous with an ochreous tinge. Palpi short, recurved to the level of the vertex; whitish cinereous, the median joint 62 F. H. I. /." 478 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS shaded with greyish fuscous externally, the terminal joint spotted with fuscous. Head and Thorax greyish cinereous. Forewings pale greyish fuscous, with narrow whitish cinereous streaks and speckling; on the costal lobe are four or five such pale transverse streaks, about equidistant from each other; the corresponding streaklets on the second lobe being a little beyond them; those on the third lobe corresponding with those on the second; those on the fourth, fifth, and sixth lobes receding towards the base; cilia corresponding to the colour of that portion of the lobe on which they rest. Exp. al. 9-I I mm. Headwings: no special pattern is traceable, the lobes being evenly speckled throughout with whitish cinereous and greyish brown, the cilia corresponding. Abdomen greyish cinereous. Legs cinereous, with whitish spots on the tarsal joints. Type? (25087) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Mt. Kaala, Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., I. 1892; 2000 ft., IV. 1892 Two specimens. This is a smaller form than the ordinary hexadaclyla L., but not easy to distinguish from it by any intelligible form of description. IV. TINEINA. I. GELECHIADAE. 5. ARISTOTELIA Hb. Type Tinea decurZella Hb., (Hb. 1826). ARISTOTELIA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 424 (1826); Wlsm., Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxI. 42 (1895); Meyr., HB. Br. Lp. 572 (1895); Wlsm., Pr. Z. Soc. Lond. 1897, 63. =CHf' YS'OESTHJA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 422 ( 826) partim. =~EVAGORA Clem., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. xII. I65 (I860). =J~NOMIA Clem., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. xii. i67 (i86o). HR= CYSOPORAA Clem., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. xII. 362 (i860). = NANNODIA Hein., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 281 (r870). =~AA'GYRI7'Is Hein., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 283 (1870). =~APODIA Hein., Schm. Deutsch, Tin. 286 (1870). =ERGA7TIS Hein., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 295 (I870). =~sDORYPHORA Hein., Schm. Deutch. Tin. 298 (1870). =XYSTOPIHORA Hein.-Wk., Schm. Deutsch. Tabelle Gattungen 6 (1876). = MOOCZRiOA4 Hein., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 308 (1870). = ~LAMPROTES Hein., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 309 (r870). 11. (i) Aristotelia maculaticornis, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. I7). Antennae white, narrowly but distinctly barred with brownish fuscous above. Palpi white, with two broad fuscous bands around the median joint, the terminal joint ringed with fuscous before the apex. Head white. Thorax white, sprinkled with fuscous. MiCROLEPIDOPTERA 479 Forewings white, with brownish fuscous markings, all more or less broken up by the white ground-colour; a basal patch, broader on the dorsum than on the costa, a triangular costal patch before the middle, reaching to the fold, and an inverted costal patch before the apex reaching to the end of the cell; this points towards a few fuscous scales on the dorsum and is preceded on the costa by a similar group, others occurring about the apex and termen; cilia white, with a few fuscous scales about the apex. Exp. al. 20 mm. Hindwings, as broad as the forewings, bisinuate below the apex; pale cinereous; cilia white, with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs whitish. Type? (28741) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, viii. 1896. Unique. 12. (2) Arisltoelia nigriciliella, sp. nov. (Pl. XIII. fig. i8). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred with blackish above. Palpi whitish ochreous, shaded with fuscous externally nearly to the apex of the median joint. Head and Thorax brownish cinereous, the tegulae mottled with brownish fuscous. Forewings brownish cinereous, with diffused shading of scattered brown and brownish fuscous scales, especially along the costa beyond the basal third, along the dorsum from the base to the tornus, and across the apical area; at one-third from the base an outwardly oblique chestnut-brown fascia runs from the costa to the fold, but scarcely reaches the dorsum (in some specimens this appears to be absent); cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. 17 —22 mm. Hindwings shining, pale leaden grey; cilia pale greyish ochreous. Abdomen brownish cinereous. Legs whitish ochreous, with indistinct broad brownishgrey shade bands. Type $ (28115); ~ (27390) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, () VII. 1895; (3) VIII. 896; Olaa, 2000 ft., (I) Xi. I896. Five specimens. The i is larger and paler than the S, with the palpi more distinctly marked with dark shading on both joints. In the forewings there is no actual fascia, but somewhat more confluent mottling indicates its position; similar mottling occurs at the base of the dorsum and on the outer third. The specimen from Olaa (28658) is doubtfully referred to this species. 13. (3) Aristo/elia icht/yockroa, sp. nov. (P XIII. fig. 9). Antennae shining, whitish cinereous. Palpi smooth, the terminal joint nearly as long as the median; whitish on their inner sides and above, fuscous externally. Head [denuded —apparently whitish cinereous]. Thorax fuscous, the tegulae tipped with whitish cinereous. Forewings rather shining, whitish cinereous, but showing a slight ferruginous reflection in certain lights; a broad triangular ferruginous costal blotch, commencing at one-fourth, descends outward to the middle of the fold and is thence 62-2 480 FA UNA IA WAIIENSIS diffused upward to the commencement of the costal cilia, a few dark ferruginous scales about the apex and termen precede the leaden grey cilia which have also in some lights a reddish brown reflection; underside fuscous. Exp. al. 16 mm. Hindwings as broad as the forewings, the termen obliquely bisinuate below the obtuse apex; dark brownish grey; cilia brownish grey; underside dark leaden grey. Abdomen ferruginous at the base, fuscous beyond. Legs with the hind tibiae hairy; pale cinereous, shaded with greyish fuscous externally. Type g (26398) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: Woods above Pelekunu, 27. VIII. 1893. Unique. 14. (4) Aris/olelia epermeniella, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. 20). Antennae fuscous, with pale annulations. Palpi fuscous, with the end of the median joint and the base and apex of the terminal joint pale fawn-ochreous. Head greyish ochreous. Thorax pale greyish fuscous. Forewings pale fawn-ochreous, sprinkled and shaded with rust-brown and fuscous, the latter predominating in three sprinkled dorsal patches below the fold and slightly indicated along the middle of the costa; the former prevailing, in a short basal patch above the fold, in a strong outwardly oblique shade from the costa at one-fourth, reaching to the fold on the outer edge of an ill-defined oblique fascia of the paler ground-colour and thence in mottled sprinkling over the remaining wing-surface to the apex; cilia very pale fawn-ochreous, slightly mottled along their base with fuscous. Exp. al. I6 mm. Hindwings bisinuate below the apex; greyish; cilia pale fawn-ochreous. Abdomen greyish ochreous. Legs pale fawnochreous. Type? (27671) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. 1895. Unique. 15. (5) Aristolelia no/a/a, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. 21). Antennae whitish ochreous. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint sprinkled externally with blackish scales nearly to its apex. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous. Forewings whitish ochreous; a small blackish spot at the extreme base of the costa, a larger diffused spot on the fold near its base, a triangular costal patch before the middle, its apex reaching to the fold, a patch at the end of the cell and a smaller one on the costa before the apex with a series of almost connected blackish spots in the whitish ochreous terminal and costal cilia. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings trapezoidal, shining, pale rosy grey; cilia greyish, with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish ochreous. Type $ (26218) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 5. VI. 1893; 4500 ft., 17. Ix. 1893. Two specimens. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 481 16. (6) Aristotelia lanaiensis, sp. nov. (PI. XIII. fig. 22). Antennae pale cinereous, faintly banded with fuscous above. Palpi with the median joint fuscous, the shorter terminal joint pale cinereous, with three small fuscous dots externally. Head and face ash-grey. Thorax whitish cinereous. Forewings ashy whitish, sparsely sprinkled with pale brownish fuscous, a small dark fuscous spot at the base of the costa is succeeded by a triangular fuscous costal patch, scarcely before the middle, and a few fuscous scales about the commencement of the costal cilia; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings bisinuate below the apex; ashy grey; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs pale whitish ochreous. Type $ (26514) Mus. Wism. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft., VII. 1894. Unique. 17. (7) Aristotelia elegaznior, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. 23). Antennae cinereous, barred above with fuscous. Palpi cinereous, the median joint fuscous nearly to its apex, the terminal joint tipped with fuscous and shaded beneath with the same before the apex. Head and Thorax greyish cinereous. Forewings cinereous, slightly suffused with grey along the dorsum and toward the apex; a large brown costal blotch before the middle, terminating in a bright ferruginous patch on the fold; this is followed by two spots, one before, the other at the end of the cell, brown on their upper half, bright ferruginous beneath; some pale cinereous mottling extends around the apex on the costa and termen; cilia brownish ochreous. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia brownish grey, with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen dull brownish grey. Legs brownish cinereous, with fuscous shades along the spurs and at the joints of the tarsi externally. Type S (25700) Mus. Wism. HAB. OAHU: Near head of Kawailoa Gulch, iv. 1893. Unique. This species is very distinct, otherwise it would not have been worth describing from a mutilated specimen. 18. (8) Arisltotelia mtndax, sp. nov. (PI. XIII. fig. 24). Antennae fawn-ochreous, narrowly banded above with fuscous. Palpi fawnochreous, each joint annulate before the apex and clouded beneath with fuscous, the extreme apex fuscous. Head and Thorax fawn-ochreous. Forewings pale fawnochreous, profusely sprinkled and minutely mottled with fawn-brown, almost obliterating, the paler ground-colour, a few blackish specks along the costa, especially before the middle; cilia fawn-ochreous mottled with fawn-brown along their base. Exp. al. 10-12 mm. Hindwings bisinuate below the apex; pale grey; cilia brownish cincreous. Abdomen greyish, anal tuft fawn-ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, the spurs fuscous externally. 482 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS Type S (27586) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (2) iv. I895; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) vI. 1894. Four specimens. 19. (9) Aristotelia arcuata, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. 25). Antennae whitish ochreous, clouded and spotted with fuscous toward the apex. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint dark fuscous, except at its base and apex, the terminal joint tipped with fuscous. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous. Forewings with the costa much arched, apex acute, termen very oblique; whitish ochreous, gradually suffused from one-third with dull olive-brown, leaving a tornal, and a smaller opposite costal patch of the pale ground-colour; a minute dark spot is visible in the fold a little beyond its middle; cilia very pale ochreous. Exp. al. I2 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale brownish ochreous. Type $ (25066) Mus. Wism. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts, 3000 ft., IV. 1892. Unique. 6. MERIMNETRIA, gen. nov. (UpLEPLtvrTrpta =one who is over careful about). Type Mlerimnetriaflavilerminella Wlsm. Antennae (i), widening beyond the base, the stem wide, slightly flattened; serrate towards the apex. Maxillary Palpi absent. Labial Palpi recurved to above the vertex; smooth; terminal joint not longer than the median. Haustellum present. Ocelli absent. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings five times as long as broad, the margins parallel until tapering off to the lanceolate apex: neuration, 11 veins (7 and 8 coincident to costa); 2 and 3 separate. Hindwings as broad as the forewings; termen sinuate below the apex; cilia longer than the width of the wing: neuration, 8 veins; 3 and 4 connate, 6 and 7 remote, but somewhat approximating towards base. Abdomen flattened. Legs, hind tibiae somewhat hairy above. This genus should be placed in the neighbourhood of Strobisia Clms. and Drepanoterma Wlsm. It may be separated from both by its antennae, which are not ciliate as in the latter, and they are longer and stouter than in the former; both these genera differ also in having veins 2 and 3 of the forewings stalked. The uncate termen of the forewings in Drepanoterma and the stalking of veins 6 and 7 of the hindwings in Strobisia are other points of distinction. 20. (I) Merimnetria flaviterminella, sp. nov. (P1. XIII. fig. 26). Antennae and Palpi fuscous. Head and Thorax fuscous, the latter with some chocolate-brown scales. Forewings chocolate-brown, with fuscous suffusion, especially MICROLEPID OP T7ERA 483 at the base and along the costa and fold; a few steel-grey scales scattered about the end of the cell and beyond it, also about the middle of the fold; costal and tornal cilia greyish fuscous, terminal cilia pale ochreous. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings bisinuate below the apex; brownish fuscous, cilia tawny greyish fuscous. Abdomen fuscous. Legs greyish. Type g (286 1) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Hilo, 2000 ft., I. 1896. Unique. 7. PHTHORIMAEA Meyr. Type Gelechia (?Bryotropiha) operculella Z. (MIeyr. 1902). PHTHORIMAEA Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxvIII. I03-4 (1902). 21. (I) Phthorinaea operculella Z. (P1. XIII. fig. 27). =solanella Bdv."; = ~ terrella Wkr.'; = tabacella Rag.21; = piscipe/lis Howard (nec Z) 4. n. syn. = sedata Btl. [On the Potato Grub of Tasmania. Berthon, Papers and Pr. Roy. Soc. Van Diemen's Land III. 76-89 (I855)1.] Geeczhia terrel/a Wkr., Cat. Lp. B.M. xxx. I024 (I864)'. Gelecia (? Bryotropha) operculela Z., Verh. Z.B. Ges. Wien, xxIII. (1873) Abh. 262 -3, P1. III. 17 (1873)3. Bryotropha solanella J.B., Soc. Centr. Hort. (xi. I874)4; Rag., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. XLIV. (5. s. v. 1875) xxxv.-vii. (1875)5: Bull. Soc. d'Acclrimat. (3. s.) II. 223-9 (I875)6; Bdv., Bu/l. Soc. d'Acclinat. (3. s.) II. 272-3 (1875)'; Riviere, J.B., Soc. Centr. Hort. 1876, 473-847: (=sep. I-12) (i876)";...... Deutsch. landw. Presse III. 606 (1876)9;......Rev. Sc. Nat. lonltpellier...... (i. i876)"'. Gelechia operculella Chamb., Bull. U.S. G.G. Surv. Iv. 145 (i878)". Lita solanella Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. N.S.W. IV. II2-14 (vi. 1879)12: Ent. Mo. Mag. xvI. 66 (viii. 1879):. Gelechia (Lita) solanella Rag., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. XLVIII. (5. s.. 1879) cxlvi. —vii. (i88o)14. Gelechia tabacella Rag., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. XLVIII. (5. s. x. 1879) cxlvi.vii. (i88o)". Gelechia (Bryotropha) solanela, Jr. d'Agr. pratiue XLIV. T. I, 339-42, fig. (i88o)". Gelechia sedata Btl., Cist. Ent. iI. 560, No. 88 (i880)17. Parasia sedata Btl., Ann. and Mag. N.H. (5. s.) v. 399, No. 86 (88I)". Lita solanella Tepper, Tr. and Pr. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. IV. 57-60, 154 (1882)". Parasia sedata Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 35 (I883)20. Lita solanella (=tabacella Rag.) Oliv., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. LIV. (6. s. v. I885) cxi.-xii. (x. i885)1. Lila tabacella Rag., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. Iv. (6. s. v. 1885) cxi.-xii. (x. I885)22. Lta so/anlela Rag., Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. LIv. (6. s. v. I885) cxi.-xii. (x. i885)"2. Ge/chia so/anel/a Meyr., N.Z. Jr. Sc. u. 590 (xI. 1885)24: Tr. N.Z. Inst xvIII. I66-7, No. 6 (1886)2. Lita solanella Meyr., Tr. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. vIII. 13 (1886)26; Tryon, Rp. Ins. and ])Fungus Pests Queensld. 484 FAv UNA A IAWA IIENSIS I. 175-81 (i889)27. Litha solanella Alph., Mem. Lp. Rmff. v. 231, No. 56 (i889)2. ["Small Tineid" Koebele, U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Bull. XXT. 25 (189o)29. Lita soanelda Olliff, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. I. 158 —9 (i89 r)3~; [Riley and Howard], U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Ins. Life IV. 239-42, fig. 27 a-I (Iv. 1892)31; Rbl., Ann. K.K. Hofmus. VII. 274-5, 282, No. 57 (I892)3; Olliff, Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. IrI. 701-3, figs. a-I (IX. 1892)"3: 828-9 (X. 1892)34; Wight, U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Ins. Life v. 163-4 (i. I893)k; Riley, Ann. Rp. U.S. Dp. Agr. 1892...... (893)36; Riley and Howard, U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Ins. Life VI. 275-6 (II. I894)37; Rbl., Ann. K.K. Hofmus. ix. i8, 89, No. 171 (I894)"": XI. I27, Nos. 191, 146, 190 (I896)39. Gelechia *piscipellis [Howard], U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Bull. vi. (n. s.) 76 (1897)40; McCarthy, N. Car. Agr. Exp. Sin. Bull. CXLI. I33 —5, fig. (I898)41; Quaintance, Florida Agr. Exp. Stn. Bull. XLVI....... (898)4. Gelechia so/anella Howard, Yearbook U.S. Dp. Agr. 1898, 137-40, figs. 20-21 (1899)": U.S. Dp. Agr. Farm. Bull. cxx. 19-22, figs. 14-15 (1900)44; Busck, U.S. Dp. Agr. Div. Ent. Bull. xxIn. (n. s.) 89 (9Ioo)0. Gelechia (Lila) solanella Stgr. and Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. 11. 146, No. 2636 (90o )46. Phthorimaea operculella Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxvinI. I03-4 (1902)4. [N.B. References printed in italics have not been verified.] Types $F terrella Wkr., $ Mus. Br.; operculella Z., g$ Mus. Wlsm.; solanella Bdr., Mus. Bdr."; tabacella Rag., Mus. Paris; sedata Btl., S Mus. Br. Antennae brownish cinereous. Palpi cinereous, with two umber-brown patches on the median joint externally, a spot of the same on the base of the terminal joint and a broad band before its apex. Head brownish cinereous; face pale cinereous. Thorax brownish cinereous, with three smoky brown longitudinal lines above. Forewings dull buff-brown, shaded and spotted with dark smoky brown; this forms a dorsal shade below the fold, a terminal shade reverting around the apex, and a spot at the end of the cell from which narrow lines radiate outward along the veins; there are also two spots near the base of the costa, the first succeeded by another below and beyond it, the second followed by one on the cell and one on the fold in an oblique line, a pair of smaller spots lying beyond this line on the cell, also in oblique succession; cilia pale buff-brownish, sprinkled along their base with smoky brown. Exp. al. I5-16 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Abdomen and legs brownish cinereous. Caenotype g (25812) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. EUROPE: SPAIN']";t '38 46; CA7ALONIA2' 32, 32 3846; Barcelona23' 32 AFRICA: ALGERIA4- 12-16, 21-3, 25, 31-3, 38, 43-4, 46-7; El-Bear4-, Hussein Dey", Jemmapes23, Mondovi"' 2 CANARIES8' 32, 38-9' 46: TENERIFE28, 3 9 3; Orotava25' 3; FUERTEVENTURA32' '-9; Rio Palma. WEST INDIES'5: PORTORICO45" UNITED STATES' 1, 29, 31, 33,,33 37, 39-44, 46-7 VIRGINIA 3-4; Pittsylvania Co.4-4; N. CAROLINA"-1 43-4; S. CAROLINA43-4, Sandy Run (Lexington Co.)43"; FLORIDA4 4; TEXASS"7, Fredricksburg37; CALIFORNIA "'29,, 35,373 Bakersfield (Kern Co.)", MICROLEPIDOPTERA 485 San Francisco37. HAWAIIA. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v-vi. [894 (Perkins).MOLOKAI: sea-level, v. I893; 3000 ft., and upwards 6-16 ix. I893 (Perkins). —AWAII: Kawaiahae, sea-shore (Blackburn)18; Kona, 3000 ft., VI. 1892, 5000 ft., 4. VIi. 1892, 4000 ft., 2 I. VII ---I I. IX. 1892 (Perkins). Thirty-six specimens. AUSTRALIA'1', 19, -'7, 30-1, 33,39,43-4,46-7: QUEENSLAND2, 27, 31. Moreton Bay2, Toowoomba~31; N. s. WALES ~J 33; Canley Vale3~, Cullinga30, Hunter River12, Shoalhaven 2, Sydney 2, Tamworth'; VICTORIA'2; Melbourne 12 TASMANIA1 31, 33 39; S. AUSTRALIA19 26, 31 Adelaide 1926 31 NEW ZEALAND17' 24-5,29-31, 33, 35, 39, 43-4, 47; Taranaki24-5, Napier24-5. LARVA. Lycopersicum esculentum (tomato) mining leaves4-4. Nicotiana tabacurm (tobacco) mining leaves' 21-2, 30 32 34, 40; in stems33-4. Solanum carolinense (horse nettle) mining leaves41'"434. Solanum melongena (egg plant) mining leaves and boring in fruit424. Solanum tuberosum (potato) in shoots and mining down stem into tubers4" -'-4; in tubers2, 14, 21, 23-, 31-5, 43-4; mining leaves, 134. Typha angustifolia in heads23 [most improbable that these were larvae of Ptlhorimaea operculella Z, they probably = Scieropepla typf5icola Meyr., and possibly also Limnaecia fhragmitella, Stn.] II121, 33 21v-34-, v - IX-43-4 XX, 3x-xi4 IMAGO. I-III2, IV25' 32, V21 33 VI-VII (Perkins), V1113, IX-x2 2, X2,, 3II, 1. The oldest known name for this species is Gelechia terrella Wkr. (I864), but this is homonymous with Gelechia terrella (Schiff.) Wkr. Cat. Lp. Ins. BM. xxIX. 573, No. 57 (1864). 8. STOEBERHINUS Btl. Type Stoeberhinus testaceus Btl. (Btl. 1881). STOEBERHINUS Btl., Ann. and Mag. NH. (5 s.) VII. 402, 401, fig. 2 (1881), Wlsm., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1887, 140, 171-2. Antennae (2) simple. Maxillary Palpi short, dependent. Labial Palpi: S long, strongly recurved over the thorax; the basal joint reaching nearly to the top of the head, smooth, or with a few projecting scales above at its apex; the median joint three times the length of the basal, strongly bent over, smooth; the terminal joint shorter than the median, with a strong brush of long hair-scales on its inner edge:? smooth, recurved to above the vertex, the median and terminal joints of about equal length, the latter tapering, acute, more slender than the former; the basal joint not abnormally developed. Haustellum long, scaled. Head with appressed scales. Thorax smooth. Forewings (in form similar to those of Depressaria Hw.), apex obtuse, termen slightly oblique, not sinuate: neuration I veins (7 and 8 coincident, to costa); 2 and 3 stalked. HFindwings as broad as the forewings, termen slightly sinuate: neuration 8 veins; 6 and 7 stalked, connate, or approximate; 3 and 4 connate, or short stalked; 5 moderately straight. Abdomen somewhat flattened. Legs, hind tibiae smooth. F. H. I. 63 486 FA UVNA HA WAIIENSIS Closely allied to Auloszicha, Meyr. (== ~ Auomola, Meyr.), from which it differs in the extraordinary palpi of the g. Butler described the palpi of the $ as porrect; this is incorrect, they are recurved. 22. (I) Stoeberhinus testaceus Btl. (P1. XIII. fig. 28). Stoeberhinus teslaceus Btl., Ann. and Mag. NH. (5 s.) VII. 401 fig. 2, 402-3 no. 73 (1881)'; Wlsm., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. j887, 171-22. Antennae cinereous, or pale ochreous, showing faint annulations in the darker forms; basal joint brownish cinereous. Palpi: $ pale cinereous, sprinkled with brownish scales, a pale ring around the apex of the median joint: g with the terminal brush dark brown. Head and thorax brownish cinereous. Forewings pale brownish cinereous, varying to pale ochreous, profusely sprinkled with dark brownish scales, a small dark brownish spot at the extreme base of the costa and a similar opposite spot close to the base of the dorsum; in the fold before its middle is an elongate chestnut-brown spot, another on the disc a little above and beyond it, a third in the same oblique line about the middle of the costa, and a fourth at the end of the cell; a slight chestnut-brown shade along the termen preceding the pale brownish cinereous cilia. Exp. al. 14 -I6 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey, a slender line along the base of the latter inclining to ochreous. Abdomen pale brownish cinereous. Legs somewhat paler. Type S (73: 81-7) $ Mus. Br.; Caenotype? (26242); g (25030) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAIIA. KAUAI: Makaweli, sea-level, vi. I894 (Perkins).- OAHU: Honolulu (Blackburn)' 2, 29. VIII. 1882 (Meyrick); Waianae Mts., Ixoo ft., Iv. 1892, "on tree-trunks and rocks common, also I think on the plains and even in Honolulu" (Perkins), 3000 ft., Iv. 1892, " beaten from dead wood" (Perkins).-MoLoKAI: sea-level, v. 1893.-HAWAII: Kona, 1500 ft., ix. I892, "at light" (Perkins), Kaawaloa (Kona), 1500 ft., ix. 1892 (Perkins); Olaa, 2000 ft., xi. I896 (Perkins). Twenty-eight specimens. E. PACIFIC. MARQUESAS IS.: Faton-Hiva Id. (I) o10- I, III. 1883, "beaten out of Pandanus thatch" (J. J. Walker); Taou-ata, Id. (3) 12. III. 1883 (J. J. Walker). Four specimens. The series varies much in the extent of the brown scaling on the forewings, which in some cases becomes almost a complete suffusion of the wing-surface through which the spots are less distinctly visible, while in others it is almost confined to the region of the fold leaving the spots plainly apparent. 9. AUTOSTICHA, Meyr. Type $ Automola pelodes Meyr. (Meyr. i886). ~ AUTOMOLA, Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 34 (1883)=AUTOSTICHA, Meyr. Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. I886, 281. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 487 "Antennae rather stout, slightly serrate, simple, basal joint moderate, simple. Maxillary palpi rudimentary, short, drooping. Labial palpi moderately long, recurved; second joint broadly thickened with dense appressed scales; terminal joint somewhat shorter than second, rather stout acute. Tongue long. Head smooth. Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate; with eleven veins, 2 and 3 stalked from just before angle of cell, 7 to costa. Hindwings trapezoidal, as broad as the forewings, hind margin markedly sinuate beneath apex, cilia moderate (42); with eight veins, 3 and 4 stalked from angle of cell, 6 and 7 stalked. Abdomen moderate, distinctly margined. Legs: posterior tibiae with dense appressed hairs. Doubtless allied to the two preceding genera" [T7hyrocopa, Meyr. and Syn!omotis, Meyr.]: "but differing from them and almost the whole family in the possession of only eleven veins in the forewings, this exceptional structure is evidently due to the coalescence of the normal veins 7 and 8, which coincide for their whole length, instead of for a portion only." Meyr.' 23. (i) Aulosticha fpeodes Meyr. (Pl. XIV. fig. i). Depressaria *convictella Btl., Ent. Mo. Mag. xiv. 50, no. 39 (I877)1. Azuomola pelodes Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 34-5 (I883)2. Aulosticha [fpelodes] Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1886, 281. "Head, palpi, antennae, thorax, abdomen, and legs whitish ochreous, thinly sprinkled with fuscous; second joint of palpi externally densely irrorated with dark fuscous, terminal joint with a slender blackish median ring. Forewings moderately elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, hind-margin obliquely rounded; whitish ochreous, somewhat suffused with ochreous, and thinly sprinkled with dark fuscous; a blackish dot at base of costa; a small blackish dot in disc before middle, a second rather obliquely beyond it on fold, and a third more conspicuous in disc beyond middle; a row of blackish dots between veins on hind margin and apical fourth of costa; cilia whitish ochreous sprinkled with fuscous. Exp. al. I5 mm. Hindwings whitish ochreous slightly greyish tinged; cilia whitish ochreous." Meyr.' Type S Mus. Meyr. HAB. HAWAIIA'. OAHU: Honolulu'. This species was not met with by Mr Perkins. "This is the species considered by Mr Butler to be synonymous with the Australian convictella Walk. It would be alike unexpected and interesting to find any species native to both Australia and the Hawaiian Islands; but as a matter of fact, convictella, Walk., belongs to the genus Eulcchria in the Oecophoridae, and differs from the above in almost every point of structure; nor is there even any close superficial resemblance." Meyr.' 63-2 488 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 10. HODEGIA, gn. n. (o63ryia = guidance). Type $ Hodegia apatela Wlsm. Antennae ()) as long as the forewings, simple. Maxillary Palpi short, meeting at the base of the haustellum. Labial Palpi recurved, 5 times the length of the head; terminal joint acute, almost as long as the median, median joint with appressed scales. Haustellum long, scaled at the base. Ocelli absent. Head (denuded). Thorax smooth. Forewings bulging at the base, acutely lanceolate, termen and dorsum obliquely receding to flexus, tornus obsolete: neuration II veins (4 absent, probably coincident with 3); 7 and 8 stalked for the greater part of their length, 7 to costa immediately above apex; 5 approximating to 3+4; veins 2 —1 closely packed in the contracted apical portion of the wing; fork of vein I very long (almost H). Hindwings triangular, acute: neuration 8 veins; 3 and 4 stalked, 6 and 7 stalked; 5 straight, slightly approximated to 3+4; 2-7 closely packed in the contracted apical portion of the wing; 8 connected with cell by cross-vein. Abdomen robust, almost as long as the forewings, ovipositor extruded. Legs: hind tibiae with appressed scales, but slightly rough-haired above; spurs well developed. Though resembling Chimzabacche Hb. in appearance this genus belongs to the Gelechiadae and to the same group as Thyrocopa, Meyr. It is to be regretted that we are unacquainted with the g. 24. (i) lodegia apate/a, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 2). Antennae greyish fuscous, dusted with white scales. Palpi hoary white, dusted with brownish scales. Head hoary greyish. Thorax greyish fuscous, the tegulae tipped with stone-whitish. Forewings brownish cinereous, sprinkled with whitish scales, especially about the costa and apex; a streak of black scaling commencing upon the middle of the disc runs nearly to the apex, a similar streak commencing at the base extends along the fold to its outer end, a patch of blackish scales beneath the base of the costa and another at the flexus. Exp. al. 23 mm. Hindwings pale cinereous. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Type? (28447) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 9500 ft., v. 1896. Unique. The single female has much the appearance of Chimabacche fagella, Schiff., but differs in neuration. It is in poor condition, but is certainly distinct from any known species. Perkins, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxII. I95 (1896) mentions this specimen thus: "A large Tineid with reduced wings and incapable of flight is shaken from a grass tuft above gooo feet" [on Haleakala]. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 489 11. PTYCHOTHRIX, gen. nov. (7rrv= a fold; Op(eL= a hair). Type Plychothrix vagans WVlsm. Antennae bipectinate (3), the pectinations diminishing in length outwardly, each pectination biciliate. Labial Palpi smooth, recurved to above the vertex, terminal joint shorter than the median. Maxillary Palpi short. Haustellum moderate. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings suborate, lanceolate, apex depressed, termen very oblique: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa. Hindwings broader than the forewings, apex slightly depressed, termen slightly sinuate near the apex; S with a tuft of hairs, in a depressed fold, from the base of the costa: neuration 8 veins; 3 and 4 shortly stalked, 5 bent over towards origin of 3+4, 6 and 7 stalked. Abdomen somewhat slender; anal appendages elongate, conspicuous. Legs rather coarsely scaled, but smooth. Allied to Thyrocopa Meyr., and Cryptophaga M'Leay, differing fromn the former in the bipectinate antennae and from the latter by possessing a costal tuft on the hindwings of the g. 25. (i) Ptychothrix vagans, sp. nov. (Pl. XIV. fig. 3). Antennae cinereous, inclining to ochreous. Palpi dark brown nearly to the apex of the median joint, thence fawn-ochreous. Head and thorax cinereous, with a brownish grey gloss. Forewings rather shining, pale cinereous, shaded with dark brown at the base, which is diffused outwards along the dorsum and shortly along the costa, also lightly sprinkled across the apical portion of the wing; there is a faint indication of three spots, one about the middle of the disc, one at the end of the cell, and one on the fold nearer to the former than to the latter; cilia pale cinereous. Exp. al. 22 mm. Hindwings pale brownish cinereous, the cilia slightly paler. Abdomen pale cinereous, transversely banded above at the joints with dark brown. Legs pale fawn-ochreous. Type $ (27522) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. I895. Unique. 12. PSYCIHRA, gen. nov. ({vXpd= unedifying). Type Psychra p/hycidifornis Wlsm. Antennae (i), serrate toward the apex, biciliate (Z) throughout. Maxillary Palpi short, convergent. Labial Palpi projecting scarcely more than the length of the head beyond it, median joint long, slightly thickened, terminal joint very short (j), slender, acute. Haustellum scaled. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings with the costa slightly arched, apex depressed pointed, termen oblique: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 490 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS stalked, 7 to costa. Hindwings broader than the forewings, termen scarcely sinuate, apex obtuse; S with a costal fold containing an expansible hair-pencil: neuration 8 veins; 3 and 4 stalked (probably variable); 5 nearly parallel to 3+4; 6 and 7 connate or stalked. Abdomen not flattened. Legs, hind tibiae somewhat roughly clothed. Closely allied to Thyrocopa Meyr., and Calamempsis Wism., from both of which it differs in the much shorter terminal joint of the palpi and in the structure of the antennae. 26. (I) Psychra phycidiformis, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 4). Antennae greyish fuscous, whitish at the base. Palpi whitish, shaded with fuscous externally. Head and Thorax whitish, much shaded above with fuscous (in some specimens almost entirely fuscous). Forewings greyish white, more or less suffused and sprinkled with fuscous throughout; the dark scales aggregated in a spot at the middle of the base, which is diffused downward along the dorsum into a more or less extended dorsal shade; in a large spot on the middle of the fold, almost confluent with a smaller reduplicated spot on the cell above its inner extremity; this is followed by a brownish ochreous shade along the cell, terminating in a transverse fuscous spot on its outer extremity; a series of about six dark costal spots extrirends from the middle to the apex, a similar series of six lying around the termen at the base of the greyish cinereous cilia; a pale angular band is left, by interruption of the dark shading, commencing between the first two costal spots and running outward half-way between the cell and the apex, thence deflected backward parallel with the termen to the dorsum before the tornus. Exp. al. $ 24-26; o 28-30 mm. Hindwindgs:, rather dark brown; cilia brownish grey:?, pale brownish; cilia whitish, slightly speckled. Abdomen: $ brown; V whitish; the ovipositor strongly extruded. Legs whitish in both $ and$. Type 4 (27176); V (26719) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) v. 1894, (o10) vi. 1894. Eleven specimens. The S is a good deal darker than the i, by the greater suffusion of the pale groundcolour, and the body and hindwings are considerably darker, the antennae are also somewhat stouter. 27. (2) Psychra brevzi.palpis, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 5). Antennae brownish fuscous, with indistinct pale annulations above. Palpi brownish fuscous, pale cinereous at the end of the median joint. Head pale brownish cinereous. Thorax brownish fuscous, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Forewings dark brownish cinereous, powdered with hoary whitish, more noticeably before the middle of the cell and in an oblique transverse band beyond the cell parallel with the termen; a pair of fuscous spots, scarcely beyond the middle of the cell, are followed by another pair at MIICROLEPID OP TERA 49I the end of the cell, these are obliquely placed, the lower one of the first pair nearer to the base than the upper, the upper one of the second pair nearer than the lower; beyond the middle are five fuscous costal spots, one at the apex, and an indistinct series of about six along the termen at the base of the brownish cinereous cilia. Exp. al. 26 mnlm. Hindwings dark brownish fuscous; cilia brownish fuscous with a dark line running through them near their base. Abdomen dark fuscous banded with dark brownish ochreous. Legs brownish cinereous. Type $ (27853) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895. Unique. The hindwings are much darker in this species than in p/hycidifornm7s, Wlsm. 13. CATAMEMPSIS, gen. nov. (KCarcTacU/eJ = discontent). Type Catanemnpsis deczipiens Wlsm. Antennae strongly serrate anteriorly, with some appearance of biserration towards the apex; biciliate throughout. Maxillary Palpi short, convergent. Labial Palpi recurved, reaching high above the vertex; median joint densely clothed with appressed scales; terminal joint less than half the length of the median (but possibly variable). Haustellum scaled. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings broad, widening outward, costa arched, termen oblique, not sinuate: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex. Hindwings broader than the forewings, termen very obliquely rounded; $ with costal fold containing an expansible hair-pencil: neuration 8 veins; 3 and 4 connate, 6 and 7 stalked (these veins will probably be found variable). Abdomen not flattened. Legs, hind tibiae with appressed scales, flattened. Closely allied to Thyrocopa Meyr., from which it differs in the structure of the antennae of the f, thus approaching Plycho/krix Wlsm., which however has strongly bipectinate antennae. 28. (i) Calamempsis decipiens, sp. nov. (Pl. XIV. fig. 6). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous, basal joint black. Palpi blackish, sprinkled with white scales externally, and more thickly on their inner sides. Head fawn-brown, mixed with blackish. Thorax dark purplish black. Forewings dull fawn-ochreous, with a purplish black cloud extending from the base along the upper edge of the cell and slightly diffused downward around its outer end where a reduplicate purplish black spot rests on the cross-vein; this is preceded by a single spot of the same colour about the middle of the cell; the termen is very faintly clouded with scattered fuscous scales, on which two or three spots are visible at the base of the pale fawn-ochreous cilia. Exp. al. $ 40;? 50 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish ochreous. 492 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS Type $ (28649); V (28045) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Near head of Kawailoa Gulch, (I) Iv. I893.-HAWAII: Olaa, (I) Ix. 1896 (Type $); Olaa, 2000 ft., (i) xI. 1896 (Type f). Three specimens (that from Oahu, broken and in very poor condition). The? has the palpi distinctly paler, being whitish ochreous sprinkled with darker scales, the terminal joint is slightly longer than in the $. In the forewings there is less cloudy suffusion, the ground-colour being chalky whitish ochreous. The hindwings also are much paler than in the $ and may be described as sericeous whitish. The abdomen is whitish with transverse bands of tawny reddish brown across the segments, the ovipositor is strongly extruded. This species so greatly resembles Thyrocopa gigas Btl., that great care must be taken in separating them. In the case of the S no real difficulty arises owing to the structure of the antennae, but in the? it will be found better to rely upon the comparative length of the terminal and median joints of the palpi; the terminal being much shorter in proportion to the median than in Thyrocopa gigas, although there is much variation in their relative lengths in this species. 14. THYROCOPA Meyr. n. syn. = SYNOMOTIS Meyr. Type (i) Thyrocopa abusa Wlsm. (Meyr. 1883). THYROCOPA Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 32-3 (1883)'. I (Type) abusa Wlsm (=*usitata Meyr.-nec Btl.). Type (2) Synomotis epicafna Meyr. (Meyr. 1883) = SYNvOMOTIS Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 33 (1883). I (Type) epicapna Meyr. Antennae moderate, filiform pubescent; basal joint moderate, simple. Maxillary Palpi short, drooping. Labial Palpi long, recurved; second joint thickened with appressed scales, somewhat rough beneath; terminal joint as long as second, moderate, acute. Tongue moderate. Head smooth, side-tufts short, erect. Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate oblong; with 12 veins. 2 from considerably before angle of cell, 3 from angle, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa. Hindwings trapezoidal, somewhat broader than forewings, hind margin very slightly rounded, cilia short (k); costal edge folded and bent back above, forming a deep furrow on upper surface, in which lies a very long pencil of hairs (in S only?); with 8 veins, 3 and 4 from a point at angle of cell, 5 parallel to 4, 6 and 7 stalked. Abdomen stout, somewhat depressed, distinctly margined. Legs; posterior tibiae with short, dense, appressed hairs. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 493 This does not nearly approach any described genus, but is allied to the two following genera," [Synomotis Meyr., and Autosticha Meyr. (= ~Aulomola Meyr.)] "which together belong to a peculiar group of the Gelechiad'ae, apparently forming a considerable proportion of the Hawaiian fauna." Meyrick. 29. (I) Thyrocopa gigas Btl. (P1. XIV. fig. 7). Depressaria gigas Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vII. 397, No. 33 (i88i)'. (Genus?) gizas Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 32 (I883)2. Antennae brownish grey, the basal joint brownish fuscous. Palpi with the terminal joint somewhat shorter than the median; median joint ochreous, densely speckled, especially on their outer sides, except at the extreme apex, with black; terminal joint blackish. Head and Thorax dark brown. Forewings varying from dark to paler brown, irrorated with blackish scales; with a reduplicated blackish spot at the end of the cell, and a single spot preceding these on the disc, about half-way to the base; a third spot, on the fold a little beyond the discal spot, is sometimes only faintly indicated; the blackish irroration is especially noticeable in a curved line a little beyond the end of the cell and in the terminal area, these two shades being separated by a paler outwardly bowed fascia scarcely reaching the margins; on the outer half of the costa and along the termen is a series of about twelve blackish marginal spots preceding the cilia which are brownish cinereous, with darker shades running through them. Exp. al. 40-48 mim. Hindwings brownish ochreous, more or less deeply shaded with brownish fuscous, a small blackish spot on the costa immediately before the apex, and a series of less distinct spots around the termen in the base of the cilia which are slightly paler than the wing, but clouded with fuscous on their outer half; underside with a somewhat lunate shadespot at the end of the cell. Abdomen brownish ochraceous, much clouded transversely with brownish fuscous; the paler bands which mark the segments sometimes accompanied by chestnut-brown scaling; a double series of blackish lateral spots runs along the underside which is pale ochraceous. Legs ochraceous, speckled with blackish. Type $ ( 19: 8i. 7) Maui, Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (27350) Mus. Wlsm.]. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (17) IV. 1895; 3000-4000 ft., (4) vI. 1894 (Perkins).-OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2500-3000 ft., (2) 1892 (Perkins).-MoL.oKAi: nearly 5000 ft., (I) 22. IX. 1893 (Perkins).-MAuI: Haleakala, 4000 ft. (Blackburn)'; 5000 ft., (3) V. I896 (Perkins). Twenty-seven specimens. There is considerable variation in the intensity of colouring in this species; the i appears to be scarce, only two specimens being taken. F. H.. 64 494 FA UAVA HA WAZIIENSIS 30. (2) Thyrocopa (?) viduella, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 8). Antennae greyish fuscous, the basal joint partly whitish. Palpi with the median joint dark greyish fuscous, slightly speckled; the terminal joint shorter than the median, whitish, speckled with greyish fuscous. Head and Thorax white, the latter sprinkled with greyish fuscous. Forewings greyish fuscous, sprinkled with whitish scales; with an irregular white blotch occupying the outer half of the cell and diffused downward across the fold, containing near its basal extremity a dark fuscous transverse shade and near its outer extremity a dark fuscous curved, or reniform, transverse spot, the space between the two being partly occupied by mixed brownish ferruginous and greyish fuscous scaling; beyond the end of the cell, somewhat abruptly angulated at its outer extremity, is a narrow white transverse fascia commencing on the costa at three-fifths from the base whence it tends obliquely outward, descending from its angle direct to the dorsum before the tornus, on it is a slight suffusion of rusty brownish scales; beyond the fascia are four whitish costal spots before the apex, and the series is continued along the termen, but does not break a dark line running along the middle of the cilia which are greyish fuscous, somewhat paler towards the apex; at the extreme base of the dorsum there is a small whitish spot, and the dark scales near the base asof the fold give a chestnut reflection in a strong light. Exp. al. 40 mm. Hindwings shining, bonewhite, with a narrow band along their margin shaded with greyish fuscous; cilia shining, bone-white, with some greyish fuscous intermixed towards the apex. Abdomen bonewhite, sprinkled and narrowly banded with greyish fuscous. Legs bone-white, the tarsi banded with greyish fuscous. Type V (27149) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. I894. Unique. A very distinct species, the, is at present unknown. 31. (3) Thytrocopa (?) cinerella, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 9). Antennae pale cinereous, dusted with fawn-brown. Palpi, Head and Thorax pale cinereous, sprinkled with fawn-brown scales. Forewings three times as long as wide, somewhat expanding outward, costa moderately straight, apex depressed, obtuse, termen oblique, not sinuate; whitish cinereous, profusely dusted with fawn-brown scales which are concentrated in a discal patch a little before the middle, in a plical patch scarcely beyond it, and in a large reniform spot at the end of the cell; an indistinct, outwardly bowed, pale band crosses the wing before the profusely shaded terminal and apical area; cilia whitish cinereous. Exp. al. 43-45 mm. Hindwings broader than the forewings; brown-grey; cilia whitish cinereous. Abdomen brown-grey. Legs whitish cinereous, with some brownish sprinkling. Type? (26986) Mus. Wlsm. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 495 HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. 1894. Two specimens. The $ is at present unknown, but there can be little doubt that this species is congeneric with Thyrocopa gigas Btl. 32. (4) Thyrocopa megas, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. IO). Antennae white, shaded with ochreous outwardly. Palpi white, the median joint sprinkled externally with brownish grey; the terminal joint much shorter than the median, shaded with brownish grey beneath. Head white. Thorax white, sprinkled with brownish grey. Forewings three times as long as broad; white, sprinkled with elongate brownish grey scales which are assembled in a reduplicated patch on the middle of the'cell, in another on the fold scarcely beyond it, and in a third at the outer end of the cell from which to the tornus there is a slight suffusion of the same colour; cilia white, sprinkled along their base with brownish grey. Exp. al. & 38-42; V 42 mm. Hindwings broader than the forewings, S shining, silky white, cilia the same, a tuft of long yellowish white hairs from the base of vein i; S with the ground-colour slightly yellower than in the $. Abdomen whitish, with narrow transverse ferruginous bands above. Legs white. Type V (28215); 3 (28214) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Three specimens. The terminal joint of the palpi is shorter in this species than in cinerella WIsm. 33. (5) Thyrocopa albonubila, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 1). Antennae brownish grey, the basal and adjacent joints sprinkled with white. Palpi white, the median joint shaded externally on its basal half with brownish fuscous, sprinkled beyond; terminal joint (-), sprinkled with brownish fuscous. Head and Thorax white, with brownish grey sprinkling. Forewings white, profusely sprinkled with greyish brown scales, leaving a sinuate, ill-defined white subterminal band half-way between the cell and the termen, parallel with the margin but not reaching the costa; in addition to the profuse sprinkling there are some darker brownish fuscous spots, one at the extreme base of the costa, slightly produced and dilated at the base of the cell, one on the middle of the fold with two others on the cell above it, the first of which is anterior to it and less further removed than the second which is straight above it; a large curved spot lies at the end of the cell with a costal spot above and a little before it; a series of brownish spots is faintly indicated at the base of the white terminal and costal cilia. Exp. al. ' 24-30; 28-30 mm. Hindwings greyish brown, with a whitish crescent-shaped spot at the end of the cell; cilia glossy white. Abdomen, S greyish brown; V white. Legs white. Type $ (26721); S (27094) Mus. Wlsm. 64-2 496 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) V. 1894, (5) VI. 1894. Six specimens. In some specimens the forewings are more profusely sprinkled and the dark spots less clearly defined. Closely allied to argentea Btl., but the markings are arranged somewhat differently. In albonubila the three spots along the upper edge of the cell are almost in a line, and the anterior is more widely removed from the median than in argenlea. In argentea the anterior spot is closely approximated to the median and distinctly below it. In both species there is a conspicuous dark spot on the costa before one-third, in argentea this spot more distinctly precedes that at the end of the fold than in albonubila. 34. (6) Thyrocopa argenlea Btl. Depressaria argentea Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vIr. 399, No. 36 (i88i)'. Antennae brownish cinereous, whitish towards the base. Palpi whitish, speckled with brownish grey. Head dirty whitish. Thorax brownish grey. Forewings white, profusely speckled and smeared with pale brownish grey, leaving the ground-colour more conspicuous along the cell and in an ill-defined curved band beyond it; there are three pairs of brownish fuscous spots, the first two pairs obliquely parallel, one on the disc the other resting on the fold, the third pair straight at the outer end of the cell; there are also about four diffused costal shade-spots beyond the middle; cilia whitish, reticulated with pale brownish grey. Exp. al. $ 20-24; i 24-27 mm. Hindwings pale brownish grey; cilia whitish. Abdomen pale whitish ochreous. Legs white. Type $ (Ioo: 81. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (27447); i (27448) Mus. Wlsm.]. HAB. OAHU: Mts., near Honolulu (Blackburn)'; near head of Kawailoa Gulch (i) IV. 1893 (Perkins).-HAwAII: Olaa, (io) vII. 1895, (3) ix. 1896 (Perkins). Fourteen specimens. The? is as a rule slightly paler and with the markings more distinct than in the $. Closely allied to albonubila Wlsm., under which species the most noticeable differences are noted. 35. (7) Thyrocopa (?) minor, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 13). Antennae dusty brownish. Palpi whitish cinereous, dusted with brownish fuscous; the terminal joint slender, nearly as long as the median. Head and Thorax whitish cinereous, the latter speckled with brownish fuscous. Forewings whitish cinereous, dusted with brownish fuscous and suffused along the dorsum with pale greyish brown; a dark brownish fuscous spot lies at the base of the costa, touching the upper edge of the cell; a little before the middle is a group of large dark brownish fuscous spots, more or less confluent, the lower one in the middle of the fold, the upper one at the upper edge of the cell straight above it; of the two intermediate oneS the anterior is the larger, these are followed beyond the middle by two smaller spots at the outer end of the MICROLEPIDOPTERA 497 cell; a series of marginal spots of the same colour around the costa and termen, the five costal, commencing at the middle, being larger than the seven terminal commencing at the apex; a pale band between the cell and the termen is somewhat indistinct; cilia brownish grey, mixed with whitish cinereous; the marginal spots are very noticeable on the underside, running through the cilia and reproduced in the cilia of the hindwings. Exp. al. 19 mm. Hindwings brown; cilia brownish grey, with a brownish line running through them near their base. Abdomen brownish; anal tuft whitish cinereous, ovipositor extruded. Legs whitish, banded with greyish brown. Type ~ (26080) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 5. VI. 1893. Unique. The S is at present unknown, but there can be little doubt that the species belongs to the genus Thyrocopa. 36. (8) Thyrocopa indecora Btl. (Pl. XIV. fig. 14). indecora Btl. g, = actea Btl. "3. Depressaria indecora Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vii. 397 —8. No. 34 (188)'. Depressaria lactea Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VrI. 398-9, No. 35 (881)2. Genus)f indecora Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 32 (i883)'. Antennae brownish cinereous, faintly dotted above with fuscous. Palpi with the median joint whitish cinereous, thickly sprinkled with fuscous and pale rust-brown; terminal joint shorter than the median, fuscous, with some pale sprinkling. Head and Thorax brownish ochreous, sprinkled with fuscous. Forewings pale brownish ochreous, sprinkled with pale rust-brown and more profusely with brownish fuscous scales; the latter conspicuous in a small patch at the base of the costa, a large discal patch before the middle extending a little over the fold, a smaller curved patch at the end of the cell, two diffused waved shades between the cell and the termen, a series of five costal spots from middle to apex, and about seven indistinct spots in the basal half of the tawny greyish terminal cilia. Exp. al. $ 28-30;? 35 mm. Hindwings pale brownish cinereous, profusely dusted with greyish brown scales; cilia brownish cinereous, with a shade-line running through them near their base. Abdomen tawny fuscous, with pale transverse bands. Legs pale rust-brownish, with whitish tarsal annulations. Type $ (indecora Btl., B28 8I. 7); (lac/ea Btl., 129: 8. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (28220);? (28217) Mus. Wlsm.]. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000 ft., larva in rotten wood (Blackburn)'-2; ()linda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (i) IV. 1894 (Perkins); Haleakala, 5000 ft., (6) v. 1896 (IPerkins). Seven specimens. The ~ (described by Butler under the name lactea) has the ground-colour of the forewings whitish, irrorated with cinereous and pale fuscous; the hindwings are paler, more cinereous, than in the S, and whitish on the underside. 498 FAUNA HA WA IIENSIS 37. (9) Thyrocopa tessellatella, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. i6). Antennae greyish fuscous; basal joint fawn-grey. Palpi fawn-grey, sprinkled with fuscous. Head and Thorax fawn-grey, the latter sprinkled with fawn-brown and fuscous. Forewings fawn-brown, with pale cinereous and fuscous sprinkling and several blackish spots; after some black scaling along the base of the fold is a conspicuous irregular black spot in the middle of the fold with four others above it on the cell, two before the middle of the wing and two at the end of the cell; the first pair obliquely placed, the upper spot further removed from the base than the lower, the second pair one above the other; along the costa are five blackish spots, one about the middle, the others at regular intervals, diminishing in size to the apex, the series being continued around the apex and termen at the base of the fawn-grey cilia; parallel with the termen a line of pale cinereous scaling curving outward towards the apex reaches the second of the costal spots and nearly extends to the tornus, other scales of the same colour being distributed around the plical and discal spots. Exp. al. 20-22 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale cinereous, with a broken brownish grey line running through them near their base. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs cinereous, the hind tarsi somewhat clouded with brownish grey. Type & (25354) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (I) VI. 1892, (i) 13. VIII. 892, (i) 17. VIII. 1892, (I) IX. I892 (Perkins); [(i) without locality (Blackburn, I88) Mus. Meyr.]. Five specimens all SS. 38. (io) Thyrocopa depressariella, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. I7). Antennae umber-brown, with faint paler annulations towards the base. Palpi umber-brown; terminal joint as long as the median, much speckled with pale cinereous. FIead and Thorax dark umber-brown, speckled with whitish cinereous above and on the tegulae. Forewings dark umber-brown, with tawny fuscous reflection, profusely speckled with pale cinereous inclining to ochreous (which in the g predominates over the darker suffusion); in the $ a very dark umber-brown streak commences at the base of the fold, obscuring the middle of the cell and following its upper margin beyond the middle, reverting along its outer extremity to the lower angle (this in the $ is scarcely distinguished from the general dark suffusion of the wing, but a line of pale scaling separates its position from the darkened costa above it); a narrow dark line, sometimes broken into spots, runs along the termen at the base of the brownish cinereous cilia, and a series of five costal spots from above the outer extremity of the cell extends to the apex; a pale, angulated band beyond the end of the cell is more noticeable in the g than in the g; underside whitish, with a series of brownish fuscous spots at the base of the cilia. Exp. al. S 24-26; V 26-32 mm. Hindwings whitish, very faintly shaded with pale brownish; cilia whitish, in the i a brown line runs along their base around MICROLEPIDOPTERA 499 the apex reaching to vein IC; this is sometimes broken into spots, but is absent in the $ except at the extreme apex; underside whitish, with some brownish fuscous spots round the apex, these are less distinct in the $. Abdomen whitish, with a slight brownish tinge, the margins of the segments marked by pale brownish ochreous bands;? with the ovipositor strongly extruded. Legs whitish ochreous, mottled with brown externally; hind tarsal joints sometimes much clouded with brownish fuscous. Type $ (26856); S (27195) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (i) v. I894, (io)vi. I894. Eleven specimens. Thyrocopa? sp. Defiressaria sp. Btl., Ent. Mo. Mag. xix. 180, No. 7 (1883)'. HAB. MAUI': IX.1 Type. Mus. Br. 39. (11) Thyrocopa nubzfer, sp. nov. (Pl. XIV. fig. 8i). Antennae very pale ochreous, dotted about with fuscous, the basal joint fuscous above. Palpi pale cinereous, the median joint dusted, the terminal joint suffused with fuscous. Head and Thorax pale cinereous speckled with fuscous. Forewings pale cinereous, profusely dusted with fuscous, which forms a cloud at the base of the costa, a diffused outwardly convex cloud beyond the end of the cell extending to the dorsum, a spot at the middle of the base, a curved spot at the end of the cell preceded by a smaller one before the middle of the wing, with some indication of a plical spot beneath it, and a series of five costal, one apical, and six terminal spots in the base of the pale greyish cinereous cilia. Exp. al. 30-32 mm. Hindwings shining, pale brownish cinereous; cilia whitish cinereous, with some fuscous spots in their base about the apex. Abdomen and legs whitish ochreous; the tarsi slightly clouded with fuscous. Type $ (25174);? (25175) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (i) 29. VI. 1892, (I) 28. VII. 1892, (i) IX. 1892, (I) 1893. Four specimens. 40. (12) Thyrocopa seminalella, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 19). Antennae pale fawn, minutely banded with fuscous above. Palpi pale fawn, shaded externally with fuscous nearly to the apex of the median joint, and at each extremity of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax pale fawn, the latter slightly shaded with brown. Forewings pale fawn, shaded with brown beyond the base, especially across the middle, along the dorsum, and along the lines of the nervures; profusely sprinkled with square black scale-points, except at the base and in a pale space immediately beyond the cell, these are concentrated in a spot on the middle of the disc, and in a reduplicated transverse 500 F0FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS spot at its outer extremity; along the costa and termen, commencing beyond the middle, is a series of twelve blackish spots-five costal, one apical, five terminal and one tornal; cilia pale fawn, with a broken fuscous shade-line running through their middle. Exp. al. ' 26; P 31 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining fawn-whitish, with one apical and four indistinct terminal brownish spots along their base. Abdomen whitish fawn, with narrow brownish bands across the somites. Legs whitish fawn, the tarsi speckled with brown. Type $ (27521); $ (27523) Mus. Wlsm. HA13. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. I895. Two specimens. 41. (13) Thyrocopa pulverulenta, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 20). Antennae cinereous, faintly banded with fuscous above. Palpi fawn-brown, speckled with white scales, a whitish spot at the apex of the median joint, the terminal joint inclining to fuscous, but also speckled with white. Head and Thorax fawn-brown. Forewings fawn-brown, with dark brown spots and dusting; from the base is a broad costal streak extending to about one-third, profusely speckled with white and dark brown, and beyond the middle are five dark brown costal spots; along the fold, commencing at the base, runs a broken streak of dark brownish fuscous nearly to half the wing-length; above it is a dark fuscous spot on the middle of the cell, and another transverse spot at its outer extremity, accompanied before and behind by scattered dark scales; a broad dark brown shade occupies the terminal portion of the wing, somewhat broken by paler intervals between the veins; cilia very pale fawn. Exp. al. 23-26 mm. Hindwings rather shining, pale brownish cinereous, with a slightly darker brownish shade following the margin throughout and forming a line in the base of the whitish cinereous cilia. Abdomen very pale fawn-brownish. Legs whitish cinereous, the hind tarsal joints faintly shaded with fawn-brownish. Type $ (25255) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (I) 29. vi., (I) I. VII., (2) VII., (I) 13. VIII., (I) 17. viii., (2) VIII., (2) 9. IX., (I) IX. (Perkins 1892). In some varieties the prevailing colour is whitish cinereous, thickly bestrewn with brownish and greyish fuscous scales, except on an indistinct, outwardly curved, narrow transverse band at three-fourths from the base, with a faint indication of costal spots between this and the apex (25233). 42. (14) Tzyrocopa epicapna Meyr. (P1. XIV. fig. 21). Synomotis epicapna Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 33-4 (I883)'. "Antennae, Palpi, Head and Thorax pale fuscous, mixed with dark fuscous and ochreous-whitish. Forewings moderate, oblong, costa gently arched, apex almost acute, hind margin [=termen] slightly sinuate, moderately oblique; pale fuscous, densely MICROLEPIDOPTERA 50 irrorated with darker fuscous; an indistinct, short, linear, dark fuscous mark in middle of disc; the three discal dots hardly indicated; faint traces of a paler angulated posterior transverse line: cilia pale fuscous, irrorated with darker fuscous. Exp. al. I6-i7 mnm. Hindwings whitish-grey, more whitish towards base; cilia whitish, with two grey lines. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. [Legs]: anterior and middle legs fuscous, with ochreouswhitish rings at apex of joints; posterior legs ochreous-whitish, sprinkled with fuscous." (Meyr.'). Type S (3568 Wlsm.) Mus. Meyr. HAB. HAWAIIA1. (Blackburn-four specimens in poor condition. Mus. Meyr.).KAUAI: Makaweli, sea-level, (2) Iv. I895 (Perkins).-HAwAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (2) 13. viii. I892 (Perkins). Perhaps a small form of pulverulenta Wlsm., but the original specimens are not in sufficiently good condition for critical comparison. The Kauai and Hawaii specimens vary but appear to be epicapna Meyr.; more material is however required to decide this with certainty. 43. (I5) Thyrocopa alterna, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 22). Antennae pale ochreous, spotted above with fuscous, basal joint fuscous above. Palpi pale brownish ochreous, thickly smeared with fuscous on the median joint externally, terminal joint fuscous. Head dark brownish ochreous. Thorax fuscous in front, pale brownish ochreous behind. Forewings pale brownish ochreous, with a broad dark fuscous band along the costa from base to two-thirds, where it is depressed and diffused outward, angulated beyond the end of the cell and reverting by the lower angle of the cell to the fold, becoming more diffused in its descent; a little beyond the middle of the cell, but before the wing-middle, is a conspicuous dark fuscous spot followed by a transverse spot at the end of the cell; a slight shade of diffused fuscous scales on the fold below the first spot, and along the dorsum except at the base; a series of obscure fuscous marginal spots around the apex and termen, connected by a fuscous line at the base of the pale brownish ochreous terminal cilia. Exp. al. 25 mm. Hindwings pale cinereous, profusely sprinkled with brownish grey scales; a brownish grey dividing line near the base of the whitish cinereous cilia. Abdomen brownish grey, with narrow transverse bands of rustbrown scales above. Hind legs whitish ochreous; the hind tarsi banded with fuscous. Type g (28225) Maui, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (i) v. 1896; Haleakala, 5000 ft., (2) v. I896.-HAWAII: Hilo, 2000 ft., (I) I. I896. Four specimens. 44. ( 6) Thyrocopa immulata, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 23). Antennae pale brown, with darker spots above at the base. Palpi pale brown, the terminal joint dark tawny brown. Head and Thorax brown, the latter with a tawny F. H. I. 65 502 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS suffusion. Forewings brown, with a tawny vinous suffusion, except on the outer fourth; a basal streak on the fold, a spot on the middle of the fold, a discal spot above and before it, and a reduplicated spot at the end of the cell, all tawny fuscous; cilia pale brownish. Exp. al. 26-28 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale yellowish brown. Abdomen and Legs pale brownish ochreous. Type S (27760) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895. Two specimens. 45. ( 7) Thyrocopa fraudulentella, sp. nov. (Pl. XIV. fig. 24). Antennae brownish fuscous above, paler beneath, with faint paler annulations. Palpi brownish fuscous, median joint thickly speckled with pale cinereous. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous, with some cinereous sprinkling. Forewings cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge; the pale ground-colour almost entirely suffused with dark brownish fuscous in which the usual discal and plical spots are plainly visible, the first discal being placed a little before the plical, those at the end of the cell being paired one above the other; the costa is spotted beyond the middle, the series being continued around the termen; the tendency to ochreous colouring is more visible between the costal spots than elsewhere, the pale ante-terminal shade is ill-defined and scarcely visible in some specimens; cilia slightly paler than the wings. Exp. al. 26-28 mm. Hindwings brownish grey, paler and more glossy towards the base; cilia shining pale cinereous. Abdomen corresponding to the colour of the hindwings. Legs pale cinereous; hind tarsi somewhat shaded in the i. Type S (28728);? (28732) /Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (i) v. 1896.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (5) vIII. 1896; Kona, 4000 ft., (I) 13. vIII. 1896; Olaa, (I) IX. 1896. Eight specimens. 46. (18) Tiyrocopa pal/ida, sp. nov. (P1. XIV. fig. 25). Antennae sandy ochreous, shaded and somewhat annulate with brownish fuscous in the $ (sometimes unshaded in the i). Palpi whitish cinereous; terminal joint nearly as long as the median, umber-brown; median joint much speckled with umber-brown, especially in the $. Head and Thorax umber-brown in the $, much speckled with pale cinereous (sometimes varying to sandy ochraceous in the 4). Forewings cinereous (varying to ochraceous in the?), much speckled and suffused with brownish fuscous in the $ (less so in the ); a plical spot, slightly preceded by a discal one above it, and a reduplicated spot at the end of the cell are dark fuscous (these are less apparent in the 8, but exist in the same positions); the apex and termen are somewhat spotted with fuscous in both sexes, the cilia being slightly paler than the general wing-colour, but the tendency is for the S to be much darker than the V in all respects; in both sexes there is an outwardly angulated ill-defined pale wave-line beyond the end of the cell, running parallel to the termen and reverting inward toward the costa. Exp. al. 24-26 mm. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 503 Hindwings, S whitish, with a slight buff-brown gloss;? straw-white, with some slight sprinkling of brownish fuscous scales towards the termen, a few brown spots at the base of the pale cilia being generally more noticeable in the V than in the g. Abdomen corresponding in colour with the hind wings. Legs of the same colour, but in some of the darker specimens the hind tarsal joints are a good deal shaded with brownish fuscous. Type S (27645 Kauai); [~ (26187 Molokai)] Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (4) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (4) vi. I894.-MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (I) 22. V., (I) 9. vi., (i) VI., 1893; above 3000 ft., (I) 30. v., (I) 13. VI. I893. Thirteen specimens. There is only a single i from Kauai (27647). This very possibly belongs to another closely allied species; it has the forewings somewhat narrower and straighter than the Molokai specimens (all?i), which therefore agree much better with the S from Kauai. 47. (i9) Thyrocojpa adumbrata, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 26). Antennae pale brownish cinereous, spotted above with fuscous. Palpi pale brownish cinereous, speckled externally with brownish fuscous. Head and Thorax pale brownish cinereous, the latter shaded with fuscous. Forewings pale brownish cinereous, a pale fuscous spot about the middle of the cell, with a few similar scales below it on the fold; another spot at the outer end of the cell and a slight shade of the same at the apex, attenuated along the termen to the middle of the dorsum; cilia whitish cinereous. Exp. al. 24 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining, silky whitish. Abdomen yellowish white, narrowly banded with pale ochreous mixed with fuscous scales. Legs very pale ochreous. Type j (25314) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft., IX. 1892. Unique. This single specimen is closely allied to pa//ida Wilsm., but appears to differ slightly in the form of the hindwings which are broader and shorter; the cilia are unspotted. In the forewings the marginal spots on the underside are less apparent, ald on the upper side the spot at the end of the cell is not reduplicated-in other respects it would be exceedingly difficult to separate them. 48. (20) Thyrocopa inermi'ls, sp. nov. (PI. XIV. fig. 27). Antennae pale brownish cinereous, dotted along the upper side with tawny brown. Palpi tawny brownish, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Head pale cinereous. Thorax tawny brownish. Forewings tawny brownish, with an indistinct darker spot at the middle of the base, another at the end of the cell, and a third half-way between them; cilia tawny brownish, tipped with pale cinereous. Exp. al. 26-32 mm. Hindwings and cilia whitish cinereous. Abdomen cinereous, inclining to ochreous at the sides and on the anal tuft. Legs whitish cinereous, the tarsi banded above with tawny brown. 65-2 504 FA U/TNA HA WAIIENSIS Type $ (25320);? (25751) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft., ()) IX. 1892; about 5000 ft. (?) 4. VIL. 1892. Two specimens. 49. (21) Thyrocopa usilata, Btl. (P1. XIV. fig. 28). Depressaria usita/a Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vIi. 396, No. 32 (188i)'. Antennae fuscous. Palpi fuscous, sprinkled with pale cinereous, more profusely on the inner side of the median joint. Head brownish fuscous. Thorax tawny fuscous. Forewings tawny fuscous, irrorated with dull fawn-ochreous scales which form an indistinct fascia parallel with the termen; an indistinct dark fuscous spot, with another beyond and below it in the fold, precedes a similar spot at the end of the cell; cilia tawny fuscous, with a darker line near their base; underside shining fuscous, costa unspotted. Exp. al. 23-26 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark brownish cinereous, with a darker line running through the latter near their base. Abdomen brownish cinereous, with a greyish tinge above. Legs pale brownish cinereous, the tarsi broadly banded with tawny fuscous. Type, (No. 69: 8. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (27849); P (27175) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm.]. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (6) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (2) v. 1894.-OAHU: probably from Honolulu'; near head of Kawailoa Gulch, (I) IV. 1893. — HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (3) VIII. I896. Twelve specimens. Close allied to epicapna Meyr., and abusa Wlsm., but differing from both in its larger size and darker hindwings, and its more leaden and shining appearance. 50. (22) Thtyrocopa abusa, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. i). n. syn. *usilata Meyr. (nec Btl.). Thyrocopa *usitata Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 33 (i883)'. Antennae sordid fawn, faintly annulate. Palpi fawn, profusely dusted with dark fawn-grey, the terminal joint shaded throughout with the same. Head and Thorax fawn, with darker scales thickly intermixed. Forewings fawn-ochreous, profusely dusted with dark fawn-grey, especially towards the base and in a scarcely distinguishable shade-band around the outer end of the cell; a discal spot, at two-fifths from the base, scarcely precedes a plical spot beneath it, and is followed by a spot at the end of the cell (sometimes reduplicated) above which commences a series of five, rather oblique, costal spots of the same colour continuing to the apex, all these are fuscous; cilia of the same colour as the forewings, exhibiting traces of a darker shade-line along their base. Exp. al. 18-24 mm. Hindwings rather shining, whitish ochreous, with pale fawn suffusion, especially on the outer half, extending over the pale cilia. Abdomen whitish ochreous. Legs very pale fawn-ochreous. MICROLEPIDOPTE~RA 505 Type S (3572, Wlsm. Det.); (3556, Wlsm. Det.) Mus. Meyr. HAB. HAWAIIA'. [? OA1U (3) Blackburn.] —OA^HU: Waianae Mts., 2000-3000 ft., (2) IV. I892 (Perkins); Honolulu, (I) 29. VIII. I883 (Meyrick). Six specimens. On comparing Mr Meyrick's specimens, determined by him as uzsitata Btl., on which he founded the genus Thyrocopa, I am compelled to regard them as representing a species distinct from Dr. Butler's type. It is possible that the error originated through the Rev. T. Blackburn having retained in his own collection specimens erroneously regarded as representing his No. 69, which he sent to the British Museum. The chief points of difference appear to be that the true zusitaa Btl. has darker, less powdery, and more uniformly coloured forewings, and very distinctly darker hindwings, the whole insect being more shiny with a slight purplish gloss which is not apparent in Meyrick's specimens. The? is larger than the g, but the average size of specimens is certainly smaller than that of the true usitata Btl. The above description is taken from a g in fair condition which was one of the original types of **usitata Meyr. (nec Btl.) from which the genus Thirocopa Meyr. was described. 51. (23) Thyrocopa subahenea, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 2). Antennae pale brownish ochreous, faintly barred above with brown. Palpi and Head pale brassy brownish. Thorax dark tawny greyish. Forewings pale brassy brownish, with a tawny suffusion, with the usual two discal spots and one plical a little beyond the first discal; the tawny suffusion yields to an indistinct band of the brassy ground-colour curved outward beyond the end of the cell and diffused in faint radiating lines along the apical and terminal veins; cilia pale brassy brownish. Exp. al. 22-25 mm. Hindwings and cilia bronzy brownish grey. Abdomen greyish, with transverse chestnut-brown bands. Legs pale cinereous, shaded with bronzy brownish. Type S (26336); $ (26335) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 3000 ft., 6. ix. 1893. Two specimens. 52. (24) Thzyrocopa leonitna, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 3). Antennae pale tawny. Palpi tawny; the terminal joint shorter than the median. Head tawny, face greyish. Thorax tawny, with a greyish suffusion. Forewings elongate, somewhat acute, the costa slightly arched, termen very oblique; tawny, with a single dark tawny fuscous spot at the upper angle of the cell (no other visible markings); cilia tawny grey. Exp. al. 22 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining, pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen and legs pale brownish cinereous. Type $ (26434) Mus. Wism. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft., I. 1894. Unique. 506 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS 53. (25) Thyrocopa (?)geminipuncta, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 4). Antennae very pale ochreous, the basal joint dusted with brown. Palpi very pale ochreous, dusted externally with fawn-brown; the terminal joint shorter and somewhat more slender than the median. HIead and Thorax very pale ochreous. Forewings very pale ochreous, shaded on the apical third and along the outer half of the cell with fawnbrown; a single small dark brown spot on the middle of the cell is followed by two similar spots, one above the other, at the end of the cell; there is an indication of a minute dark brown dot in the fold below and beyond the first discal spot; cilia whitish ochreous, shaded with brownish grey. Exp. al. 21 mm. Hindwings pale, shining, whitish cinereous; cilia white. Abdomen whitish cinereous. Legs whitish ochreous. Type? (26318) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 4500 ft., 17. IX. I893. Unique. The $ is unknown, but the type agrees in structure with the $ of Thyrocopa to which genus it is doubtless rightly referred. 54. (26) Thyrocopa (?) mediomaculata, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 5). Antennae blackish. Palpi blackish, sprinkled with greyish white; the terminal joint fully as long as the median. Head and Thorax blackish, sprinkled with greyish white. Forewings greyish white, very thickly sprinkled with fuscous, with some black scaling at the base; a large black rounded patch slightly before the middle of the wing and a smaller blackish spot at the end of the cell, a faint indication of three darkened costal patches before the apex and some blackish scaling along the base of the stonegrey terminal cilia. Exp. al. 28 mm. Hindwings pale cinereous, profusely sprinkled throughout with brownish grey scales; cilia pale cinereous, a shade-line running through them near their base. Abdomen greyish fuscous, sprinkled with whitish, with narrow chestnut-brown bands above. Legs greyish fuscous, much sprinkled with whitish, the tarsi with whitish annulations. Type? (28 125) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, crater, x. 1896. Unique.-[? HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (I) 4. viII. 1892.] It is probable that a new genus is indicated by this specimen, but in the absence of the S this cannot be determined. The hindwings are narrower than in the typical forms of Thyrocopa, and in the forewings veins 7 and 8 are stalked for the greater part of their length. A $ from Kona (28685) without a head and in very poor condition probably belongs to this species. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 507 II. OECOPHORIDAE Meyr. 15. ETHMIA Hb. Type Tinea auruiuell Hbrausa Hb. ( yraa ). ETHMIA Hb., Verz. bek. Schm. 163 (1822?). =PSELCADIA Hb. (1826); =ANESYCHIA Hb. (1826); =DISTIYMNl.4 Hb. (I826); =-1ELANOLEUCA Stph. (1829); = AEOIA Dp. (1836); = CHAL YBE Dp. (1 836). 55. (i) Etmnia colonella, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 6). n. syn. = *hilarella, Btl. (nec Wkr.). =Azinis *hilarella Btl., Ent. Mo. Mag. xix. 180 (1883)' [nec Wkr.j. Antennae pale slaty grey, the basal joint with a black spot at each extremity above. Palpi pale slate-grey, with a black spot near the base of the median joint externally, and two black rings around the short terminal joint. Head and face pale slaty grey, a black spot on the crown between head and thorax. Thorax slaty grey, with six black spots in two lines of three, the anterior pair situated on the tegulae. Forewings slaty grey, with several black spots (from fifteen to eighteen) situated as in other allied species; one at base of costa, two below costa, both on basal fourth, one at the middle of the base, one near it on the fold, another at one-fourth at lower edge of fold, one large, on disc above middle, another below and beyond it in the fold, two below the fold, and a group of seven or eight around the outer end of the cell extending towards the apex; besides these there are seven marginal spots along the termen; the spots are faintly outlined with a paler shade of slaty grey, especially the discal spot which is slightly elongate, its pale margin being diffused back and forward; cilia slaty grey on their basal half, slightly darker on their outer half. Exp. al. 21-26 mim. Hindwings yellow-ochreous, the apex fuscous, the fuscous shade diffused inwards at an angle, reaching to the end of the cell; apical cilia greyish fuscous, the remainder pale yellow-ochreous. Abdomen briglht yellow-ochreous, with seven black spots above, and four or five on either side beneath. Legs ochreous, the tarsi broadly banded with black. Type S (28751); V (28752) Mus. WIsm. HAB. HAWAIIA'. OAHU: Honolulu. Larva on....?.... (an introduced plan;t) excl. x.-xi. I896. Nineteen specimens. This species, which much resembles bicolorella Gn., and ocuzlircra Mschl., differs from both in having six or seven black spots on the upper side of the abdomen. These are absent in bicolorella and in the species occurring in Formosa which Dr. Butler regarded as identical with the Hawaiian species and with hiAarella Wkr. E. ocu/li'gera differs from colonella in having four thoracic spots, not six, and in having only two or three black spots on the upper side of the abdomen posteriorly. 508 FA UNA HA WAIIENS1S Azinis hzilarella Wkr. is the? of Theoxenia penicillata Wism., the latter names must sink as synonyms. No confusion can arise between Azinis hilarella S and any species of Ethmia, the large mat of scales on the underside of the hindwings, which are black above except in the flexal region, at once distinguish it. Azinis hilarella i, which is with difficulty distinguished from some of the species of Ethmia, by appearance only, may be at once recognised by the transverse vein connecting the discoidal vein to vein 8. The true genus Azinis Wkr. (= Theoxenia Wlsm.) has as yet only been recorded from Ceylon. No other species belonging to the Oecoph/oridae occurring in Hawaiia and colonella being confined to gardens in Honolulu, where it feeds on a cultivated plant, at present unrecorded, it is probable that the species has been introduced with the plant on which it feeds from one of the groups of islands. Mr Perkins noted it as " common at Honolulu -introduced." III. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. = ELACHIS7TDAE Meyr. + PLUTELLIDAE Meyr. 16. BATRACHEDRA Stn. Type (i) Gracillariapraeangusta Hw. (Stn. I854). BATRACHEDRA Stn., Ins. Br. Lp. Tin. 225, 230-1, No. 4, P1. vi. 5a-C (1854); Meyr., HB. Br. Lp. 66I, No. 4 (1895): Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. XXI. 299, 300-I (1897). Type (2) Batrachedra syrraphella Wlsm. Antennae 3, stout, simple, without pecten or eye-cap. Labial Palpi slender recurved, divergent, smooth; terminal joint shorter than the median. Maxillary Palpi minute. Haustellum well-developed. Head and Thorax smooth; face rather retreating. Forewings elongate, lanceolate: neuration 0o veins (7 + 8 coincident, 4+5 coincident); 6 and (7 + 8) stalked, enclosing the apex. Hindwings narrow, lanceolate, acute, cilia 3 —3; S with strong expansible subcostal hair-pencil from near base on upper side: neuration 6 veins (2 +3+4 coincident); 5 and 6 stalked, arising from media; media connected with radius by a short inwardly oblique vein; 2+3+4 coincident, forming continuation of cubitus; cell open between cubitus and media. Abdomen slender, smooth. Legs, hind tibiae with fugitive hairs. The above description was written before it was recognised that syrrapkhella was not sufficiently distinct from the type of Batrachedra to be worthy of a geneonym, similar developments occurring within Pyroderces as defined by Meyrick, and Hyposmocoma. Sexual tufts in the Hyponomeutidae appear to be of only special value, and Meyrick's redescription of Batrachedra should be extended to include species with a subcostal hair-pencil on the hindwings in the S. MICROLEPID OPTERA 509 56. (i) Ba/rachedra syrraphkcla, sp. nov. (Pl. XV. fig 7). Antennae pale ochreous. Palpi whitish, with a narrow brownish transverse band on each joint externally. Head creamy whitish. Thorax very pale yellowish ochreous. F'orewings very pale yellowish ochreous, with indistinct greyish brown spots and shading, the former distributed over the basal half of the wing above and below the fold, the latter confined to the outer half, where it assumes the form of three or four costal streaks merging obliquely outward in a central shade, becoming darker towards an apical point, beyond which a reduplicated dark brownish line curves around the apex in the basal half of the pale straw-grey cilia. Exp. al. 7-9 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale strawgrey; S with ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen very pale yellowish ochreous. Legs whitish, with seven or eight brownish cross-bands on the tibiae and tarsi externally. Type g (25862); Y (25864) Oahu, Mus. WIsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., about 2000 ft., (I ) iv. 1892.-HAvWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (I) vI. 1895, (I) vIII. I896; Kona, 4000 ft., (4) 12. VIII.-8. IX. 1892; Kaawaloa (Kona) above 2000 ft., (I) IX. 1892. Eighteen specimens. 57. (2) Batrac/edra ep/zelus, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 8). Antennae pale straw-whitish. Palpi white, a broad brownish grey band on the median joint and two on the terminal joint externally. Head white, slightly shaded above with brownish grey. Thorax dirty whitish. Forewings shining, straw-white, faintly yellowish tinged, with several brownish grey spots and freckles, some near the base above and below the fold, three across the middle of the wing placed triangularly, several smaller beyond the cell and a slight shade along the costa; there are also three costal spots on the outer third, with three opposite dorsal spots and one at the apex, all rather darker, tending to brownish fuscous; cilia at the apex straw-whitish, on the dorsum lilac-grey. Exp. al. i o- I mm. Hindwings tawny brownish grey; cilia lilacgrey, with greenish iridescence;? with ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen straw-whitish. Legs straw-white; tibiae and tarsi spotted on their outer side with brownish grey. Type S (26199);? (26308) Mus. \ilsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 5. vI. 1893, 4500 ft., 7. Ix. 1893. 58. (3) Batrachedra bedele/lla, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 9). Antennae brownish grey, with blackish bars above. Palpi whitish cinereous, tipped with brownish grey. Head and Thorax brownish grey; face white. Forewings brownish grey, showing confused pale cinereous mottling, very obscurely indicated, the whole wing, except under a strong lens, having a unicolorous dull brownish grey appearance; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. 8-9 mm. Hindwings dark brownish grey; cilia brownish ~F'~~. ~II-I. I. 66 F. ti. I. 510 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS grey; $ with dark grey expansible subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous, anal tuft inclining to ochreous. Legs brownish grey, tarsi slightly paler. Type g (26548) Maui, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (4) III.-IV. I894.-MOLOKAI: forest above Pelekunu, (i) vin. 1893. Five specimens. 59. (4) Batrachedra microstigma, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. io). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous. Palpi whitish, with three fuscous annulations, one near the end of the median joint and two on the terminal joint. Head and Thorax very pale fawn-ochreous. Forewings very pale fawn-ochreous (varying to whitish cinereous), slightly shaded with a sprinkling of brownish scales along the fold and around the apex; a small fuscous spot on the middle of the fold is succeeded by another above and beyond it on the cell, a third lying at the lower angle of the cell, the concentration of the dark scaling on the costa forms an indistinct spot above the latter; cilia pale fawn-ochreous. Exp. al. 8-1o mm. Hindwings very pale greyish ochreous; cilia pale fawn-ochreous; S without subcostal hair pencil. Abdomen and Legs very pale fawn-ochreous; the tarsi slightly speckled with brownish fuscous. Type g (25141) Oahu, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., (2) IV. I892. —HAWAII: Kona, above 2000 to 4000 ft., (5) 13. VII. —8. IX. 1892; Kaawaloa (Kona), above 2000 ft., (i) IX. 1892. Eight specimens. 60. (5) Batrachedra supericincta, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. I). Antennae straw-whitish. Palpi whitish, slightly shaded before the end of the median joint. Head and Thorax whitish. Forewings shining, pearl-whitish, with a brownish grey shade along the costa from base to apex; this is dilated at the middle, forming a rather abrupt excrescence reaching to the fold; about the end of the cell is a dark brown spot, also connected at its upper edge with the costal shade; cilia tawny brownish grey. Exp. al. 8-9 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia tawny brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey (?greasy). Legs pearly whitish, with grey tarsal bands. Type i (26591); $ (26543) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., III. —Iv. 1894. Two specimens. 61. (6) 3atrackedra ruficiliata, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 12). Antennae shining, pale brownish cinereous. Palpi white, a brownish annulus near the base of the terminal joint, and a spot of the same colour on the median joint externally. Head and Thorax white; tegulae touched with brown. Forewings shining white, with a brownish fuscous streak running from the base along the costa to the middle, thence MICROLEPIDOPTERA 5 I slightly bent downward, dilated to the end of the cell, and attenuated beyond it to the apex, its outer half reaching the costa only in interspaces between four oblique white costal spots; a slight shade runs along the dorsum from the base, terminating in an elongate spot on the fold, a similar spot on the margin at the tornus; cilia at the apex whitish, with a brownish line at their base, and brown shading at their outer ends, tornal cilia tawny red. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwings grey, with tawny red cilia; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish. Legs shining white, with brownish fuscous tarsal spots. Type $ (25579) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, above 2000 ft., ix. I892. Unique. 62. (7) Batrachedra lomez/dela, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 13). Antennae pale fawn, faintly spotted above with brownish. Palpi white, with a fuscous spot externally on the median joint, before its apex, and two fuscous rings around the terminal joint. Head shining white. Thorax fawn-colour. Forewings fawnbrownish, becoming dark brown toward the costa; an elongate median white costal spot sends out a slender white line obliquely to the lower edge of the cell and is diffused to the dorsum before the tornal cilia; this is followed by three outwardly oblique, slender, short white costal streaks, set in dark brownish fuscous, which is continued around the apex in a slender line at the base of the cilia, reduplicated in a second line along their middle-a whitish streak lies along the termen within the first line; cilia brownish ochreous above the apex and between the two marginal lines, whitish at their outer extremities and about the tornus. Exp. al. 8-9 mm. Hindwings grey, with pale tawny grey cilia; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs white, tibiae with broad oblique greyish fuscous streaks on their outer sides posteriorly; a narrower streak and three fuscous spots on the tarsi; spurs white, the outer ones streaked with fuscous externally. Type $ (2601 3); 6 (26oio) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., about 2000 ft., iv. I892. Six specimens among dead fern leaves. 63. (8) Batrac/zedra sophlronzella, sp. nov. (Pl. XV. fig. 14). Antennae brownish fuscous above, whitish beneath. Palpi white, with two fuscous spots externally, one at the end of the median, the other at the base of the terminal joint which is also minutely tipped with fuscous. Head cream-white. Thorax greyish, the tegulae partly cream-white. Forewings with the costa and dorsum chiefly brownish fuscous, the discal area being cream-whitish to beyond the middle, forming a broad undulating streak, commencing at the middle of the base, dilated outward and downward towards the dorsum, then again contracted by the encroachment of a semi-circular 66-2 5 12 FA. UArA HA WAI IENSIS fuscous dorsal patch, and thence again depressed nearly to the dorsum where it blends with a pale ferruginous streak which is continued nearly to the apex; three oblique white costal streaklets above it and a slender whitish terminal line below it, the latter margined outwardly by a narrow fuscous line around the apex at the base of the greyish cinereous cilia, a fuscous shade running through them around the apex. Exp. al. I I mm. Hindwings and cilia grey. Abdomen [missing]. Legs whitish, the tibiae obliquely streaked externally, and the tarsi conspicuously banded with fuscous, the five bands diminishing in width from the base. Type? (25653) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAiru: near head of Kawailoa Gulch, iv. I893. Unique. 17. AGONISMUS, gen. nov. (dy7wvcr/los = rivalry.) Type Agonismus flavizalpis Wlsm. Antennae (W) 2, serrate on outer half, smooth towards base; basal joint subpectinate, slightly enlarged outwardly. Labial Palpi scarcely recurved, divergent; terminal joint short, obtuse; median joint slightly enlarged outwardly. Maxillary Palpi minute, dependent. Haustellum well-developed. Head and Thorax smooth; face receding. Forewings scarcely three times as long as wide, costa slightly sinuate, apex obtusely rounded, not sensibly depressed, dorsum rounded: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, connate with 9, 7 to costa, 6 separate; i" basally furcate. Hindwings half as broad as the forewings, lanceolate, acute, with rounded dorsum and straightish costa; cilia 2-: neuration 8 veins; 6 and 7 stalked, cell widely removed from costa through coincidence of radius with media before origin of 6+7, other veins separate. Abdomen smooth; V with ovipositor extruded. Legs slightly clothed with long appressed hairs which project beyond the hinder spurs. Intermediate between Hyposmocoma Btl. and Batrachedra Stn. 64. (i) Agonismus flavipalpis, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. i5). Antennae fuscous, yellow at the base beneath, annulate beyond with pale yellow. Palpi bright yellow, with two fuscous spots beneath the short terminal joint. Head shining fuscous. Thorax purplish fuscous. Forewings rich shining reddish purple, dusted with golden ochreous scales, a pale ochreous dorsal streak arising at about onefifth from the base and reaching to the fold; cilia around the apex bright purple, fading to dull tawny grey about the tornus. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwings dull greyish fuscous; cilia dark tawny greyish. Abdomen fuscous. Hind Legs fuscous, with orange-yellow bands round the tarsi. Type? (28468) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000 ft., v. I896. Two specimens. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 513 65. (2) Agonismus coruscans, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 16). Antennae brownish fuscous, yellowish on the basal joint beneath. Palpi pale yellowish. Head shining, bronzy fuscous. Thorax bronzy brownish. Forewings bronzy brown, with a slight purplish gloss, sparsely sprinkled with shining golden scales, of which there is an outwardly angulated transverse band before the apex, followed by shining metallic cupreous and golden scales around the termen and apex and in the base of the purplish grey cilia. Exp. al. 9-Io mm. Hindwings dark purplish grey, with scarcely paler tawny grey cilia. Abdomen bronzy fuscous. Legs bronzy fuscous, with whitish ochreous spurs and tarsal spots. Type $ (25745) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., 17-20. VII. 1892. Two specimens. This species differs from flavipalpis in the much less purple forewings,and in the less conspicuous concentration of the golden scales and the rather paler palpi. 66. (3) Agonismus argenfiferus, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. '7). Antennae shining, bronzy. Palpi silvery white; terminal joint less than half the length of the median. Head and Thorax bronzy. Forewings shining, pale bronzy, an obscure whitish line from the base along the fold to about one-third; the apex of the wing shining silvery white, produced in a slender line along the base of the costal cilia; cilia bronzy at the apex, greyish at the dorsum. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwincgs and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs bronzy grey, with white tarsal bands. Type ~ (27392) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vii. 1895. Two specimens. 18. ELACHISTA Tr. ELACHISTA Tr., Schm. Eur. Ix. (2) 177, No. 153 (I883), Azct. Meyr., HB. Br. Lp. 640, 664, No. 7, fig. (1895): Pr. Linn. Soc. NSW. xir. 299, 331-2, No. 13 (1897). The geneonym "Elachista" Auct. is used incorrectly, but its present application is well-known, and at the present moment I am not disposed to revise all the geneonymy involved before a correction can be made. 67. (i) Elachisla spilola, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 18). Antennae pale brownish fuscous. Palpi white, the terminal joint speckled with fuscous beneath, the outer end of the median joint fuscous. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings bronzy brownish fuscous, with silvery white spots; one squlre, resting on the middle of the fold, another, also square, on the dorsum at the e1nd of the fold; between these a short outwardly oblique costal streak, a small costal spot between 514 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS this and the apex and a larger spot at the apex; cilia brownish fuscous. Exp. al. 7 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish fuscous. Abdomen fuscous. Legs pale cinereous. Type $ (28405) Mus. Wlsm. [injured when being figured]. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896. Unique. 68. (2) Elachista longisquamzeda, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 19). Antennae greyish fuscous. Palpi greyish fuscous, the median and apical joints tipped with white. Head and Thorax greyish fuscous. Forewings greyish fuscous, with a short straight white costal streak just beyond the middle, diffused outward at its lower extremity in a series of scattered white scales towards the dorsum; a few white scales about the end of the cell are equidistant between this streak and a white transverse band from costa to tornus consisting of very long narrow scales subequal in length to the width of the fascia; cilia greyish fuscous, paler on their outer half and about the tornus. Exp. al. 6 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen fuscous above, whitish beneath; the sides of the anal tuft ochreous. Legs blackish, hind tarsi spotted with whitish. Type? (25357) Mus. Wism. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., ix. 1892. Two specimens. 19. STAGMATOPHORA HS. =PYRODElE'CES (Z., MS.) HS.; =LABJDIA Wkr.; =F PRO7TEROCOSMA Meyr. Type i. Oecofphora hydeniella FR. (HS. 1853). STAGMATOPHIORA HS., SB. Schm. Eur. v. 13, 49, No. 87; vi. P1. XIII. 27-28, expl. p. vii (1853); Stgr-Wk., Cat. Lp. Eur. 32I, No. 274(1871); Hein-Wk., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 425, No. 485 (I876); Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. xxII. 341 (1897); Stgr-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. II. I88, No. 405 (I90I); Wlsm. & Drnt., Ent. Mo. Mag. XLII. I96-7 (1906). Type 2. Cosmopteryx argyrogrammos Z. (HS. 1854). PYRODEIRCES HS., SB. Schm. Eur. [v. 12, 47, No. 80: vi. PI. XIII. 29-30, expl. p. vii (1853) MN.]: v. 212, No. 80 (1854); Stgr-Wk., Cat. Lp. Eur. 321, No. 275 (1871); Hein-Wk., Schm. Deutsch. Tin. 425, No. 486, Tab. Gatt. 9, No. 134 (1876); Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. XXII. 299, 341, No. I5 (1897); Stgr-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. ii. I85, No. 391 (I90o); Wlsm. & Drnt., Ent. Mo. Mag. XLII. 197 (1906). Type 3. Labdia deliciose/la Wkr. (Wkr. I864). LABDIA Wkr., Cat. Lp. B.M. xxix. 823 (1864); Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. XXII. 341 (1897); Wlsm. & Drnt., Ent. Mo. Mag. XLII. 197 (I906). Type 4. Proterocosma triplane/is Meyr. (Wlsm. & Drnt. I906). PROTEROCOSMAA Meyr., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. i886, 293: Tr. N.Z. Inst. xxI. 174 (I889): Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. XXI. 341 (1897); Wlsm. & Drnt., Ent. Mo. Mag. XLII. 197 (I906). MICROLEPIDOPTERA 515 69. (I) Stagma/ophora (Proterocosma) inceriule//a, Wkr. (PI. XV. fig. 20). Gelechia incertulella Wkr., Cat. Lp. B.M. xxIx. 658-9 (1864). Antennae pale fawn, with fuscous spots above. Palpi pale fawn-ochreous, with six blackish bands, three on the median joint and three on the terminal. Head and Thorax pale fawn. Forewings pale fawn, with a small blackish spot below the costa at onesixth, a second, pale-margined, a little above the middle of the wing, a third at the end of the cell, pale-margined above and beneath by pale fawn-ochreous lines and preceded by a slight costal shade; two oblique pale lines arise from the dorsum, one in the middle, the other before the tornus, and a blackish ocelloid spot, margined with lpale fawn-ochreous at the apex, is followed by a short streak in the pale fawn cilia which tare also shaded with fuscous below it. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings pale fawn-grey; cilia fawn-ochreous. Abdomen pale fawn. Legs pale fawn ochreous, the tibiae and tarsi obliquely banded with fuscous externally, as are also the sides of the abdomen beneath. Type ~ (unset) Mus. Br. [Caenotype V (26577) Mus. WIsm.] HAB. HAWAIIA (SANDWICH Is.)1. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., in. 1894. (ne specimen (Perkins). In the forewings veins 7 and 8 are stalked, 5 and 6 out of 7; 6 and 7 are stalked in the hindwings. [The following species is so closely allied to incereulella that it seems advisable to insert the description although the insect has not yet been met with in Hawaiia. 69a. (Ia) Stagmatophora (Proterocosma) fridigiel!a, sp. nov. Antennae fawn-grey, slightly spotted with fuscous. Palpi fawn-whitish, with six blackish bands, three on the median and three on the terminal joint. Head and Thorax fawn-greyish. Forewings fawn-greyish, with two small fuscous dots at one-sixth from the base, one below the costa, the other below the fold, each succeeded by fawn-whitish scales; scarcely above the middle of the wing is an elongate blackish spot within the upper origin of a fawn-whitish sharply angulate sagittate streak, pointing outward to another elongate blackish spot at the end of the cell, also narrowly encircled by fawn-white, with two short parallel streaks of the same above and below it; the apex and cilia fawn-white, with three streaks running through them in the form of an inverted anchor, tornal cilia pale fawn-ochreous. Exp. al. i2 ---6 mnl. Hindwings pale rosy grey; cilia pale fawn-ochreous. Abdomen pale fawn. Legs pale fawn, obliquely barred with fuscous. Type? (2859) Rapa, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. S. PACIFIC-RAP-A (= OPARA) ID., "beaten from thatch," i8. iv. 1883 (J..J. Walker). —lrTCAIRN ID., I. vi. I883 (J. J. Walker). Neuration as in incertulella Wkr.] 70. (2) Stagmalophora honorariella, sp. nov. (Ill. XV. fig. 21). Antennae with the basal joint flattened, a little curved and slightly tufted; pale ochreous. Palpi whitish, with a slight ochreous tinge. Head white, with some slight ochreous scales above. Thorax white; { with ochreous lateral expansible hair-pencil. 5 6 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS Forewings rather shining white, with three transverse pale brownish ochreous bands, narrowly margined with dark brown, the first near the base, the second about the middle, the third before the apex, the margins of the latter less pronounced; at the base of the brownish ochreous cilia are a few more brown scales crossing the apex; with a small tuft of erect scales on the underside at the end of the cell. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings shining pale grey; cilia brownish ochreous. Abdomen ochre-brown, white at the sides and beneath. Legs shining white, with transverse brownish ochreous bands, the tarsal joints tinged with ochreous. Type g (2883) Pitcairn Id., Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAIIA. [Without locality (Blackburn) Mus. Meyr.] s. PACIFIC. PITCAIRN 1,., i. vi. 1883 (J. J. Walker). Two specimens. Closely allied to quadrifasciata, but differing in the paler markings and in the absence of a pronounced subapical band. The presence of the small tuft of scales on the underside of the forewings in the S at once distinguishes h/onorarziella from quadrifasciala. 71. (3) Slagmatopihora quadrifasciala, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 22). Antennae simple, or slightly serrate towards apex, pale ochreous, the basal joint flattened, slightly tufted. Palpi slender, recurved, divergent, the terminal joint longer than the median, both smooth; pale ochreous. Head pale ochreous, the face whitish. Thorax pale ochreous. Forewings narrow, elongate, tapering to an acute apex; shining whitish, with four transverse bands, brownish in the middle, darkened with brownish fuscous scales along their margins; these scales are more or less diffused inward across the bands; the first band is near the base, the second before the middle, the third at three-fourths, and the last, inverted, from the costa at the apex to the tornus; with the exception of this last the bands are scarcely inverted and of even width throughout; a slender fuscous line curves around the apex in the pale ochreous cilia which are somewhat grey-shaded at the tornus and on the dorsum. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings narrower than the forewings, acutely pointed; brownish grey, cilia concolorous. Abdomen brownish ochreous, with transverse silvery lines across the base; silvery whitish beneath and at the sides. Legs pale ochreous, with brownish shade-bands. Type $ (71801) New Guinea, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAIIA. [Without locality (Blackburn) Mus. Meyr.] S.E. NEW GUINEA: Dinner Id., in the mangrove swamps, vrI. 1887 (Kowald). Two specimens. 72. (4) Slagmalophora? sordidella, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 23). Antennae biserrate in $; brownish cinereous. Palpi slightly recurved, divergent, median joint slightly longer than the terminal, scarcely more thickened, slender; brownish cinereous. Head and Thorax brownish cinereous. Forewings pale brownish cinereous with brownish fuscous spots and mottling, the latter especially pronounced in MICROLEPIDOP TERA 5 7 a costal patch at one-third, another at two-thirds, and in an ill-defined oblique anteapical band; the outer costal patch is produced obliquely downwards and merges in the dark speckling of the wing which separates it from a more distinct dark spot, a little above the dorsum, at two-thirds from the base; this is preceded by others less conspicuous on either side of the fold, but with the exception of the apical fourth through which a dark diffused band passes, the whole wing is thickly speckled with brownish fuscous scales, the scales constituting the markings being generally slightly raised; cilia speckled in the same way as the wings, conforming to the darker area on the dorsum they become brownish grey; on the underside of the $ there is a small tuft of raised scales at the end of the cell. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwings brownish; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs brownish grey with paler spurs. Type S (26852) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: MtS., 3000-4000 ft., VI. I894. Two specimens. The terminal joint of the palpi is shorter than usual in this genus, but the material before me does not enable me to refer the species elsewhere. 20. APHTIIONETUS, gen. nov. (dacovr7ros = unenvied.) Type, Apht/hone/us dizffzsa Wlsm. Antennae, basal joint slightly enlarged, without pecten; simple, biserrate towards apex. Maxillary Palpi short, appressed to the haustellum. Labial Palpi long, slender, recurved; median joint more or less clothed with slender hair-scales; terminal joint acute, of about equal length with the median. Haustellum scaled towards the base. Ocelli absent. Head and Thorax smooth; face receding. Forewings elongate, lanceolate, costa arched and ciliate outward from one-third, apex obtusely pointed, flexus moderately pronounced; surface with scattered groups of more or less raised scales: neuration i veins (4 and 5 probably coincident); 6 out of 7 close to apex, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; media weak. Hindwings narrower than the forewings, lanceolate, flexus pronounced, costa slightly arched before middle; cilia longer than the breadth of the wing: neuration 8 veins; 6 and 7 stalked, enclosing apex; 2, 3, and 4 remote, 5 midway between 4 and 6 + 7. Abdomen somewhat flattened, with naked patches on the basal segments. Legs, hind tibiae more or less hairy. 73. (i) Apzthonetus mediocris, sp. nov. (Pl. XV. fig. 24). Antennae pale olivaceous, the underside of the basal joint pale ochreous. Palpi greenish ochreous, shaded with greyish fuscous. Head and Thorax olivaceous grey. Forewings pale greenish ochreous, sprinkled and shaded throughout with olivaceous grey, with a few darker greyish fuscous spots of raised scales distributed about the fold and discal cell; of these the most noticeable are-one about the middle of the fold, with F.. I. 67 5 8 FAUA UNA HA WAIIENTSIS one on the cell a little beyond and above it, with which are a few dark ochreous scales; this is followed by two others in the same line with it on the cell, and half-way between them, on the extremity of the fold below, is a larger one touching the dorsum; there is an indication of similar darkish spots along the base of the costal and terminal cilia which are greenish grey. Exp. al. i5-18 mm. Hindwings pale slaty grey; cilia inclining to brownish ochreous. Abdomen with a leaden grey spot above at the base, the first three segments beyond it brownish, the posterior segments silvery grey; anal tuft inclining to ochreous. Legs pale ochreous, somewhat shaded with greyish fuscous on the tibiae and first tarsal joints; hind tibiae with pale ochreous hairs above. Type g (26619); V (28235) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., III.-II. I894; V. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., iv. 1894. Twenty-three specimens. This is a most difficult insect to describe; its general appearance is a pale yellowish green, with indistinct mottled shading, and small ill-defined raised spots, it has however no very characteristic markings, although certainly distinct from all other species known to me. 74. (2) Aphskonetus fugitiva, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 25). Antennae stout, hoary greyish. Palpi pale hoary grey, dusted with fuscous. Head and Thorax hoary greyish. Forewings hoary greyish-white, spotted and dusted with olivaceous fuscous, some of the spots on the basal half having an admixture of ochreous scales with a tendency to be raised above the wing-surface; it is difficult to say that any spots are more distinct than others, but if such could be selected they would be two costal spots, one before and one beyond the middle (above and between which the cilia, which extend along the whole margin, are very pale ochreous) and another about the end of the fold-the whole wing has thus a mottled appearance without defined pattern; cilia hoary greyish, intermixed with brownish fuscous speckling. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining, leaden greyish. Abdomen shining, pale greyish cinereous, the usual three smooth basal patches being brownish fuscous. Legs unicolorous, shining, pale cinereous. Type $ (27857) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. I895. Three specimens. The two paratypes are in inferior condition, exhibiting no ochreous scales among the darker mottling, but these may well be abraded. 75. (3) Aphthonetus kauaiensis, sp. nov. (P1. XV. fig. 26). Antennae cinereous. Palpi cinereous, dusted externally with fuscous. Head and Thorax cinereous, the latter somewhat dusted with fuscous. Forewings cinereous, dusted with fuscous scales, with a chestnut-brown shade at the base above the fold, ICR OLEPIDOP TERA 519 abruptly terminated outward and constituting the inner edge, above the middle, of an oblique fascia of the pale ground-colour; the outer edge of this fascia commencing on the costa at one-third, is more or less clearly defined, obliquely to the dorsum, by a strong chestnut-brown shade, extending thence to the apex but mottled with pale cinereous: a few blackish scales arise below the fold on the outer edge of the pale fascia, and some others about the dorsum at the end of the fold; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. IoI i mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish. Abdomen dull ochreous towards the base, greyish beyond. Legs very pale ochreous, or cinereous. Type g (27534); V (27997) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (5) v.-vI. 1894; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (17)v. 1895. Twenty-two specimens. This species varies much in the contrast between the darker and paler portions of the wing. In some specimens the oblique cinereous fascia dividing the basal froml the median portion is quite absent, while in others again the tendency of the shades, at least beyond where the fascia should be, is longitudinal; in intermediate forms the central portion is obscurely outlined and tends to assume the form of a large costal triangle reaching downward to the fold. The head, thorax and cilia are concolorous with the wing, the latter usually partaking of the pale stippling which characterises its lighter portions. The forewings are somewhat narrower and more pointed than in the allied species corticicolor and mediocris. 76. (4) ApAhthonetzs corlicico/or, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 27). Antennae bronzy brownish. Palpi pale brownish cinereous, shaded with fuscous externally. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings dull brownish ochreous, much suffused and mottled with tawny brown and fuscous, with tufts of raised scales; an outwardly oblique tawny brown basal patch is followed by a pale oblique fascia, almost entirely obliterated by fuscous scaling, this is followed by a wider oblique tawny brown band before the middle, diffused outwardly on its lower half and confluent with the regular brown and fuscous mottling which extends to the apex; cilia brownish cinereous, tawny fuscous on their basal half at the termen. Exp. al. 12 —I3 mm. Hindwings dark brownish grey; cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen fuscous. Legs brownish cinereous, shaded externally with fuscous. Type S (26557) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., III.-IV. 1894. Five specimens. 77. (5) Ap/hthoneus jfuctuosa, sp. nov. (PI. XV. fig. 28). Antennae and Palpi pale brownish cinereous, the latter with a fuscous ring around the apex of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax dark brown, the former somewhat speckled. Forewings dark brown, shaded with fuscous about the basal half of the fold, 67-2 520 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS the brown ground-colour being mapped out in one or more bowed-out wavy shades by the intervention of pale brownish ochreous costal patches (one before, one at, and one beyond the middle) more or less diffused across the wing; this is especially noticeable in the third or outer patch, its semicircular extension preceding the dark brown apical region where some pale brownish cinereous mottling occurs, also around the margins and through the cilia; on the dorsum beyond the middle a pale patch is even more conspicuous than those on the costa. Exp. al. I3-15 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen and legs pale brownish cinereous. Type g (26758) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. 1894; Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895. Two specimens. The distinction of this species from cor/icicolor, Wlsm., and others is sufficiently obvious when looking at them side by side, but the points of difference are exceedingly difficult to describe, among these the pale dorsal patch may be chiefly relied upon. 78. (6) Apfihionetus passerella, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. i). Antennae greyish fuscous. Palpi whitish cinereous, shaded with greyish fuscous externally. Head brownish cinereous. Thorax greyish fuscous, with some ferruginous and cinereous scales. Forewings brownish ferruginous, a greyish fuscous transverse band near the base, mixed with a few pale cinereous scales, divides the short ferruginous basal patch from a central ferruginous shade, both of which are much mixed with fuscous beyond the central shade; the ferruginous ground-colour is much mottled with pale cinereous and interspersed with fuscous streaks, a series of four dark fuscous terminal spots running through the greyish fuscous terminal cilia; costal cilia dark fuscous. Exp. al. 8 mm. Hindwings dark grey; cilia tawny grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale greyish. Type g (26742) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. 1894. Unique. 79. (7) Apfhtonetus divergens, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 2). Antennae brownish cinereous. Palpi pale cinereous, dusted with fuscous externally. Head greyish fuscous; face very pale cinereous. Thorax brownish, tegulae tinged with ochreous. Forewings dull brownish, mottled with pale cinereous on the outer half and with a yellowish ochreous patch at the base, covering one-third of the width of the wing as far as the basal half of the costa, this contains some brown shading and blackish speckling, there is also a blackish shade beneath it along the upper edge of the cell blending with the brown ground-colour below it; the brownish grey cilia are slightly MICROLEP/DOP TERA $21 mottled at the apex in agreement with the mottled outer third of the wing. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia greyish brown. Legs pale brownish cinereous. Type $ (26183) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 30. v. I893. Unique. A single specimen nearly allied to corticicolor-, Wlsm., and Jluctlosa. \Vlsmni., but very distinct in its markings. 80. (8) Aphthonetus bitincla, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 3). Antennae greyish cinereous. Palpi pale cinereous, dusted with brownish fuscous externally. Head cinereous. Thorax brownish ochreous. Forewings whitish cinereous, mottled with brownish ochreous along the discal area nearly to the apex, the margins conspicuously spotted with dark brown scale-patches which are diffused through the basal half of the pale cinereous cilia; these patches, commencing at about one-third from the base, gradually diminish in size outwardly, the first dorsal being opposite to the first costal, but the second dorsal opposite to the third dorsal, the costal series consisting of about 7, the dorsal series of 4, not including one at the apex; there are some patches of raised scales towards some in the brownish ochreous mottling, some in the upper edge of the first brown dorsal patch. Exp. al. I2-14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen greyish, with a brownish ochreous patch on three segments towards the base. Legs greyish, the tarsi inclining to ochreous. Type g (28484); i (28282) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Eight specimens. 81. (9) Aph/zhonetus columbella, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 4). Antennae brownish grey, with a white spot at the end of the basal joint. Palpi whitish, sprinkled with brownish grey. Hlead and Thorax whitish, much suffused with pale greyish fuscous. Forewings white, sprinkled at the base, across the middle, and on the outer half of the costa with pale greyish fuscous, the outer edge of the basal patch being indicated by a broken oblique darker fuscous band overlapping the fold but not descending to the dorsum; on the median band are some broken dark fuscous blotches above and below the fold, and a dark fuscous blotch lies on the dorsum about the tornus, two small dark spots lying between it and the central band; the dark spots contain raised scales; cilia brownish grey, bestrewed around the apex with fuscous scales at their base. Exp. al. 13-15 mnm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen cinereous, tinged with ochreous towards the base. Legs pale cinereous. Type V (26102); S (26162) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000-4000 ft., 30. v.-9. vi. 1893, vI. 1896. Six specimens. 522 FA UNA HA IWAIIENSIS 82. (IO) AphtAonetus lichenalis, sp. nov. (Pl. XVI. fig. 5). Antennae pale greyish brown, the basal joint white beneath. Palpi white, the median joint very hairy, both sprinkled and shaded externally with greyish brown. Head and Thorax stone-white. Forewings stone-white, sprinkled spotted and blotched with greyish brown mixed with fuscous containing raised scales; an ill-defined outwardly oblique basal patch reaches to about one-sixth from the base, and beyond it at about onethird is a darker costal patch, scarcely connected with another beyond the middle, and with an elongate oblique streak crossing the middle of the fold; another conspicuous patch is placed at the tornus, the whole apical portion of the wing, including the stonewhite cilia, is thickly spotted with the same colour, two small spots appear on the outer half of the discal cell and a third scarcely beyond its outer extremity. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen stone-whitish, with a brownish ochreous patch above at the base. Legs pale stone-ochreous. Type? (26484) Mus. Wism. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft., vii. 1894. Two specimens. 83. (I I) Aphthone/us digressa, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 6). Antennae yellowish white, the basal joint chalk-white. Palpi, Head and Thorax white. Forewings chalk-white, with a small broken oblique costal streak near the base extending to the fold, a few scales passing below it; at about one-third from the base commences a dark umber-brown mottled shade, almost obliterating the white ground-colour over the remainder of the wing-surface to the apex, in this shade are five or six minute dots of raised dark fuscous scales along the disc and fold; cilia white, with slight brownish shade-spots along their base and around the termen and apex, tornal cilia greyish. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen dark grey. Legs brownish grey, whitish at the tarsal joints. Type g (28425) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala) 4000 ft., v. 1896. Four specimens. 84. (12) Aphthonetus eleuthera, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 7). Antennae pale cinereous, faintly barred above with olive-brown. Palpi pale cinereous, the terminal joint touched with olive-brown beneath. Head hoary cinereous. Thorax olive-brown, sprinkled with brownish fuscous. Forewings pale cinereous, much spotted and shaded with olive-brown and brownish fuscous, especially beyond the basal fourth, of which the pale outer side is obliquely bounded by scale-tufts of the darker colour; the brownish fuscous is specially noticeable on the costa at the commencement of the shaded portion of the wing and in two or more tufts towards the dorsum, also MICROLEPIDOP TERA 523 around the apex and termen, where it is much broken up by the pale ground-colour; the cilia correspond with the adjacent ground-colour of the wing, but are speckled around the apex with brownish fuscous. Exp. al. I I mm. Hindwings and cilia greyish brown. Abdomen pale cinereous, shaded with brownish fuscous. Legs much shaded with brownish fuscous, pale cinereous on the spurs and at the joints. Type T (27385) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vII. 1895; Hilo, 2000 ft., xii. 1895. Two specimens. In the single i from Hilo (28598) the dark shading is broken up into separate spots, those on the margins and apex tending to fuscous, those on the disc olive-brown. The whole specimen is distinctly paler, the ground-colour being hoary cinereous, but I can only regard it as a variety. Allied to digressa, Wism., but smaller and much less distinctly marked. 85. (13) Ap/htonetus confisa, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 8). Antennae brownish cinereous, the basal joint fuscous. Palpi cinereous, tinged with brownish fuscous externally, the median joint somewhat rough beneath toward the apex. Head cinereous; face shining, smooth, whitish. Thorax brownish cinereous. Forewings whitish cinereous, much mottled with brownish fuscous and patched with blackish scaling, with tufts of raised scales; a strong greenish yellow tinge at the base diffused and evanescent before the middle, a small brownish fuscous costal spot at one-third from the base is succeeded by a larger costal patch of the same beyond the middle, the apical and plical areas being mottled; the blackish scaling is distributed in a narrow line from the base along the upper edge of the cell and in a broader patch crossing the basal half of the fold and leading on to an elongate patch on the outer end of the cell; cilia pale cinereous obscurely mottled. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings very pale grey cilia pale cinereous. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs whitish cinereous. Type $ (28555) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAuI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Unique. 86. (14) A4phlhonetus spzurcata, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 9). Antennae brownish cinereous, the basal joint dark fuscous above. Ialpi brownish cinereous, much sprinkled with fuscous. Head fuscous; face cinereous. Thorax fuscous, the tegulae tipped with whitish cinereous. Forewings whitish cinereous, profusely sprinkled and clouded with a mixture of brownish cinereous and fuscous scaling, the latter prevailing in obscure patches along the margins, the former about the discal and apical areas; a discal spot of raised pale cinereous and fuscous scales at about one-third from the base is almost confluent with a similar spot on the fold a little beyond and below it; cilia whitish cinereous, dusted with fuscous on their basal half, becoming pale 524 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS brownish cinereous on their outer half. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings pale greyish; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen pale greyish fuscous. Legs pale brownish cinereous, the tarsi with broad fuscous bands. Type $ (28439) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Unique. 87. (i5) Aphtzhonezts plumbzifer, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. IO). Antennae ashy grey towards the base, fading to pale cinereous outwardly. Palpi ash-white, sprinkled with fuscous. Head and Thorax ash-white, thickly sprinkled with fuscous; the tegulae tipped with chestnut. Forewings dull stone-whitish, sprinkled with pale greyish fuscous scales, mottled with reddish brown and longitudinally streaked along the middle with short black broken lines; a narrow streak arising at the base of the costa runs outward along the disc, meeting an outwardly oblique costal streak of the same dark fuscous colour at about one-fifth from the base, this streak crosses the fold, not reaching the dorsum, its lower extremity consisting of raised scales; the two streaks are both accompanied by reddish brown shading, which is continued to the dorsum and freely scattered over the median and apical portions of the wing, and in a series of illdefined costal blotches from middle to apex; the black streaklets, also broken and illdefined, are chiefly about the middle third of the wing, a single one stretching forward from the outer end of the cell nearly to the termen; about the lower angle of the cell is a small rounded patch of dark leaden grey scales; cilia stone-whitish, speckled with reddish brown and fuscous. Exp. al. i5 mm. Hindwings very pale grey; cilia greyish, inclining to ochreous around the apex. Abdomen yellowish grey. Legs whitish ochreous. Type $ (27039) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. I894. Unique. 88. (i6) AP7hthonetus trichophora, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. I ). Antennae pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge. Palpi pale cinereous, the median joint slightly tufted above at its apex. Head pale cinereous. Thorax brownish grey, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Forewings pale hoary cinereous, with greyishbrown sprinkling; this is noticeable at the base, where there are also two spots of slightly darker raised scales, one fiexal, the other median; a costal shade, commencing at about one-fourth, extends nearly to the apex, but is broken by speckling of the pale ground-colour, especially on its outer half; along the middle of the fold is a fuscous streak commencing in a tuft of raised scales, scarcely separated from a similar smaller tuft above it, obscurely indicating the inner oblique edge of the more shaded portion of the wing; there are other small brownish-grey spots on the discal area, one before, another beyond and above the middle of the wing, a third at the lower angle of the cell, MICROLEPIDOPTERA 525 followed by a fourth beyond it, but these have all a tendency to be absorbed in dark sprinkling and are indicated chiefly by the raising of the scales and probably unrecognisable in worn specimens; the apex and termen are mottled with greyish brown, cilia pale brownish grey. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen cinereous, with brownish ochreous patches above towards the base. Legs very pale cinereous. Type $ (26863) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. 1894. Unique. Closely allied to plumbifer, but separable by its more hairy tibiae and the absence of the black and chestnut markings. 89. (7) Aph/honetus veterella, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 12). Antennae dark grey, the basal joint considerably widened with thick scales. Palpi hoary whitish, sprinkled with dark grey. Head hoary, with brownish grey sprinkling. Thorax dark brownish grey. Forewings hoary white, sprinkled and streaked with brownish grey and dark greyish fuscous, the latter concentrated in a broad diffused shade from the base along the fold nearly to its extremity, the whole costal and terminal portion of the wing being mottled with diffused scale-groups of the same colour; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen hoary greyish. Legs pale yellowish grey. Type V (27530) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., V. I895. Unique. 90. (i8) Apht/onelus polia, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. i3). Antennae pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge, except on the basal joint. Palpi whitish, dusted along the sides with pale brownish cinereous. Head and Thorax brownish cinereous. Forewings whitish, profusely sprinkled throughout with pale brownish cinereous; cilia whitish, dusted with pale brownish cinereous, inclining to greyish about the tornus. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings pale brownish grey; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen whitish cinereous, with a pale ochreous spot above near the base. Legs whitish, with a slight ochreous tinge. Type g (26876); $ (27991) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., vi. 1894. Two specimens. Were it not for the palpi this insect might easily be mistaken for a Coleophora. 68 F. H. I. 526 FA5 UNA HA WA4IIENSIS 91. (I9) Ap4htonetus subocellata, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 14). Antennae pale greyish cinereous. Palpi greyish cinereous, with darker greyish shading externally. Head and Thorax greyish cinereous; the face paler. Forewings ashy grey, with rather darker grey shading and mottling (containing slightly raised scales), more pronounced on the outer two-thirds than on the paler basal third of the wing, which is obliquely margined on the outer side by the more suffused shading; at about one-third from the base a ferruginous inwardly oblique patch rests on the fold and is followed by four small ferruginous spots, three in a line on the disc, the fourth below the middle one a little above the fold; these are faintly ocelloid, being margined by the pale ground-colour; the base of the pale ashy grey cilia is slightly mottled around the apex. Exp. al. I4 —I6 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge. Type S (283 0) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000-5000 ft., v. I896. Nine specimens. 92. (20) Aphlhonetus nemo, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 15). Antennae pale cinereous. Palpi and Head whitish cinereous. Thorax pale cinereous, darker in the centre. Forewings whitish cinereous, with a basal patch dilated on the fold, russet-brown, shaded with fuscous on the costa and limbus; beyond this the ground-colour forms a pale oblique fascia, dilated inward on the dorsum, distinctly margined with fuscous scaling along its outer edge, which forms the boundary of a distinct russet-brown shade dilated outward to beyond the middle of the wing; in the pale apical third is some fuscous speckling, mixed with russet-brown, a spot at the end of the fold being more noticeable than others above it, a few fuscous scales lying around the margin at the base of the brownish grey cilia. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining whitish grey. Abdomen cinereous, with ochreous basal patches. Hind legs very pale cinereous, without markings. Type S (28317) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Unique. The palpi of this species are smoother than those of subocellala WIsm.; in its markings it is very distinct from all others and is one of the few which can be said to be easily recognisable. 93. (2 ) Aphthonetus exsul, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 16). Antennae pale cinereous, the basal joint olivaceous grey. Palpi pale cinereous, with a slight fuscous shade around the terminal joint near its apex. Head pale cinereous. Thorax olivaceous grey. Forewings olivaceous greyish, sprinkled with pale cinereous, the extreme base and outer two-thirds of the wing somewhat shaded with darker greyish MICROLEPIDOP TERA5 527 fuscous in which a large costal triangle is faintly indicated, two spots of raised fuscous scales marking its inner margin, adjacent to the fold on either side; some fuscous scaling is also visible in the apical area and in the base of the cilia, this scaling is also raised at the outer end of the fold; cilia pale greyish cinereous. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish cinereous. Abdomen pale cinereous, basal segments ochreous above. Legs pale cinereous, without markings. Type $ (27414) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (i) vii. 1895; Kona, 4000-5000 ft., (4) 4-25. VII. 1892, above 6000 ft., (I) 30. viii. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (1) 5. vIi. 1892, summit of crater, 8oo000 ft., (i) 15. VIII. 1892. Eight specimens. Allied to subocellata WIsm., and sfztusa Wlsm., from both of which it can be separated by the absence of dark spots beyond the inner margin of the shaded portion of the wing. In one specimen (25209) the central shading is less conspicuous, but its inner margin is clearly defined; the specimen is however somewhat worn. 94. (22) Aphthonetts albocinerea, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 17). Antennae whitish cinereous. Palpi whitish cinereous, dusted and tipped with brownish fuscous. Head and Thorax whitish cinereous, sprinkled with pale brownish fuscous. Forewings whitish cinereous, dusted with pale brownish fuscous, especially on the outer two-thirds of the costa and the basal half of the dorsum; at one-third from the base a few darker brownish scales fall into line with an oblique dark brownish fuscous streak lying across the middle of the fold; this is followed by a smaller dark spot resting on the fold and by a few scattered dark brownish scale-spots above and aboult the tornus; the darker spots contain raised scales; cilia whitish cinereous dusted with pale brownish fuscous toward the apex. Exp. al. I5-i8 mm. Hindwxings pale brownish grey; cilia with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen whitish ochreous, with brownish ochreous patches on the three anterior segments above. Legs whitish ochreous. Type $ (27169) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. 1895; Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. I895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vI. 1894. Thirty-one specimens. 95. (23) Aphlhoncluts dtffisa, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 18). Antennae pale ochreous, the basal joint white. Palpi white, sprinkled externally with greyish fuscous. Head and face white. Thorax greyish fuscous; tegulac stonewhite. Forewings stone-white, with groups of greyish fuscous scales distributed around the costa and termen, the remainder of the wing-surface faintly mottled with greyish brown, containing raised scales; the first costal patch is at about one-third from the 68-2 528 FA UNTA HA WAZIIENSIS base, the second a little beyond the middle, the series diminishing in size and distinctness to the apex, those along the termen resting on the base of the stone-white cilia, which are also slightly sprinkled with similar scales. Exp. al. 15-19 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen whitish, pale brownish cinereous above on its basal half. Legs stone-whitish. Type $ (26662) Maui, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895; Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. I895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., V.-VI. 1894.-MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (I) IV. 1894. Twenty-five specimens. Closely allied to albocinerea, which differs from diffusa in the absence of the tuft of raised scales on the fold at the termination of the first costal patch. 96. (24) Apht/onetzLs hirsuta, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 19). Antennae cream-white. Palpi cream-white, the median joint hirsute above and beneath, the terminal joint of equal length, smooth, slender, erect. Head and Thorax cream-white. Forewings cream-white, with four more or less oblique spots of raised dark brown scales, three along the fold and one on the termen beyond it; there is a faint indication of a small costal spot at one-third in line with the second plical spot; cilia cream-white, sprinkled with brownish scales around their base. Exp. al. 18-20 mm. Hindwings pale shining greyish; cilia with a pale ochreous tinge. Abdomen and Legs cream-white. Type $ (26729) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-VI. 1894. Two specimens. 97. (25) Aphltzonte/s kumere/la, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 20). Antennae cinereous, the basal joint white, with greyish shading above. Palpi and Head white. Thorax white, shaded with grey. Forewings white, dusted with greyish fuscous and brownish ochreous scales; at the base of the costa is a narrow black streak, broken into three spots, running along the upper edge of the cell, joining at its outer end a greyish fuscous costal spot at about one-fifth from the base; beyond the middle a series of about five diffused brownish spots continues to the apex; below the outer half of the fold are two small diffused brownish spots, followed by a larger greyish fuscous spot at the tornus, beyond which brownish ochreous mottling reaches to the apex and partly over-spreads the greyish white cilia; some of the minute scale-speckles on the outer half of the wing are black. Exp. al. I6 —I7 mm. Hindwings very pale shining grey; cilia pale greyish cinereous. Abdomen greyish. Legs very pale ochreous. Type ~ (28237); S (28344) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896. Four specimens. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 529 98. (26) ApIthfonehts puncticiliata, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 21). Antennae brownish cinereous, basal joint greenish, with a black spot above. Palpi whitish, narrowly shaded with fuscous scales along their outer sides. Head greenish. Thorax greenish, with a black spot above. Forewings dirty whitish, thickly mottled: with pale olive-green throughout, with a number of black spots scattered about their surface; one above the fold before its middle, almost touching a second on the fold beyond it; one dorsal near the outer end of the fold, and one between the last two just above the fold; one costal at one-fourth, reduplicated beneath, is followed by a smaller reduplicated spot on the cell below it, two other discal spots following in the same line with its lower half, the last at the extremity of the cell; the costal cilia extend in the direction of the base as far as the first costal spot, these and the terminal cilia are cream-whitish, with a series of black diffused spots along their basal half extending from the middle of the costa around the apex and termen, a conspicuous black upright tornal spot terminating the series. Exp. al. I3 ---6 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen greenish, ochreous towards the base. Legs whitish ochreous, tibiae with a slight terminal hair-tuft. Type $ (25746) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000-5000 ft., 30. vI.-4. vI. 1892, 10. viii. —IX. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, vi.-vIi. I895. Eight specimens. 99. (27) Ap/t/azonetzs aspersa, Btl. (P1. XVI. fig. 22). Laverna aspersa Btl., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1882, 44, No. 8 (I882)'. Antennae with the basal joint white, the stem faintly tinged with brownish. Palpi chalky white, sparsely dusted externally with brownish scales. Head and Thorax white. Forewings chalky white (not yellowish nor greenish white), with pale chestnut-brown spots of which the more conspicuous are strongly raised and centred with dark fuscous scales; these conspicuous spots are, one about the middle of the fold, obliquely reduplicated above towards the base, one between this and the base, also plical, and one at the end of the fold; others less conspicuous, but partly raised, are scattered over the outer half of the wing to the apex, and on the costa are three oblique spots, one near the base joining the upper edge of the first plical, one before and one after the middle; cilia white, with about four spots along their base. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish brown. Abdomen white, the three basal patches brownish. Legs pale brownish cinereous. Type s (Io6: 82. 9) Mus. Br. HAB. OAHU: Mts., near Honolulu (Blackburn)'. [Two worn specimens collected by Mr Perkins have the spots (such as remain) in precisely similar positions, their ground-colour is however less chalky white and they have apparently fewer chestnut raised scales and spots. HAB. OAliu: \Waianae iMts., 2000 ft., IV. 1892 (25105); Kawailoa Gulch, iv. 1893 (25654).] 530 FA UNA HA WAIIJENSIS 100. (28) Aptikonetus elegans, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 23). Antennae pale brownish ochreous, the basal joint pale grass-greenish. Palpi cream-whitish, the median joint with a short fuscous streak externally at the base, the terminal joint externally pale green, speckled with light brown scales. Head pale green; face cream-white. Thorax pale greenish. Forewings pale grass-green, mottled with cream-white on which are set several patches of light brown scales (some raised), four of these on the discal area, three along the fold, and the remainder distributed around along the costa and dorsum, beyond the middle more or less scattered through the cream-white cilia; an elongate patch of rather darker brown scales occurs at the upper edge of the cell about one-fourth from the base. Exp. al. i8 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale greyish cinereous. Abdomen brownish ochreous at the base, pale cinereous beyond. Legs whitish, the hairy clothing of the tibiae having a slight ochreous tinge; the anterior legs are streaked and banded with fuscous. Type $ (28554) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000 ft., v. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Three specimens. 101. (29) 4}Ahhonetus sagitlata, sp. nov. (PI. XVI. fig. 24). Antennae pale greyish ochreous, the basal joint cream-colour. Palpi light bluish green, with a slender black streak externally on the basal half of the median joint. Head and Thorax cream-colour; the tegulae streaked with green. Forewings light bluish green, with cream-coloured spots and black arrow-shaped spots, containing some raised scales; the black spots are distributed as follows: a small one at the extreme base of the costa, another at the base of the dorsum, the former followed by three costal spots (the first almost contiguous to it, the second at about one-third, the third at a little beyond the middle), with a black length-streak on the cell below it; a series of three on the fold, all formed as arrow-heads pointing outwards (the first at one-third the length of the fold, the second about its middle, the third on the dorsum at its extremity), a reduplicated spot or biangulated streak rests on the termen, reaching nearly to the apex; the pale cream-coloured spots are distributed in connection with the black spots, for the most part on their anterior margins, being slightly raised, in connection with the plical spots; there are also two or three very small ones on the costa before the apex; cilia green about the apex, becoming greyish toward the tornus. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia with a greyish ochreous tinge. Abdomen greenish grey, anal tuft ochreous. Hind legs pale ochreous; anterior and middle legs with green tufts on the tibiae, with a black ring around the first tarsal joint, the anterior femora black beneath. Type g (26820); $ (27173) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vi. 1894. Sixteen specimens. MICROLEPID OPTERAi 53I 21. RHINOMACTRUM, gen. nov. (ptvokaKTpov = a handkerchief.) Type Rhinomlactlrm ruttilellum Wlsm. Antennae as long as the forewings. Maxillary Palpi small, dependent. Labial Palpi divergent, inclining upward, median joint with expanding scales above and beneath towards its apex; terminal joint slender, naked, shorter than the median. H austellum well-developed. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate, of even width throughout as far as the tornus, costa almost straight, apex scarcely depressed, termen oblique, surface with a few slightly raised scales: neuration I I veins (4 and 5 probably coincident); 6 out of 7, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex. Hindwings narrower than the forewings, elongate, lanceolate, pointed, cilia 24: neuration 8 veins, all separlate; 6 and 7 approximating towards base. Abdomen moderate. Legs, hind tibiae with a few slight hairs. Intermediate between Neelysia and Apfhthonetus. 102. (I) Rzzhiomnacthum ruztilellmn, sp. nov. (Pl. XVI. fig. 25). Antennae whitish cinereous, with black annulations, the basal joint tawny reddish. Palpi, Head and Thorax tawny reddish, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Forewings tawny red, minutely sprinkled with pale cinereous and irrorated with minute black streaklets, some of which combine to indicate the margins of three ill-defined dull cinereous equidistant spots; one about the middle of the wing, with one before it and another at the end of the cell; on the costa at one-third is a small black streak preceded by another, placed parallel with the costa, and nearly reaching its lower extremity-the black streaklets are evenly distributed about the wing-surface; cilia concolorous, but tending to grey along the dorsum. Exp. al. 13 mm1. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen and Legs leaden grey. Type S (26773) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. 1894. Unique. 103. (2) Rhinomactrum? scapzulellum, sp. nov. (Il. XVI. fig. 26). Antennae dark fuscous. Palpi and Head whitish ochreous. Thorax (lark brownish fuscous. Forewings whitish ochreous, with a short straight dark brownish fuscous basal patch followed by two brownish fuscous costal shades, one before, the other larger, beyond the middle; between and below these is a discal spot of the same colour, followed by a smaller one at the end of the cell; a brownish fuscous shade-patch at the apex partially overflows the costal cilia, terminal cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. 9 mim. Hindwings and cilia pale grey. Abdomen darker grey. Legs pale greyish, the tarsal joints banded above with greyish fuscous. Type $ (2806I) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Olaa, ix. 1896. Unique. FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS 532 The single specimen is badly set, and the neuration difficult to determine with certainty; it appears to agree with that of rutilellum, but the median joint of the palpi is not clothed. The reception of the $ will probably justify the description of a new genus for this species. 22. NEELYSIA, gen. nov. (vEco = new; 'HXvrta = Elysian.) Type Neelysia lig-nicolor Wism. Antennae shorter than the forewings, serrate, basal joint without pecten. Maxillary Palpi very short. Labial Palpi long, slender, recurved, divergent; median joint smooth, terminal joint acute, both joints of about equal length. Haustellum scaled towards base. Ocelli absent. Head and Thorax smooth; face receding. Forewings elongate, lanceolate, apex scarcely depressed, obtusely pointed, termen oblique, tornus obsolete, flexus rounded; without tufts of raised scales: neuration i i veins (4 and 5 probably coincident); 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; 6 separate; media weak. Hindwings narrower than the forewings, elongate, lanceolate, apex obtusely rounded; $ without subcostal hair-pencil; cilia 2: neuration 8 veins, all separate; 6 and 7 approximating towards base; 3 approximated to 2; 5 approximated to 6. Abdomen moderate. Legs, hind tibiae loosely haired. The species are generally variable, the S in some species with expansible lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Neelysia is probably derived from Hyposmocoma, through Dysphoria (or an ally), having veins 4 and 5 of the forewings stalked. The loss of a vein in Neelysia and ApAhtonetus is thus indicated as caused by coincidence of these veins. Aphtihonetus differs in emitting 6 of the forewings from 7, in having 6 and 7 of the hindwings stalked, in the clothing of the median joint of the palpi and the scaletufts on the wing-surface. 104. (t) Neelysia cuprea, sp. nov. (P1. XVI. fig. 27). Antennae fuscous. Palpi yellowish ochreous. Head and face yellowish ochreous. Thorax cupreous, with some yellowish scales on the tegulae. Forewings cupreous, with a distinct yellowish ochreous spot on the cell at one-third from the base, obliquely placed, its lower extremity attenuated outwards to the fold; a smaller yellowish ochreous spot lies at the end of the cell with a few scales of the same colour on the costa above and beyond it (in fine specimens a series of minute semi-connected yellowish ochreous dots are visible at the base of the cilia around the apex); cilia brownish cinereous, shaded along their basal half with cupreous. Exp. al. 12-13 mm. Hindwings shining, very pale grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen brownish cinereous. Legs pale yellowish cinereous. Type $ (27051);? (27287) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (4) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) VI. I894. Seven specimens. MICROL EPIDOP TERA 533 105. (2) Neelysia fztrina, Btl. (P1. XVI. fig. 28). Chrysoclisla izgrina Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VIT. 406-7, No. 50 (i88i)'. Antennae brownish grey. Palpi white, with a brownish grey streak along the under side of the median joint. Head straw-white, or ochreous. Thorax straw-whitish, tegulae brown. Forewings bright ochreous, with a straw-white streak from the middle of the base along the lower edge of the cell and along the fold nearly to its outer extremity (this white streak is absent in some varieties); beneath it is a short dark brown basal streak, below the fold, but not touching the dorsum, while above it is a longer dark brown streak commencing at the base of the costa and extended along the upper edge of the cell nearly to the middle of the wing, where after two short inverted dentate interruptions from the white streak below it, it is continued in the form of a blackish elongate dash extending to the end of the cell, with a few blackish scales surrounding a third interruption at the end of the cell; in varieties in which the white streak is replaced by the bright ochreous ground-colour, the two interruptions of the dark costo-basal streak coalesce and isolate the outer portion, and the blackish scales surrounding the third interruption sometimes extend to the costa, forming an outwardly oblique quadrangular patch; the apex of the wing is beautifully marked by a blackish, acutely angled streak, clearly defined on its inner edge, and preceded at its upper extremity by a narrow oblique whitish costal streak; this blackish marginal streak sends out short tooth-like projections into the costal, apical and terminal cilia, with small whitish dots between them at the base of the cilia which are bright ochreous beyond them, tornal cilia brownish grey; in some varieties the bright ochreous ground-colour suffuses the white costal streak and encroaches on the black apical streak, breaking it up into spots and exceptionally almost entirely obliterating it. Exp. al. 12-14 mlum. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen dark tawny brownish. Legs brownish grey, with whitish spurs and tarsal annulations. Type S (120: 8i. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotypes? (26702); g (28497); S (28346) Mus. Wlsm.]. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala (Blackburn)', below 4000-5000 ft., iv.-v. 1896 (Perkins); Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., IV. 1894, v. 1896 (Perkins). Fourteen specimens. A variable species, but easily separable from any yet described. 106. (3) Aeelysia lignicolor, sp. nov. (11. XVII. fig. i). Antennae dark greyish brown. Palpi whitish ochreous, the terminal joint nluch shaded with greyish brown. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax greyish brown, with a dash of bone-whitish down the middle. Forewings with the costal third pale greyish brown, the dorsal two-thirds whitish ochreous, fading to bone-whitish, but sometimes shaded with greyish brown along the fold; an elongate brownish fuscous patch, on the cell about the middle, is followed by a roundish spot of the same colour at the end of F. I1. I. 69 534 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS the cell above which is a slight costal shade with an opposite elongate dorsal shade beneath it, the pale dorsal ground-colour extends here to the costa cutting off the apical portion of the wing which is much shaded with brownish fuscous; cilia around the apex rather light ochreous at their base, streaked with brownish fuscous on the costa and blending to greyish brown outwardly around the termen and tornus. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia with a tawny brownish tinge. Abdomen dark tawny brownish. Legs tawny brownish, the tarsal joints and spurs bone-whitish. Type S (26534);? (26536) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. IMAUI: Haleakala, above 5000 ft., (4) III. 1894, 5000 ft., (II) I11. 1894, (7) rv. 1894, (22) v. I896, 4000 ft., (I) v. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (I) Iv. 1894. Forty-six specimens. This species varies considerably, the margins of the different shades of colour being nowhere clearly defined and blending imperceptibly into each other. In some varieties the whitish ochreous dorsal shade obliterates the apical markings, becoming more or less suffused with ochreous towards the apex. The dark shading in the fold is strong in some specimens and almost absent in others, but the discal spots are always distinct. 107. (4) Neelysia fuscodenlala, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 2). Antennae whitish ochreous, shaded above with fuscous scales. Palpi stoneochreous; the terminal joint as long as the median, slightly sprinkled with fuscous. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings evenly lanceolate, whitish ochreous, streaked and shaded with brownish fuscous; the dark shading extends along the costa fromn base to apex, but is very narrow before and about the middle of the wing; it overflows the whole of the base, but is more conspicuously condensed on the costa, along the fold and on the base of the dorsum; in the fold it extends nearly to the tornus almost obliterating a rather darker spot of the same colour about the middle of the fold; above and a little beyond this is a more or less conspicuous dark discal spot connected with another at the end of the cell by more or less continuous dark shading; above the outer end of the cell the brownish fuscous suffusion extends to the costa and apex, and narrowly around the termen; cilia brownish grey, with minute subochreous points along their base (these are the only indication of the pale streaks which in many species of this genus run through the terminal and costal cilia). Exp. al. 14 mm. Flindwings pale brownish grey; cilia slightly darker. Abdomen brownish grey, paler beneath. Legs whitish ochreous. Type $ (27500) Mus. Wism. HABl. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, VIi. 1895. Two specimens. Closely allied to lignicolor Wism., but apparently distinct, presenting a uniform pattern in the two specimens which is not to be found in the very variable series from Maui. MICROLEPID OP TER. 535 108. (5) iVeelysia cleodorella, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 3). Antennae whitish, faintly annulate with pale tawny. Palpi white, with a slender tawny line along their under side; terminal joint longer than median. Head white. Thorax bone-white, with a tawny spot above. Forewings bone-white, the costal third shaded with tawny brownish as far as the end of the cell; in this costal shade are two white, inverted, dentate incisions, tending to unite and surround a spot of the darker colour at about the middle, with another white incision at its outer end leaving its apex obliquely terminated in a sharp point below the costa, and abruptly terminated in a second darker brownish projection on the end of the cell; a dark tawny brown line lies in the fold on its outer half, followed by some diffuse shading of a paler tint which is also visible along the dorsum; around the apex a dark tawny brown patch covers the costal and terminal margins, sharply angulated at its inner edge by the pale groundcolour and containing six or seven bone-white streaklets, three or four costal and three terminal, at the base of the tawny grey cilia. Exp. al. 12-14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia tawny grey. Abdomen dark grey. Legs whitish, much shaded with tawny grey, and banded with the same across the tarsi. Type S (25251);? (25246) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (IO) VII., 13. VIII., 8. IX. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (2) V11. I895. Twelve specimens. 109. (6) Neelysi'a anitinella, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 4). Antennae whitish, barred above with glaucous; basal joint streaked with greyish fuscous above and beneath. Palpi white, streaked with greyish fuscous from base to apex, on the median joint widely, on the terminal joint narrowly beneath. Head and Thorax white. IForewings white, with an ochreous tinge on the terminal area, a pale greyish fuscous streak extends from the base along the costa, depressed and attenuated nearly to the apex, its lower edge indented backward, but confluent with an elongate triangular dark fuscous dash occupying the end of the cell, below which is a narrower dash of the same colour along the upper edge of the fold; a white streak from the costa, very oblique (more so than in Neelysia repaindella), forms an angle towards the apex at its meeting with the pale median space, the outer edge of which reverts to the tornus; beyond this the apex of the wing is dark fuscous, with three inverted white tooth-like streaklets running through the costal cilia, two or three others being faintly indicated in the ochreous dorsal cilia, tornal cilia pale greyish fuscous. EIxp. al. 10-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia glaucous. Abdomen greyish fuscous, anal tuft whitish. Legs whitish. Type S (26425); S (26455) Mus. WiSm. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft., (3) II. 1894, (2) vII. 1894. Five specimens. 69-2 536 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 110. (7) Aeelysia repande/la, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 5). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi white, shaded externally on the median joint with brownish fuscous, which is continued in a slender line along the under side of the terminal joint to its apex. Head and Thorax snow-white; tegulae dark brown. Forewings dark brown, with a broad snow-white streak from the middle of the base, extending a little over the fold and blending at its outer end with a light brownish ochreous wash which nearly reaches the termen and is repeated on the cilia below the apex; from the upper edge of the white median streak three or four small barb-like projections are directed backward; ae t t the commencement of the costal cilia an outwardly oblique streak meets the outer end of the pale median space and reverts at an angle to the tornus; in the dark brown space beyond it are three white streaks through the brown costal cilia and three below them through the ochreous terminal cilia. Exp. al. 9.5-0o mm. Hindwings grey; cilia with an ochreous tinge towards the apex. Abdomen shining grey. Legs greyish, with paler spots at the tarsal joints. Type i (26I49); $ (26150) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 3000-above 4000 ft., (3) 22. V.-VI. 1893, (i) 19. IX. 1893. Four specimens. 111. (8) Neelysza psaroderma, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 6). Antennae black. Palpi, median joint black, with a white spot at the apex; terminal joint white, with a few black scales beneath near the apex. ead white above, face blackish. Thorax white, tegulae black. Forewings chalk-white, mottled with black, a black shade from the base along the costa reaches to the costal cilia, its outer half dilated downward, in a broad rather quadrangular patch, to the lower edge of the cell, and beyond the cell partially intermixed with the white ground-colour; a black dorsal shade from the base, also mottled, reaches nearly to the middle, a few spots at its outer end thrown up towards the fold; the apical portion of the wing, including the cilia, black, with three slender inverted white costal streaks and three opposite dorsal ones; the inner edge of this apical shade is indented by a well-defined rectangle of the white ground-colour piercing its middle. Exp. al. io mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish. Abdomen [missing]. Legs straw-white, tarsi faintly spotted. Type S (25 101) Mus. Wlsm. HABl OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., IV. 1892. Unique. It is nearly allied to repandella and an/thinella, but differs notably in the downward extension of the outer half of the dark costal shade forming a broad half-fascia quite inconsistent with the pattern of those species. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 537 112. (9) Neelysia municeps, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 7). Antennae whitish ochreous, very faintly annulate with brownish. Palpi, median joint greyish fuscous, whitish ochreous at its apex and along its upper side; terminal joint as long as the median, whitish ochreous, with a slender greyish fuscous line along its under side. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous. Forewings whitish ochreous at the middle of the base, shading to fawn-brown along the dorsum and with a dark brownish fuscous shade commencing at the base and overflowing the costal margin as far as the end of the cell where there is a small arrow-like spot of blackish scales, margined with whitish ochreous, which extends backward along the cell, sending out two short oblique whitish ochreous points upward and backward into the dark costal shade; beyond the end of the cell is a reduplicated blackish line running half-way to the apex, and beneath it are two or three similar lines following the veins, the last of which is longer than the others and lies in the fold; a slender acutely angled whitish ochreous line, leaving the costa at the commencement of the costal cilia, runs nearly to the termen, reverting to the tornus and forming with the dark double line from the cell the figure of an arrow-head; before and behind this the colour of the wing is decidedly fawn-brown, and in the cilia beyond it are six inverted shining whitish cuneiform streaks, three above and three below the apex; cilia brownish grey, tinged with fawn-brown. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings and cilia grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs greyish, the tarsi faintly spotted with whitish. Type? (26652) Maui, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (I) IV. I895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (i) v. 1894.-MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (2) IV. 1894. Four specimens. More nearly allied to pallodorella than to agnetella, differing from both in the darker palpi and paler antennae as well as in the dark costal and pale dorso-apical areas of the forewings. 113. (io) Neelysia pal/odorella, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 8). Antennae bronzy fuscous above, paler beneath. Palpi whitish ochreous, a slender fuscous line along the under side throughout. Head and face bronzy greyish fuscous, a fawn-brown lateral streak above each eye. Thorax brownish fuscous, the tegulae edged with dark fawn-brown. Forewings dark fawn-brownish, shaded with brownish fuscous, a dark fuscous line running along the fold throughout; a dark fuscous shade, commencing about the middle of the cell, is broken into three portions by two pale fawn-ochreous rings encircling the inner and outer thirds of it and forming two oblique elongate suboval spots with a dark space between them; at the commencement of the costal cilia an outwardly oblique whitish ochreous costal streak is attenuated to a point opposite to the middle of the termen where it meets, or nearly meets, a similar streak arising a little beyond it on the dorsum; beyond these streaks are four costal and three or four 538 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS terminal short whitish ochreous streaks running through the fuscous cilia. Exp. al. II-15 mm. Hindwings shining, grey; cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen dark brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, the spurs and joints whitish ochreous. Type? (26910); S (27060) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (12) V.-VI. 1894; Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (Io) IV. 1895. Twenty-two specimens. The Kaholuamano specimens have the head, thorax and forewings much suffused with pale fawn-ochreous and the darker markings are broken up. The same form however occurs among the other series and I can only regard it as a variety. 114. (ii) Neelysia fuscofusa, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 9). Antennae fuscous, with obscure paler bars. Palpi brownish ochreous, more or less shaded externally with fuscous. Head and Thorax varying from brownish ochreous to dark brown; face paler. Forewings dull brownish ochreous, almost entirely suffused with dark fuscous, in some specimens obliterating the always ill-defined markings which consist of the usual two elongate blackish discal spots, the first of which is produced outwardly along the cell and sometimes divided into two parts; another elongate spot is traceable in the fold below and before the first discal; around the apex are very faint ochreous spots at the base of the dark fuscous cilia, but much less clearly indicated than in the two nearly allied species paltodorella Wlsm., and agnetella Wlsm. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark brownish grey. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs brownish, with pale tarsal and tibial spots. Type S (27099);? (27053) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (9) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) vI. 1894. Twelve specimens. In its blurred and sometimes almost entirely obliterated markings and less conspicuous terminal and cilial spots it differs from the other two species mentioned above, but is obviously very nearly allied to agnetella which varies somewhat in the same direction. I cannot however regard it as belonging to that species. 115. (12) NeeOlsia agnetella, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. Io). Antennae dark fawn-brown. Palpi pale ochreous, shaded with fawn-brown externally. Head pale ochreous, mixed with fawn-brown. Thorax fawn-brown, tegulae touched with pale ochreous. Forewings dark fawn-brown, with a pale ochreous streak running from the middle of the base to the lower half of the termen and dilated to a little below the fold in which it leaves a brownish fuscous central streak, some fawnbrown scales before and behind it; immediately above the plical streak is an oblique brownish fuscous discal spot, encircled narrowly by pale ochreous, whence a dark streak MICROLEPIDOP TERA 539 along the cell reaches to a similar oblique ocelloid spot at the end of the cell; above and beyond this is a pale ochreous costal spot whence a dark fawn-brown band runs around the apex and termen, sharply angulated opposite to the apex, embracing the base of the cilia in which are a series of wedge-shaped pale ochreous spots, pointing inward, to the number of four above and four or five below the apex. Exp. al. 11-14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale cinereous. Type g (26664); ~ (26677) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000-above 5000 ft., II.-Iv. 1894, v. 896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., iv. I894, v. I896. Seventeen specimens. In some varieties the paler colours are wanting, the wings being entirely suffused with dark purplish fuscous, the central and plical spots being very indistinct, but obscurely surrounded by slightly paler colour. In other varieties the fawn-brown colour assumes a paler shade, obliterating the pale ochreous median streak and more or less suffusing the other paler markings, leaving the darker ones distinctly indicated. 116. (13) Neelysia rot/fer, sp. nov. (P1 XVII. fig. it). Antennae white, with a black streak above from the base, breaking into spots on the outer half. Palpi long, slender, terminal joint as long as the median; white, with a black line along the under side of the terminal joint. Head greyish brown; face white. Thorax light buff-brown. Forewings light buff-brown, a short oblique white streak on the cell at about one-third from the base is followed by a longer oblique white streak, also commencing below the costa, its lower extremity enclosing an elongate oblique black spot about the end of the cell; this is followed by a large cone-shaped silvery white patch resting on the tornus, its apex reaching outward to the middle of the termen, a slender oblique white costal streak from the commencement of the costal cilia running into its upper side; beyond this seven or eight short white streaks radiate outward through the cilia, the two or three lower ones almost touching the tornal patch, the apical ones separated by black terminal dots; a slender white streak along the outer half of the fold is narrowly margined on either side by black scales; cilia pale brownish, fading to whitish cinereous about the tornus. Exp. al. 10 mm. Hindwin(gs pale grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen greyish. Legs whitish, with greyish transverse bands. Type S (26317) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 3000 ft., 6. ix. I893. Unique. 117. (14) Neelysia basiviltata, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 12). Antennae greyish cinereous. Palpi greyish, a white line along the upper side of the terminal joint, the inner side of the median joint also white. Head and Thorax fuscous. Forewings fuscous, with a conspicuous white streak from the base along the 540 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS fold nearly to its middle; beyond it are three oblique white transverse streaks on the cell, the outer one forming the inner margin of an elongate blackish spot at the end of the cell, beyond which again are two oblique cuneiform marginal spots, one costal, the other tornal, followed by three costal and two dorsal white streaklets in the greyish fuscous cilia. Exp. al. I2-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia greyish fuscous. Abdomen slender, dark fiscous. Legs pale greyish fuscous, with whitish spots at the joints. Type $ (28285); V (28434) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (3) V. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (I) v. I896. Four specimens. 118. (15) Neelysia p/zuvie/a, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 13). Antennae dark brownish fuscous, an ochreous streak along the basal joint. Palpi with the median joint greyish fuscous, tipped with whitish grey on its inner side; terminal joint whitish, with a dark line beneath. Head ochreous, shaded with fuscous above, face fuscous. Thorax bright ochreous, tegulae with a fuscous patch. Forewings dark brownish fuscous, shading to blackish, with white streaklets; the first enclosing, except at its lower edge, a large reniform spot of the dark ground-colour about the middle of the cell, the second completely enclosing a smaller spot at its outer end; above and beyond the latter is an outwardly oblique white costal streak, a less conspicuous dorsal streak a little beyond it, in the cilia are four or five dorsal and three costal white streaks; cilia with an ochreous tinge on the termen, blackish at the apex, paler brownish fuscous along the dorsum. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen fuscous. Legs with the hind tibiae whitish ochreous, spurs white, tarsi fuscous with five white spots. Type? (26236) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., 22. v.-VI. 1893. rwo specimens. This species differs from ningorifera WIsm., in its darker palpi and in its ochreous thorax, and from petalifera WIsm., in the absence of the basal streak as well as in the colour of the head, thorax and palpi. 119. (i6) Neelysia ningorifera, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 14). Antennae black. Palpi pale ochreous; the terminal joint with a line of black scales beneath. Head and face ochreous, black at the sides and sprinkled with blackish posteriorly. Thorax black, with a conspicuous ochreous patch posteriorly. Forewings black, faintly sprinkled with whitish scales outwardly, and with several clear white spots or streaklets; of these the most conspicuous is a clear white costal spdt at onefourth from the apex, an oblique dorsal streak a little beyond it pointing outward; at the end of the cell is an ocelloid spot formed by a slender white streak enclosing a MICROLEPIDOPTERA 541 dense spot of black scales, except at its lower edge; preceding this are two other white discal streaklets, and beneath the outer one of these is a dorsal streaklet crossing the fold about the middle of the wing; around the apex are six white streaklets in the dark cilia (three costal, three dorsal), the cilia becoming slightly paler along the dorsum. Exp. al. I I-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia fuscous (slightly paler than the dorsal cilia of the forewings). Abdomen blackish. Legs dark fuscous, with pale ochreous tibial and tarsal spots, spurs pale ochreous. Type $ (28372); g (28379) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Two specimens. This species differs from petalifera Wlsm., in the absence of the conspicuous white basal streak, and in the form of the white discal spots which are produced into minute streaklets, as well as in the colour of the palpi which at once distinguish it. 120. (17) Neelysia peftadfera, sp. nov. (Pl. XVII. fig. 15). Antennae leaden grey. Palpi, long slender, the terminal joint as long as the median; median joint white, terminal tawny fuscous. Head and Thorax fuscous. Forewings tawny fuscous, sparsely bestrewed with snow-white dots and with a narrow snow-white streak occupying the basal half of the fold; beyond this on the fold is a minute white oblique streaklet, and immediately above it, another on the cell, is followed by a similar one towards the end of the cell; beyond and above this is a larger white costal spot with another at the tornus below and beyond it, followed by three white terminal dots; cilia tawny fuscous. Exp. al. 11-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny fuscous. Abdomen fuscous. Legs greyish fuscous, spurs whitish. Type $ (26657); $ (28327) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., vi., 1894; Haleakala, 4000 ft., v. 1896. Three specimens. 121. (i8) Neelysia subaurata, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. i6). Antennae ochreous, faintly barred with fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, slightly shaded with fuscous at the base externally and on the inner side along the terminal joint. Head ochreous, shaded with fuscous, the face paler. Thorax bronzy fuscous, tegulae touched with shining ochreous. Forewings golden yellowish, profusely sprinkled with bronzy fuscous scales; a small patch of this colour at the extreme base of the costa is followed by a minute elongate spot beneath it, in the fold are three elongate spots of the same, the middle one followed above by a conspicuous ovate discal spot, the outer one having a similar, but smaller and more rounded spot a little above it at the lower angle of the cell; around the apex are small pale ochreous spots alternating with darker streaks along the base of the brownish ochreous cilia. Exp. al. I -1 3 mm. F. H. I. 70 542 UFA UNA HA WAIIENSIS Hindwings pale grey; cilia with a slight tinge of brownish ochreous. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs blackish, hind tibiae and tarsi barred with pale ochreous, spurs pale ochreous. Type $ (27955); ~ (27943) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., iv. I895. Two specimens. 122. (19) Neelysia exaltata, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 17). Antennae brownish cinereous, the basal joint fuscous above. Palpi white, the median joint shaded with fuscous nearly to its apex externally, the terminal joint tipped with fuscous. Head and Thorax white; tegulae ferruginous; ' with expansible, lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Forewings ferruginous, shaded with fuscous towards the apex, with an oblique white streak before the middle, crossing the fold, narrowly blackmargined on its outer side; this is followed by an elongate white patch, extending beyond the end of the cell, with a few black scales along its inner and lower margins; a small white costal spot before the apex, another about the apex, and a few white terminal scales above the tornus; cilia ferruginous, tending to brownish grey about the tornus. Exp. al. 12-13 mm. Hindwings rather dark grey; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen dark grey. Legs bronzy fuscous, with white tarsal annulations, the spurs and ends of the tibiae also white. Type o (26564); $ (28471) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000 to above 5000 ft., (i) III. 1894, ( ) v. i896. Twelve specimens. 123. (20) Neelysia poeciloceras, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. S1). Antennae pale ochreous, annulate with dark brownish fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, tinged with pale ferruginous. Head and Thorax whitish, with an ochreous tinge; tegulae light ferruginous; S with expansible lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Forewings light ferruginous, with a short ill-defined basal patch and an oblique central fascia, scarcely reaching the costa, dark brownish ferruginous; the broad central band is narrowly margined on either side with black scales, beyond which on the inner side is a narrow, and on the outer side a wide outwardly produced band of yellowish white, the latter containing a small dark spot at the end of the cell, the extreme apex contains a few black scales; cilia ferruginous. Exp. al. I3-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen brownish cinereous. Legs brownish fuscous, with very pale ferruginous spurs and tarsal annulations. Type i (26567); P (28501) Mus. WIsm. }HAI. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000 to 5000 ft., (I) iI. 1894, (5) v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (i) rv. 1894, (r) v. t896. Eight specimens. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 543 In some specimens the ground-colour is suffused with whitish, the markings appearing more distinct through the loss of the ferruginous ground-colour. A single $ (26658) from Olinda, 4000 ft., IV. 1894, is smaller (exp. al. o1 mm.) and may be distinct. 124. (21) Neelysia rediviva, sp. nov. (Pl. XVII. fig. I9). Antennae greyish fuscous. Palpi whitish, the median joint shaded externally with greyish fuscous nearly to its apex. Head whitish, more or less shaded with ferruginous. Thorax ferruginous; g with expansible lateral hair-pencil. Forewings whitish, profusely clouded with shining ferruginous, of which an oblique quadrangular patch appears on the middle of the fold (this is more or less broken up in some of the varieties), and is outlined before and behind by the white ground-colour, which also encircles a small black dot at the end of the cell; a few black scales at the base of the costa and in the base of the apical and terminal cilia which are ferruginous, shading off to grey on the dorsum. Exp. al. 12-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs pale ochreous, with fuscous tarsal and tibial bands. Type $ (27371); $ (27117) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (3) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (i) vi. 1894. Four specimens. The palpi of this species are smooth throughout, in this respect it differs from poeciloceras, which it greatly resembles. The spot at the end of the cell is scarcely traceable in some specimens, and the white scaling, which probably represents the real ground-colour, is in some specimens almost entirely obliterated. 125. (22) Neelysia ningorella, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 20). Antennae cinereous. Palpi fuscous, whitish at the end of the median joint, terminal joint with a whitish streak along the upper side. Head g, snow-whitish: i, rusty brown. Thorax $, snow-white, tegulae dark fawn-brown, with expansible lateral hair-pencil: i, rusty brown in front, whitish ochreous posteriorly, the tegulae similarly divided. Forewings g, bright brown, with several short longitudinal dark umber-brown striae scattered about their surface; a narrow patch of this colour occurs at the base of the dorsum, and is immediately succeeded by an elongate snow-white dorsal streak reaching to two-thirds, this is biangulated at its upper edge, the angles crossing the fold before and beyond its middle; above and beyond the outer angle is a small detached white dot on the cell, succeeded by another at the end of the cell containing a blackish central dot; around the apex and termen is a series of dark brownish fuscous spots at the base of the cilia, a few white scales accompanying them, especially towards the tornus; cilia brownish cinereous:?, rusty brown, the dorsal streak varying from pale 70-2 544 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS brownish ochreous to tawny fuscous, its angles and the discal spots remaining white as in the S. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings pale greyish; cilia pale brownish. Abdomen brownish cinereous. Legs dark brownish, with whitish tarsal and tibial annulations. Type S (26636); ~ (26622) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft. and above, III.-IV. 1894. Three specimens. The variation is probably individual rather than sexual. 126. (23) Neelysia nemoricola, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 21). Antennae cinereous, faintly annulate with white. Palpi whitish, the median joint shaded nearly to the apex externally. Head and Thorax white; tegulae rust-brown; S with expansible lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Forewings rust-brown, a broad creamwhite dorsal streak, from the base to the end of the fold, throws up two slight oblique excrescences at its upper edge, one before and one beyond the middle, but these are not clearly defined; a small dark spot at the end of the cell is half encircled by a narrow line of white; a few whitish scales appear in the base of the terminal cilia which are brown at the apex, at the tornus yellowish grey. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings shiling pale grey; cilia yellowish grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs whitish ochreous, with broad pale fuscous tarsal bands. Type ~ (26369); $ (26368) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: forest above Pelekunu, 21. IX. 1893. Two specimens. This would be difficult to separate from some varieties of argyres/tkiella were it not for the smooth palpi which readily distinguish it. It approaches closely to nzzngorella, but the dorsal streak reaches to the base, and the unevenness on its upper edge is much less marked, while the spot at the end of the cell is certainly less conspicuous and the cilia are decidedly more inclined to yellowish grey in both wings, giving a brighter and paler appearance to the hindwings than can be found in the Maui species. 127. (24) Neelysia a;oyresthiella, sp. nov. (Pl. XVII. fig. 22). Antennae fawn-brown, annulate with creamy white. Palpi cream-white, the median joint externally brown nearly to its apex, which is somewhat expanded by hair-scales. Head and Thorax cream-white, tegulae brown; S with expansible lateral hair-pencil. Forewings cream-white, strongly smeared with fawn-brown and sprinkled with fuscous scales, except on the dorsal space below the fold; on the middle of the wing is an oblique elongate darkish brown patch, extending a little across the fold, a blackish ocellate spot at the end of the cell, a few brownish and fuscous ill-defined spots lie on the costa and termen and at the apex at the base of the pale brownish ochreous cilia. MICROLEPID OP TERA 545 Exp. al. 10-13 mm. Hindwings pale shining grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen pale brownish grey. Legs creamy whitish, broadly banded with brownish fuscous. Type g (25675); $ (25815) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (2) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (4) vi. I 894.-OAHU: near head of Kawailoa Gulch, (i) iv. 1893; Waianae Mts., aboult 2000 ft., (2) IV. 1893. —HAWAII: Kona, 2000 ft., (i) VI. 1892, 5000 ft., (i) 30. VI. 1892, 4000 ft., (2) 13-17. VIII. 1892, 3000 ft., (2) IX. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (i) 5. II1I. 1892; Kaawaloa (Kona), above 2000ft., (I) IX. 1892; Olaa, (i) ix. I896; Hilo, 2000 ft., (I) xrI. 1895. Nineteen specimens. 128. (25) Neelysia mactella, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 23). Antennae pale ochreous. Palpi whitish, median joint shaded with fuscous externally nearly to its apex, which is widened with projecting scales. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous; tegulae shining, brownish ochreous; S with expansible lateral thoracic hairpencil. Forewings shining, brownish ochreous, more or less sprinkled with blackish, and sometimes with a few white scales tending to run in lines; an elongate fuscous spot in the middle of the fold is sometimes dilated obliquely upward; cilia at the apex and termen shining brownish ochreous, on the dorsum pale yellowish grey. Exp. al. I I-12 mm. Hindwings shining, very pale grey; cilia pale yellowish grey. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, with fuscous shade-bands. Type $ (27156); $ (26784) Kazuai, Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (i) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (7) v. —Vr. 1894.-OAHU: Waianae Mts., above 2000 ft., (I) iv. I892.-MOLOKOAI: about 4000 ft., (2) 22. V. I893. Eleven specimens. Perhaps allied topoeciloceras, but smaller and more slender with distinctly ochreous colouring. Two specimens from Molokai (26233-4) would only be separable from this series through their slightly larger size, one of them having also slightly darker hindwings, but in the absence of better evidence to the contrary I can only regard them as varieties. 129. (26) Neelysia tzsczheriella, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 24). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, shaded with fuscous externally on the median joint. Head and Thorax bright orange-ochreous; g with expansible lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Forewings bright orange-ochreous, shaded with brownish fuscous along the costal half of the wing, but not below the fold; this costal shading is somewhat condensed at the base, but diluted and diffused to the apex; there is no indication of discal spots; cilia orange-ochreous at the apex, shading to pale grey on 546 FA UN A HAWA IIENSIS the dorsum. Exp. al. Io mm. Hindwings and cilia shining, pale grey. Abdomen greyish. Legs pale greyish, with brownish fuscous tarsal bands. Type S (27901); V (27902) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAIJAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. I895. Five specimens. 130. (27) Neelysia complanella, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 25). Antennae brownish ochreous, with very faint pale annulations. Palpi, Head, Thorax, and Forewings unicolorous brownish ochreous; cilia greyish ochreous on the dorsum. Exp. al. o1 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia very pale brownish ochreous. Abdomen pale brownish ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous. Type S (26129) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 13. VI. I893; about 4000 ft., VI. 893. Two specimens. 131. (28) Neelysia sciurella, sp. nov. (PI. XVII. fig. 26). Antennae brown. Palpi ferruginous, paler on the inner sides. Head and Thorax brownish ferruginous. Forewings shining, brownish ferruginous, cilia shading to dark grey; a small plical spot is noticeable, but no other markings are to be found on the wing-surface. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings and cilia dark grey. Abdomen dark grey. Legs dark grey, with faintly paler tarsal spots. Type g (26684) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., Iv. 1894. Unique. 132. (29) Neelysia incongrua, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 27). Antennae fuscous. Palpi smooth, the terminal joint not longer than the median; pale ochreous. Head pale ochreous. Thorax, Forewings, and cilia unicolorous fawnbrown, without trace of any markings; underside greyish fuscous, the cilia showing a paler brown tint. Exp. al. II-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark greyish brown; underside as in the forewings. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs greyish fuscous, with faint pale tarsal spots. Type o (26613);? (26572) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 to about 6000 ft., III.-IV. 1894, v. 1896. Three specimens. An inconspicuous species differing from all others in tone of colour combined with absence of markings; it should be easily recognised. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 547 133. (30) Neelysia semifusa, sp. nov. (P1. XVII. fig. 28). Antennae blackish. Palpi pale ochreous, the terminal joint blackish beneath and at the apex. Head pale ochreous. Thorax dull ochreous. Forewings dull ochreous, with a suffused dark fuscous shade along the costa, becoming less conspicuous outward, but continued to the apex and faintly traceable around the termen to the tornus, where there is a small dark fuscous spot; cilia dull ochreous, shading to fuscous on the dorsum. Exp. al. Io mm. Hindwings dark leaden grey; cilia tawny grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs greyish fuscous, with paler tarsal spots. Type ~ (26096) Mus. Wlsm. HAe. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., VI. 1893. Two specimens. 134. (31) Neelysia terminella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 1). Antennae dark umber-brown. Palpi umber-brown, whitish on their inner sides and externally at the apex of the median joint, which is widened by expanding scales. Head and Thorax umber-brown; $ with expansible lateral thoracic hair-pencil. Forewings umber-brown with a faint tawny suffusion and minute pale sprinkling; in the fold beyond its middle are two minute whitish dots, the space between them being a little darker than the ground-colour; a few whitish ochreous scales along the termen and at the apex in the base of the tawny brownish cilia are accompanied by one or two minute whitish scale-dots a little below the apex. Exp. al. I2 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark tawny grey. Abdomen dark tawny fuscous, anal segments whitish ochreous. Legs umber-brown, with pale spurs and tarsal annulations. Type $ (26593) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., inT. 1894. Unique. At first sight this might be regarded as a somewhat faded specimen of Hyposmocoma fuscopurpurea. 23. DYSPHORIA, gen. nov. (Svariopta = indignation.) Type $ Dysphoria semicolon Wlsm. Antennae shorter than the forewings; slightly serrate, uniciliate (5); basal joint somewhat flattened, without pecten. Maxillary Palpi short, dependent. Labial Palpi recurved, slightly more slender in the P than in the; median joint with appressed scales; terminal joint scarcely as long as the median. HFaustellum moderate, scaled. Head and Thorax with appressed scales; face smooth. Forewings elongate, apex obtusely pointed, termen obliquely rounded; without tufts of raised scales: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; 6 approximated to 7, remote from 5; 4 and 5 connate or short-stalked; 3 approximate to 4; media weak, from between 6 and 7 to 548 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS beyond I I. Hindwings not broader than the forewings, obtusely lanceolate; cilia I; $ with strong subcostal hair-pencil above: neuration 8 veins; 6 and 7 separate, approximating towards base; 5 remote from 6, connate or stalked with 4, or sometimes 4 and 5 closely approximated; 3 equidistant between 4 and 2; 8 free. Abdomen somewhat depressed; $ with genital segments recurved, strongly developed; V with ovipositor extruded. Legs, hind tibiae with long dense hairs above. 135. (i) Dysphzoria semicolon, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 2). Antennae ochreous, faintly spotted above with brownish fuscous, the basal joint brownish fuscous above nearly to its apex. Palpi pale ochreous, the median joint with a broad brownish fuscous streak extending beyond its middle on the outer side, followed by a spot of the same colour near the apex which partly extends around the inner side, a brownish fuscous ring around the base of the terminal joint. Head tawny, face shining greyish. Thorax dark tawny. Forewings dark tawny, with a bronzy gloss; a plical spot at one-third from the end of the fold, followed by a discal spot above it, and another at the end of the cell, are but faintly indicated in a darker shade by a few cinereous scales, sometimes noticeable at their outer edges; cilia tawny, with a slight ochreous tinge on their outer half. Exp. al. I8-20 mm. Hindwings pale, shining, tawny grey, becoming lighter towards the base; cilia tawny brownish grey; g with a pale ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs pale brownish grey, tarsi shaded above between the joints. Type S (27923); i (26905) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (22) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (7) v. IS94, (I2) vi. I894. Forty-one specimens. Apart from structural characters the colouring of the palpi at once distinguishes this species from those which resemble it in appearance. 24. BUBALOCERAS, gen. nov. (fOVf3aXog = buffalo; Kepas = horn.) Type Bubaloceras subeburneum Wlsm. Antennae A, biserrate, the basal joint strongly curved, flattened and dilated, with well-developed pecten. Maxillary Palpi short, inverted. Labil al Papi very long, strongly recurved, terminal joint longer than median, the latter slightly clothed beneath. Haustellum well-developed, scaled. Head and Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate, acutely lanceolate: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa. Hindwings narrower than the forewings, acutely lanceolate; S without subcostal hair-pencil: neuration 8 veins; all separate. Abdomen moderate. Legs with hairy hind tibiae. Allied to Hyposmocoma Btl., but at once separated by the peculiar form of the basal joint of the antennae. MICR OL EPIDOP TERA 549 136. (I) Bubaloceras subeburneum, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 3). Antennae bone-whitish. Palpi bone-white, a reduplicated brownish line along the terminal joint beneath. Head and Thorax bone-whitish. Forewings bone-whitish, a small blackish spot at the base of the costa and four very faintly indicated brownish ochreous dots, two on the fold, two on the cell, the first plical anterior to the first discal; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Exp. al. 18 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey. Legs, hind tibiae pale brownish ochreous, tarsi bone-whitish, shaded with dark grey above. Type g (26107) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., 9. VI. 1893. Unique. 25. HYPOSMOCOMA Btl. (i7rroc/ao; = subject to the smell; Kofp.L = hair.) Type j Hyposmochoma blackburnii, Btl. (Btl., I88 ). t HYPOSMOCHOMA Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.), vIi. 399-400 (i88i). tHYPOSMOCOMA Btl., (emend. Wlsm.) Antennae shorter than the forewings, slightly serrate towards the apex, basal joint somewhat enlarged outwardly, with a fugitive pecten. Maxillary Palpi short, dependent. Labial Palpi recurved, smooth, terminal joint slightly shorter, as long, or longer than the median joint; the latter sometimes with a few hair-scales towards its tip. Ocelli absent. Haustellum well-developed, scaled. Head and Thorax with appressed scales, the latter sometimes with lateral expansible hair-pencil. Forewings elongate, apex obtusely pointed, termen obliquely rounded; surface with or without tufts of raised scales; $ usually with a fringe of hair-scales along vein t2 on the underside, this fringe is sometimes rather strongly developed (e.g. marginenzotata): neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to slightly above apex (in exceptional specimens of conmmusclla, 7 and 8 are closely approximate, almost connate; or stalked in one wing and separated by a slight space in the other wing); remaining veins separate, 3 and 5 both approximated to 4. Hindwings not broader than the forewings, obtusely lanceolate; S with or without expansible subcostal hair-pencil, sometimes strongly developed; cilia (i): neuration 8 veins, all separate; 6 and 7 approximating towards origin; 3 and 5 both approximated to 4; 8 free. Abdomen somewhat depressed; anal appendages well developed. Legs, hind tibiae hairy, the hairs often fugitive. A variable genus containing many species in a plastic state of development. Distinctions founded on the relative lengths of the joints of the palpi, the comparative breadth of the wings, the presence or absence of raised scales, and the possession or lack of secondary sexual characters, which at first seemed of morphic value, and to indicate the possibility of subdividing the long series of species included in this genus, had to be abandoned for intermediate forms rendered it impossible to maintain any F. H. I. 7I 550 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS subdivision however distinct the subdivision appeared to be when founded on a single species. The genus Hyposmocomna is allied to Momnpha Hb., Walshiza Clms., and Limnaecia Stn., but the hindwings are broader. Some species (e.g. radiatella) are very close to Limnaecia, which they much resemble, but the antennae are not ciliate and the head is rougher. The union of Stagzmatophora HS., (=Pyroderces HS., Meyr.) and Limnaecia Stn., Meyr., would justify the inclusion of Hyposmocoma in such an extended genus, but as at present constituted Hyposmocoma differs from each of these genera as they differ from each other. Without seeing the S of Atremaea lonchoptera, Stgr., I should not be prepared to sink Hyposmocoma as a synonym of Atremaea, Stgr., but I am at least extremely suspicious that these genera will be proved to be identical. The? of A4tremaea is practically indistinguishable generically from the broaderwinged forms which are here included in Hyposmocoma, the palpi resembling those of certain species in which they are less slender and in which the median and terminal joints are of equal length (e.g. epicharis, Wlsm.). The generic name was obviously given in reference to the subcostal hair-pencil, "presumably a scent-fan" (Btl. I.c.). Hyposmochoma (Xoua = a heap) would be neuter, and it seems advisable to make the slight correction to Ilyposmocoma (K6/o = hair), feminine, which was doubtless intended. 137. (I) Hyposmocoma exornata, sp. nov. 137a. (l) exornala, sp. nov. +exornata, var. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. 4). Antennae blackish. Palpi, median joint black, tipped with white, a narrow white line along the under side; terminal joint shorter than the median, white, with a broad black band around its middle. Head whitish primrose. Thorax black, the tegulae tipped with primrose. Forewings black, with an elaborate primrose-yellow pattern along the dorsal half from base to apex; this consists of a line commencing on the fold at the base, dilated downwards along the base of the dorsum and enclosing an inverted black dorsal triangle below the fold, above the outer end of which the primrose plical line throws a projection, upwards and outwards across the cell, before descending to the dorsum, along which it is continued to the apex; opposite to the middle of the dorsum this primrose line forms an angular projection, of which the apex is abruptly terminated at the upper edge of the cell, its centre consisting of an equilateral triangular black patch, a little beyond which, opposite to the tornus, a slender curved projection again emerges from the primrose dorsal streak forming, with the outer and projecting parts of the preceding pattern, a sickle-shaped figure-these patterns are connected throughout and clearly defined; a series of four primrose costal spots occurs in the cilia before the MICROLEPIDOP TERA 55I apex, with three or four smaller primrose spots in the base of the terminal cilia, with these exceptions the cilia are blackish, becoming brownish fuscous towards the tornus; under side blackish, with some whitish spots on the costal cilia and around the termen, where they tend to form a terminal line. Exp. al. I8 —2I mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia the same, with a paler line along their base; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs blackish, with whitish tarsal spots; posterior legs whitish, with brownish grey hairs above, tarsi with blackish spots. Type S (25554); ~ (27409) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft., () 25. VI. 892, 4000 ft., () VII., (I) 10. VIII., (I) 9. Ix. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (I) 5. viii. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (I) vIT. 1895. Six specimens. I37b. (1b) exorala, Wlsm. jflavicosfa var. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 5). Forewings with the costa from near the base to two-thirds primrose-yellow, connected with the plical line by its first upward projection, and thus cutting off a basal triangle of the black ground-colour. Type S (28742) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, VIII. I896. Unique. 138. (2) Hyposmoconza oculzfera, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 6). Antennae brownish fuscous, with faintly indicated paler bands on the outer half. Palpi, median joint brownish fuscous, white towards its apex; terminal joint nearly as long as the median, white, with a brownish fuscous spot on the outer side before the apex. Head and Thorax white. Forewings with the costal portion brownish fuscous, forming two triangular patches connected by a narrow band on the costa before the middle; the basal, crossing the fold but not reaching the dorsum, is smaller than the outer which extends along the termen to the apex and contains some small reduplicated white costal spots before the apex and a small white patch at the end of the cell; the dorsal portion of the wing is shining white from base to tornus, the large triangular central space between the two connected costal patches contains in its middle a conspicuous brownish fuscous patch, resting on but scarcely crossing the fold; cilia white. Exp. al. I8-I9 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale brownish; T without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey; anal tuft cinereous. Legs pale cinereous. Type S (26982) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000 —4000 ft., v. 1894. Two specimens. 139. (3) Hyposmoconma nigralbida, sp. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. 7). Antennae black, a few white scales at the apex of the basal joint. Palpi black, a white ring around the ends of the median and terminal joints, the latter also dusted 71-2 552 EFA UNA HA WA IIENSIS with white scales. Head and Thorax white in the middle, black at the sides, the latter with some raised brownish scales posteriorly. Forewings with a black basal patch, scarcely wider on the dorsum than on the costa, slightly indented on the fold; this is followed by a white band, dilated downward from the costa to above the middle of the dorsum, thence extended to the tornus along the dorsum whence it throws up an obtusely angled projection into the black space above it and a second narrow tooth-like projection towards the termen; above this is a white costal spot, a second white spot lying about the middle of the costa (these vary in size); raised tufts of white, or white and ochreous scales occur below the fold; the remainder of the wing, including the cilia, is deep black like the basal patch; tornal cilia tending to brownish grey; under side brownish grey, with a white costal spot before the apex. Exp. al. I6-I8 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; subcostal hair-pencil in the S black. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs black, with white tibial and tarsal annulations; hind tibiae with white spurs and clothed with long greyish hairs above. Type V (26792); S (26760) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (4) v. 1894, (14) VI. 1894. Eighteen specimens. 140. (4) Ilyposmocoma nividorsella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 8). Antennae blackish above, faintly banded with brownish cinereous beneath. Palpi black, the apex of the median joint white; terminal joint nearly as long as the median, strongly sprinkled with white, especially about the base and apex. Head white above, narrowly black at the sides; face black. Thorax white, black at the sides; tegulae black. Forewings blue-black, a broad snow-white streak along the dorsum from near the base to the middle of the termen; without tufts of raised scales; from this white dorsal space, towards the base, a narrow white band extends obliquely nearly to the costa, thus forming a black basal patch; beyond the middle are two dentate projections from the white space encroaching upon the black ground-colour above it; a short white streak lies on the middle of the costa, and a triangular white costal spot before the apex is opposite to the outer extremity of the white dorsal band; cilia blackish towards the apex, brownish grey mixed with white about the tornus; underside brownish cinereous, with a white costal streak before the apex. Exp. al. i6 — 8 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia very pale brownish; $ with a long blue-black subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish fuscous, with whitish tarsal and tibial annulations; spurs white, with dark lines beneath them; hind tibiae clothed with long greyish hairs 4 above. Type S (26731);? (26761) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) v. I894, (6) VI. 1894. Nine specimens. MICROL EPID OP TERA 553 141. (5) Hyposmocoma corzina, Btl. (PI. XVIII. fig. 9). Laverna corvina Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.), vII. 405, No. 47 (r88i)'. Antennae blackish, basal joint edged with whitish at its extremity. Palpi black, sprinkled with whitish scales, the tips of the median and terminal joints whitish ochreous. Head brownish ochreous, shaded on the front and sides with purplish fuscous (sometimes entirely suffusing the head). Thorax purplish fuscous, sometimes mixed with brownish ochreous. Forewings sooty-black, with whitish or pale ochreous markings; without raised scales; a pale ochreous costal streak near the base communicates with a pale dorsal patch of the same colour, sometimes extending from near the base to two-thirds, its upper edge indented on the middle by a convex extension of the dark groundcolour, with a small triangular ochreous tornal spot; in some varieties the white dorsal patch extends to the tornal spot, but they are usually separated by the dark groundcolour; in other varieties the dark ground-colour encroaches on the pale dorsal patch, limiting it to a cuneate patch below the fold, and thus forming with the costal streak an ochreous — shaped marking; opposite to the tornal spot is a small triangular pale brownish ochreous (or whitish) costal spot before the apex; cilia blackish, mixed with brownish or ochreous at the tornus; underside brownish fuscous, with a pale ochreous costal spot before the apex. Exp. al. I6-i8 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; S with a dark purplish black subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brownish grey, shining ochreous beneath; anal tuft paler. Legs blackish, with pale ochreous tibial and tarsal annulations; hind tibiae with long pale ochreous hairs above. Type $ (122: 81. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotypes $ (28375, 26190, 26673) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (2) 22. V. 1893, (2) VI. 1893 (Perkins). —MAuI: Haleakala (Blackburn)'; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (2) IV. S894, (3) V. 1896; Haleakala, 5000 ft., (7) v. I896 (Perkins). Sixteen specimens. 142. (6) Hyposmocoma discella, sp. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. io). Antennae fuscous above, barred with white beneath. Palpi blackish, with a white ring at the end of the median joint; terminal joint tipped with white. Head white, the space around the eyes blackish; face greyish fuscous. Thorax dark tawny fuscous, with a large white patch posteriorly (the white portions of the head and thorax are sometimes undivided). Forewings dark tawny fuscous, with a few white scales at the commencement of the costal cilia and a white dorsal streak from near the base to a little beyond the tornus; this streak is irregularly dentate along its upper edge, throwing four projections upward, the first wider than the others; without raised scales; cilia brownish grey, ochreous at the tornus. Exp. al. I6-20 mm. Hindwings pale, shining, steel-grey; cilia brownish grey, inclining to ochreous; C with a leaden grey 554 FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey. Legs pale tawny fuscous, with white tarsal annulations. Type i (27907); S (27908) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (3) IV. I895. Larva iv. (I) excl. ee v. 1895. Four specimens. Larva in an irregular case of silk and frass encrusted with miscellaneous fragments (some of them apparently insect remains). "Bred from 'Olapa' (Cheirodendron), 'Lehua' (Metlrosideros), &c., probably lichenivorous " (Perkins). 143. (7) Hyposmocoma dzivsa, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. I). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi brownish fuscous, the median joint with a creamy white ring at its apex, terminal joint shaded with whitish scales. Head creamy white, the face and around the eyes dark brownish fuscous. Thorax creamy white; tegulae dark brownish fuscous. Forewings along the costal two-thirds of their width dark brownish fuscous, extending through the apical cilia; along the dorsal third and extending through the terminal cilia creamy white, sparsely bestrewed before the middle with brownish fuscous scales; tornal cilia greyish. Exp. al. 14-18 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia with a brownish tinge; $ with a dark grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish cinereous, the tarsi with darker transverse shading. Type S (27015); V (27233) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. I894. Ten specimens. 144. (8) Hyposmocoma partita, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 12). Antennae fuscous. Palpi fuscous, sprinkled externally and almost suffused on the inner side with pale ochreous. Head pale ochreous, face grey. Thorax pale ochreous. Forewings with the costal half dark fuscous, sprinkled with pale ochreous scales, and a pale ochreous costal spot before the apex; dorsal half pale ochreous, sprinkled with fuscous scales, the pale colour not extending above the middle of the termen; cilia very pale ochreous, smeared with fuscous about the apex and on the upper half of the termen. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings shining, pale brownish grey, cilia brownish grey; S with a dark leaden grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous above, whitish ochreous beneath. Legs greyish, scarcely pale-spotted at the tarsal joints. Type S (28615) Mus. WIsm. HAB. HAWAII: Hilo, 2000 ft., I. 1896. Unique. 145. (9) Hyposmocoma trossulella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 13). Antennae greyish fuscous, the basal joint darker than the stem. Palpi greyish fuscous, the upper extremity of the median joint whitish ochreous, the terminal joint MICR OLEPIDOP TERAL4 555 sprinkled with whitish ochreous. Head greyish fuscous, with some whitish ochreous lateral scales above the eyes. Thorax greyish fuscous, with a whitish ochreous spot posteriorly. Forewings greyish fuscous; a broad whitish ochreous streak, commencing narrowly near the base of the costa, is dilated downward and outward to the dorsum which it follows to the termen; a triangular spot of the same colour, lying on the costa above its outer extremity, is preceded by a smaller spot a little beyond the middle of the costa which is very narrowly whitish ochreous between them; a plical spot lies at the upper edge of the pale dorsal streak, but is scarcely distinguishable from the dark ground-colour; cilia greyish fuscous at the apex, partaking of pale ochreous where that colour touches the margins. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; g with a dark fuscous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen whitish ochreous, banded across the middle and on the claspers with greyish fuscous. Legs whitish ochreous, with faint tarsal spots. Type $ (26016) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., about 2000 ft., IV. I892. A single specimen taken on tree-trunks. 146. (lo) Hyposmocoma atrovit'ella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. I4). Antennae brown. Palpi white, with three brownish fuscous spots, one at the base and one near the apex of the median joint, the third before the end of the terminal joint. Head and face white, with a greyish median cloud. Thorax brownish fuscous; tegulae white. Forewings white, with a short brownish fuscous basal patch and a broad brownish fuscous shade commencing on the costa at one-fourth from the base, its inner margin descending obliquely outward to the middle of the fold, thence overshadowing the remainder of the wing to the apex, with the exception of the dorsum below the fold and the white terminal cilia. Exp. al. i2 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; $ with a blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish, anal tuft whitish ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous. Type S (28054) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Olaa, ix. 1896. Unique. 147. (ii) Hyposmocoma nebulifera, sp. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. 15). Antennae annulate with black and pale sandy ochraceous; the basal joint black, with an ochreous spot at its apex beneath. Palpi black, sprinkled with ochreous, the end of the median joint and the base and apex of the terminal joint pale ochreous. Head and Thorax pale sandy ochraceous, the latter with a black spot on the posterior margin, and the tegulae touched with black at each extremity. Forewings pale sandy ochraceous, with two short black patches at the base, one along the costa, the other extending a little further along the dorsum; at about one-fourth from the base a large FAA /AHA IWAIIENSIS blackish cloud-patch, commencing on the costa, extends obliquely outward and crossing the fold, but not reaching the dorsum, obscures the whole remaining surface of the wing with the exception of the dorsum and a small pale ochreous costal spot before the apex; its lower edge is somewhat undulating and contrasts strongly with the pale sandy ochraceous margin and cilia beneath and beyond it. Exp. al. II mm. Hindwings brownish grey, the cilia slightly paler; g with a dark greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey above; the under side and anal tuft pale ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, with fuscous patches on the outer sides of the tibiae, and on the upper sides of the tarsi. Type g (2586 ) Mus. WIsm. HAB. OAHU: Mts., near Honolulu, 2000 ft., x. 1892. Unique. 148. (12) Hy/posmocoma torquata, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 16). Antennae dark tawny fuscous above, whitish ochreous beneath, with some bright ochreous scales at the end of the basal joint. Palpi whitish ochreous, shaded externally with tawny grey along the middle of both joints; the terminal joint shorter than the median. Head dark tawny fuscous, with a narrow bright ochreous collar-ring behind. Thorax dark tawny fuscous. Forewings dark tawny fuscous, with a large whitish ochreous dorsal patch at the base, nearly reaching the costa beyond its base; a triangular whitish ochreous dorsal spot at the tornus, its apex pointing outward in the direction of a smaller costal spot of the same colour a little beyond it; cilia dark tawny fuscous, with one or two whitish scales at their base. Exp. al. 10-I2 mm. Hindwings coppery brown; cilia tawny; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish. Legs brownish, with whitish ochreous spurs and tarsal spots. Type S (27185) Mus. Wlsm. HAlB. KAUAI: MtS., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vi. 1894. Two specimens. 149. ( 3) Hyposmocomna notabiis, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. I7). Antennae pale ochreous, distinctly barred above with dark brown; basal joint dark brown. Palpi long, slender, recurved, median and terminal joints of equal length; pale ochreous, the terminal joint smeared with dark brown above near the apex. Head brownish ochreous, face pale ochreous. Thorax dark brown. Forewings with a dark brown basal patch, narrow on the costa, dilated obliquely outwards to the dorsum; this is separated from a large quadrangular dark brown costal patch by a broad whitish ochreous oblique band which becomes brownish ochreous along the dorsum and whitish ochreous again about the tornus, where it is scarcely separated from a whitish ochreous inverted ante-apical patch by a brown shade extending to the apex and through the apical cilia; a diffused brownish ochreous spot on the costa at about the middle of the quadrangular costal patch is absent in some specimens; cilia pale brownish ochreous, MICROLEPIDOPTERA 557 bestrewed with dark brown scales. Exp. al. V 17; S 21 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; $ with a short greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark greyish brown above, ochreous beneath. Legs dark brownish, spurs and tarsal joints whitish ochreous; hind tibiae with long brownish hairs. Type S (26065);? (26195) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3ooo-above 4000 ft., 3I. v.-vI. 1893. Two specimens. 150. (14) HI3yposmocoma lebelella, sp. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. 18). Antennae dark umber-brown. Palpi slender, recurved, median joint whitish ochreous; terminal joint as long as the median, dark brown, sparsely sprinkled with whitish ochreous. Head pale ochreous. Thorax dark umber-brown, tegulae tipped with white. Forewings dark umber-brown, with a broad white subterminal fascia connected with a narrow white dorsal band coming from the base; along the edge of the dark brown colour are a few rich brownish ochreous scales, as also on the costa at the upper extremity of the subterminal fascia; a short outwardly oblique costal streak, at one-fifth from the base, is white, with some ochreous scales, but does not reach the dorsal band, there are also a few ochreous scales about the middle of the costa; cilia rich brownish ochreous, sparsely sprinkled with brown, at the extreme apex dark brown. Exp. al. I8-2 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, hind tibiae broadly banded with dark brown, the joints whitish ochreous. Type S (26651);? (28520) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (I) IV. 1894, (3) v. 1896; Haleakala, 4000-5000 ft., (6) v. I896. Ten specimens. 151. (15) Hyposmocoma lenuzpalpis, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 19). Antennae brown. Palpi brown, the median joint sprinkled and tipped with pale ochreous; terminal joint as long as the median, slender, sparsely sprinkled and tipped with pale ochreous. Head pale ochreous. Thorax dark umber-brown, tegulae tipped with pale ochreous. Forewings dark umber-brown, with a pale ochreous dorsal band, mixed with some white scales, this band is narrow, but sends up two short angular projections into the brown ground-colour; from the first of these a narrow whitish ochreous band slopes obliquely backward to the costa at one-fifth from the base, while from the outer extremity of the dorsal band an oblique fascia crosses outward to the costa and is much diffused on its outer side with white scales reaching nearly to the termen; on the middle of the costa is a small brownish ill-defined patch; cilia brownish ochreous, somewhat shaded with umber-brown, a few small pale ochreous costal and terminal spots around their base. Exp. al. 14-15 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia F. H. I. 72 558 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS brownish; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brown. Legs brownish ochreous, tibiae shaded with brownish fuscous. Type g (26373); i (26367) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4500 ft., (I) VI. 1893; above 4500-5000 ft., (5) 7.-23. IX. 1893; forest above Pelekunu, (2) 21. IX. 1893. Eight specimens. 152. ( 6) Hyposmocoma commensella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 20). Antennae ochreous, the basal joint brownish fuscous. Palpi brownish fuscous, dusted with pale ochreous, especially on the inner side and around the apex of the median joint. Head brownish ochreous, smeared with bronzy brown above. Thorax dark bronzy brown, touched with ochreous posteriorly and on the ends of the tegulae. Forewings dark bronzy brown, the dorsum and terminal cilia shining ochreous; the upper edge of the pale dorsal streak sends three dentate projections obliquely outward, and above the last, which is produced beyond the tornus, is a pale ochreous costal spot, the greyish fuscous costal cilia beyond it being streaked with ochreous. Exp. al. 18-20 mm. Hindwings shining, pale yellowish grey; cilia ochreous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs pale ochreous, the tarsi shaded, except at the joints, with brownish grey. Type $ (28101);? (28099) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, VIII. I896. Eight specimens. This species is the most generalised of the group, veins 7 and 8 of the forewings, which are normally stalked, being in two specimens (28102-3) separated by a small space (almost connate), while in one specimen (28104) these veins are stalked in one wing and closely approximated in the other. The only $ met with has these veins stalked. 153. (I7) Hyposmocoma leporella, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 2 ). Antennae ochreous, the basal joint brownish fuscous. Palpi, terminal joint as long as median; ochreous, median joint shaded externally with brownish fuscous. Head brownish fuscous; face shining cinereous. Thorax brownish fuscous; tegulae ochreous except at their base. Forewings ochreous, blotched, mottled and bestrewed with shades of umber-brown and brownish fuscous, of which the most noticeable are a short basal patch, of mixed brownish fuscous and umber-brown, which sends out an acutely projecting angle along the fold to one-fifth from the base; a broad, median, dark umberbrown patch, or band, occupying the middle third of the costa, extends nearly to the dorsum, throwing out an acute angular projection from the end of the cell, and includes in its area two somewhat darker discal patches and one plical patch, followed by a streak along the fold; the outer edge of this patch ascends obliquely outward from MICROLEPIDOPTERA 559 the dorsum before the tornus, and from a little beyond it the apical and terminal area is thickly bestrewed with dark umber-brown, which at intervals runs through the pale ochreous cilia, as far as their middle along the termen, and to their extremities at and above the apex. Exp. al. 24 mm. Hindwings shining, pale bone-grey; cilia pale ochreous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen cinereous. Legs cinereous, with broad, pale brownish fuscous, tarsal bands. Type $ (26992); S (28035) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. 1894; Lihue, 4000 ft., VII. i896. Two specimens. This species somewhat resembles Diplosara lzgnZivora Btl., from which it can be easily distinguished by the absence of raised scales and the smooth terminal joint of the palpi. 154. (18) Hyposmocoma abjecta, Btl. (Pl. XVIII. fig. 22). Laverna abjec/a Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5.s.) VII. 404-5, No. 46 (i88i)'. Antennae black, minutely annulate with white, a white ring around the apex of the elongate black basal joint. Palpi black, sprinkled with white scales, a white ring around the apex of the median joint; the apex of the terminal joint, which is longer than the median, white. Head hoary brownish. Thorax dark brown, with a few white scales. Forewings dark bronzy brown, with a white spot on the costa at the base, a bluish white transverse band at one-fifth, indented about the middle on its inner edge, diffused and diluted outward along the dorsum nearly to the tornus and emitting at the upper edge of the dorsal extension a short tooth-like excrescence beyond the middle; before the apex is a broad, oblique, transverse blue-white patch, narrowing inward toward the dorsum and followed on the termen by the dark ground-colour; cilia cream-white, shaded with brown along their basal half and faintly also with grey before their tips; under side lustrous, pale brassy brown, with paler cilia on which the shading, as on the upper side, is conspicuous. Exp. al. i6 mm. Hindwings shining, pale yellowish brown; cilia concolorous. Abdomen pale brownish; shining, yellowish white beneath. Legs dark brown, with white annulations on the tarsal joints. Type? (48: 77. 43) Mus. Br. HAB. HAWAIIA'. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., IV. 1892. Three specimens. 155. (19) Hyposmocoma blackburnii Btl. (PI. XVIII. fig. 23). Hyposmoclomn blackburnii Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 400, No. 38 (i88i)'. Antennae greyish fuscous above, speckled with pale cinereous, laterally, along their basal half. Palpi pale cinereous, sprinkled and clouded with fuscous, a ring of the 72-2 560 FA UNHA WA IIENSIS same around the median joint near its apex. Head olivaceous fuscous, sprinkled with pale cinereous. Thorax olivaceous fuscous, tegulae sprinkled with cinereous. Forewings yellowish olivaceous brown, a basal'patch, margined with dark fuscous, angulated on the fold, has some raised fuscous scales near the dorsum; a dark fuscous patch, at a little beyond the middle of the fold, edged outwardly with whitish scales, somewhat raised, is succeeded by a dark fuscous patch at the end of the cell, another lying on the costa before it a little beyond one-third from the base; at a little beyond two-thirds the outer edge of the olivaceous brown ground-colour is slightly indented below the costa, and edged with dark fuscous scaling below the indentation; the space beyond it whitish, with olivaceous brown sprinkling about the tornus and in the region of the apex, this extends also over the costal cilia, the apical and terminal cilia being brownish ochreous, with olivaceous mottlings along their base and a slender shade-line beyond their middle. Exp. al. 12-I9 mm. Hindwings tawny grey; cilia grey, with a brownish ochreous tinge; $ with a pale fawn-ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs greyish cinereous, tarsi broadly banded with greyish fuscous, the joints conspicuously whitish ochreous. Type $ (I23: 8I. 7) Maui, Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (28535); $ (28536) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. 1895; Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1896; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vi. I894 (Perkins).-OAIU: Waianae Mts., 2000-about 3000 ft., iv. 1892: on more or less decayed ' Koa' trunks (= Acacia koa)" (Perkins).MAUI: Haleakala about 4000 ft., various localities-" I think it is connected with dead wood" (Blackburn)'; Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., v. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896 (Perkins). Fifty-seven specimens. The species is extremely variable in colour and markings, the tendency in colour being towards brownish ochreous or fawn-brown; the obliquely placed spots tending to coalescence, the basal patch and the outer edge of the darker colouring tending to be produced outward, frequently forming a streak from the middle of the latter extending to the apex. In the females especially, which are somewhat narrower towards the apex than the males, the lighter brown colouring seems to be more frequently developed, but in a series of fifty specimens showing various intermediate gradations, and varying not inconsiderably in size, I am unable to find any permanent character by which they can be separated into two or more reliable species. It would not be difficult to divide them into two series by measurement, the smaller form at first sight appearing on this account to be distinct, but both series exhibit the same modification of colouring and are identical in structure and it would not be safe to predict that they could be separated even in the larval stages. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 56i Hyposmocoma sp? (? blackburnii Btl.). HAB. MOLOKAI: 4500 ft., VIII. I893. (26402 Mus. Wlsm.) A single specimen in very poor condition indicates that blackburnii, or a very closely allied species, occurs in Molokai. Hyfiosmocoma sp.? (? blackburnii Btl.). HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, VII. I895. (27418 Mus. Wlsm.) A single specimen, inseparable in appearance from blackburnii, differs in having veins 4 and 5 of the hindwings connate in one wing and short-stalked in the other. The specimen is doubtless abnormal, and being unique it might be rash to name it blackburnii, since no similar variation in neuration has been found in the long series from Kauai, Oahu and Maui. 156. (20) Hyposmocoma cupreomaculata, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 24). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous, with dark brown annulations. Palpi pale fawnochreous, much mottled and shaded with dark brown, especially in a ring before the pale apex of the median joint and along the under side of the terminal. Head pale ochreous, mottled with dark brown; face unmottled. Thorax pale fawn-ochreous, speckled with dark brown. Forewings pale fawn-ochreous, speckled with dark brown, with conspicuous dark coppery brown patches; a small spot, at the base of the costa, indicates the upper end of a basal patch dilated outward to the dorsum and clearly defined, at its outer edge, above and below the fold; a second costal patch, a little before the middle of the wing, is followed by another at three-fifths, the latter produced and attenuated downward nearly to the fold, where it precedes a tornal spot of the same colour, tending to be connected with it by scattered scales; a larger, and more conspicuous, outwardly oblique patch arises a little above the dorsum, before the middle, and is clearly defined and dilated to the upper edge of the cell; cilia concolorous, preceded at the apex by a few bright coppery brown scales. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings pale, shining, straw-grey, with a bronzy suffusion on their outer half; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen shining, pale fawn-ochreous. Legs pale fawn-ochreous, tarsi darker shaded, but with pale spots. Type? (26338) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 3000 ft., 6. IX. I893. Unique. 157. (21) Hyposmocoma progressa, sp. nov. (P1. XVIII. fig. 25). Antennae pale ochreous, with black annulations. Palpi whitish ochreous, sprinkled externally with greyish fuscous. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax pale ochreous, shaded and mottled with greyish fuscous. Forewings pale ochreous, profusely sprinkled 562 FA UNA HAI WAIIENSIS and mottled with greyish fuscous; in the distribution of the dark shading a pattern is indicated, rather than expressed, consisting of an ill-defined basal patch bulging outward on the fold and above it, but receding to the margins; an oblique costal streak at onefourth, with a nearly opposite dorsal streak below it; a costal shade a little beyond the middle, with an opposite dorsal shade; a patch or shade beyond the end of the cell, continued to the apex and overflowing the costal cilia, but leaving pale spots along the base of the cilia, these are reduplicated along the termen, to the number of about three in each series, being also traceable on the under side; the costal cilia are preceded by a somewhat distinct pale patch, which is matched on the dorsum opposite (the whole wing has a mottled appearance, and the indication of the markings depends entirely upon the amount of suffusion which may occur in different specimens); apical and dorsal cilia greyish fuscous, terminal cilia pale ochreous. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings and cilia bronzy fuscous. Abdomen dark greyish fuscous. Legs greyish fuscous above, with paler tarsal spots. Type $ (28503) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000 ft., v. i896. Two specimens. Closely allied to blackburnii Btl., (which also occurs in Maui), but exhibiting a very different general design of colouration. 158. (22) Hyposmocoma domicolens, Btl. Laverna domicolens Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vII. 405-6, No. 48 (i88i)'. I58a. (2'2a) domicolens Btl. + domicolens Btl. (P1. XVIII. fig 26). Antennae whitish ochreous, faintly annulate with brown, a large brownish fuscous spot on the basal joint. Palpi whitish ochreous, with a brownish fuscous shade along the basal half of the median joint externally, and a spot of the same colour before its apex; the extreme base of the terminal joint is also narrowly brownish fuscous. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax brownish fuscous, speckled with whitish ochreous; tegulae whitish ochreous, with a brownish fuscous spot at their base. Forewings whitish ochreous, with a dark umber-brown shade from the base extending along the dorsum and on the cell to beyond the middle of the wing, this is somewhat mottled with the pale ground-colour, but assumes a darker shade at the base of the dorsum, where there are a few brownish fuscous scales projecting along the fold, and in a pointed spot at the end of the cell (in some varieties the ground-colour is bone-white, the markings tending to split up into separate spots with a greater or less degree of suffusion on the wingsurface; the suffusion in some specimens being confined to the region above the fold, while in others the costal portion is quite free from it, the shading following the line of the fold and reaching to the apex after angulation downward to the tornus); two narrow elongate costal spots, one at the base, another at one-third, precede a slightly MICROLEPIDOP TERA 563 sinuate transverse band of dark umber-brown at two-thirds the wing-length (this band is often more or less broken on the cell), the same colour appearing again in a series of marginal spots around the apex at the base of the whitish ochreous cilia through which they partly run. Exp. al. 14-18 mm. Hindwings pale grey, with a bronzy brownish tinge around the margins which overflows the brownish ochreous cilia, except at the extreme base, where they are nearly white; S with a whitish ochreous subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen bronzy brownish, varying to lustrous whitish. Legs whitish ochreous, tarsi spotted with fuscous. Type $ (124: 8i. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotypes $ (25483);? (25414); 4 (25585); $ (252i8);? (25411) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000-above 4000 ft., 5. VI.-12. VII. 1893 (Perkins). — LANAI: 2000 ft., I.-II. 1894 (Perkins).-MAUI: Makawao, 2000 ft. (Blackburn)1.HAWAII: Kona, 2000-3000 ft., VI. 1892, 3500 ft., 26.-29. VI. I892, above 4000 ft., VIi. 1892, 17. VIII.-8. IX. I892, 2000-3000 ft., IX. I892; Kaawaloa (Kona), 1500 ft., vi. 1892, above 2000 ft., ix. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, vu.-viii. 1895 (Perkins). Forty-two specimens. I58b. (22b) domicolens Btl.+suffusa, var. nov. (Pl. XVIII. fig. 27). This species is extremely variable and I must include with it yet another series in which the wings are entirely suffused with fawn-grey, the markings being almost, or quite, obliterated. Where these are traceable they agree precisely in position with those of the more typical form but no marginal spots are visible. Type $ (27383);? (27419) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (i) x. 1895.-HAWAII: Kona, about 3000 ft., (2) 29. VI. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (6) vIt. 1895. Nine specimens. 159. (23) Hyposmocoma lupella, sp. nov. I59a. (23a) lupella, sp. nov. + upella, var. nov. (PI. XVIII. fig. 28). Antennae dark brown, annulate with pale ochreous; basal joint whitish ochreous, annulate with brown. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint shaded with brown on its basal half, the terminal joint sprinkled with brown scales. Head whitish ochreous, almost white. Thorax whitish ochreous; patagia and base of tegulac dark brown. Forewings whitish ochreous, with a broad dark brown shade from the base, extending with a sprinkling of the pale ground-colour along the costa to two-thirds, crossing the fold near the base, but not quite reaching the dorsum, and again before the middle almost reaching the dorsum, its outer edge very oblique and somewhat irregular; a narrow reduplicated brown patch before the tornus, extending through the cilia, and above it a small dark brown spot at the end of the cell; the apex of the wing is 564 FA UNA HA WA IENSIS sparsely suffused with brown scales, confluent in small costal spots and in an apical spot extending through the cilia; terminal cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. 13-I7 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia with a brownish tinge; $ with a whitish ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs pale ochreous, with brownish grey tarsal spots. Type $ (27872);? (27641) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (1O) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) V. I894, (7) VI. 1894. Eighteen specimens. I59b. (23b) lupella Wlsm. +suffusella, var. nov. (Pl. XIX. fig. i). Forewings with the whole basal two-thirds suffused with brown, with the exception of a narrow space along the limbus and a more or less distinct whitish costal triangle. Exp. al. 12-16 mm. Palpi tending to be suffused with brown; median joint with a short pale band at its apex. Type g (26202); 2 (26137) Molokazi Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (3) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (2) VI. 1894.-OAHIJ: Waianae Mts., 2000-3000 ft., (3) Iv. I892.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (3) 5. —13. V. 1893.-MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (3) III. 894. Fourteen specimens. I59c. (23C) lupella Wlsm. +candidella, var. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 2). Forewings with the ground-colour clearer white, which colour is usually displayed in a costal patch near the base, but in some few specimens this is almost entirely overspread by the darker shade which also reaches the dorsum as far as the middle, leaving the limbus narrowly white. Exp. al. 12-16 mm. Palpi usually coloured only at the base of the median joint and not beyond the middle. Type $ (25773);? (25385) awaii, Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) VI. I894.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (3) 30. V.-12. VI. I893.-LANAI: 2000 ft., (I) VII. 1894. —MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., (2) V. I896.-HAWAII: Halemanu, 4000 ft., (i) v. 1896; Mt. Kilauea, (2) VI.-VII. I895; Kona, 5000 ft., (I) 30. vi. I892, above 4000- 5000 ft., (4) 4. VII. 1892, 4000 ft., (3) VII. I892, above 4000 ft., (i) VIII. 1892, 4000 ft., (I) 9. IX. I892, (4) IX. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (3) 5. VIII. 1892. Twenty-nine specimens. It is noticeable that the variety lupella, having the white of the outer portion of the wing continued along the dorsum to the base, is confined to Kauai, where it is somewhat exceptional to meet with the varieties having the dark shade reaching to the dorsum. In the variety suffusella the darker colour tends to suffuse the palpi as well as the forewings, while in candidella the white predominates on the palpi and on the wings. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 160. (24) Hyposmocoma mediella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 3). Antennae cream-colour, barred above with dark brown. Palpi slender, evenly recurved; whitish, shaded with fuscous at the base. Head and Thorax whitish. Forewings pale, glossy, cream-ochreous, with a dark bronzy brown spot at the base of the costa, partially connected with a broad median streak of the same colour commencing near the base, dilated outward and diffused obliquely upward toward the costa from a little beyond the middle; beyond the end of the cell are two bronzy brown spots, forming an equilateral triangle with another at the tornus; cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. Ii-I2 mm. Hindwings and cilia greyish brown; g with a greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs whitish ochreous, banded with greyish brown shading. Type? (25067); S (25069) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., Iv. 1892. Six specimens. 161. (25) Hyposmocoma sabulella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 4). Antennae pale sandy ochraceous, barred above with fawn-brown, the basal joint shaded above and beneath with brownish fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, the median joint shaded externally along the basal half and spotted near its outer end with brownish fuscous; the terminal joint with a brownish fuscous ring at the base. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous; tegulae dark fawn-brown. Forewings sandy ochraceous, with a dark fawn-brown shade commencing at the base of the costa, spreading nearly to the dorsum, and extending outward along the fold, but not along the costa, and suffusing the outer half of the cell to its abrupt termination at the discoidal vein where it reaches both margins; cilia pale sandy ochraceous. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings shining, pale yellowish grey; cilia sandy ochraceous; S with ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish. Legs sandy ochraceous. Type? (27566); S (27567) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. I895. Four specimens. 162. (26) Hyposmocoma albifrontella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 5). Antennae pale brownish ochreous, the basal joint blackish. Palpi white, with a black streak at the base and a black spot at the apex of the median joint externally, also a black ring before the apex of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax snow-white. Forewings very pale brownish ochreous, with a dark brown streak from the base extending to two-thirds along the dorsum, covering the subplical space and crossing the fold near its base, but not at its outer extremity, above which is a brown costal spot preceded by a smaller one half-way between it and the base, and a faint indication of brown F. H. I. 73 566 5FA UNA HA WA IIENSIS scale-groups about the end of the cell; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge. Legs whitish cinereous, tarsi broadly banded with dark brown. Type o (26229) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., VI. I893. Unique. 163. (27) Hyposmocoma humerovittella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 6). Antennae pale brownish ochreous, the basal joint fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, with a fuscous patch on the basal half of the median joint externally and a spot near the end of the joint; the terminal joint marked with fuscous at the base and apex. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous, the base of the tegulae fuscous. Forewings whitish ochreous, shaded with fawn-brown along the middle of the dorsum; a broad dark brownish fuscous streak extends from the base along the costa to the middle, and is followed by a small costal spot of the same at two-thirds from the base; opposite to this is a dorsal spot about the tornus, preceded by two smaller ones, one at the outer third of the fold, the other above and beyond it on the disc; a few fuscous marginal scales, at and below the apex, before the base of the whitish ochreous cilia, which are shaded through their middle and at the tornus with fawn-grey. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey above, whitish ochreous at the sides. Legs whitish ochreous, the tarsi broadly banded with brownish grey. Type S (25088) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., IV. I892, "beaten from dead branches." Unique. 164. (28) Hyposmocoma cincta, sp. nov. 164a. (28a) cincta, sp. nov. + cinc/a, var. nov. (PI. XIX. fig. 7). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with umber-brown, basal joint umberbrown above nearly to its apex. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint shaded externally with umber-brown. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous, the base of the tegulae brown. Forewings whitish ochreous, the costa and dorsum suffused throughout with umber-brown which overflows the outer half of the wing; cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings shining, steel-grey; cilia grey. Abdomen dark grey. Legs whitish ochreous, shaded with grey above. Type $ (27555) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895. Unique. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 567 I64b. (28b) cincta Wlsm. + adjacens, var. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 8). A cloudy, more ochreous variety, may possibly prove to be distinct. Exp. al. 14 mm. Type? (27335) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., VI. I894. Unique. 165. (29) Hyposmocoma mediospurcata, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 9). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with dark brown. Palpi whitish ochreous, shaded at the base and near the apex of the median joint, also near the base of the terminal joint with dark brown. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax dark brown, mixed with ochreous, the tegulae ochreous. Forewings whitish ochreous, with a dark brown streak running from the base of the costa along the line of the cell to the apex; two elongate patches of the same colour, one before and one beyond the middle, the latter diffused downward to the central streak; along the dorsum, below the fold, is a sprinkling of dark brown scales ending in a thicker patch at the end of the fold; cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. I3-15 mm. Hindwings rather pale brownish grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous; $ with a whitish ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark greyish; whitish ochreous beneath. Legs whitish ochreous, the tarsi broadly banded with dark brown. Type $ (28108);? (28107) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (I) VII. 1892; 3000 ft., (I) IX. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (3) VII. 1895, (2) viii. 1896; Hilo, 2000 ft., (I) xII. 1895. Eight specimens. 166. (30) Hyposmocoma tripar/tia, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. io). Antennae white, annulate with light brown; basal joint light brown, with a white annulus at the apex. Palpi white, median joint shaded with brown externally, the terminal joint sprinkled with brown and shaded before the apex. Head and Thorax fawn-brown above, with a white streak on either side continued backward along the upper edge of the tegulae; face white. Forewings with the costa and dorsum broadly rich fawn-brown, a white band of the same width along the middle, touching the costa at its extreme base, and separated from the cilia by a slender brown line; the white has a tendency to encroach upon the dorsal band in two inwardly oblique toothlike projections beyond the middle, not clearly defined; cilia white, tinged with brown at and above the apex and at the tornus, terminal cilia with a broken brownish line along their middle. Exp. al. 14-I5 mm. Hindwings and cilia rather shining, grey; $ with pale grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen whitish, tinged with grey at the base above. Legs whitish, tibiae with greyish hairs above, the tarsi ringed with grey shading. 73-2 568 FAUNA HA WAZIENSIS Type X (26090) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: 4000 ft., VI. 1893; 4500 ft., I7. IX. 1893; forest above Pelekunu, 21. ix. 1893. Three specimens. 167. (3I) Hyposmocoma thoracella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. II). Antennae whitish, broadly barred above with brown. Palpi whitish, the median joint smeared and spotted near the apex externally with bronzy brown, the terminal joint with a spot of the same at its base. Head white. Thorax white, margined with bronzy brown at the sides. Forewings bronzy brown, with a broad white streak from the middle of the base to the end of the cell, diffused thence upward to the costa and outward to the apex, where it is sprinkled with bronzy brown; a slight projection from the brown dorsal area encroaches on the white median streak at the commencement of the outer third of the fold; cilia greyish, obscurely streaked with bronzy brown. Exp. al. I3 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; subcostal hair-pencil in the S pale grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs greyish, tarsi faintly annulate. Type S (26459); $ (26457) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft. and above, I.-iI. 1894. Three specimens. This species differs from H. trzipartita in the white head and thorax, and in the darker hue of the brown marginal colouring of the forewings. 168. (32) Hyposmocoma liznata, sp. nov. (PI. XIX. fig. 12). Antennae greyish brown, basal joint white beneath. Palpi white, with a brown streak at the base of the median joint externally. Head and Thorax silvery white, the base of the tegulae bronzy brown. Forewings silvery white, with a broad bronzy brown band along the costa from base to apex and an elongate dorsal patch of the same colour before the tornus; cilia silvery, with a slight golden gloss. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings dark brownish grey; cilia grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs whitish, the hairy hind tibiae grey above, the tarsi shaded with grey externally. Type S (27486) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vII. 1895. Unique. 169. (33) Hyposmocoma sublizmaa, sp. nov. (PI. XIX. fig. I3). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi shining, creamy whitish, terminal joint and outer side of median shaded with fuscous. Head brownish fuscous; face creamy white. Thorax brownish fuscous; tegulae cream-white. Forewings cream-white along the middle, with a broad brownish fuscous costal shade extending from the base to the MICROL EPIDOP TERA 569 apex, this is attenuated at the extreme base of the costa; a corresponding dorsal shade, extending from the base to the tornus, is diluted upward along the termen, thus connected with the costal shade by only a few scattered scales; at the lower edge of the costal shade, a little before the wing-middle, a small darker spot is faintly indicated, and this is followed by a conspicuous blackish spot at the end of the cell, connected at its upper edge with the costal shade; cilia pale brownish fuscous. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings shining, grey; cilia dull brownish grey. Abdomen slaty grey. Legs brownish grey, with pale tarsal spots. Type $ (28366) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896. Unique. 170. (34) Hyposmocoma advena, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 14). Antennae bronzy brown. Palpi pale ochreous, shaded externally with bronzy brown at the extreme base and along the terminal joint. Head pale ochreous, a few bronzy brown scales on the crown. Thorax bronzy brown, tegulae pale ochreous. Forewings bronzy brown, with a broad pale ochreous streak from the base to threefourths, including the fold, except at its outer end, and leaving the dark colour wider on the costal than on the dorsal margin; beyond it a semi-detached pale ochreous streak runs to the termen and includes the terminal cilia; cilia bronzy brownish. Exp. al. I2 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia bronzy brownish. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs brownish fuscous, tarsi spotted with pale ochreous, spurs pale ochreous. Type $ (26091) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 4000 ft., VI. I893. Unique. The broad ochreous streak sufficiently distinguishes this from all other species in the group except subflavidella $. The specimen is unfortunately unique, but the shape of the median streak, its abrupt termination above the tornus without diminution of its width, and the consequently narrower costal area overspread by the dark ground-colour, gives it a very different appearance. One would expect this species to be sexually dimorphic as is the case with subfavidella, and should a series of specimens be obtained from Molokai it will probably exhibit an illustration of close parallelism rather than of special identity. 171. (35) Hyposmocoma subflavidella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. I5). Antennae fuscous. Palpi ochreous, tipped with fuscous and smeared with fuscous externally. Head, g bright yellowish ochreous:? whitish ochreous. Thorax, S bright yellowish ochreous, with a smoky fuscous median patch, the base of the tegulae smoky fuscous:? purplish fuscous, the tegulae tipped with whitish ochreous, but exceptionally these are suffused with the darker colour. Forewings, S pale straw-ochreous, blending 570 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS to bright yellowish ochreous on the terminal area and on the apical and terminal cilia; with a broad smoky fuscous band along the costa from base to apex, fully one-third the wing-width; costal cilia smoky fuscous, mixed with ochreous, tornal cilia fuscous; under side dark fuscous, cilia as above: i purplish fuscous, with a single, rather broad whitish ochreous streak along the fold, abruptly terminated before the tornus; the costa very narrowly tinged with whitish ochreous beyond the basal third; terminal cilia bright ochreous, at the extreme apex and about the tornus tawny grey (in some varieties the pale plical streak is obliterated by a suffusion of the darker colour). Exp. al. II14 mm. Hindwings fuscous; cilia tawny fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous. Legs greyish. Type S (28241); j (26595) Mus. Wlsm. HA-. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (7) III. I894, (2) Iv. 1894, (17) v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (2) IV. I894. Twenty-eight specimens. 172. (36) Hyposmocoma auroargentea, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 16). Antennae whitish, much shaded with mouse-grey above. Palpi whitish, terminal joint mouse-grey. Head silvery whitish. Thorax silvery, with some mouse-grey shading. Forewings shining, silvery white, with a mouse-grey shade from the base below the costa, extending beyond one-third; a narrower mouse-grey shade along the outer half of the cell, ending in a spot at the end of the cell, and a narrow mouse-grey shade along the fold throughout its length; cilia golden yellow, greyish about the tornus; under side dark leaden grey, costal and terminal cilia ochreous, tornal cilia dark grey. Exp. al. 15-I6 mm. Hindwings and cilia leaden grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark leaden grey. Legs greyish cinereous. Type S (28402);? (28318) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, above 5000 ft., IIn. I894; 5000 ft., v. 1896. Four specimens. A variety of Neelysia /ignicolor may easily be confused with this species, but can be at once separated by the absence of a vein in the forewings. 173. (37) Hyposmocoma illuminata, sp. nov. (PI. XIX. fig. I7). Antennae dark umber-brown. Palpi pale yellowish ochreous, with a dark brown streak externally on the basal half of the median joint; terminal joint shaded beneath and tipped with dark brown. Head pale yellow-ochreous. Thorax bright orangeochreous. Forewings, S silvery white, with a narrow, diffused, dark umber-brown streak at the base of the costa, reaching to about one-third along it; this is margined at its lower edge by a dash of bright ochreous. the same colour extending also along the limbus; costal, apical and terminal cilia bright orange-ochreous, tornal cilia brownish MICROLEPIDOPTERA 57I grey; under side dark, shining, fuscous, cilia ochreous, brownish grey at the tornus: V dull ochreous, more or less suffused with brownish scales, especially along the costal portion of the wing; cilia brownish grey, terminal cilia ochreous along their basal half. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings dark tawny grey; cilia dark tawny grey, with a brownish tinge; $ with subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark tawny brown. Legs, S hind tibiae whitish cinereous, with long tawny hairs above; the tarsi faintly shaded with tawny grey: $ smoky brownish fuscous. Type $ (28384); V (28250) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (5) III. I894, (3) IV. 1894, (6) v. 1896. Fourteen specimens. 174. (38) Hyposmocoma auripennis, Btl. (Pl. XIX. fig. i8). Gracilaria aurzipennis Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 404, No. 45 (i88I)1. Antennae, S pale ochreous, faintly banded above with greyish fuscous, the basal joint streaked above and below with the same; $ banded with blackish, more distinctly than in the S. Palpi whitish, with a slight ochreous tinge. Head and Thorax rich yellow-ochreous; the face slightly paler, shining; the bases of the tegulae fuscous. Forewings and cilia rich yellow-ochreous, the colour slightly intensified on the costa towards the apex, on the termen and on the cilia; a small fuscous spot on the costa at the extreme base; under side shining, greyish fuscous, the costa narrowly ochreous, cilia bright ochreous. Exp. al. I3-17 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny grey, costal cilia pale yellowish cinereous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous, anal tuft paler. Legs whitish ochreous, the upper sides of the tibiae greyish. Type g (I21: 8I. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (28270); T (28431) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. MAUI: Haleakala (Blackburn)'; Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896 (Perkins); Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896 (Perkins). Thirteen specimens. 175. (39) Hyposmocoma rhabdophoora, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. I9). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with brownish fuscous, the basal joint fuscous above nearly to its apex. Palpi whitish ochreous, with a broad brownish fuscous streak along the outer side of the median joint, reaching to or beyond its middle, and followed by a patch of the same before its apex; the terminal joint also shaded with fuscous at its base externally. Head and Thorax pale yellow-ochreous; tegulae fuscous at their base. Forewings bright yellowish ochreous, with a strong brownish fuscous streak along the costa from base to two-fifths; cilia yellow-ochreous, tipped with grey about the tornus; under side pale, shining, greyish fuscous, cilia pale ochreous. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings shining, brownish grey; cilia brownish grey, tinged with ochreous 572 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS around the extreme apex; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brownish grey, anal segment ochreous. Legs whitish cinereous. Type? (26328) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4000 ft., 17. IX. I893. Unique. A g in poor condition (26097) taken in the same island at about 4000 ft., VI. 1893, appears to belong to an earlier brood of this species; the antennae are greyish brown, the palpi pale ochreous, scarcely shaded at the base externally. Exp. al. 10 mm. The ornamentation of the palpi, the greater extension of the dark streak on the costa of the forewings, and their paler colouring, with less contrasted cilia and costa on the under side, will at once separate this species from aurizennis, Btl. 176. (40) Hyposmocoma costimaculata, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 20). Antennae pale ochreous, annulate with black. Palpi whitish ochreous. Head very pale ochreous. Thorax yellow-ochreous. Forewings and cilia yellow-ochreous, a short black streak along the base of the costa; small plical and disco-terminal dots are indicated, also a discal, a little beyond the plical, and two costal, one before and one beyond the middle (in some specimens the spots are scarcely distinguishable). Exp. al. Io mm. Hindwings and cilia grey, S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark grey above, whitish beneath. Legs whitish ochreous, tarsi conspicuously annulate with black. Type $ (26207);? (26179) Mus. Wlsm. HA3. MOLOKAI': above 3000 ft., (7) 30. v. 1893, (i) i6. IX. 1893. Eight specimens. The single? varies in having the antennae more distinctly annulate, but the spots on the wings are almost obliterated. 177. (4 ) Hyposmocoma virgata, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 21). Antennae pale ochreous, annulate with dark fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous. Head orange-ochreous, the face paler. Thorax orange-ochreous, with a fuscous median spot, the base of the tegulae fuscous. Forewings bright orange-ochreous, spotted with dark purplish fuscous; an elongate narrow patch at the base of the costa is depressed at its apex, nearly meeting, on the fold, a narrow streak of the same colour arising from the dorsum near the base; this is followed by a narrow costal spot at one-third, another costal spot occurring at two-thirds, being the upper one of a series of three running obliquely backward, the lower one lying on the dorsum scarcely before the middle; the apical and terminal portion of the wing is mottled with purplish fuscous, extending inward in the middle to the end of the cell; cilia dark purplish fuscous at the apex, orange-ochreous below it, and tawny grey towards the tornus. Exp. al. 12-14 mm. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 573 Hindwings dark bronzy grey; cilia tawny grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark tawny grey. Legs, hind tibiae and tarsi banded alternately with pale ochreous and tawny fuscous. Type $ (26094); g (26231) Molokai, Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (5) 22. v. —VI. I896.-MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (12) V. 1896. Seventeen specimens. Somewhat variable in the intensity of the dark markings, the tendency being towards obliteration in the g. 178. (42) Hyposmocoma bilineata, sp. nov. (Pl. XIX. fig. 22). Antennae pale ochreous, distinctly annulate with tawny fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, without markings. Head pale ochreous, face whitish ochreous. Thorax bright ochreous. Forewings bright orange-ochreous, with two distinct tawny fuscous streaks running through them; the first, commencing at the base of the costa, overflowing the costa itself for a short distance, thence slightly attenuated outward to the end of the cell and continued to the apex, but not through the terminal cilia; the second, beginning at the flexus, is continued along the dorsum to the tornus where it affects the colouring of the dorsal cilia; the other cilia are bright ochreous, fading to pale ochreous. Exp. al. I2 mm. Hindwings shining, tawny greyish; cilia dull tawny brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark tawny greyish fuscous; anal tuft, sides and under side shining silvery. Legs silvery whitish, with some greyish tarsal bands and a shade on the hairy upper side of the hind tibiae. Type g (25963); $ (25967) Mus. Wlsm. HA^I. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000-3000 ft., iv. 1892. Ten specimens. 179. (43) Hyposmocoma haleakalae, Btl. (P1. XIX. fig. 23). Chzrysocista(?) haleakalae Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 407, No. 51 (iSSI)1. Antennae greyish fuscous. Palpi, median joint pale ochreous, externally shaded with fuscous, terminal joint greyish fuscous. Head ochreous, shaded with greyish fuscous, the face paler. Thorax greyish fuscous; tegulae pale ochreous, shaded with greyish fuscous on the margins. Forewings bright orange-ochreous, with a broad costal shade of tawny greyish fuscous extending to three-fourths, scarcely interrupted at the middle of the wing by a few ochreous scales; this shade is very dark at the base and is diluted and diffused outwardly, widening to the end of the cell and continued thence along the middle to the apex, leaving the margins of the bright ground-colour, with the exception of the costal cilia; a corresponding dorsal streak also starts from the base and is attenuated to the tornus, but of equal intensity throughout, a few scales at F. I. I. 74 574 FA UNA AHA WAIIENSIS its outer extremity also connect this with the end of the cell; dorsal cilia tawny greyish fuscous, the other cilia, except on the costa about the apex, bright orange-ochreous. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings dark greyish fuscous; cilia tawny greyish fuscous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark greyish fuscous. Legs fuscous. Type? (126: 8i. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype $ (28428) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, above 4000 ft. (Blackburn)1; 5000 ft., v. I896 (Perkins). 180. (44) Hyposmocoma lucifer, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 24). Antennae bronzy brownish. Palpi, median joint ochreous, shaded with bronzy brown externally; terminal joint scarcely as long as the median, bronzy brown, with an ochreous line along its inner side. Head greyish, with some ochreous scales at the side; face grey. Thorax bronzy brown, with some whitish ochreous scales on the tegulae. Forewings bronzy brown, with a narrow pale ochreous costal streak, commencing near the base and running to beyond the middle, somewhat dilated at the middle; a broad pale ochreous streak commences with the costal'cilia and is attenuated along the costa to the apex; another line of the same colour runs from the base along the fold and is continued, with a slight interruption at the end of the fold, along the base of the terminal cilia to below the apex; cilia dark tawny cinereous. Exp. al. 16 mm. Hindwings dark brownish; cilia dark tawny cinereous. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs cinereous. Type? (26064) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4000 ft., vI. 1893. Unique. Closely allied to haleakalae Btl., the S is at present unknown. 181. (45) Hyposmocoma evanescens, sp. nov. (PI. XIX. fig. 25). Antennae dark brownish grey. Palpi brownish grey, darker externally, a pale ring at the apex of the median joint. Head shining, pale brassy grey, face slightly paler. Thorax brassy grey. Forewings brassy grey, with a brownish fuscous suffusion along the base of the costa and along the line of the discal cell, whence it is dilated outward and somewhat darkened to the apex and termen; cilia brassy grey, smoky fuscous about the tornus. Exp. al. I3-14 mm. Hindwings dark bronzy fuscous; cilia smoky fuscous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs fuscous, with paler tarsal spots. Type g (28378);? (26642) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, above 5000 ft., (i) in. 1894, 5000 ft., (4) v. 1896. Five specimens. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 575 The markings on the forewings are so slight and so much blended with the general ground-colour as to be scarcely traceable in any recognisable pattern, or even distinguishable, except by carefully changing the angle of incidence, when looking at them in a good light. This species could be compared with straminella and impzmunctaa, but is at once separated by the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil. 182. (46) Hyposmocoma ferricolor, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 26). Antennae pale cinereous, annulate with pale brownish fuscous. Palpi pale brownish ochreous, with a fuscous ring near the end of the median joint; terminal joint shaded with fuscous. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous, mixed with brownish ochreous scales; face brownish ochreous. Forewings ferruginous brown, shaded with brownish fuscous, especially along the costa, to three-fourths, a patch near the end of the cell and in the fold below it, rather more distinctly ferruginous, with a small spot of the same at the end of the cell; this slight change of colour appears to be an indication of the plical and two discal spots which are not otherwise recognisable; cilia brownish ferruginous, shading to greyish fuscous about the tornus. Exp. al. I6 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark greyish, the latter with a tawny tinge. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale greyish fuscous. Type? (25850) Mus. Wlsm. Hab. HAWAII: Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., 5. VIII. 1892. Unique. It is within the bounds of possibility that this may be a mere variety of domicolensl Btl., but it is the only specimen exhibiting this particular shade of colour and there is no sufficient indication of the direction of the markings to justify its inclusion in the series. 183. (47) Hyposmocoma impunc/ata, sp. iov. (P1. XIX. fig. 27). Antennae pale fawn, with fawn-brown annulations. Palpi pale fawn. Head and Thorax pale fawn, the latter shaded along the middle with fawn-brown. Iorewings pale fawn, sprinkled with fawn-brown, with a darker shade of the same, tending to brownish fuscous, commencing at the base of the costa, where it is diffused outwardly and following the cell, whence it extends to the apex, terminating in a dark spot on the basal half of the apical cilia; similar spots are indicated above and beneath it on the costa and termen; thus the main feature of the pattern consists of a dark streak running through a pale wing, but the sprinkling of dark scales, almost amounting to suffusion, terminates somewhat abruptly about the end of the cell, suggesting a costal and dorsal pale patch similar to that which occurs in other species, especially in many forms of blackburnii Btl., but there is no indication of a basal patch, a character which would 74-2 576 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS place it in the group of straminella. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; $ with pale ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen slaty grey. Legs pale fawn, with greyish tarsal bands. Type $ (27496) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vIT. 1895. Unique. This species differs from blackburnii Btl., in the absence of all indication of the discal spots. 184. (48) Hyposmocoma straminella, sp. nov. (P1. XIX. fig. 28). Antennae shining, straw-white, with a greyish brown spot on the basal joint, and very faint bands of the same on the basal half of the stem above. Palpi, terminal joint shorter than median; straw-white, with a greyish brown ring near the end of the median joint. Head greyish brown; face white. Thorax greyish brown; tegulae straw-white. Forewings shining, straw-white, with a greyish brown shade from the base along the discal cell, somewhat dilated beyond it and passing through the cilia at and above the apex; cilia straw-whitish, shaded with brown, especially about the tornus. Exp. al. 13-15 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia greyish brown; g with a stramineous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs greyish, tarsi shining, whitish. Type $ (25409); S (25528) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3500-4000 ft., 26. vI.-20. VII. I892, (i) 10. vIII. 1892. Twelve specimens. 185. (49) Hyposmocoma metallica, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. I). Antennae shining, bronzy fuscous. Palpi brassy, rust-brownish on their outer sides. Head rich rust-brown above, with a strong purplish sheen between the antennae; face brassy ochreous. Thorax cupreous. Forewings bronzy cupreous, the dorsal half paler than the costal, the tints blending, but not defined; cilia cupreous. Exp. al. 12 —3r mm. Hindwings and cilia bronzy purplish fuscous; g without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen blackish (probably purplish when fresh). Legs cupreous, tarsi brassy ochreous. Type $ (25753); V (27438) Mus. Wlsm. HIAB. HAWAII: Kona, 5000 to above 6000 ft., (4) 30. VI.-30 vIII. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (1) 5. VIII. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (I) II. 1895. Six specimens. A bright, metallic, and distinct species. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 577 186. (50) Hyposmocoma conlinuella, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 2). Antennae fuscous. Palpi whitish, the terminal joint shaded with fuscous. Head whitish, with a slight ochreous tinge. Thorax tawny fuscous, the tegulae tipped with whitish. Forewings tawny fuscous, with a broad whitish streak along the fold, from the middle of the base to the tornus, and thence continued along the base of the terminal cilia, where it assumes a yellowish tint, to the apex; along the middle the costa is very narrowly whitish; cilia brownish cinereous. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen fuscous. Legs pale cinereous. Type $ (26623) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., IV. 1894. Unique. This species may be distinguished from indicella by its paler head and general colouration, and by the median line not being interrupted above the tornus. 187. (51) Hyposmocoma indicella, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 3). Antennae fuscous. Palpi whitish, with a dark line along their under side, terminal joint fuscous. Head greyish fuscous, an ochreous lateral line above each eye. Thorax greyish fuscous, with some whitish lines on the tegulae. Forewings dark tawny, with a strong yellowish white streak from the middle of the base along the fold, abruptly terminated above the tornus; this is followed by a short yellowish white streak along the middle of the termen at the base of the greyish fuscous cilia. Exp. al. Io-I I mm. Hindwings fuscous; cilia dark greyish fuscous; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous. Legs pale cinereous, the tarsi shaded above with greyish fuscous. Type } (26639);? (28300) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft. and above, (3) in. 1894, (i) v. 1896. Four specimens. The dark head, with distinct lateral lines on the head and tegulae, and the abrupt termination of the median line on the forewings distinguish this species from continuella. 188. (52) Hyposmocoma patriciella, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 4). Antennae smoky black. Palpi whitish cinereous, sprinkled with smoky black, especially ou their outer sides. Head brassy grey. Thorax blackish, tegulae touched with white scales. Forewings dark tawny fuscous (almost blackish), a diffused line of white scaling along the fold, somewhat dilated before the tornus, with a few scattered scales beneath the costa and a small group of the same at the costal cilia; cilia dark 578 F UA UA HIA WAIIIENSIS tawny fuscous; under side purple. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings very dark purple; cilia tawny fuscous; under side purplish fuscous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen blackish. Legs dark tawny fuscous, tarsi with two or three whitish spots. Type 4 (28306) Mus. Wism. HABI. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 896. Unique. The dark purple hindwings and the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil on the hindwings, as well as of the mealy patch on the under side of the forewings, separate this species from butalide/la WMlsm., which it otherwise resembles. It is larger than indicella Wlsm., from which it differs also in its purple hindwings and in the absence of whitish ochreous scales at the base of the terminal cilia. 189. (53) Htyposmocorma bitalidella, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. 5). Antennae fuscous. Palpi, terminal joint as long as median; fuscous externally, whitish on their inner sides. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings brownish fuscous, almost black, with a slightly diffused white streak along the fold from the middle of the base; a white anteapical transverse fascia is diffused outward at its middle, and is sometimes preceded by some white subcostal scales; cilia greyish fuscous; on the under side, from near the base to the end of the cell, is a pale, almost whitish, mealy-looking patch, not reaching the costa but diffused downward toward the dorsum in the $. Exp. al. 12-14 mm. Hindwings pale greyish fuscous; cilia greyish fuscous; $ with an expansible blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs dark fuscous, the anal tuft and under side of the tarsi cinereous. Type S (26530); $ (28290) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 7000 ft., IV. 1894, about 6000 ft., v. 1896. Two specimens. The single V loses the white markings, exhibiting only a few scales about the position of the costal spot. 190. (54) Hyposmocomna unistriala, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 6). Antennae cinereous, basal joint brownish. Palpi dirty whitish on their inner sides, shaded with brownish fuscous externally, except at the apex of the median joint. Head white. Thorax tawny fuscous, with white lateral streaks. Forewings tawny fuscous, with a broad white streak commencing at the base of the costa and following the fold nearly to its outer extremity, where there is a small round white dorsal spot, a larger white costal spot lying above and a little beyond it, with a narrow elongate white spot preceding it on the middle of the costa; cilia tawny fuscous, with a slight greyish tinge; under side brownish grey, with a faint indication of the two costal spots on the MICROLEPIDOPTERA 579 extreme margin. Exp. al. I3-14 mm. Hindwings dark brownish grey; cilia tawny grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs brownish grey. Type $ (26382);? (26153) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: 4000 ft. and upwards, (2) VI. 1893; forest above Pelekunu, (2) 29. VIII. 1893; 4500 ft., (I) 11. IX. 1893. Five specimens. The white markings are sometimes tinged with ochreous. This species differs from lineata in its browner colour, in the greater breadth of the white markings, the spots touching the costa, in the longer plical streak and in the white head. 191. (55) Hypfosmocoma ludificata, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 7). Antennae dark fuscous. Palpi dark fuscous, paler on their inner side, with a minute white speck at the end of the median joint. Head dark bronzy fuscous. Thorax dark tawny fuscous, a whitish streak at the edge of the tegulae. Forewings dark tawny fuscous, almost black, with a clear, shining, white plical streak from the base to beyond the middle, a white costal spot above its outer extremity, and two marginal spots beyond it, the costal round, the tornal suberect and slightly oblique; an indication of whitish scales occurs at the apex in the dark tawny greyish cilia. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark tawny grey; S with an ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark greyish fuscous. Legs dark tawny grey, spurs whitish beneath. Type $ (28381); i (28304) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (I) v. 1896. Ten specimens. Only distinguishable from lineala Wilsm., by the subcostal hair-pencil of the g, by its slightly larger size and rather broader white markings, and by the white cilia at the apex of the forewings. 192. (56) Hyposmocoma lineata, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 8). Antennae fuscous. Palpi fuscous, the median joint whitish on the inner side and sprinkled with whitish externally at the base. Head brownish fuscous. Thorax dark tawny fuscous, with a slender whitish line along each side. Forewings and cilia dark tawny fuscous, a slender white line along the fold from the base to half the wing-length; above its outer extremity is a white subcostal spot, followed by a smaller one near the commencement of the costal cilia, with a similar one opposite to it, adjacent to the dorsum before the tornus; under side brownish fuscous, unspotted. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings brownish fuscous; cilia dark tawny fuscous; & without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous. Legs brownish fuscous. Type? (26568); S (28266) Mus. Wlsm. 580 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., III.-iv. 1894, V. 1896. Six specimens. Extremely similar to ludifijcata Wlsm., the markings are, however, more slender. The absence of the subcostal hair-pencil and of the white spot in the cilia at the apex of the forewings enables this species to be distinguished. 193. (57) Hyposmocoma propinqua, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. 9). Antennae fuscous. Palpi, terminal joint shorter than the median; median joint whitish on the inner side, smeared with fuscous externally. Head and Thorax fuscous. Forewings fuscous, with a slight tawny tinge, a white basal streak runs from the middle along the upper edge of the fold to half its length, a conspicuous white spot lying on the fold above the tornus, preceded by a dark fuscous spot in the fold touching its inner edge; beyond and above this is a small white costal spot a little before the apex; cilia fuscous, tipped with white at the extreme apex. Exp. al. io mm. Hindwings brownish fuscous; cilia fuscous; S with an expansible fuscous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous; anal claspers of the g very strongly developed, each with three long curved points projecting inward. Legs fuscous, with two white tarsal dots. Type $ (26152) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: 4000 ft., vI. I893. Unique. This species appears to be closely allied to admirationis, differing in the absence of the transverse fascia and in the dark head. 194. (58) Hyposmocoma admirationis, sp. nov. (Pl. XX. fig. o1). Antennae cinereous. Palpi, terminal joint shorter than the median; median joint purplish grey, terminal joint whitish. Head white; face grey. Thorax brownish fuscous, with a white line along the middle of the tegulae. Forewings brownish fuscous, with a strong snow-white streak from the middle of the base above the fold, abruptly terminated before the middle of the wing and followed by a large snow-white spot, narrowly separated from the dorsum before the tornus; on the costa between these is a minute white streaklet; a white fascia crosses the wing before the apex, attenuated and outwardly angulated at its middle; the tips of the apical cilia are white, shaded along their base and about the tornus with brownish fuscous. Exp. al. 9-10 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish fuscous; $ with an expansible greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Legs brownish fuscous, with a white spot at each extremity of the tibiae and two white dots on the tarsi. Type S (26331) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000-4000 ft., 24. vI.-1i. VII. 1893, (I) I6. ix. I893. Four specimens. M1CROLEP1DOPTERA 581 195. (59) HyposmOocoma quadristriata, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. I ). Antennae dark fuscous. Palpi, terminal joint shorter than the median; dark fuscous, paler on their inner sides. Head and face cinereous, blending to brownish fuscous posteriorly. Thorax bronzy fuscous, the tegulae streaked with ochreous. Forewings bronzy fuscous, with four distinct pale ochreous streaks, or elongate patches, the longest commencing at the middle of the base extends to the middle of the fold, a shorter patch of the same colour lying on the cell above its outer extremity; the plical streak is followed by a second, shorter plical streak, not reaching the dorsum, and the discal patch is also followed by a second, rather longer discal patch, extending to the end of the cell, beyond which is a small lunate spot of the same colour; a line of pale ochreous scales runs along the base of the tawny fuscous terminal cilia. Exp. al. I I mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs tawny fuscous. Type $ (26355) Mus. Wilsm. HAB. MOLOKAT: about 4500 ft., 23. Ix. 1893. Unique. 196. (60) Hyposmocoma znumida, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 12). Antennae black, the basal joint with a white spot at its apex. Palpi black, a white spot at the apex of the median joint and two small white spots on the terminal joint. Head black; face yellowish white. Thorax glossy, shining, black. Forewings glossy, shining, black, with snow-white specks; three on the costa, the first, very small near the base, the second in the middle, and the third at the commencement of the costal cilia; on the tornus opposite the last costal is a similar spot, and a few minute scale-specks are scattered about the disc and fold, but these are by no means so conspicuous as those on the margins; cilia smoky brown. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings and cilia dark smoky brown; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen black. Legs smoky brown, with whitish tarsal spots. Type g (28477) Mus. Wlsm. HAI. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000 ft., v. 1896. Unique. A very distinct species. 197. (61) /Hyposmocoma nigrescens, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 13). Antennae smoky black. Palpi cinereous, externally blackish. Head cinereous, blackish at the sides. Thorax tawny black. Forewings tawny black, with a few scattered pale ochreous scales, scarcely visible except in a few irregularly scattered spots around the termen and apex, the first of this broken series being in the costal cilia; cilia F. H. I. 75 582 FAN UNA HA WA IIENSIS smoky blackish. Exp. al. io-I I mm. Hindwings dark tawny fuscous; cilia blackish, with a slight purplish tinge'; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen black. Legs smoky fuscous. Type S (27395) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vi. 1895, vIII. 896. Three specimens. In another specimen, g (27505), which I take to belong to the same species, the pale scales are rather white than ochreous, and some of these are grouped near the base, especially on the fold. 198. (62) HyposZmocoma fzcscopurpzrea, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 14). Antennae and Palpi purplish fuscous. Head bronzy. Thorax, Forewings and cilia unicolorous dark purplish fuscous. Exp. al. 10 —12 mm. Hindwings tawny purplish; cilia dark purplish grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark purple. Legs purplish grey. Type g (26592); T (26594) Mus. Wlsm. HAI. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., (4) II.-IV. 1894, (3) v. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (3) IV. 1894, (2) v. 1896. Twelve specimens. 199. (63) Hyposnmocoma niger, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 15). Antennae smoky black, the basal joint cinereous beneath. Palpi cinereous, blackish on their outer sides. Head shining, black; face brownish cinereous. Thorax bronzy black. Forewings unicolorous bronzy black; cilia with a slight brownish tinge. Exp. al. o1 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny brownish black; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs black. Type & (26099) Mus. Wlsm. HAB.. MOLOKKAl: about 4000 ft., VI. 1893. Unique. 200. (64) Hyposmocoma lacertel/a, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 16). Antennae tawny fuscous. Palpi tawny fuscous, whitish on the inner side of the median joint, and narrowly around the apex of the terminal joint. Head brownish fuscous. Thorax dark tawny fuscous. Forewings dark tawny greyish fuscous, with dirty white speckling beyond the middle; a small whitish smear, about the middle of the costa, is followed by a white spot at the commencement of the costal cilia, with another opposite to it at the tornus; a small spot in the fold at its outer third, a smaller one at the end of the cell, and several groups of whitish scales, before and about the apex, forming streaklets through the basal half of the costal and terminal cilia which are MICROLEPIDOP TERA 583 tipped with whitish immediately below the apex, but otherwise tawny fuscous. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings bronzy brownish fuscous; cilia tawny fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous. Legs tawny greyish fuscous. Type g (28526); $ (28307) Mus. Wism. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft.; Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896. Seventeen specimens. 201. (65) Hyposmocoma trilunella, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 17). Antennae fuscous, the basal joint streaked with white above. Palpi greyish fuscous, a white spot at the end of the median joint. Head white; face grey. Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings brownish fuscous, with a slight tawny gloss, cilia the same; with three rounded yellowish white spots, one on the middle of the fold, one, larger, on the cell above and beyond it, a third, still larger, at the end of the cell. Exp. al. 16 mm. Hindwings rather shining, steel-grey; cilia tawny grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale greyish fuscous, the tarsal joints marked with whitish. Type e (28247) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. 1896. Seven specimens. 202. (66) Hlposmocoma niveiceps, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. IS). Antennae bronzy brownish above, paler beneath; basal joint snow-white. Palpi brownish fuscous, with a white band around the junction of the joints. Head white; face bronzy grey. Thorax dark bronzy brown. Forewings bronzy brown, with a conspicuous round snow-white spot at the end of the cell; a white spot crossing the fold beyond its middle and nearly confluent with a biocellate white spot on the disc, above and a little before it, having the form of an oblique figure 8, the upper dark dot preceding the lower; cilia bronzy brownish. Exp. al. 11-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey, anal tuft whitish. Legs cinereous; tarsi fuscous, obscurely banded with whitish. Type $ (26470) Lanai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. LANAI: 2000 —3000 ft., (5) I.-II. 1894; 2000 ft., (i) VXI. 1894.-M(I: o)IKAI: above 3000-4500 ft., (3) 13. vi.-vTI. I893. Nine specimens. Variation: the white spot at the end of the cell is sometimes ocellate (26134 Molokai; 2647I Lanai); the two inner spots are sometimes confluent, no spot being ocellate (26403 Molokai); the three white spots become obsolete, their position indicated only by three or four white scales in each place (26450 Molokai); an intermediate form occurs with enlarged inner spots obscurely surrounded with whitish (26471 Lanai). 75-2 584 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 203. (67) Hyposmocoma puntcltfzmella, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. 19). Antennae sooty black above, paler beneath; the basal joint yellowish white. Palpi fuscous, with a yellowish white ring around the junction of the joints. Head yellowish white, with a slightly raised blackish collar behind. Thorax dark sooty brown. Forewings dark sooty brown, with two yellowish white spots; the first pear-shaped, oblique, its base below the costa at two-fifths, its apex crossing the fold but not reaching the dorsum; the second roundish, at the end of the cell,-both conspicuous and clearly defined; cilia sooty brown. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia brown-grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey. Type S (28577) Mus. Wlsm. HABS. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Unique. 204. (68) Hyposmocoma lunzjer, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. 20). Antennae blackish. Palpi blackish, but with a whitish suffusion on the median joint. Head brown. Thorax tawny black. Forewings tawny black, with a conspicuous round white spot at the end of the cell; a black discal spot before the middle, narrowly encircled, except on its lower edge, by white; a black plical spot before it, also partially encircled by white, and preceded by some white scales in the fold; a few whitish scales along the termen at the base of the tawny blackish cilia. Exp. al. 14-15 mm. Hindwings brown-black; cilia tawny blackish. Abdomen black. Legs tawny brownish, with faint paler tarsal spots. Type $ (28393) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Two specimens. 205. (69) Hyposmocoma puznctzilicata, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 21). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi brownish fuscous, with a pale spot at the end of each joint. Head brownish grey. Thorax dark bronzy brown. Forewings bronzy brown, with whitish ochreous spots, and some scattered scales; an obliquely transverse spot rests on the fold at one-fourth from the base, another on the dorsum below the outer end of the fold, a third, narrow and outwardly oblique, arises beyond the tornus, a rounder costal spot standing opposite to it; cilia tawny greyish fuscous. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen (missing). Legs brownish grey, with paler spots on the tarsal joints. Type? (26303) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4500 ft., I. Ix. 1893. Unique. Allied to lacerte-la, but the! is at present unknown. M1 CROLEPIDOPTERA 58 5 206. (70) Hyposmocorma marginenotala, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 22). Antennae dark brown. Palpi dark brown, with a pale ochreous patch at the end of the median joint. Head and Thorax dark brown. Forewings, S with a slight costal fold and a strong fringe of scales extending beyond the middle on the under side; dark tawny brown, with a slender line of pale ochreous scales, commencing near the middle of the base, depressed obliquely to the dorsum where it is bestrewed with brown scales, and extending around the tornus, termen and apex to a small anteapical costal spot in a line of scarcely confluent small, pale ochreous, marginal spots along the base of the dark tawny brown cilia. Exp. al. I4-i6 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia grey, with a brownish tinge; $ with a greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs brownish grey; the tarsi shaded. Type S (26768);? (27332) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., IV. I895; Mts., 3000-4o00 ft., v.-vI. 1894. Thirty-five specimens. In some specimens the ground-colour of the forewings is sooty brown and the ochreous markings are only represented by two faintly indicated opposite spots before the apex, and a series of indistinct terminal spots. The usual discal and plical spots are visible in specimens in which more or less admixture of ochreous scaling occurs among the dark ground-colour, but they are not traceable when this is absent. 207. (71) Hyposmocoma vermiczlala, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 23). Antennae and Palpi bronzy brown, the latter with a pale ochreous ring at the apex of the median joint and another at the tip of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax dark bronzy brown. Forewings dark bronzy brown, with a few pale ochreous scales, these form a small vermicular streak, in the basal half of the fold, which is preceded and followed by dark fuscous spots-these also occur at the end of the fold and on the outer half of the cell; a small pale ochreous spot lies at the commencement of the costal cilia and another on the termen opposite, but a little beyond it; cilia dark fuscous brown, with some ochreous scales along their base divided into minute spots. Exp. al. 14-15 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale tawny grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale tawny grey. Type g (28117) Hawaii, Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (2) 9. VI. 1893.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (i) vii. 895,-(i) VIIi. 1896; Kaawaloa (Kona), above 2000 ft., (I) ix. 1892. Five specimens. This species differs from marginenotlaa in the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil, in the presence of a minute pale streak in the basal half of the fold, in the less distinct spotting of the termen and in the position of the tornal spot which is a little beyond the opposite costal. 586 F5 UAr A HA IWAIIENSIS 208. (72) Hyposnocozma enzia, sp. nov. (PI. XX. fig. 24). Antennae bronzy fuscous, the under side of the basal joint pale ochreous. Palpi bronzy fuscous, with a pale ochreous ring at the apex of the median joint. Head bronzy fuscous; face pale ochreous. Thorax dull bronzy fuscous. Forewings bronzy fuscous, with three dark fuscous spots, two discal, one plical, the latter preceding the first discal; cilia dull greyish fuscous. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen whitish cinereous. Legs pale brownish grey, the hind tarsi scarcely shaded. Type g (27932) Mus. Wlsm. HIAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895. Three specimens. Very similar to fulvida, but separable by the pale basal joint of the antennae, by the more bronzy tint, the somewhat more abrupt apex of the forewings, and the distinctly paler face. The spots are not ocellated as in oce/la/a. It is very close to adolescens, but the more yellowish bronzy fuscous of the forewings distinguishes it from the browner species which also possesses more strongly developed P genital appendages and appears to be without doubt distinct. 209. (73) Hjposmocomza lugens, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 25). Antennae rather stout, brownish fuscous. Palpi rust-brownish, the terminal joint fuscous externally. Head rust-brownish. Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings brownish fuscous, with the usual three spots, very difficult to distinguish on the dark wing-surface; cilia smoky brownish fuscous. Exp. al. I3 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia smoky brownish fuscous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs greyish fuscous. Type o (26583); $ (28364) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., III. 1894, v. 1896. Two specimens. I have found no species which at all agrees with this. The wings are narrow, with very straight costa; the head, distinct in colour from the unicolorous forewings, leading one at first to suppose that it might be a suffused variety of some more clearly marked species, but I am quite unable to make it fall into any of the series. 210. (74) Hyposmocomza oce/lata, sp. nov. (Pl. XX. fig. 26). Antennae dark bronzy brown; basal joint streaked beneath with pale ochreous, and with a spot of the same colour at its outer end. Palpi shining, very pale ochreous, terminal joint completely shaded with bronzy brown, a slender pale ochreous line along the upper edge, not clearly defined. Head bronzy brown. Thorax bronzy brown, the MIICR OL EPID OP TERA 587 centre rather darker than the tegulae. Forewings shining, bronzy brown, with a purplish fuscous spot on the middle of the disc, another before it on the fold, and a smaller one at the end of the cell (this and the preceding discal spot are nearly connected by a streak of the same colour) each spot more or less distinctly outlined with very pale ochreous, of which a slender line runs to the lower edge of the streak on the outer half of the cell; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. I5-18 mm. Hindwings very pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen shining, brownish grey. Legs brownish grey. Type? (27960); $ (27668) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., iv. 1895. Four specimens. In some specimens a certain admixture of pale ochreous occurs above and below the outer end of the cell, giving the wing a somewhat streaky appearance. This species is nearly allied to fulvida, but the hindwings are paler, the forewings more shining and the spots are pale-margined, whereas in the other species they show no ocellation. 211. (75) Hyposmocoma adolescens, sp. nov. (P1. XX. fig. 27). Antennae bronzy brown above; pale cinereous, barred with brown beneath. Palpi dark brown, blending to pale brassy ochreous on their inner sides and around the apex of the median joint. Head and Thorax bronzy brown above; the upper part of the face pale brassy ochreous. Forewings and cilia bronzy brown, the latter becoming brownish grey towards the tornus; with three dark fuscous spots, one on the middle of the fold, one beyond it on the cell, another at the end of the cell. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; J without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen whitish grey. Legs whitish grey, with brownish shading around the tarsi. Type $ (27474) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, viII. 1895. Unique. Closely allied to ensifer, but distinguished by its dark palpi and the darker groundcolour of the forewings which lacks the ochreous suffusion of that species. 212. (76) Hyposmocoma emen'dala, sp. nov. (Pl. XX. fig. 28). Antennae tawny fuscous. Palpi brassy ochreous, the terminal joint shaded beneath with fuscous. Head and Thorax bronzy fuscous, the face paler. Forewings dark bronzy fuscous, mixed with more or less ochreous along the fold, and sometimes on the discal area and at the tornus; the dark discal and plical spots are not ocellate; cilia smoky fuscous. Exp. al. 17-18 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark brownish fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs brownish fuscous, with a few indistinct paler spots at the joints; hind tibiae hairy. 588 FAUNA HA I4WAIENSIS Type S (28289); P (28284) Mus. Wism. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, above 5000 ft., (i)IV. 1894, 5000 ft., (4) v. 1896. Five specimens. Hypfosmzcoma spp.? Two specimens in poor condition may represent distinct species. HAB. OAHU: XWaianae Mts., 3000 ft., IV. 1892 (25127, Mus. Wlsm).-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 30. v. 1893 (26071, Mus. Wlsm). 213. (77) Hyposmocoma ensifer, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. I). Antennae cinereous, the basal joint pale ochreous. Palpi very long, slender, terminal joint as long as median; whitish ochreous. Head and Thorax bronzy; face shining whitish; tegulae bronzy. Forewings ochreous, smeared with bronzy brownish along the margins and towards the apex, sometimes more generally suffused with the same; with four dark fuscous spots, one on the cell and one at the end of the cell, each slightly preceded by a more elongate spot on the fold, the outer plical spot sometimes obliterated; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous, anal tuft pale ochreous. Legs pale ochreous, more or less shaded transversely with fuscous. Type g (27472) Mus. Wlsm. HABI. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vii. —vII. 1895. Five specimens. This species separates itself, from emzendata and adolescens, by its white face and uniformly pale palpi, and although variable in the extent of the dark suffusion I cannot venture to describe the darker and lighter forms as distinct. Hyposmocoma spp.? Three specimens in poor condition may represent distinct species. HABI. MAUI: Haleakala, 3000 ft., inI. I894 (26558, Mus. Wlsm).-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 13. VI. 1893 (26293, 26249, Mus. WIsm.). 214. (78) Iyposmocoma trizcinca, sp. nov. (Pl. XXI. fig. 2). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi, median joint white, brownish at the base; terminal joint as long as median, brownish fuscous, except at its base which is white. Head and face shining, cream-white. Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings brownish fuscous, with three blackish spots; one in the form of an elongate streak lying in the fold scarcely beyond its middle, with a small one above it on the cell, the third larger, MICROLEPIDOPTERA 589, obliquely ovoid, at the end of the cell; these spots are all placed in a connected irregular white patch which is somewhat diffused toward the costa beyond the middle, but forms a clear margin around the spots themselves (the lower edge of the plical spot sometimes excepted); cilia brownish cinereous. Exp. al. I4-1 5 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous; ' without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen pale brownish cinereous. Legs pale brownish cinereous, the tarsi with faint paler bands. Type? (25435); S (25434) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, above 2000-4000 ft., 4. VIII.-ix. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (I) vII. 1895. Six specimens. 215. (79) Hyposmocoma senzfuscala, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 3). Antennae smoky fuscous, basal joint white beneath. Palpi white, shaded with smoky fuscous externally nearly to the end of the median joint and nearly to the base of the terminal. Head white, sometimes slightly smoky above; face white. Thorax smoky fuscous. Forewings white, sprinkled with smoky fuscous, with a smoky fuscous shade from the base extending along the costa and dorsum and sometimes almost obliterating the elongate black plical spot which is situated before the first discal; this and the outer discal spot are also black and clearly defined; the apex is slightly smoky in some specimens; cilia whitish, varying to smoky, especially along the dorsum. Exp. al. I2-15 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous; p without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen smoky whitish. Legs dirty whitish, with some smoky tarsal bands; these are scarcely traceable in the paler varieties. Type ' (25395);? (25270) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, above 2000-4000 ft., (2) vI. 1892, (9) IX. 1892. Eleven specimens. Separated from tricincla by the limited extent of the darker shading, by the position of the plical spot, which in that species is produced outward, often beyond the first discal, and by the colour of the palpi. 216. (80) Hyposmocoma pucciniella, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 4). Antennae dark brown, faintly annulate with pale straw-ochreous. Palpi pale straw-ochreous, shaded with fuscous along the outer side. Head and Thorax pale straw-ochreous, tegulae dark brown at the base. Forewings pale straw-ochreous, rather distinctly marked with dark brown; a dark brown streak from the base follows the fold along two-thirds of its length; a small patch at the base, below the fold, and a few scales scattered along the costa-these three markings sometimes coalesce towards the base; an elongate dark brown median spot on the discal cell and a second, rounder one,. F. H. LI. F. H. I. 76 590 FA UNA HA WA IEINSIS at its outer end, the latter almost concealed by a dark bronzy brown shade overspreading the apical area beyond the cell-this shade is slightly diffused inward below the lower angle; costal cilia brown, terminal cilia pale straw-ochreous. Exp. al. 13-15 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; g without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs pale brownish grey. Type? (27381); $ (27408) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3500-5000 ft., 29. VI.-IO. VIII. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, vi.-VII. 1895. Thirteen specimens. Veins 7 and 8 of the forewings are exceptionally connate. 217. (81) Hyposmocoma scepticella, sp. nov. 2 I7. (8 I) scepticella, sp. nov. + scepticella, var. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 6). Antennae, o dark fuscous: paler in?. Palpi whitish ochreous. Head and Thorax ochreous; face whitish ochreous; tegulae pale ochreous, touched with fuscous at the base. Forewings bright ochreous, with a fuscous spot at the base of the costa, a few fuscous limbal scales, a discal spot about the middle, another at the end of the cell and one at the end of the fold, before the tornus, touching the dorsum; the outer discal spot sends forward a diffused and somewhat dilated fuscous shade to the costal cilia a little before the apex, the tornal spot is also sometimes diffused outwards; terminal cilia ochreous, dorsal cilia smoky fuscous; under side uniformly dark smoky grey, except a small ochreous spot on the termen below the apex, the terminal cilia are also ochreous. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings, S without subcostal hair-pencil; dark smoky fuscous, cilia slightly browner than the wing: S paler than in the A. Abdomen dark smoky fuscous. Legs smoky grey, with faint paler spots. Type $ (26650);? (26675) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., Iv. 1894. Three specimens. This species differs from stgmzatella notably in the pale ochreous tegulae, those of stigmatel/a being always brownish fuscous. 2I7b. (81b) scepticella, Wlsm. + dubia, var. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 5). In three specimens the basal joint of the antennae is ochreous, the general colour of the wing being slightly paler, and in two of these the dark shading towards the apex is omitted the spots also being less distinct. Type S (28496);? (28534) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., v. 1896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Three specimens. MIZCROLEPIDOP TERA 59i 218. (82) Hyposzmocoma stigmatella, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 7). Antennae brownish fuscous, barred with ochreous beneath. Palpi, $ whitish, with a slight brownish fuscous shade along the outer side of the median joint and beneath the terminal joint: $ without dark shading. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous, tegulae brownish fuscous. Forewings, $ rich ochreous, with a brownish fuscous spot at the base, throwing a short projection along the costa, and another, parallel with the dorsum and almost touching it; a brownish fuscous spot on the middle of the fold is followed by another on the disc obliquely above and beyond it, and there is an indication of a dark fuscous spot at the end of the cell, connected with a triangular dorsal shade beneath it, as well as with a similar brownish fuscous shade extending to the apex and embracing the costal cilia beyond and above it; cilia brownish grey: $ paler than the X, with the markings obsolete, except the spot at the base with costal and subdorsal projections, an obscure dark spot at the end of the cell, a few dark scales at the tornus and on the costa before the apex; terminal cilia pale ochreous, tornal cilia brownish grey; under side leaden grey, cilia as on the upper side in both sexes, but the pale ochreous extends narrowly along the costa for about half its length in the g, and the termen is obscurely spotted with ochreous in the S. Exp. al. 12-14 mm. Hindwings leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; & without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brownish grey; anal tuft of $ subochreous. Hind Legs whitish cinereous beneath, much shaded with dark brownish grey above. Type ~ (26353); S (26354) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (I) 9. VI. I893, about 4500 ft., (3) 23. Ix. 1893. Four specimens. This species may be distinguished from scepticella by its brownish fuscous tegulae. 219. (83) Hyposmocoma pallidipalpis, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 8). Antennae serrate; dull brownish cinereous, the basal joint pale ochreous. Palpi pale ochreous. Head and face grey. Thorax brownish grey, the tegulae yellowish brown. Forewings yellowish brown, with a small darker spot about the middle of the fold and another more distinct at the end of the cell; cilia greyish brown. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings pale leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; J without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen (missing). Legs pale cinereous. Type $ (26I06) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., 9. VI. 1893. Unique. 76-2 592 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 220. (84) Hyposmocoma g'enitalis, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 9). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous, basal joint with a slightly darker shade above. Palpi pale fawn-ochreous, with a shade-ring near the apex of the median joint and another at the base of the terminal. Head and Thorax fawn-ochreous; face very pale fawnochreous. Forewings pale fawn-ochreous, smeared with fawn-brownish, especially along the dorsum and beyond the end of the cell; some scattered fawn-brownish spots are somewhat ill-defined-one at the extreme base of the costa is almost fuscous; one at the commencement of the outer third of the fold, rather paler, followed by a patch at the tornus; a spot at the end of the cell, preceded by a smaller one, and a shade on the costa above it; another spot is indicated near the base of the fold, and a small subcostal spot a little before the middle; the margins above and below the apex have a slightly dentate appearance owing to a thin broken line of fawn-brownish scales at the base of the pale fawn-ochreous cilia. Exp. al. 18-20 mm. Hindwings shining, pale brownish grey; cilia brownish grey; S with a pale yellowish ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey; genital appendages upturned, very largely developed, appearing to terminate above in two rounded knobs. Legs very pale fawn-ochreous. Type S (28560); V (28572) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. I896. Two specimens. 221. (85) Hyposimocoma fractinubella, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. Io). Antennae pale brownish, faintly annulate. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint shaded at its base and spotted near its apex with fuscous. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous. Forewings whitish ochreous, with broken bronzy brown shades and spots; a fuscous shade at the base of the costa is diluted into bronzy brown, following the upper edge of the cell to half its length, a diffused spot of the same colour on the outer end of the cell, an oblique darker spot preceding it on the fold below; the dorsum is clouded with a bronzy brown diffused shade, obliquely upturned and darkened about the tornus, with some similar diffused scales between its apex and the commencement of the costal cilia; a triangular dark spot at the extreme apex is narrowly diffused inward along the costa and termen before the base of the whitish ochreous cilia, through the middle of which runs a bronzy brown shade-line passing around the apex. Exp. al. 14-15 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; S with an ochreous subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen dark grey, anal tuft shining whitish. Legs whitish ochreous, the tarsi with faint shade-bands. Type s (28559); (28573) Mus. WIsm. FHAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., v. 1896. Seven specimens. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 593 222. (86) Hyposmocoma (?) frac/ivillella, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. iI). Antennae whitish ochreous, spotted above with brownish fuscous; a brownish fuscous streak along the basal joint above. Palpi whitish ochreous, shaded with brownish fuscous externally throughout. Head and face whitish ochreous. Thorax whitish ochreous, shaded along the middle and on the base of the tegulae with brownish fuscous. Forewings whitish ochreous, a long brownish fuscous streak extends from the base of the costa along the upper edge of the cell, terminating in a spot at its outer end; a narrow costal shade, commencing at three-fifths from the base, reaches nearly to the apex, a dorsal shade of the same colour from base to tornus; above the latter a small spot in the middle of the base and another in the middle of the fold; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Exp. al. 13 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen pale brownish fuscous above, whitish ochreous at the sides and beneath. Legs whitish ochreous, the tarsi faintly shaded above. Type $ (26743) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., vi. 1894. Unique. This species probably belongs to a new genus differing from Ilyposmocoma in having veins 4 and 5 of the forewings stalked, thus approaching Dyspzhoria from which, however, it differs in the remote origin of veins 4 and 5 of the hindwings. It would be unwise to found a new genus in this group on a single? which may be merely of abnormal structure. 223. (87) Hlypfosmocoma interizzxta, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. I2). Antennae brownish grey, with faint paler annulations. Palpi very pale ochreous, suffused with greyish fuscous externally nearly to the apex of the median joint and around the base and apex of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax pale dingy ochreous, a grey shade on the middle of the latter. Forewings pale dingy ochreous, with a fuscous streak along the basal half of the costa, a broad fuscous shade along the outer third of the cell, scarcely separated from a narrower shade along the middle of the fold, below which the dorsum is slightly shaded with brownish fuscous, a narrow diffused band of the same running around the apex and termen and spreading over the base of the greyish ochreous cilia. Exp. al. 14 Inm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey. Abdomen dark brownish grey. Legs brownish grey. Type? (26104) Mlus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., 9. vI. 1893. Unique. 594 FA UAA HA WIAIZENSIS 224. (88) Hyposmocoma gemin'ella, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 13). Antennae white, with faint brownish annulations. Palpi white, a brownish streak on the outer side of the basal half of the median joint and a faint ring near its apex; also a small dark spot at the base of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax white; tegulae blotched with pale brownish fuscous. Forewings shining, white, a slight brassy suffusion outwardly, especially near the costa above the end of the cell; two pale brownish fuscous streaks arising from the base, the first following the costa to two-fifths, but slightly separated from it in the $; the second following the lower edge of the cell as far as the middle of the wing where it terminates in a small plical spot; obliquely placed above and beyond it is a discal spot, followed by another at the end of the cell; a few brownish fuscous scales about the tornus are matched on the costa above it, and in some specimens a series of spots occurs in the terminal and costal cilia before the apex; cilia whitish, with an ochreous tinge. Exp. al. I3-17 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish cinereous; S with a pale ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous; anal appendages of the S white. Legs dirty white. Type S (27212); $ (27545) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., (4) v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) vI. 1894. Five specimens. The distinct subdorsal streak along the lower edge of the cell serves to separate this species from picticornis, which in other respects it greatly resembles, having very similar ornamentation on the palpi, but picticornis lacks the subcostal hair-pencil. 225. (89) Hyposzocoma picticornis, sp. nov. (Pl. XXI. fig. 14). Antennae, & pale brownish grey, the basal joint whitish, with an elongate dark brown spot above:? pale bronzy, faintly annulate with whitish. Palpi white, the median joint with a dark brown annulus before the apex and a dark brown streak along the basal half externally, terminal joint with a dark brown spot above at its base and a slight ochreous tinge towards its apex; $ with the terminal joint longer than the median. Head and Thorax shining, white, a bronzy spot at the base of the tegulae. Forewings, S silvery white, with a diffused pale greyish brown streak along the costa from the base to one-third, a small greyish brown spot on the fold beyond its middle, a similar spot obliquely above and beyond it on the cell, followed by a smaller spot at the end of the cell, from this last a few scattered brownish ochreous scales extend to the costa above and to the tornus beneath (in some specimens a dark costal and a tornal spot are also visible); some narrow confluent greyish brown spots occur rouhd the apex at the base of the cilia which are light brownish ochreous:? shining, silvery white, with a bronzy shade at the base of the costa, extending to one-third, leaving a whitish space on the MiCROLEPIDOPTERA 595 costa about its middle; a bronzy dorsal streak extends from near the base, along the margin nearly to the tornus, almost touching a dark bronzy plical spot, beyond the middle of the fold, which is succeeded on the cell above by two dark bronzy discal spots, one before and one at the end of the cell; the costa above these and the apical region beyond them is bestrewed with bronzy scales, a dark broken line running around the apex at the base of the pale bronzy cilia. Exp. al. 14-18 mam. Hindwings shining, grey, cilia with a brownish tinge; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey, anal tuft inclining to ochreous. Legs whitish, with darker tarsal spots, hind tibiae with pale ochreous hairs. Type (261 77); 2 (26283) Molokai, Mus. WIsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (to) 30. V.-12. VI. I893.-MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (2) v. 1896. Twelve specimens. 226. (90) Hyposmocoma phzantasmatella, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. i5). Antennae bone-white, dotted above with fuscous, basal joint fuscous. Palpi bonewhite, median joint fuscous externally; terminal joint longer than median, shaded with fuscous along the sides. Head and Thorax bone-white. Forewings, $ bone-whitish, with a minute fuscous dot in the middle of the fold, another scarcely beyond it on the disc, with a larger one at the end of the cell; a few fuscous streaks in the bone-white cilia, and a small fuscous shade at the base of the costa: f with the discal and plical spots much more clearly exhibited and with an additional fuscous shade towards the end of the fold beneath the outer discal; the spotting around the termen and apex much more distinct and the costa slightly shaded throughout. Exp. al. 12-15 mm. Hindwings pale brownish grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous; g without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen whitish. Legs whitish, the tarsi and outer sides of the hind tibiae shaded with pale fuscous bands. Type? (27750); g (26763) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. 1894. Two specimens. Allied to geminella but without the distinct dark shades from the base and lacking the subcostal hair-pencil. 227. (9I) Hyposmocoma ossea, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. I6). Antennae cinereous. Palpi bone-white, the outer side of the median joint greyish fuscous nearly to its apex. Head and Thorax bone-white; the face somewhat flattened. Forewings bone-white, a short blackish streak along the extreme base of the costa, a brownish fuscous spot in the middle of the fold, a smaller one above and beyond 596 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS it on the cell, a third at the end of the cell; cilia bone-whitish, with a slight greyish tinge; under side greyish fuscous. Exp. al. 16-17 mm. Hindwings and cilia grey; under side leaden grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey, darker than the hindwings. Legs missing; (very pale cinereous, unmarked, in the paratype). Type g (25787) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., 4. vIx.-9. VII. 1892. Two specimens. 228. (92) Hyposmocoma argentea, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 17). Antennae, g minutely serrate, whitish, with a slight brownish ochreous tinge, basal joint white: i pale ochreous, delicately barred above with brown. Palpi white, with a slight brownish shade on the basal half of the median joint externally (rarely entirely white). Head and Thorax silvery white. Forewings silvery white; sometimes with minute groups each consisting of two or three blackish scales, one on the cell about the middle, one before and below it about the middle of the fold, and one equidistant beyond it scarcely above the fold; cilia tinged with ochreous around the costa and termen; under side dark brownish grey, costa narrowly white throughout, cilia whitish. Exp. al. i8-20 mm. Hindwings rather pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; under side pale grey, apical cilia whitish; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Legs, anterior pair brownish grey; median and posterior pairs whitish. Type S (26123); (26189) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: (1) 22. V. 1893, 9. vI. 1893, vI. I896, () 12. VII. I893. Fourteen specimens. This species differs from subargenlea in the much paler median joint of the palpi, in the yellower cilia, especially at the tornus, and in the noticeably shorter and stouter abdomen. 229. (93) Hyposmocoma subargentea, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 18). Antennae pale ochreous, faintly annulate, basal joint white. Palpi white, the median joint smeared externally, nearly to its apex, with dark brown. Head and Thorax silvery white; face brown, with a few white scales at the base of the haustellum. Forewings silvery white, a minute brownish fuscous dot at the end of the cell, a group of two or three brownish scales in the middle of the fold, with a similar minute group on the cell above and beyond them; cilia silvery white, with a faint greyish suffusion about the tornus; under side dark leaden grey, costal and terminal cilia white. Exp. al. I8 mm. Hindwings rather dark grey; cilia pale brownish grey, tending to whitish about the apex; under side dark leaden grey, apical cilia white; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Legs, anterior and median leaden grey; posterior pale brownish grey, tarsal joints faintly spotted with whitish. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 597 Type g (26867) Mus. Wlsm. HAn,. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., vI. 1894. Unique. This species differs from arg-entea in the dark face and more suffused median joint of the palpi; the cilia of the forewings are also whiter, and the abdomen is longer and more slender. 230. (94) Hyposmocoma lac/ea, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 9I). Antennae, g dark umber-brown; V cream-white, annulate with umber-brown; basal joint cream-whitish, shaded with umber-brown. Palpi cream-white, an umber-brown shade along the outer side of the median joint. Head and Thorax cream-white; the tegulae touched with dark brown at the base. Forewings cream-white, with a narrow dark umber-brown shade along the costa from base to middle; a dark brown dorsal shade beyond the middle (in some varieties reduced to a few dark scales near the tornus); exceptionally with a dark spot in the fold or at the end of the cell; cilia cream-whitish (sometimes suffused with ochreous or brownish ochreous), tornal cilia greyish; underside greyish fuscous, costa and cilia whitish. Exp. al. 5 —i6 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; costal cilia whitish; g with a pale greyish white subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish brown above, anal tuft and underside whitish. Legs, anterior blackish; posterior pale brownish ochreous, hind tarsi with brownish spots. Type S (27549); $ (27186) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., \v. 1894. Sixteen specimens. 231. (95) Hyposmocoma lacticrelella, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 20). Aptennae (?) slightly serrate; dark tawny fuscous. Palpi chalk-white, dark tawny fuscous to near the end of the median joint externally, and around the apex of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax chalky white. Forewings chalky white, with a faint ochreous suffusion to beyond the middle, a narrow dark tawny fuscous streak runs along the costa to beyond the middle, and below its pointed outer extremity is a tornal patch of the same colour with a few sparsely scattered scales below the fold; cilia chalky whitish, with a grey shade-line in their middle about the tornus. Exp. al. 12 mnm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish cinereous. Abdomen brownish cinereous, anal tuft ochreous. ILegs smoky fuscous, the basal half of the hind tibiae whitish. Type V (26693) Mus. Wlsm. HAI:. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., Iv. 1894. Unique. F. II1. I. 77 598 FA UNA HA i,7AIIENSIS 232. (96) Hyposmocoma persimilis, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 2 ). Antennae white, faintly annulate with greyish brown; basal joint white. Palpi, median joint brownish fuscous nearly to its apex which is white; terminal joint white throughout, except a small brownish spot near its apex above. Head and Thorax white. Forewings white, with a small brownish spot at the base of the costa, a second costal spot before and a third beyond the middle, the last two somewhat elongate, the extreme costal margin very narrowly white above the outer one; there is a slight dusting of brownish fuscous scales in outwardly augulated lines, apparently in connection with these costal spots, but very thinly scattered except in two small groups on the dorsum, one before and one beyond the middle; a line of similar scales runs around the apex at the base of the white cilia which become brownish grey towards the tornus and are slightly sprinkled with brownish fuscous in that direction. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish brown; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish brown, anal segment inclining to ochreous. Legs whitish cinereous. Type $ (25404);? (27491) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3500 ft., (4) 26-29. VI. I892, 5000 ft., (I) 30. VI. 1892, 4000 ft., (7) vii., (5) 4-IO. VITI. 1892, 4000 ft. and upward, (2) IX. 1892. Nineteen specimens. This species differs from Hyposmocoma albonivea in the white face and basal joint of the antennae, in the browner shade of the markings, and in the absence of a distinct tornal spot, as also in the almost wholly white terminal joint of the palpi and in the paler legs and tarsi. Varieties of carbonenolata which have the first and second dlorsal spots obsolete may be distinguished by the black basal joint of the antennae, and by the subcostal hair-pencil in the g. 233. (97) Hyposmocoma trzinaculata, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 22). Antennae dirty whitish, faintly barred above with brownish cinereous. Palpi whitish, the median joint almost entirely suffused with fuscous, the terminal joint with a fuscous ring before the apex. Head and face white. Thorax dirty white. Forewings white, sprinkled with brownish cinereous scales, more profusely on the dorsal third, beyond the end of the cell, and along the termen; on the costa are three elongate dark fuscous patches, one at the base narrowly connected with the second which extends a little beyond one-third, the third at about two-thirds; cilia dirty whitish, mottled with brownish cinereous. Exp. al. II mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; $ with a pale brownish grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs pale greyish fuscous, dirty whitish on their inner sides and at the tarsal joints. Type! (25104); $ (25103) Mus. Wlsm. MZCROLEPIDOPTERA 599 HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., IV. 1892. Two specimens. The markings are much less distinct and the ground-colour more sordid than in carbonezolata, which moreover has the basal joint of the antennae black. 234. (98) Hyposmocoma albonivea, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 23). Antennae white, delicately annulate with sooty black; basal joint black. Palpi, median joint black, white at its extreme apex; terminal joint white, with a black spot at its base beneath, and a black ring before its apex. Head white; face black. Thorax and tegulae white. Forewings shining, snow-white, with a black spot at the base of the costa, another on the costa before the middle, a third, larger and more triangular, commencing scarcely beyond the middle and reaching to the costal cilia; below and beyond this is an obtusely triangular black dorsal spot at the outer extremity of the fold; the base of the white cilia about the apex and termen is sparsely peppered with black scales; tornal cilia brownish cinereous. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen dark brownish cinereous, anal segment ochreous. Legs brownish fuscous, with white spurs and tarsal spots; the long hairs above the hind tibiae whitish cinereous. Type P (26014) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., iv. 1892. Unique. 235. (99) Hyposmocoma carbonenotata, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 24). Antennae white, annulate with black; basal joint black. Palpi, median joint black, apex white; terminal joint white, with a black ring before the tip. Head and Thorax white, the latter with a black spot posteriorly and another at the base of the tegulac. Forewings white, with six black marginal streaks, three costal and three dorsal; the first costal streak is at the base, pointing obliquely outward parallel with the fold, somewhat wedge-shaped, a narrow black line along the extreme margin connects it with a narrow elongate costal spot at about one-third, also with a smaller wedge-shaped costal spot a little beyond the middle; on the dorsum are three wedge-shaped spots, all pointing obliquely outward, the first small, near the base, the second larger, scarcely before the middle, the third about the tornus and somewhat nearer to the apex than the outer costal spot above it; the white apical and terminal portions of the wing and the white cilia are sprinkled with blackish scales, the tornal cilia being brownish grey. Expt. al. 14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; S with a greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brownish fuscous; ' with the anal segments large and blunt, lateral plates strongly developed. Legs brownish fuscous with white spurs, white tarsal annulations and whitish hairs on the hind tibiae. 77 —2 600 FA UNA UVHA WA IIENSIS Type $ (27144);? (26973). HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (10) v. —VI. 1894; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. I895. Eleven specimens. The species varies slightly and in two specimens the first and second dorsal spots are almost obliterated. 236. (Ioo) Hyposzocorza aZliterata, sp. nov. (PI. XXI. fig. 25). Antennae white, annulate with brownish fuscous; basal joint brownish fuscous. Palpi white, the median joint with a brownish fuscous spot beneath at the base and a ring of the same colour before its apex; terminal joint with a brownish fuscous ring before its apex. Head white. Thorax white, with brownish fuscous spots posteriorly and on the tegulae. Forewings silvery white (sometimes with a greenish tinge), with distinct brownish fuscous markings; an oblong patch at the base of the costa; a rather longer patch at the base of the dorsum, its apex turning upward to the fold; a long boot-shaped streak from the costa at one-third, slightly dilated on the costa, extends obliquely outward, the heel crossing the fold, the toe obtusely terminated on the cell above in the direction of a costal spot at two-thirds; an elongate dorsal spot about the tornus, with a small spot at the end of the cell above it and a triangular patch at the apex running through the apical cilia; terminal cilia white, greyish about the tornus. Exp. al. I3-14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; S with a dark grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen pale brownish cinereous;? with the terminal segments greyish fuscous. Legs pale brownish cinereous, tarsi spotted with greyish fuscous. Type g (2615I);? (26200) Molokai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAT: above 3000-4000 ft., (6) 5. v.-I2. vI. 1893.-MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., (2) V. 1896.-HAWAII: Kona, 3500-5000 ft., (4) 29. VI.-4. VII. I892. Twelve specimens. 237. (Io1) Hyposmocoma nigroden/ata, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 26). Antennae black above, sprinkled with white scales; basal joint black, its apex white. Palpi white, sprinkled with black scales on the outer side of the median joint nearly to its apex; terminal joint also sprinkled with black and with a black ring at its base. Head and Thorax chalky white. Forewings chalky white, a black streak along the base of the costa, and another, at the base of the dorsum, are obliquely bent at their outer ends, converging in an acute angle at about one-fourth from the base, thus enclosing a white quadrangular basal patch; a little beyond one-third is a black costal patch, and another quadrate black patch at two-thirds; on the dorsum are two black outwardly oblique dentate patches, the outer one, before the tornus, reaching scarcely AzIICROLEPIDOPTERA 60o beyond the costal patch above it; the apex and termen are narrowly black at the base of the blackish cilia which become grey towards the tornus. Exp. al. I mm. Hindwings and cilia pale, shining, brownish grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish, with black tarsal annulations. Type? (26964); S (26970) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUIAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., V. 1894. Three specimens. This species differs from obli/erala in the dark cilia and the black margin to the termen and apex. 238. (102) Hyposmocoma obliterata, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 27). Antennae greyish fuscous, faintly annulate; the end of the basal joint white. Palpi white, barred with greyish fuscous externally near the end of the median joint and near the base and tip of the terminal. Head and Thorax white. Forewings white, with a broken fuscous shade extending to three-fourths from the base and a few fuscous scales at the apex; the fuscous shade is broken by a small white patch on the middle of the costa, by a small white patch at the base of the fold, and by two outwardly oblique dorsal patches, one before and another smaller one about the middle; the outer edge of the dark shade is clearly defined against the white apical fourth and is slightly concave; cilia white, becoming greyish about the tornus. Exp. al. I3 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen fuscous. Legs whitish, the outer sides of the tibiae slightly shaded posteriorly. Type g (26965); (26971) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: MtS., 3000-4000 ft., v. 1894. Three specimens. In the? the markings are blackish and the white dorsal patch extends broadly to the costa, where it is irrorated with blackish, leaving an angulated blackish basal patch clearly defined. Closely allied to nigzrodentata but differing in the white cilia and in the absence of the black margin to the termen and apex. 239. (io3) H1yposmocoma bacillella, sp. nov. (P1. XXI. fig. 28). Antennae greyish fuscous, the basal joint black. Palpi white, sprinkled with black externally and around the terminal joint. Head and Thorax chalk-white. Forewings chalk-white, with a blackish streak, sprinkled with white scales, running along the costa from the base nearly to the middle and sending off two outwardly oblique projections from its lower side, the first reaching the fold, but not the second; at about half the winglength is a black spot in the fold, above and a little beyond this is a black streak along the outer third of the cell, narrowly connected below its apex with a black spot about the tornus; the apex and termen are mottled with dark fuscous, and the greater part of 602 FA UN\xA H 1/A IWA IENASIS the wing-surface is sprinkled with the same, especially between the discal streak and the costa; cilia pale greyish cinereous. Exp. al. 1-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish cinereous; g with pale greyish subcostal tuft. Abdomen and Legs pale brownish cinereous, the tarsi faintly spotted with fuscous. Type S (27971) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: MtS., 3000-4000 ft., (4) v. I894; Halemanu and Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., Larva on " Lehua" (Mctrosroser polymoyr/pza?) and other trees, iv. (i) excl. v. I895. Five specimens. In some varieties the wings are much suffused with blackish and fuscous, the white ground-colour being only noticeable as a few small spots near the base, two dorsal spots and an angulated fascia, formed by narrow streaks from the tornus and costa, beyond which the apical portion of the wing is more or less suffused with brown. In these varieties the second projection from the blackish costal streak being surrounded by white becomes somewhat conspicuous, as also the thorax which is creamy white. The larva lives in an elongate conical case, with overlapping lip at the anterior end, the narrower posterior end being obtuse and the whole case having much the appearance of a piece of birch bark, but somewhat darker on the upper than on the under side, the division between the darker and lighter portions being straight and clearly defined. For pupation the case is attached by a short, stiff, thick silken stem from the middle of its underlip to the midrib of the leaf. The case is suspended parallel with the plane of the leaf, two or three fine silk threads attaching its anal extremity to the leaf. 240. (104) Hyjosmocomza canella, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. I). Antennae greyish fuscous, with faint paler annulations, the basal joint hoary. Palpi, Head and Thorax hoary white, sprinkled with fuscous. Forewings hoary white, sprinkled and spotted with greyish fuscous, the base of the costa slightly suffused; in some specimens the fuscous spotting indicates two discal spots with a plical spot below and between them, also one or two others beyond the end of the cell, but in other specimens these are more or less obliterated by coalescence; cilia hoary white, shaded with fuscous along their basal half which shows a tendency to division into two spots, but these are not clearly defined. Exp. al. 9-IO mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; o without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen hoary whitish, shaded with fuscous. Legs whitish, the tarsi speckled with fuscous. Type S (26313); V (26148) Molokai, Mus. Wlsm. H-AIB. KAUAT: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) v. I894.-OAHU: \Vaianae Mts., above i600 ft., (7) iv. 1892; Mt. Kaala, 500o ft., (i) II. I892.-MOLO1AI: 3000 to above 4000 ft., (3) 30. v.-vi. 1893, (2) 6-16. ix. I893.-HAWAII: Kona, 5000 ft., (I) 30. vr. 1892. Fifteen specimens. MICR OL LPID OP TERA 6o3 241. (105) Ifyposmzocoma schismatica, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 2). Antennae dark fuscous. Palpi dark fuscous, sprinkled with whitish ochreous, especially on their inner sides. Head light ochreous, the face even paler. Thorax dark fuscous, tegulae edged with pale ochreous. Forewings dark fuscous, slightly speckled with whitish ochreous, a broad dorsal streak, varying from light ochreous to whitish ochreous, is sometimes traceable to the base, but more usually cut off somewhat abruptly at the flexus; it throws up a slight excrescence before the dark plical spot, this and the discal spots above it being always more or less apparent; a small ochreous spot lies on the costa at four-fifths, and an opposite one on the dorsum terminating the dorsal streak; a few pale scales around the termen at the base of the greyish fuscous cilia, which become paler on the dorsum, but do not take the colour of the dorsal streak. Exp. al. I I-13 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey; g without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs brownish grey, faintly speckled. Type S (27600); V (27965) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., iv. 1895. Thirteen specimens. This species varies in the tint of the pale dorsal streak, which is sometimes almost whitish, sometimes distinctly ochreous. It differs from metrosidetrella in the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil and from rmodesta in the uneven edge of the dorsal streak and in the more speckled appearance of the darker portions of the wing; the face is however always pale, whereas in mzodesta it is if anything darker than the crown. 242. (i06) Hypjosmzocomza cinereosparsa, sp. nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 3). Antennae fuscous, faintly annulate. Palpi fuscous, sprinkled with whitish cinereous, a ring of the same around the apex of the median joint. Head whitish cinereous, sprinkled with fuscous above; face whitish cinereous. Thorax fuscous, tegulae sprinkled with whitish cinereous. Forewings fuscous, profusely sprinkled with whitish cinereous scales which are somewhat concentrated along the dorsum and below the outer end of the cell, also on the costa at the commencement of the cilia; a plical and two discal dark fuscous spots are visible, the second discal being at the end of the cell; cilia brownish grey above the tornus, mixed fuscous and whitish cinereous tipped with brownish grey about the termen and apex. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings grey, cilia brownish grey; without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, the tarsi banded with fuscous and spotted with whitish cinereous at the joints. Type ' (27104);? (26883) Mus. \WIsm. HIAB. KAUA: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (I) ix\. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (17) V. 1894. Eighteen specimens. 604 FA UNA HA WA7 IIENSIS 243. (107) Hyposmocoma saccop/zora, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 4). Antennae brown; the basal joint enlarged outwardly, with a pale yellowish cinereous ring around its apex. Palpi pale cinereous, blotched with brown externally. Head dark brown; face shining, dark brownish grey. Thorax dark brown. Forewings dark brown (through the very dense sprinkling of dark scales on a pale cinereous ground), with an indication of two slightly darker fuscous spots on the fold, one before and one behind its middle, a very small dark spot lying also at the end of the cell; the outer third of the costa to the apex is very narrowly pale yellowish cinereous and a few scales of the same colour are visible on the opposite margin at the base of the tornal cilia (in some specimens these spots are connected by a sprinkling of whitish cinereous scales); cilia dark brown, with a slightly speckled appearance. Exp. al. 8-1o mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia brownish; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brown. Legs pale cinereous, the tarsi banded with greyish brown. Type $ (25062); & (25904) Oahu, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) v. 1894.-OAHU: Waianae Mts., (3) Iv. 1892; near head of Kawailoa Gulch, larva in case on lichen-stained rock, (3) excl. iv. 1893; Mt. Kaala, 3000 ft., larva in case on almost bare rock, no doubt lichenivorous, (i) excl. iv. 1892.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (I) I3. vi. I893. Nine specimens. The larval case is in the form of a somewhat stout thorn; whitish, mottled with greyish fuscous, and with a straight opening at the larger extremity, which is fitted with a lid, like the operculum of a univalve mollusc. 244. (o18) Hyposmocoma modesta, sp. nov. (Pl. XXII. fig. 5). Antennae fuscous. Palpi fuscous, with a pale ochreous ring around the apex of the median joint. Head fuscous, with a slight fawn-ochreous tinge above; face fuscous. Thorax fuscous, tinged with fawn-ochreous. Forewings dark tawny fuscous, with a slight indication of two dark spots, one on the fold, the other at the end of the cell, the anterior discal spot can also be faintly traced; from the base a rather broad fawn-ochreous streak occupies the dorsal area beneath the fold and tapering outward terminates in a slight enlargement at the tornus; the greyish fuscous terminal cilia are also tinged along their base with ochreous and there is a small spot of the same colour in the commencement of the costal cilia. Exp. al. 12 nmm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous, tinged with ochreous posteriorly. Legs brownish fuscous, with some obscure pale ochreous tarsal spots. Type o (27022); (27014) Mus. Wlsm. H,\B. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (8) vi. 1894; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. 1895. Nine specimens. MICROL EPID OPTTERA 605 This species differs from sc/hismatica in the straight dorsal streak throwing up no uneven anterior edge and especially in the dark face and the distinct pale ring around the dark palpi. It differs from metrosiderella in the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil. 245. (o09) Hylfosmocoma lomentosa, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 6). Antennae whitish, barred with fuscous. Palpi white, the median joint much shaded and sprinkled with fuscous, the terminal joint sparsely sprinkled. Head white. Thorax white in the middle, greyish fuscous at the sides. Forewings greyish fuscous, profusely sprinkled with mealy white scales as far as the brownish grey cilia; a white dorsal streak from base to tornus. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen mealy white, tinged with grey posteriorly. Legs whitish, shaded and banded with grey. Type $ (25379) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vii. 1895; Kona, 3000 ft., ix. I892. Two specimens. 246. ( io) Hyposzmocoma dorsella, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 7). Antennae umber-brown. Palpi brownish fuscous externally, whitish ochreous on the inner side of the median joint and around its apex; the terminal joint also sprinkled with whitish ochreous. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous; tegulae shaded with brownish fuscous. Forewings whitish ochreous, shaded, except in a broad band along the dorsum, with brownish fuscous, in which are clearly distinguishable an elongate plical spot on the middle of the fold, a longer discal spot or streak above and beyond it and a transverse spot at the end of the cell; these are much darker in colour than the wingshading, a few dark spots along the base of the cilia on either side of the apex; cilia whitish ochreous. Exp. al. I7 mm. Hindwings pale stone-grey; cilia pale ochreous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish ochreous, more distinctly in patches on the anterior segments. Legs whitish ochreous, shaded and banded with pale brownish fuscous. Type S (25109) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., iv. 1892. Unique. 247. (u I) Hyposmocomza falacella, sp. nov. (Ill. XXII. fig. 8). Antennae greyish brown. Palpi greyish white, with a fuscous shade on the basal half of the median joint externally and a spot at the base of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax dull whitish; tegulae brownish grey. Forewings greyish brown, with a pale whitish ochreous streak along the dorsum, including the terminal cilia nearly to the apex. Exp. al. i6 mm. Hindwings pale greyish; cilia brownish grey; $ with expansible 1. 1-. I. 78 60o6 FA UNAT HA WAIIENSIS greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dull greyish. Legs whitish cinereous, the tarsi slightly grey-shaded. Type $ (27065) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., vi. 1894. Unique. 248. (I 2) Hyposmocoma falsimella, sp. nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 9). Antennae bronzy brown. Palpi bronzy brownish, inclining to pale brassy ochreous on their inner sides and externally at the junction of the median and terminal joints. Head pale brassy ochreous. Thorax bronzy brown. Forewings bronzy brown, with a pale brassy ochreous dorsal streak from base to tornus, influencing the tornal but not the apical cilia; with three subovate dark brown spots, one on the middle of the fold, one a little beyond it on the disc, and one at the end of the cell. Exp. al. I8 mm. Hindwings very pale greyish; cilia pale brownish ochreous; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs pale brownish grey, the tarsi slightly darker externally. Type S (26648) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, above 5000 ft., II. i894. Unique. This species, which bears a strong resemblance to Monopis imella, Hb., is closely allied to fa/lacella, from which it differs essentially in lacking the subcostal hair-pencil and in its darker palpi. 249. (113) Hyposmocoma ochreovittella, sp. nov. (PI. XII. fig. io). Antennae tawny brownish, faintly annulate with pale ochreous. Palpi pale cinereous, shaded, especially on the terminal joint, which is longer than the mnedian, with tawny brownish. Head tawny brownish; face pale ochreous. Thorax pale brownish ochreous. Forewings tawny brownish, faintly mottled with pale ochreous, the whole space beneath the fold pale brownish ochreous; this colour, slightly crossing the fold beyond and before its middle, defines the outer edges of two rather dark plical spots; a spot at the end of the cell and another discal spot preceding it are faintly indicated in a darker shade of the ground-colour; cilia brownish ochreous, shading to greyish brown. Exp. al. I6-i8 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia slightly paler; g without subcostal hair-pencil, but with a strong outstanding pale brownish ochreous hair-pencil arising from the limbus near the base. Abdomen brownish. Legs brownish ochreous, hind tarsi with darker spots. Type $ (25492); ~ (25619) Mus. WIsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., vI.-VIII., Ix. 1892. Twelve specimens. rhe limbal hair-pencil arises on d othe upper side of the wing but is sometimes folded underneath; this structure does not occur in fidvida, quadripunctata and vicina, three allied species, which it is difficult otherwise to distinguish from ockreovi/tella. MICROLEPID OPTERA 607 250. (, 4) Hyposmocoma quadrzipunctata, sp. nov. (Pl. XXII. fig. i ). Antennae tawny brownish. Palpi tawny brown, the terminal joint and a spot at the apex of the median joint inclining to ochreous, especially on the upper side. Head and Thorax tawny brown. Forewings tawny brown, with a vinous gloss, inclining to fade to brownish ochreous along the dorsum; a dark fuscous spot in the fold beyond its middle is followed by a smaller one a little above the fold; between and above these is one on the cell followed by a fourth at the end of the cell-all these are more or less annulate with pale brownish ochreous; cilia tawny brown, faintly streaked with pale brownish ochreous. Exp. al. 19 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia brownish cinereous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish cinereous. Legs brownish cinereous, tarsi with pale spots at the joints. Type g (26937); V (26922) Mus. WIsm. HAIB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. 1894. Two specimens. 251. (I 5) Hyposmocoma sudorella, sp. nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 12). Antennae greyish brown. Palpi greyish brown, the terminal joint narrowly ochreous above. Head and Thorax tawny brown. Forewings tawny brown, with a smooth glossy appearance; a tawny fuscous spot, a little beyond the middle of the fold, is followed by an obliquely reduplicated spot on the cell above it, with another on the end of the cell; cilia greyish brown. Exp. al. i8 mnm. Hindwings shining, whitish grey; cilia greyish brown; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs pale greyish brown. Type g (26923) Mus. WIsm. HAj. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., i. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vi. 1894. Three specimens. This species has slightly broader hindwings than fulvida and is a little larger, but it approaches very closely in appearance to some varieties of that species. 252. (i 6) Hyposmocoma vicina, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 13). Antennae fuscous. the basal joint with an ochreous ring at its apex. Palpi fuscous, but tinged with pale ochreous to beyond the middle of the median joint externally; the inner side of the median joint also tinged with ochreous throughout. Head and Thorax tawny fuscous, an ochreous tinge on the latter posteriorly; face dull ochreous. Forewings dark tawny fuscous, mottled with ochreous along the fold and across the middle of the wing, two opposite marginal spots faintly indicated beyond the end of the cell, which is occupied by a round faintly ocellate spot; cilia ochreous, much shaded with fuscous nearly to their extremitiess Exp. al. 14-15 mmin. Hindwings shining, pale brownish 78-2 6o8 oFA UNA HA WAIIENSIS grey, slightly darker towards the apex; cilia brownish grey; & without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous, with paler transverse bands posteriorly. Legs brownish cinereous, the tarsi broadly annulate with tawny fuscous. Type g (25052); V (25053) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAIU: Waianae Mts., 1700 ft.: on trunks of more or less decayed koa trees (Acacia koa), iv. 1892; near head of Kawailoa Gulch, (i) IV. 1893. Nine specimens. This species can be distinguished from fulvida by the paler median joint of the palpi, which in the latter have not the same pale ochreous tinge; moreover there is much more yellow-ochreous mottling on the wing-surface than inftlvida. The whole series of specimens from the same locality agree in these respects, but a single specimen might possibly have been regarded as a mere variety. 253. (I 7) Hyposmzocoma fSlvida, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. I4). Antennae tawny brown; basal joint with a pale spot at its apex. Palpi tawny brown, with a pale spot at the apex of the median joint. Head and Thorax tawny brown. Forewings tawny brown, with three somewhat obscurely indicated dark tawny fuscous spots, one on the middle of the fold, one on the cell a little beyond and above it, and a third at the end of the cell, with a faint indication of a smaller spot a little above the fold at one-third from the base; cilia tawny brown, tending to greyish brown about the tornus. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale greyish brown; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen tawny brown. Legs tawny brownish, with pale spurs and indistinct tarsal spots. Type S (26117); (26277) Molokai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 to about 4000 ft., (3) 9-13. vI. I893.-KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (i) iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., ( 14) V.-VI. 1894. Eighteen specimens. This species has thinner palpi and thicker hind tarsi than vicina. 254. (I 8) Hyposmocoma sideritis, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 15). Antennae fuscous, with faint brownish ochreous annulations. Palpi cinereous, shaded externally with fuscous, a ring of the same near the end of the median joint. Hlead tawny brown; face pale cinereous. Thorax tawny brown. Forewings tawny brown, with a slight bronzy gloss; cilia smoky brownish grey. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; S with brownish ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen smoky grey. Legs brownish ochreous, with smoky grey hairs on the hind tibiae. Type? (28545); $ (26628) Mus. Wlsm. HAP. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., IT. 1894, v, I896. Two specimens. MIICROL EPID OP TERA 609 255. ( 9) Hyposmocoma obscura, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 16). Antennae brown, a pale ochreous spot at the end of the basal joint. Palpi, apical joint as long as the median, bronzy brown, the median joint with strongly iridescent scales externally. Head and Thorax dark bronzy brown. Forewings bronzy brown, apparently without markings, but on close examination a minute darker spot is visible on the middle of the fold with a few pale brownish ochreous scales at its outer extremity; above and a little beyond this is a similar darkened spot on the cell from which a slender line of pale brownish ochreous scales runs to a third spot at the end of the cell (these scales are probably very fugitive, as they have almost entirely disappeared from the right wing of 26668); cilia bronzy brown, slightly paler than the wing. Exp. al. 14-18 mm. Hindwings shining, brownish grey; cilia pale bronzy brownish; S without subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs bronzy brownish, the hind tibiae iridescent at their sides, hairy above, pale cinereous at their extremities; the hind tarsi faintly spotted with pale cinereous. Type? (26668); $ (26676) Mus. WIsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000-5000 ft., III. 1894, v. I896; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., IV. 1894, v. i896. Seven specimens. In paler specimens the spots are more distinct. 256. (120) Hyposmocoma scandens, sp. nov. (Pl. XXII. fig. 17). Antennae dark brownish cinereous, a small pale spot at the end of the browner basal joint. Palpi greyish fuscous, paler greyish on their inner sides. Head and Thorax cinereous, mixed with dark brown scales. Forewings dark bronzy brown, a fuscous shade at the base of the dorsum; with four dark fuscous spots, one on the disc about the middle, coalescing with one which precedes it on the fold, one at the end of the cell and another half-way between this and the discal spot on the upper edge of the fold; a few whitish scales on the disc and on the fold between the discal and plical spots; cilia obscurely streaked with pale ochreous and bronzy brown. Exp. al. 17-20 omm. Hindwings whitish grey; cilia pale brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey. Legs pale cinereous, the tarsi much shaded with fuscous. Type S (27084);? (267I5) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: MtS., 3000-4000 ft., (5) v. —v. 1894; Lihue, 4000 ft., (I) VII. I896. Six specimens. 6Io FA UANAHA WA IIENSIS 257. (I2I) Hyposmocomza mZaestella, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 18). Antennae brownish ochreous beneath, fuscous above. Palpi bronzy brownish externally, the terminal joint brownish fuscous. Head and Thorax brownish ochreous. Forewings rather shining, rich bronzy brown, with two dark fuscous discal spots, one about the middle of the wing, the other at the end of the cell, a few pale cinereous scales between them; a smaller fuscous spot below these on the upper edge of the fold is preceded by a larger one in the middle of the fold; cilia fuscous at the apex, alternating with fuscous and plain cinereous on the costa and termen. Exp. al. 21-25 mm. Hindwings shining, grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Legs greyish brown, with pale tarsal annulations. Type $ (27583); (27648) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., I\. I895. Twelve specimens. 258. (122) Hyposmoconma fzdvocervinza, sp. nov.'(Pl. XXII. fig. 19). Antennae pale ochreous. Palpi, terminal joint slightly longer than the median; blackish, pale ochreous at the end and on the inner side of the median joint. Head and Thorax purplish fawn. Forewings purplish fawn, with a narrow blackish spot on the middle of the fold, above and a little beyond which is another blackish spot followed by a larger one at the end of the cell; associated with these discal spots are some pale ochreous scales which sometimes almost surround them giving an ocellated appearance; three or four obscure greyish spots occur on the costa and termen; cilia fawn-ochreous. Exp. al. 17-2I mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey; anal tuft ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, with brownish tarsal and tibial shade-bands externally. Type o (27829); T (27361) Mus. Wlsm. HAP. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (10) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) v. 1894, (4) vi. 1894. Seventeen specimens. The peculiar coloration and ocellated discal spots renders this species easy of recognition. 259. (123) Hyposmocoma carnea, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 20). Antennae yellowish ochreous, annulate with fuscous. Palpi fuscous externally, pale on their inner sides, with a slight pale annulus around the apex of the median joint. Head and Thorax pale rosy fawn. Forewings pale rosy fawn, minutely speckled with pale fuscous (with a yellowish ochreous tint wherever the scales are slightly abraded); cilia pale rosy fawn. Exp. al. i9 mm. Hindwings shining, whitish stramineous; cilia pale rosy; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs pale fawn-ochreous. MI0CROLEP1DOPT7EY RA6 611 Type $ (26902) Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-VI. 1894. Two specimens. This species differs from roseofz//va in its decidedly broader hindwings, in its shorter palpi and in its paler coloration. 260. (124) Hyposmoconma roseofudva, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 21). Antennae brownish ochreous, the basal joint with a fuscous streak above. Palpi pale ochreous, a fuscous line along the outer side of the median joint, and a slender fuscous line along the outer side of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax dark tawny, the latter shading to tawny fuscous posteriorly. Forewings rich reddish tawny, shading to tawny fuscous along the dorsum, the costal and terminal veins being faintly indicated by lines of tawny fuscous scales; a large tawny fuscous spot on the disc about the middle of the wing, more or less blending with the dark dorsal shade, is followed by a smaller spot at the end of the cell; cilia around the apex reddish tawny, with a broken tawny fuscous line along their base, tornal cilia pale cinereous. Exp. al. 17-19 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia pale cinereous;! without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen cinereous. Legs pale brownish cinereous. Type $ (27081);? (27209) Mus. Wlsm. HAIB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. —I. 1894. Twelve specimens. 261. (125) Hlyposmzocoima subsericea, s). nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 22). Antennae pale fawn, shaded with brownish fuscous. Palpi very pale fawn-ochreous, a dark shade along the under side of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax pale fawnochreous. Forewings rather shining, pale fawn-ochreous, dusted with fuscous atoms; a blackish spot on the middle of the fold, another somewhat elongate above and a little beyond it, a third at the end of the cell; at the base are two small fuscous spots, one below the fold, the other on the costa, a third, smaller one, is indicated between these two but removed from the base; cilia a little paler than the wing, with a few faintly indicated dark shade-spots along their base around the apex and termen. Exp. al. I8-24 mm. Hindwings shining, pale greyish; cilia with a slight fawn-ochreous tinge; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen pale ochreous. Legs very pale fawn-ochreous, the tarsal joints shaded above with fawn-brownish. Type $ (26360) Molokai, Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. 1895.-MOLOKAI 4000 ft., (I) 23. IX. 1893.-LANAI: above 2000 ft., (i) xii. I893.-FIHA\AII: Mt. Kilalue, (i) v1. 1895, (I) VIIi. 1896. Five specimens. 612 FA UNA HA WfA IIZENSIS The species varies in size and in the amount of shading on the forewings being more or less distinctly indicated. One of the specimens from Hawaii (27406) has paler hindwings and the dark shade on the palpi is absent, but I cannot venture to separate it, having only one specimen in moderate condition. It is to be regretted that no series of specimens is available from any of the islands. 262. (126) Ilyposmocoma oc/zreocervina, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 23). Antennae fawn-ochreous, the basal joint fuscous. Palpi fawn-ochreous, the median joint fuscous externally. Head and Thorax fawn-ochreous. Forewings fawn-ochreous, with a minute fuscous spot, a little above the fold, somewhat beyond its middle, a second minute spot at the end of the cell; above and below this the costal and dorsal margins show patches of fuscous scales, a few of the same being scattered along the termen and apex at the base of the pale fawn-ochreous cilia; at the extreme base of the costa is a narrow fuscous shade followed by another a little beyond it. Exp. al. 12-13 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia with a slight brownish ochreous tinge; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen cinereous. Legs pale cinereous, the tarsi with faint darker bands. Type $ (25159); V (25157) Mus. Wlsm. HA]. OAI U: Waianae Mts., about 3000 ft., Iv. 1892, "beaten from Lehua" trees (Aietrosideros polymorpha?). Eight specimens. 263. (127) Hyposmocoma syrr/taptes, sp. nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 24). Antennae pale ochreous, barred above with brownish fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, dark brownish fuscous externally on the median joint nearly to its apex. Head pale fawn-ochreous. Thorax fawn-ochreous. Forewings fawn-ochreous, with a broad dark brownish fuscous shade, along their upper third, extending from the base to the costal cilia and almost concealing a fuscous spot, at the end of the cell, as well as the preceding discal spot, but not extending to the fold; along the termen and reaching to the apex is a less distinct shade of the same colour, sometimes almost absent; cilia fawn-ochreous. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish fuscous; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs pale brownish fuscous, with paler tarsal spots. Type! (27125); t (27543) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v..-vi. I893; Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895. Four specimens. 1AICR(OLEPIDOP TERA 613 264. (128) Hyposmzocoma paradoxa, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 25). Antennae pale ochreous, barred above with brownish fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, dark brownish fuscous externally on the median joint almost to its apex; terminal joint slightly sprinkled with fuscous, especially before its apex. Head pale fawn-ochreous. Thorax fawn-ochreous. Forewings fawn-ochreous, with a broad dark brownish fuscous shade along their upper third extending from the base to the apex, and to a distinct dark fuscous spot at the end of the cell preceded by another on the disc; the dark shade is slightly diffused beyond the cell, but sends down, before the middle, an angular projection to the position of the plical spot which is not otherwise distinguishable; the pale dorsal portion of the wing is obscurely irrorated with fuscous scales, the bases of the fawn-ochreous cilia as well as the cilia themselves being sometimes shaded with brownish fuscous. Exp. al. I- -12 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale leaden grey, with a brownish tinge outwardly; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs pale brownish fuscous, with paler tarsal spots. Type $ (27303); $ (27220) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) v. 1894, (7) rvi. I894.-Mo1OKAIA: above 3000 ft., (3) 13 vI. 1 893, (i) 6. IX. I893. Twelve specimens. In sy)rrhap/es the dark costal shade reaches only to the two discal spots and to the costal cilia, while in paradoxa this shade reaches to the apex and throws down an angular projection to the plical spot. The palpi also differ slightly, but the two species are very closely allied. 265. (i29) Hyposmocoma mimZema, sp. nov. (PI. XXII. fig. 26). Antennae dark fuscous, a small ochreous ring at the end of the basal joint. Palpi pale ochreous, the median thickly, and the terminal joint slightly suffused with dark fuscous externally; a pale spot at the apex of the median joint. Head yellow-ochreous. Thorax blackish fuscous, an ochreous spot on the tegulae. Forewings bright yellowish ochreous, a blackish fuscous shade running from the base to the costal cilia, its lower edge biangulate, the angles reaching the disc but not to the fold; a sprinkling of fuscous scales about the apex, diffused inward towards the end of the cell, with a few also on the tornus at the end of the fold; without visible discal spots; cilia bright ochreous on the termen, tornal cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. II mm. Hindwincgs leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; g with expansible dark grey subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, tarsi annulate with pale ochreous. Type g (28370) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, below 4000-5000 ft., v. I896. Two specimens. This species is almost exactly similar to sy)rrhaptes in colour and markings but lacks the discoidal spot, while syrrihaptes has no subcostal hair-pencil. '. H1. i. 79 614 FA UNA HA EWA IIENSIS 266. (I30) Hyposlmocoma bella, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 27). Antennae cinereous, annulate with fuscous. Palpi (broken). Head leaden grey; face paler. Thorax dark purplish grey. Forewings dark purplish grey, with a bright yellow dorsal streak from base to apex, including the terminal cilia, a small yellow spot on the middle of the costa and a larger one at the commencement of the costal cilia; the upper edge of the dorsal streak is biundulate, the first undulation reaching the fold before its middle, the second extending to the end of the cell; costal cilia purplish grey. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny brownish. Abdomen dark grey. Legs (missing). Type g (27982) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft., v. 1895. Unique. The single specimen has no palpi and is in poor condition but is so remarkably distinct and beautiful in the contrast of its colours that I cannot refrain from describing it. 267. (i31) Hyposniocoma rusius, sp. nov. (P1. XXII. fig. 28). Antennae fuscous. Palpi bright ochreous, terminal joint shaded with brownish fuscous. Head brownish fuscous; face whitish. Thorax bronzy brownish fuscous. Forewings bronzy brownish fuscous, with an indistinct ochreous gloss, especially noticeable from the middle of the base to half the wing-length, dilated upward to the middle of the costa and again in a broad band before the apex; the colours are so completely blended as to influence each other more or less throughout the wing and no distinct pattern can be recognised; a discal spot beyond the middle is almost obliterated, and another at the end of the cell is very minute; a few ochreous scales lie at the base of the dark bronzy fuscous cilia. Exp. al. 10 mm. Hindwings dark leaden grey; cilia tawny fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous. Legs bronzy grey, with obscure pale tarsal spots. Type & (26291) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 30. v. 1893. Unique. 268. (132) Hyposmocoma aurofpururea, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. I). Antennae bronzy fuscous. Palpi bronzy golden, tipped with purplish. Head shining purple; face bronzy grey. Thorax shining purplish. Forewings shining purple, with a broad diffused bronzy golden streak running from the base along the fold, in which is a small dark spot, to the tornus and thence reverting obliquely outward to the costa before the apex; cilia purple. Exp. al. 9 mm. Hindwings and cilia rather MICROLEPIDOPTERA 615 iridescent, dark bronzy fuscous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen purplish. Legs bronzy fuscous. Type $ (25085);? (25083) Mus. Wism. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., I\. 1892. Three specimens. 269. (i33) Hjyposmocoma inversella, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 2). Antennae fuscous, the basal joint brownish ochreous. Palpi brownish ochreous; the terminal joint shorter than median. Head brilliant steel-blue above, brownish ochreous at the sides, the face pale ochreous. Thorax purplish; tegulae ochreous, touched with steel-blue at their base. Forewings shining purplish, with a small spot at the base of the costa and two transverse fasciae brownish ochreous the first fascia leaves the costa at one-fifth from the base and is dilated to the dorsum, enclosing a purplish basal patch, which is slightly angulated outward a little above the fold; the second fascia is inverted from the commencement of the costal cilia, running obliquely to the commencement of the tornal cilia, its outer margin slightly concave; cilia cinereous. Exp. al. I r-12 mm. Hindwings and cilia tawny cupreous. Abdomen tawny fuscous. Legs tawny fuscous, with pale spurs and tarsal spots. Type? (25082) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., Iv. I892. Two specimens. 270. (134) Hyposmocoma vinicolori sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 3). Antennae reddish fuscous. Palpi cinereous, shaded and speckled with reddish fuscous externally. Head pale cinereous, with a few reddish fuscous scales. Thorax cinereous, dusted with reddish fuscous. Forewings whitish cinereous, profusely sprinkled with dark tawny scales, giving the appearance of a vinous suffusion; these are aggregated in a conspicuous dark tawny basal patch, somewhat convex outwardly, in a dark tawny patch resting on the fold beyond its middle and diffused upward and inward across the cell nearly to the costa, also in a small spot at the end of the cell; cilia brownish grey, sprinkled with tawny scales about their base, especially around the apex. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale greyish brown. Abdomen dark greyish brown above, whitish beneath. Legs pale cinereous, somewhat dusted with tawny grey. Type? (25047) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., 1i. 892. Two specimens. 271. (i35) Hyposmocoma acdep/zella, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 4). Antennae brown. Palpi brown, terminal joint paler than median. Head whitish ochreous, shaded above with brown. Thorax fawn-brown. Forewings fawn-brown, with the usual two dark discal spots, the first slightly elongate a little beyond the similfar 79-2 6i6 FA UNA HA WAIJIENSIS plical spot below it; cilia pale brown, a faint ochreous line running along their base. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings pale brownish grey; cilia brownish grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs brownish grey; hind tarsi faintly palespotted. Type g (25424); $ (25709) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (2) 17. VII. 1892.-KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4poo ft., (i) VT. 1894. I am unable to separate from the Hawaiian species a single S (27124) from Kauai. 272. (136) Hyposnmocoma metrosiderella, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 5). Antennae bronzy fuscous. Palpi blackish, with a pale ochreous ring around the apex of the median joint; terminal joint sprinkled with pale ochreous scales. Head and Thorax brownish cinereous. Forewings bronzy fuscous, the dorsal space below the fold, a spot at the lower angle of the cell, and another on the costa before the apex pale brownish ochreous, many scales of the same colour scattered about the wing-surface; on the dark suffused portion of the wing dark fuscous spots are ill-defined, these appear to be placed thus:-one overlapping the fold at one-third of its length, one in the fold at two-thirds of its length, one at the end of the cell, and one, before it on the cell, a little further from the base than the plical spot below it; cilia dull greyish ochreous. Exp. al. i — 13 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia greyish ochreous; subcostal tuft of the g leaden grey. Abdomen dull brownish ochreous. Legs dark tawny greyish, with whitish ochreous annulations at the joints. Type $ (27972); (27974) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (i) IV. I895; Halemanu and Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., larva on Metrosideros, (8) excl. v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (2) v.-vI. 1894.-OAIIU: Waianae Mts., (9) iv. 1892. Twenty-two specimens. Varieties of this species occur in which there is less speckling and mottling, the darker spots being scarcely traceable, the dorsal space clearer, with a pale tornal spot opposite to that on the costa, and the abdomen of the $ appears to be also sometimes dark leaden grey above. The larva feeds on Alet!rosideros (polymorpha?) in a rough case of frass with a loose lip. The case is somewhat flattened, pouch-shaped, with a short obtuse curved attenuation posteriorly, the middle is widened and the whole case is of a dull dark brownish and fuscous colour. Hyposmocoma, sp. (metrosiderella 9). HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., nl. 1894. A single specimen from Maui (26596) is not sufficiently distinct from metrosideire/la to warrant description. IICR OL EPIDOP TERA 617 273. ('37) flyposmocoma sii/tlis, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 6). Antennae pale fuscous; basal joint pectinate. Palpi recurved to above the vertex, terminal joint as long as median; median joint blackish, sprinkled with whitish scales, a white ring around its apex; terminal joint creamy whitish, sprinkled with black. Head white, shaded with fuscous above in the middle. Thorax fuscous, whitish across the anterior margin. Forewings white, as to their ground-colour, but the whole surface above the fold suffused with fuscous, rendering the markings, which are as in calva, much less clearly defined than in that species; the cilia have a very slight ochreous tinge. Exp. al. 16 mm. Hindwings bronzy grey; the cilia with a scarcely perceptible ochreous tinge; S with a greyish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen grey, anal extremity whitish cinereous (not ochreous). Legs whitish, sprinkled with grey. Type S (25238) MIus. WIsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (i) VII. 1892, (f) 12. VIII. 1892, (1) 17. X VII. 1892. Three specimens. This species greatly resembles calva but the colour of the head at once separates it, accompanied as this is by the other slight differences mentioned, especially the absence of any distinct yellowish ochreous tint in the cilia of the fore and hindwings. 274. (138) Hyposmnocona calva, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 7). Antennae pale fuscous. Palpi, median joint blackish, sprinkled with whitish scales, a white ring around its apex; terminal joint creamy whitish, sprinkled with black. Head pale ochreous. Thorax fuscous. Forewings white, much sprinkled and blotched with fuscous, of which an outwardly angulated basal patch becomes almost confluent with a profuse subcostal sprinkling, and a large ill-defined plical spot, about the middle of the fold, becomes almost confluent with a discal spot above and beyond it, which again is followed by another at the end of the cell, the apex also is clouded with fuscous; the dorsal space below the fold is white, on which only a small portion of the basal patch, a portion of the plical spot, and a few antetornal fuscous scales encroach; cilia greyish ochreous, slightly speckled with fuscous. Exp. al. 17 mm. Hindwings bronzy grey, paler at the base; cilia greyish, with an ochreous tinge; S with greyish subcostal hairpencil. Abdomen fuscous, anal segments ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, sprinkled with grey. Type ( (25227) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., 12-17. vii. I 892. Two specimens. 618 FA UNAA HIA WIA /IIENSIS 275. (139) Jlyposmoconma tarsimzaculala, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 8). Antennae dark fuscous, the basal joint with a few white scales at its apex. Palpi black, the end of the median joint white; terminal joint sprinkled with white. Head whitish, shaded with brownish fuscous above. Thorax black, sprinkled with white posteriorly, the tegulae tipped with ochreous. Forewings white, much sprinkled and suffused with black; an oblique black basal patch, wider on the dorsum than on the costa, communicates with a blackish dorsal shade which extends to the tornus where it meets a transverse black fascia, sprinkled and diffused on its inner margin, but clearly defined by a white band externally; at about one-third from the base is a black costal shade, attenuate obliquely downward to the fold, thence produced outward in an elongate reniform spot crossing the fold; before the apex is a black transverse shade, formed of thickly sprinkled scales which extend also through the white terminal cilia; tornal cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. i6 —17 mm. Hindwings shining, pale grey; cilia brownish grey; S with a blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs white, tarsi with four black bands above, tibiae shaded with black externally; hind tibiae with long brownish grey hairs above. Type S (27321) us. Wlsnl.m. HAIn. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) vi. I894.-OAHU: Near head of Kawailoa Gulch, (i) iv. 1893. Four specimens —those from Kauai are all males, the Oahu specimen is a W. 276. (140) fjyposzmocoma oc/hreociaiata, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 9). Antennae pale cinereous, banded above with olive-grey. Palpi fuscous, much sprinkled with whitish scales, the apex of the median joint whitish. Head whitish, sprinkled with greyish fuscous. Thorax bright orange-ochreous, sprinkled and suffused with fuscous anteriorly. Forewings slaty whitish, much suffused above the dorsum, beyond the basal third, with olivaceous fuscous extending to the costa and apex; a basal patch of the same colour, containing some slightly raised scales, is irregularly edged externally with dark coppery fuscous, angulated on the fold and with some orangeochreous scales along its dorsal margin; at the commencement of the fuscous suffusion is a large oblique patch of dark coppery fuscous, arising beneath the costa and slightly overlapping the fold, followed by a strong discal spot of the same colour, with another at the end of the cell, a tornal spot a little beyond the latter; the marginal spots before the apex are faintly indicated in the whitish ground-colour, the cilia throughout being bright orange-ochreous, sparsely speckled with greyish fuscous. Exp. al. 1 mm. Hindwings shining, grey; cilia orange-ochreous, shading to greyish about the tornus; subcostal hair-pencil rather dark grey. Abdomen dark greyish. Legs greyish, with ochreous ctnnulations and tibial hair-scales. IM1CROLEI5 I IDOP TIERT,, 619 Type! (28748); V (28747) Mus. Wism. HAB. HAWAII::Mt. Kilauea, VIiI. 1896. Two specimens. This species is readily recognised by the very strong orange-ochreous cilia which in calva are only slightly tinged; the ochreous thorax also distinguishes it from that species. 277. (141) l1yposmocoma malornata, sp. nov. (P1. XX III. fig. 10). Antennae slightly serrate, dark umber-brown; the basal joint with a narrow subochreous ring around its outer extremity. Palpi dark umber-brown, with a narrow subochreous ring around the outer extremity of the median joint and a slight sprinkling of subochreous scales on the upper side of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax dark umber-brown. Forewings dark umber-brown, inclining to fuscous, very sparsely sprinkled with pale subochreous scales, a small patch of these forming a discal spot at about onesixth from the base, obliquely diffused outward towards a smaller spot on the lower edge of the fold; a little before the apex are two opposite pale ochreous spots, on the costa and tornus respectively; cilia brownish fuscous, becoming brownish grey on their outer half and about the tornus. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; $ with a brownish fuscous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish fuscous above, whitish ochreous beneath; the anal tuft pale ochreous. Legs dark brownish fuscous, the spurs and five tarsal annulations pale ochreous. Type S (26653) Maui, Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (3) iv. I895; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (4) VI. 1894.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 —4000 ft., (IS) 30. v.-13. vI. 1893; about 5000 ft., (I) 13. IX. I893; above 3000 ft., (i) 16. ix. 1893.-iMAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (i) iv. 1894.-HAWAII: (Olaa, (I) ix. g896. Thirty specimens. 278. (142) Hyposmoconma quinqfemaculala, sp. nov. (PI. XX II. fig. I). Antennae whitish cinereous, spotted above with fuscous, the basal joint fuscous above. Palpi whitish cinereous, profusely speckled on the median joint, except at its apex, and shaded on the terminal joint with fuscous. Head and face whitish cinereous. Thorax whitish cinereous, sprinkled with fuscous. Forewings whitish cinereous, sprinkled with fuscous, with five conspicuous fuscous spots; one near the base of the fold, reniform; another, also placed in the fold, beyond its middle; a third resting on the outer end of the fold; the two latter almost connected with two discal spots above them, one at the end of the cell and one a little before it; a spot at the base of the costa and a triangular costal mark at about one-third from the base are somewhat faintly indicated, 620 FA UNA HA U4A'fIIENSIS followed by a whitish spot at the commencement of the costal cilia; cilia pale brownish cinereous, slightly speckled with fuscous. Exp. al. I5-i6 mm. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale brownish cinereous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark greyish, anal tuft ochreous. Legs fuscous, whitish ochreous at the joints. Type g (28505); $ (25703) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft.. vi. 1892, 13. VIII. 1892, 8. ix. 1892. Three specimens. Allied to condiella but distinguished by the absence of the hair-pencil in the hindwings. 279. (043) Hyposmocoma condizella, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. I2). Antennae greyish fuscous, the basal joint speckled with pale ochreous. Palpi olivegrey, shaded and speckled with greyish fuscous. Head greyish fuscous, inclining to ochreous at the sides. Thorax greyish fuscous, speckled with pale ochreous. Forewings greenish olivaceous, blotched and speckled with greyish fuscous throughout, with an admixture of a few pale ochreous scales; a pale ochreous costal spot before the apex, with an indistinct smaller one on the opposite margin; the darker patches are ill-defined but distributed approximately thus-one from the costa near the base, crossing the fold obliquely outward; one from the costa at one-third, reaching obliquely outward to the dorsum, but somewhat interrupted above the fold; a spot on the disc in the middle of the wing, followed by another at the end of the cell from which a diffused and dilated shade extends to the tornus; this is followed by an angular ante-apical shade arising from the extremities of the two pale marginal spots: cilia greyish, speckled with greyish fuscous. Exp. al. I5-I6 mmn. Hindwings brownish grey; cilia pale brownish grey; & with fuscous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs greyish olivaceous, with whitish tarsal spots, spurs and tibial hairs. Type $ (26890) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000 —4000 ft., v. 1894. Five specimens. 280. (144) Ilyposmocoma montliolans, Btl. (PI. XXIII. fig. 3). Lavernaparda? Btl. + mzonlivolans, Btl., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1882, 44, No. 17 (882)'. Antennae delicately banded with greyish fuscous and pale ochreous; basal joint greyish fuscous. Palpi reaching more than the length of the head beyond and above it; median joint somewhat stout, smooth; apical joint as long as the median but more slender, smooth; pale olive-green, speckled with greyish fuscous. Head and Thorax olive-green, sprinkled with greyish fuscous. Forewings olive-green, sprinkled with MICROLEPIDOPTERA 621 greyish fuscous; a dark greyish costal shade beyond the middle is followed by a few rather ochreous scales at the commencement of the costal cilia; a narrow greyish fuscous terminal shade extends around the apex where it is followed by some ochreous scales at the base of the apical cilia; a series of three brownish fuscous spots is situated on the cell, the outer one at the end of the cell being larger than the other two and about as far distant from the apex as the inner one is from the base; nearer to the base is another spot of the same colour on the fold, diffused obliquely outward across it; a larger spot lies about the middle of the fold, diffused obliquely outward to the dorsum, and a third is at the end of the fold near the tornus; cilia greenish cinereous, sprinkled with greyish fuscous, inclining to ochreous about the tornus. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings with a large expansible dark blue-grey subcostal hair-pencil; cilia grey, with a brownish tinge. Abdomen brownish grey, with a green iridescence. Hind Legs (missing). Type g (162: 8i. 9) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (25142) Mus. Wism.] HAB. OAHU: Mts., near Honolulu (Blackburn)'; Waianae Mts., "cases on rocks, lichenivorous, excl. iv. 1892" one specimen (Perkins). The larva feeds on lichens on rocks, living in a silk-lined accumulation of frass, slightly pointed toward its anal extremity, the opening at the anterior end being large and straight. 281. (I45) Hjposmoconma iodes, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 14). Antennae dusky cinereous, the basal joint darkened. Palpi fuscous, the apex of the median joint whitish; terminal joint whitish, sprinkled with fuscous. Head and Thorax dusky cinereous. Forewings dull whitish cinereous, profusely sprinkled and somewhat clouded with brownish grey; with obscure rusty brownish markings consisting of an outwardly oblique basal patch, angulated to the dorsum below the fold, a slight subcostal cloud-spot at one-third, followed at equal distances by two discal spots, the outer one at the end of the cell; below and before the first is a small patch on the fold, diffused downward to the dorsum, and below and beyond the second is a tornal patch at the end of the fold; the usual ante-apical band is very indistinct; cilia pale brownish cinereous. Exp. al. 13-14 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen greyish fuscous above, whitish cinereous beneath. Legs whitish cinereous, tarsi faintly banded above. Type S (26321); (26144) Mus. WIS11. HAD. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (3) 16. 1. 893, (i) 5. VI. 1893; above 4000 ft., vi. 1893. Five specimens. The species is nearly allied to litzrala, but is distinguished by its duller groundcolour and somewhat more ferruginous markings, the position of the spots however, is about the same in both species and it is possibly only a geographical variation. So F. I-1 I. 622 FAUNA HA WAI IENSIS 282. (146) Hyposzocoma li/trata, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. i). Antennae brownish fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, profusely sprinkled with fuscous. Head and Thorax brownish fuscous, sprinkled with pale ochreous, a band of the latter crossing the thorax posteriorly. Forewings, the ground-colour consists of an almost equal admixture of fuscous and whitish ochreous scales on which five dark fuscous spots are distinguishable; three discal, one at about one-third, one a little beyond the middle and one at the end of the cell; one plical, between the first and second discal; and one tornal, beyond the outer discal, this latter is bounded on either side by whitish ochreous scales, a conspicuous spot of the same being placed opposite to its outer margin; cilia brownish grey, minutely speckled with fuscous and whitish ochreous along their base. Exp. al. 10- 12 mm. Hindwings leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; g with a dark mouse-grey costal hair-pencil at the base. Abdomen leaden grey, anal tuft inclining to ochreous. Hind Legs greyish ochreous, the tarsi speckled with fuscous. Type g (2541o) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4000 ft., (2) V1. 1893.-HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (i) vii., (12) VIIi.-IX. 1892; Olaa, (I) vii. 1895. Sixteen specimens. The colour of the head and thorax appears to be variable, those varieties in which they are both quite pale reminding one of small specimens of Endrosis lacteedla, Schiff. The Molokai specimens, which are slightly paler, can only be regarded as varieties of this species. 283. (147) HIyposumocoma mirmica, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 16). Antennae whitish cinereous, barred with brown above. Palpi whitish cinereous, sprinkled with brownish fuscous externally. Head ochreous, more or less sprinkled with brownish fuscous (sometimes suffused). Thorax brownish fuscous; tegulae whitish cinereous (sometimes almost ochreous). Forewings whitish cinereous, sprinkled with brownish; a brownish basal patch, angulated outward on the fold; a brownish costal patch before the middle, diffused downward on to the cell; another diffused costal patch beyond the middle and much suffusion of brownish scaling along the dorsum about the tornus, and at the apex, leaving the pale ground-colour more conspicuous only in an oblique band near the base, a patch about the middle, and two opposite marginal spots before the apex; there is a large brownish fuscous spot about the middle of the fold, another above and beyond it on the cell, a third at the end of the cell, and a fourth indicated at the outer angle of the basal patch below the fold; cilia whitish cinereous, blending to brownish grey about the tornus. Exp. al. 9-iI mm. Hindwings purplish grey; cilia brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, the tarsi annulate with whitish. MICRO LEPRIDOPTERA 623 Type S (26224);? (26155) Mus. ~Wism. HAI. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 30. v.-24. vI. 1893; 6-16... 1893. Twentyone specimens. In some specimens the whitish ground-colour is almost completely suffused with brownish fuscous, the same general pattern of markings being traceable, but the cilia are also streaked and shaded with the darker colour. It approaches so nearly in appearance to Hyposmocoma li/tra/a, in a parallel series of variations, that the separation of thec species would be almost impossible without the character found only in the males. 284. (148) Hyposmocoma parda, Btl. (P1. XXIII. fig. 17). Laverna parida Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VI. 406, No. 49 (I881)'. Antennae pale cinereous, annulate with dark fuscous; the basal joint blackish. Palpi dirty whitish, speckled and shaded with brownish black. Head dull ochreous, with dark grey speckling. Thorax fuscous, with some whitish ochreous specks. Forewings whitish, slightly olivaceous, much clouded and speckled with brownish black, leaving a pale costal spot at four-fifths, and a few specks on the termen at the base of the greyish cilia which have a darker shade on their basal half; two large blackish discal spots are preceded by a plical spot beneath them, and are more or less thrown into prominence by the pale ground-colour around them, which is only sparsely discernible on the remainder of the wing. Exp. al. 12-13 mrm. Hindwings leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark fuscous. Legs dirty whitish, shaded with dark fuscous externally, and spotted on the tarsi with the same. Type ~ (I25: 81. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype S (28478) Maui, Mus. Wism.] HAB. MAUI: Haleakala, 4000 ft., "apparently connected with dead wood' (Blackburn)'; Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., iv. 1894, v. I896 (Perkins); Haleakala, 4000-5000 ft., V. 1896 (Perkins); [? Makawao (Blackburn)']. -HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft. to above 4000 ft., vI.-vIrI. 1892, 2500 ft., ix. I892 (Perkins); Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., 5. vlIr. 1892 (Perkins). Twenty-eight specimens. Three specimens in the series (Hualalai, 25836 ---8) are probably mere varieties; these tend to exhibit more of the whitish ground-colour, especially along the middle of the wing, the discal spots being partially obliterated; the palpi also are whiter. 285. (149) Hyposmocoma /ixiviella, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. i8). Antennae whitish ochreous, banded with dark brownish fuscous; basal joint dark brownish fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint shaded externally and the terminal joint shaded beneath with dark brownish fuscous. Head greyish fuscous; face 80-2 624 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS whitish ochreous. Thorax greyish fuscous, tegulae whitish ochreous, shaded at the base. Forewings whitish ochreous, profusely sprinkled with brownish fuscous and darker fuscous scales; an elongate fuscous spot at the base of the costa is followed by a small discal spot below its outer extremity; a large discal spot beyond the middle is preceded by one of equal size on the fold below it; some fuscous shading on the costa, at about two-thirds from the base, is diffused downwards and almost connected with a similar fuscous shade about the tornus, and beyond it is an outwardly angulated band of the pale ground-colour followed by a broken fuscous shade around the apex and termen; cilia whitish ochreous, with a brownish fuscous band along their base. Exp. al. 0- II mm. Hindwings and cilia greyish brown; $ with a slight blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fuscous. Legs whitish ochreous, shaded on the tibiae and banded on the tarsi externally with greyish fuscous. Type $ (27293); $ (27027) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (2) V. 1894, (14) VI. 1894; Halemanu, 4000 ft., (I) v. 1895. Seventeen specimens. Hyposmocoma, sp. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., 2000 ft., IV. 1892. Four specimens in poor condition (25128-31I) differ in the colour of the palpi and probably represent a closely allied species; but such material would not justify description. 286. (150) Hyposmocoma saliaris, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 19). Antennae fuscous, with faint pale annulations. Palpi white, speckled with fuscous. Head hoary. Thorax dark fuscous, tegulae whitish. Forewings dark fuscous, or brownish black, with a dirty white streak along the dorsum having two angulated excrescences projecting into the dark ground-colour above it, this dorsal streak is not usually continued to the base; the costa shows some white speckling, especially in a costal spot at four-fifths; cilia blackish, with three or four whitish spots at their base, tornal cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. o10- mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Legs dirty whitish; hind tibiae with pale brownish grey hairs, tarsi fuscous spotted with white. Type $ (25507); $ (25516) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (i) vi. 1892, (3) 4. VII. 1892, (3) 12-17. VIII. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (I) vII. I895. Eight specimens. This species differs from parda in the development of a pale dorsal streak and in the obliteration of the discal and plical spots. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 625 287. (i5r) Hyposmocoma phalacra, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 20). Antennae tawny fuscous. Palpi, median joint tawny fuscous, with a cream-white spot at its apex; terminal joint entirely cream-white. Head cream colour. Thorax tawny fuscous. Forewings tawny fuscous, with a cream-white dorsal streak commencing near the base where it occupies the whole space beneath the fold, gradually attenuated to its termination at the tornus where it is somewhat tinged with ochreous, the tornal cilia corresponding in colour, the terminal cilia being tawny fuscous; a whitish spot on the middle of the costa is succeeded by a second spot, at the commencement of the costal cilia, which, like the extremity of the tornal streak, a little beyond it on the opposite margin, is tinged with ochreous. Exp. al. 9-0I mm. Hindwings grey; cilia brownish grey;! with expansible blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish. Legs tawny grey, spurs and tarsal spots cream-white. Type i (27252); S (27033) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Halemanu, 4000 ft.,. 95; Mts., ft., (4) VI. 1894. Five specimens. 288. (I52) Hyposmocoma psezdo/ita, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 21). Antennae tawny fuscous, a pale ochreous ring around the apex of the basal joint. Palpi tawny fuscous, whitish ochreous on their inner sides, a pale ochreous ring around the apex of the median joint. Head dusky cinereous. Thorax tawny fuscous, with two pale ochreous spots behind the middle. Forewings ochreous, thickly sprinkled and shaded with tawny fuscous which more or less obscures all the supraplical area, with the exception of two ochreous costal patches, one about the middle the other at the commencement of the costal cilia; opposite to the latter is an ochreous tornal spot; the dark tawny fuscous scales are concentrated in an ill-defined short basal patch, sharply angulated on the fold, in a plical spot beyond the middle, with a large discal spot above and a little beyond it, and in a smaller spot at the end of the cell; cilia profusely sprinkled with tawny fuscous, an ochreous streak running through them from the tornal spot. Exp. al. 8-9 mm. Hindwiigs pale grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous; $ with expansible blackish subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen tawny fuscous. Legs pale ochreous, the tibiae shaded and the tarsi banded with tawny fuscous. Type $ (26020) Oahu, Mus. WIsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., (2) iv. 1892.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (i) 30. v. 1893.-HAWAII: Kona, 2000 ft., (I) ix. I892. Four specimens. 626 FA4 UNA FIA TWA IIiATSIS 289. (153) Hyposmocoma irreg-ularis, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 22). Antennae annulate with dark brown and pale ochreous; the basal joint dark brown above, except at its extreme apex. Palpi dark brownish, a pale ochreous ring at the outer end of the median joint and a few pale ochreous scales about the middle of the terminal joint. Head, face, and tegulae pale ochreous, the middle of the Thorax mixed with brownish grey. Forewings pale ochreous, scaled and clouded with dark brownish fuscous, of which a broad triangular costal shade, broken a little beyond its middle, reaches a little below the fold; another broad shade occupies the apical portion of the wing, overflowing the costal but not the terminal cilia; the pale space between these shades is broken by a large roundish spot at the end of the cell; at the base of the fold is another conspicuous dark brownish fuscous spot, expanding outward, but not crossing the pale ochreous band which separates the central shade from an oblique ill-defined basal patch; cilia pale ochreous, with a few dark scales along their middle. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings rather pale greyish; cilia and subcostal hair-pencil greyish ochreous. Abdomen greyish ochreous. Legs brownish fuscous, with pale ochreous tarsal spots and hind tibial hairs. Type! (27037) Mus. WIsmn. HAIK. KIAUA: Mts., 3000 —4000 ft., vi. i894. Unique. 290. (154) Hypos mocoma ferzida, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 23). Antennae whitish, annulate with fuscous. Ialpi fuscous, sprinkled with whitish, a whitish ochreous ring around the apex of the median joint. Head whitish. Thorax ochreous, with a greyish shade anteriorly. Forewings yellowish white, with a short black basal patch, its anterior half sprinkled with whitish ochreous, its outer edge slightly oblique, clearly defined; a dark tawny fuscous V-shaped patch, terminating about the middle, crosses the fold at its lower angle, but does not reach the dorsum; above the tornus is a smaller reniform patch of the same colour, the space between these, and above and beyond them to the costa and apex, being thickly bestrewn with greyish fuscous, leaving a clear whitish ochreous costal spot about the commencement of the cilia; costal cilia greyish fuscous, terminal and tornal cilia ochreous, sparsely speckled with fuscous. Exp. al. I2-13 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish ochreous, with four fuscous tarsal bands above, diminishing in width outward. Type g (26204) Mus. WIsm. HAI. M.oLOKAI: Above 3000 ft.. 5. vi. i893. Three specimens. MICROLEPID OPTERA 627 291. (i55) HIyposmoconOa torella, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 24). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with black. Palpi whitish ochreous, marked on the outer side with a patch of blackish scales on the middle of the median joint, and a spot at the terminal joint, with a blackish ring before its apex. Head pale ferruginous. Thorax brown. Forewings whitish ochreous, mixed with pale ferruginous, with three dark brown blotches in which is some admixture of blackish scales; a short straight pale ferruginous basal patch has some brown scales along the costa and on its outer edge, and a large mixed tuft of raised scales below the fold; it is succeeded by an oblique trapezoidal costal blotch before the middle, reaching a little over the fold, with a few raised scales at its outer extremity; a postmedian costal patch of the same colour, not reaching the tornus, is connected at its lower extremity with a smaller apical patch around which the ferruginous tinge extends over the cilia, except at the extreme apex. Exp. al. 12 mm. Hindwings leaden grey; cilia pale brownish grey; subcostal hairpencil leaden grey. Abdomen dark leaden grey. Legs fuscous, the ends of the tibiae and tarsi banded with white. Type $ (26058) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: 12. VI. 1893. Unique. 292. (156) HyIyposmocomJa arenella, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 25). Antennae pale ochreous, faintly banded above with fuscous; the basal joint blackish. Palpi pale ochreous, blackish along the outer side of the median joint nearly to its apex, a blackish spot below the extremity of the shorter terminal joint. Head pale ochreous. Thorax pale ochreous, shaded with fuscous. Forewings very pale ochreous, with three blackish costal spots, one small at the base, one large before the middle, and one smaller beyond the middle; two plical spots, one small near the base of the fold, the other large beyond the middle of the fold, and two discal spots, one at the end of the cell and one on the middle of the wing; these are all fairly distinct, but between and beyond them some scattered blackish scales lead up to a series of confluent blackish marginal spots, running around the apex and termen before the pale ochreous cilia, which are slightly shaded with fuscous. Exp. al. 14-16 mm. Hindwings elongate ovate, as wide as the forewings; greyish brown; cilia scarcely paler; ~ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish brown. Legs whitish ochreous. Type S (25758);? (25380) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 2000-5000 ft., VI.-\II. 1892, IX. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., 5. VIII. 1892; Olaa, vI.-vII. 1895, ix. 1896, xi. 1896; Hilo, 2000 ft., I. 1896. Thirty-eight specimens. In some varieties of the $ the costa and dorsum are shaded with dark tawny brown, the disc remaining pale and presenting a streaky appearance. 628 FA UNA HA WA/IIENSIS 293. (i57) Hyposmocomr a nebu/ifera, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 26). Antennae pale ochreous, distinctly banded above with dark brown. Palpi pale ochreous, the median joint shaded externally with dark brown nearly to its apex, the terminal joint shaded beneath its apex. Head and Thorax pale ochreous. Forewings pale ochreous, with a small dark brown spot at the base of the costa followed by two smaller ones on either side of the fold near the base; an oblique, ill-defined, dark brown costal shade, at about one-third from the base, tends slightly outward to the fold, where it terminates in a dark brownish fuscous spot, above and slightly beyond which is a similar spot on the cell also adjacent to the brown shade; a third spot lies at the end of the cell and the pale ground-colour above and beyond it, as well as somewhat below the fold, is bestrewed with brown scales, a series of confluent dentate spots occurring at the base of the pale ochreous costal and terminal cilia. Exp. al. 16-17 mm. Hindwings shining, pale straw-ochreous, with dull pale ochreous cilia; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs pale ochreous; hind tibiae almost smooth. Type i (25 34); (25136) Oahu, Mus. WIsm. HAB. OAI-: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., (4) iv. 1892 "beaten from dead boughs." — MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (i) v. 1896. Five specimens. Closely allied to arenella but differing in its paler hindwings and larger size. 294. ( 58) HIyposmocomza ru besccns, sp. nov. (P1. XXIII. fig. 27). Antennae reddish fawn, faintly barred with tawny brown; basal joint tawny brown above. Palpi pale reddish fawn, the median joint dark tawny brown externally nearly to its apex, the terminal joint tipped with tawny brown. Head and Thorax pale reddish fawn, somewhat shaded with tawny brown. Forewings pale reddish fawn, blotched and spotted with dark tawny brown, which appears in a short basal patch, a costal shade at one-third from the base, attenuated on the cell, dilated to a dark spot on the fold, and thence diffused to the dorsum in an outwardly oblique course; a median spot on the cell is followed by another at its outer extremity, above which is a small costal shade; there is also an oblique subterminal shade, nearly parallel with a series of confluent terminal spots, which revert along the costa at the base of the cilia; cilia pale reddish fawn, slightly sprinkled with dark brown toward the apex. Exp. al. 14-18 mm. Hindwings pale leaden grey; cilia brownish grey; & without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs very pale ochreous. Type $ (27238); $ (26996) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vI. 1894.-MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (3) iv. I894. Nineteen specimens. The three females from Maui belong apparently to the same species. MICROLEPID OP TE RA 629 295. (i59) Hyposmocoma scolopax, sp. nov. (PI. XXIII. fig. 28). Antennae pale ochreous, banded with dark brown; basal joint dark brown, pale ochreous at its apex. Palpi pale ochreous, median joint externally with a dark brown band at its base and another at two-thirds of its length; terminal joint with a blackish ring at its base and a second before its apex. Head and Thorax fuscous, mixed with ochreous. Forewings pale ochreous, mottled with dark tawny brown; an angulated brown basal patch, followed by a half-fascia of the same colour before the middle, terminating slightly below the fold; a dark spot at the cell and another at the end of the cell forming part of a second half-fascia, dilated upward to the costa, almost confluent, at its lower extremity, with an apical shade extending downward to the tornus, with three or four extensions into the base of the pale ochreous cilia which are traversed by two fuscous lines. Exp. al. I3 —14 mm. Hindwings and cilia brownish grey; g with expansible fuscous hair-pencil. Abdomen leaden grey; ochreous towards the base. Legs whitish ochreous, with tawny brown bands across the tibiae and tarsi. Type S (26824); ~ (26866) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: 3000 —4000 ft., (12) v. —v. I894.-M oLOKAI: sea-level, (i) v. 1893, (i) 12. VI. 1893. Fourteen specimens. 296. (160) Hyposmo1coma s2bscolop ax, sp. nov. (P1. XX I V. fig. i). Antennae fuscous, with faint pale annulations. Palpi whitish ochreous, with two fuscous bands around the median and two around the terminal joint. Head pale ochreous, sometimes speckled with fuscous. Thorax fuscous. Forewings brownish fuscous, mixed with rust-brown, crossed by whitish bands speckled with brown; the first narrow, at one-fifth from the base, encloses a short basal patch, its outer edge slightly curved outward on the fold; this white band, although much suffused with the dark ground-colour, is traceable along the dorsum connecting it with a broader band, scarcely beyond the middle, which is dilated outward nearly to the end of the fold and contains at its inner edge a more or less distinct discal spot; before the apex is a strong white costal spot, with a few whitish scales on the opposite margin; a few raised scales near the dorsum on the basal patch and before the tornus; cilia whitish ochreous, varying to whitish, mottled along their basal half. Exp. al. 'I -1 4 n111. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; g with subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs greyish, with pale fuscous annulations. Type S (27382); P (27463) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAI: Mt. Kilauea, Vi. —VIuI. 1895; ona, 3000oo-5000 ft., 4. vii.-IX. 1892. Ten specimens. 8i F. II. I. 630 FAUNA TA A VAIIENVSIS In some varieties the white bands are more conspicuous, being less suffused or sprinkled. In one variety (281 2) the white is distinctly suffused with rust-brown along the dorsum, the basal patch being also strongly tinged with the same colour. This species differs from scolopax in the much more conspicuous white costal spot and in the clearer definition of the pattern, also in the form of the outer pale fascia, which in this species tends to encroach, above the middle, on the dark space preceding it. It differs from tet-aonella in the possession of a subcostal hair-pencil. 297. (16i) Hyposmocoma tetraonel/a, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 2). Antennae brownish fuscous, with distinct white annulations, the basal joint brownish fuscous nearly to its apex. Palpi white, with two fuscous spots externally on the median joint and two fuscous annulations on the terminal joint. Head white, or whitish ochreous, sometimes with a brown suffusion. Thorax brownish fuscous. Forewings brown, with fuscous speckling, and white, or whitish, ill-defined transverse bands; the first at one-fifth, enclosing a basal patch, dilated outward along the dorsum and more or less connected with a median band which encloses the first discal spot; some white scales occur also around the outer discal spot; a white spot on the costa before the apex tends obliquely outward, some whitish scales also about the tornus and termen and in the base of the mottled cilia; a plical spot very slightly precedes the first discal, but these are sometimes almost lost in the general suffusion of the dark ground-colour. Exp. al. I -1 2 mm. Hindwings dark tawny fuscous (sometimes paler in the $); cilia scarcely paler; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen dark tawny fuscous. Legs greyish, hind tarsi very distinctly annulate with white and tawny fuscous. Type S (25748);? (25428) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Kona, 3ooo —above 4000 ft., 24. vi.-0O. VII., VIII., IX. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, vii. I895. Twelve specimens. It would be extremely difficult to justify the separation of this species from subscolopax but for the absence of the subcostal hair-pencil, it is however if anything slightly smaller, more mottled and with darker hindwings. 298. (162) Jyposmocoma soimafodes, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 3). Antennae fuscous, faintly annulate with pale greenish ochreous. Palpi ochreous, with olivaceous fuscous bands on the median and terminal joints. Head and Thorax olivaceous fuscous, with some admixture of ochreous scales. Forewings whitish ochreous, much sprinkled and suffused with olivaceous fuscous, the discal and plical spots together with the apex dark fuscous; the first discal is reniform, obliquely placed, encircled by the plain ground-colour; the second, at the end of the cell, internally pale-margined is rounder; the plical, also elongate, and produced downward at its apex; a basal patch is MICROLEPIDOPTERA 631 faintly indicated and the dark shading does not obliterate a somewhat angular pale band from the costal cilia, attenuated downward to the tornus; cilia mottled on their basal half with dark fuscous and pale ochreous, outwardly pale greyish ochreous. Exp. al. 14 mmn. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs whitish ochreous, with fuscous bands. Type $ (27490); (25307) Mus. Wlsm. HA:>. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, vii. I895; Kona, 4000 ft., Ix. 1892. Two specimens. A rather sturdy, distinct-looking species, with somewhat obtuse palpi and very distinctly hairy legs. 299. (163) Hlyposmocolma belophora, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 4). Antennae brown, with pale ochreous annulations. Palpi pale ochreous, mottled with brown externally to beyond the middle of the median joint, with a brown ring before its apex; terminal joint much mottled with brown externally. Head and Thorax olive-brown, mixed with pale ochreous. Forewings olive-brown, sprinkled with pale ochreous scales; some whitish sinuous marks, before and about the middle, indistinctly define a dark plical spot succeeded by a discal spot above it, with a faint trace of a third in the darker brown at the end of the cell; this is succeeded by a white arrow-head mark, outwardly curved from the costa at two-thirds nearly to the apex, its lower and narrower barb reverting to the tornus; in the costal and terminal cilia are whitish spots alternating with olive-brown streaks. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings very pale brownish grey; cilia brownish grey; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish. Legs pale cinereous, mottled and banded with brown. Type $ (25652) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OArU: Near head of Kawailoa Gulch, iv. 1893. Unique. 300. (164) Hiyposmocoma ltrdel/a, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 5). Antennae fuscous, very faintly annulate. Palpi brownish ochreous, banded with fuscous externally in two bands on each of the median and terminal joints. Head and Thorax rust-brown. Forewings rust-brown, sprinkled and shaded with filscous and obscurely banded with ochreous; the darker shading narrowly limits a short rust-brown basal patch, its outer edge curved and crenulate, it is somewhat concentrated in two patches, on either side of the middle of the costa, which are diffused downward across the wing, but do not obliterate the rather pale-margined dark discal and plical spots; the apex of the wing is also clouded with fuscous and a line of the same runs through the ochreous cilia. Exp. al. l-1 2 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark tawny fuscous; f without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legns greyish fuscous, with pale ochreous spurs and tarsal bands. 8 1 2 632 63A U1VA HA WAIIEASIS Type? (28676); S (265IO) Mus. Wism. HAB. LANAI: 2000 ft., (3) VII. 894, (I) II. I893. Four specimens. Differs from et/raonis in the somewhat more acute and slender palpi, of which the terminal joint is somewhat longer than the median. 301. (I65) Hypfosmocoma sibcilrella, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 6). Antennae whitish ochreous, spotted above with fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous, annulate with fuscous, narrowly beyond the middle of the median joint; narrowly at the base, and widely before the apex, of the terminal joint. Head pale ochreous. Thorax orange-ochreous, speckled with fuscous. Forewings pale ochreous, mixed with orange-ochreous below the fold and near the lower angle of the cell, and profusely sprinkled with brownish fuscous, forming groups of scaling, crossing the wing obliquely outward at one-third, overspreading the dorsum; more thickly concentrated in a costal patch at two-thirds, which extends obliquely outwards beyond the end of the cell, and in a broken apical patch; there is a blackish patch at the base of the dorsum and another at the end of the cell; cilia ochreous, mottled at their base with brownish fuscous, a slender shade-line running through them beyond their middle. Exp. al. Io mm. Hindwings and cilia pale grey; subcostal tuft in the S grey. Abdomen yellowish grey. Legs greyish, tarsi alternately dark grey and whitish. Type i (27620); S (27622) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAuAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., larva (lichenivorous?) on Cheirodendron, Al/etrosideros, etc., iv., excl. iv.-v. I895. Three specimens. The larval case, which is coated with frass, is streaked with black, especially along its lower edge; it bulges in the middle and is attenuate to either end, the ends obtuse. 302. (166) Hyposmocoma n4flexa, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 7). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with brown; basal joint brown nearly to its apex. Palpi whitish ochreous, mottled with fuscous externally near the base, and before the apex of each joint. Head whitish ochreous; face white. Thorax whitish, mixed with ferruginous. Forewings whitish, smeared with pale ferruginous before the middle, along the cell, and about the apex; with a short ferruginous and fuscous basal patch, a small fuscous antemedian subcostal spot and an inverted oblique fuscous fascia, from the costa at two-thirds to about the middle of the dorsum, broken on the cell; apical cilia pale ferruginous, tornal cilia pale brownish grey. Exp. al. 10 mm. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs pale cinereous, mottled with greyish fuscous. Type 5 (28264) Mus. Wlsm. A-1B\. MAuI: Haleakala, 5000 ft., v. I896. Unique. MICROL EPID OP TERA6-? 633 303. ( 67) Hyposmzocoma birevzstrtgaa, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 8). Antennae pale fawn-brown, basal joint darkened above. Palpi whitish, a fuscous spot externally before the end of the median joint, a narrow band at the base and a wide band before the apex of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax fawn-brownish above; face brownish white. Forewings pale fawn-brownish, sprinkled and mottled with whitish ochreous, and some fuscous scales-these specially exhibited in a small elongate spot at the base of the costa, in two short length-streaks on the cell (one before, the other beyond the middle of the wing) and in two similar streaks in the fold (one near the base the other before the tornus), about the tornus is a similar streak lying on the dorsum; these streaks are all dark fuscous, which colour is also somewhat condensed in the position of a basal patch and on the costa before and behind the middle; a slender, pale, outwardly angulate, transverse line precedes the terminal area, a similar slender line being scarcely traceable at the base of the fawn-brownish cilia which become brownish grey on the dorsum. Exp. al. 12-13 mm. Hindwings and cilia pale brownish grey; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs brownish grey; hind tarsi faintly spotted. Type $ (26842); V (27203) MIus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) v., (7) vi. 1894. Eight specimens. 304. (I68) Hyposmzocomza discolor, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 9). Antennae tawny fuscous, with dark fuscous annulations. Palpi, median joint slightly clothed, white, a tawny brown annulus before its apex; terminal joint white, mottled with tawny brown. Head mixed white and tawny brown; face white. Thorax mixed white, tawny reddish brown and black. Forewings mixed with almost equal parts of white, tawny reddish brown, and black scaling; a basal patch of the darker combination sends out a rectangle on the fold, in the space beyond it white predominates, and this is followed by two groups of scattered black scaling, on the costa and dorsum before the middle, a similar group appearing before the tornus; from the middle of the wing runs a narrow streak of black scales nearly to the apex, passing first through the tawny reddish brown, and secondly through the same mixed with white; at the apex is a whitish spot, with some whitish scales on the margin, above and below it, alternating with black; cilia tawny reddish brown, on the dorsum tawny grey. Exp. al.. i 1 m. Hindwings speckled with tawny fuscous on a paler ground; cilia dark tawny grey. Abdomen tawny brown. Legs fuscous, with whitish tarsal spots. Type V (27397) Mus. WIsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, \vi. I895. Unique. A very distinct species, not to be confused with any other. 634 FA UATA A HAWAIIENSIS 305. (169) Hypfosmoco7ma fziscotogafza sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. Io). Antennae fuscous, delicately annulate with white; basal joint reddish ferruginouls. Palpi reddish ferruginous, mottled with white, a fuscous shade before the apex of each joint externally. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax reddish ferruginous, mottled with whitish ochreous. Forewings bright reddish ferruginous, sprinkled with fuscous scales and mottled with whitish ochreous, which is specially noticeable in an incomplete fascia at one-fifth from the base, tending slightly outward from the costa to the fold; in a cuneiform spot at the commencement of the costal cilia, and narrowly around the margins of two fuscous discal spots, the first about the middle of the wing, the second at the end of the cell; cilia greyish ochreous, mottled on their basal half with ferruginous and fuscous, with a slender dark dividing line before their outer extremities. Exp. al. 13 mnm. Hindwings dark fuscous; cilia tawny fuscous. Abdomen dark fuscous above, white beneath. Legs dark fuscous, the spurs and ends of the tibiae whitish, with four white tarsal annulations. Type? (26062) Mus. Wi]sm. HAI. MOLOKAI: Above 3000 ft., 30. V. I893. Unique. 306. (170) i/yp7osmocoma radiatelz/a, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. II). Antennae very pale fawn-ochreous. Palpi fawn-whitish. Head pale fawn-brownish above; face fawn-whitish. Thorax pale fawn-brown, the ends of the tegulae whitish. Forewings pale fawn-brownish, the course of the veins indicated by fawn-whitish lines, some of which are blended in a streak to the apex; a small darker brown discal spot is faintly shown a little before the middle, preceded by a plical spot below it and followed by a larger one at the end of the cell; a fourth, a little above the fold, follows the first discal forming with this and the plical an equilateral triangle (probably not noticeable in slightly worn specimens); a few brownish spots lie along the costa and termen at the base of the pale fawn-ochreous cilia through which runs a brownish apical streak. Exp. al. 16-20 mm. Hindwings pale, shining, brownish grey; cilia pale fawn-ochreous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs pale fawn-ochreous. Type? (25260); (25768) /awaz'i, Mus. WIsm. HAH. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (9) iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (4) v.-VI. 1894.-OAIIU: Waianae Mts., about 3000 ft., (1) IV. 1892.-MOILOKAT: about 4000 ft., (2) 22. V.-9. \-. I 893.-HAWAIi: Kona, 4000 ft., (5) 13. VIII.-8. I. 1892, 3000 ft., (I) X. 1892; ilo, 2000 ft., (3) XII. 1895. Twenty-five specimens. In some specimens the predominant tint is fawn-whitish and the lines between the veins on the forewings are indicated in a rather darker shade of brown, the discal cell being entirely pale; in these the four spots are more pronounced and also of a rather darker shade. I am unable to regard them as distinct. MIICR OLEPID OPTERA 635 307. (i 71) Hyposniocoma barbatfa, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. I2). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous, the basal joint brownish in front. Palpi fawn-white; the median joint clothed with long scales projecting beneath it, with two oblique brownish bars, one near the base the other near the apex; the terminal joint with two slender longitudinal lines beneath. Head and Thorax pale fawn-ochreous, shaded with brownish fuscous; face paler. Forewings pale fawn-ochreous, sprinkled longitudinally with brownish fuscous, the dorsum clouded with the same throughout, except at the extreme base; the usual discal spots are indicated, and there are two plical spots, one before, the other beyond the first discal; a short fuscous basal streak between the fold and the costa; cilia pale fawn-ochreous, shaded with brownish fuscous at and beneath the apex. Exp. al. 15 mm. Hindwings shining brownish grey; cilia with a slight ochreous tinge. Abdomen fawn-grey. Legs pale fawn-ochreous. Type ( (26219) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 5. vi. 1893. Unique. Somewhat resembling radiatella, but differing in the dorsal shade, in the absence of the distinct vein-marks and in the hairy palpi, in which it agrees with ApAhfitoneuts, but vein 6 is separate in the forewings and 6 and 7 of the hindwings are not stalked. 308. (172) Hyposmocoma fractistriata, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 13). Antennae pale cinereous, the basal joint dark fuscous. Palpi pale cinereous, with a fuscous shade along the outer side of the median joint, on its basal half, and a fuscous spot before its apex; terminal joint with a fuscous spot at its base externally and a shade of the same colour before its apex. Head and Thorax pale cinereous; tegulae brownish fuscous. Forewings pale cinereous, with a broad brownish fuscous streak from the base, reaching along the fold to three-fourths of its length, thence diverted upward and attenuated to a point at the end of the cell beyond which is a small fuscous spot; the space between this streak and the dorsum is about half the width of that which separates it from the costa; the streak itself is diluted in parts to a paler tint, becoming almost ferruginous, and the apical and terminal portion beyond it is somewhat thickly overlaid with bronzy scaling and on the costal portion are a few broken lines of brownish fuscous scales along the veins; cilia pale cinereous, with a broken bronzy line along their base, sending out obscure dentate spots at and around the apex. Exp. al. 1 —i8 mnm. Hindwings shining, pale bronzy cinereous; cilia with a slight ochreous tinge; 4 with an ochreous subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs pale cinereous, with a slight ochreous tinge. Type? (25012); $ (25009) Oahu, Mus. Wlsm. HA3. OAHU: Waianae Mts., (5) Iv. 1892.-LANAI: 2000 ft., (2) i. 1894, (i) VII. 1894. Eight specimens. 636 FA UNA 11A IWA IIENSIS 309. ( 73) tjy5osmocoIIa /oagi7udinalis, sp. nov. (P1. XX IV. fig. 14). Antennae whitish, the basal joint dark brown above. Palpi white; the median joint loosely scaled beneath, shaded externally with brownish fuscous, especially towards the apex; a slender brownish fuscous line along the outer side of the terminal joint. Head dirty whitish, tinged with brownish fuscous. Thorax white, with a central line and two posterior lateral spots dark brownish fuscous, the tegulae smeared with a paler shade of the same. Forewings chalky white, with a dark brownish fuscous streak from base to apex, following the upper edge of the fold, somewhat dilated beyond the middle and attenuated to the alpex, but not encroaching on the costa; in it is an indication of a triangle of slightly darker spots about the middle, two on the fold and one between them at the upper edge of the cell; the base of the dorsum and the whole of the costa is faintly shaded by a sprinkling of brownish fuscous scales, and a series of spots of the same colour, although not very distinctly defined, lies at the base of the whitish cilia on costa and termen, the dark longitudinal streak running through the cilia below the apex. Exp. al. 15-19 mm. Hindwings whitish grey, slightly dusted towards the apex; cilia pale brownish cinereous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen cinereous. Legs pale brownish cinereous. Type? (25667); j (25715) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OA-nU: gulch leading into Opaeula (Halemano), about 2000 ft., (I) I. 1893; WVaialua (beach), (i) in. I892.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (i) 30. v. I893.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (i) vii. 1895; Kona, 2000-4000 ft., (2) 12. vin. —ix. i892; Kaawaloa (Kona), above 2000 ft., (I) IX. 1892. Seven specimens. A smaller species, with narrower and more pointed wings than chilonella + chilonella, which it resembles in pattern. 310. (I74) Hyfiosmocoma cenlralis, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 15). Antennae very pale ochreous. Palpi fuscous, the terminal joint paler than the median and sprinkled with whitish cinereous scaling above. Head and Thorax dull stone-whitish, the latter slightly streaked with fuscous scales. Forewings dull stonewhitish, minutely streaked and speckled along the veins with tawny fuscous scaling; a conspicuous dark tawny fuscous streak running from base to apex along the line of the discal cell, below which is a fuscous plical spot before the middle; a series of ill-defined fuscous spots around the apex and termen at the base of the mottled cinereous cilia. Exp. al. 27 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia pale cinereous, mottled with whitish and grey at the extreme apex; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen greyish, mottled with pale greyish ochreous on the basal half. Legs greyish, mottled with pale cinereous; the long hairs on the hind tibiae whitish cinereous. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 637 Type S (28034) Mus. WTlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Lihue, 4000 ft., vII. 1896. Unique. The single specimen is teratological, the right hindwing having nine veins, 4 and 4bis stalked. 311. (I75) Ifyposmocoma chiloznela, sp. nov. 31 a. (175a) chilone/la Wlsm. + triocellata, var. nov. (P1. XXIVT. fig. 16). Antennae pale fawn-ochreous, the basal joint shaded at the base with dark brown. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint tinged at its base and (usually) towards its apex with dark brown externally. Head and Thorax very pale fawn-ochreous (or boneochreous). Forewings pale fawn-ochreous, more or less dusted with brownish scales; at the base of the costa is a short dark brownish fuscous streak, and another at the base of the dorsum with a smaller one between them detached from the base, below which, from the middle of the base, runs a more or less interrupted brownish fuscous median streak, following the line of the discal cell, and attenuated beyond it to the end of the apical cilia; in this darkened space are two ocellated spots (each consisting of a small blackish spot surrounded by pale fawn-ochreous), one on the disc a little before the middle, the second at the end of the cell, with a similar plical spot, preceding the first discal, immediately below the dark discal streak; in some specimens the pale ground-colour almost obliterates the dark discal streak, and the paler colour, surrounding the three dark spots, is very inconspicuous; cilia pale fawn-ochreous, with a series of brownish fuscous spots at their base (5 terminal and 4 costal), an apical spot is also noticeable when not obliterated by the dark discal streak. Exp. al. 19 —28 mm. Hindwings shining, silvery whitish; cilia with a slight ochreous tinge, with a broken fuscous shade-line along their base about the apex; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen very pale fawn-ochreous, sometimes with darker shading towards the base. Legs very pale fawnochreous, with, or without, faint darker tarsal bands. Type $ (26264); V (26077) Molokal, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: 3000-4000 ft., (I) v. 1894.-IMoLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (3) 22. v.-vi. 1893. —HAWAII: Kona, 3000-4000 ft., (4) 13. vI-.8. V. 1892; Mt. Kilauea, (i) viii. I896; Olaa, (i) ix. r896. Ten specimens. 311b. (I75b) chilonella, sp. nov. + chi/onela, var. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 17). Antennae whitish ochreous, shaded with brown on each joint above. Palpi whitish ochreous, the median joint sprinkled at its base and towards its apex with brown. Head and Thorax whitish ochreous. Forewings whitish ochreous. with a conspicuous dark umber-brown streak, running from the middle of the base to the apex and through the F.. I. 82 638 F3FA UNA HA 1WAIIEN SIS apical cilia, slightly dilated towards the middle of the cell, but attenuated toward each extremity; above its base is a short oblique brown costal streak, a smaller one lying beneath its base, but not on the dorsum; above and beneath the central streak the wing is sparsely sprinkled with brownish scales, a small brown spot appearing on the fold before its middle, adjacent to the central streak; at the outer extremity are four terminal and four costal dark brown spots in the base of the whitish ochreous cilia. Exp. al. 26 —33 mm. Hindwings shining, straw-whitish; cilia whitish ochreous; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen whitish ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, with a brown spot on the second tarsal joint above. Type g (27198);? (26855) Kauai, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: 3000-4000 ft., (2) VI. 1894.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (i) vi. I895, (3) viII. 1896. Six specimens. In this variety the discal spots are obliterated by the dark central streak and in some specimens the plical spot also. 31,. (175C) chilone /a, Wlsm. + venosa, var. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. I8). Antennae cinereous, the basal joint umber-brown. Palpi pale cinereous, the median joint shaded externally towards its base and before its apex with umber-brown. Head whitish cinereous, a slight brownish shade posteriorly. Thorax pale cinereous, much suffused with umber-brown. Forewings pale cinereous, with all the veins more or less distinctly indicated throughout by umber-brown lines, among which the plical, and two discal spots are scarcely distinguishable; the basal spots are also traceable; cilia pale cinereous, broken along their base by umber-brown spots opposite to the ends of the dark lines between the veins. Exp. al. 24-35 mm. Hindwings and cilia shining, straw-whitish, with four dark spots around the apex at the base of the cilia; $ without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen and Legs shining, pale cinereous. Type S (26837) Kauai; * (25206) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (I) vi. I894.-MOLOKAI: about 4000 ft., (i) 9. v. 1893.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (3) vii. I896; Kona, above 2000 ft., (1) ix. I892. Six specimens. 31 d. (175d) chilonella, Vlsm. +percondita, var. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. I9). Antennae fuscous, annulate with pale ochreous. Palpi fawn-brown. Head and Thorax umber-brown. Forewings umber-brown, with a slight admixture of pale fawnochreous, especially about the cell and around the darker fuscous spots, of which there are five specially noticeable, but somewhat diffused and indistinctly indicated; one at the extreme base below the costa, one at the extreme base of the dorsum, one on the middle of the fold, a larger one on the cell a little above and beyond it, and a small one at the MICROLEPIDOPTERA 639 end of the cell, with a slight streak between the two; a series of fuscous spots also occurs in the base of the brownish fawn cilia around the apex and termen. Exp. al. 28-34 mm. Hindwings shining, pale brownish fawn; cilia fawn-ochreous, spotted on their base around the apex; S without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen fawn-ochreous. Legs fawn-ochreous, the tarsi broadly banded with fuscous. Type $ (28737) Hazaaiz, Mus. Wism. HAB. KAUAI: Lihue, 4000 ft., (I) VII. [896.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (7) VII. I896. Eight specimens. Some specimens are paler than the type and lose the marginal spots. The descriptions of the varieties of this species show a wide range of difference in intensity and distribution of colour. I had originally regarded them as distinct, but the intergradations are numerous and it appears to me to be one of the rare instances in which a species ranging over several of the islands fails to establish for itself any recognisable local form. The size as well as the colour of the specimens is very variable and this difference is to be found in connection with each separate pattern or peculiarity. If anyone had before him the varieties described above without the intermediate gradations he would undoubtedly regard them as distinct species, but in the absence of a knowledge of their life-histories it seems preferable to describe them as varieties rather than species. 312. (I76) Hyposmocoma epicharis, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 20). Antennae pale ochreous, the basal joint slightly shaded above with fuscous. Palpi pale ochreous. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax pale ochreous. Forewings pale ochreous, sprinkled with pale fawn-ochreous scales, more profusely about the base and below the fold; with three small brownish spots, one in the middle of the fold, one above and beyond it on the cell and another at the end of the cell; cilia pale ochreous. Exp. al. 30 mm. Hindwings shining, straw-whitish; the cilia with an ochreous tinge. Abdomen (missing). Legs whitish ochreous. Type? (25164) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 24. VI. 1893. Unique. 313. (i77) Hyposmocoma subnitida, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 21). Antennae straw-whitish, barred above with fuscous; the basal joint fuscous. Palpi straw-whitish, the median joint grey externally; with two slender grey lines along the under side of the terminal joint. Head and Thorax straw-whitish. Forewings shining, straw-whitish, with pale straw-ochreous cilia through which run three or four brownish streaks originating in spots at their base; a short fuscous streak at the extreme base of 82-2 640 FAUNA HA WA IIENSIS the costa; (in one specimen, $ 27441, there are two discal spots, the first at the end of the cell, the other slightly before the middle, and a few fuscous scales are scattered about the apical half of the wing, the latter occur in more than one specimen). Exp. al. 18-20 mm. Hindwings shining, grey; cilia greyish ochreous; g without subcostal hair-pencil. Abdomen straw-ochreous. Legs pale straw-ochreous, with pale fuscous tarsal bands. Type g (27436); i (27439) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (3) vi.-vI. 1895; Kona, 4000 ft., (3) VII.-13. VII. 1892; Hualalai (Kona), 5000 ft., (I) 5. VIII. 1892. Seven specimens. A somewhat more distinct variety also occurs (& 25222) in which the spots are represented by cloudy accumulations of scales and the scattered fuscous scaling is more condensed on the apical half of the wing, the lines in the cilia being sometimes blended into a continuous shade. 26. HYPERDASYS, gen. nov. (irEpSaavs = very hairy.) Type Hyperdasys cryptogSamielus Wlsm. Antennae shorter than the forewings; & shortly uniciliate, serrate towards the apex: V simple. Labial Palpi recurved, smooth; S with the terminal joint slightly longer than the median, the two gradually tapering to an acute apex;? with the terminal joint more slender and slightly longer than in the S. Maxillary Palpi short. Haustellum welldeveloped. Ocelli absent. Head thickly clothed above, the scales more or less upstanding. Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate, narrow, lanceolate to the apex, termen very oblique; S with a long fold or flap, from the base to two-thirds on the underside of the costa, fringed with long cilia, beneath it on the upper edge of the cell is an expansible fringe of hair-scales as long as the width of the wing: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; 3 from before angle of cell, 3 and 5 approximated to 4. Hindwings as broad as the forewings, obtusely rounded at the apex, with long dorsal cilia; S and? with limbal hair-pencil, subcostal hair-pencil absent: neuration 8 veins, all separate; 6 and 7 approximating towards base; 5 almost straight; 2, 3 and 4 remote, 2 recurved. Abdomen slender. Legs, hind tibiae somewhat hairy above, spurs and tarsi long and slender. 314. (I) Hyperdasys semius/ts, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 22). Antennae dark brown to two-thirds their length, thence pale ochreous, the basal joint tipped with pale ochreous. Palpi, with the median joint pale ochreous, shaded with dark brown externally before its apex; terminal joint dark brown. IJ CROL EPIDOP TERA4 641 Head pale ochreous. Thorax dark brown; tegulae pale ochreous, shaded with brown. Forewings very pale ochreous towards the costa where they are only slightly shaded with dark brown; dark umber-brown on the dorsal two-thirds and at the apex, slightly mixed with pale ochreous; three dark brownish fuscous spots, one on the middle of the fold, a larger one above and beyond it on the cell, a third at the end of the cell; in addition to these is a very small one at the extreme base of the costa and a distinct terminal series, those at and above the apex running through the pale ochreous cilia, those below the apex (to the number of five) confined to the base of the pale ochreous cilia, a narrow pale ochreous terminal line marking the margin before them. Exp. al. 17-24 mm. Hindwings pale leaden grey; cilia pale brownish ochreous. Abdomen brownish ochreous. Legs pale ochreous, the hind tibiae with brownish bands across them. Type S (26860); $ (27i96) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAT: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (i) iv. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (5) vI. I894. Six specimens. In semitszsus the costal fold has shorter cilia than in the typical species. 315. (2) H/yperdasys arundizi color, sp. nov. (Pl. XXIV. fig. 23). Antennae tawny grey. Palpi, g tawny greyish fuscous on their outer sides, with a slender whitish ochreous line running along the under side, the whole inner side much paler than the outer: $ dark tawny grey, the median joint slightly washed with pale ochreous above. Head and Thorax, $ pale ochreous, the latter with a tawny fuscous median streak, the base of the tegulae also tawny fuscous: $ dark tawny grey, a slender ochreous lateral streak above each eye. Forewings, 5 pale ochreous, with a pale tawny suffusion, commencinc in a patch at the base of the costa and extending outward along the middle to beyond the end of the cell, dilated downwards as far as the fold; in it a darker spot on the middle of the fold, another above and a little beyond it on the cell, a third at the end of the cell, with a series of smaller spots around the apex and termen at the base of the pale ochreous cilia which are tin(ged with tawny grey at the apex: $ with the costa, apex and dorsum tawny brown with a greyish tinge; a broad pale ochreous streak running from the middle of the base nearly to the termen, its lower margin scarcely below the fold, its upper edge somewhat clearly defined along the middle of the cell, at the end of which is a small dark spot; there is also a narrow spot in the fold a little beyond the middle, another above and a little beyond it being sometimes indicated; cilia brownish grey. Exp. al. S I7- 21 mm. Hindwings shining, pale leaden grey; cilia pale greyish ochreous. Abdomen greyish, darker in the L. Legs pale greyish. Type S (27093); T (27071) Mus. WIsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v.-vi. 1894. Five specimens. 642 FA UZNAt HA-A IWIZEANSIS 316. (3) i/yperdass utnicolor1, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 24). Antennae testaceous. Palpi and Head pale testaceous. Thorax and tegulae dark reddish fawn. Forewings dark reddish fawn, with three faintly indicated slightly darker spots; two on the disc a little before the middle of the wing, the lower one placed obliquely a little beyond the upper, the third at the end of the cell; cilia testaceous. Exp. al. 20 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia pale testaceous. Abdomen dull fawn-grey; anal tuft pale testaceous. Legs pale testaceous, the tarsi faintly blotched above with fawn-grey. Type g (26408); $ (26372) Mus. Wism. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 4500 ft., vii. 1893; forest above Pelekunu, 21. Tx. 1893. Two specimens. The subcostal fringe is apparently somewhat shorter and less developed than in cryptob gamiell//s. 317. (4) fjypcrdasys cryptogamieits.l sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 25). Antennae whitish ochreous, barred above with fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, the terminal joint sprinkled beneath with blackish scales from base to apex. Head stonegrey. Thorax pale stone-greyish. Forewings whitish ochreous, profusely dusted with greyish fuscous; a dark fuscous spot at the base below the middle is followed by another in the middle of the fold; above and beyond this is an elongate spot a little beyond the middc e of the cell, followed by another at its outer edge; a series of smaller dark fuscous spots along the base of the pale ochreous costal and terminal cilia. Exp. al. i6-20 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia pale ochreous. Abdomen pale ochreous. Legs whitish ochreous, shaded with pale greyish fuscous. Type t (27462);? (28109) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., (3) V. 1894.-OAHU: Waianae Mts., 3000 ft., (4) iv. 1892.-M OLOKAI: above 3000 ft., (6) 30. V.-12. VII. 1893.-LANAI: 2000 ft., (i) II. 1894.-HAWAII: Kona, 2000-3500 ft., (I) 25. VI. 1892, (8) IX. —X. I892; Olaa, (i) viI. 1895; Mt. Kilauea, (i) vn\. I895, (3) VIII. 896. Twenty-eight specimens. This species varies considerably in its colouring and in the shape and intensity of the spots. In some specimens a small spot, or streaklet, appears a little removed from the base beneath the costa; in some the first discal spot is divided into two parts. Some varieties are much paler than others, assuming a pale bone-colour, these are more or less obscurely streaked with brownish fuscous shading, nowhere concentrated. The generic character of the bold fringe of hair-scales arising from the edge of the costa beneath is always apparent in the male. MICROL EPIDOP TERA 643 27. EUPERIssus, Btl. (EV = well; repLcro-os = extraordinary.) Type Eziperissizs crisa/tus Btl. (Btl. I88 1). EUPEISSUS, Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vir. 401-2, fig. I (IS8[). Antennae, S nearly as long as the forewings, ciliate 2%, gradually dimninishing to the middle, serrate beyond the middle; basal joint without pecten: ~ simple. (celli absent. Maxillary Palpi moderate, dependent. Labial Palpi recurved to above the vertex; median and terminal joints of about equal length; smooth, both joints appearing grooved throughout through the slight projection of the lateral scaling. Haustellum scaled throughout. Head smooth, side-tufts appressed, meeting in the median line. Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate, narrow, apex slightly depressed, pointed, termen obliquely rounded: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; 2 from; 3 from midway between 2 and 4; 5 nearer to 4 than to 6; 12 very long; Io nearer to 9 than to I; an internal vein from base of 6 to beyond 11. Hindwings as broad as the forewings, apex depressed, obtusely pointed, termen obliquely rounded, dorsum almost parallel with costa; S with a fringe of hair-scales along lower edge of cell from the base to its middle; g and? with a long, expansible, limbal hair-pencil, longer in the $ than in the?: neuration 8 veins, all separate; 2, 3 and 4 remote at origin; 2 recurved; 5 nearer to 4 than to 6; 6 and 7 separate, almost parallel; 8 not connected with cell. Abdomen rounded. Legs long, hind tibiae with short hairs. Apparently related to Orthotaelia, Stph., which however has 7 and 8 of the forewings separate. 318. (i) Ezeperissus cristatus Btl. (P1. XXIV. fig. 26). EzperissuLs cristatzs Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VIr. 401-2, No. 40, fig. I (I88i)1. Antennae brownish grey, the serrations on the outer half blackish; basal joint blackish. Labial Palpi whitish ochreous on the inner side, shaded with grey on the outer side of the second joint; a slender whitish ochreous line beneath from base to apex, margined on either side with blackish. Maxillary Palpi whitish ochreous. Head and Thorax brownish ochreous, the base of the tegulae greyish fuscous. Forewings pale leaden grey, suffused with a brownish ochreous tinge from the base, extending along the fold and along the discal cell; with three large black spots, one in the fold beyond its middle, another on the cell straight above it, a third at the end of the cell, [in some specimens these spots are not so distinct, and there are indications of very indistinct spots towards the base]; cilia brownish ochreous, with a series of ten blackish dentate spots along their base (six terminal and four costal). Exp. al. 30-35 mm. Hindwings leaden grey; $ with a fringe of brownish ochreous hair-scales along the lower edge of the cell reaching from the base to its middle; on the limbus is a long 644 FA UNAA HRA TVA IEANSIS pencil of brownish ochreous hair-scales; V with the limbal hair-pencil, but without the cilia along the edge of the cell; cilia scarcely paler than the wings, with an indication of four obscure darker spots in their base below the apex. Abdomen greyish fuscous, with a brownish ochreous patch near the base. Legs pale leaden greyish, tinged with ochreous on their inner sides. Type $ (72: 8. 7) Mus. Br. [Caenotype g (28650); V (28593) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. OAFIU: Mts. near Honolulu (Blackburn)'.-MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 5. vI. 1893 (Perkins).- HAwAII: Olaa, 2000 ft., ix., XI. 1896; Hilo, 2000 ft., xiI. 1895 (Perkins). Four specimens. Females of this species can be distinguished from those of the very similar Semnoprepia fulvogrisea, Wlsm., by the grooved appearance of the palpi and by the possession of two spots before the discoidal on the forewings. 28. SEMNOPREPIA, gen. nov. (c-ejLvorrpE&reL = a solemn bearing.) Type Semnoprepia fzilvogrisea WIsm. Antennae, g nearly as long as the wings, biciliate 24, gradually diminishing to the middle, serrate beyond the middle; basal joint without pecten:? simple. Maxillary Palpi moderate, dependent. Labial Palpi recurved to above the vertex, terminal joint as long, or longer than median; smooth. Haustellum scaled at base. Head smooth, side-tufts appressed. Thorax smooth. Forewings elongate, narrow, apex slightly depressed: neuration 12 veins; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to costa; 3 and 5 approximated to 4, 3 from before angle; 12 very long, io approximated to 9; an internal vein fromn base of 6 to beyond 1 i. Hindwings as broad as forewings, apex depressed, obtusely pointed, termen obliquely rounded, dorsum alnost parallel with costa; a and 5 with expansible limbal hair-pencil: neuration 8 veins, all separate; 2, 3 and 4 remote at origin, 2 recurved; 5 approximated to 4; 6 and 7 separate, almost parallel; 8 not connected with cell. Abdomen rounded. Legs long, hind tibiae with short hairs. Closely allied to Ezuperissus, Btl., but differing in the absence of the fringe of hairscales along the lower edge of the cell in the hindwings of the g. Apparently related to Orthotaelia, Stph., but differing in having 7 and 8 of the forewings stalked. 319. (t) Semnoprepia fuvQogrisea, sp. nov. (P1. XXIV. fig. 27). Antennae tawny grey. Palpi tawny grey, paler on their inner sides. Head and Thorax tawny grey. Forewings tawny grey, with a dark fuscous, somewhat crescentshaped, spot at the end of the cell; cilia pale tawny grey, with alternate dark fuscous and whitish ochreous spots along their base, forming a series of about ten (four costal MICROL EPIDOP TERA 645 and six terminal). Exp. al. 25-27 mm. Hindwings paler, tawny grey, with a faintly indicated darker spot at the end of the cell, and some ochreous streaks and intermediate dark shades at the base of the tawny grey cilia toward the apex. Abdomen shining, pale grey, with a slight ochreous tinge above towards the base. Hind Legs tawny grey, with pale spots at the terminations of the tarsi and tibiae, spurs pale. Type S (26951); $ (26952) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (I) IV. 1895; Mts., 3000-4000 ft., v. —VT. I894. Seven specimens. Very similar to Euperissus cristatus, Btl., but lacking the spot in the fold and that above it on the cell. 320. (2) Semnoprepia petroptilota, sp. nov. (PI. XXIV. fig. 28). Antennae brownish cinereous, the basal joint fuscous. Palpi whitish ochreous, shaded externally and round the terminal joint with slaty fuscous. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax pale slaty fuscous. Forewings pale brownish cinereous, profusely sprinkled with fuscous, with a small dark fuscous spot on the middle of the fold, a larger one on the disc above and beyond it, a third at the end of the cell and a series of fuscous spots at the base of the pale brownish cinereous cilia on the costa apex and termen. Exp. al. 19 —21 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia brownish cinereous, with shade-spots at their base near the apex. Abdomen brownish grey; anal tuft whitish ochreous. Legs pale slaty fuscous, with pale cinereous tarsal annulations. Type g (28746) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MAUI: Olinda (Haleakala), 4000 ft., (2) V. 1896; Haleakala, 5000 ft., (i) v. I896.-HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, (3) VIII. I896. Six specimens. The $ is at present unknown unless it has been wrongly referred to Ifyperdasys cryptogamiedlus. 321. (3) Semnoprepia margella, sp. nov. (P1. XXV. fig. ). Antennae pale stone-greyish, the basal joint fuscous. Palpi pale stone-greyish, tinged with pale slaty greyish externally. Head whitish ochreous. Thorax stone-grey, tinged with slaty grey. Forewings stone-whitish along the middle, the margins and apex suffused with slaty greyish fuscous; an elongate dark fuscous spot on the middle of the fold lies a little nearer to the base than a somewhat similar spot on the cell, the latter throwing out projections in the direction of a smaller lunate spot of the same colour at the end of the cell; a broken line of the pale ground-colour around the termen and apex is succeeded by a dark fuscous shade, at the base of the whitish cinereous cilia, broken into dentate spots along the termen. Exp. al. 20 mm. Hindwings greyish; F. I. I. 83 646 FAUNA HA WAIIENSIS cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen dark slaty fuscous. Legs brownish grey, with paler mottling. Type S (28743) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. HAWAII: Mt. Kilauea, VIIi. I896. Unique. It is possible that this may be a variety of petoptfilota, but the specimens before me present no intermediate forms. 29. DIPLOSARA, Meyr. Type Scardia lg'; Hgn. & Frey, Pap. iv. 154 (1884):"; Meyr., Tr. NZ. Inst. xxi. 164-5, No. 15 (i888)"7; H. Edw., Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 35, 120 (1889)I; Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. (2. s.) vii. 600, No. 182 (1893); WIsm., 'lr. Ent. Soc. Lond. I894, 537, No. 24, 542 (I894)4~; Meyr., HB. Br. Up. 758 (1895)'; Rbl., Ann. KK. Hofinus. xi. 137, 147, No. 213 (i896)42; Busck, Pr. US. Nat. Mus. XXIII. 243-4 (I90o)"; Stgr.-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. II. 210, No. 4107 (1901)"; Dyar, Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 52. 557, No. 6337 (1902)". 724 FA UNAA WA IIENSIS Types 4 T-somnulente/la, Z., g Mus. Wlsm.; orpheella, Stn. (? Mus. Br.); staintoniella, Clem. (No. 54), Mus. Am. Ent. Soc. Phil. 16SI20-4iL28Y30,:32-4, 37-7, 41r, 44-2 22, 24, 44. F3, 7214 282 44..44. HAI. EUROPEI-14', 20-4' 38-30,:2-4, 37-8,41-2, 14- S.E. RUSSIA2' -4' 4; AUSTRIA3' 13 ' 44; ITALY344; SICILY 23'7' 21 - FRA SWITZELAN 3; GEANC Y'EM 13' 22,; HOLLAND20; BELGIUM16' 2; ENGLAND 4' 6-7' 13-14, 23, 41 MADEIRAS 1' 4, 4. CANARIES 4, 4. UNITED STATES 17-19 24-7, 30-1, 1 336-30>, 415 KENTUCKY:6; ILLINOIS; TEXAS2; COLORADO2'. HAWAIIA. HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., VII. 1892 (Perkins). AUSTRALIA34' 37, 39, 41: QUEENSLAND39; 34. AUTR8ALA" N. ZEALANDs7' 839,1 41 N. S. WALES34' 3; VICTORIA9; S. AUSTRALIA3; W. AUSTRALIA39. N.ZEALAND373941 LARVA. Miining leaves Convolvulus sp. "1:7-, "'; allhaeoides"2 28; arvensiszsk' s, 1 16, 29, 33,.36 cantabrica'3; mauzretaniica'"'; sefizi' 2, 2, 2 f oea sp. 27,,301-, 4, 3, 38, 41; pa 41; rea,9,22,24-6; I. (Pharbitis) s,0. I, VIII' r '41, vIIi;-'713'" " 20,' ) % ' ', IX 6-7' '1,. ' 3, x 4 16 IMAGO. i', i 1, 841, 41 iii', 213-, 4- V 2-3, 21-2, 41 v 2-3, 21 VI2, V I 13, 20, 29, 33, 35-, 39, 41, IMlAGO. I", II,"'" III I,4 IV2 t,, V] V, VI IIIVI I 'S3'5'3S'IV' IX 4, 13, 16, 21, 22, 33, -, 3 X 7, 19, 22,.,;',, 39, 41 XI 19 22, 26, 39, 41 XII 41 hib. Two large specimens which are certainly not minor, Busck, I name with some doubt somnucenle/la, Z. They were taken at Kona, 4000 ft., VIII. 1892 (25465; 25591, Mus. Wlsm.), and are slightly greyer than the ordinary European form, but appear to come within its range of variation. 431. (2) 3edel/lia minor, Busck. ]iedellia minor, Busck, Pr. US. Nat. Mus. XXIII. 243-4 (I900)'; Dyar, Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 52. 557, No. 6338 (19o2)2. Antennae white, annulate with brownish grey. Palpi hoary whitish. Head pale fawn, varying to hoary whitish. Thorax fawn-brownish. Forewings pale fawnbrownish, densely sprinkled with darker fawn-brown, or greyish brown, scales; cilia pale fawn-brownish, or fawn-grey, sprinkled about the apex and along the base with darker fawn-brown, or brownish grey. Exp. al. 6-7 mm. Hindwings very pale grey; cilia pale brownish grey. Abdomen greyish, yellowish beneath speckled with blackish; 4 with genital appendages strongly developed, and with long lateral hairs. Legs brownish grey, tarsi with pale annulations. Type (No. 4954) US. Nat. Mus. [Caenotype g (25974) Mus. Wlsm.] HAB. UNITED STATES. FLORIDA1-2: Palm Beach1. HAWAIIA. OAHU: Waianae Mts., (19) IV. 1892.-MOLOK^AI: sea level, (2) V. 1893. —IIAWAII: Kona, 400oo0 ft., (3) 13. VIII. 1892. Twenty-four specimens. LARVA mining Ipomoea'. Bred in Oahu from larvae mining Convolvulus leaves. Larva whitish. Pupa on leaves in web. Common (Perkins). These specimens bear the same relation to the forms of somnulentella as is indicated in Busck's description of minor, and Mr. Busck agrees that they are correctly determined. Its smaller size enables it to be readily distinguished. MICROLEPIDOP TERA 725 432. (3) Bedellia struthionella, sp. nov. Antennae hoary whitish, distinctly annulate with fuscous. Palpi very short; hoary whitish, each joint annulate with fuscous. Head rough; hoary. Thorax hoary. Forewings hoary whitish, minutely sprinkled with fuscous scales, especially visible in a short basal streak below the middle, an oblique cloudy shade extending outward from the middle of the fold and overspreading the outer half of the costa to the apex, and in a rounded cloud-spot at the end of the cell; a short chestnut-brown streak at the middle of the base is dilated outward to about one-fourth, and a chestnut-brown patch lies on the middle of the dorsum, a slight sprinkling of the same colour passing through the oblique fuscous shade above it; cilia brownish cinereous, minutely sprinkled with fuscous about the apex. Exp. al. 7-8 mm. Hindwings greyish; cilia brownish cinereous. Abdomen greyish fuscous above, hoary beneath. Legs hoary, sprinkled with fuscous, the tarsi with four fuscous annulations. Type $ (25558) Hawaii, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. OAHU: Waianae Mts., (3) Iv. 1892.-HAWAII: Kona, 4000-5000 ft., (4) 4-17. vII. 1892, (4) 9. Ix. 1892. Eleven specimens. 433. (4) Bedellia orchilella, sp. nov. Antennae brownish fuscous, with whitish annulations. Palpi, Head and Thorax greyish fuscous; face paler. Forewings greyish fuscous, with some pale cinereous speckling throughout; the only indication of markings is in the absence of the pale speckling at the base of the fold, in a slight spot on the outer half of the fold, and in a short dark streak on the dorsum, but these markings are very obscure; cilia pale greyish fuscous. Exp. al. 7 mm. Hindwings dark grey; cilia greyish fuscous. Legs greyish fuscous, with whitish tarsal speckling. Type S (25930) Oahu, Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Kaholuamano, 4000 ft., (I) Iv. 1895.-OAIIU: Waianae Mts., (2) iv. 1892.-HAWAII: Kona, 4000 ft., (I) 8. IX. 1892; Olaa, (i) ix. 1896. Five specimens. These specimens all represent a form much darker and more inclined to be unicolorous than slruthionella, and are of an entirely different tint than minor, Busck, showing no trace of the fawn-brown which appears only in that species. F.. I. I. 93 726 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 57. SETOMORPHA, Z. Type Setozmorpha rutella, Z. SETOMORPHA, Z., Hndl. Kngl. Svensk. Vet. Ak. I852, 93-4; Btl., Ent. Mo. Mag. xIx. o07 (I882); Wlsm., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. I89I, 81-2, PI. VII. 73; Stgr.-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. II. 233 (190oI); Dyar, Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 52. 575 (I902); Dietz, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xxxi. 14-15 ~ (S=SEMIOTA, Dietz) 18. P1. VI. 4 (1905); Busck, Pr. US. Nat. Mus. xxx. 734-5, figs. 9 —lo (I906). Butler [Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 401 (i88I)] proposed Chrestotes as a neonym in lieu of ~Safra, Wkr. (1864) [homonymous with Safra, Wkr. (1863) Lep.], but ~Chr/esstoes, Btl., is also invalid being homonymous with Chrestotes, Scudder (I868) Neurop., while ~Safra, Wkr., is synonymous with Lindera, Blanch. (1852), the type of both being Lindera lessellatella, Blanch. (=Safra bogotatella, Wkr.). Butler also (1. c.) described a new species as Chrestotes dryas, this however is not isotypical with Lindera tessellatella, Blanch., and must be referred to Se/omorpha, Z., as also must Semiota, Dietz, founded on the S of this genus (vide Busck I.c.). 434. (i) Selomorpha dryas, sp. nov. Chi-estotes dryas, Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) vI,. 401, No. 39 (1881)'. Antennae pale fawn-brown. Palpi, Head and Thorax pale fawn-brown, sprinkled with brownish fuscous. Forewings pale fawn-brown, profusely sprinkled with brownish fuscous scales, which form numerous spots tending to run in lines, one costal, one subcostal, one discal, one plical (more or less confluent, especially on the outer half of the wing) and one subdorsal below the fold; cilia pale fawn-brown, much shaded with fuscous. Exp. al. 11-14 mm. Hindwings rather shining, brownish grey; cilia paler. Abdomen brownish grey. Legs brownish grey, tarsi whitish, banded with blackish. Type? (70: 8I. 7) Oahu, Mus. Br. HAB. OAIIU: Honolulu (Blackburn)'.-HAWAII: Kaawaloa (Kona), 1500 ft., xv. 1872 (Perkins). One specimen. Closely allied to Setomoarpha rupicella, Z. (West Indies and Brazil) and disciz punctella, Rbl. (Canaries); forewings with veins 7 and 8 stalked out of 9; hindwings with 5 and 6 stalked. 58. ACIROLEPIA, Crt. Type AIcrolepiia autumnniella, Crt. (Crt. I838). ACROLEPIA, Crt., Br. Ent. xv. expl. PI. 679 (138); Stn., Meyr., Stgr.-Rbl., Dyar, etc. Type autumni/ella, Crt. [= ~ygmaeana, Hw., auct (nec Hb.)]. MICROLEPIDOPTERA 727 435. (i) Acrolepia aureonizrella, sp. nov. Antennae whitish, very distinctly annulate with black. Palpi fuscous, with two whitish annulations on the outer half of the median joint, and two on the basal half of the terminal joint, of which the tip is also whitish. Head somewhat roughly clothed above with mixed greyish fuscous and greyish ochreous hair-scales. Thorax strongly tufted posteriorly; fuscous, with a strong sprinkling of golden yellowish scales. Forewings blackish, with a strong admixture of golden yellow scaling; a slightly curved greenish grey transverse fascia, at one-fourth fronm the base, is outlined and streaked with blackish; a second fascia before the middle, also bent outward on the cell, has its centre greenish grey margined on either side with yellowish (of a paler tint than the more golden sprinkling which occurs between the fasciae) this is also narrowly outlined with blackish; two other fasciae beyond the middle, more distinct on their upper than on their lower halves, are mixed yellow-ochreous and greenish grey, but these are illdefined, giving merely a mottled aspect before the blackish terminal and apical area, which is also sprinkled with ochreous and grey scales; cilia tawny brownish fuscous, with whitish streaks running through them, and a narrow dark dividing line along their middle. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings tawny brownish fuscous; cilia greyish at their tips. Abdomen dark tawny grey. Legs tawny grey, with whitish annulations at the tarsal joints. Type $ (26069) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 26. VI. 1893. Unique. 59. MONOPIS, Hb. BLABOPHANES, Z. Type Tinea rnsticella, Hb. (Hb. 1826). MONOPIS, Hb., Verz. Schm. 401 (1826); Meyr., Stgr.-Rbl., Dyar. = 7TINEA, L.-(A) BLAOPHANES, Z., Lin. Ent. vi. 1oo (1852). 436. (i) Monopis monachela, Hb. [? = ediel/a, F.8]; =longela, Wkr.6 [? Aluczia medie//a, F., Ent. Syst. in. (2) 337, No. 26 (1798)'. Tizea monache/la, [lb., Samml. Eur. Schm. viI. PI. XXI. (c. I88o)2. Tinea longella, Wkr., Cat. Lp. Ins. BM. xxvIII. 479 (I863)". Blabopfhanes longella, Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 396-7, No. 29 (I88i)4. Blabophanes monachel/a, Meyr., Ent. Mo. Mag. xx. 36 (1883)5: Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1894, 27". Monopis monachella, Meyr., HB. Br. Lp. 785 (1895)7; Wlsm., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1897, 63-58; Stgr.-Rbl.; Cat. Lp. Pal. In. 236, No. 4536 (I90 )9. 93-2 728 728 ~~~FA UNTA HA WA IZENSIS LARVA among rubbish; in birds' nests; in skins. HAP. EUROPE. ASIA. INDIA; PU RMAH-; CEYLON. W. & S. AFRICA. HAWAITA 4 OAI1U: Honolulu (Blackburn)t4.-LANAI: 2000 ft., X11. 1893, II. 1894 (Perkins).HAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft., V`. 1892 (Perkins). Three specimens. For full synonymy vide Wlsnt8 The Hawaiian specimens belong to the variety with the white triangle clouded on the costa which was described by WNalker as longella. 437. (2) Mono/is croci'ca/iilella, Clms. n. syn. = kyalinella, Stgr; (lombardica, H rng.; h eringi, Rdsn.6) = felrruginlella, Wlsm. (nec Hb. )16. Tinea croc/ca/ilella, Clms., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. XI. 257, 258 (1859)1: Clms.-Stn., Tin. N. Am. pp. Viii, 49, 51 (1872) 2. T/nea kyabinel/a, Stgr., Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. VII. 229 (187o)'. 13/abo/kanes /iyal/nella, Stgr.-Wk., Cat. Lp. Eur. 269, No. 1371 (187i1) 4. T/nea crccaifella, Chrnb., Bull. US. GG. Surv. iv. 163 (i878)'.Bab/ne *ferruginella, WIsm., Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. x. I170 (1 882)6 Blabo/khanes lombard/ca, Hrng., Stett. Ent. Ztg. L. 295-9 (i889)'; Rbl., Verh. ZB. Ges. Wien. Abh. xxxix. (i889) 303 (1 889)8'. Tinca *ferr-ugi/nella, Riley, Smith's List Bor. Am. 95, NO. 5o85 (I90)~. Blao/lanes keringi4 Rdsn., Ent. Mo. Mag. XXIX. 14-15(19)0 Blabo//zanes lombard/ca, Snell., Tijd. v. LEnt. xxxvii. 14-18, P1. 1. 4-6 (1894)". Blabo/khanes kyal/nella, Snell., Tijd. v. Ent. xxxvii. i6-17 (1894)12. Mono//s /0mnbar-d/ca, Stgr.-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. If. 236, NO. 4534 (I go I )'3. Mono//s kyalinella, Stgr.Rhi, Cat. Lp. Pal. 11. 236, NO. 4535 (I goI )14. Monio/is *feirrnginella, Dyar, Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 52. 570, No. 6488 (1902)". Tinea crocica/ilella, Busck, Pr. Ent. Soc. Wash. V. 14-5 190316.Mono/is crocica/ife/la, Dietz, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. XXXI. 3!" 3 -(1905) Types gS:-crocica/Ulella, Clms., Mts. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil.; Ihyali'nella, Stgr., (Mus. Stgr.); lombaird/ca, [1ng., ~?(Mus. Hrng.); keri'ngi, Rdsn. (Mus. Rdsn.). LARVA in textile stuffs7. IMAGo. e iii', VI-vIi "" Vill8 101 TX N X 181 NI', NIL11 HAB. EUROPE: ENGLAND 10-11,14; HOLLAND"'1 14; GERMANYl"[?J; AUSTRIA7-8' 12"1; N. irITAL (Lombardy )7' 12B1; SPAIN' 3'414; GREECE4'-"'2,'t HAWAILA. MOLOKAI: above 3000 ft., 30. V. 1893; S~ and $~ in COft. in the house, 26. vii. 1893.-LANAI: 2000 ft., X1i. 1 893.HAWAII: IKona, 4000 ft., 27. VII., 12. VIII., IN. 1892 (Perkins). UNITED STATES'26,,1-7 438. (3) Mono//ls obumbrala, Buti. Blabo/kanes obumbrata, Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VII. 396, NO. 31 (1881)'. Antennae, Palpi, Head and Thorax dark umber-brown. Forewings dark umberbrown, sprinkled with a few brownish ochreous scales; a spot at the end of the cell is surrounded by a pale patch of brownish ochreous, by which another spot before and MICROLEPIDOPTERA 729 below it on the fold is also indicated; the apical portion of the wing and cilia sprinkled with ochreous, the latter with a darker shade along their basal half. Exp. al. 13-16 mm. Hindwings rather shining, bronzy brownish; cilia brownish grey. Abdomen and Iegs dirty brownish. Type? (71: 8I. 7) Mus. Br. HAB. OAHU: Honolulu (Blackburn)'. Mr Perkins did not meet with this species. The forewings have a naked depression in the disc, but veins 3 and 4 are separate, 7 and 8 stalked. 60. TINEA, L. Type Phalaena Tinea pellionella, L. (F. I775). PHAITAENA TINEA, L., Syst. Nat. (ed. x.) 496 (1758); Poda, Ins. Mus. Graec. 94 (1761). TINEA, F., Syst. Ent. 655-67 (1775); Lamarck, Syst. An. sans Vert. 288 (18or); Wlsm. & Drnt., Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxIII. 40-I (1897); Stn., Meyr., Stgr.-Rbl., Dyar, Dietz, etc. 439. (I) Tinea fuscipuncfella, Hw. Ti7neafuscipunctella, Hw., Lp. Br. 562, No. 4 (1828)'; Stgr.-Wk., Cat. Lp. Eur. 270, No. 1404 (i87I)2; Chamb., Bull. US. GG. Surv. Iv. I64 (i878)3; Wlsm., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. I88I, 242 (i88)4; Meyr., Pr. Lin. Soc. NSW. (2. s.) vNi. 534-5, No. 76 (1893)': I1B. Br. Lp. 791 (I895)6; Stgr.-Rbl., Cat. Lp. Pal. II. 238, No. 4583 (I901); Dyar, Bull. US. Nat. Mus. 52. 571, No. 6503 (I902)8; Dietz, Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. xxxr. 44, 45, 47 (I905)9, etc. HAB. EUROPE19. W. ASIA' 6-. AFRICA, N."7, W.4, S. N. AMERICA (' 89: LABRADOR7'9. AUSTRALIA5 6. NEW ZEALAND-6. HAWAIIA. HAWAII: Kaawaloa (Kona), 1500 ft., vI. 1892; Olaa, VI. 1895. Two specimens. Tinea sp.? =Blabophanes ~rusticella, Btl., Ann. & Mag. NH. (5. s.) VI. 396, No. 30 (i88i)' [nec Hb.]. Type (IIo: 81. 7) Mus. Br. HAB. OAHU: Honolulu (Blackburn)'. This is not a Monopis, Hb. (=Blabophanes, Z.), but a Tinea, and may be fnscipunctella, Hw., which occurs in Hawaii. The specimen in the British Museum is in unrecognisable condition, and one from Blackburn (Wlsm. Det. 3633: Mus. Meyr.) is scarcely better, but appears to have longer antennae than fusciPunctella. 730 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS 61. PARAPHASIS, gen. nov. (TrapcaacrLo = consolation.) Type Parakphasis perkinsi, Wlsm. Antennae three-fourths the length of the forewings; bipectinate 5-6, the pectinations remote from each other, biciliate. Head rough. Labial Palpi porrect, projecting more than the length of the head beyond it, somewhat roughly clothed, the terminal joint short, depressed. Maxillary palpi short. Haustellum well-developed. Ocelli (not apparent). Thorax [denuded]. Forewings with the costa slightly arched towards the base; apex slightly depressed, obtuse; termen oblique, dorsum nearly parallel with costa along the middle: neuration 12 veins, all separate; 7 to termen, 3 and 4 approximating towards base. Hindwings as broad as the forewings, apex obtuse, termen evenly rounded: neuration 8 veins; 3 and 4 connate; 5 bent over towards origin of 4; an internal vein between 5 and 6; 6 and 7 separate. Abdomen much constricted at base. Legs smooth. This genus belongs to the group of Dissoctena, Stgr., i1elasina, Bdv., and Compsoctena, Z., with all of which it agrees in having bipectinate antennae, but the persistence of palpi and haustellum is interesting. Its antennae most resemble those of Dissoctena, but the well-developed palpi at once distinguish it, as also the neuration of the hindwings. The most critical point of difference between this and allied genera is "3 and 4 connate" in the hindwings, the usual tendency being towards approximation of 4 and 5. 440. (I) Paraphzasis erkzisi, sp. nov. Antennae pale cinereous, the pectinations brownish fuscous. Palpi dark ferruginous. Head and Thorax fawn-brownish. Forewings dark fawn-brownish, mottled with dark ferruginous and dark steel-grey, tending to form alternate, outwardly convex, transverse lines, not distinctly defined, except a little beyond the end of the cell; an inverted dark ferruginous dorsal blotch obscures the outer end of the fold, and is diffused upward across the middle of the cell; cilia ochreous on their outer half, dark fawn-grey on their basal half. Exp. al. 14 mm. Hindwings and cilia dark brownish grey. Abdomen greyish fuscous. Legs brownish grey. Type $ (27268) Mus. Wlsm. HAB. KAUAI: Mts., 3000-4000 ft., Vi. 1894. Unique. At first sight this species would probably be regarded as an Amphisa, allied to gerningaina, Schiff. IYICROLERZDOFPTERA73 731 SUPPLEMENTARY. P YRA LIDINA. LINEODE:s, Gn. 1. Lincodes ochrca, \Vlsm. (ante pp. 469-70). OAHu: NW. Koolau Range, V, VII. 1901. PTEROPHORINA4. PLATYPTILIA, Hb. 4. Platyptilia fitscicornis, Z. (ante pp. 47 2-4). QAHU: Waialua, coast, v. 1901. ORNEODINA. ORNEODES, Ltr. 10. Orucodes objug-~a/el/a, Wism. (ante pp. 477-8). OAnu: "bred from seeds of forest trees," "native, in forest " (Perkins N o. I: 190go1). TINEINA. GELECH IADAE. PHTHORIMAEA, M eyr. 21. Ph/heor/maca operiduella, Z. (ante pp. 483-5). HAWAIIA. OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901 (Perkins). TAHITI: Papeite, 7-14. WV. 1903 (Vaihalla-Nicoll). 7: 1. GELECHIIA, H b. 21: 1. Uclechia gvssypic/la, Sndrs. De~pressar-ia gossyfiella, Sndrs., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. III. 284-5 (1844)1; Swinh.-Cotes, Cat. Moths Ind. 7i6, No. 490(1889)2; Cotes, Ind. Mus. Notes it. 163 (I1893)t Gelechia gossy~piella, Meyr., Jr. Bombay N H. Soc. XvI. 592 (19o5)'. "tDark fuscous brown, the head and thorax somewhat lighter in colour. Anterior wings with an undefined round blackish spot on the disc a little above the centre, and a fascia of the same colour crossing the wings a little above the apex, which itself is 732 FA7A UNA HA WAIIENSIS black. Under wings of a silvery grey, darker towards the hinder margin. Legs and tarsi black-brown, with the joints light. Length 4-IO inch. The larva in the dried state is about 4-ioths of an inch long, largest just behind the head, of a dull red colour, with the head dark brown." "The following is an extract of the letter which accompanied the specimens.'The inclosed is an insect which was very destructive to the American cotton which was sown here (Broach), on light alluvial soil. The egg is deposited in the germen at the time of flowering, and the larva feeds upon the cotton seed until the pod is about to burst, a little previous to which time it has opened a round hole in the side of the pod for air, and at which to make an exit at its own convenience, dropping on the ground, which it penetrates about an inch, and winds a thin web in which it remains during the aurelia state. Curious enough, the cotton on the black soil was not touched by it. The native cotton is sometimes affected by it'." "In the foregoing extract from Dr. Barn's letter it is interesting to remark, that the cotton grown from American seed is attacked in preference to any other, and that the cotton plant when grown upon 'black soil' remains free from injury. The former fact may be accounted for by the American cotton being of a different species to that usually grown in India, and probably offers seeds which are more suitable to the development of the larva." Saunders'. LARVA. In bolls Gossypium spp.' 3. HABl. INDIA. BOMBAY: Baruch (= Broach)'-3; Surat4.-OUD)H: Cawnpore2, Cotton, vi. 1883.-PUNJAIB: Lahore, "Cotton-boll moth, reared from caterpillars from Lahore " [Cotes; 6o0o-I I Mus. Wlsm. = Drnt. Det. 1 76-7 (1894)]. JAPAN (Pryer; 70795 Mus. Wlsm.). HAWAIIA. OAHU: Honolulu, " Tineid of Cotton (introduced)," "Highly injurious to Cotton, Honolulu" (Perkins, No. 4: 1901). The species varies in the amount of the dark suffusion on the forewings, in some specimens the costal area being almost destitute of dark shading. Exp. al. 18-21 mm. In the hindwings veins 3 and 4 are connate or stalked in both Indian and Hawaiian specimens. Although originally described from Indian specimens it is by no means certain that gossypie/la is truly an Indian species for Dr. Barn's notes, as published by Saunders', indicate strongly that the insect was imported with American Cotton which it preferred to the Indian species of Gossypium. Swinhoe and Cotes2 record gossypiella from Cawnpore with a "?"-this mark of doubt is misplaced, the specimen was correctly determined as gossypiella, Sndrs., the "?" had reference to its being wrongly described as a J)epressarza by Saunders (Durrant and Meyrick have both referred gossypiella to Gelechza, Hb.). No special information accompanied this Cawnpore specimen (labelled "Cotton, VI. 1883 "), but in the accumulation of "Notes on insect pests from the Entomological MICROLEPIDOPTERA 733 7 3-, ' Section, Indian Museum," published by the late Lionel de Niceville in Indian Museum Notes, Vol. v. No. 3 (I903), we find (p. 183) under Eariasfab/a that Egyptian Cotton was grown on the experimental farm at Cawnpore. It is therefore presumable that this specimen of gossypiella was associated with imported Egyptian Cotton. We also read (I.c. p. I83) that: "On 4th December 1893 the Director of Land Records and Agriculture, Punjab, Lahore, sent some pods [bolls] of Egyptian cotton, containing green and white insects tunnelling into the pods. A single moth was bred from these, but was unidentified." This bred specimen was regarded as probably a variety of Earias fabia, but it has been overlooked that Gelechia gossypiella was also bred from these Lahore Cotton bolls. Two specimens were sent to Mlerton (60o10- I Mus. Wlsm.) with the note " Cottonboll moth reared from caterpillars from Lahore" (Cotes, i. 1., I9. ii. r894)-these were determined as Gelechzia gossypiella, Sndrs. (Drnt. Det. 1176 —7: 1894). It would therefore seem that both the Lahore and Cawnpore specimens were imported with Egyptian cotton. We have no information as to the probable origin of the Surat specimens recorded by Meyrick4 and may therefore assume that their history is similar to that of the other Indian specimens. Mr Perkins notes the Hawaiian specimens as " Tineid of Cotton (introduced) "-unfortunately he gives no indication of the locality whence it came —and at present we have no evidence that the species occurs in America, but a single specimen from Japan (70795, Mus. Wlsm.) in very poor condition would seem to be gossypiella. STOEBEIHINUS, Btl. 22. Stoeberhzinzs testaceus, Btl. (ante p. 486). OAIIU: Honolulu, Mts., VI. 1900; SE. Koolau Range, vii. 1900. TIIvROCOPA, Meyr. 34. Thyrocopa argenlea, Btl. (ante p. 496). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, vii. I901. 46. Thyrocopa pallida, Wlsm. (ante pp. 502- 3). OAHU: SE. Koolau Range, vii. 900o; Honolulu, "dead wood feeder." 49. Thyrocopa usitata, Btl. (ante p. 504). OAlHU: NW. and SE. Koolau Range, vii. I901. 50. Thyrocopa abusa, Wlsm. (ante pp. 5~4-5)OAHU: Honolulu, coast, I. I90o; SE. Koolau Range, vii. 190I. F. H. I. 94 7 ON 734 FA ~~UNA HA WA IZENSIS HYPONOMEUTIDAE. BATRACHEDRA, Stn. 56. Bairaclhedra syrray5hel1/a, WIsm. (ante p. 509). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, VII. 1901. HXTPOSMOCOMA, Btl. 145. IHy/osuzocoma Irossule/la, Wism. (ante pp. 554-5). OAHu: NW. Koolaui Range, vii. 1901. 147. Hy/osmocoma nebulifera, Wism. (ante pp. 555-6). OAIiu: SE. Koolau Range, vii. 1900; NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. 154. flyposmocoma albjecla, Btl. (ante p. 559). OAHU: NW. Koolan Range-, vii. 1901. 155. Hy/osmocoma blacklurnil, Btl. (ante pp. 559 ---6o). OAHU: Honolulu, Mts., VII. 1900. 159b. Hyposmocoma lu/ella, WIsm. ~suyfu se/la, Wism. (ante P. 564). OAIUu: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. 160. IfyPosnmocoma medie/la, WIsm. (ante p. 565). OAIHU: NXV. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. 228. Hjyposniocoma argenica, Wism. (ante p. 596). OA1IU: NW. Koolan Range, vii. 1901. 236. Hyposmocoma a/li/era/a, Wism. (ante p. 600). OAIIU: NW. Koolau Range, VII. 1901. 246. Hyposmocoma dorse/la, WIsm. (ante p. 6o5). OAIUu; NW. Koolau Rangye, vii. 1901. 275. Ilypiosmocoma tarsimaculala, Wism. (ante p. 618). OAIIU`: NW. Koolau Rangre, vii. 1901. MICROLEPIDOP TERA75 7 13 5 293. Hyposmocorna nebubi/era, WIsmn. (ante p. 628). OAHU: SE. Koolau Range, vii. 1900; NW. Koolau Range-, vii. 1901. 306. Hyjposmocoma radiate//a, Wism. (ante p. 634). OAHU: SE. Koolau Range, VII. 1900. EUPERISSUs, B tl. 318. EuPerissus erislalus, Ut. (ante pp. 643-4). OAHUu: NW. Koolau Range, VII. 1901. PRAYS, H b. 329. Prays Julvocane//uts, WIsm. (ante p. 652). QAHU: Honolulu, Mts., vi. 1900; NW. Koolau Rangye. vii. 1901. GARPOS IN IDAE. H ETEROCROSSA, M eyr. 339. Hllcerocrossa iherba rumt, WIsm. (ante p. 658). OAIUu: SE. Koolau Range, vii. 1900; NW. Koolan Range, vii. 1901. 343. Heterocrossa subumbrata, WIsm. (ante p. 660). OAUu: NW. Koolau Range, VII. 1 90 1. 352. He/erocrossa nzgoromacu/a/a, Wism. (ante p. 666). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. 359. Heterocrossa pusil/a, Wism. (ante p. 670). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, VII. 1901. TORTRIGI DAE. ECCOPTOCERA, WISM. 365. ccopocera foelorivoansB1t1. (ante pp. 674 —5). 0A11U: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901; LarVa-Me/cros&/(cros "Ohia' (Koebele, No. 2079) Perkins, No. '5: 1901. 94-2 70-16 736 ~~~FA, UNA, H-A WVAIJENSIS CROCIDOSEMIA, Z. 366. Crocidocua lebel'ana, Z. (ante pp. 675-) OAHU: Waialua, coast, v. 1901; NXV. Koolau Range, vii. 1901; Honolulu "~probably introduced, common about Honolulu and in the Mts." (Perkins). GYPSONOMA, Meyr. 367. Gypsoonoma Zefrarum, WIsm. (ante p. 676). OAuu: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901i; Honolulu. ENARMONIA, Hb. 378. Enarumowia zva/sing/azar, Btl. (ante pp. 684-5). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. AR\cHiPiiS, Hb. 384. r,-rck45s foslvittanus, Wkr. (ante pp. 690-i). HAWAIIA. 0A11U: Waianae, Larva Euy5/orbi'a spp., excl. I. 1901; Honolulu, Larva Ci'trus spp., excl. I. 1901; Waialua, coast, v. 1901, 2000 ft., Larva Acaci'a koa, excl. ix. 1900; NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. "Tortrix (introduced) polyphagous, especially injurious to species of Citr-us. Rather variable. Probably Australian as it is found in NEW CALEDONIA. Polyphagous and increasingr enormously in the islands." (Perkins, NO. 7: 1900). 385. Ar-c/u/s lonigi/lizcatus, Wlsm. (ante pp. 691-2). OAIuu: NW. Koolau Range, iv. 190!; N. Koolau Ra nge, VIII. 1901. 385: 1. A rc/u/s capucz us, WIsm. TortriQ)cay uina, Wlsm., En. Hw. 1. 701-2, NO. 398, P1. XI. 23 (1907)'. HABt OAHU: NW. Koolau Range (&?), VII. 190I1.-MOLOK,-AI: 4000 ft., 23. IX. 1893-'. HIAWAII: Kona, 3000 ft., vi. I 892. The reception of the g renders it necessary to remove this species to the genus JO1{TRIX, L. 398. Tortrz~r (?) cap uia, Wlsm. (ante pp. 701-2) = Arc/uscpucns lm.35:I AJICR OL E/PID OP TERA' 737 TINEIDAE. OPOGONA, Z. 416. Opogonza aurisyuamosa, Btl. (ante pp. 713-4). OAHU: Honolulu, Mts., vi. 1900. EREUNETIS, Meyr. 417. Eretnefis simulans, Btl. (ante p. 715). OAHU: NW. Koolau Range, v, VII. I90o; SE. Koolau Range, vii. I900; N. Koolau Range, vIII. I901. " Black and white wood-eating Tineid, introduced," " Black and white Tineid of dead bark, now in thousands in Oahu-introduced" (Perkins, No IO: 1901). 419. Ereunetis minuzscula, Wlsm. (ante p. 716). OAHU: "Tineid with upturned tip to wings. Bred from seeds of introduced AIcacza etc. etc." (Perkins, No. 12: 1901). PHILODORIA, Wism. 425. Philodoria splendida, Wism. (ante pp. 719-20). OATHU: NW. Koolau Range, vII. I901. MONOPIS, Hb. 437. Mionopzs croczicafpztela, Clms. (ante p. 728). OAIHU: NW. Koolau Range, vii. 1901. REMARKS. After long and careful study of the Microlepidopieraa of Hawaiia it maly be useful to make some general remarks upon such points as presented themselves during the progress of the work. Careful detailed analyses have been made to illustrate the geographical distribution of all the species and of some critical genera from which may be seen the proportions of those which may be regarded as autochthonous, or otherwise, as well as their interinsular relationship or representation. Froml these it has been attempted at least to conjecture the probable origin of the Hawaiian Fauna. Until my own studies were approximately completed I had carefully avoided reading the prefaces to other papers already published upon different branches of the Entomology of these Islands, lest there should be any temptation to adopt conclusions arrived at by others rather than to form an independent opinion from the material in hand, but on comparing these prefaces with my own notes and analyses it is impossible 738 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS not to recognise that the observations made in any one paper are mainly applicable to all the others, and assuredly the Microlepidop/era suggest no exception to what appears to be the general impression as to the origin and present process of distribution of the species occurring in this group of islands. It may be observed that many years ago Frederick Smith and de Saussure (as quoted by Perkins) regarded the Aculeate Hymenoptera as of American origin, but Perkins dismisses this suggestion, from his own experience, as probably founded upon the study of what were mainly artificially-introduced species. In dealing with the Coleoptera Dr. Sharp mentions two genera of Plegithlmysides as seeming to be nearest allied to the genera Neoclyzus and Euryscelis which are found in North and Central America and in the Greater Antilles. We may be led to imply that he attributed an American origin to these genera, but I am unable to discover that he has indicated any leaning towards the adoption of a similar theory as concerning the majority of the Hawaiian Co/coptera. It is most remarkable that whereas the Gelechiadae are very largely represented in the western regions of North America these are nearly absent from Hawaiia, almost the only genera in this family being allied to Thyrocopa, Meyr., a group (Xyloryctidae) of distinctly Australian affinity. In fact the main indication of similarity throughout the AMicrolepido ptera, while pointing to a common origin, precludes the belief that such origin could have been either Asiatic or American. The survival of isolated remnants of an older fauna seems to be indicated, precisely such as might be expected to occur through the submersion of lower portions of some vast continent and the maintenance of its highest peaks in the form of oceanic islands. If the supposition of a lost "PACIFICA may not be acceptable, as accounting for the prevalent similarity which I have mentioned, some other theory must be devised, possibly even less capable of support by the evidence of facts and at least equally beyond the possibility of precise proof. One thing certainly strikes us very forcibly in regard to the close affinity of species and the extreme difficulty of finding reliable and persistent generic characters, viz. that the Hawaiian lMlicro/epidop/era are in a condition of progressive, and at present imperfect, differentiation. For, whereas in all other continental collections we find an abundance of distinct and easily recognisable species and genera, intermixed with some few only difficult to identify, the Hawaiian Microlepidop/era are in the great majority of instances so closely allied, or so confusingly similar, as to present the utmost difficulty in any attempt at classification or description. Each prevalent form seems to possess representatives in the various islands, but these are scarcely ever absolutely inseparable in series, and possess in each case some distinctive peculiarity of colour, or markings, or secondary sexual characters, which seems to entitle them to recognition as at least geographical species. It is not uncommon to find in a long series of specimens, apparently similar at first sight, that a certain proportion of the males possess an expansible subcostal hair-pencil at the base of the hindwings which is- wanting in others, and a minute MICROLEPID OP TERA 739 examination usually discloses persistent differences, however slight, which enable the species to be distinguished from each other in either sex. I was at first disposed to regard this sexual character as of generic value, but the idea was ultimately abandoned in view of the varying degree in which it was represented, and of the precise similarity, in all other structural details, of the very numerous specimens under observation. The same plasticity extends to other structural characters, such as the pecten on the basal joint of the antennae, the clothing of the tibiae, the comparative breadth of the fore and hindwings, and the relative length of the palpal joints; the neuration also is occasionally unstable (see remarks under the genus Dzplosara, Meyr., pp. 646-7, etc.). The absence of Oecopioridae, one species, El/miza colonella (introduced), representing this family, is the most notable point in which the Hawaiian Tineina differ from those of Australia, for Oecophoridae are probably more abundantly represented there than any other family. Microlepidoptera ought to prove very useful in determining the affinities of the Hawaiian fauna. Their extremely delicate nature, short lives, and restricted foodplants cause the majority of them to be very locally distributed, and thus less likely to be imported than other more enduring forms-some few exceptional instances are referred to. The Microlepidopterous Fauna of Hawaiia is almost exclusively autochthonous, having apparently been formed through the splitting-up of species by compulsory segregation. This would naturally occur under the hypothesis that these islands represent merely the tops of mountain ranges formerly belonging to one continent over which, before such isolation, these species had a wide range with no special cause for variation. The study of ethnology, and of the languages, habits, and superstitions of native races seems to support the theory of a commnon origin, and, given a Pacifican Fauna we should expect it to persist in isolated groups of islands extendingr from Hawaiia to New Zealand, and, so far as one can judge, this appears to be the case. The following extracts are from Ellis' Polynesian Researches, iv. (2nd edcn. 1831.) D)iscussing the question of the Pacific Islanders having "an Asiatic, and probably a MIalayan, origin.""The natives of the eastern part of New Holland, and the intertropical islands within thirty degrees east, including New Caledonia, the New Hebrides, and the Figiis, appear to be one nation, and in all probability came originally from the Asiatic islands to the northward, as their skin is black, and their hair woolly or crisped, like the inhabitants of the mountainous parts of several of the Asiatic islands. But the inhabitants of all the islands to the east of the Figiis, including the Friendly Islands and New Zealand, though they have many characteristics in common with these, have a number essentially distinct. The natives of Chatham Island and New Zealand, in the south; the Sandwich Islands, in the north the Friendly Islands, in the west; and all the intermediate islands, as far as Easter Island, in the east, are one people. Their mythology, traditions, manners and customs, language, and physical appearance, in their main features, are, so far as we have had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with them, identically the same, yet differing in many respects from those of the islands to the westward of Tongatabu. The dress of the Figiians, &c. is not the same as that of the natives of New Zealand, 'lahiti, and the 740 FA CNA HA WAZIENSIS other islands; they do not appear to wear the cloak, or the tiputa. In war, they throw long spears to a considerable distance, and use the bow and arrow, which the others only employ in their amusements. The difference in their physical character is greater; the dark complexion, woolly hair, and slender make, indicate them to be a different people. Various points of resemblance have been shewn between the aborigines of America and the natives of the eastern islands of the Pacific, in their modes of war, instruments, gymnastic games, rafts or canoes, treatment of their children, dressing their hair, feather head-dresses of the chiefs, girdles, and particularly the tiputa of the latter, which in shape and use, exactly resembles the poncho of the Peruvians. These circumstances seem to favour the conjecture, that the inhabitants of the islands west of Tongatabu have an Asiatic origin entirely; but that the natives of the eastern islands may be a mixed race, who have emigrated from the American continent, and from the Asiatic islands; that the proximity of the Friendly and Figii islands may have given both a variety of words and usages in common, while the people to which the former belong have remained in many respects distinct. The nation inhabiting the eastern part of the Pacific has spread itself over an immense tract of ocean, extending upwards of seventy degrees north and south from New Zealand and Chatham Island to the Sandwich group, and between sixty and seventy degrees east and west from Tongatabu to Easter Island. This last is not farther from the islands adjacent to the continent than some of these groups are from any other inhabited island. The Sandwich Islands are above twenty degrees from the Marquesas, and thirty-six from Tahiti, yet inhabited by the same race of people." (Ellis, 1. c. 432 —4.) The people of Hawaii. "They said they were informed by their fathers, that all the land had once been overflowed by the sea, except a small peak on the top of Mouna-Kea, where two human beings were preserved from the destruction that overtook the rest, but they said they had never before heard of a ship, or of Noah, having always been accustomed to call it the kai a Kahindrii (sea of Kahinarii)." (Ellis, 1. c. 441-2.) "The general opinions entertained by the natives themselves, relative to their origin, are, either that the first inhabitants were created on the islands, descended from the gods by whom they were first inhabited, or that they came from a country which they called Tahiti." (Ellis, 1. c. 428.) "In former times, when there was nothing but sea, an immense bird settled on the water, and laid an egg, which soon bursting, produced the island of Hawaii. Shortly after this, a man and woman, with a hog, a dog, and a pair of fowls, arrived in a canoe from the Society Islands, took up their abode on the eastern shores, and were the progenitors of the present inhabitants." (Ellis, 1. c. 430.) "Another account prevalent among the natives of Oahu, states, that a number of persons arrived in a canoe fronm Tahiti." (Ellis, 1. c. 430.) "T Tahiti is the name of the principal island in the group, called by Captain Cook the Georgian Islands. It is the Ota/eite of Cook; the Tadfi of Bougainville; and the Taheitee, or Tahitee, of Forster. In the language of the Georgian and Society Islands, the word taziti also signifies to pull up or take out of the ground, as herbs or trees are taken up with a view to transplantation, and to select or extract passages from a book or language, to be translated into another. Hence a book of scripture extracts is called, words, tahiti/hea." (Ellis, 1. c. 431.) Tahiti "seems equivalent to the English word abroad, as applied to parts beyond the sea." (Ellis, 1. c. 431.) Society Islands. "Raiatea is not only the most important island of the Leeward group, from its central situation and its geographical extent, but on account of its identity, in tradition, with the origin of the people, and their preservation in the general deluge. It has been distinguished as the cradle of their mythology, the birth-place and residence of Oro, the region to which disembodied spirits resorted, the seat of their oracle, and the abode of those priests whose predictions for many generations regulated the expectations of the nation. It is also intimately connected with the most important matters in the traditional history and ancient religion of the people." (Ellis, i. c-. I 3I4-5.) MICROLEPID OPTERA 74I "In some of the ancient traditions of the Society Islands, Opoa, in Raiatea, the most celebrated place in the islands, the birth-place of Oro, and the spot where the human species were created, &c. is called Hawaeii." (Ellis, 1. c. iv. 431.) ' Opoa is the most remarkable place in Raiatea; of its earth, according to somne of the traditions, the first pair were made by Tii, or Taaroa, and on its soil they fixed their abode. Here Oro held his court. It was called Hawaii; and as distant colonies are said to have proceeded from it, it was probably the place at which some of the inhabitants of the South Sea Islands arrived. It has also long been a place of celebrity, not only in Raiatea, but throughout the whole of the Society Islands. It was the hereditary land of the reigning family, and the usual residence of the king and his household." (Ellis, 1. c. II. 314-5.) Language and Customs. The same method of salutation (rubbing noses) practised by all the inhabitants of the Pacific, also in Madagascar, this custom is called "Ho-gni" (New Zealand); "Hoi" (Tahiti); "Honi" (Htawaiia). (Ellis, 1. c. 337.) Mr. Perkins informs me that a very large proportion of the species dealt with in this paper were obtained by searching upon trunks of trees and among dead leaves under forest growth. As might be expected under such circumstances many of them were proved to be case-bearers, and without doubt this habit is characteristic, especially of such genera as are found rich in species. The most commonly known European case-bearing Tineina are those of the genus Coleophiora, Hb., and it is at least a coincidence that in the perfect state these are also extremely difficult to distinguish from each other without some knowledge of their preliminary stages. Many attempts have been made to recognise characters of generic value among the numerous species of this genus, but Coleofhora, as now generally accepted, presents a gradation of structure which not only fails to afford satisfactory lines for higher classification, but sometimes increases the difficulty of determining the limits of rightly accepted species. This applies specially to the more or less fugitive hair-scales at the base of the antennae, sometimes well-developed, sometimes weak, and often absent. If all the known species of Holarctic Coleopfihorae (many of them represented by a single specimen) were mixed together in a series of store-boxes it would not be more difficult to identify the species correctly, without any clue to their life-histories, than it has been to work through a correspondingly numerous collection of the genus Hyposmocoma, Btl., consisting of at least 1 70 species, and to determine the limits of special variation. Yet it will be obvious to anyone acquainted with the subject that a series of Coleop/orae selected at random would almost certainly include several consistently distinct species. If the above illustration may convey some idea of the interminable series of mutations by which the differentiation of species has progressed, a study of generic characters is almost equally confusing. The general notion derived from such study is that the process of branching from a common stem must have commenced before the evolution of some of our best-known and hitherto easily recognised families-e.g. Meyrick's diagnostic separation of the Elachislidae from the Hyponomeuhidac (= Plutellidae, Meyr.) on the comparative breadth of the hindwings can no longer be maintained. The variation in these forms in Hawaiia is evidently greater than any that occurs F. H. I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~95 F. H. I. 95 742 FANA UA HA WA IIENSIS among their congeners in Australia, although the Australian Fauna, from which Meyrick's experience has been largely derived, is supposed to be one of the oldestthe question arises, are we not dealing with a fauna derived from forms ancestral even to those which have been preserved in that region? It would be easy to select many instances of what might be called either broadwinged Elachistidae, or narrow-winged Hyponomeuztidae (connected by intermediate forms) from among the material with which I have dealt, and the conclusion is forced upon us that such radiation from a common stock as may be presumed to have occurred, dates from a period antecedent to the differentiation of these hitherto accepted families, and although elsewhere their connecting links seem to have disappeared, yet, so far as this limited fauna is concerned, they cannot be separated, and can therefore no longer be regarded as separable. It may be interesting to observe the proportionate number of species represented in the Hawaiian Islands, according to our present acquaintance with what are known as the Macrolepidoptera and the Microlepidoptera. Meyrick's list contains 292 species (including the Rhzopalocera) and he has worked out all the families to the end of the Pyralidina. Of the Pteroplhorina and Tineina, which are now dealt with, I have distinguished 441 species, and although it is possible that some few of these forms may eventually be found to be varietal, rather than special, the actual proportions will almost certainly be readjusted by the future differentiation of others which are here regarded as varieties. Thus the numerical relation borne by the micros to the macros is 441 to 292, while the endemic proportion is 420 to 261. Mr. Perkins devoted a great deal of time to the Macrolepitdoptera, and it was only when he failed to find species not previously met with that he gave special attention to the smaller forms. It is therefore reasonable to regard the above proportions as approximately representing the facts of the case. I have every reason to believe that if an equally extensive knowledge of the fauna of other portions of the world's surface could be acquired it would be found in the majority of cases that somewhat similar proportions would be maintained, and we look back with some surprise to Stainton's delight and astonishment when he first received Indian Microlepidoplera from Atkinson, so late as the year I855, and still more to the statement of Curtis, at the same date (Pr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1855, 93-4), that he doubted whether Microlepidoptera would be found so plentiful in tropical countries as Stainton anticipated on the strength of this consignment because during a late expedition in the South of Europe in company with Francis Walker, during which they sought especially for Microlepidoptera, the number of small moths among their 60oo captures was very few. Perhaps Walker shared Curtis' views before he became a too-prolific author of descriptions of exotic micros! Before Mr. Perkins so laboriously and persistently dragged these Hawaiian Tineina from their obscurity 35 species only, as now admitted, had been described; i by MICROLEPIDOP TERA 743 Walker, 29 by Butler, and 5 by Meyrick, the two latter authors working out Blackburn's collections. Mr. Meyrick also collected a few species in Oahu himself, in I883, which by his courtesy are included in the present paper. I have also to thank him especially for having lent me all his material, including types of his own species and genera, and such exponents of Butler's species as Blackburn had numbered and retained for his own use. It will be recognised by all practical workers that the examination of so large a collection has been no easy task. The specimens, although for the most part in good condition, were merely pinned on blocks of cork with a dated locality label beneath. On each block were insects of various sizes, thus every specimen had to be provisionally registered before they could be relaxed in groups selected according to size, and therefore according to the amount of moisture required, the provisional labels being of course rendered useless after damping, and serving only to preserve a reference to the details in MS. All were repinned and set. The amount of mere manual labour which this involved has been a severe tax upon the time and industry of my assistant Mr. Durrant, but that was after all only the lighter part of his work. He has also undertaken for me a detailed examination of structural characters, and the sorting-out of species and genera preparatory to final arrangement and description. If anything could have damped the enthusiasm of a specialist devoted to his subject the genera Hyposmocoma, Aph/tonetus, Neelysia, and Heterocrossa would assuredly have done so, but in verifying his work I have found scarcely any errors and these only such as were absolutely unavoidable in dealing with such a mass of material. He examined the neuration and other minute structural characters of every specimen in the collection. Many which were almost absolutely similar in colour and markings were found to differ in more important respects, and the discovery of one difference invariably led to the recognition of others which had at first sight been overlooked. Generic separation, which at first seemed obvious, had frequently to be discarded as valueless, and the work had thus to be done three or four times over before a satisfactory conclusion could be reached. I cannot sufficiently commend, or acknowledge, the patience and perseverance with which he has relieved me of by far the greater part of this labour and made my task, if not actually easy, yet far less painfully exhausting than his own. Whatever remarks are to be found in prefaces to other papers on Hawaiian entomology are in entire sympathy with the above-mentioned experiences as to variability and plasticity, and the consequent difficulties of precise differentiation and classification. The analytical tables will be found to supply the evidence, which has led to the conclusions adopted above, and in nearly all cases a remarkable symmetry will be observed between these and similar tables which accompany the work of other entomologists-most noticeably perhaps with regard to the ratio of endemic and apodemic species, and to the proportionate numbers of each as represented in particular islands. 95-2 TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION. I. PYRALJDZINA, pp. 469, 731 I. PYRAUSTIDAE, pp. 469, 731 LINEODES, Gn., pp. 469, 734 I ochrea, W., pp. 469, 731, P1. X. i... 2 subextincta, W., p. 470, P1. X. 2. II. PTER OOPHORINA, pp. 471, 731 TRICHOPTILUS, Wism., p. 471 i oxydancty/is, Wkr., p. 471, P1. X. 3... PLATYPTILIA, Hb., pp. 472, 731 I fuscicornis, Z., pp. 472, 731, P1. X. 4 2 brachymorpha, Meyr., p. 474, PI. X. 5 3 rhynchiophora, Meyr., p. 475, P1. X. 6 4 i[nsulars, VW., p. 475, P1. X. 7 5 littora/is, Btl., p. 476, PI. X. 8-9... III. ORVNEODINA, pp. 477, 731 ORNEODES, Ltr., pp. 477, 731 I anguestestriata, W., p. 477, P1. X. Io 2 objurgatle/la, XW., pp. 477, 731, PL. X. r IV. TI JVEINA, pp. 478, 731 I. GELECHIADAE, pp. 478, 731 ARISTOTELIA, Hb., p. 478 I maculaticornis W., pI- 478, PI. XIII. 7 2 nigriciliella, W., p. 479, PI. XIII. i8 3 ichthyochroa, W., p. 479, P1. XIII. 19 4 epermeniela,, W. p 480, P1. XIII. 20 5 no/ala, W., p. 480, P1. XIII. 21 6 lanaiensis, \V., p. 481, P1. XIII. 22 7 elegantior, VW., p. 481, P1. XIII. 23 8 mendax, W.,. 481, PL. XIII. 24... 9 arcuata, W., p. 482, P1. XIII. 25... MERIMNETRIA, W., ). 482 I flavi/erminella, W., p. 482, PI. XIII. 26 PHTHORIMAEA, Meyr., pp. 483, 731 i opercldll/a, Z., pp. 483, 731, P1. XIII. 27 GELECHIA, Hb., p. 731 r gossypiela, Sndrs., p. 731 STOEBERHINUS, Btl., pp. 485, 733 I testaceus, Btl., pp. 486, 733, P1. XIII. 28 AUTOSTICHA, Meyr., p. 486 I pelodes, Meyr., p. 487, P1. XIV.... C ct 2 3 d 0) 4 0 ~ r 2 3 4 5 c It 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.*.. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I.... b.. 9 10 I,........o. 2 3 3 4 5 Distribution (? United States), West Indies, Arabia, India, Ceylon, New Guinea, Queensland Colombia Spain, Algeria, Canaries, West Indies, United States, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti India, Japan Marquesas.o. 6 7........ 8 9... o., o... 2 o.o.o. oo, 6 7.., 8 9 8 11 12 13 9 14..-...... IO MICR OLEPID OP TERA 745 ci 5 Distribution HODEGIA, W., p. 488 I apatela, W., p. 488, P1. XIV. 2......... PTYCHOTHRIX, W., p. 489 I vagans, W., p. 489, PL. XIV. 3... T..... PSYCHRA, W., p. 489 phycidiformis, NV., p., P X. 49, P1. XIV. 4... 2 brevipalpis, W., p. 490, P1. XIV. 5... i......... CATAMEMPSIS, W., p. 491 I decijiens, W., p. 491, P1. XIV. 6...... 15 I THYROCOPA, Meyr., pp. 492, 733 I gzgas, Btl., p. 493, PL. XIV. 7... 13 i6 io... 5 2 viduella, W., p. 494, P1. XIV. 8... 14... 3 cinerella, W., p. 494, P1. XIV. 9... 15... 4 megas, W., p. 495, P. XIV. 10...... 6 5 albonubila, W., pp. 495, P1. XIV. I 6...... 6 argentea, Btl., pp. 496, 733, P1. XIV. 12 17.... 1i2 7 minor, W., p. 496, PI. XIV. 13........ 8 indecora, Btl., p. 497, P1. XIV. c 14, 15..... 7 9 tessell/aella, W., p. 498, P1. XIV. 6............... 1o depressariella, W., p. 498, P1. XIV. 17 17... 17 Ix nubifer, W., p. 499, P1. XIV. 18...... 14 12 sendzuatella, W., p. 499, P1. XIV. 19 8... 13 puiverulenta, W., p. 500, PI. XIV. 20.........15 14 epsicapna, Meyr., p. 500, P1. XIV. 21 19............ i6 15 allterna, W., p. 501, P1 XIV. 22... 8 17 i6 immudata, W., p. 501, P1. XIV. 23 20......... 17 fraudulentella, W., p. 502, PI. XIV. 24............ 9 i8 18 pallilda, W., pp. 502, 733, P1. XIV. 25 21 i8 12... 19 adumbrata, W., p. 503, P1. XIV. 26...... 19 20 inermis, WV., p. 503, PI. XIV. 27.............. 20 21 itsitata, Btl., pp. 504, 733, PI. XIV. 28 22 19.... 2i 22 abusa, W., pp. 504, 733, PI. XV. i... 20 23 subahenea, N, p. 505, P1. XV. 2......... 13 24 leonn'la, W., p. 505, P1. XV. 3......3... 25 gemAzilpilncta, W., p. 506, P1. XV. 4... 4... 14... 26 mediomaculata, NW., p. 506, P1. XV. 5...... (?) II. OECOPHORIDAE, p. 507 ETHMIIA, Hb., p. 507 i colonel/a, W., p. 507, P1. XV. 6... 21... III. HYPONOMEUTIDAE, pp. 508, 734 BATRACHEDRA, Stn., pp. 508, 734 I syrraphella, W.. pp. 509, 734, P1. XV. 7 -. 22...... 22 2 epheh/s, W., p. 509, PI. XV. 8.......... 3 bede//ieiea, W., p. 509, PI. XV. 9......... 6 4 microstima N., W., p. 51, PI. XV. Io... 23...... 23 5 sujercincla, W., p. 510, PI. XV. IT......... 12... 6 ruficiliala, WV., p. 510o, P1. XV. 12.................. 24 7 lomen/ella, W., p. 51, PI. XV. 13... 24......... 8 sophroela, W., p. 51, P1. XV. 4... 25........ AGONISMUS, NV., p. 512 a flavzja4/is, N., p. 512, P1. XV. 15............... 3... 2 coruscans, NV., p. 513, P1. XV. i6.................. 25 3 argentlferus, W., p. 513, P1. XV. 17....... 26 ELACHISTA, 'r., p. 513 I s/ilo/a, WN., p. 513, P1. XV. 8......I...... 14 2 lonIgisquamel/la, X., p. 514, P1. XV. 19......... i...... 27 FA UNA HAWAIIENSIS Ct ci 3 d o 0 A =3 ~r4 STAGMATOPHORA, HS., p. 514 I incertulella, Wkr., p. 515, P1. XV. 20 Ia tridigitella, W., p. 515 2 honorariella, W., p. 515, P1. XV. 21 3 quadrifasciata, W., p. 5i6, P1. XV. 22 4 sordidella, W., p. 516, P1. XV. 23... APHTHONETUS, W., P. 517 I mediocris,., p 517, P1. XV. 24 2 fugitiva, W., p. 518, P1. XV. 25... 3 kauaiensis, W., p. 5 18, P1. XV. 26... 4 corticicolor, \W., p. 519, P1. XV. 27... 5 fluctuosa, W., p. 519, P1. XV. 28 6 passerella, W., p. 520, P1. XVI. I. 7 diverens. W., p. 520, P1. XVI. 2... 8 btinzc/a, W., p. 52I, P1. XVI. 3 9 columbella, W., p. 521, P1. XVI. 4... Io lichenalis, WV., p. 522, P1. XVI. 5... 11 dzgressa, W., p. 522, P1. XVI. 6... 12 eleuthera, W., p. 522, PI. XVI. 7.. 13 confusa, W., p. 523, P1. XVI. 8 14 spurcata, W., p. 523, P1. XVI. 9.. 15 p/lumbfer, W., p. 524, P1. XVI. 1... I6 trichophora, W., p. 524, P1. XVI. 11 17 veterella, I., p. 525, P1. XVI. 12... i8 po/ia, WV., p. 525, P1. XVI. 13 19 subocellata, W., p. 526, P1. XVI. 14 20 nemoH, XV., p. 526, PI. XVI. 15 21 exsul, W., p. 526, PL. XVI. 16 22 albocinerea, T., p. 527, P1. XVI. 17 23 difusa, W., p. 527, P1. XVI. 18 24 hirsuta, \W., p. 528, P1. XVI. 19... 25 humerella, \V., p. 528, P1. XVI. 20 26 punc/iciliata, W., p. 529, P1. XVI. 21 27 aspersa, Btl., p. 529, P1. XVI. 22... 28 elegans, W., p. 530, P1. XVI. 23... 29 sagittata, IV., p. 530, P1. XVI. 24... RHINOMACTRUM, W., p. 531 rutzilellum, W., p. 531, PI. XVI. 25 2 scappilellum, W., p. 531, P1. XVI. 26 NEELYSIA, IV., p. 532 I cuprea, W., p. 532, P1. XVI. 27... 2 tigrina, Btl., p. 533, P1. XVI. 28 3 lignico/or, V., p. 533, P1. XVI.... 4 fuscodent/aa, WV., p. 534, PI. XVII. 2 5 cleodorella, W\., p. 535, I1. XVII. 3 6 anthine//aW, XTp., Ip 535, P1. XVII. 4 7 repandella, W., p. 536, P1. XVII. 5 8 psaroderma, W., p. 536, P1. XVII. 6 9 municets, W., p. 537, Pi. XVII. 7 o0 palfodorel/a, W., p. 537, P1. XVII 8 i fuscofusa, W., p. 538, PI. XVII. 9.. i2 agnetella, W., p. 538, P1. XVII. Io 13 rotifer, XV., p. 539, P1. XVII. i 14 basiviatt/a, WV., p. 539, P1. XVII. 12 15 p/uvie/la, W., p. 540, P1. XVII. 13 I6 ningoritra, IV., p. 540, PI. XVII. 14 17 petalifera, W., p. 541, PI. XVII. I5 I5 Distribution Not Hawaiian: S. Pacific: Rapa (Opara Id.), Pitcairn Id.] Hawaiia (Ins.?), Pitcairn Id. Hawaiia (Ins.?), New Guinea 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40..-...... *........... *... 26..*. *..... 1 7 I 8............................... 4,oo............... i6 17 18 19 20 21... 22 23... 24 25 26.......o. o...oo 28............... 29... 30... ooo,00 3 o 3 2 33....*.........*.. *............ 27... *.......... *.. *2.7 * * *...*.. 19 20 21... 5...... *... 27 28.oo 29 30 3 32 33 MICROLEPIDOP TERA 747 z 0 '5 51 -I - t Cs Distribution Z 0 0 A NEELYSIA (con/d.) t8 subaurata, W., p. 541, P1. XVII. i6 41........... 19 exaltata, W., p. 542, P1. XVII. 17........ 34 20 poeciloceras, W., p. 542, PI. XVII. 8......35 21 redli/va, W., p. 543, PI. XVII. 19 42 22 ningorella, W., p. 543, P1. XVII. 20......... 36 23 nemoricola, W., p. 544, PI. XVII. 21...... 22 24 argyresthiella, W., p. 544, P1. XVII. 22 43 28..... 34 25 mac/ella, W., p. 545, PI. XVII. 23 44 29 23 26 tischeriella, W., p. 545, P1. XVII. 24 45...... 27 complanella, W., p. 546, P1. XVII. 25... 24.. 28 sciurella, W., p. 546, PI. XVII. 26..... 37 29 incongrua, W., p. 546, P1. XVII. 27.... 38 30 semifusa, W., p. 547, P1. XVII. 28 25 31 terminella, W., p. 547, P1. XVIII. i.... 39 DYSPHORIA, W., p. 547 I semicolon, W., p. 548, P1. XVIII. 2 46 BUBALOCERAS, W., p. 548 I subeburneum, W., p. 549, P1. XVIII. 3...... 26 HYPOSMOCOMA, Btl., p. 549, 734 i" exornata, W. + exornala, W., p. 550, P1. XVIII. 4.......... 35 Ib exornata, W. +flavicosta, V., p. 551, P1. XVIII. 5............. 35 2 oculifera, W., p. 551, PI. XVIII. 6 47.... 3 niralbida, W., p. 55I, P1. XVIII. 7 48.... 4 nividorsella, W., p. 552, P1. XVIII. 8 49 5 corvina, Btl., p. 553, PI. XVIII. 9 27... 40 6 discella, W., p. 553, P1. XVIII. o.. 5c...... 7 divisa, W., p. 554, P1. XVIII. 5........ 8 partita, W., p. 554, PI. XVIII. 12... 36 9 trossulella, W.,pp. 554, 734, P1. XVIII. 13 30 o atrovittella, W., p. 555, P1 XVIII. 14...... 37 II nebulera, W.,pp. 555,734,P1.XVIII.i5. 31 12 torquata, W., p. 556, P1. XVIII. i6 52.... 13 notabiis, WV., p. 556, P1. XVIII. 17.. 28......... I4 lebetella, W., p. 557, Pl. XVIII I8......... 41 15 tenuizpa/pis, XW., p. 557, P1. XVIII. 19...... 29 i6 commensella.., p. 558, P1. XVIII. 20............... 38 17 leporella, W., p. 558, P1. XVIII. 21 53 i............. I8 ayjecta, Btl., pp. 559, 734, P1. XVIII. 22... 32 19 blackburnii, Btl., pp. 559, 734, P1. XVIII. 23............... 54 33... 42 20 cupreomacula/a, W., p. 56i, P. XVIII. 24...... 30 21 progressa, W., p. 56i, PI. XVIII. 25...... 43 22a domicolens, Btl. + domicolens, Btl, p. 562, P1. XVIII. 26......... 31 6 44 39" 22b domicolens, Btd. +- sulfsa, W., p. 563, PI. XVIII. 27. 55........ 391 23a lufpella, XV.+ ltpe/la, T., P.,. 563, PI. X VIII. 28....,. 56a........... 23b lupella, W. + suffusella,., pp. 564, 734, P1. XIX. i.... 56b 34 32. 45' 23c lupella, W. + candidella, X, p. 564, P1. XIX. 2...... 56.... 32 7 45 40 24 mediella, W., pp. 565, 734, PI. XIX. 3... 35....... 25 sabulella, W., p. 565, P1. XIX. 4... 57 26 albifrontella, W., p. 565, P1. XIX. 5...... 33... FA UNA HA WA IENSIS cU.i Id '~ Distribution z C CdZ & d r HYPOSMOCOMA (conld.) 27 humerovit/ella, W., p. 566, P1. XIX. 6... 36......... 28a cncta, W. + cincta, W., p. 566, P1. XIX. 7......... | 8." ' 28b cincta, i. + adjacens, W., p. 567, PI. X IX. 8...58............ 29 rmediospuircata, IV., p. 567, PI. XIX. 9............ 4 30 tripartita, W., p. 567, P1. XIX. 10...... 34 31 thoracella, W., p. 568, P1. XIX. i...... 8... 32 limata, V., W., p. 568, PI. XIX. 12.................. 42 33 sublimata, V., p. 568, P1. XIX. 13......46 34 advena, \V., p. 569, P1. XIX. 14 35......... 35 subflavidella, V., p. 569, PI. XIX. 15........ 47 36 auroargenea, WV., p. 570, P1. XIX. i6... 48 37 iluninaa,., p. 570, P1. XIX. 17........ 49 38 aurtpennis, Btl., p. 571, P1. XIX. i8........... 50 39 rhabdophora, W-., p. 571, PI. XIX. 19 36 40 costimnaculata, W., p. 572, PI. XIX. 20......37 41 vzrata, W., p, 572, P1. XIX. 21.......38... 51 42 bilineata, W., p. 573, P1. XIX. 22......37 43 haleakalae, Btl., p. 573, P1. XIX. 23..... 52 44 lucifer, XV., W., p. 574, P1. XIX. 24.......39...... 45 evanescens, W., p. 574, P1. XIX. 25........... 53 46 ferricolor, W., p. 575, P1. XIX. 26....... 43 47 impunctata, W., p. 575, P1. XIX. 27........... 44 48 straminella, VW., p. 576, PI. XIX. 28....... 45 49 melallica, X., p. 576, P1. XX. i.............. 46 50 continuella, W., p. 577, P1. XX. 2............ 54 51 indicella, W., p. 577, P1. XX. 3....... 55 52 patriciella, W., p. 577, P1. XX. 4... 56... 53 bulalidella, X, p. 578, P1. XX. 5........ 57... 54 unistriata, W., p. 578, P1. XX. 6......40 55 ludificata, W., p. 579, P1. XX. 7.............. 8... 56 lincata, W., p. 579, P1. XX. 8............... 59 57 propinqua, W., p. 580, PI. XX. 9..... 41 58 admirationis, V., p. 580, P1. XX. o......42... 59 quadristriata, W., p. 581, PI. XX. i... 43 60 numida, W., p. 581, P1. XX. [2......... 6o 61 nigrescens,, p. 58, P. XX. 13............... 47 62 fuscotpurpurea, W., p. 582, P1. XX. 14...... 6 63 nigra, W. (tniger, W.), p. 582, PI. XX. 15... 44..... 64 lacertella, XW., p. 582, PI. XX. i6......... 62... 65 trilunella, W., p 583, PI. XX. 17........... 63... 66 neiceps, WV., p. 583, PI. XX. 18...... 45 9 67 puncrifurellIa, W., p. 584, Pl. XX. 19.... 64... 68 lunifer, WV., p. 584, PI. XX. 20... 65... 69 jpnct5l/icata, W., p. 584, PI. XX. 21... 46 70 maarginenotata, WX., p. 585, P1. XX. 22 59...... 71 vermiculala, W., p. 585, P1. XX. 23...... 47...... 48 72 enixa, XV, p. 586, PI. XX. 24... 6o 73 lugens, VW., p. 586, Pl. XX. 25.... 66 74 ocel//ala, V., p. 586, P1. XX. 26... 6i............ 75 adolescens, W., p. 587, PI. XX. 27 49 76 emendata, W., p. 587, P1. XX. 28......... 67... 77 ensifer, W., p. 588, P1. XXI. i..... 50 78 tricincta, XV-, p. 588, PI1. XXI. 2.... 5 79 semtfuscata, W., p. 589, PI. XXI. 3......... 52 MICROLEPIDOP TERA 749 Distribution HYPOSMOCOMA (contd.) 80 puccinziella, W, p. 589, P1. XXI. 4............ 53 8 s ella W. + sceptice/la, W. seepicella, W., p. 590, P1. XXI. 6......... 68" 811 scepticella, W. + dubia, WX., p. 590, P1, XXI. 5..... *........... 68... 82 stigmatel/a, W., p. 591, P1. XXI. 7...... 83 pallidpa/lpis, W., p. 591, P1. XXI. 8......49... 84 (genitais,., p. 592, P1. XXI. 9................ 85 fractinubella, W., p. 592, PI. XXI. o............ 86 fractiviltella, W., p. 593, P1. XXI. II 62 87 intermixt/a, W., p. 593, PI. XXI. 12... 50......... 88 geminell/a,., p. 594, Pl. XXI. 13 6............ 89 picticornis, WN., p. 594, PI. XXI. 14......51... 71 90 phantasmatella, W., p. 595, PI. XXI. 15 64............... 91 ossea, W., p. 595, P1. XXI. i6................ 54 92 argentea, W., pp. 596, 734, P1. XXI. 17... 38 52 93 subargentea, W., p. 596, P1. XXI. i8 65........ 94 /actea, W., p. 597, P1. XXI. 19... 66...... 95 lacticrelella, W., p. 597, P1. XXI. 20...... 72... 96 persimilis, W., p. 598, P1. XXI. 21............... 55 97 trimaculala, W., p. 598, P1. XXI. 22... 39......... 98 albonivea, W., p. 599, P1. XXI. 23 40 99 carbonenotala, W., p. 599, P1. XXI. 24 67......... TOO alliterat/a, W., pp. 600, 734, P1. XXI. 25...4 53... 73 56 101o nitrodent/aa, W., p. 600, P1. XXI. 26 68 102 obliterala, W., p. 6oi, P1. XXI. 27 69...... 103 bacillella, WV., p. 6oi, P1. XXI. 28... 70........ 104. canella, W., p. 602, PL. XXII. f... 71 42 54...... 57 105 schismatica, W., p. 603, P1. XXII. 2 72............. io6 cinerosparsa, WN., p. 603, P1. XXII. 3 73..... 107 saccophora, W., p. 604, P1. XXII. 4 74 43 55 io8 modest/a, W., p. 604, PI. XXII. 5... 75............... o109 tomentosa, W., pp. 605, 734, P1. XXII. 6............ 58 no dorsella, W., pp. 635, 734, PI. XXII. 7 44............ inl fallacella, W., p. 605, PL. XXII. 8... 76............ II2 falsimella, W., p. 6o6, PI. XXI.............74... 113 ochreovittella, W., 1)p. 6o6, P1. XXII. i...............59 114 qiuadripunc/ala, W., p. 607, PI. XXI. I 77......... I5 sudorella, W., p. 607, P1. XXII. 12 78 ii6 vicina, W., p. 607, P1. XXII. 13... 45......... 117 fulvida, W., p. 6o8, Pl. XXII. 14... 79...... 118 sideritis, W., p. 608, P XII. XX 15........... 119 obscura, W., p. 609, PI. XXII. 6.........6.. I20 scandens, W., p. 609, PI. XXII. 17 80o...... 121 maestella, W., p. 61o, Pl. XXII. 8............ 122 fulvocervina, W., p. 6o10, P1. XXI. 19 82... 123 coarnea,., p. 6o10, P1. XXII. 20... 83............ 124 roseofulva, WV., p. 611, PI. XXII. 2 84............ 125 subsericea, W., p. 611, PI. XXII. 22 85... 57 I 0... 6o 126 och/reocervina, XW., p. 612, PI. XXII. 23 46........... 127 syrrhaptes, WV., p. 612, P1. XXII. 24 86... 128 paradoxa, W., p. 613, P1. XXII. 25 87... 58 129 mimema, W., p. 613, P1. XXII. 26... 77 130 bella, W., p. 614, P1 XXII. 27... 88...... 8...... 131 rusius, W., p. 614, PI. XXII. 28..... 59...... 132 auropiurpurea, W., p. 614, PI. XXIII.... 47..... 133 inversella, W., p. 615, P1. XXIII. 2 48 [. 96 FA UANA HA WAIIENSIS 5.S % iz 'g | Distribution HYPOSMOCOMA (co11ld.) 134 vznllcoor, IV., p. 615, P1. XXIII. 3 49...... 135 adelphella, W., p. 615, PI. XXIII. 4... 89........... 6 136 me/rosidere//a, W., p. 66, P1. XXIII. 5 90 50.. 137 smillis, W., p. 617, PI. XXIII. 6............ 62 138 calva, W., p. 617, P1. XXIII. 7............... 63 I39 tarsimacu/ata AV., pp. 6188,734, P1. XXIII. 8.............. 9 140 ochreOc/iiata W., p. 618, PI. XXIII. 9... I... 64 141 alornatla, V., p. 619, PI. XXIII. io 92 6... 78 65 142 q.iitnqumacuiclt/a, XW., p. 619, P1. XXIII. I... 66 143 condilella, W., p. 620, PI. XXIII. 12 93...... 144 montivolans Btl., p. 620, PI. XXIII. '3 52......... 145 iodes, W., p. 621, PI. XXIII. 14...........61 146 itu-ala, W., p. 622, PI. XXIII. 15........ 62..... 67 '47 m'/mii/a, W., p. 622, PI. XXIII. 6......... 63 I48 parda, Btl., p. 623, P1. XXIII. 17......... 79 68 149 /wiXci//a, W., p. 623, P1. XXIII. 18 94.... 150 saliarsc, W., p. 624, PI. XXIII. 19..... 69 151 p/adcxl~a, ~., Xp. 625, P1. XXIII. 20 95....... 152 pseldol/a, WV., p. 625, P1. XXIII. 21... 53 64...... 70 153 irrwElaris, W\., p. 626, PI. XXIII. 22 96 154 fervlda, XV., p). 626, PI. XXIII. 23......... 65 i55 tore//a, W., p. 627, P1. XXIII. 24...... 66 156 arenella, NV., )p. 627, P1. XXIII. 25..... 71 157 nebui/fera, XV., pp. 628, 735, P1. XXIII. 26... 4.. 8o 158 rubescens, \V., p. 628, P1. XXIII. 27 97 8 159 sco/opa/x, XV,, p. 629, PI. XXIII. 28... 98 67......... i6o subscolopax, AV., p. 629, PI. XXIV. I............... 72 161 tetracella, AV, p. 630, P1. XXIV. 2..... 73 162 somanodes, IV., p. 630, P1. XXIV. 3..... 74 163 belophora, W.,,p. 631, PI. XXIV. 4... 55... j64 turdel/a, W., p. 631, P1. XXIV. 5.... i65 subntcre//a, W., p. 632, P1. XXIV. 6... 99........ i66 inflexa, \V., p. 632, P1. XXIV. 7......... 167 brevistrgat/a, WV., p. 633, P1. XXIV. 8 ioo.......... i68 discolor, WV., p. 633, Pl. XXIV. 9..... I... 75 169 fuscotogata, X., p. 634, P1. XXIV. 10... 68......... 170 radalfella, WV., pp. 634, 735, P1. XXIV. nIV 101 56 69..... 76 I7i barba/a, W., p. 635, P1. XXIV. 12........ 7D...... 172 frac/istriata, NV., p. 635, P1. XXIV. 13... 57 2....2 173 /oilngitiznalis, VW., p. 636, P1. XXIV. 14...158 71... 77 174 centra/is, WV., p. 636, P1. XXIV. 15 102...... 175"' chilone//a, XV. + trwicelala, W., p. 637, P1. XXIV. i6... io3... 72".... 78" 1751' chilonllea, V. + chil/onela, W., p. 637,. XXIV. 7................ 78 i75C chilonella, W. + venosa, W., p. 638, P1. XXIV. i8...... iot... 72' 78c 175d chil/onella, XV. +percondlta, V., p. 638, Pl. XXIV. 19......... 71.8d 176 epicharlis, WV., p. 639, PI. XXIV. 20... 7....3 177 sebnitida, WV., p. 639, P1. XXIV. 21......... 79 HYPERDASYS, X,, p. 640 i seminusus, NV., p. 640, PI. XXIV. 22... 104............... 2 arundinicolor, WV., p. 641, PI. XXIV. 23 105... 3 unmco/or, W., p. 642, P1. XXIV. 24... 74...... 4 cryptogamniellus, 'V., p. 642, P1. XXIV. 25 io6 59 75 13... 8o MICROLEPIDOP TERA 751 c3 c: EUPERISSUS, Btl., pp. 643, 735 I crisatus, Btl., pp. 643, 735, P. X IV. 26 SEMNOPREPIA, W., p. 644 i fiuvogrisea, W., p. 644, PI. XXIV. 27 2 petroptilota, W., p. 645, P1. XXIV. 28 3 margella, W., p. 645, P1. XXV. i... DIPLOSARA, Meyr., p. 646 i lignivora, Btl., p. 647, P1. XXV. 2 BLASTOBASIS, Z., p. 648 i inana, Btl., p. 648, P1. XXV. 3 ENDROSIS, Hb., p. 648 i lactella, Schiff., p. 649 OECIA, Wism., p. 649 I maculaa, Wlsm., p. 649, Pi. XXV. 4 MAPSIDIUS, W., p. 650 I auspicata, W., p. 650, P1. XXV. 5... 2 quadridentata, W., p. 65I, P1. XXV. 6 3 iridescens, W., p. 651, P1. XXV. 7... PRAYS, Hb., pp. 651, 735 I fulvocanellus, W., pp. 652, 735, P1. XXV. 8 —...... PLUTELLA, Schrank, p. 652 I macu/ijennis, Crt., p. 652.... 2 albovenosa, W., p. 653, P1. XXV. I IV. CARPOSINIDAE, pp. 654, 735. HETEROCROSSA, Meyr., pp. 654, 735 I plumbeonitida, WV., p. 654, PI. XII. 1I 2 graminicolor, W., p. 654, PI. XII. 12 3 o/ivaceonitens, W., p. 655, P1. XII. 13 4 subolivacea, W'., p. 655, P1. XII. 14 5 zridis, W., p. 656, PI. XII. 15 6 nitronotata, W., 1). 656, P1. XII. 16 7 crinifera, N., p. 657, P. XII. 17.. 8 herbarum, W., pp. 658, 735, P11 X. XII8 9 graminis, W., p. 658, P1. XII. 19... Io tinta, XW., p. 659, P1. XII. 20 ii gemmnata, W., p. 660, P1. XII. 21... 12 subumbra/a, XW., pp. 660, 735, P1. XII. 22.... 3 bicincta, W., p. 66i, P1. XII. 23. 14 dispar, W., p. 66i, P1. XII. 24 r5 pygmaeel/a, NW., p. 662 i6 latifasciata, W., p. 662, P1. XII. 25 I7a corticela, WM. + semitogata, V., p. 662, P1. XII. 26 I7b cariceZ/a, W. +pirpervae/la, \., p. 663, P1. XII. 27 I 7 corticlla, MW. + corlicella, W., p. 664, P1. XII. 28 I8 ferruginca, W., p. 664, P1. XIII. I 19 /tgata, W'., p. 665, P1. XIII. 2 20 divaricata, W., p. 665, PI. XIII. 3 107 0o8 rt i - 0: C c 1S 60 76 6.I 77 61 77 62......,... C: 's-5 c.1:: 7F I.. 81, I )istributiot 53.. 852 83 14 I5 84 85 Europe, W. Asia, S. Africa, N. Australia, New Madeiras, America, Zealand 109 no9 IIO III II2 6 I7 18 Hawaiia (Ins.?), Brazil, VW. Indies Europe, Asia, Africa, N. and S. America, Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 63 78 79 84 113 II4 I"5 I 6 117 ii8.o. 64... 65 66.. 67... **.o..o..o... 8o ooo... o.o s'..Xo 19 20 21 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 I I a I I9" I19C I20 68...... 8: 83 85 96-2 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS o3 ^ a ^ o ', I~ l )>Distribution 4j 0 r I r HETEROCROSSA (conl/.) 21 nigromaculata, W., pp. 666, 735, PI. X III. 4............. 69........ 22 dis/tica, WV., p. 666, P1. XIII. 5......... 23 cervine/la, W., p. 667, P1. XIII. 6... i22......... 24 mauii, WV., p. 668, P1. XIII. 7... 86 25 irrorata, WV., p. 668, P1. XIII. 8... 22 26 atronotata, AV., p. 669, P1. XIII. 9 I' 87 27 inscrip/a, WV., p. 669, P1. XIII. io............ 95 28 pusilla, \V., pp. 670, 75 P XIII 70... 29 trigonono/afa, WV., p. 670, P1. XIII. 12... 84... 88 30 punc/llata, W., p. 67I, P1. XIII. 13..... 85 31 achroana, Meyr., p. 671, PI. XIII. 14.......... 96 32 solHtell/a, V., i. 672, P1. XII. 5..... 97 33 graci/lima, WV., p. 672, P1. XIII. i6 123... 86...89 98 V. TORTRICII)AE, pp. 673, 735 I. OLETHREUTINAE, p. 673 ECCOPTOCERA, WV., pp. 673, 735 i foetorivorans, Btl., pp. 674, 735, P1. X. I2-14............ 124 71 87 23 90 99 CROCIDOSEIMA, Z., pp. 675, 736 I plebeiana, Z., pp. 675, 736, P1. X. 15 25 72 88 24 91 T00o Europe, Australia, W. Indies, C. and S. America, Madeiras, Canaries GYPSONOMA, Meyr., pp. 676, 736 I leprarum, W., pp. 676, 736, P1. X. i6 73 89 ADENON URA, W., p. 677 I falsifa/cellum, W., p. 677, P1. X. 17.............. 101 2 marc/ie/mll, WIV., p. 678, PI. X. 18... 74 3 p/icaturn, \V., p. 678, P1. X. 19................. 102 4 /altifmoris, W., p. 679, PI. X. 20.. 9...... 2 103 5 mont/anurm, W., p. 679, P1. X. 21...... 104 6 rufilennis, Btl., p. 680, P1. X. 22.. 2675...... CRYPTOPHLEBIA, WVIsm., p1. 680 I" i//eia, Btl. + illeida, BtI., p. 681, P1. X. 23....... 76 ' I 105 Ib illelida, Btl. +fu/va, W., p. 68I, PI. X. 24........ 76". 15' ic illepida, tl. + suffsa V., W. p. 682, PI. X. 25........... I5...... 2 tetrao, W., p. 683, PI. X. 26.. io6 3 v/lpes, WV., p. 683, PI. X. 27......... c7 ENARmIONIA, Hb., pp. 683, 736 t conspicua, W., p. 684, P1. X. 28............93 2 walsinghami, Btl., pp. 684, 736, PI. XI....77...o...... 108 3 crassicornis, W., p. 685, P1. XI. 2......... 109 4 storeella, W., p. 686, P. XI. 3......... 94 i 5 obi/iqua, W., p. 686, P1. XI. 4.......110 BACTRA, Stph., p. 687 stramine^, Btl., p). 687, Pl. XI. 5... 127 78 90 25 95 ix II. TORTRICINAE, p. 689 PARARRHAPTICA, XV., p. 689 i perkinsana, W., p. 689, P1. XI. 6......... 91...96 ARCHIPS, HI)., pp. 690, 736 Ipostviltanus, Wkr., pp. 690, 736, P1. XI. 7............ 28 79.... j... Australia, New Caledonia MICROLEPRIDOPTERA 753 7 53 Cd ARCHIPS (colltd.) 2 lonargi/icalus, AV., pp. 6, 736, P. XI. 8 2: capIuczius, W. (398 capucina, W., p. 701), P1 XI. 23, p. 736... 3 leopardellus, W., p. 692, P1. XI. 9 4 punclfferanus, W., p. 692, P1. XI. o1... 5 lrochilidanus, NW., p. 693, P1. XI.... 6 fuscoviridis, W., p. 693, P1. XI. 2. 7 lichenoides, W., p. 694, P1. X. 13... 8 subsenescens, W., p. 695, P1. XI. 14... PANAPHELIX, W., p. 695 I marmorata, W., p. 696, P1. XI. I5-I6 DIPTERINA, Meyr., p. 697 i fldvosericea, W., p. 697, P1. XI. 17-18 TORTRIX, L., pp. 698, 736 I chlorocalla, AV., p. 699, P1. XI. I9 2 metall/rgica, WA., p. 699, P1. XI. 20... 3 thoracina, W., p. 700, PI. X[. 2... 4 falerniana, \V., p. 701, P1. XI. 22.. 5 capucina, W., pp. 701, 736, PI. XI. 23 385: I Archzis capucinus, V., p. 736... 6 rubiginis, W., p. 702, P1. XI. 24... CAPUA, Stph., p. 703 I flavopicta, IV, p. 703, P1. XI. 25. 2 picta, XV., p. 703, P1. XI. 26... 3 flavocincta,,, p. 704, P1. XI. 27 4 trionifer, W., p. 704, P1. XI. 28 5 pleonecles, \V., p. 705, P1. XII.... 6 caslaneana, AW., p. 705, P1. XII. 2... 7 glaucoviridana, W., p. 706, P1. XII. 3 8 variabilis, \V., p. 706, P1. XII. 4 9 ochreocuprea, W., p. 708, P1. XII. 5... TO f/dva, IV., p. 708, PI. XII. 6.... EPAGOGE, Hb., p. 709 I infaustana, W., p. 709, P1. XII. 7 2 xanthogona, W., p. 710, P1. XII. 8... 3 pernilida, W., p. 710, P1. XII. 9... 4 argentinotala, W., p. 711, P1. XII. Io VI. TINEIDAE, pp. 711, 737 OPOSTEGA, Z., p. 711 macul/ata,., p. 711, P1. XXV. 12... 2 dives, W., p. 71 1, P1. XXV. 13. OPOGONA, Z., pp. 712, 737 I aurisquamosa, Btl., pp. 713, 737, P1. XXV. 14... EREUNETIS, Meyr., pp. 714, 737 I simulans, Btl., pp. 715, 737, P1. XXV. 15 2 zebrina, Btl., p. 715, P1. XXV. 6 3 minnuscua, W1Ism., pp. 716, 737, P1. XXV. 17 4 flazistria/a, V., p. 716, P1. XXV. 18 PHILODORIA, W., pp. 717, 737 i succedanea, W., p. 717, P1. XXV. 19... 2 auromagnifica, W.. 718, P1. XXV. 20 3 floscula, W., p. 718, P1. XXV. 21 4 micropctala, V., p. 7 9, P1. XXV. 22 5 splendida, W., pp. 719, 737, P1. XXV. 23.... I129..o *..... I * * * *.. ez 0 80 8i 82 *.. 0t 4 _2 92 93 94 95 26 27 *,.o 97 98..99.,. 99 I 12 112 II3.14 114..* Distribution I30 I31.,.o 83 8I 84 96 I.. 97 i 98 92..99... 99...,oo 28.29 29 r32 I33.. I34 I35 136 137.38...,,o o..... *.. IO *. I *o. IOI I *.. *...,. I II5 'I3] I6 17.o. 119 120 121 122 100 101 IO. o,, 39... 140 85 102 | 30 123 Marquesas Is., Society Is. 86 87 88 * 89.. 93 Marquesas Is., Fiji West Indies, [?Colombia] 124 1.4 141 142......... 103 ' 31.32 32 102.,. *... * *..... 1 25.o. I 754 FA U/NA HA WAIZENTSIS an O 54 55 56 5 7 (A C0. cc 426 427 428 429 430 43! 432 433 434 435 436 437 4,38 439 440 -a ci 0 C.5 PHILoDoRIA (amitd.) 6 basalis, WV., P. 720, Pl. XXV. 24.. 7 nigrella, W-., p. 72!I, PI. XXV. 25.. GIRACILARIA, Hw., P. 721 i margines/rigata, WV., P. 72!, PI. XXV. 26 2 epibaibra, WX., p. 722, P1. XXV. 27.. BEDELLIA, Stn., P. 723 i[ somnulentella, Z., P. 723, FI. XXV. 28 2 Mino~r, Busck, P. 7 24... 3 s/rul/kontel/a, WV., P. 72 5 4 orc/tiit/la, W., p. 7 2 5 SETOMORPHA, Z., P. 726 i rate/ia, Z., n. synn. =dry~as, BtI., p. 726 rap ice/la, Z.; operosella, Z.;inamoenella, Z.; z=radere/la, Z.; ma/timaca/ella, Chmib.;,zzcor/icincl/a, SnIn.; disczitanctella, Rbl. ACROLEPTIA, Crt., p. 726 i aureon4,rre/la, WX~., p. 727 oNlonPS, lib., pp. 727, 737 i monadchela, Hb., p. 727.. 2 crocicapitella, Cims., pp. 728, 7 37 3 obambrata, Btl., P. 728 TINEA, L., P. 729 i fascz~anc/ella,, Hw., p. 729 PARAPHASIS, XV-, P. 730 - _per/c/insi W, p. 730.. (7: i) GELECHIA, Hb., P. 731 (2!: i) gossjpid/a, Sndrs., P. 731 Totals 103.. *. 26 '43 9! 104!05! 27 144 92 93 94 95 i o6 1 28 I29 130 I3' Distribution Europe, Canaries, Madeiras, United States, Australia, New Zealand Florida N. and S. America, W. Indies, Canaries, WX. and S. Africa, India, Ceylon, Celebes Europe, India, Burrnab, Ceylon, WV. and S. Africa Europe, Canaries, U.S. Europe, WX. Asia, N., WX. and S. Africa, N. America, Labrador, Australia, New Zealand 107 59 6o 6i 96 97 98 1333 34 i o8 132 '33 134 145 6-. 44! 62 44' 145 98 IOS 34 1013 '34 Summary of the above list. I ~~~~~~ENDEMIC 1 PDMC Total Walker f Butler Meyrick W~sis. Total Auct. (enera... 3320 26 36 6 2 Species... 28 5386 420 2!441 Subspecies I..... 3! 3.. MI CROLEPID OP TERA 755 FAM I LY TYPE. The impression produced is that generalised (archaic) forms are absent from Hawaiia: the fauna is a specialised one, but derived from now extinct palaeomorphs. Evolution in Hawaiia has taken place in a manner locally peculiar, and correlation with other faunae seems impossible, owing to the extinction of those forms from which the faunae of Australia and New Zealand were likewise derived on diverging lines, the points of divergence having been eliminated. GENERA. 26 Genera are endemic, of which Hyposmocoma, Btl., contains no less than I77 species; 36 are apodemic (Total 62). Of the apodemic genera five only present points for consideration, the others being widely distributed, and of no local interest. S. America N. America W. Indies Pacifica l awaiia Australia I Ereunetis, Meyr.?.. * A< *:: 2 Stoeberhinus, Btl.......... <... 3 Autosticha, Meyr.......... <... 4 Lineodes, Gn.... A c<... ><. 5 Oecia, Wlsl.... A c< Ac *... Oecia may be dismissed as a domestic species, introduced by commerce, probably via San Francisco. Lineodes (Pyralidina, not properly a micro, vide p. 469), has not yet been recognised in Australia or the Pacific and is the only really American element in the entire fauna-it can at most be regarded as a mere straggler. Ereunietis, Sloeberhinus, and Aulosticha are Pacifican morphs, the first extending to the West Indies, and perhaps occurring in Colombia. The endemic genera are of Pacifican origin, and comparison would be made with Australian, or New Zealand, geneomorphs; Eccoptocera is allied to the North American Proleopteryx, Wlsm., but it is equally allied to the Australian genera Slrepsicrates, Meyr. (which has been recorded from the West Indies, and occurs also in the United States and the Canaries), Bathrooman, Meyr., etc. SPECIES. The following is a careful analysis of the 441 species as now recorded from Hawaiia: of these 420 are endemic and 21 apodemic. 336 endemic and 8 apodemic 756 FA UNA HAIWIVAENSIS (= 344) species are confined to single Islands, while 85 endemic, and 12 apodemic (= 97) species occur in more than one Island. Five species Hyposmocoma Izupella, Wlsm., Prays fulvocanellus, Wlsm., Eccoptocera foeorivorans, Btl., Crocidosenma plebeiana, Z., and Bac/ra stramninea, Btl. occur in each island, of these Crocidosenma plebeziana is apodemic. Kauai oo. rt Oahu * *..........c *... c.. Ac Ac Acs Molokai I * * i t* I * * * 'Ac 8 @ Ao 8...... Ac @ Ac z T... ~... * * z Ac *A * * Ac. Ac. Ac. Ac Ac Ac. Ac* Aci Ac Ac..... Ac Acs Lanai o Ac z e...... Ac... Ac s e...... z Ac o..... *. Ac Ac Ac. Ac Ac Ac Ac.... Ac Maui i * I..., I...,,.. I...,,,...... I.. I., I.o, I...,... I...,, I......... I... Ac, Ac? Ac.. Ac.. Acv Acz A c. Ac.. Ac....c Ac i Hawaii * * * * * Ac Ac 8 8 8...,.. Io... A. 7 I* * Ac Ac* Ac.. Ac.* Ac Ac., AcI Ac Ac. Ac. Ac.. Ac... A c. Acv AcI Aco Ac.. 11 I I Endemic Apodemic 4 2 2 4 I I 3 2 I 2... I 3 2 I 5 3 3 96 i 5 1 10 i 4 4 34 2 8 2 51 10 5 70 75 I 2 I I I 2 I 2 3 Total 5 3 I 4 4 I 3 3 1 2 I I I 3 2 I 5 3 4 96 I 5 I 1 2 I 4 4 36 2 8 51 10 5 70 78 I I i i i; i j i; I ~ i;I j 1 I Total 67 63 IO 10 75 78 3 441 3 441 MICR OLEPIDOP TERA 757 Summarising the above we obtain the following results: Species occurringf in more than Tto Species occurring in one island only oTotal of one islandspecies species occurring in each Endemic Apodemic Total Endemic Apodemic Total island Kauai... 96... 96 1 42 7 49 145 Oahu... 34 2 36 51 62 98c Molokai 51... 5r 48 9 57 CoS Lanai... i o... I O 19 5 24 34 Maui... 70... 70 30 3 33 103 Hawaii... 75 3 78 47 9 56 T34 (Island?)..* 3 3.........3 HAWAIIA 336 8 344 85 12 97 441 The following is the distribution of the 2 apodemic species: t o Cd I~330iP/i/eZ/amacu/toenns Crt..... I 2 366 Crocidosema plebeiana, Z...:4 ><:4><... ~.1**................ a a: 3 324 Jndrosis ladella, Schiff....... Ac Ac Ac.......... 4 2i P/thorimaea opercule/lla, Z. A A. Ac A..... 5 439 Tinea fusciuncle//lla, Hw........ Ac< A..A....... 6 430 Bedellia som/il/enfe/la, Z. A...... A ~ i...... 7 434 Selomorpia rute/a, Z.... A >... 8 436 Mompis monachella, HI). Ac.. K.* 9 3 Trichoptilus oxydactylus, Wkr....?.......A[ 10 437 onopis crocicapie/la, C ms... (Is.)......................I 325 Oecia maculata, Wism.... Ac.A...... 12 41 Ereunetis minuscula, Wism.?..................................... 13 4 Plavtyptlia fuscicornis, Z................... 14 431 Bedellia minor, Busck.................. 1 2 1: i Ge lech ia gossypiela, Sndrs......... 16 7i Stagmatophora quadrifasciata, W.... Ac 17 384 Archips pos/vitlanus, Wkr........ i8 417 Ereune/is simu/ans, Mt1........................ A | 9 416 O pogoa au risqua o sa Btl.........i....... 20 22 Stoeberhinus testaceus, BOi................................ I.. 2 1 73 Stagmatophora honorariela, ' W... 22 1 709 Stagmatophora honorarieWll W..........t~(... i... (... I..................... |...I........... Crocidosema plebeiana, Z., Trichoptilus oxydaclylus, Wkr., and Se/omorpha ru/ella, Z., are widely distributed, and probably not artificially introduced. Philella maculipennis, Crt., is universally distributed, feeding on cabbages and other Cruciferae. It is difficult to determine the natural range of this species which F. H. I. 97 758 FA UNA HA MWAIIENSIS has undoubtedly been extended by commerce-only if the larva feeds on no native Crucifer in Hawaiia would it be possible to demonstrate that the insect has been introduced, although probably this is the case. Bedellia somnulentella, Z., and nzznor, Busck-These species feed on Convolvulus and Ipomoea; the former is widely distributed, the latter, which has been recently differentiated, was hitherto only known to occur in Texas. Two endemic species of IRedellia are found in Hawaiia, and others in Australia, it is therefore possible that these two have not been artificially introduced. Phthorimaea ojerczui/la, Z., mines the leaves of Tobacco, and bores into the tubers of the Potato, causing serious damage. It is now widely distributed, and carefully weighing the evidence deducible from the long list of references given under this species (pp. 483-4), it would appear to have originated in the United States, where it feeds also on other Solanaceae, and was doubtless introduced to the Islands via San Francisco. Gelechia gossyfi/ela, Sndrs., is noted by Mr. Perkins as an introduced species, highly injurious to Cotton, at Honolulu; it is recorded from India and Japan, but is not known to occur in America. Tinea fuscizpunctella, Hw., Monopis crocicapifella, Clms., Monopis monachkela, Hb., Endrosis lacella, Schiff., and Oecia maczuata, Wlsm., are domesticated species, doubtless introduced by commerce. Oecia maculata, hitherto only recorded from Brazil and the West Indies, is common in houses, having the same habits as Endrosis lacte/la-it probably ranges through Central America (a second species occurring in Costa Rica), and was not improbably introduced to the Islands from San Francisco, where it will doubtless be found. The American Monopszs crocicapizella, CIms., is now recognised as identical with a European species disguised under the synonyms hyalinella, Stgr., lombard/ca, Hrng., and /erzngi, Rdsn.; this also occurs in Tenerife. Arc/kis Jostvittanus, Wkr., is certainly an importation from Australia, where it is common and very variable; Mr. Perkins also notes its occurrence in New Caledonia. The late Francis Walker established a record when dealing with specimens of this species, describing them under 1 2 different idionyms distributed among 4 genera in two subfamilies of the Torrizcidae. Ereunetis in/nuscula, Wism., is from the West Indies (and probably Colombia), while E. simulatns, Btl., occurs in the Marquesas and Fiji-other species are found in Australia, and allied genera in Malaysia and Africa, it would therefore appear that these forms are widely distributed, and it would be rash to assume that they have been introduced. Plalypt/lia fuscicornis, Z., only hitherto recorded from Colombia, is probably more widely distributed, but confused with cosmodactyla, Hb., and acanthodaclyla, Hb., this may, or may not have been introduced-evidence is wanting. Stoeberhinus testaceus, Btl., Opogona aurisuanzosa, Btl., and Ereunetis simulans, MICROLEPID OP TERA 759 Btl., are Pacifican forms, all occurring in the Marquesas, aurisquamnzosa in the Society Islands, and simulans in Fiji. The distribution of the remaining two species is peculiar, Slag imaloph/orla lonora-zie/la, Wlsm., occurring in Pitcairn Island, while its close ally Staginalophora quadrzifijasciala, Wlsm., is found in New Guinea. Ethmzia colonella, Wlsm., although not yet recorded elsewhere, has almost certainly been imported from Malaysia, but so much error has been introduced under the name "hilarella, Wkr.," which was the original record of this species from Hawaiia, that great caution is needed in tracing its derivation. Let it be noted that there are several yellow hind-winged forms of Etlhmia allied to coloneila, very closely related to each other, but distinct, and that *bzcolore/la, Pgnstk. (nec Gn.), from Malaysia, appears to be identical with colonella. I It DESCRIPTION OF PLATE X. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. PYRALIDINA, PTEROPHORINA, ORNEODINA, TINEINA-TORTRICIDAE. Fig. T. tineodes ochrea.................................(Type 5 26723) 2.,, subextincta......................(Paratype 2867I) PAGE Kauai................469 Kauai..................470,, 3r kIc/ /it/lus oWxydaclylts, Wkr....................( 25040) Oahu.......... 471,, 4 P/a ypt//ia fuscz/ornis, Z............ ( 5,, brachymorpha, Meyr...................( 6.,, rhynchophora, Meyr...................( 7.,, insulars...........................(Type,, 8.,, ttoralis, IBtl.......(Type i:69: 82. 9 9.,,,, var............................ (S i o. Orntcodes al;lustestria/a............... (Type Sc II.,, oljuralella........................(Type 2. Eccoptocera foelorivorans, t...............(,1 r3.,,,,.. (S,,34....,..................(? 14.,,,.(,, 5 Crocidosema plbehleaa, Z........(... S..( c, I6. Gypsonoma leprarlm...........................(Type 2,, 17. Adenoneura falsJfl/ce/l/ln.....................(Type S 25I117) Oahu..................472 25789) Hawaii...............474 28457) Maui..................475 26142) Molokai......'.........475 MIus. Br.) Oahu...............476 25194) Hawaii..................476 26730) Kauai..................477 [ I8.,, [9, 1 9. 20.,, 2i. ~ 22.,, 23., 24. ~ 25.,, 26.,, 27. l 28. (?) matrcZ/le/um.rn.............(Type 2, pliea/ni...........................(Type e a, tifeimor/ s........................(Type 2 o,, no/lantrunm......................(Type S,rfipennis, Btl........................( Cryp/oph/eb/i, i//cl/l a, lBtl. + il/epIda, Btl..........( -...l/vaw.........(Type 25087) 27o013) 287o09) 28071) 26481) 26256) 27506) 25001) 25717) 28127) 27483) 25097) 25231) 25649) 25184) 252 24) 27465) 28S34) Oahu..................477 Kauai..................674 Molokai...............674 Hawaii..................674 Lanai.............675 Molokai...............676 Hawaii..................677 Oahu.................678 Hawaii..................678 Maui..................679 Hawaii.......... 6.......679 Oahu..................68o Hawaii..................68i Hawaii..................68S Hawaii..................682 Hlawaii................683 Hawaii..................683 Maui.................684 Liarmo )s,,sffusa......(Type tetrao...........................('hype vI/15es...........................(Type (?) collspicua.....(Type S S Q 2' FAUNA IiAWAIHENsSi VAi,. PLA~TE Y. /2 I:J 2 4 JJ 222. 2 2//42 I/~~ ~~i ii i i i >1 ii >I 4 ) i. > /i 4 L 2 o- * -a o a o & * DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. TORTRICIDAE. Fig. I. Enarmonia walsinghan i, Btl......................( 2. crassicornis.....................(Type 3. (?) storeella.....................(Type? 4. (?) obliqua.(.................. (Type?,, 5. Bactra straminea, Btl..............................,, 6. Pararrhaptica perkinsana............... (Type S, 7. Archips postvittanus, Wkr..........................., 8.,, longipticatus............... (Type S 9.,, leopardelus...........................(Type S,, 10.,, punctiferanus.........(...T.....(Type S,, I.,, trochilidanus........................(Type S, 12.,, fuscviridis...........................(Type S,,13.,, (?) icenoides....................... (Type?, 4.,, (?) subsenescens........................(Type 9,, 5 Panaphelix marmorata........................(Type S,, 6.,,, (+ chrysochroa)...(Type,, 7. Diterina fuivoserica........................(Type c,, 8.,,.....................(Type, 9. Tortrix chlorocala..........................(Type 7 20. metallurg ca...........................(Type c 21. thoracina.............................(Type,,22.,, (?) falerniana........................(Type Q {Archips caps capucnus...........(T. 523 Tortrix (?) capucina..................... 24. Tortrix rubiginis.............................(Type S 25. Capua (?)flavopicta...........................(Type 9 2 6.,, picta...............................(Type S,, 27.,, ()flavoinca....................... (Type 28.,, tronifer...........................(Type cS 25555) 25212) 28185) 25828) 25859) 28174) 28002) 26604) 27678) 26581) 25170) 26412) 28064) 26334) 26537) 26525) 25165) 26801) 28042) PAGE Hawaii............ 684 Hawaii................. 685 Maui.................. 686 Hawaii............. 686 Oahu..................687 Maui..................689 Kauai.................. 690 Maui.................. 69 Kauai..................692 Maui............... 692 Molokai...............693 Lanai..................693 Hawaii..................694 Molokai..............695 Maui..................696 Maui.................697 Molokai...............697 Kauai..................697 Hawaii..................699 26397) Molokai...............699 26871) Kauai..................700 26076) Molokai...............701 26358) Molokai..............736 {701 28668) Oahu..................702 26791) Kauai..................703 26771) Kauai..................703 25182) Hawaii.................704 25181) Hawaii..................704 ,,, I s;Ii.:~~:.1I~~:~::~I~~,;;~li:~::~t E, I N fi-i i —~-t :~ * ~ ~i~ Qi i I I i i I, L: lici i-i I — ~": $li pi rii, ll;i E i ~~ir j"L lipp~ii' i"-? ~3r I I, c; el a :ii ii ii::,i:i:i ~i i~ i it ~:ii::i i:,;,i:i:,`:,:~ ~:,i E I, I iij i f i.9'": '"~ c-.1113 1 r: fj,, r:E * - - I I I-,:b I DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. TORTRICIDAE, CARPOSINIDAE. PAGE Fig. i. Capua p eonectes..............................(Type c 28070) Hawaii..................705 2.,, castaneana..............................(Type $ 2720) Kauai......... 705 3.,, (?) glaucovridana.....................(Type $ 27681) Kauai.............. 706,, 4,, variabilis..............................(Type 5c 26312) Molokai...............706,, 5.,, oc reocuprea...........................(Type c6 26931) Kauai..................708 6., f va....................................(Type < 27012) K auai.................708, 7. Epagoge infaustana...........................(Type 2 26945) Kauai................709 8.,, (?) xantogona........................(Type 25358) Hawaii...............7I 9., (?)pernitida...........................(Type 9 28641) Hawaii.........*......70,,.,, (?) argentinotata.....................(Type 9 27514) Hawaii............ 711,, I. Heterocrssa plumbeonitida..................(Type c 27576) Kauai..................654,, 2., graminicolor.....................(Paratype? 27630) Kauai.............654, I3. olivaceonitens.....................(Type 26927) Kauai..................655,, 4.,, subolvacea...................... (Type 26480) Lanai..................655 15.,, viridis..........................(Type 9 27259) Kauai..................656,, 6. nigronotat/a..................(Type 9 28631) Hawaii..........656,, 7., crinfera..........................(Type S 25I63) M olokai...............657, 18., herbarum........................(Type 2 26477) Lanai.................658,, I9., gramiis..... (Type c 27047) Kauai.............658,, 20.,, incta......................... (Type 9 28041) Hawaii................659 21.,, gemmata........................(Type? 28628) H awaii..................66 22.,, subumbrata.............. (Type c 25092) Oahu.................660,, 23, bicinca...................... (Type 9 26391) Molokai...............661, 24,, d spar..........................(Type 9 25678) Hawaii.................66i,, 25.,, laascita....................(Type 9 25352) Hawaii..............662 26.,, corticella + semitogata.........(Type 9 27228) Kauai..................662 27.,, + ptieraella.........(Paratype 9 277I5) Kauai...............663,, 28.,, + corticella............(Type c 26838) Kauai.................664 .. ' X 9s. ' 1 1. '1 2 * -17. / '" '"" """"" 18. *-* -. ^ ^.,,; * } 21.. M. 22. f " a. 23.o in4. i. 2. g ' j. 2..: 27..; 28. /._..........., L~b~i~ OTi~ d- CT- ol:-: Ef k2 2 X e X X. X S~~,... f M 1~ ||t'E||lt %.................... lr 511|alb~rl|................ l :::X:::!:W:f F iS:?0000'0:::Z: ~:::::::;V I I m. I DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIII. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. CARPOSINIDAE, GELECHIADAE. PAGE Fig... eterocrossa ferruginea..................(Type ( 26393) Molokai...............664 2. togata...........................(Type? 26681) M aui..................665 3.,, divaricata.....................(Type 27040) Kauai..................665 4.,, nigromaculata..................(Type 9 25147) Oahu..................666,,,, distincta.......................(Type? 27126) Kauai..................666, 6.,, cervinella...................(Type c 27686) Kauai..................667 7.,, maui..............................(Type? 28198) M aui..................668 8.,, irrorata..........................(Type S' 26472) Lanai..................668,, 9. atronoata........................(Type 26526) Maui................. 669 1,,. inscria................. (Type 2 27477) Hawaii..................669,, I.,, pusilla.......................... (Type c 26047) Oahu..................670 1 2.,, trigononotata....................(Type 26087) Molokai..............670 13.,, punctuata...................... (Type cS 287IO) Molokai...............671, 4.,, achroana, Meyr.................(Homotype 5 27415) Hawaii.........671,5,, soluzella........................... (Type 27416) Hawaii...............72, 6. gracillima....................(Type? 26556) Maui..... 672, 7. Aristotleia maculaticornis...................(Type Y 28741) Hawaii...............478 i8.,, nigriciiella........................(Type 5 28115) Hawaii...............479, 9.,, ichthyochroa....................... (Type S 26398) Molokai...............479, 20. epermeniella.......................(Type? 27671) Kauai..............480 2.,, notata...........................(Type? 26218) Molokai...............480, 22.,, lanaiensis........(Type & 26514) Lanai................481,, 23.,, elegantior..........................(Type S 25700) Oahu................48I 24, mendax..............................(Type 27586) Kauai................48I,25.,, arcuata.............................(Type 25066) Oahu.................482, 26. Merimnetria flaviterminela...............(Type $ 286II) Hawaii.................482,, 27. Phthorimaea operculella, Z................ (sedata, Btl., Type & 86: 8I. 7)......483, 28. Stoeberhinus testaceus, Btl............ (Type S 73: 8i. 7, Mus. Br.) Oahu...486 ZE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17NA B P k AM Ad Phim DM MM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s.~~, ICCI. b. b - - I el lCl m rIl ' +C+*'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O I I~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIV. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. GELECHIADAE. PAGE Fig. i. Autosticha pelodes, Meyr. (Paratype c 3578, Wlsm., Mus. Meyr.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...487,, 2. Holdegia apaea.......... (Type 9 28447) Mau..................488,, 3. Ptycothrix vagans...........................(Type,,. Psychra phycidiformis........................(Type,, 5,, breviyapi s.................(Type, 6. Catamempsis decipiens.......................(Type,, 7. Thyrocopa gigas, Btl..........................(Type,, 8.,, (?) viduella.......................... (T ype, 9.,, 1, I2.,, 13. 14. 3 15., 1i6. ~,, I7.,, i9.,, 20. 21.,24., 25.,, 26.,, 27.,,, 28. (?) cinerella........................(Type megas.................................(Type albonubila.......................... (Type argentea, Btl.................. (Type (?) minor.......................... (Type indecora, Btl.....................(Type,, (=-lactea, Btl., Type 2 129: tessellatella........................(Type defressariella (................ (Type nubifer..............................(Type seminafella........... (...... (Type pulverulen ta............... (Type c 27522) Kauai.................489 6 27176) Kauai...............490 & 27853) Kauai..................490 e 28649) Hawaii..................49 6 119: 8i. 7, Mus. Br.) Maui...493 2 27149) Kauai..................494 9 26986) Kauai..................494 9 28215) Maui..................495 4 27094) Kauai..................495 S Ioo: 81. 7, Mus. Br.) Oahu...496 9 26080) Molokai...............496 d 128: 8i. 7, Mus. Br.) Maui...497 8I. 7. Mus. Br.) Maui............497 6 25354) Hawaii.................. 498 9 26856) Kauai..................498 c 25174) Hawaii................. 499 $ 27521) Kauai..................499 3 25255) Hawaii..................500 epicapna, Meyr. (Paratype c 3567, Wlsm., Mus. Meyr.) HaIaaiia (Ins.?)...5oo alterna.............................(Type S 28225) Maui..................501 immultata................ (Type S 27763) Kauai..................501 fraudu/entella....(Type S 28728) Hawaii................. 02 pallida..............(Type S 27645) Kauai..................502 adumbrafa........................(Type 9 25314) Hawaii.................. 503 inermis................... ('rype 25320) Hawaii..................503 usilata, Btl.........................(Type 9 69: 81. 7, Mus. Br.) Oahu 504 aiii~~c . II~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* ~ w # @ -; S SI ti S a DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XV. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. GELECHIADAE, OECOPHORIDAE, HYPONOMEUTIDAE. PAGE Fig. I. Thyrocopa abusa.................(Type S 3572, Mus. Meyr.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...504, 2.,, subahenea...........................(Type C 26336) M olokai...............505, 3 -4-,, 5-,, 6.,, 7. 8.,, 9., IO.,, II.,, I2.,, 13.,, I4., 15.,, 6.,, 7.,, leonina..............................(Type (?) ge inipunca..................(Type (?) mediomaculata..................(Type Ethmia colonella............................... (Type Batrachedra syrraphella.......................(Type,, ephelus................ (Type bedelliela........................(Type,, microst a.....................(Type,, supercincta.......................(Type,, ficiliata....................... (Type,, lomentella....................(Type,, sophroniela.....................(Type Agonismus flavialps.........................(Type,, coruscans.......................... (Type,, argentfers........................(Type S 26434) 9 26318) 9 28125) d 28751) S 25862) $ 26I99) c 26548) 5 25141) c 26543) S 25579) 5 26013) 9 25653) 9 28468) c 25745) 9 27392) S 28405) Lanai..................505 Molokai...............506 Maui..................506 Oahu..................507 Oahu..................509 Molokai............509 Maui..................5o9 Oahu................50o Maui..................51o Hawaii........5.0.......5o Oahu..................511 Oahu..................511 O)ahu... 5 I I Maui..................5 2 Hawaii.................13 Hawaii.................513 Maui.....................513, 8. Elachista spiota.................................(Type,, 9.,, longisquamella.....................(Type 9 25357) Hawaii................ 5I4,, o. Stagmatophora (Proterocosma) incertulella, Wkr. (Caenotype? 26577) Maui...... 515,, 2.,, honorariella..................(Type CT 2883) Pitcairn Id........S'.55,, 2.,, quadrifasciata.........('ype 9 7x80o) Dinner Id. (New Guinea)... I6 23., sordidella....................(Type & 26852) Katuai..................5I6, 24. ApPhhonetus mediocris.......................(Type S 26619) Maui..................517., 25.,, fugiiiva....................... (Type 6 27857) Kauai..................518,, 26.,, kaauiensis........................(Type 27534) Kauai..................518,, 27. cricicolor......................(Type S 26557) Maui..................519 28.,, luctuosa..........................(Type 3 26758) Kauai..................19 i ECE - W T i: T i B I,i ~?iL'a,,,, 1. " ~~~ I- ~H aic'~ ,c jii I$; f I IIi.r? r t.:i a 19. i I wlini,r zal;xi, "IIIIIIH,IrcCEEIII L I II ~r E 3I: P ~~~ ~ " 7 i a rF3, I rr"i" '' ':'' ' %Bi ~I~~-~o, 12;. iBX ~B lIln6111 [sr[rEri;I;:a Bsii:111 I i, r i i "i3. i i ZL. ~~s-trr, ~~-:~-j: r:: I i,,, -~4 2 Ci lij" i' illi-ii ~~~~ iilill 111 1; IggBE t xiK g ,, 1 i r rrr r-~-~~~~~ —~~s~l ~, 1;Fi -— —Bi s 1 -YaL/B d I, iFCllltl~t i-Tiii I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ):~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ E f 0f * Ir~ rX X.,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~;1 I I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XVI. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. I PAGE Fig. r. Aphthonetus passerella........................(Type $ 26742) Kauai..................520 2. divergens........................(Type S 26183) Molokai...............520 3., bitinca...........................(Type c 28484) Maui..................... 52, 4.,, coumbella.....1...................(Type 26102) Molokai...............521, 5., lichenalis........................(Type? 26484) Lanai............. 522,6. digtressa.................... (Type S 28425) Maui.....................522, 7.,, eleuthera..........................(Type 27385) Hawaii..................522 8. confusa...........................(Type c 28555) Maui.....................523,, 9.,, spurcaa...........................(Type 28439) Maui.....................523, I0. plumbzier........................(Type S 27039) Kauai..................524.,, trichophora....................(Type 5 26863) Kauai..................524, 2., eterella......................(Type 9 27530) Kauai..................525, 3. polia.........................(Type $ 26876) Kauai..................525,, 4.,, sbocel/ata........ (Type c& 28310) Maui.....................526 5..............................(Type 28317) Maui.....................526,, 6. exs..............................(Type 9 27414) Hawaii..................526, 7.I, abocinerea..a.......... (Type 27 69) Kauai..................527 8.,, difusa...........................(Type & 26662) Maui..................... 527 1 9.,, hirs a...........................(Type 9 26729) Kauai..................28 20.,, humerella........................(Type 9 28237) Maui.....................528 21. pmciciliaa.....................(Type c 25746) Hawaii..................29, 22. aspersa, Btl....(Type I0o6: 82. 9, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...529, 23., elegans..............(T'ype &' 28554) Maui.....................530 24, sgi//a...........................(Type c 26820) Kauai..................530,, 25. Rhinomactrum rutilellum....................(Type S 26773) Kauai................531 26., (?) scapulellu..................(Type 9 28061) Hawaii..................53I,, 27. Neelysia cuprea.................................(ype S 27051) Kauai..................532, 28.,, tgrina, Btl....... (Type 5' 120: 8x. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...533 ,a; iBKErrigii" rLil I r, j, i:iiJ ;i._ii.;i""~ ~ ~i II i ~"~ I;:" " rl e 1 4 3:sll1111esi CII ~,;i ~: ~~,.. I~ ER~l F WWI::.(;~~, ii i r r x~~,~, i;r~ % L ii I 1161 ?i I ~--i;li;ibi ~2iS 1 9"1~~:1 ~ Eej ~-~~~ ~~.,111; k~,,4 nD'I ""'""; "r:g"I"a, I~rC 1 ",,lr~ P m 'Pt fS 9E::1., ~~~ ~~c ~s~,~~ I a7, B ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~' z,,E E:B~~ili Ire, i~ " '~ ~IBlrcii.;i;tii;,l(~-sa:,r rl~i s'r B r ~sI I n ~,:'i I s;r;i ~~ —i i I T, i~ I 13. sai~ ~t-ra ttlBr_ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ F F_ J w * * DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XVII. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. Fig. I. Neelysia l iolor..............................(Type, 2.,, fuscodenta........................... (ype, 3.,, eodorella........................(Type 4. anthinella..............................(Type 5. repandela..............................(Type 6.,, psaroderma..........................(Type 7., municeps..............................(Type 8.,, pallodore a...........................(Type 9.,, fuscofsa..............................(Type,,.,, agetea..............................(Type,,.,, rofer.................................(Type, 12.,, basivitata.............................(Type 3. plu ea..............................(Type 1, 4.,, ningorifera..........................(Type I5., petalifera.............................(Type 6.,, subaunra/a.............................. (ype,, 7.,, exa/ata................................(ype,, 8., poeciloceras...........................(Type 9.,, rediviva................................ ype,, 20. ni orella............................(ype 2 1.,, nemoricola............................ (Type,, 22.,, argresthel/la........................(Type. 23.,, matela.................................(Type, 24.,, tisceriea..............................(Type,, 25.,, complnella...........................(Type,, 26.,, sciurea..............................(Type,, 27.,, incongr a..................... (Type,, 28.,, senfusa..............................(Type S 26534) 9 27500) SC 25251) C 26425)? 26149) $ 25101) 9 26652) 9 269Io) 5 27099) ( 26664) 3 26317) ( 28285)? 26236) 5 28372) C 26657) 2 27955) c 26564) c 28501) & 27371) d 26636) 9 26369) 5 25675) c& 27 156) 5 27931) c 26129) c 26684) 5 26613) 9 26096) PAGE Maui.....................533 Hawaii..................534 Hawaii..................535 Lanai..................535 Molokai..............36 Oahu..................536 Molokai...............537 Kauai..................537 Kauai..................538 Maui....................538 Molokai.... 539 Molokai...............539 Maui.....................539 Molokai...............540 Maui.....................540 MIaui.....................541 Kauai..................54 Maui.....................54 Maui.....................542 Kauai..................543 Maui..................... 543 Molokai...............544 Hawaii..................544 Kauai..................545 Kauai..................545 Molokai...............546 Maui.....................546 Maui.....................546 Molokai...............547 h ~~~ ~ir; a I, iii iii I, ai eu BI 6jl/P1 I il ~i riiia i —~-r c iirii —:i..,,,, p~? Eii i — I CY? "L 1~~8~i iii '~ ~ ~~~~-, I~1 i'P iS.r i ~ ~~a, 'El lir i i ~ ~rlri i I~i~ii r 1 a ,, Li":i "4; 1 I;; 181 zl " rrsil r iiJ I ii "-r 1 "~5~~ li~: I,lii z; r~l z I ;~ ~i~-i I. BEa, i-i I m I ' I I I 'I I DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XVIII. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. Fig., 7,, i. Neelysica ter 2. Dysphoria se 3. Bubaloceras s 4. Hyposmocoma, 5.,,6., 7 -8., 9. I0. I T. 12., I3.,, 14., I5.,, i6., 17., 8.,, I9. 20. 21., 22., 23.,, 24. 25., 26.,, 27. ) 28. 7Q, 7, I, 75 75 55 55I I5I 55I 55) I55 PAGE inela.............................. (Type 26593) Maui.................... 547 micolon.........................(Type c 27923) Kauai..................548 Yubeburneum.....................(Type cS 26107) Molokai...............549 exornata + exornata.........(Type c 25554) Hawaii..................550,, +flavicosa.........(Type 5 28742) Hawaii..................55 oculfera........................(Type 5 26982) Kauai.................55 nigralbida.................(Type c 26760) Kauai..................55 nividorsella....................(Type c 26731) Kauai..................552 corvina, Btl...(Type ( 122: 81. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...553 discella..........................(Type? 27907), case (27623) Kauai...553 divisa....................(Type 5 27015) Kauai..................554 partita...........................(Type c 28615) H awaii..................554 trossuellea.....................(Type c 26016) Oahu..................554 atroviatella................(Type 5 28054) Hawaii.555 nebu/lfera.......................(ype c 25861) Oahu..................55 torquata......................(Type 5 27I85) Kauai..................556 notabilis..................(Type d 26065) Molokai....6.....556 ebetella................. Type S 26651) Maui.....................557 tenuipalpis.................(Type d 26373) Molokai...... 557 commensella....................(Type 5 28101) Hawaii..................558 leporella........................(Type d 26992) Kauai............. 558,, abjectaz, BtIl...(Type $ 48: 77. 43, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)..559 blackburnii, Btl. (Type d1 23: 87. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...559,, cupreomaculata...............(Type 2 26338) Molokai..............56I,, progressa....................... (Type 28503) Maui.....................56 domicolens, Btl. +domicolens, Btl...(Type c 124: 81. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...562 + suffsa...(Type 5 27383) Hawaii..................563,, I/pella +/upella...............(Type 5 27872) Kauai..................563 i PS ~ ~ )> I I~ 6~ ii I 1AN L'M 2] I ZVO,~~~~~6 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I r rr ~s ~ s * I, DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIX. MICROLEPIDOPTERA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. (VOL. I.) Fig. I. Hyposmocoma lupella + suffusella............(Type 9 PAGE 26137) M olokai.............. 564, 2,,, 3.,, 4., 5-,, 6.,,, 8., 9. I0., T II. 1,, 2.,, 13. 14-, 5-,, 6.,, 17. i8. 1,, I9.,, 20. ~j21. 2,.2. 23. 24.,25. 26..27. 2,, 8.,,+ candide la............(Type c 25773) Hawaii..................564,, mediella......................(Type 9 25067) Oahu.565,, sabulella......................(Type 9 27566) Maui................. 565, albjifrontella..................(Type 26229) Molokai...............565,humerovittell.................(Type 5 25088) Oahu..................566 cincta + cincta..................(Type? 27555) Kauai..................566,,, + adjacens...............(Type 9 27335) Kauai..................567,, f mediospurcata..................(Type 5 28108) Hawaii.................. 567,, triparttia........................(Type 26090) Molokai...............567 thoracella........................(Type c 26459) Lanai.............. 568,, lima/a..........................(Type 5 27486) Hawaii.................. 68,, sublimat........................(Type y 28366) Maui..................568 advena...........................(Type 9 26091) Molokai...............569, subflaidella..................... (Type 26595) Maui..................569,, auroargentea..................(Type $ 28402) Maui..................570, iz/u inata....................(Type 5 28384) Maui..................570,, auripennis, Btl. (Type c 121 8i. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...571 rhabdophora.....................(Type 9 26328) Molokai...............571, costimaciuata..................(Type d 26207) Molokai..............572,, virgat.......................(Type 9 26094) Molokai...............572 biineata........................(Type 3 25963) Oahu..................573,, haleaka/ae, Btl. (Type 9 126: 8i. 7, Mus. Br.) Hawaiia (Ins.?)...573 lucifer...........................(Type 9 26064) Molokai...............574,, evanescens..................... (Type c 28378) Maui..................574,, ferricolor....................... (Type 9 25850) Hawaii..................575, impinctata.....................(Type d 27496) Hawaii..................575,straminella......................(Type? 25409) Hawaii..................5 76 is~~~~~~~~~~I~4.X ~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~i r i"~ ~, ~92 IC 27~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~ i AW md Mefi."' d MA VW i ~ahbma z I~ ~ ~ ~~" ~~in * i~*~~,;,, ~ I r $* **.* e I. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XX. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTE RA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. Fig.. lyposmocoma metallica........................(Type, 2. continuella....................(Type 2,, 3.,, in cella.......................(Type $, 4.,, patriciella........................(Type,, 5. utalidella.....................(Type d, 6. u st a........................(Type 4 7 ludficaa........................(Type, 8. lineata...........................(Trype,, 9. propinqua...................(Type,,. admirationis..................(Type c,, I. quadristriata..................(Type, 12. umida........................(Type &,, 13. nigrescens....................... (Type, I4. fuscopurpureSa.................(Type d 15.nigra...........................(Type 4c,, 6.,, lacerella........................(Type 9, 17., tri nela........................(Type $,, 18. niveiceps........................(Type c,, 9., punctifumella..................(Type 8, 20., lufer...........................('ype 2., ppunctiplicata.................. (Tye,22., marginenotata.................. (Type d, 23., vermiculata.....................(Type 4, 24. enilva..........................(Type <, 25. lugens...........................(Type c, 26. ocellata........................(rype c,, 27 ad esc s........................(Type,, 28., emendat........................(Type 25753) 26623) 26639) 28306) 26530) 26382) 28381) 28266) 26152) 26331) 26355) 28477) 27395) 26592) 26099) 28526) 28247) 26470) 28577) 28393) 26303) 26768) 28117) 27932) 26583) 27668) 27474) 28289) PAGE Hawaii.................. 5 76 Maui..................577 Maui..................577 Maui..................577 Maui..................578 Molokai...............578 Maui..................579 Maui..................579 Molokai...............580 Molokai...............580 Molokai...............581 Maui.................58 Hawaii.............. 5 8 Maui..................582 Molokai...(t meger)...582 Maui.....................582 Maui..................583 Lanai..................583 L~anai.~~~~~~~~~~~~58 3 Maui..................584 Maui..................584 Molokai...............584 Kauai..................585 KTiauai.~~~~~~~~~~~ 585 Hawaii............ 585 Kauai..................586 Maui..................586 Kauai..................586 Hawaii.................. 587 Maui..................587 IMUNXW 'lA V1}X 1 VM _rI PLWlnE MM.X ^.. -i,.i S _ /'' / ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jl-:a "' "I ~ ~ ~ If a w - I." - -, -'** - ^. *.0 ae/.A^ B enc/el Mfi.. I or l iTL. ol a _z.N _..E~~~~ P tS ~~~~I E_ - S i\. ts>4 +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~_ S9 l 'tgi F 1 tSE / I 111.~~~~~~~~L~ r / / x2 z | | 2S W | I M M gl!~ ~ I I. I " 1 "1,. I I Ir An; DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XXI. (VOL. I.) MICROLEPIDOPTERA. HYPONOMEUTIDAE. Fig. i. Hyposmocoma ensifer..................... (Type 2.,, tricincta.....................(Type 3.,, semifuscaa.....................(Type 4,, pucciniela....................(Type 5. scepticella + dubia............(Type,, 6.,, + scepticella.........(Type,, 7. stignatella................(Type 8.,, pallidipapis..................(Type 9-,, genitalis.....................(Type 0.,, fractinubella..................(Type r., fractiviella..................(Type,, 12.,, intermixa.....................(Type,, 13 geminella......................(Type, 4. picticornis.....................(Type, 15,, phantasmatella............... (Type, 16.,, ossea..........................(Type I 7,, argentea................... (Type, 18. subargentea....................(Type, 19., lacta..........................(Type. 20. lacticreella......................(Type, 2., ersimiis........................(Type, 22. trimaculata.................... (Type, 23,, albonivea........................(Type, 24. carbonenotata.................(Type,, 25.,, allieraa.......................(Type,, 26. nigrodenata..................(Type 27.,, obliterata........................(Type 28. bacilella........................(Type S 27472)? 25435) c 25395) S 27408) c 28496) &c 26650)? 26353) 5c 26106) & 28560) & 28559) 2 26743)? 26104)? 27545) S 26177) c 26763) S 25787) c 26123) & 26867) S 27549) 9 26693) S 25404)