SYNONYMY OF THE FAMILY CYCLADES. BY TEMPLE PRIME, [From the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphis, June, 1863.3 3 Synonymy of the Cyclades, a family of Acephalous Molluscsa. Part I. BY TEMPLE PRIME. Family CYCLAS, Fer. Genera. GALATEA, Brug. Pectunculus, Lister. Venus, Chemn. Donax, Perry. Tellina, Dillwyn. Chama, Favanne. Egeria, De Roissy. Megadesma, Bowditch. Potamophila. Sowerby. Galateola, Fleming. Trigona, Schum. GLAUCONOME, Gray. Solen, Linn. Glauconomya, Bronn. CYPRINA, Lamk. Pectunculus, Lister. Cardia, Olafsen. Venus, Linn. Arctica, Schum. VELORITA, Gray. 1834. Cyrena, Valene. 1838. CORBICULA, Megerle. 1811. Tellina, Miller, 1774. Venus, Chemn. 1782. Cyclas, Brug. 1792. Cyrena, Lamk., 1818. Venulites, Schl., 1820. CYRENA, Lamk. 1818. Venus, Chemn., 1769. Cyclas, Brug., 1792. C.yanocyclas, Fer., 1818. Po!yqmesoda, Rafin., 1820. M2actra, Brongt., 1823. Geloina, Gray, 1844. BATISSA, Gray. 1854. Cyprina, Cyclas, Brug., 1792. Cyrena, Lamk. 1818. SPH2ERIUM, Scopoli. Pectunculus, Lister, 1685. Musculus, Gualt. 1742. Tellina, Linn., 1758. Sphcerium, Scop., 1777. Cardium, Da Costa, 1778. Cyclas, Brug., 1792. Vux, Humphr. 1797. Musculium, Link. 1807. Cornea, Pisum, Megerle. 1811. Corneocyclas, Fer., 1818. Amesoda, Rafin., 1820. Pisidium, Verany, 1846. Cycladites, Krug, 1848. PISIDIuM, Pf. 1821. Pectunculus, List., 1685. Alusculus, Gualt., 1742. Tellina, Miller, 1774. Sphcerium, Scop. 1777. Cardium, Poli. 1791. Cyclas, Lamk. 1818. Pers, Euglesia, Cordula, Leach, 1820. Physemoda, Raf., 1820. Gallileja, Da Costa, 1839. Pisum, Gray, (non Megerle), 1847. Musculium, Gray, (non Link), 1851. Species.* VELORITA, Gray. 1. V. Cyprinoides, Gray. Grif. Cuvier, pl. 31, f. v. 1834. Cyrena Cyprinoides, Gray. Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix. 136. 1825. C. recurvata, Valenc. Mag. Zool. pl. 119, f. 2. 1838. C. Gaudichaudii, Valenc. Loc. sub. cit. pl. 119, f. 2. 1838. Hab. Philippines. CORBICULA, Megerle. 1. C. acutangularis, Desh. Cyrena acutangularis, Desh. Inv. Par. 517, pl. 38, f. 17, 18. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) * The synonymy of the species of Galatea, Glauconome and Cyprina, will be giver. Lt some future period; that of the species of Batissa and Pisidium will be found ixt t:e Annals of the Lyceum of N. H., of New York, vol. vii. 4 2. C. Africana, Adams. Ad. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena Africana, Kr. Moll. S. Afr. 8, pl. i. f. 9. 1848. C. Gauritziana, Kr. In litt. 1848. Hab. Africa. 3. C. Agrensis, Prime. Cyrena Agrensis, Kurr. in litt. Hab. India. 4. C. Alpina, Prime. Cyrena Alpina, Bgt. Sph. fr. 49. 1854. Cyclas Alpina, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1851. Hab. France, (fossil.) 5. C. a mb i g u a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 345. 1854. Hab. Euphrates. 6. C. amygdalina, Desh. Cyrena amygdalina, Desh. Inv. Par. 500, p. 37, f. 22, 23. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 7. C. angusta, Desh. Cyrena angusta, Desh. Inv. Par. 508, pl. 37, f. 9-12. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) S. C. antiqua, Prime. Cyrena antiqua, Fer. Moll. terr. et fluv. f. 5. Cyclas antiqua, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1854. Hab. France, (fossil.) 9. C. Arnondii, Prime. Cyrena Arnoudii, Pot et Mich. Gal. Moll. 2, 192, pl. 61, f. 15, 16. 1838-4 Hab. France, (fossil.) 10. C. Arveniensis, Desh. Cyrena Arveniensis, Desh. Trait. Elem. Conch. 2, 698. 1843-50. C. pisum, Desh. Boaillet, Cat. 157. 1836. Hab. France, (fossil.) 11. C. Australis, Desh. Cyclas Autralis, Lam. Lam. v. 560. 1818. Cyrena Australis, Desh. Encycl. MWth. 2, 50. 1830. Hab. Asia. 12. C. Bengalens is, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Hab. Bengal. 13. C. B e n s o n i, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 345. 1854. Hab. Bengal. 14. C. Bouilletii, Desh. Cyrena Bouilletii, Desh. Trait. Elem. Conch. 2, 698. 1843-50. C. depressa, Desh. Bouillet, Cat. 156. 1836. Hab. France, (fossil.) 15. C. Brasiliana, Adams. Ad. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Hab. Brazil. 16. C. breviuscula, Desh. Cyrena breviuscula, Desh. Inv. Par. 503, pl. 36, f. 9-11. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 17. C. Britannica, Desh. Cycles deperdita, Lam. Park. Org. Rem. 3, 189, pl. 13, f. 8. 1811. Cyrena subdeperdita, Morris. Cat. Brit. fossils 86. 1843, Cyclas subdeperdita, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 305. 1850. Cyrena Britannica, Desh. Inv. Par. 501. 1857. Hab. Engl. (fossil.) 18. C. brunea, Prime. In litt. 1860. Hab. Scamander River. 19. C. Cashmiriensis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Hab. Cashmyr. 20. C. Chilensis, Prime. Cyclas Chilensis, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 568, pl. 83, f. 11-13. 1846. Musculium Clilense, d'Orb. Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 451. 1858. Pisum Chilense, d'Orb. Loc. sub. cit. 2, 460. 1858. Hab. Chili. 21. C. c o m pr e s s a, Mousson. Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Hab? -C. consobrina, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447.,1858. Is Corbicula c o r Adams. 22. C. con v e x a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 342. 1854. IIab. Central America. 23. C. cor, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena cor. Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Delessert pl. vii. f. 7. 1841. C. consobrina, Caillaud. Voy. Mirol iv. 263, t. 2, pl. 61, f. 10-11. 1826. Cqclas consobrina, Caillaud, Caltow and Reeve, 29. 1845. Corbicula consobrina, Adams, Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Hab. Asia. 24. C. crassa, Desh. Cyrena crassa, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 119, pl. 18, f. 14, 15. 1824. C. spissa, Desh. Loc. sup. cit. p. 9, pl. 18, f. 14, 15. 1824. Cycles crassa, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 422. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 25. C. crassula, Prime. Cyrena crassula, Mousson. Mous. Cat. Bellardi. p. 54. f. 12. 1854. Hab. Tigris River. 26. C. Cumingii, Desh. Hab. Philippines. 27. C. cuneata, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,447. 1858. Cyrena cuneata, Jonas. Zeit. Malak. 186. 1844. Phil. Abb. 2, 77. pl. i. f. 6. 1846. C. globulus, Jonas. In litt. Hab. Orinoco. 28. C. cuneiformis, Prime. Cyrena cuneiformis, Ferussac. Moll. Terr. Fluv. Cyclas cuneiformis, Sowb. M. Conch. 2, 140, pl. 162, f. 2, 3. 1818. Cyrena donacialis, Desh. Diet. class h. n. v. 290. 1824. C. donaciformis, Anton. Verz. 1839. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 29. C. cycladiformis, Desh. Erycina lcevis, Lam. Ann. Mus. v. 413. 1805. Cyrena cycladiformis, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 121, pl. 19, f. 7-9. 1824. Cycles cycladiformis, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 30. C. debilis, Prime. Cyrena debilis, Gould. Bost. Proc. 3, 293. 1850. Hab. N. Guinea. 6 31. C. deperdita, Desh. Cyclas deperdita, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii. 421. 1806. Cyrena deperdita, Desh. Cog. Foss. Par. 1, 118, pl. 19, f. 14, 15. 1824. Hab. France, (fossil.) 32. C. Deshayesii, Prime. Cyrena Deshayesii, Hebert. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2d. n. v. 401. f. a. b. 1848. Hab. France, (fossil.):33. C. D u c h a s t e l i, Nyst. Bull. Brux. xv. 114, f. 1-4. 1838. Cyrena trigonula, Wood. Ann. Mag. n. h. vii. 275, f. 45. 1841. Hab. Europe, (fossil.)'14. C. Ferrussaci, Prime. Cyrena Ferrussaci, Math. Cat. Meth. 149, pi. xiv. f. 14, 15. 1842. Gyclas Ferrussaci, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Hab. France, (fossil.) 135. C. fluminalis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,447. 1858. Tellina fluminalis, Miiller. Verm. 2, 205. 1774. T. fluviatilis, MUller. Loc. sup. cit. 2, 206. 1774. Venus fiuminalis, Chemn. vi. pl. 30, f. 320. 1782. V. fiuviatilis, Chemn. Loc. sup. cit. pl. 30, f. 321. 1782. Cyclas Euphratica, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii. 420. 1806. Encycl. pl. 301, f. 2, pl. 302, f. 1, 2. C.fluviatilis, Bosc. 3, 38. 1802. C. lcevigata, Schum. 170, pl. xii, f. 1. 1817. Cyrenafuscata, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. C. Euphratica, Bronn. Syst. Urwelt. pl. iv. f. 10. C. orientalis, iLam. Phil. Abb. 2, 75, pl. 1, f. 2. 1846. Mousson, Moll. Java 86, pl. xv. f. 2. 1849. Corbiculafuscata, Cantor. Proc. Zool. x. 124. 1852. Cyrenafluminalis, Bgt. Cat. Saulcy 79. 1853. Corbiculafluviatilis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Elab. Asia. 3:6. C. fluminea, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,447. 1858. Tellina fluminea, Gml. 3243. 1788. Miiller, Verm. 2, 205. 1774. Venus fluminea, Chemn. vi. 321, pl. 30, f. 322-23. 1782. Cyclas Chinensis, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii. 421. 1806. C. fluminea, Bosc. 3, 38. 1802. Cyrenafluminea, Lam. Lam. v. 553. 1818. Phil. Abb. 2, 76, pl. 1. f. 3. 1846. Hab. China. -C. fluviatilis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,447. 1858, is Corbicula fluminalis, Adams. 37. C. Forbesii, Desh. Cyrena Forbesii, Desh. Inv. Par. 510, pl. 37, f. 24-27. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. f u s c at a, Cantor. Proc. Zool. x. 124. 1852. Is Corbicula flu m i nalis, Adams. 3S. C. gracilis, Prime. Cyrenafluminea, Mousson. Moll. Java, 87, pl. xv. f. 3. 1849. Corbicula Moussonii, Desh. Litt. Adams, Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1853. Hab. Java. -C. g r a n d i s, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854, is Corbicula W o o d - i an a, Adams. 39. C. Gravesii, Desh. Cyrena Gravesii, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 2, 810. 1824. C. Gravii, Desh. Loc. sup. cit. 1, 120, pl. 19, f. 3-4. 1824. Cyclas Gravesii, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. ham malis, Ferussac. Mag. Zool. v. 59-60. 1835. Cyclas hammalis, Fer. Rafin. Bory St. Vt. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phy. v. 319. 1820. (Not described.) 40. C. insequilateralis, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab. Africa. 41. C. i n c r a s s a t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 342, 1854. Hab.? 42. C. Largillierti, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena Largillierti. Phil. Zeit. Malac. 163. 1844. Abb. 2, 75, pl. 1, f. 1. 1846. Hab. China. 43. C. limosa, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Tellina limosa, Maton. Trans. Linn. Soc. Londonx. 325, pl. 24, f. 8-10. 1809. Cyrena limosa, Gray. Ann. Ph. n. ser. ix. 137. 1825. Hab. South America. 44. C. Malacensis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 343. 1854. Hab. Malacca. 45. C. Manillensis, Prime. Cyrena Manillensis. Phil. Zeit. Malac. 163. 1844. C. fluviatilis. Phil. (non Venus fluminea, Chemn.) Phil. Abb. 2, 77, pi. 1, f. 5. 1846. Elab. Manilla. 46. C. maxima, Prime. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab? 47. C. media, Prime. Cyrena media, Fitton. Ann. Ph. and n. ser. vii. 376. 1824. Cyclas media, Sowb. M. Conch. vi. 51, pl. 527, f. 2. 1829. Hfab. Engl. (fossil.) 48. C. minor, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab? 49. C. mixta, Desh. Cyrena mixta, Desh. Inv. Par. 1058. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. Mo u s s on ii, Desh. Adams, Rec Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Is Corbicul t gracilis, Prime. 50. C. Nepeansis, Prime. Cyclas Nepeansis, Less. Voy. Coq. ii, 428, pl. xiii. f. 14. 1820. Hab. N. South Wales. 51. C. nitens, Adams. Rec. 4en. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena nitens. Phil. Zeit. Malac. 163. 1844. Abb. 2, 76, pl. 1, f. 4, 1846. Hab. China. 52. C. n ot at a, Prime. In litt. 1860. Hab. Phillipines. 53. C. obovata, Prime. Cyclas obovata, Sowb. Min. Conch. 2, 140, pl. 162, f. 4-6. 1818. Cyrena obovata, Desh. Encycl. Meth. 2, 52. 1830. Hab. Engl. (fossil.) 8 54. C. o b sc u r a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 342. 1854. Hab? 55. C. obsoleta, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 345. 1854. Hab. Uruguay. 56. C. occ idens, Bens. Adams, Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Hab. India. 57. C. orbicularis, Prime. Cyrena orbicularis, Desh. Mellev. Mem. Terr. Tert. Par. 35, pl. 2, f. 3, 4. 1843. Cyclas suborbicularis, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Cyrena suborbicularis, Desh. Inv. Par. 497. pl. 38, f. 11, 12. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 58. C. orientalis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena orientalis, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Delessert, pl. vii. f. S. 1841. Hab. Asia. 59. C. ovalina, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 343. 1854. Hab. Port. Essington, Australia. 60. C. o v alis, Prime. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab? 61. C. Panormitana, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,447. 1858. Cyrena Panormitana, Bivon. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 62. C. Parana censis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena Paranacensis, d'Orb. Guer. Mag. v. 44. 1835. Cyclas Paranacensis, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 567, pl. 83, f. 23-25. 1846. Hab. S. America. 63. C. parva, Prime. Cyrena ovalina, Desh. Inv, Par. 505, pl. 36, f. 16-18. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 64. C. parvula, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab. India. 65. C. pisum, Desh. Cyrena pisum, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 117, pl. 19, f. 10-13. 1824. Cyclaspisum, d'Orb. (non Math.) Prod. 2, 322. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 66. C. prolong a t a, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab. E. Australia. 67. C. pulchella, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena pulchella, Mouss. Moll. Java, 88, pl. 15, f. 4. 1849. Hab. Java. 68. C. pullata, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena pullata, Phil. Phil. Abb. 3, 110. 1849. Hab. Sumatra. 6t9. C. pusilla, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena pusilla, Parr. Phil. Abb. 3, 78, pl. 1, f. 7. 1846. Hab. River Nile. 70. C. radiata, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 447. 1858. Cyrena radiata, Parr. Phil. Abb. 2, 78, p1, 1. f. 8. 1846. Hab. River Nile. 9 71. C. recurvata, Eydoux. Adams, Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Hab? 72. C. r e g u l a r i s, Pr. MSS. 1859. Collect. Cuming. Hab. Deacan River, Australia. 73. C. rho m b o ide a, Pr. MSS. 1859. Collect. Auctoris. Hab. Malacca. 74. C. rivalis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena rivalis, v. d. Busch. Phil. Abb. 3, 110, pl. 3, f. 5. 1849. Corbicula striatella, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Hab. Java. 75. C. rotunda, Prime. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 1860. HIab. Surinam. 76. C. Rouyana, Prime. Cyclas Rouyana, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Cyrena Rouyana, Bgt. Sph. p. 51. 1854. Hab. France, (fossil.) 77. C. semistriata, Desh' Venulites subaratus, Schloth. Petr. 200. 1820. Cyrena semistriata, Desh. Encycl. 2, 52. 1830. C. trigona, Desh. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2. 1834-40. C. cuneiformis, Fer. C. subovata, Bronn. Leth. Geog. 2, 958, pl. 38, f. 2. 1835-8. Cyclas semistriata, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Cyrena convexa, Heb. et Renev. Foss. Num. Sup. 59. 1854. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 78. C. s e m i s u I c a t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 343. 1854. Hab. Victoria River, Australia. -C. s i m i i s, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858, is Corbicula W o o d i a n a, Adams. 79. C. solidula, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab.? 80. C. sq u a 1 i d a; Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 342. 1854. liab.? -C. s t r i a t e 11 a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Is Corbicula r i v alis, Adams. 81. C. subradiata, Prime. Cyrena subradiata, Kurr. fHab. India. 82. C. s u 1 c a tin a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 348. 1854. Hab.? 83. C. tellinella, Prime. Cyrena tellinella, Ferussac. Hist. Moll. f. 1. Cyclas tellinella, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Hlab. Europe, (fossil.) 84. C. tellinoidea, Prime. Cyrena tellinoidea, Bouillet. Cat. Foss. 156. 1836. fHab. France, (fossil.) 85. C. t e n u i s t r i a t a, Prime. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab.? 86. C. triangula, Prime. Cyrena trigona, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 118, pl. 19, f. 16, 17. 1824. 10 Cyclas trigona, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 87. C. t r i a n g u f a r i sDesh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 345. 1854. Hab.? 88. C. trigona, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Hab. Pondicherry, India. 89. C. trigonella, Prime. Cyrena trigonella, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Hab. East Indies. 90. C. truncata, Prime. Cyrena truncata, Lam. Lam. v. 553. 1818. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 91. C. tumid a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 343. 1854. Hab. Borneo. 92. C. Vapincana, Prime. Cyclas Vapincana, d'Orb. Prod 2, 381. 1850. Cyrena Vapincana, Bgt. Sph. fr. 51. 1854. Hab. France, (fossil.) 93. C. variegata, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Cyrena variegata, d'Orb. Guer. Mag. v. 44. 1835. Cyclas variegata, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 567, pl. 82, f. 14-16. 1846. Cyclas limosa, d'Orb. Loc. sup. cit. pl. 82, f. 14-16. 1846. Hab. S. America. 94. C. veneriformis, Desh. Cyrena veneriformis, Desh. Inv. Par. 499, pl. 38, f. 1, 2. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 95. C. ventricosa, Prime. Inlitt. 1860. Hab. Mazatlan. 96. C. v i o la c e a, Prime. In litt. 1860. Hab.? 97. C. Woodiana, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2,448. 1858. Cyrena Woodiana, Lea. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. 110, pl. 18, f. 55. 1832. Cyrena similis, Gray. Grif. Cuv. pl. 20, f. 2. 1834. Corbicula grandis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 344. 1854. Corbicula similis, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 448. 1858. Hab. China. CYRENA, Lamarck. 1. C. abbreviata, Desh. Invt. Par. 491, pl. 38, f. 13, 14. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. acut angularis, Desh. Loc. sub. cit. 517, pl. 38, f. 17, 18. 1857. Is Corbicula ac ut ang u l a ri s, Desh. 2. C. e qua 1 is, Gif. Petr. germ. 2, 224, pl. 146, f. 5, 1834-40. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 3. C. ae q u i 1 a t e r a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 20. 1854. Hab. Guiana. 4. C. affinis, Desh Loc. sub. cit. xxii. 16. 1854.. Hab. Australia. -C. Africana, Kr. Moll. S. Afr. 8, pl. 1, f. 9. 1848. Is Corbicula African a, Adams. 11 -C. Alpina, Bgt. Sph. fr. 49. 1854. Is Corbicula Alpina, Prime. -C. agrensis, Kurr. Inlitt. Is Corbiculaagrensis, Prime. 5. C. alta, Dkr. Wald. 153. 1854. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. altilis, Gld. Bost. Il. vi. 400, pl. xvi. f. 5. 1852. Is Cyrena Mexicana, Sowb. 6. C. ambigua, Br. Geol. II. x. 275. 1854. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. amygdalina, Desh. Inv. Par. 500, pl. 37, f. 22, 23. 1857. Is Corbicula a m y g d a l i n a, Desh. 7. C. A nglicana, Prime. Cyrena obtusa, Forbes, (preoc.) Rec. Sci. 2, pl. 3, f. 4. Hab. England, (fossil.) 8. C. angulata, Rcemer. Oolitt. i. 117, pl. 9, f. 12. 1835. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. angulat a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 22. 1854. Is Cyrena t u mid a, Prime. -C. an gusta, Desh. Inv. Par. 508, pl. 37, f. 9-12. 1857. Is Corbicula angusta, Desh. 9. C. a n g us ti de n s, Desh. Mellev. Terr. Tert. Par. 35, pl. 2, f. 1, 2. 1843. Cyclas angustidens, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 10. C. a n o m a l a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 21. 1854. Cyrena Peruviana, Desh. In litt. Hab. Peru. -C. a n t i q u a, Fer. Moll. Terr. Fluv. f. 5. Is Corbicula a n t i q u a, Prime. 11. C. apicina, Dkr. Wald. 149. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 12. C. arata, Forbes. Geol. Il. vii. pl. 5, f. 6. 1851. Hab. England, (fossil.) 13. C. arc t at a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 20. 1854. Hab. Maracaibo. 14. C. arenaria, Forbes. Rec. Sci. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. A r n o u d i i, Pot. & Mich. Gal. Moll. 2, 192, pl. 61, f. 15, 16. 1838-'44. Is Corbicula A r n o n d i i, Prime. -C. arveniensis, Desh. Trait. Conch. 2, 698. 1843-'50. Is Corbicula Arve ni en s is; Desh. 15. C. astarte, Dkr. Wald. 153. 1831. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. Australis, Desh. Encycl. 2, 50. 1830. Is Corbicula Australis, Desh. 16. C. Bengalensis, Lam. Lam. v. 554. 1818. Venus Bengalensis, Lister, pl. 345, f. 182. Cyclas Bengalensis, Fer. Hab. Asia. 17. C. Bo liviana, Phil. Zeit. Malac. 70. 1851. Hab. Bolivia. -C. ]3 o u i ll e t i, Desh, Trait. Conch. 2, 698. 1843-50. Is Corbicula Bouilleti, Desh. -C. brev ius cula, Desh. Inv. Par. 503, pl. 36, f. 9-11. 1857. Is Corbicula b r e v i u s c ul a, Desh. 12 18. C. Bronnii. Dkr. Wald. 160. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. B r i t a n n i c a, Desh. Inv. Par. 501. 1857. Is Corbicula B r i t a nnic a, Desh. 19. C. b r u n e a, Pr. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860.. Hab.? 20. C. Bu s c h i i, Phil. Abb. 3, 78, pl. 2, f. 2. 1849. Hab.? 21. C. C a l e d o n i c a, Gas. 11. Conch. vi. 277. 1857. Hab. N. Caledonia. 22. C. Californiensis, Prime. Cyrena subquadrata, Desh. (preoc.) Proc. Zool. xxii. 21, 1854. Hab. California. 23. C. cardioides, Desh. Inv. Par. 498, pl. 36, f. 1-3. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 24. C. Caroliniensis, Lam. Lam. v. 1818. Cyclas Caroliniensis, Bosc. Fer. Cat. MWth. 84. 1807. C. Caroliniana, Bose. 3, 37, pl. xviii. f. 4. 3Hab. N. America. 25. C. caudata, Roemer. Oolit. 1, 117, pl. 8, f. 13. 1835. Cyrenaexcavata, Roemer. Loc. sub. cit. 1, 117, pl. 9, f. 6. 1835. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. Charpenterianus, Bgt. (err.) Il. Conch. iv. 173. 1853. Is Ancylus Charpenterianus, Bgt. 26. C. Charpentieri, Desh. P. & M. Gal. Moll. 2, 191, pl. 61, f. 18, 19. 1838-44. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -C. Childrenae, Gray. Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix. 137. 1825. Is Batissa C h i ld r e n oe, Gray. 27. C. compressa, Desh. Lam. (ed. Desh.) vi. 279. 1835. Cyrena depressa, Desh. (non Lam.) Diet. class h. n. v. 290. 1824. Cyclas subdepressa, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 28. C. c o m pta, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 18. 1854. Hab.? -C. compta, Desh.' Inv. Par. 491, pl. 35, f. 1-3, pl. 36, f. 19, 20. 1857. Is Cyrena Gallic an a, Prime. 29. C. conj uncta, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 15. 1854. Hab? — C. cons o b r i n a, Cail. Voy. Mer. iv. 263, t. 2, pl. 61, f. 10, 11. 1826. Is Corbicula c o r, Adams. -C. convexa, H. & Renev. Foss. num. sup. 59. 1854. Is Corbicula semistriata, Desh. -C. c o r, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Is Corbicula c o r, Adams. 30. C. c o rbi c u 1 e f o r m i s, Prime. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 1860. Hab. Malabar. 31. C. co rdata, Morris. Geol. Il. x. 158, pl. 2, f. 8, 9. 1854. Hab. England, (fossil.) 32. C. cordiformis, Desh. Diet. class. h. n. 290. 1824. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. cordiformis, Recluz, (preoc.) II. Conch. 251, pl. 7, f. 9. 1853. is Cyrena R e c l u z i i, Prime. 13 -C. crass a, Desh. Coq. foss. Par. i. 119, pl. 18, f. 14, 15. 1824. Is Corbicula c r a s s a, Desh. — C. cras sula, Mouss. Malak. Blat. 57. 1855. Is Corbicula crass u 1 a, Prime. 33. C. Credueri, Dkr. Weald. 152. 1846. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 34. C. cre nulat a, Desh. Inv. Par. 518, pl. 34, f. 10-12. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 35. C. Cubensis, Prime. Cyclas maritima, d'Orb. D'Orb. Cuba 2, 280, pl. xxi. f. 47-50. 1853. Hab. Cuba. 36. C. C u m i n g i i, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 22. 1854. Hab. Central America. -C. c u n e a t a, Jonas. Zeit. Malak. 186. 1844. Is Corbicula c u n e a t a, Adams. C. cuneiformis, Fer. Moll. terr. fluv. Is Corbicula cuneiformis, Prime. 37. C. Cu n ni n gham ii, Forbes. Geol. Ii. vii. 112, pl. v. f. 9. 1851. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. c y c l a d i f o r m i s, Desh. Coq. foss. Par. 1, 121, pl. 19, f. 7-9. 1824. Is Corbicula cycladiformis, Desh. — C. cyclo stoma, Bgt. (err.) I1. Conch. iv. 193. 1853. Is Ancylus cyclostoma, Bgt. — C. C y p r in oi d e s, Gray. Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix. 136. 1~25. Is Velorita C yprinoides, Gray.;3S. C. C y p r i n o i d e s, Quoy. Voy. Astrol. 3, 513, pl. 82, f. 1-3. 1834. Hab. N. Guinea. -C. d e b i l i s, Gld. Bost. Proc. 3, 293. 1850. Is Corbicula d e b i i s, Prime. 39. C. d e c i p i e n s, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 17. 1854. Hab.? 40. C. den s at a, Conrad. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. i. 324. 1845. Cyclas densata, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Ifab. North America, (fossil.) -C. d e p e r d it a, Desh. Coq. foss. Par. 1, 118, pl. 19, f. 14, 15. 1824. Is Corbicula d e p e r d i t a, Desh. -C. d e p e r d i t a, Morris, Cat. Brit. foss. 86. 1843. Is Corbicula B r it a n n i c a, Desh. — C. d e p r e s s a, Lam. Lam. v. 553. 1818. Encycl. pl. 302, f. 3. Is Astarte b o r e a Ii s, Gray. -C. d e p r e s s a, Desh. Dict. class. h. n. v. 290. 1824. Is Cyrena c o mp r e ss a, Desh. -C. D e s h a y e s i i, Hebert. Bull. Soc. Giol. Fr. 2d ser. v. 401, f. a'. b'. 1848. Is Corbicula D e s h a y e s i i, Prime. -C. D e s h a y e s i an u s, Bgt. (err.) Il. Conch. iv. 183. 1853. Is Ancylus Deshayesianus, Bgt. 41. C. d i f fi c i l i s, Desh. Inv. basin. Par. 513, pl. 37, f. 3-5. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 42. C. d i s p a r, Koch & Dkr. Oolit. 60, pl. vii. f. 6, a. b. 1837. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 43. C. d i s tin c t a, Desh. Inv. Par. 492, pl. 35, f. 7-9. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 14 44. C. d i v a r i c a t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 17, 1854. Hab. N. Guinea. -C. d o u a c i a 1 i s, Desh. Dict. class h. n. v. 290. 1824. Is Corbicula cuneiformis, Prime. -C. d o u a c i fo r m i s, Anton. Verz. 1839. Is Corbicula c uneifo r mi s, Prime. 45. C. d o u acina, Dkr. Wild. 162. 1854. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 46. C. dorsata, Dkr. Wald. 155. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 46a C.Dulchurchiensis? Hab. England, (fossil.) 47. C. D u m a s ii, de Serres. Bull. Sci. 328. 1827. Hab. France, (fossil.) 48. C. D u t e m p 1i i, Desh. Inv. Par. 493, pl. 34, f. 43, 44. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 49. C. dura, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 20. 1854. Hab.? 50. C. elegans, Dkr. Wald. 166. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 51. C. elliptica, Dkr. Wald. 148. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. e 1 o ig a t a, Rcem. Oolit. i. 117, t. ix. f. 11. 1826. Is Cyrena M a ntelli, Dkr. 52. C. elongata, Dkr. Weald. 155. 1846. Cyclas elongata, Sowb. Trans. Geol. Soc. 2d ser. iv. 346, pl. 21, f. 9. 1836. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 53. C. erebe a, Pr. Mactra erebea, Brongt. Mem. Vicent. 81, pl. v. f. 8. 1823. Cyclas erebea, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 54. C. Essingtonensis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 19. Hab. Port Essington. -C. E u p h r a t i c a, Bronn. Syst. Urwelt. pl. 4, f. 10. Is Corbicula f I uminalis, Adams. -C. excavata, Rcem. i. 117, pl. ix. f. 6. 1835. Is Cyrenacaudata. Roemer. 55. C. e x i m i a, Dkr. Zeit. Malak. 51. 1852. Pf. Nov. Conch. 8 livr. 88. pl. xxiv. 1857. Cyrena impressa, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 18. 1854. Batissa impressa, Adams. Rec. gen. 2, 448. 1858. Hab. Java. 56. C. e x p an s a, Mouss. Moll. Java, 89, pl. 14. 1849. Hab. Java. 57. C. f a b a c e a, Rocm. Oolit. 2, 40, pl..19, f. 16. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 58. C. fabuli n a, Desh. Inv. Par. 506, pl. 37, f. 13-15. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 59. C. f a 11 a x, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 15. 1854. Hab. Australia. 15 60. C. C. fas ciat a, Rcem. Oolit. 1, 116, pl. ix. f. 10. 1835. Cyclasfasciata, Gldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 10. 1834-40. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 61. C. F a u j i g a s i i, Desh. Encycl. 2, 51. 1830. Venus de mayeuce, Faujas. Ann. Mus. 8, 379, pl. 58, f. 9, 10. 1806. Cyrena icevigata, Gldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 224, pl. 149, f. 1. 1834-40. Cyrena polita, Gldf. Loc. sub. cit. 2, 224, pl. 149, f. 2. 1834-40. Cyclas Faujasii, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -C. F e r r u s s a c i, Math. Math. Cat. M6th 149, pl. xiv. f. 14, 15. 1852. Is Corbicula F e r r u s s a c i, Prime. 62. C. fl a v a, Prime. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab.? 63. C. Flo rid a n a, Conrad. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 3, 23, pl. i. f. 1. 1846. Hab. Florida. — C. fluminalis, Bgt. Cat. Sauley 79. 1853. Is Corbicula flum in a I i s, Adams. -C. fluminea, Lam. Lam. v. 553. 1818. Is Corbiculafluminea. Adams. — C. fluviatilis, Phil. Abb. 3, 77, pl. i. f. 5. 1846. Is Corbicula Manillensis, Prime. 64. C. F o n t a i n e i i, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 8, 70. 1851. Cyclas Fontaineii, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 569, pl. 83, f. 14, 15. 1844. Hab. S. America. -C. F o r be s ii, Desh. Inv. Par. 510, pl. 37, f. 24-27. 1857. Is Corbicula F o r b e s i i, Deshayes. 65. C. f o r t i s, Prime. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab. Equador. 66. C. f o s s u l a t a, Cornuel. Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. iv. 286, pl. 15, f. 1, a-d, 1840. Cyclasfossulata, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 60. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 67. C. f r a g i 1 i s, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab.? -C. fuscata, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Is Corbiculafluminalis, Adams. 68. C. G a l a t h e a, Rhdt. Morch's Kierulf 32, pl 2. 1850. Cyrena Zeylanica var. major, Mous. Java 89, pl. 13. 1849. Hab. Nicobar Islands. 69. C. Gallicana, Pr. Cyrena compta, Desh. (preoc.) Invt. Par. 491, pl. 35, f. 1-3, pl. 36, f. 19, 20. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. G a u d i c h a u d i, Val. (err.) Mag. Zool. pl. 119, f. 2. 1838. Is VeloritaCyprinoides, Gray. -C. G a u r i t z i a n a, Kr. In litt. 1848. Is Corbicula A f r i c a n a, Adams. 70. C. Gemmell a r i, Phil. Sicil. 1, 39, pl. iv. f.'3. 1836. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 71. C. G e s l i n i, Desh. Encycl. 2, 52. 1830. Cyclas Geslini, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 72. C. g i b b o s a, DuKr. Wald. 157. 1834. Hab. - Germany, (fossil.) 16 73. C. gl o b o s a, Math. Cat. Meth. 148, pl. xiv. f. 12, 13. 1842. Cyclas globosa, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Hab. France, (fossil.) — C. glo bul u s, Jonas. MSS. Is Corbicula c u ne at a, Adams. -C. G ravesii, Desh. Coq. foss. Par. 2, 810. 1824. Is Corbicula G r a v e s i i, Desh. -C. G r a v i, Desh. Coq. foss. Par. 1, 120, pl. 19, f. 3, 4. Is Corbicula Gravesii, Desh. 74. C. H e b e r t i i, Desh. Invt. Par. 516, pl. 36, f. 4-6. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 75. C. h e t e r o d o n t a, Desh. Invt. Par. 518, pl. 34, f. 13-15. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 76. C. H e y s i i, Dkr. Wald. 147. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) — C. i m p r e s s a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 18. 1854. Is Cyrena e x c i n i a, Dlkr. 77. C. i n c e r t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 19. 1854. Hab.? 77a C. i n c o m p t a, Desh. Invt. Par. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 78. C. i n f 1 a t a, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 71. 1851. Hab. S. America. -C. i n f 1 a t a, Desh. (preoc.) Proc. Zool. xxii. 23. 1854. Is Cyrena P a n amensis, Pr. 79. C. i n q u i n a t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 15. 1854. Hab. China. 80. C. i n s i g n i s, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 20. 1854. Hab. California. 81. C. i n t e r m e d i a, Desh. Mellev. Terr. Tert. Par. 35, pi. 2, f. 5, 6. 1843. Cyclas intermedia, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. i n t e r m e d i a, Meek & Hayden. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 8, 116. 1856. Is Cyrena N eb ra s c ensi s, M. & H. 82. C. isocardia, Dkr. Wild. 151. 1854. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 83. C. isocardioides, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 22. 1854. Hab. S. America. 84. C. J a m e s o n i i, Forbes. Geol. Il. vii. 111, pl. v. f. 7, 8. 1851. Hab. England, (fossil.) -iC. J a y e n s i s, Lea. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. 108, pl. 17, f. 52. 1832. Is Batissa J a y e n s i s, Adams. 85. C. J u k e s i i, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 19. 1854. Hab. Australia. -C. K e r a u d r e n i i, Lesson. Voy. Coq. 2, 429, pl. xi. f. 3. 1829. Is Batissa K e r a u d r e n i i. 86. C. K o c h ii, Dkr. Wald. 159. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. 1 e v i g a t a, Gldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 224, pl. 149, f. 1, a, b. 1834-40. Is Cyrena F a u j a s i i, Desh. 87. C. leMvis, Pr. Hab. Borneo. 17 88. C. L a m b e r t i, Desh. Invt. Par. 495, pl. 38, f. 9, 10. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) — C. L a r gil i e r t i, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 163. 1844. Is Corbicula L argillierti, Pr. 89. C. lato-ovata, Roemer. Oolit. i. 116, pl. 9, f. 4. 1835. Venulites simillimus, Schl. Petr. 200. 1820. Venulites douacilialis, Schl.. In Collect. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 90. C. I a u t a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 15, 1854. Hab.? 91. C. 1 e n t i f o r m i s, Roemer. Oolit. 2, 41, pl. 19, f. 9. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. 1 i m o s a, Gray. Ann. Phy. n. ser. ix. 137. 1835. Is Corbicula Iim o s a, Pr. 92. C. l u n u l a t a, Desh. Invt. Par. 495, pl. 34, f. 16-19. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 93. C. M a c C ullo c h i i, Forbes. Geol. II. vii. 112, pl. v. f. 10, a, b. 1851. Hab. England, (fossil.) 94. C. mactroeformis, Pr. Cyrena mactroides, Desh. (preoc.) Proc. Zool. xxii. 17. 1554. Hab.? 95. C. mac tr oid e s, Roemer. Oolit. i. 116, pl. ix. f. 2. 1835. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. m a c t r oi d e s, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 17. 1854. Is Cyrena m actraeformis, Pr. 96. C. m aj o r, Morris. Cat. Brit. Foss. 200. 1854 Cyclas major, Sowb. Trans. Geol. 2d ser. iv. 176, 346, pl. xxi. f. 13. 18:3;. Hab. England, (fossil.) 97. C. m aj u s c u 1 a, Roemer. Oolit. i. 117, pl. ix. f. 1-3. 1835. Cyclas majuscul2, Glf. Petr. Germ. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 6, a-c. 1834-40. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -C. M a n i 11 e n s i s, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 163. 1844. Is Corbicula M a n i 1lensis, Pr. 98. C. Mantelli, Dkr. Weald, 42, pl. 13, f. 2. 1846. Qyrena elongata, Roemer. Oolit i. 117, pl. ix. f. 11. 1835. Cyclas angulata, Sowb. Trans. Geol. 2d ser. iv. 176, 346, pl. xxi. f. 12. 1836. Cyclas carinata, Glf. Petr. Germ. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 9, a-c. 1834-'40. Cyrena angulata, Morris. Brit. Foss. 199. 1854. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 99. C. m ar i t i m a, C. B. Adams. Ann. N. Y. Lye. v. 499. 1852. Hab. Panama. -C. m e d i a, Fitton. Ann. Phy. n. ser. viii. 376. 1824. Is Corbicula m edi a, Pr. 100. C. membranace a, Fitton. Ann. Phy. n. ser. 8, 176. 1824. Cyclas membranacea, Sowb. Min. Conch. vi. 52, pl. 527, f. 3. 1829. Cyrena membranacea, Sowb. Morris. Brit. Foss. 200. 1854. Hab. England, (fossil.) 101. C. M e n k e i i, Dlr. D. et M. Paleont. 1, 40, pl. vi. f. 23-25. 1846. Venus Menkeii, Dkr. In litt. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 18 o2. C. M e x i c a n a, Sowb. Zool. I1. (Sowb. et Brod.) 364. 1829. Cyrena altilis, Gld. Bost. I1. vi. 400, pl. xvi. f. 5. 1852. Hab. N. America. 103. C. m inu ta, Desh. Invt. Par. 507, pl. 35, f. 10-12. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) —. mixta, Desh. Invt. Par. 1857. Is Corbicula mixta, Desh. -C. M o q u i n i a n u s, Bgt. (err.) Il. Conch. iv. 1853. Is Ancylus M oquinianus, Bgt. 1o4. C. Moreauensis, Meek & Hayden. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii. 115. 1856. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) -105. C. multidentata, Auton. Conch. 13. 1839. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -C. Murchisonii, Dkr. Weald. 30, pl. x. f. 2-5. 1846. Is Cyrena rotunda, Dkr. 106. C. Nebrascensis, M.& H. Cyrena intermedia, Meek & Hayden, (preoc.) Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii. 116. 1856. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) -C. nitens, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 163. 1844. Is Corbicula nitens, Adams. 107. C. u i t i d a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 23. 1854. fHab.? 108. C. n it i d u 1 a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 23. 1854. flab.? 109. C. n o b ilis, Desh. Invt. Par. 490, pl. 36, f. 14, 15. 1857. lab. France, (fossil.) 110. C. notabilis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 21. 1854. Hab. Peru. 111. C. nuculaeformis, REemer. Oolit. 1, 118, pl. ix. f. 13. 1835. HIab. Germany, (fossil.) — C. ob esa, Hinds. Ann. Mag. n. h. n. ser. x. 81. 1842. Is Batissa ob e s a, Adams. 112. C. o b Ii q u a, Desh. Dict. Class. h. n. v. 290. 1824. Hab. France, (fossil.) 113. C. o b 1 o n g a, Quoy. Voy. Astrol. 3, 517, pl. 82, f. 6-8. 1834. Hab. Vanikoro. -C. obovata, Desh. Encycl. 2, 52. 1830. Is Corbiculaobovata, Desh. 114. C. obscura, Pr. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab. S. America. 115. C. o b tu s a, Rcemer. Oolit. 1, 115, pl. ix. f. 76. 1835. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. obtusa, Forbes. Rec. Scie. 2, pl. 3, f. 4. Is CyrenaAnglicana, Pr. 116. C. occidentalis, Meek & Hayden. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii. 118. 1856. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 117. C. olivaces, Carp. Inlitt. lHab. N. America. 19 118. C. o r b i c u l a r i s, Roemer. Oolit. 1, 115, pl. ix. f. 8. 1835. Cyclas orbicularis, G]f. Petr. Germ. 2, 231, pl. 147. f. 5. 1834-40. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. orbicularis, Desh. Mellev. Terr. Tert. 35, pl. 2, f. 3, 4. 1843. is Corbicula o r b icul 1 a r i s, Prime. -C. orientalis, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Is Corbicula orientalis, Adams. -C. ovalin a, Desh. Invt. Par. 505. pl. 36, f. 16-18. 1867. Is Corbicula p a r v a, Prime. 119. C. ovalis, Dkr. Wald. 158. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 120. C. oviformis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 16. 1854. Hab. Philippines. 121. C. p a li d a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 17. 1854. Hab.? 122. C. Panamensis, Pr. Cyrena infiata, Desh. (preoc.) Proc. Zool. xxii. 23. 1854. Hab. Panama. — C. Panormitana, Bivon. Is Corbicula Panormitana, Adams. 123. C. P a p u a, Lesson. Mag. Zool. pl. xi. 1832. Hab. Waigou. — C. Par a n a c en s i s, d'Orb. Mag. Zool. 44. 1835. Is Corbicula Paranacensis, Adams. 124. C. parva, Morris. Brit. Foss. 200. 1854. Cyclasparva, Sowb. Geol. Trans. 2d ser. iv. 345, pl. 21, f. 7. 1836. Hab. England, (fossil.) 125. C. Panormitana, Roemer. Oolit. 1, 115, pl. ix. f. 9. 1835. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 126. C. p a r v u 1 a, Desh. Invt. Par. 509, pl. 37, f. 6-8. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. Peruvian a, Desh. Is Cyrena anomal a, Desb. — C. Petitian us, Bgt. I1. Conch. iv. 1853. Is Ancylus Petitianus, Bgt. 127. C. P h i 1 i p p i n a r u m, Hanley. Proc. Zool. xii. 159. 1844. Wood's Suppl. Cat. pl. xiv. f. 60. Hab. Philippines. -C. pisum, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 117, pl. 19, f. 10-13. 1824. Is Corbicula p i s u m, Desh. 128. C. p 1 a c e n s, Hanley. Proc: Zool. xii. 160. 1844. Wood's Suppl. Cat. pl. xiv. f. 52. Hab. N. America. 129. C. placida, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 19. 1854. Hab.? 130. C. planulata, Desh. Invt. Par. 501, pl. 35, f. 16-18. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) — C. polita, Glf. Petr. Germ. 2, 224, pl. 149, f. 2. 1834-40. Is Cyrena Faujasi i, Desh. 131. C. ponderosa, Pr. Ac.N. S. Phil. Proc. 1860. Hab. Philippines. 132. C. prona, Dkr. Wald. 166. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 20 133. C. Proserpina, Pr. Venus Proserpina, Brongt. Mem. Viceut. 81, pl. v. f. 7. 1823. Cyclas Proserpina, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 134. C. p s m a c o 1 a, Desh. Invt. Par. 505, pl. 35, f. 4-6. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. pulch ella, Mous. Moll. Java, 88, pl. xv. f. 4. 1849. Is Corbicula pulchella, Adams. 135. C. p ul chr a, Morris. Brit. Foss. 86. 1843. Cyclaspulcker, Sowb. Min. Conch. vi. 51, pl. 527. f. 1. 1829. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. pulchra, Wright. Ann. n. h. Is Cyrena Wri gh ti i, Forbes. — C. pullata, Phil. Abb. 2, 110. 1849. Is Corbicula pullata? Adams. -C. p u r p u r e a, Lea. Amer. I1. xlii. 106, pl. 1, f. 1. 1842. Is Venus g emma, Totten. -C. pusilla, Parr. Phil. Abb. 2, 78, pl. 1. f. 7. 1846. Is Corbicula p - silla, Adams. 136. C. radiata, Hanley. Proc. Zool. xii. 159. 1844. Cyrena solida, Phil. Abb. 5, 78, pl. 1, f. 9. 1846. Hab. Central America. — C. radiata, Parr. Phil. Abb. 2, 78, pl. 1, f. 8. 1846. Is Corbicula radiata, Adams. -C. Raymondi, Bgt. (err.) I1. Conch. iv. 1853. Is Ancylus Ra vmondi, Bgt. 137. C. Recluzi, Prime. Cyrena cordiformis, Recluz. II. Conch. iv. 251, pl. vii. f. 9. 1853. Hab.? -C. recurvata, Val. Mag. Zool. pl. 117, f. 2. 1838. Is Velorita Cvprinoides, Gray. 138. C. r egu 1 a ta, Gassies. II. Conch. vii. 372. 1858. Hab. N. California. 139. C. R i gaultii, Desh. Invt. Par. 494, pl. 36, f. 12., 13. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. rivalis, v. d. Busch. Phil. Abb. 3, 110, pl. 3, f. 5. 1849. Is Corbicula r i val is, Adams. 140. C. rob orata, Desh. Invt. Par. 499, pl. 38, f. 15, 16. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. Roemerii, Dkr. Waild. 41. 1834. Is Cyrena trigona, Roemer. 141. C. rotunda, Dkr. Wald. 145. 1834. Cyrena Murchisoni, Dkr. Weald. 30, pl. x. f. 25. 1846. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. rotundata, Lea. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. pl. 17, f. 51, 17i.. 1832. Is Batissa rotundata, Adams. — C. Rouyana, Bgt. Sph. Fr. 51. 1854. Is Corbicula R o u yana. Prime. 142. C. Saincenyensis, Desh. Invt. Par. 496. pl. 38, f. 7, 8. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil) 43. C. salmacida, Morelet. Test. Cub. pt. 2d, 26. 1851. Hab. Central America. -C. semistriata, Desh. Encycl. 2, 52. 1830. Is Corbicula se ri - striata, Desh. -C. s i m i li s, Gray. Griff. Cuv. pl. 20, f. 2. 1834. Is Corbicula W o di a n a, Adams. 21 144. C. similis, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 16. 1854. Hab. Mlanilla. 145. C. s in gu a r i s, Desh. Invt. Par. 508, pl. 35, f. 13-15. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 146. C. s i n u o s a, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 18. 1854. Cyrena Zeilanica, Mouss. Java, 89, pl. xii. 1849. Hab. Java. 147. C. Sirena, Pr.?lactra Sirena, Brongt. Mem. Vicent. 81, pl. v. f. 10. 1823. Cyrena Brongniartii, Bast. Mem. S. N. Par. 2, 84. 1825. C. Sowerbyi, Bast. Loc. sub. cit. 2, 84, pl. vi. f. 6. 1825. Cyclas Sirena, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 320. 1850. C. Brongniartii, d'Orb. Loc. sub. cit. 3, 109. 1852. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. s piss a, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, p. 9, pl. 18, f. 14, 15. 1824. ]. Corbicula c r a s s a, Desh. 148. C. s o Ii d a, Dkr. Wald. 145. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. solida, Phil. Abb. 2, 78, pl. 1, f. 9. 1846. Is Cyrena ra di at Hanley. 149. C. s o r d i d a, Hanley. Proc. Zool. xii. 1844. Wood's Suppl. pl. xiv.. f. 51. Ilab. N. America. 150. C. s triata, GAileoti. Index Paleont, 1, 391. 1848-9. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 151. C. stri atula, MIunster. Glf. Petr. Germ. 2, 225, pl. 149, f. 3. 1 8';4 -40. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 152. C. subangulata, Les. Grat. Moll. Fr. 52. 1855. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. sub arata, Br. Leth. Geog. 2, 958, pl. 38, f. 2. 1835-8. Is (Corhicula semistriata, Desh. 153. C. subcordata, Dkr. Wald. 154. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 154. C. sub aevis, Rcemer. Oolit. 1, 116, pl. xi. f. 5. 1835. Cyclas subleevis, Glf. Petr. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 7. 1834-40. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 155. C. sublobata. Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 18. 1854. Hab.? 156. C. sub orb icularis, v. d. Busch. Phil. Abb. 3,77, pl. 2, f. 1. 184h. Hal. Manilla. -C. sub orbicularis, Desh. Invt. Par. 497, pl. 38, f. 11, 12. 1.857 Is Corbicula orbicularis, Pr. 157. C. sub qu a dr a ta, Morris. Brit. Foss. 200. 1854. Cyclas subquadrata, Sowb. Geol. Trans. 2d ser. iv. 177. 345, pl. xxi. f. 1836. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. subquadrata, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 21. 1854. Is (tyr'~'a'. Californiensis, Pr. -C. subradiata, Kurr. Is Corbicula subradiata, Pr. 158. C. sulcata, Hoenighaus. Ihrb. 456. 1850. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 22 159. C. Su mat rae n s is, Sowb. Gen. of Shells, 1. Phil. Abb. 3, 109, pl. 3, f. 4. 1849. Hab. Sumatra. -C. tellinella, Fer. Hist. Moll. f. 1. Is Corbicula tellinella, Pr. -C. t e 11 i n o i d e a, Bouillet. Cat. Cuv. 156. 1836. Is Corbicula telli n oi dea, Pr. 160. C. t e lli n o i d e s, Defr. Cuv. Foss. 2, 263. 1821-3. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -C. tenebrosa, Hinds. Ann. n. h. n. ser. x. 21. 1842. Is Batissa tenebrosa, Adams. 161. C. tenuis, Dkr. Wiald. 158. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 162. C. tetragona, Desh. Invt. Par. 502, pl. 34, f. 20-22. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 163. C. t r a nsversa, Forbes. Rec. Scie. 2, pl. 3, f. 6. Hab. England, (fossil.) 164. C. triangula, v. d. Busch. Phil. Abb. 3, 78, pl. 2. f. 3. 1849. Cyrena triangularis, Metcalf. Proc. Zool. 19, 74. 1851. Hab. Borneo. -C. triangularis, Metcalf. Proc. Zool. xix. 74. 1851. is Cyrena triangula, v. d. Busch. -C. trig on a, Desh. Coq. Foss. Par. 1, 118. pl. 19, f. 16, 17. 1824. Is Corbicula triangula, Pr. 165. C. t r i go n a, Roemer. Oolit. 1, 116, pl. ix. f, 7. 1835. Cyclas trigona, Glf. Petr. 2, 233, pl. 147, f. 11. 1836-40. Cyrena Roemeiri, Dkr. Wiild. 41. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. trigonella, Lam. Lam. v. 552. 1818. Is Corbicula trigonella, Pr. — C. trigonula, Wood. Ann. Mag. n. h. vii. 275, f. 45. 1841. Is Corbicula D u c h a s t e I1 i, Syst. -C. tr u n cat a, Lam. Lam. v. 553. 1818. Is Corbicula t r unca ta, Pr. 166. C, t u m ida, Pr. Cqrena angulata, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 22. 1854. Hab.? 167. C. t u r g i d a, Lea. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. 109, pl. 18, f. 53. 1832. Hab.? 168. C. u m b o n at a, Auton. Conch. 13. 1839. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) 169. C. unionides, Dkr. Wiild. 150. 1834. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 170. C. unioniformis, Desh. Invt. Par. 503, pl. 38, f. 5, 6. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) 171. C. Vanikorensis, Quoy. Voy, Astrol. 3, 515, pl. 82, f. 4, 5. 1834. IHab. Vanikoro. -C. Vapincana, Bgt. Sph. Fr. 51. 1854. Is Corbicula Vapinc an a, Prime. -C. variegata, d'Orb. Mag. Zool. 44. 1835. Is Corbicula va riegata, Adams. -C. veneriformis, Desh. Invt. Par. 499, pl. 38, f. 1, 1. 1857. Is Corbicula v e n e r if o rm i s, Desh. 23 172. C. v entricos a, Desh. Proc. Zool, xxii, 16. 1854. Hab. Philippines. 173, C. venulina, Dkr. Wild. 155, 1834. Hab, Germany, (fossil.) -C, violacea, Lam, Lam, v. 553. 1818. Is Batissa violacea, Adams. -C. Woo diana, Lea. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. 110, pl. 18, f. 55. 1832, Is Corbicula W o o d i a n a, Adams. 174. C. Wrightii, Forbes. Rec. Sci. 2, pl. iv. f. 4. Cyrenapulchra, Wright, Ann. n. h. Hab. England, (fossil.) 175. C. Zeylanica, Lam. Lam. v. 1818. Delessert, pl. vii. 1841. Venus C'eylonica, Chemn. vi. 333, pl. 32, f, 336. 1769. V. coaxans, Gml. 3278, f. 336. 1788. Cyclas Zeylanica, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii, 420. 1806. Hab. Ceylon. 176. C, Zimmermannii, Dkr. Wald, 151, 1834, Hab. Germany, (fossil.) SPHMARIUM, Scopoli. 1. Sph. a c u m i n at u m, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. acuminata, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 155. 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 283. 1852. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 466. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7. 1853. Cycl. albula, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 155. 1851. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 466. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7. 1853. C(ycl. inornata, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 159. 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 284. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. Cycl. simplex, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 159. 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 284. 1852. Sph. albulum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Sph. inornatum, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450. 1858. Sph. simplex, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. a c ut a, Pf. Moll. Germ. 230. 1821. Is Pisid. H e nslo wianu m, Jen. -Cycl. (Physemoda) ae qua i s, Rafin. Bory St. Vt. An. gen. sci. phy. v. 319. 1820. Is Pisid. Virginicum, Bgt. -Cycl. e quata, Sheph. Mss. 1840. Is Sph. rivic ola, Lam. -Cycl. alata, Leach. Moll. Gt. Brit. 291. 1852. Is Sph. corneu m, Scop. -Sph. albulum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. IsSph. acuminaturn, Pr. -Cycl. al p i n a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Is Cyrena a a p i n a, 13gt. — Cycl. al t i i s, Auth. C. B. Adams, Cat. 29. 1847. Is Pisid. c o m p r e ssum, Pr. S. Sph. a 1 t u m, Dumt. & Mort. Cyclas alta, D. & M. Moll. Savy. 1852. HIab. Italy, (fossil.) -Cyci. an mica, Turt. Conch. 250, pl. 2, f. i5. 1822. Is Pisidium anm i c u m, Jen. -Cycl. angulata, Sowb. Geol. Trans. 2d ser. iv. 176, 346, pl. xxi. f. 12. 1836. Is Cyrena Ma nt e lli, Dkr. -Cycl. an g u st ide n s, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Cyrena a n g u st i d en s, Desh. -Cycl. a nti qua, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is3 Cyrena an ti q u a, Fer..-Cycl. appendiculat a, Turt. Man. 15, pl. 1, f. 6. 1831. Is Pisidium e n s lowiann u m, Jen. 24 3. Sph. Aquae S exti r, Sowb. Bgt. Sph. 45. 1854. Cycl. aquce-Sextie, Sowb. Edin. New Phil. I1. vii, 296. 1829. Cycl. Gargasensis, Math. Cat. Meth. 147, pl. xiv. f. 6. 1842. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. A q u e n s i s, Math. Cat. Meth. 148, pl. xiv. f. 8-9. 1842. Is Sph. gibbosum, Sowb. 4. Sph. a r g e n t i n u m, d'Orb. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. argentina, d'Orb. Mag. Zool. 1835. d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 568. pl. 83, f. 5, 7. 1844. Hab. S. Amer. 5. Sph. aureum, Pr. Ads rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. aurea, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 159, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 288. 1852. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7. 1853. Hab. N. Amer, Cycl. Australis, Lam. Lam. v. 560. 1818. Is Corbicula Austr a - 1 is, Desh. 6. Sph. Bahiense, Spix. Cycl. Bahiensis, Spix. Test. Braz. 32, pl, xxv. f. 5, 6. 1827. Moricand mem. coq. terr. flnuv. Br. 31, Bgt, Amen. 1, p, 7, 53. 1853. C. maculata, Anton. Wiegm. Archiv. 284. 1837. Anton. Verz. 14. 1839. Mlusculium Bahiense, Spix. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 451. 1858..1I. maculatum, Anton. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 451, 1858. Pisum Bahiense, Spix. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. P. maculatum, Anton, Loc. sup. cit. ii. 560, 1858. Hab. S. Amer. 7, Sph, Boissyii, Desh. Inv. Paris, 521, pl. 34, f. 37, 39, 1857. Hab, France, (fossil.) -Cycl. b o realis, Lam. Ann, Mus. vii. 421. 1806, Is a Venus. 8, Sph. B ris tov i, Forbes. Cycl. Bristovi, Forbes, Rec. Scie. 2, pl. 2, f. 3. Mlorris, Cat. Brit. Fos. 1.98 1854. Hab, England, (fossil.) 9. Sph. Brochonianum, Bgt. Sph. 20, pl. 3, f. 1, 5. 1854. Cycl. Corsa, Charp. Miss. Hab. France. 10. Sph. Brongniarti, Koch etDkr. Cycl. Brongniarti, K. et D. Oolit. 59, pl. vii. f. 4, a, b. 1837. Hab. Europe, (fossil.) -Cycl. B r o n g n i a r t i, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Is Cyrena S i r e n a Pr. -Cycl, Brongniartina, Math. Cat. MWth. 145, pl. xiv. f. 2. 1842. 1T Pisid. cuneatum, Petit. 11. Sph. Buchi, Dkr. Cycl. Buchi, Dkr. Wald. 167. 1834. Hab. Germ. (fossil.) 12. Spb. bulbosum, Anth. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. bulbosa, Anth. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 283. 1852. Hab. N. Amer. -Sph. c ce r ul e u m, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii., 450. 1858. Is Sph. p a r t - mei um, Say. -Cycl. calyculata, Drap. Hist. Moll. 130, pl. x. f. 13, 14. 1805. ls Sph. lacustre, Fer. 25 13. Sph. capense, Krauss. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. capensis, Kr. Moll. S. Afr. 7, pl. 1, f. 6. 1848. Hab. Africa. 14. Sph. card iss um, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. cardissa, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 160. 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 277. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7. 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122. 1855. l/ab. N. Amer. -Cycl. carinata, Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 9, a, c. 1831440. Is Cyrena Mantelli, Dlkr. -Cycl. Caroliniana, Bosc. Hist. Coq. 3, 37, pl. 18, f. 4. 1802. Is Cyrena Caroliniensis, Lam. -Cycl. Caroliniensis, Bosc. Fer. Cat. MIeth. 84. 1807. Is Cyren'a Caroliniensis, Lam. -Sph. castaneum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. fabalis, Pr. 15. Sph. castrense, Noulet. Coq. fos. etc., 16. 1857. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. C h i 1 ens is, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. Sept. 568, pl. 83, f. 11, 13. 1844. Is Corbicula Chilensis, Pr. -Cycl. C h in e n s i s, Lam. Amer. 5Mus. vii. 421. 1806. Is Corbiculo, fluminea, Adams. -Cycl. cinerea, Hanl. Rec. spec. 1, 91. 1843. Is Pisid. case r t anum, Bgt. -Cycl. citrina, Brown. Conch. GCt. Brit. 132, pl. 39, f. 37. 1849. Is Sph. corneum, Scop. -Sph. citrin u m, Normd. Cycl. Dept. Nord. 1. 1854. Is Sph. S c al - dianum, Norm. 16. Sph. clandestinum, da Costa? Cycl. clandestina, da Costa. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 32. 1850. (Undescribed.) Hab. S. Amer. 17. Sph. concentricum, Bronn. Cycl. concentrica, Br. Ital. tert. gebild. 96. 1831. Hab. Italy, (fossil.) 18. Sph. concinnum, Sowb. Bgt. Sph. 43. 1854. C'yc. concinna, Sowb. Edin. N. Phil. I1. vii. 297. 1829. C. Galloprovincialis, Math. Cat. Meth. 146, pl. xiv. f. 34. 1842. Hab. France, 1fossil.) -Sph. consobrinum, Fer. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. ovale, Fer. -Cycl. c o n s o b r i n a, Cail. Reeve, Conch. Nomencl. 29, 1845. Is Corbicula orientalis, Adams. -Sph. c onstrictum, Anth. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. transversum, Say. 19. Sph. Coquandianum, Math. Bgt. Sph. 46. 1854. Cycl. Coquandiana, Math. Cat. Me6th. 147, pl. xiv. f. 7. 1842. IHab. France, (fossil.) 20. Sph. corn eu m, Scop. Intr. ad Hist. Nat. 397. 1777. Clama cinerea, d'Arg. Conch. 2d pt. 368, 374, pl. 31. 1742. Tellina cornea, Linn. Syst. Nat. (10th ed.) 1, 678. 1758. T. rivalis, Mill. Hist. Verm. 2, 202. 1774. Cycl. cornea, (pars.) Drap. tabl. Moll. 105, No. 1, var. b. 1801. Cardium corneum, Mont. Test. Brit. 86. 1803. C. amnicum, Pult. Cat. 31. 1803. Cycl. vivalis, Drap. Hist. Moll. 129, pl. x. f. 45. 1805. 26 Tellina communis, Megerle. Berl. Mag. 1811. Cycl. nucleus, Stud. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sci. Nat. 1, p. 25, pl. 2, f. 23. 1837. C. lutea, Ziegler. Anton. Verg. 14. 1839. C. staynicola, Leach. Mss. Brit. Mus. 1840. C. Leachii, Ziegler. Villa. Cat. 44. 1841. C. tumida, Ziegler. Loc. Sup. Cit. 44. 1841. C. globosa, Megerle. Loc. Sup. Cit. 44. 1841. C. plumbeus,?. Loc. Sup. Cit. 44. 1841. C. fiavescens, McGillvi. Moll. Scot. 208, 246. 1844. I'isidium cornea, Verany. Cat. Jur. 13. 1846. C?/cladites corneus, Kriig. Urwelt. 2, 469. Bronn. Paleont. 1, 372. 1848. CQcl. citrina, Brown. Conch. Grt. Brit. 132. pl. 39, f. 37. 1849. C. isocardioides, Norm. Dup. Moll. 668. 1852. C. alata, Leach. Moll. Gt. Brit. 291. 1852. C. fossarum, Krvn. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. 11ab. Europe. -Cycl. Corsa, Charp. Mss. Is Sph. Brochonianum, Bgt. -Cycl. c r a s sa, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 422. 1850. Is Cyrena crassa Desh; 21. Sph. C replini, Dukr. Norm. Cycl. 3. 1854. Cycl. Creplini, Dukr. Zeit. Malak. 20. 1845. XIuscul, (do.) Dkr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 451. 1858. Pisum, (do.) Dkr. Loc. Sup. Cit. ii. 560. 1858. Hab. Europe. -Cycl. cro c e a, Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 25. 1854. Is Sph. s ecuris, Pr. -Cycl. c u n e ata, Sowb. Edin. n. Phil. I1. vii. 297. 1829. Is Pisid. cuneatum, Petit. -Cycl. c u n e i fo rm i s, Sowb. Min. Conch. 2, 140, pl. 162, f. 2, 3. 1818. Is Cyrena cuneiformis, Fer. -Cycl. cycladiformis, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Is Cyrena cycladiformis, Desh. -Cycl. cyraenopsis, Val. Encycl. pl. 301, f. 3. Is?. 22. Sph. D d i n g o Ii, Bivona. Ann. N. Y. Lye. vii. 97. 1859. Cycl. D ingoli, Bivon. Coq. Palerm. 3. 1839. Pisid. Ddingoli, Bivon. Villa. Cat. 44. 1841. Hab. Sicily. -Cycl. D e n a invilliersi, Boissy. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2d ser. iv. 178. 1846. IsPisid. Denainvilliersi, Desh. -Cycl. d e n s ata, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Is Cyrena d e n s ata, Conrad. 23. Sph. d e n t a t u m, Hald. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. dentata, Hald. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 1, 100. 1841. Pr. Bost Proc. iv. 250. 1852. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. d e p e r d it a, Lam. An. Mus. vii. 421. 1806. Is Corbicula d e - perdita, Desh. -Cycl. d e p r e s s a, Nyst. Coq. fos. Any. 36, pl. v. f. 5, 6. Is Erycina d e press a, Nyst. -Sph. Deshayesianum, Bgt. Amen. i. p. 6. 1853. Is Sph. ovale, Fer. -Sph. detruncatum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. transversum, Say. -Cycl. diaphana, Pr. Bost. II. vi. 367. 1852. IsSph. m a c ulatum. Morlt. 27 -Sph. distortum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. solidulum, Pr. -Sph. dubium, Say. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Pisid. V i r g inicum, Bgt. -Cycl. d u bios a, Say. Reeve's Conch. Nomen. 29. 1845. Is Pisid. Vi r - ginicum, Bgt. -Cycl. duplicata, Pf. Moll. Germ. 230. 1821. Is Pisid. duplicatum, Pf. -Cycl. D u p o n t i a, Fer. Cat. 20. 1837. Is Cyrenella D u p o n t i a, Joan. 24. Sph. e burn eu m, Anth. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. eburnea, Anth. in Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 279. 1852. Hab. N. Amer. — Cycl. edentula, Say. New Harm. Dissem. 2, 356. 1829. Is Sph. striatinum, Lam. 25. Sph. egregiu m, Gould. (non Say.) Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. egregia, G1. Bost. Proc. 3, 292. 1850. Hab. Oceanica. -Sph. el e gan s, C. B., Ads. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1868. Is Sph. rhonoboideum, Say. 26. Sph. elevatum, Hald. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1853. Cycl. elevata, Hald. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. i. 53. 1841. DeKay, 224. 1842. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 280. 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8. 1853. Cycl. pallida, Charp. Mss. 1851. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. e l o n g a t a, Sowb. Gosl. trans. n. ser. iv. 345, pl. 21, f. 9. 1836. Is Cyrena elongata, Dkr. 27. Sph. emarginatum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. emarginata, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 156. 1851. loc. sup. cit. iv. 283. 1852. Jay. Cat. iv. ed. 466. 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8. 1853. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. e r e be a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 223. 1850. Is Cyrena e r e be a, Pr. — Cycl. Euphratica, Lamk. An. Mus. vii. 420. 1806. Encycl. pl. 302, f. 2, pl. 302, f. 2. Is Corbicula flu m i n a is, Adams. 28. Sph. f aba, Miinster. Cycl. faba, Miinst. Goldf. Petr. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 8, a, c. 1834-40. Hab. Germ. (fossil.) 29. Sph. f abali s, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. fabalis, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 159. 1851. Jay. Cat. iv. ed. 465. 1852. Bost. Proc. iv. 273. 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8. 1853. Cycl. castanea, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 160. 1851. loc. sup. cit. iv. 273. 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8. 1853. Cysl. salculosa, Charp. MSS. 1851. Sph. castaneum, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. fasciata, Gldf. Petr. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 10, a, b. 1834-40. Is Cyrena f as ci at a, Rcemer. -Cycl. Faujasii, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Is Cyrena Faujasii, Desh. 30. Sph. ferrugineum, Kr. Cycl. ferruginea, Kr. Moll. S. Afr. 7, pl. i. f. 7. 1848. Pisidparasiticum, Parr. MSS. Musculium parasiticum, Ads. rec. gen. ii. 452. 1858. " ferrugineum, Kr. loc. sup. cit. ii. 451. 1858. Pisum parasiticurn, Parr. loc. sup. cit. ii. 500. 1858. 28 2Masculium ferrugineum, Kr. loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. Hab. Africa. -Cycl. Ferrus aci, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Is Cyrena F errusaci, Math. -Cycl. flavescens, McGil. Moll. Scot. 208, 246. 1844. Is Sph. corneum, Scop. 31. Sph. fl a v u m, Pr. Ads. rec. gen. ii. 450. 1858. C.qcl. flava, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 155. 1851. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465. 1852. Bost. Proc. iv. 284. 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8. 1853. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. flIVminea, Bose. H. n. coq. 3, 38. 1802. Is Corbicula fluminea, Adams. -Cycl. fluviatilis, Bose. H. n. coq. 3, 38. 1802. Is Corbicula fluminalis, Adams. -Cycl. Fontaineii, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. 569, pl. 83, f. 14, 15. 1844. Is Cyrena Fontaineii, Phil. -Cycl. fontinalis, Drap. Hist. Moll. 130, pl. x. f. 11, 12. 1805. Is Pisid. pus ilu m, Jen. 32. Sph. for m o s u m, Meek & Hayden. Cycl. formosa, M. &. H. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii, 115. 1856. Hab. N. Amer. (fossil.) — Cycl. fossarum, Kryn. Mss. (Bgt. Sph. 25. 1854.) Is Sph. corneu m, Scop. — Cycl. fossulata, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 60. 1850. Is Cyrena fossulata, Cornnel.;33. Sph. fr a g ile, Meek & Hayden. Cycl. fragilis, M. & H. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii. 115. 1856. Hab. N. Amer. (fossil.) 34. Sph. fu s c a t u m, Rafin. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. fuscata, Rafin. Mss. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 281. 1852. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122. 1855. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. Galloprovincialis, Math. Cat. Meth. 146, pl. xiv. f. 34. 1842. Is Sph. c o n c i n n u m, Sowb. 35. Sph. G ar dan ens e, Math. Bgt. Sph. 44. 1854. Cycl. Gardanensis, Math. Math. Cat. Meth. 145, pl. xiv. f. i. 1842. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. Garg as ensis, Math. Cat. Mith. 147. pl. xiv. f. 6. 1842. Is Aquae S e x t i a e, Sowb. — Cycl. G e s 1 i n i, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 109. 1852. Is Cyrena G e s 1 i n i, Desh. -Cycl. g i b b a, Ald. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. 1, pt. 1, p. 41, 1830. Is Psid. obtus ale, Pf. 36. Sph. gibb os u m, Sowb. Bgt. Sph. 45. 1854. Cycl. gibbosa, Sowb. Edin. N. Phil. Il. vii. 297. 1829. Cycl. Aquensis, Math. Cat. Meth. 148, pl. xiv. f. 8, 9. 1842. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Sph. giganteum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 458. 1858. Is Sph. sulcat u m, Lam. -Cycl. globosa, Megerle. Ville; Cat. 44, 1841. Is Sph. corneum, Scop. -Cycl. g l o b o s a, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19, 1852. Is Cyreua g l o b o s a, Math. -Cycl. globus, Dubois. Fos. Wohln. 59, pl. vi. f. 18, 19, 1831. Is Erycina g lo b us, d'Orh. 29 37. Sph. gracile, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. gracilis, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 156. 1851. loc. sup. cit. iv. 274. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. Hab. N. America. — Cycl. G r a v e s i, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Is Cyrena G r a v e s i, Desh. -Cycl. hammalis, Rafin. Bory. It. Vt. Amen. gen. scie. phy. v. 319. 1820. Is Corbicula h a m m a 1 i s, Fer. -Cycl. hermaphrodita,Mart. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1, 402, pl. 1, f. 1, 2. Is Galathea r a d i a t a. -Sph. H e r m i n i i, Wild. In Collect. Cuming. 1859. Is Pisid. c a s e s t a - num, Bgt. 38. Sph. i n c o n s p i c u u m, Pr. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab. Asia Minor. 39. Sph. Indicum, Desh. Proc. Zool. xxii. 342. 1854. Hab. E. Indies. -Sph. inornatum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. acuminatum, Pr. -Cycl. i n termedia, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Cyrena intermedia, Desh. -Cycl. Island i c a, Lam. An. Mus. vii. 420. 1806. Is Cyprina Is lan - d ica. -Cycl. isocardioides, Norm. Drap. Moll. Fr. 668. 1852. Is Sph. corneum, Scop. 40. Sph. Jayanum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. Jayensis, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 157. 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 279. 1852. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. Hab. N. America. 41. Sph. J e a n n o t i, Norm. Cycl. 2. 1854. Hab. France. 42. Sph. Jugleri, Dkr. Cyci. Jugleri, Dkr. Wald. 168. 1834. Hab. Germ. (fossils.) -Cycl. lacustris, Drap. Hist. Moll. 130, pl. x. f. 6, 7. 1805. Is Sph. ovale, Fer. \ 43. Sph. lacustre, Fer. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6. 1853. Tellina lacustris, Muller. Verm. 2, 204. 1774. Cardium lacustre, Mont. Test. Brit. 89. 1803. Cy/cl. calyculata, Drap. Hist. Moll. 130, pl. x. f. 14, 15. 1805. Musculium lacustre, Link. Beschr. Coll. Univ. Rostock, 152. 1807. Cycl. lacustris, Fer. Meth. Conch. 128. 1807. Tellina tuberculata, Alten. Syst. Abh. 4, pl. 1, f. 1. 1812. T. tenera- Schrot. An. Wett. x. 316. 1814. Cycl. tuberculata, Klees. Dissert, Tub. 45. 1818. Tellina stagnicola, Sheph. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. 150. 1823. Cycl. Perezeii, Villa. Mss. 1858. Hab. Europe. — Cycl. 1 a e v i g a t a, Schum. 170, pl. xii. f. 1. 1817. Is Corbicula f u m i - n a l i s, Adams. — Cycl. 1 a e v i g a t a, Desh. Dict. class. Hist. Nat. v. 220. 1824. Is Pisid. laevigatum, Bgt. -Cycl. lasmampsis, Rafin. Bory, St. Vt. An. gen. scie. phy. v. 319, pl. 82, f. 19, 21. 1820. Is Sph. sulcatum, Lam. -Cycl. L e a c h i i, Ziegl. Villa. Cat. 44. 1841. Is Sph. c o r n e u m, Scop. -Cycl. lenticularis, Norm. Cycl. 8. 1844. Is Pisid. casertanum, Bgt. 30 -Cycl. lent i c u 1 a r is, Boissy. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2nd ser. iv. 173. 1846. Is. Sph. Verne u i i, Boissy. -Cycl. limos a, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. (err.) pl. 82, f. 14, 16. 1844. Is Corbicula v a r i e g a t a, Adams. -Cycl. lit t o r a 1 is, Fer. Fer. in collect. Michaud. Is Sph. mac u 1at u m, Morelet. -Cycl. l u t e a, Ziegl. Anton. Verz. 14. 1839. Is Sph. c o r n e u m, Scop. -Cycl. mac u 1 at a, Anton. Wiegm. Archiv. 284. 1837. Is Sph. Bahiense, Spix. 44. Sph. m a c u 1 at u m, Morelet. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. maculata, Mt. Test. nov. etc. pt. 2, 25. 1851. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. Cycl. striatella, Fer. Cat. 20. 1837. Collect. Mus. Paris. Cycl. littoralis, Fer. Fer. in Collect. Michaud.-Beau. Cat. Moll. Guadeloupe, 24. 1858. Pisid diaphanum, Hald. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 1, 53. 1841. Cqycl. diaphana, Pr. Bost. I1. vi. 267. 1852. Pisid. Moquinianum, Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 61, pl. 3, f. 13, 17. 1855. Cycl. Moquiniana, Gas. Pisid. q. 1855. Cycl. Venezuelensis, Pr. Pr. in Collect. Mus. Leiden. 1857. -Cycl. maj or, Sowb. Geol. Trans. n. ser. iv. 176, 346. pl. 21. f. 13. 1836. Is. Cyrena m a j o r, Morris. -Cycl, m a j u s c u 1 a, Gldf. Pr. Gerea. 2, 232. pl. 147, f. 6, a, c. 1834-40. Is Cyrena m a j u s c u 1 a, Roemer. 45. Sph. M a n s i an u m, Noulet. Coq. fos. 16. 1857. Hab.,France, (fossil.) -Cycl. maritima, d'Orb. Cuba, 2, p. 350, pl. 21, f. 47, 50. 1853. Is Cyrena Cubensis, Prime. -Cycl. M athe ro ni, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Pisid c u n e a t u m, Petit. -Cycl. m e d i u s, Sowb. Min. Conch. vi. 51, pl. 527, f. 2, 1829. Is Cyrena m e d i a, Fitton. -Cycl. membranaceus, Sowb. Min. Conch. vi. 51, pl. 527, f. 3. 1829. Is Cyrena m e m b r a n a c e a, Fitton. -Cycl. m i n i m a, Stud. Verz. 93. 1820. Is Pisid. o b t u s a l e, Pf. -Cycl. min o r, C. B. Ads. Bost. Proc. 1, 48. 1841. Is Pisid. ab dit u m, Hald. -Sph. mirabile, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. partumeium, Say. -Sph. modestum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. striatinum, Lam. 46. Sph. modioliform e, Anton. Cycl. modioliformis, Anton. Wiegm. Archiv. 284. 1837. Auton. Verz. 14. 1839. Musculium modioliformis, Anton. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 451. 1858. Fisum modioliforme, Anton. Ads. loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. Hab. S. America. -Cycl. Moquiniana, Gas. Pisid. g, 1855. Is Sph. maculatum, Morelet. -Cycl. N e p e ansi s, Les. Voy. Coq. ii. 4, 28. pl. 13, f. 14, 1830. Ads. Is Corbicula N e p e a n s i s, Adams. -Sph. nitidu m, C. B. Ads. & Mighl. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Pisid. A d am si, Pr. -Cycl. nitida, Hanley. Rec. spec. etc. 1. go. pl. 14. f. 46. 1843. Is Pisid n it idu m, Jen. 31 47. Sph. nobile, Gld. Cycl. nobilis, Gld. Bost. Proc. v. 229. 1855' Hab. Oceanica. 48. Sph. Normandi. Michaud. Cycl. Normandi, Mich. Coq. fos. Hauterive, 27 pl. v. f. 22, 24. 1854, (extra. Bull. Linn. Soc. Lyons.) Hab. France, (fossil.) 49. Sph. N o v a-Z e l a n d i a e, Desh. Proc. Zool. 22, p. 342. 1854. Hab. N. Zealand & N. Holland. -Cycl. n u c le u s, Stud. Mem. Soc. Helv. Sci, Nat. 1, p. 25, pl. 2. f. 23. 1837. Is Sph. c o r n e u m, Scop. -Cycl. nu c e a, Boissy. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2nd ser. iv. 175, 1846. Is Pisid. n u c e u mrn, Bgt. 50. Sph. n u m i s m a e, Math. Bgt. Sph. 46. 1854. Cycl. numismalis, Math. Cat. M6th. 146, pl. 14, f. 5. 1842. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. o b 1 i q u a, Lam. Lam. v.559. 1818. Is Pisid. a m n i c u m, Jen. -Cycl. obovata, Sowb. Min. Conch. 2, 140, pl. 165, f. 4, 6. 1818. Is Cyrena o b o v a t a, Desh. -Cycl. o b t u s al i s, Lam. Lamn. v. 559. 1818. Is Pisid. o b t u s a 1 e, Pf. 51. Sph. occidentale, Pr. Cycl. ovalis, Pr. (non Fer.) Bost. Proc. iv. 276. 1852. Cycl. occidentalis, Pr. Lewis, in loc. sup. cit. v. 122. 1855. Lewis. loc. sup. cit. vi. 2. 1856. Sph. ovale, Stimps. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. America. 52. Sph. oepfingense, K1. Cycl. oepfingensis, K1. Wiirt. Jhrb. 2, p. 95, pl. 2, f. 19. 1846. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -Sph. o r b i c u l a r i u m, Barrat. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. partumeium, Say. -Cycl. orbicularis, Gldf. Petr. Germr. 5, 231, pl. 147, f. 5, a. b. 1834-40. Is Cyrena o r b i c u 1 a r i s, Roemer. 53. Sph. o v a l e, Fer. Bgt. Sph. 31, pl. iv. f. 10. 1854. Cycl. lacustris,* Dep. Hist. Moll. 130. pl. x. p. 6, 7. 1805. Cycl. ovalis, Fer. M6th. Conch. 2d ed. 128, 136. 1807. Cycl. consobrina, Fer. Dict. Scie. Nat. xii. 279. 1818. Sph. Deshayesianum, Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6. 1853. Sph. consobrinum, Fer. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. Europe. -Cycl. o v a l i s, Nels. I1. Conch. 2, p. 408. 1851. Is Pisid. o b t u s a 1 e, Pf. Sph. ov al e, Pr. (non Stimps.) Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450, 1858. Is Sph. occidentale, Pr. 54. Sph. o v at u m, Lewis. Cycl. ovata, Lewis. Bost. Proc. vi. 2. 1856. Hab. N. America. -Cycl. p a 11 i d a, Charp. Mss. 1851. Is Sph. e l e v a t u m, Hald. -Sph. p a 11 i du m, Gray. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. c o r ne u m, Scop. -Cycl. pal us t r is, Drap. Tabl. Moll. 106. 1801. Is Pisid. a mn i c unm. Jen. *Non Tellina 1 a c u s t r i s, Muller, which is Sph. l a c u s t r e. 32 -Cycl. Paran ensis, d'Orb. Voy. Amer. Sept. 567. pl. 83. f. 23, 25. 1844. Is Corbicula P a r a n a c e n s i s, Pr. 55. Sph. Parisiense, Pr. Cycs. transversa, Lev. Grateloup. Moll. Fr. Cont. 49 1855. Hab. France, (fossil.) 56. Sph. partumeiu m, Say. Bgt. Sph. 12. 1854. Cycl. partumneia, Say. Ac. N. S. Phil. Il. 2, 380. 1822. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Jay, Cat. 3d ed. 16. 1839. Gould, Rept. 73, f. 54. 1841. Dekay, 223, pl. 25, f. 262. 1842. C. B. Ads. Vt. 18. 1842. Mighles. Bost. I1. iv. 318. 1843. Linsl. Amer. Il. 48, 276. 1845. C. B. Ads. Cat. 30. 1847. Jay. Cat. iv. ed. 32. 1850. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 165. 1851. Stimps. N. E. Moll. 16. 1851. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 278. 1852. Hartm. Cat. 1853. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. g. 1853. Lew. Bost. Proc. v. 122. 1855. Lew. loc. sup. cit. vi. 2. 1856. C. cornea, Lam. (Var. 2.) Lam. vi. 558,- 1818. Lam. (Desh ed. vi.) 268. 1835. C. orbicularia, Barrat. Linsl. Amer. Ii. 48, p. 276. 1845. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. g. 1853. C. mirabilis, Pr. Bost Proc. iv. 167. 1851. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. C. coerulea, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 161. 1851. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465. 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7. 1855. Sph. orbicularium, Barrat. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Sph. mirabile, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450. 1858. Sph. cearuleum, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. America. -Cycl. parva, Sowb. Trans. Geol. Soc. 2d ser. iv. 345. pl. xxi. f. 7. 1836. Is Cyrena pa rv a, Morris. 57. Sph. patella, Gould. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cyclas patella, Gld. Bost. Proc. iii. 292. 1850. Pr. loc. sup. cit. iv. 285. 1852. Hab. N. America. — Sph. p e 11 u c i d u m, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. t r u ncatu m, Linsl. -Cycl. P erezeii, Villa. Mss. 1858. Is Sph. lacustre, Fer. 58. Sph. perp u s i llum, Gartn. Cyclas perpusilla, Gartn. Ann. der Wetter. 316. Hab. Europe. -Cycl. Pfeifferi, Ziegl. Porro. Malac. 121. 1838. Is Pisid. a m n icum, Jen. 59. Sph. p i s i d i o i d e s, Gray? Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. England. (Not described.) 60. Sph. p is u m, Math. Bgt. sph. 43. 1854. Cyclas pisum, Math. Cat. Meth. 148, pl. xiv. f. 10, 11. 1842. C. subpisum, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. p is um, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 322. 1850. Is Cyrena p isum, Desh. -Cycl. plumbeus. Villa. Cat. 44. 1841. Is Sph. corneum, Scop. -Sph. p on de rosum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. s ulcatum, Lam. -Cycl. p r i s c a, Eichw. Nat. Hist. Skizze. 207. Is Pisid. p r i s c u m, Eichw. 61. Sph. p r o m i nu 1 lu m, Reiiss. Bgt. Sph. 47. 1854. Cyclas prominula, Reuiss. Dkr. et Meyer Paleont. 2, 242, pl. iv. f. 14 1852. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 33 -Cycl. proserpina, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Is Cyrena proserpin a, Pr. 62. Sph. proximum, Alder? Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab? (Not described.) -Cycl. p u l c h ell a, Hanl. Proc. Spec. 1, 91. 1843. Is Pisid. case rtanurm, Bgt. 63. Sph. pu 1 ch ellu m, d'Orb. Cyclas pulchella, d'Orb. Guer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Voy. Amer. Sept. 568, pl. 83, f. 8-10. 1844. Musculium pulchellum, d'Orb. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 452. 1858. Pisumpulchellum, d'Orb. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. Hab. South America. -Cycl. p u 1 c h e r, Sowb. Min. Conch. vi. 51, pl. 527, f. 1. 1829. Is Cyrena pulchr a, Morris. -Cycl. p u s illa, Turton. Man. 16, pl. 1, f. 7. 1831. Is Pisid. pusilm u m, Jen. 64. Sph. p y g m e u m, C. B. Adams. Cyclas pygmea, C. B. Adams. Contr. Conch. 44, 1849. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9, 53, 1853. Musculium pygmeum, C. B. Ads. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 452, 1858. Pisum pygmeum, C. B. Ads. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 660, 1858. Hab. W. Indies. -Cycl. r a d i a t a, Blainv. 2232. 1828. Is Galatea r a d i a t a, Lam. 65. Sph. rhomboideum, Say. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cyclas rhomboidea, Say. Ac. N. S. Phil. II. ii. 380, 1822. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Dekay, 224, pl. 25, f. 263, 1842. C. B. Ads. Vt. 18. 1842. Linsl. Amer. I1. 48, 276, 1845. C. B. Ads. Cat. 30, 1847. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 32, 1850. Stimps. N. C. Moll. 16, 1851. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 272, 1852. Pr. An. N. Y. Lyc. vi. 66, pl. 1, f. 4-a, b, 1853. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9. 1853. Cyclas cornea, Lam. var. 3. Lam. v. 558, 1818. Lam. (Desh. ed.) vi. 268, 1835. Cyclas elegans, Ads. Bost. II. 3, 330, pl. 3, f. 11, 1840. Gould. Rept. 74, f. 55, 1841. Dekay, 224, 1842. C. B. Ads. Vt. 18, 1842. Linsl. Amer. Il. 48, 276, 1845. C. B. Ads. Cat. 30, 1847. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 32, 1850. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 165, 1851. Stimps. N. E. Moll. 16. 1851. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8. 1853. Lewis Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. Sph. elegans, C. B. Adams. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450, 1858. Ilab. N. America. -Cvcl. rivalis, Drap. Hist. Moll. 129, pl. x. f. 4, 5. 1805. Is. Sph. corneum, Scop. 66. Sph. rivicola, Lam. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6, 1853. Chama albida, d'Arg. Conch. 2d pt. pl. 31, p. 368, 374, 1742. Tellina cornea, (pars.) Schrot. 189, pl. iv. f. 4, 1779. Cyclas cornea, (pars.) Draps. Tabl. Moll. 105, var. a, 1801. C. rivicola, Lam. Lamn. v. 558, 1818. C. eequata, Sheph. Mss. 1840. Sph. riviculum, Leach. Morch. Cat. Conch. etc. fase. 2, p. 30, 1853. Cycl. sabulicola, Kryn. Mss. (Bgt. Sph. 13, 1854.) Hab. Europe. 67. Sph. rosaceum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cyclas rosacea, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 155, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 277. 1852. Hab. N. America. — Cycl. R o u y a n a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Is Cyrena R o u y a n a, Bgt. 34 68. Sph. ru g o s um, Dkr. Cyclas rugosa, Dkr. Dkr. & Meyer, Paleont. 1, 38, pl. 6, f. 15, 16, a-b, 1846. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 69. Sph. R y c k h o l t i i, Normd. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6. 1853. Normd. Cycl. 3. 1854. Cyclas Ryckholtii, Normd. Cycl. 7, f, 5, 6, 1844. Sph. strictum, Normd. Cycl. 3, 1854. Hab. France. 70. Sph. Ryll ie n s e, Boissy. Cyclas Rylliensis, Boissy. Bull. Soc. G6oi. Fr. 2d ser. iv. 178, 1846. Mem. Soc. Gbol. Fr. 2d ser. 3, 270, pl. v. f. 5, a-c, 1848. Pisid. Rylliense, Bgt. Sph. 52, 1854. Hab. France, (fossil.) — Cycl. s a b u 1 i c o l a, Kryn. Mss. (Bgt. Lph. 13. 1854. Is Sph. r i v icola, Lam. -Cycl. Sarratogea, Lam. Lam. v. 560. 1818. Is Sph. sulcatum, Lam. 71. Sph. Scaldianum, Normd. Cycl. 1. 1854. Cyclus Scaldiana, Normd. Cycl. 5, f. 1, 2, 1844. Sph. corneum, Scop. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6, 1854. S. citrineum, Normd. Cycl. 1, 1854. Hab. France. -Cycl. S e bet i a, DaCosta. Cat. Syst. Tert. Sicil. pl. 2, f. 6. 1829. Is Bornia c orbuloi d es, Phil. 72. Sph. s e c u r is, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cyclas securis, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 160, 1851. Stimp. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851. An.'N. Y. Lyc. v. 218, pl. vi., 1852. Bost. Proc. iv. 276, 1852. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 466, 1852. Hartman, Cat. 1853. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. C. crocea, Lewis. Loc. sup. cit. v. 25, 1854; vi. 2, 1856. IHab. N. America. 73. Sph. s e m i n u ll u m, Reuss. Bgt. Sph. 47. 1854. Cycl. seminulla, Reuss. Dkr. & Meyer Paleont. 2, 42, pl. iv. f. 15, 1852. Hab. Europe (fossil.) — Cycl. semistriata, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. IsCyrenasem i s t r iat a, Desh. — Sph. s imil e, Say. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1818. Is Sph. s ul c at um, Lam. -Sph. s i m p l e x, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Is Sph. a c u minatum, Pr. — Cycl. sir en a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 323. 1850. Is Cyrena sire na, Pr. -Cycl. s o l i d a, DeKay. 220, pl. 25, f. 265. 1842. Is Sph. s u 1 c a t u m, Lam. 74. Sph. s o 1 i d u m, Normd. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 6, 1853. Normd. Cycl. 2, 1854. Cycl. solida, Normd. Cycl. 6, f. 3-4. 1844. Hab. France. 75. Sph. solid u lu m, Pr. Cycl. solidula, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 158, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 282, 1852. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 466, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. C. distorta, Pr. loc. sup. cit. iv. 158, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 285, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 7, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. Sph. distortum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Ilab. N. America. 85 76. Sph. s p h w r i c u m, Anthony. Ads. Rec. gen. ii. 450, 1858. Cycl. sphcerica, Anth. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 275. 1852. Hab. N. America. -Cycl. s t a g n i c o l a, Leach. Mss. Brit. Mus. 1840. Is Sph. c o r n e u m, Scop. 77. Sph. s t a m i n e u m, Conrad. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. staminea, Conrad. Amer. I1. xxv. 342, pl. 1, f. 5, 1834. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1833. Dekay, 224, 1842. Jay, Cat. iv. ed, 32, 1850. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 281, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9, 1853. Hab. N. America. — Sph. S t e en b u c h i i, M6ller. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450, 1858. Is Pisid. Steenbuchii, Morch. 78. Sph. St e en ii, Schmidt. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. Steenii, Schmidt. Zeit. Malac. 118. 1850. Hab. Germany. -Cycl. s t r i at ell a, Per. Cat. 20. 1837. Collect. Mus. Paris. Is Sph. maculatu m, Morelet. 79. Sph. striatinum, Lam. Cycl. striatina, Lam. Lam. v. 560, 1818. Lam. (Desh. edit.) vi. 271, 1835. Delessert pl. vii. f. 4, 1841. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 9, 1853. Pr. notes on Cycl. 1857. C. edentula, Say N. Harm. Dissem. 2, 1829. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. N. Harm. Dissem. (reprint) 10, 1840. DeKay 225, 1842. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8, 1853. C. modesta, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 159, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 284, 1852. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. vi. 2, 1856. Sph. modestum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Musculium edentulum, Say. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 451. 1858. Pisum edentulum, Say. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. -Sph. s t r ic t u m, Normd. Cycl. 3. 1854. Is Sph. R y c kh o lti i, Normd. -Cycl. s u b d e p e r d i t a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 305. 1850. Is Cyrena d e p e rdi t a, Desh. -Cycl. subdepressa, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 381. 1850. Is Cyrena comp r e s s a, Desh. 80. Sph. s u b e ll i p t i c u m, Meek & Hayden. Cqcl. subelliptica, M. & H. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. viii. 115. 1856. 1Hab. N. Amer. (fossil.) — Cycl. s u b 1 ae v i g a t a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Pisid. 1 v i g atu m, Bgt. — Cycl. s u b 1 e v i s, Gldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 232, pl. 147, f. 7, a-b. 1834-40. Is Cyrena s u b 1 e v i s, Rcemer. -Cycl. s u b o r b i c u 1 a r is, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Corbicula orbicularis, Pr. -Cycl. subpi s um, d'Orb. Prod. 3, 19. 1852. Is Sph. pis um, Math. -Cycl. sub q u ad r at a, Sowb. Geol. Trans. 2d ser. iv. 177, 345, pl. xxi. f, 8. 1836. Is Cyrena s u b q u a d r a t a, Morris. 81. Sph. s u b t r a n s v e r s u m, Pr. Proc. Zool. xxviii. 1860. Hab. Mexico. 32. Sph. subtrigonum, Dkr. Cycl. subtrigona, Dkr. Wald. 168, 1834. Hab. Germ. (fossil.) 63. Sph. sulcatum, Lam. Cycl. sulcata, Lam. Lam. v. 560, 1818. Lam. (Desh. ed.) vi. 271, 1835. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Fer. Cat. 20, 1837. Delessert, pl. vii. f. 3, 1841. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 32, 1850. Stimp. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Pr. Notes Cycl. 1857. 36 Cycl. Saratogea, Lam. Lam. v. 560, 1818. Lam. (Desh. ed.) vi. 271, 1835. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Delessert, pl. 7, f. 9, 1841. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Cycl. similis, Say. Rafin. in Bory. St. Vt. An. Gen. Sci. Phy. v. 319, 1820. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Fer. Cat. 20, 1837. Jay. Cat. 3, ed. 16, 1839. Gould. Rept. 72, f. 53, 1841. DeKay, 222, pl. 25, f. 264, 1842. Ads. Vt. 18, 1842. Linsl. Amer. I1. 48, 276, 1845. Ads. Cat. 30, 1847. Jay. Cat. iv. ed. 32, 1850. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 165, 1851. Hartman, Cat. 1853. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. Lewis, loc. sup. cit. vi. 2, 1856. Cycl. lasmamnpsis, Rafin. Bory, St. Vt. An. Gen. Sci. Phy. v. 319, pl. 82, f. 19, 20, 1820. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8, 1853. Cycl. gigantea, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 157, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 282, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8, 1853. C'ycl. ponderosa, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 157, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 282, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Cycl. striatina, Lam. Fr. Mag. Zool. 1835. Sph. giganteum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450, 1858. Sph. ponderosum, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450, 1858. Hab. N. Amer. -Cycl. su 1 c u los a, Charp. Mss. 1851. Is Sph. fa b a 1 e, Pr. -Cycl. tellinella, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Cyrena telline I1 a, Fer. 84. Sph. tenue, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. tenuis, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 161, 1861. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 825, 1852. Hab. N. Amer. 85. Sph. tennis triatum, Pr. Bgt. Sph. 12. 1854. Cycl. tenuistriata, Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 156, 1851. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 272, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Ccl. cornea, Drap. C. B. Adams, Cat. 29. 1847. Hab. N. Amer. 86. Sph. Terverianum, Dup. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 6, 1853. Bgt. Sph. 19, pl. 2, f. 11, 15, 1854. Cycl. Terveriana, Dup. Cat. Extram. Gall. Tert. Vt. 87, 1849. Hab. France. 87. Sph. transvers unm, Say. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Cycl. transversa, Say. New Harm. Diss. ii. 356, 1829. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. New Harm. Diss. Rept. 10, 1840. DeKay, 224, 1842. Jay. Cat. iv. ed. 466, 1852. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 274, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Lewis, Bost. Proc. v. 122, 1855. Lewis, loc. sup. cit. vi. 2, 1856. Cycl. detruncata, Pr. Loc. sup. cit. iv. 155, 1851, iv. 273, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 8, 1858. Cycl. constricta, Anthony. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 274. 1852. Sph. detruncatum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Sph. constrictum, Anth. Loc. sup. cit. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. America. -Cycl. trans versa, Lev. Grateloup, Moll. Fr. Cont. 49. 1855. Is Spl.Parisiense, Pr. 88. Sph. triangulare, Say. Cyclas triangulaTris, Say. New Harm. Dissem. 2. 356, 1829. Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. New Harm. Dissem. (rept.) 10, 1860. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Hab. N. America. 37 -Cycl. triangula ris, Dub. Fos. Wohln. 59, pl. vi. f. 20, 21, 1831. Is Ericina tr i a ng u 1 a r i s, d'Orb. -Cycl. t r i go n a, Gldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 233, pl. 147, f. 11, a-b. 1834-40 Is Cyrena Roem e r i, Dkr. -Cycl. t r i g o n a, d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304. 1850. Is Cyrena t r i g o n a, Desh. 89. Sph t r u n c a t u m, Linsley. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 451. 1858. CJyclas calyculata, Drap. C. B. Ads. Amer. I1. xl. 277, 1841. Ads. Vermt. 18, 1842. Ads. Cat. 29, 1847. Cyclas truncata, Linsl. Gould. Amer. Il. n. ser. vi. 234, f. 3, 1848. Pr. Bost. Proc. iv. 165, 1751. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 466, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Cyclaspellucida, Pr. Stimps. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 465, 1852. Bost. Proc. iv. 277, 1852. Bgt. Amen. i. p. 9, 1853. Sph. pellucidum, Pr. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 450. 1858. Hab. N. America. -Cycl. t u b e r c ula t a, Klees. Tubing 45. 1818. Is Sph. la c u s t r e, Fer. -Cycl. t u m i d a, Ziegl, Villa Cat. 44. 1841. Is Sph. c o r n e u m, Scop. 90. Sph. u n g u i f o r m e, Boissy. Bgt. Sph. 42. 1854. Cycl. unguiformis, Boissy. Bull. Soc. G6ol. Tr. 2d ser. iv. 178, 1846. Mem. Soc. OGol. Tr. 2d ser. 3, 269, pl. v. f. 2, 1848. Lab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. U st u e r t e ns i s, Eichw. Faun. Casp. 263. 1841. Is Arthemis Ustuertensis, Eichw. — Cycl. Vapincana, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 381. 1850. Is Cyrena Vapincan a, Bgt. 91. Sph. Veatleyi, C. B. Adams. Cycl. Veatleyi, C. B. Ads. Contrib. Conch. 44. 1869. Jay, Cat. iv. ed. 32. 1850. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. g. 1853. Pisid. Veatleyi, Petit. I1 Conch. 2, 421. 1851. Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53. 1853. Musculium Veatleyi, C. B. Ads. Ads. Rec. Gen. ii. 452. 1858. Pisum Veatleyi, C. B. Ads. Ads. loc. sup. cit. ii. 560. 1858. Hab. Jamaica. -Cycl. V e n e z u e 1 e n s i s, Pr. In Collect. Mus. Leyden, 1857. Is Sph. m a c u I a t u m, Morelet. 92. Sph. Verne u ili, Boissy. Bgt. Sph. 42. 1854. Cycl. ler/ticularis, Boissy. Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2d ser. iv. 178. 1846. Cycl. Verneuili, Boissy. Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 2d ser. 4, 569, pl. v. f. 3. 1848. Hab. France, (fossil.) -Cycl. v iolac ea, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii. 421. 1806. Is Battissa vi ol a c e a, Adams. -Cycl. vi t r e a, Risso. Risso, iv. 338. 1826. Is Pisid. case r t a n u m, Bgt. -Cycl. Z e yl a n i c a, Lam. Ann. Mus. vii. 420. 1806. Is Cyrena Z e ylanica, Lam. 9:3. Sph. z on atur, Pr. MSS. 1859, in Collect. Cumming. Hab. N. Zealand. On motion, an election was held, and Mr. Wm. C. Henszey wa~ chosen Treasurer in place of George W. Carpenter deceased. 39 IFrom the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philad(lephia, Februa, y. 1S61. Synonymy of the Cyclades, a family of Acephalous Mollusca. Part 2. BY TEMPLE PRIME. Species. GALATEA, Brug. I. G. A e gy ptic a, Fischer. Ii. Conch. v. 342. 1856. Bernardi Monog. 39, F1. vi., f. 1, 2. 1860. Venus Aegyptica, Chemn. xi. 231, f. 1985, 1986. Galatea Chemnitzii, Phil. Abb. 124. 1851. Hab. Egypt. 2. G. G. Bengoensis, Dkr. Ind. Guin. 51, pl. ix.f. 28, 30. Zeit. Malak. 183. 1848. Phil. Abb. 123. 1851. Bernardi Monog. 25, pl. vi. f. 5, 6., pl. ix. f. 4. 1860. Hab. Africa. 3. G. Bernardii, Dkr. I1. Conch. 338, pl. xii. f. 3. 1857. Bernardi Monog. 32, pl. v. f. 1, 5. pl. viii. f. 8. 1860. Hab. Guinea. 4. G. C a ill a u dii, Bernardi. Bern. Monog. 43, pl. iv. f. 1, 2. pl. ix. f. 3. 1860. Hab. Africa. -G. Chemnitzii, Phil. Phil. Abb. 124. 1851. Is Gal. Ae gy p tic a, Fischer. 5. G. c o n c a m e r a t a, Duval. Rev. Zool. 211. 1840. Chenu. Ill. Conch. livr. 55. 2d pl. suppl. f. 3. Bernardi Monog. 20, pl. ii.. f. 1. pl. iii., f. 1, 2, pl. viii. f. 1. 1860. Hab. Africa. 6. G. Cumingii, Dkr. BernardiMonog. 35, pl. vi. f. 7, 8. pl. ix. f. 8. 1860. Hab. Gaboon. 7. G. H e u k elomii, Bernardi. Bern. Monog. 30, pl. vi. f. 3, 4. pl. ix. f. 2. 1860. Hab. Africa. S. G. K ochii, Bernardi. Bern. Monog. 22, pl. iv. f. 3-8, pl. ix. f. 6, 7. 1860. Hab. Central Africa. 9. G. G. laeta, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 190. 1848. Phil. Abb. 123, pl. 1, f. 2. 1851. Bernardi Monog. 27, pl. 1, f. 3-8. pl. viii. f. 7. 1860. Hab. Guinea. 10. G. Luback ii, Bernardi. Bern. Monog. 24, pl. 1, f. 4, 6. pl. viii. f. 4. 1860. Hab. Africa. -G. p a r a d ox a, Adams. Adams, Rec. Gen. 2, 408. 1858. Is Gal. radiata, Lam. -G. P h i i pp i a n a, Morelet. Mss. Is Gal. le ta et rubiconda. 11. G. radiata, Lamk. Ann. Mus. v. 430, f. 28. 1806. Bernardi Monog. 18, pl. vii. f. 1-5, pl. viii. f. 3. 1860. Pectunculus subviridis, crassissimus, rostratus? List. pl. 158, f. 13. 1770. 40 Venus paradoxa, Born. Born. Mus. 66, pl. iv. f. 12, 13. 1780. V. reclusa, Chemn. vi. 326, pl. 31, f. 327-329. 1788. V. meretrix, var. Gml. 13 ed. 3273. No. 15. 1793. V. hermaphrodita, Gml. 13 ed. 3278. No. 40. 1793. V. subviridis, Gml. 13 ed. 3280. No. 55. 1793. Brug. Encycl. pl. 250. 1797. Egeria radiata, Roissy. Buffon, vi. 327, pl. 64, f. 5. Douax variegata, Perry. Conch. pl. 58, f. 1? 1811. 7Tellina hermaphrodita, Diller. Cat. 1, 107. 1817. Trigona (ex parte.) Schum. 153. 1817. Cyclas hermaphrodita, Mart. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1, 402, pl. 1, f. 1, 2. Potamophila radiata, Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Megadesma radiata, Bowd. Elem. Conch. 2d pt. 8, f. 21. 1822. Cyclas radiata, Schweig. Handbuch d. nat. 707. Venus paradoxa, Wood. Index, pl. vii. f. 48. 1828. Galatea paradoxa, Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 408. 1858. Hab. Africa. 12. G. ru bi cunda, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 190. 1848. Phil. Abb. 123, pl. 1, f. 2. 1852. Bernardi Monog. 37, pl. 1, f. 1, 2, pl. viii. f. 2. 1860. Galatea Philippiance, Morelet. (pars.) Mss. Hab. Guinea. 13. G. t en u i c u 1 a, Phil. Zeit. Malak. 191. 1848. Phil. Abb. iii. 124, pl. 1, f. 3. 1851. Bernardi Monog. 41, pl. ii. f. 2; pl. viii. f. 5. 1860. Hab.? — G. versicolor, Morelet. Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 408. 1858. Is Gal. laeta et rubiconda. FIsCHERIA,* Bernardi. 1860. 1. F. D e le s s e r t i i, Bernardi. Bernardi Monog. 46, pl. 3, f. 3, 4; pl. ix. f. 5. 1860. Hab. Cape Palmas, Africa. GLAUCONOME, Gray. 1. (1. angulata, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. vi. Hab. Isl. of Negros. -GI. b i p i n n a t a, Phil. Pal. Foss. pl. xi. f. 33. Is Ichthyorachus b i - pinnata, d'Orb. 2. G1. ce r e a, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. viii. Hab. The Ganges. 3. G1. Chinensis, Reeve. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. 1. Hab. China. 4. GI. convexa, Desh. Grat. Moll. terr. et fluv. Fr. 51. 1855. Hab. France, (fossil.) 5. Gl. c o rru gata, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. v. Hab. Manilla. v. Gi. c urt a, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. 7. Hab. Lucon. -G1. dis ticha, Goldf. pl. 64, f. 15. 1830. Is Penniretepora disticcha, d'Orb. *This genus having been instituted subsequenmly to the publication of the first part of this paper, did not appear in the list given of the genera belonging to this family. 41 — G1. di s t ich a, Lonsdale. Murch. Silur. pl. xv. f. 12. 1839. Is Penniretepora L o n s d a 1 e i, d'Orb. -GI. g racil is, McCoy. Syn. Ireld. 199, pl. 28, f. v. 1844. Is Penniretepora gracilis, d'Orb. -GI. grandis, McCoy. Loc. sub. cit. 199, pl. 28, f. 3. 1844. Is Penniretepora g r a n d i s, d'Orb. — G1. hexagona, Miinst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 1, 100, pl. 36, f. 8. 1831. Is Vincularia hexagona, d'Orb. -GI. marginata, Miinst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 1, 100, pl. 36, f.v. 1831. Is Vincularia m a r g i n a t a, d'Orb. 7. Gi. plana, Desh. Grat. Moll. terr. fluv. Fr. 51. 1855. Hab. France, (fossil.) 8. GI. psmatella, Desh. Glauconomeya psmatella, Desh. Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 442. 1858. Hab? — GI. pulcherrima, McCoy. Syn. Ireld. 99, pl. 28, f. 4. 1844. Is Plytopora p u 1 c h e r r i m a, d'Orb. 9. Gi. r a di at a, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. 3. Hab. Zeeba. -Gi. rhombife ra, Miunst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 1, 100, pl. 36, f. 6. 1831. Is Vincularia r h o m b i f e r a, d'Orb. 10. Gl. rostralis, Desh. Glauconomya rostralis, Desh. Adams. Rec. Gen. 2, 442. 1858. Hab? 11. GI. r u g o s a, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 19. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. 4. Hanley in Wood. Index, pl. x. f. 4. Hab. Manilla. 12. GI. str amine a, Reeve. Proc. Zool. xii. 20. 1844. Conch. Icon. pl. 1, f. 2. Hab. Manilla. -GI1. tetragona, Miinst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 1, 100, pl. 36, f. 7. 1831. Is Vincularia f r a g i 1 i s, Defrance. 13. Gi. virens? Hanley. Proc. Zool. xii. 18. 1844. 1Hab. China. CYPRINA, Lamk. -C. aequalis, Phil. Sicil 1, 39. 1836. IsCyprina Islandica, Lamk. 1. C. affinis, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus affinis, Munst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 244, pl. 150, f. xi. 1839. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 2. C. Alcyon, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 3. C. amphytrion, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 4. C. angulata, Sowb. M. C. 1, 145, pl. 65. 1814. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. an g u 1 at a, Sowb. Trans. Geol. iv. 128. 1836. Is Cyprina S o w e rbyi, d'Orb. 5. C. Antiopa, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 42 6. C. antiqua, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus antiqua, Miinster. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 243, pl. 150, f. iv. 1839. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) -C. Archiacina, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Crassatella quadrata, d'Archiac. Mem. Soc. Geol. 2d ser. 2, 301, pl. xiv. f. 1. 1847. Hab. Belgium, (fossil.) -C. A r c t i c a, Turt. Brit. bivalves, 135. 1822. Is Cyprina I s 1 a n d i c a. Lamk. 7. C. arenaria, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. ix. 143. 1857. Hab. N. America, (fsssil.) 8. C. Arethusa, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 9. C. A rion, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 10. C. astartaeformis, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Isocardia astartaeformis, Miinst. Beitr. Petr. iv. 87, pl. viii. f. 24. 1841. Hab. France, (fossil.) 11. C. Baj ocina, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 12. C. Beaumontii, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Cardium Beaumontii, d'Archiac. lcm. Soc. Geol. 373, pl. xxvi. f. 4. 1843. Hab. France and England, (fossil.) 13. C. Bernardina, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 14. C. Bernensis, Leymerie. 1842. Cyprina rostrata, d'Orb. (non Sowb.) Pal. Fr. cret. 3, 98, pl. 271. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 15. C. Blandina, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 16. C. Bonasia, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 17. C. Bosquetiana, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 18. C. Bronnii, Desh. Hab. Germ., (fossil ) 19. C. Calliope, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 20. C. Can criniana, d'Orb. Murch. Vern. et de Keys. Russia, 2, 457. pl. 38, f. 26, 27. 1845. Hab. Russia, (fossil.) 21. C. carditaeformis, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus carditaeformis, Roemer, Oolit. 109, pl. vii. f. 15. 1836. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 22. C. carinata, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus carinata, Roemer. Oolit. 110, pl. vii. f. 10. 1836. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 23. C. Carteroni, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 43 -C. c ompres sa, Turt. Brit. bivalves, 136, pl. xi. f. 21-23. 1822. Is Astarte co mp r es s a, Mont. 24. C. compressa, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. 144. 1857. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 25. C. Conradi, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Venilia Conradi, Morton. Syn. Cret. pl. viii. f. 1, 2. 1834. Cardita decisa. Loc. sub. cit.. pl. ix. f. 3. 1834. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 26. C. consobrina, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 107, pl. 278, f. 3-6. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 27. C. Corallina, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1650. Hab. France, (fossil.) 28. C. cordata, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. ix. 143. 1857. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 29. C. cordiformis, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 101, pl. 273. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 30. C. cornuta, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Isocardia cornuta, Kladen. P1. 3, f. 8. Roemer 38, pl. 19, f. 14. 1839. Hab? 31. C. corrugata, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1181. Hab? (fossil.) -C. c r a s s a, Desh. Encycl. Meth. t. 11. 2d part, 47. 1830. Is Corbicula crassa, Desh. 32. C. crassitesta, Refss. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 33. C. cuneata, Sowb. Trans. Geol. Soc. iv. 240, pl. 16, f. 19. 1836. Hab. France and England, (fossil.) 34. C. Cytherea, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. Defrancii, Van Beneden. Is Cyprina rustica, Flem. -C. delt oidea, Phil. Pal. foss. pl. 17, f. 59. Is Cardium d e t t *, i - deum, d'Orb. 35. C. dimorpha, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 36. C. dolabra, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. England, (fossil.) 37. C. donacina, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus donacina, Schloth. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 242, pl. 150, f. 3. 1839. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) -C. Egertoni, McCoy. Syn. Ireld. 55, pl. x. f. 9. 1844. Is Cardimorpha Egertonii, d'Orb. 38. C. Elea, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 39. C. elongata, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 106, pl. 267, f. 816. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 40. C. Erato, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 41. C. Eucharis, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 44 42. C. Er v y en s is, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 102, pl, 274. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 43. C. Gea, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. gigas, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. Is Venus umbonaria. 44. C. globosa, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Cardium globosum, Roemer. Oolit. 39, pl. 19, f. 19. 1836. Venus tenuistria, Miinst. Petr. Germ. 1, 245, pl. 150, f. 18. 1839. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) -C. globosa, Sharpe. Journ. Geol. Soc. vi. pl. 15, f. 1. Is Cyprina Sharpei, Prime. 45. C. Glycerie, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 46. C. Helm erseniana, d'Orb. Murch. 2, 457, pl. 38, f. 28-30. 1845. Hab. France, (fossil.) 47. C. Hersilia, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 48. C. humilis, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S., Phil. 179. 1860. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) -C. i n c r a s s a t a, Nyst. Coq. Foss. Hasselt. 7. 1836. Is Cytherea i n - erassata, Sowb. 49. C. inornata, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 99, pl. 272, f. 1, 2. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 50. C. intermedia, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 107, pl. 278, f. 1, 2. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 51. C. involuta, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Corbula involuta, Miinst. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 250, pl. 151, f. 14. 1839. Hab. Gelim., (fossil.) 52. C. Islandica, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. VTnus Islandica, Linn. 1131. Miiller, Verm. 246. 1774. Pectunculus major, da Costa. 183, pl. 14, f. 3. 1778. Venus bucardium, Born. Mus. 63, pl. 4, f. 11. 1780. Artica vulgaris, Schum. 145, pl. 13, f. 3. 1817. Cyprina arctica, Turt. Brit. bivalves, 135. 1822. Venus aequalis, Sowb. M. C. pl. xxi. Cyprina aequalis, Phil. Sieil. 1, 39. 1836. C. maxima, Wood. Ann. N. H. vi. 249. C. angulata, Sowb. Nyst. Foss. Anvers, 9. C. Islandicoides, Lamk. Loc. sub. cit. p. 9. C. vulgaris, Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Hab. Europe and America. -C. Islandicoides, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. Is Venus Islandicoides, Lamk. 53. C. Jurensis, Morris. Brit. fossils, 199. 1854. Tenus Jurensis, Miinster. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, p. 245, pl. 150, f. 17. 1839. Hab. England and Germany, (fossil.) 54. C. Kh a r as c o v en s is, Rouillier. Bull. Soc. Moscou xx. 421, f. 32, 32. 1847. Hab. Russia, (fossil.) -C. Lajonkairii, Goldf. Petr. Germ. 237, pl. 148, f. 9. 1841. Is Cyprina r u s t i c a, Goldf. 45 r,5. C. lata, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Venus lata, Roemer. 27, pl. ix. f. 10. 1841. Fab. Germ., (fossil.) 5; C.. aticostata, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Isocardia laticostata, Miinster. Beitr. iv. 87, pl. viii. f. 24. 1841. Hab. Austria, (fossil.) 57. C. Ligeriensis, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 103, pl. 275, f. 1-3, (exclus. f. 4, 5.) 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 58. C. lunulata, Desh. Inv. Paris, 1, 546, pl. xxxv. f. 19-21. 1860. Hab,. France, (fossil.) -C. maxima, Wood. Ann. N. H. vi. 249. Is Cyprina Islandica, Lamk. -(C. m i n i m a, Turt. Brit. bivalves, 137. 1822. Is Circe m i n i m a. 59. C. M orrissii, Sowb. Min. Conch. pl. 620. Hab. England, (fossil.) 60. C. n a n a, Sowb. Dixon, Foss. Suss. pl. 14, f. 8. IHab. England, (fossil.) 61. C. neglecta, d'Orb. Prod. 3. 1852. Erycina neglecta, Nyst. 89, pl. 3, f. 134. 1843. Hab. Belgium, (fossil.) 62. C. Neptuni, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 63. C. nitida, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Isocardia nitida, Phil. 122, pl. ix. f. 10. 1829. Hab. England, (fossil.) 64. C. Normaniana, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 65. C. Noueliana, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Cyprina Ligeriensis, d'Orb. (pars.) Paleont. 3, 103, pI. 275. f. 4, 5. (exclus. 1-3.) 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 66. C. nu da, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus nuda, Goldf. Zieten. 94, pl. 71, f. 3. 1830. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 67. C. Nystii, Hebert. 1849. C(yprina scutellaria, Nyst. (non Desh.) 145, pl. 7, f. v; pl. 8, f. 1. 1843. Hab. Belgium, (fossil.) -C. obliqua, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Is Corbiculaobliqua, Desh. 68. C. obliquissima, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 6 9. C. oblonga, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 105, p1. 277, f. 1-4. 1843. Astarte cyprinoides, d'Archiac. Tourtia pl. xiv. f. 5. 1847. Hab. France and Belgium, (fossil.) -C. oblonga, Reuss. p. 4, pl. 15. 1846. Is Crassatella. oblonga, d'Orb. 70. C. o r b i c u l a r i s, Roem. Nord D. Kreide, 73, pi. ix. f. 8. 1841. Hab. France and Germany, (fossil.) -C. o r b i c u l a t a, Turton. Brit. bivalves, 138. 1822. Is Lucina o r b icularis, Mont. 46 71. C. ovata, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S., Phil. ix. 144. 1857. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) 72. C. parvula, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Venusparvula, Roemer. Oolith. iii. pl. vii. f. 13. 1836. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) -C. Pedemontana, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. Is Venus Pedemont ana. 73. C. Phillip sii, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Isocardia angulata, Phillips. Yorksh. 122, pl. ix. f. 9. 1829. Hab. England, (fossil.) 74. C. piatigorskensis, Fischer. Bull. Soc. Moscou, xxi. 1848. Hab. Russia, (fossil.) -C. pisum, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Is Corbicula pisum, Desh. 75. C. plana, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Isocardia plana, Miinster. Petref. iv. 87, pl. viii. f. 23. 1841. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. plan ata, Sowb. M. C. pl. 619. Is Cyprina sc u tellari a, Desh. 7t6. C. Provencialis, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 77. C. quadrata, d'Orb. Paleont. 3, 105, pl. 276.. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 78. C. regularis, d'Orb. Loc. sub. cit. 3, 100, pl. 272, f. 3-6. 1843. Hab. France, (fossil.) 79. C. Roemeri, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Lucina giobosa, Roemer. Oolit. 41, pl. 19, f. 6. 1831. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 80. C. r o strat a, Sowb. Geol. Trans. iv. 240, pl. 17, f. 1. 1836. Hab. England, (fossil.) -C. r o s t r a t a, d'Orb. Pal. 3, 98, pl. 271. 1843. Is Cyprina B e r n e nsis, Leym. 81. C. r otun d a t a, Brauin. Agas. Icon. coq. test. 53, pl. 14. 1845. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 82. C. Royana, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) S33. C. rustica, Morris. Brit. Foss. 199. 1854. Venus rustica, Sowb. Mur. Conch. pl. 196. Cyprina Lajonkairii, Goldf. Petr. Germ. 237, pl. 148, f. 9. 1841. C. tumida, Nyst. Tert. Belg. 148, pl. x. f. 1. 1835, 1843. C. Defrancii, Van Beneden. Hab. England, Belgium and Germany, (fossil.) 84. C. scutellaria, Desh. Coq. foss. 1, 125, pl. xx. f. 1-3. 1824. Cytheria scutellaria, Defr. Dict. Scie. Nat. t. xii. 421. 1818. Cyprina planata, Sowb. M. C. pl. 619. Hab. France and England, (fossil.) -C. scutellaria, Nyst. 145, pl. vii. f. 5, pl. viii. f. 1. 1843. 1s Cyprina I, y s t i i. Heberi. $5. C. Sharpei, Prime. Cyprina globosa, (preoc.) Sharpe. Journ. Geol. Soc. vi. p1. 15, f. 1. Hab. England, (fossil.) 47 86. C. Sowerbyi, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Cyprina angulata, Sowb. Trans. Geol. Soc. iv. 128. 1839. (non. Soy)b. M. C.) Hab. Englani, (fossil.) 87. C. strigillata, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Cardita strigi//ata, Klippstein. Beitr. Geol. 255, pl. xvi. f. 23. 1845. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) 88. C. subangul ata, d'Orb. Prod(. 1. 1850. Vlnus anq/ulata, Miinster. Goldf. Petr. Germ. 2, 243, pl. 150, f. v. 18:39. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) S9. C. subcordiformis, d'Orb. Pr,:d. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) 90. C. subobliqua, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus obliqua, M, nster. Goldf. Petr. (Germ. 2, 243, pl. 150, f. 6, 1S39. Hab. Germ., (fossil.)'91. C. s t b r o s t r a t a, M.;nster. Beitr. iv. 87, pl. viii. f. 26, 1841. Hab. Germ., (fossil.) 92. C. s u b t u m i d a, Meek & Hayden. Proc. Ac. N. S. Phil. ix. 144. 1857. Hab. N. America, (fossil.) -C. tenuistria, Iaink. Lamlk. v. 1848. Is Venus Chinensis, Chlenmn. 93. C. trapeziform is, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Venus t7apezijoriis, Roemtir. Oolit. 109, pl. vii. f. 14. 1836. Hab. Germany, (fossil.) -C. triangularis, Turt. Brit. bivalves, 136, pl. xi. f. 19, 20. 1822. Is Circe min n a -C. tridacnloides, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. IsVenus deformis, Say. -C. trigona, d'Orb. Prod. 2. 1850. Is Corbicula triangula, Prime. - C. tum ida, Nyst. Coq. Tert. Belg. 148, pl. x, f. 1. 1835-1843. Is Cyprina r u s t i c a, Fleming. -C. m b on aria, Lamk. Lamk. v. 1818. Is Venus u m b o n a r i a. -C. vetusta, Roemv r, 25, pl. vi. f. 1843. Is Cardinia vetusta, d'Orbigny. 94. C. Vieilbancii, d'Orb. Prod. 1. 1850. Hab. France, (fossil.) -C. vulgaris, Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Is Cyprina I sla n dic a, Lain. D)escrption of TWO YEWSPECrES of the Genus BATISSA, with Notes on that Genus. BY TIPLrE PiRMED Read December 12, 1859. Reprinted from the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History in ieW York, VoL viL, April, 1860. THE genus Batissa was established a few years ago by Gray for a class of the genus Cyrena, represented by the Cyrena violacea Lamarek, which he thought differed sufficiently from Cyrena to constitute a distinct genus. Since then the genus Batissa has been adopted by Deshayes in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1854, and by the brothers Adams in their recent work. The species of this genus, of which I append a list, are as yet not numerous. Batissa gigantea Prime. T. ovato-orbiculari, oblique ineequilaterali, tumid.A solidissima, magnA, intus alba, epidermide brunneA vestita, sulcis remotis, umbonibus prominentibus, antice inclinatis; dentibus cardinalibus tribus, insequilateralibus, brevibus, crassioribus; lateralibus angustis, serrulatis. Long. 5~, lat. 41, diam. 2~ inches. Hab.-? Collect. Jay. This is the largest known species of this genus. One specimen, which is in the collection of Dr. Jay, was brought to this country by the Expedition sent to Japan under Commodore Perry, without, however, any data as to the locality where it was found. 2 Description of Two New eSpes ief the Genu8 Batissa. In general outline it bears some resemblance to the B. innignis, Deshayes. Iatissa similis Prime. T. ovato-orbiculari, oblique inaequilaterali, tumida, solid&, depressi, intus superne albS, postice inferneque violaceg, epidermide nigrA vestita, sulcis remotis, umbonibus profunde erosis; dentibus cardinalibus tribus, subwequalibus, caniculatis; lateralibus elongatis, angustis, sublequalibus, serrulatis. Long. 3r —, lat. 21, diam. 1* inches. Hab. —Nicobar. Collect. auctoris. This-species, of which I received one specimen through Mr. Bernardi of Paris, is somewhat like the B. Kerandrenia, but is less inflated, and posteriorly less elongated. ist of the known pecies. BATISSA GRAY. SYNONYMY OF orE GENUS. Cyprina and Cyclas Brug. 1792.- Cyrena Lamk. 1818. — Batisa Gray, 1854. Species. L -atrata Desh.'. Proc. Zool. XXII. 14, 1854. Hab. 2. Australis Desh. Loc. sup. cit. XXII. 346, 1854. Hab. Australia. 3. Childrenm Adams Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyprina Islandica Brug. Encycl. m6th. pl. 301, f. 1, 1792. bHab. Phil. Islds. 4.;compressa Prime Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. lEab. Borneo. 6. corbiculoides Desh. Proc.Zool. XXII. 14, 1854. fHab. N. Guinea. Decrption of Tw toN ew Spec-es:of the Genus Bati8a. 3 6. elongata Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. - ab. N. Caledonia. eximia Ads. rec. gen. 2,i 445, 1858.-Cyrena eximia Dunker. 7. fortis Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. Hab. N. Caledonia. 8. tbscata Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. Hab.?'9. gigautea Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Vol. VII. 1860. Hab.? 10. gracilis Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. Hab. 1i1. hunerosa Desh. Proc. Zool. XXII. 14, 1854. Bab. N. Guinea. 12. infilata Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. flab. Nicobar Isids. 13. insignis Desh. Proc. Zool. XII. 13, 1854. flab. Phil. Islds. 14. Jayensis Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyrena Jayensis Lea. Trans.. Amer. Phil, So~. V. 108, pi, 17, f. 52, 1832. flab. Sumatra. 15. Kerandrenia Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyrena Kerandreria Less. Voy. Coq. 2, 429, pl. 11, f. 3, 1829. Bab. Wiaugiou. 16. lenticularis Desh. Proc. Zool. XXII. 14, 1864. flab. Phil. Islds. 17. megadesma Desh. Loc. sup. cit. XXII. 14, 1854. lHab. 18. minor Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. flab. Fejee Islds. 4 Description of Two New Species of the Genus Batissa. 19. obesa Ads. Ret. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyrena obesa Hinds. Ann. Mag. N. H. n. ser. X. 81, 1842.Voy. Sulph. 2, 66, pl. XXI. f. 6, 1844. Hab. Fejee Islds. 20. producta Desh. Proc. Zool. XXII. 13, 1854. Hiab. Phil. Islds. 21. rotundata Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyrena rotundata Lea. Trans. Amer. Pbil. Soc. v. 107, pl. 17, f. 51, 1832. ]Hab. E. Indies. 22. similis Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lyc. Vol. VII. 1860. Hlab. Nicobar. 23. sphaericula Pr. MSS. 1859.-Collect. auctoris. Cyrena violacea (var. Javanica), Mous. Moll. Java. 88, pl. XV. f. 1, 1849. Hab. Java. 24. tenebrosa Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyrena tenebrosa Hinds. Ann. Mag. N. H. n. ser. X. 81, 1842.Voy. Sulph. 2, 66, pl. XXI. f. 7, 1844. fab. Fejee Islds. 25. triquetra Desh. Proc. Zool. XXII. 13, 1854. Ilab. Phil. Islds. 26. unioniformis Pr. Proc. Zool. XXVIII. 1860. Bab.? 27. violacea Ads. Rec. Gen. 2, 448, 1858. Cyclas violacea'Lam. Ann. Mus. VII. 421, 1806. Cyclas violacea Lam.. V. 553, 1818.-Lam. (Desh. edit.) VI. 1835. — Delast. pl. VII. f. 5, 1841. Bab. The East. List of the Known Species of PISIDIUM, with their Synonymy. Reprinted from the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, N. Y., March, 1859. By TEFwLE PRIMEa Read 28th February, 1859. 1. abditum Mlald. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 1, 53, 1841.-De Kay, 225, 1841.-Jay Cat. 4 edit. 466, 1852.-Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 359, pl. XI. f. 24-25, pl. XII. f. 1, 1852.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. —Hartman Cat. 1853.-Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. Cyclas minor C. B. Ads. Bost. Proc. 1, 48, 1841.-Bost. J1. IV. 39, pl. IV. f. 2, 1841.-C. B. Ads. Vermt. 19, 1842. —Mgh. Bost. J1. IV. 319, 1843.-Linsl. Amer. J1. 48, 276, 1845. —C. B. Ads. Cat. 30, 1847.-Jay Cat. 4 edit. 32, 1850.-Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 165, 1851.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8, 53, 1853. Pisidium minus Stimp. Moll. N. E. 16, 1851.-Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 360, pl. XII. f. 2-4, 1852. " obscurum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 161, 1851.-Bost. J1. VI. 359, 1852. "4 Kurtzi Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 162, 1851.-Bost. J1. 361, pL. XII. f. 5-7, 1852. " zonatum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 162, 1851. —Bost. J1. VI. 364, pl. XII. f. 17-19, 1852. —Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. "' regulare Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 363, pl. XII. f. 11-13, 1852. " notatum Pr. loc. sup. cit. VI. 365, pl. XII. f. 20-22, 1852. " amplum Ingalls MSS. 1855. " resartum " loc. sup. cit. 1855. " rubrum Lewis MSS. 1855, " plenum " loc. sup. cit. 1855. Bab. N. Amer. - abruptum Hald. Ac. N. S. Phil. Proc. 1, 53, 1841, is P. Virginicum Bgt. - acutum Pf. Wiegm. Archiv. 1, 230, 1831, is P. Henslowianum, Jen. 2 List of the Known Species of 2. Adamsi Pr. Stimp. Moll. N. E. 16, 1851.-Pr. Bost. Ji. VI. 352, pl. XI. f. 1-3, 1852. Cyclas nitida Migh. (non Hanl.) Bost. Proc. 1, 48, 1841. —Bost. J1. IV. 39, pl. IV. f. 3, 1841.-loc. sup. cit. IV. 319, 1843.Linsl. Amer. J1. 48, 276, 1845. —Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 165, 1851. —Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 8, 1853. cequale Rafin. Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 367, 1852, is P. Virginicum Bgt. - altile Anth. Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 353, pl. XI. f. 10-12, 1852, is P. compressum Pr. 3. amnicum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. pt. 2, 309, pl. XIX. f. 2, 1832. Tellina amnica MUller 2, 205, 1774. " striata Schrot. 193, 1779. " rivalis Mat. & Rack. Trans. Linn. Soc. 3, 44, pl. XIII. f. 37-38, 1797. Cyclas palustris Drap. tabl. 106, 1801. Cardium amnicum Mat. 86, 1803. Cyclas obliqua Lam. V. 559, 1818. Pisidium obliquum Pf. Syst. Anord. 124, pl. V. f. 19-20, 1821. Cyclas amnica Turt. Conch. 250, pl. II. f. 15, 1822. Pera fiuviatilis Leach in Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. pt. 2, 310, 1832. " Henslowiana Leach in Jen. loc. sup. cit. 310, 1832. Pisid. inflatum Meg. Porro 121, pl. II. f. 13, 1838. Cyclas Pfeifferi Meg. loc. sup. cit. 121, 1838. Pisid. palustre Nils. loc. sup. cit. 122, 1838. " Pfeiferi Ziegl. Villa Lomb. 10, 1844. Cordula amnica Leach Brit. Moll. 292, 1852. Pisid. Grateloupianum Norm. (ycl. 4, 1854. " intermedium Gas. Pisid. 11, pl. I. f. 4, 1855. " sulcatum Parr. MSS. flab. Europe. - amplum Ingalls MSS. 1855, is P. abditum Hald. 4. antiquum Braun. Hab. Germ. (fossil). Pisidium, with their Synonymy. 3 5. arcuatum Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 364, pl. XII. f. 14-16, 1852. Hcab. N. Amer. (fossil). - australe Phil. Moll. Sicil. 1, 39, 1816, is P. casertanum Bgt. - Baudonianum Ces. Pisid. Cr. 4, 1855, is P. Gassiesianum Dup. - Bonafouxianum Ces. loc. sup. cit. 6, 1855, is P. ienslowianumn Jen. - Brongniartinum Bgt. Sph. 51, 1854, is P. cuneatum Petit. - caliculatum Dap. extram. Gall. test. No. 229, 1849, is P. casertanum Bgt. 6. Canariense Shutl. Diag. n. Moll. 12, 1852. ffab. Canary Islds. 7. cardiolum Desh. Inv. Par. 525, pl. XXXIV. f. 26-29, 1857. Hab. France (fossil). S. casertanum Bgt. Cat. Saulcy. 80, 1853. Cardium casertanum Poli I. 65, pl. XVI. f. 1, 1791. " amnicum (Jr.) Mont. 88, 1803. Cyclas vitrea Risso IV. 338, 1826. Pera pulchella Leach MSS. Brit. Mus. 1830. Pisid. pulchellum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. 2 pt. 306, pl. XXI. f. 1-5, 1832. " australe Phil. Moll. Sicil. 1, 39, 1836. " cinereum Aid. Supplem. Cat. 4, 1837. " Lumsternianumn Forb. Ann. n. h. 225, pl. XIL. f. 4, 1839. Cyclas pulchella Hanl. Rec. Spec.. 1, 91, 1843. " cinerea Hanl. loc. suP. cit. 1, 91, 1843. " lenticularis Norm. Cycl. 8, f. 7-8, 1844. Pisid. Joannis McGil. Scot. 248, 1844. " Jenynsi McGil. loc. sup. cit. 249, 1844. " vitreum Pf. Verany Cat. 13, 1846. " nitidum Jen. Gas. Agen. 209, 1849. " limosum Gas. loc. sup. cit. 206, pl. 2, f. 10-11, 1849. iratianum Dup. Gall. extram. test. 234, 1849. " thermale Dup. loc. sup. cit. 238, 1849. caliculatum Dup. loc. sup. cit. 229, 1849. sinuatum Bgt. J1. Conch. 421, 1851.-49, pl. I. f. 6-10, 1852. lenticulare Dup. Moll. Fr. 680, pl. 30, f. 2, 1852. rotundurnm Ces. Pisid. Cr. 6, 1855. 4 ]ist of the Known Species of Pisid. globulosum Gas. Pisid. 21, pl. 2. f. 8, 1855. " planumrn Pf. " Stabileii Schmidt. MSS. 1858. flab. Europe. - cicer Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lye. VI. 65, pl. I. f. 1, a-c, 1853, is P. compressum Pr. - cinereum Aid. Suppl. Cat. 4, 1837, is P. casertanum Bgt. 9. compressum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 164, 1851. —Ann. N. Y. Lyc. V. 219, pl. VI. 1852.-Bost. J1. VI. 356, pl. XI. f. 13-15, 1852. Jay Cat. 4 edit. 466, 1852. —Bgt. Amen. 1, 52, 1853. -Hartm. Cat. 1853.-Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. Cyclas altilis Anth. C. B. Ads. Cat. 29, 1847. Pisid. altile Anth. in Pr. Beost. J1. VI. 353, pl. XI. f. 10-12, 1852. -Jay Cat. 4 edit. 466, 1852.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 52, 1853.Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856.' cicer Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lye. VI. 65, pl. I. f. 1, a-c, 1853. Bab. N. Amer. 10. conicum Baud. Pisid. 50, pl. V. f. B. 1857. JHab. France. 11. contortum Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lye. VI. 65, p1. I. f. 2, a-c, 1853. Hab. N. Amer. (fossil). cornea. Verany. Cat. 13, 1846, Sphaerium, Scopoli 1771.-Cyclas, Brug. Lam. 1806, is Sphoerium corneum Scop. 12. cuneatum Petit J1. Conch. 422, 1851. Cyclas cuneata Sowb. Edin. n. Phil. J1. VII. 297, 1829. " Brongniartina Math. Cat. meth. 145, pl. XIV. f. 2, 1842.' Matheroni d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304, 1850. Pisid. Brongniartinum Bgt. Sph. 51, 1854. Hahb. France (fossil). - Ddingoli Villa Cat. 44, 1841, is Sphkerium Ddingoli Bivona. - diaphanum Hald. Ac. n. s. Phil. Proc. 1, 53, 1841, is Sphaerium maculatum Morelet. 1 13. Denaiuvilliersi Desh. Jur. Par. 526, pl. XXXIV. f. 3033, 1857. Pisidium, with their Synonymy. 5 Cyclas Denaiuvilleirsi Boissy Bull. Soc. Geol. 2 ser. IV. 178, 1846. -Mem. (do.) 2d ser. III. 269, pl. V. f. 4, a-b, 1848..gab. France (fossil). dubium Hald. Ac. n. s. Phil. Proc. 1, 103, 1841, is Pisid. Virginicum Bgt. 14. duplicatum Pf. Cyclas duplicata. Pf. Syst. Anord. 230, 1821. Hab. Germ. - Dupuyanum Norm. Cycl. 5, 1854, is Pisid. Henslowianurn Jen. 15. equilaterale Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 366, pl. XII. f. 23-25, 1852. Hab. N. Amer. 16. exaratum Dkr. Weald. 56, pl. XIII. f. 14-15, 1846. Hab. Germ. (fossil). 17. Ferroense 1l1orch Suenson Cat. 43, 1857. Hab. Ferroe Islds. 18. ferrugineum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 162, 1851.-Bost. Jl. VI. 362, pl. XII. f. 8-10, 1852. ilab. N. Amer. fontinale Pf. Syst. Anord. 125, pl. V. f. 15-16, 1821, is P. pusillum Jen. 19. fuscum Parr. Jellebor. Moll. Austr. 22, 1851. lTab. Germ. 20. Gassiesianum Dup. Agen. 207, pl. II. f. 11, 1849. Pisidium Normandianum Dup. loc. sup. cit. 206, 1849. " tetragonum Norm. Cycl. 5, 1854. " Baudonianum Ces. Pisid. Cr. 4, 1855. lHab. France. g- lobulosum Gas. Pisid. 21, pl. II. f. 8, 1855, is P. casertanum ]3gt. - grande Whit. MSS. 1855, is P. variabile Pr. Grateloupianum Norm. Cycl. 4, 1854, is P. amnicum Jen. 21. Henslowianum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. pt. 2, 308, pl. XXI. f. 6-7, 1832. Pera Henslowiana Leach MSS. Brit. Mus. 1819. Cyclas acuta Pf. Syst. Anord. 230, 1821. Tellina Henslowana Shep. Trans. Linn. Soc. XIV. 150, 1823. Cyclas appendiculata Turt. Man. 15, pl. I. f. 6, 1831. 6:L-ist qf the Known Species of Pisidium acutum Pf. Wiegm. Archiv. 1, 230, 1831. Pera appendiculatac Leach Brit. Moll. 292, 1852. Pisidium Jayanum Gas. MSS. 1852. " Dupuyanum Norm. Cycl. 5, 1854. " pallidum Gas. Pisid. 16, pl. I. f. 10, 1855. " Bonnafouxianum Ces. Pisid. Cr. 6, 1855. " Jandouinianum Gas. Pisid. 18, pl. II. f. 2, 1855. " pictum Ces. Moll. Creuse. 9, 1857. fHal. Europe. - incertum Norm. Cycl. 6, 1854, is P. nitidum Jen. - inflatum Meg. Porro 121, pl. II. f. 13, 1838, is P. amnicum Jen. - intermedium Gas. Pisid 11, pl. I. f. 4, 1855, is P. amnicum Jen. iratianum Dup. Extram. Gall. test. No. 234, 1849, is P. casertanum Bgt. Jaudouinianum Gas. Pisid. 18, pl. II. f. 2, 1855, is P. Ilenslowianunl Jen. Jayanum Gas. MSS. is P. Henslowianum Jen. J- engusi McGil. Scot. 249, 1844, is P. casertanum Bgt. - Joannis McGil. loc. sup. cit. 248, 1844, is P. casertanum Bgt. - Kurtzi Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 162, 1851, is P. abditum Hald. 22. laevigatuin Bgt. JI. Conch. 175, 1852. —Desh. Jurt. Par. 525, 1857. Cyclas laevigata Desh. (non Schurn.) Dict. class h. n. V. 220, 1824. "' sublaevigata d'Orb. Prod. 2, 304, 1850. Hab. France (fossil). - lenticulare 1Dup. Moll. Fr. 681, pl. XXX. f. 2, 1850, is P. casertanum Bgt. - limosum Gas. Agen. 206, pl. II. f. 10-11, 1849, is P. casertanum Bgt. - Lumsternianum Forb. An. N. H. 2, 255, pl. XII. f. 4, 1839, is P. casertanum Bgt. 623. Mallet Bum. & Mlort. Cat. 1853. Hfab. Switzerland (fossil). - minimum Stud. Mem. Soc. Helv. etc. 1, p. 25, 1837, is P. obtusale Pf. - nzinus Stimp. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851, is P. abditum iald. - Moquinianum, Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 61, pl. III. f. 13-17, 1855, is Splhmrium maculatum Morelet. Pisidium, with their Synonymy. 24. nitidum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. pt. 2, 304, pl. XX. f. 7-8, 1832. Cyclas pusilla Turt.' Man. 16, pl. I. f. 7, 1831. nitida Hanl. (non Migh) Spec. etc. 1, p. 90, pl. XIV. f. 46, 1843. Pisid. incertum Norm. Cycl. 6, 1854. Hab. Europe. - Normandianum Dup. Gas. Agen. 206, 1849, is P. Gassiesianum Dup. - notatum Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 365, pl. XII. f. 20-22, 1852, is P. abditum Hald. 25. Novi Eboraci Pr. Ann. N. Y. Lye. VI. 66, pl I. f. 3, a. c. 1853. Htab. N. Arner. 26. nucleum Bgt. Sph. 51, 1854.-Desh. Inv. Par. 526, pl. XXXIV. f. 23-25, 1857. Cyclas nuclea Boissy Bull. Soc. Geol. 2d. ser. IV. 178, 1846.Mem. (do.) 2d ser. III. 270, pl. V. f. 1, 1848. Hcab. France (fossil). - obliquum Pf Syst. Anord. 124, p1. V. f. 19-20, 1821, is P. amnicum Jen. - obscurum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 161, 1851, is P. abditum ilald. 27. obtusale Pf: Syst. Anord. 125, pl. V. f. 20-21, 1821. Cyclas obtusalis Lam. V. 559, 1818. " minima Stud. Verz. 93, 1820. " gibba Ald. Trans. Soc. Northd. 1, pt. 1, p. 41, 1830. Pera gibba Leach MSS. 1832, Pisid. minimum Stud. Mem. Soc. lelv. etc. 1, 25, 1837. Cyclas ovalis Nils. Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. IV. pt. 2d, 1832. Pisid. ovale Petit J1. Conch. 421, 1851. Hab. Europe. -- ovale Petit. J1. Conch. 421, 1851, is P. obtusale Pf. pallidum Gas. Pisid. 16, pl. I. f. 10, 1855, is P. Henslowianum Jen. - palustre Porro 122, 1838, is P. amnicum Jen. - parasiticum Parr. MSS. is Sphaerium ferrugineum Krauss. 8 List of the Known Species of 28. Pfeifferi Roch & Dukr. K. D. Oolit. 60, pl.VII. f. 5, 1857. Hrab. Germ. (fossil). - Pfeiferi Ziegl. Villa Lomb. 10, 1844, is P. amnicum Jen. - pictum Ces. Moll. Cr. 9, 1857, is P. Henslowianum Jen. - planum Pf. MSS. is P. casertanum Bgt. - plenum Lew. MSS. 1855, is P. abditum Hald. 29. praetermissum Noulet Coq. Fos. 56, 1854. Hab. France (fossil). 30. priscumn Eichw. Leth. Ross. 1, 87, pl. V. f. 8, 1852. Cyclas prisca Eich. Nat. Hist. Skizze 207. Eab. Russia (fossil). - pulchellum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 2d pt. IV. 306, pl. XXI. f. 1-5, 1832, is P. casertanum Bgt. 31. pusillum Jen. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 2d pt. IV. 302, pl. XX. f. 4-6, 1832. Tellinapusilla Gml. 3231, 1789. Cyclasfontinalis (pars.) Dup. Hist. Moll. 130, pl. X. f. 11-12, 1849. Pisidiumfontinale Pf. Syst. Anord. 125, pl. V. f. 15-16, 1821. Cyclas pusilla Turt. Man. 16, pl. I. f. 7, 1831. Englesa Henslowiana Leach MSS. Brit. Mus. 1832, Pisid. roseum Scholtz. Moll. Schl. 140, 1843. tHab. Europe. 32. pygmeum Roch & Dukr. Oolit. 6), pl. VII. f. 5, b. c. 1837. Eab. Germ. (fossil). 33. Recluzianum Bgt. J1. Conch. 174, pl. VIII. f. 8, 1852. flab. Europe. - regulare Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 363, pl. XII. f. 11-13, 1852, is P. abditum Hald. - resartum Ingalls MSS. 1855, is P. abditum Hald. - roseum Scholtz. Moll. Schl. 140, 1843, is P. pusillum Jen. 34* rotundatum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 164, 1851.-Bost. J1. VI. 357, pl. XI. f. 19-21, 1852. Edab. N. Amer. - rotundum Ces. Pisid. Cr. 6, 1855, is P. casertanum Bgt. Pisidium, with their Synonymy. 9 - rubellum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 163, 1851, is P. tenellum Gould. - rubrum Lewis MSS. 1855, is P. abditum Hald. - Rylliense Bgt. Sph. 52, 1854, is Sphaerium Rylliense Boissy. 35. semen Menke Moll. N. Holld. 40, 1843. Hab. Oceanica. - sinuatum Bgt. J1. Conch. 421, 1851, is P. casertanum Bgt. splendidum Parr. MSS. is a Nucula. - Stabileii Schmidt MSS. is P. casertanum Bgt. 36. Steenbuchi Mltorch Gronld. 19, 1857. Cyclas Steenbuchi Moll. Ind. Moll. Grl. 20, 1842. Hab. Greenland. 37. supinum Schmidt Zeit. Malak. 119, 1850. iab. Germ. - sulcatum Parr. MSS. is P. amnicum Jen. 38. tenellum Gould Ag. L. Sup. 245, 1848.-Bost. J1. VI. 361, pl. XII. f. 5-7, 1852. Pisid. rubellum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 163, 1851. Hab. N. Amer. - tetragonum Norm. Cycl. 5, 1854, is P. Gassiesianum Dup. - thermale Dup. extram. Gall. test. No. 238, 1849, is P. casertanum Bgt. 39. variabile Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 163, 1851.-Jay Cat. 4 edit. 466, 1852.-Bost. JI. VI. 351, pl. XI. f. 7-9, 1852.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853.-H-artm. Cat. 1853.-Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. Pisid grande Whitt. MSS. 1855. Hab. N. Amer. - Veatleyii Petit J1. Conch. 421, 1851, is Sphaerium maculatum. Morelet. 40. ventricosum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 68, 1851. —loc. sup. cit. IV. 165, 1851.-Stimp. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851. —Jay Cat. 4 edit. 466, 1852.-Girard Biblio. Amer. 53, 1852. —Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. —Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. Hab. N. Amer. 41. Virginicum Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. Tellina Virginica Gml. 3236, pl. CLIX. f. 15, 1788. 10 The Known Species of Pisidizun. Tellinapusilla (pars.) Dillw. 2, 106, 1819. Cyclas Virginica Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835. —Bgt. Amen 1, p. 10, 1853. " dubia Say. Nichol. Ency. 1816, 1818, 3d edit. p. 4, pl. I. f. 10, 1819. —Rafin. An. gen. scie. phy. 319, 1820. —Fer. Mag. Zool. 1835.-Gould Rept. 75, f. 56, 1841.-De Kay 223, pl. XXV. f. 261, 1842. —Linsl. Amer. J]. 48, p. 276, 1845.-C. iB. Ads. Cat. 29, 1847.-Jay Cat. 4 edit. 32, 1850.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. dubiosa Say. Jay Cat. 3 edit. 16, 1839.-Catlow & Reeve. 29, 1845.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. " (Physemoda) cequalis Rafin. Ann. gen. scie. Phy. V. 319, 1820. Pisidium abruptumrn Hald. Ac. n. s. Phil. Proc. 1, 53,'1841. —De Kay 225, 1842.-Bgt. Amen. 1, p. 53, 1853. t" dubium Hald. Ac. n. s. Phil. Proc. 1, 103, 1841. " " Say Gould Ag. L. Sup. 245, 1848. " " Gould Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 165, 1851.-Stimp. N. E. Moll. 16, 1851. —Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 354, pl. XI. f. 4-6, 1852.-Hartm. Cat. 1853.-Lewis Bost. Proc. VI. 2, 1856. " ~cequale Rafin. Pr. Bost. J1. VI. 367, 1852. HTfab. N. Amer. - vitreum Pf. Verany Cat. 13, 1846, is P. casertanum Bgt. - zonatum Pr. Bost. Proc. IV. 162, 1851, is P. abditum tlald.